1947 Minutes
Elgin County Council
During the Sessions held in the
Court House, St. Thom!!s
in the months of
January, June and November
County Clerl-c
Duncan Fletcher M~Cuaig;{)ounty Judge
H. J; Davis, Regis~ar
1. D. Cameron, County Court Clerk and Sheriff
E.. W. Haines, Clerk of the Peace and County Crown Attorney
A. T. Kington, 'Gaoler
Alex" McColl, Public School Inspector
K. F. Prueter, Assistant Inspector
J. D. ThomSon, Cou-nty Clerk and Inspector Cqunty Home
W. G. Lumley, County Treasurer
F. A..Bell. C.E.~ County Road .supt.
George powles, Ass't. County Road Supt,
R. A. Sanders, ~otmtySoli<:itor
Douglas L. ,Ewin, M.D., Physician, G!'wl and County Home
J. G~ Turnbull, Ke,eper, County Home \
E-~ Donald Smith, County police Magistrate,
1? Milligan, High ."::ounty Constable ,<,
Slimmers' Harper, Aylmer, R. _R. 1, Weed Inspector
County Auditors
p. ].~.Leitch, West Larne W. E. Lo'eke, !St.'Thomas, R. R. 8
'St. Thomas P.O. unless otherwise specified. .
Municipality Clei'k Treasurer
Aldborough._c_Chas. 1. Black, Rodney....W. S. stalker, .Rodney, R. R. 1
Dunwich m__ m~A. N. Walker, DuttO!L",,"~;.,m_._~rs.'Mildred McNeil, Dutton
southwoldm___m_.W. G. Blawett,' St. Thomas, R. 6..mm__..Richard Kim~lc, -
St. Thomas, R. 1
Yarmouth___"nm'm.m,,'mH. L. Lawton, '.St. 'Thomas,,_,.m.m-..m..H. L; Lawton
Malahide.m____mIrarley John~on, Aylmer, Box 478.,__.__....._Harley Johnson
Bayham". .. _J. D. Vallee, S.traffot,dvi1l~_.~.,,_._J.D. Va,llee, straffordville
South Dorchester_mM" S. Charlton, Springfield, R. R. 3____M. S. Q,harlton
Town of Aylmer.._m.m_..m_mn__"mJohn s; FOY~___.;__.m.'''" ..m_..John S. Foy
Village of Vierina;____mMrs. Louise M.cDbnald_:.......Mrs. 1LouiseMlcDonald
Village of springfield-moo.. _..~_-,John Hodgson_m_ m._m____Wm. H. Cathers
Village of Dutton.. _____n'.n_____.Z. E_ MacCallum.m".. _..____mZ. E, MacCallum
Village of port Stan~eY___________._____.m.J. H. Burke.. .._____nn... _m..J. H. Burke
Village of RodneY_mm _ nmm-Gwrge L. _Mistele.....-n.-.m__--.Geo. L.Mistele
Village of West LOl:ne___.John Cardwell, West Lorne_mMrs. Tena Me-:-
Gregor, West Lorne
C01U1ty Roads
Chairman, J" C. J~nkins ...
Campbell Hale McMillan Shively
Advisory: McConk~y Gordon
. Agriculture
Chairma~, N. McConkey
McMillan Campbell GordoI{ Hale Jenkini:
Comity Home
Chairman; A.. Coulter
Chl;trles Johnson Tripp
Chairman,. A~. Johnson
Little Taylor
Chairman, F. Shively
MCMillan Campbell Gordon Hale Jenkins
McConkey Atkinson Shelson Monteith
Tripp Carmkhael Fairles
Petitions and Legislation
Chairman, C. Orchard
Millard Monteith Carmichael Shelson
Children's Aid
The Warden Atkin.son
. Legal
Chairinan,oI_ Millard
Wheaton F,airles
Chairman, 'S. Little
Taylor Orcharp Coulter C.Johnson Tripp
A. Johnson Jenkins Millard SheJ.on
Shively Wheaton Carmichael FairIes
Reception a....ldEntertainin,ent
Chairman,-}? Shively
Atkinson Fairl,es Monteith
Equalization -and County. Assessnvmt-
Chairman, R.. D. Campbell
McMillan Gordon Hale McConkey Jenkins
Atkinson SheIson Shively Monteith
Tripp Carmjcha-el FairIes
Health Unit
Atkinson Wheaton
James A. McBain om_n
To-wnship of Aldborough
Ree-ve, Frank McMillan m...m'; _ mummnmn_
De:puty Reeve, Stuart Little..n', ___umnmmmn
Rodney, R. R. 4
u,.;un"Rodney, R. R. 2
Reeve,R~ D. CampbelL....___mmu
peputyReeve, 91arence Taylor.. onm_
of Dunwich
m~~Iona Station, R. It. 1
Township of Southwold
Reeve, Claybourne G-ordon.mmnm~__ om m....mnun
Deputy Reeve, Clarenc-e Orchardum....mnnm___
:....st. Thomas, R.
Shedden, R.
Towllship of Yarmouth
Reeve, James McBain. . _om _mmmnnnnn mm.mn..St. Thomas', R. R. 6
Deputy Reeve, Archie Coulter___.......m...._ on..:,_mn_____m m.St. Thoma.s, R. R" 6
" Township of Malahide
Reeve, Meredith Hale....____ nom....__ ______n______;...._: .mm______;____.Aylmer, R. R. 6
Deputy Reeve, Charlie Johnsonum_m_m,__ mmmn muunmmnAylmer, R. R, 4
Township of Bayham
~eeve,' Neil McConkey unnmnmnm__
Deputy Reeve, Arva Johnson._.u..mmnmmmn..__m..
Township of South Dorchestel'
Reeve, J. C. Jenkins....m nn__._>_nmu..m__ "m_..mum..nmm mBe!mont, R. R. 1
Tow'll of Aylmer
Reeve, E. E. Atkinson_..nnm___~nm..
Deputy Reeve, John Millardm..mn
Village of Vienna
.. .....Aylmer
Reeve, Ross Shelson..u._
Village of Springfield
Reeve, Fred ShivelY.mn
Vi~age of Port Stanley
Reeve,J. A. lVIonteith..__..
Deputy Reeve, W. C. Wheaton..
Village of Dutton
...___Port Stanley
u_n...Port Stanley
.Reeve, V. S. Tripp..u..mnm_n_______ n_"_._n__.n .un.mnm____....m.. _
Village of West Lorne
Reeve, Dougal CarmichaeL..mn
.West Lorne
Village of Rodney
Reeve, T. A. Fairle-.!L.~..-....-..--.--._nm-.--.:.-.mmn..---.....--t...-_.....__..__._...m...Rodney
Elgin County Council
Tuesday, the 21st day of January, 1947.
The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court HOu3e, ~t.
Thomas asr,equil'ed by Statute,
The following members filed certificates and took their scats at
the Council table:
Fl'ankMcMillan, :l(eeve, Aldborough
Stuart Little, D"eputy Re.eve, Aldboro-qgh
R. D. Camphell, Reeve, Dunwich
Clarence Taylor, peptity Reeve, Dunwich
Claybourne Gordon, Reeve, South wold
Clarence Orchard, Deputy Reeve, Southwold
James McBain, Reeve, Yarmouth
Archie_ Coulter, Deputy Reeve, Yarmout!J.
Meredith Hale, Reeve, Malahide
Charlie Johnson, Deputy Reeve, ::Malahide
Neil McConkey, Reeve, Bayham
Arba Johnson, Deputy Reeve, Bayham
J. C. Jenkins, Reeve, South Dorchester
E. E. Atkinson, Reeve, Aylmer
John Millard; Deputy Reeve, Ayhner
Ross Shelson; Reeve, Vienna
Fred Shively, Reeve, Springfield
J. A. Monteith, Reev;e, Bort Stanley
w~'C. Wheaton, Deputy Reeve, 'Port 'Stanley
v; '8" Tripp, Reeve, Dutton
Dougal Carmichael, Reeve, West Larue
A.. T. Lashbrook, Acting Reeve, Rodney
'The election of Warden was then proceeded with and on the ftr.!t
ballot Reeve McBain of Yarmouth who received a majority vote 'of the
whole Council was declared duly elected Warden for the year 1947.
Reeve Campbell moved that the' ,election be made unanimous.
The Warden made his declaration of office and thanked the Coun-
cil frir the honour conferr,ed,
Reeve Shively presented the Warden to the Council and expressed
his appreciation, '
Ex-Warden Anderson expressed his appreciation on behalf of the
Township .of Yarmouth,
The follmj,ring Communications were retitd:
From the 12epartment of Agriculture 1'e Weed ControI~Referred
to Agryculture Committee.
By~LawreRegulations of Gasqline:Pumps and Sign Boards,-Re~
ferred to Road CQnunittee.
FrOm the Hospibil for Sick Children, Toronto with request for
,grant-Refen,ed to Finance Committee~
From the Children's Aid Society with letter- of appreciation re
From A. V. Langton, Agriculture_Representative re grant to D,airy-
man's .A.ssociation--;-Referred to Agriculture Committee"
From the University of Western Ontario with appreciation re
From Dr. Pott~ re Home for 'Private Hospitat-Referred to Fin-'
ance Committee.
From the/ Municipal Finance Officers re Membership fec'.---'Refer-
red to Finance 'Committee.
From~ the,Frank Cowan Agency re insurance-on County Home,-
Referred to County Home Committee.
~rom the County of Oxford with r.eso!utiQn l'! Compulsory Insur-
anceon motor vehicH~s.-Referred ,to Petitions and Leg~slation Com-
mittee. -
From the County of Oxford with resolution to subsidize gewage
disposal in ViUag:cs.-Refcrred to P.etitions and Legislation Commit:-
From the Institute of Local Government re Pensions.-Referred
to Finance Committee.
From the Frank Cowan Agency r,e ,boiler insurance.'---'Referred 'to
Property Committee.
From Victoria Hospital re cost of Isolation Patients.-Referred to
Finance Committee,
..From the City of St. Thomas a'ud Elgin R,ehabilitation Committee
with report and reque.st for graut.-Referred to Finance Committee.
From St. John's Ambulance with request for grant.~Referred to
From the Hay~tatione:ty. Co. re book cases for law library.~Re-
ferred to PropertyCornmittee. '
From the p.rovincial Corn I}orer Inspector re appointm~nt of
c:ounty Inspector.,---Referred to Agriculture Committee.
From the County .of Wellington re increased' subsidy for snow
ploughing.-Referr:ed to County Road Committee"
From the Health League of Canada with l'equest for grant.-lte-
ferred to Finance Committee.
From the Ontario Assodation of Homes for Aged and Infirm re
Annual Convention and Membership fee.-Referred to County Ho~e
From the' Ontario Good Roads Association re Animal Convention
and M>embership Fee.......--'Referred to County R~ad Committee. .-"
From the County Counci-l Section of the O. E. A. re Annual Cbn-
vention arid ~embership Fee.-Referred to Education Committee.
FroID_ the Ontario Department of Highways 'I'e Annual Expendi-
ture By-:Law~~Referred to County Road Committee.
From the Minister of National Health and Welfare re Talbot
iEstate,,-Referred to Finance Committee.
From the County of Victoria r.e the tourist indtistry.-Referred to
Petitions and Legislation Committee.
From the Navy League of Canada with request for grant.-Re-
fcrred to Fin&.nce Committee..
-From the General Accident Assurance Company re Road Liability.
-Referred to County Road Committee.
F-rOrn the Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities re Annual
Convention and - request for Membership fee.-Referred to Finance
From the Counties of Northumberland and Dereham with resolu-
tion ne exemption on Income Tax.-Refel'red to Petitions and Legis-
lation Committee.
From the Canadian National Institute fo.r the Blind' with Annual
report and request for graut.-Referred to Finance Committee"
From the Memorial !fospital re Indigent Patiemts.-Referred to
Finance Committee.
From the Department of Vete;rans Affairs with request for assis:...
tance re occupational and health centr.e - in 1tondon.~Referred to Fin-
- ance Committee.
From the Ontario Department of AgriCulture re salary-of Weed
Inspector"~Referi:'ed to 'Agriculture Committee.
From the Department of Education with reply repayment of
trustees on school boards.~Referred to Education Committee.
.From the ,St. Thomas Memorial Hospital re new addition to the
hospital and request for assjstance.-Ref~rred to Finance Committee.
From the Suburban Road Commission with -expenditure for the-
year 1947.-Referred t~ County Road Comm1ttee.
FrOm the Canadian Aid to China with request for Grant.---oRefer_
red to Finance Committee.
From the Ontario Conservation and Reforestation Associ-ation
with request for Annual Membership fee.----Referred to Agriculture
From the Ontario Agricultural ,Council with ;\nuua! Report and
request for Membership Fee;-Referred to Agricultur,e Committee.
From the Provincial Inspector of County Homes witth report,,-
Itefen-cd to County Home Committee.
Report on Resolutions passed by the Elgin COunty- COlIDCil
from Other Counties
1. Re Release of JlfaiIs.
E'ndorsed~Hasting.s, Ontario, Lennox and Aqdington. Victoria
and Hurori.
2.Re Prices on Milk and Butter.
AcknO\vledgement------1Prime. Minister; Minister of Agriculture;
and Wartime prices and Trade'Board.~
Moved by R. D. Campbell,
Seconded by stuart Little;
That this Council.a.pprovc the moving of hangar purchased from
War Assets Corporation to Hathaway Farm and by-law be prepared.
for the same.
Moved by R. D. Campbell,
Seconded by V. S. Tripp:
That By...JLaw No. 1487 "To Acquire'the Right to Move Building
Across Farm Lands" be read a fi'ri3t time,
Moved by J. F. M.cMillan,
Seconded by R. D. C!'Lffi'pbell:
That By-Law No.. 1487 be read a second time.
Moved by V. S. Tripp,
Seconded by Stuart"Little:
That By-il..aw NQ.. 1487 ;be read a third time and finally passed.
Moved by W. C.. Wheaton,
Seconded by ~eredith Hale:
That this Council do now adjourn to allow the Beeves of the Var-
ious municipalities "to meet to strike the ISlanding Committees; the
Caunen to meet at 10 a.m. to-morrow;
J 1? THOMSON, Clerk.
JAMES A. McBAIN, Warden"
WedneSday, t~e 22nd day of January, 1947
The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St.
Thomas in accordance with adjournment:
The Warden in the Chair.
All the members present.
The minutes of the previous day were read and con.firmed.
The Warden addressed the Council.
Warden's Address-.January 1947
To the Elgin County Council,
II, 'qave to again thank you for the honour cpnferred in electing me
as Warden of the banner'County of"El'gin for thecomh}g year. I
know it will bea pleasure to 'preSid.e over your deliberations' and that
the best interests of the County wmat all times be con&idered.
The County is in a good financial condition, though the surplus
has be.en reduced from a year ago due to large!: expenditures on roads
administration of Justice artd special grants to M:emori-al Hospital and
Western University.
The Elgin County Home and _ farm under capable management
completed the year with a good surplus.
There are a large number of requests for grants to be presented
to you a,t. this session and careful consid.eration should be given to
each one before action is taken.
The new High School Districts have been organized unde/ their sev-
eral boards and it will take some time trefore transportation and
various problems are settled.
It will be neces.!lary to appoint a Committee to arrange an agrec~
ment wit4 the 9ity of St. Thomas on the Administl'ation of Justice
costs for the next five years.
A Communication from the Tillsonburg Soldie'rs' Memorial Hos-
pital with request fOr grant was referred to the FinanCe Committee',
The report of the committee to strike the Standing COmmittees
was 'presented and adopted on motion of KE. Atkinson., seconded by
C. 'Gordon,
The report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted
on motion of F" Shively, seconded by R. D. Campbell ~
Moved by F. .Shively,
Seconded by E. E" Atkinson:
That deputations be now _ heard.
Mr. A. V. La?gton, Agricultural Representative addressed the
Council on the work accomplished during1946;
Messrs. David Carroll and J. Ferguson addi'essed tne Council on
behalf of -the 'Federation of Agriculture, requesting a grant. This was
re.(erred to the Agriculture Committee. '
Mr. Harold Goodwin addressed, the Council requesting a grant for
the St. 'Thomas and E!gin Rehabilitation Oommittee. This was re-
ferred to the Finance Committee.
Mr. Wheeler addressed the Council requesting a grant fOl; the Can-
adian National Institute for-the Blind.
Moved byM. Hale,
'Se~ondedhy C. JOhnson:
That Neil McConkey and Claybourne Gal.don be appointed advisory
members of the 1947 Road Committee.
Moved by Fred Shively,
Seconded by J. -C. Jenkins:
That Dougal Carmichael be appriinteq a member of the Board of
Audit for Ad~inistration of Justice accounts.
Moved by F. McMillan,
Seconded by R. D. Campbell:
That the Warden, and Clerk be ~uthorized to submit to . (he Min-
.ister_ of Highways of Ontario the petition of the County -Qf Elgin show-
ing that from the first day of January 1946 to the thirty~iirst day of
December 1946, there has been expended on the County Highway Sys-
tem t~esum of $220;840.40.
'Moved ,byF. Shively,
Seconded by J. C. Jenkins:
That we do now adjourn to meet ag3:in at2 p.m.
The "Council resumed.
Moved by E. E. Atkinson that ~he auditors be nOW hearo. Messrs,
Leitch and Locke addressed the Council and presented their Annual
Financial Report.
Moved by R. p. Campbell,
SC,conded by C. Gordon:
That the Auditor's Report for the. year 1946 be accepted a.s i'-ead,
with th~nkS fora very :ane report and that it be printed in the prO-
:M.ioved by F. Shiv:ely that we noW. hear 'deleg:;ttion from South
Malahide and Bayham 1'e paving of Coutlty R,oad. Messrs. Coyle,
:M:oDermand,},I(cConriell, Chalk, Alward, Wright ,and Bodsworth 1"e-
questedthlit the Road be hard surfaced.
Moved by M. Hale, --
Seconded by W. C. Wheaton:
That this Council do now adjourn to meet- again at 10 o'dock
J D. THOMSON, Clerk.
JAME.S'~. McBAIN, Warde..
Th~da.y, th.e 23rd day of Janua.ry, 1947
The Elgin County Council met this day -at the. Court House, St.
Thomas in accordance with adjournment.
The Warden in the chair.
AU the members present.
The minutes of -the previous day were read and coIlJiirmed.
Mr. J.enkins moved that the deputation from the County Library
Board be now heard.
Messrs. Rogers, Balfour, and Inspector McGoll addressed the
Council requesting a grant. This was referred to the Education Com-
;".Dhe first repol"t of the, Finance Committe,e was presented and
adopted on motion of F. ShiveIy, seconded by - R. D. Campbell.
Moved by J.e. Jenkina,
,seconded by A Coulter:
ThaLthis Conncil adjourn to meet at 2 o'clock.
The Council resumed.
T.he second report of the Finance Committee was presented and
adopted on motion of F. Shively, seconded by V. is. Tripp.
The report of the County lfom~ Committee was presented. On
mo~ioIi of Mr. Jenkins the Council went into a Committee of the woole
with Reeve McMillan in the chair. After discussion the Committee
arose and the report w.as adopted on II?-otion of A. Coulter, second.e-d
by C. J ahuson.
The report of the Petitions and (Gegislation Committee was pre-
. s8ntedand adopted on motioJ;l of C. Orchlird, seconded by C.Gordon.
The report of the Property Committee was 'presented and adopted
on motion of A. Johnson, seconded by C. Taylor.
Moved by J. C. Jenkins,
Seconded by Fred Shively:
Whereas the reduction in the penalty or non-payment of taxell
which may be imposed by a Municipal Council will greatly increase
the amount of arr'ears of taxes in th.e municipalities, we, the Elgin
County Council, petition the Provincial Government to repeal sub-
section 20f Section 24, Cllapter 3 of the 1946 Statutes and re-enact
subsection 2 of Section 113 of the Assessment Act permitting the im-
posing of a penalty or four per cent. Copies of this resolution to be
sent to the Department of Municipal Affairs, Ontario Agricultural
Council and all County Councils.
Moved by C. Gordon,
Seconded by C. Orchard:
That the usual grants to Women's Institutes be paid-Ten Dolla.r.
to each Institute and Twenty-five dollars to East and West Elgin
District Institutes and Five Dollars each to Institutes where Public
Oratory Contests are held. Every Institute wishing to take advan-
tage of the additional Five Dollar grant must satisfy the Clerk and
Treasurer of their qualifications for applying for same.
Moved by C. Orchard,
Seconded by A. T. Lashbrook:
ThaI the grants to the Agricultural and Horticultural Societies be
the same as last year, namely, Agric:yltural Societies equivalent to the
Government grant" Aldborough, Aylmer, Shedden, West E:lgin, Yar-
mouth and Springfield; Horticultural Societies 25% of the Govern-
ment Grant, Aylmer, Dutton, Springfield, Shedden, RJodney, West
Lorne and Belmont.
Moved by J. .6 Jenkins,
~Seconded by. A. Cqulter:
That . th~s Elgin", Counly_Council re~<;lues( the _repeal o( su~section4
()~LSectionl of the 1946 Assessment "1\CF ndandef{empte?- for forestry
purposes .and en~cting-of legislature 't()_permit:exemptionof,farm-lands
'Of()n~ ,~~re- tn ten acres ,Of farm lands-under 'a singleO\\'P:erShip~
Copies of"this,resolution-ient t~ the ,DepaI;_tmeIl,t,pf _MWlicipal..Affair,~';
Ontarioi\.griculturaLCouncil- and all County Councils.
: Mcived?y Reeve ,Tripp that:~F.Mit~ord~b~_:,riOw heard. M:r.-<Mit~
ford addreSsed:th-e Council' reques~inga ,~antfor T,he, :r.ravy, League -'of
Canada. .-
Move-~ byE.E. Atkinso-n;
Sec()nde~ by ,J, Millard: ;
Tha.t the winner of the ()i-atoricaJ Contest' be paid $10.00. expens'elJ
to Chatham; J also if he is a winner at Chat1'1a.m. ,his ..expenses. of ,$15.00
to To"ronto be paid.
:Moyed !>y C. Gordon,
&econdedby G, O!,cha_1.'_d:
That the usual grants to p'ublic Libraries be paid, Fifty Dollars
each-toRo'dney,WestLorn,e,' Dutton, Ayl~er; Vienna, Spring~_eld,.'
Spart~ Bay_ham,Shedden, PBrt Burwell, portStanle.y and Twenty-f~i<J8
Dollars each to Belmont, Wa:rdsvilleand Harrietsville.
Moved by k Coulter,
Seconded byC. '~oh~son:
That this E!lgin C()unty Coul}cH reqtLests Amendments be made to
the: Public' a.nd _ High Sch,ool Acts _ to make it possible where sd desired
to plaeeal1PubliC E4uca~ori"ina High School District under the <;on-
ttol of the High Sehgol'District Board. That '1l1embers of the, liigh
Schogl Distric~_bepaid~n' a basis! similar to that OF a member ofa
township Council and copies be senLto the Department of Education;
Gordon Duffin; C. F. Cann?n County Counell ,Section oL'the 0" E. A;;
and all COLJ,uty .Councils,
Mo\;e4byJ. F. McMillan,
S.econded by R;P; Cal1?pbell:
That this Council ii'ant the 'Trustees' 8;nd:Ratepayet's'Association
. of Tj}!gjn County $50.00 providinj?; 'an an~ual :rrieetiri~ be held.
:rv1oved by 'W. C. Whe.atoIl'
~ ~.'<
Seconded by, M. Hale:
That this coundl nO\v~adjourn to meet at 10' a.m. Friday.
. --Carried.
JAMES A.McBAIN, W'arden.'
~ridaY~ the 24th day of January, 1947
The Elgin County CoUncil met this. day at the,,-Court House"St.
Thomas in accordance with adjoui'riIrieIlt.
T~e Warden in the. ch.. air.
. . .
AlI the members pfesent except Mr. Lashbrook.
The~minutes of, the previous day were read and confirmed,
A Communication froffi::Mayor Caldwell was- read and referred to
the Finance- - Committee.
Thi7 "report of the Edu'cation Committee was pre~entedand .on mo-
tion ofR. D.Campbell the Co~nciI went into a'Committee of the whole
with Reeve Jenkins in the chair. After considerable discussion the
report- was adopted on motion of S.. Little, seconded -by W. C" "Wheaton.
The, Agriculture Committee report was presented and on motion
of R._ D. 'Camphell the Council went into a Committee_of tbe whole
with Reeve Shively in the chair. After considerable discussion I and
information from Mr. Zaviiz the Committee arose and the report was
adopted as'.. r:ead.
Moved by F. McMillan,
Seconded -by S. Little:
That the Warden, F. Shively andD;Carmichael ,be CO~~ittee to
meet with the Committee from the City- of St. 'rhomas r,~ adjustment
of Administration of Justic'e accounts for the next five year&-.
MQved by'-W: C. Wheaton,
Seconded by C. J ohilson:
That this Council do now adjourn to meet at 2p,m.
The Council resumed.
Moved 'by, J. Millard,
Seconded by. E. E. Atkinson;
That the usual grants to IQck up and Municipal - Buildings be the
same as last year; tQ be paid by th~a'pproval of 'the High County
Constable.' - .
Mov:ed by ACouIteI';
Seconded by J, C. Jenkins:
That a hy.,law be prepared to .confirm By-L~w No,: 1371 of' the
Townsh,ip of Yarmouth to c1oseapoI'ti-on' of road in said municipality.
The report "'of "the "Road_ Committee was-presented arid on motion
of S".Ll.ttle, seconded by D. CaI'mlch~el, "the Council wentiIlto a Com-
mittee Of the whole with Reeve Hal~ in the .chiir. Afte~;explanation
b.y ,M1'., B,el1 the Committee 'ar?se and the'f;;eport'was aq.optedasread
Ot:! motionof.-J~ C.Jenkins, seconded, by F,Shively.
The Third Report of the Finance Committee wa:!J:pr.esented and
a.do}:.;ted on motion ofF. Shively, seconded by J. -G. .Tenkins.
The report of the Equalization andCounty Assess'ment Commit-
tee was ,presented a~-d adopted on motion of R; D. Campbell, seconded
by V.S; Tripp. "~
:Moved ,by D. Carmichael,
Seconde~ by" S, Little:
That a letter be sent to Reeve T. A. FairIes ex'presiling the sym:"
pathy of this Council in his illness and- extending our wishosfi?r his
speedy recovery.
Moved byF. McMillan,
Secohded by S" Little:
That By-Law No. 1488 "T,o Authorize the Warden and Tr~asuteI' to
Eorrovr the Su~ of Two Huridred ~ou-sand DoUarB"b~ r,ea_d. a first
Moved by D:Garmi?hael,
Seconded 'by F; McMillan:'
That By"LawN'o" 1488 6e read a-second time.
Moved by F. McMillan,
'SeC?onded by S:iLittle:
That By-Law No, 1488 be read a third time: and finally passed/
Mov,edby A. Y. Coulter,
Seconded by Fred: Shively:
That By-Law No, 14,89 "To Confirm By,'Law._ No" 13710f the Coun-
cil of th,e Township of Yarnic)uth f.or closing and stopping 'up a por-
tion of 'the Road known; as p-?-rt of th,~ ninth Concession road oC Yal';;
mouth Township be I'cad a fi.'l'st time.
Moved by Fred-Shively,
Seconded by A~---V. Coulter:
That By~La\\r ~o.-1489" be rea'd !l second time.
~oved by J. C. Jenkins.,
'SecOnded by~. V. Coulter:
ThaLBy:''La~ No. 1489 be read a third time and finally passed-
Moved by D,_.Carmichael,
Seconded by C. ~, Taylor:
That .ay-Law No: 1490 "To APPoint,'Polige -C;ourt Clerk and steno-
grapher" ope read a fir~t time.
Moved by C. W. Taylor,
Seconded by D~ Carmichael:
That By-'Law No. 1490' be read a second time.
Moved by D. Carmichael,
S~conded by R, D.Campbell:
That By-Law No. 1490 be read R- third time 'and finally passed,.
. , '-Carried.
Moved by R. D.Campbell,
Seconded by 9: Gordon:
_'That By~Law No. 1491 "A By-Law to Provide for. the Total Expendi- 0
ture on the system of CoUnty Roads: in: the County of 'Elgin as approved'
by Order-in-Council, during the year 1947, be read a first time.
Moved by C. Gordon,
Seconded by V. S. Tripp:
That By-Law No" 1491 be l;ead a second time.
Moved. by V. S. Tripp,
Seconded by R. D. Campbell:
Th&tBy-:-Law No. 1491 be l'eada third time al:lQ, :!i,'!I,ally pa~sed.
Moved by q. Gordon,
'Se<:lon,ded by C. Orchard:
That By-Law No. 1492 "To oRepea! By-Law No. 1468" be read a
1trst time.-
Moved by C. Gordon;
'Seconded by C. Orch'ard;
That By-:"i.aw Mo. 1492 be read ,a second time.
Moved by C.Gordon,
Seconded by {~. Orchard:
That 13iy-Law No. 1492 be read a third time a'nd f,Hally passed,
Moved by R, D. Campb.e_~l,
Sc_condedby V.S. Tripp':
That Br-Law'No.f493 ~.'ro ApPoint' a Boanfor Audit in the County
of Elgin fOr the year 1947" be read a _first time.
Mo:ved by V. S. Tripp,
"Seconded by R. on. 'CampbeU:
That By-Law No, 1493 be read a second H.rne.
~Moved by D. Carmichael,
Seconded byC. W.- Taylor:
That By-Law No., 14-.9iLbe-read a_t4ird,t!me:and ,finally ,passed.
Move'd by Ros.s>Shelstm;'
,~c~onded_'byE: E. Atkiilson:
Th(!...(By-La'Y No. 1494 "T'o Appoint a County'Road Committee" be
rea;d"afirst time;
Moved -by' E.. E..A:tkinl:ioni_
Seconded by Ross Shelson:
That--By'-Law No. 149,j:beread,!l second tim_e.
Moved by J ,-- Millard.,
"$eeorided by N; _ MkConkey:
That B-y":'"~aw No. _149~be I'ead a thitd time andt~'nally passed.
Moved,by-J.;A. Monteith,
Sec~>nded by' ~._ Hale:
That By-Law N(V J4-95 "'To Amend By-Law No. 1473" be read a
)i~'st time"
Moved byC. John~on,
Seconded by J,,' A., Monteith:
T.hat By-Law ~o,1495;be read a .second'tiine.
Moved by A. V. Coulter,
Seconded by J. A; Mon.teith:
That By-TAW No. 1495 be'Teada third tim~~andfi.:nany passed
Moved by :)T. McConkey,
Seconded by ;E. E.Atkinson:
That By-Law No. 1496 "To Re:peal By...,Law No, 1357" be read a f.1:L'st
Moved by R. Shelson,
Seconded bY, N. McCon~ey:
That ByJLaw No. 1496 be read a s6cond time'.
Moved by N.M'cConkey,
Seconded by J. Millard:
That By-Law No. 1496 be read a third time.and'finally passed.
M.oved by M. Hale,
Seconded by C. Johnson:
That By~'LawNo. 1497 "To Appoint a County Weed Inspector" be
read a first time~
Moved by M. Irale,
Seconded -by C. Johnson:
That By-Law No., 1497- be read 'a second time.
Moved by M. Hale,
'Seconded 'by C. Johnson:
That By-Law No. 1497 be read a third time and finally pas'sed:,
Moved 9Y _N. McConkey,
Scco,nded by J. Millard:
That IBy-Law 'No. 1498 "To Annex Area to "the East Elgin High
School -District and Amend By~Law No. 11-78" be read a first time.
M'oycd by J,. Millard,
Seconded by N. M.eConkey:
T~at By-Law No: 1498 be Tead a second - time.
Moved by N. McConkey,
Seconded by E. E. Atkinson:
That By-lLaw No..,1498 be I'ead a third Hme and finalIy_paJSsed. '
Moyed by .T. Millard;
. Seconded by E. E. At"kinson:
That By~Law No. 1499 "To Regulate the Cutting of Trees" be read
a first time.
Moved by R03s S~elson,
Seconded by J. Millard:
That By...Law No. 1499 be nad a second time.
Moved 'by .J. C. Jenkins,
Seconded by ,Fred Shively:
That By-Law -No. 1499 be read 'p, third time and- f:,mally passed
The Warden appointed the following delegates to attend the varR
. iaus conventio,ns:
Roads-Messrs. Gordon, Orcharq"Atkinson, Millard, Shively, Jen-
kins, Coulter, C. Johnson, Hale, A. Johnson, McConk,ey"
Little and Carmichael.
Education-Messrs. Taylor, \CJampbell, McMillan and the Clerk.
MunicipaI-Mess"rs. FairIes, and the Warden and the Clerk.
Moved by D. Carmichael,
Seconded by S. Little:
That -this Council do now :adjourn to meet on Tuesday, June lOth
at lOa.ro.
J D. TH.oMSON,'Clerk~
January 22nd, 19'47.
To the Elgin County Council,
The following is the'report 'Of the Committee to strike the Standing
CoUnty Roads
Hale JEmldns McMillan
Camybell Gordon Hale McConkey Jenkins
co~ty Home
Charles Johnson
Property eonunittee
Little A. Johnson Taylor
G'ordon H'ale McConkey Jenkins
Monteith Tripp Carmichael
Petitions. and Legislation
Monteith Orchard Carmichael
Children's Aid
The Warden Atkinson
Little Taylor Orchard Coulter C. J-6hns-on -A~IJQhnson Jenkins
Millard SheIsgn Shively Wheaton Tripp
Carmichael FairIes
Reception and _Ente~ment
Shively Atkinson FairIes Monteith
Equalization, and 'County Asse~smeIit8
McMillan Campbell Gordon Hale MCCl;mkey Jenkins
Atkinson Shelson Shively M'o~teith Tripp
Carmichaed FairIes
Healtp. Unit
That By-Law No. 1468 be' repealed.
Al~ of which is respectfully .submitted.
E.E. -AT:KILN"SON;~ C.hairman.
16. 'rhat Jetter from Dr. Potts re Home for Private Hospital be
17. That we pay meJ'!lbe.rship fee in Finance Officers Assodation
and W. G. LtimleyatteiLd Co-nvention.
18 That the Ontario Municipal Association Membership fee be
'Paid and the WardEmappoint delegates 10 attend conventi.on~
19. That 'th~ following accounts be paid:
Ont.' Municil!al- Association~Membership fee'....__....___m mm - uno 00_$
East Windsor Ftealth Association-re Odie Hodnott...
The Times-Journal-ad re stenogra:pher _._:_~n..mm.'__ moo ____'m.__....m
The DuHon Advance-Proceedings ____coon
Children's- Aid 'Society-""'maintenance "I?ecember ___'om nm___m'.
Township of'Malahide...:-re George Backus mn..n._._mm.m.m____._~_"m
Sanders and Sanders~reGhildren's Aid, & Barb~r ______...___'..n,mn-_
Underwood Limited-R~gistry Office, 'supplies _m_mnmmm____..__.
Municipal World-Registry Office supplies _nun.___m._________...m..___.
Catholic C.A:S., Toronto-maintenance m..'.....m.h.m-.._~m..___...--_..-n
Gagen Nursing Home.........;maintenanceDecember _mn....,mm__..__:.
OJ?tario Hospital, Woodstock-maintenance quarter e.I1ding
March 1947 _C__n..nn._ n__n__.n. _____00_' nm__._nn._nnnun_____
OIit. Training'S,chool for Boys~ordon McChit;,g _:m__ __m__ .-r:
Onto Training :School for Girls-Hazel Durdle .._mn_mm_____::. moo
Municipal World Ltd,,-Cler-k's office supplies_:_;nm.__m____m
All of which is respectfully submitted.
25 00
~46 50
6 93
326 00
813 00
105 00
77 19
1 25
268 64
55 50
80 00
284 50
15 50
5 20
~an~ry 1947.
To th.ii! Elgin County .council,
Gentlemen :-
The Finance Comnfitteerepo;ts as follows:
That the folIo}Ving hospital accounts be paid:
Memorial Hospital, St; Thomas m...-_'___mmnn _n___mm . __h____m~~~_u__$
Douglas Memorial Hospital, Fort Erie m______ mmnn
Victoria Hospital, London n___mnnn....n ____mmnmum_mn _u.
St. Joseph's Hospital, London mmnmnn .nm_m mmm mmmnnmn_n__
Soldiers' M~morial_ Hospital, Tills-onburg nnnmnm _u _..___mmnm
Toronto General Hospital __mn_m____ __.___mmmn ......m..nn_____..
914 61
529 65
.0 00
58 50
67 50
$ 1698 26
That :extra costs of $188.59 be paid, to the Memorial Ho~p~ta1.
All of which is respectfuIly submitted.
FRED S-mVELY, Chairman.
January 1947,
Third Report
To the Elgin County Council,
The Finance_ Committee reports as follows:
1. That no action b~ taken on grant to the Navy Le~ue-.
2. That no action _ be taken re grants to the Rehabilitation Co'm-
mittee in Elgin County.
3. That Messrs~ A,tkinson and Campbell be a committee to meet
with the Historical and City ;Committees re Talbot 'Estate.
4; That the Clerk be instructed to write the St. 'I'homas Memorial
Hospital Board that noacHan be taken on deficit, only for payment
of indigent patients until the rates for patients be increased.
5. That no action be_ taken re ,appointmen of a committee to the-
Hospital Board, and the matter of a grant for alterat.ion and addition
to the present hospital be laid - over until the June Session.
All of which is respectfully submittel:i.
FRED SHIv:::ECLY, Ghai-rman.
January 1947.
To-the Elgin County Council,-
The Equalization and County Assessment Committee reports-al!l
1. T,hat the County of Elgin continue the LomB Assessors' Assoc-
~ I:
2. T,hat t4e County pay MSeSSOl's for 'attendance at not more
than three meetings in the year, the same-rate as the County Coun-
. eHlars.
All of' which is respectfullysu'bmitted.
, - R. D. CAMPBEl.1L, Chairman.
January 1947.
To the Elgin County Coune;il,
The Petitions and Le;g4>lation Committee -reports ;lsfallows:
1. That the resolution from the County of Vi-ctor'ia- re fishing
regulations' be filed.
2. That we endorse the resolution from the County - of Oxford re_
compulsory insurance on motor vehicles.
3. That - we endopse the resol.ution from the County of Oxford re
subSidizi!lgsewage disposal in villages.
4. That-the reso-Iution (rom the Counties of Northumberland and
Dereham re Income Tax Exemption be f~lled.
All of which is respectfully' submitted.
January 1947.
To the Elgin County Council,
The Education Committee l;eports as follo,,;,s:
1, That the, COmmunication 'from the ~Department of Education
rB payment of trl}.s~ees on school' boards be fEed.
2. That membership fee in the C~unty C'auncH 'Section of the.
o E A. be p~id and the Warden apJ.:',)int delegates;
3, T'hat the Elgin Cqunty Coun~il grant a scholarship of $100:00
to the boy, and girl who secures, ,the }:1ighest acade.m~c standing. _at
Western University iri any one y~ar, who is resident of the County of
4: That by-law be 'prepared annexing area in the Township of
Bayh~m req,uc'sted by their Councn
5. That a grant of $1,000.00 be given the County Library,
All of which is respectfully submitted.
S" LITTLE, Chairman.
January 1947;
To the E1gi,n County Council"
The ColintyHcime Committee reports as f6llows:
1. .That the annual fee to the Ontario Association of Manager;s of
!fomes forAged and--Infirm,be paid.
2, That Mr. and Ml'S; Turnbull, the Inspector and aqy member of
the Committee attend the Annual Convention
3, That the letter from Frank Cowan Agencytc liability insura:nce
bO: filed.
4. Tha,t a mi1~k house be erected at the GQunty Farm.
5. That a new washing machine be purchased fOr -County Home,
6. That the, IoIlowing accounts be paid:
oW. n. -Swift-'--:'Coal
Hay Stationery Co.-Filing cabinet
Elgin Jersey Bl'eedel~s Asso<;:iation
4 95
7p 00
All of which is respectfully submitted.
A. V. COULTER, Chairman
January 1947.
To the,EIgfnGounty Council,
The Agriculture 'Committee reports as follows:
1 That the membership fee in the Ontario Conservation and
. ~
Reforestation Association be paid.
2. That the Annual fe~ to the Agripultural Council be paid and
the Warden, N. McConkey aI?-dJ. c. Jenk~ns be delegates;
3. That"Summers Harper be hired as County Weed Ins'peetal' at
a salary of 60c per hour and 6 cen.ts per mile for use of car al1dhy-law
be prepared.
4. Thatb.y-law No. 1357 appointing Corn Borer'Inspector be re-
5. That we 'grant tne Elgin County Federation br Agriculture
$2500 in consideration that $1500 or more be spent on Elgin prOj~ct
6. That a committee compose'd of the Wal;'den, N. McConkey, the
" Clerk and MIl'. Zav~tz prepare a by-law re cutting of trees.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
N. H. McCONKEY, Chairman.
Ja~uary 1947.
To the Elgin County Council,
The Property 'Committee reports as follow!:
1. That the communication from Frank Cowan Insurance Agency,
1'e insurance qf hot water tanks be filed.
2. ,That the.. County purchase fWD bo6~ cases for the law libl'ary,
3. That prices be secured on new fibol's in the GiwleJ::'s Residence,
for four rciOm:'5.
4. That estimates be secure~ on cost of new lighting system for
the Court House.
5. That a new adding machine be ,purchased for tho Registry
All of which is respectfully submitted.
A. A. JOHNSON, Chairman
January 1~47.
January Session 194:7
To the Warden and Members
oi the Elgin County Council:,
Your Road Committee begs to report as fol1ows:~
1. The following is a S)lIn'mary of the toad expenditure~:;' for the.
year Ul46:
Resurfacing Gravel . Roads~ ..._______..nm_mm__mn n_..___mmm,.$
Resurfacing and Repairs Paved, Roads
Replacing and Repairs to Culverts m.,____ ______m_nn_m
Constructing Weir Culvert Lake Road, Yarmo,uth.m
::painting Bridges .mummn.
Repairing, Bridges
Maintaining, Gravel Roads
SnoW- Removal.mn
App'ying, Tar Surface Treatment to about 32 miles
Gravel Roads
Calcium Chloride _un
Weed _ and Brush Cutting
DitchJng mmnn"..'.....
, Drainage Assessments Paid
Fencing q-uard-' 'Rajl.s, etc,
Expenses, Gravfll Pits, Shop, Tools, etc
New Machinery and 'Repairs
Cutting Hills, Regrading
InSl\llanCe nnm"___.~___
Railway Crossing Protection
Constable Fees ._.....____"..."...____._.._____
L~gal Fees__..___ . .mm..mn_ .+..
Rebates to Town and Villages
Land Purchased_ .._m........._ __..._
'Superintendence, Tl'?v~lling expenses, etc.
48291 O!
16768 14
5532 02
12439 62
3763 05
1251 04
26431 55
2299 63
19524 26
6885 32
2787 87
4740 6i
2225 43
2592 83
3819 98
5644 26
15927 34
lO3! 88
1988 83
76 72
26 85 "
6928 50
110 00
4939 14
Office Overhead
Work done on Rep.tal Basis
1670 47
3271 98
$200971 42
_ 22180 70
Suburban Road Expenditures
$178790 72
19868 98
$198659 70
2 In order to maintain t!ie County Roads to a hign standard we
;believe . that it will be ,necessary to place in the estimates an i~creased
amount for the 1947 l'oad expenditul'es. Due to the i~creased wages
since the introduction of the 48 hour week, and the sharp inclin~ in
the .price of building materials, we find that th~ cost of maintenance..
reJ.?:!acirig obsolete bridges - a:r:d improving the mbstdangerolis hills
.indcurves cannot 'be_ carried out unless more mOney is provided
We estimate that the sum of $260,000.00 will b}~ required for the
maintenance and construction of our County Roads and Suburban
Roads, for the year 1947 allocated :as follows:-
County Roads
Suburban Roads
_$229000 00
31000 00
This is in accordance with the, estimate of the County Engineer,
which is as follows:-
Resurfacing Gravel Roads ___nnmoun_mn__mn___
Repairs to Paved Roads _".
Replacing and Repairs to Culverts
Constructing Bridges and Repairs
.Cutting Hills and Regrading
Maintaining Gravel Roads
Painting Bridges .non
Snow Removal non~...
~anding _mnm_m__
Calcium Chloride nmmn om.
20000 00
2000 00
4000 00
37000 OD
25000 00
27000 00
3000 00
3000 00
3000 00
5000 00
Vveed and Brush Cutting" -".--
Ditching .n.. _ __u___._'''......".._.__ nmn_nn_U
Drainage Assessments
Fencing, Guard Rails,
Expens,es, Gravel Pits,
Machinery ..Repairs
Railway Crossing Protection mom.mnm___
Rebates to Town and Villages
Moving and Refitting Hangat-- for Erection DfNew
Implement and Stock House uno
Surface treating 45 "miles with 'Ta~ R.T: 3_
472 miles New Mulch Pavement n_m_.-._
Insurance, Legal Fees; C,onstable fees, etc. noUn
Salaries, Travelling, expenses, etc. ____m
Office expenses and Overhead ..__m.._
3000 00
3000 00
2000 00
3000 00
4000 00
2000 00
IlOOD 00
8000 00
18000 00
27009 00
30000 00
1800 00
5000 00
$239300 00
10300 00.
$229000 00
31000 00
$260000 00
The County's share'Yill be 25% of the Suburban Road expendi-
tures, 25% of the cost of: constructing. County Bridges, costfng over
$1,000,00, and 50%.of other expenditures.
It win be necessary to raise $115,000,,00 for County Roads.
3. We approve of the Suburban Road Estimates of $31,000.00.
4. We recommend that the Warden name delegate~ to the annual
meetitlgof the Ontario Good Roads Association to be held in Toronto
on February 25th and 26th, 1947, and that the ~nnua1 fee of $15.00 be
paid. We a~so regommend that Fred A, Bell, County 'Engineer and
'George p.owh'is, Assistant Road Superintendent, attend. the Confer-
ence and the rneefing of the County Engineers on 'February 24th.
5. We recommend that an expenditure By-law be prepared for
the estimated expenditures for maintaining and constructing the
County RoadSysteITl for the year 1947 and that duplicate copies be
submitted to the Department of Highways for approval.
6. We recommend that the Policy ~f the General Accident
Assurance Company of Canad~ for Public Liability on the County
and Suburban Roads at a premium of '$477.64 be renewed.
7. We re;commend that the petition of the County of Wellington,
regarding increa:'sing th,e subsidy for snow removal be filed.
All of which is l'espectfullysubmitted.
J. C. JENKINS, Chairman,
St. 'rho mas, Ontario.
January 24th, 1947.
Tuesday the.. 10th day of June, 1947
The Elgin County Council met this day at the COUl't House, St.
Thomas in accordanc~ with' aajourI!ment.
All the members present:
The Warden in the chair.
The Warden addressed the Council,
The minutes of the last day of the Janu8.1'y'Session were read and
The following Communications were read:
To the Elgin County Council,
I am very pleased to welcome you to the June Session. of County
CounciL This Session no doubt ...."ill be- the most important and: busi,cst
one during the yeflr Therefore, I wau'dask the standing Committees
to meet and repor~ as soon as possible, so that tim~ will be avaihibl~
for discussion, if any, inop~n _ session of Coun-cil
The Agricultural outlook in the County and I believe, all over the
Province is far from encouraging and due tci the excessive amount of
moisture during the past twb mbnths less than 60% of the: spring
grain wasso'\'lD. No doubt it will mean a scarcity of coarse grains.
This year a new system of road inspection was inaugurated and
on May 28 and 29 twenty members of the County Council toured East
Elgin and West E'gin Cou;nty Roads; also visited were points of inter...
est i:n the County. Orie of the interesting places visited was the Tal-
bot Estate, the home of the 'late Colonel Talbot. After inspecting this
Historic Pjone'er landmark I believe this Council should further inves-
tigate the possibilities of retaining this Historic old home and grounds_
The Tryconriell hill and bridge was found unsafe for heavy traffic,
arid the road Comrriittee wi'l l>ep~rt on a propOsed new bridge or f.'ll
over the deep rayine.
The County Roads ca~e through the spring break-up in very
good condition but due to the heavy ra,inplll it has been very difficult
to maintail:]- a smooth surface,
To, date $75,000 ?f the approyed by-law for $260,001) have been-spent
on thecoanty Road system.
Due to continued shortage of road surfacing materials it ~may be
necessary to curtail ,some o;?f t,he surface treatment that was proposed
for county roads.
County Home
YOur County Home Committe met with Deputy Min'ister of Wel-
fare, M:r.Heisie and the In~pecto~ of-County Homes, Mr. Laidlaw, at
the County Home o'nMay 30th. After an inspection of the Home it
was recommended by the Deputy Mlnister and the Inspector' that
:.steps should ,be taken, to plan far a new County Horrie for the future,
as our present Home is one of the oldest in the province.
Since the January, Session the men's and ladies' witness rooms,
Law Library, Crown Attorney and Barristers' rooms have been redec-
New hardWOOd fl'oors have also been laid in th,e Gaoler's Residence.
Plans have been received for re-wlrmg ahd re-lighting the Court
House and your _Committee will likely report em these plans._
Due - to the heavy demarid for young forest trees, only a limited
number were available for planting in the county woodlots.
During this Session it. \-vill be necessary to appoint three woodlot
inspectors in accordance with ,the Gcunty Restricted woodlot cutting
By-Law passed at the Januar-y Session.
High School Areas
The three High School Areas are functioning I believe-quite satis-
factorily, It is the board's intention to have buses in operation cover-
ing all areas- for the opening of the fall term -
The Committee on Administration of Justice costs met with the
Committee - from the City Council. and reached a satisfactory agree.,.
ment on division of costs between the City and County. The agree-
ment to run for the 'next five years.
It will be m~cessary for the equalization committee to meet, dur-
i~g this session to make a new equalized assessment -on the different
municipalities in- the Gounty.
The resolutions, from the County that were -p;rese:mted before the
Ontario Agricultural Council and the County section of the 0" E. A.
passed unanimously.
Our hospitalization costs are slig.htl~ lower than they were laat
year. The Children's Aid costs remain about the same as last year.
D~e to the increased road expenditure by-law and other increased
costs it will be necessary to raise an estimated mill rate of 7.2 mills.
This mill rate will not take care of any future grants.
Delegations will be present from SLThomas Memorial Hospital,
-Soldiers' M.emorial Hospital, T~illsonburg and th~ University of Wes-
tern Ontario to, address the Council, asking for grants to their res-
pective building funds.
New Legislation
_The following amendments have been made to the Highway Im-
provement Act:
Section 18 is a,mended to provide for payment by the Department
to the County of eighty per cent of the cost of a bridge Or culvert.
Section 29a and Section 11 of. the 1944 Statutes, which provided for
payment of rebates to tOwns and villages has: been repealed and the
Department will now pay subsidies to (he cities, towns and villages on
road expenditures within their municipalities.
'Sedion 14~f the 1946 Municipal Aniendment Act has been repeal~
ed, and a candidate who has been nominated for severalofficea may
on or before ,nine o'clock of the day of nomination file his resignation
with the clerk for any office fOr which he (Was nominated, and in de-
fault he shall be deemed to -be nominated for the office for which he
was first nominated.
,Section 53 of the 19~O Municipal Amendment Act has been amend~,
ed so that a. member ~f a Public School Bo~rd in a township must
resign before being nominated for Council.
Communications-JulU:; Session 1947
From the Women's Christian Association with request for grant to
ParkW'ood Hospital.~Referred to Finance Committee.
From the County of Brant with:resolutiOn re E'limination of
Warble Fly and replanting of Forest Trees.----=Referred to Ag~_icu1ture
From the Township of Nepean re ProvinCial Grants for Public
Health to all Rural Municipalities.-R~.ferred to Petitions and Legis-
lation Committee.
From the Ontario Ho-?pital A~sociation 1'e Increased Municipal
Grants for Incurable Patients,,-Referred to Petitions and !Legislation
From the Dominion Fire and Bu:rglary A1arm System 1"e Installa-
tion of System at County Home.-:Referred to County Home Commit-
From the Ontario Munkipal Association 1'e Annual Convention
and report on Amendments to the .Statu'tes.-Filed
From the Canadian National Institute for the Blind with expres-
sion of appreciation of ~ranL-...Fned.
From the County of Grey with resolutionre appointment of weed
inspector .-----.:R~ferred to Agriculture Committee.
From the County of Grey 1'e Rural Hydro Installations.-Referred
to Agriculture Committee
iFrom the Coun~y of Wentworth with resolution _ 1'e costal: of Crim-
ina:! Tria.ls.--Hefel'red to Petitions and Legislation Committee.
FrOm C. Harold Zavitz 1'e Amendments to the Wood Lot Exemp-
tion.-'-Refer:red to Agriculture Committee.
:i .From the ~County of Peel with resolution re Pro~incial Govern-
ment. Grant to Children's Aid Soci~ties,,-Referred to Finance Com-
From the County of Ontario requesting 'Provincial Bounty for\he
destruction of foxes.-Referred to Petitions and Legislation Com-
From the County of Victoria re destruction of Registr~ D:acu-
ments of no further value,,-'---<R.eferred to Petitions and Legislation
From the University of Western Ontario with appreciation of
Scholarship Gr'ant.-Filed.
From the Salvation Army with appreciation of Grant.~Fi1ed.
From the Coun~y ~of Simcoe with resolution 1'e Increased Provin-
cial Grant to Children's Aid Societies,,-Referred to Finance Commit..
From the County of Kent 1'e" Amendments to the Municipal Drain-
age Act.-Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee.
From the Coun~y of Kent 1'e Daylight Saving Time.-Referred to
Agriculture Committee.
From the County of Kent 1'e Bell Telephone and Public Utilities
Lines on Highways....;.JReferred to R:Oad Committee
FrOm the County'<)f Prince Edward 1'e Increased Provincial Grant
for Snowplowing.........cReferred to Road Committe..
From the County of PtinceEdward 1'e Federal Grants fOr Public
Hospitals.-Referred to [Finance ComI?ittee.
From the County of Prince Edwara 1'e increased earilings-alloW--
ed .old Age ,Pensi6ners.~iled.
From the City of Sarnia with resolution requesting the Provincial
Governme,nt to assume full cost of .:.Ghildren's Aid Societies.--':Refer'r~d
to Finance Committee.
From the Tillsonburg Soldiers' Memorial Hospital re delegation
requesting grant.-Referred' to Final).ce Committee.
From the County of 'Middlesex with resolution opposing the man-
ufacture and sale of Margarine in Canada.-Referred to Agriculture
, From the Town of Petrolia, with resolution ;requesting ;mail dellv-
ery in towns.--':'Referred to' Petitions and Legis~ation Committee.
~rom the University of Western Ontario re deputation to the Elgin
County Council.-Filed.
From the Elgin County Library Associat!on with annual report.-
From the Township of Yarmouth with By-Law No. 1388 "To Res-
trict the Speed of Vehicles on Certain Roads in the Tow,uship of Yar-
mouth.:'-Referred to Road Committee.
From the G'rand Jury with report.~Referred to County Home
From R. A. Sanders, County Solicitor '.vit,h resignation.-Referred I
to Legal Committee.
From the Township of Bayham requesting addition to High
School Areas.-Referred to Education Committee"
Moved by Reeve Jenkins,
'Seconded by Reeve Shelson:
That the delegation from Tillsonburg Memorial HO.pital be now
heard Messrs. Stubbs and inchemberger addressed the Council re-
questing grant for building fund. The Warden referred the request
to the Finance Committee,
Moved by Reeve McMillan,
~eeonded by C. Taylor:
That the deputation from St.. Thomas Memorial Hospital De now
heard ' -
Mayor Caldwell, Messrs; Penhale, Rowe and Dr. Snell addressed
the Cou.neil reques,ting .grant to hospital deficit. The Warden referred
the request to the .Finance Commitee.
Moved by W .Wheaton,
Secon.ded by 11.1:. Hale:
That we do now adjourn to meet at 2 p.m.
The Council resumed.
Heeve F. Shively moved that the deputat~,on from the Univers!ty
of Western Ontario be now heard.
Messrs. Landon, an,d Little and Mr. McColl addressed the GounciI
requesting a grant. The Warden referred the matter to the Finance
Comnii ttee.
T.he Sipedia'l Finance Report was preseIited and adopted on motion
of F. Shiv~ly and seconded by J. C. Jenkins.
The following report on Elgin County Resolutions was read and
ordered printed in the. Proceedings:
Report From Other Counties on Elgin 'County Resolutions
1. That New Legislation -be enacted with regard to Non~~ayment
of Taxes ~
Endorsed: WeIland; Perth; Carleton;,"rr..lncoJ.n;, Brant;
Wentworth; Haldimand; Norfolk; Wel1ing~
ton and Lanark.
No Action: Waterloo; Halton; Middlesex; Victoria.
Acknowledgement: Department. of Municipal Affairs; and' Count)'
of Simcoe.
2. To Repeal the Assessment Act re Land Exempted for Forestry
Welland; Waterloo; Brant; Haldiniand; Hal-
ton; Norfolk; Lincoln arid Lanark.
No Action: Middlesex and Victoria.
Acknowledgement: Wentworth; Simcoe and Wellington.
3., ,Re Amendments to the Public an!i High SChools Act so as to
Place ;Ptiblic Education in a High School District under the
control of the JIigh School District Board;
Waterloo (2nd clause); Wentworth; Middlesex
(2nd clause).
No Action:
Waterloo (1st clause); 1!aldimand; Halton;
Norfolk; Wellington; and Victol'ia.
Filed: Wel1and; Perth; Brant; Lincoln; and Lanark.
Acknowledgement: Department of ~Municipal Affairs ; Minister of
'Education; Cbunty of Simcoe; Superintendent
of Elementary Education; and G. \I.,,, Duffin.
The report on Restaurant Licenses was rend ::.nd ordered, printed
in the proceedings.
Moved by R" DO' 'Campbe.ll,
Seconded by V. S. Tripp:
That this Council adjourn to meet on Wednesday at 10 a.m;
J. D. ptQMSON, Clerk.
JAi\!rES A. McB~IN, Warden.
Wednesday the 11th day of June, 1947
The Elgin -County Council met. this day at the Court House, St.
Thomas in accord~mce with adjournment.
The Warden in the chair.
All the members present except Reeve Shelson.
The minutes of the previous day were read and confirmed.
_The :r~port of the Equalization Committee was presented and on
motion of Reeve Atkinson the Council went into a Committee of the
whole with Reeve McMillan in the chair. After considerable discus-
sion . the Committee arose and the report was adopted on motion of
Reeve Campbell, ,seconded by C. Gordon.
The SpecHtl Committee Re,port on Administration of Justice'Agree-
ment with St. T"hOmas was presented and adopted on motion of D.
Carmichael, seconded by F" Shively.
The f}rst report of the Finance Committe.e was presented and
adopted on motion of F Shively, seconded by J. C., Jenkins.
The second report of the Finan_ce Committee was lajd over until
the afternoon session.
Moved by E. E. Atkinson,
Seconded -by J~ Millard:
That the Clerk send a letter to T, S~ Ca~dwell extending our sym-
pathy in the loss of his wife; also that a $10;00 wre?-th of flowers be
Moved byT:, A,. FairIes,
Seconded by C. W. Taylor:
That we do now adjourn until 2 p:m.
The Coun-cil resumed.
On motion of V. S. T~ipp, seconded by J. A. Mohteith, Reeve Atkin-
sOn was appointed. Acting Warden.
The report of the Education Committee was presented and adopted
on motion of S. Little, ,seconded by C. Taylor,
The report of the Petitions and Legislation Committee was presen-
ted and adopted o~ motion Of .c. Orchard, seconded by D. Carmichael.
The repOrt of the County Home Committee was 'Presented and
adopted on mOtion of A. Coulter, seconded by J. Millard.
Moved by A. Coulter,
~econded by C. Johnson:
That this Council do now adjourn to meet at lOa.ro. Thursday,
..rune 12~
J. D. THOMSb~, Clerk.
JAMES A,. McBAIN, Warden.
Thursday the 12th -day of June, 1947
The E!gin County Council met thi,s day at, the Court House, St.
Thomas in accordance with' adjournment.
The Warden. in the chair;
All the member's present
The minutes of the previous day were read and confirmed.
The report .of the Road Committee was presented and adopted on
motion of J. C. Jenkins, seconded by N. McConkey.
The second report of the Fin~nce Committee wa.s presented and
~n motion of A. Coulter the Councffwent into a Com~ittee of a whole
withR:eeve ;Carmichael in the chair. 'Reeve Shively I?ade a report as
a member of last year's hospital Committee on C01;1ditions he f.ound as
a member of the hospital board and various members addr,essed _ the
Council On motion of J. C Jenkins, seconded by V. S. Tripp the report
was adopted as amended.
The report. 'Of the Agricultural Committee vra.s
adopted on motion of N.,McConkey, seconded by R: D.
.The report of the )Lega,;l Commi~te~ was presented and adopted
On motion ofJ Mil!ard, seconded by W. C. Wheaton.
The re,port of the Property Committee wa~.,presented and adopted
on motion of A. Johnson, seconded by C. Taylor.
The Third -Firian'ce Report was presented ~nd adopted on motion p.f
F. Shively, seconded by C. Johnson.
Moved by N~ H: McConkey,
Seconded by A. A. Johnson:
That the Elgin County Council confirm By-Law No. 1158 of the
Town,ship of Bayham to close a portion of road in the said municipal-
ity and the necessary q~)Unty By-Law be prepared.
Jd.oved by W. C. Wheaton,
Seconded by M. Hale:
That -we do now adjourn to meet at 2 p.rn"
The Council resumed"
W. G. Lumley presented the Treasurer's Report and it was ordered
printed in the- Procee4ings.
The Fourth Report of the Finance Committee was presented and
adopted on - motiOn of F. Shively, seconded by V. S" Tripp.
The Fifth Report of theF,inanc~ Committee was presented and
adopted on motiD"n of' F. Shively,s.econded by R. Shelson.
Moved by C" Orchard,
Seconded by R. D. Campbell:
That the Elgin County Ct?uncil" cpnfirm By-Law No. 1147 of the
Township of Southwo1,d arid By-Law No" 1385 of the Township.of Dun-
\vich, to clOse a portion Of Boundary line between said ,Townships and
the necessary County By-Law be prepared,
Moved by D. Carmichael,
Seconded by S.Little:
That By-Law No. 1500 "To Authorize the Warden to Sign Agree-
ment 're .Administration of Justice Expenses Payable by the City of
St. 'Thomas" be read a first tim-e.
Moved by S. Little.
Seconded by D" Car-m1chael:
That By-Law No" 1500 be read a second time,
Moved by F. McMillan,
Seconded by S" ,Little:
That By-Law No" 1500 be read a thirdtime"and finally passed.
Moved by C" W. Taylor,
Seconded by D. Car,michael:
That By-Law No. 1501 "To Extend the Time ror Tax Sale" be read
a first time.
M'oved by D. Carmichael,
Seconded by C. W.. Taylor:
That By-Law No" '1501 be read a, second time.
Moved by F. MCL\!Iillan,
Seconded byS. Little:
That By-La"( No, 1501 be read a third time and f~nal1y passed,
Moved' by V. :S. Tripp,
'Seconded by T. A. FairIes:
That By-Law No. 1502 "To Confirm By-Law No. 1158 of the
Council of the Township of : Bayham, for closing a:nd stopping up a
portion of Second ~street in the Haml.et of Eden in the Township of
Bayham" be read a first time.
Moved by V. S" Tri'pp,
Seconded by T.. A, FairIes:
That By-Law NQ. 1502 be read a second til1J.c.
M'oved by T. A. ,FairIes,
Seconded by V. S. Tripp;
That By":Law No. 1502 be read a third time and finally passed.
Moved by C. Orchard,
Seconded 'by Ross Shelson:
.. That By~'Law No. 1503 "To Appoint a County Solicitor" be, read a
fir,st time.
Moved by'Ross Shelson;
Seconded by C. Orchard:
That By-lLaw No. 1503 be read a second time.
Moved by Ross Shelson,
Seconded bye. Orchard:
That By-La\\-' No" 1503 be read a third time and "finally passed"
Moved by F. McMillan"
Seconded. by S. Little:
That By-Law --No 1504 "To Confirm .the Equalization of the
Assessment' Rolls of the~ County of Elgin for the Year 1947" be read a
_first time.
Moved by D. Carmichael,
Seconded by S. Little:
That By-Law No. 1504 be read a second time.
Moved by S. Little,
Seconded by C. Taylor:
That By-Law No" 150t be read a third timc and f~'Ilally passed.
Moved ~y Ross Shelson,
Seconded by ~. E. Atkinson-:
'That By-Law No. 1505 "To Annex. Area to the Tillsonburg High'
School District and Amend By.;.'Law No. 1478" be read a first timc.
Moved by E.. E. Atkinson,
Seconded -by Ross Shelson:
That By-Law No, 1505 be read a" second time.
Moved by J ~ Mi-llard,
Seconded by A. A. JOhnson;
That By-Law No" 1505 be read a third time and finally passed.
Moved ~by J. Millard,
Secorided 1?y E. E. Atkinson:
That 'By-Law No. 1506 "To Annex Area to the East Elgin High
School District and Amend By-Law No. 1478" be read a fint,time.
_ -Carried,
Moved by E. E,,_Atkinson,
Seconded by J. Millard:
That By-Law No. 1506 be read a second time.
Moved by Rnss Shelson,
Seconded by C. Orchard:
That By-Law No, 1506 be read a third time and finally passed.
Mov~.:I by N. H. McConkey,
Seconded by A.. A. J ohnson-:
That By-Law No. 1507 "To Annex
Sclioot District be read a first time"
Area to the West Elgin High
Moved by J" Millard,
Seconded by E, E" Atkinson:
That By--Law No. 1507 be read 'a .tlecond time
Moved by C. Orchard,
- Seconded by J, Mil!ard:
That By-Law No, 1507 be read a third time and finally passed
Moved hyM, Hale,
Seconded by C. Johnson:
That By-Law No. 1908 "To Authorize the Warden and Clerk to sign
deed with the Hydro Electric 'powerCommission repurchase of land
and deed with the Township of South Dorchester re right of way to
gravel pit" be read a f.'I'st time.
Moved by W" C, Wheaton,
Seconded by M. Hal~':
That By-Law No. 1508 be read a second time.
Moved by M, Hale,
;$econded by J" A. Monteith:
That "By-Law 'No, 1508 be read a thil'rl time and finally passed.
Moved by W" C. Wheaton,
Sefonded by J" A" Monteith:
That By-Law No. 1509 "To Raise Amounts for County-Rates dur-
ing the year 1947" her-earl a first timQ,
Moved by M. Hale,
Seconded by W:, C" Wheaton:
That By-IJaw No" 1509 be read a second timEt.
Moved by M" Hale,
-Seconded by J. A; Monteith:
That By-Law No. 1509 be read a third time and finally passed.
Moved by Fred Shively,
Seconded by N. McConkey:
That B:y..L~w No. 15:10 "To Amend By-Law No. 1450" be read a-firnt
Moved by A~ A. Johnson;
Seconded by N. McConkey:
That By--l..aw No. 1510 be read a second time,
Moved by N. McConkey,
Secon~ed, by Fred Shively:
That By....Law No. 1510 be read a third time and finally passed.
Moved by /A.. V. CQulter,
Seconded by Fred Shively:
That By-Law No. 1511 "To Confirm By-Law No, 1147 of the Towl').-
ship of South-wold and . By-Law No. 1385 of the Township lof Dunwich
being by-laws to close.. the South end of the Bounda-ry Road hetween
D1.inwich and Southwold T~wnshipsn be read a first time.
Moved by NO' McConkey,
Seconded by A. A. Johnson:
That By-Law No. 151i be read a second time.
Moved by. Fred Shively,
Seconded by A. V. Coulter:
T.h-at By-Law No, 1511 be read a third time and f~lI1ally passed.
Moved by Fred Shively,
Seconded by E. E.. Atkinson:
That the girls in the County Offices be given Wednesday after-
noon off during" the months of July and August.
Moved by E. E. Atkinson,
Seconded by J. Millard:
That this Council do now adjourn to me~t on 1vIonday November
17th. at 10 a.m.
To the Elgin County Council,
I beg to submit the following accounts pai.d through Finance from
January 1st, 1947 to May 31st, 1947:
-st. Thomas Private Hospital
MpCormick Home for Aged People
parkwood Hospital
Municipal World Ltd_____n_' ..mmu..m_
East Windsor Health Association
Children's Aid Society nnn:n,.m,__
Catholic Children's Aid Society. _
Hagen Nursing Home _nom__."_nnn
Mason Villa P~ivate Hospital
Onta!Fio Municipal ~ssociation
Times-<Journal umun_n_nn .m'.un_ mmmuu__n__nnnn
Dutton Advance ___n__nnnm.._'+_n._. 0._______ nnnnmo_mn____mn_____n_
+ Township of Malahide nuunn nmnnnnnmmn
S~nders ~and Sanders mnnmm_
Underwood Limited _m _ummmmn nmm nmn _._mmu__.uo_m
Ontario Rospital, Woodstock ___m __om mnnnnnnnmnmmn
Ontario Training School for Boys unmnnnmmnnmm"O.._
Ontario- Training School for Girls. ____n_u__. ____mnn..-_m_
Salvation Arm.y .00 nn._nn___mnnn _n__ u_.._ u______n u__mn___nn_nn
Elgin County Law Library _m ___mnm m_mn.._____._.__
Canadian National Institute for the Blin~_______:_'___mm
Municipal Finance Offi?ers Associa~ion nnnmmnn
B'1"am Saywel1 _uu_nn.nn_mnn'nnnmn,._nnn____ unun_'_nnn_
Hay -Stationery Co. _nn moon U__.Un _ n__mom___mnnnmm______
L~ B." Sifton umnuun .__._.u ..__unmnnn nn____m.n.n__._________.._nn
S. R. Hart &' ,So. u__ ..n__n_n.nmn_n _.nn.._ _._____~_nnn_n.._mn
Burroughs Adding Machine Co. ._.____;n'..m_~mn..nm__mmd
Worthington Electric ____ __mmnmmnmnmh ____nm__mmnnn__
Trea'surer of Ontario mmmm mnnmn_n ___.h ..mmnnmnnm___
R. ',L. Prevett _nu_n.nn_n___ __.._._ u_nn.__.___.n..___n__
Memorial Hospital, :St. Thomas ..._mmnm_mmn__
339 20
113 75
892 50
256 50
4358 25
275 80
261 42
288 00
6 93
33~ 75
105 00
152 1~
58 38
557 50
159 00
108 50
300 00
250 00
20 00
138 35
50 00
2 12
104 64
58 00
131 50
All of which is respectfully subm~tted._
June 1947.
First Report
To the Elgin County Council,
The Finance Committee reports as follows:
1,,~ That the res6lutioh from the 'City of Sarnia 1'e Pro~vinc,ial
Government to assume full cost of Children's Aid Societies be filed.
2. Thlat the resolution from the County of Prine.e 'Edward 1'e
Federal Gove'rnment to remit 5% of income tax in each County to
the County for hospital costs, be endorsed.
3. That the resolution from the County of 'Simcoe requesting the
Provincial Government to J:.ay 75% of Children's Aid Society costs be
4. That the- resolution from the County of :Peel asking the Prov-
incial Government to assume 75% of Children's Aid Society costs be
5, That we grant Parkwood Hospital $500.00
6. That the follo..;yiJ:1g accounts be paid:
The Mu:p.icipal World-Registry Office,mmn..mmm nOuumh_. ...n___$
The Municipal World-Clerk and Treasurer__mnn....___m....._mn
:1iason Villa Hospital,..-maintenanc~ Maymmn__n....nm___mmnm
~ Tw-p:..of Yarmouth-re Vincent Daugherty Jrh__nnnm_mnmn__.
Children's Aid Society-"--maintenance May _'___m.....nn'.___nnn__...m
The Mercury Sun-Audito'r's statements m.___.....__......_._.hnm____
Ont.. Training -School fOr Bo~s-mtc. May __nu...no__
13 34
61 15
76 00
82 57
813 75
138 00
39 50
All of which is respectfully submit(ed.
June 1947.
Second Report
To the Elgin County Cou-neil,
The' Finance ,Committee reports as follows:
1. Th'at the County grant the University of Western Ontario
2. That the Elgin County Council grant St. Thomas Mefuo-rial
Hospital $5,000 to Hospital Annex at Yarmouth Centre and $5,000 to
the deficit of the hospital.
3. That $3,000 be set aside as a grant to the Tm~onburg Memori?-l
Hosp)tal Building Fund ~o be pa~d when construction iscom~enced,
1. That we recommel1;d to future Elgin County Councils to set
aside one half mill 'for hospital building funds.
AU 'Of which is respectfully submitted.,
FRJED S. SHIVELY, Chairman. '-'to
June 1947.
Thhd RepoI't
To the Elgin County COllJ?cil,
The Finance <;;ommittee reports as follows:
That the following hospital accounts be paid:
Memorial Hospii;al, St. Thomas
Victoria Hospital, London um"_
St. Joseph's Ho~pital; -London m _____mn u.o__.mu
Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, Tillsonburg ..mnnmn
Toronto General Hospital un....o
St...Micha-el's Hospital, Toronto _mmnuu___
Hospital for Sick C~ildren, Toron:to mumu
Cobourg General Hospital moon mnun:o_______
Metropolitan General Hospital, Windsor u O___.nunnum___
1876 28
1315 50
162 -GO
9 00
9 00
27 00
$ 3867 73
That extra Cbst~' of $615,,92 be paid to the Memorial Hospital, St.
All ot which is respectfully submitted
June 1947
Fourth Report
To the Elgin County Council,
The Fin$-nce Committee reports as folIov,rs:
1. That the County Clerk's Salary be increased $300.00 per yeaT
commencing July 1st, 1947 and the necessary by":law be preplared.
2. That the time fal'Tax Sale be extended one year and the hec-
ess~ry by-law be prepared
All of which is respectfully submitted.
FRED" S, SHIVELY, Chairrrian
June 1947,
Filth R:epol't
To the Warden and Council of the County qf Elgin:
Gentlemen: The Committee on Finance beg leave to report that
having inquired into the finances of the County, and estimates pre-
pared by the County Treasurer, they here\vithsubmit a statement of
the expenditures requil'ed for the lawful purpose of the County during
1947, showing the amount required to be raised fOl' the underrrientioned
Administration of Justice __n_m ___.m _ ____ _...m nmmn ........$
County Home ....__._._"" nnn n _U On _n_ ._n______m __._U._n
Municipal Government ,,_.._:.;;_.__.nn.._._.'..___._m____._._:~_n_'---"-----,.-.
12000 00
6000 00
12500 00
7500 ,00
1200 00
1000 00
115000 00
12500 00
15000 00
0000 OD
14350 00
2800 00
500 00
800 00
780 00
Printing, Postage and Stationery _
County Roads _____O_mm_m_
Children's Aid Society
Agriculture ...
County Health Unit __Un_
Old Age Pension Board ...om.___________num........____mm....__mmm_
Miscellaneous __..___.._n_'______________.____,_,...___.___..__n_________,_.____....._.
Township of Bayham, Secondary Schools ____mo__.....
2D6930 00
3500 62
210430 62
Your~Cominittee would recommend that the sum of Two Hundred
and Six Thousand Nine Hundred and Thirty Dollars be raised on all
rateaqle property in. the several muniCipalities of the County of Elgin
during the ye;ar 1947 for County 'Purposes, and that a rate of 7..2 mills
on the dollar -be levied on rateable property in the several municipal-
ities in the County to raise said amounts plus Three thousand five
hu~dred dollars and sixt;r-two cents for Township of Bayham Secon-
dary Schools.
All of which is respectfuny submitted.
FRlED S. SHIVELY, Chairman.
June 1947.
To the Elgin County Council,
The Equalization Committee reports as foEm'.'s:
That the following be the equ'aJization of the Assessment Rolls
of the County of Elgin for the year 1947:
AUdbpr.ough mmmm
B:iyham '_~.n""'_ _ __________n.....nnonn
South- Dorcheste~ ~
Aylmer ___noun
Port Stanley
:Vienna ___"."on:._
Rodney _m_____m
West Lorue u_mnmnmn
All of which is ~espectfully submitted.
R. D. CAMPBELL, Chairman.
June 1947.
To the Elgin County Council,
The Petitions and Legislation Committee repGrts as follows;
1. That the reso~ution from the Town of Petralia remail delivery
in towns be f.'led.
2 That resolution from the County of Kent re Daylight Saving
Time be filed. ' . ,
3 That we con~ur with resolution from VictoriaCou:qty 1'e des-
troying unnecessary records in Registry Office and Surrogate Court
C1erlF's office.
4 That the resolution from the County of Ontari,o re Provincial
bounty on foxes and wolves be filed.
5. That we concur with resolution from Wentworth County 1'e
expenses on Criminal Trials and. statements taken.
6. That the communication from the Ontario Hospital Asso.ciation
1'e costs of Incurable patients be filed
7, That the resolution from tI:e Township of Nepean resubsidy
to Boards of Health be filed.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
June 1947.
To the Elgin County Council,
The Education Committe reports as follows:
1. That we accept the requests of the Township of 'Bayham to
annex areas to High School Districts 'and the necessary B'y-Laws be
2. That the requests of the Village of Rodney and the Township-
of Aldborough to annex Rodney Continuation S'chool District to the
West Elgin High 'School District be accepted and the by~law be pre-
A,ll of which is respectfully subinift:d.
June 1947.
To the Elgin County Council,
The County Home Committee reports as follows:
1 That the report of the Grand Jury be filed
2. That the communication from: the Dominion Fire and Burglary
Alarm System be filed.
3. :That the Compressor and coil for cold room for County Home
be purchased from G" 0" Howse at a cost of $600,,00.
4. That the account of Brantford Refrigerator Co" for door at a
cost of $82.50 be paid
5" [That no action be taken re petition on water main.
All of which is rEspectfully submitted
A,. COULTER, Chairman,
June 1947;
To the Elgin County Council,
The AgricuItUl'e Committee reports as follows:
1. That' we endors'e resolution from the County of Grey re Rural
I~ydl'o InstaJlations.
2., That the resolution from the County of Grey re appointment
of weed inspector be f):led.
3. That we endorse resolution from the County of Middlesex op-
posing the manufacture and sale of Margarine in Canada.
4. That we endorse l'eso!ution from the c;ounty of Brap,t .re Elirri-
"-. in<-J,tion of 'Varble Fly. .
5. That the resolution fmill the County of Brant re replanting of
Forest trees be filed
6. That George Vallee, J. C. Simpson and Ernest Pearce be mem-
bel"S of the Tree Conservation Commission for Elgin County to .carry
out the provisions of By-Law No; ~499.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
N. H. McCONKEY, Chairman.
June 1947.
To the ElgIn County Council,
The Propedy Committee reports as foIlbws:
1. That we accept the blanl>:et Insurance on the Court House,
Registry Office and Gaolel"s Residence with Frank Cowan Insurance
Agency-$1172 for three years,
2 That we renew Counc~lldrs' Policy with Frank - Cowan Insur-
ance Agency, premium of $220,00
3 That ,ve purchase 10 chairs from the Hay 'Stationery Co. a:
$2200 each.
4. That ol,ving to no tenders being received, the matter of the
lighting system be laid over to the November Session
5. That the fo~lowing accounts be paid:
Andersons Ltd,,-needles, yarn
Dowlers Ltd.-hose
.1.\" N. Martin-re wallpaper __
lvI. E. Morriss-hardwood floors
Ravens Shoe store-~hoes ____oo.mm..
Hay Stationery Co.-ledge!' mmnn
omou n$
11 35
All of ,,,hieh is respectfuHy submitted
A.. A. JOHNSON, Chairman.
June 1947
To the Elgin County Council,
The Legal Committtee reports as follows:
1 That the resignation of R" A.. Sanders as County Solicitor be
accepted and the Clerk send a letter of appreciation for his years 5er-
2. ~ Thal E.. Frank S" Sanders be StPpointe--d County So}icitOl' with
a retaining fee -of $10.0..0.0 and the regular fee for services, arid the
necessarry by-law 'be prepared
All of which is resp~ctfullY-Subn:itted"
J" MILLARD, Chairman,
Jun.e 1947.
To the Elgin County Counei.l,
Gen tlemen:
Your committee appointed to negotiate an agreement with the City
of St. Thomas for division of costs of Administration of Justice beg
leave to report that th!3Y met .with the Committee appointed by the
City of 'St. Thomas and after looking into the accounts of the past
fNe years and the statement prepared by the County Treasurer; the
amOunt agreed upon which ..should be p~id aimuaPy by the City for
the next five years was $7,500.00
All of which is respectfully submitted.
D._ CARMI.CHAEL, Chairman.
June 1947.
June Session 194'7
To the Warden and Members
of the Elgin County Council,
Y.Our Road Committee begs to report as 'follows:
The Roads under our jurisdiction were 'Iittledamage0 by the
spring breakup and only minor repairs were 'required this spring.
The Programme as outlined by our report of the J1anuary session
is being carrie.,d out satisfactorily except: that the scarcity of materials
is seri,ously affecting construction work It may be necessary to cur-
tail the contemplated bridge construction.
'Tenders were invited for constructing the Kingsmill Bridge and
~ing Bridge. Only one tender w'as received and was not acc-epted,
the bid being far in excess of the County .Engineer's. estimate.
The construction of the Weii'Culvert and Road 'Diversion on the
Lake Road in the Township of Yarmouth is nearly completed.
The buildi~g of the storage shed and general shop on the Hatha-
way Gravel Farm is now in progress, This, .building is being con-
structed from the airplane- hangar purchased from the War Assets
The net expenditures for -County and Suburban Roads from Jan-
uary 1st to May 31st, 1947 was about $59,000.00.
Your Committee by resolution made the following recommenda-
1. 'THAT the communication from the Clerk of the County of
Prince Edward, regal'ding-Cthe request to the Department of Highways
to increase the s~b.sidy fo~ snow removal, befil~d.
2, TF~T the County of Elgin grant a right of way to the To\vn-
ship of South Dorchester across the County's gravel pit propel'ty, on
Lot 26, Concession 6, in the 'Township of Dereham, as described in the
lndenture dated June ~l'd, .1947.
3, THAT Insurance Policies 12-6868 and 960386 with tho Zurich
General Accident and Liability Co, Ltd, be renewed.
4. 'THAT the County pUTchas~ the land req~uired by the St" Thomas
Suburban Road Commission, being a part of Lot ,I, Range South Edge-
ware Road; Township of Yal"mouth from the Hydro Electric Power
Commission of Ontario ~for the_ sum of $100.
5.. THAT the By-law of. the Township of Yarmouth regarding
nigulating the speed limit of vehicles in the Village oL'Sparta be ap-
6 THAT the County of Elgin concur in the resolution of the
CoUnty of Kent regarding the Bell 1;'e'ephone Co" of Canada_
All of which is l-espectfullysubmitted.
J" C" JEN-K1NS, Chairman
st. Tho~as,\ Ontario.
June 12th, 1947
To the Elgin County Council,
I have to report the following applications for licenses have been
approved by the local municipalities and the Elgin-St. Thomas Health
Unit from January 1st, 1947 to JYlay 31st, 1947;
__mmWest Leime
..Fort Burwell
. ____onm. _m_ _. mn___:p'ort Burwell
"m" un_n'.-'.___n___n_nn___.......nnutton
Skinners Restaurant no _n___:___
Garnet Eden
T. R, Berry
Clarence Roesch
Fred DOl'kin
White.- Lunch
J esse Dennis
J'oseph Carroll
M:rs"" Marie Sox
Wilfred Kriter _m
M. p" McDougall
G. Brackenbury.".
Robert H. Affleck
Young's Restaurant
___.Aylmer, R. R. 4
mmmnnn___ m___Sp;dngfield
Thomas, R. R.. 3
.'Port Stanley
Ice Cream Stand
Lynden Silly-th nmmn......".__mm______m____
Osvimld All~n u mm,nmmmmm,,_mm__
JamesJ. Grady
Larue McCallum
Thomas Mabee
R. C. McPhee
Bro'wn's Knoak + _
H. McCurdy on un
m D. Stilwell un
, .Springfield
__mmnSt Thomas, RR 8
._._.__nnmmnunmn. nnnnnnnDuttciri
unmmmn....m....Port Stanley
....mmum.... _..Corinth
o Gibson no
Gordon Legg moo
Morrison & Watterson
R. G" Zavitz onm_
nummM West Lorne
..-u___"m_ nnnon_Springfi'eld
Refreshment Booth and Dairy Bar
Frank E\verth mm."_ m_. un_ "__._n . . _ _ _ _nnnum ____ _mmEden
F.. E. Hillis & Sons
Heal & McIntyre ".
Mrs. Verna Parish n
White Rose" Coffee Shop
Mrs. Yetta English on,,_
K C. Turnbull .'.nnn....._
K. C" Turnbull (Mackie's)
_Port Stanley
__Port Stanley
.Port Stanley
__.Port Stanley
._____Port Stanley
W" G'" Chalk
_______Port BurweU
All of \vhich is respectfullysubrilitted.
J. D THOMSON, Courity Clerk
J u~e 1st; 1947
To the Warden and County .council,
I beg to submit the following Statement of Receipts and Expendi-
tures for 1947 up to June 1st, 1947:
Administration of Justice n___no ummo.........m:mmumnm...o$
County Home ,_"nn_nnnnuno no....u 0 omnnn .noumo",uo....nonnnn
Licenses _n_U o....__.uonn.... mo..on.. ..n.n_"o"_
Char~ty and, Welfare o....m _ ."...nnn__mm... mnnnmmmnm
Arrears of Taxes .m._ u m . m.mm omnmnnmmnn
County Roads De:r:;.t. ..._..mm._ nnnn.m._ .. ....o.nm_mn.
Elgin-St" Thomas He'alth Unit nnmmnmnn ....mmmnnm
Registry Office un _ _m n_.mn..mmmmnnmmnnmn
Bills Payable Un'" m__._ ...nunnnn...nnnm__
Interest on Bank Deposit and investments _'.._m.mm
County' Rates nnnn_'.nm.n _ _nn"n__n___ .__nnnn.n...mmn...nnn
Dept. . of Agr'iculture re Corn Borer mn ...__m._..."....._.
Misc,ellaneou's'. n.....o....... ._._.n......__ ....o.......................u........n._
Administration of -Justice mmnnm_
County Horne
Registry Office ____..m__
Members' Wages
Officers' Salaries
Printing, 'Postage and Stationery m
Care of Buildings
Charity and Welfare
..county Roads .unm;....... _nun...n_.n.nn.nnnnn. _.uuOn.n_u.."'O__
Elgin-St, Thomas Health - Unit nn
Grants-General _. mmmnnn
High and Vocational Schools n..__ unmmmnnm...mmn_.
4506 31
3624 61
94 00
1958 56
1138 23
68879 95
3585 62
4660 23
85000 00
765 00
6330 10
363 75
$180987 09
10047 51
8134 33
1582 05
2934 95
559 93
2951 11
10930 89
54739 40
10000 00
2755 00
911 66
Arrears of Taxes (ret'd to municipalities}...mm
Agriculture ____n...____mmmm
Bills Payable and Interest
Miscellaneous _ _u__ __ mu_"
895 96
1000 00
50407 41
317 60
.$160089 40
uu . mmm.um ....$ 20897 69
All of which is res_pectfully submitted.
W. G. LUMLEY, County Treasurer.
Monday the 17th day of November 19407
The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St.
Thomas in acco~dance with adjournment.
The Warden in the chair,
All the members pl;esent.
The Warden addressed the Council.
The minutes of the last day of the June Session were read and
The following communications were read:
November 1947.
To the Elgin County .council,
We have now reached the f~'nal session of the 1947 administration
of the-affairs of Elgin County.' I ,"vould like t6 take the o'pportunity of
giving a short review of some ot'the work that has been accomplished,
Our County Road system being the largest expenditure, therelore,
may we consider it fir:st. In 1946 we Qudgeted for the sum of $180,000.
which was spent for maintenance, some new 'construction -but no new
hard surface being laid, This year OUr budget was fO!' $260,000.
which was consiqered quite ample to carry out our year's work. As of
November 1st "\ve have spent $230,000. with outstan'ding accounts of
$4;0.000. We have the Kingsmill and King bridges replaced by new
concrete structures, Construction on these bridges being completed
by Oul' own staff of men at a very large saving of funds over a tender
price. The Suburban Area road l~ading into 'Fingal was completed
also the Nova Scotia -road into Port Burwell This makes over nine
miles .of hard surface road being laid down ip the County this year.
Nearly 60 miles of road was oil surface treated as a dust layer. The
Weir hill culvert and fill that was started in 1946 was also completed
early in ~he summer. Due to the rise in costs of road materials,
~abour, etc. and in order to have this \york I have outliried to you
completed it will be necessary to overspend our budget. 'l,-'herefore,
I would ask that a supplementary By-Law be passed to cover our
expenses till the end of 1947,
This year your County Home Committee deemed it advis::ble to
make a tour Of in~pection of other CO}lnty Hom,es, The Homes of
Brant, Wentworth, Kitchener-WaterLoQ and Oxford we~e visited.
I feel that much valuable information was gained that caube put to
good advantage in improving and modernizing to some extent Ci~r o'liVu
County Home. _The installation of the- new. furnace that was ordered
last year has been completed /a~so have been completed the new ref:rig-
erator, new milk 'house with electriCal co?ling tank. IT feel that tue
committee has made a great effort to brlng our County Home, although
an 'old building, up to a standard
The Property Committee ate endeavoring to secure new carpets
for the Court Room, and JuniOr Judges Chambers and they will have
a report for your consideration on this matter.
On Tuesday of this s,ession we will be entertaining some of our
Junior boys of Elgin County" I believe this will be a great opportunity
for these boys to gain some knowledge of proceedings of county
council. My hope is that t!Jis plan that was inaugurated last year will
stimulate more interest in' municipal affairs throughout the County
among our younger generation.
During this session I would" strongly recommend that this Council
take the opportunity to visit in a body, the Memorial Hgspital Annex
at Yarmouth Centre. I am sure that after a visit to this Institution
you will heartily agree wit'h me that our grant has been used to a very
good advantage in hel~Q.ng to relieve congestion at the Memorial Hos-
November 1947.
~rom the "Department of the Attorne3-: G'eneral re Workmen's
Gompen:sation.~Referred to the Property Committee.
From the To~n of Aylm~r 1'e annexing additional are,a,,~Filed,
From the Wozp.en;s dhristiail Association, . London with apprecia-
tion re graut.-Filed.
FrOm the .Gounty of Haliburton whh resolution recast of Child-
ren Aid Society Work.---,-Referre-d- to Children's Aid Committee"
FroIn the University of Western Ontario with appreciation re
From the County of WeIland with 'resolution requesting Provin-
cial Government ~assuming cost of Education.:........;Referred to Education
From'- the T?wnship of Dunwich re closi~g portion of Rciad..........:Re-
ferred to Road Committee.
- From T. .S. Caldwell, District Engineer- with appreciation.-Filed.
From the Grand" Jury with report.-Referred to County Home and
Property: Committees.
From Dr. M.R. M'cNeil; Aylmer, with resignation from the East
Elgin High- :School District Board.-Refene'd to :Equcation Committee.
From Angus Mpwat, Dir"ector of Public Libraries, re attendance at
County GounciL~iIed;
From the County of Wentworth with resolutiOn requesting increas_
ed Provincial grant to Hospitals.-Referred to Finance Committee.
From the Department.of Education re Coun-tYLibraries.~Referr_
ed to Education Committee.
From D.. F. Fell re Talbot Estate.~Referred to Finance COm-
From the County- of Perth ~ith resolution re increased Dominion
grant Qn '1;. R Catttle:'-Referrfod" to Agriculture Committee.
FrOm the County of Lincoln '\vith resoJution 1'e County Health
Units.-Referi'ed to County Health Cori1mitt~e
From the WE{st Elgin High School Di'strict, Board with recOfu-
mendation re representative.~Referred.'to Educatiori Committee.
From the C'hamber of Commerce, Port Bun-veIl, with letter of
appreciafion for resurfaced highway.-Filed.
From the Honourab:e J. A. Glen re Talbot Estate......,....,Referred to
Finance Committee
FrOm the University of WesternOntar.io with letter of aI?precia-
tton re Elgin County Scholarship,,-Filed.
From the County of Waterloo with list of County grants to hos-
pitals.~Referred to Finance Committee.
From the County of Perth with r~solutiOn re Feed Grain,,-Refer-
red to Agriculture Committee.
From the Port .Burweil Continuation, 'School Board 1'e mainten-
ance of County' pupil.-Referred to Education Committee.
From the Ontario Department of Education re appointment of
members to High School District Boards.~Referred to Education
From the TO'Yn of Aylmer re Equalized Assessments,-Referred
to Equalization Committee.
;From the County of Simcoe re hospita!s for incurabl:es;.;.......:.Re"ferred
to Petitions and Legislation CommitteE:'_
:From' the . Coun~y' of Kent. with resO'lutionre surveying of the
Thames Valley Wateished.~Filed.
IFrom Dr.,D.. L.Ewiti with Physician's Report on C'ounty Home,-
Referred to County HomeCo'mmittee.
FrOm the County Clerk with Inspector's Report on County HOme.
-Referrec; to County Home C?mmittee.
From the County C-Ierk with r"eport on Moth"ers' ,Allowances.--'---Re-
ferred to Finance Committee.
FrOm the' Comity Clerk with: report on Old Age Pensions.----,-Refer_-
red to Finance Committee~
FrOm the County Clerk with report on- Licenses,---"Referred to Fin_
ance COmmittee.
From the County Cler}:r. with report on Restaurant Licenses.-Re.
ferred to Finance Committee"
Deport from other COl;llltie.s -on Elgin County ....RlesolutioD.s
1" That new Legislation be enacted with regard to Non-Payment
of Taxes;-
No Action-Bruce, Has!ings.
Endorsed-Huron and: Kent.
2. To Repeal the Ass~sment Act reLand Exempted for Forestry
Purposes :---.;
Endorsed-Bruce and Lambton.
No Action":':"'Huron; Hastings and' Kent.
3. Re Amendments to the Public: and High. Schoo!s Act. so as to
Place Public, Education 'i:p. a-High School District under the
control of the High School District Board:-
,- 81
Endorsed-Simcoe and Lambton.
No Action-Bruce, Huron and Ha.stings.
Mr. McMillan made inquiry as to the reason for the removal of
the County Council dinner to Aylmer . The 'Clerk explained reasons
fOl' the "-same.
Mr Coulter inquired re report9f Assessor's Association. The
Clerk stated that MI'. Auckland wou:daddress the Council Tuesday
Mr.. Campbell inquired re Daylight Saving Time.
Reeve Shively presented the Special Finance Report which was
adopted ob motion of F. Shively, seconded by J. C. Jenkins,
Moved by F. McMillan,
Seconded by stuart Little:
That We congratulate \Varden McBain on thc arrival of a daugh~
tel', LinQa Jeanne at the Memorial Hospital on Friday, November
14, 1917.
Moved by W C, Wheaton,
Seconded by Meredith Hule:
That we adjoul''ll to meet at 2 p"m
The Council resumed,
Moved by J. c. Jenkins that the delegation from the Police Village
of Belm'Ont be now heard.
, __ I\{essrs" Barons and Taylor addressed the -Cou?cil requesting ap-
pl~oval of annexatio,n of the area in ~he COl.).nty of M~ddlesex.
Moved by J. C. Jenkins,
;Seconded by A. Coulter:
That the Elgin County Couricil approves the anne~ation of. that"
portion of the Police Village of Belmont now .situated in the County.
of Middlesex. r
,Moved by F. McMillan,
Seconded by S. Little:.
That we do now adjourn to meet at 10 a;m.. Tuesday November 18th.
JAMES A. McBAIN,' Warden.
Tuesday the 18th day of November 1947
The Elgin County Council met this day' at the Court House, St.
Thomas in accord'ance with adjohrnment"
The Warden in the chair.
All the members present.
'The minutes of the previous day were Tead and confirmed.
A Communication from the Hohourabl~ J. A~ Glen re the Talbot
Estate was ;:read ' and ,referred to the Special Committee re Talbot
Mr. Atkinso~ moved that Mr. Mowat from the Department of
Education be now heard. Mr. MoWat addressed the Council on Count:'k
'Libraries and :Public~Book Service. Mr. Atkinson expressed apprec-
iatiOn to Mr. Mowat for his address This ma-tter was referred to the
Education Committee.,
Mr. ;~hively moved that Mr" Bain of Springfield be now heara.
Mr. Ba:in address~d Jhe Council re Health matters in :Springfield
Miss Horton, Supervisor of Nurses of the Elgin-St. Thomas Health
Unlt explained the visit and eX'am~natio~s made in Springf..reld.
Mr" Shively, Mr. Tripp and Mr. Jenkins asked several questions
and apprl(ciation was expressed to Miss Horton'- for her 9xplang,tion.
Moved by F. MqMi1lan,
Seconded by is. Little:
That we do_ :q.'ow adjour:n till 3 p.m,
--cCaiTicd. '
The Council resumed"
Moved by R.. D. Campbell that Mr: Ralph Auckland, President of
the Assessors AssociaWm, be 'now 'hea'rd. Mr. Auc'kJand addressed the
Council on tl).e work' of 'the Local Assessors Asociation and 'what had
been accomplished- since organization Mr. 'Jenkins-moved a hearty
vote of 8:ppreciation to Mr" Auckland for his excellent l'eport.
Mr" Taylor' moved that the members of the Elgin County Tree
Commission be now heard. Mr. Vallee, Mr. Pearce and Mr. Simpson
addre~sed' the Cbuncilo!l the work of the" Tree Commission
Moved by N,,' McConkey, seconded by n Cai'michael-that ,we
express OUI' appre~iation to the members of the Tree ConiniLssion fOl
theil'- report.
Moved by Re~'ye Tripp that. M~.. Summers Harper, County Weed
Inspector be now he"ard~ Mr. Harper reported on his work as Weed
Inspectol'!his year in the cou:gty
Moved by MI'. Jenkins that the report be accepted and printed in...;
the Procee~Ungs"
The First Report of the Finance '?omniitt,ee was presented and /
ad~pted on motion of F. Shively,:" seconded byM Hale.
The report o( the Agriculture Corimiittee was pr"esented and adopt-
ed on motion of N" McConkey; seconded by R. D" Campbell.
The"i'eport of the County Home Committee was presented and
adopted on motion of A. C\ouIter, seconded by: J: C. Jenkins.
The report of the Property COmmittee '\-vas presented and a~opt-ed
on- motion of Arba Johnson, seconded by C" T;aylor.
Mr._McMillan expressed appreciation for the improvements at the
County Home. Messrs, Coulter and. Tripp also addressed the CouncE
on improvements'-made at the Institution,
Moved_by Fred S" Shively,
,Seconded by J; G. Jenkins:
That we the Elg~n County Couhcil :R1ace ourselves oil record as
favouring the na:tionaliZlation of hospital sweepstakes or, failing 5n
this, that hospital sweepstakes be !egalized .'fS a Provincial measure.
We believe that it is the feeling of at least 90 per cent of the general
public that sweepstakes should h-e nationalized in Canada _ and the
profits devoted to relieving' the high -costs of hospitalization, thus
keeping in Canada - the m:i11ions of dollars, that are now sent out
illegal1y for the benefit of other countries, ,despite the efforts 'of the
postal authorities to prevent the use of the mjails tor this purpose.
And thatc.op-ies of this resolution be sent to all other County Coun-
cils,.members of fedenal parliament and the Ontario Legislature, and
to the Minister of_Justice and the postmaster--General.
Moved by I;i'. McMillan,
-Seconded by R. J:). Campbell:
That By-Law No" 1512 "To AuthoFize the Warden and Treasurer to
BOl;row An Additiona1 Sum -of Seventy-five - Thousand Dollars" be rea:d
a first time"
Mpved by R. D. Campbell,
Seconded by F. McMillan:
That By-Law No. 1512 he read a second time.
t, f
Moved by V. S" Ti'ipp,
Seconded by T. A. .FairIes:
That By-<Law No. 1512;be read' a third tirileand finally passed.
Mr. L, A~mstrong on behalf of the boys, guests of the Council~
expressed their appreciation for the enjoya,ble, entertaining and" edu-
cational da,y the Council had given them.
Moved by" M. Hale,
Seconded by J. A. Monteith:
That we" do now adjourn to Theet again ort Wednesday at 10 a.m"
JAMES A.. McBAIN, Warden
\Vednesday the 19th day of November 1947
The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St
Thomas in aecordi~nce with adjournment. "
The Warden in the chair.
All the members present.
The minutes of the previous day were )'.'cad and confirmed.
The second 'report of the Finance Committee was presented ahd
adopted on motion of E. Shively, seconded by N. McConkey.
The Treasurer prese~ted' a report on the Receipts and' Expendi"':
tures to October 31st, 1947 aJ;ld it was moved by Mr. Coulter that the
Report be accepted and printed in the Proceedings.
Moved by C. JO,hnson,
Seconded by W. C. Wheaton:
That we adjourn to meet at 2 p.l11.
The Council resumed.
The Road Committee rep'ort was presented- and adopted on motion
of J. CO' Jenkins, seconded by A. Coulter"
M~essrs Fairles, Tripp, Carmichael, McMillan, Campbell, TaylQr.
Jenkins, Jpht).son, Hale 'and the Warden addressed the Co~nciI re
. road conditions in various part's of the' County and types Of. road laid.
Moved by D. Carmichael.
Secolided by S. Little:
That we now adjourn to meet at 10 a.m" Thursday.
JAMES A. McBAIN, Warden.
Thw'sday the' 20th day/of NOvember 1947
The Elgin County Council met this day at" the Court House, st.'
Thomas in accordance with adjciurnment.
The Warden in the chair
All the members present.
The minutes of the previous day ~vere read and conf..'rmed.
\ , .
The fol!owing ~ommunications were presented.
F:rom the Honourable W:. G. Thompson with regrets for inability
to attend Banquet to the W<il'den.-Filed.
From Mrs. James McBain with appreciation for flowers,,-Filed.
The report of the Petitions and Legislation. Committee was presen.:.
ted and adopted on motion of C" Orchard, secotldegby D.CarmichaeI.
The report of the Education Committee was presented aJ?d adopt~
ed on motion of S. Little, second-ed byW, C" Wheaton.
Mr. 'Campbell inquired re members to be appointed to the High
Schoo) District Board under the new regulations
Mr. Tripp addressed the Council favouring the issuing of deben-
tur/::,s and laying more miles of permanent roads~
Messrs. ,Shively and_ McMillan also add:r:essed the Council re differ-
ent types of roads.
'The C1erl5: made a report on ... the work of the Health Unit.
Moved by R. D.. Campbell,
Seconded by C. Taylor:
That t"he members of the Assessor's AssoCiation "be ,granted 5 days
for the year 1948 at the same rate of pay as the County Council
Moved by S. Little,
Secon'ded by D. Carmichael:
That the usual -grants of $150.00 to the Warden and $25.00 to L. B
Birdsall be paid
J).1Qved by A. V'" Coulter,
Seconded by R,. D.. Campbell:
That _ the following. motion be recorded in the minutes of the
Council: "That we, the County'Council of Elgin, on behalf of the loyal
subjects of His Majesty King George VI, in Elgin Co.unty, extend to
Her' Royal Highness Princess Elizabeth, The Duchess of Edinburgh
and the nuke of ~dinburghJ our sincere wishes far their happiness.,
-Carrie 1
MQved by A ;V. CQulter,
Seco.nded by C. JohnsQn:
That QUI' Clerk be requested to. send 'a letter Qf appr.eciatiQn to.
the Rev.. Mr. Cowan of A;ylmer for his Lddrsss of last evening.
Moved by R" D, Campbell,
Seconded by C. Taylor:
Owing to the misunderstanding and general confusion of the dif-
ferent times in adjoining municipalities, we the County _9ouncil of the
County Of Elgin, petition the federal government to not permit any
municipality from having other than standard time.
Reeve AtkInson req'll;ested the Yeas and Nays and the resolution
was, lost on .the following division:
Yeas-Little, Campbell, Taylor, G'ordon, Atkins,on, Shelson, and
Nays-MC1\1:illan, Orchard, McBain, Coulter, Hale, C. Johnson, M-c-
Conkey, A Johnson, Jenkins, Millard, Shively, Monteith,
Carmichael and Fairles-14.
Moved by J. C" Jenkins,
Seconded by F. ~hive!-y:
That By":Law No. 1513 "A ~y-Law to Provide fora:$25,OOO.OO Ex-
penditure on the system of County Roads in the County of Elgin as
approved' by Order-in.,.Council, during the year 1947" be read a first
Moved by J. C" Jenkins,
Seconded by A. V. Coulter:
That By-Law No. 1513 be read a second time:
Moved by A. V. Coulter,
Seconded byJ.-C" Jenkins:
That By:-Law No, 1513 be read a third time and finally p'assed.
Moved bye; ,W .Taylor,
Seconded 'by R. D.Campbell:
That By-Law No. 1514 ".....0 Confirm By~Law No, 1398 of the Coun"':
cil of the Township of Dunwich for stopping up and- closing part, of
King ~treet and part of a crOss street, in the Village of lona, in the
Township of Dunwich, in the- County of Elgin" be read a first time"
Moved by R.. D.. Ca,mpbell.
Seconded by C. W. Taylor:
That By-Law No. 1514 be read a; second time.
Moved by V. S. Tripp,
Seconded by I? Carmichael:
That By-Law No" 1514 be read it third time and finally _passed:
Tge Warden expressed bis appreciation for the co-operation given
him during his year of office, and the members expl'esse.d pleasure as
members of the 1947' Council
Moved by A" V. Coulter,
Seconded by J; C. Jenkins:
That we do now adjourn sine die;
-Carried. i
,To the Elgin County Council,
The Finance Committee reports as follows:
1 That the Clerk's reports be accepted and printed in qle Pro-
2. That the Warden, Reeve Campbell and Reeve Tripp .be a com-
mittee with poW'er -10 add to their number to investigate the possibi-lity
of Burchasing a :r;:ortion ~f the Talbot Estate for a Historic Site and
the -possibility of securing assistance frOm other municipalities. This
Committee'to J'eport at the 'Janu?-ry Session~
.3. That the rescil~tion frOm the County of Wentworth requesting
increased :Provincialgrant Jo Hospitals be filed.
4. That the annm:iJ g~ant of $2,500" to ,the Children's Aid Society
'be paid.
5. That the Warden and Treasurer 'be authorized to
Sl1!ll of $75,DOO.OOand the necessaI'y by-Iaw'be prepared.
borrow the
6, That the following accounts be paid:
Huron County Children's Aid' SocietYn_____.
Catholic Children's Aid >Society ____m_
Township. of Malahide-re George B~ckus _<_._.
The Dutton "Advance-~re police court forms.___
Onta.rio Training School for Gir!s _________m'. __ _____m.u
F. A_ Sanders-Annual Solicitor's Fee
All of which is respectfully submitted.
$ 4480
29 14
154 00-
65 50
16 50
100 00
~ovember 1947.
FRED S. SHIVELY, Chairman.
Second Report
To the Elgin County Council,
The Finance Committee reports as follows:
1. That the following hospilal accounts be paid:
Memorial Hospital, SL Thomas _m_m_ _mm__n.m_m__ _ .....,......$
Victoria Hospital, "London umm_m
Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto mmm_ mUunnm'___mmnn
St" Michael's Hospital, Toronto on ."mmoun
Toronto General Hospital, Toronto m _ __mmnnu__
Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, Tillson-burg mon.".
St. Joseph's Hospit;j.I, London __m__'_ m___nnnnmmnmmn
2246 75 .
1001 50
36 00
96 75
165 50
211 20
3889 70
2. That extra costs of $498.18 be pa~d to Memorial Hospital, St.
All of which is"respectf-ully submitted.
FRED S. SH~LY, Cha<irman.
November 1947.
97 -
To the. Elgin- County COUIl.cU,
I beg to submit the - following statement of Finance accounts', paid
since the June Session, 1947:
Parkwood Hospital
The Dutton Advance
East "Windsor Health Association
.Children's Aid
The Mlunicipal .. VB'
Gagen Nursing Honle _:m'm~_____m _om_ "_om ___mmomh,m._...._
9n.tadoHO.sPital, Wo'odstoc!, .'mmmm... munm_m...._______
~ason Vi1l~ ~rivateHospi~~l mn;,unm........
Qntario Training'Schuol for Boys __.::..,.;.
Hay stationery Co~ :Ltd, _hmmn mmnm...nnnnm__... mmnnm
Ontario Training School for Girls mmnOmm..._______________m
Catholic Children's Aid 'So~ie.ty
Township of Yarmouth m_m_m'_____ nm un__m...___________n_______
The Mercury Sun
Burro!ughs Adding Machine' Co.
:frank Cowan Agency
The Old Gardens
Treasurer of' Ontario mmn___nmmm_
St.Thoma,s'A~bulance ServIce
Worthington Electric nn____..
Murdock Duplicator Co. _mnm_ nn_mmunm . nmmnmn...
Uriderwood Limited
The Times Journal
Dawkinand Dawkins
Bram.' Sayweil _;m.m_"_:~~n... _____ _._m_m nm.mnnn_.U'_
Johnson Hardware nmmnmm __..< ...m__mmm._-.._..:o.........._..._
Rainbow's BOOk Store ....mm.".. "un..._"_nm.__'m
All of\.vhichis respectfully submitted.
895 50
45 60
322 00
5247 35
441 05
115 00
546 00
522 70
0237: 00
446 05
172 96
820 57
_138 00
5 04
311 53
> 1000
-112 '-73
12 00
3 85
24 00
10 00
11 06
33 65
FRiED S. S~LY, CJ~airtnan.
To the Elgin County Gouncil,
The Petitions arid Legislation Committee reports as follows:
1. That we concur with resolution from the County of Simcoe. re
increased accommodation for incurab:e patients:
2. That we concur with resolution from tht'f County of (Lincoln- re
uniform regulation.s for Health Units.
3 That the resolution from the~ 'Cou~tyof Haliburton r~questing the
Provincial Government to pay 80% of the expenditui'e of Children's
Aid Societies be filed.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
C; ORCHARD, Chair'ma,n.
, November 1947.
Tn the Elgin ,County,Council,
The Education- Co:rrl.mittee reports as follows:
L That the follo,,,:ing members be appointed to the three High
School' pistrict Boards: J. C Giili.es to the West Elgin High
School D~shict' Boalld; Ralph Auck;and to the Central High School
Dist~ict' Board' and Fred Kaiser to -the East Elgin .High School
Distr'ict B'O'ard
''2 !-,hat the resolution from ,the County of Wenand asking the Pro'v,.
inc'ial Government to- assume total cost of education be flIed.
3. That the account from the- Port Burwell Continuation School
Board bE?' paid.
4. Thllt- we recommend the formation of the new Elgin COUJ:lty Co-
ppel'a~ive Librai'y Board as approved by the Ontario Government
in ~he 1947 Amendments to the Public Libraries Act.
5. That the appointment Of. Board members by (he Council 'be laid
over -till the January Session of the County Council.
Allo! which is respectfully sl.l:.hmitted.
'S; LITTLE, Chairman__
November 1947.
To the Elgin County Council;:
Gentlemen :
The County Home Commiltee reports as follows::
1. That. we accept the'. tend'er of thE:l Canada Bread Co. for deliver~'
at the County Home of wrapped brea~ at 9.Q per loaf.
2. That the report of. Dr. D" L. Ewin be accepted and printed in the
3. That the Insp'-ector's r~poi't be accepted a,ti!i "',printed in the'
4. That the report of theG'rand Jury be filed.
5. Thl:~.-t the following accounts be paid:
St. Thomas Ambulance ServiCe re Mr.. E. Willison ,_.$
is. , W" Armstrong re water ; heater and tank.:;:;-nn..."'_
5 00
64 00
All of which is respectfully submitted.
_A. V. COULTER, Chairman.
November 1947.
To the Elgin County Council,
Gentlemen. :
The Agriculture Committee reports as follows:
1; That we concur with resolutio.n from the County. of ~~rth t'e
Feed Grain. .
~. That'we
.'c increased
concur, with resolution. from the County of Perth re
valuations paid by the Provincia.! Government for T" B.
3.' That. George Vallee, 'J" C. Simpson and E. H. Pearce be re-appoint-
ed inembers of tp:e The Tl'e~ CCilmmission of Elgin County.
All 'of which is_ respectfully submitted"
N. H.:McCONKEY, Chairman.
Novemb~r 1947.
T'o the Elgin County Coli'neil,
The Property Committ~e'reports as fpllows: .
1. That a rubber mat be plirchas.ed for the main entrance from Gor-
don McEachr?:,nand'Co. at $2,,95 per yard~
2; That the tender o'f the Canada Ere-ad Co" for bread for the County
Gaol a~ 9~ . per loaf 'wrapped be accepted~
3. Tqat a: new carpet for the C;ourt Rooin a,nd the Junior Judge'~
Chamber be ordered 'from Ahderson's Ltd, at a cost of $2,380; This
pri~e includes cufting, sewi.ngandAaying over 1,4" Moth proof Hair
felt padding.
4. That the Clerk inb:~rvie'Y Mr; Adamson of the Criminal Justice
pepartment -1"e Compensation Tnsura~ce on Gaol employees:
That the following accounts be paid:
Associated Chemical Co.
The Kennedy Manufacturing CO".,--for Cleaner
Hay St<it~onery Co.~for chairs n_m_
Offic;e. Specialty Mfg. Co~-,-forcabinets-
Peterman Products Co.-for Kleanser
All of which iSl'espectfully submifted.
A. A. JOHNSON, ,::;hairman~
58 05
10 10
157 24
380 00
17 37
November Session
To the Warden and Members of the
Elgin County Council.
Your Rp'ad Committee begs to' report as follows:,-
OUr 1947 programme for the :rnaintenanc!'l-and construction of
~ounty Road SY"stem is nearly completed Its. cost will exceed
contemplated estimates of our January ~session, due mainly to
following causes. I
1. The price of materials has risen fromclO% to 15%
2. The-wages of the 'operators a:nd regula/men have been increas~
cd about 10%.
3 The cost .of resurfacing the gravel i-aad's -was about< $12,000;00
more than the January estimates, due to the damage caused by the
"'spring breakup,
4. Moi'e miles of gravel roads were surface treated with asphalt
than contemplated. .
We- recommend th~t a supplementary By-law :for$25,OJO,QO he
passed at this session, to Covel' ~hc il).Cl'easeq.cxpenditul'es.
The following works have been completed or in the course of
1. The King Bridge, on the Town Line between the To\ynships
of South Dorchestel~ anciMalahide, opposite 'Lot 17, Sou.th Dorchester.
A New Rigid Frame Concrete Br-idgewith a span of 40 feet _and
a clear width of 26 feet was constructed., The roadway was raised 3
feet, widened and graded. .The cost was about $7,000.00,
2.' 'The KirigsmilI BIlidge on the Tow:n -Line between the Townships
of Yarmouth and Malahide, one-half mile North of Kipgsmill.
A New Rigid Fnime Concrete Bridge with a span of 40 feet and
a clear width of 26 feet was constructed and the roadway wideu,ed,
raised and graded. The cost was about $8,000;00.
3. .A New Concrete Culvert, known as the McGill. Culvert was
_ constructed over ,the McMil~an Drain, on the Tow.n Line between the
TO\'.'Dships of Aldborougl;1 and Dunwich. Its clear sp~n is 1p feet and
its - width 32 feet.
4. The roadway a,t what is known as the Weir Hill, Lot 3, on the
Lake Road, in Yarmoutb, was diverted,_and straJghtened. Oneo! the
most dangerous points in 'the County- ROad System has been r~placed
with a, modern highway.
5. The hili 'South. 'Of the McIntosh Bridge over the Thames River
has been nearly completed.
6. Wardsville Bridge has been painted.
7. A new Garage; Storage and Work Shed is in the course of
construction at the Hathu\vay G~avel Farm at White's Station. This
buiIding'is being constructed from the material~ of a hangar pu!chased
last year from the War Assets Corporation,
8. Road_Mix Pavem:e~ts have 'been laid on the Lake R-oad, Mala-:-
hide and Bayham frOm" Lakevie-w to Port Burwell on East street,
Springfield and on Talbot Street and Union Road, Fingal.
A total distance of 61r,z miles.
9. The pavement froin Union and Sparta w~ resurfaced with
asphalt and stone chips,
10. About 60 miles_ of gravel:r:oad~were surface treated with
11. About 30,000 ~ubic Yards of Gravel ....vas e:x.cavaied from the
Catfish Creek at Pleasant Valley, crushed and stock piled.
12._ Land was purchased and _ the road through Concession 8-be.
tween Lots 3' ahd 4, in theT6wnship of So~th Dorchester '(South of
Avah) was widened. The 'l:).P1s )Vere cut down and the roadvyay grav~
13. A Ne;v Drainw'as constxucted on Main Street, West of
Graham street, WestL9rne.
We recommend that the new _,G'arage and Shed being -'constructed
on the Hath~way Farni at White's Station be insured .against fire
We i:ecommend that the 1948 County Road Committee considers
the construction of a us';\, Bl'idge 01:' 'anew Culvert and FUrth replace
the TryconnelI Bridge.
AlIo.f which is l-espectfully submitted.
J" C" JENKINS,' Chairman
November 1st, 1947.
To the Warden and Co_unty Council,
I beg to submit the follo\ving statement of- Receipts and Expendi-
tures fo'r 1947 up to November 1st, 1947:'
Administration of Justice
Elgin County Home ____m"___..._
Charity -and Welfare
Arrears of Taxes
County;' Roads 'Department
Elgin-St. Thom'as He'alth Unit /"... ___m.m,".._.......
Registry Office
Bil~sPayabW-Loans from Bank ___ '_.om......__ ._n.._n.....
Interest on ~Bank Deposit and bonds nun unm_. ....no
Pl'epaid (::ouh ty "Rates _ ."...nomm.....
Dept of Agriculture re Corn' Borer and Weed
. Inspector moo .:.
Administration of -Justice
'-Elgin County~. HOme: ___~.. ._ .._.momn_...
Registry Office __non.. ......m..m
Members' Wages-Cbmmlttees etc
Officers' Salaries and staff _.......mm_____ "_"n.
Care of Build-ings
Charity .and _Welfare ____ mmn_
County Roads Department nmn
Elgin~St. Thomas H;.ealth Unit "n"__n
Grants~eneral . umnnm__mu_
Higband Vocational Schoo's . "m";mn n;nm.m.
-Public ~c~ools "'~n::~~'__omo n"mmm . __o"__dmmmm
Arrears_ of ~axes ..(i-e't to' municipalities)
1,530.00 .
Agricultur~ m::mnnnnm._
Bills Preyable a,.nd Intere.st
Printing, Postage, etc
All.of which is respectfully submitted,
W G. LUMLE'Y, County Treasurer"
727 Talbot St.
St. Thomas, Onto
November 12th, 1947.
To the Warden and Members of the
Elgin County COuncil: /
I have the honour of presenting the Seventy~secOnd annual mediC,al
report of the Elgin County Home up to October 31st, 1947 and subniit
the fo:lowing for your consideration.
I made Fifty-two visits to the County Homel and attended seven
inmates in the Memorial Hospital as follows:
Henry Burling-Dec. 9, 1946 to Jan" 11,1947.
Alex" McCol!~Dec. 16, 1946 to Feb. 7, 1947.
Henry Reid-Jan. 4, 1947, to Jan, "24, 1947.
Henry Burling-Jan. 23, 1947 to Feb. 7, 1947.
James Scrivens-Feb. '6, 1947.to Mar. 4, 1947.
Minnie McCreadie---'-Feb" 6, 1_947 to Mar" ~, 1947"
Roy FIuelling-Mar. 13, 1947 to Apr. 6,1947.
Alex. MeeoH-July 15, 1947 ~o July 27, 1947,
Henry Burling-Sept" 13, 1947 to Oct. 20, 1947.
Ernest Willison Oct. 20, 1947 still in residence
There were no births"
I visited as necessary any inmates who were in Craigvie\v Nursing
There were fNe deaths, one female and four males, as follows:
Mar. 1st,' 1947 :Minnie McCready mm. ............ _78mnLChronic Myocarditis.
Apr. 6th, 1947, Roy Fluelling m.m moo. mm.62..__ ___Cerebral Hemorrhage,
A:pr. 15th, 1947, John Teller ....mOo m.. 00 .m.___82. .._..'Chronic MyocaI'ditis,
June 30th, 1947. Lawrence William un. ."......77. __mChr.onic Myocarditis.
July 27th, '1947; Alex. MCCoH ._mmm.._____m80...m..Chronic Myocarditis.
Respectfully submitted,
D. L. EWIN, Physician,
Elgin County Homc~
To the Wm'den and Members of the
Elgin County Council,
I wish to report to you on the Elgin County ....veed captrol program
this year.
The County Weed 'Inspectors work under and take ord'ers from
the crops and weed and seeds Branch of the Depa'rtm~nt of Agri-crtl-
tUl'e and und€r .the direct supervision ofa district Inspector, Mr;
Willi.::;m Wallace of Essex County.
In combining crops, weeds and seeds into one branch of the De-
partment tliey hope to encourage the control of. weeds by better farm:'"
iug practices, s0wi_ng of clean seeds and as a last resort the enforce-
ment of the \'leed control a,et.
Weed control to becomplett~ly successful must be accomplished
by every land pwner and,_ tenant taking a :personal pride in his sur-
roundings and keePing the~ 'cleaned:up.
Abandoned cir deserted farms: are one of your weed inspector's
problems. 'In this respect \ve had to do work on four farms. We tried
to, do this work as 'cheaply as possible'arid accomplish the most work.,
apparently ,no one had enough interest in those,'properties to care
for them, and t~ey were al!owed to grow up it]. w:eeds; M?st farm-el'i6
_are wiiling to co-operate with the week inspector, knowin:g full well
that he is there for their benefit and that of bis neiglhbours.
Seed grain and grass aeedsare valuable crops and the presence
of certain weed seeds makes them im.t;larketable, a large cash, loss to
ithat farmer. In this respect your weed inspector took seed drill
samples for the Departm'ent of Agriculture and ful.1y one third of the
farmers admitted that they had not cleaned their grain at alL
The old fashioried methods of weed control are still highly recom-
mended and we ~ry to h~ve farmers practice thein more effectively.
The plow,. the
wee,d conrol.
cultivator and the mower are the established means 'of
Summer fallow is one of the finest weed killers yet
Spraying is' the modern, method of weed control In these days Of
high priced labour and machinery In thisrespect5 of the townships
did some spraying using Atlacide a weed killer' whic.h kills everything
and which is not suita91e to use on farm: lands, and 2 townships used
2-4-D with not too satisfactory results.
The Gounty _allO\ved me to run a test in the Springfield area,
We sprayed approximately seven miles of County roadsides using a
commercial 2-4-D preparation. It seemed to work :"very well on the
second grOwth weeds, and we r:eceived a lot. of favourable comments
on the' results as theY appeared in the fall.
This spraying cost $22,00 per mile' for material and putting it on
Thls $22.00 per mile would COmpare very favo~rably with other mean9.
Of doing it.
We ran a test spray on a large farm iri a corn crop" and apparently
it did the corn nOharrri, killing the pig weed and ragweed but not
the grass. We also sprayed the bad spof'-at _t'he s'outJi end of the
wooden overhead bridge east ai St" Thomas The biggest drawback
to the -spray program was that it w~sn't done early enough" Spr;aying
should be done when weeds are in a growing_stage, not when they
have b!oomed, and are form~ng" seeds.
.The County YVeed ~nspector's bill -was $645.23; this includl;s salary
,and mileage, 50% of which is paid by the Department of Agriculture
Your county Weed Inspector recommends that-the County start
Some program of chemical weed control, also ma~ing their equip-
ment available to farmers ,vho might :vish to rent it at nominal -cost
He recommends that the County Council urge the" removal of
priCe control on Ontario. Winter Wheat which combined with a, good
summer fallow is one of our greatest methods of weed contro!. Con-
siderable acreages in West Elgin are growing up to thorn trees.
These small shrubs can be eIiminated~ by spraying with a sui fable
\yeeq killer, much "cheaper than by any oth~r method.
While weed "'control may seem to be a" I-oug way from drainage
controll believe that weeds have a large effect on drainage, especially
in open ditches; a:q.d I firmly believe that weed- control 'on these drains
saves a large bill in the future~
Chicory or blue weed is becoming one of Elgin County's ,vorst
weeds, -anp, I must warn the people 'of Elgin County to destroy it
before it gets completely out afeontI'oL
YOUI' Weed Inspector's job is not ~n env::iable one. -Yciu hear a lot
'of people's troubles, bad feelings and personal grudges, -
But througn it all he - must control his temper and try to malce
the weed situa~ion in Elgin show improvement.
Respectfully- submitted,
November Session
To the Elgi~ County Council,
The following is my report on the E:gin County Home for the
year ending October 31st, 1947:
1'. Number
.2; Number
3. Number
4, 'Number
5. Number
6. Number
7. Number
iug the ye'ar:
of inmates at last report
admitteq: during the year
of deaths
discharged to hospital
of inmates now in house
of inmates sent from the
mnnnnmmm...n m.nmn.m...34
moom.mnoonn.m n..nnoom..mm15
un______n_____.. 5
.m...m....m m...mnm...... 7
several muni-cipalities dur-
Aldborough __..___.n _______._____________________...____ mO._____ _.'__.~ 2
y,armo.uth _ ___ ._____ _n_._ .n____> __________....__.._ _____"_________.. 3
Bayham __ ______ __. n_....___ _..._.u._____ "_____0 mn_ ___.n__n__..._ 2
'.Southwold _ ___.___ m__________________ n____'__ n_....h.____________ 1
Rodney __,. m.___.__. ."....._...._,.__ ..____n'________n._. .__._,..___ 1
DunWich _______n__n___ m____'.nn nm._.____.____mn______....nn____ 3
Maliahide . ..... .___..__u__.____._____________ _.__ _______m__'____,_______ 2
Springfield u___ _._________.....___n.._._____ _...__.._......____.,__...___ 1
8, The various causes of pauperism of inmates admitted to the
HOuse during the year may be classified as follows:
Destitute m.m.__.._
Old. Age _m_
III Health m.
. ~.............~........................~...... 5
........................................ 6
9'. Average number of inmates during the y~ar ___mn"____. ..___......33
10 Ave~ge number with Keeper's faniily and hired help__. .____.37
11. Number of weeks' board of inmates_____~'_______m..__ __,_...;._____ _____1728
12. Number of weeks' board with Keeper's fami!Y_.\.n __".... .___1920
18. Total expenditure during the yeaL."-,______.~_____...__ ._m:.$19,028.51
14. From farm stock un m______m__.. __ommno __mm____ ..__
From" Old Age Pensions, inmates m__'____
Milk and Eggs u___o..,......:.. '.._onm..... _o___om__.._.
:flay Sold ___ ____mm..nun_.
Sundries n__nn____ __.___.______________ __.._n____n____________.__..___
Inmates maintenance _ m____. _u.._,..________..________..__..
amount actually expended for support' of
expenses per, day of e,ach person..
expens~s per week of each person_______m______
expenses per year of each per",on__
Farm Expenses
Hired Labour ..momm____m__
Implem,ents _ ___mnmm______
Stock' ..__..._______,,_____._________n.~.'m.n._
Seed _n___ ._____nn....n____._
Gas arid Oil _ ___m___._._..
Feed _____'.."m._.._
House Expense
JVleat .m ______m_
Provisions ........ ___.................._.___.........____........._...._......
'Dry i{t'ooqs _.__u'.n...__..__ __m.uu u______ .nn_un_.... ___nunmn..nn.
Boots and Shoes nm_.._.__.m....__.'_'_..n__.__....._.._.__n__~......;......:
Furniture and Hardware __mu..mm n__nn ._.... m....nom.m
Drugs n ._______ ._'_n... .__.._m_. .______nmn u.m__ .__nnn.n..n....
Coal and Wood .u u__n _____.uu.nn ___.. __.__mnn _ ___.....................
Miscellaneous m..nno "_._._mmmnm _.nmmn_m_'_'....__..
S 992 38
4476 47
2514 63
578 00
20 00
174 00
S 8755 48
nnS 10273 03
5 94
309 03
197 00
564 78
140 65
33 90
192 82
345 65
1782 69
3257 49
294 54
369 20
1400 68
1324 05
2~ 15
871 95
148 60
801 46
2484 20
885 26
180 00
_nn_____"'__U"- ..non___._"...___ ounon._n__n_ noon_
19 101
657 00
" Insurance
9933 33
General Expense'
Permanent Improvements
Incidental mmn_""'_ n __.____: --
1664 51
1223 18
2887 69
"\ Sabuies
Keeper and M3:tron
Mr.. and Mrs. J" Walch .. .m___m______________nnn
Income- Tax. __m______'__" ....___________.____......._..____.________..____...____..m.._.
1513 10
958 70
300 00
2950 00
19. The following produce was raised on the farm during the.
1478 Bushels of Oats
62 l..oads, pf Hay
llAcres Ensilage Corn
100 Bushels of Potatoes
6 Bushels of Carrots
54 Loads of straw
Quantity of l:.>umpkin, Squash an9- _CelE.ry
10 Bushels of Beets
26 Bushels of Onion"s
235 Bushels pf Wheat
Garden Froduce
6 Bushels popee'm
400 Heads of Cabbage
:700/Bushels of Sugar Beets
20 Bushels of Tomatoes
25 Quarts Milk per day
865 Quarts Fruit Canned in House
350 Dozen Eggs Consumed
720 Pounds of Butter
Farm Stock
3 Horses
13 Cows
19 Hogs
2 Brood Sows
140 Chickens
5 Calves
4 Heifers
23. That the total amount expended by the County on the County
Home is as follows:
.'Farm', 100 Acres, cost ..c.--- 0________ _nn_ ..;~;.$
County Home mm:um noon.... mnnn unnonnn moo
Laundry ____nnnnn nnn_ ______0"."____..
Fire Escapes __m__.o___.__..___..__.__.___..,_____.....____......_.
Root Cellar, Henery, etc. ____. .____m_mn____nmn.
'Cotbtges, ,etc m__n:mmnn;__m_m.m_"nmm__~:;..__ ...._
Brick Ice House m.__________.h..._..______.;...__nm_____
Earns,,, etc. mmmn___nnm__ nmn__ ___nn ..__00__._._._____
Tile Drain ___;_________________..""o__mo_...__,_ uo..________,___..
Tile Drain Outlet n___n___._______ moo _mmn___nnm
Hot Air Pump Tank Connections ___"m.m__.
Refrigerator ,'___mnm "...___..______.....___________._______..
Fefneing __n ____......_ __.____ __ _ __.._....___u__________n____
'Orchard ___.. ___..~.____ __..__ .____u__nnn___'__________
Heating Apparatus mmm_______'m_______'_
Boiler Room and -Soft~Coal Boiler. __._____
Deep Well .nnn_____.n___._____.______n_.____.________ ._.___
Silo .__.___00" ____n _---..nt- ____00.,,_ ___..___._.____._____
Hog Pen ____._...'0000 un _____nn .n___nun___._.________ ____
Electric Installation and yumps_____..mmn
Plumbing _____.____________. ____.__,,__.._________nu__n__.
Septic Tank and Drain _____..m___.m____.
Sundries .ncn'..____.__..__________._._________ __.nu_____
Milk House __nn _____nmnn..._..._
24. Received from Government on account of
expenditures fOr land and buildirigsum.______~_.m._
7298 95
15801 64
687 61
300 00
6952 87
1920 50
7004 37
4417 23
132 03
920 60
1783 00
1.979 07
2305 44
3837 52
2507 40
293 62
654 99
2372 00
3174 00
1146 75
416 35
471 51
67972 73
4000 00
63972 73
25. There ,vere 49 inmates in. the House during 1947; 32 males, 17
females Of th~ 34 in:m~tes in the House on the 1st day of Novem-
ber, 1947, 20 were males-and 14 females.
The Management has been satisfactory.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
J" D" THOMSON, Inspector.
St. Thomas, Ontario, November, 1947.
To the Elgin County Council,
I present herewith report in connection with the administration
of the Mothers' Allowance in the Couny of Elgin:
Since the Mother:s' Allowance Act was passed in Qntario 407
mothers have made application in the County ofE!gin. At the present
time there are 66 allowances in forcf:.l in Elgin.
.From November 1, 1946 to October 31: 1947, 6 applications were
received; 6 allowances have been l~educed, 2 increased, 7 cancelled,
2 refused and 2 re-;instated
All of which is respectfully submitted.
J" D" THOMSON, County Clerk.
St. Thomas, Ontario, November, 1947.
To the Elgin County Council,
I present herewith report in connection with the administration
of the Old AgEi Pensions Act in the 'County of lElgin:
Since the passing of the Act 2323 individuals have made- applica-
tion for old age pension; the present disposition of these applications
is as follows:
Deaths _.<. ._____________mu___ -.-_,_____..___._______._..._.___.,~____.___.._n."..___.._.1141
Refused m..__,---___--______---- _.__ _"_ _^m_.n__.~____n.__._.__n_nn__..__..___.__ 115
Suspended ________ ___on_______________________,___. _____________...__.-.n_____________ 105
D.eferred _m___._...______._.___....,_.___________ ....0___.___________ ......_______...___ 21
Transferred ___._n... _..m.__n."..........__.. _."_nnnn...n"."'n"____nun 79
Pending _..n_.___...._. ._.._"n_.n~___..._u._..__u________.:.____..___.__...-...-n__ 80
Withdrawn __'.n... 'n", ",nnnn....__....... ._'______m__.nn."_n_nn____. 1
..Pensions in force November 1st, 1941.....____m,__.________ 781
Pensions in force November 1st, 1946no.n..___m___._.....750
[From the first of November, 1946, to the 31st of Octoher, 1947,
137 applications have been received; "of these five were made incases
_, where application had previously been made and refused.
Duringthis same period 64' pensions have been iricrease(l, 6 refus-
ed, 5 re-instatedand 7 reduced.
'All of w-hich is respectfully submitted.
J, D. THOMSON, County Clerk..
St. Thomas, Ontario, November, 1947.
To the Elgin County Council,
I have to report the 'following applications for licenses have been
approved by the local municipalities .and the Elgin-'St Thomas Health
Un~t from Jun.e 1st, 1947 to October 31st, 1947:
A.. W" Plyley
'David Torrents .__
nnm..St. Thomas, R. R. 3
_._'8t Tnomas
W" T, Young (Cupid Club)
Gettas ,Restaurant
Wm:, Traicos mo__
Phillion Bros.
Lunch (Aylmer
m_-,-west Lorue
Tourist Camp)
_m."...m ____.JEden, R. R. 1
Port Stanley
Aylmer, Box 644
W"E, Greer .nnm__
Oasis Restaurant
AylI?er Lunch Bar
Capitol Cafe
Sheppard's Coffee 'Shop
H" Ro Bates (Canadian
Ormond Beach """0000__
Robinson and Youngblut m__ nm______ _nomom,,_Shedden
Maurice Bibby m__. _"_nm _ _____.nnn .mo_ __Wallacetown
E. B.. Wood ...n_nm om'_ _mm. ..mn _______.m-'Port Stanley
H~ Tipping .".... ..n 0 .m __mnm__ n...mm __.,nWallacetown
Rocabore Inn ..mno_ ..mn m_ unnom__ un..mAylmer, R. R. 2
Marc}.;: & Marck (L, & p, So Pavilion).__,.._.. Port Stanley
Chas. Wo Martini 0000_'__ non mn __.m___ _un.....m".....__ .___Rodney
King's Cupboard nom_ ___.___.__u mm_ uoAylm~r, R. R" 2
C. Hotchkiss u_ nmm _____00 .m_ ....mnm ___.___ nnnnm__ ___Aylmer
Harper ap.d S~ms_ :.._"m __ 0000 ______mmn _._____.___m,.Port Stanley
Refreshment Booth or Dairy Bar
M. Schmidt ..u__ ___mu__ .mm mm. m_'''' ____"":'______ __Rodney
George,Bearclerc nmo__ ...m.__ m. _________Port Burwell
G. & M. Lunch ______moon ...n_ ...w. omonm _ unnom __Aylmer
Mrs. Howard 'B;'ogsden. .. .....non _ mom _ m_ om __ _mFingal
A~lmer Dairy Ear m.'___ ___mmmm ..00.. n no m.m___:.mAylmer
Williams & Reed ____un ______ om__ .. ___m.m _ un ____om __.Ay~nier
M,rs. Wal!ace Barber m.m__ "omn'_ "."...Eden, ,R.. R. 1
M. M, Monaco n_ _mom__ om __Mnm__n __.:'___u___port Burwell
R. A. Struminikovich ___.m_ m. ..n__ __ moo_" .POTt Stanley
Mrs. E.. Leathorn om.________ __ _______non _ __ umn_____.Port Stanley
Herman H.. Smith ....m._ ___mnon" moo m" ___:_m,n___,_m.:Sparta
A. C: Bradley mn__' mm:_ n on mn___________Aylmer; R. R.-l
Isabel Ho"\vson __ _.__". ____ _____on__ ..._.__m___Port Stanley
Ida Karl' ...,____..m ___,_m..._ mum_ uum_m __._.._..m__~Port Stanley
Bessie Karl' mnO__ ..__onm mno.m__ .. .____m~Port Stanley
James T. Callister m ...______ on ___ . m__" ___m-,Port Stanley
Dorcas Webster.m mm m.U ..mU mnm__ ..m.portStanley
~chl"ams .Garage __... _____u_____....m _ m.... m__ .m_ __...;. .Shedden
Ice Cream Stands
Richard Chute
Roy ,Raney
J; W. McQuiggan
F .G. Cott
Seth Derbyshire
S. D. Palmer
F. M. Fordham
A.E. stol'ge
Clifton Pressey
Mrs. C" R.. Gordon
Roy Morris Drug store
W. McBai~ (North End Grocery)
W Carman Doupe ___nn___.__.....mm_.
R. S. Burdett
C. 0 Daniel
Arba Soper
Ira C. Tate _____.
Aylmer, R. R. 5
Southwald "Station
mmAylmer, R. R. 1
Aylmer, R" R. 6
. m__Aylmer
..Aylmer, R. R. 2
__.___Springfield, R. R 1
n__.Aylmer, R.. R." 2
Mrs. Anna Owen ... ____mmm__. uno_mnn..mm___
Clayton Silcox .:mn_________..___..___________mm ___.Shedden,
~ichar;d Allman nnnnnn _ __em ___St. Thomas,
:AU of which is res.pectfully .submitted.
81:. Thomas, Ontal'io,. November, 1947.
J. D. THOMSON, County Clerk:.
To the, Elgin County Council,
I have to report the follmving licenses in force on the f~rst day of
November, 1947:
Haggan and vvatterworth ___ ____mmn un nnn..____"'_ .:Aylmer \
George R.. Gardner no _ un_ ___nn_ um_ mn.moo ___London
Duncan Brown un._ __on.. _..m._m._ ..__:_______________.mom.Shedden
K. ,J" McAlpine _______ ____un ...m__ _____...mDutton, R R. 5
W~. Rhody ,m ..mOm.mm... _."m" .__.._ _..m_ ___m.mRidgetown
'S;A. Brady .__,. _,.mnm ___mmo'___'___O''''''_ mnn_____,__.DorChestel'
Clarence Wolfe m.___' n n_. mo".". _.m.'__'_ ...C.mm._.____n_____.Vienna
Edward Horning omum_ m_ om"._"'_'__ ......_ Belmont, E. R. 1
David M'cPherson h..m;....'_____'" _.m.O__m..' ..Dutton, R. R. 5
Ellison Randall nnnm__ no__ nmO. m_m._.__m .mmn_ num__Aylmel'
Ross McClintock m_nmmm...mc.~----m.."u..m..--nonmBro.Wnsvi11e
Junk Dealers
Wood Bras" __m___mnnm_ ..,,_m__ .ommO_ nm nn .monnSt. Thomas
W. Halliday _m__ m _..._ - mmn__ 0 __ .m_ "_.mm_ ..st. Thomas
Albert E.Haney m. m__ m _ mm ....m__ m,n.__n mn ...Spada
Morris Perelman .' mom _ _om'__ . mn.port ROWan, R. R. 2
Wrn. Kelly and R. Lacey n_ ____ _m_m_mn _____m_. .St., Thomas
Canada Scrap Iron and Metal .__ m" mmmSt. Thomas
Aron Stark nnn .mnm__ ..mn mm ___m.Port Rowan, R. R. 3,
Ross Salisbury om. _ mnmm m___ . Aylmer, R. R. 2
J. Schure ..un ___nnn __m.n.__ om. ___.n. om. ____moo. _ _"n._~__London
Thas.. Bazruchko nm_._...m __....mm _mnm __._____m._ _West Larne
Transporta.tion of FO'\vl
C. E. Pangborn m.__
E. O. Wight
All of which is r~spectfully submitted.
J D. 'J;'I;OMSOI'f. County Clerk.
St. Thomas; ~ntariol Novemberl 1947,
BY-LA\V No. 1487
1. THAT the municipality hereby acquires the right during the
mOnths of January, Febru,ary, March and April in the year 1947 to
enter on the hereinafter described parts of Lots Three and F~ur in
the Fifth Concession of the Township of Yarmouth, in: the Cop.nty of
Elgin, without the c;onsent of the owners, for the purpose of moving
a municipal hangar across the said lands, particula:rlygescribed as
follows: ~
(a) A;LL AND - SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land
and premises, situate, lying and being: in the Township of Yarmouth,
in the County _of E:.gin and Province of Ontario, being composed of
part of Lot- Three; in the 5th Concession of the said Township of
Yarmouth, being a strip of land 200 feet in width, the centre line of
whiCh may be more particularly described as follo\vs:
COMMENCING at a point in the Westerly limit Of the London and
Port Stanley Gravel Road, distant Fifteen,..hundred feet (1500'), meas-
ured Northerly along the same from its intersection with the SouOi-
erly limit of said Lot 3;
THENCE South 82 degrees 22 minutes 30 s.econds West, a dis-
tance of-Seventeen hundred feet (1700'), more Or less to a point in the
Westerly limit of the-said Lot 3, distant Twelve Hundred and Thirty-
seven feet (1237'),_ measured Northerly along the same, from its inter...
section with the Southerly limit of said Lot,
HAVING a width of One 'hundred feet (100') on each side of the
hereinbefore, described centre line and extending frOm the Westerly
limit of the London and Port Stanley Gravel Road to the Westerly
limit of said Lot 3;
(b) ALL AND SINiG'ULAR that- certain parcel OF tract of land
and premises, situate, lying and being in.. the Township of Yarmouth,
in the County of Elgin and Province of Ontario, being compose'd of
Part of Lot Four, i:p. the Fifth Concession of t~e said Township of
Yarmouth, being a strip of land Two hundred feet (200'), in width, the
centre line of which may be more particularly described as follow.s:
OOMMENCING at a point in the' Northerly limit of said Lot 4,
distant One Hundred feet (100')"measu~ed Westerly along the-same,
from its intersection with the 'Easterly limit of said Lot;
TH:ENCE South 6 degrees 42 minutes West (astronomically), a
distance_ of Twenty-four hundred feet (2400');
THENCE South 49 degrees 07 minutes 'west, Ii distance of Eigh-
teen hundred feet (1800') more or less to a point in the Easterly limit
of the London and Port Stanley Gravel Road w'hich is distant Fifteen
hundred feet (1500'),measured Northerly along the same from its
intersection with the Southerly limit of said Lot 4,
HAVING a width of One hundred feet (100') on each side of the
hereinbefore described centre line, me~sured at right angles thereto,
ar\d extending' from the Northerly limit" of the Lot to' ~he E'aste'rly
limit of the London and Port :Stanley Gravel Road.
The lands hereinbefore described are enclosed in red on the plan
attached hereto as Schedule "A."
2, THAT the County Engineer be and he is hereby authorized
and empowered to proceed with the moving of the municipal hangar
over and across the land hereinbefore described and during the
months aforesaid to enter upon such land, or so much of it as may be
necessary for the purpose aforesaid, together with such lD:en, tools
and equipment as may be necessary.
Read a first time this 21st day of January 1947.
Read a second time this 24th day of January 1947
Read a third time and finally passed this 24th day of January 1947.
BY-LA,"V No; 1488
To Authorize the Warden and' Treasurer to Borrow
the Sum of Two Hundred Thousand
The Elgin County Council enacts:
That the Wal'den and Treasurer be and are hereby authorized to
borrow the' sum of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars from the Bank of
Montreal as'it may be required to meet the expenditures' of the Cor-
pQration of the County of Elgin during the year 1947 and to give as
security therefore riotes of One Thollsan'd Dollars or multip~es thereof.
Read a first time this 24th day of January 1947.
~ Read ,a second-time this 24th day of Janua-ry 1947.
Read a third time and, finally passed this 24th day of Jan'uary 1947.
JAMES A, McBAIN, "Warden
BY-LA,:v No. 1489
TO CONFIRM B3".;Law No. 1371 of the Council of the Township of
Yarmouth for closing and stopping up a portion of the Road knoWn
as part of the ninth 'Concession road of Yarmouth Township.
WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Yarmouth did on the
5th day of October 1946 finally pass their By.,Law No. 1371 to stop up
ap.dclose that pad of the said Roag in the Said Township and herein-
after described, and
WHEREAS by subsection 6 of Section 49"5 of the Municipal Act it
is enacted as follows:
"A By~'Law of the council of a township, passed under the
authority conferred by 'Clause (c) of subsection 1, in the case
of a township in unorganized territory, shall not have any
force unless and until approved by a Judge of the Distrkt
Court of the district in which the township is situated, and in
other cases unless and until confirm~d by a by-law of the
council of the county in which the township is situated passed
at an ordinary meeting of the council held' not sooner than
three months or later than one year after the passing of the
by-Jaw of the council of the townShip" apd
WHEREA.:S. the said township of Yarmouth is situa~e in the
County of Elgin and the said Cou'ncH of the said 'Township have ap-
plied to this Council to pass.a by-la\"( confirming the said by-law No.,
~71 at the current, ordinary and regular sittings of this CoJircit
cQmmencing on the 21st day of January A.D., 1947 the same being
held not sooner than three months nor later than one year after the
passing of said By-Law No. 1371 of the said Council of the Township
of Yarmouth :and it appears proper that 'the said by-law shall be con
WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to close up the origin~l road
allowance, running between Concession nine and the Range South of
the Edgeware Road, opposite Lots 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and the Vt'esterly
part of Lot 20, in the ninth Concession, and opposite Lots 13, 14, 15, 16,
and the westerly part of Lot 17, in the Range South Edgeware Roaq,
Yarmouth Township.
WHEREAS notice of the passing of this By-Law 'has been given
for at least one montl.?-, previous to the date of passing this By~Law,
by publication once a, week for four successive weeks in the "Times-
Journal," newspaper Published in the City of St. Thomas, and
WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of Yarmouth'Township
at their regular meeting held on Odober 7th, 1946, at 8 o'clock P. M. in
the 'Township office, Huron & Erie Building, St. Thomas, will hear all
pei'sons who claim to be opposed to the closing of the ::laid road, who
had given the Council notice thereof by September 28th, 1946;
That the original r:.oad allowance running between Concession nine
~and the Range South EdgewareRoad oppositeI-ots 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
and the westerly part of Lot 20; in the ninth Cbncession and oppo-
site Lots 13, 14, 15,' 16, and the "\vesterly part of Lot 17 in the, Range
South 'Edgeware Road," be stopped and closed and cease to be a public
Read a first time this 24th day of January 1947.
Read a second time this 24th day of January 1947.
Read a third time and finally passed,this 24th day of January 1947.
JAMES A. McBAIl'{, Warden
BY-LAW N-o. 1490
To Appoint Police Gourt Clerk and Stenographer
The Elgin County Council enacts:
That Mrs. Marion Walker be appointed Police Court Clerk and
Stenographer at a salary of Twe'Ve Hundred Dollars per annum.
That all By-La:\.vs inconsistent \vith this by-law are hereby re~
Read a first time this 21th day of January 1947.'
Read a second time this 24th day of January 1947'.
Read a third time and finally passed this 24th day of January 1947,
if. D. THOM'SON, Clerk
Form A-32
J,AJ.\.i'ES A. McBAIN, Warden
BY-LAW No. 1491
the system of county roads in the County of Elgin as approved by
Order-in-'Cou~cil. durmg the year 1947
WHEREAS The Highway Improvement_Act, Chapter 56, R.S"O.,
1937, artdamendments, :r:equir~s that the total expenditure on county
roa~s and bridges be provided for a~:hually by county by:-law.
THEREFORE the. council of the corporation of the said "county
enacts as follows:
(1) The sum of $260,000.00 is hereby appropriated .from monies
raised by levy, depenfures and government subsidy for total expendi-
ture upon construction and maintenance of the said system in the said
county during the year 1947 as fol!ows:
For Ordinary For Special Total
Rate Rate
~- --
Roads & Culverts __nmnun $ 76,50000 $ $
Bridges m_n.._____ _______00___00.. .._noon 4,000.00 $ 29,000.00 $
Roads & Culverts _m _____mnmn $ 112,500.00 $ $
Bridges _m_ ___00____________ __..0__00_____. $ 7,500,00 $ $
New Implement &
Store House _____0__00_00___._ ____0_00 $ 18,00000 $ $
Repairs onn __.m__U__ o____nn___O.._m__ $ 2,000.00 $ $
MISCELLANEOUS $ 10,500.00 $
$ .231,OO~;00$ 29,000.00 $ $0,00000,
(2) The sai~ monies. shall be expended under the ?-irection .of the
duly appointed county road superintendent, and '.On work performed in
accordance with the Highway Impi'ovement Act.
(3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to
the Municipal Roads Branch, Depart-ment of Highways of Ontario, for
approval on or before the 31st of January of the present year.
Passed at st" Thomas this 24th day of January A.D. 1947.
J. D.. THOMSON, Clerk
JAMES A. McBAlIN, Warden
I, J." D" Thomson, Clerk of the corporation of the County of Elgin,
do hereby certify that the f6regoing.-' is a true copy of By-Law No, 1491
passed by the council of the said. cox.poration on the 24th day of Jim:;;
uary 1947
J. D. THOMSON, County Clerk
BY-LA\V No. 1492
'1'0 Repea;} By-Law No. 1468
The Elgin County COuncil Enacts:
That By-Law No" ~468"To Appoint Two Members of the Counci1 to
the Elgin-'St. Thomas" Health Unit" is hereby repealed.
Read a first time this 24th day of January 1947.
Read a se~ond- time this 24th day of January 1947
Read a third time and finally passed this. 24th day of January 1947
J. D. THOMSON; Clerk
J~ES A. McBAIN, Warden
By-I....AW No. 1493
To Appoint a Board of Audit in the COlmty of Elgin
for the 1[ear 1947
The Elgin County Council enacts:
That the Judge of the Collnty Court and Mr. Dougal Carmichael
be, and are herehy..appointed members of the Board of Audit to per-
form tp.~ _duties required of them by the, Revised statutes of Ontario.
That the members of the said Board of Audit he paid the sum of
Seven Donars per day far their. services and dive cents per. mile goine"
to and from each Audit.
Read a 'first- time this 24th day of January 1947~
Read a second time this 24th day of Jan-uary 1947.
Read a, third time and finally passed this 24th day of January 1947.
J. D;'THOMSON, Clerk
J.A:J.\lIES A. McBAIN, Warden
BYcLAW No. 1494
To Appoint a County Road Oommittee
A,S required by the Highway Act the Elgfn County Council enacts:
That _the following five members of this .8ouncH, constitute a Com-
mittee for the purpose of directing the work to be done on the County
Road System ':
J. C. Jenkins---'ForTerm of One Year
R.. D. Campbell-.For Term of Two Years
Meredith Hale---'For Term of -Three Years
Frank McMillan-For Term of Four Years
Fred Shively-Far Term of Five Years
That By-Law No" 1464 be and is hereby repealed.
Read a first time this 24th day of January 1947.
Read a_ second time this 24th day of ~anuary 1947.
Read a third time and finally passed this 24th day of January 1947.
J. D. THOM~ON,_ Clerk
J.A.M:ES- A. McBAIN, Warden
BY-LAW No. 1495
To ~mend By-Law No. 1473
The Elgin County Council enacts:
That the salary of W. G. Lumley, County Treasurer, be increai!:ed
to Two Thousand Three Hundred Dollars per annum, payable monthly.
That By-Law No.. 1473 be amended accordingly.
Read a :first time this 24th day of January 1947
B.~ad a second time this 24th day of ~anuary 1947,
Read a third time and finally pa~sed this 24th day of January 1947.
J" D.. THOMSO~, Clerk
JAM'E'S A; McB.AaN,Warden
BY-LAW No. 1496
To Repeal By-Law No. 1357
~he Elgin County Council enacts:
That By-Law No. 1357 To ,Appoint an Inspector for the Purpose of
Eradicating the Corn Borer is hereby repe,aled.
Read a f.:rst time this 24th day of -!anuary 1947.
Read a second time this 24th day of January 1947
Read a third time and finally passed this 24th day of January 1947.
J. D.. THOMSON, Clerk
JliiES A.. McBAiIN, Warden
BY-LAW No. 1497
To Appoint a Colint~, Weed Inspector
The Elgin County Council enacts:
Th8:t Summers Harper be appointed County Weed Inspector ata
Soalary of sixty cents per hour and six cents per mile for use of car.
That By-Law No. 1480 is hereby repealed.
Read a f_Tst time this 24th day of January 1947"
Re~d a second time this 24th day of January 1947.
Read a third time and)in~lly passed this 24th day of January 1947,
J. D" T~OMSON) ~lerk
BY-LAW No. 1498
To Annex. Area to the E~t Elgin High School District and
Amend By~Law No. 1478
WHE'REAS the Township of Bayham has requested the addition
of the following area to the East Elgin High School District
AND. WHEREAS Chapter 37, Section! R. S. O. 1946 ~akes prov-
ision for the same,
The Coun-cil' of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts:
"That tlj.e follo~ing area be and is. hereby annexed to the Ea:>>t El-
gin High School District:
North Gore,-Lots 7, 8, 9 and 10.
Concession 8-Lots 1 to 10 arid North halves of 11 and 15 in-
Concession 9--lLots l' to 11 and South halves of 12 to 15 in-
Concession 1~Lots 1, to 8 and south halves of 9 and 10
in the Township of Bayham, ~ounty of Elgin.
That subject to the approval of the Minister of :ijlducation By-La:w
No. 1478 is amended accordin?"ly;
Read a L'rst time this 24th day of January 1,947.
Read~ a second time this 24th day of January 1947.
Read a third time and finally passed. this 24th day of January 1947.
BY-LAW No. 1499
Of the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin to
regullt.te. the Cutting o~ Trees
WHE'REAS it has become eX'pedient faT the general welfare of
the County that the \voodlands therein' be preserved and improved.
AND WHEREAS the Trees Conservation Act, statutes of Ontario
1946, Chapter 102, Section 1, emp'owers the Councn of any. Cou~ty to
pass by-laws,
(a) restriqting and regulating the cutting of trees in any part of
the county; and
(b) providing for the appointment of officers to enforce the prov'-
isrons of any by-law passed under this section.
1, That no cedar or bh:i.ck locust tree of a diameter 'of less '-than
five inches no'r any other tree -of a diameter less than twelve inches,
measured four and one-half feet from the ground shall be cut by any
person within the County.
2.. 'This by-law shall not apply to
(a) Thinning op-ei'ations and improvement cuttings but these
or;oerations must be carried out according to approved forestry praa-
(b) "The cutting of Christmas tree.!.
131 -
3. Where in the considered OpInIOn of the tree conservation
officers special conditions exist which warrant the cuttirig of trees
protected by section 1 of this by-law. the officers may issue a permit
for the cutting of such trees.
4. In the cutting or removal _of any trees no person 'shall conduct
his operations as to unnecessarily injure or damage any other trees.
5. :r-ro person shall cut trees or carryon lumbering-or .other forelt
operations adjacent to a:. public road within the <County unless there
shall be left along the said road or roads .a belt of trees sixty-six - feet
in width from the adjacent limit of the road allowance fram which
may be _ re~oved only such trees as may be approved and marked ny'
someone authorized by the County Tree ,Conservation Officers,
6. There is hereby established. and con~tituted ,a~ offfcers;:to en-
force the provisions of this by-law a commission of three membera to
he known as The T'ree Conservation CO!l1mission of the ~unty of
Elgin to -be appointed hy resolution of the Council and to hOI4.' office
during .the pleasure of the Council at a remuneratiorifor each mem-
ber there'of of sixty cents (60c) ,per hour while engaged in .the ,duty
of the q-ommission and mileage while engaged in necessary- travelling
on the duties of the Commission t~ he allowed at the rate of six cents
(6c) per mile. The members of the above Commission and their
agents may in the performance of the;ir duties' under th,is by-law, p-a~
through or over private property.
Read a f_Tst time this 24th day of January 1947.
Read a second time this 24th day of January 1947"
Read a third time and finally passed this 24th day O().JAuuary 1947. ~
J. D. THOMSON, Clerk
J~ES -A. McBAIN. Warden
South Dorchester mnn.___...........________________...___________
Aylnfer __oun unu"____U "_n__n___m_mn.......___________________
Dutton __n_...._-"......_..,._._______......____. _..."_________mn._."__._______..
Port _Stanley m___m___m....m nmn.mn;'..... m__m~___._
'S:priJ.lg1l;eld ._n_____.._______._nnnnnmnunn____ .m__monnn___
Vienna ___ _n _nnnn....____________..________"
Rodney ,_........__.____.....__ ____......._______._._."._______._
West Lorne __".u_n"_ ___m_n________o"_________,,.,,_______
387,390 ,
That this Council is willing to have the .final equalization of
asseSSment rolls, in case of appeal, made by the County J1;1dge.
Read a first .time this 12th day of June 1947.
Read a second time this 12th day of June 1947.
Read a third time and finally passed this 12th day of JunR 1947~
J" D. THOMSON, Clerk.
J'AMES A. McBAIN'", Warden.
BY-LAW No. 1605
To Annex Area to the Tillsonburg High S~hool District and
Amend By-Law No. 1478
WHEREAS the Township of Bayham has requested" the addi-
tion of the following area 'to the TPlsonburg High School District.
AND WHEREAS Chapter 37, Section 1,R.S.O. 1946 makes prov-
ision for the -same,
The COlln-cil of the Corporation of the County of ~lgin enacts:
That the following area be and i,s nereby annexed to the TilIson-
burg High School District:
Cone'" ll-All lotS 10 to 22 inclusive.
Cone lO-North halves lots 9 and 10 and all lots 11 to 25
Cone: 9--'-North halves lots 12, 13 and 14 and all lots 15 to 28
Cone. 8-South halves lots 11 to 15 fueL and all lots 16 to 28
North_Gore_All lots 15 to 27 inclusive
Conc. 7-South halves lots 121 and 122 and all lots 123 .to 136
'Cone. 6-South halves lots 115 to 118 inclusive and all lots 11~
to 136 inclusive.
.solithGore-All lots_ 7to 28 inclusive.
Conc' 5~orth halves lots 6 arid 7 and all lots: 8 to 28 in-
Cone. 4-North half lot 7 and all lots ~ to 28 inclusive.
Cone. 3-North half lot 11 and all lots 12 to 28 inclusive
except portions of those within the Village of
Cone. 2-North. halves lots 12 to 28 inclusive except portions
o~ those within the Village of Vienna.
That ;ubject to the approval of the. Minister of Education By-L~W
No" 1478 is ~amended accordingly. .
Read a f_1rst time this 12th day of June 1947:,
Read a second time this 12th day of ,June 1947.
Read a third time and finally .passed this 12th day of June 1947
J. D. THOMSON, Clerk
JAMES A. McBAIN, Warden.
BY-LAW No. 1506
To AnlllCX Area to the East Elgin High School Districl and
Amend By-Law No., 1478
'WHEREAS the TO"Wllship of Bayham, has requested the addition
of the-- tblIri,ving -ai;e:a:-tlj" the -East-Elgin Hfgh:Schoo}-District
AND yilHEREAS Chapter 37, Section 1 R. S" O. 1946 makesprov-
il5ion for the .same,
The Council of the Corporation oJ tDe C?unty ~ of Elgin enacts;
That the following area b-e and is hereby annexed to the East
Elgin High School District:
North Gore-All lots 11 to 14 inclusive.
Cone. 7-.....iNorth halves lots 121 ana 122 and all lot::l 115 to 120
Cone. 6-Nol'th halves lots 115 to 118 inclusive"
Cone. 4-South halves lots 6 and 7,
Cone. 3-South halves lots 2 and 11 and all lots 3 to - 10 inclul-
Cone. 2-North halves lots. 1 to 11 inclusive,'. in the Township
of Bayham, County of Elgin.
That subject to the approval of the Minister of Education By-La..."
No. 1478 is amended accordingly.
Read ,& first time this 12th day of June 1947.
Read a second time this 12th day of June 1947.
Read a third time and finally passed this 12th day of June 19~7.
3. D. THOMSON, Clerk.
JAMES A. McBAIN, War(llm,
BY';'LAlV No. 1507
To Annex Area t-o the West Elgin High
. School DiStrict
WHER;EAS the Village of Rodney ~has requested the addition of
the following area to the West Elgin High School- District.
-AND WHEREAS Chapter 37, Section 1 R" 'So 0,.1946 makes prov-
ision for t,he same,
The Council of the CorpOi'ation of the County at Elgin enacts:
That the following area be and is hereby aimexed"fu the We:!lt
Elgin High 'School District:
All real property in the Village of Rodney
That portion of the Township of Aldb6rough
de.signated as the Rodney Continuation Scho6l
That .subject to' the approval of the Minister Of ,Education By-Law
No. 1478 is- amended accordingly,
Read a 'first time this 12th day of June 1947,.
Read a second time this 12th day of June 1947.
Rea:d a third time and .finally passed this 12th day of .Tune. 1947.
JAMES A. McBAIN, Warde.n
BY-LAW No. 1508
To Auth'Orize the Warden and Clerk to sign deed1J with the
HYdro.. Electric Power -,Commission. reptU'Chase o.f fimd and
deed with the Township o.f South Dorchester re right o.f way
to gravel pit.
The Elgin County Council enacts:
That the Warden and Clerk are hereby authorized' to
sign dee.ds with the Hydro E~ectric Power Commission
1'e purchase of; land and deed with the Township of
South DOl'c:pester 1'e right of way to gravel pit,
Eead a 'first time this 12th day of June 1947.
Read a second time this 12th day of June 1947.
Read a third time and finally passed this 12th day of June 1947
Bl"-LA\V No. 1509
To Raise Amounts for COlmty Rates during the Year 1947
WHER,EAS an estimate ~as be€Jll made showing that the sum of
Two ,Hundred and Six Thousand Nine Hundred and Thirty Dollars is
required to be raised in the several municipalities forth~ lawful pur-
poses of the County during the year 19.47 on the basis of the equalized
assessm.ent as determined in 1946,
AND WHEREAS the estimated amount required for. Township of
Bayham Secondary School purposes based on maintenance costs for
1946 as determined under -_ provisions ;of the ,.High S-c;hools Act is
Three Thousand Five Hundred Dollars and Sixty-two cents
Total Equalized Va:!ue
_n 4,643,656
3,67-0,850 _
mmm~~ 1,891,651
m__m____.m..m 1,587,468
Dunwich m....
South wold
Yarm.outh __ _._n_nu .00________..... ____ om....n".u".
Malahide u,".m". u__ ___m.,mu
Bayham ______ omnmmuu_
South Dorchester :u_u
Dutton ___m__
'Port Stanley
Vienna om _______mn___.._n__
Rodney 0 0 n_....~.__
West Lorne
Therefore the Council of the Municipal Corporation ot the County
of Elgin enacts:
That a rate of 7.2 mills on the dollar be levied on all rateable pro~
perty in the several municipalities in the County of Elgin as above
set. forth for the year 1947:
Municipality County Rate
Aldborough mo__ _nmumm_ ____~mmu _ _mnm 24,447
Dunw1ch m________um __..______on___ ___ mnm 26,127
Southwold ____ __mm______o___r 0.0 _____ ____n"'U___ 33,434
Yarmouth ____0_ ._______..______m __mum '___...___mu 35,742
MaJ,ahide ___0__ ___'____00_ 0... u________n __o____~mm 26,430
Bay""m mm:m.m.m... m....m ........m....m. 17,914
South Dorchester __....__ ________m___.______m... 13,620
Aylmer ._.____.,____________..:. ___________. ______;___m_____ 11,430
Dutton __o.."_____mo____.___ _____nnm ___.._____ ' 3,584
Port Stanley ______n_._On______nnnm._____o___m__.._ 6,940
Springf.'eld on_______.-o __________mn___ _________. _ ____ 898
Vienna ....._mno___nU_ 0___00______ _____00 .._._000____ 959
Rodney ____nmn....u ________00__. ____un_____ ____.0000. 2,644
West'Lorne ____n__ ________m_____ ______ .____ 2,761
Read a first, tim,e this 12th day of June 1947
Read a second time this 12th day of June 1947.
Schoo.1 Rate
Read a third time and finally passed this 12th day. of June 1947.
BY-LAW No. 1510
To Amend By:"Law No. 1450
The Elgin County Council enacts:
That th-esalaty of John D~ Thomson, County Clerk be Twenty-
eight Hu~dred Dollars per annum, payable monthly, commencing July
That By-Law No. 145'0 be and is hereby amended 'Uccordirigly~
Read a first time this 12th day of J~ne 1947"
Read a second time this 12th day of June 1947.
Read a third time and finally passed this 12th day of June 1947.
JOHN D. THOlll'fS<?N, Clerk
BY-LAW No. 1511
~ By-Law to confirm By-law No. 1147 of the Township of South wold
and By-law No. 1885 of the Township of Dwiwieh being by-laws to
close the South end of the Boundary ,Road between Dumvich and
Southwold Townships.
WHEREAS the Council of the Townsh'ip of Southwold on the
16th da)'" of De-ceinber, 1946 and the 'Council of the Township of Dun-
wich on the 13th day of January 1947 did pass By-laws Number~ 1147
and 1385 respectively for closing all .that part of the Boundary Road
between the Towns~ips of Dunwich and Southwold. more, particularly
described in the said By-laws, ,true copies whereof are ~ereunto an-
AND WHEREAS pursuant to the provISIons of The MuniCipal
Act the-said Township By-lawssball not have any :force until con-
tIrmed by a by-law of the Council of the County in which the .town-
shjp is situate passed at an ordinary meeting of the 'Council held not
.!Sooner than three months nOr later than one year after the pasSing
of theby-l~w of t.he Council of the Township.
AND WHER'EA'S application has been made to the Council of the
Corporation of the-County of Elgin for a by-law confirming said Town-
ship By-~aws.
NOW -THER'EFORE the Council of th~ Corporation of the County
of Elgin enacts as follows:-
That By-laV{ Numher 1147 of the Township of Southwold and Bjy-
law Num'ber 1385 of the Township of Dunwich, being by-laws to close
part ~f the Boundary - Road between the Townships of Dunwich and
South wold, be a~9- the same are hereby confirmed.
RE~ a first time this 12th day of June A.D. 1947.
RJEAD a second tim.e this 12th day of June A.D. 1947,
READ a third time and finally passed this 12th day of June A.D.
JOHN D" THo.M;SON, Clerk
JAMES A. McBAIN; Warde,n
BY-LAW No~ 1512
To Authorize the 'Varden and Ti'CMlurer to Borrow
an. AdditiOnal - ~um of Seventy..Five
Thousand Dollal's
The Elgin County Council enacts:
That the Warden and Treasurer be and are hereby autborized to
borrow an additional sum of Seventy-five Thousand Dollars from the
Bank of Montreal as it may be required to meet the expenditures of
the Corporation of the County of Elgin for the remaiiid.er of the year
1947 and, to give as security therefore notes of 'One Thousand Dollars
or. multiples ~hereof.
Read a: first time this ).8th day_ of November 1947,
Read a second time this 18th day of November 19~7.
Read a third tim'e and finally passed this 18th day of Novembe;r
J. D. THD-M'SON) Glerk
JAMES ~ MicBAIN,~a.rden.
BY-LAW .No.,: 1513
the system of County Roads' in the County of Elgin., as approved by
Order-iu-:Council, during the year 1947. '
WHEREAS the Highway Improvement Act, Chapter 56, R S" 0.,
1937 and amendments, requires that the expenditure on county roads
and bridges be provided for annually by county by-law
THEREFORE the council of the c9rporation of the said County
enacts as follows: '
(1) The sum of $25,000.00 is hereby appropriated fr?rn monies
raised by levy, debentures an~ government subsidy for expenditure
upon construction and maintenance of the said system in the said
county during'the year 1947.
(2) The said monies shall be exp~nded under (he direction of
the duly appointed county road superintendent and on work perform-
ed in accordance with the Ii'ighway Improvement Act.
(3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to
tHe Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways of Ontario,
for approval.
Passed at St" Thomas this 20th day of November 1947
J. D.. THOMSON, Clerk
JAMES A. MlcBAlN, Warden,
, ..
I, J. D. Thom-s,on, Cl~erk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin
do hereby certify that the foregoing is-a true copy:pf By-Law No. 1513
Passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the 20th day of Nov-
ember 1947.
J. D. THOMSON, c.?unty Clerk.
BY-LA'V No. 1514
1'0 CONFIRM, By~r,:.aw No. 1398 of the COl1.ncil of the 'Township of
Dunwich fOr stopping up and c!osing pArt -of King Street and
'part- of -a cross street, in the Village of lana, in the Township
of bunwich,;in the County of Elgin.
.:. WHEREAS the Couricil of the T'ownship of Dunwich did on the
7th day of .July 1947 finally pass their By~Law No. 139S - to/'stop up and
clOse that part of the said\Road in the said TO\Vnship andhereinaftel'
described, and
WHiIDRE:AJS by subsection 6 of Section 495 of the MUnidpal Act it is
enacted as_-follows:
,"A. By-Law of the council of ':3, township, passed und-er the
authority conferred by -a claUSe (c) of SUbsection 1, in the case
of a township _ in unorganized 'territQry; shall nbt hav_~' any
force unless and until approved by a Judge of the District
Court of the district in' which the township is :situated, and
in other cases uFIess and_u~til confirmed by a _oy-law or the
council of the county in which the township is situated passed
at an ordinary meeting of the council/held not sooner than
three months or later than one year after the p3Jssing of the
by-law of the council of the- towns'hip" and
WHEREAS the said township of Dunwich is situate. in the County of
lElgin.--and.the said Coun~i:1 of the said Township hav-e applied to this
Council to ~pass a by-law'confirming the saidb)Haw No. 1398 at the
current, ordinary and regular sittings of this Council commench1g Oil
the 17th day of Novem1;>er A. D., 1947 the same being held not'sooner
than three months nor later than one ye.ar after the passing- of said
By:-Law!'fo" 1398 of the said .:Jouncil of the Township of Dunwich ana
it appears proper that the said by-~aw shall be confi.'rme,d
W:HEREAS it is deemed necessary to stop up and close" a part of
a certain highway known as King Street ,and part of a certain cross
street in the said Township immediately South of Lot 8; West of the
TOWn Line between the Townships of DUriwich and Southwold in sa.id
County of Elgin, and Lot 8, East of King Street in said Town.ship of
AND WHEREAS notice of this By-Law has been given by publi-
cation in the Dutton Adyance, a public newspaper published in the
Village Df Dutton in said County once a.. wee~ for four successive
weeks and by posting the same up once a week for at le-ast one
month in six of the most pu~1icplaces in the iinrilediate neighborhood
of the'said highway andeross street.
1. That such part of a certain highway in the Village of lona, in
the: said Township of Dunwich, knQwn as King Street, as shown on
registered Plan No.3 for Middlesex and its produ?tion southerly on
part. of Lot C in the 8th Concession of said Township, lying between
the production westerly across said' King Street of the North limit of
Lot 5, ~t of said King Street, according to said registered Pian No
3 for Middlesex and the production westerly across ScUd King Street
of a line dra\vn from a point six chains and sixteen links so'uth of the
south limit of the cross street immediately south of Lot 8 west of the
Town Line between the said Townships of Dunwich and Southwold,
and Lot 8, East of King St;reet..:. in the said Township of Dunwich as
shown on said registered Plan No" 3 for Middlesex be stoppe'd up and
forever closed, and cease to be and form a part of said highway.
2~ That such part of a certain highway or cro~s ,street in the said
Township of Dunwich on part of Lot C in the 8th C6:ncessiono( said
Township 'of Dunwich immediately south of 'said Lot 8, west of the
_ J'own Line betwee:q the said Townships of Dunwich and Southwold
and Lot 8, East of King Street in the said Township of Dunwich, as
shown on said registered Plan No.3 for Middlesex; which is south of
said Lot 8, East of King Street in the said Township of Dunwich, as
shawn on said registered Pla;n No~ 3 for Middlesex be stopped up and"
forever closed and cease to be and form a part of said highway cif
cross street.
Read a first time this 20th day of November 1947.
Read a second time this 20th day of November 1947"
Read a third time and finally"passed this 20th day of November
J. D" THOMSO.N, Clerk
JAMES A. McBAIN, Warden. ~
R'LGL."{ . COUNTY .cOUNCn:..
Agricultural and Horticultural Societiesm
Rfepjntier.s u__
Lock-ups ___.:m_u___n '__00_00 '_____..00__00 _ ___mu__ n__mn__.h.______
Public Libraries ,___ _.m_mn ____nmm .._00 moo __.___m__nmm
Trustees' an,d Ratepayers' Association __mm__.mm____
Warden _:__
Women's Institutes
_.n_n___.nm___.. 18
Advisory County Road Committee~_
County Council ,_m_
County Officials mn_.
Deputations and Committees n_...
Municipal Clerks and Treasurers
Appointment of Delegates
~ Treasurer's Reports ,____m_.m moon __._.__________.____
Resolutions-----replies from other counties__
Warden's Address _mnmun__ ___mumun___n
Warden's Election
.n__u___nnmn__uun ___mmnn_nm" 13'
m___un __.____m..._7, 47-, 81, 91
_nnm___..n.__________ 3, 4
12, 14, 15, 50., 84, 86
___m 27
77, 10.4
10, 51, 83
11,44,. 79
Agricultural. Committee
Weed Inspector __n_nmmmm
County Road Committee
County Clerk on Licenses
County Home Committee n._
Educa,~hon Commyttee
Equalization 00 mmunmn ___ _____mnm...
Finance ,8orrimittee nm...
Inspector, County Home
Legal Committee
Physician, County Home
38, '70, 99
mom ________um_. 10.7
75, 116
37, 70., 73, 99
36. 69, 98
35, 68
-3D, 63, 95
~roperty Committee
Mothers' Allowance ..__m__m..._
Old Age Pensions u _____n nnun___m
Petitions and Legislation
Standing, Committees _______ u __ ___...___m_ _____mnm__ ________o_m___n
Spedal Committee re Administration of Justicemnm::'...
mnm _______n_n 39. 71, 100
mmoo _ ______ . _nnu_ 114
un_nmoo __________. 115
35, 68, 98
. 28
19, 72
No 1487 To Acquire the Right to move hang,ar acro-s5
farm lands ..n________ _n_n_"nnnu_.n_____.~.__n_c_. ____mnnmn__
1488 To Author:ize the-Warden and Ti'easurer to
Borro\v. the Sum of Two Hundred Thousand
Dollars u.n. __n_"__"......._____ __________ ___,__n..._____ ___mn_n.......
1489 To Confirm By-Law No. 1371 of the Council
of the To\vnship of Yarmouth for closing and
--..stopping lip a portion of the Road known as
~art of the ninth Concession of Yarmouth
Township _.mn____n__m____________ __.m_________m_________
1490 To Appoint Police Court Clerk and steno-
grapher _____~_ __om ___________ ___ _ _________....m____
1491 To Provide for the Total ExpeIldituTe on the
system of County Roads for. the year 1947.
1492 To Repeal By-Law No. 1468 ._____mm'_____m_________._
1493 To Appoint a ~oard of Audi~ in the County of
Elgin for the year 1947 - _____________mm.__c_m~,n_
To Appoint a County Road Committee..n__c___
To Amend By-Law No. 1473 _m _____m___n___ ______u
To Repeal By-Law No. 1357
To Appoi,nta County, Weed ~nspecto:r;__ c
To Annex Area to the~ East Elgin High School
District and Amend By-Law No. 1478-,
1499 To Regulate the .cutting of Treesn___.._____
1500 To Authorize the Warden to :Sign Agreement
re Administration of Justice Expenses Payable
by the City of St. Thomas ___ ___m_________n____
1501 To Extend the Time fOr Tax Sale__
1502 To Confirm By-Law No. 1158 of Township
Bayham ___00__ .._n_________n. _. __mnnmn______ ___.__mn__
To Appoint a County Solicitor __ _______________
To Confirm the Equalization of the Assessment
10, 120
20. 122
21, 122
22, 124
22, 125 ",'
23, 126
23, 126
24, 127
24, 128
25, 128
25, 12S
26, 129
27, 130
56, 132
57, 132
55, 58, 133
58, 135
Rolls of the County of Elgin for the Year 1947
To Annex Area to the'Tillsonburg High Sc~ool
District and Amend By-Law No. 1478.'___m__'_
To Annex Area to the E~t Elgin Hig:h School
Distr:ict _m.un ____m__ u_ nn ____nnnnu____n_n_.__
59, 138
58, 135
59, 136
"15D7 To Annex Area to the West Elgin High School
District _. ._.. ________mo.._ ___nno_.n __:.__nunn__.....n___
1508 To Authorize the Warden and Clerk to sign
deeds with the Hydro Ele.ctric Power Commis-
sion re purchase of land and deed with the
,Township ""of South Dorchester re right of
way 'to gravel pit nm. "__mmm n__mm __mm ___moon. "_.n 60, 139
1509 To Raise Amounts for County Rates during the
Year 1947 ___. noon 0__ .nn_. ______nn _____mn_n __noo __'0000 .m_ 61, 140
1510 To Am;nd By-Law No.. 1450 " mm_ m. __...no __.. 61, 142
1511 To Con'firm" By-Law No. 1147, of the Township
of Southwold and By-Law No. 1385 'Of the
Township of Dunwich .noou____oomno "__moomn__ '56,62, 142
1512 To Authorize the Warden and Treasur.er to
Borrow an .Additional Sum of Seventy-rFive
Thousand Dollars __.._nom. ______mnm __mm~_ ___umm._ m 88, 143
1513 To Provide for ,a $25,000 Expenditure on the
system of County Roads ____ __.m ______.. m __unnun_ 93, 144
1514 To Confirm By-Law No. 1398 of the Township
of Dunwich _um. ___mmno..... _____. m 0__ nm__ 94. 145
60, 139
PenaltY"re Non-Payment of Taxes" nom..~
Land Exempted, for Forestry Purposes
Amen?inentto the Public and High Schools Act m
T. S. 'Cald\vell n__~ ___nnnn__.m_....oo O___uno...." ___nnno,nOO._m.mn
Wednesday afternoons during July and August for Girls~_'"nmu
Annexation of, Police" Village of Belmont m_.:mm_
Hospital Sweepstakes
Assess'or's Association non
Good Wishes to Princess Elizabeth
Rev. Mr. CoWan m
Daylight Saving Time