1948 Minutes
Elgin County Council
During the Sessions held. in the
Court House, St. Thomas .
in the rnonthsof
January, March, June,September
and November
County Clerk.
D. F. tlVkCuaig, Judge
H. J. Davis, Registrar
1. D. Cameron, County Court Clerk and Sheriff
E. W. Haines, Clerk of the Pea:ce and County Crown Attorney
A. T. Kington, Gaoler .
Alex. .McColl, Public School Inspector
C. Glen Gardine\!:', Assistant Inspector
,J. D. Thomson, CQunty Clerk ,and Inspector County Home
W. G. Lumley, County Treasurer
F. A. Bell, C. E., County Road Supt.
George Powles, Ass't. County Road Supt.
E. F. S. ,Sanders, County Solicitor
DouglLas L. Ewin, !lVI. D., Physician, Gaol and County Home
J. G. Turnbull, Keeper, County Home
E. Donald ISmi:th, County Police Magistra!te
J. H. M'arsland, High County Constable
,Summers Harper, Aylmer R.R. 1, Weed Ins1pedor
County Auditors
D. M. Le'itch, Wesit LorneW. :Eo Lock, St. Thomas, !R. R. 8
Municipality Clerk Treasurer
Aldfbor,ough___JGhas. 1. Black, RodneY___JW. S. Stalker, Rodney, R. 1
Dunwich_____,A. N. Walker, Dutton,____iMrs. Mildred MciNeil, Dutton
Southwold______W. G. Blewett, St. Thomas, R. 6_____Richard Kimble,
St. Thomas, R. R. 1
Yarmouth__________nJH.L. Lawton,' St. Thomas.___..________.H. L. La,wton
Malahide________Harley Johnson, Aylmer, Box 478________Harley Johnson
Bayham________n_______~J. D. Vallee, Straffordville____.____________J. D. Vallee
South DorcihesteL__________!M. S. Charlton, Spring'field, R. R.3____________
M. S. Charlton
'Town of Aylmer____________:_n-------John S. Foy________________________J ohn S. Foy
Village of Vienna____Mrs. Louise MoDonald__JMrs. Louise (McDonald
Village of Springfield____________John Hodgson____________Wm. H. Cathers
ViLlage of Dutton______________Z. E. MacCaUum_____________.Z. K MacCallum
Village olf Port Stanley____________nn_,J. H. Burke.___________"____J. H. Burke
Village of Rodney___________JGeqrge IL. l\1istele____________Geo. L. Miste'le
Village of West Lnrne________Allan S. Craig_______.Mrs. Tena M'cGregoT
Tuesday. the 20th day of January. 1948
The Elgin County CouncH met this day at Ithe Court Houset.
St. Thomast as required !by Statue.
The fol1o\wing members filed .ceI'lt\ificafte.s and took their seats
at Ithe Council talble:
Stuar<t Little, Reeve, Aldiborough
W. D. Elwood, Deputy Reeve, AldJborough
Clarence 'Day,lort Reevet Durrwich
Claybourne GordontReevet Soutihwold
Clarence Orchard, Deputy Reeve, Southwold
James MoBain, Reevet Yarmouth
Archie pou1tert Deputy Reevet Yarmouth
Meredith Hale, Reeve, Ma]ahide
CharUe Johnson, Deputy Reeve, Malahide
Arba J'oihnson, Reeve, Bayih,am
Gharleis F. Jackson, Deputy Reeve, Bay,ham
J. C. Jenkins, Reeve, South Dorchester
E. E. Aitk\inson, Reeve, Aylmer
Nocrnnan Player, Deputy, Aylmer
Howard Palmer, Reeve, Vienna
Fred Shively, Reeve, Springfield
J. A. Monteith, Reeve, Port Stanley
W. C. Wlheraton, De~)Uty Reeve, POI'lt Sta11ley
J. E. Davies, Reeve, Dutton
Dougal Carmichael, Reeve, Wes,t Lorne
A. T. Lasihhrook, Reeve, Rodney
Moved by Claybourne Gordon,
Se'conded !by !M,eredinh Hale:
That Reeve J. C. Jenkins be elected Wa,rden for 1948.
Reeve J1a'fUesM'cBain intIloduced the new Warden.
The Warden addressed the Council.
Warden's Address
To the Elgin County Council,
I wish _ to' again thank you for, thee-honour conferred in elelct-
ing me as W a~den of the Countly of- ,Eiligin :lioir the year 19418. I
know tlhat matters of County interes1t will receive your very ibest
,cons1iderationand that with your eo-opeJ:'lation the business a~:fiairs
will he conduced in a ,eapalble and efficient m'anner.
The present i,nflCl!tionery period which has arrived should
make us very careful on any work we may emlhark, and I trust
thai the CorunC'il will. d~lay any e:x:penditure whliclh -- is not definite-
ly required this year. until such time as material and labour are
more e'asHy oibtainaJble alt a fair value.
'I . trost that -with y.our . co..operal't[on We shall be able to< com-
plete the business of 1948 without 'any increase in the mill rate.
'The ,Police village - of Pom Burwell will have a deputation here
on Wednesday requesting additional'road parvingand presenting'
a petition requesting the incorporation of their village.
The CO'11nty'ssurplus will be greatly' reduced orwmg to. the
expendi1tures in several departments being over the estimates .and
the payment of spe,cial Igrarnts without a levy being made for
The Puiblic Liqraries of the County have requested the for-
mation of an Elgin County Oo-oper1ative LibI'lary Board as prO'-
vided oy proVlincialAmendments to' the Pulblic Lilbraries Act and
it will be necessary for the Coun1ty Council to appoint the board.
nl.[r. McBain introduced the new members 'Of the Cauncil.
Maved by J. (M<ffiain,
Seconded by A. V. Coulter:
'l'hat ;the. minutes. of .the final day of. the Novemlber Sess~an
1947,asPl'Iinted in the prace.edings be approved.
'l'he fallowing Cammunicatians were read:
F'ram the Presbytery of Elgin United Chur,ch with resolution
re sweepstakes - Referred ta Petitions and Le.gislat'ion Commit-
From the St.; Thomas and District Ministerial Association re
sweepstakes - Refferred to Petitions and Le'giislation Committee.
From E. E. Wriglht, Member' of the Board of Gnvernors of .8t.
Oatherine'sHo.spital. re sweepslt'a'kes - Referred to. Petitions and
Legislation Committee.
Fom the County of Lanark re Feed Grain - Referr~,a to Agrli-
cultUt'e ~ Commiittee.
From the Children's Aid Society with appreciation re granf
From the County 'Of Simcoe re dates of halding Court Sessions
Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee.
From the Town od: Port Collborne requesting ,the re-imposing
of controls and subsidies - Referred to Petitions and Legislation
From the County of Oxford re hospital areas -Referred ,to
Finance Committee.
From tlhe County of Grey re Amendment to . the Highw,ay
Traffic Act J Referred to' P.etitiO'ns and Legisl,ation Committee.
From the Navy League of Canada with apprecialtion - Filed.
From the TillsonJburg Memodal Hospital re deputation - B.e-
ferred to Fin1anc.e Committee.
From the Elgin County Library Association with petition re
estaJblis:hment of County Lilbr,aryCo-operative and names of
CO'unty representatives - Referred to Education Committee.
From the County Council Seotion of the O. E. A. with' request
for membership fee and appointment of delegates to c'onvention
- Referred to Education Committee.
From the County of HaLton with resolution re sex pervets
Referred to' Petitions and Legislation Commit'tee.
From the University of Western Ontario with appreciation of
grant - Filed.
From Mr. B.R. Rams'ay of the Navy League of Canada wit.h
request to appear before the County Council - Filed.
iFro:rp.;MajoTA,~, Mair with requestrtoi-aPPe!aJribefbre the
Council- as..kingfo'r'gr.ant - Refe,rred to Finlan.ceCommrittee, J
From the United Polish relief Fund with request for gI1ant _
Referred toO Finance Committee,
c.... _ .1',;; - !
From tlhe Ontario Good Roads Association re Annual Con-
vention and membership fee - Referred to County RO'ad Com-
From G, W, Woods Sanitation Company re soap dispens:e,rs. _
Referred to Property Committee,
From the, Port Burwell Chamber of Commel1ce re delegation
and petition -.:.. Filed,
'From the Dep'artment. of Criminal Justice re Compensation
Insurance - Refer.red to Property Committee,
Fom ;the Canadian Nati'onal Institute for the Blind with report
and request for gra,rnt -:- Referred to Finance C.ommittee,
From the Elgin County Federation of Agriculture with an-
nual report - Filed,
From the County Clerk with report on Restaurant Licenses
.- Referred to Finance Committee.
From tlhe Ohristian Social Council olf Oanada re sweepstakes
Re.ferred to Petiti'ons and Leg'islation Gommit,tee.
.From tbe E.Lgin Law A'ssociation with appre,;::iation re im-
provements in law libra.ry - Filed.
From' the Sah71atd.on Army with reque,st ~or annual grant -
Referred ta Finance Committee.
From the Ontario ConserVlation and Re,forestation Association
with reques1t for Annual grant - Referred t,o A'griculture Com-
From the .ontario Agricultural Counclil with ,request for ,An-
nual membership fee and appaintment or delegates - Refer,red
to A:griculture Committee.
From the Eas,t E1gin District Ins:Htute re oratoric1cll contest
Re.fe,rr.ed to' Educa1tion Committee.
From t1he Ontario Municip,al A:ssociation wit!h requesrt; j[.or
Membership fee - IReferred to Finance Committee.
From the Township of South Dorchester re notice af. Annex-
a'tion of Police Village of Belmont - Referred to Petitions and
Legislation Committee.
.From the Ontario Good Roads Association re restricting the
sale of .ga:soline - R.eferred to Petitions and Legislation Commit-
From the OntariO' AssO'ciation of Managers o,f Homes for Aged
::Jnd Infirm with request f.or membership fee and appointment of
delegates - Referred to County Home CommHtee.
FrO'm t1he Ont'ario Association of Rur'al Municipalities re
Membership fee - Referred to Finance Committee.
From the Gaol Inspector with repor1t - Referred to Property
JA.eporl from Olher Counties o,n Elgin Counfy Re1s'olulions'
iRe Nationalization of Hospital S:weeps1takes:
EndoTsed - Lincoln, Hastings) Middlesex, Halton, Onrtado,
Wentworth, 'Simcoe, City of St. 'Thomas, St. Thomas'
iDistrict 'Trades and L'ahour Council and Carleton.
Na Action - Wellington, Kent, Oxford, Wel1and.
Filed" - Perth and Bra,rnt.
Acknowledgement - C. D. Coyle; Minister of Justice, Ottawa;
Postmaster General, Ottawa; and ,the At-
torney General, Toronto.
Moved by D. Carmichael,
Seconded by S. Little:
ThM the Wrarden and Clerk be aut:hmrized to submit ta the
Minis.ter 'Of Hig.hways of Ontario the petition of the County 'Or El-
gin showing that from tlhe fir.st day of January 19417, to the thirty-
first day of lDecemher 19147, there has been eX1pendred on the Coun-
ty IHghway System the sum 'Of $~72,973.98.
iMaved ,by C. Tayl1o'r,
,seconded by J. E. Davies:
That this Council do now adjourn to allow the Reeves of the
vaTious munk,ipalities tOo meet to strike the' Standing Committees;
the Council to meet at 10. a.m. to-moTrow.
J. C.. JEN[K:LNS, .. Warden.
Wednesday, he 21st daypf .January, 1948 '
~Phe Elgin County Council met this day at the Court Hous:e,
St. 'l?hornas, ina,ccordance with adjournment.
The Warden in the chair.
All members present e:x:cept Mr. Blue.
~rhe minutes of the previous day were read and confirmed.
~rhe f.ollowing Communic1ations were read:
]!'rom the SubuI'Iban Road Commission with expenditures 1948
- Referred to County Raad Committee.
l!'rom tlhe Depar,tment of Highways with approval of expen-
diture By-'La:w - Referred to. County Road Committee.
The report of the Committee to strike the Standing CommH-
tees was presented and adopted on motion of Fred Shively, sec-
onded by A. Coulter.
~rhe Specfal repor1t af the -Finance Committee was presented
and adopted on motion of M. Hale, seconded by C. Johnson.
Moved by E. E. Atkinson.
Seconded by Howard Palmer:
That DougialCarm.ichael be appointed a member<of the Board
of Audit for Adminis,tra'tion of Justice accounts.
Moved by S. Little,
Seconded by W. D. E~wood:
That this Council grant the Trustees' and Ratepayers Asso-
dation $50.00 providing an annual meeting is held.
Moved by M. Hale,
Seconded by J. A. Monteith:
That Clarence Taylor and Fred Shively be appointed advis-
ory members of t'he 1948 Road Committe'e.
Moved by S. Little that Mr. Wheeler of the Canadian Narbional
Institute :501' the Blind be nOlW hea.rd.
:Mr. Wlheeleraddressed the Council re grant and the mlwbtecr:
was l~efer,red to the Finance Gommittee.
Mr. Coulter moved that Mr. A. V. Langton, Agricultural Hep-
resentative be now heard. 1MI'. Langton addressed the Council on
the work accomplished 'by his Department during 1947.
Moved by F.Shively tha,t Mr. Fred Char1toJ;lof tiheJunio~
F'armer's OrganiZJation he now hea1l'd. . iMr.Charltonaddressed the
Council on the work of Junior or:ganizations fOir the past year.
Moved by C. Taylar that Mr. David Carrall of the Elgin Fed~
eratian af Agriculture be naw heard. Mr. Oarro11 addressed the
Cauncill. requesting a grant far the Federatian. This mJatte!r wa6
referred to. the Agriculture Cammittee.
1\111'. McBain maved that the deputatian fram the Elgin Regi-
ment be naw heard.
Mr. Mail' and Mr. lRankin addressed the Council reque'sting a
Maved by F. Shively,
Seconded by A. J ahnson:
~hat we do. now adjourn until 2 p.m.
TheCauncil resumed.
Maved by C. Jahnsan that Wing Cammander Elall be narw
Commander Ball addressed the Cauncil requesting paving af
the Aylmer Airpart Road. The Warden referred the matter to.
the Raad Committee.
Maved by S. Little that tlhe West Elg!i.n Deputatian be narw
heard. /Messrs. Bandeen, Fraser, Merritt, LielbnerJ Campbell 'and
Lancaslter addressed the Council requesting a definite road pra-
gram with a partian af the. roads in. West Elgin ta.. be hard surfa,e-
ed, as soon as they are suitable far this type. The reques,t was
referred to. the Road Committee.
Mo~ed by Arha Johnson that the Deputations :trom Port Bur-
well he now heard. \Messr:s. McConnell. BodsiWor;tlh, Tate and 1vrar-
tin addressed! the Council il'equesting the laying of -a hard sur:fa,ced
road from Port Burwell to the Norfolk boundary line", The mat- '
ter was iI'eferred to the Road Committee.
Messrs. Clhalk, Brown and Wright addressed the Council and
presented a petition Teques;ting the ere,ction of the Palice ViU:age
of Port Burwell to an Incorporated Villa-ge. The petition was re-
fened to the Petitions and Legislation Commit'tee.
Mov.ed by C. Taylor thiat the deputation from Ty,rconnell be
now heard.
Mr. John Pearce addTessed the Council on their behalf re-
qu,esting the replacement .of the present bridge at Tyr,connell by
either a bridge or fill. ,The matter was referred to' the Road
Moved by D. Carmichael 1hat the deputation from the \-Vest
Lorne Community Athletic Association be now heard.
Mr. Cra1g addTessed the Council explaining the fine park,
athletic gr.ounds and arena which. had been bui1t there and re-
questing a grant to assist in paying for it. 'Dhe matter was, re-
ferred to the Finance Committee.
The repart .of the Special Committee on the Talbot Esta.te wa~
presented by the Ohairman. Reev.e McBain, and it was moved by
Reeve Shi~ely that the Council go into a Commi,ttee of the whole
with Reeve Carmichael in the chair.
Messrs. Tripp, C amplb ell, Shively, Pearce, Taylor, Davies, Jren-
kins and McBain expressed their ~iews on the matte'r and on :m,
tion of Davies and Shiv.ely the report was rejec1ted.
The Committee arose.,
The first report of the Finance Committee was presented and
adopted on motion of M. Hale, se,c.ondedby C. Tay'lor.
Moved 'by J. McBain,
Se,ccmded by C. J,ohnson:'
That this Ellgin County Council go on record as being very
much opposed to the operation, over our highways, of American
trucks ca-rrying honded merchandise between bo[\ders in the
Province of Ontario. A copy of this esolution to be forwarded to
the Dominion Transpmt Board; Ontario 'Minister of Highways;
all County Councils; Charles D. Co,yle .M. P. and F. S. Thomas"
M. L. A.
Moved by C. Gordon,
Seconded by C. Orchard:
That a letter be sent to deputy reeve Archie Blue expressing
the sympathy of this CounciL in his illness and extending our
wishes for his speedy recovery.
---,C anied.
Moved by A. V. Coulter,
Se,conded by Fred Shively:
That the usual grants to Women's Institutes be paid. Ten
Dollars to each Institute and Twenty-:five DoUars to E1ast and
West Elg,in Dis.tric1t Institutes and Five Dollars each to Institutes
:where Oratory Contests aTe held. Every Insitltute wishing to take
advantage of the additional gran1t must satisfy the Clerk and
Tre\asurer of their qualifications before applyin,g for same.
Moved by Fred Shively"
Seconded by Arba Johnson:
That we do now adjourn to meet Thursday morning, J:anU<lL["Y
22nd, at 10 ,a.m..
J. D. THOMISON, Clerk.
J. c. J1ENiKl]jNiS, Warden.
Thursday, :the 22nd day of January, .1948
The Elgin County Council met thisc day at the Court House,.
St. Thomas, in accordance with adjouI'nment.
The Warden in the chair.
All the memher:s present except MI'. Blue.
The minutes of the previous day were read and -confirmed.
Moved. by A. Johnsion,
Seconded by Fred Shively:
That we do now adjourn 10 me.etat 2 p.m.
The Council resumed.
Reeve Area J,ohnson moved that the deputation from the THl-
sOIliburg Hospital be now heard. Mess,r,s. Stublb:s and Enchenher-
. gel' addressed the Council reques,ting a gr.ant for the hospital.
The matter was referred to the Finance Committee.
Deputy Reeve Coulter moved that Mr. Mitfo,rd of the Nav}
League be now heard. 1MI'. Mitford addressed the Council re-
que~;ting a -grant. -This was referred to the Finance Committee.
Moved by E. E. Atkinson that the County AuditoJ:'s be now
Messrs. Locke and Leitch presented their .auditor's reipODt :for
the year 1'947.
Mo.ved by E. E. A1tkinson,
Seconded by HQlWlard Palmer:
That the Auditors' report for the year 19147 be ac.cepted with
thanks and that this report be printed.
The report of the County Home Committee was presented and
adopted on motion of A. Coulter, seconded by Charlie Jo!hnson.
The report of the Petitions. and Legisl.ation Committee was
presented and adopted on motion of D. Cannichael, seconded by
W. D. Elwood.
The repor1t of the Education Committee was presented, and
'adopted on motion of W. C. Wheaton, seconded by C. Jackson.
The second report of the Finance Committee was presen.ted
and adopted on motion of M. Hale, seconded by S. Little.
Moved by C. Taylor,
Seconded by D. Carmichael:
That we, the Elgin County Council request the Provincial
Government to amend the Statutes to provide for reimbursement
by 1;he Government of a portion of the premium on CompensaJbion
Insurance paid by the County for Gaol oteficials and employees.
. Moved by M. Hale,
Seconded by W. Wheaton:
That we authorize the Clerk and Treasureir to dispose of the
$-51,00.0. in VictoTY Bonds when the time seems most oppor1tune.
Moved by D. Ca,rmichael.
Seconded by S. Little:
The Elgin County Council certifies that the employment of
Marion Lawt.on, Mrs. Marion Walker, David Robbins, Rodn€.y
Rousch and Per-cy Funnell is pe,Dmanent in charader in respect
to the regulations of the Unemployment Insurance Act.
Moved by A. V. Coulter,
Seconded by A. Johns:on:
That the Warden and Clerk IbeauthoTized to sign deed of
land re. Shelly pr.operty.
Moved by C. Gordon,
Seconded by C. Orchard:
That the usual grants toPUlblic LiJbraries he paid - Fifty
Dollars each to Rodney, We,st Lorne, Dutton, Aylmer, Vienna,
Springfield, Sparta, Bayham, Shedden, Port Bur,well, Port Stan-
ley; and 'Ilwenty-five Donars each to Belmont, W;a~rdsvd.lle and
Harrietsville. .
Moved by C. Orchard,
Seconded by A. T. Lashbrook:
That we request the approval of the Department of Munici-
pal Af<fairs to use the funds set aside under By-Law No. 1422 to
assi,st in payment of expenditures on the bridges and paved roads
of the Elgin County Highways.
Moved by H. N. Player,
Seconded by E. E. Atkinson:
That the usual grants to lock-up and Municipal Building be
the same as last year on appoval of the High County Constable.
Moved by W. Wheaton,
Seconded by C. Johnson:
That we n01w adjourn to mee1t Friday at 10 a.m.
J. D. THJOJ.v.I:ISOiN, Clerk.
J. C. JENKINS, Warden.
Friday, :the 23rd day of 'January, 1948
'The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House,
St. Thomas, in a,ccordance with adjournment.
The Warden in the chalk.
,All the memlbers present except Mr. Blu~.
1;he minutes of the previous day were read and confirmed.
Moved by A. Coulter that Mr. Peterson, owner of the ne1w
radio station C. H. L. O. be now heard. Mr. Peterson addreslsled
the Council on the new radio station which he is building in
North Yarmouth. lReeve McBain expressed the thanks of 1~he,
Council to Mr. Peterson.
The report of the Road Committee was presented.
Moved by A. Coulter that the Council go into a Committee
oJ the whole.
,Mr. Bell expla1ined the estima'tes and reasons for increases' or
decreases, after which the repmt was amended.
The Road Committee repor1t was adopted as amended on mo-
tion of W. C. Wheaton, seconded by J. C. Jenkins.
Moved by W. C. Whea'ton,
Seconded by M. Hale.
That we nQ'W adlp"llr:q. to rneet at 2 p.m.
The Council resumed.
The report of the Agriculture Committee was presented and
adopted on motion of J. MdBain, seconded by C. Ja,ckson.
The reort of the Finance Committee was. presented and on
motion of Reeve MclBain the Council went into a Oommittee {)If
the whole with Deputy Reeve Coulter in the chair. The reporr't
. w,as adopted as amended on motion of C. Gordon, seconded by
E. K Atkinson.
Moved by ~. E. AitkinsQU,
Seconded by A. A. Johnson:
That the. wlhole COIl}ncil make; the tour o.f the County the
same as last year. date to be a'rranged by the Road Committee
and each memlber to be notified regarding the date set.
Reeve Monteith asked for the Yeas and Nays on the follow-
ing . res,olution:
Yeas - Tay'lorr, Gordon, Orchard, McBain, Coulter, Hale, C.
Johnson, A.. Johnson,. Jackson, Jenkens', Atkinson,
Player, Palmer, Monteith, Whe,aton. .
Nay,s - Little, Elwood, Shively, Davies, Carmfchael,Lash~
MO'ved by Jiames McBain,
Seconded by J. A. Monteith:
That the COI1para1Jian af the Caunty of Elgin pay to' the Mem-
aTial Hospital, a portian af the 1947 deficit. This, portian of the
deficit, nat to e:{{,ceed $li5,o,OO.00, to be paid providing the surcharge
an all caunty patients is withdratwn and thase patients whO' have'
already paid the surcharge !be reimbursed. Also that the waI~den
and two. members af the council ,be appainted to. the Memorial
Hospital Trust far 194!8.
On matian of S. Little the Council went intO' a Garnmittee o:P
the whale with Reeve Atkinson in the chair. '
Messrs. McBain, Shively, Jenkins, Elwoad, Little, Manteith,
Wheatan and Caulter addressed the Cauncil.
The follawing amendment was presented:
Maved by D. Carmichael,
Secanded by M. Hale:
That the present resoLutian be amended to delay gr.ant to the
Memarial Haspit'al an 194!7 deficit until the Oauntty Cauncil are
represented an the Haspital Trust and repart in detail the satis-
factian af the Caunty Council.
The amendment to' the matian was las,t and the Cammittee
arase and the original resalutian ,carried.
Maved by F. Shively that the representatives to the Haspital
Trust be the 'Warden, D. Carmichael :and J. E. Dav:ie's.
,Moved by Claybourne Gordon,
Seeonded by A. T. Lashlbllook:
That the Council Qf the CorpQlIation of the County of Elgin,
duly constituted and assem1bled in pur'suance of the premises,
humbly petition the Lieutenant Governor of the PrQvince of On~
tario, acting through his Ministers and the Legislature o.f the
Province of Ontario, that the County of Elgin be empowered to
grant the rrghts and privileges as set fQrth in said By-L1aws Num-
be]~s 151H and 1'M9 and that such permission be granted without
complying with the rrerquisites of the Municipal Franchises Ad.
Reeve MeBain moved that the CQuncil refer to' Unfinished
Business.Lt was moved by Mr. McBain and seconded by A. V.
Coulter that the wo.rds 1947 be erased from the hospital resolution.
Moved by S. Little,
Seeonded by to. Camichael:
That By-Law No 151'5 "'r.o Authorize the Warden and Trea-
surer to Bo.rro:w the Sum of Three Hundred and Fifty Thous,and
Do:Uars" be read a first time.
'Moved by W. D. Elwood,
Se(~onded by S. Little,
That By-Law NO'. 15,115 !be read a second time.
Moved by D. Carmichael,
Seconded by W. D. Elwood:
That By-Law No. 1iMi5 be read a third time .and finally palssed.
Moved by D. Carmichae,l,
Seconded by C. ':DayloiI':
That By-Law No. 15116 "A By-Law of the COr'ipora:tionof th~
County of Elgin to Esta'b'lish a County Library Oo-operative':' be
re,ad a first time.
Moved by C. Taylor,
Seconded by D. Carmichael:
That By-Law No. 15>1:6 be read a second time.
Moved by J. E. Davi~s,
Seconded by {\. T. LasbJbrook:
That By-iLawNo. 15'1<6 be read a third time and finally paslsed.
Moved by J. E.Davies,
Seconded by C. Taylor:
That By-Laaw No. 1'517 "To Appoint a Board of Audit in the
County of Elgin for the year 19-4'8" he read a. firs!t time.
Moved by C. Taylor,
Seconded by J. E. Davies:
That By-Law No. 15:1<7 be read a second time.
Moved by W. D. Elwood,
Seconded by D. Carmichael:
That By-L,aw No. 115117 be read a,third time and finally passed.
Moved by J. A. Monteith,
Seconded by W. C. Wheaton:
That By-Lww No. 15'18 "Granting 'certoin privileges to the DO'-
minion Natural Gas Company Limited," be read a first time.
Moyed by M. 'Hale,
Seconded by W. C. Wheaton:
That By--La:w No. 1M3 be re:ada second time;
.Moved by C.Johnson,
Seconded by J. A. Monteith:
That By-LHw No. H)113 !be reacl R third time and finally pass~~d.
LMoyed by W. C. Wheaton,
Seconded by M. Hale:
That By-La:w No. 1'5'1,9 "Granting certain privileges. to' the Sun
Oil Company Limited" be read a first time.
Moved by M. Hale,
Seconded by W. C. Wheaton:
That By-Law No. 15'1'9 be read a second time.
Moved by J. A. Monteith,
Seconded by M. Hale:
That By-Law No. 1'511<9 !be read a third time ,and finally passed.
Moved by A. V. c.ou'lter,
Seconded by C. Johnson:
That By-Law No. 1520 "TOo Appoint aa County Road Commit-
tee," be read a first time.
Moved by C. Johnson,
Seconded by A. V. Coulter:
That By-Law NOo. 15120 ;be read a second time.
Moved by A. A. Johnson,
Seeonded by Chas. J'Rckson:
'That By-Law No. 1520 be ,read a third time and finally,p.assed.
Moved by C. Gordon,
Seconded by A. T. Lashbrook:
'That By-Law No. 1!512'1 "TO' Provide for the Tota'l E~penJdi-
ture ,on. the system of County Hoad'S in the . County of Elgin, as
approved by Order-in-Council, during the year 194!8," he read a
first time.
Mo'ved by C. Orch!ard,
Seconded. by C. Gordon:
That BY-ILaw NO'. 1:5;2i1 be read a second time.
Moved by A. T. Lashbrook,
Seconded by C. Orchard:
That By-iLa1w No. 16121 be read a third time :and final'ly p'assed.
Moved by Ohas. Ja'ckson,
Seconded byA. A. Johnson:
That By-iL'8:w No. 15'22 "To Amend By-Law No. 14'915," be re!ad
a first time.
Moved by E. E. kukinson,
Seconqed by H. N. Player:
That By-iLaw NO'. U}i22 be read a secO'nd t!1me.
MO'ived by A. V. Coul<ter,
SecO'nded by J. M'oBain:
That By-Law NO'. 1'5,22 !be read a third. time and :finallly passed.
,MO'ved by Howard Palmer,
Seconded by E. E. Atkinson:
That By-Law NO'. W2,3 "To amend By...lLaw NO'. 14:519," be read
a first time.
MO'ved by E. E. AtkinsO'n,
Seconded by HO'ward Palmer:
That By-Law NO'. 15213 be read a second time.
MQved by HO'1ward Palmer,
Seconded by H. N. Player: .
That By-Law NO'. 15'2'3 be read a third time and final,ly passed.
. MO'ved by J. McBain,
SecO'nded by C. JohnsO'n:
That By-Law NO'. 15~4 "To Amend By..LawNO'. 1490" be read
a first time.
Moved by C. J O'hnsO'n,
SecO'nded by J. McHain:
That By-Law NO'. 1'524 be read a secO'nd time.
MO'ved by M. Hale,
Seconded by W. C. WheatO'n:
That By-lLarw NO'. 1524 be read a third time and finally passed.
The War deli appO'inted the following delegates to' attend the
various cO'nventiO'ns:
Roads - Messrs. LitHe, Elwood, Taylor, Blue, GO'rdon, Orch-
chaDd, McBain, Coulter, Hale, C. JohnsO'n, A. John-
son, Jackson, Atkinson, Player,' P,almer, $hive'ly,
Monteith and the Warden.
EducatiO'n - Wheaion, the Clerk and the Warden.
Taylor, Blue, the Clerk, the Treasurer and the
Moved by J.M'cBain,
Seconded by A. V. Coulter:
That we adjourn to meet on Tuesday, March 2i3Td, at 10'
o'dock a.m.
J. D. THO!.v.PSON Cle~k.
J. C. JENK]NS, Wa,rden.
Tuesday, the 23rd day of March, 1948
The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court Hous:e,
St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment.
The Warden in the chair.
All members present ex,cept Reeve MdBain.
The minutes of the last day of the January Session were read
and approved.
The fo.llowing Communications were read:
From the County of Peel with amendment to the Assessplent
Act - Referred to Petitions and Legislation Gommitltee.
From tne Asso.ciationof Assessing Officers of Ontario with
request fo.r mem\bership fee - Referred to Finance Committee.
'From the Navy League o.f Canada with expression of thanks
forr permission to. appear at the January Session-iFiled.
From the East Windsor Hospital with reques't for grant
RefEfrred to Finance Committee.
From the Memorial Hospital re resolution af the Elgin Coun-
ty Cauncil at their January Session - Referred to. ~inance Com-
From A. V. Langton, Agriculture Representative, with appre-
ciation of grant - Filed.
From the City of St.Thomas re rates for patients at the Mem-
orial Hospital - Referred to Finance Committee.
From the Salvation Army with appreciation of grant - Filed.
From the Wes't Lorne Community Ath'letic Association with
appreciation of grant - Filed.
From the Women's Missionary Saciety af the United Church
re hospital sweepstakes -'- Referred to Petitions and Legislation
Fram the Ontario Agricultural Council with appreciation of
affiliation fee - Filed.
From the County of Renfrew re Amendment to the Highway
Traffic Act - Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee.
From the County of Waterloo re remuneration of trustees of
township school areas - Referred to Petitions and Legislation
From the County of Huron refee ror Physicians using hospit-
als- Referred to. Finance Committee.
From the Department o'f Municipal Affairs with approval to'
use reserve Funds - Filed.
From the Tillsoniburg Soldiers' Memorial Hospital with ap-
preciation of grant - Filed.'
,From the Canadian National Institute for the Blind with ap-
predation of .grant - Filed.
From the Canadian Deaf Scholarship Appeal requeslting grant
- Referred to Finance Committee.
From the Township of South Dorchester with notiee of ap-
plication for annexation to the Provincia,l Government - F,i'lled.
From R. G. Johnston re hospital sweepstakes - Referred to
Petitions and Legislation Committee.
From the St. Thomas Memorial Hospital re rates - Referred
to' Finance Committee.
Replies from Other Counties to Elgin County Resolutionsl
L That Hospital Sweepstakes be Nationalized in Canada:
Endorsed - Lanark, Halihurton. .
No Action - Simcoe; Victoria; Huron; Bruce.
2. He reimbursement by the Government on Compensation
Insurance of Gaol Employees:
Endorsed - Perth; Huron; Lanark; Stormont, Dundas and
Glengarry; Simcoe; Victoria; Wellington; Norfolk;
Peel; Bruce; Brarnt; Lennox and Addington; Ox-
Filed - Hal~burton.
Acknowledgement -- Hon. G~orge H. Dl,lnlbar; Hon. Les-
lie Bla'ckweU.
3. Opposing operation of American trucks carrying bond-
ed merchandise:
Endarsed - Narfolk.
NO' Actian - Middlesex; York; Wentworth.
Acknawledgement - Minister af Transpart; C. D. Coyle;
Minister of Highways; Simcoe CauJ.Il!ty.
The Special Repart of the.-Finance Cammittee was presented
and adopted. on motian of M. Hale, seconded by A. Caulter.
The repart af the Agriculture Cammittee was presented and
adopted an matian of S. Little, secanded by C. Taylar.
Maved by W. C. Wheatan,
Secanded by C. J ahnsan:
That we adjaurn to' meet at 2 p.m.
The Cauncil resumed.
Maved by Reeve Little that the deputatian fram the Univer-
sity 'Of Western OntariO' be naw heard. 'Prafessar Landon and
Calane'! Ingram addressed the Cauncil requesting a grant. The
matter was referred to' the Finance Committee.
The firs't repart of the Finance Cammittee was presented and
adapted on matian of M. Hale, secO'nded by F. Shivley.
The secand report af the Finance Cammit!tee was presented
and adopted on motion of M. Hale, seconded by C. Johnson.
The third re;por,t of the Finance Committee was. presented and
adopted on motion of M. Hale, se.conded by C. Johnson.
The report of .the Petitions and Legislation Committee was
presented and adopted on mortion of D. Carmichael, se,conded by
W. D. Elwood.
Moved by A. V. Coulter,
Seconded by J.A. Monteith:
That spokesmen for any delegation waiting on the County
Council be limited to two innumlber.
Mo.ved by A. V. Coulter,
Seconded by lVI. Hale:
Whereas in the year 193>9, the Co.unty Council and the Cattle
owners of the County of Elgin petition the Federal Department of
Ag.riculture to make Elgin County a T. B. restricted area, this
1948 County County do earnestly request the Department or AgTi-
.culture to. take immediate action re the testing of cattle in Elgin
County so .that the Couny of Elgin may as soon as pOssilble !be
made a restricted area.
Moved'by C. W. Taylor,
Seconded by C. Gordon:
'That the g;rants to the Agricultural and Horticultural Socie't-
ies be the same as last year, namely, Agricultural Societies equi-
valent to' the Government grant, Aldborough, Aylmer, Shedden,
West ,Elgin, Yarmouth and Springfield; Hortkultur.al Societies
25% of the Govrenment Grant, Aylmer, Dutton, Springfield, Shed-
den, Rodney, West Lorne and Belmont.
Depqty Reeve Coulter addressed the Council re Artificial In-
semination Units.
Moved byJ. E. Davies,
Seconded by Archie Blue:
That By-Law No. 1525 "TO' Raise Amounts for County Rates
during the year 1948," be read a first time.
Moved by C. W. Taylor,
Seconded by J. E. Davies:
'That By-Law No. 152'5 be read a s,e,cond time.
Moved by W. D. ElwO'od,
Seeonded by D. Carmi,chael:
That By-Law No. 1'5t25 be read a third time and finany passed.
Moved by A. A. Johnson,
SecO'nded by Chas. F. Jackson:
That By-Law No. 152'6 "To IncorpO'rate the Villag,e of Port
B~rwell," be read a first time.
Deputy Reeve Coulter addressed the Council opposing in-
crease in size O'f the County Council by Incorporation of Port
Moved by Fred Shively,
Seconded by A. A. Johnson!
'Tnat By-'Law NO'. 1,526 be read a second time.
Moved by N. Player,
Seconded by Howard PaLmer:
That By-Law No. 1512,6 be read a third time and finally passed.
Mr. Albert Brown epxressed the appreciation of the Village
of Port Burwell for Incorporation .of the Village.
Reeve Camichael moved that the Cauncil accept the invitation
O'f the University of Western. OntariO' and that the Entertainment
Committee arrange the time of the visit.
Moved by S. Little,
Seconded by A. Jahnsan:
.That the Cauncil e~press their apreciation to Deputy Reeve
Caulter far the invitatian to' the members .of the Caun1ty Council
and... arrangements at the Chamiber af Cammerce banquet.
Moved by W. C. Wheatan,
Seconded by M. Hale:
That we dO' naw adjaurn to' meet June fifteenth at 10 a.m.
Tuesday, ihe 15th day of June,. 1948
The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House,
St. Thomas, in a,ccordance with adjournment.
All the memJbers present except Mr. Player.
The Warden in the chair.
The Warden addressled the Council.
Warden's Address
To the Elgin County Council,
In opening the June Session of the County Council I de~sire
to first refer to the improvement in the condition of Agriculture.
The rosects seem bright for good ,crops this year with the excep-
tion of oats, and as prices have reached an 'all time high, the fin-
ancial returns for Agriculture should be one of the best in his-
. tory. However, I do not expect these high prices to continue and
farmers should be ,careful not to make many heavy obHg;at:ions
fQof the future.
I am sure the highway inspection trip gave the new membeTs
some idea of the problems facing the road committee in various
parts of the County, and the heavy expenditures required to con-
struct and maintain our roads.
The County Home Committee visited two County Homes
lately and though our Elgin County Home is one of the oldest in
the Province, I beUeve it compares favoura:bly with most.
The Property Committee have made quite an improvement
to appearances of the grounds at the Court House by the planting
of shrubs and flower beds.
There is a consideralble increase in Children's Aid costs owing
to having to take mnre children into care, and also. an increase in
the number of indigent patients in hospitals especially Old Age
Beginning the first of July a new amendment requires the
County to ,contribute towards a pension fund for a'll Gaol em-
ployees. 'The question of past services should be decided by the
Council at this session.
I t will be necessary for the equa'lization committee to meet
during this session to revise the assessments of the various mun.
The Council and High School Board of the Village of Vienna
are requesting the dissolution of their High Schnol District and
annexing it to the Tillsonburg High School District.
The cnst nf hospitalizatism in the Counfy was disicussed by
some of thememlbers of the County Council with the Minister of
Health, and he promised a survey woulCl be made in the County
to ascerrtain a proper distribution of the same.
The officials of the University of Western Ontario have invit-
ed the members of the County Council to visit and inspect their
buildings this afternoon and to be their guests at luncheon in the
New Legislation
The most importrarnt amendment to the Assessment Act pro-
vides for the rrght of'appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board of the
amount of the Assessment.
An impO'rtant amendment to' the Board of Education Act au-
thorizes the estaJblishment of' a municipal board of education for
two or more municipalities or parts thereof.
The Provincia'! grant to a community hall or athletic field has
heen increased from $2,,000 to $'5,000 and an amendment permits
the establishing of a 'community hall O'r athletic field in a tow'n~
ship school area or part thereof.
A new act knO'wn as the Hospita'! Aid Ac't which provides for
establishing a fund for granting a1d to' Public Hospitals, and the
money to be secured by a hospital tax of twenty per cent on the
prices of admissiO'n to' places of amusement. Also the Da!te for in-
digent patients has been increased to three dollars per day in
Grade A hospitals and $12.50 per day in Grade B hospitals to be
pa1d by the municipalities.
A new Act which authorizes the Council O'f any municipality
to establish a welfare unit and would consolidate all welfare un-
der one board in the municipality for which the Provincial Gov~
ernment wO'uld pay fifty per cent of the ,cost of ,adminis.tration of
The minutes of the March Session were read and confirm.ed.
Moved by W. C. Wheaton that tpe deputation re the Memorial
Centre be now heard, Mr. Courier and Mr. Peterson addressed
the Council requesting their support of the new centre.
The following Communications were read:
'from the Department of Municipal Affairs re approval of
County Assessments - Filed.
From the Onit'ario Municipal Association re County Pension
plans - Referred to Finance Committee.
From the Department of Health re representaJtives on health
Units - Filed.
'From the St. Thomas Recreation Commission re use of Court
House Grounds - Referred to Property Oommi'ttee.
From the Department of Re:Eorm Institutions re pensions fur
Gaol employees - Referred to Finance Committee.
From the County 'Of Wellington re classifying of highiways _
Referred to County Road Committee.
From the Counties, of Stormont, Dundas and Glengary re
equalized assessment and salary of County Assessor - Referred
to Equalization and County Assessment Committee.
From the CaUltty of Peel re fixed assessments - Referred to
Equalization and County Assessment Committee.
From the St. Thomas Memorial Hospital re Indigent Patients
- Referred to Finance Committee.
From the City Engineer's Department re sewer - Referred to
Property Committee.
Fom the. Ontario Deparitment of Education re Boards of Edu-
cation - Referred to Edueation Committee.
From the University of Wes!tern OntlClJriro re visit to the In-
stitution - F'iled.
From the County of YODk re Children's Aid Society costs _
Referred to Finance Committee.
From Sanders and Sanders re By-Law No. 1r518- Filed.
From the University of Western Ont!a:rio re Coyne T,aiblet
Referred to Pr'operty Committee.
From C. D. Coyle M. P., re T. B. Tested ca!tit1e - F'iled.
From the Office af the Prime Minister ro Elgin County He-
solution on American T'rucks - Filed.
F':wm the St. Thomas M,emorial Community Centre re ap-
pointment O'f representatives - Referred to' Finance Committee.
From the Ontari'oDepartment of Agiriculture re Draim,l:ge
I!'Ield Day - Filed.
From the County of Peteriborough re Income Tax Exemp-
tions - Referred to Petitions and Legislation Cammittee.
From the Inspector of Prisons with annual repoTit of Gaols _
Referred to Property Committee.
From the University of "Western Ontm'io re appointment of
l'epresentative to Senate - Referred to Finance Committee.
F'f'Om the Council of the Village af Vienna re dissalution or
High School District - Referred to Education Committee.
From the Local Agriculture Representative's 'Office re ~f,r,
F,armer's Livesltock Judging - F'iled.
From the Clerk of the Town of Aylmecr with resolutionre-
ques'ting assuming of streets in the mun'kipality ~ Referred to
County .Ro!ad Committee.
From the Township of Bayham with resolution re Polio Oases
- He,ferred to' Finance Committee;
From Victoria Hospital re indigent increased rate - Filed.
From the Counties of N orthumber1and and Durhcum reques:t"
ing Provincial Grants ,to Hospitals - Referred to Finance Com-
From the Counties of Northumberland and Durham re ban
on oleomar'garine - F'iled.
From C. H. ZlaJvitz, Zone Forr,es'ter, re meeting at Sit. Williams
From the GniJario S'chool Trustees and Ratepay,ers Assoeia-
tion with report of Annual Oonvention - Referred to Education
FrO'm the Department of Municipal Affairs re date of Assess-
ments -:- Filed.
From the Rodney, Wes't Aldborough Red Cro'ssBDa.nch re
19-4:2 grant - Referred to F'inance Committee.
:Fmm the County of Brant with resolution respecting Admin-
istration 'of Justice relating to Indians - Referred to Petitions and
Legislation Committee.
,From the St. Thomas Memorial Hospital re suricharge OJ.'
Coun ty Patients - R'efer:red from M!arch Session.
Reportfro'm Of her Counties on Elgin County Resolution
Testring of Cattle in Elgin County:
Acknowledgement - Department 'Of Agricultucre.
Opposing the oipemtion ov.er our highways 'Of American trucks
car,rying bonded meTrchandise:
No. arc:tiCm- Wellington, Victoda, Ontario.
Endorsed - L1aniark.
Fiiled - Welland, Perth, Brant, Waterlao.
A,ckndwledgement - F. S. Thomas.
Re-imlbursement by the Government of H portion of the pre-
mium on Campensatian Insurance paid for Gaol officials and em-
Endorsed - Ontario.
Moved by D. Carmichael,
SeC'onded by H. Palmer:
That the Clerk send a letter t'O A. T. Liasillbrorok wishing him
a speedy recovery :Drom his illness.
Moved by W. C. Wheaton,
Secanded byM. Hiale:
That we da now adjourn to meet at 10 a.m., June 16.
J. C. J:ENIGNS, Warden.
Wednesday. the 16th day ,of June. 1948
The Elgin Council met this day at the' Court House, St. Thom-
as in accordance witih adj'Ournment.
All t1J.e memlbers present.
The W'a1rden in the chair.
The minutes of the previous day were read and approved.
The S'pedal Repor:t of the Finance Committee was presented
and adopted an motion of M. Hale, seconded by J. QVI,dBain.
The report of the Property Committee was presented and
adopted 'On motion of J. A. Monteith, seconded by C. Jackson.
The Cleirk's report on Lricenses was presented and adopted on
motion of C. Jiackson, seconded by W. D. Elwood.
Moved by J. M1clBa:in,
Seconded by C. Johnson:
That we do now adjourn to meet at 2 p.m.
The Council resrumed.
The report of the Road Committee was presented and adopted
on motion af C. Gordon, secO'nded by A. Johnson.
'The repor1t of the Eduoatton Committee was presented and ad-
opted on motion of A. V. Coulter, seconded by C. OTchard.
The repor,t orf the Pe'titions and Legislation Committee Wias
presented and adopted on motion of D. Carmichael, se.c'Onded by
W. D. E:lwood.
'The firs:t report of the Finance Oommittee was presented and
on mati on of A. Coulter the C'Ouncil went intO' a C'Ommittee of the
whole with Reeve Little in the chair.
AfteT some dis'cussion re griant to' the University of Western
Ontario the Cammittee arose and the report was adopted on mo-
tion of E. E. Atkinson, seconded by D. Carmich:ael.
The se1cond report of the Finance Committee was presented
and adopted on motion of M. Hale, seconded by R. Coles.
The report of the Equalization CO'mmit'tee was presented and
adopted on mation of J.E. Davies, seconded by S. Little.
Moved by C. Johnson,
Seconded by A. V. Coulter:
That the young ladies 'Of the Court House staff be allowed
Wednesday afternoons aff durirng July and August.
Moved by D. Carmichael,
Seconded by S. LitUe:
'That this County Council request that County Police Court
be held ev,ery day eXlcept Sundays and holidays p['oviding there
are eases which may be heard, as this will. eliminate many of the
remands now being made and a copy be sent to the Aitmney-
General, Toronto.
Moved by C. vr. Taylor,
Seconded by J. E. Davies:
That a po.rtion of the County Gaol be designaied as, a lockup
house for any local municipality of the County of Elgin and the
property Committee set a reas'onable rate io he charged the local
municipality for the use of same.
Moved by A. V. Coulter,
Seconded by F,red Shively:
That this Council ma~e :fhrmal request to the Minister of
Health of the Province to conduct a survey of hospital facilities in
Elgin at an early date, at no COSlt to the County.
Moved by A. V. Coulter,
Seconded by C. W. Taylor:
'That this Council endorse the campaign to raise $20'0,,00'0' in
St. Thomas and E:lgin County for the pUTlpose of erecting the St.
Thamas-iElgin Memodal Centre.
,Messrs. Coulter, Atkinsan, Little, Car.mkhael, A. Johns,'on;
Davi'es, Monteith and Gordon, address,ed the Council in support
of the resolution.
Moved by E. E. Aitikinson,
Seconded by H. N. Player:
That the Clerk write a letter ta Western Univers'ity thanking
them for the hospitality shawn t'O the C'Ounty Council yesterday.
Maved byJ. A. Monteith,
Seconded by C. Johnson:
The Elgin County CouncH certifies that the emplayment of
John Simpson is permanent in character in respect to the regu-
lations of the Unemploy,ment Insurance Ad.
The 'Treasurer presented his rep-or',t an Receipts and Expendi-
tures t'O June 1st, and it was moved by C. Orchard that this re-
port be accepted and printed in the Proceedings.
Moved by D. OaDmichael,
Se,conded by S. Little:
That By-Law NO'. 1'5!2i7 "To Extend t1he Time for 'Dax Sale,"
,be read a first time.
Moved by S. Little,
Seconded by C. W. Taylor:
That By-La:w No. 1512'7 be read a second time.
Moved by A. Bl1ue,
Seconded by J. E. Davies:
That By-lLa'w NO'. lil5l27 be read a third Hille and finally pass-
Moved by J. E. Davies,
Seconded by D. Carmichael:
That By-lLra1w NO'. 151218 "To Appoint a Member of the Seniat"
of the University of We Sit ern Ontario," be read a first time.
Mo'ved .. by D. Carmichael,
Seconded by C. W. T,aylor:
That By-Law No. 1512'8 be read a second time.
Moved by C. W. Taylor,
Seconded by A. Hlue:
That By-IL'a'w No. 115,218 be read a third time and :liinally passed.
'Moved by HO'warrd Pialm,er,
Seconded by E. E. Atkinson:
That By-La:w No. 15'219 "A By-Law to' prrovide for the Disso-
lution of the High School District of Viienna and Annexing the
areia to the Tills'OI1IbuI'Ig High School District" be re1ad a first time.
Moved by Howard Palmer,
Seconded by H. N. Player:
'l'hat By-Law No. 1t5i2,g !be read a second time.
Moved, by Howard Palmer,
Seconded by H. N. Player:
That By-Law No. 115i29 be read a third time and finally passed.
Moved by R. Coles:
Se1conded by C. Gordon:
That By.,[.aw No. 1151310 "GDanting ,cerrrbain privileges to Do-
minion Natural Gas Company Limited" be read a :Eks't time.
Moved by C. GaTdon,
Seoonded by R. Coles:
That By-lL'alw No.. 1i53'0 be reiad a secand time.
Moved by 'R. Cales,
Seconded by C: Gordon:
That By-iLia!w No. 15,30 be read a third time and fInally passed.
Moved by J. A. Monteith.
Seconded by M. Hale:
That By-L'3.lw No. 1'513'1 HGranting ce:rtain privileges to. Sun
Oil Company Limlited" be read a first time.
Moved by M. Hale,
Seconded by C. Jladkison:
That By-lLaw No. 115'311 be read a second tim'e.
Moved by M. Hlale:
Seconded by J. A. Monteith:
That By-ilia'w No. 115,31 be read a third time and finally passed.
Moved by A. V. Ooulter,
Seconded by Fred Shively:
That By-Law No. 15312 "To Confirm the Equalization of the
Assessment Rolls of the County of Elgin .for the year Hl4'8" be
read a first time.
Moved by A. A. Johnson,
Seconded by Chas. F. Jackson:
That By-Law No. 1532 be read a second time.
Moved by Fred Shively,
Seconded by A. V. CouUeT:
That By-Law No. 153~2 be read a third time and finally passed.
IVloved by S. Little,
Seconded by W. D. E.~wood:
. That this County Council adjourn to meet on Monday, Sep-
tember 13th, at 10 a.m.
J. D. THiOM!SON Clerk.
J. C. J.ENKIiNS, Warden.
Monday. the 13th day of 'September. 1948
Tbe Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House,
St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment.
The Warden in the chair.
All the members present except Mr. Elwood and Mr. McBain.
Warden Jenkins iIl!tlloduced Mr. l}.arnetSpee,rs new Deputy
Reeve of Port Stanley, and Mir. W. D. McKillop', Acting Reeve of
West Lorne.
ThE> minutes of the June Session WeTe read and confirmed.
The following Communications were read:
From the University of W'estern Ontario with appreciation ot
grant - Filed.
From the County of Welland with resolution re repealing Sec-
tions ~,60 and 361 of the Municipal Act - Referred to Petitions
and Legislation committee.
Fro.m the County of Lanark re weed ,control on highways _
Referred to A'gdcultuDe Committee.
From the County of Kent with resolution re representatives'
term of office on Health Units. - Referred to Petitions and Legis-
lation Committee.
From the Ontario Hog Producers re minimum car weights for
li.vestack - Referred to' Algriculture Committee.
From the County of Wentworth re hospitalization for immi-
grants. - Ref.erred to Petitions and Legislatian Committee.
From the City af St. TIhomas. re .annexing lands in the Tawn-
ship of YarJTIouth ..,- Filed.
Fram the Department of the Attorney General r,e payments
under the Workmen's Compensation Act in respect to' Gaol Em-
ployees - l1'iled.
'Replies from Other Counties o,n Elgin 'County Reso,lutions
1. Re Has'Pital Survey:
Acknowledgement - Minister of Health.
2. Opposing the opelI'ation of American trucks oarrying bond-
ed merchandise:
Endorsed - County of Huron.
No Action ~ Caunty af Hastings.
The Special repart af the Finance Committee was presented
and adopted on motion of M. Hale, seconded by C. Gordon.
Reeve Davies asked re care of maintenance af patients if new
hospital shauld be estaiblis.hed in Duttan.
Moved by S. Little,
Seconded by W. D. M,cK1iUop:
That this Council do now adjourn to meet at 2 p.m.
The Council resumed.
The rep'Ort of the Petitions and Legislation Committee was
p:resented and adopted on motion of J. E. Davies" seconded Iby A.
T. Lashbrook.
The first report of the Finance Committee was presented and
adopted on motion of M. Hale, Seconded by C. Taylo;r.
The sec.ond report of the Finance Committee was presented
and adopted on motion of M. Hale, seconded by F. Shively.
The report of the County Road Committee was presented ,and
adopted on motion of C. Gordon, seoonded by A. Johnson.
The rep'Ort of the A~iculture Committee was presented and
adopted on motion of C. Taylor, seconded by C. Gordon.
Moved by J. A. Monteith,
Seconded by M. Hiale:
That Garnet Speers., Deputy Reeve of Port Stanley, be rep-
resentative on all County Council CommiHees in place 'Of W. C.
M,oved by H. Palmer, seconded by C. Gordon, th:at the' County
Council memlbers bring a Junior boy as guest on the :first day of
County Council, N ovemiber 23rd.
Moved by :F<red Shively,
Seconded 'by Chas. F. J'a,ckson:
Owing to the shortage of Butter that the Elgin County Goun-
dl 'Jpetition the Government to legalize the sale and manuf.a'cture
of" oleom,qrgq.rine ,,', in Canada.
Warden Jenkins requested Reeve Little to take the' chair 'and
afteil' a lengthy discussion by various members th motion carried.
Moved by W~D. McKillop,
Secionded' by S., Little:
That By-Law No. 15,3,3 "To Authorize the W,arden and Trea-
surer to' B()['TOW a~Additiollial Fifty Thousand Dollars," be read
a first time.
Moved by S. Little,
Seconded by C. Taylor:
That By-L'aw No. 1533 be read a second time.
Moved by C. TaY,loT,
Seconded by A. Blue:
That By-Law No. 1533 be i!'~ad a third time and finally passed.
MOved by A. T. Lashbrook,
Seconded by C. Orchard:
That By-Law No. 1534 "A By-Law to Pr<}vide for Contribu-
tions for Superannuation to Gaol Officials and Employees," be
read a fir,st time.
'Moved by C. Gordon,
Seconded by A. T. Las:blbrook:
'Tha.t By-Law No. 15314 te read a se,cond time.
Moved by Howard Palmer,
Seconded by C. Orchard:
That By-)Law N"o.1;5134 be !lead a third time and finally passed. '
Moved by C. Johnson,
Seeondedby A. A. J,ohnson:
'That By-Law No, 16,35 "A By-Law to Amend the By-Law
Adopting a Plan of County Road Imp~o;vement and to Establish a
COllmty Road Syst,em in the County 01: Elgin passed undelT the
Highway ImprovelInent Ad," be read a first time.
Moved by F. Shively,
ISeeonded by C. Johnson:
Tha~t By-IL,aw No. 15,315 be read a second time.
Moved by Chas. 'F. J,ackson,
Seconded by C. J oihnson:
That By~La'W No. 15'3!5 be read a third time and finally passed.
IMoved by H. N. Playea:,
Seconded by Chas. F. J,ackson:
That By-[.'a!w No. 15,316 "To Assume a Bridge in the Town 01:
Aylmer," be read a first time.
Moved by A. A. J'ohnson,
Seconded by C. Johnson:
That BY-ILarw No. 1513,6 be read a second time.
Moved by Chas. F.-Jiackson,
Seconded by F. Shively:
That B,y-tLalw No. 1\5\3tH be re1ad .a third time and finally passed'.
Moved by S. LitHe,
Seconded by C. Taylor:
That we do now adjourn to meet at 10 a.m., Tuesday, NovE~m-
ber 23rd.
Tuesday, the 23rd day of November. 1948
The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House,
St. Thomas, in aC'cordance with adjaurnment.
The Warden in the chair.
All the members present.
The W'arden addressed the Council and expressed plea8ure at
having the Junior Farmers present.
Warden's Address
To the Elgin County Council,
In opening the final session of the 1948 County Council, I wish
to congratulate you on the splendid manner in which you have
conducted the business of the County.
At the January /Session large deleg'laitions of ratepayers were
present reques,ting the Gounc.il to spend more money on improve-
ment of County roads, and ,as a result the Road Committee has
!already spent over $300,00.0, however, I believe the laying of our
eigbt miles of permanent pavement and the foundation 'Of the new
'T,yriconnel bridge in the Western part of the County, the resudac-
ingand widening of roads, ,and sealing of ipresen,t pavements in
other parts of the County shows good results for the money ex-
The County Home Committee inspeded Institutions. in two
other Counties this year and I believe our County Ham,e >compareS'
very favouraibly with them. The Committee pur'dhased an ele'c-
,tric rang.e :fhr the kitchen which required considerafble additional
wiring, and several of ,the rooms and halls have been repainted.
.our Caunty Ro:ad Employees painted the barn and other buildings
which makes a great improvement in :appe,ariancees.
.owing to' the bad 'Condition of the Chimneys on the Court
Hause, the Property Cammittee had to spend a consider,able am-
ount in repairing them and the roaf 'Of the Court House.
The carpet for the Court roam and the Judges Chamlber,
which w,as ordered by last ye1ar's County Council is the largesfi
item in the expenditures of the Committee this year ~
The cost of the Children's Aid Society to the County has in-
creased ,at leas't 'vhiI1ty per >cent this ye1ardue to taking more child-
ren into care, and the rate being increased.
The eX!penditures f.ar indigents in hospitals, will be larger due
to increased rates and espedally the increasing number contfined
in Nursing Homes.
The Elgin County Tree Cammission have reques,ted some
amendments to' the Tree Cantrol By-Law, which will be presented'
for your consider,ation on.
The Special Committee appointed at the June Session on a
Contrilbutory pension sYlstem for County employees will have a
repc'l't to present f.or your consideratian which I trusf you will
give serious cansideration, as we have several employees with
many years' service to the County of Elgin.
I am' sure we are all" proud of the splendid siho'wing made' by
our Junior F,armers and Girls at the vadous Judging competitions
held ,at LOndon, Guelph and T,o.o:h.to, esecially at the Royal Fair,
whl~re in 6Ompet.itidnwith teams from all over Ganada brought
too hlghesthondufs to Elgin County. [am sure Mr. Langton and
Mr, Nelson ate deserving of great cfedit f,or the prepari~g. 6!f the
Judging team,.
The minutes of the September Session were re1ad and approv-
The follow.ing Communications were re,ad:
From the Department of Agricu.ltu.re with report b!f Live-
stoek Judging Competition - Filed.
Ft,dm the [)ep:a:l:'tmertt Of Reform Ilistitutions re ods:t of LiVing
Bonus for Gaol Employees -- Referred to Firi,arrce. Oommittee.
.Ftotri St. Jonn'~ .A.fflIjlllance With reqliest fof grahit -- Refer-
red to Finance. Comrnittee.
From the West Elgin HigihSchool Board re appointment of
County memlber - Referred to Education Committee.
From the IBoard of Geographical Names re changing name of
Catfish Creek - Referred to Petitions and Legislation Commtttee..
From Elgi!). County Employees with request for Pens,ion Sys-
tem -- Referred to Special Committee re Pensions.
From the Ontario Municipa~ -Association re Amendment to
the Criminal Code - Referred to Pet,itibns and Legislation Com-
From the Ontario Executive Council re Employment of Ga'Ol
Labour - Filed.
From'the University of W,estern Ontario with appreciation of
gr,ant for sciholarsJhiip'S - Filed.
From the W,ar Memorial Children's Hospital, London, with re-
quest for grant - Referred to Finanoe Committee.
Fom the County of York. re Amendment to the Criminal Code
-Referred to Petitions and L'egislation Committee.
From. the Township of iMer,sea recommending that an amend-
ment be made on the ruling to cover tile drains, etc., to 'allow de-
preciation thereon for income tax purposes - Referred to. Pe,ti-
tions and Legislation Committee.
From the County of York regarding lamendment to the Mun-
icipal Ad to permit secret ballot for warden and other app.oint-
ments by the County - Referred to Petitions and Legislation
Replies from Other Counties. :to Elgin County Resolutio,ns
1. :Requesting the Provincial Government to ,pray a portion o~
the Premium on Compensation Insurance Io'r Gaol Employees: .
Endorsed - Hastings County.
2. To Legalize the Sale and !Manufacture of Oleomargarine in
Acknowledgement - Hon. JamesG. Gardiner.
'The County Clerk's reports on the County Home, Old .Age
Pensions, Mothers' Allowance and Licenses were presented.
The repoTt o,f the Physician, Dr. Ewin, re the County Home,
was presented.
Moved by D. Oarmichael,
,seconded by S. iLlittle:
That the County Clerk's reports. on the County Rome, 01d Age
P.ensions, ,Mothers' Allowances and Licenses and Dr. Elwin's report
be accepted ,and printed in the Proceedings.
Moved by A. A. J,oihnson,
Seconded by J,ames M,C[Bain:
That M'rs. Homer TeddJord be Returning Officer for the first
election of the Village of Port Burwell and that By-Law No. 1526
be amended aC1cordingly.
Moved by C. Gordon,
Seconded by A. T. Lashbrook:
That the W'arden and Clerk be authorized to sign form of
Certificate regarding Permanent" Employees of the County of El-
Moved by J,ames A. MoBain,
Seconded by M. Hale:
That considering the honour the Elgin County Judging Team
of Junior Boys has br,ou.gh ,to this County a gl'!ant of Tiwenty.,fiv'e
Dollars each be given to Raymond Taylor and Donald Jenkins.
The Special Finance Report was pi'esented and adopted on
motion .of 'M. Hale, seconded by F ~ _ Shively.
Moved by J. McBain,
Seconded by A. Johnson:
That we do. now ,adjourn to meet at 2 p.m.
The Council re.umed.
,Moved by F.!Shively that the delegation from the Ingersoll
Telephone Go. he now heard. Mr. Dunn and Mr. Stew,art address-
ed the Council requesting a fr:anchise for lines on County roads.
'The matter was referred to the Road Committee.
It was moved by C. Gordon that the delegation from ,the Fed.,.
eratton of A:gr'iculture be now heard. Mr. J. Ferguson and Mr.
David Carroll addressed the Council giving a report on the year's
activities and expenditures and also the new Elgin Medical Ser.
vic\=s plan inaugurated by the Federation.
Moved by S. Little,
Seconded by D. Carmrehael:
That we do now adjourn to meet Wednesday mm-ningat 10
Wednesday. the 24th day of November. 1948
The E1gin County Council met this day at the Court House,
House, St. Thomas, in, accordance with adjournment.
The Warden in the chair.
All the memJbers present except M,r. Speers.
The minutes of the previous day were read and ,approved.
The report of Summers !Harper, Weed Inspector, was present-
ed and it was moved by C. Gordon, se.conded by J. MciBain, that
the report be accepted and printed in the ProeeedillJgs.
Moved by A. A. Johnson that A. V. Langton, Agricultural
iHepresentative be now heard. Mr. Langton add~essed the Coun-
cil on the work accomplished by his Department during the year.
Mr. Arfba Johnson eXlpressed appreciation to Mr. Lang;ton for
his address.
'The report oJ the Agriculture Committee was presented and
adopted on motion of J. A. McHain, seconded by S. Little.
'The report of the Property Committee was prezented and
adopted on motion of J. A. Monteith, see:onded by C. Jackson.
'The report of the Petitions ,and Legislation Committee was
presented and adolpted on motion of D. Garmi'chael, secanded by
N. Player.
The report of the Special Committee re the Pension Plan was
prersrell'ted and on motion of A. Go'lll ter the Council went int'O a
Committee of the whole with Reeve Atkinson in the chair.
:Moved by A. Coulter that the report be laid over till Thurs-
day morning.
,Moved by F. Shively,
Seconded by A. V. Coulter:
That we do now ,adjourn to 2 p.m.
The Council resumed.
The report of the Finance CommHtee was presented and ad-
opted on motion of M. Hale, seconded by J. McBain.
The reiport of the Education Committee was presented andt
adopted on motion of H. Palmer, seconded by A. Johnson.
Moved by C. Gordon,
Seconded by A. T. Lashbrook:
This Council wishes to go on record as being opposed tq the
present plan of bringing displaced persons and other immigrants
to' Canada. Under the present system whereby individual citi-
zens or groups may arrange for bringing such displaced persons to
Canada, the transaction is entirely between such vouching indi-
vidualsand the immigration department of the iDominion Govern-
ment. The local munrcipaity is not notified and has nothing to
say about the admittance of such persons, hut in event of sickness
or hospitalization, the local municipality has to assume such
charges, if the case is classed as indigent. There does not appear
to be any obligation imposed on the person or persons who, bring
such immigrants to Canada to' assume such obliga Hons.
This County Council feels that local municipalities should be
consulted in all cases where displaced persons are being brought
to Canada and that the local municipality should be protected
ag,ainst sickness and hospitalization 'charges for a period of at
least one year.
After consideralble discussiO'n the resolution was lost.
Moyed fby Reeve Gordon that F. W. Kerr be now heard. Mr.
Kerr addressed the Council re Four Wheel Drive Truck.
Moved by C. W. Taylor,
Seconded by :S. L,ittle:
'That this Elgin County Council is strongly opposed to the
proposed new Super Highway in Wes!tern Ontario and wO'uld re-
commend that the Ontario Department of Highways remedy the
traffic canditions by improving the present provincial highways
in this part of the Province and copies. of this resoh11tion be for-
warded to the Ontario Department of Highways and other County
Moved by F. Shively,
Seconded by J. Monteith:
That we do now adjourn to meet Thursday, at 10 a.m.
Thursday.. the 25th day of, November. 1948
The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House,
St. Thomas, in accordance with . adjournment.
The Warden in the chair.
All the memlbers present.
The minutes of the previous day were read and adopted.
A Communication from the Honourable Russell Kelly, Minis-
ter of Health, re Hospitaf Survey was presented and ordered filed
with the recommendation that if a complete detailed report is no't
received in six weeks the Clerk write for the report.
The second report of the Finance Committee was presented
and adopted on mation of M. Hale, seconded by A. Coulter.
The third report 'Of the Finance Committee was presented and
adopted on motion of M. Hale, seconded by C. J ahnson.
Th,e report of the County Road Cammittee was presented and
adotped on motion of C. Gordon, seconded by S. Little.
The Sipecial Committee report an Pensions which was laid
over fram t'heprevious d~y was ag,ain presented and Mr. Coulter
moved that the Council gO' into. a Committee of the whole with
Reeve Little in the chair. After considercible discussion, Mr.
Coulter moved the adaption 'Of the report and that the Commit-
tee arise. .on motion of J. E. Davies, seconded by D. Carmiehael,
the report was accepted as read.
Moved by S., Little,
Seconded by C. W. T,aylor:
That By-Law No. 15'36 "A By-Law to Amend the By-Law
Adopting a Pla.n of County Road Improvement and to Establish 'el.
County Road System in the County of Elgin passed under the
Highway Improvement Act," be read a first time.
IMoved by D. Carmichael,
Seconded by S. Little:
That By-Law No. 153'5 be read a second time.
rMoved by S. Little,
Seconded by D. Carmichael:
That By..JLaw No. 1'5135 be read a third time and finally passed.
lMovedby D. Cafimichael,
Seconded by W. D. Elwood:
That By-lLa'w No. 153,6 "To Assume a Bridge in the Town of
Aylmer," be read a first time.
,Moved by W. D. Elwood,
Seconded by D. Carmichael:
1rhat By-iLaw No. 153:6 be r,ead a second time.
Moved by C. W. Taylor,
'Seconded by J. E. Davies:
That By-iLaw No. '1153;6 be read a third time and finally pHss,ed.
Moved by C. W. Taylor,
Seconded by A. T. Lashibrook:
That By-iLaw NO.. 1'537 "A By-Law to Amend the By-L,i:l.w
Adopting a Plan of Counlty Road Improvement and to Es,t1ahlish
a County Road System in the County of E1gin passed under1ihe
Highway l:mprovement Act," be read a first time.
llVIoved. by A. T. Lashbrook,
Seconded by C. Gordon:
That By-Law No. 1537 be read a second time.
Moved by C. Orchard,
Seconded by Howard Palmer:
That By-Laiw No. 1637 be read i:l. third time and finally passed
Moved by C. Orchard,
Seconded by C. Gordon:
That By-Law No. 153'8 "'To Amend By-Law No. 1152'6," be r'ead
a fi.rst time.
Moved by C. Orchard,
Seconded by A. T. Lashlbrook:
'Tha't By-L,aw No. 1538 be read a second time.
Moved by A. T. Lashibrok,
,seconded by C. Gordon:
Tht By-La'w No. 1'538 be read a third time and finally passed.
Moved by E. E. Atkinson,
Seconded by Howard Palmer:
That By-Law No. 15'39 "To Amend By-Law No. 14919," be read
a first time.
Moved by H. N. Player,
iSeconded by E. E. Atkinson:
'1rhat By-Law No. 1539, be read a second time.
Moved by Howard Palmer,
Seconded by H. N. Player:
T,hat By-a:..aw No. 15,3'9 be read a third time and finally pas'sed.
Moved by Fred Shively,
Seconded by Chas. F. Jackson:
That By-Law No. 1540 "To Authorize the Ingerson Telephone
Company Limited of ,Ingersroll, Ontario, to erect and maintain
poles, wires or cables upon the highways. in the said County," be
read a first time.
Moved by H. N. Player,
Seconded by E. E. A:tkinson:
That By-Law No. 1540, be read a second time.
Moved by Chas. F. Jackson,
Seconded by Fred Shively:
That By-i..aw No. 1540 be read a third time and finally passed.
Moved by J. E. Davies,
Seconded by A. J. Blue:
That By-Law No. 1541, "To Provide Pensions for Employees
in the Municilpality," be read a first time.
Moved by A. J. Blue,
Seconded by C. W. Taylor:
That By-Law No. 1641 be read a second time.
Moved by J. E. Davies,
Seconded by D. Carmichael:
That By-Law No. 1541 be read a third time and finally passed.
Moved by J. A. Monteith,
Seconded by Garnet Speers:
That By-Law No. 1154!2, "A By-Law Requiring One Signature
only on all Cheques of the Corporation of the County of Elgin," be
read a firslt time.
Mo'ved by Garnet Speers,
Seconded by J. A. Monteith:
That By-Law No. 1542, be read a second time.
a.VI:oved by Garnet Speers,
Seconded by J. A. Monteith:
That By-La1w Na. 1542 be read a third time and finally passed.
Moved by J. A. !McBain,
Seconded by A. V. Coulter:
That By'\"Law' No~ H543, "To Appoint a Deputy Treasurecr," be
read a first time.
Moved by A. V. Coulter,
Seconded by James A. McBain:
'That By-Law No. 1543 !be read a second time.
Moved by James A. M,cBain,
Seconded by A. V. Coulter:
That By-Law No. 1543 be read a third time and finally passed.
Moved bY C. Johnson,
Seconded by M. Hale:
Tht By-1Law No. 1'544, "To Amend By-'Law .No. 1451," be read
a first time.
Moved by M. Hale,
Seconded by C. Johnson:
That By-Law No. 1544, be read a second time.
Mov€!d by M. Hale,
Seconded by C. Johnson,
'rhat By-Law No. 1544, be read a third time and finally passed.
Moved by S. Little,
Seconded by W. D. Elwood:
1'hat the usual, grants. of $150.00 to the Warden and $25.00 to
L., B. . BirdsHll, be paid.
All the memlbers expressed their appreciation to WHrden Jen-
kins for the capable manner in which he conducted the business
of the County and the enjoyable year spent with all the members
,Mr. M.cBain gave a stplendid address on his a'gricultural trip
through the Western States.
Moved by D. Carmichael,
Seconded by S. -Little:
That this Council do now adjourn sine die.
January 21st, 19.4:8.
To the Elgin County Cauncil,
The follo,wing is the report 'Of the Committee to Sttrike the
Standing Committees:
County Roads
IMclBain Johnson
Taylor Shively
. Agricultural
Little Taylor Gordan MoBain Hale A. Johnson Warden
C. Johnson
County Home
Coulter Orchard W'arden
Blue Monteith Warden
Little Taylor Gordon
Atkinson Pialmer
A. Johnson
PetitiQns . and Legislation
P:almer~ IDavies Elwood,
Carmichae~ warden
, Children's Aid
Warden MoBain
Palmer Carmichael
BJue Or,chard Coulter C. Johnson JHckslon
palmer IShively Wheaton Davies Carmichaei
Lashbrook Warden
Reception and En:l:ertainment
Atkinson LashlbrookMonte:ith
Equalization andCoun:l:y Assessment
Little T,aylor Gordon MClBain Hale
Atkinson P,almer Shively Monteith
Carmichaei Lashbrook Warden
A. Johnson
Healih Unit
Atkinson Wheaton
Library B;oard
All of which is respectfully submitted.
FRIED 3HIV'EiL Y, Chairman.
To the. Elgin County Council,
Gen tleIT1en:
I beg; to submit the following statement. of. accounts paid
through Finance from October 3'lst, 1'947, to December 31st, 19~7:
Huron Children's Aid Society ______________________$
Catholic Childr,en's Aid $odety
'!'he Dutton Adv,ancie ______________________________
Township of Malahide
.ont. Tr.aining School for Girls
Children's Aid Society
E.Frank Sanders
Park.wo'O'd Hospital
Hay Stationery Ca.
The Municipal World
East Windsor H~alth Association
'Mason Villa Private Hospital
.ont. Training School for Boys
1St. Thomas Amlbulance Service
All of which is respectfully submitted.
179 20
57 34
6'5 50
31 50
173 00
642 40
5:2 150
84 00
23 00
5 00
M'ERiEDITH HALE. Chainnan.
.January 1948.
First Report
To the Elgin County Council,
Gen tleffien:
The Finance Committee reports as ioUows:
That the following hospital a-ccounts be paid:
Memoriaol Hospital, St. Thomas ____________________$
Victoria Hospital, [.Iondon
Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, Tillsonbur:g
Toronto ,General Hospita'l, Toronto
St. Joseph's Hospital, T.oronto
88<3 50
5512 '75
114 7\5
QO 2'5
45 .00
$ 1,6W2'5
That extra -costs, of $12;25.98 be paid,to the Memorial Hospital.
All of. which is respectfully submitted.
January 1948.
Second Report
To the Elgin County Council,
Gen Uemen:
'The Finance Committee reports as follows:
1. That the reques1t from the 'Ontari:o Association .of Rural
.,Municipalities for Membership fee be filed.
:t That the Ontario Municipal Association Membership fee
be paid and the Warden appoint delegates.
~l. That a grant of $ be'paid the Salvation Army.
4. That the Clerk's report on Licenses be accepted and print-
ed in the Proc~edings.
5. Ttha't tljle usuaJ grant of $2150.00 be paid the CanadianNa..
,tional Insititutei f.or the Blind.
6. Tihat tl:le request for gr,ant from the United Polish Relief
be filed.
7. That t~l'e request :Do'r grant of the Elgin Regiment be ~i1ed.
8. That vye ,concur with the resO'lution from the County of
Oxford re Hospital' Areas.
9. That t~le folJ:owing accounts be paid:
Huron Iq. A. S. - Whiteford Children --------$
East Wihdsor Health Association
Catho'lic i C. A. S. - !Maintenance
Ontario i Tr-aining School for Boys
Mason Villa private Hospital
Ontario i Tr1aining Schoo'1 for Girls
Hay St~tionery Co. Ltd. - Registry Office
U nderwpod Limited
Municip;al World Ltd. - Registry Office ----
MunicipJal IWorld, Ltd. -ICounty Clerk's Ofrfice
London i & Middlesex Children's Aid ------------
ChildreI:l's Aid Soc., St. Thomas and Elgin
'Ontario i Hospital, Woodstock
113,8 88
2~9 14
15 50
123 50
78 00
3 68
36 5'5
9 16'
'2.0 90
1,353 05
268 ~O
All of w},lich is r,espectfully submitted.
~ERIEnITH HALE, Chairman.
January 1948,.1
Third Report
To the Elgin' County Council,
The Finance Committe.e reports as follows:
L 'That theW clrden and Treasurer be authorized to borrow
$3'50,000 from the Bank of Montrea'l to meet current expenditures
and 1;he necessary by-l,aw be prepared.
2. 'That the Isala'r,y 00: W. G. Lum~'ey be increased $300, com-
mencing January 1st, 194iS'and by-law be amended.
,3. That the. Treasurer's Bond be renewed with the General
A'ccident .. Assurance Co.
4. That the request of the West Lorne Community Athletic
Assodation be referred to the County Road Committee.
;5. That no acti'on be taken re membership fee in the Muni-
cipal Financ,e Officer's Association.
6" Tht the request 'Of the Navy League for a grant be filed.
7.. That we grant $3,000 to Tillson:burg Hoslpi,taJl when con-
struction commences.
8. That the salaries of Jean Quigley and Marion W'aJker be
increa'sed $10.00 per month and 'by-law be amended.
9. That the account of Miss Campbell of $15iL25 be paid to
the City of St. Thomas.
All of .which is respectfully submitted.
MERiEiOITH HALE, Chairman.
January 1948.
To the. El,gin County Council,
I beg to submit the .foUawing statement of a'e-counts paid
thl10ugh Finance fram J,anuary 1st, 19418, to' February 29th, 1946:
Parkwood Hospital ________________________________________:$ 477 215
Mason Villa Priv.ate. Hospita,l ______n__________n__ ,379 '75
Huron Children's Aid Society _______________n__ '277 76
East Windsar Health Association ______________ 1,24: 00
Catholic Childen's Aid Society ________________________ 58 '28
Ontario Training School for Boys ________________ 311 00
Ontario Training School for Girls ____________ 311 00
Hay Stationery Co. Ltd. -------"~-------------c----- 7800
Under Wood Limited ____________n________________ 3 68
;Municipal W orJd Ltd. ______________________________________ 45 711
Ohildren's Aid Society, Londanand Middlesex 120 90
Children's Aid Society ________________________________ 1,588 95
Ontario Hospital, Woodstock ______________________268 50
Ontario lMunic1pal !Association __________________ 125 00
City . of St. Thomas ______n____________________n________ 11151 2'5
'Treasurer o>f Ontario ______________________________00__________88 09
McNeil Funeral Service __00________,_ ____--~---------------- 50 00
East Elgin High School Dis,trict ______________________ 15 00
Capp Clark Ca. Ltd. ----------------------------- 7 50
All of which is r,espectfully submitted.
MEiR!EDETiH HAL'E, Chairm'an.
March 1948.
First Report
To the Elgin County Council,
The ,Finance Committee reports as foUows:
1. That the following hospital accounts be paid:
,Memorial Hospital, St. Thomas ____________________$
Victoria Hospital. London
Tillsonburg Soldiers' Memorial Hospita'l
'Toronto General Hospital
iSt. Michael's Hospital, Toronto
1,475 35
4719 '2'5
427 80
'2;2 ,80
246 ,50
All of which is respectfully submitted.
IMimR(IDDI!TH HAIL'E, Chairman.
Mareh 1948.
Second Repod
To the Elgin County Council,
'rhe ,Finance Committee reports as foHows:
1. That the Communication from the Memorial Hospital be
filed till the June Session.
:2. That the request of the Canadian Deaf Scholarship Ap-
peal for grant he filed.
3. 'That AI'Iha Johns,on be representative on the TillSionburg
Soldiers' 'Memorial Hospital Board.
4. That no action ,be taken on Communication from the
County of Huron re fee for Physicians using hospitals.
5. That the. Communication from the St. Thomas. City Coun-
cil re rates :for tpa!tien:ts ,a;t Jthe M,emorial Hospital be fi'led.
6. That the accaunt of the E.ast Windsor Hospital be paid.
7. That extras for indigent patients at the St. Thomas, Mem-
orial Hospital ibe paid.
8. That nO' action be taken re grant or ad in priz,e catalogue
of ELgin Kennel CJ:ub.
9. That no action be taken re request of the Old Age Pen-
sion Board for incr,ease in pay.
10. That we gr,ant the Annual Scholarship of $100 each to
the boy and girl, residents of Elgin County who attain the highest
academic standing at Western University.
11. That the County sell one half of our Victory Bonds to'
apply on Bank Loans.
All of which is r,espectfully submitted.
Mar,ch 194,8.
Third Report
To. the Warden and Council of the County of Elgin:
The Committee on Finance beg leave to report that having
inquired into, the finances of the County, and estimates prepared
by the County Treasurer, they herewith submit a statement, of
the expenditur,es required. for t.he lawful purpose of the Courlty
during 1948, shawing the amount required to be raised far the
undermentioned purposes:
Administation of Justice ____________________________:'$
County Hame
:Municipal Governm,ent
Printing, postage and StaJtionery
Caunty Roads
Children's Aid Society
County Health Unit
Pu!b1ic Schaols
Old A'ge Pension Bo.ard
1'5,000 .00
9,000 00
13,00.0 00
7,50.0. DO
1,000 00
148,0.00 00
1'5,.000. on
16,qOO 00,
6,,000 DO
15,430 .00
3,010.0 00
500 .00
800 00
1,2-60 00
$ 2:5'6,490 00
Your Committee would recommend that the sum of Two
Hundred and Fifty-Six Thousand, Faur Hundred and Ninety Dal-
lars be raised on all ratea!hle praperty in the several municipaH-
ties of the County af Elgin during the year 1948 far County Pur-
poses, and that a rate af 8.15 mills on the dollar be levied on rate-,
able property in the several municipalities in the County to raise
said amaunts.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
March 1948.
To . the Elgin County Council,
I beg to submit a statement of the following a,ccounts paid
through Finance from March 1st to May 31st, 1948:
London & Middlesex ChHdren's Aid ____________$
Burroughs Adding Machine Co.
Worthington Eleetric
Parkwood Hospital
East Windsor Health Association
Windsor & Essex Children's Aid
Nfason Villa Private Hospital
Huron County Children's Aid
Municipal Wodd Ltd.
Ontario Training School for Girls
Ontario Training School for Boys
Catholic Children's Aid
Children's Aid Society
D. N. Walker & Son
Treasurer of Ontario
Ontario Hospital, Vvoodstock
Ayl'mer Express
E. F. S. Sanders
Hay Stationery Co. Ltd.
Elgin Coach Lines
Township of Malahide
98 05
5 40'
5 78
7,13 25
2J0~ 50-
2'5,0 90
21,9 .00'
\14J8 14
313 25
52 75
84 60
2,,62:6 5.0
50 DO
18'5 74
,273 00
15 no
4 8'5
80 0.0
105 00
First Report
To the Elgin County Council,
'rhe Finance Committee reports as follows:
1. That this Council does not agree with the definition 0.1
indigent patients as e~pressed in the letter from Supt. Ray Cope-
land and that the hospital should make their o:wn credit arrange-
ments with the patient.
2. Tht the Rodney, Wes~t AldJborough Red Cross Branch use
the balance of funds at their own discretion.
3:. That we concur with resotlution from Northumberlan.,.
County re Provincial grants to hospitals.
4. That we concur with resolution from Township orf Bay-
ham te Polio Cases and survey as to hospital accommodation.
5. That Alex. McColl, public School Inspector be re-appohl:'
ted to the Senate of the University of Western Ontario.
6. That we grant the Univ,ersity of Western Ontario $1,000.
7. 'That the communica,tion from the County of York re
-Children's Aid and hospital costs be filed.
8. That the County agrees to recognition of Gaol employees
for past ser'vices and appropriate agreements be prepared for pen-
sion contrlJbutions.
9. That Mr. Hale, Mr. Davies and theCler'k be committee to
secure information re pension plan for County employees.
10. That the Communication from the Memorial Hospital,
laid over from the March Session, be filed.
11. That the tax s.aJe be eXltended for one year.
12. Tha-t the County employees, Fleet .and Councillors insur-
ance policies be renewed with the Frank Cowan Agency. -
13. ThM the follo1wmg accounts be paid:
Underwood Ltd. - Typewriter Ribbons --------$
Undel'lWood Ltd. - Registry Office
,lVlunici:pal World - Clerk and TOfeasurer __
llVItinicipcm. World - Registry Office
All of which is respectfully submitted.
5 00
5 50
64 9rr
}20 16
MEiREDlfTH HAlLE, Chairman.
June 1948.
_ Second ,Report
To the Elgin County Cauncil,
Gen tlemen:
The Finance Comm1ttee reports as follows:
1. That the following hospital accounts be paid:
Memorial Hospital, 8-t. Thomas ____________________.$
Victoria Hospi,tal, London
Tillsanfburg Soldiers' Memorial HospitaJ
:8t. Joseph's Hospital, London
St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto
Sarnia General Hospital
3,167 15
1,15'3 0.0
107 0.0
4'5 DO
6'2 35
200 25
Toronto General Hospital
1'5 75
$ 4,75.0 50.
2. That extra costs of $4,66.71 be paid the St. 'l'homas Mem-
orial Hospital.
All of which is r,espe.ctfully submitted.
M,EREDl!TH HALE, Chairman.
June 1948.
Setember 1st, 1948.
To the El,gin County Council,
I beg to submit the following statement of accounts paid
through Finance from July 1st, 1948,to August 31slt, 1948:
Parkwood Hospital
Mason Villa Private Hospital
Huron Ca. Children's Aid Society
Children's Aid, Windsor and Essex
Children's Aid Society
Olllt. Training School for Boys
Ont. Training School for Girls
The Dutton Advance
Burroughs Adding Machine Co.
Underwo.od [Ad.
Municipal World Ltd.
Fr,an'k 'Q-owan Agency
Children's Aid, London & Middlesex __________
Catholic Children's Aid
7120 DO
41,2 16
4,7814 15
10'5 .00
79 50
1'218 65
4 4f>
115 Q5
,330 84
,51516 .0.0
0,3 95
Q7 .07
207 00
11212 93
26 90.
4:5'7 :212,
230 00
216 75
49 30.
East Windsor HeaLth Association
Hay Stationery Co. Ltd.
The Times-Journal
National Sanitarium Ass'n
Children's Aid Simcoe Co.
St. Thomas Amlbulance Service
Treasurer of Ontario
.ont. Hosrpital, Woodstock
Worthington Elec,tric
Rainbow's Bookstore.
.oxford Co., Children's Aid Society
All of which is respectfully submitted.
First Report
To the Elgin County Council,
Ge11 tlemen:
The Finance Committee reports as follows:.
1. That the County pay the extra charges to Memorial Hos,
2. Tha;t the Warden and Treasurer be authorized to borrow
$50,000.00 at the Bank of Montreal as may be required.
3. That the following accounts be paid:
Township 'Of Yarmouth - re Daugherty
and Duncan _________________________________m____$ 2315 no
Onto Training School for Boys - August
maintenance ____"____"_____m____m_____________ 46 60
Onto Training School for Girls - August
All of which is r,espectfully submitted.
123 :25
September 1948.
Second Report
To the El,gin County Council,
Gen tlemen:
The Finance Committee reports as follows:
That the following hospital accounts be paid:
Memorial Hospital, St. Thomas
Victoria Hospital, London
ISoldiers' Memorial Hospital, Tillsonburg
81. Joseph's Hospi.tal, London
2,040 90
994 40
212 50
1:56 40
$ 3,'213 20
That extra hospital costs 0.1 $475.17 be paid the St. Thomas
Memorial Hospitail.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
ME,RE,u]TH HALE, Chairman.
September 1948.
To the Elgin County Council,
Gen tlemen:
I beg to ,submit the following accounts ;paid through Fina.nce
from September 1st, 194<8, to October 311st, 1948:
London Children's Aid Society --------------------1$
Parkwood Hospital
Windsor and Essex, Children's Aid Soc ______
Huron County, Children's Aid SO'c.
Mason Villa Private Hospitail
East Windsor Health Association
'Township of Yarmouth
Onta,rio Training School for Boy,s
Ontario Tr,aining School for Girls
Simcoe County, Children's Aid Saciety --------
Children's Aid Society
Catholic, Children' I' Aid Society
St. 'Thoma's Ambuilance Service
Worthington Electric
Municipal World Ltd.
Underwoad Limited
Hay Stationery Co. Ltd.
'Treasurer of OntariO'
All of which is espectfully submitted.
105 30
4177 no<
73 2,0
27G 28
18,5 60<
13'7 25
2.3'5 00
911 50
3D 00
31 62:
1,170 45
112 00
8 '515
4 75
:589 85
127 1'7
MEiREnITH HALE, Chairman.
St. Thomas, November 1948.
To the Elgin County Council,
The FinanceCommtttee feports as follows:
1. That the request from the War Memorial Children's Hos-
pital of Western Ontario foil' grant be laid over to the January
2. That the letter from the Department o,f Refo'rm Institu-
tions re COSlt of Living Bonus fOf gaol employees be referred to
the J'anuary Sess,ion.
3. That the reques,t for grant from the Sit. John Amlbulan(:e
Appe:al be referred to the January Session.
4. That the following accounts be paid:
~hildren's Aid Society - October
London Children's Aid Society, re
, ROlbt. Jennings
Catha-lic Children's Aid Society, re
George Murdock
Simcoe County Children's Aid Society,
re Kenneth Wayne Schram ------------
The Municipal World Ltd. - Pencils and ink
The Municipal World Ltd. - Registry Off,ke
Worthington Electric - Registry Orifice
1,190 8:5
36 6'5
312 n
62 2'2
6 53
27 87
112 00
All of which is respectfully submitted.
MERiEDrTH HALE, Chairman.
Second Report
'To the Elgin County Council,
The Finance Committee reports as follows:
1. That W. G. Lumley be gr,anted a four months leave of alb-
Isence with slalary 0& $/10,0.00 peT' montth.
'2. That J. D. Thomson be Deputy Treasurer at a salary of
$115.00 per month foil' the four months leave of absence.
,3. That the Trealsurer or in his ab1sence the Deputy Treasurer
ibe sole authority for signing all County cheques and by-law be
4. That arrangements be made with General Accident Insu['-
ance Co. re Surety Bond.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
November 194<8.
Third Report
To the Elgin County Council,
The Finance Committee reports as follows:
1. That the following hospital accounts be paid:
Memorial Hospital, St. Thoma's ____________________$ 2,Oi56 10
Victoria Hospital, London ______n__________________n____ 74,9 2'5
'Soldiers' MemorIal Hospital Tillson'buir'g ---- 514 35
Sarnia General Hospital __________________n________________ 2 50
2. That ext'm costs of $386.80 be paid the St. Thomas Memor-
ial Hospital.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
MEiREIDITH HAL,E, Chai,rman.
November 1948.
January Session
To the Elgin County Council,
The Petitions and Legislation Committee reports as follows:
L That we endorse resolution from the OntaiI'io Good Roads
Association opposing restriction of the h'Ours of sale of gasoline.
2.. 'Dhat the resolution from the Christian Social Council of
Canada re sweepstakes ibe filed.
3.. That resolution from the County of Halton re Sex perverts
be endolTsed.
4.. That we endorse resolution from the County of Grey re
Amendments to' the Highway Traffic Act to allow Highway em-
ployees to lTemove cars abandoned on highways.
5.. That; the resolution from Port Coliborne to re-estalblish
price contlTols be filed.
6.. That we take no action re communication from the Coun-
ty of Simcoe to change date of Court Sessions.
7.. That the Communication from E. WiTight, member of the
St. Catherine Hospital Board, re sweepstakes be filed.
8.. That the Communication fom the St. Thomas Ministerial
Association re sweepstakes be filed.
9.. That the resalution from the Presbytery of Elgin Unite a.
Church re sweepstakes be filed.
10. iThat the notice of hearing re annexation of the Police
Village of Belmont be filed.
11. That the CleDk and Solicitor plI'epare a by-law for the In-
,corporation of the Village ,of Port Burwell.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
January 1948.
March Session
To the Elgin County Council,
The Petitions and Leg~slation Committee reports as follows:
1. That the Communication from R. G. Johnston re hospital
sweepstakes be filed.
2. That we endorse resolution f['om the County of Waterloo
re remuneration of t['ustees of township school areas.
3. That the Communication from t:r.e Women's Missionary
Society of the United Church re hospital sweepstakes be filed.
4. That the Communica'tio'll from the Assolcialti1on of Assess-
ing Officers of OntariO' re request for membership fee be filed.
5. That we endorse resolution from the County 'Of Renfrew re
Amendment to the Higlhway Traffic Act.
All cf which is respectfully submitted.
March 1948.
June Session
To the Elgin County Council,
The Petrtions, and Legi'slation Committee reports as follows:
1. That we endorse re!solution from the County of Peterhor-
ough re Income Tax Exemptions.
2. Thalt the resolution :Drom the County of Br-ant respeding
Administration of Justice relating to Indians be endorsed.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
June 1948.
September Session
To the Elgin County Council,
The PeHtions and Legblat'ion Committee reports as follows:
1. That we endorse resolution from the County of Wentworth
re Go'Vernment maintenance of immigrants for one ye3.lr.
2. That the resolution from the County of Kent re represen-
tation on Boards 'Of Health be filed.
3. That the resolution flrom the County of Well and re Reeves
and Deputy Reeves being ex-officio Justices of the Peaces be filed.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
J. E. DA VI,ES, Acting Chairman.
September 1948.
November' Session
To the Elgin County Council,
The PeUtions and Legi'slation Committee reports as follows:
L 'That 'We concur with resolution from the County of York
re Amendment to the Oriminal Code.
2. That the resolution from the County of York re secret bal-
lot in County Council re election of WH:rden and other appoint"
ments be filed.
3. That we endorse resolution from the 'I\oiwnship of MeT8ea
II'ecommend'ing that an amendment Ibe made on the ruling to cov-
er tile drains, etc., to allow depreciation thereon for income" tax
4. That the County Council oppose the change of name of
Catfish Oreelk.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
November 1948
Ta the Elgin County-Council,
The County IHome Committee reports as follows:
1. That the annual memlbership fee of $10.00 ta the ASlSocia-
tion 'Of Manage.rs of Homes ~or Aged and InfiJrm he paid.
2. That the Superintendant :and Matron df the Elgin County
Home and any members of the Committee who is able be ap-
pointed to attend the Annual Convention.
3. 'That the a,ceounts 'Of D['. Ewin and Dr. Snell far Mental
EJeamination of inm'a!tes be paids.
All 'Of which is respectfully submitted.
January 1948.
January Sessio,n
Ta the ~lgin Caunty Council,
rr'he Agriculture Committee reports as fallows:
1. 'That Summers Harper be retained as weed Inspecto:r.
2. That the annual fee to the Ontario Conserv,ation and Re-
forest:ration Commissian be paid.
3. That the fee to the Ontaria Agriculture Council be paid
and that the Warden, Chairman and one member of the Commit-
tee be delegates to attend the annual convention.
4. ,That we ,grant $i1,,300.00 to tl1.e Elgin County Agriculture
Office for Junior CIUlb work and Agriculture purposes and that
the Wa['den and Chairman be a consulting committee in the diS-
tritbution oifthe grant.
5. That the balanceoi the account that was left from 1~he
agriculture War Purpases Committee be turned ov,er to the Elgin
Federation of Agriculture.
6. That we grant the Elgin County FedelI'ation of Agriculture
the sum of $1200.00
All of which is respectfully submitted.
JAMIES McBALN, Chairman.
January 1948.
March Session
Thursday, M~arch 18th, 1948.
To the Elgin County Council,
The Agriculture Committee repo['tsas follows:
1. That no action be taken re deputation from the County of
2. That the chairman name.a Committee to attend a meeting
in Kent County Te Insemination Unit.
3. That a meeting of the Agriculture Committee be held
rprior to the June Session to revise the tree cutting by-law.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
S. LITTLE, Acrting Chairman.
September Session
To the Elgin County Oouncil,
The Agriculture Committee reports as follows:
1. That we approve the resolution from the County of [.,an-
ark re cutting w;eeds on Highways and railways right of ways.
:2" That we concur with resolution from the Ontario, Hog
Plroducers re minimum freight car weights for livestock.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
c. W. TAYLOR, Chairman,
September 19418.
November Session
November 5th, 1948.
To the Elgin County Council,
The Agriculture Committee reporrts as follow\S:
1. That By-[ia;w No. 149:9 "To Regulate the Cutting of Trees'"
be amended as follows:
Clause 1. - That no cedar 'Or black locust tree of a diametel
of less than five inches no[' any other tree of a diameter less than
fourteen inches, measured sixteen inches from the ground shall
be cut by any person within the County.
CJlause 2. -- This By-Law shall not apply to (a) Thinning ap-
erations and improvement cuttings but these operations must be
ea!I:Tiied out aocording to aiplpr'Olved :Dorestry practices and approval
of the Tree Conservation Commission.
C}iause ,5. - No preson shall cut trees. adj,a1ce.nt to a public
road within the County, unless there shall be left along the s,aia
road or roads a belt of trees sixty-six feet in width from the ad-
jacent limit of the road allowance ,from which may be removed
only such trees ,as may be approved and marked by someone
authorized by the County Tree Conservation Officers;
All of which is respectfully submitted.
J. A. :)VIcBAJjN, Chairm,an.
January Sessio,n
To the Elgin County Council,
Gen tle'men:
The Education Committee reports as fOUOiWS:
1. That the by-law be prepared to form the ELgin County
Co-operative LibraiI'Y Board .as approved at the Novem1her Sessiof.
of the County Council.
2. That the following be the members of the Board for the
year 1948: C. Taylor, W. D. Elwood,' Jas. McBain, W'alrden SeL-
kins, W. 1. Rogers, .Mrs. Della Ludy and A. D. McColl.
3. That the County Council grant the Elgin County Library
Co-opeTia't1ive $11,:30.0..00 for the year 1914,s.
4. That the usual grant of $10.00 be given to Dora Rae Prong
winner of the Elgin Oratorical Contest to attend the contes't at
Chatham and if winner at Chatham she be granted $15.00 for
expenses to Toronto.
S. That the memlbership fee of $15.00 to the County Council
of the O. E. A. be paid and the Warden ~ppoint delegates.
O. That the members of the Elgin County Library Boqrd be
paid mileage a;t the County Rate. ,
~'. That we recommend that all PubUc LibralI'ies in th~ Coun,.
ty join the ELgin County Lilbrary Co-operative BoaiI'd.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
W. C. WHEATON, Chairman.
January, 1948.
June Session
To the Elgin County Council,
~rhe Education Committee reports as follows =
1. That the request of the Council of the Village of Vienna and
the Hig.h School Board be gran'ted and a by-,laiW be prepared.
~L That the report 0& the Animal Convention. o,f the O. E. A.
be aecepted and filed.
::1. That this Council appreciate :the amendment to the Board
,of Education Ad which was requested by the Elgin County, Coun-
cil and the lerbter be filed.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
A. V. COULTER, Acting Cha:irman.
June 1948.
November Session
To the Elgin County Council,
The Education Committee reports as foUows:
'1. That Howard Palmer be appointed Chairman of the Com-
mi ttee.
2. That John C. Gillies be appointed County Representative
on the W,eslt Elgin High School District Board.
Th.;a.t Ralph Auckland be appointed County Representative on
the C~ntral High School District Board. '
That P'red Kaiser be appointed County Representative on the
EastElg~n HiJgh School District Board.
All of ,which is respectfully s~bmitted.
HO'WA!RD PALMEH, Chairman,
Novemlber 1948
January Sessio'n
To the Elgin County Council,
The Special Committee re the Talbot Estate reports as follows:
'That we ,conferred with the proprietor, C. A. Pfeffer and C. H.
Sm'ith Incal agent on Friday, J'anuary l'6th, and he is wil1inJ~ to
sell all or a portion of the Estate. 0
We recommend an offer of $30JOOO.OO for the whole estate at
-1.5,000.00 for the Central portion, be made to the PrOlprieto!l'.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
J MVI,ES McBAIN, Chairman.
January, 1948.
1. The following is a: summary of the road expenditur,es for
the ye1ar 19'4'7:
Hesudacing Gravel Roads ________________________________"______$ 310197 19
IVlaintenance Gravel !Roads ___-____~_____________________________ 1180<5183\1
Hepairing and applying seal coa'ts to paved roads 1012:9'5 5iS
Laying Road Mix Pavements (including
$112,7815.4!1 uDJpail acc'Ounts)
Applying Asphalt to Gravel Roads
Construeting MdMillan Culvert, Town Line,
Aldborough and Dunwkh
Constructing King Bridge, Town Line S.
Dorchester and Malahide
Constructing Kingsmill Bridge, Town L'ine,
'Malahide and Yarmouth
Constructing Weir Hill, 1st Con., Yarmouth
Cutting Hills and Regrading
Calcium Chloride and Repairs to Treated Roads
Shaw Removal
Janua.ry Session
To the W,arden and Members of the
Ergin County Council,
Your Road Committee begs to report as foUorws:
Vlleed.. qutting
Ditching and Drainage
Fencing, Guard Rails, Si'gns, Etc.
Replacing and Repairing Culverts
Railway Crossing _ Prote,ction
Boundary Lines
Hepairs to Bridges
Land Purchased
Drainage AsseS'sments
IVloving Hangarr and Restoring Sites
39,382 20
3'3:3:519 313
1'5316 3's!
6'7'63 3'2
80M, 88
1.311'2'2 79
8'2,28 89
76,69 5'5
2631 415
4,0'2,2 10
12'978 50
674i2 3:2
2170 17
'3577 12'
~W24 6:1
5,50 04
17.6 71
lIe,ce:ipts of $\116,'7'90.46 in .19416 and 1947)
Crushing and Stock Piling Gravel
Constructing New Gar,age and Storage Shed ____
G raV'el Pit Expenses and Tools
New Machinery and Repairs
Stock - Tile, Plank, Etc.
Constable Fees
Superintendence, Expenses
OHic.e Expenses and Overhead
Legal Fees
'175,31 114!
66,3:8 8.0
6i31 .04
215'4 3~
2088 34
1218'8'3 44
, \202'559
6,17 58'
415in '60
21333 2!6;
14 '212
$'255424 04
Suiburlban Roads _____________________________________$ :30'7'21 ,04
Accounts Not Paid ________________________________ '174,616 21
,$ 4818725,
$301316111 2~'
Unpaid A,ccoun ts - County ________________$ 1Qr785 41
- Suburiban Roads 17'4616 '21
-$ '3'Oi251 62
Accounts Reiceivalble
'Less Sundry Sales
Less Accounts !Receivable
N €It Cost ____________________________________________________$'216519:62 6'7
$27313519 67
21913 7,0
$!2'9!5i273 37
73'97 .on
219!H3 70
The Estimates pr.epared in January, 1947, provided fo'r ex-
pending on the following:
County ROlads _____---------------------------$2:900.00 no
Sulburlban Roads ___.___________________ '3:10.00 .0,0
'$'2i6000.o on
1114 .
The Supplementary By-Law passed in the
November Session provided for
2:5.00,0' no
$1218500,0 no
The Supplementary By-Law was not approved by the Depart-
ment of Highways until January 2o,th, 1948, so thalt some 194,7
accounts were held over for payment until 1948.
During 19417 there were sharp advances in the costs of mater-
ials and labour costs rose about 10%. These advances acc'Ount
for the difference be'tween the estimates and actual costs. Con-
sideraJble maintenance was nec.essa'ry on the gravel roads due to
,the frost action last spring.
'2:. We estimate that the sum 'Of $3,47,000.00 will be required
for thema.intenance and construction of our County Roads and
8uburban Roads for the year 1948, allocated as foUo:ws:
iCoun ty Roads ______________________________$,31000,0' 00
,suburibaIlRoadiS __________________________ 3700.0 .00
$34'7000 00
This is in accordance with the following estimate:
.' 200'00 0.0
tlo.o.o an
,300.0' 00
'800.0 .00
80.0.0 .00
130.00 00
40.00 no
300'0 0.0
400.0 00
60.00 00
7000 DO
3000 DO
Hesur,facing Gravel Roads
,Mainte~anceGravel (Roads
Repa,irinlg Paved Roads
Repairing Bridges,
Snow Removal
Calcium Chloride
Cutting Brush and Weeds
Fencing, Guarrl. Rails, Etc.
Hail way Protection
Boundary Lines
Stock Piling
Heplacing and Repairing Culverts
,Gravel Pit, Too,ls, Etc.
Drainage Assessments
Repairs Machinery
Constable Fees
Su~erintendence .
Office \Salaries and Expenses
Legal Fees --~------------------------------.
New Culverts and Re:placements
Painting Br'idges
Incidentals and . Emergencies
1947 Deifictt
Construc'tinig TY1r,connel CuI<vert and F'ill _____u___
Paving and Oiling
SuJburlban !Roads
7000 00'
'1'000 on
12150.0 00
1500 00
12.000 0.0
7,00 DO,
6.000 on
2)50.0 .00
5.0.0 00
118.000 00
35.00 aD
2:500 00
1<218 00 0.0
600.00 00
37.000 a.oi
$347000 on
The C:o.unty's share will be 2i5% of the Su1bur'ban Road Ex-
'Penditures, 20% of the cost of constructing County Bridges. and
~5.o % of other expenditures.
It will he necessary to rai'se $,148,.000.00 for County and Su(b-
urban Roads.
3. We ap'prove of the Suburban Road Estimates o'f $37,.001.0..0.0.
4. We recommend that the Warden name deleg'ates to' the
annual meeting of the Ontario Good Roads Association to be held
in Toronto on Fe'bruary 24th and 25th, 1948, and that the annual
fee o.f $1'5..00 he paid.
W,e also recommend that Fred A. Bell, County Engineer and
and George Powles, Assistant Road Superintendent, attend the
Conference and the meeting of the County Engineers on February
5. We reeommend that an ex'penditure By-Law be prepared
for the e~timated expenditures for maintaining and !Constructing
the County Road \System for the y,ear 11948 .and that duplicate cop-
ies be sUlbmitted to the Ontario Department of Highways Lor ap..
,6;. We recommend that the Policy of the GeneTial Aecident As-
lsurance Company for ,Public Liability on the County .and Subur-
ban 'Hoads at a premium of $4'77.64 be renewed.
7. We recommend that $4.0,0.0,0 .on the purchase price paid
iby the Village of :'\Vest [..orne for an -airplane hangar be reibated
to the Village.
8" We recommend rthat permission be given :for the laying of
pipe .Jines on Carlow Road, Port Stanley, by the Dominion N,atural
Gas Co. Ltd. and the Sun Oil Go., ,and the necessar;y By-Laws pre-
'St. Thomas, Ollltado, January 23rd, 1948.
June Session
To the Warden land Members of the
Elgin County Council.
Your Road Committee begs to report as follows,:
After ,a ,careful inspection 'Of the.' roads under our jurisdiction
we find that the 'costs of repairing frost damage will be ,alhout on
,an ;average with pasit years. The roads that wer,e damaged th~
most were those that are poorly drained and, if tile is available,
it is proposed ;to layalbout 4% miles, of tile this year.
The major works proposed or in course of .constr,uction this
year are ,as follows:
1. Gons,tructing road mix bituminous pavements onthefol-
lowing roads,
(a) THE ORIA(HAM. \ROA[), in the Townshtp of Aldlbar6tl'gh,
fI"om the North end of the pavement in We:st Lorne,
Northerly, to Ithe North limit of Concession 4.
(Ib)TfH.E FURNIVAL !ROA[), in the 'Township of AldborQugh,
from the Nor,th end of the pavement in Rodney, North-
erly, to the North Emit od: Concession 6.
(c) 'TIHiE UN'rON IROAD, in the 'Township of lSouthwold, from
iFingal to Shedden.
(d) :That part ,of the lA 'WJMER A,IIR IPORT ROAD, in the
'Township of iMalahide, which is deemed ready for pav-
2. Constructing a new :20' x 12' x 174' reinforcement concrete
culvert at Tyrconnel.
In the autumn it is :also proposed to construct new fill across
the gully just East of Tyrr;conn.el if money is aViailable, keeping orur
expenditures within the estimates passed at your January Session.
8. Constructing:a new i16 foat -concrete culvert on Road 47,
2% miles South .of ,Avon.
~L Widening 2 concrete -culverts on County Road 313, West of
'1l'he 'Pressure ::Bituminous r:Distributor . and IlVlechanical Chip
Spreader have lbeen delivered and are working very satisfactorily.
We 1!ind ihat we -can save consideralbe money in iapplying mater-
ials 'by our own g,angs and we ,can have the warks done at the
most f,avourlaible times.
The erection .of the IStorage \Sh.edand General Shop on the
Hathaway Gravel Farm is nearly 'completed. It is still necessary
to' lay pari of the floor. instal a boiler for heating and equip the
.our road machinery is in good -condition and we do not pro-
pose to m,ake new purchases.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
St. l'I'homas, Ontario, June 16th., 1948.
September 13!th, 1948.
To the Warden :and Members of the
Elgin County Council.
Your Road Committee begs to report as follows:
1. The following roads have been paved 'this year with bit-
uminous road mixed pavements.
THE GiThAiHAM iRJOAiD in the Township of Aldborough, from
the North end 'Of the pavement in West Lorne, Northerly, to the
North limit of Concession 4.
THE FU1RtNIVA[., ROAD, in the Township of Aldlborough,
from the North end of the pavement in Rodney, Northerly, to the
North limit of Concession 6. '
THJE UNION IRJOAD, in ,the Township of Southwold, from Fin-
gal to Shedden.
:2. Ar-:IDour o6ats wer:e placed on the pr'e'sent pavements as, fol-
Part of ,the LAKE HOAD or COUNTY ROAiD No. 45 in the
Townships of Malahide and Bayham.
QUEEN ISTlRIEET in ,the Village of Hodney.
Part of the County Roads in the Village of SHR;]NlGFTELi[).
3. 'MAIN STiR.EIET in the Village of West Lorne is now being
paved from Graham \Street Westerly one block.
4. 'The ,construction of the TYRCONNEL CULVERT has been
held up ,on account of the non delivery 'Of the reinfordng steel.
It is expected ,that isame of this material will be delivered before
the end of the month.
ili. Your Committee recommends that the foUo'wing Streets
or Roads in the fTo'wn of Aylmer and the Township 'Of Malahide
ibeassumed :as County Roads:
ISOUTH STIRIEET'fromFifth Avenue Easterly ,to Victoria
QIrIFTH A ViElNUE from South Street Northerly to Ta1!bot
V]CmORmA STIRIEET from South 'Street Southerly to Elk
,:ELK ISI'TIR<EET fram Victoria Street Easterly to Highway No.
3 orT,~dbot 1R0ad.
16. Your Committee recommends that the County 'of Elgin
assumes as a County Bridge (under Section 466 'Of the Municipal
Act), the bridge over Catfish Creek, on John Street North, in the
Town of Aylmer.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
St. THhomas, Ontario, November 24th, 1948.
To the Warden and Members of the
Elgin County Council.
'The programme ,contemplated at your January Sessi.on is
nearly 'completed with the exception of constructing several con-
crete bridges.
It is expected that this year's expenditures will not exeeed
the amount provided for in the By-Law passed in your January
The reinforcing steel ordered last spring for the construction
.of the concrete culvert for the. Tyrconnel. Improvement and for
the 'two ibridges was not delivered until October and although the
work ,of constructing the Tyrconnel Culvert is now underway it
'cannot he completed until 1949.
The scarcity of reinforcing steel may seriously affect our 1949
The following works have ibeenc.ompleted or in the course of
1. ROAD :MIX P A VEGVIEN'IlS were laid on the following
FURJNIV AiL l~OAD - -Rodney North 2.7 miles.
GRAiHAiM iROA,D - West Lorne North '2.3 miles.
UNION ROAn - IShedden to Fingal 2 miles.
~t AN Aa:1!lV]OUR .GOAT was laid on ,the LAKiE ROAD P A ViE-
MEN'T, West of Port Burwell 5 miles.
i8. SEAL COATiS were .given to the existing pavements as
NEW GLASGOW - 1.3 miles.
:SPR~NGFIEIill - .5 miles.
IONA ROAD. - .5 miles.
HOAiD No. .24, iN orth of ,Po'rt Stanley .5 miles.
4. About '50 New Corrugated Iron Culverts were installed.
5. COUNTY RQA[) No. 2 between West ILorne and iRodney,
was re,graded, widelledand prepared for future paving.
16. T,he fo.l1olwing Br,idges were painted:
V{!ILEY BlRiIDGEover the River Thames.
PORT 'I1AiLlBOT BlRliDlGE -Township of Dunwieh.
GI.LLiETT rBHIOGE - Townsh1p of Yarmouth, east of Sparta.
7.. .A;hout '3.'5 miles of tile drains were constructed.
18. kbout '35,OOOculbic yardrs of crushed gravel were plac:ed
on the existing gravel roads.
About '2/3,000 ,cubic yards of ,crushed 'gr,avel was stock piled.
9. The culvert over the FOWL,ER DiRAIN au the Union Road,
just North of IFingal was under pined, repaired and new rails con-'
10. THE ITYlRCONNlEL CULVERT is, now being constructed.
About one-third .QIf the structure ,will be completed this y~ar.
11. A r,oof was. p}aced on the new Garag,e and Shed at the
lHatha:way marffi at WhItes StatiLon and a Concrete Floor placed on
the Eas,t half of the building.
12. It is propos.ed ,to build a Shed for housing the Deisel Road
Grader used on ,the. West end of the County on a piece of land
about one-half mile North of Rodney, owned by the County.
The following Toad machinery was purchased:
1. One new five ton International Model K. B. iR. 8 - 1611
inch wheel base truck complete with hoist land heavy duty box.
2. One new E'tnyre ,Model F x 400 style "A" iBlack Topper
DistributO'r, .capacity 112'50 Imperial Gallons. This was mounted on
a truck owned by the County.
3. One new iBuck-~ye Mechanical Chip ISpreader.
We recommend as follows:
1. That By-Laws be passed assuming the following roads:
1. (a) TOWN LIIlNE between the Townships of Malahide and
Yarmouth from .orwell to Jaffa.
2. (a) QUEiEN S'DRIE'ET in the Village .of Rodney from Furni-
val RO'ad to the Easterly Village limit.
3. (a) TOWN LINE between Malahideand South Dorchl~ster
from Springfield Easterly to the Town Line hetween South Dor-
chester and Dereham.
4. (a) TOWN LINE between South. Dorchester and Dereham
opposite Concession 12, South Darchester.
5. (a) ROAD between Lots 6 and 7, Concession 11, South Dor-
.THAT the follO'wing roads be reverted to the Township of
South Dorchesterr.
1. (b) ROAD 'between Lots 3 and 4, Concession 11, South Dor..
2. (b) ROAD ibetween Concession 11 and 12, opposite Lots A, B,
1 to 6 inclusive, South Dorchester.
2. THAT the By-Law as submitted by the Inge:r;sol Tele-
phone AssO'ciation (as amended) he approved.
3. THAT the Warden .and Clerk be ClJuthorized to sign a deed
conveying a small triangular piece of land at the top of the Fin-
gal Hill in the Township of Southwold to iSamuel McKeown for
the sum of ,$100.00 as recommended by the St. Thomas Suburban
'Road Commission.
This parcel <comprising about one-fifth of an ,acre was acquir...
ed by the County in 1932. In that year the Fingal Hill was relo-
cated and it was necessary to purchase land to give an entrance to
an Owner whose entrance was cut o.ff. The small area, proposed
to be sold was not required and has been of nO' use to the Subur-
ban road Commission.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
June Session
To the Elgin County Council,
The Property Committee reports as follows:'
1. That the Recreation Commission ,be granted permIssIon
to use a portion of the Court House grounds for the Tiny Tots.
2. That the report of Gaol Inspection., be accepted and filed.
3. That twelve heavy cot beds be purchased at $7.50 each.
4. That Sheriff Cameron and the Clerk arrange for placing
tablet in honour of Dr. Coyne in the CourtHouse.
5. That the sewer be opened and repaired.
6. That W. Reid repair roof valleys and ,chimneys where con-
ductor pipes required under the County Clerk's authority.
7. That the County Council Chambers, County
and Judge's Chambers be redecorated.
8. That the following accounts be paid:
Baldwin, :Robinson. Ltd. - Wallpaper ____________$
Worthington Electric - McGill Link Switch
Barnes !Bros. - Lighting
Bill's VIr elding Shop - Repair Roller
13 80
16 08
6 60
4 75
All of which is respectfully submitted.
J. A. MONT;E1r:DH, Chairman.
June 1948.
November Session
To the Elgin County Council,
The Property Committee reports as follows:
1. That we accept the tender of the Canada Bread Co. [or
Ihread at H1jz ,c per loaf.
2,. That the following accounts be paid:
D. W. :Reid - Repairs Registryr Office ------------$
D. W. Reid - Repairs Court House
C. E. iFlexen lM'achine Shop - Weld hinge ____
Martiri-8enour \Co. - Wallpaper
Peit'erman Products Co. - Insect ISpray -___________
All of which is respectfully submitted.
97 80
677 85
1 50
5 2'5
J. A. MONTEITH, Chairman.
November 1948
November Session
To the Elgin County Council,
The Special Committee re Pensions ;reports as follows:
1. That we have held two. meetings with [Mr. Larden, Domin-
ion Annuities Officer, also investigated Pension Plans in Wat,~r-
100, Simcoe, York and Ontario Counties and would recommend
'that the Elgin County Council inaugurate a pension plan for ali
County employees who desire to enter same.
2. Tht the ne.cessary by-law be prepared.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
J. E. DAWES, Chairman.
N ovemiber 1948
June Sesslion
To the Elgin County Council,
The Equalization Committee reports as follows:
That ,the following be the equalization of the Assessment
Rolls of the County of Elgin for the year 1'948:
South Dorchester
Port Stanley
West Lorne
Pom Bur:well
___________________u_______________________$3, 46i2 ,4'8'9
All of which is respectfully submitted.
J. E. LOA V[ES, Chairman.
June 1948.
January Session
To the Elgin County Councn,
I have to report 'the following applications fo'!' licenses have
heen aJPproved by the lo,cal municipalities and the Elgin-St.
Thomas Health Unit from NoveMber 1st, 1947 to Dec,ember 31st,
Greyhound Bus, Lines, Talbotville.
Mrs. William Horner, West Lorne.
W. S. M'c'Teer, R.R. i1, Aylmer.
Ic~ Cream Stands
M. K. Bennett, 3'3'3 Wellington St., East, St.., Thomas.
Aubrey ISimpson, St. 'Thomas, R. R.3.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
J. D. THOMSON, ICOUll'ty Clerk.
January, 1948;
June 1948.
To the Elgin County Council,
I have ;to repoTit the following applications for licens:es have
ibeen ,approved by the local municipalities ' and the Elg1in-S't. Thom-
as Health Unit from J'anuary 1st, 1948, to May 31st, 194'8:
W. S. McTeer -----~--------__________________ AyLmer, R. R. 1
W. J. Young 7--------------------------------------- Port Stanley
IlaMcConkey -.---------------------------------_____ PO'Tit iBuTiwell
Mr's. Marie Box --_____________________________________ Springfield
A. W. Plyley ----------------______________________________________ Rodney
Arthur B. Swift -------__________________________________~______ Dutton
Chas. Pfeifer --------____________________________________ West Lorne
Cupid Clulb --___:_____________________________________~____ St. Thomas
Charles J. McConville _________~-- St. Thomas, R. R. 3
Refreshment Stand or Lunch Counter
G. ILeg,g
LOTne McCallum
A. E. Br~dley
Bruce Kennedy
Gordon Bra.ckenbury
Morrison and Watterson
Lyndon SmYlth
Fred Dorkin
James Grady
Richard Allmon
Aylmer, R. R. 1
Port Burwell
Sit. Thoma's, R. iR. 8
St. Thomas, R. R. 8
St. Thomas, R. R. 3
St. Thomas, R.R. 3
St. Thomas:
West Lorne
Port Stanley
:Frank Spence
David T,m7ren'ts
Norman K. Bennett
Herman Smith
Anna Owen
S. ,F. Balker
Gordon Root
L. D. Palmer
~rank lV,L lFIordham
W. CaI'lman Doupe
Verna Parish
Ice Cream Stands
Southwold Station
West Lorne
Aylmer, R. R. 2
'Seth Derlbys'hire
Norman 'M,cCallum
O. Gilbs'On
Ira C. Tate
Harley McCurdy
All of which is respectfully submitted.
J. D. THOMSON~ County Clerk.
November 1948.
To the Elgin County Council,
I have ItO repoDt the follo1wingapplications for licenses have
been approved by the local mumicipalities and the Eilgin-St. Thom-
as Health Unit from June 1st, 1948, to October 31st, 1948~
iCliffoTd Ply ley
Garnet !Eden
FTank' Newell
William Traicos
Wayside Inn
J. M. Kenny
!Heal and M'clntyre
C. H. Miller
O'Giel Bros.
Harper and Sons
Maurice Bilby
A. E. Stogre
Sam Miller
Wanda Bo~d
Rolbt. Hunter
E. B. Wood
W. E. Greer
:Stanley Ker
Earl Ship ley
E. Youn'glblut
Chas. Harvey
Orville Galbraith
Dorothy Powell
J. L. Dennis
Alex. IBalazs
West Lorne, R. lR. 3
Rodney, R. R. 3
\Rodney, :R. R. 2
Port Stanley
Port Stanley
Port St,anley
Port BUI'Iwell
Po:rt Stanley
Port Stanley
POTt Burwell
Aylmer, R. R. 2
Port Stanley
Corinth, R. R. 1
Aylmer, R. R. 4
____ Shedden
Wes't Lorne
Port Stanley
Aylmer, R. R" 1
Ay Imer
Refreshment Booth or Lunch Counter
Bechard Bros. "___________--------________ West Lorne, R. R. 3
A; iL. lWelbster;. _.__________________"'___"____________"~______________ . Dutton
POI'it Stanley
Port Stanley
Eden, R. R. 1
Port Stanley
Port Stanley
Aylmer, R. R. 2
Port Burwell
Port Burwell
POI'it Burwell
Aylmer, R. R. 2
Bayham, P. O.
Port Sltanley
Port rStanley
Port Stanley
Port Stanley
Port Stanley
Port Stanley
POI1t Stanley
Port Stanley
Port Stanley
St. Thomas, R. R. 3
Port Stanley
Aylmer, R. R. 2
,E. Leatharn
Mrs. Iswbel Howson
Mrs. W. Barlber
[)orcas Webster
James T. Callister
Oswald Allen
Henry R. Bates
Harry Crooker
Gordon Chalk
M. Mona,co
Archie Coyle
C. O. Daniels,
Holbert Harris
Murray Buckler
Chas. Laing
Emersan Topping
Henry Moyer
Ida Karr
Bessie Karr
Kosta Dimitry
'Mrs. Orpha Scidmore
Mrs. Zetta English
George J'afferies
F. E. Hillis, & Son
Glover's Da,iry Bar
A. H. Simpson
La wrence Ross
R. S. Burdett
Leslie Eastbury
Ice Cream Stand
Talbotv ille
Shedden, R. R. 3
Union, P. O.
Fred Co'bt
Clayton Si1cox
R. G. Zavitz
J. A. Hills
N. McConkey
ehas. KetdhalbaJw
Morley Gowett
B. A. Young
iSarah Brown
Mrs. G. Beauclerc
Mrs. R<olhel1t Gordon
W. W. Wiley
Port Stanley
Port Stanley
Port Burwell
. Vienna
All of which is respectfully submitted.
J. D. THOMSON, County Clerk.
St. Thomas, Ontario,- November, 19'48.
November Session
To the Elgin County Council,
The following is my report on the Elg,in County Home for the
year ending October 3!lst, 1948:
sever,al municipalities
1. Number of, inmates at laslt report
2. Number admitted during the year
3. N umlbeT of deaths
4. N umlber dis1charged
'5. Numlber dis,charged to hospital
6. Number of inmates now in house
7. Number 'Of inmates sent fmill the
during the ye,ar:
Port Stanley
Du tton
8. The various causes of pauperism of inmates admitted to
~he House during tlhe year may be classified as follows:
Old' Age
III Health
B. Averiarge number of inmates. during the year ____________________ 37
113. Average number with Keeper's family and hired help __ 41
11. Number of weeks' board of inmates ________________________________ 1,948
1:2. Number of weeks' board with Keeper's family ____________ 2,156
1:3. Total expendilture during the year ________________________ $22,36'5.99
g.From farm stock
From Old Age Pensions, inmwtes
Hay and Straw
Inmates maintenance
Permanent Improvements
11>. Leaving amount
1I:L A verarge e~penses. per day of ea,ch ,person ____________
1 ~7. AveTlage expense,s per week of each person ________
lB. Average expenses per year of each person ______.
13'55 74
64'27 00
233'5 32
659 38
240 47
139 47
1160 00
53'36 40
$ 1,6'65,3 78
actually expended for support of
571'2 21
2 94
152 88
Farm Expenses
Hired Labour
Feed and Seed
Gas and Oil
5,23 27
70.9 02
2,39 50
182i6 50
301 37
'274 16
,$ 3873 82
House Expenses
B'u titer _____.,_____________________________________----------- $
Dry Goads
Boots and Shoes
Furniture and Hardware
General Expense
Conveyance of Inmates
Permanent Improvements
\7912 !7r4)
23 00
,53,36 40
10'12 26
$ 716<1 40
Keeper and Matron
Mr. and Mrs. C. Cheesman
Income Tax
1'58:2 80
948 80
3.00 00
10.8 40
'$ 2H40 00
19. 'l1he follo~ning !produce was raised on the farm during the
aH-3 Bushels of Oats
60 Loa'cis of Hay
10 Acres of Ensilage Corn
311.0 Bushels of Potatoes
1.0 Bushels of Carrots
42 Loads of Straw
Quantity of Pumpkin and Squash
12 Bushels of Beets
20 Bushels of Onions
120 Bushels 'Of Whent
Garden Produce
420 Heads of Cab!ba:ge
1000 Bushels of ISugar Beets
1'5 Bushels of Tomatoes
2,6 Quarts of Milk per day
976 Quarts Fruit Canned in House
4,10 Dozen Eggs Consumed
H20 Pounds of Butter
Farm Stock
3 Horses
13 Co'Ws
7 Hogs
2 Brood Sows
16.0 Chickens
'5 Calves
15 Heifers
,~~3. That the total amount expended by the County on the
County Home is as follows:
Farm, 100 Acres, cost _____________________~__$ 712<98 9i5
County Home ______________________________n______,- 1'5801 6'4
Fire Es-c.apes
Root Cellar, Henery, eltc.
Cottages, etc
Brick Ice House
Barns, et.c
Tile Drain
Tile Drain Outlet
Hot Air Pump Tank Connecti'Ons --
~ ~ ~~~~~ ~-:_-:_~--~~~--~~----~~~-------------------------------
Heating Apparatus
Boiler Room and Soflt Coal Boiler --
Deep Well
Hog Pen
Electric Installation and Pumps
Septic T,ank and Drain
:Milk House
24, Received from Government on ac.count of
expenditures for land and buildings --
-687 61
390 no.
1419 43
'695~ 87
19\20 50
72154 30.
4417 23
1'3'2 0.3
9~O 6.0
17i83 no
};9:79 0'7
643,7 61
38'3~ 5,2
12150.7 40
2193 62
,664 99
31'74 no
'1114>6 75
416 35
5'3'5 '51
;$ 7330!~ 13
4000 00
$ 69'30.9 13
215. There were 49 inmates in the House during 1948; 30 males,
19 females. Of the 3;5 inmates in the House an ltihe 1st day of
November, 1<9418, 21 were males and 14 females.
The management has been satisfactory.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
J. D. 'DHOMSON, County Clerk.
81. Thomas, Ontario, November, 1948.
To the Elgin County Council,
I present herewith report in connection ,with the .administra-
tion of the Old Aige Pens,ions Act in the County of Elgin:
Since the passing of the Ad 2,.4156 ,individuals have made ap-
plication for old age pension; the pres:ent disf)osition otf these ap-
plications is as follows:
'Pensions in for,ce November
1st, 19'48
Pensions in force November
1st, 1947
From the first of November, 1947 to the 31st 'Of October, 1948,
133 applications have been received; of these four were made in
cases 'Where application had previously been made and refused.
:During this same period ,64 pensions have been increased, 5
refused, 4 re-,insta'ted and 7 reduced.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
J. D. 'llHOMSON, County Clerk.
St. Thomas, Ontario, Novemlher, 1948.
To the .Elgin County Council,
I present herewitih report inconne,~tion with theadminisltra-
tion 'Of the Mothers' Allowance in the cpounty 'Of Elg,in:
Since the Mothers' Allowance Act }rvas passed inOntaI'iio 42'6
mothers have made ;:.tpplication in the pounty of Elgin. At the
present time there are 81 allolwances in! force in E.lJgin.
From November 1, 11947 to Octolbet 31, 1948, 19 applications
were received; 1 allowance has been re~uced, 20 increased, 4 can-
,celled, 6 refused and 2 re-instated.
All of which is respectfully su!bmi~ted.
3. D. 'DHOryrSON, County Clerk.
St. Thomas, Ontario, N ovemlber, 1948.
November Hth, 194rs.
To the Warden and Members of the
E}gin County Council,
I have the hanour of presenting the Seventy-third annual
medical report of the Elgin County Home up to Octolber 31st, 1948,
,and submit 1Jhe following for your consideration.
I made f-i:fty-'1Jw'O vlisiJts to the County Home, and attended
eight inmates in the Memorial Hospital as follo'ws:
Ernest Willison, Oct. 20, 194!7 to Dec. 2,6, 194'7.
William Fisher, Feb. 16, 1948 to Feb. 17, 1948.
Hir'am !E,IJJison, Mar. 212, 194:8 to ApI'. 1, 11048.
GeoIige Manchen, Apr. 6, 1948 to May 6, 1948
Alice M~tchell, Apr. 24, 1948 to Apr. 26, .194'8.
J'o'hn Da1wlson. June 12'8, 11,9:4J8 to Aug. ,5, 19,48.
James Scrivens, Aug. 13, 1948 to Aug. 2,3, 19418.
Emma Freeman, Sept. 2, 1'948 to Sept. 2,9, 1948.
There werp. no births.
I visHed as necessary .any inmates who were in Craigview
Nursing Home.
There were f'Our deaths, one male and three females as fol-
Apr. 1st, 1948, Hiram Ellison """___"" 6,9 """""___Chronic Myocarditis
.A:pr. 18th, 19'48, Pauline Bedore "~__ 69 _______" Chronic Myoc:ardit'is and
Chronic Arthr,itis
Apr. 26,th, 1948, Alice Mitdhell ____ 94 __m___ Shock from Fractured
Sept. 29th, 1948, Emma Freeman, 97 n______ Chronic Myocarditis and
Fradured Femur
Respecltfully submitted,
D. L. EWIN, Bhysician,
Elgin County Home.
'I'a the Elgin County Council,
I have to report the follo'wing licenses in f'OT'ce on the 1st day
of November, 19418:
Bur/ton Harris, Selford, R. R. 1
Harold G. Clarke, 612 St. Cather,ine St., St. Thomas
Lorne J. Ross, H~ghgaJte
Duncan Bro'wn, Shedden
Haggan and Wa1tterworth, Aylmer
K. J. M,cAlpine, Dutton, R.R. 5
William Rhody, Ridgetown
S. A. Brady, Dorchester, R. R. 2
G. Hollingsworth, Watfo'rd, Ont.
JUnk Dealers
Canada Scrap Iron and Metal, 1St. Thomas
Wood Bros., St. Thomas
J. Schure, London
J. Carp, Landon
William and George Kelly, Port Stanley
A:tbert E. Haney, Sparta
Norman Winter, R. R. 1, Simcoe
Leonard ~inter, Walsingham Centre
J.ames Howard Roloson, Vienna, R. R. 1
WiUiam Balazs, Tillsonburg
Thomas Gilbert, Port Stanley
Transportation of Fowl
C. E. Pangborn, Talboltville
E. O. Wight, Rodney
All of which is respectfully submitted.
J. D. THOMiSON, County Clerk.
St. Thomas, Novemlber 1948.
To the Elgin County Council,
A report on tlhe weed control pr.ogram in E1gin thisYE~.ar.
Y.our weed Inspector received fairly good co-operation from the
various oUicials inchar:ge of maintenance. of Highways, County
roads and tOIwnship raads. There was some resisltance by a few
individuals but the majority suppoI1ted and aided the weed in-
IThe proiVincial highways were looked after well, but late in
the season.
The County roads were well looked aflter but alS'o somewhat
bte in the season.
Some townships did very well .but others did nothing, one O'f-
fi.cial told me there were more 'complaints aibout the centre of the
road than there were at the sides.
On the farms fllere was consideralble impro'vement, the dry
fall aiding in Weed Control to' a large eX'tent.
Weed ,C'ond~tions vary in districts from good !to had depending
generally on how extensively the farms are worked.
You allowed me "to go ahead and do some eXiper,imental spray
work and we tried to do a good stDip in each township an caunty
roads. While the results do not show up t,ill ne~t year, I believe
in most of cases that the results will justify the means. We sp~:'ay-
ed about 100 miles of roadsides wilth various 2-4-D mix'turesat a
cost of about $2,3'50. On patches of pOiison ivy we used a spedal
spray especially for Ivy and I think that the results will be seen
next spring. I had hoped to have picture's to illusltr'ate the effec-
tiveness qf sprays but unfortunately they did not develop prop-
The townships all did some spraying usin'g altac,ide which
kins everything IbUlt is ra'ther expensive costing $46.00 per mile.
More farmers are taking to using .chemlic,als and almost every
district has a custom sprayman not too far away.
The effectiveness of a weed contr'Ol program depends on the
farmers themselves, your weed inspecltor can only advise and aid
them in trying to. keep their properties clean.
Once you start pushing people around you build up a resis-
tance to your authority which defeats the end you ar;e attempting
to ,secure.
Your weed inspector travelled 3,916 miles on 1112 daY1l:l for a.
total salary aad travelling expenses of $8129.74.
All of which is respectfully sUlbmitted.,
SUMIMiElRJS HARJPER, Weed Inspe'ctor.
By-Laws County of Elgin
B\Y-LA W NO. 1515
To Authorbe the Warden and Treasurer :1:0 Borrow ihe SUD1L
of Three Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars
The E]gin County Council enacts:
That the Warden and Treasurer ,be and are hereby authorized
to barrow the sum of Three Hundred and F,ifty Thousand DoUars
from the Bank of Montreal as it may be required to meet the ex-
penditures o'fthe Corpo'ration of the County of Elgin during the
year 1948 and to ,give as security therefore notes of One Thousand
Dollars Or multiples thereof.
Read a first time this 23rd day of January, 194'8.
Read a second time this 2'3rd day of January, 1-948.
Read a third time and finally passed this 23rd day of Janu-
ary, 1948.
J. C. JENKINS, WaTden.
BY-LAW NO. 1516
A By-Law of the 'Corpo~ation of the County of Elgin
to. Establish. a Co,unty Library Co-operative
WHEIR,E)AS it is provided Iby the Public Libraries Amend-
ment Act. 1947, Section 5, that the Council of the County m'ay pass
a by-law estClibHshing a County Ld;brary Co-operative to be known
as "The Elgin County' . Library . Co-operative."
AND WrHEfRiEA:S a petitiQn has been received from a major-
ity of the Public Librar,ies of the County of Elgin requesting a
County Lilbrary Co-operative.
. AND WHtERIEAS by resolution of the Council of the C~r:por-
-ation of the County of ELgin passed in Council on the 2,2nd day orf
,January, 1948, ,it was resolved that a County L~brary Co-operative
be establis'hed in the County of Elgin, and that a County Library
BQard be appointed, the same to consist of the W,arden, three mem-
bersof the County Council and three members -who mayor may
no,tbe members of Council.
THElRfEFORfE the Council of the Cor:poration of the County
of :E~lgin adQpts theproVlisions of the said resolution and estolbl,islh-
es, so. far as it has J;>ower so to do, a Co.-operative Library foi' the
County of Elgin under the provisions of The Pulblic Li1braries
Amendment Act, 1948, under the conditions set out in the resolu-
tions aforersaid, and enacts that the members of the said Board,
in addition to the Warden of the County, shall be appointed by
resolution of the Council.
Read a first time this 23rd day of January, 1948.
Read a second time this 23rd day of January, 1948.
Read a third time and finally passed this 23rd day of Janu-
ary, 1948.
J. D. THOMSON, Clerk.
J.' C. JENKINS, Warden.
BY-LAW NO. 1517
To Appoint a Board of Audit 1in the Coun.fy o,f Elgin
for the year 1948
The Elgin County Council enacts:
That the Judge of the County Court and Mr. DougalCarmi,ch-
ael ,be, and are hereby ClJppointed members of the Board of Audit
to perform the duties required of them by the Revised Statute~l of
That the memlbers of the said Board of Audit be paid the
sum of Seven Dollars per day for the,ir services and five cents per
mile going to and from each audit.
Read a first time this 23rd day of January, 194H.
Read a second time this 2'3rd day of January, 1948.
Read a third time and finally passed this .23rd day of Janu.,.
ary, 1948.
J. D. THOMSON Clerk.
J. C. J'ENKLNS, Warden.
BY -LAW NO. 1518
Granting Certain Privileges :1:0 Dominion Nafu~al
Gas Company Limited
WHEIHEAS Dominion Natural Gas Company Limited, herein-
after called the "Company," is a company duly in'~orporated under
The Ontario Companies Act and other Acts relating thereto, for
the purpose amongst other things of constructing, maintaining and
operat,ing works for the production, sale and dis,tribution of gas
for the purpose o,f light, heat and power with all the rights and
privile'ges in them vested and subject to. all liabili1ties,condiMons
and regulations upon them imposed by the Charter of In-Corpor-
ahon or leJSiislative authority in that behalf;
AND WHEiREA'S it appears that the highways hereinafter
mentioned are vested in the Corporation of the County of Ellgin
as County roads or highways and the Company have applied to
the said Corporat1ion for the right to construct and maintain a
syst€~m of pipes for conveying and distrlJbuting oil and pet.rQlleum
products and water over. long, upon and under such roads or high-
ways as hereina:Dter mentioned, sufbject to the terms, condit,ions,
agreements and regulations as set out in Schedule "A" hereto an-
OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN duly constituted and assembled in
:pursuance of the premises and of the pOlwers in them vested and
so far as :such powers extend, hereby enact as follows:
101) 'TlHiAT this Council hereby grant, ,confe,r and assure unto
Dominion Natural Gas Company LiInited, its successors and as-
signs, all right, power, aU'thO-Yiity, permission and consent, to con-
struct, lay, maintain transmission lines, works or systems for the
purpose of conveying oil and petroleum products and water from
Port Stanley Harbour or Kettle Creek to plant of the Dominion
Natural Gas Company Limited on Mill Street or Carlow Road,
Por~ Stanley, and for the pur-pose aforesaid to use and occupy any
highway now or hereafter vested. in or controlled by the said Cor-
poration, and to lay, construct, maintain and operate thereon pd.pe-
lines with all connections or attachments necessary or ineidental
thereto fo'r conveying and distributing oil and petT'oleum products
,and water. :Sulbject to the conditions, regulations and .stipulatiQns
set out and contained in Schedule "A" hereto annexed.
(2) THAT the Warden and the Clerk are hereby authorized
and directed to execute this By-law and the agreement to be pre-
pared in pursuance hereof, and to attach the Seal of the Corpora~
tion thereto.
(3) 'TRilIS LBy-y,aw is suJbject to all statutes, orders and rules
made or to be made la'wfully cons,tituted having jurisdliction in the
(4) 'THE word "hrghiway" in this by-Law shall include streets
and bridges forming part of the hig1hways, upon, on, over or aeross
which the highway passes.
(5) THIS By-law shall not come into for.ce or effect unt-il
validated by an. Act of the Legislature Qf the Province of Ontario,
'or until amendment of The Municipal Act executed by the Legis-
lature of the Province of Ontarlio empowers this Council to pass
To By-Law No. 1518 of :the Corpora:l:ion of the Co.unty of
Elgin, referred fo in the said By-Law herefo annexed
(1) Inlaying or ,constructing the pipe line system, referred
to in the sadd annexed by-law, along said County highways from
time to time, the Company shall, Iwherever pra,cticalble, use for
that purpose the part of the hi'ghways adjacent to the fence lines
01' outer Iboundairy thereof, and the Company shall bury the same
and restore the h'~ghways to firs,t-dass cond~tion, and the said
pipes shall be so burlied and the highways so restored unless
where the County Engineer of the said County of Elgin or other
person appointed by the said County directs otherwise.
(2) In the construction, maintenance and repair of the said
system the Company shall us,e due care and d)Hilgence so that traf-
fic shall not be impeded or interfered witlh any more ,than is ne-
cessary for the construcHon or repair of the SiBJid sysrtem, and so
that after the said pipe lines have been laid and 'completed there
shall he no oibstrucltJion ,tOo o'r interference with all lawful traffic
and user on, over and along the highway or to the ditches Dr
drains thereon now Oil' herearfterconstructed, im:proved or main-
tained. And where any dra.ins or ditches are considered O'l' made
necessary by reason of anyworik done or omitted to be done by
Ithe Company, the same shall be constructed and maintained 'in
,good order by the said Company to the satisfaction of said County
Engineer or Qtlher person appointed by the Council during the
.continuance of this fI'tanchlise.
(3) 'The said Company shall be liable foil' any loss or injury
thClit any 'person may sustain by reason of the exerdse by the
Company of any powers or rights under said By-law whether
arising throu'g\h any carelessness, neglect, def,ault or misconduct
or otherwise of its agents, servants, or employees in the manage-
ment, .consltruction, maintenance, laying O'l' use of its pipe lines,
and the slaid Company shall indemnify, save and keep harmless
the said Corpor<ation of the County of El1gin from any damage,
da~im or demand that may be claimed by proper.ty holders or any
person Qr pers'ons on account of the laying Qf its pirpe lines ind-
dental t!herelto or the use thereof, and shall indemnify ~he said
Corpor.ation against all loss, costs, damages and expenses the
Corporation may pay, incur or be put to by reason of any claims,
damages or injury resulting from or occasioned by, or in conse-
quence of the const.ruction, laying, condiJNono,r operation of said
pipe Jliines or incidental thereto, provided, however, that the
Company shall have reasonable notice and an oPPor'tunity to de-
(4) The righits conferred 'Upon the said Company by the said
By-law and the Agrerement tOo be executed in pursuance thereof,
shall be subject to the right to the free use of the said highways
,by an persons entitled thereto and subject to the rights Qf the
owners of prO'pert,ies adjoining the said hiighways o'f full access to
and from such highways, and of constructing crossings and ap-
proaches from their properties thereto, and shall be subject also
to the ri:ghts and privileges which the said Corporation may grant
to any other companies Dr persons to lay pipes, erect poles, string
any kind of wires for any purpose, or construct railways on said
high ways, all O'f which rights are expressly reserved; and the
Company shall lO'wer or move their pipes. wherever the County
may hereafter deem necess,a.ry for any such purpose's. but any
such right hereafter granted shall be suibject thereto, and to. all
rights owned ,by the Company pr!ior to the passing of this By-law.
(5) 'The rights conferred to the said Company by the said
By-law and the agreement to be executed in pursuance thereof
shall likewise be subject to' the right of the Corporation to require
the Company to vary the position of any pipe lines or eonne.etions
or attachments incidental thereto at a.ny time, at the sole cost
and expense of the said Company upon thirty days' notice in wdt-
ing by the C'Orporation.
(6) All work done in pursuance of the said By-law shall be
subject to. the approval, sanction and direction of the said County
Engineer for the time being of the said Corporation or other per-
son appointed by the Couneil of .said County, who. shaH have full
power and author1ity to give such directions and orders to the
Company as to location upon the highways of the said pipe lines
and the manner af laying the same, or where such, lines shall be
buried or atherwise howsoever, as in his judgment shall he con-
sidered best in the interests of the said' Co'rporation; all such dir-
ections shall be in writing, and the said company shall be obliged
to. folloiN such directions or orders as may be given as aforesaid,
and the remuneration and expenses of the County Eng1ineer Or
other person so appointed during the time he maybe so employed
and the expensescounected with this By-law and the said Agree-
ment shall be defrayed by the said Company and before com-
mencing any such work a plan or sketch thereof shall be depos-
ited by the Company with the Engineer Qf the sa1id Oounty.
(7) The Com'pany shall within thirty days of the completion
or the work file with the Engineer of the said County and the
Clerk of the said County a det,ailed plan showing the final and
exact location of all pipe lines and allconnectioTIis and ClJtt a.,,:; h-
ments incidental thereto, and the depth same are lalld out in the
ground,and in the event of the changing af posit'lon cf any of said
p:pe lines, attachments, or conneet'lons, a revl:sed plan shall te
n.ed in a like manner witih the sa,idEnglneef and the,said Clerk,
within thirty days of the s'a:td change.
(8) Within si~ty days after the passing of this By-law a far-
mal agreement in duplicate shall be preipared in pursuance hereof
Ibetween t1he s,aJid Company and. the said County Corpor'a~ion, and
shall be executed in due form by !bo.th p;alrties thereto, whereby
the :said Company shall !bind itself, its succeSls'Ors and assigns,
duly. to. carry out, ohserve ,and perform the conditions, herein con-
itained, and the salid Corporation shall agree on its part to observe
and perform the said By-law and the said ,conditions, so far as they
relate to them, and one of such dutplicate agreements, duly exe-
cuted as aforesaid shall ,be deposited with the Clerk of the s,aid
County, and the other shall be given to the saidC Gom:pany, and
from that tlime this By-law and the said Agreement shall be bind-
ing upon the said Company and the said Corporation.
(9) The COInpany shall use all practical ,and proper means at
all times to prevent the escape and leakage O'f oil and petroleum
products and water from its mains and pipes and the causing of
any damage or injury thereby to any persan or praperty and the
Company shall make ,good to the COI'lporationand all persons af-
fected, all damage which they may be caused by the works '01' op-
erations of the Company or by reason of any leakage from the
(10) Where there is default by the Company with respect to
any matter mentioned herein, the Corporation shall have power
and authority to do any act or perfarm any service necessary to
remedy such default, including any act or service to maintain, re-
pair, remove or otherwise deal with the ptpe lines or any connec-
tions ar atta~hments incidental thereto, and the Company shall
reimburse the Corporation and pay all costs and . expenses the
Corporation may incur or Ibe put to by reason thereof, whether Qlr
~lOt notice of such default has, been given to the Company prior
to the doing O'f such act or performing such service.
(1<1) 'The franchise herelby granted shall be fOF the term of
ten years f:r:om and after the final passing of' the. by-law. Pro-
vided thq.t if at any time pI'lior to the eXlpi:r:ation of sa'id term of
ten years or any renewal thereof, the Company shall notify the
Corporation in writing that it desires a renewal there'Df for a fur-
ther period of ten years, the Council may in its dis'cretion renew
the same from time to time for a further period not eX'ceeding ten
years, at ;any one time.
(12) Upon the termination of this franchise for any ,cause
whatever the Company shall remove its mains, p1pe:s, plant and
works from the said streets and highways. and restoil'€ sucl1
streets and highways to the condition in which the s.ame were
previous to such removal and to the satisfaction Qf the County
Council or ,its ,appointee. Provided that if said mains, pipes, p:Lant
and works shall forth'With be forfeited to and become the absolute
after the termination of .said franchise all such mains., pipes, pilant'
and works shaH fo:rthwith be forfeited to nd become the absolute
lproperty of the Corporatlion, and dealt with and disposed of as the
Corporation may think proper, and for the sole use and 'benefit of
the CODpora,Uon.
(13) Nothing herein contained shall he construed as g'iv'mg
or granting to the Company an exclus,ive fI'ianchise for any 'Or ::111
the purposes emlbrac-ed herelin.
(14) This 'By-law and the Agreement entered into pursuant
thereto is sUlbj'ect to all statutes, orders ,and rules made 'Or to be
made by lawfully constituted authO'rity having jurir:sdiction in' the
(15) In case either the COI'lpora1Jion or the Company deems
it necessary or advisaible to obtain ratification of said By-law and
of the said Agreement by the lelgislature of the Province 'Of On-
tariO', the other party will concur and assist in olbtaining such :r>ati-
DATED this 23rd day of Januaty, A. D. 1948.
J. D. THOMSON Clerk:.
;1. C. JENKIINS, Warden,
BY-LAW NO. 1519
Granting Certain Privileges to .sun Oil Company Limited
'WHElRIEA!S :Sun Oil Company Limited, ihereinaftercalled the
"Company," is a company duly incorpol"ated under the Dominion
Co,mpalllies Act and other Acts relating thell'eto;
AND WIH(E[RiElAiS it appears that the highways. hereinafter
mentioned are vested in the Corporation of 'the County of E:1gin
as County ll'oads or highways. and the Company have applied to
the said Corporation for the right to construct and malintain a
system of pipes, for conveying and distriJbuting gasoline, oil, anti-
freeze, brine, and other similar products over, along, upon and un,.
der such roads 0[' highways ,as hereinafter mentioned, subject to
the terms, 'conditions, :agreements and regulations as set out in
Schedule "A" hereto .annexed.
OF 'THE COUNTY OIF ELGIiN, duly constituted and assembled in
pursuance of the premises. and of the PQlwe['s in them vested and
sO' far as such powers extend, hereby enact as follows:
1. THAT tnllsCouncil hereby grant, confer .and aS5Uil'e unto
the Sun Oil Company Limited, its successoTis and assiJgns, all righq
power, autho:rity, permission and consent toconstil'uct, lay, main-
tain a transmission line, work or system for the purpose of con-
veying gas,oline, oil, anti-freeze, brine, and other similar p['oducts
fr.om Port :Stanley Harfbourand / 0[' Kettle Creek to Warren
Street, Port Stanley, and for the pUTipose afo\I'sesaid to' use and
oecupy any highway now or hereafter vested in Oll' controlled by
~he sadd Corporation, and to lay, construct, maintain and operate
thereon piJpe lines with all connectionls OIr attachments necessary' o'r
incidental thereto for conveying and distributing gasoline, oil,
anti-freeze, fbrine, and other similar products. Subject to the con-
ditions, regulations and sttpulatiollls setout and contained in Sched-
ule "A" hereto annexed.
2. THA'T the Warden and the Cler'k are hereby authorized
and directed. tOo execute this By-law and the agreement to be pre.;
pared in pursuance hereof, and to. attach the Seal of the Corpora-
tion thereto.
3. This By-law is sufbject to all statutes, orders and rules
made or to be made lawfully constituted having jurisdiction in the
4. The ,word "higbway" in this By-law shall include streets
and bridges form.ing part of the highways, upon, on, over or across
which the highway passers.
5. This, By-law shall not COffi.e into force or effect until vali-
dated by an Act of the Legislature of the Province of Ontario, or
until amendment of The Municipal Act executed' by the Legisla-
.ture of the !Province of Ontario empowers. this Council to pass this
To By-Law No. 1519 of the Corporation of' the Co,unty of Elgin,
Referredfo in:l:he said By-Law herefo Annexed
(1) ,In laying or constructing t.he pipe line system, referred
to in the said annexed 'by-law, .along said County highways from
time to time, the Company shall, wheJ'ever practicable, use for
that purpose the part of the highways adjacent to the fence lines
01.' outer boundary thereof, and the Company shall bury the same
and restore the highways to first-class condition, and the said
pipes shall Jbeso buried and the h1ghways so restored unless
where the County Engineer of the said County of Elgin or other
person appointed by the !Said County directs otherwise.
(2) In the const1ruction, maintenance, and repair of f:1e said
system the Company shall us,e due care and diligence so that traf-
fic slhall not ibe impeded o~ i:niter1j~eT!l'-ed with any more :than is
necessary for the construction or ,repair of said system, and so that
after the said p1pe lines have \been laid and completed there shall
be no obstruction to or interference with all lawfull traf.fic and
user on, .over and along the highway .or to' the ditches or drains
thereon now o~ hereaftercons,tructed, improved or maintained.
And where any drains or ditches are ,considered OT made necels-
sary by reason of any 'Work done or emitted to be done by th8
Company, the same shall be constructed and maintained in g.ood
order by the said Company to the satisfaction of said County En-
gineer .or other person appointed by the Council during the con-
tinuance of this franchise.
(3) The said Company shall be liaible for any loss or injury
that any person may sustain by reason of the exeil'cise by the Com-
pany of any powers or rights under said By-law whether arising
through .carelessness, neglect, default Oil' misconduct or otherwise
of its ,agents, servants, or employ.ees in the management, construc-
tion, maintenance, laying or use of its pipe lines, and the s:'iid
Company shall indemnify, save and keep harmles3 the said Cor-
poration .of the County of Elgin from any damage, claim or de-
mand that may be claimed by property holders or any person or
persO'ns on accoust of the laying of its pipe lines incidentJ.l there-
to o,r fue use thereof, and shall indemnify the said Corporation
against all loss, costs, damages and expenses the Corporation may
pay, incur or be put to by re'ason .01' any -claims, dama,ges or injury
resulting from Oil' occasioned by, 0'1' in consequence of the con-
struction, laying, condition or operation of said pipe lines or inci-
dental thereto, provided, however, that the Company .sLall have
'reasonable notice and an o:ppo-rtunity to defend.
(4) The rights conferred upon the said Company by the s::L~
By-law and the Agreement to be executed in pursuan~e thereof,
shall be subject to the right to the free use of the said highways
by all peirsons entitled thereto and su'bject to the :rights of tIle
owners of pro,perties adjoining the said highways oJ fJ..ll access
to arid from such highways, and of constructing crossings and apl
proaches :Brom their properties thereto, and shall !be subject also
to the rights and privileges which the'said. Corporation may grant
to ,any other companies or iP,eirsons to. lay pipes, erect poles, string
any kind of wires for any r>urpose, or .construct railways on said
highways,. all of ,which rights, are e~pressly reseJ.'ved; and the
Company shall lower or mo.ve their pipes wherever the County
may hereafter deem necessary foJ.' any such purpose, but any such
'right hereClJiter granrt;'ed shall be subject 1Jhere,to, and to a'll rights
owned by the Com\pany prior to the pass,ing o.f this By-law.
(5) 'The rights ,conferired on the said Company by the saW
By-law and the agreement to be executed in pursuance thereof
shall likewise be suibject to the right of the Corpor.ation to vary
the right of the Corporation to. require the Company to v'ary the
position of any pipe lines or connections or 'attachments incidental
thereto, at any time, at the sole cost and expense of the said Com,.
pany upon thirty days' nobce .in writing by the Corporatiopr
(6) IAll work done in pursu.anc.e -of t'he siaid By taw shall be
subject to the a'ppr&val, sanction and direction of the said County
Engineer for the time being Qf the said Corporation or other per-
son appointed [by the Council of said County, who shall have full
power and authorirtry to ,give such directions and orders to the
Company as to location upon the highways of the said pipe 1in~s
and the manner of laying the s,ame, or where such lines shaUbe
buried or ,otherwise howsoever, .as in his judgment shall be con-
sidered best in the interests of the said Corporation; a~l such dir-
ectiGns shall he in writing, and the said Company shall !be o:bHged
to follow such directions or orders as may be given .as aforesaid,
and the remuneration and expenses Qf the County Engineer or
other person so appointed during the time he may be so employ-
ed" and the expenses connected with this By-law and the saD
A,g,reement shall be defrayed by the said Company and before
commencing any suc'h work a plan or sketch thereof shall' be de-
posited by the Company with the Clerk of the said County.
(7) The Company shall within thirtry days of the comple-
tionof the work file with the Engineer of the said County and the
Clerk of the said County a detailed plan sho7ving the final and
exact location of all pipe lines ,and all conn~ctions .and atta,~h-
ments incidental thereto, and the depth same are laid out in the
giround,and in the' event of t'he changing of position of :any of s9.id
!pipe lines, attachments or 'connections, a revised plan shall be
filed ina like manner with the said Engineer and the said Clerk,
within thirty days of the said change.
(8) Within sixty days after the passing of this By-law a
:Eormal agreement in duplicate shall beprepaJ:'ed in pursuanee
hereof between the said .company and the said County Cor:pora-
tion"and shall be executed in due form iby bot'h parties thereto,
wherelby ,the said Company shall bind its,elf, 'its successolts and
assigns duly to ,carry out, observe andperfor.m t!he conditions
herein contained, and the said Corporation shall agree on its par~
tc- oibserrve and perfoTm the said By-law and the said Conditions
so far as they relate to them, and one of such duplicate a.grec:;-
ments .duly executed as. aforesaid shall be deposited .with the
Clerik. of the said County, land the other shall be given to the said
Company, and from that time this By-l'aw and, the said Agree-
ment shaH be binding upon the said Company and the said COlI:'-
(9) The Company shall use all practical and proper means
at all. times to prevent the escape and leakage of oil from its mains
and p1pes .and the causing of any damage or injury t'llereby to. any
person or property and the Company shall make good to the Cor-
lporationand allpeJ:'sonsaffected, alldamag,e which they may be
caused by the works 'Or operartions of the Company or !by reason
of any leakage from the [pipes.
(10 Wh,e're there is default by the Company with respect to
any matter mentioned herein, the Corporation shall have power
and authority to' do any act or perfoirm any service nec:essary to
remedy such default, including any act or service to maintain, re-
pair, remove or otherwise deal with the pipe lines or any connec-
hons or attachments incidental thereto, and the Com'pany shall
reimiburse the COl'!poration and pay all costs and expenses the
Corporation may incur or be put to by reason thereof, whether or
nQt notice of such default has been given to the Company 'Pr~oT
to the doing of suclh act or performing such service.
(11) , 'The franchise hereby g,ranted .shall be .for the te,rm of
ten years from and after the final passil}g of the :by-law.Provid-
ed that if at any tioneprior to the expiration of said te:rm of tEm
y,ears or any renewal thereof, the Company shall notify the Cor-
!poration in wcr:,iting that it desireis a renewal ,thereof for a Jrnr-
ther period of ten years, the Council may in its disc;etion renew
the same from iime to time fo,r a further period not exceeding ten
years, at anyone time.
. (1,2) Upon the termination of this franchise for any cause
whatever the Company shall cr:emove its main's, pipes, plant and
works from the said streets and highways and restore such streets
and highways to the condition in which -ehe same were pcr:ev:ious
to. such removal and to the satisfaction of the County Council or
its appointee. Provided that if said mains, pipes, plant and wO'rks
are not removed by the Compny within oneyear."afte;rtlle termin-
ation of said franchise all ssuch mains, pipes, plant and works
shall forthwith be forfeited to and become. the albsolute property
of the Corpo,ration, and dealt. with and disposed of as theCorpor-
ation may think proper, and for the sole use and benefit of the
(13) Nothing herein contained shall be construed as giving or
granting to the Company an exdusive franchise for any O'r all the
purposes embraced herein.
(14) This By-Law and the Agreement entered into. pursuant
ther.eto, is sulbjed to all statutes, orde\I's or rules made or to be
made by lawfully constituted aut1hority having jurisdicion in the
(15) In" case either the Corporation or the Company dE~ems
it necess-ary or advisa'ble ,to' o'btain ratification of said By-law and
of the said Aigreement by the legislature of the Province of On-
tario, the other party will concur and assist in obtaining such rati-
DATIED TH]S 23:rd day of Ja1nuary, A. 0" 194iS.
J. D. THOMSON, Clerk.
J. C; JENKINS, Warden.
......tIiiii ....~...,-_.
BY-LAW NO. 1520
....~ i:
iTo.Appoint a County Road Co,mmiUee
As requit~d 'by the Highway ~Act the E1gin County Council
enacts: :. 'J-, b
That the following five member's of this Council consti-
tute a Committee for the purpose of directtng the work to
ibe done Qn. the County Road System:
,Mer'edith Hale - For Term of One Year
Clayhoourne Gordon - For Term of Two Years
Jamesi McBain -. FOJ:'Term of Three Years
At\ba. . Johnson - F:Ol' Term of Four Years
Stuart Little - For Term of Five YeaI'is
ThatJBy-Law No. 1494 be and is hereby repealed.
'Read a first time this 23rd day of January, 1948.
, Read a second time this 2/3rd day of January, 194,18.
Read a third time and finally passed this 23rd day of Janu-
ary, 194'8.
J. D. THOMSON. Clerk.
J. C. JENKINS, Warden.
BY-LAW NO. 15.21 '
A By-Law to PrOvide for ~he Total Expenditure on :the system
ot County Roads an~Suburban Roads in the County 9f Elgi:n
as Approved by Order-in- Council, during the year 1948
WiHEREAS'Che Highway Improvement Act, Chapter 56, R.S.
0., 19'37, ,and amendments, requires that the totalexenditure on
County roads and bridges be provided for annually !by Coun.ty
Iby-la w.
THIDREFOiRE the council of the corporation ,of the said Coun-
ty enacts as follows:
1. The sum of $347,000.00 is hereby appropriated Lrom monie,s
raised by levy, debentures and government subsidy for total ex-
penditure upon construction and maintenance of the roads and
hridges under its jurisdiction during the year 1948 as folloW\s:
Bridges and Culverts
Bridges and Culv'erts
68000 00
:58000 00
131:500 00
68'50 .00
'w.ooo 00
12000 00
,64650 00
Totals ___________________________________ ____.,--'$G47 00 0 00
2. The said monies shall !be expended under t'he- direction qf
the duly appointed county road superintendent and on work pe:r-
formed in accordance with the H1g1rway Improvement Act.
3. The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to
the district of,fice of the Municilpal Roads Branch, Department 01
Highways of ,ontario, :focr:' approval on olr hefore the 31st of Jauu-
ary.bf the pr'esent. year.
Passed at'St. Thomas, this 23rd day of J,anuary" A.D., 1948.
J. D. THOMSON. Clerk.
J. C. JENKINS, Warden.
I, . John D. Thomson, Clerk. of the ,coI1poration of the Count,,'
of Blgin, do Jielt'ebycertify that the f.oregoing is a true copy or
By-law No. 1'5121 passed by the ,council of the said corporatlo!n on
the 23rd day of J.anuary, 1948.
J. D. THOMSON, County Clerk.
BY -LAW NO. 1522
To Amend By-Law 'No. 1495
The ELgin County Council enacts:
That the $alary of W. G. Lumley, Oounty Treasurer, be in-
creased to Two Thousand Six Hundred Dolla,rs per annum, pay-
ably monthly, commencing J'anuary 1st, 194,8.
That By-Law No. 149'5 be amended accordingly.
Read a first time this 23'rd day of January, 19408.
Read a second time this 23rd day of January, 1948.
Read a third, time' and finally passed this 23rd day of Janu-
ary, 1,948.
J. Do THOMSON. Clerk.
J~ C. JENKINS, Warp-en.
BY -LA WNOl-523
To Amend By-Law No. 1459
The E~gin County C:Quncil.enac:ts:
That the sa1Cl1I'yof Miss Jean Qui:gley, Office AssiSitant to t'he
County Clerk, be increasedrto .one Thousand Three. Hundred.. and
Twenty Dollars per ,annum, commencingJ:anuary 1st, 194'8.
'That By-LaJw No. 1459 be amended accordingly.
Read a firlsit time this 23~d day ,of January, 194'8.
Read a second time this 23.rd day of J'anuary, 1948. .
Read a third time and finally passed this 2'3rd day ofJ~mu-
ary, 1948.
J. D. THOMSON, Clerk.
J. C. JENKINS, Warden.
BY-LAW NO. 1524
To Amend By-Law.No. .1490
The ELgin County Council ena'cts:
That t'he salary of Mrs. Marion Walke'f, .Police Court Clerk
and Stenographer be increased to One Thousand Three Hundred
and Twenty Dollm's peJI' annum, commencing January 1st, 1048.
That By-Law No. 14'90 he amended .accordingly.
Read a fil'lS:t time this 2'31rd day of January, 1948.
Read a second time this 23'rd day of January, 1948.
Read a third time and finaily passed this 2'3rd day of J\anu-
ary, 1948.
J. D. THOMiSON, Clerk.
J. C. JENKINS, Warden.
BY -LAW NO. 1525
To Rai'se Amounts for County Rates During
the Year 1948
WiHE!RiE!AJS an eS'timate has been made showing that the sum
of Two hundred and fifty-six thousand ]our hundred and ninety
dol1ars is required to he raised in the sever.al municipalities. for
the lawful pu:r\poses of the County during the year 1948 on the
basi.s of the equalized a'sS'essunent as determined in 1947:
Total Equalized Value
South wold
iSoulth DOll'chester
Port Stanley
Weist Lome
THEiRJEF'ORE the Council o,f the Municipal Corporation of
County of Elgin enaClts:
That a rate of 8:5 mills on the dollal!' be levied on all rateable
property in the several munieilpalities in the County of Elgifl as
above set. forrth for t'he year 1948:
Municipality County Rate
Ald!boroUJgh ________________-____--------------------------$ 209 ,163
ISouth Dorchester
BOlDt Stanley
West. Lorne
$ 256,490
Read a fil1slt time this 23a:'d day .of January, 1948.
Read a secQnd time this, 23rd day of J'anUJary, 1948.
Read a third time and finally passed this 23'rd day' of Janu-
ary, 1948.
J. D. THOMSON, Clerk.
J. C. JENKINS,' Warden.
BY-LAW NO. 1526
To Incorporate the Village of Port.Burwell
WHElR,EiAS a Petition signed by at. least one half of the free-
holders representing at least one.,.hali of the assessed values of
the lands in the Police VillClige of Port BurweU and resident ten-
ants of the P.olice Village whose names aJre entered.on the last
rev,isedasseS'smenlt roll of the Municipality of the Towns/hip of
Bayham in which the Police Village of Port BUl'iwell is situate,
and in ,case Qf tenants' who have been resident in the district for
at least four months next precedingfhe preseu'tation of the Peti-
tion, all of the petitioners being Britislh subjects and of the full
age of twenty-one years, and at least one half of them freeholders,
w,as lodged wirth the Clerk of the County of Elgin on the 20th day
of January, H)4>8, pl'laying fo!l' the erection of the Police Village of
Port BUl'lwell' into tlhe VillageOif Po,rt Burwell;
AND WiHElREAIS the Clerk has satisfied himself as' to the suf-
jic:iency of the Peltition, and has given his certificate that the
same is sufficient and the same complies with the provisions OC1
Seetion li2 of 'The Municipal Act, being R. S. O. 119137, Chapter ~66,
Sedion ,12;
AND WlHElREAlS the said Pe,tition was duly presented to the
Council of the County or Elgin on the 20th day of January, 1948;
AND WlHERiEJAIS by census o'f the said Police Vlllc:rge of Port
Burwell taken as of January 31st, 1948 by H. O. Alward, it was
shown that the said P.olice Village of Port Burwell had a popula-
ti on exceeding seven hundred and fifty persons;
AND WiHElRE1AiS public notice was published once a week for
two succes,sive weeks in the St. Thomas Times-Journal on the 6th
and 13th. days of MaiI'c'h, 1948, and in the Aylmer EXJpress on the
11 th ,and 181t'h days of March, 194,8, newspapers published in the
County of Elgin ,and hav,ing a general circulation in the Police
Village of Port Burwell ,and the Township of Bayham, and such
notice set forth thart it was intended to incQl'lporalte the present
boundaries as occupied by the Police Villa1ge of Port Burwell into
the Village of porrt BUl'lwell, and the descrription of the area in-
tended to' be embraced in the said Village and that. the County
Council 'would meet this date to coOn1sider a By-law to incor:porate
said Villa:ge;
AND WlHEIREAlS the area intended to 'he embraced in the
!Said Village of Port Burwell does not extend or occupy an area
of more than '5.00 acres of land;
(1) iTiHAiT the 'Pol.ice Villalge of Port Burwell he and the
same is hereby erected into an incorporated Villmge apart from the
Township of Bayham in which the same is situarte, under the
name of "The Village of Port Burwell," and with the boundaries
and limits which may be more particularly descrilbed as follows:
The South parts of ]jots Numbers Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven,
Twelve and Thirteen in ftIhe 1st Concession of the Township orf
Bayham, pa'l"lticularly descri'bed as follows:
COMIMENC]NiG in the Westerly limit of the said Lot numher
ten at ia point Thirty chains Ten links Southerly from the North-
westelrly angle of said Lot;
THENlOE Easterly parallel with the road allowance between
t'he Firm and Se,cond Ooncessions to the centre of the road be-
tween Lots numbers Ten and Eleven;
THENCE Southerly along the centre of the said road, Seven
chains and Twelve links;
THEiNiC'E E1asterly palrallel with t'he read allow.ance between
the Fir'Slt and Se<cond concessions to the Easterly limit of Lq;t num-
ber Thirteen;
THEiNCE Southerly along the Easterly limit of Lo,t numibe:-
Thirteen toO the Southerly limit of the First Concession;
THlENCE Westeidy along the Southerly limit of the Firs,t
Concession to. the Westerly limit af Lot number Ten;
THlENOE Northerly along the Wes,terly lim:i:t of Lot Ten to
the paint of beginning.
A:ND AJLiSOthe SlQutherly parts af Lot<s Eight and Nine in the
said First Concession, as siholwn on Plan regiS'tered in the Registry
Di:vision of the County of E:lgin as, Number 2!28.
(2) I11HtAT the first nomination of Reeve and Councillo['s for
the said Corporation of the Village 'Of Pont Burwell shall be held
In the Town Hall in the said Village on the las,t !Monday in De-
cember, 1'94'8, and that the first election .of Reeve and Councillors
for the sa,id COII"poration shall be held in the Town Hall in the
s,aid Village on the first ,Monday in J:anuary, 1949.
(3- THAT Harry O. Alward shall be re,turning officer to hold
the first election for the said Village.
(4,- THAT the T:ownship of Bayham shall assess the proper-
ties in the Police Village o,f Por.t Burwell :Do'r taxation purposes
for the year 1949 :It the same time and the same manner as Qther
assessments are made within the Township of Bayham f.or taxes
payable in -the year 1949, and such assessment shall be the assess-
ment for the properties 'Of the Villa,ge of Fort Burlwell for the
year 1949.
(5) TiHiAT all 'taxes imposed by the Township of Bayham in
the Police Villag'e of P.ort Burwell up to. the 31sl1; day of Decem-
ber, 19~8, and all arrears of said taxes and penaJ.ty and interest
thereon, shall belonlg to the said Township of Bayham, and any
such arrears, penalty and interest a.:f1ter the 31st day 'Of Decem-
be[', 19418, shall be payable to. and collectible by the Treasurer of
the Village of POI'lt Bur/well in the same manner as taxes owing to
the Village .of Port Burwell, and the Treasurer shall remit the
whole of such payments to' the Treasur~r of the Township of Bay-
(6- IT'IHAT all adjusiments of asse.ts' and liabilities as between
the Township of Bayham and the Village of Port BUl'lweU shall /be
as :ag,reed ulpon,' and in detfaultof agreement, as. Duncan Fleteher
M:cCuaig, Judge of the County Gouvt of the County of Elgin, 'Or
his succeSSIOT in office, deems. equitable.
(7) THE inc:orporatlon of the Village 'Of Port Burwell shall
come imQ effect on the Is!t day of January, 1949.
Read a Nrst time this 2'31l'd day of March, 1948.
Read a second time this 23'rd day of March, 1948.
Re1ad a third time and finally passed this 23rd day of March,
J.D. THOMSON. Clerk.
J. C. JENKINS, Warden.
B'Y-LAW NO. 1527
To, Extend the Time, for Tax Sale
The ELgin County Council ena'cts:
That the time for the enforces collection by sale orf land in
alrrears for taxes in the County o[ Elgin be and is hereby extend-
ed for one year.
Read a firs,t time this 16th day o.f June, 1948.
Read a second time t'his 161t'h day of June, 1948.
Read a third time and finally passed this 16th day of June,
J. D. THOMSON, Clerk.
J. C. JIENKINS, Warden.
BY -LAW NO. 1528
To Appoint a ;Member of the Senate of the University
of Western Ontario
The ELgin County Council enacts:
THAT Alex. M,clCoH be and is hereby appointed to' the Senate
of ,t'he University. of Western Onltario.
Read a first time this 16th day of June, 1948.
Read a second time t'his 16rt'h day of June, 1948.
Read a third time and finally passed this 16th day of June,
J. D. THOMSON, Clerk.
J. C. JENKINS, Warden.
BY-LAW NO.1529
A By-Law to Provide for the Disse.lufion of the High Sc'hoc>}
Distric:t of Vienna and Annexing ,:the Area to the
Tillsonburg High School District
WHEIHEAJS the CQuncilof the COiI'lporation Qf the Vi11age~ .of
Vienna, :and the Vienna High School Board have requested the
dissalution of the dis'trict and the annexing of the area to' the ,]~ill-
sorrbur;g High School District.
PURISUiA.iNT to the p~ovis,ions of . ,the High Schools Act, R. S.
O. Chap'ter 42, 1'947, the Council of the Corporation of the County
of Elgin enacts as follows:
THAT the HiJgh School District o!f the Village of Vienna shall
be dissolved and discontinued, on and after the first day .of ~ran-.
THAT the said area .comprising all real property in the Vil-
la,ge of Vienna be and is hereby annexed to the Tillsonlburg High
'That all by-laws inconsistent herewith be and the same are
hereby revealed.
Rea.:d a first time this 16th day of June, 1948.
Read a second time this 16rt;'h day o>f June, 1948.
Read a third time and finally passed this 16th d.ay of J'une,
J. D. THOIM:SON, Clerk.
J. C. JENK:UNS, Warden.
BY -LAW NO. 1530
Granting Cerfain Privileges to Dominion Natural
Gas lCompany Limited
WHEREAS Dominion NClitural Gas Company Lim:1ted, herein-
after called the "Company," is a Company duly incorpOT.ated un-
der The Ontario Companies Act and other Acts relating thereto,
for the purpose amongSit other things of constructing, maintaininG
and oper.ClJting IWOr'ks for the production, sale and disitrlibution o't
Ig.as, for the purpose of light, heat and po,wer with all the rights
and privileges in them' vested and subject to all liabilities, condi-
rt:ions and relgu1art;ions upon them imposed by the Charter on In-
corporation or legislative authority in that 'behalf;
AND WiHERiEAiS it a:pppears that the highways and land
hereinaf,ter mentioned are vested in the Corporation of the Coun-
ty of Elgin as County roads or hig<hJways and the Company have
applied to the said Corporation for the right to lay, use and main-
tain pipes or conduilts for transm1tting gasoline, oil, antifreeze,
brine or other similar products, and water, along, under, in or up-
On such highways or lands owned by the said Corporation, a~,
TIereina:fiter mentioned, sulbjeot to the terms, condit:ons, agree-
ments and regulations as set out in Schedule "A" hereto annexed;
AND WHEIRJEiAiS similar !by-law was passed by the said Cor-
poration on the 23rd day of January, 194'8, as No. 1518, and it de..
sired to extend and ;confirm the said By-law as herein more parN
ticularly set forth;
TIO[N OF TIRE COUNTY OF ElLGIN duly constituted and assem-
bled in pursuance or! the premises ,and of the .'powers in them ves-
ted and so :far as such powers ex\tend, here1by enact as follows:
(1) !TIH!A:T this Council hereby grant, confer and assure unto
Dominion Natural Gas !Company Limited, its successors and as-
signs, all right, power, .aUlthority, permission and consent to lay,
use and maintain pipes Oir conduits for transmit.ting gasoline, oil,
:anti-freeze, brine .or other s'imilar products, and water, from Port
iStanley Harbour Oil' Kettle Creek to plant of the Dominion Natur-
al Gas Company L1mited on Mill Street oQi' Carlow Road, Port
iStanley, ,and for the purpose aroresaid to. use and occUlpy any high-
w.ay 0.1' land now ar heil'ea:fter vested in or co:n:trolled by the said
Corporation, and to lay, Use and ma,intain pipes. or conduits for
transmitting gasoQUne, oil, ,anti-freeze, brine 0.1' ather similar pra-
ducts and w:ater, along, under, in or upon such highways or lands
owned by the s.aid Corporation, s,ubjeci to the conditio.ns., re:gu-
lations and stipulations set out and coQntained in Scbedule "A"
her,eto annexed.
(2) 'TIHAT the Warden and the Clerk are hereby aUlthorized
,and directed to execute this By-law and the agreement to. be pTe-
pared in pur,su:ance thereof, and to, aJttach the Seal of the Gorp or.
ation thereto..
(3) 'THIS By-la1w is subject to all statutes, orders and rules
made or to be made lawfully cons1titurted having jurisdiction in
the premises.
(4) THE ward "hig'hiway" in this By-law shall include streets
.and bridges forming part of the highways, upon, on, ove.r ar across
which the highway passes.
Read a firs,t time this IHth day of June, 1948.
Read a second time t'his 16rt'h day of June, 1948..
Read a third time and finally passed this 16th day of June,
J. D. THOMSON, Clerk.
J. C. JENKINS, Warden.
TIO By-Lay ,No. 1530 00: fhe ,Corporation of I,the County of Elgin.
Referred .to in the said By-Law Hereto Annexed
(1) In laying, using and" maintaining pilPeS or conduits for
t~aniSmilttiI1!g !gas'O'line, oil, anti-freeze, brine or o,ther s:.milJar pro-
ducts and water, referred to in Ithe said annexed By-Ia)w, alan..:
said County highways and land fom time to time, the Company
shaH, wherever prac,ticable, use for that purpose the p~art o'f the
highways and land adjacent to the fence lines or outer boundary
thereof, and the Company .shall bury the s,ame and restore the
highways and land to' firs't-dass condition, and the said pipes
shall be so. 'buried and the high ways and land so restCTed unless
where the County Engineer of the said County of Elgin' or other
pers.on appointed by the said County directs othe.I'wise.
(2- In the laying, using and maintenance of the said sys,tem
the Company shall use due <care and diligence so ,that traffic shall
nQt be impeded or inter.fered with any more than is ne.::essaryfo:r
the layin'g, using and maintenance of the said pipes orr conduits,
and so that after the said p~pes orcondui,ts have been laid and
completed there shall be no obstruction to or interference wi,th
alllaiwful traffic and user on, over and along the highway or land
or to- the ditches or drains thereon now or hereafter cO'ns,tr'llcted,
improved o.r maintained. And where any drains OT ditches are
considered or made necessary by reason of any Iwork done or omit-
ted to be done by the Company, the same shall b2 construeited
and maintained in good order by the said Company to the saltis-
faction of said County Engineer or other ;person ap'pointed by the
Council during the continuance of this franchise.
(3- The said Company shall be lialble .for any los,s or injury
thalt any person may sust'ain by reason of the exercise by the
Company of any powers or ri.ghts under said By-law whether
U'..'ising through any carelessness, neglect, default Qr misconduct
lOr otherwise of its agents, servants or employees in the manage-
ment, construcltion, maintenance, laY1iug or use of i't,s pipes or eon.
duits,and the said Cimpany shall indemnify, save and keep harm-
less 'the said C.orlporation of the Counlty of Elgin from any dam-
,age, claim or demand that may be claimed by prolperty holders
0.1' any person or persons on account of the laying olf its pipes or
conduits incidental thereto Oir the use thereof, and shall indemn~"
'the said Corporatiina.gainst all loss, costs, damages. and expenses
the Corporation may pay, incur or be put to by reason of any
,cLaims, damages or injury re,sulting fr,om or occasioned by, or in
consequence of the construction, laying, condiition or operalEon
of said pirpesoil' condui,ts or iIlicidental thereto, ~rO'vided, however,
ihat the Company shall have reasonClible notice and an opportun-
ity to defend.
(4- 'The r-ightsconlferred upon the said Company by the 's,aid
By-law and the Aigreement to be executed in pursuance thereof,
,shall be subject to the right to the free use of the said highways
and land by all petl'sons entitled theretO' and subject to the rights
if the clwnersotf ptrorper,ties adjoining the said highways: and ],and
of full a'ccess to and from such highways, and land, and of con-
structing c:mssings and approaches from their propeil'ties thereto,
and shall be subject also to the rights and privileges whi,:;h the
said Corpor'altion may ,gil'ant to' any Qther companies .or persons
to lay pipes, erect poles, stT'ing any kind of wiil'es for any purpose,
or constil'uct railways on said highways, or to otherwise lawfully
use the same, all of which rights aJI'e expressly reserved; and the
Company shall lower.or move their pipes whe,rever the County
may herea':flter deem ne'cessary folI' any such purposes, . but any
such right h~il'ea[ter granted shall be subjecrt; thereto, and to .all
;rights olwned by the Company prior to the !passing Of this By-law.
(5) The rights ,conferred on.the said Company by the said
By-law and the ag'reement to be executed in pursuance thereo,f
shall likewise 'be sulbject to the right of th Coriporation to require
,the Company to vary the pO'sition of any pipes or conduilts at any
time, at the sole cost and expense of the said Company upon
thkty days' no.tice in writing by the COI'Jporation.
(6) All wOirk done in pursuance of the said By-law shall be
subject to the approval, smrction and direction of the said County
Engineer fo'r the time being of the said Corpo'ration or other peir-
son appointed by the Council olf said County, who shall have full
poweiI' and authority to give such directions and ordeT:s to the
GOTIlJpany as to lo.cation Ulpon the highway.s or land of the said
pipes o'r C'onduits and the manneiI'of laying the same, or where
such pipes or conduits shall be buried or otherwise howsoever,
as in his judgment shall be considered best in the interEst,s of the
said Corporation; 'all such directions shall be in wtriting, and .the
Isaid Company shall be obliged to f:ollow sUlch directions or olrde,fs
as may be given as aforesaid, and the remuneration and eXlpenses
of ,the County Enginee[' or 'Other pers'On so appointed durilllg the
time he may be so employed and the eX'penses connec~ted with
this By-law and the said Agreement shall be defrayed by the said
Company and be>fO're commencing any such work a plan or
:sketch there<o,f shall be deposited by the Company w~rt;h the Engin.:.
eer of the said County.
(7) 'The Company shall within thirty days oi tr~e comple-
'bon of the work file with the Engineer of the said County and the
Clerk of the said County a detailed plan sholwing the Lnal and
E!xact locati'On of all ,pipes or condui,ts and conne,ctions and aHach-
rnents incidellltal thereto, and the depth same are hid out in the
ground, and in the event of the changing of position of any 01
said pipes or ,conduits, attachments or conneetions, a revised plan
shall be filed in a like manner with the said Engineer and the said
Clerk,'within thirty days of the said change.
(8) Within sixty day.s after the passing of tpis' By-law a
,formal a,greement in duplicate shall be pirepared in pursuance
hereof between the said Company and" the said County Corpo: ,r
tion, and shall be executed in due form by both ,parties thereto,
whereby the said Company shall hind itself, its succeS;SOTS and as-
signs, duly to carry out, oIberve and perform the condi60ns hereL
c'ontained, ,and the said COI'ipora.tion shall a@ree on i~'S part to orb.
Iserve and perform the said By-law and the saidcondltions so fl:l.r
as they relaite to them, and one of such duplkate agreements
du~y executed as aforesaid shall be deposited with the Clerk o'f
ipe County, and the 'Other shall be given to the s;aid Company,
and from that ,time this By-law and the said Agreement shall be
binding upon the said Company and' the said Corporation.
(9) !The Company shall use aU practical and prOlper means
at all times to prevent the escape and leakage of gasoline, oil,
anti-freeze, brine 0[' other similar produclbs, and water, from 1ts
mains and ,p1Jpes or c'OnduIts, and the causing of any damage or
injury there1by to any person or property and the Company s:hall
make good to the CODpOT'Clition and aU persons af.fected, all. damage
whkh they may be caused by the work1s Dr clperations of the Com-
pany or by reas'On of any leakage :from the pipes.
(10) Where the['e is default by the Comany with respect tll
any m'atter men'tioned herein, the CorporaJtion shall have pO:'\iVer
'and autho['~ty to do any act or perform any service necessary to
remedy Isuch default, including any a!ct or service to maiin:tain,
repair, remov'e or otheJ:"wise deal with the p1Jpe line'S or conduits,
and the Company shall reimlburse the Corporation and pay all
coslts and expenses the COiIlpora,uon may incur or be ,put to by
re.ason thereof, whether or nort notice of such delfau~t has been
given ,to the Company prim to the doing of such ad or pertfo[rm-
ing such service, and .s'uch charges, and any expenlSe incurred by
the Co,r,p'ora'tion shaH be payable and paymer.Jt may be enfQlI'iCed
in like manner as taxes.
(11) The franchise herelby granted shall be fo.r the term of
ten yearls from and after the final passing Qf the by-law. Pro-
vided that if ait ai.y time pr'ior to the expiration of said term of
ten years or any renewal thereof, the Company sha,1l notify the
Corpor,ation in writing thClit. it desires a renewal ,thereof foa~ a
further period of ten years, the Council may in its disc,retion re-
new the same from time to time for a furither ;pelJ:'iod not exceed-
ing ten yeaI1s, a't anyone time.
(12) Upon the te['minatiJon of this franchise for any cause
whateve'r, .the Company shall remove i'ts mains, pipes or c'Ondui~s,
plant and works from the s'aid h:ighway\S and land and resto['e
such highways and ~an'd to the condition in which the same were
lpU.'evious to such removal and to' the sa'tisrfacltion of the County
Council or its .appointee. P['ovided that if said mains" pipes O'r
'conduits, plant and work's are not removed y the Oompany within
one year afteU.' jthe termination of said fJ'anchise, all such mains,
.pipes Oil' conduits, plant and works shall forthwith he fode:1te1d
'to and become the alb'S'O[ute pro.pe.rty O'f theCorpor'ation, and may
Ibe deai]t wIth and disiposed of as the Corporation may think pr'o':
pe'r, and foU.' the sole use and benefit of the CorpoJ'i:l:tion.
(113) No.thinJg herein contained shall be conistrued as glvmg
<or granting to' !the Oompany an exclusive f,ranchise f'or any or an
the purpO'ses emlbraced herein.
('14) 'This By-law and the Agreement entered into pursuant.
thereto is sulbject .to al,l s.tatu'tes, order's O'r rules mad'e or to 1b0
made by lawfully c'onstituted aUithority ha'V,ing jurisdiction in the
(1'5) In case eitheiI' ,the Corporation or the Co,mpany deems
it nece'ssary or advisalble to O'b't'ain ratificaltionof said by-la:w and
Qf the said AgJ'eement by the Legislature of the Province of Ontar-
io the olther party wilJI concur and ass,is't in olbtaining such ratifiea~
DA'DEn this 10th day of June A. D., 1948.
J. D. THOMSON, Clerk.
J. C. JENKINIS, Warden.
BY -LAW !NO. 1531
Granting Certain .Privileges ,:to .ISun Oil CompariyLimiied
WHEIR,EiAS Sun Oil Comp'any Limited, hereinafter called~he
"Company," is a company duly incoriPor'ated under The Companies
~ct ,and other Act relating thereto;
AND Wi.HE!.RJEAS it appears that Highways and land herein-
after menti.onedare vested in the Corporati.onofthe County of
Elgin :as County Toads Oir highways, and the Company have ajp-
plied to the said Oorporation for the right to lay, use andinaiiltain
pipes or conduits for transmitting gasoline, oil, anti-ireeze, brine
or other simUar products along, under, in or upon such highways
or lands owned by the said /Corporation, as hereinafter mentiomid,
su'bject to the ter.ms, conditioons, agreement's and regulations as slet
out in Schedu~e "A" hereto annexed;
AND WiH)EIRiEAlS simi~ar bylaw was passed by the said Cor-
ipoT'ation on the 23rd day .of Janua,ry, 1948 as No. 16'19, and it is
desired to extend and cQn\firm the said By-law aiS herein mOTe par-
,tloular ly set roorth;
OF THE COUNTY OF EIJG:LN duly constituted and assembled in
pursuance of the 'Premise:s and of ,the powers in the.in veistedan'd
'So far as such powers extend, hereby enact as follows:
(1) 'mAT this Council hereby g.rant, confer and assure unto
Sun Oil Company Limlted, its successors and alsS'lgns, all right,
power, authority, permission and consent to lay, use and main-
/tain pipes or C'onduits for transmitting gasoline, oil, an1ti-f,reeze,
'brine or other simirlrar products from Por.t Stanley Harlcour and
/ or Kett'le Creek to Warren Street, Port Stanley, and for the
purpose afores,aid to use . and occupy any highway or land now
or, herea:fJter ves,ted in or controlled by the saidCorporat!on, and
1;0 lay, use \and maintain pipes o,r .conduit,s for transmitting gaso-
line, oil, anti-freeze, brine or other similar products al.ong, under,
in 0[' upon such hi'ghways or lands owned by the said CorpoTcvtion,
sulbj-eclt to 'the con:ditions, regulationis and stilpulation'S set out and
'cont.ained in Schedule "A" hereto annexed.
(2)TH.A:T the Warden and ,the Clerk are hereby autho!rized
and directed to execute 1his By-law and the agreement to be pre-
pared in pu['suance thereof, and to atta'ch ,the Seal of the Corpo['.
atiem thereto.
(3) THI,S (By-law is subject to all statutes, ordeI'ls and ruies
made or to be made bwfullyconstituted having jurisdidtion in
the pireml<se'S.
(4) The word "highway" in this iBy-law shan inciude streets
and bridges fm>:mill'g part of the highways, upon, on, over or
across whkh the highway passe's.
Read a first time this 16th day of June, 1948.
Read a seco!lq time this 16,th day of June, 1948.
Read a third time and finally pa'Ssedthis 16,th day of June,
J. D. . THOIMlSON, Clerk.
J. C. J'ENiKlrNI3, Wa'rden.
To ,By-Law ~No. 1531 \of ,the \Corporatiin of :the County of ElguL.
Referred to ~n !the said By-Law hereto Annexed
(1) In lay,ing, using a'sd main;ta1ning pipes or conduits f:or
transmittin.g gasoline, oil, anti-freeze brine or Qther similar pro-
duet'S, refe!ITed to in the said annexed By-law, a,long said County
highways and land from time totlme, ~he Company shall, where:ver
pradtieable, use :for that purpose the par't of the highway's and
land adjacent to the fence lines or outer boundary thereof, and
,the Company shaH bury the same and re'8-tore the highways and
land to fkst-dass ,condition, and the said pipes shall Ibe so buried
land the highways and land so restored unlesis where the County
,Engineer of the said County otf Elgin or o;ther perS'on a'ppointed
'by the said Counlty directs othe,I1Wise.
(2) IIn. the laying, using and maintenance of the said system
the Company sha,ll use due care and diligence so that. traffk shall
not be impeded or interfered with any mOTe than is necesls,acr:y fOT
Ithe laying, using and maintenance of the said pipe'S 0[' conduits,
and so that after the said pipes or C'onduits have been !'aid and
,completed there shain be no oibstruction to o'r intenfenence with
all lawful traffic and UlSe,r on, over and along the high'way Ol
land or to the dit,che'S or drains there~n now or herealf:ter con-
structed, improved or m'aintained. And where any drains or
ditches are considered or made necessary by reason of .any wo.rlt
done or omitted to be done by the Company, the s,ame sh'al,l be:
conls!tr.ucted and maintained in good Qrder by the Company to' t' ':
saitis.fCliction of said. County Engineer or other peI1Son appoinlted by
the Council during the continuance of this :franchise.
(3) ,The said Comany shall he Haible for any 10,ss or injury
that any peI"Son may sustain by r-eason of the exe,rc.ise by (the
Company .of any powers 0.1' ri,ghts under said BY-Ilaw whethe,r
arising through any carelessness, neglecJt, deif.ault or misconduct
'or otherlwise of its ageI1lts,servants or employee1s in the manage-
ment, construction, maintenance, laying;, or .useof its pipes 0.11
conduits, and the said Company shall indemnify, sa,ve ~nd keep
harmless the said CQrpor!ation of the County of E'lgin from any
damage, ,C<laim or demand that may be claimed by property hold-
ers or any person or persons on account of the laying of its pipes
'or conduits incidental there:to or ,the use thereof, and shall in~
demnirfy the' said OorporaJtion' against aH loss, co'sts, damages and
expenses the Corporation may pay, incur or be put to by reason
of any claims, damages 0.1' injury re,sulting from or occ~asioned by,
or in consequenceo1f :the construction, laying, conldition or Qper-
atibn of said pipes or conduits or incidental the,reto, provided,
however, that the Oompany shall have reasonable noltice and an
opportunity to defend.
(4) The rights conferred upon the said Company by the s,aid
By-law and the A\gre€ment to be executed in pUir'suance thereof,
shall be sU'bjeiC't to the right to the' free use of the said highways
and land by alJ persons entitled thereto and subject to the rights
of the owner's of properties adj'oining the said' highways and land
of full ac,cess to and from such hi1ghways, and land, and of - con-
structing -crossings and approaches from their proper!ties thereto,
,and shall be sulbject also to the rights, and privileges, which the
said COI'lpor,ation may grant to any other companies or per8on:3
to lay pipes, ere\c,t poles, striI1lg any kind of wires for .any pur-
pose, or construct railways on said highways, or to other1wise
lawdC.u1:ly sue the same, aH o.f which rilgMs are eX}pressly reserved;
and the Company shall lower or move their pipes wherever tl .
Oounty may hereafter deem ne,cessary for any such purpose8, hut
any such right hereafter giranted shall be sulbject there'to, and to
all rights owned by the Company prior to the pa'Sising of this
('5) The rights conferred on the said Company by the said
By-law arid the agree!nent to be executed in pur'suance the,reotf
shall likewise be subjecit to the right -of the OorporaHon !to require
the Company to vary the posidon of any pipes or conduits at any
tlm'e, at the soile cost and expense of the said Company upon
thirty daY's' rroltice in writing by the Corporat'ion.
(6) iAl[ work done in pursuance of the saiJd By-law shall be
subject to the a:plpro'Val, S'anction and direction of the said C'Ounty
!Engineer for the time being of the said Cotl'lporaltion or other per-
son appointed by the Council 'Of said County, who shan have fun
'power. and au1th'ority t'O give such. directions and orders to the
Company a1s to locaition upon the highwaY'S or land of the 'sa1d
:pipes 'Or. conduits. and the manner of laying the same, or wherE:
such pipes 'Or conduit,s shall be buried or O!therwls'e hOIWSIOe'1rer,
,as in his judgment shaH be considered best in the inlteres,tis .of the
said Corporation; all such direcltions shan be in writing, and the
'Said Company shall be olbJiged to follow such directiQll's or orders
as may be given a;s aforesaid, and the remuneration and expenses,
olf the County Engineer 'Or DIther pers.on soa'Ppointed during the
,time he may be sa empLoyed and the e~penses connected with
this By-l,a:w and the said Agreement shall be defr,ayed by the said
Company iand before commencing any such WOT!k a plan o;r
sketch thereof shal,l be deposited by the Company with the :En-
gineer of the said County.
~7) 'The Company shall wilthin thirty daY'S of the Complet-
tion. 'of the wor k fil]~ with the Engineer of the said County and
the Clerk of the said County a detailed p-lan showing the final
and exact location of all pipes or condu~ts and aU connecttons and
attachments incidentaJ thereto, and the depth same are laid out
in the ground, and in the event of the changing of p'OIsitionoif any
of said pipes o'r conduit,s, attClichment's or connections, a revised
plan shaH be filed ina like manner w1th the said Engineer, and
the said Clerk, ;within thirty daY'S of the said change.
(8' Within sixty daY1s afte.r the passing of this By-law a
formal agreement in duplicate shall be prepared in pursuan':,G
hereof between the said Company and the s:aid County Oorporr-a-
tion, arid' shall be executed in due form by both parties thereto,
whereby the said Company shall bind itself, ~ts. success'ors and
assdgns,duly to caI1ry out, observe and perform the condit:lons
herein contained, and the said IC'Orpor:ation shall agree as its part
to observe and pemorm the said By-law and the said ,conditions
so far as they relate to them, and one of such duphcate agree-
ments duly exe,cuted as aforesaid shall be deposlited with the
Clerk of the County, and the other shall be given to the sa'id Com-
pany, and from that time this By-law and the said Agreement
shan be binding upon the said Company and the said Corporation.
(9) The Comipany shall use all practica,l and proper means
:at aU time1s to prevent the e\S:cape and leakage of gasoline, oH,
anti..freeze, brine or other simila,r products, II\om its main's and
pipes or conduits, and the ,causing of any damage of injury the.re.
Iby to any person or property and the Company shall make good
Ita the Corporation 'and a1l persons affected, all damage which
they may be cClJUiSed by the work1s or operations olf the Company'
or by reason of any leakage from the pipes.
(10) Where there is defauH by the Company with respect to
any matter menltioned herein, the Corpoiration shall have po,wer
and authoDity to do. any act or perform any service necessary to
remedy such default, including any act or service to maintain,
['epair, remolVe or otherwise deal with the pipe line1s or conduiltrs,
and the Company shall reimhurse the Corporat:ion and pay an
costs and expenses the Corporation may incur or be put to by
reason thereof, whether o.r not notice of such default has been
given to the Company, prior to the doing of such act or pertform-
ing such service, and such charges and any expense incur.red by
the C'orporation shall be payable and payment may be enforced in
like ffi'anneras taxes.
(11) The franchise herelby granted shaH be for the term '01
ten years from and after the final passing of the ,by -law. Pro-
vided that if at any time prior to the expiration of said term 01
lien years 0'1' any r.enewal thereof, the Company shaH notify the
Corporation in writing that it desires a renewal thereof for a fur-
ther period of ten years, the Council may in i't:s discretion renew
the same frtom time to t.ime for a further period not eXlceediI1i;;
ten years, at anyone time.
(12) Upon ,the termination o,f this franchise for any cause
'whatever, the Company shall remove its mains, pipe!s, or conduits
:plant and works from the said h1ghways and land and restorr€
s,uch highways and lan'd to .the condition in which the same were
previous to such re,mova.il and to the satisfa~cbon or the County
Council Qr its appointee. Provided that if said mains, pipes Oil'
condui ts, plaI1lt and work's are nQt removed by the Company
within one year after the termination of said franchise, all siUch
mains, pipes or conduits, pilant and works sh'all forthwith be for-.
feited to and become the absolute property of the Corporation"
and may be deailt with and disposed of as the Corpoi'ation ma~'
,think proper, ,and for the sole use and benefit or the Oor:por'ation.
(13) Nothing herein contained shall be Iconstrued as givin:.:,
or granting to the Company an exclusive franchis'e for any or all
the purposes embraced herein.
(14) This By-ilalw and the Agreement en'tered into pursuant
thereto is subje.ct to alil statutes, orders or rules made or t'O be
made by lawfully constituted author-ity h'aving jurisdiction in the
(15) In case 'eiher the Corporation or the Company deems it
ne,cessary or advisalble to olbtatin ratifkation of said /by-law and
of the said Agreement by the Legislature of the Pr'Ovince of On-
tario the other party lWill !Concur and assist in obtaining such rati-
ficatlion .
DA,TiE[) this l'6th day o;fJune, A. D. 1948.
J. D. THOMSON, Clerk.
J. C. J'ENKINIS, Warden.
BY-LAW NO. 1532
To 'Co,nfirm ihe Equalization of the Assessment Rolls of
,the County of ,Elgin for the Year 1948:
The ELgin County Council enCl:cts:
That the foUowingbe Ithe equaHzation of the Assessment
RoJls of the Count;y Qf Elgin f0'r the year 1948:
South Dorchester
POQ't Stanley
Wes1t Lorne
p.ort Burwell
$:30,818<8,.31 a.
That this Coundl is willing to have the final equailization of
As'sessment 1R01ls, in 'ease of appeal, made by the County Judge.
Read a firSlt time thi's li6th day of June, 1948.
Read H second time this 1,6,t:h day Qf. June, 194:8.
Read a thi,rd time and finally pas'sed this 16th day of J une~
J. D. THOMSON, Clerk.
J. C. JENKINS, Warden.
BY -LA WNO~'1533
To .Authorize the, Warden and Treasurer to Bm'~pw fi:ln
,Additional Sum of Fifity Thousand Dollars
The Ei~gin County OouncH enacts:
'That the W,arden and Treasurer be and are he,reby authorized
to Iborrow an addLti:onaJl sum of Fifty Thousand Dollarrs from the
Bank of Montreal as it may be requdJred to meet the expenditures
of !the Corporation of the County o.f Elgin for the remainder of
the year 1'948 and ;to give ais se'curity therefore note's oif One
Thous~atl!d DoHa,rs 0[' multiples thereof.
Read a first 'time this t3th day of September, 1948.
Read a !second time this 13th day of September,' 1948.
Read a third time and finally passed this li3'th day of Sep-
tember, 19'48.
J~ D. THO\MJSON, Clerk.
J. C. J'ENK:DNS, Warden.
BY -LAW NO. 1534
A By-Law to (provide for {Contributions for ,Superannuation
te Gaol Officials and Employees
WHEIREiAS The Public Service Act, Ch'apter .74, Secition 5, R.
S. O. 1948 and The Rublic Service A<ct R. S. O. 1947, provides fOT
the deduction from salaries of Gao'l Officials and Employees foa:'
Superanuation Allow.ances and the contribution of an equal
amount by the County ori Elgin.
The 80rp or1a1ti on o'f the Council of the County of E~.gin enacts
.aIS By -Law 1534 as LO.uOWS:
1. 'TIHAT the T;re1a;surerQf the County of Elgin shan deduct
from ,the sa[ary of every Goal Official and Employee, who is
elig1ilble, the amount set ~orth under Se,ction 13, Chapter 89, R. S.
o 1947, PUlblic Servrice Act.
2. THJ~ T ;the County of Elgin shan contribute an equal am-
0unt as, proiV<ided under Section 15, Chapter 74, R. S. O. IH48, Public
Service Act.
3. ,TIHiAJr the County of Elgin enter into an agreement to
:pay into the Fund in respect of service of sU'ch persons prior to
the fir'st day of July 1948, such sums as m'ay be alg,reed upon and
approved py the Lieutenant-Governor in Council.
This By-Law shan be deemed to have had effect on and af-
ter the first day of July, 1948.
Read 'a first 'Hme this 13th day of September, 1948.
Read a second time this 13th day of September, 1948.
Read a third time and finally passed this 13th day of Sep-
terr~ber, 1948.
J. D. THOMSON, Clerk.
J. C. JENKINS, Warden.
~BY-LAW ,NO. 1535
A By-Law :to Amend the By-Law Adopting la IPlan of Count~r
Road Improvement and :to Esfablish \a County Road
System in the lCounty ,of Elgin iPassed. Under
the \Highway Improvement Acf
The Council of the Corporation of the County of Etgin enacts
as By-Law 1513'5 as foHorws:
1. Schedule of By...lLaw 1<012>5 is amended by adding thereto
the foUolwin'g roads. in the Town of Aylmer and the To.wnship of
M,alahide to the county r,oad system:
Road No. 53
F]FTiH A ViENUE from the intersection of Tallbot Street or
Hi,ghway No.3 souther'ly to South Street.
SOU'JIH STRE,ET from Fifth Avenue easterly to Victoria
V,]CORIA STREET from South Street southe.rly to Elk
ELK STREET fI'iOffi Victoria Street eas.ter[y to Highway No.
3 or Talbot Road.
2. This by-law shallcO'me into fo,rce upon the approval
thereof by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council.
Dated at the City of St. Thomas, this 25th day of November,
J. D. THOMSON; Clerk
J. C. JENKINS, Warden.
[BY-LAW NO. 1536
To Assume ia (Bridge ,in the Town of Aylmer
WHEREAS S€let10n 4\66, Chapter 2,6,6 R. S. O. 1937 provides
:DO[, the assuming of a bridge in a town in the Oounty:
The Council of the COTporation of the County of ELgin enacts
as By-Law 1513,6 as [ollolws;
THAT the bridge on John Street in the Town of Aylmer be
and is herelby assumed as a County bridge.
Dated at the City O'f St. Thomas, this 25th day Qf November.
J. D. THOMSON, Cle~k.
J., 'C. JENKINS, Warden..
BY -LAW NO. 1537 ,
1\. By-Law to Amend the By-Law Adopfing a ,PIal} of County
Road' Improvement land to Establish \a .county Road
System ~n :the ~ounty .of Elgin Passed Under
the' Highway Improvement Ad
The Council of the Corpo,ration Df the County of Elgin en-
acts as By..(Law 1'537 as f.ollows:
1. Schedule otf By-Law 1052 is amended as follows:
That the port1on of road No. 47 .in the TOI\1vnship of South
Dorchester commencing at the road bet:ween concessions ten
and eleven and Lot three and four thence southerly to the road
be1tween Concessions eleven and tw-elve.
Road No. 408 in the T0<wnshipof South .DO'rcheste,r betw€~en
COll'ces!sion eleven and twelve from Lot six thence easterly to
Lot A at the boundary 1inebetweenCO'llnties' of Elgin and Ox-
ford are removed frQm the county road system, and the fO'llowi.ng
added theretO':
ROAD . NO. 49 - in the Township of 'South DOI'\cheste,r between
Lots six and seven commencing at the.road bebweenConces-
sions eleven and twelve thence northerly to the road betwE~en
ConcessiO'ns ten ,and eleven.
ROAD NO. ,52 -commencing at the ViUag'eof Springfield thence
easterly on the townUne between the To'wnship of South Dor-
ches'ter 'and Malahide t'O the boundary line between the Coun-
ty of IDlgin and the County 'Of Oxford thence northerly OIl
the Iboundary line between the Counties of Elgin and Oxford
to, the road between Concessions eleven and twelve, South
ROAD NO. 4,15 - the townline between the Townships of MCllla-
hide and Yarmouth .commencing at Jaffa, the Juncti'On of the
road between Concession :four and five, Township of Ma~la..,
hide, thence nQrtherly t'O Provincial Highway No.3; at Or-
ROAD NO 4 - Queen Street in the Village of Rodney,commen-
cing at Furniv,al St., thence easterly to the ViiJ.lage limits.
2. This By-LB.iw shan;. come into force upon the approval
thereof by the Lieurtenant-Govern'Or in Council.
-Dated at the City of St.Thom,a:s, this 25th day o.fN'Ovel11hel',
J. D. THOMSON, Clerk.
J. C.JENKINS,W:arden.
1094 .
BlY -LA WNO. 1538
To Amend By-Law No. 1526
The. Elgin CQunty GouncH enacts' as follows:
THA!T By..[.,.aw 15'26 be amended as follows:
That Mrs. Homer Tedford be returning offtcer toO hOlld the
first election for the Village of POI'lt Burwell.
Read a first time thi$ 2'5th day olfNovember, 1948.
Read a se,cond tim.'e this 25th day of November, 1946.
Read a third time and finally passed this 251th day of Nov-
ember, 1948.
J. D. 1.1HOMSON, Clerk.
J. C. JENKINS, Wa['den.
BY -LAW NO. 1539
To Amend By-Law 'No. 1499
The ~:rgin County Council enacts.:
That By~Law No. 149-9 "To Regulate the Cutting of Trees,"
be amended as f-oUows:
CLAUSE 1: Tht no cedar or blClJck locust tree of a diameter of
less than five inches nor any other tree of a diameter less
than fourteen inches, measured sixteen inches from the
ground shall 'be cut by any person Vifilthin the County.
CLAUSE 2: This By-law shall not apply to
(a) 'Thinilllg operations and improvement cU1ttings but these
operations. must be carried out 'ac.co,rding to approved
IDoTe'sltry pralCtices and th'e a;pprovClil of the Tree Consler-
vation Commission.
CLArUSE 5: No person shall cut trees adjacen;t to a pu'blic road
within th'e County unless there shall be left alon'g the said
road or roads a belt of trees sixty-six feet in width from ~;he
adjacent li'mit of the rQad allowance from which may be :re-
mOiVed only such tree's as may be approved and marked by
someonearuthorized by the CoruntyTree Conservation Offi-
That By-Law No. 14919 is hereby amended ac'cordingly.
Read a first time this 215th day of November, 1948.
Read a second time this. 2'5th day of November, 1948.
Read a third time and finally passed this 251th day of Nov-
ember. 1948.
J. D. 1'HOMSON, Clerik.
J. C. J,ENKINS, Warden.
BY-LAW NO 1540
To Authorize the Ingersol Telephone Company Limited, of
lnge,rsot Ontario, ,to Erect and ,Maintain POlles, Wires or
Cables upon ihe Highways in the Said County
; WrHEIRIEiAlS the Ingerso[ Teiehone Company, Limited, of In-
gers:ol, Ontario, is em\powered by its Letters Patent dated the
3rd day of August, 1906, to construct, erect and maintain its line
or line's oif telephone alonlg the sides od' and across or under any
pu1blic hiJghways, streets, br,idges, watercourses, or oitner s,u,ch
places, or across or under any navigable waters in ,certain part~; of
the Province of 'Ontar;io, subjeect :to the terms .therein s,el1; forth;
WtHEIREA!S Part III, Section 79, of The Telephone Ad of . On~
tario, R. S. O. 1937, provides that no telephone line within the
le,gis,l~Hveauthodty of the 'Province 01 Ontario shall, except as
therein provided, be constroctedu,pon, cHong or across any high-
'Wia~ror .square without the legal consent of themunici(pality hav-
ing jutisd'lcHon o;Yer such highway or square.
HE I~ THiEiRJ~ORiE ENACTED by the Co.rporation of the
COllnty of Elgin as a by-law, and it isherelby enacted as a by~law
as follolw's, that is to say:
(1) 'I1HiAT The Ingersol Telephone Company LimIted be and
it is herelby aU!thorized and empowered to construct telephone
1ill1:~:s and to erect the necessary poles and wires for the same, and
to maintain, and keep up the same upon any ,andaH of the high-
ways, squares, bridges or lanes within the County of Elgin over
which the s,a.id corpqra1tion has jurisdiction, and to use the said
higihways, squares, bridges or lanes within the said County over
wh:Lch the said Cor!poration has jurisdiction for placing in, upon,
over or under the same the poles, cables, ducts and wires neces-
sary for the purpose of its business.
(2)TH1AT the construction of the said telephone lines and
the erection of the said poles, cables, ducts and wires shall be
carried out.in accnrdance with the specificatiO'nspresc:ribed!by
Th~~ .ontario Municipal Board and under the supervision of the
Council of the Corporaitionof the County of Elgin or its County
Engineer, whose written approval of locations of lines and whose
'certificates as to supervision shall be binding upon the Corpor-
ation, and a plan sholWing the lQcation of the said line or lines.
shaH be filed in the of.fi.ce of the Muntcipal Clerk or County En-
gineerof the said County before the said line shall be constructed,
(3) TFFA T upon obtaining the consent of theaJbuiJting land-
owners, the Company may, at its own expense, and with the ap-
!proval and under the supervJ.sioll of the said County Engineer,
trim all trees .growing or standilllg upon the highways otf the Cor-
poration so as. to keep its lines and wires free from interference
therewith. (4) ,THArr' the Clerk of the said COTporation is
hereby authorized and directed to ceI'lHfy from time to time un-
der the Seal of the Corporation, to the IngersolTelephone Com-
pany, Limited, Ingersol, Ontario, theapPbintment and the name
of Corporation's County Engineer authorized to act under this
(5) 'THAT the said telephone lines, poles, wires or cables
shall be ere.cted so as not to interfere with the lines, po'}es and
'Works of any other telephone or telegraph company at present
constructed upon any such highway.
(6) 'IlHAT the said telephone lines, poles, wires or cables
shall be soconstructed,ere,cted and maintained as shallno1; inter-
fere with the public right olf travelling on or using highways,
roads, streets, bridges, waters or water courses.
(7) 'DRAT the said Inger'sd[ Telephone Company, Limilted
shall indemnify 'the Corporation of the County 0& ___Jgin against
any actions or claims for damages which may be brought against
tbe said Corpo'raton for or by reason of the construcltion, op1era-
tion and maintenance of the said works.
(8) ''IlHLS By-law shall come into force and effect upon be.
ing approved by The Oll'tar.io MunicipaiJ. Board, and to the issue
of Supplement~ry Le<tters Patent authorizing the said Company
to operate and carry on a general system or bus,iness with this
Read a first time this 215th day olf N ovemhe,r, 1948.
Read a second time this 25th day of November, 1948.
Read a third time and finally passed this 2Mh day of Nc)V-
em!ber, 1948.
J. D.THOMSON, Cler~.
J. c. JENKIN?~ Warden.
BY-LAW NO. 1541
Being a ;By-Law to Provide Pensions for Employees
of the Municipality
WHEREAS Paraghaph 41a of Section 404 of the Municipal
Act, provides that by-laws may be passed by all muncipalities
for providing pensions for employees of any class thereof.
'DHERlEE1ORiE the Council of the Corporation of COUNTY of
1. The municipality shaH enter into an employees' Retire-
ment Annuity Contract with the Government pur,suant to the
Gov'ernment Annuities AClt (Canada) in the form set out in the
Plan attached hereto and forming part of thi,s by-law and the
Warden and the Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to
execute all documents, and do aU things necessary in connection
therewith, and the Clerk is hereby authorized and dire,;::ted to af-:-
fix the seal of the municipality to all such dQo~uments.
2. The CouncH annually shall provide in the current estimate
the annual sum required to. pay for the annuities to. be purchased
by the municipality under the Plan for those employees wh(,
from time to time become members of the Plan; and annually
shain pay the said sum in quarterly ill'setalments to the Govern-
ment or the Insurer.
:3. 'The Municipal 'Treasurer shall keep the payments by
mernbers of the Plan ina separate account and shaH pay same to ,
the Government or the Insurer.
,4:, ., Every employee who elects to join the. Plan shall sign a
form of application .for mem!bership in the Plan and authorize the
municipality in writing to .deduct from his salary or wages his
payments under the Plan.
!5.Every employee Iwhoapplies 'for membership in the Plan,
shall be given a copy of this by-law at the time o.f applicatio.n.
6. Every person who. beco.mes an employeeafrter the effedilve
date of the Plan shall be required as. a condition of his employment
to jo.in the Plan as pro'V"ided therein.
7. Every employee who. joins the Plan shall be deem'ed to.
have joined it upon the terms and conditions contained in this
8. It shaH be the duty O'f the Treasurer:
(a) To keep a lislt of an member employees under the Plan
in which shall !be set out the name and age of each, the time
when he entered the service of the municipality, a cumulative re-
-Coord .of his service, the amount of his salary of wages from time
Ito. time, the name, address, age and relationship of each bene-
ficiary nominated by him under the Plan, his N O'rmal Retirement
A,ge and his earlier retirement age a,ccording to the Plan.
(b) To ~eep a correct Hst of an memlber employees and for-
mer member employees who have retired or who have terminat-
ed Itheir emplQyrnent or who'S,e employment ha,s been terminated
and the amount of the annuity to which each beoame or will be-
come entitled to. under the Plan.
(c) 'To keep such other statistic'al and O'ther records relat.ive
to the Plan as may be required.
(d) To report to the council on 0'1' before the first day of
Fehruary in each year.
('1) The names of all member employees who have
retired from the service of the municipabty or have died
during the la1st calendar year.
. (12) The salary or w.agesof each member employee
at the time of hi's retirement or death.
~3) The ,cause of retirement.
(e) Generany.to do all things ne'cessary in connection with
the adminiJstl'ia,ton o'fthe plan.
9. Any .memlber employee who claims to be entitled to be
retired before his normal or earlier retirement age on account of
diis'a'biHty shaH make his claim to the treasurer who shallconsid-
el' the claim and re:poa:rt thereon to council.
10. The municipality shall provide such clerical assistance.
stationery, postage, printing, office and filing equipment as may
be neces,sary' to . enalble the' Clerk' and Trea,surer to carry out their
duties unde,r this By -law.
H. 'This By-lCliw shall not be amended so as to adversely ef-
fect the benefits or rilghts of the member employee, OT any of
them, or be repealed unless such amendment 01' repeal shall first
have 'been approved by a two-thirds vote of all member employ-
ees; noi' shall the said By-iJ.aw be repealed without the approval
of the Department of Municipal Alffairs.
Re'ad a f>irsit. and Second .time this 2'5th day of November, 1948.
Read a third time and finally passed this 2:51th day of Nov-
err~ber, 19418.
J. D. THOMSON, Clerk.
J.. C. .J,ENKINS, Warden.
lE[JGWNl C:(j}U(N~Y~ CQUNm.I\4
(a) Wherev,er used here'in, "Employer" means: COUll'tYi of
Elgin, Oll'tarim
Qb)' '~E!MPLOYiElE~': shall me'an any. s~laried; officer; clerk,
workman, serv,ant or other peflson in the employi of a: municipality
or .of a lQcal board, and as designated by the Department shall
include any perSO'll whnse salary 0\0 remuneration is paid or con-
trtbuted, th in whole or in' part by the,' municipality; Qr" local board
thereof whether or not appinted by the municipaiLty" n local board.
(c)' '(QOVJEiRNMENT" means, His: Ma:i,esty' the,.' King;, repre-
sented by; the. Minister' of Labour f()r Canada for and on behalf of
the. Annuirt,ies Branch, Dep.artrnent of Labour,. Canada.
(d) "INBUR,iER" shall mean an: insurance company licensed
under The Insurance Act.
(e) The mas'culine pronoun wherever used" includes. female
employee, unlesis the context indicated otherwise.
(f) . "iD'EPAIRTM.ENT" means The Department, of Municipa)
Affairs for Ontario.
(g) "P,EIRMANENT EMPLOYEE" shaH mean any employee
who serves at least, the eq1.livalent of 75% ofa. year in a year.
(h) "MiIDMBER EM'PLOYEE" shall. mean an employee reg-
istered with the Government or Insurer under, the terms of the
Retirement Annui.ty Contract issued in espe.ct. of the Plan.
(i) '~CO\lVI'MENCEMENT DAT'E" shalil mean the date upon
which a member commences payments under the Plan.
(j) '''EiFlFiECTlViK D.NDB" shalt mean' the' date upon which
the PeIl!Sion Plan come,s into force~
(a) IEa,ch present permanent employee, and each permanent
male emp~oyee and each female employee all of whose
employment commences after the effective date of the
Plan, will be eHgi'bl:e to be'come a mernJber f the Plan on
the effective da,te if they then:
(i) as a present permant employee on the. e1ffective date
of the Plan have not attained Normal Retirement
Age as specified herein;
(ii) have ,completed at leas,t one year of continuous em-
ployment. Iwith the Employ.er, or whose sa[ary or re-
muneration has been paid or eontributed to in
whole or in part by the Employer for at leas1t 'twelve
continuing months;
(b) Each employee who is not eligible to' become a member
of the Plan on the effective date, will be eligible to be-
come a member on ,the first day of the month immed-
iately fotlIowing the date on which the conditions appli-
,cable, as set forth in para:gr;aph (a) are fulfilled.
(c) (1) Each male person who 'becomes an employee after
the effective date of the Plan, must, as a condHion
of employment, become a member of the Plan on
the first day of the first month immediately follow-
ing the date on which the conditions app~.1cable as
set forth in pa~a graph (a) are fulfiHed, provided he
has reached his 21st birthday.
(ii) lEach ifemale person who !becomes an employee aftei'
the effective date of the Plan, must, asa condition
of employment, become a member of the Plan on the
first day of the first month immediately fO'Howing
the date on which the conditions applicalble as set
fo~th in paragraph (a) are fulfilled, provided that
she has rea'ched her 21st birthday.
(d) Each employee who has volunteered or who has bi:~en
drafted for military service prior to the effective date of
the PJan, or prior to. becoming elig~ble, and who returns
to service within six months a~ter hisdischar,ge frQm
military service, will be eHgilble to become a member of
the Plan on the first day Qf'the month following return
,to work, or ,following ;completion of. the eligibility condi-
(e) To become a memlber Qf the Plan an eligible employee
must s~gn the form of application pr.ovided, and authQr-
ize the required payroll deductions.
(f) Any €<mp[oyee who. becomes a member of the Plan maY'
not, except with the consent of the Employer, withdraw
from it as long as he is an employee and under Retire-
ment .A,ge. When an employee so withdraws no further
.c.ontrilbutions will be made by him or by the Ernp~o:V'er
on his behalf. under this 1PJan.
The Normal Retirement Da,te of a member will be the fi.rst
day of the month immediately foHowing the at<tainment of ;Nor-
mal Retirement Age, whkh i,s as follows:
(a) 'Male Employees:
Age on Becoming a Member
Normal Retirement Age
Age 60 and under
Age 60 and over
(Ib) iFem,ale Emp[oye1es:
Age on Becoming a Member
Age 5'5 and under
6'5ih birthday
70th birthday
Normal Retirement Age
60th bir,thday
E[bGIN, 00~N'FY 00UNlmlb
Alge 60' and over
70th' birthday
]~ach employee' who is over' Normal Retirement Age, as speci-
fied herein; ~t the e'ffective'date of' th1e' P~an;' will be' retired ,art a
date to' be" determined' 'by the> Employer; and' win I'Ieceive' from the
date" of actual retirement the amount 0[' annuity determined by
his' ~{lears: of' past :serviCes' UP' tb the' effective da'te of the' Plan.
'1. C0NTRillBUTl!0N1S
(a) For Future Service
(i)' EMPiLOY'EIE - Each. member of the Plan will CO'11-
tr1but,e 5 % o:i' his earnings, but not to exceed $300.00
per annum.
(ii) ElMrP[JOY;ER - For each member ot the P,lan the
EmpI.o~er wilrcontribute an amount equal to 5 % of
earnings for s,ervi<ce rendered' after the effective
date' of the Plan (hereinafiter rererred to as Future
:Service Contributions) /but not to exceed $3'00.0.0 pel'
(b) For Past Service
(i) ElMJJLOYIEiE -' Each memiber of' the Plan will have
the pr.ivHelge of making contributions for the nu'IT\-
her o'f ye,ars of pasit service during which he was
not a contrilbutor to the Plan. T,he total conrtribu",
tiomr which an employee may make for pastser-
vice. w.iU he determined on the basis Qf 5 % of his
tOltal remuneration received prior, to !becoming a
contributor to the Plan. The payments by the em-
'ployee f.QlI' past service are entire,ly, optional and
may be paid at any time, or from time :to time, be-
rore retireml€nt. hut must be paid thrQugh the Em-
(ii) iE[MjPLOm!R - The EmpJoy:erreaUzes that present
o[d:eremploy.ees will not ha.ve chance to build up a
l'Ieserve to provide a sufficient retirement income
before teaching retirement age. The Employer
there1fore will al$o c,O,ntrihutes<uch amounts as may
!be l1eCiessary t purchase annuities in respect to ser-'
vice pdor to the Effec1tive Date of the PJ:an, and. as
herein proi\Tided (hereinafterref'erred to a.s Past
Serv1ce ContlJ.'iiJbutionS).
(c) 'The contr,1butions of t member wlll be deducted from his
'earningis by the Employer and remit,ted to- the Govern-
1:nent at the end of each three month's period to.gethe'1'
with Emp[oyercontributions for the same period. If
the cOll'trilbutions made by and on behal,f of a member
become sufficient, befo'1'e his reti:rement date, to pur-
,chase the maximum annuity available to him from the
Go'vernment ($1,:200.00 per year) no further contributions
Iwill be pa.yable <to the Government by the member 0'1'
by the Einploye'r on his beehalf.
(d) For pUI'Ipose of this P,lan, the Employer's determination
01 a member's earnings and length of. service shall be
conc,lrU'sive. The portion o:f a member's earninlgs which
exceed $6,000.00 !per yeaII' shall not be takeh ihto c:on-
s;ideration for purposes of c,alcula.tirt,g ,contibutions or
beneifi ts under the Plan.
(a) Future Serrvices ~being service rendered by a member
after the e:f)fedive dat'e of the Plan). E.ach member Qf '
I the P~an will receive at Normal Retirement Date, sub-
ject to the "be1rIDs, of this Plan, the amount of annui,ty
purchased by. the contributions made by the memlber
himself a.nd by the Employer on h~s behailf for Future
Service. (ISee a,ttachedc.opy of Annual Pr.remium Rates).
(b) Past Service Cbeing .serv.i.ce rendered by a member prioit'
to the effectiVie date of the Plan).
(i) Each eJigilble employee who becomes a membelf of
the Plan wiU re'ceive, commencing at Normal Re-
tirement Date, suQ>ject to' the tenus O'f this Plan, a
Past Service annuity equal to $12.00 for each com-
pleted Y'eaiI' of servi,ce up to the effective date of the
(Ii) In cakula'ting the numlbetr of yeaY!s of Past Service
.of employees who have been or who are absent on
mRitary service~ and who su1bsequently become
members of the Plan in accordance with Paragraph
4 hereof, ,credit shall alsO' be given :for the period in
military service up to the ej)fective date of the PJan.
(Hi) Employees who are eligible for Past Service contri-
butions on the effective d:atie of the Plan and whO'
do not pa'rticipate in the Plan within the period as
specified n paragJ.'lCliph 1 of the Re.gulatons under the
Plan, may participate later without payment by the
employer O'f Past Service Contributions.
(c) Hat his Normal Retiremen1t .Date, thecontrilbutions at
the c<redit orf a member, including his own and those
made by the Employer on his behalf, are not suf.ficiest
to purchase for him an annuity of $10.00 per year, such
contributions will be paid to the member in a lump sum.
(d) 'The maximum anuity that may be receIved by a member
under this Plan :fir-om the Government or an insurer is
-11,200.0.0 per year. The maximum annuity availalble
'fr.omthe . Government on the life of a memlber is also
$,1,'200.00 per year, in which will be inc,ludied the amount
of annuity to which a member may be or may become
entitled under an individual Government Annuity Con--
trarct on his life at the tune of becoming a member of
Ithe Plan, and if he is thereby precluded from receiving
the :maximum annuity unqer the Plan from ,the Govern-
ment, ,conttributions under the Pian w:n. be remitted tQ,
the Government. un1til the maximum annuity available
to the memlber j)rom the Government has been purchas-
ed, and theveafter contrilbutions will be remitted to SUICh
Insurance Cnmpany, licensed to dO' .business in Canada,
as the Emiployer may designate, until the maximum an-
nuity undeil' the P[an has been purchas,ed, or until the
member a'ttains Nocmal Retirement .Alge, whichever oc-
,curs first.
'The Reltiremi€nt Annuity will commen1ce on the retirement
date of the memlber, and will be payalble in monthly instalments
as long as he lives, provided that sixty monthly instalments will
be paid as an annuity in any event.
In place of the NOil'mal Type of Annuity, as described in par-
ag,raph 2.1, a member may, at any time more than five years befo:re
his retirement annuity commences. or within six months from
his date of registration with the Goveil'nment or Insurer, choose
anyone of the following types provided the cost to' Employer is
nnt herelby increased:
. (a) Joint and Survivorship Annuity - providing a small~
anll'urty, but payable during the lifetime Qf the member
and anotheil' penson, generaHy his wife, andcontinuilng
until the death of the su['vivor.
(b) Annuity payable f.or life, but 120 annuity instalments
guaranteed in any event.
(c) Annuity payalble fO'r Hfe,and ceasing with the last in-
stalment due before the date of death.
(Inf.ormation wi1:l be supplied on request by the GQlve[m-
ment or the Insurer, approximate amount od: annuity
'tha't would be received under anyone of these options).
(a) l[f for any reason other than his death or early retire-
. ffient (seep'aragr,ClJph. 10), a memibershouldcease to' be
empJoyed 'by the Emplo1Yer prior to his, Normal Retire-
Dat,e, the to.tal of theeontriI'ibutioD's which he has'made
under the Plan win remain at his credit with the Gov.
ernmentor Insurer, to provide him with an Annuity
,commencing at No['mal Retirement Date.
(b) In addition, if at date of termination of service, the
member has completed at le:ast twenty years of servi'ce,
he will receive at Normal Retiremen't Date the amount
of .annuity pu.rchased by 'Future Service contributions
madeiby the Employ.er on his behalf.
Any member whose emp[oyment has been terminated and
who is suibsequently r'e-employ.ed by the Employer, wi1l, for pur...
poses o'f this Plan beconsidel'ed a new e(rnployee.
1 O. :E'A~L y' R:E:T]RiEi.lVIENT
A memJbe1r may be pe:rmit,ted to retire on the first day of any
month for re'ason of sickness or disability as determined by the
Employer. The amQunt of annuity thereup payab[e to the Mem.
ber will be on a reduced scale.
(a) Befoire Reirement
(i) If oR member dies before the tirst instalment ofhls
Retirement Annuity is due, whether Oil' nO't he is in
the em'pl:oy of JtheEmployer at the date of dea:th, an
amount equal to the ;contributions he has made un':;;'
dell' the Plan Iwill be p'aid to his designated Benefi-
dary in ,a lump sum, itolgether with interest thereon
up to the date of death, at 3% per annum<compound-
.ed ye'arly.
(ii) In ,addition, if at date 'of death, the member has :nQt
terminated hils 'empJQyment, (but has less, than 20
years :and ih'as mOire than 5 years of such employ..
ment, the ,amount equal to' the Future service Contri-
butionspaid on his behalf by the Employer, -together
with interest thereon as desclPilbed in pail'agraph 11
(a) (i), wi'll /be paid to his designated Beneficiary in
a lump sum.
(iii) Or, in ,addition, if at date ()If d€la:th, .the member has
terminated hisem!ployment after the 'Completion of
at Jeast '20 ye'alI"s of employrnent,an amount equal
to the Future Service Contributions made by the
Employer on his 'behalf, together with interest th€!re-
on ,as descrilbed in para,graph oN (a) .(1), wiH be p.aid
to< his designated' Beneficiary in a lump sum,.
(iv) Or, in ;addition, if at the date of death the member
has not terminated his 'emplQyment and has com.
pletedat least 5, ye:arsof such employment, an am-
ount equal to the Past Service and Future Servi'ce
Contr1butions made by 'the Employer on his behalf,
,together with interest thereon as desClrilbed in para-
11 (a) (i), willlbe paid to his designated BeneficiaTY.
(b) After lRetirement
H a memher die,s after the .first instalment of his Retire-
ment Annu1ty has.be;come due, and before sixty monthly
annuity payments have ,been received, the annuity pay-
ments will 'be 'continued to his designated Beneficiary
as they !become due, until sixty monthly payments in all
have ibeen made. However, if a member has ele'cted an
optiona[ tytpe of annuity, the death benefits, if any, will
Ibe determined accordingly.
Authorized absences \from !Work shall not ,constitute terinina-
tion of emplo'yment for purposes of thiJs Plan, /but will be govern.
ed ,:as f.ollolws:
(a) If 'the member receives pay, contributions win continue
and he will be entitled to allbeneofi,ts" as though he were
actually at work.
(b) If the member does not rec.eive pay, contributions will
ce.ase but 'any ibenefits'Previous[y pur,chased will not be
,affe'Coted. Upon return to active service, ,contributions
will be resumed.
(a) The lRetirment Annuity and other benefits under the
Plan are notassignalble, :whether Iby voluntary action 'Or
Iby operation 'Of law.
(b) ,A member 'may not borrow wgainst his contributions nor
withdraw them 'at any time.
ParUcipation in 'this Plan will not give any member the right
ta be retained in the service oct: the Empioyer, or any right or claim
to ij)enefits, unless the right to such ;benefits has specifically ac.
,crued under the terms of this Plan.
The Employer reserves, the right to decide all ma,tters aris.ing
in the administration 'and interpretation of the Plan. It will be
the oblig.a,tion of the Employer to pay over to the Government, or
the Insurer, 'the 'contributions collected from the members, togeth-
er with the ,contributions required to be made by the Employer
under the IPlan,and it will ibe the 'Oibligation of the Gavernment,
'Or the Insurer, to pay benefits in accordance with contributions
The Employer hopes and e::xJpeds to ,continue the Plan inde-
finitely, !but reserves the right to. .change ocr: modify it at any tim:e,
subject to the ,approval of the Department od: MuniciJpal Affairs,
Toronto. Any change or modification in the Plan shall not affect
the terms of payment of, or the amount of, Retirement Annuity
pur,chased prior toO the date od: such change or modification.
. (a) All emlpoyees 'On ,the IEffective Date of the Plan, who are
or who will 'be eHgi'ble to become members o;f the Plan,
'will be required, if m'ales, to decide within 90 days, and
if females, to decide w1thin 90 days of the date they be-
become eligib[e, whether or not they desire to become
members of the lPlan.
The decision in each case 'Will be final and binding
and those employees who elect not to become members,
shall si'gn a )waiver and shall not be permitted to. become
members, if male's, a>rter a periQd .of 90 days has elapsed,
.or if females, ,after a period of 90 days has elapsed, ex-
cept as 'provided by 'clause (b) :of this regulation.
(,b) Any employee who has signed a waiver as Iprovided for
in Olause ~a) of this regulation, and does not become a
member within 90 days will forfeit any right to Past
:Serv1ce Benefits.
(a} J\.t the time of joining the Plan, or as soon thereafter as
possilble, a member twill send to the Government, or In-
surer, a birth or baptismal certificate, as proof of his date
of hirth. The Ibirth or baptismal certificate wiH be re-
turned to the member.
(b) Ha birth 0[' baptismal !c,ertificate cannot be obtained the
member will sUlbmit aSfatutory Declaration as to the
date of birth by parent, or a ,copy of the entry of his date
of birth in the Family Bible, icertified to be 'a true copy
by a Layw.er,Justice of the IPeace, Notary ,Public Qr
Commissioner for taking Oaths.
(c) If 'Such cannot !be oil;>-tained, the member will sulbmit a
Statutory Declaration by a ['espons~ble person having
,cause to know of his date of bir;th, stating -that no othl~r
documentary proof of age Ican be obtained.
(d) H such cannot be obtained, the member 'Will himself sufb-
mH a S:l:a:l:uto,ry Declaration as to his date ,of ,birth, stating
that no othell' proof of age -c'an !be obtained.
Each Emplo'Yee, on becoming a member of the Plan, may de.
signate .any lpeTSon as his \Beneficiary to receive :suoh sums ,as may
be payable 'on or a,fter his death, reserving the right to ,change
the Benefici!ary :Drom time to time with fhe assent of the Govern-
ment. If, on the death of the member, there ,should ,be no living
designated Beneficiary with respect to himself, sUlch sums as, would
.otherwise be paya!ble to his des1gnated Beneficiary, Iwill be pay.
able to ,the legal rep:resentatives ,()If the member.
Each member of the :Plan will receive ,from the Government,
or Insurer, evidence that he has beel). included as a Member of the
A member shall be deemed to 'have !finally termina,ted ,his
service when, in the o:pinion .of the Employer, he has, ierminated
his employment without reaSQn to believe that he will be further
A member shall be deemed to 'have suspended his serv:ice
when he is 'temporarily pff duty (without pay for tany reason oth-
'er than on a'ccount of illness lOr ccident, e~cept as otherwise PIrO<-
vided her,e,in or in the Plan.
In ,computinga memlber's period of service towards the
Emup~oyer's 'share of JRe,tirement Annuity, the following regula~
tions shall prevail:
Service to be ;Inc~uded
(a) All time Iworked with any or all Departments of theiEm~
ployer or all time 'Worked and paid or contributed to in
whole or in part by the Employer.
(b) All time lost on ,account of absence for reasons of illness.
'where a member is paid for such absences.
(c) All time lost ona:cco'Unt ofaJbsence for reasons of illness,
'Where a member i,s not paid for such absence but is con-
sidered as !being on sick leave.
(d) All time lost on account 'of seasonal lay-of-fs where a
member is not paid <for such absences, but Iwho qualifies
as a permanent employee.
''DisabilityH .as set out in the !Plan shall be interpreted to mean
that a member has rurnished medical testimony satisfactory to the ~
Employer, that he is unable to continue 'further at his employ-
.BY -LA WNO. 1542
A By-Law RequiJ:ijng One Signature Only on ~l Cheques of
the Corporation of! the County of Elgin
WHErRElAS Section 2.9 Chater '60 of the Statutes of Ontarrio,
1946, prorvides [or one signtull'e only !being required on cheques
issued by the County;
The Elgin County Council enacts:
THA'l' the sig.na,ture of the Treasurer or in his absence the sig-
nature of the !Deputy Treasurer only be ,required on all cheques of
the Corporation of the Oounty of Elgin.
This by-law to become effective December 1st, 1948.
Read a first time this 25th day o[ November, 1948.
Read a second time this 25th day of November, 1948.
Read a third time and finaHy passed this 2'51th day of Nov-
ember, 194>8.
J. D. THOMSON, Clerik.
J. C. JENKINS, Warden.
,21,6 .
BY -LAW NO. 1543
To Appoint 'a Deputy Treasurer
WHERiEA>s >Section 22, Chapter 60 of the Revised Satutesof
Ontario, 1947, provides for the appointment of a Deputy TreasU!rer.
~rhe Elgin County Council enacts.:
~[,H!AT \John D. 'Thomson :be appointed Deputy Treasurer of
the (~ounty of ,Elgin at a salary of ,$11'5.00 per month.
This, by-law to Ibecome effective on the first day of Decem-
!beir, 1948.
Read a first time this 26th day 0& November, 1948.
JRead a second time this 25th day of November, 1948.
Read a third time and finaHy passed this 251th day of Nov-
emfber, 1948.
J. D" THorlVliSON, Clerk.
J. C. JENKINS, Warden.
BY -LAW NO. 1544
To Amend By-Law No. 1451
The Elgin County Council enacts:
~rH!A:T W. G. lLumley be ,granted a four months leave ofab-
senceata 's'alary of -100.00 per month and By-Law 1451 !be amend-
JRead a first time this 215th day 0& November, 1948.
JRead a second time this. 25th day of November, 1948.
Head a third time and finaHy passed this 251th day of NQv-
e'mfber, 1948.
J. D. THOMSON, Clerk.
J. C. JENKINS, Warden.
Agricu1tural and Hor,ticultural Societies _________________________"_______ 40
L 0 c'k - up s --------------------_________________________________________________ _______________ __________ 2,1
Pulb lic L ilbraries --------------_______________________________------_______~____________--__ ~l
'Truste.es' land Ratepayers' Association _____________________________________ 13
Women's Institu tes ---------_______.---___.--.---._________________________________________ iJ. 6
Elgin County Judging Team _______"__________.______________________________._. 70
Advisory County Road Committee
County Council
County Officials
Deputations and Committees
Municipal Clerks and Treasurers
Appointment of Delegates
'Resolutions ~ replies from other counties ____ 10,
Warden'lS Address
Warden's Election
:6, 3'5,46, 59" 68
3" 4
13, ,18, 23"36,, ,71
37, 49, 60" 69
5, 4'3" 66
Agricultural Committee
Weed Inspe'c'tor
County Road Committ'ee
County Cle.rk on Licenses
County Home Committee
Education Committee
Finance Commit1tee
.Inspe.c:tor, County \Home
.Phys ic iran, County Home
Property Committee
lYIothers' Allo'Wance
24, 106
72, '145
2:3, J.112
\129, 144
19, 106
19" 8!5
Old Age Pensions
Petitions and Legislation
Standing Commi!ttees
Special Committee re County Pensions
Special Committee re Talbot Es.tate
No. H5l'5
To Authorize the Warden and Treasurer to
iBo-rro'W the Sum olf Three Hundred and
!Fifty 'Thous'and Dol1ars
'To Establish a County L~brary Co-'operative
'To, Appoint 'a Board of Audit in the County
,of Eligin for the year 1948
Granting Certa'in Privileges to the Domin-
ion Natural Gas Co. Ltd.
Granhng Certain Privileges to the Sun Oil
!To Alppoint a County Road Committee ~_n____
To Provide for the Tot,al Expend,iture on
the System of County Roads for the year
'I '9 4,8 ' ___ ______ _______________ nn -- -- --- _ ---- ------------ --- - ---- --------- ---
Tn Amend By-Law No. 1495 re Treasurer's
To Amend By-La1w No. 1459 re Cle,rk's As-
sis.tant's Salary
,To Amend By-La!w No. 1524 re Magistrate
Court Clerk's Salary
To Raise Amounts for County R,ates dur-
'ing the year 1948
To Incorpomte the Village of Port Burwell
To Extend ithe Time for Tax Sale
To Appoint a Member to the Senate o'f the
University of Western Ont'ari~
Dissolution olf the Hi'gh School Disltrict of
Granting Certain Privilelges to the Domin-
ion Na:tural Gas Co. Ltd.
Granting . Certain Privileges to the Sun Oil
19, 1102
76, 1:27
15, 1111
2:6, 147
27, 147
2r8, ,14'9
:2'8, 149
,29, '156
3.0, 16)2
31, 163
,3'1" 1164
3,2, 165
313, 165
,40, 11166
41, 1168
54, 172
54, 172
5!5, 173
56, 174
156, 11181
153'2 To Confirm the Equalization .of the ~ssess-
ment Rolls of the County of Elgin for the
Year 1<948 --------------_________________.,______________________ 57, 188
1,533 To Authorize the W1arden and Tre.asurer to
!Borrow an AddiUonaiJ. ISum oif Fifty
IThousand Dallars -----------__________________________________ 62, 189
1534 Q'o Provide for Superannuation or Gaol
Offi1cioals and Employees __________________________________ 63, 189
1535 ITo Assume Streets in the Town o,f Ayl-
mer -----------------------___________________________________________ 64, '76, 119,1
153'6 To Assume a Bridrge in the Town of Ayl-
mer -----------------------___________________________________________ 64, 76, 1192
1537 /To Assume Roads in South Dorchester 'and
Yarmouth and Rodney ____________________________________ 77, 192
1538 To Amend ~y-Law No. 1526 re POTit Bur-
well Returning Off:ice,r ____________________________________ 77, 194
1539 To Amend By-Law No. 1499 re Trees ________ 78, 194
1540 To Authorize the Ingersoll Telelpthone Co.
itO erect lines _'______________________________________________________ 79, J195
1'541 !To Provide Pensions for Employees ____________ 79, 1196
1642 iRequiring One Signature on Cheques________________ 215
1543 To Appoint a Deputy T,reasurer ____________________ 81, 216
1544 To Amend By-ILaw No. 1451 re Treasurer's
:Salary and iLeave of Absence ____m_________________ 81, Q16
Re American Trucks Carrying Bonded Merchandise__________ 16
Provincial Government to Provide for CompenSlaLon
Insurance on Gaol Employees -----------.------------------------r-------------- 19
Sale of Victory Bonds ____n'______________________________ ____________________________ 20
Certificates re Unemp'loym'ent Insurance ________________________ 20, 70
Authorization to Sign Deed re Shelly Property _________________..__ 20
To Use Funds Set Aside Under By-Law No. 14,22 ________________ 21
Re Tour of County Ro!ads ____________________________________________________________ 24
To Pay a Portion of Deficit to Memorial Hospit'al ________________ 25
Re Dominion Gas Co. and Sun Oil Co. ____________________________________ ~W
Requesting the Testing of Gattle in Elgin Co. for T. B. ____" 39
Re Holding Ol!. Police Court ______________________________________________________ ,52
To Designate a Portion of the County Gaol as a Lock..up -- 52
Requesting the MiniS4ter of Health re a survey olf hos-
pi tal . facilities ' ____~~~_____________~_____"______________________.:...----------------------- 5~
To Endors.e the Campailgn re, St. Thom.as and ELgin
'Memodal Centre., ____""_____"________________________:._______________.-'----~___________________ 5,3
He A!ppointm'entQfDeputy Re.eve of P.ort Stanley on
Committees . ________~__~________ ~_~______________________________________ -- --__________~ -- _____n___ 61
Re Sale of Oleomar.garine _____________________________________~_________________ 6'2
,Re Returning Officer for the Vil1age 01 Port BUI'Iwell _~______ 70
Re Disp1a!ced Persons _______________________________________________._________-------- 73
iRe N eJW Super Highway in Western Ontario ________________________ ~4