1949 Minutes PROCEEDINGS OF THE Elgin County Council Duling the sessions: hel,d in the Court House, St. Thomas ill the months of January, March, June, September and November 1949 srrruAi&TLilrJ.:l..uE, JOHN D. 'I1IIOiMlSON, CounffiY lC1e1"k Warden OFmOlALS, 1949 iD" iF. McCuaig, JUdge Jr. ,J. Da viis, Hegistr:ar I. :D. IOamerCin, iOounty ,Oourt 101erk la:nd !Sheriff E. W. Haines, Olerk .of the [Peace -and ICounty IGrOiWllMtorney A. T. Kington, Gaoler .Alex MelColl. iPwbIic ISchool 'Inspector Kenneth iH. !D. iHall,tAs:sistant [llSptec'tor 1. !D. 'DhOiJ1llSon, County IClerk and. Treasurer, Inspector COlll1ty Home [Fl. A. tBe;tl, O. E., County iRoadSuperintendent George Powles, iA8sista.nt' County !Road Superintendent !E. IF. S. lS'anders, iCounrt.y /SOlicitor !Douglas L. Ewin, M. D;, IPhysici!an; {Gaol ~and ICounty Home J. G. Turnbu1l, Keeper 'County [fume E. Donald Smith, iOOlmty Police Magistrate J; H" MarSI'alld,'Hig-h County C.onstwble !Summers -Harper, AYlnier", R. R. 1, Weed Inspector 'County Auditors D. M. Leitch, West /Lorn.e :W. E. Locke, 1St. Thomas, iR. !R. 8 Clerk Treasurer .IChas :C. BIook, rRodney ,W. IS. Stalker, Rodney, R..:R. 1 .tA. N. Wa1il$r, Dutton .Mrs. Mildred McNeil,. Duttolll W. G. ,Blewett, 1St; Thomas, R.iR. S ,.fR. Kimble, St. Thomas, R. 1 Yaxmouth .lH. L. !Lawton, 1St. 'Thoma,sJI. IL. Larwton Malahid.e, . Ha.rleYJollrusogJ AYlmer, Box 4:7S lHarley JohnSon Bwyham T' ..J. D. ValLee, IStraffordville .... J. D. Valle.e South Dorchester.,.iM. IS. iOharlton, SPringfield, !Rim. 3,,,..M. IS. iCharJ.to-n Town of Aylmer John S~ Foy John S. Foy Village of Vienna .:Mrs. Louise ~onald", ,Mrs. LoUise, !McDonald Village of ISpringfield.. .,JohniJIodgson .Wm. H. Oathel's r Village of Dutton Z. E. Ma'dCaIlum M~s. Mary MaDra / Vill<l(ge of Port Stanley,:. ..J. H. BUrke. .J. H. B~Lll"k:e Village .of (&o?ney.". JGeorge iL. Miste1e. ... '. ..George ~." MisteIe Yillage of West Lome',cAUan ;s,Oraig.. ''', : M:rs, '!'en" MiJGTegor Village of Port BurweU , W. S, LayCOCk, ,'W. S. iLal'OOCik Municipality Aldborough. Dunwf.cih. !Southrwold PROCEEDINGS OF 'I1HiE Elgin County Council FJjRST SiESSION - FIRST DAV Tuesda.y, the 18th da.y of January, 1949 The !Elgin ICounty Council met this day ,ait the ICbUrt House~ st. ThomM, as tequ11'ed [by sta-tute. The -following meunJbeTs filed certificates and :took their seats at the ,council. taible: stU3ipt Little:, Reeve, A1diborough Edmund Ashton, !Deputy R.eeve, Aldiboro-qgh Clf:i.:renCe Ta.ylor ,iRieev~, iD\lIliwich .A)rohie Blue, De[)iUty :Reeve, [Dnnwioh Cla;rence orrc:blail'd, - ;Reeve, ~outbJWOld Walter Auc\klandl. [)eputJ71 (Reeve, Southwo:ld Archie Coulter, rae-eve, Ya:'rmouth W. K. !Bodkin, Deputy Reeve, Ya:nrnouth Chm:1ie Johnson, !Reeve, 1vtai&lbide JamesA. iFluller, lDeputy (R:eeve, Malahide \;. 4 E:LG'lN COUNTY COUNCIL ~, AI"ha Johnson! Reeve., Ba.y;l1IaID Charles .P. iJookson, iDeputy rReeve, Bayham /Ronald MeiNeil, !Reeve, South iDorohester John Milla.rd, iReeve, Aylmer W. Ri. Gifford, !Deputy !Reeve, Aylmer Howard !PaJiner, Reeve, Vienna Ehner "VockJ:ey, Reeve, \Sprtngfueld M. G B~, Reeve, !Pont Stanley GI~rrnet ISpeers, LD'e1)uty !Reeve, [?:ort --Stanley J. !E. Davies, Ree:ve, !Dutton W. T.Merrett, Reeve, West Lone A. T.ILashbroo:k, !Reeve, Rodney A. N. Wrtght, !Reeve, !Port Buwell -"I' Moved ,by A. A" JOIhnson, Seconded by A. V.iCiorulter: Th'at S'tua;rt !LiIttle, 'Reeve of AldJborough, be Warden for the year 119'49. ..........CaI'Tied. Mr. J. 0, ,Jenkins introduced the new Warden. MOVedi !by E'dm11.Illd lAshton, Seconded .by Wan. T. Merrett: That the minutes of: .the last day of rOhe NOVemlher session 'as printed; in !the lP'roceeoill-.g:s ibe accepted !as ff :rea-d. ~Oarrie<t - EliGiIN OOUNTY OOiUNC!IIL 5 'The Lollowiug COIDn1.JU1licatior..:s were lead: From the County of !Hastings re -amendment to the ,Jurors' Act. '----1Rmerred to :Petitions '8,,ud Legislation .yomroittees. From ,the !Reoreation rCo:rnJIl1iission with letter .of :3IPP!l"'ooiation re weaving course.--:-U31iled. From 'Huron iOollege, iLondQu, with reques.t 'for gr.ant.~eferred to Finan,ce iCo.rrmndttee. Prom the lCounty of Kent re dist'l;ibution -of costs of 100unty Health Untts.~ef.erred to Finan.ceGOillJlIXlittee. From the County -of iP-eterfiJ'orough re amendme:o.,t to the Assess- ment Act 1'e penalty on ,ta,xes,,--lReferroo to Petitions and Legislation oOl'Ilmittee. FTam the Ontario Munkilp;al Assoc1'ati?ll Witlh appreoiation re amendment to the ICiriminal Code.--lF1iled. . From ,the Gounty {lflHuron re amendmeruts to tl:fe PUblic !Service Works on" 'High'W1a,ys Act.-1Referred :to coornty !ROad" lQommitte.e. F.rom the Office IOf the [\[inister of ,Justice with reply TB iOrim.;. ~nal Oode AInendments.-iReferred to' iPetttio~ and Legis1Ja,;tion icom. ((bittee. :F'Tom the Ontario GoodlRoad~ AssOciation v;ith. request for. mem- bership fee and appointment of de-leg.ates.-ffi.efe1'Ted tv ICb-un~" !Road Committee. From the IOounty;. Qf Waterloo r~ amendments to the Children's ProtecUon Act.-iReferred 'to. Petition and LegisJJartion iCo!IDl!l1ittee. From .the County of Grey with resolution for. increased Provin- cial gr.ant ,for !Homes 'for the Aged,--R.eferred to 10ounty: iI!01Il,'e Com- mittee. 6 ELGIN COlJNTY OOONOIiL " From the County charges on hogs and Committee. of Grey with resolutions 1'e clearing of land.-----ill.eferred condemnation to IAgticulture FTom the County Council Seotion .of tule Ontario Trustees' ,and Ratepayers' Association with request for membership .fee and ap- ppintment 'Of delegates.----,lReferreci to \Education JCommitte-e. F1rom the 1St. ,John 18 A,pJibullance Appeal with request [0/ grant.-- Referred to Finance JGornmllittee. From the Depart.nlent of Lands and :F.oTests wi,tlha/Pproval of am.,;;, endmerits to tl.h.e Tree IOutting lBy..,,[jaw.----tFiJ..ect!. From ,the !Department of Reform Jinstitutions ,1'e cost-oi-living bonus on g.aol employees,,-1Reierred to iFinance JOonim.ittee~ From the Wax Memorial ICbildren's Hospitla:l with request for grant.-IReferredto iFinance ICo:rmrndt;tee. (~ , From the Avon LI...tbrary ,Association :with request for gfant.----JR,e- fer.red to Finance ICorr.m1i:ttee. tFrom the Ul)iversity of Western Ontano 'with letter of 8.Jppred- ation ofgrant.-tFiled. From Miss' NlaJn' lSOOtt 'With letter of a.pprecia.tion re use of rooms at the Cour.t' House.----,Filed. From the County of Prince Eldward re amendments to the iCri1!~- inal Code.--lReferred to Petitions and OCiegislation Committee. From the 1St. Thomas l!:!.cm.e W~ving !Club with letter of ,appre- ciation for rooms ,aIt the ICourt lHIou:se.~led. From "t;lne 1001mty of lSimJooe re cost .of hospitaJiza.tion of indi~ gent patients.--lReferred to 1i'in~e Committee. From the :DejXU"tJrnent of iHig"ways with Road EKJ>en<litu.re ;By- Law :for liS49.-tReferred to County Road Co:mmittee. From the Navy Le~ Te appointment f.or hearing.-,.1Filed. " iElIJG([N VQUNTY COUN'aIiL 7 From. the Oa:hadi'an Nlaitional Institute for the Blind V\~th re';luest for grfiJlt.~Refer-Ted to 'Finance :ocmmibtee. Ft;oro tha SUlburban :Road 'CaImnission re expenditures 'for 1949.- Referred to :OOlmty Road lCoramittee. FTom the Salvation Army with request fot gr,ant.-iRefel'red to lUnance Oommittee. From the outlano Associatlon .of Rural Municipalities re Annulit1 Con" 'en:tion and MemlberSh:iJpFee.----:-Referred to :Finance ICommibtee. From the Minister of Health with communication 1'e hospital meeting.-Referred to iFinffil:ceGomttnittee. . From the Ontario Ass'ociation of Managers of Homes for ~e Aged .and Infirm with Tequest for membershp fee and ,appointment 'Of delegates.-ReferI"ed to iCoULtlty. Home C(){()llllittee. From the \General Aocddent AS'S'1.lT.a11Ce Company 1'\\tLth !ROad li- ability Policy.---JReferred to County Road ,Ooirmnittee. From .the Department ,of Mines and !Resourees re placing. OIf bronze tmjbletiS !to George M. Wil'ong and Dr. James Hl. Ooyne.~- ferred to 'Property Idommittee. From :the- County .of Fronten!}C re OOWltyon fox.es.~1'erred to Agriculture iOClIIDlIIlittee. From the Ontario Ool1:S'ervation and Reforesta.tion .Association with request for m.etmlbersbi'P !ee'and grant.-Referred to .Agricul~ tur.eOoorrmittee. From the ionta.rio Agricult1.WaJl Co1H1:cilW\lth request fOT memr- .bership fee and ;SJP!POintment of Delegates......JRlef'er:red. 'to Ag,ri:cuJ.- tU1'e Committee. Replies From Other Counties to Elgin County ReSolutions- Re ;Super Highway in w-estemOntari-O. concurredt-lHaldimOOd. 8 E!LG[N iOOUNTY COi[T:N1~mr.. No Ac~ion----'Ken:t, Oxford" Qpposed"---J.v.Uddlesex. Filedl-Welland, !Perth, Brant. Acknowledo:,oment---iM:inister of Highways. Moved by A. V. 100ulter, Seconded Iby A. A. Johnson: That .the Warden name a committee of fow' members 'Of County Cmmcil to strike the Stand[ng Committees for the year and that Section [59 of BY-lLiaw No. ,14153 ;be suspended. -'Carried. '"' Moved hy Clarence Orchard, !Seconded !by W-aJJter Auckland: That -the Warden and Clerk. :be authoriZed to SUlbmit to the Min- ister o.f lHi:g1hw:a,ws' of Ontario the IpetitJon of the Oounty of . Elgtn showing ,thJa,t f~om the first day of January, 19-48, to the thirty- !fiTst day. of Decemlber, 1.948, -thereihas heen expended OR the 'Coun,ty Highway Sys~m the s~ of $3120;-31711.1616. -lOarned:. The Warden named the fol1owing members as .cOmm.ittee "to stril{:e the Standing ICommittees: A.JOthnson, tA. Coulter, 10. Taylor, J. E. DaVies and the Warden. MOved' by Wan. Merrett: Seconded :by 10. W. T.aylor: T11Iat we adjOU1"'n to meet at 10 a.m. January 19th. -Camed, \- 'ffilLGIlN OOUNTY CiClIlJl'ICIliL " BIRST SI'lS,SlON - SECOND DAY W.ednesday, the'. 19th da.y of January, 1949 'The Elgin County ,aouncil met this day at the ,Court House, st. ThomaS, in accoTdance' with adjournment. The Warden \in the chair. . 'All t~..e-m€!IXllbers pr~esent. The Wa.rden addressed 'the,Conneil. Warden-s Address 'To the Elgin County Council: GentlemEn: May I again he perur.uitted ,to express' to you my sincere ~atitude for the honor which you ihave conferred on me and the -munIcipal- ity I represent in electing me as j"'\OUT Warden "for the year p49. , The County rrates for the year 19~8 !have all !been paid and the count:{ continues to occupy the enviaible position .of being With- out ibonded mde.btedness.asthe Aud:ito-r'sreport will show. The new regulations respecting Old Age Pensions and Mothers' Allowance dispenses with the Local ,Board and the Clerk: O'f each municipality 'Will now send! the pension applic:atlioIllSi dliroot ita. ,the Commission in Toronto. The meeting held JJast <week. with the Minister of iH:ealth, Qd.ty Councdl and the 'Ho<SlpitaJ. Trust, I Ibelieve should 1p['ove beneficial in~.ibringing clO'S'er co;.op.eratio'n ibetween all the !bodies and :,by ap- pointing memrbers 1rom. 'tihe ;various -grr01.1Jp5 se't up ,3,. IOOmmittee wh!icl1 would, 00 ,able to arrive ,at a satisfaclory, basiJ?i of payment toward ~Gapital .and m:aintenance cost ofhospitaliZalt~on by all con- cerned. 10 :ElIJGilli OOUNTY COiUNam.. The l'?Ounty iRoad Committee spent the larg.estamount last year ever s.pent on County ffighways; however, they were a;bIe to keep within their estimartes .and ~'e large improvem.entstn. the system.. There are Ia large numlber of delegations ,who !have asked per- misslion to ;present their requests at this session and I know you will give careful consideration to them. The iPemsion By..,L:aw and !Plan have ,been appoved by the De~ pail"tn:Ilent of Muniq1pal Affairs subject to a .few slight change~ which should -be amended atth!is session. I would aSk all rChairmen of the vatioUSOomanittees to arrange to have their own GolIl1l1mittees meet promptly so rthat they will 'be iaible to !bring in a rep<lrt at thiS session. The minutes. of the previous day were read 'and apprOVed. is: 'I1h.e following Communications were read: From the - St. Thomas and Elgin Motor Olwb 1'e appoillltment of delegates on second overhead hri9ge.-Referred to' County-Road Committee. From the County o-f OntariO' re increases :in mileage ,pa;j1!nent for County Councillors.-!R.eferred to Petitions and :Legislation Commit~ tee~ . I From the Cbtmty of Ontaxio re inoreased p.ayment of Wolf Bounty.-IReferredJ to PeUiti<ms and LegJisJatlonOi>Inlmttee. FrOIlll the .Cbunty of Ontario. re secret ,ballot for electing War~ den---Referred 'to. Petitions 'a.nd !Legislation iConmiittee. Moved by JL V. Coulter that' ~. V. Langton, (Agriculturai 'Rep- resentative be now heaxd. Mr. Langton addressed tihe Council on. the ELGiIN !COUNTY 001JNlClliL 11 'w6rkof his branch during 1948 land requesting :a grant for 11949. Mr. James MOBaJiil addressed the iOo-un:oU requesting a grant to the E1gin County seed !Fair. These requests were referred to the Agricru1ture ICommittee. Reeve Merrett moved that. Mr. F. Landon of the Un,iversity of Wes~'ontario lbe now heard. Mr; lJandon addressed the iCQuncil iriviting the ,merrilbers of the COUIllCil to vislit the Un:irvem.ty and re- que.:;"lllg agra.nt' :toward the Building iF1und. ,This was referred to the l".nanc.e comJrr.ilittee. Moved bY IA. Johnson that t1he County Auditors Ibe now heard... Mr. LoOke and Mr, r..eitch addressed the COuncll presenting their report. Moved .by M. iBerry that .Mr. Shaw of the Navy League Ibe now heard. Mr. \Sl:1JaJW addressed the ,Oouncilrequesting a gmnt. T'his matter: .was ;referred to the, Fina>nce Committee. Moved :by O. .Johnson that the delegation from !A1diborough Township be now heard. ~ Mr. D. Kennedy ,a,ddressed the Oounoi1 re pa.ving the A:ldborough- Orford Town Line. Referred to CoWlty Road .Committee. Moved 'by iE, .Ashton, seconded ;by Wm. Me~ett: TbJat this Oouncil do now adjourn un:til 2 p.m. -'carried. ThelOOuncil resumed. A ICon'1n11unica;tion from the London nee Press re ad in iOen- tenial Edition of the pape~ was read and l'eferred !to the I]l.inance Committee. Moved Iby M. BerrY that the delegation from the Federation of Agriculture ~.now heard. MessrsiJ. Ferguson and iVitlcent' 'Bl~ 9' ,12 ElLJOiIN COUNTY'CO== -addressed the ICouncil on the 'Work. 8.Cl..-"'OGTIIplished dUring the year 1J9'48 and re:questing a grant for the year 1949. [Referred to Agricul- ture Cbnmiittee Moved Iby ~. ,Johnson that .Mr. IWlheele.r from :the Ganadian- Na- tional Institute. for the BUnd Ibe heard. lVlr. Wheeler addressed the G:n..L."'lcril on the work of the Institute / and requeS!t~a grant. This !Was referred to the !Finance Committee. Th~ iSpe.ciJa:l !Report of ,the Finance lOommittee was presented and adopted on motion "Of S. E. Davies, seconded, let Taylor. The repertof the COmmittee to strike the Stancling Comnut- tees was, ip~€Senlbed and on motion of Deputy !Reeve (BLue-the coun- l.~iI went into a O~lIltlI11ittee of the Whole with Reeve Merrett in the chair. After some discussi.on the Committee lar{lse and on motiqn o.f J.' E. Dawies, seconded A. T., !Lashbrook the repoi"'t was adopt- \ ed as read. '~ ,Mo've.d by A. V. 'Coulter, Sel:cnded by ,W. K. Bodkin Tluit strong re:presentations be made to the Ontario Depart- ment of Highwa,ys for the: rem'O'VlaJ withaurt furthur delay of the "dea.th trap" on King's Highway No. 31 a.t ,the overhead bridge ~ust east of ,st. Thomas. That, if necessary, this IOouncil join in nmJtiwm represenia-tionsdiTelCUy to~ the Minister of Highways at Toronto, asking that these dangerous ourves, where so many' ser- - jailS accid~nts have OCOUITed, ibe.. rem.edied this year. And tha.t a .copy of- thiS resolution be sent._ to tHe st. Th'OInaS City Colincil and to I1'. IS. Thomas, M.P.P. ---carried. !'lIJGIIN roUNTY Co<UNC!IL m Moved by A. V. ICOultet, seconded bY. oW. K. Bodkin That George- iCross_ -be _ reo-appointed .as meIDlber on the SUbUl'8 ban Road leommission and iby~law ibe prepared. -Carried. Moved hy J1alJUes A. !FUller. Seconded by IO~ ,Johnson: That we do now ~dljourn ,to meet at 10 am., Thursday. ---'CaJ.?-ied. srpART LITTLE, 'Warden 14 W3iEN COUNTy OOUN10IL FIRST SESS~ON - THlRI) DAY Thursday, the 20th day of .January, 1949 The Elgin ICounty Council -met ,tills day at theiCourt House, St. Thomas, in areordance with adjournment. The Warden in the chair. All the members present. The minutes of :the previous day were" read and <:onfirm,€d. A ICol!l1lllunication from W. G. [,.um.ley, 'County Treasurer, with resignation was read and referred to the 1Finance ICoInnl1i.ttee, Mewed by 10. Taylor .that .the del~ga.rt.ion: from ,the _ ari-County S1orthorn Breeder's Association be now heail"d. Mr. !Nelson, Assist- ant Agricu1turaJ! taeprf1seri;tatiwe and lMr. ~i(Ja!i11Jeron addjr!eSsed the Council requesting a grant. - This was referred to the Agrj,cultme ' Comnilttee. The :report of the Property Committee 'Was presented and. ,adopted op. motion of W. T. Merrett, seconded, IAr.chie .Blue. The first report of the rFinance 'Committee was !presented anq: adopted on motion of ,J. E. [)avies, seconded, A. V. iOoulter. :M:r. Taylor ask~ the IClerk to !lllJake a few suggestions re the Rules and' !Regulations of ~he County 'OOUl1...ciI. Moved ,by Edmund Ashton, Seconded by W, T. Merrett: That-we do now "adjOTInl to meet .at 2 p.m. --'Carried. ELGIIN iOOUNTY OOiUNCnJ 15 The Council il"esumed. Moved by A. Jo~on tlJ.a.tthe delegation from .the Tillson- burg Hos-pital ,be now heard;-Mr. iEichenburg .addressed the Coun- cil, requesting;a grant, which was referred toO. the !Finan.re Com- mittee. The report,()f the ~eUtions and Legisla.tion C'omnnittee Wla5 p['e- sentedand adopted on lIIllOtion of W. .AJUckland, seconded, G. Spoors. The xepo'rt of the [County \Home ,iOomrrnttee was presented and adopted :on motion of W. K. ~dkin, seconded, Charles Jackson. The report of the Agriculture ICommittee was presented land on motion 01' Deputy. _Reeve muethe COuncil went into a. Commit- 'tee of .the WlhOle with Reeve Berry m the chair. After scxm.e diiseus- sion the 100000ttee arose and on motion of 0; maylor. seconded, W. Auckland the report was adopted. as read. Moved !by M. T. Mer.rett. Seconded :by Edmund: Ashton: T.hJalt we do now adjourn to meet --aFt 10 a.m. ,to-morrow. --<Carried. STU1Mt'r mTLE, !Warden 16 !Elli::::mN :e:OUNTY COIUNiClTII..r ',.. FmST ,S'ESS~ON -FOURTH D~Y Friday, the .21st day of Jaliuary, 1949 The iE:Jgin IC'ounty IGouncil met this day at the Court House, SIt. Th.omas, in acoordance with,adjourrurnent. The War:den m the chair. The minutes of the previouS day were read and .confirmed. The repo;rt. ,of the Education Oommittee was presented and adopted <:in motion of H. lPa1mJer, seconded', G. Speers. Moved ;by .c. W. Taylolr, seconded !by W. T. Merrett: 71- That the usual grants to WDlITren's Institutes 100 paid - Ten DoUar.sto each Institute and Twenty-f:iiv:e Dollars to East and West Elgin District InStitutes where !Public Oratory Contests are held" 'Every Insti,tute 'WiiShing to takeadv:antageof ,the addition'al Five DoHar grant must satisfy thelOlerk and Treasmer of their qualifioa.tions for applying for same. -<carried. Moved by J. Millard, ,seconded Iby W. [R, _Gifford: That the usual grants- to lock-up and Municipal Buildings Ib~ the same las Last \year on 3JPproval. of the High 100unty Constable. --"Carried. Moved by li\.. V. .Coulter, Seconded 'by James A. Fuller: ; ElLG\LN OOUNTY OOfUNC[lL 17 That the 'lgTrants 10_ the A66Ticu1rbU!,al and CHorticQlIlrl:!m;all SoDie- _ties be the same as l~t year, n8imely, Agll:icultui"iail ISooieties ,equi- valent to the Government gr~t, Aldborough, iAtV:Jmer, Shedden.. WestlElgl.J."l., Yannouth and iSpTingfield; HorticuIJtural Societies 25% of the _ Government Grant; Ay1lmer, Dutton, Springfield, Slhedden, Rodney, West Lome and Eelmbont. -!Carried. Movec:l by M. G. Berry, SecondeJ by Giairnet ISpeers: That thisE'lgin County 100uncil reoomlIIl~nds to the Depart- ment of .Welfare the pa.ynrent 'by -the ,pTovincial Government to the Clerks of the local municipalities for ;completin~ app'lications for- DId Age pensions and Mothers' A:11owance'; -Carried. Moved by A. N. Wright. Seconded lbiy M. G. !Berry: Whereas the fishing industry ,is a d!a.ngeroUSi and hazard(lUS oc- cupation and: where3,oS those engaged in it lare not requtired -00 carry \Vor,k.meri'~ iCcur:lPensation this iElgin iCou.nJty Council requests the Provincial Government tOanlend ,the Workmen's GOIIl1Pensa tion Aot to make it compulsory' for :those. engag;ed roo-the buswe8iSl 'Wh~bher p.a1d;;by wages or ,commission-to carry lOomple:nSiation Insurance-.. and copies be sent to. the Ontario Government,FWDr1kmen"s :Oompensa- mon Board and other ICounty :Gouncils. ~arried, Moved by iG. !Speers, \seconded.. by M. G. -.Berry: , _i> 18 EIHlN COUNTY COIUNCIliL :-i That We now adjourn to meet at 2 !p.m. -Carried; The Council Lresumed. 'The second reQort of !the Finance Committee WlaiS presented and adopted on motion. of ,3" E.. pav:i:es, seconded C. W. :Taylor. The report of the (Road Oomlm1i.ttee was :presented and on mo- ItJion ,of Reeve IGouJrt:er the Council went into, a Committee of ,the whole, ,with Mr. Coulter in ,the chair. AIDte.T coIlSli.dera~ble discussion and eXip1anations ;by ,Mr. Bell, IOounty Engineer, :the :Committee arose ,and ;the re[Port was" ,adopted on mo.tion of A..JC!hnson, seconded C. W. Taylor. The- Warden appointed J. E. Davies and John Millard as the HOlSrpital C'o~ttee. _-c, Moved hy A. T. Lashjb~ook, -Seconded by G. Orchardl: Tha,t this EI.g1n iOonnty OouncU requests the Ontario aJjepaxt- ment of Highways to repair and improve Provincial !Highway No. 3 '" from Ta~botViille to ,the !County of K.€nt' townline and coPY! -be sent to' the Minister of 1HigIh,waYB; --carried. Moved by Edmund Ashton, Seconded by e. W. Taylor: That the usual grants of ,$:HJO each he paid to the ,bo,y .and! girl residents of the County of lElgin who attam thel ihighest' acad!emtc standing at the University of Western Ontario this y€;ax. -Carried t ,E[jQITN COUNTY' iCO!UNCffiL 19 Moved !by ICfhas. F.J-acksori, Seconded by A. 'N. Wright: That Mba Johnson, Reeve of Eayham, be appoirited ,to. the Till- sonJburg H:spital 'Soard fDr the ye.ar 11949. ---<Carried. Moved by A. T. L'ashbrpak, Secondled by J. E. DaiVies: Whel'B8.S .the !Railway Act estahliSihed the Grade IC[-ossing IF'$d for the protection, safety and convenience of the rpulblic in respect to existing level crossings ,but 'makes no provilsiions for contriibu~ tions_' to ,the improvement, of existing overpasS! or underpass: struo- tures. And since many ,of these structures'Wer~ 'Comtructed years ago and, while meeting requirements for !horse and 'buggy traffic are en~irelY unsafe :and inadequate (for existupg -tra.ffli.c conditlons. BE IT ''I'HiE\RiEWlOIRlE 1RJE\S0I1NtElD: Toot the members, of the Elgin County Council respectfullyreque&t Itha-t_ !the a(,}t he amended! to exclude the word "lweI" \from Section -121512 of the Act wnere it appears ibe1ore"-crossing" in 'Order to permit of contributions tv the recon:structionof inadequate -existing ,grade separations; The EIg:jjn; County. Counci1a~s9 feel that the "limitation of Tihe oontrilbution 01' -4:0'% under ISection 0012i. .of the Ao~ .partioula.riIYI 111 theca-se of ;works fQr automa-t:icpro:tection, imp()se-s ,exceedingly h.eavY burd'eThEl on sma,ll munio1palities. 'Where such mun.ic1ipalities -conSititute the :Highway A:uthoritty 'CQn-cern~d in ,the ..a;pportionment 01 the bal- ance of the \Cost 01 the, installation. BE IT 'II:IDlR;EFOEiE \RJESO:LJVE[): That the Elgin Cbunty :Coun- cil respectfully recj:"u.€E:tthat the Act. 'be amended:in .order to rper- mit an increased contribUtion from 40:% to -at leas,!! 70'% of the actual 'C,ost ofconstruc1bion in the case .of .... a.utomatic prCltecttvll, 20 ElI..fGlIN COUNTY CIOfUlNCtm.; and a copy of this reso1ution be :forW'Rrdcd to the MiIli1ster, HonOI'" a:ble Mr. iQhevrier, .and to all Oounty Councils. ~aarried. Moved ,by A. V. Coulter. Seconded !by -E. K. MeiNeil: Whereas the iOo-rporaton <Yf the iCouIlty of EITgin will reach the .oentury mile stone in 1:952 it lis therefore deemed exped!ient that th:e Wardensef up is! 100mmittee of Couilcil and officials to i.n.stitt- ute pIansar a progra.m in ?rderthat ,the occasion- may roo :approp- riately O!bserved. ---;Garried. ~ Moved by A. V. !Coulter, Seconded !by J. Millard: ~ That thbs Elgin !County iCouncil vigorously p'1'otest the :ll."'T..!pO- 8ition ,by the Ontavio GO"ilemment o.f .an ,a-dtlitionaI fifty oce__TJ:(s Ol~ motor vehicle -operators' permits, ['J'T the announced plU'pose of .building up .a f1Uld ,to prote0tthose who carry no purbltc lila,bllity insuraooe or are not .adequart:.ely 'insured. We ,would rooomrnendthat in place of thistmpOls!ition on motor vehicle ,opemltors who carry adec&ua..te insurance th.~t le!oOUs1at~on '!be enaotled u-equiritng every motor vehicle owner or oper:a:tor to produce evidiehoeof satisfactory insurancl8 cover,sge. before ::he- can qualify for a lioense. And that copies of tM resolution be sent to the Premier of ontario, -the On- tario MiniSter of Highwa}'s>I 1F. S. Thomas, M.P.P. and to other County Councils. On motion of Reeve .Berry the Council went into a iCommittee of the '\Wlole with Reeve [Davies in -the .chair, regarding1 tile iaibOve resolution. "MtJer consideralble dilScussion the resolution was ad'Opted and the COlnlInittee arose. ELGITN COUNTY OOUNOIIL 21 Moved by Edmund Ashton, S'eoonded :by !C. W. ITaylor: That By-Larw No. !1545 "To Amend B~-'Law No. 1541-" Ibe read ii, .first time. -lOarried. . Moved, by 10. W. Taylor, Seconded by 'EklmundAshton: That By-Law No. It5~ be read a st;lCond .time. ~Cartied. Moved by :Edmund, :Ashton, Seconded, by Archie Blue: That .By...{Law [No. 16'45 ,be :rea:d a .third time and finally ;passed. -{Garried. Moved by :Arc:b:ie Blue, iSeconded iby iO. W. Taylor: Tha.t By-Law No. :11546 ':"1'0 Authorize the Warden and 'Trea- surer to BorrOlW the Sum of Four Hundred Thousand !Dollars" be read 'a, first time, ---iGarried. Moved ;byJ.E. :Davies; Seconded \by A. T. ILashJbr06k: 22 ELGlrN COUNTY COUiNCillL , :>,' Th~t LEy-Law No. 11546 ,be read a second time. -carried. Moved <by A. T. Lashbrook, Seconded ,by J. E. iIJavies: That iB.y-Lam No. .115:46 he read a third ,time and finally passed. -carried Moved ,by J. E. Davies, Seconded 'by A.T. Lashbrook: That By-'LaIW NO.:l!54'7 "To IRepealiBy-J;aws .!ia77, Il280 and 1321 be read:.a first time. -Carried Moved by Archie Blue, Seconded !by C. W. 'Eaylor: That By-iLa.w No. '115147 be read ,a second t1me. -'Darned Moved .by J. E. [)avi€S, Seconded by A. T. !Lashbrook: That :SY-Law [No, 1547 be' read a third time and finally. passed, ---ca:n;ed -' E!LGIIN OOUNTY OOUNC1IL 23 Moved by Walter ,Auckland; seoonded !by Howard PiaJimer: That :By-Dam' No. JJ5!48 "To !RIe~aplpOint a Member ,to the St. Thoma.:s ISUJbUl1ban ,Area ICornmissionJ" !be !read - "Ia first time. --:Carried Moved by !Howard -PalmeT, Seconded .by Walter A~dJ: That By-Lay lNo. 11548 Ibe l1eoo a second time. ~ed Moved by J, :Millard, Seoonded :by ~ard P1a~r: 'Ilhr!1t By-!LaJW No. 1.!548 be -read a 'third :time and. fmaUy passed'. --'Ol.rrted Moved hy W. R, Gifford, seconded ,by .J. MilLa.ird: That 'By....LaiW No. li5'4S ~'To Appoint a COunty !Road committee'~ tbe ,rea..da. first time. ~ed !vloV-ed - by J. lB1ard, Seoonded by W. Ia. Gifford: 24 ELGiIN COUNTY GOfUlNCWL That By-Law No. 1649 be ll'eada second .time. -'Ga:rried Moved by Howard Palimer, Seconded by lA. N. Wright: Tha.t IJ3y-LaJw No. 1549 be read a third time and finalJ-y passed. --Carried MOVled ,by Ohas. iF. Jaokson. Seconded by A. A. Johnson: That By-~aw NO'. 1i560 '''To Appoint a 'Board of Audit in the County of lIillgin for the year Ili94~J" ;be rea;d' ,s.. firstfi,ime. >, , -Carried Moved b:J: R. -- K. MeiNeil, " Se.conded by A. A. J{lhnson: That By';"Law No. 15150 he <read a second time. --=Carried Moved by Elmer W;addey, Seconded byW. K. BodIT.dn: That 'By-Law No. 15'5{) 00 read a third time and finally pasiSed. -Gamed r..1oved -by R. K. ~.a:ciNeil, Seconded by A. _ A. Johnson: ELCNN COUNTY 'OOlUNor;r, 25 That By-LaiW No. 15'5). "To Fix the Salary of tbe [P!hysi~ of the County Home" be :nead a !first time. -'Carried Moved hy _R.., K. MdNell, Seconded hy ~. A. Johnson: :'!'halt By-Law No. ll51511 Ibe read a second time. """""'Oarried ;Moved l>;>, lEt. K. ;McNeil, Seconded b" 'Chas. iF. Jackson: That By-Law No. 115151.1 ,be read a third time and finally passed. -carried Moved iby Wm; K. Bodkin, ISeconded Iby E]rner Waakley: That By-:LaIW No. 1;552 "To Amend BW-La>w No. 1400"- !be read ,a, first time. -Carried Moved by iEb:ner W:ackley, , . Seconded by W. K. iJ3,()dkin: That By-La.w No. 1552 !be read a second ,time. -'Carried 26 ElliGIN COUNTY COUNOITiL Moved byR" iK. MoNeil, Seconded! 'by A. A. Johnson: Th.at By ..ffiaw No.']5'-51Z Iberead a third v,ime and finally passed. -Uarried Moved by A. V.Goulter, Seconded by C. Johnson: That 'By-La.w No. 15'53' ~<To Permit Local Munictpalitie.$l to 001- lect thcir own Tax tAITears'" be read a first time. '---!Carried Moved by James A.lFUller, Heconded rJJ.y A. V. Coulter: That By-Law !NO'. 115'5'3 be read a sec-ondtime, """-carried Moved .by A. V. leouIter, Seconded <by James A. iFuller: That By-lLaiw No.I!553 ,be read a third time and tmally passed; -,reamed Moved by O. Johnson, Seconded 'by James' A. Fuller: J . EIT..GITN =UNTY OOUNCTL 27 That By':"Law No" 1!5',54 "To ~ppoint a Oletrk .and: Tre'al3urer for the G01ll1ty of Elgfin" be read a: first time. -,earNed Moved .!by Garnet Speers, Seconded :by .James A. ~er: That By-'Law No. ',1151514 ibe read 'a second time" -CaI;l"iied MOVied Iby Garnet Speers, Seconded :by James A. IF'uller: 'Wa.t IBy':"Larw :No. r5'5:4 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried Moved :by R. K. McNeil, - Seconded ,by W" K. Bodlcin: That By~iUaw. NO'. t5i5i5 "To Amend] tBY:-[;aw No. 11376" 'be read a first time. .,....;Carried Moved by A. lA. Johnson, Seoondedby Chas. ii'. ,Ja;c:kson: That By-La'N No. 1'5'55 be read 'a second -time. -Carni'ed C< 28 ElIJGaN COUNTY CDU!NQIiL. j Moved by W, K lBodkin, Seconded hy A. N. IWlVghtJ: Tha,t By-~ No. 115155 iberead a third time and finally passed" ~Ca11ied Moved by M. G. Bem-y, Second€ldby; Garnet !.Speers: That By-Law No. :]515:6 '''LA By-~W to provide for" the Total Ex- penditure on the ISiYSitem of County Roads in the County of Elg:in as approved! by the Order-in-1Cbuncil'during tlhe year 194;9"'.00 read a ffrst time. ---4Carl'Ied Moved. by M. !G. iBerry, - Seconded by Gamet Speers: That By-Law ~o" 11515'6 be read a second time. -Carried Moved by M. O. !Berry;, ;Seconded by Garnet !Sipeers: That !By-Lww No. 15:56 <be read a third time and wally passed. --'.Darned The Wiarden -appointed the foRowing delegates t-o -attend the various conv~ntioll8:- EIT..GITN OOUNTY OOUNOU, 29 . :RoacIJs...;--Messrs Ashton, OL"d:lJa.rd, Auckland, Coulter, iBod..1cin, G. Jo..~nson, FUller, A.. Johnson, Jaclmon, McNeil, Millard. Gifford, palmer, ,,\;';rookl~Y, Merrett, Lashbrook,Wright, 'the Warden -and the 'Olerk. EduC'a.tton-1Sp'eers, the W,a,rden and the Clerk.. Municipal-Taylor, iBlue; Berry and the Clerk. Deputy Reeve AIuc:kland adckessed the 'Council re hunting 1!icen- BeS in beal municipalities. Also Reeves Taylor, Coulter, :Berty and Wac.kley ,and: Deputy- iReeve Ashoon spoke on this 5uj\:):je:c':t. The Warden Galled on :mx':'Warden Gordon Newell fOT a ;few r'e:" maw and :Mr. Newell, :congratulated the Oounttv' on theibusiness- like manner in which they carried -on their' session. Moved by 10. Johnson, Seconded Iby J'aJIIreS Fuller: That we do now addourn to meet ,on TuesdaiY, lVLaxcl1 22nd, at 10 o'clock in the forenooll" -earned STUART ;uLTI1LIEl, Warden . 30 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL " SECOND SE88WN - FIRST DAY TuesJday, the' 22nd day of March, 1949. The, Elgin iCounty :Council met this day -.at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance Wlith adlJourn-ment. The Warden in the chair. All the meo.'l1lbers present. The minutes .of the last day o.fthe January' ISession 'Were read and app.roved. The following cammUl1iicatiouSi were read: From re. D. Gayle /With reply 1'e resolutions of January Session-- Filed. , From the Salvation iArmy ;with appreciation of gran~Filed'. ' From the !Health LL-eagueof Canada Vlith ,requeslt .for grant-- Referred to phe F1.i.nance Cbrmnittee. From the ICanadian National Institute for the Blind withap- preciation of g1'aI1J~led. From title County of lPeter:borough requesting increased lbounty on woLves-JReferred to Fetiltiop.JS1 and Legislation Committee." :From the Wor:kmen's Compensatiion Board re reply on Gomrpen- sation resolution of the IC-ounrty OounciL----lReferred ,to Petitions !anc~ Legislation Committee. From rthe i]J~p:artment of Lands ~md Forests with reply i'e Com- pensa.tion Res;olution of the January ISession.-iReferred to (P'etitions and Legislation :Gommiittee. e EIT..GITN COUNTY OOUNClliL 3'1 From the iOcuntyof :Lincoln requesting increased lProvinoial grant for indigeDJt patients in hospitals~-'Referred ,to Finance !Com.. mitltee. From IF. IS. 'I'homasM" IP. P: -with reply re resolutiollS.-Referred to GOUIllty :Roads. !From .the st Thomas IQhamber of Oommel"ce 1'e Central Regis-try. -iReferred: "to iPetitions 'and Legisla.tii.on .committee. From the 'UniverSity: of western Ont~io with - appreciation of grant.-iF'iled. ;p'rom the lOounty' (X( Norfolk 1'e hospital gra~ts.-m1i1ed. From the Department of Welfare with reply re resolutlon 1'e > paym'ent, of Muni'Qipal IClerkis....:....JFiled. From the County of Grey 'With resolurtion rethe purchase 'Of dr,ainage maolUln;ery..;.......jReferred to lPetitiQlI1S and LegdslationC()m- mii:ltee. From the ICoun:!Jy of iPri.nce Edward with resolution 1'e dissol- ving 'of DId !Age Pension-- Eoards.-Fti.1ed. From the Ontamo MuniJCiipal Association with' appreoiation .of MeJII1bership fee.-!Filed. From the MiIrlster of Higlhways lwitih reply to resolution re in~ ..creased Motor VeJ:l..ic1e Licenses.-<F'iJ.ed. Fl'iom the ITvIrunictpal :Finance- Officers re annual convention and meIl.1Jhersmp f~e.-iReferred to IF1Jnance -Qomtrrl[ttee. From the IChildTen's lAid ISociety with letter .of apprec1ation .of grant.--'Filed. From the Depar!bment of ,Education re grants to County liiibrartes "> 32 EIJG!IN COUNTY COUNCIL , ---iRefelTed to Ed'l.lcaJtion .committee. FTOIn the <Oounty of WentwonthwiJtn resolution l"e increased' pay for .oonsrobles~-tReferred to Finance "-Committee. From the IShedden Lihl'ary Boa<rd ,with request f.or g::rant.-Re- ferred to Education IOommittee. From the Grand ;Jury with report.----,-:1Referred to County Home Committee. From ,the United Etmergency Fund tfor !Britain 'wi-th request ,for delegation.-iReferred to iFirii:mce CoIl1inlittee. Replies from Other 'Counties- to Elgin County Resolutions 1. Re amendments ,to the 'Railway Ad;:: No Action - York, Norfolk, Brant. Filed: - ["inooln.. . Acknowledgment - Simcoe; Minister of Transportation,Qt. fbalwa; iF. IS. Thomas. Endorsed - Ontario. 2. ~e Hie Additional Fifty :Gents on Motor Vehicles Operaitor's .permits.. Endorsed - Norfolk; Brant. No Action - YOTk, Ontario. Filed- Lin-coln. Acknowledgement - ISimcoe-; Prime Minister; and Fo' f3. Thomas. . , E!LGIIN COUNTY aOUNcmL 1lJ 3. Roe Jlrnprovetnent of NQ. 3 Higihw.ay :from TaLbotville to Kent County [Line: Acknowledgement ThOmas. Minister of Highways and iF. S. 4. Re COmpensation' for Fishermen: End-orsed - Nor:folk. A<:iknowledgen:rent - F. IS. Thomas. 5. Re' ISUper Highway in WeSltern Ontario: No Action-, - Huron..' . Moved by Walter AtiokiIand, Seconded 'by !Eldmitmd Ashton: That rthis Elgin iCountyCouncil requestts. tihe Deparrtment of pame and Flisheries :to . pass. reguI,altionsr to . restric;t, -the hunting of; IGamel in .the County of !ElJgiri to residents of the 100unrby and! ,o;.ty of Sf;. Thomas. The .shove resolurtion 'was presented and a.f.ter- consider- :alble discussfun by verious _ mielmbers of the 'Council, on ttnJQ-tion of A. V. Coulter, see,oDded !by J. ;Fuller, it was 1..<1 over unill the June Session for further information. Moved by IOhas F. Jacikson, seconded by Ia. IK. McNeil: Tru-t the 'Whole O<itmty 'COUncil make' the tour of the Cbunty Roads Ibhe same as last :year, date to [be arranged by the Road iOom- mittee, and e8.lOh mQ.i.'"Th'ber to. ibe notified rP....g;a.rding -the ._date set.. ~Oamed / ""> :l4 ELGiIN COUNTY CD'ONOillL lvIiss .Eil'een Wallace, COunty L.i!brartan, 'addressed rihe Council expressing :flIppreciation for -the generous grant alIld e1l:Jplained some of tJhe work aocompliBihed Iby the Library Boaro. The iSpe.cial Report ''of the Fin:ance Comanittee WaJS/ presented and adopted -.on motion of Reeve iDavies, seconded by O. ,'Ilaylor. Moved by A. V. IOouIter, Seconded iby M. G. iBerry: That v....e now .adJourn to meet: at 2 'ip.m. ,---ICarl'iert The Cbuncil ['esmned. The r"eport of the lProperty ComD:n!iIQtee was presented and adop~ too on matioo of W. T. Merret!t, seconded by A. Blue. '\ The report of the Educa.tion iOormni1ltee was .prese-ntedand adOP- ted on motion of H. PaImer, seconded !by _G. ISpeers. ~ The report of ,the lHoopd,ual ICoIrln1iltltee 'Was presented !by [Reeve J. E. [)aJvies, and 'on mortionof J. Millard the Oouncil went 1nto a -CoIl1ilIlilittee of, [the whole wJlth Reeve Merrett in ,the ch~r.' ~ter leIlgithy dtiscussion the CIommittee arose and on, llIlKJItion :of J. E. Davies, seconded iby la. Orohard, the report was adO-ped . as reoo. Moved by fa. K. McN'eil, seconded by Wm. K. !Bodkin: Tl1:alt. this Cou:ncil ad,!journ until 10 a.m.., iWednesday, Matrcl1. 23rd. -oarried. STUART m"II!JEl, Warden , ELGIN COUNTY OOUN'= ~5 SEOOND SESSWN - SECOND DAY Wedn-esday the 23rd day of March, 1949. The . Elgin Cqunty.. Connell met ilili.isJ day .a;t the Court House, st. Thomas, in accordance wtith adjournment. The Wa:rdiell dn tlhe :chair. All the ~ers present. The ~ti;tesi -of ,the prerw.ous day were read and confirmed. The first report of <the lFinance iCottmnit1Jee twas presented and aaopted on' motion :of J. E. Davies, seicollded by lA. ICoUlter. The second report of ,the !FinJanoe ICbmttn!irtteewas: lP~esentedand aJ(jJopted on. motion of ,J. E. Davies, seconded by M. G. Berry. The report o:f 1Jhe County (Home Goo:n.mirttee was presented and 'On motion of W. Auc!IGaIK1lthe ICounoil rwentmto a !dommittee or the whole !With !Reeve Millard in the chair. Aflter considerable discuSSiion title iOomlInli,ttee arose land on motion 01. W. .. K. Bodkln. seconded hy J. E. iDavies: the repont was adopted as read. Moved by J. iE:. ~vtieS, fiecon(j.ed. by 10. Orchardl: That the hospirtail comm!i.ttee recomanen~ to .the Elgin C9unty Council ,that a grant [be . made :to Tillsonburg Soldiers' MemoriaJ ~{)spitarof,$5~OQO ~ac~ ~ear f{)rthree year~ cOllUllencingthis year ~wards tale lbuil<ti.ng of ,a new wiIig to their hospLtal, first year's fl;ffint pay1aible on comin~e~ent of huilCling operati.~l1S. ~Lost. o Moved ibY:,J.Millard, Seconded by iR. K. MQNeil: <, 36 = COUNTY COU!NmL That the Mgin ICounty ICouncil grant .theTillsonburg Memorial Hospital the sum 'Of $24,000, paya.ble $18,000 for three yeal'Sl dor hospital fund. -Lost. Moved IbyA. A. Johnson, '8ewnded by C. A. Johnson: That the E1gdn lCbull'ty Council gr:ant the Ti11€lQnburg Memorial H~spital the srumof $30,0001 paYalble-'$IlO,OOO for three 'y!e1ats: lOr their buildlng [undo -Oarrie'd The reoolutions 're the Tillsonburg Hospital we're presented and on motion of A. CBIue :tJhe ICouncil went inlto a CommLttee of the whole with Reeve Taylor :in the chair. Afterconsi.derable di.&:us- sian the ,third resolution was adopted. Moved by M. G. Berry, Seconded by Garnet ISprers: Th~t we do now ,adjourn untdl 2 p.m. -<Oarrlecl. The IDouneil Jresumed. The, report of -the !PeUtlions ,and Legis[a.tion Carmnittee was pre--: sen!ted ian.d on moti(:m of (R.eeve Berry .the ICouncil went into a Com- mittee .ofthe whole /With (Reeve (Davies in the chalir. Mteram'6Ild:i.ng the report rtJhe' ICornmitttee 'arose ,and on: motion of W. Auckland, seconded by Ecm'iund Ashlton ,the report woo adopted tasamended; "The ,third report ?f the iFinance Conuni;tjtee was presented and ..- ELGiIN COUNTY CO\]NGIL 37 adopted on motion of 'J; E.. Dawes, seconded by M. G. Berry. Thereporrt of ,the 'EqualiZaJtion ICammlittee was ;presented and adopted On m'Oltion of. lA. V. IC'ouJJtell", seconded by M, G. Berry. Reeve ,R McNeil reported on rr. cr3. rtem41i m' South Dorcl1ester. to i~n this spring andsuggest1ng that 'this m;atter be delayedJ. Moved by iM. p. iBerry, Seconded by Garnet Speers' 'llhSlt the Warden appoint a CommJittee on the Hospital IBoard for 1949. The Warden appointed tR.eeves"fDavies and Millard. Moved by! J. .iMiJl:axd, Sec<mdedby Howard :Palmer, That By"-Law No. J!5!57 <<To 100nfirm the iEq;ua.liz'ation of the Areessment Rolls of lihe County of EIgln for lihe year 0049" be read ,a first time. -Carried. Moved by Howard! P.aJmer, seconded by J. . (Millard: That Byi-iLaiw No. -1557 l'be read a ~nd time. --<CarrIed. Moved 'by rw. iAuckla;nd, Seconded by rw. 'R. Gifford, , .38 ELG~ COUNTY OOUINOiIL , That By-La,w No. 11567 !be read a third time mid finally pMSed. ----<Carried. Moved 'by Wm. T. Merrett, Seconded by iO. W. Taylor: Thalt By-ww No. 115!58 " To Raise Amounts 1'orCounty Rates du- ring the year 1<9:49" be read a :first time. -Carried. Moved by o. W. Taylor, (Seconded! ,hy Wm. T. Merrei1Jt: That By-[oaiW No. 115'58 Ibe read a second' itinl'€. ---crarr1ed Moved by W. T.Merretrt;, Seconded by Arcl1rie [BJ,ue: That ,By....Law No. l1i158' ibe read a' third time .and; finally passed. -.-jOarried. lVI-oved -b,y' !Garnet Speers, seconded by 10. Johnson: 'Ifuat we OOw 'adjourn to meet June 14th at 10 a.m. ~""'lied. STUA:R.T iUI1l"I1[JE, Warden .y. ElUGIN COUNTY 'OOUNCIL 39 y THiIiRiD SESlg.ION -FmST. nAY Tuesday, the 14 dJaJy of June, 1JJ49 The Elgin lCounty Council' met. ,thisi day ait the iCourt House, st.' Thomas, 1ri 'acoordance wdth adijournment. ..- All the mernJbers present except !Reeve lLasl1brook' and Reeve C. Jolmson. The W<axden in the chair. The Warden addressed the Council. The" minutes -of ,the last day of the Marclh ,1S€S?ion were read confirmed. The followillg ICoiIIllIUunications ,were read: From the ICmmty of ,lPrince EdrwaiI"d re'qUiesting: d.ncreaSe of' pro~ vIncial assistanice for indigent ~aJtien1JS1.....,..ffi.eferredto Financ:e iCom~ mittee. FrQm Gounoil .of the Townshtp of Dunw:i.ch requesMng the COunty to asSUllle, ,tlhe 'road in the ~owrwh!itP of' Dtmwioh.~eferred ,to .the:, Oounty P-.d 'CoIniIIDttee. From the Director oi Tourist Travel in the Brovince af New Brnnswifk, the One HU:IldiredJth Annivel'lSlary'.----!Referred to FiinanC( C<mrm!\ttee. From the West IEag1n High School [Jistrict Board requesting .a gIlant for agticUlture.---'lReferred to the !Ediuciattion Committee. From the Olnit.ario Municipal Assooiation 1'e ann~ .convention.- Filed. Jr: 40 EDGIN COUNTY =UNOIL . From the United Emerg.ency Fund for J3ritain. with replY' to our 11etter.---<Filed. 'From the Wor:kIrnEn'sCompensa"tion Board re resolution on com- pensation fo!, fishermen.---iF1iled. From ibhe St. Thomas c~ty[)aia"y re portion of the milk, conttac'U for Julyr-1Referred. to the Pr~e~y Comtmittee. From -the 1st. Thomas CJty Council with !by-la.w re appointment of County members on Hospital ,Board.~iled. From~er~" Ha.r.per, Oounty Weed J1nspector, with resigin.a.tion. -Referred!' to ,tJhe ).gr'ioolit'llral Commictltee. From the iCounty. of p&th with resolution re amend.menlt of tile Criminal Code.~efen:ed ,to -the Peltitions and [..egislation Committee. From the Ontario tDepartment of Agricullitme re grant to weed InSpec;tons salary- and: expenses.--'Referroo !to the .AgriJCulture COm- mittee. From the Elgin Fish :00. of Pont Taltbot, aopplicaIDion for the privllp..ge of using a portion of .the,roadallo~ance of the Port Tal- hot Road.-lReferred to ,the' County Roads lCOmmd.ttee: Warden's Address To the Elgin COunty Council: Gentlemen: Qw1ng to< the heavy frosts and long drought ;the prospects tor crops tihfus: year -are only fak, and though prices are good', ,the ,con~ dition of ,AgriculJture is not nea,rly so proa.nlisingas iIt was a montl'li ago. Our inspection .of the iCountly roads shOWed ;them to ibe in, an excellent condition,. and thie work: 'Of ICOnstrnetJion andm.ainJl:en- ance y.rell advanced for theilime of year. ~ EIT..GITN COUNTY OOUNCTL 41 The Jersey Herd "was diSJposed hy .auction sale . 'at good prices, and has been repla,ced Iby Holsteirus, wthich will !be reported cnmore fiully iby ilihe -Qounty Home Cornmiffitee. The special Rc:s.p-italGo:mmd.rttee ha.vie had serveral meetings and vrHl nO doubt have a report willen will be Qf interest 11;.0 all the mem- hers of 'County Coune'll. The numfher 'ofindiigen!t patiel1lts in, hospitals have, increased COTI- fJideraibly over last year, the IMge per ceil,tage ,are Old AgePensioners. New L€!gisJation Section 400 of the MunJidpal Ac;? has heen, iamerided by' actding a section, which permits a ',1000.1 ,muniC'tpaliity to ipasS ,a iby-la.w Ita provide for iInposing uporn o:wners o.r occupants of Land whoUlSe a. sewer, SI6wer system or sewage: rwork:s: for oattying 'a;way sewagl8' or land drainage or ,bath from their land, .a sewage' service rate suftficient to pay such portion -or per centage of the annual cost of mainten- a~nce and operaJtion of the work so .used as the iby~la.w may specify. Section 3(3;. of the Assessment tAct is repealed and a new s'ecti9n substituted .to !provide for: the Assessors of every m11!ll.icipality taking a yearly census o.f the inhabitants and rec'orddng .the census in a :register. to !be . furnished Iby the 100erk:. and in which particula.rs or the Census divid-ed into ISp€cified age glI'OUPS will !be erlltered by the As- sessor. Sections 59 and 60 of the, Assessment ACt have !been :rewritten and -y;i11 apply to ,the .A.sSes5ment rtaikenin \1195'0. The Assessment inj every municipa1'it~ lllJUSt !be .taken yearly: !between January 1st and Septernlber 30th and. the Assessment roll :returned not later than! Octo'ber 1st, but piro:visi:on is now made for municipaJ. :Counctl.l to re- quire the AreesSiffient- to be ,talken 'so lthamthe roll. rwi1l be returned 3it aJIlY time fixed! by IColUlcil ibetween July '1st and Octo!ber 1st. The Homes for. the LA.ged .Act., :passed :at the Last SeSSli:on replaces ,t.~e 1947 ,-!\ct a.nd provides for the Province -to PIDY' fifty per cent o~ operating . arid. maintenance coSlts of County [Homes and [if~ per cent of ,the cost of new homes. "" 42 ElLGUN COUNTY COUNOJL " Amendments to the HiJgfrl School 'Act. .provides for the payment; of memlJers Of ;boards of $5.00 per meeting and seven cents per mlle;' 'bwt must not exceed twelve meetings per year. Section 16 of the Pub& SChools Mt has !been amended to ,pro- Vlide - for payment of memJbers on ToWnshtp School Mea Boards ait the same rate "" High SlcI100l Boards. Sections '13 of 1ihe THe Drainage lAiCIt has !been .amended to in- crease _ the maximum loan for tile drainage from $0000.00 to $3000.00, per 100 acr€lS4 Amendments t.o the Higlhwa.y Improvem~nt Act provides for pay- ment of sulbs:idy -of 'One -third for cities _ and separ-a,ted - towns and one half for towns and-villages approved ~by -the Dept. of Highways al).d the restriotioris on the amount -of ISIttbsid(y toot may be paid hy !the ::Dept of HighW~YB has Ibeen ~emoved. Tbe ISpecial repol"lt' o.f the Finance O'ommt1ttee was" presented: and adopted. .on motion of J. ;& IDavi~_andJ ctlare:nce ':Daylor. The Cllerlk'sreport re restaurant - !Licenses was .presented - !and on motion of R;eeve M. lBerry and _ A. Johnson W8.3 accepted _ and ordered painted in the proceeclings. The Treasmer's repont on StaJtem..ent.of Receirpts and ~en.. di)tures 'Was pr-esen~ and o.n m"Ottl.on of Reeve A. V. COuLter and seconded 'by Reeve Ie. ;Drohard was ;acceptOO and .ordered printed in the proceedings. Moved. by C. 'W.. Taylor, Seconded ,by W<lilter :Aookland: That .thiB ~. Count" ICouncil requests .'\men<lment to SectIon 7t3Of, tihe Munidpal :Dra.inage Aict to. .pemmtei;penditure of more :t.han 20%' .of the cost of construction in repairing M'1.Utilcipal .Dmins without an !Engineer's report and that copies 'be sent to the- Dept. ~~ EUGtIN COUNTY -COiUNlC[L 43 of Municipal ~fairs and ,an -County OoWlcils. --[,ost. The rubove resolution re :amendment to .the Drainage Act was presented and after discussion was 'WlilbhdraiWn'by the mover and seconder~ Reeve ThWies p.resenteda reporlt op. the work aCoomplished to date by the Hilspital iC<xmDnittee and collSliderable d!SouS81on tooik! pI""". Warden Little requested Reeve Berry to take the chaiT while he retired for a short period. TPe Warden resumed the _ ohair, . and the diooussion corutinued re the new. hospital. Moved by :E. Ashlton, ,. , Seoonded Iby by W. T.Menett: Th:at-.this COuncil do now adjourn until 2 p.m.. --Canied. The OaunciI rresmned. The. first.. report of the !Finance Committee was. presented and ado:ptedi on mortion of Reeve J. E. Davies and Reeve- iA.Jobnsou; The second report of the Finance CoInmittee was presented and adopted on motiOn of \Reeve -J.lID. !DaVies and Reeve. M. ~rry. The teJ.jOrt of the' Property 100000000000ee was presented and on motion O'flRJeev~ !Berry tale lClounciilwent into :a !Com.m1ttee of.tihe w~ole with ReeVe MdNeiJ.' in .the ehaii:. A Iengtlhy discussion took piace re the Po][ce Court coots and '44 ELGUN. COUNTY COlJiNCffi o a portion of .,fines was returned to the mlll1icipalities. -Th:e repont was then adopted on motion of W. T; Merrett and: M. BerFY. Lt was moved 'by Deputy iReeve Au:e:kkmd tha,t Mr. D. Neil'l, Gam.e Watden for Elgin County !be now hea<rd. Mr. Neill addressed the Council re the licenses required for hunJti.. ing in . a mrunicipalityand also re the . dismbution of pheasants ill the .connty~ Deputy Reeve Aookland' e~ressed the .alPPTe:ciation of the iCOlIDCil for the Game Warden's explanation of matters re the Hunting 'Licenses. 'Moved"'by C. Orchard, Seconded by WaJ.rt,;.er Auckland: 'TIhaJt 'by-law No. 1i173 of the townsh.ipof 1Sou~hwold be 'Conf:irm.ed .to close the part of Inverness street in Lot :19 N.' T. R. E. and theri.ecessary iby..,IalW be prepared. , -<Oanied. ~ The resolution re "amending the Lord~s Day Act was presenred by Reeve M. Berry and on motion of Reeve IA. Coulter fbhe resolution w,aS: laid' over until Wednesday morning. Moved 'by J. A. [Fuller, Seconded by Garnet \Speers: Tha.t 'We do now adjourn until IWednesday, June 15th, a.t 10 a.m. ----C.a.tT1ed. STO'MT ~, Warden EIT..GITN 'OOUNTYOOUNCiL 45 THIRJ) SESSilON '- 'ImCONl> DAY Wednes~y, the 15th dalY of. JUne 1949 The iEIgin ICounty IOouncil met iJhils day .,at <the OOurt House, St. Thomas, in accordance With adjournm-ent. The WiSirden in the chair. All members p.resent except C. Johnson, H. Palmer and Gar..; net Speers. The minutes of the previous day were read and confirmed. The OommuILicatio'l1s. from the CaUIlfby of Kent in reply to tlhe Elgin iOounty resolu'tiOns were readland- ordered m filed;- /' The.Agricul,tural report,was pres~nted and adopted ,on motion of Reeve ''Daylor and RJeerve Davies. The !Petition and (Legislation report. was .present€d:andadop'tedl on motion of Deputy Reeve AOOk1and :and Reeve Wacldey. The iIDducation repor,t was' presented and .adopted on motion of Reeve WrigtJit and DePuty Reeve Blue. Moved ,by J. MillMd, Seconded .by M. Berry: Tha!t .this iCouncil wiShes to go on record as :being opposed to the :present sylStemof distrtiJbuiticin of rmes 1"e .torwi1s and villages, main- taining their own police force arid feel that 40% of &11 ,fin~s coll~~ should revert baDkto th.ese' munici'PaMlties instead of just 4Q% of me " fines from ,the OntJardo Traffic Act and tib.e. Liquor Control Act and that copi<es of .tJ:Lis resolution be forwarded to all county councUS and to 'the ProviJlcial Trea81lrer '8IDd toO our local member of (Parlia- ment. -Carried. ." 413 EIT..am COUNTY CDU!NOJL ci It was moved by 'Reeve Orchard that iF'., Cowan, a:nsurance :Agelit be now heard. Mr. 'Cowan ':addressed the Council e~lainiIig the re- newal of InsUr,aIl.Ce Ipolicies and cove:rage und~r the poliCies. Moved by A. V. Coulter, Seconded by Wm. K. Bodkin: 'TIh-attheyoung ladies of" the ICOurt House st3lff be granted all day Saturdays off in lieu of Wednesday atternoon during JUly 3.I1:d AI11gllilt. ---Oarri"erJ It was moved by Reeve McN1e1il that the lCb-uncil, refer ibacikt to the reports of theICo1lJIDJttftees.' . The Road Committee reporlt was p:r:esented and adopted on mo~ rtion of A. A. J ohnson,and Reeve Orchard. '1 Moved by A. V. Coulter, .' 5econd:ed Iby Jlame.s \A iF1uller: That we do now radjournto meet at 2 p"m. """"'Oar.ried The 'Oouncil Il"esumed. The commuriiGation ,from Mrs. Jean Moore with a>ppreciation of Ibhe gift from the Elgin County COUIWi:l:lWas !reM and, ordered filed. The report of the COunty :Home Com!lDiirt;ltee -was presented and adopted .on the motion of W. K. Bodkdn and W. Auokland. R~eve Berry !Withdrew Ithe resolution presented oat Tuesday's session. ,.,,- ELGITN COUNTY OOUNCTL 47 Moved .by A. V. Coulter, SecOJ:lded :by J. Mill:ard: Thaffi this Elgin County Council send .QUi' appreci.a!t~oil. to the' Lon- don Free Press for recognition, gUven tIhe Elgin Oounty in theirce- tennial edition and the IOlerkto fo~ard a copy to R. J. Church;ill, executive. edirtor. __Canied. Moved by A~ A. Johnson, Secbnded by Elmer. Wackley: That the Elgin; County COuncil renew our CounClillons pol1cy. COunty employees . c:ompensartion policy and [f1.leet Coverage policy with Frank Cowan InSurance tAgenoy. -'Carried. The iClerk read ,'tibe Communications re Spray Day on June 18th alt the Ridgetown EOOperimental F3inni. Moved Iby IA. BLue, SecOnded by J. E. -Davies: That t:his ,County Council wdllhes ,to" eJOtend tis "Y!llpat!1y to Reeve -Charlie ;JohnSon in his 'rec'ent illness and to wish him a speedy recovery. and the Clerk to send a letter conveying the same. -<Oarned. Moved by C. W. Taylor, Seconded iby Edmund :Ashton: 0-' 48 EIT..GIN COUNTY COUlj'CIL " Tha.t By':'LWW No. 16159 "To Amend [By-lI..ra;w No. 1,490 be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Eidmr1.ind Ashton, Seconded by C. W. Ta.ylor: That BJi'-'lLaJw No. J.5I59 he read a second -time. -Carried Moved by J. El, !Davies, \ Seconded by W. Auckland: Tha;t By-Larw No. 115159 ,be read a third time and fina-Ily passed. Cl -Carried. Moved by W. Auckland. Seconded by ,J. Millard: ~ Thall; By-Law No. W6Q "A By-iLaJw to Confil'm By-Law No. 11~3 of the TOIWIlShtp of ISouthwold being by-!lam to' erlore _ part Of Tnver- ness stre~t in Lot 19, N. T. RI E." be read a ,irsttlme. ---oarried. ~oved by J. Milard. seconded by W.R Gifford: Tha.t By-LaIw 'No. 11560 be read a. second time; -<1arried. Moved by W. IR. Gld5ford. S€conded by W. Auckland: '-" ELGIN .cOUNTY COUNCIL 49 That By-Law N.?" ]560 be read a 1Jhird 'tin:J,e and finally. passed. -Carried. Moved by W. K. Bodktln, Seconded by J. A. Ful:ler: That By-I.;aw No. 156:1 "To Atppo-inrt a County Weed Inspector" -be' read a first time. ~Carried. . Moved .by A. A. JOOnson, lSeconded ibyElmer Wackley: Toot By-LaiW No. 115611 he read a second time. -Carried. Moved 'by Elmer Wackley.. Seconded by A. A. Joihnoon: That By-LilIW No. lI5Glbe rea.d a third tiltne and finally passed. .;......,Camed. Moved by J. l!:. Q)avies; Seoondffi by O. W. Taylor: That By-'Ll:liW No. 1562 "To AUJthorize the Warden and Clerk; to sign deed conveying land to" C. Ri. .AlbeH" be read a first time. -Carried. :Moved by O. W~ Tfloylor. . Seconded by J. !E. Davies: \;>- 5Q ELGIN COUNTY COUINO]iL '" That ... By""Law No. 1662 ibe read a second time. ---rOarried. Moved by lID. AlS1hton, Seconded hy A. Blue: T.hat..J?y-:L~W No. 11562 be read a third tinne and finany I?'assed. -carried. Moved ,by Garnet. Speers, -; seconded by M. (Berry: 'T11fiIt .this ICount?y Oouncil now adjourn to meet on Tuesday, September 13.th, at 10 am. 1 ---<Carried. . L' EIT..GITN .cOUNTY .cOUNCIL 51 / F'OUiRTlI SESSION - FIEST DAY Tuesday, the 13th day of September,' 1949 The Elgin !County .council met this ooy o,t the Court House, st. Thomas, ,in aooord-ance ,'Wlith adjo"Q:I"nment. .All memlbens present' except Reeve t.A. T. \Lasbibroo:k and Reeve Howard Palmer. The Warden in the chair. We Warden 'addressed .the IOriuncil. The minutes of the last day of J;Une ,Session' were read and ;ap- proved. ,The following communications were read and referred to the v-ari:ous c'ommd.trtees: From Mrs. W. G. [.,:umley <With card of thankS~-iFiled; From the, [)omin!ion Fire and Burglary AJartIIlS re- :a:J.arm system for .connty iHome.---lReferredrto the County' !Home JGommittee. :F1rom L. (E. Ludlaw,ISupervisor. :Homes for the Aged..~e P!en'- sion Refund to inmaJte~.-4&efeITed toCounty,~Home Oommmittee. From H. AXTell, Olerk. of llhe County of Haldjmand re IIlJgin CountY ResolLution.-rFiled. From the Village of !Port Stanley 're Tax Cer:tifiC'a;tes.---IF:iled. From the !County of Bruce with resolution. Te ProVincial Grants for 'ChHdrene lAid. Socie,~ies.--H.eferred ,to the Finance ~titee. FromH. K.. patton, \Bursatr. o~tari.? HOs!piW, re !burial of mdi~ :gent .patients.-lRSfer-redi to.. the Finance iCommittee. .. '52 ElLGIN COUNTY COUNOIL '5 From E. S. ponald, Inspector .of .lLegal Offices re Distribution of fines.---U:<1led. From the London iFree Pr€S.Sl a letbter 'Of apprecaation.~ed. From the Workmen's OoInpensationBoard~ re compensation on fishermen;---IF!iled. From the Oounty 'Of iEssex with resolution re cOntrol 'Of -traffic on highWja~.---lReferred to Peti~ions and lLegislation Committee. From the \County of 'Perth,. with resolutiOn re, iCOOO' o~ hydTp iln hamlets.---JRefeiLred to Petitions andl[.egislatidn COOllmlittee. From "the muted counties of Prescott and Russell, with resolu- tion re exemption [rcm taxation of trees.---Referred to PetitIonS-and Legislation Committee. From the East Elgjn High lS<lhool iD1.si~rict IBoar<f with request for Agricultura.l gl.'Iant~---!Referred to EdUC{ttion ICommittee. From the West lElIg1in ~h lE!Chool Boord with requeslt for Al,ori- cultural gran.t.----iReferred: to Education ICoIll!m.littee. From the ICounty of Huron re disJtri!burtion of the: c:ost of :Sjecon~ dary Educatoin~-lReferrecJi to !Education Commi:ttee. From the Department of Edu.cati6n re new le1g1s1ation.-:JReferred to -Educartion Committee. . - From _ !Department of Municipal' _adr. re _\pal S<fuool, -4"iied~ ElI.tGUN ,COUNTY CQUNCIL 63 RePlies from Other Co-unties to EIgm. County Resolutions 1. 'Roe iDistriibution of Fines: Endorsed ---< Lincoln,. Ontario, Lanark~ Norfolik. ~owledgment- SimJooe, Werubw'orth, iF. S. Thomas,M.P.P.. Le'edsandt Grenville. Filed - Bcr-ant - No. Action - York 2~ Re Amendinents to ,the !Railway 'Arc:t: ,Endorsed - ISimcoe; !Ha'Stings. , ICOIicurroo. - Huron. .3.. Re the JAdditiQIlial ~ifty Gents .on Motor V~le Operator"s Per- mits: 'Concmed - IHaMbuton. Huron. 4. Re .compenSation-for lFishernwn: No Action - Huron. 5. ColIli]>uls()ry Autonwbile InsuraJ:>C.: Filed "' Hastings. ,The 100erk then presented .a report on .!Licenses for Refreshment and Ice Dream iStIandsand also on Restauranrts. The lFinan-ce lCommit'bee\s reportwlalS !PI'esented and adopted on motion of Re-eve: Davies and Deputy iReeVe !Ashton. ~L< 6<1e ELGITN COUNTY COUNCIL '" :Reeve Wright gave a report. on emergenCW supplies for, Ohildren Aid cases 1 and the-request for payment !by the local '!Thun.icirpalities. Moved :hyl Reeve iBerry, Sewnded ,by Reeve Davies: That owing to the large incre~ in, hltchhiokers la-net those so.. Uciting ,a rtde on our highways, and the manner in whidh th-ey stand or walk on our highways which is a danger .tothe motoringf -,puJbli~ this lElg1in 100unty Co1.1IlCil requests 1fuat ISection ~~subs.ec- ti9n 2; of" the HighWia.y Traffio ;,Act ibe more strictly enforoed ,and copies.be sent to the :.Aiutorney-General ,and! Mnister of!EJ.gnrw:a~. Moved, by J. iE. Davies, Seconded by A.... J. Blue: That the CQunty Council, of Elgtll make a grant .of $3000.00 ,to- wards the tCOst of renovating the Bobier :Home in: Dutlton ,as a con- vailescent honie incompliance with bequest made "ibIy the late E. Bobier. The 3lbove resolution !Was presented! ,and d!iScussed _by_ various members .and was laid over till the November session of theiCounty 'Council. Movediby Deputy !Reeve E. cAsh~on. Seconded. :by Reeve W. T. iMerrett: That we- do now ~joum ti1i.~ p.m. ---cari:ied The IOOunCi.l reS'p:med. The first repoo1; of 400 iF'lnance ,Committee .was presenteil and ". ELGITN' OOUNTY CD'UN'CIL 55 .adopted on motion of :Reeve J. E. Davies ,and "R.eeve IRl-'Mc}Neil. The second :report of t'he IF'iriance 10000000000ttee . was. ' prerent~ and adap.ted on motion of ReeveJ. E. Davies and Reeve Clarence T.alYlor. ~e lPeftitions and Le.,oislations !Cornmitteereport was presented ,imd adopted on motion 'Of iDeputY Reeve Walter Auckland and Deputy ~eeve E Ashton. The report of the EducaJtdon Committee was presented and! adopted on motion .of Reeve A. N., Wrigiht and tDeputy taeev€! Ganleit speers; . ReeveM. !Berry addressed the iC01UlCil reg-arding prisoners placed in city lOCkup, and. provision for -locJk' upfljt the iColintyi !Gaol. Moved ,by W. ,Auckland, Seconded 'by .J. Millard: That th-e Oounty Council refer ma.tter of provision of look" up at the 'Oounty 'Gaol tolthe iPtt"operty iCommittee. --{)arried A report 'relgairding the new hospital was presented 'by iRleeve J. E. D~vies. Moved !by ,J. Minard, Seconded by W. 1&. Gifford: 'Ilhat a vote -betaken by :the !people of U:!:1gin County fur Itheir ap- .Ptoy"l in the entering of " ,joint !building ~ with theCILty oi st.Thamas "nd Elgin Oe11&,,1 lIIospltoJ. llJ:ld ~ by-Jaw be :presented. --carrted ~, 56 ELOIN COUNTY OOUlNC[[:, " Moved 'by J. iMiUard, Seconded -by W. Aucldand: That ;a iBy-Lww "ToUrant Aid for ~ection of 1St. 'l1homas.:.Elgin GeneraJ iHospital fbe 'Presented. -carried Movediby" 10. W. Taylor, Seconded ;by 'WIm; T. Merrett: , That By-Law No. 1563" To Appoint. OffliceAssistantto the County IC1I.erUt 13.00 "TIre:as:urer" Ibe read. a first rtime. ~arried Moved .by W. T. Mer~ett, , Seconded bye. W. Taylor: That !By-'Lam No; 115:63 Ibe read 'a second :time. -earned Moved by lA.Blue, Seconded by J. E. Davies: That 'By..{Law No. ']563 ,be read '" third time and fin"Jly !passed. --'C\>.rried Moved !by J. Millard, Seconded Iby W. IR. Gilford: Th8.Jt Byi~iLaIW No. 1664' '''To lGll"ant Aid :for .E reotion of st. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital" ibe -read a' Jirst time. -<Jarried Moved! by W. A'UC<lcla.."ld, Seconded !by J. E. '[lavies: EIT..GITN COUNTY OOUNrn'L ,57 Tha;t LBy-Law No. !JJ5I64 :be read a second !time. Moved by A. V. ICOulter, Seconded hy E. :Wacldey: -Carried Tha.t By--Larw 'lli65 tiO "'[Provide -for taiking the votes of the !Rate- payers 'Of the lCounty of .E1.:,-oin ana proposed IBy-La.w 00- iMaike a grant ,'to aid 'in the construction of' a new hospital ,aJt st. Thomas" be read 'a, first time; Moved by E. Wackley, Seconded iby W. K; Bodkin: That By-Law No. \11565 100 read a seco:nd -tiriie. Moved by fA. ,V. ICoulter, Seoonded 'by R. K. MdNeU: . -:Carried -carried Tha,t 'By4aw No. 1665 .be read a third ,time a:hd !imtJ.ly passed. -carried. Moved hy Garnet Speers, Seconded iby. M; _,(BerrY:" That we db now adjourn to meetl on Tuesday" November 00nd, at 10 am.. -carried. 58 ElLGITN COUNTY COUNCIL <> November, ,1949. FIFTH SlESISWN - FillST DAY Tuesday, the 22nd day of November ) The . Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in ac100rdance Wlith adJjournm~t. All the members prelSent except Deputy Reeve Fuller. :TIhe Warden in the chair. The Warden addre..."'Sed the COllUci~. WAJRIDIEN'S ADDRlESS To' the Elgin !County Council: Gentlemen: We haye nO;w reached the fmal Session of our 1949 County Council, and I would like to hriefly review the work: accomplished' during the year. Our ICounty road system on which YOur [Road iOoro1n1ittee is !Spending some ';$3f60,OOO, is by far the la.rgest spending :body. horw~ ever, I helieve considering the cost of materials and 'lalbaur that we ha.ve had good value for our. expenditures'. The Tyrconnell hill and b1idge have been completed and 13. roiles of hard surfaced roads have heen laid. At our iOounty !Home new cupboards and sinb! were built in the,- kitchen .which maikes a great improvement and conv-enience. Also new fire escapes were built for safety of the inmates. The lFireMarshall haS' recol}lIIlended a Fire Alarm System and e' ELGIN COUNTY oomWDJ 59 other imprO'Veroents .which I believe' the 19'50 County Home should( caref-ully consider. The cost _ of indLgents in Pulblic HospitaJs has increased from $11,.108.00 to $20,700.00 or $(3;6{):O.OO over last year. TIle c<?'St of ,patients in NlU'sing Homes will be over $18000.00 this yeair. The iOhildren's Aid Society costs will be about the same as last year. The Property Committee did! not have any large expenditures this year las the only - import~ntitems were 'building a- gar~ for the Bookmobile and redecorating several rooms in the Court House. The llr:t!portant question this y:ear is the BUild.ing o! a -new Hos- pital, and 1 am very glad that the City and ICounty were' aJble :to agree so easily ~:q their proportionate. sbJaJ."e. The decision now rests with .the ratepayers of the IG~unty and ICity. and [ rtr:u.st you will all give this' your most earnest support. "1 The mmutes of the !September !Session were read and con~ firmed. The Warden extended a welcome to the boys present who were guests of the County -!Council 'members. The rfollowing comln::l!\mications were read and referred to their several Gommittees: COMMUNICATIONS. 'From LL. E. Ludlow, Chief Supervisor, Homes for the Aged, ;wirth Report on the Elgin County Honte.---!R,e1lerred to the - COunty !Home Corm>ittee. From Sandens and Sand~rs re deed of 1and.-IReferred ,to tfue Le€;al Committee. 't>; 60 ELGIN COUNTY COUiNOIL " From thc1Corunty of Oxford with r:esolution re Extension of rural mail routes.~ferred to Petitions and _ ~latiDn Committe-e. From the st. Thomas Recreation iCommjttee with a"ppxecia.tion of the ,Court' !House grounds.~ed. From the Ontario Munioipal Ass'Oda,tion re [B,ell Telephone rates. -F'1led. From the West -iElgin ~g!h ISchool Board re the appointment of a County l\;temlber...:...ffieferred to Education Committee. From A. McDonald, Supervisor o~ Oounty Homes with r€port.- Referred to theiCounty Home lCommittee. From the [Dominion Fire and Burglary Alarms re estimat€s,,- ~ferred to County Home Committee. From the iOounty of Perth with reso'lution re the d!i3pOlSal of refuse andl junk on roads,,-:----Referred to the Pe~itions land Legislations Committee. " From the: County Weed Inspector~Annual Report.----iR.eferred to the .Agricultural Cbmmiittee. From I. D. Cameron re- VaUlt ~ccommodation.-lReferred to the Property ICo-mmittee. Replies from Other .counties to Elgin Olunty ResolutiGDS 11. Revision of Fines to Towns and ViUages: Approved - Ernc'e. Concurred - stormont, Di!ndas, Glengarr~ Middlesex, Wel- land. Filed- Perth, Waterloo EIT..GiIN COUNTY OOUNCTL 61 No Action ..,- Oxford Endorsed ....::,... Peel 2. Re iResol1;[.tion reg.arding Hitchhic:kers on our Highways: Acknowledged - Minister of Hig'11.'Ways, Atto:ri1ey~lGeneral- ;aonouraJble tDana Porter. , The report of Dr. Ewin, Physician for the County ;Home was read and referred to the Oounty Home Committee. 'l1he Treasurer's report iW-as read and re:f:erred to .the Finance !Committee. The County !Home Inspector's report was presente,d ,ahd refer- red to the County Home - Co:rnttnittee. The County iOle:clt.'sReport on Licenses woo presented ',and re~ ferred to the Finance CommJittee. The special report of the Finance Commititee walSI ;presented and adopted on motion of !Reeves Davies and Taylor. Reeve DalVies' presented a report of the HospitalCOma.nlittee an1i it was adopted on motion of Reeves iDa'V!i.es and Millard. Reeve Davies .presented tihe resolution requesting Three Thousand D'ollam to the ll3'obier Hospital at was referred to the Finance Committee. a grant of Dutton which Moved - by [)eputy Reeve Garnet Speem, Seconded by Reeve Berry: ........._l. _._ -'_ _~ ~...:l'~"......... +-.... ...",o.o+- ...tf- 9'ln """!""'! ..LU'i:l<!. 'Wl;' UV ~~V'w a'""Jvl.U,U, I,IV" "'................ ""... ....." :v.'""- ;TIle Oouneil resumed. " 62 ELGIN COUNTy COlJlNO[L ~ The first report . of the- Finance Committee was presented and :adopted on motion of lR€eves Davies and A. Johnson. The second report of the Finance C9m..'l1littee .was presented and a~opted, on motion o.f' ;Reeve Davies and' Reeve LaiSlhIOrOOk., The Warden :expressed the alPPreciation of the Council to the hC?ys present and Ivan ,fPla,tterson on behalf, Of them thanked the members of the !Council for the invitation and the plearo.nt, profit- .8,lble-_ and ,educational -day ,t!hey had at '!County Oouncil. Moved by C. Johnson, Seconded by Garnet ;Speer.s: 'TIiat weodo now adjourn to meet on Wednesday. November 23" .at 10 a.m. -Carried. J. D. 'IlIJjOMlSON, 'Clerk: STUAiR.T .L1lITl1E, ;Warden . = OOUNTY .cOUNCIL 63 FJjFTH SESSION - ,SECOND DAY WedIiesJda.y, the 23rd da.y of November, "1949 The Elgin County Cmmeil met this day at the .aourt House, st. Thomas, in accordance with aicljournm.ent. ~e Wa,rden in the chair. All the m'€m1lb:ers present: The minutes of the previous day were read. and approved. The report of the Petitions and' Legislations ICommittee was pre- sen~d and adopted on motion . of Deputy ~ve .AlUckil.and and Deputy [Reeve Gifford. The report of the Legal Committee was presented andi adop- ted on motion of Deputy Reeve Speers and [Deputy: !ReeVe F1Uller. The, Property ICommittee's report wa.s prese.ntJed and adopted on motion of lReeveMerritt and Dep:u~y Reeve Jackson. Moved by Qarne't Speers, Seconded' by James Fuller: That we do now laidjoum to meet at 2 p.m. -carried. The Council resumed. The lCount)/1 Home lCOrmnittee'S report was presented .and adopted on motion of iDeputy !Reeve lBodkin and R:eeve Palmer. The Agricultural Report ~s presented and !adopted on motion of Reeve Taylor .and Pueeve ilM::cNeil. iMovedl b;, Deputy Reeve !l"uller, , ~~ o 64 ELGiIN COUNTY COUNCIL " Seconded by Reeve Johnson: That rwe ;(:1,0 now adj6mn to meet agatn on Thursday at :W a. m; -Garried.. J. D. THOMlSON~ Olerk STUAiRT LlJITLE, WVarden . , ELGITN ,COUNTY COUN= 65 FIFTH Sji)SS~ON - THIIlID DAY the 24th dalY of November, 1949 The Elgin !County Council met this day at the Court House. st. Thom\3.S, in accordance with ad!jomnment. "Ilhe Warden in ,the chair. All the memlbens: present. The niinutes of ... the previous day were . read land: appr'oved. The report of t.he Road Committee was presented: and adopted on motion of !R.eeve A. Johnson and R. McNeil. The report of the Education Committee was adopted on motion of !Reeve Palmer and Depuiy Speers. pl'es~nted and ;ReeV€I Garnet Moved by M. G. Berry, Seconded by J. E. Davies: That ,at grant of $:15:00 to L. iB. !Birdsall, and, $l5.00 to Franlk jJtbwies for reJ1Ort~ be. -paid. ~Carried. Moved by J. Millard, Seconded by W. R. Gifford: Th.at the UlS5Ual grant of $1J5D-.OO be paid the Warden for his serviCes during the year. -earned. 'I\".._.~,..:I 'h-~.- ^ ~T .rti......u.,..."'... J1VJ.vv'<Ou 'IJ'J -n.. Y. ,_".,................., Seconded by W. K. Bodkin: -- 66 ElDGITN COUNTY GOUNe]!, .. That the County memlbers on the lBoard of the Chil,dren's Aid Society be paid th~ usual rate of $3.00 for each Board meeting they attend. --Carried. Moved by M. G. Berry, Seconded ,by Game.t Speers: That By~w 16:66 "To Authorize the Warden and Clerk: to sign Deed <>f [,and purooasedJ in Tax sale by E. S. Down" be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Gamet Speers: Seconded by M. G. BerTj1: Tha.t By':'L~w 156.& be read a- second time. --Carried Moved' by M. G. Berry, Seconded. by Garnet Speers: That By--Law 1666, be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. The Warden,. called on the m'eIIlJbers of the . County C01lD4il . and they all eXipressed their -wppreciation at. the c'ap~ble manner in which the Warden conducted the lalMai.rs and the" eo-operati-on of the members of the Councll. M<>Ved by Garnet Speers: SeConded by !F1uJ.ier: Tha.t this Council do now adjo.UIn sine die. --Came<!. < ELG[N COUNTY OQUNCIL 67 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES REiPOiRT OF COMMITrIElE TO ,STIRilJULC!1!IiE STAm>lNG COMMI'J1lilES January 19th, 1'949 To the . 'E1gin County: IClouncil. Gentlemen: The follmving is the report of the Commiteee to strike tl1e 8tandmg COnllmittees: County Roads~...:.1Eaylor; Ooulter, A. J'(Jihnson, Orohard, n /J{)hn~ sOn, Warden Advlrory, o.v.tclNeil, Lashbroolk.. Agrieultura..lf-Taylor, Olr1chard, Coulter, O. Johnson, A; Johnson, MGNeil,Warden. E(l:uc~ti(lilli--'A&htoni \Blue, A:UJClkJ.3ind~. !Bodkin, ,Ii1uIler, ~aclmon) MoNeil, Lashbrook, Merrett, Davi€S1, Speers, Oifford, WackJey, Pal- mer, Wrig1ht. Finance-"Daylio:r:, OirtClhard\,1 qouJ.w, iO.i Johnson, iA. lJOihinson, NoN.iI, iLashJbToo!;:, iMerr.tt; D.1vie;, iBerry, Millaxd, W=ey, Pal- mer, Wright._ County lIIome-.tPalmer, ~. Pl"operty--Merrett,Blue, Jackson. PetitionS and Legislati<>n~eers, 'Audkllm<!, Wrigjb.t, WIDton, Ful1er~ Gifford~ EquaJizatiGll.'-'I'a.ylor, Or.cr..a..."'d, !Coulter, C~ Jol111son, A. Joll:.1J$On, MeNeil,IJa.shtbTOQk"Merrett, Davies, .Eerry,W~ey, P3IImer, Wright' !Millard. ,;,;>; 68 ELGlIN OCUNTY OCmqCITIL Health Unit--IDavies, $erry. Children's Aid'---<Wavd;en,~ Wright. Library Board:""-Taylor, MdN"eil, Ashton. Administration of Justice-,Judge 'MclOUia-ig, Millard,. Treasurer. Reception 'and Entertainment--'-iDavies, Merrett, iB'erry, iMil1ar~i. L~a.1---<W.ackley1, ISpeers, Fuller. All of which is reSpectfully \Submitted. A. V. COU:!.lIlElR, Ohairman ,,.. AGRICi1JiL1IDRiA!L aOMMIT'l1EE January Session To the iE1gin' County O'ouncil, Gentlemen: The !Agni:culture :Committee reports as follows: L Tb:;a;t the grant of $25.QO to the Ontario Oonservation and Reforestation Associaltion ibe ;paid. 2. Tnat George Vallee, Ernest 1Pearr:ce. ood Jiames A. N"J.JCBam be members of the Tree Conservation _CQ~ion for, lEI1gin !County for WMl. EUGIrN COUNTY COIOiNlJ[[L 69 3. That the fee of $50.00 be paid to the Ontario AgTic:ultural Council and: that the Warden, iCt Taylor. R. ~~ Ib-e de1eg;!l-tes to the annual convention. 4. That the resolution from the 100un:t.Y of Frontenae re ibount'3' on foxes ibe filed. 5-. TIlat the resolution :IT0IlllI the iOounty of Grey reo condem- na.tion charges ibe filed. 6. That Sec:tion 1. of ,theiRerolU:tion from: the County .of IGrey re Cbmpu]sory ICalrfhood Vaccination ibe approved. 7. That .the resrolutipn from iGreyCounty re olea.ringland be filed. 8. That we recommend a grant of$l:t:500. to :the" Agricultural Office .for Cattle ,ShQ'WS. lJtmiior JOlurbs, and: Junior - F'al'n'rel\S ahd Girls Associations. 9. That a gTant of '$1200. be made to the Feder.ation of ~- culture. 10. That the'W'arden and iR.:eeve COulter be a Committee with the Agriculture Ropresentllltive to l'Pportion the lI'anrt. 11. That the request of ,the Tri County Shorthorn Ba'eeder's Association for a grant rbe referred to .the Agricultural Office. Ali of Which is respectfully submitted. C. W. TAYUm, qb,ainnan January, 1949. " 70 WGlIN COiUNTY;OOIT.JlNIc::m.. " June. Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Agricul~ural Committee report.SJ as fQIloW\St; - L Thalt the resignation of Summers: Hla.I1PeT ..as Weed Irus[lec-- tor ibe accePted and the Glerlk. send a letter of 'appreciaJtion for his serv;ices. 2. That ClaYibome GOrdon ibe &PPointed Oounty Weed Inspec- ~ror .at the same :sIailaa-y as the iprevU.ous[nSjpootor. 3,. 'lJ....at the iOommunicartion from -the Crop" Seeds and !Weeds Branch of the :Dopt. of Agrioulture ,be filed. All of whiCih is respectfully submitted. ~C!E "IlAYLOR, Chairman. " June, 1S-4;9~ 1;'6 November Session To the EiIgin County CoUIlcll: Gentlemen: The A:gricul~al Committee reports as follo.ws: 1. That the COunty Weed Inspector's report be accepted and :printed in the proceedinlgs. All of whioh j,s respECtfully submitted. 'aJ:JAI!liEMCE TAYLOR, ,Cbairman. November, 1949. , iElUGITN CO~ OOrUiNKlIL 7)1 IIDU(JAmOiN COMM;lTTEE January Session '110 the Elgin GountyCouncil, Gentlemen: The iE'dwcation COmmittee reports asfoUOiWS: L That the mem~ershlp Ifee of $15.00 to the Counrty ICOun- cil Section of the OnrtaTio Trustees 'and iRm,tepayersr A&sociationbe paid and! the Warden ap'point delegateS. 2, That Wo,lter !Rogers, Mrs. D. IUud\v and Mr. A. M<lCPU he ap. pointed to the Elgin County 100-operative . !Liibloor!y !Board for 1949. 3. That the members of the ooaa-d' be paid mileagEl' a,t. the usual rate of the ICormty: Councillors; 4. That we ~ant the E!gjn County Library B<>ard $3700.00, All of whicl1 is respectfully' sul.:m1d.tted. ROW AIR1D. 'EIM1M!Ell1, Chairman January, ;19'49,. March Session: To :the Elgin 'County Council, Gentlemen: The 'Education Com.n.1.ittee repbrts .as' -folloWS: 1. That th<> ,usuo,l grants' oJ' $3~.oo ~e paid to AyJfner; Bayham. ,:~ 72 ElJGITN COUNTY, CO'UNOIiL ? Dut,ton, Port iBurweU, iPortStanley, ,iRodney, Shedden, iSlpart.a, Springfield, West. Lorrie, Vienna, !Belmo:p..t and !Avon Liibna,ries.. AU of which is respectfully sUlbrndtted. ~ow AfRIO I'AJr1MJEla. ChaiImau Maroh 1449. June Session To the ElIgin County CO\lIlcll, Gentlemen: The iEducationiComm.itte,e reports as .follows: ., 1. That the request of tbe West Elgin /Higih lScl100l [[)is.trict Board ,be laid over until the ISepternlber session, and th~t ;the Olerk socure more irifonil:ation on it. ;1. All of -whiclb. is respecllfully wbimittea.. A; N. W1RlIlGlHT, :Acting iOhairmau. June, >1949. September ,session To the ElIgin County COuncll, Gentlemen,: - The EdUiCation Gommittee reports as follows: 1. . That gmints of $500.00 <to the ]!last IElgjn Higb SlJIhOOI Dls. . m.GITN =UNTY COUNC!lL 73 trict Board and $25Q.QO ro ,the West EIgln High SChool District Board . for - Agricultural [)epartments ibe .paid. 2. That the resolution from ;the iOounty of Huron re ,the Di&- trilbution of school costs be .fUed. 3. "I'ha,t .;the Communication from the !Department of iEduC'aition re Amen-dfments to the. Sohools Act ,be :filed for future reference. " All of _ which is respectfully Sl,]jbmd:tte<L .A.. N. ~GIHT, kting ,Ob,moon. lSeptemlber, 1949. No~ember Session To the IEilgin County Council, ,Gentlemen: The Education !Committee" reports las follows: L Thalt Jolm - 10. !Gillies be aippOinted iCounty Representative on the West Elgin High !School District Board. 2. That Ralph Aruakland be appointed County Rep.resentative oil -the Central High School IDi1SItrict tBoard. .3. That Fred ~iSer be ~iPpointed County Representative on the East Elgin Hig'h ISchool !District !Board. All of which is respectfully submltted. EJOIWIMlID iiMIUlIlIEla, 'Ohairnutn November, 1949. b 14 EIUGITN COUNTY OIOIOO1ClTIL @ ,COUlNTY HOME 'OOMMIlT11EE .January Session To the Elgin County :Council, Gentlemen: The rCounty Home Committee reports 'as .follows: 1. ~at the salary of Dr. D. L. Elwin, Physicianaot ,the ,C01Ulty Home !be increaSed l$lOO~OOL per year Hilld ibY-laiw be amended. 2. That the memlbersltip !fee of $10.00 to the Ontario A&socia>- tion of Managers of Homes for the Aged and Infirm .be paid. 3 That the lSup-et'intendent and Matron and any member ot the Ooinmittee aIttend the ,annual cOIllv:ention. '1', 4. That the account of ,J. iROibilliaJ'p. of $.5154.63 for meat' !be paid. 'j;~' 5. That w~ recommend. the Ibuild:ii1g of two fire escapes at the COunty' Home. 6. That the salary of J. O. Turnbull 'be increased $120. per yeail'. All of which lis respectfully submitted. WM. K. BODKIN, Chairman. Jant:Lary, 1949. c EUGW OOUNTY cornWrrL 75- Mlarch !Session To the Elgin ICOunty Council, Gentlemen: The County Home rCommittee reports as" follows: 1. That we recomJmJend the disposal of, the entire .Jersey herd at the Oount(Y Home. 2. . That we purchase e smp,ll herd of 'Registered fully a.ccre- dited Holsteins. 3,. That Dun.can MdBane,' Arnold. Weaver and the chairman of the ,commitJtee .be authorized ,to ,purchase-herd. 4. That the Grand Jury report !be filed asa competent heat- ing engtineer from Toronto was' hired three years ago and Ia. new !ooiler with additional t!<3.dLators were installed .rot a oost of over $4,100; aJso the Home was inSIulated, new fire .esC3.lPe5 installed and a large portion of the Home replastered and I:edeoorated. All of which is respectfully submitted; w.M. K. OODKIN, Chairman. Marcil, 1449. ~ June Session To the Elgin County Council. Gentlemen: The Elgin :County Home 'COmmittee reports as fonows: 1. That the tend... of W. H. Swift Ltd. for coal for tile County- iHome be accepted. 6 76 iEI..lGlIN iCOUN'DY OOfUNlOlL Ii' 2. That the: 100etk reply to the oComumca.tion of J. H. IPettiman sbting theire is no ~l"antbee . re cows ..sold at sale. 3. That the 'CommunicatioIls from the [Dept. of iWelif.axe re lAged Peoples Homes 'be filed for future reference. 4. That the auotlon sale Of Jersey Herd amounted to $4000.00. 5. Tliat 9 head Oif Holsteins were !purchased for $30415. 6. That we recommend j~ few ,head of feeder cattle be pur- ohased. All of whIDh '" respectfully submltted. WM. K. BODKITN; Ch3Jrman. June, 1949. a November ,session To the !Elgin CoUllty OounciI, Gentlemen: The EIgJn County, Home Ooo1Imittee reports as follows: 1. That we renew the insurance on the .C9-unty Home :with iFTanlk. Cowan lnsurance :Agency .at >$95,000. 2. That the tender of the IOanada !Bread [Company< be arccepted at 9.9 cents per 108;'1:. 3. Th~t the [nspecror's '!R;e(port 'be accepted and !printed in the proceedings. c ELGiIN COUNTY COIUNGlL 'lIl 4. That the securing of estimates on the 'Fire Alarm System be laid over to ,the .January !Committee and the Olerk' secure the cost of the ,estimaltes from other :firnls. 5-. That the recommendations in the Fire MarshaJ.'s report which have _ not 'been taken _care of !be referred to the 'January Committee. 6. That the Provincial !Inspector.sReport he filed for future reference. All of which is respectfully submitt.€d. W. Ie. ~, Chairman November, 1949. , ()()UNTX HOIll1E NtIlSflIOLAiN'S RlEil'OB,T To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County ICbunciili: C-entle..'>llen: I have the honor of presenting tihe Seventy-fourth Annual Medd- cal Report of .the ElJgin Oounty Home up to Octolber 31st, 1949, and. SiUibrriit the fcHowing for your ~:onsideration. I made Lifty-fivevisits to the County Home, and attended ten inmates in the Memorial :Hospi~al and' Memorial Hospital Annextas follows: 78 "'"' ....". ELGITN COUNTY COUNOIL "" -,,,,- Frank Omrander John FJra~ow Laura Scott Isaac Pearce .Jeannie GostiOk George Quirin NoraOhute iSarah 'iGrumb !Larura Scott John Bale There ,were no births. .Nov. ]6, aS4/! to July 28, 1949 Nov. 28, 19'48 to present -time . Dec. 2, W48 to Jan. 1-7, 1949 iDee. 16, ~g.46 t~ Dee'. 19, 1948 .Pec. 20, 1948 to Apt. 23, 1:949 Jan. 13, 1949 to Mar; m. 1949 ,Jan. 117, :UI'49 to Mar. 116, 1949- Mar. 311f 1949 to May 2,1, 1'949 May 9, 1949 to June 3, 1949 Oct. 3, 1949 to Oct 9, 1949 I !Visited as necessary any inmates who were in Oraigview Nurs- ing Home. There were -eight. deaths, five tnlaJes' follows: Dec. 1:7, 1948; Minnie !Beasley Dec. 1'9, 1:9-t8, Isaac iPear-e6 April 29, i1M9, IJearmie Gostiok.. May 21, 19'4e, Sarah iCrumJb... July 7, !1.949, JamesiSc-rivens. July 28, 1,9:49. iFrank: OstTlander Aug. 20, 1949, Lorne iBaxter oct. 9, ;1949 John Bale 1RIeSlpect:fully submitted. and . three females as " .64. 67.. .81. 76 .61 Ohronic Myocarditis iPneumonia ehronic Myocarditis !Ooronary Thrombosis Coronary. Thrombos,is Uremia ~ Coronary ThrombosiS IOhronic Myocarditis '" 69, 78. lD~ L. lEwin, Phy\stcian. UIDgin County Home t , m.rnN COUNTY COUNPWL 79 FINANCE COMMITTEE .January. Session--First Report To the E1gin1County Council;' Gent1ernen: I ,beg to SUlbmit the following statement of roccounts paid through Finance ,from November 1st, W48 to Deoomber3'1st, i19418: Windsor, Children's Aid Society ParkJwood . Hospital Ohil~en'stAid -Society Ontario Hospital! Woodstock' The M.up,ictpal World Ltd East WindJs10c Health Association HUron. 100unty, OlllldTen's Aid Society' ". Ontario Training ISchool for Ba.ys Mason villa.~ Private Hlospital London and Midd[esex, Child-rents iAlid 'Society ~......;. Oaitholic Children's Aid: Society .,,,..,... ..,...,.,..,".... Simcoe County. IOhildren's lAid Sooiety. Worthmgton Electric Sanders 'and Sanders st. Thomas Ambulaoo;e Service _"..."".......;..."......;~~...""..."..".".,.. University of Western ,OrutM'io . Elgin-st; 'I1hom.,oo Hea,lth Unit Kent Sexton (MdClennan, Oratory Contest gt:aIIlt .,. Mrs. J. !Audrey; :Faulds, re Orator:y~iContestB..."..".,_.".. Pay List, Municipal' iClerikLsl, Old iAge PensIons :and Mather's iA:l:101wance applications .".~.;"... Bram Say;well Vernoh iDirectories A. T. Kingtton A. V. Langton $ 7320 moo 3,404 10 230 00 3i3I,05 m~ 2& 2ir~ "3 94 50 193 50 70 1&- 643il 9282 12 00 133 !t.! 400 1,000 00 ... 4,859 50 10 00 80 00 165 OQ 17 00 21 60 2000 300 00 AI! of wlOOh :is ,espec<tfu11y SUlbmi1ted. J. !E. DAyms. Chairman. January, 1949. 80 ElliGaN COUNTY COiU:NQIiL e:: January SessioD-tSecond Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentl'€men: The Finance Committee reports as follows: Tllait the follawing hogpita.l accounts be. paid!: Memorial !Hoopital, st. Til<m1lls Victoria. H-ospital, [;ondOll ....... _."..."._, Soldiers' M€morial Hospital, Tillso-n!b.urg St. Joseph's iRospital, London h. Ql .. .$1,30'7 86 .... ,1,098 00 2700 42 55 $3,474 911 That extra hoojl'i.taJ costs of' :;54720 file paid.the st. Th9IOO.S Memorial Hospital,_ ..A!U of which js res.pec:tfully subrnirtted. J. E. DA VliElS, Chairman. ~ Janua,ry. 1949. January ISession-Third Bieport To the E1g'i..n Co!i-~ty "Qouncil, Gentlemen-: The :Finance tOommirttee reports .as !ollows: 1. TI-..lat .the W-arde-nand 'I'reasurer ;be authorized :to iborrow the sum of $400.000 from the tBank of MontreaJ. as ma.y be !required! and ,by~1a.w be I'repro-ecl. t,:; '. ELGIIN c(J()UNTY'OCUNCTL 81 2.'. That the ,~uditor'.s :report be 'accepted and printed. .'. That By~iLaws No. 127~, 1:l80 and 1321 be repoaued "" the Provincial Govern.rrnenthas abolished Looal' 'Boards fat Old Age Pensions and Mother's Allowance. 4. That.the AlmIendments to Ithe :Pension By-(Lawrequ~ by the iD'epartment ofMUIlIicipral Affairs -reenacted arid U3.y-L3lw -!be, prepaJ:'ed. 5. That no action !be .taken re IComaJ.rehensive Insurance '~licy. 6. That, the 'iOomm'Wlication fromthe'LondOIi F!"ee1J?ressbe ftletl. 7. That the, request for grants from the War Memorial ,Chlildreu'lS Hospital; st.John's Am!bu1Jance and !Huron College !be filed. 8. 'l1l1at the reqmst, of the Navy League for grnnt De filed. 9. ~at we' file request for membersl:i1p . fee. from. theontmo Rural Municipalities; AsS'oc:ira;tion. 10. That we oonc.ur :with resolution from theCoup.ty of, Simcoe re hospitalization costs. U. That the granW'to iPwblic lLi_es be J:ai<l over -to the March Se&slion and the lCIlerk write for report -on all Libraries in the Cou.~ty. 1~. That the ,Communication from, the fDepartemnt of. R.eforrm Institutions recost of [J)ving !Bonus :to Gaol employees be. filed. '13. That the usual grant of $300. to ,t~ Salvation, Army ,be paid. 14. rI'hat the annual grant of ~. to the Canadian National Irultitute for the Illind be paid. <f; 82 'EIDGlIN C'OUN"I.1Y GOUNiOEL 1fJ W. That the resoiuUon frOm. the Oo~ty of Kent re levyling of costs 'Of Public Health Units be filed.. 16. That a grant of $l,~OO, :be paid to the Unl"ersity of Western Ontari'O. '17~ That the MemJbership fee in the Ontari'O Mun:lcipal .&$ocia- tion ibe .paJd, !!ind ;the Warden appoint delegates. 18. That the usual grant .of $2J500. to the 'Oh.i.ldren's Aid Society 100 paid. 19. That a.'c~mmitte(l .of three Oounty Councill'Ors. be appointeq to -fully investigate the hoSpital situation .in the iQountyand report to' the County' ICbuncil,and toot the Waro:en name ,the Committee. 20: That we aooept. wi~-:dee~ . regtet th.e resigllil;tioli. ~ w.. G. Lumley, County Treasurer and ,that sick. leave pay. Ibecontinued to !March 3I1st. 21. That J. 10. Thomson be !Clerk and Treasurer at a salary of $4,000.00 . per armum.>and ijj.y~law ,be prepared. ~ 22-. That a by-law !be :prepared to permit local municipalities to collect ualK arrears. 23. That the ba1:ance of the st. Thamas Amtbul:ance Account !be jll>id. 24. That the aala.r:y 'Of Jea...'l Q-;.tigley 00 inc...-.msed $115.00 per manth and :by-la:w be amended. 20. That the -following accounts be .paid: London anct:Middlesex Children'sAld !Society The Mercury-Slln-LPrinting !Proceedings Orand .1000tral Hotel""'--dinners, J'an. 1tth The Aylmer Empr~ting ..$ :J5115 448 00 5625 51,19 '" EJLGJ:N COUNTY COUNClL 83 The Oatholic Children's.. Aid! Society St. Thomas and! :Elgin iOhildrents Aid Ontario Training School for Boys Elgin Cowlty Pension Plan Society All of which d:s respectfully sUlbmitilied. , :ID1L 1,224 85 5ll:J5 5,228 71 J; iE; iDtAiv1ES, Ohail'irnian. January; HII49; March Session-First 'Report. To the mgin, County roouncll. Gentlemen: I 'beg to submit the. following st".atement of accounts pa.id: thiou~ F.inance from January 1st, -1W49. to Febru:ary 28th, 1949: Ohildren's Aid Society. Windsor and Essex Children's :Aid SOCiety, Si1rrucoe. COunty East iWindoor Health Association London :and! Midldlesex, Ohildren;'s \i\ld Society Salllders andi.. \sanders ......."...-. , .;. Hamilton and Ward Insurance Burroug/lS' Adding Machlne CO. Municipal World Ltd:. , l!uron Country,. ~dren's Aid SOOiety ."....~".... Parkwood Hospital Mason Villa. !Priva.te tlrospital Treasurer . of Oi1ta.l1io- Ontario Municipal :AssOciation ~Jmer Express ...:, Orand central Hotel OathoUc. 'ChikU"en~s ..IAid SOCiety Children's . Aid Society ,$ 74 4D 6324 139 50 1I5li6 2.9200 5500 540 22~24 21i!7'76 48600 lIl9 00 65 S2 2500 '5119 0025 0048 ,:1,463 :lO ,; 84 l;lLOf!]'if COUN':IYCD!l"NPIL ~ st. Thomas AmbUJ1ance !Service .",.... ontario Tr.ain~_Sich901 for !BOys Ontario Hosptital Woodstook Mercury Sun !Printing Office Department" of Highways !P. R. WilliamS! Funer.alRome (Te John Calvert) 300 lW'15 =00 _00 960 61100 All of which ;s respectfully swbmiijj;e(j. Marcil, 194!l. J. E. DAIViIES, 'Ohairma;IL Mitrch ISession......jSecond (Report To the Elgin County Oouncil, , Gentl-emen: The Firiant::e lGommttte.e reports. as follows: '" l.!T!h.at the re.slOlution from the ICOunty' ofWentworthre an... creased pay for CbI1Slta.ibles ibe filed. 2. :'That the communication from the Municipal Finance- - .A1;- soci'ation'be filed. 3; -'That the resplution ifrOllllt tIle County of Lincoln re ,increased GOV~rnment gT8iIlwfor indigent patients be filed. ' 4. '!'hat the request from the iHea1t1h League ibe filed. 5. 'J;ha,t the request f(t':OQll: ,the iUni.ted !Emergency LF1u.nd for Brit?4n ~e filed. 6. That the request of Mrs. !Marion Walker 'be filed. 7. That 'We gra"t fu.e E!ilUl ~ lLibra;ry ,the'"""" of $100.00 ,,-'for two 'years; ". o. ElLOIN <COUNTY COU!NOI[, 85 8. That the Trustees' and .iRatepayers'. gl".fi.;D:t of,.$50.,OO !be ap- proved. 9. . That the-following. a-ccounts-!be pl,tid: The Mercury SUll-:-CowlCtl cards and Legal fornns .printed._ Huron ?'Ounty Children>s iAi~Whiteford - children Simcoe County 'Children's Aid.......... Kenneth Wayne Schram London and Middlesex Children's lAi~bert Jennings.. Woodstook _ 100000dren?s lA!idl---ffiidss chiU.dlren.... \....H......"... Catholic Children's IAid'---George Mrurdodk Hay Stationery iOo.---jPolice Magistrate's office supplies. The Municilpal World L~.-CleI1tand Treasurer's office- The Municipal World Ltd.--:-iRegistry: Office UnderwOOd Ltd.-Police Mag~trate office Under.wood LW;,.-!Registry Office Worthington Electri<:---<Fl-orescent tubes All of whWh is respectfully submitted. $ 2(10(1 1m; 44 rnl56 3200 MIl 00 :1954 a 06 lSO (l5 8460 600 147 T.l 420 J. iE. iDAfWES, dhaiIman. March, 19419. Mareh Session-Third Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The \Finance lCo:rn.mittee reports as foUows: 1. 'Dha.t the following hospital accounts !be paid. Mem<>ria:il Hoapitai, St. T"'nomas :............... ..........$2,.505 10 Victoria !HosPital, Land"p. ...,.,.,...............,;.....:.,1jl35 95 >rillsroburg Soldiers' Menwrial H<lopltal ........ 00 00 " 86 -ElUG[N COUNTY OCUNlCIL ~? 2. That eXltn3.: hospital costs of k$f7I1:5.95 be paid ,to' the St. Thomas Memorial Hospital. All of which ;is respectfully Siuibmitted. J. iE. D:AVj1;ES, Oh.alrmiaiIl.- MarCh, 1949. March Session-Fourth Report To the Warden and ,council of the .COunty ofiElboin: Gen1Jlemen: The Committee on Finance beg leave ,to repo~t that having m- quired! into fina.nC:es~f the Cbunty. and estimates pTepared- !by the Oounty Treasurer, they herewith wbmita statem~t of the e~en- penqitw-es reqUired for the lawM purpose of the County during _ 19'49, showing the ,amount r,equired to be raisedi for the under;.. menti~hed purposes: "" Admdnistration of ,Justice County Home Municipal Oovt", SaJaries and Wageil Property Interest Printing, lPos,tage and Stationery County Roads Children's Aid SOciety HospitaU~tioh. Agriculture GotU1ty Health 'Unit Grants Public Schools, EntranC6l PeIlBlion Fund .$ 16,000 6,000 12,ootl 5,500 7,500 1,000 ,1611J500 16,000 :10,000 5,500 16~1!1'5 6,000 .5W 5,.m2 :0-. ELGIN ,dOU1NTY (JQUiNlOIIL 87 Miscelilaneous Tillsonburg HospitaJ grant I,3~1 lQ,(lDO ~93.4!38 Your Oommittee would recommend that the sUm of Two,lHnn- direct and Ninety-three thousand, four hundTed and .thirty-eight Dollars be raised! .orran rateaible prolp,erty :in ;the several municipal- itiooof the County of Elgin during the year-';l949 for CIounty !P'u.r'- poses, 'andi that a rate-of ~J5 mill1s on the dollar !be levied 'on rate!- able proper,ty in the" several mun.:1oipalities in- the County to raise said amounts. All of which is respectfully sUlbrri:Ltted. J. ;E. .nAV!nE1S, Ohairman'. March. 1949. June Session-First Report To the Elgin COunty Council. Gentlemen: I beg to ,su:bmiit the -following! statement of accounts paid through IF:ina.nce from March 1st, \1949 to May 311st. i1949i: Ohildren's. :Aid Society, !London -and MididiJ.esex. ." .$ Ontario Training S'chool for Boys EaSt WindOOr Health tA,ssooi:ation ;Mason 'Villa Private Hospital Pa:rf'.,~!\;'TOod H-ospital' ,Olilldren's. Aid SOciety" 'Windsor and Essex 138 00 132' 50 200 25 2'16 60 693 no 112t60 l8il 80 690 750 Sanders and SanderS' :Carswell 00. Ltd, Oopp Clark Co. iLt<!. . 88 .ELGIN" COUNTY COUNCIL . ~ '-'$' WOO 39872 m 32 347 30 93 eo 16331 ... 2'18 97 159 98 420 3,555 55 370 1875 4Il 92 Q300 360 864 22~ 50 456 '5:,000 00 5~ 08 9440 The Mercury: IS'Un Huron Co., OhildTen'sAid Society Children's Aid !Society, iSimcoe' COunty Woodstock, iChildren's: Aid ISo~ety Catholic Children's: !Aid Society Hay !StationerY ... .... ... ...... MunicLpal \World Ltd. UndeXlWood Ltd. "T" Worthington Electric Ohiidren's lAid' Society st. Thomas TImes-Journal Ontario Training Schooil for Girls Treasurer of Ontario ,st. Thomas AmbUlance Service' iDepartment of Highways Sutherland' Press Ltd. .......,... Ontario Hospital, Woodstock . Grand and Toy Ltd. lEIgin~t. ThOmas !Health Unit.... Aylmer IElxpress ..... ............. Elgin.Ooach' Lines Ltd!. f{:' All. of which tis respectfully 'SUlbinitted!. J. !E1 iD.AjVi1JE]S, 'Ohaimnairl. Jme, 11949. June Sesslcn-Seoond P..eporl To- the Elgin ICOunty Council, Gentlemen: The {Finance Committee reportS as foIlo,ws: 11.:That the resolution from Prince EC1ward:lCbunty re increased Provincial assistance for hospital indigent patients. be .. ,filed. ~ . EUGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 89 2. That the commuriic'ation from ,the- Director of the New BTIlIlS- wick Governmerit Bureau of Information. !Ie ICentennial Celebration ibe referred to our lC'entennial Comlmiittee. 3. Tha,t we a'prprO'Ve the action of the Clerk ill hiring Mrs. Mary Burke as office assistant at- sala,ry of $86,{)O: per - mo_nth. 4. That the salary of Mrs. Marion Walker he $1215.00 per month and by-law :be :prepared. . , 5. That no action be taken 1'e payment of flDlerals: of Elgin County patients who die a.t the; Ontario Hospital. 16. 'That ~the following accounts 'be paid: Parkwood Ho.spi~aJ> May-- Maintenance Mason Villa {Private HOSlpital, May - ,MaintenanCe.. Township of IMalahidJe, _ re George -:B~... Municipal World, (Supplies... Municipall Worrld, S'upplies, !Reg1istry Onice.- Ontario Traininlg ISchool for Boys... East Windsor !Health lAsSlociation, re Qdii.e_Ebdnott. ,. W:indSor Ohtldreri's LAid Society... Ruron lCOunty Children's Aid Society.. $00100 00 50 1lI2 00 7i452 000 ~5 465lJ< 6975 7440 ,lI38811 . All of which is respectfully submitted. J. iE. DA,VlIiElS, Oh"_'01. June,l.94S. 90 ELGIN COUNTY CO'IDlcrrL gq,.. "il' .JWle -Session - Third Report To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: The iFinanoo Committee reports as foU.ows: That the following !Hospital iAc:counts ijje paick , , Memorial Hospital, St. Thomas. Victoria Hospital, London Tillsonburg Soldiers' Memorial Hospital St. Joseph's [Hosp.i1Jaa,IOhatham. All of which is respectfuilily submitted. 0, $4,83,1 05 960 ,00 123' 75 .. 3;1 50 $5,946 30 ., J.E. DAvms, Clhairman. iJ' June, 19~. september ,Session - First Report To the Elgin County, COuncil: Gentlemen: I beg to submit the following sta.tement of acoouul.s pa;id throtligh Finance from June 1st, i1949, 'to August 31s1;, 1949: OhIildren'g LAid !Society; 1St. Thom-as and Elgin Catholic Ohildren's Aid Society !Rainbow's: Eookstore [,on{lion and Middlesex Children's lAid. Society iPa.rkiwood IHo5pit~l ........ ...... . .$5,470 5. 1/;83 33i 20 100 80 47'71 00 '1$> , = COUNTY OCUNCIL 91 , Huron County ,Children's lAid. Society WoodlSltook: iOhildren's ..Aid SocietY' Municipal World :Frank lCowan Insurance Agency..,......,,,...,. Undenvood Ltd:. East Windsor Health lAssociation Mason Villa' Private Hospital The QldGardens st. Thomas Ambulance service Ontar'!o TrainingSchOolfo~ Boys' Children's lAid Society, Windsor- and EsSex Dept. of, Refonn institutions Ellgin Coach iLines Sanders and, Sanders Ontario Hospital, WoodstoClk: Dept. 'Of HighiWays 2m! 26 MO 00 :J06 20 '72a 3G 3' 501 13~ 25 88 85 WOO 80G 9i150 744{) 41H4 49 OG 500G =00 3' 6ll Total of ..$6,335 00 All of which ilSI respectfUJlly. SUlbmitted. J~ E. iD.AJV'iI!IDS, Ch'a~an. Septemfber. IlS49. September Session---Second Report" To the Elgtln County Council: GentlemeIJ;: The ~nee-C'oJnmj,ttee reports as follows: That the following !Hospital u\coounts b. paicl: Memorial !Hospital, st. Thomas .................. ........ ..$3,349 19 Victoria Hospi,tal; London '~'" ....... .... ..... ..."........... 1,1300 20 Tillsonburg Soiclier's Memorial !Hospital..;..... 112 5G ,,~t 92 EIT..GITN COUNTY COUNCIL St. Joseph's !Hospital, [London Hooptb:al for Sidk iChildxen,---Toronto 1()2 00 :1400 $4,977 89 All of which iISI respectfuJ1y submitted. J ~ E. D.AlVinmS, Ohairman. Septemlber, 1949. September Session-Third Reporf; ~o the EJ.gID County Oouncil: Gentlemen: o The FinancelOommittee reports ~as follows: L Tl1.a.t the resolution from the County of Bruce re Grants to muniCitpa,lities for \Children'SAid lSoci.ety costs !be filed. ~ 12. That this ICounty OOuncil is not in fa.voUr of ,assuming costs .of ,buria~ of inmates of Ontario Hospitals. 3. That :bb.e ml'3,.['y of Mary !Burke, .Assistant ,to- ,the Oounty Clerk and TreasUrer ibe $100.00 per month .and :necessary BY-La,.w Ibe prepared. lAll of which iISl respeclfuilily submitted. J. E. 1QArvJm;ls, OhaiIman. SeptEmJiber, [949. " " 'i;i.) IDLGIN OOmITY OOUN1OIL 93 NOVEMBER ,SlESSiION. - FmST REPORT 'To the Elgin County CoUncil, GentlemJen: I 'beg- to submit the following statem.ent .of accounts paid through Finance from September 1st to Octdber 31st, '1M9: ParkJwood Hospital Hur:on (County IOhildren's Aid lSoci~ty _... C. A. IS., Windsor and Essex James 8. Bamum London and Middlesex, C. A. S; G. A. S. st. ThOlllJaS and Elgin ... Underwood Ltd. strong's Drug store Worthington:' Electric Elgin coach Lines Department - of !Reform Institutions Hay stationery ICo. 'Ltd. H C. A. S., Woodstook Ontario HospitaJ. W6~stock stollery .of st. Thomas .......",......, East Windsor Health lALSlsOCiation .."..'. Mun~ciJpal World .'.p. iSanders & Sanders ontario Training, lSchool for Boys ..,....,1 477 00 :173'28 7324) 50 00 97 75 2167 4& 350 !:1M 1:155 ~6 00 29 57 moo 211 60 222 00 lOll 13'725 J.i56 33 4i558 n700 $4;216 44 AU of" which is-respectfully su:1::lmitted. J. IE. iDA!VtIlE1S, Chairman;, Finance Committee November, 1949. .-;$ 94 EIUG[N COUNTY ccrn<tlIL Second Report To the Warden and Members of tne :Elgin County <Council: Gentlemen: The Finance C6:mmittee reports :as :follows: 1. That the. Clerk's Report on Licenses be received and printed in the proceedings. 2. That the Treasurer's !Report be accepted land prmted in the proceedings. "3. That a grant o1L$3000.QO be made .,to the Bobier Hospital at Dutton. ' ~ All of which is respectfully _ submitted. J. E. D1WIElS, Ohai= ,!,c Third Report To the Elgin county Council, Gentlemen: The Finance Committee r.eports as follows:o L That -the following hospital accounts be paid: IvIemorlal-lHospital, St. 'I'h.orr~s Victoria Hospital, L(~mdon Tillsonburg Soldiers" Memorial Hospital $1,537 28 990 40 9SQ 00 (& ELGIN COUNTY COfUNarr. 95 Hamilton General Hospital St. JOS&ph's Hospital, Guelph Bmutford General Hospital. 2250 913ll <!5 00 $3,,_ 48 All of which is respectfully submitted. J. E. DAN1JJES, Chairman November; 1949. PETITIONS. AND LEGlSfLA'mON aOMMITTEE .January ;Session To theiEllgm COunty Council: Gentlemen: The !Petitions and Legishltion lCommittee reports as follows: 1. That. we concur _ with resolution. -from the 100nnty of Prince Edward re amendment to the crnuna~ 'Oode. 2. That we take 'no action on resolution from the County of WaterlOO re amendments to the Ohildren'sPl"otootion Act. 3. That _we concur' with :teso~ution from the County of Peter- .borough reo grantihg of disCounts and imposition of penalties on .taxes. d, -96 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOCIL ~ 4. That we file resolution from the County of ,Hastings re de-' posit of $100. in request of 'trial' -by Judge and Jury. 5. That we do not conour- with resolution from. the 'COunty of Ontario re mileage rate to ICounty Councillors and increased: Bourity on iWolves or secret balloting for Wall"den. 6. That we conoor with resolution from the -Oounty of Ontario re permitting residents! of the CountY~OiIlle to vote. All of which is respectfUilly SUrbmitted. 'W1A1I..lI'ER AUOKDAiND. 'Chairman. January, 1J94!9. " March Session ill To the Elgin County ,Counen: Gentlemen: The !Petitions and! Legi:slaltion Oommittee reports as follows: 1. 'Ilhat theresolu~ion from the Co'unty ~f Grey ,redrainage machinery be fDled. 2. That the resoluti<?n from the COunty of Peterborough re inN creased bounty on wolves be: filed arndno .action be taken. 3. That we -COMQperate with the St. ThOIp.as Ohamber of CamM merce re Central !Registry provided there is no oost ltc-the County. 4. That the resolution from the coUnty of tl\11d'd!l~ . re one mill sUbsidY. be filed. If;;' ELGIN COUNTY OOUNOIL 97 5. That the Clerk 'be instructed to write .the' !Department .of Lands and Forests that in nearly'aill . eases the men emp~oyed in the fishing industry :are not partners with the owner as they do_ not a.s~ s~me any portion of the losses which may .occur -and are at.all times subjeotto dismissal by the QWller .of the rbo,at; and that Jnrvestiga~ tor frc.m" the ICbmpensation, iB{)ard be requested _ -to come to Elgin CoUnty to investigate the matter; All .of which iiSI: respec:tfUllly submitted. wtMmElR AtJ1~, Ohairnian. March, 1'949. \ June Session To the Elgin County Oouncn: Gentlemen: The ~etitions and Legis1:artion Committee reports as follows: 1. That we endors'e resolution, from the County of' Perth 1'e... questing '-amendment to thefCriminal ICode lPi'ovinJcial statutes to ;provide for shorter prison terms and adminsltering of tfue lash. All of "which i1s respectfully submitted. VI p.~'rER AUOKiL:AIT'JlD, OhaL""l1'l..&.l1. June. 19.49. .'5 98 EUGiIN COUNTY: GOU1N1dI:L is; September Session To the Elgin County GOWlCU: Gentlemen: The Petitions and Legislartion IQommittee reports as ~f.ollows: 1. That the l'eBolution from the united oountieSl of Prescott an,d Russell 1'e the ,exemption from taxation on land growing trees lbe filed. 2. Th,at no action !be taken on the resolution from the County .of Perth re the cost of, installation of lights in haar:ulets. 3. That no 3/C,tion he tak';en on the resolution from the County of Essex re the control of traffic in school areas ,. All of which is' .1'espectfu1J.y submitted. se.ptember. 1949: WlAIL'I1ElR A,UOBIJAiN[), Chairman. . November 'Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The ~etitionsand Legislation Committee, reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from ,the >County: oil Perth 1'e disposing - of junk on roadsides be filed. 2,. That no action be taken re' the resolution from the County b , . EIT..GITN COUNTY COUN.= 99 of Oxford re extension of ~al ~il routes. All of which is respectfully submitted. W~T:ElR AUlOKILANiD, Chairman November, il949. PROPERTY IOOMMITTEE January ,Session To the Elgin County 'Dounell: Gentlemen: The !Property Committee reports as folJlqws: il~_ That we grant ,peInllBSlon to thejDepartment of Mines an<1 Resources to place bronze tablets in ,the 1Court !House to (Dr. James - H~ lCoyne and :Georg.e M. Wrong, 2. That the account of $2.85 ro Wendell Holme. be paid: lAll- of 'whioh is respectfully sUlbmitted. WM. .T. MiElRJRiETI', Chairman. January, - 19'49. s 100 = COUNTY GOUNlillL '" March Session , To the Elgin County 'Council: Gentlemen: The Property Committee- reports as fo1lows: 1. That tenders be seeur.ed fora new refrigerator .and gas stove for the kitchen in the 0001. 2. That due to the expected change to sixty, cycle power the lighting S1Ystem has been delayed, "as, a competent hydro plan for the new system was secured over a. year -aio. 3-. That assist.ance 'be secured for janitoil'" work in .the RegiJsltry Office. ~ 4. That a telephone ibe installed! in the Police Court Clerk's of':" fice. i:!l S. That. the County Library Board lbe given the former School Inspector's office. 6. That" the following accounts .be paid; Frank Trace--painting Ontario Reformatory IndU!Stries--cup and p.lates 'c. E. Flexen Machine IShop.,---;weld hinge Jo1'~"1son F.-ardwail"'e-material for Greenhouse ..$=55 266fl, 150 ,4'1415 An of which is respectfully su):mlitted. "WM. T. MIEIRIRJETT, Chairman. March, 1:949. ';.,;; EIT..GIN COUNTY OOUNOlL 101 June Session To the Elgin County COuncil: Gentlemen: ,The Property !Committee :Deports as fomows: 1. That the tender of W, H. '1SlWift Ltd. for coal at $13.95 per ton for lPocaihantes and 1,9.35 per ton for ant~acite: !be accepted. 2. That we give our l111ilk !business to the St. Thomas City Da,iry for six months of the year iDeginning ,July ,lISt. 3. That we !Com..mend Mr;: ,Kington the Gaoler_,and hw I3-taff for the spl~ndiid! condition of the flower borders on the CourtHouse grounds. 4. That. a ,new !Underwood Typerwritter ,be jpurc:has~d at the .cost of $14-0.00 - for the :Magistrate 'Ol:erk's Oific:e. 15. That new hose he purchased for Gaol of the same si3e as used in the Court House. 6. That new night pails with covers be purchased for Gaol , cells. 7. That new stairs :with longer stringers to the boiler room be built. 8. 'l'p;at the fOU-owing "accounts be ;paid: Gillard~ and \Price lRaven'sLimited .$ 190 5S 80 All of which is respectfully submitted. WM. IT. lI.\1iE'\RlRlmT, Chairman. June, 1949. -I...., 100 ELGIN COUNTy COUNCIL <; November' .Session To the Elgin Cormty Council, Gentlemen: The !Property. Committee reports as follows: 1. That- the tender of Canada. Bread 'Oompany at 9.9 cents" peT loaf be accepted. 2. That a new 28-ooxsteel filing ca<binet to match existing sections in' !Sheriff's vaUlt be purchased, arid liWh~Sinstalled. 3.TI1at shelveS belns.tap.eCl ill lbaseitlJetlt vaUlt'artdlights in.. staTIea~ <; . 4. That lights in Sheriff's office be referred to the 19<5.0 !Pro- perty Committee All, of ,', whicp. is respectfully submitted. ~ W. T. M!ElRRJETT, IChairman November; 1949. <8- ELGIN COUNTY CO'UNC1L 100 RO\\D COMMITTEE Januarj Session To the iW1s.a::den andiMembers of the El.:,oin Gounty Council: Gentlemen: Your 'Road iCommittee !begs to report as follows: 1. The follow.:TI.g iB a summary of the road expenditures for the year, 1948: Requrfacing gravel roads Maintenance gravel'l"oads New road! muloh -bituminous pav:ements Armour' c'Oats on 'Old pavements Surf.a:ce treatments 'On old and new . roads Grading for future' pavements Asiphalt appliedl 'in 19147, :paid in 1948 Repairspa:ved roa.ds,.,. Tyroonnell culvert (partial completion) iDust layer Snow removal Weed and ibru:shcutting and spraying [)itching-and-tiletlraining--.-: ....... .:.--;::.. Fencing, guard rails, signs, etc. Sanding icy roads 0, , Replacing and_ repairing culverts. Repairing a.nd painting bridgoo Railway crossing protection Land purchases Boundary lines Drainage, -assessments paid 10000ihing and sWok piling gravel Retaining wall, MCJIntoSih hill Gravel pit -expenses; tools and shedex;penses New machinery and repairs ...... Construction shed at White'S' station '$,65,647 17 23,614 51 68,935 81 18,667 31 13,669 99 e;557 00 12,785 41 1;1.9036 ~5"l46 52 '5,700 22 3,044 58 6,644 25 , ..,~LQ,094 45 - 4;163 00 6,50& 67 '12,9.95< :111 3,699 12 3,006 30 000 00 8,2e6 05 2,')16560 6,337 00 916 36 2,411j6.fll1 13,OOI4ll 9,,64 70 .~ :i04 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL '" Construction sh~ 'art iRodney (partial) Stoc:k"'-tile, pipe. pilank, etc. In..&W'ance Superintendence Office expenses and overhead Legal Fees Consta:ble Fees 871 65 4,0311 20 1,312 24 4,400 00 21,839 Oil 12; 00 529 6a $3~,OH6 49 iSUbuI'ban lRoad'81 (including 1$117,466.21 1947 account) 2,3.,959 102 Less Stock Balance Ul47 $3.46,005 m 2,003.44' Aocounts Receiva;ble 649'J1'12 07 16,005 S6 ,Recetpts 009,258 00 1H,6QI4 ,66 q $009,00(1 317 B The estimates prepalI"edi in January, 119'48, !provided .for expen<iing': Oounty, Roads SubW'Mn Roads . $3i10,000 00 3Q,OOO DO $3~7,OOO 00 , 2. We ~pprove.of the \Suburban tR.oads ICoilllll:Ilis:slioners estimate .of $40,OOC-,{}(} for the curr.ent year. 3. We recommend that the W,arden name delega.tes to tU1e 'an- nual meeting of the Ontario Good Roads Assooliation to- he held in: Toronto on February 22nd and t23rd, !1i949, and tha,t the annual fee of i$i15;O() ibe paid. ~e also recommend - that Fn:-e(1. A. lBelll., IOounty EngineeT and 'Geol'lge powles, Assistant Eoad Superintendent attend the meeting and the meeting of the iCount~ !Enlgineers on Fehrua:ry _ 21st. , ElLGIN .cOUNTY OOUNmL 10.5 4. We recommend that the .policy of the General !Accidentl As,,: surance _ !Company for pUlbUc: lia:bility: on the lCbunty and B'uhUl'lban Roads at._a premium cf $41'n:.hi4 be renewed. 5 We- recommend that the comirIiunicalti-on _,from the _.ColUlty of HUIl"on, rega.rding the proposed amendments to tihe <'\Public 8eI"Vice Work:sr of Highways: Act"ibe filed. 6. In regwrd to the rommunicationfrom -the SIt. Thomas and Ellgirl. Mqtor Club, regard'IDg the New York Centr.al Overhead 13fidge on No. 3 Highway East of :st. Thomas, ,we recQI!Il!rrlIend that ,a lCoon- md.ttee oomposed of the Warden,IChairma-n, Messrs. Cbulterand Bell represent the ,County in co-op~ating 'With the MotoT Club and the OIty of 1St. ThomaS' in an appUcation to the Ontail'io [)~artment of lHighlwa;KS to. remove thilsi ,traffic hazard 7. That the petition signed Iby 41 ratepayers" of the Township of Aldiborou!g'h 'asking that the Town Line ,be iJ,J'alVed !between ~ and Kent from the Third oOhoession R.oad ,Aldborough northerlytd ItheThames River ibe ,filed for futw-e. reference until this road is in- !SIPooted -by' the iRo-ad !Committee. .s.We estkmate .that. the sUttn of $3166,00.0;00 'Wi1I. be required: for the I11Iaintenance .and construotion of our County ..iRoads :and SiuibUT- ban Roads, for' the year 1J94J9, al10carted as follows: iCounty LROads Subm:ban Roads- ..$3:!S,ooMG 4O,OOG 00 $300,OOG OG This i!s in 'aK:cordance with the following estimate. Estimate 1949 iCounty ,Road Expenditures: Resurfacing gravel Il"'oad:s Maintenance ;gravel roads Repairing and applying surface pavements .$ ~5,QOO 00 25,000 00 treartments to old lli,6lI0 00 106 EIT..GIN aJUNTY CO_OIL G>r.ading: and new .fills (le'Es.$10,OOO~OO given in :b:r-idge estima.tes) Paving , Repairs to pavements Dust layer ........... Snow; removal Weed _ -and brush cutting Ditching and - dr'aining Fencing guardrails Signs Sanding icy roads Railway crossing protec,tion Boundary- ,'_ lines Land - purchases Drainage assessments Crushing and stock piling gravel. Gl;aiveI pit €'XiPens~ - too-Is and! sl1ed exlPen:se_s... New. machin€lry and re.pairs old machin:ery. constructing buIldings. ... Replacing stoo~tn.e. pipe; ;pIauk-, etc. .. .......... InsUTance Superintendence Superannuation-:- initlitl pa.Y'IIlent and_ 5% of' rwag,es Office,exp.enses @.,d_ O,verhead. Const3.lble fees :1.5,000 00 73;500 00 1;500 00 6,000 00 4,000 00 7;000 00 6,000 00 4,000 00 2,500 00 4,000 ,00 4,00000 1,500 00 600 00 3,00000 5,0.00(}0 2-,'500, jOQ 7,SoO 00 5'.OQQ 00 4,!JiOO!,'OO 1;50000, 5,000 00 8,500 00 3,()OO 00 500 00 ,. ~ $a78i5oo 00 Completing 'Tyrconnell portion of' fill CUlverts Bridges culvert and bridge ,$20,000 00 12,1500 00 15,000 00 $47,500 00 40,000 00 Suburban Roads, $366,000 OJ) '" .. El!.IGIN '00= C(X{JIN,OI!iL 107 The County's Share will. be: 20% of -the, cost of constructing bridges -and culverts.' $ 25% of 'Subwbian Roads (10% on iSubUXIban Bridges) 100:% of initial payment fo-rsuperannuation,; 50% of !remainder 9,500 00 9,250 00 7,00000 100,700 00 $,163)500 00 9; That an appropriating -by-law be passed ro provide .$006,OQO.OO for e-~:riditure on CoUnty and lSublIr"bl:mRoads for the current year and that two copies of the ,by-laiW be \Sent to the' District, Municipal Road- Engineer~ A. ,;; JCJI.HiNISON, Ohairmall St. Thomas, Ontario, January 20th, 1949. June Session To the Warden and' Memlhers of the Elgin rQounty IOOlUlCil: Gentlemen: Your :Road "Cannnittee !begs, to report as follows: A caref.ul inspection of our county roads was made this spring. We find -that they Me in exoeilent condition". OUr contemplated construction prOgI1am.iS- e:rtensive ,this year , caused partly" by the fact that ,-three Mages ;which we intended to ;build iLaSt year had .to 'be rerried" over to:this year~ OIli account of non-delivery Qf reiniforcingsteel. The larg~_ culv.em;_ at_ Tyrconnell is nearly cOmpleted and grading the-- hills. will. commence iIi. about two- weeks. .ry 100 ElUGIN .cOUNTY OOilIN1ClL ' <5 The following is a Id.stof the major. works intended: to lbe con- structed ,this year. 1. -Bituminous road mix. rpavezp.ents: Road No.2 - Wes,t Lo-meto Rodney 4 mdles ;ROOd No. 40 - .Aylmer iA'ir l.Port Rood.. '2 miles &oad No. 49 - Springfield North %. miles -RJoadNo. 47- ~.., Mon South % miles Road - 38 - Htghway :No.3, to ]R..ichmond 1 % .miles' Road ,No. '38 - ill Straffordville 1 mdle Roa.d No. 25 - 1st. Thc:mas Nontb (\Strubu.r\ban area) 2Ph miles Road No. 20 _ IO.arlow tRead, Port Stanley (Mmour '~t) ......'''..,..' 17i miles 2. Bridges. o Tyrcol!neU"'CIDVlert (nearly. completed). McGinnis -bridge mouth. . 316 foot span, rood No. c 34, North Yar- , Harkness Ibridge..:..... 20 foot span, road No. 314, ~bout -1 Il11ile West of !Belmont. Cla;pton-Flarrow 'bridge - i2'h miles south of Avon. Fleming IOreek ibridg1e ---- Road No.3, noIith of Rodney:(to he widen,e<i) . Fowler drain bridge - Fingal (sulbu.roln ar.ea). 3. Preparation for :fut1ll'e paving: Road NO.8 - Dutton north~ Road No. 20 - Shedden, north to New York Central '[Railroad. :Road No. '36 - ,Township Qf. y,armouth. The Icoinmitte reCmnm€11d that Ia: small tr:i.angular piece of land; in the south east corner' of _Lot 12, iCoTIces'sion 8, Towriship of Mah;,:- ~;: '0 'ElLGITN OOUNTY. OOUNOIL 109 hide,ibe deeded to 10. [B.. Abell, the a.d:joinin:g owner" for $1.0(). on condition that JMr. Aibell ~ees to .grade and 'level the lands. This land was 'acquired .by ,the c.ounty when ,the Ayl:mer air ipOrt road was aSSlU.IlJ.e:d and is no use for County purposes. In regard ,to ,the application of ,the cquncil of the Township of Duruwich"acoompanied \by a lJIetition of 24 Tatepayers.: ask!ingthiat the county assumes a portion of the lake road and of .the Coyne Road in the Township of Dunwich, we, recommend that the 3.ippli...;- rcation be laid over ;until .the road committee ID.akes 'a aareful rex~ amiliati:on of the locality and gives ltfw"'"J1er . .consid!erartion. In regard to' the communication of IA.J. Schweitzer, asking the county to -give permission for him to erect a Landing: pier on the west b'ank: of Talbot creek, just south _ of 'Port Talbot bri~e, we re'- . commend that Mr. ,ISCbJWeit2ier !be notified that rthe - oount}\ _has no objection to :the erection of ,a !public J.an.dling pier .onthat. po~on of the old Talbot. roald, abandoned by theco~nty when ,the road was re- routed.' in 1007. The pier is to roe placed! ~3feet clear of the centre I()f' the improvedt TOad and to ibe constrUcted to t:p.e sa.tisfaction of the County ~gineer and County' Solicitor. All of which is respectfUlly submitted. A. A. J0IHN1S0N, Chainnan. No\'ember Session To the Warden and Members of the Elgin Oounty iOounci1: Gentlemen: Your !Road Gommittee begs to Teport as follows': 1949 has been a very succes5ful year with the ,County Road De-:: partment, the program as contemplated at your JlaiIlua~ Session has' k): 110 ElLiGIN COUNTY OOUN'OIL <> been. nearly cDmpleted With the exception of constrncting~ the Mc- Ginnis,~ Bridge:.in the Township of Y:armo~1:h -and . the reconstruction of the Fleming C'reek Bridge on -the Furnival Road in the Township of Alq.borough, 'The.. followi.ng wor!}rs have lbeen ccrmip'leted or in the course of completion:: 1. Afbout1:3 miles of road mulch pavement weT8 laido on the -following roads, County !Road No. 2--...between ,West -Lome :and Rodney. Oounty !Road No. 4O---Aylmer Air \Port Road -County.[&oad No., 49--jSprmgfield North %, miles 90unty !Road iNo. 47~von ISouth %,miles ;County Road No. .38--->Highway NO.3 to !Richmond County lRo:ad No. '3iS-iStraffordvill.e 1 mile County !Road No. !2J5-1St. Thomas North 2lh mi..1es (ISUbur:ban A1rea). " o 2. An Armour Coat of Tar 'andiCrushed stonewa& laid on Car- low Road, Port Stanley,. 'robout 9..1{) miles. 3. 37 mUes:of palvements were given a Seal ICoat. 4. '!'he following Bridges were.. constructed: Harkness Bcridge~()J-foot span - Road No. .34 - Yarmouth Clap1:-on LFarrow !Bridg8-'16-foot span - 2% miles South of Avon. F10wler Drain Bridge_lO-Joot span - Fingal ('SUburban Area). 5. New Diversions Constructing TYrCQnne1l Culvert and Gr:ading the hills were completed this 'year. I}; f) EL'GIN COUNTY CO-UIN'OIL aI ~prQ.ving ,the /West entrance at Port Burwell is III the course' of construction. 6: About 40,000 cubic yards of, Ciushed: gravel were ipla-ced on ,the existing gravel roads and about 5,0000 cubic yards .will!be Ert;ock piled if the wsa"ther: is favorable. 7. .AJbout 5 mJilesof, gTa.vel roads were graded and widened. .8. .AJbout 40 new corrugated ir-an cuLverts- were wtalled 9. About 2 miles 'of tile drains were conStructed. lO. Concrete curlbs and gutters were laid on South 'Street, 'Ay!'- mer, in front 011 lBIlooks K. & iL. 11. The f'oll?Wing "'maChinery was purchased: 1 - IR. T. I. [ndustrilal Minneapolis Moline Tractor equip- ped with rotary hroom and' side mower. 1 _ :1:9'49 new IDhevrolet iBusiness iCioupe - fo!1' the use o[ the Assistant !Road, !Superintendent. 12. A Marhe-at Oiil !Burning !Heating Unit and a tra.velling Hoist were purchased for the CountY! \Garage at tWthit-eslStaltion. We 'reco!l1!ffi!€nd that the: petition of the Torwnsmp of' IDtmwich. sJsking that the Lake Ro~d, in the To,wnship of Dunwiclt througfh Lots 111 to ,17 and the iRoad between !Lots :6 and 7, concessions' 8 land 9, he asSllJI1loo by the COunty in lieu o-fia portion of the pTe- sent County'RJoad tnr-ough Concessions -9' and 10' IDe left for the con- !Sideration of the 19:50 iElgin IR-oad Committee. We recommend that the offer -of ,the London and !Port stanley Railway -Company to 'Cancel the leases the Company has tc- remove gravel from a ;portion of the 1F"...2tJ::l,a;way !Gravel .Fann on the lNb:rth _half of !Lot :2, IConcession 4, Township of YlamlOuth :be accepted. 'I11a COunty to. pay the !Railway C'oIllipany the sum of $8'50.00 per oore, an ,~ ~. liIa ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 6 estiinated amount -of $2;.635.00, 'for the 3-1110 acres from which no gravel haS heen removed. All of which is respectfully submitted. A. A. JOHNSON, Chairman 'EQUALUiATI:ON ,COMM[TTEE To. the Elgin CountyC'ouncll: Gentlemen: ". The Equalization \Oommittee _ reportl.Sl :as follows: Th1a.t the fql10wing be the equalization of the Assessm-erut Rolls e o~ the Cotulty of El6oi.n !for the _year ,19'49: o Aldborough DUlliWich ,Southrwold Yarmouth Malah:ide Bayham South Dorchester Aylmer Port stanley Dutton Rodney West Lome Port BUl'Wel:l Springfield Vienna .$ 3,41l2,4&J 3,643,~9p 4,696,675 5,3/17,738 31,867,501 2,528,700 2;213,,896 2,462;216 1,5'()3,711O '500i549 44)7;16,1 461;066 250,000 1%,303 140,399 " $31,'1171,795 ()} ') ., EIT..GITN COUNTY OOUNCITL 1m 2. That the J.ocal Assessors ,be allowed five days .pay :and mile- age ri.t the same rate as the iOounty Councillors. ' All of which is respectfully sUbmitted. A. V. COU'IJrnR-, <Chairman. HOSPITAL INVESTlGATlING COMMITTEE March, 1949. Rep?Tt of ,iCOu11Jty iCouriJci1 representaJtives on Hospital Investi- g1a,ting Oom!mittee: At _a meetiilg' -held! pn Fe!)'). 1i7 ,your representatives met with the othermeillibers representing the ICity' or at. ThOInJaiSi and ,the Hos- . pital Trust and, the 'folloWing information :was se~llI~: AmOunt of surcharge' paid by ,Elgin lConnty patients during 1948: $~5;()82.0a charged $22,3129.QO -.paid ba]lsncecarried: over.oo 1949 account. This money was .paid by 'Elgin County patients ,over and .above the regular charge as paid by 'City of St. Thomas ip3ltients; and! would, represent mill on 'the tobal assessmenrtof ,Elgin 'County. The endowm-ent fundi" ,amO'qnts to $515,,000.0.0 of which $313.,000 ~n be used in huilding a -neW h'aSp:itaI. The nursing staffattDecember 31st. 1948 was 33- nurses-and 18 ward ,aides. - The to-tal nuniber of employees including the -above was ..... ]14 El.JGlIN COUNTY OOUNlClIL '" 2111' of . which 93 were directly connected 'w'ilth n'UI'sing staff. The Memorial Hospital Ex.tension Fund ,as at" December 31st, 10947 was $lJ8~]Jli8.'2i4 which sum is invested in :2lh % Huron & Erie Imbenltures 'and 100nada Trust Ac:count. From. the ,audri:tol"S statement of !p["ofitand_ loss .accoUnt for 1947 the year of .the big d!eficit, it would appear that the follOWingcIe~ prartments of .the hospital were operated. alt a profit: iGross earnings Operating ~ps. !Profit Dispensary "" " "$1(1,370. X-RllO' 25,367." LaooTla-tory '. 8,29.2. Ambulance 635. 'Salaries, Wa:ges and !Administration total Medical, :Surgical. and :sterile expenrses $9,219. 4,984. 1,:149. 482. $ 41&l. 20000. 6Il43. 153. "..$100;100. i25.44IZ. "" 'cost A motion :was passed at the meeting that the hoSpital rates !be adljusted to .cov;er .the actual . cost o.f operarlJion but . should ,there !be a deficit that the County of !Elgin pay as its sihare on the basis of the number of iplatientsirom the iCounty-:Oturlng.. ,the year. , If you approve of this mqtion the.. 'Committee recommended to the Board of Trustees:.of the Memorial HospItal that the 'Surcharge of $;1.'00 per day .cha'I'ged to County ;patients !be removed. We also Teco:mmiended that the COunty of ,Elgin have equal rep- resentation on ;the M-em'O~iial . !Hospital Trust to the City of St. Thomas. The necessity of a n~ hospital to_serve ~~inOolUlty .was thorougWy debated owing to the. increasing popuLation and more peOple taking out h-ospitalizati<J.fi ms:~ce such as 'Blue Cross and other -plans. Your- representatives felt that in the event -a new hospital is .built that :it should tbe for the ;benefit of the whole (County arid ':~e '" " IDLGIN OOcm,"TY OOUNQIiL 115 County wonld be responsirole for 40% of the net .cost and theOity of St. ThotrruaS 60% of -the net .cost. A motion was passed on this !basis and it is subject to your ap- proval. , On- Maroli:'i,7th;rour/ representatives on the Investigatinrg C'om- miittee Visited- _-TillSOl~bUJ:g -)SIOldiers' Memorial ,Hospi.tal whose sec- retary z.;:;;II:j~a:-'ed' Ibefo,re 'uS' at the Janura;ry !Session ap.plying for a grant towards the-construction of their new -wingandJ whihsit' Till- sorL.:urg. is ou,tsidieoif' _.our County its close (proximity serves t he poople of our eastern - 'townships and. has been a great henefit to t?e people living in those munilCiJpaillities. We:inspected the hospital ,through "the courtesy' of ,the !Superintendent, and found it very COngested. 'I!he .corridors - were filled with beds and! every room Was occupied to" its -maximum o3Jpacity. We were particuLarly ~pressed 'by the' efficiency of -operation: ~ery square foot of space waS utilized. All storerooms _ had loc'k.son,'to ensure. no ,pilfering Or' gir4?- ceries and supplies. This. hospital has operated. without' a deficit and your, repreSenta~'V~s strongly reco~endsome' assdstance !being given in part 1p'3.,ym.'ei1t .for t~e:: services.. they haJVe. rendered. to .iBaY~- ha,,, and Malahide ,t<iwnslliJPs !in. lllaJ.1liioular. ,'IIhIiS .....istance can. be:given hya grant, !payment of 'Which .to -!be. spread aver' a. period of years, in - :wh~-ch case it would not -'be n.ece.ssary to issue dtin- tures,'and!- we would suggest for yourooD.sideroti'On an amount of' ;$. Regarding the west eIl:-d of the County:. We had a -VisIt from _ th~ Hon. Mr. RUBSell T. Kielley at IDutton who inspected the, proposed "Bobier ,HO'Ille" a:nd fro.inithe infonnation Mr. Kelley gave 'us it is qutte posSible.that,a small hospitaL to take care of 12 :persons may Ibe opeta.ted.This rwill relieve the congestion on the standard hospitalso.f ISit. Thomas and rLondon to some extent and 'will-be a great IQen€lfirt to th~ peqpJe' of West :Bilgin. All of whioh is: respectfully submitted and 'I move .the adOption of the report. J. E. DA. VlES, Ohairman. <i 1'1;6, ELGIN COUNTY OCUNOIL a ~~--- November Session To t-he W.a~d-en and Members afth~ 'Elgin Oaunty COuncil: Gentlemen: Since the 1ast T€'port" was !li1ade by your representatives ~n the Hospital iIIivestigatingiCommittee and Memorial HoSpital Trust; mat- ters' of great impOrtance haJvelbeen looked into regarding the hos- p1talizationconditions of st. Thomas and iElginCounty as a whole. 1. There has heen a -unanimous 'agreement 'h?th ill the County and-the ICiity of St. Thomas that there is definitely a great need for a new 'hQSipital'.andthe ,investigating commi:ttee completed-their ,work ,by deciding the advisrubilityof buildiing a new modern- hospital in' the Ci,ty 'of st. ThomaS to. serve the whale ~dotmty; 1st. -'Thomas, !be- ing practidilly the" centre Of the :OotUlty it '\Vias undoubtedly the wiJsestlocation. tA site was found to lbe a'Vail8lble 'belonging to the Government, "the [)ept. cantrolling' -it. 'being willing to sell the number of 'a-cres necessary for the hospital si~ at a cost of$3'O[};:OO per acre. This- site oan be purchased by the Helslp-ital Corporation and the provisional directors ha'V& itaken ,an option so that there wi'll be no. delay as Soon as the tax :payers have decided to build the new has,.. pital, it can be purchased. The architect submitted to the commd.'t- tee a number of designs and the :committee has chosen a desiglll whioh is the last word in modern hQspitals having in view ecohomy of oper- ation and patients we:lliaJ.'e, It waG decided both by the: Oounty lCoun- cil and the 1St. "IhQmas Council to submit a !by-Law to the taxpayers to vote on the issuing of the -debentures which 'with the grants toJb~ r0C€.ved from the .Federal and Provincial GDvemment -will cover the C-C-lS.t of. building the new hospital. The ~Oounty debentme issue will be for '$I5'80,.OC-Q.OO spread Ol.rer a period of twenty years. The rrea.,. son for the debentUres being spread over this period is 'OeQaUse :we are building a hGspital to CIS-ire for our sick people fWhirOh should take iCare af the need for the next 50 years' and it is only fair and right that future generations should: he'lp to pay for it. This 'vote Wi..!l be -.taken. on:December5th; and I would ask: you all to give it every sup... p.ort possible in the: way of helping to get the vote out and also tell.,. '" dO 'J ElliGIN OOUNTY COUN:QlJL 117 ing your people of the need of this new modern hoopitaJ. and- the a-d;- visa:bility of building it :now Whilst the Government grants are a- . vailable. 2. During the _ yea-r your HospItal ICommittee recommended after very much study t,bat we.make a.grant tnwards-the Ti.J..lsonbur.g Hos- pital which - 'Was <l;rhe on~y right' thing to do due to the service this hospitaJ. giV€8 to ,the people of lE:I.gin County in the townlShips of Bay- ham, Malahide, Port U3iu.TIwell, 'Vienna, Sprintgfield, whiohby the re- cords made available to us was a much larger per centage than rep- resented by the grant ,we _ voted .to the Tillsoruburg iHQspital. In~faot the grant we voted was' little enough for the services our people re- ceive from Tillsonburg Hospital. / 3. In the wmt end of, the rOonnty, the viUage 6f Dutton 'Was fortunate in having a ten-roomed ,brick house lbequeathed to the village land the' Township of {Dunrwioh to he used for the care of the sick and needy people in those. two mnnicipalities. This bequest was accepted <and is nearly -rea.dy to: begin . operating. Thisho.sp.ital will only have aoalPacity of from ill to 1'5 patients 'but it will fill a grea~ need, especially from patients' who cannot afford the higher:rates charged in the city hospitals' and also -are really -not siok enough to require ,the high cLass hospital service rendered at the large hos- pitals" There are many people who r~quire. hospitaJ.ization ,and have not the money to pay for it who chal'lgethe cost to 'the County. part of whioh ~ borne by each municipality, and rightly &0, as' it is our duty ,to care for sick peop[e whether we like it or not, but . .those same people" would be lalble to pay. the :lower rates charged in a: small- er institution even though the service is not so :perfect as tlhe larger hospLtals, and the lCounty will save considerable over a :period of yeaa-sthrough a lower hoopitali2'laW:mcost. 4. Reg_ardinlg the MemoriallIospita:l, St. Thomas, there was. nO! ' deficit in operating this haspital for .the year 19'4J8 ~illd ,~ to the eJ;ld .of october, 1949, it looks as thol.l.g'h there '?till-be a Slight_ B-unplils for the preeent year. ThiS is due largely to increased government gl'a.nts ibut even. so it reflects-great... c-l"edit. on the p!l,;rt of. the roan..; a-gemre-nt as it was necessary to offset the 'surcharge .to ICOlU1ty p-a~ tients which we were succ~"\Sful in eliminating when we agreed to <':'..:- 113 .,LOIN COUNTY 00== (5. the 4O~60% 'basis. Vie are very f.ortunate in having a hospital in st. Thomas - giving the service to patients with all -the handicaps they ha.ve to contend with in a building whi,c.h has become obsqlete. Nl,ew additiolm' to this building would not m:;;.ike it efficient becaUSe you woUld still ~have an old bUIlding with a womout boilerf-or heating _an-d other services which should have been T€lp~a.c.ed long lago WhiCIf is another reason why -we need .a new hospital completely modern. This is your hospitaliZl9.,t:ion committee report bringingyo-u up to date on what the situation min -the Gounty. All of wh,i,ch is respectfully submitted, J. E. tDAvmEiS, Chairman " COUNT'Y TRlEAiSU\RiElR1S REPOlt~ .June Sessi()n To ,the :Warden and County GOUlle-il, Gentlemen: I beg to :submit the follO'Wing statement of tReceipt..s and 1Ex- :penditures for 1949 'Up .to June 1st, 1949: Receipts B:alanc~ ,on hand Jan. 1st, le49 Administration of Justice .,$ 17,774 63 Bills PaYalble and Interest Elgin-st. Thomas Hewth Unit .$ 4,6621 '99 . '1,10,0]1 31 4,028 35 $ <;l' m.GIN COPNTY COUNUIL $ 119 Registry dffioe Charity and We1flare 'County Home Arrears of Taxes _ount;.y Roads Miscellaneous 4,931 no 4,_35 7,466 08 306 73 75;413 59 553 64 $212;016, 54 $2211,791 17 Expenditures Administration of Justice Bills Payable and Interest u'hartty. .and Welfar~ Grants County ::Home RegistIy Off.ice Jio1gin-St. 'Thomas Health Uni.t Arrears of Taxes Members' Wages Officers" Salaries Priliting, Postage and Stationery Care 'Of BIDldlng.s _-..griculture County :Roads Pension iFiund Miscellaneous ..$ ,14;227 29 67,30~ 42 22,65.0 03 5;530 0.0 11;3~ 78 602 ill 10,0.00 00 305 '13 2,774 3.0 2,97'1. 65 _05 1,248 m 1;066 25 66,7i131.om 5$93' 76 639 88' Ballance on hand ,May 3!lst, 1949 $:l13,,63~, 68 16,lW 49 $229,791 17 All of which is respectfully sUibmitted. J. D. ''I1EIClMSON, County OJerll: June; 1949. 120 . ELGIN COUNTY:, OOUNOIL d' November Session ,$. To the Warden .and C'OO:Ilty Council, Gentlemen: I beg' to submit the ~JollCI'Wing statement of Receipts and Expen- ditureS forlS49 up to November 1st, 1949:; Receipts Administlia,tion of Jmtice Notes Payable - Bank !Loans Interest on iDeposit& Health Unit lP1"ovinci.al iGront Registry Office tF1ees 'County Rates !Prep,a,id. Charity and Welfare Elgin . COUI).ty Home Arrea,rs of .Taxes County RO'ads Licenses and Miscellaneous Expenditures Administration of Justice Notes Paya;ble Ohartty ,and !Welfare Grants County Home Registry Office Health Unit Arrears of Taxes Members? Wages Officials' and Staff ISalaries ~_.L..:;""_ ""'__..~~_ ~~...::J rl-u.u,llJ.t;, U:-U;:.Va.5C -auu. Q!iil'€ of ::Buildings Agriculture stationery $ 19,592 52 3120,00000 000 11 3Q liaJOS6. 56 4,921 000 34,861 94 9,491 52 11,900 56 3ni57G 100,900 62 719 84 <$6()7 ,897 59 . $ 32;223 12 1217,5312: 56 44,267 ]1 5,5300 00 22,4J331-27 1,831 19 2ll,OOOO 00 305 7:l. 4,516 30 5,59830 , n;o'), .<:I':J ~,v'VV 'cJcJ 2,630 64 1,878 89 fJ Q} ElLGIN OOUNTY OOUNiOIL .121 . County ROads Miscellaneo.us Pension Fund Balance Bank Balance January 1st, 1949 CalSh in iBa.u'kand {m Hand All of whioh is respec.tfully submitted. 303,358 -88 ~,667 3~ 6;508 :>1- ~,954 30 .$. 23,943 29 17,774 63 ,$ <11,717 92 J. iD. 'IlHOMSON.!County. Tr:easurer INS,!,EOTORlS I}EIPOOtT November ,Sessian To the ~oin County Council, Gentlemen: The _ following is - my - report on the E[lgin County Home for the year _ ending, Qictober ~Hst, 1949; 1. Number of ~ates at last report .......... , ~5 2. N.umber admitted _ during the' :year .,....,. ,,,..... 8 3. Number of deaths .......'... 7 4. Number discharged 5 , 5. Number discharged to hospital 4 ~. 12:2 iElIJGlIN COUNTYOOUlNlOlIL " 6. NurrJber of inmates now in house 2'7 7. Number, of inmates sent from sev:el'l.ail municipa-1ities during the year: Yarmouth Dutton Springfield. .. Southwold .5 1 1 1 8 8. The various. cauSes of rpaUJPerism. of inmates: admitted to the House during tne year mJaY .be cilaSlS'ified. .as folloiWS: Destitute 1 Old Age 3 ill HeaJth 4 ~ - 8 9. Avera;ge number Of inmates during the year 3111;.2 10. Averagie n~ber with Keeper's family and hired. help 36.. 11. Number of weekS' board of inmates1&m' 12. Number o! lWeelkis' board 'with Ke:epers' family 118'511' 13. Total expendit~ during the year:.$241378.4t3,. Deductions ' 14. From fal"m stock Prom Old Age . Pensions, inmates 6,398 '13 6tm 00 1,392 86 546 37 lXlOO . , Milk Eggs Seed Drill Ct EJ;/GITN COUNTY OOVNKJlIL 123. Sundries 1800 Jnmates maintenance 8{) 00 Permanent Improvements 849 01 $115,600 32 15: Leavinlg- amount actually ex:pendedfor support of inmates $8,770.lJ1. 15. Average ~ens€(Sj per day of each p~son "116 1-3:cents-. 17. Average eJq>e11Ses per week of each iperson $5.34. 18. Average e~enses per year of each person $i2"77;68, Farm Expenses liired Labour' .:$ &36 20. 100 14 Dnplements Sloc!<: ........ .. 4;11)3\ 29 Feed and Seed Gas and .oil :Repairs l,oo~ '18 258 14 9.60 (l13 28 Miscellaneous $7,5711 83 House .Expenses Butter &.l5 80 5217 01 ~,00l 68 1,82178 Bread Meal Groceries 124 EfUGIN COUNTY OOViN1aIiL Provisiorw Dry G<Jpds Boots and Shoes ' Frurniture and Hardware Drugs Cba1 Miscellaneous Bal'lber GeneTalEiXpense Rep-airs Conveyance of rn.mat€15 Permanent ~rovements Incidental Sa.1a.ries Keeper and Matron Mr. and MrS. C. IQheeseman Physician ~ c. 191 78. 1,182 47 97 49 55215 244 81 2,218 45 1,]19 54 18000 $10,76l. 91 .:3 $1,655 48 2500 849 01 ., '1,1'18 20 $3,647 69 .$1,'77000 300 00 375 00 $2,395 .00 if " ElLGINOOlmTY O(){JN;OIL 125 Ie The following produce was raised on the farm during the year: t53.0 Bushels of Qats :58 loadS of Haiy .8 AJCres of Ensilage Oarn 300 BusheIsof potatoes 1!2 .Bushelts' of Carrots 300 BUlShels of Apples 60 Bu&hels of Turnips Garden Produce 2'0 Bushels of Tomatoes 25 Quam; of MiJik per d!a,y 1000 Quarts Fruit canned in House 400 Dozen ,lIUggS -Consumed 820 Poun<Is of Butter Farm Stock 3 Horses 9 Cows 18 Ho~ 2 Brood SQws 1Q6 EIlG<IN COUNTY CO=cmL rl 150 .chickens 3 tCal;Yes 5 Heifer.s' 23. "That the total amount expended hy the ,county on the Gnunty Home is as follows: . $ 7,298 9& 16,650 65 687 61 390' 0'0' 1,41~ 43 6,952; 8,7 1,920W 7,1Z543'O 4,4J1723 132' 0'3 920' 60' 1,183 0'0' 1,9Fl9.()7 B5 85 6,437 61 3,.837 52 '2;5D7 40 29i31 62 654 99 3,262 30 3,174 0'0 11146 7{; 416 35 53& 511 <if Farm, 100 Acres, "Cost County Home Laundry Fire Escapes Root Cellar, Henery, etc. Cottages, etc. BriCIk ]ee House Barns, etc; Tile Drain Tile Drain Outlet Hot Air Pump' Tank rConnections .Refriger.a..tor Fencing Orchard heating Apparatus Boiler Room and -ISOft Coal !Boiler Deep Wel1 Silo Hog Pen Electric Installation and p'llnips Plumbing Septic Tank and Drain Sundries Mi.lk: House " $74,158 14 2:4'; :.tteceived from Government on laccOunt of e~enditures 'for land and buildings .$ 4,000 '00 $ 70',158 14 ~ o ELGIN COUNTY COUNOliL 127 25 There were 43 inmates in the Home diUl'ing 1949; 2!8 males, 15 females., Of the Z7 inmates in the House on the' 1st day of November, .1!949, '.19 were males and 8 ;feIll2.les. The ffiaDjagement. has been _ satisfactory. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. :0. THIO!lVllSON, ICOunty 01erk. St. Thomas; Ontario, Novemlber, 1949. OLERK'8 RE!PORT ON MOEiIflmS JWle Session To the ElginlQonntYICouncil: Gentlemen: I have to r~rt the following applica.tionsfor licenses h"we been approved 'by the local municipalities and the Elgin-iSt. Thonuis Health Unit from January 1st, 1949 to May 31lsit, 1949: Restaurant w. J. Young , ,Port stanley ro~..:r_...~ ...~C'y ...:RiOdney .Shedden ...r ....._,~~~~~,.L l.VJ.. OCIlll11UI.< R. K Sweitzer K Youngblut .~. 128 ELiG[N COUNTY OOUNlOEL rl G. Bell and M. Walk.er Arthur is. Swift Elson and Sitlington Oole and We1Ls Fred J\fuBain Orville Galbraith H. Bechard Maurice Bi~by A. C. Bradley R. S. Scobie 'Chas. J. M;cCionv:ille Alex. Bala-z William NOgla: .Aylmer .. . !Dutton .lWallacetown .1Dunwich . Belmont IPort stmley .Eagle .:Wal1acerown .Aiyhner, IRJR. 1 St. Thomas, RR. 3 St. ThOllrulB, RR. 3 Aylmer ..Aylmer- Refreshment Stand or Lunch Counter V. Ro. Berry S. D. iLa:eey. John J.Eberle W. 0. Wheaton Mrs. Verna Parish ,".' ,Rodney .' .Aylmer ,_ .1Dutton .!Port Stanley .Port Stanley . ., Ice ,cream Stands Morley Gorvett Arthur ~oorehouse Norman Bennet.t Mrs. Edtth Perry Donald H. Hindley N. J. MdCallum Oswald: Allen :Ri:chard iOhute W. iE.-Davies Roy Weeks Wm. H. Graves Ira C. 'Ilate . ,.,Sparta , Wellington st., Yarm<YUth Heights .333; Wellington st., Ylarmouth .Union .' .Union .:.Union ,Springfield ...!Aylmer, IR.iR. 5~ .... ,st. Tl1ol:nlls, Em,. 8 , ,st. ThOllllOO, R.:R. e ".,New JSarum , ,Aylmer, RiR, 2 A ,:,.._...... ........__~__ .l'1W1J1:::!lJ IV.1VV..........a ,^'..,...:...,,:.. """D <) ..=,y,JJ".u=. ..."....".4 A. H. f"mpson Herman 'Smith '0" ....St. Thomas, 1R..R.3 Sparta $' e ELGIIN COUNTY COUNCIL 129~ L. N. McCallum B. Hawley Don Scott d Mel 1000vers and: iSons J. D. Mei:kle Allo! which is respectfuiIy submitted. .SIpringfie1d, Ria. 2 ....union:~ 1&.1&. 1 .. tAylmer; iR.!R.. 6 ..Behnont .:Belmont J, D. THICl<MlSIO!N', Caunty 'CJetk. Septemlber, 1949. September -Session To . the E!lgin COunty Council ~ Gentlemen: I have t.o r€jpOr't the followiI).g a.prplic3!tions for licenses bwe >been approved by the Ibcal municipalities ,and the Elgin-lSt. Thomas H~alth Unit from June' 1st, 19'49,OO iAugust 311s~ 1949: RestaUrant , Clare H. Miller Harper and SOns Garnet Eden W. V. Ferris J. T. Den:n:iSl W. G. Fielding Percy Smith &m Miller AlbertJ. Marek L1oy<! Shaw Johnson. iOarrothers .Port Stanley ,iPort stanley ,Rodney, a..a. 2. "iPbri!; Stanley " straffordville ..iPort stanley ,wna Station . .Port stanley .iPort Stanley .........l'ona Union .Refres!!::nne::;.t Stand u.i" Lunch n___...__ '-'VIlU..U...Il- Ida Karr ."... .". ".!Port Stanley \-.. 130 ELGIN COUNTY OOiUiNOIiL Maple Leaf Dairy ~r Clayton Slilcox J; aalli.ster K. C. TurnlbuIl C2 licenses) Mrs. Verna !Parish George RO;ylll1an Mr& E. Leathom lv.rrs. zetta Ginsberg DorcasW€lbster Mrs. OI'lpha. Scidmor.e Bessie Karr lVIrs. ,Agnes El:liott Wanda Boyd ShiPiP . Bros. F. Birce Murray Buck!er Fred DorkJen Frank Spenoe W, G.. Ghalk Mario Mona'CO Gordon Brackenbury' BeV. Collier H. Sawyer st. Thomas Drive-rril Thea:tre Fanny L. Af-flen..,k Emerson Topping Norman K. Bennett West Lome . Shedden Port stanley Port Srtanley "'- !Port Stanley ..Port 'Stanley .Port !Stanley .!Port, Stanley .Pbrt S\,anley Port S'tanley ,lPort stanley ,Port S\,anley . ".Port Burwell Port Burwell ..Belmont "T' ,...Aylmer, l&R. 2 ~ ...Port Burwell st. Thorn"", IRJR. '3 . .iPort :BUIwell "Port Buriwell .. ,Vienna Aylmer, iR.iR; 2 Etlen' st. Thomas, iR;' iR. D' Dutton Port stanley st.; Thomas, Wellington, st" E.. Ice Cream Stands L. D. Palmer J. A. Hills Seth Derbyshire Frank. M. Fordham LaJWreooe iRoss Mrs. Isabel Howson G. Legg Morrison and WSitterson Lyndon Smyth C. O. iDaniel Shedden IF'ingal ,Southwold' .iF'ing<1>l Port Stanley ,," Port stanley Springfield, '1Mi. e .Vienna .Vdenna c.Spring[ield RE. 1 <7 c , ry ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL IllI Archie 'Coyle Alex. 'Siummer8l Cliff Pressey Alex. D. Similiter Bruce Kennedy Tom Ned'Ozytko Wm~ 'Candy Mrs. Rlobt. Gordon N. D. SWkfie1d Howard Hogooen Ha.rold Stuart ,and SOn Mrs ;SarahBrown .:Vienna ,. . .Aurlmer ,cAy!"",r, [R,.R. .1 ,P'ortBiUrwell ...Etten ....Eden, lR..\R.. 1 ,Aylmer, Ri&. 2 . "Nienna YannGuth Centre ,..[Fling-al TalboMlle ..PON St=ley All of which is respectfully submitted. J: D. 'TIHl0jMlS0N, County DIetl<. November Session-First Report To the E1gin County Council, Gentlemen: I have to report the following licenses m force on the 1st day of November, 1949: Auetiolleer David McPherson ~an & WatJterworth HaraldlG. Clarke Duncan Brown K Mc:.A-.lpme OlareIice Wolfe Milton Brock .lDutton~ Onto ~ylm"r, OInt.. st. ThOllUl.S, Out. ..Shedden , .lDut.t.on . .,Vienna, Ont~ Thoindale, Ont. , \ too ElLG[N"COtrnTY OO~OlL ~ Sa~vage Dealers LeOnard Winrer Morris iPearlman J. Wood MaUrice. Grey Oanada IScrap Iron Albert Campbell Albert E. lHaney Fred :So lLa.wson " Hiairold G. Wood H. 18. Cihandler Port ~owan, Ont, . .la..R. 3, Port I&Owan, Onto ,G. Wffit Pearl st., St. 'I'h0ll1\llS, OIlt. "Lynllurst, Ont. st. ThOlll1ias, Oni;. _,Sitraffordville ,Spa.-t", Ont. " 00 Redan st., st. Thomas , 411 Htnc~ St., . !st.. Thomas . ;--5pringfield, Ont~ &..'Metal Transpottation of Fowl C. !E. Pangborn ..". A. T. Lashbrook E. O. WIght ' Dowding & Jones Thomas J. ~e ....., ~albotville ,,:Rodney . .ROdney , "... AyJmer .JWal1acetown; Ont. . All of wh:ch is respectfully 6ubmittefi.. J: !D. 'IlHOIMllON, County Clerk St. Thomas, November, 1949 Second Report To the' Elgin County _Council, Gentlemen: !n~ye.to report the followi..ng appliqa:tions :for <!reer..ses. have-bee~ approved by the local mlUlicipalitiei and the Elgin-S't. TI10mas Health Unit -from september lIst, 1949, to N:ouember 1st, 1949: " '" ELGINCOUNrY c:ouNlOlL ilia Resta=t Mrs.. Agnes Elliott Robert Hunter W. E. Greer ....,..lPort Stanley .-R.!R. 2. Aylmer """R.iR.. 1, Eden Refreshment Stand or Lunch Counter W;aillace Barber ."RBo. 1. .Eden Ire cream ,Stands W. iW. Wl1ey Roy -Vanidor .... Nelson Boyd... D. J. Ketchabaw Dwight Warden. .........'.". h,.. ..... ..ISpring,field ..{lilirst Ave., st. Thomas "'"..",,,.. "...."..."..IR..R 6,. Tillsonburg :.,,,.,,..,..,,,,iEden ,R.iEI.. 1, Aylmer Dairy Bar. Glove1"'s Dairy Bar .Aylmer, Onto All of whioh is respectfully submitted. J. D. 'l1HOMBOIN', 'County CIeri<:. 134 ELOIN COUNTY COUN1illL " LE!GAL COMMITTllE November Session To the !Elgin Couruty iCouhcil, Gentlemen: The Legal Oommdttee repor,ts afl folloWS: 1. That 'BJ' hy-law ibe prepared ,to authorize the \Warden and the Olerk to sign deed of land to ,E. S. IDown. 2. Tha.t the Warden, E. F. S~ Sanders, County SOlicitor and F. S. Thoina3, M. P.P. 'be !Committee to inrterview .IHonoraible Mr. Welch re Government assistance on survey plans in' new lbui1t 'Up areas. - All of whioh is respectfully submitted. G.AiRNEr.t' ~. Ghaimmn. < " .'$;:0 El[;G[N COUNTY: COVNCIT. 135 c BY-LAWS BY.LAW NO. 1545 To Amend By-Law No. l54rl The Elgin iOounty iCOuncil enacts: That. By-Law No. 1Ml ibe amended' as follows: 1. Sectti-OIl JlI:. This !By:-la..w shall. not be amended:so .as to .ad- versely effect _ ;the benefits or rights of the member employee, or any of them, or Ibe repealed unless 'such iamendment Or repeal shall first have :been approved hy a two-thirds vote of all ni.-ember~lloyees; nor shall the said By-Ia.w be repealed or- amend!e~ without the ap- provaI of - the Department of Municipal lArffairs. 2. !Section 1, subsection (0). part 2 of the iPlan shall now read as follows: Each female .person who becomes - an employee af!ter the eff'ee- tive date of the plan, must, as _ a condition of e.mployment, ,become a member of _ the plan: on the first day!. of the first month - 1mmediat- ly following the date _ on which'the condition applicaible as set forth in paragr~ph (ta) are fulfilled, provided. that she, has reached her 30th birthday. 3,. SectiQn clil.. :s-,J'bsection (a), part 4 .of the plan, shall read as follows: Or, in l8.ddition, if at the date of death the mem1ber has not terminated his eniplQyment and has,cbmpleted:at least 20 years of such employment. an ama~t. equal to the Past Service Illnd [Future Service ContriouJions made,:bY the EiIP..ployer on l1..is he...l1alf, together with interest. thereon as.. descrihed in paragraph [1 I(a) (il), will !be ,paid: tolJ.is designated [Beneficiary. 136 ELGIN OOPNTY COUINICJlL ~ That By...Law No. 1!i54J1 is hereby amended accordingly, Read ,30 first time this 21st day of January, 1949. Read aseco-nd time this 21st day of January, 19419. Read a third time and finally passed this 21st da.y of January, 1949. J. D. 'I1HOMISC>N, Olerk STl.MIR,T ~. Warden RY-LAIW NO. JM6 To AtlthorH.e the Warden mld'DreasllU'er to Borrow the Sum of Four Hundred., Thousand DoUars The Elgin' iCbunty lCbuncil enacts: ~, That the Warden . and Treasurer be and are hereby authorized to ;boITOW the sum of !Four [Hundred Thousa'lld lDoTha:rs from the Bank: of Montreal as it may !be required to meet the expenditures o~ the COI'lpOration of the ICounty of iEIgin d:~g the year 11949 and to give ,as security therefore notes '.of One Thousand Dollars or mul- tiples thereof. R.ead a first tL"lle this 21st day of January, 1949. Read a second time ,this 21st day of January, 1949, Read a third time and finally passed this 21st day of January, 1lI49. J. D. THOMSON, Olerk STU~ ffi'IlIlLE. Warden ... ~. ELOIN CQUNTY CO<UNOlL 131 BY"LAW NO. 1547 To Repeal By-Laws Nos. 11277, 1280, 1321 w:HE!RlEAS the Pr-ovincial .Government has aIbolished the local Old .Age Pension and Mothers' :Allowance 'Boa,rd and it is deemed ad'Visealbleto repeal the by-taws ,pertaining thereto. THIEREFlOIRiE the following B:y-Laws are repealed: 1. :By-lJaw No. 11277 to appoint members and secretary" of :the Mothers' Allowance and Old AJge Ipension Board. 2. By~a:.w iNo. 112'8'0 to provide payment. of local M'lU1icipalI01erk3 for -applications for Old! Age iPension. 3. By-Laiw No. 13!2il, to proyide !payment of local MuliicipaJ Clerks for Mothers' AllowaIliCe applications. Tha,tBY-Larws"Nos. 1J2/l7; ,1230 and :1001 are hereby repealed.. Read a first time this 21st day of J,anuary, :1949 Read a second time this mst day of January, 1949. 1 Read a third time and finally passed this 21st day of January. 1949. ~ r J. D. THOMSON, Olerk 8TU,w,T 'LI'I!mJE, Warden 133 ELOLN COUNTY OOUNtOTIL ro BY-LAW NO. .1548 To Re-appoint a Member to the ,St. Thomas Snbutban Area Commission The ,Elgin loounty Council enac,t.s: That George iH. ICrOSS ;be and is hereby re-appointed to the- ~'t. Thomas SUlbUl1bal;l tAre-a lCommission for a term of five years,. and until a 'successor is 8!PipOinted. Read a first time this 21st day of January, 1949.. Read a second time this 01s~ day of January, 1949. Read a third time" and finally .passed this 2,lst day of January, 1949. ~ ' J. D. 'I1HOMSON, Olerk STlJAlRT Ll'I'I1UE, Warden ~ BY;LAW NO. 1549 To Appoint a County Road Committee As required b.Y the Highway Act the IElgin County ICouncil en- actS: That :the following five members of this Gouncil constitute a Oommittee for the purpose of direCting the work to be done on the Gounty Road System: alarence Taylor Aor Term .of One Year Archie fOoulter .('~_ ......;.._ _-" ........~ "C7~~~~ .LV).. ....1;:;J.llJ. V.I. ....'yvv ..Lv""'}..'" AI:ba Johnson Clarence Orchard ..for Term of Three Years for Term of Four Years c, e ELGIN COUNTY COUNOliL ,139 Oha~lie Johnson .-for Term of -Five Years That lBy-Lww No; 1520 ,be and is hereby repealed. Read a first time this 2:1stday of .January, '1949. Read a second time this 21st dray of January, 1949. Read a third tiIrne and finally ipaSSed this 21st day of January, 1949. J. D. THOMSOlN, Clerk STlMJRT 'LlTTILE, Warden BY-I.AW NO, 1550 To Ap,P'O'int a Boord of Audit in the County of Elgin fOr the year 1949 The rElgin County rCouncil 'enacts: That the Judge Of the "County Gourt a..Tl.d the Treasurer,' and Mr. John Millard. be, and are hereby a.ppoin~d memlbers .of the BOla!l"d of Audit to perfom the duties' required of them by the Revised Statutes of Ontario. That themem'bers of the said iBo.ard .of Audit ibe paid -the sum of ~even [)ollars per day for their sel'lVices and five cents per mile go- ing ~to and from each taudit. iRead a first time this 21st day .of January, 1949. Read a second time this 21st day ,of January, 1949~ () 140 . ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL (.-; Read a third- time and finally .passed this 21st day of January, ,1949. J. iD. THOMSON, Clerk STUAlRT LITI'LE, Warden BY-LAW NO. 1551 To iFix Salary of th,e -Physician of the CountylHome The Elgin County Council enacts: That'the sala:r;y of the Phj'Sician of the Cotulty,Home Ibe and is hereby fixed at Four Hundred.lDollars per annum, oomlmencmg the 1st of Januanr, 11949, v All by-131ws heretofore passed in this behalf are hereby amend":' ed aocordinrgly. Read a first time this 21st day of, ,J,anuary, 1949~ Read a second time this 21st day of January, 1949. Read a third time and finaIly.passed this '21st day of January, lJ949 ,\ J. D. '11HO::MJSON) Clerk STUART L!I'I'J.'1LE, Vlarden BY-LAW NO. 1552 Tn. ."'''"''.........:1 ,U'u_T ..,.,..., N'... l;lRJl ....... -..~........ ~" ~.. 4'~' _'&V~ The Elgin- ICbunty COilncil enacts: " ELG<IN COUNTY COUNCIL "141 That the g,alary .of J. -G. TuxnbuIl and Myrtle.~ One Thousand, Eight Hundred IDollars perrannum, February :lst, '1ll49, Turnbull <be commencing That By--Law No. 1408 be and is hereby amended a'Ccordi.ngly. Read a first time this 21st day of .January. '1949: Read a second time this '2118t day of January, 1949. ~, Read a third time and finally passed this' 21st da.y of January, 1949. J. D. 'I1,HOi.MJSON, 01erk STlMIRT r..:rm1IJE, Warden BY-LAW NO. 1553 To Permit Loca.I MunicipaEtties to _ Collect "their - own Tax Arrears WHmEAJS it is deemed expedient fo-reach munic~plaJ.ity in the County of Elgin - toO _ -collect their .own taX: arrears, and whereas Sec- tion 33,. IOhapter 3, iR.. IS. O. 19'47 maikes ,provi:sdon 1lor the passing of a .by-law ,granting such ,power. The Elgin County Council enacts thla,t Sulbsection 1 of Section 20.0, 'Chapter 21712, tR.lS, O. 119317 shall apply .and extend to all muni- ctpalities of the'couuty of Elgin as follows. Townships of AJ.tiiborougn., Drmrwl.c'h, ISouthw-Qld.. (yarmouth, ;Malahide and- South Dol"c'hest~~-r; land Villages of Rodney, West Lome, JDutton, lPort !Stanley, Sprin!g.;. field, Vienna arid Port !Burwell. Read~a first ~ll€ tr.r.is 31st day of. Januar.i, 1949. Read a second! time this 21st da.y of January, 1'9'419. 142 ELGIN 'COUNTY COUNOIL ~ Read a third time and finally.passed this 21st day of January, 1949. J. D. 'I'HOMSON, 01erk S=Al&T 'LI'ITDE, Warden BY-LAW NO. :l554 To Appoint 'a. ,Clerk and Treasurer for the Oounty of Elgin 'The iEnginiCounty ICouncil enacts: That J. [D.'nlo.mson he and' _ is hereby appointed to perform all the duties' ofOlerk and Treasurer of the Oounty'of Elgin'la;ta salary of. Four Thousand Dollars per annUm, effective the lIst day of Feb- ruary,. 1'949. , That all hy-Iaws inc6nslstent with ,th~s by-law are herehy re- pealed. Read a first time "this 2'lst day of J,anuary, 1949 Read a second time this 2.1~t day of January, 1949. Read a third time and finally iJassed this mst _,day of January, 1949 J. D.'I'HOMSON, Clerk =MtT ,LlTI1UE:, Warden .., ~ l'lLGilNCOUNl'Y COUNCIL 1:43 BY-LAW NO. 1555 To &nend .By..u.w No. :1376 The iElgin ICountyCo1lllcil ena.crts:- That the salary of Miss Jean Quigley. Office AssilStant to the CountyiOle1ik:and Tr.easurer ;be !Fifteen Hundred Dollars per ..annum, commencing February 'lst,1J94S. That Ewr-1aw No. 13:7:0 :be and is -hereib'j a,mended~ Read a first time this 21st day of January, 194!9. Read a second 'time this 21st da,Y of January, 1949. Read a third tiJrne and finally ;passed -this 21st day of Janu~.. 1949. J. D. 'IlHOMSO!N, Clerk STlJIAIRT Ll'I1I1L!E:, Warden FORM A-32 BY.,:tAW NQ. 1556 A BY-lJA,W 'I1O rpfR()ViIlDE POlE/, 'TIHIE '!'0'TIAL ~ on the system of :County road'Sl.in the 'County of Elgin as approved ''by Order-in-CoUllJCil.. during the year 1949. .~ The Highwaw iIlrn[)ravement ~t. IOhwpter 56,' Ri. S. 0., 193>7. - 'and -amendments, - requires that the total ~enditures on county rqads and ':bridges be provided for anpually. by co:unty 'by.;..larw. THERJElFjcm.iE the couneil of the corporation of the said county enacts 13.8 follows:- 144 ELG[N .cOUNTY OOU.NClL ."'" (1) The sum of $3166,000.00 is herebY,apPTo{priated from monies raised by levy, debentures and government subsid(y for total expen- diture upon construction and maintenance of the roads and hlidb:res lUlder it's jurisdiction during the year 1949 as follows:- Roads Bridges & 1QWverts Total Construction ,.$128,6uv 0:0 $49,50'0' 00' $118,O'DO 0'0' Ma~tenau'Ce 156,70'0 00 3,000' 0'0' 1:59,700 0'0' New Machinery 6,000' 00 6,00'0' 0'0 .Macrunery Repairs 1,1300 ,00 1,300 0'0 -Miscellaneous 21,OuV 00 211,000. 00 ~ Totals .~13,'500 00 $52:,'500 00 $366,000 00 (2) The said monies -shall be exrpended :under the direction' .of the du1y appointed county road superintendent and ,on 'Work per- formed .in aocordaiUce with The Highway Improvement Act, <":" (3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this hy:"'law to the ilis,trict office of the Municipal Roads tBra:ruch, Department of H ghwa:y-s of Cntano, on or hefore the 31st of January Df the pre- sentye.ar. <" Passed at 1St. Thomas this 'Zlst d.ay of January A. D. 1949. J. D. 'l1HODYISON, Olerk STUAm,T'LI'I1'IlLE, Warden I, J. D. -T11OIlll?on; Olerk of the cOl1Poration of the County ot Elgin, do hereby certify tha:t the foregoing is: a true copy of Biy- law No. 1155;6 passed !by the CQUIliCU of-the said corporation on the 21st -day of January, 11949. J. D. THOMS\:)N, Count>y Clerk l?~ , . ElIJG;IN COUNTY COUN'OlL 145 BY-LAW NO. 1557 To.. Confirm the- Equa1iza.tion of the 'Assessment Roll of the County of Elgin for the Year 1949. The Elgin County OOUlllC-il enacts: That the following he the equaUmtion of-the lAssessment Rolls .of the :County of Elgin- for the yearl94S: AldboroU!g'h iDunwich Southwold Yarm~uth Malahide Bayham SOuth Dorchester Aylmer Port-- Stanley Dutton ,Rodney West Lome Port (B,urwel1 Springfield Vienna< ..$(l,462,489 3',643,795 4;696,675 5,377,738 . .,867;501 2,5'28,700 2,2i13~89,6 2,_P16 l;500,;mO 500,549 487.155 4ll1,666 250',0'00 175,30'3 140,399 $3,1,711,195 That this ICouncil is willing to ha:ve'the final equalimtion of ~ sessment Rons, in case of appeal, made by the County Judge. Read a first time .this 2~d day of March, lt949~ \ Read a secOnd time tWs'23rd day of March, 1949. Read a. third time and finally passed this 23-rd day of March, 1949. J. D. 'TIHOMSOiN, Clerk: SlTITAJRT L1'I!11[JE, Warden c' 146 EfuGIN COUNTY 'COfOiNOlL ~ BY-LAW NO. 1558 To Raise Amounts for County Rates during .the Year 19'49 W:HERElAS an estimate has been made showing that the sum 9f Two. Hundred and Ninety-three thousand, foUr hundred and thirty- eight dollars is required tolbe raised in the several municipalities for the lawful ,pu1'lpOsesof the County d1i1'ing the year 1949 on the ,basis of the equaUzed assessment as determined in 1948: M1.U1icipality Aldborough Dunwich Southwold Yarmouth Malahide Bayham South Dorchester Aylmer Dutton Port stanley Springfield Vienna, Rodney West Lorne Port Burwell Total IDqualized Vallie $ 3,46Z;489 3,643,795 4,696,675 ' 5,101#16 3,86~ )50-1 2,528,703 2,om,146 ,. 2,46~;2Q6 '5~0',54!) 1,112,.054 155,303 140',399 477,678 441,666 260",0'0'0' .~ $30';888,310 T.HIEmJEjF10RlE the Council of the Municipal CQrporationof the County of Elgin enacts: That a rate of 9.5 mills on the dollar .be levied on all rateable property in the several municipalities in the County of Engin !a.lS above set forth f.or the year 1949.: Mlll1icipality iAJdborough Dunwich ~.......h~;o<>fo. 'VV.....u".Y "'""....Vv .$ 3Z,894 34;616 " ELGIN COUNTY COUNClL 147 c Squthwolq Yarmouth Malahide &yham South Dorchester Aylmer ~J?Utton Port 'Stanley Springfield Vienna Rodney West iLorue Port ~urwell 44,618 48,521 36,741 24,023 19,20'6 23,39'1 4,945 10,565 1,475, 1,334 4;538 4,196 2,375 $293,438 Read a first time this2r3crd 4ay of~~rch. :1949.' Read..3. second tin1.e - this 23rdday of Marel1:. _~9t49, Read a third time andfinally:passeathis' ~rd day of ~a.rch, 1949. J. D. 'l1HOMSOlN, :_ ,clerk STUc'\m,T LilTT.LE, Warden BY-LAW NO. 1559 To Amend By-La.w No>. 1490 The ~ IOounty iOOUTIiCil enacts: Th8Jt the salary or Mrs. Marion Walker, Police Court OleI1k and: stenographer 'be - _ increased to One _ Thousand, !Five Hundred Dollars per :armum, commencing ~pril Ilst," 11949. 146 ELGili COUNTY COUNCi![, ,,' . That By,;.,Law No. 149n Ibe amended ,accordingly; and that B~- I.a!w No. 1524 :he and is hereby .repealed. Read a first 'time this ,15th day of Jrme, 1'949. Read a second time this 15th day of June, .1949 Read illi third time and finally passed this 15th day of June, 1949-. J. D. THOMSON, .clerk STUART 1Jrm1LE, Warden BY-iL~W NO. 1560 A -by-law to confirm ~y-LawNo. 11173 of the TownShip of South- wold ;being hy~law to close part of Inverness street in Lot 19. N.T.alE. 'Whereas the ICouncil of the ToWnship of S'outhwold on the3irQ day 'of January, 19419, did pa.s:SJ 'By-Law No. 111'73 for closing part of In1verness street ~ wt 19 N.T.lR..IE. more particularly described in the sai~ By-Law, true copies whereof are hereunto annexed. And whereas pursuant to the p!l"OVl'SlOllS of the MUIiiJc1pal Act -the said ToWnship By-law shall not have any force until confirmed /by a by':':law of the Council' of theCoim.ty in which the t?wnshi-p. 'is situate 'passed. at :an ordinary meeting of the Council .held not sooner than three months nor later than one year after the pass- ing -of the by-law of the Council of the ToWnship. AND ~AiS application has been made to the--Council O;f. the Corlporation of the 'Couniy of EIginfor alby-Iaw cOnfi:rmmg said Townsnip 'by-law. NOW 'I1HJElRIEUil0lRlE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. enacts as follows: ~ , ELGIN COUNTY COUlN'OliL 149 That B'y-La.w No. 1]173; of the Township of !So-uthwold, being ~. by-law to dose part of Inverness street from Lanark; Street North to the North EaSt rOomer of Lot ;5, iplan '14 of the Village ()f P1ngal. and frbm that point West to the Union Road, /be and the same is - hereby confirmed. Read "a first t~e this 116th -day of June, 19'49. Read: a second tiJme this li5th day of June,W49 Read ,ai third time and finally passed this 15th day of J-une, 194ft J. D. 'I1Hi0MlS0N, 'Olerk STO'AlRT ,~. Warden BY-LAW NOc 1S61 To Appoin~ a. ICounty Weed Inspecitor The Elgin iOounty ICouncil enacts: That ClaYlbourne Gordon 'be appointed COunty Weed Inspector at a salaxy.of sixty cents_ per hour and six cents per mrile for use of car; duties to commence June 1st, :1949,. That By-La.w iNo. il1497 is hereby; repealed. Read a first time this 15th day of June. 1949. Read a second time' this lS.th day of June, i19~ Read .a: third time and finally. passed ,this JJ5th day: of June,. 1949. J. D. 'IlHDiMBON, Clerk STtJ1A&T Lm'I'LE, Warden {~ , LW' EIiG<IiNOOUNI'Y',OOiUlNC,I1LL .. iBY-LAWNO, 1562 To Allthorizethe- Warden 'and .Clerk to sJign-deed OOIlv-eyingland to C. R. Abell The iEilginiC'ounty !Council enacts: That the Warden ;and 100erk are hereby authorized to sign deed coniVeying land, to 'to; It: Albell,' for the-sum'-of One IDoIHtr~ The, ~ l,a;nd !being' mo're partiCularily' described in -. 'attached de- ocription. Read--afitst time this 15th day of June, 1949. Read\a second time this 15th draw or June, 119'49. '- Read a third tkneand fiilally passed this 16th day of June. 1949. J. D. '11HOMSOIN, c-'lerk STUAiRT ffiTI1LE, Warden BY'LAW' NO. 1563. To Appoint Off"lCe ASstistant to the County 'CIerk and -Tr6aSrirer The IEIT.gin !County Council -enacts: That Mary Burke be office assistant to the County 'Olerk. an-dl Treasurer, at a saJ.<aa'y of Tw.elve Hundred Dollars per aIlniUm com- mencing September .1st, 1949; ThatTI3.y-laws.-No;\ 114l59andlOO~l are-herebyr.epea1ed'.~:. Read-a ifiTst.time .this 113th day of september, 119'49. Read'-;Ia; second tim'e this 1eth day of !September. 1949. '" ELOIN COUNTY COUNCIL.. lilt';' Read a third" time- a.nd'~finallypa:ssed.this :13th:, da.y_oi,September, 1949. ,\'-;:." '- J. D. 'l1HOMs(:>N, ,qIerk S=AiRT'iUIT!'LE, Warden By-la.w 1564 only, had ,two readings and therefore will not be printed in- the proceedings; The-'COrporatioR"of-'the' oOuiltyof' :1E1gin: .'. B'Y-LAW NO. 1565 WlHERJE1AS it is desired to submit proposed 'by-Law of the COr;poration of the ICo1U1ty of ~gi:n, being a hy-law ",to authorize the CO.I~Qration of the ICountY-of!IDlgin'to ~a[tl't~aid.i.nthe stun of $560,w 000:00 for the estlaiblishment, erection and equipment of ,the St't..- Thomas iElgirL:General.HoopitaV:,' toohtain:the orpinion'of"the'elec- tors; ~'the 06Uhci16f the. COrporation or ,the County of EI,,"'in ENcAlC'I1S AIS I'1O[JLOWlS: ('1). That the said B:v~la,w shall be submitted "to the electors for,tl:L~,_approv.a??Il!:,the 5th_day. of December; 1949betIWeen ,the houi-~ 'of' 10o'.clock.:'1n the for~n:oon and 7 o'cloe!kin the afternoon at the frOllOlWing - places, and the deputy1"eturnllig officer 'shan be the person indicated at, ,the respective'poUing,places,,-and-the,--:deputy returning ofiicerindicatedshaU- talke'_:the' :-v-otes. .at.. the, reSpective pollingsubdiivisions indicated. Tl)WTI!1I;hip Qf Mdoo!"{!iU,gh Polling subdivision No. a<A,-Jobn W. Clampbell, iDlJRl.O., 1'1'16, ,~;, COn. 3 ,t 152 EIJG[N COUNTY COUNOIL ~ ~o1ling subdivision iNo.l~W. lB. Lancaster, ~lR..O., Pt. .N!E%. 12, Con. 3. Pollihg subdiVision NO.2---John Twlks, ID\!R.O., Pt. NE%. :6, pbn" 7, Polling SUlbdivision iNo.3-M::r6. Mildred Coulter, iD.Hi.O... SID%. 6, 00n.9. Polling subdivision No. 4---1I'Vall Little, D.iR.O., Ft. '1, Con. 13.. p~Uing subdIvision No 5---Howar.d staddon" DB.C., pt. S% -18, :Con. 12. Polling subdivision No. &-Kenneth lWatterrworth, Dr.R.O", SIlk 18, .Con. 1Q. Polling subdivisio.I:1 No. 7.........JtQhn A.~ Campbell, iD.lRi.o;; !Pt. SE1A, 21,- Con. 4. polling_ sUlbdivision No. 8 Malcolm Livingstone, - D.I&.O., 6lk Zl, Con.!. o Township of DunWich Polling subdivision No. -l-!Hall, WatUacetorwn, Nol'i!llii..n Welch, D.&.O", Wa1lacetown. Polling . subdivision No. 2r---Coyne's SchoolHouse. T. A. LBraddtm, D.RID.; WaMacetown. Polling subdivision No. 3--iBennett's School, John McAlister, D.Ri.O., RR. I, Dutton. p{)lli~g suibdivisionNo. 4.-Oampbellton School, iDup.can Mci.Pherson, . D.RD., Ria. 1, [)ntton. Polling SUibdivision No. 5--Milton SInith'jS House, Lot 17, COn. 3, Kelly G_~bel1. D.RO., iR.:a. 2, Dutton. Polling subdivisioIlJ No~ 6---Hall, Co.wal, OLareilce P'atteison, D.!Ri~O., laDial station. Polling. subctivsion No.. 7~1, lana, Wilbert J. Lumley, D.F40., [ana / Station. " ~J ElL<3<IN COUNTY C0IUNOIL 153 Polling -subdivision No. &--Willey"s School, Jas. O. lFOObh:. D.IR.O~. Dut- ton, R~. 3. Township of SouthwOld Polling subdivision No. l~al Town BaU, John' A. McLennan. D.- ' RD. Polling subdivitsd.on No. 2----'George Milligan's Residence, IDuncan C. . Turner, D.RilO. Polling subdivision No. - 3-lLawrence Station Town Hall, Thompson Howe,D.IR.O. Polling SUlbdivision No. 4---Shedden [iio/ary, Clarence Palmer; [l'&O. poJ.ling subdivisioriNo. ~uthwoM !IDill:l~ WI..~. Kayle, !Da.o. Polling subdivision No. 6-:--T.albotville lOhurch iHall, JamesLm. Trnvem, V.R.O. Polling subdivision No. 7'--1l.Y.Iiddlemaxch Women's Institute H:a1:1, Ross Tufflord, D-"lJ.O. Polling subdi'Visi-on No. ~ke lRoad, John Lwctontl Residence, Lot 10, N. L. R.t 2' Range, !Elmer [HJallTis, aJ.R;JO. TowD.ship of Y~outh Polling suibdivisi.on No. 'l-fWomen's InStitute Hall, Union, Coville Lallllin,g, V. 11., O. Polling subd.ivisi-on No. ~T-emperance !House; DeEer. C. [); !PaMer, V.RO. Polling subdtivision No. ~Ye Forge and AniVil, lSpaxta, G. D. 1Bailey, D.R>O. !Polling subdivision No. 4--Mrs. G€xtrude !;lames, Lot 3, 4, Con. 6, Harry IC!OSS, D.!R.O. !Polling subdivision No. .;.....school House, No. 13, iElar1 Burton, V.R.OI. it 154 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL "" Polling wbdivisioIi No. 6---IParrk Avenue Mission iHall, Mrs" Elva Oliver, DJR.O. Polling subdivision iNo. 7-Tov,nshifp Hall, Yarmouth Centre, 'Fer..; gruson, 'Campbell, DiR,.:O. Polling subdivision No. 8-<Pu~lic !Hall, New Bar,urn, ,Earl-ISoper, D.Rl.O. iPolling subdivision No. .9-OC...ockie's !School,' Gordon iDenms1, tD.iR.O. Polling srubclivision No. lll-iD. W. Ferguson, Lot, 4, Om. 12:, [)avi~ Ferguson, D~!R,O. Polling SUbdivision No. ll---iScl1oo1 iHouse No. 27, iOi;meron MCKellar, D.RJ.O. Polling sUbd;ivmi-on (No. 12----Martha Flexen's House, st" George St" Fred Hill, D.R.O~ ,..Co, Township Of MaIahide '1: Polling subdivision No. l!A~Copenhagen Hall, Leon Simpson, D./R.Oi., R..R. 2, Aylrner~ Polling subdiviSion !-fa. IIB---<School lHouse, S.S'. !2, Alex IngTam, DR.a., RR 2; ~lmer. Polling ,subdilVis.i-on No. 2---<Mt. Salem (Hall, Harry Welter, n.R."o., RR. 6, AyUnler. Polling su:bdivilsion No. 3----!Luton School House, (Foley Ingram, D.IR.O., RE. 6, Aylnrer. Polling Subdivision No" ~chool Rouse, ISIS. No. 1212, Harry 'West, D.R.a., R.:R. 4, Aylmer. Polling swbdi'Vision No. HSchool !House, alS. No. li8,!B~rt. Woodworth, D.R.O.,R.iR. 4, Aylmer. Polling subdivision No. 6-1Clerk'\.s Office, Aylmer, Oll'tjailio, Mrs. Keith Bodkin, D.RJO., RlR.,S, Aylmer. '" )0 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 155 Townsihip of Bayham Polling snboi'vision No.. 'l-lPolice Hall, Port Burwell, HowaJrd Ohute, D.R.D., R.<R. 1, 'port Eur:vell. P.olling subdivi'sion lNo. ~gin Vyse Residence, 'F'11ed !Balker, LD.- R.O., Vienna. Polling subdivision No. 3'-<S[lliuck's Sichoal House, Elton Jaokson, D, R:O". iR.R. 1, Straffordville. PollinglS:ubdivision No. 4-----Township Hall, Stratfordyille, H. P. IGliaiIlt, DjR.O., IStrMfordville. Pollipg subdivision No.5--Co:rinth Hall (Women's [nstitute).. N. H. McComey.. lD.iR.O., !ftR; ',I, cOrin,th. Polling sUbdivision No: 6,......,ffiJden. School, Chaa:les iKetchrubaw, DJiR.O., Eden. Polling subdi'VJsion lNo. 7'---!Richmond ISchool, Fred Procumer. D.R.O., R.R. 1, iStraffordville. Polling subdivision No. a---,s,S. lNo. 4 School, Ira lMitchelJl, D.~.o., Ri-R. -S, Aylmer. Township of South [l)orchester P.olliIig subdivision No. lr---lMairtin's School, H. M. Wooliey, iDJR.O., Ri.!R. ,1, Springfield. Polling subdivision_ No. 2--ILyons Hall, A. A. LiIidsay!D.R.O., RJ,IR.' 2, ,springfield].' Polling subdivision No. 3---l0rossley-lHunter, H. M. Brown, iD.R;o.., R.Ri. 1, King\<;mill. Polling subdivision iNo: 4--Masonic Ha,ll, John Ferguson. ID.R.O.. Belmont. Polling - SIll'bdivision No. I5---4York School, Jas. S. Kingwel1, D.R.O.. Springfield, No.1. ~ 156 ELGm COUNTY COUNCIL ., Polling subdivision !No~ f6---(Mount Vernon School, Jas Dorles-s, D.E.a., Springfield, No. 1. Polling SUbddvisi"On No. 7'----1Public lLihrary, Ed. Coventry, [).&JO., Bel- mont. Town of Aylmer Polling subdivision No. I-Town iE:Iall,Bert :Fuller, D.'R.O. LB-Town iRall, Mrs. W. .R. Gifford, DR.O. Polling subdivision No. 2-Town Hall,Frank Leeson, D.R.O. 1B----'".Down Hall, Mrs. Bert 'Fuller, D.iR.O. Polling subdiviston No. i3L--OO 'Uat1bot . street, . H.E:. tAmwtrong, D.IR.O. B---2:9 Ta~bot Istreet, Mrs. Wm.. Potts, D.!R.O. "G Village of Vienna Polling SUbdivisiori-':'Town Hall, Mrs. -Louise M-cDo-nald, n.lRi,o. Village of Springfield Polling subdivision-T~ 1Hall, John Hodgson, DlR.,D Village of Port Stanley po1!ling sU!bdiv$ion NO'. 'l---oTown Hall, Fred (J. \Bartholeme:w,D.R..o. Polling subdivision No. ,~h~ Gamge, Ross OlaIlk,n.[R,.o. Village of Dutton Polifug subdivision No. l~C'ommunity :Hall, Colin \A; MioPhail, DRO. Polling subdivision No. 2l-COInm_ty HaJJ, Bel'lram Smith, DiR.O. ,<;I; D EUrnN com COUNiCI'L 1:5.7 VIllage of West Lome Polling subdivision A..-<Town Han.Mrs; Tena McGregor, D.:R.o. ~brary, D. M; Leitch, DJR.O. , Bl---iCamp.bell and Craig, Insuranoe Office. Mrs. Nina Sheeler, D.:R.o. Village of Rodney Polling subdivision No. l~Pu!bIic Library, Donald Patterson. DAO. Polling subdivision No. 2----fCounci1 IOhambers. :Adrian Shippey, DffiI.IQ. Village of !Port Burwell Polling ."bdivis1on-ToIWn Hall, W. S. Laycock, D.IR.O. (2). That the first da.y .of !December, A. D., 19:49, ,at eleven o'clpck in the forenoon at the .office of the Clerk-of eachLooal MunicipaUty has: 'been .fixed, for the appointment 'by the 'Reeve or iDeputy ReeVle of such, looal municipality .of persons to attend at the polling places and" a.t theofinal sU!mtrrling up oft~e votes.' by the ICIlerk of the County Oif 'ElIgin. (3). That on the 9th day of, December, 19'49, . at the hour of eleven o'clocik: in the forenoon at the CountyOouncil iOhambers within the Court ,House at the ICity of st. ThdmlaS, ,.the Olerk! of the COunty 01] Elgin shall attend and! sum! U1P 'the-votes given for !filIld against the' said prOPOlSed by-law. (4L That 'the electors entitled to vote on- ;the Said proposed by- law shall he those persons within eaoh of the loCtaJ. m1.1ilicipalities of which -the ICOunty is COJlllpOiSled who Me. entitled to' vote on money 'bY-Iaws.- and the list ofvotersfot each local mtlnicipalityr shall be prepared rbY' the Olerk or. it. Re.a.a.' a first time the L..'3-th day' of iSeptemJber. Read a- secondtiIne the 13th. day' of September. z 158 ELGIN COUNTY COWCiIL p Read a .third time and passed the 13th day of September, 1949. STUART LITI1LE, "'Varden J. D. 'IiHOMSON, Clerk ~HE OORPOlMTlON OF 'l1HE OOUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 1566 WHiERffi1AIS by Deed 9.ated the 10th December. 1945. and reg1stered 11th December, 1945 ialS No. 25981 for So:uthwold~ the 100['}}Orationof the :County of Elgin did convey to Edgar S. Down. of the Village of! 'S.h.edden, in the County of Elgin, Thresher, certain lands ai1d pre;.. m1ses in ,the Township of ISouthwold., in th~ County of Elgin; AN[} WlHlIDRIElAJS in said deed, there was error m.ade in the des- cription of the lands firstly d€\SJcrtbed therein, in that the point of carrimencement was descrihed las "Co:mmencing on the North side of the North Branch of Talbot Road" in lieu_ o-f the correct description, namely, "Gommehcing on the West si~ of Union'Roaid"; -AND WlRiE1RIE.A.s there has been no question as to the proper description of the said lands since said date, and the Sjaa.d :&lgar S. Down has Ibeenin open, excLusive, continuous, undil&turbed and Ull- ,disputed possession and ooc'UpaMon of the said lands and every part thereof, (and has applied to the ICo~ration of the iCounty of Elgin. fOT a quit claim deed to correctly describe the said 1andSi; NOW, 'IlHElRJEDRIE, TIllE COIRJROIRIA'l1!:ON OF 'I1HlE iOOUlN1I1Y OF EUG<IN EN1~C'I1S AS FOIIJLOWS: THlAT.. Quit Claim Deed be executed: by the warden and the Olerk of.the lCorporation of the County of Elgin, to the' said Edgar S. Down, with -respect to the following lands: ".A.[l[. .MID ISliNIGfU[.JA(R that certain: ipaiI'cel o~ tract of land ~d premises situate, lyjng and ibe-ing composed of a part of Lot :Fif- ~ . {, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 151::1 .teen, North of the North Branch of Tallbot !Road .of. Southwold, in -the County of lffigin, which may larly described as follows: in the ToWIllShip ,be more particu;. COMMElNClINlG on ,the West side of the Union lRIOiadat a point which is North fr:om the'ISouth-easterly angle of said: Lot a distance of Fifty-five and one-half feet; TEimN10E South-'.westerly parallel with the North Branch of the Talbot RQlad a distance of One hundred and 1IDi.ght feet. THlENiOE Northerly parallel to the "Union ~d a distance of Fifty-five and one-half fee't; THiE1N1C!E: North-easterly parallel with the North Bl'Ianoh of the Talbot Road a distance of One hundred and Eight feet to .the Union Road. TRlEINiOE Southerly along the Westemly limi,t of ,the Union Road a di:s-tance of Fifty-five land one-half feet to the place of ~beiginninjg. :Read a first time 'the i24th day of November. .Read a second time the 24th day of November. ' Read a third time and finally passed thh 24th day of November. STUAR,T I.1I:T'I1LE, Warden . J. D. THOMSON, Clerk 160 =IN ~COUNrY ~0liL ,0 'NO'Vemiber, 1949. WEED INSPEOrORl'S REPORT To the ffillgin iCountylCouncil, Gentlemen: I wish to. report to you on the Elgin County Weed 100ntrol pro- gram this year. The !County Weed Inspectors wo:r;k Wlder and; talkie orders from < the . Crops and Weed and !Seeds fuanch .of the [Department of Ag_ riculture, land under the direct sUPBI1Vision of a district [nsrpector, !l\1i". J. G. M.cPharlinof Essex County. Your weed' inspecoor-.received good co~operation from the various ofificiaIs ini charge of maintenance of Higl:1ways. .county Roads and Township !Roads. " ",,"Hl;; :..~...::.~ ~ ;.1lA;i:lls a little slow or .llate in getting weeds cut. _but the majority aided the weed inspecoor. The provirucial lhigjh- ways were well loaked after, also the county roadS! were rwell looked after. 'J, Some townships did very well, others TInt SO good. The trouble with the tOiW\!lshi(ps not nian~ -own 'any equi~nt to,~ut weeds- on the' roads. They depend on hiring a /power mower, whfup. is tailmos,t im;. pOSSible to do at the right t1m.e. On the farms there was a lot of, after harrvest cultiVlating and dis,;. dng. Theqryfall also helped to control. the, weeds to iai large extent. . . . The weeds are had on rented farms or faI"IllS tha.t oove heen aband- oned 'Or deserted. There was not much spraying done an the IQbunty rRoads this yea.r~ but the spTayinrg in 19\18 .showedgood results. SOme of the kfflnshLps did some spraying Rnd others didn't de any -spraying; One township in the east iaiIld one :.in the west did! a consdderableamount of spraying. '.1 ( , ElUGIN COUNTY UO'ONCJL '161 Tn IDunwich townshIp on,. iAirgust26:th; 1949, under the,super- vision .of the lDlstrict InSpector, IV.ri...!J'. G. McP!harlin' we did a little eXiPerimental spraying, on, sec{)-nd Ig'l"owt:h brush. sow thistle, poison ivy,wiuh,a1ch.enucra.l called Weedorne', fromi~POna1"d1 iBros. Limited, oif Harrow, Ontario.Thi~ was a,}JlPliedat th~ rate of- onegral1on _w sixty fiv:e Of - -water. "MoTe fa,rmers are spraying now and' 'baking to -us.i.D.g ,c::heanicals. :as,spraye-rsrareeasilymount~ -oii. ,trOOtors. :"irourweed. inspectcrdidn'tget startedth:i5year Uliti1:Jttly.:2oth. :1ie ,tl'3.JVell~d, ,1524, In?i1es, -worked 17.> hours. ThetotalsalaTY;.:.tra.vel- 1lng-. -and>,pho~eexpenses- were '$006.84. All of which is respectfully submitted. C!UA.YIIlOKmNE O!ORDON, Weed Inspector. . 102 ELGIN COUNTY COm.OIL 1'" INDEX GRANTS-C- To the Warden and iR,eporters Agricultural and Horticultural Societies Lock,-ups PUib~o Libraries TrusteeS" and Ratepayers' Asso.ciation Women's' Institutes, Bobier Home, Dutton TillsonbUl'!g Hospital 65 17 '''''' 16 71 16 54 35, 36 l\US!CELLANEOUS~ QommunicB.ltions OOUnty'Council OountW Offi<.:iais Deputations and Committees MuniCipal Glerks and Tr'ea:surers - --Appointm-ent-of- IDeleg:ates-':-:-:;:: .--;-;-;.-;~-..-;:-:-:-;-;-.:.-;-;-.-;';-:-.-:-:-~: Resolutions ;... replies from othercourities :,~.. WaTden's Address' Warden's Eleotion 5, 10', 30', 39, 51, 59. 3, 4 2 28, 37 2 ..C...c,c -28 7, 32, 53 9, 40, 58 4 .~ / , RFlP'OR1~S OIF COMMiITTEESi and OmCIALS"- wiculturalCOl1l!m.!i.ttee Weed "InSpector County Road Oommittee County icrerk, on 'Licens.es County Home Committee Education iOoin!mJittee EqUlaJization Finance iOommittee Inspector County _HOIttle Physician, ,IGo_unty l;Iome 'Property COmmittee " 68, -69. 7() 160', 161 100, 111 r2~, 133 74, 75, 76 71, 72, 73 112 79, 94 121. 12.6 77 99, 10'2 ~~ . .I , I '(' ~'\ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 163 Special HQStpi,tal Committee GOlUlty Treasurer's' Report !Legal Committee .. Petitions and Legi'sJ.ation, Standing Ooimllittees BY-lAWS- No. 1'5'45 113, 118 ~UI, 121 134 95, 97 "" 67 1546 T-o-AmendBy-Law 1641 re PensionSuperan- nuations un ....... ..... ........," . ...... 21. 135 TO" Authorize the Wa,rdenand Treas-UTer to lBor';' row: the sum of Four Thousand Dollars. ... .... 21, 136 , .. To Repeal Bw';'Laws 1!277, 11280 and 1301' re Old Age Pensio:p.[8Qard .._.... , ..........n ... 22, 137 To iRe:"'LAppoint .a" MeInibe'r to the" st. Thomas_ Suburban Area iOoIIlm!ission ..... .....;.. 23, 138 To APPOintlCOunty 'Road ICommittee . ..... .........23, 133 TO,Appoint a Board! of iAudit in the Co~ty of Elgin for the Year 1949 h"'" ....;.... '" 24, 139 Th Fix the Salary of the Physician qft!he ElgIn County Home ...... .................."........... 25. 140 To Amend!By-[,,~w 1.w8 1'e Salaries .of the SUper- Intendent and.,Matron_at ~heICounty~ome .. ....... .25, 140 To 'Per1n!it local Mlinicipalities to iOollect their own Tax Arrears ,.. ....{....'. ...... . n.,."... ....h .26, 141 '110 Appoint a 01erk and. Treasurer for the County" of .EJgin, ':'"1" . ..:..:'. ..:....... '".".:: .......... ',: 27, 142 To Amen,d By,..La,w No. 1J3,76're salary of Office .Assistant 27, 143 A. By~'La;w' to-. Provide for the. ~o-tal ExpenditUloe on .CountyRoads ........ ................. .. . ... h.m..; . . ... 28, 143 A By-Larw to ICOn-firm the Equalizatio:Il. Rolls.,"of l;ihe IOountY.'ofElgin for the Year. ofl949 ...... ...." 3:7, 145 To Raise Am'Ounts for County !R,a,tes for the Yaar of 1949 ". "... 38, 146 1='6 Amend By-Ln- 1490 re: ,lSalary of Police 'COurt Clellk . "..... "..... ..... ."". .... ..." . .. 48, 147 To Confirm By-'Lawl:773 of the township of Soutl1woId. ,....."."..."............................".."...". . .."..... .,," 48, 148 1547 1548 1549 1660' 151511 15&2 ]&53 1&04 ]555 '1'006 1557 1558 15&9 1560' ~. --'~ 164 ELGIN- COUNrYCQItFNQlL 1563 To Appoint .A County Weed Lnspeetot 49.- 149 To Aut.horize the Wa.rdenind IClei'k to agn Deed. OonveyingL.and to C.:R. Ahell 49; 1150 To Appoint Office Assista,nt to. the.. Cotmty Clerk and Treasurer 56. 160 To GI1ant Aid for the Erection cifthe !St. Thom- as and Elgin Gen-er,al H:ospital ,56 To. Pr.ovide - for _-'I1ak:ing1 Votes far the iRa-tepayers of the OoU11'~Y - of ELgin {)rf, It;:1 To Authorize tpe Warden and Ole.rkto Sign Deed afLand to E. S. Down -66, 1518 1561 1:562 1564 1565 1566 .~ R<ESOlLU1'IONS- Re Speci-al Committee' to. Strike Standing iOommittees 8 '; Re 'Petition fel" G(Wernment lRnald S'UlbsidW 8 Re Improvements on Highwa:.y N'o. .3 ,at OVerhead Brid,ge 1G :R.e-PayrinJent to' Municipal ,Cietiks for' O[]..(ij iAge Pensions 17 ReWorkm-eh;s 'OcIIna:lensatien Irtsuranceoii FiShermen 17 Re _ Re:J.uesting Re;pair -and IItirp1"ov'etri.ent of IProvltilci'al iIiighway; _3 ~ Re Scholarships to Students 11.,t Uh.i:Ver'Sity of Westem Ontario.. 18 Re Increased (8tib.iid~' oo;-Railiw~y Crossings by Tra;rtSipoi't Board 19 Re ImpoSition :.6f additiona.l charge on - Mot6rVehicle Permits ,by the Department .' . 20 :ReRsgu1~!;tions to RestrietHunting~ ofO~e 'i11 the., :County of Elgin . '33 To Appoint ~ IC'ommrittee -on Hospital Bciar-d for, the, year of 1'949 3,7 iRe bisitTibution, of fines .to Towns and Villages ~ ne Granting Holiday on ISatUi'dia;5r mo~s'durl1ig the months of "n1y, AuglllSt" 46 Re Aippreciation. to~e LOndo.n :Free Press. iiltl1.e: lOentennial E~~ ~ iRe Renewal of InS'tlrance Policies 'With the: iF'r'am:: iCOWIan. Agenoy 47 ~. Enforcemento{ lSectioh44 (Jof the Highway ~affic Act.:" re - iHitchhikers ... ... ....y..~ ...... .,,'....',,".. 54 '~" Taking a Vote of 'the people of the'Couiity'6f Elgin 06unty; 1 , +...;, ,".-.-~1.. ~ -.......~____, ......_-'-'-,..._.,- l1U :.Dl.UJ.u, il:to- .l'lt1W .n.u.::>.l.I.llJ~l; 55 1> .' IJi \ I