1950 Minutes PROCEEDINGS OF THE Elgin (ouniy Council During the Sessions held in the Court House, St. Thomas in the months of January, March, June, September and November 1950 JOHN, D. THOMSON, County Clerk A. V. COULTER, V{arden OFFICIALS 1950' D. F.McCuaig, County Judge H. J. Davis, Registrar I. D. Cameron, County Court Clerk and Sheriff E. W. Haines, Clerk of the Peace and County Crown Attorney A. T. Kington..Gaoler Alex McColl, Public School Inspector Kenneth H. D. Hall, Assistant Inspector J. D. Thomson, County Cterk and Treasurer F. A. Bell, C. E., County Road Supt. George Powles, Ass't County Road Supt. E. F. S. Sanders, County Solicitor Douglas L. Ewin, M.D., Physician Gaol and County Home J. G. Turnbull, Supt. County Home E. Donald Smith, County Police Magistrate Cpl. W. N. Peters, Ontario Provin-cial Police Claybourne Gordon, Weed Inspector COUNTY AUDITORS' D. M. Leitch, West Lorne W. E. Locke, St. Thomas, R. R. 8 Municipality Clerk Treasurer Aldborough_______.Chas L Black, Rodney........W. S. Stalker, Rodney, R. R. 1 Dunwich....mo...oA. N. Walker, Dutton......m...Mrs. Mildred McNeil, Dutton Southwold.......oW. G. Blewett, St. Thomas, R. R. 6nmn.Richard Kimble, St. Thomas, R. R. 1 yarmouthnn........om........H. L. Lawton, St. Thomas.................m....H. L. Lawton Malahidemo___.....Harley Johnson, Aylmer, Box 478....mnmHarley Johnson Bayhammnn.nnn~.mmuJ. D. Vallee, Straffordvillenmmnnm..mnnJ. D. Vallee South Dorchester.._.M" S. Charlton, Springfield, R. R. 3nnM. S. Charlton Town of Aylmeroo___.o...,_n.mmnm..mJohn S. Foynnnnmom_mmmmunJohn S. Foy Village of Vienna....m.Mrs. Louise McDonaldmom.M.:rs. Louise McDonald Village of SpringfieldnnnmmmmnJohn Hodgson.mnmmnmmWm. H. Cathers Village of Dutton.m.mmnmnnZ. E. MacCallumnnnn....m...nMrs. Mary Moore Village of Port StanleYomn__m,":"ooo___o___.,J. H. Burke......._m..._m..:.J" H. Burke ViHa:ge or Rodney___......._.__..George L. IvIistelennmnm.mGeorge L. Mistele Village of W~st Lornem..m.mm.Allan S. CraignnnmnmMrs. Tena McGregor Village of Port Burwell....m..mm..mW. S. Laycock..m...m....un.W. S. Laycock PROCEEDINGS OF THE Elgin Counly Council FIRST SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 17th day of January, 1950 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, as required by Statute. The following members filed certificates and took their se~ts at the Council table: Stuart Little, Reeve, Aldborough Edmund Ashton, Deputy Reeve, Aldborough A. Blue, Reeve, Dunwich Wm. S. McKillop, Deputy Reeve, Dunwich Clarence Orchard, Reeve, Southwold Walter Auckland, Deputy Reeve, Southwold Archie Coulter, Reeve, Yarmouth W. K. Bodkin, Deputy Reeve, Yarmouth Charlie Johnson, Reeve, Malahide James A. Fuller, Deputy Reeve, Malahide Arba J ahusoD, Reeve, Bayham 4 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Charles F, Jackson, Deputy Reeve, Bayham Ronald McNeil, Reeve, South Dorchester John Millard, Reeve, Aylmer W. R. Gifford, Deputy Reeve, Aylmer Howard Palmer, Reeve, Vienna Elmer Wackley, Reeve, Springf~leld Garnet Speers, Reeve, Port Stanley Dr. C. A.. Bell, Deputy Reeve, Port Stanley W. T. Merrett, Reeve, West Larhe A. T.. Lashbrook, Reeve, Rodney , A.. N" Wright, Reeve, Port Burwell. J.I.:Ioved by Reeve Little that we adjourn to the Court room owing to the large crowd. -Carried. The election of Warden '"vas proceeded with and on the first ballot, Archie V. Coulter, Reeve of Yarmouth was elected Warden of the County of Elgin for 1950. Reeve Little introduced the Warden to the Council, and the Vvarden addressed the Council expressing appreciation for his election. Moved by Ashton, Seconded by W. T, Merrett: ELGIN COill'j"TY COUNCIL 5 That the minutes of the last day of the November Session as printed in the Proceedings be accepted as if read. -Carried. The following Communications were read and referred to the var- ious Committees: COMMUNICATIONS From the University of Vvestern Ontario with appreciation of SCholarships to Elgin County Students,,-Filed. From the University cf Western Ontario re Grant of One Thousand Dol1ars.-Filed. From the County Council Section of the O. E. A. re annual Conven- tion and Membership fee-Referred to the Education Committee From the Ontario Municipal Association with request for Member- ship fee.--,--Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Salvation Army with request for. a Delegation's appear- ance at Council.-Filed, From the County Educational Association re annual fee.-Referred to the Education Committee. From the Ontario Good Roads Association re Convention and lvi:embership fee.-Referred to the Road Committee.. From the Central United Church with invitation to a Sunday Ser- vice.-Filed. From the Canadian National Institute for the Blind with annual report and request for grant.--,--Referred to the Finance Committee" From the Navy League of Canada re Delegation to appear befor~ Council, and request for grant.-Referred to the Finance Committee, From Mason Villa Hospital re rate for indigent patients,,-Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Ontario Agricultural Council 1'8 Annual Convention and J\Iembership fee and appointing of delegates.-Referred to the Agricul- tural Committee. 6 ELGIN" COU':-;7Z C01.T?\"C;IL From the Ontario Association of Managers of Homes for the Aged and Infirm re annual convention, and Membership fee.-Referred to the County Home Committee. From St. John's Ambulance with request for granL..-Referred to ~ the Finance Committee. From the St. Thomas Suburban Roads with estimates for 1950.- Referred to the County Road Committee.. From the County of Perth, re Immigration of displaced persons.- Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. From the County of Simcoe re increased provincial grants for Child- ren's Aid Society Wards and indigent patients.-Referred to the Peti- tions and Legislations Committee. From the County of Simcoe with resolution regarding Daylight Saving Time.-Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. From the County of Kent with resolution re Amendment to the High School Act.-Referred to the Education Committee. From the County of Hastings with resolution re cost of polio cases in hospitals,,-Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. A petition from the ratepayers in the township of Yarmouth re hard surfacing of the first concession of Yarmouth.-Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Ontario Conservation and Reforestation Association re Membership fee.-Referred to the Agriculture Committee. From the County of Middlesex with request that LegiSlation be enacted to provide compensation for damage to Motor Vehicles and Occupants of such Vehicles by deer running at large on public highways. -Referrred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. From the Registry Office re Fees.-Referred to the Finance Com.. mlttee. . ELGIN COUNTY IXlUNCIL ; From the Department of Reform Institutions re Inspection..-:--Re,. ferred to the Property Committee. From the Ontario Association of Rural municipalities re the annual convention and membership fee was .presented and r_eferred to the Fin- ance Committee. Replies From Other Counties to Elgin County Resolutions Re Distribution of Fines to Towns and Villages. Concurred in~Victoria, Huron. Endorsed-Simcoe, Kent, Hastings. Adopted-Lennox and Addington. The Warden requested Reeve Little to introduce the members of Council. Moved by Wm. T.Merrett, Seconded by S. Little: That the Warden and Clerk be authorized to submit to the Ministel' of Highways of Ontario the petition of the County of Elgin showing that from the first day of January, 1949, to the thirty-first day of December, 1949, there has been expended on the County Highway System the sum of $346,985.55.. ---Carried. Moved by W. Auckland, Seconded by Lashbrook: That Section 59 of By-Law No. 1463 of the Rules and Regulations be suspended and the W.arden appoint a Committee of five to strike the Standing Committees for 1950. -Carried. The Warden appointed the fonowing members as Committee to strike the Standing Committees: Reeves, C. Johnson, Millard, Orchanl, and Little. ti" 8 . ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Garnet Speers, Seconded by Dr. C. A. Bell: . That we do now adjourn to meet at 10.00 a.m. on .Wednesday, Jan- uary 18th. ""---Carried. A. V. COULTER, Warden . , ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 9 FIRST SESSION - SECOND DAY We~esday, the 18th day of January, 1950 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the chair. All the members present except Reeve Palmer. Reeve Davies filed his certificate and took his seat. The Warden addressed the CounciL Warden's Address To the Elgin Countr Council: Gentlemen: In again thanking you for the honour you have conferred upon me, in electing me your Warden for 1950, let this repetition of my thanks lend 'emphasis to my appreciation. As we commence our work, \ve are not only beginning a ne.w year, but the first year of the last half of the Twentieth Century, so Elgin has played her part in the development of the nation in the past, we should ever be prepared to maintain our just role in the future. The year 1950 is also significant in that it marks the Centennial of five of our municipalities. The townships C?f Bayham, Yarmouth, Southwold, Dunwich, and Aldborough, will be observing this anniversary in an appropriate man- ner and should receive some fitting recognition from this County. The wisdom of last year's Council in presenting the hospital by-law for the ratepayers opinion has been amply justified, and they h~y'~ responded with a favourable vote. 10' ELGlli COlB-TY COUNCil.. This decision will mean an increased amount of work for the Hos- pital Committee. All the members of this Council should be ready to assist in the campaign to be launched next month for voluntary contri- butions for the hospitaL The financing of the C-ounty"s Share of the new hospital should come up for early discussion, and' decision reached as to length 'of-time for which debenture should be issued, also the advisability of consid- ering if a levy should be included in this year's tax -rate for"it. The County fl.'nahcfal surplus has been reduced owing to deficits in the County Home and Children's Aid Society Departments when grants fr.om the Provincial Government were not received" Continued unsettled world conditions are being reflected in our markets, and have already caused dislocations in outlets for some of cur Agricultural products" While these adjustments are natural in the levelling off process, they are by no means an ollien of a depression. Economy in public spending is always a good policy, and should definitely be kept to the fore in preparing our budget this yeai' in view of the fact that we have added committments for hospital purposes. While I stress economy, I do not mean that false variety, that wou~d neglect essential services, or even an orderly expansion of them,_ nor the starving of desirable and worth while institutions. To pursue the former course would only add a further burden to the tax payer of the future, pI' to adopt the latter, an increased burden to the individual of the present. Several recommendations have been made by the Provincial Inspec- tor of County Homes for improvements at the Elgin Institution to eliminate fire hazards which should receive careful consideration by the Committee. Our County Librarian with the new Bookmobile purchas_ed last year has been able to distribute large numbers of books to libraries and schools of the County which will provide more adequate reading ma- terial for all sections of the County. The usual requests for grants will be presented which the Cotmcil should carefully consider. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 11 I would like the Chairman of the several Committees their members and promptly dispose of any business that ferredto them to convene may be re- Gentlemen of the Council:- As we turn to the tasks that are before us, let us give to each prob- lem as it arises that consideration which is its just due, and so by our deliberations and actions proceed to write into the records another shining page in the already glorious history of Elgin County; a page which children yet unborn may read with pride, and having read, may exclaim of a truth, that Elgin County Councillors of 1950 were worthy successors to a long line of able administrators. The minutes of the previous day were read and confirmed. The Warden asked His Honour, Judge D. F. McCuaig to address the Council, and the Judge gave a very delightful and in~tructive talk. Reeve Little moved that Professor Fred Landon be now ,heard, and Mr. Landon addressed the Council on improvements being made at the University with an invitation to the Council to attend special days in March and June, also on the standing of the students from Elgin who secured Scholarships. His request for a grant was referred to the Finance Committee It was moved by Deputy Reeve, Fuller, that A.. v.. Langton, Agricul- tural Representative be now heard. Mr. Langton reported on the past year's activities in the various branches under his control and requested the same grant for 1950. The matter was referred to the Agricultural Committee. Moved by Deputy Reeve Ashton that the delegation from the Navy Leagu~ be now heard. Mr. Scott McKay addressed the Council re the building purchased for Navy Cadets in St. Thomas, and requesting a grant which was referred to the Finance Committee. Moved by Deputy Reeve Jackson that the County Auditor, W. E. Locke be now heard. Mr. Locke presented the financial report. 12 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Ashton, Seconded by Merrett, That the Auditor's report be printed. -Carried. The report of the Committee to strike the. Standing Committees for 1950 was presented by Reeve Little, and adopted on motion of Reeve Little and C. Johnson. Moved by Dr" C. A. Bell, Seconded by Garnet Speers: That we do now adjourn to resume at 2 p,m. -Carried. The Council resumed nl 2$qJ~Jf;~YBi~~2~~}itt}:9frtj,9~Ss1Y~r~_; r~~~:i; oriw !Xj;~I::I~ {no>:l c11':;"ibi');::; cHi~ '>:8 ::-:r([,')::J;-:'2 ::),,:1 "C C_ sdJ :gpjffi}lG1G?natpJ,jOj1?RP~enV~1}pn,2~~~;J?~~~~estor~_~~on Association re Forest Fire Protection.-Referred to the Agricultur:~~)9ommittee. . ~rom L D. q!l~er?n".~.I;e:i~!}! ~?<~~. gf ,l:t~~~~p, ~qn,~~_!~.~ Gaol Staff. -lQRefd'trelf',tb''tli"e Firrarfc-eiCb'ih'tt.lifte-e: y,_,,_l f..~~~. -'" '. -' "~" ~'"'> J2Sq srlj no b9hoq:~Y! rroJguBJ ,,'ilL "b'~J-,:::JIi "i:o;r 96 s';i->' :;9[:;9',. beJ8SIJj)S'I n.'Ls IO'j:!-rrO::J 2.lrllSb::er,r 2s...f~t1.G'1d ,:.u,:;r;!:'/ t:dj Hi ,,5:1i-_';10.;.. IlnrJ,;rR;)~I-geRoEl1pI3}~Ej,t1ES~Wlt 21']yofm~~ep-:pp ~~~2f!9~:pi~~~'l".~~ 1~~s presented by the Clerk and referred to the Finance Commi~t~l~:ii-,,:.:,,-~c:) The report of the Petitions and Legislations Committee was presen- 'fed ~.<<cl:t.&O?Jttcf[BH'ifith1'8~'6t iJ&~t!tjJ ffe'~y1;1~sJ}\t9b.lJg*a rf~ttit~?*eevr ~-rlcit1aIAtt:uo::) sri} bsaaS'WDS '{.sxJi.\'~ Ho::;c; ;'XlVl DTEer;: VlU~ -SC: o:rgJJS'-,- .s -gfIiJ25UpS'! bus ,asmorlT .j8 .at 2JebB8 '{V.i3?1 'ro'1 b??-Bf:bwq -gr:ibrir;o .9s:i.tfmmOJ so-nz.a:i'ii sdj oj bel'r9~91 c-..s'{/ ;:::'ir{v; ;-fiBT~ Moved by C. A. Johnson, S!ecthd'{~B:j-biyJ6a16.~f'S') ewi:~:j.Br{j a02.~bE.t. 9vt,~."-i .j'IOq9'I fsbr::snW sriJ b:;dn:92!1"HI s}[ooJ, 1},:;: '{Juqeu '(d bsvol',oJ: b'1B9!! won "i 9)\:>OJ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 13 ~: That \ve do now adjourn to meet on Thursday, January 19th, at 10 am -Carried. A, V. COULTER, Warden 14 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FIRST SESSION - THIRD DAY Thursday, the 19th day of January, 1950 The Elgin County Council met according to adjournment. The Warden in the Chair, All the members present ,except Reeve Palmer. The minutes of the previous day were read and conf~lrmed. A communicatio~ from the Ontario Association of Rural municipal- ities re the annual convention and Membership was presented and re- ferred to the Finance Committee Reeve Speers moved that the Representative from the Canadian National Institute for the Blind be now heard. Mr.. Wheeler addressed the Council on the work in the County and requesting a grant. The matter was referred to the Finance Committee It was moved by Reeve Little that the Representative from the Sal- vation Army be now heard. Major Dumerton addressed the Council on the work of the organization and requesting. a grant. The matter was referred to the Finance Committee. The .first report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Millard, and Speers The report of the Education Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Lashbrook, and Deputy Reeve Jackson. The report of the Property Committee was presented and adop.ted on motion of Deputy Reeve Jackson and R.. Auckland. Moved by E.. Ashton, Seconded by stuart Little: That we adjourn to meet till 2 p.m. ---Carried. ELGIN' COUN'TY COUN'CIL 15 The Council resumed. The two reports of the Finance Committee were presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Millard and A. Johnson. The report of the County Home Committee was presented ,and adopted on motion of Fuller and Ashton. . Moved by Reeve Speers that Dr. Kennedy, Medical Health Officer be now heard. Dr.. Kennedy addressed the Council on the work of the Health Unit. The Warden asked the Ex-Warden, Mr.. Gordon Newell to speak to the Council. Mr. Newell addressed the council on Farm Prices. Moved by W" T. Merrett; Seconded by S" .Little: "That we here~y certify that Mrs" Marion Gillard, Roy La Forge, Russell Ford, D. Houghton, has been employed' by the County of Elgin during the period of three years immediately prior to the date of this cer.tificate in'a position requiring f,ull-time service forrlot less than eight months in each year and is expected to continue in such service for an indefinite period." " Moved by Dr. C_ A" Bell, Seconded by Garnet Speers: That we do now adjourn to meet on Friday, the 20th day of January at 10 a.m. -Carried. A. V. COULTER, Warden. (~ 16 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FIRST SESSION - FOURTH DAY I::nB bs;r.;sOl.'nq $Frl~jthe 20th day of January. 1950 .ili)2:rr:1ot The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Tfi-dm''a'-S;qfic~g,c~ordanceeWffhradjournment. . All the members present except Reeve Davies. 'Ie~n.:O rij-i.,,8E ;:s:)rb81l ,'{D.911S:'3 ',?r1J The:';Wwrden im ttiec.ch-aJ,rf>ri:: The minutes of the previous day were read and confirmed. 1~~q2 0) ilS7i3Z .so::r!c_-f) :>1,[ ,'J:>b The report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Millard and Reeve McNeil. 0 oG5:)!'!<:;: ~j:r:E-"! Cl"G ~J')r. The report of the Property Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Jackson and Deputy Reeve Auckland. The report of the Agricultural Committee was "adopted on motion of Reeve Orchard, and Reeve Blue. ~:g-::.o"3: EJ -"~oSb-:-",.:H.D !!Dh:siE zo;lA>:r:~-; " [it-g!;,gh~:)r~p~!)-"b'9fs1;he-,IEo~g.yg,Cffilmit~fu~q,s; presented and on motion of R~~v~ &P~~%:tP.(~>J~~~I?il.olftytID~;J:~~9,: ~o~9~mittee of the whole with p~ye<:M~rr@tt i:J;!3:tl!~p~.:?Jrs,-.....#t~JIC?It::~~~,~5~ble discussion and explan- ~~.:~iftffl~2bYi-:MJ-'r:W'fJ?~I;l;.0t:~~ (Go.mP3iJ:!~ -~FC!~~~The Warden resumed the Chair, and the report was adopted'on motion of Reeve, Mr" C" Johnson, and A. Johnson. Moved by Deputy Reeve Auckland that the.rClerk be instructed to send a letter of sympathy to the Honourable Russell T. Kelley. Moved by R K. McNeil, :eTssq:[. .\:""~""'...sT "0 .,f's_h ;"oIjQ5: !Jorl~ .'~""....,.>;:r -':' '='''o~' '-oi ,-OTUO")C ;:;ecoi.tae"'d~oy:::;. Lhtle~.j "':"ll.!.._. '.oJ .J",., ,- ... c' "-' That George Vallee, Ernest Pearce and Jas" A. McBain be members dfS'{fi'lt'iree Conservation Commission for Elgin County for 1950. ~:-"-'f!b"!E\V ,E.:H:T ...FJO':J V .A --Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL .17 Moved by Deputy Reeve Ashton, ~ Seconded by Reeve Blue: That the grants to the Agricultural Societies be the same as last year namely Agriculture Societies. equivalent to the Government grant, Aldborough, Aylmer, Shedden, West Elgin, Yarmouth, and Springfield, Horticultural Societies 25% of the Government grant, Aylmer, Dutton, Springfie~d; Shedden, Rodney, West Lorne, and Belmont. --Carried. Mov~d by C. Orchard, Seconded by Lashbrook: That the usual grant of $50.00 be ,paid to Aylmer, Bayham, Dutton, Port Burwell, Port Stanley, Rodney, Shedden, Sparta, Springfield, West Lorne, Vienna, Belmont, and Avon Libraries. .....-Carried. Reeve Blue told the Council of the opening of the Bobier Home Deputy Reeve, Dr. C. A. Bell, presented the matter of Tax Registra- tion instead of the former system of Tax Sale. Moved by J. Millard, Seconded by S" Little: That the part of By-Law 1564 referring to the time limit on deben- tures issued for raising the sum of $560,000.00 for the new hospital be deleted from the Section in which it appears.. -Carried. Moved by Auckland, Seconded by Orchard: That By-Law No. 1564 be read a third time and finally passed. -carried. 18 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Reeve Little, Seconded by A. J. Blue: That By-Law No. 1567 "To Authorize the Warden and Treasurer to Borrow the Sum of Four Hundred Thousand Dollars," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McKillop, Seconded by S. Little: Tl1'3.t By-Law No. 1567 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Little, Seconded by Deputy Reeve, McKillop: That By-Law No. 1567 be read a third time and f~'nally passed. --Carried. ~ Moved by C. A. Johnson, Seconded by J. A.. Fuller: That By-Law No. 1568 "To Provide for the Total Expenditure on the System of the County Roads in the County of Elgin as approved by Order-in-Council, during the year 1950" be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by J~ Fuller, Seconded by W. Bodkin: That By-Law No. 1568 be read a second time. i'" .--= --Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 19 Moved by Wm. K. Bodkin, Seconded by C. A. Johnson: That By-Law No. 1568 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by R. K. McNeil, Seconded by A. A. Johnson; That By-Law No 1569 "To Appoint a County Road Committee" be read a first time. -Carried~ Moved by A. A.. Johnson, Seconded by R. K. McNeil: That By-Law No. 1569 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by C. J'ackson, Seconded by Elmer Wackley: That By-Law No. 1569 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Garnet Speers, . Seconded by Dr. C. A. Bell: "That By-Law No. 1570, "To Appoint a Board of Audit in the County of Elgin for the year 1950" be read a first time. ---Carried, 20' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Garnet Speers, Seconded by C. A. J ahnsan: That By-Law No. 1570 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Dr. C. A. Bell, Seconded by Garnet Speers: That By-Law No. 1570 be read a third time and finally passed ~Carried. Moved by A. N. Wright, Seconded by W. R. Gifford: That By-Law No. 1571 "To Amend the By-Law Adopting a Plan of County Road Improvement and Establishing a County Road System in the County of Elgin under the Highway Improvement Act be read a first time." -Carried. Moved by W. R. Gifford, Seconaed by J. Millard: That By-Law No. 1571 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by J" Millard, Seconded by Howard Palmer: That By-Law No 1571 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 21 The Warden appointed the following delegates to attend the various Conventions: Good Roads-Little, Ashton, Lashbrook, Orchard, Auckland, Bo~- kin, Dr. Bell, Millard, Gifford, C. Johnson, Fuller, A. Johnson, Jackson, Palmer, Wright, McNeil, Wackley, Davies, and the Warden Educational-Merrett, Speers, Warden and the Clerk. Municipal Convention-Blue, McKillop, the Warden and the Clerk Moved by J. A. Fuller, Seconded by Garnet Speers: That we do now adjourn to meet on Tuesday, March 21st, 1950 at 10 a.m. -Carried-: A. V" COULTER, Warden. 22 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL SECOND SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 21st day of March, 1950 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. "Thomas, in accordance with ,adjournment. The Warden in the chair. All the members present except Reeve A. BlUe. The Warden addressed the Council. The minutes of the last d{l.Y of the January Session were read and approved. Reeve C. J ahuson moved that the delegation from Huron College be now heard Sheriff Beattie introduced Dr. McNeil who addressed the Council requesting a grant The matter was referred to the Finance Committee The following coinmunications were read: Communications From the St. Thomas & Elgin Children's Aid Society a letter of Appreciation for the generous grant of $2,500.00 to the Society for the year, 1950.-Filed. From the Secretary to the Minister of Health, a letter of acknow- ledgment,,-Filed, From the University of Western Ontario, a letter of appreciation re grants.-Filed From the Canadian National Institute for the Blind, a letter of appreciation received from the County of Elgin re grant.-Filed. From A. V~ Langton, Agricultural Representative, a letter of appreciation re Agricultural Grant for 1950.-Filed. ELGIN COUN'l'Y COUNCIL 23 From the Salvation Army, a letter of appreciation for cheque re grant to the Salvation Army.~Filed. From the Elgin Police Association with request for grant for the Elgin County Tourist Guide.-Referred to the Finance Committee. FrOm the ratepayers in Aldborough, Dunwich, West Lorne, and Dutton, for improvement of County Road,,-Referred to the Road Com- mittee. From the town of OrilIia requesting grants from the Federal Gov- ernment for Education.-Referred to the Education Committee. Froni the County of Hastings requesting removal of sales. tax re purchases of supplies for County Homes.-Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. From the County of Carlton requesting to repeal s.ubsection 15, of Section 23, of the Municipal Act.-Referred to the Petitions and Legis- lationsCommittee~ From the County of Perth, protesting the collapse of farm prices, and requesting government action.-Referred to the Agriculture Com- mittee, FroI!l the trustees of the Bobier Home at Dutton a letter of appree- iation for the grant of $3,OOO,OO,,-Fped. From the UnIversity of Western Ontario re appointment of repre- sentative on the Senate of the University of Western Ontario.-Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Tri County Shorthorn Clubre grant.-Referred to the Agriculture Committee, Moved by Garnet Speers, Seconded by Dr. C" A. Bell: That we do now adjourn to meet at 2 p.m '0';,", ';''''.!' ----';C~ried~ ~4 E'SGIN COUXTY C01:XCIL The Council resumed The Agriculture Committee report was presented ,and adopted on motion of Reeve Orchard and Reeve McNeil The first report of the Finance Committee was presented and itdopted o'n motion of Reeve Millard and R.eeve Palmer. The second report of the Finance .Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Millard and Reeve Palmer. The report of the Education Committee was presented and adopted on motion of ReeVe Lashbrook and Reeve Davies. The third report of the Finance Committee was presented and .~dopted on motion of Reeve Millard and Reeve Little. The report of the Petitions and Legislations Committee was presen- ted and adopted on motioJ) of Deputy Reeve' Ashton and Reeve Merrett. 1Ioved by Garnet Speers, ~~('.'():nded by Dr. C. A. Bell: "That this Council strongly endorse the application of Port Stanley Council in seeking the construction of a new outer breakwater as harbor bonditions are quite unsheltered with east, south, and south-west winds, and the open seas have greatly eroded the eastern section of the muni- cipality. Also-that copies of this resolution be sent to St. Thomas City Council, London City Council, Middlesex County Co~ncil and London Planning Board for endorsation. --Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Fuller. ?econded by Deputy Reeve W. K. Bodkin: ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 25 That we do now adjourn to meet again on Wednesday, March 22nd, at ten a. m -Carried. A. V. CO~TER. Warden. 26 ELGm COUNTY COUNCIL SECOND SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 22nd day of March, 1950 T.he Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members present except Reeve A. Blue. The minutes of the previous day were read and confirmed. The report of the Equalization Com,mittee was presented and adopted onmation of Reeve McNeil and Reeve A. A. Johns<:m. The report of the Finance Comniittee was presented -and adopted on motion of Reeve Millard Reeve Palmer. The Warden appointed the whole County Council, County Officials, and Ex Wardens as Centennial Committee. Moved by Stuart Little, Seconded by E. Ashton: That Arba ,Johnson be representative on the Tillsonburg Hospital Board for the year, 1950, with pay. -Carried. Moved by A. A. Johnson, Seconded by A. N. Wright: That the Clerk write a letter to Reeve A.. Blue expressing our sym- pathY and hope for his speedy recovery. ---'-Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 27 Moved by Stuart Little, Seconded by E. Ashton: That By-Law No. 1572 "To Raise Amounts for County Rates during the year, 1950, be read a first time," :-Catried. Moved by E. Ashton, Seconded by S. Little: That By-Law No. 1572 be read a second time. -Carded Moved by S. Little, Seconded by McKillop: "That By-Law 'No. 1572 be read a third time and finally passed, -Carried. Moved by Elmer Wackley, Seconded by W. K. Bodkin: That By-Law No. 1573 "To Confirm the Equalization of the Assess- ment Rolls of the County of Elgin for the year, 1950, be read a first time -Carried. Moved by James A. Fuller, Seconded by Elmer Wackley: That By...;Law No., 1573 be read a; second time. -Carried. 28 ELGIN COU~TY COUNCIL l-.'!:oved by W. K. Bodkin, Seconded by C. A. Johnson: That By-Law No.. 1573 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. :Moved by W" Auckland, Seconded by C. Orchard: That By-Law No. 1574 to "Appoint a Member of the Senate of the University of Western Ontario" be read a first' time. -Carried. Moved by Howard Palmer, Seconded by J. Millard: That By-Law No. 1574 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by J. Millard, Seconded by W. R. Gifford: That By-Law No. 1574 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Garnet Speers, Seconded by Dr. C. A. Bell: That we do no'Y adjourn to meet at ten o'clock a. m. on June 13th, 1950'. -Carried. A.- V. COU'LTER, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 29 THIRD SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 13th day of June, 1950 The Elgin County Council met at the Court House, St. Thomas. in accordan"ee with adjournment. All the members present. The Warden in the Ch;'ir. The Warden addressed the Council. The minutes of the last day of the March Session were read ahd confirmed: The following Communications were read and referred to the various Committees: COMMUNICATIONS From the University of 'Yestern Ontario re Visit on June 13th.- Filed. From the Department of Education, Toronto, re Belmont Contin- uation School.-Filed. From the Belmont Continuation School Board re Dissolving of tre District.-Filed. . From the Ocean Chemicals Ltd. re Fire Resistant Paint.-Referred to the Property Committee. . From the County of Brant re School Taxation on farms..-Referred to the Petitions & Legislations Committee. From the North Yarmouth Women's Institute with appreciation t>f grant.-Filed. From the East Elgin High School District Board re Agricultural :-, --1 grant,~ -Filed. 30' ELGlli COUNTY COUNCIL From the West Elgin High School District Board re Agricultural grant.~Filed From the Ontario Municipal Association re Labour Relations act,,- Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. From the Ontario Executive Council Office re Cost of Living Bonus, ;--Referred to the Finance Committee. From the County of Waterloo re Barbershop Quartette Competition. ,----Referred tn the Reception and Entertainment Committee. From the University of Western Ontario re Appointment of Mem- ber of Senate.-Filed. From the- Canadian Foundation for Polio for request for grant.- Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Dominion Fire and Burglary Alarm re Cost of Installa- tion and System at the County Home.-Referred to t:Qe County Home Committee From the Honourable George H. bunbar, with appreciation of use pf the Court House for the Municipal School.~Filed From the Department of Public Welfare re Safe Gu:nds from the flazards of Fire,:~Referred to the County Home Committee. From the Department of Welfare re .Agreement with the City of St. Thomas for Aged Persons,,-Referred to the County Home ComIilit- tee. ,;; From the, C~mnty of Kent ~th Resolution re Amend:m_en,ts to the Municipal Drainage Act and Railway Ac:t Frdrri fhe Village of Vienna, Wi:th r~quest for "the Cou~ty to assume portion of road in the Village.-Referred to the Roads Committee. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 31 Replies from Other Counties to Elgin County Resolutions 1. Resolution re Construction of a ne..,...;: outer breakwater at Port Stanley Acknowledged--...cMinisterof Public Works~ Endorseq-London City Council, St. Thomas .~ity Council, Lon- don and Suburban :Alanning Board.. The Report of the Finance Committee accoulJ.ts were, pr~s_ented and~ adopted on motion of Reeve Millard and Reeve Palmer,," .. The Clerk's report on Restaurarit :J;.icenses was' presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Orchard and Deputy Reeve Auckland. The County Treasurer's Report was presented and adopted tiri motion- of Ree'\1e MiilarJiand' Reeve Little. Moved by Deputy Reeve, E. Ashton, ~"'cf)nded by Reeve, A. Blue: That we endorse the resolution submitted by the County of Kelit re Amendment to the Railway Act as regards to making Public Utilities subject to the authority of the Drainage Act. -Carried. Moved by Garnet Speers, Seconded by Dr. C. A. Bell: That we do now adjourn to meet at 2 p. ID. -Carried. 32 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 9f'he Council resumed. The report of the Property Committee was presented and adopted on inotion of Deputy Reeve Jackson and Reeve Merrett. The Warden called on Mr. T. S. Caldwell, who addressed the Council briefly Moved by Deputy Reeve, E. Ashton; Seconded by Reeve Merrett: . That we adjourn t~1l10 a" m',on Wed~esday, June 14th, 1950. -Carried. A. Y. COULTER, Warden. ELGIN'" COUNTY COUNCIL 33 SECOND SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 14th day of June, 1950 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members were present except Reeve Davies and Reeve Pal- mer. The minutes of the previous day were read and approved. The Com.munication re the Annual Convention of the Ontario Mun- icipal Association was read and ordered filed. The Report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Millard and Reeve A. A. Johnson. The Report of the Petitions and Legislations Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeves Fuller and Ashton. Moved by W. K. Bodkin, Sec.onded by C. A. Johnson: That the young ladies of the Court House Staff be granted all day Saturdays oft in lieu of Wednesday afternoon, during July. August, and September. ~arried. Moved by Reeve Speers that Mr. Pritchard be now heard. Mr. Prit- chard addressed the Council re Public Road at Port Talbot. 34 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Stuart Little, Seconded by Ed.' Ashton'; That we adjourn to meet at 1.30 p. ID. ~Car~i,ed The Council resumed The Report of the Road Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Charles Johnson, and Reeve Ronald McN~il. The Report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve J. Millard and Reeve Garnet Speers. The Report of the County Home COl?mittee was presented and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve James Fuller and Deputy Reeve , W. K. Bodkin. Moved by R.. K. MeN eil, Seconded by A. A. J ahusOD: That the warden appoint a Committee of three to. ~.cirk with. the Suburban roads Committee 1'e the SL George street Bridge and hilI and with the Representation of the City of St. Thomas. -Carried The Warden named Reeve Gha:rIes Johnson, Reeve Clarence Or- chard, and Warden A. V" Coulter as a Committee on the above resolution. Reeves Little, Blue, Orchard, and A. A. Johnson, addressed the Council with invitations to attend their Centennial Celebrations this year. Reeve A. N. Wright expressed his .pleasure that two of the Nurses graduating this afternoon were from Port Burwell. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 35 Reeve Garnet Speers moved that Ex-Warden H. G. Taylor be now heard. Mr. Taylor addressed the Council on behalf .of the Elgin branch of the Ontario Motor ~ague expressing their willingness to provide signs for County and township roads. Moved by Ashton, Seconded by Little: That we adjourn till the 19th day of September at 10 a. m. -Carried. A. V. COUjLTER, Warden. ...,0 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FOURTH SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 19th day of September, 1950 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members present except Reeve Lashbrook The Warden expressed regret at the passing of Judge Duncan. F. McCuaig, and the Council stood for a moment's silence in his memory. The Warden addressed the Council. The minutes of the last day of the June Session were read and ap- proved. The following Communications were read and referred to their various Committees: COMMUNICATIONS From the Minister of Transport with acknowledgment of the reso- lution of the County of Elgin re Amendment of the Railway Act.-Filed. From t,he County of WeIland with resolution 1'e Reduction in Pen- .sions to Old Age Pensioriers.-Referred to the Finance Committee. From Ll:l.e County of vVaterloQ with resolution 1'e Exemption from the Gasoline Tax for fuel oil used in County Garages.-Referred to the Road Committee. ELGlli COlJNTY COUNCIL 37 From the Tillsonburg Soldiers' Memorial Hospital with apprecia- tion of grant.-Filed. F"rom the Board of Governors of the Memorial Hospital with letter of appreciation re Attendance at Graduation Exercises.-Filed. From Art Lester, Mervin Koffman, John Balthes, Murray Scanlon, F. Feere, Edson Butterwick, Geo. P. Gorman, Charles Sofalvi, Isaac Loucks, Mairo Melchore, D. H. Atkins, re condition of County Road, east of Port Burwell.-Referred to the Road Committee. From the Ontario Conservation and Reforestation Association re Annual Meeting.-Referred'to the Agricultural Committee. From the McCuaig Family with appreciation of thanks.-Filed. The Report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Millard and Reeve Arba Johnson. Moved by W" K. Bodkin, Seconded by James A" Fuller: That By-Law No.. 1443 of the Township of Yarmouth, being By~Law to Provide for Closing and Stopping up a Portion of the Road in t~~ Tenth and Eleventh CO!1cession of Yarmouth Township be confirmed and the necessary By-Law be Prepared. , .,-Carrie~ " '. Moved by Wm" T. Merrett, Seconded by S. Little: The Elgin County Council certifies that the employment of Mary Burke, Roy La Forge, Russell For.d, John S~mpson, William Wilson, and C. R. Donaldson, is permanent in character in respect to the regu- lations of the Unemployment Insurance Act. ---=Carriedl 38 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL The Warden called on Mr. F. S. Thomas, M.L.A., who addressed the Council on Highway Improvements in Elgin COll.nty. Moved by E. Ashton, Seconded by S" Little: That we adjourn to meet at 2 p. m, -Carried. The Council resumed. The Report of the Property .com~it.tee was presented and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Jackson and Deputy Reeve Auckland. The Report of the County Home Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Fuller and Deputy Reeve Bodkin. The Report of t~e Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Millard and Reeve MeN eil" Moved by C. Johnson, Seconded by S. Little: That the County of Elgin conveys- to C" R. Abell the small triangu- lar parcel of land at the south-east corner of Lot 12, Concession 8, town- ship of Malahide for the sum of $l~OO. This parcel lies south-east of the improved air port road and is not required for road purposes. -Carried. Reeve Merrett inquired re Road paving in West Lorne. Reeve Blue extended an invitation to attend the Dunwich Centennial on October 15th. ELGIN COill'lTY CQUNCIL 39 Moved by Reeve Little that this Council go into a QomIl).ittee.,of the whole with Reeve Wackley in the Chair. Moved by Reeve Speers, Seconded by Reeve Millard: That the Warden appoint a small Committe~ tq interview t~e qf<y of St. Thomas, re the CentennIal Celebnition. The Warden appointed Reeve Speers and Reeve Millard to be members present. The Warden suggested that each member bring in a boy from his municipality on the first day of the November Session I,' Moved by E. Ash ton, Seconded by Wm. Merrett: That By-Law No. 1575, "To Amend By-Law No" 1563," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Wm. Merrett, Seconded by E. Ashton: That By-Law No. 1575 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by A. Blue, Seconded by W" McKillop: Tp.at By-Law No. 1575 be read a third time and ,finally passed. ""1:(; -Carried. 40 ELGIN COU~TY COUNCIL -Moved byR. K. McNeil, Seconded by E. Wackley: That By-Law No. 1576, "A By-Law to Confirm_By-Law No. 1443, of the township of Yarmouth, being By-Law to Provide for Closing and Stopping up a Portion of Road in the Tenth and Eleventh Concession o{YRrmouth Township be read a fi.'rst time. ~arried. Moved by A. A. Johnson, Seconded. by C. F. Jackson, That By-Law No. 1576 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by E. Wackley, Seconded by A. N. Wright: That By-Law No. 1576 be read a third time and finally passed. --Carried. Moved by James A. Fuller, Seconded by W. K. Bodkin: That By-Law No. 1577, "A By-Law to Appoint Secretar-)'" to the Board of the Elgin County Home" be read a first time. -Carried. ELGL"f COUNTY COUNCIL 41 Moved b! W. K. Bodkin, Seconded by James A. Fuller: That By-Law No. 1577 be read a second time. --Carried. Moved by James A, Fuller. Seconded by W. K. Bodkin: That By-Law No. 1577 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carri~d. Deputy Reeve Ashton extended an invitation to all members of the Council to attend the Elgin County Ploughing Match in Aldborough township. Moved by Garnet Speers, Seconded by C. A. Johnson: That we do now adjourn to meet on Tuesday, November 21st, at ten o'clock. --carried. A. V. COULTER, Warden. 42 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL REPORTS OF COMMITTEES REPORT OF COMMITTEE TO STRIKE THE STANDING COMMITTEES January 17th, 1950 To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The following is the report of the Committees to strike the Standing Committees: Finance-Little, Blue, Orchard, C. Johnson, A. Johnson. McNeil, Lashbrook, Merrett, Davies, Speers, Millard, Wackley, Palmer, Wright. Equalization-Little, Blue, Orchard, C. Johnson, A. Johnson, McNeil, Lashbrook, Mer,rett, Davies, Speers, Millard, Wackley, Palmer, Wright. Education-Ashton, McKillop, Auckland, Bodkin, Fuller, Jackson, McNeil, Lashbrook, Merrett, Davies, Speers, Gifford, Wackley, Palmer, Wright. Agricultural-Little, Blue, Orchard, C. Johnson, A. Johnson, McNeil. Roads-Little, Orchard, C. Johnson, A. Johnson, R" McNeil. Advisory Road Committee-Blue, Millard. County Home-Bodkin, Fuller, Ashton. Property-McKillop, Jackson, Auckland. ELGIN COUNTY COVNCIL 43 Library Board-Wackley, Lashbrook, Palmer. Health Unit-Speers, Wright. Children's Aid Society~Warden, Gifford Petitions and Legislations-Dr. Bell, Ashton, Auckland, Wright, Fuller, Gifford. Administration of Justice-W. T.. Merrett. Reception and Entertaimnent-Little, Merrett, A.-Joh?son, A. Lash- brook. Legal-Davies, Wright, Millard. Hospital Committee-Little, Warden, Davies. All of which is respectfully submitted. S.LIT~.Ch~~ma~ 41 ELGIN" COUXTY COL"NCIL AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE January Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Agriculture Committee reports as follows: 1. That we recommend a grant of $1500 to the Agricultural Office for cattle Shows, Junior Clubs, and Junior Farmers and Girls Associa- tions. 2. That the grant of $25.00 to the Ontario Conservation and Refor- estation Association be paid. 3. That the fee of $50.00 be paid to the Ontario Agricultural Council and that the Warden, C. Orchard, R. McNeil be delegates to the annual Convention. 4. That the Warden and Reeve Little be a Committee with the Agriculture Representative to apportion the grant. All of which is respectfully submitted, CLARENCE ORCHARD, Chairman. AGRICULTURE COMMITTEE To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Agriculture Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from the County of Perth re farm prke;:; and Government Control of the same be filed. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 45 2. That the request of Tri County Shorthorn Club for grant be referred to the Agricultural Office. All of which is respectfully submitted. C. ORGHARD, Chairman. EDUCATION COMMITTEE To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Education Comri1i~ttee reports as follows: 1. That a grant of $5D.OO be paid to the Trustees and Ratepayer's Association. 2. That a grant of $100.00 each to the boy and girl attaining. the highest Academic Standing at the University of Western Ontario from the County of Elgin exclusive of the City of St. Thomas. 3. That a fee of $5.00 for County Education Association, be paid. 4. That the resolution from the County of Kent re method of pay- ment of High School costs be filed. ' 5. That we accept the Budget of the County Library Board, and a grant of $3,000.00 be made. 6. That Mrs. Della Ludy, Walter Rogers, Clarence Taylor, be mem- bers of the Library Board. 46 DI..GffiCOUNTY COUNCIL 7; That the County Council members on the Library Board be paid the. regular fees and that we recommend the LIbrary pay to the -other members for attendance at the Meetings. All of which is respectfully submitted. A. T.. LASHBROOK, Chairman. EDUCATION COMMITTEE To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: 1'~e Education C~mmittee re,ports as. fQllow~: 1. That the resolution from the Town of Orillia re iricreased grants from Federal and Provincial Governments for Education be filed. 2. ThatE. F. S. Sanders, 'B.A., be appointed Representative on the Senate of the University of Western Ontario for two years and necessary by-law, b.e :,prepared. All of which iS'respectfully submitted. A. T. LASHBROOK, Chairman. E~GIN COUNTY COUNCIL 41 COUNTY HOME COMMITTEE. To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The County Home Committee reports as follows: "-'''''''" '," <C._" 1. That~he,ml?~_be':'ShiP fr,~Of,~~n bol~ar~ in_th~pnt,a:r:io;'1V~soda- tion of Managers for the Ag~c.l" ~l)-d ~n~~r~ be ,patd.; ;, . 2. That the Superintenq.~n_t,_ and ,Matron and any membets who are able to attend be delegates to the ~nnua~.-_C9n:vepUOA' 3. That the tender of R.. :~, ,Futchera~d Sems_ for ;Ftr~ AlarmSys- tern at $144,,00 be accepted subject to approval of the Provincial Inspec- tor 4. That the herd at the Elgin County Home be placec;l on Record','oi Performance. All of which is respectfully submitted. JAS. A. FULLER, Chairman. _f,;'!f if COUNTY HOME COMMITTEE ,.('i To the Elgin County .:Jouneil, Gentlemen: The County Home Committee reports as ,follQ'V'f;s:"-,,r .- :..' J",,;; Y 1. That we ac_cept, the .tenlier- of W.:a."SYli,ftj;.,Ltd.:, for" steker.:edal for County Home at $12.20 per ton and Anthracite coal,aL$20,75>per,tott 48 ELGIN COU..0ITY COU?\CIL 2. That the Communication from the Dominion Fire and Burglary Alarm, Ltd., be laid over to the July meeting of the County Home Com- mittee. 3. That the Communication re Fire Safety Precautions be :fiilea. for future reference. ~. That the Warden and Chairman of the County Home and Secretary Board be a Committee to interView representatives from the City of St. Thomas re Care of Aged Persons. 5. That J. D. Thomson, be secretary of the Elgin County Home Board at a salary of $200.00 per year. . All .of which is respectfully submitted. JAMES A. FULLER, Chairman. June, 1950. j COUNTY HOME COM:MITTEE To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The County Home Committee reports as follows: 1. That all accounts as presented be paid. .2. .That the Warden and Clerk make an agreement. with . the City M(St; Thomas for the admission of indigent resi~e'nts from the City to the County Home. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 49 3.. That the Warden and Clerk investigate cases at Squire's Nursing Home, and if suitable, patients to be transferred to the Elgin County Home. All of which is respectfully submitted. JAMES A. FULLER, Chairman. 50 ELGIN COUN'J;'Y COUNCIL FINANCE COMMITTEE January Session - First Report To the Elgin County Counpil, Gentlemen: I beg to submit the following statement of accounts paid through Finance from November 1st, 1949, to December 31st, 1949: Park,vood Hospital mu__ ________m _____u__ ___________________________ ....mmm$ Children's Aid Society, Windsor and Essex.. ummnmumm...._ East Windsor Health Association umomom.'...m....mm___ London and Middlesex Children's Aid Society St. Thomas and Elgin Children's Aid SocietY_nommm..._ Huron County Children's Aid Society nnnnnnomu__n__n______m_ Hay Stationery n____ _..unmn _uun .__..nunn _ununm _un_n______"nu__ Worthington Electric _"__"...m. "__u___________m no" ._mmmnmmmm Murdock Duplicator and Stationery __ nmnmmn nnmnnmnmnm. Ontario Training School for Boys ___unnnnn,nunnnunmnm Mercury-Sun __n__..______.._________,___.__.n_._._....__......__ ._._.... Municipal World _m_mnnnnn_m___mnmnmnm___mmm Woodstock & Oxford Children's Aid Society nnnnnnn___m .~___ A. T. Kington nnnnnnm__n___nnnn___.nn.nnnn. E. F.. S. Sanders _u. u.___.___nu._ __nn__. u_.n 00__..00___._00000000..__00..__. Department of Reform Institutions ____000000___....00000000000000___.00_____ All of which is respectfully submitted. 477 00 31 80 137 25 105 80' 120'0' 0'5 343 84 19 18 4 75 7 95 228 75 30' 0'0' 19 44 140 3~ 20 0'0' 10'0' 00 7.106 J. MILLARD, Chairman. January, 1950. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 51 FINANCE COMMITTEE Second Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Finance Committee reports as follows: That the following hospital accounts be paid: 1. Memorial Hospital, St. Thomasm__n__._... mn$ 2. Victoria Hospital, London. _".mmum____m.___...n 3. Tillsonburg Soldiers' Memorial nnnnnnm_ 4. St. Joseph's Hospital, London __m_mO______________ 3481 55 1230' 25 123 75 .135 0'0' $ 4970' 55 All of which is respectfully submitted. J. MILLA,RD, Chairman. FINANCE REPORT Third Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Warden and Treasurer be authorized to borrow $400,000 as may be required from the Bank of Montreal and by-law be prepared. 52 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 2. That the ann.ual grant of $100.00 to the Law Library be paid. 3. That a grant of $2500.00 to the St. Thomas-Elgin Children's Aid Society be paid. 4. That the matter of cost of bonus for the Gaol employees be laid over to the March Session. 5. That the membership fee of $15.00 in the County Council Section of the O. E" A. be paid and the Warden to appoint delegates. 6 That we accept the rate of $3"CO per day for patients at the l\fason Villa Hospital. 7 That a grant to the UniversHy of Western Ontario be $500. 8. That the Communication from the Registry Office be flIed. 9 That a grant of $100.00 to the Navy League be paid. 10, That the request of the St" John's AmbUlance for a grant be filed. 11. That the membership of the Ontario Municipal Association of $25.00 be paid. 12. That a grant of $300.00 be paid to the Salvation Army. 13 That the grant to the Canadian National Institute for the Blind be $20'0'00', 14" That the request of the Ontario Rural Municipalities Association for membership fee be filed. 15.. That the local assessors be granted five days and mileage for equalizing assessment at the same rate as the County Councillors. 16 That the following aCCounts he paid: EL-GIN COUNTY COUNCIL 53 St. Thomas & Elgin Children's IUd Society_____...$ The Mercury-Sun m..m._________....___u_______m......m_______ The Aylmer Express .___nnnm_"+____nmm_n_mnmmnn The St. Thomas Times-Journal om__________m...________ The News Printing Company _m._nom_mun_m_m The Dutton Advance __mn_n_mnnmm__.. __mnnn_______ Children's Aid Society, Windsor and Essex-um Children's Aid Society, Woodstock & Oxford.___ Mason Villa Private Hospital nonn __mmnnm_._____ The Municipal World, Ltd. _______m_mn___________________> The Municipal World, Ltd. un__ ___mmnnm_ The Municipal World, Ltd. Underwood Ltd, _nnnnnn.. n_..n..nn n_"_nmn______m Dept" of High,vays ___.nmnn __unnno...n .__mnmnn__m_ The Carswell Company, Ltd. Ontario Training School for Boys The Municipal V,Torld, Ltd. u__mumU mnnu__um__ The Ontario Hospital, Woodstock _ummumum_ 17. That By-Law No" 1564 be given a third reading. All ')f which is respectfully submitted. 1218 0'5 57 20 1.1340 150' 0'0' 168 00 413 95 37 20' 71 30' 9 0'0' 625 4 32 185 67 5 50 3 60' 3 15 99 75 9 18 220' 50' ") , J. MILLARD, chairfnan. . J FINANCE COMMITTEE March Session-First Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: I beg to submit the following statement of accounts paid through Finance from January 14th, 1950, to March 4th, 1950: 54 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL C. A. S., St. Thomas' & Ergiri ___mnmnuum. _.___m~__________mnnn__$ Mercury Sun __ .___.mn__mnn__m __mnmmm Aylmer Express __un___ .___.nnnn__.__.__.._____m___.__.__ "n_____________..___ St. Thom.as Times-Journal __________mum_______. "___.m.nm. .__,__.. News Printing 'Company __ .m._.___m____nm mmn __m_..'..__mnm Dutton Advance __mnnnnm ..____nm___mm.. C. A. S., Windsor & Essex __nnnm._ ___n.nnnm_______. ._nmnmn C. A. S., Woodstock & Oxford m__u .._mnnnmm....c.._____nnn.. Mason Villa Private Hospital _ ....._mnnunun__mmnnmn Municipal World ._..__..n...._____nun_ ..__. __n_____......______________....______ Underwood, ;Ltd. ___...nnn__mn _n___ ......mn________________m__. un_noon Department of Highways _. _'__mmm__n._ ",,'nnnmn___ Carswell Company, Ltd. mnm mum '__"nmnnum "mmnmun_ Ontario Training School for Boys m_m_m.._ Ontario Hospital, Woodstock _mUunn_m,__.nn.. Squire's Nursing Home m .____mnnnnnm__ G. A. S., London & Middlesex mmnmm ____mmmnn_,_ Parkwood Hospital mum _____mmnmm '___mmmmn_, Huron County C. A. Society .,mm. '__mnnnnm___... East Windsor Health Association m_m.m'. Sanders & Sanders n_mnnnnnmnm. mnmmm ._"mm nmn. Worthington Electric nnm_u_ u..mnmm.m....nmmmu..n mom Dr. D. L. Ewin __UU'_nnn_nu, U.__U._n_n_nun _.u_nnnnnu._'.__n_mnu Hay Stationery Co., Ltd. ._ '.mmmmm ____._o_m_mom__mm_m_m___. Village of Rodney mmun____ mnmnn. ..__mmmmm""Omnm,."m Gillard & Price __nnnnunUnmnmmnm _"..n__mnn__..mn___nn__._n__n Copp Clark Co. Ltd. _..__mnnnnnnm_..mmm'm.. ....____m_m..mnnn All of which is respectfully submitted. 2430' 15 5720 .113 40' 175 0'0' 168 0'0' 413 95 134 40' 207 0'0' 115 00 238 36 9 50' 720' 3 15 196 50' 254 00 643 15 n 30' 459 0'0' 104 16 132 75 20' 0'0' 10' 60' 5 0'0' 4 50' 53 50' 300 7 50' JOHN MILLARD, Chairman March, 1950. ELGlN COUNTY COUNGIL 55 FINANCE COMMITTEE Second Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Finance Committee reports as follows: That the following hospital Accounts be paid: 1 Memorial. Hospital, St. Thomas ___ ......o_____oo...__m__..____'.$ 2 Victoria Hospital, London __nnnnno..._ ______o___omm_.__ 3. St. Joseph's Hospital, London un m_._> o____m_nnn_____ 4. Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Toronto _m_.m_mmnnnmm 5. Toronto Generai Has'pita!; Tor~nto _m____nm_..__nnm___ 6. Ti1lsonburg Soldiers' Memorial Hospital m_ - 3872 63 669 75 367 20 96 75 75 00 6 75 $ 5089 0'8 All of which is respectfully submit~d. JOHN MILLARD, Ch,airman FINANCE COMlUIfTEE March Session-Third Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentle~en : The Finance Committee reports as follow::!:.. 56 ELGIN COU~TY COUNCIL 1. That we subscribe $60.00 for a half page in the St. Thomas and Elgin County Tourist Guide, and the Warden arrange the advertising. 2. That no action be taken re grant to Huron College. 3. That the request from the gaol employees for Cost of living honus, which was laid over from the January Session be filed.. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN MILLARD, Chairman. FINANCE COl>lMITTEE March Session-Fourth Report To the Warden and Council of the County of Elgin: Gentiemen: The Committee on Finance beg leave to report that having inquired into f..'nances of the County, and estimates prepared by the County Treasurer, they herewith submit a statement of the expenditures re- quired for the lawful purpose of the County during 1950, showing the amount required to be raised for the undermentioned purposes: Administration of Justice ___.n.. ........oouoo.................................$ County Home ..................................._.......-u...................n............ Municipal C-'ov't. Salaries, & V/ages .......__.....oo......;m........ 180'00 00 10'000 00 13000 00 Property, Care of Buildings .........................00......................... Interest n................._............................n..........__...............++............ Printing, Postage, Stationery................................................ 4000 00 7600 0'0 1900 00 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 57 County Roads no__n____ moon_n._nonno.._nn __.__n____m_____ Children's Aid Society. nunn___nn__,....n unmm Hospitalization ___.mmnn nm ___nmmm _ nunnnnm -" Agriculture unomn__. ...__un_________ unnmnn .m_n._nnn"_'. County Health Unit __..muumuu... unmmn mmnnn... Grants +______.'_~_m. _unm_nnn _..nnnnn __n.mnmn__. Tillsonburg Hospital .mnm"__U" ___om_nn..nn .m.mmmmn Miscellaneous ...n____.n_ _._...._.n.n._uu___._n._u_...__m._.....___..__.. St. -Thomas & -Elgin General Hospital 1 milL....__ 158950' 00 20'000' 0'0 220'0'0' 0'0 570'0' 00 16394 00 600'.0 00 100'0'0' 0'0 1934 00 31771 00 $327249 00' Your Committee would recommend that the sum of Three Hundred and twenty-seven thousand, two hundred a~d forty-nine dollars be rais- ed on all rateable property in the several municipalities of the County of Elgin during the year .1950 for County Purposes, and that a rate of 10,3 mills on the dollar be levied on rateable property in the several municipalities in the County to raise said amounts. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN MIL'LARD, Chairman. March, 1950" FINANCE REPORT First Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: I beg to submit the following statement of accounts paid through Finance from March 4th, 1950, to June 7th, 1950: ,,8 EI..GTI'T COUNTY COUNCIL Aroundtown Cabs mmnnn ..__moonnn .___mnmn___ _____$ Children's Aid Society, St. Thomas & Elgin_____ Municipal World nmoo.. ___._mnnnn ...nnnnnm _mn______ Hay Stationery noon _____noon n_______mm....m Ontario Training School for Boys ___..nmnm. Murdock Duplicator & Stationery. Ditto of Canada m_n___unnnn_________ ___mnnnonnn_. Underwood Ltd. _ nun_n_nnnm_ _n__nnnnn _"__n....n_____ Huron County Children's Aid Society____m____ C. A. S;, London & Middlesex __n__ C. A.. S., Woodstock & Oxford ___mnnmum A. Squire Burroughs _n.....__ ___nn. unmoo ____ _ un_n Parkwood Hospital moo .._nn____m__ ___onmmnmn Nyal B. Cook ___nnnn___ ____nnnun "omnnnnnn___________n___ Windsor & Essex _n _n_n_mn___ __nnnun___ _n_nnnnn____ Dept. of Reform Institutions nnnnn _un_mm______ Ontario Hospital, Woodstock nn____m umu East Windsor Health Association mnnn. Mason Villa Private Hospital nnnm___nn Queen Elizabeth Hospital _ __mmmnnu Bill's Welding Shop nnm ____mmmn n _...mmmn The Old Gardens .mmm"_._mmnnm". Elgin Ambulance Service nm n._mnum_m___._ The Printing World nmmm,n __mnunnnm._nmnmnu_ Township of Malahidemm._ All of which is respectfully submitted 6 25 4682 35 51 91 1 0'5 219 00 27 0'0' 18 10 22 75 40'3 20 52 35 71 30' 1342 75 2 70' 720' 0'0' 5 95 180' 00' 120' 59 273 0'0' 20'7 0'0' 112 00 10'8 0'0' 6 50' 10' 0'0 18 0'0' 211 65 168 00 $ 90'41 40 JOHN MILLARD, Chairman. June, 1950. ELGIN COUNTY COVNCIL 5~ FINANCE COMMITTEE Second Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That the following Hospital Accounts be paid: Memorial Hospital, St.. Thomas. Victoria Hospital, London muno Tillsonburg Hospital nnnm_ St" Joseph's Hospital, London nom SL Joseph's Hospital, Chatham mumon om nrantford General Hospital nnmnmnmmOhh___Cnm_. .........$ 5563 36 30'44 60' 856 0'5 54 00 72 50 20' 0'0 $ 9610' 51 All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN MILLARD, Chairman. .Tune, 1950. FINANCE COMMITTEE Third' Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Finance Committee reports as follows: 60' ELGL."{ COU.~TY COUNCIL 1. That the request of Canadian Foundation for Polio for a grant be filed. 2. That the Communication from the Executive Council re Cost of living bonus for the gaol employees be filed. 3. That the Councillors policy be renewed with the Frank Cowan Insurance Agency. 4. That the employees compensation policy with the General Accid- ent Assurance Co. be renewed. 5. That the Fleet Insurance Policy be renewed with the Frank Cowan Insurance Agency.. 6. That we accept the offer of Frank Cowan re Service Awards to County Employees for safe driving. 7. That we renew insurance on the Court House, Registry Office and the Gaoler's Residence with the Frank Cowan Insurance Agency. 8. That the Warden and Clerk be a Committee to allocate Com- missions to local Agents. 9. That the salary of Mrs. Mary Burke be $125.00 per month. All of whi<:h is respectfully submitted. JOHN MILLARD, Chairman. June, 1950. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 61 FINANCE REPORT First Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: I beg to submit the following statement of accounts paid through Finance from June 7th, 1950, to September 5th, 1950: Catholic Children's Aid Society of Toronto_ om_un mom ..$ Squire's Nursing Home __mmmnm _nmn_mum..._ uno_mm___m_ Mason Villa Private Hospital nnn_nno______...______. _m___..._._______ C. A. SoCiety, Woodstock & Oxford ...__mm _______...__n__mm__ Under'l,vood Ltd. un__..n__m_n____m.__ un __un__O'" __nnn_ _____nun_.... C" A. S., London & Middlesex _____mm._nno.u______n...____m__m..._ A. W_ Betson .C_n.._nnn_._n___nnm_____nn_nn__..__nm_nn__mn.__ ..._un__ The Municipal World ___mm________nm_mnm.mmnm--mm..----n_..n Ontario Training School for Boys ._mmom_m_m___'.____. ------..- Ditto of C'anada n...n__..nn_.n______mn__"__..____n_.__n_n_.______ _-..-0000-. Brarn Sayv;ell _....______._00____..____..____..__.__.___._._._._00._._____._._._.___._n___n_ East Windsor Health Association __nnnnnn______n__nn_.___m__'_ The Printing World .___n_____m_ ______ n_____n_____m._________..n____ _.m_m Nyal B. Cook .-.---..--.---.-.---.----00.--.--------.----.------.------..---:-.-----..---.--. Huntington Laboratories ______mm__ n_____..____.__________...._.mn______ Dept. of Reform Institutions _nm_mnm_n'-mn.---_-.____._------_--- Aroundtown Cabs ____.__________m_____.___.__.n_____n_.____n__._.n___._,---.------- C. A. S., Windsor & Essex m._....mm_m..__ .___.mm..m_..__'_..______. Parkwood Hospital ______m - ________nm_..___n_ .__m_ _.______mm..nn Huron County C. .A; S. __._m.mn____m___n_ _m .mm.mm_.__n_mn___ L. H. Smith ..__00__._00__._00.00_...___....00___.00___.__ __00.. ---00.----.00-----------00---- Ontario Hospital, Woodstock _____.nn__.mm___._m...n..mn_______.. W. H. S,vift, Ltd. ._____..._m...._._____.__________n_____m_ ___._.._.___.._.___._n_. The Old Gardens .__m_.._.____..____._______.._______...______ Elgin Coach Lines, Ltd. m__m_.________..mn___m_.________.______________ Scott Studio ._':n..____._____n.._...._._._...________.__.nn.__.____..__m..._.___._._._ 105 83 1687 25 169 50 280 60 18 50 103 12 2000 150 140 25 17 24 855 207 00 243 84 11 30 1469 3368 9 00 8540 630 00 20' 96 10 O~ 276 00 629 75 1000 6000 25 00 -I 62 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 2154 75 St. Thomas & Elgin C. A. S. um"" AIr of which is respectfully submitted. Total-$ 7157 71 JOHN MI'LLARD, Chairman. September, 1950. FINANCE COMMITTEE Second Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That the following Hospital Accounts be paid: Memorial Hospital, St. Thomas ___..___________...________"$ Victoria Hospital, London ____mum_mmonno.___m__n..... Tillsonburg Soldier's Memorial HospitaLmu__m St. Joseph's Hospital; London...mnm....._______.....;___ Hospital for Sick Children, TorontO".._nn..._____m_ 4496 79 1973 00 33 75 9000 54 00 2. That the account of the Around Town Cabs for Ambulance Ser- viCe for $44.00 be paid. 3. That the resolution from WeIland County re Old Age Pensions be endorsed All of which is respectfu.l1y submitted. 3. MILLARD, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 63 PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Petitions and Legislations Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from the County of Middlesex, re Legislation to provide compensation for damage to Motor Vehicles and Occupants by deer running at large be filed 2. That no action be taken re resolution from the County of Hast- ings requesting ,the Department of Health to assume the cost oftem- porary hospitalization of Polio 'Case's 3.. That we endorse the resolution from the County of Perth re Selection of Displaced persons and the time to remain in Agriculture after arriving in this Country 4. That the resolution from the County of Simcoe re increased Provincial grants for Chil,dren's Aid Societies and indigent patients in hospitals be filed. 5. That we concur with the resolution from the County of Simcoe re uniform Daylight Saving Time. All of which is respectfully submitted EDMUND ASHTON, Chairman. 64 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCil.. PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE :M.arch Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Petitions and Legislations Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from the County of Hastings requesting exemption of Sales Tax on purchases of all goods by County Ho~es be endorsed. 2. That no action be taken re resolution from the County of Carle- ton for rf:}peal of subsection 15, of Section 23, re Annexation. All of which is respectfully submitted. E. ASHTON, Chairman. PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Pe~tions and Legislations Committee reports as follows: 1. .That the resolution from the County of Brant re Assessing for rural school taxation be filed. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 61> 2 That the County of Elgin be exempt from the Labour Relations Act and does not wish the Act to apply to t~is Corporation. All of which is respectfully submitted. E. ASHTON, <?hairman. June, 1950. PROPERTY COMMITTEE First Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Property Committee reports as follows: 1 That the alarm system be extended to the Gaol basement. 2. That no action be taken re purchase of washing machine at the present time. 3. That the new door closer be purchased for the western entrance door. 4. That the toilet in the Gaol corridor be replaced. All of which is respectfully submitted. CHAS. F. JACKSON, Chairman,. 66 mLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROPERTY COMMITTEE Second Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Property Committee reports as fol1o'~s: 1. That the four windows on the West end of the Court House be weather stripped. 2. That a Duplicating Machine be . purchased. 3. That the following accounts be paid: S. A. Martin _....__..__n__n._n__nnn___..__.....___..___________________.$ Peterman Products Company mnnm.mm____mnmm WendeU Holmes, Ltd. __.____.__nnn.__..m........................ Gillard and Price mm._....m.___.....____.._....._...____m_.____m T. Eaton Co. Ltd. _____n__n__n_..nn___._________________.__._________ All of which is respectfully submitted. 10 00 16 20 1 50 109 74 40 20 CRAS. F. JACKSON, Chairman. PROPERTY COMMITTEE To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Property Committee reports as follows; ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ft1 1. That we accept the tender of W. H. Swift, Ltd. for coal for the Court House at $14.20 per ton and for the Registry Office and G'aaler's Residence at $20.75 per ton. 2. That the Communication from the Ocean Chemicals re prices on paint be filed for future reference. All of which is respectfully submitted. CHARLES F. JACKSON, Chairman. June, 1950. PROPERTY COMMITTEE To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: Th,e Property Commjttee reports as follows: 1. That the tender of Andersons Ltd., for Reefer Coats be accepted. 2 Reefers 2 X 252 at $39.50 each 3 Reefers 2 X 251 at $39.qO each 2. That the accounts as presented be paid. 3" That the .Governor and Clerk purchase bulbs for the Court House grounds. All of which is respectfully submitted. CHARLES Ji'. JACKSON, Chairman. 68 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ROAD COMruITTTEE REPORT January Session -To the Warden and Council of the Elgin County Council. Gentlemen: Your Road Committee begs to report as follows:- 1. As reported at your November Session the Comity Road Depart- ment completed nearly all the works contemplated at your January 1949 Session. About 13 miles of Road Mulch Pavements were laid and 37 miles of --old pav'ements were given a Surface Treatment. Three (3) bridges were constructed and the Tyrconnel Culvert and large fill and road diversion completed" The years expenditures were about $5,0.0.0..00. less than the $366,0.0.0..0.0. provided for in your January By-Law. All the work was done by our regular employees. The following is a summary of the County Road Expenditures for the year 1949:~ Resurfacing Gravel Roads ~mU.mmnnmnm_nm'm'mm_. __mn$ Maintenance Gravel Roads nnmmnnnmumm"."nnmnmmnmn New Road Mulch Bituminous Pavements mmnnmmnmm Armour Coat on Old Pavements __mmnmnmmmn moo........ Seal Coat on Old and New Pavements Repairs To Pavements mmnnmnnmm Tyrconnell Culvert nn'_ Tyrconnell Fill nnnnnnnmm ___nnnmmmmmmnnnn Bridges n .O"_mmn_. Culverts nnn........ ._.nn __n..unnnnnnnnn Dust Layer m_om n _______mnumnm Sno"\v Removal . nn'..nn" _nnnn. nnnnmu.um '_nn _.n.mn.___mn Weed and Brush Cutting and Spraying mmnnnnnnmn___ Ditching and Tile Draining _"__'_nmnnmmmmnm_ _ 44483 45 21706 42 75609 03 14384 14 28609 00 836 87 8516 43 32330 50 7639 94 3903 23 12745 03 1167 80 6028 37 3631 76 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 69 Fencing, Guard Rails, Signs, Etc. _mm_mn"mmnmmm_m+ Sanding Icy Roads nn_u.nnnnn___n_._Cnn_n_nn_n_n_. ____un_n_nnn_ Railway Crossing Protection _____mn_. nmnmm_O..._m_.n_mm Land Purchased .nmn__n_nnn_ _..nnnon.._ _._un_ nun_nn_n__n_ Boundary Lines ___nn_nun_.___ _nmn_nnm_ __unnnn_____. Drainage Assessment un___mnoo __n___mmmm_m...._._m Gravel Pit Expenses Tools and Shed Expenses..- New Machinery and Repairs __unmnm moo mmnmnom__ White's Station Garage 'and Shed _m. ommnnmm___ Rodney Garage nmn___nnnmn Stock-Tile, Pipe Plank, Etc. _._ _mun ___un___m.__ Gravel Pit Purchases m..;_nmnnnnn _________ nmnmmom_ Insurance, Compensation, Etc. _mnmn" __u...___.....mnm....____ Superintendence om______._______.___________________. .___..___________.______.___.. Office Expenses and Overhead ....__m________mn .__. ___nnnnm.. Legal Fees _00___ moo __00____.....____00__. ____..___._____00_00_00 .n___n_.__.__m__ Pension Fund ._.m____.___.___..___.._..______.____...._...__._.._.__________d.._....._ Clerical Assistance .__._______..___...m_._______m_._........__.._________....... Constable Fees _..0...._.___..___________:.......____.___..______......--.-.--------.... Travelling Expenses __......._._.__m__._.__...__________m__.____....__m__.___ 3271 26 3278 53 3783 46 560 00 5090 10 1861 07 2252 10 5275 40 4603 58 2152 02 7723 53 2635 00 1476 33 4400 00 i14 87 14 55 10211 77 1550 00 163 22 668 14 $323276 96 Suburban Roads ....__n.m_________........____________._.. ...m_m___nm__..... 37536 86 Less Stock Balance 1948 ..n__________....__....m___nnnnm___.m Accounts Receivable ..m______mm. Receipts $360813 82 2057 59 $358756 23 mm_ 18287 16 $377043 3D __ 16166 5D $360876 80 2. We approve of the Suburban Roads Commissioners Estimate <of $40,000,00 for the current year. '-'. We recommend that the Warden name delegates to the Annual Meeting of the Ontario Good Roads Association to be held in Toronto on February 21st and 22nd 1950 and that the annual fee of $15.00 be paid" 70 ELGl->-'f COUNTY COUNCIL 4. We also recommend that Fred A. Bell, County Engineer and George Powles, Assistant Road Superintendent attend the meeting of the County Engineer's on February 20th. 5. We recommend that the Policy of the General Accident Assur- ance: Company for Public Liability on the County and Suburban Roads: at a premium of $808.58 be renewed. 6. We recommend that the Fire Protection Policy of the Yarmouth Mutual Fire Insu!'ance Company on the County Garage and storage Shed at White's be renewed, the coverage being increased to $15,000.00 on the building and $5,000,,00 on the contents 7. That the petition of the Dunwich Council presented in 1949, ask- ing that the Council assume a portion of the Lake Road and of the Coyne Road in the Township of Dunwich, we recommend that the ap- plication be laid over until the Road Committee makes an examination af the locality. 8 That the petition of the ratepayers on the First Concession of Yarmouth Township asking that Road No. 24 be paved, be filed for future reference until an inspection is made by the Road Committee. 9. We estimate that the sum of $370,000.00 will be required for the main.tenance and construction of our Ca,unty and Suburban Roads for the year 1950, allocated as follows:- County Roads nnnnnmnnn_n__ ___.mO_mnnmnu n.....$330000 00 Suburban Roads .._mmnunmmmnnm...nmm"mmun 40000 00 $370000 00 This is based on the following Estimates:- Resurfacing Gravel Roads .mm",o'....nmmn___m.nmmm.. Maintenance Gravel Roads ".,.mm.'m.___m.m.m....un....,. Paving ......_.....n.nn__u______...........n....__.n.n.__m........._......__..______... .....$ 55000 00 25000 00 80000 00 Surface Treating Existing pavements '.___.___m.n.mm...... 9000 00 Repairs to Existing Pavements ......m.hm.m.m..m....."...... Preparing Roads for Future Paving ..m.mnm..__........______ 2000 00 8000 00 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 1.1' Dust Layer __...._______...._______.__c_______..____________n.....__m____;____________ Snow Removal .__.____________.__uu__n__n_...._._.____n___nn__ __u_._________._u_ Weed Control n____nn:__n.n..____uu__.__.____n.. ____n__n.n____._____n________ Ditching and Tile Drainage ummnnn .o___nnnm_____m___________ Drainage Assessments _______0__ Fencing, Guard Rails, Signs, Etc. Sanding Icy Roads ____mmmm___ _______mm________ .-_____nm.m_____ Railway Crossing F'rotection .mn mmnm__ _ _______mmm Land Furchases _unn___n____ __u__nnn.n____ ___. _n_n_.m.n________________ Boundary Line Accounts _ __ n"_nnnon__ ___. __mun___________________ Gravel Pit Expenses, Tools, Etc. nnom __"___m___.______ New Machinery and Repairs _____m__m___.__..._ _____.mmmm_u_ White's StationG'arage and Shed _mnmmnm Sto9k-Tile, Plank, Etc. ______mnnnmnm__.mmm.__.nn. mm.m Insurance, Compensation, Superannuation nmnmu_nmn Superintendence and Expenses __nmnnm..._ mmnmmm'_. Office Expenses aI;ld Overhead nm _nn._nomumnn_ "mnnmm Clerical Expenses nnnm _._._mnnnnmnn"_ mnnumm__ Legal Fees, Constable Fees ___mno_ nnnom ___m_nmmm__ ..mnn 12000 00 4000.00; 8000 00 5000 ,PO 4000 00 5000 00 5000 00 390~hf!!!' .~_~ 3000,,00 5000 00 2400 00 24000 00 1000 00 5000 00 4000 00 .,&000 00 800 00 160000 300 00 ,..-)]3"11; '..~ 'j[~j oS"" . ,,~:S7:?ORo;og Bridge Construction _._'n _nnnnnmm m..___mm.m.$ 44000 00 - Culverts mnmnm __ mnm"n mnnnnnmmmmm....___m. 8000 00 "iC':::l::.!}; $ 52000 00 Suburban Roads ._m__ nmnmnnnm_ __mnmmm_.m._ mnnnm3".f)f;~qoqg'Jap The County's share will be: $370000 00 ;(1; :_~} ~ ,"r1" 'IHO "(.;;)iifJ ::;1:;.'1,.1 ";.' jj[LS i>CU;::.s '::~0:{;: 20% of the cost of constructing Bridges anad Cul"'ens~~.~~.?.~!~ l:MCRFt1'& 25% of Suburban Roads (10% on' Suburban Bridgei)~:!:.~~~?n?.~LJ liS550>O& 50% of Remainder m..m.m_mumnnnmm_.'m.mnmnnmu__.nnmu_mm......n 139000 ~OO .-sr.; S?CLl ,::VT .~~ :Jor 9IlJ no G$Jp9~~i~O.~9& which is about 5 mills on an assessment of $31,771,795.00. ,';if bEOS! '-l.trwo8 The mill rate for County Road expenses for 1949',:WaSWout 5.3 mills. 10. We recommend that Erieus Street and ,its. hont1n~fi) known 72 E::..GIN COUNTY COUNCIL as Union Street, between Victoria Street and Robinson Street in the Village of Port Burwell be assumed as a County Road. All of which is respectfully submitted. C. A. JOHNSON, Chairman. St. Thomas, Ontario, January 19th, 1950. REPORT ELGIN COUNTY ROAD CO~TTEE June Session To the Warden and Members of the 'Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: Your Road Committee begs to report as follows: 1. The members of the committee made a two day inspection of the roads under our jurisdiction. We found that the damage caused by frost action and spring break-up was rather severe. It was necessary to apply about 8400 tons of crushed stone and 15000 cubic yards of gravel 'to repair the damages and to place the roads in good condition. 2. We have made arrangements' to lay road mulch bituminous pavements on the following roads:- County Road No. 8-Dunwich from Dutton N ortherly __.___._______n__..._.........-.....__...____..___._______.___m___"___._ 3 miles County Road No. 20---Southwold-Fingal South__.__.___...._ 2 miles ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL n County Road No. 36-Yarmouth-Sparta;, South about u..um___umoonoon__ umoonoomoooooo__ uuumoonooo.U_ _.__n.m 7/8 miles Sparta North, about moon- .7/8 miles County Road-S. Dorchester-Lyons EasLunnoooooommm_ 2 miles COUIity Road No. 38-Bayham-ehd of pavement West of Straffordville West .m..mm.moomm.....nnmooum....m__m 2 miles Main Street-West Lorne-Graham Street WesL__.m_m 1 block South Street-Aylmer-in front of Catholic School. Town Line-Between Yarmouth and Southwold from end of the present pavement northerly to the West- minster Town Line (Suburban Road) __._......m.mmnoo 1-lh miles 3. Work is now in progress in widening the Patterson Bridge on the Furnival Road, North of Rodney, 'c.ons.t,r1;1~ti'~lg a n~~_ culvert over the Axford Drain on the Graham Road, North "of West Lorne, and a New 36 foot Concrete Bridge known as the McGinnis Bridge on County Road No.. 33, Y-"mouth. 4. Plans are bE;!ing prepared to widen and reconstruct the Aylmer BrIdge on John street. 5. The grading of the West Entrance of Port Burwell has been completed. 6. It is expected that the years programme can be carried out within the estimates passed at your January Session. 74 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 7. That no action be taken to the request of the Council of the Village of Vienna asking the County to assume the following streets in the village:~Fulton Street from Main Street to Centre Street; Centre Street from Fulton Street to King Street. All of which is respectfully submitted. CHARLES JOHNSON, Chairman. St. Thomas, Ontario, June 14th, 1950. EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE March Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Equalization Committee reports as follows: That the following :be the equalization of the Assessment Rolls of t~e County of Elgin for the year, 1950: Aldborough ___.____.__..________......nm...___._____________..____m_______$ 3,552,414 Dunwich __m__.._m.........________m_m_m_m__.__._________________._.. 3,653,074 South wold __.h.___.___m___n__n_m__m____u__m_____mn_.__.___.m_ 4,696,675 y armouth __m_m_______n______...__._n____n__n__um_n._n_____m___ 5,582,563 Malahide ___n_______m___.__._nnn_m__m____m____..__.___n___nnm___ 3,867,501 Bayham ___n__n_u_______n____n___m___nn__uUh__m______u_u________ 2,542,866 South Dorchester mm_____.m_h__nnn___mm_____.__m___m__ 2,216,482 Aylmer __n__________u___u._mu.__h_m_________m_mu___._'.____m_n___. 2,462,216 Port Stanley .__.______m_mm________________..__..m_nn__nm__m_. 1,524,999 Dutton ._m_..u_.nn__________________u.__._ .______n__n______nu__.._______ 500,549 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 75 Rodney ___._..___.__ m________.__._____._______._________h_.....______.m__m_ West Lorne ___.n_m____nn__._________________._____.__....___m_____._ Springfield . ._._m___._._.__n__n___n___+ .._m___.__m___.__...._____ Vienna ____m___. __._._.___.______nn___n_.._ .___.__m___n____n.__.__ Port Burwell _.00 ....nn..mnnn_nnn__.........nnnnn nnm' 500,049 481,666 180,303 141,547 257,489 $32,160,393 All of which is respectfully submitted. R. McNEIL, Chairman. March, 1950. COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT T.o the Warden and County Council, Gentlemen: I beg tp submit the following statement of Receipts and Expendi- tUres for 1950 up to June 1st, 1950: Receipts Balance ori hand Jan. 1st, 1950 mmm.h......_._....m___m___m_mnn$ 9745 85 Administration of Justice _.......mmmmnm.nm.....$ 5413 14 Bills Payable. and Interest _m......._......mnnn...mm 110003 11 Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit......._.........._._._ 4098 41 Registry Office m..h__h_m_...__...m_......._.......__........m 4352 20 Charity and Welfare mnm.........._mmnmnmnm'_ 6919 44 County Home ....mn..mnnmnm.....m..h.....m........mn. 5385 54 Children's Aid Society nm____nmn.._._..............._m 159 25 County Roads m_m__..._...____....._..._..._m___nnm..........._. 87763 96 Miscellaneous _mmm.m._m.n...._...............nmm...._m.. 233 92 ~22432g 97 $2340'74 82 7:'; ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Expenditures ___.$ 13580 73 75867 95 14821 10 4710 00 7699 66 437 53 8000 00 8318 01 2772 90 2609 95 1594 66 918 32 594 68 79527 86 147 4. $221600 79 Balance on hand May 31st, 1950 "_'nm"m,mnnmmnn" mnunmnm_ 12474 03 Administration of Justice m_m umunmmnnm Bills Payable and Interest _moo um__ __m__ Charity and Welfare _m__mm__n_m"_U Grants 00 __uunnn_n nnn_n'_'_nn__nn____n.n..uun.unnun._ County Home _ n.___nnnnnnnnn_nnnnnnnmn.nuun Registry Office mnmnmummnnmmnm mnn_m___um Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit Children's Aid Societies nn___.m mmnnmmnmmn Mem.bers' Wages __m nmmmn___mnnnmmmnnmn Officers' Salaries ..__mn._n._..._:..___._..uu._nuu.m.u_.._ Printing, Postage, Stationery .____mm_.._..m Care of Buildings nnmnm___._m._._........_.....mm__._.m Agriculture .uuuu_.uum'_._........:n.n.._..n..nn_.n.._..___.._ County Roads ._ .._n_..n_.n_._._....____.___._n._u.uuuuu.u Miscellaneous ..m._n.n_.n...nn_._...._m._u._uu_.u.._nu_____ $234074 82 All of which is respectfully submitted. J. D. THOMSON, County Clerk_ June, 1950" CLERK'S REPORT ON LICENSES To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: I have to report the following applications for licenses have been approved by the local municipalities and the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit from January 1st, 1950, to June 7th, 1950: ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL .77 Restaurant Capital Cafe___m.. ___u on ___00__ mmm _______m .m_ _ __nom_m.Aylmer : Grant's Rustic Inn. ______nnom _____000000 ___ ummm_nm._nmn.Aylmer. W. J. Young.u _uun..___ _ unnomn__ ..m_nn uu___.___.mPort Stanley. Cole & Vvellsn _unununnn__ ...m __on _000000 .00_00_. __.unnnnn. _._..~Iona Fercy Smith'_m___ ____m.mn__ uumnm... .no _______m _u.lona Station Maurice -BibbYnmn.. ___mnnnn_ mnonmmu _._.nonnomWallacetown Curly's Milk Bar & GriILm_: um___m___u .mm.mnnm.....Aylmer A. C. Bradley_ umnnnnm 00000000..._ __uunn____mmR. R. 1, Aylmer 'lV. E.. Greer___m_._ ..___nnm_______nnnm__nm'u_m__.._nR R. 1, Eden E, Youngblut uun _mn___mm__ __nmn____ m___.mmnm_nnShedden Cyril McCaig...mnnu_ .._nnnonm___ mnm____ mmmmmm .._nDutton Stan A. Clarkem..m___m_ ...___mn ____.nnmm____n_____mnnnm...Aylmer Johnson Carrothers.m_ ....00000000 _._n ..m_m.:n._ ..___nn____mUnion Mrs. Fanny Affleck______n____nnm_m_ _ ..n___m___ __._.nnnnnnDutton John Eberlemnu nmmnnnnnmmnnnn ._._mm_.m___.u.mnnnDutton David W. Torrents___...nm_mn.._mn_m_mmR. R. 3, St. Thomas A" Yanule.._ _nnnmn_..nn___n_n.._ ..n___'nnn__.._nunnnnnnn~Rodne~ H.Deodonis_.__._m_n._.____n_...__.._nn_____n_.._n___m___.._.un..m___Rodney Ice Cream Stands W. "yv. Wileyn___nnm..._...n___._______u .00___ _mm_mn..mnn Sprihgfielq Oswald Allen_mnnnnmnmnnn___n___ _.000000 .000000___ .__m-SpringL.'eld Donald Hinqley.__ nnmmmmnnm_m___ _._mmnnu______ __..mnUniOD. N. J. McCalluID__m n_________mm_. unnnunmu__nmunnnm__.__mUniOn R. C. McPheennmm _____mmnmn on._ u__mmn______nnn__nnnnDutto~ N.. K Bennett__n ._'nmu_________ _ un nmm _m___Yarmouth Heights Graves' Store___u____ monmm 0000 _ ___mnnnm_____' ..uu___New Sarurn Wm. E.. Daviesnnn__m_ ___mmn ___000000 mooR.. R. 8, St. Thomas Wm. Candy___...u ___nnnnmm _mmm m_mn _ ___._R. R. 2, Aylmer H. W. I\l[cCurdy.____ mmnnn nnm moo m_m__ .m,___.___Corinth Richard Chuten_______n' ..n___m_ mnm.R" R. 5, Aylmer A. H. Simpson_ unnnnmm___ nnnnnm___u mR. R. 3, St. Thoma:;; Robert H. Vanidournnnmmnnu __m.___ ...___..._ ____St. Thom~ Alex. Betterley___m. _mOO nm __..._mn _____....___mmnnPort Stanley Patricia Palmerm _n___mn .umm___m. _nnm__mnnnnSt. Thoma~ , Gorvett's Store,...,n m_m_ m mm ..00 _ _nunmmSparta Roy Weeksnmnn.. _ unnu ___mnm ___un. mR. R.. 8, st. Thomas Larne M-cCaUumnnm.m._ _ unnnnnum m__mnmnmuSpringfield 73 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Refre~ent Stand or Lunch Counter Harry Tribe_m___m_mmn_n _ ___________o__um_______ _______ ___-Aylmer Jerome N eville_m_m_u._____ n_n__u....____.....__......_____...___.'_mAylmer Gordon Ho.hinson_______________________._._________._________________.___.__nAylmer Bennett's Storeu______mm____.uu___________________m_____u________________Union 3. Callister.___.____mou.__m______uom_mm__m__________....___Port Stanley C" G. Laing____________________________________..____.._______....____.Bayham Twp. All of which is respectfully submitted J. D. THOMSON, C6unty Clerk. June, 1950. COUNTY LffiRARJAN REPORT, 1949 Receipts ~'''' Balance from 1948 ____mmm..mnnnnmm_mm_nnmm..$ County Grant _._..__. .n_ __ unu .uum.nm.unuunnnnu..n. ptovincial Grant ...m................'.'..'.",'.""..'.'.",,,,,'.'.. Members' Fees ............................................................ ~ravel Ex-penses ..................................m.....m........... St: Thomas Public Library.................n.......n........ Sale of book stacks m..mm..-nnm'n"mm.'m.'..-nn...... Expenditures O.L.A. & CL.A..............................................................$ Bookmobile expenses .....n.....u........._.............m___.___ Books .n.............................__........................n......,'....n. Equipment __..n...n__....__.......'....n.mn..m....nnn.......nm. Insurance ...n..nnnn..........nn..m..n....u..._.............u...... 2 59 3700 00 4799 00 1504 96 49 23 5 00 35 00 $ 10095 83 10 30 200 79 3435 37 3534 71 113 05 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL J.9 Library Cards __________________________.____m_____........._____....... Mending u_h__.+...___mu________.._______n___m___________________________ Salaries, Librarian om +Munnnumumnnmnmmnn___ Assistants __m_m__...___._...________._....____.__u____, Trip to D.L.A. _u___________n___n_m___nn_n_______n'_.______._......... General Expenses _______n._______.___m______m________.....__d Cash on hand _n._.___.,".__.___,_.,._________."._________________,__________ PROPOSED BUDGET Estimated Receipts Bala:nce ___...n____..._.nn__n_n._____.n...n__...n______________m.______$ County Grant ._n___m______________________________.__._,___.___.________ Provincial Grant _un_.n__..........________._.___...._............... Members' Fees ..__n__.....___oo______oo____..oooooo_m_oo.____________oo_ Estimated Expenditures O.,L.A. & C.L.A. ............................................................$ Bookmobile Expenses ._...___.._................_......_h_..._. Books..._._.......oo_.n......__........oo_____.___..,_oo___________oo_m__...__ Equipment ___.__,_,__oooooo__oo___oooo.____._oo_.__oo___m___.__m_m___n_ Insurance ._____.oooo_.__m_.____n_.._.____.____.___.....n.nn.........___. Library Cards nnnmnmnnnuu uu_._ __. _U....n_._...nmn_ Binding and Mending "'__'n U___unmn_'nnmmnmm Salary, Librarian ._._moo__moooo.oooooo..oo................__......... Assistant mmmnmnuum numm ,,".__ Travel Expenses m"m uu _"__mmm General Expenses mm.. _.m...m mmmmmmmmnmn 221 43 12211 2000 00 314 16 30 00 100 25 123 5'1 $ 10095 83 , 123 5'1 3000 00 4099 .00 1515 00 $ 8737 Iii 1031}. 350 00' 4147 2'1 150 OU. 100 on 250 00 100 00 2400 00 1020 00 6000 150 00, . MISS EILEEN WALLACE, County Librarian. $ 8737 5'1 50 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FINANCIAL STATE:MENT ELGIN AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE .~.'- -. January 14, 1950 ~ : Receipts fhnk Balance, Jan. 17, 1949.___;. o___omo______oo___o_______$ Elgin County Council _____m_m__m____________...______,.____________ Refund, Royal Winter Fair-Horse Show (52 seats) unm__,. _ _ __n __'..nnnn_______________________n._ ExPenditures Breed Shows: Black & White Show, Aylmer mmn __.$ !~rsey Parish Show, Aylmer___________________. Ayr-shire Show, Aylmer ._ _m____o..um___nun Reef Cattle Show, Wallacetown............ ~,: . . Field Crop and Plowm~rr_~, ~rganizations: Elgin County Crop Improvement Assoc'n. n__ .__nn_______.... __________.______0000__$ El~n Fruit Growers' Association .,;:___. Elgin County Plowmen's Association '~lgin Seed Fair _________m__n____________________________ ifunior Farmers: 'Elgin Junior Farmers' Association........$ Elgin Girls' Institute ..__nonomn.........mm 100 00 79 50 64 50 100 00 $ 150 00 50 00 150 00 200 00 $ 200 00 100 00 $ 251 65 1500 00 91 03 ~ 34400 550 DO 300 00 1842 68 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 81 Junior Club "\"Tork: East Elgin Dairy Calf Clul? _m __mmmnn$ Belmont Dairy Calf Club n:nm_m__ East Elgin Swine Club __ mumnnnnn__ Shedden Beef Calf Club _______mmnmnnm__ Shedden Grain Club m ________mnnnmum__ Wallacetown Beef Calf Club _ _ Aldborough Beef Calf Club nn___ Aldborough Grain Club mmnmmm _.mnm 30 00 10 50 10 50 13 50 15 00 24 00 12 00 6 00 $ 121 50 CHAM:PION CALVES-Shedden, Wallacetown, Rodney Achievement Days and Wallace- town Championship Show nunmnmmm__ ____$ Trucking Lambs to Cowal ..m_....__._ muunnm_ m.___ Judging Competitions: 25 09 10 00 INTER-CLUB COMPETITIONS, O.A.C., Guelph, 7 teams n.. nun mnnnnnmnm ____unnuunmnnn...._m --$ 72 00 INTER-COUNTY LIVESTOCK J U D GIN G TEAM, Royal Winter Fair, Toronto':"-TEAM MEMBERS: Don Jenkins, Grant Burks, Melvin Small _" mnunm..m _ _ nnnnmnmnm_ Pictures, Stol1ery- 1 Clothing Team mn nn ____m.mmmn$ 2 Poultry Team __00___. m nmmn__ 65 90 1425 14 25 $ 2850 :Miscellaneous: Martin's Sign Service-Cards & Posters, Achievement Days m_m_m,m....._mnmnnm_m__mu__$ 6 25 Advertising: Dutton Advance, Beef and Sheep Club ings _.______.____________n_____..______________..._._..___$ Mercury-Sun. Beef Producers ..mCm_...... Meet- 600 3 00 S 900 82 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Rental Dutton Hall, Annual Meeting Beef Pro- iucers ___.nnnnnnnnnnnmnunm.n__nnn_n_nn__n_n_n _ ____.$ Expenses Girls' Achievement Day, A.V.V.S.nmm Honour Pins, Girls' Club .Work _ _ __nmmmm_mnn Royal Winter Fair, Horse Shoe Seats __nnnnnn______ Total Expenses ____"._h_____n$ Bank Balance.__n..n_____._____ STUART LITTLE, Rodney) ARCHIE COULTER, St. Thomas) Agricultural Committee. 800 450 8 40 91 18 1644 32 198 36 $ 1842 68 A. V. LANGTON, SecretarY-1'reasurer. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 83 REPORT OF COUNTY CLERK ON SUBMISSION OF HOSPITAL BY-LAW January Session To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: G€ntlemen: I have to report that By-Law No. 1565, for making grant for erection of a St. Thomas and Elgin General Hospital in the City of St. Thomas, was submitted to the electors on the 5th day of December, 1949. The following vote was polled: Aldborough O___mmmnn.....m Dunwich ._______._....._...............____________. Southwold "__m__nnomnn....______ Yarmouth _mm nmmmn_ Malahide _____nnn.on_. n_.._ .._nnnoun__n___ Bayham. _ ".n _."un_nnnn_un__________"._____ South Dorchester m.m_.. mmmnn______ Aylmer ___moo_non nO__nm.un. nnnnn Dutton _n ___.nnnnn__n__________________._ Port Stanley __unmmnmm __m__n___n___.. SpringL'eld ___m_ m__ .."___nmnm...u__u Vienna n___'______n._...__.._____________n_n___ West Lorne nnnnn___n____. _..nnnmn~_n_ Port Burwell mnmm_'m,'nU_'nnnmnnm Rodney __.__n_______..._...._n____n..__n_____nnnn Majority for By-Law 1749. All of which is respectfully submitted. January 14th, 1950. , For Against Majority 115 80 35 148 90 58 245 127 118 1018 218 800 97 57 40 89 37 52 74 144 70 404 265 139 54 23 31 304 29 275 41 69 28 66 13 53 98 27 71 58 39 19 210 54 156 - - - 3021 1272 1749 :1. D. THOMSON, County Clerk. 84 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ~y -u~ W$ BY-LA\V NO. 1567 To Authorize the Warden and Treasurer to Borrow The SlID1 of Four If"tmdicd Thousand Dollars The LI:;in County Council enacts: That the vVarden and Treasurer be and are herehy" authorized to borrow the sum of Four Hundred Thousand Dollars from the Bank of n'Iontreal as it may be required to meet the eXpenditures of the Corpor- ation of the County of Elgin during the year 1950 and to give as se-curity therefore notes of One Thousand Dollars or multiples thereof Read a first time this 20th day of January, 1950. Read a second time this 20th day of January, 1950 Read a third time and finally passed this 20th day of January, 1950. J D THOMSON 'CIerk A. V. COULTER Warden Form k6 BY-LAW NO. 1568 A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE TOTAL EXPENDITURE on fIle system of county roads in the County of Elgin, as approved by Order- in-Council, during the year 1950. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 85 WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act, Chapter 56, 1937, and amendments, .requires that the -total expenditure on roads and bridges be provided for annually by county by-law. R.&.O., county THEREFORE the council of the corporation of the said county enacts as follows:- (1) The sum of $37{~,OOO"OO is hereby appropriated from monies raised by levy, debentures and government subsidy for total expendi- ture upon construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the year 1950 as follows:- Construction Roads ..$ 98,0~0..00 166,0~0.00 20,000,,00 4,O~O.OO 27,000.00 Bridges and Culverts $ 52,000.00 3,000.00 Total $150,000.00 169,000.00 20,000.00 . 4,000,\i1l 27,00~;b0 I\'iaintenance New Machinery mmmn Machinery Repairs Miscellaneous Totals nmmn ...$315,00000 $ 55,000.00 $370,000:.00 (2) The said monies shall be expended under the direction of the duly appointed county road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the 1:Iunicipal Roads Branch, De;mrtment o~ Highways of Ontario, on or before the 31st day of January cfthe present year. Passed at St. Thomas this 20th day of-:J~nuary, A.D. 1950" J D. THO].';:SON, Clerk A v. COUUi1f:R, Warden &3' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL I, J. D. Thomson, Clerk of the corporation of the County of Elgin, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-Law No. 1568 passed by the council of the, said corporation on the 20th day of Jan- uary, 1950. J. D" THOMSON, County Clerk. BY-LAW NO. 1569 To Appoint a County Road Committee As required by the Highway Act the Elgin County Council enacts: That the following five members of this Council constitute a Com- mittee for the purpose of directing the work to be done on the County Road System: Stuart Little _n_"onm m"_nmmm,._ __mmfor Term of one year Clarence Orchard... .mnnnum'~mmmnfor Term of two years C. Johnson.onmmm nm.m mm______mm.for Term of three years A. Johnson___.m '.,' _...onon __...ummmn.for Term of four years R. McNeiL.__ _...mummm mmmnun..mmfor Term of five years That By-Law No" 1549 be and is hereby repealed. Read a first time this 20th day of January, 1950. Read a second time this 20th day of January, 1950. Read a third time and finally passed this 20th day of January, 1950. J. D. THOMSON, (:llerk A. V. COULTER, Warden ELGIN COUNTY COuNCJ;L .$7 BY-LAW NO. 1570 To Appoint a Board of Audit in the County of Elgin for the year 1950 The Elgin County Council enacts; That the Judge of the .County Court and the Treasurer, and Mr.W. T. Merrett be, and are hereby appointed members of the Board of Audit to perform the duties required of them by the Revised Statutes-of Ontario. That the members of the said Board of Audit be paid the sum of Seven Dollars per day for their services and fNe cents per mile going to e..nd from each audit Read a first time this 20th day of Jani.1arY,,1950. \.ead a second time this 20th day of January, 1950. Read a third time and finally passed this 20th day of January, 1950. T. D. THOMSON, Clerk A. V. COULTER, Warden THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 1571 A By-Law to amend the By-Law Adopting a Plan of County Road Improvement and Establishing a County Road System in the County of Elgin under the High'Nay Improvement Act. The Council of the Corporation By-Law Number 1571 as follows: of the County of EIgi~.p.acts as '0' (3 ELGIN COUNTY CO'UTICIL 1. The Schedule of By-Law Number 897 being the original by-law establishing a County Road System in the County of Elgin as amended by By-Law number 1052 being the last consolidating by-law re-establish- iug the said system and further amended by subsequent amending by- laws is hereby amended by adding thereto the road designated and des- cribed as follows: DESIGNATED <\OUNTY ROAD NUMBER DESCRIPTION 42 A BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the Village of Port Burwell and being a con- necting link between County Road No. 42, and the King's Highw<3.Y No. 19; COMMENCING in the Village of Port Burwell at the intersection of Erieus Street and Victoria Street (The King's H.ighway No, 19) THENCE south westerly along Erieus Street and its continuation known as Union Street as shown on Regis~ered Plans No. 12, and No 98, to its intersection with Robinson Street (County Road No. 42) A DISTANCE of 3/8 miles. 2. The Road as designated and described in paragraph 1. is hereby added to and included in the County Road System of the County of Elgin 3. This By-Law shall come into force upon the approval thereof by the Lieutenant-Governor ih Council. Finally passed at the Ctiy of st. Thomas in the County of Elgin this 2Oth\day of January, 1950. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk A. V. COULTER, Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 89 BY-LAW NO. 1572 To :Ra.ise Amounts for County Rates during the Year 1950 WHEREAS an estimate has been made showing that the sum of Three Hundred and Twenty-Seven thousand, two Hundred and forty- nine Dollars is required to be raised in the several municipalities for the lawful purposes of the County during the year 1950 on the basis of the equalized assessment as determined in-1949: Municipality Total Equalized Value Aldborough __unmm_" _ ___ _ _nnnnnm...____ Dunwich ___nun____ moo moo ___un__ ___n_n__ nu". _ Southwold ____nun__...._ __un __..n____ .._nnnn__mnm.._ Yarmouth ___n.n.._. _m__m________________m_______________....___________ Malahide ...._n___n_.__ ... ..,_on_ __mmnmmn____ Bayham .. ____nnnn_nmn n_._ ____"_____n_ ___mun_m. South Dorchester mm_'m_ mn _.m ___mm..mnm._._ Aylmer ____ ... .......n_n_nnm..._n___n_ n_n__...un_nn_ n_n.. Port Stanley _n___.". ....mnnmnmnnm._ mumumun .n___ Dutton _n.,.._n.nnnnnn n.,."""_ nmnnn noon.. n_nunnunnn Rodney ___ ..mn_..._nmnn ._00.___ .mnnnmn nom _ West Lorne. ..nun..nn....nnnnn _ mn.n.n_...._n_n.. - Port Burwell _._.un ...n....nn..n...n. nn."" m..n..n.nn.nn Springfield nnnmn Vienna __.....__..__.____nn.n__ ___._._...m_n.un_..____m...... ~mnm~$ 3,462,489 3,643,795 4,696,675 5,377,738 3,867,501 2,528,703 2,213,896 2,462,216 1,5~3,710 500,549 487,155 461,666 250,000 175,303 140,399 $31,771,795 THEREFORE the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts: That a rate of 10.3 mills on the dollar be levied on all rateable property in the several municipalities in the County of Elgin as above set forth for the year 1950: 90 E!..:..Gill . COUNTY COUNCrr.. Municipality County Rate Aldborough nn _nnnnmmnmmm Dunwich 00 __nnnnnun_nmn__. Southwold .___000000__________ _________"_____________._.____________________< Yarmouth 0000000000000000 "____mn_____n____ _000000_0000_00_0000__ .Malahide 00000000000000__ __n_n_n__n_m_ __ ._mn__nn_n__n Bayham _00_00____ _nnn_nn_nn_ __n._ .____00000000_____.000000_00_____00 South. Dorchester mm;m ".m nnm_.. ____mmmmnmmn_. Aylmer _ ___n__n__nn_mn_ ._n_m_n 00000000_ _nn_n_nnnnn Port Stanley um;~___ ___.________m....___n _mn_______mm_ Duttc:in _nn_mn..;n___ .n_nnnm__ ___.n___n___nn__n _00___00_00000000 Rodney nun___nm____ 00.00000000____ _00_000000___ ______ _00___00_00_____. West Lorne n._nm_mn__ _n____n_nn_____".nn_n>nnnn_n._ Port Bur\vell _.n________ _____________nn.____________n_nn__.__n_______ Springfield nnn__nn ._00000000 00___ nnmnu ___00_ __n_nnn__mn_ Vienna _._c__________nnu_;._n__n_n_____n_________ ______00__ __________". Read a first time this 22nd day of March, 1950. Read a second time this 22nd day of March;' 1950. mnm.$ 35,663.00 37,531.00 48,376.00 55,391.0} 39,835.00 26,046.00 22,803.00 ' 25,361.00 15,488.00 5,156.00 5,018.00 4,71;5.00 2,575.00 1,805.00 1,446;00 $327,24S.00 Read a.third time and finally passed this 22nd day of March, 1950. J. D THOMSON, Clerk BY.LAW NO. 1573 A. V. COULTER, Warden To Confirm the- Equalization of the Assessment Rolls of the County of Elgin for the Year 1950 The Elgin County Council enacts: That the_following be the equalization of the. Assessme-nt Rolls of the County of Elgin for the year 1950: ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 91 Aldborough umnm ___mum ___mmnm n_mnmmn..n nnnm$ 3,552,414 Dunwich ...._nnn_.._. __un...._ nun_______mnm___________________ 3,653,074 Southwold un_ .._un___m_____n____...__________________n___m__________. 4,696,675 Yarmouth mm_.._____mnnm_____..____. nm_mnm___'.____m______ 5,582,563 Malahide mum _n.mnnn_____ _mnnnn__ _____n___mm__ ___unm 3,867,501 Bayham __m_____nn __mnm____ ________m__':~__':_---m..m--~mnn 2,5~2,866 South Dorchester _m______n____.___________h.__~_________._....n___ 2,216;482 Aylmer _____m__________.nn__~____,,_____________.____,----- __________m_______ 2,462,216 Port Stanley _.__mm______ ..n..nn_mm_n____ ____mn____________. 1,.524,999 Dutton ._nnnnn_____ ..._nnon ____nnnn_.nnn____________.____________. 500,549 Rodney _ ______n___n__. .o.._n___....___________..._____________n..__n__nnn 500,049 West Lorne mnmm_~m__'_n nnnmmmnmmmmmnmnn 481;666 Springf.reld ..mmnmm_mnn m.nnmmn._.mnmm__m_ _m_ 180,303 Vienna nnn___._oooooomC::_nunmn__noomnnn .oo__moo_n_.__ un 141,547 Port Burwell m__moommoomm_n._mmm___ m____mmn _on_ 257,489 $32,160,393 That this Council is willing to have the final equalization of Assess- ment Rolls, in case of appeal, made by the County Judge. Read a first time this 22nd day of March, 1950. Read a second time this 22nd day of March, 1950. Read a third time and finally passed this 22nd d~y of ].[arch, ..1950. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk A. V.COULTER, Warden gO :C="CL'-T COU::"TY CO'JNCL BY-LAW NO. 1574 To Appoint a Member of the Senate of the UniVCI"sity of 'tVcstcrn Ontario The Elgin County Council eriacts: THAT E. F. S" Sanders, B.A., be and is hereby appointed to the Senate of the University of Western Ontario. Read a first time this 22nd day of March, 1950. Read a second time this 22nd day of March, 1950. Read a third time and finally passed this 22nd day of March, 1950. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk A. V. COULTER, Warden BY-LAW NO. 1575 To Amend By-Law No. 1563 The Elgin County Council enacts: That the saJary of Mary Burke, Office Assistant to the County Clerk and Treasurer be Fifteen Hundred Dollars per annum, commencing June 1st, 1950. That By-Law No. 1563 be and is hereby amended. Read a first time this 19th day of September, 1950. Read a second time this 19th day of September, 1950. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 93 Head ~ third time and finally passed this 19th day of SeptembeT, ~_9::;O. J" D TI-IO"!\,fSON, Clerk A. V. COULTER, Warden BY-LAW NO. 1576 A By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 1443 of the Township of Ya:r- mouTh, being By-Law to Provj.de for Closing and Stopping up a Portion of Road in the Tenth and Eleventh Concession of Yarmouth Township. Whereas the Council of the Township of Yarmouth on the 3rd day of April, 1950, A.D., did pass By-Law No. 1443, for closing and stopping up a portion of road in the tenth and eleventh concession of Yarmouth Township, more particularly described in the said By-Law, true copies whereof are hereunto annexed. And whereas pursuant to the provISIons of the Municipal Act the, said Township By-Law shall not have any force until confirmed by a. by-law of the Council of the County in which the township is situate passed at an ordinary meeting of the Council held not sooner than three months nor later than one year after the passing of the By-Law of t'be Council of the Township. AND WHEREAS a'pplication has been made to the Council of fhe Corporation of the County of Elgin for a By-Law confirming said Town- .ship By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows:- 94 E~CI~-r COUN7Y COU:'7C:::'" That By-Law Number 1443, of the Township of Yarmouth, being ~y-Law to Provide for Closing and Stopping up a Portion of Road in , the Tenth and Eleventh Concession of Yarmouth ~ownship, be and the s~e is hereby confirmed. Read a first time this 19th day of September, 1950. Read a second time this 19th day of September, 1950.. Read a third time and finally passed this 19th day of September, 1950. ;T. D. THOMSON, Clerk A V. COULTER, Warden BY-LAW NO. 1577 A By;..Lawto Appoint Secretary to The Board of the Elgin County Home The Elgin County Council enacts: That J. D. Thomson be and is hereby appointed Secretary of the :"Board of the Elgin 'County Home at a Salary of Two Hundred Dollars per year with an allowance' Of five cents per mile for use of car while ~mployed on County business. This By-Law to have effect from January 1st, 1950. Read a f.i'st time this 19th day of September, 1950. Read a second time this 19th day of September, 1950. Read a third time and finally passed this 19th day of September, 1950.- 5. D. THOMSON, Clerk A. V. COULTER, Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 95 FIFTH SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 21st day of November, 1950 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, st. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. All the members present. The Warden in the Chair. The Warden addressed the Council, and extended a welcome to the boys present who were guests of the Council members" The minutes of the September Session were read and approved. The following communications were read and referred to their various Committees: COMMJUNICATIONS From' the Univ~rsity of Western Ontario re Winners of the Elgi:r: County Scholarships.-Filed. From the Canadian Federation of Mayors & Municipalities re 1951 Convention.-Referred to the Finance Committee. From Victoria HospitaJ, London, re deficit on Indigent Patients.- Referred to the Finance Committee Fi'omthe County of Halton with resolution re Floor Price on Farm Produce.-=-Referred to the Agriculture Committee. From the West Elgin High SchOcH Board re Appointment of Repre- sentative,,-Referred to the Education Committee. From the- Elgin County Gaol Staff reCast of Living Bonus.-Refer- red to the Finance Committee. . 9G EI...GI?-1 COU.:::~TY COU~T-=-;:::=" From the County of WeIland with resolution to legalize Sweepstakes in Canada for hospital purposes,,-Referred to the Petitions & Legisla- tions Committee. From the Canadian Pacific Expres.s Company re (Jounty Road east of Port Burwell.:-Referred to the County Roads Committee. From the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, with resolution re Increased Provincial Government Grant or Grants be paid to Counties on Children Aid Society Costs.-Referred to the Finance Committee. From the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, with resolution requesting payment of Government 'Grants to Counties for County Homes.-Referred to the County Home Committee From the County of WeIland with resolution allowing old age pen- sioners a larger income.-Referred to the Finance Committee. From the University of Western Ontar.io re acknowledgement of 1950 Grant.-Filed. From the County Clerk with Report on Licenses.-Referred to the Finance .Committee, From the County Clerk with County Home Report.-Referred to County Home Committee. From the County Treasurer with Report.-Referred to the :Finance Committee. From the County Home Physician with Report.-Referred to the Cpunty Home Committee. From the County Weed Inspector, with Report.-Referred to the Agriculture Committee. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 97 :Moved by William Merrett, Seconded by E. Ashton: That we do now adjourn to meet at 2 p"m. -Carried. The Council resumed Moved by Reeve Wright that Dr" Knipe, of the Elgin-St.. Thomas I-:Iealth Unit be now heard Dr Knipe addressed the Council re Health C:inics and work of the Unit. Moved by W. R. Gifford that Mr, Green, Superintendent, of the Children's Aid Society be now heard, Mr. Green addressed the Council on the work of the Children's Aid Society. The f~'rst report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted, on motion of Reeve Millard, and Reeve McNeil John Coulter expressed appreciation on behalf of the boys for being their guests. Moved by E. Ashton, Seconded by S. Little: That we do now adjourn to meet on Wednesday, November 22rid, at 10 a.m. ~arried. A. V. COULTER. 98 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FIFTH SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 2200 day of November, 1950 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members present except Dr. Bell_" The minutes of the previous day were read and approved. A communication from Mr. L, Johnson, with invitation to the COUll- -eil members to attend the opening of the Fanshawe Dam, on Thursday afternoon, November 23rd, at 3 p.m., was also read. A Report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Millard and ~eeve Speers. A Report of the Property Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Jackson and Deputy Reeve McKillop. The Report of the County Home Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Fuller, and Deputy Reeve Bodkin_ The Warden expressed appreciation to Miss Coyne, Duncan McKil- lop, A. T. Kington, and Mr. and Mrs~ Turnbull for their kindness and courtesy to the boys who were guests yesterday of the Council. Deputy Reeve Ashton brought to the attention of the Council, the condition of the Historical room, and felt something should be done for the improvement of it. Reeve McNeil also mentioned the Photos of the County Council stored on the third floor and replacing them on the walls of a room in the Court House. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 99 Moved by E. Ashton, Seconded by S. Little: That we do now adjourn till 2 p.m. -Carried. The Council resumed, The Report of the Petitions and Legislations Committee was presen- ted and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Ashton, and Deputy Reeve Fuller. The Report of the Education Committee was presented and on mo- tion of Deputy Reeve Ashton, the Council went into a Committee of a whole with Reeve Millard in the Chair. After a lengthy discussion. on Clause 3, the report was adopted as read, on motion of Reeve Lash- brook and Deputy Reeve McKillop. The Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented and adopt- ed on motion of Reeve Orchard and Reeve Davies. Moved ,by R. K. McNeil, Seconded by Stuart Little: That the ladies of the Court House staff be granted Saturday morn- ings off. -Carried. Unu,,,...'1 'hu H! Ae,htnn ~~. -~ ~J -. ~......._~~-, Seconded by A. Blue: 100 ELGI)[ COUNTY COUNCE.. That we appoint the Property Committee to he a Committee to see if something could be done, as to forming a County Museum. -Carried. Moved by,:::" A. J ahnson, Seconded by J. Millard: That the Warden set up a Committee of three members to make a survey and report salaries and wages of employees to be presented to the 1951 County Council. -Carried. Moved by J. Fuller, Seconded by VI.. K.. Bodkin: That we do now adjourn to meet again on Thursday, November 23rd, at 10 a.m. -Carried. A. V. COULTER. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 101 FIFTH SESSION - TIDRD DAY Thursday, the 2Srd day of November, 1950 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Vvarden in the Chair. All the Members present. The minutes of the previous day \vere read and adopted. The third Report Of the Finance Com:rpittee was presented, and Qn ",-'lotion of Reeve McNeil, the CouDcil went into a Committee of the \.'hole \I'ith Reeve Speers in the Chair. After a lengthy dicussion, tile Report was adopted as read on motion of Reeve Millard and Reeve Speers. The Report of the Road Committee was presented, and on motion of Deputy Reeve Auckland the Council went into a Committee of the whole with Reeve Lashbrook in the Chair. After considerable discus- sion the report was adopted on motion of Reeve C. Johnson, and Reeve A. Johnson. The Warden appointed Reeve C" Johnson, Reeve John Millard, and the vVarde:l as a Committee re Salaries and Wages. Moved by S Little, .~< Seconded by A. Blue: That the usual grant of $150,00 be paid to the Wa"rdenfoT- his.s'er- vices during the year, 1950. -Carried-" 1~2 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by R. K. McNeil, Seconded by Elmer Wackley: . That a gra,nt of $25.00 each be paid to L. B. Birdsall, and Frank Rowles as Reporters for the Press for the year, 1950. ----,Carried. Reeve Speers of Port Stanley reported on the success of the pre- vention of erosion to the Port Stanley shore line The Council members expressed their appreciation at the excellent manner which the Warden conducted the business and the co-operation of all of the members of the 'Council. Moved by E. Ashton, Seconded by W. Merrett: That this Council do now adjourn sine die...,_ -Carried. AGRICULTURE COMMITTEE To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: ',,: The Agriculture Committee reports as follows: 1. That the County Weed Inspector's Report be accepted and print- ed.. in' the Proceedings. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 103 2. That the resolution from Halton County re Setting a Floor Price of Farm Products be filed. .' All of which is respectfully submitted. C. ORCHARD, Chairman. EDUCATION COMMITTEE To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Education Committee reports as follows: 1. That Fred W. Kaiser be County Representative on the East ,Elgin High School pistrict Board for the year 1951. 2. That Ralph Auckland be County Representative for Central Elgin High School District for the year 1951'. .... 3. That Alex" C. White be County Representative in the West Elgin High School District Board for the yeat1951. All of which is respectfUlly submitted. ';:"..$ A.T,.'LASHBROOK. Ghaitniaii. 1D4 E~G-IN COUNTY COuNCIL COUNTY HOl\-IE COMMITTEE To the Elgin County Council, C---entlemen: The Elgin County Home Committee reports as follows: 1. That the report of the County Home Physician be accepted, and printed in the Proceedings, 2. That the Report of the Secretary of the County Home be accepted and printed in the Proceedings. 3 That we endorse the resolution of Dundas, Stormont, and Glen- garry, for payment to the Counties of the Provincial Subsidy for County Homes. 4. That we accept the tender of the Canada Bread Company for uilSliced bread at 10.95 cents per loaf. All of which is respectfully submitted. JAMES A. FULLER, Chairman" COUNTY HOME PHYSICIAN'S REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: I have the honour of presenting the Seventy-Fifth Annual Medical ~eport of the Elgin County Home up to October 31st, 1950, and submit ; .th~~.following for your consideration. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL t03 I made Fifty visits to the County Home, and attended sixteen in- O::l~:es in the Memorial Hospital and Memorial Hospital Annex as fol- o,;s: John Frankow. _ ______m______ ____Nav" 28th, 1948, .to May 12th, 1950 Oscar H~nsingern n_n_____. __m_mNov" 21st, 1949, to Dec. 1st, 1949 Dec" 9th, 1949, to Dec. 19th, 1949 Creorge Quinn______ ___00 mm m.Nov" 28th, 1949, to Dec. 23rd, 1949 May 18th, 1950, to June 29th, 1950 William Fishernm. __nn__. ____Dec. 7th, 1949, to Dec. 16th, 1949 William Playernmnnnm.mn_.m.Jan. 4th, 1950, to May 2nd, 1950 Edward Lee,.".~m.mnm",n.....mJan. 20th, 1950, to Jail" 23rd, 1950 Henry Burlingm.mnm"mm......Mar" 20th, 1950, to Mar.. 29th, 1950 Hazel Haley__ mn m_nnMar. 25th, 1950, to April 13th, 1950 Richard Matthews.___________m..April 3rd, 1950, to April 15th, 1950 Arthur Durdlemmm__ __ __ ___..April 6th, 1950, to April 29th, 1950 May 11th, 1950, to May 13th, 1950 George WebbmmmnnmnnnnnnApril 9th, 1950, to May 25th, 1950 Thomas La Flamme.".mn.mJune 5th, 1950, to June 27th, 1950 FlareIfce Lilley__.. _un ..nmm..June 9th, 1950, to Aug. Srd, 1950 Leonard Clappen________mm__June 20th, 1950, to June 23rd, 1950 Eli Stanton.."".m..mm._. ..m..Aug. 5th, 1950, to Sept" 10th, 1950 C'harles Powell nnnmnmnmAug. 31, 1950, to October 10th, 1950 Nora Chute_". ..nnnmnn..mnm..Sept. 7th, 1950, to Oct" 21st, 1950 There were no births. I visited as necessary any inmates who were in Craigview Nursing Home. There were six deaths, all males as follows: Jan. 23, 1950 Edward Leemn......_.m6iLm.. Arteria Sclerotic Heart Disease Mar. 29, 1950 Henry Burlingmm....75........ Arteria SClerotic Heart Disease Apr. 15, 1950 Richard Matthewsm_72__m_.. Lobar Pneumonia May 13, 1950 Arthur Durdle.__....m78____._d Arteria Sclerotic Heart Disease 106 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL June 12, 1950 George Lightburnm.79.....m Coronary Occlusion June 27, 1950 Thos. La Flammenn62....._n Cirrhosis of Liver Respectfully submitted, D. L. EWIN, Physi-cian, Elgin County Home. First Report FINANCE REPORT To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: -, I beg to submit the following statement of accounts paid through Finance from September 5th, 1950, to November 14th, 1950: The Printing World nn__ nommmm.mn. ..munmmmm nmmm..m....$ Huron County Children's Aid SocietY.m_o 0 mnu nmnnmnnm C. A. Society, W.indsor & Essexnnmmmmnmm.. Ontario Training School For Boys-mnnnnm.mnn Aroundtown Cabs mnm_ __m._ . o..uuunmnnmmm nn"_ " P. R. Williams & Sonn.n".""..n..n...nn..n_. _ 00" mnnnnnm__n.nn..nn.__ Hay Stationery Co. Ltd........m_...mmn...n...m.'.u......._m..n........._..m. A" Squire nnnm __________ ___nmnmnnnnnnmnmnnnnnnn.__ .n__.noomn_m Dept. of Highways.... mOO'" mumnmnm nnmnmn__ Parkwood Hospital ..moonmnn._nnnnn_n._.__ nonn.nnn.._mn_n._nm ___00 Underwood Ltd. n_.m.....um.m..mnO_ ...000000._._.... __._.m.........m_._n.._._. C. A. Society, St. Thomas & Elginnnnnm..m.mn_mm..mmmnm___. C. A. Society, London & Middlesex.mmnm.m.___n._............m._,. 42 12 136 64 128 80 3750 15 00 70 00 5 57 1337 50 3 6P 411 75 550 2475 20 6771 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 107 Catholic C. A.Society of Toronto_____.. ___mn.'_mmmmnnnnmmn East Windsor Health Association ..........hm.___"nmm_mnnnnnnnn Nyal B. Cook_______._._._____,___________________.;..__________________..__________.__m____m___. C. A. S., Woodstock & Oxford.mnmm__nnmnmnm_.________m_mnmm Mason Villa Private HospitaL_n.___m_m__mmmnm_____. "'_On"mm.__ Department of Reform Institutions....___________________,________m..____.__ Ontario Hospital, Woodstockm..................___m_..__......m....._mmnn Dutton Advance ______n__nnnnm__n__.._...._n_.. __n__n_....__._.__________.____.._._. St. Thomas Times-J ournal__m_m_m_mn_____nn__..____nn___________________ 87 54 137 25 10 55 140 30 112 00 15 10 276 00 64 75 28 00 Total - $ 5608 38 All of which is respectfully submitted. Noyember, 1950. JOHN~, Chairman. November, 1950. Second Report FINANCE COMMITTEE To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That the following Hospital Accounts be paid: Victoria Hospital, London.....___.________..____m________m__._._...._..._.__$1.752.00 St. Joseph's Hospital. London..._.................._.............._....... 84.00 1-88" EI..GI~T COm~'I'Y COUNCIL The Hospital For Sick Children, TorontO.___n Memorial Hospital, St. Thomas_u Tillsonburg Soldiers' Memorial Hospital. 45,,00 3,496,,86 156..50 2. That this Finance Committee refer to the 1951 County Council for Request of the Bobier Convalescent Home for a Grant of $1,500,,00 for the said institution All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN MILLARD, Chairman.. November, 1950, Third Report FINANCE COMMITTEE To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen; The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Clerk's Report on Licenses be accepted and printed in the Proceedings. 2. That the County Treasurer's Report be accepted and printed in the Proceedings. 3. That the resolution from Dundas, "Stormont, and Glengar:r?" re Provincial "Grants to Children's Aid Societies and payment of the same be endorsed 4 That the matter of Cost of Living Bonus for Gaol Staff be :re- fencd to the Conmittee on wages and "Salaries. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 109 5. That the request of the City- of London-'l'e Convention of Mayors, and MunicipaJities be referred to the January Session of the County Council. 6 That the request of the Victoria Hospital for Grant re Indigeiit patients be referred to the Finance Committee of the January Session for their serious consideration. 7. TI:.at the resolution from the County Of WeIland re Increased Income be allowed Old Age Pensioners above pension be endO'rsed. ~'.' All of "\vhieh is respectfully submitted, JOHN MIL~RD, Chairman PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE To the Elgin County Council, Gen th,rnen: '" The Petitions and Legislations Committee i:ri'-eports as follows: 1. That we do not concur with the resolution from WeIland County to legalize Sweepst:?,1{,8s in Canada. .^":'lIof v:J:iich "is respectfully submitted. "';';;,.) E. ASHTONi'ChaiFfnan. 110: EI....QIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROPERTY COMMITTEE To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That we accept the tender of the Canada Bread Company for bread for the GaQI, at 10.95 cents per loaf, 2, That A. T. Kington be paid $20.00 mileage for use of his car for the year, 1950. All of which i,s ~espectfully submitted" CHARLES F. JACKSON, Chairman. ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1950 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: Your Road Committee begs to report as follows:- The County Road Department has nearly completed the programme ~l1ltemplated at your January Session. The Estimated expenditures were as follows:- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 1'11 'County Roads.. _ mnnnmmm _mnnO_______ Suburban Roadsn__ mnnn__nnnn____m_mm____"_ _______________$330,000_00 ___ 40,000_00 $370,000_00 The Net Expenditures from January 1st to October 31st, 1950 were......nnnmnm___...____nnn____.. _______$353,271.14 L~aving for the months of November and Decemberm.mm._$ 16,728.86 It is doubtful if we can keep our expenditures down to this amount but the expected deficit will be small. If it had not been for the in- creases during the year on the prices paid for paving materials, Port- land Cement, Steel, Lumber and other materials and on freight rates, we would have finished well below the January estimates. The following works ~ave been completed: 1. Road Mulch Pavements laid on County Road No.8, Township of Dunwich, Dutto:n Northerly n_nnn __n"h_mn_n__ ________.. ._nnmnn_m_n_n________..... 3 miles County Road No. 20, Township of Southwold, Fingal South .....m.mnn__n_____n.._mmnnn______m___.m_ ...._mn 2 miles County Road No. 36, Township of Yarmouth, Sparta South_____. _.mnnnn________.n n._nnmn....___nm___ m__. 7/8 miles County Road No. 34, Township of South Dorchester Lyons East_________ ummmnm nunnnmmnmn___nnm___ _ 2 <p1iles Suburban Road No. 25, Town t.ine, Yarmouth and Southwold opposite Concessions 12 and 13nmm__ ..-T. ndlh miles 2, Armour Coats were laid on Existing Pavements (woO uO County Road No. 42, Township of IYIalahide, Copenhagen Easterly_mnm___m .____m___ ...mmm___n___ )-~ 2- 5 miles Cl_Gih.;;d.l!8 r:O Suburban No. 33, St. Thomas Northerly__. ;:)u::=lnmn:_~~~n Ph miles 112 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL County Haads No" 24, No. 20, PO'r-t Stanley~. 2~f miles 3. About 8-1;2 miles of old pavements were surface treat- ed with tar and stone chips 4 The vVest entrance to Port Burwell has been com- pleted with the exception of paving.. 5. The folImving roads were regraded, widened and pre- pared for future paving County Road No" 36, North of Sparta for a distance of ..___.__...___..__.....__...,,____.... .._.....__..__.____......... ____..'__.___..m... 1 mile County Road No" 38, Straffordville Westerly, abouL 2 mile Suburban Road No.2'), abouL"."....mn 1 mile 6. The following bridges were constructed or reconstructed: McGinnis' Bridge, on County Road No. 33, Yarmouth""":'36 foot rigid frame. PattersOn Bridge, on FurnivaI Road, ConcessiOn 3 Aldborough -30 foot span" John street Bridge, Aylmer----60 foot concrete arch. The clear width of the roadway on this bridge is now 40 feet with 2-6 foot sidewalks. 7. The following concrete culverts have been constructed or ex- tended, On Furnival Road, Concession 3, Aldborough~8 foot span. On County Road No.1, Graham Road, Concession 7, Aldborough --6 foot span On Suburban Road No. 30, Township of Yarmouth (Dennis Cul- vert) in course of construction~5 foot span. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL l1a On County Road No.2, Lot A, Dunwich-B foot span extension. 8. A new reinforced concrete floor was placed on the Port Burwell Bridge. 9. About 42,000 cubic yards C?f crushed gravel was used for main- taining the existing gravel roads and About 9,000 cubic yards stock piled. 10; 56 New corrugated iron culverts were installed. 11. Work is in progress of laying tile drains on County Road No, 42, near Port Burwell. 12. WE RECOMMEND that the County Council endorse the reso- lution passed. by the Council of the County of Waterloo regarding the Tax on Fuel Oil used for heating County Garages and Storage Buildings and THAT a copy of the endorsement be sent to F.. S" THOMAS, M.L.A. and to the Minister of Highways, 13. THAT THE COMMUNICATION from F. A. DOYLE, Superin- tend,ent of the Canadian Pacific Express Company be filed. 14. THAT THE COUNCIL commemorate the Memory of the late FRANK PINNEO, the First Road Superintendent of the County of Elgin, by naming the Lake Road (County Road No. 24), in the Town- ship of Malahide, "FINNEO DRIVE", and that suitable signs be erected" 15. THAT THE TOWNSHIP COUNCILS in the County of Elgin be requested to recommend names for some of the historical roads in the County, to the County Road Committee for consideration. C. JOHNSON, Chairman. St. Thomas, Ontario, November 22nd, 1950. 116 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL " Yarmouth ______un_n_____nnn_______ ___ _____n_nnn_un_____________ 5 Dutton ________.._____n__n______n_____n________..________u_____..._______ 1 Springfield _mu__m_nnnmmn__ ___mnmm.___mnm_mm_ 1 Southwold n _____n_n_n__nn_.___..._____________._...__________m____ 1 Bayham u__ ____n_nn_u___._nn_n______._.._______n___u___n____nm__ 1 Vienna _n_m_________________.h.__________m_____________________nnm__moo 1 Port Stanley _______n...___n__________n____n.__________.__....___m___ 1 Malahide ___m________n___________._____._.__________.____~nn___n_m_n 1 St. Thomas_n____.__________________....________________.____________.___..... 1 15 8. The various causes of pauperism of inmates admitted to the House during the year may be classified as follows: Destitute .---..............__.........____..........................."".m.. ' 1 Old Age .................................._.........................__._....... 10 III Health ........._c.........................__.__...........__.............. 4 15 9. Average number of inmates during the year 23-1/3. 10. Average number with Keeper's family and hired help 26~. 11, Number of weeks' board of inmates 1232. 12. Nuniber of weeks' board with Keeper's family 1398. 13. Total expenditure during the year, $20,877.41. Deductions 14. From farm stock__.....__......__.....n nn....... 'n....... ................".....$ From Old Age Pensions, inmates______ Milk 'n........ nn_n...""....__........ _._...."..._......... n.._m.._....._.._....___ Eggs ...... ._.m.. ..n _"'____'''''''''''''''._'''''''' .____...n...nm.m_______.__. Hay...... __......n.... _.m.......___........_....................._............"...___... Sundries ..".._ _.___.......___........ .__._..................__......................__ Inmates maintenance .......m....m_.........................m.......... 2,489.35 5,803.14 2,150.08 294.13 677.82 83.20 241.00 $ 11,738.72 , ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 1'11 15. Leaving amou.nt actually expended for support of inmates $9,138.69. 16. Average expenses per day of each person $1.07*" 17. Average expenses per week of each person $7~51. 18. Average expenses per year of each person $390.52. Farm Expenses Hired Labour .......n_n.n._n___m__"__._n_.._n...._......___....._._..........$ Implements n_m__ ....__...m.m___._u...____.._.........__._.....__.....___.... Stock......______._____.__.____..................______......__._~_m_____.________________ Feed and Seed _~...___________._______.____._.___._.___m_________..___._.______ Gas and Oil .....nhn__.__._____._____._________.________.._ __.n...___.............__ Miscellaneous____.__.__m..___..__.__.______..__.._........._____........._.___nn.. House Expenses Hired Labour _...nnnn..nn..n .nmnn_n ____00_ ..n_nnun__._ nnnn.$ Butter _n___ ...n..n.n.nn.unnn_ mn_.__ _nnn. nn_. n__nnn.nnnu Bread _mn....nn_mun _n __.._n_... ....nn.n_n_..nnnm......nn Meat _nmnnn..n..n n___ ..nn..n_n_n___nn... .._m_ n_nnn_n..nn_nnn" Groceries un ____. _.nn_.___.nn ..mnmnnn .nnnumnnn___ Provisions ._.....___.__..n...u.___.m...__...u..u___ ________........n...nm.u Dry Goods nn.nnn...,..._ _ _ n. __.mnn....nnn.. .nmnnn..__mnn.. Boots and Shoes ._mm mm..nn... nm..n ..mn...mn Furniture and Hardware ..mn_nmmm... nmn Drugs __n_n_.n.....n..n.............. n._ __m.n....nn Coal __nn_..._nn.......nnun..n..n _n_..__n..__n_. _nm .nnnn..nn..n_n_ Miscellaneous _______.._m...._m.m_m.........._.. ...m....._........_ _____ Barber nmn _._._ nnmnm..n.. ..mmn..nmn..un_ ._..nun_. 8804.6 212 94 1321 W 1417 83 291 ~ 777 74 $ 4901 11 330 00 408 4.6 401 66 1864 00 1500 60 201 50 843 12 65 76 264 02 240 47 1787 55 1100 41 180 00 $ 9187 5& ps EL.yI2'"f COUNT:.:- CODNeL , Genera! Expense tnsurarice ._.____.___.___m_____________.._______._._____ __m_____ ._._._-____________$ ConveyaI.1ce of Inmates mumuum Repairs __,_______.-.---..-,---.-....-..- ___._..._________0_____________0_________._______._ tncidental __.___.._______...______"___._____._____.___-.__u_____m___________________ Salaries Keeper and Matron m_m.mnmmnnmnnnmnnmnnmmnnm$ Mr. and Mrs. M" Millard.__:_~'mnm_mum_mnm _moo Physician __.m_____u_u_______u__m__.u_____u__._.u__.____.._.__......___._______. , ,1~ >I' '::.",,,, 1045 00 6 00 1053 22 2234 50 $ 433S 72 1S00 00 250 00 400 00 $ 2450 00 19. The folloWing produce was raised on the farmdurlilg t~eyear: -. '338 Bushels of Wheat. 1542 Bushels of Oats. 48 Loads of Hay. 10 Acres of Ensilage Corn 160 Bushels of Potatoes. 11 Bushels of Carrots. 45 Loads of Straw. 7 Bushell? of Beets" 70 Bushels of Apples. 10 Bushels of Onions. Quantity of Pumpkins, Squash, and Beets. Garden Produce 20 Bushels of Tomatoes; 22 Quarts of Milk per day. 1195 Quarts Fruit Canned - in House. 400 Dozen Eggs ConsuIIled. 760 Pounds of Butter. 450 Head of Cabbage. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Farm Stock Ulf 3 Horses. 8 Cows. 15 Hogs. 2 Brood Sows. 165 Chickens. 4 Calves. 3 Heifers. 23. That the total amount expended by the County on the Countr Home is as follows: Farm, 100 Acres, cosLnn...mnnnoonm ___...-oomn'mm_$ County Home 0000000000"'_000000000000__0000'" __"_00 "000000_.00_000000__0000 Laundry n_________________.__ .___. _m___._____.___....____._.____...._____...__..___ Fire Escapes _.._____,._________ ..._______..___.__..._._______.._.___..u_.._..___. Root Cellar, Henery, etc. m__m_n__mn__m_._..............m Cottages; etc. ______________..._..________._____..._..__._..._......._.....__________ Brick Ice House "0000000000_00 n_nnm:__... _m_nn__'.'nn_n..n__nn Barns, etc. .._nnm ...__ ....00____ __00" _00__0000 _mnnnnnn..__nnnmn Tile Drain __~;n__n:.nn__._n _.00 n__ "mnnnm_ . unnnnn_nnnmn. Tile Drain Outlet _mnnm___nnn mnnnm nnnm..._mmn...._ Hot Air Pump Tank Con~ectionsm,;n Refrigerator .._m_.____.__.___.._...___._____.m_...._.____ __u"_'___n_.'. Fencing 0000..0000__000000__0000 nm__n _."'__00 ...__ _____n_n_n..__n..n..nn Orchard ...._._..__m__....___ .......__._._....__._ ___....._.____________n_.________ Heating Apparatus mm__nmnm___mnmmmnnmmmnmnmn Boiler Room and Soft Coal Boiler...mmn______mnmnoom Deep Well nmn___n _._nnnnn...nmnnmnnmmmn..nnnnm Silo ___m_.______.__._.___num_m____.__.________.m._______u__u__._..__.___..'______ Hog Pen un__nn__n__nn..nn..__mn._...__..._n___ Electric Installation and PumpS_____hmh.____n_nm________ Plumbing ______ ___.____.________ ___._..._._._mu___.________._...._________________ Septic Tank and Drain___nn___nnm..nnmnnnnm___nmnmn Sundries ___m_..__..__m..._._ ____....__._____m__.._..___..____._._.._______.__.____ Milk House __.n_.___.__._____.u______.__.._...._.~.__...____._.__________...._____ 7298 95 16650 65 687 61 390 00 1419 43 6952 87 1920 50 7254 3IT 4417 23 132 03 920 60 1783 00 1979 07 85 85 6437 61 3837 52 2507 40 293 62 654 99 3262 30 3174 00 1146 75 416 35 535 51 $ 74158 14 ~r ELGI:r COu::;~~ cou:r .::::::.... 24. Received from Government on account of ex- penditures for land and buildings_mnn____m..m_____ .._n_$ 4000 00 $ 70158 14 25. There were 42 inmates in the House during 1950, 32 males, 10 females. Of the 24 inmates in the House on the 1st day of November, 1950, 14 were males and 10 females. The management has been satisfactory. ~1l of which is respectfully submitted. J. D. THOMSON, County Clerk. 8t" Thomas, Ontario, November 2, 1950. November, 1950. Second Report CLERIi'S REPORT ON LICENSES To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: I have to report the following applications for licenses .have been approved by the local municipalities and the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit from June 7th, 1950 to September 1st, 1950: Restaurants Charles McConville................m_...hmm.__......R. R. 3, St. Thomas .Ron~ld s.. Scohie_nnnnmnnn-"hm___m.nmh._.___mnmmm.....New Sarurn Russell Burgess.......n.......___._........_..___..__..___....__.._...._......Springfield W. V. Ferris................_....,........................._......._...........Port Stanley J ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL .121 Elizabeth Zaporzan______.____.m...______________m___.__________._____.Port Stanley Mrs. BettY' Allisonnm_m____.m______..._________:____m_____.______mPort Stanley F. E. Hillis.& SQn.m'm_m'___n__nnnnn__mnnm_____m_hm_mWallacetown GeorgeJ o:l;1n800.._______,______________.-___-----_------_-------------____....Port Burwell E. R.. Galloway....m____.._nn__...____m_________n_____m__n_.m______Port Stanley C. E. Elliott___m____._______m_m_____m__m___n____nn.........____________Port Stanley H. L. Kee___________m___n_n____________.___..._m.____n___n___......._________west Lorue Mrs.. Norman Welchm.....nnnnm__...._________nm.___n__.....W alIaceto>yn Robert Hunter.mnmnmummmmnn....__nnmnm________R. R. 2, Aylm.er Tom N edozytko___nnnnnm.....c.nn___m_......m..______..~..nnR. R. 1, Eden Marek. & 'Marek..m....nn...._......m...nm.................nnnnPort Stanley Refreshment Stand or Lunch Counters Margaret Walker.:..........................................................m.......Aylmer Julius VzonL......................n......n...................mnn....R. R. 1, Aylmer Orpha Seidmore..............................................................Port Stanley K. C. Turnbull (2 Lieenses)........_...n..............mn.......Port Stanley Mrs. E. Leathorn............................................................Port Stanley Isabel HOwBon...n.....................................................m...Port Stanley Alfred Fauz..............m.....mm..............nnn.....mR. R. 3, West Lorne Frank Birce..........................................................._.........._....Belmont J. D. Meikle........................................................................Springfield "Sam's Plaee"'........................m....m......nmm...nm._......Port Burwell Mario Monaco................................................................Port Burwell Shipp Bros................................_......_._____.____..Port Burwell W. G. Chalk....n.........m.mmnn.........m...nn............n......Port Burwell Beverley Colliernn......m...nnnn..........mm...n...........R. R. 2, Aylmer Louis .Huber............................................................................n..Aylmer Fred Dodgson...m......................................................................Belmont Mrs. M. Ginsberg........................._..................................Port. Stanley George Rozman.........................................._....~..._......._..Port Stanley Lawrence Ross....................._.........___......._...............___....Port Stanley Solomon Sereres._........m................"..............................Port Stanley Oroar Raymond......._.............................___...................Port Stanley Willard Bryan..............................._................................Port Stanley Buster Bryan..........m...................._.:._..................._..........Port Stanley J ohn Mechas............._.m..._........................................._._............Aylmer Mary Bryan..........._............................................._........Port Stanley Wro. ZuravinskL._.._.............___...................._......_.......Port Stanley 122 ELGIN C01JNTY COUNCIL 'I E. Kaelin..m __u__ ~___m_'nmm'mmn______m.mmm_mmPort Stanley Mrs. Gladys Freeman (2 Licenses}nnmmmmnmn-Port Burwell Mrs. Bud Fulkerson____nnnm.m._mmmumn_.....mmmnPort Burwell E. L. Faulder___..______.._______.____.____._________.__..._m_un____._.n.___Port Stanley Frederick Seabourne___nmn.___n.n______.___....______________.__..Port Stanley Nick Balish.m___mn___...n nmmnmnmmmmnnn nmmmmmPort Stanley Emerson Topping_________________________ nm_nun ___nnnnnmmPort Stanley W. C. Wheaton...___________..___..._____.... m.,_.m_ ____.mnCnmPort Stanley Ice Cream Stands Lyndon Smyth.....m_ Morrison & Waterson"n..._...___ .Vienna _. Vienna Archie ...._...1- ,-,uy~<;;_ nnnnn mmmnmmnmnVienna Robert Gordon__. u.____n______________m________________.__._____m__________n___Vienna Sackfield's Store___ _____m _.___._mmnnnm_m_m_yarmouth Centre Charles J_ Ketchabaw m__._nm... _ _m_ _n...n_m_nnmm__m__mm_____Eden Bruce Kennedynnmnn..:._______n_..n__n n_____ __mn__n_..n_mnn_.n ___.nnEden Alex. D. Simisternnnmmunnmm__mnnmn __m_mm_mmnPort Burwell Murray Buckler. mnnmnnnnnnnnnmmm _m__ _.m.mR. R. 2, Aylmer Thurman Leggnm_mmnn __mmnn...._____mn__n _____m_R. R_ 4, Aylmer c,. ..,..C',' ,.....,...c Herman S'mrth ___n .._._ ___m___ mmmnmm___mnm______ _:_n_m_m_.....Sparta N. S" McConkeYm___ _.m _ m._...._n... _mnmmm mm__mCorinth H.. A. Hogsdenm_nn_nmnnnn__ ____u___n _n__"______.__.n___n..__n____m _____Fingal Bruce Hamilton_n___n__nmnm________nnnn___. "_mm_m___n__mm _m_.Io;na Mrs, Dorothy Valentino_mnnnnnnm__mm__mR. R. 8, St. Thomas Lincoln Werthn :__ mnmn_mnnmnmmnnmm.Port Burwell Clayton Silcoxnm___nnn___mn'm...______..._____m_ _.__mmm_R" R. 3, Shedden N.. Dawson Clark__..n_..________________n_m_..__.___. ___._____n____m___un_____.~Fingal Gordon Leggn__m_ ___mmmm _.._nm___n__m.... .....____ _n____m_Springfield Fred CotL _m_mm.. __mmmnn ___m___mmnn__mn... ________m_Ta!hotville Orville Chivers____n. ._____.. ___.__nm_m_m__._________:~:m_________._____Belni6nt C. 0._ Daniels_m___m___~nm_m_.m.___ ___m_n___'__'____,.spr'ip.gfield M~s.- Sax'ab Brown______nnnn__n______nnn___m u____ .__mmmFort. Stanley ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 123 Dairy Bars St. Thomas Drive-In Theatre.mn...mnmmm.R. R. 5, St. Thomas Frosted Foods....______._________....___..___......____.__m__.....________.Port Stanley All of which is respectfully submitted. J" D. TgOMSON, County Clerk and Treasurer. November, 1950. First Report CLERK'S REPORT ON LICENSES To Uie Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: I have to report the following licenses in force on the l:::t day of November, 1950: Auctioneer S. A. Brady_mnmm.__onnnnmmu.mmnm..._____.___....R. R. 2, Dor~hester GlennPaton.___nm......________..__....._.............._______n....._____m_.......___Rodney Haggan & Watterworthnmom...nnmn........m____....m..___n......Aylmer Duncan Brown_______...........___un_______....__m____.______ .......________....Shedden K. McAlpine_______n._..._n_.n____...n__________.___.______........____n......._______.Dutton Harold G. Clarke_nn._.______.n_......_________.......__mm....n________..St. Thomas w. H. Rhody...________nm.........mn.n._.n___n__...._.___:____...._____m_Ridgetown Lee SimpsODn___.__.__m_m_..._.______mm.._._____n..___.___mnn.._____nRidgetown Leonard G. HerberL_nnn_...._____.._......__.................___....___Thamesville Frank Fulkerson._......._..~....._....._................_._...............TiIlsonburg 124 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Salvag~ Dealers Norman Winter____.__......._.....________....______h.__.____........R. .R~ 1, Simcoe Canada Scrap Iron & MetaLm_____mm...___:_____m___mmSt. Thomas (2 Licertses-l for Salvage Collection, 1 for Salvage Yard) Jack W oodo__n__________________..________________________________...________________St. Thomas Albert E. Haney______________m__.._______.._nm____..__m.._________u____....____Sparta H, S. Chandler_mn_..,._____________._._________..____.._._..___..________moo_Springfield William KeUy________..____u_____n__..____...mmmm...___________..___Port Stanley Adam Kirschnernmnnmnnnnnmnnn___'nmm_____R. R. 3, West Lorue Arthur Croxford__m_n___m_____n__.._________n_____....__m___________Straffordville Albert Forbes,__________________________________:___m_____m_____________m___St. Thomas Transportation of Fowl C. E. Pangborn______m__________.__m_m____________._____.__m_______.__.__.. Talbotville E. 0.,. WighL_____ m.n.nmm_.___m_________nnm_nnRodney A_ T. Lashbrookmmmmnmmnnn__m_mmnm_mmmmm_m_mm__Rodney Thomas J. Pagen__nnm__n_____n__mnnnm_nm_nmmmm__Wallacetown All of which is respectfully submitted. J. D. THOMSON. County Clerk, arid Treasurer. ELGIN COUNTY cou:rCTI.. 125 COUNT,Y WEED INSPECTOR'S REPORT To the Elgin County Council, , Gentlemen: I wish to report to you on the Elgin County Weed Contrpl p'rogram this year. " f' 1 The County Weed Inspector's work under, and take orders from the Crops and Weed and Seeds Branch of the Department of .,Agriculture, and under the dir:ect supervision of a dis~:rict inspector. The inspector representing Elgin this past year is Mr._-T~mes Armstrong frop;!' Essex County. Mr. Armstrong was sorry he d~_1- not meet the _ Elgi~..County Council, but would like to arrange to meet the.county Cou1J.cil,in Jan- uary, 1951. I, as a County Weed Inspector l'eceive,d goodco-()peration from the officials in charge, of the Provincial Highways, in Elgin County. The highways were well mowed, some three or four times and some places sprayed. The County Roads slipped a little this year, as the County only had one mower working. It is almost impossible to hire anyone to mow the roads, with private owned equipment, and I would suggest the County purchase another mower for 1951. The County sprayed about 12 miles of road this year, around the :(;.'rst of September. There was a lot of brush, poison ivy, and wild grape, and it was sprayed with Shell Brush Kill. Full results from spraying will be seen better next year. Son:;te townships looked after the weed _ cutting on the roads fairly good, with some spraying being done. Other townships didn't do so good. I think this was because the township has not got the equipment, so again I would suggest that all townships own a power mower. I had more than one case where a farm was badly infested with sowthistle and not sprayed or mowed, so for a well done job of weed control the roads must be looked after first. 126 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL On the farms the weeds seemed more plentiful, and made rapid growth. This was on account of the weather conditions. So much rain this year. We were held up with their work, and scarcity of farm ~abour, also prevented the farmer to some extent controlling their weeds. I might say the farmers are doing considerable more spraying. ;rt has been es.timated 5,000 acres of corn sprayed, and 1000 acres of ~ring grain i.n Elgin County, and also some pasture land. I also talked :to a farmer who sprayed along the fence rows twice this year. In Dunwich Township, September 1949, under the Supervision of 'the District Weed Inspector, we did some experiment! spraying, a ~hemical calIed Weedsome I would say this is the spray for brush. With one spraying, I \vould estimate killed ninety per cent. All of which is respectfully submitted. CLAYBOURNE GORDON, County Weed Inspector. , J ELGI.N COUNTY COUNCIL , ..f'1 121' I NDEl GRANTS-,.. To the Warden and Reporters nm .___mnn Agricultural and Horticultural Societies nmm__ Public Libraries __n .....mnmmn..mnnnnnmmnnnnnmmn. nnmnnmnm 101, 102 mmooooomooooo 11 munO____oooOoooooonmOmO 11 MISCELLANEOUS- Communications nnnmnmmnmnnn6, 7, 12, 14, 2~, 23, 29, 30, 36, 37, 95, 98 .:Jounty Council .__...n._._._,.._._~_.___n._m___..__m__._.n.___.__'__._'m___________________________ 3, 4 Coun~y Of~i9i8:ls- __00"._ .__...nm.._mnnn...m_. ..m'mnm.mmn__'m_____m__m_~.m._.___ _-~ Deputations and Committees _ ____ __.m._"_ 16, 34, 39, 100, 101 Municipal Clerks and Treasurers mmmm nd_._m__mm___ _.___m .;~.m__mm__m 2 Appointments of Delegates _nnnnnmnmnmnnnmnnn'~_.mmm_mm_mm 21, 26 Resolutions - replies f.rom other counties .m_n_,"_.'m.___nnmmmn__._ 7, 31 Warden's Address nnnnm_. U_".m.mn__ ___mmnmnm ____'.m__ ..__.m_ 9, 10, 11 Warden's Election nnnnn.m'..n.nm.n.n_nnn_'n___nn__n_nnn___.nm___.___nnnmm.'00 4 REPORTS OF CO:M:MITTEES and OFFICIALS'-;.., Agricultural Committee 00 mmnmnn .mmmm ___nnnnnmmmmmm 44, 80, 102 Vleed'Inspector nmn__.mnnnumnnn .nnnmnnmn...nnmnnnnnnmn_....nu nnm_ 125 Road Committee .nnnnmn __mn..nnmn.. _.mmn .m"_ _.nmnnnnnnm_ 68, 110 County Clerk on Licenses _. ..________ _.__m_ ____.______._ _____._m.m__ _____. 76, 120 County Home Committee ..m.m .mmm __nm_mm ._.mmnnmnun_mm_ 47, 104 Education Committee nnnn mmmnnmmnnnnnmmnnnmnnmmm___mn 45, 103 Equalization __ mnnnnmnunmnnnnnnnnnn mnnnnn.mnn.nnn_nm_nnnnm _"nn_' 74 Finance Committee __ ___._ __m_nmmu _____m_., .__0000 ..mm_m__._. no. 50, 106 Inspector County Home mm _ ___mmm..... _________mmnmmnnnmmn .nmn 115 Librarian ..__.._."..n_n.__.._...._.___n_._.... _n._.n__.""___nn_m_.~._.u_,_,_._____n__u.".n_"u._ "_.,_" 78 Physician, County Home nnnnmmnnn __'m.mn___C._._. ......um ____00..____ mm 104 Property Committee . mom _m..__hmnm_ 0000 n..m._'n->m",_._m___m_~m__"___ 65, 110 County Clerk on Hospital Bylaw __mnnnnnm.,nnn'mm.mm~n,m'..mm.__. 83 ,:Jounty Treasurer's Report 0000 ___00...... ...nmnmnn..... ..mnnnm_mnmn 75, 114 Petitions and Legislation .m moo ..m.. . .Um_m _._..'u__ _______ __ _c_.__c__._.63, 109 Standing Committees ._ .._m _..mmmn.. m.......mm.._.. __mmmmmmnm..m..... 42 128 EL.QIN COUNTY COUNCIL ,: ~Y-LAWS:"-'" No. 1567 To Authorize the Warden and Treasurer to Bor- row The Sum of Four Hundred Thousand Dollars 84 No. 1568 A By-Law to Provide for the Total Expenditure on the system of county roads in the County of Elgin, as approved by Order-in~Council, during the year 1950 .".__________________.___.______nn___..__n____...___m________...___ 84 No~ 1$9 To Appoint a County Road Committee mmmmnun__ 86 No. 1570 To Appoint a Board of Audit in the County of El- gin for the year 1950 m_mm___m__.___muO___+__u...h....___________ 87 No. 1571 A By-Law to amend the By-Law Adopting a Plan of County Road'Improvement and Establishing~ County Road System in the County of Elgin under the Highway Improvement Act...........__.___4 87 No 1572 To Raise Amounts for County Rates during the Year 1950 ..........___.....__..._.______..___.______+...00_..___________...._____m___ 89 No. 1573 To Confirm the Equalization of the Assessment Rolls of the County of Elgin for the Year. 1950________ 90 No. 1574 To Appoint a Member of the Senate of the Uni- versity of Western Ontario ....hm..___m._m.mnnm___...__.. 92 No. 1575 To Amend By-Law No. 1563 ___mmn""""..mmmnm.___"... 92 No. 1576 A By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 1443 of the Township of Yarmouth, being By-Law to Provide for Closing and Stopping up a Portion of Road in the Tenth and Eleventh Concession of Yarmouth Township .________...._..._..._..___.__n.._.n_...____.___...___....._.....m__m. 93 No. 1577 A By-Law to Appoint Secretary to The Board of the Elgin County Home __.uu _mm..mmnmnnn..n______..._ 94 RESOLUTlONS~ Re Special Committee to Strike Standing Committees....m__mm_m_ 7 Re Petition for Government Road Subsidy ___nmn..____......._________nmn 7 Re Port Stanley Breakwater mmmnnmnnnmm...umnmm__.+nm__._n__m... 24 Re Amendment to Railway Act _mmnm_._.__.."'_.mm_.m,mm""'___'''nn.. 31 Re Staff Holidays nmmnnm..mn....mmm___ _.'.mnm_nonmm_m..nm..__... 33, 99 Re County Museum __u._umu.._._m__...._._mmmm._._m.....umm__..m___......u.n 100