1952 Minutes - ! 1111\1111 11111 \lrl~\\I\ill~\~II\il~I\ll\ 11\\1 \\11 1\\\1 3 6279 00764 9955 PROCEED1NGS OF THE Elgin County Council During the Sessions held in the Court House - St. Thomas in the months of January, March, June, September and November 1952 ELGIN COUNTY llBRARYJ I) DISCARDED J. D. THOMSON, \County Olerk. R. K. McNJillL, Warden., iii.LGiN COUNTY llBRARY , OFFICIALS, 1952 J. F. Mcu.Wllan, County Judge Miss Bernice Coyne; [R,egistrar I. D. GaJIDeron., iCount\Y C'oLtrt Clerk and Sheriff E. F. S. Sanders, .00erk of the Peace, Coonty "Or-orwn Attorney and: County ,solicitor. R. W. McDonald, ,Jailor Alex. McColl, Publ<ic rSchool Inspector R. E. Rawlings, AI$d.stant Inspector J. D" Thomson, iCo1lllty :Clerk and Treasurer F. A. Bell, ICE., 'OountJy iRoti.d Superintendent George Porwles, Assistant County Road SUperintendent Dr. D. iL. E'will, Jail Physician Dr. Hugh G. Knox,CountQr Home Physician E. DonaJd Smith. County Police Magistrate G. L. Willson, ISupt. iOounty Home J. H. Fullton, COI'lpOral, Ontario iProvincial Police Claybourne Gordon, RJR. 7, Sit. Thomas, Weed Inspector R. W. Johnson & Co., Oounty Audiitor ... Municipality 'Clerk Treasurb. Aldbc['orugh Chas" 1. Bla-cOC, RodJney W. S. Sta.llk€!l". E.iR. 1. Rodine!y Dunwich... ...A. l'f. Wa,lker, Dutton]l.Ir;;:I. Mildred McNeil, Dutton Southwold W. G. Blewett{, R.R, i6, St. Thomas tW. G. Blewett ,;~ap:no~Q1 "_::' ,:.':JI',L',LaiWbon, st. Thomas iH. L. Lawton :M:iUah-rde~. ;. .:":H:,ar!e.y'{ J,ph.nSon, Box 478, Aylmer Harley Johnson ". '-' ~. -}. Bia;yham... .......... ..YJ'. 'b:;tVallee, StraffordviUe. .J. D. Vallee South -Dorchester ..M. S.Charlron, R:R. 13-, Springfield. M. S.. 'Charlton TQlWin of AYlmer ,John S. Foy, NYlmer John S. Foy Village of VieIl!Il'a. Mrs. Louise MoDonaJd, Vienna. "Mrs. iL. MoDonald Village of ~ingfield .John Hodgson, Springfield. R.alph smith; Village of Dutton Z. E. MooCa1lnJm, Dutton .iBert Smith, Dutton Village ad' Port Stanley J. iH. BwrJre, Pen Stanley J. iH. Burke Village of Rodn€l,Y .10. L. :Mistele. iIWdnely1. .lG. L. Miste-le Village of West Lorna .Allan S. rOr'aig: -,Mrs. Tena Y.liCQ['egor Village of Port Brlu'we1l. .!Harry Quirt, Port _ Burwell HaIT(Y' Quirt. , t: \ L: -<'- e- e/ /" 7'a--<-- PROCEEDINGS QF THiE Elgin County Council FIRST SJ<lSSION - FIRST DAY Tuesda.y, the 15th day of January, 1952 The Elgin iOournty Council ITI/8t this day at the Cour,t House, st. Thomas, as requiTed by 'Statute. Thefollowin:g members fiiled Oertificates and took their seats at the Oouncil t.able: Edmund tAshton, Reeve, Akilborough, James W. Nell, Deputy Reeve, A1dl><>r<>Ugh, W. S. McKillop, :aeeve, Dun_h, AlistA:tir Littlejohn,DeipUJty Reeve, DUDJWicl1, Walter Auckland, ReeVe, Southwold, George SllcQOC, DeiPUW Reeve, SOUU1iwold, W. K. EOOkin, Reeve, Ya.mrouilh, Henry Parker, Deputy Reeve. Yannouth, George Roszell. Reeve, Malahide, Bruce Y..:a:rr, Deputy 'Reeve. Malahide, Oharles F. Jackson, Reeve, Bayham, Lyle Ooyle, iDepUW ~ve, Bayham, Ronald MClNeil, Reeve, Sourth Dorchester, K. M. WilliaJlnson, iRJeeve, Aylmer, R. S. Sh.,ppard, Deputy Reeve, ~, Howard Palmer, 'Reeve, Vienna, 4 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Elm.er Wackley, 'Reeve, 'Springfield, Dr. G, A.. Bell, Reeve, iPort IStan-1ew, Philip Pensa, Deputy Reeve, !Port ,,Sta.nley, EdiWin Roberts, Reeve, Dfutton, "vV. T. Merrett, Reeve, West Lome, Robert F. Goles. Reeve, Rodney, H.. O. Alward, Reeve, Port BlUrW"ell, Moved by Dr. G. A. :Bell, Seconded by Philip Pensa, That owin.g to the large crowd, we do now adjow:n to the Oom Room. ----Qarried. The elecrtion of Warden was prioceed.ed with, .and aonald K. Mc- Neil, Reeve 'of South Dorcheater was el1.eoted on ,the first ballot. 'The Warden made his Declaration of Office, and thanked the Oouncil for ,the honour conferred. Reeve" Jackson pl"esented the W,arden to t.he Oouncil. The miruutes of the la~t day of the NmnernJber ISession were read, and confirmed. The foUowing OommWlications were read 'and referred to their various Committees: COMMUNIOATIONS From the Ontario Conservation Association with request for grant. Referred to the Agricultural Gonl!miittee. Firom the iColmty Gouncil Section, Ontario Edtumtion A.ssocia.tion, re Airmual OonrventiOlD, and request iior Me:mJbership Fee. - Referred to the Edu_ Committee. mnm COUNTY COUNCJ!L 5 F'rcm the ODta.rio MUllJdipaI Association with request foc Mem- bership Fee for 1952. - .Referred to tlhe Finance iQomantl;ttee. Fl'CU1~ the Canadian National Institute for tihe Blind with report 01 yeaTs waTkin the Oounty. and request 1101' g;mntt. - Referred to the Finance Dommittee. From the Navy League of Canada 'With request for gra....l1Jt. - Re- ferred to the Jililllance Committee. FIr-om the Ontario Association of Managers of Homes for the Aged re Annual Oomrention, and l'6q:u.est for Membership Fee. - Referred: to the rOounty Home Gornmii.ttee. From tlhe 1St. Th:canas Suburban Roads C:ommd...~<m, re Ex.pendi~ trur~ for the year 19!52 - .Referred to the Cbunty Roads 'Oomrnj,ttee. Thomthe 'COUIl,ty of Kent with resolution re 'Amendment to the High Schools Act" - Referred to the Education ComrnJittee. FrDm the ,county of Grey Ie Hail Ins1ll."8..nce. - !Referred to the Agrioultural JOommlittee. Fl'lO'lll the tOWllSiillp of Bayham School Board with resolution re Operation of School Buses. - Referred 100 the Education 100000ttee. From the. Ontaa-io Good :Riowds Association re Annual KJQnvention al1!j re~uest for MemJbexship Fee. - iReferred to the [County &<>ads Commiittee. From H. Reeves am.u tJhe A. B. [0. Sandblasting 00. re Estamates to SandbLast COUl"'t House. - iRefem-ed to thJe Property 'Colnlm.iittee. From the .county 'Of Peel De !ProvincialGlrants to PluIb1ic Schools. ,Referred to the Educa.tionOommittee. From the United Counties of Leeds am.d Gren'Ville re Protection to Non Indigent 'J.}OOple. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Cormnittea From . the township of Bayham. re .Assuming 'towa:illine as County Road. - Referred to the Oounty ~oads IOommi1ltee. o. 6 ELGIN COUNTY COUNaIL From the toiW'llSh:Lp of Bayham 1"e Expenses of Su.r:vey at the Vil- lage of Eden.- Referred to the Finaruce CommitJtee. From the Village Of BOTt Stanley :r;e Assumption IOf _ WaI';ren street as a County Road. - .Referredtlo 'the County IRoads ICo:mmittee. From the University of Western onrtario with report, and request; for grant. - Referred '00 the Finance IC0111IIIrittee. From the 'st. Thomas -Area Ci'Vlil [Defenoe 'With request fOir grant. - Referred bo the Finance Committee. Fram the st. Thomas Highland 1Pia>e ;Sand with request :Dor grn.njt. .----:.. Referred to the Finance GClIlm1ittee. From the ElgL7'1 !Law ISocie~y l"e Hook. C'MIes for old Law Books. Referred ,to the PropeIlty 1001IlDJ1i,'ttee. F110lIn Dr. G. W. BLack 1'e Geintermial C'elebr~tion. -0 Referred to the Centenniial Oonm:Iti:ttee. From the SaLvation ~wJ.th request far gTantt. - Referred to' the Finance Oommittee. Prom the OntM"io Agriculiturall ICounci1 with r.eporrt and request;. :601' fee. - Referred to ,the Agricultural Committee. FriOlIn the Tri -County Shorthorn Club 1'e request f{)[l' grant. - Re- ferred to the Agrioultural Committee. From the Elgin-st. Th-cmas Health Unit witlh Tequest for increase in Or-ant. - Refmro to the Finance >Committee. From the Registr.y Office, wirth report of fees, for tihe yeaa"; 195L Referred. to .the Finance Committee. ~om the Council of ;tihJe township of Dunwich re parvimg of the Dtmwich-Aldboraugh townline. - Referred to the Road {)OlIlllIlittee. From D. M. Leitch, with ,resigruLtinn. - Rieferred to the Finance; <Jammittee. ELGlN ,COUNTY COUNlc:J[, 1 Moved by W. K. Bodkin, Seconded by E. Wackley: That iSiection ;59, of By-Lam No. 1463 of the Rulesa.nd, .Regula- tions ibe suspended and the Warden 8IpIpomt a Committee of four to stai.kJe ,the standing Oormnitteea fur ID52. The Warden 8.lppombed Dr. Ball, Reeve Bodk::in, Reeve Palmer and ReeveM'CIKillopaS an~b€Ts of the Cormnittee to strike the standing Comm.i:btees for W52 Moved by E. Ashton, Seconded Ibiy W. T. Merrett, That the "Warden and :Clerk be authonQl€'d to submit to the Min- ister of Highways of Ontario the tpetition m the ICOunty of Elgin show- ing that frem the. fiTst d~ of J3il1l'U3J."Y, .'9ft!, to the thirty-first day of December, 1951, there has been expend'eu on the 'Oouinty Highw~ System the sum of '$394;108.09. -carried. Moved by E. Ashton, Seconded by J. Neil, That we do now adjourn till 10 a.m. on Wednesday, January 16th. --ICarned. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. R. K. McNEIlL. Wa.rdel;.. ~ E[,GITN COUNTY COUNCIL FIRJST SESSION - SECOND DAY WednesdaY, the 16th day of January, 1952 The :Elgin ,County Oouncil met this day at the OOlUrt House, St. Thomas, in aooordance wih adjournment. The Warden in the IChaix. All the m-embe1"s present. The minutes oftJ{e previous day were read and approved. The Warden _addressed the Council. WARDEN'S ADDRESS To the Members of the Elgin 'Cormty Council: Gentlemen: Maoy I once again tharJJk you for the honour you have accorded,; me and my municipa,Jit:y by electing me to the' o!ffice of Ward.en. for I~;he year 1JBI~12. As of before, I solicit !'yom whole-hearted co.-operation throughout the y;ear. This year we complete our first hnmdr.edi 'y:ear~ of municipal administration and let us !pause and thinik. of - the actCom- plkhlments of f.ormer councils" Municipal counoillors of the past had foresig'lht and- visiQn when they ibruiJ:t a Gourt House in such a fine setting, estald:shed a ICcrun1:!y Heme, and more' r-ecently built a gairage for the housing of road equilpmenrt that cannot be SUTiPassed in the Province. When "-'-e think back .on a few of the past accomlPlishments. then we realize the responsibilities that are .ours diuring this, our Oentennial year. Last year a Centennial ICommittee was estabfuhed to work ili co~OIperation with the lOlty of st. Thomas in drafting :Plans for the celebration .of oW" lOentenar51". !A great deal of work has ibeen done and the Committee seeks the SUiPPort of the whole iCouncill in Iplarminig this celebration. During 1951, work was, commenced ,on the constructinn of the new E)LOIN" COUNTY COUNc:nL 9 st. Thoma;~i-Elgin General HOSiPita:1. Work is .progressing faViourable and according to reports the work "Will /be OO!11lpleted in lJ953,. Last year Connty Oounell issued 1$800,OO:O-.O() in debentures towards 0t1.1X" share of this institution. This is the first time tha;t the Oounty has had a de- benture debt for many [years. In 19511, the road canrm.ittee ~t the lar.ges;t sum ever spent on the county road system. At the !present time we h.a.ve some 90 mil'e::;r of hard surface road~s and maI1(Y' of our bridges and culverts: lfialVe been rebuilt to aoc:ommodate m'Odierntraffic. OUr road eqlltiipment is in g,ood condit1ion and! it is -a.warent that, With the high cost of materiaJIS, our road 'by-1.a.w wiLL have to remain high if we are able to maintain our roads in good driving oondition. HClIl:lPitaliza,tion costs have, been continuously mOl11Ilting during the past year. The n11lII1OJer of indigent patien.ts sooms to be ever i1l'creas- ipg, and with the. inc!reased indigent patient Tate. as established 'by the Ontario GoiVeTnment a greater liability has been placed on the mruni- ctpality for the care .o:f indigent-s. The Property Comrilittee should he CommJended on the aWear- a.IllCe of the O:m:t House :groundJsl dming the past smnm'ffi'". Already pi:ans have .been started to have a fitting floral display for this year. Totd.ru.Y, the freedom of our world, and ev,en our nation is being threatened by communnsm. Oonsequently, because of runsettled w.orla .conditi.ons we axe living in a period of inflation, when our tax dollars cannot pumhase the services which they could a few !3rear.:i! ago. Be- cause of this inflation we must !be ever consDiOUSl of praoticing sound eoonOllI1N in all OUT spending but we should at no time neglect the es- sential services .of the cCl'Unty. The u~rual requests for gr.ants w111 be p.t'lesented which the 'Ooun- ell sihould carefully consider, There are a number of delegations 'WIlro haveas~ed permission to aQJIP€ar befDre Council, and I know you willI give carefuJi consideration to their requests. I wClfl.lbd! ask all the :Chai:1men of the various COl1'1IlllILttees to ar- range for their .committees to meet promptly .a.nd dispose of any bUSliness which may be referred to t'l1.e1n. III ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL A communication from [0. M. Leitch.., Oounty Auditor, wit..l1 resig- nation was J:"ead, -and referred !to the Finance IComn:n!ittee. The R:epoIt of tihe ISpecial Ooa:rumiittee to strike the standing COInr- mit,tees fOIl' the year 1:952, woo presented and adopted on motiorn -of Reeve ,Mc!Killlo:p and Reeve Bodkin. The firs)t rep.art ,of the !Finance OClllIllllJittee was presented and adopted on motion 'Of Reave Aucklaro.d 'and ~e Palme-r. The repoTIt ,of the Hosp-ital IOomrn.ittee was presented amd a.dopted on motion of ,Reeve Jackson. Mr. Langton, A.:,uric'U:ltur.al Hiepresenta.tive, adtlJressed the :COuncil. and gave a repOl't of the agl'iculmal activities bW the vart.QiUS OI1gan- izatioils. It was m:aved by Reffilie Bodkin -that the delegation from the O1an- adiaTl National Institute fo!' the BIlmd !be 'now hearod. Mr. Wheeler and 1V[y" elparks addT'essed the 'Ciouncil, Tequesting th€l annual gr;a.nt, and a 'gm,:Il1t tc the ner.,v btillcli:nlg in LIondoTh, Ont8llio. ThiisJ matter was referred to the Finance Oommittee. Mcr'led by (Reeve JalCikson that Mr. Allen, vice-:p:l'esident of tha University of Western Onta.riJc, be llIOW heard. Mr. Allen ack:iJressed the Gouncil on the new L,ames' HesidenGe, and of vm-tous activities of .the University, a."1rl ,also r.ec.i:uested a grant. The matter was referred to the Finance Clomm.ittee. It was moved by Reeve Wa.-d'Kley that Mr. Scutt McKay, reprlese:rut... ip..rg the Na~ Leagu:e, be nolW heaJ.'d:. Mr. McKay adcke3sed true COUn- cil {)!l the work of the 101001 :Cadet OQll~ in st. Thomas, <8.Il1d :req,uestect ,a gT'aillJt. This l'iequest was also referred to the Finance ICbmmittee. Moved by Henry Pall'ker, Seconded :by W. K. Bodkin: That th1s iOounlCtiIl ask the OOUlllty Representatives on the Si;. Thomas-Elgin lGen.eral Hospital Board to have ,the architects prepare a ,progress report on tihe St. Thomas-Elgin General Ho...1Pttal Building. ELGIN COUNTY COUNlaJiL 11 1. !Percentage of '\vork. oompUeted. 2. !Percentage 'Of money expended. 3. InfO:1'I1Nttion re keeping within our budget. '--Carried. Moved by E. Ashton, Seconded by J. Neil, That we do now arlljoUTD. till 3.'30 p.m. ----Carried, The Council re.srtmlJe(L Thes~Ciond report of the Fina.nJC:e rOommittee was !p!I'es.e'llItied .and adopted on motibinof R.eeve .AJuCk1and and iRieelvIe Ben. The rEjpOr't ,of the !County. Home Cioontmittee was i]Wesented and! a.dlopted on motion of Depruty ,Rieeve: Silcox and Die!pUJty Reeve Neil. ' The (Property Committee RiepoIit was po:esentedand adopted an motion of Deputy iRmve COiYle and Reeve GoTes. The repoct of the AgriooltUTal OommJittee was presented and ad- op.t..ed .on moti-otl1. of Reeve lBlOdlkin and !Reeve RJOszell. ],(oryed by E. Ashton, Seconded by J. Neil. That 'We do now ad\Tpurn till 10 am. on Thursday, J,anuary 17;fJh. 1952. -lOarried. J. D. 'TIFIOMlSO.:N, Gl;erk. R. K. McNElIL, W3irden. 12 EUGIN COUNTY aOUNCIiL FIRSTSES'SION - 'I'ffiRD ]MY Thursday, the 17th day of January, 1952 The Elgin Count&' OournciI met :this day at the Court House, St. TIhom:as, in acoord:ance wih adjournment. The WM'den in the rChaiT. All the members presenJt ex~t !!reeve Rdboots. The minutes of the previous day were read and approved. ,A comm.run.ication from the lConnty Weed In.spector Te the Districtl Meeting on January '2!8th:, a.t the :Clourrt HlOuse, Was ,read. The Warden! hoped that as. many as possible of the ICouncil members 'wouad be 'able to ~ttend this meeting. ]t was moved by Deputy Reeve P3l1'ker ,that Major DuiImner.OOl1 'Of ,the SalIVation Aim1iy be OOW :heard. Major Duimme!r:tJon addiressec'l the C01mJClil 'On tfu.e WIOrk 'Of the organization, ,and Teque$ed a grant. This matter was refer::red to the Finam.oe Oommittee. Moved hy E. Ashrton, Seconded by J. Neil, That we do now adljourn till 3..30 p.m. ---Carriea. The Council resumed. The !Warden called .on ]J.fu-. O. D. 'Oqyl1e, M.P., a fOImexwa.rden u1 the 'County to speak. :Mr. :Cioyle addressed the 'Council on Parliam.<ent- _ Mfairs. The report 'Of the Educ:a,tion ,Committee was preseI1Jted 8ind ad..- opted on motion of Reeve Merrett and Deputy Rieeve Parker. Moved by J. NeiJ., Sooond€d by E. AShton: That we do now adjourn to meet on Fb.1da.y, January 18th, an ten a.Irh. -ICarned. J. D. 'I!HOMISON, Clerk. B. K. McNEIL, Warden. ELG'lIN COUiNTY OOUNCJL 13 FIRST SESSION - FOURTH DAY Friday, the 18th day of .January, 1952 The Elgi:n ICOUin.by' OoUiIl.Cil met ,this day at the Oow:t House. St. 'Ilhomas, in acc:ordJance wih adijournment. The Wartien in the Ohair. All the members ,present. The minJwOOs of the ilJI1evious daJY were read and cpnfirmed. BeeveBodkin inquired 1"e sigll18 of iOounItw. .of E1gin8!t boundary lines, and .it was moved itlhJ~t rthe Olerk. be i.nsrtJru.ctedoo write to thie Dept. of Highways .re (pel"Il1ilSSiion to erect signs and securtng of tlh€! saJI!le. The report of the Rioad tOommittee was presented and on matio.u. lOt Reeve Wackley, the tC'oruncil went :into a commiitteeof the whole with Reeve Waoklley in :the !ClhJa.]r. The var;ious items in the report were thoroughly discussed, rand 'the OOIIl.IDiJttee arO$. the report Wa.<il adopted on m'Olticm of 'Reeve Ashoon 'and lRieeve Au.ckland. The :report -of the FinaTIlCe OOOlmittee was presented'. and: on mo- tio...'1 af Reeve 'Bodkin, 'the Oonnell went into a Cornanfi.ttJee of the whole, Vlitih Reeve Bell in the Ohair. AlfiteT considerable WSCus&OIlI, the OCl.!llJ!l1iJtItee arose, and .the Teport was adapted on motion of Reeve Auck.1a'nd and!R:eeve Biodkin. The report of the Petit~ons and Legislation rOOnm1ittee was pre- sented and adJOptedon motion of Depurty Reeve Littlejohn and. GJeCOI1Q- ed by iReeve Ooles. Moved b\Y A. Littlejohn, seconded by W. S. McKillop: That this ICOunUy IOouncill: wishes 'to express 00 the FRmk Cowan In:srur'a11ce Agenoy the1r 'appreciation fOor the medaJ.s oonffu-red' on County emp]JO:y:ees for safe driving arwards, which were presenJted to the €lIIljployees in the Count RiOOOll yes'terdla1V. -iCa.rried. 14 EUGillN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved ,by Hmvam~aImer. Seconded by K. Willi8iIIl6on, ThaJt _the UlSlual,grants to the Women's Im.stirtutes af $10.00 to each Institute, and $25.00 to the East .and _ Wiest Elgin - District Institutes. aJso $5.00 to each Institute sponsoring PiulbIic Oratorical COntests be paid. -carried. Moved by Elmer Wackley, Seconded:byO. F.' Jackson: That Warden MaNeil, Deputy -Reev:e P.en~ and !Reeve Auckland be a' Comnniittee -to make' an: agr-eement 'With the IOity 'of st. Thomas for adjustment; .of" shalre of cost of Administration of Justice costs 'to be paid by the iOity for the next five year-so -Clarried. Moved by W. K. iBodkitl, J::3;eoondJe<Q ItIy l:H''Ucelvlarr: Tha,t the grants to t.he Agri,cUltural and. Horticultuxal r.SiCcieties of the !County olf Elgin be-fif!ty _ pel' cent _ of the amount payableib!S ther Provincial Government. ---iGarried. Moved by W. T. 'Merrett, Seconded by, W. :S. McKillop: That By....[Jaw No. moo, "To Autlhorize the Wardcen ,and Treasurer to Borirow the Sum of F10ur HundJred and Fifity Thousand Dollars," be I'Iead a first time. -~-lCaITied. Moved by A. LLttlejohn, Seeonded by E, !roberts: That 'B!V"""Law No. 1600 _ be read a second time. ----Ca,rri.ed. EUGm OOUNTY OOUNlOIL III Moved by W. S. McKillop, Seconded !by W., T. Merrett, That By-Law No. 1000 be read a third 'time and finally passed. ---<Carried. Moved by E. Ashton, Seconded by J. Neil, That IBy-LaiW No. LOOt, "Being a By~Law to Provide for the ,Total I 1952 Exipendit:lrn'e on the Oounby R.oadSystem Established UiIldeJr the; ffighJw;!llY ImjpI'OVOO1Jenrt Act, and on,OOOOlty Bridges in' the COlIDty of Elg1in," be read a fjxst tlme. ~ied. Moved by J. Nell, seconded iby E. Ashton: 'TImtBy--iLaw No. L60! be read a second' time. ---<CalTied. Move<l by J. Nell, -Siwonded ,by E. Aslhton: That By-Law No. :1J601 be read a third hme and finally passed: -1Carried. 'Moved by Robert Coles, Seconde<l by E. RJoberts: 'DOOt By.LaJw No. lJOO2, "Being a iBy-Law to <Aanenrli the By-Law Adopting a Plan of OOW1ty !Road Improvement and Establishing a OountyRoad ISySte!n in thJe OouniQ of Elgin 'und'el' The Highway Im- provement Act," !be read a first time. -<Janied. Move<l by E. Roberts, Seconded by oR. Coles: 16 iElIJGlIN OOUNTY GOUNCrr, That By-Law No. 16G2be :r:ead a second time. -carried. Moved by R. Coles, Seconded by E.Roberts: That lBy-iLaw iNo. 1602, be read a third time and fin-any passed. ---Carried. Moved by Philip Pen.sa, Seconded by G. A. Bell: That By-Law Nt(), 1603, "To Appoint a Oounty Road Committee" be read a first time. ---<Carried. Moved ,by Dr. C. A. B€Ill, Seconded by Philip PenSa, That By-Law No. 160'3, the read a second time. ~Carried. Moved by Philip Pensa, Seconded by Dr. G. A. Bell: That By-Law No. 1603, be ,read a third time .and finally passed. -!Carried.- Moved by Bruce Man, SlOOOOlded by George Roszell: That By-Law No. 1604, "To AP!POint a Board of Audit in UbI" County of Elgln, for the year 1952," be read a first tima ---1Carried. Moved by G. Roszell, Seconded by W. K. Biodk1n: , ELGIN COUNTY COUNCiIJL 17 That By-iLaw No. 1604, be read a second time. --Carried. Moved by G. Roszell, seconded by Philip Pens.: That By-Laiw No. 1604, be .reed a thil'd time and fioollly j)MSed. -Carried. Moved by W. K. Bodkin, Seoonded by H. Parkier, That BW-iLOIW No. 1605, ''To -AiPpoint a Oounty Auditor," be read a first tiJID.e. --ca.rried. Moved by E. Wackley, Seconded by C. F. Sackson: That BYR[.aIw No, 160'5, be read a second time. -Ca.rried. Moved by I,yle COyie, Seconded by H. O. Alward: That iE!Y..-LaIW No. 1605, be read a tihird time and finally palSsed. --Carried. Moved by C. F. Jackson, Seconded by E. Wackley: That By""'L~w No. 1606, "To Authorize the WardenandCl~rk to sign Deed Conveying Land To-the T~o 'Of .Yarmouth," be read a first _ time. -'Carried. M-oved by H. Parker, Seconded by Bruce Marr: 18. ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL That By-Law No. 16,06, be read a second ti!me. -Carried. Moved by W. K. Bodkin, Secondoo by C. F. Jackson: That By""Law No. 1606. be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried., Moved by H. Palmer, SecondEd by R. S.Sfrleppard: That Bt\'.,La,w No. 1601l, "To Amend By.iL1liW No. 1586" be read a first time. -Carried. .Moved by K. Williaanson, Seconded ,by H. Palmer: 'l."hat By-Law No. 1,607, be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by l':t. S. 'Sheppard, Seconded by Ken Williamson: That By--Law No. 1607, be read a third time and finally ,passed. -Carried, Moved by W. Auckland, seconded by G. Silcox: That By-LMv No. 1608, "Being a [By-Law to Pay Secretary of the Local As:siesSors Association:' be read a first time. -Carried. Moved \by George Silcox, Seoonded by H. Palmer: EIJGTN COUNI'Y 00= III That E~-iliaw No.. 1608-,: be readia second time. -Ca.r:ried. Moved by George Silcox, Seconded by W. .Auckland: That By-lLa.w No. 1-608, -be read a third tim'e and finally :passed. -Carried. The Warden appointed the following delegates to attend the vari- ous cOnventions: Good RoadS--Ashton, Neil, Merr:etb.- Robertts, tAuckiland. \Silcox, Palmer. Sheppard, 'COyle, Jackson; Wackley, IBodkin, Marr, Roszell. the Warden and Olerk. Educationa1---illlr. iBell, P. Bema, Park,e:I'!; Warden: and ,the 'Clerk. MuniCiJpal----MoKillop; Littlejohn, ICbles, Willamson, Alward, War- den and Clerk. Reeve A:u'Ckland ,suggeslted that members attending the 'Conven- tions :report to the :Council. The Warnen: thanked the GaunJoil for their co-opexation d!uling the Session.: Moved by W. T~ Merrett, Seconded. by J. Neil: That we do nowadjomTh to meet on Tuesd.ay. March 25th. at ten' a.m. --learried. J. D. 'I'HOMISON. iOlerk. R.. K. McNiElIIU. Warden. 20 ElIDIN ICOUNTY COUNCIL SECOND SESSmN - FIRST DAY Tnesday, the 25th day of March, 1952 The Elgin Cownty iOounciI met this day at the 10aurt House, st. Thomas.. in accordance with adjoU1nment. The Warden in the IChair. All the members :present. The Warden called! for a IIllinrute's silenc? in memory of His Late Majesty, King George VI. The Warden addressed the Gauncil. WABnEN~S ADiDBESS To the Members of the ,Elgin County Council: Gentlemen : Since .our January SessIon of iOonnell, ,our !Na.tion andCom.mon- wealth were shOClked to learn of ,the sudden passing of Hts Majesty King George VI oh the morning .of.. February 6th. Although the !king had been in failing health, his death was 110t .expected, and for' tfu:e first time in British history. the heir toth,e throne was not at home. King Georg1e VI was ,a great kling becaUise ,of his devotion todn..tty, and he was bJighly respeoted [by all citizens thrrou:ghout the Empire. He as5Uil11l€d the throne at a critical time m :British history and allthough :he had nevei' been trained for Nlle kingsrup,., he gave the best he had f.or the British Elm(pire whicl1 resulted in the giving of hds very 1:ife. W,e now have as our ruler a new Queen'-Queen Elizabeth IT, and we all hope that she -eI1IjoYlE1 a long, haQ)pIy1, peacef:ull reign:. iSilliCe our last session, we have had some VIe:ry serious s'et-backs in our agrioWUural economy. lSince last ,Ja.nruary :because of an over- production progrMn of [hogs, 'and! eggs, a.nd of very high prevaiJIing feed prices, the lSt\Vine and poultIlY industries have' ,been non..,paying :prQp:Ositions. In Feb:roary tlrerugricultural situation was darkened .by Ithe outbreak of foot-a.nd-mouth disease at and ar:ound iRegi~ which ELGIN iCOuNTY OOUN(lJjL 21 has resulted in d.eclining beef Iprlces. Because .of the OCCUITenOO of this dis~(e aiI1 emibargo haS heen. rplaced on livestock and livestook pro- ,ducts e,xiPorted to. the United states. This embargo has .a1Bo resulted' in declining prices in dadry cattJle and sheea>. This is an important and: busy seSis/ion, Gentlemen. It will be necessary to set the tax rate at this ses~.ion, and be'C;a.uls!e OJ!. increased ~dd1mTes, in most I1IllUlIlici[pal. d€jp&'!tments, 011r rate will .necessarily be highecr. 'T'he equalization ICiOiD.1i1Il1ttee wilIl meet dming thiisl sessi.on, and no doubt rQ:UI' <"J:J.:uaJiz.ed assessment will be established with little difiioUlty. !becamse of our ilQical assessors organization. in the County. This ~-stem is w.Ql1'kdnl5 \iiery efficiently and. is recognized' as .on.e of the best in the IP:rovince. The Ce:n.rtmmiaI Ocmmittee has had many meetings a,-,d mucfi o! the gr.c,u:r::di wor'lc .for the ccrming Cenrbennial obser i'al:lJ;) has been starrted. It is also interesting to note that plans for the laying .of the cornerstone in the n:rw hoopitl!ll dluriiIlg C1enteImia1 Week are nuw being made. A d;eputation from the st. 'TIlomas--Elgin Qe[Le:r:aI Hospital Boatdl will wait .on Council, regaa-ding the conversion of the Memoria! Hos- pital into alChroniictrnit to be qperated in:: conljl\.lIIDtiiJlIl with the new hoopita.!. I Jonocw that you will wedghthis probl€im caref.tiJiy. The coSt cxf hDS[Jitaliizatioll is ever increasing in ,the COUl11:ty, and once again our indigent patient ap€!11.d1ture is very high. Hos,pital de- ficits are be1ng partiallW mused by these IDoI1easing indigent patient ~d1tl:ures. With declining :p.rtces in the agriou1ltural field which wiJl ultima.tely be rcllected throughout OUT whole elClJ[l()mica.l set-UlP, the tini:1:~ is I"s.pi<ID.y aI1JiPr-oachmg when. it; ,will be neces:sary for Ii1funici- palities ar..d hospitals to i'..ave help. to help n::reert t:t>.ls increa.siiig m- digent patient eXIPend:i.ture. The burden is beooIIliing' too heavy for the ratepayer to canlY alone. The minutes of the last day of the January Session were read and. confir!ined. The foll.awing eotmniIu..mcatioIiS Were read, and referred to their various Committees: 22 EDGlIN OOlJiNTY -GQUNC!IL COMMlJiNOOCATIONS FTCm the lStPeCiaJJ Hospital 100000ttee re Memorial HospitaJ. _ Referred ro Finance ICommittee. From the St. "Thomas and Elgin General lHosp.ittaI Board with Roporl of ~enditures to December :I1st, 19511.1 - lR€d)err€<l to Fin- ance Committee. \From the Oounty of Perth witlhr reqruest for the F1ederal Govern~ ment t.J a.ssrrume f'U.!1 cost of ICivi[ Defence. ~ Referred to Petitions ""'d Legislatio!ll;\ Co!Innlii.ttee: From the County of Per'tfrt, ~e~uesting the ontano Oov-ernment to asSiUlme full cost o!f exrpendti:tures on Provincial !Highways in Urban Oentres. - Referred. to Petitions & iLegi&lations 'OoInttnJttee. From the Town of AylmJefr re'~tAiinexation of Lands:i1i lMalahide TownsbJ,p. - Referred to the Finance 100mrnlittee. From Sanders & !Sanders re iSU1"v€IY Plans. ..- aefrerrecL to the FiIi-o anJCe Oomllllitte.e. F.rom WilIliam E. Locke, 'County AJuditor, With Te$gnatioIli. ..- Re- ferred ,to the Finance Oommittee. From the Dept. otf !High"'",,,,. re Bound_ lI:Jine Signs. _ Filed. From the TillsonOliurg Memorial Hoopital re ;\ppotntee to BOOrd. ~erred to the Finance lOommittee. From the 13rt. Thomas and Elgin ,Children's Aid Society, with "'p_ preciation of grant., - Filed:. From A. V. Langton, Agri<lulturall Represenmtive, with appnri_ ation of grant. ..- Filed. From the Ontario M'UIli<:4paJ. Associa.tion Wli.th ,a;pprecmtion of membership fee. - Filed. From iJ1?.e Und:versity of W~m Ontario 'With Rippreciation of grant and Soholamhips-F!l.ed. ELGIN OOUNY:{ COUNOlIL 23 From the iSalvation Ar.my with appreciation of g.rant--Filed. From the :Cianaclian National Institute for the Bilind', with ap- preciation of grant.--F'iled'. From the Inspectn-r of .Legal Offices re Aocoonmodation for Women J'UIl"ors;--':Refe:r:red to' the Property OoIIlimittee. From the Oounty of !Simcoe re !Cost of Social iSerrvices.-!Referred to the Petitio!IlS and [..,egisl~tions, Commi.ttee. From the Rotary Glrub with request for Music Sdbolarshipr--1R.e- iferred to the Finance committee. From the GoU'l1lty of Bruce re Fencing of [Farm Wood!lots.-lRe- ferred to the Petitions and LeglJFJations Commi:btee. From the University of Western OntariO' re A(ppointment of Re- presentative,---:"Referr€d to "the Finance Committee. From the ;st. Thomas Chamber of ICIommerce re MemiberShip;- Referred to' the Finance OO!Il:11l'l1<ttee. From the Hay stationery Co., Ltd., with Prices on Desk and CThpboaxd.-iR.eferred to the PrlJtp6l"ty Committee. From D. M. Leitch with Letter of AaJpreciation.-Filed. From R. W. Johnson & Co. with Alpplicwtion for iClounty Aro.dd,t6r:- Referred to the Finance IOOmanittee. F-.tom Whiteside & S~ with AppllicatiDn fOI' lCounttyAudi~ tor.---oReferred to t..~e Finance Gom..!I!'.itt-ee. From R. :Barclay YOOng with !Application for County Auditor.- Referred to the Finance iCormnittee-. From E. E. Med:l3'n. with Tender for R.edecorating.---Referred to the PrlJtp6l"tY Oommittee. Fl'OmGregory and Marks, rwtth Tender for RedecoratiDg.--Re- ferred to the Property 100anmittee. 24 ELGIIIN OOUNTY .cO'UNC:ur, iFrom A. F. Marshall, wit,h Tender for Redooorating.-Referred to the Property Committee. FI'om Frank Trace, with Tender for Red:ecor3!ting.---'-'Referred to the Prqperty Committee. From Peters-. Brown & Good, with application for County Arudi- tor.-Referredl to. the Finance Oommittee. From Frank E. 'I'ell1!P'le" with render for redecorating.........JR.e-feITed to the Property COInIIlittee. FrClffi Baillie T. Stephenson, wtth a.prplication for -COun.ty Audi- tor.--Referred to. the Finance Committee. Frocn the Tillsonbu:rg' rn~ltrict Memorrial HOSIpttal;. 'With re.qu'€st for grant towards deficit.-Referred to the Finance Committee. Them the Village of Dutton, re A.ssum1ing street as County Road. ----'ReferrEd to. the .county Road :C'<Jmmittee. The first repent of the Finance Comr.nittee was presented, and adCt..uted on motion of RJeerve AJuckLand, and Reeve Bodkin. The report of the AdJr.Jnistration of ~ustice iCOmllIDttee was pre- sent..ed, and adov-ted on motion of Deputy Reeve Pensa, and Reerve Auckland. Moved by E. Ashton, SecondBd. by J. Neil, That we do. now ad:journtiIl 3'.30 p.m. ~Carried. The Council resumed. The se:;o:!:d l'eport of tille Financ:e IC:ca:nmitftee WUi presented and adopted on motion of Reeve AuckiIand, and Reeve. Ashton. The report of the _Eqrualization iC'Omtn!ittee was preseruted and adopted on motion of Reeve McKillop., and Reeve Palmer. .""P.l'BAI. ~O}l! .:X "'ll .'1""10' 'NOSWllOHIT. .cr .r .pal'J'llO- .WJ1 'q19Z 'q~.1'BJ'ill '&'BpsatI/Pa.M. uo 'mr'B O'I Im' u.mofJ1Y8 .Mort op alA 'f'BttL '!!ON! .r Aq paptIOO<>S 'U"lW'V .:;r Aq J>OAO}I! !lZ 'llIOmlOO x.umoo NID'll[ 25. ElLGIN COUNTY. COUNCIL SECOND- SEJSISilON_SEIOOND D!.A.Y Wednesday, the 26th day cf March, '1952 The Elgin: Cmlil.1Uy .oouncii :met .this day at the Court House, ,st. ~~r,:ip accordance with adjournment. >,T'!le..Wa.r;den.in the-rChair. " ",' ..- -- . ,.' All the members pre&nt. The minuters of the ,previous da;y were read and oonfirmed. Reeve JSrCiklson morv-ed thart the representatives from the T.illson- burg Hospital be now heard. Mr. Eichenberg adich"e.ssed1 the Council !I'e~r..wsting a grant towards the defictit.The matter was referred ta- the Finance GoImI1fi.ttEe. iRe'eve Bodkin ~moved that the !representatives from st. ~omas- Elgin !General Hospital be now heard. :Mir. Caldlwell, Mr. :Rowe, Mr. Adams, and Mr. Kee-nlyside discussed the matter re aSSuming the st. Thomas Mea:norial Hosp~tal as a rCllwODic Hospital ibythe Board of che st. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital. The IClerk reported rthatMr. Moore, Asisdstant Inspector .of Legal Offices 'Wil,1 meet 'With a Comanittee of Gannoil on Thwrsday, AiPrl13:rd. Moved by Dr. G. A. Bell, Seconded by Philip Pensa, That we do now acl,~~ourn to meet at 2.30 !p.m. -Carried. The Council resumoo. The third .rapOirt of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of :Reeve A'UCkland and !Reeve Palmer. The report of the Petitions and Legislations ICon:1Im!ittee was pre- sented and adopted m motion of Deputy R.eeve [.J.ttlejohn and Reeve Coles. ELGIN. COUJ.'J-1\Y. COUNOllL 27 The reiPor-t of the FrOlp€['ty 10000000ttee was' pres:ented an~. adOpted on motion of Deputy Reeve .coyle, and Deputy' :Reeve Shep.paa:d. The fOUl1"th report of . the Finance IClommitte.e was presented and adopted on motion of R.,ei;we AUiCIklandi, arid' Reeve iAs:hOOn. The fifth report of the Finance GOIDJIr.Jttee was :presiented and ad- opted on motd.on ,of ReeJVe Amkland and -Reeve 1AAward. Moved by W. K. Bodkin, S~c9'Dded,by Eld!miund Ashton: 'I1:1Jat Manson lRiobinson and Ra.rvey lBOOiWIl be BJppointed! iClounty COIist~bles to enforre the regu:lations re :halltf load season on Elgin HigfrlIWays. -carried." Moved !by George Silcox, Seconded by A. Litrt.lejc-lm: That the Old .P....ge P'enaoners at the Oounty !Hamre receive 'I'h.r'ee Dollars :peT m<onth of their pensIon oheque, a~_necess.axy_~Y7La.w:<be prepared for the same. -<Carried. Moved ,bY Dr ~ Ie. ~'_ B.e11,. ~nded by Philip Pensa, That By-Law No. 16,09, '''To A'll1fuori:ze the Warden to Sign .Agree- ment re Adn1.inistration of Justice ~enSes Pa,yable ~by the' City of St. T'non1J2-s," b~ r~ad a first time. ~a.rrIed. Moved by Philip Pensa, Secohded by Dr. G. A. Bell: That By-Law No. 1609 be read a seco~d time. ~arried.. 28 ~GIiN ICOUNTY OOUNcrr.. Moved by Th". C, A, <Bell, Seconded by Philip Pensa: That ~-Iy;'[,aW No. '1609 he (feadJ a. third time and finally pasSe<L ---<Ja.rrIJld. Moved by Deputy iReeve MalT. Seconded by George Roszell; That B,,-La;w No.!;6lO, "Being a iElV-La;w to Amend BIV-ILaJw No. IMI, He Pemion of County Eln(p!loyees" be read a first tlIne. -C"rrled. MoYedby Reeve Roszell, seconded .by W. K. !Bodkin: That B:y~LaiW No. 16110 be read a second!. time. Moved by Reeve R.oszell, secondO<! .by Deputy Reeve Marr: --<Ia.rried. Tha,t By"r.aw No.lllll0 be read" _ tlIne and fiI1aJJy' pa&sed. --<Canied. MOv€dbyReeve AShtou, seconded by James Neil: Tr...at iBY-Lam No. i1611. "'To Raise tAmounts for Counrty JRates dr'w:- lng the :year, 195~," be read a first time. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neil, Seconded by Reeve Ashton: That By-Law No. 16L1lbe read a second time. --iOa.rrIed. -CarrJed. 'ELGIrN COuNt'YOOUNOlL 2ll Moved by Reeve Ashton, Seconded by James Neil: ThatE,y-'L;a,"WNo~ 1S1l1be read a third time- and -fiIUiIly ;pass.ecL. ---<Oarried. Moved by P..eeve E. Wackley, Seconded by Reev""€' Bodkin: That' By:"iL6,w ~'No.' 1612, "To: ICoTI:firm the Eql1all.zation ofilie As>- ,scssrnent Rolls of the CoUnty' 6f Elgin forbhe year. -195~,n be read a firstyme. -carried. Moved by ReEve Jackson, seconded by LyIle COyle: . :That By-iLalw No. 11Si12 be ,:read a second -time- ......Carried. Moved by H. O. AJJward, ""', , seconded -by Reeve Jackson: '. . -.: ' '. ','" .' '. ... ,-," - - '_: \ "~-. - - -', ". ' : - -' - - > "1'halt By-Law No: U)'12 be read a third time and finally QJa.SS'ed. -Canied. Moved by Reeve E. O. Alward', Seconded by D<l]JUty Reeve Shep[Pard: . . ",. - -.- . '"," ,',: :','-' ..-..... '. . ..' - . . That.~y-:-La;w N'o.-16IS, "Whereas.See-tion i18. IOh~pter 279',: Revi...~ 'statutes -- of Ontario, 1900, Provides for the Appoin.tment of ColU1tly CO~les." be read a fkst time. -Carried. McvEd by Deputy Reeve Sheppard, E,econded by Reeve Alward: That By-Law No. 1:61131 be read' a secOnd time. --carried. 30 El[JG:EN ()OUiN"TY OOPNCIL MOVEd by Deputy Reeve Sheprpard. Seconded by H. O. Alward: That Biy-Law No. 1613, be read a third time and finally lPa&s:ed. -carri€d. Moved hy Howard Palmer, Seconded by DelPlUty Reeve Silcox: That BY-Lam No. 1614, "To ~point a M€IlllIber of the Benate of the Un~versilty of Wooter.n Ontario," be read a first time. ---.carried. Moved by Reeve AUlCtkland, Seconded by Reeve Wil1i.amson: That By-L3JW iNo. 161~ be read a second time. -'Carried. Moved- by G. Silcox, Seconded by Howard P_: Tnat B!Y-iLa.w No. 1614, be read a third time and finally pa.ssero. -40atT.ied. Moved by Robert OoIes, seconded by Reeve iEOOberts: That By-.La,w NO.Ul15, "Wheneas it is lOeemed Mmab1e to Re- fund a Porti~ of -PeDlS[on Ohe'ques to the Old! Age Pensioners in the Elgin County Home," be read a first time. -carried. Moved! by Reeve :Roberts, seconded by Reeve ,coles: That By-iLa;w No. 1615, 'be read a second time. --croned. ELGIN COUNTY .cO=OTIL 31 Moved by Reeve Goles, Seconded by Reeve RJoberts: That By-iLawNo. 1615, be readr a third. time and :finally passed. ----ca.rried.. Moved by R.eeiVe McKillop, Seconded by A. Littlejohn: That rB!Y-Law No. l.i6I16, "To Appoint a Co.unty Auditor," be read a first time. --carried. Moved by Reeve Merrett, Seconded by J. Neil, That iBiy-Law No. 1616, be read a second time. --<Carried. _by A Li1ltlejobn, Seoonded by Reeve MCKlilllJp: That By-Law No. 1616, be read a third time and finally lPassecl. --;ClLrried. Moved by RJeeve Roszell, Seconded by W. K. Brodkin: That. all members of the County 'Council meke a flour of the county roads, the time to be set by the iRoad! Coanlmittee. --carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neil, Second~d by Reeve Merrett: 'Ib.at we do nOlW adjourn to meet on 'Duesda.y. Jwne 10th, at -10 a.m. ...,ClLrried. J. D. 'I'HOMlSON, :CIeri<. R. K. McNEIlL, Warden. ,~ EUGlN COUNTYCQUNillL THIRD S'ESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 10th day of June. 1952 The' Elgm dbtitfty ',bOuncirmet "this day at the CourtHouse, st. Thq~....Jn accordance with adjoUlument. The Warden in the ChaiT. n- "'.;" All the members present except Reeve: FaJlmer" . and Deputy Reeve Parker. The Warden addressed the COUncil. .'~' 1~:_" -.' WARDENS ADDImSS, Gentlemen of Oourroil: We are now b~','o.1.U:'<thi.r:Q..._Session of Oounty Council~ In <~~it~,;'9.frla,te frosts and a CiO!dl May, crOlp p!rospects are fairJ:.y giQOd. The yield of hay wiN be lower than in 19511. but <>ats, cprn., ,beanS! au,d 00- bac:oo /Were .planted with the soil in good con<t4-tiol1l;, ~~ )V1.n~er~.wh~t lodks very good. HOW€fVer, prices for livestock and! lirv;estook" I>>"o~'I1cts have wappOO very materially during loo.21/and ":thIs' yea.r'~is ~going:-to !be a difficiwlt 3-"ear for the Livestock farmers of the nation, ibecawe thei:r~jncPIIl.!ELjS::~lower "and thei? coSts':tn 'prod'1icti.on - a;re:JIlUIChi 'bJ.g.hea:" Bh,~, iQ previous years. These costs -of prodruction are bligher beoaam:e of jEJdt~~ed.- plfice.s of machinery, repairs, fertilizer, lalbor and feedl. " & we open this third SeSsion of Council., let 1.13 ,lPa~:a,nqr,_P~Y respect to two oiU:tstsanding men serving the iOounty;' who passBd 00> the Great Beyond in Ma8----ITv.Ir. J. Gordon. Turnbull, SUperintendent of theiCoAAtY'(Efollri:e,'aiid! Mr:'stel>~ensof tlJ.{, CoiJ.nitY-, Jail lSjtl>ff. Both ~he,se ~en served theIT,'posltl<>llS well and thw' Wnl':be greatly-misSed'-' ;;-""- "--~-- ", n ~ '. ,- On thorough inspection of 'County iRoad:s System, bY both the Road Committee and Memb,ers of the Cau;nty;CQuncn;:_'we:fomid 'the' road,s to liJe in good cond-itioTh. AJready the 'Road_,;OQ:mlm!i~, has _mapped,~()Ut an extens:iJve hard surfacing program which"Wi11 be pLae-ed before Coun- oi:Lfor,co~~,eJ;":a~i?l1..~~',_aPI>!~.n~ n()W'~ve som~ 90 miles Qf_hard- -suxhic-ed'rtiadls in: the'COunty. a.ridJ-it is'qud.te 'aippareTI.rt"froanthe com- ments ::and petitions of ratepayers that this County should continue an ~teIl$yYe .:t'Oa:(l.~d~~aci:ng program yearly. , _~," H'''_ _ ____ .__ ELGIN COUNTY Co.lm'I'=- 33 The Properly iC:orr.mittee is able to ~ .that the lower corridors .and .stairwells of the l(iourt Hoooe have been redecorated!. New:floors have been laidl:in the upstai.rs: of the Governor's Resi<1!ence. The grounds,91e_-iCourt ~ouse, the R,egistTy Offiice .~nd ~e Governor's Resi- dence are all in a good state of repair and are a cred!it :to this QO'Qi~Y of ours. : _T'n~,~qru,nty [HOlI1j~vras ins~,ted by th-el~t~ an~ a ,~ber or the Depa.rtm.ent during their April meetirig 'and a ,few minor' cl1anges were reconJn1'eIl~ed. _ In spite.oo the _ fact .,tl1a;twe h:&ve on~ of ,th~: oldest Ciounty HOrnies in the Province;' it :is in a-good -'state of repair; -,and the inmates Me comfortable and happy. Th'6 Getru~nndal- Oomnid-ttee "'has 'held -rrriahy'-in:~m1g~- since_ ~e March Session, and plans for the oelelmation of Arugus.t 3-10th" ;'ppOO,r to _ be materiaJi!zing very_well. The members_ ()f _ the vario~ ,Committees are working -hard .,tohelp make - this: ~ele~ratrolI - -~,;de~id~ _~ClO6s~;_ We, the Members of iOounty iCbuncil, are Very proud - :to - tl1:ifik - that LOrd. and La.{ly Elgin are attending this notable event. The program for the -week is TIJOIW nearly- cOmIpletedandlit will be ,a. 'bUsy and- i11Itefesting oelebration. This Caunty.; is-rich ,in history and'traditiori. -~and"'W'hle-n we think of the nl()bleexploits of Ol1Jl.1: ancestral serttlers;'tlien1' we - realiire some of the respol15ibilities which are OIUrs. The wor'k on the- -new hospital is~ogressini;:~fuY-'JrovbUi'abi~,id1~ on Tuesday, August 5th, the !Earl of :Elgin and iKincar:cline- will. lay the c'Ol~nerstoneait :s:even: "o'clock :in -- the,eveniilg.' ---The cOsts'- ::of -'bUilding are within the budget, and when the hospital.is'c'onipleted;-itWiiJil.'serve the needs of Elgin COUlnity and -the Oity of St. Thomas for _ manw years to come. During this ~s.ion. _ it will be necess3XY _ to <lirouss_the __ advisability of operating the Memorial 'Hospital as a -chronicu1'11t, with the new hospital, or of operating :as a separate: - Unit. 'This jst 'a; - veiy-- lniipoi'tarit question, having !been previously discussed int the J\.I.arch session and I-lJrn.ow that you rwill give it very car'efuO:conSideration before -arriving at a -aelCiisio!1J. Once a.galn the costs olf indigent patients a;re -V;ery. high:. The time_is rapidJ.y 3.ippI'oaching when mlIDiicipalities wi11 Teq'Uiire outside help to meet this ever' increasing_ expenditure. The burden is becoming too heavy for the taxpawer to carry al~ ~4 ELGIN COUNTY CO'UNCIL The min'UItes of the ~ast da.y of the March 8ession were read and oonfi.rri1€d~ '!"he following communications were read and referred to th.en various committees: Communications From Mrs. William stephens and: family with appreciation.-Filed. !From Mrs. J. Gordon Tu1'nbull -and! , family with appreoiation~- Filed. FrOlp; the MelulOirial iH~ipita1 re deficit.-1Referred to Finance Com- mittee. From. the Tllllsonburg Memorial Hospital re indigent patients.---lRe- ferred: to the Finance Oommittee. From the <C011.TLty of .lLinooln r-e amendment ro Section 3118. Oha"p- ter 243, of the M1lnicipal Mt.--lReferre<l to the Petitions and !Legjsla- tions Oc1llllnl.ittee. From the Clauntw' of OntariQ re assessment on indrustlI'ial bulildings. Referred to the Petitions and LegiLSilations Oommittee. iFTom the iQounty of 1Gxe.Y re floor prices for livestook..--itefer.red to <he Agricultural Committee. From the Dept. .of Lands and Forests re dJeer sea.son.-iReferred to the Petitions 'and LegislatiOn& IC'ommittee. From the Memorial ilIospita! re acoounw of indigerut patienrt.s.-iae- ferred to the Finance ICbmmittee. From; the County. of We11and re liability insUrance on cars or tl1Ucks.--lReferred to the iPetitions and iLegjslations Oommittee. Fronn tire 'I'owIlship of YarmOUlth re By-LaJw No. 1_.~Rieferred to the Petitions and L€gislations Catnmittee. From SandeM & &nders re quit claim dee(I.~Rieferred to the Peti- tions and: Legislations Oom..iInittee. ELGIN COUNTY COiUNdIL 35 From the Oountwof Waterloo re warble flies.-aefetTed to the Ag- ricultural Cormnittee. IFrom st. Joh:n!s Ambulance requesting grant.--RefeITed. to the Fin- ance O:XlDmittee. From the Association of Assessing Officers with e2llpI'ess1on of alp- preciation.-Filed. FTOIIl the Elgin Police AssocIation with request for grant.---\Referred to the Finance lOommittee. From the Western Ontario AocricultJul"aJ. School re schola.n..tip from the Elgin Oaunity Co:unoil.--tRefer:red to the !Finance .committee. From. the 'I'ililsOnIburg Memorial Hospital re official opening cere- monies.-Fil.ed. From the Institute of !Public Administration re membership fee.......... Referred to the Finance COmmittee. From the Graru:l JIury with report.--<Referred to the Oounty Home Oommittee andJ Property Oommittee. From the E3>" E!gin High SChool DIstrict Board, requesting grant for agriculture.--&lferred to the AgricWtural Oommittee. From sandlers and Sanders re collection of indigent aocounts.-Re- ferred to the F1inanre Oommittee. From the 6<. ThoIIJ.OS and E!gin General Hospital Oommittee, a statement c:f re<:eiptl~1 and exlp!IDdlitures on the new hospitaJ.-ffieferred to the Fl..n.ance ,Oornmittee. Reeve Auckland inquired: re members' pay on the Oenrennial Com- mittee. i!teeve Bodkin ...ked tlN1.t the Oouncil Wsit the ll<lW' hospital don-- iug the sesslion. The first report of the Fin..",., OOmmittee was presented, and adopted\, on motion of Reeve AnIckland a.nd. Reeve Bodkin. -- 36 Er.G;I;N COUNTY CQUNOJ;[, . Tl>e Treasurer's ~ort on fillc?-llpl'S to,Mal' 31~t '\Va.s ll'"esenteclaJ>:j referred; to the fFlinance ICo.mimittee. . :rhe'Gl"l'k;'s Report on licenses .W"""! presented aIld referred to the Pmance 'OC:m:rnd.ttere. MOVed by W. T. Merrett, SeC01J<j'ed by W. S. M=uop; That We do norw adljOUrn until 3 P.m. The 'ColUlcil l'eSllanied,. -C-arriea. It '<;;;;S lJ)coVed 1J~ll.eeve JaoI;.son that..Mr., Moore, assistant inspector Of :["ga1 Offices be now heard. .Mr. lIfoore addressed the -Coll11cil on ,~eJ': }'li!i'Js,~nd regi."k~tion Of the Sa.zne ill tJ,ell.egislJoy Office. MOved by C. P. Jackson, ~,eJ)Onq.ed., bY',R O. -Alward_:_ Tl>at the County of [;lJgi-n -!lane twentY-five .per cent Of the cost ?fSUrv"'Y l?lan.s ,in, ,the,'9<;Jiun,t:v of E1g;", al1d ~t one thousand dOllars be reqUis;tionecl as lnay be requ1J:ed in ,1952. "'Tl>esecOnd ':e]JOrt of ,the Finance, Oonu;nJttee via.s "resented '!l1d adOPted, on motion of 1l.eeveARlck1ana and :Reeve Bell. The Teport of the PrOJ>erty COllUnittee W"'S' presented and adOPted, 0::" -lion of Deputy iReeve lOoY1e al1d iReeve >Coles. Moved by E. Ashton. SeCOnded (by iIi.Alward: 'rhat the ll1elllibers. of Cou;nty Councll be .paid ..8c P€, mile going to and f,'om Oounty CO"-'1cil and COlUlnittee meetingS and the bY-law be "''''''11<1ed according:(y. --<Carried. Moved by E. Ashton, Seconded by J. Neil, Tl>at We do now adliollTn liil 10 a.m. On June 11th. --Carried. J. D. 'I!IiOl\1;SO!N, 'Clerk. --'Carried. .R."E::. MCNJmL, Ward{n~. . ELGIN COUNTY GOUNiClIL 37 TillED SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 11th day of .June, 1952 The Elgin COUlUty Oouncil met this day at the O'cmrt House, St. Thomas, in aocmdiance \vith adjournment. The Wwden U1l the Chair. All the membeTs present. The minutes af the previorus day -were read and confirmed. The report of the ICounty Home Oo1l1!2llittee was :pI1ese~ted and adopte;.:l1 On motion O'f Deputy Reeve I.Silcox and Deputy Reeve Neil, The repo!rt of the Petitions and Legislatiooo O'omIl:r1ittee 'Was pre- sented and adopted'Ul motion otE Deputy Reeve Littlejohn and Reeve Wackley. The report of the Agriculture Committee was presented and ,ad- opted on. motion of [a,eeve Bodkin and iReeve AUckland; Deputy !Reeve Parker addressed the Council 1'e costs of Mermmual Hos1l!irtal and that the labour !Would increase the {lost ,o:f expenditu:res up 3'5:%. He also s.poke' to the Oouncil re tug--o'-war' for centennial. Moved by E. Ashtcm., 'Se.conded by H. Alward: That the m€U:PJbers of the Elgin .county 'Council be paid fifteen cents per mile one wa\}" for at.tending meetings ill rCouncil a.ndCom- i.nrittees, and that By-Law No. 115911 ibe am€llded accordingly, that the :resolution pa.<ss€ldJ ye:.""terday re !mi1eage be resci:n:d-ed!. -Carried. Moved by Dr.. ReM, that Mr. David tRichards -of the Frank Cowan Insmr-ance Agency be now heard. M:r. RichaxdJ~' addressed -the cronncll on [policies for ,the County Councillors, CO'lll1ty employees and fleet coverage on all cars and trucks-. This was: re:ferTed to the Finance Committe'e. 36 EiJGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved !by E. Ashton, Secondocl l>y J. Neil, Th'at we do now adjourn till 1.30 !p.m. -Carried. The Council reswmedL The third repor.crt of the FLl1a.nce rCbmmittee was piI"esentoo' and adop-ted on motion of Reeve Aiuickland and tReeveBudktn. The i"Elport -of the Road -Committee was .presented and adopted On mo- tion of Reeve .Ash1xm a..Tl!dJ iRr'...!8ve Alucki1aal. Mov€ld by A. LitttI~J9hn, Becond'ed by W. S. McKillop: That B,y-lLaw iNO'. 16ilr7, "To ApIPoint SuperinItendent and Mata'on for' the Elgi.m. County !Heme," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved I>y W. S. McKillop, Seconded by A. Uttledorun: That !By-Law No.H3J17 'be read a second time. ---Carriocl. Moved hy R.Col-es, Seconded by E. !Roberts: That [By-ww No. :HlI17 be reatd a third time and finaUy pSiSsed. ---carried. Moved !by :Bruce MalT, Seconded by George lRoszell: That E)y-Law iNo. loIS;, "A By4aw -to tAimend the :By-/Laiw Adopting a Plan of Oou...'1.ty, [Road [mp!I"crvement and Establishing a OOlunty Road System in the iCO'U11ty of Elgin under The Highway llmjprovement ..~.;et" be r:ead a first time. -Carried.. ELGIN COUNTY COruNGIL 39 Moved 'by H. Parker, Seconded by W. K. Bodkin: That :By-Law No.. 1'618 be read a second time. . -....ICarried. Moved by W. K. :Bodkin, Seoonded by B"""", Mane: Tha.t ~-[,aw No. 1ill8 be "ead a trnxd time a.nd BnaJ]y passed. --!Carried. Moved by W. K. Bodfk.in, Seoonded by E. Wackl:ey: That BW-Lalw No. 1J$19, .'GxantingOertain Privileges to Western .Ashley Minerals, LItd." \be read a fini:t time. ---.earned. Moved by E. Wackley, Seconded by O. F. Jackson: That 'l3\y-[Larw No. WI9 be read a s'econd time. --Carried. Moved by !q1e coyle, seconded 1l>' w. K. 'Bodkin: TJmt ~-iLaw No. 1619 be read athiId time and finaJJy passed. -!Carried. Moved by K. Wtilliamson, seconded by R. S. Sheppard: That By-Lww No. 16i20, ''To Amend By-Law No. 1'591 .re Mileagefu County ICbJuncil Members,'" be read a first time. ----'Carried. 4) ill]LGJIr:~ CO~'TY COUNCIL Moved by H. 0" Alward, Seconded by n<)war'd Palmer: That By-Law No. 1S20 be read a second tw...'e. ----Carried. Moved Iby HDward Palmer, Seconded by R. S. ISheprpard: That B~..ILaw. No. 1620 be. read a third ,tim:eand finaUy passed. --.Canied. Moved by E. Ashton, Seconded by J. Neil, 'I'hatHy-[..alW No. 161]1, "'Tb Lmend By-Law No. 1.554;" ,be read 3, first tilme. -Carried. Moved by W. T. 'Merrett, Seconded !by E. Ashton: That -BiY-Law No. 1621, be read a second time, -,.Cal'!'ied. Moved by E. Ashrton, Secondecr !by W. T. Merrett, 'T'~at By-'Lam lNo. 16'211 be read a third time a,ndo finally passed. ....:....,Oarried. The Warden} -requested advice and information 1'e decoration of Gou...rt HOlJ.i~le for Genrtennial. 'Reeve Bodkin suggested! fl~;gs and bUnt- iing for decoration of Gourt House d!uJ:'ing the :Qentennial Moved by Dr. G. A. (Bell, Seconded by Howard Palmer: ELGllN COUNTY <COUNCilL 41 That the Property iCOOl1llittee be given power to decorate the Court House for iCentenniail Week as they doom necessar:v tiO the ex.- tent of $500.00. --<:arried The Warden expressed his ruppreciation to the mttmJbers of the CouneLl foOr their assistance and co-operatioIll dJuring the sessiion. Moved by J. Nell, Seconded !by E. AShton: That we dio now adjourn to. meet oOn Tumdla:y', the 16th OOy of Septomlber, 'le~, at 10.00 a.m. J. D. THOMSON, CI...k. :R. K. McNEIL, W1lil"den. 4ll ElJG:lN COUNTY OOUNClL F01)RTH SESSION - FJ)RS~ DAY T:U'esday, the 16th day of September, 1952 TheEIg:in County Oouncil..met _ this day at the 'COfl..IDt House, St. Thomas, in at;CQroance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members present except Dcr:. ~ell. Reeve Pen.sa and Roward Palmer. The Ward:e...'1' addTessed: the 100000cil. WARDEN'S ADDRESS Gentlemen of Ooun.ci1: We nCiW begin our 4th ,Session of !the 19.5~ County Oonncll. Three months have elapsed since our June 'Sess~on, and I trust that you ha.ve all been enjoYh"'1lg a bllily' and prosperous summer. I know that you will transaot the business that arises !in this session in yOUiI'" us- ual and cap<lible manner. Since oW' June meeting the Agrioultuiral outiook fOT' this year is much blighter. Farmers throughoo:t the country have harvested: ex- -eellent C1~op;sr of wheat, 8Jverage mops of hay -and oats" and have VEJ'y good ,crops of rom and beans either harvested, or sOO standing h the field. Because of an aJbund:ance of rainfall.a....TJ..d warm weather durin.g August the ,tobacco orop alppearn very good. throughout the county. The rainfall has also pirovided some excelLent pasture f'Or beef and dairy herds during the past month. However, the fruit crOlp in the county 15 below average. This year, 'We have also enjoyed excellenitl weather throughout OUi!:' entire season. The Oounty .Roads Department has had one of the busiest seasons in the history. Slome fifteen :miLles of m:ul.cih pavement have been built this year. This type of pavement is giving very good resMJlts in Elg1in, and haVing travelled some of the neIW s'trips this year, I can repo.rt that they are a credJit to our 1RiJad iDepartrrnenJt; and county. A few rrr.ile;s of roads harve ailso bee..."tJJ prepared for flUtJure pavement. having been ditched, shouldered, hd1Us out down, new oulverts installed, etc. ELGIN COmITY <COIUNC!IJL 43 Many minor repairs: have !been coIl1lpleted' on the County Home, and on our ilast inspection we fonnd the home in giod condition, and being very efficiently operated!. The rOommittee, after a great deal of discussion, have decided to bring the question of seliling of fann. be- fore 'County Council. Thdsis an important question, and iT know-that you will consider ca.ref,ully before arriving at y;our decision. Our - Oentenniall Celebrations along with the Cli:ty /Were a decided SUCCEetS. The ,s!pectacle presented each: evening at - !Athletic Park was e:x;ceil.e:nJt andJ favoura;ble comments have been received[ from residents and. visitorsaJike" However, a Historic Pageant of that nature staged in such unLLClu:zo setting does re::!uire a considerabLe amount of moruey. During the week we were IVery hlQIlOured to join w.Lth st. Thomas in acting as hoots for our distinguished guests, Lord andJ Ladlv E1gin. ,It was a very busy week for them, "but .their parting words were that they had enrjoyedthe Celebration very mIUJOh, and, they were impressed with St. Thoana.s and Elgin IOounty. The Celebration certainiLy CO'Uild never have been what it was, had it not been foc the efforts of citizens of st. Thomas and Elgin County who gave of ,their time and ability. >either as individuals, or as memberei of va.riQlus or:ga.nizations. It was a -splendid' di6OllOnstration of whole-hearted oo-operation throughout the entire week. Once -again, many :problems will be before us dw-:Lng this session. and let us 'Work: toget:her for 'the good andJ !betterment of this <>>".mty iOf ours. The minutes of the Last day of the ..June ,session were read' and 3IP!piroved. The foTILowing Cb:mmnm.ioati1orm 'Were read and! referred to theiT various Committees:: COMMUNIOATIONS From the Department of' PublicWe1fare re Assiistance to I.lmni- girants.---lReferred to the Finance lQomllnlittee. From the County' of Waterloo re Tent Cla.terpillar Insects.----Refe-r- red to the Agricultural tCommittee From ,Victoria Hospital re Medical Accounts of Indigent Patients. -Refened to the !Finance IGommittee. 44 i!ilIJGliN COUNTY COUNmL From the Oounty of .E!r'a11t re Old Age security Pension Cheques. ...:...{Referred .to the Finance !Cbmmittee. From the Secretary-Treasurer .of the oentenniaJ. Committee.-Re- ferred to the Finance OonmlJitree. From the Jail Govemor reBathroom Esthnlates.-:->Referred to- the Property KlaIIlilMttee. From the iOity of Chatham re Maintenance of Incli.ge:nts in hos- pitaJisJ.:........jR,eferredto the 1Finance lColllfD'lJi,ttee. From the ICounty of York re Suburban :Roads:-Referred to the Road ClammLttee. From the Ontario MuniciuJal [Board re iRestricted Area in the Townshlp of Y"mmouth......;FiledJ. FromthJe Tillsonburg ;District Memorial Hospital re Indigent Rates. -ttteferred to the Fimmce 100000000ttee. (Flr0llIl the Institute of Public Ardministration re rCOnvention........JRe- 'ferred to the Finance Committee. Fr-om the County of Hastings 1"e [ndiig,ent Old Age PensiOJ.1eI'&.- Referred to the Finance lCom.mittee. [F\-om Dr. [ft. G. KIDpe~ M.OiH., re Th&maJi Vapourizers.----iRefer- red to the Heailth iOommittee. FJ)om \be TiIlronbsrg [)istrict Menrortl&! Hasp!taJ with annuaJ statement.-iReferred to the Pi.nance COmmittee. From the 1Gan.addan Federation oif -the Blind! for 'Graaltt.-'Rieferred to the Finance iC'oIl1ln1ittee. From the Architects of the st. TI1oma.s-EIgin Gerreral lHosp!taJ with r€jport.-iReferred to the Finance ConunJittee. From :the 'Secr'etary-TreaEfU['er of the ICentenniail Committee with Financial statenrent.--iReferred to the Finance CIomttnittee. ELGIN COUNTY OauNCiIiL 45 It was moved: by Reeve Bodkin tbatMr. A. V. Langton, Agricul- tural Representatirve. be now heard. Mr. :Langton adtk"essed the Coun- cil on the Agricultural activities in -the County and intrroduced Mr. E. L. WOOdley fx:OOl. the staff of the RidgetolWn Agricul:tJm'aII. School who addressed. the Ocmnctl -requesting a gront for a scholarship. Moved by E. Ashton, Seconded by J. Neil: That we do now aq,jown until 2: p.m. -<Carried The ,council I"esumro. The first :report of the Finance :aommittee was ,presented and ad- opted on motion of !Reeve ,Auckland:, .and .Reeve Bodkin. The report of the lAgj:"icultural C:ommittee WM presented and ad- opted on motion of Reeve ;Bodkin, and Reeve Auokland. The report of the CountY' iHome Oommlittee was ipfesentedand. on motion of Reeve Bodkin, the IOounci1l went into a CiOll'UIllittee of ,the whole with iaeeve B<xikin in the chair. Af!te:r considerable discussion the iOommli.ttee arose, and the report was ,adopted as read, and on mo- tion of Deputy :Reeve Silcox, and Depruty Reeve Neil. The second report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted 01'1 motion of Reeve Auokland, ,and. -Reeve Ashton. The third report of the Finance Oomanittee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Auckland,and :Reeve Roszell. The report of the County Roads C'ornmittee was presented and adopted On motion of Reeve Ashton, and Reeve Bodkin. The Property C(}1llmittee- report was presented and adopted on motion of DeipuIty Reeve Ooyle and Reeve :eoles. Moved by E. Wackley, Seconded by C. F. Jackson: 4<> EiI..GIN COUNTY COUNCIL That the 'usual grants be paid to the 14braries of Elgip. County. --carried. Moved by E. Wa.okley, Seconded by C. F. Jackson: That each lcounty iCoU[1(:illorbring at least one boy Qr girl to Council on first day of the Novemberr' Session. -Carried. Moved. by E. Ashton, Seconded 'by J. Neil: That the fOlerrtk Ibe instructed to place a copy of the Centenn.ial edition of the st. Thomas T1lnes-J'OUl'1lal in the arch;ives of .the Oounty. -Carried. Moved by E. ABihton; Seconded by J. Neil: That we do now adjourn to meet on the 25th day of November at ten .a.m.. -Carried. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk R. K. McNEIL, Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUINlOIlL 47 Committee Reports AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE January Session To the Elgin County rCouncil: Gentlemen : The Agricultua:al Committee reporoo as follows: 1. That a grant of $2~OOO.OO be made if required to the Agrioultural office. 2. That the annual fee of $25.00 to the Ontario Conserva:tion As- sociation be paid. 3. That the anual fee .of $50.00 to the Agricultural Council be ;paid and that the Warden, 0hairn1an, and Reeve McKilllop be dele~ dates to attend the COnvention. 4. That the request from the ~i ICQunty Shorthorn Club be filed. 5. That Mr. James McBain. George Valle€!, and E. -H. Pearce be reappOinted 'I1reeiConser:v"ation Officers for 1952. 6. That the resolution re hail insurance from Grey County be not endorsed. AU of wmch is respectfully submitted. January, 1952. W. K. BODKlli. Chairman 48 ElLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE June Session To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: The Agrioultural ICommittee reports as follows:: 1. Toot the resolution from the GDU111ty of Watedoo to Sp1'aJy feeder cattJ.e at me Ont,3Jl"io IStloc~ be filed. 2. That the grant of $500.00 to the East mld West Elgin High School BoardlS for AgriCulture be paid. 3. That no action be taken on the resolutioilll from the iCOunty of Grey reGrading of live cattle. All of which :is respectfully submi-tted.. June, 1952.. W.K. BODKIN, <Chairman AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE September Session To- the ElgLl1 County Council: Gentleanen: The Agricultural Committee reports as fonows: 1. That we file the resolution from Waterloo county .re Black Knot and Tent Gaterpillar Gontrol. 2. Thait we recommend a Scholarsh1pof $100.00 to the Student. fr?ffi Elgin OCl'l.Ulty attending Ridgetown AgricultWal School wh-c at- tains the highest standing in h;]sr first year. All of which iB respectfully subl11.itted. W. iK. BOfDKlN~ Chajrman iEl[p:nN COUNTY COUNQI[, 49 FlNANQIAL STATElVliENT ELGIN AGRICULTURAL OOMMlTTEE .January 10th, 1951 - .January 11th, 1952 Receipts ActUlal J3aJJance, JanfUJary 10, 1951 Elgin OOunrty Council,. RefU:l1!d\, Royal -Wiinter Fak'. Horse Show $ 132 69 1700 00 (47 seats) 70 65 $1900 34 Expenditures Breed Shows Bli3ck & White Show, Aylmer Jersey Parish Show, Aylmer A.;yrshire Show, ~o\ylmer.. Beef Oattle Show, Wafucetown. Elgin Horse Show, AylllIler $ 100 00 100 00 5850 10000 5000 $t0850, Field orop & Plowmen'lS! Organizations Elgin County C.rop' ImlProvement Association. El.g!L11 rOounty Fruit Growers' Association.. Elgin County PLowmen's Association Elgin Oounty Seed Flair $ 200 00 00 00 15000 200 00 ~4 600 00 Junior Farmers Elgin Jwnior Farmers' Association Elgin County Girls' Imltitute $ 250 00 15000 ---$ 400 00 Junior Club Work IDast Elgin Dmy Calf Club Bewont Dairy :QaJf .club Shedden Dairy Oalf Olub Shedden Beef Calf Olub . Wallacetown Beef Calf ClJub. $ 28 50 12 00 1650 19 50 2400 50 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL ROOney Beef calf Club... Aldborough :Gorp Glub W",,"t Elgin Sheep Olub. East Elgin SWine Glub West Elgin High SOOooI Poultry Club AldborougUl Poultry Club.., East Elgin High School Tractor Club West Elgin T.mctor Club. 18 00 1500 7 50 1050 13 50 13 50 22 50 18 00 ~219 00 JU<:iging ,competitions Inter'~Club COllllpetitions, boys MId 5 girls) Inter-lCounty Livestock Judging Team, RJoyaJ. ter Fatr~ team members Entry Fees, C.N..E. J11Idging, 10 classes. O.AAJ., Guelph (8 teams $ 116 50 Win- 80 00 515. $ 201 65 Miscellaneous Royal Winter Fair, Horse Show Seats Honour Pins, Girls' Glubwork Hall Rental, Girls' Aoh!ievement Days Pi:ctures ProvincialPou1try Team Winners . Club Leaders, LUnches, Febrnary 6 Walter Person, Use. of Rodney iCownciI 'Chamber.. Bank Opemting Charges.... $ 70 65 55 00 2000 19 95 14 75 400 5 77 ~ 190 12 Total Ex.penitures $2019 27 Debit Bank Balance. . Plus GIS Cheques-$100 and ~22.50 $ 193 43 122 50 Less Jianuary 8 Deposit Act'ual Debit Balance $ 315 93 $ 200 00 .$ 115 93 $1903 34 A. V. LfuNGTON, Soorci~y ELO]N COUNTYCOUNiCIIiL FINANCE COMMITTEE 51 Janu.ary Session - First Report To the Elgin COlmty Council: Gentlemen: I beg to submit the followdng statemenrt of accounts paid through Finanoo from November 7th. 195\1, to DeCember 31st, 1951: Ghrildrnnls Aid Society of Huron County..... ....$ Children's Aid SOCiety. 'London and Middlesex Children's Aid Society. WbodBtock. ami OXford. Children's AidSocietJy of Kent County. OhildI'en's Aid Society, 1st. Thomas and Elgin. st. Mary's Hospital, London. MwslOll Villa Private Hospital PaI'kwood HospitaL. East Windsor Health Assoc'iation Mrs. 0. V. Layman. Mr. A. :Squire... The Printing World. The ;Oau'swell CO., Ltd. Canada LaIW Book Go. Wendell Holmes, Ltd... Hay stationery CO., Ltd., The Dutton Advance. AroundtownC'abs Mickey's Taxi Elgin Ambulance Service Sanders & Sanders. JUdge J. F. McMillan Township of Dunrwich Ontario Training School for -Boys, Cobourg All of which is respecttully submitted. January, 1952. 84.79 76.08 2113-.90 40.50 1,140.00 17'7.50 54.50 202.50 75.00 50.00 907.50 69.23 1.00 8.77 1.50 8.80 25.00 .65 1.25 10.00 LIO.50 4.20 51.00 109.80 '$ 3,425.97 WALTER AUCK'LAND, Chairman 52 .EIGIN COiUNTY COUNCTI. FINANOE COMl\UTTEE January Session - Second,}:.eport To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: The Finance Oommittee reports as follows: 1. That the following hospital accounts be paid: Victoria Hoopital, London. Ti.l!1lBcmburg iSold:ier's Memorial Hospital Toronto General !Hospital. .... Haldrimand W3fr Memorial Hospital St. Jooeph's Hospital, London Memorial 'Hospital, ,st. Thomas .$ 2,263.40 1311.66 76.00 190.00 126.00 7,400.81 $ 1Q,197.86 All of which ils! respectfully submitted. JanUaTY, 195-2, W AiL'J:'fEffi, .A!UOKLANiD. C!hairman FINANCE OOl\fM[TTEE Januaw Session - Third Report To the ,Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Warden and Treasurer be Illl-uthorized to borrow the sum of $450,-000.00 f11OID. the Hank of Montreal, as may 'be reqUired, and the llecff.1SaIrY By-iLaw he plrepa.red. 2. That 1Jhe cost of living bonrus to the Jail staff be increased to $25.00 .per 'mo..l1Ith with the exception of the Matron. ELGl!N COUNTY <lOIUN!dIL 53 3. That the ba;]:ance. of !the grout of $li,05O.oo, wpprovedi last year be paid men the work isoompleted on the Bobier Hospital. 4. Tha.twe gIDant the Children's Aid Society of st. T.h.omas Mld Elgin tIlle sum of $2,000.00. 5. That we bUdget '$3,000.00 for the Centennial. 6. 'That no action be talc.en on the request for g;mnt of the Navy League. 7. That we accept with ;regret t1he resignation of D. iM. Leitch, COUInty Auclitolr, anrd <bhe clerk 00 send a letter of aJ]Jprecia1l\on for "his many years of serrvice to the County. 8. That W. E. Looke be continued as ,O<>\mty .A.u<litor, at .. salal'Y of Six Hundred Dollan"S per yeax, and the nreoessaIo/ by-IiaIw to be pre- pared. 9.' That we ,accept the repOl't of the Registry Office 1"e Fees. 10. That we grant the st. Thomas Highland Pipe Band' ,$100.00. 11. That the tOommunication from tJhe OntarLio &U!I"al Mumcipali- tielSl 1"e membership be filed. 12. That the request from. the rOivil Defence Committee be filed, as the Federal Oovernment. should assume the cost. 13. That we g1rant the iSalvation Arm'Y$500.00. 14. Th3Jt we grant the UniveTSity of Western Ontario $-500.00. 15. That the QarnmJUnication from the Townshiip of Bayham re Land SUlI'veys be laid over till the Manm Session. 16. That the fee of $OO~OO to the Qntaa'io MrmicipaJ Association be paid. 17. That we grant the ,canadian -National iInStitute fo!!" the Blind $400.00. :54 ELGlJN COUNTY OOUNCIL 18. That the request from the E!lind' InstILtute for a grant fOll. the :BuliJd1ng .Fllnd be filed. 19. J'hat we grant- the~e requested by the ,E'lgif1~t.'Ihornas Health unit of $1.0'5 -per capita to $1:J10 .per :capita. 20. That the loaal A&gessors be p~ ,-$7.00 p~ day, and mileage f.or five days. -, 21. That the Salary' of'.Mrs. 'Mwy BiuI1k:e 'be increased '$120'.00 per ann1llm. 22. That J; D. Thoo:ri.oon, be ;paj.d $125.00' peT yeatt' as secretaxy IOf 1lhe Local ~eSlsQrs""Association. 23. That we do not approve of the Memorial H-osp~tal Trust subsid- izing" the: operation 'of ian' arobu:lJartce; 24. That tbe road liability, non owned, Aiutoouubi1e, a.nd TreasUrer Bond policies he renewed with the Fl'Iank .cowan InsUlrance Agency. 25. That the US!U:al grant of 1$50.{}() be paid to the Law Library AL'\S6ciation. '26. That we g.r:antaJl Public Libraries tit the rCoonty $5.0.00 each All of Wll:ich t,s respectfully submitted. January, 1952. W.M...TffiR, AUCK:LAND, .chairman FINANCE COMMITTEE March Session - First Report To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: o . ELGIN COUNTY 'COu:N101iL 55 II beg to s1JJbrnitthe following statement ofaccound:s paid through Finance from January 2nd, li!}~. to :March 7tih, 1952: Mr. A. Squrre. .$ 2,6&2.&1 Underwood Ltd. 9.50 R,ainboWs Bookstore. ......... 3.50 Mickey's Taxi. l.Z5 S. A. Martin 10.00 Nyal B. Cook ..... 19.90 Parkwood HoopiiJal 614.25 Mason Villa. Private Hospital 166.50 Mrs. G. V. Layman.. 150.00 East Win,dsar Healt.h ..Associiation.; 200:50 Childxen?s. Aid SocietJy of Hur<m Oounty'.. mJ3.29 ChildIren's Aid 'Society of Ke:nft -OountY,m.. ...... 11215.85 Ohdldiren's Aid Society, st. Tbpmas and iElgin ,. 2,,446.76 Mercury~u.n 307.40 Ol1Itario Training School for Boys, OobOOJlrg 106.20 James H. Barnum 200.00 Frtank Cowan Agerwy 200.00 P. R. Williams & Son. 75.00 Roy Ingram 46.00 Ontario Hoopital, Woodstock... goo.5O Deputy Minister of Reform Iooti:tJutions 36.72 St. John's Training School fO\l" Boys, Toronrt:o 83.05 (~h:ildren's Aid Societ{y. Lomlbn arlldl MidtLlesex 79.36 .oMdren's Aid Society, Wioodstook a..1ld Oxtford 004.80 The Printing World.. 53.15 Moundtown Gabs 2.00 S. 'R. Hart & Go., Ltd... 90.10 Hay Stationery 00., Lt,d. 3.58 Gordon H. Hughson. 5.60 Township of Dunwich 60.50 Department of Health of Ontario 1.92 onta.no Tmining School for Bio'y'S, Bowmanville 18.90 The Dutton Advance 18.75 Mrs. -Marion Walker 13.60 $ 8,993.75 An of which i!s respectfully submItted. WALTEIR AUiCKLANiD, Ohairman 56 ELGIN COUNTY- CO]J~CIL FINANCE COMMITTEE March Session - Second Report To the Elgin :County Council: Gentlemen: The 'Finance Gomrruittee reports as follows: 1. That the following hospital accOFUIitlS be 'Paid: St. Thomas Meo:norial Hospital Viotoria:. Hospital, LOndon n st. Joseph's HOspi,tal, iLondDn. Tillsonburg Soldiers' Memoria~lHospital $ 6,261.30 2;686.75 84.00 008.77 $ 9,730.82 All of'W'mch itsl respectfully submi,tted. WAiLTE'R- AUOKLAND, Chairman FINANOE COMMITTEE March Session - Third Report To the Elgin Oounty Council: Gentlemen: The Finance Oommittee reports as followS: 1. That a grant of $l,aOO.OO he made to the new building in Lon- don for the Canadian !National Institute for ,the Blind, and that we recommend 1953 Council "to give consideration to a grant. 2. It was moved that -the Financial Report of the new IhQspital be filed. ELGIN COUNrY GOU'NC!llL 57 3. That the Warden and the Cllerk be authorized ,to sign AppllCa- tion of the Town of Aylmer re Annexation. 4. That Mr. !E. F. S. Sanders reappointed as !EDgin- representative Lto the University of Western Ontarto. 5. 'Dhat -Warden McNeil, Reeve Ashton, and Reeve Jackson, be a Conrmrtttee to meet with Mr. H. IC. Moore, Assistalllt lnspe<ltor of Legal Office!Sl, and County Solicitior re SUxvey Plans, and the County is wm- ing to pay li2Ph % .of the cost. 6. That the resignation of Mr. W ~ E. .Locke be accepted with regret, and that a letter of 3JP1P!r€ciation of senices rendered .be fovwaxd.€'d to Mr. Locke. 7, 'I!hat B,. W. Johnson & CO. be appointed .AUlditors 1ior the County of El."odn. 8. That the request .of the :RIOtary Ca.ub .of St. Thomas, for M~!ic Soholarships be filed. :!-'l:: 9. :i'hat ,the reqruelSlt of the Chamber of OOmmerce for a Mem'ber- Ship Fee be filed'. 10. 'Ihat Etv~LaM' No. 1541, be amendied! re Retirement Age of Em- ployees. All of which iIs respectfully submitted. WALTER ..A:UOK:LAND, .Ohairman FINANCE COMMITTEE March Session - Fourth Report To the Wa,rden and COUll-cil of the Grrunty 01 Elgin: Gentlemen: The Finance Oomniittee reports as follows: 58 illlGJNOOUNTY COUNCIL 1. That we accept the Budget as presented. 2. That the request of the TilIE01lJbmg Hospital :for a grant to- ward1s tl:te deficit ,rbe laid over till the June, Session, and that we re- quest a full financial statement of maintena:nce operations foc .19511, and capital building fund statement. 3. That the question of operation of the St.: Th:Cl!nas Memorial ~'pital as a $TpniC hO-9Pital by. the 1St;. Thomas-EJgin GeneralHos- .pital be'laid over till ,the Jrune iSession for verification of grants;andj more information on the cost of altemations .00 the dhronic hospital. 4_,That W~ request Public, Hospitals toc:ollect aoootulnts from pa- tients who own prapertyor have assets that Ill8Q be reailized on., in- stead of having municipalities pay for them as indigents. All of which is respectfully submitted. W.AJLTElR AUOKLAND, C!hairman FINANCE COMMITTE!!' March Session - Fifth Report To the Ward..en and Council -of the County of Elgin: Gentl~en: The iOollllmiittee on Finance beg leave to 'I"eIPort that having h- quired into Finan:c.es ,of _ the County, andestfunates prepared b'Y ,the County Treasurer, they herewith ElU:bmit a statement of the ex.pendi:- tures required for ,the lawful PllT'POse of the County druring 19'.5e,. show- ing the amount required to be raised for the undermentioned purposes: Administration O'f Justice County Home Municipal Government, SBJaries and Wages Pi:'OPeI"ty Interest $ 23,000.00 12,500,00 15,000,00 4,500.00 8,500.00 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCJL 59 Printing, . Postage and stationery County Roads Children's Aid Society Hospitalization Agriculture Oow1ty Health Um, Grants TillsonbUIg HOS]}itaj H~tal Debentmres.. .st. Thomas Hospital [)eficit Miscellaneous 1,000.00 199,900.00 20,000.00 42,000.00 6,000.00 17;897.00 12,000.00 13,000.00 71,000.00 22,000.00 1,398.00 -$ 469,006.00 Your Committee 'WouW recommend that the SiUffi of Four Hund- red and Sixty-Nine Thousand, Six Hundred anii Ninety-Five, Dollars be raised on aU ratea:ble prOperty in tlhe several municdipalltielSl of the Oountyof -Elgin, during .the year, 19512, for County ~lOSes. and ,that a rate of 14.5 mills on the dollar !be levied on ratea.ble property ill. 1:lhe several municipalities in the county to raise said MllJOUillts. . All of - which i!S! respectfl1l1y submi,tted. March, 1952, WAiLTER AUOKi.PAND, Ohairman FINANCE COMl>nTTEE June, Session - First Report To the Elgin .county Council: Gentlemen: I beg to ISrubnritthe following statement of accounts paid throl.lg'h Finance from March 7th, 1952, to June 2nd, 1952: 60 = COUN'I'Y COUNCIL Aroundto",n. Gabs Hay Stationery Co., !Ltd. 'Ilhe Municipal World. Ontario Training Scfr1Jool for !Boys, Cobourg . Ontario Trailling School for Boys, Bowmanville. Children's Aid Society. Woodst;oc,k and ~ford Children's Aid !Society, .lLondion and Middlesex Children's Aid Society, st. Thomas and E1Igin. Mr, A. Squlire... Rainrborw'sBookstore Oharles Chapman Co. S. R.. Harl & CO., Ltd. MJurdiOOk. Rex-Rotary The Plinting World Underwood! Ltd... Marion Walker... . Ohildren's Aid Society of' Huron Oonnty... Children" Aid ISooiety of Kent County u 'st. 'John's Training School for ,Boys, Toronto". Deputy Minister 'Of Reform Institutions Ontarto HOSIPital, W<>Odstocik. S. A. Martin Sanders & Sanders Holy Angel's 'Cenletery Patkwood Hospital Mason ,Villa Privfl.te Hospital,. Ealgt Windsor Health Association Nyal B. .Oook Elgin-,St. Thomas Centennial Fund All of which i!S respectfully submitted. June, 1952. ..$ .65 10.63 2.00 1l52.1O 60.30 264.10 76.80 2;5$.00 2,950.'75 10M 20.25 98.80 26.50 6IlO.35 8.45 2'7.56 71.37 42.00 80.10 111.6:l 3!18.50 1.26 10.25 50.00 4U.75 t12.1l0 77.50 17.70 1.000.00 <$ 9,216.92 W. AUCKLAND, Chairman ElLG-liN COUNTY COUNQIIL 61 FINANCE COMl\fiTTEE June Session - Second Report To the Elgin Oounty Council: Gentlemen: The Finance OOtnmittee reports as follows: L That the following Hospital Accountsibepaid: ViJctoria Hospital,London.. Tillsonbuxg District Memorial Hospital...._.. St. Joseph's HlOSpital. London... The Hospital for Sick. iOhildren, 'IQr-onto Memorial ~1Pital, St. Thomas... istrathroy General Hospital. ..$ 3,126.13 403.25 14.00 7MO 8,97524 9.00 $ 12,603.62 All of which itS respectfully submitted. June, 1952. W. AUCIK.LAND, Ohairman FINANCE COMMITTEE June Session - Third Report To the, Elgin Oounty Council: Gentlemen: The Finan'ce Committee reports as follows: 1. That we renew the iOouncilloxs, COIIll[)ensations, and Fleet Poli- des with the Franik Gowan Im,iUrance Agency including Comprehen- sive Insui'ance. l\2 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 2. That the Clerk's. ;report on Licenses he accepted and printed in the Proceedings. 3. That the Treasurer's Report be accepted and printed in the Proceedings. 4. Tha.t we pa,y our .portion ,of 1:951 deficit accordring to the ..f1..l:ld~:- tlor's Report &."'1lOUnting to $5;27'8J95 to the St. Thomas Memorial Hos- pital. 5. That we approve of the operation of the Memorial HO!Spital as a Ohr:oni.c Unit hy the st. Thomas General Hospital [Board, and - that ,only r€lp~:5 ne:cessary to meet the Regulations of the Fed~al and Provincial Department of H-ealtl:1 -be made, and the proposition of the Gity Hospi~al Committee be accepted 6. That ,tfr1eJOollliIllll1lIlication from the County SolicItor re tAccounts of indigents,:be refelTed to the Hospital rOonmn;itee with power to add to the OOOl!lU1ttee. 7. That the grant to the ElgiIi Police Association be theJ.'::lamre as last year. 8. T~at. the reql.j.est of the ,St. John's Ambulance J:or grant be filed. ,:.9..:That a ISchol'arsillp to Western Ontario Agricultural School at RidgetoWllr be laid over to the September Session. 10. That the GClIT'.!lllunication re Membershtp from the Institute of Public A:dministration 'be filed. 11. That the :Financial Report of the TillsonJbm:g HO;~jpita1 be laid over to the September Session for'consideration. 112. That we grant an additional amount of $3,000.00 to the cen- tennial Fund as may be reqru1red. 13. That the salary of J. D. Thomson be increased $500.00 per year. and car allowances 'Of eight cents per mile be .paid. All of which is respectfully submitted, ;rt!ll~. 191)2. W. AUOK:iLAND, Chairman ELGIN COUNTY ;cOUNanL FINANCE COMMITTEE 63 September Session - First Report To the Elgin Oounty Oouncil: Gentlemen: 1. I beg to wbmit the following statement of aC'CClIUIlts paid through Finance from. Jttme 2nd, :19&2, ;00 JuJw4th, 1952: st. Mary's HOSIPital. !London. Park.wood Hospital.. East Windsor Health Association.. Layman's Nursing Home, Tillsonburg Mason Villa Private Hbspital Mr. A. Squire. Township of Malahide.. Ontario Training ISchool for BoylSl, ICobolFg". . Ontarto 'ITaining SChool for Boys, Bowmanville. Children's Aid' Society, London and Middlesex Ohildren's Aid ISociety ,of Hu:ron County.. . Ohildren's Md \Society, Woodstock and OXford. Ohild<re..Tl's Aid Society of Kent Oonnty Ohildren's Aid Society. 1St. Thomas and: Elgin. Sanders & Sanders The OW Gardens Cox. Gabs. Elgin Ooach Lines, Ltd. Aroundtown Cabs st. TbJoma:s-lElgtin AimlbuIaJJJce Service Department of . Veterans' Affairs.. Barbara Cousins The Printing World.. Hay Stationery :00., Ltd. Macl~an Hunter Publishing :00., Ltd.. The Carswell '00.. Ltd.. Undenv'Ooo. ILtd... 'Ilhe Municipal Wo!t"ld. Nyail. EI. Cook Barnes Bros. Elgin 'Co-Operative IServices Johnson Hardware Frank -Cowan Agency $ 638,,0 411.75 1&21iO 384.00 112.00 969.75 175.00 1164.70 .54.90 78.08 7I1.G7 1,lm.45 128.80 2,335.85 85.84 20.00 1.26 72.00 .65 13.50 15.00 24.&5 173.30 1,137.00 5.00 4.25 5.26 1.50 20.05 7.80 16.00 2.08 687.80 $ 9,077.5.7 64 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 2. That iP";y List N"o. 1, totalling $2.l27.8&: 'Pay iList No. 3, totalling '$1;61M7, and Pay List No.5, totalling $16.23, ma.'king ,a total!. of .$3,761;15 payment of which is hereby ap- proved. $ 3,761.15 $ 12,838.72 All of whJ.ch is respectfully submitted; Sep-temer, 1952. W. L. AUOK!LAN'D, Ohairman FINANCE COMMITTEE September Session - Second Report To the Elgin County Oouncil: Gentlemen : The Finance Committee reports as follows: That Pay Lists No.7, .for $2i672.4'3;; No. .8 fur $1,612.35; NO.9 for $358.00 and No. 13. for $158.60 be approved and Chairman sign the same. 2. That the Qommuniootion from the Department of Wefare re Iimmigrants Assistance by the iGovernment be filed., 3. That the letter f.rom Victoria Hospital 1'e MediCal Expenses be filed. 4. Tha;t we concur' wi,th the resolution frOIIlJ the County, of Brant re Old l<~e Pension Oheques to be sent to mru.~ctp'aJ.ities. 5. That the resoLution from the Oity of Chatham re Parents :Main- tenance Act ,be filed. EUGIN cowrY (l0fU'NlC!IIL 65 6. That the COnunnJn[cation frolDJ the Til:lsonbu.-g ilfu.!pitaJ re Rates of $3.50 per day be filed. 7. That we COllC1ll" with :th~ resolrultion. frOOL the OOunty of Hasti.ng\s! re Old Age Pension (lheques be ma.iled to 11ospim1s. 8. Thet. the reqjUest .of the Canadian. Federation of the Blindf<lr grant lbe filed. 9. '!hat no action be taken re grant toward Tilllsonburg Hospital Deficit. 10. That the roport f=n Architects of the st. TlroIna.s-EIgin Hos- pLtal be filed. 11. That the report of the IDentennial Dommittee he laid over till the November Sesslion and the Commi,ttee be authorized to P3IY COiUn- ty-'s sha.re of additional ex;penses. 1'2. That the Cllerk !be a.utJhorized to attend 'Conferences 0Jf the ;In- stitmteof Public Administration with e~nses paid. AU of whiich is respectfully submttted. WALTER AUClIm.iAND, Clhairman FINANCE COMMITTEE ,September Session _ Third Report To the Elgin County CoulIlcil: Gentlemen : The F1inance Committee reports as follows: 66 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 1. TI1atthe following. Hospital Accounts lbe paid:. Memorial HiOspital, st. 'I'homas. Victoria :Hospital, L<lndtOI1. 'Tillsonbu:rg District.. Meinoria-l HOspitaL. st. Joseph's Hospital, London.. St. Josep!bls Hospital, Ohatham.. WoodstJock _GenwaJ ,. BJospital, Vlo()(jjgl;ook... MUton Prd:va.te Hospital, Milton All of which i!SJ respectfully submitted. $ 6,949.311 1,w5.94 2,000.41 16.00 ~.oo 15.00 8.00 $ 10,629.74 WAJLTER AUOKLAND, Ohairman March Session EQUALIZATION OOMMITTEE To the 'Elgin County iQornieil: Gentlemen: The .Equalization Committee reports as follows: That the following be i;bxe equalization of the Assessment Rolls of tJhe Ocmnty .of Elgin for the year, 1900: Aldborough Dunwich Southwold Yarmouth Malahide Bay-nam South Dorchester Aylmer Port; Stanley Duilton Rodney West Lorp.e $ 3,599,950.00 3,653,074.00 4,696,675.00 5,_,815.00 3,ll67,501.00 2,767,538.00 2,2lU,482.oo 2,519,469.00 1,631,015.00 500,549.00 508,446,00 500,656.00 ELGIN COUNTY ClOUNIaI1L 67 flprin.,"i'ield Vienna Port Burwell 190,303.00 141,547.00 257,439.00 $ 32,937,519.00 All of wW.ch ts respectfup.y subImtted. W. S. MClKiIlLLOP. Chairman ADML'l'ISTlMTION OF JUSTIiOE oo~nTTEE March Sessio-n To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: Your committee a.ppointed to negotiate an agreement with the City of st. 'Ilhomas for division of costs of ~Sltlration of Justice beg leave to repoot th"'t they met with the Cammittee ",!>pointed by the City of St. Thomas and after looking into the accounts of the past five JY:ears and the statement pa.-epared ,by the County Treasurer:; the amount agreed 1J!POn wil:tich Shoulld: be paid annually by the City for the next five yeam was $11,500.00. All of wmch is respect~ully submitt~. February 11th, 1952. PHILiIPPENSA, Ohairmal1 us :ElIJGlN OOUNTY COUNCIL PETITIONS AND LElmSLATIONS COMMITTEE January Session To the Elgin County !Cauncil: Gentlemen: The Petitions and Leg.islatlons Committee reports as follows: 1. That we endorse the resOlrution f;rom the United OOnnties of Leeds and Grenville. requesting the Provincial Government, to enact LegiJsilation to protect non indigent peqp1e from living under unhealthy and unsanitary conditions. All of which is respectively submitted. A. LJ:'I"I'[EJOHN, Chairman PETITrONS AND LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE .l\farch Session To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: The Petitions and'Legislations Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolrution. from. theOOunty of Pert!h re Federal Gov- ernment 'to assume cost ill CiVil Defence be endorsed. 2. That the resolrution requesting Provincial Government to pay 7'5 % of snow plowing in the snow helt be filed. 3; That we endorse the resolution for taxation of Dominion Build- ings in municipalities. ELGIiN OOUNTY OOlJNC!IiL 69 4. That no acrtion -be .taken on the resolution requesting the De- partment of Highways to . assume 100% of expenditures on :tul:l widrth of streets in urban murll'{),tpalities. .5. That we concur wtth the fesolution from Sitmiooe OOUnty re- questing a per capital grant foe paid! by the Provin.cial Government to muncipalities to lessen the cCiSlt Qf social services. 6. That the resolution :from the COUnty of >Bruce re subsidizing fencing of farm woodlots be filed. All of Which ils respectfully submitted. A[.,]sTAJR LITILEJOHN, .Chairman PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: The Petitions and Legislations Oottnmittee reports as follows: 1. That we ~pprove the Warden and Clerk signing Q:udt Olaim Deed to ,,Jiohn Kerr Gamble ,on Tax sale and lat in Vienna. 2. That we endorse the resolution Qf the Oounty of Wetland re Oompulsory Insurance on cars and trucks. 3. That the Oomunnmication fr:am the Department af iLandlS1 and Forests re Deer Season !be filed! as the !Dep:ar1m1.ent does not intend to have a Deer ISeason i..1l Southern Ontario this year. 4. That .the resolution from the Oounty of Lincoln re Levies fQr school rates and adjustment of excessive levies be filed. 5. That the resoLution re Powers to County Assessor from the County of Ontario be filed. C:~iO ""ELGIN OOUNTYCOlJNmL 6. That we _" of iBy~w No. 1488 of the Township of Yar- . mouth "to .restrict ,_and reg;ulate lands ,and buildings in area of the towmhip. A11:of which i.s.-xeSpectfu1ly 'submitted. June, 1952. A. ;~EJ:OHN. ;ahairrnan HOSI1ITAL COMMITTFJE "January Session To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: The HOspitaJ'.committee reports as follows: 1. That after careful consideration, this 'OQrnmittee is opposed to the 'St. Thomas and Elgin Oeneral Hospital iJ3:oard assuming opera- tion aud maintenance of the Memoriail iHospital,a& a iC!hroniC Hos- pital. All of which :iJS respectfully submitted. 0HAiRLES F.. J'ACKlSIQIN. Ohairman ELGIN COUNTY IJERARY CO-OPERATIVE I'INANillAL STAI'EMENT. 1951 Re.ceip~ Balance from 1950 County grant, Provincial g'rant, Library fees. School fees.::. Supplies sold $ 375.54 4,300.00 5.100.00 324.55 1,122.OS 12.10 -$ 11,234.27 ELGIN OOUNTY :OOUN(l]L Expenditures 71 Library .Association fees.. . Bin~ iBookmobile Books Elquilpment Insur:ance Library .cards and stationery"". MendiIig iSUPplies....... Salaries Travel Miscellaneous Cash on hand PROPOSED BUDGE,T, 1952 Estimated Receipts "Balance from 1951 'COUnW grant. Provincial grant L~brary fees School fees. Estimated Expenditures L~brary Association fees. Binding Booklmobile Books Equipment ):nsurance Library cards and stationery Mending supplies. Salaries Travel Miscellaneous ..$ 1&.15 200.38 233.94 5,ffi1.01 191.85 89.61 98.61 !2J9.'l8 3,850.3(J 63.25 98.10 .629.20 >$ 11,234.27 $ 629.20 5,300.00 5,100.00 325.00 1,100.00 $ 12,454.20 $ 13.00 500.00 500.00 6,000.00 25Q.oo 125.0ll 1,00.00 130.0ll 4,500.00 10ll.00 236.20 $ 12,45UO 72 E[JGm COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY GIMiNT REQUIRJED: $5,300.00. 1951 BOARD: Mrs. iDela I..m.dy, OOairman; C. F. JacksOn, warden; R. F. 001'651. George Roszell, Allan Kilmw. W. 1. 'Rogers; Olarence Tay- lor, Eileen- Walliace, sooretary~treasurer. COUNTY TItEASUItER'S ItEPORT June Session To the Warden and FAgin County Council: Gentlemen: I 'beg to submit the following statement of Recetpts and Expendi.. tures frOlln January 1st, 19'512, to May 31st, 1952: Receipts Balance on Hand, January 1st, 1952 $ 6,933.87 $ 3,2213.80 100,001.48 4,474.39 2,949.07 9,913.91 5,917.70 553.42 97,208.26 189.00 126.35 -$ 224,562.38 $ 231,496.25 Adminill~rt;].'ation of JU5tice Notes Payable and Interest. El,gin-st. Thomas Hearth Unit ~egistry Office Fees Charity and WeIf.are Oounty Home Children's Aid Societies {Jounty Roads Licences MIscellaneouS Expenditures Administration of Justice Notes Payable and Interest Charity and Welfare $ 20,173.27 30,308.84 26,403.87 ELGIN COUNTY .ooID1lO!iJL 73 Grants County Home,. Registry Office. Elgin-st. Thomas Health Unit .Ohilmen's 'Aid iSocieties.." M€O.llIbers' ,Wages.. Officers' iSalartes.. Printing, Postage-and Stationery <Dare -of Buildings Agricultulre County Roads... Miscellaneous Bala.nce on Hand, May 31st, 1952 5,670.00 12,560.83 1.,180.46 10,000.00 8,41423 3,255.70 2,89M5 500.15' 1,300.82 2,371.25 93,039.00 G:l2.2'1 ;$ 218,7Il5.44 12,710.81 $ 23rr,496.25 All of which i9 respectfully submitted. June, 1952. J. D. THOMSON. Oounty Clerk CLERK'S REPORT ON LIOENCES June Session To the Elgin County Gouncil : Gentlemen : I have to report the following ,applications for 'licences have been approved by the local municipailities and the Elgin-St Thomas Health Unit from Januwy llStt. 1952, to, June 2nd, 119512: Ice Cream Stands "Sugar Bowl" J. M. ,Brown Oswald Allen .Ay1nler Spl'lngfield Springfield . 74 ElJGJNOOUNTY .oOUN= Morley Gorvet,t Harold' Graves Lyndon. Smyth Archie Goyle..... MOrrison. . & Watterson. ITa ,Capling G. Laing Fra.."flk.- :Spence R. McPhee Willia,m -Candy 'Chester Axford. ,. Kenneth Wood... WeIlingt;on st., _ Norman. ,;MoOaUUlrh. Donald H. Hindley N., MoConkey Lome MoOaUum W. W. Wiley J. W. Froggett R. Kennedy H. W. Mc~ Erniel Grevits 9.:9._D?fii~1~:,-. Norman Oine J. D. Meikle McKellar's store. Mrs. Dorothy Valentino: Arthur Mqorehouse .....: Mrs. DomiJd Oampbell Mrs. R. Gomon Week's Store J()hn Mtchiels T. Legg Charles Martin Clifton Pressey R. W. Million ~lph Million.. W;- Barber .-i: William Vanidour... .Sp<l.I1;a New Sarnm on Vienn.a ....Vienna ...,..Vienna .. Vienna ...Richmond ...ptrafford'Ville ".Dutton .R.R. 2, Aylmer .R!R. 6, St. ThOlIllaS YannlQlUth Township Union ...Uniop-, .,corinth RR 2, Springfield ....Sp.ringfie1d . .RB.. 1, Vienna . JOalton . COrinth . RE. 6, Ayllner RE. 1, Splringfield .. Sparta Be1mo.l1.t . R.R. 8, St. Th<mJaS .Yarmouth Township ,.,_. Yarmouth 'l1orwnship .,Sparta ..Vienn.a . R.R. 8, St. Thomas .IR.R..I, Port B~en RE. 4, Aylmer R;R" 4, Aylmer .fleR. 1, Aylmer R.lR. 4, st. Tllomas ..Strafford'Ville . R.R. 1. Eden .. First Ave., ,St. ThomalS Restaurant (',Terr-~-" Club" ''Blue '.. Willow" st. Thomas, Onto ..Dutton ELGIN COUNty COUNidEL W. J. Young". . "Sheppard's Coffee Shop" F. E. Hillis.. Donna Lynch. "Grant's Rustic Inn"..." "APs Dine and Dance" capital Cafe. stan Olarke Mrs. Robert Affleck. E. YOlUlg.b1UJt.. "Rio;l4sd.re e<>ffee Shoppe" ROnald IS. Scobie Leo & Bemies. John Weldon.. J. L. Dennis. Norman W. Greenslade John Carruthers.. Broce Hamilton A. Conrad. Mary" A. Merkley "The 'TI1ree Little Pigs (Pentry" Greer's Lunch... .Port stanley . .Ao'Jmer . Wallacetdwn ... WaIlace1lown ...Aylmer .....Aylmer ...Aylmer Aylmer ..Dutton Shedden .. R~ 1, Eden New Sarum .Rodney ...Rodney .Straffordrville R:R. ~" st. nW_ Union 10u8o .!RR. g,. lona Station .. :RR. 3, Rodney .R.:R. 7, st. Thomas ... !a1R. 5, 'rulsonlmrg EElFRESHMENT STAND OE LUNCH COUNTER. "Mar'g's Lwnoh" "Allan's Coffee !Pot" "Bills 'Grill" G. Ro...<:s Shaw Fred O. Dodgson. "Dutton :Bowling Alley". Gordon Bonney Frank E. _Birce._.. C--ordon a.Robinson Donald H. Hindley Lawrence .Ra5~ Mrs. E. Leathorne Mrs. M. Ginsberg Geovge R02iman M:rs. OTiPha Scidmore Arthur Sawyer M. M. Anderson -"Frosted F'Qods" K. C. 'Durnbull J,uIius Uzoni Aylmer ,Aylme< .~~er .springfield Belmo"1t ..Dutton .R..R. 1, Aylmer .Belmont .Aylmer - ...Union .. iPort Stanley !Port Stanley Port stanley Port Stanley Port S~anley .Vienna ..port Stanley Port stanley . Port stanley RE. 1, Aylmer 75 76 ELGIiNOOUNTY OOUNCIL FOOD OR DAIRY BARS . R.Pearce. "Ourly's Dairy Bar & Grill" Paul MciNabb !'Ace's Snack: Bar" ..3'58 John St. S, Aylmer ..Aylmer ..ia.:&. 3, st. Thom<ls Aylmer POTATO CHIP BOOm K. O. Turbull .POrt .stJanl~Y All of which ilS respectfully submitted. June, .1952. J. D. THOMjSON, County Clerk EDUCATION COMMITTEE January Session To the "Elgill County CQuncil: GentleJ;llen: The Edooation Oommittee reports as follows: 1. That the annual membership fee 'Of $15.00 in the Oounty .council Section '..01: _ the OEA. be paid. 2. That the resolution f.rom the County of Kent re Amendment of Section ..rt5.C,hapter 165, of the High School Act be endorsed. 3. That no action be taiken re the Amendment to Section 90, Chapter ~ 3116. of the Pi\.l!blic Schools Act. 4. That the resolution from th<e Gauntly of K~t re Daylight Sav- ing Time be filed. ELGIN COUNTY 'COlJNOIIL 77 5. That we endlOrse the resolution from the TQwn:ship of iBayham Public :school "'-Tea Board, re Amendiment to the Righway Traffic Act for stopping traffic when SCIhcol bUlgeS stop. 6. That the resolwtion from the County of Peel re Provinoial grant be endorsed. 7. That $50.00 grant to the Elg1in Oounty Trustees and R,ate~ayers Association be paid jf Oonvention is held, and that;they.pay .the memlbershtp fee re Oratorical lcontest. 8. That Mrs. Imdw. ,WaLter Rogers andllOlarence Taylor ~ re~asp- pointed members of ,the Library' Board. 9. That the annual ISCholarshtliP of 1$100.00 eaoh to the boy MUI gb:1 attaining the highest academic LSltanding at the -University of Western 9ntario be :paid for the ;year, 1952. 10. That a grant of $5,OOD-.OO ,be made to the 'Elgin County Libravy Co~Operative. All of" w4J,ch is respectfully submitted; W. T. MmRETT. Chairman ELGIN COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE June Session To the Warden and Members of the Elgin Oounty] Council: Gentlemen: Your Road. 'Committee begs to report as follows: 1. We made an inspection of the County Rioads on May 13th and 14th. We found that all the roads are in good condttion, little damage being caused by frost action d1)lIing the past winter and spring. " .78 ELGIN COUNTY. OOUNCIL 2. We have R,r.ranged, -tolay Bitumin-ol.lS Road Mulah- Pavements on the following County roads:_ Townshdp of .A1-dboroug'hr--;1.:3: aniles, iRoad No. 3-, Rodney WEst. Townshi:p of Dunwich---il mile, Road No.3, A.1diborough: T.own Lin:e Easterly. 1.5 miles, Road! No.8, (CmTie Road) through concessions 3 and 4; Township of SOuthwold--i2 miles, Road No. - 2O.CUttion Road) end of (pavement saum easterly to Turville's Comers. Township of Y'armouth-4 mrile, :Road No. 36 through concession 6. 1 mile, ,Road No. 33 through ,ooil.cession 10. Township. of Malahide---.2.3 tl;1iiles, \Road No. 40, S:ummer'sCQ,rnem south to Rioad No. 50. TOW'l1Ship _ ,of Bayh~l : mile; lRIoad No. 42, Port Burwell east. U inile, iRoad No. "318, Strafford:ville east. Township of -South Dorchester......";1.7 miles, !Road' No. 47 through conces- sions 9 and 10 3. We have al.oo arranged to have the following Urban Improve~ ments made-; Town of AyImer...-.....,.;PaveSouth Street from the CafuoIic School to J-olm Street. Construct curbs and g,urtJters and pave 'South street from John ,street westerly cOneblook. Village of Rodney-Improve dra.inage conditions on Queen iStreet .at Fair Grounds. Village of West Lorne-P,ave Main street from Graham street easterly -to -the school. Villag,e of Dutton----8uTface treat Shackleton Street. Village of Viennll.---'Seal coat Main Street; ELGIN OOUNrY O<J!lJNC!IiL 79 Village of Port !5iianley-Iiri1.!prove Wa.rren Street. Village of Springfield...........OOnstl'U-ct cimbs and gutters on the northerly I3lide of Main street from Wellington Istreet westerly one block. Village of Bort iB/urv,'e}l-iPave west entrance from the end of the pre- sent :p3lVement to the Port Brurwell :Brd.dge. 4. The 'I'hcxrn!PSon 'Bridge on OOUlIlty R.o:aid No. 33. Township. of Yarmouth has. been completed. 5. Work is now in prQgI'Ie&S widening and: repamng the Fleming Creek J3ridge On ICounty RIOad No.3, Township of AldhorougUl. 6. It is recommended that ,permission 'be glV,'eIl.to theW~A!..<:ih-, ley MineraJs LiImited to l'3lY a pipe line for conveying natmal gas .across the Oounty Roads in _ the TOWIlShtp of' AldJJorcxugh .and - across the Wardsville Bridge. 7. We recommend -that -the -roadJs1 described: in the p~oposed By- Lalw 1618 be Tevertedto the MWlicipalities from which they were as- sumro. All of which is respectfully submitted. EDMUND ASHTON, OhaL.-man ELGIN COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE September Session To the Elgin County .council: Gentlemen: The Elgin County Roads Committee reports as follows: 1. That we COl1C:U1l" with the reso1ution. from the County of York in Objection to the Resolution of the City of :London requesting Amend~ ment to Part !IiI of the Imlprovecrnent Act re SUburban 'Roads iCommis- sian. AU of which is respectfully .submitted. IE. ASHTON, Chairman 80 Er;GIN OOUN.TY OOUNCIL COUNTY .HOME COMMITTEE .J.anuary Session To the Elgin OOUlll>y Oouncil: Gentlemen: The f0.0unty -Home rCommi:ttee reports ,as follows: 1. That ,the Membership Fee of :$1,0.00 in the Association be paid. 2. That the SUperintendent, Matron, Secretary of the -Board, and any members of the Committee who are able .to attend the annual convention, at !Belleville. 3. That we ,recommend the insta1lation ofa Fire Alarm System at the Institution !by the Dominion :FiTe and Burglary; Ltd., for approXi- mately '$2,Z&:LOO. All-- of .which is respeetful1ySiubmitted. January, 1952. GEORGE ISf]LCOX, Ohairman COUNTY HOME COMMITTEE June -Session To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: The _ ICOunty' Home Committee reports as follows: 1. That Geo. L.. Willson be appointed Superintendent and Verna WilL"Km. Matron of the Institution, 'and. the necessary By-Law be pre- pared.. ELGIN COUNTY OOUNlOIL 81 2. That we aeceptthe tender of the, Elgin Co-Operative Services for 90 tonlSof Stoker coal @ $111.50 per ton. and 25 tons of Stcwe Anth- racite @ $21.30 per ton. 3. That the following accounts be paid: The St. Tl10mas Times-Journal $ 3 78 58 96 8 50 507 70 The Printing World.... st. Thomas-Elgin Ambulance service Stan.D~-- Glar:k Dr. Hugh O. Knox 3100 All of which is respectfUlly submitted. J,une. Session, - 1952 GEORGE SILCOX, Ohairman .COU~Tl' H:OME COMJ\!ITTEE Sep~ber Sess~f-!,~ To the Elgin ,COll.-Tlty Oouncil: Gentlemen: The County Home 'Coann:nd:ttee reports as follows: 1. T'n.at payli:lt..s No.2 f.or $797.41, NO.6 for $1,346.0'1, and No. 10 for $301.71 he approved, and the 'Chairman authorized to sign for pay- ment. 2. That we reoommend the sale of barn, hog pen, and 87 ac,res of land. of the oounty farm for $11,000.0'0', and includes straw, milk cool- er, litter carrier and corn crap. All of which is respectfully submitted. GEORiQiE SIDCOX, 'Chairman 8~. WJGrnN OOUNTY COiUJ'<iOillL PROPERTY COMMITTEE January Session To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: The 'Propel'ty CoanmitlJee reports as folloWs: 1. That.tihe room on t.hird floor be redecorated, and shelves in.., stalled for the LaiW Societ,y of E-'lgin. 2. That lEihelves 'be placed in fixe-proof room in basement for old records. 3,. That no action be taken re iSandblasting outside' of the-'OoUlrt House. 4. That estimates be secured on the cost of redecOrating-- the main corridor and staiTiWalls. 5. That new lilgfu..ts be installed'in the JUrd:ge:~s' 'Chambers. All of which is respectfully _submitted. January, 1952. LYLE COYLE, Ohainnan EIiGIN" OOUNTYclOOUlNIOilIL " 83 PIWPERTY COmRTTIlE March Session To the Elgin .OOUJ.'lty 00uncil: Gentlemen: The I'ro;>er.ty 'OomJIn<ttoe reports"" :OOllQM;: 1. That we accept the tender -of E. E.. Medlyn, for reCIeooration qf the corri(ior,' and entrances of the main flpor IOf tihe- .Court. House for $192.00. All of which is respectfully submitted. LTIJE COYLE, Chairman PROPERTY OOMMITTEE June Session To the Elgin :county Goul1iCil~ Gentlemen: The Property .committee reports as follows: 1. That the repol1t af the Grand JUTY be filed. 2. That R. .J. Donalgsqn be -ema>loyed to- prepare-' the Centen- nial Beds at the Court House. .3-. 'That theb~th.rqQm repaIrs in the J.ailor's residence. be laid over till the next ,year. 4.' That the tender' -Of the Elgin Co..qperative _ for l,~_tons Of,P{l- c:i!lilmtes.coal @ $13:35 per ton, and 30 tow of Egg Anthnl.cite @" $21.30 be """epted. 84 ElLGJlN OOUNTY COUNCIiL 5. That the following. accounts be_ paid: 'file Printing WorJ.d ,.-~: City of st. Thomas Barnes Bros.... Gillard and: lPriJCe peteriman Prodll.lcts Co. Ontario Chemicals Ltd. BrOwn's 'Silk Shoppes Andersons Bunw & '00., Ltd. .poiwlers Ltd: ontario' R.e.f6rmatory Industries Elgin CO-Operative Services A. F. Bert MaTshall Beaver Lumber CQ., -Ltd... MacKinnon Paint '& Chemicals Ltd. All of which is respectfully submitted. $ 10 45 2Ii "U 73.9ii 539 2!1 38 140 30 900 5093 3'1 91. 64 13 56 2li00 69 46 66 48 44 50 LYLE COYLE, Chairman PROPERTY COMMITTEE Gentlemen: To the Elgin Cmmty Oo'uhcil: September Session . The iPrope~y Committee reports as follows: 1. TOOt Pay Lists No. 4 for $179.91, No. 1,1 for $272.00, and No. 12 for $;2;2.74.7:9 be approrved alldtheCihainnan be authorized to signt1Jt same. - . --2.__That we accept the resignat.ion of Donald' Houghton as/ janito:.' of Registry Offjce and employ Mr. George McA.l.li..<:ter at $30.'Oo;--per month. ELGIN OOUNI'Y CO= 85 3. That we recommend the renov.ationsofthebathroom in Jailor's Residence to the January Session of the ElgtlnCounty. 'Oouncil. AU of which is re::wectf.ul1y submitted. LY1I.1E OOYLE,Ohairman BY -lAW NO. 1600 To' Authorize the Warden and ~easurer to Borrow the Sum of F'Our Hundred . and Fifty Thorosand Dollars. TheE;lgin OountiV Clouncil en.actlSl: ~at the Wffi'aen and Treasurer be., -and are hereby authorized to bolrrow the SJUm of Four Hundred and lFifty Thousall.d Dollars ftom the Banko! Montreal a.s it may be required to meet the ~ndi- tutres of the Cbrlporaltion of the Oounty of Elgin durtng _the year. lJ9ro, and to give: as semmity there.fore notes of One Thorusan<l.. lDollallS or multiples thereof. Read a first' time this l&tp. day of Jianuary, 11952. Read a second time thils. 18th day of January, 1!9&2. Read a t~ird time and finally passed thi~ 18th day of January, 1~52. J. Dc THOMSON', Olerk. R.K. McNEIL. Wardeh. BY-LAW NO. 1601 ABy~1aw to Pro~ide,for the Total 1952 Expenditure on the County Road System Established Under the Highway hnprovement Act and on County Bridges in the County of E1gin. VVlHlEIRiE1A,S The !Highway wprovement Act l1"equdres that the to- tal expeniture -on county roads and bridges be provided for annually by county by-laJw anel that the by-law be submitted to the Minister of Highways for a:pproval. 86 ElLGIN COUNTY OOUNlOIL TRJE1RiElFORiE,the :Council of the OoI[pOration of the. said cmmty enacts as fiollows: 1. The SUiIIl. of $436,Oq~)'{IO _ is _ hereby: .a,pprQpriated frOiITl momb!) raised by levy, .(Je-bentures and government 5Ulbsi~ for total expendi- tUll"eupon construction and madntenance of the roarllSi and bridges under its jurisdiiction during the year 1950 as follows: Const..llc:tion Maintenance New M~ohinery Misce1laneOUiS Roads ..$U6,000,00 229,200.00 12,000:00 54,800.00 Bridges and Culver.ts $ 20,000.00 .,000.00 Total $W6,OOO.00 233,200.00 12,000,00 54,80Q 00 Totalls1 . $412,000.00 $ 24,00ll'.OO $4<36,000.00 2. The said monies shall be ex.pended under the snpe-rvlSlon of -the duly appomted county rood s1.;perintenderit and on wo['k per- !formed -in accordance with-The Highway Improvement "Act. 3. The Iclerk shall transmit duplicate ,copies of this by-law to the district office of the' - Municipal Roads Branch, iDeparument of Highways of Ontario, not la;ter tihan the 3ilts'lt of January of th.e said year. Passed at St. Thomas this 18th day of Janua.ry, A,V. ..Jt>:::. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. R. K. MCNEIL, Warden. I, J. D. Thomson, :C~ex:k of the Corporation of the ICormt.y of E1.gin, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law NQ. 11$.011 passed by the Council of .the said COrporation on th.e 18th day O'f January, 1952. J. D. THOMSqN, County Clerk ELGIN COUNTY C'OtmomL 8'l BY-LAW NO. 1602 A By-law to Amend the By-law Adopting a. PIan of County Road Improvement and Establishing a County Road System in the County of Elgin VndeT.:I'he ,ffighway, Improvement Act.. 'I'J:lJe Oouncil of 'theiOo11Pol"ationof the County of Elgin enacts as By-Ia.W Number l{}ijp as:follo:Ws: 1. The iSched!uJ.e of [B!y:-1a.w Number 897 being the original by-law establishiing :a County ROad System in the iOOi1.U1ty 'Of Elgin as aiIl1end- ed :by By~La,w Number 105-2 ,being the last consolidating 'by-law re-es ,tablishin:g the ~id System _ and further am'ended by ;S(I1jbse:quent am- endillg by-,laiws is hereby amended by adding thereto the road desig- nated: .and descrilbed as i,ollows:: , Description Designated County Road No. 20 BEITNG that portion of the road or ,the deviations thereof in the Village of Port.Jstanley,..and:- being an extension of the existing oonnt:y iRoad Number 20; iOOtl.Y.IiMEINiCINJG at the inrersection of OountyRoad No. 20. CCarLow RoadO. and W1arren, street. in the V~- iage of Port stanley. 'I1HtENlC1E 'easterly on Warren street, to the in- tersection of King's HiigbJway Nillnber 4, and Warren Street, A DLS- TAJ'illJ!E of a]J(prooOOlately '1,250 feet. 2.. The rroad as d€Signa.ted and described in paragraph 1. is hereby adlded to and iooluded in the County Road System of the County of Elgin.O 3. 1:'lMs By-llaw shall come moo force upon the approval thereof by the Lieutenarut-Govern.or in GoUlneD.. Finally pas:::ed at the City of st" Thomas in the county of Elgin this 18th day of January, 1952. J. D. THOMSON, Olerk. R. K. McNEIL, Warden 88 EDGIN COllNTY OOUNU1iL BY-IAWNO. 1603 , To Appoint a County Road Committee M; required by Highway Act the Elgin COunty Ooun<:il enacts: That_ the foUowing five. lIliembers of this OOruncil oonStitute a Committee for the purrpooe of directing the Wwk to !be dlOne on the County Road System: EdmuiIld As:hrton ,'" for Term of One _ Year W. Auckland for Term of Two Years W. K. Elodkin for:'-Term of 'Three Years O. F. Jackson ~-;. .: for Term of Four Years W. S. MlcJKillol> for Term of Five Years Th_atBy.law- J:Vo.-., 1580, be, and is hereby - repealed. - Read a first :time this 18th day of J:a'p~a9" 1952. Reid -- a Seoond' time this l~th day of_ .,January, 195;a. Read ~a_ thiI'!d' time. and__,final1y _ paiiSed ".:!this. 18th day of January. 1952. J. D. THOMSON. 'Clerk. R. K. McNEIL, Witl'den BY-LAW NO. 1604 '1'0' Appoint a Board of Audit in the Coun~y of Elgin for the Year 1952. The Elgin Cou.nty Council enacts: Jill:!GIN COW'lTYCOUNlOliL ,119 That the_:.Jrudg~-'of-th.e 1County 100m and the Tre.asurer:andi Mr. Philip Pensa, -be, and are hereby appointed merrubers of the iBoard of AJ:utid.t;Jo [Jerfo~_t;he q1.1t~es req~ .of them by ~hel~Wsed Statutes of Ontario. ':rhat them€'mpensof It;he said BoaTd of Audit Repaid the,_SUill of"- Seven '-dollars per d~L'Y for their seI1Vices and five cents per mile go- ing to and from each audit. 100ad a first ,time this lath day of Jianu.a.a'Y, 1952. &earl a second time this 18th day of January, 1952. :--Re'act~ a' tfurd~ tiID~- and ftil~y pa.$ed thlis 18th~ 'day of January, 19.52, " , J, D. THOMSON, ,clerk. R. -'K. McNEIL, Warden BY-LAW NO. 1605 To Appoint a County Auditor. The ELgin County OouriciIenactJE!: 1. That William""E. Laoke be. a:iid- is hereby aJPpoiJilted AuditOr, to hold office during good behaviour. and be removable for cause upon ,the. vote of tV'i"o-thirds:Of tM nieIDbers of the Council-, 2. That it shallbe_ the duty of t.'hle said Auditor,t<? ex~e and :audit allaccoumsaffecting the C.o-rporation or relating to any ma,tter under its control or within its jurisdiction. 3. That the said Auditor be paid an annual salary of Six. Hundred Dollars; said salary to be paid quarterly. 4. That all ,other by-laws heretofore passed in this behalf be, and are hereby repealed. Read a first time this lath day ,of -- January. 11952. 00 1!lLGlIN CO'llNTY> OOlJNcllL _ a _ tame this >1_ ~d..S of JanUlttY, 11152. Read a tlllrd _ and finaJly passed this :!&th day of January, 1952. J. D. T:H!daI1Is0N,Clerk. R. K. McNEIL, Warden BY-LAW NO. 1606 To Authorize the Warden and -Clerk to Sign Deed Conveying Land to the TOWIl8hip of Yarmouth. ,The ,Elgin County Ooturc:il enactls: That the Warden and Glerk are hereby authorized to sign deed conveyiIllg land to the Township of Yarmouth, for -the sum of One Hundred !Dollars. The land being more particrularly desCribed in attached descrip~ tion. Rea:dt a first time this 18th day of January,. 11952. Read ,a second time this 18tp. day of JanuiU"y,_1952. Read a ~rd time ,and finally passed this 18th day of January, 1952. J. > D. flHOM!OON, Clerk. R. K. McNEIL, Warden BY-LAW NO, 1607 To Ammend By-Law No. 1586. The Elgin County Council enactlS: EI..GIN COUNTY COJUNC!IL 91 That the sal&ry of Mrs. Mary CBUl'ke; Assistant to the 'County Olerk and Treasurer, be Eighteen Hundred Dollars per annum, payable nronthly. and; effecti"e January 1st,. l!l5/l. That By-!Law No. 1'586 .be. and is hereby amended. !Read a first time this 18th day of Januar:v. 19&. Read a eecond time this 11lth day of Januaay, 195:1. _ a third time and finallw __ this 18th d"Y of J<muary, 195:1. J. D. 'I1HOM!SON, Clerk. R. K. MoNEIII.r. Warden BY-LAW NO. 1608 Being a By-Law to P3!YSeeretary of the Local Assessors' Association. The Elgin .county Council enacts: That .the salary of J. D. Thomson, ~ Secretaa'y of the !Local As- sessors' Association, be One iHundi:redand Twenrty-Five Dollirs per annUm, commencing Janua.rr 1st, 1952. Read a fnm tlme this 18th day of January, 1952. iRead. a second time this 18th day of January, lOOt!. _ a tl1i11i time and finally passed this 18th day of January, 1962. J. D. THOMSON,Clerk. R. K. McNEIL, Ward"" jl2 EJlJGIiN: COUNTY OQUNOIL BY-LAW NO. 1609 To Authorize the Warden to: . Sign -.Agreement ->re Administration o-f .Justice Expenses Payable by the City l)f St. Tho~ The Elgin County Council enacts: That the Wal'den be and is hereby authoriZed to sign l12.1 agree- ment with the Git.y of<Sit. -'rhmriias for the paymerut .by the" City o.f of E~€'ven T.b.ousand Five iHundired Dollars as their share of Admin- istratiM 9!f Justi!Ceex;peooes dUTLl1g - five years,', coanmeIl.cing the- first "day of January A.D., Ninebeen Hrmdred and Fifty-Two.. R,ea4_~,a,~first, t,ime ,'this 26th day of March; 1952: Read a second time this 26th day of March, 1952. Read a third time and finally passed this 26th day {If March, 11>.52. J. TlH-QMISON, Clerk. J:t.. K. M~NEIL, Wa!-'gen BY-LAW NO. 1610 lEeing a Etf-La~:,_t;o ~nd- ~.y~Law_No.-;1P41;re_Pensions of_County Employees. .The,:~gin 'Col1~ty ,Council ena<;ts: That Section 2 (a) of the Plan shall nOW read as follows: Age 59. ~}?o_4f.:'und~-~. retire, ,at the age of 65 years,_ -~nd age 60 and ,over sh.all retire at the age 0[ 70 years. That section '2 (b) s'hall norw read as follows: Age 615 and w1der, shall retire at tlhe age of 60 years, and Age 56 and over shall retire at the age -Q[ 70 years. EIlGIiN COUNTY COUNCIiL 93 That seotion 2 of the 'Plan of By-iLaiw No. 11541 is hereby amended accordingly. Read . first time this 26th day of March, !Ill;2. Head a seoond time this 26th day of lVfareh, 1952. Read a third time. and finally ,passed this 26th day of Marro., 1952. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. R. K. M(!.NEII." Warden BY-LAW NO. 16U To Raisp Amounts for County Rates During the Year, 1952. Whereas .an . estimate has been made showing that the sum of Pow- Hundred and Sixty..iNine Thousand, ISix Hundred and Ninety- Five Dollars isxequired to be raised in the several :municipalities for the lawf.ul purposes of theiCounty during 1Jhe - y~, :l952, On the basis of tlhe equali~d asse",<O"SInent as determined in 19511: Municipality Aldborough DWlwich Soubhwold Yarmoull;l{ Malahide Bayham Sout..lJ. Dorchester Aylmer Port; StanJey Dutton Rodney West Lome Springfield Vienna Port Burwell Total Equalized Value . $ 3,582,373.00 4.006.675.00 5.723,567.00 3.86'7;001.00 2;562.866.00 2,216.482.00 2.400,216,00 1,542,402.00 5lJO,M9.OO 5l)(),049.00 500.666.00 185,3Q3.oo 1~1;547.oo 251,489.00 $ 32.392,759.00 94 ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNOIl ,Therefore the OCJilL.TJJcil of the Municipal Oorporation of the County of Elgin enacts: That ,a rate of1J415 mi1lson' the dolla.r be levied on 'all rateable property in the several municipalities in the County of Elgin as above set forth for the .year, 1952: MiU:J).icipality AldborQugh Duriwi'CIh SOlllthwold Yamnouth Malahide Bayham South Dorchester Aylm.er Port IStanley !Dutton ROdney West Lorne Springfield Vienna Pm E<urweU County Rate $ &1,944.00 ~2.970.00 63;lOIMO 82,992.00 56.079.00 &7.162.00 32.139.00 35.702.00 22.365.00 '7.256.00 7.251.00 7.260.00 2.687.00 2,052AlO 3.734.00 $ 469.695.00 Read. a first time this 26th day of March, 1952. Read a secon:d, t!me this 26th day of March, 1952. Read a rthird time and finaUy passed this 26th day of March, 195.2. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. R. K. McNEIL, We,rdel1 BY-LAW NO. 1612 To Confirm the Equaliza.tien of the Assessment Rolls of the County of Elgin for the Year, 1952. The Elgin OOiUnty Council enacts: ELGIN COUNTY OOUNOIL 95. That the following be the equalization. of the .Assessment Rolls of the County of Elgin for -the year, 1952: AIdborough Dunwillh 'Southwold Yarm<nIfth Mal8,hide Baylmm South iDorchester Aylmer P<wt Stanley Dutton :Rodney 'Vest LOrne Springfield Vien...."1a Port Burwell $ 3,599,900.00 3,653,074.00 4,696,6715.00 5,886JllJlj.oO 3,867,501.00 2,767,5:l8.00 2;wl,482.oo 2;'519.469.00 1;001,015.00 500,549.00 008,446.00 500,666.00 190,303.00 141,547.00 257;189.00 $ 32,937;m9.oo That this -Council is willing to have the final equalization of As- SesBment Rolls, in case of apPeal, maJdre iby the County JudgIe. Read a first time this 26th day of March, 19512. Read a second time this 26th day 'Of March, 1952. Read a third time and finally passed this 26th day of Marc-h, 1952. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. R. K. McNiEIT1L, Wardle..l1 BY-LAW NO; 1613 Whereas Section 18, Chapter 279, ReVised statutes of Ontario-, 1950, Provides for the Appointment of County' Constables. The Elgin County COlLT}cil enacts: That. MansOn ;R(lIbim.~n and :n;arvey Brown, are hereby appointed Constables for the County of Elgin. 96 ELQ]N COUNTY GOUNC!IiL ~Read a. fh'&'t time this 25th .day, of, March;: 195i2. Read a second time this 26th day of March, 1952. Read a rthird time and finally passed. this 26th day of March, 19l>2. J. D. THOMl?O!r'T. Clerk. E. K. McNEEL, Wardel1 BY-LAW NO. 1614 ' To Appoirit. ~ 1\'Iember of the Senate of the Uniy?rsit.y of Western Ontario. The Elgin Ooup.ty (Janncil enacts: That :Mr.KF.- ~i:S~nders. B.A., ,be, and is heTeb-,y aprpow..Jted to the Senate .of the UhiV'ersity~ of Western OntariCl. for a term of two years. Read a first time this 26th day of March, 19512. Read a second time this 26th dray of March, 195:2. Read a third ti,rne and finally ,pe.ssed this .26th d.ay of March, 1952. J. D. 'THOl\1BON, Clerk. R. K. McNiE1IiL. Waroen BY_LAW NO. 16I~ Wherea~ ):tIs -Deemeti Advi&ab]~to Refund a "'ortion of Pension Chequ~~.~o t~e Old Age',Pen~oners_'in the Elgin County Home. The Elgin Cbrunty Council enacts: TI!at. the -aIU01lllt of ref'lUlq. 'Of pension cheques be Three Dollars (>$3.001) per month, payable to each pensioner. , ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 97 Read a first time this 26th clay '" March, WOO. Read a; seco.nd time this 26th day ,of March, :L952. Read a third time and finally passed this 26th day of Maroh, 1952. J. D._ THOMSON. Clerk. R. K M:ONE:IL. Ward.., BY-LAW NO. 1616 To Appoint a County Anditor The Elgin Caunty Council enacrts: 1. Tha.t Ro. W" Johnson and Company, be, and is hereby appoil1lted Auditor, to 'hold office during good beh3!viour, and be removable for cause upon the vote of two-,thirds: of the members O!f ,the COWlcil. 2. That it shall be the duty of the said Auditor to examin-e am audit all ac<:OlUl'ts affecting the CorpoI1~tionor relaoting ~ any ma.tter under its ,conn-ol or ~ithin ilts jurisdiction. 3. That the said Aud<itor ,be paid an anIllUal salary of Six Hundred Dollars; said salary to be ,paid quarterly. 4. Tha-t all other by~laws heretofore -passed Ll1 tll.is~behalf, 'be, and are hereby repealed. Read a first time this 26th day of March, 1952. Read a second time this '26th day of March.. 19'52. Read a third time and finally passed this 26th day of March, 1952. J. D. THOMSON. Clerk. R. K. -McNEIlL, Ws:-rde'1 ~8 EBGIN OOUNTY CO;::rNOIL ~-r"LAW NQ; 1617 To Appoint Snpe~tendent: and: ~tron_ ~o~ _ tl;1e Eig~,_County:.~ome. The Elgin, Oount:y Council J?nacts: 1. ThaJt Geor@e L. Willson, be, .and is hereby appointed Superin- tend-erit, ,;a.nd;;hds- wife, VeTna Willwn, be, and-'iS herebY:: appoihted Matron of the !Elgin, County Home, to hold office during tJ-.ue p:easure of the Oouncil. 2. That the combined sa.laries Q.f the SU1)€rintendJent and Matror~ be, and are hereby fixed at Eighteen HUIIldred Dollars .per annum, payable monthly. 3. That a Committee of three members of the Oouucil to be called the standing C~rfue'of-Maliagetfuent'of':the El,gin. tC'ounty Home be appointed annually a.t the first :Session in each year. 4. That BY~Law No. 140'8, and all amending by-laws be, and are hereby, xep€~led. :',,-;"/--':{',' _.,ijeiUi_'-~_ .first. tiap.~:JP-is nth day,_ot,J-une~ 19152., Read a seconA., t,j!n.ethis l1rth"da,xoL"lune,- 19~@: . . a 'thii((tY~ne andfinal1y-pasSed tl1.is-llttl day.I}f:~June; 195~; .:I. D.. THOMSON, Olerl<. K:.iMcN;ELL~:, Wardell BY-LAW NO. 1618 A By-La.w t() Amend the_ By-Law Adopting_a,Phl,u _of_ ~oUllty_ ~ad~ Improvement and Establishing a County, Road 'System -hi the' County of Elgin Under the Highway Improvement. Act. The Council of the Oorporation of the Oounty of Elgin enacts as By- Law.-Number 1618 as fonows: ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCliL 99 1. The Schedule of By-ILam Nmntber 897 being the original By-Law ~tablishing- a 100000ty iRoo.d System-in theOounty of Elgin, as amend- ed. by By-iLaIw Number .10512, being the last consolidating By-Law re- establishing the said system and further amendJedJ by subsequent amending By-Laws is hereby amended. by removing therefrom the roads designated and desc.ri'bed as follows: Description DesignatiGn Counify Road No. 42 ~inj?;,tl}.at port.i.on o.f Chsirham_ street lying East of Lot 45, as shoWn o~ aegistered Plan 12 and lying East of Lots 46 and 47 and HOiIIl€r Street. as shown on Registered Plan 40, of the Village of Port Burwell. That .portion 9'f Elridg~ street, Qr ,road used in lieu thereof, lying "south of a line whicl1 maybe -described asfoll1mvs:..--.oommenc:ing at a pomt in t4e E:;asterly limit of 'Chatham street, or. the road allowance :between Lot~ 1-0 n,nd 11, Co~oession- _1. Distant - Three ThoosaIlJdJ FoUl' Hundred -and Ninety-Nine and Five-Tenths _ Feet C3,4"99.5) ,measured Southerly thereon _ from the NJoJ.1th West corner of said J..ot :m, Con- cession 1; Thep.oe South 50', ,50' East, adiistan.'Cle. of Three Hundred and~hty-01?-e Feet (>3&1~). The BeaIing of the Easterly. limit of Chatham _ Street is assumed ~.s true North. The iRoa:dl ~OIWances in- tended to be des~ribed abovea:re shown on the 3Jttached plan 'Out,.. lined in red, in ,the Village of Port BUl'well. C9unty Road No. 30 Being that parf of't.he road allowance SOuth -of Lo.t 8, Bangeswth of Edgeware Road and that pwt of the road' ,aJ1owance between Lots 8 and 9, South Edg€fW'are Road, in the Township of Y-aranputh, which lie Sot:th' 'and East of - a line whidl:i'may be' described as follows:- COinmencing in a .poini in the Southerly limit tOf ,the TOad South of said LDt' 8, diSta-r.:;t. Th.ree Hundred and Fifty-One ,and Seven-Tenths Feet (3J5:1.7')' measured' West-erly ,tih-ereon horn its intersection with the Southerly' prodnldtlon '<:i!f the '~asterly limit of said Lot 8; Thence Nor>th Easterly on a cw-ve to the 18ft, the radius of whiJCh is Four Hundred and Fourteen and Forty-Five One Hnndredths Feet (414.4iJ.') to. a point.. in the Easterly: limit of the' road -aUlowance between Lots 8' ap,q. 9; Range . iSouth . Edgeware Road, distant 'TI1ree Hundred and Fifty-One and 'Seven-Te.llt-hs Feet (;3-5:1.7') measured Northerly there- e lCO ELGIN OOUNTYOO1JNOIL on from a p'ointin ,the Sou:bh West: angle of saM -LJo&.9-. The - Road Allowances mte.rided to be describecl abOve are sfuwIi, 011. the attached pla...TJ. omtlined in red, in.the TO'wn:SlUJp of YarmOutlh. Designation Comity Road No. 8 Being that portion of Connty iRIoad No. '8, to be reverted to :the Township of Dunwich. That porti:on of Talbot :Road, or Road used in lieu thereof. lying West ofLort 12, !Plan 6 and East 011' the East end of Hill street.- Hill street ~ shown on Pla.nJ 6. T:h:a;t portion of High ,SWeet lying West of Hill street. The IRoad AllOW1l.IlOOO intended ,to be described above aI"e ShQW'l'i1 on the attached plan OUltlined in yellow. COWlty Road No. 38 Being' All and Sin:gu~ar tha.t .Certain parcel Or tract of ' land in the Township - of BaY-ham in - the cOunty of Elgin and Province of ontario; - being all that - portion: of Talbot !Road. East, lying North of ru line whieh may be -described as i1ioUovi5:-'---f6ocrnmenchig at a poiIit in the North- erly limit ,of Lot- 130, Solitth Of Talbot Road East 01" otll.er'WWe' knOW'l fu9 Lot 22, ConceSSion 6 .of the said Townooip of Bayham, distant'" Oile Hmndred :and Twe.'1lty.........q;even Feet 0l.127') measured.. Easterly thereon from a poil1lt in the IMoith'WeSit angle of the EasrthaIfOlf Said I.nt 13,0; Thenoe Westerly; along the Northerly Ii.nti.t of said ;Lot 100. a dis- tance . of .Ei:ght. HundJreid arid lSeven Feet (807') more or Less :to a JXJi,nt b the Nor.th East angle of LOt .]219, South .on Ta,lbbit Road East.01' otherwise knoWllJ as Lot 21, Conoession 6: ~ SOuth ~ Westerly along the Nol'ltherly limit 'Of said !Lot 129, a diSitance of Five Hund1'led and Seventeen Feet (5r17~) more or less to .irt:s intersection with the Northerly limit of Talbot RJoad East, ,as diverted and as described in Rel.dsteted Deed ~o. 28240; :Thence South. 64', 04' West alq,ng the Westerly production of the lands described in RegistJeredlDeed No. 282410, a distance of <me Hundred and Thirty-Six ~eet -(1:36') more 0Il', less to its inttersection with the Northerly limit of'J;'albot Road East. The Road -Allowance intended to be described above is shown on the attached plan Oult- lined in red. 2. . The roads as designarted .and described in paragraphs 1, 2,3 and 1, are hereby rOOlQV'€d frem the -County Road System o-f the County o-f Elgin. ELGIN COUNTY COUNlOliL 101 3. This By-La.w shall came into force upon the approval thereof by the Lieutenant-Governor in iCouncil. Finally passed at the Oity of st. Thomas, in the ICOunty of Elgin. this 11th day of June, 1952. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. R. K. McNEIL. Wa.rden BY-LAW NO. 1619 Granting Certain Privileges to Western Ashley Minerals Limited Vilhereas Western Ashley Minerals Limited hereinad'ter called the OOllI1(pany is a 'Company duly incorporated for the purpose amonJgSt other >tb.ings of constructing. maintJaining and ,operating works .fuT .the production, sale and distribution of gas for tb.Je pUTIJ'OSe of light. heat and power vd.th all the rights and privdleges in it v.ested subject to all lia.bililti.es. 0onditions and regul3ltions upon it irnrrJosed by the Charter of Incompora<tion or ~egisla.thl1e authority en that benaIf. Whereas it appears thart the highways ,and lands hereinafter men- tioned are vested in the ;CoLrlporation .of the County of Eltgri.nl, as .ocmnty toads or hlighi~rays. the Company have applied to the said Corporation fqlI' the right to lay, use and maintaJ.n pipes or condluits for trans- n1litting ga.-soHne.. on, n3Jtural gas o:rother similar 1JT'Odn:rcts along. un~ der. in or upon such highways or lands owned by the said Coupora- tion as hereinaftEr mentioned SUJbject to the il.erms, condJiJtions, agree~ ments and regulations as set OiUrt in ISChedule "A" hereunto annexed. Now tpJerefore the CQIUtlcil of the GOT1pora:tdon of the iCotU'1lty of Elgin dtuly constituted and ~bled in purS'Uanoee of the ;premises and of the powers in them vested and so far ,as srt1Ch pOW€I'S extenld . hereby enact as follows: (1) That tills- council he1'leby grants, con~ firms and assures unto Western Ashley Minerals Lirn;tt,ed its S'11cc.es- sors and assignra aU right, power, aJUlthority, .perm:ission and consent to lay, use and maintain pipe or conduits [or transmirtting gasoline, oil. natural gas or other similar products acr,oss . the interseo:twn of the Flurniva.l R,oad and the road aUowanClesbffiween .concessions 7 and Gore ColliClession, across the road a1l1owanoo between concessions 5 and 6, opposite the wes'terly limit of lot 13~ acrOffi' the Toad: allow- 102 EiLGIN OOUNTY OOUNUrL 'alllCe between c-cnoessions 2; and 3, CIp[J'OSii:te . lot 114 and along the road alLowance between lots ,14 and 15, 'Broklen Front iConcession all in the TO~"11Sh1p of Aldborough, also, tine right to la;y o..11:e six-inch steel pipe or conduit an ,the westerly si-dle of the Wiardsville Briqge. (2) The operaJtion .of -tr.Js by-law and the rights herein coruferred ~~l~ be l:iJmitedto lands., roads, and highways lm::-:ler the Jur~sdjction of the Oorporation of the Gc.1:rnty of Elgin. (3) Tha.t the Warden and Clerk -are hereby ,authorized and dh'- ectJedto execU'te this by-law and thea@reemenlt to be prepared in pursuance thereof, and to attach the seal of the (;'orporatian thereto. (4) Thi~ by-Jaw is subject to' all statutes, orders and TUles made or to be made lawfully const:Ltut.ed having jurisdiction in the plI'€mises. . ~5) The word highway in ,this by-Iww .shall mean and include streets and, bridges fOtrmdng part. 0If the highways, llIpon, on, over or ~cr.:oss which the .l1igh;Way passes, R-ead a first timre this Hth day of June, 19;fjr2, Read a second time this 11th day of June, 19512,. Read a third time and finally passed this 11th day of J1:ne, 1952. J'; b. THOMSON, C~erk. R. K. McNEIlL, Warden SCHEDULE "A" BY BY-L.A.-W 1\'UIVlBER 1619 OF THE CORPOR.ATION TO THE COUNTY OF ELGL"l (Referred, to in the said by-law here-to annexed) , Conditions (1) In laying, using and II'...aint.aining pipes or conduits fQ;r trans- mit~in15 gasoline,.. oil, antdfreeze, brine;,.. gasclJ.' OthEllO similar J::'rodP.1lCts and \vater referTeq. to in ,the said by-la.w annexed, a10ng said .00lli.'11;y highways or,acro~s same and land from time to time, the Company ELGIN COUNTY OOUiN1OIiL 103 shall wh.erever practicable use for that pUI1pOse the part of the highways and land adjacent to the fenoe lands or outer b01ffi'dary thereof; and the CGm!I)a"1Y shaH bear the coot of and restore the highways and land to first class condition a..l1d the said pipes shall be buried.and the high- ways and land so restored unless where the County Engineer of the Oounty of Elgin CT other perron -appointed by the said ()(lU(rlity directs otherwise. (2) In the laying, UiS~ng and rr..:aintenance of the said system the Company shall use due caI"e and diligenoe S.o that traflfic shall nOt. be impeded or interfen'ed \v1th anymore than is nrecessa...ry for 1.he laying, using and mainten2.r.oe of the smd iPipes .or condrwt,s, and so after the said pipes o~r cQ[1n'uits have been laid and oompLeted there shall be no erbsbll,.Iotion rto or interference with all 1arwful .t!iaffic and user, on, over and along the highway 'Ox land or to the ditches or drains thereoi1. LOW h€reafter comt.nroted, improved 'Q/1" maintained. Where any ckains or ditches aTe c.onsidered or made necessary by rea- son of aI.1Y work done 'or emitted to be done by theCompan~l, the same shall becGlI:-"&1JruJct\:.ed and maintained in good -Qrdea- by the said Company to the sa.tisfaction of said County En~..neer or other person appointed by the CoUncil during the condition of this ;by-law. (3) The said OO!llllpany shall be liable for any lose or inj,ux~' that ,any person may sustain by reason of 'the exercise by the Company of any powers, or rightsu...l1c1el' this said by~law, whether arisiP..g through any carelessness, neglect, def31ult Oir rnis-,condluct or Zlther- wise of its agents, servants or employees in the management, c:ou- strucliion,main~ena!1lC.e, laying or wse of its [pipes 'Or OOndUlits and the said Company shall indemnify, save ,and keep harmless the said Cor:poration of the Coun,ty of Elgin, from any damage, da:irn. or de~ maud that may be claimed by :property holders or any person or per- sons onaClCOunt of the laying of its pilpes or :e:ond1uits, inciderut!al thereoif, and shall indemnify the said iCCJlqJoration against all costs, loss, damruges and ~penses, which the Corporation iIr.uay :p,ay, inour or be put to by reason of any claims, damages OT in)jrury rrOO:11ting from ,or occasioned hy {tr in :consequence orf the oonstruction, laying, condirtwil1 or operation :of said ptpes -or conduits are incidental there- to, provided however, that the Company shall - have reasonable notice and an cpportunity to defend. (4) The rights conferred '1:{POn the said Oompauy by the said by- law and the agreement to be executed in pursuance thereof shall be ,subject to the right to the free use of the said hd.ghways and land by 104 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNOIL all person entitled thereto; sUbject 00 the rights of the owners or properties ,adjoining the said higbways and land of full access to and from such highWa;ys and land and .of COThStruotiug crossings a"'1d approaches from their properties thereto, and shall .be subject also to t,he rights and privileges which the said Co~oratio.n may grant to any other Ciompanys OT perSons, to lay [pipeS., ereet rpoles, st.ring Any kind of wires for' an.y P1ll'iPose 0[' constrlUlc.t railways on said higlh~ ways or to oth€TWise lawfully use' the same all of which rights are ex- pressly reserved and the Company shall lower- or remove their pipes wherever the County may hereafter deem n€iCessaxy for sooh PUT- :poses, but anty such -right hereafter granted shall be subject thereto and to all rights owned by the Oompany prior to the passing of th:i.s by-law. (5) The rights conferred on t.l1e said Company b.Y the said by-law and the agreement to he executed in PUil"'SUance t..~ereof, shaJIJl like- 'Wise be subject to t.~eright of the ,00000oration to require the Oom- pany to vary the position of -anly pipes or conduilt.ls at any time, of the sole coot of the expense of the said Oompany upon thirby days' notice in writing by the >Corporation. (6) All wcll'k. done in pUJ:'suance ,olf the said by-law shall be SiUb- .~ect to the ,approval, sanction and directiOn of the said Cblmty En- gineer fCT the thne being of the- said Gorporation .or other perslon ap- pointed by the iOoil.1I1JCil of said Ocmnty, who shall have tull1 ipOiWer and authority to give such directions and O-!ders ,to the Compran;y, Z:& to locartion upon. the highrways 'Or land of t,he said pipes ,OT conduits and the manner olf laying the sa.rr....e or where SlUOO pipes or conduits shall be bmied or ,othenv'lSe howsoever, as in his judgement shall be ~onsidered in the bes.t interest of the said Corporation; al1l srtliCh di... reetion sha-ll be in writing and the said \Oompany shan be obliged to fqUorw slui'~h directions o.r orders as may 'be given as 81f.oresaid and the llemu:D!eration and ex;pense of the ICounty EngiI1€er or .other persons so appointed during the time he iITl....a.y be emplo.yed and the expenses connected. with this by-law and the said agreement shaJ[ be -defrayed by tl1::e said OC>n1lpa.ny and beforecammenctng anyS1lJCh. work a plan or sk.etch thereof shall be deposited by the 'Company with the En- gineer of the sa.id County (7) The Oompany shall vi'i.thLTl thirty days of the ,completion of the work nIe 'With the Engineer of the said County and the C~e1'k of the said County a detailed plan shO"wing the final and exacrt location of all pipes 01' conduits and connections and attachments incidental ELGIN COUNTY OOUNlGIiL 105 thereto, and. the depths same are to be laid in the ground and. ill the event of the changing of [POSition of any of such pipes or oon. dnits, attachments or oonnectionS, a revtsed plan shall be filed in a like manner with the said lElngineer and said Olerk. within thirty days of the said change. (8) Within sixty days after the passing of this 'by-law a formal a.,o-reement in dl1.ilP'licate shall be prepared in pw:suanre hereof, be- tween the said Goonpany and the said County Corporaticm .and shall be executed -in due form by hoth parties thereto, whereby tihe said Com- pany shall bind itself, iJts soccessorsand .assigms duly .to ca.rry out, 'Observe and perform the conditions herein contained!, the said Cor- poration shall ag1'ee .on ttspart to doserve and perform the said by- law, the said iC'onddtiOlls so i,aras lihey relate to' tfrlem, a...l1d- one 011 such duipffiiJc.ate .agreements duly execruted as afores:..id shall be de~ posited with the Clerk of ,tJhe Gount:Yl. the other S/hall be given to the said Oomrpany, and at that time this by-la.w.and the said agreement shall be binding iU(pOll the said COinlrpany anlCithe s:aid OOriPOration. (9) The Company shall use all practical and proper means at all times to prevent the escape and leakage of gasoline, 'Oil, iIlJatural gas or other siInUar products and water from its main, and pipes: or con- duits, and the ca,'J.Sing of any damage or in\jmy thereby to any ;per- Sian or property and the ICompan:y sha!J! nnake good to :the iOorpora- tion and .all iperscms effect.ed, all damage which may 'be C!f3-~d by the works or QpeTatioos of the Company or by reason .of .any leak... age frOOl the pires. (10) Wt.ere t:lere is default by the Oompany with r€:.Sipect -to any matter mentioned. therein, the Corporati'OIl shall have [pOWer and authority to do .any -act or to perform any service necess-al'Yto rem- edy such default incliuJdiTIg any act or service to maintain, re~pair or remove or otheI'iWise deail; with th-e piJpe lines or conduits and the Company shall reimburse the iCor.poration and pay all costs and ex- penses that the COl1porartion may incur or be put to Iby reason there-. of, whether or not such lliOtice of such defamlt has been given w the Oompany prior to the doing of sum act or perfonning sUJCh 5er- vice, sweh char.ges and any expenses incun-ed by the 10000l>ration shall be payable and payment ma.y be enforced in like iJlla,nn.er as t.a...xes. (11) Franchise hereby granted shall before the term or -ten :yeu-l>3 from and after the final passing of the by-law. Provided that tf at 106 ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL any time prior to the expira<tion of &11ICh term:s of ten years or any renewal thereof, the Oompany sihall notif.y _the .corporation in writing that it desires a renewal t.hereof for the further period of ,ten years. the Council may in its discretion renew the SaIlIl€ from time to time for a further period not exceeding ten years at anyone time. (12) Upon the terrrillnation -of this franchise fc'r any cause what- ever the OOilllpany shal~ remO'te its mai.:.1'S, pipes or conduits, plant and 'works frram the said highways and land and restore suoh high- ways anld land to the condition which the SMIle were previous to such removal and to the satisfaction of the .coun.ty iCOIulIlIcil or its appo1ntee. (13) Provided that if said mains, pipes Dr conduits, pbnt and works are not rell11'oved theOompany within one year from the term- ination of said ,franchise allsucl1 mains, (pipes or canduits, plant and works shall' be farfeited to and become the absolute 'Pl'Ioperty of the COrpoT3Ition and may be dealt -wi'th .and disposed of as the iOorpora- tion may think proper and far the so~e use and benefit of the OO-r. poration. (1,4) Nothing herein :contained shall be construed as gIVIng or grant.ing to the -Oom!pany any exc1msive franohisc' for any iQT' all the purp03es embraced herein. (15) 'This by-law and agre-emententered into in: 'pursuance there- of, is subject to all statutes, orders or rules made ,or to be made b& laWfully 'Constituted authority having jurisdiction in the :prnmises. (16) In case either the 'CoI1poration or the Company deems it necessary or advisable to obtain :ratif:iJcation af said by-l'aw and of the said agreement by tihe legislature of the ProVince 'Of Ontaria the other party shall caOOlltI' and assist in obtaining Booh ratifica.tion. (17} iDated this 11th day of June, A.D", 19'52. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. R. K. McNEIL-" Warden. BY-LAW NO. 1620 To Amend By-Law No. 159-1 re Mileage to County Council Members. I!:LGIN OOUNTY COUNOIL 107 The Elgin rOciunty Council enacts: 1 That th~ members of the ICOUJnty Council be paid fifteen cents !Jer mile in going to meetings of Cmmty OOunJCil and CommIttees. 2 Tnat JC"lause one and Clause -two of By-Law No. 1~1 be amend- ed aoc.ordingly. Riead a first time this 11th day -of June, 1952. Read a second time this I1Jth day of June, 1952. Read a third time and, finally .passed this 11th da,y of June, 1952. J. D. THOMSON, Olerk. R. K. McNlIDIiL, Ward;en BY-LAW NO. 1621 To Amend By-Law No. 1554. 'The, Elgin County Council enacts: That the salary of John D. ThOlrnSon. OountyrClerk, and TreasUTer be Five Thcl1.;:sand Dollars per annum, payable monthly. 'and an ai- 'low;mce of eight cents per mile. f:or use of car on OOlUJIllty Bmine.<ss. E'y-Law to take effect On January 1st, 1952. That By-Law No. 1554 be, and is hereby amended aJccordingly. Read, a first time this 11th, day of June, 19512. Read a second time this llith day of June, 1952. Read a third ,time and finally passed this 11th da&" of June, 1952. J. D. THOl'r1S0N, Clerk. R. K. McNELL, Warde"l 108 ELGIN COUNTY OOUN= FIFTH SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 25th day of November, 19~ The Elgin County 'Council met this day at the Court House. St. Thomas, in aooordance with adjournment. The Warden in the ChaiT. All the members :present. The Warden addressed the Council, and welcomed all the boys and girls who came as guests of bhe County Council members. WARDEN'S AnDR.ESS Gentlemen of COuncil: We have now reached the final Session of our 19.52 Cou-"'1cil, and let us take a few miruuites and review .the work of t:1e past year. During the past week. your Road Oommittee visir.ed many of the Count~ Roads reviewing the work tha,t has, been done during the year. They found the roads in good shape with t.lIe new pavements well built and old ones in good repair. Although, we have spent a. considerable sum of money 0IIl our roads, we rove received good val'U€ for every dollar~edand have a good system of which 'We may be Justly p.roud. We now have some JJ05 miles o-f hard surfaced roads whicl1 is approximately 40% of our total mileage. This year 15 miles .of hard surface were const~uc.ted as well as many bridges and cu[- verts rebuilt. At the -COunty Hoo:ne we have had routine repairs to make and have also constructed a large pond as a reserV1c.-ir for storage of water-tIhts Ibei,11g rerommended by the Dept. of Welfare. Duling the Committee's last impection tau!r' We found the h<m1Je in good condition, ,the L1'1ma!tes ha.:ppy and the management veryca.pable. The !Property Ooan.mittee this year have spent - their budget in routine repairs, sUlCh as new floors in the 'Governor's residence, re- :painted lower corridors in !Court House, redecorated some of tJ:1e Reg- ELGIN OOUNrY COUNUliL 109 istry Office.. repaired eaViestroughing. an.d built iCentemliaJ. Flowei~ Beds at the entrance to the Oourt House. The IChildren's Aid expeilltures are similar to the previous y:ear~ This is a.very important organization. in this County and laity, and the SUperintendent, SOcial Workers, and Board are dQing an ex- cellent job in social welfare. Although our ICentenni:al Celebrations are now long Vassed, there are many favourable comments received. from resi.d.ents and non resi- dents on the high calibre of celebration which took place. (However celebrations of this' -calibre do ClOSt money but they were a credlit to the <City amd 00unrt;y. The work; on the new hoopital is rprogress1ng favourabIY, and the exu>enditures "are wit~ the bUdget. The contractors and architects are doing a good job and! building a hospital which will s~e the needs of this Clount~r fOT many years to . come. On Wednesday 'afternoon, a tour of the new ih.ospital is'_being ar- ranged at :3 p.m. :t:or the members of this 00Unc.i.l, whiC)hr enables you to see the progress that has been made since the laying of the oorner- stone by Lord' -Elgin' on Aug,ust 6th. Once again -O!ur 1liUJmber of indigent patients is high and our costs are higher by an increase of 50cper diem as set by provincial author- ities. There are some very deserving eases in.. this COWlty, where fam- ilies need hoopitalization because of unfortunate oonditions beyond their control, but there are other cases where t;his tyrpre of hoopital.i2la- tionis taken advantage of, and I would .stronglyadvisle all reeves and clerks to screen these cases very carefu:lJ.y. P.atienlts who own property and claJSSify themselves as i'll.digents should not become .t burden. to our municipalities. This year the farmers of this Connty have had a bountiful har- vest, but the costs of agricultural produotion are Vlery high. The live- stock fa..rmers of the ICQlUnrty have sUffered maI1!Y material s~t b~aks d~..ng the :past yeM', which could be clasSed as a year of recession. OUr tax rate has reached. its peak, and it is our dUl6y to leave OUT COOnty business sUch that it will. riot be necessary f'Or. future couno,ns to raise this ra.te. '110 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL The, minutes 'Of . the september Session were read and approved. The foNowing Communicatdons were read and! refened to their various Oommittees: COMMUN1CATIONS From F. L. Eaton re Film of the Oentennial pagealllt.~eferred to the Finance COlIllnittee. From. 'the -University of Western Onwio 'With ~pprecia,tionre Scholarship,--'File<L FriGm the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital witha-pprecia- tion~fgrant.-w1jled. . From thEf-'We.st Elgin DistriC't High School Board re Appointment of 'memoer.---..;Referred to the" Education Committee. From th€! _ 1St. . ThJomas and Elgin General Hospit-al Board re visit to the 'HoSpftaJ..-Fi1ed. From the Western Ontario Agricultural SchOOl f1nd Experimental Farm with appreciation re Scholarship.-Filed. From the E1gin~st. Thomas Centennial Oommittee with aipprecia- tion re loan of desk,-Filed. From the Town of Ayln1ier l'e Municipa:I Board's order for Annex- ation,-Filed; Froni the City of st. Thomas 're Applica;tion for Annexatio"'"1.- Filed. From the st. Thomas and Elgin General Hospital with staw.ment of Rec'~ipts -and Exipenditures.--Referred tlo the Fina"'1:Ce CmnIlln:yee. From the Memorial Hospital Board re increased account for indi- ge:h.ts.~ef-erred to the Finance Oommittee. From the County of Peel re Investigation into the Packing Hause Ind-ustry.~Referred to the Agricultural COlY.l.ffi1ttee. ELGIN OOUNTYCOUNorrL 111 From the COunty of Huronrequ€'S'tilig Nove:mber 'lJLth, as -a public holiday.---:Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. From the OOlUlty of !Perth re Spraying of' OattIe f'Or 'Warble FlieS'. ---'Referred to the Agricu:ltural COIIlllIllittee. From the 'County 'of Essex re Provincial gi1aIl)ti of $5.0() per capita. -Referred to ,the Petitions and LegisLations :Committee. From the Oounty of Waterloo re Amendment to the Statutes for residence .of indigents,~efe.rJ:'led to the Petitions. 'and Leg1islatiOll1S Committee. From the Hamilton General Hospital re SUrcha.rge.---<Ref~ed to the Finance .committee Froon the Memorial Hospital re 19511 Def.icit.---'Referred to the Finan'Ce Committee. From the P:rovince of Ontario re Approval of Transfer of Road Maintenance to Bridges andOulverts.-<Filect From the Ocrunty of Onta.rLo re Amendment to the Dept. of Ed- ucationRegulationsre Mi1tricuIatidn.~Referred to the- Erdruoation Com- mittee From the County of Ontario re Increased Road Subsidy.-Referred to the County Roads Committee. From Mr. 'ClaybOurne Gordon re 'Elgin Cormty seed Drill Survey. --'Referred to the Agriculrtural GC!!!llTIittee. From Mrs. Marguerite Young re Invitation to attend the Orator- ical Contest.-Filed. The Weed Inspectors Report was presented and referred to the Agricultural Committee. The County Home Physician's Report was read and referred to the Co-unty Home Committee. 112 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNOIL The Secretary'.. Report of t.he Elgin county Home was p"esented and refen'ed t<> the COWlt:\" Home Oommittee. The Clerk's .Report on Licenses was. presented and referred to tme FinanCe OOmmfttee. The Treasurer's. ~ort was presented and referred to the Finance O_ttee. Moved by J. Nell, Sooondied I~. E. Ashton: That we do now adjourn to meet at .tw.o .p.m. ~rried. The Council resumed. The first report of the Finance Coonmittee was ,presented. and adopted on motion of Reeve Auckland and Reeve .A:sh1ion. . The report of the iCormrty Home Oommitteewas presented and ad-opted on motion .of Deputy !Reeve Silcox and; Deputy Reeve N€11. The second report of the Finance Oammitbee was presented and adopted on motion af Reeve Aurikland and Reeve Dr. Biell. Moved by Dr. G. A. Bell, Seconded by P. Pensa: That we do now adjourn to meet on Wedriesday, November 26th, at ten a.m. -Carried. J. D. THOMSON. Clerk. R. K. McNEIL, Warden. WJQIN 'COUNTY aoU1'ilO'JlL . tl3 FIFTH ,SESSION - SEOOND DAY Wednesday, the 26th daIY of November, 1952 The EJgin ICounty Council met tms ooy at the Court House. st. Thomas in accordance w.ith adjournment. The Warden in the /Chair. All the members present. The minutes of the previous day were read and approved. It was moved by Reeve W. K. :Bodkin thia,t .:Mr. A. V. Langton. Agricultural Representative, be now heard. :Mr. Langi:.o!n addressed. the COuncil on ,the Agricultural activities of -lllis office d'llllingthe year. The report of the Hoad Committee was - presented and - adOPiec1. _ on motion of Reeve Ashton and ReeVe Jackson. Moved by Reeve Jiackson, Seconded by Lyle ,Coyle: That the Elgin County Council confirm By-iLaw No. 1258, 'Of the Township of Bayham for stopping up and olosing the northerly po~- tion of Road between Lots 16 and 17, in the first Concession of Bay- barn, and that the necessary By-Law be prepared. ---cs.rried. Moved by Reeve Ashton, Seconded by J. Neil: That the Elgin ,aounty Council approve renewal of franchise to the Dominion Natural Gas ,CO., Ltd~, for ten years and necessary BlV~ Law -be presented for the samE. ---<:anied. 114 ELGIN doUNTY ClduNdrL Moved by Dr. O. A. Bi>1l, Seconded byGeorge-R<:ls~ll: That. we do now ~journto .meet at two p.m._ -Carried. The ,council resumed. Deputy Reeve Littlejohn inquired re a report on the Elgin-st. '.I11wa:n:as Health Unit, and Dr. Bell and Reewe Merrett, Coun;ty Re- presentatives nn. the Health Unit made a verbal reporrt on the wor(k: of the unit, and. Mr- Auckland requested: that Dr. Knipe _ be present at ,the Jan,uar,y Session to give a I'eport on the work of the Unit. TherepO:rt of the Education ,Oommittee Wias presenWdl .and adOpted on motion of _ Reeve :Merrett and - Deputy :Reeve Parker. The report of the P.etitiOIllS and Legislations !Oommittee was ,pre- - sented arid - adopted - on motion .of Deputy:Reeve Li:ttll::~john and- Ree,ve Alward. The report of the Agriculture Committee: was presented and ad- opted 'On motion of Reeve Bodkin and Reeve Roszell. The report of the PropeI'ty C:ommittee was presented and adopted on mOl-w.on o~ _ Dep~t.Y ~eve Ooyle and -Reeve Coles. Moved by G. F. Jackson, seconded by W. Auckland: That this iOounty Council heartily endorse the work of . theEIgin Crop IimproV'emer..rt Associaltion, especially the work of. the Orop Im- provement A.ssociaJti{m in improvmgthe standar4 of seed grain and grasses used by the farmers in the COlmty. -Carried. Moved by. W. T. Men:ett, Seconded by S. Neil: ~ELGIN COUNTY = 115 That: the:.Uffilal gram of $2MO each be paidtoL. B. iBirdsall amd Frank: Rowles for reporrting .the 'proceedings for tthe. CO'1H1ci1..for the .:year, 1952. -Carried. Moved by Lyle Coyle, Seoonded by H. O. Alward: That the usual grant of $200.00 be paid the Warden for the yea.r~ 1952. -----Carried. Moved by C. F. Jackson, S~(:mded _ by, IDlmer"Wackley: That BtY...LaJw No. 1622, being "A By-iLaw to 'COnfirm By.....Law No. 12&8 of the Torwnship _of BaYham,being a by-la'o/to Provide Jor:.Clos- ing and S1Joipipiing up Ithe northerly pbrtion :of Rload between Lots 16 and -'17. in the fimt. conCJeission of the Township' 'Of Bayhani" be - rOOd a first time. -qarrieci. Moved by W. K. Bodkin, Seconded by H. Parker: That By-Law :No. IH22 be read a second time. --<Carried. Moved by Bruce Marr, Seconded by George Roszell: That By-L.aw No. 1&22 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by E. Ashton, Seconded by J. Nell: 116 ~lN COUNTlr. 09UNCJ;I. 'rlJiai; B.V~w NO.. ~623, ..~~ Privi!~g(lS to ~(l)) N,," tural Ga$ 0>., iLk!,;' be ~ l' !i1;"t tim~. ....caniell. Moved by .James Neil, Seconded by E. Ashton: That By-<Law No. 1623 be read a second time. ....carried. MovlX1 by Jam.., Neil, Seconded by E. Ashton: That By-Law No. 1623 be ~""da tlUrd time and fina.lly passed --Carried. The Warden caJJ.ed on th-e metn.l)ers wl10 ~pressed. ,tlheiJ: apprecia~ tion - ofth~ ~pable nw:;np~ iu wllicllthe Warden qonducteQ the bus- iiless, and. the pleasure' of being a member of the Council. MovlX1 by J. Nell, seconded !by W. T. Merrett, That we do now adjourn sine die. -Carried. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. R. K. McNEIL, Warden, ELGIN'COUNTY ==01L 117 CLERK'.S REPORT ON LICENSES November Session To the Elgin COunty 'Counctl: Gentlemen : I have to report the foUowing licenses in force On the 1st day of November, 1952: Auctioneer Harold' G. Clarke.. K. McAlpm. W. S. O'Neil Glen P.a:ton Fred Haggan... Don W.aterrworth.. W. D. Shore J. R. McLean". Gordon Hollingsworth Lee Simpson Frank FJullkerson . Ellison iE. Randall S. A. Bra;dy 62 st. Catherine St., st. Thomas, Onto ...Dutton .EE. 4, Demield . ...Rodney .......Aylmer ...Aylmer R.E. 6, st. Thoows .ParId1ill ..Watford ....RAdgetown .R.:R. 1, TillsonbuJ:g ....A(yJimer R.E. 2, North Dorchester Salvage nealers John Henry Wilson Normam Winter Wm.Kel!iy.. Adam Kirrohener. L. S. Anderson... Canada Scrap Iron & MetaL Morris PearJman Jack Wood David O'NeiL . James Wood," Eddie -Partito.. Ivan - Sivyer.. 16'72 Oentre st., St. Thomas ..EE. I, .smwoo ......Port stanley .R.&. ,', 3. West Lorne .:.;R.R. 1, Eden st. Thomas, (2- Licenses) .R.R. 3, st. ThOllIlas 6 West Pearl St., st. Thomas ....... ........Aylmer 3 West Prorl St., st. Thomas ...66 Sheaff. st., Hamiltoo 91 SoUth St. West, Aylmer 118 ;EJLQffiNCQlt/NTY.OOPNOIL Tran@O~t~t~on-: Q!:'.:Ftlwt C. E. Pangborn:. Th= J. Page A. T. Lash_ok ...Talbotville . Wallacetown ;.~Rop.ne:\i Hawkers" and Pedlars' License ~.> ~un!n:.e:r.. " ~~'_'~::-" .:':" ............ "-G. H. Van De Brezenbos Rodney Port Stanley All of which is respectfullY,.~1;>m}.tted. ,~~ D. _ T~01\1:sqN, pounty Cle,rJ:t. and Treasurer CLERK'S REPORT ON LICENSES November -Session To the Elgi,n _ COunty Council: Gentlemen: - I have to report the following applications for licenses have been approved by the local muruc_ipalitie~"and the Elgin-st. Thomas Health Unit from Jrune 2nd, 1952, to November 7th, 1952: Ice Cream Stands Gordon Legg A.H. rSiarupsop..- Irma Harris Emery MoQuiggam. W. 0, Chalk. ..... L~oooln Werth..-- W. .L. ,Broughton Cla'Y!ion Silcox.... -N. Dawson Clark,-, Mrs. - Sarah - Brown. .Sp<ingfjeld: ~.~. 3, st, Thomas,: Iroquois Park, Pt. Burwell, .:. Pt. BUxw'ell ~. Burwell . .pt.BurweU . R~. 2, Aylmer RR 3,Shedden Fing,al Pt.:stanley ELGIN COUNTY.' COUNOIL 119 Bruce Kennedy",:;, C. J. Ketchabaw ~old: ?a,:wYeT..:H stney stephans. N. Boyd & Son. W. J. Hicks. .Eden Eden ........., ,..... +'.' '"'' ..Eden .. R.R. 2. Aylmer ...R:.R..p. :TillS'onJn~:$' .Shedden Refreshment Stands or Lunch Counters B1aJ.az's Refreshment Stand King's.OUlPRo:_~:rd_.. .......-...-...... Mrs. M~:Braii"' Irma Harris &m Shipp :Maria Monaco. Fred Uorken '.': John Mechas :Ma.r:ck & Marek H84'vey Bechard... 'II. 'G:".ohaplin.. "Garden-of Eden'" Roy Clinger E. L. Faulder.. Theo:Deidicsli Gordon W. Kent ,." Jack Butkus :Marie Hair... Thomas Su:brock Earl Pullin J; K.Murray. -"Hugh :M111ard..' i:>O'Giel 'Btos. Restaurant 'Robert Hunter.. , Galloway's:'.-. W. BUgler.. Dorothy 'Brown W;,S; McTeer.. "Wingate Lodge, Ltd;',";':" ' "Stork' Olub".,. Maurice Bibby R.R. 1, Corinth .,.m.-."".P<n;t Broce .."Box '317, TillOOlJJburg .Ft, Burwell .Pt. Burwell . ".. .,pt, .El\1rwell :.: :.'Pt.:Biwwell R.R.2, Aylmer pt. stamey R.R._".~".W~, ;Lorne ,R:~, 2,iRodney .. R.1t.2.H~~~;ey R.R. 7. st.Th6riiaS pt, stanle>; stanley Stanley pt, ,~~y. . PLSlanley pt. stanJe;y' Pt, stanley pt. Starn..y .. . Sttafford'riiI~ '. Pt. Burwell (Gieh "Ene>,"':." R.R. 2j'" Ayhi1efl pt. startley "pt. Burweli ..Pt."'Burwell R.R. 1; Ayhner R.R; 2, Aylriier . Pt..Staniey . Wallacetown '"'''.r -':i .~, 120 ELGJN COUNTY COUNCIL Food or Dairy Bars St, Thomas Drive-In Theatre. .RE. 5, St. Thom'" All of which is respectfully submOitted. J. D. THOMSON, county Clerk and Treasurer COUNTY HOME PHYSICIAN'S REPORT November SeSsion Gentlemen: To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County COuncil: I have. the honour to ;present the sevenrty-severi.th Annual IvTed.i- cal 'RepoI'lt of the Elgin Oounty Home up to October 31st, 1952, and I submit theftollowing for your -consideration: T made regular weekly visits to the County Home, and such other visits '8.$ were required to attend the inmates. I attended as- necessary pait:ients in the Memorial Hospital, and Memorial Hospital. Annex, as follows: Mrs. Ada BelL. Mrs. Florence Lilley Mr. Simey Main.. Mlr. Hemw Pmr Mr. John "Smith Mrs. Mary Wire.. Mrs. Ida A<la.ms Mr. William Fisher Mrs. Laura scott._- Mr. John Dawson ._ Mr. E. Willison Mr. Fletcher Henry December 24th, 1951-January 24th, 1952 December 12th, 1951--:-October 31st, 19-5.2 November 1s1:l, lr951~ovember14th. 1951 November 1st, 1951-Janooxy 25th, 195Ol, ood BeptfuJ:lber 24th, 195.2--October &lst, 1952 December 2nd, 1951-lAipril 15th, 1952 .. Novemlber 1st, 1951"'-October.31st, 1952 Februaa:y 21th, L95Z--February 2e,th, 1952 Febrooxy Iltlr,1952-_y 27th, 1952 December 31st, 19~I-Janua.ry 24th, 1950l Augnst 3rd, 19re-oclober $16t, 191>2 ,Augu.ststih, 195:;--,August 14th. 1952 August 19th, 1952---Sept.. 24th, 1952, a.nd October- 4th. 1952 " ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNcrr. 1m I attended 3S necessary. inmates cared for in CraigView Nursing Home. There were no bi:vths. There wexe six deaths. as follows: Mr. Sidney Main, November 14th, 1951---iCerebral Thrombosis. Mr. John -Smith, April 15th, 1952---'Anemia. :Mrs. Ria Adams, Februa.ry 29th,: 1952---;C&ebral . Haemmorrhage. Mrs. 'Laura IScott, January 24th, 1952'---Oiabetes and Pneumonia. Mr. Fletcher Henry, 'October 4th, l:9&2-CerebroJ. .'l:'h:rombosis. Mr. Tom. Costley, July 21st, 1952-iCorQ!1:1lMJT Thrombosis. RespeotfuIly SUlbirnitted, H. O. KNOX, Physicmn, Elgm. County Home. SEORETARY'S REPORT November SeSSion To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: The following is my report on the Elgin County Home ,for t:he year. ending October 31st, 1952: 1. Number of inmates at last report 25 2. Number admitted during the year 18 J22 :m,OIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 3. Number.of deaths 8 4. Number di~ed 4 5. Number disolmrged to hospital j 6. Number of in:rnates now in house.. 28 7. Number of inma.tes sent from several municipalities during the year: Southwold South Dorchester :West:Lorne YaI11nJOuth Dutton MaIahide Dunwich Bayham Springfield 1 1 1 7 1 4 1 1 1 18 8. The various causes of pauperism of inmates admitted to the House during the year may (be classified as follOlWS: Old .Age III health 11 7 18 9. Average number of in.mates during the year 25 10. Average number with Keeper's family and hired help 2S 11.- Number of weeks' board with Keeper's family 1.507 12. NUmber of vJ'eeks' booni of inmates. 1,3-12 13. Total expenditure during the year $ 24,H3.20 " ELGIN OOUNTY COUNcm. 123 Deductions 14. From farm stook;.". From Old Age Pensions, inmates. Milk Eggs H.a;y and S-traw Sundries Inmates maintenance Estates of imn.a.tes $ 2,165.79 6,&14.10 2,392.58 546.52 2il4.52 22.00 1.339.90 2'75.80 $ 13,771.2Q 1:5. Leaving amount actually expended f'Or support of inmates $10,971.91. 16. AVeI'lage expenses per day of each person $I.lW:Ih. 17 . Average expenses pel' week of -each person $8.36. 18. Average expenses per year of each person $434.72. Farm ExpenSes Hired lLaboltt Implements Stock Feed and Seed Gas and Oil Miscellaneous 526.76 486.73 1,746.85 1,904.33 234.42 149.69 $ 5,048.78 HoUSe and Inmates Expenses Hired Labour Food and Provisions Clothing a...lld Footwear Drugs and Medical Tobacco Welfare Provisions House Supplies .$ 112.00 4,590.79 151.57 309.89 202.56 1,772.21 752.31 124 ELGIN COUNTY.. OOUNCIL Furnisbdng;s Fuel, Telephone, Hydro Repairs Fire Ala.rm System Miscellaneous Pensioners RefW1d 655.38 1,489.92 3,063.17 2,800.00 195.&'1 2112.00 $ 16,369.42 Salaries SuperinJtendent and M~tron Mr. a...'1d Mrs. L. Jewell Physician $ 1,800.00 l,illS.OO 400.00 $ 3,.325.00 19. 'TIle fo-.l:1owing .produce' was raised on the fa.rm during the year: 215 Bushels of Whea't 750 Bushels of OGIs 50 Loads of Hay 13 Acres of Ensilage Cmn 175 Bushels of Potatoes 5 Bushels of OaITots 50. Loads of straw 2 Bushels .of Beets 2 Bushels of Apples 10 Bushels .of Ondons Quantilty .of Pumpkins, Squash and Beets Garden Produce 50 Bushels .of Tomatoes 22 Quarts of 1\.llik per day 500 Quarts Fruit Canned in House 300 Dozen .of Eggs Consumed 700 Pounds .of Butter 150 Heads .of Cabbage - EDGIN' aOUNTY,aow= -.Farm. -Stock ,12& 3, HO!l"ses 9 Cows 11 Hogs 230 Chick_ 3 ,caJves 11 lIeri.fers 23. Tha.t the total amount ex[Jended by the County on the County Home isas'follows-:- Farm, WO Acres cost County Rome Laundry Fire Escapes Root CeHair, Henery, Etc. . Cottages, Etc. Brick Ice House Barns, Etc. Tile iDram Tile Drain OUtlet Hot Air Pump Tank COnnections Refrigerator Fencing Orchard, .......,.. Heating A.pparatus Boiler RIOOiIn and Soft OoalBoiler Deep Well . Silo Hog Pen Elecrnc__lristallation and Pulnps Plumbing Septic Tank: and Drain Sundries Milk' House. Fire' Alarm . System $ 7,298.S5 1(l,650.65 68'7.61 390.00 1,419.43' 6,ll52.87 1,920.50 7,254.30 4,417.2S 132.03 920.00 1,783.00 1,979.07 85.85 6,437.61 3,007.52 2,507.40 29S.62 654.99 '3,262.30 3,174.00 1,146.75 416.35' 535051 2,862.00 $ 77,020.14 24. Received from Government on -account 'of expenditwres for land and buildings 4,000.00 $ 73,020.14 1;26 l!ll<~liN" PPlW'lCY.~ 25. There were 25 iOOl$te!lu, ~.:House during 1952, 17 males, 8 femaJes. Of tr...e 28 inmates in the House on the fir~ .day of November, 1952, 2Q were males, and 8 females. The management has been satisfactory. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. D. THOMllON, Oo.untyClerk TREASURER'S REPORT November Sessio.n 'I'u the Warden and :eounty Council: , Gentlemen : I beg to submit the following statement of Receipts ..and ~pendi- tuxes for 1952; up :to November 1st; 1952: Receipts Cash on.h~ and in Bank, JanuarY 1st, 19,5.2... $ AdmJnisi;ra~OIn of Justice Notes PaYable,. Bank LOaIllS !r1.ff..eresto...'>l !Deposit Health Unit Provincial Grant Oounty Rjl.te!l Registry. Q!"1'we Fees Charity .and Welfare Comty Home Children's Aid ,SOCiety Refunds ... Oounty RoaAl$ Licenses and ~aneous 6,933.87 25,652.39 400,000.00 lA8 13,423.17 10,!l35.oo 2,9:;U17 22,778.91 11,5~8.79 002.72 102,109.17 1,099.40 $ 598,445.97 EOOINWuN'I'Y 00Ul5I10lIiG '12'1 , c ,EXPeIllIit_ Admini.stl'aJtion.of ;Justice ,,,m""'"'.''m.,,''''''''''''''''' ,,$ Notes Payable. ..and,IIlite:rest .........:.. on ............... Charity andCWelfare . """""..""",m m"'""","'UUU . Grants . .....,...m... ... .............. .. .. ... ... . .......... CoUll1ty Hion1e. '". . ., , , ,.." . ..".,,, Registry Offiee Health Unrit ."m Children's Aid-SOciety ..... Members' Wages. ................. Official and: staff. ISalaries Printing, Postage, stationery care of Buildings Agriculturre_....... County Roads Miscellanoous 44,655,66 30J308.84 . 60..192;"00 13,31337 23,117.46 3,l26.12 20,000.00 l6,608.90 6,l63,.ll5 6,0>!Sm 895.78 2,006.09 2,ml9.94 355,674112 1,672.56 $ 587.,725.49 10,720.49 Cash in Bank, october 31st, 1952 $ 598,445.9'1 'AW'of whiCh is respectfully submitted. J. D. 'I'HClMiSON, County Trea.surer ;." Estimated Receipts Balance of Year Cashon hand .16,720.48 Ad."T..ir.i...at.....-ati'Ou .of Justice 3.000.00 County Rates Health Unit Oounty Roads, ProvinciaJ SUlbsidy" City of 51;, Tlu>mas Charity ~d, Welfare_ coimty Home 458,710.00 .4,474.29 2Z7 ,000.00 9;000.00 4,000;00 . 4,000,00 $ 720,904.77 Ire ELGIN OOU!l;TYOOUNi= Estimated Expenditures Balance of the Year Admiruistration o~,rnJS1lice ".... . ........$ Notes Po;vable and In1Jerest .... Tillsonouxg Hoopital GraI1It Agriculture Grarn.s Health unit County Home Ohildren's .Aid:s.ooiety Charity and Welfare Members' W~e,s" Officers'Salaries Care of Bmld_ings OOlUlty Rioads HospitaJ Del>e_ and Interest Hospital Deficit st. ThClIOOS' and. Elgin General Hospital E'lgistry O~fice......~..... Iv,I:H:;c~ll~€OUs EStima.ted Snrplus --.~r'-,-' AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE November SeSsion To the Elgi~;oounFY Council: Gentlemen: The .AgriCUltural COmmittee reports:a.s follows: 8,000.00 400,000.00 13,000.00 2,500.00 4,500.00 15,795.10 5,000.00 4,500.00 15,000.00. 3,000.00 500.00. 87;000.00 71,000.00 14,001}.00 &3,OOO1l0 500.00 500;00 $ 716,795.10 4,109.77 o $ 720,S04.87 1. That the Department of Agrlc-ulture's RePort on Seed-:-Drill SUTvey be filed. 2. That the resolUJti-on from the Ooun)ty .of Peel re Floor Price on livestock and -produce be incr.eased to parity with labo.ur was approved. ELGIN OOUN= ==01[;, 129 3. That the oom.munication from tbet Cbllnlty of' Pertih. to allow Township Councils to set :time for spraying of cattle for Warble flies be filed. 4. That the resolution from. ;the iOoutlty of.~. requesting. the floor price on beef cattle be rpilla;ced on 500 lb. car:cassesr instead of 7.00 lw. and over be endarsed. All of which is _p~tful]y submitted. W K.BOP:KIK, Ohairman COUNTY HOME COMMITTEE November Session To the Elgm .county' Council: Gentlemen: The Elgin County Home Committee reports as fol1Qws~ 1. That payment of Pay List No. 17, for $2,405.94, Pay List No. 21 for $3m.~, and Pay List No. 26 for $4!JlL84 ,be _yea. 2. That we renew insurance .on the County Hiome. and other bui1dings on farm f.or $125..000.00 with the :Frank. Oowan Insurance Oompany 3. That we acciWt. ~e.. ,tendero:f . ,the;(J',ana,~aBread OOmpany for bread at 11.95 cents for unsliced and 12:,7-5 .cents for sliced bread, per loaf. All of which is respectfully submitted. 'GEORGE. SILCOX; Ohail'man 130. ELGIiN cCOUNTYcOOUNCIL EDUCJtTIQN ,COMMITTI>E November SeSsion To the Elgjn 'County Gounci1: Gentlemen: The EdUlCation Oommittee -reports 'as follows: 1. -That~x, iC.-Whrite be rOounty 1aepresentative on ,the West Elgin District High School Board. 2. That .Ralph Aluck1:and be County Representative on 'the St. Thomas-Elgin District High School Board. " 3,. That WaJ,ter-~re,be .oOUil11ty:Repl1esenta,tive OD the East El- gin High School District Boa.I'iQ. o 4. That we oonCUll" with the resolUltion from the CIorUIlity 0[' Ontario to amend regruIa,tions rtJo permit a Grade -13_ :8imdentWlho f~in one .or two subjects to write supplementary examinations in the fall. All of which is respectf-ully su~tted. W. T. :M:mRRETl', Chairman FiNANCE COMMITTEE November Session - 'First-Report To the Elgin County COUncil: Gentlemen: 'The~Finan6e.oormnittee ',reports as follows: EI>OcINOOUNTY OOuNPJI, 13ic 1." That the. :following -. n~ital._acC01ll1ts _ lpe- pa,i.Q: Memorial Hospital, st. 'Dhcxm.a.s. ............... .:.....$ 7 t176.94 Victoria lliospdrtal, London........ ...... ....... ........ 1,1159.05 st. Joseph's Hospital, London......., .........,............... 104.00 Tillilooourg District Mem!o<ial Hospital ..... 639.26 Cooouxll' Qeneral Hospital, ,CObourg ... . 15.00 $ 9,894.25 All ofwhicll js~fu!lyS11l>natted. "'NALTEJR, AUOKLAND, Chairma.n FINANCE (;()MMITTEE NovetnberSesSion--- Second Report TO.theEloofu -CountyCouneil: Gentlemen: The Finance Committee reports -as :toUows: 1. That payment of payLh;t No. 16 fo. $1,3n3l5, P",yLigt No. 18 for $124.22,Pay List No. 19 for $IG2.45, Pay iList NIo.22 for $1,056.25~ and Pay List No. 23 for $1,87'1.82 be approved. 2. That C!lPY"of ,Qentennia.l Pageant film be p'l.l.TChased fo!' tlhe County. 3. That the Communication frOlIl1i the Hamilton General Hospital re increased indigent ra~ - be.;filed:. 4. That we acoopt the,statement 'of,the st. T1:1omas-Elgin General Hospita.! of Reoedpts and ExpendiitUX'eS. 5. That we pay the additional we per da;y for indigeIllt patients at the Memorial Hospital from January 1st, to August 3'1st, ':1952. l~ ELGIN COUNTY OOUNOIL. 6. That we .pa;y COtmty's Share of deficit of $14,l190.1)1, to the st. Thomas M€IIIlPrial Hospital. All of which is respectfully submitted. 'WALTER AutCKiLAND,Chairman PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE November SeSsion To the Elgin COWlty Council: Gentlemen: The Petitions and Legisla.tions 'COmmittee reports as fiollows: " 1. That no 'actiion. betaken on :the resolution fr.om the: eounty of Huron, re the Observance of 'Remembrance Da.y. 2. Tl:1Jaitthe r:esolU)t-ion from the County of Essex re Provincial grant of $>.00 per capita "be filed. . 3.~t_ ,we concur in ,the resolution from the p:qunty ?-f.,water- 100 re Amendment' to the Sta.tutes for residence: of indigents. All of which is respectfully subrnd.rtted. A. LITTLEJOHN, Ohairman PROPERTY COMMITTEE Noveinber Session To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: ; ElliGlN OOUNTY.OOUNlC'JJ[:,.. 133 The' -Property CollIDl!ittee ',reports-as- follows: 1. ThatPaycrmnrt; ofP3N wt No. 20 !fOil." '$160,02),. Administrationo:f: Justice Pay Lists of $614.70 and $9'122ll, Pay List No. 25 for $WJ.7'1 be approved. 2. That the tender 'lQfthe Canada." Bread, foc Ba--ead:, fur- the El- gin Oounty Jail at ~L95 cents per looJf be accepted. 3. That tlbJe ItentiJer of IOroak€lr :Dairy of li9'i: cents f10r Whole milk, and-14 cents' for. skim be aocelptedfiOll"" ltihe year,lOO3. 4. That we recommend skim milk be llsed in thre O'011I.l!ty Ja.il, and the Clerk wtite to the [)ept. .of RefOTIIl Institurbions of - om, recom- mendation. " 5; That a cLocik: be ;purClhasea for rthe. :Registr:y Office. 6. That the ~washdi1g maohfue,'iri the'-.Jail'be're.pa.ired.: 7. That lumber and SUlprplies 'he purchased for the store room in the' Physician's offIce fOT clOVm..1lg.' . " All of which"is respectfully 'submitted. LYLE COYLE. Chairman R(}Aj).. Oordl'uITT~'E November Session 'ro the Warden and Members of the Elgin County_Council: Gentlemen: Your Road Committee begs to report: as foll{)w~: \~ 134 ElJGITl'l COUNTY OOUNctL. The Elgin Gounty Road [)epartmen.!thas nearly erirt1pleted me programme oonrterIllPlated 'at your January SesSion. We made an in- spection of the roads under OUT jurisdiction or> Nov€lIJlJber ~th and 20th, . ap.d, find that \the. roodsanct bridges. .are:-:in good, conditti-on. Many of the bridges should ,be replaced by' mo.dern structUl'es o-r should be widened to acromrrno<late mOO""" troiflc but due to the scarcity of steel and portland cement j:10T the last :tew years we have not been Roble to do the -construotion work ttJh.1at is d:,eSi.r€d. The BY-LaiW passed at the January session provid€d for (Jounty Road I'U11!><J'l€S: countl' Roads Suburban ROOds ..$ 396,000.00 . $ 40,000.00 $ 436,000.00 OUr Net "~ndituil'es from: Janu-arylst to'Oc.tober 30th, 1952 $ 339,439.23 Leaving for the months ofNovemib~ andDeceIl}lber.on!Y 413,560.77 The fonowing works have 'i?een COIl1JPleted; (incl'llddng Suburban RoadS) : 1. TOw:NSillftP OF''''LDBOROUC;.H West TowI1l:ine (IOla.chan North) Elgin's sha.re Oaunty ~oad No. 3 C&ldney west) .45 miles 1.30 _es TOWNSH:llP OF DUNW1DH County Road No. "2 CW€St TOwnline !Easterly) 1.00 miles Gount~ ,Road No. 8 (Ioun-ie Road. Cons. 3 and 4) 1.60 miles TOWNsroP OF SOUTHWO!UD -COWl:ty"R;ood. No. 20 (Union RJoad) 2.00 nilles TOWNSHITP OF yAifW,[OUTH County IR;Oad No. 36 (North Sparta, Con. 6) County &lad No: 33. ~Oon; 10) 1.25 miles .90 miles ELGIN OOUNTY COUNlOiIL 1135 TOWNSHIP OF MA(lAIillJE .County Road No. 40 (Sumnners' Corners SOutherly) 2.2.0 miles TOWNSHJIP OF BAYRAM OO'Unty Road !No. 4Z (Port 'BurWell East) Oounty lR.oad No. 36 (lstraff<>rdV!llle E""t) 1.00 n1!lIes 1.00 miles TOIWN\SHilP OF SOUTH DORlOllIElSTER County Rood No. 47 (.SO-q,th of ~von, ,Con. 9 and 10 ".......q...,.... 1.7'5 miles . VliI1UAlGE OF PORT BURWELL OOWlty Road No. 42 .40_ 14.85 miles .2. AbOut 4 miles of old pavements were SUlrface.trea.ted With Tar and stone Chips. 3. TOWN OF AYUilE!R Constructed 2950 lineal feet of Combined Concrete Curbs and Gutters .on South street and ConstruC""t.ed 1475 lineal foot .of consd1ittated baSe for -future pavement. VILLAGE OF SBRINGFIEILD Constr.uoted 250 lineal feetof-' Oombined Concrete Curbs and' Gutters' an Main Street. VILLAGE OF WEST LORNiE Constructed 800 lineal feet of Consolidated Gravel Base and Pa'vement. 4. Portions .of ,the following roads were straig4tened, realigned and prepared for fume paving: TOM1!NSiHiIP OF DU!NWIOH~ounty Road No. 2 4.5 miles 136 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL TOWNSH!IP OF YA.RM:OUTH---,Oo1irity &<>ad No. 36....La miles -Suburban Road No. 22,4.0 miles TOlWNSH!IP OF SOUTH DOOJOIHES~ty Road . No. 511 .. ....2.5 mileS! 5_. The follO'Wdng ,bridges were constrUICted, ox reconstmcted: FLE:M:lJNIG '0IRiElEK iBiRJID!G~\illty :Road No. 3~T()wn.ship of Aldl>orough. THOMPSON 'BmlDQIE--;OOnnlw Road No. 33-Tomwhip of Yarmouth. SI[iVEIR Cl.ROOillK EIR]D~unty Road No. 4tZ----Township of MalllJljrle. GRJEEIN CULVERT-Oounty Road No~ ~Township of Dunwich. " ~, R"OOS IOU1IiViElRT-Counlty Road No. 36-TQiWl1.Sihi.p .of Yarmouth. m~OlS IOUII.NERT--County Rioad No.,,~'Thwnship of Yar- mouth. , MaOA[..lLUM DRAiIN OUlLiVERT----iSu:burba-.l1 Road No. 22-Town- ship of YaJ:mc:uth. 6. Aborut 3,~ mJillies of ,Tile Drains were< laid on County :Road No. 20.:- TOWlWhip of SouitJ;1wold. 7. Albout 30,.On.O cubic yards of Crushed Gravel were -used to re- 8'llI'faoe the existing gravel roads and Aboo:t29,OiCO ouib-ic y;a.rds 'Of Pit.,.ru/Il. Gravel ,were us€d for 'con- structing Base Oournes on Ro.acls which were prepared fOor futn.!!re pa.vt~'Y'l.:g. About 115.,(}{)O cubic yards of;Or-UiShed 'Gravel and 5,000 cubic yards .of Sand were stock pil_~d. 8. The following new machines were ,purchased: I-Fal1Illlal1 iSqper "A" Trac,tor; eqUipped with mower and post hole mgger. l-ArpiC Portable Air Compressor, mOdel 105. ELGIN OOUNTY COUN= mil l-lOhausse TJC. 100 Bortable Tank' Cail' Hearer. I-Fliink OU€JWaY Snow Plough. l-'Nre.:w Ohevrolet Business -OoUlpe. 9. Thiere are no.w aJborut 105 Illliles ,of iOounty and SUburhan Roads paved. _ with Bitn.rminOlliS iRJOad Mix lPave:menits in :the 'Gcmnty of Elgin whidh amouruts' to 39% 'Of ibhe total mileage. 10. That the clQlmmum:cati'Ou from the Oorunty of Ontario, dated:, Ncrv'emb.er 20th, l:1l52 regard.i.Thg a resoLution passed ~t'hJe Oounty 'Of' OiDltario requesting the Ontario IGovernment 00 increase grants for the construction and maintenance - of heaV:i1y :travelled -Coun.ty [RJoads- be filed. All of which is respectfully subrn.d.tted. EDMUND AISH'I10N,OhaITmah COUNTY WEED INSPEOTOR'S REPORT Novem.ber Session To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: I wish to repcrt to ycuon the EJgin Oounty Weed Control pro- gram this year. Your W1e,ed inspector received good co-operation from officials in charge elf HighWays,iCiomnty Reads and Townsmp Roads. TheProvinciaJ Highways were looked after, mowed early, and .several times later. There was also some spraying done" The Oounty Roads were well mowed, SOme twice, and some were a little late being mowed. mil ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL The townships ihrthe 1C'Ob:nty did 'fairly :goOd bilt most t:.OJWnships area little late in mowing. On the farnnsthere were improvements :this year. Th:e dry fall aiding in the control of the wee.d'S ,to SODJJe extJent. Tn€: fa.r.I11iel."Sare dodng.morespraying ~h ~yeat.atld more spray- ers are available for custom slJ['aying.Spraying is the ,best method of weed control these days. Brush can also 'be spr3lf~ to helJp keep roadsides. clean. I would suggest Elgin County. consider purchaSing a Spra.yer. The effectiveness of :the weed 'conltrol depends on ,the :farmers and all land 'owners and tenants t~mselves. The weed inspector can advise ;a:n-d' aId in ,trydng 'to keep their properties clean. c', Same times the weed inspectors job is not too pleasant, wheTl yau. nave to ':rreadtherweed act or serrve a written notice 00 the OlWner of neglected :plloperty, burt; on a whole -the property owners and tenants co-opera.ted fairly good. ThecommoI1 Barberrs-' bush has been found west of 1St. Tharnas and will have to be destrOyed this spring---':"fom farms havre these bushes. It has been recommended to me by the District W'eed Inspector these bushes be sp.rayed the latter part of March. Your weed inspector travelled 3,744 miles, wQ,rked 412 hours, all for a salary of $632.12, including other e:lq)enses. All of which is respectfully submitted. CLAYBOURNE GORDON ELGIN COUNTY aou:N101L 139 BY-LAW NO. 1622 A By-Law to Confirm By-Law NO', 1258 of the Township of Bawh.am,. Being a By-Law to' Provide for ;Closing and s.topping up the Norther- ly 'Portion of Road Between LOts 16 and 17, in the First Conces..~on of the Township of Batfham. Whereas the Oounoil of th€ Townshirp of :BaJi'[ham. on Ithe 2nd day of JiUlle, 19'52, A.D., did pass :By-Law No. I258', for dosing and stop- pingu\p the notrlherly portion of the road between Lots 16' and 17. in the First <OonClessionof the Towi1sh..ip of Bayham, more ipaltiicU- larly deooribed in :the said By-Law, t;true copies whereof axe :hereunto annexed. And Whereas rptUl'SUant to .the provisions of the Municipal Act the said ToIwnsmp By-[.aw shall not have any foroe unJtil confirlm.'ed ,by a by-law of the Council of the 100000tw in w.mchthe ;rownslll:p is sit- ua.te :passed at an ordinary meeting of the Council !held not. SOiO't1ie1" !than three montlhis nO!' later than onie yea.r 'after the passing of ;the By-Law of the iOouncil rof the To-wnsrnp. And Whereas application has been made to the Conncil of the' ConpaI.'ation of the Oounty of Elgin for a By-Law confi1'!ming saiJciI Township By-Law. Now Therefore the Council of the Corporation of the Oounty {)f 'Elgin enacts as follows: That By..!L~w Number l'25,s, of the Township. of Bayham, being By-Laiw to Provide for Closing and Stopping uptJhe northerly portion of :road betwea.T1 lots 16 and 17, in the First Gorroessio:q. of the Town- ship of lB~yham, b~ and the same is' hereby confirmed. Read a first time this 26th day of November, 19:52. Read a second time this 26th day of November, 1952. Read a third tirr..e and finally passed this 26,th day of November, 1952. J, D. THOMSON, Clerk. R. K. McNEIL, Warden 140 EllJGIN 'COUNTY OOUNCJ;L 1JHE OORPOIRATlON OF TIlE COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NUMBER 1623 Granting Privileges to Dominion Natural Gas Company, Limited The Oounci:1! of the OonJOiration 0[ the Cormty of Elgin Enaots As Follows: 1. WIHlEffilEAJS by By-Law N1mIJber 1197 duly ;passed by the OOll/Tl.JCil of the said IClorlpol'arbiJon on the twenty-se'V'enth day of JanUW"y, 19OO, a franchise was @ranted! Soruthern Ontario Gas Gompa..TJJy. Limlited, to construct and mainta.in a syst€ill1i of pipes for oonveying and dlistri- buting gas over, along or upon such roads or highways, 00 provided, subJect 0 the teI'l1IlS, conditions, agreemeDlts and regul1a.tii"ons: set out in Sohedude '~A" to said By-Law Number 11197 attached, in which fr:anchise it was, among other things, provided; .~ :'i "The franchise hexeib!.v granted shall be for the term of ten yearsd'r.cm ,a..l1d after the final passing of the by-law. Provided that if at any time prior to the ex- pct.r.ation of said term of ,ten y.earn or any renew~al thereOlf, the Compa...l1Y shall notify the Corporation in writing that it desires a renrewal .thereof! OT a further period of ten years, the Oounci! may \n its discretion renew the same fram time to tim'e for further period not ex,ceeding ten years ,at anyone time,," 2. AJND W!H'EJRiEAjS by Letters Patent issued December the twenty-seventh, 1913:9, under 'The Companies Act (Ontario) ,Beetlo'l1 11, the property, rig1hts, p:rivilegesand franohises 'Of Southern On.;. tario Gas Ocmp.any, Limited, became a.l1d 'are vested in DQIltI.inio-n Na.tural G.as OCrn1f.P'3l1'Y:, Urmited, an amalgamate" oOl'pocration CiOm;'; r:ooed Qf The DC/minion NatoU~al Gas Company, Limited, and 80utheTn Onta.rio Gas GCIm!p,any, Limited, subjeot to all the liabilj,ties, contracts, disabilities ,and duties OIf each of the coopoI\ations so amalgam;a,ted, 3. ANlD WBlEIRIE!AtS by By-Law Nt:mber 1402, passed the tw.enty- rewnd da;y of JaJ".JUary, 1:!f43, the IC\oJunJcil of the sa-id O'cm:pm-ation re- newed E.y-,Larw Nrurrr.rber 1187 and tlhe ,agreement tlheTein refe..rred" to for a flUil"ther period olf ten yearn !,rom and after the twel11ty-seV'enth day of January, 1943. ELGIN COUNTY 00== 141 4. ANi[) WEiElRJElAS lDominion Na,tural Gu (J0lllfPa.ll\Y. Limited, the said - amalg.amart;e iClompany:, has. duly notified the- ICol'!pOI"ation in writing that it desires a il"enewal of It'he said :franchise gr;an1Jed to Sou.thern Ontario Gas Oompany, . Limited,. by said. -~..J,.r,arw N'U!rLber 1~:97 and of the agreeII?-terut entered ~'iiO _ ,by rt::hJe 1~ naaned lC!ompan...y with the Ooo.-poration of ,the IQounrtyof E[gin purSUla1J!ttlo said By-_. 'Law NUttnber ]1;97. :DOll" a further period i()f ten ;yie'MS fram and after ,the twenty-sev;entlh day af January, 1953. NOW 'I1HEJ'R.EFIORlE the Council of ,the said Ooropocation of the. CoUlllty of Elgin hereby ,enacts: !. The franchise _ gra~tedby .the said! By-iLam Number. U97 _ a.nd the -agreement tlherein refur.red to are hereby renewed for-the iperiod of ten y;ea.rs Jl10m and after ,t;hetwenty-seventh - day 'of Ja.JJJUaaY, ~5'3, 2,. TheWW'lden is her;ebiyauthomed, _ emtpO/Wle(['ooand. dJx.e:6tedto eXJecute and delirver on beha1!f of rthe IOOll1pOration of the Oounty of Elgin and undJetr Lts ooIipm:ate seal, coum.ex-sig;neiru ,b.y rt:IJ:re 100erk, an agreement in the form set fm.t.h in the iSchedrule ~'1'"erto -anllle~dUlp:O!1l the deUrery by Dominion. NatUJ:1al Gas 100mpa.ny, lI..nirrnllited, of a 00Ull- iter;part .of said 3iocr:I1Sement under the se1'l'1 ..(I!.f .the said.. iDorn.ind.-cm Na- tural Gas 'Company, Limited and rtJhe hands of its (proper officers _ in that ,behalf. Passed this 26th day of November, A.D., 1-952. J.D. THOMSON, Clerk. R K;.McNEIL, Wa.rden. THE SOImDULE referred to in the foregomgby-Ia.w. l\lEMORtANDUM OF AQREE:MENT made the 26th da!Y of November. 1952. BE'I'WEEiN : DQMlNION NATURAL GAB OOMPANY, LIMITED, a, ,body corpOirate and politic organized 'under the laws 'Of :tlh-e ;prdvince of Ontario, hereinafter called the "Com- rpany", 'Of the First Part, and ? H? ELOIN COUNTY 09UNOIL THIj1: .O~'I']ON Oi' THIj1: COUNTY OF EIJGiIN, hereinafter oalle4 the ~~rpOlr.atio:nf' of t~~ ~d. Pa.r:t. W'HE1R1EJA.S by By-iLaw Number 1m passoo b(y the IClounca (J;f the said', . ',Cooporation on. the twenty-seventh day of J:anuaJiYl. 19313, a. franchise rwasgranted. by said- 'CoFpor;ation 00 Slaut:lb.Je:rn Ontario Gas COu.n.ipany, Lim:iIterdL, to, construct and maintain a system of pia;les for conveying and distributing gas over, wong or lUipon such roads or highways, as provided, subject to the tler.r::rus. coodi,tions, agreements and reg1.IlLations setout' in Schedule "A" to said Bw~Law Numbel' 1197 attached. AN[) WiHERiE:AS by Letters. Patent issuled under The Carnpa..11ies 4ct (QlIlrtario) the fran~hdSJes, rights and privileges of ,Southern On~ tariro - ~_ O.ompany; Limited, - became - and -3lre vooted - in Dominion Natural Gas Oompany, Li.rnited, .an amaJ.g8lIr1a<te company made up of t.Q,~ ~g_iSOjUthJern,Onita-ri9-_-Ga.s O:mllPamr, Limited, and The DomLlliol) N(J>tW'al OW::,', GPmpalllY, ~ited, and the said 'Dam.inion Natural Gas ~Y;I4rn.ited, llas_ requested a renewal 'Of the said - f,ranchise and :~ree]1l,?nt. ) AND ,'WlHEREAS by By.,.!I..,aw Number 14D2, ,passed the twe..'I1'ty- second. day of Jian,uary, 1943, Ithe OOUIliCil of the said ;OcTipOration re- newed. EIY-Law Number 1197 and the 'agreement therein referred' to for a foother period of ten years from and after th.e twenty-sev-etDlth day of Jam.itary, 1943. ~l'ID WHE;REJAS by By-Law Number 1623 ll'lssed the 26th day of November, 1M2, the said franchise and agreement has been renewed for the f:urther term of ten years f.rom. the twenty-sev'el1!th day of January, 19.53, and these presents are in t:urtherance 'Of ,the s.aid By- Law Number 1:623. NOW TtHElRlEFO;RE the parties hereto, their successors and as~ sig'ls respectively hereby CORVenlPlt, promise and agree each wLth the other as follows, that is to say: L - The franchise granted by the said ~-iLaw N'umber 11:97 fu"1d -the agreeiITIient. .therein ref~ITed: to are hereby renewed for the period cd' ten yeg.rs fr<Jm a.nd after ,the tvv"'enty-seventh day of Jl:l,nuary, 1953. upon the terms and conditions mut~tis mut~nciis set forth in sai.d! By-Law Number 1197. ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 143 2. The !OoID(paI1Y doth hereby decIaT1e its acceptance of the said! renewal, and for itself, it..s successors and assigns, Covenants and a:grees with the :County. its successors and ,assigns that it 'Will iPer- :form, obserrv;e 'and comply with all 'the agreements, obligations, ter.rrus and conditions j,n the said :renewal by-law contamed, .and on its part to be performed, observed and! vompliJed !With, and the County agrees to observe and perfomn .the sa.id renewal }}y-1aIw and oonrlitions so far as the same relate .00 them. IN WI'TINESIS W1HEmEOF the OOl1l(pany :has hereunto affixed its corporate seal -undier rthe hanrdLs off rthe President and Secretary of the OompMW and the Municipal 'Corporation has her:eunto affixed its COl'lplm'at,e sea.! under the hands 'of ,the Warden and 1000erk ,of :the Oor- poration. SIGINED, SEALiliID MID DE- LIVElRE[) in the presence of ( ) 1 I DOMINION NA'I'ill/iAiL GM O!Oll\ffiPAiNY, 1JLM'ITEt) By J. R. REElVES, Pr~idenJt E~ D. P. SPENCER, Seoretary J THE CORPORATION OF. THE OOUNTY OF ElDGIN R. K. MoNErL, Warden J. D. THOMSON, OIe.rk \,- ELGIN COUNTY COu:NIOIL 14,5 COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE .January Session To the Warden and Council of the iOounty of Elgin: Gentlemen: Your Road Cozrim!ittee begs to report as follows: 1. The follQrwing is .a iS1.1!lTIlnlIaI1Y of the Road Exlpenditures for the year 19'511: ResUrfacing Gravel Roads Maintaining Gravel Roads New Pavements, Surface Treating Old Pavements... Repairs to !Pavements iBridges and Concrete CUlverts Pipe CUlverts Dust Control Snow ,Removal 10e 'Control Weed Control Ditching and Tiling Fencing, Gulard Rails, Signs, Etc. Railway Crossing Priotection Limd Purchases Town Line Accounts <Drainage Assessments Tools and Oounty Garage EJonpenses New-Machinel\Y and R,epaoirs IStock~P1pe. -Plank, Reinforoement, Etc. Superintendence Of,fiCIe Exipenses and OVerhead Legal -Fees Clerical Assistance Oonsta.ble Fees Travelling Expenses Grants to Town of Aylmer and Villages ]!nsurance, Oompensation and Pension Fund Holidays With Pay Allowances $ 44,763.65 311,766.30 10fr,451.64 4,ilW,2~ 21.992:41 11,114.0,1 14,1li9.33 2,435.89 3,7i16.02 9,890.n 5,&12.3~ 4,739.60 4,783.68 1,230.53 13,27Q.28 9'12.00 5~16.2'1 4:1,386.08 21,215.m 5,800.00 939.92 10.00 1,&00AlO 1,243.40 1,115.57 3,650.00 4,00'5.87 1,735.56 146 lffi'Jdm COUNTY OCiUNOIL Urban Improvements Suburban Roads 6,778.39 26,729.58 - $ 4~4,102.63 8,260.53 -- $ 395,842.16 Less Stock Balance 2. :Some of the Works contemplated last Janua...-y were not con- structed dille to the ooarcity of materials, ;mainly i'einfarc:irig steel and drainag.etile. 3. We find t.hat the Estimates for 195'2 Will be slightly higher .than the expendiuUlres made in 1:95<1 for the follorwing reasons; a. The prices of paving materials, calcium, h.1Jmber. steel. cement and other bu'ilding materials are continually advancing. b. Since Janruary 19,511, the Highway Improv€m'Emt Act. was amenO-- ed to pruvide that UTba...l'1 Municipalities all are to be paid annually by the Dounties, :contributa.tions otf . at least 25.% of the amounts paid ~ the Urban Municipalities for County Road eXipendibures. c. It will be necessary to p~ace more gravel on the gravel, roads this yea.r than in 19511. 'There was little damage from frost action }ast spring and some of the loads were carried over whioh ordinarily would have been regravelled. 4. We approve of the ISuburban R.oa.ds Oommissioners est'imate of $40,000.,00 for the O!irTent year. 5'. We reoornmend that t..lJe Warden name delega.tes to the Annual Meeting of the !Good Roads Association to be held in Toronto in Feb- .!I1iaJ:'ly 12th and 13th, 195.2, and that the Annual fee be paid.. We also recommend that FIred. A. Bell, OOun:qy Engmeer and George Powles, Assistant Roan SUlperintendent attend the m.eetings Of the CO<'::iIl:ty Engineers en 'February 11th. 6. We appirove of BIY-Laiw No. 1489, pasSed by the Council of the TOIWllSihip .of Yarmouth Ihndting the speed limit on the COunty Roads in the Village of !Sparta to 3<;1) miles per hour. E4GINOOUNTYC:OVNcn. :1_41 7. We reooanmend that consideration of tIle. ~pplication . of the Council of the Torwnship 'Of Bruynarn for the iCcmnty to assUil.Il.-e' .a pOT- tion 01' the Town iLine between the TOW1l8...'1.]ps of Biayoom. anti! Mala- hide be deferred until the' road in quootion >is inspected by !the M'erru- hers of our C'cmLmitree. B. We recommend consideration of the request of the Cbmncil of the Township of iDuU'wioh that- portions of County Roads No.. 2 and No; 8 -be :paved this 'Year and .that the Goyne Road -between King's Highwa\y Nu. 3 and GO"..mty Road No.8 be assumed as a 'County Road, {be deferred until the roads i:!l question are in..~ted b!y rthe Members of orur Oommittee. 9. We recommend tha.t Warren street in the V:i:1lage of Port stanley, be aSSi1l1IUed as a County !Road, subject to the 3.ipprQIVal of the Ontario Departmerut of Highways. 10. We estmnate that the sum of $4316,QOO.OO ",ill be required fa? !the maintenance and construction of OO'l.1nby and 'Suburban Roads for the yea.r 1-9'512,. allocarted as follows: Resurfa.c.ing Gravel Roads MaintaL'1ing Gravel Roads New Pav€IDlents, surface Treating Old Pavements Repairs to Pavements iBridges and Concrete Qulverts Pipe ICUJrverts Dust Oontrol Snow Removal IJOeControl Weed Control Ditohi1ig and-TilIDg Fencing, Guard :Rails, Signs, Etc. iRailway Grossing Protection Land Purchases Town Line Acoounrts Drainage Assessments Tools and 'County Garage ~enses New Machinery and Repairs Stook---<P1pe, Plank, Reir..:forC6lilent, Etc. ,SUperintendenceyOffice Ex;penses and OVerhead Leg-al Fees $ 65.000.00 4.1),000.00 1:l5.000_00 4,000_00 16,000.00 9,000.00 14,000-00 5,000.00 4,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 5,000.00 5,000-00 1,500.00 Hi,OOO.OO 1,000_00 6,000.00 20,000.00 8,OOOJXl 6,000_00 1,000_00 300_00 148 ELGIiN ,cOUNTY OOUNCliL CleriooJ. Assistance OOI1stable Fees Travelling_enses Grants to T6w:n of Awlmer and Villages Irlsur'ance, Compensation, Pension :FIund Holidays With Pay Allowances Urban Improvements SulJ'tm'1ban Roads 2,000.00 1,200.00 700.00 9,DOO.0lJ 4,10Q.OO 2,000.00 20,000.00 40,000.00 Less stock Balance $ 446,800.00 W,800.00 $ 436,000.00 Of this amormt the County's share will be 2(}% of cost of constructing Baidges and Oulverts '50% of $3Tl,000.00 iSubull"ban Roads the $ 6,000.00 185,500.00 9,400.00 ~ ;, which is aboult 6.12 mills on an assessment of for County purposes. $ 199,90000 $(32,392,751.1.00 In 1949 the rate waS aborut 5.3 mills. In 1950 the fate Was abOut 5 inills. In 19611 the rate was abOut '5.7 mills. _All of whirch is respectfully submitted. EDMUND ASHTON, Chairma'1. ELGIN OOUNTYCOUNCIL 149 INDEX GRANTS- Agrioultural and iHortiootltural Societies PUJbllc Libraries To the Warden and Rie!POrters Women's Institutes MISOELLANEOUS- Appointments of Delegates 'COnmuunications 100tt:r1rby CoiUJl1Cil ICoUlllty Officials Deputations and Oommit'tees Municipal C!lel"ks and'I1rea.sru.rers Warden's Address Warden's Election BEPORTS OF COMMITTEES AND OFF1IClALS_ AgrtcuJltJural Oommittee O<>UiI>l(y 01er1k on Licenses OoUl1Jty Home Ooanmittee Gauntly TreaSltU"er's Report Edf\1Cation .committee Equalization ~ance GornJmittee S_etary's iae[poa:rt of the Elgin County Home Librarian Petitions and Legds1ations Physician, Oounty Heme !Property Oommittee Road Committee iWeed Inspecitor Administrataon of J1ustice Committee Hospital Oommittee 14 46 Wi 14 19 4, 22. 34, 4>\, 1;10 3 ........... 2 10, 12, 26, 36, 45 .2 8, 20, 32, 42, W8 4 47, 48, 49, 128 7~-76, 117-120 80-&, 129 72, 126-128 76, 120 66 51-65, 130 121-125 70 68-70, 102 120 82-84, 132 7'1-'79, 133, I-m"'1148 137 67 70 reo ElF-AN COUNTY COUNOIL BY-LAWS- No. 31600- To ARlthoriz.e the Warden and Treasmer to Borrow the Sum -of Four Hundred and Fiftly Thousan:d Dolla.rs 85 No. 1601 A BlY'-[Lam to Frovide" for the - Toml 19:5:2 ~pend- ittwe on the County RooicL ISlvstem EStabMshed Under the. Highlway Ihnlprov€ment.Act and on County Bridges in -the Oounty of Elgin 85 No. lIloo A Ew~LllJW to Amend 1he BLv-!Law Adopting a Plan of -Cbun:ty Road Improvement and Esta.blish1ng a County Road. System in the C'.orunty Of Elgin Under the Highway IiInprovement Act 87 No. lGro To Appoint a C'ounrtw Rood Committee . .. .., 88 No. 1604 To Aipipoint ,a Board ofAtudit in the 'County of Elgin for the year, 19152 88 No. 1605 To Appoint a County A:u!ditor 89 No~ 1606 To iA:uth6rize the Wa;roenand .oleTk to :Sign Deed Oonveying Land to the Township Q1f Yarmouth 90 No.16<l7 To Amend By-Law No. 1586 90 No. 1!008 Being a BW-iLa.w to Pa;y iSeclretary to the Local As- sessors' Association 91 No. HillS To Authodze the Wau-den to Sign Agreement re Ad.mini:stration of Justice Ex:pen.sesPayable by the Oity of 'st. Thorn!as 92 No. 16110 Ber',ng a ~\V":Larw to Amend By-Law No. 1541 re Bensions of County EmplQl"'.{ees 92 No. 16111 To Raise AmciUllts fer Coun'W Rates During the Year, 1-95>2 93 No. 16'lQ To 'Confirm the El:::l;ualization Qif the Assessment Rolls of the iOountyof Elgin for" the Year, 1952 94 No. lul13 Wh-ere:as -'Section 18, Chajpr1;er 279, Revised Statu)tes of Ont,ario; IG;50, ProYides far the AppointmeTht of County Oonstables 95 -No. 1614 To AlPpoint a Member of the Senate .of the Un- :i:versity of Western Ontario 96 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCilL 151 No. 1615 Whereas It Is [Deemed Advisable to Refund a Por- tion of Pensi'o!Il O"neques to the Old Age Pensioners in the :County Heme 96 'No, 1616 ':Do hppoin;; a County Auditor 97 No. 1617 To Appoint 'a Superintendent and Matron for the Elgm County Heme 98 No. 1618 A By-La.w to Amend the By-Law Adopting a Plan of -Gauntly Roads lffiIproverneIllt and Estab-lishing a cOIUll-ty Road System in the County of- EU.gin U.nder the Highway IimJ~ovement Act 98-1QI No. Hi19 Granting Certain Privileges to Western A&lley Milt- erals Ltd. 101-106 No. 1620 To Amend Bw'..[,aw No. 1'5911 're Mileage to Oaunqy COu-llJCil Members 107 No. 1621 To Amend By-Law No. l554 107 No. 16212 A By-La,w <to Oonfirm. EIY...La.w NO'. 1258 of the ToviTIship of BaiYham, Being a By-lLaw to Provide for (J.IJosing and stopping up the Northerly Portion of Road BetIWee:n Lorts 16 and 17, in the FLrst (kJlll- ces'sion of the T-orw-n.sh:Lp of Bayham 139 No. 162,3 Granting Privileges to Dominion Na1Jt.lral Gas Co., Ltd, 140-143 RESOLUTIONS- Re Special Committee to Strike Standing COmmittees 7 Re P.etition for Gove:rnmer:.-t Road Subsid~. 7 Re Report on st. Thomas-Elgin General Hos.pital 10 Re Apipreciation to< Frank Cowan InsUT'anJCe Agency for Medals for Sa.fety Driving 13 Re Agreement Q[ Adaninistration of Justice Costs with St. Thomas 14 Re Su["V'ew Pla,ns 3'6 Re l\Illeage for County Councillors 37 Re Exipeng;e5 for Decocating Court Hmse for Centennial 4.0 Re Centennial Addition to the st. Thomas Times-Journal 46 Re Elgin Crop Improvement A.ssooiation 114 A~v~8n ~~