1953 Minutes PROCEEDINGS OF TEtE Elgin County Council During the Sessions held in the Court House - St. Thomas in the months of January, March, June, September and November 1953 ... J. D. THOMSON, W. S. McKILLOP, County. Clerk Warden COUNTY OF ELGIN OFFICIALS, 1953 J. F. McMillan, County Judge Miss Bernice Coyne, Registrar I. D. Canieron, County Court Clerk, and Sheriff E. F. S. Sanders, Clerk of the Peace, County Crown Attorney and County Solicitor R. W. McDonald, Jailor Alex. McColl, Public School Inspector R. E. Rawlings; Assistant Inspector J. D. Thomson, County Clerk, and Treasurer F. A. .Bell, C.E., County Road Superintendent George Powles, Assistant County Road Superintendent Dr. D. L. Ewin, Jail Physician Dr. Hugh C. Knox, County Home Physician E. Donald Smith, County Police Magistrate a. L; Wi,nson, Superintendent County Home C. Kirkwood, Corporal, Ontario Provincial Police Claybourne Gordon, Weed Inspector, R.R~ 7, St. Thomas R.. W.Johnsou_&__Co.,_CountyAuditor__ MUJl..icipaIity Clerk Treasurer Aldborough__nm.m______m______Chas. I. Black, RodneY_m_m n__.m_ ._..mC. I. Black Dunwich.mm_____A. N. Walker, Duttonm._________Mrs. Mildred McNeil, Dutton Southwold__.m________W. a. Blewett, R.R. 6,: St. Thomasm______m__W. G. Blewett yarmouth_____..___._____________H. L. Lawton, St. Thomas______________.._m....H. L. Lawton Malahidem___________Harley Johnson, Box 478, Aylri1ernmm___..,Harley Johnson Bayhammum_____.n.__.______J. D. Vallee, Straffordville____________mmm_____J. D. Vallee South Dorchester._______________Ross Evert, R.R: 3, BelmonL__________unRoss Evert Town of Aylmer_______...____________John S. Foy, Aylmer______________m__c__John S. Foy Village of Vienna______Mrs. Louise McDonald, Vienna._____Mrs. L. McDonald Village of Springfield__________W. G. Charlton, Springfield__________Ralph Smith Village of Dutton______mmZ. E. MacCallum, Dutton__________Bert Smith, Dutton Village of Port Stanley____......_J. H. Burke, Port Stanley____________J. H. Burke Village of Rodney.hm______________G. L. Mistele, Rodney_____________m_mG.. L. Mistele Village of West Lorne______________Ronald PrevetLum___m_Mrs. Tena McGregor Village of Port BurwelL..h__..____...H: Grieve, Port BurweIL_____________H. Grieve 41 F. :-~f , "' ,j y- c, ~. '\ 'J (, j " ,\ ~, -J PROCEEDINGS OF THE Elgin County Council FIRST SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 20th day of January, 1953 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St: Thomas, as required by Statute The following members filed Certificates and t60ktheir seats at the Council table: James W. Neil, Reeve, Aldborough, Philip W, SChleihauf, Deputy Reeve, Aldborough William S. McKillop, Reeve, Dunwich. Alistair B. Littlejohn, Deputy Reeve, Dunwich, George Silcox, Reeve, Southwold. Clarence Culver, Deputy Reeve, Southwold. Henry Parker, Reeve, Yarmouth. Cyril M. Williams, Deputy Reeve, Yarmouth. George Roszell, Reeve, Malahide. Bruce Marr, Deputy Reeve, Malahide Charles F. Jackson, Reeve, Bayham,. Walter D. Nelson, Deputy Reeve, Bayham. John B. Wilson, Reeve, South Dorchester" Kenneth M. Williamson, Reeve, Aylmer. R~ S. Sheppard, Deputy Reeve, Aylmer. Howard Palmer, Reeve, Vienna 4 ELGINCOUNTYCOUNC~ l t, Elmer Wapkley. Reeve, Springfield. A. E. Roberts. Reeve, Dutton. Dr. C. A. Bell, Reeve, Port Stanley. Philip Pensa, Deputy Reeve, Port Stanley Robert F. Coles, Reeve, Rodney. Gordon Beattie, Reeve, West Lorne. H. Q. Alward, Reeve, Port Burwell. 'i , The election of Warden was proceeded with, andeD the fifth ballot, William S. McKillop, Reeve, of Dunwich township, was declared Warden for the year, 1953. ,t 'J The Warden thanked the members of Council, and took the Declara- tion of Office. Ex-Warden McNeIl presented the Warden to the Council Moved by P. Pensa, Seconded by G. Roszell, That the minutes of the last day of the November Session, 1952, as printed in the Proceedings be approved. " p i -Carried~ .' " The following Communications were read and referred to their various Committees: COMMUNICATIONS From the Ontario Good Roads Association re Annuai Convention, and Request for Membership Fee. - Referred to the County Roads Committee. From the Ontario Municipal Board with Order re Annexation of part of the township of Yarmouth to the City of St. Thomas. - Filed. r From the County of WeIland requesting review of the Administra- tion of Justice Expense Act. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. ELGIN COLrnTY COUNCIL 5 From the County of Waterloo re Ban to Importation of Oils to manufacture Dairy Products. - Referred to the Agriculture Committee. From the County of Grey re Pension Cheques of Residents of Homes for the Aged. - Referred to the County Home. Committee. From the Memorial Hospital re Increased Rate for Indigent patients. _ Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Elgin-St. Thomas Centennial Fund with Report - Refer- red to the Finance Committee. From the Department of Reform Institutions re Use of Skim Milk in the Jail. - Referred to the Property Committee. From the County of Peel with resolution for exclusion of the use of vegetable oils in dairy products. - Referred to the Agriculture Com- mittee. From the Ontario Municipal Board with Order re Annexation or portion of Malahide to the Town of Aylmer. - Filed. From the County of Oxford re Opposition to the. Importation and ~ale of vegetable oils. - Referred to the Agriculture Committee. From the Navy League of Canada with request for grant. - Refer- red to the Finance Committee. From the County Council Section of the O. E. A. re Convention and request for Membership Fee. - Referred to the Education Committee. From the Canadian National Institute for the Blind with Report and Request for grant. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Salvation Army with report and request for grant. - Re- ferred to the Finance Committee. From the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Coommission with Estimates for 1953. - Referred to the County Road Committee. From the st. Thomas Area Civil Defence with request for grant. - Referred to the Finance Committee. 6 ELGIN COUNTYOOUNOIL From the St. John's Ambulance with request for grant. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Ontario Municipal Associatio;n with request for Member- ship Fee. - Referred to the Finance Committee. Frcim the Registry Office with return of fees for the year, 1952. - Filed. From the Ontario Agriculture CounCil re Annual Convention and request for Membership Fee.. - Referred to the Agriculture Committee. s From the University of Western Ontario with Report and request for grant. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Canadian National Institute for the Bliridre Increased Pension and Abolition of Means Test. - Referred to the Finance Com- mittee, From the Ontario Conservation and Reforestation Association with request for annual grant. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the Elgin.,.St. Thomas Health Unit with request for increase in per capita grant to the Unit. - Referred to the Finance Committee. ., ~ . o Moved by J. Neil, Seconded -by P. Schleihauf, That the Warden and Clerk be authorized to submit,to the Minister of Highways of Ontario, the petition of the County of Elgin showing that from the first day of January, 1952, to the thirty-first day of December, 1952, there has been expended on the County Highway System the sum of $430,356.83 <" -Carried. Moved by H. Parker, n Seconded by Dr. .C. A. Bell, ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNOIL 7 That Section 59; of By-Law No. 1463 of the Rules and Regulations be suspended and the Warden appoint a Committee of four to strike the standing COD?m~ttees for 1953. -Carried. The Warden appointed Reeves Parker, Wackley, Coles, and Wil- liamson, as a Committee to strike the standing Committees for 1953. Moved by J. Neil, Seconded by P; Schleihauf, That we do now adjourn to meet to-morrow morning, January 21st, at 10 a.m. -Carried. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. wn...L S. McKILLOP, Warden. 8 ELGIN COUNTY. COUNCIL ~,' FIRST SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 21st day of January. 1953 The Elgin County Council met this day, at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment; The Warden in the Chair. , All the members present. The Warden addressed the Council, ~ :'\;1 g The minutes of the previous day were read and approved. A Communication from pon Clark expressing appreciation for the grant to the Elgin Student attending Ridgetown Agricultural School was read and ordered filed. A report of the Hospital Committee was presented and referred to the Finance Committee. ,p., The first report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Williamson, and Reeve Wackley" " The report of the Committee to strike the standing committees was presented, and adopted on motion of Reeve Coles and George Silcox. It was moved by Reeve Coles that Mr.. A. V. Langton be now heard. Mr, Langton addressed the Council on the Agricultural conditions, and the activities of the various agricultural organizations of the County. The members of the staff of the Health Unit were present and Dr Knipe, C. Voaden, Dr. Coburn, and Miss Horton addressed the Council on the work of the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit. It was moved by Reeve Neil that Major Dummerton of the Salva- tion Army be now heard. Major Dummerton addressed the Council on the work of Bethesda Hospital. o Moved by Henry Par.ker, that Dr. Dobson of Alma College be now heard. Dr" Dobson invited all members of the Council for lunch on ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 9 Friday' noon -to Alma College. This invitation was graciously accepted by"the Warden and Council. It was moved by Reeve Jackson that Dr. Allen, Vice-President of the University of Western Ontario be now heard. Dr. Allen addressed the Council on the activities of the University; _Moved by J. Neil, Seconde"d by Gordon Beattie, That we do now adjourn to meet at 3,.30 p.m -Carried. WARDEN'S ADDRESS To the Members of the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: May I again be permitted to express to you my sincere gratitude for the honour which you have conferred on me and our Municipality which I represent, in electing me as your Warden for the year, 1953. I want to congratulate aU members in their election back to office, either by acclamation or ballot, also to welcome all new members to this Council, and knowing these new members, I really think they will be' truly an asset to this Council. We have just celebrated the Centennial year, that is, the anniversary of the last hundred years. We have had a period of progress and pros- perity; our standard of living is the best ,in the world. We think we have the greatest Country in the world, too, with large expanding indus- tries, and many natural resources, which we have only tapped. Some ten years ago the gas.oline that flowed from our wells would only supply our needs in Canada for one week. But in the near future we will have a supply that will .serve our every need. The pioneers who came out to settle this Country endured many hardships while paving the way to our present civilization. 10 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Our hydro is gIVIng us a wonderful '3ervice, and is steadily ex- panding. The new hydro project at the Falls, will, with those two 45-foot tubes, make it possible to carry 20,000,000 cubic feet of water a second through each tube. ~ Our taxes have been steadily increasing, til now, and are beginning to become quite a load. Our local educational system that is putting on such frills in the new schools throughout the province, accounts for part of it, along with hospital accounts for indigent patients, rates of which are also going up with more and mor~ patients each year, and seemingly no end in sight. d 'li The rate of pay in industries is higher with farm income on the decline. We all know what happens when farmers are buying less- the wheels of industry slow down or stop, leaving unemployment. From here on its an old story. Therefore, I would say we should economize in such Dep'artments as possible. A couple of events which we wilI celebrate thi.s year are the opening of the new St. Thomas-Elgin GeneraL Hospital, and the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth in June. I also think this Council should individually, or in a body, see the new Times-Journal Building. It is truly a credit to St. Thomas. They say Pete Birdsall has an office fit for a King. " " Finally, I want to say that we are now starting a new year in a new era. We have made mistakes in the past and will make mistakes in the futUre. But let us all strive to give this Country the. very best we have, now, and in the coming years. Our Road Budget for this last year has in all probability been the highest on record; with an expenditure of $436,000.00. This is an enor- mous amount of money; we have paved some 15 miles of hard surfaced roads this last year. We need good roads; but after all, the load is getting too heavy, and I will say to you people at this time to check road expenditure and any other departments; that we may cut on, so that our burden may be lightened some. ;J, The Council resumed. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 11 A Communication from the Elgin Horse Breeders Association re- questing a grant was read and referred to the Finance Committee. The second report of the Finance Committee was presented, and adopted on motion of Reeves Williamson and Alward. An invitation from the Bank of Montreal to a reception on Thursday at 5:30 p.m., was accepted. Reeve Roberts moved that the Council stand for a minute's silence in memory of the late Honourable M. F. Hepburn. Moved by J.. N ei1, Seconded by P. Schleihauf, That we do now adjourn to meet on Thursday, January 22nd, at l:ena. m. -Carried. J" D. THOMSON, Clerk. WILL S. McKILLOP, Warden. '.r'- ,j 12 ELGIN COUNTY COL'NOIL -';/ FIRST SESSION - TIDED DAY Thursday, the 22nd day of January, 1953 The Elgin County Council met this day Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. at the CourtIIouse, St. The Warden in the Chair. ~' All the members present, except Reeve Roberts. 'i: The minutes of the previous day \vere read and confirmed. A Communication from the Aldborough Agricultural Society request- ing an increase in the County grant was read, and referred to the Agricultural Committee. It was moved by Reeve Neil that the delegation from the Canadian National Institute f()r the Blind be now heard. Mr. Goldie and Mr. Wheeler addressed the Council, requesting grants to the new building and annual grant. These requests were referred to the Finance Com- mittee. <', ., The report of the Agricultural Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Neil and Reeve Parker. Moved by Dr. C. A. Bell, -Seconded -by George Roszell, That the County Clerk be instructed to write a letter to every doctor of the St. Thomas and Elgin MedicaJ Association requesting that they notify the municipal clerks on the admission of indigent patients to any. hospital. This letter should contain a list of the names of the municipal. clerks, with their telephone numbers. q c~ -Carried. ELGINOOUNTYOOUNOIL 13 Moved by C. F. Jackson, Seconded by G. Silcox, That the Clerk send a letter of congratulations from the Elgin County Council to the Honourable F.S. Thomas, on his recent appoint- ment to the office of Minister of Agriculture for Ontario. -Carried. Moved by P. Schleihauf, Seconded by Gordon Beattie, That this Council do now adjourn to meet at 3 p.m. -Carried~ The Council resumed. The report of the Education Committee was presented, ~d adopted .on motion of Reeve Coles and Reeve Silcox The report of the Property Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Deputy Ree\Te Sheppard, and Deputy Reeve Marr. The report of the Petitions and Legislations Committee was presen- ted, and adopted on motion of Reeve Alward, and Deputy Reeye Culver.. Reeve Silcox gave notice that he would present a resolution to- morrow, requesting the Provincial Government to take steps for a redis- tribution of tax burden of Education on ;Property tax. . Moved by H. O. Alward, Seconded hy Howard Palmer, That the Elgin County Council petition the Provincial Dept. of "Highways to extend No. 19 Highway at the intersection of No. 19 High- way and Robinson Street in the Village of Port Burwell via County ''1'7 14 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNOIL if Road No. 42 to the southerly extremity of Chatham Street in the said village; and that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Honour- able F. S. Thomas, Minister of Agri-cuIture, M.L.A., for Elgin. -Carried. Moved by P. SChleihauf, Seconded by J. Neil, ~' That we do now adjourn to meet on Friday, January 23rd, at ten a.m. -Carried. 't' J" D. THOMSON, Clerk.. WILL S. McKILLOP, Warden. '" . " ,,-~; ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 15 FIRST SESSION - FOURTH DAY Friday, the 23rd day of January, 1953 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in t.he Chair. All the members present. The minutes of the previous day were read and confirmed. The second report of the Agricultural Committee was presented, and on motion of Reeve Coles, the Council went into a Committee of the whole with Reeve Jackson in the Chair. After amending the report, the Committee arose, and the report was adopted on motion of Reeve Neil, and Reeve Coles. Moved by G. Silcox, Seconded by C. F. Jackson, "That the Elgin County Council request the Provincial Government to enact Legislation for a more equitable distribution of the cost of Education 'on' farm lands and urban property, and that copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Honourable Leslie Frost, the Honourable M. Dunlop, and Honourable F. S. Thomas, the Ontario Educational Association, the Municipal Association, and to all County Councils." -Carried. Reeve Silcox, Reeve Roszell, and Reeve Parker spoke on this reso- lution. Moved by H. Parker, Seconded by B. Marr, That we do now adjourn to meet at 2.30 p.m. -Carried. d 16 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ',':1 The Council resumed. The third report of the Finance Committee was presented, and adopted on mati,on of Reeve Williamson; and Reeve Palmer. The report of the County Home Committee was presented, and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Littlejohn, anq. Deputy Reeve Wil- liams. ,; The question of a grant to Alma College was discussed, and Reeve Palmer moved that the Council go into a Committee of a whole with Reeve Wackley in the Chair. After a lengthy discussion, a resolution for a grant of $1,000.00 was approved. " The report of the Road Committee was presented, and adopted, on motion of Reeve Parker and Reeve Roszell. Moved by C. Jackson, Seconded by W. D. Nelson, An amendment to the motion that we grant $1,000.00 this year, and recommend to the future Councils that the same grant be given until a total of $5,000 is given to Alma College. #[ ---'Carried. , The Warden appointed the following delegates to attend the various Conventions: GOOD ROADS:-Neil, Schleihauf, Beattie, Roberts, Silcox, Culver, Palmer, Jackson, VVTilson, VVTackley, Parker, 1.1arr, Roszell, Pensa, War- den McKillop, and the Clerk. EDUCATION:-Dr. Bell, Warden McKillop, and the Clerk. , MUNICIPAL:-Littlejohn, Coles, Williamson, Sheppard, Alward, Nelson, Williams, Warden McKillop, and the Clerk. ~ Moved by J. Neil, Seconded by Gordon Beattie, ELGIN COUNXY COUN= 17 That By-Law No. 1624, "To authorize the Warden and Treasurer to Borrow the sum of Four Hundred and Fifty Thou~and Doll~rs," be read a first time. --Carried. M<:lVed by Gordon Beattie, Seconded by J. Neil, That By':'Law No. 1624 be read a second time. ":'-Carried. Moved by P. Schleihauf, Seconded by J. Neil, Tha.t By-Law No. 1624, be read a third time and finally passed. ~arried. Moved by H. Parker, Seconded by C. F. Jackson, That By-Law No. 1625; being, "A by-law to Provide for the total 1953 Expenditure on the County Road System established under the High~ way Improvement Act and on County Bridges in the County of Elgin," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by E. Wackley, Seconded by J. Wilson, That By-Law No. 1625 be read a second time. --Carried. '" 18 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL :.,;; Moved .by W:Nelson, Seconded by C. M. Williams, That By-Law No. 1625 be read a third time and finally passed. -Darried. Moved by A. Littlejohn, ,;;; Seconded by A. E. Roberts, That By:"'Law No. 1626, "To appoint a Board of Audit in the County of Elgin for the year, 1953," be read a first time. , -Carried. Moved by A. E. Roberts, Seconded by A. Littlejohn, That By-Law No: 1626, be read a second time. "i -Carried. . Mov,ed by A. E. Roberts, Seconded by R.Coles, That By-Law No. 1626 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Howard Palmer. . , Seconded by Clarence CUlver, That By-:-Law No. 1627, j'To appoint a County Road Committee" be read a first time. .t1 -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 19 Moved by R. S. Sheppard, Seconded by Howard Palmer, That BYMLaw No. 1627, be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Howard Palmer, Seconded by R. S. Sheppard, That By-Law No. 1627, be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by H. Parker, Seconded by Bruce Marr, That By':'Law No. 1628, "To Amend By-,Law No. 1607," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by C. M. Williams, Seconded by E. G. Wackley, That By-Law No. 1628 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by John Wilson, Seconded by C. F. Jackson, That By-Law No. 1628 be read a third time an:d fihally passed. -Carried. ., 20 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved -by J. Neil, Seconded 'by P. SChleihauf, That we do now adjourn to meet on Tuesday, March 17th, at 10 a.m. -Carried. "" ..J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. WILL S. McKILLO~. Warden. . 4l . '" ~ , ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ~1 REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO STRIKE THE STANDING COMMITTEES To the Elgin COll'nty' Council: Gentlemen: The following is the Report of the Special Committee to strike the Standing Committees for 1953: Administration of Justice-Judge McMillan, Philip Pensa, and Treas- urer. Agricultural-Neil, Silcox, Parker, Roszell, Jackson, Wilson, Warden McKillop. County Roads-Neil, Silcox, Parker, Roszell, Wilson, Warden McKillop. Advisory Committee--Jackson, Coles. County Home-Littlejohn, Williams, Roberts, and Warden McKillop. Children's Aid-Warden McKillop, and H. Palmer. Education-Schleihauf, Littlejohn, Culver, Williams, Marr, Nelson, Wil- son, Sheppard, Pensa, Wackley, Palmer, Roberts, Beattie, Coles, Alward, and Warden McKillop. Equalization-Neil, Warden McKillop, Silcox, Parker, Roszell, Jackson, Wilson, Williamson, Wackley, Palmer, Roberts, Coles, Dr. Bell, Beattie, and Alward. Finance-Neil, McKillop, Silcox, Parker, Roszell, Jackson, Wilson, Wil- liamson, Dr. Bell, Roberts, Coles, Palmer, Beattie, Wackley, and Alward. Health Unit-Dr. Bell, and Culver. :Hospital-Williamson, Wackley, and Warden McKillop. d 22 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL '-', Legal-Schleihauf, Nelson, Beattie; and Warden McKillop. Library Board-Alward, Beattie, Nelson; and Warden McKillop. Petitions and Legislations-Littlejohn, Culver, Wackley, Williamson, Coles, Alward, Warden McKillop. Properyy-Sheppard, Marr, Schleihauf, Warden McKillop. ,4 Reception and Entertainment-Parker, Palmer, Roberts, Sheppard, and Warden McKillop. ;:... All of which is respectfully submitted. ROBT. F. COLES, Chairman. January, 1953. 4; " ": ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 23 AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE January Session, 1953 - First Report To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from the County of Peel re Exclusion of use {)f vegetable oil in our dairy products be approved. 2. That the resolution from the County of Peel re Warble fly be filed. 3. That the resolution from the County of Waterloo re Bali of "importation of oils for Dairy Products be approved. 4.. That the fee to the Agricultural Council be paid, and the Warden and Reeve Neil attend the Convention. 5. That the annual fee to the Ontario Conservation Association be paid. 6. That a grant of $2,000.00 be made to the Agricultural Office, All of which is respectfully submitted. JAMES W. NEIL, Chairman. ..January, 1953. ~ 24 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ;.,:.. AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE January Session, 1953 - Seeond Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: ,;, 1. That the request of the Aldborough Agricultural Society be filed. o . 2. That the grants to the Agricultural and Horticultural Societies be the -sarne as last year, one hundred per cent of the Provincial grant. 3" That Warden McKillop, Reeve Neil, and Mr. A~ V. Langton be a Committee to alldcate the grant of $2,000.00 to the various Agricultural organizations. Ali of which is r.espectfully submitted. JAMES W. NEIL, Chairman. l< January, 1953. ~ -~~ ~ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FINANCIAL STATEMENT ELGIN AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE January 11, 1952 - January 12, 1953 Receipts Elgin County Council +c.....,..............................,...........___m_'.$ Refund, Royal Winter Fair, Horse Show- 37 seats (cross entry) _______mm________________n_____________________ Refund, Inter-Club Competition Expenses, Guelph.._. ExperiditUl'es Actual Debit Balance~ an. 11; 1952.,..,_____-'_______,_____,__",.$ Breed Shows Black & White Show, Aylmerm___.mn........$ Jersey Parish Show, Aylmerm__..__.......__m_ Ayrshire ~how, Aylmer_mm__m...________..________ Beef Cattle Show, WaUacetowD_____m____nnn 100.00 100.00 36.00 100.00 $ Field Crop and Plowmen's Organizations Elgin County Soil and Crop Improve- ment Association mnnnmmmmm___nmnmm$ Elgin County Plowmen's Associationmmn Elgin County Fruit Growers' Associationm_ Elgin County Seed Fair mn__nn_nm_::._...______ 200.00 150.00 50.00 200.00 $ Junior Farmers Elgin County Junior 'Farmers' Assoc- iation _____________..______________________.___n____nn_____________$ Elgin County Girls'Institute _mmnm__mn__m 225.00 125.00 $ Jrmior Club Work Aldborough Poultry Club __m_mnm____mmm_$ 12.00 Aldborough Corn Club _m_mmmnmmm________. 10.00 25 2000.00 74.00 47.00 .$ 2121.00 115.93 336.00 600.00 350.00 26 ELGINCOUNTYCOUNC~ Aldborough Beef Calf Clu.-b m___~___m,__'________ Wallacetown Beef Calf Club +._._m______________ West Elgin Grain Club mn_.__...___nn_______m+ Shedden Calf Club __________._......._..._______________ East Elgin Dairy Calf Club ________m_.mm_m___ Central Elgin Tractor Club ____m__._.+_._m____ East Elgin Swine Club nnm_mm__.._____m____ East Elgin Grain Club _m___________+_____..._____ Belmont Dairy Calf Club ____,________~____.___..___ East Elgin Forestry Club nmm__nm_--..m__ Judging Competitions Inter-Club Competitions, O.A.C., Guelph, (9 teams boys and 5 girlsL___n__$ Inter-County Livestock Judging Team, Royal Winter Fair, (4 t~am members) Entry Fees, C.N'.E. JudgingCompeti- tions, 5 boys ___ mmnmmmmn___n___m Girls' Club lVork Hall Rental, Achievement Days _moooooo__oo__$ Honour Pins, etc. __....__m_mm___.__.___m______________ Miscellaneous Royal Winter Fair, Horse Show Seats (cross entry) __m_moonm_m_mm___m_m_m_mm$ Pictures, Provincial Poultry Team Win- ners _nn__n___ .n__.____m____m__________..____m__n___'______ Expenses, 3 Beef Calf Club Members at Walkerton Fair _____m_moomm_m_______mmm____ Bank Service Charges m__+____.______m_mmoom 7.00 11.00 7.00 13.00 13.00 11.00 8.00 12.00 11.00 11.00 $ 100.00 80.00 5.00 32.00 8.15 $ 74.00 11.50 22.55 3.26 $ i:<' 'ii/ 126.00 ft 185..00 40.15 '* 111.31 TOTAL EXPENDITURES .___............___..___.___.______.___.$ 1864.39 n. ~ , ELGINCCOUNT.YcCDill'!= :tl Bank Balance --'---;:~-~'i~_:-,:_.,-_::":.:.:_-,$ Less 0/8 Cheques- $36.00 and $2.55...____-'--m---- 95_16 38_55 $ Plus Bank Deposit, Jan. 12 56_61 200_00 ACTUAL BALANCE m_m_ 256_61 $2121.00 Audited and found correct, January 15, 1953. R. K. McNEIL, W. K. BODKIN. A. V. LANGTON, Secretary_ COUNTY HOME COMMITTEE January Session. 1953 To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The County Home Committee reports as follows: 1. That the County farm be listed with Real Estate Agents. 2. That the Superintendent be authorized to purchase some kitchen cooking utensils. 3. That we endorse the resolution from the County of Grey, that Pension Cheques of residents of the Institution be sent to the Treasurer of the County. All of which is respectfully submitted. A. LITTLEJOHN, Chairman. January, 1953. d 28 ELGIN.COUNTYCOUNClli );i EDUCATION COMMITTEE January S~sion. 1953 To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Education Committee reports as follows: '~ 1. That we grant the Elgin County Library Co-Operative the sum of $4,500.00 for the year, 1953. 4 2. That the Membership Fee in the County Council Section of the O. E. A., be paid, anc:l the Warden to appoint delegates. 3. That the annual Scholarship of $100.00 each, to the boy and girl attaining the highest academic standing at the University of Western Ontario from the County of Elgin be approved. 4. That a grant of $100.00 to the boy from Elgin County with the highest standing attending the Riq.getown Agricultural School be ap- proved. "" 5. That the usual grant of $50.00 to the Elgin County Trustee and Ratepayers Association he paid. . 6. That Mrs. Ludy, Walter Rogers, and Clarence Taylor be reap- pointed members of the Library Board. All of which is respectfully submitted. R. F. COLES, Chairman. .January, 1953. '\ " ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 29' FINANCE COM1lllT;l'EE o.!anuary Session, 1933 - First Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The ~inance Committee reports as follows: 1. That the following hospitaLa~countsbe paiel,: Memorial Hospital, St. Thomas .._________________,...,_.__.__________,,___$ Victoria Hospital, London ........___.____m_______n..nmm_nmmn____ Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital .unun___n..._._......__ 7,317.ao 1,082.90 846.08 TOTAL moomomO"OO ,..o...o......oooooom.....mo$ 9,246.28 All of which is respectfully submitted. K. M. WILLIAMSON, Ch8:irman. .January, 1953. FINANCE COl\lMITTEE January Session, 1953 - Second RepOrt ~o the Elgin, County Council: Gentlemen: The Finance' Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Warden and Treasurer .be authorized to borrow the :sum of $450,000.00 from the Bank of Montreal as may be required, and the necessary ;By-Law be prepared. 2. That the salary of Mrs. Mary Burke be $2,lOa.OO per year payable monthly. :in ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ~. 3. That Pay List No.1 of Charity and Welfare Accounts, amount- ing to $1;502.45 be approved for payment. 4.. That Pay List No.1 of Children's Aid Society Accounts amount- ing to $2,924.49 be approved for payment. 5. That Pay List No. 1 of Printing, Postage, and Stationery Ac- counts, amounting to $424.30 be approved for payment. 6. That we pay the statutory rate of $3.50 for all indigent patients who are residents of the County of Elgin. "" 7. That the request of the Navy League for a grant be filed ~ 8. That we grant the Salvation Army $500.00. 9. That the request of the St. John's Ambulance for a grant be filed. 10. That the request of the St. Thomas Civil Defence Area for a grant be filed. 11. That a grant of $500.00 be made to the University of Western Ontario. ~ 12. That the annual membership fee in the Ontario Municipal Association be paid. 13. That a grant of $2,{)OO.OO be made to the Children's Aid Society. 14. That we pay the Health Unit $1.10 per capita the same as last year. 15. That a grant of $50,,00 be paid to each Public Library in the County" is. That the Law Library of the County of Elgin be granted $50.00. 17, That the local Assessors be paid $7.00 per day and mileage, for not more than fNe days. , All of which is respectfully submitted. ~ , K. M. WILLIAl\rlSON, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 31 FINANCE COMnlTTEE January Session, 1953 - Third Report To the Elgin County Council, ~ntlemen: The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That Pay List No. 27 of Children's Aid Society Accounts for $1,978.48, Pay List No. 28 for Charity and Welfare Accounts for $1,262.90, and Pay List No. 29 for Miscellaneous Accounts for $123.00 be approved. 2. That we accept the Judge's decision on survey plans of the town- ship of, Yarmouth amounting to $1,112.50, and the portion of the cost of Eden plan as decided by the Judge. 3. That the report of the Hospital Committee be accepted, and printed in the Proceedings. 4. That Dr. Bell, Reeve WiUiaIlUlon, Dr. H. Knox, Alistair Little- john, be a committee to investigat~ and transfer to the Elgin County Home, and Squire's Nursing Home, any Chronic patients in the Memorial Hospitalor Annex suitable for transfer. 5. That we accept the Centennial Fund Report. 6. That the annual grant af $400.00, and $1,000.00 toward the new building of the Canadian National Instltute far the Blind be approved. 7. ';L'hat the request of the Elgin Horsebreeders Assaciation be referred to. the Committee allacating Agricultural grants. 8. That the Elgin Caunty Cauncil request the Provincial Govern- ment to pay $100.00 per manth for rent of Palice affice in the Court House. 9. That the County members on the Board of the Children's Aid Society be paid $3.00 per meeting for ead~ meeting attended. All of which is respectfully submitted. K. M. Williamson, Chairman. .January, 1953. 32 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ~ HOSPITAL COMlllITTEE REPORT January Session, 1955 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: During the year of 1952,: 12 regular and 16 Special me-etings were l1eld. plus numerous rn~,eti:Q.gs., with the, Union officials. It was my pleasure as your Chairman,t? have att~nded ,10 ,regular and 10 special ID_eetings being on the Finance and Property Committees. '" ~ Proposed expenditures for the year 1952, were $691,954.00, approxi- mately $50,000.00 over th.e 195L Budget. Of this amount $58,000.00 was estimated as over expended. Figures available at this time ahead of audits showed $19,074.46 expended. Some of the -items budgeted for were as follows: Laundry: Budget __nmnmm:. ..___m...mm__mnn___h_. _...$ Expenditure __n._uon__n_ .....______ nn__...n.nnmnn..n_mnn__ Dietry: ._nnn__m n.___._.+__________.____..__.__.n..___+__.___..____.n._n.._ Expenditure __m__m__________.____________________n..__________.______._ Residence Budget __,_____..____.______n_________n_...___________.._ Expenditure ___.,__._____...n__.__......_..__n___m_m_.__.C..__.n_m._ Bedding and Linen m__mnn____+n.___mm____mn .m__ Expenditure .._.._m______m________m_nnn__...__.n___. "" Dispensary and Drugs ____n___mnn...._mnmmnmnn___ Expenditure n.n____.....____.___________m_nnn....._.__m._._.____.._ Medical and Surgery h._.nnm'mn___n_____'" mmnmnnn Expenditure ______mn_ ..+_._.._____m_____________._. u_.___+_m_n..._ 6,000,00 3,900.00 88,000.00 87,500.00 1,200.00 600.00 5,000.00 4,700.00 45,000.00 38,000.00 35,000.00 2ll,000.00 if.I( . Administrative and organization controls are beginning to show up at this time, in the amount of at least 3%. This compared with the Insurance Companies that figure 5% proves their merit. Over the year, 1952, capital expenditure was approximately 1% of what was anticipated. .. With the new accounting system setup at the present time, and with the aid of mechanical machines, a better system of monthly reports will be available. '" Union negotiations have been taking place since May 10, which has been a real problem for the Board. However, the final agreement was ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 33 to have been signed Saturday last, dated back to January 1st, 1953. This of course is for a period of 1 year only. This entailed countless meetings for the solicitor and Board. Plenty of difficulty with salaries confronted the Board. The outcome was better than we had figured at the outset. At this time the rates for indigent patients have not been establish- ed, approximate figure is Annex mmm___nn_______.$ 8.40 Memorial 00_____.;._______.$11.80 This is of course subject to revision and it is the hope of the Board to come up with a concrete f.'gur~ on this in the near future. All of which is respectfully submitted. H. PARKER, Chairman. FINANCIAL' STATEMENT, 1952 ELGIN COUNTY LIBRARY CO-OPERATIVE Receipts Balance from 1951 mm_ ___mm_____m.....________________$ ,County Grant n.nn_nu._hn_nnnn_nnnnnmnnn_ "_.0000 Provincial Grant ____n_mmnn___nnmm Library Fees __mmnnnnnnnmm_ School Fees __nnnnmn_nn_ _m____n .__00000000___00___000000 Supplies sold m_nnmm __."n ______nnmmnmnmm_m_ Books Paid for _____m__ _mm___m______....uum_m_._.___. Expenditures Library Assoc. fees nnmnnnmm __ _0000 m___nn_____$ Binding __n_n__nn____".n__nnn ___n_______ nnmnnn__n___n Bookmobile _______________________.____________________u_______u__ Books _n__nnn_n_mn__ num__n__nnnnm__m__ Equipment ___u_m______.___.._____________u__m___.___n_nnn___ General Expenses mmmm__u______m___________________ Insurance ___n_______________n______.____________________u_____n__ 629.20 5,000.00 5,100.00 348.73 1,573.01 16.88 3.84 $ 12,671.66 12.80 281.73 450.93 3,846.99 231.93 318.76 101.55 34 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ,., Libr"ary Cards and Stat.. _mm_m_b..um..._______ Mending Supplies ________n________n________nuu___________ Receiver General mu__.._______________nmn_____m________ Salaries c__,,__,,______ ._uouo___m__________.....___________ ..__om__ Travel +uu__.._____...____..__uu___n__..__________m___________.._______ Cash on hand _n...._...uuu_nn__________.____________.....___ PROPOSED BUDGET, 1953 Estimated Receipts Balance from 1952 _m_____m__mm_mm__nm_ ________$ County Grant om____. _.m.____ m__nmum ___mm Provincial Grant om_"'. n.".m ___._nO __'__m __mum_ Library Fees n_n'_________...____.___________. ____ School Fees mm_;.m___mmmmmn..___._. Estimated Expenditures Library Assoc. fees ___..__.___.....___.........________________$ Binding ___.._.______,_.._______._____. ______________________ Bookmobile _.____._____________ _____.______________._ ____ Books .._,______u._.___m_____.__.___________________________ Equipmen t _u__u____._______._.___________._____u______._____....__ General Expenses ______m_________________________mm.._._... Insurance ____u___mu_______..u___________..____.._______..._._.___ Library Cards and Stat. _mm_on_u___mm___nm__ Mending supplies ____uon_onm____.____on______________.m Travel ____._____________.__,.___._.___________._,__________.___u______.__ Salaries ____._.____n_____.__._.__.___________________.____ Receiver General __m_mm_____'_____m____'.._._.._,__ 83.50 103.85 27.12 4,305.35 78.00 2,829.l5 $ 12,671.66 .. 2,829.15 5,000.00 5,600.00 320.00 1,200.00 10.00 700.00 600..00 5,060.15 150.00 500.00 125.00 100.00 100.00 lDO.OO 7,400.00 54.00 $ 14,949.15 ~ .(, ~ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 35 COUNTY GRANT REQIDRED: $5,000.00 PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE January Session, 1953 To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: The Petitions and Legislations Committee reports as follows: 1. That we endorse the resolution from the County of WeIland requesting that the Administration of Justice Expense Act and all other Acts having to do with Administration of Justice costs be reviewed, and redrawn with a view to bring the same up to date, and simplify the payment of expenses, and the assumption by the Province of its proper part of these expenses. All of which is respectfully submitted. H. O. ALWARD, Chairman. January, 1953. PROPERTYCOMrnflTTEE January Session, 1953 To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. The Administration of Justice Pay List No.1 for $1,010.24, Care of Buildings Pay List No 1 for $45,.95, and Registry Office Pay List No.1 for $147.98 be approved. 2. That Administration of Justice Pay List No.2 for $446.50 be paid. 36 ELGIN COuNTy COUNCIL .. 3. That the bathroom in the .Jailor's residence be renovated at approximately $380.00. 4. That a new flag be purchased for the Court House. 5. That we recommend new lights in the Clerk-Treasurer's office, and Mr. Powles office. 6. That we recommend the redecorating of halls on second floor and in the Clerk-Treasurers office. '*' 7. That the letter from Thomas M. Gourlay, re Skim milk be filed. .... All of which is respectfully submitted. R. S. SHEPPARD, Chairman. .January, 1953. To the Warden and Council of the County of Elgin: Gentlemen: .. Your Road Committee begs to report as follows:- 1. That we recommend the Warden name delegates to attend the Annual Meeting of the Ontario Good Roads Association to be held in Toronto on February 9th, 10th and 11th, and that the Annual Fee .of the County and Suburban Roads Committee of $35.00 be paid. l'f We also recommend that Fred A. Bell, County Engineer and George Powles, Assistant Road Superintendent, attend the meeting of the County Engineers on February 9th and the meeting .of the Ontario Good Roads Association. 2. That the Committee approves .of the estimates submitted by the St. Thamas Suburban Raads Committee for its 1953 expenditures. " 3. That we recommend that the Municipal Liability Policy M3637 as submitted by the General Accident Assurance Campany be accepted, Premium $967.24, subject ta an adjustment in the length .of the County Road mileage. .~ ELGIN COUN.TY COUNCIL 37 4. That we recommend the n,oJ;l:-owned auto pqIicy No. 89093 sub- mitted by the. Gore District Mutual Fire I"nsurance Compa,t:ly be 1,lccept- eCL,. 5. We estimate that the sum of $436,000,,00 shall be required for the maintenance and construction of County and Suburban Roads for thei year 1953 allocated as follows:....,.... ResurfaCing :Gravel Roads '..~~___m_h.";__n____~'.____..__m____.____$45;OOO;OO Maintaining Gravel Road and New' Gradingm'__;:__d"'. 45,000.00 New Pavements and Resurfacing Old Pavements...... 129,600.00 Repairs to Pavements +;....d____________.___h_~;___m_'_______..._,_....,.._ 5,000;00 Dust Control __________.___nmo......m___..________._______m._.____._......h...... 7,500.00 Snow Removal and Ice Control ___mmm._________.......___...mn 9,000.00 Weed and Brush Control '00......___0000.. ....hdn..........m....n..n 7,000.00 Urban Improvements .m.....___n...___n ._....___.......n___mm______..n 10,000.00 Ditching and Tiling ___.nnnm______n___.... _"'._""m;..___..m.....__mn 10,000.00 Fencing, Guard Rails and Signs ,'mmmm...m.m..nmm.___ 5,000.00 Railway Crossing Protection ..___n___mmnnnooomm__....____n.5,000.00 Land Purchases _..___.___.....................hm............___.___...____._....._ 500.00 Drainage. Assessments ___......'mnm__n..n.......mm...mm___.... 4,000.00 Tools and Expenses, County Garage m..n..n___..__...__.._ 4,000.00-' New Machinery, Repairs, Motor Fuel 0000____________............ 35,000.00 Stock - Pipe, Plank, Etc. ___nmm.._n....m.m._.___....n......nn 10,000.00 Superintendence ....".m...__.__.._.._.__.____,____,,___...._.m___"____.._~..___. 7,000.00 .office Expen.ses and Overhead ______...m___......___m_.'..m.____ 1,000.00 Clerical Assistance. ...._m___________nmn..n...mn..m.'_____.m..n_m___ 2,500.00 Constable Fees ___.___ .._.m___n____nn..m___.....___.. .. ..________m.mmn 700.00 Travelling Expenses m..m_mm___________. .._.._.. m___m..m...m___ 1,100.00 Crants to Urban Municipalities .__..........mn___nm___n..nmn 10,900.00 Insurance, Compensation, Pensions _m.m_nm_____.n_...C. 4,600.00 Holidays With Pay Allowances :__...m___n..___hmmmmn...__ 2,600.00 352,000.00 Less Stock Balance ______c.___.......n_____mm.__mmooom_ooon..._...... 14,000.00 348,000.00 348,000.00 Pipe CUlverts __..__n.___..._n____________m___._..__.___..........._.....m_______ 12,000.00 Bridges and Concrete Culverts m...m_..__........:.....________.___ 35,000.00 .Suburban Roads 47,000.00 47,000.00 41,000.00 41,000.00 436,000.00 436,000.00 38 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL :i:I.' o-t this account the: Cotinty's share will be 20% of the cost of con- structing Bridges and Culverts _m..'.____mm_____.._m__mnmm'__n_m._m_n 9.400.00 50% of $348,000.00 ............ .........................................................,....... ....... 174,000.00 Suburban Roads (County's portion) mmm_mm"mm_.__m_____.__nm _._m 9,650.00 which is about 5.861 mills on an assessment of .m - 193,050.00 $32,937.519.00 In 1949 the tate for County Hoad purposes was....._ In 1950 the rate for County Road- purposes was._ In 1951 the rate for County Road purposes was... In 1952 the rate for County Road purposes was. 5.3 mills 5.0 mills 5.7 mills 6.17 mills 'W:I'. All of which is respectfully submitted. H. W. PARKER, Chairman" St. Thomas, Ontario. January 23rd, 1953. ~ BY-LAW NO. 1624 To Authorize the 'Varden and Treasurer to Bo-rrow The Sum Of Four Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars The Elgin County Council enacts: That the Warden and Treasurer be, and are hereby authorized to harrow the sum of Four Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars from the Bank of Montreal as it may be required to meet the expenditures of the Corporation of the County of Elgin during the year 1953, and to give as security therefore notes of One Thousand Dollars or multiples thereof. Read a first time this 23rd day of January, 1953. . Read a second time this 23r~ day of January, 1953. Read a third time and finally passed this 23rd day of January, 1953. '. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk WILL S. McKILLOP, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 39 BY-LAW NO. 1625 A By-Law to Provide for the Total 1953 Expenditure on the County Road System Established under the IDghway Improvement Act and on County Bridges in The County of Elgin Whereas The Highway Improvement Act requires that the total expenditure on county roads and, bridges be provided for annually by county by-law and that the by-law be submitted to the Minister of High- ways for approval. Therefore the Council of the Corporation of the said County enacts as follows:- (1) The suinof $436,000.00 is hereby appropriated from monies raised by levy; debentures and government subsidy for total expendi- ture upon construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the year 1953 as follows:- Construction Maintenance. New Machinery un Miscellaneous ___m Roads .mm.$151,600.00 mnnnnmmnnnnmm$162,900.00 nnmnnnmmnnmnm$ 25,000.00 nmnnnmnnnmnnnm$ 45,500.00 Bridges and Culverts $ 39,000.00 $ 12,00000 Total $190,600.00 $174.900.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 45,500.00 Totals mnnnnmmnm.$385,000.00 $ 51,000.00 $436,000.00 (2) The said monies shall be expended under the sUperVlslOn of the duly appointed county road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to reach the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways of Ontario, not later than the 24th of January of the said year. Passed at St. Thomas this 23rd day of January, A.D. 1953. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. WILL S. McKnLOP, Warden. I, J. D. Thomson, Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, do hereby . certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. 1625 passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the 23rd day of January, 1953. J. D. THOMSON, County Clerk. > 40 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL lZ, BY-LAW NO. 1626 I'To Appoint a Bo~d of Audit in the County of Elgin fortbe' year 1953." T~e Elgin County Council enacts: T1;at the J~dge of t~e_ ~?~t1nty ,_C~uJ.'t and the _ ,Treas~rer, and Mr. Philip Pensa, be 'and ar'e her'eby appointed members of the -Board of Audit to perform the duties required of them by the Revised Statutes of Ontario. >! That the members of the said Board of Audit be paid the sum of Se.ven':Dollars :pe'rday fOT;theitser'vicesrand fifteen cents per mile going to each Audit. . Read a first time this 23rd day of January; 1953. Read a ,second time this 23rd day of January, 1953. Read a third time and finally passed this 23rd day of January, 1953. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk, WILL S. McKILLOP, Warden. .. BY-LAW NO. 1627 -~ "To Appoint a County Road Committee" As requiredbJ' the Highway Act the Elgin County Council enacts: That the fallowing five members of this Council constitute a Com- mittee for the purpose of directing the work to be done on the County Road System: George Roszell nmnumnnn___mn __mnmn___nfor Term of One Year . James Neil n_____m for Term of Two Years GeorgeSjIcox_ ..m:,'nu'n':~__':m__n:_._m:n:_for Term of ThteeYears " Henry Parker _~mmnmm_____m_ _ nn _________._for Term of Four Years John B. Wilson ..n..mmCmmnnm nfor Term of Five Years ELGlN COUNTY COUNCIL 41 That By-Law Nci'~ j603, be; arid: is hereby repealed: Read a first time this 23rd day of 'January, 1953. Read: a second time this 23rd -day of January;- 1953~ Read a third time and finally passed this 23rd day of January, 1953. !. p.- THOMSqN!: .C~e,rk~ ~ S. ]4l?~P, Wa,rden. BY-LAW NO. 1628 "To Amen.4'J3,y-Law No. 1607" The Elgin County Council enact~: That the salary of Mrs. Mary Burke, Assistant, to the County Clerk and Treasurer, be Twenty-One Hundred Dollars per annum, payable monthly, and effective January 1st, 1953. That By-Law No.. 1607, be, and is hereby amended. Read a first time this 23rd day of January, 1953. Read' a second time th~~ 2~r4 q.ay ()f January, 19;)3~ Read a third time and finaHypassed this 23rd day of January, 1953. J, D. THOMSON, Clerk. WILL S. McK]l:,LOP; Warden. . 42 ELGIN COUN.,!,Y COUNCIL " SECOND SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 17th day of l\Iarch. 1953 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court ~ouse, St. Thomas, in accordance v.rith adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members were present except Deputy Reeves Sheppard and Williams. " The Warden addressed the Council. ,~ The minutes of the last day of the January Session were read and confirmed. The following Communications were read and referred to their various Committees: Reeve Parker moved that. Sheriff I. D. Cameron be now heard. Sheriff Cameron addressed the Council re .Jail Salaries. Reeve Neil moved that Mr. Neilson of Ridgetown be now heard. Mr. Neilson addressed the Council re Weed Control on roadsides. Reeve Neil moved a hearty vote of thanks to Mr. Neilson for his splen- did address. c\\ . Moved by C. F. Jackson, Seconded by W. Nelson: That By-Law No. 1265 of the township of Bayham to stop up, a:nd close, and sell a portion of road in the township of Bayham be confirm- -ed, and the necessary County by-law be prepared. -Carried. Moved by J. Neil, Seconded by P. Schleihauf: ~ That we do now adjourn to meet at 2.30 p.m. -Carried. ELGIN couN'T'i COUNciL 43 The Council resumed. The first report of the Finance Committee was presented.. and adopted on motion of Reeve Willia.ttl.son and .Reeve Dr;C. A. Bell. The second report of the Finance Committee was presented, and adopted on motion of Reeve Williamson and Reeve Parker. The report of the Equalization Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve 'Wackley arid Reeve Beattie. The third report of the Finance Committee was presented, and adopted on motion of Reeve Williamson and Reeve Alward. Moved by K. M. Willia.mson, Seconded by H. O. Alward: That By-Law No. 1629, "To Raise Amounts for County Rates Dur- ing the year, 1953," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Howard Palmer, Seconded by Clarence Culver: That By-Law No. 1629 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by George Silcox, Seconded by R. F. Coles: That By-Law No. 1629 be read a third time and finally passed -Carried. Moved by P. Schleihauf, Seconded by J. W. Neil: That By-Law No. 1630, "To Confirm the Equalization of the Assess- ment Rolls of the County of Elgin for the year, 1953," be read a first time. -Carried, . ;i4 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ~ Moved by J. W.Neil. Seconde~ by P. Schleihauf: 'l;1l1a:t: 13y-~a W1~f o:-163(); -be. read_ a .second time. -Carried. Moved by G;Beattie. ~,eco~ded by .T. W. ~ei,l~ That By-Law No. 1630 he 'tead'a third time and finally passed. <X "--Carried. Moved by C. F. Jackson, Seconded by Walter Nelson: That By-Law No. 1631, being, "A By-Law to Coufirm By-Law No. 1265, of the township of Bayham, being a by-law to Provide for Closing, and stopping up, and .selling a portion of Road across Lots 121 and 122 between Concession 7, and the North Gore, of the township of Bayham," be read a first time. . -Carried. Moved by E. G. Wackley, <t Seconded by H. Parker: That By-Law No. 1631, he read a second time. :*, -Carried. Moved by H. O. Alward, Seconded by Bruce Marr: That By-1..aw No. 1632 be read a third time and f..tzlally passed. -Carried. Moved by Gordon Beattie, Seconded by J. Neil: ~ That we do now adjourn to meet on Wednesday, March 18th, at lOa,m. '" -Carried. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. WILL S. McKl1LLOP, Warden. ELGIN ",-oUNTY COUNCIL .4{; SECOND SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 18th 00>' of March. 1958 The Elgin C~unty Council met thi~ ~ day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adj~urnment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members were present except Reeve Silccix, Reeve -Roberts, Deputy Reeve Sheppard, and Deputy Reeve Williams. The minutes of the previous day were read and confirmed. The report of the Petitions and Legislations Committee was presen- ted, and on motion of Reeve Wackley the Council went into a Commit- tee of the whole with Reeve Dr. Bell in the Chair. A discussion on the resolution from Kent County requesting resCinding the plumbing code. Dr.. Hoffman. Medical Officer of Health was introduced, and addressed the Cou-,ucil It was moved by Reeve Wackley that Clause 8 be removed from the report and referred to the June Session of County Council, and that Clause 9 be approved instead of filed. Owing to Dr. Bell being called to the hospital, Reeve George Roszell took the Chair. The Committee arose, and the report was adopted as amended. Moved by J. Neil, Seconded by Gordon Beattie: That the County Treasurer be authorized to pay to the St. Thomas- Elgin General Hospital, the balance of the grant amounting to $200,000.00, as may be requested by the Hospital Board. -Carried. Moved by J. Neil, Seconded -by P. Schleihauf: That we do now adjourn to meet at 2 p.m. -Carried. ~ 46 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ~, The Council resumed. The Agriculture Committee Report was presented and adopted, on motion of Reeve Neil, and Reeve Beattie. The report of the Property Committee was presented, and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Schleihauf, and Marr. Reeve Bell introduced the matter of sidewalks On schoolhouse hill in Port Stanley requesting the County Council to pay for the same. 'fI Reeve Alward requested improvement of sidewalks in Port Burwell. The requests were referred to the Road Committee. . Th Clerk read a report on the expenditures on the new hospital to January 31st, 1953. The Warden appointed two members to meet with the City Council re Coronation. These members were Reeves Parker and Wackley. Moved by J. Neil, Seconded by P. Schleihauf: {I That we do now adjourn to meet on Tuesday, June 16th, at 10 a.m. --Carried. " J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. w. S. McKILLOP, Warden. " " J ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 47 COMMUNICATIQNS March Session, 1958 From the Minister of Agriculture with appreciation re Elgin County resolution. - Filed. From Elgin County Tree Commissioner with resignation. - Re:!er-- red to the Agriculture Committee. From the Dept. of Reform Institutions re .Jail Salaries. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the County of Northumberland and Durham re licence Fee on Tourist Camps" - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Clerk of the City of st. Thomas re Coronation Celebration. -Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. From the Frank Cowan Insurance Agency re Cost of Appraisal of the County Home Buildings. - Referred to the County Home Committee. From the University of Western Ontario with appreciation of grants. -Filed. From the County of Ontario with resolution re Manufacturing Sale of Edible Oil Products. - Referred to the Agriculture Committee. From the County of Lincoln with resolution requesting Federal Grants for Education. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. From the Western Ontario Agricultural School with appreciation of grant. - Filed. From the County of Halton with resolution re Dept. of Highways Sand piles in towns and villages. - Referred to the Petitions and Legis- lations Committee. From the Girl Guides and Brownies re Coronation plots on the ,Court House grounds. - Referred to the Property Committee. ~ 48 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ;:, From the Chamber of Commerce, Port Burwell, re Hard Surface on Lakeshore Road. - Filed. From the Minister of Highways re Assuming County Road in the YilIage 9~ Pi?rtB;ur~ell. 7"'"'7 Filed. From the County of Grey re the Banning of Vegetable Oils. - Re~ ~P~,~g ts>, tBe :~_rt~~JHUr~,:go}?~iy~ee. From the County of Peel, with resolution re School grants on build- p~~~:,:-:-::_~efeHe.d t? ,tl1e ;Pe.titions and Legislations Committ~e. ... From the Ontario Association of Managers of Homes for the Aged apd InfiJ:'l!1 re Annual Conv~nt,ion and Membership Fee. - Referred to the County Home Co~mittee: ~ . From the County Council Sectio,?- of the 0" E; A. with Letter of Appreciation. - Filed. From the Trade and Industry Branch of Planning and Development re Conference. - Referred 'to the Finance Committee. From the County of Haliburton with resolutIons to make a levy for municipal tel~phone system. ::- Referred to the Petitions and Legisla- tions Committee.. ~ From the Honourable F. S. Thomas re Extention of Highway in Port Burwell. - Filed. " From the Counties of Stormont, Dundas, and Glengarry, re a Central place :fo"rExecutions. "'- Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. From the Ontario Provincial Police re Rental of Office. - Filed. From the Kent County Health Unit with resolution opposing new plumbing code. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. , From Barnes Bros. with' Price for Light Fixtures in Court House. -Referred to the Property Committee. ~ From Rev. P. S. Dobson, Principal of Alma College:, 'St. Thomas with letter of appreciation for grant, for the year, 1953. ,.....-' Filed. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 49 From the Salvation Army with appreciatfonfor grant, for 1953.. - Filed. From the Council of the Village of Rodney re November 11th, as a statutory holiday" - Referred to the Petitions and:1Legislations, Com;" mittee. REPLIES FROM OTHER COUNTIES TO ELGIN COUNTY RESOLUTIONS Resolution re-"Enactment of Legislation for. 'a more equitable distribution of the Cost of Education on farm lands and urban property." Acknowledged-Honourable F. S. Thomas, Minister of Agriculture, Premier Fros~, Ontario Municipal Association. Endorsed-Lincoln, York, County of Ontario. Lost-Halton AGRICULTURE COMMITTEE March Session, 1953 To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The AgricuJtural Committee reports as follows: 1. That Mr. James A. McBain, and Lyal Tait be Tree Commissioners for Elgin County for the year, 19'53. 2. That the resolutions from the County of Grey ~nd the County of Ontario re Manufacture and sale of edible oils in Ontario be filed. All of which is respectfully submitted. JAMES W. NEIL, Chairman. , 50 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 4 EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE March Session, 1953 To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: The Equalization Committee reports as follows: ~ 1. That the following be the equalization of the AssessmentRoll8 Df the County of Elgin for the year, 1953: , Aldborough ............................___.____...___.....__....____.$ 3,671.595 Dunwich ....................__.____m____.__...____.__._____.mm___ 3,653.074 Southwold ___.....____.....___..____.__________.__._m....______...___ 4.696,675 y armouth _m______...________________________________________________. 5,981,115 Malahide _____..______..._______________________..____________________n_ 3,867,501 Bayham __n_______.._______________.___________________.___.__,________. 2,767,538 South Dorchester m.m.oooo.___.....oo.___.m__m..nm.oon 2,216,482 Aylmer ...................................n.._...................._..... 2,519,469 Port Stanley oo.......moo..........___...................oo.......... 1,631,015 Dutton ...............................................................c.... 500,549 Rodney ..........................__....................n...........n..... 513,446 West Lorne .......___....................................__....... 512.666 Springfield ...........................__............................... 195,303 Vienna ...~......._..................__......................_......._... 144,547 Port Burwell ....n..................n..nn.........___noom...oo 267,489 ~. 1t TOTAL $33,138,464 All of which is respectfully submitted. ELMER WACKLEY, Chairman. . J ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 51 FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT March Sessioll; 1953 - First Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That Charity and Welfare Accounts Fay List No.2, of $800.50 and Children's Aid Society Accounts Paylist No.2, of $3,929.23 be paid. 2. That no action be taken on resolution from the County of Ontario. re Administration of, and licensing tourist camps by local municipalities. 3. That the resolution from the County of Ontario re voting for Warden by ballot be filed. 4. That the Communication from the Dept. of Planning and Devel- opment re Conference in Toronto be filed. 5. That the cost of living bonus of the Jail Staff be $420.00 per year to commence April 1st, and the Clerk be authorized to communicate with other municipalities regarding salary increase. All of which is respectfully submitted. K. M. WILLIAMSON, Chairman. FINAc,",CE COMMITTEE l\Iarch Session~ 1953 - Second Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: 'h. The Finance Committee reports! as follows: 52 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL "" 1. That the fOlloWing hOspital accounts be paid: Memorial Hospital, St. Thomas ________.mn..____________$ Victoria Hospital, London ______m______________mn______mn Tillsonburg Distri-ct Memorial Hospital ____...._.. St. Joseph's Hospital, London __________________________~_~_. Toronto General Hospital, Toronto ____.m.n'____'_.. TOTAL All of which is respectfully submitted. ~ 7,023.88 1,419.38 518.31 52.00 24.00 $ 9,037.57 ~ K. M. WILLIAMSON, Chairman. COUNTY RATES, COUNTY OF ELGIN FINANCIAL REPORT Match Session, 1953 - Third Report To the Warden and Council of the County of Elgin: "Gentlemen: ,~ '" The Committee on Finance beg leave to report that having inquired into Finances of the County, and estimates prepared by the County Treasurer, they herewith submit a statement of the expenditures requir- ed for the lawful purpose of the County during 1953, showing the amount required to be raised for the undermentioned purposes: Administration of Justice __________________......._......_...___$ Elgin County Home ....________________.........._.........__________ County Roads ......u______________......._......._..c.._._____c_________. Children's Aid Society ._..............___...______________._.._.. Charity and Welfare n_...._..__....___________________.._.___...... County Health Unit ......__.______________________..___.......____ Elgin Cpunty Hospital Debentures .__........uh_____ Municipal Government, Salaries and Wages_.__ Agriculture ..__.._______________._._.............__mu__u___.________c__._ 24,000 15,000 193,050 22,000 58,000 18,291 69,500 16,000 7,500 '<i ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 53 Interest _____.m._______________n______".._......__..________.________.'-... Printing, Postage and Stationery m_...........____.... Property ___.._._...__.___..___.__.__.____________.______...__.h________ Grants ..._._....______...________.__________________________m.._.._+-h.h.____ Tillsonburg Hospital _________________.m._________________m_______ Miscellaneous, Licenses, and Dominion Government Tax Refund ________nmn__nm__________ 8,500 1,000 4,500 12,000 10,000 1,784 $ 461,125 Your Committee would recommend that the s-q.m of Four Hundred .and Sixty-one Thousand, One Hundred and Twenty-Five Dollars be raised on all rateable property in the several municipalities of the County of Elgin, during the year, 1953, for County Purposes, and that a: rate of 14 mills on the dollar be levied on rateable property in the .several municipalities in the County to raise said amounts.. All of which is respectfully submitted. K. M. WILLIAMSON; Chairman. March, 1953. . 54 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL (;0 PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE March Session, 1953 To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: The Petitions and Legislations Committee reports as follows: '" 1. That the Ws:rden appoint two members to meet with City Coun- cil Committee re Coronation Celebration. 2. That the resolution from the County of Lincoln re Federal grants to municipalities for Education be filed. 3. That the .resolution from the County of Halton re Sand piles in Villages be filed. 4. That the resolution from the County of Peel re Tying School grants to Standard Department approved buildings be filed. 5. That the resolution from the County of Haliburton re One Mill municipal rate for maintenance of municipal telephone systems be filed. ~ 6. That we endorse the resolution re Central place for executions. b 7. That we concur with the resolution that High School Trustees be elected by the ratepayers instead of appointed by Council. 8. That we endorse the resolution from the County of Kent Board of Health, to rescind plumbing regulations pressed by the Ontario Dept. of Health last year. 9. > That the resolution from the Village of Rodney re Statutory Holiday On November 11th, be filed. All of which is respectfully submitted. H. O. ALWARD, Chairman. ..\J: ELGINCOUNTYCOUNcrL 55 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1953 'To the Elgin County, Coun-cil, Gentlemen: The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That Administration of Justic'e Pay List No.3 for $1,718.30 be paid. 2. That Care of Buildings Pay List No. 2 for $220.54 be paid. 3. That Registry Office Pay List No.. 2 for $65.20 be paid. 4. That Printing, Postage, and Stationery Pay List No.2 for $51.25 be paid. 5. That we accept the offer of the Girl Guides to plant Coronation plots on the Court H?use grounds. 6. That we accept the tender of Barnes Bros. of $150.00 fo~ lights in the Clerk-Treasurer's offices and Road Superintendent Office. 7. That we recommend stokers be installed on the Jail Furnace. All of which is respectfully submitted. R. W. SChleihauf, Chairman. '. 06 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL "" BY-LAW NO. 1629 "To Raise Amounts for County Rates During the Year, 1953" WHEREAS an estimate has been made showing that the sum of Four Hundred and Sixty-One Thousand, One Hundred and Twenty-Five Dollars is required to be raised in the several municipalities for the law- ful purpose of the County during the year, 1953, on the basis of the equalized assessment as determined in 1952. '" Municipality Total Equalized Value Aldborough ____________________.______________m________m_____.m._$ 50,399 Dunwich ___n__.__ .u_unnmmmmnnnnmnnmmm 3,653,074.00 Southwold mnn___. _ _ __.n..._ umnnnnnm___m...n.. 4,696,675,,00 Yarmouth mmnn___m ___unm__ _ __mn_ nnnnmm_ 5,886,815.00 Malahide nmmumm ___ummnm __ _ ____Om___________ 3,867,501.00 Bayham onn___nnnmmmnmnnnmmm..hmnm.O.m. 2,767,538.00 South Dorchester nnnnnmmnmmnnnnnnm..m 2,216,482.00 Aylmer mmmnmmnn...mnmmnnnmnnnmmmnm 2,519,469,,00 Port Stanley nnnmnnnnmnmnnmn...m....nmnn__ 1,831,015.00 Dutton _.0 ___ _nnmn _n_.mmnmnnnnnmmnmm...n 500,549,,00 Rodney .m___._m__ _.__.n....._.m. mmmmnn...n...mm 508,446.00 West Lorne .m..nmnmnn...m nnO_ mnnun...mn 500,666.00 Springfield nnnnnnnmmnmm_..m_...m. ...... uun 190,303.00 Vienna nnnnnn_mnnnmmnmmnnnnnmm___'nnm. 141,547.00 Port Burwell nmnmnnmmnnnnnnmnm......mm 257,489,.00 . " " $32,937,519.00 THEREFORE the Council of the Municipal Corparatian .of the Caunty Elgin enacts: THAT a rate of 14 mills on the dallar be levied an all rateable property in the several municipalities in the County of Elgin as above set farth for the year, 1953: . Municipality County Rate 50.399 51,143 65,754 82,415 54,145 , Aldborough 0000 ununo__ ___n...nnnnnnnnn.nn...n......$ Dunwich n..__.._C_.. .n..n. unm..n_.. n_n.___ _.__un.nmn Southwold _nmnnnnn.nm..nmn......n...m.__ Yarmoutn ......n.....__...n....nm_n..........nn......m....... Malahide ELGIN COUN'rY COUNCIL 57 Bayham __'___m...___n____nm___________________.___.___....______.. South: Dorchester ____m_______.___m__.~--n......____________ Ayl,rner _____.____m_n_______..___nn___.___......._.._________________,_ P,ort: Stanley _n._____._....___..+_..__.._.___________________._______~ Dutton ..__........__....____......__.____n__._________________._........ E,odIl,ey _______nnn_m______________________________.________...~~:~,;.. West Lorne ____.__.__m___...__________n_.................___________ Sprtngfield __m_.______~____________.___+.....___________.___________ Vienna ___n_m......___...___.___............._____________._____________ Port Burwell ____________n____'__n__m_m___.___'___~_,----"-'-. Read a first time this 17th day of March, 1953. Read a second time this 17th day of March, 1953. : 38;745 3X,031 35,273 22,834 7,008 7;118 7,009 2,664 1,982 3,605 $ 461,125 Read a third time, and finally passed this 17th day of March, 1953. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. W. S. McKILLOP, Warden. BY-LAW NO. 1630 <ITa Confirm the Equalization of the Assessment- Rolls of the County of Elgin for the Year, 1953" The Elgin County Council enacts: That the following be the equalization of the Assessment Rolls of the County of Elgin for the year, 1953. Aldborough mnmnm_' __'_.______...noo...mnn___n___nnoo$ 3,671,595 Dunwich __... U___"u__"____m_ ____________umn___oom_m___.... 3;653,074 Southwold n______mnmn_.________nm_mm_..____nmn _._moo 4,696,675 y armouth mm____n_____C_'n___n____________________.____..______ 5,981,115 Malahide _____n_m______.__,_",_______m___._____.__..___m...__O,,__ 3,867,501 BaYl:1am _m_mnn___n__,"'---,-.-----...-mmm...___________nm_. 2,767,538 South Dorchester ,nn'u _________nnnu____m___nnnm____ 2;216,482 Aylmer n__.___,m__'_' ______.___ u.__m_____m_'n___________....____ 2;519;469 Port Stanley _____mm_m_______m_____________________.._m_... 1,631,015 58 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Dutton __...____________________________.___.____......______________,___ Rodney .._.________.__._...._..___,..______________m___________________ West: !.Jorne _____.....__.__.___._________.__._____________.___.______ SpriJ::i'gfield _.._._..____._......__._____.__.....___________________ Vienna ________..._._..___.___m._____.............m.....___._....._ P.ort Burwell __.__.___.....___.....m...__..___..__.__.............. 500.549 513.446 512,666 195.303 144,547 267.489 $33.138.464 That this Council is willing to have the final equalization of Assess- ment Rolls, in case of appeal, made by the County Judge. :.q Read a first time this 17th day of March, 1953. Read a second time this 17th day of March, 1953. Read a third time and finally passed this 17th day of March, 1953. 3. D~ THOMSON, Clerk. W. S..McKILLOP, Warden. ",. ~Y-LAW NO. 1631 &'A By-Law to Conf~_By-Law No. 1265, of the Township of BayhanL, Being a By-Law to Provide for Closing and Stopping Up and Selling a Portion of Road Across Lots 121 and 122 Between Concession " and the North Go:r:e, of the Township of Bayham." ... WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham on the 27th day of October, 1952, A.D., did: pass By-Law No. 1265, for closing and stopping up, and selling a portion of Road Across Lots 121 and 122 Between Concession 7, and the North Gore, of the Township of Bayham, more particularly described in the said By-Law, true copies whereof are hereunto annexed. '<.l- AND WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act the said Township By-Law shall not have any force until confirmed by a by-law of the Council of the County in which the township.is situate passed at an ordinary meeting of the Council held not sooner than three months nor later than one year after the passing of the By-Law of the Council of the Township. ~' ELGIN COUN'I'YCOUNCn. :59 AND WHEREAS application has ,belen made ,to the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin for a By-Law confirming said Town- ship By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin -enacts as follows: THAT By-Law Number 1265, of the Township of Bayham, Being a By-Law to Provide for Closing and Stopping up, and _ selling-:-a, ,Portion of Road Across Lots 121 and 122 between Concession 7, and the North Gore, of the Township of Bayhanl, ,be,and the sameJsher,eby confir.med. Read a first time this 17th day of March, 1953. Read a second time this 17th day ofMarch,1~53. Read a third time, and finally passed this 17th day of March, 1953. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. W. S. McKII1LOP, Warden. G &l ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ? THIRD SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 16th day of June, 1953 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. '" AU the members were present except Deputy Reeve Littlejohn. The Warden addressed the Council. . The minutes of the last day of the March Session were read, and confirmed. Mr. A. Killough presented hi.s Certificate as acting Reeve of Spring- ft~ld. The following Communications were read and referred to their various Committees: The County Clerk presented his report ort Licenses, which was accepted, and ordered printed in the Proceedings. ~ The County Treasurer's report was presented, accepted, and ordered printed in the Proceedings. /"'" Moved by J. Neil, Seconded by P. Schleihauf: That we do now adjourn to meet at 2 p.!l'_ -Carried. The Council resumed. The Agriculture Committee report was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Neil and Reeve Roszell. ~ The report of the Education Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Coles and Reeve Palmer. ELGIN COUNTYcCOUNCIL 61 The first report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted, on motion of Reeve Williamson, and Reeve Co-les~ The PropertY Committee report was p'resented and adopt~d on . motion of Deputy Reeve Sheppard, and Reeve Beattie. The report of the Road Committee was presented aIid adopted, on motion of Reeve Parker, and Reeve Roszell. The invitation of Mr. Bruce C?-ldwelI, President of the Board of Directors of the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital to visit the hospital on Wednesday afternoon was accepted. Moved by J. Neil, :Seconded by Gordon Beattie: That we do now adjourn to meet on Wednesday, June 17th, at 10 a.m. -Carried. ..T. D. THOMSON, Clerk. WILLIAM S. McKILLOP, Warden. 62 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ."" THIRD SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 17th day of June, 1953 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, st. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. jet. All the members were present. The minutes of the previous day were read and confirmed. . A Communication from the Catholic Children's Aid Society of Toronto re Increase of rate to $2.10 per day was read, and ordered filed. The Warden requested the Clerk to read important points in the. by-laws of the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital. ' The Warden read a Communication on accidents on our highways, and requesting support of Council re Safety and prevention of accidents. Various members of Council discussed the problem. " It was moved that Mr. Richards of the Frank Cowan Insurance Agency be now heard. Mr. Richards addressed the Council, and explained the fire insurance on the Court House, Jail, Registry Office, and Jailor's residence. ."I!'I Moved by C. F. Jackson, Seconded by R. F. Coles: That we renew our fire insurance with the Frank Cowan Insurance Agency for the Court House, and several buildings in the block, and the contents at the increase suggested ~ -Carried. '" It was- moved by Dr. C. A. Bell that Dr. Hoffman, Medical Officer of Health be now heard. Dr. Hoffman addressed the Council on plumbing regulations. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 63 Reeve Coles moved that Frank Cowan be now heard. Mi". Cowan addressed the Council on Fleet and Compensation Insurance. Moved by J. Neil, Seconded by G. Beattie: That we renew our Fleet Insurance with a premium of $1,127.25, and Compensation Insurance of $1,342.00. with the Frank Cowan Insurance Company. .:-carried. The report of the Petitions and Legislations Committee was prese~t- -ed, and adopted on motion of Reeve Alward, and Reeve Beattie. The second report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted, on motion of Reeve Williamson, and Reeve Parker. Moved by C. Culver, :Seconded by A. Littlejohn: That the Elgin County Council requests the Department of High- .' ways of the Province of Ontario to make super highways in the Prov- .inee-toll roads, and that copies be sent to the Minister of Highways, and to all County Councils. Moved by Dr. C. A Bell, .Seconded by P. Pensa: That we do now adjourn to meet at 2 p.m. -Carried. The Council resumed. The report of the County Home Committee was presented and ;adopted, on motion of Deputy Reeve Littlejohn, and Reeve Roberts. Moved by C. M. Williams, -Seconded by Bruce Marr: 64 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL '" That By..,Law:No. 1632, '_~T.Q, Annex Area to the East Elgin High School District, and amend By,.LawNo. 1478; be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Bruce Marr, Seco_Iidea:py George -Roszell: That By-Law No. 1632, be read a second time. '"'" -Carried. ~ Moveci:by Gebrg~ Roszell, Seconded by Philip Pensa: That By-Law No. 1632, be read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by H. Q. Alward, Seconded by:W. D. Nelson: l;l.: That By-Law No. Hl33, "To Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign Deed re Sale of County Home Farm" be read a first time.. ". -carried. Moved by C. F. Jackson, Seconded by W" D. Nelson: That By-Law No. 1633, be read a second time. -Carried. . Moved by A. Killough, Seconded by C. M" Williams: -:~- That By-Law No. 1633, be read a third time, and finally 'passed. -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 65 Moved by James Neil, Seconded by P. Schleihauf: That By-Law No. 1634, being, "A By-Law to Amend the By-Law Adopting a Plan of County Road Improvement and Establishing a County Road System in the County of Elgin Under the Highway Im- provement Act," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by P. SChleihauf, Seconded by James Neil: That By-Law No. 1634, be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by J.. Neil, Seconded by Gordon Beattie: That By-Law No.. 1634 be read a. third time and finally passed. "",,' -Carried. Moved by Gordon Beattie, Secondeed by P. Schleihauf: That By-Law No. 1635, "To Appoint a physician for the Elgin County Home," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by R.. F. Coles, Seconded by A. E. Roberts: That By-Law No. 1635, be read a second time. --Carried. ~ ELGINCOUNTYCOUNC~ ~ o Moved by A. E. Roberts, Seconded by R. F. Coles: That By-Law No. 1635 be read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by P. Schleihauf, .. Seconded by James W. Neil. Resolved that this Council convey to Reeve Elmer Wackley sincere regret that. he was unable to a~tend June Session of County Council due to serious illness, and extend to him best wishes for a speedy recov- ery and early return to our midst. < Moved by Dr. C. A. Bell, Seconded by P. Pensa: That we do now adjourn to meet on Tuesday, September 22nd, 1953, at ten i1'clock a.m. -Carried. '.-'I: J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. WILL S. McKn..LOP, Warden. , COMMUNICATIONS June Session, 1953 From the township of Bayham re Annexation to the East Elgin High School District. - Referred to the Education Committee. From the Canadian National Railways re Signals at st. George Street. - Referred to the County Road Committee. --1:J.; From the Ontario Provincial-Municipal Relations Committee re Submission of Resolutions. - Referred to the Petitions ;and Legislations Committee. ELGINCOUNTYCOUNC~ 67 From the Select Legislative Committee on Cemeteries Act. - Refer- red to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. From the Ontario Municipal Association re Annual Convention. _ Filed. From the Supervisor, of Homes for the Aged, with report on the Elgin County Home. - Referred to the County Home Committee. From the Dept. of Agriculture re Reward for Livestock Theft. Referred to the Agriculture Committee. From the Dept. of Lands and Forests re Open Season for Deer. _ Referred to the Agriculture Committee. From the township of Southwold re Stop Light in the Village of Shedden. - Referred to the County Road Committee; From the East Elgin High School District Board re Agriculture grant. - Referred to the Education Committee. Erom the Women's Christian Association re Increase in indigent rate. - Filed. From the Municipal Clerks' and Finance Officers re Membership Fee. - Referred to the-'Finance Committee. From the County of Essex with resolution requesting Increased Wages for County Court Constables. - Referred to the Finance Com- mittee. . From the Perth Board of Education re Increased Motor Vehicle Tax for Education Purposes. - Referred to the Education Committee. From the Canadian National Institute for the Blind with apprecia- tion of grant. - Filed. From William T. Johnston re London and Port Stanley Railway. _ Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. From the London Life Insurance Co. re Group Insurance. - Refer- red to the Finance Committee 68 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ~t From the County of Oxford re Jail salaries. - Referred to. the Finance Committee. ~rom the St. Thomas Times-J Durnal re Ad. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Town of Burlington re speed limit in school areas. - Re- ferred to the Education Committee. From Reeve Elmer G. Wackley, with letter of appreciation of flowers. - Filed. '" From the Catholic Children's Aid Society of Toronto re application for Increase in rate. - Filed. a REPLIES FROM OTHER COUNTIES TO ELGIN COUNTY RESOLUTIONS June Session. 1953 Resolution re-<<Enactment of Legislation for a more equjtab~e distribution of the cost of Education on farm lands and urban property." .. Endorsed - Brant, Oxford, Hastings, Perth. No Action taken - Victoria, United Counties of Stormont, Dundas, and Glengarry, Waterloo, United Counties of Northumberland and Durham. Concurred - Middlesex. WARDEN'S ADDRESS " To the Members of the Elgin County Council, Gentlemeo.: c~ This is our third session of County Council, and as usual we have had some happenings some foreseen, and some not. ELGINCOUNTYCOUNC~ 69 The Coronation of the Queen has been headlines hi all papers in the British commonwealth, and other countries of the world. They have looked forward to the second day of June, the day set aside for the Coronation of the Queen. And now that it is past, it will go down in history as one of the big events of time. There has been seven or eight queens crowned in England, but this one, I think has in money -spent, and in celebrating, has in all probability surpassed them all. We have had some very unusually wet backward, and cold weather, which has hindered farmers in their work. As for spring crops such as oats, it has been estimated that one-third of the crops have not been planted yet; and to date corn, and soya beans are going in later than usual. Backward, as it has been, oats, hay, wheat, and grass have been -doing nicely. If bad weather continues, it could be a bad year for those that depend on all cash crops. Our county rO:;J.ds are in good shape. We have some 30 miles to treat with tar and chips. This cost will be around $800.00 to $1,000.00 per mile; The government grant to our road program for the year of 1953 has been cut by $44,000.00 This means that we will have to cut our paving or hard surfacing' program from some 8 to 10 miles down to some 3~ miles on county roads. Our new provincial highway which is under construction is costing immense amounts of money. The Provincial budget of some $153,000,000.00 on highways, is the highest ever, and why the government cuts subsidies on our municipalities, and are spending more on Provincial and super highways at enormous cost for Americans to use to a large degree to me doesn't seem right. We had some 25,000,000 Americans on our roads last year, and I think they should contribute more to our Treasury than just the gaso- line tax. They have some 20 states in the United States, that have .started the toll system on roads, and this seems to be working out very satisfactory, and I think it would be a good thing for our Provincial and Dominion Government to study such a system. Our new super highways are costing our government some three to five hundred thousand a mile to build. That is somewhat lower than the new super highway through from New York to Buffalo which is "estimated at 427 miles at a cost of five hundred million. The County Home Farm has been sold. The population at the <County Home has increased from 22 to some 29, or 30 inmates. 70 E,LGIN COUNTY COUNCIL :6' The By-laws for our new hospital are out, and sent to Toronto for their approval, and I think they are as near perfect as can be, with 13 member's on our new board instead of eleven. The hospital building is going ahead very good, with achitects aiming at having it opened by the first of next year. The tornadoes that have hit the country to the north of :us, and then again over Lake Erie has been a great disaster to those that have been affected by them. We have often heard of those funnen shaped storms in the southern states, but never realized they could come to us, and come so close to our own homes. " With these few remarks, gentlemen, I will ask for the minutes of the last day of the March Session to be read to us now. o 0,' " ~ ',::U ELGINCOUNTYCOUNC~ 71 CLERK'S REPORT ON LICENSES June Session, 1953 To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: I have to report the following applications for licenses have been approved by the local municipalities and the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit from November 17th, 1952, to June 12th, 1953: Ice Cream Stands Donald H. Hindley.mm__mmn__m..._____nnmm_mmn_nmnmm.Union Clifton Presseymm____m."nnnmm______..mumm_.....R. R. 1, Aylmer R. MeQuiggan._______mm___u_______n__.__.mu___mn..u__mStraffordville John Michiels_mnnn___u____mm__________m__.n___R. R. 1, pt. Burwell Charles Martin_mnn____n________.__________m _______moo_oR. R. 4, Aylmer "CIa-Mar" ___n___n__________ _________..._ ________..._____m_____n..m____...___Aylmer James Deen._______._________.______________.__________n__.n.u_____...u__mn___._Lutort William Candy____.m_m___.m.mnmm.mumn__ unonR" R. 2, Aylmer Ira C. Tate.mmnm_mmmm_._unn'_m_mmnnm___.mR" R. 2, Aylmer J. W. FroggetL_m___mnnn__mnmm_____nnnnnmmR. R. 1, Vienna C. Ketchabaw____n.___.nn___m..._____n_.__..un_._____.u.___m.n.____nn_.__Eden N" Boyd & Sonmm.____mm___nmmmnnmum-R. R. 5, Tillsonburg H. DesimpeL.__mnm___. un___._ __.mnmn_R. R. 1, Straffordville C. Laing........__._.___..n._._,.___..n.n___ _.-__n_.m_ ...__nnn._u__nn__.Bayham Mrs. Edna McConkey__..__.n__m_.uuuu__.._m__nn........m_m.Corinth Mrs. Robt. Gordon__.....u__...._..._.u__un_______.._m.m..__..,..nn.Vienna Norman Oille__n;.___.....m.__u_m.______.u..m..n.m_.n..m_.___m.nmSparta Ken W ood.mnnmm____m.m.__333 WeIIington St., St. Thomas R. KennedY_mmnm.,mm._u_nummnm.mnnnmmR. R. 6, Aylmer Frank Plust______nn_m_.._____.__._n_____.n__u__________nn.__m_____m__.Corinth W. J. Vanidourmnm_m_m__.__m__.mn50 First Ave., St. Thomas L. D. Palmer & Sons._mm__mm____mmn.mnm_m._m_m.mShedden CraigOtto____n..________.__mn______m___u_m__._m.._.n__..____m__,____.nmSparta Emiel Crevitsm..m____m_____.m_mnu...mm_mm_____mR. R. 6, AyJmer c. Richardson..__________m....___________..._________muLawrence. Station T. A" Fairles______,_._u__-'___mn_______n______._um__m_...____.m____m___Rodney W. L. Garton & Sonm_m._nm___________.._._______....u_n..___.._nmRodney Les Welchn..____________..,_._______..._,._.___.._._.____.._..._._...Rodney Alex. Puzara______. __nm_______n____.._____._mm.__m______m______m__..Rodney J. D. Meiklen.__mmum_...m_mnnm..nn._m____n__mn_um__m_Belmont 72 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ,-ty Rex Bros__________n______________________.____......___.mm_.__n____.Straffordville Larne McCallum___________________._________..___m___________________Springfield, Gordon Legg_mm_m_mnm_mm.__._....h.___n_nR. R. 2, Springf..teld Edward G. Rule_______________m_..--..n_______n__m_u__num_..Springfield Graves Storennnnm_mmmn.nmm_mmnm__________m___.New Sarurn Roy Weeksmmnnnnmmm______m____mmm_m_R. R. 8, St. Thomas Ira Capling___..___...._u____n____.nn_..______________..__..__nomom...__..___.Vienna Archie Coyle___nu___n__m__m_m_____n_____:_____....._________m.__________Vienna Donald McLennan__m__m_____________n___C__n_n_._._______."._u_.___.~Vienna Morrison & Wattersonn._mmmmm_mmmmnnnn__,,_m,,_mVienna o. Allen__...._ ......_____00__0000_._.00__....___.......__00__00__._______...._._Springfield W. Wiley___.......n._...mm.__...u....._._...____nn_____..___.m......._Springfield J. M. Brownum.mm.m_mnnm.m.m__mmnnnnnmmmnnSpringfield Mrs. Dorothy Valentino.mm__mnnm__.___mEdgewar Rd. West Mprley GorvetLnnnm.m_ n___mnnnmM___nn ______.._.m._m.m.Sparta T.. D. Rocknnmm....nnnn m_ _.__00 ___mmn:_ .m.mYarmouth Centre Chester Axford... __m . ...____nnmmmm __._.__:R. R. 6, St. Thomas R. McPhee_nnnn ___ _.___.._ .nnnm.nnmn__n__n. ___n.unmn_n_n .D-utton Nevin MacPhail__mn_mmu....m___...._ _______mmnmmn _ m_:Union i6 Q Restaurants -Sheppard's Coffee Shop__ mnnmmn _.n..m___mmm__ _m .n.Aylmer AI's Dine & Dancennm."m.... .n.m_._mnoo___m__mm mm_ __.Aylmer "Rustic Inn"nm....nnn. noon..... ____.00__00___0000_0000___ n.___._. __ __.Aylmer Edward Beattie....m_ n_.m._nn noon..... ___00 .n______n .n_._mm.Vienna Stan. A. Clarken_____. .____+m_m_mmnnm.m.m_nmmn_mm_Aylmer Mrs. F. Affleckn ..__._ mnmnnmmnm ...mm.mnmmmmmu..Dutton Russell, yYeaver.:.mnnmmnmn moon _m__mmm.m_m_m__mnDutton W. J. Young_mnmmn....m moon .______mumnnnunm .___..Pt. Stanley E. Youngblut mnnmnnnnm ...00._ .nnnnnmmn .._00 __ ___mnShedden Mary A. MerkleY.mnm. 0000 ._._nmnnn m.._.n.__R. R. 3, Rodney John Eberlem___nnn... .m_._mmn___mn ._mmm_.__mmmmmn_Dutton Charles Harvey ___nn..m mnnmmnn___ _. ."_._mnnnnmWest Lorne Joe Chann. n.m_._.__ __.nmn mnnnn___ .....__.n_n_n_nnnnnWest Lorne Roy Sparrow-"Aylmer Service Centre" R. R. 3, Aylmer Capitol Cafe. _nnmmmn 000000__ ..n_._mnnnn__mnm n._m ._.mn.Aylmer Mallrice BibbYn...nnm nn .....m_mmmumm..n._.m_mWallacetown Tom N edozytko _._0000 00 n. mnmnmm nn_n_.mmnnR. R. 1, Eden W. E. Greerm... __nn__m nmnmmn___m__mnnnnm______R. R. I, Eden Harvey Bechardnnmnnmm_m.____...mnnnnR. R. 3, West Lorne A. Conradn _.00 m..m__ unm .._mmnnmnnmmnm_nmlona Station Bruce Hamilton._uuumn_.._n__n_m_.____.......h...__mm___.___Iona, Onto "Weldon Inn"nmm__.._. mmmnmmnnn ._.mnmmnmm.mm._Rodney e, > ~, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 73 Mrs. Helen Diedbnis._~~___.._..__,.__m____._______m______.____m______Rodney The Three Little Pigs ..Pentry".___nc_mR. R. 7, St. Thomas Richard Pinnegar_____.mmm.nnm..m._.m._R. R. 3, st. Thomas J. L. Dennisnnm.mmn.nnm.m.m.._____m...___.mnnnnStraffordville W. McTeer-"Hacienda"__mm_____________._.._______R~ R.,l, Aylmer Refresbment Stands or Lunch Counters "Allan's ..Coffee Pot"__________mm n__m.mm.nnnm_________n____.Aylmer "Sugar Bowl" .nn._____uu__.m..mnm.____u__u_______________u.m._____.AyImer D. Balaz..._ _ __m'___nn _n_m.mmn__'________ _m___muncR. R. 1, Corinth Frank E" Birce.____.m.___.m..___......________n._._..__.m.________,__,.Belmont "Kinsmen Club of Aylmer" (Aylmer Arena)_______...Aylmer "Bill's Grill" ..n mnnnmmm _ . mmn . mnnnn __.n:.mnm...Aylmer "Marg's Lunch". nn _nmmnm _ mmnnmmmnnmnmmnnAylmer Fred 0, Dodgson..n munn num . mnmmm _.__mmBelmont Curly's Dairy Barm._n mnnnnnnm ..mmmnmmmu...Aylmer Gordon C. Robinson..n..... m _nm..n mnm _...unnm_. n....Aylmer Jacob Buttinger munn noon .... _mmm;.mm__......mm.West Lorne Gordon Bonney____ ..00... ___.___n .._n.__mnnmm_R. -R. 1, Aylmer Ace's Snack Barm__ nnnmmm mnnnnnnnR. .R. 1, Aylmer Murray Buckler~m mummm m__ .........___m~R. R.2, Aylmer Mrs. Peter Chuvalom__..mmmnnnmm.mmmnnnR. R. 1, Aylmer D_ Wotherspoon.mnm_ _nnnnunnmnnn' mR. R.3, St. Thomas Ronald S. Scobiennmn.. _ .mm.mummm._mmmm_mnNew Sarum Food or Dairy Bars Harold MitcheIL.m__m_" "Aylmer Dairy Bar"__.. unnm m.__ un_..West Larne __._._m___. ____u_m__mnAylmer All of which is respectfully submitted. J. D. THOMSON, County Clerk. 14 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTy TREASIJRER'S REPORT June Session, 1958 To the Warden ,and Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: " I beg to submit the following statement of Receipts and Expendi- tures from January 1st, 1953, to May 31st, 1953. Receipts Balance on hand, January Ist, 1953_____m_____.....___m____.... $ 42,769.35 Administration of Justice --.-...mm......_______h_____oom..m__m....$ 5,289:34 Notes Payable and Interest .___nn.h._mom__;_______..__________...n 20,029;04 E1gin,..St. Thomas Health Unit n_mnnnmhnnm_______mu_h___ 4,572.70 Registry Office O..----._.m...._.n..._____u.___m_m_____.._m._m_..__...______ 5,072.58 Charity' and Welfare nnn_mmmn_mmmu.mnm. ___mom_nom_ 8,866.42 Elgin County Home _m._mnm....________.....______...,______.__..______.. 9,425.12 Children's Aid Society ....nnom..nnnnm...._m__mm___u.nm___u_ 569.40 -County Roads m_m._nmu...nmnu_..._mm.....,m_m'm_m .n.nm__.... 108,961.88 Miscellaneous --....n----...__._._._.._.___n__n._..nn...._...mn .....____...._.___ 916.21 163,102.69 Expenditures Administration of Justice __mnnmn.mnn ."m"n_ _m.._m____m_$ Charity and Welfare. .~_'_'_m mnnnn'mm__.. nnnm__ mm__mm__ Grants ---._n_nn..._...n_n____.._._n__..mnn...._.nn....__ __m_..__.__m_____._____ County Home .--n-m-_n_.___..._nnm_unu._.u._nn__~m.nnm__..nn_.____. Registry O.ffice ----.h--..--...._m_.._n__.m_.___.nn____..n__nu~_n__________ Health Unit --u---....nnu_n_.n_..n...nn____.n...._n_.n____u..n_.___n.'nn Children's Aid Society mn.__..._._mn..m___._.._n____.....m___.._n__ Members' Wages --..._n___n_.nn.____.....nn_n__u_______..__nnu_.n____n_ Officers' Salaries ---h-m----nm_____..h_____m.h___m_.__m_n__..m__n Printing, Postage, and Stationery ....m_m_._.._m_....mm_... Care of Bui~dings -------__h___n__'.________u...mm.._hn_____..n_m_....._ Agriculture n---n_____n_____...___u__nnn____..nn_n___.__.n_______nnn____._n~_ County Roads .--------u_---.__..n_______...____n__.n._n___n____nn..._____ Miscellaneous ....---m....-.--__n______...___m___...______.___nn...._____u 19,481.59 23,576.22 7,152.50 9,804.57 696.31 10,000.00 11,654.08 2,933.15 3,659.00 522.55 1,233.78 1,530.34 89,484.26 191.30 ~ .~ $206,412.04 ~ " ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 75' 10,000.00 $192,520.25 13,951.79 Elgin..:St. Thomas Hospital Balance on hand, May 31st, 1953._m___nn____m____m___c___m.:_n $206,472.04 AU of whic~ is ri:!spectfully submitted. J. D. THOMSON.. Co~nty_p~erk. June, 1953. AGRICULTURE COMMITTE;E June Session, 1953 To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Agriculture Committee reports as follows: 1. That this Elgin County Council oppose an open season for deer, 1953. 2. That we contribute $50.00 to the fund for reward re Protection to Live Stock. All of which is respectfully submitted. JAMES W. NEIL, Chairman. COUNTY HOl)lE COMMITTEE June Session, 1958 To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Elgin County: Horp.e Committee reports as follows: 76 ELGINCOUNTYCOUNCffi Q' 1. That the tender of the Imperialle Fuel~ for stoker coal for the Elgin: County Home at $11.05 per ton be accepted. 2. That the Supervisor's report of the Homes for the Aged be filed for future reference of the Committee. 3; That the Superintendent, Matron, and two members of the Committee be appointed to attend ~he annual Convention of Homes for the Aged at Fort William on September 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. ~ 4. That Dr.E. G. Burger be appointed physician at the Elgin County Home, and necessary By-Law be prepared, and By-Law No. 1583 be repealed. ~ All of which is respectfully submitted. A. LITTLEJOHN, Chairman. EDUCATION COMMITTEE June Session, 1953 {}, To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Education Committee reports as follows: 1. That we approve of the resolution from the Town of Burlington requesting Legislation to limit traffic speed in School Areas to 15 miles per hour. 2. That the resolution from the Town of Perth Board of Education, requesting increased motor vehicle tax to be used for educational pur- poses be filed. " 3. That grants to the East and West Elgin High School Boards of .$500.00 be paid. ,l;:<, 4. That we grant the request of the township of Bayham re Annexa- tion of School Sections to the East Elgin High School District, and the E,LGIN couNTy COUNcIL 77 necessary by-law -be prepared. All of which is respectfully submitted. ROBERT F. COLES, Chairman. June Session. 1953. FINANCE COJIIMITTEE June Session - First Report To the Elgin County Council: 'Gentlemen: The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That the following hospital accounts be paid: Memorial Hospital, St. Thomas ,_mm_m__m.m._ ...$ Victoria Hospital, London nmnm_nmmo____om.mn__ Oshawa General Hospital, Oshawa nm"_" Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital -"" St. Joseph's Hospital, London nnnm_nnnnnn__ The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto nno - St. Joseph's Hospital, Guelph n_n___mmumnnmn TOTAL All of which is respectfully submitted. 8.719,87 5.884.63 35.00 1.787.79 76,,00 64.00 21.00 $ 16.588.29 K. M. WILLIAMSON, Chairman. ..June Session, 1953. 78 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL _4 FINANCE COlllMlTTEE June Session - Sec~nd Report To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: The Finance Committee reports as feIlows: 1. That Children's Aid Society Pay List No.3 of $4,279.83 be paid. 2. That Printing, Postage and Stationery Pay List No.3 of .$43.20 be paid. 3. That Charity and Welfare Pay List No.3 of $1,561.45 be paid. .. ~, 4. That Miscellaneous Pay List No.1 of Miscellaneous accounts be paid, amounting to $157.68. 5. That the ad. in the Times.Journal special number for County of Elgin be approved. 6. That the Group Insurance policy of the London Life be filed. 7. That the Municipal Clerks and Finance Officers Communica- tion be filed. 8. That the resolutions from the County of Essex, re Fund for SC~loo1 Boards to borrow for building purposes; and increase to Court Constables be filed. .. , 9". That all members of the Jail Staff be granted an increase of $50.00 each, for year 1953, and that we recommend the 1954. Council to consider an increase at the January Session. All of which is respectfully submitted. R.M. WILLIAMSON, Chairman. June Session, 1953. , PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE June Session, 1953 {?'-- To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: ELG"IN COUNTY COUNCIL 19 The Petitions and Legislations Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Communication from the Ontario Provincial...Municipal Committee re Business Assessments be referred to the Elgi~ County Assessors Association. 2. That the letter from the Select Legislative Committee on Ceme- teries be filed for future reference. 3. That the letter from Bill Johnston re L. & P. S. Railway be filed. All of which ~s respectfully submitted. H. O. ALWARD, Chairman. .June Session, 1953. PROPERTYCO~TTEE June Session, 1953 'To the Elgin County Council; Gentlemen: The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That Pay List No. 5 of Administration of Justice accounts amounting to $824.79 be paid. 2. That Pay List No.4 of Registry Office Accounts amounting to .$200.60 be paid. 3. ThatPay List No.. 4 of Care of Buildings acco.unts amounting to. $233.18 be paid. 4. That we accept tender of Imperialle Fuels of $11.05 for stoker ,Coal and $19.28 per ton for anthracite coal. 5. That prices be secured on a typewriter for the Sheriff's office. 6. That prices be secured on washroom facilities for the Jail Staff. All of which is respectfully submitted. R. S. SHEPPARD, Chairman. .June Session, 1953. 80 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL .t:i REPORT ELGIN COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE June Session, 1953 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: Your Road Committee begs to repar; as follows: 1. The Members of your Committee made an inspection of the County Roads on April 27th and 28th. We found all the roads to be in good condition. Little damage was suffered by frost action last winter and spring. " 2. At your January Session we estimated that $43'6,000.00 would be required for this years road programme. A By-Law was submitted for approval to the Ontario Department of Highways and the County was notified that the Department approved of a maximum total expenditure of $392,000,,00, on which subsidy may be payable this year. This is a reduction of $44,000.00 and means that a drastic cut will have to be made on the construction programme approved at your January Session. " 3. At a meeting held on May 8th, 1953 your Committee prepared this years programme as follows. This will be in addition to the usual road maintenance, gravelling, patrol and weed, ice and snow control. . (a) RESURFACE approximately 39~ miles of Pavement with tar and chips as follows:- Approximate mil~s ROAD No" 1- North of West 'Lorne.__ nnmnm__ ROAD NO.3-North of RodneYm....mn .....mmnm_ ROAD NO.8-North of.Dutton_.nnmnmm__. ROAD NO. 14-North of lona.m.." n.mnnnmm__ ROAD No. 20- Union Road, Southwold.mnm.mn......mm_... ROAD No. 27 - Sparta to Unionmnnn_._nnnnnmmnmn ROAD No. 36 - North of Spartammnm____ nm.mm.nnnm___ ROAD No. 38 - Talbot Road, Bayham__ _m___ unmnmmmn_ ROAD No. 40-South of Springfield.mnnm_. ______mm.mmmn 2.5 2.5 2.5 ~ 2.5 6.5 6.0 ~ 1.0 1..5 .5 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 81 ROAD No. 42-Lake Road, Malahide and Bayham....____ 10.0 ROAD No. 49-North of Springfield.mm__...___n___~.....__mm_ 1.0 ROAD No. 52- West of Springf~'eld____..m.___mm_..,.mnn.....___ 3.0 (b) LAY 3lk miles of Road Mix Pavements PAVE that portion of SOUTH STREET. in the Town of Aylmer between the curbs laid last year. p AVE that portion of MAIN STREET, in the Village of West Lorne from end of pavement laid last year Easterly to the end of the concrete curbs. (0) CONSTRUCT- CRINAN BRIDGEnnnn_mn__nnnmmm__mRoad No.1, Aldborough ECKER DRAIN CULVERT___ __mmm_mmnRoad No. 10, Dunwich MILLER CULVERTnnmm____nmnnnnnmm___Road No. 10, Dunwich McCAFFREY DRAIN CULVERTm___m...Road No.8. Dunwich WIDEN ROLOSON BRIDGE_n_m_nnnmn.Road No. 38, Bayham REPAIR 3 CULVERTS OVER SIMPSON DRAIN, Springfield (d) WIDEN- SILVER CREEK HILL_mmmnnnn+______mmRoad No. 42, Malahide HILLS on Road No.3, at Fleming Creek Bridge, Aldborough GRADE ROAD Na. 2 from end of pavement Westerly to East limit of West Larne, Aldborough. REALIGN ROAp No. 13, in the Township of Dunwich, just East of Dutton. REALIGN ROAD No. 36, in the Township of Yarmouth, through Concessions 6 and 7. WIDEN ROAD No. 20, in Shedden at Railway Crossings. RE-GRADE AND DRAIN ROAD No. 16 between Fingal and the Air Port and prepare for future paving. 82. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIl, " (e) :J?!tY concrElte curb.~ and gutters on- QUEEN STREET EAST from the Furnival Road to the entrance of the Fair Grounds at Rodney. REMEDY Drainage Problem at the foot of the West Hill on Road No. 42, in the Village of Port Burwell. 4. We recommend that the County of Elgin petition the Ontario Department of Highways tel have a stop light or a blinker flash signal installed at the intersection of Queen's Highway No.3 and the Union Road (County Road No. 20). . 5. In regard to the communication from the Canadian National Railways suggesting that automatic protection be installed at their crossing on St. George Street (County Road S. 25) just North of St. Thomas, we approve of the said installation if the County's liability of the division of costs of the installation, operation and maintenance be Qn the same proportion as now paid. ~ 6. We recommend that that part of the original road allowance between Concessions 10 and 11, opposite Lot 19, at Mapleton, as des- cribed in proposed By-law 1634 be reverted to the Township of Yar- mouth. All of which is respectfully submitted. :~ HENRY PARKER, Chairman. st. Thomas, Ontario. June 16th, 1953, v " ELGIN COUNTY cOUNciL 83 BY-tA\~ NO. 1632 "To Annex Area to the East Elgin High School District Amend By-Law No. 1478" WHEREAS the Township of Bayham has requested the addition of the following area to the East Elgin High School District, AND WHEREAS Chapter 165, Section 7, subsection 1; R.S.O. 1950. makes provision for the same, The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts: THAT the following area be, and is hereby annexed to the East Elgin High School District: Concession One - All of lots 1. to 7 inclusive and those portions of lots 8, 9, and 10, not in the Village of Port Burwell. Concession Two - South halves of lots 1 to 10 inclusive. THAT subject to the approval of the Minister of Education By-Law No. 1478, is amended accordingly. READ a first time this 17th day of June, 1953. READ a second time this 17th day of June, 1953. READ a third time, and finally passed this 17th day of June, 1953. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. WILL S. McKILLOP, Warden. BY-LAW NO. 1633 "To Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign Deed Re Sale of County Home Fa.rm" The Elgin County Council enacts: That the Warden and Clerk be, and are hereby authorized to sign 84 ~INCOUNTYCOUNC~ -\;;:' ,Deed Conveying part of Lot 40, North Talbot Road East, Township of Southwold, composed of approximately eighty-seven acres to KennethJ. Butler for the sum of Ten Thousand, Five Hundre~ Dollarl?_ Read a first time this 17th day of June, 1953. Read a s~cond t~me this 17th day of June, 1953. Read a third time and finally passed this 17th day of June, 1953.. ~ J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. WILL s. McKII1LOP, Warden. " BY"LAW NO. 1634 ~'A By-Law to Amend the By-Law,Adopting a Plan of CoUnty Road Improvement and Establishing a County Road System in the County of Elgin Under the Highway Iniprovement Act." The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as By-Law Number 1634 as follows: '~' 1. The Schedule of By-Law Number 897, being the original.BY...ILaw -establishing a County Road System in the County of Elgin, as amend- ed by by-law number 1052, being the last consolidating By-Law re-estab- lishing the said system and further amended by subseq~ent amending By-Laws is hereby amended by removing therefrom the roads designat- ed and described as follows: Description Designation County Road No. 50 BEING THAT PORTION of the original Road Allowance between Concessions 10 and 11, in the Township of Yarmouth, in the County of Elgin and Province of Ontario, which may be more particularly des- cribed asfollows:- ~ COMMENCING at a point in the intersection of the Northerly limit of Lot 19, Concession 10, and the Easterly limit of Queen's IDghway No. 74; i' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 85 THENCE Easterly, along the Northerly limit of said Lot 19. Con- cession 10, a distance of One Hundred and Eighty Feet (180'); THENCE North easterly, in a straight line to a point in the South- erly limit of Lot 19, Concession 11, distant Two Hundred and Eighty Feet (280'); measured Easterly thereon from its intersection with the Easterly limit of Queen's Highway No. 74; THENCE Westerly, along the Southerly limit of Lot 19, Concession 11, a distance of Two Hundred and Eighty Feet (280'); THENCE Southerly, along the Easterly. limit of Queen's mghway No.. 74, a distance of Sixty Six Feet (66') to the place of beginning. 2. THAT portion of road as designated, is hereby removed from the County Road system of the County of Elgin. 3. This By-LaW shall come into force upon the approval thereof by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council. FINALLY passed at the City of St. Thomas, in the County of Elgin, this 17th day of June, 1953. .3. D. THOMSON, Clerk. WILL S. McKILLOP, Warden. BY.LAW NO. 1635 "To Appoint a Physician for the Elgin County Home" 'The Elgin County Council enacts: That Dr. E. G. Burger, M.D., be and is hereby appointed Physician of the Elgin County Home at an annual salary of Four Hundred Dol- lars per annum. Duties to commence July 1st, 1953. That By-Law No.. 1583 be repealed. Read a first time this 17th day of June, 1953. Read a second time this 17th day of June, 1953. Read a third time and finally passed this 17th day of June,1953. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. WII1L S. McKn..LOP, Warden. 86 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL '(~ FOURTH SESSION - FIRST DAy Tuesday, the 22nd day of September, 1953 'The Elgiri County Council met this day at the Court House, St. ThomaS, in accordance withad,jQUrnmerit. The Warden in the Chair. All the members were present, except Reeve Dr. C. A. Bell and DePllty Reeve R. Sheppard. The Warden addressed the Council. The minutes of the last ~ay of the June Session were read arid con- firmed. The following Communications were read and referred to their various Committees. It was moved by Reeve James Neil that Mr.. A. V. Langton, Agricul- tural Representative be now heard. Mr. Langton addressed the Council on Cash Crop Day, and the Elgin County Plowing Match. The Warden expressed appreciation to Mr. Langton. Moved by Reeve James W. Neil, Seconded by P. Schleihauf: That we do now adjourn to meet at 2 p.m. -Carried. The Council resumed. The County Home Committee report was presenteq., and adopted on motion of A.. Littlejohn, and C. Williams. The first report of the Finance Committee was presented, and adopted on motion otReeve Williamson and Reeve Parker. The report of the Petitions and Legislations Committee was presen- ted and adopted on motion of Reeve Alward, and Deputy Reeve Culver. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 87 The Propeity-Committee report was presented and adopted on motion of P. Schleihauf, and Bruce Marr. The Second report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Williamson, and Reeve Roszell. The report of the Road Committee was presented, and on motion of Reeve Coles, the Council went into a Committee of the whole with Reeve Neil in the Chair.. After some discussion, clause one of the r'oad 'committee' report was; deleted, and the report was adopted, as amended on motion of Reeve Parker, and Reeve Roszell. Moved by Reeve Roszell, Seconded by H" Parker That we the Elgin County Council join the Canadian Good Roads Association. -Lost. Moved by Reeve Roszell, Seconded by Philip Pensa: That this Elgin County Council officially recognize the timely action .on July 5th, 1953, of Provincial Constable Robert Pritchard, st. Thomas, who saved the life of Frank Rowles, member of the editorial staff of the London Free Press. -~at:ded. Moved by Reeve H. Parker, Seconded by Reeve Roszell: That we petition the Ontario Department of Highways to put the approach from County Road No. 42, and Highway No. 73 in a satisfac- tory condition, in order to handle traffic in that vicinity. -Carried. Moved by Reeve James W. Neil, Seconded by P. W. Schleihauf: 88 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 1;". That we do now adjourn to meet on Tuesday, the 17th day of November, at 10 a.in. -Carried. COMMUNICATIONS Sept. Session, 1953 From the Dept. of Highways re Traffic Light at Shedden. - Filed. " From the Dept. of Agriculture re Reward for Livestock. - Filed. From the Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry re Payment of indigents at the Ontario Hospital, Woodstock. - Referred to the Finance Committee. , From the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital Board with request for additional building grant" - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Ontario Municipal Board re Annexation of part of the township of Yarmouth. - Filed. From the Superintendent of Victoria Hospital re Drug accounts for indigent patients. - Referred to the Finance Committee. # From the ratepayers of the Fingal road re dust conditions. - Re- ferred to the Road Committee. From the Canadian Good Roads Association re Annual Convention. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the Select Legislative Committee, on the Cemeteries Act. - Filed. From the City Clerk of London re Special Port Stanley Park Com- mittee .- Referred to the Finance Committee. From the County of Wellington with resolution re Increase of subsidy to towns and villages on roads. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. g\ Fro'm the County of Simcoe re Repeal of amendments to the Assessment Act. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Com- mittee. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 89 From the County of Simcoe with'"resoliltion re the Veterans' Land Act. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. From the County of Simcoe requesting Increased County Road Sub- sidy. ~ Referred to the Pet~ti.o.ns al:u:t~.~gis.la:tic:ms.Comrt;litt_ee. <" From the Grand Jury with Report. - Referred to the County. !IPP.l:e Committee. -. :From th'eS'uperintendent pital account re patient. -'of th~'Bdbier r'Hdme, -DuttOtl, ~'with hos- ~Ul:_ . REPLIES FROM OTHER COUNTIES TO ELGIN COUNTY RESOLUTIONS Resolution re "Enactinent of Legislation for a more equitable dis- tribution of the 'cost of Education farm lands and urban properly." No Action taken-Huron, Kent, Carleton, Simcoe. Filed-Lanark. Resolution requesting the Department of Highways of the Province of Ontario to make s'Ilperhighways in the Provin:ee, toll road~. No Action taken-Perth, United Counties of Northumberland and Durhar.n, Ontario, Wentworth, Peel. FUed---:-Liiicoln, lias;tings, 13r?-nt., CQp,curred in~Welland. Acknowledged-Deputy Minister ~f. t~flDept. of Hig~ways~ Se_cre-:- tarY,']).;easurer of the OntariQ MuniG.~:pa,1 A.-~soCiati9:n. :,1 . ,,;,~ .' Ci(,':f~;, "J :.h' }L'-....;, '-"~<;lj,,~ 5-;:'.", ,-:' go ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ';,- WARDEN'S ADDRESS September Session, 1953 To the Members 6i:theElgin'County Council, Gentlemeri: I want to take this opportunity to welcome each Member back to this September Session. T.he wet weather we had early in the year was followed by a very dry spell, making it hard to plough and prepare wheat land, especially on clay soil. So the rains at the present time are very welcome. Soya beans in all probability will not he filled as well as usual, with beans being rather small. All in all, it will be rather an average year, Cattle prices have gone down somewhat from a year ago,-~though I shipped some baby beef to Toronto last week that sold for $23.50. Hogs have gone up. I think they will demand a fair price if the supply doesn't become too heavy. Little pigs are selling up to $16.00. . The County Roads are in good shape. Paving has been cut down to a minimum on account of our Government's cut of $44,000 on roads. It is the hope of the Road Committee that this will be increased next year, so that we will be able to continue with our paving program. Then again we have this extra cost of the new hospital to deal with that is estimated to cost $300,000. Our share will be $120,000. Our residents at the County Home have increased since Spring from 28 to 33. That gain is in the rjght direction, but we still think we should have better co-operation frOm some of the Doctors who will not release a few pa~ients from the hospital who should be at our Home. It costs the same for supervision and fuel at the Home, regardless of population; also~ increased numbers give those in charge more interest and incentive to work. There is no comparing a room in a hospital in my mind, to a room in the County Home. Here they have the additional enjoyment of outdoor surroundings, with gardens, flowers and trees. I also think that those in charge of a County Home should try to interest these older folks in doing such things as hoeing flower beds, playing horse shoes, carving, and any other hobbies which would take up their time. If we have nothing to do, we soon degenerate. " ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 91 I would also like to remind. you of the big Cash Crop day on the 29th of September, in the WardsvilIe -district. This is the first time this event has been held in Elgin, being held the last two years in Middle- sex. And so, I think we are privileged in having this Cash Crop Day in Elgin tbis year. We should all do everything we can to make this a success; Don't forget, too, the Plowing Match to be held at Walter Auck- land's farm on Wednesday, October 21st. There will be a class for the members of Cou~nty Council included again this year. COUNTY HOME COMMITTEE September Session, 1958 To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Elgin County Home Committee reports as follows: 1. That the County Horne Farm with the exception of 10 acres, has been sold to Mr. Kenneth J. Butler for the sum of Ten Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars. 2. That payment in full has been made, and that we approve of the signing of the deed by the Warden and the Clerk. 3. That the total amount realized from the sale of livestock and machinery was $4,239.75. 4. That a new heating unit has been installed in the men's cottage, by the lowest tender, John A. McCully for $840.00. 5. That new floors have been laid in the men's cotta~e, dining room, hall, and the floor refinished in the women's dining room for the tender price of $1,400.00 by Don CampbelL 6. That the report of the Grand Jury be filed for future considera- tion. 92 ELGIN COUN'l'X<UUNCrL ~ 7. That. indigent patients at the Hospital Annex paid by. the County ~w.b,ich are suitable. for the. " County Home be tfl3,llSferred there, and if they refuse to- go; -the County refuse to pay future maintenance at the "Annex. .. All of which is respectfully submitted. A LITTLEJOHN; Chairman. FINANCE COMMITTEE .::; September Session - First Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That the following hospital accounts be paid. Memorial Hospital, St. Thomas~__.._u_unm. ......00..$ St. Joseph'-s Hospital, Londonmo___..._.m...... _._____m Victoria Hospital, Londonu____m.____m....__...m__..._____. Tillsonburg District Memorial HospitaL.m..... 9,340.05 4.00 1,308.77 917.41 $ TOTAL $ 11,570.23 All of which is respectfully submitted. K. WILLIAMSON, Chairman, PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE September Session, 1953 '. ~o the E,lgin County Council, ~' Gentlemen: The Petitions and Legislations Committee reports as follows: ELGIN COUNTY,COUNCIL 93 1. That we concur with th-e resolution.:from the County of Welling- ton, that towns and villages receive the same road subsidy as Counties and Townships. 2. That the resolution from the County of Simcoe to ip.crease" road .subsidy, payable by the Dept. of Highways to sixty-five per cent be filed. 3. That the resolution from the County of Simcoe to reduce acreage of land purchased under the Veteral1_'$Land Act, be filed.; 4. That the resolution frQID tJl,e COl.ll1ty.of Simcoe re Amendments to the Assessment Act regarding Woodland exemption be filed. All of which is respectfully submitted. H. ALWARD, Ch:airman. PROPERTY OOMMITTEE September Session, 1953 'To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Property Committee reports sa follows: 1._ That the Administration of Justice Pay List ~o. 7, for $2,802.09, be paid. 2. That the Registry Office Pay List No.6, for $57.96 he paid. 3. That Care of BuiIdin'gs Pay List No.6 for $96.87 be paid. All of which is respectfully submitted. P.W. Schleihauf, (Acting) Chairman. 94 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL '" FINANCE COMMITTEE September Session - Second Report To the Elgin County Cou:ncil, Gentlemen: The Finance Committee reports as follows: . 1. That Charity and Welfare Pay List No.4 for $1,428.50 be paid. 2. That Children's Aid Society Pay List No.4 for $6,572.97 be paid. " 3. That Printing, Postage, and Stationery Pay List No" 4 for $135.98 be paid. 4. That Miscellaneous Pay List No.2 of $9.85 be paid. 5. That a Petty Cash Account of $50.00 be set up for the Jail Governor to pay sundry accounts. 6. That the request of the St. Thomas-Elgin G'eneral Hospital Board for an additional grant of $120,000.00 be laid over to the November Session. ~ 7. That the account of the Bobier Home for a patient, in the amount of $66.50 be refused. 8. That we concur with the resolution from the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas, and Glengarry, that Section 59. of the' Mental Hospitals Act be repealed, which provides for payment for indigents at the Ontario Hospital, Woodstock of fifty cents per day. All of which is respectfully submitted. K. M. WILLIAMSON, Chairman. '" ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 95 ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1953 To the Warden and Council of the County of Elgin. Gentlemen: Your Road Committee begs to report as follows:- WE RECOMMEND that the Chairman of the Road Committee attends the Convention of the Canadian Good Roads Association in Victoria, B.C. on Tuesday, Octoher 13th to October 17th, 1953. IN REGARD to the petition of Fifteen (15) Ratepayers living on -Talbot Road East between Fingal and the Air Port we recommend that the petition be filed. WE ARE of the opinion that the decision we adopted at our meet- ing on January 23rd in regard to applying Calcium Chloride on County Roads be adhered to. H. PARKER, Chairman. st. Thomas, Ontario, September 22nd, 1953. NOTE: Clause 1 of this report was deleted in open Session of County .council. 96 ELGIN.(j0UN'.1'Y COUNCIL ~ FIFTH SESSION - FIRST DAY TUesday, the 17th day. of November, 1953 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. , The Warden in the Chair,. All the members wen;' present, except Reeve Silcox. The Warden addressed: Hie Council, and welcomed all the boys and girls who. came Cas guests 'Of the Council members. > The ~inutes of the Sept. Se~sion were read and confirmed. The following communications were read, and referred to their various Committees: The Clerk presented reports on Licenses, Treasurer's report, and the County Home, and on motion of Dr. C. A. Bell, and Phil Pensa, the re- ports were ordered printed in the Proceedings. ~ Moved by A. ;Littlejohn, Seconded by Gordon Beattie, That the usual grants tClthe Women's Institutes be paid, $10.00 to each Institute, and $25.00 to the East and West District Institutes, also, $5.00 to each Institute where oratorical contests are sponsored. -Carried. Moved by James Neil, Seconded by P. Schleihauf, That the Warden and the Clerk be authorized to sign agreement with the Director of Air Services for land secured from Yarmouth air port for the widening of County Road No. 36. ';;;" -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 97 Moved by Dr. C. A. Bell, Seconded by P. Pensa, That we do now adjourn to meet at 2.,30 p.m. --Carried. The Council resumed. The first report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopt- ed, on motion of Reeve Williamson, and Reeve J~ckson. A rep'ort of the Petitions and ;Legis~ations Committee was presented, and adopted on motion of Reeve Alwarq. and Deputy Reeve Culver. The second report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Williamson and Reeve Wilson. Moved by A. Littlejohn, Seconded by Gordon Beattie, That Alex. G. White he appointed County Representative on the 'Nest Elgin High School District Board, that Ralph Auckland be ap- pointed to the St, Thomas Central Elgin High School Board, and Walter Moore be appoin ted to the East Elgin High School District Board. -Carried. The report of the Property Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Sheppard, and Deputy Reeve Marr" Moved by P. Schleihauf, Seconded by James Neil, That we do now adjourn to meet on Wednesday, November 18th, at ten a.m. -Carried. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. WILL S. McKILLOP, Warden. , 98 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 'if' FIFTH SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 18th day of November, 1953 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members were present, except Reeve Parker. The minutes of the previous day were read and confirmed. Th report of Mr. Claybourne Gordon, County Weed Inspector, was presented and accepted, and on motion of Dr. Bell was ordered printed in the Proceedings. A delegation from the St. Thomas and Elgin General Hospital was present, and on motion Of Reeve Silcox, J. B. Caldwell, Mr. Ke,enlyside, Dr" Snell, and Stuart Little addressed the Coun-cil requesting an addi- tional grant for the hospital. The report of the County Home Committee was presented, and on motion of Reeve Coles, the Council went into a Committee of the whole with Reeve Coles in the Chair, and the report was adopted as presented, -on motion of Deputy Reeve Littlejohn, and Reeve Roberts . The report of the Road Committee was presented and on motion of Reeve Roszell, the Council went into a Committee of a whole with Reeve Alward in the Chair. After considerable discussion the report was adopted on motion of Reeve Neil, and Reeve Beattie~ Moved by P. Schleihauf, Seconded by James Neil, That the usual grant of $25.00 each be paid to L. B. Birdsall, and Frank Rowles for reporting the proceedings of CounciL "' Moved by Gordon Beattie, Seconded by P. Schleihauf, ELGIN COUNTY COUNctL 99 That we do now adjourn to meet at 2 p.m~ ""'-carried. The Council resumed, The third report of the Finance Committee was presented, and adopted on motion of Reeve Williamson, and Reeve Alward. Moved by Howard Palmer, Seconded by Clarence Culver, That we grant the Warden, Five Hundred Dollars for his services, for the year, 1953. -Carried. Moved by P. Schleihauf, Seconded by Gordon Beattie, That By-Law No. 1636, "Being a by":law to Amend By-Law No. 1616, be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by A.. Littlejohn, Seconded by P. SChleihauf, That By-Law No. 1636, be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by R. F. Coles, Seconded by A. Littlejohn, That By-Law No. 1636, be read a third time, and finally passed. --Carried. ;\00 ELGINCOUNTYCOUNC~ ~ The Warden expressed his.appreciation for the ~oyal support given him by the Council members, and all members stated how much they enjoyed County Council during the year. Moved by James Neil, Seconded by A. E: Roberts, That we do now adjourn sine die. -Carried. .T. D. THOMSON, Clerk. WILL S. McKILLOP, Warden. WARDEN'S ADDRESS Gentlemen of the Council, Boys and Girls: We have now reached the final session of our 1953 Council, and I believe that we can say, with your excellent co-operation, it has been a successful year. ~ In welcoming you men back to this last session, I would like to give the boys and girls a special welcome here to-day, and hope they may receive some knowledge of the working of County Council. We are also glad to have Elmer Wackley back again, and hope from now on he will have the best of health. The new Hospital is progressing very favorably, but the board is running low in cash. We have some $174,000.00 in bonds to be sold, also, some $~1,000.00 in pledges to collect. But I will not elaborate at this time as some of the board members win be here in the morning to give a report and answer any questions. I would ask your Council to consider well before advancing more money at this time as it is very hard to get a true picture till this hospital is built. I would also ask Council in a body, if possible, to go through the Hospital to-morrow afternoon. There will be members of the board there to show you through. '" ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 101 Your Road Committee has had a very busy year,a,.nd though able to lay only a few miles of hard pavement, a large mileage of our present pavement has been resealed, and an our roads are in excellent condition for the winter season. At the County Home, over $3,000.00 has been spent on improvements and re-decoration of rooms in the institution. The Property Committee has had the Court room and several rooms in the Court House re-decorated for an amount well below the estimated eost. Also, stokers were installed which should mean a considerable saving in cost of heating the building. The Children's Aid expenditure will exceed the estimates, due to children taken in to care in other counties, but chargeable to Elgin; also, to the increased rate charged us by other Societies. The cost of Administration of Justice will exceed our estimates, due to more courts, more prisoners, and improvements to the Jail, -requ~sted by the Provincial Inspectors. COMMUNIOATIONS From Floyd Catt with appreciation of Scholarship. - Filed. F-rom the County of Ontario with resolution re Establishment of Home for Women and Girls. - Referred to the Petitions and Legisla- tions Committee. From the University of Western Ontario re Appreciation of Scholar- ship grants. - Filed. From the Dept. of Agriculture re Reward Fund for Protection of Livestock. - Filed. From Mr. A. V. Langton with expression of appreciation re Cash cCrop Day. - Filed. From the Commissioner of the Ontario Provincial Police with ap- preciation re resolution of Constable R. Pritchard. - Filed. -, 102 ELGINCOUNTYCOUNCTh "'*' From the Western qntario Agricultural School re Scholarship GrauL ~Filed. From R. W. Johnson re Change in name of auditors. ,- Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Jail Governor, re Car Allowance for Jail Business. ....,... Re- ferred to the Finance Committee. From the Dept. of Highways re Assumption of Highway, County of Elgin, Plan A.7-28.....,... Filed. . From the County of Middlesex re Assumption of Townline east of Belmont as County Road. -,--, Referred to the Road Committee. REPLIES FROM OTHER COUNTIES TO ELGIN COUNTY RESOLUTIONS Resolution requesting the department of highways of the Province of Ontario to make super highways in the Province-toll roads. ~ Not endorsed-Lanark, Waterloo. No action taken-Oxford, Carleton. Not concurred in-Middlesex. TREASURER'S REPORT To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: <i' I beg to submit the following statement tures for 1953, up to November 1st, 1953: of Receipts and Expendi- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 103 Receipts Cash on hand, and in Bank, January 1st; 1953-.........___...$ 42,769.35 Administration of Justice nnnnn___.m_mm_m__..m..__,..._mnm 25,238.59 Notes Payable, Bank Loans ____m.mnm_m.mm_m_m____..___..,. 350,000.00 Interest on Deposit mnmnmmnnmmm_nnm_______m__md_+________ 29:04 Health Unit-Provincial Grant _________m_m_mm_m_m_________ 13,718.10 County Rates ...._m__.:._ no.._.__..._.<...______.______________.___.________________. 68,830.00 Registry Office Fees .____.....nM_m.....___..._.__m_____....___._________n 5,072.98 Charity and Welfare _m_m__m___..._mm._m......._m..____mmnn 23,442.41 .county Home _m___mmm______nnnm___m_m___nm_..........._...___nm___ 24,737.36 Children's Aid Society Refunds _mm.___._____mn___m............ 1,159.80 County Roads ___m___________________________________________________,____.........__. 122,085.28 Licenses and Miscellaneous __nm_mnm_m__nm___'_m__________h. 2,320.80 $679,403.71 Expenditures Administration of Justice _ ________ onm_.' __.____________________________$ 48,649.65 Charity and Welfare nnnn__nm_______________n___n'____.._ n _n________ 59,111.17 Grants .._unnn_______.......____nm__n__n__n__n________________ _n__. ___.__n_n___ 7;852.50 County Home ___m_' _nnunun________n___n_____n________m_________.._ _ _00_ 25,879.78 Registry Office ____n__nn__n__nmnnmn__nm_____________________ _______ __ 1,852.16 .Health Unit _ _ _ _______n _n___ _mm__nn___n___mm_____________.. 25,000.00 Children's Aid Society _ __m_ ______m __n______m__n_____m________________ 22,605.88 Members Wages mmn__n______nun_______n__m_ 5,330.75 Officers' Salaries ..____m _.._.._____ _ _______mmnmnnnnm____n____m__ 6,718.00 Printing, Postage, and Stationery _ ____mmnn_______n___m_____ 749,,73 Care of Buildings ____ _____mm_____m____nm_..... ___ .._..._mmn_____m 3,736.77 Agriculture __m'n__....m.__n....____________________ ...m_. ..nmm_m_______m__ 3,352.84 County Roads ___nnm__m___________m__m__________________h____ m__m___nn 321,789.13 Miscellaneous __unn_______nn____n__n_____________n____________ _____m______m 1,158.96 St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital _________m __m_m__ ___m_ 130,000.00 $663,787.32 .cash on hand, and in bank, October 31st, 1953 _m____m_m__m____m____. 15,616.39 $679,403.71 All of which is respectfully submitted. J. D. THOMSON, County Treasurer. " 104 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL " CLERK'S REPORT ON LICENSES To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: I have to report the following applications for licenses have been approved by the local municipalities and the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit from June 24th, 1953, to November 1st, 1953.. . Bestaurants F. E. Hillis & Sonnmmnmmm. onmmnn om u_____ ___.Wallacetown J. Alvin Good..mnnnn__mm mnn__ o..n_ m____,U _____nnWallacetown "Town and Country"m__ nm_.. _,_______________R. R. 7, st. Thomas A. W. GallowaY.momm.....____ ..._________mmmmm_nnPort Stanley LloYd S. Gun, (Stork Club)._ ___m_ ____un_nm,Port Stanley Leo Marchn~_mm nmn .____umn _ ____un___ n.mmn?ort Stanley Dorothy Brown__ un_un.. ____nmo nno unmn ....o___nnPort Burwell John MechaE..mm__ __.n_. .._nnmmmmnnmmR. R. 2, Aylmer Robert Hunter.. m. u__ nnm moooooom'mmonnnnmR.. R. 2, Aylmer " Refreshment Stand or Lunch Counter o Mario Monaco.munu .._.moonoomOoonmm..._oooo... __m.Port Burwell Sam Shippnnm O"n_' _m mm_n_mm n.._.m_mnm.. nm.Port Burwell William Bugler on n___m. oo"_mmumoooooommmmmoooomPort Burwell Fred Dorkinm .m.._ U_um moooooonoomoonm___moooonm.Port Burwell Hugh Millard mmnmoooooooommmmmmoooonoonnStraffordville Julius Suto_ nm_nnn .mmunnmnnunumnnnnnmmR. R. 1, Aylmer Clifford WraYn nmmnmmnmmnmnnmmmumR. R. 4, Aylmer Lawrence Ross moomnmnmmnuunnnmnmumnmPort Stanley A. R. Anderson..n..'_.._n......m..__.__.___.._..._....__.n_._.._._Port Stanley K_ C. Turnbull, {Mackie's}mumuunnmm_mmnmPort Stanley Elizabeth Leathornm_m_nnmnnnmm.m. oommnm "Port Stanley Mrs. M. Ginsberg__mmnmnnnmnnnnmnnnnnnnmuPort Stanley Lloyd S. Gurrnnnnnnmn~".;n:_...nmm__...~mc__mm_U"_Port Stanley Mrs. Vera M. Babcockuummm_.mmm_m.___.m.mm..Port Stanley B. A. Y oung_m.m".Jmm_ .._mmn on. o_u _._._._m_mPort Stanley Theo Diedischnmnmmno .._ m.. n__...m m.._ ___.m.Port Stanley Wallace BarbeL_ ......_m_...._oon oun_.' ..__..._mmm.R. R. 1, Eden Irma Tra vis_.m.._.__...._.n___:n.m.nn.m.nnn._n._...m...Port Burwell W.. L. BroughtonmnooCnoomnmmmnnmnmnnmmR. R. 2, Aylmer " o ., JCLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 105 Potato Chi!> Booth K C. TurnhuIL.mnmu___mnmnn______mnn-""m_m___..Port- Stanley Ice Cream Stands C. O. DanieLm____mnnmhm___m..._..___h...m.R. R. 1, Springfield N.. Da wson 91ark__________.......__.___........m___n_______...___........;...Fingal M. C. Silcox_mnnm__mm.___'...____...._m_________......R. R. 3,Shedden Fred Cott_______m_____________._.._____..._h___~_________..____.._.__m_hTalbot"\tille.c" ,,: Emery McQuiggan______n___mm_______mnn___m_m______..P-9r.t.BUrwell' Lincoln Werthnnnnnnnnm_mnmmmmmmmmmm_Port Burwell Frank M. Fordham__mnh__~__~:',_~.:..~-,____--:-----______-_m_.n_mmFingal Thurman Legg.___:___nm_nn:_mm....___mn_m_______mR. R. 4, Aylmer Harold Sawyer__._____.___._.___n___..__m__"-;..__.__~~,__.._".....:.:m....'m.nEden Mavis H. Wilcox-o._mm_.m.mm.nm_._m.m.mmm..__Port Burwell All of which is respectfully submitted. J. D. THOMSON, County Clerk and Treasurer. CLERK'S REPORT;ON UCENSES To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: I.have to report the following licenses in force on the 1st day of November, 1953: Auctioneer K. J. McAlpinemm_ ...00.. ..m.. n. m ..m nm___nmmnnnmmnnbutton Don Shoremm... nmmn __.0000_ ___,.. moo mO____ nn.mO.. nR. R: 6, St. Tho,mas Ivan Parkinsonm..nnn _ __m m..n nmn :~oR. R. 8, LOndon Fred Haggan.....mnmm nnnmnmn nnn 'nnmm~ ,:c~'~t::i nm ..-~.A;~lmer Don Watterworthmmmmmmn nnmnmm nmmmnmmm mnmum ....Aylmer Harold G. Clarke_nmnmnmm.mmmo unm mn_mmn_.~62 St.-,C~tl1erine St. A. J. McAlpine.m_...m..nm mum .m_m.;nnmmmnmmmnnnnnnnnnStrathroy Duncan Brownnnnn m. _ _._.m.;n'm.nm:~,~..~nnm. m;.____Shedden James R. McLeanm nnmmn mmmmmnmmnmmmm m..R. R. 2, Parkhill Arthur Longmnn....m.nmmmnmnmmm.;...:;,._~;no____::;R.- R. 1, Tillsonourg " l06 EWIN COUNTY COUNC;rL '" ,_ Salvage -Dealers Norm.an:;Winter~_m__...____m__________.._..__________"_"_'_ ______________R. R. 1, Simcoe Adam Kirschnermmnn...mnmnnn_..mmmnn.______.R. R. 3, West Lorne Murray Ripley____mnmm_,:-'mm____.__....______m_mm__dmu_mR. R. 5, Dutton Peter Kaveic..___m____________:..._____n_m___.___..54 Steele St~ Yarmouth Twp. Wil11aro.: KeUy_._.n..____,______.__......________...__.__.____________..+_.___________Port Stanley Donald CampbelLm_m_m....._m_m______.n.....__nn_m_.....___-;-_mn_West Lorne Richard Rowe__________________._____..._.__________~__nh._.____n_____.+.___.34 Hiawatha st. Charles Winterm....___unmnm.....__.___m_mnm..__mm_mn__....R. R. 2, Vienna Walter HaIIidaYm....__mmm..m__m___n.___mm____m__mR. R. 3, St. Thomas . Transportation of Fowl " Charles Pangborn______.__________m.__......___............. __Talbotville All of which is respectfully submitted. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk-Treasurer. ~ SECRETARY'S REPORT To the Elgin County Council: , Gentlemen: The following is my report on the Elgin County Home for the year ,ending October 31st, 1953: 1. Number of inmates at last reportm 28 2. Number admitted during the yearm.m._m_m............_....mm 22 . 3. Number of deathsm_.____m_m_mm....._m_._.+'....._..._m_mun__nnnu.. :3 4. Number discharged_m__m__________mmnm.____________m___.______________ 14 ~ 5. Number discharged to hospitaL_m_m______m+_....mmm___mmm+ 3 6. Number of inmates now in house_unnnm__mm_.m__:___:nmn_ 30 ELGIN COUNTY COuNCn. 10''7 7. Number of inmates sent from. several municipalities during the year: Aldborough __m___________.__,___..~...;..__._.___________'__:.~m____co. 1 Aylmer ____._..._n._____n___m___n___O..____....____um________________ 1 South Dorchester __m__________':_d_;';+_;~.__...___________:__~" 1 Yarmouth n_.___.___m..______.___m_m__.___h......_______________.. 6 Vienna ___n______._________..__.';___.____,________..____..:,.,._-'__.____.______~ 1 Malahide ___n_..__m...________________________________________._.__.____ 3 Dunwich __n_.________mn_...____________________n_nn__________.._____ 1 Bayham ._____________:___:.:::....___________.__m__________...._........... 2 Rodney _ _ ______mn_nnn_n..__nnnnn..._nnn__nnnn_n'___'_,.:_ 2 Port Stanley '_'mmnmn__mnn...nmmnnnm__nmn_____: _ 3 Port Burwell nnmmmm._. __mm_mmnnmn____________m~ .1 22 8. The various causes of pauperism of inmates admitted to the Home during the year may be classified as follows: Old Age _n._ III health 14 8 22 9. Average number of inmates during the yearnu umnn 26 10. Average number with Keeper's family and hired help 31 11 Number of weeks' board with Keeper's family.._.__ 1,615 12. Number of weeks' board of inmates__ 1,355 13. Total ex~enditure during the yeaL_mmmmmmmmmnnmm_$ 27,333.23 Deductions 14. From Farm Stock ..n .._mnnnnn......_nmnmnnnn_ nmn_nnnnnn$ From Old Age Pensions, inmates _ Produce, Milk, and eggs _._.___ Sundries _.____mnnn..nnnonnmn.__ _ noon Inmates maintenance n_'m nonm mnnnm. nm m_.-....m.m. Estates of inmates__ nm__nnm_nnn__..n'n__mm'n'n'nnnmmmm_ 1,308.50 9,081.00 818.55 281.13 1,212.38 957.82 $ 13,65938 108 mLGIN OOUNTY OOUNOIL " ~ 15. Leaving amg:l;lfl~t,.~ I;tctuaIly expended for support of inmates $13,673.95. 16. Average expenses per day of each personn .0....________0..$- 1.44 17. Average expense~ per week of each .perso_n___-mmm-..$ 10.09 18. Average expenses per year of each person__mm__m_..$524.68 Farm Expenses Hired Labour .____uu____________________________________________..__.$ Implements ...___,___________________________________________________n Stock ____..u...__.................______;_____________:..._______________________ Feed and Seed ._.n__'______.________________,__________________________ Gas and Oil ____________...._._.__....____..__..__._.._....____________.___ Miscellaneous .......______.......__._......_.._................._.....". House and Inmates Expenses Hired Labour ..........__.................__..__.........._.__........._.$ Food and Provisions .mm..mmnm.m:_mmmmnmm Clothing and Footwear. .m.......m.............m.n..... Drugs and Medical, ..m,n' u..............m...nn....._n__ Tobacco __............~...............___. _............._..........__..__....__. Welfare Provisions .....'n.......m....nnn...nnmm'mnn House Supplies ......m....__.......mu...u...mmu..u_______.. Furnishings ..~.m.m__....mm...m.m...._._......__.m._...__'::. Fuel, Telephone, Hydro .m...nm.. .'.'m.......__.m.m. Repairs ..........m.__.........._.._....................................... Miscellaneous ..m.._.._.................................._....,......... Insurance ____._m.__._.....__....................m..._...._.............. Salaries Superintendent and Matron ........____..........m..mn$ Mis-cel1aneous salaries and Pension __...._._... Physician __._......._................._.........................._...__...$ " 829.30 920.52 507.50 1,257.10 280.94 601.42 $ 4,396.78 823.00 4,708.30 896.09 453.08 587.29 1,385.50 3,426.18 628.00 1,314..53 3,621.69 1,280.29 1,375.00 > , $ 20,498.95 o 1,800.00 237.50 400.00 ~ $ 2,437.50 ELGIN COUNTY~COUNCIL 109 19. The following produce was raised on the farm during the year: 25 Bushels of tomatoes. 22 Quarts of Milk per day. 500: 'Quarts Fruit Canned in House. BOO Dozen of Eggs Consumed. 700 Pounds ':(jfBtitter. 50' Heads of Cabbage. -'15 Bushels of Potatoes. io: Bushels of Carrots. 4 Bushels of Beets. 10 Bushels: of Onions. 100' Bushels of apples. Farm Stock 21 Hogs. 175 Chickens. 23. That the total amount expended by the County on the County Borne is as follows: Farm, 100 Acres cost _m_____.m____________...~,_____________._...$ 7.298.95..... County Home _m__mm_._____m__m____nnnnm_..___nn'n___;____ 16,650.65 I~a:u'ndry' __._______________m_....__~._______..__________.___.____.______.._______ 687.61 Fire Escapes .._______________._____________.._______________.....___________ 390.00 Root Cellar, Henery, Etc. __mm.___m____n____...._________n 1,419.43 Cottages, Etc. ___m.__mm_m_.___mum______m_____m___._ mmm 9,192.87 Brick Ice House __.__._.n.___mm.mm_mm ____mn__m'_._ mnn__ 1,920.50 Barns, Etc. ___mnnn__._n_.__m______._____n________.._m_n._____._____ 7,254.30 Tile Drain _______._n___.______m___._______n______.._______.______n____n_ 4,417.23 Tile Drain Outlet _m_____mm_..___m__nm_____________.___m.____ 132.03 Hot Air Pump Tank Connections m_____m___m.___. 920.60 Refrigerator ______.___n...___.__n____..____~_______n__.m____n_.______. 1,783.00 Fencing _______.....__________..._________....._____n_.____.__..___m__..._ 1,979.07 Orchard __________.__________n_......n_____n______.___._______...______________. 85~85 Heating Apparatus ___.____nm___..._._____:____...__.____._____m 6,437.61 Boiler Room and' Soft Coal Boiler ________...._________ 3,837.52 Deep Well ___nm_n_.___m_..n_..._________....____________.____n______n 2,507.40 Silo ____n_______n_n_______nn____n____________nn.._.______n..n......_____ 293.62 Hog Pen .__.._______n___________...____________..__._______..._.._... 654..99 Electric Installation and Pumps ____....._m_.__n__...__. 3,262.30 Plu.:r;nbing n__n__m______m.._____nm.,..._________.......____,.nn___.n... 3,174.00 Septic Tank and Drain nm....__________.......__mn________. 1,146.75 no ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Sundries ____.____._________m___._____.______;._______,_~_.:;,';~,___..~:.:.._oo___ Milk House ...._u_....._..___u_.._._.._u._u.__n__.._...__......._n_______ Fire Alarm System m_m_m_..._....m_m.__.+.~_..h..nnmn__ 416.35 535.51 2,862.00 $ 79,260.14 24. Received from G'overnment on account of expenditures for land and buildings m___'+__,c____.nnm'__m....... 4;000.00 Sale of farm. .._mm_. _oun..._n ___m_mm,..:_m..$ Stock and machinery .___ .nmm.._'Cnnn__,_ $ 75,260.14 10,500.00 4,225.75 .. 14,725.75 $ 60,534.39 25. There were 50 inmates in the House during 1953, 37 males, 13 females. Of the 30 inmates in the House on the first day of November, 1953, 22 were males, and 8 females. The management has been satisfactory. All of which is respectfully submitted. , J. D. THOMSON, County Clerk. ~ FINAN()E COMMITTEE N overnber Session - First Report To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: The Finance Committee r~ports as follows: ~ 1 That the following hospital accounts be: paid: Memorial Hospital, St. Thomas ~__.__m__nnn___m'nn$ Victoria Hospital, London ____nmmnmmnmmmmnnn Til1sonburg District Memorial Hospital __m___nn York County Hospital, Newmarket _mnnm_mnn" 5,349.66 607.33 322.37 84.00 ~. ELGIN COill<TY COUNQIL 111 St. Joseph's HO~p'~~I; jr.,oni;lon m_,__moonmm_ 248.10 TOTAL $ 6,611.46 All of which is respectfully submitted. K. M. WILLIAMSON, Chairman. FINANCE COl\fl\lITTEE November Session - Second Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That By-Law No. 1616 be amended re Change of name of County Auditors. 2. That we increase the monthly car allowance of the Jail Gover- nor to $9.00 per month. 3. That the Children's Aid Pay List No. -5, for $3,907.28 be paid. 4. That the Charity and Welfare Pay List No. 5, ~or $953.40 be paid. 5. That Printing, Postage, and Stationery Pay List No.5, for :$37.35 be paid. All of which is respectfully submitted. K. M. wn..LIAMSON, Chairman. ) ~ , :112 EWINeOUNTY COUNCIL ~ FINANCE COMMITTEE Nove:inber session - Third B.eP<trt To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Finance Committee reports as follows: ~ 1. That the matter of a Juvenile Court and appointment of Proba- tion Officer be referred to the January~:.sessidlfof County CounciL 2. That the question:of an additional: grantbe' referred to the 1954 Council, and that they act in conjunction with the Council of the City of St. Thomas in making a grant. All of which is respectfully submitted. K. M. WILLIAMSON, ChairUlaII , PETITIONS A--"ffi LEGISLATIONS COlllMITTEE . To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Peti~ions and Legisl,~tions ~omn:ittee reports .as follows: 1. That we concur with the resolution from the County of OntarlQ, re Establishment of a home for women ~d girls. All of which is ,respectfully s~bmitted. H. ALWARD, Chairmill1. ~ ~ , 114 ELGIN"COUNTY COUNCIL -; ~. NOVEMBER SESSION 1953 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: Your Road Committee begs to report as foIlows:- > 1. The Elgin County Roads Department has nearlyc-ompleted: this years programme of maintenance and construction work. We made an inspection of the roads under our control on November 16th and find that the roads and bridges are in good condition. T The By-law passed at the .January Session provided for- County Road purposes _______________...____...________________________..__$395,000.00 Suburban Road purposes ______.._..m....._._____umm_,n_n_u___mnu 41,000.00 $436,000.00 In May the County was notified by the Department of ffighways that the Minister of Highways approved of a maximum total expenditure of $392,000.00 on which subsidy would be paid this year. This is a re- duction of $44,000.00 and much of the construction work contemplated at the January Session had to be curtailed. ; > Our expenditures from January 1st to October 31st were $348,122.31. This leaves only $43,877.69 to expend in November and December and from which the grants to the Town of Aylmer and to the Villages, amounting to about $12,000.00 will be paid.. 2. The following works have been completed:- (a) Road Mulch Pavements were laid on the following roads:- ~ County Road No.2-Township of Dunwich..._..._....m.....m1 mile County Road No. 38-ToWLlShip of Bayham .m_...__....._.__....1 mile ~ .~ County Road No. 43-Township of S. Dorchesternm__..mm.l.2 mile Suburban Road No. 22-Township of Yarmouth u ...............__.2 mile ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 11S PROPERTY COMMITTEE 'To the :EJlg~n County Council, Gentlemen~ The Pro.perty CQmmittte~ reports as fono'Ws~ 1. That Administration of Justice pay List "No. .g for $443.23 be :paid. 2. That Registry Office Pas List No.. $, flJr $59.10 be paid. ,3. That Care of Buildings Pay -List No.8, for $1.12 be paid~ 4. That the tender of the Canada Bread Co. for bread for the County J~iI, sliced, or 'Un-sliced at 13 Cents per loaf be accepted: 5. That an eletltric clGck be purchased for the Court Roohi. ..All of whiCh i$ respectfully Slubmitted. R. SHEPPARD, Chairman_ COUNTY ROME cOll1MITTE:E 'l'o the :ElgIn County Council, Gentlemen: The EI~lh COUnty Home Com:rnlttee report!:; as iono'Ws~ 1. That Pay List No. 15 fOr $760.62 be paid. 2. That the tender of the Canada Bread Co. fot bread for the County Borne at 13 cents pel' loaf be acce:pted,. S. That W~ recommend the nani~ or thli:l:EIgin County Hoine be c.b,anged to <<Elgin Manor/' , AI!: of which is respectfully submitte.d. A. LlTTLEJOHN, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTy.cOUNcIL 115 <(b) Asphalt .Pavements were laid on County Roads in Urban Municipalities as follows:- Main Str-eet-Vil1age of West Lornem_____....____.m_nmn_800 lineal feet So~th Street-Town of Aybner,_~m.h_'_.~m"__~__".~_m170a lineal feet l(c) The existing pavements on 46 miles of County Roads and 6 miles of Suburban Roads were surface treated with tar and chips. <,d) 1950 Hne'al fMt of -Concrete Curbs and Gutters Wer~ laid on Queen Street in the Village of Rodney. (e) The fonowing bridges and culverts were reconstructed or widb ened:- CRINNAN BRIDGE---County Road No. L..._______nn....._Aldborough l!JCKER bRAIN CULVERT-County Road No. l{)n___.on.DUtlwich McCAFF'REY nn.AI~ CULVERT-County Road No.. ROhDunwich ROLOSON BRIDGE......;County Road No. 3&.___...",~...'__'n__,_...BaYhant 3 Concrete Culverts over the SIMPSON DRMN, ih the Village of Springfield were repaired. A 5 fool Concrete Pipe culvert was constructed. on Road No. 36, 'Township of Yarmouth. A 4 foot Concrete Pipe culvert was eonstructed on Road No.2, over "the Minnie Drain, in the Township of Dunwich. A 3 foot Concrete Pipe culvert was constructed on Road No.2, over the MHls Drain, in the Township of Aldborough. l{f) Extensive Grading and Widening was done on the follc;rwlng roads :~ County Road :No. 42-Township of Malahide, at Silver Creek HilL Intersection of County Road No. 42 and Highway No. 73, Town~ ship of Malahide, at Copenhagen. County Road No. 1~Township of Aldborough, through Con. 2. County Road No. 3S--Township or Bayhatn, at Roloson Bridge. County Road No. 16--Township of Southwold, from Fingal Wes- terly 2 miles. 116 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL .~ County Road No. 36-Township of Yarmouth, Highway No.3 Southerly 27i miles (in cOT,Irse of cnnstruction)" County Road No. 45--Village of Port Burwell (Widened grade at bottom of West Hill). County Road No.3-Township of Aldborough, at Fleming Creek Bridge. 3. The following new machines were purchased:- l-Allis-Chalmers 104 H.P. Diesel Grader. I-Lincoln Electric Model SA.E. 300 amp. Gasoline Engine Driv- en Electric Welder, mounted on truck. , ~ r l--Chevrolet one-tone Pick-up Truck. 4. About 1,320 tons of Crushed stone 40,000 Cubic Yards of Pit-run Gravel and 20,000 Cubic Yards of Crushed G'ravel were placed on County and Suburban Roads and About 5,000 Cubic Yards of Crushed Gravel and 6,000 Cubic Yards of Sand were stock piled. 5. About 2,520 lineal feet of Steel Culverts were purchased. , ~ ~ 6. The McINTOSH BRIDGE on County Road No. 14, over the Thames River was painted. . 7 THAT the communication from the Clerk of Middlesex regarding the proposal to al?sume the Town Line between the Town- ships of North Dorchester and South Dorchester from Belmont to Highway No. 73 be filed. 8. THAT the small parcel of land at the North east corner of Lot 13, Gore Concession, North of Talbot Road Eas~, in the Township of Malahide, lying North of the Air Port Road, be sold to Frank Smith for the suni of Seventy Dollars ($70.00), on condition that Mr. Smith pays all costs of the transfer. ~ All of which is respectfully submitted. ;'! J JAMES W. NEIL, Pro-ChairTY".'3.n ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 117 WEED L'VSPECTOR!S REPORT To the Elgin County Council. Gentlemen: I wish to report on the Weed Control in Elgin for 1953. :I received good co-operation from all officials in charge of maintenance of High- ways, and County Roads. Some township roads were cut a little late, and some weeds went to seed. The Provincial highways in Elgin were .sprayed, and cut, also, and later the wild carrot was cut, some twice, and yet so~e came out in flower. The County RDads in Elgin were mowed twice, and some three times; and still there was corisiderable weeds mostly wild carrot. Where the County owned a mower a good jab was done, Qut where a custom mower was hired, it looked in most cases, that it was the money they were after, as the smooth places were the only places well cuL I would say that Elgin County needs a .County owned sprayer. Some townships mowed the roads fairly good, others were not too .much inter- ested in the roadside. Aldborough township I think, did the most spray- ing of any township of Elgin, there were 112 single miles sprayed, mostly for brush material costing $1,400.00. On the farms more spraying is being done each year, but a lot more is needed. The railroads in Elgin County co-operated fairly good this past summer, but a lot of improvement can be made. The weed control depends on farmers and all property and home owners themselves, and I think all officials in charge of Highways and County roads and town- ship roads give the road sides a little attention. The Weed inspectors duties is not the most pleasant in the world, but after advising and explaining to the people, the majority co-operated fairly well. I had the opportunity to visit other Counties this year, and Elgin County has no more weeds than other Counties. Your weed inspector travelled 4,383 miles, and worked 553 hours. All of which is respectfully submitted. CLAYBOURNE GORDON, Weed Inspector. ~~ " 118 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL .", 'I BY-LAW NO. 1636 "'Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 1616-'1Y 'WHEREAS the firm R. W. .Johnson & Co., Auditors: fo-r Elgin CQunty has been changed to Fred Page Higgins & Co. The Elgin County Council enacts; THAT the name R W. .Johnson & Co., be deleted in Clause one 01' By-Law No. 1616, and replaced by Fred Page Higgins, & Co. 'k . , THAT By-Law No.. 1616 is hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time this 18th day cf November, 1953. READ a second. time this 18th day of November, 1953. READ a third time, and finally passed this 18th day of November, 1953. .T. D. THOMSON, Clerk. ~ S. McKILLOP, Warden.. ,t :, o.j II.) INDEX nRANTS- Alm.a Col-lege .__________________________m.._._________..._________________________.__.._________._ 17 .:Agricultural and Horticultural SocietieS ___" __.___mu__mnm___m. 23, 24 Child1ren's Aid Society .-.mm--____.________.__m_m__nnh_______nm..-__m__m__._mm__ 30 C.N .I.B. _.___________________n______...___._________________._n-__::___..___________...n.__n_m_.._.____~ 31 East and West Elgin High School Board _m_____mm_mnmu..'_._nm_m_. 76 Protection to Livestock n___m_______________m___________________________m______.:..n 75 Pu~blic Libraries ___m___________u___._________n_____________._______________...______m_______n__ 30 To the Ward'en and-Rep,orters -m--...__________n___m___________._nm___nm__ 98, S9 Salvation Arn1y _______n_____.___nnnn____uu_______.__uu____________________o._._._n___:u..._.:___ 30 University of Western Ontar,io nn___h___n"_n ____nn_______________'.__m___...__...__ 30 W om en's In-stitutes .n___m.___n_n________.._______._.__.n__.....____.____:_n____~____o__..____ S:o MISCELLANEOUS- Appointments of Delegates _mn_______.~_____'_nn_____nm__n___._______________.m_n 16 Communications _______u_________n_________.___,.,_u.__.,-____n____. 4, 47, '66, 88, 101 'County Council __n___._.__.,.___.___un____..__u__n_,.....______.._______u___.______.______hO__n__n_._._ 3 County Officials _nnn.___.nnnnn.,-._...___,n'___n.nnu__.__._nh'__.-___.____________m___.,,_....__ 2 Del ega tions .__m__n___.__,_u____...___u________.~__.u..__.________.___~__.___._~.u_u_____.___.__._______,,__ 18 Replies to Elgin Coun,ty Resolutions ___.u:.m___m_.....nm___. ~9r 89, 102 Deputations and Committees m__________m 7, 8, 9, 11, ~'3, 15, 16 21,42, 43, 45, 46, 60, 63, 86, 87, 97, 98 Municipal Clerks and Treasurers n__________.nn_m__._......nn'_..'...____.________....___ 2 Warden's Address mm_m______u...___n..._____dh_.__..____.m________n 9, 68, 90, 100 Warden's Election --..___.___.__.__n.___._______._.._._._____.._.._____.__n_.____n___m_.___.._....m.__. 4 REPORTS OF Clk1UllITTEES AND OFFICIALS- Agricultur:al. Committee ______n__m.mm______.n...._n.m'_ 23, ;24, 25, 49, 75 County Clerk on Licenses __......n___....______m__..___m___m_"__'____ 71, lC4, 105 County Home Committee .,________.nn_____m.____._____________ 27, 75, 91, 1U.3 County Treasurer's Report uu.n__mmn.'.nm____n____mn__n__n_____m.____ 74. 102 Education Committee mm'___n__m___m___.n___m_..______n____.____nm_mm__...... 28, 76 Equalization _____...u..n____.___m_____nn_nn_n_____.___.n___n.._.___.___._...--m_n.____n__._.....m_ 50 Finance Colll'miit!tee -.......______00.__..29. 51, 77, 78, 92,. 94., no, 11.1, 112 ISecretary's Report of the Elgin County Home ___n__________h_______ 107 -1'10 Li'brary Co..:Operative __n__.__________m___..._________'___._m.__________.._____.___..._n.n._____m_ 33 Petitions and Legislations .____'m_____m_____n....mnoo_ 35, 54, 78. 92, 112 Property Committee n=n__mm_..m_______.__mmmm_________. 35, 55,79, 93, 113 Road Committee _,___._____'m_m......h.mO'...oooo________n__n__________mm_____ 80, 95, 114 Standing Con:mittees ___ _._.__.___.__.._m___._m___._____._____...._._ _________.___._.__.____u__ 21 Wee.d Inspector _._.u_..._____'__nn.._____....__n_h...___._.____....___n_____.n__..C_n.________._"-__.___ 1U 7 Hospital Committee _mmoo__..m_nm_____~.____ un.____m.____m__nmm.______ m.n...m 32 .BY-LAWS- No_ 1624, To Authorize the Warden and Treasure,r to Borrow 1 the Sum of Four Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars .__n__un _ m_m _n...____.__ ____ ..u__..___ _____. ___ _ ___n n.._uu___..__ 3-8 No. 16"25 A By-LaW' to Pr-ovid,e f6r the T6tal 1,g53 Ex.pe'fl'({lf- ture on the County Road 'System Established Und-er the Highway Iltnprovement Act and on County Bridges' in the County of E}gln _____n_m__._____n__mm____ ____...___mnm... gg No. 16'2& T'o Appoint a Board of Audit in the- County of: E-1:gin 4G No. 1527 To Appoint a GountyRoad Com.mittee ___mm__m_m_mm 4() No 16-2:8 To Amend By-J:...aw 1607 __numm__m_uum__u._______mmmm~ 41 NQ. 1629 TQ Raise AmQunts: for County Rates during the ye,ar 1953 _______u.u_________.u_..u.__u______u_._......_____.,__.__'.._'___'__.___' 55 No. HmO To Corrfirm the Equ'J.lization of the As.se's-sment Rolls of the County of Elgin for the year 1953 ___..u__..._..___._ 51 No, 1631 A By-Law to Confirm By~Law No. 1265 of the Town- ship of Bayham, .being a By-Law to Provide for O{)S- ing and -Stopping Up and Selling a Portion ,of Road: across Lots 121 and 122 between Concession 7 and the North Go-re of the TownShip of Bayham nm_._....___ 58 No, 1632 To Annex Area to the East Elgin High School Dis- itict, LAmend' By...LllW' No" 1478 .n..n.~_.__...._.___,~~.u_m___._.~_.;... 8S No. 1633 To Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign Deed l'e ISale of County Home' Farm m..'..:'u~m~~_....".~"...__".__n..__ 83 No" 1S3t4 A ,By-La:w to Amend. the By~L8JW Adopting a Plan of County RO.J.d Improvement and EstalbUshing a County .Road System in the County of Elgin under the Highway Improvement Act __.._._m..__m_m_m."__:_nmn 84 Mo. 1635 To. Ap.p,oint a Physician for the Elgin County :flome 85 No~ 16::8 Being a By-La.w to Amend By-;Law No" 1616 'm....___mn 118 RESOLUTIONS- iRe Spe'cial Committ~e to Sttikt! 'Standirtg rConln1ittee8' ._._.~..,. 7 IRe Petition for Gove'rnment :Roadl SUbsidy _._..n.......~.-.m...-h...-...m.-.- 6 Re Admission of Indigent Patients to .any Hospital mnmnnmmn 12 Re Con.gratulations to Hon. F. S. Thomas m..m........m..u.m..__.__..m. 13 Re P~titiQn Extension of I:lighway 19 mm mmu', __'_..._mm _.'m..m..._ 13 Re Provincial LegislaUon on Disttibutiort of Cost of Education 15 Re Grant to. Alm.3. College mumnnmnu'._. .nu.._.........__..__.m.mm.......n..m 16 Re Con.firmation of By...JLaw 1265 01 Townshi.p of !Bayham m..... 42 Re Payment of Grant to. St. Thomas.EJ.gin General Hospitall'.m 45 Re Rene,waJ of Fire Insurance "'..m_m_._.m__...__..__.__, ___.m...mm...m.m.. 62 He Department of Highways an,d ;Super Highways __h'n..__~........ 63 Re Canadian Good 'Roads Association _.........~.__.mn..n_u..n.m......__ 81 Re Official Recognition of Provincial Consta'ble Robert PritchaJrd in Savin-g Life mmn.u..n.._..._...._...u.........'..._m..._....... &1 Re Petitioning Department of Highways on Approach from. County Road No. 42 and Highway 73 nmnmmmnm__......m 87, Re Authorization to Sign Agreement with Direetor;y( Ai~, Services ....._..........m._....n....'.._..._..._..."....._.......__...._'_"._::_..n..'.'~__ 96 Re County Representatives on High 'School Boards ...'__"hn'n_... 97 ~ '~ . i .] A k ., j~) i~ /.'.,' ',I ~ ~ ii' ~