1954 Minutes
Elgin County Council
During the Sessions held in 1:he
in the Months of
ICOunty iOlwk.
J. F. MoMillan, County Judge
I~ Benri~e Coyne, Registrar
1. D. Cameron, County Court Clenk and Sheriff
E. IF. S. Sanders, OleIlk of the Peace, County CI'Own Attorney
and County Solicitor
R. W. McDonald, Jailor
Alex. McColl, Public School Inspector
R.E. Rawlin.gs, PuJblic School Inslpector
J. D. Thomson, County Clerk and Treasurer
F. A. Bell, C.E., County Road Supt.
George .powles,. Asst. County Road Supt.
Dr. D. L. Ewin, Jail PhysicIan
Dr. E. G. Burger, Elgin Manor Physician
E. Donald Smith, County Police M:a:gistrate
G. L. WHlson, Supt., ,Elgin M:anor
C. Kil1kwood, Corporal, Onto Pil"ovindal Police
Claybourne Gordon, Weed Inspector. R.R. 7, St. Thomas
Fred Pa,g.e Higgins & Co., County Auditor
Aldborough,____~Chas. 1. Bla'ok, Rodney_-,Chas. 1. B1a.ck, Rodna,y
Duruwich.._.. _A. N. Walker, Dutton....__.Mrs. Mildred MoNeil, Dutton
Southwold ____moW. G. Blewett, RiR.6, St. Thomas_____._W. G. Biewett
yarmouth........________iH. L. Lawton, St. Thom.as~___________H. L. Lawton
Malahide..__. __.Ramey Johnson, Box 4718, Aylm'er__~___lHarley Johnson
Bayham._____...___J. D. Val'lee, Straffordville_______.____iT. D. Vallee
South Dorchester___i.R.os:s Evert, RlR. ,3, .Be1m,onL___--1Ross Evert
Towill of Aylmer._._._...___.John S. Foy, Aylmer_____..._.John S. Foy
Village of Vienna_.JMrs. L.puise McDonald, __.!Mrs. [.ouise MdDonald
Villalge of Springfield___,--- W. G. Charlton__.__._.iRalph Smith
ViEaLge of Dutton._-Z. E. M~aoCallum, Dutton-1Bert Smith, Dutton
Village .of Port Stafl..:1ey____J. H. BU-Dke; Port Stanley.-----.-J. R. Burke
Village of iRoilney______._G. L. Mistele, Rodney_..__G. L. Mistele
ViIlar.e of West Lorne______R. E. Evans____Mrs. Tena M.cGregor
Village of Por.t Burwell____H. Grieve, PoIt BUr'wel1----H. GrieVE!
Elgin County Council
Tuesday, Ihe 191h day of January. 1954
'TIheElgin IOo-unty OO'UThcil met <1fuJis day at 'the -Court HOUSE".
St. Thomas. as required :by Statute.
The folllO'wing lIIletmibers f-iled iOertitfka'tes ,and took their seats
at 'tihe Counoil talb'le:
James oW. 'lNeil, Reeve, tAldlborougth.
Philip rw. :Sohlelliam, iDeputy &eve, Aldlborough.
Alister B. Lirttle'j1ohn, Reev;e, lDuntwich.
.fu1chie C. ID/[dMi~l}an, !Deputy [Reeve, Dunwich.
George Silcox, iReeve, Southlwald.
Cl:aren1ce Culver, Deputy Reeve, Souilllwold.
Cyril .1VI.IW1ill1ams>, :Rieeve, Ya11IIlouth.
Jlarn'es C. Hindley, !Doouty Reeve, Ya['!llQuth.
GOOJ.'Ige [Roszell, !Reeve, lMalahide.
Bruce M'aJI'.r, !Deputy !Reeve, Malalhide.
'\-Valier [). Ne1sv-n, ReEr"ve, Bayfrtam.
Morley IlVLcQuig1Jan, Deputy iReeve, Bayham.
Jdhn iB. lWaTson, Reeve, South Dorchester.
Kenneth M. Wi'l'liamson, Reeve, AylrIner.:
E. E. Ai:ik-,illison, Deputy [R.eev-e, Ayliner.
HOIW'<rrd IPalimer~ Reev-e, Vienna.
Elmer WaDk'ley, Reew, Spring:fie1d.
Thoro'as W. Shipley, ReelVe, Dutton.
Mrs. Violet MelGar-thy, [Re,e;ve, POtrt Stanl€y.
Garnet ISpeers, Deputy !Reeve, Pori: Stanley.
Rdbt. F. Coles, Reeve, -Rodney.
H. O. lA:lw<m'd, Reeve, Port Bunwell.
']YIioved rby laeeve Neil,
Seconded Iby Reeve Rus'zell:
That lOwing 10 1fh'e 'Lange -crowd, rwe au now adjourn to the
Court Rioom.
The elect10n lof W'a.crden was ipToceeded with and, on 1fue tfm:Sit
lb'aHot, Reo"e iK. 1M. Will'liamso!ll ,of Aylmer, was elected Warden oi
Elgm County t!o~ 1Ihe we"" ,1954.
Reeve Georig1e [Roszell morved that the election be made unani-
mullS. lEx Wl3.rd.en McKillorp then .presented WaJI'lden Wd.lld.anwon
to the Oounrcil.
The [Wlaxden e~I'iessed his ,all:p1"eda,ti.,olll [or the h.onour con-
feN'ed 'and took the Declaration of. Office.
i]\,[iQved !by [HoWraIrd P8iltzner,
Se<oonded Ily IE. E. Atkinso!ll:
That !the crni11llltesof the last day of the NO'Vemlber session,
1191513, as' !printed in the Piroceedings lbe aPPr'.QlVed.
The fiorllorwing Com.mutnkations were read 'and referred to
their various -committees:
FrOlITl the Ontar.io ASSiOeiation ,of RUJ:'a'l [N.[iunicitpaUitJies with re-
quest for M0mbership Fee. - Refer to Finance Cor.o.mittee.
From the St. Thcm:lJas Su!b'l1rrfban [Roads Comm.ission il'e 1954
aI.P'PI'IoiPTiJation. - iRefer to 'the iCounty RDad Committee.
From the Ontario Algrkultural Council Te Annual Convention
and MemberS'hip Fees. - lR€tf.er to the A.gTiicultural Committee.
~rom t,he Southwold Women's Ass'odation re signals at the
WalbashRailway Ion base 'Line. - tRerer to llhe Oounty lRoads Com-
From the C1epk of the Cil(y of St. ;Thomas, lWiifu 'copy of iBy-
law to regulate the use of Land .and Bui'ldill'gs. - Refer to the
Petition and lLegis}ation OOllrillllittee.
From :lfu.e 'Navy Lealgue :oi Oanada, 'With request for grant. -
Refer to the <Finance Oommi ttee.
FDom the Council Qf the County .of Hastings with resolution re
distrNl1.ltion -Of SUl'p~us mood. ~ Iaedler to ifue A!g[-ioultmal Commit-
iFi"oml:lhe Oanadian National Institute of the Blind, with re-
quest jjor grant. - iRefer to the Tinanoe Committee.
From the Ontario lJ.VIrunidpal Ass;ociat1on, re lJY.[eWbersh1p Fees.
- Refer to FJn'anc:e GOll11!rnittee.
From !the JGounoil1of the Oity oiSt. Thoma::;, witlb. :Desolut.ion re
St. George St. -iCtlossmg. -=Refer to the -iR.oad. Committee.
ffi!!'l0lill the Diept. ;of Higlhw~y:s, iI"e ['eversion of IpOrtion ,of the
King's -Hig'hrway. - Iaefer -to tIre - County- lRoad CO<rnJIIlittee.
iFlrom ,the !OOUT.l!cil of 1:!he County of Grey, with reoolution Ie
$.J.mP.1-~esw [faI"pl- Pnp.dl]Jc;:.e. ;::- ftef<€'f to -the ~icult1;ll"all ~~w.mit-
tee. -
From the Council of the CountyoJ' Grey, re Unrlted LiveS'to'ck
Sales Aigoocy. - .ReITer' to the A,gri'0ulturaiI Oamm,ittee.
From the Council 'Of the County -of Grey, re Federal Govern-
ID'ffilt Health Plan. - Refer to the Petition and [..eg'islaltiDn Com-
From the Ontario Good iRDi:i.d Association, re Annual Conven-
ti'on and Memlbershi'P [F.ees. - ~ej)er t'O the County Roads Commit-
From tJhe Council ,of the City of St. TDhromas, re establishment
acE Juvendle .and !Farniliy OOill't. - iRied)er to the Finance Committe.
Thorn the lCoullicH of the County rof Simcoe, {lNith ;request foil."
incre'ased 'Pro:visioll'ail [Road Su!bSi~dy. - Hefer to the County lRoad
From the, Ooun!cil of the County of Sim,ooe, with LI'e:qu~t far
PIiovincial iA.!ss'istance in payment od: Jruries. - iJ1ef€r :to the Fin-
IDee Committee.
Fil'"om the iOounc11 of the County 'Of tS1mcoe, re SMp Buiilding
Industry. - iRerer to 11he Fetit~on ,and Legisl:artion Cammittee.
Thom the St. John AmbuJanoe, with ~equest fo~ " gtrant.
Refer to. the lFiinan:ce CommiTtee.
From the D~arlrrnent otl J:Jabour, ire cAimendiment to the Elgin
County Pension iOontr3lct. - Refer ,to the Fin~an>ce Committee.
Firom the Norfolk /County Chamber Olf Oomme['lce, re Forest
Fire Prevention Ad. - !Refer to the' Alg:ni,cultuTal Committee.
FromWaUer o.v.rooi1e Iwitlh resignatton ,as CDrunty (Representative
on the East Elgin District Higlh School Bo'ard. - iRe<fer to the Edu-
cational Com..lI!littee.
ThOlIll ct:he County !Registrar wi~b ;report otl lFees for '19'54. _
,Refer to the Finance iOommittee.
From the Onta1l'ioAsso:ciation of the Home for ihe Aged, re
Annual lConIVentioon ,aoo MembeTSillp IFees'. - Remer to fhe County
Home iC-olInlnittee'.
From <the 'University ,of Western OntariO', re Annual Scholar-
ship :and Grant. - !Refer to iJhe Fin'alllce Committee.
Fr:om iJhe Dept. 'Of Heform ,Institutiions [Ie Salary Increases af
the jail staff. - !Refer to the 'Finan"e Ommniiiee.
ilfu'om tihe Ontario GonseTlVation and iReforestation Association
re :annual ,grant. - IRcler to the Algr1oulrtur.ail COiIIlmittee.
F:r.om the fCanadian Nationall a:\.a'ilwaijTs re St. Geol'lge Street
Oriossing. - Refer to the 'RJoad IComrrnittee.
From t1he Elgin-fStt. Thomas' [Health Unlit withll'equest rror in.
crease 'in ,per .capita IgTan t. - Refier to' the F,inance Committee.
From the Bo'a~d af !Managelment af Alima C<lllege wi1lh request
for rgrant. - Refer to i1he iFinan1ce Oommittee.
Thorn the ratep3O'ers od' the Thwd !Conce""ion of Aidborou,glh
Township f{)[' request !for harr-a surladng fDom Clachan East. - Re~
jier to the :Road C<lmimittee.
Fr()lffi the ratepayers of the City of St. Thomas, and County
of cEIgin re St. lGeoo.ige ,St. Grossing. - Red'er to the caoad Oommit-
~e&'Pluti()iIlTequestiIll~ tihe Dep;.rrtment ,o:f HiJglliwalYs of 1lh:e
Pil'oiVince oi -Onrt~J.o 'to mrake s'ulper Uli~h!ways in the p.poylnce -:-
Toll croads.
Filed - (Brq:Cl,'!.
Endorsed. - :&ent.
NO' ;action taik.,en - Sinn,c,oe, United Counties of Stormont, !Dun-
d~ 'and iGlenJg;arry, Prorvisaona[ ,qounty of "Haliburton, VictJoria.
Not en-d01l'sed - Huron.
Moved !by GeOO"ge Silcox,
Sec'Onded !by Clal'lence CulveT:
That iSection W, o.f iBy-Law No. 1-'16'3 of fue !Rules and RJegllia-
tions he suspended and 'flhe 'Warden ;appoint ,a Goomru.ttee .of four
to siL'ike. the standing C.ommi1tee for 1004.
Moved fblY J'a.<n€S W. Neil.
Seconded iby Philip ScfuiJ:eihawf:
That 1fue W'arden and C~erk roe ,authorized to SUibmit to the
Minister oil' illighways of Ontario, the p€'lllti.,n of the C<lunty of
Elgin, ShDlW,iTIlg th3lt nom :tthe fd:rst dal;f of J,anruaxy, tlI95!3, to 1lhe
thilrty-first d:iy of December, 19.53, there has Ibeen expended on
the County Highway System the Will of $~12,6!29:22.
'The Wardem named !Reeve Wa.c:k}ey, !ReeiVe ISi']oox, Reeve Nelil
and 'Reeve Rosz'ell :as committee' to strike the is:tanding .commirttee
for 11J54.
Moved Iby [Reeve Neil,
Seconded Iby CReeve Littlejohn:
That we ndw adjoUTn to meet Wednesday, J,anual1"Y 120th, at
10.00 a.m.
J. D. 'DHOlVllSON,
Wednesday fhe 20th Day of January, 1954
'The Elgin Oounty Council met fuis day at the OOill"t !House,
St. Thomas', in ae.corda:nce with adjournment.
The Warden. .in the Chair,
All .the Imembers iJresent.
The "Warden adrdoressed the Council.
To -the Members .of Elgin County Counoil;
Mrs. iM:,cCarr'thy :and Gentlemen:
1Y.tiay I ionoo .agadn thank you for the honour you have a.c:coooed
.me a,nrd my IInunidpality lb'Yelectirug meta the .odlf.ice of Warden
for .tihe ~ecur !1004. \As Iberfore, I oolicit your whole..furearled co-op~
eration thrOUlglhwt the year in order -that I, may fulfil tfhe duties
of Warden in .a manner rom'Pa"ralble to tIhOS€ !WhO' in ptrevious years
have held this o:ffk:e and ca:r:ried out the duties an s'uCh a oom-
mendoJble waJy.
'The members, of this County Coundl [have !been deeply sad-
dened!by t1he sudden ~assill'g od' our good fri,end ChrarJie Coyle,
Memlber 'Of (PanHaiment tEa:!' iEllgin and a former warden of this
oounty. '0ua: deepest sy>mpalhy goes out to 1lVLrs. Co,,";e and the
I woU'JJd llke w give a n:def outline ill .the tmms>hips and uman
centres whiich wnen oomlbined form EllgUn Oounty.
The Townslhia;>' ill A(]'dibarough is 'Well known f.or its cashororps
wlhich were so aIbly demonsttated at 1Ihe :cash cro:p da(;' held on
the lPW'1cell :and Perr-ett farms, also. general farming, tooa'Cco
grooving, -COimImer.cial tLsheries and 'Oil wells.
The village of lR,odney is the home of Oanada W cod Products
and severa'l sm'arllerindustries, also an €xcel'lent shopping centre.
'The villag.e .QIf Wiest Lorne has the well known Erie F'loo;ring
Co. Ltd., .ar~d several ether ,i.ndustries' :also excellent recreation
a-I:d entertainment fadliUes.
The village ad: Dutton is nationa~ly known ,as the (home of
Swansdown -cake Houce whidh is made lbry the Dutton (Flour !Mi<lls.
Dutton CreameYlY pro~ides an -excellent ffi.i8.Dket fOiL eggs- and
oream for 'the sUTl'Ounding, district.
The tow!!lS:hiV of iDull'wkh :is well knorwn fOT its' cf.kBt prize
Hereford ,cattle wihi'ch ,aI'e lI'ais:ed by SUlch. outstanding Ibreeders as
Chris !Scho'lJenlbup.ger, Carman Lyons :and Roy McNeU. General
:6a'mning,c.aslh 'DrOpS and tobaeco gr'OfWrirug are the mainstays of this
The -to\ovll1'Sib.dlpof Southtwold .for its' herds, of purerhr.ed Jerseiys~
Reeve :SiLcox Ibeing one ,of the. (best knolWn Jersey !breeders not
only iIi E]gin Ibut twoughout Canada and Und.ted ,gtates. Gash
crops -and gertler-aI farming p1ay an important part in Southwold.
The village oJ: Port IStanley has scored again and made head -
lines Iby sending a lady to county council. The slb.ipping of coal,
fuel oiil, gr,win and opal0IDage weirgiht <comhined with tn.'e nerViJ" gI'lain
e'Iev:ators has :made :tfhis iport :a hiv.e ocfactivity. Commer:cial fish-
i~g and s't.mnJmer resort Ibusiness !plays a lJa,rrge part in the life -of
Port iStanleiy.
The tOlWnship 'Of Yarmouth has many fine herds of dairy cattle
s<ulpplyirug milk. -to 1St. 'Dhmnas and London. General. marroing, to.
ba-coo gtr'owing, cash Ol'OIpS 'and fruit g!1owing :are important Ibran-
dlTes of 'a:gri-culture in Y.anrnQuth. This townshdp also has fine re-
sidential areas sU'ch -as LoClke's sichool distrkt, LLynhurst and Yar-
mouth. Heights.
The torvvnship iQf Malahide is well knorwn for its fine /herds of
dairy. -cattle, iparticu'larly the 'prize winriing AY'l'shirre herds of
Stansen IBrotlhers. Tolbaeco gro!wi11lg is a majQr CTOip ,in Malahride
a,lso general-farming and Clash {:.r.ops. Malalhide also Iboasts IOf its
fine SUlmlIner 1'esOO't 'at Porl Bru'ce.
The wwrtshiip 'Of .south [IJor.chester Ihas anany fine herds of
dairy cattle su<pplyirug ffililk to the Borden Plan! at [Belmoni and
the. GarnarfJion plant at Aylmer. General farming and .cash .craps
are also important to this tOlWnship. 'I1he village of iBelli1nont ['e-
cently be1cialme ,a :p'art of South Dorchester.
The village ,of ISp,ring'field is .a thriving shopping ,centre for the
surrounding district 'witill ex,ceUent radl-ro.ad faciLities for shippinlg.
Spocingj3ield 'Provides public SChODl ac-:::ommodation d'or the Aylmer
R,C.A.F. Station.
The tovvn.sll1i!p of Bayham is we[[ known as .a tolbaoOoo groWling
district. The only :cheese fadoI1y in the Icounty of Eligin is located
at COT:inth. IReeve Nelson rwho lhas a fine herd of iHolstein cattle
is one lof the d'ervv Elgin faa<mers lWlho sEll sUiplplry mi<li.k to a -cheese
:5aetory. There is' .aha greneral farmirng and c'ash crotps in Bayhmn.
The villalge o.f Vienna ,is -widelly knolwn <as the Edison [Mrth-
p[ace. Vi,erma 'ce'lelbrated itS' .centennial y>ear in 19'5'3 whkh rwas
an outstanding success under the leadership -of Reeve Howard
Palmer. This :v.iHalge has. a fine s(h-0[Jpmg !Centre 'and a g.as works.
The vill3.!ge' of LPort BUI'weH witlh its 'excellent harr1bo::r and Can-
adi.an Padric iRJaiiJ.'I'oad facilities' is noted furshivping of coal, o:il
and l:hnestone and'raJ1sD has a ~ine resort. The M>dConnel Nurseries
of Bart Bmwell 'are !Well known thro.ughout Canada and United
States. IGotmimler.cial fishi,nlg is a larr:g.e .industry in this 'Villaige.
'l1he towrn .of 'Ayhner :hoasts of its :fine soo['€S, gradn elevators
and industries :sum as TmperJ,al [;eaf T-olbacco' Co. Ltd., Carnation
lvIilk Co. Ltd., and lOanadian DanneT1s 'Ltd. 'I'he East Elgin High
SchioolJ. is located ,in Ayilmer.
The 'county of El'gin is veI1Y iortunate in having an agriotrl-
tural reptreseniativ-e .or! such oruWtandmg :aibi<1ity as'Mr. Vie Lang-
ton. Under the leaderslhirp -00 Mr. L.angton, lthe Elig.in seed fad.,r has
develop'ed . J:n1o: >one of the best seed faiTs inOnt:rriQ. The 19:53
Oaslh Crop Day mas- li:rb.6iJh.er fine example of the wotrk Ibcing done
by Mr. Langton ,and his assistants.
The reque.s:tof the iSt. Tlhiomas-E1gin Hospital Eoamd for $1t20,-
0.0:0 should be lC:3iI'efuHy 'cons-idexed iblY' this council !before any de-
cision is made. ill o'l'ideoc that .the neiW memlbers of county counciiJ.
may !be Ibetter aicquained 'with this matter, we may :be wel1 advised
to settle this '.a't IOUI Ibudg,et sessLon in (]Yr....arch.
Ow,ing to tlhe deoreas-e in :Ba,I'ffi lpnkes and witlh tax,e,s. at the
highest point in the history of ,this ,country, every effort Slhou1d
be made 'to kee1J OUT ex:pen.ses to a minimum in 1:9154.
There :are a nurniber of delegations '\vho have asked permission
to appear before ;coun.cil, ,and I know you rwoill @ive carefull oon-
sider:ation to their ;requesil:s.
1t was moved. Iby Deputy iReelV1e ~Speers and &eC.onded !by R€eve
R:o.szeiD., that 1fr1e lOoiIilciI s-tand in a minute's siflenee in memory of
the L"ve Ie. n. Coyle, M.!P.
Re-ev€ IGordon rBeattie filed ihis eertifieate w~th the Clerlt.
The minutes. of 'the ;pre:vi'ous day were ;read and iapiprorved.
A letter from Mr. G. L. Johnston, M;anaiger .of the Bank of
Mon1real, 'was read e~res'sTinlg ibest wishes !to 1!he Council and :also
aippiJ::ooiation 'Of the rrnany y;ea!I'S of !business wdth the Bank, also,
a'n dnvitation to dinner Ion Thursday evening.
The Repotrt of the iSpec.ial CO~l11ln:l'ittee to strike rtihe standing
Committees for i1954, was presented .and adopted an moti6h of
Ree-v,e Waokl'ey .and R'eeve ,lRJo-szell
It was mOV1ed by Reeve Neil and seconded !by Reeve Si1cOx,
that Mr. A. V. Lav..gton, Aig,rkultural. Representative be now !heard.
Mr. !LangtOri adclDes'sed .the C<irmdil on ]1amn ;ProoUiclioD. and the
a.ct1vities 'Of the various Farrm Ol1g.anizationsof El.gin County, wdth
a request tior :a grantlfotr 19154. 'The requesrt was refened to the
Agri'e-uHur.al .comimittee.
Morved by Deip'Uty Reeve ISchleihaui and Deputy 'Reeve Culver,
that [)r. Hoffunan, !Jv.[,edical Officer of 1Jhe Health Ullit, [b~ -now
heal'd. Dr. Ho&fm'an addressed the Council on '1Jhe work of the
Health Unllii, witlh 'a request for Ian increase in the capita grant.
The request Mr,as iI'emerred to iJhe Fd:n.:;mce Committee.
It wa,s, moved Ib~ Deputy J\'eeve \Sdhleihauf _ and seconded by
Reeve Ne1sro:n, that .a {l,delga:tio'!l from Alma College Ibe !lOW hem-d.
Mr. R.aven introduced Mrs. Steele Sifton, LPrinoipal of the College,
who add1reslsed the Coundl, requesting a renewal .of the tgtrant The
request IW'as TefeITed to the Fin:a:nce Committee.
It was mowed v.'y !Reeve LitUedohn and seiconded by Reeve
Beatti'el i:lhat the .Q.elegaiion 1'e ,the ,st. Ge.orge Street. Ihill :and cross~
ing Ibe n{)IW heal'ld. :.Tacrnes MdBain addressed the Oouncil request..
inlg the present [)r.otec-tion !be Tenahled until a Subway is construot-
ed. ,The matter 'Was referr,ed to, tlh:e Road C.ommittee.
It was ID<QfV'ed :by iRe€(ve Neil that Mr. Kennedy rep~e:nti.r1g t:I,
delegation from t1he "Downshi1p of AldJbor,augh be nom heard. Mr.
Kennedy add.ressed the CounGi~ r~qu~UnJg improv~m'e:p.t t.o County
Road No. -6. This O:U.a.tter 1Wa5 J:I~E;!:rred to the County RJqad C()~-
It 'Was moved by Reeve ViiQlf!t J.v.[lcC<!rthy and s~qnded 1Qy
Reeve Littlejolhn t1hat lIk. tAl:lin, V:iJce-presideni .on: the UnJVer$ity
of W-estern Ontario be noW heard. [)r. Mlin addressed iihe Coun-
cil !On the w-OtI'lk "and needs of ,the University ~d .req-g.esteg. tb,~ ~~
newal {lIT ~'ant and Scholarsh~ps. The matter 'Was referred to the
Finance Oomrnittee.
Moved IoIY Garnet Speers,
Seoond-ed: Iby G. Roszell:
That 'We do now adjourn to meet .at 3.30 p.m.
The CounoH resuun-ed.
Moved :by Reeve Neil, seconded :by DeputY" Reeve Schleihauf
that IMr. D. C-ouglhlan, Director .of Priofba.mon !Service; !be now heard.
:Mx. Coughlan addressed the Council on Family and JUiVenue
Court work ,and a~pointrrnent 'Of a !probation O.fif.icer.
IIv1~ed ,by R'eeve Pailim-e,r that the Ooundl goO mto Committee.
The W-arrden aJIlPointed Reeve Pahner ,in tfhe Ohair. After con-
sideralble discussion th.e f.dllOlW-ing .resolution was approved.
Moved ;JJy Reeve E. E. Atkinson,
Seconded iby Reeve <Littlejohn:
Tha1 Iwe reci6mmend a Famlily ;and Jrurvenile Gourt lbe estalb-
i1s'hed 'and a Prdbat,ion .Odificer appointed under the Prooati,on Act
in Elgin County ,and Oity of St. 'Dhom1a5.
'Dhe Elgin M-an-or C-ommittee report was ipresented and adDpted
on rniotaoTI .of Deputy !Reeves Sc!hleihaUl:f and Bru-oe Mar-T.
The F1rst Report of the ~inanbe OomlJ:nittee was presented and
adop'ted on motion ,of Reeve Alward .and Reeve Coles.
The J.1.eport of Prooperly Ootnmittee !Was presented and adopt-
ed on the' m"...tion of [)eputy Reeve 'McQuilgg.an and Deipuiy Reeve
Moved !by Reeve [Neil,
Seconded noy Deputy Reeve Sdhlei:h"ud':
That we :IlOW adjourn to meet on Thursday, January 21st at
la,aa a.an.
K. M. WliLlillAMSON,
Thursday the 21st Day of January, 1954
The Elgin iOounty Council met iihis day at tlhe Court House,
St. Thorn-as' lin arocord-ance with adjournment.
The Warden in the Chair.
All the mem/'oers were p,resent.
The minuies ,of rtIhe iprevio:us day were read 'and conrfinmed.
It was m.oved Iby Reev,e Nei}son that MUss W,aHace, County Li-
Ibrarian be norw hewd. Miss- WaRace addressed the Council on
the wODk of the iC<Yllnily LiJbrary and reque.ted a grant of $4,000.00.
This request w.as' referred to the Eduoational Committee.
A Resolution J:'egarding Hunting in Eligin CQunty was pr"eSent-
ed and Bifter considerable discussion <was approved.
Ma>ved by Philip SChlemauf,
Seconded !by A. Lottlejo!m:
'ffiesolved tihat the Elgin C<JUnty ConneN pet1tion tlb.e Ontario
Department ill Game' an.dFisheries to reswict Hunting [pcr:1i:v:ileges
in ELgin, County to Ontario residents' only."
iMo'Ved !by A. Littlejolhn,
Seconded by Gordon Beattie:
That we do nolW adOourn ti11 Friday m'O['ninlg at 1.0.0'0 a.m.
J. D. 11Hj()!MISON,
K. M. W1iL[1EA!M]SON,
F~iday fhe 2-2nd D-ay of JanuarYI 1954
The Elgin County Council. met this day at the Court House,
St. Thomas, in 3,ccoi"dance with addoUtrnment.
The W'aTd<en an the Ohair.
All the m.etrnlbers ~resent.
The m&nrutes of the previous day 'Were read .and approved.
A OOlIDITiunka,tIon was reoeived from 1fue Canadian Institute
of t:h,€ Blind, ,inviting the GouncU to visi,t Tweedsmuir Hall, dlUI'ing
their next Coulltly' CouncH Session.
'The Report of tfrle Educaiioll'ail. Committee rwas p.I'ieS!ented and
adopted .on motion .of Reeve's Coles land iReeve Palm-eil'.
The R.€1)ort O[ the Road Committee was presented, and on mo-
tion .Off Reeve Coles, the Oormci'l 'Went into a Committee of the
whole with lReeve Coles appoinlted to the Cihak. After oonsideT';'
aip'le discussd.on the Herp:ort w'asa'ccl€!pted and adopted on motion
OJ . Reeve Roszelll <and seconded iby Reeve N e1son.
It IWa.s moved iby Reerve Littlejohn, th'at ::Mr. J. E. Pe.axce be
hoW heard. IMx. Pearce addressed tlhe Council requesting a grant
to the Boibier Home at Dutton. The matteT w'as !referred .to the
Finance Coo:nmittee.
MQved by J. W. Neil,
Seconded ~!Y PmJJ1p Sohlei!hau.:
That theE1gin County Coun,cil requ€st the' Prorvdnciail Govern-
ment to ena10C legislation to amend ISection 4'5:3 of the Municipal
Act, to !protect all roruntidpalities from lia!btiHty !for damatges due to
the said MunioipaHties in.a!billd:ty to. have all !loads or streets sanded
or protected from icy cond~tions.
Moved !by Pihili~ iScfuJ.eihaud:,
Seconded by J. W. Ned1:
That we db flow adJoUr.rt to meet 'at 3;0:0 <pm.
The Counoill. lI',esumed.
Th.e sBoornd r:eport 'Of the Finanee COlInIIlltte'e was presented
and adopted on motion of Reeve AlJwawd and Reeve Nelson.
The iRepor:t of the A,grkuitilllal Committee was presented and
adopted on motion of Reerve oNeil and Reeve Silcox.
'The RepQTt of P'eti1lkms and Legis'laii{jri Co:rriIilittee rWa5 !i;ii:e-
sented ;and adDpt,ed on m-otiion ill [Reerve Littlejohn and Deputy
Reeve Speers.
-'nile second r-eport {)If -E1gin 1\[.anor ComlIIlittee was presented
3;!1d 'adopted 0'11' motion 100 Deputy Reeve Schl€1ihanllf :and Deputy
Reeve Man.
llv.rorved by iReev€' Williarrns,
lSeC<Jnded !by eRe"",e Wi1son:
That t!he Elgin Coruntly Council request iihe ,swblWbart ROadS
'Ootrmri:iSsion -to rpTerpare pLans for Construction o.f :a s'tlibway 'at the
St. G€{}~ge St. \Railway Crossirug and for im'Provement of tlhe hill
and hIlidg-e.
lMo"ed by lReeve Littlej6hii;
Seconded !by [)eputy (Reeve Oulver:
~hat un so far as the Gene:ifcrl PiJl8a&c is concerned., we f.eel ifle
.county ~ee iOoDS€JI'IVation lby...Jlarw as lI10t well puIblicized and we
so recomJlllend t!hat .t be pU!b1ished in the 'rimies-Journal and an
W,,"kly patp"js in t!he County for at least two conSecutive ibser-
[Y.IO'ved !by iR>eev€ iCol,es,
Seoonded by Reeve Sh1pley:
That By-Iaw No. 1,63'7 to "",end By-IaIW No. IMI, to vary the
terms of Group Ann'Ui~y Contract No. G lSz,g of tlhe County of
Elgin 'be read a first time.
Moved by Reeve SHe-ox,
Seconded by tReev,e Coles:
':Dha.t By-ialW No. 163;17 be :read a seoond time.
Moved !by iReeve ShiiJ>ley,
Seconded /by Reeve Silrcox:
That By-law No. <j{j37 Ibe read a third time and !finally passed.
M,{}ved rby Reeve NeE,
Seconded [boy Depnty Reeve Soltieiha!Uf:
That !By-law No.. 16~8 to auilhorize tlhe Wa-rden and Treasurer
to borrow the sum of Four hundred and :fifty thousand dollars,
be r:ea:d amst time.
Morv;ed. Iby Reeve Beattie,
Seconded Iby Reeve Neil.:
That Byelaw No. 1'638 OJe r"ad a seoond time.
Moved Jo;y Deputy Reeve ScfuIeiham,
Seconded OJy Reeve Beattie:
Toot By-IEIW No. >1a38 be read a fuil'd tiJme and finally !passed.
Moved Iby Reeve Littlejohn,
Second.ed (by Reeve Beattie:
That By-law No. '16G9, to appo;nt a Board of Audit in tlhe
County of E1grin for the year 1954, !be read a firsrt time.
Mov,ed [by Reeve Li ttlejo'hn,
Seiconded !by Deputy Reeve M.c[I\1il[.an:
That By-lcuw No. 16'3i9 be read a second time.
Moved by Deputy ReffiT€ MroMilla!l1,
Seconded by Reeve Li,ttlejdhn:
That By-law No. 1'639 be read" third time an<l ~inailly passed.
MQved by De!puty!Reeve Man,
Seconded Iby !Reeve RDszel1:
Tha.t By-law No. 1640 bemg a. By-Iarwto pmVlide <for the Total
Expenditure 'On the County Road System in the County of Elgin,
'be r:e.ad a .f.fu:-st time.
Moved by Deputy laoove Speecr:s,
Seconded IbIY' :Reeve Violet McC=lihy:
That By-law No. 1640 lbe ~ead a """ond time.
Mov'ed by Reeve \RoszetN,
Seconded Iby Deputy Reeve Marr:
Tha.t By-laIW No. 1640 Ibe read a !hiI'd time and mally passed.
Morved !by Reeve Nelson,
Seconded hy Deputy Reeve :MeQUJi.g,gan:
'Dhat By"'-}aw No. 1641; to appoint a COunty Road Comntittee,
be read .a first time.
M.{)Ived :by Deputy Reeve Mc'QUllglgan,
Seconded ",y Reeve Al'Waro:
That iBy-uaw No. 11641, fb-e read 18. second time.
Moved lbiy Deputy Reeve Atkinson,
Seconded Iby Reeve Nelson:
'That B<y-lat'N No. l6~1 be Tead a thiird time and .finally passed.
Mwed by Reeve A1waIJd,
Seconded !by Deputy !Reeve Atkinson:
That By-1aw !No. 11142 to amend By-law No. 161q "'" read a
first time.
M{yved iby Reerve' Palmer,
Seconded !by Deputy Reeve CuJiver:
That By.law No. 1'642 <be read a second time.
Moved by 'Deputy !Reeve Culver,
Seconded !by (Reeve Silcox:
That BIy-1at'N No. 164!2 :be ,read a third time and ilinally passed.
The' W<l!6den "'P']lointed 1Ihe ,o]lowing delegMes to attend the
Good Roads Corwention:-
Warden !W~J:1amso:n,. N.eil; Schleiliaruf, Coles, Shlipley, !Little-
jooo, iSiloox, Ouilver, Williams, Hindley, Ros~elI, Marr, Nelson,
McQiUtggan, WiiLsonj Alward; Paillmer, Waokley and AtltJingon.
Onta,do ,Eduoational \Association:
Wia;rden lWilliamoon and the C[erk.
Moved 'by D€Ijluty Reeve s!pee<rs,
Sec0nded !by' :Reeve ROszell:
Tha,t !We do noW adjotirn to meet on 'Duesday, M~h 23:rd,
at ten a.m.
Tuesday, fhe 23rd Day of March, 1954
The E1gin County CounCill met ihis day -at the Court HQuse,
St. Thomas, in ,accordance 'with adjournment.
The War.uen in the Chair.
All the memlbers WeiI'€ present except Deputy (Reeve Speers.
The Wal'den addressed the Counc-il.
. The minutes .af the Jast clay of the January !Session !Were read
and confirmed.
To the 1VIernlbers' ()Ii' the ElJgin County Council,
Mrs. M'cGax'bhy and Gentlemen:
~'E'are Iple'ased to see that our very valued and efficient Clerk-
Treasurer has (ffi'ade weh a remarka!bile recovery from \his recent
ilLness. ID&-. :,]hdmson, you have ,our Ibest wishes for continued
gDOd health.
ISince our January Session, the V'arioUS' !branches af agmeul-
ture in 'Our County ha'V'€ held important and successM ol'lganiza-
tiO~l meetings .also, some ve:r!y fine dinners. The ladies of the City
of St. ThO!mas, :and the CO'l1llty of Elgin !aire certainly /Weill quali-
fied in the art of serv,ing g.ood food.
A'gain this year, the E1gdn Seed Fair under the ileaderslhip od:
Mr. Murray ll.v.[IcLean and Eeeve Cyril Wi:11iarn:s Was an outstand-
ing sue'cess. The junior !judging -competition was one of the h.igh~
(lights of the s'eed fair. The Junior Farmers are to rbe tco'mmended
on their fine organization :and the important ,part they are itaking
in the agrlculrtuJ.'"ial life of ouroountry. The 4- H ClUlb \Leaders are
d.oinig splendid worlk dn or,ganizing a lange number of 4-H Glubs.
The present low !price of !beef is of great lOOncern to our beef
producers. with the high rODs-ts' of production. The vrke of pork
continues to be satisfactory to the ho:g producers. The low ,price
{llf ,eggs is very derpress~ng fotI' the p'ouil:tIy men. With the hig"h
prke of cfeed, eggs are being iprodru1ced at a severe loss to the. !pro-
ducer. There halVe .been no Teeent chan!ges in the prd:ces paid to
the dairy tfarmer -for milk
iReev-e Nelli, Reeve Littlejohn and IJ'OUT Warden attended the
Ontario AgrkUiHur.al Coun.cil held in 'Toronto on iFebroary 3rd and
4th. The majority of delegates to this Convenrti-oll were more in-
terested in opp;osing resolutions fr01ffi the numerous counties rep-
resented than g.ivinlg ilhelir support. The - r€sDlution opposing tar-
iffs on stainless 'steel used _ in the manufa,citJurill'g of mi1Jk cans,
which was. sponsored in Elg'in Gounty Council lbiy Reeve Ne[son,
was .defeated. rf this resolution had !been 'R!Pproved, it could !have
caused a IcoI1iS,ideoralble saving to the uaky farmer.
We ,congratulate :Mr. Norrri;anR~ Martin who has Jbro,ught hon-
ow to Elig>in County 'by beirug deeted ;president of the Hols-tein-
Friesian Asso,ciation for ICanada.
On Felbruary 2l2nd, The St. Thorn'as !Rnd Elgin Children's Aid
Sodety celeibrated its 60th anniversary which was an outstanding
Slice-e::-s under the Jeadership of M'r~J. D. IScbtweitzer. The Child-
ren's Arld Society is very important to the rwe':W;are of our County
in aiding iboys anu girls' of unfortunate cil"CUllllstances and arrang-
ing t:!lE: adoption o,f c:hHdren IblJ" responsllble Ipa['ents.
A juvenile court for .the County ofE1g,in has Ibeen ~proved,
'and a prObation oiiUcer will be -8lppomted. Magistrate E. Donald
Smith has (beenaJppoinrted Junvenile Court Judge.
Eligin Manor is in excellent condition and is being efficiently
oper.a'ted. Oonsid&'alble decQrating 'has been done and new laun-
dry equipment h<as 1Jeen ,ordered. The people Ii Viing at Eligin Manor
are being well ,cared f.o-I . and a.ppear hap!py and content.
Th-e nelW St. Thomas-~lgin General Hospital WiH open in M'ay.
This fine Mslpitail.is a 'credit to St. Thomas and Elgin. It will be
very important that e.:flfii.dent operation is foremost in. the minds
of the fuehiJbers of the [Bo'ard and the management as there is a
Ulilit to hos~ital Tates. Gvreo:norJal HospitaQ \Will /be converted to: a
chr>onic hospital with the Annasa W GOd and Hepiburn wings being
removed; We have !been advised that the total cost of this cOIl';'
version 'will /be paid !by ,grarits flrom the ProvhlJma.1 and Federal
govern:..Ynents. At this~ Session. the request f,or a further grant to.
th~ new hospital wiWl be given careful conSideration.
This yeaT the Southwold and [)unwkh hgrkiUiltural Society
and the AldiboroUJgh tAgrkUlltural Society are !both ceJelbratfng
their Centenruials. It could be s'aid that these ,pr<J&perOUlS town-
ships aTe now entitled 10 celelbrate over 150 years of progress.
The first setNer 'carrne to this distxid in 1'80:3 :and settled near the
pr-est'nt 'hOlIlle of Reeve Littlejohn. in .H~130 the first cargo from
this district !Was sihiJpped to QVIontrearl -and ,consisted of 6,000 !bushels
of whea't .puI1chased at 60. <cents !per bushel, 120 barrels of pork,
300 ralw deer skins, 1,0.00 pounds Indian dressed deer skins, 2.00 ra-
coor.. skins and 15D Ibusheilis of flaxseed. Until the year 13.4'6 most o-r
the .settlers wer'e Scottish Highlanders. Between 184'6 and 1855 a
num!ber of the settlers came out from .GeTmany. Among these fine
Gelman \Settlers 'was Phil1p -Schleihauf, the .great--grandfather Qf
the present deputy-reeve of Aldlborowgh. Another eaTly Settler
was Rev. Jos'eph Siikox, an anle-estor ot! Reeve Geo~e SHcox, who
gave the name !Frome. to the lD:C'ali1:y where he settled. The cotir'-
age, :fortitude :and alhilities of these ea'rly settlers axe weill w-ortlhy
of rememfbral1Jce. 'We extend these two agricultural societies !best
wishe~ lior vel'lY s'uoceS's:ful . ,centennials.
At thiS iSes&i6n, 'we are obnf.ronted rwith the (prwlem of pro-
viding more roolfu for our. Gciunty Lilbrary which has outgrown
its present of.:liice sipa'ce. Prelhriimtry plans re[g.arding the St.
Ge>GTge IStreet .subway are !being made -by the sulbmlban road cam-
il1:ittee, TheT€quests of several deputations in regard to Corunty
roads ,are lbeing ,given cai-efulconsideration [by the [Road Commit.
tee. It ds rW1ith regret that iWe will have to oonsider the resigna-
tion of Mr. GeoI'lge PoWiles. our very valued Toad superintend-eDJt,
who has been iWl :Ear several months. JYIir. Powles, has given his
best. in 5€1Ning the County of Elgin for many years, Every muni.
cip.ality in the Co'linty hasa1ways received his utmost co-operation.
\Ve .extend toO 1Y.IT; Powles our best wisheS' for a speedly :recovery.
It willlbe necessary t-o set the tax rate at this Session. I knOIW
yell wHl ,cM'e:Dul1y examine all items 'Of exrpenc1ittm"e in making up
ou:, budget for the year.
The f.ollowing CoiIX1.ffiJUni-cations were read and re-ferred to their
various Oomllnittee'S:
From Mrs. C. !D. Coyle and famiJ.y with a1Ppreciartion of :filow-
ers', - Fi1€d.
From P. J. Dcr:aike re Photo of Benjamin Drake. - Filed.
From ;the Ontario Munidpal AssO'ciation re Annual Conven-
tion. -'- FJIecL
From the iCounty of Middlesex with resolution relieving muni-
cipalities .from liability due to 1ce conditions on County roads. -
Refer ,to the PetitioIllS and Legdsl<ations Commirttee.
Fr<:lffi the County of WelJ:and opposmg :amendment to Section
20, of the MunkilP'w Ad re Annexation. - Refer to the Petitions
andlLeg~sU'a!tions Committee~
horn the County of Grey 'With resolution re Di~iJbution Qf
surplus flOod. - Refer' to ,the, AgI1icuUure Comm:ld.ttee.
From the Oounty of Grey (with request for iI"eturn to the County
{)f revenuesfrarn the ISheriif's office. - Refer to the Petitions' and
Legislations Ccminicttee.
F"om the Cormliy of Grey with request for investigation iby
the' Federal gavernlitient .on ~rice spread dn foods. -:- (Refer to the
AlgricLlltuxe CQm.mittee.
From the County of Perth \With resolution a-elievdng munliei-
palit.i.es from 1iarbiility due to ice conditions on 'Cou.nty roads. -
Reefer to the Petitions and !Legislations CDimmittee.
From the Director of the [Ridgebo!wn A~kruliJUral ScllOoiI. wuth
ap::?reci'ation of grant. - Filed.
From the Oom~trlooler of the Uni:vexsity of Westerr'n Ontario
with appreciation od: grants. - !Filed.
From the Minister of Education re Repeal of Section 46, of
the High Schools Ad. - Flied.
F1"OUU theOanadian N:ati-onaJ Institute for the BLind with ap-
preciation of ;grants. - Filed.
From. the HonouraJhle Dana Porter, Atttorney-Genera<l re Ju~
venile and IFaanily Court. - Filed.
From the County of Perth requesting the equailizing ()[ the
indigent rate of ho'Spita1 patients. - Reier to the Fd1l'ance Com-
From the Glem of the Coty of St. Thomas, re St. Goorrge St.
Grossing. - Refer to -the Road COIInII1ittee.
-From the Ontario Muni-cilpal Association with appreciation of
M,ember.ship Fee and Ita.king part in the'Convention. -, Filed.
[F'l'rnn the County. .of WeHinJgton, with resolution relieving
IDunici!pa'Lities fTdm li!aIbrility due to ice _conditiDIlS on County roads.
- Refer to the Petitions and Legis:J:artions C.ommittee.
Fxom the Clem of the City of St. Thoma.s re Convention of the.
Ontari-o MunJicipa.J. Association. - Refer to the (Finance Committee.
~"'rorrnthe C'ounfy .of Simcoe ['eques'ting Increased grant :from
the Ontario government for w.ards of the Children's lAid Sodety.-
Refer to the Finance Committee.
'ElrOlffi the [)ept. of Lands and Forests: re E1!gin County reso1u~
tio:n ,on hunting. - Rcler to the Petitions and Legis1ations Com-
From the County of Hastings requesting a deposit by clai.m-
a!.lt in Jury -civil suits. - Refer to the Petitions' and Legislations
From the Ontario Education Association re Memlbenship fee.
Refer to the Fananc-e Committee.
~om the Ontario Executiv,e Counci,l re Establishment of Ju-
venile and Family Oourt. - Filed.
'F'r{)llXl the ;Board of Alima College wci.th a,ppreciation of grant.
- Filed.
F.r:ou:n the SaiLvatioll Armoy with request for grant. - Refer to
the E'inanee Cotmmittee.
"From the H<Jme for Incura!bile <6'hiIldren with request for main-
tenance .of child. - Refer to the Finance Comtl11ittee.
From the Secretary {)f the Memorial Hospital Board re Ac-
counts of ci.nd~gent p.atients and collection of the same. - Refer
to the FJnance Committee.
Frrorrn .the !County of We:bland re Administration of Justice
costs. - Refer to the PetitJionsand Legislations Committee.
Fr:om the Dept. of Lands and Fores-ts re Reforestation. - Re-
fer to the A>gri.cuJJturail Committe<>.
!Fr{l(ffi the. Ma:1iton Ratepayers AsS'ociation re . mooll}oration of
Villa'ges. . - Reier to the Petitions and Legislations Committee.
From Haines and Ti<;daill re Laying of Pipeiline ~n Malahide
.t<>wThShilp - !Refer to the Road Committee.
Reoohltion p'assed !by the !County Road Committee re Instal-
lation of flashing Eight' s:i!gnals' at C. N. R. Crossing on County Road
No. 119, north of Frome.
ACknowledged - Boa'I'd of Transport.
iResoLution passed !by the Counfty Road Committee re Instal-
lation of flashing light s-ignals and !bell, in Heu of ,watchman, at the'
crossing of :St. Geo:v,ge St., St. Thomas, and C. N. R. at Micleage 0.64
Chatham Sulbdivision.
hdknow1edged - BDaDd of Transport.
Resolution re Protection of Munki[palities f.rom LialbtHity due
to iCly <CDnditions of Oounty Eo'ads.
Acknowledged - Honour:a!ble~ G. tH. Dunbar, Minister of Muni-
cipal Miadrs, and: the Honourable George H. Daucett, Minister of
Moved ;by JaJll1es W. NeH,
Seconded Iby P. Schleihauf:
That we do rtmvadjomn to meet 'at 2 p.m.
The iOounciJl :resu:med.
]t was moved by iReeve Coles that Mr. J. Neal 'be now heard.
Ml; .Nea:laddressed the Coundl .on Weed Sp,ray and Brush control.
The f1rst report 'Of tJhe FJrt!ance Oomtnitt:ee was presented and
adopted .on motion .of R'eeve Ailward and Reeve Si1oox.
Tine second report .of the Finanee GOID.rrnittee -was presented
and ado:pted .on motiQn af Reeve Mward and Reeve Palrrner.
The report of the Equa,lizarbion CommiUee 'Was presented, and
adopted on motion of Reeve Silcox and Reeve WilBon.
The third report of the Finance Committee was presented and
adopted on motion of Reeve Alward and Reeve Beattie.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Schleihauf,
Seconded by Reeve Beattie:
The Elgin County COiUncil wish to express their siDJcere aIp-
preciation to ]\.h. Phineas J. Drake for ,presentation to the County
of a !photo of Benjalmfn !Dra,ke who donated the land on which. the
Court Howse lis situated.
IReeve .AJJ:ward introduced the srulbject of quarters rEOI' the E1gin"
County Library Go-Oper:ative.
It was moved !by iReeve Nelson that the Council go into a
Committee of a whole with Reev'€ Nelson in t!he Ohair. After COTI-
siderafb1e discussion it was IDOIVed by Deputy (Reeve Schilei:b.auf
that :the Propertly Comrrnittee re-assess :the offke space in the
Court House, in OiI.'der to secure more adequate quarters [DT the
LUII"ary Board.
Maved !by Reeve LirtUejoil::m-,
Seconded by G. Beattie:
PI'hat this, CooIlici~ do noW adjourn to meet on Wednesdal)'",
Mar.cl1 Q.4th, 'at ten a.m.
J. D. 'DROlVllSON,
K. M. waJI:.fuM.iMSO!N,
Wednesday, the 24fh Day of March. 1954
The E1giiL County iCouncril met this day at the Court House,
St. T'n'Olmas, in a-ooordance with adjourrurnent~
The Warden in the Ohair.
All the membens were present.
The minutes .of the !prev.ialls day rwere read and confirmed.
A communieation fr().m Haines and Tis'dale re Permission to
l.ay piJp€ Hne on the iOounty Road by the Carnation Co. of Aylmer
wasTe-ad and referred to the iRoad Committee.
The fourth. report of the Finance Committee was presented
and adopted on:motion of Reeve A:rtward, and Reeve LittJejohn.
An invitation from the St. Thomas Board of Trade, to attend
a socia:l hour from 5 to '6 a'dock this afternoon was read.
Moved [by James Neil,
Seconded by P. Schlei!>auf:
That we do now adjourn to meet at 2 p.!ffi.
The IGorundl resumed.
It was moved !bly Reeve iSHcox thai Mr. Pritchard be no;w
heard. Mr. P,ritchard addressed the C'Ounoil, requesting assistance
by the County to !paving First Avenue. The matter was referred
to the Road CommJ.ttee.
It !1Nas moved iby Reer'"J"e Littlejohn t.."1..at r-/'[r. Pearce be now
hear,d. !Mr. Pearce addressed the -CoUll,cll, presenting a statement
'Of cost of the Bolbier !Home, Dutton. The matter was referred to
the ~inance Coonmittee.
The PetUtions and Legislations' Committee report was pre-
sented, and adopted on motion of Reeve Littlejohn and Reeve Al-
'The iI'eport of the Agri-culturai!. Committee rwas !presented and
adopted on roD-tioD of iReev.e Neil and Reeve SHcox.
The report of the Property Oommittee was iJresented, and on
rrwtion of De1)uty Reeve :8lchleihaulf, the Council rwent into. a Com-
mittee of the whole !With Deputy (Reeve Schleihauf in the Chair.
After a lengthy discussion the report as amended was adopted, on
motion of Deputy Reeve M.cQuirg.gan, and seconded /by Deputy
Reeve M:c'M:ilil;an.
The Clerk ,eXlpressed .appreciation on rbehali of Mr. McColl,
P:uhlic School Inspector, for the many years use of offlice space in
the Court House, -and the courtesy given them.
The repoI'it of the Road Co:mmittee was .presented and adapted,
on motion of Reeve IHoszelil and Reeve Neloon.
Moved 'by Reeve Elmer W:ac:kley,
Seconded lbjy Reeve, RolbertF. Coles:
"llhat the whole County Council tour the County Road system
and that the arrangements Ibe lef.t to ,the LRoadGoonmi.<ttee.
Moved by Jarrnes Neil,
Seconded by Gordon Beattie:
Tha't the Warden and the Cilerfk. be authorized to sign agree-
ment with ,the' Dept. of Transport for -conveyance ad: land in lot 18,
Concession 8, totwns'hi:p of YiaiflIIlouth, and by-"larw lbeprepared.
l'vloved by Rofbert F. Coles,
Seconded !by. Reeve SbJij;>ley:
That the Elgin County Council grant the Elgin County Lib-
rary Bo:m-d the sum of Four Thousand DOIHaxs, for the ~ear, 1954.
Moved !by H. O. Alward,
Seoonded by iE. E. A1kinson:
That By-la,w- No. 1'643, "To raise amounts for County Rates
during the. year, ,W:54,"'be read a first time."
Moved Ib~ H. Palmer,
Seconded Ill' lR. F. CO",,",.
That By-waw No. 1;6413, :be read a second time.
Moved !by T. W. Shillpley,
Seoonded !by A. C. McMillan:
That ,By-<Law No. "'6~3, Ile read a tlhiNl time, and Jiinally passed.
M<J'Ved by Geonge ISiloox,
Seconded by iClaxenc€ Culrver:
Tha,t .By-:J1arw No. 116'44, "To Con:finm. the Equalization. of the
Assessment Rolls of ,the County of Elgdn for' the !year, 11954," ibe
read a Erst tlinle.
Moved [by Clarence C:1rlweT,
Seconded Illy George Siloox:
Q"hat By-law No. [1644, be read a second time.
lM'Oved by H. PaL-n&,
Seconded Illy E. E. AtIcinson:
That By-lalw No. 16'44, be read a third time, and !inarlly passed.
;Moved !by BruceM'ffiT,
Seconded Iby C. M. Williams:
That By-l"w No. 16~5, "To Re-"PPoint a iMellllber to the St.
Thomlas Sufburlban Road Co:m:mission," tbe read a first time.
Moved by George RoszeH,
Seconded :by Bruce MarT:
That By-law No.. 1645 !be read a second time.
Moved ,b~ GeoDge Roszell,
Seconded by J'ames Hindley:
'That By -u1aw NlQ. 1:645 !be read a third time, and finalltv passed.
M>oved Iby James W. Nei'l,
Seconded by P. Schlefua11!:f:
That By-l'aJw No. 1646, "To Authorize the Warden and Clerk
to sJ1gn Ag<reement for Gonvey:ance of Land to the County of El.
gin," be read a ,first time.
M-oved :by G. Beattie,
Seconded Uoy J. Neil:
':Dhat By-law No. 1646, Ibe read a second time.
Moved by P. Scbiieihauf,
Seconded Uoy G. Beattie:
That By-laJW No. IM6, be read a tmrd time, and fina<lly passed.
Mo:ved by Howaxd Pa'lIrner,
Se<oonded h\y C. Culver:
That we do noW ,adduurn to meet on June 15th, 1954, at 10
0' clock in the forenoon.
Tuesday, the 15th Day of June, 1954
The Elgin Coonty CoUt>cil met this day at the Court House,
st. Thomas, in ajccoxdall'ce with :adjournment.
'Dhe Warden in the Ch'a1ir.
AH the merrnlber$ were pr'€senrt.
.The Wlarden addressed the Cou:rucil.
The minutes of the last da,y of the Mar,ch Session were re-ad
and confirmed.
ToO the Members of the Ergin County Council,
M'l's. 'M'C:Ca['thy and Gentlemen:
With the opening .of our third SessUon of County Councll, the
Members WiiJil notice many mangeS" in. .our Co.ur.t Housre. The Qr-
:flices formerly occupied by the Prorvincial Police are now head-
quarters for' the Elgin Go.unty Lilhr.aTy. The former l:ilbrary .office
has' heen redecorated and is nolW oocu'Plied by .our Profbation omei-
cer. The Oo.1ID."t Clerks have moved into the atJtredive olike for-
mel11y o<XlUlpied by the Pulblic School Inspectors. The [drst Divd-
sion Court oMiee is nOtW Ioea ted in the Court House. It is e~ected
that revenrue dTom o:fifi<ce renta'}s, vvrlJ1 not .beaffect.ed ibly the changes
Whiohha:ve Ibeenr made. The memlbers of the Property Committee
are to !be commended .on the, decoratin:g and l1ghting ilrnJpro'VOOlents
whi10h have !been done so econom'ilca11y.
AIT.iftl'Oulgh seeding iiliroughQutthe Coruncty has Ibeer~ later this
year, crop prospects aTe :E8.'Wl;y good. 0Winlg to 0001 weather, the
yield of hay rwi.Jllbe considexaJbly [lOwer than in 19513. Winter wheat
looks very good, \but pri-ces for this yeax's crop are uncertain. To-
ba'cco planting 'has 'been completed, and with the recent warm,
weather and l'ainfa:ll, the iPlants atppeHT to he oM to a good start.
Eeef ;prices have ,firmed sUghtly but are low in cDmparison with
production CD&'tS" Hogs a're selling dose to their peak. !pike. The
prices paJid for milk .remain unchanged. Prices to cream p.roducers
ar,e lower. lE'g,gs are !being prDduced at a consideralble loss to. the
producer at the present time.
The Road Committee has i~eded the County r01ads and
bridrges which arre -in .good condition. An extensive hard surfa>c-
ip..g pre:g'ralm will foe pla;eed before this Council for consideration
and ,wPPTorval. We now halVe app:r:oxim,ately WO miles otfhard sur-
faced ro,ads in :our County Hud ~t is quite apparent :from the numer-
.ous requests of il'a!tepayers tl1'at this CountY' shoOuld continue an
extens:i.ve road surfacing pr,ogram.
On the 17th day -of June, 119:5:3, the E1gin CoOun1ty Counci\l. pass-
ed a res'oJu,tion requesting the Dept. of Highways of Ont., to make
SUlJer hilghwa'ys-to1r1 roads. a'his resoluti.on was not very success-
ful in receiving support. At the present time there is .an increasing
nurnlber of municipalities in farvour of m<a:k:ing toll charrges on new
saper highway,S' toll mads. This !resolution was not very su'Ocess-
The new ,super m.gmrw:ay will be used as, a short-,cut through On-
tario and will mean less money s'ipent in our local torwns and viil-
-.}a!ges. IToOlllC'har.ges from the SUJper h:ilghwaws cou~d rprov.ide money
to improve ex,isting mgbJw.ays and connecting roans.
At this' Session, we are .cOoruf<ronted with increased hospital
a'0counts fOor indi!g.ent patients. The time has come wnen munici-
p.alities must have assistance i'o meet this increased expendi.ture
whkh has 'become too heavy for the t~!alY'er to asslJ[I1€'.
ManlY favourable!commenrts. halVe Ibeen received in regard, to
the work oOf Mr. Earl MOoOl'e, the prolb.ation o:fificer fDr St. Thomas
and E1gd.n. AJprpro:V;cd fnr tholding family court was' recentJy Ti:!-
cei,ved. !Many family and juvenile prO:blems are s:tra~ghtened oOut
by the Probation Officer instead of .going to CoOurt.
Plans are pr,ogressmg favOiUralbly foOl' the Western Ontario' Cash.
CroOp Day which is toO be held . at the Ontario Hosp:i.tal fann in
Yamnouih townshiJp on Octolber 5th. The experim'ents heing car-
ried out :with va:r:iOUiS weed killlersand if-e:r1ll1iz'ers will he inferest-
ing to folll<xw. At the _present tim'€ ibhere is a splendid showing of
10 vaTiieties of oats, 1;2 varieties of soyalbeans, It2' varietieS! of husk-
irig00rn, 6 v.arieties of s'ile8lge corn. and lo1 v,adeties 0If potatoes.
A 'Very fa'V,our'oole report has :been re:ceived _from the Dept.
on the oiperation and .rmpr.orv,ements at Elgin M;anOT. This home
for, elderl.y peOlple qperated by the !County of ElJgd.n is. rated very
h~ghJ)y and, the poo[ple living there are well cared for, coiIllfortarble
and happy.
..AlmOSlt hailif a centul'Y mE contro~ersy has !been ended by the
United States joining with CWlJada in the develon;xment of the St.
La:WTence Seaway. 'Boo deep sea waterrway wiU oreate a further
developm'ent od: industry and S:hi-pping in the County of Elgin in
which are loc:a1ed two of the finest inland ports.
J'or:t Sianl:ey, first knDwn as Kettle Creek, was g,iven its pre~
sent na~ne i})y Colonel John Bostwick in 1&13 and completed its
first ihar1bour in' 11&32. Previous to 1;85'4, this busy !port shipped as
hti,g:h ,as one-haM million bushels of wheat annruaiLly. The first
school was built in this' thr.i:villlg Oommuni:tJy in 18'37, and four
stately ChUTChes were esta'b1ished between 184>4 and 1860. Po~t
Stanley 'became an, incoI1pDI1aied village in 1'874. Tod-aIY this am-
bitious port with its huge <Jd!l and coal sttor,ruge, fine grain elevators
and other industries is to be comp;Hmented on its [pr<Jgress.
PortLBu!'iwell, which was su-rv-eyed by Co~{)nel Burwelll, had
its beginning ar'bout 1i830~ rln '118312, a <harfuooc c<Jmpany was organ-
iz;ed and in the same year an EpiscO\PaJ. Chur<:h was built. The
sropping of sta,\res 'was a thriving indus'tJ:IY fr<Jm 1840 to 1850. Many
sw'wmills were esrtlalbilis!hed and rrOlffi 2.00 to 400, vessel loads of
lumber rwere shipped annually. Sil:1ilp!buirlding was an important
inc1uslPy an Port BurweH from Hl'34 to 1875. I])h.e 1a~gest ship
'built at this ;port was the D. =,,11 in 1862 writh a tonnage of
3138 tOI1!S. With its fine h~a:rfbour, lwge C<Jal shipping facilities, oil
storage, iboat building and ... fis1hing industry, [Borl Burwell has a
very favoura..ble outJlook f.or the F.lture.
The Ontario Municipal Association Convention will .be .held
in St. Thomas on AUlgus'l 213~d, 24th, and 25th. iMayo~ Thomas
Curran, who 'brought honour to his home city ;by !being elected
presidenrt of. the Association, has 'been instrumental in bring,jng
this Gonvention to St. Thomas. 'Ilhe County of Elgin is p~€ased
to- have a ,part in ffi'ak1ng arrangem.ents for tihis outsta:nding event.
'We regret the passling of Mr. GeoIlge' PowJes who served the
Counrfly of Elgirn so well as Assistant Road Superintendent, for
many years. The (ffian~ miles, of hwd sUIifaced roads and bridges
built !by llVrT. !Powles will rem-ainas a memorial to him. .As we
open this Session of Council, Ie't us stand .and oIbserrve one minute
of silelllce in reune,m'brance of Mr. Powles.
'The foHorwing Communi-cations were read and referred to their
vaxious Committees:
:From the Sa,lrv;a'bion Army with appreciation of grant. - Fi'led.
Froni the Town of Ay1lrrner re County" Assessment. - Referred
to the Finance Committee.
:E1rom Rcfuert C. Smith with aWTeciation of County Scholar-
shi~. - FJJed.
From the Institute of Pu\bHc Administration re Membership
F-e€. - Referred to the Finance Cotmmittee.
From the Depal'tment of HighwaY" Te Road Expenditure By-
la,w. - E1iled.
From the County of Grey "With.. resolut.ion re Ontario Beef
ProdiUJ0ers~ Association. ~ Referred to tihe Ai.gvioultur.ail Committee.
From the Giva:c Adiminis1l'ati'on re Sulhst:r.i{ption. _ Referred
to the Fin1an,ce OQ!!YIiP.Jittee.
FrOtm .the Dept. of Lands and F>orests re Deer Season. ~ Re-
ferred to - the ArgricuJitmre Oommittee.
F-ro:m. the Hmne ror lruCUIla!b~e Children re Cost of inmate. -
Referred t-o the Fdnance Committee'.
F['om the- Coun:ty of 'Norfolk re Grants for Secondary Schools.
- R'eferred to' the P.etitions and Legis-l'aidons Committee.
iFrom the University of We.s-tern Ontario re Appointment to
Senate. - Refe1'I'ed, to the Finance Gommitt'ee.
I.Fram the Inspector .of Legal Offices' re Juvenile Court. _
From the 1St. Thomas-LEligin General Hospital 'With request fur
a ,gr-ant. - HeTerred to the Finance Committee.
FTom the Clerk of the City of St. Thorn1as as Annexed prop-
erty. - ",Hed.
~om the TiHsonbuT'g Memuri'ail. Hos.pital with request for 3
grant to de:fii<eit. - Referred to the F.inance Corrnmittee.
,From theTHlsonJOOI1g -M'eInoriaJ Hospital re en'Tonic patients.
- Referred to the Finance Oomrrnittee.
Thorn John S; Cameron with appUcation re Tree Commission-
er. - Referred to the Aigrioultural Corrimittee.
From. :tJhe Elgiin-lSt. Thomas Hecclth Unit re Lindane Vapour-
izing. - ~i1ed.
FrCl1Il the County of J3Tant re Speed IT:Am,it in Speed Zones. -
Refened to the Petitions' and Legislations Committee.
!FrD!ITl the To'Wnship of !Bay;haim re Chron4c patients~-Referred
to the Finan-eeCOlITIlIl1i1ttee.
Jfu"0l!:!l the Tolvl!l;<;:;'hi~ of Ya...1"iffiouth re StL'rnJey Blans a...Tld Judge1s
Order. - Referred to the Fd.n'ance Coannnittee.
From the Coun'ty of Peel re Statutory In,crease in indigent
'hoop.ital raote.s. - Relferred to the Finance Committee.
Rroro the Dept. 'Of the Attorney-General re Appointment of
Probation O.ii:fic-er. - Filled.
iliTom the Oounty of Oxford., .re In.spection of S0hooL busses
and drivers. - Referred to the Petiiions and Legislations' Com-
iIt was mOlVed by Reeve Siilioox that Mr. A. V. Langton, Aogri-
cwtural Representatlvebe now heard. Mr. Dangton addressed
the Counoil Ie Cash Crop na~.
iIt was moved :by Reeve Littlejohn tha't ICol. Low !be now heard.
Col Low addressed the Council requesting .co-olperation to have
the -Elgin Reg.iment adopt the Highland Dress' and ado?t the Blluce
Morved ,by Reeve Nelson that Mr. Skuce from the Dept. of
Lands and Forests (be now heard.IMr. Skuce addressed the Council
re Open Season for Deer rin Eliin County. This' matter was xe-
fened to the Agrioultur!aiJ.. Cormnittee.
(Reeve W'(lJckley garv.e notkeof motion to present a resolution
during Session re - Tax Sale ProcedUre.
-The Clerk pr:esented: the 1rre:asureT's. Report, and Restaurant
License Report and on motion of Reeve Neil, and Reeve Beattie,
the reports werre ac,cepted and ordered printed in the Pro:ceedings.
IvIov,ed'lJ,y Garnet Speers,
Seconded by Georg-e' Rpszell:
That the Elrgm County OouniCil e~ress its gratitude to the
Lord ELgin for the honour and privilege accorded the EJgin Regi-
!';e1lt of 'USing the private House of Bruce Tartan and that we ad-
vise the !Regimental Commander that weare 100% in favour of
the R-egim'ent adopttirug this dress.
Mo'Ved Ib~ !P. &lhleihauf,
Seconded by Go:r-don Beattie:
Reso1rv.ed that we do. now adj-ourn to meet at ,2.30 p.m..
The Council resumed.
mhe i,ll-set report of the 'Finance C'Ommittee was presented and
adopted on m.otion of Reerve Mrward and Reeve Neison.
M'O:ved by Gordon Bearttie,
Seconded !)}y P. Schl€ilrauf:
Resolved tb'art we do now adjourn to m,eet at ten a.m., en Wed~
nesd.ay, June 'Hith.
J. b. mOIlVlISION,
K. M. WliLiUTiAiM:SON,
Wednesday, the 16th Day of June, 1954
']he Elgin Corunty Council met this day at the Court House,
St. Thomas, in aocordance with adjournment.
The W'arden in the Ohair.
All the memlbers were !present.
A :communica'tion :from 1Jhe Uu'iversHy olf Western Ontario was
read and Dr:dered fiiled.
'Thesec()nd repoDt of the F\inanee Committee was presented
.and adoptf~d on motion of Reeve Allward and Reeve Coles. '
Moved !by James W. Neil,
Seconded by P. W. Schleihauf:
'That E1glin Gauntly indigent residents requiring ho-.spH:a1izamon
!be :admitted t'O the St. 'Ifuomas-El:gin Generali Hospital, and not
talken to London or Chatham hospitals unless treatment -cannot
be pi"Dvided at the local !hospital, and a copy of this be sent to
an doetol's' in E:lgin County.
Moved by A. C. MdM:lllan,
Seconded. by A. iL;tt!ejoihn:
That the Warden, Chainman of the FJnance Committee and
the Clerk-Treasurer he a COIIIl.illitttee to meet with a Committee of
the St. Thomas City Council re Sa1'aTY of the Judrge of the Juvenile
and Family Court with !power to act.
Moved ibyJa.rrnes. Ne:i!l,
Seconded Iby P. W. Scihieihauf:
'That we do now adj'OUI'n to m'eet at 2 p.m.
'Dhe Counciil. resumed.
The Agricultural Committee Report was p['esented and adopt-
ed 'On motion 'Of Reeve NeU and Reeve Williams.
The report of the PropeTity OO!I:nmittee was . presented and
adopted 'On motion 'Of Deputy Reeve Mcquigg-an and Deputy Reeve
The report 'Of the Road Oomrrnitrtee was presented and adopted
on m-otion of ,R'eeve R'OsZ'e11 and Reerve Neil.
The report O'f the ELgin M'anor Corrurn:ittee was presented and
adopted 'On mortion 'Of Depu1y Reeve 'Schleihaui and Deputy Reeve
The report of the Pet,i;tion.s and Legislations Committee was
pr.esented .and adopted 'On motion of Reeve Littlejohn, and Reeve
A re'S.owution re '!lax Sale was presented, and on motion of De-
puty Reeve Sohleihauf, and seconded !by Deputy Reeve Speers,
that it 'be laid 'OlVer till the Sept. Session, and the SoHcitor ibe asked
to 'be rp:r:esent and eX1plain the procedure.
Morved iblY BruceM.arr,
Seconded by C. M. Williams:
"Dh1at J3y-la:w N.c. 1647, "ToO Amend By-ilarw No. 1:3i5i2," !be read
a first tiJrne.
Moved (by Geor;ge Rosz-e'11,
Seconded by James> Hindley:
That By-la!w 11647, ~be read a second time.
M<Jved !by C. M. Williams,
Seconded !by Bruce MaTr:
Thii By-li1.-"v No. 1,647, he read a third time and mrtaWly passed.
Moved by Eliner Wla:ek1ey,
Sec.onded by John Wilson:
'l1hat By-Ia,w No. 1648, to ''Atmend Bty-law No. W:315", be read
a first tmn:e.
Moved by W. D. Nels<Jn,
Seconded by M<Jrley 1VfcQuillgan:
'That By-u<aw NO'. 1648, be read a s'€Ioond time.
Mov'ed /by H. O~ Mwa'rd,
Seoonded by W. D. Nelson:
That By-larw No.. l'MB,be :I'.ead a third tim'e, and finaUy p'assed.
M<Jved by H. O. Aiward,
Seconded by HoIWard P8illler:
That By-<l"w No. 11649, '\Granting Certain Priv&leges to the
Carnation Ca. I1td., to lay, and maintamawater p]jpe on me Wes-
terly side _ Df the road aHolwance IbetweenLots 15 and 16, Conces-
sion 8, Towns!hip of MaJ.,ahide," he read a firs.t time.
Moved by ClaT.ence Culver,
Seconded l:liy H<>wa,d P8illler:
That By-<law No. l'649ibe read" second time.
Moved by Howaid PaJrrn.ef r
Seconded by Cl1aTence Oulrver:
Thai By-taw No. 1649, be read a third time and IinaHy pas~ed.
M<l'Ved by T. W. Shi!l'"ey,
Seconded by A. C. MaMdililan:
That By-Iww N,o. 1000, to "Appoini a MeIiliber of the Senate
of the Un:irveTsity of Western Ontario," ,be read a iltst time.
Moved by RoIbert Coles,
Seoonded by T. W. Shipley:
That By-law 'No. IfNW, :be read a second time.
Mowed by T. W. Shipley,
Seconded ,by :!<oIbert Coles:
Thai iBy-l!llW No. ),650, be read a third time and !fina""y passed.
Moved !by Gaxnet Speers,
SeConded !by George Ros-iell:
'That we do nowadJjourn to meet on Tuesday, September 21st,
at ten a.m.
J. D. 'l1HOIMiSON,
Tuesday. Ihe 21s1 Day of Seplember. 1954
'Dhe ELgin County Council met this day at the Oorurt House,
St. Thomas, in aocordance writih adjourmrnent.
The Wa:rden in the Ohair.
All the :tnemlbers were present except Ree-ve Wa-cIcley, and
Deputy Ree~e HindU'e'Y.
Th.e W~rden address'ed the Council.
Mr. Duncan MeGiH presented his certiUcate as acting Reeve
-of West Lorne.
The minutes of the last day .of the .June Ses'Slion were read
and confirmed.
To the.rMemlbers' of the Elgin County Council.
Mrs. MJdCarthJyand Gen<lJ1emen:
Since the June Ses&ion of County Council, some outstanding
eyents h~;Y"e :been held in our -county. The OntaTlio Municipal As-
s,aeiation Oonvent1on held in St. Thomas was Qne.of themos't
successful of its kind. The Countty of Elgin appreciated the op-
portunity of assisting the City of St. ThOllnas on this occasion.
IReev.e (~oles'; Reeve Neill, Deputy-lReeve Schieiha:uf, and the
directors of t'he Mdlborough Agri-cui1tUTal Society are to be con~
graiu}a:ted on the ve:ny suocessful Centennial 1air held at Rodney.
V.{,e extend 'best wishes to Reeve Silcox, Deputy-reeve Cru!liver,
and the directors of the Southwold and Dunrwlch AgricultUTal So-
ciety who :are celeb:r:atinJg the IHOth anntverSaTty of their fair at
Shedden today and tmnorrow.
Although we ha:d inadequate rainfall during the early part
of the season, vel!y good craps of wheat and oats were harvested.
Fluid mriLk. producers found it necess3'ry to sup!pil-ement pastrn:'es
with ,grain and s:Hage. The recent rains h:ave Ibeen of great bene-
fit to pas1ture lands.
Ii is !hoped that we:ather conditions will !be satisfactory for
the harvesting of the 2'0,0:0-0 acres of soya bea,ns, 28,000 acres of
b.nsking 'oorn, 113,0.0,0 aJCTes of silage .com, 8,500 acres of white
beans and 1,,40'0 acres of s'W~ar beets which are .being grown. 'in
our ,county this year. A lar:g:e IpaJ:'t of the :I,OOO acre potato erop
h'as (been harvested.
ALthough the tobaoco has been retarded by weather oondit1oIl&,
approxNnai'el,y 80 jper cent of the crop has !been h:<u:'V€sted. It is
Xlpeoted that the 2.4,00.0 acres planted in ELgin Gounty this year
willI pI'9duce 30 million pounds of toibaceo.
'The fourth. .annual W,estern Ontario Cash Cro[) Day being
held at the Onta~io Hospital Farm Octdbe:r 5th, girves every indi-
cation of sur.passirlg the record da.y held last yea'r in Aldlboroughl
WwnslhiJp. The dis.lplay of Larm machinery willlbe the lal'lgest ever
shown in OUT County. A n€\W feature at the Oash Crop Da(Y this
year will !be :a mechanical corn picking contest. The mahl pur-
pDse of this. oonrtest is to encourage safe and efficient OIperation
of com piakers.
IThe annua,l County Ploughing Match VJ1hich is taking . place
Octdberr2i7th, on the fianm of the Reeve Cynil Williams and Son in
Yarmouth TOM'TIshiJpis another important event in our County.
-The dass for members of County Council will ag.ain he a f'eature
attraiction. It. is ho,p'ed.. that Reeve Violet J.v.IjdOaIfbhy wiiH take urn
the reins and :plough a furrow in true Fort Stanley style.
Nine and one-half miles of c.ounty Roads ha.v,e been hard
sUl:faic-ed this year m,akJng approximately 120 rones of paved
c.ounty: roads. Other road work scheduled to. be ccm:npleted this'
,year includes N'ruprovements at iilie ra@.road .cr-ossing west of Rod-
'ney' and alJ.so at the West Lome and Shedden crossings. Applica-
tion. hias' fbeenmade!by the s'Ulbm.iban road c~ommittee to the Do-
minion TDarrsport Board for Ig:tade. separation :at the St. George
street broSSing.
E1g.in Manor continues to liold reoogniti.on as being one of"
the fineSlt homes f.or the aged in the ptdvince. . At present there
are rooms a'V'aHaJble. The superintendent will be pleased to an-
swer a!1JY inquiries.
I am inclined to 0hallenge a st3lterrnent that a fo-nmer govern-
ment Q[jfi:cia:l is r€lp1Orted to have m,ade re,cent1y in which he said
that Gotmty CQunciIs had outlived their usefuilneslS in the face of
increased .proivinda;} TeSlpOnS:ibility. He suig1gestedas. an alterna-
tive tv County Councils .a menger od' smaill municipalities, ,such as
groups induding towns, villages and townships, arguing that they
could assume fuH~r responsibility than tihey C<luld t~k., singiY.
While I ffilibSicr'i1be to the old sayrrog albout s1irength being, LTl
unity, I cermarinly ,cannot agree with the su,g.ges'tion 0If dispensing
with OUT Count'Y Council system. [feel thart our County Council
sy,stem slhould be strengthened, !'lather than arb:andoned; (because
our Slyst'eill of loOcal gorvetruments; whi,ch oenrtre in ,oounrty . c;oufi1cHs,
are notonily tfhe fundlalIil'entals and the burl,wa:I'lks of our whole de-
mocr:atk way of government, but allio they are OUT !greatest safe"-
guard against the oentralizing of power and control.
When you ,weaken your CQunty counoils 'by toO. much central
.control from Queen's' :park 01' Patv1ialInent BUI at Ottawa, you is~
ol~arte the .chap on the .back concession more and more from gov..
ermnent by the people for the ;pen;ple. I sulbmit toot to outmode
our Cbunty OOWlicil system WQ'UIld. be one of the most retrogressive
dernolctatk moves we coold make. ['0 intenpret :and e,an"Y out the
needs and wishes of rur.arI OIl!tar~o, at least, you must :have town.;.
sib.ip and .county coruncirls. They Me a great de;a1 closer to the
grassr{)ots .mE deinloooaoy than either Toronto or Ottawa.
i1 have mentioned that t...~ere is a :place foOT co'-O[Per:at:iJve efionts
am,ong niun1ciip'a'l-itieS; 'and in tlhd.s' particular instance I wow.d like
to suggest that tihoug;ht mIght he given to some form of Elgin
County adrvertisdl1lg and :promotion, I believe that we would get
a lot" farther in putting our oonner OOUIity out in :the fore; if we
as lo;cal municipalities worrk€d as a unit, rather than individually.
Fortmation of art E1gin CGunty Oha!mber of Oorintme-rce has been
sug;g.ested; ioH{JflN1ing a pattern smiID.ar to the one in N6rrf.olk Coun-
ty; w'hkh seems' to hawe had St.T:oce.Ss hi prorootmg' interest in th.at
area. I beliieTVe that SOIne 40. years ago ELgin County had suchan
org.anizaJtion and drid ,a veny creditalhl.e jOlb getting out an iHustrat-
ed ibobk]et- adNettising every part {)If the County. CopieS of that
very creditable pulbli.catioJlc aIie still in 1fu-e Cler\k-ITrefi.sii..ITers office
and merit attention of members of this County Council.
With the manty- proible:ins that come before us', it is necessary
that Iwewor:k togetiher fur the ,g,oQd and :betterment of our ~ounty.
The f{)lllmving communications were read and rerrerred to their
vario'U:s C;dlthrhittees!
Reswution laid over from June Session of the EJ.gin County
C6uildl re 'tax means. -'-'- Referred to the E1g.jffi CoUhty Council.
Thorn the Oo'Unty of Perth re Urban assistance under th~
MiUhiie;ilpal DTahi:a,ge Act, - Ref-erred to the Pe'ti tio:nJs and Leg,is-
lations Gommittee,
Frofu the vmi>ge of Port BurWell, and the toWwhip of Bay-
ham, re Annexa,tion of a.Teas' to Til1&dnWur,g High ,siChoO!l District;
Referred to the Petitions and LegisI'ations Oomrnittee.
From: the G:oiinrty of VieL1ahd Fe Pr-bvih6ial Ediilcatio,:f1w grants.
_ Refel'11'ed to the Petitions and LegisJations Committee.
LFrrom- TiHsorilbrJi~g E:oSpita1 re indigent patient. --- Referred to
the Finance Committee.
FtOO1 !!he CountY of WatJeT10'O re Federal grants for telief. -
Referr€d to t!he Petitions arid LegislatIons C01Turrltt€e;
ffi'To\fn: the City of St. Thomas I'e Juvenile Family Court. -
Referred to the F.in,an,de Committee.
the .Gount.y oct: WentwO'rth 'Ie Estates of County Home
-. Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Commit-
From the Oounty of Dudiferdn re Provincial ..grant for local as-
sesSor. ~ Referred to' the Fin,ance Committee.
From E. F. S. Sanders wii'h a,coeptance or appointment to the
Senate 0[. theUnirversity of W'estern Ontario. - Flied.
From the Director of the Ridlgetown AgricuUura~ School with
ap;preda-tion oct: grant for Scho~a,rship. - Filed"
:Fro!ITl the University of Western Ontario w.ith appreciation of
gr:ant. - Filed.
From the Prinoipa,l of Alima College with appreciation of
Grant. - Filed"
Frrom the Ay1rner and East Elgin .Agricultural Society with
request for grant" - Referred to the Finance Oommittee.
,From theJ\ilayor od: the City oiSt. Thomas witih ap'p1'edation
re the Ontario Muu-k:,ipal AssolCia'tion Convention. - Filed.
From the ViUa'ge of \Rodney re Am:b-ulance service 1'e indigent
Ipatient. - Referred to the ~inal1ice Committee.
,From the County of Has!tings re Hospitalization of pensi-one1's.
Referred tn the Petitions ,and Legislati:ons Committee. "
From the united Counties of N:orlhrumberrland and Durham re
Am'endment to the Ohilc.1fr1,en's Aid Protection Act. - Referred to
the Petitions and Leg,islations Commi1tee.
FrOl1ll the Dept. of Reform LnsUitutions Ie Salary of Ja,j] Sur-
.geon. - Referred to- the PinaTI',ce Committee.
Frain the Home for Inourable ChHdren re maintenance of El-
gin resideni. - R'e:ferred to.. the :F-inance Committee.
Thorn -the ICounty .of lVLiddlesex re through l'Oad By-law. _
Referred to the Road !Committee.
From the Oanadian National Institute far the Blind with ap-
preoiation of grants'. - Filed.
'Mov,ed by.J. Neill,
Seconded Q:,y P. Sch1eihauf:
Tha't we dO' now adjourn to' meet at 2 p.m.
The GouncH resrumed.
Acommrunication from the St. Thomas-ffiagin General Hospital
l>e Balance .of grant. was. read.
Moved Iby H. Palmer,
Seconded (by C. Culver:
~hat the request of the St. Thomas-€lgin General Hospital
ibe laid ove'r biB the Novemher Session, .or until we receive a final
The firs1: report O'f the Finan)ce Committee was presented and
ad10pted on motion of Reeve Alward, and Reeve Sirkox.
The report of the Petitions- -and Legislations Committee 'Was
presented and adorpted on motion of Reeve Littilejohr:i; and Reeve
T.l1e - report of the Property Committee was presented and
adopted on mrotion of M. ],1IcQ.u~ggan, and A. C. McMHJ;an.
.The second report of the FinanrceC()Iffi~mittee was presented
and adopted on motion of Reeve Allward, and Reeve C. M. Wi1-
ELdITN OQu'N'l'Y G6uNorL
A resoLution re T'ax salles was presented and Mr. E. F. S. San-
ders', County SoHcitor addressed the Council regarding the res6lu'-
Moved .by 'Ree:ve W. D. Nelson,
Seconded b:y M. McQu;ggan:
That By-l",ws No. lQ;94 and No. 1295 of the towIlShip of Ba(y-
ham for ,olosing portions of roads in the tmvIiship of Ba&ihann 'be
COThl1i:runed, and the necess'ary by-iliaw be prepared.
M-oved <by W. D. Nelson,
Seconded 'by V.rarden WiLliamson:
Toot We recorrbrmend that a su:pplLem.ehta:ry By-law be passed,
that a further sum o'f $40,000.00 be ",dded to the $392,000.00, al-
lowed by the Dept. of HighJways for County RQad purposes.
Moved by p, Schleihauf,
'Seconded by J. Neil:
lliat this Elgin County Oouooi1 wish to €Xlpres'S to Mr. Ed-
ward A. Smi'tih their aplp['e'C:iation for presen1rl.ng to the Coun~ of
Elgin, a fine lS64 map (If Elgin Oounty.
MoVed by J. W. Neil,
SecQnded by K. W. W~ilamson:
Resolved thart Sianiley Charlton, his' heirs and asiSiigns 'be ~er-
Cl::hitted to Use we1i in the Township .of Ma1ahide adjoining County,
Road No; 4{), at South-east Ic-orner, of Lot t20, Oonc€SSi-01l 9', for a
nominal annual rental, subdect to the right of the County to TevOIke
dn teas:oila!bJ.e niOtice; for $2.00 pet year, for. term. elf twenty years',
MI'. c4iarlton to" pay aU costs.
Mo'Vec> lly J. W. Neil,
Seconded lly Gem,ge Silicox:
ThaJt the By-.1aw to be presented at tihe Couneil meeting .of
the Cbrunty au: Middlesex, designatin:g ail!! County Roads in Middle-
sex as tthr.ough hi,gh~,a'Y;s, as far as it rellates to the Oounrily or!
Elgin town1ines, he approved.
M'Orved 'by E. Wackiley,
Seconded by John WHson:
That the E]gin County Council make an inspection of the
County Road. system {J,n OctQber 21st, and 2'2nd, and that the RQad
Committee m.ake neces'g.a,ry arvangem-ents.
Mo'V,ed by Elmer Wacldey,
Seconded ;by C, M. Willia!II1S:
Resoi'V,ed 1lhat the Cle11k of the CounJI:y of Elgin on !behalf Oif
the Corporotion of the Co.unty OIf Elgin, make ap.pllication to the
'Minister .of Municipal Mfairs requesting that the Minister approve
an .order of the Department of Municipal A::fd:iairs requITing the tax
arreaocspro-cedures ill 1Jhe Department of MUll\idlpal Affairs Act,
R. S. O. 1951}, ChaJ]l'ter 9,6, to aplply to ail!! ffiunic&paJlties within
the County Oif Elgin, and that the tax ~aie procedures of The As-
sessment Aci shall not aJpip1!y, it being understood that in the event
the Minister appro'Ves and the nepaxtment of Municipatl. Affairs
makes .such order~ the use or disposition of Land vested in the re-
spective mund.c{'palities under the tax arrea.rs procedures, and 1fu:e
a'Pplications of the proceeds of such use, or disposition, s'haiIJ. be
subject tl) the 2!!>pro'Vai o.f the DeparfunenJI: ox iMunicil>al MfuITs.
MO'Ved 'by W. n. NelS'on,
Seconded by E. G. W"ok1ey:
That BY-Iliaw No. 16511, Ibeing "A By-1aJW to confirm By-law
N.o. 1~94, Oif the townslhtp of Ba~am, being a By-.ruw to ~to(p up
and ,close, and selll the portion of given l10ad lying between the
north PO['!HOTIlS of Lots 119 and 20, ConCe's&ion 8, township of Bay-
ham," :be Tead a first time.
MQved by C. M. Williams,
Seconded by Bruce Ma'IT:
Thaft By-waw No. 16511, be re,ad a second time.
Moved by Georg.e Roszel,l,
Seconded -by W. D. Nelson:
That By-law No. ,1,61511, Ibe read a third time, and finaHy passed.
Moved ;by M. M'0Qui.ggan,
Se<:onded i>y H. O. Mcward:
Irhat By-law No. ,M5i3, being "A By-law to coniiim By-l_ No.
12915, of the t<JiWnship of Bayham, being a By-1aw to stop UIp, and
seJ,! the un-used portion of Iralbot Road 1Ihrough parts of lots 129
andWH, between Goncess'iorts6 and 7, township of J5a:y'ham," be
read' a first time.
MO"1ed rby E. E. Atklnwn,
Seconded !by H. Pa'lmer:
That By-laJW No. 1652, Ibe read a se<:ond time.
!Moved iby H. PailrrneJ:,
Seconded< Iby Oltatrence ,QuIver:
That By-law No. 165i2, be read a third time, and fln"Uy passed.
Maved .biy D. E. McGill,
Seconded by P. Sohlelh"uf:
,That By-laM' No. 1653, "To :!ix salary <Jif the Judge of the Ju-
venile and FlamHy Court of the CO'UIJ.<ty of Elgin, and City of St.
'.Dhomas," be read a first time.
Moved Iby P. W. ScWelhauf,
Se.conded by A. Litti~ohn:
Thai By-larw No. !;{y5r3, .be re-ad a second time.
Mo,ved by A. C. MdMillan,
Seconded Iby T. W. Shipley:
That By-lacw No. 16~3, be read a third time, and finally Jl'lSSed.
Moved by Bruce Man,
Se,conded ,by C. M. WiliIiiams:
That By-JJatw No. 11654, !being a By-Law to provide fOT the su'P~
pIementwy 19M E"Pend:itme on the County Road Syst€lll1 est~b-
,lished under the Highlway :Lrlllpr,olVe~nent Act, and on County
B-rid,ges in the Oounty of Erg-in, ibe read a first time.
'Moved !by George Riosz'ell,
Seconded by Mrs. MdCarj,hy:
That By-<1acw No. 1654, lbe read a second time.
Moved l>y Geo"ge Roszell,
Seconded by Broce Ma:rr:
That By-<1aw No. 11654, be read a third time, and finalliy passed.
Moved Iby Jaunes W. Neil,
Seconded Iby P. Schleihauf:
That we 9-0 now adjourn to meet on Tuesday, Norvember 23rd,
at ten a.m.
January Session, 1954
To the W,arden. and M,emibe,rs of t!he :Elg.in County Coun1cil:
The fo-Howling':is the .report of the Special Committee to strike
the S1JalfiMng Committees f{)r 1964:
Administraiion of Justice: JUdg,e McMiil:1an, Speers, and
Agricultural: Neil, Sii1cox, W,Uliams, Roszell, Nelson,Wilson,
W:a;r:den William.son, and ["'itUejolhn.
County Roads: !Neil, Si1oox, Littlejohn, R,Dsz'eH, Nelson, Warr-
den WilJJiamson.
Advisory Committee: WIlliams ,.and WdiJs;on.
Couniy Home: Sch1eihalllf, Coles, Marl', and Warden William-
Children's Aid: rwaxden Williamson, and E. E. Atkinson.
Education: SoMem:aud', McMillan, Culver. Hindley, Marr.
McQuiglgan, Wilson, A'bromson, Speers', Wackley, Pailmer, Shipley,
Beattie, Coles, AlwaI1d, and Warden WHlti'aJffiSon.
Equalizafion: Neil, Warden Williamson,
Roszell'l, Nelson, Wdus-on, lJiutlejohn, Watcldoey,
Coles, M~s. McGaxtlhy, Beattie, and Mwwd.
Finance: Neil, Littlejohn; Silcox, William.s, Roszell, Neloon,
Wrilson, W.illiamson, Mrs'. McC'adh'Y, ShipITey, Coles, Pa'Imer, Eeat-
ti-e, W.aClkJley, and AJrward.
Health Unit: !Mrs. V. MdCartlhy, and Oulver.
Hospital: Pia1mer, Waclcley, a!Ild Warden Williamson.
Legal: Sch1eihaurf, iNelson, Beattie, and Warden Williamson.
Library Board: Alwaw, Beattie, ShiJpley and Warden Wil-
Pe:ti:tions~_ ancL Legislations: Uttl€john, Culver, Wacldey,
Speers, Coles, Al'w.aro, and W,arden Wllld..amson.
Property: M<JIIIJjiillan, MoQuig1gan, HindJley and Warden Wil-
Recepiion and Entertainment: Neil, Palmer, Roszell, Schlei~
hauf, and Warden W1l1:iraJmson.
An of which is res:poctfully submitted.
EILlMEiR G. WiAJCKiLEY, Charlnnan.
J1arnuary, 1954.
January Session~ 1954
To 'the Warden :and Members of the Elgin County Oouncil:
The Agriicultural Committee iJ'eports' as f.ollows:
1. That the MemlbeTShip Fee of $215.0'0 in the Orutario Oonser-
vation and Re-Fvl'esh'a.tion Association be paid.
2. ~hat rweendo.r.se the resolution from the Norfolk Chamlber
of Commerce for the Fire Prevention Act tv he enforced in South-
ern' Ontario.
3. 'Th.'at 1fue Resolution from the Count.Jy of Grey re FaTIIl
Prooucts Surpluses be ililed.
4. That we endorse the resolution fr,om the County of Grey
re Hog Sel[ing .AJgency.
5. That we endorse the resOJution from the County of Hast-
ings re Frarm SuI'!PI1use.s.
6. '!'hart the M€imlbership iFee oif $50.00 in the Ontario Agricul-
tura'l CounlCiI ,be paid and Reeve Neil. Reeve [':iJttlejohn, and the
Wa1'den to atfJtend the conrvenrtion.
7. That .las. McIBa:in and Lyall Ta:iJt be Tree' Commissioners
for 19M.
18. '!1hat a grant of $2,000.00 to tile local AgricwturaI Office
be m1ade. and the WiMden, Reeve Neil, and Reeve WilHl3ms be a
Oommittee to aLlocate the grant.
AIJI of which is rspe0tfully submitted.
JAM!ES W. NiElIL, Chamman.
January 121h, 1953 10 January 12lh, 1954
Actual Balance, J,anuary J.2th, 195,3 _____________-$
Elgin .county Cournlcil _______________~-------
Refund, Royal Winter Fair, Horse Show -
37 seats (.cross entry) _________________
Returns from SaJe of 4-iH Crests ,and Pins ________
Refund, Inter-Club Coo:npetition E~enses,
Gueiliph ____._______________________..__.___.________
TOTAL EXPENBiElS _________________________________$ 2,43Ul
Breed Shows
Holstein BLack and Willite Show, Aylmer $
J"rsey Parish Bhow, Ayilimer ___________________.
Aiy.rshire Show, Aylmer ________~___________
Beed' Callie Show, Walla<etawn ________________
Beed' Cattle .show, Rodney _______________________
ELgin Horse ShOlW, Aylmer ___________________
E1gin Beef Producers' Association __________
Field Crop and Plowmenls Organizations
Elgin County SoH and Crop Impl'Ovem"nt
~A..ssocia:ti{)n ____________________________$
E1gin County Plowrrnen'g Association ________
Elgin CoUIlJty Fruit Growers' Association __
ELgin County Se"d Fair ___________
West",." Ontario Cash Crop Day _______________
Junior Farmers
Elgin County Junior E1=ers' Asso< _.$
Elgin County Ginls' Institute _,_________
$ 49\5.00
$ 600.00
$ 376.00
Junior Club Work
Aldlborough Poultry Clulb ------------------------$
AldJboroullh Corn Clulb ~-----,-------------,--------
AldJbowugh Beef Calf Club ---------------------
Waililacet<>wn Beef Calf Club ----------------
West lillgin Grain Olub ---------------------------
Shedden Beef Calf Club -----------------
iShedden Dairy Calif Ciulb ----.----------------------
East EI'gin nairy Oalf Club ----------------
'East Elgin Swine Clulb ------- ------------------------
iEastE1gin Grain Cl'Ulb _________________________
Belm<Jnrt Dairy Calf Clulb -------------------------
East Ellgln Forestry Ol"-'b --------------
West iEJ1gIin Tractor Club ---------------------------
Judging Competitions
Inter-Olub Competitions, O.AJC.,
G>uel~h - 7 teams' ------------------------------$
Entry Fees, C.N.E., Judging Comtpetitions,
4 boll's -----------------------------,-----,,-,-----------"
Girls' Club Work
HI3.:m Rental, three Ad}ieveroentiDays ----$
Hanum Pin.s---.l'9 lCorunty, 2 ProTVincial ---
Roy;ail: 'WJnt'er ~a'ir, Horse ShoiW SeRts
(cross entTy) _______________--------.$
'1)re'asurer of Ontario-76 4-<H OlUJb PIins,
@50c _____--------------------~-
76 4-<H Clurb Crests @ 60c ---------
Donai1d lMcTaJV'ish, trUlcking to WaoIkert<m
Servi-ce O'haI'lges a't Bank. _________________
$ 202.50
$ 194.86
'lJO'I1A[, EXPffilN[)ill'nOOES _______________$ 2,272.96
Bank Balance .....-.--~.~--.~-...-$
'Less O/S Cheques-'$15.00 and $415.00 --
ACIIUtA!L BINLJAiNC!E -----------'
$ 2,4311.71
A. V. IJA.:N'Gl10N, Secretary-Treasurer.
AiBPIEOOViF1D: W. S. M<JK.llop, Jaimes W. Neil.
AUDI'l1ED .and Found Correct, Jan. 15, 19'54, W. I. Rogers.
Januaxy Session. 1954
To the Warden and Members of the E}gi'l1 Oounrty Council:
The EdueatJion CoImmittee reports. ,as follows:
1. That a gDa11lt of $76.00 be paid to the ID1gin County Trus-
tees' and li'atevayers' As:soiCiation.
2. 'That <the Lilbr,aryJ3oar:d and Propex:ty Gomrrnittee investi-
gate the p,o'sS'~bilities of securing new quarters for the Elgin
Coun1ty Lilbrary Co-;Qperatirve.
3. It was moved that the resilgnation of Mr. 'WiaJter Moore;
l'e'presenta\tirve on the EiasrtElgin Hi.gh School Board be a'0Cepted.
4. That Franois iC~ine !he County Re!presentartilVe on 'the East
E!!Jin High S~hooi BOaTd fOD 19M.
5. That Mm. Ludy, C~arence TafyloT, and Walte-r Rodgers be
reappointed to the Lilbr:ary Board fOT 1954.
6. That Section 46 of the High ISClhool Alat Ibe repea'led, and
that corpies' be sent to the Department of EdU'c-ation and the On-
tario Educational Ass'oci:akion.
'7. That the Local Lilb1'laries he gi,v,en the usual grant of $50.0.0.
8. That the MemJbershiJp CFee of $1'5.'00 in the County Council
Section of'lihe O.ReA. he jJ"id, ,and t!he WaDden to ajJjJoi11lt de'legates.
,9. That a g~ant of $fWO.OO be given to the student securing the
hilghest standing at the Ridgetorwn Agricultural School.
W. That $'IOO.fW SOllo['arship he granted to the iboy and girl
from Elgin County who a'Dtams -the' highest standing at the Uni-
versity of We~ern Ontario.
An orf which is respec,tfuJly submitted.
ROBiEmT CF. COLES, Cha,iTman.
January Sessionl 1954 - Firs:tReport
To the W.aT>den and M.emlbers of the Elgiin County Council:
The EiJgin lManor CQl1m:njt1;.ee reports as fol1nw.s:
1. That the annual membership fee to the Ontar-io Association
OT M,anagers of Homes' for Aged !be paid, in the amount of $10.00.
2. 'DhaJt me Superintendent, M,atron and any Memlb.er of the
Committee aJble to attend 'be appointed f.or the Annua!l Convention.
ALl acE which is respectfully submitted.
PHliLlP SCIHJLiElNl!AUF, Chahman.
January Session.. 1954 - Second Repor:l:
To the Warden and Melll'libers of the Elgin County Council:
The E[,gin M;anor Committee reports as foJJ.dWS:
1. That the SupeDintendant and Matron be gcoanted an in-
crease of $500.0:0, and necessary By-LaIW be >prepacr'ed.
12. Thai rwe reoommend NefW Larundxy facilities to be provided
at the Institution.
MI of which is respE>ctEully submitted.
PlHllilP SCIHilJEJiHlAJUiF, Ohairman.
January Session, 1954 - First Repor.t
ToO the Ward-en .and il\1eJ:D1bers of the E1gin County Council:
The Finance Committee reports as follows:
1. [That the fOUOlWirug hospitalaceounts he paid:
Victoria Hospital, London _________________________$ 1,:6'09.79
Sl. J'oseph's Hospital, London _______________ 143,90
Memorial Hospital, St. Thomas _____________ ______ 4,688.59
TillsoTI!buT,g Dist. Memorial Hospital ________n 1,465.29
Toial _________
All of which ,is respelCt1ully suJbmitted.
H. 0 ,ALWAiRID, Chairman.
January Session, 1954 - Second Report
To the Wffi'ilen and iMerrnlbers of the Eilig<n County Coundl:
The FinanJce Committee reports as follows:
!1. I'J'.hat the 'Warden and Treasurer be authorized to Iborrow
up to $4!50,OOO.OO from the Bank of Montreal as may Ibe re-
quired and the pecessary By-law be prepared.
:2. That the usual g<ant of $,50.00 to the ,Law Library be pa<d.
'3. rrhat Mrs. E. LU{)5'eimore be !paUd at me rate O[ $12'5.0:0 (per
:r:n,onth for de1"i1cal assistance in the CJ,erk and Treasurer's off-ice.
4. That the annual Fee of $25,00 fo< Memlbership in the On-
tario Municipal 'Association ,be !paid.
6. .That the usual grant of $2,000 to the Children's Aid Society
of St. Thomas and Elgin be paid.
6. That the Council make provision in estimates i{)r assisting
entertai.ning delegates to the Ontario Munidpal Convention in
St. ThOllOOS.
7. That we grant the requ€st of the Elgin-1St. Thomas Health
Unit for an increase of 1-0 cents .per ca~ita.
8. That a :grant of $500.00 be paid to Alma College.
9. That th€ Institute of the Blind be granted $400.00, and
$1,000.00 on the Building.
10. 'That the request of the Ontario Rural MUIlIicipalities for
Mem'b-ership Fees be filed.
11. That the request of th€ Navy Le8Jgue for grant be filed.
1;2, That oR grant of $500.00 he made to the Universitw of Wes-
tern Ontario.
11:3. That /We .con.cur with the resolution from Simcoe County
that thePr:ovince reimburse counties for pa(yment of juries.
14. That the request Oil' the St. John's Ambulance for goont
(be filed.
1:5. 'That a By-lalw :be i=lr€lpared to amend the (Pension Annuity
16. That ,the c.ommund:cation from the Regd.stry Office be
17. That 'W€ approve of the suggested salary schedule of the
DepaTilnent of Re1Jorm iInstitutLons for a mi.nin;l.Uffi of $I,940.09 to
a maxlmulffi of $2,~40.00.
18. That the request of T:rustees of Bobier Home for grant
he laid mer to the Marlch Session and a fin:a.ncial report of the
Institution !be !presented.
19. mnat the Oharity and WelJi...e Pay list No.1 for :F1,212.50
be paid.
QO. That Pmnting, !Postage and Stationery Pay !List No. 1
for $1i2.1~ be paid.
'21. That Ohildren's Aid Society iPay J-ist No. 1 for $4,546.23
he paid.
122. That Miscellaneous Pay List No. 1 [Or $100.0'0' (be paid.
m. 'That the Looai Assessors be paid $7.00 [Jer day and miie-
alge for not more than -five meetings in the year.
24. That the County Members on the Children's Aid Society
'be paid $3.00' for Board Meetings thou attend.
AU of which is respectfully suib:mitted.
H. O. .A[.IWArRD, Chairman.
January Session -1954
To the Warden and M.embers of the Elgin County Council:
'The Petitions and Legislations Committee reports as follows.
1. -That the resolution from the County of Simcoe re Ship
Bui:lding Industry be filed.
'2. That the resolution fr{)lffi the County of Grey re National
Healthi.Plan ibe approved.
\3. That the \B~-laiw from the City of St. Thomas to regulate
the use oj' Land and iBuilililJgs be fiied.
Ali of which <is r"-'jlectfully sulbmitted.
~AnR B. LIT'llliEJOiHN, Chairman.
January Session.....;. 1954
To the W,aa:den mid MerrnJbers atE the Elgan County Coundl:
The ~rup'erty Committee re~orts as follows:
1. That Pay List No. .2 of the Registry ,office for $70.55 be
2. That Pay List No. 2-, of Adrrninistr;ation acE Justice for
$1'29.511, he paid.
;3. That Pay Lis,t No.2, Care of Buildings for $24.6"0 he paid.
AU of which is respediuUy sufbm1irtted.
ilVKXRa:.ffiY McQU!lJGGAN, Cha;rman.
January Session - 1954
To the Warden and Members of the Elglin County Council.:
Your Road Committee ihegs to report as follows:
1. Tn W53 the E,gin Coun~y Road Committee finished the
year's proogramrrne of eonstrurcting and maintaining the County
Roads System with a surplus.
The By-!law passed at the January!i915i3 session provided f()I'
CDunty and sulbwban roads pUr:pOS€Sl the sum of $43'6,0-0'0.00. This
estimate was submitted to the Minister of Hrighwa;ys for apprOlVa!
and the county 'Was notified that the deparlment !Would only pay
subsidy on a maximum expenditure of $3H2,OOO'.OO, a reduction of
$44,000.00 Due to this fact mueh of the construction contemplated
at the January SessiDn had to !be postponed.
The follolWing is a SUJtI1m,ary of the 19513 expendtures:
Resurfacing Gravel Roads ____________________________$ 4!2,037 _13
M'a[ntainiIl!g Gravel Roads ____~_________.____________________ 36,73'9.-86
New pavernents New Grading and Re.surfacinlg
Old P,wements __________________________________ [,J4,440_05
Repairs to Pavements __________________~_____________ 3,5130.00
Dust Control ____ ______________________________________ ____m_______ 4,39,3.71
Snow Remo~al and J:lce Control ___________..__ 6,2i19.93
Weed and Brush Control __________________________________" 6,671.91
UI'Iban Munidpalci.ty Improvements _______,_________ 17,4175.04
Ditching and Tiling m_______ _____ ____________________ ,__________ 2,104.511
Feneing, Gu.ard Rails and Signs __________________ '1,6211.01
Railway Crossing Prote<:tion ____._______________________ 5,432.52
Dr,ainage Assess-ments _________________________________ 1,9&5.89
"n0015, CountlY Gara'ge, E:x!pens'es _________________ 3,4'03"34
New. Machinery,. iRepa:ir.sand Motor Fuel ____________ 23,772.74
Stobk - Pipe, Plank, etc. ___________________ ___________ (1;5,9915.50
Superintendence _ ________~______________________"_____ 6,340.00
Office El<penses and Overhead __________________________ 56'9.35
OlemcaJ. Assistanee ~___________________~_i___ 2,1'98.00
Enf.orcing lh Loads in March and AJp-ril _______________, 803.78
TravelHng iEXJpeIllSes ___________m_______________________~__ 11,1114.92
Grants <to Uroan iMunicip'alities ____________.________ 10,250.00
Insurance', OOIDpensatkm .and PensiDTIS ___________ 4,085.98
!Holidays with Pay Allowances and Sick Benefits 1,736.39
[,ess ,Stock Balanice -----------------------c----------- 14,337.04
ICulverts ________~_____________________________.~______ 12,542.01
Briidges __________________________________.___________________ 17,126.15
$ 29,668.16
ISuburiban Roads _~______ ____________~_________________ 4Il,459.Q9
12. irfle approve .o~ the sulbUliban Roads Commissioner's esti-
mate .of $4'7,000.0.0 f.or the .current year.
3. We reoommend that the Warden name dele:gates to the
annual meeting .of the Ontari.o Go.od P...oads' Association to he held
in Toronto en February 2i2, 23 and 24, 119~'4, and that the annual
fee ~f $25.00' be paid.
4. We re.commend that Fred A. Bell, County Engineer and
George Powles, Assistant RDad Superintendent, attend the meet-
ing acE the Count.y En(gineers and the meeting of the Good R.oads
5. We re,coilTIiffiend that the renewal .of theJY.Lunicilpal Liability
Policy M 3'810 as sUJbmittedby the Gene1'1al A-clcident Assurance
Company, ata ;premium of $15\1<9.00 be accepted and that the n.on-
omne-d Auto Policy .of the Gore District Mutual Fire Insurance
Company, p.olitcy No. j89O'3'93 at a .premium of $8'0.26 he renellNed.
6. We recommend that th,e motion passed at the June 1953
g,es5Iion, con:senting to theereC'tion .of flash signals at the Can-
adian National lRJailiway Crossing .on St. George Street (Gounty
Road N.o. 26, IS. A.), ibe rednded and that a notice Ibe f.orwJarded to
the minister of tl"ansport-inTorming him that the County is"in falVor
of the retention .of the present fl.agIl1'an prote'ction.
7. We recommend that the petition of 8i5!3 ratepayers inter-
ested in the Canadian Nati'Onal railways Sit. GeoDge Street cross-
ing and from the South'w.old Hilltop Farm Forum, Lynhurst - St.
George Street Community Associati.on :and the St. Thomas and
Elgin Motor 000 be filed f~r ,consideration.
6. The committee is in favour .of the resolution .of the Sdmcoe
County Council passed at its November 1963 Sessl'On regarding the
request that the Pr.ovincial Subsidy on the -construction of palVe-
ments 'be Jncreased to 75%.
9. We recommend that the petiti.on .of ratepayers in the
ToiWnshi[> of AldJb~rough, asking that a start be made ~n paving.
County R~ad N~. 6 from Clachan easterly, be filed until an in-
specti.on 'Of the road be made by the corrmrittee.
1:0. We irecom.[mend that an ctlppli-cation Ibe made to the Do-
minion Board of transport to halVe flash silgnals ereded at t:b.e
Canadi.an Niationa;l RiaiJ!way crossing on County Road No. W, north
of Frome.
11. We reooffilnend that estnnates presented by the Canadian
National railw,atYs for eT€.ctirug flash signs at .the Canadian National
Railway Crossing at St. George Street, be filed.
m. We esti:mate that $'lli6,OOO.00 'Will ibe required for the
maintenance and oonstrudion of our county and suibU:I'1ban roads
for the year 19514, allocated as' foHOtws:
!County Roads ~--------------.---___________$401J,000.00
SUbmfuan !Roads __.___________.______ 47,000.00
This is based on the follo~wing estim'ate:
RBSQlrf"~eing Gravel Roads ____________________________$ 'lli,000.00
[]Y.faintaininig Gravel Roads __m___________________________ GS,O'OO.OO
New Pavements:, !New Grading and Resunf,afCing
Old Pa'Velments _______________________________________ '[60,000.00
Re!pairs t,o !Pavem,ents ________________________~______________ '5,000.00
!Dust Control _________________________________ ,15,000.00'
ISnow (RemoLv.aJ. and Lee Control ___________~__________~ 9,OOO.{l{)
Weed and Brush Conti",] ___________________________ 7,000.00
Ur,ban Improvements ___________________________________~____.,...... 20;0'00.00.
Ditching and ''l'iling _ __________________ ____________________ 10,000.00
Fencing, Guarrd Rails and Signs ________._____________ 5,000'.00
Railway Oro.ssing Protection ____________________________ 6,5:00.00
cLand Purchases ___________________________________________ 2,000.00
Drainage Assessments __________________~~_____~_ 3,'0.0.0..00
Tools, Oounty Garage, Exrpens~s ____~~~____________ 4,0.0'0'.0'0'
!New Machinery, Repairs and MotaT Fuel ~__~__ QO,OOO.OO
StDoik - Pipe, Plank, etc. ____________________ ______________ 18,000.00
Superintendence _ ___________ ____~~________________________. 7,0'0'0'.0:0'
Office E"Penses and Overhead __________________ ,1,000.00
iCleri.cal Assis-tance ___________-'-___________________ ;2,600.00
EnfDVCing 1'2 Loads in Maoch and April _m____ 800.00
Travelling Expenses ____~__________~__________________ 1,lOO~O'O
Grants tD UIJban Municipalities _--'--______________ n,ono.oo
IInsurance, Compensation. and <Pensions __ ____,,____
Ho:ti-da(Ys :with Pay Allowances and Sirek Benefits
Less St'O,ck Balance
___ 25,!l9'5.50
Culverts _____________________________ 12,()0'0.00'
Bridges ______________________________________________________ 26,0'0'0.00'
$ 33,000.00
Swburban Roads _______________,,__________________________ 47,000.0~
Which is albout 6.17 mills on an assessment of $33,13<8,464.00'.
The Coun:l:yls Share will be
20'% of the Coo,t of COllstrudull'g Bridges
and Culverts ______________________________________$ 7,60'0.00'
,50'% of $37,1,00'0'.00' ________________ __________________________ llffi,5O'O.nO
ISuhuDban Roads 'oCountly's Portion) ____________ :10,2'25.0'0
The Mill Rate for County Road Expenses For
1:91511 was ____________________________________ 5.7 mills
H1512 'Was ________________ _________________ 6.17 mills
'19'5'3 was ___________________________________ 5.B16 mills
13. We re100mrmend that the Ontario DepartJrnent of Hrilgh-
ways be notifi,ed that if our County (Road System is to ibe main-
tained to a high stand""d the sum ill $456,000.00 'Wtll be requiTed
this year ,and showd not be reduced tby the Department as was
done in 100!3.
All of which lis res:peiCtMly submitted.
GEO:aGIE RJOS0E[JL, Cihairolan.
St. Thomas, Ontario, January 2-2nd, 1954.
March Session - 1954
TD the iE1'grln County Council,
'The A.grkultural Committee reports as f-oHOlWS:
~1. . That the Communications from the County ill Grey re Dis-
tribution of food to needy ,be endorsed.
:2~ That the resolution ,from the County of Grey re Price
srpread investigation be filed.
3. That we accept with regret the resignation of James Mc-
M,P., as Tree Commissioner in Elgin County.
4. That the W.ardenand Reeve Neil (be a Committee to ar-
~ange fireguar.d on proper1ty of VVJ1ite's Station, the sale and plant-
in'g of Trees: at IPleasant Valley, and the securmg of a :planter to
~lant trees.
5. That we suprport a Cash Cmp <'lay in Elgin County this
AJI 0If which is respectfully sUlbnnitted.
JIAlMiES W. NllilII4 Chairman.
March Session, 1954 - Second Report
To the Warden and Council .of the Co.unty Elig-in,
The Committee en !Finance beg leave to report that hewing in-
quired into EU.nances of the County, and eSltimates prepared by
the OoUIlJty Tre.as'iller, th€IY herewith swbmit a statement .of the
eXlpenditur.es 1l'equired foOl' the lawful purpose .of the CQunty dur-
ing 1954, shorwing the amount required to be raised for the under..:.
mentioned PUI'Iposes:
Administration of Justice __________________________$ 30,500.00
E~gin Manor ___________________________~_________ 15,000.00
County Rioads (6 mills) _______________________________ fl98,830_00
Children'" Aid Society __________________________ 26,000.00
Charity and Welfaxe __________________________________ 50,000.00
County !Health Unit ________________________________ C!0,360.00
Elgin County !Hospital Delbentures and Interest 68,000.00
[Municipal Gov't, 'Sa1aries and W1alges ___~_________~ 1'6,000;00
';\)grioultuxe Grants _______________________________________ 8,000.00'
Interest __________________________________________ 8,500.00
Printing, Postage and StaUonery _________________ 1,000
Th'operty __________________~______________________ 4,500
Grants ____________________~___________________ 11,000
'I1illsoIJIbu!1g Hospital G=t __________________________ 10,000
St. Thomas and IElLgin Hospital Grant __________________ 30,000
Less License fees and rent ~_____________ 614.00
YOUT Comm,Ht-ee would recommend that the sum of Four
Hundred .and Ninety-lSev-en Thousand, and Seventy-Six Dollars be
radsed on all rate:crble property in the several munidpa1ities of the
County ocE Elgin, durin'g the year 10954, for County purposes, and
that a rate of 15 mills on the dollar be levied on ratewble prOrpert~Y'
in the several ,munici:pa-litlles in the County to Taise said amountS'.
All of which ds respectfully submitted.
H. O. kLWiAffiiD, Chairman.
March Session~ 1054 - Second Report
TD the Elgin County Council,
The Finance Committee reports as follows:
1. Tha't the foUowinlg hospital a,ecounts he paid:
Victoria Hospital, London ----_________c___u______~_______A;
1St. Joseph's Hostpital, London ____________~.:..._.:...__________
lMemorial HosptitaI, i&t. ThOID'as ____-'---______c~__.:...____
TJllsonibu~g District Memorial Hoscpital __________
~OTcAJL _________c_______________c--------------__--------$ 8,3'37_93
All of which ds respectfully submitted.
H. O. ALWiAffiiD, Chainman_
March Session. 1954 - Third Report
To the Elgin County Gouncil,
The Finance Committee reports :as foll{)'Ws:
1. That Pay List NQ.2, for $4,4'711.9tl, fOol' Children's A'id and
Training Schools ac.counts Ihe paid.
2. That P;ay List No.2, for Printing, Postage-. and Stationerjy
a.c'counts. for $4317.1:5 be paid.
'3. That Pay List ,No. 3 of iRegistry ()ffke a<,oounts for $22,2.45
'be, paid.
4. That Charity and Welfare ?ay List No. 2 for $700.50 be
5. That Pacy list No.2, of Miscellaneous A'c-counts of $l{).OO be
6. That $310,8'00-.'00' be pla1ced in estimates for .part payment of
.grant :501' 'completion of the St. Thomas-E.1gin General Hospital,
and the balance that may he required fro-m the County be bor-
1'{liw€_d :from the Bank of Montreal and p1aoed in County Iev\y in
),955, and IB56.
AJ1 OLE which ,is res.pelCt1ully submitted.
H. O. ALW~, Chaitman.
March Session, 1954 - Fourth Report
To the ELgin Gounty Council)'
The Finance Committee reports. as :J2ollows:
1. That the resolution from the County o.f Perth re equaliz-
ing ind~gent rate he filed.
:.2. IThat Reeves P,almer, Neil, Roszell, Deputy Reeve Schlei.
haui, and the Warden 'he appointed a Committee to make arrange-
ments 'With the Committee of the City Council roil' the Ontario
Municipal Convention to be held in St. ThoID1as, during August.
'3. That the resolutionfrDffi the County of Simooe requesting
increased Provincd.al subsidy for Children's Aid Wards be endorsed.
4. That the usual grant of $5'0'0,'0'0 be made to the Salvation
5. That the account for Shirley YQU,rug in "the Home f"r In-
cUl'alb-le Children ibe laid over to the June Session for investiga-
6. That the brief- from the Superintendent of the MemaiI"ial
Hospital re Collection of indigent ,accounts by Pwbl!i<e Haspitals
from ?1unilCipalities and patients be filed for. futur:e ref-erence.
7. That the membeI\Shlp fee of *26.'0'0 to the County Council
Section .of the Ontar.io Educational Associ'ation Ibe paid.
AUl of which is respe-CttfuUy soomitted.
H. O. Ar...WiAIRD, Chaimlan.
~arch Session. 1954
To the ,Eligin County Council,
'Dhe Equalization Committee reports as follows:
1. 'The. follo-wing be the equalization of the Assessm~tLt Rolls
of the County vf ELgin for the {Year, 11~54:
Ald1borough ________________________________$ 3,746,476.
Dunwkh __________________________________ 3,665,8516.
ISouthwold _____________________________________ 4,7411,OW.
Yarmouth ..___________________________~ 6,lCll1,oOO..
Malahide _________________________________________ 3,950,597.
lBaY'ham _______.___________________________________ 2,7'88,100.
South Dorches.er ____~______________--_ 2,22'5,757.
AylJrner ____.______________~_._______.~_'"""', 2,,6Qil,~a..~
Port Stanley __________________________ 1,738,427.
Dutton __________________________________ 607,876_.
iRodney _______________________________ 519,\944.
West Lome ________________________________ 616,100.
_Springfield ________________________________ 1196,7135,
Vienna ___________________________._~ 1,47,547.
'Port ~u!'!well _"____________~_________________ 27-2,489.
2. That this C<YUneil is 'W'illWg to h.",e the [mal Wuaiization
of assessment 1'0&, in case of appeal, made hy the Co@ty J,u<lge.
All of which is respec1Jfnlly suhmitted.
March Session~ 1954
To the ;Elrgin County Gouncll1
The Petitions arid Leg.islations Committee re[)orts as follows:
1. -That we endorse the resolutions from the Counties oi
M-iddlesex, P,erth, and Wellington r:e Exem<ption of municipalities
from Ha!hility due to icy conditions of County Roads.
.2. .That" the reeD.lutions from the County of Grey, re assist--
ance fOT clearinlg of land and eX'errl'ption of drainage work :flrom
Income Tax ibe filed.
3. That we -concur with the resolution from the County of
Weiland opposing any amendment to Section 20 of the Municipal
4. Thait we endorse the resnhltion from the County of Grey
for return of .sher:i:ff's :flees to the County.
5. TbJat we ask the representative of Lands and FOTests in the
A/yJmer o::6fice m.eet with the Council at the June Session.
-6. :That we concur wJ:th 'brief on Administration ill Justic,e ex-
pense.s pTesented by the County of Weiland.
1. .Thai we 'endorsre the reso1ution from the County of Hast-
ings to provide for a deposit of $50.00 'by a claimant in dvil suit.
8. That the resolution from the ,WI,alton Ratepayers :Associa-
tion re Ln-conporation 'Of villag'es be filed.
,g. That' Jwe .ask the local municip.alities. to consider the Tax
Sale procedure under the Dept. of Municipal AffadTs Ad.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
A. L]Tl1lJEJOHN, Chairman.
March Session, 1954
To the El'gin County OowKil,
The Property Committee reports as follolWs:
iI. Thai the forffi,er Police Offke be :given to the El'gin County
IT...ibTiaTy Board.
;2. That the Po1i.ce Magistr.ate and C'OUTt ClI.eM ibe ,given the
fOJ'lmer 6chool Inspector's Of!fic'e.
3. That the School 1I1.SJpectors be ,granted the office noW oc-
cupied by the Police Gourt Clerk.
4. That the JlailGolvernor be supplied wath fencing material
from the Governor's house to the Garage.
5. \That the priees on l,ights for the' L:ilbr.ary Boaxd o:flfi<ce be
secured and the office redecorated.
6. That Pay List No.3, for Care of Buildings aocounts of
$39.85 be paid.
7. That Pay List No.3, for Administration of Justice accounts
for $1,212.32 >be paid.
Ali of which is re&pectfuliy submitted.
March< Se:ssion~ 1954
To the Warden and Coun<Jil of the County of Ergll:
Your R'Oad Committee bergs to report as follows:
We recommend th.at Ge-Ci,r:ge: Cross be reappointed as County
representati:ve on the St. Thomas suburban roads commission fur
a: term otf.ft-ve' yeaTS.
We . recommend that the Carnation COffi!PaDjy1 Limited ibe gi-
ven peTIi1:iSSi6ti. to- lay _.a: pip'e" fuxe' to ro-nduct waterfu'.om their
wells, west of Spring-field, to their' plant in Aylmer, on County
Road No. 4()' A A, if the Company enters into a satisfactDry a,gree-
rrten:tf\.vlirtlr the County as to maintenan.ee, ete..
We ,recommend that the communication from E. C.1Reid, Clerk
of the City of ,St. Thomas, regarding the proposed g"ade separation
at the Oanadian National R:aiJiw,ays' Crossing on Sit. Georg€! Street,
be fiJed.
!We reoommend that the txJn'Vey,ance- deed.i.nga portion of
abandoned .Highway No.4, 1 mile south of Union from the Depart-
. merit of HighwayS' to the COunty ad' m1gin, be depooited in the reg-
is>tvy Dffice.
All Of >Wb1ch is respectfuJily stJ!bmitted.
GEORJGE ROOm, Chairman.
To the VVia;rden ;and Mem1bets of the EJ.,giin County Council:
June Session. 1954
i helve t-o report the followinlg applioations for licenses hav~
iheen approved by the local murricipalities and the Elgin-St. Thom-
as HeaJth Unit from No:v-emlber 217m, 19613, to Ma(y: 2'4th, 19'54.
Ice Cream Stands
W. H. FoUick ._.........._.........._ ............. Springfield
O. Allen ._..._..~...._...._......_..._._...._... Springfield;
J. M. BrOfWh ..... ........... .m_..........._...._... Sp,ringfield
W. W. Wiley ...._...._....__....... ........_.~.. Springfield
Charles Martin ___~_________m________m-.. R. R. 4; Aylmer
W H. Candy. ............... m_.. ....._.. H. R. 2, Aylmer
J. A. 'Norton ____________________..""_c,;;,;.____c___c~c___~___'c__c Sparta
Norman Oille ___m___m___. ________ ________0____'0___.__ Sparta
Hugh Brown c______:-'-_c:..__________._~c,;...;..,.___C_CC"_.;.;.__c_,___' Vienna
Geor!ge Am,ard ____m__________ _____________c_cc____"'__ Vienna
Kenneth Roloson _____. _____.____________________C_-"" Vienna
John Herlk,a n__. __________ __m___ ________ R. R. 1, Aylrmer
A. GO'Yle ___________.___c__ _______________________ _"_cco_::...;..;...__",__" Vienna
"CIa-Mar" _____________________m_____ R. R. 3, Aylmer
Mrs, D. Valentino ___~_--'-C Edge'ware Drive, Yarmouth
Chester lAxford __ __ _________ R. R. 6, St. Thomas
Morley Mann .._.._._.._.._._ R. iR. 3, St. Thomas
Charles G. lJaing _________________________m_______ Ri-c-hmond
lR'ex. Bros:. __________________________________ Straffordville
Harold Graves _ ____ _..__ _______________________ New Sarurn
T. D. :Roclk ____....._...._.._..._._ Yanmouth Centre
J.ohn Hoffer ________________________._____ R. R. 6, Aylmer
T. Leg.g ________ ________________ _______m___ R. R. 4, A;y;lmer
Gordon's :Store __________ _____________________________ Vienna
R. Weeks' .......... ...m... ....... R. R. 8, St. Tho>mas
Fred Kearsley _____m________ _____ R. R. 8, St. Thomas
Morley Gor.vett ______________________________________ sparta
W. lI3""ber .._....._..._....._........_._....._. R. R. 1, Eden
F. Plust (Jr.) ___....__.. ...._.........._._._....._._ Corinth
W:ailace R. Crawford _________________________ Shedden
Hendell's Dairy Bar ___.....~.._......_ Talbotville
iEWbt. Byfield ___nnnn___n__.______________________________ Dutton
Edward Beattie ________________ __ _____._ _________ Vienna
Fred Dodgson ______________m___________________________ Belmont
W. S. M,dTeer ''iHadenda'' _____~______ R. R. 1, AiYJmer
lwadside Cof.fee Shop __________ ________ __ R. R. 1, Eden
Refreshment Stands or Lunch Counters
Elm Sna{~'k Bar ____m_________ _________ ______ R. R. 1, Aylmer
Dan !Balazs .___ ___.___________________ _____ _______ R. R. 1, Corinth
Gordon Bonney __________________________m R. R. 1, Ay~mer
Ace's Sn:ack [Bar ________________________ R. R. 1, Aylmer
Diokinson's Lun-ch ______________ Stl'iafford,ville
Juiiu.s. .Suto _________________________________ (R. R. 1, Aylmer
lRonatLd Scobie _____________________________. New SaTurn
Berdan's Service Station ~__~____________ Straffordrville
George Chorney __________~__________ R. R. 5, T,il1S0rubul'Ig
Pritchard & Sanderson _______ First Ave., YannQuth
Murray rBuoku'er _________________________ R. R. 2, Aylmer
Beni Benus ___________________________________ iR. R. 3, A/yJlmer
All of which is respectfuWly swbmitted.
J. D. TiHOIMSiON, County Clerk.
June Session~ 1954
To the Warden and iMemlbers of the E~g1in County COUll-eil:
I beg to swbmit the following statement of Receipts and Ex-
!penditures fr,om J3Jlluary 1st, W5i4, to M~ay Gilst, 1954.
Balance in Banik, and on hand, January 1st, 1954 ____________$ 9,737.50
Adlnmistration of Justice _____ ________________________$ 7,310.37
Notes Pa'yabl,eand Interest ____________________._.____ 70',000.0'0
Eigin-St. Thomas Health Unit ____________________ 5,089.95
Registry Offi,ce ____.____________ ______________________________ 4,613.617
Charity and W.elfare __ ______________________m__ __________ 8,5'21.00'
Elgm Manor _________ ____________ _____________________ _________ 5,999.58
Children's Aid Society _________ ______________________________ 481.55
Cou~ty Roads __________________ _________________________________ 1'09,647.69
Miscellaneous ___..____________________________________________________ 342.00
Administration of Justice __________________________$ 1:9.7-O9.4'l
Notes Payalble and Interest _______________ ______________ 50,68'8.20
Charity and Welfare ________________________________ 20,920.50
Gran ts ____________________________________________________ _______ 2,176.M
Elgin Manor _______________________________________________ 14,6H6.011
R~g ,ir,' Office ._______________________________________________ 745.56
Health Unit ______________________________________________ _ 6,000.00-
Children's Aid Society ___________________________________ 11,013.14
Members' Wa;ges' _____~____________,_____________________ 3,715.3'0
Offkers' Salaries __________________________________ 3,7711.60-
Prin 1 i! g, Postage, and Stationerly. _____________ 52-7.27
Can; of Buildillgs ___~__ ____________________ 955.67
Agrkulture ___..______________..__________~_____ 001.55
County Roads _______________________________________ 72,1117.87
Miscellaneous _______________________ _______________________ 4112.45
Balance on hand, May 31st, 11954 _________ __________m__~___ 14,479.23
Al~ of whkh is reS'pectfulily sUlbmitted.
J. D. THOMISOiN, County Clerk.
June Session, 1954
To the Warden ,and Members of the E~'g'in c.ounty Counci'l:
The kgricultural 'Committee reports as follows:
1. That we concur with the resolution frOim the County of
Gre~' re Ontario Beef Producers:' Assodation.
2. That the resoluti'Qll f<r.om the 'Dept. of Lands and Forests
re Open Season for Deer be filed.
3. That Mr. C~:ayibourne Gordon, Elgin Country Weed Inspec.
tor, 'b~ appointed as Tree Commissi-oner oJ the County of Elgin.
All of which is respectfuilily submitted.
JiAMElS m;:u" Chairman.
June Session, 1954 - First Report
To the Ellgin County Council:
ThE' Finance Committee reports as foll{J!WS:
1. That the following hospita;I accounts ibe paid:
Memorial HOsa;>ital, St. ~mas .___~~__..~_.~~_ ~~.._$
St. Thomas-Elgin Gene>ral Hospital _______________..______
MemorialHQspital, Bowmanrvwe ________________
Victoria HQs'Pital, London _________ ---------------
Tills{)Illburg District Memorifil HospItal ____ -------
St. Joseph's Hospital, Lond<lll ________________m__m -----
Total __u____
________$ 19,828.03
All of which is respectfuilily submitted.
H. O. ALWARD, Chairman.
June Session, 1954 -=- Second Report
Te the Warden :and Memlbers of the E1giin County Couri.cil:
The Finance Committee reports as follows:
1. 'That Chax'tty and Welfare Pay List No.3 for $1,782.40 be
2. That Children's Aid Pay List No.3, for totaJ! of $6,:221.84 be
3. That Printing, Postage, .and -Stationery Pay List No. 3 for
$lJ.8-0 be paid.
4. That Miscetl<tne<>us Pay List NO.8 for $994.20 be paid.
5 That the iresoilution :fr&h the Town of A!yt!met re Coutlty
Assessment be filed.
6. That the annual membershilp fee 1n the Institute of Pwbli~
Administration be paid, and the Clerk to attend the Convention.
7. That the request for a sulbscription to- the Civic Admihis~
tra tion be filed.
8.That payment of the account of Shiirley ,urn Young be re-
fused, and that the child be plaeed in the Provindal Home f{)r
Incura.ble children.
9. That E. Frank Sanders 'be reappodnted to the Senate of
the University df Western Ontado f.or a two year term, and ne-
cessary Ey=<Law be prepared;
10. That we apprxw€ of the ~ayment of $3'o.,O-Q-O.nQ to the St.
Thomas":Elgin General HOSlpita'l, Ibut no mOT,e grants be paid until
final and c{)m'P~ete statement is presented.
11. That the reques,t of the Tillsonlburlg Hospital for assist-
ance re defidt be filed.
] 2. That Lorenzo Le,ach, and Mrs. Lucinda Anderson 'be
transferred to Layman's Nursing Home, Tillson.burg, if accommo-
dation is a vaHa!ble.
13 That the Communication from the Tow,nsihip of Bayham
re h,ccommodation for Chronic patients be filed.
14. That the resoJution from the County of Peel re Retroac-
tive Tettes' for indigent patients be filed.
15. That $1,000.00 'be granted toward an elevator for the Bo-
bier Home, Dutton.
All of whi,ch is reSipectfuilily sUlbmitted.
H. D. AiLW.AffiJD, Chainman.
June Session, 1954
To the Wa!1'denand Merrrubers of the Elgin County Coun-ciJ:
The.: Elgin Manor Gommi ttee reports as foilows:
1. That we .accept the tender of the LmpetLialle Fuels for No.
1 Staker Coal .at $10.49 per ton, and $19.02 per ton for Chestnut
2. That the salary of Dr. E. G. Burger, be in""eased $100.00
!per year, effective July 1st.
3. That the Superintendent attend the course of Instruction
at the Dearness Home, London, next week.
A1l of which is respect.fu3.!ly submitted.
P. W. SiCHIIlElI'HAUF, Chairman.
To the Wa:r:den and Members of the Elgin County Couneil:
The PetitiQllS and Leg.iS:l,ations Committee reports as folloMTs:
1. That we concur with the resolution from the County of
Norfolk to ha,ve 'Pro:vincial gr:ants for Secundary Schools be paid
on a different basis than the present system.
2. 'That the resoilution from the County of Bnarrt requiring
all motor vehicles to stop when a siclwol bus is taking on, or dis-
charging school children be filed.
3. That no action -be taken on the resolution from the County
of Oxford, re Inspection of school buses and dri,vers.
All of which is resrpectfu1ily submitted.
A. LIT'I'I;EJOiHN, Chairman.
June Session. 1954
To the Wa'rden and M,etmJbers of the Elgin County Council:
The Pr-operty Committee reports as follows:
1. That Administration of .Justice Pay List No. 5 for $3Q:1.54,
be paid.
2. That Registry O:l!f.ice Bay List No.4, for $20.,96 ibe paid.
3. That Care of Bulildi....,gs Pay List No. 5 for $15Ll.80 be paid.
4. 'Dhat 'we ac:Celpt the tender of the lrnperriaN.-e Fuels, Ltd.,
for No. 1 Stok-er coal at $\10.49 per ton, and No. 1 Anthracite coalL
at $W.02 per ton.
5. That we accept the tender otf WHson and Sommerville for
an oil furna{:e for the Jailor's residence of $el,S-Oo.DO.
6. That we increase the salary of Mr. Rooert Holmes, Janitor,
by $10.00 per month.
7. That the offi.ce formerly occupied by Mrs. Walker, Magis-
trate's Clerk, be rented to the Division Court Clerk, at $25.0'0 per
All of whkh is respectfu1il.y sUlbmitted.
M. lYIcQtnbGAN, Chairman.
June Session. 1954
'1'0 the Wa:rden and iVrembers of the Elgin County Coun-cil:
Your Road Committee begs to repQrt as follows:
'rne members of your OOlffi'mittee ro,ade an i:t'lSq;Jection of the
County Roads on April 1.3th, and ApriJ. l~th, paying s!pedal at-
tention to the County Line Bridges. In general the roads were
found to ibe in excellent condition.
At your January ,Session we estim'ated that $4.56,0'0'0.00 would
Ibe required f.or this year's road p'l'ogr,amme.
A By-law was s-ubmitted for a:pprovaI t{) the Ontario Depart-
ment of Jfiighwa;ys and the CoUnty was notified by a letter dated
Apri: 22nd, that the Min"ister of Highw,ays has approved .of a maxi-
mum total expenditure {l,f $:3:92,000.00 on which sLlib-sidy may be
p.ayable under o~The (Highway Imp.NJiVenient Ad."
This is. a reduction of $'64,000.00 -and means that a drastic cut
will have to be m-ade: 011 the year's cbnstruction programme ap-
proved at !your January Session;
At .a me'ding held on May 21st; your Gomm1lttee approved of
laying approx-iniately :Hlh miles Road Mulch Pavem;ents this year,
to Ibe allocated as follows:
In the TClWnship of~
P..ldlborough ";";c--'_~_~-'-"---'-'-c--''-.:..:....c:_-'-.-;.,;-'-:-:._":.: 1.5
Dunwkh ___~___________________ 2.
So"thW<lld _______ __~_________________ 2,
Yarmouth _________________________ 1.5
Malahide _________"____________ ------,,--- -------.-
iBayh8m ____ _m_______ ___ ______________
South Dorchester ---- .--------.---
.3 miles
.2 miles
9.5 miles
It is pro1Posed to reconstruct or widen the foil:lowing bridges:
AIR PORT BiRlI[)iGE, on County Road No. 316, Concession 8,
Township- of Yarmouth, 16doot span. 'J:'his wQ~k. ha,s__ b~en. com-
iB!RIDGlE OV1E!R !ffiJTM:A!N-!MQOlRiE PRAEN, COUJ;lty Road- No.
5'2; Township ,of South Dorches~er, l:2::-f.oot s'P,an. rr'his work is
nearing completion.
'B[llDG!E OV1ElR 'BiElNNlliIl1T PRlMN, County Road No. 10,
Township of Dunwich, 8-foot Sp.an.
'BRIDGE OV!E!R MoJi1Alllil,:A!NiE StAU\llON PiEJHN,_ County Road
No. 12, Towns;hip of Dunrwich, 112-f'b'Ot span.
IT, WILL AL~SO BE NElOES!SAlRY to construct or widen sever-
al smaller culverts..
Your Committee has also approved of regrading and widening
the following roads:-
COUNTY llJ()C'\ID No.4, at the Railway Crossing at Biack's
Lane, in the '1'orwnship of Aldlbooough.
OOUNIl'Y ROC'\ID No.2, at the Railway CTossing, just East of
West Lorne, in the Township, of AiLdJhoroulgh.,
COUNTY iIlIOC'\ID {No. 13, just East of Putton, in the Township
of Dunwilc:h.
COUNIl'Y ROAD No. 36, North ot Mount Saiem, in the Town-
ship of Ma1ahide.
COUNII'Y ROC'\ID No. 119, North of Frome, in the Township of
South woad.
W,AJRP;J<\l\T S'I1RllilET, in the Viiia:ge of Port Staniey.
COUNTY ROC'\ID No. 20, Viliage of Sl>edde!l.
COUNTY iEJOC'\ID No. 4:6, Corner at Corinth School.
COUNTY ROAD No. W, about 'h mile.
WE RiE!OOMI.L\1:EII\TITJ that the following Insur.an~e Policies be
renewed :1. iOountly; Councillors tAccident Policy C7D-1490,
2. Compensation Policy C-423'3 Estimated Premium $I.286.25.
13. !Fleet Polky 9012556 Premium $'1NII.5!l.
WE RlEICI01\mMIENiD that the Board of Transport Commission
of Canada he requested to extend the tlJme from June [st, 1954,
for- filling an AI.pplication for a Grade Separation at the Canadian
National lRJailw:ays Crossing on S1. George Street until the Subur-
han Roads Commission and the St. Thomas City Council approve
of its IODation.
WE iRiElCOUVIIlVDElNO:l that the salary of Fred A. Bell 'be moreas-
ed by $1100..00 pe'r year and that the necessary By-law .be prep-ared.
All of which is respectfooy submitted.
September Session. 1954 - First Report
T.o the Warden and Members .of the Elgin County C.ouncil:
The Finan,ce Cotmlffiittee reports: as follolVls:
1. That the foJJowinlg hospital accounts be paid:
TiItl.sol1lburg Distrilc-t Memorial HOSlpi,tal ___~______~___________-$
St. Joseph's Hospital, London __________ ____________________~______
Viict.ori.o. Hospital, London _____________________________________________
St. Thom,as-lE1gin Gene:r;al Hospital, St. Thomas ___________
Memorial Hospital, St. Thom:as ____________________________________
Canadian Piararp[egic Ass'Ociationj Toronto ________________
Owen Sound General and IM,arine Hospital _______~____
$ 23,448.85
All '0f which is respectfuilily s.urbmitted.
H. O. A[jWIAlRD, Chairman.
Sep:l:ember Session.. 1954 - Second Report
To the Wa'1'den and Members of the Elgin County Council:
The Finance GommHtee reports as fo1i!.lQlws:
1. That ChaTity and Wel:fare Pay List No.4 for $3,16'3.30 be
2. That ChllLdTen's Aid Bay List No.4 for $8,304.55, be paid.
3. That Print1ng, Postage, and Stationery Pay List No.4, for
$2,12.55, be paId.
4. That we authorize increase of Jail surgeon salariy to $800.00
per annum efifeotive September 1st, 1954.
5. That the account of the Vi:lJage of Rodney for ambulance
service be ref.used.
6. That the USflllal gr-ants be paid to the Agricultural and
Horticultural Societies on the same basis as last year.
7. That the resolution from the County of DuHerin re Pro-
vincial grant to Local Assessors be filed.
8. IThat we accept the' report of Spe'CiaJ CommHtee re Juvenile
and Family Court, and necessary by-law be prepared.
9. That the Communication.from the TillsonlbuTig District
Hospital re indig.ent patient be laid Olver till the November Session.
All of which is reSlpectfuilily submitted.
H. O. ALWc'illID, Chamman.
September Session,. 1954
To the W8!r,deri and: Memibers of the Elgin County Council:
The PetiHons and Legislations- Committee reports. as follows:
1. That the resolution trom: the Counties 'Of Northumberland
and Durham, 1'e Wards 'Of Children's: Aid Societies be arp-:proved~
2. That' we conCUT with the Teso~ut~onfrom the' County .of
Hastings, r:eques>ting the Federal and ProTVincia.1 Government to
assume hospitalization- ,cosrts of indig'ent pensioners:
3. That the resolution from the County of WentwoD'bh re Es-
tates: of County HOlme residents 'be approved.
4. That we concur wirth the resolution from the county 'Of
WatefloD' req1iesiting the Federal gaverrunent to assume a larger
share of :!:<.?1ief responsibility.
5: That the: reso1utioIi from the County of We1f.art1i re Provin-
cial educatiO:nal grants be' maintained be- approved.
6. That "bhe r'esolution fi"{)m the C6ut:i:ty' .of Perth re Amend-
ment to the Municipa[ Draiii.a,g,e Act he filed.
7. That the requests of the Vill>lSge of Port Bur<we11 and the
Townshi'P of' Ba!yEci.fu f-ot aniiexatio'rt of areas to the TIIlsoI1Jburg
High Scho{)l District !be -approved, and iIlece.ss:arty; by-il.aw he pre-
pared fot - p'resentaHonat tne Jartu:a:ry ses<.sion.
All of wh:kili is respectfully sUibmitted.
A. !JIT'ill..EJOHiN, Chairman.
September Session.. 195"4
To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County CounctJ.:
'The PropeTty Committeetep6rts as fblloiWs:
1. That Administration of Justice Pay List No.7, for $969.35
be !}aid.
2. Tha,t Registry Office Pay List No.5, for $4136.i16, be paid.
3. That C'are of Buildings, Pay List No.7, for $199.99,;[)e paid.
4. That prices be secured on typewriter for Judge's steno-
gt31pher. '
All of which is respectfuliy su'bmitted.
iM. McQUillGGtAiN, CIrairman.
BY-LAW NO. 1637
To Amend By~LavT No. 1541 and Vary the Terms of .Group
Annuity ConliaC!l No. G 1828 of ihe Coumll of Elgin
WH.EiRJEAS the Minister of Lti'bour has Ibeeh'a'uthOfizea. "to
~ntet-jntoan ;a,~weem:ent to vary the temns of Group .AnnuitY Con-
tract No. G .1&28.
.&N!D WlHIERIEJAiS the Corporation of the COlln'Uy "f Elgin is
desirous of varying -the terms of the GontTact.
TlffiRiEll'10iRE tne Council of the Corporation of the County of
Elgin enaots:
TP......6.~T the vtarden and Clerk are hereby authorized tosi;gn
a,greement to "ary the t€NnS of Group Annuity Contraot No.
n 1828 :t6 provide that when an employee has 'ceased 'robe em-
ployed-I,-r,iOr,' tD Retirement Date, and there are no employer con-
trilbutions vesrted in him at the time of termination of empJoyrnent,
and the emJploy,er contributions .are not sufficient to pur.chase an
annuity of $50.0.0 a year paY.alble at Normal Retirement Date, the
ernpl>O';yee malyi at any time befoI'e retirerment surrender his rights
to recel've -an annuity under the said contr'lact in consideration of a
sin'gJ.e 'Payment made to him, without interest of such employee
THAT this By-Larw shall come into force upon approval by
th~ Depar;bment Qf Municip.al"Affairs.
REAID a first time till. 2i2nd day of January, .1~64.
~E.A[) ,a second tim.e this 22nd day of January, 1954.
lRJEAiD a third Hme and finally passed this 22nd day ofJanu.
ary, 1954.
BY-LAW NO. 1638
To Authorize :I:~e, Warden ,and: Treasurer to Borrow the Sum
of Four Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars
The Elgin Count:y- Councill enaots:
THiAT the Waroen and Treasurer be, and ax:e her-eby authoriz-
ed to borrow the sum of Four Hundred and (Fif.ty Thousand Dol-
lars from the Bank of Montreal as it may be require to m,eet the
e~pendituTes. oithe OOIipor:ation of the County of Elgin during the
year 195'4, and to g1ve as security therefoI1e notes of One Thousand
Dollars or multiples thereof.
REA.[) a firs-t tirrrte this 22nd day of January, 1954.
mAJD a second time this 22nd day of January, l~54.
RElAilJ a third time and finally passed this 2~nd day of Janu-
ary, .1954.
BY-LAW NO. 1639
Tb AppoinJ a Board of Audit in the County of Elgin
for the Year 1954
The Elgin Countly . Counciil enacts:
lars IT'om the Bank of Montreal as it may he ,required to ,meet the
Mrr. Garnet Speer, !be and aI'ie hereby appointed members of the
Bo'ard of Audit to perform the duties requi"ed of them by the Re-
vUs'ed Statutes of Ontario.
'TIHAT the members of the s:aid Board of Audit be paid the
sum of Seven Dollars per day for their services and fifteen cents
per mile g.oing to each Audit.
iREAD a first time this 22nd day of January, 1954.
iRJEA[) a second time this 212nd day or January, 1954.
REAJD a third time and finally passed this 2.Znd day of Janu-
axy, 190'4.
J. D. ~HQlMjSON,
BY.LAW NO. 1640
A By-law fo Provide for the Total i954 Expenditure on the 'County
Road System Established Under the \Highway Improvement
Act and on County Bridges in :the County of Elgin
VlRlEPJEIAJS The ffighway LmprOV&ll-ent Act requires that the
total e~endirtuxe on county roads and Ibridtges he p:ro:vided for an-
nually !by county Ih;o-l"w and that the by-laM' be submitted to the
Minister of Highways for approval.
AlNlD WlEJIDRiEiAJS the €~ehiture for the said purposes last year
was $>t9;3,060.{)'-Q which required a levy of 5.67 mills on the assess-
ment of $B2,93>7,5iI9.00.
AiND WHIElRJE)A!S the Council of the Cor-par-ation of the said
CDunty desires to expend for the said purpos:es this !year $2'04,32:5.00.
foor which it is pxepared to levy :an estimate of 6.17 mills, on the as-
sessment of $r3'3,138,4!64.00
TrHE!PJEEiYcmlE the Council of the Co,rpor,ation:of the said G6iiti-
ty enacts as fdllows:
(1) 'The SUiill of $45r6rOo.O.'o-o ls hereby a'Ppropriated from monies
raised rby levy, delbentures and gov:ernmentsubsidy for total expen-
diture U1,)on construction ,and m1aiTI'tenance of the roads and bridges
under its jurisdidioh during the year 1954 a's farloW's::
Construction _______ _________________
Mffintenance _______________________
New Machinery ___ __m______________
Miscellaneous ________ ----------
Bridges. and
$ :3'3;50.0.00
Tc>tals ~______n__________ $~14i500.00 $ 41,1500.00 $456,000.00
t(12) The said monies shall be expanded under the supervision
of the duly ;o:ppomted county road -sup'erirtt-endent and on work per-
formed in accordance with The Highway ThnpTo;vement Ad.
<3) The cle.->Ik shall transmit duplicate copies of this lJ(r-lww
to the distriot offiee of the Munici;p,aiJ. Roads Br:an0h, Department
of Highways.
'Passed aIt St. Th<JTIlas this 22nd day of January, A.D., 1954.
K. M. WilllJL.IlAMSON,
Ii, J. D. TiHOMiSQN, Clerk, of. tne Corpo):~tion of, the Cou,nty;
of Elgin, do hereby certify that the fore-going is> a tJ,'u~ CPP'Y' of-;
By-law No. 1,640 passed by the Council of the said Cor.por.ation .on
the 2<2-nd day of' January, 1954~
J. D; TiHQMSON, County Clerk.
BY-LAW NO. 1641
To Appoinf A County Road Committee
k; requ~ed by the Highwa!y bot the Elgin County Council
enacts TIHlAT the following five members of this Council consti-
tute a Committee for the ipurpose of directing the work to be done
on the County Road Syst-em:
James Neil __m________m________ for Term of One Year
George Ros-zeN __._____m_______ for Term of: 'Ewo. Years,
Geor.ge- Sikox- _ _._.________m fDr Term. of: Thre!€ Years
A. Little~ohn _.___.____________ for Term of Fou.! Year.$-
Walter NelLson _"_mmm_m__ for Term of Five. Ye~s
THA'T B\y;-[.>aw No. IlOOi7, be, and is hereby repealed.
R)EiA[) a first time this 22nd day of January-" 100,4"
REA[) a second time this :/'2nd day of January, 190,4.
REA[) a third tlme and finally passed this, 2'2nd clay of Janu-
BY.LAW NO. 1642
To Amend 'By-Law No. 1617
The Elgin County, Council ena,c-ts:
That the salary of Mr. Georige L. Wfllson, aiIld his wife, Verna
Wlllson, Superintendant - and Matron of Elgin M'anor be Twenty-
Three Hundred Dollars, per annum, pay.alble monthly, and effec-
tive Febmary 1st, W54.
,That By-'law No. 1=617, be, and is hereby amended.
RJEAiD a first time this: 2'2nd day of January, 1>954.
REA[) a second time this 22nd day of January, 19:54.
RJEAiD a third time and finally passed this 2,Znd day of Janu-
ary, W54.
BY -LAW NO. 1643
To Raise Amounts for County Rates During ,the. Year. 1954
WlHIERIE!AJS ,an estimate has been made sholWing that the sum
of Four Hundred and Ninety-Seven 'Thousand, and 8'eventy-5ix
Dollars is requil"ed to be raised in the several municipalities for
the lawful pur:pose of the County during the year, 1954, on the
'basis of the equalized assessment as de'termined in 1953.
:A1dhoTOUgh __~_____m____"___n_
Dunrwich _______._. _____________ ___________________
Southwold _______________________"_______
Yarmouth _______ _______ __________ _____________
lI\ILalahide _________________________________ ______
lJ3.ayham __________________________________________
South Dorchester __ ______m_____________
AyJmer ________ _______________________________
Port Stanley __________________________
n'utton ___________~__________________
IRodney _______,_,____,_____________________"_______
West Lorne m______________________________
Springfield __________________________________
Vienna ______________e________________
Port Bill'Well _"_______________
Tofal Equalized Value
$ 3,m1,595.
I'J.1HiEIDEmOiR!E the Coundl of the Municipal Corporation of the
County arf Elg.in enacts:
THAT a rate 'Of 1,5 mills on the dollar be levied 'On all rateafble
property in the several muni"cipalities in the County of Elgin as
above sert forth f.or the year, 1954:
Aldlborough __________________
Dunwich ____________________~___
Sout!JJw<Yld _______________________________
Yarmouth ________ __________________________________
Malahide ___ ______________________________
iBayham _____________ _______________________
South Dorcheste:r ____m____
Aylmer ___________ _________ ______
Port Stanleiy _______________ _____________ ________
Dutton __________________________ ________
Rodney _________________________
West [..o;rne ________________________________________
Sprin'gfield _________ ________________
Vienna _______ ____________ _______________________
lPDrt Burwell _________________________________
$ 55,,
RElAID a fiTst time this 24th day of March, 1964.
READ a second t1me this 24th day of March, 1964.
'REM) a third time, and finaJ.ly passed, this 24th day of March,
J. D. 'l'HOIM!SON,
K. M. WIIL[,L4..iMSON,
BY-LAW NO; 164'4'
To Confirm the Equalization of .the Assessment Rolls
of::l:h~ Cciliriiy of'Elgirtofor-t.'lie' Year 1954
The E1!gin County Council enac-ts:
'DHAT the following he the equalization of: the: ASsessment
Rons of the Comity of Elgin for the y'Bar, Je'54.
A:ldlborough _______m ___mnm_____m____n_
Durtwich _________________ -----------------..------
is'buthwold _n"_______________________-___-'-"_-_'-'-
Yarinlotith ___n______________ ------------~---
lMaiDahide n_______ ____m___________________:m___
[Bay-ham __________________________________
South Dor:chester ---------------
Aylmer ___n___m___________,___m_n.____
iPort Stanley ______m________________
iIJurttQrl ____________________________________________
iRodhey __________m_n______n_______
.WeSlt Lorne ---------------------------------
ISprmgfieJ.d --,--~-------------~--~---------------
Vienna -------------------------------------
Port Burwell _____m_____~_"__~__m_____
$ 3,746,475.
.6,1'21 ;0,8'8.
2-,60~,55U .
1,738;~7 .
'l4I7 ,547.
'2. 'NIIAT this Council is willing to have the final equalizatfon
.of as5'€sslroenlt ronS', in case of appeal, made 'b\y; the County Judge.
iRlEJA[) a first time this 24th day of March, 19'54.
READ a seoond time this 24th day of March, 1954.
iRlEA[) a third time, .and finaiHy passed, this 24th da'Y of March,
:l1lY-LAW Nt). lS4s
To Re~Appoin:l: a Member to the St. Thomas
Suburban Road ICommission
The ELgin County Council enacts:
I'!1HiAT George H. Cross be, and is herelby re-'arppointed to the
St. Tholm:as Sublll'ilYan RiQi8.d Commisslonfor a term of fi v-e yeaiI's,
effective J!anuary 1st, 19'54.
!RJEAJD a fiT&t time this 24th day of Mar-eh, 19154.
""EAD a socond time.s this 2'i>th day of Mal'ch, 1964.
R!EA[) a third time, and fin"Hi' passed; thiS 24th day of March,
K. M. W]t;bliAMSON,
BY-LAW NO. 1646
To Authorize the Warden and Clerk :to Sign Agreement For
Conveyance {If Land to the County of Elgin
Th~ E1!giti C6ti.n1ty CQundl enacts:
'l1HAT the Warden and Cle'rk of the COl1'oration of the Coun-
ty of Elgiin he, and are hereby authorized to sign agreement with
Her Majesty, the Queen, represented by the Minister of Transport
of certain land situated in Lot 18, Con1cession 8, Townshi~ of Yar-
mout..lI, County of JillIgirt.
R'ElAID a first tlml! this 24th day of March, 1964.
iRiJ<lA[) a second time this 24th day of Mafoh, 1954.
RiEiA[) a third thne, and finally passed, this 24th day of March,
K. M. WH1f.tIAiMSON,
BY-LAW NO. 1647
To Amend By-Law No. 1352
'The Elgin County Council €ll'ads:
'l1HAT the salary of Mr. Fred A. Ben, County Engineer, and
Road Superintendent, be Thirty~ix Hundred Dollars per annum,
payable monthly and effective June 1st, 1.954.
11HAT By-lLaw No. 1!587 ne repealed.
11HAT By-Law No. lJ35~, be, and is nerebi,y; amended.
READ a first thne this l'6th day of June, 1954.
IRillAID a second time this Hith <law of June, 19M.
READ a third thne, and finaUy passed this 16th day of June,
K. M. WllUliIAiMSON,
BY-LAW NO. 1648
To Amend B!y-Law No. 1635
The Elgin County .council enacts:
That the salary of Dr. E. G. Burger, Physician at the Elgin
CO'UIlty Manor, !be Fliv€ Hundred 1}ollars per annum, payable
quarterly, and effective July 1st, 19'54.
TRAiT By-Law No. 1163'5 be, and is herehy amended.
READ a fint time this 16th day of June, 1954.
READ a second time this 16th day of June, 1954.
READ a third. time, and finally passed this l6:th day of June,
K. M. WliLiU:uAMSON,
BY.LAW NO. 1649
Gran:l:ing Certain Privileges 10 the Carnation Company Limited,
to ILay and Maintain a Wafer Pipe on the Westerly Side of the
Road Allowance between Lots 15 and 16. Concession
8. Township of Malahide
WiHElRlEAJS Carnation OOffi:pany Lhnited hereinafter called
the ~1Company" is a COlIIlpany duly incorporated under. the Com-
ipaUies Act Df the ProviniCe of Ontaxio /being R. S. O. 19-50, Chapter
, and ather Acts relating thereto.
AN[) Vi.7'HIElliiEAJS it arppears that the Highway above men-
tinned is vested in the .corporation of t..~e County of E"...gin as a
County Road or Higihway and the Company has applied to the
Corporation for the'right to construct and maintain a pipe line
for the 'conveying of water along, u.pon and under suCh road or
Et.g1lw,ay ~, hereinafter mentioned subject to the teTIng, Condi-
tions, agreements and regulations set out in Schedule "A" hereto
NOW ~ORiE WE COUN'CIlL of the Corpomtion of the
County of Elg.in duly constituted and assemQiJ..ed, in pursuance of
the ~reniiSes and the p(vw--ers: in them vested and sd far as such
powers extend hereby enacts as f.oUorws:
1. That this council he-relb\y grant, confer and assure unt-o the
Oarnation Oompany Li!mi.te-d dts SU0C€SS'Ors, and assigns; all ri,ght,
power, authority, permission and iconsent to construct, lay and
mai:p.t?in a Pi1~i~ line for the pur[p{)se of cDnveying water along
'the' portion 01 the toad. .or Highw.ay more p.articularly descrilbed
in Schedule "A" hereto annexed and fur the purpose aforesaid to
US'e and occupy the said Highway SUbject to the conditions, regu-
.~~i(jf1~, i!t\l:llUMi<ms, set out in the said """,,,dule.
2. That the 'Warden -?nd Clerk are hereby authorized and
directed to execute this hy-law and the Agreement to be prepared
in pursuance hereof and .attach the seal of the Corporation thereto.
3. The word Highway in this By-Law shall include Streets
and bridges forming part .of the .h1,ghfWays, upon, on, over or across
which the HioghIway passeS'.
. 4. 'rhls. lBlyH[,aw is .u~je~t to all statutes, orders and r1.Iles
made <>xt'l 11:1~ n'lade lawfully cQrtstituted having ju~iSdictio:fi in the
READ a \First and Second Time this 16th day of JQ.lne~ 1954.
J.,. i;t THQlMiSbN,
K. M. vhil:JLiAiMSON,
R:ElAIU a Third Time and Finally passed, this 16th day. Qf June,
T9 :ey-~~w N9! 164.9. pf the Corporanon of :the County of Elgin.
R~ferf~ to ill the said- By",La,w llerefo )\nnexed
(r1) In laying 'Or-constructing the pipe line system, referred to
in the said annexed by-law, along said County hrghways fro-m
t.i~n~ to time, tIT!? CompCl,ny shall wherever pra{)tiG"a}Ql~, w:;e for
that, purpo.se the P9-rt of the highways addaeent to the .feT1:C~ lin~!S
Qr {)1,.l}ter boupdarfy thereof, and the Company shall bury the sipll.e
and restore the highwa:ys to !first class oonditim1S, and th~ said
pl'pee s,llall .be so l})l,lried and the highways ~ restored lm1ess rwhere
th~ Goun,1;y 'Ep'$ineer of the said County of E4og-in Qr other person
a:rp~ointeq ty th~ sa,id COIUn,ty direct~ otl1errwise.
(Q) In the construdi-ol1" main~@m~Jl~ 9-nd repair of the saAd
,':l:v~terrl tlv~ qO"Inpany s4Qll 'U$e d't4e care a,nd diligel1~€ so that traf-
fi-G{l $l;!all Ilqt lw iIllipedet;l or interWr~d. with. ?ny w.or~ tl1ffi1. i$ n~-
\l~~.~~PY for t'4e: eOIl~rtructi9n -or repa.i:r of sa~q. Systelll, anCi so that
a~t~r the said pipe lines 4aVt;! pee_p- l~id and complete,Cl t~er~ shall
Q~ ;rl'9 oIbs~ruGtiQn t.o or i:n:terfer~nc:e w~th ?ll [awfu1 traffic, and user
on, ov~r ,gn~ q~~)Ug the :b,i&h waY?l or to the qitcl1es: orQr~il;1S t1:Ler~-
on now or hereaiter constructed, im'Pro~ed or ma'intained. And
where any drains or :(1itG'hes are considered or itnade n,~;c.eS&a:l,y by
reason of any work 4011:e or omitted ~o be done by the GQIDpany,
the same $han be coIl;:;tr-ucted and m,aintained in' good qrder by
the said Oompany ~Q th.e: s:atisfadion of said .cQunty, Engd.pf!er or
other pe:r&On apI=!oi!lted 'by the Council duIin~ the cont.inuance Qf
th~ f.r;,~nchis.e.
{'3) The said Company shall be liatbl.e for any loss or inju..ry
that any person m'ay susiain IDly reason or the .exercise by the
Oompany of any po'WeTS: or rights under said [8y~Law whether
~rising thmughcarelessness, neglect, defauflt aT mis-conduct or
otherrwise of its agents. servants, .or employees in the manage-
ment, 0Onstruc-ti-on. maintenance, laying or- use of its pipe lines,
and the said Company shall indemnify, save and keep haxmless
the s-a'id Oorp1Jration of the County of Elgi.l1 from any da.1D.age;
claim or denl'and thai ffi'ay be claimed ,by pro-perty holders or any
person 'Or persons on account .of the laydng af its pipe lines inci-
dental thereto or the use thereof, and shall indemniiy the said
Corporation ag,ainsta'll lQss, .costs, damages and expenses ,the Cor-
portion m.ay pay, incur or 'be put to by reas'on of any claims, da-
mages Dr injuryresrulting from Dr oceasioned by, orin 'Consequence
of the ,construction, laying :oondition or operation of said pipe
lines or incidental thereto, 'Provided, however that the Company
shaN harve reasonable notice and an opprtunity to defend.
(4) ,The rights conf.erred -upon the said OompantY. iby the said
By-'La'w :and the Agreem-ent to be exec-uted in pursuance thereof;
shall ibe s:urbje1ct to. the ri-ght to the free use of the said highways
by all persuns entitled thereto and subject to the rights of the
owners of proverties adjoining the said highways of fU'll a,ccess to
and from such highways, .and ()f consirocting.crnssings and ap-
proaches from their ~rop'erties thereto, and shall .be s'Ulbject also
to the rigl1ts :and prirvileges which the said Corporation may grant
to any other .companies or persons to lay pipes, erect P.oies, string
any kind of wires fur any purpose, or construct railways on said
highways, all which rights are expressly reserved and the Com-
pany sha}1 lorwer, raise or move their pipes wherever the Countl,y
m;ay hereafter de€iIT1. ne~essary for any such purpose, but any such
right hereafter granted shall he sulbje'Ct thereto, and to all rights
olWned by the Company prior to the passing of this By..{Law.
C5) !I'he rights .conferred- .on the said Oomrp:any by the said
B1y.-iLaw and the agreement to be executed in pursuance thereof
shall likeWIise. be subject to the right of the Corporation to vary
the right of the Corporation to require the Company to vary the
position 01' any pipe lines or conneotions Dr attachments incidental
theret.o, at any time, at the s.ole cost and 'expense of the said Com~
pany upon thirty days notke in writing .by the GOI1poration.
(tB) All wore done in pursuance of the said By-L'aEW shall be
sulbJect to the approval, sanction and diredion of the said C.ounty
Engineer for the time being of the said Corporation or other person
appointed by the C{mndl of said County, who shall halVe !full
power and authomty to gilVe such directions and orders to the
COffi'P8J'1Jy as to. IO'cation upon the high'lNayS' 'Of the said pipe lL"'1es
and the manner of laying the same, or where such lines shall be
buried or otherwise howsoever, as in his judgement shall be con-
sidered best in the interest of the said Corporation: all such dir-
ectkms shall he in writing, and the said Com,ptany shall Ibe obliged
to follow such directions {IT .orders as may be given as aforesaid
and the remuneration and ex'penses of the Count,y Engineer or
other person so appointed during the tim.e he may 1be so employed
and the expenses connected with this By-[.aw and the said Agree-
ment shaH he defrayed by the said C{)mpany and before com-
mencing. any such work a plan or sket.ch thereof shall .be deposited
by the Company with the Clerk of the said County.
(7) The Companiy shaE within thirty days of the completion
of the work file with the Engineer of the said County and the
Clerk of the said County a detailed plan shDwing !the final and
exact location {If all pipe lines and all connections and atta'ch-
ments incidental thereto, and the depth same are laid out in the
ground., and in the -event of the ,changing position of any of said
pi'pe lines, atta,:hments or connections', a revised plan shall be
filed In a like manner with the said Engineer and the s'aid Clerk,
within thirty days of the said change.
1(8) Within sixty days after the passing of this Ey-Law a
fOl'1ffial agreement in duplicate shall be prepared in pUI'suance
hereof ibetween the said lGompany and the said c.ounty C(lI'pora-
tion, and shatll 'be executed in due form by !both parties thereto,
wheI"e'by the said Company shall hind itself, its! suecessors and as-
signs' duly to ea:r:q out, O'bser:ve and perform the oondilti'OTIs
herein contained, and the said cOI"por:aikm shaH agree on 1ts p'art
to {)!bsel"Ve and, :perform the said By -[,.aw and the said Conditions
so far as they relate to them, and one of such dupl1cate agreements
duly executed as aforesaid shall be deposited with the Clerk of
the said County, and the oth,er shall 'be given to the said Company,
and from that time this By-Law and the said Aigreement shall be
binding upon the SJa,id Company and the said Corporation.
{9) '!'he .company shaH use all practical and proper means
at all times to pr€lVent the escape and leakage of water from its
mains and pipes ,and the causing of any damage or injury thereby
to ,any person 'Or property and the Ccmpaniy shallmaike good to the
Corporation and all persons ,;il.1-fected, all damage which they may
cause by the works or o~er'atii()rus of the Comrpany. or by reason
of any lealkage from the pipes.
ClO) 'WheJ;€ ther? ~ default QY t4e 1Cmpany with respect to
any matter ~l:entiQned herein, the C-oDPorat~on shall have power
and ,gut:i1Qrity to d'9 any act or P?rfOI'TIl any .se:rvLi:c~ nec-essartY to
r.eme<lY ,s~Ghdeiaul-t. incluQ.ing, any act pr .s~rvice to ma,intain, re-
pgir. r~mo'v~ .qr otherwise deal with the pipe Ene,s -or any connec-
tions 01; .attaclmlepts incidental t13,ereto, and, the Gomp~nY shaN
~ill1]Jbur5'~ th~ C;npQil'ation and :pay all costs anq. expenses the O'or-
pora,tion may incqr or be put to by reason .thereof, whether or
not notice of such defiault has been given to the Company prior' to
the d'Oin~ of $u>ch .(let or PEl:rfor.wip.g Sll,'GA s~rvi,c~.
1(11) The frgnChise henfuy granted s'h9.11 be for the t€:r.m, of
ten year,s from, ?p,g ~tte;r the final passing '9f the by-law. J?rovided
that if <;it apjy tim~ ~do:r 00 the e?t'piration of said term of ten years
OJ:' a:p.-y .repewal thg:reorf, tl1~ Gom'J?any shall notify the COI'lpora:tion
Ip writ!ng tJ;1q,t &t qr=~il:'e$ a r~l1~w:al th~n~of for a further period of
te.%1 yea'J'$, ~11~ Cgv,:q,ci! may ill its Q4;'cretiQIl r~new th~ sp.me fr9m
time to Ume for a further pe:riqd of not ex-ceeding ten ye<lI'S', at
anyone time. .
H~) Upon the termination .of this franchise for any cause
wihatever the Company shaH remove its mains, pipes, p~Lant and
wOTlksfrom the said sweets and highways and r,estare such streets
and highways to the condition in 'Which. the same were previous to
such removal and to ,the satisfaction of the County Council or its
ap1pointee. Provided that if said mains, pipes, plant and works
are: not l'emoiVed (by the Company within one {Year after the ter-
mination of said franchise all sruch m~ins, pipes, plant and works
shall forthwith he fomeirted to and be00me the absolute property
of the Corporatiun, and dealt with and disposed of as the Corpora-
tion may think .proper, and for the sole use and benefit of the
(13) Nothing herein contained shall be construed as giving
Qr ~r$ntin~ to th~ Corr:np?ny .all e~clusive fraIl:chi.s~ for any or ail
the ;P'll1':pQ~es e[ll.ipr$ice:9. herein.
(114) Q'h~ ;Sy-lLaw ~nd the A,gr(2~'IPe:nt entered into pUf"SttRnt
th~retQ is s~Q?'Ct to 3,'U ~tatuws, Qrd~r$ ()r roles :rp"ade or to be
ma4e by lawflJUy CO:n.stitllteq alJthqr!ty having ji!JI'is4i~tio:q ip thl;!
(115) In case either the Corporation Dr the Company deems
it necessary 'Or advisable to obtain i'1atifica1Jion of said By-Law and
of the said A,greement !by the legislature of the Pl"avince of On-
tario, the other partly will concur and assist in obtaining such rati-
iDWI1ElD this Wth day of June, A.ID., 1954.
BY-LAW NO. 1650
To Appoint A Member of the Senate of the University
of Wesfern Ontario
The Elgin County Council enacts:
I!1HAT Mr. E. IF. 'S. Sanders, B.A., he,and is hereby appointed
to the Senate of the University 'Of Western Ontario, for a term of
Two Years.
READ a first time this 11Yth day of June, 1954.
REJAD a second time this 16th day of June, 1954.
READ a third time, and finally passed this l.6rth day of June,
BY-LAW NO. 1651
A By-,Law to. Confirm ,By-Law No. 1294. of the Township of
Bayham. Being a By-Law to Stop Up. and Close. and Sell the
Portion of Given Road: Lying Between the North Por:tions of
Lots 19 and 20. Concession Eight. Township of Bayham.
Wi.HiERiEA:S the C.ouncil .of the Township of Bayham on the
3rd day of M,ay, 1,9154, A. D., did pass By-Law No. 1294, for stop-
-ping -up, and dosing, and seEing the portion .of ,given road Jtyang
between the north portions of lots 19 and 2'0, Concession 8, of the
Towns..'lJ.ip of Bayham, more particularly de&crilbed in the said
By-L'arw. true eopieS' whereof are hereunto annexed.
Au'fD WJHIERffi)AiS pursuant to the provisions .of the Municipal
Act the said Township By-rL-aw shall not have any force until
confimned lby a hy-Iaw .of the Council of the Oounty in which the
township- is situate paSSed at an .ordinary meeting ()f the Council
held not sooner than three months nor later than one year after
the paSsing of the. By....La,w of the Council of the- Township.
AND WiHERJEAS appilication has been made to the Council of
the .Corporation of the County of Elgin for a By-Law COnfirming
said :Township BY-ILaw.
NIOW 'l1HIEIRiEiE10iR,E the Connell of the COl'poration of the
Gauntly of Elgin ena-cts as follows:
=1' By-<"Law Number 1294, of the Township of Bayham,
Being a By-Law to Stop up, and Close, and SeH the portion of
given road lying 'between the North portions of Lots 19, and 20.
Concession 8, 'IIo'wnship of Bayham, be, and the sam-e is hereby
RrE!AlD a first time this 2:1st day of Septemher, 1954.
REA.[) a second time this 211st day of Septemlber, 1954.
~EAiD a third time and finaHy passed this 21st day of Sep-
tember, Hl54.
BY-LAW NO. 1652
A By-Law .to Confirm By-Law No. 1295. of the Township of
E(ayham. Being a By-Law to S:l:op Up, and Close. and Sell :the
Un-Used Portion of Talbof Road Through Paris of Lois 129 and
130 Between Concessions Six and SevelL Township
of Bayham.
W~JIElR!EJ.&S the Connell of the Tawnsmp of Baylnnn on the
7th day of June, '1954, A. D., did pass By4Law No. 1295, for Stop-
pinig up, and Closing, and SeUinlg the Un-iused !portion of TaJJbot
Road through parts of lots 1<29 and 100" between .concessions six
and seven, Township .of Bayham, more particularly descrihed in
the said By-Law, true copies whereof are hereunto annexed.
AND WHiElliJEAiS pursuant to the provisions of the Municip'al
Act the said 'Downsr.uip By-Law shall not have any force until
confirmed /by a !by-law of the Council of the County in which the
township is sitluate passed at an ordinary meeting of the Council
held not sooner than three months no [ater than one year after
the passirug of the By...[..aw of the Council of the TO'\'\'1lship.
AJN[) W!HlEIRJEAS appHcation has been made toO the Council
of the Corporation of the Countly of Elgin for a By-fLaw confirm-
ing said TO'Winship By-Jraw.
NOW THERJEE'OR'E the Council of the Col'p()ration of the
County of Elgin enaiCts as folloWs:
'Il.HlAT By-Law No. 1295, of the Township of Bayham, Being
a By-lLaw to Stop up, and Close, and Seil the Un-used portion of
Ta'lbot Road through pa~ts of lots 129 and 13Q betwe€n Concessions
6, and 7, 'IIownship of Bayham, .he, and the same is hereby con-
R@AiJ) a first time this 21st day of Sept€7Ilber, 191;4.
RIElAID a second time this 21st day of SeptemOoer, 1954.
iRlEA[) a third Hme and finally passed this 21st day of Sep-
tember, J,954.
J. D. THO!i\IfIS!O\N,
BY-LAW NO. 1653
To Fix SaIafy o:f:lne jud.ge of the Juvenile (and Family Court of
the County of Elgin, and City or St. Thomas
WHJEmEJAjS E. Donald Smith has ,been appointed Judge of the
JUlVenile and F'amilyCourt, . The Gound} of the Corporation of the
Oouhty .of Elgin 'enacts:
1IHAT the sala~y of E. Donald Smith, Judge of the JUvenile
and E'amily iCourt !be One Thousand [)ol'lars per annum, payable
The By -;Law to lake effect May 1st, 19'54.
1IHAT the Oorpo"ation of the City of St. Thomas, be oh""ged
fifty per cent of the afuorve amount and bined quarterly for the
iRlEJAiD a first time this 21st day of September, 1954.
,,:E:AD a sooond time this 21st day of Septemlber, 1954.
'Ri:E:AD a third time and finally passed this 21st day of Sep-
tember, 1004.
K. M. Wi[[il11AMSON,
BYeLAW NO. 1654
A By-Law fo Provide for the Suppl~mentary 1954 expenditure "O~
:the County Road System Established Under tthe Highway
Im,pr,oy-?me,nf: Act :\6.nd on :Coun:ty Bridges in :the
County of Elgin
W\!J!ElJlJj;)AJS t)1eCffighway Jmprov"",-ent Act requires that the
supplem.entary expenditure .on -county roads and bridges be pro-
vided f{)r byco-unty by-law and that the by-laws he submitted to
the -Minister of Highwa-ys for ap'Pre'val.
'TIH!ER(E[FOlijE the GOlIDcU of the Corpo~ation 9f tIb.!'! said
County e1).acts as follDws:
'f1) The sum of $40',000:00 is herehy appropriated from monies
rai's:e4J3y j:ey:Y,9.t?lJ~.pt71Jrces and government sulbsidtY_ for - supple,..
mentm:y expenditure upon 'coI'..strudion and maintenance of the
roads and brid$es under its Jurisdiction during :they~ar 1954 as
Tv:Iaintenan,c,e ____~________
$ 30,000.00
Bddg~ and
$ 10,990,00
Totais ______ _______nmm_____ $ 30,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 40,000.00
(12) The said monies shall be expended under the superrvision
{);ftb.~9-ul;V apP'P:iIlited po~;mty .ro:q..g ,su...P~rintendent and on work
p,erfoPntW In ,a{'c~r4a.'P:c~ with the EJghw"fiY ,OOP.rovement Act.
<'3J 'I'~e 'I'Jerll; shall tr=it duplicate copies of this by-law
tiP -th~ p.istr:i.ct ptfice of the :Municipal Roads Branch, Department
MSISiEID at St. Thomas, this 21st day of Septeml:1er, AD., 1954.
I, J. D. Thomson, Clerk .of the Corporation of the County of
Elgin, do hereby eemify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-
Law No. 1;654, p.assed by the Council of the said Corporation on
the mst day of Septemner, 1954.
J. D. 'illJj()MJSON, County Clerk.
BY-LAW NO. 1655
}~. By-Law fo amend the By-law Adopfing a Plan of County Road
Improvement and Establishing a .county Road Sysiem in the
County 'of Elgin under .the Highway Improvement Act
The Ooun-eil of the Corporation of the County o.!EIgin enacts
as ByoLaw NUJrirbffi" 1655 as follows:
1. The &hedule of By"law iNumber 897 beiIllg the
original Iby -law esta/blishing a County Road System in the County
{)if EIWn as amended by By-law iNurnlbcr 105'Z being the last con-
s!OIidatinlg by-law ['e-estafblishing the said system and further
amended.bw subsequent amending by-laws is herelby amended by
adding thereto the road. desi,gnate~ and descri,bed as follo;ws:
- 20
BEING that portion of the road or the devia-
tions thereof in tne TOlWnShtp of S:Outhwo~d, and
being an extentiion ,of the existing County Road
Number 20; OOJIIIIMEiNlCJNG in the Township of
Southwold, at the Micmgan Central Biailway
Crossing in the Police Village of Shedden;
'TIHlEiNlOE northerly lbetween Lots fiffeen and six-
teen, 110M' of the' North Btanch of the Tallbort
Road to Concession Firve; 'TIHENCE easterly to
roa,d . ,'between Lots six and seven, Concession
:E1ive; 'I1HElNCiE northerly "etween Lots six and
Seven, Concession Five, Four, and Three to
County Road No. Nineteen, BETW1EiEN" Conces-
sions Three and Two; A DmSTANOE of approxi-
mately Three and One-quarter miles.
2. 1J.1he road as designated and descrifbed in paragraph 1, is
here'by added to and included in the County Road System of the
County of E1gin.
3. This By-Law shall come into force Ulpon the approval
thereof by the Lieutenant-Governor ,in Coun-cil.
JiWNAlLIL Y IVIIssm at the City of St. Thomas, in the County
of Eigin, this 24th day of Noveml:1er, lB64.
BY. LAW NO. 1656
'WiHIE[R,EAS it is deemed ad'visal:11e to repeal Clause 59, of By-
Law No. 1<163, of the Rules and Regulations of the Elgin County
The Elgin Coun~y Council. enacts:
IlHiAT Ch:>use 59, of By-Law No. 1463 be repealed, and the
following substituted:
THAT the Warden appoint a Committee of four members of
Council to strik'e the Standing Oommi,ttees fol)r the year.
'NfAT By-[;aw No.. 14613 is hereby amended accordingly.
RililAiD a first time this 24th day of November, 1954.
RiEAiD a second time this 24th day of November, 1954.
RIElAiD a third time and finally ,passed this 24th day of Novem-
ber, 1954.
" Clerk
BY,LAW NO. 1657
"To LimB Speed of Motor Vehicles on Co.unty Road No. 40 AA,
OpP9si,fe :E:loY91 Canadian ,Air Force . Sfaiionu
WlHiE'REArS tihe Commanding Officer, of the Royal Canadian
Air Force Station, AyJrmer, has requested that tpe speed of motor
. vehicles be limited opposite the J'built-UlP area of the station.
AND Vlili}ERiElAS Section 28, sulb-section {l) of th~ Eighw8i,Y
TraHie Act provides fOT,' same.
The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgi:q. ~nll!J.tfj:
THAT no person shall drive a motor vehide at agl'~grter rate
of speed than tlhirty miles per hour from the m.ain gate of the R.
C.A.F. Station, southerly one thousand feet on County Road No.
40 A.A, rbetween Lots 15 and 16, Concession 8, Townshi;p of Mala-
AND' that signs the erected when . apPr<Jv-al is received from the
Department of Highways, Toronto.
RiEiA[) a firsrt time this 24th day of Nuvember, 1954.
I(II!JA[) " e"~'9nd time thi.$ 24tn day ,of Noy"",her, 19M.
(RjEJA[J a third time and fina:lly pas'eed this ~4th day of Noyetm-
per, J~~4.
K. M. WJiLiLM1\IliSON,
BY.LAW NO. 1658
liTo Prohibit Parking on County Road No. 40 AA; Opposite
Royal Canadian Air Force StaHorili
WiHIE!fl!ErAjS the Commanding Officer, of the Roy,.l Canadian
Air Force Station, Aylmer, has requested the pTOIhllbi.tion of park-
inlg opposite the. mairi entrance of station.
.&NI]) WIHIEllilIEJlJS Section 486, Sub-section (6) of me MtIllicipal
Act provides f-ot the sam.e,
The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts:
'I1HA:T no vehicle. shall be parked within one hundred feet
south of the main el1'trarwe of the R.C;A;F. Station, (In County
Rioad No. 4,0 .A.A, between Lots 1'5 and 16, Concessii.on 8, Township
of Malahide;
THAT signs 'be erected _ when approval IS recHved frorri the
Depart:rnent of Highways, Toronto.
R!EAJD a first time this 24th day of November, 1954.
RiEAJD a second ttllle this 24th day of November, 1954.
:~FiAl]) a ihdfa time and finally passeclthis Mfh day oil Novem-
ber, 11154.
Tuesday, the 2.3rd Day of November, 1954
The "Ellgin County CouncIl met thas day at the Gourt House,
St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment.
The Warden in the .ohair.
All the memlbers 'were. present, except ~'eeve Nelson.
The W,arden addressed. the CounCil, and welcomed all the
girls and boys who came :as guests of the Council memJbers.
M;emhers of the. Elgin Gounty Council,
Mrs. M'CiCarthy and Gentlemen,
Boys' and lGir1s:
It _ is a pleasur,e ~or me to wekome the _ girls and boys who
are OUIgue;sts at this the first day O'f our final Session for 1954.
We hope that your day at County Council will he !both a pleasant
c:m~ ed~ca.~ioJ:l:al eXlp~riell1ce.
All tile Committees of County Council are to ,be conpatulated
on their €:f;fi:cientoperatioTI's during the year. Good v;alue has been
received for all €xiJenditur,es irnade. Hospitalization costs for in.,.
cligent patients continue to be a financi'al problem. Many improve-
ments have ibeen made at Elgin M:anor. The many kindnesses ex-
tended to the aged citizens at Elgin Manor by the Women's Insti-
tute, the iM:iniste:riial Assodation, and the Pilot Club are greatly
:appreciated. The Children's Aid Society is to ibe commended on
the excellent work they are doing throughout the County. The
County LilbI'i8.rly's distriJbution of hooks ,continues to increase.
Owing to excessive r:ainfall, the harvesting of crops has been
delayed vv.ith conside:rafble loss to many ,farmers. The largest to-
'baccSl crop ever harvested in Elgin Gountly has rbeen sold for al-
most twelrv.e m-illion dollars. iReeve George Roszell has a million
d{)llar smile, a new car, ,and an old sock filled with crisp new Can-
adian ,currency. The Vlestern Ontario Cash CrOlp Day and Corn
Picking Competition, under the leadership .of Mr. M111'Tay McLean
and (Mr. A. V. Langton, although marred !by rain, was a decided
In less than a hund-red ye1ars, a miracle has taken place on the
farms of Elgin County. Agriculture has grown up fID'll the age
of homespun to the age of power - from sel1f-su':frfiicient, produce-
for-yourself farming to a large bu!Siness proposition. Throughout
this change from hand tools to 'ma,chine methods, farming has re-
mained basic-ally a :family enterprise, a way of life as well as a
hu.siiness. It was 'Once 'Predkted that meohanization would end
~he familY-OIperated farm. To the -eontrarw, with modern equip-
ment, a farm can be efficient and ,profita:b~e and rem!ain an indi-
vidual family entellprise - free ell'te,r;prise at its best.
Thanks to our system whidh permits individuals to work,
grow, and pr.osiper; thanks to our resources, "modern machinery
and education the average f,arm familiy p-roduoes enough to swpply
its own needs as well as enough to feed many other f.amiles. Tht
Canadian f81TIler has multiplied 'Productionthroulgh the use of
modern farm equirp'ment to ,make this a land of <plenty. 1I'his
agricultural revolution was born less than a hundred years ago.
BefoTe 185'5 farming was in t1he hand porwer stage. If a fanner of
the Pharaohs' time had been set down in 'Our wheat fi.elds of one
hundred years ago, he cauld have picked 'Up .the cradle and could
have gane' to work with a familiar tool at a familiar job. And
then, wlthin a few years, cro~ produ.ction underwent greater
changes than it had in five tllDusand ye'ars. At one stride, we
covered ground where fifty centuries had left no m'ark.
Before 1'8'55 there were no highways and few railroads, no
easl,Y -way to market. The population was' small and therefore few
markets for ia-rm ,crops. The few industries supplied little for
the tearmer to ibuy, " and there was little advertising to acquaint
peoiple with new pr.oducts and create demand. Viewed from to-
day's standards, it waS' .a dralb and lonely -country - no radio, no
telephone, no mail delivery, no dailiy paper '- even kerosene and
gasoline lanternS were unheard of, to saly nothing of electric liights.
A countr:y wIth many hardships but with one redeeming feature,
C.anadian freedom, lor "Out of freedom of thought came the age of
great inlVentions. Free minds crea,ted new ideas and the dralb and
lonely country quickly !brightened.
Today we are faced with an ,ec{)nomic situation, lpartlcular1~
as iit applies to ,agriculture. iAgriculture remains Canada's basic
industry and in Drder to ha.....e a ib:alanced economy and a prosper-
ous -country, we must have [)ric.es f{)T fatttn rprocmce ,that are in
k,ee:ping 'with itJhe trem,endous advance in w,ages: and costs of man-
ufactured products. This year :Elgin County ffi'.a..mne;rs ihave be,en
tak;ing a prjce for their wheat that isc:ompar.a1ble to tJh-e age and
era when men worked a ten h'Our day for two d.oIlats and a new
F,ord automoloilecould be ihol>ght for $600.
T;he St. Lawrence Power and Seawaly will 'be a tremendous
fa.ctor hI the future .of Elgin County and both Port Stanley and
Port Burwell will (play leading roleS' in such progress and expan-
sian. Increased deve1opm,ent 'Of both ha:rlbours into larger ship-
ping outlets for Western Ontario se'ems almos't inev-italble; but we
should do Bveryrthin:g possihl,eas a County Oounci1; through bill
respective municipal counc:il.sj to see that the dev,el.opmelit of
these two :pQrts is not delayed in :favour 'Of large city hanbours.
Another matter Ith-at m,erits our thought and action is high-
ways. The time has com.e when municipalities along the n<>rth
sho'1'e -of Lake Erie from Fort lEde to Windsor must %lresent a UTI'"
ifed front and request that nUll1!'ber 3 highway receive far greater
attention than it has !been getting. It would aippear to !be' regarded
as a secondary arterw -by the Dep-a.l'tn:nent of (I-Hghways" We .owe
it to our business peorple to unite in thiS' way :and see that number
3 hfghway does not lbeiCO!ITle neglected and OlVer-shadowed bW a
SUlper hfgh'Wiay rbhat promises Vlery little for our local .comm;un-
ities. 'We should Ima&e strong representation requesting that the
new Sl1pet-TIi.ghway be a toll hi1ghWay uritil paid fot~
iI extend to the St. 'Dh6mas Times-Journal and the London
1fl:ee Press IDlY sincere thanks and -Clppredatiion for the splendid
coverag.e they have given J!}1gin County 100uncil and the many
events' held rthroughout our County thi:& year.
I arppreciate the fine -cq-opera,tioll thai I have received fro'Jjn
aU the members of rCounty Council, and om:: 'Clerk-Treasurer which
made p-ossiJble, a ver.y sucees:sful year for the County of Elgin.
It has !been a ,great privilege 101' me to serve as ..your Warden ~or
:Mrs. 'MclCarthy, and Gentleman, I thank you.
The Minutes of the Sept. Session were read and oonfi:r,mgg.
The following communicatio:ns were read, and referred to
their various Committees.
P'rom the Ontario . Municip.al Board ore Annexation of Area- to
the lCi ty of St. Thomas. - Filed.
From the Ontario ll\I:Iunidpal Board 1'e Annexation to the Town
.of Aylmer. - Filed.
From .the East and West Elgin Institu,tes :reqvest-ing gr::nlts
for Oratorica'} ConieiSvs. ..- Referred to the _FiIlal1~e GoI1Jl~ittee.
F,rom the the Universiiy of Western Ontario re Winner ,Of
Scholarships. - Filed.
!From the Ontario Munkipal Board re By -lLaw ,Of the County
of iOJd'o"d. - Filed.
!From the West Elgin District (lEigh Sahool re AimJointment of
County Representative. - Referred to the Finance Committee.
From the St. ThomasoElgin iGener~l Hospital witn Fllla)1cial
Statement. - Retl:ened to the Fdnance Com!m.ittee.
Frmn Mrs. A. ISqurre requesting Increase in rate for jbed pa-
tients. ;.........; iReferr,ed to the .Finance Committee.
\From the []VIer.cury-rSun requesting Inrc.r-ease in rate :rOI' print-
ing 'Pl'oceedings. - Referr,ed to the Finance Committee.
,From the St. Thorn,as Fire Department re Condition of Stok-
ers. - [Referred to the Property Committee.
CF,rom the County of Bruce with resolution disqualifying ~er-
sons from holding offi'ce in Council who have been reeipients of
relie'f or indigent hospital patients. - Referred to the Finance
[From the Tillsonhur:g District Memorial HOSlp.ital with state-
ment. - Referred to the Finance Committee.
iFram J,anet McMillan wi,th a;ppreda Eon of Elgin County
Scholarship. - Filed.
!From rthe Jai'l Governor with request for perm,anent appoint-
ment Di Mr. Lloyd ["idster, relief turnkey, to the Elgin County
Jail. ;;......;. Referred to the Finance C.offirniJttee.
!Fr:om the Jail Governor and staiff r,e Waiges of County J;ail
E1Y.llployees. - Referred to rthe Finance Committee.
The iClerik.'s re~ort on Lioenses, Secretary's report .on Elgin
Manor, and the 'Treasurer's report of Receipts and EXipenditures
were presented, and on motion of Reeve Silcox, and Deputy
Reeve ISchleihauf, were :alCcepted and ordered printed in the pro-
The Weed Inspeotor's report was [)resented, :and on moOtion o.f
Re'eve Roszell and iRe€IV,e Neil was accepted, and ordered Pr'tll.ted
in the Proceedings,
Moved by P. Sch[eihauf,
Seconded Ib\y Gordon Beattie:
That we do now adjourn to meet :at 2 p.m.
- CarrIed.
The Council resumed.
The first re.PQrt of 'the iFinance Committee was presented, and
adopted on m.otion of Reeve Alward, and Deputy 1leev€ [lY.kQuig-
The report of the Property Committee was ipresented, and
adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve av.r'c:Quiggan, and Reeve Wi1sDD.
The report of the Elgin Manor Committee was presented,
and adopted {In motion .of Deputy Reeve Schleihaui, and Reeve
The s€00ud report of -the Finance Committee was pr,esented,
and ,adOlpted .on motion of Reeve Alward, and Reeve Palmer~
M.oved Ibly Deputy Ree:ve Schleihauf,
Seconded by Reeve Beattie:
'Dhat Clause 59, o'f the !Rules and iRegulations of the Council
be repealed, ,and the foHowing surbstituted: "That the Warden ap-
point four ill,embers of Council to strik.e the standin1g ,committeeS'
for the year, and !by-law he prepared to aID'end By-lLaw ND. 146-3:'
- Carri'ed.
Miss Mary WiiUiamson expressed appreciation to the C<Juncil
for the fine dinner and lovely day they had given to the. boys and
girls who were guests of the Council.
Moved !by Reeve J,ames W. Neil,
Seconded by Heeve Beattie:
That we db now adjourn to meet on Wednesday, November
24th, atW a.m.
- Carried.
Wednesday, :the 24th Day of November. 1'54
The Elgin [County Council met this da1y at the Court House,
St. Thomas, in accordance with :a:ddournment.
The Warden in the Chair.
AU the members were pres-ent, ,except Deputy Reeve Hindley.
The minutes of the iprevious day 'were read, and confirm,ed.
It was moved by Deputy Reeve Atkins'0n, and seconded by
Reeve Sikox t..hat the delegation from the Women's Institutes !be
ndw !heard. !Mrs. ISinclair addressed the CouncH, presenting a tele-
vision set for residents of Elgin 'M,anor, on !behalf of the Women's
Institutes df the County.
IMr. A. V. Langton spoke !briefly On :flann conditions, and ex-
,pressed appreciation of the €~cellent support that was given by
the County Council dutJng the year.
1t was m.Q'Ved by [Reeve Williiams that Mrs. Frut-cher !be now
hemd. (Mrs. Futcher addressed the Council re Pioneer Museum,
and request f'Or storage Sip ace for present museum objects in the
Court House.
Mrs. M>CIGaxthy exrpressed :aJp~l'edation to the ladies for thh
fine gift 'Of a television set to Eligin Manor.
The third report Of the Finance Committee was ~res€1lted,
and on m'Otion 'Of ;Reeve Palmer, the Coundl went into a Commit-
tee 'Of- the whole with Reeve Wacik.ley in the Chair. \After considt-
eralble discussion 'On Clause 7 and 8, the C'Ommittee aI<lse, and the
report 1N1as accepted as read, on motion of R'eeve Alward, and !Reeve
~e report of the Road Gommitte-e woo presented, and 'On mo-
!ion 'Of Reeve Waddely, and Reeve !Mccarthy, th:e Council went
into. a Committee 'Of i1te whole withiHeevie Pa1mer in the 'Chaar.
After ,consider.a:ble discussion, the "il.'eport \vas ad;opted cls '1'-ead, <m
motion 01: Reeve iRoszell, and Reeve Silcox.
Moved by Reev,e How.ard Pabner,
Seconded 'by Deputy Reeve Clarence Cu~J..ver:
That we grant the Warden, Five Hundred Dollars for his
sel"Vlces during -the y,ear, 19154.
- Carried.
MDrved by Reeve James W. Neil,
Seconded Iby De<puUy Reecve ScI:1letha1if:
'I'llat the usual grant of $25.00 each be paid to L. B. Birds'!ll,
and Fram Rowles, fOT reporting the proc.eedings otE CounClil. ",,,
- Carried.
Moved by James W. Neil,
Secondedib,y Reeye Gordon Beattie:
That we do now ,adjourn t'O meet at 2 pm.
- Carri€d.
The Council resumed.
Mocved ;by Depucty Re""e, Culcver,
Seconded iby Reeve Silcox:
That By-Law l'jo. 1'655, "A By-Law to .&mend the By-Law
adopting a plan of Coun~y R<Jad lrnprovement and EstOJblishing a
County R<Jad System in the County of Elgin, under the Highway
ImpTDrvement Aot," be read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reerve George Silcox,
Seconded b~ Deputy Reeve Culver:
That By-Law No. W55, be read a second time;
- Carried.
Moved !by Reeve Coles,
Soconded by Reeve Shilpley:
'I1hat By-iLaw No. lr655, Ibe read a third time, and !iinaily p~
- Carried.
Moved fb-y Reeve James Neil,
Seconded ily Reeve Roilert Coles:
That Biy-iLaw No. W56 to ".&mend By-iLaw No. 14163," ile read
a mst time.
- Carried.
Mwed by Reeve Shipley,
Seconded !by Reeve James iNefl:
IThat B:y..[;aw No. 1,65:6, ibe read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve James Neil,
See,onded by iReeve !Ro!bert F. Coles:
That Biy-'L'aw No. }65:6, ;be read a third time, and finally pass-
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Roszell,
Seconded by Deputy Reffi'e !JIIIarr:
That By-fi:..,a'w No, 16'517, !being a by-law to "Limit Speed of
Moior Vehicles on County Road No. 40AiA, opposite &yal Can-
adian Air P'or:oe Station," [be read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved Ibly Deputy -!Reeve Gamet Speers~
Seconded !by Reeve C. M. Williams:
That By.{Law No. 1<657, be read a second time.
- Carried.
Mo"ed by Deputy Reeve Bruce Mar,
Seoonded lb\Y [)eputy Reeve Garnet Speers:
That By..[Jaw No. li65i1 :be r-.ead a third r.LWe, fu"'ld finally pass~
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve W:ackley,
Seconded :by Reeve Williams:
'Dh<JJt ;By-Law No. 1'658, being a by-law, "To ProhIbit Pa"king
on. County Road No. 40 AJA, opposite Royal Canadian Air Force
Station," be read a first time.
- Carried.
MDved bly Reeve Williams,
Seconded !by Reeve Wilson:
iJlliat By-Law No. 1'6518, !be read a second time.
- Carried.
Movediby Reeve W. D. Nelson,
Seconded by Reeve Elm'er Wa,ckley:
That By-Law No. 1658, be read a third time, and fin'ally
- Carried.
The Wlarden ex;pressedaiP'Preciation to memTbers of the COWl-
eil f.or the fine support given him as Warden dE the County dur-
ing 1954, and the other memlbers expressed their' enjoyment of
County Council in 19:54, and ,cong.ratulated the Warden an the way
'he carried - on the duties of his office.
Morved (by Deputy Reeve Garnet .speers,
Seconded ;by Reeve Goollge Rioszell:
'!\hat we do now :adjourn sine die.
- Carried.
November Session.. 1954
To the Warlen, and Members .of the Elgin County Council:
II have to -.re~,ort the- following applications for licenses have
been approved -Ibly the loe-al municipalities and the Elgin-St. Thom-
as Health Unit from \August 12th, 1954, to November 1st, 1954.
'Mary 1;.. iMer'kley _______________________ R. R. 3, Rodney
Lloyd Essey ________________________ R. R. 3, West Lorne
'~W Eldon Inn" ____________________________________ Rodney
Ice Cream Stands
A. V oras __________________~_________~-------------- Rodney
W. L. Garton & Son _____________ ___________________________ Rodney
Dairy Bar
St. ,]h"ma.s Drive,In Theatre _______ R. iR. 5, St. Thoma.s
All .of which is respectfully sulbmitted.
County Clerk and Treasurer.
Novetnber Sessiolll 1954
I have to report the f.olloWing hcenses in force on the 1st day
of Novsnrl>er, 1954:
Franlk Fulkerson ~____________.__ R. R. 1, Tillsonburg
Clarence Wolfe ________________ R. !R. 1, Vienna
'M. Gaier _____________________ 352 Bathurst St., Toronto
K. J. McAlpine __m_________________________ Dutton
Harold G. lCiarke ______________,,_ 62 St. Satharine St.
Iv:an Parkinson ____________._________~ R. R. 8, !London
WilI:1ert R. Harvey __________ R. R. 2, Mount Elgin
Don Waterworth _______________~_______~_________ Ay1mer
Duncan Brown ______________._____________._______ Shedden
W-illiam ICarnegie ._.________________ R. R. 1, Muirkirk
Don Shore ________________________ R. \R. 6, St. Thomas
Oliver Lo!pston _________________ 1058 Yonge St., Toronto
James R. MaLean ________._______________.___.________ !Parkhill
S. A; Brady _____________________ R. R. 2, Dorchester
Salvage Dealers
Canada Sc.rap Iron and Metal ___"___________..__ St. Thomas
Donald West ____________________________m_ 2,3 Station St.
Richard Rowe _______________________________ 29'8 TaJJbot St.
Donald Campbell ________________________ West Lome
Franlk Filek ________ 1m !Hamilton Rd., London
C. H. Wedenlko ___________________ 443 Gray St., London
Adam Kiir.shner ________________________ R. R. 3, West :Lorne
Norman W'.inter _____________._______ tR. R. 1, Simcoe
Frank Cl1odowski ___________________________ _ !Box 6.0'3, AJyhner
Chester ]meson _______________m___________m R. R. 5, Ayhner
Transportation of Fowl
Charles Banglborn __ _ Ta]botville
E. O. Wight and Son ___________________ Rodney
Eigin Egg Co. _________________ St. Thomas
All of wl:1icb is respectful1y submitted.
November Session, 1954
To the W,arden and MeITllIbers of the Elgin County Coundl:
The fol'lowing i\5 my rep'Ort on ,the Elgin Manor ior the year
ending 'October &bt, 1954:
1. Nlw:nfber :of residents ,at last report _______________
2. Num1ber acL"1litted during the year _u________~___
3. iNumfber off deaths __________._______________________________"__
4. Num'ber di:s,charged ____. ___ _____________.____________.______
5. Number of residents now in house _________________u___
6. Total days T,esidence _____ ._______.___________________________
7. Average numfber of residents dur,ing the year _
8. Average number with Superintendent's family
and hired heLp __ ___________________m______________
9. Number of wee!k.s' board with Superintendent's
family _ _____________________________~___________
W. !Number of weeks' !board of residents _____________
J;l. Total e"'penditure, dming the year _,$28,737.76
Farm [Stock ______._..._..___.____..._______..____..$
Old Ag-e P.ensions _______________________
Sun,dries ____________________________~______
[Residents' Maintenance ________________
Government df Canada, Sales Tax
Refund ..........__..____.._....._.._.
Farm Stock ........____._..____...___...._.~$
Sundries ___________________________~_
Government of Canada, Sales Tax
Refund ....____.._....___.._
Perm-anent Irl1[provements _____________
$ ,13;737.3,7
Net Cost of Operating _____ .$ ?5,849.24
iArverage ,expeI1S€S ~er daiY of each person ___$
A'V.e:t'alge €XipBlllses per week of ea:dh person __
lArverage expenses per ye'ar of each person
[mp1ements ___________________________----$
Stock _____
Feed and Seed ___----~____________
Gas and Oil _____________________
[Hired Lalbour ____________________
:Food and Provisions _____~______
Clothing and iFootwear __________
[)rugs and iMedical _____~_______________
Tolba'PCQ ___ _________
WeTfare Provisions ---------0-----_________
(Hous,e Supplies __________________
ffi'urnishings _______________________,_____
Fuel, Telerphone,'Hydro ______________
Repairs ________________________________
ilY.IiscellaneOus _________
Salaries _________________________________
$ ,28,<737.76
'5'0 Quarts Fruit Canned in, :S;:ollse
75'9 Dozen of Eggs Consumed
SQ :E);eads of CalbiJage
29'0 Bushels of Potatoes
5 Bushels o[ Oarrots
4 Bushels of Beets
5 Bushels of Onions
50 Bllilhe!$ of AiPp]e~
2 Hogs
60 OMckens
2.35 'h
.211. Th€re were {);() residents in the House dUI'1TIg 1954; 40
males, 10 females. Of the 30 residents in the House on the 1st
day lot November, il'9:54, :2.4 were males and. 6 females.
The management has Ibeen satisfactory.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
J. D. 1!HOMiSON, Coun~y Clerk.
November Session, 1954
To the Warrden and Members of the Elgin County Coundl:
iI !beg to srnbmit the following state,-rn-ent oif Receipts and E:xw
penditul'ies from January 1st, 1954, to October 3ilst, 1954.
iBalance in Bank, and on hand, January 1st, i954 ___$ 9,787.50
Adm1nistrationof Jrustice ------------c-- i27,'1l7~9.66
County R'ates __________________________________ 7'6,900.00
County R<JaQs __________________________ :l39,790,19
Charity and 'Welfare ______________________ 2'5,17'6.9Q
Children's AId Society _______________ 727.1Q
IEligin Manor ______~__________________________________ 11Jl,'290A3'
Note. Payal:11e ___________________________ 320;000.00
!Registry ()jjfice __,________________________ 4,618,32
Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit ____________ 15,269.85
Licenses and Permits __________~___ 187.00
!Rents ____________________ 300.00
Government of Canada - in lieu of Taxes 6-18.63
Lnterest -----_____________________________ 14.11
Miscellaneous Revenue ______________ 249.01
Outstanding cheques written off ________ 410.89
.&dministration of Justice _____________$ 44,010.29,
County lRJaads __----___~_ 8023,006.67
Charity 'and WeLfare _______________ 71,497.47
!Olrildren'. Ald Society __________~ 35,55'5,93
Elgin Manor _________________________ 26,514.46
Notes Payal:11e _________ _ 50,000.00
Interest ____________._________________._____ 16\818.20
.&gricu1ture __________________ _________________ '3,390.20
Registry O.ffice ___ _______________________ 1,436.<l1
Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit __m____n___________AO,719.60
IDI.[.emlbers' Wages ______________"__________ ___________. 6,423.7'5
Officers' Salaries _ _____ __ _______________________ 6,726.60
Printing, Postag.e and Stationery _____________ 774.67
Care of Buildings _______n________ __m___'_n________ 2,262.-11
Grants _____~________ _____________________.__________ 7,OOi7.1.2{}r
1St. ThDmlas~lgin General Hos:p., Grant 30,000.00-
!Miscellaneous ____________________________________ 1,230.03
Cash on hand and in Bank ____________$ 95,067.36
!Less outSltandiing .cheques ______________ ~___n_ 5,150.99
$ 89,916.37
All of whiJoh is respectfully submitted.
J. D. THOMISON, County Clerk.
November Session, 1954
T{) the Warrden and Merrnihers of the Elgin County CouneLl:
I wish to repont .on the weed control [lrogra:m in Elgin County
this !year. I receirved fairly good 'Co-operation !from officials 'in
chartg,e of m'aintenance of highways, count'Y roads, and township
The Pro:vinci:al hi,ghways in Elgin County were fairly well
taken carre of thiis year. On No. -3 Highway, west of Shedden
mere grading -was re-cently done, there was much w11d carrot, and
some so"v thistle.
The County roads were well looked after. Some mowed a
little late. Six miles af County Roads were sprayed this year.
This spraying w,as done mostly on roads where the brush was
bad. The material used in this' spraying was Shell Brush Kil;
the results :being faidy good, but hope that next year's County
Coun'Cil will spray the same six miles again next year; and also
take on .afew more miles, .as spraying one year, and not following
up the next year doesn't give good results. It takes at least two
or three spraying:s ror a complete kill.
rSome townships did very well this year. Two townships did
very litile in weed control, -one failed to send a rerport. Ald:bor-
ough and Yahrlouth rowhshi:ps took the lead in spraJy:ing. On the
fa-runs" more s1Pi'aying is d-one each year.
This year, I called or visited 53 farmers throughout the Coun-
ty, that owned a sprayer. Some spr.aJyed on their own :Damns, oth-
ersdid some spraying foOr neighlbours, and other farmers. They
gave me .a report Dn the crop they sprayed, material used, the
b~and,atld the amount used, and the make of sprayer they
owned. These 5i3 farm,ers s:prayed 7,000 acres of -corn, 300 acre.:3
of spring grain, oats and !barley, and 2'75 acres of pasture. Fence
r.ows were also sprayed, also,.:a considerable amount .of !brush.
This should show s[prawin-g and goad farminig is the /best way to
control weeds.
Weed ,0Qnd<itions vary in the County. :Some areas have dif-
ferent weeds; sOIrne ha've SIQW thistle; others wild carrot; and some
distr1c-ts are rea'libad with golden rod.
The results of weed control depends on all property owners
and oiifidals in ohar-ge of public property. The next thing is to
get thein toO da it.
Tilis year, I had the weeds mowed on one piece otf property.
as the' 6'wner WOuld hat clean it Ulp.
After they 'were cut, he said it looked so much ibetter, that he
would pay cash for .cutting af the weeds, instead of paying for it
in his taxes.
As weed inspector, I travelled 6;619 miles, and wOI'lked 785
All of which is respectfully submitted.
Weed Inspector.
Nove-mber Session. 1954 -First Report
'1'-0 the 'N arden and Members of the Elgin County Council:
The Finance Committee reports as follows:
1. That the followip,g :hosVita'l p:c~{J),mts ibe paid:
Victoria iH-ospital, London' ___________________________-$
St. ThGmas...JElgin General Hospital ______
Memorial Hospital, s.t~ Thomas _____________
:St. Jo'seph's Hos.pit2!l, London ------
Canadian Paraplegic Association
Tills!Qnfbur.g Distdct Mf;ffi.H:oscpital -------
,$ !10,059.83
All of which is respectfully submittte.q..
II. O. AiLWAiRJD, Chairman.
November Session, lS~4 - ,Second Report
To tp:~ W.arrden and .Mem1bers of .the Elgip. GOJ,lnty C01IDciJ.:
The Finance Committee reports asf.ollows:
1. Th<3,t th? C~ml1-.ty 4isCQ~tinue ~gyment of exwa$',and pay
on1y statutory rate to all h.ospitals for tnQ..ilgl;'nt ,p&tient.s cprom.enj,>-
ing Janual'lY !Ist, 19155.
2. That Ol:1ilqre!l's Aid S{J,igty Paylist N9. ~ for .$&,$23.18 !he
3. That Charity .and Weliare Pay ,List No. ~, for $1,198.50 be
paiid. _r
4. That 'lVIiscelle.neon.;: ;pay ,List No(), 4:, ~o:r '~80i2.1p, ,be paid.
5. That we 'a;pprove of the appointment of Mr. Lloyd Lidsrter,
as a perm.'anent :emplQy~ee in the Elgin County Jail.
6. ,That the req-uestolf the .Jlail staif for an increase in sal-
aries and incorrporation of cost of living bonus in salaries !be re-
ferred to the .January Session of the Elgin County Council.
All of which is respectfully subm'itted.
H. O. .&LW!A!RD, Chairman.
November Sessionl 1954 - Third Report
'.Do the Warden, and Members of the ELgin County Council:
The !inance Committee reports as follows:
1. That the request of Mrs. A. Squire's for $3.00 per day for
,bed patients !be approved.
2. !That the printing of the Proceedings ,be increased to $'2.50
per page.
,3. That Mr. Mex. White, R:a1ph Auc:kland, and Frances Cline
be xeappointed as County r~resehttatives' -to their respectilVE!' High
School Boards.
4. That We ooncUT (with <the l"esolutions rfrom the County of
Bruce re qualifications for Council.
'5. That the resolution re designation of Novemfber 1:1 th, as
Statutory holiday 'be filed.
i6. That the usu:a1grants to the WDmen's Institutes and for
Dratorical contests he paid.
7. That th~ usual grant of $10,00'0.00 to the Tillsorubm<g Dis-
trict !Memorial HIospital for Building Fund be paid.
8. That the request of the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital
foor an additional gTant for :building Ibe referred to the January
Session of the Elgin County Oouncil.
All- Of which is respectfully submitted.
H. O. AfUW!Am,D, Chairman.
To the Vrarden, and Members of the Elgin County Council:
The Elgin 'Manor Committee reports as rollows:
1. That we accept the tender of the Imperial System of Bak-
ing :rOT eleven cents per :24 ounce loaf of bread for Elgin Manor.
All oif which is respectfully submitted.
P. W. S:CiBiVElTIB:A;W, Chairman.
November Sessionl 1954
To the Warden, and Members of the Ellgin County Council:
The Property Committee reports as follows:
1. That we accept the tender .of the Thnperial System of Bak-
ing fore1even cents 'PeT 24 QllnoC'€ loaf of /bread for the Elgin
County Jail.
2. That the AdministDation of Justice Pay (List No.9, for
$3,20.49 be paid.
3. Thall the Care of Buildings Pay List No.9, for $363.50 be
4. 'l:hat the Registry Office Pay List No.6, for $19.20 be paid.
5. That the Clerk secure a report on cause of coal fumes
f.rom the stokers.
All olf which is respectfully submitted.
Iv]ORlIJJ!;y- IvlcQUIGGM'T, Chairman.
~ovem:ber S~ssion, lS54
To the Warden, and Members of the .E1gin County Council:
Your I1xrad CoQ[rr:lmitt~e begs to report as f.ollows:
1. The Elgin County Roads Department ha.':? nearly completed
this ,year's progJ.'iamme ofm'aintenance and construction work.
The By,.r.a:w p<4SSe4 at the Jqnu~ Session provided for-
County Road Purposes _________________________________________$409,000.00
Surburhan Road Pur.poses ___________________~__~_________ 47,000.00
On A;pril 2f2nd, the COUll-ty was notified by the Minister of
Highways that sulbsidiy would -only be !paid on a maximum total
e",penditure of $392,000.00.
At "y.our Septemlber Session a Supp-lementary By-La,w was
passed to provide f<J~an aMiiiona'l $40,0'00.00 for Oounty :Road pur-
poses and of this sum $30;000"00 wes approved by the Department.
'~his:gives a ,t~1,;al at $42~2,OOg..,OD ,On w:lXich ~'qbsidy -wiU ib,e paid
this year, a reduction of $3:4"QOO.{)O from the original {Up.ount PJ;.o-
viide'd at the January Session.
ISom-e ,Qlf the 'oonstruciion work contemplated .inJ'fq.1l,lary l:~.~j
to .be curtailed.
Our net expenditures ir.oill January ls,t, to Octo!ber 301st, w~r.~
$37'1,ti06,30. This leaves only $50,393.7() to expend in November
and. Decernlber from which' grants to the Urlban 'MunicipaIities.
,?1llountin!; to ,abput $'l6,1()0.()O will Il:1e paid.
12. The following wODks ha'Ve been complet-e~ -
(a) lRo:ad Mulch Pavements were [aid.on the following roads:
County Road No. 16, To:wnsh of Ald[borough __~___ 1.5 miles
COll-nty Road "N0. 10, Township of Dunwich ___~ 2. miles
County Road No. 1!6, Township of South.wold _____ 1.5 miles
lGounty Road No. .3'3, Township .of Yarmouth _______ 1.-6 miles
County Road ,I'>,<.(J. 40, To-wnshi:p of-M-alahide ~____.___
County Road No. 3e8, Township of Bayh:am ____________
County Read, No. 51, ~owns'hip of South Dorchester
Suburban Road No. 22', Township of Yarmouth ___n___
1.5 miles
1.2 miles
.2 miles
2.5 miles
Albout 1128 miles of Roads in the County -and Su:bwban Road
System harve now .been paved wh1ch is. about ~% of the total
(lb) 'lihe existin'g pavements on 17 mEes of County Roads and
3 miles. of SuJburhan iRo.a:ds were S'urface treated with tar and stone
chips or pea .gravel
(c) 020 lineal feet of concrete cu:rlbsand gutters were laid on
the Southerly side of Main street, in the Village lY.f Springfield.
(d) The following bridges were constructed or reconstructed:
Airpo-rt (Bridge, County Road No. 36, Concession 8, Yarmouth
Bridge over.. Pettrnen-ID/Eoore Drain, Gounty Road No. 5'2,
Townsihip of South Dorchester.
Miller Bridge; County Road No. 10, Township of Dunwich.
Bridge OlVer McFarlane Drain, County Road No. 12,
Townshiip <>f Dunwloo.
(e) Extensive Grading and Widening was done on the foE.ow-
in:g Roads:
County Road N" 8, Township of Dunwkh, Wallacetown South.
County Road No.4, Township of Aldiborough, at Bla,ck's Lane,
only portion North .of N.Y.C. R!y. completed.
C.ounty Road No, 20, in -the Villa!ge of Shedden.
County Road No. 511, in the Township of South Dorchester.
County Ro-ad No. 4'6, in the Township of Baybam, intersection
at School House corner improved.
Cunty Road No" 40, in the Township of Malahide.
3. The following new equiJ!)rnent was purchased:
One - Model R. F. Hl2 International Truck, Tandem duel
dri'ving wheels.
One - Cllievrolet Heavy Duty, one-ton truck;
One - 3'1/2 Cubic foot, Tilt-ex Concrete Mixer.
One - Balker Model 3'78, V -type Snow Plough with side wing,
to be mounted on our Allis--Ohalmers Diesel Grader.
4. .&l:1out 2,700 tons of Crushed Stone; 44,000 culiic yards of
pit ron g1"avel, and 13,000 .cubic y.ards of Crusihed Gravel, were
placed on County and Sulburban Roads.
Albout S,OOD cubic y-ards of Crushed Gra'Vel were stock piled.
WiE REOOJ\!Dl\m:FJN[) that a By-Law he pased providing that a
30.:.miIe speed limit !be :plac-ed on that portion of the Ibuilt up sec-
tion of COunty Road No. 40 A.A. in front of the Air Port and that
a iBy-fLawbe :passed 1proh'ilbiting pat1kintg in front of the Air Port
Entrance and lOG ieet Southerly.
WiE RiElOOJ\!Dl\m:FJN[) tbJat the road allowance between Lots 15
and Mi, North of the North Branch of TalIbort Road, lymg North of
the Southerly limit of the Right-of-way of the New York Central
R. R.; the RaadS<Juth of Conoession 5, Lot 7, and tl:1e Ra,oo. be-
tween Lots 6 and 7, ConcessioTIS 5, 4 .and 3, in the Township of
Southlwold, beinlg the Northerly extension of Oounty Road No. 20,
Ibe - as.sunled as a County R:o:ad. This eXftension wiU connect Hi!gh-
way No. 3 and County Road No. 19.
- -
Alma College ---__________._______________________________________m ________________ 65
Agricultura'1 and HortioultuI"ia:I Societies ~_______,__ _________ ___________ 91
Children'-s Aid Society __________________________ _________ ____ ___ _______ _______ 64
Canadi'8.n Na,tiuual Institu1e :fjo:r the Bl.ind ______u________ _ _________ 65
Publ!ic LiIb,aries __ _________________________ _____________________ ___.____________.___ 62
'I\o the Warden and Re.porters ___________________"_________________~_________ 125
Salvation Army _____________________________ __________________ _____________________ 76
Univensity otEWe.s1e:rm Onta,rio ________________________ ______________________ 65
Women's InsrtiFbutes _________________ ____________________________ _.____________ 138
Local A!gTicuJturral Otfiijice m_______."____________________ ________________ 58
Larw Dlbrarly ______-------------------------------------- ___________________________ 64
Schol:mllrip Grants _______________,_ _________ _______________________________________ 62
Elgin~St. Thomas Health Unit ______________________________,______.___________ 65
:81. Thoma:s-lE1g1n General HQspita~ _ _____ _________________________ 75, 88
E1gin County LilbraDY Go-Operative ______m___ ___ __ _______________ 31
TiIllsonlbuIig HO''!Pital G.>"nt _________________ __________ ____m___________________ 138
Apllo;n1ments of De1€.gates _______________.._______________________ ____________ 2C
Gommun1lc!ations ___________ _______ 5, 6, 25, 2,6, 38, 3'9, 49, '510, 112:1, 1l!22
Oounty Council _________~_____ ___ _~__________'________________________________ 3
County Officials ___________________________________________________~----m-_ 2
Delegations _________________________________________m__________ 1,2, 15, 16, 30, 124
ReiPJJies to El,gin COiUIllty ReSiOlutions _____________________~__ 8, 28
Mun&cilpal C'ler'lks land Tre'a.'Surers ---------------------------------c---- 2
Warden's Add:r€iSS _________ _____ ______________________ 9, 212, 3:5, 4fl, 118
'Warden.'s Election ______________ ______________________________u____.____ 4
AgricuHural Ooornnittee ______.____________________________58, 59, 72, 84
!County Clerk on Licenses -------------------~-c-------------- 8,1, 129
Elglin Manor Committee ________________________________.________ 63, 86, 139
Coun1ty Treasurer's Rep.ort _______"_______ _________ _________mm_ 83, 134
Edu-catic)ll Comm,ittee ___~__________~__________________nu____n__________ 62
Equaiizat!ion _____________________m__mm_____________________________m_________ 77
iFlinance Committee _________ _ 64, '713, 74, 84, 85, 89, 90, 9~1, 1\37, 138
Secretary's Report of the Elgin M'anor _m_____u___________"__ _______ 131
Pet!tion;; l[;t~'q; I,,~gii[311?ltj9!P_,s ----",,-CC--C"C-,--7C----'------,--,___ '66~ 78, 87 92
,Property ComIIl'tt~ __-__-___--_.-,_,-,-,-""--",,,-,--,-,, 0.7, 79, 87, 93 139
J0ad COmmi~tee __ _______m_m____ _____________--m_'-'-",- 67, 80, (l8, 140
Standj.:p.zg Oom1Illitt~~,:; """"'-_.,C-" _________________. 7___..'-----.,.----,_"'___ 12, 50
Weed T~pector ____'-mm----m ________mm ______ ____________________mmm______ 135
No. 16.37 T{) amend By-;Law No. 15411,' re Grou.p- An-
nuity Pension Oontract _______________ ________________ 18, 93
No. 1638 To Awthorize the Warden, ",,,d TTe"-\'urer, to
Borrow the $1JIR "f $4!l;O,QOQ.OO __,,-____-----______ 18, 94
No. ,1008 To Appolint a Bo'ard- of Audit in the County
of Elg<iJn m____m_m_mmm_~____m_m______mm__ 19, 95
No. 1640 To PTovide fOT the tolta[ Exlpenditure- om the'
ICOU!Il'ty Road System________m____"_mO__Mm_____ 19, 95
No. 164J1 To Aiplpmnt a Coun~y ~qa.d Committee ______ 20, 97
N". 164Q To Amend By-iLaw No. 1$17 T€ E,gin Manor
Superintendent's Slala>ry ____m________ 'm____mm 20, 97
No. 164~ To Raise .&mount ~or Coltnty Rates DlJir\ng
W154 ___m___________-,-______mmm_m_____________ ;la, 98
No. 1644 To C(){t1I:llirm the Equaliz.a.tion for Assessment
Ro'Jils _______ ____________________________________________________ 3'2, 100
No. 16% To R€-.App01n, '" Member to the Si. Thomas
Sulburlban .Rio:ad Commission __________________________ 3'3, 101
No. '1€4:6 To Authill'ize 1l1ie \Varden and Clerk to Sign.
Agreement f.or Convey,ance of La,nd n_____.,-_____ 3~, Hl1
No. 1-647 To. A,mel1ld By-<Law No,; 1352. :re Engine~r~s
Salary mmm_m_____m_m_____m_______m____ 43, 102
Nb. Hwf To AfrTi'ehd By'-Law No. 1635? re SaJ.irry' of
PhY5\.k-ian of Elgin .M.anQT' ____..__________________ 44, 10-2
N.o. 1649 Gran~g Pr~vileges to tfr1e Carn1ation Co; to-
Lay_ Water Ripe ~____'______~_ ___________________ _______ 44; ,103
No; 1660 To-- Atp:point- M-em(beT to the~ Erena,telof: the"
Uhivers'j,l;y of' W'esiem'6ntarb~ ____..__________________ 4~;- 109
No.- 1651 To Cornim'l' By-Law No., 1294 of the Town-
ship of Bayharrn ________,,__________________________________________ 63. 109
'.' - . . . ~ - -. . .- '." - ",
No. 1'65-2 T~ C():~;iliF~ _~y~?aw No. 12i9r5 of'the Tow-h'- _",
Shlp' of' Bayna,,'\' _____________________________ _______________ __ 54; 111
No. 1653 To Fix Safrarly_ of' the Jud:g'e of the, Fami:lcY,-
and, JUfVenihi, Court, __ ____________ __________________________ 55; 112
No. I.mJ4 T~, PT6vide.f9T, SUl?~lemeI1iaTy EX{ierfd.iture:._
on OoU:iioty Ifu'ad 'EXJpend\itUr€ ______________._ 55,' 113
No. 1655- To Arrnend-By,Lawre"Coonty,-Rba.d-Sy>Stem114,' 126
. . , . . - ' ' .. .
No. 1666 To Acllend BY-<r;aw No. 14163 re R;u"es and .
Regulaitions of .the Elgin Oounty Council ___ 116, 126
No. 16'57 To,Limit Speed of Motor Vehicles on Coun-
ty Road No. 4!O _________________ ____________ ___________________ 116, 127
No. 1656 To Pro!hdlhit Pa~king on County &ad No.
40 ___________________________________________________________________________ 117, 128
Re Estaihlisihm,ent of Fiamily and Juvenile' Court ___ 14
He !Request,ing the Ontario Government to' Restrd.ct Hunt..,
ing Privileges ____ ________________ _ ____________________________________ 15
Re Requestiing the Prr-ovinciail: Gove1'lIlment to Enact Lelg-
islartiorn to p'rotec't Munlid.'Palities from Damages Due
to j,ey !\oadcoudliHoru3 _________________________...._______________________ 16
Re Reques1rl:rJg the S'lllbul1han Rood Commission to prep-are
plans f()r const'I'ucting a sWbtway at St. GeoDge St.
Crossing ______________________________________ __________________________________ 17
[R-e EXlp['essing appreciation to Mr. P. J. Drake for photo of
Benjam!in DIIake ________________________________________________________ 29
He Authorization to Sign Algreement vlith the Dept. of
'Transport m _____________________ 31
Be That the Elgin Counrty Council tour tJhe Coun'tly Road
System ___________________ ________m___________________________ 3,1, 53
Re iEXlpressing gratitude to Lord Elgin re TaI1tan Dress
[or Elgin Regiment ____________________________________ 40
Re Admitta;r.liee of indigent Residents to the St. Th.Dmas-
E]gin General Hospital _________________________________________ 4t2
Re Ap!pDintJrnent .olf CXlttnmilttee on Salary od: Judge of the
Family and Juvewe Court ___________________________________________ 42
Re Tax SaiJ:e P!rocedUlI'e ___________________________________.___________ 413, 53
iRe Confuttn[[1g By-Law No. 1294 and l2B5 0>1 the Tw>>. 0>1
B'ayhaJIll _______________ ________________________________________________..______ 52
iRe Supplementary Road By-iliaw ____________________________________ 52
Re APpiication of Mr Edward Smith for Fine O"d Map
0>1 Elgin _____________m_________________________________________________---- 52
R-e To Grant Stan,ley Charltoill' use 01 wen in Twp of M-al-
'ahide _______ _____________________________________________________________--------------- 52
iRe GQuruty 0< Mido:lesex By-Law on Through Highways -- 53
Re Specti.,al Committee to' Strike Standing Committees ------ 8
Re Petition for Govermnent Road SUlbsidy _______n___~____________ 8