1955 Minutes PROCEEDINGS OF THE Elgin County Council During the Sessions held in the COURT HOUSE, ST. ~HOMAS in the Months of JANUARY, :MARCH, .JUNE, SiEPTEMBER AND NOVEMBER 1955 J. D. THOMISON, ICOunty 100erk PHILIP W. SCIllLEIIlA!lJF, Warden. COUNTY OF ,ELGIN OFFICIALS, 1955 J. F. M3.cMiIlan, County Judge Miss Bernice Coyne, Registrar I. D. Cameron! Court Clerk and Sheriff E. F. S. Sanders, Clerk of the !peace, Grown IAJttorney and Solicitor R. W. McDonald, Jailor A. D. MCColl, Public SChool Inspector R. E. ~awlings, Public School Inspector' J._ P.; ~omson, iOlerk and Treasurer F. A. Bell, O.iE., Road Superintendent Dr. D. L. lEwin, Jail Physician Dr. E. G~ Bmger. Elgin l\iIanor !Physician E. Donald ,Smith; Judge, Juvenile COurt, lPolice Magistrate E. D. Moore, 1PTobation Officer G. M. Freeland, DivisiOn C'ourt Clerk J. H. Wilson, County !Librarian G. L. Willson; SUperintendent, Dgin Manor C. Kirkwood, Corporal, Ontario Provincial Police A. V. Langton, Agricultural ,Representative C. Gordon, Weed Inspector, Tree Commissioner L. Tait,Tree laammissioner Fred Page, Higgins' & 00., Auditor , d lUUNICLPAL CLERKS AND TREASURERS Municipality Clerk Treasurer Aldborough C. T. BI'ack, Rodney 10. T. Black, Rodney "Dunrwich . A. N. Walker, Dutton Mrs. M. McNeil, Dutton Southwold W. G. Blewett, Fingal W. G. Blewett, Fingal Yarmouth H. L. Lawton, 386 Talbot st., SIt. Thomas, ..H. L. Lawton Malahide H" L. Johnson, Box 47:8, Aylmer H. L. Johnson Bayham J. D. Vallee, Strafford:ville J. D. Vallee, StmHordville South Dorchester R. Evert, R.R, 3 Belmont iR. 'Evert, Belmont Town ,of Aylrmer J. S. Foy, IAyJmer J. S. Foy, Aylmer Village of Vienria Mrs. Louise McDonald, Vienna .. Mrs."L. McDonald Village of Springfield W. G. iClb:aI'lton, f>pringficld Ralph Smith Village of Dutton Z. E. rMacDallum, Dutton [Bert SInith, Dutton Village of Port stanley J. H. Burke, [Port Stanley n. J. H. Burke Village of Rodney G. [,. .Mistele, Rodney G. L. Mistele, Rodney Village of WestLorne R. E. !Evans, West Lorne. ,Mrs. J. Roach Village, of Port Burwell H. Grieve, po:rt Burwell H. Grieve PROCEEDINGS OF THE Elgin. County Council F1RJST S,ESS[ON - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 18th day of January, 1955 The Elgin County Council met this day at the COurt House, St. Thomas, as required by Statute. The following members filed Certificates, and took their seats at the Council table: P. W. ,Schleihauf, Reeve, AIdborough. M. B. MCColl, Deputy Reeve. Aldborough. A. B. Littlejohn, Reeve, Dtmwich. A. C. McMillan, Deputy !Reeve, DuIllWich. C. .culver, Reeve, Southwold. H. Hunter, Deputy Reeve, Southwold. C. M. Williams, Reeve, y.armouth. J. .c. Hindley, Depurty Reeve, Yarmouth. B. Marr, Reeve, Malahide. J. M. Hale, Deputy Reeve, Malahide. W. D. Nelson, Reeve, Bayham. M. McQuiggan, Deputy Reeve, Bayham. J. B~, Wilson, Reeve. South DOl'C-he-st-er. K. M. Williamson, Reeve, Aylmer. E. E. Atkinson, Deputy Reeve, Aylmer. 4 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL H. Palmer, Reeve, Vienua. J. Barker, Reeve, Springfield. G. Walker, Reeve, Dutton. Mrs. V. McCarthy, Reeve, Port stanley. J. Wells, Deputy Reeve, Port stanley. A. B. Liebner, Reeve, Rodney. D" E. McGill, Reeve, West Lorne. H. O. Alward, Reeve~' Port Burwell. It was moved by Reeve CUlver, and seconded by Reeve William- son that we' do now adjourn' to the Oourt [Room for election of the Warden, due to the large crowd present. The election of Warden was proceeded with, and on the second ballot, Philip W. Schleihauf, Reeve of Aldborough township was de- clared Ward.en for the year 1955. e It was moved -by Reeve .Alward, and seconded. by Reeve Littlejohn that the election bernade unanimous. The Warden thanked the mem'bers of Council for the honour 'Conferred, and took the declaration of office; Reeve Williamson congratulated the Wa.rden, and presented him with the gavel, and the watch. The Warden took the Chair, and asked for a moment's silence in memory of the late L. 'Bi. Birdsall. Moved by Reeve Littlejohn, Seconded by Deputy Reeve MoMillan: That the minut€s of the l,ast da.y of the November Session, 1954, as printed in the Proceedings be approved. ~ed. ELGiIN COUNTY COUNCIL 5 The following Communications were read, and referred to their various COmmittees: COMMUNI(JATIONS Prom the Ontario Municipal ASsociation re Membership Fee. _ Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Dept. of 'Municipal Affairs re Tax arrears procedure. _ Filed. From Victoria Hospital, London, re payment of extras for indi- gent patients. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the County of Lambton with resolution re subsidy for chiJ.d care to Ibe paid to the County. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the County of iLambtoIi re Admission to the hospital of indigents. - Referred to the Finance OOm.m..ittee. From the County of IT.iambton re Increased subsidy on bridges to towns and villages. - Referred to the Road .committee. From the Navy League of Canada requesting a grant. _ Referred to the Finance COmmittee. From the Ontario Good Roads Association re Membership Fee. _ Referred to the Road 'Committee. From Jon Jewell with apprecIation of Agricultural Scholarship, _ Filed. From the Canadian Na.tional Institute for the Blind with request for a grant. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From st. John's AiIllbulance with request for a grant. _ Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Ontario Association of Homes for the Aged re Member- ship fee. - Referred to the Elgin Manor Committee. ; 6 ELGIN COUNTY COtJ.N1CIL ,- From the County of Oxford with resolution re meters on gasoline or fuel trucks. - Referred to the Agricultural ICotmnittee. From the Essex County- Federation of Agriculture re taxes for Educational costs. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Com. rnittee. From the County of Kent re Administration of Justice costs with Cities. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislations iGonunittee. From the Ontario IAssocia.tion _ of Rural Municipalities re Mem- bership fee. - Referred to the Finance -Oommittee. From the Ontario Trustees and Ratepayers Association re Mem- bership fee. - Referred to the Education Committee. , From the County of Wellington re Laoad Subsidies. - Referred to the Road Committee. " From the Township of 13ayham re Confirming By-u:\'w No. 1301 to close road. - Referred to Road Committee. .From the Ontario M1lllicipal Board re Annexation to the Town of Aylmer. - Filed. From the Ontario Municipal Board re Division of wards in the Oity of St. Thomas. - Filed. From the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital re Building grant. Referred to the Finance ommittee. From the !County of Middlesex re Through Highways. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the Ontario Municipal Board re Annexation to the City of st. Thomas. - Filed. From the Ontario Municipal [Board re Regulatitm of dwelling houses in the Village of Belmont. - Filed. ELGIN coUNTy COUNCIL 7 From the Grand Jury with report. _ Filed. From ,the Canadian Good :Roads Association re application for .membership. ..;...;.. RefeI'i'ed to' the Road Committee. F'i"oin the Township of Malahide re Aq.j,'ustment of Equalized Assessment. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the University of Western Ontario with rep.ort on the work of the University. - Referred to the Finance !Committee. From the Ontario Conservation Association with request for annual gr,ant. - Referred to the Agriculture Committee. From Victoria Hospital, London, re indigent patient. - iReferred to the Finance Committee. .From the Ontario Agricultural CoUncil with request for Mem- bership fee and appointment of delegates. - Referred to the Agri- culture Gommittee. From the Children's Aid Society. st. Thomas and Elgin, with list of wards now chargeable to the County, - Referred to the Financ~ Committee. From Mrs. L. B. Birdsall and family with a.pp~eci:ation of flowers. Filed. Moved by Reeve Alward, Seconded -by Deputy ,Reeve McQuiggan: That the Warden and Cierk be authorized to submit to the Min- ister of Highways of Ontario, the petition of the :County of E1gin~ showing that from the first day of January, 19M, to the 31st day of December, 1954, there has been e~ended on the County Highway System the sum of $444,2i78.76. ---Carried. The Warden appointed Reeve Williamson, Reeve Wilson, Reeve IJttlejohn, and Reeve Palmer, as a Committee to strike the standing Committees for the year, 1955. 8 ELGIIN COUNTY COUNCIL j Moved by Reeve Culver, seconded by Reeve Littlejohn: That we do now adjourn to meet on Wednesday. January 19th. -at 10 a.m. --earned J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. P. W. SCHLEliHAUF, Warden. , ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 9 FffiST SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 19thda.y of January, 1955 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjoumment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members present. The Warden addressed the Council. WARDEN'S ADDRESS To the Members of the Elgin County Coun.cil, Mrs. McCarthy and Gentlemen: It is with a feeling of mixed humility and pride that I have the privilege of addressing the governirig body of the County of Elgin this morning and may. I mice again take the pleasure of expressing my sincere appreciation to you for the honour which. yOU have be~ stowed upon me and the municipaJity which I represent in electing me as the Warden of Elgin County for the coming year. I cOl1oo-ratulate one and a.1J, of you on the respective offices you have attained during recent acclamations or elections and alSo wel- come you to Elgin County Council, with a ~eciaa welcome to the representatives who are occupying a seat at :County iConncil for the first time. I feel certain your presence will add materially to our every deliberation during the year. The County of Elgin has been truly fortunate in the type of men whom have represented us as "Varden in the past, and 1954 was cer- tainly no exception. I do not suggest that I shall fulfill my duties as capably as my predecessors hut I do feel that my task shalIl be made much easier owing to the presence of Ex:-Warden Williamson in this Council. 10 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ,5 I am sure I need not remind you of the many attributes of our County but I would like to emphasize that our greatest asset is the fine type of citizen whom reside within our boundaries. iA typical ex- ample' of the co-operation which exists among us reached a climax. this past year in the completion of the new st. Thomas~E~gin Gen- eral Hospital. A co-operative effort in erection and later in operation which is a credit to both the city and county. We also witnessed the completion of the Gentral EQ.gin District High School and the joint effort of ~eing host~ with the Oity to the Ontario Munic-ipal Conven- tion sl? capably presided over by Ex-Mayor Thomas Currah of st. Thomas, each a co-operative effort worthy of mention. During each of the past two years, iElgin has been host to the largest attended one-day agriculture event held in our country. I am referring to the Western Ontario Cash ,Crop Day and thanks to the,. tireless effort of our Agricultural Representative, the chairman of the Committee, and many interested persons throughout the County it has each .year been brought to a successful COI1JClusion. I am happy to learn that this very beneficial event shall -be continued this year in the County of Essex in conjunction with the fnternational iPlow- mg Match. " The Elgin County seed Fair will again be held in St. Thomas near the end of February, and I trust this worthy project will aga-in receive the support of one and all of us. The members of Elgin County Council were deeply saddened by the sudden passing of one of our esteemed friends and greatesrt booster; one week .ago today. Mr. L. H (!Pete) tBirdsall will be greatly missed .lJ.y those . of us who come to knaw him and respect him,and our heart-felt sympathy goes out to his wife and family. As we commence the deliberations of Council for the year, 1955, we will no doubt all be aware of the increasing problems which we shall be faced ,with and it shall take all the knowledge and wisdom at our disposal to successfully cope with these problems. We will no doubt hear requests from numerous delegations, and I trust t.hat they shall receive a fair hearing and that every request shall be given fun consideration with our decisions .based in a manner which Shall prove beneficial to the future of our county and country. EfuGIN COUNTY COUNCIL a You are all aware that from this Council this morni.."'1.g will em~ anate numerous committees which will be given the responsibility of directing the several departments of Elgin county government and although I do not predict any .economic recession its ever present th:;:aat will necessitate the most careful scrutiny given to future ex- penditures under our jurisdiction. In U}55, as in the past, the .committee tl1a-t shall be confronted with the greatest expenditure will be the Road Committee. I Under- stand we have already received from the Ontario Department of Highways information. regarding the amount of expenditure on our County road system which they are prepared to approve of for grant purposes, and I trust that this amormt shall enable the Road Com- mittee to not only continue but enlarge upon the present road im- provement program, a program which is so important in mainta.ining the modern present day standard of transportation which [}1ays suoh a large part in the standard of living that we enjoy today. I -also wish to emphasize upon you the imparLance of establishing a c.onti- uuity in our permanent road policy which will establish definite road links in our county, and in turn w.illcreate- the greatest amount of jbenefit to the greatest amount of people. A new hope was horn in the minds of many of us who have advocated the establishment of toll super highways within our 'Province by the recent announcement by Premier Frost that the Ontario Government was giving considera",: tion to the establishment of this method of financing the constrution of certain provincial highways and I trust that if this method should be esta,blished it 'Would create a larger fund available to municipali- ties for the improvement of the all 4nportant secondary roads within our Province. In closing I wish to take this opportunity to solicit the whole- hearted support of one and all of you and extend to you my best wishes fora successful yeaJ:' in the respective municipalities which you represent. The minutes of the previous day were read, and confirmed. A letter from Greerufield's Tobacco store was read, and a box of Cigars for. the !Cbuncil was much appreciated, ahd the Clerk was re- quested to send a letter of thanks on behalf of the Council. 12 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCiL ~., A Communication from Mr. G. L. Johnstone, manager of the Bank of Montreal, inviting the Council to dinner on Thursday eve- ning at Malloy's restaurant was accepted, also, a box of cigars for Council members. A Communication from the St. Thomas Suburban iRoads Com- mission with estimates of $'4.5',000.00 for 1955, was referred to the Road Oommittee. The report of the :Special Committee to strike the standing Com- mittees for the year 1955, was presented and adopted, on motion of Reeve Palmer, and Reeve [Littlejohn. Moved by Reeve Wilson, Seconded by Reeve Littlejohn: That the Elgin County IOOuncil request the Hydro-'ELectric Power Commission of Orltario to so amend its present tentative schedule for change .over from :25 to 60 cycle power, that 60 ,cycle power will ;be made available throughout this :County at a much earlier date than that proposed in the present schedule and that a copy of this 1l"esolution be sent to the said Conunission at Toronto, and also to the Honourable F. S. Thomas, Minister of Agriculture. -Carried. Reeve Nelson moved that the delegation from !Port Burwell be now heard. J.VIr. Newell Wright addressed the Council re Paving of road east of Port Burwell. The matter was referred to the Road Committee. It was moved by Reeve Mrs. McCarthy that Dr. Allan of the University of Western Oritario be now heard. Dr. Allan addressed the .Oouncil on the growth and de,:elopment of the University, and the scholarship winners; and requested a grant from the iCouncil for the year, 1955. The request was referred to the Finance Committee. It was moved by Deputy Reeve McQUiggan that Mr. Melchior be. now heard. Mr. Melchior addressed the Council re .condition of the Port Burwell road. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 13 Moved by Reeve ,Qulver that Mr. A. V. Langton, ,Agricultural Representative of Elgin County be now heard; :MI. :Langton addressed the Council on agricultural crops, and gave a report of the spending of the. County grant during 195'4, with a re:j,uest for a grant in 1955. The request was referred to the Agricultural Oommittee. Reeve Alward then presented Mr. John Wilson. County Librarian, to the Council. Mr. Wilson addressed the Gouncil on the activities of the County Library during 19"54. This matter was referred tG the Library Board. Moved by R.eeve Littlejohn, Seconded by G. Culver: That we do now adjourn to meet at 2 p.m. --Carried; The Council resumed. It was moved by Reeve Williamson that Mrs. Kent Griffen be now heard. Mrs. Griffen addressed the Council re T.B. Survey in Elgin County in February and March. The report of the Education Conunittee was presented, and adopted on motion of Reeve Pahner and Reeve Littlejohn. The report of the Property ICbmmittee was presented, and adop- ted on motion of Deputy Reeve Hindley and 'Reeve Nelson. The report of the Elgin Manor Committee was ,Pll'esented and adopted on motion of Deputy [Reeve McMillan and Deputy Reeve MoQuiggan. The first report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion ot Reeve Williams and iReeve Alward. It was moved by Reeve Nelson that Mr. Caldwell, District En- gineer be now heard. Mr. Caldwell presented the 1955 Government approved Road expenditures for the COunty, and local municipalities. Moved by Reeve Mrs. McCarthy, Seconded hy Deputy Reeve Wells: 14 ElJGIN COUNTY COUNCIL '"' That we do not adjourn to meet at ;10 a.m. on Thursday, January 20th, 1955. -Carried. J. D. THOMSON, Olerk. PHILIP W. SOHiUEIHAUF, Warrien. ELGITN COUNTY COUNCIL 15 FIRST SESSION - TmRD DAY Thursday, the 20th day of .Janllal'Y, 1955 The Elgin County Council met this' day at the iCourt House, St. Thomas, in Mcordance with adjournment. The Warden 'in the Chair. All the members were present. The minutes of the previous day were read and corufirnied. It was moved by Reeve WilliamsOn that Mr. Wheeler from the Canadian National Institute for the Blind be now heard. l\I.Ir. Wheeler addressed the .cormeil on the work of the Blind In.stitute, and re- quested a grant for the work and the Building Fund. The Warden called on Mr. McDonald, Chairman of the United Welfare Services. Mr. McDonald,' Mr. Rodney, and Mr. Robert Bur- gess addressed the Council requesting their support in the campaign and in. the organization. Moved by Reeve Palmer that Mr. Thacker, Superintendent of the St. Thoma.sHE:I",oin General Hospital be :now heard. Mr. Thacker ad- dressed the !Council re 'Payment of drugS and extras for indigent patients. iMr. Jones, Business Manager also gave figures on hospital: costs. Mr. Claybourne Gordon, Weed Inspector, introduced ':Mr. Arm- strong, District Weed Inspector, who addressed the Council re Control of weeds by spraying in Middlesex, Lambton, iElgin, and Kent counties. Moved b.y Reeve 'CUlver, Seconded by Reeve Walker: That we do now adjourn to meet at :3:30 p.m. -0alTied. The Council resumed. 16 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL The report of the Road Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Littlejohn and Reeve Nelson. It was moved by ReE-ve Palmer that the Council go into a Com- mittee of the whole re Support for United welfare services Cam- paign. The Reeves and Deputy Reeves of all municipalities promised. to support the campaign and arrange for organizations to canvass their municipalities and Warden Schleihauf and ,Reeve WilliamSon were appointed to attend the meetings of .Campaign Committee. The second report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Williams and Reeve Culver. Reeve Liebner recommended that the clock in the Council Chamber be repaired, or a new electric clock be purchased. Moved by Reeve Mrs. McCarthy, Seconded by Deputy Reeve J. Wells: That we do now adjourn to meet on Friday, January 21st, at 10 a.m. ---.,Oarried. J. D. THOMSON. Clerk. PHIL]E> W. SCHiIJElHAUF, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 17 FIRST SESSION - FOURTH DAY Friday, the 21st day of .January, 1955 The Elgin County. Council met this day at the COurt House, St. Thomas, in accordance 'With adjournment. The Warden in the Ohair. All the members were present. The minutes of the previous day were read, and cOnfurned" It was moved by Reeve Palmer that the Council adjourn for one~haIf hour to allow the jAgricultural and Petitions and Legisla- tions Conunittee to meet. The Council resumed. The Agricultural Committee report was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Nelson and Reeve Marr. The Petitions and Legislations Committee Report was. presented and adopted 011 motion of Reeve Alward and Deputy Reeve Atkinson. Moved by Reeve Palmer, Seconded by Reeve Alward: That we request the Boards accept responsibility for payment of members who attend their meetings. -<Oani.ed.. Moved by Reeve Williamson, Seconded by Reeve Palmer: That the usual grant of $25.00 to the East and West Elgin Dis- trict Women's Institutes and $15.00' to each Institute sponsoring' Oratorical Contests be made. --Carried. 18 ELGIN COUNTY COUN!CIL Moved by Deputy Reeve McColl, Seconded by Reeve McGill: That By-Law No. 1658, "To Prohibit Parking on County Road No. 40AA. opposite Royal 'Canadian Air Foree Station," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by R,eeve McGill, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McColl: That Biy-Law No. 1658, be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve McGill, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McColl: That By-Law No. 1858, be read a third time, and rfinally p3$ed. ....,...carried. Moved by Reeve Liebner. Seconded by Reeve Littlejohn: That By-Law No. 1659, "To Authorize the Warden and Treasurer to Borrow the sum of Four Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars," ,be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Littlejohn, i8econded by Reeve Liebner: That By-La.w No. 1659, be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Liebner, Seconded by Deputy Reeve MoMillan: That By-Law No. 1659, be read a third time, and finally passed. -<Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McQuigg.an, Seconded by Reeve Nelson: ELGIN COUNTY COuNCIL 19 That By-Law No. 1660 being a BY-Law to Confirm BY-Law No. 1301, of the township of Bayham, being a By-[.raw to Stop Up and DIose, and Sell Certain 'streets in the Village of Straffordville in accordance with Registered Plan 2050, of the said Village of Strafford~ vIDe, be read a first time. Moved by Reeve Nelson, -Carried. Seconded by Reeve Wilson: That By-Law No. 1660, be read a second time. Moved by Reeve Barker, --Carried. Seconded by Deputy Reeve McQuigg an: That By-Law No" 1660, be read a third time, and ::finally passed. ..:..-CaITied. Moved by Reeve Palmer. Seconded by Deputy Reeve Hunter: That By-Law No. IJ6'61, '~To Annex Area to the Tillsonburg High School District, and to Amend By-Law No.' 1478, be read a first time. :--Carried. Moved by tReeve CUlver, Seconded by Reeve Walker: That By-Law No. 1661, be read a second time. Moved by Reeve Culver, -iCarried, Seconded by Reeve Palmer: Moved by Reeve Marr, That By-[,aw No. i,S61, be read a third time. and finally passed. ~ali'ied. Seconded by Deputy Reeve Hale: That By..;l,aw No. 1'662, "To Amend BYNLaw No. 100," be read a first time. .....Carried. 20 ElJGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Deputy Reeve Wells, Seconded by Reeve Marr; That By-iLaW No. 1662, be read a second time. -Carried Moved by Deputy Reeve Hale, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wells: That BY-ILaw No. 1662, be read a third time, and finally passed. __Carried. Moved by Reeve Williams, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Hindley: That By-Law No. 1663, being, "'A ,By~aw to Provide for the Total 1'955 Expenditure on the .Oounty Road System Established Un- der the Highway Improvement Act, and on lCb-unty l:a;ridges in the !County of Elgin:' be read a first time. -carried. , Moved by Deputy Reeve Hindley. Seconded by Reeye McCarthy: That BIy-!Law No. 1663, be re~d a second time. ----Carried. Moved by Reeve McCarthy, Seconded by Reeve Williams: That By-Law No. 1663, be read a third time, and finally passed. ----Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson, Seconded by .Reeve Barker: That By--Law No. 1664, "To Appoint a Board of Audit in the County of Elgin for the year, 1955," be read ,8. rfirst time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McQuigg,an, Seconded by Reeve Alward: ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 21 That By~[.aw No. 1664, be read. a Second time. Moved 'by Deputy Reeve Atkinson, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McQuiggan: -Carried. Moved hy Reeve Alward. That By-Law No. 1664, be read a third time, and finally passed. -Can-ied. SecondedDY Deputy Reeve E. E. Atkinson: That By-iLaw No. 1665, to "Appoint ,a CoWlty Road Committee" be read a first time. Moved by Deputy Reeve Atkinson, Seconded 'by Reeve Alward: -Carried. That By-Law No. 1665, be read a second time. Moved by Reeve Williamson, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Atkinson: --.;Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Atkinson, That lBy...Law No. 1665, be read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. Seconded by Reeve Culver: That we approve of recommendation to charge pension super- annuation. payment of Registry Office over a two year period from fees of office. -.,Carried. Reeve Liebner moved that Mr. Harvey MilIer :be now heard. l\I.fr, Miller addressed the COuncil expressing appreciation on the election of the Warden, and of the very fine qualifications the Warden has, for the office of Warden of Elgin County. The Warden appointed the following delegates to attend the following Conventions: 22 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL _0 Ontario Good Roads Convention:.....;.. McColl, McGill, Liebner, Littlejohn, Palmer, IAtkinson, iMcQuig- gan, Nelson, Wilson, Barker, HiIidley, Hale, and Marr. Educational IConvention:- Hunter, Warden, and the Clerk. Municipal Con:vention:- Walker, Oulver, Williams, Alward, Warden, and the Clerk. Moved by Reeve Palmer, ,Seconded by Reeve Williamson: That we do now adjourn to meet on Tuesday, March 22nd' a,t 10 a.m. -Carried. J. D. THOMSON. ,Olerk. PHILIP W. Scm,EIHAUF; Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 23 SECOND SESSION- FmST DAY Tuesday, the 22nd Day of March. '1955 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House;' St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The -Warden in the Ohair; All the: members were present. The Warden addressed the' Council WARDEN'S ADDRESS To' the Members of the Elgin County Council, :Mrs. MiCCarthy and 'Gentlemen: I am very happy. to'ha,ve the privilege of welcommg you all t.o -"the Second Session of -119'55, 'lElgin 'County Council.- After attending various nieetingsandpartaking' of the hospitality of the numerous groups, I have become-more 'Conscious of the -great pdvilege it is to serve as Warden of this fine county. In my' opinion, the most noteworthy event 'which has taken pla;ce in recent weekB was 'the Elgin County Seed Fair -arid 'B'd.coIi Competition. 'Reeve Cyril Williams and his committee are to Ibe commended on the fine contribution this annual event makes to the improvement of the Seedahd Bacon which is produced in our 'county. It was most gra.tifying to rile that a new Canadian was named premier exhibitor at this' show held in a c'ounty where; our immigrants are making such a contributjon to -both our economy and society arid I'- trust that his -achievements shall provide even greater incentive to these fine hew citizens 'who now form such a large 'portion of Our population. Bince we last met in Ja:c.uary the various committees of Council have been organiZed and formulated plans for the preseJ?t year. ':I:'he Elgin Manor Committee has approved of improvements' to our County 24 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Home which, when completed will malfe this building .comparable to most such institutions in our :province. An agreement has also been reached with the City of St Thomas whereby Elgin County will ;provide residence at Elgin MSEor for certain elderly citizens of the city. This agreement only awaits the approval of Council and I feel that we .should not hesitate to enter into such an agreement as it should prove beneficial to both participating municipalities. We are very pleased that our representative to st. Thoma~E1gin General Hospital Board, Reeve Kenneth Williamson of Aylmer has been appointed Chairman of this Board, and I am quite confident that his leadership coUjpled with the keen interest and sense of responsibility displayed by the new members of the Board shall pro- vide . no lesseming of the efficiency in the operation of this very important institution. Many of the members of this ICOuncil attending recent Conven- ,tions,_ heard the new Ontario Minister of Highways emphasize the need for safety on all our Ontario roads, also, the value of the establishment of a permanent type of road system wit..'1in our muni- cip~,lities. Your iRoad ICommittee has already instructed l\1f. Fred Bell, Elgin County Road Engineer, to prepare a by-law designating all .county Road in Elgin as -through roads. This act will necessitate the erection of stop signs at all intersections and should prove a safety measure within our county. A tour of the county road system has just been completed by the Road Committee, and I am happy to report that the condition of our county roads at the present time is very good, and I commend the men responsible for the mainten:- ance of these roads in recent years. The members of your noad Committee are at -present giVing every consideration to the construction program to be carried out this year, and within a few days will have formulated plans for the improve- ment of our county road system. I again wish to emphasize on you all the importance of establishing a continuity in the permanent road ~ystem within our county and making all the construction work of a permanent nature which shall prove adequate to fulfill all the future increasLTlg dema.nds of transportation. The equalization committee will have the responsibility at this Session of establishing the 1955 Assessment throughout the county ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 2S and at a time -when the burden on real estate was never greater. 11'; may not be so important to arrive at the proper level of totala:s~ .sessment but it is very imp?rtant that the assessment of all com. parable property be estaJblished at .the same level which..willconse- quently create an equalia:Ztion of taxation burden on all reaL estate throughout the county. Elgin CountYOl?uncil. will be required at this Session to approve of the budget for the present year, and the ever increasing costs 01 municipal government will necessitate the most careful scrutiny being given to every item of expendituxe that our County mill rate may be estwblished at as Iowa level as possible for certainly the presenii economic condition of our county -does not warrant any rise in taxation. In closing I wish to impress on this entire Co~nci1 the fa<:t that committee reports are only rt'Conunendationsand" you should all feel free to make . any observations or enquiries relative to matters dealt with in reports for it is my opinion that to discuss freely. all prOblems of Council will create the greatest interest and consequent results in our municipal government. The minutes of the last day of the January Session were read. and confirmed. The -following Communications were read. and referred to theIr various Committees: COMMUNICATIONS From the relatives of the late B. B. Graham, with appreciation of flowers.-Filed. From J. C. Steckley, Director of the Ridgetown Agrtcultural School with appreciation of scholarshiprs.-Filed. iFrom.. Mrs. Steele Sifton, Principal of Alma College with appreCl- 6tion of grant.~Filed. 26 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL . From Allen stewart, Treasurer of the Ontario Conservation .A$- sociation with appreciation of grant.-Filed. Froin R. B. Willis, Compt.roller, Univerity of Western Ontario with :appreciation of grants and scholarship.-Filed. From R. L. Hearn. and Honourable F. S. Thomas, with acknOlW~ ..ledgment of resolution re hydro, and report of Hydro Oorrunsision. ~ed. From 'Honourable F. ,8. Thomas, and W. A. Goodiellow re a<:_ knowledgment - of resolution regarding child welfare _ act.---.Filed. From the Salvation Army re grant.---iFiled. From C. F. iOannon, Deputy lVIinister - of Education with approval of By-[raw No. 1661, ,annexing area to the Tillsonbur:g High School District.-Filed. From the united Counties of stormont, Dundas, and Glengarry, protesting the importation of dairy products into Ganada.-Referred to the _ Agriculture Committee. From the County of Garleton with resolution recommending 00% subsidy for rock ex~~vation.-Referred to..the Road Colnmittee; From the County of Simcoe requesting the Province to pay a larger share of the cost of wards of the rQhildren's Aid Societies, and payment be made to the County.-Referred to the Finance Committee. iFrom the County of Oxford protesting the importation of dairy products.---Referred to the Agriculture Committee. From the County of Waterloo requesting Provincial sUlbsidy or 80% for. hard surfacing of roads.---lReferred to the Road Committee. From the County of Huron requesting the Ontario government to contribute a. portion of the cost of indigent patients in hospital. _ Referred to the Finance Committee. ELrnN COUNTY COUNCIL 27 From Miss Helen Allison, Secretary of Scholarship Committee of the University of Western Ontario re 1956 Schol.al'ship.----iReferred to the Finance Committee. From the County of WE:ntworth requesting amendment to the Gasoline Handling Act.-RefCTl'ed to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. From the County of Grey with resoluticn. protesting the importa- tion of dairy products and requesting the e_~ualization of hydro ratea- in rural area.s.-Referred to the AgrIcultural GOIlIUl1ittee. From the Township of Waterloo requesting amendment to the Assessment Act, and the GemeterIes .Act.-Referred to the Petitions :and Legislations Conunittee. From the Bobier Nursing Home with account; for. -indigents. --'- Referred to the Finance Comntittee. From Haines and Tisda.ll re:.!uesting consent to annexation of lands to the Town of Aylmer.-iReferred to the Petitions and: Legis~ lations Committee. From H. A. Ostrander and Son, Tillsonburg, with ambulance cl1arges.~Referred to the Finance Ccmmittee. It was moved by Reeve Littlejohn that Dr. Hoffman, Medical Officer of the Elgin-st. Thow..as Health Unit be now heard. Dr. Hoffman addressed the Council, and presented a report on the work of the Unit during 19'54; a.nd of the polio v,accine treatment to be given soon in. Elgin !County. Moved by Reeve Walker that Rev. Mr. ParSons of the Dutton ~brary Board be now heard. Mr. Parsons addressed the Council re new quarters for the Dutton Library _and -requested a grant. ~is matter was referred to the Finance Committee. Moved by Reeve Littlejohn, Seconded by Reeve Liebner: That we do now adjourn to meet at 3 :30 p.m. -Carried 28 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL - The ,conneil resumed. The first report of the Finance Committee was presented, and adopted on motion of Reeve Williams, and Reeve Culver. The repo~ of the Equalization Committee was :presented ana adopted on motion of Reeve Wilson, and :Reeve Alwa,rd. Moved by Deputy Reeve McIvIillan, Seconded .by Reeve A Littlejohn: That we do now adjourn to meet at 10 a.m., on Wednesday, March 23rd. -Carried J. D. THOMSON. Clerk. PHILIP W. SOHLEIHAUF, Warnen. SECOND SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 23rd day of March, 1955 The Elgin County Council met this day at the .p'ourt House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Ohair. All the members were present, except Reeve Alward. A communication from the Dept. of Municipal Affah's 1'e pay of Council members was read, and referred to the Finance Conunittee. The second report o-f the Finance COmmittee was pTesented, and adopted by Reeve Williams, and Reeve Marr. The report of the Agricultural Oommittee was adopted, on motion of Reeve Nelson and :Reeve LittI~ohI:i. ElJGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 29 The third report of the Finance Committee was presented, and adopted on motion of iReeve Williams and Reeve Culver. Moved by Reeve Littlejohn, Seconded by Reeve Culver: That By-Law be ;presented to revert portions of County Road No. 36, in the Township of Yarmouth, and portion of .county Road No. 46, in the Township of LBayham to the local municipalities. ----'Carried. Moved by Reeve Palmer, Seconded by Reeve Williamson: That the Warden and Clerk be authorized to sign deed to convey two small parts of Lot 4, Concession 4, in the Township of Yarmouth, to Irvine Roy 'Coombs and Agnes Davidson respectively. These lands were a.cquired 'by the County of Elgin.before the London and Port Stanley Gravel Road was assumed by the Department of Highways. The parcels are now of no use to the County of Elgin, and since the Highway has been rerouted, the lands are not used by the Department. -Carried. Moved by Reeve lLiebner, Seconded by Reeve Culver: That the Elgin County Council concur with the action taken by the meeting of municipal representatives from municipalities served by the Dominion Natural Gas Co., held in Brantfordon Tuesday, :March 15th, 195'5, in which it was decided that in the matter of the Fuel Board Act, being Chapter 63 of the iP...evlsed Stf:1.tutes of Ontario, 1954, and in the matter of the a.pp'i-cation of the Dominion Natural Gas 00. L.td., for an order altering c-ertain rates to he charged to certain reta-il and wholesale customers in all municipalities served by the Company in the counties of Brant, EJgin, Essex, Haldimand, Kent, Lincoln, Middlesex, Norfolk, Oxford, Waterloo, WeIland, and Wentworth, between the Dominion Natural Gas Co. Ltd.. applicant, and the Township of Aldborough, and all other municipalities and companies, whose names are set out in Appendix A, -of the applica- tion, respondents, 3() ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL "That this Council of the !County of Elgin opposes this applica- tion insofar as it 1)roposes to add 2'lc to the present basic rate on the grounds- (a) That the circumstances (if any) which justified any addition to the present basic rate by way of a supplemental or additional rate no longer exist. (b) Such other or further grounds as may be made available to present at the bearing of this application if, or, when a hearing may !be held. That copies be sent to E. J. Campbell, Secretary, Special Gas Committee, Clerk'..soffice, Brant:I:J.ord"; Blake, OaiSSels, Giraydon, 25 King St. "\-Vest, Toronto, Solicitors for the Dominion Natur,al Gas Co. Ltd", and to the Fuel Board. -'Carried. Moved by Reeve Nelson, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McQuiggan: That the Elgin Oounty Council request the Ontario Department of Municipal Affairs to make a spot check on assessments in Elgin County, and report to this Council on same. -Can-ied. Warden Schleihauf welcomed Miss' Joyce IStenecki of North West- tern University, Evanston, illinois, to Council. Moved by Reeve Littlejohn, Seconded by Reeve Liebner: That we do now adjourn to meet at 2 :'30 p.m. -Carried. The Council resumed, The report of the Elgin Manor Committee was presented, and ,adopted, on motion of Deputy Reeve McMillan, and Reputy Reeve IvIcQuiggan. The report of the Petitions and Legislations Committee was pre- sented and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Hale and Reeve Wilson. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 31 The Property Committee report was presented, and on motion of Reeve Nelson the O'ouncll went into a Committee of the whole with Reeve McCarthy in the Chair. ,After considerable discussion and amendment of IClause 6, the report was adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Hindley, and Reeve lLiebner. Moved by Reeve Palmer, Seconded by Reeve Williamson: That the usual grants be paid to the Horticultural and Agricul- tural Societies on the same ibasis as last year. ---Carried. Moved by Reeve Williamson, Seconded by Deputy !Reeve Atkinson: That By4aw No. 1666, <<To confirm the Equalization of the As- sessment Rolls .of the County of Elgin, for the year, 19'55, be read a first time. -Carried Moved by Reeve Palmer, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Hunter: That By-Law No. 1666, be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McQuiggan, Seconded by Reeve Nelson: That By..-Law No. 1666, be read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Williams, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Hindley: That By-Law No. W67, <<To Raise Amount for County Rates, During the Yea,!", 19M," be read a first time. ----<Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Hale, Seconded by Reeve Marl': , 32 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL That By-Law No. 1:667, be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve James Hindley, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Hale: That By-Law No. 16.67, be read a third time, and finally :passed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve ILittlejohn, Seconded by Reeve Liebner: That By-:-Law No. 11668, being a by-law to amend the By-Law adopting a Plan of County iRoad Improvement and !Establishing a ,county Road System in the County of Elgin under the "Highway Im- provement Act," .be read a first time. ---<Carried. Moved by Reeve 1Liebner, Seconded by Reeve Littlejohn: That By-\La.w No. 1:668, be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Culver, ,seconded by Reeve Walker; That By-Law No. 1668. be read a third time, and finally passed. ---<Carried. Warden Schleihauf made enquiries re United Welfare Oampa.ig:;:... Moved by Reeve lLiebner; Seconded by Reeve A. Littlejohn: That we do now adjourn to meet on Tuesday. June 14th, 1953, at ten a.m. --+Carried. J. D THOMSON, Clerk. P. W. SCHLElHAUF. Warden. ELGilN COUNTY COUNCIL 33 TRIRD SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesda.y, the 14th da.y of .June, 1955 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, st. Thomas, in accordance with a!ijourmnent. The Warden in the Chair. All. the members were present, The Warden addressed the Council. WARDEN'S ADDRESS To. the Members. of the Elgin County Council, Mrs. McCarthy and Gentlemen: I am happy to' welcome you all to the third Session of Elgin County Council, which brings us to the half way mark iJ;l Qur present. term of office, and I trust that 'L955 has so far been as gratifying to one and all of you as it has .been to me. We have in iE1gin County experienced very favourable weather conditions during the past Sij;Jifing enabling persons employed in. agriculture to complete most seeding operations on schedule and as a result the crops in our County are very well advanced for this early -date. All construction work in the County which this year appears to be at a very high "level is progressing rapidly and has along with seasonal agricultural la!bour v.lrnost eliminated lany unemployment problems in our County. The assessment in the various municipalities throughout the County received careful consideration yooently when local assessment< officers, Eliccompanied by our very efficient Clerk-Treasurer toured the County and examined and cOma;:lared numerous properties in an en- deavour to arrive at a continuity of equalization of the entire assess- ment ili Elgin C-ounty~ r."Cornmend these men for their efforts, and " 34 'ElIJGlN OOUNTY OOUNOIL I trust this trip ~all prove_ heneficial for it is only through the un- prejudiced and broad -minded efforts of our local assessors that th€l ratepayers in Elgin. ca~ be saved the. extra _. ~ense of a modem county assessing system.- It will be interestihgto compare - our looal assessment with the spot assessment by the assessment officer of the Ontario Departrhent of Municipal Affairs which was requested hy us' at our March Session, but which has not as yet been received; The various Committees of County Council are well advanced with 'hoth improvements and expenditures planned for the year. Our Road Department have completed all the road re-surfacing :work- :requested. Iby the urban municlpalll:-J.cs in the C'ounty, and after considerable constructional preparation on County roads they are at present pre- :paring for the immediate start of the hard-surfacing program for the present year, The E:1gin J.\.1anor Oommittee have made many improvements at our county residence for elderly persons and om" institution has been inspected bY a representative ,of the Department of Public Welfare and although we have not as yet received an official report, our officials were the recipient of many complimentary com- ments. The agreement with the City of St. Thomas has-been respon- sible for an increase in the number of citizens residing at iElgin Manor, but although the number o! residents is greater than it has been for years, there is still ample accommodation for further ~ncr.i>ase. ,The ,Property 'Committee has" con~inued the redecorating 'ariC!-"inlprovement"progrl;rm,'~ the Co~nty Jail, and Court House. and ~re.'to b~:;col11lIlend.ed on_maintaini,nK the surroundings, in keeping with the dignity of the build!ng. The financi,al -stat.ement which will ': he presented at this Session '9Y our Olerk-Tr~as:urer will ind,icate th~t our, e~~nditures to date are> ~xc~edin!5 preVious years partially due to earlier payments of certain ~rantS' alld, an e~ly; 'completion, of many proJects authorized by var- !OUS {)ommittees. ~owever, , if \ve are to complete the year without a ~eficit it'will .benee-essary tO,give very serious consideration to all :(utu,re expend~tur~~ to ascertatn that they are of a judiciq-us: nature. The Women's Institutes throughout the County a.re making a commendable a~temp't,to establish a. ,County and City Museum" for, ~t b my opinion, j;hat if our, iCountyis to attain a place in our coun- try which ip is. dese..~...ng of, we must never ~lesitate _ to speak with rpl"~de of the many hist'opc~ eventsconne-<;-ted with our :County and the diSplayiIig. .0[- .:pumerous historical articles connected with our ~ncestry wiIl" In no small 'manner assist in perpetuating the greali ELGIIN COUNTY COUNCIL 35 -traditions' which we have inherited. I feel that this project is worthy of the co-operation of the entire County. The ,19ity of London, a neighboUling municipality of ours, is celebrating its [Centennial anniversary and to Our neighJbours go, our congratulations of one hundred years of progress experienced by this fine -city, and we extend to them our very best wishes for every suc- cess in the future. The minutes of the l,ast day of the March Session were read and confinned. It was moved by Reeve Littlejohn that Mrs. Dorothy F'utcher. of Elgin GOLmty Women's Institutes !be now heard, Mrs. Futcher ad- dressed the 'Council re the p['oject of the Elgin Gounty Pioneer Museum, and requested an annual grant for maintenance. This matter was re- f.erred to the Finance Oommittee. The following communications were read and referred to their 'i,.-arious Committees: COMMUNfCA TIONS June Session, 1955 From Miss Janet McMillan with appreciation for Elgin County g.cholarshipS: of 19'53, and :1955.-----Filed. From W. C. Miller, City Engineer re Parking.-Filed. From the Municipal Clerks' and FiD.ance Officers' Association re Membership Fee.-Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Ontario Municipal Board re Annexation to the TOWIl of Aylmer.-Filed. From the County of GTey re Additional charge on hunters' licen- ses.-----Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the Oounty 'of Grey re Cost of education.-Referred to the Education Committee. " 36 EL-am COUNTY COUNCIL FTom the County of Grey re !Payment of Profits from Sherrifff:J office to County.-Referred to the F'inance !Committee. From the Ontario Municipal Association - re Annual Convention. ---<Filed. From - the University of Western Ontario re Visit to the University; -Filed. From the Department of Municipal Mfairs re spot assessment in Elgin Gounty.-Reierred to the 'Finance Committee. From the 'County of Lincoln re National Health '8cheme.-Referre$i to the Finance Oommittee. From the HonouraJble F. S. Thomas re [pa~ent of grants to Homes for the Aged,,-Filed. FTomMr. E. O. Reid.IClerk of the City of st. Thomas re Parking. -Filed. From the University of Western Ontario re Scholarship.~iled. From the Board of Trustees ISchool Area No. I, Township of Dunwich; with an appeal re rChange of Boundaries. - Referred to Education- Committee. FTom the County of Lambton re Salary of Shorthand writer fOI" the ,Oourt.---4Referred. to the Finance committee. From the Department of Agriculture 1'e Fund for Payment ot rewards 011 conviction of cattle thieves.-'-Referred to the ;Ag1'iculture Conunittee. From the Water Resources Oommittee of South Western Ontario re appointment of representative. --.:. Referred to the Agriculture Committee. The Treasurer's report was presented, and on motion of Reeve Nelson and. Reeve Palmer, the report wa.s accepted, and' ordered printed in the Proceedings. ELGIN COUNTY \COUNCIL 37 Moved by Reeve Liebnet, Seconded by Reeve !Littlejohn: That we do now adj,ourn to meet -at 1 :30 p.m. The Council resumed. -Carried. The first r€iPort of the Finance Committee was presented, and adopted on motion of Reeve Williams and Eeeve Palmer. The report of the Education Committee was presented. and adopted on motion of Reeve Palmer, and Deputy' Reeve McMillan. Moved- by Reeve Williams, Seconded by Deputy Reeve J. ie. Hindley: That we do now adjourn to meet 'at ten o'clock on Wednesday morning, June 15th. ---Carried. J. D. THOMSON, County Olerk PHILIP"W. SCHLE1HAUF, Warden. , 38 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL THIRD SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 15th day of June, 1955 ~e Elgin County. Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members were present except [Reeve Palmer. The minutes of the previous day were read and confirmed. The report of the Grand Jury was .presented, and referred to the Property and :Elgin Manor :Committees. It was m-oved hy Reeve C. CUlver that !Mr. D. Richards from the Frank Cowan Insurance COID!Pany be now' heard. Mr. Richards ex- plained the insurance policies due for renewaL Moved by Reeve Williams that :M:r. A. V. Langton, Agricultural representative- be now heard. Mr. !Langton addressed the Council on agricultural conditions of the County. The second report of the Flinance Committee was presented. ana adopted on motion of Reeve Williams and Reeve GUlver. Moved by Reeve ILiebner, Seconded by Reeve Littlejohn: That this Council renew -Compensation Pol1cy No. 1475, Council- lor's Policy No" <1112140, !Fleet (Policy No. 003i509,and the changes as noted to comprehensive Liability Endorsement forming part 'Of, and attached to Policy No. 7150322, with the Frank Cowan [nsurance Co. -:Carried. Moved by Reeve Culver. Seconded by Re~e Littlejohn: That By--Law No. 1668 be re-enacted, and by-laws be :presented to establish County Roads as Through Highways, and to 1prohibi'\. parking on portion of County Road No. 20, in the Village of Shedden. ---<Carried. = COUNTY COUNlOIL 39 Moved -by Deputy Reeve Hale, Seconded ,by Reeve Marr: That we do now adjourn to meet at '1:30 p.m. -Carried. The Council resumed. The 'report of the El'Lgin Manor Committee 'Was presented, and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve McMillan, .and Reeve Liebner. The report of the Agrioulture OOmmittee was presented, and adopted on motion of Reeve Nelson and Reeve Wilson. The Property Committee Report was presented and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Hindley and Reeve Liebner. Moveg: by Deputy Reeve M. LB. McColl, Seconded by Reeve MoGill: That B'y~L~w 1668, "A By-Law to Amend the By-Law Adopting a Plan of County [Road Improvement and Establishing a ,county Road System in the County of Elgin Under the Highway Improvement Act," be read a first time. Moved by Reeve Liebner, Seconded -by Deputy Reeve A. O. McMillan: That By-Law No. 1668, be read a second time. --Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve A. O. McMillan, Seconded by Reeve Littlejohn: That By-J..aw No. 1668, be read a third time, and finally passed. --Carried. Moved by Reeve C. M. Williams, Seccnded by Deputy Reeve J. C. Hindley; < 4G ,j'IDGIN COUNTY COUNCIL That By-[.Jaw No. 1669, "A By-Law of the County of Elgin Desig,;. nating Through Highways," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve J. O. Hindley. Seconded by Reeve Barker: That lBy-lLaw No. 1669, be read a second time. --Carried. l\iIo'ved.. by Reeve Wilson, Seconded by Reeve Williams: That By-<<..taw No. 16'69, be read a third time, and finally passed. ---Carried. Moved by Reeve Culver, Seconded by Reeve' Littlejohn: That By-Law No. 1670, "To !ProhibitlParking on ICounty Roac;:l No. 20, in the Village of Shedden," !be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by ,Reeve Littlejohn, Seconded by Reeve Culver: That By.;.[,aiW No. 1]670, be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Culver, Seconded by Reeve Littlejohn: That By-Law No. 1670, be read a third time, and finally passed. ---<Carried. MO'Ved by Reeve Littlejohn, Seconded by Reeve Liebner: That we do now adjourn to meet on Tuesday, September 20th, at ten a.m. -Carried. J. D. THOMISON. Clerk. PHILIP W. SCH!L!E:IHAUiF', Wa],"den. EDam COUNTY OOUNCIL . 41 FOURTH SESSION - FIRST DAY ,Tuesday, the 20th. day of September, 1955 The Elgin County .council met this day at the Court House, st. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the' Chair. All the members were present, except Deputy Reeve McQuiggan. The Warden addressed the iOouncil. WARDEN'S ADDREJSS To the Members - of the Elgin County Council; Mrs. MClCarthy - and Gentlemen: With the commencement of the 1955 autumn season very near and having reached the end of a very warm, but delightful summer, we,the representatives of our respective muilicipaJities once again meet _ to deliberate the - problems, and as a consequenrce enact legisla- tion and formulate policies in the best interests of our entire County, and I extend to one and all of you a welcome - to this Fourth Session of the 1955 E100in IOounty !Council. Since our last Session of rOouncil the entire county has experienced a period in which the rainfall was far below normal creating a t:kought condition whiCh retarded the growth of many of our agricultural crops. However. the fanners in our county this year. will receive an average yield from most crops, this due mainly to the ,better agricul- tural practices employed by the farmers iniElgin. The use of irrl.. gation on some of the more specialized craps a comparatively new practice which is hampered by the la-ek of adequate water sU[Jply in many cases, has had a two-fold value in the increased growth 01 plants ,and in the hastening of maturity,T:hiswas firmly impressed in, our minds a short time, ago when we viewed many fields of toba:cco which due to lack of adeq:uate rainfall in the gl'owingseason were ~ 42 ELGilN COUl\'TY COUNillL very la.te in maturing~These. fields were ahnost a complete loss due to t..~e killing frost of September 8th. This loss will ,be felt through- out the entir,e county as it. will decrease the revenue to residents of Elgin by several million dollars. At the present time th~re is every indication that the water -supply problem in Elgin is becoming more acute with increased domestic use and the growing demands ()f industry and now the very great demand in agriculture for use as a substitution for rainfall. This may prove _ to b-e a medium of great potential for increasing the yields of our farm crQps. 'With tliese facts in mind we would be well advised to f-allow the leadershilp of some of our neighbouring counties and give some consideration to the establishment of a joirit urban and rural committee to study the source of water supply and subsequent use of same. In my OpInIOn numerous water supply problems will arise in the future which win affect the Oity of st. Thomas and both the urban and rural municipalities in: our Oount,y which could be more easily solved through a concexted co-oper.ative effort and by the same token greater advantage could be taken of the advantageous geographlcal position of our County and City in relationship to the tentative plans of the Ontario Goverrnnent for a ISouthwestern Ontario water SUiPply. The warm dry weather of the past summer greatly assisted the .County ~oad Department in .laying hard surface on county roaW.. As a result the hard surfacing program for the year of appro:xima,tely :12 miles, was -completed at a much earlier date than usual. Although the continued program of building a permanent type- road in our County has greatly alle'\ia,ted the maintenance of gravel surfaced roads, there continues to be a, problem to maintain a smooth surface on these roads in the summer months. Consequently I feel that ,:"yery attempt should be made to hard surface all heavily travelled county roads as SOOllas possible. At the present the iCountyRoad Department are employed in ,the .Gonstrclction and repair of several bricl,cres and -also the -commence- ment o.f grading operations 'On roads in preparation for subsequent haJ.'d surfacing. All other committees 'Of Council have completed or are in the process of. completing all c~ital expenditures for the year. ana I am happy to report have kept reasonably well within budget appropriation. ELGJ:N COUNTY COUNCIL 4J At the :present time there are more persons residing at Elgin Manor than at any time during recent years. The present accomo- dations for male residents are colll/Pletely filled. However, by making a few .alterations it will not he necessary to refuse residence to any persons in the need of the facilities of our fine Institution. We oove received a very fine report from the Ontario Department of Welfare indicating that the operations of our home for the aged compare quite favourably with any -comparruble institution in the Province. In closing, I wish to e>@ress a word of appreciation to a young man who came to our County a few short years ago, and who through his. abilitr and aggressiveness became known and greatly appreciated by all of us. His leadership will be missed in all lines of a;griculture and especially among the Junior Farmers in the County. I extend a hearty congratulation to Mr. 1000m Clark, former assistant Agricul- tural R.epresentative and best wi.shes for every -success in the futUre. The minutes O'f the 'loot day af the June Sessian were read and confirmed. The following communications were read, and referred to their various Committees: COMMUNICATIONS September Session, 1955 From the Canadian Wood Products Ltd., re Sale of Timber.- Referred to the Agriculture Committee. From the County of Middlesex re Filing Income Tax Return. _ Referred to the A.,o-riculture COmmittee. From the Grand Jury with report. - Referred to the Property Committee. From the st. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital re indigent patients. -Referred to the Finance Committee. 44 (EJLGIN COUNTY ,COUNCIL From the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital re indigent patient.-Referred to the Finance Committee. From the St. Thomas-!E1.gin General Hospital with Financial statement.-IReferred to the Finance Committee. ,From the Ontario Municipal Board re Notice of annexation to the Town of Ayhner:.-Filed. From the University of Western Ontario with appTeciation.-Filed. From the County of Waterloo with resolution re reward for fox hunters>-Referred to the AgricUlture Committee. From the County of Oxford re .Control of Weeds.-Refel'1'ed to the ,Agriculture Committee. From the County of Lambton re painting of hox cars.-Referred to the Agriculture Committee. !From the University of Western Ontario with appreciation of County Scholarship.-Filed. }oTom James A. McBain, M.P., with resoluticn re control of lam- prey, and restoration of the fishing industry in the Great Lakes.- Referred to the Finance Committee. Moved by Reeve iLiebner, Seconded Iby Reeve Littlejohn: That we do now adjourn to meet at 2 p.m. -----Carried. The Council resumed. The first report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted, on motion of Reeve Williams and Reeve ICulver. The report of the Agricultural Committee was. presented. and adopted on motion of Reeve Nelson and Reeve Marr. EUGIN COUNTY OOUNCll, 45 The Property Committee report was presented and. adopted. on motion of Deputy :Reeve Hindley, and Deputy Reeve Hunter. - The .second report of the Finance COmmittee was presented and adopted, on motion of Reeve Williams and Reeve Culver. Moved by Mrs. V. MoCarthy, Seconded by H. O. Alward: Be it resolved that the Federal Government be urged to increase their estimates for 1956,. to make every effort to stamp. out the lam- prey and restore the fishing industry in these lakes; ;:and that the Federal Government he further urged to take any other action nec- essary to rehabilitate the fishing industry in Lake Huron and !Lake Erie. -oarried. Moved by H. O. Alward, Seconded by W. D. Nelson: That the Elgin COunty Council petition the Provincial Department of Highiways,to extend No. ,19 Highway from the intersection of No. 19 Highway and Robinson ,street in the Village of Port Burwell via iOounty Road No. 42 to the southerly extremity of Ohatham Street in the said Village, and that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Honour8Jble F. S. Thomas, Minister of Agriculture, M.L.A. for Elgin. -carried. The Elgin County IOouncil unanimously aaJproved of a tour of the County Roads on October :1,8th and 21st. Reeve Nelson and Reeve Liebner gave verbal reports on the meet- ing of the Water Resources at Waterloo, on water problems in the municipalities. It was moved by Reeve 1000ver, and seconded by Deputy Reeve Mclv!illan that Reeve Nelson continue to represent Elgin County at Water Resources meetings, and the Warden and Reeve !Palmer attend a. meeting with the City of st. Thomas committee when date is ar- ranged 46 ELGUN COUNTY COUNcIL '~The. Council. appt6Yed the, bringing of a Junior guest by each councill6i. on -th~ first '&y{)f 'the November \SeSsion. "Moved-by-Deputy Reeve.J~ M.Hale, Seconded by Reeve Marr: That we do now adjourn to meet 'on 'Thiesday, November 22nd, at ten a.m. -iCarried. J. D. '!'HOMSON, County Clerk PHILIP W. SCHLEIHAUF, Warden :ElI;G[N iCOUNTYCOUNC1!L 47 lmPORTOF SPECIAL COMMITTEE . TO STRIKE THE STANDING COMMITTEES The following is the report of the Special Oonunittee_ to strike 'TO the "Warden, and Members 1?f tp.eElgin County Council; the standing coounittees for the year, 1955: AdiniDisti'atioil "of~ustice: - Judge McMillan. J. Wells, arid the Treasurer. Agricultural: Littlejohn, CUlver, Willia1i1S~ Matt~- Nels6ri~ 'Wilson, and Warden Schleihauf. County Roads: Littlejohn, CUlver, Williams, Nelson, Wilson, and Warden SChleihauf. Advisory Committee: Marr and Alward. Elgin Manor: Palmer, McMillan, McQuiggan, and Warden SchleihaUf. Children's Aid: Atkinson, and Warden Schleihauf. Education: McColl, McMillan, Hunter, Hindley, Hale. gan, Atkinson, Palmer, Alward, Barker, Wells, Walker, Liebner, and Warden Schleihauf. McQuig- McGill, Equalization: Littlejohn, Culver, Williams, Marr, Nelson, Wilson, Liebner, McGill, Walker, MDCarthy, Williamson, Barker, Palmer, AI~ ward, and Warden Schleihauf. Finance: Littlejohn, ICUlver, Williams, Marr, Nelson, Wilson. Liebner, McGill, Walker, McCarthy. Williamson, Barker, Palmer, IAl- ward, and Warden SChleihauf. Health Unit: Mm. McCarthy, Walker. Hospital: Williamson, and Warden Schleihauf. Legal: McColl. Wilson, Mrs. McCarthy, and Warden SChleihauf. .46 J!lUGIN COUNTY COUNClL Library Board: Hale, Barker, McGill, and Warden Schleihauf. Property: Hindley. Liebner, Hunter, and Warden Schleihauf. Petitions and Legislations: Alward, McColl, Williamson, Nelson, Wells, Hales, and Warden Schleihauf. Reception and Entertainment: Palmer, Marr, Williamson, Culver, - and. 'Warden Schleihauf. IAIl of which is respectfully submitted. January Session, 1955 HOWARD PALMER, Chairman. ELGIN OOUNTY COUNC1!L 49 AGRIOULTURAL COMMITTEE Janua.ItY Session, 1955 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council: The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That a grant of $2.00Q:.OO be made to the local Agricultural office. 2. That the acCount of Lyall Tait, Elgin County Tree Commissioner for $11:02.61 be paid. 3. That the membership fee of $50.00 in the Ontario IAgricultural Council he paid, and that Reeve Nelson and Warden Schleihauf at- tend the Convention. 4. That the usual grant of ~5..oo to the Ontario Conservation Association be paid. 5. That Mr. Claybourne Gordon, and Mr. Lyall Tait be Tree Oom- missioners for the year, 1955. 6. That we endorse the resolution from the County of Oxford re Meters on trucks delivering gasoline and fuel oil to farmers. All of which is respectfully submitted. WALTElR D. N!ElLSON, Chairman. 50 ELGilN .ICOUNTY COUNCIIL FINANmAL STATEMENT ELGIN AGRIOULTURAL COMMITTEE .JanuarY 12, 1954 R .Jatiuary 14, 1955 Receipt~ Actual lBalance, January 1'2. 1954 ~gin_County 9ou~cil-. ......-..+_ ,.w Balance from Sale of 4-H Pins, Crests" Refund Horse Show Tickets, Royal Winter Fair- 36 (cross entry) ..$ 158 75 ... 2000 00 ill 90 90 00 TOTAL RECEIPTS $2268 65 Expenses Breed Shows Holstein Black and White :Show, Aylmer Jersey.Parish ,Show, Aylmer ....... Ayrshire Show, lA.ylmer Beef Cattle Show, Wallacet,own Beef Gattle Show, Rodney :~l.~~_~eef _;Produ~e,rs ~ociation .$ 10000 10000 40 50 10000 7500 25 00 .$ 440 50 Field Crop and Plowmen's Organizations Elgin County Soil and Crop Improvement :Associa- tion $ 200 00 Elgin County Plowmen's J1...sscciation 150 00 Elgin County Fruit Growers' Association SO 00 Elgin County Seed Fair 200 00 $ 600 00 .EU}[[N COUNTY COUNC1!L 51 Junior Farmers Elgin County Junior Farmers" ASsociation Eigin County Junior Institute Junior Club Work--4-H East Elgin Swine Club East Elgin Forestry -Club East Elgin Tractor IOlub Beltnont Forage Club West Elgin Poultry Cll.ub West Elgin Soy;bean Club Aldborough Corn Club Dunwich Corn -Club :East Elgin Com Club Shedden Beef iCalf Club Wallacetown Beef Calf Club Aldborough Bee~ Qalf Clup Corinth 'Dairy Calf (nub Shedden Dairy Galt Club East' Elgin Dairy Calf Club Belmont Dairy Galf Club Judging Competitions ..$225 00 150 00 $ 375 00 $1500 1500 1200 16 50 1800 22 50 III 50 2400 :h 00 2100 21 00 13 50 1650 18 00 2550 40 50 $ 319 50 Inter-Club Competitions, a.A.C., Guelph, 6 teams $ 48 00 Inter-iCOunty Livestock Judging Team, R,W'p. .. 100 00 $1443 00 Girls Club Work Hall Rental, 2 ACi'1ievement Days, St. Thomas.,...$ 40- 00 Honour PiI1S---<9 'County, 5 Provincial 38 00 4-H Homemaking Club Conference Delegates. Guelph 15 00 --$ 93 00 ~ 52 :ElUGIN COUNTY COUNCl!L :Miscellaneous Horse Show Tickets, Royal Winter Fair (cross en- try) SeI1Vice Charges at Hank 10 packages garden seed, Girls Garden Club Exchange on cheque 9000 186 1786 15 4l 109 87 TOTAL EXPENSES $2085 87 Bank Balance Less OISChequ~s ACTUAL BAJLANOE . $ 432' 78 250 00 .$ 182 78 $2268 65 APPROViEID: Jan. 14, 1955 - lElgin Agricultural Committee: K. M. Williamson, C. M. Williams, J. W.. Neil. AUDI'TIED and Found C'onect, Jan. 17, 1.S55 - W. Rogers. A. V. LANGTON, Secretary-Treasurer. AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE March Sessio~ 1955 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin COunty Council: The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That we endorse the resolution from. the !County of Grey, opposing the importation of dairy produots. 2. That the resolution xe Hog Producers Sales Agency be filed. :ElLiGITN iCOUNTY COUNCllL &3 3. That we concur with the resolution re equaImation of rural hydro rates with wban rates. 4. That the resolution re Beef Cattle Organization and Sales Agency be filed. 5. That we concur with the resolutions from Oxford, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry counties, opposing importation of Dairy Products. All of which is respectfully submitted. WAL'!1ElR P. NELsON, Chail'mi!Jl. AGRIOULTURE COMMITTEE REPORT .June Session. 1955 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County_ Council: The Agricultural Oommittee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from the Connty of Grey for additional fee on hunters license be endorsed. 2. That the communication from the Dept. of Agriculture re l'Ieward for persons giving information on cattle thieving be filed as Elgin County paid their portion. 3. That Reeve Nelson be appointed to attend the Water Resour- ces Conunittee meeting at Waterloo. All of which is respectf:ully submitted. W. D. NELSON, iChainnan. 54 EUGINCOUNTY .COUNCliL AGRIOULTURAL COMMITTEE Septembe;r s~ssion, 1!l55 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: The A~i~~tural ":committee" reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from the tCounty of Waterloo re Reward to Hunters for destroying ~oxes be filed. ? _';I'l1!t~ we_.~pprov~_of tl1~_resolution from the Oonnty of Oxford to"1>la;ce'~ yellow' rOCket weed on prohibited weeds list, and more rigid control and inspection under the Canada Seeds Act. 3. That the resolution from the County of Lamibton re Painting railway box cars with illuminating paint be filed. 4. That we concur with the resolution from the County of MidM cUesex re Income Tax Filing. ' 5. That the Clerk advertise for tenders for the purchase of Balni trees over 16 (diani.) 'inches' on theiPleasant Valley property. All ot:which~ is)respect:f:ully submitted. WAiLTER, D. NELSON, Chairman. :ElUGilN ,OOUNTY COu'NOllL 55 FINA..'lCE COMMITTEE January Session, 1955 - First Report To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin iCounty--GounCil: The Pinance Committee reports as follows: 1. That the following hospital accounts be paid. st. Thomas-.Eagin General Hospital Memorial- Hospital, st. Thomas Canadian Paraplegic Association Victoria Hospital, London st. Joseph's Hospital, London Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital 7,908 77 353 26 165 00 1,6&4 68 1,384 30 2,003 70 $ 13,529 61 All of which is respectfully submitted. G. M. WILLIAMS, Chairman-. FINANCE COlllMITTEE .January Session - Second:-Report To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council: The Finanoe .Committee reports as follpws: 1. That Charity and Welfare Pay IList No.1, for $1,~15.50 be paid. 2. That Children's Aid Societies Pay List No. I, for $5576.66 be paid. "3. Tnat Printing, Postage, and Stationery pay List No.1, for $443.55 be paid. 4. That Miscellaneous Pay List No.1, for '$146.36, be paid. 56 ElUQITN COUNTY COUNC1!L 5 That the request of the Jail Staff for inoreaseand inc~rporw ation of cost of living bonus in salary be filed. 6. That the Membership fee of $25.00 in the Ontario Municipal Association be paid. 7~ That the request from the hospitals for drugs, and extras be refused. 8. That we concur with the resolution from Lambton Oounty for payment direct to the Counties of Provincial subsidy for child care. 9. That we endorse the resolution of the iC::J!ounty .of Lambton re indigent patients residenoe in municipality. 10. That we grant the Canadian National Institute for the Blind $1,000.00 for Building Fund, and $40101.00 annual grant, subject to a statement of expenditures. 1:L That we file the request from the Navy League of Canada for a grant. 12. That the request from the St. ,John's Ambulance for a grant be filed. 13. That the request of the Ontario Association of Rural MuniN ctpalities for a membership fee he filed. '14. That we grant the st. Thomas-!Elgin General Hospital $30,- -oDD.OO for Building Fund, payable April 15th, 1956. 1'5. That the request from the Township of Malahide in iEqualizM ation Assessment of $59,478.00 deducted from assessment be granted, and Aylmer equalized assessment be increased by $5'4,4718.0() and By- Law No. 1644 be amended" 16. That the usual grant of '$500JOO be made to the University of Western Ontario. 17. That the Wa,rden arid Treasurer be authorized to borrow up to $450,000.00 from the Bank of Montreal as may be required. 18. That the usual grant of $50.00 to the Law Library be paid. 19. That the usual grant of $BOO.DO to the Salvation Army be paid. 20. That the County is not in favour of payment rate of wards, ElDGIN OOUNTY COUNOL 57 not in Boarding Homes and request the Dept. of Welfare to amend the Regulations. 21. That a grant of $1,000.00 be given to the Bobier Home pro- vided elevator is installed. 00. That a grant of $500:00 to Alma College be paid. All of whi.ch is respectfully submitted. C. M. WILLIAMS, Chamuan. COUNTY RATES, COUNTY OF ELGIN FINANCIAL REPORT March Session, 1955 - First Report To the Waiden and Members of the Elgin COunty Council: The Committee on Finance beg leave to' report that having in- quired into Finances of the COunty. and estimates prepared by the County Treasur:er, they, herewith subm~t a statement of the ex- penditures required for the lawful purpose of the County during 1955, showing the amount required to l?e raised for tl:1e undermentioned purposes: IAdministration of Justice County Roads (.5.9 mills) Charity and Welfare IChildren's Aid Society Elgin Manor Elgin....St; Thomas Health Unit lEllgin Hospital Debentures Municipal Government, Salaries and "\Vages Agriculture Interest Printing, \Postage, and stationery $ 28,000 00 WB,905 00 50,000 00 32,000 00 15,000 00 211,On 00 66,500 00 16,000 00 7,500 00 8,000 00 1,000 00 , 58 'EUGIN COUNTY .COUNCliL > Property Grants Tillsonburg Hospital Grant 6.t. Thomas-Elgin Hospital Grant Miscellaneous 4,QOO 00 lQ,5QO 00 lQ,OOO 00 30,000 00 624 00 $ 499,100 00 Your !Committee would recommend that the sum of Four HundTed and Ninety-Nine Thousand, and One Hundred Dollars be raised on all rateable property in the several municipalities of the County ot Elgin, during the year, 1955, for County J;Jurposes and that a rate at 14.8 mills on the dollar be levied on rateable property- in - the several municipalities in the County to raise said amounts. All of which is respectfully submitted. C. M. WIlILIAMS, Ghairman. FINANOE COMMITTEE l\'Iarch Session - Second Report To the Warden and Members of the Elgin Oounty Council: The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That Charity and Welfare Pay List No. 2 for $002.90 be paid. i2. That Printing, Postage, and Stationery Pay List No. 2 for $45.95 be paid. 3. That Children's Aid Society iPay List No.2 for $5,600.41 be paid. 4. That no action be taken on request of the Dutton !Library Board for a grant. ]!IUl!IN OOUNTY; COUNClL .59 5. That an additional grant of $25..00 he made to the Trustee"s and Ratepayer's Association. :6. That the account of -the [Bobier Nursing Home for Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Bennett be refused, as Oounty had not approved of ad- mission, and suggest 'that it be collected from the family. 7. That the resolution from the ICounty of Huron re Provincia! Government subsidy for indigent patients in hospitals be filed. 8. That we endorse the resolution from the County of Simcoe re larger Provincial grants to municipalities for wards of IChiIdxen->s Aid Societies and grants be paid direct to Counties. H. That the 1:953 Scholarship for Elgin County girl attaining the highest standing at the University of Western Ontario be paid to W.liss Janet McMillan. 10. 'That the request of the Jail Staff for salary increases and incorporation of c:ost of living bonus in salary be not granted. U. That the local assessors of Elgin County be paid at the 'usual rate for equalizing ;Oounty assessment not exceeding five dayS in the year. All of which is "'espectfully submitted. c. M. WILLIAMS, Chairman. FINANCE COMMITTEE March Session, 1955 - Third Report To the Warden and Members of the Elgin -County Council: The Finance Committee reports as fOllOWS: 1. That the following hospital aooountsbe paid: 60 ELGUN iCOUNTY COUNC1!L ~clmm Hooptt~. wn@n $ Oanadian Paraplegic Association, Toronto Toronto General Hospital, Toronto st~ _ Thomas-Elgin General HOspital Til1sonburgDis~ct Memorial Hospital The Hospital; f<.Jl' Sick Children, Toronto .;"'. 763.45 335 50 174 00 5,4!13 57 467 50 2400 $ 7,178 02 All of which is respectfully submitted. C. M. WILLIAMS, Chairman. FINANCE, CO~TTEE REPORT .June Session, .1955 -First Report To the -Warden '.and Members of the Elgin County Gouncil: The Finance conunittee reports as follows: 1. That Charity and Welfare- Pay List No.3, .for 1$2,302.85, be paid. . .2. That Children's Aid Society Pay lList No.3, for $7;03'8.03, be paid. 3. That Printing, Postage, and Stationery Pay List, for $611.93, be paid. 4. That the resolution from the County of Grey re Return of fees of the Sheriff's office to -the Counties be concurred. 5. That the resolution froni the iOounty of Lincoln re National Health Sicheme be filed. 6. That the membership fee in the Municipal Clerk's, a~d Jr1n.- ELOIN 'COUNTY COUNCIiL 61 ance Officers Association be paid, and that the 'Clerk-Treasurer attend the iCbnvention with e~enses paid. 7. That the resolution from the County of Lambton re Fees collected -by. Court Stenographer be returned to the ICountYj be filed. 8. That we recOill..11lend an annual grant of $500.00 to mainten- ance of an Elgin Pioneer Museum. All of which is respectfully submitted. C. M. WIrLLlAiMS, Chairman. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1955 - Second Report To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County <Council: The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That the following hospital accounts be paid: St. T'nomas-EJ.gin General Hospital ,....$ Canadian Paraplegic Association, Toronto Victoria Hospital, London st. Joseph's Hospital, London Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital 7,300 3:1 500 00 378 00 780 90 73685 $ 9,71l8 0'1 All of which is respecUully submitted. C. M. WlII.iLIAMS, ..Ohairman. 62 ELGlN COUNTY COUNCIL FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1955 - First Report To the Warden and Members of the Elgin 'County Council: The FinarweCommittee reports as follows: 1. That the following hospital ac'counts be paid: 1St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital ;st.Joseph's Hospital, London Victoria Hospital, ,London Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital Alexandra Hospital, Ingersoll Toronto General Hospital, Toronto Canadian Paraplegic Association .$ 9,293 00 540 00 1,442 00 798 00 36 00 14400 506 00 $12,759 00 All of which is respectfully submitted. G. M. WlIULIAMS, Ohairman. FINANCE COM1UITTEE REPORT September Sessio~ 1955 - Second Report To the Warden .and Members of the Elgin County Council: The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That Printing, Postage and Stationery Pay !List No.4, for $193.68, be paid. 2. That Charity and Welfare Pay List No.4, for $1,;900.50, be paid.. :ElUGIN 'COUNTY COUNCliL .63 3. That Children's Aid Pay List No.4, for $12,328,~1, be paid. 4. That Miscellaneous Pay List No.3, for $19.33,00 paid. 5. That the report from the st. 'I'homas-"Elgin General Hospitall re extras for indigent patients be laid over to the January Session. 6. That we approve of the communication from Mr. James A. McBain, M.iP., and- that the resolution ibe passed. All of which is respectfully submitted. C. M. WlIIiLIAMS,ChairJrum. REPORT OF THE ELGIN COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE .January Session, 1955 To the Warden, and Members of the E~gin iOounty Council: Your RO;ld Cbmmittee begs to report as follows: 1. In 195'4 the Elgin County Road Department finished the year's programme of construction and maintenance with a small surplus. The By-Law passed at the January Session, 1954, provided for: County Road Purposes Suburban Road Purposes . .$ 409,000 00 47,000 00 $ 456,0jl0 00 On April 22nd the County was notified by the Minister of High- ways that subsidy would only be paid on a maximum total expendi- ture of $<192'000.00. - 64 ELG:rN OOUNTY COUNOI!L At the September Session of the Council a Supplementary By- Law was passed to provide for an additional ;$4D,ODO.QOI and of this swn $;30,000.00 was approved by the Department, making the total $422,OOO.OD on which subsidy will be paid. On account of this decrease of $34.{)~O.Oi) from our January By- Law, some of the works contemplated had to be curtailed. On January 14th, 1955, the County of Elgin was notified that two copies of an appropriating By-LaW for the 11-955 Road JiliGpenditures must be forwarded to the Department of Highways not later than March 31st, 11955. The County was also notified. that the Depart~ent is prepared to approve for SubSidy purposes a maximum expenditure oL:tA42,OOO.OO. 1954 Expenditures: $ 28,090 99 37,539 00 The following is a Summary of the Resurfacing Gravel H.oads Maintaining Gravel Roads New Pavements, New Grading and Resur- facing Old Pavements Repairs to Pavements Dust Control... Weed and Brush Control Snow and Ice Control Urban 'Inprovements Ditching and Tiling Fencing, Guard Rails, Signs, Etc. Railway ,Crossing Protection Land Purchases Drainage Assessments Tools, County Garage, ExpenseS New Machinery Stock, Pipe, Plank, Etc. S'Uperint.endence Office Expenses OlerioalAssistance Enforcing lh Loads----March ,and April Travelling Expenses Grants to Urban Municipalities Insurance, Compensation and Pensior.s Holidays with Pay Allowances, Sick Benefits 172,681 74 7,353 53 17,259 88 7,019 99 9,394 47 2,866 12 4,880 84 6,551 11 5,779 64 271 70 3,580 44 3,644 96 H,l13 00 16,976 15 7,356 65 938 46 2,000 00 769 4ll 962 24 15,090 00 4,534 82 2,088 49 $ 368,743 70 :ElUG[N COUNTY COUNCTIL 65 Less stock Balance 16,976 15 CUlverts Bridges $ 351,767 55 14iIMil) 00 20,185 47 $ 34,832 47 $ 386,600 02 Suburban Roads (Not Including Overhead) 31,068 78 $ ~11,668 80 2. We approve of the SUburban Roads Commission estimate of *45,000.00 for the construction and maintenance of Suburban Roads for the current year. 3. We recommend that the Warden name delegates to attend the Annual Meeting of the Ontario Good Roads Association to be held in Toronto on February 21st, 22nd and 23rd, and that the Annual Fee of $25.00 pe baid. 4. That the ICOunty of Elgin applies for Membership to the Canadian Good Roads Association and that the Annual Fee of $50.00 be paid. 5. That By-Law No. 1301 of the Township of Bayham, providing for the closing of portions of East and S'ooond streets in the Village of ,straffordville be confirmed and that the necessary COunty By-iLaw be prepared. 6. That a By-Law be prepared to designate those Town line Roads between the Counties of Elgin and Middlesex which are County Roads, "Through Roads." 7. That a lEy-Law ,be prepared to designate all the County and Suburban Roads in the County of oElgin as Through Roads. 8. That the communication from the County of Lambton re Raising the Subsidy for Bridges and Culverts in Towns and Villages be filed. 66 ELGIN :COUNTY COUNCIL 9. That the communication from the ,county of Wellington. peti- tioning- the Department of Highways to raise Subsidy on County Roads be filed. 10. That the following Members of the Road !Committee be a Special- Committee to act with the Suburban Roads Commission re- gardingthe proposed St. George Street. Canadian National Railways Grade Separation: Cyril Williams, Clarence !Culver, ,Allistair iLittlejohn and Philip Schleihauf. 11. That the Municipal Liability Insurance and Non-owned Auto Insurance be insured in the Gore illsurance Company with the fol- lowing limits and premiums: Liability. $200,000.00 inclusive Premium $1.698 77 Non-owned Auto. $200,000 inclusive Premium 143 18 12. We estimate that $44...2,0:00.00 will be required for the main- tenance and construction of our :County and Suburban iRoa-ds for the year 1955, 'allocated as follows: County Roads iSuburban Roads $397,00000 ~,OOO 00 $ 442,000 00 All of which is respectfully submitted. ALlS'r,A.[R LITTLEJOHN, Chairman. EDUCATION COMMITTEE .January Session, 1955 To the, Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council: The Education Committee reports as follows: :ElUGilN COUNTY COUNO:nr.. 67 1. That the annual membership. fee of. $25.00, Section of the OJE.A. be paid, and the Warden to to attend the Convention. in the Municipal appoint delegates 2. That the usual grant of $50,00 ..be paid to the Elgin COunty Trustees and Ratepayers Association, provided a Convention is held. 3. That we grant the !Elgin County [Jbrary Co~Operative $4,400.00 for the year, 1005. 4. That Mrs. LUdy, Clarence Taylor, and Walter Rogers be re-. appointed to the Library Board. 5. That the usual grant of $50~O() each, to the local lLibraries of the County be paid. -6. That a grant of 1$100.00 ,be given to the student from Elgin County securing the highest standing, at Ridgetown Agricultural School. 7. That a Scholarship of $100.00 be granted to the ,boy and girl from Elgin County who attains the highest standing at the University of Western Ontario. All of which is respectfully submitted. HOWARD p~, Ohaixman. EDUCATION COMMITTEE REPORT .June Session, 1955 To the Warden and l\>Iembers of the Elgin COunty Council: The Education Committee reports as follows: ,1. That the resolution from the County of Grey re Cost of 68 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIiL Education to be divided between. Federal, Provincial, and ..Municipal Govt:rnmeritbe filed. 2. That the a;ppeal of the School Board of the Townsh,iP Area No.1, Dunwich,' be dismissed. All of which is respectfully submitted. HOWARD PALMER, Chairman. .' , ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE January Session, 1955 To the Warden, aIldMembersof the Elgin iOounty Council: The Elgin Manor committee reports as follows: 1. That the annual membership fee of $10.00 be paId to the Ontario Association of Managers of Homes for the Aged. 2. That the Superintendent, :J\.:Iatron, Secretary. and any member of the Board able to attend, be appointed to attend the annual Convention. All of which is respectfully submitted. A. C. Mo"MJ1LLAN. IChairman. J!lLGIN COUNTY COUNCIlL 6!l ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE March Session, 1955 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: The . Elgin - ~Ianor Committee reports as - follows; L That the Warden and Clerk be authorized to sign agreement with the City of st. Thomas, for admission and maintenance of residents of the :city of St. Thomas at Elgin Manor, -on terms and conditions as approved by the Elgin Manor ICommittee. 2. That prices !be secured on Cemetery plots for inmates of Elgin Manor, who ha.ve no plot of their own. All of which is respectfully submitted. A. ;C. McMIIlLA.N, Ohairman. ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE June Session, 1955 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council: The Elgin Manor Committee reports as follows: 1. That we accept the tender of the fulperialle Fuels for No. 1 Stoker coal at $10.15 per ton. 2. That we accept the tender of George DOwler !for Esso Furnace Fuel Oil @ 16.10 cents per gallon. All of which is respectfully submitted. A. C. McMILLAN, Chairman. 70 :ElUGIN ICOUNTY COUNC1!L PETITIONS, AND LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE January Session, 1955 To the .Warden, and Members of the Elgin ICounty Council: The Petitions and [,.egislations Committee reports as fo~lows: 1. That the resolution from :Essex County federation of agri- c,ulture 1'e Tax on all dwellings for payment of Educational costs be filed. 2. That the Communication from the County of Kent 1'e Ad- ministration of Justice proportion of costs between City and County be filed. All of which is respectfully submitted. H. O. Al.WARD, Chairman. PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE l\'Iarch Session, 1955 To the Warden and Members of the. Elgin County Council: The Petitions and Legislations Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Warden and Olerk .be authorized to sign consent re Annexation of small portion of land in Malahide Township to the Town of Aylmer". 2. That the resolution from the Township of Waterloo requesting amendment - to the Municipal and Cemetery iActs to provide for Ai3- sessment and collection of taxes on cemeteries established for profit or gain be approved. 3. That we concur with the resolution from the Connty of vVentworth to provide better control of fuel oil and gasoline deliveries iEiUGIN ICOUNTY COUNOlIL 71 by meters equipped with printmg head and separate pump and hose for each fuel. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. HALE~ Acting Chairman. EQUALIZATION REPORT March Session, 1955 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin .county COuncil: The Equalization Conunittee reports as follows: 1. The following be the equali2iation of the Assessment ROlls of the County of ,Elgin for the year, lS5'5': Aldborough Dunwich Southwald Yarmouth Malahide Bayham South Dorchester Aylmer Port 'Stanley Dutton Rodney West Lome Springfield Vienna Port Burwell $ 3,700,996 3,669.468 4,752,7'73 6,W2,776 3,902,168 2,&17,48'7 2,239;285 2,755,59'1 1,735,685 512,376 500,944 526,106 200,735 148,5217 2~7,4Il9 $34,094,406 2. That this Council is willing to have the final equalization of assessment rolls, in case of appeal, made by the County JUdge. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. B. WILSON, Chairman. 'i2 iEIDGIN ICOUNTY COUNC1!L June Session, 1955 COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT T,o the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council. I ,beg to submit the following statement of Receipts and Exlpen- ditures from January 1st, 1955, to May 31st, 1955. Receipts Balanc~ in Bank, and au hand, Janua-ry Administration of Justice Notes Payable and Interest Elgin-1St. Thomas Health Unit Registry Office Charity and Welfare El~- 'i~nor Ohildren'S Aid Societies County Roads Miscellaneous Licenses ;and Permits Interest :::.., Expenditures Administration of Justice Notes payable Charity and Welfare Grants st. ThomasRE:l~n General Hospital Elgin Ma~or Registry Office Health Unit Children's Aid Society M~ber's Wages Officers' salaries Printing, !Postage, and stationery Oare of Buildings Agriculture. 1st, 1955 . .......$ 45,809 59 .$ 8,846 77 110,000 00 5,252 70 499 911 11,435 39 5,257 97 'l!167 113,957 40 4l!500 21600 10 36 $ 255,939 17 $ 301,748 76 .$ 23,100 23 30,000 00 26,153 ~2 . 1,300 00 30,000 00 16,242 56 1,568 99 10,000 00 11,177 07 3,458 70 3,659 00 56~ 50 1,145 24 1,394 11 ElLGW GOUNTY COUNC1!L 73 County Roads Miscellaneous Interest 89,4()1 91 6lll4ill 866 32 0$ 300,61)5 01 1,003 75 Balance on hand, May 31st, 1955 $ 801,748 76 All of which is re8!pectfully sUbmitted. J. D. Thomson, County Olerk -and Treasurer. PROPERTY COMMITTIlE .January Session, 1955 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin Qmnty Council: The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That new ceilmg be installed in the Jailor's kitchen 2. That material be supplied for bricking in window and door; and that cupboards and sink be installed in the Jailor's residence. 3. That a desk, and lighting futures be supplied for the Supreme Court IChambers. 4. That desk lights be purchased for the COurt Room. 5. That the Warden's Chair, Judge's Chair. and chairs in the Supreme C:ourt Chambers be rE'.pair~d,. 6. That new lights :be ~tall~d in the ,crown :Attorney's office. All of which is respectfully submitted. JAiMES HINDI..iEY.. 'Chairman. 74 ElUGIN COUNTY COUNbl1L PROPERTY COMMITTEE March Session, 1955 To the Wal'den and Members of the ElgiilCounty Council: The Propert.y Committee reports as follows: 1. That Care of Buildings Pay List No.2, for :$263.40, pe paid. 2. That Registry Otl:fice Pay !List No.2, for $152.53, be l"'id. 3. That Administration of Justice Pay !List No. 2:, for $849.88, be paid. 4. That Reeve Liebner secure prices and samples of carpet for Judge's Chambers. S. That prices be secured for hard sUrface on COUrt House Driveway. 6. That the question of a more suitable parking at the Court House be investigated ;oythe Property tCommittee, Iplerk and Engineer, and report to the next Session of Council. 7. That a venetian blind be sooured for the Division .dourt alfice. All of which is respectfully submitted. JA[MES HINDLEY, Ohairman. PROPERTY COMIIIIITTEE June Session, 1955 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County iCOWlCil: The Property COmmittee reports as follows: EIJGlN iCOUNTY COUNC1!L 75 1. That we accept the tender of the Iinr:pertalle Fuels for No. 1 Stoker COM at $10.15 per ton. 2. That we accept the tender of the Imperialle Fuels for No. 1 Anthracite COal for the Registry Office @ $18.97 per ton. 3 That we accept the tender of George Dowler -for EssoFurnace Fuel Oil @ 16~10 cents per gaJIon for the JaUo!."'s residence. 4. That Care of Buildings Pay List No.3. for $263.110, the paid. 5. That Registry Office Pay List No.3, for $t96.33,. 'be paid. 6. That Administration of Justice Pay List No.4, for '$4l11.37, be paid. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. C. HINDLEIY, 'Chairman. PROPERTY 'COMMITTEE September Session, 1955 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin Oounty Council:. The PrOperty Committee reports as follows: 1. That Care of Buildings Pay List No.5, for $47 ..91, be paid. 2. That Administration of Justice Pay List No.6, for $548.18, be paid. 3. That the report of the Grand Jury ,be filed. All of which is respectfully submitted. JAMES HINDLEY. Chairman. 76 EI:1GIN ICOUNTYCOUNC1!L :ElUGIN COUNTY LIlRRARY CO-OPERATIVE FINANCIAL STAT_T, 1954 Receipts Balance from 1953 Provincial grant County grant Library fees :School fees 'Supplies sold Book stops Miscellaneous ..$ 2,333 15 5,WO 00 4,0001 00 374 00 1,293 00 35 85 400 77 50 $13,2217 70 . Expenditures Library Association fees Bookbinding Bookmobile expenses Books .......",....". Equipment General expenses Telephone Insurance .... ............,..."..."."w.".'. Library cards and plastic covers Mending supplies Receiver General (insurance) Salaries Travel exPenses" .......".".......... .".""..."."...."."."......."".... Periodicals, etc. Balance on hand .... ..1$ 1030 250 3U 355 37 3,494 65 11112 8,1 200 55 8530 8049 476 37 85 21 3588 5,540 7'8 136 50 7016 1,376 97 $13,2217 70 EUGIlN. COUNTY COUNC1!L PROPOSED' BUDGET, 1955 ~7 Estimated Reeeipts Balance from 1954..., Provincial grant ."... COunty grant Library and stop fees School fees Estimated Expenditures Library Association fees Bookbinding Bookmobile ~nses .... Books Equipment Telephone General expenses Insurance Library cards and plastic covers Mending supplies .....". Receiver General (insurance) Salaries Travel expenses .$ 1,375 97 5,100 00 4,400 00 345 00 1,465 00 $12,68597 .$ 1000 300 00 40000 3,500 00 300 00 85 00 205 97 8500 300 00 WO 00 5000 7,200 00 150 00 $ 12,685 97 '7ll EUG!lN iCOUNTYCOUNGliL BY LA WS ByeLAW 1659 To Authorlzethe Wardell and Treasurer to Borrow the Sum of Four Huridre'd' arid Fifty' 'Thousand nollars The EIginCounty Council enacts: THAT the -Viarden'and Treasurer be, and are hereby authorized to 'borrow the Sum- of Four Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars from the Bank of Montreal as it may !be required to meet the ex- penditures of the Corporation of the Count.y of Elgin during the year 1955, and to give as security therefore notes of One Thousand Dollars or multiples thereof. RiEAD a first time this 2J1st day of January, 1955. RiEAD a second time this 21st day of January" 1955. READ "a, third time arid :finally passed this211st day of January, 1955 J. D. '!'HOMSON. Clerk. PHILIP W. SOHLElHAUF, Warden. BY-LAW NO. 1660 A By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 1301, of the, Township of Bayha.m, Be~g a BY:-.Law__..t.o:. Stop Up and Close, and Sell Certain Streets in the Village -of ~traffordvme in. accordance with Registered Plan 205 of the saw Vilmge ~ SUaffonl~~ WHElRlEAS the Council of the Township of Bayham on the 1st day of September, 1954, IA.D., did pass By-Law No. 13011, for stopping up and closing, and selling certain streets in the Village of Strafford- ville, more particularly described in the said BY-Law, true copies whereof are hereunto annexed. AND WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act, ElUGIJ'i[ COUNTY COUNC1!L 79. t~esaid Towns~ip. By~w:; shall not h~veany~orc.e . until, cOIlfumed by a By-Law of the Oouncil of the COunty in which the township is situat~ passed at an . ordinary meeting of the Council held not sooner than three months' nor later than one .year after, the passing_ of the By-Law of the Oouncil of the Township. AND WHEREAS application has been made to the IOOuncil of the Corporation of the County of Elgin for a By-Lav/-confirIniiig said Township BY-iLaw. NOW 'THEm.EFORiE the Council'- of the COliPOration of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: THAT By-Law No. 13M, of the ToWnship of Bayhim. being a By--Law to Stop Up. and close _l.tnd sell certains:treets in the "Village of lStraffordville in acCordance with registered plan 2{}15 of the said Village of Straffordville, 'be, and the same is hereby coniirm~d. RiEAD a fir&t, time this 21st day offanuar~.195Q. .READ a second time this 21st day of January, ;)955. READ _a third time _ and finally p~ed t~ 21st day. ~f Jan1).arY. 1955 . J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. PHIL]p w. SQHtLJEIHApF,_~ " Warden,">- BY-LAW NO. 1661 To Annex Area to the TiHlSQ!iburg High Sehool District "Amend. By-Law- No.l47S ~s t~-Township of,: Bayham, ~d._the-:VUlage_- of J,>ort Burwell has requested" th~addition of the:fQI1Pwingar"ea8_:to the Tillsonburg High School District. _AND WHEREAS Chapter 1;65; Sec~io"n 7, -sUibsectiQn::l,.R.~;O. 1950.;' makes prOvision for the same, slf ELGIN. ICOUNrt COUNC:nL The.. GouncH ot- the' corpo:ra~~on- of the County of Elgin enacts: THAT' the~ folloWing - ,31:-eas' _ibe~ and are' hereby annexed to the' Tillsotiburg' High SohOi)l)jLstrict~ THAT_-allr~~)::pio:perty in the Village of iPort ,Burwell, and the f(ni6wii:tg- ret4:_prop~rty in the Township of Bayham: Concession One - Those portions of lots 11, la. 113. 14, and 15. not in the village of Port Burwell, .and all of lots 16 to 28 inclusive. 'Concession Twp .- The sout.h halves of lots 1i1 to :28 inclusive. THAT- this Eiy-4Law shall _!become effective J"anuary 1st, 1955; sliojectto the approval of the Minister or" Education. By..[aw No. 1478. is amended acCordingly. MAD a first time this 211st day of January. '1955. R@AD a second time this 21st day of January, 1955. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of January. 1955 J. D. '!'HOMSON, Clerk. PHILlIP W. SClliiUEIHAUF, Warden. BY-LAW NO. 1662 To Amend By-Law No. 1644 W1Il!mlmAS. the Town of Aylmer has aonnexed lalids from the ToWnship of Ma:1ahide. effective. December 31st, 1954, AND WHEREAS the Township of Malahide requests a reduction in' tIle equalized assessment, of the ToWnship as' set but in By-Law No. 16:44 of the iCountyof Elgin. :ElU(NN CCOUNTY COUNC1!L 81 THE JDDGIiN 'COUNTY OOUNClIL ENllJCTS: THAT t.heequalized Assessment of the Township of MaIahide shall be $3,890,ml6.OO. THAT the equalized Assessment of the Town of Aylmer . shall be $3;65il,D~.00. THAT the total Assessment of the County of .Elgin shall be $33,722,970.00. THAT By-Law No. 164:4 is hereby amended accordingly. RIEAD a first time this 2!lst day of January, 195'5. READ a second time this 21st day of January, 1955. READ a third time, and finally passed this 21st day of January. Ui55. J. D. '!'HOlVISON, 'Clerk, PHILN> W. SCHI!JElHAUF, Warden. BY-'LAW NO. 1663 FORM A-6 A By-law to Provide for the Total 1955 Expenditure on the County Road System _ Established Under the Highway ImprovemeIit Act and on C'ounty Bridges in the C'ounty of Elgii:1 WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act reqUires that the total expenditure on county roads and bridges be provided for an- nually by county ,'by-law and that the b.y-law .be submitted to the Ministexof Highways for approval. AND VVHEREAS the expenditure for the said pUI1>Oses . last year was$lea,830.00 which required a levy of six mills on the assessment of $33,138,464.00. 82 WGITN iOOUNTY COUNC1!L AND WHERlEA:S the Council of the Q>rporation of the said County desires to expend for the said purposes this year $198,.965.0:0 for which it _ is prepared to .lev.y an estimate of 5.9 mills on the assessment \of, $33,722,970.00. 'I'HlEREF'ORJE the Council of the Oorporation of the saig County enactS as' follows: (1) ~e _ sum of :$44!2;QOO.OO is hereby appropriated from moneys raised by le\IIVY, debentures and government SUlbsidy for total expen~ diture upon construction .and maintenance of the roads and - bridges under its jurisdiction during the year 1955 as follows: Bridges Roads and Culverts Total Construction :. ..... $167;500.00 $ 32,000.00 $1!l9,oOO.00 Maintenance .. . 1 ~1,300.00 7,Ooo.QO 17.8,300.00 New Machinery 20,000.00 ~O,OOO.oo Miscellaneous 44;100.00 44,100.00 -- Totals $400;000.00 $ 39,000.00 $442,000.00 (2) The said moneys shall be expended under the supemslOn 01 the duly appointed county road superintendent and on work performedl in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk s..l1all transmit duplicate capties of this by-law to the district office of the Munici~pal Roads Branch, Department of! Highways. PASSED at. st. Thomas this 2'1-st day of January, A.D., 1955. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk, PH]Ij])p W. SCHlUE!lHAUF, Warden, I, J. :D. TliOMSON, IClerk of the Oorporation of 'the County 'of Elgin, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. 1,663 passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the 21st day of. January, 1955.. J. D. '!'HOMSCN, County Clerk.. m.rnN' OOBNTY COUNC1!L 83' BY-LAW NO. 1664 To Appoint a Board .of Audit in the County of E1gfu for' tbe year, 1955 The Elgiri County Council enacts: THAT the ,Judge of the County CoUrt, -and the Treasurer, and Mr. J. Wells, be, and are hereby awointed members of the .~ of Audit to perform the duties required of them by the Revised statutes of 'Ontario. THAT the members of the said Board of IAudit be paid the sun:i' of Seven Dollars per day, for their services. and fifteenc~ents .per mile going to each Audit. RiEAD .a first time this 21st day of January, 1955. RJEAD a second time this 21st day of .January, 1955. RIEAD a third time, and finally passed this 21st day of January. 1955. J, D, '!'HOMSON, Clerk, PHliJlIp W. SCHiIJEJIHAUF, Warden. BY-LAW NO. 1665 To Appoint a. County Road 'Committee As required by the Highway Act the Elgin Oounty GOUncil enacts: THAT the following five members of this ;Oo:uncil ~C:Opst~tute a Committeefor'the-purpose of directing the work to he dOlfe ':On the COunty Road System. A. B. -Littlejohn C. M. Williams W. D. Nelson :for Term of One Year, for Term of Two Years for Term of Three Years' 84 maiN ;ootiNTY COUNCl[, C. Culver for Term of Four Years J. B._.Wilson ... ...",...... for Term of ,Five Years THAT By..[i8,.w No. 1641, ibe,'. and is hereby repealed. iREAD a firsttime-this.,'21st day of January, 1955. RiEAD- a second ti~e this 21st day of January, 195-5. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of January. 1955. J. D. '!'HOMSON, Clerk, PHlIIiIIP W. SCHLEIHAUF, Warden. BY-LAW NO. 1666 To Confirm the Equalization of the Assessment Rolls of the County of Elgin for the year, 1955 The Elgin Oounty Council 'enacts: THAT the folloWing be the equalization of the County of Elgin for the year, 195'5. of the IAssessment Rolls $ 3,783,99& 3,6&9,468 4,7-52,773 6,192,77& 3,902,168 2,m7,487 2,239,285 2,755,591 1,785,635 Aldborough DUhwich ;Southwold Yarmouth Malahide Ba:yhani South Dorchester Aylmer Port 'Stanley mrnINCOUNTY COUNCl][, 85 button Rodney West Lome Springfield Vienna Port Burwell 512,376 529,944 526,106 200,735 148,527 277.489 $34,094,405 2. THAT this Council is willing to have the final equalization of assessment rolls. in case of appeal, made by the County Jtidg~. READ a first time this 23rd day of rMarch, 1<955. RiEAD a second time this !23r;d day of March, 1955. READ a third time, and finally passed, this 23rd' day c)f' -March, 1955. J D. THOMSON, Clerk, PHlliI:P W. SCIILEI1IAUF, Warden. BY-LAW NO. 1667 To Raise Amounts far County Rates During the Year, 1955 WHEREAS an estimate has been made shOwing that the sum of Four Hundred and Ninety-Nine Thousand, and One Hundred Dol- lars is required to be raised in the several municipalities for the lawful purpose of the County during the year, 1955, on the basis of the equalized assessment as determined in 1954. l\funicipaIity Total Equalized Value AldJborough $ 3,746,475 00 3,655,356 00 4,741,060 00 6,121,008 00 3,890,926 00 Dunwich Southwold Yarmouth Malahide 86 !EIJGLN 100UNTY COUNGn, 2,7,88;155 ()() 2,225,757 00 2,656JQ29 00 1,738,427 00 507,376 00 519,944 00 ~16i106 00 W5,735 00 147,547 00 272,489 00 B:ayham South Dorchester Aylmer Port stanley Dutton Rodney West Lorne Springfield Vienna Port Burwell $33,700;970 00 THEREFORE the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts:, THAT a rate of ;14.8 mills on the doLLar be levied on all rateable property in the several municipalities in the County of Elgin as above set forth ~for the year, 1-9'55: Aldborough Dunwich Southwold Yarmouth Malahide Bayham South Dorchester Aylmer Port stanley Dutton Rodney West Lorne Springfield Vienna Port Burwell .$ 55,448 00 54~107 00 70',1168 001 90,592 00 57,586 00 41,265 00 32,941 00 39,309 00 25,728 00 7,509 00 7,695 00 7,638 00 12.1897 00 2;184 00 4,033 00 $499,100 00 READ a first time this 23rd day of March, 195'5. READ a second time this 23rd day of March, :1955. REAp a tNrd time, and finally passed, this 23rd day of March, i955 J. D. '!'HOMSON, Clerk, PHfuIiP W. SCHLEIHAUF, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY GOUNClIL f!7 The Corporatton of the County of Elgin- BY-LAW NO. 1668 A By-Law to amend the By-.caw Adopting a Plan of County Road Improvement and Establishing a. County Road System in the County of Elgin under the Highway Impl'ovement Act The 'Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as By..[,.a.w Number lJ668 as follows: 1. The Schedule of By-Law Number 897 being the original By- law establishing a 'County Road System in the Oonnty of tE1gin as amended :by By-'Law Number 1052 being the last conooIidating-By_ LaIW re_~esta:blishing the said system and further amended !by -subse- quent amending By-Laws is her.eby amended by removing there from the roads designated and described as follows: DESIGNATION Oounty Road No. 36 DESCRIPTION BIDING that portion of the existing County Road Number 36 or the deviations thereof in the Township of Yarmouth, COMMENCING at a (point -.in the West- erly limit of the Road hetween L.ots 18 and 19, Concession 8, distant SIX HUNDRJElD FE'ET (600') measured Northerly thereon from its in~rsection with the SOuth- erly limit of Said Lot 18; THEN10E Southerly, along the Westerly limit of said ,road and its Southerly extension, a distance of SIXiHUNDRED AND SIXTY SIX FEET (:666') to. its intersec:tion with the Northerly limit of Concession 7; Thence Easterly, along the Nor- therly limit of iCancession 7, a~ance of SEVEN HUiNDREID AND 'IiWIElN"I'Y NINiE AND FIIVE- 'I1ENTHS FEET (729.5'); THEN'O'E Narthwesterly, in a straight line, a distance' of TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY SEVEN AND NINffilTY TWO ONE-HUNDREDTHS (24'7,92:') more or less to itsinterseotion with a point in the SoutherJy limit 'Of Concession 8, distant FOUR HUNDRED ,AND FORTY ONIE FE'ET(4$l'), measured Easterly t...~ereon from its intersection - with the East.;. erly limit of the road !between Lots 118 and '19, Con- cession 8; THENC1E WES'I'1E!R;LY, along the Southerly limit 'Of Ooncession 8, a distance 'Of FOUR HUNDREID 83 iElLGITN ICOUNTY COUNOJ1L County Rpa_4 No. 36 AND FORTY ONE F.ElET (HI'); THEllj"OO Northerly, along the Easterly limit of the road ibetween Lots liS and 19, !Concession S. a distance of FOUIR. HUNDRED AND FORTY ONE J;1EET (Hl'); THENC!El Northwest- erly, ~,a straight line, a distance of ONTE HUNDRJE[) AND SIXTY SIX AND FIFTY 'I'HRffilE ONE.RUN- DREDTH FEET <16'6.53') more or less to the place of beginning. BEING that portion of the existing County Road Number 36 or the deviations thereof in the Township of Yarmouth, Co.MME::N10lNlG at a point in the Nor. therly limit of said Lot 2iO, distant SIX BIDNDRIElD AND FORTY AND NTNIEl TENTHS J;1EET (640.9'), measured Westerly thereon from its intersection with the Westerly limit of the road laid out between [,,61:.s 2:0 and 21: THENlOE South 0' degJ:ees 15' East, a dis- tanceof SEViE'N FlEET (7'); THiElNCE Southeasterly on a curve to' the right, the Tadius of which is SEVEN HUNDRED AND SEIV'EN AND NINETY Foml. ON&- HUNDREDTHS mET (707,94') and the long chord of which has a length, of SIX HUNDRED AND SIXTY FOUR PElET (664') on a bearing of South ,62 degrees 17' East, a distance of SIX HUNDRED AiND NINETY Om: AND .ElIJEIVElN ONE-HUNDRiEiDTHS FBI' (691.- 11'), a.rc. measurement; THlENlOE S'o:uth 34 degrees 19. ERSt, a distance of 'IlliiRlEE THOUlSAND iAJND TWEINTY ONE AND iF'OlaTY lSElViEN ONE-HUNDRiEDTH FEET (302:1.47'); THiElNCIE South easterly on a curve to the right, the radius of which is ONE: THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND THIRTY TWO AND' SIXTY NINE ONtE-HUNDRlEDTH FEET (Ili43!2:.69') and the long chard 'Of which has a length 'Of mGHT HUNDRED AND SEVEN AND TWO ONE-HUNDRiEDTHS FEET (S0:7.02") an a bearing of South 17' degrees 57' 30" East, a distance 'Of EllGHT HUNDRJED, AND FlCGHTEEN AND NINE ONiE-HC~~DPJE1DTHS ~ C81'8.09'), arc measurement; TE1E!NIOE Narth 18'8 degrees 24' E'ast, a distance 'Of SElVENTY THRffiID FEET (73') to a point in the Easterly limit of the road allawance between ELGillN <COUNTY COUNC1!L 89 County Road No. 46 Lots 21 and .22, Concession 7; 'I'HiENOE North ,1 degree 30' West, along the Easterly limit of said road allow- ance, a distance of ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY F1LVE AND THIlRTY FIVtEJ ONE-HllNDRJElDTHS RElET (l4li.- 35'); THENOE North westerly, on a curve to the left, the radius of which is ONE THOUSAND FmVEI HUN- DRED AND TWElLvmJ AND SIXTY NINE ONlE-IffUN- DRiEDTH P2m ('15'12.69') aud the long chord of which has a length of SEVEN HUNJ){Rm) AND ffilEWEIN AND FORTY FOUR ONiE-HUNDRiElDTHS FEElT (7'N,44'J on a bearing of North 20 degrees 4!2' 50~' West, a dis- tance of SEVm:IN HIUNDRJElD AND EliGH'I'EEl'N AND THffiTY 'I'HRiElE ONE- HUNDRJEJD'!'HS F1i'lEiI' (71833'); THENlOE North 34 degrees 19' West, a distance of THRiElEJ '!'HOUSAND AND TWENTY ONE AND FORTY Sffi7;EN ONE- HUNJ){Rm)'l'HS FEIEiI' (302I.47'); THIEil:'lCE North Westerly, on a curve to the left, the l"adius of which is ,~ HUNDR'EID AND EIOHTY SIE!VEN" AND NINETY FOUR ONE-HUNDRiElDTHS F:ElElI' (787.9'4') and the long chord has a length of smx: HUNDRJED ,AND F1l!FTY FITVE AND Em-HT ONE- HUNDR.ED'FrlS FEET (6135,,08) on a bearulg of North 58 degrees 5'2' 46" West, a distance of SIX HUNDiRED AND SffiJVENTY FlNiE AND FliF'I'Y NINE ONE-HlJN- DRffiIDTHS 1FtEIE"T (1675.59') more or less to a point in the Northerly limit of the road allowance between Concessions 7 and 8; THENlQlE South 00 degrees 45' West, along the Northerly limit of said road allowance, a distance of NINmY THRiE[E AND FORTY ONE~ HUNDREDTHS RElET (93.40'); THENCE South 0 de- grees 15' East, a distance of SIXTY SIX FlEiErr (ti6') to the place of beginning. Being that porUon of the existing County Road Number 46 or the deviations thereof in the Township of Bayham, OOil.'v.lM.E1NCING at a point in the North east angle of said Lot 5; THENCE [South along- the E"'a.St limit of said Lot 5, a distance of TfIR;EE HUN- DRED AND THREE AND THLRTY ONE-HUN- DREDTH FEIET (:3'03.30'); THIENaE South easterly in a straight line, a distance of TVV'O HUNDRED AND , 90 !EllJGlN 'COUNTY COUNC[JL NINE'I1ElEN AND FORTY mGRT ONE-HUNDRlEDTHS FEJET (219.48') to a point in the Westerly limit of said Lot 6, distant FliVEiHUNDRiED AND 'I'HRlmE FElEfi' (50'3'). measured Southerly thereon from a. point in the Northwest angle of said Lot 6; 'ffiENCE North along the West l.im.it of said iLot 6. a distance of !FIViE HUNDRiElD AND THRIEE FElElT (50<3') ; THiElNiCIEJ Westerly, ina straight line, a. distance of SIiXTY SIX AND SEVENTY TWO ONE-HUNDRiElD'!'HS PEEr (66.7i2') to the rplace of beginning. 2. The roads as.. designated and described in pa~agraph 1, 2, 3, are hereby removed from the ICounty \Road System of the County of Elgin. 3. This By-Law shall come into force upon the approv.a1 thereof by the Lieutenant-Hovernor in Council. FINALLY PiAlSSlEDat the City of St. Thomas, in the County of Elgin, this 23rd day of March, '1,9515. J. D. '!'HOMSON, Olerk, PHJJLIiP W. SOHliJElmA UF, Warden. BY-LAW NO. 1669 A. By-Law of the County of Elgin Designating "Through Highwa.yS''' WHEREAS Subsection 3 of Section 4il of the Highway 'fiaffic Act provides that: The driver or operator of every vehicle, or <ear of an electric railway shall hefore entering or crossing a 'I'hrough Highway bring the va..~icle or car to a full stop inunediately before entering the near~ est :crosswalk, or if none,. at a clearly. marked stop-line or if there is no crosswalk or stop line, then immediately before entering the travelled portion of the Through Highway. "THROUGH HIGHWAY" shall mean any highway or part of highlway designated as such by the Minister or by By-Law of a ElLGIN COUNTY COUNCIiL' Sl muniCipality approved- by the Department of Highways," -and every such highway shall be marked to comply with the regulations of "the: Department of Highways. NOW THElREFORlE the Municipal ICouncil' of the Corporation of the County of Elgin anacts as follows: 1. The following OountyRoads as shown 'colored blue on the m.ap attached hereto and numbered and described in iSchedule A 'o.f Con- solidated By-Law No. 1052, which was passed on the 27th day of June, 1925, and approved by the Lieutenant-Oovernor-in-Council. on the 9th day of September, 19-25, to consolidate and ,~evise: the By-Laiw establishing a County Road System in the ICOunty of Elgin, and amendments thereto, shan be "THROtJ1GH JfljGHWAYS," namely: County 'Road No.1 - Throughout. County Road No.2; Throughout. County Road No. 3- - Throughout. GountYRoad No. 4 - Throughout; County Road No. 5 - ThroughQut. County Road No. 6 - Throughout. COunty Road No. 8 - iFrom the Village -of Duttbn;to _ Thames River, and from County Road No. 16 to King's Highw,ay No. 3", at Wallacetown. County Road No.9 - oExcept where it, intersects County ~acis ,,No. 1 and No.5. - - ,-, County Road No" 10 - Throughout. County Road No. 12 - From County Ro~ N.'o. 14. to: Co~~y, R,~ad No.8, - and also from County Road No. 8 to Tait's '!Bridge on Thames-__ River. ICounty !Road No~ 13 - From the Village- of - Dutton to the ln~- section with County Road No. 14. ro,. IElI1GIN <COUNTY COUNC1!L Coup;ty ~oa_cl_ No. 14- -::E]xcept where it intersects King's Highway No.. 3 at. J;:QI;!.a. County {Road No. 16 - Throughout. 'County Road No. 17 - Throughout. OoUllty- Road No. 1:8 _ From County Road No. 1,4 to County Road No; 19throughout;~ County ~oad 'No. HI ~ From King's Highway No. 3 to Oounty Road No. ,17 throughout. County Road No. 20 - IEx;cept where it intersects King's Highway No.3, and iOounty Road No. 1:6. :County Road No. 22 - Throughout. Connty Road No. 24 - Throughout. County (Road No. 125 - Throughout. County Road No. 27 - From the intersection at COunty Road No. 36, at Sparta, to the Village of Union, and from the Village of Union, to Port Stanley, except where it intersects King's Highway NO.4. CoUnty Road No. 30 - Throughout. County Road No. 33 - Throughout. County Road No. 34 - Throughout. County Road No. 36 - Throughout~ County Road No. 37 - Eoc'Cept where it intersects COunty Road No. 47. County [Road No. 38 - ~cept where it intersects King'S High- way No. 19, at Straffordville. ELGIN iCOUNTY COUNCI[, 93 .county Road No. 40 - . Except where it intersects King'S Highway No.3. 'County Road No. 40AA - From King's Highway No. 73, to the Aylmer Ailix>rt. County Road No. ~1 - Throughout, in the Village of Vienna. County Road No. 42 - Throughout. IOounty Road No. 45 - Except where it intersects King's Highwa'y No. 73, and County Road No. 40. County !Road No. 46 - Ex-cept where it intersects King'S Highway No.3, to Eden. County \ROad No. 4:7 - Throughout. County Road No. 48 - Throughout. county Road No. 49 - From county Road No. '52', in the Village of Springfield, to County Road No. 48. county Road No. 50 - Throughout. County Road No. '51 - Throughout. .county Road No. 52 - Throughout. County Road No. 53 - Except where it intersects John Street, in the Town of ,Aylmer. 2. That all Ey-lLaws inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. 3. This By-[La,w shall not become effective nntil approved by the Department of Highways. and until signs have been erected, and are on display in compliance with the regulations of the said Department. Rill1AD a first time this 15th day of June, 195-5. READ a second time this 15th day of June. 195-5. Read. a third time and finally passed this 15th day of June. 1955. J. D. THOMSON, 'Clerk, FHlliIIP W. SCHLErHAUF, Warden. 94 :ElUG-IN iOOUNTY COUNcmL BY-LAW NO. 1670 To Prohibit Parking on County 'Road No. 20, in the Village of Shedden WHEREAS the Trustees of the Village of Shedden and Council of the Township of Southwold have requested the (prohibition of parking on portion of COunty 'Road No. 20 in the Village of Shedden, AND WHERi.E~S Section 4Q2., Subsection 10 (c) of the Municipal Act provides for the same. The 'Council of the iCorpora.tion of the Connty of Elgin enacts: THAT no vehicle shall be parked for Fifty feet South, and Seventy feet North of King's Highway No.3, on the East Side of County Road No. 20, in the Village of Shedden, or, for Fifty feet South, and One Hundred. and Twenty feet North of King's Highway No.3, on the West side of County Road No. QO, in the Village of Shedden, 'Township of southwold. ANY PERSON violating any of the provisions of this by-law shall -be subject to a penalty of not more than Ten DOllars for the first offence. and not more than Twenty-five Dollars for every sUibsequent <offence exclusive of costs. and all su:ch penalties shall Ibe reco;verable under the Ontario Summary Convictions Act. THAT Signs Ibe erected when approval is received from the Department of Highways, Toronto. READ a. first time this 1!5th day of June, 1955. iRill1AD a second time this 15th day of June, 1955. READ a third time. and dinally passed this 15th day of June, 1955. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk, PHILliP W. SCHiliErHAUF, Warden. :ElUGlN == COUNCE:, 95 FIFTH SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 22nd day of NQvember, 1955 The Elgin Cormty Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members were present ex'cept Reeve Williams. The Warden addressed the Cbuncil, and welcomed the junior guests present, who came 'as guests of the Counoil members. WARDEN'S ADDRESS To the Members of the .EJ.gin County Oouncil, Mrs. McCarthy and Gentlemen: Although I am we1coming you to the final session, of our OOlUlell, during my term as Warden, it gives me greater pleasure today than at any time in the .past to e:x!tend this heartfelt welc'OIne to one and ,all.at this November Session. Not only are the present representatives ,of this County in attendance but we have as om- guests many Juniors who are potentiaJ candidates for seats in this government. To you, girls and boys, I extend a special welcome, and trusrtthat your ex-; periences today will prove both educational and entertaining. With the approach of winter, wor:k in construction and agrioulture !has diminished, and I am sorry to report that adverse weather has made it ilnposstble to complete a ,portion of <>ur constructional pro- gram and has impeded farm harvesting oper:ations. It has been most discouraging to travel through our County this fall after seeing the frost damage to the tobacco eaJrlier, and now witness a repetition o:t1 the 'conditions of a year ago when many crops on our richest landi remained unharvested through the winter due to excessirve rainfall. With veJry few C7xceptions, there has been a gradual reduction in :farm produce prices during the present year. Though the major por- tion of the fiuecured tobacco crop produced in Elgin has been sold 96 EDGIN COUNTY COUNC1!L at a fair price, a larger than normal amount of the crop is still un- sold. Since expo:vt and home consumption in almost all lines ot agriculture is not keeping pace with our increasing production, I feel it is our res:ponsability'to impress the higher levels of government with the importance and urgency of revised and efficient legislation to protect 'the agricultural industry. Such legislation should place greater emphasis on the dispusai. of surpluses and would most - cer- tainly stabilize the economy of our entire country. Many important events have taken place in the COunty duringp the fall. The 'annual fall fairs have again [been successful and con~ tinue to contribute to the cuJtUTe and education of our county. I have had the privilege of attending and enjoying many ibanquets spon- sored by County and !City organizations and I take this opportunit~ of congratulating the various committees 'on the success of these functions with a -special word of rappreciation for the EIgiIi Junio11' Farmers and Junior Institute. There is no doubt that the ability and enthusiasm in these two groups speak well fur the future of Elgin. Two aLstitutions in St. Thomas ha.ve been remodelled and recent- ly re-opened, namely the st. Thomas Memorial Hospital, and the y .M~C.A., and are now prepared to continue and expand their efficient and beneficial services to this area. A meeting of the much publicized legislative committee on Water Resources was held in St. Thomas, a few weeks ago. followed by the annual meeting of the Southwestern Ontario Water ResoUl'ces Associ- ation in London on November 9th. Your Warden and iCounty Repre- sentative to this. committee. Reeve Nelson, and many other members of Cbunty iCoundl attended these sessions. Numerous briefs WeTe presented at these meetings from rural and urban communities, all of which emphasi'zed the need for a more; abundant supply of water ,being made ava.ilable to all parts of this district. In summing up thei\l" findings the members of this com- mittee and other eminent speakers all envisioned a time in the near future when an integrated pipeline system would carry water to every home, whether urban or rural, in this pa.rt of Ontario. However, much study of this problem is still required as it will be necessary that any such plan be kept on a practical basis having regard to the cost of such service and the ultimate benefit to be derived there~ from. It is my opinion that greater emphasis should be placed o:q CElLiGINCOUNTY COUNCI'L 97 the conservation of our present supply of water and with this thought\. in mind, I strongly urge that this Council' recommend to the Ontario government the pur.chase 'Of White~s bush in Malahide township. to dJeset.aside as forest preserve.and-provinci'al p.axk. This property has one of the- finest staa1ds" of virgin' timber to be fonnd in this part of OntariO'. The various committees of Council will complete the year's ex- penditures within their budget appropriation in most cases and it would appear that the Gounty will again have a sniall surpluus at the end - of the year. Favourable weather enabled the road committee to complete the: hard" surfacing- of- 1J1 * miles of' road in addition to seal-coating DlRn~ miles - of present hard surmce. This work was equitably distributed! throughout the <County and - in the majority of cases placed where 1~ would- establish greater continuity in our present road system. The adverse weather of recent weeks has retarded constructiOn) work in our road department scheduled for this fall and it may be' necessary to. defer completion of, some of these projects nntit . HI56~ The hy-law passed a.t the JUne session estatblishing all county roads. 'as'~ through highways has proved . a timely one 'as' it has co- incided with. t~e current s3lfety drive. of the Ontario- Provincial Police. It: is expected that all necessary signs will be erected on county roadBI in the near future 00 implement the- provisions of- this by-law. The necessity fol' passing of a by-law regulating the location of 'buildings on property adjacent to county roads is now evident as in many instances - these buildings obstruct- view and create, traffic haz- ards., This would also eliminate. difficulties with neighbouring cOlUlties which have- similar .by-Iaws in effect where county boundaTies are- alSQ: county roads. Elgin County's 'Very fine home for elderly persons now has more residents than at any time during- .recent years. This is due partially to an agreement with the ,Oity of St. Thomas and also to the fact- that several -self-sustaining residents are making Elgin Ivi:anor their permanent- home. The cost of operating Elgin Manor has increased slightly in recent years due to higher wages for the staff and better medi-cal care- being provided for the residents. Although this service 98 :ElUGIN iCOUNTY COUNCIiL has increa.sed costs it has resulted in a saving to the County m lower hospitalization costs for these. residents. There is every indication that the appropriation for the Children':, Aid Society will be approximately $4;000 less than the actual expen- diture due to the greater number of chUm-en heing placed under the care of the SOciety <and also a change in Brovincial regulations re- sulting in increased -liability - to the mun.icipalities. The comparatively young St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital is! being efficiently operated. and the superintendent, Mr. Bert Thacker~ and his staff! are to he commended on keeping the e~enditu(["es well within the revenue ,.)f the hospital. The only - threat. to the financial 'stability of this institution is the newly opened chronic unit whic~ will require careful study 'on the part of future hospital boards to be k$Pt self-sustaining. The present hospital board under the chairman~ ship of Reeve Kenneth Williamson have been most co-operative in all matters pertaIning to iEIgin :C!ounty and especially so in the ser~ vices provided to Elgin Manor. I am certain that all of US were, extremely sorry to leam through the press that this county might possibly lose one its most valued ser~ vants 'and citizensir.. ,the person of our agricultural reprflsentative, Mf. A. V. Langton. We need only be reminded of the 240 4-H Glub m~ers of 18 clubs who completed their projects this past yea-r to realize the influence Mr. iLangton's efforts will have on the future of Elgin County. I feel that every .effort should be made to influ- ence Mr. Langton to remain with us, that he might continue his indispensable service to agriculture in Elgin. In, expressing my thanks to the London Free Press and the St. Thomas Times-Journal for the excellent C'overage ,given our Council sessions and other events in the county, ! feel it is impossible to pll:l,Ce too great emphasis on the value of good publicity to any 001'-, poration or organization. Ai3 a consequence, I wish to re-iterate the value of an Elgin iCOunty Ohamber of Commerce as suggested by Ex;..Wardcn Williamson, one year ago. The ,establishment of the st. La~rerice Sea.way will bring to Qur two fine lake ports: as well as our. agricultural and industrial areas greater opportunities for ex- pansion ~nd diversification. This opportunity coupled with the possibility of irrigation' and modern production methods provide E3.gi.n Oounty with a greater potential than at any time in history. :ElUGrrN C'OUNTY COUNCIL 99 As I close my final address to you during my term as your War- den, may I once again express my appreciation to yoU in electing me to this high office. I am sincerely grateful for the co~operation and; support which you have given me during the year. It has been a privilege and pleasure for me to provide guidance to a governing body that has so truly exemplified the basic p:rinciples of democracy and! I feel cert.ain that every action of this ICouncil and its officials has upheld the high standards of efficiency established by our p!I'edeces,;, sors. M:rs. McCarthy and Gentlemen, I thank. you. The minutes of the ISeptember Session were read and confirmed.. The following communications were read, and referred to their various Committees: COMMUNICATIONS From the COunty of Middlesex with lBy-L8IW to regulate buildings adjacent to County R:oads.-Referred to the Road Committee. From the City of St. Thomas with notice of assessment.-Referred to the Property Oornmittee. From the West Elgin District High School Board re appointment of County representative.-ReferreO. to the Education iC'oII'..iIT'..ittee. From the Township of Biayham with request to assume road in the Oount.y Road System.-iReferred to the iCormty Road Committee. From the solicitor of Riverview Hospibal ie patient.~Referred to the Finance COmmittee. From' the TOIWt1shirp of Bayham with resolution re cost of indi- gent patient.-Referred to the Finance Committee. lOll ElJGm" COUNTY COUNCI'L From the univerity of Western Ontario with appreciation of Scholarship grant.-FiIed. From the Civic lAdministration re subsCriptions to magaziIies:- Referi"ed.-to.: the: Finance Committee; FrOIIl:' the Treasurer of- the St. .ThoIDias-lEilgin General HOspital; with repoit re- [Building- grants.----.Referred to the Finance COmmittee~ ~om the principal of Alma College with appreciation of grant.- Filed. FTO!ll: the' University - of Western Ontario with appreciation of' grant.-Filed. From the Western Ontario Agricultural School with allJpreciation of Elgin County SfchOlm'ship.-Filed. From the secretary of the Ontario Municipal Board re annexation of certain lands in: the Township of Yarmouth by the City of St. Thomas.-Filed. From the Deputy iMiniSter of Fisheries with acknowledgment of. Elgin County resolution re the fishing industry .-Filed. From - the- Honourable: F. S. Thomas With acknowledgment- of Elgin ICounty resolution re the fish industry.-Filed. Fram the iConnty of Hastings fWith resol1itions re- weed seeds in .seed grain and prohi.bition of the hunting of partridge.-Referred to the- Agricultural Committee: From the Dept. of Municipal Affairs re payment of Council mem- IberS~---"'Referred' to the Finance' .cohlinittee. From the Canadian National Institute for the Blind with appre~ ciation of grant, and report on Building FUnd,: rold maintenance expenses.-Referred to the Finance Committee. The Treasurer's report was presented and adopted, and ordered. printed in the Proceedings. iElIJGI!N COUNTY COUNCIL 1~1 The Secretary's -report on Elgin Manor was presented, accepted, and ordered printed in- the Proceedings. The Clerk's report on Licenses was presented, and accepted, and ordered printed in the Proceedings. The Weed Inspeetor's report was presented, and adopted, and ordered printed. in the Proceedings, Move.d by Reeve Liebner, Seconded by Reeve Littlejohn: That we do now adjourn to meet at 2 p.m. -Carried. The Council resumed. The first report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Wilson, and Reeve Littlejohn. The report of the Agricultural Committee was presented and adopted on motion of' Reeve Nelson and Reeve .Marr. The second report of the Finance .Committee was presented, and adopted, on motion of Reeve Wilson and Reeve Culver. It was moved by Reeve Alward that Mr. David Richa.rds of the Frank .cowan Agency be new heard. Mr. Richards addressed the 'Council on fire inslil'anCe on Elgin Manor and surety bond for the Superintendent. The matter was referred to the Elgin Manor Com- mittee. Moved by Reeve Marr, Seconded by Reeve Kelson: That the Warden and laIe:vk draft a letter expressing appreciation for services rendered ,by Mr. A. V. Langton, eur agricultural represen- tative, and desire for his continued service in Elgin County. -Carried. , 100 :ElUG[N COUNTY COUNCIL Ted Hart eXi:pressed appreciation on behalf of all the boys and girls present, for the wonderful day. and the great experience as guests of the Council. Moved by Reeve Marr, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Hale: That we do now adjourn to meet on Wednesday, November 23rd. at ten a.m. -Carried. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. PHILIP W. SCHiLIIillHAUiF, Warden. FU'TH SI!lS,sION - ,sECOND DAY Wednesday, the 23rd day of November, 1955 The Elgin- County Council met this day at the Gourt House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Ohair. All the members were present. except Reeve Williams. The minutes of the previous day were read, and confirmed. Moved by Reeve 'OUlver, Seconded -by Reeve Walker: That a grant of Five Hundred Dollars ,be ,given the Warden for his services, during 1955. -Carried. Moved by Deputy 'Reeve Hale, Seconded !by Reeve Marx: ElIXNN 'COUNTY COUNCl'L 100 That this Elgh""1 County Council unanimously recommends the Provincial Government. pmchase White's Bush in the Township of Malahide for a Provincial Forest Preserve and Park. ...,.;--CaITied. Moved by Reeve Williamson, Seconded by Reeve Palmer: That 'all Elgin County employees, contributors to Pension SuPer- annuation Fund shall retire at the normal retirement date as pro- vided in the Pension Plan, and there shall be no extension of service with the County. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Palmer, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Hunter: That a grant of $10.00 each, be paid Allan Worbyand Keith Power for reporting proceedings of 'Council. -Carried. Moved by Deputy :Reeve MoMlllan, Seconded ibyReeve Liebner: That we do now adjourn to meet this afternoon at 2 p.m~ --->Carried. The Council resumed. The report of the Education ,committee was presented, and adopted, en motion of Reeve Palmer, and Deputy Reeve Hunter. The report of the Elgin Manor Committee was presented, and! adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve McMillan, and Deputy Reeve McQuiggan. The report of the Property Comniittee was presented, and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Hindley, and Reeve [Liebner. 1!l4 ElIlGIN COUNTY COUNCT'L The Warden called on Ex:...Warden James C. Jenkins, and Ex- Reev~EITmer Wackley,-who expressed thepleasuxeat being present; and complimented the Comicil on the excellent manner- in which they were carrying on the business of the County. The report of the Road Committee was presented, and adopted on motion of Reeve [Jttlejohn and Reeve Culver. The Clerk was requested to send a letter to. Reeve Williams in his illrtess,aIid trust for a speedy - recovery. The - Warden called on the members of lOouncil who expressed their pleasure as members of 'Oouncll, and congratula.ted the War- den on his efficient manner of conducting the ICJaunty business. The Warden IOalled on Ex-Wardens Little, McKillop, Coulter, and Pineo, who. expressed their appreciation at 'being present. Moved by Reeve Marr, -Seconded hy Deputy Reeve Hale: That 'We de now adjourn sine die. -Carried. J. D. '!'HOMSON, County Clerk PHILIP W. SCHLEIHAUF, Warden CLERK'S REPORT ON LICENSES November Session. 1955 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council: I have to report the following applications- for licenses have been approv~ by the. local. municipalities, and the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit from July 18th, 1955, to NWem!ber 1st, 1955. :ElUG}N COUNTY' COUNCIL 105 Restaurants Fred Dodgson John Betterley Frank BifC'e Belmont Belmont Belmont Lunch Counters stanley Stephens Murray Buckler Gordon Munro Harold W. Bennett Dickinson's Lunch Berdan's Service Station Elm Snack Bar William Stephens R.R. 2, Aylmer :RE. 2, Aylmer RE. 2, Aylmer R.R. 1, Eden S'traffordville Straffordville . !a.Ia. 1, Aylmer R.R. 2; Aylmer Ice Cream Stands Lome MoOallum W. H. Gandy Mrs. Bernadette Grevits Franks General store Robert Kennedy Henry DesimpeI R.R. 2, S]>ringfieId R.R. 2, Aylmer RE. 6, Aylmer Corinth !a.R. 6, Aylmer R.R. 1. Straffordville All of which is respectfully submitted.. J. D. THOMSON, County iOlerk and Treasurer CLERK'S REPORT ON LICENSES November Session, 1955 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council: I have to report the following licenses in force on the 1st day of November, 1.955: ',) 106 ElLGIN COUNTY COUNCI'L Auctioneer Glen Paton FJ.'ed Haggan Don Waterworth Ivan Parkinson K. J. McAlpine Douglas H. Gibbs Edwin A. Morningstar Milton E. Birook & Son M. Gafer W. D. Shore Harold G. Clarke Art Long William Carnegie Clarence Wolfe Fl'ank Fulkerson Rodney Aylmer Aylmer !Rffi.. 8, London Dutton 1100 Hamilton Road, London 502 Oentral Ave., 'London 329 iEleanor st., London 766 Dundas st. West, Toronto R.R. 6,St. Thomas 6~ St. Oatherine st., st. Thomas Vienna RR. 1,Muirkirk H..a. 1, Vienna R.R. 1, Tillsonburg Salvage Dealers Canada Scrap Iron and Metal WilliamW. W'elch Frank Filek 11211 C; H. Wedenko Donald Campbell. William Kelly and Sons Adam Kirschner Prank Chodowski Thomas William Smith St. Thomas RiR. iI, Dutton Hamilton Road, London 443 Gray Bt., London West Lome Port stanley R.R. 3, West Lome Box 603, Aylmer R.R. 3, St. Thomas ) Hawker's and Peddler's License Maxine Minaker RJO.A.F., Fingal Transportation of Fowl Charles !Pangborn Thomas J. Page 'l'albotville Wallacetown All of which is respectf:ully submitted. J. D. THOMSON. County Olerk and Treasurer ELGIN COUNTY COUNCl'L 107 FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1955 - First Report To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council: The ,F'inance C'ommittee reports as follows: 1. That the Children's Aid Society Pay List No.5. for $6,865-.23, be paid That Charity and Welfare Pay List No. :5" for $1,159.00 !be paid. 3. That Miscellaneollii Bay List No.4, for '$146.31, be paid. 4. That the hospital account for Mr. Frederick A. O'Halloran, indigent .patient be' referred to our Connty Solicitor. 5. That the notice from the iSolicitor of lR.iverview Hospital re Edith Ann Bennett be referred to our >County Solicitor. 6. That the request from the Civic Administration for subscrip- tions be filed. 7. That the report from :Mr. W. E. Rowe, Treasurer of the Build- ing Fund of the st. Thomag,..IElgin General Hospital be referred to the January Session of County ICouncil. 8. That the Warden, and Reeve W'illiamsonbe paid at usual Council Committee rate for meetings of tfue St. Thomas..JE1gin Hos- pital Board they attended duxing 19155. 9. That the report from the Oanadian National Institute for the Blind be filed. 10. That pernllSSlOn be granted Insurance Companies to make survey of County in::.'Urance without cost to the Cbunty. and Clerk tC:1 contact several companies' agents. All of which is res:pectfully submitted. J. B. WILSON, Chairman. 100 EDGIN COUNTY COUNC1!L FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1955 - Second Report To the Warden,. and Members of the FJIgin COunty Council: The Finance Oommittee reports as follows: 1. That the following hospital accounts be paid: st. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital Victoria Hospital, London Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital st. Joseph's Hospital, London IAlexandra Hospital, Ingersoll ICanadian Paraplegic Association .$ 48511 00 114 00 l200 25 138011) 900 165 00 $ 6569 25 All of which is respectfUlly SUJbmitted. J. iB. WII.lSON, Ohairman. AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1955 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin ICOunty Council: The Agricultural Oomniittee reports as follQIWs: 1. That the reso1ution from the ICounty of Hastings re Placing of names of Weed seeds on tag of seed for sale be approved. 2. That the petition for closing of partridge season for 5 years be concUl'Ted. 3. That the County sell the 65 Balm trees to Canadian Wood Products for $250.00. All of which is respectfully sUbmitted. W. D. NmJSON, Chairman. :ElUGlN COUNTY COUNCIL 109 EDUCATION COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1955 To the \'Ilarden, and Members of the Elgin County Council: The Educ'ation Committee reports as follows: 1. That Alex. C. White be County Representative on the West Elgin District High School Board. 2. That iRalph Auckland Ibe iCbunty Representative on the St. Thomas-Elgin District High lSJchool Board. 3. That Francis Oline !be County Representative on the East Elgin High SChool District Board. All of which is l'especttuIly submitted. HOWARD PALMm!., Ohairman. ELGIN MANOR CO.MMiITTEE REPORT November Session, 1955 To the Warden, and Members of the [illgin County Council: The Elgin Manor Committee reports as follows: 1. That the tender of Imperial System of Baking for bread at eleven cents per loaf be accepted. 2. That we renew insurance on Elgin Manor with the Frank Cowan Co., for '$1,225.00. All of which is respectfully submitted. A. O. McMillan, Chairman. ., 110 ElI.JGm iCOUNTY COUNCI'L , COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT November Session, 1955 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: I beg to SlJ.bmit the following statement of Receipts and EiX'pendi- tures from January 1st, 1955, to October 31st, 11955. Receipts Balance in Bank, and on hand, January 1st, County [Rates Administration of .Justice Notes Payable Elgin-st. Thomas Health Unit Registry Office Charity and Welfare Elgin Manor Ohildren'S Aid Societies COunty Roads Miscellaneous (including rents) Licenses and Permits Interest Outstanding cheques written off 1955 ............$ 45,809 59 $ 76,765 00 21),728 2() 39.0,000 00 11),758 to 500 46 27,948 56 111,518 60 1,257 07 128,671 2!l 646 45 250 00 13 34 ]164 $679,070 71 $'124,880 30 Expenditures Administration of Jusu,ce Notes Payable Charity and Welfare G~ants st. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital Elgin Manor Registry Office Health Unit Children's Aid society .$ 48,900 83 80,000 ()() 58,099 2!l 7,055 00 30,000 00 28,281 91 2,372 61) 21),000 00 30,>4321 :ElUGIN ICOUNTY COUNCIL 111 Members' W'ages Officers' Salaries Printing, Postage, and Stationery ICare of Buildings Agriculture County Roads Miscellaneous Interest 5,177 45 6,~16 00 87411 2,597 36 3,222 35 385,260 1,1 1,5m 89 866 3~ '$'i'16,4m 50 3,396 80 0ash on hand, and in Bank $724,880 30 All of which is respectfully submitted. J. D. THOMSON, County Olerk and Treasurer SECRETARY'S REPORT November Sessio~J 1955 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council: The following is my report on E1gin Manor for the year ending October 31st, 1955: 1. N11II1ber of residents at last report 2. Number admitted during the year 3,. Nuniber of deaths 4. Number discharged 5. Number of residents now in house 6. Total days residence 7. Average number of residents during year 8. Average number with Superintendent's family and hired help 9. Number of weeks' board with Superintendent's family 10. Number. of weeks' board of residents 11. Total expenditure, during the year $32,383.81 30 34 1 20 4ll 10,993 30 37 1,965 1,570 112 :ElUG[N 'COUNTY COUNC1!L 12. Receipts FaITh Produce Old Age !Pensions Ref1.ili.dS ...;.;.:. Bell Telephone ResideIits' Maintenance Government of Canada, Sales Ta.x Refund 13; Deductions Farm Produce. ...."....... ....... "".....$ Refunds - Bell Telephone Government of Canada, Sales Tax Refund Permanent Improvements ..$ 5 00 lOMIJ 25 100 35 161/l 63 am 43 $ 13400 66 500 100 35 633 43 0002 77 14. NetOost of Operating $ 23M226 $ _165 15 Average expenses per day of each person ..",.,$ 21 56~1-3 16. :Average expenses per week of eac:h person 17 . Average expenses per year of ciwh i>ci:son la. Expenditures Pennanent ImproVements Feed and :Seed Gas and Oil Hired Labour Food and Provisions Olothing and Footwear Drugs and Medical Tobacco Welfare Provisions House Supplies Furnishings $ 1794 932 88 ..$ 3302 77 446 91 480 /ill 2830 85 7795 65 1053 19 11107 14 779 85 1L72 95' 2008 28 2719 67 = ,cOUNTY COUNCIL Ll3 Fuel, Telephone, Hydro Repairs Miscellaneous Salaries 2li60 21 1891 55 l2lI1 23 230334 $3@3381 19. Actual cost to County after deduction of aU receipts $ 1898Jl 15 20. Produce U5 hushels apples @ $1..00 200 bags potat.oes @ $1.00 20 bushels carrots @ 750 15 _hels t1ll1Jips @ 500 20 bushels beets @ 750 1'5 Ibrushels onionS @ $1.50 5 bushels "quash @ 50c 10 bushels tomatoes @ $1.00 2 bush,els b.."'11sseIs sprouts @ $1.00 3 bushels cabbage. @ $1.00 2'5 medium sized watermelon @ 40C 13 bushels pears @ 50c 4 bushels plums @ $1.00 30 quarts cherries @ 50c 725 dozen ~crgs @ 45c .$ 115 00 200 00 1500 7 50 1500 21150 250 10 00 200 300 1000 900 600 1500 32625 $ 708 75 21. Stock 4 Hogs 50 Hens 22. There were 64 residents in the House during lG55.: 50 males. 14 females. Of the 43 residents in the House on the 1st day of Novem- ber, lOO5, 33 were males and 10 females. The management has been satisfactory. All of which is respecttu1ly submitted. J. D. '!'HOMSON, C<lunty Olerk ('J 114 ELGiIIN iCOUNTY COUNCIL PROPERTY COMMITTEE RiEPORT November Session, 1955 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin Oounty Council: The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That :Administration of Justice Pay List No.8; for $124116, ibe paid. 2. That -Dare of Buildings iPay List No.7. for $58.6'6. be paid. 3. That Registry Office Pay List No.6. for $712.38. be paid. 4. That we accept the tender of the ImIierial System of Baking for bread, for- the Elgin County Jail @' eleven cents :per loaf ,be ac- cepted. 5. That we authgri%e the purc1iase of a chair foi:. the jail office for $<[6.00. 6. That notice of Assessment from the :Oity of St. Thomas of County property .be filed. All of' which --is' respectfully submitted. JAMES HINDLEiY, Chairman. ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1955 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council: Your Road Committee begs to report as follows: 'j iElIJGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 1Il5 1. The Elgin County Roads Department h'as nearly cOIn,ipleted this year's programme of maintenance and construction work as provided for in the estimates passed at yom January Session. A maximum total of expenditures of , ....... ..$442,000.00 was provided in your By-law and this was approved by the Minister of Highways. The net expenditures from Jan. 1 to Oct. 1 were about '$ 4112,000 00 This leaves only albout .. .......".,.'.,.. $ 40,000 00 to he e~ended until December 31st, and some of the works contemplated on this year's programme will have to be left over until 1956. 2. -The following roads have !been completed: (a) (Road Mulch Pavements were laid on the following roads: County Road No. 4, AldIJoroug>h 1.5 miles No.8, Dunwich .... 1.5 miles No. 16, South'Wold a miles No. 36, Yarmouth 2.5 miles No. 42, Malahide .4 miles No. 40, Malahide l.a miles No. 45, Bayham 1.76 miles No. 51, South Dorchester l. miles 1'1.85 miles, About one-half of the County Roads in the County of Elgin have now been !paved. (b) 39 miles of County Boads and 7 miles of Suburb-an Roads were surface treated with asphalt and stone ohips or pea gravel. (c) The following bridges were constructed or reconstructed: (': 116 ElLGIN <COUNTY COUNCIL McKenzie Bridge, County Road No. 36, Yarmouth Brooks Drain Bridge, lCounty Road No. 48, Sbuth Dorchester Shively Drain Bridge, 'County Road No. 52, Townline. Mala~de Neff Drain Bridge, IOounty Road No. 52, Townline. Malahide and South Dorchester Wiley Drain :Culvert (Work in Progress), Rodney New steel stringers and a new concrete floor were laid on the Fulton Bridge, west of White's Station .Extensive repairs were m'ade to the Hoover Bridge on the Town Line between Yarmouth and -South Dorohester. .' (d) Combined concrete curlbs and gutters were laid on the fol- lowing streets: South Street, Aylmer, about 2;100 lineal feet Warren street, Port Stanley, about 1,360 lineaJ feet Main Street, springfield (to be completed if the weather is favourable) . (e) Extensive grading and widening was done on the following roads: County Road No.4, Township of Aldborough County Road No. 13, Village of Dutton County Road No. 16, Township of .southwold County Road No. 2i2I SA, Township of Yarmouth County Road, No. 36, Township Of Yarmouth County Road No. 45-, Township of Malahide I; !.j :ElUQ[N <COUNTY COUNCI'L m7 County Road No. 37 MOIL, East of Avon County iRo:ad, No. 46, Township of Bayham Improvements were made by widening and reducing the grade on the Hill East of Sinden Bridge on County Road No. 16, Bayham. 72 lineal feet of 48'-inch reinforced concrete pipe lWere laid on the east side of County Road No. 20 in Shedden and the road will be raised and widened !between the tracks of the New YO'rk Centml Railroad and the iOhesapea.ke and Ohio Railrway. (f) The fonowing new equipment was purchased: One Gallon 5 to 8 ton Tandem Gasoline Powered Road Roller. One new 19515 Dodge Station Wagon. One new 1956 N.A.A. Tractor, equipped with side mounted High- way Mower. (g) About 1'1,000 tons of Crushed Stone were pW"chased for road surfacing or for mixing in the Road Mulch Pavements. About 46,000 Cubic Yards of [pit-run Gravel and ~bout 20,000 Cubic Yards of Crushed Gravel were plMed on the County and S'ubunban Roads. About 4,000 Culbic Yards of Crushed Gravel were stock piled. (h) All the above works were done by the staff 'and men employed Iby the Oounty or by hi,redequipment. No contracts were let for any construction work. 3. We recommend that the Application of the Pringle Powder Company, [Bradford, Pa., to erect a storage building for storing explo- sives on the County's prope..--ty, k...iOwTI as iC'fu""I1ie Gra.vel Pit, Township of Aldborough, not be granted. 4. We T6Commend that the Application of the Township of Bay- 118 :ElUGlN iCOUNTY COUNCIL , ham for the County of Elgin. to . assume as a County Road the road between Concession 9 and 10-, Westerly from No. 3 !King's Highway be referred to the 1956 Council. 5. We reconrmend that the Agreement between the County of EJlgi.n a.nd stanley ,Oharleton regarding the leasing of a well on a small parto! [Lot 20., Concession 9, Township of Malahide, ovroed by the County be executed by the County. 6.' We -reconunend -that the Letter from W. IA. Sutherland, Clerk of Middlesex, with-enclosed copy of Middlesex Bylaw No. 25118, regula- ting the location of buildings and structures on lands adjacent to County Roads be filed for future reference. All of which is respectfully submitted. ALillSTAlR B. LITI'LEJOHN, Chairman WEED INSPECTOR'S REPORT November Session, 1955 TO the Warden, and Members of the Elgin Oounty Council: I Wish to report on the weed control program for the year, 1955. I have received good co.,.opera.tiO'n from the County Road Foreman, Mr. Norman Cha;plow,and the men whO' did the mowing. The CO'unty Roads were rwell. mowed; some were late, ,as they calli~ot aU be mowed the same week. Wild carrot is had on some of the County ,Roads. There was a;pproximately fifty miles of County Roads sprayed this year. I hope it will ilJ.e increased next year. I would suggest that the County purchase a sprayer. The Ibrush on the roadsides could be sprayed in IlVIa...""Ch, ...A,.;pr'..l and early Y...!l1y, before the crops are planted. The townships <seem to be late in starting to' mow, probalbly they want to save the second cutting. It is ha:rd to' hire anyone to dO' custom mowing. Yarmouth, SoutbJwold and Aldborough u :ElUGJ:N ,COUNTY COUNClL 119 Townships are spraying road sides for b-rush control. Yarmouth and Southwald townships own their sprayers. The Provincial highways in Elgin County were fairly clean this year. ISome vrild carrot and sow- thistle showed up where grading had been done recently. Good farmers throughout the 'County axe trying hard to keep the weeds under control hy spraying and mowing, or you might say clipping them when they mow. other farmers take no pride in clean- ing up their property. Elgin County has a lot of rough land, hills and gulleys, and it is hard to control weeds in these places. Golden _rod is making great ,growth on thts hilly land, and also on some level pas- ture lands. Mustard was in _ abundance in some parts _ of the County this year. I called on many farm-ers, and advised them to' spray for mustard; some did, and more would have done so, if they had owned. a sprayer, or could have hired a sprayer. There are a few custom s.prayer operators throughout the County who are doing good work. Railroads throughout Elgin County have a lot of weeds and it is har~ to get them to do ~nything along the line of weed control. Most railways that pass through a section of farm land will mow where the farms are clean. The railroads spray or mow only the shoulders of the road bed. The hydro lines keep their right-of~W'ay fairly clean, and do good spraying. They reported to me they have had no damage claims for the past three years. 'The Bell Telephone Compa.ny spray-ed fifty miles under their lines this year, and intend to do more d1H"ing the coming yeM'. As Elgin County grew its largest acreage of corn this yea.r, I Vlould estimate 10,GOO acres were sprayed. Oats, barley and spring grain~l,OOO acres sprayed; pasture land 1,000 acres, sprayed. I would also estimate farmers throughout t..~e County sprayed fifty miles of road side along their farms. The villages and towns in the County are fairly clean and didn't give me teo much trouble, except for the odd vacant lot. The sub-division around St. Thomas gave me the most trouble this year. I received many complaints, and one led to another, there are many weeds in these sub-divisions. One man huys a lot and builds !2:: 120 ElIJG[N <COUNTY COUNCT'L " a home, and the lots each side lie vacant for a. year or two. and some- times more. Often the owner of these vacant lots lives in Hamilton, Toronto, Buffalo or other cities and can't be located; therefore you cannot hire anyone to out their -weeds. As County Weed Inspector. I have tried to look after the weed situa.tion to the best of my -a:bility, and advise any one I could with their problems. As Weed Inspector for the County of Elgin, I travelled 5,500: miles and worked 671] hOUTS along with other expenses which amounted. to $52.80, making a total of ~$'1..00'1.'9il for this year. All of which is respectfully submitted. CLAYllOURNE GORDON, COunty Weed. Inspector , ! ,) '} . .:ElUGlN. iCOUNTY . COUNC1!L .12ll - - INDEX GRANTS- Alma College Agricultural and Horticultural ,SOCieties. Canadian National Institute for the Blind. !Public Libr.aries To the Warden and Reporters Salvation Army University of Western Ontario Women's Institutes [.ocal Agricultural Office iLaJW Library Scholarship Grants st. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital Elgin County Lilbl1ary Co-Operative Tillsonburg Hospital Grant Bobier Nursing Home, Dutton MISCELLANEOUS- Appointm.ents of Delegates Communications County Council County OffiCials Delegations _ -Municipal Clerks and Treasurers - - 57 31 56 67 102 56 56 17 49 56 67 56 67 58 57 22 5-, 25, 3'5-, 43, 99 3 2 12, 15, 27, 38 2 1.-\ 1212 .iElUGlN ICOUNTY COUNClL Warden's Addl'ess 9, 23, 33, 4l1. 95 Warden's Election 4 REPORTS OF COMJ\I[TTEE AND OFFIOIALS- Agrir;ultural Committee Elgin Manor Committee 17, 49, 52, 53, 54, 100 104 13, 00, 109 72, 110 13, 1>/, 109 . ~1 13, 55-62, 107 111 ,.......""."........ ;,.... '1'7, 70 13, 73, .14 63-66, ~15 County 100erk on Licenses County Treasurer's Report Education Committee Equalization Finance Committee Secretary's Report of iEiLgin Manor Petitions and 1Legislations Property Connnittee :Road committee Standing Conunittees Weed Inspector 47 ........li18 50 76 iFinancial statement of Agricultural iCommittee. Financial statement of Elgin County Library BY-LAWS- No. 1658 To Prohibit Parking on County Road No. 4(}.. 18 No. 1659 To Authorize the Warden ,a.nd Treasurerto-B6t- row the Sum of $450,000.00. 18, 78 No. l660 To Confirm By..[.aw No. H3'oa., Townhip of Bayham 19, 78 No. 1001 To Annex Area to the TilIsonburg High School District . . .... 19, 79 ':ElUGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 1m . No. 1662 To Amend By-Law No. 1664. No. 1663 To Provide for the Total EOC:penditureon the ICounty Road System 19, 80 20, 81 No. 1664 To Appoint a Board of IAuclit. No. 1665 To Appoint a County iRoad Committee.". 20', 83 21, 83 No. lil)66 To Confirm the .Elqualization of Assessment Rolls 311, 84 No. 1667 To !R.aise Amount for Cbunty Rates During 195;5 31, 85 No. 1668 To Revert Portions of Roads in Townships of Yarmouth and Bayham 312, 39, &7 No. 1669 To Designate Through Highways. 4{}, 90 No. 16'10 To Prohibit Parking in the Village of Shedden 49, 94 ThESOLUTIONS- iRe. Requesting the H.E.P.C. for an earlier date to change to 60 cycle 12 iRe Petition for Government Road Subsidy..,. 7 That By-Law be presented to revert portions of County Road No. 36 and 4f3 29 That the Warden and <clerk be authorized to sign deed, part of lot 4, concession 4, Township of Yannouth 2.9 That the Elgin County Council oppose Change in gas rates 29 The Elgin County Council -request a spot check on assess- ments 30 To renew insurance polkies with the Frank Cowan Insur- ance Company 3'8 To restore the fishing industry in the Great Lakes 45 To extend No. 19 Highway in the Village of iPort Burwell 45 To Appoint Reeve Nelson to the Water Resources Meetings 45 Letter of appreciation to Mr. A. V. Langton 101 124 "E1IJG[N COUNTY COUNCJ;L To recommend the purchase of Whites- Bush by the Pro- vincial government .... .......,. .... ... ..... 103 Retirement date for County employ'ees.u. 103 ("\ if ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 119 No. 1677 To Confirm the Equalization of Assessment RoIls 51 No. 1678 To Raise Amounis for County Rate 52 No. 1679 To Provide Total Road Expenditures 53 No. 1680 To Provide Supplementary Road Expenditure 55 No. 1681 To Amend 1352 re Engineer's Salary 69 No. 1682 To Provide Supplementary Road Expenditure 69 No. 1683 To Amend Bylaw Adopting Plan of County Road Improvement and Establishing a System 71 No. 1684 To Authorize Borrowing $100,000 104 No. 1685 To Provide Supplementary Road Expenditure 104 No. 1686 To Amend Bylaw Adopting a Plan of Road Im- provement and Establishing a System 106 No. 1687 To Establish a County Museum 110 RESOLUTIONS- Re Howard Palmer, Vienna as warden 4 Petition for Government road subsidy 5 Copies of proceedings to municipalities 9 Honorarium to retiring caretaker 10 Resurfacing Highways 75, 76, 77 11 Deed with H.E.P.C. re Aldborough Land 11 Objection to paying for care of prisoners 13 Opposition to open deer season in Elgin 14 Amendment to Equalization report 37 Rescinding Equalization report 37 Certificate on Unemployment Insurance 38 Rebate on County road levees to urban municipalities 39 Renewal of fire insurance 60 Renewal of insurance policies 61 120 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Investigation of Bardawill proposal for home 73 Bothwell Bridge 74 Q. Ownership of Pioneer Museum 81 Appreciation to Grand Central Hotel 81 ,;~. \.1 Trial by judge and jury on minor charges 81 Urban voting 'on Roads Committee 82 County Assessment Commission 82 l