1957 Minutes -.'- '~II!W:~CARDED PROCEEDINGS OF THE Elgill County Council Dqr~ the Sessions held in th~ COp-RT HOUllE, ST. THOMl\.S ih the Months af JANUARY, MARCH. JUNE, SEPTEMBER AND NOVEMBER 195 7 . J. p. TfIOMSQN, c:9unty Clerk. JAMESC. HINDLEY, Warden. h-~if'~ f"'OU'" n"y ~ q:p ~ 'vV fiti: "i ..... J"-: , . '_,' _"'Y-, " , COUNTY' OF ELGIN OFFICIALS, 1957 J. F. McMillan, County Judge Miss Bernke Goyne, Regiistrar 1. D. Carner-on, Court CleiI'k and Sheriff Peter Gloin, Clerk DI 'l.'le Peace, Crown attorney E. F. S. Sanders., Goumy Solicitor 1R. W. M-c[)onald, Jailor A. D. McOoll, iPuJblic !School Inspector R. ,E. 'RiaJwlings, Pu[bHc School Tnspeotor J. D. 'Ilhomson, 'Clexk and TQ:"easil.trer R. G. MooTe, Engineer and R,oad Supt. N. J. CharplclW, Assistant RJoad Supt. D(t'". A.B. Mc1Ca11ulIll, J,aH Physrician Dr. E. G. Burger, E1gin Mlanor Physidan E. Donald Smith, Police IM,agistrate E. D. Moore, Prolbation Officer K. H. Brady, Pro-bation Officer A. KiLmer, Division Court Clerk G. L~Wil1son, Superintendent, Elgin Manor C. KIiTk1wood, C.oTporal, a.p.p. A. V. Lan'glton, AgriCultural Representative C..Gordon,-WeedIn.spedm', Tree Commissioner L. T-ait, -Tree Cornrrniissioner F.red !Page, Higgins & Go., Auditor MUNICIPAL CLERKS AND TREASURERS Municipality Clerk Treasurer A1dlborough ____'____m Co .1. Bla,clk, Rodney ____________ IG. 1. Bla<k, Rodney Dunwich ~__"_.. A. N. Walk-er, Dutton _______ ]NITs. M. M:cNBiI, Dutton1 Southwold ________ W. G. Blewett, Fingal _____M W. G. Blewetti, 'E1ingal Yarmouth. H. L. Lawton,3'86 TaLbot St., St. Thomas'__.H. L. Lawton Malahide ________ H. L. Johnson, Box 478, Aylmer __m___ H. L. Johnson Bayh~m -:.u________ _u_ J. D. Vallee, Stralflfordville ____,_________ J. D. Vallee S. Dorooester .u ___ .___ lB.. Evert, R. R. 3, Belmont ________ Ross Evert Town of Aylmer _________ J. S. Foy, Aylmer ____m_ J. S. Foy, Aylmer ViIIage 'O[ Vienna Mrs~ L. M'cDonald, Vienna___Mrs. L. McDonald Villa,geo1 Springrrield___W. G. Cha~lton, Spdngfield_.Ralph Smith Villa,ge di Dutton___Z. E. MoCallum, Dutton __ Bert Smith, Dutton Villa'geof Port Stanley M' J. H. BUit'ke, Port Stanley __, J. H. Burke Village of Rodney.________ G. L. Mistel-e, RodneY' __"______~G. L. Mis-tele Villa~e O[ West Lome.u_lR. E. Evans. West LOl'ne___Mrs. Jean Roach Village <Jd' Port 'l3unwelL J. W. Hynes, Port Burwell_J. W. Hynes .c-cC- C/ ( 1'0.--7 PROCEEDIN GS OF THE Elgin County Council FIRST SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 15th day of January, 1957 The Elgin County Corundl met this day art: the COIurt House, St. .Thomas, as required by Statute. The following memhers filed CeTtmkates, and took their sea.ts at the Coun!cil ta'ble: Ph,hip W. Scihleihau!f,Reeve, AldJhorou,gh Makolm B. McColl, Deputy Reeve, Aidlborough Lawrence C. Holland, Reeve, Dunwich Clarence Blue, Deputy Reeve, DU11lWicl1 Clarence Culver, Reeve, Southlwold Herlbert Hunter, Deputy Reeve, Southwold' James C. Hindley, Reev.€, Yarmouth Donald Burgess, De1)uty Reeve, Yarmouth Jack M. Hale, Reeve, M'alahide- Harivey Liddle, Deputy Reeve, ll\1ala!h:ide Walter D. Nelson, Reeve, Bayiham Basil Neville, Deputy Reeve, Bayham J. B; WiliOh, tRee-ve, South Dorchester 'Elmer E. Atkinson, ,Reeve, 'Ay 1mer Mthur M. HueSlllon, Depruty Reeve, Aylmer 4 i!lliGIiN COUiNTY COUNCIL .), - .,'. HOIWaTd lPahnerr-, ~e~ye, Yienna J.ames W. Barker, Reeve, is'p::ringtfield A.Ed:win lRoibe['ts, ~eeve, putto~ !Lloyd .s. Gtlrr. Reeve. Port Stanley L. Garnet S;peers, Deputy [Reeve, Port Stanley Allbert H. Lieibner, Reeve, !Rodney Lloyd ~p.iQtt, Reev~, West Lorne H. g. "'W"f",rcl. Re~ve. Port I\1.jl'M'eU Moved by iReeve Li~bner, Seconded ,by Reeve Palm€1': That James C. FIli11(:p~:r, Reeve of tl1~ t:aiWIlS!hip olf Yarmouth Ibe Warden <XI' the Co1>i>ty' of iElgill. for '1957. . ~Carried. rw ar.den lHindley tbankr;xi the anemibers of Council foOr the honour conferred ~~~ ;q.im~ ~'!ld teak the declaration pf o!flfiee. lReeve PaJuller presel1lted i!he Werden to :the Council, and gave ,hlm .the .watch and ~"vei, of Elgin C~unty. The W<U'.d~11 ~!1dressed ~he Coun@]. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 5 WARDEN'S ADDRESS To the MemheTs of the Elgin County CoUncil, GenHemen: .May J again take 'this opportunity of thanking you for your confidence in electing me Warden !for the year 191)7, and the honour conifemed on the township of Yarmouth. I 'Would like to extend a wekometo:the new members,: and hope that you wiU feel, as it is to the rest of us, an honour to be- long to such an important !body, and we trust you win take an adi'Ve ~,art in the deliJberatioTIS' of Council Several ,imJPorant items .of business win require your oonsid- eraNon at this Session. IMr~ F. -A. Bell, County Engineer, :and Road Superintendent who has gi.ven many years of faithful service to the County of :E1g.inis retiring, and 'it will be necessary to:select a successor. The ICilerk--wasa-uthorized:' at the Novernlber- Session to'adve;r- ~.tise" [or :applicants --for the' position. of County- assessor, - and this matter should :be carefully considered 'by Council. The 1'9:56 County Council're-commended a-:grant not to 'exceed $200,:OOD'.OO to -the 1St. Thomas-rEllgin General :H-ospital for erecUon of a Nurse's residence, provided the Council orf the qity (If St. Thomas made 'a.!gxant ~on the hasis of sixty per cent to forty;- per cent-1by the-County, and this matter willlbe for your eo-nsideration. AiBy-Law1waspassed at the Novern1ber Sess-ion. to establish a County !Museum, and it will.he the duty of this CouncH toap- point the CQmmittee fOa:" its operation. II 'Would ~ask- each, 'Committee to :rn:eetproinply,appoirit your Chaimnan, and dispose of any business before you~ :I hope hat -with your eo-operation, we may have a successful year in the County. 6 EIJGiIiN C!OUNl'Y OOUNICn. Moved Iby Reeve Alward, See-anded Iby \Reeve Nelson: 'That the m,inutes of the last day of the Nove.'rnber Session, 1956, as printed in the Pr.Q,c-eedings be approved. ---Carried. tIfue ,following communications were read, and ref-erred to their various Committees: COMMUNICATIONS January' Session. 1957 From 'uhe 1St. iThomas-'E1g.in, General Hospital with ibuiIding fund :report. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From :the MiniSter df Municipal Affairs with acknowledge- ment otfElgin lCounty l1'esolution on County assessment. - Filed. :From the Deputy Minister of Municipal Affairs with acknow- ledgement of ~1gin CQunty resolution on County assessment. - F.ned. IFr-om the County of [Halilburton re Amendment to the Assess- ment Ad. - !R:eferred to the P.etitions and Leg.islatkms Committee. Forero the UnllVersity of Western Ontario with a'WTeciation of Elgin County Scholarsmp. - !Filed. From the County of Grey with resolutions for amendment .to the Municilpal Act. -. Referred to the PetitiDllS and Legislations ....~~~f./../.~_ .....uu.J.J.\lH:LJ,.J,.<;;:<;;:. [From Frank TurvHle, Port Stanley, with appreciation of ag~ riculture scholarship. - iFiled~ ELG]N COUNTY COUNCIiL 7 From the DirectOO" .of Probation Services T€ Appointment of Probation Officer. - Filed. From the Riverview Hospital re indigent ~atient. - Referred to the Finance Committee; From the County 0'1 Kent re Bothwell Bridge. From the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital Ie costs of drugs and extras. - Referred to the Finance Committee. iFrom T. S. Caldwell, Distri.cot Engineer, re EX'penditure BYM Law for 1'91,57. - Referl'ed to the !Road Committee. From the County of Ontario with resolution to amend the Assessment Act, re :County assessor. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. From the Ontario MunidpaJ. ~sociation with request for membership ;:fee, and appointment of delegates. - Referred to the Finance c.ommittee. From the Optario Agricultural Council with request for memlbership fee, and appointment of delega'tes. - iRef-erred to the Finance Committee. rFrom the Registry Office, St. Thomas, with return of fees for the year, IBlj6. - Filed. F:rom the County of lK:ent requesting amendment to Section 67, of the IvTunic1pal Act re approval by 'Mu.."1icipal Board for issuing de'bentures. - Recrer:red to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. Fr~m iF. S. Thomas, M,P.'P., with acknowledgement of Elgin County resolution. - Filed. iFrom the County of Peterihorough with Ibrief on Administra- tion of J.ustice costs. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. 8 ELGrn COUNTY COUNCIL FTDm. the Canadian Good. Roads Association iW-ith T?qUest for memhershiip fee. -Referred to the Road Committee; :)f:r:{)m~ the: St. 'rhomas: :Swbu.rib'an- iRoads' Commission with es- timates ,for 119151'. - .Referred to- the Road O:lmmittee. From the.- Ontario: Good .Roads.- AsSQ0iation with request for membership liee and .appointment of delegates. - Referred to the Road -Committee. From the Salvation !Army with request [or gr;ant. - Referred to the - Finance- Committee. \F:rom Mr. E. _ C. Reid~ C}eI1k,iQf the laity .of St. Thomas, with ajJpointee, to the E'1~in County Pioneer Museum Committee. - Re- fetted to the Finance Committee. iFJ'Dm the Munidpal Clerk's _ and Finance Officers' Associa- tion .of Ontario with request if-or melnibership fee. - Referred to R'e.ferred to the Finance Obmmittee. iFlrom: the, ~in Home and School Council ['e civil defence. -:-_ Reemed to the !Finance Committee. ]',rom the Dapt. of Veterans Affairs T'e indigent !Datient. _ Re,ferred to the Fin~ce Committee. From the Ontado Association of lManaigers of Homes for the Ag~d, with. reque$t for _nT€!ffi:bership_ fee. - (Ref€ITed to the Elgi:l Manor Q,om'mlttee. From the Ontario Municip.al Board re annexation .tothe Vil- lage of iPort Stanley. - Filed. .From the Bank of Montreal re increase in rate of interest. _ Filed. .,From ': the Ontario_Association of. -R'lITaLMunidpalities withre- quest for memrbershdjp fee. - Referred to the Finance Committee. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 9 From the Secretary of the lEast Elgin Women's Institute with appointee to the Elg.in Gouny Museum Committee. ;..;......; Referred to the Finance C.cmmHtee. From the Canadian National Ins.titute for the Blind with re~ quest ifor Igrants: to building fund and maintenance. -Referred to the F.inance C.ommittee. ,lFrom the University.of Western Dntariowith,report (In year's actiV'ities ,and request for. a grant. > ,From iihe Attorney-General, Province of Ontario with ack- nowledg.ment of Elgin iCounty res.olution. - Filed. Moved !by !Reeve ISchleiham, Seconded by ReeiV€ Liebner: That the Warden and CleI1k !be authorized to sign agreement with: 'rCounties of Kent and Middlesex, f'Or construction of new Bothwell (hric1ge, ,Elgin County's share to .be 271h % and necessary /by-law !he prepared. ---rCarried. Moved /by Reev€ Wilson, Becond~d iby Reeve Barker: That the 'Warden and Clerk be authoI"ized t.osuihmit to the Ministe.r 'Of Hi,ghways of Ontario, the (petition .of the County of El- gin, showing that from the first day .of January, .j956, until the 31st day od: Decemlber, 1'915'6, there ihas ,been expended on the Coun- ty Highway System the sum of $549,593.91. '~artied. Warden lHindl€y appointed Reeves Palmer, Wils.on, Culver, and Liebner as a Committee, to strike the standirig committees for .19~7. 10 !EllJGIN COUNTY COUNClL James A. !MdBain, MY., addressed the Council on future pros- pects of Canada. Moved by :Reeve Sohleihaui, Seconded !by Deputy 'Reeve MoColl: That By../La'W INa. 1689, "']0 Authorize the Warden and Clerk .to Sign Agreement with the Counties of Kent and Middlesex for construction of !Bothwell 1Bxidge," Ibe :read a first time. -<Carried. Moved Iby Depuy lReeve MoColl, Seconded .by Reeve lScl1leihauf: That By..a....aw No. 16&9 ibe read a second time. -Carried. Maved :by Reeve SchIeihauf, Seconded by Deputy IReeve MoColl: That By.[;"w No. 16119 Ibe read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried:. Moved Iby Reeve Scblelhauf, Seconded .by Deputy 'Reeve McColl: That we do now adjourn to meet to-morrow, January 16th. at ten a.m. J. D. 11HJQIM]SON, Clerk. J. C. HINDLEY, Warden. ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 11 FIRST SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday. lh. l6lh Day of January, 1957 The Elgin County ICiouncil met this day at the Court House, St. Tho-mas in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All mem1bers present. The minutes of the previous day were read and conifirmed. A ,communication from the Manager of the Ba.nk of Montreal with invitation to iHil1crest Inn, Port Stanley, for dinner on Thurs- day. January 1:7th, was read. The report of the Special Committee to strike the standing :cornmittees was presented and adapted, on motion of Reeve Pal- mer and Reeve Lie-bner. Moved by Reeve Cul'Ver that IMr. A. V. Langton, Agricultur:ll Representative be now heard. Mr. Langton addressed the Coun- cil and reviewed farm 'conditions .of 1956, with itemized statement of e~penditure of !County grant and requesting a grant for 19157, whi-ch 'Was referred to the A,gricultural Committee. Moved by Reeve Alward that Dr. Hoffman d'rom the Elgin- St. Thomas Health Unit !be nOlw heard. [Jr. Hoffman addressed the Council on the work, and the cost of the HeaIth Unit, and re- quested an increase in ;grant which was referred to the Finance Committee. Moved IbyDeputy Reeve BUT.gess that M.r. J. Wilson, County Lrbrarian, ibe now heard. Ivfr. Vlilson -addressed the Coun-cil .on the activities of the County LiJbrary Board, requesting grant, and a new Bookmobile. This matter was referred to the Education Committee. 1'2 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL !:Moved by.Reeve Nelson that a delegationfTom Bayham, Mal~ ahide, and Vienna, ;be now heard. Mr. Grant Mitchell addressed the Council requesting improvement of County road at Richmond Hill. Mr. C. -Ellis, and Mr. Jac'kson, als.o addressed the Council.. This matter was T,eferred to the County iRoad Committee. Moved by Reeve Diefuner, Seconded by Reeve Holland: That this Council procure necessaTY infomnation re locality res'P:OTIsiible for prisoners being sent to Aylmer lock-up, and the locality res.ponsible, :pay $5~OO to Aylmer for each prisoner sent there. ~Carried. Moved !by Deputy-Reeve MdCoR Seconded by Reeve Schleihauif: That we dD now adjo.urntomeet thisafternoonat,3 p.m. u.." .. ---C-arried. The Council resum~d_ Th:e f.i:r:streportof the Finance Committee was.presented and adopted, on motion of Reeve Barker and !Reeve Alward. The s~cond XE:POr:t of the )!iinance Committee was presented andad,01)ted on motion of Reeve Barker, and Reeve Gurr. ~e iCo.uncillwent into a Committee of the whole re increase of in per ,capita rate to the El'gin-St. Thomas Health Unit, and .on ~oti~Il ?f~eeve ScliI~ih.a,uf and Warden Hindley namediReeve ,Sc~_leih,auf to th'e Chair, and the Council a!ppTorved of the increase of Hr -cents per ,capita. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 13 :Movedby I.Deputy Reeve Spe:ers, Seconded Iby;!Reeve"Gurr: That the El,gin-St. -Thomas Health Unit ihegranted a [ne per capita increase for the year 1957, and :payments Ibe made as re..- quir.ed 'by. the Unit. ---t;arried. Moved - by Reeve SCihleihauf, Seconded Iby Deputy Reeve MoColI: That we do nov,r adjourn to ,'meet to-rriorrow,-January 17th, at ten a.m. -Carried. J. D. THO!M!SON, Clerk. J. C. HINDLEY, Warden. FIRST SESSION - THIRD DAY 'Thursday, 'the 17th: .nay -of-January, 1957 The ELgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, .in-'accotdance.'with- adjournment. The Warden in the lChair. lAlI the members pTesent. The minutes of the previous clay were xf;!ad, and confirmed. A ,cominunkation from the Navy' i..eague of Canada. .request- inrg a grant, 'was read and referred to the Finance Committee. The report of the Petitions and Legislations Committee was ipreseIited,..,ad{)pte.d, on motion of iDeputy Reeve.~ Blue.-and Reeve ,Hueston. 14 iElIlGlD'f COUNTY COUNC]L !Moved l:>y !Reeve Nelson that ~. Wheeler of the Canadian National Institute fQr the Blind be now heard. Mr. Wheeler ad- dressed the Councn on the 'Work of the Institute in Elg.in County, and requested ,building and maintenance grant. The Warden lI.'€- fened this request to the Finance Committee. M,oved by Reeve Schlei'haUf that Dr. Allin, Vice-President.. of the University of Western Ontario Ibe now heard. Dr. Allin ad- dressed 'the Coun,eil .on the acHvities of the University, and re- quested a grant. The matter was referred to the F.inance com- mittee. MO'Ved by Deputy Reeve McColl, !Seconded Iby Reeve Schleihauf: That we do now adjourn to meet thlis afternoon at 3 p..m. -Carried. The Counrcil resumed. The Education Oommi ttee Report !Was presented and adoptea on motion of Deputy Reerve Hueston and Deputy Reeve Speers. The repox.tof the Agricultural ICom!nittee was. presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Nelson 'and Reeve Culver.. M.oved !by Deputy Reeve McColl, Seconded by iReeve Schleifuanf: That we do now adjourn to meet to-morrow, January [8th, at ten a,m. _Carried~ J. D. mO!l\l]SOU'<, Clerk. J. C. HINDLEY, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 15 FIRST ,SESSION - FOURTH DAY Friday. the 18th Day of January, 1957 , The Elgin Oounty C:ouncil met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in ac-co'rdance with adJoul'IL."TIent. The WaTden in the Chair. All the m,e;m;j)eTs were present exce:pt Reeve Roberts. The minutes of the previ:Ous day were read and confirmed. The report of the Equalization Committee was presented and adopted on motion 01 Reerve Wils'On, and Reeve Gmr. Moved by Reeve Lie'bner, that Mr. Langton be now heard. Mr. Langton 'addressed the lCouncil on holding a Provincial Plow- ing Matoh in 1960. (Moved Iby Reeve Atkinson, Seconded iby Reeve 'Schleihauf: That Mr. Langton call a meeting of all interested organizations in the County to discuss the matter. --.Carried. iReeve Liebner ,asked for a report of the Special Conun~ttee appointed in Septemiber, 1955, on the pro~posal of Mr. Bardawill to -build a home :ror elderly citizens in Aylmer. lDeputyReeve l/.kColl reported that through illness, the Committee had made little progress. Reeve Pahner. Reeve Nelson. and Deputy Reeve Hueston discussed the matter. U wasrno-ved by Deputy Reeve M,dColl. and seconded by iReev~ Wils'on that the Committee be dischwged, and the matter be referred of the town of Aylmer. "16 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved ,by Reeve --Palmer, Se'conded Iby,. Reeve,Schleiham: That a grant of ~,o0"00 ,be made toMr, Fred A. Bell, on his re- tirement fr{)ffi County services ,as a small -token of his long and faithful services to the County of Elgin. Moved !by Reeve Hale, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Speers: That this Oouncil does now adjourn to meet at i2 p.m. 'The COP-D:cil Tesumed. "The~,third report -of the Finance -Comm,ittee rwas-'Prese)1ted and a-doptedon -motion-of .:Reeve -Barker, and -Reeve- Liebner. The report of the ELgin M-anor Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Alward, and .D_epl,lty_ :R.e~veMcCoIl. 'The report of the Road Committee ,_was :1Presented, and on mo- tion of Reeve Palmer, the Council went into a Com-mittee of the 'Y.h91e..,_with. ~'~~ve ~914yer in the (~h~ir.After a lel}gthy AisGussion on m,otio'ndfiReeve Alw3.!d 8;Ild ?t:-~onded by~eeye,H,aleJhe:na1ne of "Rdbert Lemon was deleted from Clause 6, and repla.ced with . Relbert G. Moore, and the saiary of $6,50'0,0-0 deleted and Tepia~ed with$6;nOn.Oo The report, !as amended, 'Was adopted, and on mo- ti,?,n of Reeye,Nelson, ~eCommittee arose to report. ~The: :Road Committee Report, was, adopted as :amenged, on mo~ ,,~.ion orCReev'e Alward, and Reeve Hale. . . Deputy Reeve Hueston add-ress~d-the Gouncil-on t~e priv::i.lege of the Press "being present at Committee meetings of Council. The Property ,Committee Report was presented and adopted~ on motion of Deputy Ree:v,es Hunter and Speers. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 17 iMrnred Iby Reeve Schleihauf, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Mdl:::pll: Tl1~t iBY~aJw N~. 1&99,. "'1,:9 Allthorize the Ward~n ,a114 Trea- surer to Borrow the gum .of Six Hundred Thousand Dollars," ope <read a first time. -Carried. Moved Iby Deputy Reeve McColl, Seconded by Reeve Schleihauf: That By~Law No. 16ign be read a s~.cond time. -Carried. Moved :by Reeve Schleihauf, Seconded hy Deputy Reeve McColl: 'That lBy-iLaw No. I690 .be read a third time, and finally pass- .d. -Carned. Moved by Reeve Holland, Seconded by Reeve Liebner: That By-Law No. 1691, "To Appoint a County Road Commit- tee,'" Ibel'ead a first time. -C?J'I'i~d. Moved :by Deputy Reeve Blue, 9,eC(~l1d~d il::JY - [Re~ye. :a:ollap,cl: ,That By--Law No. 1691, 'bereao.. ~,~econd til11~. -Carried. 18 iEiLOIiN COUNTY OOUNlCIL M;()ved Iby Reeve Li.ebner, S€conded b,," Deputy- Reeve Blu€: That By-Law NO'. Wel~ be read a third time, and finally passw ed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Alward, Seconded by Deputy [Reeve Hueston: That iB,,"-ILaw No. 1692, "To Aippoint a Board of Aud<t in the County of ELgin, for the year, 19517,." ,be r,ead a first time. -Carried. Moved hy Deputy ReeiVe Hueston, Seconded .by Reeve Atk.inson:. That By..[..aw iNo. 116'9:2, lbe re'ad a second time. -Carrie<!. MO'Ved [by Deputy Reeve Hueston,. Seconded by Reeve Alward: That B,,"-ILaw No. 16912, be read a third time, and finall,," pass- ed. -Carried. MOiVed fby Reev€ Wilson, Seconded iby Reeve Nelson: Thai By-tLa-w No. 1,693. "To Fix Salary of the Judge of the Ju~ venile and ];1amdl,," Court of the Count,," of Elgin, and Cit,," of St. Thomas," lbe\I'"ead a first time. -Carr<ed. E!LGlU"f OOUNTY COUNCIL 19 Moved by Reeve iN" els:on, Seconded Iby Deputy Reeve Nevill: That 'By':'Law No. 1&S3, be read a second time. -Carried. Mo:ved by Deputy Reeve NeiVill, z Seconded by Reeve Wilson: That By.Law No. 1693, be read a third time, and finally pass- ed. ____Carried. Moved by Reeve Barker, JSec;onded Iby Deputy Reeve Burgess: [[hat By-Law No. 11694, "To Amend By-Law No. 1561," lie read a first tme. -CarrIed. !Moved by !Deputy Reeve Liddle, Seconded by Reeve Barker: That By..;Law No. 1.1194, .beread a second time. ~arried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Burgess, Seconded by Reeve Barker: That By-Law No. 16M, .be read a third time, and finally pass- ed. -Carried. '2{} ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved iby Deputy Reeve Liddle, Seconded by Reeve Hale: That BY-4w No. 16:Q5, "T? Fix Members' Wages and Repeal By-Law No. 1,5H1," be read a Tirst time. ' . . , -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Speers, ISeconded by Reeve Gurr: That By-Lraw No. 16-9'5, be read a second time. -'Carried. \MiQlVed by Reeve Hale, Seconded !Jy Deputy Reeve "LiiLdle: ed. That {By-L~w N(}. "~95, !Je read a third tin,1~, ~nd finally !lass- --.Carried. Mwed by Reeve Palmer, Sec.onded by Reeve Atkins'On: That By-iLaw No. li6,Bi6, ':.A By-Law AllPoinling a Ro~d Sup- erintendent for the County of Elgin." be r~ad a fiTst time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve [palmer, Seconded by Reeve Atkinson: That By..[.,aw No. 169'6, ,be' read a second time. ~Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 21 M<Jved by Deputy Rl';:!eve Hunter, Seconded by Reeve Palmer: That By-Law No. 1696, be read a third time, and finally pass- ed. --Carried. The Warden8lpipocinted the following delegates to attend the 'Various ,c'onrventions: GOOD....ROJAJDIS - Lie!bner, Palmer, Holland, Atkinson, Hueston, Nevill, Nelson, WHson, BaI"ker, Burg-ess, !Hale, Speers, Guxr, WaTden Hindley, and the Clerk. EDUlClAJl1JjONlM.. - Warden Hindley, and the Clerk. MUNIlCiIPAL - Culver, Blue, Al>ward, Schleihauf, WardenRind- ley, and the Clerk. Mayed 'by' Reeve_ Hale, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Liddle: That we do now 'adjourn ,to meet on Tuesday, March_19th, at ten a.m. -Carried. J. D. T:Ero!l\llSON, Clerk. J. 'C. IDNDLEY, Warden. 22 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FINANCIAL STATEMENT ELGIN AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE January 16th. 1956 - January 14th, 1957 Receipts Actual Balance, Januaq 16, 1956 ______$ County of Elgin 19'66 Grant _____,______~_ County Grant, Statutory, March 16, 1956 126.28 C,OOO.OO 500.00 110TAlL REOlim"I1S _________.____________________,$ 2,626.28 Expenses Breed Shows Blaok and White iShdw, Aylmer ______.__$ Jersey Parish Show, Aylmer _____________ Ayrshire Show, Ayhner ______._________c._. Beef Cattle Show, Wallacetown _._____._. Beef Cattle Show, Rodney _______._.__ Elgin Beef Produeers' Association ____ Field -Crop and Plowmen.s Associations Elgin County [Soil and 'Drop Innprovement Association ______"__________.____________$ Elgin County Plowmen's Association ___ Elgin County [F,ruit Growers' Association :E1gin County Seed Fair ____"_________ iElgin Agricultural Booklet __._________ Junior Farmers LE1gin County J.uni<Jr Farmers' Ass'n __$ ,Elgin Oounty Junior Institute ________~___ 100.00 100.00 61.50 100.00 75.00 50.00 $ 486.1)0 200.00 150.00 50.00 200.00 150.00 $ 750.00 C25.00 150.00 $ 375.00 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL -23 4-H Club Work Wallacetown Beef Calf Club __~_______$ Shedden Beef Calf :Club __________________ Shedden Dairy Calf Cl,-,b ___________ East Elgin Dairy Ca]f Club _________________ Belrrnont Dairy Calf Club ____________ Corinth Dadry Calf Club ______________ West .Elgin Poultry Club ____________ Elgin Swine CluJb ___________________ ______________ Ald1borough Corn Club _______________________ Dunwich Corn. Cluib _~______,'______________~ 'East E1g-in Corn Club ________________________ West Elgin Soylbean Club ________________ West Elgin Potato Club ______________________________ iEast Elgin Potato Club _________________________ West Elgin Tractor Maintenance :club _ Judging Competitions Inter..,Clu'b Competitions, OiA.C., Guelph Girls' Club Work Honour Pins, 12 County ~_n___________________ 4-H Homemaking Club Conference Delegates (7) ________________________ Miscellaneous County Grant ____________________________________$ \Exohange ____"'_____________________ l2.o.D 19.50. 22.50. 33.0.0. 40..50. 13.50 1-5.0.0 10.50. 13.50. 18.00. 19.50 13.50 l5.0D 28.50. 13.50 $ 288.00 $ 70.00 24.00 35.00 $ 5-9.0.0 500.00 ,3~ $ 500.30. TOTAL EXJ'lENSiElS _____________________$2,528.80 Banik Balance, Jan. 4, 1957 __________$ 838.98 Less o/s c-heques __-"---___________ 741.50: Actual Balance _________ _____ 97.48 $ 2,G2628 24 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Elgin Algricultural C.ommittee: !Howard Pa1mer, Walter D. Nelson, Philip Schleihau1'. A. V. LA1\TGTON, Secretary-T.reasurer. <I[ have-examined the stated as .presented and have found it correct - January 14th, 19i5,7." W. I. ROGEiRS. ELGIN COUNTY LIBRARY CO-OPERATIVE REPORT To the W'arden and members of the Elgin County Coun-cil, Gentlemen :On behalf -of the Board of Governors of the Elgin County Li- brary Go-op'.eiativeit is 'aga,in my pleasure to ['"eport to you on our acti'V~ties in the past year. E'a!ch year sees new demands m,ade upon us for service and this past year was no exception. The appended statistics show that m.ore hooks were issued to more reade:rs than ever before. We /Were calledUIPon to .put books into twelve more elementary school class-rooms than thepr~ious year. Our Ibookstop patronage al- most doulbled. The number of school children has increased. -And (L'equests for special books ha'Ve increased considerafbly. In direct response t9 the dem.ands of- the people of ELgin County our service ~s growdng yearly. During the ;past year, however, our .a'bility to meet these de. mands was-at .-times somewhat impaired -by hooilmnOlbile break- downs. Out s,ch.edules are now so ,crowded that almost any truck breakdown means a failure of service to some memfbers. Our cir:ouit of .1;9'4 elementary classrooms now takes - sixteen days and we make this tour four tim.es a year. There are some months in the year ~hen the calendar, road conditions and 'PUlblic,holidays cOThS(plre to m'ake it di,:ffi1cult to maintain our s.cheduled calls. When we are doing s.ohool routes in the short ffi<lnths of Febru- ary, Septemlber ,- and November we naiVe to count on using the ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL :/5 truck every working day. In order to do this we must halVe a re- lialble vehicle. In addition to the mechanical unrelriahility of our bookmobile it has no'w reached. a point wher,e .consideraJble money must :ce spent on the body if it is to remain in" service. The appended re,:" Q2,ort s-umm;arizes its condition and we invite your inspection of the vehicle itself. Mterc:areful consideration of all factors the Elgin County Li- br.~y Board, at its regul.ar meetings of .octoiber '5th, 19,5;6, and Janu- ary lOth, 1'96'7, unanimously resolved to request that this Council makep~ov,is,ion in is IS15:7 Budget for the pur.chase of a new book- mo(bile. As theiraplPointed delegate I hereby respectfully su/b- mit this request. in spite of the increase in our service' the Board feels that, under the circumstances, some sacrifices in the quality of service to its memhership must be made in 11957 in order to operate with sulbstantially_ the same budge as 19:516. The Board therefore re- .quests .a grant in aid of the same .amount as was received in 19'56 _ $6,26,0.00. The financial statement of 19i5$ and. the proposed 'budget 'for 19:5,7, reeom!mended by the Board are appended hereto. The budget provides {In'ly for normal boaklloibile operating ex- JPellSes; it does not allow for ne,c.cess,ary re-conditioning 'Of the pre- sent vehicle, :if it is to remain in service. The ELgin County Libl'ary has heen operating successfully - for just 'Over twenty years, and no small part of its sue-cess isciue to the continuing - iriterest and slJ~pport of this Council. On behalf of the -- Boar-d, the Membership and people o-f ELgin County - may I thank you,g.entlemen, for that support and encouragement. All respectfully SUbmitted by JOHN H. WLLSON, Librarian and Secretary, Elgin County Library CO-Oiperative. January lSth,.1957. 26 EiLGlN OOUNTY COUNCIL Receipfs Balance from 1956 _______.--______________$ County Grant _______________________________~_ Provincial -Grant ________~_ _________________ Memibersh1p Fees - Liibrary _________~____.._____________________ School ___________________,,___________ High School __~_____________________ Baokstops _____________________________ Fines, lost Ibooks, etc. __________________________ Miscellaneous (supplies sold) ____________________ Disbursements Books __________________-----------------------$ Periodic1als, newspapers ____~__n____________ BookJbinding __________________________.______ Insurance - Truickand Workman's Comp~ ___ !Books and Equipment -:-___________ Library Cards, Stationery, etc. __________________ Pension ______________________.__________~_ Salaries and W8Jges __~_________________________ Association fees: ____________________________~ Bookm<>hile __________________________________ R-e'ceiver General (unemployment ins.) __ Mending supplies ________._________________ Board Fees ___________~_______________________~_ Telephone and Tele.graph _______ ________________ M,iscellaneous _____________~_~~_____~____ Legal and professional ____________________________ Deficit, 19'55 _____________~_________~__ Balance} 1956 Financial Statement 1956 Proposed Budget 1957 $ 139.27 6,20,0,.0,0 5,100,.0,0 6,220.1)0 15,100_0,0 433.00 1~648.5i5 3'85.0,0 1,615.00 32.00 58.00 53;80 21.26 ,23.92 $ 13,501.1;8 $ 13,529.27 4,30l~a $ 3,80,0,.00 'n.60 75_00 323.30 ClOO_OO 63.36 70,.00 126.0,.0 187.56 200.00 100,.00 7,096.02 7;80,0,.00 !l.30 10.00 597.0,2 40,0,.00 31.84 30,.00 120.00 3.1'8.05 350.00 3.Un 30,.00 123.34 194.27 25.00 3.712 139.27 $13,5a.u:8 $ 13,529.27 <ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCEL 27 BOOK STATISTICS 1955 1956 Borrowers Served 1955 1956 not yet available 114 487 6023 20 4057 76 4615 5,862 20 Books Issued Libraries ___u_______mm 13 Slops ___m____m__m__ /; High Schools ________ 2 Schoolrooms ___m_____ 182 Deposit station _____ 1 1500n 910 880 293'76 289 13 8 2 194 I 15000 .U66 880 308'08 280 46446 51134 10480 REQUESTS FILLED 1955 214 1956 Fiction __~___________ 90 Non-fiction ___________ 22H Juvenile ____.___________ 79 389 COUNTY POPULATION 1955 35,697 1956 35,865 REPORT ON ELGIN COUNTY LIBRARY BOOKMOBILE January 10th, 1957. History and Description rPur.chased from Disbrowe Motors on tender ~ February 25th, 1949. Cost of bare vehicle __m________m__~____$ 8,230.00 Cost of adding shelves and flooring ~ 804.71 Total Cost _______m_____ $ 3,534.71 Wilson Body ,- with W-ft. cargo space---;cab over engine ,Dodge chassis - one ton - with GM.C. steering ;2:8 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL This vehicle 'was a straight one. ton par-eel deli1very truck con- verted to Iilbl'lary hookmoibile use 'by adding fixed shelves. There was ._no ventilation,.. other than opening doors. An auxiliary heat- er had to ibe added for comfort of teachers and lif'orarians. Expenses 1950~56 Service 1950-56 19W (first full year) 1901 lS'5i2 (snow tires 190~ (new tires (repaint (repairs 195'4 12GJ&6) 154,00) 53,00) 1'0'0.00) $28'5.5'7 213'3.94 ;150.93' 5743.38 139 dnns 145 clmls 156cl= .160 drms 13 1ibs. .m libs. 13 libs. I3 1ibs. ~ HS. 3HS. 3 H.$. 3 H.B. 35'5.37 J7,3 cInns 1'956 ,gas 2180,000) 5097,0:1 W4 clrms 13 libs. 3 !H.B. 1 boak stop 13 libs. e H.S. 6 hook stop I3 Ubs. 3 B.s. 8 .book stap 19'55 31'2;&1 1112 drillS (repairs .3i17.V2 - indo engine overhaul) 1M]]I)EAGIE 139,7'0-0. miles on speedometer. [BUT, repeated tests have proved that the speedometer is registexing only a little more than two thirds of the mileage travelled. ,The s€Ilv:ice m.anager of Nicol and. Johnson says that the speedometer has probaJbly al- ways heen inacolrrate and the truck has likely gone50,OO{} to 55,0,00 at least. [n .addition. during the winter'months the tr:uck must idle at all times to keep the hot water heaters operating. The engine then ~Uns .contInuously faT six to eight hours. Presen:tCondition (a) &gine ,- wi-th overhaul ~va1rves, rings, pins and rod in- serts only) in January, 1195$, it runs satisfactorily; hut mo.re frequent tune-ups are needed. (b) BOdy:-.. serious corro&ion around bottom, there are holes right waugh the skirting in many places. ,ELGIN GOUNTY COUNCIL 29 [;aTlge dent in left rear body, a result of a hit and run run driver in Aylmer, will necessitate removal of shelving to effect reip-arrs. RUlb'ber mnuntings of front windshields have rotted -and rairuwater and even snow pours in over books, records andcr€lw. Left front wind&hteld has Ibeen holed by a stone from passing car. Compete repainting of truck will Ibe necessary. (c) Brakes - ,brake relining will be necessary immediately. Cd) Tires - running on two vulcanized tires now; new tires fnay be needed. Summary (a) 1\1aintell'ance cos.ts were high last year, and will likely oontinue to Ibe high on an eight year old truck. $317 spent on running repairs of which only a $20 repla.ce~ ment heater could Ibe considered capital in;vestment~ (b) Road hreakdowns and imm.olbilizatiori for repairs are be- ginning to interfere with OUT service schedules to s.cb:ool.s and libraries. (c) The:age ,and deterioration of the truck make it unwise to .invest in new tires, repainting and windshields. (d) The 10 ft. .eargo space is not enough to caTry the number of bo.oks for greaLtly increased nUInlber of outlets. New Vehicle A new bookmobile will cost 'between $5,0.0.0-6,0.00, BUT hook~ mohile bodies me now custom m,ade, in 12 and 14 ft. {:argo space sizes to fit almost any make or ,chassis. The extra cost or 1949, shelving and flooring, are included in the above pTIee. Present 'Vehicles- have proper- ventilation, lighting and heating - all vit- ally important features. 30 ELGliN COUNTY COUiNCIL In 1965-'5:6 Middesex, Huron, Kent and Essex counties pUT~ chased new !bookmobiles. ELGIN-ST. THOMAS HEALTH UNIT REPORT Report for iMembers of County and City Councils (1957) The Elgin-St. 'Thomas Health Unit, formed in 1945, is financed by Elgin County Council, St. Thom>as City Council, and a grant from the Federal Government. ~unds received from both City and County Councils are on a per capita ,basis, for example, since 1954, the per .eapita rate has heen $1.120. The Provincial Govern- ment shares the cost with the county on a 50:50' hasis, and with. the city on a 1/3:12/3 basis, so that the actual ,cost for the last three years, has ,been6D cents iJ:)€r capita for the county and 80 cents per capita for St. Thomas. During the -early few years, the Health Unit built up a surplus, due to the fad that it was unable to get sufficient staff. During the last five or six years, this sUlIplus has been reduced almost every year. ill other words, we have been operating at a deficit. On the hasis of the $!1.20 per capita income, our operating sur- plus will lbe exhausted in 1'957. The Board of the Health Unit, which <consists of two mernbeTS from County COllcnH, two from City Council, and -another 3lppointed by the 'Lieutenant-Governor- in-Coun-cil (Mr. J. D. Thomson), has given the prOblem very care- ful cO!I.sideration and recommends that both County and City Councils !be requested to inN'ease ibhe per caJpita grant from $l.~O to $1.3D. 'Dhere are twenty-seven health units in Ontario and their per calpita I1ates are girven for your information on the atta<:hed sheet. You will note that the :rngin-St. T'nomas Health Unit had the low- est per capita rate of any health unit in 1956. The next lowest rate 1'or any county is for a 'unit which does not have a full-time Medical Officer of Health. 'We know th.at a number of health units are discussing increases in per capita rates for 19'5'7, but we have as yet no definite inioTiITlation to report. We are Manned that NDrfolk County Health Unit will Ibe started this year _on a per capita rate of $L37. illlLG-IN COUNTY CODNCR, 31 fGosts of ope-ration during the last felW years have been -chiefly afirected by rental increases, increased costs of supplies, salary in~ creases, as well as :by the county program. of poliomyelitis vaccin- ation. This latter program makes the va0Cine available free of chaI'lge to all children from 6 months up to 13 years of age (about 17,00'0 children). The increase requested in the per .capita l1ate would cost the county and city as follows: County Population (35,8<)5). :Amount of gTant @ $1.30 _~___~_~____$ 46,624.50 Amount of gTant @ $1.20 ___~~__.~_ 43,038.00 Less 50.% rebate by Province $ 3,586,50 1,7l}3.25 Net increase from County ______________$ 11,793.25 City Po~ulation (19,0'17). Amount of grant @ $1,'30 ____~___~_.._____.$ 24,722,10' Amount of <gi['ant @ $1.20 ___________________ 22,820.40 Less 1h xabate by Province $ 1,901.70 633.90 Net imrease from City ______________________$ 1,267,80 32 EUGliN COUNTY COUNCIL INFORMATION FROM DR. STRUTHERS Re Per Capi:l:a Rates for HeaHh Units Oclober 111h, 1956 Brant ________________________ 1.51 <kuce ____,________________ 1.40 [)ul:Jjferin ________________ 1.70 G;;ast York ______________ 1.33 iFort William _________________ 1.30 Elgin ___________ 1.20 \Halton __~_________________ 1.25' iHuron ______________________________ 1.30 Kenora -'--'--"-____________ 1.'80 Kent ___,_________________________ 1.25 Lamblon ____________________ 1:50 Leeds and Grenville ________ 1.35 Lennox and Addington _:1.75 iMuskoka _________ 1.68 Northumberland & Durham __________m__ 1.35 Oxford ____________________ 1.30 Peel ________~_______ 1.35 Pomupine _______________ 1.50 IPorcupine _______________ 1.50 !Prescott & iRussell ___ 1.32 Prince Edw,ard ___________ 1.58 St. Catharines-lincolin _ 1.36 Simcoe ________________ 1.35 Temiskaming __________________ 1.50 Welland ____________________ 1.50 Wellington ________ 1.45 York ____________________ 1.40 Wentworth ______________ 1.55 REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO STRIKE THE STANDING COMMITTEES To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, The folloWing is the report of the Special Committee to strike the standing committees for the year, 1057: Administration of Justice - Judge J. F. Md1\1illan, Speers and /"'I~~._..j.n m_~~_..___ .....'l.Ju..u~.Y .L.J.l:;d.o::>LUe.L. Agriculiural - Schleihauf, Holland, Culver, [Hale, Nelson,. Wilson and Warden Hinc1ley. :ElLGlN COUNTY OOUNC1L 33 County Roads - Culver, Liebner, Wilson, Schlejhauf, Hol- land, Warden Hindley; Advisory Read Committee - Hale, Nelson. Elgin Manor -McColl, BaI'lker, Alward, 'and Warden Hindley. 94il~enl~ ~id' -4~~ins{)n, W~arden Hindley. ~ducafion - IMdGoll~ ,~ie:bner, Elliott, Ro.ber~J Blue, Hunter, ~~_r:~~:ss, a:..id~e, Nevill, Wilson, Hueston, Alrw<1Td,B!ll'ke~,!Palmer, -~.P~_~~s, anci Warden \Ef~l}41e.r. Equalization ,~ Schleib.auf, Lielbner, Elliott, [R.oI';:)~rts,Holland, Culver'-. Hale, Nelson, Wilson, Atkinson, J?a1mer, ~ward~ Barker, .Gmr and Warden Hindley. Fh?--~R.~~'~ .:?c~l~fu:api, Lie1p1!-er, Elliott, Roberts, Holland, Cul- ver, Hale, Nelson, Vlils-on, Atkinson, PalmeT, Alward, Barker, Gurr, and Warden Hindley. Healih Unit - Gurr, Elliott. Hospital - Schleihauf, Palmer. Library Board '- BJ.:ue, Nevill, Bur:gess, Warden Hindley. ?rQ.~etfy:- HUI).ye~,R.o\oel'ts, HUE!.S,tc)n, and War,den :a:in~ley. Peiitions and Legislations - Alward, Hueston, Burgess, Blue, _r..~P.d)~;l.~:,t;lq. W~;rd~;n r-nn<iley. Museum - Liddle, Nelson. R~~g~;p.~J..on ,i!.1'J,Q. Alf.,t.el'~~j.nJ;1;,1,eJ.:1l,:- Culver, ~h1eihat1f, L~ebnex, pa~}p."€]:', WilS:QIfJ_i\i'Za:r~dep. :Hi,lJ.:<;B,Et~, an.<i~9'b_er~. All of 'Which is respectfully suiJJmitted. H.PAlI;iMJER,Chafuman. 34 ELGIN.COUNTY COUNCIL FINANCE COMMITTEE January Session 1957 - First Reporf To the .Warden, and M€mlbers()(f the Elgin County -Council, The Fiinance Committee reports as follows: 1. /TIrat the following hospital aecounts be paid: St. Thomas...:Elgin General 'HoSlp.ital (Active Unit) -JP St., Thomas-El-gin Geneul.lHospital (Chronic Unit) __ The Hospital for Siclk Ohildren, Toronto. _____________ Victoria Hospital, London __________________________________ Tillsoniburg District iM-em-orial Hospital _______.....:...__ St. Joseph's Hospital, ff...rondon _______________~_______~__ St;,Josep'h's Hospital, IChattb:am ___________~....._.__:___'__ 3,074.45 3,002.00 234.00 1,542.00 596.75 592.50 10.50 $ 9,052.20 Ail of which is res.pectiul1y su:bm'itted~ J. W. BAJRK];lR, Chairman. FINANCE COMMITTEE January Session 1957 - Second Reporf To the Warden, and OYleIllibers cd: the Elgin County Council, The E'inance Committee reports as follows: 1. .That the Warden and Treasurer be authorized to iborrow up to $-60.0.,0.0.0..00 as may ,be required from the Bank of Montreal,. and necessary Iby-law Ibe prepared. :2. That the membershi'p fee in the ,Ontario Municipal As- sociation be paid, and the Warden to a/Ppoint delegates to attend the Convention. 3. Th,at the mem:'bersh:iJpfee in the Municipal Clerks' and Fanance Officers' Association be paid, ,and the' Clerk...Treasure to attend the Convention. 4. That the request of the Ontario Assooiation of Rural Muni- cipalities for a memhershi!p-iee Ibe filed. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 35 5. That a gr.ant of $500..00 .be made to the Salvation Army, London. 6. That a final payment of $30,000.00 to the Building Fund of the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital .be paid, April 1st, 1957. 7. . That the foUO'Viiin:g compose the Elgin Pioneer Museum Committee for 1957 - Mrs. J.R. Futcher, M'TS. RdbertLark. Mrs. Stanley ,Lyle, Mrs. Jesse Van Patter, and Mr. M. C. M{)ore. 8. That the County of Elgin will pay $3.75 per day at West. minster iH.ospital [.or '!Rolbert Barrett. 9. That War:den Hfndley, ;ReeVe P,almer, Reeve Barker, he a Committee tocontad Gal. Andrews re Civil Defence and- request of the-. Elgin Home and School Council. In. That the iCounty .of ilia-gin $),ay acocunt for extras of $16.~ 981.n to the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital. H. That Charity and Welfare Pay List No.1 of $1,.o02.1{)c be paid. 12. That [Printing, Posta.ge & Stationery PaylistNo. I, ror $420.03 be paid. 13. That Children's Aid Society Pay List No. I, for $4,549.97 be paid'. 14. 'That approval of payment of the account of $1,253.93 to the- Riverview Hosp~ital d'or Mrs. Edith M. Beimett he made. 15. That the remuneration 'of the Elgiri CountyCoundl be $10..0.0 per day for attending an Sessions, an-d $9.00 per day for Commitiee meetings, and }O.c per mHe f.or too'velling eXipenses, and necessary ihy -law. be prepared. I~. That Miscellaneous Pay Dist No.1, for $ be paid. All of which is res:pecUully submitted. J. W. BARKER, Chairm,n. .9 iElLOlN COUNTY COUNCIL FINANeE COMMITTEE January Session. 1957 - Third Report 'r9 th,~ WflJ,lq~!1, ~nq. ITVLe11J.lQ~r~ O!f the Eggin G<l1Jnty COunc:iI, The Binance C.ommittee reports as follows: 11. 1'h<:!.t tl1~ s~llpoY q~ J. F. 'Ivf.c~'W.an,Jud;ge of theJ'1.,1.venHe and Falp.il~ iOoU~:-t !pe $"L,O:Q(};,i?O !per year, pay~ble-'quflrtevIYJandthe City of ,St. Thomas to be c.hwged 50%. .. 2. That a grant of $5>00.00 to Alma CoUege be paid. 3. "j:'h'lt a ,gl'apt of $5QO.~~ to the University of Western On- tario be made. . 4. That a grant of $1,211;0.00 to the 'Building Fund, and a grant of ~40'0.HO to maLintenance the :made to the C.anadian National In- stitute for the Blind. '5. That the Warden, Chairman of Finance, and Deputy Reeve Speersb.e,a 'Co.m:mittee"to meet .with the Committee from the Council of tihe City of St. Thomas for 5 year agreement on sha~ of Administration of J,ustice oosts. .6. That a grant of $500.0,0 he made to the Elgin Pi9ne~r Mu- seum. 1. That a \!l1'ant of $160.00 each, to the East and West Elgin Women's Ir..stitutes be made. 8. :rhat a "r:mt of ~50.00 he made to the ];;lgin Law Libr'II'Y. Q. +h,a~ t1),~ .reql1,.est of the ~lavy ;L.~g.gue of Qfinada for a grant 1)~ m~il. 1<0. 'That wea~prove of the issue of debentures for $20(},{)OO;OO to the :St. Thomas...Elgin General Hospital 'to finance the construc- tiol} .Q~ q Nl,lrs~':;; r~-~denc~, p:rQ-vig.~_d that 1J1e CHY of ~t. Thomas issue 'debentures for $3"OOiOOO.OO. All of which is res!pe-:::tfully submitted. J. W. BAlRKillJR. Chairman. illlliGIiN COUNTY OOUNCIL 37 AGRICULTURE ICOMMITTEE .:r?tnUrary Session 1957 Tp the_ W [U'~~n, ~ncl ~,~hers of the Elgin County COW1.cil, , .' 'TheqAg;icUltl.:mal :Gommittee reports as foLlows: '..C.' ,-'",'-._:._',", ,-. ' .', _. ' 1. 'That we grant the local Agrirculture office the sum of ~~!1~~:,o,q ~~r ~,~rr~c1Jlrqrr~ ~~tivities ~ tlll:e Coun~~ this ~~ar. -2. That the mempersb,ip fE!e i~ the .ontario Aogric1llture Coun~ eil af $50.00 be paid, and the following .be ~ppointed to attend the <;~,r-iVention~ fR~e'V~ W. p; N~l~.qJ:l' and Warden Hin41ey. 3. That the rwag€s of the County ,Weed In.peetor Ibe $1.00 per hour, and .{Ji&c per mile; f9r ~e .of ~ar, aJ?.<! ne;c,essa.r:y by-:law be prepared. 4. That:a grant equal to the Provincial grant be paid to the Agricultural and Horticultural Societies of the County. 'All of whkh is re"Peetfully submitted. W. D. NELSON, Chairman. EDUCATION COMMITTEE Jan~ary Sessio_n 1957 T,o the Warden, and 11.\:1.embers oEE the Elgin County Council, . r.phe iEduca'tio~ ;c.~ittee re~orts M follows:' ." 1. 'That Clarence Taylor,_ JyIrs. D. Ludy, and. Mrs. IreI:L.e G;-a.cey bE> appointed to the Elgin County Llbrary Board for 1967. :2. That a grant of $6;20.0.00 plus $200.00 ifor "Pedal rE>pairs to the hoO'km-o'biIe be paid to the Elgin County LiibraI'"'J Board. e. That a grant of $50.0,0 he paid to eaeh of the Pulbllc Librar- ies in thee County. 00 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 4. That a Scholarship of $<WfrbO eaoh, be made to the boy and girl who attains the highest standing at he University of Western Ontario from Elgin, not including the City. of St. Thomas. 5. That a grant of :tlnO.DO ,be given to the student from Elgin County securing the highest standing at the Ridgetown Agricul- tural Scl1ool. 16. That the annua,l ffi-el!l1Jbership ,fee in the Municipal Section of the Ontario iEducational Association be paid, and the Warden to ap':point delegates to attend the Convention. 7. That a grant of $5,0.00 be paid to the Elgin County Trus, tees 'and Ratepayers Assooiation. tAll of which is respectfully submltted. A~ M. HiUES'DON" ChaiTm'an. ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE: January Session 1.957 To the Warden, and Memlbers off the EI,g.in County Council, The Elgin Miano! C10mmlttee repo:r:ts :as f.ollows: 1. That the membership fee of $2:Q~OO ill the Ontario Associa- tion of Managers of Homes for the Aged Ibe paid.. 2. That the Superintendent,Matron. Secretary, and any memJber oIf the board be authorized to attend the annual Conven- ti.on at Hamilton. !All of which is respectfully subm-itted~ H. O. .AJIJW~, Chairman. iI'lliG'N OOUNTY OOUNCIL 39 EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE January Session 1957 To the Warden, and Members ad: the Elgin County Council, :'Dhe !Eiqualization Committee reports as foIlows: 1. That the resolution from the County ,of 'Ontario requesting the Provincial Government to amend he Assessment Act to give the c.ounty Assessor increased Su~ervisory powers he filed. :2. That the applic-ation for County Assessor for Elgin County ,be laid over toO the Mar,ch Session. All of which is re~ectJjul1y submitted. J. B. WilLSON, Chairman. :pETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS January Session 1957 To the Warden, and [[Vf'emJbers O[ the Elgin County Council, 'The Petitions and Legislations Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Tesolution fr<Jm the [County of Kent for Amend- ment to Section u!7 elf the lMunkipal Act, so that approval of the \M:'llni.cipal Board ,be not required for issue O[ debentures of less than $3,0'00..00 ,be apprwed. 2. That we concur with the resolution from the County of Grey toO repeaJ. Se.ction '54 (sub. 211) of the Municipal Act, and sub- stitute a new Section to permit 'Wife or hus.band of the owner of property 'be counted f.or the purpose of De:puty Reeve. 3. That the resolution from he County of Haliburton re Tax notices in newspapers 'be filed. 40 ELGl'N COUNTY COUNCIL 4. 'r-hat we oC911,Cur with the lJrief :fJ;om, ~e County of 1Peter~ ,borough re AdmlTh.ist~ati(;n of Justice costs, .and requesting the Province to assume a ~!:~'?ie1:"- pqrt,ion of t?e, cost. ~ 9J ..,,-JeWJ,! ~ ~8I1',??;fully subl,Ilitt\'Cl. CfflAIRENrCIE BLfUE, Chairman. PROPERTY COMMITTEE January Session 1951 To the Warden, and lMeTIJJbers of the E<gin C<lunty Council, The O?l'IOip~rt~ Co~~~t~ rep~rts as follows: 1. That the request of the Governor of the Jail for papering of the -upstairs hall, and for seven blinds for the residence he ap- proved. '2,. That we reeommend the purchase of a deep freeze and a food grinder for the J'til. iAJl ,,! 'Y;;u,cl,> ~, res'~'??tfully su'1;>II,'itted. H. HIUiNTiER, Chairm:an. -=ELGIN - COUNTY. COUNCIL '41 ROAD COMMITTEE.'REPORT January Session 1957 To the Warden, and !Lv.['emiJJ.ers of the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: Your Roa-d.Com'mittee begs -to report as -follows: . The following-is a summary, of the costs' of constru'Cting and maintaining our County Roads during the year- 1956: ResUlTfacing Gra'vel Roads. ....;__-'-'c_c~"--__c~_______$: 49,-193.01 Maintaining Gravel Roads ___________________ 61,2'38.39 'Laying Road iMukh Pavements ________ 9'1,830.90 Surface treating Existing Pavements _______ 40,,943.81 Grading and Stal'oili.ing _________c~~__~_c_c__ 41,6131.46 Repairs, ,to Pavements ___m_mmm__m____ 13;556_0-0 Dust Control _____, ______________________________ 14,,83'6.68- Weed and Brush Control _m________m'__ 7,790.47 Snow .-and' -Ice Con tral __________________~_._______ 11,9~4~O Urban, II.rnprovements __________________________ 10,2'5'9.55 'Ditching, and, Tiling __mmm___ _____________m_____ 6,688.33 Fences, GuarKRails, Signs, Centre Line Painting, etc. ________mmnmmmmm___ 1l,Qj94.~-O Railway IGr-ossing Protection _____n__nm__m__ 5,021.7.6 Land Purchase.s m_________m__m__mm_m_____.__ 1,994-0'9 Drainage Assessments __________m______________ - 4,4'38;92 Garage lExcpenses, Tools, Etc. ____._________ '7,24,s.f)8 New Machinery _____ _ _____________m____________ 25,79'3.10 ;Sto;,k-~Pi1Je:lPJallk, Gas 'and' Oil __________ '7;D&iL81} ::Contributions to Urban.'1\ffiunIci:palities ___ 14,160,J){} Si:.tpermtendence and '-,ExpenSes ___________ "'9,2<33..3:1 :OfficeE:><penses ____m_________________m__mm_ I,M2.16 Clerical Assistance _C~___m_____.:.__________nm___ - '-2~:2;58.'2-8 Travelling !Ex~enses _ ___~---,---_-~-_-------------- 1il'~'~~9;~ , -InsUI'ance, -Com~e'nsation cand "PensioIls - 3,-881-.716 :-Holida'ys --wfth-'~a.y, \'SIck-'-tGeave, :etc.---~~:~,,- ~i449~20 , $447,51S.m Le.ss ,Stock Balance m_______m_mm_____m________ J3,69L63 '$433;823.20 42 iELGIN OOUU"f'l'Y COUiNC[L Bridges and Cul<verts _~~__~~~__~__~~__~~~~~~~~___~~~~_~_~_~~ 4<6,465.46 $480,28H.6u SuburiJan Roads _~~~~~~________~~___~~~__~~~~___~__~__~__~~_~~ U,776.98 $50'2,065.59 'The 11915!6 Appropriation By-Laws provided ,as foHows:- !By-[..;aw No. lIfWf) - Maintenance and Construction $4!60',OHO.OO By.Larw iNo. il680 - Construction Fingal Bridge ~__~~~ 40;000.00 By-Law No. 11618i2 - Construction ___________________________ 30,00.0..0.0 iBy,Law No. 1i6&5 - Construction ~~~___~~__~_________~_~~~~ 5,0,000.00 $580,000.00 iNO'11]CE HlAS BEEN RiEiCiEJIV>EID from the Department of Highways that the maximum appropriation that will !be approved ,for the current year shall not exceed- For Maintenance ______n________________ _$300,iOO'O..oO For Construction ~_______~~~___~~~~~_~_ ~~~~~~ ~Qj5,000.DD' $525.0'00.00- 'WE RiEOOiMl.\1!EJN!D as follows:- 1. 'I1HIAT 'J.1BJE ILET11ER from the County of Kent requesting sUlpiport for its recommendation to the Board of Transport Com- missioners for Canada that the. proportion of construction, costs set by the Board cfor Railway Grade Crossing Protection against <counties, be JDwered ITom :2.i5% to 20% be filed. 2. '!:HAT THiE 'ESTIMAJTIES submitted by the St. Thomas Subur,han Roads Commission for its 19"5'7 Road Expenditures am- ounting to $40,000.'00 be approved. 3. iffiAT 'NIlE W!AlRDEN name delegates to attend the On- tario . Good Roads Association on February 5th and 6th. 'ElLGlN COUNTY OOfUNCIT.. 43 4. That the Comprehensive Municipal Liaibility Po1icy and Non-owned Auto Poli-cy he renewed with the Gore Insurance Company rwith the fOllowing limits and premiums- iLiability, $20'0,0000.00 inclusive Premium ____~___._.$ 1,19$.00 .Non-owned iAuto, $'20.0.,000.-00 inclusive Premium __ 73.35 $ 1,274.35 Ii. THAT RjOiBEiRT LEIDlUON ,be appointed to the office of County Engineer and iRoad Superintendent at a salary of $6,'5'0'0.00 and a ,car aUorwance of :8 cents per mile, duties to commence on February 1st, 1957. [n Committee of the whole Council, on motion of Reeve Al- ward, and seconded by. Reeve Ha.le, the name of .Ro:bert. Lemon was deleted from Clause :5, and repla,ced with Robert G. Moore, and the salary of $6,15'00 deleted and repl",ced <with $6,000.000. Tbe re- .port, .as amended was adopted, and on motion olf Reeve Nelson, the Committee arose to report CLA<REN1m: CU["vEiR, Chairman. &M .2.ELG1N: :COUN'I'Y.COUNCIL iBY~LA:WS ~,~Y.,LAW>NO. ,1889 ,U: To: Aufhorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign Agre~men:t wiih ;the Counties of Kent and Middlesex for 'Consfrudion '-Of 'Bothwell!.. Bridge.u -WiH'ERlEAJS it- is necessary toibuild- a new iBothwell'BrlClgc jointly -with the Counties of Kent and 1itIiddlesex, ",The-.,E.Jgin CoUlJ,,~Y, Council enacts: ..-'I!H1:\TJheo Warden and.Clerklof the~ County,:{)f-Elgin"are'.here- :.1;Jy. ,<:l:u:~tLorig;ed::,~to ~ sign.:: ,agreement, with: :the .Counties'of ..,K.ent ': and M,iddlesex for cOl1S'truction of a new BQthwelLBridge:,at:.an;-.esti- mated costo! Three Hundred Thousand iDollars ($300,O,OO'.OO}, and the,tC.qu~.:ty;:.of .~gin:_JD:}oear.'27.1h".per cent of the cost. !PJEAU) a first time this 15th day of January, 1957. IBJEA[) a second time this 15th day of January, 19517. R1EiAID a third time, and finally passed this 15th day of Jan- uary, 1957. J. D. l1HOMSON, Clerk. J. C. HINDLEY, Warden. ~Y.LAW NO. 1890 w:HJERi'R'j..d.JS t.~e iOoll.'1'cil of the Corporation dee..."'Y'"s it necessa....".r to borrow the sum of ISix Hundred' Thousand [)oIlars to meet, untiE the taxes are -collected, the current expenditures of the Corpora- tion for the year; ELGIN COrU1NTY comftiL 45 AND WBiElRJEA'S the total amount 01 the estimated revenues of the, C~rporat~on, as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year tf!5":7,not including revenues derirvaible or derived from the sale of assets, borr,owings -or issuance of debentures or fr-om a sur- plus, including arrears oJ taxes, is $,g~1,e41.{i!6 (N~ne hundred and thirty:-one thousand, six hundred and forty-one dollars, and sixty- SIX C'en't5)'; "11HiERJEElOiRIE the Cooncil of The CarporaHon: of the:: County of Elgin, herelby enacts as follows: 1. ""rhe Head and the Treasurer are herelby auth01~iz-ed' on be- half of the Corporation to ,borrow from time to time, 1b.y way of :promissory note, from the Ba'lli~ of ,Montreal, a sum or su:rru; not ex,eeeding in theag,gregate, Six Hun.dred Thousand DollaTs, to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Corporation for 'the year, indudring the amounts required for the pur-poses mentioned in subsection 1(1) olf the said Section 341, and to girve, 'on ibehali of the Corporation, to the Bank a promissory note or notes, sealed with tne ,corporate seal and signed by them for the moneys so :borrowed with interest a,t a, rate not ex-ceeding 151% per -centum per annum, which may ,be paid in advance or oth- erwise. 12. All sums !borrowed from the said Bank, for any or all of ~e ~l,ITposes mentioned in ,the said Secti-on i141, shall, with _ interest thereon, be a charge UPOll the whole of the revenues oi the Cor- :p'oration i-or the 'CUTrent year and for all precedfrig years, as and when such revenueS ate received. 3. The Trea5-uTer is' hei'elby -authorized and directed to apply in payment -oif all sums h6rro\Ved pursuant to the au,th;ority of this iBy-law, a's well .as all bt1ler su~s borrowed in this' year and any previous years, from the said Bank for any or all cd' the pur,poses mentioned in -the sctid Section 3'41, together' wit.h- interest thereon, all of t..1.-e mDneys ihere'afer collected or received on account or realized in respect: 01 the taxes levied for the currerit year and -preceding years and all of the moneys 'Collected or received from any other sOUrce,-' which m,ay lawfully ,he applied for such pu..-r,pose. 46 !ELGIN COUNTY OOU;N'C[L !Passed this l'&th day <If January, 19m. J. D. 'liHOo.VESON, Clerk. J. C. Hl'NDLEY, Warden~ [hereby,certify that the foregoing is a true c:opy of By-Law No~ 16~lo-, of The !Cor:poration .of the :County of Elgin, in the Pr.o.vince of Ontario, duly passed ;at a meeting of ;the Council of the said Corporation duly held, and that .the said [By-law -is in full force and effect. Dated this 18th day of January, 1957. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. BY.LAW NO. 1691 UTo - Appoint a County !Road Committee"" As required iby the Highway A,ct the Elgin County Council enaots: mHAT the foUowing firve memibers of this (Council constitute ,a Committee for the p'UI[Jose of directing the work to ibe done on the County Ro:ad system: P. t'W. Schleihawf ____________ mor Tenn of One Year Clarence ICulver _________ for Term of Two Years J. B. Wilson ~ _______ for Term of 'Three Years A. Liebner _______~__~___ for Term of Four Years L. Holland _~______~~ for ,Terim of Fi,ve Years THIA:T By-!L",w No. 1674, !be, and is herelby repealed. iRJ:EJA[) a first time this 18th day of January, ,1957. READ a se,cond time this 18th day of January, If/oIL IElLIGlN IOOUNTY OCJIUNIC!IL 47 R@AiD a third time, and fin-aIly passed, this 18th day of Jan- uary, 1B57. J. D. THOIMiSON, Clerk. J. C. HI:NDLEY, VI arden. BY-LAW NO. 1692 UTo Appoint a Board of Audit in :the County of Elgin for :the Year, 1957.11 The Elgin County Corm-eil en:a'Cts: 'THAT the Judge of 'the County Court, and the Treasurer, and !Mr. Garnet Spee.rs, ,be, and are hexeby appointed m-em,bers of the Board ,of :Audit to !perform the duties required of- them ibythe Re- vised Statues at! Ontario. ~ the mernJbers :of .the said Board of Audit !be !paid the sum of Nine [}ollars per day, for their services, and twenty cents per mile going to each Audit. IRiEAfD :a first time this 118th day of J;anuary, 1'95'7. REA1D a second time this 18th day of January, 195,7. :REND a third time, and finally passed, this 18th day of Jan- uary, 1957. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. J. C. HINDLEY, Warden. 4lt iEi:1Glli c6tJNIJ.'Y cbU:Nici[L BY'LAW NO. 1693 UTa Fix ,Salary of :the Judge of the Juvenile 'and Family Court of the iCouni:y of Elgin. and City of Sf. Thomas/~ WU3lERJEAJS J. F. M-cMillan has been -appointed Judg,e of the Juvenile and Family Court, -the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elg~n enacts: ~T the salary of J. F. MoMillan, Judge of the Juvenile and F:amily Court ;be One Thousand Dollars per annum, payable quar- terly. The By-Law to t~ke effect January lSt,W57. 'l1HAT the Corporation of the City of St. Thomas, he .charged fifty -per cent of the 31bove amount and .'billed quarterly ;for the same. ~Ta3y-,ia'-w Nh. ,116:5'3, tie, and is hereby repealed~ R.EJAID a .first time this 1'8th day of January, 1957. HEArD a second time thiS 18th day of Jimuary, 19'5i iRiElill) a third time, and finally passed, this 18th day of Jan- uary, 195:7. J. D. 'lJEjoMiSON, Clerk. ;T. C. HINDLEY, Warden. BY-LAW NO. 1694 UToAmend By-Law' No. 1561..1'" The !Elgin \CQunty Council enacts: ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 49 :mAT the salary of Claybourne Gordon, County Weed Inspec- tor be One Dollar ($1.00) per hour, and eight cents (.OOe) per mile for use of car while engaged in the duties of Weed Inspector. 'DElAT [By-Law Q~.;ro. 1516!1, be amended a,ccor.dingly. THtA.!T By--IT...aw No. 116'8'2, ibe, and is hereby repealed. mJEAD " first time this 18th day of J.anuary, le5'7. RfElA1D a se,cond time this 18th day of January, 19'51. lRiF,A[) a third time, and finally passed, this 1:8th day of Jan- uary, W57. J. D. THO!MSON, Clerk. JAS. C. HINiDLEY, Warden. BY.LAW NO. 1695 #To Fix ,Members Wages and Repeal By~Law No. 1591.11 ~helElgin (County Cou~cil enacts: il. That the sum of Ten Dollars per day be paid Memlbers for their attendance at County Council Session, and twenty cents per mile in going to,: such meetings. :2. That the sum of Nine Dollars 1)er day be paid Members for their attendance at GOrrirr1ittee Meetings, a:'nd twenty cents per mile,in going to such Meetings. 3. That the sum o:f Nine Dollars per day, and travelling ex- penses !be !paid to ;the Mem'bers of Council for attending~ Commit- tees and Conventions outside the County. 50 ELGL'! COUNTY COUNIC:rL 4. That memibers of Council attending Convention be requir- ed to. report to Council the first Session thereafter ~ 5. That By-La", No. 15B'1 be, and is he~eby repealed. iRlJiJAD a first time this Hlth day of J:N1uary, 195Q. !REiA[) a second time this 18th day of uanuary,. 1957'. o..ElAro a third time, and finally passed, this 18th day of Jan- uary, W5'f. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. J. C. HINDLEY, Warden. BY-LAW NO. 1696 ""A By-Law Appoinfing a Road Superintendent: fOl" 1he County of EIgin.u WiH7RJEA\S it is necessary and eX[)edient to appoint a Road ISuperintendent foOr ,the County of Elgin;. AND WlHlEIRlEAiS :prOVISIon is made under The Highway Im- prorvement Act for apPointing a Road- Superintendent in whom shalllbe vested the admill'is,tration and management of the County Road System and who shall be a qu.alified Engineer. BE !IT ITHElliElEomIE ENiAiCtruiID Iby the COTporation of thE!' County of Elgin and is hereby enacted as follows:- (1) 'illMT Rohert G. !Moore of .the township of Sbuth Dum- fries, in the County of Brant, and is hereh-y. appointed Connty Road Superintendent for the County of Elgin. .Q2) That the said Superintendent shall ad under the direction of the dUly ailJpointed :County Road.. Committee and shall in addi- iEI.JGIN ,oOUNTY COUNICJJL 51 tion :perform all duties pertaining to the Office of County Engin- eer. (:3) That the duties .of the said Superintendent shall be such as are set out .on the. schedule hereto, which sLchedule forms part of the by-law. (4) That the salary or remuneration of the said Superintend- ent shall be the sum of $6,0.00 per annum payaible monthly, and an allowance ,of eig1ht cents per mile for the use of his ear, to a limit oJ :20,O{).O< miles. i(5) That a suitalble office in the County building with the necessary furniture and equipment shall be provided for his use and that necessary clerical assistance shall !be provided by the County. - '(6) That the term -of offi.ce of the said SUi=lerintendent shall -commence the 1st day. of Fe-bruary, 1f),51. {1) That all by-laws inconsistent with this by-law be and are herehy repealed. .,8) That a copy of this !by-Iaw appointing the County Road Superintendent shall be transmitted to the Department of High- ways within thirty days of the passing there of and such appoint- ment shalllhe subject to the a'PPrDv.a1 of the Minister. [HASS:ElD at St. Thomas, this 18th day of January, le51. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. JAJS. C. HI1-jDLEY, Warden. [, J. D. Thomson, Clerk of the GOI"p'oration of the Oounty .of E]gin, do :hereby certify that the foregoing 'is a true ,copy of By-Law No. 1:696, :passed by the Council of the said Co~oration on the 18th day of January, 1957. J. D. mOMSON, Clerk. 1i2 E;LCH.l" COmITY COUNCIL S'CHEDULE Referred :2:0 in By-Law No. 16S6 of !he County of Elgin DUTIES OF ROAD SUPERINTENDENT (:I) +'0 attend regular meetings ad: the Oouncil, or s~eciaI meetings if 5'0 desired [by the Council, and all meetings or the County &ad ClQrnm-ittee; to receive instructions regarding work to .be undertaken and >carried on ihy him; also to report at meet- ings of the Councilor through the Committee work then in pro- gress. (I~) To Ie~o:rt to the Council through the County Road Com- mittee €aTly in eaoh year as to the work required for the corning season with an estimate of the cost of such work, so that the ne- cessary Oounty [{'cad :EXlpenditure By-Larw may ibe prepared for submission to the Highways Department for approval and to carry out the instructions .of the Council with regard hereto, and also to p:enform sucll, business or other serviees as may he required of him from time to time under the instruction of the Council. {:3) To sUp'~rvise aU w~:rrk of c'0:n-struction ~nd repairs on roads: 8;JJ9 !prigg~s wi:tl1in and, lmqer the j:urisd~ction of the Co.unty CQun- ciJ:. (4) To a'cqu_aint hiII)Self witl;1 efficient: methods of adequately constructing and maintaining county roads and the operating of all r:o.?,d; 111~(c4.L'J._ery 'U,sed :by the munidpality. ('{)) To employ such foreman, ma,chine operators, and inspec- tors as may Ibe required from time to time for any corp-oration. woTlk under his -control; such em~loyees to be s-wbject to dismissal or suspension at any time by the Superintendent who will forth- with report such dism-is.sal or suspension to the County (Road Com- mittee."" ,- 1(:6) To employ or discharge either personally or through the foremen ~11- 'l1:;H~m, t~_::yps ~n,d fu:ucks required to caI'ry on the work. ELGINCOUNTI.'COUNCTh 53 i('7) !I'Q abtain prices for road m'aterials and any road maehin- ery to be .purchased by the County and having listed these, sub,... mit them to the County Road Committee for necessary action. >(8) To prepare plans, profiles, and specifications for county J:'oad. and -county 'bridge work. If such work is to be done !by con~ tract to further prepare tender f.orms and contrads and to see that the workis advertised. To list and tahulate tenders received, set,... ting out his reooIDanenda-tions. All of which is to he presented. to the County lR~ad Committee for necessary aDtion. To certify to tl1,e cOLrrl,'pletion .of all work undertaken. 'Q9) To prepare or have pr.epared plans for securing land or ri.ght-'of-way f.or County ToadpuTposes and to see that such :plans are properly- registered. ' 1(10) To see that .all wo:vks are staked and that they are un- delta~enSYi$tematka11y so that no time will be lost in taking men! tea1IIlS,_,truc~and ~achiI:tery f:r:om one~3.l't of the muntcipality to another. 1('1'1) To see that all washouts, 'bridge and ,e-ulvert failures, and other unforeseen defects are repaired or guard railed with the least 'Possible delay to prevent fur-ther injury to. the road and prote.ct the travelling IpU!blic; to act promptly in all ,cases of emer.gency. (12) To keep an accUl;ate ree-ord 'Of the m,en employed and the 'Work done and to .:furnish on approved forms, pay sheets, ac.~ounts, -and vou~,hers' to the County [Road Committee at proper intervals for approval and signature in order that the County Treasurer under the authority of their approval and -certificate, and being satisfied -as to the correctness of the statements, may issue cheques for the payment there.of. 1(11'3) To ex.amine, check, and certi,fy lall rbills or ac.counts .against the iCqunty for maJe,lIial or la:bour used for C01IDty r-oad work; -(14) To !hav-e during tenure -of 'o1ffice the Icustody of, and to be responsible for all plans, pr.ofiles, measurements and estimates, .as m.ay from time to time be prepared for the use of the County. 54 iEJIJGIN .oOUiNTY COUiNlClIi !(15) .To report from time to time to the County Council through the County R-oad Committee any obstruction he may meet in carrying out his instructions and any matter upon which he m1ay require advice or instructions. '(i16) To examine or .cause examination to !be made into all complaints of defectilVe roadways ,or drainage, and to take such measure ,as rm.ay .be ~lecessary to protect the right of the County of Elgin 'in or on all pubHc thoroughfares under its j.urisdiction. (i17) To S'U!pervise the opening of new r-oads and .the sanding of icy roads during the winter months. (18) !To re[)ort to the Cqundi at the end of each year, show- ing in detail fue charader, .east and loc.ation of all construction .or maintenance work undertaken during the season. (19) To comply with the provisions of The Highway Improve- ment Act and the regulations of the Department of Highways, and to prepare and submit promptly to the Department all reports that may be required. SECOND SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 19th Day of March, 1957 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden dn the Chair. All the members were present except [)eputy...Reeve Blue. The minutes olf the last day of the J.anuary Session -were read~ '~'Tld confi..mned. The following cOInmun1cations were read and referred to the various Committees: IElLiGrN CiO:tJNTY OOUNC([l. 55 COMMUNICATIONS March Session. 1957 From the Deputy Minister of Municipal Affairs re Municipal Unconditional Grants. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Tillson'hurg District Memorial Hospital re indigent patient. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Wom-en's Christian Association requesting Increased Rate for indigent patients at Parkwood Hospital. - 'Referred to the Finance Oornmi ttee. From F. S. Thom'as, M,P.IP., re County Assessment Commis- sion. - Referred to the !IDqualization Committee. Frem the Secretaryaf the LEast Elgin Women's Institute re Civil Defence. - 'Referred to the Civil Defence Committee. From the County of Hastings requesting Federal Aid for con~ struction rn: roads. - Referred to the Road Committee. From t'he :Mini.ste:r of Highways re Assumption of Road at Pon Bruce. - Referred to the Road Comm.ittee. From the President of the Township Road Superintendents Association requesting grant. - iRefened to the Finance Commit~ tee. From the County of We1land ,with resolution requesting com- pulsory automobile insurance. - Referred to' the Petitions and Legi.slations Cominittee. From the County of Wentworth requesting Increased Provin- .cial Subsidy from the PrO"'v"ince for roads. - Re.ferred to the Peti- tions and Legislations Committee. Fr-om the Secretary of the Elgin Law Association requesti.r..g 15~. EU.GIN:.COUNTY.. CO.' well, " .. ~ - - -- -,. - - - - - ., new lighting in the ([law r..:1brary. ---.,.. Referred to the Property Committee. From the Western Ontario Agricultural School with app:!'e- ci:ation ,of :S'cholarship. ---.,.. Filed. :F'r<Jm the University of Western Ontario with appreciation of graIlts QU ~cholarships. ---.,.. :Filed. From the SaliVation tArmy with appreciation of grant. - Filed. From the County of Lamibtonrequesting the Federal G')vern-. ment to re:inJJhurse local municipalities for t,he CDst of educating foreign families. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Com.,. mittee. From the Council of the Town of Aylmer re Paving. - Re.. ~err'ed to the Road Committee. !From the County of Ontario requesting increase in indigent ~ate in hospitals. - Referred to the Petitions; and Legis)ations Com,mittee. ]]:-Olll IDJIontaign-e's Ltd., PeTIlbroke, 01.1t., re pro4tt<::t,i.qIl of a .oounty Film. - Referred. to' the Finance Committee. ~onlthe SecJ;et~ry o~ tl1'e, West E4gin Wrnep's Institute, re GivE D,ef€l1ce. ----, Re.JerreAl to tl1~ Civil, ])efe1;lc:e Gon;n:ni-tJee., From St. John's Ambulance with request for a grant. - Re~ ferred to !the lFinance. lGomm-itt,ee; -From the Secretary of the Board of Directors of the St. Thom~ as-Elgin General Hospital with appreciation of consideration of grants" and -appointllle:nt of, Cqupty' I'~pre;::-,~tatiyes,' tQ the _B_oard ~or lH&7. ....,.,. Filed,. From the District Municipal Engineer, re 19'57 Road Appro- !I?~i~ti.qn_ L?y-[,;i~W. ~. Referred to, ~he 'F.o_4,d Corornittee~ 'ffiJLGW"roOUN'I'Y OOU:N!CtL 57 ~-iFronr the:.'Connty of Grey-requesting :the:-Proviridal :Govern- men t to pay - the :truJFcost 'of -construction- of' s,cho'ol' buildings, and institute a National and Provincial Health! 'Plan. --'- Referred- to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. !Moved :by Re.eve Nelson that Mr. Dan Neil be now heard. Mr. .'Neil introduced'.Mr.:-Dillon from 'theO' Dept. of Lands -and 'Forests, who addressed the GOUTI'cil on Forest Fire U?rotection. [M"ved by Reeve Schleihauf that Dr. Hofman, Medical Health Officer of the Health Unit Jbe now heard. Dr. Hoffman addressed the Council on the work of the Unit during [1.966- Moved by Reeve lSchleihauf, Seconded bylReeve Li€ibner: \Whereas Erovincial Highways No. 75, 76 and 77, have been unduly damaged due to'construction work on-No;-g Highway, and whereas an asphalt rplant is now in operation In this area, be it he.relby resolved that-Elgin County Council urgently request that the Ontario Dept. of Highways take action to resurface these roads in ,the -immediate::future. -Carried. Moved >by De>puty Reeve McColl, Seconded by Reeve Schleihauf: That'we,do-nowadjournACi meet this ,afternoonat'B: p~m. ---'Carried. The- :CounC:iJ r--e.sumed. ~:The; first .report-or the:' iFinance , Committee was; presented" arid adopted -on motion of R-eev-e Barker and Depu.ty Reeve'Speers. These.corid-report-- of the, --Finance: :Committee.-was'-presented and adopted <m:--mo'tion- 6rR-eeve Barker aria:'Reeve"Pa1ri1er. 5S iElliGIN COUNTY COUNCIL The third report of. the Finance Committee was presented and ado-pted on motion of Reeve Barker and Reeve Gurr~ Moved ,by Reeve..HaJe, Seconded by Deputy Reeve :Speers: That we do now adjourn to meet an Wednesday, March 20th, at ten a.m. -Carried. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. JAS. C. HIND[LEY, W arden~ SECOND SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 20th Day of March, 1957 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Comt House, St~ Thomas, in ac'Cordance with adjournment. IT'he Warden in the Chair. All the mem!bers were present except Deputy Reeve Blue, and Deputy Reeve MoColl. The minutes of the ~Tevious day were read and confirmed. The report of the Equalization Committee was presented, and on TIl<otion fa Reve Nelson the CounciJ went into a Committee of the whole with Reeve Wilson in the Ohair. After a lengthy dis- ,eussion, ,the report \Was adopted, :and the Oommitteearose, and on moti-on of Reeve Wilson and Reeve Nelson, the report was approved: in COUll.ell. The County Road Committee report was presented and adopt- ed, onm,oti-on -of Reeve Culver, and Reeve .Liebnex. ELGIN POUNTY OOUNCIL 59 The report of the Petitions and Legislations Committee was IJ:)resented and adopted on moti-on of Reeve Alward, and Reeve Burgess. Moved tby Deputy Reeeve Speers that Mr. C. Gordon, County Weed Jnspector be now heard. Mr. Gordon introduced Mr. J. Armstrong, District Weed Ins'pectcr, who addressed the Council on Weed Control. Moved ,by Deputy Reeve Speers, Seconded by Reeve Gurr: That we do now adjourn to meet at 2 p.m. -Carried. The Council resumed. The report of the Property Committee was presented and ad- opted on motion of Deputy Reeve Hunter -and geeve Roberts. tATesolution to appoint a CQunty Assessor was presented by Reeve Nelson, and on' motion of Reeve Schleiha-uf, the Council went into a Committee -of the whole with Reeve Schleihauf in the Chair. After a Jengthy discussion, the resolution was approved. !:Moved Iby Reeve Alward, that the Warden appoint a Commit- tee of three memlbers of Council to investigate applicants, and present a report to Council. [Moved by Reeve Atkinson that the question 'Of salary. be left with the Committee. The Committee ar.ose, and'the Warden r,esumed the Chair. Moved 1?Y Ree:ve Nelson, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Hueston: .60 EDGIN OOUNTY OOUoNICIlL That a. County Assessor be !lired for Elgin County. ....:..earried. . Warden:ffIindley, appointed:Reeve- Schlefhauf~'-ReeveNe1son, and _~lReeve Atkinson, as the Committee. to hire the assessor. Moved by Reeve Holland, Seconded iby Reeve A. E. Roberts: That By-iLaw No. 166'9 ,be 8.mendedto '-change stop signs on County ~oads No.8, and No. 12, Township of Dunwich, and County Road No. .45;.at ..the,townline.boundary of Malahide and Bayham. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Roberts, Seconded__,ibyDeputy -Reeve Speers: That the Clerk send a letter. to Deputy. Reeve McCollex!press- ipg theh:9-'Pe-of a_ ,speedy_ recove:ry froffi_his-_..iJIness. -Carried. 'R.eeve __Gurr..mvit-ed.the__OountY'.Council m'erohers. and, their wives to. a .dance .at .the '\StOllk CM,", on AprIL2C7fu. Moved by Reeve WiIson~ Seconded by Reeve Barker: That By-Law No. .W~7, <~To 'Amend By.fuaw No.. Hi69,iBeing a By-Law of the .coun't':; of ,ElgLl1, Designatir..g Through Hig-h'.:lTays," !be read a first time. -Carried. ,ELGIN. ()OUNTY'COUN1Crr. 61 Moved:byReeve~ Barker, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Burgess: That By-Law No. 116-97, .be read ,a second-time. -Carried. 'M.oved' by"'Deputy'Reeve "BUI.:gessl Seconded by Reeve Barker: That By-Law No. 1697, ~e read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Schleihauf, Seconed by Reeve Elliott: That !By"Law No. 1698, "A By-Law to Provide for the -Ill57 E~enditures <m Roads under the Highway ,Improvement:Act.in the County ,of El.gin," Jbe read a first time. -Carried. Moved. by Reeve Elliott, Seconded by Reeve Sch1eihauf: That By-Law No. 1698, be read .a. second time. -C,ar:ied. Moved O:ly iReeve Elliott, ,Seconded by Reeve Schleihauf: 62 EDGIN COUNTY COUN1CIT. That By-Liaw No. 116'9-8, (be read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. Moved jby Reeve Hueston, iSeconded !by Reeve Alward: That By..iLaw INa. 1699, "To Raise Amounts for County Rates During the Year 1:967," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Atkinson, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Hueston: That lEy-Law No. lti'9'9, Ibe read a second time. -Car:!.'~ed. (M,oved by Reeve Alward, Seconded hy IReeve Atkinson: That By-Law iNo. 16H9, be read a third time, and finally passed. -.carried. M'Qved by Reeve Hale, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Liddle: That By-iLaw No. 17001 "To Confirm the Equalization of the Assessment iRo1ls of the CO:UJ."1ty of Elgin for the year, 1957," be read a first time. -Carried. iEIDGIN COUN'I'Y COUNCIL 63 Moved by Deputy Reeve Liddle, Seconded iby Reeve Hale: That By-Law No. 170.0, be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve. Burgess, Seconded !by Reeve Barker: That By-Law No. 1700, be read a third time, and finally passed. --.carried. Warden Hindley thanked Reeve Gurr for his kind invitation to p.ort Stanley, and expressed to members of Council his appre~ ciatiDll for the co-operation given him in conducting the business of the March Session Moved by Deputy Reeve Speers, Seconded Iby Reeve Hale: That we do no'vv~ -adjourn to meet on Tuesday, June 11th, at ten a.m. -Carried. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. JAS. C. HINDLEY', Warden. ;64 ,II!lT;.QIN: COUNTY: CQUNCilL FINANCE CO~ITTEE March Session, 1957 - :Firs:t-,;Report To the WaTden a:t;Ld. Mem!bers of,the_,Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: That the following hospital acocunts he paid: ,st. Thomas-Elgin General !Hospital (Active Unit) ___$ St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital (Chronic Unit) _ Tillson'burg District Memorial Hospital ~________ The Hospital for Sidr. Children, Toronto ___~______ 1St. Joseph's Hospital, London _____.._"___~ The iJ.\IIetropolitan General Hospital, Windsor _______ :St.,Joseph's HospItal, Guelph ____________ Vktoria Hospital, London ____-'-____________ 2;613,60 G,974.50 , 531.00 354.00 ,42,1.90 47.25 26.25 493.00 .$ ,8,516.50 AU of, whiCh is respectfully submitted. J. W. :BARK:ER, ChaIrman. FINANCE CO~ITTEE March Session, 1957 -Second Report .Tolhe'Waxden and iJ.\IIem~ers of the Elgin County Council, '.The':F-inance Gommittee reports as follows: 1. That Charity and We1!taxe Pay List for $1,125.25 'be paid. 2. That Chlldren's Aid Pay List for $5,84!i.m ,be paid. 3. That Printing, Postage, and Stationery Pay List for $54.48 be paId. ELf GIN COUNTY. COUNIC'IL 65 4. That the account (}f the Home'fot- Ihcuralble;,Chilclren for Shirley All'll YoUng be refused. 5. That the -request .of the St, J ahu's .AriibtiIahce--Ior-' a grant be filed. K That-the c{lrnmunication rroIn"Montaigne/s Ltd. re- film of County be med. 7. That the Elgin Township Road' Superintendent's Associa- tion be given .a grant of $2'5.0.0.'. 8. That the request of the Women's Christian Assm:~iation f.or increase hi indigent rate be filed. 9. That the aCCCH.iht of the late James FUltdh, indigent pa~ tient be appr_oved. 10. That the. communk:ation from t.'he Deputy Minister_ of M,UhioipallAff~drs Ie iMunidpal Grants Ibe filed. AIL of which is fespectf.1..i11;Y submitted. J~ W..BlAffiKER, Chairman,; COUNTY RATES. COUNTY OF ELGIN March -Session.. 1957 - Third Report To the Warden and Memlbers of the Elgin County Council, The .committee on Finance beg leave to report that having in- quired into Finances oI:.theCounty,and estimates prepared by the County Treasurer, they herewith submit a statement of the exp.endittir_es.,require.d-iiJr- thelawftil.purpose' of _ the County- during; 19'5,7, showing the amount required to be r.aised for the under- mentioned purposes: &6 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Administration of Justice _____________________$ 36,OnO.Oo County Roads ~6 mills) ___cc_________~____ ~B7,804.00 Charity and Welfare ______~___________ 60,000.00 Child Welfare ---~-c--c-------~----- 31,,00-0.00 Elgin Manor _.___________________________ __________ i15,-oo.O.o.o Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit _____________m ;13,312.0,0 Elgin Hospital Debentures _____________m__ @,5,o,o.,oO iMunidpal Government, Salaries and Wages ____.__ ------- ------------------- Agriculture _____~___________________________________ Interest ___________________________._______._________________ Printing, Postage and Stationery ______u_ Property __________________------------ Grants _________________________________________ St. Thomas-:Elgin Hospital Grant ----- .--- ;MIscellanoous, -Licenses and Permits 18,0,0,0.0,0 7,600.00 [4,000.00 1,000.00 6,000.0,0 111,600.00 30,,000.00 261.00' $654,877.00 Your Committee would recommend that. the sum of Five Hundred and Fifty Four Thousand, Eight Hundred and Seventy- seven Dollars be raised on all ratea'ble property in the several munkLpalities of the County of Elgin, during the year, 1'957, for Co.unty purposes, and that a rate of 14 mills on the dollar be le- vied on. rateaIble property in the several municipalities in the County to rais'e said amounts. -All of which is respectfully submitted. J. w. B~KER, Chairman. EQUALIZATION REPORT March Sessiot11 1957 To the WaTden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Equaliz'ation Gomroi,uee reports as follows: iElLIGIN COUNTY COUNIC!l!L 67 1. . The following equalization of the Assessment Rolls of the County of Elgin for the year, 19'57: Aldiborough _~~~~__~_~~_~____~~_______~__~~.$ 4,069,500.00 Dunwich ~~~~~~~___,~~~~~____~_~____~___~_~~~_ 3,96<1,e52~OO Southwold ~~___~____~_~____~~~~~~~_~_~______ 4,947,331.00 Y armou th __~~_~~~~_~~_~_____~_~____~~~~___~_ 7,730;583.00. Malahide ~_______~~___~~_~,_~~_~__~~___~__~ 4,3'81,46>6-00 iBayham _~~~_~~~_~~~__~~_~~_~_____~~~~_~~_ 3,466,3~1.00 South Dorchester ~_~______~_~______~_~ 1,9'77,651.00 Aylmer _~________~~__~___~~__~~~~_~~_~_~~_~_ 4,477,07'5.00 !Port Stanley ~ __~__~~~_~~~_~_~__~_~__ 2,418,73'5.00 Dutton _~_____~~___~___~~~~~~___~~~~~~_~~~~~~~_ 630,348.00 <Rodney _~_~~_~~__~~_'~___~.___~~_~_~_~__ 808,3134.00 West Lorne ~~_~~~____~_~~_~~.______ 772,92'9.00 Port Burwell _~~~~~~~~_~~_~~_____~~~~_~~__ 5'52,458.00, Springfield ___~~____~_~~~_~_~~~~~_~~__ 301,629.00 Vienna _~_~___~~ ~~~~_~~~~~_~~_~~~~_~_~_~_~~__ -1'95,738.00 $40,691,732.00 2. That this Council is willing to have the final equalization of assessment rolls, in case of a,ppeal, made 'by the County Judge. AU of which is respedfuUy submitted. J. B. WLLSON, Chairman. PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE March Session. 1957 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Petitions and Legislations Committee reports as follows: 1. That -the resolution from the County d.f Ontario to increase the rates for indigent patients in hospitals !be filed. 6K !ElIlGIN~~ COUNTY' COlJ1NJC[L~~~ 2. That. the "xesolutionfrom the County DifGtey -requesting the Provincial Government toO assume total cost of the construc~ tion of school buildings Ibe filed. S. '.Dhattheresolution from the County of Gr"ey requesting that a NationaUHealth Plan \be instituted, be filed. 4. ThatowiIl:g to legislation being prepared to revise and strengthen Fcifun,Markets Act, no action be taken on ,the resolution tmom the CoUnty of Grey. 1.5. That.-the resolution [from the-County ofLamrbton requesting the Feder-alCovernment to reimburse local Municipal Coun-cils ior cost of educating new Canadians ana per capita basis,-beidled. 16. That- the'resolution from 'the County of' W~lland requesting cornpuhoiy insurance on motor vehicles, be instituted by ,the Pro~ vincial Government, !be endorsed; All of WhiCh 'is respectfully submitted. H: O. ALWARD, Chairman. PROPERTY COMMITTEE March Session, 1957 To the Warden and iMemlbers of the Elgin County Council. The Propenty Committee reports as i.oI1ows: 1. That~.iRegistryiOffice ['ay~ !List for $124.89 ~be paid;: 2:: That Cate"fB1iildings~Pay~ List!or $467.23:cbe ~paid, 3.:'_ That,Administration<ofJ"ustice Pay List for $1,168.67 be paid. EUGIN COUNTY. COUNCIL 69 4.: That a Deep !Freeze be purcil>ased from Roy Inch for $399.00 for the Elgin County Jail. 5. That a typewiiter be purchased for. the .:Judge's'stenogra- pher'fara'net prIce of $'183.00. 6. That new lights be installed in the Engineer's office, Coun- ty Library,'-and the [jffiw.Library. 7. That the Engineer's oiffiee Ibe redecorated; and the floor sanded. All of which is respectfully su.bmitted; H. HUNTER, Chairman. ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT March:Sessionl. 1957 To the'-Wardenand -Members of the-Elgin County Council, The Road ,Committee reports as follows: We recommend 'that an appropriation By-Law for 1957 Nor- mal ,Road Expenditures for thesmn of $525,000 be passed to be allocated as follows: Normal Maintenance lExpenditures _________.____$ Normal Construction Expenditures ______________ 300,000 225,000 $ 525,000 This,Construction-.:€xp.endi turec is.estimatedmas.: follows: County Road Grading and Paving 'm",__._.__$ 146;000 70 !ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL County Bridge Construction _n__. ~___.______________m___.__ New Machinery ______________~______________ Su.burban Head Construction _______._________._____________ Suburban Road Brddges _..__.._._~____._.,_._.__. The Maintenance expenditure is estimati:!d as f.ollows: County .Road Maintenance ________________________.________$ County Bridge Maintenance .-- .. .---------------------- Miscellaneous and Overhead --------------------------- Suburban Road Maintenance ______.________._.________......,u Suburiban Bridge Mai!ltenance ---.-------.----..----.--------- 30,000 40,000 5,000 4,000 $ 225,000 199,000 18,000 62,000 27,000 4,000 $ 300,000 The County Road Committee inspected the County Roads on March 11th and 13th ,and will meet on, March 122nd ,to consider the 1957 Road Construction programme and Tenders for Machinery~ All of which is respe.ctfully submitted. CLARENOE OUI. YEa, Chairman. BY.LAW NO. 1697 of Elgin~ Designating Through Highways." ~4To Am~nd By':'Law No. 1669. Being a By~Law of ihe Counfy 'DHER,EFOiRJE, the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts ~ :1. 'IlHAT designation of County Road No. 12 be repealed, and the fOllowing substituted: !From County Road No. 14 t,o County Road No.8, and from the Ta"it Bridge on River Thames to County Road No.9, :also, from d.ntersection of Oounty Road No. 9~ to Coun- ty Road N<l. 8. ELGIN COUNTY COlrnimL 71 2. THAT designation ()f County Road No. 45 be amended as foll.ows, Except ;where it intersects King's :Highway No. 73, Coun- ty Eoad No. 40., lGounty [Road No. 4'2, and where it turns westerly from Malahide .and Bayham township boundary. 3. This By..[.,aw Shall not ,become effect1ve until approved iby the !Department of ~E!iighways, and until signs have been erected 'and are on display in cOffi'p1iance with the Regulations of the said Department. RE.AID a !first time this 2'0th day of Mar.eh, 1957. REAiD a second time this 20th day of March, 1957. iREAD a :third time, and finaJl;y .passed this 20th day of March, 1957. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. JAS. C. HINDLEY, W RIden. BY.LAW NO. 1698 ., A By-Law :to Privide for the 1957 Expenditures on Roads Under :!:he Highway Improvement Act in ihe County of Elgin." WHEREAiS The Highway Improvement Act requires that the total eXipenditure on roads !be provided for annually iby county by- law :and that the ,by-law [be submitted to the Minister of Highways :for approval. TEJER'ElFIO!RiE the C'0uncil '0f the C'0rporation of the said C'0un- ty enaets. as follows: (1) The sum ;of $5:25..p.Q:O.{){) is hereby appropriated from monies provided iby levy, debentures and government subsidy for the ex- penditure upon 'construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdidion during the year 1957 as follows: 72 iElIlGm OOUNTY eOTINc'lL Construction [Maintenance Roads ------,--_____________________$151,000.00 Bridges and Culverts ________ 34,000.00 New :Machinery ___________ ________ 40,000.00 Miscellaneous _______________~_______ $226,000.00 2'2,000_00 nil 52,000.00 Total $~77,nOO.00 5-6,,000.00 40,000.0,0 52,000,00 Totals __________________ $225,000.00 $'300,,000.00 $5'25;000.00 IC2) The said monies shall he expended .under the. supervision 'Of the duly :appointed county road superintendent and on work performed in accord-ance with The- Highway Improvement Act. (~) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by;..law to the distri,ct .of.fice of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Hi:ghways, not later than March 31st,' of the said year. Passed at St. Thomas, this 20th day of March, A.D. 1957. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. J!AS. C. HLNDLEY, Warden. I, J. D. Thorns'on, Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, do hereby ,certilfy that the foregoing is a true co:py of By- Law No. 169i8 passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the 20th day of Maxch, .1057. J. D. THOMSON, County Clerk. BY-LAW NO. 1699 ~'To Raise Amounfs. for County Rates During the Year. 1957:' WEiER-RiAlS an estimate has been made showing that the sum of Five Hundred .and Fifty-Four Thousand, Eight Hundred and Se'Ve'nty;':seven:DdI1ars isrequirect-to 'be raised in the -se"leralmun- i,c1p:alicti.es,'cfor1fu.eclawful:purposeof the County during the-year, 19157, '-on: the' basis of theequalfzed assessment 8.S:determined_: in 195'6:- ELGIN COUNTY COUNC>!L 73. Municipality Total Equalized Value ",-ldborough _______________$ 3,9Q<8,~M.<}(1 DUll'wich ___________________ 3,955,020.00 ISouthwoid ____.____._____________ 4,938,011.00 Yarmouth ___._______._______.______. 7,450,1135.00 Maiahide __________..____.___. 4,309,3213.00 lBayham _______________..______u_ 3,420,7ilil.00' ,south Dorchester __________.___ 1,972,043.00, Ayimer ______ __________________________ 4,064,837.00 Port Staniey ________.._______ 2,403,516.00 Dutton ______..__..__.___.__._.._____,.__ il20,047 .00 Rodney _________.___._._______ 796,712.00 West Lome ___.________n__ 761,667.00 ISp11ingfield _n______..______..__._ 089,766.00 Vienna ________~~________________ \192,2'13.00- Port Burweli _______.__...n___.._____536,425.00 $39,634,098.00 'lJHER1EE10iR'E the Council of the Municipai Co;rporation of the County of Elgin enacts: "TIHAT a Tate of 14 mills on the dollar be levied on all rate- able ,property in the severalmuni-cipalities in the County of Elgin as alcove set Iorth for the year, 195J: iAldborough ____.______.._..._.________$ 54,999.0.0, iDunwich ______..___________....__._ 5'5,370.00 ISouthwoid ________.______._________.._.____ il9,132.00 Yarmouth ___________....__________. 104,302.0H Malahide ______________.__...___.___.___ 60,331.00, lBayham ____________n__._____.__.____ 47,891.00, -South Dor<hester __.._n______________ 27,609.00 Aylmer nn~n._______..____________ 6il,768.001 !Port Stanley _________0___________ 33,719.00 Dutton ___________.____._____________ 8,681.00 Rodney ______nu_.___.___..______ 11,1,54.00 West Lome ____n._____n________ 10,663.00 Springfield _____________.____..__..________ 4,0'57.00 Vienna _.u__.______u.______ 2,691.00 74 IElLGIN (JOUNTY OOUNC[L Port BUr'well 7,510.00, $554,877.00 READ a first time this 20th day of !March, 1957. READ a second time this 20th day of March, 195-7. IRiEAlD "" ;third time, and finaJly passed this 20th day of March, 1957. J. D. THOJllflSON, Clerk. JAB. C. HINDLEY. Warden. BY.LAW NO. 1700 i'To Confirm the Equalization if the Assessment Rolls of the Counly of Elgin for Ihe year, 1957:' The Elgin County Goundl enacts: 'I'IHlAT the :following !be the equalization of the Assessment Rolls of the County of Elgin for the year, 1957. iAldborough _____________-$ 4,059,502.00 Dunwich ___.._~____._______ Sauthwa1d _________ Yannouth __________ !Malahide ________________ Bayham ___._______.__ South Dorchester ,Ayimer Port Stanley ________ Dutton ________ iRodney __________ West Lome __________ Port Burwell ___ Springfield ____.______ 3,961,552.00 4,947,331.00 7,730,583.00 4,381,465.00 3,466,321.00 1,977,651.00 4,477,0'15.00 2,418,735.00 630,348.00 ^"^ "^" ^^ IOUO,.:lO<;l;.U1.1 772,929.00 552,458.00 301,629.00 ELGIN COUNTY COUNlC!IL 75 Vienna 100,738.00 $40,691,782.00 .2. THAT this C<luncil is willing to !have the final equaliza- tion of assessment rolls in case of appeal, made by the County Judge. REkD a ~irst time this 20th day of MarCh, 1957. READ a second time this 20th day of March, 1957. [@A[) " third time, and finally passed this 20th day of March, 1957. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. JAB. C. HINDLEY, Warden. THIRD SESSION - FIRST DAY. Tuesday. the 11th Day of June, 1957 The E1gin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the !Chair. All the members were present except Reeve Palmer, and De- puty Reeve Hueston. The Warden addressed the Council. The minutes of the last day of the Mar.ch Session were read and confirmed. The lfollowing communications were read and referred to their various Committees: 76 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS June Session6 1957 From ifrle University of 'Western Ontario with invitation f.or luncheon. - Filed. FTQffi [)r. IC. Alex. Graham re Jail Physician. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the H-ome for Incurable !Children re Shirley Ann Young. -ReJferred to the Finance- Cimmittee. [From the .Elgin Pioneer Museum with request for a grant. - Referred -to-the Finance Committee. From the Port Burwell Chamber of Commerce with request for aplpoiJ.?tment o,f delegate .on lakeshore erosion. - Referred to the !Finance Committee. From the town .of Aylmer with appeal on County Assess- ment. - Referred t,o 1fue Equalization Committee.' I!rom _ the County of P.erth requesting repeal of Sedion 58, of the Munici1;>.a1 Act. - Referred to the Petitions arid Legislations Committee. F'Iom the County of Norfolk requesting Amendment to Sec~ tipn .3:3 .of the Sec'Ondary Schools Act. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislations -Committee. From the Clerk of the City of St. Thomas with approval of new administration of justice agreement. - Filed. (From the Ontario !Municipal Assoclat1on re annual conven~ tion. - Filed. !Fioro.. the Elgin Pioneer MuseUm with appreciation oi gravel provided for pankting area. - Filed. ELGIN COUNTY OOUNC[L 77 ,From the ICounty 'Of Wellington requesting stricter tests of applicants for driver's licenses. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. From the County df Norfolk re uniform assessments. - Re~ ferre-d to the Petitions and Legislations Committee: ffi'irOiffi the :County of Carleton requesting retention of Clause 78, of the -Labour Relations A~t. - Referred to the Petitions and -Le- gisla:tions Comm:ittee~ From the Clerk .of the ViIIage of Springfield for permission to construct sidewalks .on County Riad. - Referred to the County Road Committee. <lITom F. is. Thomas, M.'P.P., /With a~knowledgement of reso- lution re highw,ays No. 75, 76 and 77. - Filed. From th~ Minister 'of Highways with acknowledge-ment of !re- solution r~ h~glHv.ays !No. 75, 716 and 77. - Filed. [From the St. Thom:as-'Elgin General Hospital re Backing of hospitaldeibentures . for nurses resi~ence. - Refened to th.e- FinR ance Committee. ,The report of the Administration .of Justice Committee was presented and adopted, on TIl'otion of Reeve Barker and Deputy Reeve Speers. 'The report 'of tJhe iElgin Manor !Committee was' presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Alward, and Deputy Reeve MaDoll. The report -of the Spedal Committee re County Assessor was pre~.gnted 'and adopted on motion of Reeve Bchleihauf and Reeve Atkinson. ,The report .of the Property Committee was presented and ad= opted, on motion of !Deputy Reeve Hunter and Reeve Liebner. 'rhe Treasurer's report was presented, and -on motion of Reeve 78 iElLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Barker and Reeve Gurr, was received and .ordered printed in the Proceedirugs. Moved by Reeve Gurr, Seconded !by Deputy Reeve Speers: That we do now adjourn to meet at 2 p.m. -Caxxied. The Council resumed. The first report of the Finan-ce Committee was presented and adopted, on motion .of Reeve Barker and Reeve Elliott. 'The second report o~ the Finance Committee was ifm€sented 'and iadopted .on motion ,of Reeve Barker and Reeve Culver. Mr. John Wi<gnall, c.ounty Assessor, addressed :the Council ex~ !pressing appreciation on his appointment. Moved by Reeve Schleihaui, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McColl: That we do now adjourn ,to meet to-morrow, June 12th, at ten a.m. -Caxried. J. D. TRI0lVESON, Clerk. JAS. C. !HINDLEY, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUN1CTL 79 THIRD SESSION ~ SECOND DAY Wednesday, Ihe l21h Day of June, 1957 :The EI,gin County :Council met this day at the Court House, St. 'Iihomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members were present e~cept Reeve Palmer, Deputy iReeve Hueston and Deputy Reeve Speers. The minutes of the !previ.ous day were read and confirmed. Moved by Deputy Reeve McColl, Seconded iby Reeve Schleihauf: That rwe do nolW adj.ourn to meet at 11 a.m. to-day to allow Committees to. meet. -Caxried. The report of the iEqualiz.ation Committee was presented and adopted ,on motion of Reeve Wilson and Reeve Gurr. The third repD!I't orf the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Barker and Reeve Alward. The Petitions and Legislations Committee was presenteel and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Blue and Deputy Reeve Lid- dle. Moved by Reeve Sch1eihauf, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McColl: That By-Law No. 1701, "To Appoint a County &,sessor for 80 iElLJGIN OOUN'l'Y COUNCIT. ELgin County be read a first time~ -...Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve MeGo!!, Seconded by Reeve Schleihauf: That By-Law No. 17011 be read a second time. -Carried. lVIoved ,by Reeve Schleihauf, Se,conded by Deputy Reeve M"Coll: That By~aw No. 1701, be read a third time and finally pnssed. -Carried. 1y.[ove by Reeve Wilson~ Se.conded Iby Reeve Nelson: ;rhat By~aw No. 1702, ''To Amend By-Law No. 1700, Con- firming !the Equalization dE the ASsessment Rolls of the County of ~Elgin,",b_e read a !first time. -Carried. Moved !by Deputy Reeve Neville,. Seconded by Reeve Alward: iThat By-Law No. 1702, Ibe read a second time. -CarriecL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Sl UY.Ioved !by Reeve _ Alward, Seconded by ;a'eeve Atkinson: That !By..{Law No. 170'2, /be read a third time, and finally ,?assed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Barker, Seconded I>y iReeve Wilson: That tByJLaw No. 17Q;3, "To Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign .an Agreement re Administratiin of Justice Expenses, Pay- able by the City of St. Thomas," be read a first ,Jime. -Carried. i.Mih'r€d"ohy Reeve Nelsonj Secbifded by Deputy Reeve Nevill: That By-LaIW No. 1-70-3, be read a second time. -Carried. Moved LbyReeve' B'aTkel', Seconded by Re-ve GurI'. That By-Law No. 1703, I>e read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Movea by Deputy Reeve !Hunter, Seconded I>y Reeve Culver: .,sa 'ELGIN COUl<"7Y COUNCIiL That .Juvenile, time. By-Law iNo. 170-4, "To Appoint a Stenagrapher for the Family, and County Judge's Courts/' be read a first -Carried~ IMov-ed by Reeve Culver, Seconded by Reeve Roberts:- That By-Law No. 1704, ibe read a second time. -Carried.. M.oved by (Reeve Roberts, Seconded iby Reeve Culver:- That By-Law No. },704, Ibe read a third time and finaIIypassed~ -Carried~ Moved by !Reeve Holland, Seconded by Reeve Liebner::- That By-Law No. 1705, "To Appoint a Member of the Senate ()f the University df Western Ontario, !be read a first time. -CCluied.. [Moved by Deputy Reeve Blue, ISeconded iby (Reeve Holland: That By-Law No. 1705,be read a socond time. -Carrbj. -ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 83 Moved by Reeve Liiebner, See-cnded !by Deputy Reeve Blue: That By-u:"'aw No. 170.5, he read a third time and'linally passed. -Carried. Reeve Roberts gave a personal invitation to attend the Cale- donian, games at Dutton in August. !The Warden expT€ssed ,appreciation to Reeve Gurr for the pleasant e,:ening at Port :Stanley dn April. Moved 'by Reeve Hale, Seconded ,by [)eputy Reeve Liddle: That we do now adjourn to meet 'On Tuesday, September 17th.. at ten a.m. -Carried. J. [). THOMSON, Clerk. JAS. C. HINDLEY', Warden. SPECIAL COMMITTEE RE ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE COSTS WITH THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS June Session. 1957 To the Vv"arden and ;rvIem~oel"s .of the Elgin County Council, The Special Committee for Agreement on the Administration- of Justice costs with the Ciy of St. Thomas reports- as follows: '84 EwmCOUNTY COUNCIL A joint meeting of the Special Gommmittees appointed by the Counci1soi the Corporations of the County of Elgin, and the C:ity of St. Thorn-as to arrange an agre'e.ment for payment by the City df St. Thomas of their portion of Admdnistration of Justice costs for tlhe next' five yeaa.'S was held at the Court HD'use, St. Thomas, this afternoon at 5 p.m. Present from the City of St. Thomas - Mayor J. M. Stirling, J?-lderman Thomas Gurrah-, Alderman V. Barrie, City Clerk E. C. Reid, Oiiy Treasur'er, W. A. Cox, City EngineeT, W. C. Miller. From the County of 'E1gin - -Warden J. C'~ Hindley, R€'eve Ja;nes Barker, County Clerrk-Treasurer, J. D. Thomson. May.or J. 1M. Stir lirYg acted as Chairman. tAfter some dis'cussion, the 1CQ'lTImittees agreed that the City' of St. Thom.as's portion of the Cost of Administration of Justice shall be the per-centage olt population of the City olf St. Thomas, of the total popuLation of the Oountyo-f Elgtin for .the previous year as pu!bIished in the Annual Dep,artment of Municipal Affairs DirM e-etry. That payment shall !be made on July 1st, each year. That due to change in the Provincial Government grants the pa)"ment on July 1st, 1'95-7, shall be $24,12'9.00 Ibeing 34.47 per cent of the estimated cost ad' $-710,000.00. That within sixty days after Decemlber 3'lst when actual cost o.f Administration of Justice !for the year has been computed. any additional amount due by the Oity of St. Thomas shall be ~aid, orin event olf oveI'!Payment the County of Elgin shall reimM ,burse the City of St. Thomas for the amount. '.Dhe above agreement to ilidude all costs of the Juvenile and Family Court required to be paid by the County of Elgin. That necessary By-Law ibe prepared to authorize the Warden and the Clerk to sign agreement. All of which is respe-ctfully submitted. J. W, BAlRKER, Chai111nan. ELGIN COUiNIl'Y COUiN,cI!L 85 ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE June Session~ 1957 To theW,arden, and Members .of the !Elgin County lCoundl, _,The E1g1u'-ManorCommittee reports ,as follows: 1. That remodeling {)[' tthe Superintendent's apartment to po- vid-e a,. .cc[lY.libinaif:on ikitchen ,and dining room at 'a cost of $2,000.00 has h~:en eompleted hy Ray Sales of Aylmer. '2. That new tile .floors in the living room, recreation room, storage room, and_ibu~chershop.have-!ber::!n laid by non Oampbell of Aylmer for $6DO.OO. 3. The tender of Wdthington Coal and Lumber Co. .or fuel oil at liS.? cents :p-er gaL was accepted. 4. The tender of the'iImperialle Fuels for NO.1 Stoker coal at $111.:2.17 per ,ton was accepted. :5. That all Ja:ppU.:cations for admission to El>gin Manor be sub- mitted,:to"the ISecretary--:Treasurer, and after checking , for comple- tion rbe presented toO the C-omm'ittee fO\r consideration. ,6. The tender of SilverwO'od Dairies, Ltd., for milk :at 74 cents per gallon, was aocepted. All of which is respectfu:i.lysubmitted. 'H. O. AiUWARD Chadrman. SPECIAL COMMITTEE RE COUNTY ASSESSOR June:Session.. 195'7 To the "Warden, an~ !D.Q.embers .of the Elgin County lCoundl, 86 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL The special lCommittee re appointment of a County Assessor repol'ts as follows: 1. That i1Y.Ir. John iWigna1I1be appointed County Assessor for Elgin County at a salary of $5,500 per year. 2. 'That his duties commence July 1st, [957, and after one- year's service he is entHled to two weeks holidays and admission to the County SupeI:annuation Pension PlaIl. 3. That necessary by-law \be prepared !for his a~pointment. All of <whic!h is respedfully submitted. PHiIILiIiP W. SOHiLE1HAUF, Chairman. PROPERTY CO~TTEE June Session.. 1957 To the 'War.den, and Members of the Elgin County Council, The, Property Committee reports :as follolWs: 1; That. a linoleum floor has lbeen laid in the Grand Jury room for $69.99. 2. That .the former Grand Jury and Witness rooms have been remodeled with new lights installed at a ~ost of $960.50. 13. That new blinds were purchased for. the Governor's resi- dence, and several rooms papered at a cost of $234.38. 4. r.fhat new lights have 'been installed in the County !Library, Crown Attorney's and County Engineer's offices at a cost of $580.20. 5. The tender of the Withington Coal and !Lumber Company for fuel oil for the Governor's residence at 16.7 cents per gal. was accepted. ELGIN CODNrY COUNCIL 87 6. The tender of Imperialle Fuels for No. 1 Stoker coal at $11.27 per ton was accepted. 'I. The tender of the Printing World af $151.~0 for a new, Ad- ding !Machine was acceptec:i. All a! which is respectfully submitted. H. iHUN'IIDR, Chailman. COUNTY TREASURER'S REPPORT June Session.. 1957 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County 'Council, I beg to submit the following statement o!f Receipts and Ex- penditures from January 1st, 1$7, to May 31st, 1957. Receipts Balance in Bank and on handl January 1st, 1~57 __________________ $ 8,0a4.45 Administration of Justice _______$ 5,493.10 Notes iPayahle and Interest ______ 250,000.000 Elgin-St_ Thomas Health Unit ______ 11;182.61 Registry Delifire _________~______ 9,509.38 Charity and Wellare ______ - 7,078.55 Elgin Manor ____________ 6,761.44 Children's Aid Societies _________ 837,21 County Roads ____~______ 166,807.31 Miscellaneous _______________ 142.00 ['icenses and !Permits ____________ 220.00 Agriculture ___--- 712.17 Interest ____________ 14.8-51 $458,758.62 $466,843.08 88 ElIJmN COUNTY COUNCIL Expendiiures Administration of Justice n_'_.._~__________ $ 28,9'7'5.2'6 Notes' Paya'b1e _______________~_____,_____ 160,000,00 Charity and Welfare __.___________~__ 415,383.'14 Grants _________________________. _________________ i34;165.01} Elgin Manor m____________ ___________________....:::.:.._ 15,1f~1716.12. Re.gistry OiDice _____ ______.______________________ 740.02 Health Unit __________._____.___.____________________ 10,000.00 Children's Aid Society .__._____ ___________ '1'0,395,10 Merrubers' Wages ____________nm__________________ 4,3.3:8.40 Officers Salaries __________,_________ 3,,9'17 Jj{l Printing, Postag.e, and Stationery _~_ :5i66.<2:1 Care of Buildings _.____________.____ 2,3'W.8:l Agriculture _n__________________n_____________ 12:,'0I317.r3i2! County,. Roads ___.___~_________.___~._m._.-.---.-. le3,317.ee Mis.cellaneo us ______________________.______________.__ 1,514~19 Interes,t. ___...m--.--m------'-----~----.-------- 2,8'76.40 $455,933.11 Balan<e on hand, May3'lst, 1957 ______________ __. 10,908.97 $4&6,843.08 All .od: which is respectfully submitted. J. D. 'DHOMSON, ICounty Clerk and. Tr~asurer. FINANCE COMMITTEE: June Session. 1957 - First Report. To the -W.arden, -and. Membersoi the Elgin County Coun.ciI, The Finance Comm,ittee reports as follows: 1. That Charity 'and WeNare Pay List No.3 for $2,10'2.85, be J)::lid. ,2; That Children's Aid Societies Pay List No.3, for $9,088.64 be paid. EIJGliN OOUN!TY COUNiClL 89 l3. That Printing, Postage and Stationery, Pay List No.4, for $W.50 Q,e paid. 4. That Mrs. Jean Beavis be appointed Stenographer rEor the Juvenile and :Family !Gourt at $40.00 per month, and necessary iby- 1a w 'be prepared. 5. That Peter J. Gloin !be appointed County of Elgin repre- 3-9utative to the Senate of the University of Wesern Ontario for two ye'ars, and necess-ary ,by-law be prepared. K That application for position ()f J'ail Physician ;be filed. 7. That the request from the Home for Incurable Children re Shirley Ann Y cung 'be filed. So That a grant of $500.00 be made to the !Elgin !Pioneer Mu- seum. 9. That 'Reeve H. O. Aiward Q,e aplXlinted delegate to Confer- ence on Lake Erie erosion prolblem. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. W. BArrliKElR, Chairman. FINANCE COMMITTEE June Session. 1957 - Second Report To the Warden, and !Members of the Elgin County IC-ouncd.1, The rFinance C-om'mittee reports as foll-ows: 1. That the fallowing hospital accounis 'be paid: Viotoria Hospital, London ___________m____________.___$ The Hospital for Sick ICh:ildren, Toronto ___m___~___ Tillsonburg District ~emorial 'Hospital ______________ Toronto General Hospital, Toronto ______________ 2,161.00 54.00 3~7 .25 126.00 DO ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 1St. Joseph's Hospital, London -----~-------- St. 1Thomas-!E~1gin General Hospital (Active Unit)_ St. 'Thomas-'El,gin General Hospital ~Chronic Unit) 84.00 5,033.90 6,641.75 $ 14,498.90 All 0If whLoh is respectfully submitted. J. W. Bw~ER, Chairman. EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE June Session.. 1957 To the Warden, and Members af the ::ELgin .county !Council, The Equalization .oommittee ,reports as if{)l1ows: 1. That due to -a clerical error the equalized assessment of the Town of Aylmer be $4i2'5'5,'912'8.00 ,according to the assessment roll, and the total equalized assessment of .the County of ,Elgin Ibe $40,- 470;e3'5.00, and by-law No. 1700 Ibe amended accordingly. All olf which is respectfully submitted. J. B. WillISON, Chairman. FINANCE COMMITTEE JUne Session, 1957 - Third Report. '1'0 the W m:den, ,and !M€mbers of the !Elgin County Council, The Finance Oom'IDJittee reports as follows: 1. That the Corporation of the County of EI@in guarantee de. ij:)entures to the amount of $200,nOO.00 of the St. Thomas-Elgin Gen- eral iHospita'l for the Ibuilding of a Nmses residence. All od' wmoh is respectfuliy submitted. J. W. BAJRroER, Chainman. ELGIN COUiNrrY COlmCIL 9: PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE June Session.. 1957 T.Q the \Warden and Members of the E1gin County Council: The Petitions and Legislations fCommittee reports as follows: 1. That ,the resolution from the County of !Nor,f()lk to reduce to two years an award shan !be in effect, made Iby the Ontario Muni.cipal !Board or Board of Al'bitrators for equalizing assess. ments in [High ISchqol Distric.ts 'be approved. 2. That the resolution [ro-m the County of Wellington to have striDter tests of 'applicants for driver's licenses be approved. 3. That the resolution f.rom the County of Carleton re Clause 78, of Labour Relations Act be concurred. 4. That .the resolution !from the County o.f Norfolk Ie Pro- vincial Ass,essment Manual be approved. 5. That the resolution from the County of 'Perth requesting repeal of new Section 54, Municipal Act re larger representation in County Councils he filed. All of which is respectfully submitted. CIJA!RIENIOE BLUE, Charrman. B,Y-LAW NO. 1701 liTo Appoint a County Assessor for Elgin County.u WHElRiEAlS Section 3-6, Chapter 24, R. S. O. '1950,. provides for Appointment of ,a County Assessor, . 'l1H!ERiEF()(RE the Counoll of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts: 92 EDGIN COm,TY COUNCIL (1) That John Wignall of the City of Chatham, ICounty of Kent, be, and is hereby appointed County Assessor for the County of Elgin. (2) That ,the salary of the said County Assessor shall ile the sum of $5;500.00 per 'annum, payable monthly, and an allowance of ten ,cents ~er mile for the 'Use of his car to a limit of fifteen thousand miles. (,3) That a suHalble office in the County huilcl.ing with neces- sary !furniture and equipment shall he provided for his use, and that necessary clerical assistance shall !be provided by the Connty. (4) That the term of office of the said County Assessor shall c-omm.ence the 1st day of Jruly, 195-7. (5, This By-Law shall come into force subject to the Approval of the Department of Municipal Affairs. IRffi1A.lD a first time this 12th day of June, 1957. IRiEAn a second time this 12th day of June, 1957. READ a third time, and ~inally passed this 12th day of June, 1S57. J. D. THOMiSON, Clerk. J. C, HINDLEY, Warden. BY-LAW NO. 1702 nTo Amend BYMLaw No. 17001 Confirming :the Equalization of the Assessment Rolls of the County of Elgin/I W!H!EIRiEA!S an error was made in determining the County Equalization ..A-ssessment for the Town of ...A...yL>ner, 'IlHiEREFORJE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin ena.cts: ELOIIN COUil\'TY aOilJ'NOlL 93 'DHAT the County Equalized Assessment for the Town of Ayl- mer for '1957, shali pe $4,265,928.00. '.DRAT the total Equalized Assessment of ,the County of Elgin for the year 1957, shali ibe $40,470,C35.00. 'I'HAT By,La>w No. 170.0 is hereby amended accordin$ly. R'ElADa .lrst time this 13th day O!! June, ,W57. RiE:AJD a second time this 12th day of June, '1957. RiEA.[) a third time, and !finally passed this ill2th day of June, 1957. J. D. THOMlSON, Clerk. JMl. C. HINDLEY, Warden. BY-LAW NO. 1703 "To Auihorize the Warden and Clerk :to Sign An Agreement re Administration. of Jusfice Expenses Payable by the City of St. Thomas:' The Elgin County Council enacts: THiN!' the Warden and the CJerk be, and are hereby author~ ized to sign Agreement with the City of St. Thorn-as for payment iby the City -of an annual sum, as their share of Administration of Justice eX'penses during five years commencing the first day of J'anuary, 1957. REA[) a first time this 12th day of June, 1957. REA[) a second time thiS 12th day of June, 1957. RillAD a third time, and finally passed this <l3th day of Junc, 1~57. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. JAS. C. HINDLEY, Warden. 94 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BY-LAW NO. 1704 liTo. Appoint a Sfenographer for the Juvenilel FamilYI and County Judgels Courts." The Council of the Cor-poration of the County of Elgin enacts: THAT Mrs. Jean Eeavis (be, and is hereby appointed Stenogra- pher tfor the JuvenUe and Family Court at a salary of Forty Dol- lars ($40.00) per month, and S1enogra'pher for the !County Judge, to be paid .on his <ceIlti:fikation at the regular fees for Court duties. iRiEAID a first time this 1Q,th day of June, W57. REAID a second time this 12th day of June, 1957. REA']) a third time, and finally passed this 1c2th day of June, 19'57. J. D. TllJOIMSON, Clerk. JAS. C. HINDLEY, Warden. BY-LAW NO. 1705 liTo. Appoinf a Member of :I:he Senate of the University of Western Ontario." The EI,gin County Council enacts: THAT Peter J. Gloin, B;A., .be, 'and is hereby appointed to the Senate of the University of Western Ontario, for a term of Two Years. mA[) a first time this 12th day of June, 1957. RiElAD a second time this 12th day of June, 1957. RiEAD a third time, and finaily :pa.,ged this lc2th day of June, W5,7. J. D. 'I'HiOMSON, Clerk. JAS. C. HINDLEY, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 9'5 FOURTH SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the l71h Day of September, 1957 The Elgin County Coundl met tills day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjomnment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members were present except Reeve Palmer. 'The minutes of the last day of the June Sessions were read and 'confirmed. The f-ollowing {'ommunications were read: COMMUNICATIONS Sep:ternber Session.. 1957 'From the Banik of Montreal with increase in rate of interest. -Filed. From the :Rotary Club of St. Th-omas re Program Advertising .of Music !Festival. - iReferred to the iFinance Committee. (From the Townshi.p 'Of Baylham re Fmes and Court Costs. Referred to the Finance Committee. !From the Council of the !County of Essex re Am,endment to the rr....ive !Stock Protection Act. - rReferred to the Petitions and Legislations Oommittee. )from the Honouralble James. Allan, Minister of Highways re extension of Highway N<J. 7,6, and Reversion of No. 75 and No. 77 to tihe County. - !Referred to the County !Road Committee. F.r-mn the Ontario Municipal Boa;rd Ie Notice of Meeting on By--:-Law Uo. 16:27 of the Township of Yarmouth re restriction of regulation of buildings. - Filed. 9S ELG:iN COUNTY COUNCI!L From the Ontario Municipal Board re notice of meeting on 'By-Law No. (513 of the township .of South Dorchester to regurate the s:ize of one 'and tw-o :namily dwellings. - Filed. :From tlhe United Counties of Storm.out. Dundas, and Glen- !gary ire suibsidizing ICOSts of farm tile. - Referred t.o the Petitions and Legislations Committee. From the Board of Directors of the St. Thom'as-lElgin General Hospital /With ,appreciation of :gua:rn.ntee of Debentures. - FHed.. Frm the County ,Q[[ !Kent requesting Amendm'ent to the Muni- cipal Act ~o pemnit munici.palities to estaJblish a (Reserve Fund. _ Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Commdttee. From ,the County of !Kent re Fox (Bounties and open deer sea- son. - Referred to t)he Petitions and Leg,islations Cbmmittee. From ithe !County -of Middlesex with resolution ire Grant to Teachers' Salaries. - RefeITed to the Petitions and L~islations Committee. From the Council of the Township of Drmwich with resolu- tion 'apposing deer hunting in Elgin County tJhis yea.r. - Referred to the lElgin Ooun:ty Council. M-CNed by Deputy Reeve Speers that the delegation from the Dept. of !Lands and Forests re Deer Hunting in E1gin County this year 'be now heard. Mr. J. D. Roseborough and Mr. Skuce addressed the Couneil asking for a deer sea5{)'ll in Elgin County~ Moved 'by !Reeve W. [). Nelson, Seconded by Deputy (Reeve B. N6"""ill: That ,tfu.e iElgin .county Council ronfirm By..[.aw No. 1344 of the Township of iBayham to stop up, close, and sell unused por- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 97 tions. of. ,County Road No. 4'S, at. Lots 5 ~nd 6, Concession 8, and Lots 5 and '6, !Concession 1O,Township o-f Bayham,and necessary By-I1aw be prepared. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Speers, Seconded ,by Reeve Gurr: That .we do no adj.ourn to meet at 2 p.m. --Carned. The Counoil res'UlIlled. The first report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted, on'motion of Reeve Barker and Reeve GUIT. The second report of the Finance Committee was presented and adqpte~. 'on motion of Reev:e Barker and iReeve Holland. The report of the Road Committee was presented, and on mo~ tion {l[ Reeve Schleihaui the :Oouncil went into a Committee of the. whole, with Reeve HoHand in the Chalir. A lengthy discussion took place on the. report, and on motion of iReeve Barker, Clause 3 regarding three year pr.gram was laid ()vex to the November Session 'Of Council. The Gommi ttee arose to report, and on mo. tion .of Reeve Cullver and Reeve [Nelson, the report as amended was adopted. The report of the Petitions and Legislations Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Deputy iReeveBliue and Reeve Alward. Moved .by [)eputy Reeve Hueston, Seconded by Reeve Hale: 93 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL That. Elgin County endorse the request of the Department of LandsandF,arests, and have an' open season for deer this year with. the use of dogs eliminated, and appr.ove only the use of shot- guns provided adjacent Counties have their hunting season, the date of the season to coincide with the date in neighbouring Counw ties as confirmed 'by the Department of L:ands and Forests. -Lost. Moved tby Reeve N els{m, Seconded by !Reeve Barker: That in case of convliction, the Magistrate ibe requested to levy the total costs pilus mnes to relieve he munic:iJpality of paying Court costs. -Carried. Moved 'by Reeve B8.!ker, Seconded by Ree:ve Wilson: That the Elgin County Council make a tour of. the CQunty Road system on Octoher :22nd ,and '.2~th, at 9.30 a.m. (Daylight Sav- ing Time). -Carried.. Moved by Reeve Nelson, Seconded by Deputy !Reeve H. Liddle; That By-Law No. '1706, "To Authorize the 'Warden and Clerk to Sign Deed Conveying Land at Port Bruce to Henry Percy," be read a f)irst time. -Carrieci EDGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 99 'Moved 'by Deputy iReeve H. Liddle, Seconded -by Reeve Hale: That 'By.,.Law,No. 17-06, ,be read a second -time. -Carried. Mov€d ,by Reeve Hale, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Speers: That By-Law No. 17GS, be read a third time, and finally passed. ~Carried. M'oved by Reeve iN' elson, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Nevill: That By..[.,aw No. 17G7,":A By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 1344, of the Township of Bayham, Being a By-Law to Stop-up, Close, and !Sell Unused Portions of County of Elgin Road No. 46, Between the N-orth ends of lAlts 5- and .6, Concession 8, and be- tween the North ends of Lots '5' :and 6, Concess~o~n_l0, ~ownship of Bayham," !be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Alward, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Hueston: That By..[.,aw iNo. 17m, be read a second time. -Carried. 100 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by {Reeve :Alward, Se'conded bylReeve Nelson: That By..,Law iNo;-1'l{J71Ibe read athirdtirne, and finally passed.. -Carried~ Moved by !Reeve Culver. Seconded by Reeve :RQbe1is: That iBy-Law No. 1~08. "A By-Law to Amend the By-Law Adopting a Plan of ,o6unty \Road Improvement and Establishing a County !Road System in the County of Elgin under the High- way - Improvement Act," !be 1read a first time.. -Carried.. Moved by Reeve Culver, Seconded by Reeve Rdberts: . That BYeLaw No. 1168, be read a second. time. -Carried" Moved-,'by'Reeve Rdberts, Seconded by Reeve Culver: That By-Law No. 170'8,!be read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried.. Moved by Deputy R~eve Speers, Seconded by Reeve Hale: That we do now adjourn to meet on Novemlber 19th, at 10 a.m. -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 101 FINANCE COMMITTEE September Session, 1957 .....:.. First Report To the iWard-ell and Me-rnbe-rs of the Elgin County Council: The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That the following hospital accounts be paid: St. T.n.omas-'Elgin General Hospital (Active Unit) ___$ St. Thomas-Elgin GeneJ:al Hospital (Chronic Unit) Victoria iHoSJpitaI, London _____________.____________________ Tillson:burg District Memorial Hospital _______,________ St. Joseph's Hos.pital, [,ondon _______________________ Sarnra General Hospital, Sarnia _______________m_____ TOTonto General Hospital, Toronto __________________________ Woodstock General Hospital, Woodstock ___________ The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto _m___________. 4,895.15 5,624.00 5,110.70 39'5.50 66.00 24.60 204.00 178.50 558.00 $ 17,056.45 All -of which is respectfully submitted. J. W. BARKER, Chairman. FINANCE COMMITTEE September Session, 1957 - Second Report To the Warden and Members of the El.gin County Council: The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That Charity and Welfare Pay List No.4, for $1,733.22 be paid. ,2. That Clhildren's Aid :Society Pay List !\To. 4, lEor $8,474.54 lbe pa1id. 13. 'That the County 'of Elgin take full pa.ge ad in the Rotary Musical 'Festival Booklet at $25.QO. 4. That the question of Fines and Costs" in a letter from th€' Township of 'Bayham Ibe referred to C.ouncil for, resolution. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. W. BARKER, Chairman. 102 BLGIN GOUNTYCOUNCIL PETITIONS AND LEGISLA TIONSCOMMITTEE September Session. 1957 To the 'Ya,r::4'e..I:i and~ember~ ofJh~ ~1gin County Coun.cil: The Petitions'?,nd~egislatiQnsComrnittee_Teportsas follows: 1. That t'l1ere3_oh,1tion_Hom the County of Kent for Legisla~ ti()p: :t:oPerm:itamunicipality, to_ establish a resetrVe fund be filed. '2; 'That the r,e:solUlion from-the Oounty of Essex zEor Aniend- Ip;ei,1ts to -the Livestock Protection Act be-filed. ;3. Thatihe resolution from the UnitedC-ounties of Stormont, Dundas, and Glengarry for subsidizing cost of, farm tile from nlanufactureto tEarm by Provincial Gov.errnnent (be filed. ." 4~ Thafthe resoluliojiir.ol1l t!he- C6Urity of-Middlesex request- ing a.mendment: to the 'Fu.ibl,ic - Sch.ool Act to fuel"ease township grani.-for ..Teachers' Salaries .be approved. 5. That the resolutionfroin th:e~ County 01. Kent i'e payment of bounty_, on., ,foxes, be -filed. All -of which is respectfully submitted. CLARENCiE BLUE, Chairman. ROAD COMMITTEE September Session. 1957 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: ,Y'OUiR'ThOf\.I[)CQflI!lh'VIITTEE , 'pegs, to 'report . as. follows: 1. W,E RJEOOMJMiEND 1Jhat the County of Elgin sell a portion ot~~:LoJ:.6,,~G.on_G~$$~-oIJ._.:L,-_M:g.J;l4ide: ix1- :ro\rt. Bruce which'is' owned by the County, to 1VIr. Henry Percy fo)' the sum .of $1~D.OO"Mr, Percy. to,_pay:_ a~l necessary surveying and legal fees. 2. .W'E,$E;CQMiMJEND that the request Of the Township of Yarmouth be complied weithi' and that we ,assume as" a" (:ounty Road and turn over to the - jurisdiction - of the St. Thom,as Subur- Iban COl1J..p;l~.~~{)ni:_f.qr.m,er'Ki1J.g's Highway No. l'2:3 in the Township ELGIN ,COUNTY COUNCIL 103 of Yarmouth, Ibeing a road_ along Wellington Street fr-om First Avenue to Fairview Avenue and Construction !Road from Fair-- view Avenue to Highway' N o~ 3, subject to the approval of the De~ p-artment'of Highways. - - 3. ,WE RlElOO!JIIJ.IDI]ENID tlJat the attached 3-year programme of Construction on County~ R-oads be approved. 4., WEiRJElCOIMlc'VlEN'D that County Council approve the pro- posed exchange with ,the Department of Highways of certain roads inWestElgin;'The I)epartment of Highways to ,assume County Road No. tlnoI'th of West Lorne to the Tharne.5 :Rive~, and the County toasSillue fIigbJ\Vay No. 75 from H~g!hway 3 ~o_ Dut~on and Highv.;:ay 17 ,from Il:i;ghway.3 to (Rodney, after suita'ble resurfacing has been done :by the DePartnleIlt-of.Highways. 5. WE RiEOO:Jv.mv.DEN1D1;hat the Warden and Clerk be. author- {zed to ,sign the:release of option on Parrof Lot 1, Concession IX, Yarmouth, "being the Ry,an tEstate property. All. of which is res'pectfully submitted. . CI1AiRJENOE CU!LV'ER, Chair.man. Clause 3, was laid over to the Novemiber Session for consider- ation. BY-LAW NO. 1706 "To Aufhorize the Warden and -Clerk io: Sign Deed Conveying~ Land ai Pori Bruce 10 Henry Percy.u 'Dhe Oouncil. of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts: THAT the Warden and'Clerkbe and are here'by:authoI"izedt6 sign deed 'conveying land at:F'ort Bruce to-Mr. Henry iPercy :for the sum of 'One Hundred and Fifty Dollars. ($150.00). -RfE-A[) a first lime this 11th day of SeptembeJ:, 1!157. lREADa second time this 11th day of Septemher~ 195,7. R!EAID - a ihird time, and iinally 'PasSed this 17th day of Sep~ tember, 1957. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. JAS. C. HINDLEY, Warden. 104 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BY-LAW NO. 1701 "A -By-Law fa Confirm By-Law No. 13441 of the Township of Bay- ham, Being a By-Law fa Stop-up, Close and Sell Unused Portions of County of Elgin Road No. 46, Between the Norfh ends of Lois 5 andS, Con. 8, and between the Norfh ends of Lots 5 and 6. Concession 10, Township of Bayham." WH1E!RIEiAfS the !Council of the Township of Bayham on the '6,th day of May, 19,5,7, A. D., did pass By-Law No. 1344, for slopping up,and dosing, and selling unused portions .of County Road No. 416, ibetlweentlhenorth ends'of lots: 5 and 6, Concession 8, and be- tween the-north ends of lots '5 and <6, Concession 10, Township of Eayham, more particularly described in the said By-Law, true copies here'of are hereunto annexed. AND W;HEBJEAlS pursuant to the ;provisions of the Municipal Act, the said Township By-Law shall not hav.e any force until confirmed by a IBy-iLaw (}f the <Council of the County !in which the township 'is situate passed at 'an ordinary meeting of the Council held not soOoner than three months, nor later than one year, after the passing of 'the' By..[..a,w of the Council of the Township. AND WHlE!RJE.A;S application has been made to the -Goundl of. the Corporation of tJhe County of Elgin for a By-Law confirm,ing s,aid Township By-Law. NiOW TlH(E;RllilF10!RiE the Council of the Gorporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: THAT By-Law No; 1344, of the Township of Bayham, being a fby-law to- stop-'UJp,close, and sell unused portions of County Road No. 46, ,between the north ends .of loOts 5 and 6, Concession 8~ and 'between the noOrth ends of lots 5 and 6, lOon-cession 10, Town- ship of 'Bayham, ibe, and the same is hereby confirmed. RiEA[) a :Dirst time this 17th day of Septem(ber, 19'57. (RElAID a second time this 17th day of September, 19'57. imlAiD a third time, and finally passed this 17th' day of Sep- tember, 19511. J. D. mOMSON, Clerk. JAS. C. HINDLEY, Warden, .FiLGIN c>OtmTY OOUNCIL 105 -BY-LAW NO. 1708 UA By~Law to Amend the By-Law Adopting a Plan of County :.:Ro.ad'.lmprovement and -Establishing a Cou-riiy- Road- System in :the County of Elgin 'under'::I:he:-Highway'linprovemen:fAc:l:." ~-The Council of the c.oIlporation of the County of Elgin enacts as By-Law Numlber il708 as :follows: 1. The SchedUle of ByeLaw Number eg7 ibeing the original - By~Law estalblishing. a- County Road System in the County of Elgin as amended Iby lBy-LwwNtlmlber 1052 :beingthe last consoli.. dating -'By-Law re-estabIish-ing the said system 'and further -'am.. en-ded - -by" 'su!bsequent"amending'-'By-Laws is' - hereby'amended" by a~ding thereto the road desi'gnated"and'des:ciilbed"as~f611ows: ''!:)ESCRIPTION Designated County Road Number 22 B])]NG the :former King's :ffighway No. 1~3, COM- ME~C1'N'G on Wellinglon Street in the Township of Yarmouth at the easterly limit of the City of St. Thomas at First Avenue, THENCE easterly on Wellington Street to Council Road between Lots seven and eight in Concession VLII, 'DHEN1DE Northerly on Council Road to Construction Road, TiH~E,NCiE' easterly and north-easterly on Construction lR!oad to Talbot Road, BEING the roada'lIowance between Concession VIII and IX, THiENlCE easterly on !Talbot Road to the >westerly limit of King's Highway No.3; A DliSTANCE ,f approximately 1.-2 m'iles. 2. The road .asdesiignated and des-crifbed in paragraph 1, is hereby added to, and included in the County Road System of the County o:f E1g;n. 106 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 3. This Ey-1.iaw shall Icome into force upon the approvJ.I of the IT:.ieutenant-Governor in Oanneil. :FINALLY iPA\SSElD at the City of St. Thomas, in the C(}Unty of Elgin, ,this l'7th day of Septemher, 1967. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. JAS. C. illNDLEY, Warden. iI, J. D. ThontSOll1 Clerk Qif the Corporation of the County of Elgin, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By- . iLaw No. 1708, passed !by:the Council .of the said Corporation on the 17th day o<f Septemlber, 1957. J. D. THOMSON, Caunty Clerk. ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 107 FIFTH SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 19th Day of November, 1957 :The Elgin County Council met this day at the Gour,t House, St. Thomas, in aocordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the memlbers ,were pTes-ent except Reeve Palmer. :The War,den addressed the Council, and wellcomed the boys and girls ,who came 'as guests olf the Councillors. The minutes of the ~ast day of the ISe:pternJber Session were read ,and apPToved. The ::follQlWing ,communications were read and referred to the various lGo:rn.mittees: COMMUNICATIONS November Session, 1957 !From G. A. Barrie Funeral Home re account. - Referred to the Finance Committee. !From the West Elgin District High School Board re appoint- ment of representative for 1953. -'- Referred t-o the Education. Com- mittee. From the Town of Ay hner re Meeting with County Council. - Filed. !From the West Lorne Horlicultural Society with appreciation of Grant. - Filed. From the P:rinc:i[pal of Alma College with appreciation of grant. - Filed. " ,103 EiLGIN DOUNTY COUNCIL lFTom the ISah,::~tiou hmy with apprec41tion of Grant. - Filed. fFr.om the University of Western. Ontamo with appreciation re County SchOlarships and grant. - Filed. ,.'_~o.m,JheDept.ofo.v.runicipal AIDfairs re T€!pre.sen.tatives on County Council. - !Filed. \From [)r. D. L. Ewin, .with appreciation of _ gifts on his.retil'e- ment as J,a.il Physidan. ,-- Filed. FTom the County of P-eel requesting increased Provincial - G!al}ts< to 90unty 'Libraries. _-:--' iReferTedto the Education' Com- -hiittee.' . - . WARDEN'S ADDRESS November Session, 1957 To the !Members of the <Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: We have now reached the .final !Session orf our 195.7 County Council, and it is a pleasur,e - forme to" welcome the girls and boys who are ,our guests, and I trust that it may !be Iboth a pleasant and (,~duc~t~p:n.al eX?P.e!:~ep.'~e;: f~r:th~m~ .Our County Roads [)€lPt. has had an ex.cellent yeax for ~ com. ,pJeti9Jg tJ.1eir.;Fofld :%>~ogram,.:.and:'l1aYe ,~l:lde.,g{)-Qd, progr~ss:in 00... . <Pfq~vi~.gr ;~itr .:IQo,llniy : 'H~,~d:. system. ,.fi p~oposed . ,p~an:Jfor _ future roa-d ;Construction has been prepared !by our capable Cou:o.ty .<En. gineer, whi.ch ;1 trust !Will receive your careful consideration. Our Administration of. Justice costs may eXrCeed the ,estimate due to the new system !by which the Provincial Government pays ~~e,,gr~i,.4ir.~ct~o..i11'e 1<?call!1~.n1cip;alities instea,d.()f to the COW1ty~ The num!b-er of .indigent patients in hospital has increased con- sid~l'all:>lY,.oyer ,t:he,.!preVious year,. and 01ll' C\harity.,a,nd Welfaxe Dept. will shoW a d~ficii. . . . . ELGlli COtENTY OOUNOIL 109 The Elgin- Manor Committee have made alterations to the Superintendent's aipartment which have greatly - improved the ap- pearance and made it more convenient for Mr. Willson and his farnEy. Our County Assessor has {been Ibusy or.ganizing his Dept., and making ,checks of assessment with the various local assessors. Our estimates ,for interest on money borrowed at the Bank will show a .deficit due to two increases in rate since 'We set our Budget in March. The weather has !been ex,cellent ,for harvesting the fall crops, Ibut the !prices to the farmers has been disappointing, as nearly aU :farm [pI'Ioducts are considerably less price than last year. [ :appreciate the fine -c.o-operation that I have received from members of County Council whk:h made possilile a very success- fu1 year {for the County -of Elgin. The !County Treasurer's Report was preseri'ted, accepted, and ordered printed in the !Proceedings on motion of Reeve Schleihauf, -and ,ReevelHolland. The Secretary's Report of Elgin Manor '\V.as presented, and ac... cepted on motion off Reeve Alward,-'and 'Deputy' ReeveM,cColll and ordered printed in the Proceedings. ',The repo:rt on \Licenses was presented, a'Dcepted, and ordered printed in' 'the 'Proceedings on-motion of Reeve GUrr' and Reeve Hale.. Moved !by :Deputy 'Reeve -Speers, ,'Seconded' by' Heeve - Gt:nT: ..That 'rwe 'do ,now' adjourn' -to, meet- at 2: p.m. this - afterhoon. -Carried. The Coundlxesume-d. 1;10 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL The report of the Finance .committee ,w.as [pT€sentedand laid over till Wednesday f.or consideration. Moved by Reeve Hale, See-onded !by [Reeve GUTr: That we do now adj-ourn to meet on Wednesday, Novem;ber 20th, at 10 am. -Carried. J. D. THOMSON. Clerk. JAcS. C. HINDLEY, 'Warden. FIFTH SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday. the 20th Day of November. 1957 The E1gin County Council met this d.ay at the Oaurt House, St. Thomas, in aocordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chadr. 1A;1l the members were present except Reeve Hale. The minutes of the pre,vious day 'were read and 'confinned. It was moved by !Reeve Nelson 'that the A:grkuItu1'al Represen~ tat1ve be now heard. Mr. Langton addressed the Council on the. agrkultUTal ,activities in the County d.uring 1957. (M.oved by R,'eeve Alward that the County Assessor be now heard. iIvIr. Wignall a:dc:lI"essed the Councjl on his work of compar.. ing :assessments in the diflferent munidpalities, since assuming his q;1osition July 1st. The first report .of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted ;on motion of !Reeve Barker and Reeve G-urr~ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 111 -The County Road Report was presented, and after a lengthy discussion !Was adapted on motion .of Reeve Culver and Reeve Lieb- nero [Reeve Barker requested a ree-arded vote which was as follows: YEAS - Schleihauf, :MdCoQll, Elliott, Liebner, H:olland, Roiberts, Culver, Hunter, Palmer, Alward, N-evilI, Nel- son, Liddle, Speers and GUIT. OF'POS[E[) - Blue, Atkinson, Hueston, Wilson, Barker, and Burgess. The second relPort of the CFinance Com'ffiittee was presented, and adopted on motion 0If Re;e:ve Barker and \Reeve - 'Elliott. Moved !by !Reeve Schleihauf, Seconded by Devuty iReeve MoColl: That a grant 01 Five Hundred Dollars he given the Warden in appreciation .elf his services in 1967. -:'Carried. Moved 'by Deputy Reeve Liddle, Seconded by Reeve Gurr: That 'we do now adjourn to meet at '2..30 p.m. -Carried. The Council resumed. -The iR,eport .of the {Education Committee was \presented, and adopted on nwti'on of Deputy Reeve Hueston, and Reeve Alward. Moved {)y Reeve Nelson that Reeve McLachlin of Dereham township !be now heard. Mr. McLachlin addressed the Council expressing his pleasure at Ibeing present. Moved by Deputy Reeve .Liddle, Seconded !by Deputy Reeve Speers: That a grant of $2i5.0-o ea'ch, be paid to Mrs. 'MarJ Jane Steph~ ens, Mr. Arthur Goodwin, <IDd Paul :Salloway for reporting pro- ,ceedin:gs of County Council. -Carried. 1.1,2 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ''rhe 'Varden expressed his '<ilPpreciation 40r the co-operation .given him- as - W-?rden of the County. All memhers of Council expressed their ;pleasure at !being memibers :of-County'Council, and'serving under 'Warden Hindley. iMr. Frank Gowan 'was !present to give Safe Driving Awards to melITllbe:rs Qf.-the Road -Department. Mr. Cowan 0Ougr.atulated the men on the €JrceIlent driving without aocidents or the men of the Elgin County Road Department. Reeve,'Cul1ver ex:pressed .aJppredation to Fr,ank Cowan for presenting badges, and to the men of the Road Department for their excellent service. Moved )by Deputy iReeve Speers, Second~d by Reeve Gun: . ThCi.t we de now adjourn sine die. -Carried. J. D. THOIlVlSOiN, Clerk. JAS. C. HINDLEY, Warden. .cOUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT November Sessio~ 1957 . TO.111e Warden and Members 01' the Elgin Connty Co.un~iI: [ beg to sUlbmit the fOllowing statement of Receipts and !Ex- penditures from January 1st, 1957,.00 October 3'lst, 1957. Receipts Balance in-Banili.:; and on-ha..''id, Janua.,--..i 1st, 1957 _"-'~ o nOA Aa U,UU"%O"ZV County Rates ~_~________-~---_ 1'13,208.00 Administration of Justice ______________ 35,465.3& Notes Payable ____________________________530,000.00 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 113 'Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit __________ iZ2,838.73 J!egistry IOfflce _______________________~ 9,5'11.48 County Assessment )Pept. ~-------"-,.cc'-:__:__.,._- I;500.GO Charity and Welfare _~______.___________-- 20,624_70 -E1gij) Manor ~-~-,~---.-~-_-~-~~~..-_ 13,710.10 Children's Aid Societies '-____________________ ~,116.42. County Roads ---__________________________ 36'1,<l17.97 Miscellaneous (inCluding Tehts) _______-'----. 557,87 !Licenses land Permits _______________~_ -2,70.00 -Interest ~------________________...._________ 43.41 <Agriculture ----------______~___________________~__.~__ 7-12.17 $1,1-11,576.23 $ 1,119,660.69 Expenditures >Administration of Jl1Stice ___________..-..,-$ ~8,504.07 Notes iPay.aJble ______________________________ 160,000.00 Charity and Welfare ___________________ 89,082.19 Grants --.----------________________________ 00,035.00' !St. Thomas.JElgin General Hospital (Deijo.) ,-_-_-,~----,-,-__,~----~-- 63,500.00 :Elgin !Manor ______~_______________~~___:_________ 26,999.n Registry Office ____________________________________ :3,.648.8'0 County Assessment Dept. m______.______-'-.. ~,g.74.37 :Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit _________ 46,&24.50 Children's Aid Societies _______ ,_______________ 27,958.28 Members' Wages -,-------------~_.._______ 6,871.40 Officers' 8:;tlaries _~_______________________~ 7,T92.~4 LPrintin,g, PDstalg.e and Stationery ____ 7:i'3.9{j, Care .of Buildings ",~-"'-,---~--m,-,--_,_-,--- 3,50~.91 Agrkulture ______m_____um________________ 8,110.21 ,(County iRoads ___,",-"--~----_,,,--,,_,,---,~,- 480,7&6.01 Miscellaneous ______~______".___.___.______ 2,2.03'.21 Interest ----------_--_______,--,,-----,,------__ 2,376.40 $1,030,059.47 I3~~~nce on hand, and in Bank! ___:~__~_..,....__ 89,601.22 $1,119,660.69 All of which is respec~~~.y s,u,Q:rI1itted. J. D. THOMSON, County Clerk and Treasurer. )<14 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL SECRETARY'S REPORT Novembe:;: Session, 1957 To the War-den and Me-mbers of the Elgin County Council: !The folIOlWing is my report on !Elgin Manor for the year ending OctolberSlst, ,1957: 1. NUJUllber of residents at last r~ort ---------------.- 2~ Nwmiber admitted during the year ~---.~-------'- 3. Nu:mlber oif deaths ---.------------------------------- 4. Number diE-charged ~_u.._________________________ 5. :N:urrn!ber re-admitted -------------- -------------- ------ 6. NUffilber -of residents now in Home ----------- 7. Totall days residence -------------------------- 8. A:ver~e number of residents during .year -------- '9. Average number with Superintendent's family and hired help -------.--------.------------~---- 10. Numlber of weeks' :board w!i.th S''.1.perintendent's d'amily ---_--.----.-.-----~---- H. !Number'of weeks' /board of residents ~------- 36 18 !None 14 None 40 '12,425 34 43 2,244 13. Receipts ),2. Total e::openditure, durmg the year _________ $32,018.75 1,761 ;195.26 Itl,916.00 239_37 4,938.51 Sundries __________---_--$ Old Age Pensions ___________________ !Refunds - Bell Telephone ______ [Residents' Maintenance _______ Governm'ent of Canada, Sales Tax Refund .-- -----.----- 256.56 $ 16,545.70 EDGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 14. Deductions 115 Sundries ______________________~___.._____$ !Refunds - Bell Tele.phone _____._~____ Government of Canada, Sales Tax Refund ~____________~__ Permanent Improvements ___mo__m__ 195.26 239.37 256.56 2,635.53 $3,326.72 15. Net ICost of Operating ____.____......._.___~_______________ $28,692.03 16. ~.'Verage ex,penses !per day olf ea-ch person ___m__ 17. ~verage expenses per week of each person ____ 18. Average -expenses per year olf each person ~___ 19. Expenditures J?-ermanent wmprovements _____.____..___$ (Feed and Seed, iEtc. _________________ 'Truok ,and Travelling Expenses ___ !Hdred Labour _____.______________________ Food and Provisions _____________ !Clothing and Footwear ______________ !Drugs and Medical ____.____________ Tdbacco _____________________________ Welfare [Provisions __________________ House Supplies and Laundry _______ IFurnishings ______________________ iFuel, Telephone, Hydro ________________ [R;epairs _______._________________________________ Miscellaneous _____________________ Salaries _~______~________________ New Equ]ptment ___________-'-_______ Glasses, Dental and other ID/.!edlical 2,6'35.53 627.53 566.57 4,573.90 6,751.50 492.60 473.14 707.02 1,249.14 2,,169.11 537.41 3,352.07 1,756.66 431.88 3,065.80 292.00 136.&9 $ 22,018.75 2.31 16.17 840.84 20. Actual <lOst to County after deductions or all Teceipts __._.___. $ 1'5,564.05 116 ELGIN (JOUNTY COUNCIL 21. ;Prod~ce 30'0 bushels potatoes 10 bushelscaxrots > 2 hushels peas 1:2 tbushe1s onions 5 bushels turnips 5 bushels beets 4 !bushels squash 10 <bushels apples 6 lJUshels ,cabbage During seas~~ ~e Hqn€ useq. their (}wl?: ~~ttu~~, ~om~~oes, green -onions, sweet corn, radishes, cucumbers, and beans from the garden ?~ :whil,~ll; .:no ~c9W1t !Was kept~ &2. Stock 1 sow, and 50 hens 23. There !Were 54 residents in the tHome during 19:51; 42 males, 11:2 tfemales. IQf the 40 residents in the Home on the Is t da! ~~ Novemlbe:r, 1~61l, 312 ;were males, ~d 8 !females; ;The ~~~:~ement has been satis~~ct?;:y. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. D. 'lIHOM!SON, Secretary of iEjgin iM:~nor. CLERK'S REPORT ON LICENSES November Session, 1957 To the W,!"d~p. ~H!d :Members of the ELgin County CoundI: [ have to repprt th~ If.o-llpwing licenses in lfonce on the 1st day !If N<Wember, 1957: ELGIN COUNTY OOUNC:IL 117 Auctioneer alobert K Shore,IIVR. 6" St. Thomas; Don Watterworth, Ayl- mer; Clarence Wolfe, R.iR. 1, Vienna; Frank Fulkerson, R.E. 1, TillsonJburg; K .1.. MoAliPine, Dutton; James R. McLean, 1;12 Elm- wood Ave., London;' D. lA. Brown, Shedden; S. A. Brady, R.R. 2, DOl'ichester; Ivan D. PaTlkinson. R.:R. 8, London; Henry D. Brock, 329.~Elean.or, St., _London; William Johns,on, lRDdney; William-Car- negie, ,RJt. 1, 'Muirkirk; .and Leslie -J. Shackleton, JLR. 1,- Spring- field. . Transpor:l:ation ,of. Fowl IStrathcona Creamery, Dutton; Charles Pangborn, TaJJbotville; Thomas P,age, :W:allaceto'W'Il; E. 0.. Wight, Rodney; Ergin Egg Co., 'Moore St., Si. Thomas; and D. F. Dowding, Ay1iner. Salvage Dealers J. ShaWl Corinth; Gordon Hopper, Port Stanley; Jules Van- denQoussche; lEd,. White,IR.R. 5, Aylmer; Grant Welter, 27 Andrew St., Aylmer;.Earl ,Step'hew>, Sparta; Sitfton!8rinn, R.iFt 1, TiI1son~ Iburg; W. A. iHowald, Sparta; Ro(bertW.itherQIW, R.R. 6, Aylmer; Sydney. Heard, RJR. 1, Dutton;; William K~l1y, P-ort Stanley; Can- ada SCI'a@fron-and:Metal,Sf. 'Dhomas;T. C.[Ry,der, ~ort Stanley; Don-West; Rill. 1, ,Union;;:Walker Bros., 24'0 Ta1!bot St., SL Thom~ as; St. ThomaS' Scrap Metal Ltd., '6 West Pearl St., St. Thomas; M. :ij,. Locke, ,Port Burwell; Kenneth _Man, iRiR. 2, .Ay~er, and G,e()rg~Kit::ks?~" R.ifL5, AY4P.er. Salvage Yards C.anada IScrap ~on_and'Met?l, St. Tholllas;and__Jack Streib, Rodney. . ~~,~ .~ All of which__i,s___x!??~.ed:fup-y submitted. J. D. l1HOMSON, County Cler:k~ apd. ~re8:S1ll'er:. 1118 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY ASSESSOR'S REPORT Coun1yAssessor's Office, 20fh November.. 1957 To the Ward€u and Members cd: the ELgin County Coundl: Since my duties,lCommenced in July, I have .spent a g.ood deal of time with resea:nch and testing the D. M.A. Manual in a nu.."'n~ ber municipalities, f.or the purpose of estaJblishing the rental :fac- tor whkh will he used in conIledion with the M:anual. In a few municipalities, this !factor has !been ca1culated and further eXjperimental work has been. done. '.As a result, I am .alble to pass on to you some of the findings so far. First, I would say that. my work to date has shown that the state oLf the assessment generally in the munireipalities where I have w'orked is very unfair and unjust. iTog;i:ve you some slight idea - I would like to review briefly some of the astounding results which have been :found. fu one munic1pality, 27 ;pieces of property harve ibeen re-asses- sed, which properties are call adjacent to each other, and the re~ vised assessment has !been compared with the eJeisting local assess. ment& In alII cases, the new assessment is illgher than the present local assessment, !but .the !percentage increases vary. cDnsiderably . . . The lowest per.centage increase is 2<2%, to a hig1h of \113%, the. other 2,5 prolPerties falling in between this range. The average in- crease .of these assessments is 69.40/0, and 'Of the 27 properties re- assessed 1'7 do.not increase this much,. whilst the other ,10 proper- ties increase more than the average -69.4%. Therefore we can say that in relation to each other, 17 !properties are overassessed at ,pr-esent, whHst the other 10 are under assessed. NOlW let us move to another mumcipality in which consider.. a1ble work has -been done. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 119 This time, we find the range olf increase to !be :from a low of 108 %, to a high otE 146 % , with an average increase of 57 % . Eleven of 1-B properties fall telolw the average of 57% increase, whi.lst 5 are above. :..~gain we can say that in relation to ealch other, 11 properties are Dverassessed whilst 5 are underassessed. Approxi- mately 2/3 are overassessed in relation to the other 1/3. iln yet another m-unicu,pality, we find the changes VaTY from a decrease of 2.0'% to an increase of 50%. These !f1g:ures will give you some ideas as to the IGca1 inequalities which do exist. I m.i;ght say that these are not handpicked e~arnples which were taken, Ibu.t purely the result of random s.elections. The second !point I would make is this, that the assessment levels preSently employed in the difie:rent munidpalities vary so greatly as be- tween municiQ;lalities. Pieces oif property worth $18,000.00 to $20,000.0'0 are assessed in one municipality at $2,50G.OO, Iwhilst in another, a piece of pro- perty o'f sim.Har value is assessed at $1,8HO.On, -and in yet another $5,000'..00. Tnis is a tragk state of aHairs, and one which can only and rwill !be recti1fied by .a full s.:::ale re-assessment. ,TJIere can he no short cut to it, !because s'Uch inequalities only become apparent when a proper .and up-to-date appraisal is made on each, and every prciPertyin a Munidpality. At the turn of the New Year, I anticipate to make a start in six or seven l11lunicipalities,and should have a numlber completely ore-assessed !by the time the rol1s are returned in 19'518. A County re-.assessment is quite a large undertaking, and dur- ing: its :process wiN call for a g.ood deal of understanding, education, and paHence. As far as education is cDncerned, a start has been made with the local assessors, and so itar one s<ehoDI has Ibeen held, which was 'Well attended and well received. Further one day schools are plan. ned at \periodic interv.als, for the purpose of instruction and dis- cussion. At these schools, J: would Iwelcom'e any elected official who can find it -convenient to join us on any or all of these occa- s~. ~ I might also say, that when a re-assessment haslbeen started in anymunidpality, I will ibe pTepared to attend any meeting which can be arranged ITor the pur;pose {)f !presenting the &cheme 1@ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL to interested taxpayers. A-maSter appraisal card has 'bee-opre- pared for demonstration. purposes, .on which can Ibe shown' the method 'WhiJch wlill 'be used for computing .assessments. The mas- ter ,card -is o~ 'Suita\ble size that it can be seen by everyone at the same-tune in a reasonable size hail. The press, also, have kindly agreed t,o carry a series .of ar- tides f.orus on this -subject, which is a wonderful of.fer, and will do much. J: do 'hope and J feel sure I must have made it :cleaT that :a re- assessment is very necessary, and veryur.gent,and I know that you wdJlaa:>pre0iate 'it when you do have an up-to-date and more real- isticassessment system in your munircipality. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN WIGNML, Co:unty Assessor. ROAD COMMITTEE Noveniber Sessio~ 1957 To the Warden and Memlbers of Elgin County Council: YOUR ROAD iCOtMMITIl1EiE 'begs to report as follows: 1. iRoad MuLch Pavements have been laid on the following Rioads'during [957: (a) Yarniouth iRoadNo. 24, Dexter Westerly _____ 'Qby Ma,lahide, '&oad No. 45, between Highway No. 73 and !Road No. 40 ____________________ (iC) South D{)~chester, Road No. 511; Lots 14 to '2i ____ 2.35 miles 2.65 miles 1.35 miles (d) iSouthwold, [R;oad No. 1]..9, Con. r: to Con. III tl OJ:: .......~1...... v.v<,I- .u.~.......:;,:;> (e) Aidborong;h, Road No. 3, Con. IV to Con. III ____ 1.0 Miles 8.2 miles ELGJNCOU>NIl'Y COUNCIL .121 2. lExtensive Widening, ,Grading-and Gl'aveHing Was done on the fcIlOlWiug. Heads: {a) Malahide, Road No> 45,' between HLghway No. 73 and Road No. 40 ___m_______________________ 2.6'5 miles (Cb) Bayham, Road No. 46,ICDn, oX to Oxford County Line ___________________________---,-_________ '2.'0 miles (c) Southwold, -Road No~ li9,'Oon. IV to Con. LN ___ O.8'Smiles {d) Soulhword and iDunwkh, Road No_ 14, Highway No.. i3 _to "lona Brtati-on _____________m____________ 1.7 miles (e) Dunrwi'ch; Road,No. 8, Portions north of Dutton 12.9 miles 10.1 miies Approximately.2-2,'OO.o {:U. yps. -Off Gravel were placed on _Road NO.8-and :S,50a .cu. yds. o.f Grarvelwere placed on Road No. 14. 3~ \App1'Oximately45miles of County Roads were stlrfaced treated willi bituminous: :materials and stone chips. 4. Concrete !Culverts were, Or are, 'being constru.cted on: Road- 112 --Lot 14, Gon. ,<IV,' Dunwich. Iff6ad 20- Union Road, Bell's Mills, Southwold. [R{jad "14---LotC, Gem. ViI, Dunw:i:ch, South df 'lona -Station, Sbuthwold and'DuTIwich. Road 50 - !Lot 18, South iDorchester. '5. iCwpital Lmprovements consisting of lOurb, Gutter, eatch~ !basins and Preparation for Paving 'were done on Ro.ad 5,3, heing South Street, Aylmer, from Queen Street to Elk Street - a dis- tance of a;P~Tox-ilffiately 1,000 feet. 6. GTavel'Resurladng was done on:- Road 5:1',_ South [).orchester. Road 4'5 - Tow-nline .between Malahide and Basham as - well as.-minor patching-throughout the County. 7. The following New Equipment was !pu:r:chased this year:- 1 - LE.L. Chain Saw. 1 - SC-'1>84 Internatkmal Truck ,for a Distributor Truck. 1 - RiF_-194lnternational Tandem Dump TI1llck. 1 - 8'5A 1 Yo cu. yd_ Michigan Loader. 1, - 4~inch Jaeger Diaphram Pl11mg). 122 iElI.JGIN COUiNTY COUNCiL ,I - 2-inch Jaeger Centrifugal Pump. 1 - GaHan Snow Plow and Wing !for our Galian Grader. 1 - Brantford Anthony Sand ISpreader .to mountoD: our In- ternanonal SC-IM ir1.>ck. -8. The Kains Bridge, which is a joint bridge ibetween the County and the City of St. Thomas, was painted. 9. WE iRfEJCOMLl\IliEN[) that the attaoh"d programme for the Improvement of ELgin County Roads be approved. All of which is respectfully submitted. CLA!RENCiE CULVER Chairman. LMPJ;tOVED COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD PROGRAMME f'l'his i->Togrammeis !based on ,the expenditure on County Con- slmclion of $200,000 (1'91>7 flgur" $1'37,000). To enaJble the Connty to make this e~pendHure the normal road ibudget will have to be in the neiglrbourhood of $645,000. All large ,bridges and special projects, such as the 130thwell Brid:ge and the Rkhmond Hill, should Ibe financed !by supplementarw By-Larws. A sum of m-oney is set aside each year under the heading c,f "Miscellaneous" to con- struct minor works and for .contingencies on the larger jobs. 1958 Paving: Road No. 51 No. 14 No. S No. 46 !South Dorchester ________________ 1 MHe [)unwkh and Southwold Township line hetween Tona and lena Station ___ 1.5 Miles Dunwich, north of Dutton ___~;g Miles lBayham, Highway No.3 to Oxford Co. Line _____________________________ 3 iMiles $ 10,000 15,000 30,000 30,000 Grading and Granular Base Road No.3 No. ,8 Tawnship of Alclborough, North to Thames River, North of Rodney _ 4.5 Miles !Township of Dunwich, to Thames River, North of Dutton _______ 1:8 Hlffies 55,000 25,999 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 123 No. 34 Middlesex County Line, West of Belmont, T-ownshi'P .of Yarmouth, Westminster & South Dor,chester __________________ .'6 Miles 'No. (li3 IShackleton JStreet, JJunwich ___ !2.'5 Miles Miscellaneous ______"_________________ Special Projects {,I) Bothwell Bridge. (2) ,Start Richmond Hi)! and IBridge. 1959 Paving: 'Road No. .3 No.8 iNo. 134 Township of Aldllor01.lgh _________c__ 4.5 Miles Township otE Dunwkh ___________ 1.8 Miles Middlesex County Line, Township of Yarmouth _____________ .6 Miles Shaokleton Street, .Dunwich ____2.5 Miles No. 13 Grading and Granular Base: iRoad No. 1'3 'Shackieton 'Street, Dunwich _____ 2.5 !Mil"" '- No. 14 iDunwich and Southwald Township Line, tBurwell Oarners to I<ma __ 2.5 Miles No. 4:5, Jaffa to Highway 73, Malahide Township ___________________ 2;5 Miles :Mhcelleous and :Special Projects _____ Special Projects: -(I) Finish Richmond Hill and Bridge. (2) Start Wardsville Bridge (Plans in 1958). 1960 Paving: Road No. .13 ,Shackleton Street, Duruwich _____ 2;5 Miles 5,000 25,000 '5,000 $ 200,000 $ 5-0,000 20,000 5,000 25,000 25,000 2'5,000 25,000 25,000 $200,000 25,000 124 lElLGIN. COmiTY COUNCIL No. 14 aJtinwiCh -and ISouthwold,Township Line, - !Burwell !Corners - to lana - _ 2..5 Miles !No. 45 Ja'iffa to Highway 713, Malalude ____ 2.5 iJI.I[iles Grading and Granular Base: Road No.124 Dexter East, Yarmouth ______________ 2.5. .Miles. No. '3'6 {!Road 24, North) Yarmouth. _____ !!.\IIile No. 4!5 !Orwell to J,aiffa, Yanmouth and MalahWe ______________________________~_ 3;0 Miles No. 48 ISouth Dore-hester, Road 47 to Dereham Townshitp -Line ____________ 11.18 Miles iNo. 6i2 lOX Road 48 .to Brownsville (Rd., South Dorchester __________________ .4 Miles No. 14 Townl1ine between Dunwicl1 .and .ISbuthwold ____________~___ 3.0 Miles lShackleton Street to Thames River, No work for 1 Mile where Road-No. 14-intersects with Hi'g1rway No. 40L iM'is-cellaneous '- ___~_c_~_____________________________ 25,000 25,000 20,000 10,000 30,000 t8,000 2,000 30,000 to,OOO $200,000 Special Projects: .(11) Flrllsh Wardsville Bridge. 1(2) CExtension'-of'Road No. 24, Yia'IIDlouth, towards IPort.J3ruce, to - -replaoe !present iLake Road. Conslrudion: ELGIN COUNTY ll.OAI:> EXPENI:>ITUR.ES le57 County Roads ______________~$137,000 Uriban iLrrl!Prov,em,ents ___________ 09,00.0 County Brirnges and Culverts eo,ooo New Ma<lhinery ___________________ 40,000 Sulburtban !Gonstrruction ___m_ 5,00.0 Suburban iBridges ______________ 4,000 FOT an Improved Raised iby County County Program Rate $ 1200,000 $100,000 20,000 to,OOO 40,000 8,000 40,000 20,000 10,000 2,500 5,000 500 $ 2.20,000 $ 315;000 $141,000 ELGIN COUNTY !CIOUlNiOlL 125 Maintenance: County Road Maintenance __ County Bridg~s:__________c_______ SuIbU1ib-an -Maintenance _______ Suburlban Bridges ______________ (R,ehate to Ul'lban iMuniei(palities Overhead _____~____________ 20-1,000 18,0.00 27,00.0 4,000 20.,000 30,0.0.0 205,000 25,00.0 40,0.00 5,000- 25,0.00.> 30,00.01 102;50.0 5,0.00 10,000. 50.0 12,500 15,000 $145,500 $ 300.,000 $ 330,000 TOTAL ______________ $ 525,000 $ 645,0G() $ 286,500 Raised by County Rlate - 6 mills 19'5~ ________________$ 237,804 Raised by County Rate -7 mills 1958 __m_______,- 283,294 County Assessment in 1:958 ________________-.,._____-,-_ 40,470,625 URBAN PROGRAl'4ME, 1958 Aylmer Cu:r1b and Gutter 'and preparation fOL pav1ing on South IStreet from Rutherford to Fifth Avenue, and Purchase o:fRighl ,Of Way to, 6-6', on "Fifth" Avenue to widen it ____________________________________________$ 10,000 Rodney Pavement ()[ Furnival (North _______________________ 4,000 Maintenance of Queen Street East and Replace- ment of Cu.lvert -------------------------------------______Maintenance West Lorne Repair of Main Street West _____________________ Maintenal1ce Du:Uon G"ading of 'h mile df Shl>ckleton CC'ounty Road Eslimat<>g) Springfield Completion of C1ll1bs, 250' _____________ 750. Porf Stanley.. Port Burwell and Vienna Ri€lPairs to existing Streets and ~ridges.:- 126 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 1959 Aylmer Clllib and Gutter and Preparation for Paving on [Fifth Avenue ________ 9,00-0 West Lorne Cwbs --------~------------------------------- 3,000 Dui:ton Paving on Shackleton _______ (County Road Estimates} Pori: Bur,well Action by !P!rovJ.nce on Chatham Street~ Rodney~ 'springfield, Vienna and 'Port Stanley _________________________________ Maintenance 1960 Aylmer ,Rave Portion Prepared in 19~i7, 1958, 1959~ Pori: Sianley Major Repair of Streets~ Pori, Burwen Chatham Street 7 Rodney 275' of OuI'bs ___________________________lP 650 West Larne. Du:l:ton, Vienna.. Springfield Repairs to IStreets. Vienna Ohanging the Course of Otter Creek may be necessary at any time. ELGIN COUiN'TY COUNCIL 127 FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT November SessiolL 1957 - First Report T,o the IW.ardenand Mem-bers of the Elgin County Council: The Frinance Committee reporlS as follows: 1. That the a'ce-ount !for the .bus f.or Road Inspection Tour in October, of $106.20 be paid. 2. ThatlChildren's Aid Society Pay List No.5, for $5,479.32 be paid. 3. That Charity and Welfare Pay List No.5, for $1,352.92 be paid. 4. 'TIlat the letter from the G. A. Barrie Funeral Home re amount for use of room for post mortem he filed, as the County l1as only .been paying $10.00. 5. Tha't the request O!f R. IW. McDonald, Governor of the Elgin County Jail, for increase tin salaries for Jail Staff be granted, based on the report srulbmitted, increases to take eff'€ct January 1st, 1958. 6. That Mrs. 'Mary Fishle;gh be granted $150.00, for work done for the IGounty Assessor. 7. That the County Assessor !be authorized to hire a secretary staTting January 1st, at $1,800..0.0 ,per year. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. W. BARKER, Chairman. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT November Session. 1957 - Second Report To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That the following hospital a,cc.ounts he paid: Sl. Thomas-!Elg;n General HospHal (Active Unit) _$ Sl. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital (Chronic Unit) _ Victoria Hospital, London ____________________________.:....__ Tillsonlburg District Memnrial Hospital, Tillsnnhur>g St. Joseph's Hospital, London __________________.~ The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto __________ 3,722.75 3,886.50 522.80 357.00 246.00 138.00 $ 8,873.05 All of which is respectfully submitted. J. W. BARKER, Chairman. 128 iElLGm couNTY GOUN1Cn.- EDUCATION COMMITTEE REPORT November Sessio~ 1957 To the Warden and Members of the E1gin County Council: The Edu.ca:tiori Committee reports -as 'folloMi's: L That Mr. Alex. Ie. White ,be aippoin'bed c.ounty Representa- !love 'on the West Elgin iDistrict High echool Board. 2. ,'_ That Ralph!L\uckland he _ appoip.ted County Representa- tive -on-the Sl:' Thomas"Elgin D-istrict High Schodl!Board. 3. That Franois Cline be appointed County _ Representative on the 'EastE1gin High School iDistrict Board. 4~ Th'at we-'concurwith the ['esolutionfrom the County of P~el reqruestingincrease in Pr-Qrvinciallgrant to :County':Ltbraries.; All of which is respectfully sulbmitted~ A. M.-ffUililS'lJON: OhaiIman; WEED INSPECTOR'S REPORT Novemb'er Sessi6~ 1957 To the Warden, and M€Inlhers of the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: A report on the 'weed situation in Elgin for the year, IS-57. Weeds still s'eem to thrive in the County in spite, Olf all the sj;)l~ayIng and mowing;that is done,'on':the:;farnis:and..road..sides. We !can't grow good crops and weeds at the same time, so we will just !have to keep on-trying. to'contT-ol.ihe weeds. We have different weed;:; in different ,parts of the County. There are sev.. eral h?ta::weeas. ELGIIN CiOUN1T'(ClOUiNlQilil, 129 I woul,d: say the _tw{) worst, or - the ones to give farmers the mpslworry:-and troulble are yeHow Roclket :and wild carrot. rwould say just ,fiifty !per cent of the faI1Il1ers carried on a .weed control cam1'p.ai.gn on their ocarms. Most weeds can !be controlled by spray- ing ~s:peci-ally : pasture fields and ,fence rows. Wild carrot is easy to. ,kiU,i!:mt: takes ,two- s,rprayings a year. . The Provincial Highways in the County aTe not kept as- clean, as they used to be in Elgin. ilii>ghways in other leoun-ties are far more weed free than ill:lgin. County. I had several 'Complaints on the !Pr"ovindal Highways .this ,year; [contacted the Department -engineer 'in regards' to the. weed conditions of the highways in the County. I am--sure--m-ost:.members of the ELgin County Council noticed the weeds on the Highw.ays this year. The CountyiRo1ads were -mowed all summeT, one mower doing most of the work, but it just takes wild carrot three days to flower after a:nowing, especially when we have showery weather. There !Were around _ -one hundred miles of Cpunty Roads spray_ ed. rSprayingis' the cheapest way to -control wild carrot, and many other'.weeds:'on~r{)ad sad-es.' lam sure the memb-ersof. the -County Oouncil tor 119'5.3: wi;U' pur'chaseaspray~r. The Torwnships are doing more on weed .control. Four town- ships own their own sprayeTS. The two eastern townships, did some s,praying this year. 'Dhe road superintendents in their town- ships ,expect to spray more mileage next year, and I am sure South Dorches-tae:r- township will follow alorug in line. !SUib-divisions- ,ga~ememuch extra work The small farms and proper:t.y:owners with two acres and up, who w/?Tlkaway from home are ,the .ones who have weeds. >There are many vacant farms throug;h OU~ , the. CouIlty,_ and farms not worked 0-1' not even pastured.. Some of these farms are in ,good rfarming ,centres. The new Canadian farmers are hax:d to deal with"and I~hink the rweed inspectors will have to be more stri,ct with our Canadian born citizens, too. The tQwn.s',and viIIa'gr:sdo"a, good jab on weed control, not many complaints~ 130 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL I spent lIT1uch time at Yarmouth Centre airport. The inspector has 'been assured of some action. :f<JT 1958, after OOItferring with the inspedor of the airport at Ottawa. Now that the (Provincial ploughing M'atch is to !be held in El- gin County in 19'60, I am sure County and Township officials and faTmers thr-ough out the County will make a s[pecial effort on weed controL All of which is respectfully submitted. OLAY!BOURiN'E GORDON, Weed Inspector. WEED CONTROL REPORT - 1951 Municipal County of Elgin County Roads: Mileage Sprayed 1'00 Milea:ge Mowed 283 Townsihip Roads: Mileage Sprayed 6111 Mileage Mowed 674 ISuburihan Roads: Mileage Sprayed 30 Milea.ge Mowed 30 City, Town and Village Ro'ads: Mileage Sprayed ---- Mileage Mowed 66% IComments: FARM WEED SPRAYING Crops: Acreage Spring Grain __________________ 3,000 Corn ______________________________ 15,000 !Pastures ______________________________ 2,500 Vegetaibles ___________________ 100 Pre-emergent Spraying: Kind of Crop Corn ________________ 50 -Vv'J:-site [Beans _______~.m__ 10 Comments: CIiAYBOURNIE GORDON Weed Inspector. ' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 131 - - INDEX - - GRANTS - MT. Fred lA. 'Bell _________________________________ 16 Alma College __~__~~~____________________ 36 Agdcultm;aiI ;and. Horticultural Societies ________~___ 37 Canadlian IN artional ,Institute for the !Blind _________________ 36 Public L]hraries _____________________________________ 37 To the WaTden and Reporters ________________________________~ il.11 Salvati10n Ammy _________________________m________ 35 University of Western Ontario _.____________________________ 36 Women's Institutes n_____.______.__________________________.._____ 36 Local iAgriculwTia:l O:fifice ___________________________~____ ~7 [[,~W LilbraTy ~_____________________________________________ 36 Scholarship Granlts ______~_____._________._______________________ 38 oS!. Thomas-lElgiin General Hospital _______m_____~_______ 36 St. ThDlmas-iElgiin General Hospital 'BUlilding :E1und ____~ 35 Elgin County Library Co-Operative ___________________ 37 Elgin Pioneer (Museum ____________________________________ 36 Trustees a,nd lRatepayers tAssocia'tion "__________________ 38 Elgin"St. Thomas Health Unit ____.___________._-----________ 13 MISCEI.I.ANEOUS - Apipointnnents ;~f [)elegates and .Re!pTesentamves 21, 3'5, 36, 37 Comm'llni!cat~ons __________________________ 6, 3, 11,5.5, 7-6, 95, 107 County Council __________~_________ 3 County Offjcials ____________m_____________________ 2 {Warden's Adem-ess __"---..,.-.________________ 5,109 JJelegatl:i,ons' ______________________________________ 11.1, 12, 14, 67, 5-9 Municipal CleI'k.s and Treasurers ___ "__ 2 132' !ElIlGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL :W.ard'en's Elect.a:on 4 Frank Oo.'Wan Sa1fe iDrfivirug Aw,ards "__m ... ,__________~_ 112 REPORTS OF COMMITTE:E AND OFFICIALS - iAJgmrultural Committee _________ _____________________ 22, 37 Elllin-St. Tfr10mas Health Unit _________________________ 30 County Clerk on Licenses _____________~____________________ 117 !Elgin lI\'[anor Committee ________________________________ 38, 85 C-ounty lAssessor's !Report ______________________ 118 iOounty Treasurer's lReport _____________________~_____ 87, 112 :Education Committee _________________________________________ 37, 128 EqualiZ!aHon _ ___________________________________________________ -3:9, 67, 90 Finan!ce iComrnlittee __________________34, '36, '64, 0.5, 38, 90., 101, 112.7 iLiIb~a1'Y Oo"Opera1>ive ____________________________ 24 ISecretary's !Report of Elgin 'Manor ________________________ 114 Petitions:and [.egislJations __________________ 00, i67, 91, !1Q.2 Properly Oommittee _______________________n__________ 40, 68, 81i 1R0ad Oom!lllitlee __________________________________ 41, 69, 1@ :Special iCoiIIllffi'1ttee !I'e County Assessor ___~______ 8'5 Standling Oornmittees _______m___...:...___________________ 32 18peCiial Committee re Administration of Justice ______ 83 Weed i1nspec,tor 1211 BY.LAWS - (No. 1;6ISl) To AuthoDize the !Warden and !Clem to Sign lNgreeinent with the Counties of,Kent 'and'MId~ dle.sex for Oon.stl'uction of !Bothwell :Hrti.dge ___ 4'4 N'OL 1:69-0 To. Authorize the Warden and Txeasui'er to Borrow the sum af $600,000-.00 ______________ 44 No. a'69il To ""ppoint a County Road Committee ______ 41i No: 1,Sl)2 To Appoint" Board 011 Auditlin theC"unty 011 !Elgin for lIhe year 1957~__._~__~______ 4'. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 133 No. :1169'3 To (FJx Salaryo!f Judge -ad' the Juven~Ie and !Family Comt of the c.ounty of Elgin and City of St. Thomas ____m___~~_______________~___~__________ 48 No. 16114 To Amend By-Law No. 15;5'1 ~e Weed ;Inspect'Or's Salary ____~___._________~______'____~ 48 No. 16:~}5 To IFix QY.Iem/b-eTS' Wages Hnd Repeal By-Law No. 159'1 __~___m______~__~_m____----___ 49 iNo. !1606 To lAppoint County Road Superintendent an..d Engineer ------------____-'-________________________~____ 50 !No. 1'6:97 ToO Amend By-Law No. 161/):9 re Des'iignating Thro.ugh Highways _________.______________ ________________ 70 :No. i16,98 To Provide !for the 1957 Ex,penditures 'On Roads under the Highway Im~rov.ement Act_____________ 71 No. 16-99 To ra'ise Amounts f'or County Rates during the year 1957 ------_________~____m.--------------m-. 74 No. t17Q.O To ConfiriITl .the E'qualiza Non of the 'Assess- ment iRnlls of the :County of iE1~in [tOr the year 1'957 ________~_______nm____m________n_______ 74 lNo. 1701 To Appoint a County Assess-aT trOil' iE1gin County 9'1 No. 1702 To Amend 'By-'Larw No_ 1700 Confirming :Equalization cii Assessment 'Rolls _________________~ ~'2 No. 11:703 To Authorize the Warden and Cler.k .to :SIgn Agreement Ie Adrn,inistration {Iii Justice Ex- penses payable !by the City of St. Thomas ______ 93 (No. 11704 To A[>point a Stenographer ;for the Juvenile, Family, ,and County Judge's Courts ___________ 94 iNo. 11705 To ~p:proint a Mem'ber of .the Senate of the University {If Western Ontario ____~__u___________~__ 94 !No. 1706 To Authorize the Wa~den and CleTk to Sign Deed Convej"ling Land at Port Bru1ce to !Henry Percy ______________________"__ 10. No. .17n7 To :Cond:irm By-'Law No. !iSM oi the 'Dorwn- ship of LBayham _______m___~___________________ 104 134 iElLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL RESOLUTIONS'- iRe James IG. BJindley, YannO'Uth, as iWarden ~____________ 4 Agreement l"e Bothwell Bridge _______________________ 9 Petition tflOr Go,vernment R,oad Sulbsidy ___________________ 9 ,Aylmer Lo;ok-u~ _______________________ 12 iI'llcr'e.ase per 'Capita Irate to H'ea1th Unit- :.-______~_______ 13 iRonro.r.ar1u!ITl to retiIiing Connty Engdneer Bell ._________ 16 iResuril'aicing Higlrways 75,76, 77._________________________ 57, 96 To AJppofint a County Assessor ____~__'_______________________ 09 To Authorize the Warden and Clerk "to- Sign Agree- crnent re Administration of Jus,tke ____________ 81 OplP_osdtion to Open - :Deer !Season in Elgin" _________________ 98 tAlI:nendment to Equa1imtilOn [t"epox:t '. _________________,-__ 80 ~o ,S1gn: Deed 0& Land to H. 'PeTIoy ___________________ 98 iRe Levy CoUT! Costs ___,___c______________________'______________ 98 iRe [County Coundil ~oUr of Roads __________________________ 98 [nvestigation lolf IBardarwill []?roposal ~or Horme ___________ i15 Bothwell Bridge _________________~________________________ 9 iRe lJ\I1eetmg [or Pillooghing lJ\I1atoh ____________________ 15 ~lB~N CCln~rY UBRAR~