1958 Minutes PROCEEDINGS OF THE Elgin Counly Council During the Sessions held in the COURT HOUSE, ST. THOIMAS in the Months of JANUARY, MARCH, JUNE" SEPTEMBER AND NOVEMBER 1958 J. D. THOMSON, County Clerk JOHN B. WTT lSON, Warden PROCEEDINGS OF THE Elgin Counly Council FIiRST SESSION - FIRST DAY TUesday, the 21st day of January, 19,58 The Elgin County !Douncll met this day at the Oourt House, st. Thomas, as required by statute. T;he following members filed Certificates, and took their seats at the Council table: Malcolm B. McColl, Reeve, Aldborough John K. Hux, Deputy Reeve, Aldborough Lawrence C. Holland, Reeve, Dunwich Clarence Blue, Deputy Reeve, Dunwich Herbert Hunter, Reeve, South wold F'arnell Nimmo, Deputy Reeve, Southwold Donald Burgess, Reeve, Yarmouth Granville Gloin, Deputy Reeve, Yarmouth Harvey Liddle, Reeve, Malahide Clinton T. L,earn, Deputy Reeve, Malahide Basil Nevill, Reeve, Bayham Donald M. Ohute, Deputy Reeve, Bayham John B. Wilson, Reeve, South Dorqhester Elmer E:. Atkinson, Reeve, Aylmer William McLachlan, Deputy Reeve, Aylmer 4 EIUGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Edward: Beattie, Reeve, Vienna James W. Barker, Reeve, Springfield A. Edwin Roberts, Reeve, Dutton Lloyd S. Ourr, Reeve, Port Stanley L. Garnet Speers, Deputy Reeve, Port Stanley A. H. Liebner, Reeve, !ROdney Lloyd E'lliot.t, Reeve, West Lorne H. O. Alward, Reeve, Port Burwell The election of Warden was proceeded with, and on the first ballot, John B. Wilson, Reeve of South DOi'lchester Township, was declared Warden for the' year, 119,58,. The Warden thanked the members of /Council for the honour conferred, and took the declaration of office. Reeve Hindley congratulated the Warden, and presented him with the gavel, and the watch of Elgin County. The Warden addressed the Council. EwmN COUNTY COUNCIL 5 WARDEN'S ADDRESS January Session, 1958 TO' All Members af the Elgin CO'unty CO'uncli, Gentlemen: I wish to' acknO'wledge the great hO'nO'ur you have cO'nferred up an me taday, by unanimO'usly electing me as your Warden for 1:9158.. I am very cansciaus of the respansibilities of the office. My aim will he to' interpret the will af the members; to' secure the tranSlactian af all business in an orderly manner and to' enable every member to' express his apinion. It is anly natural to' e!Xpect CiI'OSlSl fire in debate and I wauld ap- preciate the sympathetic support and ca-aperatian of every member. We are privileged to' represent ane of the banner caunties af OntariO'. We ha,ve- our scenic lake front with its PO'rts, . which will become an even greater a,sset'J when we have oeean-gaing ships. calling. AlsO', all acrass the county, we have ane of the finest tobacco producing' areas af the 'World. Some of aur livestack has wan recog- nition in the grea,test shaws and sales in America. We have industries that contribute great:ly to our ecanomy, through their large pay raIls to' lab am. With much af this we ha:ve been endowed by nature, and I'm sure we are all grateful far it,. The developing of it, however, has stemmed fram the €Ingenuity of our people, oaupled with Slkilful and construc- tive leadership in the past. Many af the expenditures with which this 'Council will have to' deal, are mare or less stati'c; but I feel that wel must practice ecanamy wherever it is expedient. ,Eaeh era has dealt with specific problems in their own way. New and different problems are continually arising, tha,t are a Challenge, to' leadership, sa Gentlemen, let us get dawn to' business and make 195.8 equal ar better than any preceding ane. ,6 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCilJ Moved by Reeve H. O. Alward, Seconded by Reeve Nevill: That the minutes of the last day of the November Session, 1.957, al:> printed in the Proceedings, be approved. -Carried. The following communications were read, and referred to' their variaus Committees: COMMUNIOATIONS January Session, 1958 F'rom the st. T;homas Suburban Road Commission with report of 19'57 E~penditures, and :Budget far IH5r8. - Referred to the Road Committee: From the Dep,t. af Highways with approval af County By-La,w NO'. 17<08. - Filed. From the Registry Office with repart af fe'es and expenditures far 1957. - Filed. F1ram the OntariO' Assaciatian of Managers' af Homes far the Aged re Annual Canventian, and Membersh~p fee. - R,eferred to' the Elgin Manar Committee. Fram the Canadian Natianal Institute far the Blind with repart, and request fo~ a grant. - Referred to the Finance Committee. Pram the Salvatian Army with repart and request far a grant. Referred to' the Finance Committee. From the County af Lambton re Uniform Daylight Saving Time. Referred to the p1enitiorLS and Legislatio\I'LS COiT.uTJJi.ttee. From Rabert Hansebout, and Olive Hart with appreciatian af Schalarships. - Filed. ElUG[N OOUNTY OOUNOIL 7 Fram the OntariO' Associatian af Rural Municipalities re Mem- bership fee. - Referred to' Finance Cammittee. Fram the Navy League af Canada with request far a grant. - Referred to' the Finance Cammittee. Fram the OntariO' Goad Roads Assaciatian re Annual CO'nventian and Member,ship fees. - Referred to' the Road CO'mmittee. Pram the Association of As::;.eSlSing Officers af Ontario re Member.. s,hip fee. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From st,. John's Ambulance with request far a grant. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From Alma College with annual report and invitation to lunch. Referred to the Finance Committee. From the OntariO' MUnicipal Board re By-Law of the Township af Westminister to regulate buildings. - Filed. From the County af Kent re Amendment to' the Dog Tax ana Livestock Pratection Act. - ,Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. From the University af Western OntariO' with Report and appre- elation of grants, and request for a 1.958 grant. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Canadian National Institute for the Blind with repO'rt and request for a grant.. - Referred to the Finance Committee. F'rom the County Library Institute re Formation of County Public Libraries. - Referred to the Educatian Committee. Fram the County of Oxford re Provincial Legislation for Brucel- losis Control. - Referred to the Agriculture Committee. Fram the Grand Jury with report. - Filed. From the Ontario Municipal Baard re Annexation to the City of 8 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL st. Thamas, of part 'Of the Tawnship 'Of Yarmauth. - Filed. Fram the Oaunty 'Of Grey with resolutian re Matar Vehicle Driver's' Test, and vote an Hag Praducers (Selling Agency. - Heferred to' the Petitians and Legislatians Oammittee. Fram the County 'Of Wentwarth re regulating speed 'Of vehicles in built-up areas. - Heferred ta the PetitiO'ns and Legislatians Committee. Fram the Caunty 'Of Well and ra Central Place 'Of execution 'Of- prisaners: 3;waiting capital punishment. - laeferred to the PetlitianSl and L.egislatians Committee. Fram the Caunty 'Of Bruce, requesting Fedleral and Pravincial grants far haspital buildings. - Referred to' the Petitions and Legis- lations Cammittee. Fram the OntariO' Agricultural iCbuncU with request far member-' ship fee, and appointment 'Of delegates. - Referred to' the Agricul- tural Cammittee. Fram the rOaunty and Municiipal CauncilSl' Section 'Of t;he 'Ontario Educatianal Associatian with request fOT' membership fee and ap- pointment 'Of dielegates. - Referred to' the E:ducatian Committee. Fram the st. Thamas-iE:Ig'in Gene!l'al Haspital re costs of drugs and extras. - Referred to the Finance Cammittee. Fram Water Resaurces 'Cammit,tee 'Of Southwestern Ontaria re appaintment 'Of representative. - !Referred ta the Agricultural Ct>m- mittee. Fram the Ellgin Caunty Pianeer Museum, with naminees to' 19'58 Board, and Financial Statement 'Of December 31st, 19,57. - R,eferred to' the Finance Cammittee. Fram the OntariO' Assaciatian far Retarded Children, with requesl" for a grant. -- Referred to' the Finance Committee. From t,he Bank 'Of Mantreal with invitatian ta dinner, and ap- preciatiOll 'Of business with the Bank. - Filed. ElliGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 9 Moved by Reeve Holland, Seconded by Reeve Liebner: That the Warden and Clerk be authorized to submit to the Min- ister of Highways of Ontario, the petition of the County of Elgin, showing that from the !first day of January, 19517, until the 3'1st day of DelC:ember, li9I5'7, there has been expended on the County Hi.g;hway system, the sum of $521S,,0i121.111. -<Garried. The Warden appointed Reeves Holland, Roberts, Burgess and Barker as a Committee to strike the Standing Committt,es for the year, 19:58. Moved by Deputy /Reeve Speers, Seconded by Reeve Liddle: That we do now ad.iourn to mee't at ten a.m. on Wednesday, January 22nd. ---4Carried. J. D. THOMSON, J. -E. WILSON, Clerk Warden 10 ELGIN' .cOUNTY COUNCIL FIRST SESSION - SErCOND DAY 'Wednesday, the 22nd day of January, 1958 The E:lgin County Council met this day at the Oourt House, St. Thomas in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Cnair. All members were present. The minutes of the previous day. were read and coIlifirmed. The report of the Sp.ecial Committee to strike the standing com- mittees were presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Holland and Reeve Barker. Moved: by Reeve [Liddle that M:r. A. V. Langton, Agricultural Representative, be now heard. Mr. Langton addressed the Council on the agricultural activities in Elgin, and reported on the expenditure. of the County grant, and requested a grant also on the International Plowing Match for E3.gin in 191610. Mr. L. Armstrong and Mr. !K. Baw- den addressed the Council on t;he preliminary work for the iPlowing Match, and requested a grant. Moved by Deputy Reeve S!peers, Seconded by Reeve Gurr: That we do now adjourn to meet at 2, p,m. -Carried.. The Council resumed. The first report of the Finance Committee was presented, and adopted on motion of Reeve OUrr and Reeve Barker. The report of the Petitions and ["egislations Committee was pre~ sented and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Hux, and Deputy Reeve Blue. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 11 Moved by Reeve Gurr, #JFi' Seconded by Reeve Liddle: That we do nowadijourn to meet tomorrow, January 23rd, at 10 a.m. -'Carried. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk .J. B. W[LSON, Warden 12 ELGIN COUNtry COUNCIL FIRST SESSION - THIRD DAY Thursday, the 23rd day of .January, 1958 The Elgin County Gouncil m.et this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members wele pT€Sent e~cept Reeve Barker. The minutes of the previous day 'were read and con1firmed. Moved hy Reeve L:iddle that Mr. Wheeler of the Canadian Na- tional Institute for the Blind be now heard. Mr. Wheeler addressed the Council on the work of the Institute in Elgin County during 195,7, and requested a, grant; this was refeTred to the Finance Committee. Reeve Gurr moved that Major Dumerton be now heard. He ad- Idressed the Council on f1h,e work of the Salvation Army, and requested 2, grant, which was referred to the Finance Committee The report of the Edueation Committee wa.s p.resented! and adopted on motion of Reeve Alward, and R.eeve Liebner. :vJ:oved by Deputy Reeve Learn, Secor-ded by Reeve Liddle: That we do now adjourn to meet at 2 p.m. ---<Carried. The Council resumed. The second report of the Finance :Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve iGUIT, and Reeve Burgess. IVloved by Deputy Reeve Speers, ELOIN OOUNTY OOUNOIL 13 Seconded by Reeve Nevill: That the Warden appoint a Committee of three members of: County Council to confer with the proper authorities to make the tomb of Colonel T)homaSl Ta,lbot, a County Memorial site. . -Carried. The Warden appointed Deputy Reeve Speers, Reeve Holland, and! Reeve Liebner a Gonunittee to investigate the matter. Moved. by Deputy Reeve Speers, Seconded by Reeve Gurr: That we do now adjourn to meet on January 24th, at 10 a.m. ~Garried. J. D. THOMSON, Olerk J. B. WILSON, Warden 14 ElLGiIN COillITY COUNQIL FIRST SE,SSION - FOURTH DAY Friday, the 24th day of January, 1958 The E3igln Oounty Counci) met this day at the Court House, st. Thomas, in accordance with adljournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members were present except Reeve Barker. The minutes of the previous day we~e read and confirmed. ~e report of the Road Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Holland and: Reeve Burgess. Moved by Reeve M.cCbll, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Hux: That By-Law No. 1i709, "To Authorize the Warden and Treasurer to Borrow the sum of Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars, fDr the year, 1958'.' be read a first time. -iCarried. MOved by !Reeve Emott, Seconded by Reeve Liebner: That By-Law No. 1709, be read a second time. .,.....,....._......::.....~:!1 ---tVi:l.~-.ut:u. Moved by Reeve Leibner, Seconded by Reeve Emott: That By-Law No. 170.9, he read a third time, and finally passed. ---'Carried. Moved by Reeve Roberts, mnm COUNTY COUNCIL 15 Seconded by Deputy Reeve Blue: That By-Law No. 1:710, "To Appoint a Board of Audit in the County of E:lgin for the year, l,95,s,"be read a :first time. --Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Blue, Se.conded by Reeve Holland: That By-La.w No. 1710', be read a second time -Carried. ~oved by Deputy R.eeve Blue, Seconded by Reeve Roberts: That By-Law No. ]710, be read a third! time, and finally passed. -lCarried. Moved by Reeve Beattie, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Nimmo: 'I'l'u:,t By-Law No. 1711, "To Appoint a County Road Committee," be read a first time .....,..-Carried. Moved by Reeve Beattie, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Nimmo: That By-Law No. 171111, be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Nimmo, Seconded by Reeve Beattie: That By-Law No. 1711, be read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. 16 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Reeve BiurgeSiS, Seconded by Reeve Nevill: That By-Law No. li7;1~, "To Amend By-lLaw No. 151717," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gloin, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Chute: Tha,t By-Law No. m1:2" be read a second time. --iGarried. Moved by Reeve Alward, ISeconded by Releve Burgess: That By-Law No. 1:71i2, be !'lead a third time, and fiinally passed. -Oarried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Speers, Seconded by R,eeve Ourr: That" By-La,w No. l'7!li3, "To Appoint a Deputy 01erk-Treasurer for the County of iE!lgin," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve L,iddle, Seconded by Deputy. Reeve Learn: Tha.t By-Law No. 1713, be read a second time;. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Liddle, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Speers: IDLG[N COUNTY COUNCIL 17 That By-Law No. 1713, be read a third time, and finally passed. --C'arried. Moved by Reeve, Qurr, Seconded by Deput,y Reeve Speers: That we do now adjourn for one-half hour for the Agricultural Gommittee to meet. -10arried. The report of the Agricultural Cammi ttee was pi~esented, and on motIOn of R,eeve Atkinson. the Council went into a Committee of the whole with Reeve Liddle in the Chair. After considera!ble discussion, the report was unanimou~ly adopted, the Committee arose, the War- den resumed the Chair, and the report was adopted on motion of Reeve Lliddle, and Reeve iLliebner. Moved by Deputy Reeve Nimmo, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McLachlan: That this C'ouncil authorize the Ptvoperty Committee to call an Engineer to inspect the heating system, and to estimate the ClOst of changes in the sys,tem for the Court House, and the' ,Jail. -Carried. The Warden appointed the following delegates to attend the' various Conventions: Good Roads-McColl, Hux, Elliott, Liebneil', HOlhnd, Blue, Roberts, Chute, Nevill, Burgess, Llearn, Liddle, a.nd Speers. Ontario Educational-Atkinson, McLachlan, and the Clerk. Onta.rio Municipal-Gloin, Alward, Gurr, and the Clerk. Reeve Gurl' invited the County COuncil and ladies, and officialsl to the "Stork Olub" on Saturday evening, March 1i5th, as gues.ts of the Warden. 18 ELQLIN . COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Deputy Reeve Nimmo, iSeconded by Reeve Hunter: That this Council does now adjourn to meet on Tuesday, March 1!8th, at 10 a.m. J. D. THOMiSON, Clerk -Carried. J. B. WILSON, Warden E[JGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 19 REPORT OF THE, SPECIAL CO~TTEE TO ST~KE, THE STANDING OOMl\HTTE,ES January Session} 1958 To the Warden, and Members O'f the Efrgin C'O'unty C'ouncil, The following is the repert of the Special Committee to' strike the standing cemmittees fer tale year, 1958: Administration of Justice - JiUdg1eJ. F. McMillan, Speers, and County Treasurer. Agricultural - McColl; Helland, Hunter, Burgess. Liddle, Nevill, and Warden \Vilson. Count.y Roads Wairden Wilson. Holland, Burg:ess, Liddle, Nevill, Barker and Advisory ROad Committee - McColl, and Hunter. Elgin Manor -- Blue, IRoberts, Gun, and Warden Wilson. Children's Aid - Atkinson, and Warden Wilson. E,ducation - Hux, Blue, Nimme;, Gloin, Learn, Chute, iLiebner, E'lliott, RObertls, Speers, McLachlan, Beattiel, Barker, Alward, and Warden WilsO'n. Equalization - MoOoll, Holland, Hunter, Burgess, Liddle, Nevill, Liiebner, Elliett, Roberts, GUl'l', Atkinson, Barker, Bea,ttie, Alward, and Warden Wilson. Finance - MoC'oH, Holland, Hunter, Bur'g:ess, Liddle, Nevill, Lieb- ner, Elliott, RO'berts, Gurr, AtkinsO'n, Barker, Beattie, Alward and Warden Wilson. Health Unit - Alward, and Liebner. 20 ELiGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Hospital - Burgess, and Warden Wilson. Library Board - Gloin, Hux, Elliott, and Warden Wilson. Property - Nimmo, Learn, McLachlan, and Warden Wilson. Museum - Beattie, Chute, and Warden Wilson. Petitions and L,egislations - Alward, Blue, McLachlan, Hux, Bea,ttie, and Warden Wilson. Reception and Entertainment - Roberts, Gurr, Barker, Liebner. Nevill, and Warden Wilson. All .of which is respectfully submitted. L. HOi.JLAND, Chairman. }i'INANOIAL STATEMENT ELGIN AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE January 15, 1957, to January 17, 19,58 Receipts Actual Balance, .January 15, 1957 ...... .............................:$ 917 48 County of Elgin, 1957 Grant .......... ........................_ .......... 2400 00 TOTAL REOEIPTS $249'7 48 Expenses. Breed Shows- Holstein Black and White Show ..............._................$ 1.001 00 .Jersey Parish Show, Aylmer ..........._..._......_................ 100 00 Ayrsrure Show, Aylmer .~........................ ._..................... 50 00 Beef Cattle Show, Wallacetown ................................ 100 00 Beef Cattle iShow, Rodney............................................ 75. 00 Elgin Beef Producers' Association ... ........................ 50 CO $ 475 OU ELGIN COUN'DY COUNCIL 21 Field Crop and Plowmen's Organizations- ElginCbunty Soil and Crop Improvement Ass'n $, 2010 010 Elgin County Plowmen's Associa,tion ........................ 150 00 Elgin CQunty F'ruit Growers' Association ................ 501 010 E'Igin County Seed Fair ............................................... 20101 010 Elgin Agricultrural Booklet ........................................... 32~)< 00 .Junior Farmers- Elgin Oounty Junior Farmers' Asisociation ...........$ 2:25 00, Elgin County Junior Institute .................................... 1501 010 4-H Club Work- Wallacetown Beef Galf Club .............................,..........$ Shedden Beef Calf Club ................................................ Shedden Dairy Calf Club .............................................. East Elgin Da~ry Calf Club .......................................... Belmont Dairy Clalf Club .............................................. Gorinth Dairy Ca.lfOlub ................................................ West E~1gin Poult:ry Club ................................................ Elgin Swine C'lub .............................................................. Aldborough Corn ClI.ub .................................................... Dunwich Clom C~uIb ........................................................ East Ellgin Corn Club ........ ............................................. West E'lgin ISoybean Olub ............................................ West Elgin Potato Club .........................................,....,. 9 010' 2,1 00 21 00 31 510 42' 00 16, 510 1.6 50 12: 001 10 510 1~ 00 2:2; 50 11500 12, 00 '$ 9~5 00 $ 375 00 -- $ 241 50 . Transportation, Belmont and Shedden 'Calves to Ay'!me:r $ 62: 00 Judging Competitions- Ihter-,Club Competitions, a.A.C., Guelph ............ Inter-County Competitions, Royal Winter Fair 48 DO 75 00 -- $ 123 00 22 ELGIN COUNTY. .cOUNCIL Girls' 4-H Club Work- 33 Oounty Honour Pins ................................................ 4-H Glutb Conf.erence Homemaking Delegates 87 90 30 00 -- $ 117 90 TOTAL EXPENSES . ................... ............ ........ .... ........... ...... ...... .$12319 4u Bank Balance, January 17, 1958 ... $ 2,43 08 Less 0-8 cheques: West Elgin Soybean C[ub $ 15 00 Ayrshire Show, Aylmer.... 50 00 $ 615 00 AO'IlUAL B.ALANCE ............................ .$ 178 08 $2,49>7 48 Approved-Elgin Agricultmal Committee: James Hindley, W.alter D. Nelson, Philip Sthledhauf. A. V. LANGTON, Secretary-Treasurer Auditor's Statement-Audited and found correct, January 2.0, 11957. W. I. ROGERS FINANCE COMMITTEE Januar)" Session, 1958 - First Rel'ort To the' "Varden, and Nlembers of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That the following hospital accounts be /P:lid: St. Thomas-E1gin General Hospital (Active Unit) ..$ st. Thomas-[Eilgin General Hospital (Chrc .nic Unit).. Victoria Hospital, iLondon ...................................................... Tillsonburg District M.emorial Hospital.............. ... .... St. Jos.eph's Hospital, London .......................... 4,261 80 5,149 70' 2,0818 101 246 75 540 00' $ 12,286 35 All of which is respectfully submitted. LLOYD S. GURR, Chairman ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 23 FINANCE _COMMITTEE .January Session, 1958 - Second Report To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That Printing, Postage, and IStationery IPay List No.1, for $3914.18, be paid. 2. That Children's Aid Soc-ielty Pay L,ist No.1, for $5,433.&2:, be paid. 3. That Charity and Welfare Pay Ltist No.. 1, for $i1,O~i6A5, be paid. 4. That the appointment of Miss Alma Hill, sec~etary in the County Assessor's Dept. at a salary of '$11150.00 per month be approved. 5. That the Warden and Treasurer be authorized to borrow up to $'700',0'00.0'01 as may be required f1lom the Bank of Montreal, and; necessary by-law be prepared. 6. That the same rate 0.f$1.3O' per capita be paid to the Elgin- st. Thomas Health Unit for 19'58. 7. That the usual grant of $150'.00 eftcb, be made to the E~st and; West Elgin Worr~ell's Ins:;itutes. 8. That t,he request from the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital for a grant for drugs and extras be laid over to the March Session. 9. That the Finance Committee approve a grant, of $25,000.00 to the st. Thomas-Elgin Genexal Hospital towards construction of !t Nurses' Residence and Training School, and reoommend to future Councils a grant of '$2:5',OOlO.O()Q! per yeaX' for 19i5e, and 19160', to make a total of $75,0'0'0.0'0, payment of these' grants to release Eagin County Council from former agreement to ba\)k debentures of $2.00,0,0'0.00' for a Nurses' Resid,ence. 10. That the salary of J. D. Thomson, as Secreta.ry-Treasurer of Elgin Manor be increased $400.:00 per year, and necessaxy by-law be prepared. 24 ELlGIN COUNTY COUNC]L 11. That Mrs. Mary Fishleigh Ibe appointed Deputy Olerk-Treas- urer at a salary of $2,;600.00 per yea,r, and neces:.sary by-law be pre- pared. 12. Tha~t the membership fee of '$110.00 in the Association olf Assessing Officers of Ontario be paid, and the County Assessor to at- tend the ConTlention with all expenses paid. 13. That the following members constitute the Board of the EJgin Pioneer Museum for the year, 1958-Mrs.J. R. Futcher, Mrs. Stanley Lyie, Mrs. Jesse Van Patter, Mrs. Robert Lark, Mr. M. C. Moore, Reeve Eldward Beattie, and Deputy Reeve Don. M. Chute. 14. That a grant oif$50n.OO be paid to the Elgin Pioneer Musenm. 115. That the CommUnication from the Ontario Rural Municipali- ties be filed. 16. That a grant of '$500:.0101 be made to the 'University of Western Ontario; 17. That a grant of $:50C.OQ to the Salvation Army be approved. 18. That a grant. of $500..00' be paid to the Gana-wan National Institute for the Blind. 19. That we approve a grant of '$l500JOOl to Alma ColLege. 20. That the Communi,cation from the Ont'ario Association for Re'tarded Children be referred to the local municipalities. 211 That the request of the St. John's Ambulance for a grant be filed. 2i2. That the request; of the Navy League fOT a grant be filed. 23. That the usual grant of $50.00 be made to the Law Library. All of which is respectfully submit.ted. LLOYD S. GURR, Chairman ELGIN COUNTYCOUNCIJL 25 PETITIONS ANDLEGISLATIONSCOMMITTE1E January Session, 1958 To the Warden, and Members of the E1ginCOunty Co'uncil, The Petitions and Legislations Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from the CIounty of Bruce requesting FedeTal and Provincial: Governments to use the inheritance tax to assist building costs of hospitals, be filed. 2. That the resolution from the Oounty of Wetland recentral place of execution of prisoners convicted, be approved, and the reso- lution re salaries of Probation Officers be filed. 3. That the resolution from the County of Wentworth to pel"Illlit municipalities to pass by-laiWs 1'e speed of vehwt1es in bUIlt-up areas, be filed. 4. That the resolution from the County of Grey re tests for young applicant drivers be filed, as the Provincial Government has already taken actioil in the matter, and the resolution re Hog Producers vote be approved. 5. That the resolution from the Count~ of Kent to. include swine in The Dog Tax and L,ive stock Prortection Ad, be approved. 6. That the resolution from the County of Lambton re Uniform Daylight Saving Time, be approVied. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN K. HUX, Chairman 26 EOC..OIN COUNTY COUNCIL EDUC:ATION COMMITTEE January Session, 1958 To. the Warden, and Members af the Elgin Oounty Cauncil, The Educatian Cammittee reparts as fallaws: 1. That$4,50iO.OO be allocated far the purchase of a, new book- mabile. 2:. That a grant of $6;21010'.00 be allatted to. the Eagin County Library Board, if required. 3. That Cla,reneeTaylor, Mrs. D. Ludy, and Mrs. Irene Gracey be appointed mernbers of the E:lg'in County Library Board far 1958. 4. Tha,t,a grant af '$50.010 be made to each lacal !Puhlic LJ.brary in the County. 5. Tha,t a grant af$1OO'.OO each, to the ;boy and girl attending the University of We Sit ern Ontario, and a,ttaining the' highest academic standing. from the County of Ellgin, be made. 6. That the usual grant of $/100'.010 be made to the boy from Ellgin County- attending the Ridgetown Agricultural School attaining the highest standing. 7. That the annual memhership af $~15.00 be paid to the Caunty 8,nd Municipal Section of the Ontario Elduca,tional Association and the Warden to appoint delegates to attend! the Cbnvention. 8. That a grant of$5iO;OO be made to the E1gin County TrusteeSi and Ratepayers Association 9. That the brie[ from the County of Huron re County Public Libraries be filed. All of which is respectfully submitted. H. O. M,.,W ARD, Chairman EDGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 27 AGRICUL,Tl.TRAL COMMITTEE January Session, 1958 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin Oounty Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That the letter froll the W.ater Resources Committee be filed. 2. That the Warden and Chairman of the Agricultural Comm~t- tee attend the Agricultural Convention in Toronto on February 5,th and 6;th with expenses paid,. and the annua,l membership fee be paid. 3. That the resolution from the COiunty of Oxford re BruceUosis Control be filed. 4. That the report fromlihe Department Seed Crop Branch be filed. 5. That we grant the loeal Agricultural offic.e $2,4JOO.OO, for the promotion of agriculture activities in the County for 1958. 6. That Warden Wilson, Reeve Liddle, and Reerve Holland be a Committee with Mr. Langton to allocate the grant. 7. That Clay:bourne Gordon be appointed Tree Commissioner for the year 1958. 8. That we recommend a grant Oif$;500'.00 to the E'lgin County Plowmen's Association, toward the cost of the Provincial Match in 19.60. All of which is respectfully submitted. HARVEY LIDDLE', Chairman 28, EDGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ROAD COl\IMITTE'E, BEPORT January Session, 1958 To the Warden and Council of the County of iE:lgin, Gentlemen: Your Road Committee begs to report as follows: The following is a summary of the costs of Maintenance and Const.ruction on the County of E[gin Roads during the year 1915,7. CONSTRUCTION- Grading and Gravelling ..........................................$, 711,8123.90 Hard Surfacing .................. .......... .............................. 63,573.38 Preparation for Paving, Tiown of Aylmer ........ 9,845.79 Land Purchased .......................................................... 3,530..45 Bridges and Culverts ........ ....................................... 219,83:1.65 New MaChinery ............................ ........................... ... 38,395.50. $2,17,010,0,6:7 This amount does not inclu:die the $310,0010.00 gran,ted by the Department of Highways towards the repair of County Roads NO.8 and No. 14, whioh has been ex- pended during 1:9'57. MAINTENANCE- Ourbs and Gutters (Spring'field)............$ Bridges .. .... ...... ........ .................... .............. ............ '" ... Culverts .................................. ................... ...................... Drains ........................................................... .......... ........ Ditching .. ...................................... .................................... 'Grading .. ........ .......... ... ............ ..... ..... ......... .............. ....... Resurfadng ......... ....................................................... Repairs' Pavements ............................ ....................... Ice and! Snow Control.... Dust ContiTol .............. ........ Weed and Brush Control.. ..... Guide Rails .... .................. .. .... ........... Fencing .. ...... ................ ................... Signs ................................................................ ................. Railway OrossLng Protection ............................... Seal Coating . ..... . .... ...... Drainage Assessments ................. .............. ........... 3195.54 2,793.06 1;6,971.17 4,263.34 198.74 29,8Q6.45 28,481.68 15,5'8Q.96 15,12,0.13 1.3,445.82 8,2149.31 80'1.32 2,3,08.92 2,35324 3,.682.79 77,029.70 1,71b.01 -$223,220..18 ELGIN' COUNTY COUNCIL 29 MISillli.rLANiEOUs- Towns and Villages-Rebaites ................................$ 20,286.00 Superintendence ............... ..... ..... ....... ...... ........... ......... 9,05'1.66 Clerical ..... ......... ...... ....... ...... ........................................... 1,897.10 Pension ..... ... ....... .................. ............................,...... ........ 937.92 U .I.C. (Unemplowment Insurance) ........................ 283.39 Holidays with Pay...................................................... 1,7613;.63 Sick Benefit .................................................................... 881.10. Office ................ ....... ......................... ............. .................... 1,080.76 Garage ..................................................,..................... ...... 3,807 .13 Rodney Gara,ge ............................................................. 51.20 Miscellaneous Jaepairs ..................... .............. .......... 1,632:.57 Tools .....,...... .................................................................... 889.81 Insurance ........................................................................ 1,793.43, Overhead-Machinery 'Operations and SUburban Car .. ........ ...... ................ ........ ....... .... ...... ......... ........... 1,863,.00 1$ 46,218.70 Totals ...................... .. ..... ........................................ ........ .$4l8i6;43'91.55 Stock Balance, 19517 .................................................... 10,31611.39 Less: Stock Balance, 1956 $4916,800,94 7,089..80 $~9, 7!11.14 SUBURBAN ROADS- Construetion ............................. ........ ....................... ......$ 7,000.6-7 Maintenance .........................,.................... .................... 28,300,.30 -$ 36,300.97 GRAN!) TOTAL ......................................... ....... ............$525,012,.11 30 ElDaIN COUNTY. COUNCIL The 1957 AlPpropriation By-Law No. 16:93 provided $52:5,010'01.00. We ha\'e2l52:.8 miles of Road under our County system, of which 127.7 is paved. Our St. Thomas SUburban system has 29.01 miles of road, of which 2i7~9 miles is paved. This isa total of 2:81.,8 miles of road, of which l'5!5,J6 is paved. OUiR COUNTY iM:AOHINiEIRY inclrudes3' Dump Trucks, 5 Grad- ers, 2 smaller Trucks, station Wagon, Distrtburtor Truck with sandel" body a,ttached, Front E'nd Loader, Roller, 4 small TractOlt's, 2. Concrete Mixers, Welder, Air Compressor, Car Heater and smaller Tools and Equipment. WE: HAVE RECEIVED NOTICE: tha,t the total cost of the Both- well Bridge will be 'in the order of $225,000.010-,$260',000.0'01, as all Ma,jor' Contraets have been let. Major Contracts include~ (1) Supplying and Elrl8ction of Superstructure Steel, to Dominion Bridg'e Gom,pany Limited .............. ................$109,7;65,.O(i (2) Construc.tion of the S:u:hstructure and Concrete Floor to Sterling Const,ruction Company ....................................,$, 6i4,9i72:.4Q: (3) Reinforcing Steel, to Burlington ISteel Company ....,$ 12,1>39.00 (4) Grading and Filling South Approa.ch (oompleted 19'57), to Otter Oonstruotion ~imited ................................$ 6,5011.5.1 WE HAVE: R~CIEIIViE[) NOrrmClE: from the Minister of Highways that the Department of Highway!Si will resurface former Highway No. 123, which i:SI now under the jurisdiction of the Suburban Road Oom- mission. Highway No. 123 is Wellington Street from F'irst Avenue to Fairview Avenue and easterly along Construction rRoad to the new' New York Central overhead bridge on Highway No. 3 ~ a distanc'e, OI! apprOXimately 1.2' miles. W'E HE:COMMEIND that the Warden name delegates to. the On- tario GoodR,oads Association on February 215th and 2'6th, 1;9'5,8. WE, RECOMMrElND that the E:stJimates submitted by the st. Thomas Suburban Road Commission for its 1'9518 Road Eix[Jenditures, amounting to '$60.,000.0101, be approved. The Estimates are increased this year, as the Sluiburban mileage is 'increased from approximately2i1 miles in li957 to 29 miles in 195'8, and some work is contemplated on the new V/ellington Road entrance. All of which is respectfully suibmitted. L. HOLLAND, Chairman ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIl.l 31 January Session, 19'58 ELGIN COUNTY LIBRARY CO-OPERATIVE RE,PORT Recelp'ts Balance on hand from Decem.ber 31st ................ ..,$ County ,Grant ....................... ........................................... Provincial iGrant . ... ... ........ .... .......... .......... ..... ................ .... Membership fees---1L~brary ........ .... ......... ............ ............. -Schools .... ...... .......... .... ..... ..... ....... ... -stops .............................................. .... Miscellaneous-Supplies sold, fines, etc. Disbursements Books ..............". ......................................... .................. ..... ..,$ Periodicals, etc. .................... ....... ..................................... Bookbinding ............................................... .......................... Insurance (employees) ............... .................................... Library ca;Iids, sta,Uonery, etc. .................................... Salaries and wag1es ........................................................ Association fees . ................................................................ Bookmobile expenses .... .............. ......... ............................. Telephone and telegraph ................ ....... ...................... Mending supplies .............................................................. Travel expenses.............................................. .......... Receiver General (Unemployment insurance) .... Pens1ion ...................... ... ..... .......................... ...... ....... ... ... ....... Miscellaneous Repairs, maintenance .................................. .......... ......... T.t:>O"al <>l'ln 'I'Y...nft:>.<;:<;:inn~l OIl-.l_o~J;, '-N......._ J::-'...._""......~................_- .......................................,......... ... Balance, 1957 Financial 'statement 1:95,7 139 2:7 $ 4,0,010 001 5,100 0101 3:2:g In 1,6171 .3101 38 50 1,4 8,0 Proposed Budget 1958 733 73 6,2001 0101 15.WO GO 3:85, 0101 1,6147 0.01 6'0 0101 $1.1,,2:912 97 $ 14,1215 73 2',490 99 $ 54 17 137 74 75 017 81'97 6,020 65 11 30 708 09 88 8,0 84 42 574 90 16 38 601 010 mOl 76: 219 GO 25 00 7313 73 3,8001 00 7:5,0.0 3010 DOl 75 GO llOO 00 8,2001 00 10 00 400 00 801 0,0 10101 0.0 4001 00 30 0101 10101 00 455 73 $ 1:1,292 9'7 $14,125 73 32 E~GIN OOUNTY /cOUNCIL Mation an baaks of iEilgin County [Abrary Oa-Opera.tive, meeting af November 29th, 1957: Moved by MI!'. Basil Nevill, seconded by Mr. Donald Bur- gess that the surplus in the County Library funds; which is due to the lack of a trained! librarian, that this surplus be used towards the pur;chase of a new book1n!oibile. ]t is understood that this surpJ.us has occurred only because we have been un- abLe .to obtain a qualified librarian in this yea!l", 19;5'7. ~Oarried. The C'ounty L,ibra,ry has an deposit with the County Clerk-Treas- urer a sum of $2:,400.00 which it will place towards a new bookmobile ELGIN COUNTY PIONEER MUSEUM REPORT .January S~ssion, 1958 Financial Statement-Hecember 31, 1957 Total amount raised foc Museum to. April, W5i7 ....$ 16,49,6, 91 Maintenance from Women's Institute Branches, 1915'7 23,0 001 Grant-County of Elgin, W5I7 ........................................ 5,00 001 Donation-iSt. ThOllI1J3.ls-iElgin Histarica,l Societ3' .... 975. 00 Donatian fram citizens since April ................................ 9:1 0:0 Interest on bank aooount since April 30th ................ 13 83 $ 18,306, 74 Receipts from Museum since opening, April 5, 1957 Admissions .................................................................... ....$ Historical Books ............................ ....... .................. ..... .... Jumbo Books ................ ................. ..... ..... ....................... Medical Books ........................................ 532, 51 615 50 31 75 33 00 2 0101 36 00 40 60 71 40 10 76 701 00 Naturalist Books Membership Cards Jams . ..... .......... Hasti Notes ... ..... ........ Donat1on for Brochures Rugs. ................. ............... Tea Room. ..... 12 54 $ 896 0,6 TOTAL REC!E[PTS ... $ 19,20:2 80 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 33 Expenditures To purchase property at 3~ Talbot st. ........................$ 10,0'00 00 To renovate building .......................................................... 3,490 80 Running expenses to set up Museum .......................... 549 M Expenses for opening, April 5th, li9i57 ............................ 71 07 Permanent equipment purchases which include stove, refrigerator, sinks, rug, stgns, lawn hose, office desk, furniture and tfittdngs fo~ dining room, etc. .......................................................................... 1,0:63 41 PUlblicity~brochures .............................. ............ ........ ............ 40' 70' Maintenance, 1957- Oil for furnaee ..........................................$ 3172 6,0 Repairs t.o furnace .................................... 17 25 General repairs, painting, eavetroUigh- ing ............................................................ Tel~phone .............................. ........................ PUlblic Utilities ............................................ Taxes ............ ..........................,....... ......... ....... Insurance ....... ...... .......................... ... ............ Salary to curator ...................................... Exchange and posltage .............................. General expenses ...................................... 190' M 75 2,1 91 79 41 16 153 72 1,105 010 14 89 1318 25 '$ 2,200 41 109 65, $ 17,S2i5 55 Purchases-Hasti notes, jars for jams, rugs TOTALEIXPE:NDITURJES ............. .......... Balanclel on hand as of December 311st, 1915i7 ........$ 1,6177 215 Oity of st. Thomas has ma'intained the grounds during 1957. Ajpproximately 2,'5Q5 persons ha ve, signed the register alt the Mu- seum, also several groups such as schOOl children, Scouts, Oubs and C.G.I.T., who only signed as groups. We, the undersigned, ha,ve examined the books of the Elgin >county Pioneer Museum as kept by the Secretary- Treasurer and insofar as information and 'records has beenngiven to us, the books are CiO!l'rec,t. MRS. A. M. FIELD, J. G. YOUNG, Auditors. 34 EDGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL BY-LAWS BY-LAW No. 17019 Municipal By-L,aw for Current E:Xpenditures WHiEREA!S the Council of the Corpol1ation deems. it necessary to, borrow the sum of Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars to meet, until the taxes aTe ooUected, the current expenditures of the Gorporation fOLl' the year; AND Wl-IElRiElAlSi tbe total amount of the estimated revenues of the Corporation as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 19i58, not including revenues deriva!ble ocr derived from the sale of as- sets, borrowings or issuance of debentrnes or from a surplus, including arrears of taxes, is One Million and F'orty Three Thousand Dollars. AND WHER,E:AS the total amount heretofore authori:z,ed to be borrowed this year for the purposes mentioned in subsection ('1) of Section 341 of The Municipal Act is Seven Hundred Thousand Dolla,rs, ,of which the Oorporation has already borrowed a total of Nil Dollars. THElRiEFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the County of Elgin, hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of thE>' Oorporation to borrow from time to time, ib~ way of promissory note, from the Bank of Montreal, a sum or sums not exceeding in the aglgreg'ate Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars to meet, until thel taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Oorporation for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subisectio'n (1) of the saiid Section 341, and to g'iv'e, on behalf of the Clor:poration, to the Bank a promissory note or notes, sealed with the iOOl1pora,;te seal and signed by them far the moneys so borrowed with interest at a rate not eXJceeding :5i~ per centum peT annum, which may be paid in advance or otherwise. 2. All sums borrowed from the said Bank, for any ocr all of the purposes mentioned in the sa.id Section 31411, shall, with interest there- on, be a Clharge upon the whole of the revenues of the Corporation for the current year and for aU preceding years, as and when such revenues are received. ElLiGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 35 3. The Tlreasucrer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this ~- Law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and any previous years, from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 3:41, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafte[' collected or received on aooount or realized in re- iSPect of the taxes levied for the current y:ear and preceding years and, all of the moneys collected or received from any other source, which may lawfUlly be applied for such [purpose. PASSIE[) this 2i4th day of January, 1958. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk J. B. WILSON, Warden I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By..Law No. 1709 of The Corporation of the C'Ounty of Elgin, in the P:rovince of Ontario, duly passed a,t a meeting 'Of the Gouncil of the said Gorpora-J tion duly held, and that the said By-Law is in full force and etlect. Dated this 2:7th day of January, 19518. As witness the Seal of the Oorp'Oration. (Corporate Seal). J. D. THOMSON, Clerk BY-LAW NO. 1710 "To Appoint a Board of Audit in the County of Elgin for the year 1958" The Elgin County Cbuncil enacts: THAT the Judge of the County 'CIourt, and the Treasurer, and Mr. Garnet Speers, he, and aTe hereby appointed members of the Board of Audit to perform the duties required of them by the Hevised, statutes of Ontario. 316 ELGIN COUNTY. COUNCIL THAT the members of the said Board of audlt be paid the sum. of Nine Dollars per day, for their seT'Vices, and twenty cents per m.ile' going. to. each Audit. READ a first time this 24th day orf JanuarY, 19158. READ a second time this 2~4th day of January. 19:56. READ a third time, and finally passed this 214th day of .January, 1958. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk J. B. WILSON, Warden BY -LAW NO. 1711 "To Appoint a County Road Committee" As required by the Highway Act the E:lgin iOounty Council enacts: THAT the following five membeTs of this .council constitute a Committee for the purpose oof directing the work to be done on the County Road system: James Barker ................................. ..foor T€II"nl of One Year L. Holland .......................................for Term of Two Years D. Burgess ...................................for Term of Three Years H. Liddle ..........................................for Term oof Four Years B. Nevill ............................................for Term of Five Years THA.T By-Law No. 16i91, be, and 'is hereby repeaLed. REIAD a first time this 24th day of January, 19158. RElAD a second time this 24th day of January, 19:5i8. READ a third time, and finally passed this 214th day of January, 1958. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk J. B. WILSON, Warden F)IJGrN COUNTY COUNCIL 317 BY-LAW NO. 1712 "To Amend By-Law No. 1577~) The Eilgin Oounty Council ena;cts: THAT the salary of ,J. D. Thomson, as Secretary-Treasurer of the Board of E:Igin Manor be increased Four iHundred Dollars per year. THIS By-Lla w to ha v,e eff<ect from January 1st, 1958. THAT fBy-ILaw No. 1577 be, and is hereby amended aiccordingly. REIAD a first time this 2:4th day of January, 1958. RE:AD a second time this 214th day of January, 1958. READ a third time, and !finally passed this 24th day of January, 19508. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk ,J. B. WILSON, Warden BY-LiAW NO. 1713 "'l'o Appoint a Deputy Clerk-Treasurer for the County of Elgin" WHElREIAS SlEICTION 2313, subsec'td.on (2)0[' the Municipal Act< provides for Appointment af a Deputy Olerk, and Section 23i6, sub- section (2) provides for appointment of a Deputy Treasurer, The .oOI'lpOra tion of the County of E!1gin enacts: THAT Mrs. Mary Fishleigh be, and is hereby appointed Deputy- Clerk-Treasurer far the County of Elgin, at a salary of Twenty-six Hundred Dollairs per year, paya;ble monthly. 38 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL THIS' By-Law to have effect from January 1st, 191518. ADL By-Laws inconsistent with this By-Law are hereby repealed. RElAD a first time this 2:4th day of January, 1:9518. RE:AD a second time this 2i4th day of January, 19'58. READ a third time, and rfinally passed this 214th day of January, HJ56. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk J. B. W:DLSON, Warden ElIJGIN COUNTY COUNCIiL 39 SE:OOND SESSIION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 18th day of March, 1958 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, st. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. . The Warden in the Chair. All the. members were present ex,cept Deputy Reeve Speers, Deputy Reeve Blue, and R,eeve Hunter. The Warden addressed the Council. W ARDtEN'S ADDRESS March Session, 1958 To All Members of theE1gin Oounty CouncH, Gentlemen: Since our .January Session, a number of events of social and courtesy nature have required our presence, such as the st. Thomas Milk Producers' banquet, the Nurses' Gapping ceremony, the dinner at Alma College, the Seed Fair and many o'ij1.ers. The entertaiinment 3/t the "Stork Club'" on Saturday night, March 15th, when the ma- jority of C:ouncil and On'icials and their wives were entertained by Reeve L,loyd .ourI'. This occasion wasl most enjoy;able and does much to cement a friendship among our members, and I am sure his hos- pitality was appreciated very much. I regret tha,t it hasn't been possible to attend everything where I anl supposed to be present. F'or ex.a.mple--'I1he Federation of Agricul- ture banquet came on a day when I already had three other meetings. The resources of our iC'ounty are so diversified. It calls for special organiza,tions in each neld to cope with each one sUiccessfully - the livestock industry, the frutt industry, tobacco, seed and vegetable3, etc. One would like to attend all their special functions but that just isn't possible. 40 E1LIGrn COUNTY COUNCIL A glance over our Budget Statement is at !first a bit alarmmg. Never in history, has our expenditures on roads 'been so high. I am in accord with the Engineer's three-year plan, in some respects, but I am receiVing compla'ints that some of our roads are being neglected. We realize "tjhat it isn't a good policy not to keep up necessa,ry repairs on our COUnty roads with the intenSive traffic of today. I believe it would be wise to examine into some of the 3IotUial costs. For example, it was reported that the estimate on the Both- well bndge on the Elgin-Kent Townline would be around $500,000,,00, but Engineer Colby estimates the cost at approximately a little over half of that amount. Many of our €",,{penditures, as I have pointed out, previously are more or less static. There isn't mUlCh we can do to alter them, but in every department, where it is possible, we must pra:c:tise e1conom;y. Taxes are mounting every year, and the cost of living is not going down any. Once mOil:e, I wish to tpank the members of the Committees and Officials, and to commend them for the excellent work they are doing. The minutes of the last day of the january Session were read and confirmed. The fOllowing com?TIunications were read, and referred to the various Oommittees. COMMUNICATIONS March Session, 1958 Prom the University of Western Ontario with appreciation of gra.nt and scholarsh1ps. - Filed. From Sanders and Sanders re County costs of Judge's Plan, in the Township of Yarmouth. - Referred to the Finance Committee. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCl[, 41 From the Clerk of the Tawn$ip af Yarmouth re cast af new plan under the Land Titles Act. - Referred to' the Finance Committee. Fram C!ol. W. A. Andrews re civil defence, and requesting appaint- ment af Cammittee. - Referred to the Finance Cammittee. From the Caunty af Brant with vesalution requesting the Dept. of Lands and Forests to' declare an open seasan far deer. - Referred to' the Agricultural Cammittee. Fram the OntariO' M.un~cipal .Associa,tian 1'81 Annual Canventian. Filed. From the United Counties af Starmant, Dundas and Glengarry, with resolution reque:srt.ing free vaccinatian af calves agaiins:t Brncel- IOSls. - R,eferred to' the Agricu.ltural Cammittee. From the Dept. of Public Welfare re indigent patient. - Referred; to' the Finance Cbmmittee. Fram the Womens Christian Association, Landan, Ont., request- ing increase in indigent rate at Parkwaod Haspital. - R,eferred to the Finance Committee. From tne County of Wellingtan with resalution requesting the Dept. of Educat.ion 176, subsidize car driving instrUJcrtian in schaals. - Referred to the Finance Committee. Fram the Salvartian Army with appreciation of grant. - Filed. Prom Mrs. Steele Siftan, princ~pal of Alma College, with apprecia- tion of grant. - Filed. Fram the County of Wentworth with brief an the hunting prab- lem. - Referred to' the Agricultural Committee. From the District Munioipal En.gineer re Road SUbsidy B(V-Law. Filed. From the OntariO' MuniciJpal Board with repart on annexatian to' the City of st. Thomas of part af the Township of Yarmauth. - Filed. 42, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL From Claybourne Gordon, County Tree GommissioneT, and Weed Inspector with request for increase in mileage rate fo.r use of car. -I Referred to the Agricultural .committee. Fro.m the Village of Port Burwell with eTosion report, and ap-A pointment o.f representative.-Refened to. the Agricultural Committee. Moved by Reave Liddle that Mr. A. V. Langton, Agricultural Representative, be noW' heard. Mr. Langto.n repo.rted on the meeting in Toronto 1'e ploughing match in Eligin in 191610, and of cro.P competi- tions in the Gounty this year. Movedby' Reeve Alward that Dr. Hoffman, M.O,H., of the Elgin- st. Thomas Health Unit ibe now heard. Dr. Ho.ffman gave: a report on the work of the Health Unit, during the year, 119:57. Moved by Reeve Liddle, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Learn: That we do now adjo.urn to meet at2 p.m. -Carried. The Oouncil resumed. Depu ty Reeve Speers present. The first report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve GUrI', and Reeve Barker. The report of the !E!qualiza.tio.n Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Nevill and R,eeve Liebner. The second report o.f the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve GUrI', and Reeve E1liott. The third report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Gurr, and Reeve McGoll. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 43 Moved by Reeve Holland, Seconded by Reeve Barker: That the Elgin County Council supports Warden Wilson a,.nd Reeve Bu:'gess in their request to p:ave wash basins installed in the nurseSl' rooms in the new Nurses' Residenoe. -Carried. Reeve Roberts moved, and :Reeve Liddle seconded, that the Olerk send a letter of sympathy, and speedy recovery to Reeve H. Hunter, who is in the hospital. Moved by Reeve Liddle, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Speers: That this Council does now adjourn to meet on Wednesday, March 19th, at 10 a.m. -Carried. J. D. THOMSON, J. B. WILSON, Clerk Warden 44 EOCJGiIN COUNTY COUNC:rr. SECOND SiE!SSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 19th day of March, 1958 The Elgin Oounty ;Oouncil met this day at the Court House, St. 'I)homas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Ohair. All the members were present except R,eeve Hunter, and Deputy Reeve Blue. The minutes of the previous day were read and confirmed. Deputy Reeve Speers repor-ted briefly re the Special Committee on Oolonel TaLbot's tomb. The report of the Road Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Holland, and Reeve Buz;gess. Moved by Deputy Reeve Hux, Seconded by Reeve M. B. McColl: That we do now adjourn to meet at 2: p.m. -Carried. The Council resumed. The report of the Agricultural .committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve HaJ'vey Liddle and Deputy Reeve Speers. Moved by Reeve Holland, Seconded by !Pveeve~ T';AA1". .Lli.1.u,uu:;. That the Eilgin Oounty Council instruct our Clerk to' notlfy the Dept. of Agriculture, Toronto, of the higjh. esteem that is held in the EDGEIN COUNTY COUNCIL 45 County of Elgin's Agricultural Representative, Mr. A. V. Langton. His interest in our agricultural economy and rural youth development is heartfelt appreciated. 1E~gin County willappreci:ate every considera- tion from Toronto that contributes to his work, and! welfare. -Gamed.. Moved by Reeve McColl, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Hux: That B~-Law No. 117'14, "'ro Confirm the Equalization of the As- sessment RoIls of the County of Ea.gin for the year, 1'9:58," !be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve John Hux, Seconded by Reeve M. B. McColl: That By-Law No. 1:7114, be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve M. B. McColl, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Hux: That By-:Law No. 1'714, be read a third time, and fi.nall~7 passed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Liebner, Seconded by Reeve Eniott: That By-Law No. 1'7'15., "To Raise Amounts for County Rates! during the year 19156,"'. be read a first tJilme. -Carried. 46 ELGIN COUNTY COUNC]L Moved by Reeve Elliott, Seconded by Reeve Liebner: That By-Law No. 17115" be read a second time. ~Carried. Moved by Reeve Liebner, Seconded by Reeve Elliott: That By-Law No. 1:71115" be read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Roberts, Seconded by Deputy Reeve NLlTImo: That By-Law No. 17'116, "A By-Law to Provide for the 1958 Ex- penditures on R.oads under the Highway Improvement Act in the County of Elgin," be read a first time!. ----Carried. Moved by Deputy Reev'e Nimmo, Seconded by Reeve Roberts: That By-Law No. 171116, be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Roberts, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Nimmo: That By-Law No. l'HI6, be read a third time, and finally passed. -<1arried. ElLGiIN' COUNTY COUNClL 47 Moved by Reeve Atkinson, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McLachlan: .That By-Law No. 17i1:7,"A By-lLaw to Provide far Supplementary 1958 Expenditures on the Bothwell Bridge undc'r the Highway Imprave- ment Act in the Oounty of Elgin," be read a first time. ---...Carriec.. Moved by Reev'e Beattie, Seconded by R;eeve Atkinson: That By-Law No. 17'17,00 read a second time. -Oarried. Moved by Deput.y Reeve Mc[..,achlan, Seconded by Reeve Beattie: That By-Law No. 1:711~, be read a third time, and finally passed. -iCarried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Chute, Secanded by Reeve Alward: That By-Law No. 1i718,"A By-Law ta Provide fOO" the Supplemen- tary 1958 EXlpenditures on Roads and Bridges undea- the Highway Improvement Ad in the County af Elgin,''' be read a first time. -lOarried. MO'ved by Reeve Alward, SecO'nded by Deputy Reeve W. McLachlan: That By-Law NO'. 17118, be read a second time. --<Carried. 48 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Deputy Reeve MoLachlan, Seconded by Reeve Atkinson: That By-Law No. 1'7118, be read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Liddle, Seconded b~T Deputy Reeve Leam: That By-Law No. 1719, "To Amend By-Law No. 1696 re Salary and Car Allowance of County Road Superintendent and :Engineer," be read a first time. --Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Learn, Seconded by Reeve Liddle: That By-La,w No. 1~119, be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Liddle, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Iteam: That By-iLaw No. lJ7I19 , be read a third time, and finally passed. --:Carried. Moved by Reeve Ourr, Seconded Iby DeiPuty Reeve Speers: 'l'hat By-Law No. 1720,"A By-Law Granting Privileges to the Dominion Natural Gas Co. Ltd., be read a fiIsttime. -Carried. EWIN COU~-rry COUNCil.J 49 Moved by Deputy Reeve Speers, Seconded by Reeve Gurr: That By-Law No. 1720, be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Gurr, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Speers: That By-La,w No. 1720, be read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. IVloved by Reeve Nevill, :Seconded by Reeve Barker: That By-Law No. 17211, "To Appoint a Tree Commissioner for the County of Elgin,'" be read a :first time. --carried. Moved. by Reeve Nevill, Seconded by Reeve Barker: That By-rr...aw No. 1721, be read a second time. -oarried. Moved by Reeve Alward, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Chute: That By-,Law No. 17\211, be read a third time, and finally passed. ----Ca.rried.. Moved by Reeve Alward, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Chute: 50 ELGIN COUNTY COUN'C[lz That By-Law No. ,1''lW. "To Amend. By-Law No. li561. re Weed Inspector," be read a :first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Barker, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Chute: That By-Law No. 1:72121, be read a second time. -Carried. . Moved by Deputy Reeve Chute, Seconded by Reeve Alward: That By-Law No. 1m~2, be read a third time,' and finally passed. --Oarried. . ..Moved by Reeve Barker, Seconded by Reeve NeVill: That By-Law No. 1723" "To Amend By-Law No. 1695, re M,embers' 'Wages,'" be read a :first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Nevill, Seconded by Reeve Barker: That By-Law No. 1723, ibe read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Chute, Seconded by Reeve Alward: ELlGIN' COUNTY OOUN01JL 51 That By-Law No. 1723, be read a third time, and finally passed. ---4Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Speers, iSeconded by lRieeve Gurr: That we do now adjourn to meet on 'ltUesday, June l7th, a.t ten a.m. -ICarried. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk J. B. WILSON, Warden 52 ELlGIN COUNTY COUNCIiL FINANCE COMMIT'.CEE March Sesssion, 1958 - First Report 'ro the Warden, and Members of the Elgin Oounty Council, The Finance Committee reports as foUows: 1. That the following' hospital accounts be paid: st. Thomas-E'1gin General Hospital (Active Unit) ....$ st. Joseph's Hospital, London ........................................... Sarnia General Hospital, Sarnia, ...................................... 1St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital (:Chronic Unit) .. Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital.......................... Victoria Hospital, London .................................................... Alexandra Hospital, Ingersoll .............................................. All of which is respectfully submitted. 2,623 95 186 00 62:4 75 4,4018 00 15,7 50 693 60 193' 50 $ 8,8i87 30 LLOYD S. GURR, Chairman FINANCE COMMITTEE March Session, 1958 - Second Report To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That Charity and Welfare Pay I1ist No, 2 for $1,0i1.1.59 be paid. 2. That Ohildren's Aid Society Pay List No.2, for $4,245.15, be paid. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCmL 53, 3. That Caunty af Elgin share af Judge's Plan in the Tawnship of Yarmauth be paid. 4. That Reeve Burgess and Reeve GUTr be a COmmittee to meet with Calanel Andres re Civil Defence. 5. That nO', actian be taken to' pay the accaunt af Mrs. Viala Smith. 6. That the request fmm ParkWDod Hospital, Landon, Ior an in- crease in indigent rate be filed, due to' the new haspital scheme com-. mencing Ja,nuary 1st, 19159. 7. That the resalution from the County af WeUington far a Pro- vincial. subsidy on the teaching of safe driving in schools, be filed. 8. That the salary of Miss Alma HHl be increased $1101 per manth. 9. That the Olerk-Treasurer ibe granted twO' weeks leave of ab- sence. 10. That the pay .of members af the County Cauncil be mcreased $6:.00 per day far Cauncil sessians. All of which is respectfully submitted. LLOYD S. GURR, Chairman COUNTY RATES, COUNTY OF ELGIN FINANCIAL REPORT Mar('h Session - Third Report TO' the Warden, and Members of the Elgin Caunty Council, The Oommittee on Pinance beg leavel to' repart that having in- quired intO' the Financess af the Caunty, and estimates prepared by the Oounty Treasurer, they herewith sulbmit a statement of the ex- 54 ElLGIN COUNTY OOUN1OJlL penditures required for the lawful purpose of the County during 1958, showing the amount required to be raised. for the undermentioned purposes : Administration of Justice ..................................$ 48,0001 0101 County Roads (7 mills) ........................................ 283,294 00 Charity and Welfare ........... .........................".".... 710,000 00 Child Welfare ............................................................ 29,0100 0101 Count.y Assessment Department ..................."... 7,5001 00 Elgin-St. ThomaR Health Unit ........................ 2,4,000 00 Elgin Manor ............................................ ................... 14,00'0 0'01 Elgin Hospital Debentures .................................. 612:,000' 0101 Municipal Government ........ ............................. 18,01001 00 Agriculture ........................................ ....................... 8,010101 00 Interest ........... ............................................................ ~O,OOO 0101 Printing, Postage, and Stationery .................... 1,010101 0101 Property......".........................."".."."... ..".................. 5,,01001 00 Grants ..........................................".................,............ 1,5',000' 00 Miscellaneous, Licenses and Permits 2:,2:45 001 $ 607 ,0159 0101 Your Committee would recommend that the sum of Six. Hundred and SeV'en Thousand, and Fifty-Nine Dollaxs be raised on all rateable property in the several municipalities of the Oounty of Eligin, during the year, 19158, for County purposes, and that a rate of 15, mills on the dollar be levied on rateable property in the several municipalities in the Oounty to raise said amounts. All of which is respectfully submitted. UOYD S. GURR, Chairman ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIIIL 55 COUNTY ASSESSOR'S REPORT March Session, 1958 County Assessor's Office, February 10th, le58 To the Warden, and! Members of the Elgin County Council, Pursuant to Section 86 (!l) of the Assessment .Act, R.SI.O., 1950, Chapter 214, attached hereto is my report for the year, 1958. The basis of the report is essentially the by-law passed in March of last year, which it wlill be remembered was based on the award of the Equalization Court! of the 'Previous year, amended by amounts to ta;ke care of natural increases in assessment in the various munici.,paJ.i- ties. Thefig:ures in this report arel arrived at in a simiilar manner, and the report is set out in columns so that it can readily be seen how the equalization is computed. Oolumn one shows the local total asses'sment in each municipality as at 1st January, 1958, with ,column two shOwing the local total assessment in each municipality as at 1st ,January, 1957. The difI'er- ence between these two columns is the local increase in assessment in each muniCipality which is found in column three. Column four tabulates the equalized assessment in each muni- cipality, as it appears in the by-law passed in March 19157, whilst the figures in 'column five are merely the increases as found in column three, carried over for convenience. Clolumn six showS! the suggested equalization for each muniOlpal- ity for the purpose of the 1958 by-l8JW, and is arrived at by addling the figures in columns four and five. The percentages in column six are arrived at by dividing the total equalized assessment of the Gounty into the various individual totals. The figures in columns; seven and eight are similar in nature to those in columns six and seven, but are for the previous year and. are included for ready comparison only. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN WLGNALL, County Assessor, Eagin County 001. 1 001. 2 001. a 001. 4 Col. 5 0'01.6 001. 7 001. 8 .!:\ ~ i{3 ~ ~ $E-t CllE-t t) ~ E-t .... .Q~ :oz ~co~ ~ 0 ~~ tIl - ~ I .~ ~fO ~ ~~ 'd~~El ~ 00 .S ~~ ~ E-4fBoo ~L- ~ Cll U2 ...-f , ~.g .~ U2 .!:\ ;.qw- .-.......[:t.!ID ............~ID !it ~~~~5; ctl~~co ~ ctlalrnr:!- ctlC\'\rncb !it f(;~ ~~ iSC,)r:f]ID +=,t)rnlO ~ ~~~~ MUNICIPALITY E-t~<G~ f:.s~~ Q ~~~~~ ~~ Aldborough ....................................$ 3,973;505 $ 3,904,188 $ 69,317 $ 4,06,9,5'O~ $ 69,31m $ 4, 13:8,8i1:9 $ 10.05,5, $ 10.0484 Dunwicib. ..................................... ...... 3,576:,436 3,,5166,950 9,486 3,9611,65'2 9,4186 3,971,138; 9.788 9,.6f413 Southwold ........................................ 4,3218,37'7 4,331,220 2.,8L43 4,9,47,331 2;8143 4,9'44,4188 12,.2214 12:.010144 Yarmouth ................. ...................... 6,7711,589 6,,6011,7:54 169,835. 7,730,583 16'9,8315 7,900,418 19.101 19.1814 MalaJ1ide .......................... ............... 4,13,0,5116, 4,0014,878 125,638 4,381,466 1\2'5,638 4,'507 ;104 10.181218 10.9440 Bayha.m ............... ..................... ..... 21,9711,66:9 2,93:1,82:7 3.9,842 3,466,,:3211 39,84'2 3',506',1163: 8:565 8.5127 South Dorchester .......................... 3,1012:,15!2: 21,11001,904 1,.2:48 1,977,61511 1,2148 1.978',8199' 4.88'8 4.810144. Aylmer ....................... ........................ 31,180,187 2,93:7,7015 21412,482 4,,2'55,928 242:.482' 4,498',4110 10.5Hi 10.92:14: Port Stanley............ ....................... 1,848,1716 1,838,0149 10,'127 2,418,735 10,127 2,41218,18612: 5,.976 5.8969 Dutton .............................................. 5014,197'8 4916,152 8,826 630,348 8,826, 639,174 1.55,7 1_515[~ Rodney .............................................. 5>99'~567' 5812:,2917 1.7,270. 808,3614 17,270 8'2:5',6!3-4 1.99'7 2W10'45 West ILorne .. ................................... 5~8,4163 5'211,39'1 7,072 772,929 7,Om~; 7:801,0011 1.909 1.8937 Port Burwell ............. ......... ..;........... 42i9'~13)1 4!14,494 14,6'37 615i2,458 14,637 '567,095 1.3i6~ 1.3i768 Springfield ......................... ..... ...'.....1 246,,900 244,7'63 2:,137 301,6~9 2',13'7 3103,7,66 .745 .7374 Vienna ................... ........................... 150,660 147,685 2~,975 195,738 2,975 1!98,7113 .483 .418t2'4 - $ 35,3~,306 $ 3,4,6:214,2:517 $ 71118:,049 $40,470,6315 $ 7118,049 $ 41;1188,684 $ 99.919 $ 1010.009 'ELGiN 1d6u~ !OOUNBlIlL EQUAUIZA.Tl9N ,REPORT ?5-7 IMarch ~ge8siun, }1958 To the Warden, antliMeml5ers 'of' the :E!gih :Obtinty Ccriincil, The !Equalizatio:n i,COnihiittee :,reports "as:follows: a:. i![:hat 'the }f61I0iWmg itie the<etttfuJi.Zation6fthe '..Ass'essment Rolls c'6f tthe':County of;iE1gi:n f:fo.r ";tlie "year ti9518: Aldborough ......".....".."".."".....""..$4~1i318,811:9 00 Dunwlch "....""..".""...""....".."."."" "3;971,138' 00 Southwold """...".........".."....."....." 4,944,488 0101 Yarmouth ......."".,..."".,.""..:..."..... 7,900;418 0101 ,Malahide ."".."".",,,,,.,,....,,,,..,,...,,.,, 4,5017"lOi4010 Bayham .."."."".".."...".....".,,.......... .3;500,163 010 South Dorchester """"'."""'''''''''' 1,9'78,8'99 00 Ayl1::ner ........."........."."........ ...."....4~498,;41000 !Port Stanley "..".".",,,.......,,,,..,,.,,. 2,4218~86~, 0101 Dutton ...."......."...""...""........"...,,.. 6139,,1:740101 Rodney.".""""."""."...."""""""".". 825>,63400 West Lorna "..."".".............."". ".. ~80,,00i1 001 Port Burwell """".,.,:.,......".:...:"...." '567-,0015 :00 Springfield ......"...."...."" .."...."".... 303,7166 0101 Vienna ..".".............".."".. .."" .... 19,8,713 0101 $41,188,684 0101 10.014814% "9,6413;% 12,.00144% ,19..1814% 1,01.9440% ~$1217% 4.80144% 101.9214% 5,,8969 % 1.5501-21% 2!.0I045% 1.893'7% 1..317618'% .7374% .4824% 100.01000 % 2, That this Council .is willing to have the final equalization of assessment rolls, in c,ase of appeal, mad.e by the County Judge, All 'Of'Which is respectfully submitted. BASIL ~, Chairman, 58 ElI.JGIN COUNTY COUNCIL A:GRJjCULTURAL COMMITTEE March Session, 1958 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows; 1. That the salary 0[ Claybourne Gordon, Tree Commissioner, be increased to $1.00 per hour, and his car mileag,e be increased to ten oents per mile. 2. That the !brief from the County of Wentworth re Deer Hunt- ing and Licenses be:filed. 3. That the resolution fram the County af Brant to give control to the Depa!1'tment oit LandS! and Forests for an open season for deer in Southern Ontaria be :filed. 4. That the communication fram the Counties af Stormont, Dun- das, and Glengarry re Brucellosis Oontrol be :filed. 5. That Reeve H. O. Alward be appointed as OOiUnty Representa- tive an erosion control. All of which is respectfully submitted. HARNEY LIDDLE, Chairman. ROAD COMMITTEE March Session, 1958 St. Thomas, Ontario To the Warden and Members of the Elgin county Council. Your Road Committee begs to repart as fallows: THAT the Department af Highways af Ontario has assumed as a mG!lN COUNTY COUNa:DL 59 Provincial Highway, IOounty Road No.1 in the Township of Aldbor- ough, from Main street in West Lorne to the Thames River. THAT the Department has alsO' assumed .a small mileage of Township Raad in Southwold and Yarmouth townships. WE RECOMMlEND: THAT a N<mnal Road Appropriation By-Law be passed, to bel allocated as foHows: Normal Maintenanoe Expenditure ..... ........ ...........$2'85,000 Narmal CO'nstructiO'n Expenditure ....... ................. 2140,,00'0 $I5Q5,0I00 TO' be allocated as fO'llows: !ConstructiO'n Roads .............;...............,.., $158,01001 Bridges and Culverts. 52,000 New Machinery................ 3.0,,000 lVIiseellaneous ............... ....... ....... Maintenance $,2'18,2100 35,,000 TO'tal $ 3:76.200 87,01010 30.000 31 ,800 31,800 $ 2i40,OOO $ 2.85,01010: $ 5,25.0'00 F1urther breaking this down: County Road Construction .....................................$l45.GIOO Suburban R,oad Oonstruction .................................... 13,OO~ Total ..... ... ........... .............. ................ ................. $ 1:5,8,OiOOt County lli"idge Construction ....................................$ 415,010101 Suburban Bridge Clonstruction ................................ 7,010101 Total .. ................ ............. ............,......... ............... $ 512;,01001 County Road Maintenance ......................................:$187,000' Suburban Road Maintenance .................................. 3i1,200l Total... .,. ............ ... ...... .................................. ....... $ 2!118,20Q County Bridge Maintenance ....................................$ 301,0001 Suburban Bridge 1\.1aintenance ................................ J:;. flinn, v,v:v'u' Total....................... ..... ..... ............ ....................... '$ 35,000 THAT a Supplementary By-iLaw be pamed, appropriating $6;9,0100 to 'be used far the County of Elgin's shM'e of the Bothwell Bridge, to' be allocated as follows: ConstructiO'n Roads .. ...... ........ .... .... .... .... ........................... ............... ........$ 9,000 Bridges and Culverts .................................................. 601,000 Total.................................... ...............................$ 69,000 .60 ~:tN ,COUNTY ,CQUNQIL Total .........................................................,.,........]$ 89,000 TJ;U~ .~ fatptalRoad BUdget ,:Of ~$683~,J:and. ':wm.areqUiTe a levy of 7 mi~,;to taise apprDximately$288;;iOO. WEAI..aO REIOOMMiEND THAT the Salary Df the County EiI1- ginecr, RDbert G. Moore, lbe increased )$691000 i$6;600 for the year 1;956; and he be paidmileage,on;aibasis of We per mile fDr the first 7,000 miles, 'and Be ;.permile,.o:n1ihe remaining 13,000 miles to' a 20,- 000 mile 'limit, subjoottD the 'approval of the Department 'Df Higlhways of OntariO'. WiE M.iSO RECOM1MlElND THAT By-LlllW NO'. 1530 be rene~ for a 'further 11O-yeax period. 'This By-Law perta,ins to the Laying of Gas Lines on Certa:in County Roads 'in 'thePDrt .'Stanley area by the Dominion Natural Gas Company. All of which is respectfUlly submitted. L. C. HOLLAND, Chairman. EDGIN OOUNTY COUNCffiL BY -LAW NO. 1714 61 To Confirm the Equalization of the Assessment Rolls of the Count:),. of Elgin for the year, 1958. 'The Et1gin County enacts: THAT the following be the equalization of the Assessment Rolls of the County of Elgin for the year, WOO. Aldborough .... ..... ... ...... ......... ....... ... .$4,!1~18~81:9 00 Dunwich ............................................ 3,971,138 00 Southwold ........................................ 4,944,488 010 Yarmouth ........................................ 7,900,,4118 OlD Malahide .......................................... 4,5017,1014 0101 Bayham ............................................ 3,'506',163 00 South Dorchester .......................... 1,9'78,8'99 00 Aylmer ................................. .......... 4,498,,4101 OlD Port Stanley.:......................... ..... 2.,4J218,86t2 0101 Dutton ........................................ ..... 6319,1:7'4 OlD Rodney.............................................. 8215,,634 010 West Lorne .................................., 71801,0011 (liD Port Burwell .................................. 5,67,0915 00 Springfield ...................... ................ 303,7'616 010 Vienna .............................. ...... . .. 19.s,713 DO, 10,014814% 9.64113% 12.00144% 1:9.18:14% 10.914401% 8.511:217 % 4. 804!4 % 10.9:214% 5>.8:9:69,% 1.55'121% 2.010145% 1,893'7% 1.317618:% .7374% .48'24% $41,188,684 DOl 100.00109% 2. THAT this Council is willing to have the .final equalimtion of assessment rolls in case of appeal, made by the Cbunty Judge. RmMD a .fil'ist time this 19th day of March, 191518,. REiAD a second time this 19th da,y of March, 19158. READ a third time,. and finally passed, this 19th day of March, H)5:8. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk J. B. WILSON, Warden 62 EI.GIN COUNTY COUNC[[. BY-LAW NO. 1715 To Raise Amounts forClounty Rates During the Year, 1958 WHEREAS an estimate has been made showing that tJJ,e sum of Six Hundred and Seven Thousand, and Fifty-Nine Dollars is required to' be raised in the several municipalities for the lawful pUILPose of the Gounty during the year, 11958, on the basis of the equalized assess- ment as determined in 19517. l\'IunicipaIity Total 'Equalized Value Aldborough ....... ................. ........................ .......... ....$4,016'9,'50112. 0101 Dunwich ................................................................... .3,9611,6512. 001 Southwold ................................................................ 4,947,3311 0101 Yarmouth .......... ...... ............ ..... ... ........ ........ .............. 7,730,583 CO Malahide ...................... ............................................. 4,3181,466: 0101 Bayham ... ............ ...................... .................... ... .......... 3,466,,31211 0101 ISouth Dm'chester ................................................... 1,9'7'7,651 010 Aylmer ...................................... ............................... 4,255,928 001 Port Stanley .....................;.................................... i2,418,73~51 0101 Dutton .. ..................................................................... 630,348 00 Rodney .....:......................~.................. ..................:.... 8018,3'614 0101 West Larne ............................................................. 77i2',9i29 00 Port Burwell ........................................................... 5152,458 00 Springfield .... ......................................................... 301,6129 00 Vienna ........................................................................ 195,738 0101 $40,470,63'5, 0101 THEREFORiE the ClauncH of the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin enalcts: 'rHA T a ra.te of 15 mills on the dollar be levied an all rateable praperty in lihe several municipalities in the County of Elgin as a,bove set forth for the year, 1958; ElLG[N' COUNTY COUNOIL 63 Aldborough ..................... ................. ........... ........... .$ Dunwich ......... ............ ... ......... ................................. Southwold ........ ..... .... ........ ........... ............. ......... ........ Yarmouth .... ........................... ........ ..................... ... lVIalahide .............. ....... ......... ........ ........................... BayhaIIl .................................................,...................... South Dorch.ester ........... ..........,......... ..... .................. AylIner ....................................,...................................... Port Stanley.............................................................. Dutton ................ .................................."............... ......... Rodney .....................................................;............. ..... West Lome ........,...........................................,......,....... Port Burwell.............................................................. Springfield ............... ..................., ................................ Vienna .............. ...... ..... .......... ........... ........................ .... HEAD a first time this 19th day of March, J.958. READ a second time this 19th day of March, 19'58. 6'1,043 00 59,~4 00 74,210 00 115,959.00 65,72'2 00 51,995 00 29,6651 00 00,,83,9 00 36,281. 00 9,455 00 12',126' 00 11.,594 00 8,287 00 4,524 00 2:,936 00 $ 607,059 00 RJEAD a third time, and finally passed this 1!9th day of Marcih, 1958. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk BY -LAW NO. 1716 Form MR-6 J. B. WIlLSON, Warden A By-Law to Provide for- the 1958 Expenditures on Roads Under the Highway Improvement Act in the County of Elgin. WHEJREAS The Highway Improvement Act requires that the total -expenditure on roads be provided foo- annually ib;y' county b~-law and 64 E[jGIN COlJ'"'NTY COUNC[L that the by-law be submitted to the Minister of Highways for approval. THEREFORE the Council of the !Ool'lPor.at10n of the said County enacts as follows': (1) 'nle ::mm of $5~5,.oOO.OO is hereby estimated as the expenditure upon the oonstruction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdicUon during the year 19'58 as follows:- Construction lUaintenance ROADS ........ ... ......... ..... ......... ."........... .$1158',0001 001 BRIDGES & CiULVE'RTS . ........ 52i,()OO 00 NEW MACHINERy...................... 310,0001 001 MISClEILLANEOUiS' ....... ................. .................... $~i18,200 00 315<,00101 001 nil 311,801101 001 Total $376,2100 00 87,000 00 310,00101 010 TOTALS ............... ........ .... .$2\40',.00101 00 $21815<,.000 010 $5125,01001 010 (21) The said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed cOlUIlty road Siupell'intendentand on work. p'erformed in accordance with The Highway' Im!provement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to! the district offiee of the MUnicipal Roads Branch, Depa,rtment of Highways, not later than March 311st, of the said year. (4) The approv,al of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be ob- tained before any expenditure is authorized or wOll'k commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or monies raised in a subsequent year. PASSED at st. Thomas this 19tJ1, day of March, A.D., 1958. J. D. THOY...60N, J. B. 'tXTTr ,Qr\"\.T ,,. -".Ll""-''''''''.I.', Clerk Warden I, J. D. Thomson, Clerk of the Oorpm:ation of the County of Elgin, do hereby C'ertify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-Law No. 17i16, passed by the Council of the said Oorporation on the 19th. d:ay of 1'1I1arch, 195;8. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL 65 BY -LAW NO. 1717 Form MR-6 A By-La,w to Provide for Supplementary 1958 Expenditures on Bothwell Bridge Under the Highway Improvement Act in the County of Elgin. WHERlEAS The Highway Improvement Act requires that a \Supplementary expenditure on roads be provided for by county bYl- la;w and that. the by-lam be submitted to the Minister of Highways for approval. THElREFORE the Oouncil of the :OoI'lpo~ation of the said County enacts as follows: (1) The sum of $:69,0'00.00 is hereby estimated. as the expenditure upon the ,construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the year 1968 as follows:- Construction Maintenance Total ROADS ................................................$ 9,000' 00 BRIDGE..'3 & OULVIDRTS .......... 6,0,00'0 00 NEfW MACffiNElRY ...................... .................... MLSC,ELLANE,O'US .. ..................... '" ................ nil TOTALS ............................$ 69,000 00 $ 69',000' 0'01 (2) The sa~d monies shall :be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed corunty road superintendent ~d on work performed! in accordance with The Highway IJmproV'ement Act. (3) Tne clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways, not later than MarICh 31st, of the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be ob- tained before any expenditure is authorized or 'WIOTk commenced W\hich will be financed: by the issue of debentures or monies raised in a subsequent year. 66 EiLGIN COUNTY OOUNCIIL PASSED at st. Thomas this 19tJ;1 day of IMarch, A.D., 1958. J. D. THOMSON, Olerk J. B. WILSON, Warden I, J. :0. Thomson, Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, do hereby certify that the fo["egoing is a true copy of By-Law No. 1717 passed by the Gouncil of the said Corporation on the 19th day of March, 19158. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk BY-LAW NO. 1718 I....orm ft'Hl-6 A By-Law to Provide, for Supplementary 1958 Expenditures en Roads and Bridges Under the Highway Improvement Act in the Coooty of Elgin. WHE':RE:AS The Highway Improvement Act requires that a Supplementary expenditure on roads be provided for by county by- law and that the by-laJw be sUlbmitted to the Minister of Highways for approval. TB1ElRlEFORE the Council of the Clorrpocation of the said County enacts as follows: (1) The sum of $00,060.00 is hereby estimated as the expendiiture, upon the .construction and maintenance of the roadS' and bridg~s under its jurisdiction during the year 1958 as foUows:- Construction Maintenance ROADS ...."......."".,.".""..."...............,$ 8'4,000 00 ."......."........ BRJIDGiES & ClUL;,\TERTS ............ 5,OiOO 00 .................... Totals 1\.,;"r."U't1f7 "1\ Ir ^ rtITTT"l\ TT;\t-:-' ~7' J....~yy .LV,U'3;vm.L'II~I. ...................... ..".......;........ _:1 UJ.l lVniSOEfLiLANEOUS TOT~AL.s ..,.....,......................$ 89,000 00 $89,000 001 ELGIN COUNTY C0UNOlL 6.7 (2) The said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the duly 3IPpointed COWlty road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway IiInproV'ement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the d1strict office o.f. the Municipal RJo.ads Branch, Department of Highways, not later than March 3ilst, of the said year. (4) The approv,al of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be ob- tained before any expendi.ture is au.thorized OJ: work commenced wihicih. will be financed by thel issue of debentures: or monies raised in a subsequent year. PASSiED at st. Thomas this 19tJ;1 day of March, B..D., 1958. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk J. B. WILSON, Warden I, J. D. Thomson, Clerk of the Oorpmation of the County of Elgin, do hereby 'certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-Law No. 1718 passed by the Council of the said OOliporation on the 19th, day of March, 19158. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk BY-LAW NO. 1719 To Amend By-Law No. 1696 re Salary and Car Allowance of Oounty Road Superintendent and Eugil1eer. The Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts: THAT the salary of Robert G. Moore, Road Superintendent, be, increased Six Hundred DollarS' per annum, effective January 1st, 19i56. THAT the allowance for the use of his car be ten cents per mile for the first 7,000 miles, and eight cents per mile for additional mile- age to a limit of 20,00:0 miles. 68 ELGIN COUNTY COUNC[iL THAT By-Law No. 1696; be, and is' hereby amended aCCI()["dingly. THIS By-Law to be effective subject to the approval of the Min- ister of Highways, Province of Ontario. READ a first time this 19th day of March, 1958. READ a second time this 19th day of March, 1.95'8. RIE1AD a third time,. and finally passed this 19,th day of Maa'cih, 1958. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk J. B. WILSON, Warden It J. D. Thomson,. Clle:rk of tJ;1e Corporation of the County of Elgin, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-La.\v No. 17119 pasred by the Council of the said Corporation on the 19th day of March, 19'58. J. D. THOMSON, ClerK (By-:Law No. 1.7119 not .approved by Department of Highways, refer t,o By-'Lruw No. .1'.7!24.) The Corporation of the qounty of Elgin BY-LAW NO. 1720 Granting Privileges to Dominion Natural Gas Company, Limited The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. WHElREAS by By-La.w Number 1530 duly passed by the Coun- cil of the said Corporation on the 16th day of June, 1948, a fr.anchise was granted Dominion Natural Gas Company, Umited, its successors ELGIN COUNTY COUNOlL 69 and assigns, all right, power, authority, permission and consent to' lay, use and maintain pip~ m- conduits for transmitting giasoline,od.l, ~:mtifreeze, brine: or other similar products and water, from Port stan- ley Harbour or Kettle Greek. to plant of the Dominion Natural Gas, Oompany. Limited, on Mill Street or Garlow Road, Port stanley, and for the pUl'[POSe afoTesaid to use and occupy any highway or land now or hereafter vested in or controlled! by the said GorpoTation, and to lay, use and maintruin pipes or conduits for transmitting gasoline, oil, antifreeze, brine or other Similar products and water, along, under, in or upon such highways oc lands owned by the said Corporation, subject to the conditions, regulations and! stipulations set out and contained in Schedule "'A" to said By..Law Number 1530 attached, in which franqb.ise it was, among' other things, provided: "(1.1) The franchise hereby granted shall be for the tenn of ten years from and after the final passing of the by-law. P:I~Qlvided that if at any time prior to the expiration of said term of ten years or any renewal thereof, the iCompany shall noMfy the Corporation in writing that it desires a renewal thereof for a further period of ten years, tJ1e Council may in its discretion renew the same frron time to timel ~or a further period not exceed.ng ten years, at anyone time." 2:. AND WHEIRlEAS the Dominion Natural Gas Oompany, Limited has duly notified the C'o~poratioil1 in writing that it desires a renewal of the sruid franchise granted to Dominion Natural Gas Company, Limited by said By-Law Nun:ber 1530 and of the ,agreement entered into by the last named company with the Oorporation of the County of Elgin pursuant to said By-Law Number 151310, for a further period of ten years from and after the 16th da.y of June, 1'9158. NOW THE\R.E:FORiE the Council of the said OOI'pOration of the County of lillgin hereby enacts: 1. The franchisegrantiedby the said By-lLaw Number 1530 and the agreement therein r€lfell'red to are hereby renewed for a period of ten years from and after the 16th day of June, W58. 2. 'I'he Warden is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to, execute and deliver on behalf of the Corporation of the County of' Elgin and under its corporate seal, countersigned by the Clerk, an 70 ElLiGIN . COUNTY COUNCWL agreement ~ereto annexed upon the delivery by Dominion Natural Gas Company, Limited of a counter part of said agreement under the ,seal of the said Dominion Natural Gas Company, Limited, and the hands of its proper officers in that behalf. READ a first time this 19th day of March, 1958. READ a second time this 19th day of March, 1958. READ a third time, and finally passed this 19th day of March, 1..9158. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk J. B. WILSON, Warden -0---- THE AGREEMENT referred to in the foregoing By-Law No. 1720. THIS AiGRIEE'MENT made the li9th day of March, 19,5:8 BlETWElElN : DOMINION NA'DURAL GAS OOMPANY, LIMITED, a body corporate and politic organized under the laws of the Province of Ontario, hereinafter called the "-Company" of the FJirst Part, and THE CORPORATION OF THE IOOUNTY OF mLGm, hereinafter called the "Gorporation" of the Seond Part. WlHEtRJEAS by By-Law Number 115130 duly passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the '1i6th day of June, 1:948, a franchise was granted Dominion Natural Gas Company, Li.Ind.ted, its successors and assigns, all right, power, authority, permiS'sion and consent to lay. use and maintain pipes or conduits for transmitting gasoline, oil. EW[N OOUNTY OOUNOIiL 71 antifreeze, brine or ather simil:a!' products and water, from Port Stanley Harbour or Kettle Creek to plant of the Dominion Natura~ Gas Company, !Limited on Mill street or Garlow Road, Port Stanley, and fair the purpose aforesaid to use and occupy any highway or land, now or heTeafter vested in or controlled by the said Corporation, and to lay, use and maintain pipes or conduits, for transmitting gasoline, oil, antdfreeze, bdne or other similar products and water, along, unde[", in or upon such highways .or lands owned by the said Corpora.- tion, subj~ct to the conditions, regulatd.ons and stipulations set out and contained ill Schedule "A" to said By-La,w Number 153,0 attached. AND WHEIRJElAS by By-L~w Number 17:20 passed the 19th day of March, 19~58, the said franchise and agreement has be'en renewed for a furtjher period of ten years f!rom the 16th day of June, 19158, andi these presents are ill furtherance of the said By-[,.aw Nurn:ber 1'720. NOW THEIREIFORE the parties hereto, their successors and as- signs respectively hereby covenant, promise and ,agree eaqh with thel other as follows, that is to say: 1. The franchise granted by the said By-Law Number li1i30 and! the agreement therein referred to are hereby renewed fo(t' a period of. ten years from and after the 16,th day of June, 11191518, upon the tierms and conditions mutatis mutandis set farth in said By-Laiw Number 11530. 21. The Company cloth hereby declare its acceptance of the said rene:wal,and for itself, its suc:ceSSlOI'S, and assigns, covenants and agrees with tjhe Corporation, its successors and assigns that it will perform, .observe, and comply with aU agreements, obligations, terms and conditions in the said renewal by-law contained, and on its part, to be performed, observed and compJied with, and the C'oIlvoration a,grees to observe and [perform the said renewal by-law and conditioIlSl so far as the same rela,te to! them. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Company has hereunto affixed its corporate seal under the hands of the President and Secretary of the C,ompany, and the Oorporation has hereunto a...fIL~ed its corporate seal under the hands of the Warden and Olerk of the C'orporntion. 72 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCrrL S]GNED SEALED AND DE[..]VERED In the presence of (Seal) r 1 DOMINION NATURA[, GAS !OOMiPANY, LTD. ByJ. R. Reeves, President By R. M. Roib~nson, Secretary .oOiRPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF iELGm By J. B. W~1son, Warden BYJ. D; Thomson, Clerk BY -LAW NO. 1721 To Appoint a Tree Commissioner for the County of Elgin WHF.lR;EiAS By-lLaw No. 114:99, of the County of E~gln provides f'or the appointment of officers to ,enforce the By-Law, The Oorporation of the Ciouu'ty of Eilgin enacts: rrHAT C[AAYBOURNE GORDON of the 'I1ownship of Southwold is hereby appointed Tree Ciommissioner for the County 01 Elgin. THAT his remuneration shall be One Dollar pel" hour, while en- gaged in his duties, and ten C'ents per mile for the use of his car. THIS By-Law to take effect from January 1st, 1~9'58. RE:AD a first time this 19th day of March, 1968. READ a second time this 19th day of March, W58. READ a third time, and finally pa,ssed this 19th day of March, 1.968. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk J. B. WILSON, Warden 'EDGIN COUNTY COUNOI[.. 73 BY-LAW NO. 1722 To Amend By-Law No. 156i1, Re Weed Inspector The 'Corporation of the ClOiunty of Elgin enacts: rl'HAT CLAYBOURNE IGORDON, County Weed Inspectoc, be paid ten cents !per mile for use of car while engaged in his duties as: Inspector. THAT By-Law NOi. .16611. be amended accordingly. READ a, first time this 19th da,y of March, 1,958. READ a second time this 19th day of March, li9l58. RJElAD a third time, and finally passed this li9th day of March, 19158. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk J. B. WILSON, Warden BY -LAW NO. 1723 To Amend By-Law No. 1695, Be Members' Wages WHEREAS Sec'tion 29 of tJ1e Municipal Act provides :tiOIr rates of pay of members of C'ouncil, The 'Corporation of the Oounty of E!lgin enacts: THAT the sum of Sixteen Dollars per day be paid members of Council fOil' their attendance at County 'CouncU Sessions, and twenty cents per mile in going to such meetings. THAT By-Law No. 16915 be, and is hereby amended accordingly. READ a first thl1e this 19th day of March, 1958. 74 E.UGINCOUNTY .COUNOIL READ a second time this 19th day. Of March, 1958. READ a third t!me, and finally passed this l!9th day of March, 1958. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk J. B. WILSON, Warden ~INCOUNTYCOUNQI[.. 75 THmD SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 17th day of June, 1958 The E[gin C'ounty Council met this day at the Court Hom:-e, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the memb-&s present. The Warden addxessed the Council. WARDEN'S ADDRESS June Session, 1958 To the Members of the IEl!gin Oounty Oouncil, Gentlemen: With the opening of our third Session, it is llliY pleasure to report to YOiU on OUir ,aetivities of the past few months and weloOlIIl:e back our ,efficient Clerk-Treasure!r, Mr. Thomson, from an extended trip in Europe. Since our last Session, the petition forms ~e estaJblishing a Brucellosis Cbntrol aJ."ea in Elgin Oountyaxe in, and ,although it ~ll /be SO!ll1J6 time before actlUal completiDn, it appears tha,t cattle owners are generally in favoUT' 'Of the Control area. Seeding througjhout the Cbunty Was ea.rlier this year, and crop prospects are good. Frosts affected tobaocoand tomato crops in some areas and caused added 1a;bour in replanting. Heavy r:ainfall in June prDves the advantage 'Of good drainage. The Road prog-ram is progressing accDrding to schedule. The second overhead bridge on NO.3 Highway. while not 'Officially open, is completed and: eliminates one of the greatest hazards in OiUr County. 76 EDGIN OOUNTY COUNC[iL Work has begun on the new Nurses' Residence and Traming School, at the St. Thomas and Elgin General Hospital. It was the.: unanimous xesoluticn of a previous Session of County Council that wash basins be lnstalled in each room. I am pleased to report this was included in tenders, and those accepted. were below the estima,te. The Ubrary Boa-rd has purchased a Bookmobile, and e~pect delivery in the near future. iOounty Assessor John Wignall informs us the reassessanent is progressiing as well as can be expected. I have given briefly the highlights of the past few months. 1 think our work has spown progress in all aspects. With the same) oo-operation, may we continue to wo~k togerther for the bet.terment. of our County. The minutes o!f the last day clf the March Session were read and lCol1i.firm,ed. The fOllowing ,commu..'1iaaticIlS were read and referred to their various committees : COMMUNIOATIONS June Session, 19'58 Prom the Ontario MUnicipal Association rc annual convention and resolutions. - Filed. From the Dept.. of HjJghways with approval of road approp~iation by-laws No. 1717 and 1~18. - Filed. FTom the Governor of the Ellgin County Jail re wages of casual help. - Referred to the Pl'OIptrty Committee. Flrom the Grand Jury with report. - Referred to' the Property Committee. ~GIN COUNTY OOUNC[L 77 F'rom the County of Bruce requesting Amendment to the Canada Seed Act. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the County of Bruce requesting' Increased Provincial grant for snow plOlUlghing, and to aJbolish sales tax on Road Equipment. --, Referred to the iRoad Committee. F~om the IOmmeil o{ the City of st. Thomas with 'invita.tion to dinner. - Filed. From the solicitors ()1f the Union Gas 00. re application to the Ontario Fuel Board. - Filed. lt1rom the County of Renfrew requesting increased gasoline tax, and the increase to be pa:id to 1J,1.e Counties and local municipalitiesl for' ;R.oad pwrposes. ~ Referred to the Road Committee. From, the ratepa.yers of S.S. No. 18 and 19, Township of y,axmouth, requesting t;he Elgin County GouncH to appeal the decision of the Yarmouth Township Council decision of May 5th regarding petitions. - Referred to the Education Committee. From the Township of Bayham re payment of foiX, bounties. -< R,e{erred to the Petitions and Legislations Oommitt:ee. From the Torwnshtp RoadSUiperintendJents' Association re annual grant. - Refer:J:'led to t;he Road Committee. From the County of Haldimand requesting the Dept. of LandSl and Forests to reduce the deer population in Southern Ontario - Referred -co the Petit.ions and Legislations Committee. From the C'ounty of Grey re the sale of hogs throUig'h the OntanD' Marketing Board. - Referred to the Agricultur3l Committee. From the IOounty of Grey requesting the Provincial and Federa:ll Government assistance for sewers and sewage disposal. - Refened to the Petitions and Legislations C'ommittee. From the Oounty of Middlesex re registration of certificates ill the Tile Dra,tnage Act. - 'Referred to the Agricultural Committee. 78 lIDLotNcouNrtcouNCooL From the Port Rowan Chamber of GOllllIIler:ce requesting support of the Elgin 'County Council on oot;.thro'ugh at Long Point. - He- ierred to the Petitions and LegislatiO'ns iOommittee. From the Deputy Minister of Agriculture with apprecia,tion of resolution regarding Mr. A. V. Langton. .:.:-. Filed. FrOITl the icouiity 'of .. Essex reg"ardirig the enfol1cemeiit of Act rei Weed Gleaning plants. - Referred to' the PetitiO'ns .'alld LegisIatl()n.SI Committee. Moved by Reeve Atkinson that Mr. A. V. Langton, AgriculturaJj Representative, be now heard. Mr. Langton address the Council on theagriculturaIconditiolls in the C'lunty,arid of the Brucellosis program. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gloin that Mr. Boyd of New 8al'urn be! now heard. Mr. Boyd! addressed the Council re ne--n section being formed at New Sarum, which was referred to the Education Committee. The County Treasurer's report was presented, and on motion of Reeve Burgess, acceptoct, and ordered printed in the IProceedings. Moved by Reeve Gurr, Seconded by Deputy ReeVe ISIpeers: That we do now aCljouTri to meet at 2 p.m. ---':Cliriied. The Council resum:ed. The report of the Petitions and Legislations Committee was pre- sented,alld addlpted oll motiOn of Deputy Reeve HuX, ahd Reeve Elliott. The report of the Property Committee was presented and adopted 6n motion of Deputy iReeve Nimmo arid seconded by Deputy Reeve Speers. Er.i1iN' UOUNTYOO~~ 79 Moved 'by D€puty Rooxe HUX, Seconded by Reeve McCoU: That we do now adjourn to meet at 10 a.m. on June 18th. ---ICarried. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk J. B. WIlLSON, Warden THIRD SESSION - SE:COND DAY 'Wednesday, the 18th day of June, 1958 The Ellgin Oounty Council met this day at the <Court House, st. Thomas, in ac,c'Ord:ance with adjournment. The Warden in the C~air. All the members weTepresent. 'I'h:e minutes of' the previous day were read and confirmed. A communication from the st. Thomas-Elgin Association for Rie- tarded Ohildren, Priendship School, for a grant, was presented, and referred to the' Finance C:ommittee. The first relport of the Finance Committee was presented, and adopted on motion of Reeve GU.L~, and Reeve Burgess. The second report of the Finance iComfuitooe waS ~esented, and adopted on motion of Reeve Gun', and Reeve Barker. The I'evO,rtof the AgriCIriJ.tural Oommittee was presented arid adopted on motion Q[' 'Pueev.e Liddle and P~eve~1~yill. < ..Th~ report. of the Elgin Manor iOommittee was presented and adopted, on motion of Deputy Reeve Blue ,and Reeve Roberts. 80 El'DGIN COUNTY COUNCllL Deputy Reeve Speers presented a verbal report on Oolonel Tal- Ibot's Tomb. Moved by Reeve Holland, Seconded by Reeve Atkinson: Tha,t we contact the Na;bional Historical Society of Oanada as to Society action in maintaining the County Historieal site of Colonel Taibot. ---iCarried. The report Q1f the Road Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Holland and Reeve Liddle. Reeve Holland addressed the Oouncil re Fox Bounties, and hav- ing'a uniform bounty. Moved by Reeve McColl, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Hux: That we,. do now adjourn for thirty minutes to allow Committees to meet. -Carried. The Council resumed. The Education Committee report was presented and adopted Q1n motion of Reeve Alrward and Deputy Reeve Speers. Moved by Reeve Barker, Secondiedby Reeve Nevill: That the question of a grant to the Friendship School in st. Thomas, be reconsidered, and the [School for Retarded IChildren in Tillso!1Jburg, be also co:nsidered. at the September Session Q1f t,heJ County Council. -!Darned. EIDG[N COUNTY COUNffiL 81 Moved by Deputy !Reeve Blue, Seconded by Reeve Roberts: That the Eilgin County Council take no action on erec,ting a new Home for the Aged, .as proposed by the Council of the Oity of st. 'rpomas, until further information is obtained :regarding hospitalized ca.re for the Aged. ---lCarried. The following invitation extended! by Reeve Donald Burgess was. a.cceptect with pleasure by members of the Elgin County C'ouncil: "That Warden Wilson and myself wish to extend an invitation to at- tend a barbecue supper, to be held ,at my home on Friday, July 25th,' at 7 p.m. Moved by Reeve McColl, lSeconded by Deputy Reeve Hux: That By-Law No. 1724, "A By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 1696," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve IDlliott, Seconded by Reeve! Liebner: That By-La;w No. 17~14. be read a second time. --C'arried. Moved by Reeve Holland, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Blue: That By-fLaw No. 1'm14, be read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. 82 ELiGiIN COUNTY OOUNarL Moved b(y' Deputy Reeve HUiX, Seconded by Reeve McGoll: That we do now adjourn to meet on Tuesday, september li6th, at 10 a.m. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk COUNTY TREASURJE[R'S REPORT June Session, 19'58 --CQrried. J. B. WlIJLSON, Warden To the Warden and! Members of the El:g:in Oounty Council, I beg to submit the following statement of Receipts and E~encli- tures from January 1st, i1l91581, to May311st, 119518. Receipts Balance in Banik: and on hand, ,January 1st, 119'58 Administration o'f Justice ....,......................................$ Notes Payable land Interest .................................... R.egistry Office ......,...... .........,....................._.................. Charity and Welfare .................................................... ]t;'lgin Manor ..., ...... .............. ... ......... ...... ........... ... ........ .... Children's Aid Societies ........... ................................ County Roads ........".. .... ........ .........,...................... .......... Miscellaneous ..".................. ......... ,. .......'... _" ... ..... ............ Licenses and Perm.its ............................. ................... Agr1culture .....,...........,.......,',..,..............,......................... Interest ...,...,................,...... .................................. ............. Transfer from Hospital account ............................ 0-8 cheques written off ......,..,...." .."...,,"....,....... ..................1$ 1.,474 18 25:0,000 00 1'1,579 5:1 14,672 1:1 7,388 20 67'6 1511 164,845 26 3611 49 208 00 9011 2'7 12 35 2,0115 611 310,'830 217 :3 on $ 454,137 49 $ 484,967 76 EI.iGiIN COUNTY COUNOIL 83 Disbursements Administration of Justice ..........................................$ Notes Pay.able ................................... ., ..................... Charity and Welfare .................... ...................;......... Grants ...,.,................,.......................... ............................... Eigin Manor ................................, ... ,....................... Registry Office ................... ..........."................................ Elgin-st. Thomas HeaJ,th Unit ............................ Children's Aid Society................................................ Members' Wruges ...... .........'... ......... ... ,....... ..... ... ....... ...... Officers' Salaries .' ,...... ........", ..,., ... ... .......... ....... ,..... ...,.. Printing, Postage, and Stationery............................ Care of Buildings ..... ..........,..................................... Agriculture ...'..,.. ,.,.,.... '.' ,.,.,....... ...... ........ .......,......,......... County Roads ... ........ '......"........'........ '.."..., ...... ........... .... Miscellaneous .., ..'...., ..' ""'" """"" ........ .......... ....... ... '..... Interest ...................... ........,....... ...... .............. .................... County Assessment Dept. .. ......... .......................... Bala.nee on hand, May 31st, 19'5<8 All of which is respectfully sUlbmitted. 217 ~5 87 190,000 00 32,1169 31 2:,125 00 12.,740 00 3,9'75 210 15,000 00 9,67:8 67 4,49:3 610 4~222 46 7,20 3'9 1,812!7 31 2,,2415 35 148,0012 87 3,6130 5'7 3,4617 05 4,136; 1'7 :$ 465,669 88 1:9,29!7 88 $ 418:4,9'6:7 76 J. D. THOMSON, County IOlerk and Treasurer .June Session, 1958 PETITIONS AND LEHISLATIONS COMMITT'EE To the Warden and Council of the County of E:lgin, The Petitions and Legislations Oommittee reports as follows.: 1. That the resolution from the Township of Bayham re Fox Bounties be filed. 84 EUQ[N COUNTY OOUN<mJ 2. That the resolution from the County of Haldimand to have tpe Dept. of Lands and Forests reduce the deer population in Southern Ontario be filed. 3. That we concur with the resolution from. the County of Gr:ey for Provincial and Federal subsidies for .sewage disposal plants and sewers. 4. That we suppart the :request of the Port Rowan Chamber of /Commerce far a proposed out-through at [Long Point. 5. That \ve endorse the resolution from the County of Essex to enforce the Law re Weed cleaning plants. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN flUX, Chairman. PROPER'I'Y COlVlMITTEE June Session, 1958 To the Warden, and Members: of the ,Elgin County CouncU, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That the tender of W. J. Robbins, fOO" installing' new lights in the Judge's Chambers, Sheriff's, Magistrate's, Clerk-Treasurer's and DiviSlion Court offices for '$743.00 was accepted. 2'. That the tender of A. F. ~yiarshall for redoo'orating tIle Jiudge's Chambers, Sheriff's, Grown Attonley's and Magistrate's offices fo~ $3,90.00 was accepted. 3. The tender of the Cities Service Oil ,Company for Fuel Oil of We pel' gaJ.1on for the iJ,a;ilor's residence was accepted. 4. The tender of the Imperialle Fuels Ltd. of $;12.74 per ton for Stoker coal for the Court House and JiaH, and $210.30 per ton fOT Anthracite ,coal fm the Registry Office was accepted. EDGIN COUNTY COUNClL 85 15. A new washroom was installed in the Jailor's residence at a cost of $300.00. 6. That the Grand Jury Report be filed. 7. That the area, eastOif the Jail wall, and west of the Registry Office be converted to a palI'king lot for employees or people on bus- mess at the Court House, entrance to be from Gladstone Avenue. 8. That the recommendation of Mr. McDonald, Jail Governor, for an increase 'in rate per' hour, for' casual help on the Jail staff, and reduction in weekly call pay, far assistant Matron, be granted. All of which is respectfully submitted. F. NIlMMO, Chairman. FINANOE COMMITTE;E June Session, 1958 - First Report To the Warden, and Members of the E1gin County Cmlncll, The F'inance Committee reports as follows: 1. rrhat the following hospital oocounts be paid: st. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital (Active Unit) .",$ st. Thomas-iElgin General Ho~ital (Chronic Unit) st. Joseph's Hospital, London ",,,...............,.. ........,..:.......... The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto ........................ Norfolk General Haspital, Simcoe ..........,..,....................... Victoria HaspitaJ., London ..,.... '........... ... ......". ......, .......... ..... Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital.................,........ Sarnia General Hospital, Sarn~ ............... ................ ",,,. St. Michael's Hospital, Taronta ,.......,................................. 7,21521 70 6.004 90 9G 00 412, OiQ 89 25 967 SO 768 30 483 00 234 00 $ 16,M1 65 All of which is respectfully submitted. LLOYD S. GURR, Chairman. 86 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FINANCE COMMITTEE June Session, 1958 - Second Report To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Oommittee reports as follows: 1. That Children's Aid !Society Pay lUst No. 3 for $7',315.318 be paid. 2. That Charity and Welfare Pay List No. 3 for $1,792.401 be paid. All of which is respectfully submitted. LLOYD S. GURR, Chairman. AGRICULTURAL COl\IMITTEE June Session, 1958 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Oouncil, The Agricultural Committee report~ as follows. 1. That the resolution from the County . of Middlesex re Regis- tration of the Tile Drainage Loans be endorsed. .2. That the resolution from the County of :Bruce fo.r reduction 01" noxiOllS weeds per ounfee in ,certi:fied .grass and clover seed fOir slale, be approved. 3. That the resolution from the County of Grey re Ontario Hog- Producers Marketing Board, be filed. AI! of \J.;hich is respectfully submitted. HARVEY LIDDLE, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 87 ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE .June Session, 1958 To the: Warden and Members of the Elgin County 'Oouncil, The Elgin Manor Committee reports as follows: 1. That the' tender of the 'Cities Service Oil Company for fuel oil of 16c per gallon was accepted. 2. The tender of the Imperialle Fuels tOO" stoker coal of $11.1:5 per ton was aocepted. 3. That the price of $63.00 for repairing walls, ceiling, and paper~ ing bedroom in tp,e SUperintendent's apartment by A. F. Marshall, was accepted. 4. The tender of Don Campbell of $3'4:U~O for a new covering on the third floor, west dormitory, and jaspe tile on the second floor west dormitory was accepted. 5. That owing to the resignation of Mr. G. L. Willson, Superin- tendent of Elgin Manor, the 'Committee be empowered to advertise .for a Superintendent, and select applicant for the position. All of which is respectfully submitted. CLARF..NC'E' BL'UE, Chairman. EDUCATION COMMITTEE June Session, 1958 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Oouncil, The Education Committee repo~ts as follows: 1. That no acHon be taken on the request of the Ratepayers of 86 EIOIN COUNTY OOUNlC[,L s.s. No. 18 and S.S. No. m, of the Township of Yarmouth to form a new school section. All of which is respectfully submitted. H. O. ALWARD, Chairman ROAD COIUMITTEIE, REPORT June Session, 1958 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council. Your Road Committee begs to report as follows: 1, We have purchased the following new machinery: 2 Pickup Trucks 1 2,-door Automobile 1 660 Adams Grader, 1SO-h.p. 1 2:-man Cihain Saw 1 30- ton Portable Contractors Scales 2. Mulch Type Pavements will be laid on: Rd. 5.1 S. Dorchester .................,...................... 1 mile Rd. 46 Bayham .................................................... 3 miles Rd. 14 Southwold-Dunwileh TOrwnline ........ 2 miles Rd. 8 Dunwich, North of Dutton ................ 3 miles 3. Land has been purchased!, fence erected and clearing done on: Rd. 34 M.C.L. Belmont Westerly............................ % mile Rd. 13 Dutton !Easterly.............................................. 2 miles Rd. 3 North of Rodney towards Wardsville .. 4 miles Rd. 8 Thames River Southerly....................,...., 1.8 miles ELGIN COUNTY COUNcrnL 89 4. Oontracts have been let to: (a) Walmsley Bros. of London for Hot-Mix Asphalt Paving on Rd. No. 53 in Aylmer. (b) A Contract f.or bridge painting wiJJI be let to McNeilly and a3avington of Toronto for cleaning and painting the Phill- more, Oooks and Vienna Bridiges. 5. Refacing the abutments of the Phillmore Bridge: has been completed. 6. The MClMillan Oulv;ert on County Road No.8 has been com- pleted, this being' a r16' span. 7. The abutments and piers of the. Bothwell Bridge have beenl compl'eted, and the Dominion Bridge' 00. is presently erecting the structural steel. R Surveys and Soil Tests are continuing on t;he Richmond Hill. All of which is reSlpectfully submitted. LA WRlENOE HOLLAND, Chairman. BY-LAW NO. 1724 A By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 1696 V/::H1ElP~AiS By-Law N'o. .1!696 deals with the appointment and re- muneration of a Road SUlPerintendent for the County of Ellgin: AND WHE&E!AS it is deemed expedient to amend the said by-law; NOW THElREF'ORE, the MUnicipal C'orporation of the County of li'!lO'ln ih:u ....ho. n.6""\.'1,~n;l 4-hl"t.._~ __.....",..i._ _""'! .s:-_,.,_____ ~"'o'&"'''''' '''"',J "'......""" '"""'-'''''....L........... V.l..I.C~'CV'.L, C.L1..ar\.i~ ~ .Lvuvwt:)'; (1) That Cla.use 4 of By-Law No. 1696 is hereby repealed and the following substituted therefore: 90 EUGIN COUNTY COUNC[[, (a) That the salary or remun&ation of the said Superintendent shall be the sum of $6,600.001 per annum, effecttive January 1st. 10958. (b) That the said Superintendent shall be paid for the use of his privately owned car when driven on county business at the rate of ten (10) cents per mile for the first 7,0001 miles: and eight (8) cents p€[" mile for each additional mile to a maxi- mum .o! 2.0,000 miles per annum. (2) That a,ll by-Ia;ws and resolutions inconsistent ;with this by-law are hereby repealed and rescinded. (3) That this by-law sha-11 come into force and take effec,t OIll the l/Sth day of Jiune, l.J9I5,S, SUbject to the approval of the Minister of Highways. P ASSEID in open Oouncil this 1iSth day of June, 1958. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk J. B. WIJLSON, Warden I,. J. D. Thomson, Cllerk. of the C'O!l'lPOrationof the oounty of Elgin, do hereby certify that the foregOing is a true copy of By-Law No. 1.72:4 passed by the C'ouncil of the said Oo[paration on the 18th day of June, 1958. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. mGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 91 FOURTH SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 16th day of September, 1958 The E[gin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in aocordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members present eXieept Reeve D. Burgess, and Reeve B. Nevill. The Warden addressed the Council. WARDEN'S ADDRiESS September Session, 1958 To all Members of the Elgin County Oouncil, Gentlemen: First of all, I want to extend best wishes for a speedy recovery to Reeve Donald BU1~g,ess of Yarmouth TownShip. Exhibition time has roned around again, and. we are very prouct of the showing of Elgin County livestocik. Also, during the year, United states and South America buyers have been buying quite eoc- tensively livestock from OUT ICounty. I believe that our crops have been Ule best on record. Prices for wheat, and hogs, are sa low and by the time the Boards deduct their commission, the prices will be lower yet, and the Boards can't seem to do anything abaut it. We are engaged. in the bigglest road building program in the his- tory of the Oounty. It looks though, that with the special projects included, that to carry through this program, i,t is going to x:un intO' more money than we had planned. 92 ELGIN COUNTY GOUNOI[; The Bothwell Bridge is nearing compLetion. The official opening is to be during the seoond week in Ootober. During the year, the old BookmObile has had to be replaced by a new one, and it is now serv1cing all our schools and libmries. Naturally we are concerned over the closing of the airport and what it will do to those who have been employed there, and: alsO' to those who have been renting homes to its personnel. Deputations from the municipalities most affected have been to Otta,wa ove~ it. I guess we'll just have to wait ~or ottawa to maAke the neoct move. The County Assessor has completed his wwk in Port BUTw'ell. He plans to finish Dutton by October 1st, and to have Rodney, West Lome and Aylmer done by December 1st. With these few remarks, I will now call upon Deputy Reeve GLoin of Yarmouth for a brief report of the Municipa,l Convention held! recentl~ in otta.wa. The minutes of the last day of t;he June Session were read and coIllfirmed. The following communications were read and referred to therll" various Oommittees: COMMUNICATIONS September Session, 1958 From the OOUa."1Cil of the Gity of London i'e Water Pipe Lines on a similar basis on which the Hydro EJ.ectrilc Power Commission of Onta.rio functions. -- Referred to the Petitions and ["egiS'la,tions Oom- mittee. From the Council of the ~ownship of Aldborough re Fox Boun- ties. - Referred to the Agricultural CO!!!linittee. From the Governor of theE1gin County Jail re Courts and Jail Congestion. - Referred to the Property Committee. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCillL 93 From the Ontario Municipal Board re Annexation of portion of the Township of Yarmouth to the City of st. Thomas. - Piled. From the Rotary Club of St. Thomas with request for a grant in their Rotary Festival Booklet. - Retferred to the Finance Committee. F'rom the Gounty of' ,Simcoe re iProvincia,1 SUbsidy on surgery and medical fees for residents of Oounty Homes. - Referred to the County Home Committee. From the Delpt. of Northern Affairs and National Resources re C:olonel Talbot's tom/b. - Filed. From tAe Women's Clhristian Association of I..ondon. Ont., re increase in rate at McCormick Home for the Aged. - Filed. Prom the Western Ontario Agricultural School with appreciation of scholarship grant. ...,.... Filed. FliOm the' County of C1arleton, requeS'ting the effec,tive date of BiB 169, 1:)57, passed by the Province a,t the last Session. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. From the Counties of Kent and Peel. ["e Age of V\rardship od:. the children under the care of Children's Aid Societies. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislations IOommittee. From t.he Dept. of Public Welfare re Nursing Home care and Licensing of Nursing' Homes. - ReferTed to the Finance Gommittee. From H. B. McDonald r:e speed limit on Fairview Avenue. - Re- ferred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. Moved Iby Reeve GUIT that Mr. R. A. Galvin, District Ci.vil De- fence Co-O~dinatorJ be now heard. 001. Andrews introduced Mr. GaV'in to the OOIUllcil. Mr. Gavin addressed the Cbuncil on the orga. nization of iOivil Defence in the municipalities. and taking care of those moved from target areas. The Warden caJled on Deputy Reeve iGloin to give a report on the Municipal Oonvention at ottawa. Mr. Oloin addressed the Counc'il on the resolutions which were presented at meetings. 94 ,E[.jG[N GOUNTY OOUNC/IJL The report of the Agricultural Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Liddle and Deputy Reeve Gloin. , Moved by Reeve Liebner, Seconded by R,oove M. B. McColl: Whereas an application. has been filed ",ith the Board of 'rrans- port Commissioners for Canada by the New York Central Railroad System for authority to close the station at Rodney; And Whereas' the grant.ing of use of a right of way through Southwestern Ontario to an American Raiwoad such as the New York. Central Railroad imposes a duty and obUgation on such railroad to provide adequate local ser'Vice to the municipalities through which it passes; And WheJ:eas the closing of the station at Rodney and Dutton wil~ impose a hardship upon 100M industry, merchants in retail business and the area, in general by reason of thel curtailing of service; Be it hereby resolv,ed that this Council forward a letter of protest to the Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada opposing the applicati'On for aUthority to close the station at Rodney and Dutto~ and that 'cqpies of said letter be sent to' the solicitors for the New YOIl"k Central Railroad System and to. the Member of Parliament for iE~gin. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McLachlan, Seconded by Reeve Alward: That a gra.nt equal to the Provincial grant be paid to the Agri- cultural and Horticultural Societies of the County. -Carried. Moved by Reeve M. B. McColl, Seconded by Reeve L. Elliott: ELGm, COUNTY COUNOl[, 95 That tale Warden and Clerk of the County of Eagin are hereby ,authorize"d to sign Certificate regarding permanent employees of the Corporation, 101' exception of contributions as prOlVided under the Regulations of the Unemployment Insurance Act. ---'Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Hux, 'Seconded by R,eeve M. B. MClColl: That we do nolW adjourn to meet a,t 2 p.m. --Carried. The Council resumed Reeve Barker requested the Auditor's Report which was presented by the C'ounty Treasurer. It was moved by Re€IVe Barker and seconded by Reeve Liddle that the Auditor's Report be accepted. 'I'he report of tJ1.e RQad iOom:mittee w.a,~ Pl"es~nte4 an~l adopted on motion of Reeve Holland and Reeve Barker. The first report of the Finance Committee was preseI.lted and. adopted on motion of Reeve GurT and Reeve Liddle. The report of the Property Gommittee was presented and adopted, on motion of Deputy :Reeve Nimmo and Deputy Reeve MoLa,chlan. The second report of the 'Finance Oommittee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Gurrand Reeve Elliott. 'rhe report of the Petitions and Legislations Committee was Pl'e-, sented and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Hux and Reeve Alward. The Elgin Manor Report was presented, and on motion of Reeve GUIT, the Oouncil went into a Oommittee of the whole with Deputy Reeve Blue in the Chair. After some diSOUlSSion, the report was adopted, on motion of Deputy Reeve Blue and Reeve Roberts. 96 EL/GIN COUNTY CO'UN1C[L Moved by Deputy Reeve Hux, Seconded by Heave M. B. McColl, That Mr. Claybourne Gordon be a delegate to the International PlowLTLg Match with all ex(penses paid. -IOarried. Moved by DeputyR;ee~e D. M. Chute, Seconded by Reeve H. O. Alward: That BY-Law No. 11369, of the Township of Bayham to st.op up part of an alley in tJ:1e Village of Eden be coDJfirmed. ---Iearried. Moved by Deputy R,ee~e Learn, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McLachlan: Whereas due to the Magistra,te's Court only being hedd once or twice a week, has resulted in congestion and over-crowding in the ;Oounty Jail, and has caused extra, expense to the County, And Whereas a full-time crown Attorney is now employed, this. lmgin County Council recomm,ends the appointment of a, full-time, Police Magistrate fDa" thel County of Eilgin, and City of' st. Thomas, We would a.Iso recommend the appointment of an additional Justice of the Peace. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Chute, Seconded by Reeve Alward: That By-La,w No. 171215""A By-lLaw to Confirm By-Law No. 13,69, of the Township of Bayham Being a BY-Law to Stop Up Pa....-rt of an Alley in the Village Qif Eden, in the Township of Ba,Yham,'" be read a. first time. -.;Carried. EIiGIiN COUNTY 00UN0liL 97 Moved by Reeve Alward, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McLachlan: That By-Law No. 17'25, be read a second time. ~Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McLachlan, Seconded by Reeve Atkinson: That By-Law No. 17215, be readl a third time, and finally passed. -.Ca.rried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Nimmo, Seconded by Reeve Hunter: That By-Law No. 1726, being, "A By-Law to Amend: the By-Law Adopting a Plan of CQunty Road Improvement and Establishing a, County Road System in the Oounty of ,Elgin under the Highway Im- proVEment Act," be read a first time. ~Carried. Moved by Reeve Hunter, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Nimmo: That By-Law No. 17126, be read a second tim€. ---'Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Nimmo, Seconded by Reeve ROIberts: That By-Law No. 117~6J be read a third time, and; finally passed. ---'Carried. 98 ~COUNTY'-C9llNeIiL Moved by Reeve Gurr, Seconded by Reeve Liddle: That By-Law No. 172:'7, "To Repeal By-iLaJw No. 1635, and By-Law No. 1648," be read a mst time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Liddle, Seconded by Ree~e (1urr: That By-Law No. 1727, be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Learn, Seconded by Reeve :Gmr: That By-Law No. 1727, he' r.ead a third time, and finally passed. Reeve Atkinson moved th.at a letter be sent to Reeve a3urgess for his speedy recovery. Moved by Reeve Liddle, iSeconded by Reeve Gurr: Tha,t we do now adjourn to meet on TueSday, November 18th, 1958., at 1b a.m. -C:arried. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk J. B. WILSON, Warden EIfEHN 'C0UNTY -'COUNCIL 99 AGRICULTUltIA'LCOMMITTEE REPORT August 28th, 1958 The Agricultural Committee of the Elgin County Council met at the 'Ooort Hou~e, st. Thomas, on Thursday, August2l8U1,at2pJn... with the following present-Cha:irman Harvey Liddle, Warden J. BJ. Wilson, Reeves McC'oll, Holland, Hunter, Nevill; Deputy Reeye Gloin. A. V. Langton, Messrs. 'SkUlce, streib, Murphy, from the Dept. of Lands and Forests, Aylmer. A lengthy discussion on fox bounties took place, and the follow-, ing resolution was approved. Moved by Reeve H. Hunter, Seconded by Reeve M. B. McColl: Tha,t the Agricultural Oommittee of theElginCOU1i);ty Counoil recommend a uniform rate of Two Dollars each, as fox bounty in all the townships of Elgin County, and the JOlerk of tJ1e township Iretain, the tail of the fox when claim is made for the bounty. Mr. Murphy suggested some changes in the County of EI1gin By..., Law for the restricting and reg.ulating the cutting of trees, and the Olexit was requested t,o secure copies of by-laws from other CQunties, so that a new by-Ia,w ma~7 be drafted for E1lgin County. The Oommittee adjourned. All of which is respectfully submitted. HARVEY LIDDLE, Chairman. 100 mnIN COUNTY COUNOIiL ROAD COMMITTEE September Session, 1958 St. Thomas, OntariO' To . the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, Your Road Committee begs to' report as follows: 1. WE ROOOMJ.\1END that the OO'tmty of Elgin ,assume as a C~unty Road and turn over to the jurisd:tction of the st. Thomas: Suburban Commission the Road Allowance between the Township of: Yarmouth and SOiUthwold; southward from Road Allowance betweOOi Cioncession IX and Range 1 south of Edgeware Road, Yarmouth, to! King's Hig,hway No.4, a distance of approximateJyl.O miles. Sub- j,ect to the approval .of the Department of Highways. This will enable the 1St. Thomas Subu["ban Commission to extend, Wellington Road to'. King's Highway NO'. 4 to provide a new entrance from Wellington Road to. the C[ty of St. Thomas via Highway No,. 4.. The work will be done by the st. Thomas Suburban Commission in condunction wi.tha new West Entrance to' the Oity of St. Thomas,. expected to be constructed by the Department of Highways in 1.9:59. All of which is respectfully submitted. LAWRiENCiE HOLLAND, Chairman, FINANCE COMMIT~EE September Session, 1958 - First Report To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Counci!, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That the following hospItal accounts be paid: ELGIN COUNTY. COUNCIL 101 stj Thomas-Elgin General Hospital (Active Unit) ....$ 6,326 95 st. Thomas-JIDgin General HOspital fOhron:ic Unit) .... 4,9-53 19 Victoria Hospital, London ......................................,............... 1,7~1 60 St. Joseph's Hospital, London ..,........................................ 24 0i0 Sarma General Hospital, Sarnia ........................................ 141 75 THlsonburg District Memorial HOSIPita,1 .......................... 98\1 76 $114,,100 214 All of which is respectfully submitted. LLOYD S. GURR, Chairman FINANCE COMMIT'EE,E September Session - Second Report To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That Children's; Aid Society Pay List No.4, for $6,775.82 be- paid. 2. That Charity and Welfare Pay List No.4, for $1,417.54 be paid. 3. That Miscellaneous AiCCiOunts Pay List No.2, for $58.60, be' paid. 4. rrhat the C'ounty of Elgin take a full ag,e ad. in the lRotary Music Festival Bookl,et at $215.00. 5. That the .balance of payment required for the new Bookmo- bile be paid by the County. All of which is respectfully submitted. LLOYD S. GURR, Chairman. 102 E~GIN COUNTY OOUNCIL PR.Ol-EltTY COMMITTEE September Session, 1958 To the Warden and Members of the EJgin county CouncH. The Prqperty Committee reports as foUows: 1. That prices be secured for a new vacuum cleaner for the Court House. 2. 'l1hat we. recommend the present garage be enlarged for the new Bookmobile. 3. That the tender of W. ,J. Robbins for a new lighting system in the Court room of $11,28'7.00 has been accepted. 4. That neeessarsr repairs to the brickwork, and removal of ch.Jmney on the Jailor's residence be made. All of which is respectfully submitted. F. NIIMMO, Ohairman. PETITIONS AND LE.GISL,ATIONS COMMITTEE September Session, 1958 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Petitions and Legislations Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from the Council 0[ the City of London asking to enlarg:e the pC'\versof the Ontario Water Sources Commis- sion be filed. 2. That the resolution from the County of Kent re Approval of the present regulatIOns re Children's Aid Society Wards retaining present age of 18 years, be approved. EDGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL 103 3. That the resolution from the County of Peel re the a"bove regulations be filed. 4. That the County Engineer investigate if County Road No. 214 is :1 built up a,re.a in the Section refe-rred in the complaint of H. B. McDonald. 5. That the resolution from the County of Carleton re Proclama- tion of Bill No. 169, be approved. All of which is respectfully submitted.. JOHN K. HUX, Chairman ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEiE September Session, 1958 To the Warden and Oouncil of the County of Elgin, The Elgin Manor Oommittee reports as follows: 1 That we have accepted the application of Ivan J. Patterson, and appointed him as A,eting Superintendent of Elgin Manov at $2,;400.00 per year with apartment and board for himself and f.aln- ily, and 10 cents per mile for the use of his car to a limit of 300 miles per month. 2. That a new pump has beien installed in the deep well which. has gre.atly improved water pressme in the system. 3. That owing to the unsatisfactory services rendered by the, phYSician at Elgin Manor, the b~-Ia.w appointing Dr. E. G. Burger be repealed, and the Committee be authorized to secure the services of another physician. 4. That the truck at iEligin Manor has been sold for $60.00. as the Superintendent is paid for the use of his car. \104 EDGIN OOUNTY ;COUNCIiL 5. That we approve .of the resolutian for paYment of the Disabled Person's Allowance by the Province to residents of County Homes. All of which is respectfully sulbmitted. OLARAENiOE BLUE, Cha,irman BY-LAW NO. 1725 A By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 1369, of the Township of Bayharn, Being a By-Law to Stop-up Part of an Alley in the Village of Eden, in the Township of Bayharn. WHEREAS the Cauncil of the Township of Bayham on the 30th day of May, 1915,S, A.D., did pass BY-lLaw No. 13169, to stop up !part of ,an alley in the Village of Eden, in the Township of Bayham, moo"e, partiCiUlarly . described in the said By-Law, true copies hereofaxej hereunto annexed. AND WHlE,REAS pUTsuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act,. the said Township By-Law shall not have any fOVCie until con.firmedj siby a By-Law of the Ooruncil of the' Oounty in which the township is . situated passed at an ordinary meeting of the CbUfllCil held not sooner than. three months, nor later than Oflle year, after the passing of' the By-Law of the Council of the Tlownship. AND WHEREAS application has been made to the Oouncll of the Oorporation of the County of Elgin for a By-Law confirming' said Township. By-[".aw. NOW THElRiElFORE: the Council of the GOl1Poration of the County of ,Elgin enacts as f ollaws: THAT By-Law No. 136'9, of the Township of Bayham, being a by- law to stop up part of an alley in the Village of Eden,. in the Town- :::hip of Bayham, be, and the same is hereby canfirmed. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 105 READ a first time this 16th day of September, 195'8. READ ,a second time this 16th da,y of September, 1,958. READ a third time, and finally passed this 16th day of September, 1,9,00. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk J. B. WILSON, Warden I, J. D. Thomson, IClerk of the IC'orporation of the County of iEilgin. do hereby c.ertify that the foregoing is a true cop,y of ~-Law No. 17215, passed by the Council of the said Oorporation on the 16th day' of September, 1958. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF EIL,GIN BY -LAW NO. 1726 A By-Law to Amend the By-Law Adopting a Plan of County Road Improvement and Establishing a County Road System in the County of ELGIN under the Highway Improvement Act. The Oouncil of the Corporation of the iOounty of ELGIN anactsJ a.& By-iLBAW Number l'72i6, as follows: 1. 'The Schedule of B\ylaw Number 8'97 being the original By-Law establishing a County Road System in the County of ELGIN as amended by By-Law Number 105i2i being the last consolidating By-Law re-establishing the said system and further amended by SUbsequent amendiIlg' By-Laws is hereby amended by addiIl..g theretO' the road designated and described as follows.: 106 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Dt"signated County Road Number 25 DESCRIPTION Being a partionof the Road Allowance between the tawnships of Yarmouth and Southwold. and the road used in lieu of the Road Allowance southward and westward from the Road Allowance to King's Highway No,. 3 and No.4, COMMENCING opposite! the unopened laoad Allowance between Oancession :LX Yarmouth, and RJang'e r South .of the Edgeware Road, THlEN!CE Southward along the Road Allow-, anc,e between the townships of Yarmouth and South- wold; A mSTANJaE ofawroxima,tely 1.,7000 feet; THENCIE: SouthwaiI"d and Westward along the Road: Al1owanc:e used in lieu of the townline through the! townships of Yarmouth and SOIuthW'old; A DIS- TANCE of approiXimateliy :3:)5iOI0I feet to King's High- way No. 3 8,nd NO.4. 2. The road as designated and descr~bed in paragraph 1, is here- ,by added to, and inc,luded in the Oounty Road System of the County! of Elgin. 3. This By-Law shall come into force upan the approval .of th,ei Lieutenant-Governor in COuncil. FINNALLY PASS-ED at the OITY Oil" SrI'. THOMAS, in the County of E1gin, this 1!6,th day of September, 19,58. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk J. B. WILSON, Warden BY-L,AW NO. 1727 To Repeal By-La,w No. 1635, and By-Law No. 1648 WHERElAS the services rendered by the physiCian at Elgin Manor are deemed unsatIsfactory, AND WHEREAS the Elgin Manor Committee are desirous of securing the services of another physician, ~ ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL 107 THE CORiPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ElLGIN enacts: THAT By-Laws No. 16315, and No. 1648, be, and are hereby re" pealed. READ a first time this 16th day of September, 19&8. READ ,a second time this 16th day of Saptember, 1,958. HEAD a third time, and finally passed this 16th day of September, 1968. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk J. B. WILSON, Warden '* 108 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL FIFTH SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 18th day of November, 1958 The Elgin C'ounty Council met this day at the Court House, st. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members plfesent, eXieept Reeves Barker and Beattde. The Warden addressed the Council. WARDEN'S ADDRESS November Session, 1958 To All Members of the E:1gin County Council, Gentlemen: N8arly a year ago, when I took this office, I feU happy at thel prospect of it, but the time has passed very 'quickly, and very pleas- antly. The congenial assQiciations we ha,ve enljlo~ed and the fine co- operation am.ong the OouI1C1il[ors and C'ommittees has enabled us to aocomplisih a great deal: It has meant much to me to feel tha,t I've had your whole hearted support. On beihalf of thel Gounc:il" 1 wish to eoctend a warm welcome to the, group of junior citizens, who are our guests for the day. I hope you will enjoy yourse'lves and that you may learn things tha,t will be of use to you in years to come. I hope you will always take ,advantage of opportunities like this, tn gather first hand knowledge of whatever interests you. Make thel most of these y:ears, during which you are getting your education, and it will be some of you who will be giving leadership in many fields. : Never in history, has it been more important for a person to have fl. broad knowledg:e and to be ruble to think for 'l:!hemselves. It looks ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIIL 109 as thOlUg'h Communism is in the world to stay, and we must learn, to live with it, and to match it with high standards. The better 'education one has, the better equipped they alle to cope with the vexing problems of our day, whether they 'be local, national, or inter- national. In reference to some of the things we have been doing, during the year. I am not in full ,accord with building all ~oads WI) feet widie. It might be necessary in some pLaces, but to buy land and move baClk fences adds so much to the cost. I am in fa~our of less roadside and. more miles of actual i'oad. Wa all know that a time comes when paved roads need resurfacing but we must not neglect our gravel roads. Thexefoc:e, I feel that we might better repair portions of the paved roads and spend more money on our gravel roads. We have spent more money on roads and bridges urns year, than eVer before m our histOTy. More traffic and heavier traffic has made this necessary . Our County Buildings are in good shape. New li-ghts have been installed in the IOourt room, and in some of the offices,. and a new' garage for the Bookmobile is being Ibuilt :at the baok of the Court, House. The new Superintendent of the County Home, f)eems to be doing: a satisfactory job. We have installed a new pumping system at the Home. It will ensure adequate water supply for present and future needs. The Nurrse's residence is comiIlg along fa;v:ourably, and a new' parking lot at the Hospital is being constructed, a,lso. This was badly needed. HospitaJ. costs contJnue to rise. If our people can be per- ,suaded to enrol in the new Government Hospitalization Plan, it would greatly reduce the indigent patient costs. Farmers of EIlgin have had wonderful crops and good weathel' to harvest them. Prioes though, are generally low, particularly hogs.. wheat, corn and soybeans, and there is a rUInOur that milk, too, is due for a drop in priCe. These products have been over produced. The surplus will halVe to be sold on a world market, and our variouS marketing boards have absolutely no control over thelllL Up to norw, it looks as though all they have done is to collect their fees. The marketing outlook for our surplus is 9. very UIliOOTtain thing at th~ present time. Tobacco growers too, are having their awn troubles to get this year'& crop sold. 110 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL With the continued reduoed value of the doTIar in bUying goods and servic:es, Councils are hard pressed to keep up essential services in the County and at the same time, keep the taxes of the man ~1; the back concession so he can meet. them. The ttninutes of the last day of the September Session were read and confirmed. Moved by Reeve Holland that Oounty Assessor, Mr. John Wignall, be now heard. Mr. Wlgnall ,addressed the 'douncil on the progresb of' the equalization of the assessments in the County. The foalowing communications were read and referred to their various C'ommittees: COMMUNIOATIONS From the University of Western Ontario with appreciation of Scholarship. - Filed. FTom the secretary 'Of the West Lorne HorticultU1'al Society with appreciation of grant. - Filed. From the Salvation Army with appreciation of grant. - Filed. From t~1e Canadian National Institute for the Blind with appre-, dation of gl"ant. - }t'iled. From. the County of Wentworth requesting Amendment to Section 142 of the AssesSlIlllent Ad. ..- Rleferred to the Petitions and Legisla-, +i__,.. r"t;___....;4-......-__ lfJ.V,I..I.0 \"'/Vl1.lll11iJ..""C.v. From the principal of Alma College with aw'reciation of grant. Filed. From the University of Western Ontario with apprecia,tion of! grant. - Filed. From the Ontario Municipal Board reannexation to part of the ''l1ownahip of Yarmouth to the Oity of st. Thomas. - Filed. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 111 From the Attorney-General with acknowledgement of resolution. Filed. From ijle United OOl.U1ties of stormont, Dundas and Glengarry re- questing to have rabies included in the A.ni.mal Contagious Diseases' Act. - Referred to the Agricultural COmmittee. From the County of Wentworth re regulations to control traffic, aiPproaching school buses. - Referred to the Petitions and Leglslia,- tions Committee. FTOffi the Dept. of Municipal Affaim re Fox Bounties. - R,efen-ed to the Agricultural C'ommittee. From the Grey Oounty Federation of AgTiculture requesting rel- imbursement for v.s,ccination re rabi~ in cattle. - Referred to the Agrioultural Committee. From the Ontario Hospital Services C'ommission 1!e hospital indi- gents. - Filed. From the Governor of the Elgin County Jail with bri.ef re Salary SCjhedule. - Referred to the Finance Oommittee. From T. Schudt, caretaker, with request for increase in salarry. Referred to the Property Committee. From Judge J. F. McMillan with appreciation of improvements in the 'Court House. - Filed. The C1erk's Report on LIcenses was presented, accepted, and ordered printed in the Proceedings on motion of Reeve Elliott. The Clerk-Treasurer's R,eport was presented, accepted, and ordered printed in the proceedings on motion of Reeve Alward. The Secil"etary's Report of Elgin Manor was pr'esented, aocepted, and ordered printed in the Proceedings on motion of Deputy Reeve Blue. 112 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Reeve Liebner, Seconded by [Reeve Elliott: That we do now adjourn to meet this afternoon, at 2 p.m. -'Camed. The Council resumed. The :first TepoTt; of the Finance Committee was presented andi adopted on motion of Reeve Gurr and Reeve Hunter. The second report of -qho Finance COmmittee was :presented, and adopted on motion of Reeve GUIT, and Rleeve Liebner. The Agricultural Oommittee repOlrt was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Liddle and Reeve Burgess. Moved by Re8lV'e L,iddle, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Speers: That the Ohair presented to Elgin County by the Province of' Ontario be donated to the E1igin County Pioneer Museum. -C'arried. DepuW !Reeve Speers reported that Elgin County had been de- clared a Brucellosis contl'lol area. Moved by Reeve Gurr, Seconded by Depu.ty Reeve Speers: That the <ElIgin County Oouncil hereby petition the Hospitality Committee for the 195.9 RoyaJ. Visit, to co-operate with St. Thomas and Port Stanley in '/:jh,eir reception on the Royal Tour. =-Carried. Warden Wilson addressed the juniox citizens, and K.enneth Pass- more e:h."'J)ressed appreciation on behalf of the group for the delightful, ElLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 113 interesting, and educational day as guests of the County Council. Moved by Reeve Gurr, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Speers: 'rhat we do now adjourn to meet at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, November 19th. ---Carried. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk J. B. WIlLSON, Warden FIFTH SIESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 19,th day of November, 1958 The lE1gin IClounty Counoil met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All tjhe membe'rs were present., except Reeve Beattie The minutes 'Of the previous day were read and confirmed. A communication from the Clerk of the City 'Of St. Thomas', re' invitation to, the Queen on Royal Tour, to visit EJgin County during 1959, was read, and the Warden appomted Reeves GUIT, Burgess and Nimmo, a Committee to meet a Committee from the City Council to, send joint invitation. Moved by Reeve GUIT' that Earl D. Moore, Probation Officer of Elgin County be now heard. Mr. Moore gave a comprehensive report on probation work in the ICounty. The Warden thanked Mr. Moore for his splendid report. Moved by Reeve Liddle that Mr. A. V. Langton, AgricuLtural Repol resentative be now Jheard, Ma-. LangtQn addressed the Council 'On 114 EiLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Elgin Breeders, Grain 01"O'Wers, and Junior Fanners. Showing at the Royal Winter Fair, and the ICiomrnencement of testing for Brucellosis Conkol area in Elgin County. The Warden thanked Mr. Langton for his address. Moved by Reeve MClOoll that Mr. O. Gordon, County Weed In- spector, be now {heard. Mr. Gordon gave a report on weed controJ.' in the Oounty. The report of the Elgin Manor tOommittee was presented and adopted, on motion of Deputy Reeve Blue, and Reeve Gurr. The Road Committee Report was prlesented 'and adopted on mo- tion of Reerve Holland and Reeve Burgess. Moved by Reeve Uddle, Seconded by :Reeve Burgess: This Gouncil go on record as approving the Farm: Organizations and their efforts to better' the lot of rural popwation. ---<Oarried. Moved by Reeve Holland, Seconded by Reeve Liebner: That Orand and !Petit Jurors attending' Court Sittings be paid 15 cents per mile one way for every mile travelled from place of residence to the Court, for each day of attendanoe at Court. ---<Garried. Moved by Reeve Alward, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Chute: That a grant of Five Hundred Dollars be giv,en the Wa.rden in appreciation of his seTlVices in 1958. ~arried ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 115 Moved by Deu;>uty Reeve Gloin, Seconded by Reeve Burgess: That a grant of $2i5.00 each, be paid to Mrs. Mary Jane stephens, Paul SaUoway, Bil'ian Perks, and Arthur Goodwin for reporting Pra- ceedings af Council. Deputy Reeve Nimmo. expressed his appreciation to the CounciL for a grant to the Shedden Fa.ir, and of the Warden's a,ttendance at the Memorial Gates Service. Moved !lW Deputy Reeve Speers, Seconded by Reeve Gun-: That we do. now adjomn to meet this afternoon, at 2 p.m. -Carried. The Council resumed. Tp.e report of the Petitions ,and Legislatians COmmittee was plfesented, and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Hux, and Deputy RJeeve Blue.. The report of the Education Clommittee was presented, and adapt- ed on motion of Reeve Alward, and Reeve Elliott. The report of the Property Committee was presented and adopted on motion of. Deputy Reeve Nimmo, and Daputy Reeve McLachlan. Moved. by Deputy Reeve MclLachlan, Seconded by Reeve Atkinson: That Ellgin County Council go on recQ["d as supporting the E1gin- st. Thomasl Motor Olub in theiJr ,efforts to have Highway No, 3, altel'ed, by means of a straight fill: at New Sarum to. elimina,te the dangerous curves, there. -Carried. J.16 ELGIN COUNTY COUNIO]L Moved by Deputy Reeve Speers, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Blue: That we autjhorizea subsidy of 1$250.JOO to the Warden to defray his expenses for the annual dinner. --Carried Moved by Reeve Gun", Seconded by Deputy Reeve Speers: That By-Law No. 1728, "To Appoint a Physician for Elgin Manor,'. be read a first time. -earned. Moved by Deputy Reeve Speers, Seconded by Reeve Gurr: That By-Law No. 17128, be read a second time. -earned. Moved by Reeve GulT, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Speers: That ~-Law No. 17i'28, be read a third time, and !finally passed. -Darried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Blue, Seconded by Reeve Hunter: That By-Law No. !1~i29, .'A By-Law to Appoint a Superintendent for ELgin Manor," be read a fiT'st time. --earned ELGIN. COUNTY COUNCIL 117 Moved by Reeve Hunter, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Blue: That By-Law No. 1729, be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Blue, Seconded by Reeve Hunter: That By-La,w No. 17:29, be read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by R,ee\Te Diddle, Seconded by D€!l)uty Reeve Lewrn: That By-Law No. 1730, being, "A By-Law to Restrict and Regulate the Destruction of trees ~ Cutting, Burning, or other meam~'," be read a first time. -oarried. Moved by Deputy Reeve !Le'arn, Seconded by Reeve Liddle: That By-La,\xl No. 1730, be read a second tL.~e. --Iearried. Moved by Reeve Liiddle, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Learn: TJh,at By-La.w No. 1730, be read a third time, and finally passed. ---'CalTied. 'us ELG~ 'COUNTY COUNlOIiL Moved by Reeve Holland, Seconded by Reeve Liiebner: That By-Law NQI. '1r7i3i1, "To Pa,y Mileage to Jurors foc Attendance: at Court," be read a first time. ........Oarried. Moved by Reeve Liebner, Seconded by Reeve Holland: That By-lLa,w No. 17311, be !lead a SIeoond time. -Oarried. Moved by Reeve IAebner, ,Seconded by Reeve Holland: That By-Law No. 1.7311, be read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. Warden Wilson called .on Alderman stotes who addressed the Council expressing aaJpreciation at being present. Ex-Warden JameS! Hindley also expressed his appreciation at being present. The GountyCouncillo["s all expressed their appreciation as being members of COUl1.c.u. ,and of the enjoyment of the work. The Warden expressed appreciation foc the co-operation of all Oouncil members. Movedby' Deputy Reeve Speers, Seconded by Ree've Liddle: Tha,t we do n.ow adjourn sme die. ---C~rried, J. D. THOMSON, Clerk J. B. WIIILSON, Warden mLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 1119 CLERK'S REPORT ON LICENSES November Session, 1958 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin county Council, I have to report the following licenses in force on the 1st day of Novemiber, 1,9,58: Au~tiQneer F1;a~ Ful],{er:son .......................................... R.iR. 1, TiUsonburg ~obel't H. ~ore ................ ...... ............... R,.R. 6, St. Thomas Don Watterwoi'th ....................................,....................... ... Aylmer Ja;mes R. McLean .... U~ Elmwood Avenue, !London, Ontario 'K. J. McAlpine ................................................................. ...... Dutton Olarenc,e Wolfe .. ...... ............................................ R.R. 1, Vienna D. A. Brown ............................,......................................;... .. Shedden Robert McNair ........ ...................................................... Olandeboye David Woodham ........... .............................................. Kingsmill Blair GlaJ1'/ke .... 2,9 Devonshire Place, St. ThOlIDJas, Ontario Silas Bradw ...................................................... R.R. 2;, Dorchester Ivan Parkinson ...... ................. ,...................... R.R. 8, TJondon Glenn Paton ............................. .......... ,.... ....,.... ......,......... Rodney Henry D. Brock ............. ................:. 329 Eleanor St., London Arthur Long ................... ...... ..... ...................................... Vienna Transportation of Fowl Charles Pangborn ........................................................ Talbot'Vi1le Thomas Page .............................................................. Wallace town Strathcona Cr:eamery ... ....... ....................................... Dutton Elgin Egg 00. .......... .......... .......... ..... Mom-e st., St. Thomas Salvage Dealers Vi. A. Howald .... ............ ........'... ....,................' .............. Sparta Canada Sm'ap Iron, and Metal.......... St. Thomas, Ontario Mervin White ............ '.. . .......... ................... iB.R. 5, Aylmer 1210 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL J. H. vVellar......,............. ............. ................ R.R.. 1, Kingsmill Jul,es Vandenbussche ..,."......',.....,.......................,. Sltraffmdville Howard Roloson ...... ....... '................................ R.R. 1, Vienna Arnold Kuipers .............. ,...................................................... Aylmer Bruce Broughton .'.................................................................. Aylmer Salvage Yard Jack Streib ........................................................ .................. Rodney Oanada Scrap ]ron. and Metal............ st. Thomas. Ontario All of which is respectfully submitted. J. D. THOMSON, Oounty Cllerk. and Treasurer. COUNTY TREASURE;R'S BEPORT November Session, 19158 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County iOouncil, I beg to submit 'tthe following statement of Receipts and Etxpendi- tures frtom 'January 1st. 1i968, to October 1st. 19518. Receipts Balance in Bank, and on hand, January 1st, Administration of Justice ..."............................ $ tCounty Assessment Dept. .............'................... Notes Payable...... ....... .......'.............................. Registry Office ................... ..'.................................. Charity and Welfare ............................................ Province of Ontario - re Museum ................ ,Elgin ManOlr ...........".............. ................. ......... ....... 1958 ........$ 26,5116. 68 1.5011 50 500~OOO 00 1.1,579 511 29,341 80 868 33, 20.5\23 59 30,8310 27 C'hildren's ~..id Societi'es .................................... 1,347 19 EI:g:in~st. Thomas Health Unit ........................ County Roads ,," ,.,...,.,., ,....... ........... ..... ,....... ... ,..... Miscellaneous '........,..........,,,...................,,..... ....... 18,0115 06 332',051 84 2,200 44 E:iI.iGIN COUNTY COUNCLL 12'1 Licenses and Permits .......................................... Agriculture .......,..........................,.. ..... ....... .... .... ,. .... Interest .....'..'..................'.... . ,.............,..........,... T~ansfer friom Hospi.tal Account .................. Ooullty Rates ........,..........................,................,..,.. O-S cheques written off .. ................................. E~penditures Administration of JustiCie '"'' .......,................ ,$ Notes Payable.. ,......... .......................................... Charity and Welfare ........................................... Grants ..................... ................................................... Elgin Manor ............ ... ...................,.. ....... ..... ..... ., ... Registry Office ............................. ,......................... Elgin-St. Thoma,s Health Unit ........................ Children's Aid Societies .................................... Members' Wages '".............. ....................;................ Officers' Salaries ..................,......................... ........ Brinting, Postage, and Stationery.................. Care of Buildings .................,.........................,...... Agil'iculture ................,................,.............................. County Roads ................................... ...... ......... ........ Miscellaneous ..................... .............................. Interest ........... ....................,................... ..............,.... iOourity Assessment Dept. .................................... Balance on hand, October 3/1st, 19518 All of '\.vhich is respectfully submitted. 2i5t4 00 9011 2f7 ;YO 37 2',0I1!5 61 12.5.,,()i56 010 3 001 ;$1.,122,3;1~ 1'9 $11,1153,1:412 46 5,7,035 23 3110,0010 00 73,7.18 12 17 ~1931 33 214,8t56 614 5,479 93 48,0140 2() 23,769' 87 7,853 210 7,734 91 911-4 97 31,72,7 41 4,6152 16 53'6,546 83 4,189 7:4 7,683 36 8,45'6 42 $1,142:,1112 32 11.0130 14 $1,1!53,M2 46 J. D. THOMSON, COunty G1erk-Treasurer 122 ElI.JGIN COUNTY GOUNQlL SECRETARY'S REPORT November Session, 1958 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The following is my report on Elgin Manor for the y'ear ending October 3i1st, 19'58: 1. NumJber of residents a.t last report .........,...............,...., 2,. Numbelr admitted during the year ..............,........'............ 3. Number of deaths ..................,..................................................... 4. Number discharged ...... '.. ....... .................. .......... .... .......... ........... 6. Number of residents now in HOlme ...................................... 6. Total days residence .....................,........................................... 7. Average number of residents during year ....................... 8. Average number with Superintendent's family and hired help ,..' '....................'......................... ....................... 9. Number of weeks' boa,I'd with Superintendent's family 10. Number of weeks' board of residents ...,............................. 1.1. Ref'eipts Provinee of Ontario Subsidy ..............................$ 4,4311 07 Sundries ............,....,......,........,. ............." ...., .......,.. ...... H 35 Old Age Pensions ......... ..... ...................................... 13,60.7 00. Refunds-Bell Telephone ...................................... 2146 10 Residents' Main'benance .....,.................................. 4,500 00 Government of Canada., Sales TaJ{ Refunds.. 2i59 88 $ 23,109 43 12. Deductions Sundries .....,.. ....,........ ..............,..........,.....................$ Refunds~Bell Telephone ......,'......,......................, Government of Canada, Sales Tax Refunds,. Permanent Improvements .,........'".,............... 6 35 246 10 259 88 48l'743 $ 999 7H 40 6 1 13 3tJ 12,,640 34 43 2,273 1,805 13. Net Cost of Operating ........... ....................,......,......"..... ..,$28,0<74 60 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 1~3 2 2;2, 14. Average Expenses per day 0[ each person ..........,..'.., 15. Average Expenses per week of each person '.'" ........."...... 1'6. Average Expenses per year of each person ...................... Ecxpenditures Permanent Improvements ..........................""..........$ Poultry, Seed, Garden Supplies ............................ Truck and Travelling EXpenses ............. ............ Hired Labour ............. .... ..... ......... ..... ..... ,... ....... .............. Food and Provisions ......,............ ,..........,. ....,......,.. ,..... Clothing and Footwear "............................................ Drugs and Medical...............".................................... Tobacco .................. ..... ... ...' . . '................ ............ Welfare ProV'isions ... .................................................. House Supplies and Laundry.................................... Furnishings .. ... ....................................,,,........................ Fuel, Telephone, Hydro ............................"........,....... Repairs .."....................,... .... ..,...... ..'............................ Miscellaneous ,.,........,......... ..".......'.. ....................".. Salaries .....,...................".....................".,,,..............,........ New EqUipment .... ....'................................................. Glasses, Dental, and other Medical.................... 487 43 382 94 5017 05 4.646 40 7.9712; 32 516i1 99 400 36; 883 65 1,365 83 1.354 57 2188 87 2,87~- 115 ,12j,,71511 3:7 37,3 117, 3,61011. 66 308 10 208 50 $ 29,074 36 15 54 800 00 17. Actual cost to County after deductions of aB. r8IC:eipts $ 5,964 93' 18. Produce 200 bushels potatoes 20 bushels carrots 618 bushels onions 14 bushels turnips 12 bushels beets W bushels squash 401 bushels apples 4 bushels cabbage 12 bushels parsnips 124 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL During season, the Home used their own lettuce, tomatoes, green onions, sweet corn, radishes, cucumbers, and beans from the! garden of wJ;1ich no account was kept. 19. Stock 1100 hells 20. There were 46 residents in the Home during 1!9'5'8; 38 males, 8 females. Of the 32 residents in the Home on the 1st da,y of November, 195>8, 25 were males, and 7 females. The mana,gell11ent has been satisfactory. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. D. THOMSON, Secretary of Ellgin Manor. FINANCE COMMITTTEE November Session, 19'58 - First Report To the Warden and Members of the' Elgin County Council, 'rhe F'inance IOommittee reports as: follows: 1. Tha,t Charit.y and Wellfare' Pay List No.5" for :$905.15 be paid. 2'. That Children's Aid Society Pay List No.5, fOil' $4,3,46.64 be! paid. 3. That a grant of $100.00 be made to the Town of Aylmer for improvements on the C'ourt room, 4here. 4. That no increase be granted the Jail Staff at this Session. All of which is respectfully submitted. ILOYD S. GUiRR, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNOLL 125 FINANCE COMMITTE,E November Ses&ion, 1958 - Second Report To the Warden, and Members of the E1gin Oounty Council, The F'inance 'Cicmmittee repo['ts as follows: 1. That the following hospital accounts be ipaid: st. Thomas-E:J.gin General Hospital (Aic,tive Unit) $, st. Thomas-Ellgin Gene:ral HOISIPlital (Chronic Unit) Victoria Hospital, London ............,......,.............................,.. Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital........,................. Alex:andra Hospital, Ingersoll .......,....,......................,...." Toronto General Hospital, Toronto .................,..,.. ...,. Hotel Dieu of st. Joseph Hospital, Windsor 2,5110 90 3,211i5' 9:7 1,2115 60' 9217 50 16i2. 00' 192 010 4725 All of which is respectfully submitted. $ 8,2!711 212 LLOYD S. GURIR, Chairman, AGRICUL,T'URAL COMMITTEE November Session, 1958 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin Oounty Council, The Agricultural Committee report~ as follows. 1. That the resolution from the! United Counties of Sto,rmont, Dundas, and Glengarry to include rabies in the Contagious Diseases Act, be approved except the Retroactive Clause. 2. That the resolution from the Grey County Federation or Agriculture fe Compensation for rabies. be approved. 3. That the communkation from the Ontario Dept. of Agriculture 1'e Fox Bounty, be approved, and that the townships of Elgin County set a uniform rate of $4.00. 11:26 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 4. That By-Law be presented to restrict and regulate the cutting. burning, or destruction of trees. 5. That we recommend that faamers be encouraged to set aside 10 acres for tpe growing of trees, and pres&Vation of wild life, which IS tax free. All of which is respectfully .submitted. HARVEY LIDDLE', Chairman. PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE November Session, 1958 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council. The Petitions and LlegisJ.ations <Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from the County of Wentworth re amend- ing regulations for SchoQil Buses and stopping of traffic. be filed. 2. That the resolution from the C!ounty of Wentworth to amend Section 142 of the Assessment Act, to pemnit a maximmll interest. charge of one per cent, be concurred in. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN K. HUX, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL: 127 EDUCATION COMMITTE'E November Session, 1958 To the Warden, and Members of the [EIlgin County Oouncil: The Education Committee reports as follows: 1. Tlhat Mr. Alru?:. 10. White be appointed County Representative on the West Elgin District High School Board. 2. That Ralph Auckland be appointed County Representative on the St. Thomas-Elgin District High 8Cihool Board. 3. That Francis Cline be ,appointed County Representative on the East Ei1gin High School District Board. All of which is respectfully submitted. H. O. ALWARD, Chairman. PROPERT'Y COMMITTEE November Session, 19'58 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin Oounty Council: The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That we have accepted ~e tender of the Thnperial System of Baking for delivery of bread to the E:Lgin County Jail for the: year 19,59, at 12 cents per loaf, unsliiced; and 13 cents [peT' loaf, sliced bread. 2,. That we have accepted the tender of the st. Thomas City Dairy for the delivery of milk to the ELgin Oounty Jail for the year, 19:5'9, of Standard Homo milk, I-qt. bottle @ :19c; 3-qt. bottle @ SQ; 2 per cent Jersey Milk @ 17c per qt. !bottle; 48c per 3-qt. bottle; ski1n, milk @ 14c per qt. bottle; and 3,5c per 3-qt. bottle. 12,8 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 3. That we recommend the Barrist&'s raom be designated fOT the Judge's Stenographe1r, the present Jury room be designated far the Barrister's room, and the former jury room be used for jUries with; the installation af a lavatm'y adj,acent to. the room in the haU. 4. That the contract for the new garag'e was given to Mr. O. VanZanten for $3,910..00, complete. 5. That we grant MI'. T. Schuit, Caretaker of the Court House, $1115..00 per month increase in sa,lary. All of which is respectfully submitted. F. NIM...v.J:O, Chairman. ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE November Session, 1958 To the Warden, and Members of the EIlgin Oounty Council: The Elgin Manor Committee reports as fallows: 1. T;hat we have a,c,cepted the' tender of the Imperial Sy~tem of Baking far bread to, be delivered to E:lgin Manor during the year, 195.9, at 12c per loaf, unslieed; and 13 cents per loaf sliced. 2. That we have accepted the tender of the St. Thomas CitY' Dairy f:or mUk delivered to .E.Igin ManaI' during the yea,r, 119'5:9, a,t 19c per qt., Standard Milk; 3,-qt. bott:le @ 5~c; 21% JeLr'Sey @ 17c and 48c; skim milk @ 14c and 3i5,c. 3. That by-laws for the appointment of Ivan J. Patterson as Superintendent, and Dr. O. A. Graham, as physician at Elgin Manor be presented at this Session for approval. 4. Tha,t the Warden and Olerik be authorized to sign agreement with t)he /City of st. Thomas for cost of maintenanee of city residents at E:lgin Manor. All of which is respectfully submitted. aLAiRENCE BLUE, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL 129 PROBATION OFFIOER'S BElPORT Report to County Council November Session, 1958 Your Worship and Members of Elgin !County. Council: It is with great pleasure that I mak:e this first report of what I hope will be annual reports to you, on the function and progress of: the Probation Service and of the Juvenile and Family Court here in Elgin County. For those of you who are not faJrniliar with our beginnings, thel following is a Sjh.ort, historical sketch. The probation Otfice was insti- tuted in April of 1954,. with my appointment under the Probation Act. A t the same time on request of the iC'ounty and City Councils the Juvenile Delinquents Act of the Dominion was p2'oclaimed for this County under the enabling legislation of the Juvenile and iF"amily Courts Act 1954 Ontario Statutes. This was done as part of a, pro- gr~m instituted by the Ontario Government through the Department of the Attorney -General and which has seen PTobation Services pro- vided fQir the Oourts and Juvenile and Fam.i:1:y Cbu~t established throughoUit the Pmvince. Prior to that time,' Proba,tion was used in only a lImited. wa,y in Ontario, and indeed in Ganada. Ih 19M, for instance, 3,000 were placed on Probation. In 19'57, 6.981 new proba-, tioners with 12:,:858 on SUp8lrlVision during tha~ year. Wha,t this means; in saving, can easily b~ seen when. 1.' tell you that to keep a, man in an, iootitution fOol' one year, costs apprOximately $ti.15rOO.00. The same period on probation, costs only $50.010, and there is no need for loss of pro- ductivity and earnings and no need to maintain the famIly at public' Expense. Also, if necessary, the prohationer is in the pos:ition to pay resti- tution of damages or lOS/51. As an example of this, in 19;54 only $i153.0Qi was collected in restitution,. last year $2,.17,5.97 was collec,ted by our (,,jfice from pvobationers. To gIve an overall pictme of the work handled by our office, I would present the following statistJics: Total Gases - April 1, 1954, to October 31, 1958 ,... 865 Broken down as Juvenile (15 and under) .......,..,.... 175 13() ElLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Adult-Referred by Courts, Police, etc. ..,. ....'......... 2128 Family (Marital Problems, Counselling, etc.) .. ..... ~2' Besid€lSl these some 200* cases have been seen fOl~ various types oil help and advice, but have not been considerredas full cases and placed on file. Oompletions 19'54-55, - 315 cases - 19 successful 54% Completions 19516:-5,7 - 315 cases - 29 sUiccessful 83 % Present Active Case Load Juvenile, Prohation 19 Adult Probation 31 Family Counselling and Court SlUpervisionli49 (5 OountYJ (15 County) 050-!50 County and City) Total..,,, 199 Besides the adive counselling, supeI'lVision and casework which goes on with these 1!9,g oases last year we did 50' full presentence re- ports for the Gourts and to date in 1958 have done 44 reports,. Besdes be'ing Probation Officers respons~ble to all Courts of the. County, I myself act as Clerk of the Juvenile and Family Oourt with responsibility to the Judge for the preparation cases, dockets, records, mders and the collection of all money ordered paid to wives and children for their SU;PPOift by desserting husbands. This phase of the work entails a tremendous amount Qif clerical work and bookke1etP'IDg and we are indebted to a very efficient but overworked secreta,ry, Mrs. Ruth Griffiths, for the proper handling of this phase. As an indica- tion of what has been acoomplished in this division I present the\ following statistIcS: ramUy Court Collections June-December 1954 195:5 1956 19,57 ,,$ 4,5Or7.65 ....,.. 12,582.50 26,2,43.36 29,740.14 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 131 Add to this the $2,lmS.OO of restitution collected in 1957, and you see we are better than a :$30,000.00 a year business, and gentlemen, this is money in the t~ayer's pocket>! because if it were not collected. tp.ese wives and children would have to be supported at public ex-; pense. In our first month with a few cases handed over by the CA.S.. and Magistrate's Courts we collected $107.00. The second $209.00, the third, '$5014.00. Since then with those and new cases, we have not looked back, and now oollect aJbout $2t,500.ilJiO per month. Our major effort is not in tihe field of collection of money' from errant husbands as imp:ressive as thilS may be at present. We Me, mUlch more concerned with helping people to solve their problems. We! would much sooner deal with a jUVlenile out of Court and effect a change in his beha,viour without probation, or, Training School. We would much rather deal with a husband and wife out of Clourt anc.t achieve a reconciliation than be for/ced to take the case to Court. We\ spend many hours working at the buSliness of preVlention of delinquency, crime and broken families. We hope ,and feel our efforts are worth every hour of time and all the effort. We are, however, shorl, staffed both in Probation Officers and clerical help. Next year, a budget will be. presented for the Family Cfourt to this~ and city council, under admin-J istration of justice ,costs. It will not be a lar'ge bUdg,et as the Province\, carries most of the burden of our off'ice. We could use the added clerical help today, and we would a'ppr€lctate any move tha,t could be made to obtain this. I thank yoU! lagain for the opportunity of making this report. I would !be pleased to answea- to the best of :my ability, any qlUes1tions you might have. EARL D. MOORE, Probation Officer, County of E:Jgin 132 EDGIN COUNTY OOUNC[L, WEED INSPECTOR'S REPORT November Session, 1958 To the Warden, and Members of the Eligin Gounty Council: Gentlemen: I wish to report to the Members of the County ICIouncil, on ~e weed contro~ p!I'logram for this year. We had an early Slpring this year, fanners in a1mos,t every part of the County weTe on the land in March. Some farmers had forty to fifty acres of spring grain sowed by the end of March. All signs from fthen look: as if the County of Elgin would ha,vea good c:rop y:ea.r, and I would say Elgin County grew one of the bei.S1t CI'lOPS in many Years, and the 1iargroo,t acreage. The middle of April we had good showers, the spring grain made rapidgIrorwth, and the weeds ,began to come ,along g1ood, alsQi. Yel:low Rocket whi'ch is one of the worst weeds came first. I would say it didn't thdve or grow quite as good ttUs year, as in other springs, but th€["e was plenty, and quite /bad in oome areas. I called on many farmers who had badly infEsted fields. I worked on this weed aU the time it w:as in flower . I asked some fa.J'mers to plow these fields, and I would slay that nine out of ten CiomlPJied, and put beans in the fields. This weed comes in new seeding, and when yoU buy graSSI seed at the price it is now, YOU certainly hate to plough 1t Under. When you spray Yellow Rocket to check it, you kill your c1ov~. Then next, came the mustaird weed. It was the worst I ever have seen in the CQlUnty. I called on as many fa.rmers as I cou~d, and a.dvised the farmers to have it. spcr,'ayed, which many co-operated. It doesn't take muqh chemical to keep mustard seed frOm maturing, but the seed will lay in the ground fol' many years. Then next, came the oxi daisy, wh]CJh is a bad weed, it comes in pastures and ill hay fields, unless YOU have your haying done' early, that should be by <Tune 20th. EDGIN OOUNTY COUNC[]L 133 Then next, is the wild icarrot which is growing in almost two-thirds of EU.gin Oounty. Is is easily controlled by s(praying, but should bet sprayed twice a year. The next weeds are the Golden Rod and Ragweed. Then the people who suffer from hay fever start to complain and the weed inspectors are busy. I am getting more complaints this year than in other years. I gave out more notices this year than in previorus years. I have a large numibea:- of complaints where there are sub-div~ionsl and v'acant lots. I would say these take nearly one-third of my time. Ne:xt, I will give you a report .of the spr'aying done in the County this year: Crop Spraying - Clocn ......'..........,.................. Spring Grain ........."..... Pastures ...",.......,..,...".....' Vegetables .,..."....",.".,..,., Pre-emerged Corn ........ Soybeans .....,......,....."...... 35,000 acres 6.0010 acres, 215,0001 acres 50 acres 500 acres 40iO acres County and 'lYownship roads are mowing improvement through- out the County, but improvement can still be made. County Roads sprayed liOiO miles. Oounty Roads mowed 233 miles. SUlburban Roads sprayed 310 miles. Suburban Roads mowed 310 miles. 80me of this work was done a, little too late. TOIwnshilP roads mowed 300 mHes. Township roads sprayed 69'3 miles. The Provinci,al Highways in E[gin Clonnty were kept well mowed t.his year. FOUIr' townships own their own sprayers, and are doing good work on weed control, and aJso, getting some of the brush. I hope the three other townships will purchase spra,yers ne:xt year, and also the Oounty. It has been estimated that :2~5 farmers own sp:r:ayers tproughout the Oounty, not counting the Slpirayers owned by the tobacco growers. 134 ElDGIN rOOUNTY GOfUNIO]L NOIW, I would like to thank C'ounty and township officials who have co-operated and helped me in the control of weeds throughout the! C'ounty of mgin, for tJJ,e year, 1191518. Your Cbunty Weed [nspector, OLAYBOU'RNlE GORDON, Weed Inspector, IOounty of Elgin. ROAD COl\'IMITTEE. REPORT November Session, 1958 St. Thoma.s, Ontario To the Warden, and Members of the lEIlgin C'ounty COuncil, YOUIR ROAD COMMITTE! begs to report as follol\\ts: 1. ROAD MULCH PAVEMENTS have been laid on the the fol- lowing Roads during 1956: (a) Bayham, Road No. 4!6, Highway No. 3 to Oxford County Line ,......,..".................................. ........ 3.0 miles (b) !South Dorchester, Road No. 5\1 Highway No. 74 easterly....."............,.....,.....,............... 1.0 miles (c) Dunwich and SOIut(hwold Tlownline, Road 1:4, Highway No. 3 northerly.......................... 1.8 miles (d) Dunwich, Road No.6, New Currie Road Portions north .of Dutton ............................"... ......... 3..0 mdles '8'.8 miles 2,. EXTEN'SHi'E WIDtENINlG, ~G and GRA:VIE;L!I1INO was done on the following Roads: (a) south DOI'ichester, Yarmouth and Westminster 34 MJOL. Townline, Belmont westerly.................... 0.8 miles (b) Malahide, Road No. 42" The Lake Road at Road No. 40 .....'.......................... 0.4 miles EI.KNN COUNTY COUNC[IL 135, (c) Dunwich and Dutton, lRoad No. 13, Dutton easterly to Willey's Side Road 2.0 miles (d) DunwiCjh., Road No.8, The New CUrrie Road Thames River, southerly to Con. II ...................... 1.8 miles (e) Aldborough, Road No.3, The FurniVial Road C'on. Ita Con. IV............................................................ 4.0 miles 9.0 miles 3. HOlT MIX PAVING was done on Road No. 1513:, Aylmt;r, on South Street from ,Queen Street to VictOlria Btreet,apprcoximately noo feet, and a Double Surface treatment applied to E[k !Street, a distance of approximately % mile. 4. APiPROXIMA'!1EJLY 26 MILEfS of County Roads, and 7 MILES of SUburban Roads were surfaced, treated with Bituminous Materials: and Stone Chips. 5. CONlOREcr"E OUiINElRTS were, or will be constructed on: Road No.8, McMillan Culvert, Dunwich, Cun. III, Dumvich. Road No. 19, The Hunt Drain, Southwold, near Soruthwold StJation. Road 17 lVI.C.L., 2: CUlverts. Southwolld Delaw:are and Westminster. Road No.3, Culvert extended in ,conjunction wit,h the Grading of the FU!rni.val Road, AldboroUtgh. 6. OTHEIR CiUILiVE'RT'S installed include: Road No.8, at the May Hill, Dunwich, a Multiplate Structure 1!50' long. other Steel 'CUlverts were installed on IRoads Nos. 3, 8, 13, 34 MJO.L., and 412, in con~;unction with Grading Opea'ations. Miscellaneous Culverts were installed throughout the County. 7. The COOKS, PHILLMORE and VIfElNNA BRIDG1ElS: ha;ve' been painted. 136 E[,,OI.N COUNTY COUNOIL 8. REPAIRS have been conducted on the following Bridges: (1) Plilllmore (2) st. George Street on Suburban Road (3) Patterson on Suburban Road (4) Belmont between N. and S. DOrqhester east of Belmont over Kettle Creek (5) Dingle sta-eet Bridge in Aylme'r 9. GRAJV1E[, RiESiURFAC[NG \VIaS done on: Road No. ~, Malahide, Road No. ,~ east to Bayham Townline. Road No. 45, MaJahide and Ba,yham Townline, Road No. ~i to ICbn. V, Malahide. Road No. 410, Malahdde, Highway No. 3 to Glen iOoHn. GRAViElL RlESU1R!F'AOlNiG will be done on: Road No. 5i2:, Malahide and South Dorchester. RIoad No. 152 OX, South Dorchester and Dereham. Road No. 46, Bayham, Eden Btridg'e westeTly. 10. THE BOTHWELL BRIDGE, 'Dow~ps Aldborough, Orford" Moza and Zone has been completed by the County olf Kent, and has been opened to trraffic. ,111. SiIlGNALS have been installed on County Road No. 19, South- wold, no~th of Frome at the C.N.R. Crossing. 12:. TRAJF!PIO COU~TS we!re continued on County Roads thiS! summer. 113. PLANS for a TRJ1pLE BOX <CULVERT Structure over the! Otter Greek at Richmond Hill, Road 13, Bayham Township, have been, finished by ijle Department of Highways. Land Purchase is under way, and Cl~.....ring will be started shortly. 14. THE SUBlURBAN COMMISSION is completing Plans and Purchasing Land for the 'Wellington Road EOCtension to Highway No. FanIN OOiUN~ COUNC~ 1317 4, from the. Lyndhurst School. Construction -is expected to commence in the Spring. All of which is respectfully submitted. LAWlRJENcm: C. HOLlLAND, Chairman. BY-LAW NO. 1728 "To Ap'point a Physician for Elgin Manor'~ The Council of the Corporation of the County of Ell:g1in enacts: THAT O. A. iGlraham, M.D., be, and :is hereiby appointed Physician for Ell;gin Manor at .a salary,or! Five Hundred Dollars per annum, payable monthly. THIS By-Law to be eff'ecrtiVle from October 1st, U)158:. READ a first time this 19th day of November, 11958. RlElAD a second time this 19th day of November,. 1,958. REIAD a third time, and finally passed this 19th day of November. 1958. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk J. B. WiLSON, Warden BY -LAW NO. 1729 "A By-Law to Appoint a Superintendent for Elgin Manor" WHEiRIEAS subsection 1 of Section 8, of the Homes, for the Aged Act, R.S.O. 19515, 'Chapter 30, ~ovides that, subj-eict to the approval of< the Lieutenant-Governor-in-iCouncil, the Council of a municipality that establishes and maintains: a Home shall appo~nt a Superintendent. 1318 ELlGINCIOfUNTY COUNiCTL THJE.REFORE BE IT EINACmElD,and it is hereby enacted by the Cbuncil of the County of !Eligin: THAT Mr. Ivan ;J. Patterson shall he, ,and he is here\by appointed! SUperintendent of Eilgin Manor. 1. That the newly appointed Superintendent wJ;1ose applicatJion; for the said position on the 1!4th day of July, 19158, was' alCcepted, and who has been Acting, Superintendent slinoe the 1st day of August, 19158,; shall now take office offici.ally effective the 1st day of January, 1959'. 2,. That the said IvanJ. Patterson shall be paid a salairy of $12,- 400.iOiO per annum, pa,yable monthfj-", with board and lOdging for him- self and family supp::Jii,ed by the C'olUnty. 3. That the said Ivan J. Patterson ,be paid ten !Cents per mile fo[' the use of his car on. business of ElJJgin . Mano[" to a limit Oif 300 miles per month. 4. That the said ISupffi'intendent slhall can-y out all duties as re- quired by the RegUlations of Homes fQ[, the Aged Act, and such other duties as directed by tihe E1gin Manor COmmittee. 0'. That this :By-Law shall come into fortce forthwith and take effect upon receiving approval of the [Aeutenant-Governor-in-ICouncil. 6,. All By-lLaws inconsistent to this By-Law are hereby repealed. REIAD a, first time this 19th day of Novemlber, 1195i8. RiEIAD a second time' this 19th day of Novembesr, 1958:. READ a third time, and finally passed this 19th day of November, 1958. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk J. .'B. WILSON. Warden ELiGlIN COUNTY COUNCIL 139 THE CORiPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 1730 A By-Law to Restrict and Regulate the Destruction of Trees By Cutting, Burning or Other Means WHEREAS it has become ,expedient for the gener:al weilfare of the County of Elgin to maintain and im!pil"ove the forest, soU, game and fish resOUrrces of the C'ounty b~ preserving and improving the woodlands of the County; and WHEREAS., undm- Slection 3 of The Trees Aet, the cooncil of a, clQunty is empowered to pass by;. laws, (a) restJric,ting' and regUlating the destruction of trees by cutting, burning or other means'; and (lb) providing for the appointment of officers to enforc'e the pro- visions of any by-law passed nnder this sec.1Jion; THiElRiEFORE the iOouncil of the Cmpo["ation of the Gounty of EQgin enacts as follows: 1. (;1) EXcept as hereinafter provided, no living tr'ee of the species listed below that shall not have attained to the measurements specified below shall be destroyed by cutting, burning or other means: 14 inches in diameter or 44 inches in circumference-- PL"'m - White, Red SFtR,UOE: - Norway, C'olorado, White OAK - White, Swamp, BW"!l', Chestnut, Red, BlaJok MAPLE; - Hard, Red, Stilver, Black POPLtAR - Cottonwood WALli:'II;lJT - Black, White HICKO/RY - Shagbark, Plgnut,Mocke'rnut EiLM - Wl1,ite, Red, Rock ;140 ELGIN <COUNTY COruNCIL ASH - White, Black TUtLLP, BASSWOOD, CHESTNUT, COFPElE, auCiUMBER, GUM, HAC!KBERR.Y. SYOAMORE, HlEMLOCIK. BEmOH, ~ ALDER 8 inches in diameter or 25 inches in circumference- TAiMARAC,LAiRACH PINE - Jack, Scotch 6 inches in diameter or 19' inches in circumference- BiI!RCH - White, Gr:ay, Black CEDAR - White, Red CHlElRJRiY, LOOUST POPLAR - Balsam, Trembling Aspen (21) Measurements referred to. in subsec:tJion (1) above shall in- clude the bark and. be taken ata Po.int on the tree ,eighteen inches above the highest point of the ground at the base of the tree. 2. This by-law shall not apply to (a) trees that a,re to be cut for use or sale as Chrisltmas trees; (b) diseased or insect infested trees tha~ should be cut or iflemoved to prevent disease or insects from spreading to other trees; (c) trees that have been da."!l:aged by disease, insects, wind, ice, fire, lightning" or o~ caues to an extent that the content of merohantaJble timbe[" in such trees is not likely to increase; (d) trees of poor form and quality that should be cut to impro.ve the health and development of the remaining trees in the stand; (e) trees grOwing o.n locations fo.r firegruards, smid-ways or logging trails ; ELIGiIN COUNTY COUNCmr... 141 (f) tTiees that should be cut or removed to' provide access fOT Icutting ather tr:ees that are to be cut. 3. Tlhis By-lLaw shall not: (a) interfere with the right of a person who has been the regis- tered owner of land for ,at least two years tocrut trees thereon for his own use; (b) InteTlfere with any rights or powers conferred upon a, munici- pality iby The Municitp'al Act; (c) interf&e with the rights or powers of the! Hydro Ellec:tric Power <Commission of Ontario or any other Board 0'1' Commission which isi performing its functions for or on behalf of The Gmnernment of Ontario; (d) apply to trees growing: upon any highway or upon any opened, road allowance; (e) apply to trees growing in a woodlot having an area, not exceeding two aJcres. 4. Any person who violates the provisions of t,his By-Law shall, be guilty orf an offence and liable to! a penalty of not exiceeding $5.001.0:01 or toa term of imprisonment not exceeding three months. 15,. That officers to enforce the prOlviSlionsoi this By-Law ma,y be appointed by resolution of' council and an off'icer so appointed shall: (a) not be a member of council for the County of Ellgin; (h) hold office for such term as may be specified by Tesolution of the Council; and (c) be paid an allowance far salary at the rate of '$11.00 per pour when engaged in the enforcement of this By-Law and an, allowance for traJvelUng .erxpenses at the rate of ten cents pel" mile travelled in the enforcement of this BY-Law. 6. By-Law No. 1499 of the County of Elgin is hereby repealed. 142 EDGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 7. This By-Law shall come into force ,and take effect immediately /Upon the passing thereof. PASSEiD in open Council 1st reading the 19tjh day of November, 11958. 2nd reading the 19th day of November, 119156. 3rd reading the 19th da~ of NOVemlber, H1158. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk J. B. WIlLSON, Warden BY -LAW NO. 1731 "To Pay Mileage to Jurors for Attendance at Court" WHlERIEAS ISIection9iO, subsection 5, of The Jurors Act, R.S.O. 1!950 makes proviS'~on for pa,yment of mileage to Jurors for attendance at Courrts, by by-Ia:w of the County Council; THE Corporatton of the County of Elg1n enacts: THAT every grand juror and evetry petit juror actually attending sittings of the Supreme Court, Court 0[ the General Sessions of tjhe PeaJce, or County Court, shall be paid fifteen cents fOil" 'every mile necessarily travelled from place of residence to the Court for each day of attendance at Gourt. READ a first time this 1:9th day of November, 1958. READ a sooond time this 19th day of November, 1958. READ a third time, and finally passed this 1.9th day of November, 1958. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk J. B. WILSON, Warden ELG[N COUNTY COUNian. 143 - - INDEX - - GRANTS - Ahr1a Colleg'e ...........,...... '..,.....,....."..'............. ...... ,.... .........., '" ..... ..., ...,... .,..,. 24 Agrioultural and Horticultural Societies ........".............................. 94 Oanadian National iInstitute for the Blind .......""................,,,..,,.,,. 2'4 Pulblic Libraries ...............,.. ,.,.. .... ....,............ ....... ...... ......... '........ ........',... ,..... 26 To the Warden and Reporters ....................."......"................... 114, 1,15 Sal'Vation Army ".............",.............""................."........."....""... ............" 214 University of W-est~ Ontario ................................................................ 2'4 Women's Institutes .................... .... .............................,.. ............... .... ........... 23 Local Agricultural Office ....................................................................."..... 27 Law Library .... ..,......",...,.."."..,..................... ............. ........ ................... ........... 2:4 Scholarship G~ants ................. ........................."...................,.....,......... ....... 26 st. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital ...................................................... 23 st. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital Building' FUnd .................." 23 Elgin County Library Oo-Opex,ative ................".............................".., 26 E1gi:Q. Pioneer Museum ..".......,.,.,........,............"........,.,.......,.....,......... ..,..., 24 Trustees and Ratepayers Association "..........,....................................., 26 Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit ....,........................................................... 2'3 Elgin Oounty Plowmen's Association ........"........................................" 27 Judge's Plan in Township of Yarmouth .....,,,..,,,..,,,,.,,.........,,....,,...., 53 MISOELLANEOUS - Appointments of Delegates and Representatives ....".... 17, H3, 24 Oommunications ""..."................,........................",,6, 40, 76, '9, 92, no Oounty Council .. ............... ""......"...........,.............................................., ..... 3 Warden's Address .........................,..............,.......... ...... 5, 39, 75, 91, 108 144 mom COUNTY COUNlCIL Delegations .....'........." .............................................. .... -...... ......... 12" 42 Warden's Election . ............. _........ ................................... ............. ................. 4 RiEPORTS OF COM.M:ITTEE AND OFFICIALS - A:gricultura.I Committee ......'..................................... 27" 518, 86, 99, 12:5 Agricultmal Office-FinanciaJ. Report ............................................... 20 County Cllerk on Licenses .......................................................................... 1:19 Elgin Manor C'ommittee ,................................................,...... 8i7, 103, 128 ,county Assessor's Report ..............,........................................................... 56, County Treasurer's lR,eport ...................................................... 78, 82" 1.20 Eduoation -Committee ...........,.....................,.........,.................... 26" 87, 127 Equalization ..... ......,.., ...,.. ....... '....,.... ..... .....,........ .....'... '.,.,....,......., .... ............ 517 Finance !Committee ..,......'..........,....... ......................... 22, 512, 815, 100, m4 Library Co-Operative ...'........",., ,..., ...........,.....,...'...... ...,....,.....,. ,..'........... ... 311 Elgin County Museum Report ........................................."..................... 32 Secretary's Report of E~gin Manor ........................................................ 122 Petitions and LegisLa,tions ..,........................................... 215, 83, 1012', 12:6 Probation Officer's Report ...", '. .,..... '.....,..., .,. '..... .... ..'..,.............. ......,....,. 1129 Property Committee Road Committee ...... ...... ........,.. ........,.. ,.........'...... 84, l'O!2:, 112F7 ,.. 28, 5,9, 88, 100, 13:4 standing Committees .......................................................................... 10, 19 Weed Inspector 132 BY-LAWS - No. 1709 To Authorize the Wa.rden and Treasurer to Borrow the sum of $700,000.010 ..................... ....,...........'..... 34 No. 1710 To Appoint a Board of Audit in the County of ELgin for the year, 19'58 ......................................,................. 35 No. 1:71111 To Appoint a County Road Committee .......................... 36 EDGIN COUNTY COUNCIiL 145- No. 1t7112 To Amend By-Law No. 1I5iT7 re Salary of the Secretary-Treasurer of El1g1in Manor .........,...................... 3,7 No. 1713 To Appoint a Deputy Clerk-Treasurer fOT the County of EIlgin .......................................................................... 37 No. 1714 To OoIllfum the Equatimtion of the Assessment Rolls of the iCbunty of iElgm, for the year, 19&8 ..............,..... 61 No. 17115 To Raise Amounts for County Rates for the yea,r, 1958 ..... .......... ...,...,..'... ,......'.'.'.......... ...,'..' ,....... .,'...','........... ..,. ....,... 62 No. n1!6 To Provide for the il19518 E'xpenditu["eSl on Roads under the Higjhway Imp!l'ovement Act ............................ 63 No. 17117 To PrQlvide fo[" Expenditures Q1n the Bothwell Bridge 65 No. 1718 To Provide for Supplementary l'915i8 lEbcpenditures on Roads and Bridges ............................................................ 66 NQi. 17119 To Amend By-Law NQi. 1696; re Salary and Car Allowance o,f the County Road Superintendent ........ 67 No. 1720 Granting' Privileges to' the Dominion Natural Gas Company ... .......,.................................,.......................... ................ 68 No. 17211 To Appoint a T1r'oo tClommissioner for the County of Elgin .,.........'... .......................................,........... .................. '..... 72 No. 17~2: To Amend By-Law NQi. 11516\1 re Mileage of Weed mspector . ........... ...... ........... .... ........ ......,........... ..... .......... ........,..... 73 No. 1723 To Amend By'-[.,aw No. 1I.69i5 ire Members' Wages ...... 7S No. 17,24 To Amend By-Law No. W96 re Salary of the County Road Superintendent ....................'...................... 89 No. 17215 To C'onfirlTI By-["aw No. ,1369 of the TOWTl..ship of Bayham re Closing Alley in the Village of Eden .... 104 No. 17126 To Amend By-La,w No. 897 and Designate County Road No. 25 between SouthwQild and Yarmoui1h .... 105 No. 17217 To Repeal By-Law No. 16SIS re appointment of Physician at Eilgin M~:mor .................................................... 106 No. 1728 To Appoint a Physician for Elgin Manor 137 No. 1729 To Appoint a Superintendent for EIlgin Manor .... 13,7 ,1!46 lEIDGiIN COUNTY COUNC[jL No. '1i73'01 To ;Restrict and RegiUJate the Cutting of Trees ...... 139 No. '171311 To P:ay Mileage to Jurors for Attendance at Oourt 142 RlESOLlJTIONS - Re-Petition for Government Road S'Ubsidy ....,............................... 9 Colonel TaLbot's Tomb .............................................................. 13, 80 Wash Basins in Nurses' Residence at New Hospital........ 4.'1 Appreciation of Mr. A. V. Langton ............................................ 44 F'riendship, School ...,............... ,..........................,......... ............ ............ 80 New Hom,e for the Aged ............................................................ ...... 81 iOlosing of the Railway Stations at Rodney and Dutton .. 94 Clertificate for !Permanent Employees under the JRegulia,- tions of the Unemployment Insurance Ac,t .. '.............. 95 .A(ppointment of a full time Police Magistrate ................... 96 ApprovaJ. of Farm, Organizations ................................................ t14 Alteration to No.3 Highway a,t New Sarum .................,...... 1:15 Subsidy olf $1250'.00 to the Warden .............................................. 116