1959 Minutes . ,. ~~~~!~~~~~~1~1~~~~111_ ~)E:\~'t~ PROCEEDINGS OF THE Elgin Counly Council During the Sessions held in the Court House, St. Thomas in the Months of January, March, June, September and November 1959 J. D. THOMSON, County Clerk LLOYD GURR, Warden ,) b_~6 / /,,7 -7 7_=7 <; PRO CE EDIN'G S OF THE Elgin Counly (ouncil FIRST SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday t the 20th day of January t 1959 The Elgin County Council met this day at the' Court House" St. Thomas, as! required by Statute'. The fonowing members filed Certifica,tes and took their se'ats at the Council table: MaLcolm B. McColl, Re,eve, Aldborough Jo'htll K. Hux, Deputy Reeve, Aldborough Cllarence Blue', R,e,eve, Dunwich Allen Crawford, Deputy Reeve, Dunwich Herhe'rt Hunter, Ree've, Southwold FarneUJ Nimmo, Deputy Reeve, Southiwold Donald! Burg,esls, Reeve, Yarmouth Granville Gloin, Deputy Reeve, Yarmouth Harvey Liddle, Reeve'. Mal.ahide ClintoIll T. Learn, Deputy Reeve', Mal'abide Basil Nevill, Re,eve, Bayham Donald M. Chute, Deputy Reeve. Hayham Jonru B. Wilson, Re'eve, South Dorchester John T. Minard:. Reeve. Ayl:me'r 4 ~LGIN COUNTY.. COUNCIL Russell McKibbinb Deputy Reeve', Aylmer Edwarrd! Beattie, Reeve, Vienna James W. Ba!rker, Reeve, Springfield Bertrand' E. Downey, Reev,e, Dutton Ll,oY{]J S. Gun, Reeve, Port StanJ:ey L. Garnet Speers!, Deputy Reevei, Port Stanley tOhIll H.Wight, Reeve, Rodney Lloydl Elliott. Reeve, West Lorne KeIllneth Baird~ Ree've, Port Burwell ,r, The election of Warden wasl proce,eded with, and on the' first ballot Lloyd 8. Gurr, Reeve, of the Village of Port Stanley wasl declared Warden for the year, 1959. It waS' moved by Reev,e Nevill that the. election of Warden be made unanimous. The Warden thanked the' membersl of Council for the honour conferred, and! took the declaration of office. Reeve Wilsmli pr.esenied the Warden with the gavel and the Lord Elgin watch:, -and C'on'glratulate,d him on his election to' the high office. t Warden Gurr addressed the Council. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 5 WARDEN'S ADDRESS January Session, 1959 Gentlemen: May I once again take this opportunity of acknowledging the great honoUT that you have conferred upon myself, and especially my Village, in eledIng me warden fOT 1959. It has; been 41 long years since PORT STANLEY had a warden, in the person of the late Nathan Cornen, andl I am sure' that the people of PORT STANLEY as well as myself will be happy with the conrfidence you have' shawn by electing me' Warden of Elgin County for the' ensuing year. May I. also take this! opportunity to we}come the' six new mem- bers to COUNTY COUNCIL. I am sure that you will all benefit in knowledge', and deem it an honour to belong to. such an important body. In County mattersl, we have another busy year looming ahe'ad. Our COUNTY ROAD PROGRAM is, the big item on County Council. While we may question. items that arise in our three-year plan, it is only with an over-all picture of what we ultimately wish to see' in a Road! System, that we can confidently go ahead .andl plan for the fu- ture,-I recommendl a close slcrutiny of our existing road building plan. Our first responsibility is to the farmers of the back concessionsl, who are' entitled to. gaod main access' roads'-an increase in the number of cars!, and heavier trucksl pluS! the modernrd.ay necessity to viSIt urban centers more often, have made' this imperative. OUR COUNTY HOME and) COUNTY BUILDINGS aTe in good shape. ThecoI1struction of the' new COUNTY-CITY NURSES RESI- DENCE continues on schedule. Our County Assessor is now well along the way to. the installation of the new card-system far equaliza- tion. This should be completed for 1961 aSlsessment. This iSI the lang-awaited year, that will see the opening of the ST. LAWRENCE SEAWAY. This year will slee the commerce and shipping of the world sailing into. the farming and! industrial heart- land of North America. While much has been said of the boom that will follow in the wake of the opening or thisl great waterway, I predict it will be fol- lowed by a ste,ady economic wave, similar to the one that washed! the . shores of California followd.ng the opening of the Panama Canal. The attendance of our GRACIOUS QUEEN ELIZABETH and HER .Consort. at this imp.ortant evc'nt, rais.es! ho'p,es, th.at Elgin, vv"ill be honored by a visit from the Royal Couple. Let me assure you, that every effort possible, has. gone forth to promote this visit-The latest information received!, that the. Royal 6 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ~J Party will travel from LondlO'IlI to Strat.fonl for a CQmmand Perfor- mance will be, preceded we trus't, by a visit in Elgin. This matter is in the hand/sl of the RO'yal: Hospitality Committee' and I await wO'rd from them daily. 1958 saw ELGIN FARMERS reaping recO'rd crops' in splendid weather. CO'rn, wheat and soybean shipments frO'm Port Stanley elevatQrs to' world! mar~ets! continue to rise'. We sincerely hO'pe the prices on these cropSl, will increase, aSI shipments' increase, andJ, with Last ye'ar'si tohac1cO' crap' mO'ving, we look ahead more cO'nfidently to' a levelling-off O'f CO'st pdces" plus: increased marketsl via the ST. LAW:' RENCE SE,AWAY. 1959 looks like anO'ther banner year for Elgin CO'unty. Let us keep ecO'nO'my in publlic spending, cantinually to' the fore while pre- paring our budget, but not false economy that neglects' effilCie'ut ser- vices, and payment of SALARIES commensurate with the dutiesl and resPQnsibilities Qf various offices,. Gentlemen the labQurer is: still wO'rthy of his hire. Let USi accept withO'ut hesitation, slUch resPO'nsi- bilities as may be O'urs'. With! these thO'ughts! in mind, gentlemen, let us: prO'ceed! with the bus1iness of the'. ses1sion. ~ $, MO'vedl by Deputy Reeve Hux. SecO'nded by Reeve' McCO'll': 'That the' minute's of the last da,y.of the November SessiQn, 1958, as pi'inted i11l the Proceedingsl, be appro'Ved. .,-Carried. The' following cO'mmunications: were r,ead, and referredr. to' their v,ariauSl Committeesi: COl\'IMUNICA TIONS January Session, 1959 From the Dept. of M:unicipal: AffairS' re County Council Repres,en- tatiO'n. - Filed. FrO'm the St. Thomas Y. M. C. A. with invitation to' nO'O'n lun- cheon. - Filed. From Almal College with Fd:nancial' RepO'rt and! invitatiO'n to' lunch. - Referred! to' the Finance- Committee. From the OntariO' Municipal BO'ard re Hearing O'n Township of Bayham By-Law NO'. 1380. - Filed. E,LGIN. COUNTY COUNCIL 7 From the Dept. af Highways, re Subsidy an 1959 Raad Expendi- tures. - Referred to' the' Road Committee. F'rom the Navy League of Canada with request far a grant. - Re- ferred to the Finance Committee. Fram the Onta1'io Schaal Trustees' and Ratepayers' Association re Annual Conventian andi request far.a Membership Fee. - Referred to" the EducatiOn! Cammittee. From the County of Wentwarthre' Amendment to' Section 29, of the Public Haspitais' Act. - Referred to the' Petitians and Legislatians Committe'e. From The Canadian National Institute far the Blind with Report and request far a grant. - Referred to' the Finance Committee. From Mis's' B. Coyne, County Registrar, wiith repart OIl! feesl. -- Filed. C From St. John's Ambulan\ce' with request far a.grant. - Referred to the Fillrance Committee. From the St. Thomas Suburban: Raad Commission with Repart anld 1959 Estimates. - Referred, to the Roadi Committee. From the Elgin Schoal Trus,tees' and Ratepayers' Association with request for a grant. - Referred to the Education Cammittee. From the Salvatialll Army with request for a, grant. - Referred to', the Finance Committee. Fram the Caunty of We.ntworth with re.s:olution re gas reguLa- tions. - Referred to the Petitions' and Legislations Committee. From the OntariO' Agricultural Council with requesit for a grant, and appointment of delegates. - Referred to the Agricultural Cam- mittee. From the Dept. af Mund,cipal Affairsl re Subsidy Grant :far indi- gent patienrt:s. - Referred to' the Finance' Cammittee. From the Ontario Goad! Raads, Association with request far .a Membership' Fee ancL appointment of diel'egates:. - Referred to' the Road Committee. From the United Counties of Northumberland! and Durham with resalution re Controls in the call1ning industry. - Referred to the Agriculture CanunJittee. Fram the Associatian af Ass-essing Of:fiicers: af Onfa.rio with re- quest far a membership fee. - Referred to' the Finance' Committee'. From the' Ontario Municipal As'siO'ciatian with request for a\ Mem- bership' Fee. - Referred! to the, Fin.ance Cammittee. Fram the Ontario Association af Rural Municipalities with request for a Membership F'ee. - Referred to the Finance Cammittee. From the' St. Thomas Civil Defence requesting appaintment of represen.tatives. - Referred to the Fin.ance' Committee. ..1 10 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL q FIRST SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 21st day of January, 1959 The Elgin- County coun-cn met this day at the Court Hous'e, St. Thomas, in accordance with addourIllmenlt. The WardJen in the' Chair. AlL members were present. The, minutes: of thel previous day were' read and confirmed. Moved! by Deputy Reeve' Spee!I'S1 that Dr. Hoffman, M.O.H., be now hea'rd. Dir. Hoffman adidre.s,sed the' Council requesting an in- crease in the per capita rate to $1.50 for the ElgimlSt. Thomas' Health Unit. The Warden thanked DT. Hoffman and referred! the request to the Finance Committee. Moved by Deputy ReeiVe Hux that Dr. Allin, Vice-President of the University of Western.Ont,ario be now heard. Dr. AHiru addressed the Council on the activities and' plans of the' UniveiI'sity, and reques1t- edi a' grant. This, request was referred! to the Finance Committee. Moved by Reeve Elliott that Major DumertoIlJ be now heard. He addressed: the Coundl on the work of Bethesda Hospital, and! re- quested a grant, which was' refe'rredi to the Finance Committee. Moved by Reeve, Blue th.at Mr. Neill, Deputy Game Warden, and Mr. Wensl, be now heard. Mr. Neill adiCkes,sed the' Council on rabies and removai of limit of drives, to eliminate foxes, and the matter was referred! to the' Agricultural Committee. Mr. WeUs addressed the Council re Americanl Hunters, and thisl was referred to the Agricul... tural.Committee. The report of the special committee, to strike the standing com- mittees for 195>9, waSi pres1ented and adlopted! onl motion of Reeve Wil- son and! Deputy Reeve Speers. .:\ ~-/ IVfovedl by Reeve Burges,s', Seconded by Ree,ve Liddle: That we do now adgourn to' meet at 2; p..m. thiS' afternoon. -Carded. -\ The Council resumed!. The' first report of the Finance Co!p..mittee was presented, and adopted!, on motion of Reeve Liddle'. and! Reeve Burgess. The: Petitions and\ Legis[ation\Sl Committee report was presented and adoptedr, on motion: of Reeve Beattie, and' Deputy Reeve, Chute'. .1> ..' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 11 Moved by Reeve' B. E. Downey, Secanded! by Reeve Blue: WHEREAS the HO'spU~ Services Act, 19'57, became effective January 1st, 1959, undJer which! waTd has.pitalization coverage became available to' the general public unde'r a general registratian plan, and, WHEREAS this' plan daes! not cover haspitalizatian to' citizens' regis- tered in! the conrvale'SiceDJt andlor nursing hO'mes of th~ Provilllce' af Ontario, - WHEREAS it has been definitely ,established that facilities are not available at the present ar in the' near future to provide accommod!a,.. tiO'n f()'r the aforementioned citizens, THE COUNCIL OF THE CORJPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN feelsl that these exclusions and restrictions are unfair and discriminata~, BE IT THEiRiEFORE: RESOLVE:D by the Cauncil of the' Corpora- tiOlll of the County of Elgin held! in ope'DJ meeting this 218<t d'ay of January, 1959, aSI follows': 1. That the Ontario, Hospital Services Commission be reque,sted to' give the foregoing immediate and earnest cansideration, whereby nursing andlor convalescent hames are deemed part af and eligible under the aforeme,DJtiO'nedi Act, O'r, 2. That Grants in aid may be made available as al1l interim measure to' cover a ,praportiO'nate cost which the Act would, pro'vide in the' ordinary operatian thereaf. Moved by Deputy Reeve Speers, Se'cond.'ed by Reeve Burgess: That we do now adjaurn to meet on Thursday, January 22nd, at ten: a.m. -Carried. J. D. THOMS-ON, Clerk LLOYD S. GURR, Warne'll ~ '14 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL g That BY'-Law No. 1734, "TO Appoint a Board .of Audit. in the County of Elgin for the year, 1959," be read a first time. " -Carried. Moved by Reeve Baird, SecOl1Jdedi by Re'eve Minardi: That BY'-Law No. 1734, be' read! a second time. -Carried. Moved! by Deputy Reeve Chute, Sec'ondedi by Reeve Baird!: That By-Law No,. 1734, be read a third time', and finally passed. -Carriedr i Maved! by Reeve' Blue, Se'condedl by Reeve Wd.ght: That By-Law No. 1735, "To Ap'point a County RoadJ C.ommittee," be read! a first time. -Carried. "'0' Moved by R,ee've B. E. Downey, Secanded by Re,eve Blue: That By-Law Na. 17315" be read a secondl time. '!, -Carried,. Moved by Deputy Reeve Crawford, Seconded by Reeve' Hunter: That By".Law No. 173'5, be read a third time, and finally p,ass,ed. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Learn, Seconded! by Reeve Burgess: That By-Law NO'. 1736, "To Re'-Appoint a Member to' the St. ThQmas SuburbaIll RQad Commission," be' re'a'd a first time. "'.. ~ -Carried. ELGIN. COUNTY COUNCIL 15 Moved bY Deputy Reeve Gloin, Seconded by; Reeve Liddle: That BY"'Law No. 1736, be read! a second! time. -Carried. Moved! by Reeve Burg€ss, Seconded! by Deputy Reeve' Gloin: That By-Law No. 1736, be read a third time, and finally p'asised. -Carried. The Warden appointedl the following delegates to attend the' various Conventions: GOOD ROADS-McColl, Hux, Beattie, Chute, Nevill, Wilson, Barker, Liddle, and! Speers. ONTARIO EDUCATIONAL-Warden Gurr, and the Clerk. ONTARIO MUNICIPAL,-Hunter, Burgess, Learn, and the Clerk. Deputy Reeve Speers announced that he would! have' a report of Colonel Talbot's Tomb, at the MaJ:"ch Session of Council. Moved! by Reeve Blue, Seconded! by Ree've' Wight: That we do now adjourn to meet on Tuesday, March 2'4th, 1959, at 10 a.m. -Carried. J. D. THOMSON; Clerk LLOYD S. GURR, Warden ..) 16 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Q, REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMUTTEE TO STRIKE THE STANDING COMMITTEES ?> January Session, 1959 To the Warden. an.d Members of the Elgin County Council, The following is the report of the Special Committee to strike the standing committees for the year, 1959: Administration of Justice - Judge J. F. McMillan, Speers, and' County Treasurer. <t- Agricultural - McColl, Blue" Hunter, Burgess, Liddle, Nevill, Wilson, and! Warden Gurr. County Roads - Burgess, Blue, Liddle, Hunter, Nev~ll, and; Warden Gurr. Advisory Road Committee - Wilson, and McColl. Elgin Manor - Barker, Chute, Learn, and! Ward,en Gurr. Children's Aid - Millardi, and Warden Gurr. Education - Hux, Crawford, Nimmo, Gloin, Learn, Chute, Wight, Elliott, Downe~, Speers, McKibbon, Ba<rker, Beattie, Wilson, Bairdl, and! Warden Gurr. Equalization - McColl, Blue, Hunter, Burgessl, Liddle, Nevill, Wilson, Wight, Elliott, Downey, Millard, Barker, Beattie, Baird, and Warden Gurr. Finance - McCoU, Blue, Hunter, Burges:s, Liddle, Nevill, Wilson, Wight, Elliott, Downey, Millardl, Barker, Beattie, Baird, and Warden Gurr. " ~ Health Unit - Hux, Elliott. Hospital - Wilson, and Warden Gurr. Library Board - Gloinl, McKibbon, Wight, and: Warden Gurr. Property - Nimmo, Downey;, Crawford" and Warden Gurr. Museum - Beattie, and Baird. Petitions and Legislations - Chute, Beattie, Baird, McKibbon, Down- ey, and Warden Gurr. '" II- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 17 Reception and Entertainment - Speers, Hux, Wils~on, Burgess, Barker, Downey, andJ Warden Gurr. Legal Committee - Wilson, Barker, Minard, and Warden Gurr. All of which is respe'Ctfully submitted. J. B. WILSON, Chairman. FINANCE COMMITTEE January Session~ 1959 - First Report To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports .aSI follows: 1. That the following hospital accounts be paid!: Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital....................$ St. Joseph's Hospital, London....... ............ ................... St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital (Active Unit).... St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital (Chronic Unit) The Hospit,al For Sick Children, Toronto................ Victoria Hospital, London"..,..........,...............,............ 168.00 714.00 3,898.60 ' 3,663.75 66.00 76,6.20 $ 9,276.55 All of; which is, respectfully submitted. HARVE.Y LIDDLE', Chairman. PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE January Session, 1959 To the Ward~en, and! Membersl.of the Elgin County Council, The Petiti.ons and Legislations, Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from the County of Wentworth re Regu- lations for gas ins1pection be endorsed~. 2. That the res.olution from the County of Wentworth request- ing reslCinding of Section 29 of the Public' Hospitals' Act, be approved,. All of which is! respectfully submitted. EDWARD BEATTIE, Chairman. 18 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FINANCE COMMITTEE January Session, 1959 - Second Report To the Warden, and! Members of the Elgin County Cauncil, The Finance Committee reparts: as follaws: 1. That Children's Aid Society PaiY List No.1, of $4,80'1.65 be paid. 2. That Charity and! Welfare Pay List NO'. 1, of $1,055.25 be paid. 3. That the Warden and! Treasurer be authorized to' borrO'w up to $7.00',000'.0'0 from the Bank of Montreal as may be required, and necessary by-law be prepared. 4. That the E.I!gin-St. Thomas Health Unit be granted $1.50' per capita for the year, 19'5-9. 5. That a grant of $500'.00 be made to the Elgin Pianeer Museum. 6. That the following memberS' constitute the Boardi of the Elgin Pioneer Museum far 1959 - Mrs. J. R. Futcher, Mrsl. Stanley Lyle, Mrs. Jesse VanPatter, Mrs. Robert Lark, Mr. M.C. Maore, Reeve Edward Beattie, and Reeve Kenneth Baird. 7. That a grant of $'0 be madie to' the University of Western Ontario. 8. That the Salvatian Army be granted $5.00.0'0. for the Bethesda Hospital. 9. That the usual grant of $50.00 be paidl to the Law Library. 10'. That the membership' fee af $25.00. be paid! to the Ontario Municipal Association, and! the Warden to' appoint delegates! to attend the Convention. 11. That the membership fee of $10,.00 be paid to the Associa- tion of Assessing Officers of OntariO', and the County Assessor to attend the Canvention with .all expensesl paid. 12. That Warden Gun, andl Reeve Burgess' be County re'pres:eIlt- tativeS1 to' inrvestigate Civil Defence. iIr '" 13. That the COl1"~1Ilunicatiol11 from the Ontario AsS'ociatio'Ili of Rural Municipalities, be filed. 14. That the grant to the Canadian National Institute far the Blind be $600.00. 15. That the request fram the Navy League af Canada for a grant be fdled. 1R 'f'h!lf, tht> _T!ll1 ~t!l,ff ht> O''I'!lntt>nl <I:.?llll llll in)Pl't>!lC;!~ tn, .!:Ill TnI"Tn_ ~v. ........a;-." "..s....", u_.a.Jo. ....,..,_.Ao.... w_ b....-....."'--. y-__.__ ......._...__...,._ "'- -.... ......-..... bers af staff. All of which is respectfully submitted. HARVEY LIDDLE, Chairman. '" ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 19 EDUCATION COMMITTEE January Session, 1959 To the Warden, and Membersl Qf the Elgin County Council, The Ediucation Committee reports' as' followsi: 1. T'hat a grant of $75'.00 be made to the Elgin County Trustees and Ratepayers' Association. 2. That the annual. membership fee of $25.00 be paid to the County and~ Muni'cipal Section of. the Ontario' EdUcational Associatiolli. 3. That thel usual' grant of $100.00 be paid to the boy from Elgin County attending the Ridigetown Agricultural School, attaining the highes1t standing. 4. That a grant of $50.00 be made to the locaL libraries of the County. 5. That a grant of $6,200.00 to the County Library Board! be made, as may be required. 6. That Mrs. D. Lud~, Mrs,. Irene Gracey:, and Mr. Clarence T'ay- lor, be appointed to the Library Board, for the' year 195-9. 7. That a grant of $100.00 each, to the boy and girl from Elgin County attending the University of Western Ontario, and attaining the highest academic standing, be made. All oTwhich is respectfully submitted. G. L. GLOIN., Chairman. ~ q 20 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT '~ January Session, 1959 To the Warden .andl Council of the CO'unty O'f Elgin, Gentlemen: Your RoadrCO'mmittee begs to' report as fol'lows: The. following is a summary of the CoStSI of Maintenance and Construction on the County of Elgin RoadS! during 195-8. CONSTRUCTION ROADS 1. Paving Road 46 B.ayham....................................$ 26,900.43 2. Paving and ShouLdering Road 51 South Dorchester ..................................... ..................... 15,142.34 3. Paving Road 14 Southwold and! Dunwich-.... 17,15.0.29 4. Paving Road 8 Dunwich.................................. 3.0,6\54.18 5. Grading andi Gravelling Road! 3'4 M.C.L. Yarmouth andl South Dor'chester .................... 10,365.13' 6. Grading and, Gr.av,elling Road 8 DuIliwich.... 3.0,589.86 7. Grading and GraveHing Road: 3' Aldhor- borough .. ............... .................................. ........... 61,3'35.19 8. Grading and Gravelling Road 13 Dunwich 31,591.61 9. Surface Treatment and1Paving Road 5'3,' Aylmer . . .. .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . . . .. . . . . .. 10. Shouldering Road 45 Malahide .................... 11. Gr.ading . and Gravelling Road! 42 Malahide 12. Paving Orford-Ald!borough Townline.......... 13. Land Purchased ................................................ 14. New Machinery ................................................ 15. Miscellaneousl Grading .................................. 16. Richmond! Hill - including Lan'd Pur- chase, Bayham . ........ ........... ..... ..... ........... ......... ..8,377.44 ;A /;1 't'-', 7,760.81 6,7'09.70 4,923.59 2,32R09 7,607.28 3.0,60'6.00 2,960.40 Total Roads' ........................................ 295,00'5.34 Suburban Roads ........... ...... .......... ................... 10,591.82 Total Roads.................................... ...... 30.5,597.16 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 21 CONSTRUCTION- BRIDGES AND CULVERTS 1. Richmond Bridge, B.a~ham ............................ 2. Bothwell Bridge, Aldborough........................ 3. Multiplate Culrvert Road 8, Dunwich, (in- cluding fill subsidized) .................................. 4. Culvert Pipe, Road 8 Dunwich. .................... 5. Concrete Culvert Extension Road 3 AI&- bOTough ........ ..........,................. ........... ...... ......... 6. Culvert Pipe, Road 3, Aldborough.................. 7. Culvert Pipe Road 13 DuDJWich...................... 8. Hunt Drain (Culvert Road:. 19 Southwold (partially completed) ......... ...... ......... .............. 9. Completion of Concrete Culvert Road 50, South Dqrchester .............................................. 10. McMillan Concrete Culvert Road! 8, Du!lt- wich' .......;.................. ......... ..... .................. .......... 11. Concrete Culvert Road 17 M.C.L. South" wold: ...................................................................... 12. Culvert Pipe Road 34 M.C.L. Yarmouth and: South Dorchester .................................... 1,647.95 71,583.85 9,157.63 5,414.93 2,861.03 6,520.45 4,182.89 3,942.69 106.48 7,410.26 4,645:.18 820.77 Total ........... ............ ......... ........ ....... ..... 118,294.11 Suburban Bridges ....... ........ .......... .............,.:,.... .2,092.40 Total Brid!gesi .................................... 120;386.51 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION- COUNTY AND SUBURBAN.............................. ..$425;983.67 22 E,LGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 0:; ~ MAINTENANCE ROADS 1. Drains and! Ditching............................. ........... 2. Maintenance of Gravel Roads:........................ 3. Gravel Resurfacing ......................................... 4. Repairs to Pavemenlts .................................... 5. Ice anld Snow Control .................................... 6. Surface TreatmeIllt (Seal Coating)................ 7. Dust Control ..................................... ................. 8. Weeds' and Brushing ...................................... 9. Guide Rails .... ... .......... ..... ... .......... ..... ....... ....... 10. Signs. .. .. . .. .. . .. . . . . . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. . .. .. .. ... .. . .. 11. Rail Road Protection ...................................... 12. CurbS' and Gutters .......................................... 13.. Drainage Assessments ...............,.................... 14. TowD's & Villages - Rebates ........................ MISCELLANEOUS SuperiIlltendence .............................................. Clerical .............................................................. Pension ..... .......................... ..... ......... ..~.............. Unemployment Insurance .............................. Holid!ays with Pay ............................................ Sick Benefits ................................ .................... Office .................................................................... Garage. .................................................................. Rodney Garage .................................................. MiscellaneouS' Repairs .................................... ToolS' .................. .......... ................... ....... .............. Insurance ............................................................ Machinery Overhead ....... ............................'.. 979.71 16,201.31 22,758.98 23,784.44 10,178.01 32,,357.14 15,579.2:2 7,911.50 311.12 2,228.32 2,733.54 33'.45 1,6'2.0.93 24,343.00 '" 4f 161,020.67 9,898.32 1,850.00 2,02'3.53 363.06 2,845.43 288.72 1,6'79.48 4,107.94 133.57 1,045.12 435.47 1,720.55 1,426.56 l>, 188,838.42 Suburban Roads' .... ..... ....................... ........... ..... 40,414.43 Total ................................ ...................... 229,2'52.85 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 23 HRIDGE AND CULVERT MAINTENANCE PhiHmore Bridge .............................................. 2,583.18 Mis'ceHaneous Bridges .................................... 4,59'7.58 Miscellaneous Culverts ..... ........ ............. ........ 17,787.12 Total.................... ....... ...... .......... ...... ..... 24,967.88 Suburban Bridlges! & Culverts ........................ 5,258.7'5 Total ..................... ............................... 30,226.63 Total Maintenance ........................................................ 2:5'9,479.48 TOTALS ..................... ........... .................................. 685,463.15 STOCK BALANCE; - 1958.................................. 8,024.97 693,488.12 LESS STOCK BALANCE - 1957 .................... 10,361.39 GRAND TOTAL ................. ........ ..... ..................... .$683,126.73 24. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL :;> B)1'-Laws in 1958 appropriated' $683,000.00. WE have 245.95 miles of Road- under the County Road! System, plus 30.0 miles; iIll the Suburban Ro,adJ System, as, of January 1959. WE expect the Ontario Department of HighwaySi to resurface with Hot Mix paving approximately 600 feet of County Road No.8 from Highway No. 3\ Southerly at Wallacetown. WE have received notice from the Department of Highways that estimates for the ye,ar must not exceed: $240,000.00 for Construction and! $285,000.00 for MaintenaIllce. However, Supplementary By-Laws> are available for special Construction Projects. TENDERS are being called for the Construction of the Otter Cre:ek Culvert at Richmond Hin, to close in March 1959. Land! Pur- chase is under negotiation, ,and considerable clearing hasl been done. WE RECOMMEND that the Warden name delegates! to the On.. tario Good Roads! Association. WE RECOMMEND that the County Council investigate the pos1sibility of the AdiVis'OTY Committee of the Road Committee being given the same privilegesl aSI the Members of the Road Committee with regardsl to voting, andl that this, be referredl to the Leg,al Committee. WE RECOMMEND that George Cross: be appointed! for a 5-year term as, County Member on the St. ThO'masi Suburban Road Commis- sion. Mr. Crossl hasl acted! for the County since 1935. WE RECOMMEND that the St. Thomas Suburban Road Estimates' for 1959, amounting to $1147,500.00, be approved. Of this: amount $2,7,000.00 is appropriated for Maintenance of the Suburban System. The balance of $120,500.00, is for the Construction of the Wellington Road Entrance from Highway No.4 to the present Wellington Road!. The Estimates are $60,5010..010 for Roads and $60,000.00 for Bridges. The total cost to' the County for Maintenal1lCe ,and Construction will be $27,000.00. WE RECOMMEND the re-paslsing of a By-Law to take into the County Road! System a portion of the SouthwoldJ.. Yarmouth Townline and! the Road! used in lieu thereof, from the 1X Concession Road southward! to Highway No.4, a distance of apprO'ximately 1 mile. This will allow the Suburban Commission to pro'ceed with work on the Wellington Entrance. This! By-Law was: passed in September 1958, but rejected by the Department of Highways on account of an im- proper des1cription. The Road! By-Laws of the County, are in a disorganized! state, as the last consolidating By-Law was passed in 1925. Work is being carried OIl! by the County Engineer and Clerk OIl! a new Consolidating By-Law which will be presented later in the' year. All of which is res.pectfully submitted. DONALD BURGESS, Chairman. C' AI <:" ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 25 REPORT TO ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION January 1959 The Commiss'ion has' jurisdiction for approximately 30.0 miles of Road as O'f January 1959. During 1958 considerable Maintenance has been done on the entire system. The St. George Street and Patterson Brid\ges have been repaired, as well as numerous Culverts. Maj or rep,airs to the Wellington Road have been: conducted, and I think repairSi will be at a minimum in the Spring. Seal Coating was done OIl! most of the Roads, and Guide Rails repaired andi painted!. This year I feel the need for Maintenance should be at a mini- mum, and the ,attached Budget is drawn up on that bas1is. I think, however, we should paint the St. George Street Brid!ge if at all pos... sible. Attached you will find the expenditure for 1958. A portionl or the County'S! Overhead: (10%) has~ been charged to the Suburban Sy;stem. Alslo attachedl is, a tentative estimate of the cost of constructing the 'Wellington Roadl Entrance. Once the tenders' are let for con. struction of Dodd's] Creek Bridg,e and for the Grading', these cos,ts' will be more firm. However, in order to do this work the City and County must he approached for additional funds. Thisl should; be done immediately, in order that we may be assur,edl of fundsl to work with, as we should caU tendiersl fO'r Grading. 26 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL F CITY OF ST. THOMAS In Account with County of Elgin RE: THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ACCOUNTS 1958 CONSTRUCTION Land Purchased..................................................$ 9,750.00 Wellington Entrance ........................................ 841.82 10,591.82 BRIDGES & CULVEUTS Pipe Culvert Construction ................................ 2,057.79 Concrete Culvert Construction ........................ 34.61 MAINTENANCE Sup'erintendence andr Clerical ..........................$ Drains .................................................................... M,aintenance Grading........................................ Repairs to Pavements ........................................ Winter Control .................... .............................. Surface Treatment .... .......... ....................... ....... Gravel Resurfacing .................. ........................ Weedsr and! Brushing ......... ............ ................... Signs' and! Centr.e Line Marking .................... Guide Railsl ...................;. ..................................... Rail Road Protection ........................................ Overhead - Subsid!ized ..... .......................... ..... BRIDGES & CULVERTS Patterson Bridge ..................... ...........................$ St. George Street Bridge .........................:...... Fingal Bridge......................... .......... ................... Culvert Maintenance............................ .............. ;It $ 2,,09'2.40, $ 12,684.22 1,435.00 75.52 1,881.47 14,255.96 3,181.03 10,290.16 391.18 2,175.29 3,542.08 769.69 154.88 1,755.32 ./' $ 39',907.58 1,105.65 3,489.46 15,g.84 503.8() $ 5,258.75 ::> 45,166.33 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 27 ITEMS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS: Committee Members Fees & Expenses........$ Ontario Good Road! Membership Fee............ Road Liability lrusurance .................................. Weed Spray Insurance .................................... 400.00 20.00 44.35 42.5.0 $ 506.85 506.85 GRAND TOTAL .. .................... ..............................$ 58,357.40 PAYABLE BY THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS Construction - Subsidized by Department of Highways 25% O'f $10,591.82 ................. .......................... .$2',647.96 10% of 2,092.40 ............................................ 209.24 Maintenance. - Subsidized by Department of Highways 25% of $39,907.58 ...... ........... ...........................$9,9'76.90 10% of 5,258.75 ........................ ...................... 525.88 Items Not Subsidized by Department of Highways 50,% of $ 506.85 .................................................. 253.43 TOTAL ...... ................................................$ 13,613.41 1959 SUBURBAN ROADS MAINTENANCE ESTIMATES City Portion Repairs to Pavements ............................................$ Surface Treatment ................................................ Ice and Snow Control ............................................ Signs, including Centre Line Marking................ Weeds and Brushing ............................................ Grading Maintenance and! Resurfacing ............ Drains and Drainage Assessments .................... Guide Rails..................................... ......................... Rail Road Protection ............................................ Superintendence an.a Cleric'al ............................ 5,000.00 2,000.00 3',500.00 2,500.00 1,50,0.00 1,000.00 800.00 400.0,0 200.00 1 '7 (I{\ (1(1 .L, , vv.vv Overhead> and Contingencies' ................................ 2,000.00 $ 20,600.00 $ 5,150.00 28 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ~). Bridges & Culverts St. George Street Bridge ......................................$ 3,800.00 Miscellaneous Brid1ges and! Culverts.................. 2,0001.00 v $5,800.00 $ 580.00 Committee Members and Items not subsidized ................................................$ 600.00 $ 300.00 TOTALS ........................................$ 27,000.00 $ 6,030.00 II> 1959 SUBURBAN ROADS CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATES WeIlingto>n Road Extension City Portion 1. Land Purchased ..............................................$ 2. Moving Utilities .............................................. 3. CI.earing................................ ............................ 4. Grading, approx. 85,000 cu. yards of earth ............. ......................................,........ 5. Gravelling.......................... ..................;........... 6. SurveyingJlndJ Inspection, etc. .................... 6,000.00 1,500.001 3,000.00 30,000.00 18,000.00 2,000'.00 $ 60,500.00 $ 15,125.00 Dodds Creek Bridge .................. ...;.. ;,..................$ 45,000.00 . Multiplate Culvert . ...................... ......................... 14,000.00 Other Culverts........................................................ 1,000.00 -a< $60,000.00 $ 6,0.00.00 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION ..........$120,500.00. $ 21,125.00 TOTAL MAINTENANCE ..........$ 27,00.0.00 $ 6-,030.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURE ............$147,500.00 $ 27,155.00 .... ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL -29 AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE January. Session, 1959 To the Warden .and' Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as: follows:: 1. That the Warden andChairman of the Agricultural Commit. tee attend! the Agricultural Council Convention in Toronto on Feb- ruary 4th, and! 5th, with expenses! paid and the membership, fe,e to' be 'paid. 2. That we request the Dept. of Lands and Forest to permit fox drives O'f mOTe than 12 persons. 3. That the to'wnshi'ps be' not held r,esiponsible for loss or dam- age due to fox drives. 4. That the resolution from the County of Grey re Hog Producers Association be filed. 5. That the resolution from the United Counties' of Northumber- land! and! Durham re Protective' Tariff on fruit and' vegetables be filed!. 6. That we grant the Local Agricultural office $2,500.00. 7. That the Warden, Reeve Hunter and, Reeve Liddle with Mr. L,angton be a. CO'mmittee to allocate the Grant. 8. That we recommend a grant of $1,000.00 to' the Elgin County Plowmen's AS1sociation. 9. That we request the farmers to give aU assistance required in the Brucellosis program. All of which is respectfully submitted. H. HUNTER, Chairman. 30 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL fr:t;" t>. lI' FINANCIAL STATEMENT ELGIN AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE January 17, 1958 to. January 12, 1959 Receipts Balance forward, January 17, 1958........................$ 178.0'8 County of Elgin, 1958 Grant.................................... 2400'.00' TOTAL REOE,IPTS ............................................................$ 25178.08 Expenses Breed Shows HO'lstein Black and White Show..............................$ Jersey Parish Show, Aylmer...........................,........ Ayrshire Show, Aylmer ........................................ .... Beef Cattle Show, Wallacetown ............................ Beef Cattle Show, Rodney........................................ Elgin Beef Producers' Association ........................ Field Crop & Plowmen's Organizations Elgin Soil & Crop' Improvement As:sociation......$ Elgin P}iowmen'sl Associ.ation ................................ Elgin Fruit Growers' Association ............................ Elgin Se ed! Fair .. . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. . . . . . .. .. . .. . .. . . .. .. .. . Elgin Agricultural Booklet .................................... JUNIOR PROJECTS 100.00 100.00 48.00 100.00' 75.00 50.00 $ 473.00 200.00 20,0.0'0' 50.00 200.00 2:25.00 $ 875.00' I;l. Junio.r Farme'rs Elgin County Junior Farmers' Association........$ 225.00' Elgin County Junior Institute ................................ 150.00 $ 37'5.0'0 4.H Club Work Wal1acetown Beef Calf Club-lO' ........................$ Shedden Beef Calf Club-12 .................................. Aldborough Beef Calf GIU!b-13 ............................ East Elgin Dairy Calf Club-25 ............................ Corinth Dairy Calf Club-9 .................................... Belmont Dairy Calf Club-30 ................................ Shedden Dairy Calf Club-I2 ................................ "UTQcd. Rlo-;,.,. Pnnltl"7 r'lnh-1f1 1" '"'~" ~'.L'o"''&'.&:' ... --..."..." Y"'-- -- ................................ Elgin Swine Club-8 ................................................ West Elgin Soybean Club-1O' ................................ West Elgin Potato Club-IO ............................... ..... i>' 15.0'0 18.00 19.50 37.50' 13.50 45.00' 18.00 15.00 12.00 15.00 15.00 ,. 'l> ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 31 Central Elgin Potato Club--7 ................................ East EJrgin Potato' Club-l0 .................................... Oentral Elgin Tractor Maintenance Glub-12.... 10.50 15.00 18.0'0 $ 267.00 Trans., BeLmont andl Shedden Calves- Aylmer Fair ........................................................$ Trans'., Shedden andi Ro.dney Calves- WaUacetowll' ...................................................... 64.00 36.00 $ 100.00 4-H Club Leaders' Association ..............................................$ 100.00' Judging Completitions Inter-Club. Competitions:, O.A.C., Guelph- 5 teams ................................................................................ 53.50 Girls' 4.H Club Work 41 County Honour Pins (6 projects) ....................$ 4-H Club Conf. Homemaking DelegateS', O.A.G. Rental Wallacetown Hall-Ach. Days, March, Jul'y .......................................................... 113.20 30.00 14.00 $ 157.20 Miscellaneous Grant - P.A. System ................................................................ 45.00 TOTAL EXPENSES ........................................................$ 2445.70 B,ank Balance, Jan. 12/59' ................................$ 193.38 Plus a.s. Deposit ................................................ 200.00 393.38 Lesls' O/S Cheques ............................................ 261.00 A:ctual Balanee, Jan. 12/59............................ 132.38 132.38 $ 2578.08 Approved!-ElginAgriculturall Committee: John B. Wils1on, H. Lidtd[e, L. Holland. A. V. LANGTON, Sec.-Treasurer. Auditor's Statement-Audlited and found correct-Jan. 12, 1959. W. I. ROGEiRS. 32 ~LGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ~ ELGIN COUNTY LIBRARY CO-OPERATIVE REPORT January Session, 1959 Receipts Balance on hand! January 1, 1958 $ County Grant ..................................$ 6,20,0.0'0 Bookmobile Grant .......................... 4,500.0'0' Surplus on hand! for bookmobile.. 2,400.00' E,xtra Grant...................... ................ 300'.00 Provincial Grant ................................................ Library fees ........................................................ School fees .......................................................... Fines, etc. ............................................................ Book Stop fe-es .................................................... Miscellaneous revenue ...................................... Disbursements Boo~s-Non-Fiction ......................$ 527.38 Fiction .............................. 719.16 Juvenile ........."................. 1,432.41 Periodicals, -etc. ..... .... ...... .......... ........ ..... ........ .... Book binding .... .......... .......................... .............. Repairs, etc. ........................................................ Insurance (bookmobile, etc.) .......................... Stationery, cards, etc. ........................................ Salaries and! wages! ............................................ As,sO'ciation fees................................................ Bookmobile expenses ....... ........................... ...... Telephone and telegraph ................................ Mending supplies................................................ ReceiV'er General (Unemployment insurance) .................... Travel expensles ................................................ Legal and! profes,sional .................................... Pension ................................................................ MiseellaneouSl ...................................................... 1\.T r\"I:TT h^-l"\.lT'I"'n n..h;l.o. J..,. cvv J..JvV~J..L.l:VJ.J..J..J.v .........0.......... ........... ...... ....... .... Balanee on hand December 31, 1958.............. Financial Proposed Statement Budget 733.73 $ 58.57 . 6,200.0'0 $ 13,40'0.00' 4,600.00 269.25 1,776.15 6.34 57.50 20.33 4,600'.00 350.00 1,720.00 .;) 60.00 $ 20,863.30' $ 12,988.57 $ 2,678.95 $ 60.65 168.04 4.50 147.99 342.08 6,767.36 11.30 319.07 86.55 56.87 39.26 716.10 25.00 127.20 128.81 Q 1?i:; Oil u,.......u.'Vv 58.57 2,80'0.0'0 75.00' 20'0'.00 2:00.00' 50.00' 8,600.00' 10.00 400'.00' 80.0'0' 50.00' 1:: ?t', 30.00 30'0.0'0 130.00 63.57 " $ 20,863.30 $ 12,988.57 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 33 ELGIN-ST. THOMAS HEALTH UNIT REPORT January Session, 1959 Report for Members of County and City Councils 1959 The Elgin-St. Thomasl Health Unit, formed in 1945, is financed! by grants from Elgin County Council, St. Thomas, City Council and! from both Provincial: andi Federal Governments. Funds! re,ceiv.ed\ from County and City are on a per capita basis. For example in 1958, the per capita rate was 1.30. The Provincial! Government sharesl the cost witbJ the County, on a 501-501 hasis and with the City on: a 1/3-2/3 basis!. During the early yearsl the Health Un1t built up a surplus, chiefly due to the fact that it was: unable to get sufficient staff. By the end of 1958 the surplus: hadi been exhausted. It is: of interest to note that in the 13. years since 1945, and up to' the end of 1958, the rate had increased from 1.05 to 1.30, ,an increase of only 24%. The Board< of the Hea~thi Unit, which consists of two members from County Council, two from City Council and! one appointed by the OntariO' Government, has given the problem very thorough consideration. The members of the 1958 Board, composed of Reeve A. Liebner, Rodney; Reeve Harry Alward', Port Burwell; Alderman Charles Hammersley; Alderman Donald Stokes and Mr. J. D. Thoms.on, (Ont.ario Government repre- sentative) recommended that both County and City Councils be re- quested to increase the per capita grant in 1959 to $1.50. How much such an increased grant means to CO'unty and City is indicated below on the basis of probable population figures. There are 32: He,alth UnitS' in Ontario, and we requested! informa- tion from a number of them regarding their costSI of operation. The ones listed on the att<rchedl slheet are Units, whos'e program and! prob- lems are similar to ours! in Elgin County, involving considerable work in rural areas, as well as Villages, Towns and small Cities. You will note that in 1958, Elgin still had! the lowest per capita rate and that even a rate of $1.50 for 19'5>91 win ld:kely be lo'wer than most, if not all of the Health Units listed. . Costs of oper,ation during' the last few years have been chiefly affected by rental increases, increased cost of supplies, salaries, and such factors as the poliomyelitis' vaccination program which made the vaccine available, free of .charge, to over 20,000 children in the County as! wen as: to many expectant mothers'. ,.,.. q 'j) ~ '" 40 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Law re-estabUshing the said system and further amended by subse- quent amending By-LawS! is: hereby amended by adding thereto the road designated, and described as' follows:: Designated County Road Number 25A DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the Ro,ad: Allowance be~ tween the townships of Yarmouth and! South'Wold~ and the road established in lieu thereof, COMMENC- ING at the -Southerly limit of the Road Allowance between Range I South of the Edgeware R-oad and Concession IX Yarmouth, which is the Southerly limit of County Road No. 2'5, THENCE Southerly along the Boundary Road ,and deviations thereof, between the townships' of Yarmouth and South- wold, and! South-Westerly through Lots B and A, Gore Concession, Township' of Southwold\ to the eas- terly limit of the King's Highway No.4, a TOTAL DISTANCE, of approximateLy 1.0 miles. 2. The road as designated and described! in p,aragraph 1, is hereby ,added to, and. included in the County Road System of the :County of' Elgin. 3. This! By-La1w shalL come into force upon the approval of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council. FINALLY PASSED at the CITY of ST. THOMAS, in the County of Elgin, this 22nd day of January, 195-9. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk LLOYD S. GURR, Warden BY.LAW No. 1734 "To Appoint a Board of Audit in the County of Elgin for the year, 1959." The Elgin County Council enacts: THAT the Jud!ge of the County Court, and the Treasurer, and ~r. Garnet Speers, be, and! are herehy appointed members of the Board of Audit to perform the dutiesl required of them by the Re- vised Statutesl of Ontario. THAT the members of the staid Board of Audit be paid the sum il ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 41 ()rf Nine Dollars per day, for their services, and twenty cents per mile going to each Audit. READ a first time thisI2200 day of January, 1959. READ a second time thisl22nd day of J,anuary, 1959. READ a third time, and finally passed this 22ncl: day of January, 19'59. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk LLOYD S. GURR, WaTden BY.LAW No. 1735 "To Appoint a County Road Committee" As r..equired by the Highway Act the Elgin County Council enacts: THAT the following five members of thisl Council constitute a CO'mmittee for the purpose of directing the work to be done on the County Road system: H. Hunter....................................for Term O'f One Year D. Burgessl................................for Term of Two Years: C. Blue....................................for Term of Three Years' H. Lid1dle....................................for Term of Four Ye,ars! B. Nevill..................,.................for Term of Five Years, THAT By-Law No. 1711, be, and: is! hereby repealed. READ a first time thisl 22nd: day or January, 1959. READ a second time thisl22nd day of January, 1959. READ a third time, andl finally passed, this2;2nd day of January, 195,g. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk LLOYD S. GURR, WaTden BY.LAW No. 1736 "To Re-Appoint a Member to the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission" The Elgin County Council enacts: THAT George H. Cross; be, and is\ hereby re-appoint- ed to the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission for a, term of five years, effective ~ l~aSl*z, ~ READ a first time this 22nd day of Jam;i:ary, 9~9. I <i . READ a second time this: 2:2ndi day of January, 195.9. READ a third time, and finally passled: thisl 22ndi day of January, 1959. .1. D. THOMSON, Clerk LLOYD S. GURR, WaTden .:J 42 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL SECOND SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 24th day of March, 1959 The EJgin County Council met this' day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accord!ance with adij ournment. The Warden in the Chair. AU the members! were pres:ent, except Deputy Reeve Sp,eers. The Wardien addressed the Council. The minutes of the last day O'f the, January Session were read and confirmed!. The followingcommuni.c,ations were read, and referred! to the various! Committees!: COMMUNICATIONS March Session, 1959 From the OntariO' Munidpal! Association re annual conv,ention. - Filed. From the Bank of Montreal! re Increase in Interest Rate. - Filed. From the Counties of WeIland and: Hastings re grant in lieu of taxes on Crown Land. - Referred: to the Petitions and! Legislations Committee. From the Ontario Hospital Services Commislslion re County reso- lution on Nursing Homes'. - Filed. From R. K. McNeil, M.P.P., and! John Spence, M.P.P., acknO'wledg- ing Elgin County resolution on Nursing! Homes. - Filed. From the County of OntariO' re Increase in Jurors! and Crown Wit- neSiS Fees. - Referred to the Petitionsl and Legislations Committe'e. From the County o,f Ontario requesting free vaccine for animals for prevention of rabies. - Referred! to the Agricultural Committee. FrO'ffi the Ontario Traffic Conference requesting membership fee. - Referred to the Finance Committe-e. From the Honourable' M. B. Dymond, Minis,ter of He.alth, re Elgin County resolution on Nursing Homes. - Filed. G ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 43 It From the Municipal Clerks' and; Finance Officers' Association O'f Ontario re Membership Fee. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Canadian National Institute for the Blind with apprecia- tion of grant. - Filed. From the University of Western: OntariO' with appreciation of grantsl. - FHed. FrO'm the S,al~ation Army with appreciation of grant. - Filed. From the Western Ontario Agricultural School with appreciation of grant. - Filed. From the County of' Huron requesting increased Provincial grants to' County Libraries. - Referred to' the Petitions; andl Legislations Committee. From the County of' Norfo1k requesting the abolition O'f Boards of Audit. - Referred to the Petition:sl and Legislations Committee. From the' County of WentwO'rth re American contrO'I of the fruit canning industry. - Referred! to the Agricultural Committee. From the Aylmer Library Hoard! with invitation to' attend Ayl- mer's First Book Fair. - Filed. Moved: bYJ Reeve Liddl,e that Dr. Hoffman, M.. O. H., be nO'w heard. Dr. Hoffman address,ed the' Council, andl presented the annual report for 1958. The Warden expres:sed! app,reciation to' Dr. Hoffman for his excell:ent report. Moved! by R,eeve Burgessl, Seconded by Reeve Liddie: That we dO' now adjourn to meet at 2 p.m. -Carried. The Council resumed:. Moved by Reeve Burgessl that the County Weed Inspector be now heard. Mr. Gordon addressed the CO'uncil, and introduced! the District Weed Inspector, Mr. ArmstrO'ng, who addres1sed the Council on Weed ControL. The Elgin Manor Report was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Barker and( De'puty Reeve Chute. <t " 44 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL .,. The first report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on: motion of Reeve Liddle, and seconded by Reeve Burgess. The se'cond report of the Finance Committee was: presented! and adopted on motion of Reeve. Liddle and! Reeve Barker. The Equ.alization report was presented and! adopted Oil' motion of Reeve Blue and Deputy R,eeve Speers. The Property Committee report waS! presented and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve NimmO' and Deputy Reeve Crawford. The Report of the Road Committee was presented and adO'pted on motion oft Reeve. Burgess and Reeve LiddJe. Moved! by Deputy Reeve Hux, Seconded! by R,eeve M. B. McColl: That this Council does. now adjourn to meet on Wednesday, March 25th, at 10 a.m. -Carried. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk LLOYD S. GURR, Wa'rden .. 1;(0 ." ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 45 SECOND SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 25th day of March, 1959 The E.Igin County Council met thisl day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adij ournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members. present. The minutes of the previous day were read, and confirmed. Moved by Reeve Hunter that Dr. Monteith be now heard. Dr. Monteith addr,essed the CO'uncil r,e a Home ~or Senior citiz,ens. Moved: by Reeve Liddle that the Agricultural Repres'entrative be now heard. Mr. Langton addressed the Council and expressed ap- preciation to the CounciL for assistance re County accident. survey and the Brucellosis; program. Moved by Reeve Wilson that Mr. Har'oldi Daviesl be now heard. Mr. Davies: addressed the Council re purchase O'f truck at Sheriff's sale. The matter was! referred to the Legal Committee. Moved by Deputy Reeve Speers, Seconded by, Reeve Liddle: That we do now adjourn to meet at 2 p.m. -Carried. The Council re,sumed:. The report of the Agricultural Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Hunter, and: Deputy Reeve Le'arn. The report of the Petitions and! Legislations' Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Re,eve Beattie and Deputy Reeve Chute. The third! report O'f the Finance Committee was: presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Liddle and Reeve' Blue. The fourth report of the Finance Committee, was presented: and adopted on'motion of Reeve Liddle and! Re.eve Burgess. Moved by Reeve Wilson, Seconded by Reeve Barker: 46 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL That the' usual grant of $150.00 each, be made to the East and West Elgin Women'S! Institutes. -Carried. Moved! by Deputy Reeve Hux, Seeonded! by Reeve McColl: That a grant equa1 to the Provincial grant be given the Agricul- tural and Horticultural, Societies of the' County, for the year, 19,59'. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Barker. Seconded by Reeve WHS'on: That the, membership' fee in the, Roadl Superintendent's Associa- tion, be paid for the years' 1958 and! 1959. -Carried. Mov,ed by Reeve' M. B. McColl. Seconded by DeputYi Reeve Hux: That By-Law No. 173,7, "To Raise Amounts for County Ratesl Dur- ing the Year, 19'59, be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve M. B. McColl, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Hux: That By-Law NO'. 173'7, be read a second time. -Carried. Moved! by Reev,e M. B. McColl, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Hux: That By-Law NO'. 1737, be read a third time, and finally paS/sled. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Elliott. Seeondedi by Reeve Wight: .;. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 47 That By-Law No. 1738, "Restricting the Weight O'f Vehicles pass- ing over a Bridge," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Wight. Seconded by Reeve Elliott: That By-Law No. 1738, be read a second! time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Elliott. Se'conded by Reeve Wight: That By-Law No. 1738, be read a third! time, and) finally pas,sed. -Carried. Mov,ed! by Reeve Blue, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Crawford:: That By-Law No. 1739, "A By-L.aw O'f the County of Elgin to' Pro~ vid!e for Sick Leave with Pay for County EmpJoy;ees," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved: by Reeve B. E. Downey, Seconded by Reeve Blue: That B)1'-Law No. 1739, be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Blue, Seconded by Reeve B. E. Downey: That BYI..Law No. 1739, be read a third: time, and> finally passed. -Carried. MO'ved by Deputy Reeve Nimmo, Seconded by Reeve' Hunter: That By-Law NO'. 1740, "A By-L.aw to Amend By-Law NO'. 1696, and! By-Law No. 1724," be read) a first time. -Carried. 48 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Reeve Hunter, Seconded: by Deputy Reeve NimmO': That By-Law No. 1740, be- re'ad a se'cond time. -Carried. Mov,ed by Deputy Reeve NimmO', Seconded by Reeve B. E. Downey: That By-Law No. 1740, be read a third time, and! finally pasised. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Millardl, Se'conded by Deputy Reeve McKibbon: That By-Law No. 1741, "Tn Increase the Salary of the Physician for Elgin Manor," be read a first time. ~ -Carried. Moved' by Deputy Reeve' McKibbon, Seconded! by Reeve Minard: That By-Law No. 1741, be read: a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Beattie. Seconded by Reeve' B,aird: That By-Law No. 1741, be read a third time, and finally p,assed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve' Baird:. Seconded by Deputy Reeve Chute: That By-Law No. 1742, "To Confirm the Equalization of the ...A...s:sessment Rollsl of the County of Elgin for the year~ 1959~" be read '3, first time. -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 49 Moved by Deputy Reeve Chute, Seconded by Reeve K. Baird: That By-Law No. 1742, be read a second time. -Carried. MO'ved by Reeve Millard, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McKibbon: That By-Law No. 1742, be- read a third time, and finally passed'. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Nevin, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Chute: That By-Law No. 17'43, "A By~Law to Provide for the 19'59 Expen- ditures on Roadsl under the Highway Improvement Act in the COlJ.nty Of Eolgin," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Baird, Seconded! by Reeve Nevill: That BY'-L.aw No. 1743, be read a second: time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Chute, Seconded by Reeve Baird!: That By-Law No. 17'43, be read a third! time, and finally passed. -Carried. Moved! by Deputy Reeve Gloin, Seconded by Reeve Burgess,: That By-Law No'. 1744, "A By-Law to Provide for Supplementary 1959 ExpenditureS' on St. Thomas Suburban Road!s' under the Highway Improvement Act in the County of Elgin," be read a firs,t time. -Carried. 50 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved: by Reeve Burgess, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Le,arn: That B)1'-Law No. 1744, be read a slecO'ndl time. ,:;:t -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve L'earn, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Gloin: That B)1'-Law No. 1744, be read: a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Liddle, Se'condedl by Deputy Reeve Speers:: ' That By-Law No. 1745, "A By-Law to Provide for Supplementary 19'591 Expenditures on Richmondi Hill and: Culvert, and County ROfad: No. 13, Under the Highway Improvement Act in the County of Elgin," 'be read! a first time. e" -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Speers;, Seconded by Reeve Liddle: That By-Law No. 1745, be read a second' time. -Carried. Moved! by Reeve Liddle, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Speers: That By-Law No. 1745, be read! a third time, and finally passed. -Carriedl. Moved by Reeve Burg1ess, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Learn: That By-Law No, 1746; "To Increase the Salaries of the Clerk- Treasurer, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer, Secr,etary to the Elgin County Assessor and the Elgin County Warden," be read a first time. -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 51 Moved by Deputy Reeve Learn) Seconded by; Deputy Reeve' Gloim That By-Law No. 1746, be read a second time. -Carried;. Moved by Deputy Reeve G. Glomi, Seconded by Reeve Burgess: That By-Law No. 1746, be, read a third! time, and'finally passed. ~Carried. Move~ by Deputy Reeve Speers, Seconded by Reeve Liddle: That we do now adjourn to meet on Tuesday, June 16th, at 10 a.m. -Carried:. JI. D. THOMSON, Clerk LLOYD S. GURR, Warden 52 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE 't!" March Session~ 1959 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Elgin Manor Committee reports as follows.: 1. That due to new Provincial Regulations, and; incre,ased\ duties of the Elgin Manor physician, the s'alary of Dr. C. A. Graham be' in- creased $50,0.00 per annum, effective January 1st, 1959, and: rrecess'ary by-law be prepared. 2. That we h.ave insured the boilers at Elgin Manor with the Frank Cowan CO'mpany for a period! of three years for $330.00. 3. That the Fire Insurance on the buildings at Elgin Manor has been renewed with the Frank Cowan Company, on the replacement value of $252,000.00. All o~ which is! respectfully submitted. J. W. BARKER, Chairman. <iIo FINANCE COMMITTEE March Session. 1959 - First Repod To the W,arden, and: Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reportsl as follows: 1. That the follJowing hospital accounts! be paid: St. Thomas-Elgm General Hospital, (Active Unit) ....$ St. Thomas~Elgin General Hospital., (Chronic Unit) Victoria Hospital, London ............................................ 866.74 727.50 753.60 <;., $ 2,347.84 All of which is, respectfully submitted. HARVEY LIDDLE, Chairman. ... ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL &3 FINANCE COMMITTEE March Session, 1959 - Second Report To the Warden, .and Members! of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee Reports as' follows: 1. That Chi1dren'sl Aid Pay List No.2, for $4,599.05 be p,aid. 2. That Charity and Welfare Pay List No.2, for $5'69.24 be paid. 3. That the membership fee in the Municipal Clerk'S' and Finance Officers' ASlsociatioIll be paid:, and! the Clerk to attend the Convention. 4. That the residents at Squire'S! Nursing Home, St. Thomas, be returned to the Local Municipalities for maintenance on April 1st, 1'959. 5. That we accept the blan~et position bond: with the Frank Cowan CO'mpany. 6. That the Clerk-Treas:urer's salary be increased $300.00. per annum and the amount be charged to ELgiIl! Manor for Secretary's duties. 7. That the Deputy Clerk-Tr,easurer's s'alary be increased $200.00 per annum. 8. That the Wa,rden be granted $1,0001.00 per annum for his, ser- vices. 9. That the s:alary of the Secretary to the County Asses:s'or be increased! $180.00. per annum. 10. That the communication from the Ontario Traffic Confer- ence, be filed. All of which is respectfully submitted. HARVEY LIDDLE, Chairman. 54 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY ASSESSOR'S OFFICE March 20th, 1959 .<:1'- Mr. Warden and Members of Elgin GountyCouncil: Under the provisions of Section 86 (1) of the Assessment Act R.S.O. 19'50, Chapter 24, as amended, attached! hereto, is'my report for the year 1959. The basis of the report is ,again essentially the same as that of last year's equalization, amended by small amounts to take care of natural increases, or decreas,eS' in assessment. All municipalities, with the eX!ception of Port Stanley, show increases of varying propor- tions:, whHs!t Port St.anley shows a decrease. ~. The increase in the 19'59 equalization over tl1e 195'8 figure is $282,805.00 but it musit be remembered! however, that the Township of Yarmouth loslt $86,765.00 due to annexation and Port Stanl,ey also showed a decrease of $10,8,00'0.00. Had these two loss'es not been in- curred, the increase would have been $477,470.00. The corresponding increase last year was $718,049'.0,0 O'~ which approximately $3'00,0'00 was crediited to the Town of Aylmer and Township of Malahide by reason of an extens,ive adldition to' the Tobacco Plant lO'cated jointly in these municipaHties. In order to fully understand! and appreciate the effect of growth in anyone municipality, it is essential to relate the grO'wth in dollar value this year with the total amount of the assessment roll of the previous: year. This is calculated} for you and expressed as a percen- tage inc01umn 8 of the second pa,ge of tables. The general effect of growth on the entire county can readily be seen by referring to the columns headed: "Percentage Yield per $1,000 Equ.alized! ASlsessment" on the fourth page of tables. From these it can readily be seen, that, even though the total percentage of County Rate receivedi from any particular municipality increases! slightly each year the percentage contribution which: each $1,00'0 of equalized assessment makes iSI being gradually redlucedeach year. The tablesl show clearly that in an cases: in 19'57, this percentage wasl .00247%. Then in 19'58, growth in the amount of approximately $718,000 saw this! reduced: to .0.0.243%. Again in 1959; a somewhat smaller growth was experienced, but a further reduction to .00241 % . Last year slaw five municipalities' re-assessed-Aylmer, Rodney, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 55 West Lorne, Dutton and Port Burwell. A glance at the suggested equalization figures showS! that none of these municipalities have suf- fered because .of their early entry into our re-asses'Sment programme. In fact, the villages of Dutton and Rodney have benefited a little, because the figures on complete re-asrsessment indicated that both these municipalities' had! been treated relatively higher than some other municipalities: as: far as equalization is! c.oncerned. Consequent- ly, I was' able to effect ,a better equalization for them this year. Now a word! or two about the general re-assessment programme. Last year, with the aid of extensionS! of time in two instances, a complete re-assessment wasl carriedl out in one town and four villageS'. From all aspectsl, I would: slay that the results were excellent. True, these municipalities had Courts! of Revis,ion, and true some appellants were successful. However, when one considers that some 4,500 assess- ments were involved! altogether and! only 137 appeals, means that only 3,% of the tax payers: involved in the re-assessment appe,aled. Only three appeals were taken from the Court of Revision to His Honour, Judge MacMillan, and in all casesl the County Judge s~aw fit to sustain the assessments!. It iSI interesting to note that the three appeals to the judge out of 137' represents slightly more than 2% of the ,appellants in the first insltance. This year I hope to. have completedl the Villages: of Port Stanley, Springfield and! Vienna and the TOWillSihip of Malahide, pilUS much field work in Aldbo-rough, Dunwich andl S.outhwold. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN WIGNALL, County Assessor, Elgin County MUNICIPALITY 1 Value Of Land J< ... INFORMATION FROM LOCAL ASSESSMENT ROLLS COMPIL]~D IN 1958 FOR 1959 TAXATION 3 4 7 2 Total Value Total Taxable 5 6 Additional 8 Value Of of Value Of Value Of Business As:s'essment Total Taxable Buildings Re,al Property Real Property Landi Exempt As:sessment Under S. 51A AS:Siessment Aldborough Dunwich Southwold Yarmouth Malahidle- Bayham S. Dorchesrter Aylmer; Port Stanley Dutton Rodney West Lorne Port Burwell Springfield Vienna 3,142-,459 $ 1,232,275 $ 4,374,734 $ 4,0.17,4M $ $ 6,77'5 $ $ 4,0'2'4,259 2,8'31,950 834,497 3,666,447 3,615,40~ 51,040. 6,20'0' 3,621,607 3,182,564 1,438,40'0' 4,620',964 4,315,229 305,735 26,041 4,341,270. 3,626,442 3,189,181 6,815,623 6,815,623: Excluded 39,40.6 19,0'50. 6,874,079 2,435,0'0'0' 1,6,72,50.0 4,107,500. 4,10.7,500 Exc1ude d\ 63,943 10,80'0' 4,182,243- 1,599,655 1,410,250' 3,00.9,905 3,0'0.9,90,5' EiXcludedJ 12,80'0' 3,022',705 1,30'0',613 8'35,385 2,135,998 2,0.85,8913 50,105 59,625 2,145,518 78'0,325 5,212,875 5,993,20'0' 5,993\,20'0' Excluded 1,0'37,0119 7,030',2,19 30'2,,338 1,273,273 1,5-75,611 1,575,6'11 Excluded 164,385 1,739,996 130',710 818,2-75 948,985 782,860 166, 12i5 74,220' 857,080' 153,175 886,275 1,0'39,450' 900.,350' 139,10.0. 85,850' 986,200. 153,0.15 80'1,325 954,340 954,340' Excluded 110,075 1,064,415 158,560' 548,415 706,975 70,6,9'75 Excluded 70',090' 777,06:5 40,285 191,350 231,635 231,635 Exclud1ed 16,365 248,0.00' 28,0.50 116,685 144,735 144,735 Exduded 6,900 151,635 41,066,2911 ~ Jo-l ....:l < O-l Jo-l l::) Jo-l Z t:J ~ ~ough ........................... Dunwich Southwold Yarmouth Malahidle Bayham S. Dorchester Ay1me,r Port Stanley Dutton Rodney West Lorne Port Burwell Springfield Vienna ...................................... CI) E-t ' '""'Z .-f ~~ ~ ~~J::- o ,<:tl r/l !D o E-tCf.)Q;l Cd~~~ ~1:.)u;lLQ 00000;) E-i~<.-f . $ 3,90'4,188 3,566,95.0 4,331,220 6,6'01,754 4,0.0'4,878 2,931,827 2,10''0,904 2,937,705 1,838,0'49 496,152 582,2,97 521,391 414,4~94 244,763 147,685 34,624,257 Cl)E-t ,.;;;,Z C\I ~r:tl ...,.; ~ ~ co o roOOLQ U E-4000:l Cd~~r;i 6g~ft; E-i~<~ $ 3,973,50'5 3,5,76,436 4,328,377 6,771,589 4,130,516 2,971,6i69 2,102,,152 3,180',187 1,848,176 50'4,978 599,567 528,463 429,131 246,9'00. 150',660 35,342,30'6 Cl)E-t ~Z ~ <:tl~ ~ ~~O:l o<:tl cI1 lQ U E-4Cf.)Q;l Cd~~~ ~I:.)u;l- oou::l~ E-t 1--1 < .-f $ 4,024,259 3,621,60'7 4,341,270 6,874,0.79 4,182,243 3,022,70.5 2,145',518 7,0'30,219 1,7'39,996 857,0'80 986,20'0 1,064,415 777,065 248,000 151,635 41,0.66,29\1 J';tl C,) <::tlZ ~J';r:l00J::- O~LQlQ u~O')O:l ~.-fi-t ~~cb ~lQLQ I'"\O')~ "'-I .-f .-f $ 69,317 9,486 2,843 169,835 125,6B8 3'9,842 1,248 242,482x 10',127 8,826x 17, 270x 7,072x 14,637x 2,137 2,975 718,049 t':z:l Q tOZ ~!:'ilO)co O~LQI1':l u~~~ ~ I I ~oot- I-!~~ o .-f '4 $ 50',754 45,171 12,893 10.2,490 51,727 51,036 43,366 3,850,032 10.8,180 352,102 386,633 535-,9502 347,93'4 1,100 975 5,72'3,985 ~ o "i-l co flirJl . ~ ~ '0 s:l~ u ~~ ~~.s -+->"i-l~ 0..... 0 E-iClo::l $ 12.0,0'71 54,657 10',0'5.0 272,325 177,365 90,878 44,614 4,092,514 98,053 36'0,92'8 40'3,9.03 543,0'24 362,571 3,237 3,95.0 6,442,0'34 f-I ~ o C1) "i-l > to- - COd) 0 rO ~. OJ) <:1) cS C1) ~f2 '0 cijgf2~ u~ e~ u1:l~~~ <:tlc!')cb ~C1)cb~ :;j ~ Lt.l ~ ~ If:) to pl ..... O':l C1) . "" Cl:l ct) ~ Cl .-i O-l A..-l .-i $ 50,754 1.3 45,171 1.3 12,893 .3 10'2,490. 1.5 51,727 1.25 51,0'36 1.4 43,366 2.0. 14,600 .5 10'8,180. 6.0 2,,000 .4 9,25'0 1.5 3,0'0'0 .6 2,500. .6 1,10.0. .5 975 .6 282,682 N.B. Large IncreaseS' in 1958..1959 marked x ,are mainly due' to re-assesisment. Yarmouth total reduced. in 1958-1959' because of Annexation in the amount of approximately $86,765.00. Large' decrease in Port Stanley in 1958-1950 due to loss of Busines'S\ Assess1ment on Dominion Natural" Gas Storage, Tanks' and, als:o fire. .0 " .'" TOTAL PERCENTAGE YIELD PERCENTAGlE YIELD PER ~~l,OOO OF FULL EQUALIZED ASSESSMENT EQUALIZED ASSESSMENT MUNICIPALITY 1957 1958 1959 1957 195H 1959 Aldborough ..................................... .10.055 10.0484 10.1024 .00247 .00243 .002,41 Dunwich ................................... ......... 9.788 9.6413 9.6845 .00247 .00,2'43 .00241 Southwold! ...................... ......... ....... ..12.224 12.0044 11.95318 .00247 .00243 .00241 Yarmouth ............................... .........1H.101 19.1814 19.2974 .00247 .00243 .00241 Malahide ..... ... ..... ......... ...... ......... .....10.828 10.9440 10.9927 .00,247 .00243 .00241 Bayham ............................................ 8.565 8.5127 8.5775 .00247 .00243, .00241 S. Dorches,ter ............ .......... ............ 4.888 4.8044 4.87'63 .00247 .0,0243 .00241 Aylmer........................... ............... ....10.516 10.9214 10.9214 .00247 .00,243 .00241 Port Stanley........ ..................... ....... 5.976 5.8969 5.7969 .0,0247 .00243 .00241 Du tton .............................................. 1.557 1.5512 1.5135 .00247 .00243 .00241 RodneY1 ..... ....... ..... ................ ............. 1.997 2.0045 1. 7966 .00247 .00,243 .00241 We,st Lorne' ...................................... 1.909 1.8937 1.8937 .0,0,247 .00,243 .00241 Port Burwell .................................... 1.364 1.3768 1.3768 .00247 .0O~43 .00241 Springfield ...................................... .745 .7374 .7351 .00247 .00243 .00,241 Vienna .............................................. .483 .4824 .4814 .00247 .00243 .0'0241 EQUALIZED ASSESSMENT AND PERCENTAGES MADE IN THE YEAR 1959 AND TWO PREVIOUS YEARS :EQUALIZED ASSESSMENT PERCENTAGE OF COUNTY RATE Suggested Sugg'estedl MUNICIP ALITY 1957 1958 1959 1957 1958 1959' Aldborough ....... ...... ...... .......................$ 4,069,502 $ 4,138,819 $ 4,189,573 10.055 10.0484 10.1024 Dunwich ...... .. ........... .. . . .. ... ...... ......... . .. 3,9'61,652 3,971,138 4,016,309 9.788 9.6413 9'.6845 Southwold ............................................ 4,947,331 4,944,488 4,957,381 12.224 12.0044 11.9538 Yarmouth ............................................ 7,730,583 7,900,418 8,002,908 19.101 19.1814 19.2974 Malahid,e ........... ..... ........ .... ..... ........ ..... 4,381,466 4,507,104 4,558,8311 1:0.828 10.9440 10.9927 B,ayham ................................................ 3,466,321 3,506,163 3,557,199 8.565 8.5127 8.5775 S. Dorchesifier ...................................... 1,977,651 1,978,899 2,022,265 4.888 4.8044 4.8763 Aylmer................................................. . 4,255,928 4,498,410 4,529,3!53 10.516 10.9214 10.9'214 Port Stanley........................................ 2,418,735 2,428,862 2,404,05-3 5.976 5.8969 5'.79'69 Dutton .............. ........,...... ..................... 630,348 639,174 627,669 1.557 1.5512 1.5135 Rodney................................................ .. 808,364 825,634 745,074 1.997 2.0045 1. 7966 W,est Lorn,e .. ................. ..... .... .............. 772,929 780,001 785,343 1.909 1.8937 1.8937 Port Burwell ........................................ 5'52,458 567,095 570,977 1.364 1.3768 1.3768 Springfield ................................... ....... p01,629 303,766 304,866 .745 .7374 .7351 Vienna .................................................. 195,738 198,713 199,688 .483 .4824 .4814 - 40,470,635 41,188,684 41,471,489 100.00 60 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL EQUALIZATION REPORT March Session, 1959 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, The E,qualization Committee reports' as followsi: 1. That the following be' the equalization of the Assessment Rolls of the County of Elgin for the year, 195'9: Aldborough ......................$ Dunwich ............................ Southwold ........................ yarmouth............ .............. Malahidle ... ......... ........ ...... Bayham ............................ South Dorchester .......... Aylmer ....... ............... ..... ... Port Stanley .................... Dutton .............................. Rodney .................... .... ...... Wes,t Lorne ...................... Pori Burw,ell .................... Springfield ................ ...... Vienna .............................. 4,189,573.00 4,016,309.00 4,95'7,381.00 8,0012,908.00 4,558,831.00 3,557,199.00 2,022,265.00, 4,529,853.00' 2,404,053.00 627,669.00 745,074.00' 785,343.00 570,977.00 304,866.00 199',688.010 $ 41,471,489.00 10.1024% 9.6845% 11.9538% 19.2974% 10.99'27% 8.57'75% 4.8763% 10.9214% 5.7969% 1.5135% 1.7966% 1.8937% 1.3768% .73'51 % .4814% 100.00% 2. That thisi Council is willing to have, the final equalization of assessment rolls, in case of appeal, made by the, County Judg'e. All O'f which is respectfully submitted. CLARENCE BLUE, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 61 PROPERTY COMMITTEE March Session, 1959 To the Ward'en, and Members of the' El,gin County Council, The. Prop.eil'ty Committee reports as follows': 1. That the' boilers and! hot water tanks in the Court Hous,e" Registry Office', Jail, anclt Jailor's residence have' been insur.ed> with the, Franro Cowan Insurance' Company. 2. That 24 chairs: have been purchased for the County Council Chamber from Richard.i Cochrill Ltd., at $36.00, ,each. 3. That typewriter dlesks for the Law Library and! Judge's Secre- tarY' have, been purchased! @ $125.00 each, from Richard Cochrill Ltd. 4. That the Committee' purchas:e, a new flag pole to be ins/taIled on the lawn in front of' the' Court Hous1e. 5. That suitable trees be s,e,cured for planting on the' Court House grounds. All of whicht is'respectfully submitted. F. NIMMO, Chairman. ROAD COMMITTEE March Session, 1959 To the Wardlen. and Members of the Elrgin County Council, YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE begs! to' r,eport as; foHows: 1. THAT the: Contrad for the Grading on the Wellington Road has been let by the St. Thomas Suburban Commisslion to Alre:x Con- tracting Limite'dr of Georgetown for $17,300.00. The work involves Grubbing and the' E:xcavation of approximately 90,000 cubic yard's of material. 2. TENDERS for the Construction of a Brid,g.e OVier Dodds Creek on the. Wellington Road will be c.alle-d slhortly. This: Bridge will be on a ske,w, and! 70' in length and! will be built on wood piles. 3. THAT the Contract for the' Construction of a Triple' Box Cul- vert at Richm.ond Hill has been l,et to Looby Construction Company Limited of Dublin, at a price of $54,210.00. 62 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 'I> "" 4. THAT the Contract for Grading on the Richmond Hill has been let to A1rex Contracting Limited! of Georgetown, at a price of $31,815.00. "This, work inViolves the Excavation of 140,000 cubic yards of material; aSI well as Earth and; Granular Backfill of the' Culvert. WE RECOMMEND: 1. THAT a By-Law be passed limiting the Load on cert.ain bridgeS! in the- County Road Sy~S!tem: (a) Sinden Bridg,e (also known as the Eden Bridge) on Road No. 46 in Bayham - 5 ton. (b) Dingle Street Bridge in Aylmer and Malahidie - 5 ton. (c) Robbins! Bridge in Southwold - 8 ton. Thisl By-Law will be- subject to approval of the Department of Highways. 2. THAT ,a By-Law defining Sicl\i Leave' Benefits to County Road Elmploy'e,es be paSisied!. Sick Leave, Benefits have been in ,ef!-ect by Resolution of the Road Committe'e- s,ince 1951, and! are- now subsidized by the Depart- ment of Highways,. The Auditors of the Department of HighwaY8' have asked that a By-Law be paslsed, in order that our benefits may continue to' be subsidized. 3. THAT a By-Law be p.as!sedl ,increasing the Salary of the- County Engine-er ftrom $6,600.00 to $6,900.00, effediv1e March 1st, 1959, subject to the: approval of thei Department of Highways. 4. THAT a Normal Road Appropriation By-Law be passed, to' be aUocated! as follows: Construction Roads ....................................... .$200,00'0.00 Bridges & Oulverts ................ 15,0'0,0.00 New Machinery...................... 25,0'00.00 Superintendence and Overhead .............................. Nil TOTALS ..................$240,0,00.00 Maintenance $19'6,2'00.00' 54,800.00 Nil 34,000.00 $285,000.00 .$i Total $3961,20'0.00 69,80,0.00 25,000.0,0 34,000.00 $5'25,000.00 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 63 AH Construction is to be done on County Roads; breaking' down the Maintenanee: County Road Maintenance................. ........$178,010.0..0.0 Suburban Roadl Maintenanee....................$ 18,200..00. Total ...................................................... $196,200.00 County Bridgle & Culve.rt Maintenfance' ............................... .........$ 49,000..0,0. Suburban Bridge & Culvert Maintenance. ........................................$ 5,800.00 Total ...................................................... $ 54,800.00 County OverheadJ ..................................... ...$ 31,00,0..00 Suburban Ov,erhead ..................................$ 3,000.0.0 Total .................................................... $ 34,000.00. 5. THAT a Supplementary By-Law be' pas'sed, appropriating $117,500..0.0 for Construction by the St. Thomas! Suburban Commislsion of the Wellingtolli Road: Extension from the pr'es€,nt Wellington Road! to Highway No.4, to' be allocated aSI follows:: Construction Roads ............................................................$ 51,500..00. Bridges & Culverts .................................... 66,00.0..00 TOTAL ........................................ ....... .$117,500.00 6. THAT a Supplementary By-L.aw be, passed appropriating $170.,00.0..0.0 for Construction on Road No. 13 and on RichmondJ Hill to Build! the Culv,ert and Construct the Grade, to be all.ocated as followsl: Construction RoadS! .................. ... ................................ .......$ 75,0.0.0..0.0 BridigeS1 & Culverts .................................... 95,000..00 TOTAL. ............................................... .$1701,000.0.0. This is a total Road! Bud,g,e't of $812,000.0.0, at anesltimated cost to the, County of $311,805.00.. All of which is respectfuUy submitted. DONALD BURGESS, Chairman. '" 64 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE March Session, 1959 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as' follows: 1. That the resolution. from the County of Ontario re vaccine and compensation for catUe due to rabies, be filed. 2. That the resolution from the County of Wentworth re, inves'- tigation .of American: control of Ontario Canneries, be approved. All of which is, respectfulLy submitted. H. HUNTER, Chairman. .;;- PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS March Session, 1959 To the Warden, and Membersi of the' Elgin County Council, The Petitionsl andi L,egislationsl Committe,e rieports as' follows: 1. That the r,esolution from the County of Huron, requesting increas'edi Provincial grant to County Libraries be approved. 2. That the' resolution from the County of Norfolk to abolish Board of) Audi of' CJ:'iminal Justice, be filed. 3. That the resolution f'rom the County of Hastings' requesting a grant in lieu of taxes for Crown landsl in the County, be filed. 4. That the' resolution from the' County of OntariO' ~equesting increased rates of pay for Jurorsl and Crown: Witnes's'es, be filed. An of which is respectfuUy submitted. EDW ARD BEATTIE, Chairman. -~:. COUNTY RATES, COUNTY OF ELGIN FINANCIAL REPORT March Session, 1959 To the Warden, .and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Committee' on Finance beg l'eave to report that having in- quired into Finances of the' County, andl estimate'S p'repared! by the County Treasurer, they herewith submit a statement of the expendti- <~ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 65 tures required! for the lawful purpose of the County during 1959, showing the amount required' to be raised for the undermentioned purposes: Administration of Justice ............................$ 48,000.00 County Roads (7.8 mills) ................... ........... 321,2,72.00 Charity and Welfare ...................................... 10,000.00 Child W.elfare .................................................. 28,000.001 County AS1s,essment Dept. ............................ 9,000.00 Elgin~St. Thomasl Health Unit...................... 28,090.00 Elgin Manor ...... .............................................. 3,000.00 Elgin Hospital Debentures .......................... 60,500.00 Municipal Government ................................ 19,500.00 Agricultur1e ...................................................... 9,0,00.00 Inte.rest ........................................................... 18,000.00 Printing, Postage, and Stationery.............. 1,000.00 Property .......................................................... 1,000.00 Grants .............................................................. 10,000.00 Miscellaneous, Licenses, Permits!, Rents.... 2,042.00 $568,404.00 Your Committe'e would\ recommend that the slUm of Five Hundlred and Sixty-Eight Thousanc}, Four Hundredl and Four Dollars be rais!ed on all rateable' property in the' several municipalities: O'f the County of Elgin, during the year, 19501, for County purposes, and that a rate of 13.8 millS' on the doHaI' be levied on rateable, prop1erty in the. s:eiVeral municipalitiesl ill' the County to raise said! amounts. All of which is' respectfuUy submitted. HAHVEY LIDDLE, Chairman. FINANCE COMMITTEE March Session, - Fourth Report To the Warden, and Membersl of the Elgin County Council, The' Finance Committee reports as' follows: 1. That County of Elgin employeesl be granted! sick le,ave' bene.. fits. 2. That the Auditor's r'eport be accepted. All of which is respe,C'tfuHy submitted. HAHVE;Y LIDDLE, Chairman. 66 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ,(;< BY-LAW No. 1737 "To Raise Amounts for County Rates During the Year, 1959" WHEREiAS an .estimate- has! been madie showing that the sum of Five Hundred! and Sixty-eight Thous;and:, Four Hundred: and! Four Dollars: is required to be raised in the se,veral municipalities for the lawful! purpose of the- County during the' year, 19,59, on the' basis! of the equalized: assessment as' determined! in 1958. Municipality Total Equalized Value Aldborough ............................................. ,$ 4,138,819.0'0 Dunwich ... ............ ......... ............................ 3',971,138.00 Southwold! ............................. ..................... 4,944,488.00 Yarmouth .................................................. 7,9'00,418.00 Mal,ahide' .................................................... 4,507,10.4.00 Bayham ..... ...... ............... ......................... ... 3,506,163.0'0 South Dorchester ........ ........ .................... 1,978,899.00. Aylmer ............................. ......................... 4,498,41'0.0'0 Port Stanley .............................................. 2,428,862.0'0 Dutton ........................................................ 68'9,174.00 Rodney........... ............ ........ ......................... 825,634.00 We,S't La-rue ................................................ 780,00.1.00 Port Burwell ............................................ 567,095.00. Springfield ................................................ 303,766.00 Vienna ....... .... ..... ..... .., ......... ....................... 198,713.010 ,It $41,188,684.00 THEREFORE: the Council of the Municipial Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts!: THAT a rate of 13.8 miUs on the' dollar be levied on all rateablle property in the several municipalities' in the County of Elgin as above set .forth for the year, 19,59;: Aldborough ........ .................... ........................$ 57,116.00 Dunwich .......................................................... 54,802.'00 Southwoldi ........................................ ................ 6'8,234.0.0 Yarmouth .................... ............ ...... ...... ............ 109,026.00 Malahide' ......................... ....................... .......... 62,19'8.0'0 Bayham ................. .... ............... ...... .................. 48,385.00 South Dorchester ........ .......... ...... ..... ............. 27,309.0'0 Aylmer .......................... ....................... ........... 62,'078.00 Port Stanlley ............................. ....................... 33,518.00 Dutton .................. .......... ................ .................. 8,820.00 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 67 Rodne,y .................... ... ............ ......... .... ........... ... West Lorne ............ .......... ........... ..................... Port Bmw.el1 ....... ........................... ..... ........... Springfield ...................................................... Vienna .............................................................. 11,394.00 10,764.00 7,8-26.00 4,192.00 2,742.00 $568,404.00 READ a first time this 25th day of March, 1959. RJEAD a secO'nd time this 25th day of March, 1959. READ a third time, and! finally pas's>ed this 25th day of March, 1959. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk LLOYD S. GURR, Warden MUNICIPALITY OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LAW No. 1738 RESTRICTING THE WEIGHT OF VEHICLES PASSING OVER A BRIDGE WHERE:AS Subse.ction 3, ofslection 61 of the Highway Traffic Act (R.S.O.) 1956, Chapter 29, provides that: The municipal corporation or other authority having jUTl.SI- diction over a bridge' may by by-law approved by the Depart- mentmaroe regulations limiting the weight of any vehicle pas'sing over such bridge: AND WHEREAS it is de,emed ,expedient to limit the' weight of vehicles passiing over bridlges in the Municipality of the County of Elgin; NOvV THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of the County of Elgin enacts as! follows: 1. NO' vehicle o,r combination of vehicles, whether empty or lo,aded, shall be operated! over the, bridge known as: the Sinden Bridge over the Big Otter Creek on County Road No. 46, Lot 16, Between Concessions 8 and! 9, in the Municipality of the town.ship of Bayham, with a weight in excess' of ten thousand pounds. 2. No vehicl,e or combination of vehicles, whether empty or loaded,.s:p.all be operated over the bridg'e known as the Dingle 68 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL .. Street Bridge over the Catfish Creek on the- Road; known as Dingle Street, in the Municipality of the town of Aylmer, and the township of Malahide, with .a. weight in excess of ten thousand! pounds. 3. No vehicle- o.r combination of vehicl,es, whether empty or loaded, shall be, operated! over the bridg.e known as: the Ro,b. bins Bridge over Kettle' Creek, Lot 5,_ River Road, in the Muni- cipal'itY' of the- township of Southwold, with a weight in exces's of sixteen thousand pounds. 4. Any person violating any of the provisions' of this; by~law shall be liable to the penalty p,rovided in section 6 of thie Highway Tr,affic Act. 5. Thisl by~law shall not become ,effective until approved by the Department of Highways and unti1 a notice of the' limit of the! weight permitt'ed, legibly printed:, has: be,en posted! up in a conspicuous place' at each end! of the bridge. Enacted! and! pasls1ed this 2:5th day of March, 1959. {l. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk LLOYD S. GURR, Warden I, J. D. Thomslon, C}erk 01{ the> Corporratiolli of the, County of Elgin, do hereby certify that the foregoing is: .a. true- copy of By-Law No. 1738, p.assed by the Council! of the said! Corporation on the 25th d}ay of March, 1959,. J. D. THOMSON, County CleTk. BY-LAW No. 1743 A By-Law to Provide for the 1959 Expenditures on Roads Under The Highway Improvement Act in the County of Elgin WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act requires: that the total expenditur'es on roads, be providJed! for annuallY' by county by-law and that the' by-law bel submitted to. the Minister of Highw,ay:s: for apPToval. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the s:aid County enacts as: follows: (1) The sum of $5251,000.00 is hereby estimated: as: the expendi- ture upon the construction and, maintenance of the roads' and bridges " ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 69 under its jurisdiction during the year 1959 as! follows: Construction RoadS' . .......... ............. ........ ........$200,000.00 Bridges and Culverts ............$ 15.,000.0.0 New Machinery ......................$ 25,0010.00. Superintendenee and. Overhead ..............................$ l\laintenance $196,200.00 $ 54,800.0.0 $ nil $ 34,00.0.00 Total $396,200.00 $ 69,800.00 $ 25,00,0.00 $ 34,000.00 TOTALS ................$240,0.00.00 $285,00.0.00 $525,0.00.00 (2) The said: monies shall be expended under the, s'UpeTVision of the duly appointed county road srup,erintendent and! on work per- formed! in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shalL transmit duplicate copies of this: hy--law to the district office of the. Municip'al Roads Branch, Department of Highways, not later than Marich 31st, of the said) year. (4) The approv,al of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be ob- tained before any expenditure. is authorized or work commenced which wi1l be financed by the. issue. of debentures or moniesl rais'ed in a subsequent year. Passed! at St. Thomas~ thisl 25th day of March, A. D. 1959. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk LLOYD S. GURH" Warden I, J. D. Thomson. clerk of the' Corporatton of the County of Elgin, do hereby C'ertify that the foregoinig iSI a true copy of By...Law No. 1743 p.assed by the Council of the said! Corporation on the, 25th day of March 1959. J. D. THOMSON, County Cl:e.rk (70 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. ,. BY-LAW No. 1744 A By-Law to Provide for Supplementary 1959 Expenditures on St. Thomas Suburban Roads under The Highway Improvement Act in The County of Elgin WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act requires that a Sup- plementary expenditure on roads; be provided for by county by-law and that the by-law be submitted to the Minister of HighwayS! for ap- proval. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said County enacts as follows: (1) The sum of $117,500.00 is hereby estimated aSI the exp,endd- ture upon the construction of' the roads and bridges und,er its juris.. (iii'Ction during the year 1959 as follows: " {! $ $ To-tal $ 51,500.00 $ 66,000.00 $ $ Construction Roads ........................................$ 51,500.00 Hridges and Culverts ............$ 66,0100.00 New Machinery ......................$ Superintend,ence and Overhead' ..............................$ Maintenance $ $ $ nil TOTALS .............. ....$117,500.00 $117,500.00 (2) The, saidl monies' sh.an be expended under the supervis,ioIlJ of the duly appointed county road! sup-erintend!ent and on wo,rk p1erform- ed in a-ccordanee. with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk! shall transmit duplicate copi'es of this by-law to the district office of the Municipal Roads' Branch, Department of High- ways, not later than March 31st, of the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board! shall be oh- tained! before any expendliture is authorized or work commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures O'r moni'es raisied in a subs'equent year. Passed! at St. Thomas, this 25th day of March, A.D. 1959. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk LLOYD S. GURR, Warden I, J. D. Thomson, Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, dio herehy ceTtify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-Law No. 1744 passed by the Council of the' said Corporation on the 2;5th day of March, 1959. J. D. THOMSON, County C1erk. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 71 BY-LAW No. 1745 A By-Law to Provide fo,r Supplementary 1959 Expenditures on Richmond Hill and Culvert, and CO'. Road 13 Under The IDghway Improvement Act in The County of Elgin WHEREAS The Highway ImplroVlement Act requireS! that a Sup- plementaryexp'enditure on roads be provided! for by county by-law and that the by-l<aw he submitted to' the Minister of Highways for ap- prO'val. THEREFORE: the Council ,of the Corporation of the said County enacts as follows!: (1) The sum of $170,0,00,..00 is hereby estimate'd! aSI the' expendi- ture upon the construction of the. road!s and bridg,es under its juris- diction during the ye,ar 1959 as follows: Construction Roads ........................................$ 75,000.00 Bridges and Gulv,erts ............$ 95,000.00 New Machinery ......................$ Superintend:ence .and OVlerhead ............................$ Maintenance $ $ $ nil $ $ Total $ 75,000.00 $ 95,000.00 $ $ TOTALS ....................$17,0,000.00 $170,000.00 (2) The said monies shall be .expend'ed under the supervision of the duly appointedicounty road superintendient and on work p'erform- ed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copi'es of this by-law to the district office, of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of High- waysl, not l:ateT than March 31st, of the said year. (4) The approval of the. Ontario MUl'1icipal Board shaH be' oh. tained bef.ore any expenditure' is! authorized! or work commenced! which will be finanCied by the issue of debentur'eSl o.r monies: rais1ed in a sub- sequent yrear. Passed! at St. Thomas thisl25th day of March, A.D. 1959. T n .....Uf'\l\J1'CU.Y1\T oJ. JJ. ~~J.,V.LY.LOV.L..., T T f'\vn co rtTTnn LJ'~V ~ JJ o. UUL\i.l\, Clerk Warden I, J. D. Thomson, Clerk of the Corporation of the' County of Elgin, 72 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL do he.reby certify that the foregoing is! a true copy of By-Law No. 1745 passec:t by the Council of the' s-aid! Corporation on: the 25th diay of March, 1959. 1;' J. D. THOMSON, County Clerk BY-LAW No. 1739 "A By-Law of the County of Elgin To Provide for Sick Leave With Pay For County Employees" WHEREAS Section 10, subsection 49, Chapter 70, 19:53, St.atutes of Ontario provide for sick leave with pay, THE: CORPORATION OF THg COUNTY OF ELGIN ENACTS: 1. For the purpose of- the By-Law "Day" shall mean for e-ach s,aladed) employee 1/22nd! of a month; fOil' each hourly raved ,empJ.oyee- a 48 hour week, 8 hours!. "Month" shall mean for each s:alaried.employee one cal'endar month; for each hourly rated! employ:e'e working a 48 hour we'ek, 208 hours. "Fun-Time Employe,e" shall mean any County employe'e who has been employed! directly by the' Corporation during the period of one c,alenda1r year immediately pr1eced.ing the cal- endar y,ear in which the' sickness for whi-ch benefits are Claim- ed! occurs, in positionS' requiring full-time- s:ervice for not le'ss thran eight months in the calendar year, andl ar,e at the time of sickness: in the employ of the Corporation. 2. Every full-time County employ'ee who is, through his, or her illness, unable' to perform his O'r her r'egular duties shall be paid ,for time lost from work through illness' up to one day in each month. 3. Where any full-time employee iSi absent from work because of illness' l,eS's than one day in any month, the differ.ence be- twe,en the time such full-time employee is sO' absent and, one day shall form an unusled sick leave credd.t for such month; and the' unused sick leave credits' any employe-e shall be al- lowed to accumulate until such employee has had accumu- lated to hisl cred~t a totaL of 12,0 days>, which shan be- the maxi- mum for which such employe.e, if in, may be paid. 4. After an employee hasl us'ed up all of his or her s'ick leave credit and resumes work in the employ of the Corporation, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 73 he- or she may be al10wed to again accumulate sick leave credit up toa maximum of 120 days in the manner described in Sections' (2) and (3). 5. No employee shall be ,allowed to accumulate sick leave, credit until he has become a full-time employ,ee' as defined in Sec- tion (1). 6. For ,ev,ery day's abs'ence from work because of illnes's! for which sluch employee isentiUed to be paid, each employee shall be p.aid at the rate of pay 'earned' by sruch employe,e- on the l,ast d!ay workied by such ,employee priO'r to such absence and shalll"eceiv:e one day's pay. 7. No employee shaH be entitled! to any benefit under this: By- Law unless he or she furnishes the County offic'e, a c'ertificate' by a duly qualified medical physician that such employ'e'e is unable, through illness of sU'ch employee' to attend to his: or her duties. 8. On any employ;ee ceasing to be employed by the County, he or she, shall beentitledi to no more than an amount equal to his ,or her s,alary or wages or other remuneration for one-half the number of days standing to his: credit. READ a first time this! 25th day of March, 1959. READ a second< time- this' 25th day of March, 1959. RE:AD a third time, and finally pas:sed! this: 25th day of March, 1959. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk LLOYD S. GURR, Warden BY.LAW No. 1740 "A By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 1696, and By-Law No. 1724" WHEREAS By-Law No. 169'6 dealsl with the appointment and remunea:-ation of a Road Superintendent for the County of Elgin: AND WHEREAS it is deemed: expedient to amend the' said by~ law; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Corporation of the' County of Elgin, by the Council thereof, enacts: as followsl: 74 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL !'; (1) That Claus,e (1) (a) of By-Law No. 1724 is hereby ~epealed, and! the following. substitut.ed therefore: (a) That the' salary or remuneration of the said! Super- intendent shall be' the sum of $6,900.00 per annum, eff.ective March 1st, 1959. (2) That BYi-Law No. 16H6, and By-Law No. 1724 be', and are hereby amended! accordingly. (3) That this by-law shall come intO' force and~ take effect on the 1st dray of March, 1959, subject to the approval of the Minister of Highways. PASSED in open Council thisl25th day of March, 195H. Y: J. D. THOMSON, Clerk LLO~D S. GURR, Warden BY.LAW No. 1741 "To Increase the Salary of. Physician for Elgin Manor" The Council of! the Corporation of the' County of Elgin enacts!: THAT the' salary of C. A. Graham, M.D., be, One Thousiand Dol- lars ($1,00.0.00) p,er annum, payable' monthly. THAT this; By-Law tak,e effect frO'm J;anuary 1st, 1959. THAT By-Law No. 1728, be, and! iSi hereby amended accordingly. READ a first t.ime this 25th day of March, 1959. READ a see,ond! time thisl 25th day of March, 1959. READ a third time, and! finally p,as8led this' 25th day of March, 1959. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk LLOYD S. GURR, Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BY.LAW No. 1742 '75 "To Confirm the Equalization of the Assessm.ent Rolls of the County of Elgin for the year 1959" The- Elgin County Council enacts: THAT the following be the equalization of the Assessment Rolls of the. County of Elgin for the year. 195H: Aldhorough ..........................$ 4,189,573.00 Dunwich ....... ......................... 4,OW,309.00 Southwold ............................ 4,957,381.00. Yarmouth .. ................ ............ 8,0.0.2,908.00. M,alahide ................................ 4,558,831.00. Bayham ....................... ........... 3,557,199.00. South Dorchester ................ 2,022,2,65.00. Aylmer......................... ........... 4,529,353.00 Port Stanley.......................... 2,404,0.53.00. Dutton .................................... 627,669.0.0 Rodney.................................... 745,0.74.001 West Lorne ............................ 785,343.00. Port Burwell ........................ 570,977.0.0. Springfield ............................ 30.4,866.00. Vienna ............................ ........ 199,688.00. $41,471,489.00. 10.10.24% 9.6845% 11.9538% 1'9'.2974% 10.9927% 8.5775% 4.8763,% 10..9214% 5.7969% 1.5135,% 1.7966% 1.8937% 1.3'768% . 73~5,1 % .4814% 100.0.0% 2. THAT thisl Council is: willin.g to have the' final equalization of ass'essment rolls in case' of appeal, made by the County Judge. READ a first time this 25th day of March, 19,59. READ a s!econd time, this: 25th day of March,1959. READ a third time, and finally passed, thisl 2'5th day of March, 1959. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk LLOYDS. GURR, Warden ,76 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BY-LAW No. 1746 "To Increase the Salaries of the Clerk-Treasurer,' Deputy Clerk- Treasurer, Secretary to the Elgin County Assessor, and the Elgin County Warden." The CorpO'ration of the County of Elgin enacts: That the salary of J. D. Thomson, Cl,erk-Treasurer, be incl'ieased: Thl'iee Hundred! Dollars per annum, and that the amount be charged to Elgin Manor for increased Secretary-Treasurer's dut1e,s'. That the salary of Mrsl. Mary Fishleigh, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer be increased! Two Hundred DO'llars per annum. That the' slalary of Miss Alma Hill, Secretary to the Elgin County Assessor be Twenty-one Hundred! Dollars per annum, payable month- ly. ::> That the salary of the Warden of the Oounty be One Thousand! DO'llars' p.er annum. That this by-law take effect from January 1st, 1959. That By-LawS! No. 1621, and! 1628, 'be, and! are' hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time thisl 25th day of March) 1959. READ a sle,cond time this! 25th day of March, 1959. RE:AD ,a third time, ,and finally p,assed thisl 25th day of March, 1959. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk LLOYD S. GURR, Warden . , " ?- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 77 THIRD SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 16th day of June, 1959 The Elgin County Council met this! day at the Court House', St. Thomas:, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members were present except Re'eve Lidd[e' and Deputy Re'eve Learn. The Wardien addressed\ the. Council. The minutesl .of the last daY' of the M.arch Session were re.ad and confirmed. The following. communicationsl were' read and re,f.erredl to their various Committees: Moved by Reeve BurgesiS:, Seconded! by Deputy Reeve Speers: That we do now adtiuorn tQ meet this afternoon at 2 p.m. -Carriedl. The Council resumed. A communication from the Beef Producers Association was read and ordered filed, as the' Dept. of Agriculture has pass1ed legislation for payment. The Elgin Manor Committee Report was pr,esente:d and adopted on motion of Reev,e Barker, and Deputy Reev,e, Learn. The' r.eport of the Petitions and Legis;lations Committe.e' was presiented and adopted on motion of Ree've, Beatti.e and.: Deputy Reeve Chute. The r,eport of the Agricultural Committee wag presented and adO'pted on motion of Reeve Hunter, and R,e.e'v.e' N evilI. The CI,erk-Tr,e,asurer's Report was pres,ented, and 'On motion .of Reeve, Liddle, and se'conded by Reeve Burge,sSi, the report be' accepted and! printed in the Proceedings. Moved by Reeve B. E. Downey, Seconded by Reeve, C. Blue: 78 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL WHEREAS the' Assessment Act, S.ection 113, subs,ections (3) and (4) pTovides' that the maximum penalty on municipal tax arrears subsequent to the end of the cal,end:ar year shall be' one-half of O'Ille per cent (1/2 of 1 %) per month (6% per annum). THE' COUNCIL OF THE: CORPORATION OF THE, COUNTY OF ELGIN submits: as' follows: (1) That the maximum set forth abov,e is \inadequate and out of keeping with: existing money ratesl. Many municip,alities are pay- ing 6% per annum for bank credit cons,equently the. rate, does not constitute, a penalty. :.> (2) . Many taxpayers in arrears can see no virtue in pay'ing taxes when they ,are diue" if they are payin,g higher ratesl in other diredions and ar,e content to operate on municipal, credit. (3) In some cas.es municipalitieS' are being penalized with a maximum inter,est rate (6%) per annum to, prO'vide an incentive to liquidate tax arrears as an ,anti-inflationary measure. (4) In other instances: desirable current necessary programs are curtailed! or Pos!tponed in order to keep bank borrowings, at reason..- able l,e,vel. (5) That a margin of (2%) per ,annum (proposed base charge 2/3% per month, (8% per annum) should accrue to, the municipality to, produce incentive to pay andi to cover the cost referr,ed to in part (5), BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED by the Council of the Corpora- tion of the County .of ElgiIl! that those, sectiO'Ths! o,f the Municipal Act herein set forth be revd.ewedi by the Dept. of Municipal AffairS' in the light of thes,e pres.entations. PASSED IN ST. THOMAS this 16th day of June, 195-9. -Carried,. Moved by Reeve L. S. Gurr, Seconded by Reeve Liddle: That the County o,f Elgin hereby petition the Ontario Department O'f Highways to take immediate steps to survey and engineer a traffic loop at the southern terminus of Highway No.4 at Port Stanle.y where ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 79 the most acute dangerous traffic congestion in Western OntariO' now exists. -Carriedl. Moved by Deputy Reeve Hux, Seconded by Reeve, McColl: That thiS! Council does now adgourn to meet on Wednesday, June 17th, at ten a.m. -Carried. J. D. THOMSON. CI'erk LLOYD S. GURR, Warden THIRD SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 17th day of June, 1959 The Elgin County Oouncil met this day at the' Court House', St. Thomas, in ac:C'ordance with adjournment. The' Warden in the Chair. All the members were present. The minutesl of the previous day were read and confirmed. It was moved by Deputy Reev,e, Speers that Mr. A. V. Langton, Agricultural Repr,esentative, be now heard. Mr. Langton addreslsed the CounciL on the Junior Farmers activities, Crop Improvement work, A:ccident Survey, and the, farm Improvement contest. The Warden called on Deputy Reev.e G10in for a report of the Ontario Educational Convention. Mr. Glo-in gave a fine report on the meetingS'. It w,as moved by Deputy Reeve John Hux, that Mr. Frank Gowan be now heardl. Mr. CO'wan addiress;ed the Gouncilon the insUTance on: buildings, roads, and councillors. The matter was referred to thel Property Committee. The report of the, Road Committee was. presented and adopted< on motion ,of Re,eve Burges,s and Reeve Liddle. The report of the, Finance, Committee was presented! and; ad10pted 011lffiotion of Reev,e Liddile and Reeve Barker. 80 ~LGIN COUNTY COUNCIL The report of the Property Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve, Nimmo and Deputy Reeve Crawford. MOVied by Deputy R,eeve Speers, Seconded by Re,eVie Liddle': That the Councillor's Liability Policy with the Frank Cowan A~ency be renewed at a CO'st of $23'0.00. -Carried. Reeve Burg.es'slextendied an invitation to his home for a Barbecue on Tuesday, July 21,st. Moved: by Reeve Liddle, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Le'arn: That By~Law No. 1747, "A By-Law to Provide for Partial indem- nity to owners of c,attle, horses, goats" sheep, and swine, for loss!es suffered by rabies in the County O'f Elgin," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Learn, Seconded by R,eeve Liddle: That By-Law No. 1747, be r,ead a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve. LiddlLe, Seconded! by Deputy R.eeve L,earn: That By-L,aw No,. 1747, be read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Deputy. R,e.ev,e Nimmo, Seconded by Deputy Reev,e Crawford: That By-Law No. 1748, "To Amend By-Law No. 16093, and By-Law No. 1704, re' Judge's and Court Reporter's SalarieS! fO'r the Juvenile and Family Court," be read a first time. .~ -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 81 Mov.ed by Deputy Re,eve Crawf.ord, Seconded by Deputy Re.eve Nimmo: That By-Law No. 1748, be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Nimmo, Seconded by Deputy; Reeve' Crawford: That By-Law No. 1748, be read a third time, and! finally passed. -Carried. Mov.edl by Reeve Wilson, Seconded by Reev,e N eviU: That By-Law No. 1749, "To Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign Deed to Convey Landi to Walter Nelson, Township of Bayham," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gloin, SecondJed by Deputy R.eeve D. M. Chute: That By-Law No. 1749, be read! a s.econd time. -Carried. MO'vedi by Deputy Rieeve Learn, Seconded by Reeve Liddle: That By-Law NO'. 1749" be read a third time, and! finally passed. -Carried. Moved: by Reeve Nevill, Seconded by Reeve Baird!: That By'-Law No. 1750, "A By-Law to Amend the' By-Law Adopt- ing a. Plan of County Road Improvement and Es;tablishing a County RO'ad System in the County of Elgin und,er the Highway Improvement Act," be read ,a first time. -Carried. 82 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Reeve Baird, Seconded by Reeve' Wilson: That By-Law No. 1750, be read a second time. -Carried. MO'v.ed by Deputy Reeve Chute, Seconded! by Reeve Nevill: That By-Law No. 1750, be read a thirdl time, and finally passed. -Carried. Mov:ed by Reeve Elliott, Seconded by Reeve Wight: That By-L,aw No. 1751, "A By-Law to Amend the By-Law Adopt- ing a Plan of County Road Iimprovement and Establishing .a County Road System in) the County of EJgin under the Highway Improvement Act," be read a first time. -Carried,. Moved by Reeve, Wight, Seconded! by Reeve ElliO'tt: That By-Law No. 1751, be read a second time. -Carried. MO'ved by Reieve. Elliott, Seconded by Reeve' Wight: That By-Law No. 1751, be read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Speers, Seconded by Deputy Reeve, L,earn: That we do now ,ad10urn to meet on Tuesday, September 15th, at ten a.m. C.arried'. J. D. THOMSON, CI'erk LLOYD S. GURR, Warden -il ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 83 WARDEN'S ADDRESS June Session, 1959 To the Members of the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: It is a pleasure to' welcome you to the' Third Session of the Elgin County Council, ,and I am sure, that farm prospectsl look quite favour:' able, even though some delay in planting crops was eaused, due to' wet weather ill! the s'pring. The various. CO'mmittees of County Council, are, well advanced with' improvements and expenditures planned for the. year. Our Road Department let several large jobs. for considerable amounts: below the, ,estimates due to the larg.e, number of firms, tendering for the work. The Property Committee has continued the redecorating and improvement p['ogr,am in the CO'urt House' which maintainsl it in excellent condition. The ,assuming by the Ontario Hospital Servic.es Commis'sion of the hospitalization of a large, number of persons, has greatly reduced the indig,ent patient cost to the' County. I believe all Departments are keeping within their estimates, and by careful management, we should! be able to cO'mplete our year in a favourable financial condii- tion. We have' an invitation to the University of West,ern Ontario for Wednesday afternoon, June 24th, and I hope every member of County Council will avail themselves of the opportunity of visiting this fine Institution, and me,eting with members of Staff, and other County Councils. COMMUNICATIONS June Session, 1959 From Victoria Hospital re indigent patients. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From Mr. Peter Gloin, County Council Representative to' the Senate of the Univers<ity of Western OntariO' with report. - Referred to the Finance' Committee. D,,,..,....,VV'l 4-1,.,,_ r'i_"II"I_+T'" ,...f! D.n....,-C,...,.nTT7' T'U,_;4-l" ""'1"\1"I'''InC''f:4- .c^""", .;........-t,.......""'I"\.T'7'nrl C1T7'>C1.+n"l"V'l. .I.' 1. U-~J.l. LJ.J.'~ \...IVU.ULJ' VJ. ~\"'CJ.J...L..L eyv vv J.LJ..1 1. 'C'i\A.CCIl" ~V.1. ~.1..L.L-":!'.L V'V \;'u: OJ ~('/C.1.,U. of Federal grants in lieu of taxes. - Referred to the Petitions' and Legisl.ations Committee. 84 ~LGIN COUNTY COUNCIL From the Ontario Municipal AsS'ociation re annual Co.nvention. - Filed. FrO'm the Ontario. Municipal Board! re Hearing lo.r Annexation of portions of the. township of M>alahi<1e. to' the Town of Aylmer. - Filed. From the Manager of the Bank of Montreal re Inexease in Interest Rate .on Borrowings. - Filed. From the County of W.elland re Assistance for Older Citizens in Payment of Municipal Taxes. - Ref'erredr to the Petitio.ns and Legis- lations Committee. Fro.m the Dept. of Agriculture re Comp,ens:ation for Raooes. - Referred to the Aglricultural Committee. From the County of L:inCioln r,equesting Assis:tanC'e to. Promote the Sale' of Canadian products'. - Referred to' the' Petitio.ns and! Legis- lations, Committee. From the Director O'f the Western OntariO" Agricultural School re Scholarship. - Re~erred to' the Finanee Committe.e. From the County of HaldJimandi re Claims: for damages; by Weed!- spraying of the Roads. - Referred to the Agricultur,al Committee. From the Middlesex and Elgin Her,eford Association requesting a grant. - Rderred.l to. thel Agricultural Committee. Fro.m the Union Gas Company re Certificate to construct works in v;arious municipalities. - Filed. From the County of Simcoe requesting Provinci.al Grant in lieu o.f taxes, on lands of a Co-Operativ,e' Corporation. - Referred! to the Petitions ,and Legislations Co.mmittee. From the' County O'f Simcoe to establish a Provincial Police Train- ing College. - Filed. Fro.m the County O'f Renfrew requesting Provindal grants iIlllieu of taxes on Ontario Hydro propertiesl. - Referred to the Petitions and Legis,lations, Committee. FrO'm the County of Huron requesting the Dept. of Health to assume hospitalcostsi of chronic patients. - Referred to the Peti- tions and! Legis:1ationsi Committee. From the' University of 'Western Ontario., with invitation to visit the University on June 24th. - Ref.erred! to the Finanee' Committee. " ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 85 ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE June Session, 1959 To the Warden, .and Membersl of the Elgin County Council, The Elgin Manor Committee reports as follows,: 1. That we have aecepted the' tenrdler of Imp,eriaHe Fuels Ltd. for delivery ,of No.1 OhiO' Wolverine oil tre.ated Storoer coal @ $11.12 p.er ton as, required. 2. That we have ,acc,epted: the tender of Cities' Serviee, Oil Com- pany for No'. 1 Fuel on @ 15.43eents! per gallO'n as' required. 3. That we have purchas1ed 8 Hend'e,rson chairS' @ $28.75 each, for recreation room to replace' the' old ones, from Richard Cochrill Ltd. 4. That we, recO'mmend the purchase of a new Combination storm and screen aluminum door for side entrance. All of which is respedfuHYi submitted. J. BARKER, Chairman. PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE June Session" 1959 To the Wardlen, and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Petitionsl and Legislations Committe,e, reports as followsl: 1. That the resolution from the County of Renfr,ew, re grant in lieu of taxes on Ontario. Hyd!rO' property, be filed. 2. That the resolution from the County of Simcoe for a grant in lieu of taxes on Co-Operative Cold Storage PlantS', be filed. 3. That the commund'cation from the County o.f Lincoln, to promote the purchase of Canadian goods, and Produce, be filed. 4. That the, communication frO'm the County of WeIland, re Assistance t,o ,older citizens in payment of municipal taxes, be filed. 5. That the resolution frO'm the County of Renfrew for a m,ore equitable system of grants in lieu of taxes on Defence establishments, be filed. 6. That paragraph 3 of the communication from the County of Huron re Chroruic p>atients in Nursing Homes, be endorsed. All of which is respectfully submitted. E.. BEATTIE, Chairman. 86 ~LGIN COUNTY COUNCIL " AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE June Session, 1959 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, The> Agricultural Committe,e reports as fO'llows: 1. That the request from the Middlesex-Elgin Hereford Associa- tion for a grant. he filed. 2. That we concur with the, resolution from the' County of Hald!i- mand for Amendment to the We,ed Control Ad, that claimS' for dam- ages be, registered within thirty days. 3. That Mr. Claybourne GO'rdon be appointed valuator for live- stock destroyed, due to rabies, ,and a salary of $1.00 per hour, and 10c per mile for use of his car, he paid. All of which is, respectfully submitted. H. HUNTER, Chairman. ,\ . COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT June Session, 1959 To the, Warden and Members: of the Elgin County Council, I beg to submit the following statement O'f Receipts andl Expendi- tures from January 1st, 1959, to May 31st', 1959. Receipts Balance in Bank and on hand, January 1st, 1959............$ 36,43'5.90 Administration of Justke...............................,$ 207.25 Notes Payable, ...................................................... 220,000.00 Registry Office..................................................,. 13,513.50 Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit.......................... 6,005.0'2 Charity and Welfare ........................................ 7,676.40 Elgin Manor ........................................................ 12,518.17 Children's Aid SocietieS' .................................. 1,437.19 County Roads .., ..............' .........., ... ........ ...... ......,. 230,544.05 Miscellaneous...., ....... ........,... ......... ...... ............... 1,799.45 Licenses: and Permits ...................................... 191.00 Agriculture ............................ .... ........... .... .... .... ... 1,003.56 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 87, Interest ..................................................... ........... O/s cheques written off......... ........................... 11.75 89.75 494,997.00 $531,43,2.99 Expenditures Administration of Justice ................................$ 314,2,54.40 Notes Payable, ..................;................................. 230,000.00 Charity and! Welfa:re ...... .......... ........... ............. 20,235.41 Elgin Manor ........................................................ 14,133.79 Grants ...,..................... ......................................... 3,685.00 Registry Offiee ................................ .................. 4,290.27 Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit ........................ 15,000.00 Children's Aidl Society...................................... 13,908.94 Members WageS' .......................................... ...... 4,867.25 Offieerg,' Salaries............ .................................... 4,088.30 Printing, Postage, and! Stationery .................. 563'.5,3 Care of Buildings! .............................................. 5,365.15 Agriculture .......................................................... 2,558.10 County Roads...................................................... 164,963-.04 MiscellaneouS' ......, .... ....................... ... ............... 375.52 Int ere Sit .....................,.......................................... 3,405.49 Transfer to Hospital Account ........................ 88.56 County Assessment Dept. ................................ 4,302.02 $526,084.77 B,alance on hand, M.aY' 31st, 1959................................ 5,348.22 $531,432.99 All of which is, respectfully submitted. J. D. THOMSON, County Clerk & Treasurer. ~; 88 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ROAD COl\11\UTTEE REPORT June Session, 1959 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, Your Road Committee begs to report as follows: 1. We have purchased the following new Machinery: (a) 1-ton Stake Truck (b) 1-550' Adams! Motor Grader 125 H.P. (c) 1-15 ton M:achinery Float 2. Mulch type Pavements will be laid on: Road 42 Mlalahide .................................................. Road 34 M.C.L. Westminster South Dorchester and y,armouth .................... Road. 13 Dutton and! Dunwich.............................. Road! 8 Thames: River Southerly Dunwich .................................................................. Road 3 Thames River Southerly Aldborough ............... ................................. ............ </ 0'.4 . miles 1.0' mile 2.0 miles 1.8 miles 4.0 miles 3. Highway No. 75. 7'6 and 77 have been resurfaced! with Hot Mix by the D. H. O. 4. The Dodd's' Creek Bridge for the St. Thomas Suburban Com~ mission has been let to Russell Construction of Toronto, and work has been started!. Work is progressing on the Wellington Road: Gr.ading by the Alrex Contracting Limited' of Georgetown. 5. Excavation fOT the Cul,v,ert at Richmond Hill is. apPToximately 60% completed. 6. A Contract for Painting and Cleaning~ of the Robbins Bridge, Port Talbot Bridge' and! the Walker BTidge hasl been let to Fredl Kirk of Port Stanley. 7. Surveysl have been started at the Wardsville Bridge, in order that Tenders, for the Construction of a new Bridge may be called early next year. 8. WE RECOMMEND that a PO'rtion of LO't 5, Concession X, Bayham T,ownship, not required! for Road Allowance purpose, be sold: to Mr. Walter Nelson for the sum of $20'0'.00. Mr. Nelson to fence the pTop,erty and pay all legal and! surveying costs. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 89 WE; RECOMMEND that the Warden and the Clerk be author- ized to' sign the deed. 9. The Dep,artment of HighlWaysl has: agre,ed! to enter into. a 100% co.nnecting link agreement (Highway No. 19) with the Vil- lage of Port Burwell on Erieus:, Union and Robinson Stre,ets, which are County RQads. The Department of Highwlays will revell't Victoria and Wellington Streets to Port Burwell. These streets are presently part of King's; Highway NO'. 19. The Dep,artment of Highw,ays will des,ignate Chatham Street from Burns Street to Lake Erie. as' a Dev,elopment Ro.ad, if assumed by the County. WE RECOMMEND the reversion of Erieus:, Union and Robin- son Streets from the County System to the ViUage of Port Burwell, in ordterr that the Village may enter into. a connecting link agreement with the D.H.O. WE RECOMMEND that the County assume Chatham Stre,et in the Village of Port Burwell from Burns! Street to Lake EJ'ie, in order that the Minister of Highways may designate it is a Development Road!. AU of which is respectfully submitted. D. BURGESS, Chairman. FINANCE COMMITTEE June' Session, 1959 To. the' Warden and: Membersl of the, Elgin County Council, The Finance' Committee Reports as: follows: 1. That Children's Aid! Societies Pay List No. 3 for $2,379.08, Pay List NO'. 4, for $2,129.16, and Pay List No.5, for $2,561.46, have been paid. 2. That Ch:lJrity and W,elfare Pay List No.3, for $777.60, Pay List No.4 for $1,607.86" and Pay List No.. 5, for $670.20, have been paid. 3;. That the Chairman of the Finance Committee be authorized to. sign approvedl Charity and: Welfare and Children's! Aid Society Pay Lists, each month. for payment. 4. That Peter Gloin. Crown Attorney. be appointed! fQr Que ye,ar to' complete his term on the Senate. .of the U:nJ.versity of Western On- tario., .and Mr. Gloin be complimented on his ireport. All of which is respectfully submitted. H. LIDDLE, Chairman. 90 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROPERTY COMMITTEE June Session" 1959 TO' the' Warden and Members: of the, E,lgin County Council, The Prop,erty Co'mmittee reports as follows: 1. That the tender of Cities, Service on Co. Ltd. for fuel oil for the Jailor's residence of 15.43 cents per gallon, was accepted. 2. That the tender of Imp,erialle Fuels for No.1 Stoker coal for the Court House and! J'ail of $11.12, per ton. was accepted. 3. That 6 trees were purchased from the McConnell Nursery Co. and planted on the Court House grounds at a cost of $60.00. 4. That the S'al,ary of J. F. McMiHan, Jud.g,e Qf the Juvenile and Family Court be increased $500.00 per year. 5. That the salary of Mrs. Jean Beavis, Court Reporter for the Family and Juvenile COUirt, be increased $240.00 per year. 6. That the May UphQlstery replace covering on the Court room doors at a cost of $92.50. All of which is> resp,ectfully submitted. F. J. NIMMO, Chairman. BY.LAW No. 1747 Of The Corporation of The County of Elgin A BY-LAW to provide for partial indemnity to owners of cattle, horses, goats., sheep and swine for losses suffered! by rabies in the County of Elgin .on or after the, 1st .of Aprril, 1'958, and to appoint one or mor,e valuers, to determine the amounts: of the losses. 1. WHEREAS since the 1st day of April, 1958, a large number of animals have become infected with rabies in the Province of On- tario, with considerable loss to owners of domestic animals; 2. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin de.ems it adviS'able that owners of cattle, horses, goats, sheep and swine be indemnified in respect of losses suffered by reason of rabies; ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 91 3. AND WHE.REAS the Council deems it advisable to accept the offer of each of the Government of Canada and Ontario to pay to the County forty per cent (40%) Qf the. amounts p'aid by the County as indemnity to owners of the. cattle, horses, goats, she.ep and swine in respect of such losses from r.abies since the' 1st day of April, 1958, in accordance with the following terms: (a) That the Government of Canada provide such servic.es as are necess1ary to' determine that the losses to the owners of the above-mentioned animals, were a result of rabies, and pay forty per cent (40%) of the amount of the valuation fixed by the cO\lnty valuer; (b) That the Government of Ontario provide such services .as are necessary to provide for instruction of valuers and co-ordination Qf the services: under the plan for indemnifiClationand pay forty per cent (40%) of the amount of the valuation fixed by the. county valuer; (c) That the County Council appoint one, or more valuers to determine the amounts of the losses to the owners: of the aforementioned animals and pay for the services of the v,aluer and the'amount of the indemnification to the owners thereof. 4. THERE,FORE, the Council of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: (a) Claybourne Gordon, of Township of Southrwold, is ap- pointed in and for the. County of Elgin as valuer to. de- termine the value of cattle, horses, goats, sheep and sw:ine that, by certificate. issued by the Veterinary- General of Canada, have been certified as' having died in the County as a r,esult of rabies OIl! or after the 1st day of April, 195,8, and to carry out such other duties as may be assd.gnedi to him in respect of the valuations, including the making of reports required! for the pay- ment of compensation to the owners of the cattle, horses, goats, sheep and swine; (b) The remuneration be. paid to the said Claybourne Gor- don for services rendered as valuer iSI fixed at $1.00 per hour (rate of Pay) and .10c per mile for use. of his car w.hile so employed. 92 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL (c) The Treasurei' of the County is ,authorized to p.ay to the owners .of the live stock the amount of the value thereof as determined by the valuer. P ASHED IN COUNCIL THIS 17th day Qf June, 1959. CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN. J. D. THOMSON, C1erk LLOYD S. GURR, Warden I CERTIFY that the foregoing is' a true' copy of Hy-Law No. 1747 passed by the' County Council of the County of Elgin on the 17th day of June. 1959. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. \.. BY-LAW No. 1748 "To Amend By-Law No. 1693, and By-Law No,. 1704 Re Judge's and Court Reporter's Salaries for the Juvenile and Family Court." The' Council of the' Corporation of the, County of Elgin enacts: THAT the salary of J. F. McMiHan, Jud>ge of the Juvenile and Family Court be increasedl Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) per year, payable monthly. THA T the salary ,of Mrs. Jean Beavis, Court Reporter, of the Juvenile and Family Court, be increlas>ed Two Hundred and; Forty Dollars ($240.00) per year, paY1able, mQnthly. THAT By-L,aw No. 169<3', and 1704, be, and are hereby amend,ed accordingly. RE:AD a first time this- 17th d.ay of June, 1959. READ a second time this 17th day of June, 19'59. READ a third! time, and finally p,assed this 17th day of June, 1959. J. D. THOMSON, C1erk LLOYD S. GURR, Warden .! ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 93 BY.LAW No. 1749 "To Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign Deed To Convey Land to Walter Nelson, Township of Bayham." WHE.REAS the Corporation of the County of' Elgin has agreed to seU to, Walte'r Nelson, of the Township of Bayham, Part of Lot 5, in the Tenth Concession of the Township of Bayham, CONTAINING by admeasurement THREE AND TWENTY FOUR ONE~HUNDREDTHS (3.24) ACRES for the slUm of Two Hundred Dollars}. ($200.00). Thel Elgin County Council enacts: THAT the Warden ,and the' Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized to sign deed! of land, conveying to Walter Nelson THRE:E, AND TWE,NTY FOUR ONE-HUNDREDTHS (3.24) ACRES of land. READ a first time' this 17th day of June, 19,59. READ a second time this 17th d'ay of June, 1959. READ a third time, and finally pass1edl this, 17th day of June, 195,9,. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk LLOYD S. GURR, Warden THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF E:LGIN BY.LAW No. 1750 A By-Law To Amend the By.Law Adopting a Plan of County Road Improvem,ent and Establishing a County Road System in the County of Elgin under the Highway Improvement Act. The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as B)1'-Law Number 1750 aSI follows: 1. The Schedule of By~L,aw Number 897, being the'original By- Law establis>hing a County Road System in the County of Elgin as! amended! by By~Law Number 1052 being the last consolidating By-Law re-establisrJng the said system and fur- ther ,amended> by subsequent amending By-Laws is hereby amended by adding theretO' the road designated and described as follows: 94 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Designated County Road No. 39 DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of Road! Allowance known as Chatham Street in the Village of PQrt Burwell, COMMENCING opposite the' northerly limit of Burns Street in the Village of Port Burwell, THENCE s:outherly along Chatham Street which is the Ro,ad Allow,ance betwe,en Lots 10 and 11, Conces- sion 1, Township of Bayham, to the waters of Lake Erie, a TOTAL DISTANCE of approximately One (1) Mile. THIS ROAD to' be known as County; Road No. 39. 2. The road as designated and described in paragr;aph 1, is hereby added to, and included .in the. County Road System of the County of Elgin. 3. This By-Law shaH come into force, upon the' approval of the Lieutenant-Governor in CouncH. FINALLY PASSE'D at the CITY of' ST. THOMAS, in the' County of Elgin. this, 17th day; of: June, 1959. J,. D. THOMISON, Clerk LLOYD S. GURR, Warden THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LAW No. 1751 A By-Law To Amend the By-Law Adopting a Plan of County Road Improvement and Establishing a County Road System in the County of Elgin under the' Highway Improvement Act. The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as By-Law Number 1751 aSI follows: 1. The Schedule of By-L>aw Number 897 being the original By- Law establishing a County Road System in the County of Elgin as amend;ed by By-Law Number 105'2 being the last cons.olidating By-Law re-establishing the said system and further amended by subsequent amending By-Laws is hereby amended by remo'ving therefrom the roads desiignated and described! as follows: ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 95 Designated County Road No.42A DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of Road AHowance known as County Road No. 42A in the' ViUage of Port Burwell., and being a connecting link between County Road No 42, and the King's Highway NO'. 19, also, being' a portion of Erieus Stre,et landl Union Street, in the' Vil- lage of Port Burwell, COMMENCING at the Westerly Limit of Victoria Street, which is King's Highway No. 19, THENCE, southerly and Westerly along Erieus Stre'et, and: itsl continuation known as Union Street, as s'hown on Registered PI.an No. 12 and 98, to its inters'ection with Robinson Street, (County Road No. 42,) A DISTANCE of approximately Three-eights (3/8) mile. Designated County Road No. 42 BEING that portion of Road AllQwance known as County Road No. 42, in the Village of Port Burwell, COMMENCING at the northerly limit of Wellington Street, which is King's Highw,ay No. 19, THENCE northerly along Robinson Street to its intersection with Union Street, A DISTANCE of approximately Fiv,e Hundred and! Fifty (550) fe,et. 2. The roadiS as d>esignated and described in paragraph 1, are hereby removed from the County Road System of the County of Elgin. 3. This By-Law shall come into force upon the approval of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council. FINALLY PASSED at the CITY of ST. THOMAS, in the, County of Elgin. thisl 17th day of June, 1959'. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk LLOYD S. GURR, Warden 96 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FOURTH SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 15th day of Sep,tember, 1959 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The W,arden in the Chair. All the members were present ,except Deputy Reeve Chute~ Reeve Barker, and Deputy Reeve Spe,ers. The W:arden asked members of Council to stand for a minute's Silence in memory of the late M. B. McColl, a member of Council. The Clerk r,eported Certificates had be-en filed for John Hux as Reeve of Aldborough, and George Barber, as J),eputy Reeve of Ald- borough. The following communications were read and referred to their various Committees: <J COMMUNICATIONS From the Governor Qf the Elgin County Jail re enlargement. From the Department of Highways with approval of County of E;lgin By-Laws No. 1750 and 1751. - Filed. From the Dept. of Lands and Forests re Use of snares in open season for de,er. - Filed. From the Rotary Club of St. Thomas requesting a grant for advertising space. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Community Planning Branch re Workshop to be held in the County of Elgin. From W. L. Fraser, District Engineer, re Port Stanley Traffic Loop. ~ Filed. From the Ontario Municipal Board re Annexation of portion of the township of Yarmouth. - Referr,ed to the Finance Committee. From the OntariO' Minister of Highways re Port Stanley Loop. - Filed. From Mr. Ronald K. McNeil, M. P. P., acknowledging resolutions re No.4 Highway at Port Stanley. - Filed. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL gg~'1 From the County of Peterborough re grant in lieu of taxes by the Federal and Provincial Governments. - Referr,ed to the Peti- tions and Legislations Committee. From the County of Renfrew to provide for payment of x-rays of out patients by the Ontario Hospital Commission. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislations CommissiQn. From the County of Huron re the bulldozing of buckthorn. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. Moved by Reeve Hux that Mr. Donald Grant, of the Fred, Page Higgins Company, County Auditors, be now heard. Mr. Grant ad- dressed the Council on a communication from the Dept. of Municipal Affairs re amounts due the County by local municipalities under Sec- tion 51 of the Assessment Act. The matter was referred to the Fin,ance Committee. Moved by Reeve Elliott that Dr. Hoffman be now heard. Dr. Hoffman addressed the Council re Polio Clinics to be held in the County. Warden Gurr thanked Dr. Hoffman for his attendance in Coun- cil. Moved by R,eeve Downey that R. W. McDonald, Jail Governor, be now heard. Mr. McDonald addressed the Council re enlargement of the County Jail. R,eeve Downey also spoke on the matter. Moved by Reeve Liddle, Seconded by Reeve Burgess: The Property Committee be ,empowered to proceed with prelim- inary steps toward building suitable jail accommodation, which steps will include hiring an architect, and getting estimates as to cost. We suggest that the report be available for the November Session of County Council. -Carried. The Clerk presented replies re County of Elgin resolution of June Session re increase of interest rate on arrears of taxes. The '\Varden called on Deputy Reeve Gloin for a report on the Ontario Municipal Convention at Sudbury. Mr. Gloin gave an excel- lent report on the meetings. Moved by Reeve Burgess, 98 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Seconded by Deputy Reeve Learn: That we do now adjourn to me.et this afternoQn at 2 p.m. -Carried. The Council resumed. The report of the Agricultural Committee was presented and .adopted on motion of Reeve Hunter and Reeve Wilson. The report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Liddle and Reeve Burgess. The report of the Petitions and Legislations Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Beattie and Deputy Reeve McKibbon. Moved by Reeve Nevill, Seconded by Reeve Liddle: That the County Road Committee is holding the General Acci- dent Assurance Company of Toronto, as the Bonding Comp,any for Bond No. 67020 of Looby Construction Ltd. responsible for an early completion date of the Otter Creek Culvert, as it is necessary that others complete the grading operations this fall. We consider the contractor is in default at the pr.esent time, as the completion date on this project is July 31st, 1959. -Carried. The report of the Road Committe.e was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Burgess, and Reeve Blue. De puty Reeve Speers asked :regarding future road program in Port Stanley. Moved by Reeve Blue, Seconded by Reeve Wight, That Reeve John Hux be appointed to all Committees on which the late M. B. McColl was a member, and that Deputy Re.eve George Barber be appointed to all Committees on which Deputy Reeve John Hux was a member for the balance of the year, 19,59. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Burgess, Seconded. by Reeve Liddle: ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 99 That the Elgin County CouncH support the tQwnship of Yar- mouth in opposing the request of the City of St. Thomas to annex small portion in Plan 270 of Yarmouth township, unless the City of St. Thomas is willing to annex the Yarmouth Heights area. -Carried. It was decided that each Council member bring as a guest, a young citizen on the first day of the November Session, and dinner to be at the Fingal Presbyterian Church. Moved by Reeve Hunter, Seconded by Reeve Blue: That By-Law No. 17512, "A By-Law to' Restrict and Regulate the Destruction of trees by cutting, burning, or other means," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Re,eve Blue, Seconded by Reeve Hunter: That By-Law No. 1752, be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Re,eve Hunter, Seconded by Re,eve Blue: That By-Law No. 17152, be read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Speers, Seconded by Reeve Liddle: That we do now adjourn to meet on Tuesday, November 17th, at 10 a.m. -Carried. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk LLOYD S. GURR, Warden 100 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL REPLIES FROM OTHER COUNTIESRE ELGIN COUNTY RESOLUTIONS September Session, 1959 Resolution re Arrears of Taxes. ENDORSEU> - by United Counties of Durham and Northumber- land; Wentworth; Peel; Huron and Brant. FILED - by Lincoln; Halton; WeIland; E:ssex; and the United Counties of Stormont and Glengarry. ~CKNOWLEDGEiD - by R. K. McNeil, M. P. P. " AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE September Session, 1959 To the' Warden and Members: of thei Elgiin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from the County of Huron r,e the bull- dozing of buckthorn, be filed. 2. That by-law re regulating, r,estricting, the cutting of trees in the Comity of Elgin, be presented. All of which iSI res1pectfuHy submitted. H. HUNTER, Chairman. ~- FINANCE COMMITTEE September Session, 1959 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Gommitte,e Reports ,as follows: 1. That Children's Aid Societies Pay List No. 6 for $2,383.82, Pay List No.7 for $2,09.0.41, and Pay List No.8, for $1,779.51, have been paid. 2. That Charity and Welfare Pay List No.6 for $787.50, Pay List NO'. 7 for $603.20, and Pay List NO.8 for $486.301, have been paid. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 101 3. That the County of Elgin take a full page ad in the Rotary Musical Festival Booklet for $25.00. 4. That no action be taken re Assessments under Section 51, due the County from the local municipalities. All of which is re,spectfully submitted. HARVEY LIDDLE, Chairman. PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS September Session, 1959 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Petitions and Legislations Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resQlution from the County of Peterborough re Grants in lieu of taxes regarding County Rate be filed. 2. That the resolution from the County of R,enfrew requesting amendment of the Regulations of the Ontario Hospital Commission to permit x-rays for out patients to be paid by the Commission, be ,endorsed. All of which is respectfully submitted. E'DW ARD BEATTIE, Chairman. ROAD COMMITTEE St. Thomas, Ontario September Session, 1959 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, Your ROAD COMMITTEE begs to report as follows:- 1. 'WE RECOMMEND that the County of Elgin accept the res- ponsibility of King's Highway No. 75 and Highway No. 77 in West Elgin, as they have been placed in a suitable condition as promised by the Department of Highways, and as the Department of Highways has assumed (in 1958) County Road No.1 as part of Highway No. 76. 2. WE RECOMMEND that the attached programme for the Improvement of Elgin County Roads he approved. All of which is respectfully submitted. DONALD BURGESS, Chairman. 102 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PAVING: ROAD 13 Shackleton Street, Dunwich........................................ 3.3 Miles 14 Dunwich & Southwold Township Line Burwells Corners to Iona .................................... 2.5 Miles 45 J,affa to Highway No. 73, Malahide............................ 2.5 Miles 38 Bayham, Richmond Hill .............................................. 1.0 Miles GRADING & GRANULAR BASE: ROAD 24 Dexter East, Yarmouth ............. ...... ......... .................. 36 Road 24 Northerly, yarmouth.................................... 40 Glencolin to Highway No.3, Malahide.................... 48 Road 47 to Dereham Township Line, South Dorchester .................................................. 520X Road. 48 to' Brownsville Road, South Dorchester .................................................. 14 Dunwich & Southwold. (Shackleton to Thames) except Highway 40'1 Crossing............................ COUNTY OF ELGIN 3-YEAR ROAD PROGRAMME 1960 BRIDGE: Wardsville Bridge, including Grading on Aldborough Side. PAVING: 1961 ROAD 3 at Wardsville Bridge, Aldborough.......................... 24 Dexter Easterly, Yarmouth .......... .............................. 3.6 Road 24 Northerly, yarmouth.................................... 40, Highway No.3 to Glencolin, Malahide...................... 48 & South Dorchester .......................................................... 520X ............................................................................................ 14 Road 13 to Thames River............................................ GRADING & GRANULAR BASE: ROAD e, 2.5 Miles 1.0' Miles 2.1 Miles 1.8 Miles .4 Mile 3.0 Miles 1f4 Mile 2.5' Miles 1.0 Miles 2.1 Miles 1.8 Miles .4 Mile 3.0 Miles 20 Shedden to' Fingal, Southwold.................................. 2.6 Miles 20 Highway No.4 to' Turvilles Corners, Southwold & Port Stanley.................................. 2.0 Miles ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 103 24 Highway NO.4 at Hepburn Transport to Port Stanley, including necessary work in Port Stanl,ey, Port Stanley & yarmouth.................................... 1.5 Miles 8 Burwells Corners Westerly, being Talbot Road, Dunwich................................ 3.5 Miles BRIDGE: Eden Bridge on Road 46, Bayham. 1962 PAVING: Mileage Graded in 1961. GRADING & GRANULAR BASE: ROAD 52 Easterly, Springfield, South Dorchester and Malahide ........................................................ 1.0 MUes 36 Easterly from Road 24 to Port Bruee, (New Location) Yarmouth & Malahide ........................................ 4.0 Miles 20 Shedden Northerly to Highway 401, Southwold .............................................................. 3.0 Miles 2 West L.orne, Easterly, Aldhorough.......................... 1.0 Mile 42 Reconstruction of a Portion of the Road between Port Burwell and the Stalter Gully Bridge, in the Townships of Malahide and or Bayham............ 3.0 Miles BRIDGE: Dingle Str,e.et Bridge in Aylmer. THIS ROAD PROGRAMME is based on an expenditure for Con- struction (that is, a total for Paving, Grading and Granular Base and Large Bridges) of approximately the same amount of money sp,ent in the 19'57, 1958, and somewhat less than that spent in 1959 (on account of Richmond Hill and Wellington Road being done in the same year). The Programme provides the Grading and Paving of from 10 to 13 miles of Road per year and the building of a large Bridge. The 1960 Programme is the same as approved by County Council in 1957, with the following exceptions:- 104 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Road 13: Mileage increased from 2.5 miles to 3.3 miles to com- plete the paving of Shackleton Street, as Grading was not completed in 1958. Road 38: Paving Qf 1 mile of Road 38 at Richmond Hill added to pave where work is being done this year. Road 40: Glencolin to Highway No.3 added by the Road Com- mittee, and Road 45 Jaffa to Orwell, 3.0 miles, Yar- mouth and Malahide deleted. The 1961 and 1962 Programme is as planned by the 1958 .and 1959 Road Committee. ,:. THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LAW No. 1752 A By-Law to restrict and regulate the destruction of trees by cutting, burning or other means. WHEREAS it has become expedient for the general welfare of the County of Elgin to maintain and improve the forest, soil, game and fish resources of the County by pr,eserving and improving the woodlands of the County; and WHERE,AS, und,er Section 3 of The Trees Act, the Council of a county is empowered to pass by-laws. (a) restricting and regulating the destruction of trees by cut- ting, burning or other means; and (b) Providing for the appointment of officers to enforce the provisions of any by-law passed under this section; THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. (1) Except as hereinafter provid.ed, no living tre,e of the species listed below that sh.all not have attained to the measurements specified below shall be destroyed by cutting, burning or other means: 14 inches in diameter or 44 inches in circumference PINE - White, Red SPRUCE - Norway, Colorado, White OAK - White, Swamp, Burr, Chestnut, Red, Black EcLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 105 MAPLE.- Hard,. Red, Silver, Black POPLAR - Cottonwood WALNUT - Black, White HICKORY - Shagbark, Pignut, Moc~ernut ELM - White, Red, Rock ASH - White, Black Tulip-tree BASSWOOD - American CHESTNUT - Sweet Kentucky coffee - tree Cucumber - tree GUM - Black Hackberry Sycamore Hemlock BEECH - Americ,an ALDER - European 8 inches in diameter or 25 inches in circumference PINE - Jack, Scotch LARCH - Eastern (Tamarack), European 6 inches in diameter or 19 inches in circumference BIRCH - White, Gray, Black CEDAR - White, Red CHEiRRY - Black LOCUST - Black, Honey POPLAR - Balsam, Trembling Aspen (2) Measurements referred to in subsection (1) above shall include the bark and be taken at a point on the tree eighteen inches' above the highest point of the ground at the base of the tree. 2. This by-law shall not apply to (a) tre,es that are to be cut for use or sale as Christmas trees; (b) diseased or insect infested trees that should be cut or removed to prevent disease or insects from spreading to other tr,ees; (c) trees that have been damaged by disease, insects, wind, ice,. fire, lightning, or other cause to an extent that the content of merchanhlble timber in such trees is not likely to increase; 106 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL (d) trees of poor form and quality that should be cut to improve the health and development of the remaining trees in the stand; (e) trees growing on lQcations for fireguards, skid-ways, or logging trails; (f) trees that should be cut or removed to provide access for cutting other trees that are to be cut. '" 3. This By-law shall not: (a) interfere with the right of a person who has been the registered owner of land for at least two years to' cut trees thereon for his own use; (b) int,erfere with any rights or powers conferred upon a municipality by The Municipal Act; (c) interfere with the rights or powers of the Hydro Elec- tric Power Commission of OntariO' or any other Board or Commission which is performing its functions for or on behalf of The Government of Ontario; (d) apply to trees growing upon any highway Qr upon any opened road allowance; (.e) apply to trees gro'wing in a woodlot having an area not exceeding two acres. 4. Any person who violates the provisions of this By-Law shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a penalty of not exceeding $500.00 or to a term of imprisonment not exceeding thr,ee months. 5. That officers to .enforce the provisions of this By-L,aw may be appointed by resolution of council and an officer so appointed shall (a) not be a member of council for the County of Elgin; (b) hold office for such term as may be specified by resolu- tion of the Council; and (c) be paid an allowance for salary at the rate of $1.00 per hour when engaged in the .enforcement of this By-Law and an allowance for travelling expenses at the rate of ten cents per mile travelled in the enforcement of this By-Law. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 107 6. By-Laws Nos. 14909 and 1730 of the County of Elgin are hereby repealed. 7. This By-Law shall come into force and take effect immed... iately upon the passing thereof. PASSED in open Council 1st reading the 15th day of September, 1959. 2nd reading the 15th, day of Septemher, 1959. 3rd reading the 15th day of September. 19,59. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk LLOYD S.GURR, Warden October 29th, 1959. A special meeting of the Elgin County Council was held to..day, the Warden presiding, and all memhers wer,e!pr,es,ent except Deputy Reeve C. Learn. Moved by Reeve C. Blue, Seconded by Re,ev,e J. B. Wilson: That the W ardenand the Clerk are hereby authorized to sign Agreement on behalf of the County of Elgin with the, Department of Highways, of the Province of Ontario for improvement of road, in Port Burwell known as Ch.atham Str'eet. Council adjourned. J. D. 'THOMSON, Clerk LLOYD S. GURR, \Varde-n 108 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL WARDEN'S ADDRESS November Session, 1959 To the Members of the Elgin Oounty Council, Gentlemen: Firstly, on behalf of Elgin County Council, I wish to extend a v.ery cordial welcome to our group of Junior Citizens who are our guests here to,..day. I sincerely hope that to-day will not only be a pleasant one, but that it may also be an ediuc,ational experience for you and possihly sometime in the futur'e, some of you may be filling one Qf the chairs here in County Council as a leader in the community in which you liv.e. It is almost a year since you ,gelntlemen elected me as. your War- den for 195,9. I certainly apprecia,ted the trust that you showed in me, and I would like at this: timel to thank each, and ,everyone of you for the splendid 'co-operation that you hav,e given me' throughQut the ye.ar. With such fine co,..operation .both in committees and in Council, we have be,en abl,e to accomplish a gr,eat de,al. Our County Road Dept. is well on the way with its original thre,e y,ear program, and ar,e, bringing in recommendations for 1961-62 to keep' a three year program in front of Council at all times. Sur.e this program is costing a lot of money, but I am sure that most <>f us will. agree ,after touring the County ,Roads that great , improvements have been made during the past two years'. I would! like to compliment our hard working GountyEngineer, Mr. Moore for his work in Elgin County, since .coming to .usa little ov,er two ye:ars ago. Our County buildings are in good shape, and we have added new chairs for the, Council Chambers, a flag pole on the front lawn, new chairs ,at the Elgin Manor, and the new garage for the, bookmQbile, Jail Gov,ernor's car, and janitor's car, has been complet,ed. W,e are now getting prices for the installation of city water for Elgin Manor, which I sincer,ely hope is a first step towards a new home for our aged people. I hope that some day in the not too dis- tant future that we 'will be able to build a new home on the pres:ent sit,e that everyone in Elgin County will be proud of. W.e will also be sleeing plans at this Session for a proposed addi- tion to our County Jail. i,."i> ~ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL <100 I believe. our finances are in very good shape, .and! that we will finish the year with a .sizea,bl,e surplus;, much of this credit must go to. o.ur very ,efficient Clerk- Trea,surer, . Mr. J. D. Thomson, and to. the different Committees who have wisely watched their expenditures. In closing, may I say that I have end!eavour,ed to rep.res,ent you at as many meetings, as it hag, be,en humanly possible to attend dur- ing this past ye.ar, and: once. again wish to. thank, you all for your v'ery fine co-operation during my y'ear as Wia.rden. COMMUNICATIONS From Mrs. Grace MacColl andfamil'y with .appr.eciation. - Filed. From R. B. Dewsnapi, Secr.etary-Treasurer of the. West LOJ:'ne Horticultural Society with apprleciatiQn of grant. - Filed. From Lt.-Co!. W. A. Andre,ws, Civil Def.enee Co-Ordinator, re Civil Defence Dinner on November 18th. - Filed. From DemlJ Bogart, Secretary-Tr.easur,er, SouthwoldJ and Dunwich Agricultural Society, with .aPPlreciation of grant. - FHed. From the City of Woodstock with resolution r,e DayHght Saving Time. - Refened to the P,etitions and Legislations Committee. From the Ganaddan National Institute for the' Blind with apprec- iation of grant. - Filed. From the Norfolk County Council with resolution re the fishing industry. - Heferred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. From the. Council of the County of Essex with resolutions r.e hunt,ers. and incr.ease in tile loans:. - Referred to the Petitions .and Legislations Committe.e. From the Salvation Army with appr'eciation of g,rant. - Filed. From the, University Qf W,estern Ontario. with appreciation Qf grant. - FHed. From the County of W,elland re Loans for municipalities. - Re- ferr,ed to the Petitions: and L,egislatiQns Comrnitte.e. From the North Lambton W.omen's Institute re Regulations for School Buses. - Ref.erred to. the P,etitions and! Legislations Commit- te'e. no ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL From R. B. P,erkins, with appreciation of g,rant to the Rotary Music F;estival. - Filed. From W. Scott MeKay, Secretary of the Ontario Good Roads Association re resolutions for Convention. - FHed. From the City of Sarnia, re Pollution due, to oil: drilling in the lakes. - Refer:red; to the' P,etitions and Legislations' Committee. REPLIES FROM OTHER COUNTIES RE ELGIN COUNTY RESOLUTIONS Resolution re Arrears of Taxes'. ENDORSED - Norfolk; Oxford.; Wat,erloo; Wellington.; On- tario; Hastings. >} ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 111 FIFTH SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 17th day of No,vember, 1959 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, 81. Thomas, in accQrdance with adjournment. The Warden in the Ohair. All the members were pr,esent, ,ex'c,ept Reeve Nevill. The Warden addressed the Council. The minutes of the: last day of the September SesSion, and a sp,ecial me,eti.ng of October 29th, were r,ead and approved:. The foHo:win.g communications were read and referred to their various Committees: The, Tre,asurer's R,eport waspr,esented:, accepted, and orderied printed in the Proceedings an motion of Sp1eers and Liddl,e. The SecTetary's R1eport of Elgin Manor was: pr.es.ented, .accepted, and ordered printed in the' Proce:edingrs. on motion of Burgess and GloJ..n. The Clerk'sl R,eport on Licenses was pr,esented and accepted, and. ordered printed in the Proce,eding.s on motion of Wight and Elliott. The report of ,the Elgin Manor Committe,e, was pr,esented and adopted on motion of Reeve Barker, and Deputy Re,eve Chute. Moved by Re,eve Burgess, Seconded by Deputy R.e,e,ve: Speers: That the CI,erk send a letter of appreciation to Mr. John Pearson and staff, for the exceUent workshop Qn Planning and Dev,elopment held at the. Court Hous.e, last month. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Hux, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Barber: That this Council does now adjourn to. meet this afterno.on at 3 p.m. -CmTied. The Council resumed. The report of the Finance Oommittee was presented and adopte'd 112 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL on motion of Reeve Liddl>e and Reeve Elliott. The, re,port of the Petitions and Legislations Committe.e was presented. Re,eves Downey, Deputy Reeve Barber, Reeve BurgesS', Re,eve flux, and Reeve Blue spoke on Claus'e 4, which was amended and ordered filed; on motion of Re,ev,e Downey and Deputy Re,eve Barber. The report as amended was adopted on motion of Re,eve Beattte; and Deputy Re'eve: Chute. Reeve, Burgess gaVie a good r,eport on the Canadian Good Roads Gonv,ention in Vancouver in Sept,ember. Moved by R,e,eve Beattie, Seconded by Deputy Re,eve Chute: That the Elgin County Council recommend that the Provincial Government proclaim Daylight Saving Time for all municipalitie,s from the last Saturday in April to the last Saturday in September. -Carried. ,Moved! by Deputy Re,eve Spe,ers that Mr. Dunc,an Black, Archi- tect, be now heard. Mr. Black presented plans for an addition to' the' County Jail. The r,eport of the Property Oommitte,e was pres,ented and adopt- ,ed, o.n motion Qf Deputy Reeve Nimmo. and Reeve Do.wney. Moved by Deputy Reev,e Spe'ers, Seconded by Re,eve Liddle: That we do. no.w adjourn to. meet on W,ednesday, November 18th, at 10 a.m. -Carried. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk LLOYD S. GURR, Warden " ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 113 FIFTH SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 18th day of November, 1959 The Elgin County Council met this d;ayat the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members present except Re,eve Nevill. The minutes of the pr.evious day we~e read and confirmed. A communication from Mr. L. E. Ludlow, Director .of Homes. foil.' the Aged r,e water main to Elgin Manor was: re:ad and refened. to. the Elgin Manor Committee. The, County We,edt Inspector's R.eport was presented and accepted, and ordered printed in the. Proeeedings on motion of Reeve Hux, and Deputy Ree'v.e Barber. It was moved by Re.eve LiddLe that Mr. J,ohn Wignall, County Assessor be now heard. Mr. Wignall plresented his: report on the pro.gr.e,ss' made in CountY' Equaliz.ation of ,assessments. The report was approv,edand order,ed printed in the Pro.ceedings o.n motion .of Deputy Reeve Speers and Reev.e L,iddle. The report of the Road Committee wa,s pil.'es,ented and adopted on motion of Re,eve Burgess and Re,eve L,iddle. Mo.xed by Ree!ve Hux, Seconded by Deputy, Reeve Barber: That the Warden and Clerk of the County of Elgin ar.e hereby authorized to sign Certificate reg.arding permanent ,employee,s o.f the Corporation, for ex-emption of contributions! as pro.vided under the Regulations> of the Unemployment Insurance Act. -Carried'. Deputy Ree've Speers spoke, re destruction of signs. Moved by Reev.e Burgess, Seconded by Reev.e LidJd[.e: That the usual grant of $25.00 be given Paul Sallaway and Mrs. Mary Jane. Stephens for reporting proce,edings of County Council. -Carried. 114 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Mov,edby Re,eve Baird, Seconded by Deputy R'eeve Chute: That By-L.aw No. 1753, being "A By-L.aw to Amend the By-Law AdQpting a Plan of County RQad Improveme~nt and Establishing a County Road System in the County of Elgin under the Highway Im- provement Act," be read, a first time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Re,ev,e Chute, Seconded ,by Reeve' Wilson: That By-L,aw No. 1753, be read! a slecond time. -Carried. Mov,ed by Deputy R,eeve Chute, SecQnd,ed by Re,eve Baird: That By-L.aw No. 17,53, be read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Harker, Seconded by R,e,eve Wilson: That By-Law No. 1754, "To Appoint County Solicitors," be r,ead a first time. -Carried. Moved by Re,eve Wilson, Seconded by Reeve B,arker: That By-L,aw No. 1754, be' read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Baird, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McKibbon: That By-Law No. 1754, be read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 115 The members of County Council congratulated the Wardoen on the efficient mallnerand -capable leadership he gave in conducting the 'business' of the County, this year. Moved ,by Re,eve Liddle, Seconded by Deputy Reev,e L,earn: That we do now adjourn sine, die. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk -Carried. LLOYD S. GURR, Warden COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT November Session, 1959 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, I beg to submit the following statement of Rec>eipts and Expendi- tures from January 1st, 1959, to October a1st, 1959'. Receipts Balance, in Bank, and on hand', January 1st, 19159......$ 36,4315.90 Administration of Justiee ... .....................$ County Assessment Dept. ........................ Notes Payahle, ............................................ Registry Office............................................ Charity and Welfare, ....... ..... ............... ..... Provinc,e of Ontario-reo Museum ........ Elgin Manor ................................................ Children's Aid Societies .......................... Elgin..Bt. Thomas Health Unit ................ County Roads .............................................. Misc,ellaneous ............................................ Licens,es and p.ermits; .............................. Agriculture ................................................ Interest ..,..................................................... County Rates ........................... ................... O/S chequeS' written off .......................... 25,412.60 1.25 510,0000.00 13,5-14.00 32,941.09 983.9'3 2:2,6.05.82 1,760.5'3 34,0,94.77 504,601.00 2,384.50 256.00 1,0.03,.56 31.47 119,008.00 on. ..,"" 00:1'.1 tJ' $ 1,268,688.27 $ 1,305,124.17 116 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Expenditures Administration of Justic,e ...............;........$ Notes Payabloe ...... ........ ...... ....... ..... ..... ....... Ch,arity and Welfare, .............. .................. Grants .......................................................... Elgin Manor ................................................ Registry Office .......... ................................ Elgin~St. Thomas Health Unit ................ Children's Aid Societies: ........ .................. Memhers' Wages ...................................... Officers' Salaries: ...................................... Printing, Postage, and Stationery .......... Car,e of Buildings ...................................... Agriculture ................................................ County Roads> ............................... ............. Elgin Pioneer Mus.eum ............................ Miscellaneous: ................. ................. ... ....... Inter,est .................;...................................... County Ass'essment De-pt. ...............;........ Transfer to. Ho.spital Account ................ Balanee on hand!, October 3'lst, All of which is respectfully submitted. SECRETARY'S REPORT November Session, 1959 69,534.36 340,00,0,.00 24,3:77.65 7,460.010 25,635.93 6,378.2.0 5,6,179'.50' 24,5011.64 9,206.45 7,504.9'5 7'62.70 8,178.76 10',10,8'.47 640,180.37 1,483.93 964.66 6,973.91 8,60,2.14 88.56, .$ 1,248,122.18 1959'.................... 57,001.99 $ 1,305,124.17 J. D. THOMSON, County Clerk and Treasurer. To the Warden, and Members o.f' the, Elgin County Council: The following is my report on Elgin Manor for the y:ear ending OctQber 31st, 1959: 1. Number of residents at last report........................................ 3:2 2. Nm:nbeT admitted during the year........................................ 14 3. Number of deaths ............................. ....................................... 1 4. Number discharged ......... ... ..... ..... ... ......................................... 14 5. Number of residents now in Ho.me........................................ 31 E:LGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 117 6. Total days residenee ......................................................... ....... 12,330 7. Average number of residents during year............................ 34 8. Average number with Superintendent's family and hired h,elp ......... ........................................................ ....... 42 9. Number of we,eks' hoard with Superint,endent's' family.... 2,177 10. Number of weekss' board of residents ................................ 1,761 11. Receipts Provinee of Ontario. Subs1idy........................$ Old Age Pensions ........................................ Government ofCaanda Sales Tax Refund R,esidents Maintenance ................................ Refunds - Bell T:el,ephone ........................ ,Refunds - Insurance ................................ Sundri,es' - Eggs sold ................................ 12. Expenditures F,ood and Provisions ..................................$ Medical, Dental, and Drugs ........................ Clothing and Welfare. ................................ Household Supplies ...................................... Furnishings .................................................... Repairs to Buildings and grounds............ Fuel, HydrO', T:elephone .............................. Trav>el Expense and offic.e supplies.......... Salaries and! Wagles ...................................... Insurance, Fire, Compensation, and BOoiler ...................................................... Sundries ........................................................ 13. Deductions Govlernment of Canada, .Sales Tax............$ Refunds - Bell Telephone ........................ R,efunds - Insurance .................................. Sundries .......................................................... 8,990.71 17,154.20' 238.78 476.00 44.05 49.25 9'4.90 $ 27,047.89 7,490.72 1,65.7.91 2,181.24 1,094.40 872.0'8 2,0174.08 3,H84.88 5,24.26 8,413.50' 2,197.08 35'.00' $ 30,42.5.15 23;8.78 44.05 49.25 94.90 $ 426.9'8 14. Net Oost of Operating .............. .................................... ..$29,998.17 15. Average Expenses per day of each person................$ 2.43 118 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 16. AVierag.e Expens1es per week of each p,erson............$ 17. Average Expens'es' per year of each person............$ 18. Actu.al Cost to County after deductions of all receipts ......................................................................$ 3,377.26 17.01 884.52 19. Produce 80 Bushels p,otatoes; 12 Busheils carrots; 30 Bushels onions'; 14 Bushels turnips; 8 Bushels heets; 10 Bushels squash; 42 Bushels apples,; 50 Bushels cabbage; 8 Bushels parsnips. During season, the, Home used their own lettuce, tomatoes, g.reen onions, swe,et cor-u, radishes, cucumbers, and beans' from the garden of which no account was ~ept. 20. Stock 100 Hens 21. There were 4:'6 residents in the Home during 1959; 34 males, 12 f.emales. 'Of the 31 r,esidents, in the Home on the 1st day of November, 1959, 23 were males, and 8 femal,es. The manag,ement has be,en satisfactory. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. D. THOMSON, 8ecr,etary of Elgin Manor. CLERK'S REPORT ON LICENSES N ove-mber Session, 1959 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, I have' to' report the following licens>es in force on the 1st day of November, 195-9,: Auctioneer Frank Fulkerson....................................R.R. 1, TiUsonburg Leslie J. Shackl,eton................................R.R. 1, Springfield William Johnson ......................................................... . Rodney Robert H. Shore........................................R.R. 6, St. Thomas Le,e Simpson ........................................................... . RidgetowI1: Don Watterworth ................ .......... ....... ........ ...............Aylmer Harold G. Clarke ................ .................... ..............81. Thomas K. J. McAlpine ............................................................. .Dutton ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 119 W. D. Shore .......................................... ..R.R. 6, St. Thomas James McKinlay ...................................................... ..MQrpeth J.ames R. McLean ................112 Elmwood Ave., London E. E. Randall ..................................................... .......... .Aylmer Ronald James Walsh ................................General Delivery, Talbotville William T. Cla,rk ............................697 Dundas St., London S. A. Brady.................................. ............ ..R.R. 2., Dorcheste,r Duncan Brown .......................... ................................. . Shedden Transportation of Fowl Strathcona Creamery................................................... .Dutton Charles Pangborn ................................................ Tal botvill e E. o. Wight ................................................................... .Rodney Elgin Egg Co. ........................................................St. Thomas Salvage Dealers, W. A. Howald ............... ............. ........... .... ..... .............. ..Sparta Jules Vandenbussche, ....................................... .Straffordville Canad,a Scrap Iron & Metal,. Ltd.......................St. Thomas; Earl Stephens ................................................Box 70, Sparta Thomas Smith ............................5i85, TalbQt 81., St. Thomas Frank Chodowski ..........................................R.R. 1, Aylmer Salvage Yard Jack Str,eib ................... ................................................ . Rodney Canada Scrap Iron & Metal, Ltd.....................S>t. Thomas All Qf which is respectfully submitted. J. D. THOMSON, County C1erro and Treasur,er. 120 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE November Session, 1959 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Elgin MauQr Committee repoTts as follows: 1. That we! hav,e accept,ed the tender of the Imperial Syistem of Baking for br,ead to be, deli:v.ered to Elgin Manor during the yea,r, 1960, @ .12 cents per loaf uns1iced; and 1>3 cents per loaf, slieed. 2. That we hav,e accepted the tender of Silverwood Dairies for Standard Milk @ .19c per qt.; Skim Milk @ .14c per qt.; or .44c per gallon, to be delivlered to Elgin Manor during the' year, 196,0, as, re- quired. 3. 'That the plans and sp,ecifications of Mr. F. A. Hell for a water main from the 'pr'eS'ent extension on T,alhot Road to Elgin Manor, at anestimat,ed cost of $2'5,200.00 be appr.oved, and Mr. Bell to call for tenders. All of which is resp,ectfully submitted. J. W. BARKER, Chairman. FINANCE COMMITTEE November Session, 1959 To, the Warden, and Members of the, E[gin County Council, The Finance Committe'e r:eports as follows: 1. That Ghildr,en's Aid Societies Pay List No.9 for $1,777.50, and Pay List No. 10 for $1,754.11, have been paid. 2. That Charity and W,elfare Pay List No. 9 for $243.80, and Pay List No. 10 for $383.59, have be,en paid. 3. That we: approve of an additional grant, not to exce,ed $1,- 500.00 to .the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit. 4. That the firm .of Stafford and Fa.njoy be employed as County Solicitors, and the Clerk prepare the necessary hy-law. All of which is resp,ectfully submitted. HARVEY LIDDLE, Chairman. ". ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 121 PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE November Session, 1959 To. the Warden, and M.embers o.f the: Elgin County Council, The Petitions and Legislations Committee: r,eports as follows: 1. That the reso.lution from the City of WOQdstock requesting the Pro.vincial Government to proclaim the commencement wate and termination date for Daylight S.aving Time, be, filed. 2. That the resolution from the County of Norfolk requesting the Provincial Government to institute a pcrogram of propagation of whitefish and pickerel to he released into. the lake: wat,er, he en- do.rsed. 3. That the r'esolution from the County of Ess:ex to. hav;e hunters wear a p,atch with number on it while hunting, be applrov!ed. 4. That the: resolution from the. County of E:ssex, that the amount obtainable on tile lo.ans he increased from $30.00 per acre, to' $60.00 per acre, be endorsed. 5. That the r,esolution from the County of W:elland requesting the Federal and Pro.vincial Government to. make funds available to. municipalities at a reasonable rate of inter1est, be filed. 6. That the resolution from the North Lambton Women's In- stitute for improv.ed regulations re School BUSies and traffic to. come to. a full stop when app.ro,aching a school, bus which is stQPped, be. .endo.rsed. 7. That the resolution from the City of Sarnia r!equesti.ng the Provincial Government to pi['ohibit the drilling for oil or gas in any body of water to. be used as a municip'al wa.ter supply, be filed. All of which is respectfully submitted. EDWARD BEATTIE., Chairman. 122 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROPERTY COMMITTEE November Session, 1959 To. the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committ,e,e reports: as follows: 1. That we have accept,ed the tender of the Imperial System of Baking for bread deliv,ered to the Elgin County Jail during the year, 1960, at .12c p,er loaf unslic.ed, a.nd .13c per loaf, sliced. 2. That we have accepted the tender of Silverwoods, Dairies Ltd., for delivery of Standard Milk @ .19c per qt., skim milk @ 14c p,er qt., o.r .44c per gallon, as r,equired. 3. That the pl.ans and sp,edfications for addition to the Elgin County Jail, as prep'ar,ed by Mr. Duncan Black, at an estimated cost of $25,000.0,0" be approved. All Qf which is respectfully submitted. F. NIMMO, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 123 WEED INSPECTOR'S REPORT November Session, 1959 To. the Warden, and Members of the, Elgin County Council, I wish to' report on the work done: on we,ed: control, on farms> and roadsides, in the County of Elgin, this: past year. Farming is becoming a business with approximately fifty per cent of all farmers. Theyar,e wolt'king larg.er farms, producing more, and ar.e a class of f'armer whO' generally keep' their farms clean, by spraying or clipping, and also, by good cultivation. The other fifty percent .ar,e careless: and don't mind looking at weeds, and there. is also oneS! that work in .the city on SQme' other job, and just haV"e a farm for a cheap' place to' live. These are the ones that give me the most trouble, for if I don't find these farms~ or places, some one is sure to' notify me: of the we,eds. There ar;e a large num- ber of such farms throughQut the County. SO'me of the people ,are quite hard in getting their we,eds clean~ ed up. I had one fifty acr,e farm mowed, and I put the cost. in the taxes. The suh-divisions around St. Thomas give quite a bit of trouMe. With the assistance of Mr. C. F. Evans, weed inspector of Yarmouth township, we had most of these sub-divisions and lots: mOlwed~ labour s:eemed to be .easi,er to get. I alsO' had lots and sub~divisionsl in Southwold township mQwed. Most of this wo,rk was p,aid for, through tax.es. The first weed that, comes: in early May is Yellow Rocket, and it is a had weed and sp.reading in some. areas in the County. I called on many f,armers throughout the County that have YellQw-RO'cket growing on their farms and advis1edi them that it was a bad weed, for it is v,ery hard to' control. 'Milk weed is also bad in some places and it is hard to control. There doesn't seem to be a chemical that will kill mil~ weed. Mor,e than h,alf of the County has: wild carrot. It is easy to kill with spray, but should be sprayed twice a year. Late Mayor .early June' and ag,ain in September, ar'e the best times of the year for spraying wild carrot. There ar,e many other weeds which give trouble, and sPQils the .appea.rance o.f the countryside. Mustard is bad in some places, but was taken off the. noxious weed list; but I still advise, farmers to spray it. The County Weed InspectO'rs dO' not hav:e any control of we,eds on railroads. The. Reeve of the township in which the railroad .124 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL passes. thro.ugh ar,e responsible in making the railraad clean up any weeds. The He,eve may call an the township inspectoJ:" or county inspector to. assist him. The Provincial Highways in the County were not as well mawed in 1959, as they have he.en in p,r.evious years. They were mowed lat,e this year; the weeds and especially, sow thistle were bad before the.y wer,e mowed the first time. The County Ro,ads wer.e well mo,wed, and 12'5 miles o.f County Roads were' spray,ed. I think the spraying should have be,en done earHer. I hap,e' there ar,e mm'e miles of County Raads sprayed in 1960. I hope the Dunwich and Aldborough .townline is' sprayed next year, as I had complaints about the. weedsl this, y,ear. A Dunwich to.wnship farmer reported me to. Mr. A. H. Martin, head of the We.eds and Se,ed Branch af the, Dept. of Agriculture, in Toronto. The to.wnships seem to. be doing more each year in co:ntrolling we,eds and brush on roadsides. The villages and towns ar.e well loo.ked after; they giv,e me, v,ery little' trouble. I ho,pe all officials of Elgin County, and officials' of all town- ships will go. all o.ut in 19'60, .and make a r,eal job in destroying weeds in Elgin County, as, we ho.pe to. have many visitors to our County aUending the Provincial Plowing Match. I will give you a rieport on the spraying done in the County this y,ear: Spring Grain-Oats ad Barley.......................... 7,000 acres Carn ..........................................3.5,000 acres P.asture ...................................... 3,500 acres; County Roads sprayed: ............................................125. miles County Raads mowed ............................................253, miles Township Roads spray,ed ......................................697 miles. Township Roads mo,wed ........................................528 miles Suburhan roads sprayed ........................................30 miles Suburhan roads mowedJ ......................................... ..30' mnes Township and Village Roads mowed....................65 miles There were no damage claims repor't,ed to. me, due to. spraying of the we,eds. I want to thank all o.fficials or the County and of the townsll.ips for their consideration and co-operatian, and also. Mr. James Arm- strong, the District Inspector, who. is always ready to. help you with any problems. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCI:, 125 As this was a busy y.ear for me, I did not spend quite as much time on weeds as I should hav,e. My salary and expenses are a little less than in 1958. I will try and do. a better job next year, as the,r,e is still more to. be done on we,ed control in the County af Elgin. All of which is r,espectfully submitted. CLAYBOURNE: GORDON, County Weed Inspector. COUNTY ASSESSOR'S REPORT County Assessor's Office November 18th, 1959 Mr. Warden, and Members af Elgin County Council: As a few of you have: been wondering why the County Assessor has nat been wocrkingr in yaur municipality this year, the Chairman of the Equalization Committe,e has .as~ed me to. hring you up-to-date with the re-assessment programme in the Go.unty. As you will no' douht recall, during the first full year of re,.assress- ment, good p.ro.gress was ma.de, and saw the Town of Aylmer, and Villages of Wrest Lo.rne, Rodney, Dutton, and Port Burwell rie-assess- ed, to.talling appro~imately $11,000,000' worth of assessment. Such progress Icons.ide,red was e~cenent, ,and morre-so when one considers thecomparativ'e ease with which the chang.eover was made. Out of all the appreals in these five placeS', only 4 went to. Judgre Mac- Millan, who saw fit to sustain the assessment in all cases. I h,ad hoped to. cantinue at this rate of progr,ess, but unfortun- ately such has not be.en the case. This prampts me to ask myself the question "WHY". Disappointing as it is, there is go.od r,eas'On for the slowing down. Aylmer was, completed much quicker than it normally would hav.e be.en, if the assessor only had done the re-ass.essment. Ho.wever, he was paid a to.tal sum for the re..,ass,essment, which sum was' suf- ficient for him to. hire two extra young men to do the measuring. 126 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Had this notbe,en done, it would. have taken all of two years to. do the joh. Another, and probably ,equally impo.rtant item from the paint of view of time saving in Aylmer, was, that little se.arching af titles was. necessary, because they were in possession af gaod re.cords', af which it was a: relatively simple maUer to. determine the frontage owned by people who. had part lots. This year, by the end of Nov,ember, we will hav,e completed the Village of Port Stanl,ey, and Springfield, .and the Township of Mala- hide. In all, a total of approximately $8,500.,0.0.0 worth of assessment. Of thes1e, the Village af Port Stanley has occupied the mast af my time. Proba1blyeight of the ten months of this ye,ar has been spent in this municipality. Why such a: lot of time in this one muni- cipality you may ask. This is a difficult point to .explain, becaus,e to. most people" Port Stanley consists af No.. 4: Highway into the village, aver the Bridg,e, and down to the Stork Club on the Boulevard. This picture would indicate goo.d, orderly develapment-not too heavily built upon, and not too. many pro.blems. I might say that this, was partly my impression, when at the turn of the year, in answer to a: questio.n from the. W,arden, I sugg,ested we might he abl,e to co.m- plete the fe-assessment of the village In from thre,e to four manths. Ho.wever, when one really gets to, know the village, it consists of far more, and it is in these extensions: of the village, so to. speak, that considerable difficulty arisl6s. Firstly, in ord,er to. ascertain what frontageeertain people o.wned, it has been necess.ary to search title in the r.egistry o.ffice for 883! paa:-cels of land. Total parcels, in the village are approximately 1,400., and the. 883i searches repa:-esent 63 p,er cent of them. This means. that 8183. parcels are part lots:. Miss Hill is v2ry .adept and. quick at searching titles in the Registry Office, bringing hack the necessary infarmation and typing it. This ho.wev,er is. just the beginning, becaus,e aft.er this, plans have to. he drawn up to. find: out how these parcels tie in with the ov,erall picture, and if they in total, make up the camplete' lots, of which they farm parts. This may to some sle:em unnecessary, because it has never be,en done before. I wish it were unnecessary-my jotb would be much simpler. In the past, and I think this goes for all municipalities., that wher,e a parcel of land has been divided between several' people, it has been good enough for the assesso.r to designate these as parts o.f lot so and so, and assess. all parts of lots at the same figure-com- pletely disr,egarding size, shape, and topography. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 127 In an urban or suburban locality, frontag,e is an important fac- tar, becaus'e it is the g.eneral basis for the ,assessment. That is how land is saId in these areas. It. is therefoToe ahsolutely es'Sential that ,every effort he mad'e to. try and estahlish the carr.ect amount of fron- tage and depth owned by every single owner. As an e~ample, con- sider two people ,each owning part of lot 1, with an acr,eage of 1/5 acre each. One fifth may be made up of standard dimension 66' x 132', whilst the other may be 3'3' x 2'64'. If ane assess,es each of these as a part af a lot containing 1/5 acre each, the assessment would be s.ay $100 each. It iselementaryass:essment howev,er, that the 66 feet lot is worth almost twice as. much as the. 33 fo.ot lOot. Another situationencounter.ed: at Part Stanl,ey was that there ar,e many area,s where o.ne person owns a parcel of land, with hither- to. unknown dimensions, leasing v,ery small parcels: to. many differ- ent people, who in turn build their own cattag.es. There are several! areas li~e this, where on parts of two. lots, we find cangested areas of cottag,es, same of which are awned and, accupied hy the land' own- er, whilst others are owned by :Less'ees. I have r,eference to. Mrs. Macdon,ald's pro.perty, Mrs. Plastow's property and the B. A. Young properties. Grimmonds Beach is ano.ther clas,sic exampl'e where an four large size lats, we find approximately 30 subdivisio.ns, all of varying sizes. Further complications arise, wher,e much of the land is ta~en up with hillside slopes, ravines, etc. Oertain parts of these' are used to. good .advantage, and we find cottages built into. the hill- side, whilst po.rtio.ns of such land are almast valueless and a liability only. Distinction has to be made. Another large area of unsubdivided land which has been sold off into mete,s and bounds is the unsubdivided p,arts of Lots 1 & a-Yar- mouth Township (now in the village of Port Stanley.) I would es,,: timate that in these two. lots alane, we will have somewhere in the vicinity of 100 o.r more separate parc,els'-some on good level land, with other on hillside. Of siz.eable importanee is the harbour and adj,acent indusltrial land, which has: taken much time and thought in order to. estahlish r,ealistic and reasonable valu-es. 'The most difficult prablem of all ha.s been the reconciling of the new values with the old. Normally on a r'e-assessment, ane. usually finds certain consistencies on all assessments in each class, of pro- perty. What I mean here is, that generally an houses change by raughly the same percentage with the occasional exception. Stor.es will usually change by a fairly consistent percentag,e. At Port, how- ev.er, this has not heen the case, and chang,es vary gr'eatly as between 128 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL properHes in the same group. For example, thinking af year round r,esidences, some change by a very small percentage, some change by 50%, same 1O'O%-0.thers 300%, and some even higher than that. This very fact ma.de it absolut.ely necessary to keep a close watch on every individual assessment-we simply could not afford to. take anything for granted. A close watch has been maintain.ed on the market v,alues of all properties when they hav,e changed: hands. Many times when we have noticed an extreme change, much time has heen sp,ent in discussion, in order that we might convince our- selves that the :extr.eme change was: warrant.ed, and: have compared with sufficient similar properties as a further check. All in .all, I will say that Port Stanley has probably been one of the mast diffi- cult municipalities to re-assess that I hav,e ever experienced. I fe,el that the time spent in Port has been well warth while, and v,ery necessary, and I feel quite sure that ultimately will fit into the picture of equity in the County. Same time has been spent in Aylmer, R.odney, West Lorne, and Dutton, by way of kie€ping the new assessment up-to-date, and I at- tended Courts of Revisian at W,est Lorne, and Dutton. Some work was also done in Yarmouth, Ald;borough, and: Dunwich, though not as much as I would: hav.e liked. These along with Southwold are due for much of my time next year, and for compJ:etion if at all pos- sible. The re-assessment has found its own level in the munkipaliHes which have been re-asses:s.ed. This is quite ,evident from the consid- erable decline in the number of appeals. Rodney and Dutton each, had ane appe,al. In Dutton, the ho.tel which was rais,ed from $1,- 500.00 taalmast $11,0'00.00 didn't appeal last year-much to my sur- prise. However, he proba,bly noticed a consid,eTably higher tax bill this' year. At the' Court of Hevision, R,e.eve Downey was able to show to this taxpayer, to his satisfaction that the abnormal increase was justified. Comparative mill rates in the municipalities re-ass.essed last year ar'e: ~ g,. Asst. Res. R,es. Comm. Comm. ~ Incr. P. S. P. S. Budg.et Inc. ..... ~ AYLMER ................................ .19,58 92.8 94.5 101.35. 10'3.1. $309,240'. S:;' 1959 121% 45.25 4.5.12 48.8 48.7 3.30,227. 7% (6 Would have been 42.0 43.0'.0 46.0 46.6 tr:l t"l tn C':l "d (l) ~ (':I PORT BUR,W'E'LL ..................195'8 86.5 92.0 38,119. Z r::; e. 19.5.9 81% 49.6 47.0'0 55.0 52.4 42,0'0'0'. 10.5% n ~ Would have been 48.0' 51.0 0 '< c:: ~ ~ tr W.EIST LOR:NE ........................19,58 80'.0' 90'.0 7'2,40'0. S. ~ ~ 19,59 10'0% 55.0' 60.0 88,00'0. 22% n (l) Would hav,e be.en 40'.0 55.0' 0 p.. c:: z ~ DUTTON ................................. .1958 89.5 96.5 44,100'. n ~ P::: 1959. 47.1 51.4 41,700'. t"l 2: Would h.ave be-en 52 56.0' 5% g~ f;j ~ RODNEY ..................................1958 80.3 79.8 87.9 87.4 50,224. <+!1",) '< 2: 19r59 65% 48.7 49.8 5,3.5 54.6 50,690'. ~E: ~~ tn II .... 0 ~ ~ 13.0 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ROAD COMMITTEE November Session, 1959 To. the Warden, and Members of the, Elgin County Council, Your Road Committee begs to report as' follows:- 1. Road Mulch Pav,ementsha've been laid on the following Roads during 1959: (a) Yarmouth and W,estminster, Road 34 M.C.L. W'est of Belmont. 0.5 miles (b) Malahide Road 42, the Lake Raad at Road 40... ................................. (c) Dunwich and Dutton, Raad 13 (Sha.ckletan Street) Dutton to. Willys Side Road ... (d) Dunwich Road 8, the New Curri,e Road, Willys Bridge southerly to Concession 11 ...................................... 0.4 miles 2.0 miles 1.8 miles (e) Aldborough Road 3, Furnival Road Con. 1 to Con. IV................................. 4.0 miles 8.7 mHes 2. Extensive widening, Grading .and Gravelling has been done, or is being carried on, on the folloiwing Roads: (a) Dunwich Road 13 Shackleton Str,e,et WillYis Side Road to. Road 14.......... 3.3 miles (b) Dunwich and Southwold Road 14 Ioua to Burwells Corners .. 2.5 miles (c) ,lVIalahide Ro.ad 45 Highway No. 73 to. J.affa ... 2.5 miles 8.3 mnes 3. E.arth Excavatian and Backfilling with Granular Base was done in: (a) Town af Aylmer on South Street from Rutherford to Fifth Avenue, and on Fifth Avenue from South Str,eet to Talbot Street. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 131 (b) Village of Rodney, a Portion of Queen Street East where a new Municipal Drain was installed. 4. The Construction af the Triple Box Culv,ert at Richmond: Hill on County Road 38 in Bayham Township has been campleted by Loo by Construction Limited. E'arth Grading by Alrex Contracting Limited is cantinuing. 5. The W,ellington Road Extension by the' St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission has be,en completed, with exc.eption of Guide R.ail. The Dadd's Creek Bridge with a span of 70' was built by the Russell Construction Limited, and Grading done by Alrex Contracting Limit- ed. The Road will be paved next y.ear. 6. Approximately 25 miles of County Ro,ads, and 2 miles af Suburban Roads wer,e Surface Tr,eated with Bituminous Materials and Stone Chips. 7. Concrete Culverts wer,e built on: (a) Road 19, Hunt Drain Culv,ert in Southwold To,wnship near Southwold Station. This work was started in 1958 and completed in 1959'. (b) Road 14 South of Iona. Extensions: were built on an .existing Culvert to. allaw the Grade to. be rais,ed when Grading was dane. . 8. Other Culverts installed. included:- (a) On Road 9, West of Highway 76 in Aldboraugh Town- ship a Steel Plate Culvert 180' long was installed to replace a Concrete Culvert in danger of i.ailing. The Grade was also raised in conjunction with the Culvert installation. (b) Road 25 8.A, under the St. Thomas Suburban Commisision jurisdiction, on the Townline between Yarmouth and Southwold, a Steel Plat,e Culv,ert 204' lo,ng. This work was: done in eonjunction with the W;ellington Road Grading. (c) Other Steel Culverts were installed on Roads 13, 14, 45, 25 S.A., and 38, in conjunction with Grading operations. (d) Miscellaneous Culverts wer,e installed throughout the County. 9. The Concrete floor on the Walker Bridge over the Thames 136 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Warden's Election .............. ...... ..... ... .......... ........................................ 4 'Salaries ........................................18;52, 53, 66" 72, 74, 76" 86, 90, 92 REPORTS OF COMMITTEE AND OFFICIALS- A.uditors ................. ........... ............... ...... ............................................... 97 Agricultural -CommiUee ..........................29-31, 45, 64, 77, 86, 98, 100 County Clerk on Licens,es ................................................111, 118, 119 Elgin Manor Committee ..................................43', 52" 77~, 85:, 111, 120 Oounty Assessor's Report ........................................54-59, 113, 125-129 County Treasurer's Report ............................77, 86" 87, 111, 115, 116 Education Committee .............. ........ .................................................. 19 Equalization .................... ............... .................................................. .44, 60 Fin.ance Committee- 17, 18, 44, 4:5:, 52, 53" 64, 65" 79, 89, 98, 100, 111,120 Library GOo-Operative ................... ....... ................................................ 32 Elgin County Museum Report ................................... .................. .3<5',36 Elgin County Health Unit .................................................... ..33, 34, 9'7 Secretary's Report of. Elgin Manor........................111, 116>, 117, 118 Petitions and Legislations............17, 45, 64,77, 85, 98, 101, 112, 121 Property Committee....................................44, 60, 80, 90, 97, 112" 122 Road Committee- 20-2.8, 44, 6il-6>3, 79', 88, 89, 98, 101, 102:, 103, 104, 113, 130-132 Standing Committees, ....................................................9, 10, 16, 17, 98 Weed Inspector ............................ ...................... ..44, 113, 123, 124., 12:5 ~-.. .. ., BY-LAWS- No. 173'2 To Authorize the W,arden and Tr,easurer to Bor- row the sum of Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars ...................... .......... ........................................... .13, 37 :} , i No.. 1733 To. Amend the By-Law Adopting a Plan of County ,Road Improvement and Establishing a County ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 137 Road System in the County of , Elgin under' the Hignway Improvement Act . ............................. ....... .13', 39 No.. 1734 To Appoint a Bo.ard af Audit in the County of Elgin for the year, 1,g:591...~..............~.."................. .......14, 40 No. 1735, To. Appoint a County Road Committ.ee....................14, 41 No. 173'6 To'Re-,Appoint a Member to the St.Thomas: Sub.. urban Road Commission.......................... i........... 14, 15, 41 No. 1737 NO. 1738 No. 1739 No. 1740 No. 1741 No. 1742 No. 1743 No. 1744 No. 1745 No. 17,46 No. 1747 To Raise Amounts for Oounty Rates During the Yea.r, 1959............................................................... .46" 66, 6'7 Restricting the .Weight of Vehicles passing ov.er a Bridge... ............ ...c.... ......... .......... ......................... .47, 67, 68 A By-Law, of the County. of Elgin to Provide for Sick Leave with Pay for County Employe,es'-47, 72, 73 A 'BY-L.aw to Amend By-Law No. 1696, and By- Law No. 1724 .................................................. ..47, 48, 73, 74 'To Increase the Salary of the Phys:ician for Elgin ;M an 0 r .. . . . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. . ..48, 74 To Confirm the Equalization of the ,Assessment Rolls of the County of Elgin for the year 1959 ................................................................48, 49, 75 A By-Law to Provide' for the 19,59, Expenditures on Roads under the Highway Improvement Act in the County of Elgin..........................................<W, 68, 69 A By-Law to Provide for Supplementary 19,59 Ex~ penditur.es on St. Thomas Suburban Roads under the Highway Impr.ovement .Act in the 'Coy.nty of Elgin ......................................:................................... 49, 70 A By-Law to Provide for Supplementary 1959' Ex- penditures on Richmond Hill' and Culvert, and CauntyRaad No.13, Under the Highway Im- pravement Act in the County of Elgin.,..........49', 5:0, 71 To Increase the Salaries of the' Clerk-Treasurer, Deputy Clerk- Treasurer, Secretary to the Elgin County Ass/essor and the ElginCountyWarden....50, 76 A By-Law to Provide for Partial indemnity to awners of cattle, horses, goats, she'ep, and swine for losses iSuffered'by rabies in the County of Elgin ................................................................. .80, 90, 91, 92 13.? EL~HN COUNTy~pUNCIL ~ ;1 No. l75() TO Am~fi(l 1?y-LaW No. 16~, and B~-~W No. 1704, re 'Judg~'s and !CQurt Reporter's Salaries for the Juvenile and Family Court........................80, 81, 92 To Authorize th~ Wardeq and G1e.rk to Sign Deed to. Canvey Land to Walter Nelson, Township of B. a,y,b.am ........................................................................... J)l, 93 4. B.y..L~W to ~r:Q:~rl(:l tl1~ lly-L,aw j\dapting a Plan of CQuntY!taaq IIIlpr9:v~:meIlt ap.d ~stahlishing' f C~u:pty Roa~ IS~stem in th~ CouIlty of Elgin under tl1e Highway improvement Act..:.....81, 82, 93, 94 A By-L'a~ to Affiep.d the By-Law Adopting a. Plan of Caunty Raad Improvement and Establishing a County Road System in the County of Elgin, under the Highway Improvement Act..............82;, 9':1:, 91> No. 17~2 A By.\L~)y to Ites'txict anq. Reg~ate ~he Destruc- tion of trees: 'by cutting., buini~g; or other means ..................................................99, 104, 106, 106, 10.7 No. 1751 " No. 17~~ No. 1749 W9. 17153 A By-L.aw to Amend the By-La'w Adopting a Plan of County Road Improvement and, E,stahlishing a ,County Raad System in the 'County of Elgin under the Highway IIIlprov~ment Act..:............~.............114, 133 No. ~7;54; To 4P.poiJ1t County Solicitors................................114, 134 .J t \ :Q.ES,QLu:TIONS- Pet~t~oJ;lJ tp Highv.;,a.Ys. Millister r~~xll'~nd~tllre~1 all Cpunty ~igJ;tways' 1!)5.8 ..:.:. .~..:............. ...:....... ....................... .:.... .......... 9 11 110. Tra.ff~c Lapp yU }I:fWY' 4, Po~t Stan,ley............................................ 78 Bonding Company-Looby Canstruction-Otter Creek Culvert 98 Yarmouth Op:posi~ian to. St. Thomas Annexatian........................ 99 " ,,- . , . -." ',' ~ SigJ;1iJ:lg A-g:J;e'e.J;Il~llt Wi~ D.~.9. 911 p~atl1::\m s,t......................... 10.7 Letter of Appreciation to John Pearsan........................................ 111 Da.y~~~ht Saving Time ......................................... ............................... 112 Ce~tif~cat~ of ~e.J,11ptiO,tl unde.f Vllem~o.y.Il,1en~ Insurance. ., Act ... ...... ..... ........:~ ...:.... ......: .:...:.... ..........~:...: ..... .~'..... ........ .......... ..9, 113 j '" Hospital Insurance on Convalesc'ent Homes.................................. Penalty o~ Tax Arrears ......... ............................. ..77, 78, 97, 100, i