1960 Minutes PROCEEDINGS OF THE Elgin County Council During the Sessions held in the Court House. St. Thomas in the Months of January. March, June. September and November 1960 J. D. THOMSON, Coun ty Clerk. HARVEY LIDDLE, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNlOIL 3 FIRST SESSION - FIRST DAY. ;Tuesday. the 19th day of January. 1960 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, st. Thomas, as required by Sta.tute. The follo'wing members filed Certificates, and taok their se~ats at the Coun-cil ta;ble: John K. Hux, Reeve, Aldborough George A. Barher, Deputy Reeve, AId/borough Clare Blue, Reeve Dunwioh AUan Grawf.6rd, Deputy Reeve, Dunwich Farnell Nimmo, Reeve, Southwold Almer Lunn, Deputy Reeve, Southwold Donald BUI:gess, Reeve, Yarmouth Masan Tansley, Deputy Reeve, Ya:r:mouth Harvey Liddle, Reeve, Malahide Donald M. Chute, Reeve, Bayham Charles D. Phillitps, Deputy Reeve, Bayham J'ohn 8. Wilson, Reeve, South Dorchester Jahn T. Millard, Reeve, Aylmer Russell McI<:ibbin, Deputy Reeve, Aylmer Kenneth' C.Emersori., Reeve, Vienna J:ames W. Barker, iReeve, Spring1field B. E. Downey, iReeve, Dutton Lloyd S. Gurr, Reeve, Part Stanley C. Gordon M-cIver, Deputy Reeve, Port Stanley J oiIm H. Wight, .Reeve, Rodney Lloyd Elliott, Reeve, West Lome Kenneth Baird, iReeve, Port Burwell =4 ELGiN COUNTY COUNiO:nL Moved by Reeve L. S. Gurr, Seconded by Reeve Burgess: ,That Harvey Liddle, Ree've' ill the township of Malahide, be Warden of Elgin County ;for the year, 1960. -Carried. The resolution re warden's election was unanimously approved, and the Warden took the Dedaration of Office, and thanked the me:mipers af Ooundl for the honour oonferred. Eix- Wp.:rdenGurr presented the ne'w Warden to the Council, and [>resiented /hilIIl willi the gavel of ctftfice, and the watcih worn iby the;'Warden. The Warden addre'ssed t:i1e council. ELGIN COUN'l'Y COUNCIL 5 WARDEN'S ADDRESS January Session. 1960 To All MemJhers OIf the, Elgin County Goundl, Gentlemen: First of all, I want to eXiPress to the memlbers olf County Coun- eil, my appreciation for the honour you ha:ve accorded me, and the ta'Wnship which I represent, in electing me your Warden, for the year; 19160. I hope I will !be able to live up to. the higih stand- ards set !by my predecessors in office. I want to wekorne :back those of you who have !been here be- .fore, and to extend a s!'pecial welcome to. the newcomers who wilL be serving their (first year 'on County Council. We have on Council this year, twoiforrner Wardens - tJhe immediate past Warden, Lloyd Gurr, ,and his predecessor in orifice, Reeve J. B. Wilson. With the ihelp and guidance of thes'e men, and other veterans on OOiUndl, along with new ideas and a fresh ap- proadlas provided by new memlbers, and with the .co-otperation of all, I .aIlTI sure this year will ibe a year of progress. There will be a nnm:oer .of important !,projects tb occupy our a't- tention this year, ,and I fQ;rs,ee a very important and busy year. Firstly, I think I should mention the International Ploughing Mateh, ,an.d. Farm J.\A:,achin!ery Delnonstration. to be held in t..lJ.e County this year. It is g,oing to take a lot olf e1flfort on -the part of a lot olf people to put this !bi:g event over, so that it will be a credit to the County, land I have been amazed at the willingness of peolple to assume responsibility and 'co-operate in order to. make this the best plOWIng match yet. I expect this year will see the completion of the Richmond Hill Bridge and fill. Another !big project far the Roads Dept. this year, will ibe the building .of the new Wardsville Bridge for which plans and specfi;c.ations are being prepared Iby Engineer Fred A. 6 ELGIN COUNTY COUlNClIL Bell. This will be a joint e:ftfort with the Caunty 0If Middlesex, ibut Elgin as the instigating County will ,Ibe charged with the renOIl- .sibility af buHding the hridge. Another projeiC!t to' which some tb,oUlght has, already ,been gi- ven is :the new addition to the jail which we hO'pe win alleviate the aver-crowded -conditions there. The w,ater sUlpply at Ewgin Manor is not of the hest, and pre- liminary" st€lP's were "taken to' assure an adequate supply of good water Iby means, .of a pipe line from the City of st. Thomas, bU1 sinc.e am last Council Meeting in November, c.omplications have, arisen so 'illlateareful thought must be given ,as to. where we g'O from here. There ariemany o:ther prolblems which will .arise as the year prog<resses. It is inconceivable that aU Councillors will be ot:f .one mind on all,swbjects, hut with the harmonious co-operation olt everyone all proihLems can be solved for the ibeneifit and progress of the Odunty and its people. Moved by Reeve !Lux, Seconded /by Deputy \Reeve Barber: That the minutes of the last day af the Novemibeir Session, 1:9159, as printed in the Proceedings, \be approved. :The fallowing communications were read, and referred to their variouS Gomrp.ittees: EDGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 7 COMMUNICATIONS January Session, 1960 iFirom the Registry Office, St. Thomas, with statement of !fees f'Or the year, 1;9159. - Filed. !Fr:om the MiniS/ter olf Highways re Supplementary By-Laws if>OT Sulburihan \Roads. - Referred to the Raad Oommfttee. Fr:am the Oounty of Dufferin with resolutions requesting :pay- lIIlent oir ,J'ail Employees salaries tby the Province, and iProvindal Grants. in lieu OIf tax,eiS. - Re\ferred to. the Petitions and Legisla- tions Gomimittee. From IStaHord ,and Fanjoy re Estateotf the late Mrs. Edith Ann Bennett. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the OntarioA;gricultural Cauncil withreiques1 for mem- bership fee, and .appaintment 'Of delegates to the Convention...- Referred to the Aigr:kultural Committee. FrOlIIl the'St. Thomas SubUl~ban Roads Commission with report olf ,1,9,59, e~pendit'Ures; ,and with report 'Of 19160 estimaltes. - Re- ferred .to the Road Committee. iF:vom the County '01f Ontario Ie Provincial Legisla Hon far aIll vehicles conveyin!g Sichool .cihildren. - Referred .to the Petitions and Legislations Oommittee. F.rom the University of Wesrtern Ontario with report and re- quest :f)ar agr:ant. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Caunty of Wentworth re cost of the 1,959 Interna- ti'Onal Ploughing Match. - Referred to the Agricultural Commit- tee. Firom the Ontario Go'Od Roads Assac1ation with request [or fe'e and appointment 'Of delegates to the Gonvention. - Referred to the Road Committee. 8 ELGIN", COUNTY. COUNOIlL Grrom ;Mr. T. S. Caldwell, DiS'trkt Municipal Engineer, re 1;9'6:0 RO.ad [E,s.timates, By-Law. - Referred to the Road CQilllmittee. From the M,unicipal Clerks' .and FinaJlice Officers' As'Sodaiion of Ontario re Annual Membershiip Fee. - iR,eferred to. the Financer Committee. From the Ontario Association o!f Rural Municipalities with re- queiS,t for!member:ship fee. - Referred to the Finance Gotmmitt~e. F:DOm the St. J'olhn ArmJbul.ance with request ~or a gr:ant. ,- Re- ferred tonhe Finance Oommi:ttee. From the Canadian NMional Institute for the' Blind with re- quest for a grant, and a report on the 19'59 work done in the Ooun- ty.-, Referred to: the Finance Committee'. Fllom the As.sociation of iAssessing Officeit's of Ontario with re- qU€iS:t !far: amemlbership fee. --- Referred to the Finance Commit- tee. From the Salvation, Army 'With request for a grant. - Refer- red tOithe Finan.ceOommittee. 'Firom the County od: Wentworth witih res,olution requesting the Ontario. Dept. of Htghways to assume full c.ost atE roads ex:\ceeding $15.,'000.0'0 !peT mile. - Referred to the Road OOmimittee. {From the Ontario Ectucational Association re annual member- shi.Jp fee ,and appoinrtment of delegates to the Convention. ..- Re- ferred to the Educ;ational Oommittee. Fram the Clerk Off the City of St. Thomas re cost of additional jail ifadIities. - Filed. nom the United Counties of Northumlberland and Durham re- questing Amendment to the Highway TrafficA,ct to permit per- 'sonsunderli6.y:ears of age to operate tra.ctors on highways. - Re- ferred to the Petitions and Legislations Cammittee~ 12 ;IDl,G:msr.-coUNTY' ,COUNCIDL Hospita.l, and this was referred "to the Fihance Committee. ,The report Ol.f the' Special ,committee to. strike the standing C:Q'I:IlrnitieesfoT 1960 waS presented, and adopted, on motion of itteeve J3w,gessand Reeve' QUIT. Maved by Reeve Lloyd S. Gurr, Seconded Iby Deputy 'Ree've C. G. McIver: Thaew~ do now ad}b:urh to meet at 3 p.m., this 8:rternoon. -Carried. The C~un'ci.l :resum~<i. ReeveH'llx introdU!~e'd thede1egation fI'lom Wardsville re Es- \ta,b:lds.htUentof:abospit~l in:tl:1at .area andcaUed on Mr. Ivan Per- xit. [Mr. Pendt addressed the Council requesting a gra.nt. The request w.as referred to the Finance Committee. The 'Report Ol.f the AgricuHural Committee was !presented an:~ .8;c;lopted on moti'on Qf Reeve Wwon and Reeve' Blue. l',lihe .J~ep:ort .Gf thePej;itions and Legislations Co1Il!tIlittee was presented and . adopted on motion of Reeve ElHGtt and Reeve Downey. The'Report of the Elgin IM.anor Committee was presented and ',~n'sideralble disoussion to'ok pla,ce. Ree'Ve Gurr explained the sit- uation re.wate.r !pipeline to iIDligin Manor, ,and the rep()["t was adopt- ed on motion of Reeye Gurr and Deputy Reeve T.ansley. Maved 'by Reeve Burgess, .seconded (by Deputy. Reeve Tansley: Tha.t We do nawa.c1journ to meet on 'Dhrursday, January 21st, at 10 o;clook. -Carried. J~ D~ 'l'HOfMOON',' . CleTtk. HAiRV:E;Y LIDDLE, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY. COUNCIL 11 FIRST .sESSION ~ SECOND DAY WednesdaYI :the 20fh day of JanuarYI 1960 :TIhe Elgin County Ooimcil met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, inac.cardance with adjournment. The W,ar~den in the Chair. An menillJers were (prresen t . except, De'pu ty Reeve Learn. The minutes. of the prevtous day were read, and confirmed. An invitation from the Bank 'Of iMontrealto Council and Of- ficials to a Dinner on ThuTsday evening, was read, a.nd a'ccepted. Replies on El.gin County resolutian re' Arrears of taxes penalty increase w;as read and ordered filed. Reeve Gurr IDO'ved that M.r. A. V. Langt'on, Agricultural Rep- lIesentative, Ibe n01w heard. Mr. Langton addressed the Council on the a.ctivities o\:f the Agriculture O1'1ganizaHons in the County duriI1lg las.t year, with statement of expenditureoif 't'be'19'59 County Grant, ,and requested a grant for 1960. This request was referred to the' Agrkwture Committee. Moved by Reeve Burgess that Messrs. Pineo and Armstrong, !be now heard. They addressed the Cauncil on the preliminary work acc'amplished for the International Plowing Match, and re- quesited a gran:t. ThiS! was also refe'ITed to the Agricultural Com- mittee. Moved iby Reeve Hux that Dr. Allen, V~.'Ce-iPresident of the University of Weste.rn Ontario Ibe now heard. ;nrr. AHen ,addressed the Council on building jp:1ans, and activities olf the University, and requested a grant. This was referred to the Finance Committee. !Moved ,by 'Reeve Nimmo that Dr. Monteith Ibe now heard. Dr. Monteith addresse'd the Council re a Senior Citizens. Home to r(;l- lieve congestion in the Elgin -St. Thomas General and Chronic 10 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCLL REPLIES 'FROM OTHER COUNTIESRE ELGIN COUNTY RESOLUTIONS Resolution re Arrears of Taxes. EiNDORiSiED - Bruce; Kent; Simcoe; Provisional County o;f Hia1ihu~to;n; Vkt'oria; United Counties 'Of Leeds and Gren- ville; Lamlbton; Carleton. Maved by Reeve Burgess, Se'r-onded by Deputy Reeve Tansley: Th?t theWard~!l and Clerk be authorized to sulbmit to the Minister 'Of Highways of .ontario, the petition of the County of ELgin, showing that fram the first day D'f January, 19:519, until the ;&18t day ,of December,. 1959, there has been eX\pended on the Coun- ty Highway system, the sum of $.8018.6818.614. -Carried. Moved ,by Reeve Clhute~ Seconded :by Reeve Wilson: ,That the E,lgin County Council -confirm By-Laws No. 11505, ,and ,1;fj()16, 'Of the township OIf Malahide for S'toppilllg, Clasing up, and conveying used P'Ortions 'of il'o.ad, and the' necessary by-la:w be prepared. -Carried. The Warden appointed Reeves. .QUIT, Wilson, Burgess, and Blue, ,as a Oammittee to strike the siandirug committees for the year, .119,6:0. Mo~ed by D~uty Reeve McIver, Sec'Onded by Reerve BurgeS's: That we do now adjourn to meet at 10 a.m., on Wednesday, J arruar-j' 20th. -Carried. J~ D. 'JJHOMSON, Clerk. HARVEY LIDDL~ Warden. iELGINCOUNTYCOYNClL 9 From the Ontario Munici:palBoard re Annexation of the City olf St. Thomas, reporiion of the township of Yannouth. - Filed. From the County aif Vic:toria rf1 Compensation foil' animals dy- ing while under quarantine for raibies. - Referred to the Agricu~- tural Committee. Fir.om the .coun:tyof Middlesex re' construction of hbs\pital in the sauibh western part of the CQtunty. """- Referred, to the Finance Oommi'ttee. From thf1Elgin Soil and Crop Impl'avementAss>odation with request :Ear Council to purchase a weed sp;rayer and the Caunty .Weed Inspector tobea full-tim.e official of thf1 Oomity. = Refer- red .to' the iRo,adOOtino:rHttee. iFromthe EJ.gin County Pioneer Musf3ttmwith 100-9 report, ahd suggested memibers for the .HJ6'O Executive Board. .;;.;;.. \Referred to the Finance Committee. ELGL.~ COUNTY COUiNCIIL 13 FIRST SESSION- THIRD DAY Thursday. :l:he 21s:l: day of January. 1960 T1'Ile Elgin County Gauncil met this day at the Court House, St. Thmnas, in acc;oI'dance with adjaurnment. The Warden in the Chair. All members were present, except Deputy Ree've Learn. 'The minutes 'Of the previous. day we're read and confirmed. A comrnunicatian frem Mr. E. C. Reid, Clerk 'Of the City 'Of St. Thomas, stating the City wauld pay 'One hallf mintoI' their share of the Swburlban Raad Expenditure in 1959. . Thiscom:rnuni- . cation was rcl.ferred ta the Road Committee. A cQmmunicatian ,fr,am the ,Ontario Dept. 'Of Highways ;revert- ing Highway No. '7'7 to. the Caunty of Elgin was read, and referred to the Road GomrniHee. H 'was moved :by Ree've Gurr that Mr. Wheeler :fram the Oan- adian Natianal Ins.titutef'ar the Blind be now heard. Mr. Wheeler addressed the Council re1:J,orting an activities in Elgin Oounty during ,1:95,9, and re'ques.ted a ,grant for 1960. 'Dhis request was ;r:e- ferred to the Finance Cammittee. Moved by !Reeve Blue that the' Presidentolf 'the' .West Elgin Sportsmen's Associatian be naw heard. Mr. 'Flum addressed the Council re'questin:g that .ELgin Caunty be cl'Osed to non-residen.t hunters. . Moved by Reeve Blue, . Seconded (by Reeve Da'wney: That the Minister ill Lands and Forests Ibe petitioned to mve Elgin Gountydeclared a restricted area ta non-resident hunters 'Of Ontario, and that the Warden Ibe .authorized t'O app'Oint two de'le- .gates to presentsiame to the Minister. -catt~d. 14 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL The Warden ,appointed ReENe Hux and Reeve Blue to present the petition to the Minister ot Lands and Fores'ts. Reeve Dawney moved that Mr. J. Duncan Blalck, Architect, be noW heard. Mr. Black addressed the Council on plans for the jail addition. The re1Port of the Road Committee was presented and adop- ted O'n motion of Reeve Blue and Reeve Burgess. Maved by Reeve Hux, Se,conded by Deputy Reeve Barber: That the grants to the Agri,cultural and HorUcultural Sacielties af the County be on the same ibasis as last year, equal to the Pro- vincial Grants. -Carried. Moved Iby Deputy Reeve T-ansley,. Seconded by Ree:veBUI'igess: That the usu.al,grant of $160.00 eracih, !be made to the East El- gin and West Eilgin Women's Institutes. -Carried. Moved iby Reeve Wight, Seconded by Reeve EIIiott: That we do now adjourn to me'et at 2 p.m. this afternoon. -Carried. The Council resumed. The report .of the Property Committee was presented and adopted, on motion of Reeve Dawney and Deputy Reeve M,cKib- boOn. The report df the Education Committee was !presented and ad.opted, on motion olf ReelVe Barker and De'Puty Re-eve Craw- foOro. ELGIN COUNTY CaUNel[, 15 'Jihe report 'Of the Finance Gornmittee was presented, and a motion by Reeve Blue, and seconded by Reeve D'Dwney, that Clause W, re increase in memlbers wages be deleted; at the request of Reeve BLue a rec.orded vote was taken. YEAIS - Hux, Barber, Wight, Blue, Crawford, Downey, Lunn, Wi1s'Dn, Tansley, Burgess, (12). NtA YS - E1l1ott, Nimmo, Emers'Dn,Millard, M.cKtbibon, Baird, Phillips, Chute, Barker, McIver, GUIT, and Warden Liddle. Tille mation to delete the clause was declared lost, and the re- port 'was adopted as read .on motion of Reeve Gurr, and Deputy Reeve Barner. Moved by Reeve GUIT, Seconded !by Deputy Reeve McIver: That Reeves Wilson, Barker, Minard, and the Cle'rk be a Com- mittee to make any changes necessary in the Rules and Regula- tians goveTnin:g the Proceedings of County Oouncil' and amend By-\Law No. 1463. -Carried. The Warden appainted the f'Dllowing delegates. to attend the vari.ous Ganventions: GOOD RO~DS - Hux, Barber, Wight, Blue, Crawford, Gurr, Emerson, Phillips, Chute, Baird, Warden Liddle. OlNTiAiRJjO EDUCATJjONA:L - Warden Liddle, and the Clerk. ONTi&RIO IvIUNwCliP.AJL - Wils'Dn, Millard, Mdver, Vlarden Liddle, and the Clerk. Moved ,by Reeve Hux, Se.conded !by Deputy Reeve Barber: That By-Law No. 1755, "A By-Law to Gonfirm By-Laws No. 1'5,Q;5 and 150'6, 'Of the townshtp olf Malahide for Stopping, Closing up, and Conveying Used Portions of Road," !be read a first time. -Can-ied. 16 ELGIN-comTY . COUNCrr. Moved by Reeve Elliott, Seconded by Reeve Wight: That By-Law No. 17'55, be read a second time. -Carried. M'Ovedby Reeve Wight, Seconded by Reeve Elliott: That By-Law No. 1755, be read a third time: and finally passed. --Carried. Moved by Reeve Blue, Se,conded by De(puty Reeve Crawiard: That By-Lafw No. 17,56~ "To Authoriz.e the' Warden .and Trea- surer to. Borrow the sum of Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars," ibe read a firs:t/ time. --C'arried. Nf.ovetlby Reeve Dawney ~ Seconded by Re:eve Blue: That By-iLa:w No.. 175:6, !be read a second t.i:m.e. -Carried. Moved 'iby Reeve Blue, S'et:onded by Ree:ve Nimmo: 'TIhat By-Law No. 17:56, be read a third time, and finally pas- sed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Millardt Seconded by Deputy Re'eve IvIcKfulbon: That By-iLaw iN'0. 1767, "To Appoint a Board of Audit in the County of Elgin for the year 19600," Ibe read a first :time. . -Oarried. ELGIN COU~"'TY COU\NCJL 17 Moved by Deputy Reeve McKilbibon, Se'C'onded by Reeve Millard: ~hat By-Law No. 1757, he read a second time. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Burgess, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Tansley: That By-Law No. 17:58, "To Appoint a Oounty Road Oo'mmi!t- tee'," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved Iby Deputy Reeve T an..c; ley, Seconded iby Reeve Burgess: J'I'hat By-Law No. 175'8, Ibe refad a second time. -Carried. l\1oved Iby Reeve Burgess, Seconded by De!puty Reeve Tansley: That By-Law No. 17.58, be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. M,oved by Reeve Chute, Seconded 'by Reeve Baird: That By-Law No. 1759, "A By-Law to Increase the Wages at the County '\Teed Inspector, Tree Commissioner, and Rabies Va- luato:r." be read. a first time. ---Carried. 18 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved !by (Reeve Baird, Seconded 'by Reeve Chute: :That \By-Law No. 17.59, ,be read a second time. -Carried. Moved tby Deputy Reeve Phillips, Seconded by Reeve Wilson: That By-Law No. 17519,:be read a third tim.e, and finally passed. -Carried. Moved (by Reeve Baird,. Seconded by iReeve- Cb.ute: That By-Law No. 17'60, "To Increase Members Wages", be read ,a first time. -Carried. M,oved Iby Reeve Chute,. Se,c:onded iby Deputy Reeve Phillips: That By-Law No. 17'60, be read a second time. -Carried. Moved 'by ,Reeve Wilson, Seconded (by Reeve Chute: ,That By-Law No. 1760, !be read a third time, and finally passed. Moved 'by Reeve Hux, Seconded by Deputy 'Reeve Barlber: That we do now adj-ourn to. meet on Tuesday, March 22nd,. 19'60, at In a.m. :..-.carried. J. D. 'DHOMiSON,. Clerk. HARVEY LIDDL~ Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 19 REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO STRIKE THE STANDING COMMITTEES January Session. 1960 To the Warden, and Memlbe'rs olf the E1gin County Coun-cil, The' f-ollowing is the S~ecial Committee to strike the standing committees f.or the year, 1960: Adminisira:i:ion of Justice - Judge J.F. McMillan, Phillips, County, Treasurer. Agricul:tural - Hux, Blue, Nimmo, BUI'1gess, Chute, Wilson and Wiarden Liddle. County Roads - Hux, Blue, Millard, Wilson, Burgess, and Warden Liddle. Advisory. Road Commi:t:tee - Chute, Nimmo. Elgin M:anor - Tansley, Barker, Gurr, and Warden Liddle. ;Children.s Aid - Wight, and Warden Liddle. Education - Barber, Crawford, Lunn, Tans[ey, McIver, Learn, iMlcK~bibon, Phillips, Wilson, Barker, Emerson, Baird, Wight, . Downey, Elliott, and Warden Liddle. Equalization - Hux, Blue, Ntmmo, Bur:gess, Gurr, Millard, Wilson, !Barker, Chute, Emerson, Baird, Downey, Wight, iEHiatt, and Warden Liddle. Finance - Hux, Wight, Elliatt, Blue, Downey, Nimmo, Bu~ess, lMillar.d, Wilson, Barker, Chute, EmeTson, iBaivd, and War- den Liddle. Hea1:th Unit - Mdver, Baird. Hospital - Gurr, and Warden Liddle. Library Board - Emerson, Elliott, Barber, and Warden Liddle. Property - Downey, Crawf.ord, McKiihbon, and Warden Liddle. ,Museum- Lunrn, and Learn. Petitions and Legislations - Phillips, Elliott, Tansley, Downey, Hlue, and Warden Liddle. Reception and Entertainment - Gurr, Wilson, Hux, Downey, Wight, Phillips and Warden Liddle. All of which is respe'crtfully submitted. DONALD BURGESS, Chairman. 20' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCrnL AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE January Session, 1960 To the Warden, and MemJbe:rs od: the ELgin County Council, The .Agricultural Committee' reports as follows: 1. That a ,grant up to $5,000.00 be made for the International Pl:()'wing M,atch if required. 2. That the usual grant D[ $2,50'0 be made' to tihe local agri- cvJtucr:,e oflfiee for farm oTganizations and Junior Farmer and In- stitute work in the Caunty. ,3. That the Warden and (Reeve Burgess attend the' Ontario. Agricultural Council Convention in TDronto with expenses paid, and the lU1€1mb~:n:;1:1i!p fe'e to ibe paid. 4. :That the resolution from the County of Ontario requesting a:lthr~e year delay in taking a Hog Marketing vote, !be' endorsed. '5. That the resolution from the County of Victoria requesting ,compensation for animals which die w:hi,le unde'!' quarantine for ::r.albies, but dO)J..ot die '0r the disease, be filed. 6. That the resolution fflotlTI the Ellgin Soil and Crop Improve- ment Association that the County Weed Inspector be a full time Official, be filed. 7. That the Warden, Re~ve Wils.on, a,nd Reeve Nimmo, with Mr. Langton 'be a Conwuittee to. allocate the' local .Agricultural Grant. 8. That:MI. ClayboUl'ne Gordon be granted .,2,fie per hour in- ,crease in wRlges as. Weed Inspector, Trere C'0mmissioner and Ra- Ibies Valuator, and necessary By-Law be prepared. All of whkh is respectfully soomitted. J. B. WILSON, Chairman. ELCUN COUNTY COUNCLL 21 PETITIONS AN]) LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE January Session, 1960 To the Warden, and Mem)beTs of the Elgin County Council, The Petitions and Legislations Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution fr.om the County of DU1flferin request- ing the P~Qivince of Ontario to a;lay salaries of Jail Employees, be filed. 2.TJ1at the resolution from, the County af Dufferin to have the Provincial Government enact legislation to authori~e Muni- dpal Councils to make grants to other municipalities ip whicb they 'Own land in lieu af taxes be [ned. 3. That the resolution from the County of Ontario requ.esting the Provincial G-o.vernment to {l:rnepd the legis1att(m to in(!lUde all vehicles Ihired to 'convey school children, be endorsed. 4. That the resolution from the' United Counties of North- umlberlandand DUl\ham., regllesting amendment to. the Highway Traffic Ad to permit minors from 14 to 16 years o:f age to be li- ceused to drive tractors an highways, be endorsed. AHof whlch is respe:citfully sUibmitted. IjLOYD EI..JLIQTT, Chairman. ELGIN MANOR. COMM:ITTE.E January Session, 1960 Tel t.iJ.e ,\JlTarden, and MemlbeTs olf the Elgin County C.ouncil, The Elgin Manor Committee reports as iollows: 1. 'the Elgin Manor Committee recommends that Mr. L. E. Ludlow, Director, Homes. ;for the Alged. and representatives from the City of st. Thomas, be invited ,to the next meeting of the' Elgin Manor Committee' on February 10th, to discuss the water pipe line to Elgin Manor. All olf which is respectfully suibmitted. LLOYD S. GURR, Chairman. 22 ELGIN COUNTY 'COUNCIL "} ROAD COMMITTEE January Session. 1960 To the Warden, and Mem1beTs alf the Elgin County Council, GentlenlEm: Yo~ Road Committee ibelgs to report as !follows: The following isa summary or the Costs of Maintenance and Construction on the County .of EJgin Roads during 19'59. CO:N."lST~UCTION. - ROADS 1. Paving Road 3. Aldlbarough Township ______________________$ 3'6,632.30 2. 3'. 4. .",.5. . '6. 7. 8. .9. 10. 11. 112. 1,3. Paving Road 8; Dunwich Township ____________________..:______ Paving Road 13, Dunwich TOiwns!hilP and Dutton __ J?aving-Ro;a:d'34M.C.L.; Yarm'outh & Westminster Paving. lao.ad ~" Malahide _____"________"______________"____________ Grading and Gravelling Road 13, Dunwich _____________ Grading and Gravelling R'oad 14, Dunwich and So uth wold _____________ .______--__________m________ Gradin:g and Gravelling' Road 45, Malahide ____________ G:mdingand Gr.avellingRo.ad 5,3, Aylmer ________________ Grading ,and Gravelling R,oad 9, Aldlbarough __________ (j.r~idin~ 'and Gravelling Road 4, Rodney mh___n______m_ Tr:a:f1fk Counts, Surveys. Miscellaneous Grading ._ Land PUl1chased, including Land on Ro,ad 38 Richmand Hill ___________n.__________n__________________ N e'W Machinery __"_______.."__________________________..____..______..__________ Richmond Hill, Road 3'8, Bayham:- 'Survey,s ____nn__ ---c------------------------- C I earin g _____ _____ -___ _ _________ _ ________________ Co n tract _________________ __________________ !Moving Utilities _________________________..: Materials in stack ,f.or GraveIIing, Fence, Guide Rail & starm Drains __ 14. 1'5. 16,802.80 1'9,H8.61 2,78'8.15 7,388"m 59,116'7.32 4'9,271.5'"{ 26,96<9.9'8 6,93'0.13 2,5019.1!:+ 1,193.6lS 842.3>5 12,87~.75 26,371.00 1,633.9Z 1,576.20 9,405.15 1,360.25 10,555.02 COUNiI'Y - TOTAL ROADS ---------______________$29,2.,1388.54 SUBURiBAN -TOTAlL ROADS _______________________ 46,374.76 TOTAL ROADS ----------------_____________________$338~ 763.30 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 23 CONSTRUCTION - HRIDGES AND CULVERTS 1. Bothwell Bridge, Aldhorough ______~--_..------------------------- $ 2. Otter Creelk Culvert, Bayh:am:- Plans, & Inspection ______________.._____ D e'to,ur __ __ _c__________._________ ______________ _._____ Con tr:aC'ts _.._ ______ __.___________ c~m-------mc Ma terials _.______________..______~~__________..____ E:arth & Sand Backtfill ____m..________ 3. Multiplate Culvert, !Road 9, Aldiborourgh, including fill 'Over Culvert, su1bsidized by D.H.O. a~ !bridge Ga te -____.______________________________________________~------_____ 4. Concrete Culvert JExtension, Road 14, Dunwioh and Southwold _______________________-------m- ,5. Hunt Drain Culvert, Road 19. Southwold ____m_________-_ 6. Culvert Pipe, Road 13, Dunwkh _m_____________._______________ 7. Culvert Pipe, Road 14, DUIl'wich and Southwold _~-- 8. Cul,vert Pipe, Road 45, Malahide ______.__________________-------- 9. vVardsville Bridlge, Aldhorou.gh, and Road 3'7 M.C.L. Culvert, South Dorchester _________________..______"..____ 306.27 1,623.47 1,270.01 54,28'5.9& 2'3,0.14.04 3,963.18 8,179.56 . 5;5:2.6.17 6,287.73 4,893.57 5,315.25 3,3~7..68 106.98 COUNTY - TOTAL BRIDGES -------_________________$118,163.89 SUBURBAiN - TOTAIL BRIDGES ____________....____ 6'8,:33;0.64 TOTAL - BRIDGES ---------------------------$18!6,494.53 TO:TAL CONSTRUCTION - County and Suburban $525,257.83 MiAIiNTIENiANCE - iROADiS i1. Drains ___________.__ ____ ...----__ _________ .____________________________.____________._ ----$ 2. Fencing ------_______________ -...---..- --- .----------------___. --------------------~--- 3. Maintenance of Gravel Raad ____..____________________._____..________ 4. Gravel Resumacing --------------------------------------------------------- '5. Repairs to Pavements _________n_--C----------~--------------------u--- '6. Ice & Snow Con trol __________________,___________________~._~___________ 7. Surface Treatment n_____________________ ----------------------------------- 8. D:ust C,an trol -----------..------.--~-------~------------------...;--------------------- .g. Weeds & Brushing ___________.._~____~,--c-------------------..-'--------------- 10. Guide Rails ____________. _________________________________:___________________ 11. Signs ____________..__ ---- --' -----------------------. ---------------------------..- 6,0.g2.32 J. 87. 1.9 14,45'2.:-50 2i3,085.iW 14,701.52 25,973.94 3'8,890.4"..'. 13,5'33.91 12,357.60 3,193.99 5,50:8.41 M ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 12. Retforestra tion ______ ______.___________________________ _____n___n__ ________________ 2:8.00 13. Railroad Pro tec tion n___ _______n____~ ._____ _ __ __"_______"___-----------_" 4,893.31 14. Drainage Assessm ents _____ .__n____________-------------- ----------------- 2,:3\12.37 15. Rehates to Towns and Villages __-_.--_------------_---n-.--------- 27,9'57.00' SUB TOTAL . _,___' _______________________-------------------n---------$193, 167.55 MI]SCEfLLA;NEOUS - 11. ISuperintendence _______________________..____________________________________- $ 10,,295.15 2. Cleric'al _______. ____~_________n__________________' ____________._____________________"___ 2,0'95.00 3. Pensi on Fun d ____________~_______n______________ __"__ _____________n____. --.---' -- 2,5:23.64 4. Unemployment Insurance Commission ______________".______ 400.49 5. Holidays with Pay ______________________________________________n____n____-- 3,334.64 6. Stck Benefits _______________________________. _____n_______~___n_______________ 379.0'8 7. Of,fice ____n__________.._____n______..____n______________________----------------------- 2,lH4.3i5 8. Garage ________c_______ ____ ___..n___________________ "__ ._" ...-_______._____.._____..____ -- - 4,973.93 19. Rodney Garage _______________________------------------n------------n-------- 2'85.46 10. Mis'ceIIaneous Repairs _______________ .___________.._____n____"_____________ 1,8164.13 111. TaoIs: ________n___.____n_____________ ._n_n___ ._________________"_____________________ 552.55 m. 'Insul'lance ________________________________n___ ._________. __________._____n___________ 3,174.78 13. Machinery, Overhead _____________________________C___nn________________ 2,34,2.52 COUNTY ROADS ......... TOTAL _________n_______________$227,573.2,7 SUBURBAN ROADS - TOTAL ___.____________________ 24,921.0:'1 TO'l'AL ~OADS ___"___"________________-----"----_$252,494.31 MAINTENANCE - !BRIDGES & CUL VER~S WalkeT . Bridge _.__________.________________ ______. -- ------ ----- _n______ ------. -----------.$ MisiceIlaneous :Sri dges ------- --------------------------------------------------- Mis.celIaneous Culv erts ---------------------------------------------------- 5,543.43 2,950.62 16,16'70'.04 COUNTY - TOTAL BRIDGES, _______________________"$ 25,164.00 SUBURBAN - TOTAL BRIDGES _________________ 5'5'1.25 TOTAL BRIDGES ____________________._____________$ 25,715.34 TOTAL ,MAINTENiAN1GE - Oounty & SUlbur.ban $2,78,2'09.65 TOT:AJLS - CONSrnRUJCTION ____________________________$ 1525,2'57.85 ,MAlNfl'EN:t\iNCE ________________________________ 278,209.6.5 EJjGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 25 Sub - Total ______________________________________________.________$803, 46t7 ;5 ()t 1:9159 - STOCK BALANCE ~____~__.________________________ 14,589.69 :Sufo-'Total ______________._._.~___._.______~ ___~.____~__~_____$8il8, 05.7 .19 19;518 - LESS S'DOOK BALANCE ----.-.--.-----~-------- 8,024.97 GR.A!ND . TOT Aff... ________________________________________..$-8il00,03i2.22 By-!Laws in 1959 appropriate $812,500.00. In addition WO:I'!k performed .on Boundary' Roads, work d01l~ for Municipalities and individuccls, and ffiaJterials sold, amounted to -- $:5:2,9'06.5;2. We have' received na:tice ftomthe I)epartmenJt otf Highw'ays that the Estim'ate for 19160 m'ust not ex/ceed $,2'OO,():OO.OO' foot Con- struction and $28'5,000.00 for M,aintenanCe' on Qur County Roads. Hawever, Supplementary By-Laws are avai1:aJble, as in past Ye'am, :for appro.ved Constructl-on ProJects. We have received notice that Highway N'0.7,5 from Dutton to Wci11aice'tolWn has been reverted 'to the CoU'nty,e:nfective February nth, 19:60, and Highway No. 77 fram New (nasgow to Rodney has been relverted to the OQlllllity, e:flfective February li3:th, 19160. Wor:k is .continuing by Alrex Gontractinlg Limited at Rich- mond Hill, the' Grade to the ea'st off' the n-e'W Cu~vert :beIng prac- tically completed. The ContraC'tor eXipeds to again wor.k on the Creek Diversion within 2 or 3 days. WE. REOOMiMENiD that the Warden name rlelelgates, to the Ontario Good Roads Association and the Canadian Good Roads Ass!ocia tion. All .of which is respe.ctfully submitted. OLA1RENiOR BLUtE" Chairman. 2'6 EDGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL REPORT OF ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION January 1960 r.Dhe Commission has jurisdiction over ap;piroximately 30.0 miles of Roads !as af January 1st, 19:60. Of this miLeage approximate1y 28~0 . miles laTe paved and 2.0 miles aTe gra:veUed. :The Commissi,on ,allso has jurisdiction over 3 Bridge's: - Filllgal Bridge, St. George street Bridg,e .and Pa!tterson Bridge on Road 30. 15.0 miles of Suburban Road will be taken into the City as ad: J,anuary 1st, 19'61, as Annexation by the City of S't. Thomas nab been approved tby the O.M.B. ,19:519 was ,a year a1f Major Constrootion on the Wellington Road Extensian, and I think the .amount of work a:ecomplished with the funds at. hand was excellent. The' GTiading ,and GIDaveHin,g were crompletedeXleeptfar minor trimming. The iMuJ!tipla!te Culvert was instaHed and is givin!g good service. The Dodd's, Gre'ek Bridge was 1Comlpleted with the ex,ception of F:ainting and Hand Rail. stO'mn Dr:ains. have been installed, although ,the we,ather was too wet to' ,allo:w the work to be cleaned Ulp. Steel Guide Rail also has 'been erected. SOIIl:e L'and Purcihase negotiatians will extend into 1,9'6'0, and perhaps /beyond. 'The iE.stimates fur Oonstrudion in 19160 pI"ovide lfor the CDni- pletian of the We'lli:n.gton Road Extension, with ,the major emphasis on' Hot Mix AsphaLt Pa,vinlgand Gravel Shouldering. A1so Esti- mated are various amounts to. 'bring all ,phases of the /Work to com- pletion, as v:ell as the- instaHation -elf Fl~aship..g S'i!gna:ls at the C.N. R. Crossmg. Money is provided to. €:'Xtend our Surv'eys on Welling- ton Road to Middlesex Oounty Line, if pos:sible, so' that Plans will ibe ['eady Vvlh:en the Commission wishes ;to continue Constru:ction northiward on .the Wellington Road. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCl1L 2'l Mainte'naTIlce Casts aTe :raised slightly over last yeax to allorw' fOT mOTe sumace tr.eatment and the replacemeIllt' of Signs to the New D. H. O. Standard Si,gns which, must 'be ,oomple!ted by the Summe'r of 1'9:611. A -certain amount of MlaintenanlCe is ne'cessa:ry . on the St. Ge:O'rge Street \Bridige,' and if the: majority ()If traffic could ibe shifted to the new Wellingrton Road EX!tens:i<m, the Br'idige- .,should !be painted tihis coming Summer. Attached is the summation of Expenditures for 19'59 and Esti- ma.te's far 1916,0. Our CO'Ilstruc\tionByL'aw ina.9i5:9' was $117,15.00.00, and our Maint'enanlce ,was Eistimated to be $21,12:00.00 on Roads and $5,800.0'0 'on Bridges, a to'tal of $2:7,000.00. ,The pTesent assessment of the City is $2;7,189!7,131914 plus $3,644,550 husiness tax, which is a total rateable assessment of $31,15,35,,944.00. 1J2 Mill thus provides $15,,7618.00.. .g8 ~lL-GIN' COUNTY. COULNC[[. CITY OF ST. THOMAS l!1 1\.CCOq!l~wjfl:1 the County of Elgin, Jsm.ua.ry 1960 RE: THE SIT. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ACCOUNTS..... 1959 CONS"DRUCTIOiN - Roads W~~.JI'lNQTOl."{ :i:tQAiP :m~CE - $'tlfveY:I?" :Pl:~P$,~t.c. ___"------_-__-------___--.$ 1,9,916.02 Clearing __________--'-____________-.--__---_-_'--__---~_- il, 402.90 F:enci.ng _______________________________h_________~_______ 49,5.85 Grading ______--'-__________c_________________________ li3,B!6:5'.,16 Gr:a v elling ________ ________~_______________ ____________ 11t3, 1 Q13. 917 Storm Sewers ____________________________________ 4,,38.60 Mo vinlg Utilities ___________________________________5,13.,84 Guide Rails _______________________________c_________ '2,468.10 Land Pur.chased ______________________________ 7,988.3R Mis.eeUaneous Grading _________________~___ 1611.9'4 $ 46,374.76 COiN1S-mUIGT:ION - Bridges land Ciulverts Dadd's- Creek Bridge, indudin:g Eiax'th Backfill and Gravel Subsidized by n. H. O. at Bcr.-idge Rate _________"_____________$ 5;3,1:54.24 Multipliate Cons.tr:uc,tian, including Ea.rth iBa,ckifill Swb:s!idized Iby n. H. O. at Bridge Rate _____________________________________ 13,2'74.78 C. I. P. Culvert _________________________________________ 1,.901.62 $ ~)>8,330.64 ,TO~AL OF OONSmUCTION -----------------------_$1,14,705.40 A Supplanentary By-[jalW of the County provided $1'17,500.00 for St. Thomas Suburban Road Oommissicm Constr'U!c:tion. ELGIN COUNT~COUNClL 29 MAINTENANCE - Ro,ads Superintendence and Cle'tie~l --~~--------~-,---~~-$ D~ains __~_____~_~___~_________________________________~_~_~_~ IG rading ___'-______________________________________~~_~_______~_ Repairs to Piavements ,~__~"_____'__~__~__________c~~_ Win.iter Control -------------------------------~---~-~--- Surface Treatment ---------------------------~~---- Dust Control and Gravel Resurtfacing ----"- VI eeds and Bl'ushing-------_-_______-c-____________ 'S~gns: and Centre Line Marking ---.------------ Guide Rails --------------------------------------------- \R,;ailriQiad 'Proteldion --------------------.-------.-------- Overhead (Subsidized) ------------------------------- MAlJNTENAiNOE - Bridges and Culverts St. Geqrge 'Str'eet' Bridge ----------------.-~-~~--"'--~-$ Mis.c:ellaneous, Culverts ----------------------------~~~- 11,508.17 5J.9.4'3 325.10 4~879.34 5,441. 70 3,1<118.018: 102.20 9811.37 3,7i913..3:3 11;2.,98 1:7:8.919 2,34'7.78 $213,13:08.47 6,5'.9'0' 485.315 $ 515\1.26 iTOTAiL OF MAJ1NTENA:N10E ---~"-'-'---=--~--------_$ 23,859.72 ITEMS ONiL Y PA.iRTIALLY SUBlSEDwZ[ED BiY D.lEt.O.: DI:ainage Asse'ssments c_____'-____"_~____~_"_____~_____$ 1;1112.421 . '-$ 1,1112.42 ITEu.v.LS NOTSUlBSIDIZEn BY D. H. 0.: C.ommi tteeMemlbers' 'Fees and Experuses $ Ontario Good Roads Membership Fee ------- Weed Spnay Insurance __________"c___~_~_______""___ Weed Spray Insurance___~__~~_~____~___~___~~___~____ Road Liatbility . Insurance ----------------------- 400.0'0 20.00' 35.00' 35.00 45.15 $ 500.15 5'00.15 GRAND TOTAL _________________________---_'-_,,_='-~__=-_$140,177.69 3.0.: ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PAYABLE BY THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS Construction --:' Subsidized by Department of Highways '2'5 % olf $4J6,i3i74. 76 _c____________________~____'$ 11,159,3.69 1.0 % of $/68 ,3i30 .64 ____________________c___________ 16 ,I83i3 .0'6 Maintenance - Subsidized by Department of Highways 215' % of $213,,308.47 _______________________________$ 5,8>2:7 .,12 1'0% of $5,511.215 __________________________________ 515.,113 Items.Parfially Subsidized by Department of Highways Dl-ainage Assessments $H12.42 ______$ 417.16 Items No,t Subsidized by Department of Highways 50% of $'5100.11'5 __________________________________$ 250.0'8 TOT!AiL ___________________________._____________$ 24,976.24 1960 SIT. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ESTIMATES Roads Maintenance !Repairs' to .P,av'ements ____________________________.__$ Surface' Treaim'en:t ___-'____'______________________________ W irute:r' Control . ___________________________________________ Signs, Including Centre Line M.arking -- . Weeds and BTushing _________________-'__,____c-'_______ GTa ding -----------________________________________________ ------- DJ:1ains. and Drainag.e Assessme'ITts -------- Guide Rails ___________________________"______________________ Railroad Protection ---______________________________ Superintendence and Clerical ________________ Ov el'1he:a d _____________________________________________ - -------- Gon Hng en des ________________ -----------------..----------------- Bridges and Culverts St. George, Streei Bridlge -----------.---------------$ Miscellaneous Bri<1ges and Culverts City Portion 6,000.00 3,0'00.0'0 3,500.00 5,0'00'.00 1,200.0'.0 5.00.0''0' 6'00.00 30'0.00 20'0.0'0' 1,70.0'.00 2,.200' ,1,20'0.00 $ ;24,400.00$ 6,10'0'.0'0' 700.0'0' 1,300.0'0' $ /2,000..00. $ Items Not Subsidized by D.H.O. ______________ 60'0.0'0' $ 20'0.0'0 30'0'.0'0' TOTAL _________________________________________$ '27,00:0'.0'0 $ 6,60'0'.0'0 ELGIN. COUNTY' COUNCIL 3:1 1960 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ESTIMATES CONsrrRUCTION City Portion .Wellington Road Extension Hot Mix Asph!alt, Inc1udinlg Pcreparartion IIlspection, Etc. _________________________________$ 23,0000.0'00 Gra;vel Shouldering ____________________________.______ 2,500.00 Completion orE Minor Grading; Seeding, EtIC. _____________________________-----__ Installation of !Railroad Protection _n_____ Gxa v.ellin g ___________________________________________________ Drains ____ ______ __________________________________~__________ Guide Rail ___________________________________________________ Land PUIIcha:s e __________________________________ __________ S urv ey s --------------c------------------------ -------__________ Con tirug'en ci es ________________~______________________________ 3,500.00 900.00 500.00 400.00 400..00 2,0'00.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 TOTAL --------------------------------.-----_____$ 3:6,~OO.00 $ 8,800.00 Bridge and Culvert Construction ---______ il,OOO.QO' $ 100.00 $ 46,200.00 $ 8,9.00.00 Total Construction ____------------------------__"$ 36,200.'00' $ 8,900.00 Total Maintenance -----------------------------_----$ \27,000.00' $ . 6,600.00 Total 1.:stimated Expenditure __________._____$ .6,3,~00.OO $ 16,500.00 32:; ELGIN. COUNTY COUNCIL PROPERTY COMMITTEE January Session. 1960 To the Warden, and MembeTs o!f the Elgin County Council, The G;>rroperty Comlmittee reports as fullows: 1. That Mr. J. Duncan Black, Architect, .call f.or tenders for the new addition tq the Elgin Oounty Jail at an estim.ated lcost of $2,5,000.00; and tihe Property Committee be empowered to grant the tender. i2. ;That we recommend new urinals Ibe ins1taUed in ,the men's washroom in the' Court House. All ad: which is respectfully submitted. BERT DOWNEY, Chairman. EDUCATION COMMITTEE January Session. 1960 Tio.th:e Warden, ahdMernbers olf the Elgin County Council, ::Illie ffiJd'UClltioh Cofumittee reports as folloWs: 1. That the usual grant or $75.0-0 ibe made ,to tihe Elgin County Trustees :and iRatep'ayers Association. :2. That a gr:ant otf $5'0.00 each, Ibe made to the Ioc'al librarIes of the County. '3. That a grant oif $100.00 each, to the boy and girl from Elgin Oountyattending the Univ'ersity of Western Ontario, and attaining the highest 8!cadettnic standing, be made. EllGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ~~ 4. ,Thai a ,grant 'Of $100.00 !be .paid to th~ lboy fr()m:Elgin Goun- ty attendinlg the Ridgetawni\.gr:icultural School anli attfliijipg ~~ highest pass standing. . '5. That the s,ame three representatives be re-appoil1ted t() the three High School District Boards -- Alex. C. Wihite;Ralph ,t\u~k- land; and ~an!cis Cline. Ip. That the mem1bersihip fee in the County and Munic1pal.Sfac- tion of the Ontario Educattional Asso-ciation be paid, and the WW- den to appoint deleg.ates to attend the Convention. 7.'Dhat the Elgin CbuTI!ty Li!brary Co-Operative fbegraIlted $,7,000.00 jJf r~quired, and tfhe ibaJ..an:ee of $1,700.00 of the l~Q ,gral1t /be deducted [rom the Budget. 18. That Mrs. DeUa Ludy, MI'. William MlcKillop,~q. M,r,s. Irene GTla1cey !be' appointed to the Library Boar:d for 1960. All of which is respecitl:ully submitted. J. W. BAitK.E~, -ChaiJ:w;an. FINANCE COMMITTEE January Session, 1960 1'0 the Warden, ,and Men1beTSQif theE:.Lgit;1 CaU11:tyC.aundl, 'Dhe Finance Comrnitteereports .as fol1()ws: 1. That Children's Aid Societies Pay List No: 11, for $1,823.60, and Pay List No.1, :for $1,9:65.52, have' been paid. 2. That ~Ch:aT.ity and Welfare ,Pay .List No.B. fQr $1,56:3.52, and Pay List No. 1, for $1,441.40, have been paid. 34 E:UGLN COUNTY COUNCIL 3. That me Warden .and the Oler:k :be authoriz.ed to sign re- lease to. the' Oanadian iBanik of Commerce re Estate o1.fMl's. Edith Ann Bennett. 4. Xha't the Warden and the Treasurer be au:til:1oT1zed to bor- row lip to. $800,000.00 ,as m.ay (be required, and a by-law be prepared. 5. That the Memlbership F:ee in t...l-J.e Ontario Municipal Asso~ cia'tion olf $25.00 be paid, and the Warden to appoint delegates to attend the Convention. 6. That the memlherslhip fee 'Olf $1'0.0.0 in the Assoda,tion or Assessing Officers Ibe paid, and Mr. J. Wignall to attend the' Ass,o- ciatian Meeting with exp.ens'es paid. 7. Tihat a 19r-ant of $500.00' be made to the University of Wes- tern Ontario. 8. iT!hat agr.ant of $'500.0.0 !be made to the Salvation Army for work at the Bethesda Hospital. 9. 'TIhat a. ig!l.'lant otf $7510.0.0 be m'ac1e ~ the Canadian National Ins,titute :601' the BHnd. 10. That the tfaHowing me'm1bers constitute the Bo'aI'd of the Elgin Pione,er Museum - M,rs. J. R. Futche'r, Mrs. Stanley 'Lyle, MTs. Jesse Van Patter, Mr. M. C. Moore, the iRegent ()If .the Muni- cipal Chapter of the I. O. D. Eo, <Deputy Reev,es Le,arn, and Lunn. H. That the usual ~all't of $5:0.0.0 (be made to the Law Lib- I'IaTy. 1'2. That ,the membership fee of $10.0'0 in the Municipal Clerks and Finance' Officers A:ssolciation be paid, and the Clerk-Treasurer to a:ttend ,the OonlVentian with e~enses paid. 1:3. ,"TIhrat the request of the 81. John's Amlbulance tflOIl' a grant be filed. 14. That :the request of the Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities for a memlbership fee, be filed. ELGIN'COiUNTY COUNCI~' 35 1:5. That ReeVie Hux, Reeve Wigiht, a.Tld the' Warden Ibe a Com- mittee to investigate the building of a ihoSlPital near Wardsville. 16. T,hat the wage:s of members of Council while attending ,Ooun!y Council Sessions be $20.00 per day. 17. That the request of Dr. Monteith be laid over till after the ;meetinlg of the' Elgin ManoT Committee with Mr. Ludlow. All of which is, respectJfully su!bmitted. DONALD BURGESS" Chairman. S~ EiLcm COUNTY COUNCmL -FINANCl.AL'STATEMENT ELGIN AGRIcul. TUR1\L COMMITTEE January ~2ih,1959 :1:0 January 12th, 1960 Receipts Balance . !forward, li91519 c_c____~______c______c_________c___$ County of E1gin, ,1:91519 Grant ___..",-,--"----"--"----C Adjustment cheque - a.A.C. Inter-c1ulb , . : .' :c:ompetiW:)nS_cc____~_C_~__"_~_______________ Total Receipts __________________________________ Expenses Breed Sho.ws Holstein Bla'ck and Wlhite Show _______________.$ Jersey Parish Show, Aylmer _m____________________ Ayrshire Show, Aylmer ______________._________________ Beef Oattle Show, Wallacetoiwn __________________ Beef Cattle Show, Rodney _____________________..______ Elgin Beef Producers' Association __.______..__ Field Crop 8z Plowmen's Organizations lEJgin Soil & Crap Improvement Ass'n. ____$ Elgin Plowmen's Association _______________..________ Elgin Fruit Grawers' Association ____._________ iEl.gin Seed Fair _________________.______________________________ Eiligin AJgrkultural Bo;oklet ________________________... JUNIOR PROJECTS J'unior Farmers Elgin County Juniar Farmers' Ass'n. ._______ $ Elgin County Junior Institute ___._____________..... 1132.3:8 2,500.001 14.00 $ 2.646.38 100.00 100.00 517.00 100.00 75.00 5'0.0'0 .$ 482.0U 20<0.00 200.00 50.00 200.00 175.00 $ 82'5.00 225.00 150.0.0 '$375.00 ELGIN COiUNTY,'COUNCLL. 37 4-HClub Work (12 Clubs) Wal1acetown Beef Calif CLub - 8 ________.____$ Shedden Beef Calf Club - 11 ----------- AldboroUigh Be'ef Calf Club - 7 -------------- East Elgin Dair~ Ga1f CLUlb - 31 -------..------- Corinth Dairy Calf Clufb - 13 _m________________ . <Belmont Dairy Calf Clu1b - 3,9 ________________ Snedd.en Dairy Calf Club __ 22 -~------------ West Elgin P'oultry Club - 11 -------------------- Elgin Swine Club'",-", 9 _________m.__________..__________ West Elgin Tractar Club - 13 ------------------ Dunwich Corn Club - 10 -------------------------- lEast Elgin Potato Club ...-... 8 -------------------- Trans., Belmont & Shedden CaLves, AYllmer Fair --------------..-----------------------$ Trans., Shedden: & Rodney Calves, Wallace town -------------------------- -----------..-- 12.0'0' 16.50 10.50 46J5D 19.60 5'8.50 33.00 116.50 13.50 19..50 15.00 ,1.2.00 $ 273.00 108.00 24.00' $ 4-H Club Leaders' Assodation -------------------------------------- Inter-Clulb Competitions, a.A.C., Guelph, 7 teams ---- Girls' 4-H Club Work 215 Oounty Honour Pins --------------------------.$ Rentals - Halls, A:dh. Days & Train. Schoo Is __________________________________.__... -------- 132.00 100.00 84.00 69. ()is, 52.00 .$ 121.():) Miscellaneous Dinners - Farm Management Meeting, London _~c__.,__ 7.70 To tal EXlpeTISes __---------------------------------------~--.-----$ 2,399.76' Bank Balance, January 12th, 1960 _...___..__~_._ 2,16.63 $ 2~648.38 Audited and, ;found c-on€ct, January 15th, 191m, by 't.,t'l. r. P&iOgers, R. 5, St. Thomas. Approved by Elgin Agricultural Committee, Januapr 19, 1960. .H~ Hunter H. Liddle L. S. Gurr A. V. Langton 38. ELGIN' COUNTY COUlNC1lL January Session. 1960 ELGIN COUNTY LIBRARY CO-OPERATIVE REPORT Receipts iBank Bailance Dercemlber 3,lst _______________________ $ Deposit with County Clerk, Dec. M, 1959 ___ Coun ty Grant __._____________________.____________________n__________ Provincial Grant ____________________n__________..__________~_ Lilhtary Fees "-~---c-'""'--------.----------------------- ---------------- ,Scho.o 1 ;Fe'e,s ____________ _______ _______________________________ _____ Booksto PiS ___.. .-- _.------------- . ____n_______________ -____________ ------ Miscellaneous ReveTlUe __.__________________.____--_ Financial Statement 1959- '5i8.5:7 .$ 4,500.00 4,800.0<0 28'8.-80 1~523.30 8'6.7.5 62.39 Proposed Bud/get 1960 370.38 1,700.00 7,000.00 4,100.0U 350.00 1,815.00 80.00 $ 1>1,119.81 $ 15,41;5..31 Disbursemenfs: Bo olks ..---------- -..-------------7---- __________ _ -_________...____..______ ---$ Periodicals, Newspapers, et1c. __________.______u______ Bookbinding ---________. _____._______________ ___..____________... Insurallce -, ~bookrmoibile, etc.) _______m________________ Sta,tionery, .cards, etc. ______________________________________ As so.c ia ti 'On fe eB, _____________________.______________________ --- --- Boolmnolbile eXipenses _______________________________________ Telephone and Telegraph ------------------------------ Mending srupplies _____ ------_________________________~----..----- Travel eXp ens e.s ______________________.._____________________ ---- Legal 'and professi'onaI ____________________________________ P ension __~______________________________________________________----- --- iSalai'i ers _________n__..______________________________________ ----------- Unemploy:Inen t insurance --------..--------------- .----- MisceHaneous ________________________________________________ ----- Ballance, December 31st, ,1'95,9 ----..--------------------- .3,512>8.11 9;74 1'93.,68 271.20 290.34 lil.30 460.63 96.913 519..10 1411.35' 25.00i ,1316.:64 '5,12118.48 1209.24 li28.17 3;70.38 $ 3,000.0'0 75.00 20D.OO 200.0U If50.0fj. 10.00 400.00 90.00 7:5.0'0 200.00 30.00 1150.0U 10,800.00 3,0.00 15.38 $ 11,119.81 $ 1,5,415.38 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNC]L 39 ELGIN COUNTY PIONEER MUSEUM FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF DEC. 31st, 1959 Receipts BaLance on Hand Decemlber 31st, 19:58 _______________________________$ 2,0'72.68 Grants - County of Elgin _________________________________$ 500.0'0 Dept. of Education c-------------.--------- 9890'93 Donatio n fram Citizen ______ ____________________________________________ ____________ Interest on Banlk A!ccount ______________________________________________________ Receipts. from Museum Adimissions _____________________________________________________$ 5,50.'60 [V[ emlb e:rships __________________________ _____ _______c____________ 13,3.00 Books - JiUm'bo ____________________________$ 25.20 [V[.edical ________________________________ 12. on HistoriC'aJ and Nature ____ 16.:3:5' fg ~~~~~~~~~~i=i~~ Do n a ti a ns _______________________________________________ --_____ Tea R'oolll1 _______________________________________________________ Tea and Food Sale' ______________________.________________ 53.55 83.4'0 17.'0'0 161.70 ,20.14 17.6:5 218.14 1,463.913 175.'00 21.71-\ 1,255.18 TOTAL RECEIP'TIS ---------------------------------------------$ 5,008.55 Expenditures Permanent Equipment whkh includes Filing Caibinet, Colonel Ta]bot Room, Blinds, Youell Cabinet, Fence _______________________.._____________$ Publicity Brochures, Stationery, Ca~ds ----------- Purdlase's f-or Sales _______________________________________________ Mainie.nance 1959 _________.___________________$ 12.35. Oil for Furnace and (Repair ___un_ 274.15 Telepihane ____________________________________57.93 Public Utilities __________________________ 106.34 rraxes ____________________________________________ 8'2.06 5'67.90 399.61 37.74 40: EWIN' 'COUNTY COl1lN'CIL.- Salary taCur.a tor""__-'-'"_____c_:___c~_c__ Postageandi Exchange _____"__"~____ Small Repairs ____________~___________________ Essay Prizes ---------------------~c------ General Expenses which include .>cQ.ta.laguing, workshop expenses, -auditors' ,fees, 'mimeographing statements, flowers, Dr, Crane, Christma'sGift, Wilsous ________ 1,344.'60' 20.44 40.76 19.00 183;15 ,$ 2,140.78 TO'DAL EXPENDITURES ---------C-----"----------------$ 3,146.0'3 iBALANGE ON HAND AS OF DEC. 311, 1959 __.._______$ 1,862.52 City 'of St. 'I':holnas has maintained the grounds during 1959. '3,440 perSions halVe" signed the Register at the Museum, also .groups s<uchas sdhool children, SIC outs, cUlbs and C.G.LT. willa only s~g.ned as :g,rouplS. We, the undersigned iha'Ve examined the books of the Elgm County Pi.oneer Museum as kept by the .8ecretary-TreasureT and ius,ofar as ihiol'matian land :recoJ:'ds as given us, the books are cor- rect. -Auditors: AiNN]E M. FLEW, C'LALRE YOUNG. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 41 BY-LAW NO. 1755 "A By-L,aw to Confirm By-Laws No. 1505 and 1506. of the Township of Malahide for Stopping. Closing up. and Conveying Used Portions of Road" WHEIREAS the Council ofDhe Township 'Of Malahide on the 21st day O'f Septem'ber, 1'9:5>9, A.D., did pass By-Law No 1'5015, :for stopping, dosing up and conveying the streets in the Vi1large of P-ort BIiu'ce, known as Jefferson Street and Mackenzie Street, ac- carding to' Registered Plan No. :5'5, and !for fixing and declaring the terms U\pon which the same shall !be disposed of and c.onveyect; and By-Law No. 15G6, for stapping, closing up and c'Onveying the r,oad in the Tawnsihip of Ma,lahide Ibetween Lots 15 and 16, in tihe second GaIlicessionod: the said township, eX1ce'Pting the southerly 1,55:0 feet 'Of the same, and for fixing and declaring the terms upon which the same shall/be disiposed of and .conveyed, more particu- larly described in the said By-La,w\S, true capies hereo'f aTe here- un to. annexed. AND WiHERIEi.AJS pursuant to' the pravisions of the Municipal Act; the sa,id Township By-LalWs shall nat ha,ve any force until canfirmed by a By-Law of (the Council of the Caunty in which the TOiwnship is situate passed at an ordinary meeting of the Coun- dl held not saoner than three manths, nar later than one year, after the passirug of tfhe By-LalW of the Caunlcil 'Of the Township. ANlD WiHEiREAiS a1piplication has :been made to. the Council of the Oorpara Hon af the Oounty of Elgin far a By -L'aw .confirming said T.ownship By-Laws. NOW TH'E~JEtFOm the Council of the Carporatio.n of the County of Elgin enacts as fol1ows: THAT By,..La1w NO'. 15.0'5 .of th~ Township of Malaihide, being a (by-law for stoPlpin1g, closing. up, and conveyirug. the streets in the Villa:ge 0& Port Bruce, known as Jeffersan street and :Ma;ckenzie Street, acc{)rding to. Registered Plan N 0.55, and for fixing and de- claring the terms upon which the s.ame shall be disposed of and conveyed, and By-Law NO'. 1,5'06 of the Township of Malahide, be- 42 JDDGTN COUN'TY COUNCIL ing a tby-law for stopping,' closing up, and conveying the road in the Township of Malaihide Ibetween Lots 1,5 and 16, in the se.eond concession' of the said to1WiThSihi\p, excepting the southerly 1,550 feet of the same, 'and, fur fixing and declaring the terms upon which the same shall !be disposed' of .and .conveyed, ,be, and the same are hereby canfirmed. iRE,Ail) a first time this t21st day of JiaJIluary, H}60. RiIDAiD a second timetihis 21st day of January, 1960. R,EADa third time,and final,ly passed this 2,lst day of Jan- uary, 1'9:6'0. J. r)~ THOMSON" . Clerk. HARVEY LIDDLE~ Warden. MUNICIPALITY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 1756 WtHELRlEtAS the Co.uncilof the Oorporation deems it necessary t<} barrolW the sum of Eilg:ht Hundred Thousand dollars to meet" until the ta,xes are collected, the current expenditues of the Gor- poration for the year;, ANn WHEiRE\AS the total am.ount of the estimated revenues of the' Gorporatian as set :Dorth in the estimates :adopted for the year1:9BO, not 'induding revenues derivable ar derived from the '. sale -of assets" ho.rrowings, .or issuance of debentures or from a sur- /plus, including arreas af taxes, is One Million" Two Hundred and Twenty-Five Thousand dallal'S. AND WHEREAS the total amount heretofore authorized to. 'be ,borrowed this year far the PUTiposes mentioned in su;bsection (l} 'of Section 341 of The Municipal Act is Eight Hundred Thousand . dollars,af wlhich tihe Corporation has already borrowed a total ot (nil) dal1ars. ''I1HmE]f,ORlE' the Council .of Tlle Corporation (Df the C.ounty elf Elgin, herelbyenacts as follows: ELGIN COUNTY OOUNeLL 43 1. The Head and the Treasurer are herelby authorized on be- half of the Corporation to borrow from time to time, \by way of promissory note, from the Bank of Montreal, a sum or sums not exceeding in thE:' a,ggrergate Eight Hundred Tlhousand 'Dollars 'to meet, .until the taxes are colle'cted, 'bhe cunrent €:'x\penditures of tIle Corporation for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentianed in subsection (1) of the said Section 341, and to .give, on (behalf of the Corporation, to the Bank a promisory not€:' Qr notes, sealed with the c.orporate seal .and signed ,by therl1 for the mo:neys so horrowed with interest at a rate not exceeding '5,% pe['centum per .annum, which ,may be' Ipaid in a<cVv;ance or otlh- erwise. 2. All sums horrowed from the said Bank, f'Dr any or all or the purposes mentioned'in the said Section 341, with interest there- on, (be .a char!ge upon the whole of the revenue's of tlhe Corpora t10It far the current yea,r and for all prec:eding years, as 'and whe'nSiU'C!i... revenues are received. 3. Tih Tre'aiSurer is herelby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this By-Law, as wen as all ather sums borrowed in this year aI)d any preivious years, from the said Bank f'Dr any or all of the pur- poses mentioned in tl1e said Se.cti'Dn 341, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received on 3JC- co.unt or realiz'ed in re:S'Pect 'Of the taxes levied for the current year and pre-ceding years and all of t1he moneys colle<cted or re- ceived from any othe'r source, which may lawfully be alpplied .eOI' such purpose. Passed this 2ilst day of January, 1:960. CORPORATE SEAL HAR1R:Y L,InDLE (Head of the Carporatian) J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. I here'by 'certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. 175'6 of The C'Drp'Dration of the County of ElJgin in the Province 44 .ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting :of the Oouncil af the said Cor- pOI'?tion duly held, and that the said By-law is in full force and -effect. Dated this 28th day of January. 19,60. As witness the Seal of the COIlPoration. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. CO~POiRATE SlEiAL. EXTRACTS FROM T:H:E MUNICIPAL ACT B.S.C. 1950 (1) :A 'council may /by 'by-law either befare .01' after the passing of the !by-law for 1mposin,g the rates for the current year author.. ize the head 'and treasurer to. !borraw from time to time by way of ipromisory note such sums as the council may deem necessary to meet. 1,lutil the taxes are ic'ollected, the current expenditures of the corporatian for the year,. including the amounts required for sinking fund, ~rinicipal and interesit falling due within the year upon any d:eht of. the ,oo[1poration, s-chool purposes, special rates purposes, and for any hoard, -commission ar !body and ather pur- <poses for which tihecoflporation is required by law to provide Q2) The amount :which may be borrawed in any year for the pmtpOSes, mentioned in sulbs.ectiQn 1 shall not, except with the appro1val of the Municipal Baard, ex.ceed se:venty per 'centum of the total amount of the estimated revenues of the COI1pora tionas. set forth in the estimates adopted for the year. (3) Until such estimates are adopted, the limitation upon !horrowing prescrilbed by subsection 2, shall temporarily be calcu- lated upon the. estim'ated revenues of the corporation as set forth in the estim'a:tes adopted f.or the next precedinlg year. (4) For the' pun poses of suibsedions.2 and 3, estimated rev en- use derivalble or derived from the sale af assets, ,borrowings or issues, of debentures or f:r;o.m a s:u;rp}us in:cil.uqi.ng arrears of taxes. und proceeds from the sale of asse~s. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 45 BY-LAW NO. 1757 UTo Appoint a Board of Audit in the County of Elgin for the year 1960-"6 The ElJgin County Council enacts: THA'T the Judge of the Oounty Court, and the Treasurer, and Mr. Oharles D. Phillips, !be, and are hereby 3JPpointed members of the Board af Audit to ;per:Dorm the duties required of them ,by the Revised Statutes of Ontario. TiHA\T tihe memhers of the said Baard of Audit !be paid the sum af Nine Dollars per day, for their services, and twenty cents per mile going to eaclh Audit. tREAD a first time this 2ilst day of January, 19'60. READ a second time this 21st day of J,anuary, 1960. READ a thiI1d> time, and finally passed this 21st day af Jan- uary, 1960. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk HARVEY LIDDLE, Warden. :$Y-LAW NO. 17'58 6'To Appoinf a County Road Commi:tieeu As required Iby the Hig1h'wa'y Act, the Elgin Cou.nty Council ena-cts : TlHiAT the foJlawing five memfiJers ,af this Council canstitute a Committee :vor til:l:e purpose 'af directing the wark to be done on the COiUnty Road System: ID. Bu:vgess ~ for Term of One Year. C. Blue - for Term o'f Two Years. J. Wils'on - for T,e.rrm of Three Ye'ars. J. Hux - for T'erm of Four Years. J. Millard - for Term of Five Years. TiHiA:T By-u:..aw '1~0. 1713;5, be, and is herefby repealed. REAiD a first time this 21st day af JalIluary, 19,60. READ a second[ time tlhis 21st day of January, 1960. READ a thir:d: time, and fin,ally passed this 21st day of Jan- uary, 1960. J. D.THOMSON, Clerk. HARVEY LIDDLE; Warden. 46 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BY-LAW NO. 1159 "A By-Law:fo ,Increase :the Wages of :the Counfy Weed Inspector, Tree Commissioner. and Rabies Va1ua:l:or'~ 1',he Elgin Oounty Council ena:Cts: THAT Mr. CluyH)lourne Gordon be paid $,1.2,5 per hour as Weed Inspecto.r, Tree Cammissioner, and Rabies Valuator. THAT By-Laws No. 15\6:l~ 11721, and 174:7, be, and are herelby a,mende'd ae-c1ard:ingly. REAlD a first time this 2i1st day of January, 19,60. READ a second time tlhis 21st day .of January, 1960. iREAD a third: time, and fina1J.y passed this 21st day of Jan.. nary, 1910'0.. J. D. TrHOa.vr;SON. Clwk. HARVEY LIDDLE,. Warden. BY-LAW NO. 17S(} rlTo Increase Members' Wages'" WHEREAS Se.ction2.2, Chapter 62, of the Municipal Act, 1959.~ provides far rates of pay of members of Council, THE :CORPO[RA'T]ON OF THE COUNTY .oF EiUGiNEiNACTS THrA:T the sum of Twenty Dollars per day ($20.00) be paid to, memibers .of Council 'ror their attendance at Sessions of County Oouncil, and twenty cents p.e'r mi,le (.20-c) in going to sudl meet- inlgs. "I'1rlAiT By-La1w No. 1'7~3 ,be repealedanJd By--Law No. 1.695, be .amend.ed acc'olVdingly. 'THLS By-La:w to. take effect J:anuary 1st, 19160. HiEAiD a :first time this 31st day of J:a!Il!uary, 19160~ (REAiD a see-and time tihis 21st day or January, 19'60. READ a thiro tLme; and finally pa.ssed this 21st day of Jan- uary, 1'916'0. .T. D.'DHOllvrSON, Clerk. HARVEY VIDDLE~ Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 47 SECOND SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, 'the 22nd day of, March, 1960 The E~gin County Council met this d;ay at the Oourt House, St. Thomas, in a,c'cordance with adjournment. The vVarden in the Chair. All the members present except Reeve Baird. The Warden addressed the Oou.niCil, and introduced Deputy Reeve' Marr of M'alahide, and 'M. Hopper, Acting Re.eve of West Lome. 'Tiheminuteso:f .the last day 'Of the January Session were read and confirmed. A le'tt,er from the' Clerk of West Larne was read, confirming the appointment of M. Hopper, as Ading Reeve. The follo'wingcOlTIll11unic'a'tions were read, and referred to their various 'Cammittees: CQMMUNICA TIONS March Session, 1960 From the City of Barrie requesting :a .cihal1'ge in the Regula- tians :ror residents under the Child Welfar€ Act. - Referred to the Petitians and Legislations Committee. Fl\am the Olerk of th City of St. Thomas with acknowledgment of share or sulburlban ro-ad C10sts for 11916:0.- Filed. From: the Hono-uralble J. W. Spo:oner, Minister of Lands and Fares:ts with ac;kno1wlegment of' Elgin County resolution re non- resident hunting. - Filed. 48. ELGIN COUJo.j"'TY COUNCIL From the County of Simcoe requesting amendment to the As- sE:ssment Aict to increase penalty in unpaid taxs. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. From the Ontario Plowmen's AsS'odation with ac1owwledg- ment of grant. - Filed. FJ.'om the Count yof Grey opposing another vote re Hog Pro- dUCtT3 Mark,eting Plan. - 'Referred to the Agric<ultural Committee. Frem Mrs. C. Learn and family :with 'appreciation. - Filed. FLom the County of Renfrew requesting Amendment to Sec- tion 309 of the Municipal Act re Fixed Assessments"':"" Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. From the County of Lennox and Addington requesting !Pro- vincial Survey re operation of amlhulances by fire departm.ents.- Referred to the iPe'titions and Legislations Committep. From the Ontario Municipal Board with decision on Aylmer annexation. - Filed. From the Olel~k of tile City of St. Thomas re balanc~ of Subur- ban Hoad costs for 1959 - Filed. From the Council of the to,wnship of Bayh'am re Daylight Sav- ing Time. -[Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. From the' Canadian National Institute for the Blind with ap- preciation oLf grant. - Filed. ]trom the Council af the County of Bruce re Provincial com- pensation to laical municipalities in Park expenditures. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. ,From the Council of the' County of Ontario re Prol'\7incial grants in lieu or taxes. - Referred to the Petitions and- LegIslations Oom- mitt€.e_ EDGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 49 From the Ontario Municipal Board with d.e-cisioJ.1 on annexa- tion by the City of St. Thomas. - Filed. From the County of Wentworth requesting increase in Pro- vincial grants t,o C'Ounty Lilbra,ries. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislations C.ommittee'. From the University of Western Ontario with appreciaton of grant and: scholarships. - Filed. From the Secretary of the Ellgin C.ounty Schaal Trustees and Ra'tepayers' Asso.ciation re County Grant. - Referred to the Fin- an'ce Cammittee. From the Middlesex-Elgin Herefard AssaciiHioll with request for a grant. '---' Ref,erred to the Agricultural Committee. From the Ontario Municipal Board re Hearing for the In-cor- paration 'Of the P.olice Village of Belmant. __ Referred to the Peti- tions and Legislati.ons Committee. Reev,e Gurr maved that Dr. Haffman be now heard. Dr. Ho~f- man, Medical Officer 'Of Health of the EI,giIl-Bt. Thomas Health Unit 'PTesenterd t1he annual report for 1'9;59, .and the work of the Health Unit during the year. The Warden expressed his appreciation to Dr. Hoffman f.or his ex'cellent report. The repart .of the Elgin Manar Committee was presented and adopted' an mati:on of Reeve' Gurr and Deputy Reeve Tansley. 'The report 'Of the Pra'Perty Committee Was presented and adapted 'On motion af Reeve Downe'y and Deputy Reeve Crawford. Maved \by Reeve Downey, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Crawford: Whereas the Pr;avince of Ontario contrilbutes- grants to the C.ost of County Jail construction, th.e Elgin County Council petitions 50 ELG~N COUN'rY COUNCIL 1Jhe Dept. of Reform Institutions for a grant 'an tlhe new additiOh to the Elgin Cou.nty Jail. --"Carried. Moved ,by Ree!ve Chute~ Seconded by Deputy Reeve Phillips:' ''I1h:at By-Law No. 14U, af the township of Bayham to stop Up,. and dose portion of Se.cona Street in the Village of Straffordville. be ,canfirmed, and the necessary County By-La!w be prepared. -Carried:.. Moved by Reeve Barker, SE:'canded iby Reeve Wilson: 'Tthat By-iL1a1w:Na.540 of tlhe ViIIage of Springfield to' stop U[).. and close ;portions of Thomson Avenue Ibe confirmed, and the ne- 'eessa.ry Oaunty By--Law !be prepared.. -Carried:. Moved iby iReeve Burgess, Seconded /by Deputy, Ree1VE:' Marx: That we' do nolW adijourn to meet this afternoon,. at 2 p.m. -Carried. The"Coilln'ciI resillmed~ ThE:' first report of the Finance Gommittee waS" !pres en ted and! adopted on im.>oti:on of Reeve BUI!gess and Reeve Gurr. The report of the Road Committee' was presented. Reeve Bark- er questioned the lar!ge !budget and felt it should be reduced. The . report 'Was adopted' on ,motion of ReevE:' Blue and Reeve BUligess. Moved by ReelVe Hux, Seconded by Deputy Reerve Barfber: Tha't M. Hop;per, Acting Reeve of Wes't Lorne be appointed to all Gommitte'e& that Reeve Elliott is a member~ -C'arriecL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 511 Moved by Reev.e Gurr, Seconded !by DeJputy 'Reeve McIver: '!1h!at Deputy Reeve Bruce Marr be appointed to all Commit- tees of County Caull'cil that the late C. T. Learn was a member. -Carried. Mo;ved iby Reeve Gurr, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McIver: That we do now adjourn to. meet on Wednesday, March 2'31'<1. 1i960, at 10 a.m. -Carried. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. HARVEY LIDDLE Warden. SECOND SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday. the 23rd Day of MarcIL 1960 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance witih adj'OurnlIl.ent. The Warden in the Chair. All the ,meil:l1'bers were pre'sent,ex.cept Ree:ve Baird. The minutes of the Jpr-e'vious day werre read and confirmed. (Moved by Reeve Bur.gess that Mr. A. V. Langton, Agricultural Rpre'Sentative (be now heard. Mr. Langton addressed the Council on Seed Fairs, Farmstead Improvement, A'ccident Survey, and the International Plowing Match. The Warden expressed his appreciation to Mr. Lan1gton for his splendid report. 512 EDGIN COUNTY COUNCIL .",q. Tlhe report of the Agricultural Committee was presented, and adopted on motion of Reeve Wilson and Reeve Blue. The report of the Equalization Committee !Was presented~ Reeve Wilson addressed the Council an the importance of th'i? Equalization and suggested Mr. "Wignall, County Assessor, to ~ plain the report. Mr. Wignall addressed the Council on the re- port, and the report was adopted on motion of Reeve. HUK and Reeve Nimmo. Moved Iby Reeve' Gurr,. Se.conded !by Deputy Reeve McIver:: That we do now adjourn to meet this afternoon at 2. p.m.. --Carried'.. The Council resumed. Moved )by Reeve Wilson that [V[;1'. Claylbourne Gordon, County Weed Inspector, be now heard. Mr. Gordon addressed the Council on tihe weed meetinlgs heing held, and the pro,gram, als.o, re Tree: Cutting, and bull dozing. The report of the Petiti:ons and Legislations Committee was. presented, and a m.otion of Reeve Wilson and Reeve Burgess that,. Clause 5, re Daylight 'l'ime .be deleted. After a lengthy discussion,. and the following recQrded vote, the motion was declared To st.. ViE.AJS - Blue, Cra'wford, Lunn, Burgess (2) Wilson, Duerson., Barlker, Downey - .€9) NA YIS - Hux, Barber, Nimmo, Tansley (2)' Lidd1e~ M,arr~ Chute, Philltps, MillaTd, McKilbhon, GUIT, McIver~ Wi/gIlt, Happel' - (:15).. The report was adapted as read,. on motion of Reeve Happer" and Reeve Wight_ ---Carried. The second report of the Finance Gornmittere was presented and adqpited on motion of Reeve Burgess and Reeve Gurr. EDGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 53 The third report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Bur:ges:s and Reeve Downey. It was moved by Reey,e Wilson, ahd seconded !by Reeve Bark- er, that .Reeve Gurr be added to. the Special Committee for revIS- ing tihe Rules and Re,gi111a'tions of County Council. --Carried. Moved by Reeve H ux, Seconded by Deputy Reeve BaI1ber: That By-L'aJw N,o. 17fH, "A By-Law to Amend By-Law No. W/916, and By..;[..aw No. 1'7124," be read a first tim.e. -Carried. Morved by Ree'V:e Hux, Seconded by Deputy {Reeve BaItber: 'Tha't By-La:w No.. 17611, !be read a second tiine. ~Carried. Moved Iby Deputy iReeiVe Barlber, Seconded !by Reeve Hux: 'Thalt By-Law No. 1'76:1,; /be read a third tim'e, and finally pass- ed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve HOiP!peT, S:e,c.on,ded by Reeve Blue: Tthiat By..;\Law No. 17:62, "To Raise Amounts f6f County Rates D1irinJg the Year, 1960, be :read a first time; ....;;...C arried. Moved :by Reeve Wight, Secanded by Reeve Hopper: That By-Law No; 17/62; be read a second time. -Carried. 54 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved !by Reeve Hopper, Seconded (by Reeve Wight: That By-Law No. 17'6'2, be read a third time, and finally pass- ed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Blue, Seconded \by Deputy Reeve Craw:rord': That J3y-Liaw No. 1763, "A By-Law to Provide for the' 1-960 Expenditrur'e.s on Roads under the 'Highway Improvement Act in the County of EIgin,"he rea.d a first time. -Carried.. Moved by Reeve DowneY'J Seconded by Reeve Blue: That By-La'w No. 1 'Z'63~. he read a second time. That By-Law No. 1763, be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Wigtht, Seconded iby Deputy Reeve Crawford: That By...Law No. 1'7<63, Ihe read a third time, and finally pass,- ~d., -Carried_ Moved hy Reeve Nimmo" Seconded !by R'eerve Do"w'ney: That By-Larw No. 1'7:6'4, "A By....Law to' Provide for the 19'6U Supplementary Expenditures on Roads under the Highway Im:- -provement Ad, in the County of E1gin,'" be re'ad a first time. -Carried_ Moved by Reeve Downey, Seconded by Reeve Nimmo: 'Dhat By-Law No. 11764, he read a second time. -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL fib Q.\1orve'd :by Reeve Nimmo, Seconded by DepU'ty Reeve Lunn: That ';By-Law No. 1764, be read a third time, and finally paS13- ed. -Carried. Mo,ved .by Deputy Reeve' Lunn, Sec.onded by Reeve Emerson: That By-Law N'O. 1765, "A By-Law to Establish a Plan of Sick Leave Credit Gratuities for Employe'es," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve' NimmO', Seconded by DepU'ty Reeve Lunn: That By-Law No. 17165, be' read a second time. "':-Carried. MOlVed by Reeve, Emerson, Seconded by Reeve Nimmo: That By-Law No. 1'7\6'5, be read a third time, and finally pass~ ed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Millard, Seconded !by Deputy' Reeve McKi~b(bin: That By-Law No. 1:7:6'6, being "A By-Law to Amend the By- Law Adapting a Plan of County Road Improvement and Estahlish- in1g a County R'Oad System in the C'Ounty 'Of Elgin under the High- way Impr'Ovement Act," he read a firslt time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McKibbon, Se'conde'd by Reeve Millard: That By-iLaw No. 176'6, be read a secand time. -Carried. 5:$ EDG:uN COUNTY COUNCIL t' Sec-onded by iRee'V~ Chute~ Se,conded by Reeve Wilson: That By-Law No. 1766, be read a thir.d time, and finally pass- ed. -Carried Moved !by Reeve Wi1san, Moved by Reeve Chute, That By-Law No. 17J67, being "A By-Law to Amend t1he By- Law Adapting a [PLan of County Rroad Ihmprovement and Estab- lishinlg a County Road System in the County of Elgin under th~ High1way Improvement Act," be read a first time. -Carried.. Moved ,by Reeve Coote, Seconded by Reeve Wilson: Tha't By-Law No. 17,67, be read a second tWe. -Carried.. Moved by Reev,e Mi1Ia~ Seconded by Deputy Reeve Philli!ps: Thalt By-J:...a:w No. 1767, be rerad a third time, and fInally pass.;;.. ed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Chute, Seconded Iby Deputy Reeve Phillips = 'Dhat By-'Law No. 17-68, "A By-Law to Confirm By-Law N.J-.. 14111, of th,e tC'\V1I1S!hLp o.f B'ayham" Bein!g a By-Larvl to Stop ,up Part of Second ~treet in the Village of Straf.fordville, in the township of, Bayham," be read a first, time. -Carried.. EDGJN COUNTY COUNCIL 3,7 Moved by Deputy Reeve' McKiibibon, Seconded by iReeve Ohu te: That By-Law No. 17;68, be read a second time. -Carried Moved Iby Deputy Ree'Voe Phillips, Secondeid /by ReeveMilla~d: That By-Law No. 1!7i68, be read a third time, and finally pas.s- ed. -Carried. Mo.ved by Hee:ve Barker, Seconded hy. Deputy Reev,~ Phillips: By-Law No. 1,7:6;9, "A By..(Law to Confirm By-Law No. 54(; of the ViHa:ge of Springfield, Heinig a By-[saw to Btop UIp and C10s:e PorUons of Thomson Avenue, in the Village of Springfield," be read a first time. .......c arried. Moved by Reeve BaTl~er, Seconded by Reeve Chut.e: That By-Law No. 1769, be read a second time. --:C,arried. Maved !by Reeve Bariker, Se,conded by Reeve Wilson:: That By-Law No. 1:71619, he read a third time, and fInally pass- ed. -Carried. M!olVe~ 1b(Y Deputy Reeve McIver, Se.conded \by Reeve GUIT: That By-La:w No. 17'70., "To Confirm the' Equalization of the ..A,s,sessment Rolls of the County of Elgin for tihe year "196:0," be read a first time. -Carried. 58 ELGIN,'COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Reeve Gurr, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Marr: 1;hat By-L8JW No. 1770, be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Ree'Ve Marl', Seconded iby Deputy Reev,e McIver: Thai By-La1w No. 1770:) be read a third time, and finally :pa:ss- ed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Burgess, Seconded by Deputy RE:eve Tarusley: That By-Law No. 17'71, "To Increase the Salaries of the Coun- ty Auditors, Clerk-Treasurer, and DeiPuty Clerk-Treasurer," be read a first time. --':Carried. Moved by Deputy Reev,e Tans1ey, Se,conded by Reeve BUI"ge'ss: That iBy-La:w No. 17'71, {be read a second time. -Carried. Maved by Reeve BUI'Ig€:'Ss, Seconded {by Deputy'Reev'e Tansley = 'I'ihat By-Law No. 1771, Ibe read a lthird time, .and finally pass- eel. '---Carried Reeve Gurr invited the memberiS of the County Council to a daTIice .at the "Stork' Club/' Port Stanley, on the' evening of April 9th. Moved 'by Deputy ReeiVe Tans:Ley, !Seconded {by Reeve Burgess: That we do now 'adjourn to meet on Tuesday, June 14th, at ten 'o'cloCk in the forenoon: J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. -Carried HARVEY LIDDLE, lW arden. ELGIN COUNrY COUNCIL 59 ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE Maroh Session. 1960 To. the Warden, land Members otf .the Elgin County' C.ouncil, The Elgin Manor Committee reports as follows: 1. That a Certificate of approval from the Ontado Water Re.., sources Commission has been received f.or the eanstructian of a water main to the El\gin Manor. 2. ThaJt a;ppraval fromtJhe Dept. of !Public Welfare foOl' calling 'Of tenders for the construction of a water m.ain toO the Elgin Manar has Ibeen received. All of which is respecilfully ,sufbmttted. LLOYD S. GUIRR, Chairman. PROPERTY COMMITTEE March Session. 1960 To the Warden and ,Members af the Elgin County Council, The Prope'rty Committee reports as fQllows: 1. That the tender of Harmac Construction Company of $34,- 995 has been accepted for theadditioll to the EJJgin County Jail. ,2. That the tender of GillaIld Plumbing and Heating far in- stallation of ne'w urinals in the men's washraom far $894.00, has been accepted. 3. That a new toilet and wash'basin has been installed at a cost .of $1:22.00: 4. That water has been piped to the third, floor and a wash- basin has {heen installed f.or PrOlbation Offices at a cost of $150.00. All of which is respectfully submitted. B. E. DOWNEY, Chairman. 60 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FINANCE COMMITTEE March Session, 1960 - Firs:l: Report To the Warden, :and Members 0If the Elgin County C.ouncil~ The Finah'ce Committee rep.orts as follows: L That Charity and Welfare Pay List No.2 fOr $1,076.79, and Children's Aid Societies Pay List No.2, for $2,9'70.30 be approved. 2. That Charity ad Welfare Pay List No.3 for $1,051.6'1, and Children's Aid Societies Pay List No.. i3\ :Ear $2,7:O!8.~3J3, be approved. :3. That the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit be {paid $182.50" County's share .of 1915<9 deficit. 4. That the Auditor's Report 'be accepted" and their fees of $800.0.0 for 1,g~5'9 be approved for payment" and by-law /be amend- ed accordingly. All of whicih is respectfully sur'bmrtted. DONiAlDD' iBUtR!OOiSS" Chairman. EQUALIZATION REPORT March Session, 1960 To the Warden, and Mernlbers .of the E]gin Oounty Council,. The EiquaIizati.on ()ommittee reports as fonows: :1. "llIlAT the following be the' equalization of the Assessment .R0'Usof the Oounty lof Elgin far the year, .1960: AldharoUlgh _______________________________$4,781 ,Hil. 00, Durrwich ____________________________c___ 4,1534,'7'6'8.0'0 S:Quth::wold ____--__________________________ 5 ,6'3,3~ 389.00' 10.3654 9 Jl:3,14 12.2132. ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 61 Yarmo u th _______________----_----~-_-------- 7,,g 0 0 ,.4'04. 00, Malahide ______________________________________ 5,240,5>90.00. Bay ham _____________________________________ '4,090,.8130.00 South Dorchester ___________________.__ 2,2'97,338.00 Ay ImeT _____---------------------------------- '5,21!1, W8.0n Port Stanley _________________.____________ :2,740,670.00. D u Ho n __u__----------- ______________________--- 709,9150.:0 0 Rodney ________________________.______________ ,815'1 ;617.00. West Lor:ne ______________________________h ~,g6;205.0Q p.ort Burwell _________________________.___ 660,882.00' :s pringfi eld ___________--------------------- 3418,'6'02.'00 Vienna __.._______________._______________________ 228,011'0.00 $46,1'215,6'54.00' 17.1280 11.3616 8.8-6819' 4.980.6 H .2977 5.9418 '1.5392 1.846,3 1.9430. 1.43,28 .75'58 .4943 10.0.00.% 2. TiHA T this Council is willing to have the final equalization of assessment rolls, in case of .ap'peal~ made /by the County Judge. All of which is respectfully sulbmitted. JOHN K. HUX, Chairman. AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE March Session. 1960 T,o the Warden, and M'embE}r~ of the Elgin CountyCoup,cil, The Agricultural Committee reports as, follows: 1. That the following payments for raibies indemnities heap.. proved ..,- Pay List No.1, for $450.0.0, Pay LJ~t NQ, ~, :fOl? $,605.Q'0.; Pay List No. 3,:for $,2,85'7.'5'0., and Pay List: No.. 4, for $100.00. 2. That the request of the Middlesex-E.l'gin Hereford Associa.. tion for a grant, be filed. 3. That wecOncuI' with thE} re.?:ol~tion fr(>-m iDe' Qeunty Qf Grey, that - no further votes -olf hog producers be' taken until, and only when ,a petitiQn at :recognized Hog ~rQ4'll~~r~ <?pp,osing the present marketing plan !has been presented to the Ontario Govern- ment. All of whic:h is respectfully submitted. J. B. WILSON, Chairm~n. 62 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ROAD COMMITTEE: March Session, 1960 To the Warden, and' Members' of the Ellgin Gaunty CauIIciI, Y;OU'R · ROAD C01VIM:J:TTEiE 'beigs to report .as Tollows,: 1(1) WORK is continuin:g Iby the Alrex Contra>cting Limited at. Richmond. It is expected that grading work will be very near .completion by May 1st, 1960. It is anticipated that. gravelling op- uationswilI commence when Half..;Load 'Restrktions are r.emoved.. 1(.2) TENDfERS ror Hot Mix Paving ,ha~e (been called, to close- 'on April 7th, for work on Road 215 S. A. Wellinigton Road, under the .controlof the. St. Thomas Sulburban Road CO<rrm1ission;. Road 53; in Aylmer and Road 24 in Port Stanley.. WE. RECOMlMEND THAT:- (1) THE Resolution :from the Oounty .of Wentworth re the fm- ancing of :Su1::>urtban and County Roads- be filed. (2) '!tHE' Warden land Clerk be' authoriz'ed to siign a Deed to! ,Shirley .MeQuiggan and Fred Kelso fora :portion of the "May Pro-. peTty" in Lyndhurst. This property was ipurchased by the 81. Thamas Suburlbarr Commission to widen Wellington Road and im- prove the entrance of North Avenue in Lyndhurst. This portion not needed for Roaq Allowance has lbeen sold by the Sulburban Reads _ Oammission. :(.3) T/HAiT the Estimates of the' st. Thomas Suburban Road Com.mission, amounting to. $6r3~200j)O for ,1>96a, !be: approved. Of ,this amount $,2'7,000.00 is alpipropriated for Maintenane:e and $36,- '200.00 far Construction an the Wellington ~oad~ '(4) THAT a By-Law Ibe passed increasinrg the salary 'Of R. G~ M.oore, the County !Engineer, to. $7,'50>0.00 per annum, effective March 1st, 1'916.0, sUibdect to the approval 'Of thee Department of Highways'_ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 63 (5) THAT a By-'Law, defining Skk iLeave Benefits, to County Road Employees, be passed. A By-La:w defining such Sick Leave Benefits was passed in March, 195i9, but was not of a Standard Form as suggeste.d by the Department of Highways. This By-Lay\< pT'ovided the same ibenefits as the By-Law ,of WI59 and is of th9' form recommended by the Department of Highways. (6) TiHAT a By-Law be passed reverting corners of County Roads an Road 3 in Aldborough near Lots 14, Con. 11, and on Road 8 in Dunwich near fLats 112. and 1:3, Con. 1 and Con. Broken Front to the Township in which they lie. These ,corners are .cut off by new curves and are no longer open for tralffic. We also recDmmend that roads across these' comers built !by the County to facilitate entrance to T,ownship :Roads, be reverted to the Tawnship. These Roads .are !presently !being maintained iby the Townships. We also recommend that a By-Law be passed, assuming curves in Lot 12 Con. 1, Dunwich and Lot 14, Can. :11, Aldborough, into the County 'Road System. 'These Roads have be:en built iby the County ,and are in use, 'but have not as yet been assum.ed by By- Law. (7) WE :RiECOMMiEND that a Normal Road Appropriation By-Law to he passed, to (be allocated as foUaw-s: Construction (Maintenance Total Roads ___________m_______________________________. $1159,2,00. on $1'919,300.'00' $3'5'8,500.00 Bridges and Culverts __m____________ '20,.8tOO.O:O 416,00'0.'00' 66,800.00 New Machinery __________________________ 20,000.00 20,000.OU Superintendence and Overhead ____ '3'9,'700 .39,700.0t1 TOTAL ___________________________$:200,000.00 $'285,00:0.00 $4R5,000.00 BREAKING THESE AiMOUNTS DOWN: County R,oad Construction _____________..____________$;124,000.00 S. A. Road Construction ___________________________3'5,200.00 TOTAL, ______________________________________________________________$15'9,200.00 64 ELGIN COUNTY.COUNCIL 'County Bridge and Culvert Construction _____________"-C-----------""----"--"$ 19,300.0-0 's.. A. Bridge and Culvert Cons truction _____________"------------------ 1,0.00.00 TO'J.lAL ___"-------"-"-- _"-------"-_________""----~-------"-"------~--$ 2'0,800.0 (} County Road a.Y.r.aintenance _________________________$180~OOO.OO S. A. !Road Mraintenance ______________________________ 1'9,300.0.01 TOTAL __________________________________________________________$19-9, 30Q.0 0 County Bridge and Culvert Maintenance ___________________c_________________$ 44,000.00. S. A. !Bridge and Culvert Main tenance __.._______________________________ 2,000.000 'DOTAL ----______________________________"-----------____$ 46,OOO.OQl Coun ty Over head "--------------"------------------------'$ 34,0.00.00 S. A. Overhead ______________________________________________ 6,700.00 TOTAL ____"-------------------------------------------"---_~___$ 3:9,700.0'0 (8) THtAT a Supplementary By-Law be passed appropriating $30.1,000.00 for County Road and !Bridge Construction, to provide for Grading and Granular Base on Roads 24, <3'6, 40, 48, 52, 14 and sat the Wardsville Bridge, and to complete Gradinsgand Gravelling on the Richmond Hill, and :5or the installation of Pipe Culverts Qn Roads 40, 48 ,and 14, and a major partion of the Construction of tnE::' '\Var<isville Bridge. [RlOla ds ________________________________________________ $lrr6, 80.0-.00 Bridges and Culverts _______________________ 1\24,1200.00: TOTAL ____________________________________$3 (Jil, 0 00.00 '.Dhis is a total Road Budget of $7816,0-00-.00, at an Estimated cost to the County of $320,500..00. All of whioh is respectfully submitted. C. BLUE, Chairman. EDGIN COUNTY COUNC]L 6:0 .. .... . .." - ^- -' ,'.' -.. :" -..~ PETITIONS A'ND- LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE -: . Mcireh 'Session. '1960 To the Wa.rden, and Members of the Eligin County Council, The Petitions and. Legislations Committee reports as. foUo'ws~ 1. That the res9~ution ~ram the City of Barrie for Amend- men ts to the Child Welfare Ad re Residence Requirements and assumption by the Province of maintenance when less than 280 days in~' the Province, be approved. 2. That the resolution from the' Simcoe Oounty Council to lIl- crease interest !penalty on un~aid taxes to 9'% per annum, be filed. 3. That the resolution from the Renfrew County'. CoUIliCil for Amendment to Sectian 301l) .of the Assessment Act tpat propertIe:a with fixed asses.snient be' liable for County Rates, \be endorsed. 4. That the resolution from the Count'Y Ooull!cil olf Lennox and Addington requesting the PTovinci:al Govermnenrt to make survey of Ambulance Service' in the Province re Special grants and to de- termine if it may Ibe operated by Municipal Fire Departments, be filed. 5. That the resolution from the Council of the Townsh.ip of Bayham re Unif.orm period of Daylight !Saving and reversio.n to Standard Time ISeptem1ber 1st or'Labour Day, be endorsed. '6. That the resolution from the County CaunlCil of Bruce re- questing Provincial Compensation to local munidpalities far public parks, be endorsed. 7. That the resolution from the County Council of Ontarw requestiIl,g tl1e Provincial, Government, to r~vise the /present system of Provincial Grants in lieu or taxes s,o that .local municipalitIes would. receive their full taxes' and proportionate to locallbodies for v(..,hich taxes., are levied, be approved. ,8.'That the resolution from "the' CauntyCouncil .of Wentworth requesting increased Provincial grants to County' -Library Co-Op.. eratives, be approved. 9. That the Warden attend a Hearing of the OntariO' Munici- pallBoard re Incarpora tion of the Police Village of Belmont, o:q; April 14th. An of . which is respectfully submitted. M. HOfPfPiElR, Chairman. 66 ELGIN COUNTY COUNC]L FINANCE COMMITTEE March Session, 1960 - Second Report T;o the Warden, and Memlbers of the Eltgin County Council, The Finan-ce Comrni ttee r~orts as fallows: 1. That an additional grant of $215.0-0 be made to the Elgin County S-chO'ol Trustees and Ratepayers' Association. 2. That the salary of the Clerk-Tre.asurer be)nc:reased $300.00 per year. 3. That the salary or the Deputy Clerk-Treasurer !be increased $200.00 per year. 4. That a request for a .grant for the proposed Tri-County Hospital be filed. All of whioh is respectfully submitted. DONtAIL[) BUfR!GESS, Chairman. COUNTY RATES, COUNTY OF EL.GIN FINANCIAL REPORT March Session, 1960 To the Warden,. and M.em\bers of the Ellgin County Council, The Committee on Finance beg le'ave to report that having in- quired into Finances ,of the County, and est:iJmates prepared by the County Treasurer" they herewith submit a staternentoi the ex- penditures required for the lawful purpose of the Gaunty during 196:0, showing the amaunt required to Ibe raised for the undermE:n- tioned purposes: Administration af Justice _____________________________________$ 5'3,000.00 Caunty Roads (7.8 mills) _______________________________________32~,478.00 Charity and Welfare _______________________________________________ 3,000.00 Child -W elfare ___.__________________.________________________________ Qi8, 000.00 ELGIN COUNT'YCOU!NCIL 67 C a un ty Ass essmen t ________________________"----------------------- Elgin-St. Thomas Health' Unit - ____-_______~__________________ Elgin Manor _________________~_____ _______________________. ________ Elgin Hospital Delben tures___~___________c___t"-~---------------- M uni cip al Go vernmen t ________________________________________ A.gri c ul tur e ________________________________________________________________ Interes.t and Discount on County Rates ___________ Printing, Postage, and Stationery __~______________________ 'Gran ts ______ ____________________________________________ _________________________ Miscellaneous, Licences, and Permits ____________________ 9,0.0'0'.0'0' 311,0'8,6.0'0' 4,0'0'0'.0'0 59,00'0'.0'0' 21,00.0'.0'0 13,00'0.0'0 16,0'00'.0'0 1,000'.0'0 fD,O'DO.OO~ 742.0'0 $1572,30'6.00' Y our Committee would recommend that the sum of Five Hun- dred and Seventy-Two Thousand, Three Hundred and Six Dollars be raised on all rate'able property in the several municipalities of the County of Elgin, during the year, 1960, for County purposes, and that a rate af 1,3.8 mills on the doUar !be levied on rateable property in the se'Veral municipalities in the Caunty to raise said amounts. All af which is respectfully submitted. DONALD BURGESS, Chairman. BY-LAW. NO. 1761 "A By-Law :to Amend By-Law No. 1696. and By-Law No. 1724' 'VVHE,REAS By-Law No.. 1'696 deals with the aJppointment and remuneration ofa Road Superintendent [or the County of Elgin; AND w'HEBJEAS it is. deemed expe'dient to amend the said by-law; NOW .THERiE~ORiE, the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin, by the Council thereof, enacts as follo'ws: 68 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL (1) That Clause {1). (a) of By-Law No. 17Q4 is hereby repealed, and the fOllo'wing suhstituted therefore: (a) That the salary or remuneration of the said Sup- erintendent shall be the sum or $7,-5QO.OO per annum, ef- fective March 1st, 1'960. (2) That Ey-Law No. 1'6i9,6,and By-Law No. 17:24, be, and are. .herelby amended accardingly. :(3) That By-Law No. 1740 be repealed. (4) That this by-law shall come into force and take effect on theIst day of March, 11960, sUib~ect to the approV'al af the Minister of Highways. PASSED in open Cauncil this 23rd day of Mal'ich, 1960. J. D. THOM:SON ~ Clerk. HAiRW:Y LIDDa:..E~ Warden. BY-LAW NO. 1162 "To Raise Amounts for County Rates During t'he Year. 1960'. WHEREAS an estimate has been made sthawing that the sum. of Five Hundred and Seventy' Two Thousand, Three Hundred and Six Dollars is reiquired to Ibe raised in. tlhe several municipalities f.or the lawtful purpose af the County during the year, 1960, on the basis of the equalized assessment .as determined in 1959. Municipality Total Elqualized Value Aldiborough ___ ------------c-----..---------------$ 4,:18-9,5!73.QO Dunv/ich _______.______________.. ____________________ 4,01116,309.00 Sauth wold __________________.___________ ---_____ 4,g57,,38I.OO Yarmouth __________h____________________________ 8,002,,9018.0'01 Ma.la~ide ____________________________________ 4,i51fj'8~8'31.00 Bayham _________ ______._________._________________ 3,5517 ~199.00 ELGIN COUNTY COUNC:EL 69 Sauth Dorchester c___'-________________ Aylmer ______________________________________________ Port Stanley -----.----------------------------- Du t tan ________________________ ---------------------- Rodn ey _____________________________ ------------------- West Lorne ------------------..------------------- Port Burwell '-_____-----c---------------------- Springfield ________________ -------------~------~ V ienn,a -___________________________________ --------- 2,02'2,:265.00 4,512[9,1315'3. no ~,404,0153.00 6QJ7 ,1616,9 .00 '7415,074.00 71815,,343.00 570,9177.00 :304,18616.00 19:9 ,6188.00 $41,4171,489.00' THERE:@ORE the Council af the Municipal Carporatian of the County 'Of Elgin enacts: 'THAT a rate 'Of 13.8 mills on the dollar be levied an all rate- able property in the. several municipalities in the County of ElglI1 as above set forth far the year, 19,60: AldbaraUigh _________________________________________c_$ ifii'7 ,6/1i'7 .00' Dunwich _____________________________ ____________________c '155 ;4125.00. Sou thlwold __________________________________________ 6'8,4112.0.'0 Ya1'1tnouth _______________________________________c_____cc_ 11\10.,440.00 Malahide ____. __________________~_______-_________________ 612:,9\12.00, Bayham ___________________-'-__________c___c________ 49,089.00 South Dorchester ______________________________ f}.r[ ,907 .00 Aylmer _________________________________________________ 6:2,5 0i5. Q,O Port Stanley _________c________~_________________-__ 313,1'7.6. GO Dutta n ___________________________________________________ 8,6612. no Rodney __________ ___cc______'-_ c___'-____c_________________ \10,2'8:1.00. West LOIne _ ______cc_____________________________c_____ 1:0,,813,8.00' Port Burwell ____c____c__cc___c____________________7 ,8179.00 Springfield __________________________________________ 4,'207. DOl Vienna _____n_____________________________________________ 2,715:6.00 $572,306.00 REiA:D a first tim& this 23rd day of March, 1960. HEAD a second time this 23rd day ofiMarch, 1960. P.E...A..D a third thne, and finally passed this 23rd day 'Of March, 1960. .T. D. THOiMSON, Clerk. H:A1RVEY LIDDLE, Warden. 70 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BY-LAW NO. 1762, "A By-Law 10 Provide for :the 1960 Expenditures on Roads Under the Highway Improvement Act in :the County of Elgin" V1HffimiEAS the Highway Improvement Ad requires that the total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by county by-law and that the by-law be sUlbmitted to the Minister of Hign~ ways for approval. THEREFOIR!E the Council of the GOl'lporation af the said Caun- ty enacts as follows:- (1) The sum o,f $4185,000.00 is hereby estimated as the e:x:pendi- ture upon the construction and maintenance of the roads and brid- ges under its jurisdiction during the year 1,916,0 as :follows:- Ganstruction M'ainte'Il!ance Roads ________________-----------__________________$<1'59,120 0 .0.0$19'9 ,300..0 0 Bridges and Culverts ________________ 2.0,80a.00 46,000.00 New Machinery _________.___________~______ 20',.000.00 nil Superintendence & Overhead 39,7'00.00 Total $3158,5HO.OO> 6'6,800.00 20,OOO.{)(} 39,700.00< 'DO'TA:LS _c____ ______..___________$200,0'00..00\ $Q:8'5',O'OO.HO $485,000.00 (2) The said manies shall be e'Xpended under the supervision ()f the duly appointed county road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Impro'Vement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit dupIic'a:te copies of this b(V-Iaw to fl1e district oIfice of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highwaysr not later than March 31st. of the said year. (4) The 3'pprovaI of he Ontario Municipal Hoard shall ibe ob- tained Ibefore .any expenditure is authorized or wark commenced which will. be financed by the issue af debentures or monies raised in a subsequent year. Passed at St. Thomas, this 213rd day of. March, A.D. 19,60. SEAL .J. D. THOMSON" Clerk~ HAR~Y LIDDlill.:" Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUU\rCLL 71 BY-LAW NO. 1764 "A By-Law :to .Provide for :the' Supplementary 1960 Expenditures on Roads Under The Highway Improvement Act in the County of Elgin" WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Ad requires that a Supplementary expenditure on roads be prorvided far by county by-law be submitted to Ithe Minister of High'ways for approval. THEREJFORE the Cauncil of the COTparation of the said Coun- ty enacts as follows: <(1) The sum of $'30'1,000.00 is hereby estimated as the expendi- ture upon the.construction and maintenance or the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the year 1i916:O as follows: Construction Maintenance Total Ro ads _______________________________________ ______$:1'716,800.00 $176,800.00 Bridges and Culverts ________________ W:4,,200.00 124,20'0.00 New Machinery ________________"___________ nil Superintendence and Overhead $301,000.00 $:301,000.00 (2) The' said monies shall \be exwended under the supervision of the duly appointed county raad superintendent and on wor~ performed in aecordance with The HighJway Impravenlent Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit duplioate capies of this by-law to the district office' of the Municipal ~!aads Branch, Department of Highways, not later than M:arch 31st, or the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario \Municipal Board shall be olbtained Ibeforeany expenditure is authoriied orw()rk com- ,menced which will be' financed by the issue of debentures or mon- ies raised in a subsequent year. Passed at st. Thomas, this2:3rd day of M:arch, A. D. 1960. SEAL J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. HARVEY LIDDLE, 'Warden. 72 ELGIN COUNTYCOUNC:EL BY -LAW NO. 1765 ~'A By-Law :to Establish a Plan of Sick Leave Credit Gratuities for Employees" The Council of the Corporation of the County of E.lginenacts :as :follows: 1. In this by-law - '(a) "~m:ployee" means lany salaried afficer, c1e.vk, workman servant or otheriPerson in the employ of the municipal- ity for a periad of (not less than one year). fib) ":lVI::an1h" snaIl mean a calendar month. (c) "'sick leave certificate" :means ,a .certificate from a phy- sician verifying a claim for sick leave. (d) "'sick leave absen'Ce" rrheans albsence from regular attend- ance .by sickness or other physical incapacity. (e) "Sick leave credit" means .an allowance as provided by this by-law for sick leave absence with pay. (f) ''Council'' means the C'Ouncil 'Or the C'Orparation of the County of Elgin. 2. (a) A :pLan of sick leave credit gratuities is established for every employee and, sulbdeet to the eontrol of Council, the conduct and management of the plan shall be vested In the (Clerk :and County Road :Sujerintendent or both for specific employees). (b) The officials previously mentioned shall maintain and ke.epla register in which all sick leave credits and sick leave absences fOT every €ln!Ployee shall Ibe recorded so that the register will show the net sick leave credit of every employee which remains after all his sic'k leave absences have been deducted fuomhisa-ccuiIllulated sick l€:'ave credit. 3. (a) For, every month .of regular attendance, and employee shall be entitled to a sick leave credit of (not more than ELGlli" COUNTY CQUNcIjL 73 op.e day per month, and the sick leave credits of an em- ployee shall }be cumulative (to a maximum of 120 days). (Ib) Where an employee has been empl.oyed for more than fiv,e ye'ars, the Clerk and County Road Superintendent may allow him sick leave absenc? in eXlCess of his ac- .cu.mulated sick leave credits for not more than 30 days at any one time provided that the allowance' f.or SUCh sick leave absence shall be charlgeable to and debited against future sick leave cre'dits to. Which the employ~e may /become entitled. (c) Where ian employee i:saJbsent due to. an 82'Gident and is m receipt of workman's c.ompensation and requests the Council to make up the difference between the amoun.t of workman's compensation paid and his salarw, if the council agrees then the difference shall be char~ed against his sick leave credits. (d) No sick leave credits shall be given t.o an employee in any month who. is absent from duty in that month. (I) for more' than six days for any reason other than than vacation, leave-.of-absence; orr (II) without leave. 4. (a) An ,employee shall report his illness during the first day on which suc.h employee is albsent from his work. (b) Where the sick leave absence has fbeen in eX1cess of three consecutive days the emplQ'Yees shall not be paid any sick leqve credits~ UIll(';lsi3 upon return to his work er as I?oon thereafter aSID(lY be practicafble he fwrnish to the Clerk or County R.oad Superintendent, etc.) a sick leaVE:: certificate. p. Where an employee having more Vh(lIl five years conse- cutiVe service, ceases to be employed by the municipal- i. ty, there shall be paid to him ar to his personal repn:- sentative, .or :failing a personal representative, to suc.h oth~r person as the Council may deteTInine, an amount computed on the basis of his rate of pay at the gate of 74 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL leaving the employ of the municipality for a period equal to' 50 :peT,cent of the value af his siCk 'leave credits, but the ,amou.nt shall not exceed six months pay. 6. Any employee discharged for, cause from emplayment with the municipality shall lose and fortfeit all benefits. unde!' this Iby-law. ''t.. THAT By-Law No. 1739 be, and is hereby repealed. 8. THIS BY-ILaw shall become effective on the.2;3I\d day of March~ 19160. P AiStSJillJ this 2i3rd day of March, 1960. J. D. THOMISON~ Clerk. HARVEY LIDDLS. Warden. THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELG:tN BY..LAWNO'. 1766 ., A By.;Law to Amend :the. By-Law Adop:l:ing a Plan of Couniy Road Improvement and. Establishing a Coun:l:y Boad Sys:l:em in :l:he County of Elgin under :l:he Highway Improvement Ac:i:'. The Council of the GorpO'ration of the County of Elgin enacts as By-Law Numher 1766 as follows: 1. The Schedule af My-lL!aw Number 8'91 !being the original By-Law establishing a County Raad System in the COUll- ty af Elgin as amended by By-Law NUffi,ber 1015i2 "being the' last consolidating By-Law re-estalbIishing the said sys:tem and further' amended by sUlbsequent ,amending By-Laws is here'by amended by acidin:g theTeto the roads designated and des:cribed as follows: ELGIN COUNTY GOUNClJL 75 DESCRIPTION BE[NG that portion of the'Road, in the township of Aldibarough, being a road throUlgh the east cor- ner nf Lot 14, Concession 2, in the township of Aldharough, the centre line of which may be more particularly des'cribed as follows: OOM~iNOIiNG in the centre line of the road al- lowance Ibetween Concessions 2 and 3, A DIS1'- AN10E of 8318.2,3 ft. sauth westerly fram the inter- Designa:l:ed sections of the centre line Ibetween the Road Al- lOiwance between Concessions 2 and 3, and the County Road road through Lots 14 and '1:5, Concession 2, ~ sho/wn ,on a plan registered ,as D 5412, in the'County No. 3 Regis,try 'Office THiEiNCE on a seven degree regu- lar ,curve to the left thraugh the e'ast corner ot Lot 14, Cancession ,2, the radius of which is 819.02 ft. to. a paint in the centre line of the said road through Lots 14 and 15, 'Concession 2, which point is ,a distance of 813'8.2,3 ft., north 'westerly from the said intersedion of -centre lines ibetween road aJ.- lowance 'between Conce'ssi.ons 2 and 3, and 'the roadthraugh Lots 14 and 1/5, Concession 2" (as shown on attached plan as Parcel No.. 3 and cdt- oured in green. Bffi)ING a portion of the road in the township 01 Aldbor.ou.gh, being a road through the eas:t cornel' of Lot 1'4, Concession 2, in the tOlWnship af Ald- Designa:l:ed borough, the .centre line of whkh may ,be mOJ:'e particularly descrtbed as fallows: Coun:l:y Road CO~IIMENCTN1G at the E.ast corner of Lot 14, Con- ce'Ssion 2,THENiGE !proceeding in a westerly dir- No. 3 ection, A DISTANCE of approximately 2i70', to. a road through the east corner of Lot 14, Conces- sion 2, knawn as the Furnival Road, or County Had No.3, (as shown on the atta.ched plan as Parc€~ No.4, and colo'llred in yellow). BEING that Portion of the Road in the township 76 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL of Dunwich, .being..a road through the' no['th west. corner of Lot 13, Cncession 1, in the t01wnship of. Dunwich, the centre line of which may be more particularlp des,cri'bed as follaws: COMMENCING in the centre of the' road .allow- ance between Lots 12 and 13t, Cancession 1, in the. said township, A DISTANCE of BO'7.3:1 ft. south. easterly from the intersections of the ce'ntre he- m.esigna:t~d: 11ween the road allawance between Lo'ts 1:2 an<t 1:3, Conce\Ssion 1" ,and. the centre line bgtween CaI1- County Road: cession .1 and Concession Broken Front opposite Lot 1" THENCE on a regular seven degJ;ee curve No.. 8 to the right through the north we'Stcorner of. Lat 13, Concession 1, the radius of which is 819.nZ ft. to a p.oint in the curv'e of the road allowaIl'ct:;~ between Concessions 1.. and Broken Front, whicn is distant 80'7.3,1 ft.. north easterly from the' In-. tersection of the ,centre lines between the road allowance between COll'cessian 1 and Broken Front, opposite Lot 113 ad road allow.ance be't'ween Lots 12. and 13, Concession 1,. (.as shawn on the attacn- ed plan as Par'cel No.3, and coloured in green). BE<ING a portion of the road in 1lhe township of Dun wic.h, being a road through the n'ortn west corner of Lot 13, Cancession 1, in the tawnship of Dun wic'h, the centre line orf which may be mar~ Designated' particularly des.crilbed as fO'Uo'Ws:- COI.VI.MlENCING at the' north west corner of Lot County Road 1;3, Concession 1, TiHlE(NIC!E in an easterly direc-- tion, A DISTANCE of approximately 230' to' a- No. 8 road through the north west cqrner of Lot 1:3, Concession 1, known as the new Currie Road as. diverted. (Also designa.ted as CouIlty Road No.. 8), (as shown on the attached pLanas, Parcel No.. 4; and cqTaur~d in yellow)'. 2. The roads as. designated and des'cribed in paragraph 1, are hereby added to, and included in the' County Road System of. the :County af Elgin.. ELGLN COUNTY COUNCIL 77 3. This By-Law shall ,came into force upon ,the atpproval of the Lieutenant-Governor in Cauncil. FINAiLLY PASSED at the City of. St. Thamas, in the County of Elgin, this 23rd- day of March, 19:60. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. HiAJRVlEY LIDDLE, Warden. THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN BY -LAW NO. 1767 "A By-Law fo Amend fhe ,By-Law Adopting' a Plan of County Road Improvement and Establishing a County Road System in the County' 'of' Elgin und'er' the Highway Imp:vovelfft*l'lf' Act:' The Oouncil .of the' Corpora Hon of the County of Elgin ena.c.ts as By-Law Number 1716'7 as. follows: 1. The Schedule ____________________ of By-Law Numiher 8917 iheing the or.iginal By-Law establishing a County Road System in the Coun- ty OJf Elgin ,as amended iby By-Law Numher 1015:2 !being the last consolidating By-Law re.:.,estalblishing the said system and !'urtheil' Clmended by subserquentamending By-La!ws' is hereby amended by renwvinig there.:.'from the l'ioads designa.ted and descriibeld as fol- lows: DESCRIPTION AU AND SINGULAlR that cert,ain parcel or tra-ct of land, situate, lying, and !being in the township of Aldbor.ough, in the County of Elgin in the Pravince of Ontario, and !being part of the road allowance between Concessions 2 and 3, which may Ibe mor.e particularly descri,'hed as fol- lows: COMMENCING. at a point in the north '78 ELGL."'\J COUNTY COUNCIL Designated limit of the road allowance betwe'en Concessions 2 and 3, thirty-three ft. ea:siterly from the wester-- County Road ly limit of Lot 15, Concession 2, THENCE soutn 490 21' .west along the northerly limit o'f the road No. 3 allowance, A DmST:A:NiC'E of 49il ft. THENCE south 400 3'9' East to. the: souther[ly limit of the road all0'wance, A D[S!TANlClE of 6,6 ft. THE1\TCE. North 45,0 21' East along the southerly limit 0'f the road al10wance be'tween Oonoe:ssions 2. and 3" A DIS'T:ANOE, of ~91 ft. THENCE north 400 3H' weslt, A DLSTIANOE olf 616 ft. to the point of be- ginning, OONTAIN[NG (BY iMElAiSiURlEMENT .75. acres to the same, more .or less, (as shown on the attached plan as Parcel No.1. and >c:oloured red). ALL AND SINGULAIR that certain par'cel or tra.:;t. of Land, 8i tuate, lying, and heing in the township of Aldborough, County of Elgin, in the' Province of Ontario, !being ',a portion af the road throUlg11 Designated Lots 14 and 15, in the second Gan-cession of the said t.ownship of Aldborough as shown an a plan; County Road registered as No. D 542, in the County 0'f Elgin Registry Office, which may fbe more. particularly No. 3 described as \fallows: COnv.rOV[lE!NGING at a p.oint in the' northerly limit of the rlQad allowance be- tween Concessions 2 and 3, distant 33 ft. easterly from the westerly limit of Lot 11>5, Concession 2" T'HENOE north 4:20 20' west along the easterly limit af the road thraugh Lots 14 and 15, Conces- sion 1, as shown on Plan D '5412, A D]ST:A/NiCE 0'f 42'5 ft. THENCE South 470 '518' west to the wes:t-. erly limit of the road through Lots 14 and 15,. Concession 2, A DIISi'IlAiNlGE of 616 ft. THENCE South 4120 02' east along the westerly limit .of tne Road through Lot 14 and 115, Concession 2, to the' No;rtherly limit of the Road Allofwance betweeIl Concessions 2 and 3, A D['STANlOE. of 42'5 feet, T[HiENOE North 470 58' east to a dis:tance of H6' to the point of beginning, CONTAII\JJ:NG BY AD.. MlEAlSURlIillVIEiNT :64 acres be the same more or- le:ss, (as shown on the attadled plan. as Parcel No. 2, and eoloured red). ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 79 BEING a portion of the Raad in the township of Aldlborou:gh, being a road through the east corn- er of Lot 14, Gonce'ssian 2, in the township 01 Designated Aldbororugh, the 'centre line of which may Ice more particularly de:s'crthedas ['oHows: COM- County Road MENCJNG at the East corner of Lot 14, Conces- sion 2, THENOE proceeding in a westerly dir- No.3 e'ction, A DISTANCE OF APPiROXIMATE[.Y 27tY, to a road through the east c'orner .of Lot 14, Con- cession .2., known as the Furnival R'oad, ar COUIl- ty Road No.3, (as shown 'on the attached plan a:s Parcel No.4, and coloured in yellow); ALL AND SINGULAR that ,certain pa.rcel or tract of land situate, lying, and being in the town- ship of Dunwkh, in the County of Elgin, in the Provice of Ontario, BELNG part of the 110ad al- lowance between Concession 1 and the Broken Front Goncession which may he mOTe particularly des.criibed 'as fallows: PRErMISING that the South westerly limit of Lot 1,3, Conces1sion 1, has. a ibear- ingof North 4:50 W., COl.VI)MENiC[iNiG at a point on the' interseetion of the south easterly limit of the Designated Raad Allowance betwieen Cancession 1 and Con- cession Broken Frant with the north easterly limn County Road of Lot 112, THE'NiClEalon:g the ;slouth eas.terly limit of the road allo1wance between Concessian 1 and No. 8 Concession Broken Front, North 440 10' 30" East, A DiI:S\TlANOg of 415'6.'0 ft. THfENOE north 46" 49' 30" West, A iDrnSTANiCE of6i6 ft:. to the north westerly limit of the Road Allowance betweell Concession I ,and COTIJces:sioriBr:oken Front, THENCE South 440 10' 30" west along the north westerly limit of the road allowance' beJwJ!en COI.- cessian 1 and Conc.essionBroken Frant, A DIS- TANCE of 4616.0 ft. TlHENiOE South 450 49' 30"1 East, A n<IST:ANiClE df 616 ft.ta the point of ibe- ginning, CONTAINING BY ADMEASUREMENT .71 acre he the same more or less, (as shown on the attached plan 'as Parcel No.1, andcolour-ea red). Sf) ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL AdjL AND SiLNGUiLAIR that certain paI"'cel or tract of land situate lying and Ibeing in the Town- ship .of Dunwich, in the County of Elgin, and m the Province .of Ontari.o, HElING part of the road allowance between Lots 12 and 113, C.oncession 1, which may be mare particularly des-cribed as fol- lows: PJRtEMIS:ING that the south wes,terly limit .of said Lot li3, C'Oncession 1, has a bearing of North 450 west, COMMECNGLNG at a point in tnt; Designated intersection .of the south easterly limit of the road allowance between Concession 1 and Concession County Road Broken Front with the north easterly limit of Lot 12, TH!E,NIC[E along the north easterly limit of Lot No. 8 12, Sauth 4'50 East, A D]STANlOE of .400 L. THENCE North 45' East, A [JrSTAlNlOE of 6W to' the sauth 'wesiterly limit of Lot Ie, THENCE north 4.50 west along the south westerly limit of Lot 13 to the south easterly limit of the road allowance between Ooncessi.on 1 and Cancession Broken Front, THENCE south 4'50 west, A DISTANCE of ,6.6' to the point of beginning CONTAINING BY AiDiMEAiSUR.EiMEiNT .16,1 acres be the same more -or less, (as shawn an the :atta:ched plan as Par-ceL No.2,. and caloured red). BEING a porti-on 'Of the road in the- township .01: Dunwich, being a road through the north We'st corner of Lot 1,3, Oancession 1, in the township of Dunwich, the "centre line of which may be mare Designated particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the north west carner of Lo't W, Cancession 1, County Road 'DHENCE IN an e'asterly diredi-on, A DISTANCE of approximately 230' to a rO'ad through the norttl No. 8 west ,corner oct: Lot 13" Concession 1, known as 'the new Ourrie R.oad as diverted. {Als.o des4r nated .as Couuty Road No.. 8, (as shown on the at- tached plan ,as PaTlcel No.4, and coloured in yel- low) . ,2. The roads as designated and descriroed in paragraph 1, are hereby removed from the County \Road System of the County of Elgin. EilJGI1N COU1l\i'1TY OOUNC[[. BOA 3. jDhis. By-La,w s.ihall come into force upon the approV'atl of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council. i]'J]NIAIW..N PAlSiSED at the City of st. Thomas, in the County of E1Jgin, this 2i3rd day of \March, 19160. J. D. TIIDIMSON, Oler.k. HARVEY LIDDLE, Warden. 80!B ELG[N COUNTY OOUNC[L BY-LAW NO. 1768 IIA By-Law fo, Confirm By-Law No. 1411, of ;fhe Township of Bay- ham, Being a By-Law to Stop Up Pari of Second Streef in the Village of Siraffordville, in :the Township of Bay'ham.1I IWfHiEiRiEAISthe Council of the Tow~ship of Bayham on the 1Mh day of December, 1-9i5:9, A.D., did pass !By-Law No. 1411 to st'ap up patTt o'f Second IStreet in the Village of Straffordville, in the "Township of Bayham, more particularly described in the said By-:L1aw, true copies hereof are hereunto annexed. AND W1HiEJRiEAS pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act, the said Township By-Law shaLl not have any fo['ce until confirmed !by a By-Law of the Council of the County in whk:h the township is situate passed at an ordinary meeting of the Council heiJ.d not sooner than three months, nor later than one year, after the passing of the By-Law of the Council af the Township. AN1DWHiElRE:AlS application has. been made to the Council of the Corporation of the Caunty of Elgin for a By-iLaw confirm- ing the Slaid townsil1tp !by-law. NOW 'DHiEREIFORiE the Council of the Corpora tion of the County af ELgin enads as follows: TRAiT' By-Law No. 1141111, of the Township .of Bayham, being ""- by-law to stop up part of Second Street in the Vi,llage of Stl'ai- fODdville, in the 'Township of Bayham, be, and the same is he;reby confwmed. IRiEiAD afir.st time this '2'3rd day of March, 1'9!60. RiEiAiD a second time this: 213rd day of March, 196-0. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 8'OC RIEAU a third time, and finally passed this 213lrd day of March, H),60. J. D. 'TrHlOavrSON, Olerk. HARVEY LIDDLE, Warden. BY-LAW NO. 1169 "A By-Law fa Confirm 'By-Law No. 540 of :l:he Village of Spring- field, Being a By-Law :1:0 S10p Up and Close PorHons of Thomson Avenue, in :the Village o,fSpringfield." iWHlERlEA:S the Cauncil of the VillRlge af SpringfieiJ.d on the' 19th day of December, 191519, iA. D., did pass By-Law No. ~40 to stop up and close portions of Thomson A'venue in the Village of Spring- field, more particularly described in the saLd By-L.aw true copies hereof are hereunto annexed. AND WHiElR!EAS pursu.an t to the provisions or t11e M'unidpal Ad, the s,aid Village By-Law sha<liJ. not have any fOliCe' until con- firmed by a By-Law of the Coundl of the County in which the village is si tua te passed at an ordinary meetilllg of the Council heM not sooner than three months, nOT later than one' year, after the passing of the By-!Law of the Council of the Village. !AND WHiEJRiEAS application has been made to the Council of the Corporation of the County of lEiLgin for a By-Law confirm- ing the said villaige by-law. ~r!O!\~l TF...EfLPJEFORE the Co.unlcil of .j.;l...~ !'He r<~_~___..:__ .......V.l FVL d !,lVLL -~ U1. the County of Elgin enacts, as follows: THAT By-Law No. 540 of the ViLlage of Springfield, being a 8'OD E[jGliN COUNTY COUNCIL !by-law to stop up ;and dIose portions of Thomson Avenue, in the ViLlage of SpringfieLd, in the township of South Dorchester, be, -and the smne' is hereby confirmed. ~R!EiAD a first time' this 123rd day of March, 19160. LR~A[) a s'ceond time this 213rd day o,f March, [9,60. Rffi:,AD a third time, and finally passed this 213rd day of M.ar:ch, 19i6,o . J. D. THOMSON, Olerk. HA!RViEY LIIDD(LE" Warden. BY -LAW NO. 17'10 liTo Confirm fhe Equalization of the Assessment Rolls of :the County of Elgin for the Year~ 1960:' 'The ELgin County Cauncil enads: ;TIHiAT the following be the equalization of the Assessment Halls of the County of Elgin :for the year, 119160: ,Ai1diboroUlgh ,________________________________J$4/71811, 1\111.00 Dun wich _____m________________________________ 4,0'3,4)7618.010 Southwold _______________n____________n_______ 15,,6183,)3i819. on Yarmouth _______ ________m___________________ 17,1900,'4i014.0iQl Malahid e _m_________.___n_______________n____ 15 , 240,15i91O .00 Bayh.am ________________~_______n:______n____ 4,09.0,830'.00 10'.3664 9.3e14 12.2'1132 1 q .1'218.0 il:1.i31616 :8.\868'9 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 81 Sauth Dorchester _______________________2,'29:7 ,3~8. 00 Aylmer _d' _______u_________________________________ 5,21:1 ,18,8. no Port Stanley ________________________________ 2,740,670.00 Du ttOll _________________m________________________ 709 ,.9i50 .00. Radney _________.._______________________________ '8'511,6\17.00 '\Vest Lone _____oo________.._____...._______.____ 89'6,20.5.0,0 Port Burwell ______._____________....._________ 660,882.00' Spring/field ______ ____ _______. ..________________ .348,,60L2. 00 Vi el1l1a _. .___._______ ___ _. _____ ____ ____d. _________ 21218,010.00 $46,12,5,554.0'0 4..980,6 11.2977 5,9418 1.5:39'2 1.84J~.3 1,94\30 1,4328 .7558 .494'3 100.0.0% 2. THAT this Council is willing to have the final equalization of assessment rolls in case of appeal, made by the County Judge. RE:AlD a first time this 2,3rd day of March, 1960. \READ a s,eeond time this 2.3rd day of March, 19160. READ a third time', and finally passed this 213rd day of Mar~h, 19'6,0. J. D. THOl\1Sl0N. Clerk. BY-LAW NO. 1711 HA!RVlE,Y L[DDLIE, Warden. "To Increase the Salaries of the County ,Auditors, Clerk-Treasurer, and Deputy Clerk-Treasurer." The Corporation of the County of E'lgin en'acts: 1. THAT the 'Salary af Fred Page Hig,gins Company, County Auditors be increased $2.00.00 pel' year, and $150.0'0 of this amount be charged to the Elgin County Home for the Aged. 2. THAT the s'alary of J. D. Thomson, Clerk-Treasurer, be In- creased $300 peT annum. 32 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 3. THA,T th~ S'al&ry of Mrs. Mary Fishleigh, Deputy Clerk- Treasurer, ibe increased $200..00 per annum. THAT By-Laws No. 116;16, 16:2'1, and 1:6i28, be, and .are herehy amended accordingly. READ a first time this 23rd day of March, 1960. RLEiAD a second time this 23rd day of Marich, 1.9160. REAiD a third time', and finally passed this 2!3rd day of March, 19,60. J. D. TiHOlVrSON, Clerk. HARVEY LIDDLE, Warden. THIRD SE,SSION - FIRS~ DAY Tuesday. the 14th Day of June. 1950 The' E,lgin Gaunty Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in aJCcordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members wer.e present except [Reeve Baird. ,The War-den welcomed Reeve Elliott, who thraugh illness Was unable to. be present at the March Session. 'The minutes of the last day af the March Session were read and e,onfirmed. The following communications were read and referred to. their various Committees; ELGIN COUNTY COUNCI~ 83 COMMUNICATIONS June Session, 1960 .From the County of Ontario requestinrg compulsory insurance on all licenced motor vehicles. - !Referred to the Petitians ana Legislations Cammittee. From the University of Western Ontario re Invitation to County Council Day. - Filed. F~om the Dept. of Agriculture re Cancellation af rabies in- demnit,y. - Referred to the Agriiculture Committee. ffi'rom the Dept. of Lands and Forests re Deer Hunting Seasan. - Referred to the Agriculture Committee. From the County of Lanark requestirug the Ontano Hospital Services Commission to include Children's Aid wards, as a free Igroup. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. Fram the Ontario Municipal Board re granting of the ApplI- cation for the Incorporation of the Police Village of Belmont. _ Filed. From the County of Wentworth with a Brief re County sys- tem of government. - -Referred to the \Petitions and Legislations Committee. From the City of St. Thomas requesting legislation re Blooa Transfusians for children. - .Referred to the' Petitions and Legis- lations Committee. From the Ontario Municipal Association re Annual Conven- tion. ~ Filed. From the Ontario iPlanningand Development re Civil De- fence Emer.gency lv1easures. - Referred to the !Finance Oommiiie'e. From Lt.-Col.W. A. Andrews, Co-Ordinator, re Civil Defence. - Referred to the Finance Committee. 84 E1JGIN COUNTY COUNCIL From the County of Pril11ce Edward requesting the' elimin- ation .of the three months waiting period 0.1: indilgent patients :fol' hospitalization. - /Referred to the Finance Committe'e. From the Dept. af Lands and Forests re Elgin County resolu- tian on non-resident hunters. - Flled. Fram the Ontario Municipal Board re .annexation of parts o! the Township of Yarmouth of the City of st. Thomas. - Filed. From the City of Woodstack requesting amendment'to sub- sections 5 and 6 of Section '2;5, re Notification of owners under re- gistered plan. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Com- mittee. From the County of Ontario. requesting Increased governmenL . grants, ,of hospitals for new {)onstrudion. - IReferred to the Fm- ance Committe'e. Fram the County of Ontario requesting minimum fines far trespassing by hunters. - Referred to the A,gricultural Com,mittee. From the' County of WeIland requesting Increased grants by Cities and Separated Towns for Sulburlban Roads. - Referred to the Road Committee. Fram the County ,of Ontario. re .costs in conne:etion with an- nexation. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. ;F'romthe Medical Staff of the st. ThomaR-.Elgin General Hos- pital re erection of a senior citizens' home. - Referred to the' Fin- ance Committee. Reeve Gurr ~ove'd that Lt.-Col. Andrews be now heard. Co!. Andrews introduced Mr. R. T. Gavin, Civil Defence Administrator who addressed the Council on a new organization of Civil Defenct::. The' Warden expressed appreciation to. Mr. Gavin for pre- senting an up to date repart on Civil Defence organization and referred the m.atter to the Finance Committee. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCI!L 85 Moved by Reeve Burgess that Mr. A. V. Langton !be now hearct. JVCr. Langton addressed the Council on the agricultural condI- tions in the County, and on the plans for the 1960 International Plowing M,atch. The Warden expressed his appreciation to Mr. Langton for his report. The report of the Property Committee was presented, and adopted, on motion of Reeve Downey and Deputy Reeve Craw- ford. The report of the Elgin Manor Committee was presented ana adopted on motion of 'Reeve Gurr, and Reeve Barkel". The Treasurer's RepoTt was presented, and a'ccepted, and or- dered printed in the Proceedings, on motion of Reeve Gurr and Reeve Millard. It was moved by R.eeve Hux that Mr. Claybourne Gordon be now heard. Mr. Gordon spoke 011 chal"ges laid under the' Tree BY-ILaw, explaining adjournment for two weeks. Moved Iby Deputy Reeve McIver, Seconded by Reeve Gurr: That we do now adjourn to meet this afternoon at 2 p.m. -Carried. The C.oun:cil resumed. The report of the Agdcultural Committee was presented, and adopted, on motion of Reeve Wilson and Reeve Blue. ,The' report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted,. on motion of Reeve Burgess and iRe~.!e Gurr. The report of the Petitions and Legislations Committee was pre'sented and adopted on motion of Reeve Elliott and Deputy Reeve Phillips. 86 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL The report of the Road C:ommittee was presented. Reeve Barker inquired the amount of money spent to date on county roads and inquired as to where the expenditures had been made. Reeve Blue explained that the bad spring had caused heavy expendi tures. Reeve Gurr 1C,0mmended the Engineer and Road Committe'e on the excellent repair job on the roads in Port Stanley. County Engineer R. G. QV[oore explained the reason for the size of the Rich': mond Bridge and of the delay in gettiIllg the !project completed. Reeve :Blue moved that County Coun.cil go into a Committee of the' whole; and the Warden appointed Reeve Blue to the Chair. After a len.gthy dis1cussion, the report was approved as read. The repart was ,adopted on motion of Reeve Blue and ]iteeve Burgess. Reeve Gurr moved a vote 'Of .confidence in Mr. R. G. Moore, County Engineer, and requested a recorded vote. Moved by Reeve Gurr, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McIver: That we mave a vote of ,confidence in our County Engineer. -Oarried. YEAS - flux, Barber, Blue', Craw~ord, Nimmo, Lunn, Bur- gess, TaIliSley, /Liddle, Murr, Chute, Phillips, Wi'lson. Millard, Mc- Kihbon, Emerson, Downey, Gun, McIver, WiJght, and Elliott. NAY - Barker. Reeve Gurr stated that he w-ould replaJCe' the Warden's gavel which had been stolen from the Court House, and that Reeve Wilson make the' presentation at the September Session, as he would be absent. Moved ;by Deputy Reeve Marr, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 87 Seconded by Reeve !Burgess: That this. Council does now adjourn to meet on Wednesday, June 15th, at ten a.m. -Carried. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk HARVEY LIDDLE, Warden. THIRD SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday. the 15th day of Junel 1960 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. 'rhomas, in a.ccordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members were present. The minutes of the previous day were read and confirmed. Moved by Reeve Lloyd S. Gurr, Seconded 'by Deputy Ree'v€:' McIver: Be It Resolved that: Whereas. numerous representations have 'be'en made by the Municipal Council of the Village of Port Stanley to the Provincial Member for Eligin County and to the Minister of the Ontario Department of Highways to take action to relieve the dangerous tr.affi<c lC'ongestion at the' southern terminus of Highway No.4, in the Village of Port Stanley, and, Whereas the aforementioned congestion constitutes a serious thre'at to the lives and property of thousands of tourists using the fa,cilities of this summer resort, and, 88 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCJL Whereas the Department 'Of Highways heS seen fit to expena large sums of money to alleviate such conditions in many other communities throughout the Provincial H1ghway System, Therefore the Elgin County Council again petitions the On- tario Department of Highways to take' immedate steps to allev- iate the serious traffic hazard now exis1tent in Port Stanley and assume, as in many other instances, as that pointed out in Section 22, subsection 5a, of the 19,58 Highway Improvement Act. ---Carried. Moved by Reeve L. S. Gurr, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McIver: That we do now adjourn to mee't at 11 a.m. in order to allow Committees of C<>uncil to meet. -Carried. The Council resumed. The second report of the Finance Committee' was adopted on motion of Reeve Burgess and Reeve Gurr. iReeve' Blue presented a statement on the affi'ount spent at Richmond Hill and the total road expenditures this year, to date. Moved by Reeve Blue, Seconded by Reeve EHiott: 'That By-Law No. 17712, "A BY-ILaw to 'Provide for the Sup- plementary 1960 expenditure on roads under t1he Highway Itn- proveInent Act. in the County of Elgin," be re'ad a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Wight, Seconded by Reeve Blue: That By-Law No. 1772, be read. a second time. -Carried. EIJG1N COUNTY COUNCIL 89 Moved by Deputy Reeve Crawford, Seconded by Reeve Nimmo: pThat By-iL~rwNo. J.77tl, be read a third time, and finally passed. ....'. -Carried. Moved by Reeve iBurgess, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Tarisley: That By~LawNo. .17'7~,"To Appoint Court Reporter and Sec- retary for the "CountyJ'ildge," ibe read a first time'. -Carried. -Moved by Deputy Reeve Marr, Seconded Iby Deputy Reeve' McIver: . . " . That By-Law No. 1773, Ibe read a second time. -Can"ied. Moved by Deputy Reeve Tansley, Se'Conded by Reeve Burgess: That By-Law No. 1773, /be read a third time, and finally passed. ----Carried. Moved by Reeve Barker, "Seconded by Reeve Wilson: That By-Law No. 1774, HTo iRepe'al By-Law No. 1747 re Partial Indemnity to Owners of Livestock for losses suffered by Rabies,," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Chute', Seconded by Reeve Barker: That )By-Law No. 1774 :be read a second time. -Carried. 90 ElJGINCOUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Re'eve Wilson, Seconded by Reeve Chute: That By-Law No..17'74, he read a third time, . and finally passed. -Carried. Moved ,by Reeve Hux, Se'conded 'by Deputy Reeve Barlber: That iReeve Burgess, Reeve Blue, and the Clerk, (be added to the Committee for the' proposed Wardsville hospital. -Carried. Moved by Reeve L. S. Gurr, Seconded iby Deputy Reeve Marr: That we do now adjourn to meet on Tuesday, :September 20th, at ten a.m. -Carried. PROPERTY CO~rrTEE June Session. 1960 To the Warden and Mem'bers of the ELgin County Council, The ~operty Committee reports as fo1:1ows: 1. That the tendeT of the Cities Service Oil Company for fuel oil for the J'ailor's residence of 1,5.20 cents per :gallon was accepted. 2. That the tender of the Imperialle Fuels Ltd. for No.1 Ohio Wolverine oil treated Stoker'00al of $)11.1:2 per ton, w.as aceepted. 3. That three new lig.hts. have been ins:talled in the County' Assessor's office on the third floor for $166.60. 4. That the tender of Air Master of Canada of $16~.50 for in- stallation of storm and screen windows in the County Assessor"s Office and hall, has ibeen accepted. All of which' is. respeetfully s.u\bmitted. iB.E. IJOWNlEY, Chairman. ELGTN COUNTY' COUNCIL 91 ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE June Sessio.n, 1960 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, ,The Elgin Manor Committee reports as follows: 11. That we have accepted the tender of the Imperialle Fuels Ltd. for delivery ,of No.1 Ohio Wolverine oil treated coal at $11.12 per ton. ,2. That we have accepted the tender of the Cities Service Oil Company for No. \1 :F1uel ~Uat 15.,20 cents per gallon. :3. That we have a0cepted the lowest tender submitted by William Dietrich of Iona Station for installation of W1atermain t.o Elgin Manor of $16',7169.65. 4. That we 'have received approval from the Minister of Pub- lic Welfare for the total cost of $20,946.53 which includes Engin- e€>r's fees and payment to the Township of Southwold of remain- mg de1)entures on watel'main installed in 1,g49. 5. That the Chaimnan, Deputy HeeveTansley, and the Super.. intendent of Elgin Manor attended the Annual Convention .of the Association of Ma(!la.gers of Homes for the Aged. All ofd.which is respectfully submitted. u.,oYD S. GURiR, Chairman. 92 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT June Session, 1960 To the Warden and MelTI1bers of the Elgin County Council, I beg to submit the following statement 'Of Receipts and Ex- penditures from January 1st, 19'60, to M,sy 31st, 1.9:60. Receipts Balance in Bank alnd on hand, J:an. ,1st, /1'96'0 ____________$ 15,199.01 Administration of Justice ___________________________ 3,6<07.11 Note's Payla/b Ie ______________________~_______________________ 140,000.0'0 iRegistry Office ___________________h_________________________ 1'5;620.62 Chari ty and We'lfare ______________________________________ 212,.188.35 ELgin Manor ___________________________________________________ 112,684.219 Children's Aid ISocieties _n___________________________ 618.74 Coun ty \Roads _________________________________________________ '2169,538.6'6 Mis cellaneous, ______ --____________________________________________ 479.00 Licences, and Permits ____________________________________ 1120.00 Agri!cul ture _ ________ _____________________________________________ <i, 278. 64 In terest . ________________________c__________~___________________________ 29.53 Transferred from Elgin 'Manor Account __ 68.g9' $46'9,,2,33.93 $4!84,432.914: Expenditures Administration of Justice __________________________$ 30,421.03 Notes Payalble . ___________~-----;~-~--~------------------------ 212'0,000.00 Chari ty and Welfare ____________ ._________h_______________ Elgin Man 0 r ______ n_________ ________ _________ ________ _ _"__ _____ Gran ts _______n_.._____ ._....______________________ ________..____________ R egis try Offi.ce ______________ ______ ____________________ _______ Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit _____________--h___ Children's Aid Society ___..________..____________________ 1'.1 embers' Wages ______..____________._________________________ Offic'e1's' :Sailari es ----___ _____________________________________ Printing, Post3lge and Stationery _h_____________ Care of Buildings ____________________________________________ Agri culture ______..____________________________ -____________________ 6,.99;7..6'6 11,901.12 4,/200;010 4,7;3;1.22, 10,182.5.0 13,6199.511 '5',.220.40 4,12,97.47 6'39.9'2 2,6612.34 8,'391.53 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL 93 County Roads ________________________________------------ ----.. 131 ;77:6.42 MisceUan eous ____________________ ___----------------------------- 8~. 05 In tere'st ____ __________________________n_______________ ______n______ 4,4129.79 County Assessment Dept. ____________________________ 4,2136.03 Transfer to Hospital Account -----c--------c----- 95.70 $464,1163.69 Balance on Hand May 31st, 1960 ------------------------ 20,269.25 $484,432.94 All of which is respectfully submitted. J. D. 'DH9iMSON, County Clerk and Treasurer. AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE June Session, 1960 To the Warden and Members of the E1gin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports, as fo'llows: 1. 'That the foHowing payment for rabies indemnity be ap- proved - Pay List No.5, for $17'5.00. 12. Whereas the Federal and Provincial Governments. arc 'withdrawing their support for payments to. persons losing livesto'ck as a result of ralbies, we recommend By-Law No. 1747, be'repealed. 3. That we recommend no deer season_ f'or 1960' in Elgin County, and request stricter enforcement of the Act re poachers. 4. That we endorse the resolution from the County of On- tario for a minimum fine of $2'5.00' for trespassicr:l'g for those carry- ing firearms. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. B. ~'LSON, Chairman. 94 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FINANCE COMMITTEE June Session. 1960 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That Charity and Welfare Pay ,List No.3, for $1,051.62, Pay List No.4, for $1,49'2.95, and Bay Lis,t No. S, for $1,934.90, be ap- proved. 2. That Children's Aid Societies Pay List No.3 for $2,708.3~, Pay List No.4, for $3,356.;28, and Pay List No.5, for $2,89:9.08, be approved.. 3. That Charity a..."1:d Welfare Pay List No. '6, for $1,644.4'2, be approved, and Children's \Aid Society Pay List No. '6, for $3,061.85, be als<o approved for payment. 4. That the Warden, Reeve BUl'igess, and [Reeve Gurr, be a Committee to meet with the City Council re Civil Defence organ- ization.. 5. That we approve of the resolution from the County ot Prince Edward, that indigent patients, upon lbeing enrolled for hospital services with the Ontario Hospital Service'S Commission, have immediate coverag,e. 6. That. the resolution from the County of Ontario) re increas- ed. Federal and Provindalgrants for new construction and equip- ment of hospitals, be filed. 7. That the c.ommunication from the Medical Staff of the f:)t. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital re Buiidin:g of a senior citizens' home, be filed. All of which is respectfully s.ubmitted. DONALD BumlGESS, C.hairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNC~ -95 PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE June Session. 1960 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Petitions and Legislations Committee reports as follows: 1. That the res'olution from the County of Ontario to enact lE'~islation for compulsory Public Lialbility and property damagfi: i.nsurance' on all licenced vehicles, be endorsed. 2. That the resolution from the County of Lanark requesting the Ontario Hospital Services Commission to include children m the care' of Children's Aid Societies as .a free IgrOUP from insurance purposes, be endorsed. 3. That the resolution from the City of st. Thomas request- ing the Provincial Government to enact legislative measures for blood transfusions for children, when certified by two qualified physicians as a requirement to safeguard the life of the child, be approved. 4. That the' resolution from the City of Woodstock requesting amendment to Section 2'5 of the Planning Act re suhdivision COll- trol so that newspaper advertising of the !by-Iaw intead of reg- istered notice to each owne'r ~e suffident notice, be filed. 5. .That the resolution from the County of Ontario requesting aU costs of annexation proceedings /be fborne /by the instituting municipality be' filed. 6. That we support the fbrief from the County of Wentworth for .3!ppointment of a Commission to study the prolblems of County systelfi1 government. All of which is respectfully submitted. DLOYD EULIOTT, Chairman. 96 EfIJGIN COUNTY COUNCJiL ROAD COMMITTEE June Sessionl 1960 To the Warden and Mem'bers 'Or the E1gin County Council, YOUR ROAD COl\:IMIT[TEE Ibegs to rep'Ort as follows: 1. We have purchase'd the following New Machinery: (a) A Cockshutt 540 Tractor and Side Mounted Mower. (b) A Case Tractor and Fr'Ont End Loader. (.c) An International Tandem Dump Truck. ,2. Mulch type pavements will he laid on:- Road 13, Dunwich Township ________________ 3.-3 miles Road 14, Dunwich Township and Southw'Old Township ___mm__________ '2.5 miles. Road 4,5, Malahide Township ________________ :2.5 miles Road ,34, South Dorchester Township. __ 0.4 miles 3. Work by Alrex 'C'Ontracting Limited is. continuing at Rich- mond Hill. The C'OntralCtor was unable to resume work until June 6th, 'On a,ccount 'Of extremely bad weather conditions. 4. Plans for the Wardsville Bridge haV'e been cornp1eted and are now awaiting. approval by Department of Highways. 5. The Department of Highways has appropriated $55,000.00 for this financial year, for work on Chatham Street in Port Bur- well, alIld w'Ork is under way. This amount is expected to cover all grading and gravelling work. 6. Spring Breakup has been extremely serious, with many roads ,being imp?-ssable, and a very large amount of Repair Work has been necessary. Much 'Of the money budget for Maintenance of Gravel Roads, Gravel Resurfacing of Roads, Repairs t'O Pavements and Winter - Control had \been spent /by May 1st, in an effort to keep the Roads passa!ble. WE RECOMMEND that the Supplementary Road By-Law -EJ:JG:uN COUNTY COUNCIL 907 for $30'1,0.00.0"0 pas.sed in MaI'ch ,be resdnded, and that a Supple- mentary Road B:y-La:w i'or $3411,000.00, fbe passed. This wiil allow the spending of $40,000'.00 for needed repairs to Gravel Roads and Pavements, and permit the Gravel Resurfacing of a numlber of miles of Roads. All of which is respectfully submitted. .cLARENCE BLUE, Chairman. FINANCE COMMITTEE June Session. 1960 . To the Warden and Mem'bers of the E1gin County Council, The Finance CommitteE:' reports as follows: 1. Whereas the Attorney General has appointed Mrs. Marion 'V<~lker, Juvenile and J!iamily Court iRepoJ:'ter and Clerk, it is re- commended that former by-laws be repealed, and a !by-law for the appointment of Mrs. Jean Be'avis as County Court Reporter and Secretary to the County Judge. 2. Whereas .establishment ofa hospital in the Wardsville are.a to seTVe citiz'ens in that ,area residing in the Oounties of Elgin, Middlesex, Kent and Lambton has 'been proposed and consider- able investigation has already been made of the' project. in . the four connties: AND WHEREAS an offer of a site in the TownshIP of Aldhorough suitable for the hospital without cost has bel!n made and also an offe'!' of a contrilbution of funds towards the cost of such hospital in. an amount equal to that 'contributed by the Counties of Elgin and Kent has been made; AND WHE'REAS the Council of the County of Middlesex hasaJgreed to contrilbute' 40% of the 'cost of such hospital up to a maximum of $200,O'OO.OO';iBE, IT HEREBY RESOLVED that contingent .upon. the offers referred to aibove being consumated and the' County of Kent contrtbuting the sum of $40,0'.00.0"0 the Couty of Elgin contribute the sum of $-60,- 000.00' toward said hospital, upon such terms as ilTIay ibe further agreed upon. All of whie>h is respectfully submitted. DONALD BURGESS, Chairman. 98 ELGIN COUNIY COUNCffiL BY-LAW NO. 1772 "A By-Law to Provide for the 1960 Supplementary Expenditures on Roads Under the Highway Improvement Act in the County of Elgin.1I WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act requires that a Supplementary expenditure on roads (be prO'vided for by county by-law and that the (by-law ibe submitted to the Minister of High- ways for approval. THEREFORE the COUincil of the Corporation of the said COUll- ty enacts as follows: (1) The sum of $341,0'00.00' is hereby estimated as thE! ex- penditure upon the :construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the year 19'60, as follows:- Constr,~ction Ma]ntenance Total Roads _______________________________"_____________'$176,800.00' $ $17'6,800.00 Bridge's and Culverts _____u_________ 164,200.00' 164,200.00 New Machinery ______________________.___~_ nil Superintendence and Overhead TOTALS _____________________________ $341,000.00 $ $341,000.00 '(,2) TJ?e said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed county 1I0ad superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this, by-law to/) the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways, not later than March .31st, of the' said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall ,De oibtained before any expenditure is, authorized or work commene- ed whicl1will be financed by the' issue of delbentures or monies raised in ~ sulbsequent year. (,5) That By-Law No. 1764 be, and is herelby repealed. Passed at St. Thomas, this 115th day of June, A.D. 1960. (SEtllL) J. D. THOMSON, Clerk HARVEY LIDDLE, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 99 BY -LAW NO. 1113 liTo Appoint Court Reporter and. Secretary for :the County Judge/' The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin en- acts': THAT Mrs. Jean Beavis be, and is herelby appointed Court Heporter at the rei gular fees foCI.' Court duties, and Secretary tv the County Judge at the rate of $1..50 per hour, to be paid on his certification. THAT By-'Law No. 1'704 and 1748, /be, and is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 15th day of June, 196,0. READ a se,cond time this 1o,th day of June, :1960. iREA.D a third time' and finally passed, this 15th day of June, 19'6{) . J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. HARVEY LIDDLE, Warden. BY-LAW NO. 1114 liTo Repeal By-Law No. 1141 re Partial Indemnity to Owners of Livestock for losses suffered by Rabies:' WH:ER:EAS the Province of Ontario and the Government oX Canada . are withdrawinggraITt for losses to owners of livestOCK siffeTed .by rabies. on July 1st, 196,0, The 'Elgin County COUiI1cil enacts: TA:T By-Law No. 1747 of the County of E1gin is hereby repeal- eri, the same to take effect July 1st, 1960. READ a first time this 15ith day of June, 1'960. READ a second time this 15th day of J.une, 1960. READ a third time' and finally passed, this 1'5th day of June, 196{). J. D. THOMSON, Clerik. HAfRVEY LIDDLE, Warden. 100 E~GTN COUNTY COUNCIL FOURTH SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 20th Day of September.. 1960 The Elgin County Council met this da y.at the Court House, St. Thomes, in accordance with adjournment. The 'Varden in the Chair. All the memebrs. were present ex.cept Reeves Gurr, and Elliott. Reeve John B. Wilson presented a new gavel to the Warden on behalf of Reeve Gurr of Port Stanley. Warden Liddle expr~- cd his appreciation on behalf of the Elgin County Council. The following ,communications were read. and referred to theIl' various Committees: COMMUNICATIONS September Session. 1960 From the County of Lamlbton with.. resolution to amend t.oe Highway Traffic Ad to prevent movement of farm machinery on hi,ghways. - Refetre:d to the Petitions and LegiSlations. Commn- t2e. IFrom the. Secretary of the 'South Western Ontario Livestock Producers Association requesting a grant to the Fat Stook Show and Sale. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From R. J. IvIcponald, Director of Zone No.2, or. the OntarIO Agricultural Council re a joint meeting of county representatives. -Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the Agricultural Committee of the E'lgin County Coun- cil with resolution re Daylight Saving Time. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislati,Jn CDmmittee. From the Western Ontario Agricultural School re .19~O Schol- arship.. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. ELGIN C01JNa:Y COUNCIL 101 From the Dept. .of Public Welfare re Appointment of Count~. Welfare Director. - Referred to the Finance Committe'e. From the Ontario Dept. . ofiLand.s and Forests redeer SE:"d- son. - Filed. From the. Ontario Municipal Board re Notice of Hearing on Land Compensation. - Filed. From the City of St. Catharines, re Canadian FlaIg. - Referred ,to the Petitions and Legisilations Committee. From the Associaton of Ontario Counties re Organization. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Ontario Dept.. of Education re' County Library Ser- vice. - Referred to the EducatioriOommittee. ,From the County of Wentworth with resolution to exempt iall<out shelteTs from taxiation. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. From the Ontario Dept. of Agriculture re By-iL'(lw for County Weed Inspector. - Referred to the Agricultural Oommittee. From the County of Lincoln re Research Stud'Y of Blood 'Transfusions,. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Com- mittee. From Ronald K. McNeil, M.P.P., re County of E1gin resoluUoll re traffic pr~blem at Port Stanley. - Filed.. From the County of Kent with resolution re Wardsville Has. pital. -:-' Referred to the FilnaIllCe Committee. lFrom thp Ontario Dept. of Agriculture Te InclusIon of addi~ .tiop:al.w~dsu.nder. the. Weed Act. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From, the County of Middlesex re AnneJeation Applications. - Referred to the Petitions and Legis.lations Committee. 102 EIiGIN COUNTY COUNCIL From the Counties of Huron and Perth re continuan,ce of ra.. 'hies 'compensation. - Referred to the. Agricultural Committee. From the R'Otary Club of St. ThomaS re Advertising in Music Festival Boo~let. - Referred to the Finance Committee. IFrom the. Dept. of PI'anning aJ1d Development re Emergency. l\Icasures, Civil Defence By-Law. - Ref~rred to the Finance Com- mittee. From the CQunty of Br-uce re Amendment to the Act tor nalf loa,ds on trucks during Ma1'lch and April. - Referred to tne' Petitions and Legislations Committee. From the Dept. of Reform InstitutiolIls re Governors' Resi- dences. - Referred to the Finan,ce Oommittee. Reeve Wilson moved that Mr. A. V. Lang-ton be now hearQ. Mr. Langton addressed the Council on the preparations made fo.r the International Plowing Match. Moved by Reeve Bur:gess.. Seconded by Deputy Reeve, Tansley: That we do now adjourn to meet at 2.30 p.m.. this aftemnool1. -Carried. The Council resumed. A mOJnent's silence was observed in memory 'Of the late. Ex- Wardens - H. G. Taylor, R. B. M'cKenney, and lEI. L. Lawton. The report of the Road Oommittee was presented and adoptea on motion of iReeve Blue and Reeve Hux. The report of the Finance Committee was, presented and ad- opted on motion of Reeve Btu'gess. and Reeve 'Nimmo. ELGIN COUNTY COlm-eIL 103 The report of the Petitions and Le.gislations Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Phillips and Reeve Blue. The Agricultural Committee Report was preselI1te'd and adopt- t:d on motion of Reeve Wilson and Reeve Burgess. Moved Iby Reeve' Blue, Seconded ~y Reeve Hux: 'Resolved that this E,lgin County Council petition the MinistE:! of Highways to approve the opening of Wellington Road !being County. Road No. .2.5 SA onto controlled ac'cess King's Hilghway No. 3 in Lot A, Gore Concession of the. township of Southwold in the County of EI,gi<Il. -Carried. It was moved ioy Reeve Hux that Mi.'. Duncan Black, Engineer, be now hea.rd. Mr. (Black presented a plan for repair of steps on the front and west entrance ste'ps. Moved ,by Reeve Blue, and seconded by Reeve Wight that the matter be referred to the Pro- perty Committe. Moved by Reeve' Nimmo, Seconded by Reeve Blue: That By-Law No. 17715, "A By-Law to Amend the. By-Law (4dopting a Plan of County Road Improvement and ESltablishin~ a County Road System in the County of Elgin under. the Highway Improvement Ad/' be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Blue, Seconded 'by Reeve Wight: That By-Law No. 1'7715, be read a seconed time. -Carried. '1()4 EWIN COUN'TY.COUNCIL Moved iby Deputy Reeve Crawford, Seconded by Reeve Down~: That By-Law No. 1775, be read a third timet and finally pass- ed. -Oarried Moved by Reeve WiIsont Secopded by Reeve Barker: _ That By-Law No. 177!6, "A By..Law to AmelIld By-Law No. 1752, to . empower . Claybourne Gordon, Eilgin County Tree Com- missioner, to issue permits for removal of treest where in his OD- inion it is deemed advisalble. -C-arried ..Moved !by Reeve Barker, Seconded (by Re-eve Chute: That By-Law No. 177'6tbe read a second time. -Carried. Moved by. Reeve Chute, Seconded tby. Deputy Reeve Phi'llips: That By-Law No. 1776, be read a third tittle, -and finally pass- ed. -Carried. An invitation to County Council to a dance at the "Stork Club," PQrt Stanley, on November 5th, was' extended by Warden Liddle on behalf of Reeve Gurr. ~IN COUNTY COUNCIL 105 Reeve' B1ue extended an invitation to County Council t'O at- tend Wallacetown Fair on September 30th . and Octdber 1st, being ce'lebration 'Of the Fair Centennial, and is to be opened by Prime Minister Joon G. Diefenbaker ,and Professor John Kenneth Gal- braith, former ELgin Caunty ,bay and adviser to the Democratic party of the United States. It was move'd 'by Reeve Nimmo, and seconded !by Reeve Chute that the usual custom 'Of each County Councillor bringing a junior citizen an the .first day of the Novemlb.er Sessian, be continue a, and the invitation of the Paynes Mills Women's. Institu.te' for din- ner, be accepted. Moved 'by a:teeve iBarker,a'ud seconded 'by Deputy Reeve Crai\v- ford, that the custamary County Caundl tour of roads be hel~, and the Road. Committee to set the' dates. Moved by Deputy Reeve Marr, Seconded !by Reeve' Burgess: That we do now adjourn ta meet on Tuesday, NOVember 2.2nd, 19,60, at ten a.m. -Carried. .1. D. THOMSON. Clerk. HARVEY LIDDLE, W'arden. 106 EWLN" COUNTY COUNCIL ROAD.. COMMITTEE September Session, 1960 . . , . . .'. , To the Warden and Mem'bers o~ the Elgin. County, CQundl, Your ROAD COMiMITTIElE !begs to report as follows:- (1) RICHMON~ HILL has, been opened to. traffic althougn there is Storm Sewer Work 8ind Guide ,Rail E:rection Worik still necessary to complete this Work before Winter. (2)'rhe' GENEAAL COlN'DRA1C'T for the W A!RiDSVILLE BR!IDGE was, a~arded to ELGIN CONSTLRJUC'NONOOMPANY LIMITED of St. Thom,as, ,at $619;61616.00, and the S:mUCTURAL STEEiL CONTRACT to the CAlNADAMACHiNEiRY CORPORA- TION LIMITED of Galt, Ontario, at $1 19,34!0.OO. Total Estimated Cost of Bridge is $2<8-0,000.00, andcompleiion is' scheduled for tne Summer of 1961. , (13) G\RA[)lIiNG, PIT \RUN, GITMVELDING and SEEDINu "have beencompleied .on CHAmAIM . STlRElET in PORT BUR- WELL, (being DEVELOFTh1,ENT ROAD No. 565. WE RECOMMEN[) that:- (l)/Cl13Y-LAW (be passed, adding a portion of 'the WELLING- TON ROAD that was diverted through parts of Lots A. & B in the Gore Concession of Southwold, to the County System UiIlder the jurisdiction of the St. Thomas Suburfban Road Commission. ThIS is a portion of Road that was built, aJIld is !being maintaineid, by the St. )Thomas Suburban Roads Commission. {2) a RESOLUTION tbe passed petitioning the Department of Highways to grant the' opening of Wellington Road on to Co'n- trolled King's Hi.ghwa(Y No. 3 in Lot A Gore Concession of Sou tn- wold. Items (1) and (12) are necessary so that the formality as estab- lished (by the Department of H1ghways. for entrance on to Con- trolled Access King's Highway may be fulfilled. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ,107 i(3) the RESOLUTIOrf :from .WlEILLA!ND COUNTY re City's Contribution be :filed. (4) the COUNTY OF ELGIN'S 3-YE:A:R \ROAlD PROGRAMME be added to as ..follows:- 1 963 , PAVING: That mlleage graded jn 1962. GRADING: Road 42 - Completion of Road 42 from Road ,40. to Port Burwell Bridge {Reconstruction of Road not done 'in '1962, Township of Mala- hide. a,nd :J3ayhl:\nJ, -- apP:r9ximately 5 miles. Road 8 - Completion of Road 8 (Talbot Road) Ibetwe\en Wallacetown Road and Burwells Corners (Portion, of, the :Road not graded in 1.9611), Township ofDun~ich - approxim,'~tely 4 miJes~ Road 6 - Completion of Road 6 in :Aldborou:gh, Township of:Ald1borough - approximately 2.35 miles. All of which, is respectfully submitted. OLARENCEiBLtJiE, Chairman. 108 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FINANCE COMMITTEE September Session. 1960 To the Warden, and Mem/beI'S of the Ellgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That Charity and Welfare Pay List No. 16, for $1,644.42, Pay List No. 7 for $1,150'1:00, Pay List No., 8 for $1,815.3'5, and Pay List No.9, for $1,49,3.22, be approved. 2. That Children's Aid Societies, \Pay List No.6 ~f.or $3,061.85, Pay List No.7, for $'3,1'21.41, Pay List No.8, for $3,,15'3.,3iS, and Pa~' List No.9, for $3,211.05, he approved. 3. That the communication from the Dept. ,of Pulblic Welfaru re the appointment of a County Welfare Dil"ector, be filed. 4. That the communication from the County of Wentworth re Association of Counties, be filed. 5. That communications re Municipal Emergepcy Measure~ and Civil Defence' By-Law ibe referred to the Civil Defence Com- mittee. 6. That the letter from the Clerk of the County of Kent re Wardsville Hospital, ibefiled. 7. That resolutions from the Counties of Huron and Perth reque'sting continuing compensation by Federal and Provincial Governments ~or losses of livestock due ,to rabies, be fned. 18. That the County of Elgin talkea full page in the Rotary Festival Booklet for $25.00. 9. That no action ibe taken on the request from the Deputy Minister of Reform Institutions to charge a rental for the Jailor's residen,ce, and increase the Governor's s'alary to. compensalte him. 10. That E. D. Moore and Bruce Doan, Probation Officers of Elgin Coun~i" !be gr.anted $1'5.00 e'a'ch fer attendiin:g their annu.al' Convention. All of which is respectfully sumnitted. DONA.[ill BUOOIIDSS, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 109 PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE September Sessio~ 1960 To the Warden and Mem1bers of .the Elgin Caunty Council, ;The Petitions and Legislations Committee reports as follows: 1. That we approve of the resolution of the Elgin 'County Agricultural Committee, to revert to Standard Time on Sepembel' 24th. ,2. That the resolution from the Caunty of Wentworth to amend the Assessment Act .ta exempt fallout shelters from taxa- tion, he filed. 3. That the resolution from the County of Lincoln for Pro- vincial Survey to develop new procedures to ,give the same re- sults as /blood transfusions Ibe filed. 4. That the' resolution from the County af Middlesex to am- end the legislaltion to provide for an appeal from the. decision af the OntariO' Municipal iBoard on Annexations, be filed. 15. ;That the resolution from the County of Bruce requesting suspension of license of trucker on second offence, who violates half load on trucks during March and April be endorsed. 6. That the resolution from the County of Lambton to' amend the Highway Traffic Act to' permit the m,ovement of any farm ma- chinery an highways, be endorsed. 7. That the resolution from the City of St. Catharines re- questing the Federal Government to pass a new order in CounCIl for the establishment of a distinctive flag, be endorsed. All of which is respectfully submitted. C. D. PHliULIPS, (Acting Chairm.an). 110 EUGIN COUNTY COUNCIL AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE ,,SeptemberSession, 1960 To the Warden and Members of the' Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That Claybourne' Gordon, County Thee Commissioner, be authorized to iSsue permits for removal of trees where. he con.;ld- ers it advisalble', andiby-law be prepared. 2. That the request from the Dresden Fat Show for a grant, be filed. 3. That the recommendation of the Western Ontario Agri- cultural School for a Scholarship Grant 'be approved. 4. That the appointment of the County Weed Inspector be under the Weed Control Act, 1960, and Iby..law 'be pr,epared. 5. That the communication fr'1m the Dept. of Agrieulture re Inclusion of.. additional weeds under the Act, be filed. ,6. That the Chairman of the Agricultural Committee attend the meeting in London re Continuance of the Agriculture Council. All of which is, respectfully subimitted. J. B. WI[JSON, Chairman. EDGIN. COTJNTY COUNCIL 111 THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 1175 A By-Law to Amenctthe By-Law Adopting a Plan of County Roaa Improvement and .Establishing.a County'Road System in the County of Elgin under the HIghway Improvement Act. The Council 'Of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as By-Law Number 1775 as follows: 1. The Schedule of By-Law Numlber 897 being the original By-Law establishing a Oounty Road System in the County 01 Elgin as amended by By-Law Numlber 10512 'being the last con- solidating By-Law re-establishing the said system and further amended by. subsequent amending By-Laws is hereby amended by adding thereto the road designated and descriJbed as foll'Ows: . DESCRIPTION Designated County Road No. 25 BEING that portion of road thereof in the Town- ship 'Of Southwold as shown on Registered Plan No.. D455, and being c'Omposed of Parcels No.1, No.2 and N'O. 3 as shown on Plan N'O. D 445 as attached and iColoured, and being d€:slcritbed as follows: PARCEL NO. 1 ~ WILLIAM DOOD, Junior ~ Deed No. 21211913 Parts of LotAor 413 and L'Ot B 'Or 44. COMMEN1GliNG at a point in the Westerly limn of the T'OwnLine between the Townships o! Southwold and Yarmouth, in the' N'Orth east angle 'Of said Lot B 'Or 44; THENCE North 42 de- ,grees 40' 30" West, along the North easterly limit .of said Lot B or 44, a distance. of ONE HUNDRED AND .N1IiNETY TWO AND' F'O!RTY-ONE ONE- HlJN[)IRIEDIT'HS FEET (1912:1 ');'DH1ENC!E SOUTH 3 degrees 216' 30" west, a distance of FOU!R HUN- DRrnID A]\l'ID iN~1E.l~ AND THIRTY ONE- HU1NiDREiDTHS FEm (41'9.130'); THlEiNCE SOUTl:1 24 degrees 36' West, a distance 'Of FIVE HUND- RED AiND SEVlENTY-THREE AND TWENTY 112 ELGIN COUN'Y'Y COUNCIL EIGHT .ONE-Ht)iN'D[tED1JHlS FtIDET ('5!7i3.28_-> ; THENCE SOUTH 17 degrees 112' 09" West, a dis- t.ance of THH:EE HUNDR'ED AND TEN AND SiIX- TY THREE ONE,-HUNlDR!EIDrn:HiS F1E1ET '(3-10.63') to a. point where a sta.ndard. iron har has !been planted and which point is the place of begin- ni.ng of thefoll()lWingdeslcT~bed parcel. THENCE SOUTH 24 degrees 316' 0'6" West, a distance or ITWO HUNDRilDD AND ~ORTY AND ELGHTY- NINE ONE-HUNDRED'I1HlS FEET (240.8'9'); THEiNOE. SOUTH 213 degrees 313' 29" West, a dis- tance of ONE ,THOUSANTD TWO HUNDRED AND TWO AND FIFTY -SIX ONE,-HUNJ)REDTR::, FELE(T (1202.56') to a point in its intersection with the North easterly limit of King's Highway.. No. 4, as shown on Deposit Plan D. 447 and which point is TWO HUNDRiE[) AiN1DTlHIRTY-EIGHT ANlD FOUETEEN ONE,-IHJUiNlDREiDTHS FEET (238.14'), measured on a .course of N 42 degree~ -t9' West from monument No. 1.'9, as shown 011 said Deposit Plan D. 447; THiENOE SOUTH 42 degrees 4;9' East, along the North LJeastedy . ltmit of King's H1gh~w,ay No.4, as sho:wn on Deposit Plan D 447, a dis<tuuee of ONTI!. HUNDRED AND FOURTE~N AND THIRTY TWO-HUNDREDTHS FEET (1:14.,3i2'); THENCE NORTH 25 degrees 38' :H" E.AJST, a distance of ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDtRJED AND FURJTY SIX AND FORTY THFiEE ONE-HUND'REDTHS FEET (1246.43'); THEiNlC[E N10rRiTH 3;5 degrees 115' E,ast, a distance of ONE HUNDRED ANiD 'liHffiRTY-NJjNE AND EIGHTY - Ni.lJN1E ONE-HUlNJ)(RlEDTCHlS FE'E1.' (1,39'.,89'); THfflCE NORTlH 34 degrees 56' 30" WEST, a distance of TWO HU\NDRm:D AND FOUR (20'4') to the place of be'ginning. CONTAINING !by admeasurement ~OUIR AND THIRTY ONE- HtJN[)REl)'TIH)S (4.'30) ACRES to be the same more or less. PA(E{OEtL No.2 -. CLAUDE S. REID - Deed No. 2$3176 PART OF LOT B or 44 . COM~1Et'~C1NG a1 a pci.nt in the Westerly limit of ELGINCOUN:TY COUNCIL 113 the Town Linelbetween.the Townships of South- wold awl Yatmout:'ionthe . North east angle 01 said Lot B or 44; 'I1HENCIENORTH 42 degrees 4030" West,along' the Notth. easterly limit OI said Lot B or ,44, a distance of ONE HUNDRED AND ..N['NETY-TWO. AJNiDFORTY-ONE ONE-' HUNiDRED'r.H'S :F'ElEiT (192.1'); ,THEiNOE South 3< degrees, 26' 30" West, a distance of FOUR HUNDRED Ati~n NINEEENAiND THIIRTY ONE- HUNDREDTHS FEE:T (419~;30'); THENCE Soutn 24 degrees 3-6' West, a distance of FIVE HUND- RED AND. SE,WiNTY -THiRE!E ANID TWENTY- ElOOII' ONE,,'HUtNDEnTH1S FEE T (573.28) ; THENCE. .south 17, degrees .'.12' 09" West, a dis- t:::mce()f THREE HUNnlREDAND TEN AND SlX- TY-THHElE ONE-HUNDRED'l'HS FlEET (310.63'): THENCiE South 34 degrees. '56' 30" East, a dis- tance ofEIOHT HtJiNJJRJE[J AND FOURTEEN AND FIFTEEN ONE-HUINiDREDTHS FEET (8i14.1i5J) to a poiut n the Southeast angle Of said Lot B or 44; THE!N1ClE North 0 degrees 33'30" East, ,along the Westerly limit of, the Town. Line between the Townships of Southw:old and Yar- mouth, a distance of ONIE TlHOUSAND SlEVEN HUNDRED AND SIX:TY TWO ..&ND FORTY- EIGHT ONE-HUNiDiRlEDr:DHIS F'iEIET (176,2.48') more or less to thepJa.ceof he/ginning. EXCEPT- ING . thereout and therefrom th~. Travelled Road Allowance acro:ss the South east corner of the hereinbefore described parcel~. .COLNT-rA[(NING by admeasurement TEN ANlD EIGlfITY ONE- HUl\TDREiDTHS (10.80) AC~ES be the same more or less. PARCEL NO.3 - VEr.rEAAiNS LAND AffiiFAIRS - Deed No. 2,9034, P AIRT OF LOT C OR 45. COMMENC:UNG at a point in the Westerly limit of the 'I\own Line !between the TOW!1Ships of Southiwold and Yarmouth in the South east angle of s'aid Lot C or 45; THENCE North 0 degree'S 38' 30" East, along the Easterly limit of the Town Line, a distance of THR'E'E HUNDRED AND 114 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIlL THillRTEEN AND TWEJ.WY FIVE ONE-HUND- REDTHS F'EiE!r (i3113.l26'); THENCE North 89 de- grees 21'30" West, a . distance of ONE HUNDRED .A!ND THIRTY TWO FEErr' (rli32'); THENCE South o degrec'S 3iB' 30" West, a distance of ONE HUND- RED AND SEiVEiNTY-IDHRtEE AJN1D TWENTY- FJ:VE ONiE~HUNDREDTHS:@EiET (173.25') to its intersection . with the Southerly limit of s,aid Lot C or 45; HENCE South 42 degrees 40' 30" East, 'along the Southerly limilt of said Lot, a distance of ONE HUNDRED AND NIN~TY TWO AND FORTY - ONE 'ONE - HUNDREDTHS FEE T {1:92.41') to the place of beginning. CONTAIN- ING iby admeasurement S/EWElNTY FOUR ONE- HUN[)IR[EDqmjS (.74) ACIRES be the same more or less. BEING A TOTAL DISTANCE of 0.5 miles. THiS'ROIAn will be part of, and [known as 'County 'Road No.2J5. :2. The road as designated and descrilbed in paralgraph 1, 1S '.'her,e1by added to, and' included in the County' Road SySltem of the County of Elgin. 3. This. By-Law shall come into fOTce upon the approval, of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council. 1FJiNlA.[JL Y PAlSSiEDat the City of St. Thomas, in the County of Elgin, this: 20th day of Septemlber, 196,0,. J. D.THOMSON. Clerk. HAtRVEY LIDDLE, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 115 THE CORPORATION OF THE COUN,TY OF E,LGIN BY-LAW NO. 1776 A By-Law 10 amend By-Law No. 1752, 10 empower Claybourne Gordon, Elgin Coun:l:y Tree Commissioner, 10 jssue permils for removal of :l:rees, where in his opinion il is deemed advisable. THEREroRE <the Council of the Corporation . of County of Elgtn enacts: THAT Claybourne C...oTdon, Elgin County Tree Commis.siol~.e'J:", /be, and is hereby authorized to issue permIts for re:noval of tre'CR, where in his; opinion, it is deemed advisalble. PASSED on open Council. First reading the 20th day of Septem,ber, 196{}' Second reading the 20th day of Septemlber, 1960. Third reading the 20th day of Sep:temiber, 1960. J. D. THOMSON. Clerk. HAfRVEY LIDDLE, Warden. 116 .EDGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FIFTH SESSION . - FIRS~DA Y Tuesday, :the 22nd Day of November, 1960 The Elgin Gounty Council met this day at the' Court House, St. Thom,as, in accordance with ad\journment. The Warden in the . Chair. All the members were present. The Warden addressed the Council, and welcomed the junior . citizehs to. Council. The minutes of theSeptemibe:r Session were read a,nd approv- ed. The following communic'ations were r&ad and referred to their various Oommittees: COMMUNICA nONS November Session. 1960 From the Dept. of Reform Institutions re Additions or altu- ations: to County Jails. - Filed. From James A. Beattle re grant to the Wardsville HOSpItal. Referred to the Finance Committee. From The Canadian National Institute for the Blind with ap- preciation of grant. - Filed. From the Ontario Municipal Board re Incorpocration of the Police Village of Belmont. - Filed. From the Secretary-Treasurer of the West Lorne Horticul- tural Society with appreciation of grant. - Filed. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 117 From the County of Peel with resolution requesting lncreased grants for hospitals. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Western Ontario A'griculttural School with acknow-' ledgment of gl'ant. - Filed. From the University of Western Ontario with appreciation of grants. -Filed. From the University of Western Ontario re County Council Day in 19'61. - Filed. From the Salvation Army with appreciation of grant. - Filed. From tne University of VV-ester11 Olltal"10 r€ property in South., wold township. - Referred to the Fin'ance Committee. From the Ontario Municipal Board re Annexation to the Town of Aylmer. - File'd. From the Middleirnarch Women's Institute re Apprecia.tion 0: gravelled drives in front of the Dr. John Rolph plaque and the Tal,bot Road plaque. - Filed. From the Elgin County Pioneer 'Museum with appreciation of chair donated 'by the County. ~ Filed. From the County ,of Middlesex with resolUltion re a Tri- County Hospital at Wardsville'. - Referred to the Finance Com- mittee. From the Ontario Dept. of Education with legislatio.n re es- talblishing a. County Library. - .Referred to the Education Com- mittee. From the CleTk of the City of st. Thomas with acknowledg,. ment of Elgin County Resolution re Stan:da.rd Time. -'" ~led. From the Ciiyof St. Thomas re Committee on Civil Defence. - RefeTred to the Civil Defence Committee. 118 ELGIN -:;ODm'Y COUNCIL From the West Elgin District High School Board re County . Council representatives. - Referred to the Education C<>mmittee. From Ithe' Council of the township of Southwold. re Elgin Manor water main. - Referred to the Finance Committee. The report of the EI,gin Manor Committee was presented and adopted on motion 0: Reeve Gurr, and Reeve Barker. lit. was m,oved by Reeve Burgess that the Oounty Weed In- . spector's report be received. Mr. Claytbourne Gordon presenteG his report on the year's work. Mov,ed by Reeve Wilson that the report be accepted and printed in the Proceedings. The report of the' Property Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Downey and Deputy ReeveCrawf..>rd. The Clerk's Report on Licenses was presented, and accepted, · and ordered printed in the Proceedings on motion of Reeve :M:illaxd and Deputy Rc::!ve lvr cKiJb'bOll. The' .. County Treasurer's. Report was presented .(.,nd accepted, >and ordered printed in the Proc~cdings on motion of Reeve Downey and Reeve Barker. The.secretary's Report of E1gin Manor was presented and accepted and ordered printed in the' Proceedings on motion of Reeve Gurr and Deputy Reeve McIver. Moved {by Reeve Hux, Se,conded (by Deputy Reeve Barber: That we do now adjourn to meet this afternoon at 2 p.m. -CalTied. _~,h_~ (*'1:n.".....n.:l .....^.L"II"I............~~ 4!.1"n;; """,,\.4..1..1.\,,,.1.,1. ...c01u.,u....cu. The ~eport of the Road Committee waspreseIllted and. adopted en motion of Reeve Blue' and Reeve Hux. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 119 ;The report of_ the Finance Committee was presented and ad- opted on motion -of Reeve Burgess and Reeve Barker. The repo.vt of the Equaliz'ation Committee was. pr,esented and adopted on motion of Reeve Hux and Re'eve EUiott. Alciermall Lai1:g and Ald€.Tman Stokes were present and ex- pressed their appre'ciation, audbTought best wishes from the St. Thomas Council. Moved by Reeve Gurr, . Seconded by l;teeveBurgess: That we do now adjourn to me'et on Wednesday, Novemlbet 23rd, at 10 a.m. -Carried. J. D.THOMSON, Clerk. HARVEY LIDDLE, . Warden. 120 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FIFTH SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 23rd Day of November, 1960 The Elgin County Coun,cil met this day at the Court House, 81. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the' Chair. All the memlbers were present, except Reeve Emerson. The Warden e'xpressed sympathy to Mrs. Wignall and family in the sudden de'ath 00: Mr. Wignall, Elgin .Coun'ty Assessor, and asked Council to stand for a minute's silence. The minutes of the previous day were re1ad and confirmed. Moved by Reeve Wilson that Mr. A. V. Lang1ton. Agricultural Representative, 'oe now heard. Mr. Langton address'ed the Council (Ill the l'E~'Sulls of the International Plow ing Match. Move.d (by Reeve WiIs'on, Se1conded by Reeve Harker: Whereas a new Weed Control Act came into effect on June 10th, 19\60, the Department of Agriculture desire's that all County Weed Inspecto~s be appointed under the new Ad, therefor a new by-law for the re-appointment of Claytbourne Gordon should be prepared for passing by CounciL -Carried. Moved by Reeve Gurr, Seconded Iby Deputy Reeve McIver: That the usual ,grants of $25.00 each be given to Mr. Paul Sal1away, and Ronald Ellis for reporting proceedings of County Council. -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 121 Moved /by Reeve' Burgess, Seconded by Reeve Downey: WHEREAS the Ellgin County Council feels that juvenile' de- linquency in E'1gin County has reached alarming proportions and whereas flouting of the' law appears. to :be strengthening by t.."1e leniency shown in the courts to habitual offenders, and, WHEREAS said offenders appear to have lost much of their respect and fear of the law, and, WHEREAS habitual criminals. are heing made' because they are b-p.hg given suspended <;enter:{'es aDd probation for offence.:> previous.ly de'alt with much more severely, THEREFORE, BE IT RJESOLVED, THAT the Elgin County Council petition our Ma,gistrate to give more serious consideration to the meting out of punishments which will a<"t as Cl deterrent, to IHw-breakers. -Card ed. Moved by Reeve Hux, Seonded by Deputy Reeve Barber: That we' do now adjour.n :Eor one half-hour to allow the Edu- cation Committee to meet. -Carried. The Council resumed. The report of the Education Committee was pres,ented, and on motion of Reeve Hux, the Council went into a Committee or the whole with. 'Reeve !Barker in the Chair, and the report W~ amended with the name of John Stalker replacing A. C. White, a::, 'County representative on the West Elgin High School Board. The repoI'ltwas adopted on motion of Reeve Barrker and Deputy Reeve Barber. 121"2 ELGIN COUN'I'Y COUNCIL Moved by Reeve Wilson, Seconded Iby Reeve Blue: WHEREAS the me'l11b8rS of Bo&rds of Trustees for High. Scliool Districts are under the present provisions of ,The Secondary Schools and Boards of Education Act appointed to office !by the l.<Jur.dl or couI;,ciI~ of municlpalitle~ and are not elected, as ':Ire members of council, AND WHERlEAS there is entrusted to such Boards the spend- ing for High School Purposes, of a large portion of the' annual municipal taxes, AND WHEREAS to aecord with generally accepted principles of local S€lf government,,1:he members of such Boards, charged. with the expenditure of public funds, should be directly respon- si'Qle to! and elected by the taxpayers. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that. the Provincial authorities he asked to pass legislation to amend the present Sec- ondary . Schools .and Boards of Education Act to provide that all members of a District High School Board, otheT than the repre- sentaJtives ,of the County and of the Separate School Board, be directly elected by the e'lectors in the municipality, or part thereof, which they are at present appoinlted to represent. An.d that a copy. of r!'lis Res0lutian be sent to the Prime Minis.. ter, the Hono:.rra!ble Leslie :1\1. FrO.5t; the Minister of Education; the HonourCllble John Robarts; the Ontario Municipal Association; the Association of Ontario Counties, and to the council of each of the Counties of Ontario. -Carried. Moved /by Reeve Downey, Seconded by Reeve Nimmo: That the Warden appoint a small Committee <to deal with the appointment of a County Asses'Sor left vacant by the untimely ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 123 passin.g of John Wignall. -Carried. Warden Liddle appointed Reeve Hux, Reeve Burgess, and Reeve Chute. Moved. !by . Reeve Wilson, Seconded by Reeve' Chute: ,That !By-Law No. 17:7'7, re "Appointment of a County Weed Inspector," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Phillips, Seconded by Reeve Baird: That By-Law No. 1777, be. read a se'Cond time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Baird, Seconded by Reeve Chute: Th:at By-Law No. 1'777, {be read a third time', and finally pass- _..1 \;U. -Carried. The Warden expressed his appreciation for the fine co-oper- dtion i1ereceived from all members of County Council during the ,.,..nn.... '';..... n..."....Yf'Y,.;,..,rt __ .f.J."n. "h....,r"I~_"l"'I--. _.4! .I.:t..--.r'i,;.,...._"-. 1 ccu., .1',1..1. \,..Q..L-.L.Y ~..l~'5 V..l.~ 1IJ.~-';:; .U\A..;:).L.LJ.~~, VJ.. lr.U.'C; ~vu."'.l'''.Y. The members expressed their sentiments on the fine manner and capable way he presided as Warden of the County during the year~ 124 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Reeve Hux, Seconded by Deputy Re'eve Barber: That we do now adjourn sine die. -Carried & J. D. 'DHOMSONJ Clerk. HARVEY, LIDDLE~ Warden. ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE November Session. 1960 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin Coun ty,CounciI, The Elgin Manor Committee reports as follows: 1. That we have accepted the' tender 'Of the Imperial System of Baking for bread to be delivered to Elgin Mianar during the year, 196/1, @ 113 cents per loaf. 2. ,That we have' accepted the tender of the St. Thomas City Dairy for Standard Milk @ 19 cents per qt., 3-qt. jug @ 52 cents to be delivered to E1gin Manor during the year 1961, as required.. 3. 'r.hat the water main has be'en completed to Elgin Manal' at a net cost ta the County of $8,647.18. 4. That fire hose has been purchased fo'l:' the sec'Ond and third floor 'Of the Home at a cast of $1159.11. 5. That Mr. Ivan J. Patterson, Superintendent, has attendett a course at Oshaw,a for Superintendents of Homes. for the Aged. All of which is respectfully submitted. LLOYD GURlR, Chatrm.an. EL\1TN COUNTY COUNCIL 125 WEED INSPE~TOR'S REPORT November Session, 1960 To the Warden and Memibers o[ the Elgin County CouDe-il, I wish to report on t..."1e 'Work done on weed control 011 farms, suburban property, vacant lots, suibdivisions, roadsides, county, township, and village streets, during the year, .1960. Farms in Elgin County, vary. Some are kept quite free from weeds and have a nice appearance, ana ethers are very dirty. There are many farmers working away at other jobs and just farm by the moonlight. These are called moonlight farmers. I think, on the whole, there wa~ improvement on many farms in the County this. year. This may have !been due to the fact 'Of the International Plowing Match being held in our County this year, which was a huge succeS's, with a record attendance. Vacant lots and subdivisions still give the Weed Inspector much trouble with the pro1blem of g.etting the people' to clean up and cut their weeds. We will not have as much suburlban. prop- erty near the City in 1961, which will he'lp out a great deal. Th.e new revised Weed Act states that each mu.nicipality in the County of EJ.gin should put a Notice in the local papeT that all weeds be cut or destroyed 'by a stated time, and as many time15 thereafter as neede'd to keep the weeds from going to seed 'Or bl'Owing on 'Other properties, and if the property owners didn't c'Omply with this Notice, the Weed Inspector could cut or spray the weeds, which eve'I' he th'Ought best in each instance, and if the pr'operty owners didn't pay for this work, it c'Ould !be collected in their taxes'. It would save thE;. Inspector much time' if tne owner can't be loca:ted and a registered Notice sent. I might s.ay . this applies 'Only to property not e'Xceeding 9. acres in size. :The new Act states that y'OU must give property 'Owners seven day Notice at least. The Inspector can give more than seven days if required, but I think in some instances seven days is tO'O long, sometimes. 126 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL I hope an Reeves. and Deputy Reeves. will think this over in the neXlt few months and explain it to their own Council and see if we can't have' some Weed Notices in the local papers in the sprin1g of 1961. Under the new Weed Act, when I give a Notice, I make out four copie's - One is sent at the end of each week to the Chief Inspector at Toronto who is, Mr. A. H. M1artin; one is sent to the District Inspector Mr. John D. Curtis at the'Ridgetqwn Agricul- tural School, and I retain ,one copy. This of course means mort: bookkeeping and reports to (be m,ade out, each year. The Provincial Government, this year, was late in. starting to mow the Provincial Highways.. ,The weeds on some highways were ,a htgh as the' fences. Finally the weeds were mowed, and the highway looked fairly good at the tirne of the Plowing Match. There was ,a great improvement in the Counity Roa.dg this ye,ar. I have' received a few complaints. about some roads. Somt: r';ltepayers 'Wondered hew the township. roads were weed free .and the county roads. in the same' township had weeds on the road- sides. 'The township roads throughout the whole county wer'e quite free of weedS'. The townships seem to he doing more on weed control, each year. The townS and villages keep their streets fairly clean. I don't seem to have much difficulty in the towns, occasionally, a vacant lot gives me some trouble. The railways in Elgin CounJty do very little' on weed controL, especially the London and Port Stanley (Railway, C.N. R. and the C. iF. fR. The New York Oentral andtlhe Chesepe'~e and Q:hio Railroads will generally cut thei:r weeds, but do iiquite late. I .haven't been able to have any success with the weed corw trol at the Yarmouth Centre Airport. The Officials intimated they would do nothi,ng. If the property is. ordered to :be cleaned up, there' apparently doesn't seem to (be any recovery of the cost of such. Mr. A. H. Martin, Chief Inspector couldn't enlighten mE:: as to whom I could collect the cost from. EDGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 127 Mr. Martin made an inspection of Elgin County during the month of July, and compares Elgin County as favourable as the 'Other Wes1tern Counties - Huron, Bruce, and Middlesex. The following is a report on spraying done in Elgin County this year: County Roads - Sprayed - 230 miles; Mowed 2'53 miles. Township Roads - Sprayed 820 miles; Mawed 749 miles. Sub urtb an Roads - Sprayed 3,0 miles; Mawed 30 miles. Town and Village Streets Mowed 6i5 miles. Spring Grain - Oats and Barley - 4,000 acres. Corn - 20,000 acres. PaStture -'3,200 acres. The spraying on farms was down this year, an account of the late wet spring, I want to thank all County and Tawnship officials and any one who co-operateq. in any way in making Elgin County lOOk its best for the International Plowing Match, 1960. All of which is respectfully submitted. OLAYBOUiRN GORDON, County Weed Inspector. 128 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROPERTY COMMITTEE November Session, 1960 To the Warden and Memlbers of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That we have accepted the tender o'f the 1St. Thomas City Dairy for IStandard [Milk @ 19 cents per qt. and ,3 qt. jug at 52 cents, to he delivered to the County Jail, as. required. 2. That we have accepted the tender of the Imperial Sy<;tem of Baking ior bread to ibe delivered to the Elgin Oounty Jail dur- ing the year, 1961, at 1:3 cents per loaf. 13. :That the new addition to the IElgin County Jarl has !been completed at a cost of $3!7,'6t8<3.55, including new furniture. 4. The Committee recommends that the County Council con- sider the building of new quarte;rs for the County Library, and this Committee is in :favour of the plan. All of which is respectfully submitted. BERT DOWNEY, Chairman. CLERK'S REPORT ON LICENSES November Session, 1960 To the Warden and Memibers of .the' Elgin County Council, I have to report the following licenses in :rorceon the 1st day 'Of November, 1960: Auctioneer Leslie J. Shackleton ________________________ R.R. 1, Springfield James R. McLean ___________ 11>2 Ehnwood Ave., London EWIN COUNTY C01:J!NCIL 1'29 Don WatteTworth __________ _________ . ______________________________ Ay!mer Harold G. ClaI'lke ____________________________________________ St. Xhoffias Don Shore ____________n____________________________ R.R. 6, St. Thomas K. J. Mc<Alpine _______________________________h_____________________ Dutton WilUam Johnson _______________________..___________________________ Rodney Frank Fulkerson ________________ _______________ R.R. 1, TiHsonburg Henry {Bro.ck ___________.________________ 3,209 Eleanor St., London Gordon H. Meeko --__________________________________________ Si. Thomas Duncan A. Brown _h______.______________________________________ Shedde,n J,ason Gardne'r ----------------____ 2 Langarth st. W., London Hector McNeil ---.-----------_______________________ R,R. '7, Alvinston Transportation of Fowl C. E. Pangborn _______________________________________________ Talbotville Elgin Eigg Co.____________________________________________________ St. Thomas E. O. Wilgh t -------___________________________________________ ____________ .. Rodney Strathcona Creamery ------------------__________________________ Dutton Salvage Dealers W. A. Howald _________n__________ .______________________________________ Sparta Clifton Brinn _______________________________________ R.~R. 5, Tillsonlburg Jules V.andenhussche _______________.________________ Straffordville Canada .scrap Iron Metal ---_________________________ St. 'I'lhomas Salvage Yard J,a ck Streib --_ ------_________________________ __________________ ____________ R odn ey All of which is respectfully submitted. J. D. THOMSON, County Clerk and Trea'Surer. '130 EDGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT November Session, 1960 ';}, To the Warden and Members of -the Elgin County Council, I !beg to SUlbmit the following statement of :Receipts and (EoX- penditures from January 1st, 1960, to October 3\lst, 1960. Receipts Balance in Bank, ,and on hand, Jan. 1st, 196.0 ____________$ 15,199.01 Administration of Justice __________.________________$ 40,9016.95 County Assessment ne'P't. ____________________________ 1,500.00 Notes Payable ________________________________________________ 5'85, Registry Office __________. ___________._________________________ 15,-62,1.47 iChal"ity and Welfare _________________________________ _212,424.46 Elgin. M'anor _________________________..________________,._________ 47,1129.73 Children's Aid Societies _____________________________ 1,.041.84 Coun ty Roads _________________________________________________ - 5'67,41\1.99 Mis'ceUaneous ___ .______________________________________________ '93\6'.3.0\ Licenses and Permits _____________________________"______ 180.00 .A:gricul tu~e ___. _ ____________________________________________n___ _ 4,4'5'3.05 In teTeSo t __________________________________________ -______________. ----- 144.64 County Rates under Section 5] Assessment Act _______________________________ 429.20 County Rates __________________________________ n~_____________ __ 11118,0418.00 'Province of Ontario - Museum Grant ____ 9.00'.0.0 Tl"ansfellr,edfrom Ergin Manor Acet ________ :618.99' $ 1,4.06,19:6.64 $ 1,4121,39'5.65 Expenditures AdministI'lation of Justice ________________________$ :918,1644.'5;91 Notes Payable_______________________________ - -------------- 1360, .000. .0.0 Charity and Welfare ___________________________________ 1'4,6161.10 Grants __________________________________________________________ 10,1112'5.00 Elgin Manor ________________________________________ --------- 41,421.02 Registry Office ___________________________________________ 5,724.68 ElJgin-lSt. ~hoanas Health Unit _______n_______ 3'1,197.7'7 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 131 Balance on hand, October 31st, 19'60 General ;acc't ___________________.$ 67,2i319.H Elgin Man-oil' acc't. __________ '5,708.71 $ 1,421,395.6:> $ 72,9\47 ~82 All of which is respectfully submitted. J. D. THOMSON, County Clerk and Treasurer. SECRETARY1S RE,PORT November Session, 1960 To the Warden and Members of the' Elgin County Council, ;The following is my report on Elgin Manor for the year end- mg OctOlber 3ilst, 19:60: 1. ~rU:rr!Der oo! residents at last report __________'__.~_~~."'~,~,____~~..__ ------- 31 2. 'Number admitted durin.g the year "________________________________."___ 9 3. Number of deaths _________________________________________________________----"----- 1 4. Number disclh~ged _______________________________________________________________ 6 5. Numlber of residents now in the Home _________-'-_________________ 33 13,2; F..DGIN COUNTY .COUl\"CIL 6. 'Total days: residence --_____________________________________------------_"_-_- _ ____ 11,884 7. !Average nUilll1ber of residElnts. during the year ___________------ 33 8. Average number with Superintendent's family :and hired help _____u. -------------------, _____..--_---_-----.-.--_--- 42 9. Number of weeKs' bo'ard with Superintendent's family 2,167 10. Number -of weeks' board of residents ___________--_------_---_----___ 1.69~ 11. ::.> Receipts Province of Ontario Subsidy ___________________________"_________ ___$ 9,787.315 Old Age Pensions and Residence Maintenance ________ 14,614.00 Government of Canada Sales Tax Refund ________________ 270.27 S'un,dries -------------- - --- ---------____~______________________________________________ 54.35 12. Expenditures Food a:i.1d Pr'ovisions ____________________________________ _____________________$ Me:di,cal, Dental, and Drugs _______.___ _ ___________________.______-- Clothing and Welfare ____ ____. ______ ______________________ _______ ____________ Ho userhold S u pp'lies _ ___ ______________ _____________ . ________________ _____________ murni,shin.gs. _________________ ____ _________n ___n_ ______ ______ __n_____ ____..___ . __ ______ Repairs to Buildmgs and :grounds _ ____________________ ________ Fuel, H'Ydro,Telephone, Water __._________________________________ Travel Expense and office supplies _______..__________________ Salaries and Wages __________________________ _ ____________._____________._____.. Insurance, Fire, CompeJization,and B0El.r ____ __________ Pension Fun.d, Convention Expenses 'and sundrie's ____ -13. Dt'ductiOUl:i Government of Canada, Sales Tax ______________________________$ Sun'dri es ________________ .__. __ ____ .___. ____________________________________ ________ $ 24,725.97 7,587.17 1,871.G.~ 2,368.60 1,871.41. 997.94 1,442.69 3,015.09 383.00 7,9'/5.9U 92,3.87 4,66.82 $ 28,904.12 270.27 54.35 $ 3,24.62 14. Net Cost of Operating _________ -___________________________________________$ 28;579.50 15. Average Expellses per day of each person ________________ 2.401f2 16. Average Expenses per week of each person ________________ 16.83 17. Average Expenses per Y~<lr of each person m_____________ 875.16 118. Actual Co:st to County after deductions 'of aU receipts 4;178.15 ELGIN COUNTY COUNC1iL 133 19. Cost of Water Main _______________________________________$ ;18,13:40..'59 Less Salf'S' Tax _________________ ______________________________ 1,046.:23 $ 17,294..36 Province of Ontario Grant _________ __________________ 8,647.1~ ~et Co'st to County __________________________________c____ $ 8,647.18 20. Produce 1'54 !bushels potatoes; 60 bushels carrots'; 50 bushels onions; 14 bushels turnips; ,12 bushels beets; 10 bushels squash; ,68 bushels, ca!blb.3,tge; 10 bushels pa~snips. DUling season, th~ Home used their own lettuce, tomatoes, green onions, sweet corn, r:adishes, ,cucumlbers, and beans from the garden of whicn. no account was kept. r 21. Si~ck 75 Hens 22. There were 40 residents in the Home during :H)60:. - 29 males, 11 females. Of the 33 residents in the Home, on the 1st d!lY of November, 19.60, 25 were males, and 8 were females. The management has .been s'atisfactory. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. D. 'DHOiMSON, Secretary of Elgin Manor. 134 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ;.;; ROAD COMMITTEE November Session, 1960 Your ROAD COMtM:ITTEE begs to report as follows: (1) ROAD MULCH PA VE.MENTS ha~:e '1e~n l,aid on the follow., ing Roads during 1960:- (a) DL.nrwich ;Townsfhip, Road: 13, being IShackleton JStre'et from Willy's Side Road to R'oad 14 ___ _____________________________________________ 3.3 ill iles (b) Dunwich & Southwold TownlineJ !being Road 14 from Highway No.3 to Burwel1s Corners __c____________________________________________ 2.6,5 miles ,(c) Malahide, RO'ac 45, from Highway No. '73 ,to lJ:affa ____________________________________________________ 2.5 miles (d) :South Dorchester in the Village 'Of BeJmont1 iRoad 34 _______________________________________________ 0.4 mile~ 8.85mile~ (2) HOT MIX AISPHAJIlT PA VEMIENTS have ,been laid on the following Roads:- (a) Road .53 in tile Town of Aylmer, on South Street and Caverfy \Road. ' (b) Road 24 in the ViIlaige of Port Stanley on the S.chooI house Hill. i(C) Road 2:5 :SA, Iby the St. ,Thomas SubuI'iban Road Com- mission, on the Wellington Road extension from Hi.gh- wa\ys is and 4 to the Lynhursrt School bein'gapproxi- mately one mile. Shouldering has lbeen done in con- junction with this work. (3) WIDENING, GfEtADIiNG AND GRAVELLING has been done, or is being carried on, on the follolwing Road<3:---.. (a) Southw'Old & Dunwich Townline, Road 14 from Thames River southerly to RCJad J.~, except where Highway 40,1 intersects Road 14 _______, ________________________________________ ______________ 3.2 miles ELGIN COUNTY COUNCiL 135 '(b) Yarmouth, Road 36 from Road 24 northerly 1.1 mile:.,. (c) Yarmouth, Road 24 from Dexter to Road 136 -------------------________ _____________u________________________ 2.3 mile~ (d) South Dorchester, !Road 48 from Road 4'7 to Oxford County Line -----_________________________________ 1.8 miles (e) South Dorchester & :Deroeham Townline, Road 52 'from Road 48 southerly to Bro'WllSville !Road -------------------------_______________________ 0.5 mile~ (f) Malahide, Road 40, Glen Colin to Summer.3 Corners ---------------__ ___, __________________________ 2.1 miles 11.0 mUes (4) GMiDING 'WORK ~T R,lJCHMOND HILL on Road 38, by A'lrex Contra-cting Lir.nited, has ibeen completed. The 'Road has been gravelled and opened to traffic. Storm .D.rains have been installed, and theins1tallaUon of Guide Rail 1& continu- ing. (!5) WORK [BY THE ELGIN CONSTiRUCTION COMPANY O'n the W!ARDSiVILLIE 'B~UDGE is continuing, and ,all piling has 'been driven, and work on the aihutments is under way. (6) CONiCiRJETE CULVERTS haVe .been built on:- (,a) Road 24 near Road '36, in conjunction with Grading. i(lb) Road 40 Sout:h of Glen Colin, in conjunction with Grad- ing. (7) STEEL CULVERTS VIEle inst:llkd on Roads. 14, 36,24, 48, 5'2 and .~(}, in conJ,-mctlon with Grad~ng Oper.ations. Miscel- laneous Culverts. 'w'ere ir:stalled th:r~ughout the County. (-8) The 'Timber Span 'on the North end of the TATE'SBRIiDGE on the Thames River, m the Township. of Dunwich and Ek- frid, wa's replaced. (9) The TATE~S AND WALKER BRIDGES on the Thames River, and 2 FLEMING CREEK BRIDGES on Road 3, have been painted. 136 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL (10) Extensive GRAVEL RESURFACING was done on:- Roads 9 and 1'2 'in Dunwicih, .and Road 13i7 between 'north and south D(irchester. (11) C~TfHAM STREET in PORT BURWELL, !being Gounty Road 3Hand Development Roue 585, h~S' been graded ana gravelled. Additional Crushed Gravel will be added, and Steel Guide Rail ert:.cted very shortly. (12) ISTQiRM DRAINS have heen bstalled on the Furnival Roa,l, being County Road 3 in Aldiborough. (13) Approximately ,16 miles of Oounty Roads and 3 milE'S of St. Thom;as SU1burban Ro:ads were SUWAGE TREATED with Bituminous Material and stone Chips. (14) Applications by the County to the Board of Transport Com- missioners for~LAiSHING LIGHTS and SIGNALS at 'the C.N.R. Crossing on Road 18 at Lawrence Station; C.N.h.. Crossing on Road .20 north of Shedden; Chesapeake & OhIO Crossing on !Road ,20 at :Shedden and 'C.N.iR. Crossing on Road 40 at Glen Colin, have been approved, and it is ex- pected Signals will be erelC'ted by Spring. (1.5) The Hearing by tile ON'rARIU MUNICIPAL BOARD to de- termine the value of the prvperty expropriated !by the Coun- ty from MR. AND MRS. C. S. REID has been completed. T.he property was expropriated at the requEst oi the St. Thom~~ Subul'ban Road Commissjol1, and was necessary for the \.Ve!- ington IRoad Extension. The Boar-d's decision was reserved. WE R'ECOMMEND: (1) That a portion of the CARNIE p;rT in Lot B, Concession VII A~dborough, wl1.ich is presently owneci [by the Coun- ty, be rented'to the VillRge of Rodney as a Garhag~ Dump for a yearly rental of $25.00. (2) That the 100unty Engineer be authorized to supervise the location and method ()f dumping and covering. All of which is respectfully submitted. CLAlRJENCE BLUE, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 137 FINANCE COMMITTEE November Session, 1960 To the Warden and Members 01: the' Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That Charity and Welfare Pay List No. 10 for $1,209.45, and Pay List No. 11 for $1,82.1.3'9, It-,e approved. ~. That Children's Aid Societies [Pay List No. 1'0 for$3,26.s.8~ and !Pay List No.n for $,3,0''9'0.24, be approved. 3. That the usual grant of $500.00 tbe paid to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum. 4. That 110 action be taken for Civil Defence Organization in the County as we feel this isa Federal matter. :5. That the Attorney General's Dept. he offer,ed $5,000'.0'0 per ye1ar in lieu of fees :for Crown Attorney and CleiI"k of the Peace of- fice, and this, agreement may be terminated at the end of any year by either party. 6. That the letter from J,ames Beattie re Tri-County Hospital he referred to the Ontario Hospi.ta! IServices Commiss:tOn. 7. That the res'olutioll from the Co~nty of Peel requesting in- cre,ased Fedp.ral and Provincial grants for hospital construction be filed. 8. That a Committee composej of Warden Liddle and ReeVe Nimmo 'fil€,et with irvIr. R. B. Willis re property of the UnivE:l'sity of Western Ontario in the township of Southwold and report to the January Session of Council. 9. That the communication from the Council of the Township of Southwold re watermain delbentures be referred to the County Solicitor and he report to the Elgin Manor Committee. All 'Of which is respectfully submitted. DONtALD BUlRGIESiS, Chairman. .W8 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE November Session, 1960 To the> WardeD and Mem'bers of me Elgin County Council, The Equalization Committee reports as follows: 1. The 'Elgin County !Council requests the Provincial Gov- ernment to enact permissive legislation. that on laprproval of sev enty-five pE.:r cent of Councils. of local municipalities in a County, the County Council may pass a JJy-Lavv to set up a County A.s- sessment :Department and · abolish the p'Osition of local Ass.essor. This would give 'One uniform assessment for the County. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN K. HUX, Chairman. EDUCATION COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1960 To the W!ard~m, and Members 'Of the iElgin County CounCIl, The Education Committee reports as follows: 1. That Mr. John Stalker be appuinte'd Oounty Council rep- resentative to the West lElgin High School !District Board. ,2. '.Dhat \Ralph Auclkland \bea:ppointed County Council rep- resentative on the Central Elgin High Sehool iDistrictBoard. 3. That J. F. Pineo be appoint."',d to the E'ast Elgin High · School District Board. 4. That we give tentative approval for a new County Libra~ Bui:1ding,and the matter 'be referred to the County Library Board to present specific~tions to thE. meeting Gf County Oouncil in Jan- uary ~ EllGIN CGUN'rY COUNCIL 139 5. That the communication from the Dept. of Education to abolish lo,cal li'brariesand have one County Ltbr>3ry Board, be filed.. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. W. BARKER, 'Chairman. BY -LAW NO. 1777 "Appointment of a County Weed Inspector" WHEREAiS the former W~ed Control Act has ibeen repealed. AND WHEREAS it ~s de~irab']e to have the County .Weed In- spectocr apPoInted under the Weed Control Act, 19'6.0, 8tatut€s of Ontario, 19'60, Chapter 130, and the Ontario Regulations 146, 1960, The Corporation of the County of El,gin enacts: 1. TRAiT C'layhouffie Gordon of the township of S0uthwola, be, and he is her€.lby appointen Ween Inspector for the County of Elgin. 2. THAT the salal'Y of the County Weed Inspeetor shall be $1.25 per hour, and ten cents per mile for use of c,ar when engaged in the dnties of his offke. 3.T\HAT ,all by-laws ineonsistent with this by-law are here by repealed. PlASSE,!) in open \Council. 1st reading the !213rd day of Nevember, 1960. 2nd reading the 2'31'd day of Novem,ber, 19'60. 3rd reading the 23rd day 0t November, 1960. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. HARVEY, LIDDLE, Warden. 140 EWIiN COUNrI'Y COUlNCliL INDEX ,) GRANTS- A'gricultural and HortioUJltural Societies __________________________________ 14 Canadian National Institute for the Blind _____________________________ 34 'To the Warden 'and Reporters -------------------------------------------______120 :Sal vation Army ---------------------------__________________________________________________ 34 U niversi ty of Western Ontario -__________________________________________________ 34 Women's 'Ins ti tutes ---------------------------___________________________________________ 14 Local Agricmltural O:ffi.ee --------------------____________..__________________~____________ 20 Law Library --------------------------------------_____________________________________________ 34 M>emJberships ---- AiAJO 3,4; OlIV.IA. 314; OiEA 3'3; iRSA 312; MCFOA 34 IScnollarslhi p IGIDants -------------------_______________ ______________________,__________ 32, 33 [.i!bI1ary Grants ---------------------__________________c__________________________________ 312, 3,3 E;lgin rOorunty Plowlmen's' A&socia:tion _____________________________________~" 2:0 TIIUlstees and R'atepay,ers' Assrodation: ________________________________________ 32 Elgin County Plowmen's Asociation _____________________________________ 20 'Rotary Musk IF\estiVial ---------------____________________________________________ 108 MISCELLANEOUS- Appointment of Del€igates and Repres,entatives ________________ 15 ELiGI!N COUNTY COUNCIL 141 Communications __________~____________________________h__________ 7, 47, 83, 10,0, J.16 C ou n ty C-ounc il -------_____ ---_________.__.___________~._ _ ___ __._________.______________ _.___.__. 3 Warden's Address 5 Delegations- _________________________________h_______________ ._____________________ 11, 12, 13, 84 -Financial :Statement o.f the Elgin Algricultural Committee __ 36 Warden's Election -------------------___ ._________."______________________________. ._________ 4 REPORTS OF COMMITTEE AND OFFICIALS- Agricultural 'Committee _____________._._____________.______________ 20, 6'1, 9'3, IUO County Clerk on Licenses _____.___________________________""_____._____________________ 12,8 IE1gin iM!anor Committee ___________________________.________________ 21, 59, 911, J.24 Coun tyAssessor' s !Report ____.___._____________. _____._________________________________ 54 County Tireas'urer's Report ______________________________________..______________ 92, 130 Education Committee Report _____________________________________________.____ 32, 1\36 Equali~ation __________________________________________h____________________n _. ..h_________ 6,0, 138 ,Finance' Committee ________________________.._.__ 33, ,60,66, 94, 97,108, 13'7 iLibrary Co-Opera ti ve --_________.__________________________________.__h_...____________._ 38 EI,gin Oounty Museum Report _____________.______________.__----.----------____.._ 39 -Elgin County Health Unii ___..________________h__.____________________________________ 33 Secretary's Report-of Elgin Manor __.h______________________________._.______ 131 1412 EID]N COU/NlTY COUiNCllL RE.POR;TO'F COMMITTEE AND OFFICIALS- Petitions: and Legis1ations _._______________________________________ 2;1, 65, 96, 109 P!roperty Committee _____________________________________-____________ 3:2, 5'9, 90, 128 Road Committee ___________________________________.____________ 22, 6'3, 9i6, 106, 134 !Report st. Thomlas, :Suburfban Road Commission ____________________ 2,6 S tanding Committees _ ____________________________________________ ________-------~--- 19 Weed Inspector ____ ____________________________________ ______________________ ______ \125 BY-LAWS- No. ,1'71515' To Confirm By-Laws No. 150'5 and 1506, of the township of Malahide for stopping and closing up portions of road ____________________________.______________________ 41 No. l'75i6 To AuthOtrize the Warden and Treasurer to Borrow the \Sum of Eight Hundred Thousand : Do Uar'S _______ "n_ _____ ______ _ _ _ _ ___~_________..______ __.;_________ _____________ __ __ 42 No. '1171517 'To Appoint a Board of Audit in the County of iE1gin for the year, '1:960 __________________________________________ 45 No. [1'7518 To Appoint a County Road Committee ________________ 45 No. il7i59. rTo Increa\Se the Wages of the County Weed Inspector, Tree Commissioner, and 'Rafbies' Vail uarto r .._ _.______________________________ ________ ________ _______________________ 46 No. 17610' 'lio Increase J.\rIernbers' Wages ____________________________________ 46 No. !1i7!61 'T,o Amend By-iLaw No. li{)i96 , and 17\24, re Road lSupe'rintendentand Engineer's salary __________________ 67 :IDIJG]N COUN\TY .COiUNCIL 14'3 No. 117,62 To Raise Amount for County Rates during the, yeaiI', 1'-960 _ _n..___..__..____________________ ____nn ._______________________________ 68 No. i17ti13 To Provide for the 19,60 Expenditures on Coun- ty Roads ---_________. ________h______________. C__n_________________________________ 70 No. 1'7,64 To pcvo'Vide for the Supplementary ,Expendi- tures on County Roads ______________________________________________ 71 No. !li'76'5 To Es,tafblisih ,a Plan of Sick Leave Credit for Em'plo y.ees __ _h____ ________h___________ ___. --___:________________________________ 7'2 No. 1'7,66' ;TO' Add Portions to County Road Sys'tem in the townships of Aldlborough and Dunwich ________ 74 No. 1'7l6l'7 To Remove Portions of County Road in the townships of Aldborough. and Dunwich _n_____________ 77 No. '1!7:6181 A By-iLaw to Co'nfirm By-Law No. 141i1, of the towIliShip of Bay-barn ___..____.._._.__________~_________.___________n___ 8'OB No. 17619 A BY..ILaw to Confirm By-Law No. ~40, of the Vil1a1ge of SpringfieLd __.____._.______________________________________ 80C No. :1770 To Confirm the EquaUzation of the Assetss- ment Rolls of the County of Elgin for the year 11!960 ________ ___.______________ _.__ ______________.___ ______________ _.. ________________ ____ 800 No. '17711 TO' Increase the Salaries of County AuditoiI"S, Clerk-jTreas., and Deputy Olel'lk-Treas. ____________c_____ 81 No. 17712. To Provide for the Supplementary Expendi- tures on' Co. Ro.ads _________________________________.-___-------__--m-- 98 No. :1:'7"713' To Appoint Court Reporter and Secretary to the Oounty Judge ______.__________.___________________________n_________ 99 No. 11774 To Repeal By-Law No. 1747 re Indemnity for (Rabies iLos'ses __.______________________...____________h________________________ 99 144 ElL\GmN COUNTY COUNCIL No; 1:7'715, To Add Portion of Road to County Road No. 25, in the township of S'Outhwold ____________________________ 111 No. 171716 To Empower the. County Tree Commissioner to iSBlue permits for removaJ 'Of trees ____________________ 115 . No. :1'7717 To Appoint a County Weed Inspector ----____________ 139 RESOLUTIONS- Appointment of lAding Reeve M. Hopper of West Lorne to all Committees that Reeve EUiott is a member ____ 50 Appointment of Deputy Reeve Bruce Marr to all Com- mittees of Council that the late C. T. Learn was a m em1b er ___________________.______ ._n________ ----____ _ -----------.- ---- ---------------- 51 Vote of Confidence' in the County Engineer ________m_________________ 86 'Re DangeroiUs Traffic Congestion in Port Stanley _________________ 87 That Reeve BUl'igess, [Reeve Blue, ,and tI.he Clelrk be added to the' Wardsrville Hospita,I Committee ----c--------------_.~--QO To Petition the Minister ,of Highways to Approve Open- inlg the WeiJJiIllgton rRoad to King's. Highway No.3 __ :103 For !Reappointment of Claylho.uiTne Gordon as County Weed Inspector ______.___________________ .._..____________ ________________________" t20 To Petition the Magistrate to give more seTio'Us cons1d- er:ation re punishment of law breakers ____________________.___ ~121 Re Election of High School Board Trustees ____u_______________n____. 112'2 'To Appoint a Committee re.the Appointment of a County :A:s s-esS'or _______________________________.__ _ on _____ ________________ _____. __________ '1'2,2