1961 Minutes PROCEEDINGS OF THE Elgin Coanty Coancil During thie Sessions held in the COURT HOIUSE, ST. THOMAS in the Months of JANUARY, MARCH, JUNE, SEP'TEMBER AND NOIVEMBER 1961 J. D. THOl\iT...:sON, DO~~ALD BU;RGE)SS" 'County Clffi'k Warden PROCEEDINGS OF THE Elgin County Council FIRST SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 17th day of January, 1961 The Elgin County Council met this day at the COfUrrt House, ,st. Thomas, as reJquired by statute. The following members filed OertifilClates, and took their seats at the Councdil table: John K. Hux:, Reeve, Aldiboil"ougih George' A. Barlber, Deputy Reeve, AldboTOiUgh A. Craiwford. ReeV1e; Dunwich Walter E. Robson, Deputy Reffi7\e, Dunw1ch Farnell Nimmo, Reelv:e. SOUithlwold Noble O. 'l1U1ffoil"d, Deputy R.eev:e" Southwold Donald BUlrgelss,. Reeve, Yiannouth Mason Tansley, Deputy Rieeve, YaiI"llloutih Geotr'.g:el E. BrO"Nn, Reev:e, lV.&.alahide W. R.. C'averly, Deputy Reerve,. Mialahide D. M. Chute, ReeVle, iBiayham O. D. Phillips, Deputy Reeve, Bayham JOO_Tl B. Wilson, PveeV!e" South. Dorcihester R. C. MciKibbiln, Reeve, Aylmer Angus M. Hughes, Deputy Reeve, Aylmer 4 ElLGIN CIOUNTY COiUNGIL K. G. Elmerson,. R,eev€l, Vilenna. James W. Barker, Reeve, Springlfi,eld B. ,Ei. Downey, Reeve, Dutton Lloyd 8. GUN, .ReeV1e, Port stanley Gordon Malvar, Deipluty Reeve, ;Plort Stanley John H. Wight, Reeve" Rodne~ Lloyd IElliott, Rieeve, west LOme K. Baird, Reeve,. Port .'. Burwell c. N. Clarke., Reeve, Belmont Moved by Rieev:e Downey, Seconded by Rie!eNe Gurr, ':Dhat Dona.1d iBjurgeSis, Reeve 'olf the township of Yarmouth, be Warden of the County of E[gin for 1!91611. -Carried. The resolution re wa,rde:..11.'s election was: unani:m.ously app['oved, ,and the Warden took tth,e Declaration of Offilce. Ex 'Warden Harvey LaddIe plre:ented Warden Bur~ess with the gavel of office and the [.{;.crd E~gin watah,and introduced him to, the Gotmcil. Warden Bvrgess thanked the membars of Council fOT the honour icon;fierred, and addressed the Council. EtLG[N COUNTY COUNeIlL, 5 W ARDiEN'S ADDRESS January Session, 196,1 To All Members of the E1gitn County ClouncH, Gentlernen: I wish to expil1ess my deep apprreC'ia,t:ion, fof!' thel ibtonm of ,being ,eLected your warden fof!' 119611., AlthOlU:gh I :regret tha;t this offi.ce was uncontelSted, ilt gi.ves :a man a, feeling of real lper;~lOnal sa tislfaetion. to be blessed wilth the necessary [heaJi~h ,and timlel to.. iComp1ete his telITIl on the COIUlliClil in this manner, and I sincerely ibjolPe, that I am ab!ei to fulfill my dutj,es ,as wax'den, tOl the~itent of your '00nfidence in; me. May I take thi,gl opportlUiI1ity alsOI, to weLcome the s,ix nelW mem- bers tOl Clount~y Oounci:l. iMia,yeacih add his good jUdgment and know- ledge fOil' the betterm.ent .of our clOiUi11(ty ;atifau-Sl. I would lik1e to add. 3, special welcom,e to ou~ melmiber f!rom Blelmi<mit" a, newly iinc1orpolr- lated 'Village. lit! mi:g1ht be .intel1elSrting tOl a few to leaX'n, tlhiat" througb this incorpof!'ation, SoutibJ Do~cihr8'slte!l:"':S' populati!on was redulced: tOl the extent that it 101S1t its immedia,te1 pll'ivileg1e of haNinga deputy-reeve. The resruLts of the bee-year rlOad pfI'ogram, asset up in 10017, were made manilfesrt thisl past year, w1lth the completion of the two major prr'OIject.sl; ~he extensiOln of Wellington Road, to High~ay 4" and !the implI''OlVement of !R,iclblrnondi Hill. This year' will see the comple;-, ,tion of Wa:rdsvil1e Blridge. The advancer of ,the entiJre IClQlunty imad program, hasl been lall"gely to Uh.lel iCir'edit of our capable county< engin- eer. I would SlUggleSIt that the (Cloomy Road .SJy'stem bel oartelfully.l .studied tOl bettelt" meet the gI10wing needs: of the county. 1:9610 was a. banner ye:ar far the agricultUiI'al comm~t,tee, w~ch, headed by ubie walt'den,.a capable chaJ.rman" and greatly aided by OUJ:' agricultUl~e reip!I"8Senta,tiVie, as well as other commitueres;, was laIig'elyJ lre$IOIlsihle for one 'Of the most SUiccessd3u:l International Plowing Mat,clhes, ever held. Impa-ovelllllents to county .facHities this past year incIluded: the. addition of a new wing to the county jail, the clompletion of the water main to Eilgin lV1anolI' a...nd r>erpailrs to. the Cbrurt House heating \6 ELGW COUNTY COiUNCn.a p,lant. The prorperty committee ih)as .already -o.n hand necessary pilans for theext.ensdiollli of the coonty library. B9ICause of the sad and untime'ly passing of our county assessor, our new equalization committee will be fac:ed wifu th.e aprpOlintmernt ofa slUceessor, who will be capable of clirec:ting and ca.rrying out the Icompleltion of the original plan., Had the ratepayjjng pulblic. been belt- ter informed. .inadlvance, many of thel misunde!rstandingSi arising" :since some ofijl,e; new assessment nortilc:es have be,en sent out, mig;htr have been aVlOiided. As you should be arware the nelW' assesSlIl1Jffilrt was ca,rrted out using as a guide tihe Pr'ovincial GolV'ernment Manua.l, whicth is being used gel11€lI'!aJly throughiOrut the pll"OIV'inc:e. UndelI' iIt, buildings are classifiedac:coc'ding to .age, type of colJ:lSltruction, oondi.. tiJon and use. We knolW' that value,s ha,ve incT!eased gen:erally t,hroughout the county, but this does not nec:essarily mean an in- C1rease in ta~a,tion and this!cannoJt be, rforetold until township and oounty budgets! hav:el been 'set and mill mtesl established. In cO!rlCillus:ion, ha.mg referred ,to sorne of thepaslt accomplisih.- ments of the council and Slomel oil: the ~'OIJoots comromng the' com-i mittees of 19611, I would ask fOil" YOill' whole-Ihea:rtedco-operation. inl the caLrrying out of OUT res;ponsibilitiresl wirtlh; dignity ~ and above all, with wisdom. Mav'ed by Ree,ve Crawford, Seconded by Derput,y Re'eVle Robson, That the minutes of the last day of ,the November Session, 19610', .as printed in the Proceedings, bea.ppLroved. -Carried_ COMMUNICATIONS .January Session} 1961 The following communicattons were read, and referred to their various Oommittees: Fr>Oim Dr. J. B. Ooburn M..O.H., re Plumbing [Regulations - Re- forred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. IE)LGIN COUNTY OOUNOIlL 7 Flrom the E~gin Oounty Pioneea:- Musoom with ajpipOdllltees to the) Board. - Referred to the Finance Committee. Prom the Ontario .A:ssociation of R1ur:al Munic:ipaUti;es 1481 IOonven- t.ion and Membership Flee. - Refeflred to tbe Finance Committee. From Mayor V. A. Barrie of Uhe City of {St, Thomias re Oi,vil Ue- (fenoe. - Referred to th\e FmanJCle Committee!. From the Ontario Municipal ASSIOciamon ~e Membershilp Fee. Refell'red to the Finance Oommi,ttee. From the Clerk of the Cli~y of St. Thomas: ir:e Reipll'€slwtatives to discuss court facilitieS! at the Clourt HouSlel. - Rleillell'!l'Ied ,to the Prop- mty COmmittee. From the Unive!I'sity of Western Ontario with report and request for a ,~rant. - Referr,ed to ,tbe Flinancl81 Cbmmittee. From the Clerlk iQIf ubie Oity of St, Thomas: wtthappointment of ~epreSientative to the E[gin C:orunty Pioneea:- M!u1Sieum. - Referred to' thel Finance Cbmmi,ttee. From the Canadian National Institute for the Blind with repoll't and requeS't ,for 'a grant. - Referrred to the Finaooe Committee. Flrom the Muni:cdpal Clerks' and Finanlce Of'fieers' AiSSOc.ia,tion of Ontario with requeSltfo~" a, membership fee and appom,tment of dele- gates to attend the Conventiion. - Refiell'red to the Finance Oom- mittee. From thle Oounty of Onta.rio wit~ !I'~esoluti.o!ll 1"e ~edem,tion of Agriculture Levy. - Referred to the /Petitions and Legislations Com- mittee. From the GountlY of OntM'LO 1'81 E~ecmon of High School Trustees. Referred to the Petitions and Leg1slations Cbmmittee. From the C10unty of W'entwmth rte' Soop\piing of School Buses on highwa,ys. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. 8 ~LGIN COUNTY COUNOIL From tjhe Ontario Good :Roads: Associa;tion re MemlbNsibJip 'Fee and Annual OOlllV'ention. - Rie:5a1'red to. the Road Gommittee. From the Sia,lVia,ti.on Army with r,eqlUest for a girant., -j Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Onta:r1o Hospital Serv:iJces Oommission re Wardsville Hospital. - Re.fiEtrTOO to. the Finance Committee. From the County of Sfimcoe 1'8 Amendment to. the Petty T)res- ~pa.s.J Act. - Referred to the PetitiOf'ilS and Le:gisl,a,tions ICommittee. From the Ontario AgriciU.ltural Oauooil riel di.scont~nue of their activities. - Refea'lred to tlb(8 Agriculturlal Oommittee. From me iEllglin Trustelesand Ratepayers Assoc1aUion with :1'e- queslt for a grant;. - [Rjefoc!I"oo to the EldUlclatio[l1 Committee. FJ:1om theCU:ty of Barrie~ with reso[ut]on requeslting the Province of Ont,ario to arrantg1e hospital ,accommodation fro!!' paralPthlegie pa,- ,tients. - RefeiI'red to the Finance Oommittee. Frtom Mrs. JoilmWignaJ.l with letter of app1'ec:iation. - Filed. Frolm Barry Kinsey, srtudent of the West,ern Ontario Agricultural SCihIOOl, R.idgetiOwn, with allpI1€lCd.a,tiorn of !Errgin County Scih,oIarship. - Ftiled. From the Wies:t F~Igin Sportsmen ASlSlOci,atlion with ir:equest, for GOrunt;y OOfUnc:il to elose Eagin COIUnty to. non.-resident hunters af On- tario.. - Refe!l'iI'ed to the AgrioUlltural Clommitrbel€'. From the Ont.!:\Jrio Elducatltonal Associatfon rle Annual Convention ,and Memlberslhijpl Fee. - Relfe!l'red to the Education Commilttee, From the St. Thomas :Subm-ban /Roads CommislSdon with report of 1191010 oo:pendi,tures, and 19m est,imates. - IRleferil"ed to the Road C()!mmittee. Fram the iErlgin Oounty iP'1oneeT Museum with! Financial state- ment for the y!ear, 19160. - Rlefea-red: to tihle Fin:anoo Oomm~l:ttt)e. E\LG[N COUNTY COiUNC[JL 9 [From the Reg,istry Office, st. Thomas, with statement 'Of fees f'Or the yeaa-, 1900. - Filed. RiEIPILIEiS. FROM: OTHER COiUNTlEiS TO ELGIN OOUNT'Y RESOLUTIONS Resolution re AssleJSlSffient. ACIKNOWLE[)GEID - R,. K. MlciNeil,. M.P.P.; Ron. WI~ K. War- render, Minister of Munioipal Aiflfaars; M. R. 8loon, Directoc, MuniJC:ipal AsseSlstlIl:ent Branch, Dept. off Munictipal Affairs; Mr. A. P. Sltew'axt, SeiCll1eta.ry,; 'Of the Assoctation of OnltaIiio Counties; Hon. iLlesl:ie M. Frost; OOiunty of WeIland!; The On- tarrio Municipal .Associiation. NO ACTION - Norfolk, Kent. ENiDORS/ED - Oxford, Wentworth., NOT ENDORSIED - Clarlrerton, Ontario, Lmcoln. iCOiNClURREID IN - Middlesex. PILED - Hastings. /Resolution 1'e E[ec:Uion of Hig]h School Boa:rdis. AOKNOW1LiEiDGED - Ron. ,John P. R:obalI',tsl, MInister of E!duca-.. tion; Mr. A. F. stewart, SieC<l"ertary, the A.ssoci:a,tion off Ontario COll.l'lties; iRon. lLesUe lM:. F1rost; Thel Ontario Municipal As- sociation. iElNDORSED - Nor:f:olk" Oxford, Lincoln, WeIland, Ontario. NO A1CTION - Unitted Oounties of iL,eeds and Girenville; Kent. NOlI' ElNDOR,SIE[) - Carleton, Middlesex,. Wentworth. FILED - Hastings. 10 ,ELGINOOUNTY COUNOIIL ,Moved by .Reeve Gw'r, ISeoonded by DeplUty Reeve Tansley, That thesalaxy ,of Ivan J. Batterson,SUperiil!tehdtenlt of E[gin ManolI' be inca:eased $200.OiO per yeail",effootive J.anU3J1'Y 1st, 19611, and! By-iLaw NO'. 1712191 be aJIIliended. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson, seconded by Rleeve Clarke, That the Wardoo. and Ollffi"k be authorized to siUbmit to ijle Minister of lHighways of Ontario, the petiiti<m of thIe COiUIlty of E[- gin, 'showing that from the first day od:' J1anu:aII'Y', :1960i~ untdll the thirty-first day of' DecembelI", ,19610, there has been mfpend€d 00. the County Hig,hway ~stem the sum of $''79I5',315lUll. ---Carried. .Moved by ReeveClhute, 'Seoonded by Deputy ReelV.e PhilUps" . That the E[lg:in !Clounty Council. confirm B~-Law No. 14212; of the~ itownship of Bayham to close Centre stil'leet SIoiuth of otter street in the Village of .SItraffordvil1e. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Robson, Seconded by lReelVe !Cirawford, Tha,t the E[gin County Oouncdl confirm B\V-La.w No. :1Bi2~: 0[ the township ()if DuI1lWilcih toautiholrize the olosingand selling od:' part of Ooncession ThI:ee in the townsh/iJp of Dlmwich. -Carried. Warden Burgess appointed Reeves Hux:, Downey, Wilson, and Ourr, as a Committee tostlIikle the SItandi!ng committees for the year, 119611. ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIIL 11 !Moved by Reeve Wight, Seconded by ReeVe Dliott, That we do now adijOUJrll to meet ,at ilO am. on Wednesdaq, Jan- itary 18th. -Carried. J. D. TIrolMSON Clerk. DONALD BURGESS, Wafd~n. :1:2 1ElLGIN OOUNTY COiUNCmL: FIRST SESSION - SE;COND DAY Wednesday, the 18th day of .January, 1961 The Elgin Oounty Coonc:i!l metthisl day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adijolUrnmenIt. The Warden in the Chair. All membocs: wer:e present ,elXceprt R,eeve Baird. ~he minutes of the previous day were read and confi:mned. A oommumca,tion from tjhe, Bank of Montreal wilth invitation to dinner on Thursda;y,Janua;ry 19th, was read and accepted. A leltt'el' from. B., G., Thacker, Presd:dent olf the, School \fOil" Re- tarded Children reqUJe,sting a, gr:ant of '$500.00 was r:ead land referr:ed to the Finanoe Ciommittee. Moved by IReeve Giuril' tiha,t Mr. R~,y Jones, Treasurer olf th,e SMool for Retaa-ded Children be now ihIeard. Mr. Jones addressed 'the Clouncil requesting a g1Tant. The request was referred to the FinaIllCe Ciommittee. Moved by R,eelVle Hux that Mr. A. V. Langton be now heard. Mr. Langton addrressed the Council re 11960 crvops, ac,clident survey, and other agricultmral activities: in E[gin County during 1960" also', a re- port of the International PLowing M;a,tch, and eocpendiJfmre of thel (E,l- gin CIounty aglrieulture 1:960 grant with a I'iequest fOO" a grant of $12,,- 5'00.00 for 11961. 'Dhe request was re1fierred to the Agric'U~tural C1om- mittee. Moved by Reeve GUil'T th~t the delegation from 1:jhe UnivelI'sity of Western Ontario be now hea,T'cI!. Cot Georgie Liittle addressed the OouncH with report of University activities and the request for a grant was: ref€!l'll'ed to the FinaIlic€' Committee. It was moved by Deputy iRele!Ve Tansley that Mr. Jenkins" Presi- dent of the lIDlgin Trus:tees1' and Ratepayers' Assooia,tion be now heard. Mr. Jenkins addressed the CounJOil requesting an increased iElLGrrN OOfUNTY CoUNC~ 13 grant foc the organimtion. 'I1he mattea- was :referr:ed to 'Qhe Etluca- tion CbmLnllittee. ,Moved by lRieeve Elliott that tJhe delegation from the Elgin !Pi- oneer Museum be nOiW heard. Mir's. lJ. R. Futch.eir! ,addressed the, Council with report on the MiUlS€IU1ITl,. iMr. W'I CI. Miller and Mr. A. Lunn aloo addressred the Oouncil ~e additional space for museum ar- tides. The ma,tter WaS! referred to the Finance iOommittee. The report of the Special Comm~.t;t1eel to strike the: standing Com.- mittees for 1'9'611. was presented andadJopted on motion of Reeve Hux and Reeve QUIT. Moved by Reeve Wight" Seconded by ReeJ~e Emott, That we dO' now adjourn to meet thiis afte~noon at 2 p.m. -Carried. The CouIlicil resrumed. The C~erlk read a poem subm[tted to Council by Dr'1 Monteith. Reeve Barker illliqwredas to support of COUJIlity Council foil' 00- putaticm to ottawa re Olosingr of the Aylmelr Airport. Deputy Reeve Hughes, Reeve GUTr, and Reeve Wilson a1soad<fu'essed the Counclil. Warden Bur:gess l:l/ppointed IRloovre Wilson to 'go :to ottawa with the delegation from Aylmer and Springfie~dJ. The ['report of the! Fin>ancle Oommi.ttere was pir:eSleuted and adopt- ed on motion of Reeve iEaIiott and Reeve Barker. The I1epoct of title Property Oommittee was presented, and adopt- ed, on motion of R,eeve MciKibibin and Deputy !Reeve Barber. Moved by Reeve Gurr" Seconded by Reeve 0. !El. Brown, 14 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIlL That we do l1iOlwadjlourn to meet on Thiuxsday, January 19th, at 1!Oi a.m. -Carried. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. DONALiD BIURGESS, Warrden. iELQIN COUNTY COUNOrr. 15 FIRST S!ESSION - TImRD DAY ThtmSday, the 19th day of .January, 1961 The Elgin) COUlllty CoonJciI met this day a,t the rOorurt House, st. Thomas, in accordanoe with adijomnment. The Warden in the Cd1iaix. All the memb&'s wea:"e present elX:oep,t Ree!Ve BMd. The minutes of tpel p!l"e1viOIUiSI day were read and coo'firrmed. Mov:ed by Remna Wig1ht, that the delega,tion from. the Cianadian Nationa,l Instlitutel for the BUnd" bel now heard. Mr.. Camon and MT'. Wheeler adm'elssed the OounciJ on the work of the Institute. The I'Ieport of the' !Road Commilttee was p!l"esented and adopted on mot10m of Heev:e Huxand ReeViel Nimmo. Moved by R,eeve HUIX, Seconded b(Y' Deputy !Rleeve, Barber, That tih:e gI"antls ;to thlel Agricultural and Horticultural Societies ,of the Oounty ber om the slame basis asl last year, equal to the Ptro- vinmal grants. -Carried. ,Moved by Deputy ReEWe Barber, Seconded by Reeve Wight, That we do adjourn to meet at2 p.m. this afternoon. -Carried. The C!o.lli-.1/CdJI res"'tl[il:e.d.. The report of the E:duoa.tion Committee was pTlesented and adopted on motion of Reeve Eme'rson and Deputy Reeve Phillips. 116 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNOIlL The report 0[ the EquaJization Committee was pil'esented and adopted on motion of Reeve Barker and Reeve Clrawford. The il'e;port of tlhe Pletitions ,and Legislations Cbmmittee was pre- Isenood and adO'pted on motion: of Deputy' !Reeve !Phillips and Reeve Barker. The report o[ the Agu-iciUltural Committee was pr'esented and adopted on motion of Reeve Nimmo and !Rieeve IClhlute. TIne report of the Special Committee ra the aiprpoil1ltment of a County Assessor was prmenrted., Reeve B~own ~equested a. iI'ecorded vote. YEAS-Hurx., Barber, Crawford, Robson, Nimmo, Tufford, Warden Burgess, Tansle,y, Chutte', Phillipsl, MCiKi.bbin:, H'ughoo, Emea:son, Downey, GUXT" M.cIver, Wight, Emott, Clarke. (191) NAYS-Brown, Claverly, Wilson, Barker. (4) The report was adopted on motilon of Reeve Hux and Reeve Gurr. Moved by Deputy Ree've MclIver, Secooded by Reeve Gurr, That B~-.Law No. 1'7178" '''To Amend Bty-LaiW NOI. 1:77.0," be read. a fiJrst. time. -Carried. Moved by Reevel Ourr, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Caverly, Tjllat By-ILaw NO'. 17178, bre' read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Brown, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McIver, ElLGIN COUNTY COUNCnu 17 That By-Law No. 17'718, be read a thilrd time, and !finally passed. -Carried. Moved by ReelVle Nimmo, Seconded by Reeve Downey, That By-L,aw No, li7i7i9,"To Authorize tihie Warden and Treasurer to Borrow the sum of !Eight Hundred 'I1hoUlSand !)O;1llans1," be ~ead a, :first time!. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Downey, Seconded 'bry Reeve Nimmo, That By-Law No. 1!~~9, be ~eadi a second time. -Carried. Moved ;by Deputy Ree!V:e ROIbson, Seconded bry Reeve IClrawford, That By-["a"w No. 11:717/9, be read a third tilmle" and finally lPassed~ -Carried. Moved by Reeve! CmMTford, Seconded by Deputy Ree,ve Robson, That By-iLaw No. m180, ""A BY-Law to Clonfirm B&,-Law No'. 18212, of the Township of Dunwicjh, BeilIlg a ~-Law to AuthlOiriZl€! the Closing and Sellingl of pa:rt of Concession TlhlI'ee, in the Township of [)unwicl1J," be ~ead a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Wight, Seoonded by Reeve IOrawford, 1~8 ELGIN COUNTY OOiUNClI!L That By-.Laiw No. 1]7180, be :read a iS€IClOnd time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve EIlliott, SecondJed by Deputy' !Reeve Barlbe:r, That By-'Da,w No. 1!7601, be :read a third time, and finalJtY' passed. -Carried. ;Moved by Reeve Cfuute, Seconded b~ Deputy Reeve Phillips,. That B;y-ILaw NOI., 1!71811, "A B~-lLaw to Cbmkm By-Law No.. MQ2 of the ToWIlisrnp of Bayham, Being a BY-La,w to clesle Clellltlrie StJ:-eet, ISOUth. of otterr street, aJcco:rding to Registered Pian No. 21015 fOT -qhe Village .of Straffordville,m the Tloiwnsihip of Ba,yham.'" be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Rei6Vle Hughes, 'Seconded by Ree!Ve Chute', 'I1ha,t BY-IL,aw No. 1'71811, be a:ood a seoond ifllirne. -Carried. .Moved by ReeVie MciKibbin, :Seoonded by Deputy Rel8!ve Hughes, That By-La,w No. 1,7811, be read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. MoV'ed by Deputy Ree!Ve Barber, Seconded by Ree!Ve Hux, m..OIN OOUNTY COUNOIlL 19 That BY-iLam NOl.. lr718I2:, '''To Appomt a !County Assess<)[' for EiIg:in Oounty,'t be read a fkst tiIne. -Carried. iMoved by Reeve lEIlliott, Seconded b\y Deputy Rloove Barber, That By-Llaw No. 1;782, bre read .a 'Second time. -Carried. MOIVed by Reelve H~, Seconded by RoolV'e Wight, That By-LaIW' No. 1171812:" he read a third time, and finally passed~ -Oarried, Moved by Deputy Reeve 'I1ansle,y, Seconded by Reeve BarkJer, 'Iihat By-Law No. 17183, "To IniCII"€'as:e the Sala.ry of Ivan J. Pa,t-, teI1son, and to amend By-Law NOI. 11!'7129:,," be read a, firs't time. -Carried. ,Moved by Reeve BaiI"kier, Seconded by DeiPuty Reeve Taoole.y, That By-La,w NO'. '1783, be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Tansley, Seconded by Reeve Barkier, That Biy-lLaw No. 1'783, be read a third time, and finally pa&'Sed~ -Carried. 20 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCiILJ Moved by Deputy Reeve Oaverly, Seconded by Reeve Brown, Tn,at B~-Law No. 11784" "To Appoint a BOard iOIf Audit in the Oounty of E1gin for the year, 1i9i6)1:,'~ be read a fiirst timie" -Oarried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Mc/Iver, Seconded by Reeve Ourr, That By-Law No. 171814:. be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by ROOiVe Gurr, Seconded b~ Daputy Reeve McIver, That By-La,w No. 1718'4, be l1e'ad a third time" and finally passed. -Oarried. Moved by Reeve Elrne~son, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Tufford, That By-Lalw No. 17815" "'~o Appoint a County Road Cornmi,ttee:,," \be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Heave Ntnll!!lO, Seconded by ReeiVe Downey, Thlat By-iLaw No., 1785, be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Downey, Seconded by Reeve Nimmo, . ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 21 That By-La.w No. 1,785, be !'lead a third time, and fina~ Passed. -Oarried. Moved by Reeve iElmerson, Seconded b~ Reeve Wig!ht, Tha,t the following petition be cirClUlated for endorsement among the Oormties of Ontario, and a cop~ be senlt to Plremier Leslie M. F\rIOS't, and the Mintste!l" of Educ:a,tion: WHlERiEiAS under the rpa:esent system of education,equaUty of opportunity of educa,tion is not tpe same for I'iooarded cl1ildr:en as is affiordecli to pupils of publici and secula.r schools, THlERIEIFORiE BEl IT lRiEISOINIE[) that the Dept. of Education gLve consideration to grants to schoollSl for [l'Iewded dhlildren to en... able the said sahools to pcr:-ovide transportation and edUlcation fair l'Ietarded children in like manner as is pll'iovi:ded fOil" other children. -Qarried. An invitation ;from Reeve Gun waseoctended to aU members of Oouncil to a,ttenda dance at the "4Sltork Cllluib," PortSftanl:e~ on Saturday evening, FebruM'y4th. Warden Burgess appointed the fol1owing de1egat'es to attend t)he various Conventions during the year: GOOD ROADS - Hux:, Phillips, (C!hute, Wilson, Barker, Ba-own, and G'urr. ONTAlRIO EDUOATIONAL - Emea-son, WaTden Burgess, and ~hie Clerk. 'ONTARI'O M1UNICIPAiL - Wilght, Clarilre, McLrver, Warden Bur- gess and the Clerk. The Warden thanked .all memJbers orf Council fOIl" their fine co- operation in conduoting tlhe County business, during the fia"st Session. 22 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCm.. Moved by Deputy Reeve Bal1ber, Seconded by Reeve Wig1ht, That we do now adjourn to meet on TUlesday, the 211,s:t da.y of March, 119611, 'a,t 10 a.m. -Carried. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. DONALD BfURGESS, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY OOUNOllL 23 ItEPORT OF Sm:ClAiL COMMITTIEE, TO STRiIKE THE: STANDING COMMITTiEElS .January Session, 1961 To the Warden, and Members of the E[gin County Council, The followilng is 1lh:e report of t'hie Bp:eci,al Oommittee to strike the standing committees foc the yea.r, 119611: Administration of .Justice - JUdge J. F. MlciMlllan, Hughes, Oounty TreasureiI' . Agriculture - Hux, !~amford, Nimmo, Brown, Chute, Wilson, and WaJrden BUTg'ess. CountyR,oads - HW{;, Willson, ClhUl~e, Nimmo. Downey, and Warden BUl-giess. Advisory Road Committee - CraiWford, Brown.. Elgin Manor - Tansley, Philliips, Gurr,. and WaTden Burgess. Children's Aid - BaiI"d, and Wight,. Education - Barber, lRobson, TUlffoc'd, Tansley, MeThner, Ciaverly. Phiillips, Wilson,. OlaTke:, Hughes, Downey" Elliott, Wight, Baird, Emerson, Barker, and Waxden Bu:rgeSls. E:,qualization - Hux, C':r;aMTford, Nimmo, Blrown, Chute, Wilson, Clarloo, McKibbin, Emerson, BaiTd, Barker, Gurr, Dorwney, Ell!i- ott, Wight, and Warden Burgess. Finance - iHIuix:, CraW/ford, Nimmo, Brown, Clh:ute, Wilson, Clarke, :McKibbin, Er'"nerson, Baird, BM'k:&', iGuii.'r, Downey, ~1liatt, Wight, and Warden Burgess. Health Unit - MoIv-er, and Emerson. 24 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNC1IL Hospital - IGurr, and Warden Burgess. Library Board - Elliott, 10000ke, Robson, and Warden Burgess. Property - MclKiibbin, Blar'ker. Barber, and Wa;r:den Burgess. Museum - Caverly, and TuffOO"d. Petitions and Legislations - Downey, Emerson, Barirer, Tufford, IPhiJIlips, and Warden Burg1ess. Legal - Wilson, Hux, Down~, Barlker, and Warden Brurgess. Rlec1eption and Entertainment - Wilgjht, 0UJ1T, Wilson, Hux, Downey, [phillips, Tansley, ,and Warden Burgess. THAT each Committee meet, and appoint a Chairman as soon as possible. All of which is respectfully submi'tted. JOHN K. HUX. Chailrman. FINANOE COMMITTEE January Session, 1961 To the Warden, and Members of the E[gin County Council, The FinaIl!Cie Committee reports as follows: \1. That Charity and W:e1facr:e Pay lUst No. 12 for $1,569.72;, and Ohildren'iS Aid SOcieties pay [Jst No. 12 for $3,'2218.00~, bel approved. 2. That the Warden and Treasurrer be autp.orized to borrow up to I$l8OO,000.00 as may be requilred, and a by-law be prepared. 3. That the membership fee in the Ontario Municipal Assoclia- ELGIN COUNTY COiUNmlL 25 ----- ~ .--- tion of :~oI00 ibet paid, and thie Warden to appoint delegates to .at- tend the Convention. 4. That a grant of $5iOOJQO !be made to the SalvllitilOn ~ for Bethesda H~tal. 5. That a grant of $1750.100 be: madie to tjhe Oanadian National J.nstttute fo!l' the Blind. 6. That a grant of $11,0001.\0101 be made to the 'DmverSlity 0[' Wletst- lern Ontario. 7. 'Th:a,t the l:following members cOO5titute the Bioard 01f the iE'1- giin Pi:oneeT Museum. - MTs. S.. R. Futcher,Mrs. J. sltanley- Iqle" Mrs. Jesse Van Platter,. iM'rsl. John ILindsa,Y" Mr. M.. 01. Moore', Deputy R<eeves CaveiI'1yand Tufford. 8. That the UiSual grant of r$50.IOO1 be made to t;he La,w iLibraxy. 9. That the membelI'Slhtp fee: in the MiUinioi.pal C[erks' and Fin- ance Officers' Association of $'101.001 be paid" and tlbie 100erk-Treasurer to attend the Convention withexlPenses p,aid. 110. That the usual gr,ant of $ilI50.QIO ealch, be made ita 'Qhe East Elgin Women's Institutel and West Elgin Women'sl Institute. 11. That Reeve L. SO' Q!uXr' and Ex Warden H. [,diddle be paJd :Ear attendance at hospital meetings during 1960. 112. That the reqUiest of the Ontario Assocliation of Rmral Mun- ictpalities for a membership fee, be fHed. 1,3. That the !Communication from M.ay<o!I' Barrie re Civil Defence !be filed. 14. That we end!Ol'Sle' :~e resolution from the City of Barne for the Prov""lllce of Ontallio to provide acclOmmooa,tion farparaphlegic, and quadraphlegie. 15. That Reeve Hux, Reeve Wight, ReefV'eEllliotlt, Warden Bur'- 26 ElLGIN COfUNTY COiUNmIL gess, and the Clerk be a Clommitttee to investigate fUTtiha- \POSSiibdJi- ties re the Wardsvillet Hospital. '1161. That tjhe !:equeslt foca grant from the iRie.tarded Children's tSchool be filed, .and "ill1:e mattE![' be l'ierfe1Ted to the locat 1I1IUnic:ipali- ;ties for a grant. ,1J7. That a grant of !$510101.0I0 be made to the Elgin P~oneer Mu- seum,and ,the OOUnlty Cbui11cil fellFesen.ta,tives on. the Boa,rd to in- vestigate1:jhe 'additional fa.cilltties required .and report to Oou::nty Council. 1.8. Thrat we l'i6commen:d a ,salary of$4J500 .for an inexperienced m.an as Jail Governor, and $5J21OiOI.IOIOI for an ~i.eI1lCed man. All of which is respectfully SUibmi'ttJed. LLOYD EUI.OTr, C!haiil"Inan PROP'EIRTY COMMITTEE January SesSion, 1961 To the Warden, and Members of the E[gin County OounciI. The Property Committee repoa:1;s as :f:oUows: 1. Tfhat the WM'den and Clevk bealuthOlrized to sign lease of Iformer Jailm-'s Residenee to the EIlgin-Sit. Thomas Health Uni,t for $1)500JOIO p& y:ear, for 5-year period 'Subijtect to renewal on agree- ment Off parties concerned. 2. That as County ClOUIliCil have nQi f3.lcd:1ities in 'the Clourt !House av:ailaJbl:e for City Magistrate's Comt, and looal ffiI1H1icipalities aTe ma;intain.ing their 0iWIli lock-up facilities,. we oannot see any object in (holding' a meeting with City Rejpll"esentatiV'esl. All of which is respectfully suibrndrbted. RfUSstELlL McK!IBBIN, Cihairman ELGIN OOUNTY COiUNcmL 27 ROAD COMMITTEE January Session, 1961 To the WaJ'den, and Members of the Elgin County Oouncil. Gentlemen: Your Road rCommittee begs to repart as follows: The following is a, SIUilIlITlary of thel Costs of ICbnstruction and Maintenance on County ofE[gin 'Roads during 19601: CONSTRUCTION ROADSi 1. Paving !Road 13, Dun.W'ich Townsmp........................................$ 45,91315:.411 2. Paving Road 14, DunwiJCh and Siouthwold TOIW'niSih.iPs.... 315,r406'.87 3,. Paving Road 45, Malahirde Tbwnship ..................................... 211,,13'7.08 4. Paving ,Road 314, Village of Belmont......................................... 4,793,.89 5. PalVing Road 15.3, T'OIWIl Off Ayllmer............................................ 9,041..59 6. Paving Road 2,4, Vil1ag1e of !Port st'anley................................ 3i,484.'o9 7. Paving' Aldiborouglli, Ol'lford Townline, AldbOlrougrh 'I1wp1. 6,2159.8~ 8. Gr~tding and Granular Base, Road 12f41, YarmOlUth ........... 421,007.94 9. Grading and Q!ranu1aa:- Basle, Road 316" YarmoUlth ........... 16,.7015.22 10. Grading and iGranrnar Base, Rioad41Ol, MiaJahide.............. 30,6116.93' 11. Grading and iGr,anular Base" Road 48" Sou'tjh DoochJester' 41,759.00 12. Grading and Granular Base, Road 15twoc, S. Dorlcihest~ 4,630115 m. Grading and Granu1aJ.' Base, Road '}'4, Southwold and Ducnwicih .............................................................................. 5~,53i4.3'1 14. Storm Drains, Road 3, Aldborough ........................................ 6,11517.,08 15. Surveys, Traffio Coonts and Miscellaneous IGmdJing OonstruCition ................................................................................ 1:6,. Surveys, Chatham Sweet, Port Burwell................................ 17. Grading, GTavelling, storm Draj,ns, Seeding" GlUide Rail, Road 318;, Baylham .......................................................... 30,593;.31 18. Land PUirohased (inc.liudi.ng Land Surveys and:Riegis- try Office ...................................................................................... 8,1911.23 19. New Machinery ................................................................................ 1.6,760.36 78~.35 006.56 TOTAL ROADS; - OOtj.'N'Vi"........................................$3177,8\I3..25 TOTAL ROADS - SUBIURBAN AR&.................... 3~,550.64 TOT AiL ROADS .. .......... ....... ............ ..... ....... ... ........... .,$41110,3163.89 28 ElLGIN COUNTY COUNCIIL CONSTRUCTION BRIDGES and OUL:VER.TS 1. Wardsville Bridge ... .................... .............. .......... ...... ......... ...... ..... .....$ 59j587.31 2. otter Creek ;Oulv:ert, Road 318, including fill over CIUlViert subsidized by D.H.O. at Bridge Rate .............................. 3. Surveys, Eden Bridgt€l ........................................................................ 4. IOOIllWe'te C:ulVlert. Road 24 .......................................................... 5. Concrete CUlvert, IRiood 40 ........................................................ 6. CUlvert Pipe, Road .214, Yarmouth ............................................ 7. CWviert Pipe, Road 3'61, yarmouth.............................................. 8. OuLvert Pipe. Road 40>, MaJajhide................................................ 9. CIUilvert !Pipe. Road 46" South DOIl"cl1iester............................... 10. Culvert Pipe, Road 1520IX, Sbuth Dorelhester.................... 1'1. Culvert Pipe, Road 1:4, :Sou,thwold and Dunwich................ 1:2. Culvert Pipe, Road 38" Bayihlam .............................................. 13. MliscellaneolUs ICluINert iPL'peOoniS'ti1tulcitlilcm . . . , . ... .. . ... . .. . .... ... . . 2,988.85 ~O.66 6,4014.30 3:,32:1..70 5,759.19 2j4l50.86 2,849!.1O 7.181,64 20.0. 94 1:0,9'715,.413 2,77.0.28 :5,5o.7t91 TOTAL - BIRIDGIEIS and OULiVIEIRTS - COIUtNTY $1109,2\2:8.19 TOTAL - BRIDGlES and 100000000TS - SIUBUR- URBAN AlRJE'A ............................................................... 106 01 TOTAL - BR,]DG!ES, and OUILiVEIRTS ............$1,o.9,33i4.20 ,TOT.AL OONSTlRiUCTION -Bridges and CUlVlerts and Roads - Cbuntyand Suburban Area ...........................,;$5119,698.09 MAIN'TIENANOE - ROADS 1.. Gravell Resurfacing ........ ..... ...... ............. .c.... .......... ................ ........... .$35,737.00 2. Repairs to Pa~ements ...................:................................................ 3.0,006..156 3. Surface Treatment .......... .......... ........ ..,..... .... ............. ........ ....... ....... 26,2104.26 4. Grading (il1IclJUd'ing Maintenance of Gravel Roads) .......... 16,614.12 5. Winter Control ..............................................................;.................. 17.860.84 6 Weeds and Brushing ...................................................................... 16,258.16 7. Dust Cootlrol ...............................;..........,......... ...... ............................. 13,043.35 8. D~ains ............. .......... ....... ..................... ................ ................................ 2:,636..69 . 9. (Signs ................ ............. ........ ........ ............................. ............ ................ 9.763..2~ 10. lG;uide Rails .......................................................................................... 903-83 11.. RefoTi6stratioin and SeedL.-,g ..................................................'....... 1:2. Railroad Protection ........................................................................ 1,3. Drainage Asses.sIlnents .................................................................... 14. Fencing ...................... .... .............. ................. ..... ............. ..'~.. ...... .......... 1 A<)"l "A .J.,""XLI~'..I"% 4,566.17 5,8~15.04 18.30 ~IN COUNTY COUNC!IiL 29 15. iRelbates. to Towns and Villages ........................,..................... 27,1766..75 SUB-TOTAL ......................................................,;.... ....... ......$2110,6119'.05 MlISClEoc..LANrn:OUS 1. SUiPerintendence .......... .................. ................ ............ ...;... ..... ...,..... ...$ 10,91514.116 2. Clerical.. ... ....~. ........... ...... .... .... ............ ...... ......... ..............;.;........... ..... ..... 2',33:9.00 a. Pension Fund .......................................................,.............................. 9141..47 4. Unemplo~ment Insurance COlIlIlHSlSlion .............;......................... 5~.66 5. IIolidays wi,th. pay .............................................................................. 3:,806.23. 6. Slclk Bffi1iefits ................................................................,......................... 1,734.34 OIFFIIOE 7. H. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Oiffiloe ........ ................ ........... .....,..............................;...... ...... .................. ,Garage ...................... .......... .................. .............. ......... ..;..; ....... .............. Rodney Garag1€1 ..... ....... ....... ........ ....... .......................;......; ....;............... Miscellmeous R,e!paJiI's .....................................:;....................;..... ...... Tools ,......... ............. ......... ........... ......... ....; ....... .... ..... ....... ...... ...... .... .....:;.; Insm3.nIC'e .. ... .. . .... ........ . ...................... ..... ................. . . ..... ......... ...... ,.... .... Mad1inery' . Overhead ...... ....:: ...;...... ..... ......:......... ..... ........;... .:... ....... 1.,683.00 5~~f7 .51 285.84 1.,5/74.66 4J22,~7 3:,,16~i.35 .2',7819.12 COUNTY IROADS - TOTAIL MAINTEN'ANO'EI ........$~,08~2.36 SUBURBAN ROADS- .TOTAL MAIN'I'1ENANCEI .... 30,4'7'4.00 TOTAL ROADS .....:.....................'........,....,.....$2:76,,55tL38 MAIN'I1ENANCiE - BRJjDGEiS AND COOVlEIRTS Miscellaneous Bridges ..............................................................................$ 5,987.87 Miscellaneous Cul~erts ....... ................................ ......... ..;............. ............ 2,,832;.,45 TOTAL BIRIIDGlEl8 & CIULIVIDtTS - COUNTY ................ TOT AiL BRIDGES & C[JDVERTS - SfUBl'CJ'RBiAN ARiEllA. 8,,3201.32' 1210$7 T<YI'AL BlRIDGES & OULV1ERTS ...........................$ 8,9:40.89 30 ELGlN OOUNTY COUNOIlL TOTAL MAINTENANCE - ICOiU:n.ty a.nd Suburoan ........~6!,497.27 TOT A[.S: CONsrrRUCTION ................... .................................... .$i5l19',698.o9 MAJIN'l1E!N'ANCIID .... ...................... ......... ........ .............. 21851,4917 2ll ,Sub-Total............................. ..... ...... ..............................,...... .$8015,196,.36 1:960 - STOOK BALANCE ............................................................. 7,861.86 SUlb- Total .................... ...... .. . . ...................................... ......... .1$18113:,Qi5/1 .22 1959 - [JESS. S':OOlCtK. BAUNOO ............................................ 14,589'.69 GRAND 'I'OT.All.. ... ....................................... ...... .......... ...... .$798',4617 .53 By-LQiWS in 119610 aIJP["opria,ted 1$8261,10001.\1010. It is anticipated that theve would be a defilclirt or! approximately !$27JOOO.OIO. This OCICIU['il'ed because ra BIy-[,aiW in JUne for $4JOJ,OOO.OOO was passed foil' Road Maintenance without any le1vy', and other mOll- lies were diverted from Bridges to RoadSJ, to cover increased 1Cbsts1 in ConstJriuCition and Maintenanc:e caused by' tihleE!IXtreme~y bad Slpring break-up. In addition" the Ifollo,win:g work was pm-rfornied and billed to . others:- Middleseoc County Siha,r;el of the WardsVi1le Bridge ................$ 1519',587.31 Road 39,. !being Del\relop:meIlit Road No. 5815, Chatham street, Port Burwell, Gria,ding, OranJUlar BMe, Guide' Rail, etc., paid 10101% Ib~ D.H.O. TotaUed ......................$ 5~,008.16 (In addition, materials Guide ,Rail) by D.H.O. CalciulI:n qhloride and Totalled ...........................$ 2:,4117.45 And Crushed Grave,l has been applied, and other work done, amounting to approximately ......................,$ 5,000.100 Work performed om IMiddleseoc, Oxford and Norfoilk Clounty Boundary Roads - (thelir share) ....................................$ 1'5,406.99 Work done for other MUIlttctipaJities and Individuals and Material Sold ................................... ...........................................$ 3!5,912,.77 rEUGiIN COUNTY COiUNCItL 31 AMOUNT OF COUNTY ROAD VOUCHERS FOB 1960 TOTALLIEID $9611,382.77 We have received notice from the Department ad: Highways that ,expenditures for 1001 must not €rKCeed :$20lOI,1000.001 fur Construction and $335.000.00 .for Maintenance. This is an inarease ad: '$50,000.001 for :Maintenance over last Y'00l". Supp1lementJary B(Y'-LaiWs lall'e available, as in the past years, for apprroved Construction Projects. Elgin OanstrUlCiti<m 100000any [funited ihas cmnpleted the piers and abutments of the Nietw Wardsville Bridge, and placlement of !Structural ;Siteel by 'the Canada Machin~ Comp~ Ldrnited is being awaited. The Ontario lMunilCtipal Board lh.as awarded Mr. and Mrs. c.. S. Reid the sum of$2:,877.iOO for Land and Damagles in their oLaim a.gainst the County Off iE[gin,. The land W'as used by the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commismon for the WeHiington Rood !Elxtensioo. WE RElCOMMJEN[) 'tlhat the Warden name delegates to the On-' tario Good Roads AslSiocia,tion and the ClaIliadian Good Roads Asooci- ation. WE RECOMMlEND tihat the Warden and Clerk be ,a..uthO!l'i2Jed to ,sign a Deed of CotITootion to WalJtell' Nelsotn ,for the propertlY he has: pul100ased from. the CIoun:ty Of ~gin in Lot 5, Conclesslion X;, Ba,y- :ham. In the original Deed t:l:1e description w:as. inwroc, and is coc- !rooted by the Deed of ICIoIl'rection. All af whiich is respectfully SiUbmi:tted. JOHN K. HUX, Chaia:man. 32 iElDGIN COUNTY COUNCItL EDUCATION COMmfiTTEE January Session, 1961 To theWa!'den, and Members of the Elgin County OOlUncil~ The Education Committee reports as follows: 1. That a grant of $501.010 erucih. be made to the Docal Jiifbirari.es 0If. 1jhe County. 2. That a g;rant orf $2001.010 be made to the Elgin County TrUlSltees and Ratepayers Association. .3,. That a scholarsihlip grant OO$\l!OO.:O1O ea;cih. be made tOl the bOlY ,and girl from iE[gin COlU[l,ty attending the Univ:ersity of Westlern On- tarioand attaining! the highest academic standing, 4. That a grant orf $:100IJOO be.paid to tpe bOlY fromElLgin County attending the Ri:dgetown Ag1ricultluraJ. .schoo[and ,attaJning the hi'gh:- est . pass standing. '5. Tha,t tihie membelrship (flee of '$14101.'001 in the Oounty and Muni- cipal .. Section of the Ontario Educattolllal. Associaitiion be 'paid, and the W:aJ.'den to appoint de[eg~a,tes. ,6. 'Iihat we aJpprOlve OIf the BUdget< .of thie ELgin County Library Co-Op~rativ:e, and a grant of 1$17,101010.010 be made. 7. Tha,t Mrs.. Della, Ludy, M!". Will:~arn McKilllOp,and Mrs. Mil- ton Craik be appointed to the Lilbrary Board for (1196~. 8. That the Elgin County 'Library Board prooeetd wi.th the con- stroction ofa CQlUnty L~brary iac:cording to the plans prepared b~ Mr. G. Duncan Black" at: an estilma,ted ICast of '$3101,000.0101. All of whitch is respectfully slU!bmillted. K. O. EMERSON, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIlL 33 EiQrUAL,IZATION COMMITTEiE: January Session, 1961 To the Warden, and Members OIf the E[gin Cou:ntly Clooncil. The Equalization COlmmi:tte!e reportis asl foa!ows: WHEiR&S due tOi the ,annexation Oif poction of the Township of Mial3ihide to the 'I1Oiwn of Aylmer, and the I.rlJoOlI'poT:ation olf the ViJ.t,. lage ,of BeImOO1t" iItJ is necessa~y itIo amend B~..[.aw (Nq.. 1171701 passed! /in the March Session 196\()1 of Oannty CbunlClil" and make. the foliO/w- ing: ad!jusltments of IE/quali21ed ASlSiessmen'Usl: 1. That the Elquali21ed AsSieB$nent of the Township of Malah:ide be !reduced :$901;185,.00. :2. That the Elqualized Assessment af t1he T,own of Aylmer be inooe'ased$i90.185',iOO. 3. That tjhe ,Equa.lii2led Assessment of the! Tbwnship Oif South DaDc!htester be reduced ;$~4!4,63iO.IOOi. 4. That the Equalizied AsSJessment Oif, the Village of Be'lmont be ,$44J4imO.OO. All of whJich is respectfully sruibmHlted. ,JAiMES' W. BAJRlKEIR, Chairman. PETITIONS AND LIEGISL,ATIONS COMMITTEE January Session, 196,1 To the WaiI'den, and Membersl of the E[gin C'Oiuntjy Oorunci1" The lPeUtions and !Legislations Clommittee reportsl a,s follows: 1. That the communication from na-. ,J. Bi. Oobrurn, M.O.H. of' the E!Lgin-Slt.! Thomas Health Unit l1e P]urnlbing Re,gUrlations be re- Iferred to uhe local municilpa.lit:ies fOT action. 34 EUQf.IN COUNTY COUNCIOCs 2. That tllre resolution from the County of Ontario re Collection of Federation of Agrioultlure levy, ibe i.f:i!led. 3,. That the resolution from the COiUtlitLv of Ontario Il"e election of High School Trustees be ,endorsed., 4. 'nlat the reso'lutions from :the County of WentwoiI'th fOir leg- islation to loom pel all lVemcles ,appiroachilIlg' a s$lool bus in either ~eCition to stop, be filed. i5. That the I'lesolut1on from the, ccmnty of Sim.coe, to amend the Petty Trespass Act to prevent hnnters trespalS!Sing on privatel PTop- erty and mcrease the lIl1aiXimrum penalty to $\50100, be endorsed. All of which is respectfully sulbmdtted. i('HA.lRUSI D. PH[]LiL!\PS. Chairman. AGRICULTU,RAL,COMMITTIEE January Session, 1961 To the Warden, and M,embers of the E~gin Count~ Council, The Agrilcru[tural iClo1m:mttee reports: as follOiWS1: 1. That we €OOp[OIre the poss:ibiliities of obtaining 1:lhle Dr. C!l'ane Iproperly in Lot 'One, Ffufth or Gore CbncessiOOi in 'Ghe township of iSouthwold as a diemoIllSltration w'oodJiot and park, to perpetua,te the memory of' Dr. crane., 12. That ,a g'lrantof$21,1801O~OiO be made to the local agriclUl:turaJ.\ of- ,fice for fann organi!mtionsand junlim- fanner!' and institute wor~,j during 119611. 3. That Warden BIUl"ge&Si, Reeve Nittnmo, Reeve Coote, be a Committee to allocate :the gr,ant. 4. That the commun.ilClation from the Ontario Agriculture Coun- cil re disibancling activitiJes:" !be filed. EUGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 35 /5. That we WWort tfle West EIlgin S)portsmen .A:ssoo.1ation in their request to have Ea.gin. COiUIlty ,closed: to hlUllteTst noo.-:resident of Ontario. All of whiich is respectfully. SUlbmitted. P. NIlMMO, Chairman. RiEiPORT OF SplECIAL COMMITTEE RE THE APIPOINTMENT OF A COUNTY ASSESSOR .January 5th, 1001 To the W'arden, and Membelfs of ;the Ell8!in Cbunty Clounctil, The SpeClial Clommitteei re the Appointment of a Coont!y Assessor reports as follOiWS: 1. Tha,t we rooomm..endl tbe appointment of~.Hecitpr MoLeIanI las County ..AssessOIf for tjhJe OouillIty of ~. ~, That the salary of the saiid COIlmty As~1l" sl1aJ.[ ibe the sum of 1$5,,500.001 per annum" payable monIthlY, . and an aJlowancel olf ,ten lOents permUe for the use of his car toa llindit.of tw~~vethoJUsan~ miles ayeaJ:", and dulties to oommenceFebruar.y !lst,,'t96fl. All of . wb.ich is respectfully Sl.tbnl.Jit.ted. JOHN K. HVX:, Chailrman. 36 m.JGIN COUNTY COUNCllL .January Session, 1001 ELGIN COUNTY LIBRARY CO-OiPEIRAT:IIVE RiElP'ORT Financial Statement, 1960 Receipts Balanoe, December 310, 11959 ................................$ Elgin County Grant .............................................. P'roviIlCira,1 Gr:ant ...... ...... .................... .............. ,...... ..... LiJb~ary Fees .. .... ........... ....... ............ .... ... ...... .... ... .... .... School Fees .... ........ ........... ............... ...... .............. ........ Fines, etc. ................ .......... ...................... ...................... Book:storp FeelS . .........;........ ....................... ....... ............... Mi.l.~ellanelQlus .... .............. .............. .................. ............ Disbursements Books ............................................................ on ...............$ Pieriodiioals and nerwspapeJ:'s .................................. Furnttur:e, etc.. .... ............................ ............................ Repairs- and maintenance .................................... InsuraIliCe (bookmobile) .......................................... Lilbrary S1Uppliie!s ............ ................ ..................... .... ...... Sa1ariesan:d wages .................................................... . Ld.braII'Y AssociLa,tilcm Fees ........................................ BooklmobiIe expenses ................................................ ':DeLeplImne and telegraph ........................................ Mending sU)ppUe,s ........................................................ Unemployment ~:anCle ...................................... TraViel~ ........................... ........................................... Pension ....................... ............... ........ ............ ................ Miscellaneous ............. ..... ................... ... ....... ....... ........ Transfer to special account ............. .................... Balanoe, December 301, 19601 .................. 395'.3'8 7,000.00 8,17:7:91.001 478:.501 1,.8\111..915, 1(1.35 .83.00 217'.63 $ 1'.8:,586.811 4,049.97 71.6:6i 72:.95 4.50 1401.40 31115'.714 5,475,.59 1J1.30 57i8;.86, 88.40 618.012' 35.618 5,4()I.815 li3\2i.79 87.8\1 6,0100.00 9i1.2:.219 $ 18,586.811 iE\UQiIN COUNTY COiUNCI1L Estimated Budget, 196:1 37 Receipts Balanice 19610 ........................................0'........................$ County G;rant ............................................................... Provincial Grant (estimated) ............................... LilbEary Flees ................................................................ SicJl1oo1 Peles ...... ......... ...... ................... ............ .............. Bookstops .............................. .............. ...... ............ ........ Misc:ellaneous ..................... .... ..... ......... ..... .... ..... ......... E~penditures Boo~ ..............................................................................$ II:liSIill"ance (Bookmobi1el) ........................................ Library SUlpiplies .............. ................. ........... ...... ..,'..... 'O.L.A. andO.LI.A. .................................................... Boo/mobile Jili{ipenseSI ............. ...;.............................. ~:n~~ s~;ii~...::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::':::::::::::::: . Board - meetings ................ ........,.................................. Pension ........................................................ .................. UnemploymenIt Insurancre ...:.................................. Book/binding ................ .......... ......... ...... ....... ...... ..........._ Periodicals, etc. .......... ..... ................ ..... ..... .........,........ Officle equipment .......... ....................._............ .......... Salairies ........................ ..... ............... .............................. Estimated Balance December, '61 8817'.219 7,0001.010 10,00101.010 31001.001 1,500.010 60:.00 201.0101 $. 19,718171.219 51,01001.001 2510.001 ~OO.OO 10.0\01 4501.001 1001.0/01 715,.00 61001.00 150.010 501.010 20101.10/0 501.001 1.,0001.001 7,.510101.010 4,;115~1.219 $ 191,71817.29 38 \:En::lG:tN coiUNTY CdUNCIIL FINANCIALSTArrEMfEINT ELiGIN AGRICIlH..TURAL COMMITTEIE .January 12th, 1900 to January 13th; 19G1 Receipts BaIal1C:e foow'a.rd, 1960 ................................................$ county Of E[gilfi, 1900 IGrant .................................. Total Reced.pt8 Expenses Breed Shows- HOllstein BIalek and Whitie show ............................$ Jersey Parisih Show, Aylmer ............................,....... Ayrshire Show, AylInell" .....................................,........ Beef Ca,ttle Show, WaJ1aootown .....................,...... Beef ICattle Shlow, Rodney........"............................. iElgin Beef prodUIC'ers' Associa;tion ........................ Elgin Hm"se Breeders' Associatioo ............,........... Field Crop & Plowmen's OrganiZation&- Elgin Soil & Crop Im.praveinent AssOCiation ..$ Elgin Plowmen's Association .................................... Elgin Fruit GroWlers' Association .......................... Elgin Seed Fair ............................................................ lE1tih Agrieu[tm'al BOOlklet ........................................ .JUNIOR PROJECTS (a) Junior Farmers Elgin County Junior Farmers' Association ......:$ Elgin County Junior Institute ................................ 246.63 2,500.00 $, 2,746.63 1010.00 100'100 61J.i10 11001.00 715.00 501.001 50..001 '$ 5361.50 2001.00 21001.00 50.00 21010.00 250.00 $ 9oo.0Q 2l2i5'.OO 1150,,00 $ 3'75.00 ELG!N COUNTY COuNCllL 39 (b )4-H Olub Work {II ClUbs) Shedden Dairy Calf Club - 211 ............................$ East iElIgin Dairy Oalf Olub- 215, ........................ Belmont Dairy C'aU Club - 29 ............................ ICorin:Uh Dairy and Boot OaJ.[ Club -- '114 ........ AldibOlI"ough Beef Calf Club - 7 .......................... Shedden Beef Calf Cliub - 8i ................................ WallaICletown Beef Cali Club - 10 ...................... Aldlbmough Cbrn. Olub - III ................................ Duniwich Corn Cllrub - 101 ........................................ Stralffordville 1Lion's Tcvac,tor C1.ub - 7 ............ West Elgin Engineering C'lulb - 1101 .................... (c) Ttanspottatio'Jl- 4-Hlnter-CI1ib ShowS Belmont .and ShedCten JClalves 00 Aylmer Fair $ Shedden and Rodney Calves to Wia1iaoo1mvn (d) 4-HClub Leaders' Association ............................... (,e) Inter-Club CompetitilOns, c..A.C.I, Guelph - 8 ,teams ...... ....... ........,.. ... ..... ................. ........ ...... .... ........ ([) Royal Winter' Fair - IJr. Fr. Jludging Team (g) GirlS' 4-H Club Work '4-H IOliuib COOi!. DeLegateS,.O.A.a., 'J5g & '60 ..$ Rentals - Halls, Acih. Days, T:mm, SIclhbols.. 18 County iHolllJOr Pins ................................................ crDlgIin OOUIlity 4-H Stdickers ...................................... Bank Service Ct1l8J'ge .................................................. TorrAL rElXIP!ElNSES ............................ Bank Ba.lance, January 112, 11961 ....................$ Less OIS Cheques ............................;..................... 311J50 3'7,00 43'.50 211.00 10.501 121.00 liS.OO 161.501 150.00 10.501 1151.001 $ 228. 00 9~tOO 14.00 $ 11121.00 $ 100.00 $ 96.00 '$ 99.00 00.00 911.00 49.95' 111.:1.0 1$, $ 21~.06 3.00 $ 2',66;1.55 1art .98 [021.90 .cl! o:l;:.no 0/ V"U'.\UV $ 2,746,,63 40 ElUGIN COUNTY COiUNCIiL Audtted and found correct, ,January 16\th, 1191611. biY James: 1GaJ.- \braith, 614 East st., st. Thomas. ApprOlV'ed by Elgin AgriClUltUTIa,1 Cbmmit'tee, January li7ithj, 19611. ,J. B. Wilson Harvey Liddle F. J. Nimmo A. V. Langton ELGIN COUNTY .PIONEiER MiUSlEfUM FINANCIAL, ST~TE~NTS FOR THE. YEAR ENDiED DiE,OEMBERI 3'lst'i 1960 Capital and Loan Fund Balance Sheet .As at December 311st, 1960 Assets Generall Fixed Land ........................ ........ ...... ...... ...... .......... ............... ........$ 1;,\010\01.00 Buiildingsi . ....... .... ........ ..... ............. ......................... ...... ..... 1121,490.801 Furnitu~e, fixtures and equilpment ........................ 21,0\3:7.22 $ 15,512:a.02 $ 15,5218.02 ,Liabilities Investment in CapUal Asse,ts BaLanlce, Januall'Y 1 and Deoember 311, 19160 .... $ 1:5,15!2'8.02 $ 15,1528.02 R,evenue Fund Balance Sheet As at December 31st, 1960 Assets Cash on hand and in bank .................................... $ 1,961.18 $ 1,9'61.18 EDGIN COUNTY COUNC11L Liabilities 41 Surplus Balanc:e, January 1st, 119601 .......................................$ 1,800.5~ Add SUirpilius for 'G]:1e year ................................................... Balance, December 3i1, ,119160 .................................... 98.66 $ 1,001.18 Ended December 3.1, 1960 statement of Revenue and E:x:penditure for the Year .Revenue Grants - County of EIlgin ......................................$, -!Province of Ontario .............................. - Clity of 1St. Thomas ................................. - Plowman's Associl3Jtion .......................... Donations ........... ....... ............. ....... ........... ....... ........... ........ Interest on lbank deposits ........................................ AdiInissions ....................... ........ ........... .................. ..... .........$ MemberShips ........................................................ ............ Books, cards, hasti notes, tetel. ................................. Jams, rugs, etc. ............................................................ Tea room, fOQd sales, etc. ........................................ EJiCpenditure Mercl1andise purchases ..... ...... ................. ..................$ Salar~es and wages ...................................................... Taxes - municipal ....................................................... Insurance ........ ...................... ......... ......... ........................ ... Repairs and maintenance ............................................ Light, heat and Pow!€[" ....................,........................... Telephone and telegraph .... ................................... 10.201 1;,3113.5\5, '718.13 148.29 1611.63 444.201 515.901 500.00 900.00 251.00 100.00 $ $ $ 5C312.55, 10.00 115!~3i.35 50.35, iIl16.00 <$ $ 1,9611.18 1))251.00 18.6'7 25.29 927.33 '$ 2,400.29 ~ tmDGIN COUNTY COruNCIlL Postage an.d ,exchange .................................................. ~ prizes; ........ ...................... .............. ........................ RetpJreSel1tative to <Canadian. Museum ................... Sundry ....................................... ........ ............... .................. 22.81 30.00 150.00 82.92 .$ 2<,39'1.63 Sunplus for tile yeaiI' .... ............ .............................. ............ $ 98.66 ~'1~4aet14 BY-L,AW NO. 1778 "To Amend B~-Law No. 1770~' WBlEIREiAS tlhrel Police' Vil:lage of BelmOlIllt lhIas been railSed to an Incorporated Village and separated frlam the Township of South Dorchester, AND WHlFJRlEIAS thel TolWTI. of AytImer has annexed a pOll"tion of the township of Mialahide,. it is nooessary tJo adljust the equali~di .'assessment of :tihe selVeral mUIIliilc1ipaJittes as set . at tlhe Marcih Sessdon of Oounty CIoUIllCil" 19610. ~lR thel Council of !.the Corporation of the ,Oormty of Elgin enacts: (1) 'D.HAT the equalized assessment of the township of Mala- hide shan be $5~150,405,.OO 111;1:6161. per cent, (2) THAT the equall2led assessment of tine townSjhip of South; Dorchester shalL be $11,81521,7100,.00, 4JOIl616 per oent, (3) That the equalized assessment of the town of Aylmer shall be $15,31011,373100, 1i1.40012! perr cent, (4) That the equaUzed aSiSessrn:ent of the village of Belmont Shall be $~16~iO.OO, .l9i614.o per cent, ElLGJIN COUNTY COUNCIIL 43 THAT Bw:-La.w No.. :1171710 be, and is jhereb~ a.m!en:ded accocddngIy., RffilAD a first timet this 19rth ~ otf January, 119611,. iRJEAD a seoond time this 19th day of January" J.9611. RlEAD a third tiane,ood finaJ.J.ypasseg. this il9rth gay af J~ua,;ry, 1961. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. DONAIJ) BURGESS, WaIl'den. MUNICILPAL,ITY OF E:LGIN BY-LAW NO. 1779 WHERiEAS the Council ofth.el COll'lpiO:ration deemSI it necessary to) bOll'row tne sum of Eligp..t Hundred Thousand dollars to meet!, !until the taxes are collected, the cUl'iI'ent e~mnditures of the COIJ:tr)oration (f:or the year; AND WHEREAS thel total amoUIllt of tihe estimated rev;enues of the OOil'pOI'a,tion as set foll'th iIn tihe esrtimaltes adiopted for the year: >119(U, not including! lI'IeveIliUJeS dierirv'a.ble or derived flrJom the:sale of assets, borrowings or issuaIlJCie of dJelbenJtrures or from a sUlrplus, in-- ,eluding arrears of taxes, is One Mill1ioo" Two H1u:ndjred and :Etl.gJh,ty- 'IlbJree Thousand, fi:~e hundred and si~-Siix dollaTS. AND WHIERiE:AS the total amount heil"etofo:re authorized to be bOl'll"owled this year i.for the purposes mentioned in subsection ('1.) of S,ection 341 of The MunicipaL Aict is lElLgihlt Hundrr'ed Thousand drol- lars, of whiqh the Coopioration has a!rready !borrowed a total 01' (nil) dollars. THlERJEI:F1QRJE 1Jh/e Oouncil of The C!or!pora:tion of the County of Elgin, hereb~ enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurelr are her,eby authorized on behalf of the OOll'poration to borrow from time tio time, by way of prr'om1s- 44 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIIL '0(1)7' note,. :mom the Bank of Mon:weal, a sum OT' sums not eacoeeding in -qhe aggregate Eight Hundll'ed Thousand doILam to meet, until the taxes are oo11eoted, tlhJe omrrent expenditures of the CO!J.1}Orntion for the year, including the amoWlits relqlUiTed foil" the purposes mentioned !in subsection (.1.) of the said Sectioo. 31411., and to give. on behalf ot ithe ,OOIPoration, to the Bank a promissory note or nOltesl, sealed with the corpora,te seal ,and signed iby them 1100.- -qhe moneys so borrowed 'wiIth initerest at a, rate not exceeding 51%, per centlum per annuml. W!h~ch may be paid in .adiv'anoe or other'W!ise. 12. All SUiIllS bo['i!'io~ed from the said Bank, fOil' any or all of the purposesm:enmoned in the said SecltiOlIll 3!411., shall, .with interest th{'.jroon, be a qharg:e upon the whocrle of bhe revenues lof the CIo~or-t ation fOT' the cu.rr:ent year and for aU pll"ecedilllig years:" asl and wlhlea:l !Such re~elI]uesall':e r:ec:ei v:ed. i3. The 'TIreasurer is hea:"elblV authorized and diJrected to .applly in. Ipayment of all SUJrnS borrowed pursuant to the iarurtholl"it,y of this By; law, as weUas all OithelI' sums !borrowed in this year and any We- vilous: years, fl1'om tihe said Bank fOil" .row Q[" ,aE, of the pmposes men- tioned in tihe said Section 31411, to~ethetr with interest therem:li. aIL of the moneys hooeafter collected or 1'IOOelivedJ Oill account OIl" Il'iealized in (respect of .the taxes levied for the OOl'll'ltmt ytelar ,and pll'leeed.1!ng Y1€arsi ,and aU of the moneys colloolled or recleive:d ,from ,aiIJ\Y other siOUJl'I(}e'. which ma,y lawfully be .applied for sucih pi\1ItloSlel, Passed this 19th day ,of Janruaa-y, )1191611.. t ., r CORJPORA'T1E SEAL DON.AJLD BrtJ'lRGtmSS (The Head of tIhie Corporaton.) Warden,. County QlfE'lgin. J, D. THOMSON Clell'k. I hereby certify tha,t the foregoing is a true ,copy of By-law No. 17i719 of Trlie C1orpoiilaxttl.on of {the COfu.nty of Eagin in the PirO\"...ncei of Ontario, duly paslSled at a, meeting {)If tjhe Ooun.cil 0If lthe said Cbr- IpOII'ation duly held, and that the said By-law is in full focce and. effect. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIlL 45 Dated thlis 25th day of Jianuary, 11916\1. As wiltn.ess ,tlhe Seal of the OO!l'lPoraition.. CORPORATE SEtAL IJ. D. T!HOMSON, Ga.erk. EXTRACTS FROM THE! MUNICIPAL ACT Ri.S.O. 1950 (11) A council may by bY-law eithelr before or alter the passtingi of the by-lam fur imposing the ratesl for tbe ClUlrJ:'ent yiear au1tlCll1iiZe! the head iand treasurer to iborlrow flrom :t'ime to /time by :waW 0If proml-; ;issory note SlUch SUimS as the ,council! may deem IlieIc1essary to moot. ,until 1fuIe ~es ar'ecollJooted!, the current ~endlilbuxes of the COIl'POIl'-! ~a;tion for the year, including the amorunts x:equ:ired for Slinking ifund. ;principal and intell'est falling; due wiijUn the yewr upon any delbit oil:" (the cOr!POmtion, school PfUll1JOISieS!, special rates PUl'poses,and for any bDard!, commission, or body' and othelr poopooes foc whicih tJhe COO'pOIr- ation is requillr'ed by law to ptrolV'1ide, (2) The amount whiclh! ma,y be !borrowed in aI1yi year for the purposes mentiooed in subsecltion 1. shall not, .except with tihe ap- ~val of the Municipal Board, eoooeed seV'enty 'Plea:' Cle[}jtum of \the total amount of the estimated revenues oil:' the clO~olra!tion as set forlth in theesrtimates adopted fOIr the year. (3) Until siudh; estim,atesl are adopted, the limitation upon bOIr- il'OWing prescll"ibed by subiSlection 2,.Slhall tempOIrrurlly 'be calc!Ula,ted iU!pon the estimaiOOd rleveIliUleS of the CI<Xl'po~a;tion as set forth in the ,estimates adopted fOIr the next [pl"eceding year. (4)FoIr the pur"poses orr slulbsecrtions 21 and 31, estilmated I'f8'VenueSl shall not include revenues dedv3Jb~e O!l" c1:erilVed from the sale of as- sets, bOu:r'owmgs, 0Ir iSlsUles oil:' debenitures: air ,from a srurpLus: includling, a,rrears of taxes and proceieds from the sale 0[ assetsl, 46, EIDGIN COUNTY COUNCIlL BY-LAW NO. 1780 "A By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 1822, of the Township of Dunwich, Being a By-iLa.w to Authorize the Closing and Selling of Part of Concession Tbiree, in the Township of Dunwich." WHlElRIEAS the OolI.u1icdl of the 'IIownship of Dunwich on 1fuJe 2nd day of September, 19100, A.D." did pass By-Law No. !100121 to autholl'ize the closing and sellinig off part of Coocession Thiree in the Townsihip of Dunwich, more particularly diescrilbed in the said B~-lLaW', true copies hell'oof are lnerennto annexed. AND WHEIRlElAS purs'Uantto the profV'isIions of the Mundclpal Act, the sam Toiwnship By-Law shall not have any ifolrOO until con- -filmed by-a By-OCJaw of the ClOIUl1Cdl of! 1:jl:re COtUllity in which tJbe :townshilp is SI1tuJ3Jte, passed at an orddnary meeting of the Council beld not sooner .than three months, nor later than <me! ytear, after 'tine passing of the By-La,w of the OOUiIllClil of f1he Township. AND WH!EiREAS application has been made to the Council of the Corporation of the iCbunty of :EQgin for a Bty'-[Law oonfiTming the said township by-law. NOW '!'HEmJEF0RIE the CounClil of the COII'IpOIratiion OIf tjhe Oounty of EI1gin enrucrts as follows: THAT By-Law No. 18212l, of' the Town.ship of DunJwicIh, being a By-Law to authoritze the oliosiing andSleillinig of parl of iCloncession Three in the TOfW1I1Ship of Duniwich., be, and the same is hereby con- firmed. RiE.AD a first time this !119th day of January, 1:9611,. RJEAD a second time this li9th day of January" 11961.. RIEAD a third time, and finally, passed this 119th daJY of Januail'Y.. 1961. J. D. THOMSON, Clell'k. DONALD BURGESS, Wa.rden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCItL 47 BY-LAW NO. 1781 "A By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 1422, of the Township of Bayham, Being a By-Law to Cl9Se Centre Street South of Otter Street According to Registered Plan No. 2015 for the Village of Straffordville, in the Township of Bayham..." WHlEREAS the COIUI1cil 0[ the Township of Bayham on :fJhle 6th day of September, 1'960, A.D., did !pass, Byt-1LaJw NOI. 1141212: to close Oentre street south of Ottm' street 3Jcc:ording to Registered Plan No. .205 if:or the Village of Stl'affordrv111e, in the TownsihLp of Bayhami, :more parlicularl:y described in the said By-iLaw, trueoopioo hea-oof are hJeTeunto am1Je!X:ed. AND WHlElRlEIAS pursuant to the provision:sl of the Mlunicipal Act, the said Township By-La.w shall not have any force until confirmed by a By-Law of Uhe Oouncil of the Clounily in whioh tlhe townshdp,is situate, passed 'at an ordinary meeting of the Cbunoil held not sooner than thrree months, nor later than one year, aftler :th\e pass- ing of the By-lLaw of the -dounedl of the 'I'bwnsh.ip. ANID WHlEIRIEiAS appliioation ;has been made to' the CoUincU of the CQlI'lporntiion of ~e Oounty of ELgin f10r a B~'-Law confirming the said township by-law. NOW ~ORlE the Oouncil of the iOorpomtion of the Coonty of Elgin enacts: as follows: THAT Byt-Law NOI. 14OO!. of the Township .of BaYham. being a by-law to clooe Oentro street sOUJth of ottell' Sibreet aCiC\Ording to Registered Plan NOI.I 210151 for 1:jhe ViiBjag1e of Straffordville, in the, Township of Ba,yham, be, and the same is hereby C011Ifirmed. READ a first time this 19th da,y otf January, 119611. READ a second time this 1J9th day of ,Ji3JlJuary. 1001. RJEAD a third time, and finJally passed this l'9th day of JanuRil'Y, l.96i. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. DONALD BURGESS, WaIl'den. 48 E'1.LGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BY-LAW NO. 1782 ''To Appoint a County Assessor for Eilgin County'" WHERmU\S Section 93i,Oh::upter 23:, Ri's.O. 119160 provides for Ap- pointment ofa CIOiunJty Assessor, ~ the Council. of the OOOporation 0[ the Oounty oi.f Elgin en:acrts: ~l) That Hector McILean of the Town 0If Tillsonlburg, be, and is hiereby appointed County Assessor fur tjhe Coontty' o!f EIlgin, (2) That the salary of the said Clounty A.sisesSlO!f shall be the sum of $5~500.:00 Pier annum, pa,yable mon,thil,Y" land ,anallowanoo of ten cents per mile for the USie of ms car to a limiit 0If twelve tthou- sand aniles, per yeail.'. (3) 'Iihat a sui,truble offioe in the Countty' Btuilding with neees- ooxy .:fiuJr'ntturre and equipment shall be provided flor his use, .and that necessary clerical. asmstanoo lShaJ:l be provided by the ICIolllllty. (4) That the tell'lm of office of the said Connty Assessor shall oommencle the 1st day of Febroaxy, 119611. ('5) This By-Law shall come into !force sUbjret to the ApprOiVal of the Department of MJunicli\pal .Mfail"s. (16) 'l1ha,t By-lLaw NQ. '1'7011 be repeaLed. RElAD a first time this 19rth dalY Off JaIliUiary, 11001,. RlEAD a seoond time this 119ith day 0[ January" 196i1. RtEAD a third time, and finally I pa.ssed this 119rth day 0[' Januaa:y J 1961. .T n '1"lR'n~{,)N -. -. -----..-.-.-.., Clerk. DONP<.LD BiLTRGESS, WaIl'den. EU.OIN COUNTY OOUNCIlL 49 BY -LAW NO. 1783 "To Increase The Sa.lary of Ivan J. Patterson, and to Amend By-Law No. 1729." THEIR.ElFORE the COuncil of the C~tion of the County of. Elgin enacts: (1) That the salary of Ivan. J. !Patterson, SUperintendent Of! Elgin Manor shall be $21,600,00 per annum, payaible monthly. (2) That Clause l2 of By..[.,aw No. 1729, be, and is hereby amend- ed accordingly. (3) That 1this BY-Lam shall talm effect January 1st, 1001. READ a first time this 19th day of January, lOOL lRJmAD a second time this 1i9th day of January. 19611~ mAD a third time, and finally passed this 19th day of JaIlluury,.. L961. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. DONALD BURGESS, Warden. BY-LAW NO. 1784 "'To Appoint a Board of Audit in the County of EJgin for the ..year, 19611' The ~ County Counclil enacts: THAT thie Judge of the County Court, and the Treasur:er, and Mr. Angus Hughes, be, and are hereby apPOlintedi members of the Board oj Audit to pel'Iform the duties requiJred of them by ijle Re... vised ~tmtes 00 Ontario. 50 lElUGIN COUNTY OO'UNCllL ':DRAT the members of the said Board of Audiit be paid the sum !Of Nine Dolilars per day, f()[" theiir sertV!i:aeSi, and twenty cents per mile going to each Audit. RlEAD a first time this 19th day of January, 119611,. fRJEAD a second time this 19th day of January. ill9l6\l:. ~ a third time, and fimJIy' passed this 1J9th d~y of Januaa"Y',j 1961. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. DONALD BURGESS, Warden. BY-LAW NO. 1785 "To Appoint a County Road Oommittee." As required ~ the Higbwa,y Aet. the IE/lgjn County Oouncil enacts : THAT the follotwing five members Off' this COuncil constitute a Co:m.m:iJttee for 'Qhe purpose of directing the work to be done on the County Road Sty'stem: J. B. Wilson - for Term of Onie Year John Huoc - ;.for ":Venn of Two Years D. M. Chute - f()[" Term of Three Years F. J. Nimmo --:... for 'I1erm of Four Years B. fEI, DoWney - for Term of Five Years THAT By-Law No. 117518. be, and is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 19th ~ of. January, 119611\. RIEAD a second time this With day of JiaIl1llal"Y" ~1001. !RlEAD a third time, andfilllally 'pw:;sed thisll9th day of Janllai'Y.. 1J961. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. IJONAID BURGESS, Warden. a.GIN CQiU1NIl:W COUNCIIL 511 SECOND SESSION - FmST DAY Tuesday, the 21st day of March, 1961 The Elgin) County CIounJcil met this day at the 0Yurt House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adijoornmelllt. The Warden in the ~. All members were present except RieeIV'e Emerson. Thle warden addressed the Clouncll. The minutes of the laSt d~ of the JlanUla1rY Slesslio!l1 WIell"e read and apprOlVed. The ifoI:lowing communications were read and refell'Ted to 'tiheir various Committees: COMMUNICATIONS March Session, 196,1 From the UniversitQ Off Western Ontario re C!rane ;P1l"Ope:rty for Demonstration WoodlOlt and iPa.rk. - Referred tJothe Finance Coon- mittee. From Staffocd and Frunjoy re Lease of FoIl'mer GOVerIliOll"'S resd- denoo to the Health Urnt1 - Referred t.o the Financle COimtmittee. From the 'united Counties of North\Ulmberland and DiUIrham re. :Suburban Roads. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the iOounty of Yffi'!k re ~ Is&te Qf Diebent'li.res for High School CO!llStrUICltion:. - Referred to the F'iJnaince Committee. From the Town of Whitby :re Representation on Cbunty CO'lUl- iCiIs aooocd:i.ng to population. - Referred to the Petitions and Legis- lations Cbn:1m1ttee. 612 ELGIN COUNTY COUNC[L Fb:"om the Dept., of A.gricultwe re the Oontrol of Ba.rIberry and BucktbJorn. - lIOOferred to the AgriCiU!ltUiral COmmittee. From the COunty of Hastings re Wolf Bounties. - Referred. to the .Aguicultur.a1 IC'ommi'ttee. From 1;jhe Undted Counties of stormont. Dundas and G[lengarry, re Reforestra.tion of sUJb-IIJ.arginal l.andS. - Referred to the Agricul- tuJral Oommittoo. From the oO'UlIlity of Car~eton re IC!<mtrol of Speed Ldmits ~ built-up areas. - ~feI'l'ied to the Pett11ions and Legislations Ciom- mittee~ From the Canadian Na,tional Institute for the' Blind with apwe- ciation of grant. - Filled. From tlhe Elgin School Trustees' and RJ8itepayers' Association with appreciation of grant. - Filed. From too County of Peter borough re Reduction in the number. ,of Sltatisrtical Reports. .r,equired by 1:jhe Domdnion and iP'rovinlCllaJ. Governments. - Referred to .the PetitJiOltlS and ILegiSliatJons Com- mittee. From the Cbunty of We1land reqlUeSting Amendiment to the Municipal Act to have a. vote taken !before annexation hearings .are held. - Referred :110 the lPetitjmls and ~tJons Oommittee. From the Western On~ario AgriJcru1tJurral Scihool with appreciatJon of grant. - Filed. From the Un:iversity of Western Ontario witb appll'eciation of grant and sqholarships. - Filled. From the Oounty of Middl:esoo: re Daylight Saving Time. -Re- ,ferred to the Petitions and ILegislations CommLttee. From the County of OntariO' re Amendmenlt to the Coosiervati:on Act to permit assessment and taxation on r'eSlidential and commer- cial buildings in COIl:S&lV'ation ail'eaSl~ - !Referred to the Petitions and 'Legislations Cbmmittee. &GIN COUtNT\Y COUNCIlL 53 From the James A. BreattLe Foundation re WardSville Hoopital. -.Rerferred to the Filnance 100000tJtee. From the County of We1land Witlhi resolution ire Exemption of the 3:% P!r0vincdaJ. SaJies Tax. - ~evredi to tjhe Petiitions and Leg- islations Committee. BEPL,IES FROM OTHEIR COiUNTlEiS TO ELGIN COUNTY BE'SOLUTIONS March SesSlion, 1961 ReoolutLon re Opportunities of Education for Retarded Chi'lidren ACIKN'OWLElDGED - Hon. ~e8l1ie M" Frost; Holll.. John P. Ro- barts. ENDOlRSImD - Kent" Simcoe, Wentworth., Lincoln, Ontario.. CONOURfRlEJD IN - Hald.itrnand, ESs~, MiJddJ:esex. Halton County AcknlOlwledges resol'ution and recommends an amendment. Resolution re EilJection of iHigh School Boaa.-ds NOT OONCIURiR[E[) IN - Renfrerw, HUIl"on. ENDORSED - Simcoe, Brant. NO AarION - Provisional Oounty of Haliburton, ViIOtoria, Wellington. AiFPROVIEID - Bruce. FIJLE[) - Grey. LAID OVER TO APRiIIL SESSION - United COunties of stor- mont, Dundas and Glengarry. 64 ELGIN C()'UINWY COUNOIL Resolution re Assessment CON~ EN - Essex. NO ACTION - Provisional COWlty of Halilburton, Victoo:ia., Wellington. F'.ILED - United Counties of Stomloo.t, Dundas, and Glengarry. ENDORJSED - GJ.1ey, Brant. NOT iIDNDQRSEID --Bruce. NOT CONOURREID IN - Hiuron. ROAD COMMITTEE March Session, 19611 To the Warden. and MemJbers Off the EI1gin Oounty Council, YOUR :ROAD COMlM.ITTElE begs to report as follows:- (;1) ,SlTtElEtL erection by the Canada Machinery Oompany Lilrn.tted at WardsiVille Bridge is progressing. (2) THE Cbunty Road Committee has begun a study of the County lRioad System as a whole with! the vi,ew to improving the ~stem tobe1tter meet the needs of tibia County. The recommenda- t.tons of the Deparllrnent of Highways respecting Desiir;abte Cbunty lRoad System win be c~ fo11orw€d. (3) AN appeal by Mr. and Mirs. C. S. !RIeid againslt the award of the Ontario Municipal BOax'd for the :Land and damages used for the Welli.ngton Road extension. :is pending. WE RECOMJ.v.I.END:- (1) THAT the estimates of the Sit. Th\On1aS SUburban Road ELGJiN 001JOW.DY COUNC]L 55 Oonlmissiion amounting to $:7)2i,OOOJQO !be approved. <X this. amoun-q $36,1200.00 is appropriated f'Oll' Ma.i.ntenanc'e and $3I6JOOO.oo [:or Con- struCition on the Wellington Road. (2) THAT 11he County Cbuncdi1 u.rge the Clty of st. Thomas to increase their conJttibutions to the st. Thomas Submban Road 'Oom.- mission over the one-half millI in 19612 \SID thlat the Wffi:JJing1Jon Road may be recomtructed in '11962'. (3) THAT a By-La.w be passed; (:1) relVerting a portion of the Captain Shore Road no longer used as: a County Road to the Town- ships of YarmOiUth and Sou1:jhJwold So, that th€iy' may ICIlosie it a;t some f,uture time, (:2,) rwerting aichIDOll'ld street in the VilLage 'Of RilClhtm.ond to the 'Downship of BiaiYham, (This Road is no 1011glell" us- ed asa County Road as the Richmond Hill. has been cOmp~etjed.) and (3) to assume a p'Ortion of the 'ThJ.bot /Road IE1ast in the ToWll8hipr 'Of Bayham at the Vi1~age of Richmond. (Thils Road has been CQn- strUiCted by the County and is in use.) (4) THAT a Biy'-Law ibie passed restricting thle 'Weight 0Lf ve- hiJCles passing ovelI' certain Bridgl€ls iln the County S'y'SItem. (1214 Bridges in all of which 4 now jhave a limit placed on them by by-!lja;w)" (5) THAT a B~-la,w be Plassed: to re~te the location of build- ings and SItrncltiures on landsadij'acient to Connty RIoads. This ~_ law WOiUlid not aplPcrw to Coonty RoadSl in an Inoorpora,ted Town Oa' Village as it is felt that these Mundicipa11tires coUJId betiter deal with :the problem th,a.n rcould the Clounty. Ef/g'in is one of the few Counties in Ontario w1rfhOlUtsuClh a B'y'-liaw. (6) THAT a By-law be passed to rleg:uJ.a,te the looa,tio:n of gaso- line and diesel fuel 'Il1u.L'nps on lfuJids ad!j,ooernt to Cbun~ Roads. (7) 'I1HA.T a By-law be passed increasd1ng the salall'Y of R. G. Moore, the County Engine.er. to 1$8J500.0I01 per aIlDJUm effecrffilV!e March, 1st, 19611 SlUbject to the approval of the Depa;rtmen:t Off HiJghwaySl. Of \this amount the SlUm of '$11,4150.1010 is to !be paid by the S'ti. Thomas Suburban Road Cbmmission. (8) THAT a Normal: Road Am>~opll"iatiion Diy-law be passed, to be allocated as follows:- 15>6 ELGlIN COUNTY COUNOIL Oonstrt.rotion Madntenance Total Roads ............ .......... .......................... ........... .$13~i,OOO.iOOI $258J21OO~OO $;300,(2100.00 Bridges and !Ouilverts .............................. G4JOOO.jOO 314,000.001 981,000.00' New Maqhinery ...................................... 4,000.00 .................... 4,000.00 Superintendence and OVerhead ........ .................... 4!2,,800i.00 412,8001.00 TOTAL: .. ............ .............. .......... ..I$2100,OOO;QO $3135"OOO.OOi $5315,000.00 BREAIaN1G THJESIE AMOUNTS DOWtN:- County Road Clonstruotion ..................................... .$11.011,000.001 S. A. Road CIorusitruction .......................................... 311,000.0'01 TOTAL!: .. .................. ........ ................ ............ ............... ..... ........... .$1312,0'00.00 County Bridige and Culvert Cons:truotion ........$ 5191,000.00 S. A. Bridge and CWvert Construc:tion ............ 5"OOOi.OQ TOT ALl: ......................... ..... ............... .......... .................. ............. ...$ 6I4i"ooo.00l County aoad Maintlenancte ..................................... $~130,300l.00 S. A. Road Maintenance .......................................... 2r7,OOO.OO Tar A!Li: ....... ................................................................................. :$l2I58,,000.0I0 Connty Bridge and Ouilvert Maintenance ........$ 1300~OIOO.OO s. A. Bridge and CUlvert COThSItrootion ............ 5,000.00 T<>TALI: ....... ....................... ...................... ............................ ........$ 34,00i0.OO County Overhead ........ ...... ..... ......................... ............. .,$ 38:,500.,00 S. A. OVerhea,d ............................................................... '4,3iOIOi00 T<>TAL: ................. ........... .................... ........................................$ 412,800.010, (9) THAT a SiUprpliementary By-law Ibe passed . appropriating $284,'000.100 to be allooa:ted as follows:- Oonstruic,tinn R.o9Als ........ ........................ ...._.. _............... ............... .$1148,000.00 Bridges ................ ................ ................ ........ ............ 136i,OiOlO.OO T<>TAlL: ... ............................ .................... $12341,000.00 Besides Maintenance, OVeThead, N€IW Machinery and Minor Oon- stlnrotion these B~-liaJWSI pI101Vidle for oomp1etion of WardsviJlJ.e Bridge~ Oonstrnotion of the Eden Bridge. !Paving of those Roads graded i~ t960 except 'Riichmo!lld Hill,CUlIvert Clonstnmction on Roads 00, 18 and 112 :as Wlell as other small Culrverts on other Roads, a staa:':t on the 00- iELGIN COUN'IjY COfUNCIiL 57 constrUlCltioo cxf the Welli:n.gIton Road, !PaYlnent for PaVing on Oirford- AldiborOiUgh Town1ine done by the County cxf Kent in '1900. Grading Ion Road 20' Shedden to Fingal, ~ on Rbad 214 POrt S'tlanley North to King's Highway NOI. 4, Grading on fRioad 2ll at! the Semin- ary Scihoo~ PlanS!, SUTVeys, Land Purohas:e on Rood 8 Talbot Road in Dunwich from Biull"W€lll Cornars IW8Slterly and on Road 20 in Port Stanley and Siouthwold from King's Hig!hway No. 4 NOfr!thIerly. THIS is a total laoad Budget of $18119,0100.100 3Jt an ,estimated cost to 11he County 01f $I3\2l2,950.00 being a ~d Levy or! 7 mills on the present assessment. All of which is ~espectfully sulbmi!tted. JOHN iK. HUX, Chatrman. FINANCE COMMITTEE March Session, 1961 First Report To the Wa,rden, and Members of the Eagin Oounty Council, The ~ance Cbimmittee rreports as follows: 1. That Children's Aid Society Pay List NOi. 1, for$3i,,2l517!2fl. and !Pay List No.2" for $3,007.i94, be paid. 2. That Charity and We1fall'e Pay List NOI. 1, fOlr $1109,.88, and Pay List NOI. 2:, for $1,61211.6121, be paid. 3. That due, to the few daNs dU!1"ing the year, women are in th!e Elgin !Cbunty Jail, t!r.LJ6i Cbunty Cbur~!il bellev"ettJiLt R, :f1-l1ll time 'matron is not requiir:ed, and would recommend that Mrs. T. SClhui,t. be employed as clasual matron, on call when reqruired at $5101.001 }Jer month, and regrularr pay when on duty at the Jail. 158 mLGlN COUNTY COUNOIL 4. That the GOViell'nor of the Jail be authOlI'i$d to hire one ad- ditional man to tl1e!EllJgin Oounty Jail Sitlaf'f\ a.t the milndmruJm. start- ing salary. 15. 'Ifb.at we :alCcept the offier of the Dr. IClrane propertW at Iona \Station from the UntV'ersity o! Western Ontario. 6. That the Warden and the Clerk be authorized to sign lease of the formelt' jailor's remdea:we to the Ellgin-st. Thomas Health! Unit. 7. Tha,t we COOICIUT' with the r8S00utioll1\ :f1rom :t1he County of York to ,pay Provincial grants to the municiJpalJity insrtead of High SmoWi Boards. 18. That the iEIIgin County Conncil witlhldraw theli.il" support! for the Wardsville HOiSIpitaJ, dJue to the Wi:tjhdrawal of the James A, BeattiJe Foundation Grant .and site fo[' the hospita,!. All of whiiich is respectfully slUbmitlted. UOYD ELLIOTT, Chairrrum. COUNTY RATES, COUNTY OF EiL,GIN FINANCIAL, REIPORT March Session, 1961 Second Report To the Warden, and Members of the Eagin Ciounty Council, The Oommittee on Pina;n,ce beg leave to repoll't that having in- ,quired into Finances of tlhIe OOitmtLV, andes.timates prepared by the CO'UTIity Treasrur,er, they herewitjh, SiUlbmit a statement of the expen- ditures required for the llawfu.1 pUl'ipose of' the iCIoiunty- dU!I'ing 19:611~ showing the amount required to Ibe raised . ['or the .nndiell'mentwn.ed purposes : .ELGlIN' CO~ COUNCIiL 59 Administration of Justic.e ....................................,$ 54,00i0i.OO County Roads (7 mills) ........................................ 31212;,873.00 Charity and WelfaJre .............................................. 7,000.00 Child Welfare ............................................................... 35,,0001.00 COUiIlty Assessment .................................................... 9,0001.00 Elgin-St. Thomas Health: Unit ............................ 29,2'84.00 Elgin Manor ................................................................ 6,,0100.00 Elgin Hospital Debentures ........................,........... 5:7,50101.00 Munic~pal Government ........ ........ ..... ....... ..... ........... .2!2:,OOOi.OO Agriculture ... .......... ....... ...... ..... ..... ... ......... :... .... ............ lOi,OOOi.OIOi Intwest and DiscOIU1I:lJt on Counlty Ra,tes ....... .'Ut,OIOIOI.OO Printing, Postag.e, 'and stationell'Y .................... 1.,00101.010 Grants ............................. .-:............................................. 126.0001.00 Propea:'lty and R,egistry Offic:e .............................. :1,,000.00 Licenses, Pem1i.ts1" and MiscellaneiOlUs .............. 9710.00 $I500:,613I2!.OiOi Your Coanmi.ttee would recommend that tjhe sum O1f Five Hiun- ~red and Ninet&,-nir1e1 Thorusand, Six: Hundred and T.I:11rty-two DIQ[- larrs be ra~serd on all rateablel property in the: seveiral munilciip~ti\eS IOf the Ooun~ of Eilgiin, during the yieM", 11961,,, flor Cbunty PW'Poses~ and tha,t a rate of 13 I11Iills on the' dollar' be lewed on ratleab~e pjrop_ erty in the seJVieral muneipaJities iIn the Cloiunty to raise said amounts. All of wihltch is :vespectfully SlUbmitlted. !JLOiYD ElLLrr:orr, Chairman. The CleTk ga;ve nortice of a Weed ClonJfooence to be he'ld in. Guelpp., Q1n Ma~ch 28th and 29th. An invitation to viSiLt ,the I1mpeIl'ial Tobacco Ciompany Plant at Aiylmer was receLved. The meport of the Road Oommittele was: ptl"esented, and on mo- tion of Reeve Barker, CbuncU went into. a ICommittee of the whole, wiith Reeve Hux in the Chair. After a leng+Jl".1l.Y msciUlSsiorrl on Section 5, re location of buildings and struc:tures, and amend:metnt re tobaocOi kilns, the Committee arose, and the report was adopted o.n motiOOj of Rjeeve Hux. 60 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Reeve BaJ'kJer, Seconded by Reeve Hux, That t(he Warden ,and Clerk of the COiUnlty of iEI1gin are hereby authorized to sign Cerldficate regarding pelI'Inanent employees of the Oorppmtion, fo[" lexJemption of clOntributioos asI provided undelr the PJegmlatioillSl of 'the Unemp~eII1It Insiurance Ac,t. --Carried. Moved by Reeve GmT" SeclOnded by Deputy Reeve McIver, Tha,t we do now adjourn to meet again at 2 pm. 1lhis afternoon. -Ca.rried. The C:ouncliil resumed. The ftrst 1'Ieport of the Finance Commtttee was presmted an~ adopted on motion of ;Reeve EIllioltt and Reelve Gmr. The second report Qif the FinaiIliCe ClommitltjeiE!' was PIl'esented and adopted on motion of Reev,e Elliott and Reeve CirtalW'foro. Moved by RJeeiVe Wilson, Seoonded by DelPuty Reeve TaI1Siley, Tha,t ~ EJgiIn County Cbuncil, foc the third !time" pertition the Minister of Highwa&,s [fOIl' tlhle Pxorvince! of Ontario to takle some ac- tion to alleviate the traffic Ciond!itions in PIoct stanley at the south- ~n terminus of No, 4 Hi~hway by el.miImting the ~ bottle- neck. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Nimmo, Seconded by ReelVe Wilson, ELGIN COUNTY COUNC~ 6l- 'WHlEREAS the mtmi.lClLpalities in the Gounty. of 1mlgin mUSJt now collect Tax Arrears undell' provisions of The Department of Mu.ni.ci- pal Afifairs Act, by registering a cerrtifica~ against ilhe p~operty, AND WHlElRlEiAS ~ melthod is more ~icated and costlY'~ than holding Sales Tax under the Assessment Act, BE IT 'I'HER.EiF'cmE RJElSOLVEID that the COunciil of the C()i1ID~ of Ellgin iP'etiltion the Dep.artmen)t of Municipal: Af'fairs to, revoke the, Orde:r placing Tax Artt"ea~ ColLeCitions in the County of ELgin! undell' The Department of Municipal .Mfairs Aot 'and authorize collections by Tax Sale undell' aU1moriJty of The Asoossmen\t Act. -Not Carried. Moved by Reeve Elliott, Seconded by ReelV'e Wig1ht, That we do now a.djourn to meet on Wednesday, March 212:nd, at ten Q'clook in the fOlrenoon. -Carried. AGRICULTURAL, COMMITTEE March Session, 1961 To the Warden, and Members olf the E~gin Cmmty Council, The AgriJcultJl.Noal C'ommittee repoll'ts as follows: 1. Tha.t the resoJution from the County of Hasrtings 1"eqUJeSting the Dept. of LandS and Forests to commence a S1tudor of the grant.;. ing of hunting rights to Licensed Huntings, be f:ill:ed. 2. That 4he resolutions from the County of Hastings objecting to Wol:f BountLes being d:L~ontiniUed (be endocsed. 3. Th{at the communica.tion from. the ~t. of Agricultmre for the control and eradication of barbelI'll'Y and ,bUICkithorn, beendm"Sed. 62 EtLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 4. 'I'b.iant the' resolIution from the United Counties of Stormont. iDUindas, and Glengarry. for muniJc:i.palities to ooqui['e SlUJb-margmal land without loss of. tax r:evenue, be filed. All of which is respectfully sUlbmittJed. F. NIMJ.v.IO, Cha.irman. PETITIONS AND LEiGISL,ATIONS COMMITTEIE March Session, 196-1 To the Warden, and Members of the E[gin Corunty Clouncil, The Petitions and Legis1:a,tions 1000000ttee reporls as folloW's: 1.. That the resolrutilon from the Town of Whit;b~ toot represen- tatton for voting in Cbu:nty GolUXlcil be on b basis of po!PUla,tion in:" .stead of. the present syst,em, be filed. 12. That the resolution from the County of C1arLeton to permit .local municipalities to COD.itroL speed Iimi1lSl ib~ 'b~-law in built-up ,aTea.s, he filed. 3. That the resolution !rom the Cotmty of Pieterborough request- jJng the 'eIimina;tioo. of diupUcate statistical repolI'ts tob'ecomp[eted by municipalities fOlr Fede.ral and 1Pl'0iVinciaJ. Governments, be en- dorsed. 4. That the reso[urtd..on from 1:(he OOlU!l1itly of Welland for an amendimenlt to. the. M:uniiCiJplal Aclt reqUJiring a vote. of ratepayers en- titled to lVote on money by-laWs !be taken before tihie MUlliicipaJ Board holds a hearing and if advers:e vote, no a:IlII1.e!XrotiOIIli l:je, ptrooeeded ,with, . be rued. 15. Tha;t the resolution from the Cbunty of Midd1ese:x requesting Pl1ovincial. legislatilOn to tell'iIllina,te Daylight SaviIllg Time' before iLa- ibour Da.y, be filed. ELGIN OOUNrDY COUNCIL 63 6. 'Iihat the resolution from the C'o'tmty of Ontario requesting Amendment to the Cooserrvation autihl<:ritiJes; Aet to pemliit the assess- ingtaxation of residential ,and oommell'cdal il:mi.ldings where admiSsion .ree is charged, be endorsed. 7. That the I'iesolUJtion from the COUillity of Weiland requesting -exemption from the proposed 3 per cent PToviniCIiaJ: Sarles Tax; on purcha;ses by municipalities, be endoirsed. All of which is I'ie.spectfully SUlbmd'Uted. C. D. PHILLIlPS, Chairman. E:QUALIZATION RElPORT March Session, 1961 The Equalization Committee repOll'ts as roMowSl: To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, 11. THAT the Elgin 100runty Council approve of the appointment of Mr. HootOll' IMIciLean, EIlgin Clounty AssessOll", as Assessment Com- missioner. fOIl' the Village of Port Blut:rweJljl, at itlhJedr request, and the Village of. Port Buirtwell to reimburse the Oorunty. 2. THAT f1he following (be the equalization. Oi.fthe As~t \RJolls of the Cou:nty of iEIlgm fOIl' the yea,r, 119611: Aylmer ... ............... ............................. .1$17,2\59,175'.100 BelmoIlltl ..............................................' 614!7,3175,.00 Dutton ................................................ 896,8'8i9i.00, Port Burwell ......................,.............. 8OI0,6~0.OO Port stanley...................................... 3,0119,811121.00 Rodney .. .......... ... ..... ........... ..... ... ....... 1.OOiOj215iOi.OO Spring.fie1d . ..... ................ ;.. .... .... ........ 3I6CM)3I21.00 Vienna ................................................ 334,93,7.00 'West Lome ........................................ '1.,080,16401.001 1:31.9i4!13:% 1.2432 1.72125 1.53'76 5.7996 1...911316 .69114 .64C33 2.0054 ()~ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL AldIborough ............ ................................. 4,900,'753:.00 BayhaIIl ...................... ................ ........... is,2I85','892.00 South Dorchester ......._.......................... 1,,9154,'125.00 DunJwi~ ................. ................. ......... .......... 3,i987,~6~l.OO MaJ:ahi.die ........ ...... ... ............. .................... 6,,909;91501.00 Sbuthiwold .... ......... ............. ......... ........ a,,36YTmopo Y;armouth .... ..... ......... ................. ................ 8;1314.2'6i4.00l 1$5I2IJ069,3153I.oo 9.6'00:1 10~15i17 3.715411 7.65178 13.Wl06 j101.300B 15,.0000 100.010001% 3. '!HAT tms OouooiI is willing 'to MVe f1he final eq'Uialization of assessment Rolls, in case of appeal, made by the Oounty JUdge. All of whiioh is respectfully SlUlbmitltedo. JAMES W. B~, C!I1airman COUNTY ASSEiSSOR'S RiElPORT To fue Warden and Members of the Cmpora.tion of fue County of Elgin Gentlemen ; Under authority and direction of 'I1h1e .Assessment! Act as set Ifocth 1."1 Sec.tion 9131, SUbsection (1) ChapiOOr 2B of the Rievised 8itatutes of ontario, :1960, ~ ~A[. RJElPOR;T on ~U:alizati.on is if1ereby iSUlbmitlted. for youa- consideration. ,Section 1931 (II) ~Jartes vrWit ''':SUbjoot to the approval 0[ the De- partment, The COUlliCIiI of .evmy ldonnty may appoint a connty as- sessor', 'Who~ far the purpose of making uniform the mettlhods Of pll"e- iPSIration orftJl1le asseSIsment roJ.ls in the mundcipalJities in the county and for purpose of ascertaining whietp,€Il" the vaIuatdons .of real pIl"OP- erty made by the assessors in eaJch such municipalitW bear a 'just re- matilon one to another, shall siUJpeI'lV'ise the alSSeISISffiel1t and adrvise the: IaSsessors and shall report theroon to tlhle COllIDty Cbuincil berfQre the 1St day of June in erv€lI':y' ytear and) sucjh repo;rlt iShal:l (form the basis of equaYJZation under 8ecoon 94." ELG[N .OOUiNTlY COUNC[L 6i5 Section 914 (il.) diI'oots that "The Council of evell'Ycounty shall \yearly, andJ not later than the .lst day 0[' Jluly, ex:amine or cause to be examined the assessment rolls made in the preceding year of (the different townships, towns and vil:lages in the C01.mty fOO" the pur-i pose of ascert.ainitng whetjherr the 'Valuations 0[' 1"00.1 propeIrty and business ass:esSlmern.t ma;de by theassessOirs in each townshiip, town IQI' village bear a jUJSt I"elatinn one to another, and may, by by-la.w' rfQr 1Jhe purpose 0[' county rates. inclrease or decrease in any town- ship, toiWI1 OIl' village the aggIrlE:gate v:aJuaitiollS:, adding or deducting, ,so much per COOU as may, in Ithetroplinion, Ibe nec.essary to produce ia iJust rela,tion between them; hut they Sjb.all not reduce the aggre- gate valuatibn fOIl' the whole .county ,as made by the assessors." The ;flundamrota1 basis of tlhlis report for pUlI"poses of equaliza.- ltion is the local aSSIOOISmern.t of the mun,ici\palitie:s made in 19160;. With the .~ceprtion of the Villa,ge ofIVlenna and 11he Townships of B:ay- ham and Southwold, all mumcipalitdes Within the county 1h13Ne now been re-ass:essed under the Deparlment OIf !MJundiclipa,1 Affairs Manual and in .accordance with the prOVisions of the Assessment ACIt. Pre- liminary prooeedings have been la,unqhed to expedite the task of re~ assessmenlt in the tlhjree municipaJitites that do not yet conform to the adopted standard of assessed valuat,ioIlSl within the county and the flulleslt oo-opera,uon of the couiI1lCiils and appointed officia,ls of :these municipalities iSleaiI'nest1y sought to inS'Ure for thedir' own, as well as for all o11heir munic~pali.ties, the manifold advantages that accrue ,from 1001% participation in tlhe program of Counlty ire-assess- ment. As Will !be noted in ColUIrlIli ,5 of Page 3" amounts to inCirease 'the 10001 assessmerlJt of these m'U.n.fuiJpalJities so that they bear a just :rroation to all membea.- municipaities ha~ been acLded. The percent- 'ages employed to produ,ce these 8m\OlUl1its well'e applied only aflter caJret:ul relView olf'a,vaiiJ.able spot-cihecikSl taken in these municipalities and bear a Icomp9,rableJ relatiop..ship vlith siJIrJ1ar and i1105't rece.nt 'Spot-Ciheoks by assessors of tfu)e Department {)if MUl1Ii.cipal A,ffa,irs. Your assessm- w:as: instrumental in finalimng the re-assessment Of the TOWTISIhips of Aldbororug'h, Dunwich and Yall'ln.outh and the preparation 0[' the rolls for these municipalities and attended the Oourls of Revision held in oonnecition witlhl tp.e appeals against the assessment :rolls of Port Sta:nJey, Aldborough, Dun'Wich and Yarmouth where !the madority of the :re-assessed vaJuations \VIea.-e suooesSlfully substantiated, or minor reducltions made on the recommendation of the assessws only where warranted. 66 ElLGIN COUNTY COUNOIL In one appeal from the cotWt 0[ RelVision to the County Judge. ihleld in poct Stanley, yom assessor attended in support Off the Re':' iSpondent municipality and proposed. small redUiCltions in the assessed valuations under appeal due to cnang100 status of ceIl'tain 'residen:tial property. Two appeals to the Clounty Judg1e in the Township 0[ Ald- /borough .and one appeal to the cmtario Municipal Board in the Township of Malahide are Sltill pending and your assessOir is prepar- ing tbJese CaJSes and will attend 0I1l \behalf of th\ei mtmicipaJities: in- volved. An appeal against the division 0[ liability of the! West Elgin High School District was airlbitmted at DuUon on March lIst, 19611. With .the rec:ent!appomtment of assessors <for the Township of Mala- hide and Villaglel 0[ ~Imont, no tfuie has been lost to rresume all''bi..; ftration pcr.-oceedings foc thle iEiast EJgin Hfgh Slcl1001 Distlricrt, sus- pended ,first through the untimely demise orf my esteemed predeces- 180r, the late Mr. JQihn Wignall, who 00 ably OOil'1'iecl out the duties IOf Secretary tQi the B~ard of Arbita:'3AtOll's and! furthell" dteiIay:ed by lack of appointment of the assessors focMalahide and Belmont. A mooting of the AssessOIl's fOir the mlIDicipaliities wh~cih com- prise the East iEl1gin High Sichool D~ISIt,riclt has now been ternta,tiV'ffiy' laJ'J:'Ianged LOir Monday, March 217th, 1961, toarhim-ate tbe division of liaibiliity aftall' an ,appeal liodged biy the Council of the Village of' !Springfield. -- It is hoped that the protracted dEilibetratiOO\Sicxf' a Boord. of Ar... bitI'lation in some respects siimJiW::\"rly dellayed, Ifoc the Ge.ntlml High; School District will iresIUme its nego~iaJtions in the near futUre. YOul'! assessor's prrelSEmiCle is relquu-ed by la.w ~t all such arbitrations. Hi$ [I"o~e is to intell'Ptrert and I€'11SUIl'e. thia,t the lega.l requitrements govell'1l- ing such axbitmti,QIns.. ar~ oib,s&ved . and, througl1 mediation, to safe- guard the equitaible il1ite["ests of allmru,nJicipa.Iities pa"rtioipating. Your atteI1ltion iBIdrawn to a I'IOOOlutilon sponslOlred and approvedf Iby the Clounty of Gr~ and] presenttedJ !bY the Grey OOlIDty .As..~SOl" i9.t the CIQinvention of the Ontari.o Assocdat]on of A,s1s:essing Officers which reads as; foHolWS: "BIe i.t resolved that this COiunty Conmc:il goi on record by req'U.le-srt.ing tha,t legislatA-on beenlWtedwheI'leby the c;ounty councils be granted authority to select and' employ the local lasseSSlOrSl, ratJ1etr than tbie pTlesent proc;edure, whereby the mun.i:CITlpaI councils selielet the assessm's." The.' purpose 0[' tille cr.-6S1olutioiIJ. is solelY ELGIN OOUNTY COUNC'lL 67 'to make it. possible that full-time qUalifi,ed ass.esso~s be appointed i~ (an .ef[OIl't to properly ,establish iUJI1iIfo:rmity of assessment and assess.;. 'tnent prootise and maintain 'V'aluatiol1Sl detffi'lIIlined by rec:ent Ire-.as-' ;sessmenu' programs based on the DepJartment of MUIllicipal Affairs Manual. Such legislati.on. if enacted, W.ould, through centralized ad":' ministration, :eftfect ooonOt11lY fOIl' aJil. assessment departments and: .iSl anticipated that the Provincriial GOiV'ernment gTants for assessment' purposes to county clounciI:s may be iIlCireased if SUlChj legislation is implemented. This resolution was not approlV'ed b(Y' the Oonvention as written but was referred back to the lResearrch Committee for further study, .sinoe in: 1:008' an amendment to the Miundc:Lpal Act under Slection 2149 :of the n;evisled; Sltatutes orf Onrtlario !1960. a 101Clali muhiJcd.pality that forms part of a countY' rnayt. 'With tlhe Clonsent of the OdUint'1 Coun- cil, ,appoint the Cbunty Asse.ssQ.T to be the :assessment Commissioner for the municipality upon such tell'!ms as may be agreed upon be- tween the county and the looal mUIJ.iJcd.palitY', land th,is method Slh.oruld (be giVlen fair trial /before bringing in any new I,egi:silation. Seveo:-al municipalities in Ontario haveaI:ready Suooessfully adopted the P!l'o": Visions. empowered by this amendment. . FUture oonsidemtion by your Elqualim,t'ton ICIommittee is !l'equest-' led of this amendmenlt and further actionl SIOIUghtJ in SUPPO!l't of this !Committee's reiqueslt to the iProviIliCial Glovernm.ent in its report to (the '19610 Norve:ttLber Sel~on of Elgiin C:ount~ CbWliCdI rforpennissiIve ]egislJation to set up a Clounty Assessmenrt Department in the' inter-. est of all municipalities fur unifDmli.t~ ana. e1q1uity of assessment. A modern system .or[ ,filing is now in oPell'ation. diesign~ to add! to the effilcienlcy of yiOIUll" AssessO!l"s ofticler oiper.aUot1Js: and SQ improve lthe sffi'lVice of this offiiCie tQeadh. municipa.litY'. An inn.orvat;ion also" has been the introdlUctilon of ran 'effectirve system. toO furnishea-ch as- Isessor with a photostatic cOPY' of oolch deed of . prOPe!I'ty tl1'lansf{eJ!'red in 'hiLs m.un,icipalL'tiy' :and provision, for copies .of searcl1Jes required by ihim fOil' determination .of descnpition and ownership, etc., to be sup- plied to him upon request,. In order to establish CIlose\l" liaison with each (assessor and furtih- er imp!,Q!ve, where ne:aessary. r.ds services to his municipality a ser- vice of "Aids in Ass€ssdnrg", thne[y m.onthly buIil'etins Qr technical dalta ess;ential to has work has been inaugw-a,ted and w€llI. received toO date. 68 :ElLGIN COUNTY CarUNCIL Despite the herculean. efforts of a moot competent combined iSOOl'ietaryand cler'k-stenographer, the time-consrumdng task of re':"' oording and filing the field shoots for each assessment madie in the :sixteen municipalities in the county' presentB a formidable problem with wmoh yom- assessor's OIffilce is ill-equipped to gIl"a.pple. Your loo,rnest attention isI diTected to too most UTgent need for a cop~ng rdev1Jc.e to facilitate this wolrk and so provide more time fOIl' great&' !V'ersatilit~ in our service to the municipaJities. Attached to this report we four sooedules prepared fo~ YQur in- \formation. page Na. lr-Giv,es the compall"atiVie popuJations and ac~eages of leacl1 municipality and comparati'V'e percen.tages: of the connty of ,these and assessmest aselqualiized and brusliness assessment. P:age No. 2f-Breakdown of valuations to !be added to the Assess- lInent as first elqrtlialized: Siecltion 94l .(\31) direotsl that fOIl' the purpose 'af county rates, t.biell'ieJ s(h:aU lbeadded ta the aggregate valuations of ,the municipality. as increased air decreased under Section 94 (1) the valruiations Of alii prOJPlerties fOIl' which pa,yments :in lieu OIf taxes all'e. I.paid b~ the Crown in right of Ontario or any board, commission, 'Carporation or other agencY thiereaf oc '!bel HydJro-Etlootric Power 'Oommissian 'Of Ontario. Page NQ. 3-Cblumns /1, 2" 13: and ~al Taxable Assessments Column &--Am'Ounts added to Equalize Colurn.n 6-Aggregate Valmtions as E1qualired Column 7-Valruations Added Be:r Section 94 (31) Column 6-RiecOmmended Equalized Assessment for 1961. Page No. 4-Qolumn 1---1Equalized Assessment in 1900 Column 2........Recommended Lmqualimtion fOIl" 1961 Column 3-Percentage of Levy for 1961 Column 4-Recommended ;Percentage of iLeVy for 1962 ELGIN C'OfUINTY OOUNCIL 69 Oolumn 5-Increase or Deorease of Levy as Recommended for 1962 Oompared with Levy fOT 1961. In presenting this, my first report since my appointment as yOUl" County .A.ssessor.r S€lVen we'eks ago, it is with profound apPl1"eclation land sincere thanks that I gratefully acknowledge the enJCOiUragemen;b ,and many acts of kindness extended to me by yOU, :MJr. WW"den andl members of County Oo1.:looil and your clerk and to the local as.sBeSS- ors and so many appointed officials for their SPlendid co-opera.tion and assistance in my efforts to establish a better equalization for the County. All of wmch is respectfully SiUbmitted. HECTOR MclLlElAN, County Assessor March 21st, 1001. "l:() ElLGIN COUNTY. COUNC[L REIPORT OF THEC,OUNT'Y ASSEiSSOR - 1961 OOiUNT'Y OF EiLOIN POPUfLATl.ON AND ACRlEAGE DATA - 1959-1.960 MUNIOIiPAiLLITY POPULATION ACIRJElAGffi; ~ ~~ ffi~ ()~ cD Ol :aQ ~ ~~ "" ~O ~O g'S 8 g'C) TOWN 1959' 1916iOi !neT. Deer. ~ ~ ...-t ...-t ArlIner .................................. 4J5G6 4~4i \1100 1~,.0l7i1 1,.01913 .268 VIIJLAGEIS .B$OIIlit .............. .......... ...... 15159 611.1 ;6I2J 1.,600 3126 .007 Dutton ...... ............ .............. m 771 ~:lMI5I 4149 .106 Port Buriwell ........ .......... 'm12 7116 6 U}!77 639: .150 Poot stanley.................. ,1,5S0 1,r4t421 00 3'.9811 47;9' ./1.13 Rodney............................ 1 J)~15 ,1 ,,016r71 421 ~;t9I4i6i 415,61 .1106 springfield ....................... 5~ 1536' Il2 11Al8O 4214 .10Q Vienna ............................... 319~ ,300 2 1.0r716 6014 .11,43 West Lome .................... I~11116 lif7','f 319 21.9/73 4301 .101: TOT.M.. URBAN............ 11,181 1\1,,3l50, 169 35;.335, 4,900 TOWNSHlIPS Aldiboll'Ough .................... l2i~866 :2:,\945 79 61.!1131~ 713,\9125 L7'.465 Ba~ham ........................... 13!,}900 4,O~m 11613; 11.12182 1561,357 1(3:.307 S. Dorchester ................ 1,3\7i1 1~411,7 46 3.911121 2191,3149' 6.9130 DU:l1JWicbl .......................... 12l)136 2,M3 1181 15,.8148 16I6;J3166 ,15.6170 Malahidi~ ........................ 4)25\0 .4),35121 1102, 1112\.015 60,599 .14$309 Soutlhwold ......................... 3,6\16' 3'J6I711 55 10iJ1~151 69,U\1, 1161,3'19 YarIn1:outh ....................... 6:P/1121 6J2611 2,6311 17.3141fl ta21,:lct.3i '141.~64 TOT.AIL IRURAL .......... m ~Qr7l4 214,81701 12!,2I014 6f8:.6615' 4118.61101 TOTM... COUNTY ...... 318,,2155, i316~2\20 121,00011100.10100' 4123:,5ilOt mlOI.OOQ COMPARATIVE PEIaOENTAGIE OF COfUNTY TOTALS URBiAN RlUiRu\L POPULATION .......................... ....... .............311.335 6i8.665 ACREAGE ...................................................... 1.'11511 98,.843 EQUALiLZ!EID ASSElS8U.VllENT ..................~9.7113 70.287' BUSINiESS ASSESSa.v.IlEiNT ......................7l8.5119 2.tJ..4211 ElLGWN C~ CorUNC[L 7'1 COUNTY OF iElLiGIN V AiLUATIONS TO BE ADDEO UNDER AUTHORITY AND DmECTION OF S~Crn:ON 94 (3) TO VALUATIONS AS EiQUALIZiEiD UNDiER AUTHORITY AND DIRECTION OF SECTION 9'4 (1) COL. 1. COL. \2 COiL. 3 COL. 4i COIL. 5 OOIL. 6 Dept. Liquor Dept. of Lands & ContrOlI lPrOlV. Hwys. IF'QIl'Iests Board lPtol~cle H.E.P.C. TOrrAL TOWNS Aylmer ............ VILLAGES Belmont .......... Dutton ............ pt. BlWWell .... Pt. stanley .. Rodney ............ Springfield .... Vienna ............ West :Lome .. TOTAL itJlRiBIAN TOWNSHlIPS Aldborough .... Bayham .......... S. Dorchester Dunwich ........ Malahide ........ SoutJb(wold Yarmouth ...... 'I1OT .A[, RlJ1RlAL .......... TOTAL COUNTY 16l~50 26p~5 2150 43 ,325 2i2,950t 2~!,9150 5010 5150 214,000 500 1,5~5, 2.,o~5 1,025 1,025 16,4j50 49',5'115 1,000 3,,315Oi 70,375 1,3150 14,300 200 250 200 2010 1~,850 24,3:25 310,6010 310,900 5,0010 12,,620 9'4,21001 99,500 NI4.2121O 182,0915 1,000 '1417 ,571()i 2152,470 12,9510 50 1i2,~15 :1100 7 ~OOO :5,3010 37,8'm 37,875 116~4150 4191,575 COUNTY OF EILGIN 001. 1 Co1. 2 C01. 3 Co1. 4 Col. 5 Col. 6 Col. 7 001. 8 .-. I~ e !'.Q iW ~~d ~~ ~ ~ ~~ Ch ~~ h~ <~ ~ .~ ~J U d ~~ ~i~ MUNIC'IP AUTY ~~ gO~U2 ~~.~ ~~ ~i~ TOWN ~~ SE-l~ ~>m Aylmer ...................... ....... .......... .........$ 003,3126 $ 5,367,4a6 $ 1,026~100 $ 7,2116,B'50 $ $ 7,215,,860 $ 43,3mll $ 7',21519i175 VILLAGES Belntont ...................................... ........ 15i7,5oo 41818,3125 1011,5'50 647,3'715 6'4!7 ,3m> 647,3175 Dutton .................................... ............ 108,'~4 OO~,2:2/5 72,210 67~,6!89 8'72,~OO9 214,0001 819'6,889 Port BUl'W'ell .................................... 162,3125 565,900 72:,395 800,'6120 800i~6120 800,.620 Port Stanley .................................... 51811,8147 2,003,51115 3/72,~5 3 ,01!7 ,71M 3,OlrT ;7'67 21,0125 3,0119,812 Rodney ........... ......... ..................... ....... lJ49 ,3150 796,6'75 83,2.00 1,0219,21215 1 ,()I29,12~5 1,0015 1;01301,250 Springfield ............. ..................... ...... 1)9,700 340,750 1.9,2.47 4119,6917 4I1J9,697 4119,697 Vienna ................................................ e30,6120 11lJ9 ;1315 6,9125 156,680 17,8,21517 3314,9Gl7 334,9137 West Lorne ........................................ Not Available 1017,325 1,0I810~6140 1,0801,6'10 1,000,640 TOTAL ................................................ 1,753,0512 1J5J240,700 l'76,fJ.l5i7 15.4119,000 70,317'5 115<,489,395 TOWNSHIIPS AldJbOll'olUgh ...................... ................. 2,,807,9513 21,/115181;3501 19,,150 4,9185,4153 4,985',4153 1~,1300 4,999,753 Bayham ........ ...................................... 1,600,763 1,5012;,497 14,3150 3,1317,61101 2~1148,OI32 5,2186,6142 121501 5,,285,8912' S. Dorchester .................................... 009,\11501 9~',51215, 6,,8150 .1,9'54,51215 a:,964~51215 200 1,954,~25 Dul1JWtc~ ........................ .... .......... ...... Not Available 18,400 3,9613,()i44 3i9l613,0i414 214,31215, 3:,987,369 Malahide ..................................... ........ 2,81!;15, 1~15 3,73~,9iOO 2,901,975 6,8~9,o150 6,8179,000 30,900 6',909,950 Sou1Jhwold ..............................: ........... 3 J0816,146Oi 1,2612:,5001 210,761 4,369,71211 985,~1219 5,3155,01510 m,61201 5,36/1,6170 Yarmouth ............................. ....... ...... 2',9814,664 4,94121,7'75 107 ,.425 8,034,7604 8,OOI4;7i614 99,500 8,1134,264 TOT~ RlURA[, .............................. 477,911 3.3,3~4;1167 3,133,361 36,~7.5128 100,,0'915 36,6139',,6123 TOTAL OOUNTY .......................... 21,2~O ,963 48,5614f.}30 3,31111,6118 ~1,8/7161,5418 215121,470 52!~m9,0I18 ELGIN 001U1N'lY COUNOIL 73 COUNTY OF ELGIN RECOMMiENUOO 1961 EQUALiIZATION FOR PEiROEINTAGE OF 1962 iLElVY COMIP ABED> WITH 1960 EQUA,LIZATION AND PEiROENTAGE! OF 1961 LE;VY OOL. 1 COiL. 2 CO~. 3 COL. 4 COL. 5 ~~ i t!! JI ~ ~ n Q~ Q @~ ~~ t ~. MUNICllP ALITY !g~ ~~~ ~f~ ~~O 1@ TOWN !~~ ~~~ w-t C5 Aylmer ........................$ 151,3i01,mm ,$ 7,12OO',\1~5 1,1.'493I2i 13.0054 2.4322 VILLAGES Belmont ...................... 44J4,OOO 64J7,3175 .0000 1..214119 .2rr79 Dutton ........................ 709,191510 896',$9 b539121 1..7121015, .1813 Port Burwell ............ 66()1~88i2 80101,61210 1A131218 1.53158 .1000 Port Stanle(V .. ... ... .... 12I,7!41O~61710 3:,0119,,81121 5.94118 5,~7i9130 ~1f4i88 Rochley ......."................ 8611J6Il'7 11,OOO,2I51Q1 U~1463 1.97613 .1300 Spring[,ield ................ 13148,602 41U)i,697 .7558 .8051 .0493 Vienna ........................ ~8,alO 31314,91317 .419:43 ..614215 .11482 West [,OTIle .............. 896J205' 11imO,6f40 a ,914130' 2.00i311 .1301 URBAN TOIrAL ....m,m1~9139 115~489,31915 12161.411104 29!.71136, 3.3I()J32 TOWNS\HII:PS Aldborough ................ 4/ffl11JIi111 4.999,715131 110.316154 9.59i1J1 .7743 Bayham ...................... 4~OOO,:8I3Oi 5~85,:892i 8.18689 110.11400 l.2I7H S. Dwcihieste:r .......... 11,:85~1, 708 11,9154, 'm15 4.0/166 3.71400 .21668 DunwicihJ .................... 4,mf4;700 3,,9817 ,369 9.63114 7.6!490 2:.,11824 Malahide .................... l5,li50,4J015, 6.909',,91510 1111.1166f1 13,.eai555 2.0894 SOUitlhwold .................. 15,J613l3i.3100 5,31617,161710 'l121.QI13/2i 1:0.21969' 1..91163 Yarmouth .................. 7,19I00,4J04 8,13!4,21614 1117 J1:21810 15.60i411 l.5/239 R'L11P.,A]L TOT AiL .... 133J}143,6i15 36>,6139.600. '73.,58961 70.286/4 3.3002 COUNTY roT AL .. 46;,11215,5514 6/2/;100',0118 \100.00001 100.0000 74 imLGIN COUNTY COUNmL SE.COND SESSION - SECOND DiAY Wednesday; the 2200 Day of Marc~ 1961 The EUg:inl cOlUIIlty CIoUiIllc:il met this day .at ;the \Oo1tlX't House, St.. Thomas. inaroordJam.oe with adJournment. The W'arden. in the ~. All the membell's; were present" except Reeve !Eimerson. Tble minutes Ol! the prev'iolus day were rrood and oon:filrmed. A Notioe :f!ro:m 'tjhe Cle["K of the C!iJty of Sit. Thomas. 00 Orienta- tion Course [lo,r CwN Defence 0n March :2t91tih was read~ Moved by Reeve Biarkier. Seconded DIY Reeve DOW11iey. That the Dapfl-. of E1dUlcatiorn be requesrted !to :reinstate fJbJe en- tranceexammation to qualltfy public Sicihoolstudents to .attend a high sch!oo~ and to provide a system of fu'ade scl1.ooils for the fu'ain- ing of those sltudents who fall to meet -qhe Jrelqmremen:bs for an aca- demio edUIC'ation.. -carried.- Reeves Barker, Downey, and Deputy Reeve Mc[verSlpiOke Of the vesolution. Moved by Deputy Rleeve Tufford, Seconded b~ Deputy Reeve iOaveli:ly" That lC'ouncil granjt tlhe \Elgin County JPioneer Mus€!Um Commit- tee, permission to ,eocplore all possibdlities pertaining to expansion of Itheir present DiUlildlngand report the same to IQIounoll [or considera,- tion. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Wight, Seconded by Reeve Elliott.. E1LGillN OOmflY COUNCtrL 7'5 Tha.t we do now adljoum' to moot at 111 am. to permit Cbmmit- tees to meet. -Carried. The OOUl1JCil resumed. The report of the Agricrulitlural Committee was preSOOlted and adopted on motion of' lRAeeiVe Nimmo and :Reeve Hux.. The repo.rt of Ithie Petitions and Legis[ations Cbmmittee was Ipre- sented and adopted on motion: of Deputy Reeve !Phillips and Reeve BM"ker. ':ij1e report of 'thie Imqualiization COmmittee was presented and adopted on motion of ~eeV'e Barker, and iReelVe Wight. Moved by Deputy Reeve Barber, Seconded by ReeN1e Emott, That we dOl now adjDurn to meet thlisafternoon a,t 2 p.m. --Carried. The Council resumed. Moved by Reeve Hux, Seconded by Reeve Downe:y, Tihiat. the lElLgil1 COUil1ty CuuJi1lCil l~U€lSit ltihe Cioli'pUratiOO1 of the Oity of St. Thomas to contribruoo ll1Qre than one half mill of their .assessment to the ,st. Thomas Suburban Road Commission in 10012i SOl thaAl1 tfh;eSt. TIhomasSlubl\1Tlban Commission may oomp[eite the recon- struction of the Wellinglton Road in 19m" -Carried. Moved by Reeve Barkier, Seconded by Reeve Gurr, 76 ELGIN COUNTY COUNC[L That fUlture requests [01' salar:y increases !bY .any official Of the Oounty be made dilrectIy to t.lhIe Finanoe Committee for recommenda- . tion ito the IConnty IOOlIDcil. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Elliott, Seconded by Roove Wig1ht, Th.aJt By-LfLw No. 11:71816, ""To Raise Amounts for County Rates During the Year, '100f1, be read a firSt time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Wight, (Seoonded by Reerve Elliott, That B\y-La.w No. 1'186, be read a second rnne. -Carried. Moved by Reeve lEIDiott. Seconded by Reeve WighJt, That By-ww No. 1~7186, be l'iead a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. MoV'ed by Deputy Reeve Barber, Seconded by Reeve Hux, That By-Law No. l1.7i87, ~'A By'-[.e.,w 1flo iProvide for the 19611 EOC- penditures on Roads . under -qhe Highiway ]mproveme:nt Act in the County of EIlgin:' be read a first time. -Carried~ Moved "by Reeve H'UiX. Seconded b(y Deputy RJeeve Baroer, That By-!L8.w No. ,17187, be read a second time. -Carried. ELGiIN COUttflY OOUNCrrL 77 Moved by Deputy Reeve Barber, Seconded by Reeve Hux, That B~..[,aw No. /17187,00 read a tlbJird time, .and finally Passed. -Oarried. Mavied by Reeve Or3Jwford, Seconded by Deputy :Reeve Robson, That By-[AS,w No. 1:7100, '''A :By-lLaw to rPtrovide ifor ithe 19611 SWp_ p1ementaa:-y iElx:penditures on Roads under .the Highway ImpoovemJent Act in the Cbu:nlty of IEIlrgin," be read a first itime. -Oarried. Moved by Deputy RJeeve Roboon, Sooonded by Reeve IOrawford, That By-Law No. :1,7186., be read a second time. -Caa-ned. MOIVIed by Reeve Ora,wford, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Robson, That By -iLaJw No. 1:'7188'. be read a third time" and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Downey, Seconded by Deputy Reeve 'I1ufford, ThaJU By-Law NOI. 1:71&9, of the Oorpoc3Jtion of tjhe Cbu11lty of iEa.- gm, jResJt:ricting fue Weight of VehiJclles Passing OVer Brtdges, be read a first time. Moved by Reeve Baird, ,...,- --..! - ~, --ve:w.-nt:a. Seconded by Reeve Downey, '1\8 ELGIN couNTY COUNCIL That By-Law No. ,]Z769. be rea,d a second time. -Carried.. (Moved by Reeve Baird,. Seconded by Deputy Rreve Roboon,. That By-Law No. 1171819'. Ibe read.at third time, .and finally pa;ssed.. -Carried.. Moved by :Reeve Bair~ Seooooed by Deputy Reeve Tufford,. That BW-[,i3.IW No. '1171901. "~A BlV-Law 00 AmeiI1d By-'Laiw No. 1696" ,.a.nd By-Law No. '1l712l4i~'. be read! a [,irst time,. ---Carried.. Moved 'OW' DepiUJUy ReeJV1e 'Iluffocd. Seconded by Reerv.e DQlWD.eY, Th:aJt By--iLaIW No. >3J71901, be read a sooond! time.. -Carried. Moved by Reeve DOWTLey.. Seconded by Reeve Baird, 'Dl.':1lat By-lLaw No.L'7190, be read a. third time, and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by ReeVie McKibbin, Seconded by Deputy Rererve ~ughes.. That By-Lam No. i1rti911" '''A. By-ILaW to Amen:d -qhe B:Y-Law Adopt-, inga lP~an of C01.lIllty :Road lImprovement and Establishing a. County ~oad system in the Cbtmty of Ellgin under the Highway Improve-' ment Aot," be read 3. first time. -Carried.. ELGIN COiUNWY COUNCiL 79 iMovedi bY' DepuJty Reeve !Phillips, Seconded by (fWeve OhIUOO, That By~LaJw No. i1;7.91, be. Tead a second time. -Ca.rried. Moved by' Reeve Ohute, secondJed by Deputy Reeve Phillips, Thad; By-!La"w No. 117191, be r;eada third tdme, and finaJJl:y passed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Ohlute, ISeconded by Deputy Reeve Hughes, That B~~ No. ;1.719~, '''A By-Law to Amend! the By-lLaw Adbpt- ing a Plan of COItIDty Road Imp~olVleiIniEIDit and EStablishing a County Road System in Itlh,e County of Eligin under t1he Highway Improve- melnt Act,'~ be read a .first t1me. -Carried. Moved by Reeve McKibbin, Seconded by Reeve Baird, Thad; By-[,jaw No. 11192, be read a second tdme. -Carried. Movedl by DepUIty Reev:e IJ?lhillips, Seoonded by Deputy Reeve Tufford, That BY-Law No. 171912,. be Tead; a third time, andi finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Tansley, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Oawerly, 80 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL That By-iLaiW NOI. 1793, "'A By-Law to Reg:u[ate the [Jooation of Buildings and SItruotures on Lands Adjacent to county RoadS," be ;read a first time. -Carried. By-Laiw No. 'lli793 was read a first tiime and 'ai1m' COIn5iderab1e cljscmssion, and on mOltion of Reeve Jlames Bar\kelr'. and seconded by ,Reeve J. B. WiIsoiIIl, was la,idl over tiU the :June session of Oounty IOouncil, ,for furtihetr' oonsideration. ' Moved b~ Reere Gurr, Seconded by Dapu'ty Reeve McIver, That By-Law No. 1i7914, "A By-[,aw to IRiegulaite the Location of Gasoline and Diesel Fuel P!uimps on Lands A.djacenif5 to COunty Roads," be read a first time. ---Carried. Moved by Reeve O. EI. Brown. Seconded by ReeWle L. S. Gurr, ThaIt By-Law NG. :1179'4, be read a second time. -Carried. !Moved by Deputy Reeve Mc[ver. Sooonded by RJeeve Bll"own, That By-[,aw NOI. J.!794. be rood a third time, and finally passed. -Ga.1"!'ied. Moved by Reeve Wilson, Seconded by Reeve Barkie:r. T,hat By-Law No. 17i9:5, "To Ccm.firm tlhe Equalization af the As- sesISIlIl{EID:!t Rolls of the OOJUllty of Elgin, far the Year, i196:1,:>I bel read a first ltime. -Carried. ELGIN aOUNTY COUNCIL 81 Moved by Reeve Bar~er, Seconded by Reeve Wilson, That By-Law NQ. 11719'5., be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Bar~er, rSeconded by ReetVe Wilson, That B(Y-Law No. 1'795" be !read a It:hird time., and finally passed. -Oarried. Moved by R,eeve Wight, Seconded b(Y Deputy !Rleeve Barbell', That we do now adljoruxn tQ meet Qn Tuesda,y, June m.th, 196/1, at tJen a.m. -earned. BY -LAW NO. 1786 ~'To Raise Amounts for C'ounty Rates During the Year, 1961" WHElREAS an estimate has been made shOlWing tihatthe sum of Five Hundred and Nmerty-Ninte ThOUsand, ,S~ Hundred and Th.ir:tY- Two DollJa1<s is required to be raised in the S€V1emJ. mwnicipalltties for the lawful purpose of the CQunty during the year, 1191611, on the basis' of the e'liUal:i2Jed assessment as detell'mined in 19601. Municipality Taltal E!quaUzed Value Aldlborough ..............................................$ 4,71811,111.1.00 Dumvicih .................................................... 4,!53!4,768.oo Siourthwold ................................................ 5-,6\33,,3189.001 Yarmouth ............................................. ... 7',900i,404.:001 Malahide .................................................... 5)1501,'400.I0IO BayhaJn .... ............ ........... ..... .................... 4,0190,000.00 South Dorchester ............... .................... '1,'852,706.:010 82 ELOIN OOUNTY COUNCIL AyI:rnell" ...................................................... Port Stanley............................................. Dutton ........................................................ Rodney ......................... ..... .......... .............. West ~e .............................................. Poll"t BUJrWel1 ............................................ SpringfieiJ.d ................................................ Vienna ..................... .......... ............. ............ Belmont ........... ............... ........ .................. 5,,3011,c3173:.00 2,740,670.1001 709,9501.00 001.6\17.00 896,205,.1001 6601,862;.1010 3146,61012.1001 2I2i8,0I10.00l 4414.0001.00' $46~1125,554.00l THJER[EIFORE t1he Council of the Mhmicipal Corporation of the Coun:ty of E[gin enacts: THAT a rate 0[' 13 mills on the dollar be le,vied on all rateable! property in thel selVetrlal municipalities in the Ciounty of [E[gin as aboVle set footh folI" the y€&", 1191611.: Aldborough .... ........ ........................................$ OOIJ155.00 Duniwicih ...... ............. ... .................................. 58',915121.00 South.wold ............................. .......................... 73,234.1001 Yarmouth ...................................................... 102i,7015.IOQ Malalhdde ....... .............. ....... ............ ................ 66,,95151.010 Biayoom ....... ................................ .............. ...... 5.3,11811..100 South Dorchester ........................................ 24,085,.100 Aymer ........ ............... ......... ..... ....... .................. 6S,,911~l.OO Port Sitanl~ ................................................ 3IS,6129.QO Dutton .. .......... ..... .................... ........................ 9,12129.1001 Rodney.. ... ....... .... ..;............. ................ ............ ,11,ooi1.QG West Lorne .................................................. 1)1,61511.100 POIl't Bu...rweH ................................................. 8,5911.00 Springfield ........ ........ ...... .......... .... ................ 4~51312;.OO Vienna ............................................................ 2,9164.00 Belmont ... ........................ ............................... 5,7801.00 $599,632:.1001 iRlEAD a first time! this 2'2nd day of March, 19611. READ a 'Second time this OOnd day of March, 1961;. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 83 READ a third time, and finally passed this 22ind day of March, 1961. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. DONALD. BURGESS, Warden. BY -LAW NO. 1787 "A By-Law to Provide for the 19'61 Eixpenditures on Roads Under the Highway Improvement Act in the, County of Elgin" WHElRIEAS The Highwa,y Improvement Act !requires that the total eocpenditu:re on roads be provided fOil' annuaJIy' b~ county Iby- law and that by-laiW be sUJbmi!tted to thel Minister olf Highways: fOil.' .approval. THEIREFOREI the Council of the C!orpoca,tion of the sald County enacts as follows: (:1) 'TIllie sum olf $I5315,iOOO.OO is lheTeby estimated as the, ei&pendi- ture upon the construction and maintenance' of (the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the year 191611: as ifollorws:- C!onstruction Maintenance Roads ...... ..... ................. .................. .... .... ....... .1$1I3f2~000i.()O :$)2/518,20/0.00 Bridges and O'ul1vrerlt$ .............................. 614~00I0JOO 314,000.00- New Machinm-y .......................................... 4,000.00 nil Superintendencle and Ovell'hood .......... ~:.800,.OOi Total '$1390,200.00 93,,000.001 4,000.00 4I2i,8001.00 TOTALS .......... .......................... ........... .$200~OO.OO $3!36,10i00'.OOr$635t)OrO.OO (2') The said monies shall be erxpended undeiI.' th.el supeTvision of the duly appointed county road sUiperintl€ndoot and on work perform- ed in accordance rwith Thel Hig'hlway Iimprovement AClt. (3) The clerk shall transmi:t duplicate copies Of this by-law to 'the district offic:e Off the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways, not later than March 31st, of the said year. 84 E.LGIN :COUNTY COUNCIL. (i4) 'l1hie apprOiV'al of the Onitarto Municipal BOOll"d shall be ob-' tained befQlre anY expenditluirte is authoriZed: OIl' wOll'k; commenced which will be the issue of debentures or momes raised in a SU!bse- qU!Emt year'. !Passed at st. Thomas this 0000 day of Maroih, A.D. 19611. J. D. THOIMSON, Clerk. DONALD BURGESS, Wa;rden. It, J.. D. Thomson, OleIik: of the Cbrporat,]on of the County of !Eil- ;gin, dOl hien::etby certi.fy that the foregodnig m a true ropY' 0If By-LaW' No. '171817 passed by the OouncU 0[' !the said COCPorr'a,tion: on the 2\2tnd day of MaTich, 119m. J. D. THOMSON, County Clell'k BY-L,AW NO. 1788 "A By-Law to Provide for the 19611 Sup,pltemen,tary E~ndit1U"es on Roads Under the Highway Improvement. Aclt in the County of Dgin" W'ItEREAS The :Highway ImprolViement Act lI"equdres that the total expenditure on roads be provided for annually b\Y' county bw'- liawand that by-law be sUlbmiltted to the Ministell" of Highways for approval. THEREFORE the Council of the Ctorporn"tion of the said County enacts as folloWS: (1) The sum of '$2I814~OOO.;0I0i is hell"eiby es:timated ,as the expendi- ture upon the coootrucrtion and maintenance of (the roads ,and bridgesundell" its jUll"isdiction during ,the year 19611 as if'Q111ows:- Construction Maintenance Roads ............................................. ................ .$ll4l8,ooo.OOi Bridg,es and Oulvell'rts .............................. :136.00l0.iOO New :Machinery .......................................... rill lSuperinlUendence and OlVierlhiead .......... Total $11148,000.001 136,0001.00 TOTALS ................................................!$2I84,000,00 <$ '$004,000.00 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 85 (21) The said mames shall be eocpended under the supeil'lVision of Ithe duly appointed eOUllity 1l"0aQ, SlUipe1l"intendent and on wO!f!k perfOIl'ln1- ed in acOO1l"danca With Thel Hlg!hiway IlInprorvement Act:. (3) The Cilerk shall transmi:t duplicate copies of this by-law to \the distinct office Off thi€i MUnicipaL R~)iads: Branch, Derpla.rtment of IHighw~s, not later than March 311st, of the said year. (,4) 'Ilhie apprmvaJ. Of the Onitarto Municipal B034'd shall be ob- tained before any ~!pendi1miI'le is autholrizeld Oil" work:: commenced which will be financed by the issIUe of debentures or monies l'aaOOd in a subsequent year. Passed at SIt. Thomas Ithis I2I2lndJ day of Marich, A.D. 196.1. J. D. 'I'HOIMSON, Clerk. DONAL;D BURGESS, Wall'den. [, J. D. Thomson, C~errk of the iCbrpom,tion Of thel COIUnty of iE[- gin, do hletrlelb~ cea:tify that the foregO!ing is! :a .truer copy of B~-LaW' No. 1:71818 passed by the ClauncH of the said Corporation on: the ~~ day of MMich, 19611. J. D. THOMSON, COIUnty C1el"k BY-LAW NO. 1789 OF THE: CORPORATION OF THEr COUNTY OF ElL/GIN "Restricting the Weight of V'ehiie1es Passing Ove'r Brid,g1es" WHEIRIElAS suibseCltion 8 of iSeetci!<m 15~ of the Highway Trad'fic Aiot (R..S.O. ',1960') provides ttharti:- The municipa,} cOO'IJ)Oration OIl' oltiler autho!I'ity !hlaving durisdictioiDJ over a bridge may by BlV-Lawaprproved by the Derp'artlrnent make T:egulations limiting the weight of any vehicle or combina,tioiIl of verJ,oles or .any class thereof passing over such brtdge; AND WHlElRJEIAS it is deemed ~pediJtmJt to limit the weight of velbJicles passing OiVieT cetrtain bridges in the COittnJty olf !En.gin; 86 ELGIN iOOUNTY COUNCIL NOW 'I"HlEtRElFOR.:El the Council Qf .the ICbTporation of the Coun- ty of amgm enacts as follows:-- :1. No vehicle or iComlbdnation of Vleihictes or any class thereof, whether emplty or loaded. shall be opemted over any bridge desig- na;beid in Slclhiedule No.l,Slcihedule No. 121 or Schedule No. 31. attached to and forming pan of !this Biy-[jaW with a weight in ex!Cess of the! weighlt limit prescribed! in the sch.edU!le to[' such bridge. 2. A.ny person violating any Of the proVisiO!lJ:S of this by-law shall be subdoot to the penalty txrovided in Section OOJ of $Je HIgh- way Traffic Ac;t. 3. This By-Law slhall not become effecrttV€I until lapprOVed by the DepartJmenlll Of ~anspo!l't ailld until .8.1 notice of the weight permitted, legibly printed, has been posted up in a. oonspi.CluOlUS place at either end of .each bridge designaited in the attached sclhiedJUles. ,4. All prelV'ious B!Y-Laws resmC'tdng tJhe weight of vehfules pass- ing over bddgesaxe hereby repealed. IRlEAD a first time .this 122l11d day 0[ MlM'iClh, .19611.. RlElAD a secOIlid! time this OOtnd day of :Marcih, a.OO;lJ. READ a third time, and finally' passed this 2!2lnd day of March, 1J961. J. D. T.HOM:SQN, Clerk. DONALD BIURGESS, Warden. EILGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 8'1 SCHEDULE, NO. 1 BRIDGES ON COUNTY ROADS .p :m d ~ Q ~ ei S H "",:g ~ (!) (!) (!) 13 o e 0 :p: (l)~.!;l ~ g ~r ~ bOrn ~~ ~ .s 'al s p. '. 'S ~ ~8 :>t8 ~~~ 1. 18 00 8t. George St. Lob 2, Oon. 9 115 1905 Bttuminous Y8Irmouth 2. '215 2'1 She~boume OIl' Lot \116, 20 19001 COllJCXete Warren street N.L.R. Village of Port Stanlew 3. 2/8 310 Patterson Lots 8 & 9, [J5 1908 Concrete Con. II, Yarmouth 4. .w 42, stalter Gull~ Lot 2/8, 210 119122: Concrete Oon. 1 & 2, MaJa.hlide 5. 45 42 POIl't Burwell Loti '1:1, 20 119ilO Concrete Oon.l, Village Of POll'~ B:Uil'weill 6,. 47 41 Vienna Lot 1>4, 201 un- COncxete Con. IEI, known Village of 1'Ie constlUoted Vienna 1953 7. 53 46 EJden or Lot 16, 5 1896 Wooden Sinden COin. 8 & 9, Bayham 38 ELGI:N 'COUNTY COUNCIL SCIlEiUUW NO.2 COUNTY BRIDGES ON TOWNSHIP ROADS .p .."j ~ ~ .a 0 ~ 0' ~ ~ ~I ~ ~ 0 CI) Q) ~ CI);..,i bO ~ '0 ~'O .~~ ~O~ i zi ~~ ~8 ~~ . l. 212 Robbi.ns Lot 5, 6 11.00'8 Wooden Rirver Road, Souij1wold 21. ~ Fulton Lots 31 & 4, 00 19112 Concrete Mill Road, Soutihwold 3. 24 Meek's Lot 116, 2:0 1I9iOO Concrete N. U. Road, Southwold 4. 27 Jamestown Lot :28, 115, 1908 Concrete Don. 21, YamrouitJh Twp. 5. 38 HOOVer Lot 00, 10 19\10 Concxe1ie Cion. XlI St. DOl'ichestel1" Twp. 6. 411 Orwell Lot 29, 1!5 1908 Concrete Cion. 91, Yail'illllOUttJh Twp. 7. 412 Dingle st. LiOt !m, 6 [Prim- Wooden Con.. 7, to Ma1ahide Twp. 11900 8. 418 Cook's Lot 1, Con. 5". :15, 11907 CIoncrete Bayham Twp. 9. 49 PhillmOll'e Lot 3, 15 19019 Concrete Cion. 6, Bayham 'Ilwp. to. 56 .Acacia. Lot ~, 21 1908 Wooden COn. X, Bayham Twp. - (Road in poor condition) ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 89 SCHEiDULEi NO. 3 BOUl\TJ>ARY BRIUGEiS WITH OTHEIB MUNlC:IP ALITmS ADJOINING EiL,GIN. BY -LA. WS ALSO RlEiQjUffiEiD FROM ADJOINING MUNICIPALITY ..p .~ S :>. ~ .5 ..p ~ '5 H ~ ~~ d ~ 8 ~ 0 ~ 0 .a .~ CD CD :s o 1-< <l)~i ~ ~~ ~ i 8 on tI2 ~ ~ :g .~ 'Qj ~ A 0...... .~ f::O~ '0 ~ Zr!l H ~~ 1>18 'ff:ii: <~ 1. 3 5 Walker Lot 1, 20 1902 Bituminous County of B.F.C. Middlesex Du:niwich 2. 4 '1\1 TaWs B.F.A., 20i 119\114 rC/oincre,te County of Lot 7, Middlese!X DUlIlIWich 3. D 8 Willeys Lot 1-4, i210 1,9017 Cbnc:reltel Corunty of B.F.A., Mldd1eSie~ Dlmwich 4. 16 !Lings Lot 49, 115, 1191212' C:oncre!be Cbunty of Easit !Side Middlesex T.R.N. B~., Sout'h!wold 5. 211 Kains Lot 1, 115 118199 Cbnmerte' City of s:t. Con; 8, Thomas Yarmouth Twp. 6. 312 Belmonrt;l Lot 2U, 1\51 1907 Concrerte County Qf East Con. 7, South Midd!lese!X D(W~ester & Nortih Dorchester 7. 2 3 Wardsville Lots 114 & 8 1800 Wooden ClounItiY of 1,5, Oon. B.F., Middlese~ Aldlborough 90 ELGIN iOOiUNTY COUNCIL BY-LAW NO. 1700 "A By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 1696, and By-Law No. 1724" W'HiElR.lEAS By-LaIW' No. 16~6 deals With the s;ppointment and re- muneration of a !Road SuperintJeOOenlt .tor the County of iE[gin: AND WHIE1RlEIAS it is deemed exp.edient toarnood the said b~- law; NOW 'I'HJElRfE[FI()1RIE, tlhJe !Municipal: Cocporatio!llOf the Oou.nty of Elgin, ~ the CouiI1cll thereaf, enacts as follOWS: {l) That C[ause (11.) (a) of Biy-~w No. 117214 is herebY repeal- ,ed, and the following suibstliltuted therefoce: (a) Th:a,t the sala1l'Y or remuneration of the said Superintendent shall be the ,sum, of l$8i,500.()OI perarmum, eflf'eclt,iveJ Mail"cih tst, 19611. (2) That By-Law No. 11619161, and By-Law No. 111m4, be, and are herebiy amended accordingly. (3) That By-Law No. 1i716\1, ibe Jr.elpealed. (4) That this Biy-Law shall come into foree and ltiake effect on the lIst day of Mair'ch, 19611, subjeot to the approlV'al of the Mimster of Highways. IP AsSIEID in open COUncil this 22nd day of Mro'ch, 19611. J. D. TlHOtMSOiN. DONALD BURGESS, Clerk. \Varden. mLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 9J. THE CORPORATION OF THE: COUNTY OF ELGIN BY -LAW NO. 1791 "A By-Law to Amend the By-Law.Adopting a Plan of C~unty Road; Impro.vement and iEstablishing a ,Clounty Road System in the County of (E)LGIN Under the Highway Improvement Actf' The Council of the Cm-poration of the Clounrty of ,Elginenac:ts as BY-Lam Nmnlb:er 1171911 :as follows: il. The ,Schedule of ~-iLaw Numbelf 897 being the original By-Law ,es:tablishing 'a. County Road System, in the C'ounty iof E:1gin as am.ended by BJy-La,w N1umber 1052 bedng t1h1e laslt oonsoJIi.- da.ting BJy-Law re-estaibUshing: the said system and fllrther amended \by SUlbsequeiIlit amending B;Y-lLaws is hereb;y amended by adding thereto the roads designated and desclli.bed as ,foillows: DiElSCRWTION Designated County Road No.. 38 BEING a portion OIfRoad ther,eof in the TQIW1lSthip of BaY'ham; OOMMiEtNCINIG in the' Township of Baylhlam, in the rviIlag18 of Richmond (also ktt:ownJ as Braorham,) on the Ta:Lbot !Road E'a;slt opposite the :PlIank !R:oad, as shown ana Plan registered as Numbelf 212 in the County Registry Office'; THiEtNClEi South-eastell"ly on the !Plank RJoad to a, point oppo- site 'RichmondSltreet in the Village of Rjoomond. A TO!I'.A[., DIiSTANClE of approo:ilmateiJ.y 1,0001 ft. This pootian of Rood having been constructed by tlbJe CbllID~ in lieu Of Richmond iStrteet in the Vil-, lage 0If Rtchmond which was previOlUsly maintained by the County. 12.. The road as design:a ted and desclli.bedJ in pa;ragraph 1, is hereby added !to, andinc1uded in 'the IOol\.ll1ity Road System of thel Coun:ty of EIlgin. 13. This By-Law shall come into force upon the approval Of the Lieutea:1ant-GOIVe:rnor' in Council. FINALLY PASSED at the City of st. TI1om.as, in the Countyof' Elgin, this 122M day of !March, 1961. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. DONALD BURGESS, Warden. ,92 EILGIN clOUNTY COUNCIL THE CO~ORATION OF THE: COUNTY OF IElLOIN BY-iLAW NO. 1792 "A By-Law to Amend tihe By-La.w Adopting a ;plan of County Road Improvement and Establishing a County Boad System in the County of ELiGIN Under the Highway Improvement Act" The Council or! the Golt'p;o~ation of the Cbtmty OffEtlgin enadtS as By-lLaiw Numbell' 1/7192 as follows: 1. The Schedule of B~-Law Number 8911 being the ortginal B~-Larw establishing a Oounty Road System in the Cbunty of Elgin as amended by By-Law Nlumbelr 1052 being the last OOiIJ.So[i- dating By-Law re-es:taIblishinig the said system and fjuxtlhell" amended by subsequent ,amending By-LaW's is ihlerelb~ amended b~ removing there-from the roads designated and desm"ibed as fallows: DEiSCRlIPTION Designated County Road No. 38 ~G 'DRAT PORTION or!' Road o~the deviatiOlIl:Sl 'thell'eof in the Townsihip or!' Bay'ham; CIOMMlEIN"C-> ]NO in the Township of Bay!ham, in the Village of IRJiClhmond (,also knolW!1 as Ba,~ham) on tlhle Piank; Road, as shlOlwn on a Plan regIstered as Number 212 .in the dounltW' Registry Office,. at the North-eastell'ly limit of the Talbot Road oo'st; 'DHIEINCiEI Notrth- easterlY an tlhe P~anJk Road to Riiohmond S't:rieet; THIElNC:m Easterly ANlD THlEtNCtEI Southerly . on 'Richmond StJree!t tOl tffu.e NOIl"1fuI-e1asterlyi limi,t of the Talbot !Road Elast. A TlOrrAL DISr.rANCIE ofapprolK- ,imately O.~ miles. This iRoad having been main- taJ!lIed ib(V the Cbunty of [@gin in liertt Oif the 'ralibot ;rooad lEast which has now been construClted. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 93 Designated County Road No. 25 S.A. BEIN1G' A PORTION 0[ a Road or the deviations theT'oorf in the Townships of Yarmouth and South... wold used in lieu at the TownIine and known as the Captainsaror:e Road; C~C[N/G in the! ToW'IlSltips of Yarmouth and Southwold on the 'IlorwnIine Road between. .them; perpendiCtUlarly op- posite a point whicih may be des<rlbed as follows: BlmGINNlIiNG at the NOIl'tth-west oomeT of Park Lot' "'J", RiegisitJeIDed Plan No,. 1i714, Townsh.i:p of Yar- mouth; THlEINlCIE' SIouth 0 degrees 38' 30" West a distance of 900 feet to tlhle pomt of oommeooemelIltJ at which point the /CIaptain Shore Road :inlta'sects the Townline; TIm'lNCElSIoultlherly along the said Caotain Shore Road through !Park Lots "'J", ''H'' and "0", :r;egisltered ~IMl NOI. '1!74, Township of YQ1l"_ mouth, to the boundary l~ne of tlhe Township of \SOUthwald; 'rII:mro1E cOOItinuing Southerly and Wlesrterly in the TOIWIlShip of Sbuthiw'old along the said Ida,p!tlain Shore Road tlh.l"OIUgh Lot "A" or 43 in the Gore between Lots4l5'and 46 North of tlhe Tal- !bOlt Road East to the Noll'therly limit of a, Road running Souitih-easterly in !Lot "A" 011' 4J3. known as Woodland AiV1enue. A TOIrAL mSrrANiCtEl Of lap- proocimate1y 21,50101 fieet. ~. The roads as designated land desCll'iibed in paragraph 1, are hereby removed frlOmthe County lRioad System of thet Oounty of 'Elgin. 3. IThis B&'-Law shall loameinto ,forele Uipon the apptroVal .af tibie Lieutenant-Goviernor in COiuImil. FINAIfuY PASISED at the City of Sit. 'I1hom.as, in the Oorunt.y of Elgin, this Wind day of !March, 1.9611. J. D. THOMSON Clerk. DONALD BURGESS. Warden. 94 ELGIN. COUNTY COUNCIL BY -LAW NO. 1794 "A By-Law to Regulate the Location of Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Pumps on Lands Adjacent to ,County Roads" WlIEREAS, it is deemed to be necessary and deslill"aible to regu- late the location of gasoline and diestei fuel pumps and appertenaIlJCles on landsi ad!Jac;ent to certain County !Roads. AN[) WHiEIR'EAS, authOirilty is granted under Siection 615 of the Highway Improvement Act, Revised Sita,tutes of Onltarto '11960 to ex- 'ercise such restrictions subject to the :approval of the iMJJnister of Hi:ghwa;ys. NOW TH1ERIE[<10RE, the Council of the Corpooati<m of the Coun- ty of E1gin enac:ts as foUows:- 1. In this By...LaiW the word "p€iI"Son'" shall mean any person, firm or corporaltionJ. the word "IIilghwaiY" shall mean a County or a st. Thomas Suburban Road ICOmmission Rood of the County of !EII- gin and the Words "'Road Committee" shall mean the. CiQlmmLttee or BodY appointed by the Coonty Oif ElIgin to hav:e jurisdiction Olver EII- gin COWl~ Roads. "Engineer" shall mean :the County Engineer ap- pointed by the Council of the ICOiunty of lE~gill\. "'Bluilt Up Mea" shall be as defined in ,Section 11 (1) of the Hi!gihJw18JY Tl"ad'f'icl ACIt. 12. This By-Law shall apply to those Roads described in consoli- dating B'Y-[Iaw No. 1105121 .and amended ibiY ISlUbsequentamending By- IJaws,and to those Roads in !the fUJture are ladded to the COunty Road System bY' the County CouncU; save and except. those in an Incorporated Village OIl' Town. 3. No person shall €Teet" alter, or Ghang:eany gasoline and die- sel fuel. pump orappurten:anoo lying within 1150 feet of any li.mit of a Highway ooJ:ess a permit has been issued for such wOOk !by the County . Engine'~. 4. This permit must be displayed in a conspiouous place during suell ,erectir~t alteu.-':wg, in cihar~.sllg. Perm fur tt'..a pe.~,jt shall be $2.010 fOil' .each P1ID1IP. Application Flotrms and Reg!u1a,tions for inspoo- tion will be as determined by! the !Road Oommitltee from time to time. ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 95 5. '. All persons selling gasoline or diesel fuel from any pUinp within 100 feet f:rom any limit of any Cbunty RPad shall obtain a yearly permit from the iCbuntyElngineer. (Such permi:t mUlSlt be con- . spiouOIUsly diSIp:layed in the Owner's place 0[' business.> The fee for 'any pump within 1110 feet OIf the closest ~t Of anw ffighway shall . be $'10.00. The fee for any p:ump not within 1101 feet Of thief closest ;limit of any Highway 'shall ibefree.. T!his !pelI'mit mUSlt!be obtained before March is/1st of each year. 6. No person shall eroot or install gasoline or diesel If'u€[ pumps or a.ppurten~nlCe; (a) c~ooerthan 6iOi \feet from the centre of the OIl'iIgiinal Road allowance or'Withiln .10 feet Of the neareslt limit of any Coun11Y Rood whichever loose is furthelSlt distant from the presenIt centre line of the Road, (ob) on a oor'V'e or cxest of a hill, and (c) on the tan~ent to a hOll'izontal or vell'ltical curve where the sight distancel is less than ;8001 feet in each direction; save :and eoooept on any County iRIoad in a iPIoUce Village, or Bruilt up aI'€a. 7. Furlllher to Regulation (6) no person shall install, erect, or modify gasoline or di.esel fueai pUJnpSi or appurtenance within 1150 feat of 'the nearest limit of a Highway that will in the olpinion of - the Road Ctom.miJtrtee; C1.) fOI'lm a haza:rd to the motoring pUblic or (21) be detrimental to the future improvements Of the Highway. 8. No per:SIOO. shall ereclt, alter, or modi!fy any gasoline or diesel fuel pumps 011" appurtenaIlJc:e, anY' part of which is within ,11501 feet from any limit of a Hlighway at a closer distance than as shown on ~hedu1.e <<AJ'" as attached from a Rood intersootilIlg a Highway or a Railroad right-.m-way interseclting a Highway. 9.. No person. shall erect or install any gasoline or di€OOl fuel pUaTJiPS oTappUl~Lerl.W"we in a. BUilt up Area or Poiice VilIageat a closer diSltanoo from the limit Of any Highway than the average building line as determined by the Road ~ttee from time to time. The building line of other ROads (Section 8) is similarly de- 96 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL termined:. Section. 7 shall apply also to Highways throtlg';h. BUilt Up Ar.eas and Police Villag:es. 10. U' for any reason gasoline or diesel fuel should nat be reg- ularly sold from a liClIDSOO pump foil" a period of 6 · montlhs then the Applicant must conform to all R.eguI~tions of this Bty'-LaiW with re- gard to ffi'ec:ting. changing, altering,. ,etc. t1. The COll"poration of the ICbunty of (EJIgin, !by their Engineer, may give notici€1 to the OWner .oil" Occiupanlt of any land requiring him to remove or alter any gasoIme OIl' diiesJeJ. fUleli ptUllpS <>fr' appUjI'- tenanceell"ecrtled or installed after the passing of tlUs BlY- Law that does not comply with any SeCitionof this BIy'-Laiw anid eoo.h Notice :undetr tills Siecltiolll shall be in wriMng and sentb,y relgtistwed mail. .addressed to the Owner or OCClupant otf' the land. 1i2. If the person to whom tihe notioo is given. undm- Section 11 aboive fails to comply with it within 30i days from mailing of sUlClh notice, t1hle COII'IpOlrlation of the Clounty of EOCg'in may direct any offi- iCier, lem;plo~ee or ag'ea:ltt of the said COll"poratikm to enter upon the land.and do or cause to be done whatever maY' !be neeeSlS1ary" to l'Ie- move or alter such gasoline or d1:esel fuel pumps oraptpurtenance mentioned in the said notice, and cihan~e the Icost thereolf rt:o the Owner or Oooupant. 113. [EJvery person who rviolaroes .any ofth:e aIbove prorvisions of this BIy'-lLiaw shall be guilty of anOlflfenc:6 and upon SIununaXy' Con- 'V]ction slhjaIl be liahle to a pen:al/ty 0If not 11llI00000e Ifjhan \$1200. for eooh oflfence and the continuanoe of the condition COllS'titurting an offelIlCe eooh weekaftefI' oolnvilotion, thiell"efiOll'e, sawn oonstli:tuite a new offell1JCie. 1~4. This By-Law shall comel into effect the day that it is ap- proved by the Ontario Minister of Highways. RfmAD a first time this i212lI1d day .of. MaIl'W.. 19611. R'EAD a :s:econd time this 21200 day of MaJ'ICh, '1961~ READ a third time, and f'inaJly pQSSed this r.a~i11d day of March. 1:9611. J. D. THOMSON. Clerk. DONALD BURGESS. Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BY-LAW NO. 1795 97 "To Confirm the Equalization of the Ass:essment ~lls of the County of Elgin for the year, 196:1." The ELgin County Council enac.ts: THAT tJhe following .be the eqruaJi!zation of the Assessment RmIs of the C:ounty of Elgin fOil" the year, !119611:: Aylimer ................... .......................$ 'i1,l2159!,I1ri/S.OO Belmont ....................................... 6417,ei/75I.oo Dutton ............................................. 8196,889'.00 Port Burwell ................................ OOO,6!2IOI.OO Port stanley ................................ 3:JO'19'.8IUl.OQi Rodney ....... .... ................. .... ........... 1~0310~5().OO ISpringfield .................................... 300J)312.00 Vienna ............................................. 33!4/.)317.00 West Lorne .................................. ll,i08l()i,640.00 Aldborough ..................................... 4,900';753.100 Bayham .......................................... 5',285,892.00 South Dorchester ........................ 1,954/7126.00 Dunw1ciht ........................................ 3:,987,3691.010 Malahlde ............................ ............ 61,,'9019'.95/01.00 Southwold ...................................... 5,,367,6710.00 Yarmouth ...................................... 8,,!1.3'4,J21614.00 $512:,069,3153.00 13fJ4I13% U~4312 1.~, 11.5300 5'.7996 :1!.9/71861 ..69114 .6433 2.071514 91.60211 '10.1151lr7 3.7\5f4jl 7.6'5,78: 13:.21706 10.3088 15.0000 100.0000% 2. THAT this C'ouneU is willing to have the finalequaJim.tionoof assessment Rans incase of appeal, made by the CounJt.y Jludge. RJEAD a first time this ~lI1d day" Of Marren, 1'9611. RlEAD a second! time this l22nd day of Mareih, 1001~ READ .a third time, and finally' passed this OOlnd day of March, 1001. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. DONALD BURGESS, Warden. 98 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL THIRD SESSION -- .FlRST DAY .Tuesday,the 13th da.y of June, 1961 The EI1.g:i.11l Coonty COiUnlcil met this day a.t the Court House, st. Thomas, in a.ccordiance with adjoUl"llffieut. '. The . Warden in the C!hiaiil". All the members wer:e preselI1t ,eoccept Reeve Baird. The warden addressed . the Oouncil. WARDiEN'S ADDRESS June Session, 1961 'I1oall Members of.the Elgin Ooonty Corunc\i1, Gentlemen: It is.a 'p~easure". to'. welcome YlOUI to th:e ..'Thi!td SiesSion of Edgin County Cbuncil. I am: sure' with the excessiVe moi:stU1'e and heat, thrut oorly crops will have' a . record growth. in no time, in my ,exiParlence has the -oountry presented suen a fresh 'and verdant appearance. The Oommitrtees olf County ICounc:iI, are well .adV'anced in their 11961 program. The Library' Board will no dOiUbt have Possession of Itheir new. building before next Slesisirolt1l. Tlhe WaIDdSiVille Blridge is nea.l-~}ng C:oil1pletion, and the plan~s for the Elden bridge wiJ.l soon be ready for tendering. The Committee of Elgin Manor is pleased to report the comple- tion of the redecorating and rewiring of the main IblUli1ding. We are lappll'~iating ,the splendid improvemetlltstothe Court House steps. It is reassuring .tJha t all departments are keeping wiIthin their estimates, and our Council .should complete the year in a favoura,.. bla financial position. ELGIN :OQUNTY COUNCIL 99 The minutes of the last day of tlh~ March Session were: read and approved. The .following communications were read and referred to their various Committees: COMMUNICATIONS .June Session, 1961 From Bank of Montreal with lIlOtifileation interlest rate is reduced to '5% %. - FiLed. From County of Weiland with resolution requesting abolishment of the aJUIthority of Cbunty iOouncd1s to pass BY-Laws !Setting up High lSeihool Districts! or reVisement orf DistriOOs. - Referred ltb Peti- tions and Legislation Committee. From the University Of Western OnItiarlo re Ded:i.ca.tion Ceremony of Dr. Crane Memorial Paa-k. - Filed. Prom united Counties of stormont, Dundas and Glengarry \V1Jth ,brief in 'Support of the need of County ICIou.nctls. - Referred to PIe- titions and !Legislations Committee. From the CbUl1!ty Of Renfrew requesting Amendment to the Mu- nicipal AJet to permit County Councils to vote tor Warden by secret ballot. - Re!erred to Petitilcmsand Legislation Oottnmittee. From the United Oounties of !Stormont, Dundas and Glengan-y nequesting cancellation of Open Deer Seasons and Liic:enses he issUed ,only to residents Of the Munic:ipality. - Rletferred to Agricultural Committee. Prom the Foor Counties Hospital Boa<rd requesting Capital grant. - Referred to Finance Committee. Prom the County of Lincoln re the right of prisoners to use tele- phone on admittance to County Jail. - RWened tb the Properly Committee. Prom the UniverSlity of Western Ontario re County Council Day. .,.,-nled. 100 lIDLGm COfUNTY COUNCIL lProm the County of Grey re increased Com:pen\sation to owners of oattle f:ound with tuberculosis or Ibrucellosie disease. - Referred ,to the Agriculture Committee. From Zone No. 1 Regional Sheep Breeders ABsooia.tion with rre- ,quest for Grant. - 'R;eferred to Agriculture Committee. From 'the May Oourt. Club, Windsor', requesting a Dertention Horne [for deIiinquen,t Children at Chatham. - Referred to FmaIl'Ce Com- mittee. From the County Of ESsex re reduction of Hunting season for' Pheasants in ESlSexOQlUIlty. - Referred to A.gr:icWture Committee. From the COiUllty o\f Ontario requesting the Ontario Hydro Com- )mission to place farm Clo!nSumers on the same rate as! lHamlet and Rural residential consumers. - RereTredto Agriculture Committee. RepItes from otheT Counties on E!JgIn County r eSoluticms were read and ordered filed. The Engin Manor Cbmmittee RepolI1t was presented and adopted iOn motion Of Deputy ~e~e Tansley aIIlIdJ !Reeve Gurr. The Sp,eeial Finance OolllIDldttJee Report on new Library BUJilding'! was presented and adopted on motion of RJeeve Wiatt and Reeve Wight. 'The Report of ,the Property IOomm:iJtltee was presented and adopt- . ed on motion of Reeve MdKibbin and Reev:e Barker. The County Treasurer's RepQrt W1as pTeBPfl,ted. Moved by Re6fVie Gurr, Seconded by Daputy Reeve McIver, That 4he County Tr:easurer's Report be aocepted and iPrinted in 'the Prooeedings of County CoUIllcil. -carried. ElLGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 1m Deputy Reeve TUiffOTdinquired 1'161 Debentures on watermain to the top Of tbe Fingal Hill, issued by !the Township of South wold. ~eeve Gurrexplamed that on advi'eie of ,the County Solicd:tor, the Oounty of Elgin had no authorrity to pay any portion of tale deben-, twres. Reeve Nimmo moved that Dr. Monteith be now heard. Dr. Mon~ teith sPOke on the cost of S!eooIlidary ediucation, lVOOaIt:donal school -training, and trade courses. Moved by Reeve ~lliott, Seco.nded b~ Reerve Wig1ht, That we do. now adjourn to meet thJis -aftenloon a,t 2 pm. -Carried. The COlIDcil resumed. The Agricultuxal Cbmmit,tee (Report W1aS presenlted ,and adopted on motJion of iR'eeve Nimmo and Reeve CtraWlford. The second I1eport Qf the !Property Cionunittee was presentedj .andadopted on motion of Reeve M1e1Kibbdnand Deputy IRe.eve Barber. The repoTt of 4l1e Finance Oommittee was pTiesented and adopted on motion of Reeve Ellio.tt aJnld Reeve Wigiht. The report of the IRJoad Committee was (presented, and on motion of Reeve Hux, the Council went into a Oommittee of the whole with iIOOeve Hux in the ohair'. !Mr. MOOil"e; ICoUillfty Engtineer, a"{.p.lamed thi€l report. The report wasadJopted on motion Of Reeve Hux, and Reevel Nimmo. By-lLalW No. 1700 W[hicih was read a first time at the Mareh Ses- sion and laid over till the June Session Wta8 presented and adopted. Moved by Deputy Reeve Oaverly, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Taooley, '102 ElLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL That By-Law No. 179~, be read' a second time. -Carried. Moved by Re6V1e . Brown, ;Seconded by Daputy Reeve McIver, That By..(Law No.~719S, be re~d a. third time. and tiImJl:y passed. -Carried. Reeve Barker requested a recorded vote. YlEAS - Huoc, !RObson, Nimmo, 'Durfford, Blurgess,EIlhott, Clarke, Tansley, MoKiibbin, Hughes, Downey, IG/Urr, MctllV'er, and Wight. (16) . NAYS - Barbell", Cmwfocd, Brown, Ca.verly, Chute, iPbWips, Wil- ISDn, Emerson, and Biarlker. (9). Moved by Reeve Gurr, Seconded by Reeve McJ.Kibbdn, ~s the V1i]lageof !Port BltwWell and] the Township of :Southiw'Old !have petitioned the El:giin ICbiUnity' Cbuncil to grant con~ 'sent to the appointment of the COUnitiY Assessor', Hector McLean as iassessment ,commissioner. fO[" the :said mUIllic:ipalities with the total Icost to be born by therobove mundc:ipalities. The EIIgin cOunty Corm... oil does hereby gl"ant consent, as provided under SectIOn ~7, Chap- ter 2419, of the Mtmiciipal ACIt, ,1960. -Carried. iRleeve Emerson in'V'ited the County Cioil.111cil to 'ijle UIllVeiling of a plaque in memory of idaptam Samuel Edison in the afternoon or ,July 23rd in Vienna. Moved by Reeve Elliott, Seconded b:y R~/e \Xli.ghJt, That we do now adjourn to meet again on Wednesdiay, June 114, at ten am. ELGIN COUNTY COiUlNOIL 100 TmRD SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 14th day of June, 1961 The EI1gin County OouDJcil met this day at .the Oourt House, st. Thomas, in ac;cordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Ohaiir. All the membell"Sl were pIl'esent exJC:ept Deputy Reeve Twffocd. The minutes of the previous day were read and approved. It was moved by Reeve Gurr that Mr. iRoss PolloCk: or the Nj€iW York Lite lilsurnnce C<m1Pany, Toronto, be nOlW' heard. Mr. Pollock ,addressed the Oouncil on a Group I'nsu.mnc:e lP1an: fm- 1:jhe Couaty lemployees. The Warden appointed Reeves lEI1liott, Downey, and Grurr a Committee to investigate this Glroup InsuraIliC:e P1an. Remne Hux mo~ed that f.Mir. A. V.. Langton, Agricultural Repre- sentative be now heard!. Mr. :Lmgton addressed the IConned1 on the .Junior C[uJb work, and of oth-er iagriClllturnl acti'Vities in the County. The Warden expressed a;pprec1ation to Mr. Langton for his eoc- icellent report. DepUiUy Reeves HUI~es presented a petiuon asking County Coun- \Qil to support 1Mr. Russel G. [,ewis in hiS :request tf!or a P/ub!J\ici rvlehi-i cle Licence to transPOI'lt parties onspooial trips. !Reeve Brown ad- dressed the Council sup!POfI'ting the request. Moved by Deputy ROOVIe Hughes, Seoonded by Deputy Reeve Oaverly, That the IEIlgin County Counc:il endorse the request of Mr. Rus- .sel G. Lewis of Malahide township to acqlUire a PUbllc Vehic~e Li... 0800e to operate a charter bus service. -Carried. 104 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL The report Of the Petitions and LegiJS[ations Cbmmittee was pre- ~enJted land adopted on motion of Deputy \ReIeVle Phillips and RJeeve Barker. Moved \by Reeve H'UiX, Seconded bW Deputy RieeveBarlber, That By-[..a;w NOI. 11:71916, "A Bty'-Laiw to Amend the By-Law .Adopting a Plan of Oounty Road ~provement and Establishing a. County Rood System in the C:ounty of EIlgin under the Highway Impa:<ov:ement Acit." be read a fm-st time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Elliott, Seconded by Reerve Wigbt, That By-Law No. 1'7!9i6, be read a second time" -Carried. Moved by Reeve W'ight, Seconded by Reeve IOl"awford, That By-[.aw No. 171916, be read a third time, and finally pas~d. -Carried. Moved by ReeVle Baird, iSeconded by ~eve ElmeTSOn, That By-Law No., 11797, "'A Bty-fLaw to Amend the By-;Law .Adopting a Plan of County Road ImproiVement and /EStablishing a <CountY Road System in 1Ae County Of ~in under the Highway Improvement Act;" be read 'a first time. -Carried. ...Jf'.......,.,.""".,..:J 1-..__ "1:')-,,..,............._ ~ ....:....~,___ J.VLU v OU IJY .cv~t:' V,t;; .c.u.UJOJ. '])vll, Seconded by Reeve Baird, ELGIN COUNTY COiUNC[[L 105 That By..[Ja;w No. 117f9:7, be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Nilmmo, Seconded by lRieeve ~erson, That By-Law No. 1~97, be read a third time, and final~ passed. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Thnsley, Seconded by Reeve Barkier, That By-Law No. t"r06, "'To.. /llnICll'tease the ,&l.llary Ott' the sem-etary: in the County Assessor's QMice~" be read a first time. -Carried. ;Moved by Deputy Ree,ve Caverly, Seconded by Reeve G. E. Brown, That By-Law No. 1798, be read a 'second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Clarke, Seconded by DejplUty Reeve Tansley, That By-Law No. 1'7100, be read a third time, .and finally passed. -Carried. The WaTden 16lXpll1essOO. appreciation for the~llent manner in Wjh1.ch the business was completed for the Sessiion. Moved by Deputy Reeve McIver, Seoonded b~ ReelVe GUIT, 1~ EILGIN COUNTY COUNCIL That we do now adjourn to meet 011i Tuesday, September 19th,. at ten .a.m. . -Carried. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. DONALD BURGESS, Warden. .June Session, 1961, REPLIES FROM OTHER COUNTmS TO ELGIN COUNTY RESOLUTIONS Resolution requesting the Corporation Off the OjJty of st. ThomaJSi to'l oontribute m()Ire than one half miIil of tjhedr assessme:l1it to the st. Thcmtas . SUburban. Road Oommission in; il:9612! so t:halt t1w St. Thomas ,SlUbiurban iRload .COmrni:SSiO!l1 m~y complete the recon- struction of the Wellington Road in )ii9612:. NO AlCTION - City Of Sit,. Thomas. RiasolUitinn Te 'Opportunities 0[ EducatiJorn for :Retarded Cjh[ldren. CONlClURRElD IN - Peterbovough, Victoria, tH/urIoln, United OOU!l1- ties of Stormont, Dunidas and Glengarry. :ElNDOlRSlEID - Peel, Welland, UniJted Counties of Nortjb..umber- land and Dim'hiam" Brant, Oxlford, FIt>rD:tlenoo, Girey, Prince Edward, and Waterloo. NOT IElNDORSlEID - COIWltt!y of :Lennox and Addington. NO ACTION" - CoU:Illty af Hastings. Resolution. re Assessment. NO AcmON' TAK!EN - United Counties Of Northumlberland and Durham. Resolution re Traffic Conditions at ;port Stanley. ELGIN COUNTY COiUNCIL 107 ACKNOWLEDGED - R. K. MCNeil, M~.P., HOIIlJ. F. M. casso Resolution re Election of mgh School Boards. NO AlOTION TAKm - United Oounlties of Northumberland and. Durham, U:mted COiunties of Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry., Resolution :re $ltranee' Exa.millaitions and the lProVilsiion of Trade 8000018. AJOKNOWDEDlQID - HoD.. J. !P. 1RX>ba.rts, Minister Of !IDducation, R.. K. McNeil, iMJP.!P. ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE .June Session, 1961 'I10' the Warden, and Members of' the Eagin Oounty Counell, The Ellgin Mlaoor Committee netpOrts as follows: 11. ThaJ,tl!pe tender of Imperialle Fuels .for No. 1 Ohio WolveT- ine oil t,rOOited Istoke.r Coal of $11110411 per ton was: accepted. 12. That the' teiIlJder of HarrySlmith Coal 00., ,for No. 1. fuel Oil Of '$14.85, per hundred galiJ!ons was aoc:epted. 3. '!'hat a complete :relWiringa/b iElgin Manor, ordered by thel HydJro Inspector has beeIli cOIIIlplatJed aib CloSt of' $7,478.00. 4. Th<9;t :the ,first floor and some rooms on second floor have been redecorated at c:ost of :$700.00. 5. That we rooeived ,a la.;rg,e reduction on insurance premiwns ~rom Frank Cowan 00.'1 due to seCJUring OiJtly 'M:tteir and rewiring at ElIg1in Manor. All of wmch is respectfully submitted. M. TANSLiElY, Chainnan. :LOS E/LGIN COUNTY COUNCIL SPECIAL FINANCIE COMMITTEE April 5th, 19611 The FinaIliCe ICommittee of the !Elgin County CQIlIDICi:l met this .evening at 8 p.m. Reeve IJoyd EllliJOltt in the Chair, all1d: all members rwtm-e lpIresent exJcept Ree've Bi. E. DowneY' and IRI6Ierve K. o. iElmerslOn. The C\hIairman aslked Mr. G. Dunoan B[acik: to presenlt the plans :and Slpooifieations ,for the new' Coruniq [AiJb!rary Building. Mr. Black disclUSsed the specdJf'icat]ons and recommended a nUffi- beT of items which could b~ de'l,etedl a~ /Some cl1ang'6S1 iln material used in the spec1if'ications.. Moved by Reev:e L1o~d Si. Giurr, a:Illd seconded Ib~ Warden Donald BlU'gess that the drrivewla&" seeding. and board room be deleted and the copper flashing be chianged to ga~vamzed: iron, tjhe balance of! the specd.lf~caJtions to remain as prepared by Mr. Bl:ack;. and that the ,plans and speoifiClaitions be resuibmitted to the fOiUT fi1"ID8 that had 'tendered on the brulilding. All of wh~ch is respectfully slUIbmittJed. rn..,OYD ELLIOTI', Chairman. PROPERTY OOMMITT1EE June Session, 1961 To the Warden, and MemIbers of the EOCgin County Council. The Pl'I()perty ClomrrLilttee rerports as follows: 1.. Thattihe tender of ]mperiaJ.le Fu.e1s for No. 1. Ohio Wo1ver.. me Oil trea,ted Srtoker CoaJ. of $;111)411; per ton W'asI accepted" and the tender of W. H. SlWiit for No. i1S1toiVe Anthriaci.te coal df' .$211.915. per ioon for iRegisJtry Office was accepted... ElLGIN COIUNTY COUNctIL 109 12. 'l"hait the tender Of Harry Smtth Coa.lCb., for No. .~l fuel oil lof $14.815, per hundred gallons was accepted. 3. That the ,front and east entrance porch and ~ have been 1T6COnstroJcfted !by the :Elgin ICbunlty Roa.ds DepalIitment a.nd put in ex!cellent oond1tiorn. 4. 'I1halt the Magistt;,:m,te'g office 'has been redooorSJted at a cost of 1$60LIOO. :5. That a new washing ll1MIbJine was Purch:ased from W. J. [wbbiIliS iElootric Cb., for $1910.100 and the old maclline for' Ithe' Counity Jail. 6. That an Oak desk and [our chairs were pUl'IClhased for the Crown A.ttorney's office a.t a cost o(f' $000.00. All of whdich is resrpeetf'ully srubmitted. :RJU1S~ MeiImBB[N, Ohiainn.an. COUNTY 'l1RiE:ASUREIR'S RE'PORT June Session, 1961 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, I beg. to submi!tJ tihe fOllOwing statement Of Receipts and Expen-, dines from January 1st, 11/91611. to [May 311st, 1961. Receipis Balance in Bank and on hand, January J.st, ~OOl ..................$4!6i,(2l1.1 03; Administration of .JUstice .................................................,$ 17,581 35 Notes Payable .....'.................................................................. 270t)OO 00 \aegistry Office .................................................................... 9,9170 614 Elgin Manor .....,..................................................................... 18,6511 00 Cr.Jldren's Aid Sooieties .................................................. ~ 43 CoUIllty Roads ......................................................................... 3119,1828 94 Miscellaneous ....... ..... ........ ........ ............. ........... ................ .... 21,9e;a12 38 Licenses and Permi,ts ........................................................ 165 010 no EjLGIN' COUNTY COUNCIL County Assessment Dept. ................................................ Agriculture ,.....,.,.....,........,.."....... .... ........ ............................... Interest ..............".....,...,....,....,........;.............,...........,............. >County Rates under Section 531 of AssessmelIlJt Act Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit .......................;............. O-S Cheques written off ................................................ 1,500 00 7,360 99 [1.,46 812 46 158 2,8!41Oi 111 400 $61511,153 82 $69~,364 85 Expendttures Administration of ,Jiusltice ........ ........ ...... .............. ............$ 38,5515, 95 Notes Payable .................;............;......................,................. 3001,101100 00 Charity and Welfare ........................................................ '6,589' 1ft \Elgin! Manor ........................................................................... 221,183. 911 Grants, A:ss~iations, Sienolarships .............................. 61,3~151 001 Rl3gi:stry 01'fiCle .................................................................... 4,239 3121 Elgin-st. Thomas Health Unit ..................... ............... 101,1000 00 Clhildren's Aid Society ................;.......'..........;................... 1115<,664 2i1 Members' Wages .................................................................. 5',9311 15< Officers'.. Sa]a:ries. : ................................................................. 4,31501 100 lPrinlting, lPosltage and Stationery ................................ 589 83 Oare of BUildings ............................................................... 4,169 :13 Agricrulture ....... ..... .................................................................. 3,,10318 96 IOounty RJOads ...,....................................................................... 2155,,6901 6fT iMi:seellaneous ................ ....... ......... .... ............ ..... ... ........ .... .... 11211 45 Interest ........................... ............ .........,... ..... ................ ............ 6,1,6i5 73 County Assessment Dept. ................................................ 3',746 03 TransfeITOO to hospital 'oocount .................................. 96 011 $68161,41516, 5i1 " Balaooe.' on hand May 311st, 19611 .....................................$ 10,908 314 $6!97,364 8'5 All of w'hdch is respectfUlly SUlbmitJted. lJ'. D. THOMSON, COOnty Clerk and Treasurer ELGIN COUNTY COUNCiIL HQ AGRICULTURAL COMMilTTEiE REPORT .June Session, 1961 To the Warden, and Members of the E1gin County Council, The Agri!eul1mral Committee repoIitSl.as &ollowa: 1. Th8Jt the resoLution from the United Cbtmtd.es of Stormont, Dundas, and G~engarry requesting canoollatiorn of Open DeeTSooe- .sons and Llicenses be issIued only' to residents of the muniJedpaJ.iJ1;w, be filed. 12. That the resolutIon from the County of Grey requesting in- Icreased Government comptelIlSation to owners of .cattle found With tuberculosis and brucelloSlis dlisease be filed. 3,. Thait the request from ZOIlie No. 1, RegIiona],Sheep Blreeders' ,Association for a ~Iltt, !be tiled.. 4. That the resolution from the Cbunjty of ~eoc requesting a redUCItion in the length od:' seaSOll'li for huntinlg pheasants, (be filed. 5. That the resolutiorn If'rom;~ COUIltty Of Ontario !"€questing the ontario Hydro COmnlissioIlJ to plaoo farm cons~eIl'SI on the sa.:me rate las hamlet and I'IUI1"al residenltiaa. consumers, be atJproved. All of Which is l1espectfully SlUlbmd.11ted.. F. NIMMO, Chamnan. rPOONiRTY .COMMITTEIE June Session, 1961 Second Report To the Warden, and Memlbers ot the iEl1gin Cbunty Council, The Property Cbnrrnittee veports as follows: 113 EWIN COUNTY COUNCIL i1. That we accept .the troder of Robbms iEIlectri:cal Services for tw:o new stokeTS and new control ~stem to allow them to opea:aiOO as a twin system a,t a c:ost olf i$2I,~J4K)I.OIOI, for the ICbuTt 1Hlo'USei. AU of w!hJieh is ~espeetfully submitted. RlUS1S!EtL McIKJIBmN,Chairman. FINANCE: COMMITTEE June Session. 1961 To the Warden, and Members of the E[gin County Cbuncil, The F1inaJIlCe Comm~tltee reports as [ollows: i 1. Tb.a,t lCIharity and Welif:are Pay List No. 3 for $il,r7l16i.3rr, Pay' ~:iiSlt NQ. 4 for$1,l2193.6f11, land [Pay tLlist NQ. 51 )for $)1~81417!.~9" be ;approved. 12,. That Children's Aid] S:OClietres Pay lLliSt Nlo. 3: for $21,935'.2!1, Pay List No. ,4 :fo!I" $'131,3001.4131, and Fa&, List Nb. 15, ['OJ:' $31,\11411.361, bel lapproved. 3. That :tibe relQl1est from the Flour Oountltes GieDleral HospLtal Com.rniJttee for ia. grant for a hospital lalt Newbil:lry, be filed. 4. That th,eloommunioa.tion from the May Cburt mUlb of Wind.J lSOI' :for a Dete:nJtion Home, be filed. 5. Tnat l\tIiss A. Hill \be granted an increase of :$2'.6.00 pe'l'" month, commencing ;June lIst, :19611. All of which is respectfully SiUbmitted. LLOYD El:LL[Orr. Chairman_ ELGIN COUNTY CQUNO!IL li13 RO~D CO~TEE' REPORT June Session, 1961 To the Warden, and Members of tjhe Eagin Counlty CCiUnoil, Your Roa.d Oommittee begs ta relport as follows: 1. We ha,ve purchased the folLowing new madlii.netry: (a) Two-Door Piymouth CiM", and (ib) One-Ton Chevrolet StJa.ke Truck. 2,. Mulch ,t;&pe pavements will be laid <m tlhe fOllowing: Road 14 Dunwich-Soutlhwold TOiwnJine ........................ 3.5 miles Hoad 214 Con. I Yarmoruth-Derxter easterly ................ ~1.15< miles Road 361 Con. I Y;armouijl IlIOrtherly ............................ ;t.lll5~ miles Road 4:0 Highwa.y No. 3: northex'ly in MaJJahide ...... ,2L11151 miles Road .48 Martins Sbhool easterly in lSbuth Dorchester ...................................... .................... ................. tr.I8i; miles !Road 15~ Oxford ~om Road 4;8 SOUItherly Siollrbh Dorohester and Dereham Townline ........................ 0$ miles 3. Work. a.t the WardislviUe Bridge is being completed and thel Oontr:aclt of ~gin Ca!lls:truotiOfI1 COmpany Il:..d1mted !has been eocten:died ItO ioolude the approacm grading. Work on the approaches is e!X:peot- :ed shorlly. 14), Tenders for the /Elden. Bridge on Road 4'6 in Bayham Town- JSihip will be called shortJ.y and a completion 0[ the work:: is hoped ifor th~ year. \Wn RlECOMM1END: '5. THAT BY-Law NOISI. 117191 and,179~1, RelVertmgr and Assuming 'Si!!l..aJ.l :Por+..iO!P..s of Road, 1."1 tjhe TOv;.T..sr..j,ps Of Biai}'llam, '8iouthwold and! Yarmouth passed at the March Session of the County Cowmi1 be !rescinded and the By-Laws with the corrected Desclripit'ions of the portion of Road referred to be passed. li1i4 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 16, The County Road COmmittee has studied the whole County !Road System, iUSing as a guide tp.e Booklet! issued by the Ontario Department of IDghways entitled "Recommendations ReSlPooting De- !>irable County Road Sys,t€ms" in the PTorvmce 'Of Ontariai"". at oon-l Isidemble length. WE ~COMMEfN1D: 1. THAT ltftte ,following Roads be reverted to the Municipalities in which they lie as of January' [1~It. 11916121. These (RioadSl are to' be placed in a reaS1onabl~ good condition ibe:fo~el tlhat time: Road 4 'Queen Street tElast, Rodney.............................. 01.4 miles !Road !l21campbeUtoIli to Tates Bridge, Drunwicih .... 12,.515, miles Road ili4A West of tona, Dunwiq1. ................................ 01.1501 miles !Road 16 From Road :1f7 to Road 119', Southiwold ...... 1.96 miles !Road 2r/ Old Highway No. 3 lthTough Undon, 'Y1armouth. . ......... .... .............. ..... ............... ........ ..... ...... ... ...c... 1..601 miles Road 33 Ela.srterly and! Norrtherly from Road 310, Yartrn;Outh .............................................................................. 21.1315, miles IOOad i3i4 M.C.L. Easterly from Road 3101 to the Glanworth-BelmOlIlJt lRload, Yarmouth .................... 01.18 miles (Cotu.nted as 01.4 miles) Road .45 Road 401 iElasterlY to the Ba.Yiham- Malahide Town:line, Malahide.................................. 4.0 miles !Road 415, Bia,~ham-Malahide Townline - Calton Northerly............... ........ .......... ... ........ ...... .... ..... ....... ......... ... 0..9 miles Road i411 OtJter Creek Bridge Westerly, 'Vienna ........ 01.4(11 miles Road 46, Highway NIo. 3, Westerly to Road 46 North-SoUltih, BaSham .................................................... 01.76 miles Road 53 South street, IClaverly iR:oad and Eilk street, Aylmer .. ........... ......... .... ............................... .... ...... 1..7101 miles l'",jh.n Rt.,.""",t. ("! 1\T R. n:rn!':Lc::i:n,po A vll1l1fl.'I" u"\JfI......... _v...__,"', -.-..--. -------0," --'<eI----- TOTAL: ........ ............................... ............... ...... ....... ..... ..117JI0 miles ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 1)15 2. THAT the f.ollowing Roads be assumed as cOunty Roads as of JaIlJUary 1st, 196!2l: John Skeet, Village .of Dutton ........................................ <0.201 miles Lake Road" Dunwich Township, CbunJty IRIoad 81 to J.ohn Pearce \Partk and Anglican ChlllrCih. and Cemetery .. ..... .... ...... ................................................ .............. 0.401 miles Concession V, Yal'mOlUth TOiWnsih1p,' From Cblmty Road 212, ~erJ.;y to iJaifa ........................................ 7.0 miles Mount Salem toC!alto<n, 'Downship .of MaJ.ahide ...... 4.01 miles CalIton to Griif1fin Cor'niers, TolWnSjhip of Bayham .... 4.0 miles 1Iillm . street fl'OlIIli IDghway' NOI. 3 to Beech Street, Aylmer . ....... ............ ............... ................ ...... ..................... ........ 0.5. miles Townline between North and South Dorchester between Highway No. 73' and N'o. 74 and the lOOad used in lieu of the Townline !between them in the Vi11:agJe Of BIe~m.ont - 5.!4 miles - counted as ......... ..... ....... ............. ........................ ................. 21.7 miles TOT.A[,: . ............ ....... ............ .... ......... ..... ........... ......... ...18.8' miles 3,. 'I1HAT a draft Bw~aw be fol'Wlarded to the Onltarlo Depart- ment of Hig/hwaySl for their a.pplroval and the BIy-lLaiW for these Re,- versions and Assumptions be passed b~ the septemlber Session .of the County Oouncd1. All of which is respectfully submitted. J01L.~ K. HUX, Cr.tairman. 11:6 ElLGIN COIUNTY COUNCIL PETITIONS AND LEIGISLA.TIONS COMMITTEE June Session, 1961 To the Warden, and Members of ijl.e iE[gin COUiIlJty Council, The ~etitions and Legislalt,ions CommiltitJee reports as followS!: '1.. That the resolution from the County of Weiland requesting lalbolishmentof aurthorityof'OoUIlity ICbuneilsl to pass by-Ia~s Sletting up High School Distt:ricits or Tevtsement of District,. /be filed. 12. That Uhe brie'f from the united Counties or stormont, Dun- das, and 01engarry in rSfU[ppo:r.t of the need of Obunty CotlIlcils. be rupproved. 3. (That the res,olUJtioiIl from the Coun!tiy o[ Renfrew :r;equesting amendmenlt to the Munileiipal Alert to /pe['mit County Councils to vote for Warden ib~ sec,ret ibaUot, be filed. All of w:hdch is vespectfully Slulbirn.itted. C. D. PHIULlIlPS, Chairman. BY -LAW NO. 1793 "A By-Law to Regulate the Location of Buildings and 8trnctures on Lands Adjacent to County Rioads:'" W1l1EiR&S\, it is dieemi€d tOl be necessary and desirable to regu- late the locaitlion of budJ:dings and struCltuires on lands adjacent to 'certain county Roads; AND WHfEiRlEiASi, authority iSgI'lanted under Section 614 of the Highway ImprOlvement Act, Revised Sltatutes of Ontario :1960 to 6X- ,erci;se suqh restlriot&ons according to Section 30 ,of the Planning Act, IRJevisled statutes of Ontario 11960 subject. to the approVal of the On.. tario Munidpal Board. ELGIN COUNTY COUNC\I.L 117 NOW TH!ERiEFORE" the Council of the Coxpoiatiori od: the cownty of E[giIl) enac.ts as follows:- 1. In this By-lJaw ,the word "petrson" shall mean any person, .firm or corporationl; the w;ord"Highwa,y'/' ,sihall mean a ICbunty ill' a 1St. 'I11omas Suburban Road Commission Road of the Couruty of El- gin and the wor.ds"RiO'ad Committee" shall mean the Committ;ee Or' :Body appodnted by the Count~ 011' EIlgm 100 have jurisdicUon OlVer iEligin C'ounty Roods.. "'lElngineer'" shall mean the County Elnginee:r ap- voinJted b(V the rdooncil of . the coun~. of Uffigin. . ~"BR1iltupl Area" shall be as defined in Seotiolni 1 '(11) of' the Higjhway T1"affio Ac:t. '2: This By-Law SihaJ.l ,apply to those Roo4s described in COOlsol- idalttng B(V;'!LaJw' NO'. 110512! and 3.IJ11OOIded !b(V SIUIbSlelque:nt .amending BY- [,3!Ws. and to those !RJoads in the future are :added to the County ,Road Stystem b(V the County OOW1Ctl; saiVe and e~ept those in an !Incorpocated Village or Town. 3. N10 person sjhal1: erect, aJuea- or change ~ building OIl" stru.o- /ture (excepting' repairs ita an eoc1.Sltjng structure to the value Q[ 16SSi than$600JOO) or dig. a pond for any' PW"POSe or budld a dam of any material or d!ig or drill a wen lyi:ng within a distaIliC~ of IGO feet Ifrom any limit. of ~ Highway Uilll.ess a permit haS! !been isSUed for ,such work ~ the ICounty Engineer. 4. This permit must be dispia~ed in a consp&cuous place during sue:h erecting, alterlng, changing, dii:gg:ing, driLling, ,etc. ,Pees for the \permit s!hal1 be $2!.00l. Applicaltion POlmlSl and ReguJatiO!l1S for inspec- tion will be! as detenninoo by the Road: OOimmittee from time to time. 5. No persOOl shall eroot an~ budldir...g or structuresl or d'&i1., or dig or drill a well or modify any !bUilding or stucture or dig' a pond,. anY' part of whicihis looated clloser Itb the c:entre. line of the oI1iginal Road all:OIW'aIliCe than i85 feet or within 315, If:eet . of the' nearoot limit of any Highway whiCihever case isl furthest distant from the present; centre line: :sav:e and 600Ciep,t Oill a.J:lY Highway in a, PoliJeie Vi11ag!e or Built Up Area. 16. Further to Section (15') IliO person shall Ibuild or erect any buildinlg or strudture or dam, or modify any building or structure or dig or drill a well: or dig a pond within '1;50 feet of the nearest limit n3 EILG-IN COUNTY COUNCIL .o.f a Highway that will in the opinion of the (Road Com..'nittee: (.1) .form a )hazard to the motoring pUblic: or :(2:) be detrimental to the !future improvemoots of the Highway. 7. No person shall ,ei'ect ,any !building or structure, alter or mod- ify anysrtrootulI'e,allY part of which is wi:thin 11501 felert from aI1Jy limiJtl O[ a Highwa!y' ata closer distaIllOO than as shown Ollj SchedUle "I'A" as attached from a Road intersecrting a Hig;!iway or a Railroad Tight-or-way intersecting a Highwa,y. 8. NO person shall erect any building or structure or dam, or drill or cliga weill OT dig' a pond or aliter or modify anw strucrtUrie: i!n. ,a Police: Village or BlUJilt Up Area, aJ~ a cQoiSlerdistal1!CJ\e from the. lim- it of 'any Highway than the a,verag'e building line ,as d!etermined by' :the !Road Clommitte!e fromti!me to time. T~e ]building line of other R.oads (S!ectio[l 7) is similarly determined. S~cJtion 161 shall apply also to HighwayS! through Built Up Areas and Police Villages. 19. This By-Law shall not prohibdt the altetaltion or the modi- Ify1ing once on1~. of. anY' IstructlUlre or building closer to any limLt of :the :HIghway as delflned In 'SlrotioiIlS 5 or ;8 provided: (;1) that in al- Itering". ih,e, . building the distanc,eto the nearelS,t .lim1lt of the! High- 'Way' is not diminP.shed and 1(\21) that thel eOlSlt oifalteratjjons: is nott Ig~eater than1h of the value of thel prr-esentJ building. This BIy-Law Ishall not pr:ohibit ,the drilling or digging of a well within 20 feert of :a residenee ~hat is elOSffi" to an.y ~imit of the Highway as.. defined in )Sections 5; or < 81 Provided the d!istanc:e to the Ilteiarest limit of itIh& Highwa,y' is not less than the dfstance of the resd:denee to the near- est limit of the' Highway. 'nlis By-L:aiW shall not prohibit thj6 repIaciement of a T1obacciOl' Kiln desttrolVed .by fire or wind where it is one of a line or series of! '~l or ~':more; even - though the 'disftanc.e to the! neares,t liimit of the Highway '.1S less ithan is reqlUiredin Sections ,5 or s:. However, the di:stance to the' nearest l'imit' of -qhe mghw.a~ shall not be less than any other adijacent kiln. 1iO~ No junk Oir a;utomobiIe wrecking yard may be lOiCla,ted within 1510 feet of a 'Highway. 1:1. 'TIemporary &t~ndi1'l for the sale of farm produce may be er,ected within liS: feet of the! nearest l,imitoif any Highway. providing EJLGIN COJUNTY COJUN"CIL 1i19 the location is approved by the Connty Engineer. T:his stand will be granted a permit entitled "Temporary Produce Stand" iUJpon ,the pay- illlent of a fea O[ 1$12:.00 per month or part 'bh~oof for antY time the stand is closer to the limit 0[ any Cbru.n.ty Ro~d ,than is permli:tted for other buildings, struc1tures, ,ertlCl.. as set forth in Qltiher Srections of ,this By-Law. The Cbunty Of Elgin, by 'thetr IEngiineer, may upon 301 days wri:tt,en notice (;etVen thotigih. a Temporary Produce :stand Per- mit has been isISIued) require thalt a 'Demporary lProdiuce Stand con- !form to Regulations asset forth [or orqhe.r buildings. 1/2. The Corporation of the County of iEl1gi~, by their Elngineer, may give noti.C:eJ to the Own~r or OCClUpant of any land requiring him to I'ietmoVe or aliter any building Oir srtructure erected after the /passd:ng 0[ this By-Law that does not comply with any Sootion of! ith,is By-iLaw aI1Jd eia.qh notice under thiSJ Sec,tion shall be in wri.ting' and sent by RegisteI'ied Mail, addressed tOI the Owner or Occupant of the land. 13. 1,:11 'the peI'OOn to whom the llJotile:e is given, under Section 1~ i.aJbove, fails to comply with it within 30 days from mailing of such notice, the Oorporation of the County of E~gin may direct any office ,employee or ~g!enlt of t!he said C!orporation to enter upon the land land do or caiUsero be done, whate'Vier may be necessa,ry, to remOVe PI' alter such building or structure mentioned in. sa.id notice and! Icharg;e the .cos.t thereof to the Owner or Occupant. 'M. Every pension who violates any oif the above provis.ions of this B~-La,w shall bel guilty Of .an off'enc:e and UpOlt1l SlUmmary Gon-. 'Viiction shall be l;iableto a penalty of not more: t,han~lOiOuoo for each oflfence and the continual1JCle 0[' the Icondd.tion consrtituting an offence each week .ar:ter conVi.cti:on, therefore, shall oonstitute a nerw offence. 115. This BY-Law shall come intlo effect the' da;,y tha,t it is pass-, ed by t..l1:e iGbfI.1ncil subject to the apPlrovaJ of ~he On.tario Municipal Boord. RJElAD a first time this i212nd day oif March, 19611. READ a second time ,this ,mth da;,y of June, lS611. READ a ,third time, and finaHy passed this 13th day Of June, lJ961. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. DONALD BURGESS, Warden. 120' EILGIN COUNTY COUNCIL I, J. D. Thomson, Ca.erk, of the Cor-poration of the County of Elgin, do !hereby c;erlify tha,t the Locegoing is a true copy of By -Lai;V' No. 17:93, passed by the Council of the :SIa,id Corporation on the 13th day of June, 1961. J. D. THOMSON, County Cierk THE CORPORATION OF THE! COUNTY OF E["GIN BY-LAW NO. 1796 "A By-L,aw to Ame/lld the By-Law Adopting a Plan of County Road Improvement and Establishing a County Road System ,in the County of Elgin Under the Highway Improvement Act.".,. WHlERiElAS, that portion of County lRiood No. 318 in the Hamlet of Richmond has been imp~oved Ib;y the construction of a diversion, THEREFORE" the Oouncil of the Corpora.t[on Of the ICount\V ()f Elgin ,enacts as By-Law Number 11.796: as ,follows: 1. The Schedule A of B~-La'W Number ,819!7 being the original :nY-Law estaiblishing a Oounty Road SySltem i:n the Count;y of: 'Eilgin ~ amended ,blV By-iLaw Number 105~1 be!irJjg the last consolidating By- Law re-esrtablishing the said sySltemand furtjhi6lI' :amernded by' subSJe- quoot amending By-Laws is herebY' further a:rp.ended ~ adding 'thereto the road designated and described as follows: D<ESORilPTION Designated County Road 38 BErrNG ,tha,t portion of the road or the deviations 'thereof in the Township of Ba~am known as the Talbot Road Elast; OOMMlEtN'OI!NG, in the Hamlet Off Richmond (or Bayham) on the Talbot Road East at the sOiUJth-eastern limit of ,the lP1ian,k iRiOlad, THE!NaElsouth-easterly along the said Talbot Road East !betw:eoo, Lot 3i7 and Lots 2i and 1, as S!horwn on R,egistered Pian Number 22' in the RegisItry Of- !ice of the CountiY Of iE!Lgin am between Lot 112 in the Concession South of the Talbot; Road East and Lot 11112: in the Concession N10rtih of the TaLbot Road East to the wes:t1em limit of RddliIllond Street. A mSI' ANlClEt of approo:ima,tely .2' miles. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 121 2. The road as designated and described in paragraph 1, is Iher~by added to, and included in the !County Road System of the Coooty Of Elgin. 3i. This BY-lLaw shall come into force upon the approval of the Lieutenant-Governor in C'oUIliCdl. 41. That BY-Law No. \117,9!1 be, and is herieby repealed. iFIN.M...!LY !PASSED at ,the C[tyof St. Thomas, in the C'ount,y of Elgin, tliis! Nth day of June, 1001. J. D. THOIMSON. Clerk. DONALD BfURGESS, Warden. THE CORPORATION OF THE! COUNTY OF EL,GIN BY -LAW NO. 1797 "A By-Law to Amend the By-Law Adopting a Plan of County Road, Improvement and Establishing a County Road System in the County of Elgin Under the Highway Improvement Act:'~ The Council of t!he COTJ)ora,tion of the Clorunty of Elgin emc1:5 as B~-Law Number 1:7'97' as! follows: 1. The Schedule A of BIY-LaW' Number 819/1 being the original By-["aw estaiblishing a Cbiunty Road Sy"~em in the Cbu:nty of; E[gin as amended by BY-Law Number 1052 being the last consolidating By- Law re-establishing the said sy:stem and furi:!heramended by subse- quent a..rnending By-Laws is hereby ame.lJ.ded by :removing therefrom the roads designated and described as follows: D:ESIGNATION DESCRIPTION BlEING THAT PORTION of Road or the deviations ,thereof in the Township of Bayham; COMMiE!NC- INIG in the hamlet of Richmond (also known as A Ba:sn.ham) on the !Plank Road, as shown on a Plan registered as NU!rnber 22 in the County [Registry Of- fice, at the North-easterly limit of the Talbot Road 122 EILGIN COUNTY COUNCIL east; THiENCEI North-easterly on the Plank Rood to Richmond street; T H El N 101 Ei E~terly and THJENCtEl Southerly on Richmond Street to the North-easterrly limit of the! Talbot Road! :East. A TOTAL DIST ANCEl of .approximately 0.415, miles. COMMiENCrnG IN TIm: TOWNSHIiP OF YAR- MOUTH on t;he established Road known .as the Oaptain Sihorre Road, in iPark Lot "J" in Lort 1, B Concession IX, as shown on Register:ed Plan Num- ber F74 registered in the Registry Office for the Registry DiV'ision fOT the Corunty of IE~- gin, at the ,€laSltern l'tm&t of the ROad com- prising the boundM"y between the 'ThrwnshipSl of Yarmouth and Southiwold, 1~15 feet more or less northerly from ;tjh:e sou:th-westangle or! the said Park Lot "J", 'I1HENClEi Sorruth-elaSJt,erIy, southerly and south-westerly following the windingS' and; turnings of the said established Road known as the Captain Shore Road through !Park !Lot "J''', !Park Lot "H"and Park Lot G., R.i? U7~, in LOIt 1, Oon- cession IX, to the Road ,oomprisingt!he boundary between the Townships or! Yarmouth :and Southwold, TH1ENOEl in the 'DOIW11Ships of Y.armouth and South- wold, continuing southerly along the Slaid Road comprising the boundary betweEm ,ij:J..e said Town- ships to the established Road in Lot ""B" orr 44 in; the !Gorre between Lots 45 land 4161 nortm:, Talbot Road CEiasrt, and 'I'REN'OE in the Township of Southwold, oontmuing southerly following the wind- ings and turninlg's of the establis!hed Road known as the Captain Shiore Road tIn-ough !Lots "B" (or 44) and "A'" (or 43) in the !Gore between !Lots 4!5 and 46 norlh, Tal/bot Road :mast, ,to the North lim- it of the iestablished Road in !Lot "A" (or 43:) known as WooC[la;wn Avenue. A TOTAL DISTANiCIE of approximately 01.15< miles. 2. The roads as designated: and deooribed iIll paragraph 1, are hereb~ reIDOVied from the County iRioa.d System of the Cb!un:ty of ETgin. ELGIN COiUNTY COi{JNOIL 123 3. This By-Law shall come into force upon the approval of the Lieutenant-1Govemoc in CbuncH. 4. That By-Lla,w No. 17912i, be, and is hexeby repealed. FlNAUJY PASSIED a,t ,the Oity of St,. Thomas, in the cOUnty of Elgin, this! 14th. day of J1une, 19611. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. DONALD BURGESS, Warden. I, J.. D. Thomson, Cllexk, of the Ciocporation of the County of ~, do !hereby 'certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-lLiaw No. 17:917, passed blV the CbuncU of the said Oorporation, on the 14th day of June, 19611. J. D. THOMSON, County Clevk BY -!LAW NO. 1798 "To Increase the Salary of the Secretary in the County Assessor.s Office." The CorpO!ra,tion of the COUIlIty of ElIgin enacts: THAT ,the salaI'ly O[ MIss Alma Hill" !be 'nv1enJtY-Fbu:r HuIlldred Dollars per annum, payable monthly, and to take ,effootJUne 1st, 19&1. THAT By-Law No. 1~461, bel. and is hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time this 114th day of U'une, ;19611.. RJEAD a second time this: 14th day of June, 119611. RJEAD a .third time, and finallY passed, ~ \1l4th daiY of June, W61. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. DONALD BURGESS, Warden. 124 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FOURTH SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 19th day of September, 196:1 The Elgin County OOU1llcil met this day at the COurt House, st~ Thomas, in aecorooncewith adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members present. The nllnutes of the la;st; day of the iJune Session were r:e1ad. and approved. IThe flollowing loommuniclations were read .and referred to their v:aIlious Committees: COMMUN1ICATIONS September Session, 1001 Frtom . the Grand Jury with /Report. - Retf:eITedto .the Finance and Elgin Manor Committ,ees. From the Town of Aylmer with a l'Ielquest fora report on a County Assessment lDepartmeI1lt. - R.efeITed to the Elqrualization Committee. From ,the Western Ontario Agricultural Schom ire iElgin tCbunty !Student. - Filed. .From the County Off L,inooiln with 1"€lClOlution for extep..sion of 011- .tario Hospital Insmance to Home Nursing Services. - Referred to ,the Finlance Oommittee. [F1riom the County of Peel with resolution to legalize the National Hospital Sweepstiak:es.. - Referred to the Finance Cbmmittee. From the cOunty Of WeIland with resolution requesting investi- gation of 'ij:teoontrol of aJJgae in the Great Lakes. - Referred to the Petitions and LegislatioIlSl Committee. ElLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 125 From the Oounty of Halton requesting certain amendments in the Assessment Aot. - R~ferred to the iPetitions and Legislations Committee. From the Oounty of Grey requesting the Dept. of Highways to payi 715i% of the cost of snow remoV'al. - [RJeferred to the Road Com- mittee. From .the County of Orey requesting revisiOlt1l of 'Qhe Municipal Drainage Act. - RefeTll"ed to the Petitions and ["egis[ations Com-,' mittee. From theJ ICIounty of WeIland requesting the exemption from as- sessment and ta:xation of fallout! shelteTs., - Referred to the Peti- tions and Legislations Cbmmit,t,ee. From the iCbunty of 1P'eteTborough with resoluti:o!lJSl re Ponution of rivers and streams. - Rielferr1ed to the Pe,titions and Legislations Committee. From the Oounty of Bruc:e with resolution reqUiesting incrrease in speed limit to GO m.p.ih. on approved county roads. - Referred to the Road Cbmmittleel. Prom the RJota.ry Club of Sit, Thomas rei Paige in Festival Book- let. - RJe['eITed to the Finance Committee. From Mrs. Helen Pringle with apprecia,tionJ of c'wemony at the Dr. Crane Park. - Filed. From lEt C. Reid" CitYl Cliell'k:, re SU. Thomas lE!mergenlOY M:easures Orga.niza,tion Meeting. - Filed. From the Association of Ontario Cbunties re .A.ninual Meeting. _ Filed. Replies from other Counties on iEOCgin 'Ooun~ resolutions WeTe read and ordered filed. A report of the Special C!ommittee re Gxou:p Tnsurance was presented and adopted on motion of !Re€IVe Downey and Reeve Gurr. 126 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Reeve Hux, Seconded by ROOV'e WiIscm, BE: BEiTArnL SALES. TAX AJCT WHJElRlIDAS plWcmase of tile for agr'iculurnl drams by individual t'a;nners may be eooempted from sales taiX: by the OnJtario Govern- ment, AND WHJEm,\EIAS under present regulations, sales tax must be paid by municipalities purr'cihasingi tile ~oil." constJ:'ru1ction and repair of drains ,construeted under the MunieipaJ Drainage Act, AND WHERiEAS sUlCh drains are largelY [or agricultural purposes and "are paid by levies against the owneT'S of lfaam1anid and this charge adds to the coot of sucl1 work, BEl IT RiESO[jVEtD that the GOVierrmnent of Ontario be req:uesrted to amend the :S:ales Tax Act so that lall pilFcihases of tile ~or Muni- cipal Dll'ains be exempt for pa\YTIlent 0[ sales tax, and ~at a cOPY' of this resolution be forwarded to all rural municipalities interested in tile draina~e. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Ourr. Seconded b~ Delputy Reeve M.clver, That we do now adjourn to meet a,t 2 p.m. -Carried. The C:OUIliCti.il resumed. The report of the Pinance Committee was presented and adopt- ed on motion of ReeVe Elliott and Reeve Nimmo. The report of the Equalization Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Barker and Reeve Wight. ElLGIN COUNTY COUNClIL 1:27 The report of the ;petitions a.Il1d: [Jegislations Committee was pre- sented. and adopted on motion of Depu1;w Reeve Phillips and R,eeve BaTIke!'. The report of the Road! Committee was presented, and after a lengthy discussion the following am,endment- Moved by Reeve J. Wilson, Seconded by !Reeve J. W. Barker, Th:at the Road RJepOlrt be amended as folloWS:-That in the three yeM" road prog~am, constrwcrtion of Road No. 512,. ,ea;SJtJerly from Rioad No. 40 in S'priI1!gIf~eld. South DOI4cih,esrteT:, and Malahide, approx-; imately one mile be ad!V1a11Jced from 119oo! to \19162~ as origmally selhed-' ulad in 19159, W3!S presented, and ona recorded vote requeslted by !Reeve Wil- son was dec1lared lost. YiEAS - Brown, Caverly,WiIsbn, fElmerson. Banker, Gurr. C1M"ke. (7) NAYS - Huoc, Barber, Cirawfordi, RIOIb5iolIll. Nimmlo, Tuff()['d, BrJr- gess (12i); Tansley (21); Chute, Phillips. MclK1lbbm" Hughes, Downey, McIver, Wight, iEllliott, and Blaiird.(1119) The Road Report was a:m.ea:1ded by Itjhe following resoluition: !Moved by RJeeV:e Emerson, Seconded by Reeve Baird, That the Road Rieport be amended as follOW's!: Re ReCiOlllUnenda- tilon No. 13!, ,the [allowing! sentence be adidedi:- We recommend that Ithe hridge over the otter Greek an Main Street. at tlhe Vi3.lage of Vienna, remain as :a Oounty !I':esponsibility as it is a bridg1e over .twenty feet on a townline and thus a !Cbunty Bndge under 'the Mtu-; mcipal Act. -Carried. The !R;oad Report was 'adPpted on motion of Reeve Hux and 128 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL RJOOVIe Nimmo, after taking a recorded vote relquested by Reeve Barker. TIUAlS - BJux. Barber, O~a,w:fiord, IRPbson, Nimmo, Tuflford, Bur- gess (2!); Tansley (~); MClIGbbin, Hughes, Downey, Wight, iE[- liottl. (15,) NAYS - BroiWn, Claverly, Chute, PhilliPs, Wilson, E1merson, Bark-' er, Gurr, McIver, Baird, and Clarke. (1111) Reeve Nimrmo recommended tpat eaclh Cbuncillor :inJvite a junio~ guest fbr the firSltday of the November Session. and the Council i8JClcepted the iinvita~on to go to Aylmer flor dinner, and the g'Uies,ts would: naiVie a tour of the Carnation ~ in! the afternoon. Moved by Ree:ve Hux, Seconded by Deputy Releve Barlber, That the dates of the Oounty Road TOIUIl' !be Octooex' 117'th, an<l OctOlber 2l4ith, 119611. -Carried. MOIVed by Reeve Hux, Seconded bW Deputy !Reeve Ba~ber, That By-1La.w No. 1!l71919, ""A BY-/Dalw to Amend the By'-L1aw Adopt- inlg1 a !Plan orf QaUIlity Road ['m.provement land IEstablisihingi a County R!oad SWsrtem in the OoWllty of Elgin UIIidex' the Highw:ay Improve- ment A:ot/' be read a fitslt time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve E1l1iott, Seconded by Roove Wigiht, That By-lLaw No. i!:71919, ;be read a second time. -Carried. Mwed by Reeve Crawford, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Robson", LmLQIN COUNTY CQUNrnL 129 That BY -Law No. 1~99, be read a third time, and finally pasSed. -Carried. Warden Bw-gess appointed Remre Hux. County Engineer iR. G. Moore, and J. D. Thomson, C[erk-Troosurer, as a ICommittee to meet! with the Council. of the City 10[ st. Thiomas re construet1on and: fin- lancing of tbie Wellington Road. Moved by Deputy Reeve 'I1ansley, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Caverly, That we do now ,adijourn to meet on Tuesday, Novembret1:' 211st, 119611, at 110 am. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. DONALD BURGESS, Walrden. RJEPLmS FROM OTHER. COUNT])EIS TO ELGIN COUNTY RiEiSOLUTiIONS September Session, 1961 Resolution re Assessmoot NO' ACITlJON - Peel. Resolution re Opportunities of [EJduclatiion 1ior Retarded CMdren. !ENtDORSE!D - Bil'uoe. Reply-to the iR;equeS!t of tjhe West rEllgiIli Spdr'tlsmeiIlJ'S Assoeli.ati<m to Close the Cbuntly of lEilgin ,to Non-Resident Hunters. AOKNOIWLiE[)OE!) - Dept. 0[ Lands and Forests. 130 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL REPORiT OF THIE: SiPECIAiL COMMITTEIEI RE GROUP INSURANCE September Session, 19611 'Ib the WardeiIll,. and Members of the EIlgin ICloUIlity CIouncil, 'lfue Special Commiittee appodnted b~ the Warden at the June ,session Off COiu:Ility OonncU to investig1ate Group InsuraIllCe for COWlty' lemp[oyl6eS wish to report that we do not clOIliSider iGirrou,p rnsuranceI 'a;t the pI'!€lSenu time" as: it wouLd dup<Uc'ate lour IP.S.l. and Seek Leave Orediits which are in effoot flQ(r all Countyemploylees whO' wish to ta;ke advam.Jtage of them. All CIoWlity 'empl~ees are covered, in C1ase ofaceidient ~le at work b~ iinsurr!at1.Cle based on aWlardis made by the Workmenl's Com-, pensation Board. All of whlich is respectfUlly SlUbmi1lted. B. E1. DOW'N1ErY, Chairman. FINANCE: COMMITTEE: September Session, 196;1 '110 the Warden" and: Members of the EIlgin ICIounty IClouncil, The Finance Cbnun..Lttee reppns as flollowsr: 1. That Charity land Welfare !Pay List NQ. 6 for 1$2:;506:17; PaY' List No.7 for $:9119.211" and Pay Lislt No.8 for $1~!8i1i,~, be ap~orved. !2. That iClhildren's Aidi Societies Pay List NQ. <6, ifor$3,,140.00, Pay Ldst No. 7 for '$3.231.80, and pay Ust NQ. 8, for $3,337.:53, be ap- proved. 3. That the report of the Grand Jury X'e Increase in Jail Staff and Five-Day Week for Staff, be filed. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 131 4. That E. D. Mo01'l€l and Brnce Doan, Probation Officers, be granted $215_010 each to attend the annual convention. 15. That the County of IEtlgin dOtes not pay for extras for indi- gent ihospital patie:nts. 6,. That the resolutton ,from the donnty of Lincoln that the On- tario Hospital Services Comnllssion extend hospital benefits to Home Nursing Services, be filed. '7'. Thia,t th'e T'esoLution f1'l0m the Oounty of Peel to lega.ltze the! National Hospitals SweepstakJes, be a,pprloved. 18. That the rE~gin County Council aptprO'Ve a page in the RIOitaa-y MUlSlic Festival Booklet foT' $125.00. All of whi;ch is I1e1Spectfully sulbmitted. LLQiYD IElI.JLIO'IT, Chairman. EiQUALIZATION COMMITTEIE: September Session, 196;1 'I1o the Warden, and Members of the Elgin IClounty Cbuncil, The lEquali2JatiOIll Committee reports asl fol!lOiWS: ',1. 'IJhat Mr. Hector MdLean, lEl1gin County Assessor, prepare a l'!eport [lor the November ,Sesslion on the coslt of the Cbunty Assess- ment Clow...Ltllission, and! adV!an'bagesi of th,e syst~~. All of which is respectf1u:lly submitted. JAMES w. B~, Chairman 132 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PETITIONS AND lLEIGISlLATlON8 .COMMITTEE 'Ib the WaTdelt1l, and Members rof the [E[gin !Clounty Cbuncil, The Petttilons and Legislati<mSi IClommit1lee reports as follows: ;1. Thiat the resolution frlom the County of WeIland :requesting the ProvinlCi.ral GOVernlment tb investigate the control of algs.e in the Grieat Lakesl, !be filed. 121. That ,the tr!esolU1tion frlom tp,e County of Halton requesting Amendments to the Assessment AiClt Te Parking Areas in Shopping: OelIlJtres and Malls, be eal:dorsed. 3. That the resolutiioilli from the County of GTey to rrervise the Municipal Dra:i:nlag'e AiCrt, 'Uo lSet up an Adivioory BOIalrd, be lfiiled. ,41. That the petition from the CbunVy OIf iW1eniand for ~emp,tion from assressment of ifall-out sheltetrs, be endmsed. 15. That thie resolutdOlIlJ from the Clorunty of !PeteI1bo["ougih !re \Pjol- lution of rivers and ,streams, be .filed. All of which is respecltfruilly sulbmiVt;ed. c. D. IPmLlLIlPS, Chairman. ROAD COMMITTiElEl REPORT September Session, 19611 'Ilo the WaTdeiI1,. and Members of the ~gin County Council, Your !Rpad Committee begs to report as follows: 1..; The Contraclt fbr the Eden Bridge has been awarded to Me- lLean-Foster C!onstructi!O!JJi Limited of st. Marys at a tender price of ELGIN COUNTY COUNCiL 133 $611,~7183.85. Work: is well underway and the Bridge iSeoc:preted to be completed this Year. The total estiIna.ted cost is $615!,OOO.OOi. 12. !Work: is nearly compre.ted at ,the WaIl'!d.slville Btt:idge and an oIfficial operning is tentatively set for October Imth. The old Bridge, )bas been SOlId '00 the jhighest biddoc" /Ellgin 'Cbnsrtructdkln Company Limited, fm' $2501.00. WE! RlECOMIJ.Y.Um.ID: L 'I1HA T CtliUnty CbuI1Je1i:l petitiO!Ill the OntariOl Department of \Highways to grant sulblStidy on the tbtal cost of a 1MIuniieipal Dmm assessed against iMunicipal and C'ount~ streets and Roads in a Built-up or Urban Area. The present pracrmce of the Department of Highw~s is to pay subsidy on thecatehibasins and connections olll1y~ 2.'lHAT Wellington Rood !be reibruilt in :1962! inclUding paYing, at an estimated ClOst of $21401,'0001.001 by the Sit!. Thlomas SiUJburiban RJoad Commission. We irecornJmend tha,t the cost to the Coonty in ',ex!C'e!SS of -qhe OIl'dd.nary 1196~1 cO!tltribution ,to the Sit. ThomasSuiburiban; Rioad ClommiSSiolIlJ be raised !b;y- means of debentures. The total esti-, mated coot to the Coonty to rebuild) the Road is \$1519,11001.00. We recomemnd that the Warden name a Committee to meet with the City of Sit. TbJomas to discuss the rebuilding and financdng of this Road. 3. THlAT we revert to the Villag:e of Vienna as. of January [st, 119~, Main Street from Fulton 'Street to th.e Otter C!reeik, arid 00- ~e as a iOounty Road, FUlton Street from Main street to Union 'Street as of January 1st, 1962!. 4. THAT t.."le ,following TrJoiee Year Road Program be adoplted. In) €:SISencethe Program provides fOir work prerviO'Usly sClhed- uled in 1H6il, 19621 and'196i3! to Ibe done by the end, of 1964. The delay is caused by lac!k: of sU1f'ficTent ifun:ds to ca~ out the construction work sooner, and thie' continuing maintenance necessary because of the 1960 spring break-up. Elm street and the Bridge over the iCatfish Creek ar'eI added to the: Program in 11964. 134 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ROAD PIROGRAM RlECOMMlEtNlDlA.TIONS: 1 962 PAVING: Road ,3 120 '2'7 24 ;318 Wardsville Bridge Approachesl, AldboTOugh ................... If.3i mile Shedden to FingaJ. ..................................................................... 21.4 miles Seminary School ................... ............. ........ ................................ 0.8' miles 'Hepburn Transport to Port Stanl<ey ...................,........... 1..4 miles Richmond Hill ...,.................................................................,...... 0.9 miles TO'I'AL: ... 5.8 miles GRADINIG AND GRANu['iAR, BASE: Road 20 TurviHe!s Corners to Highway No.4, Port !Stanle.y and Soutihwold ..,................................................................... 2'.0 miles 8 Burwell's C'ornerstoIWmeY"s Side Road, Dlmwich.... 3:.9 miles 2 West Lorn6 easterly aprp~oocima!tely .............................:.,... 2i.Q miles TOTAJL.: ,'.' ,c... ....... ....., ....' ....., '. .., ...'..., ..........................-'.... '.......... 7.9 miles BRIDlG!E8: :Dmgle street Bridge in .AYlmer, and Hoov.er Bridge on the Yarmouth-South Dorchester Townline. 1 963 P AV!INfG: That mileage graded in 196~. GlRADING AND GRAN1ULAR B~iE: Road 512 From Road 401 'eastell"ly in S!pringlfi:eld, South Dorchestrerr and Malahide ...................................................... 1.0 mile 36 Eiasterly from Road 214 to !Port BruCie (new loca,tion) Yarmouth and Malahide ........................................................ 4.0 mileS! 20 Shedden nortff1erly to Highway 4011" Souvp.wo]d .......... 3:.0 miles 4!2i From east of iRoad 4.0 to the !M'alahide-BayiJIiam TownI:i.nJe, Malahide .................................................................... 3.7 miles "I"OT'AL: .,...,.. ........ ......., ........ ........ ...... ........., ........ ......, ..,.... .............., 111.7 miles ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL 135 BRIDGE: Concrete Culvert Constl'lUtCtion. 1 9 6 4 PA;VI1N1Gi: That mileage graded. in 19631. . GRADING AN1D IGRA.NftJLAR BlASrn]: Road 42 8 Bayham-Malahide 'IbWI1Jline easterly to Port BU!fIW'ell Bridge, BaYham ................................................ ....... 3.7 mileS! Talbot Road from Willey's ,side Road to WalJacetown Road, Dunwich .........................................,...... 3.6, miles Clachan easterly, AldiboroUJgh, .............................................. 21.3: miles' El1m street, Aylmer .................................................................. Ob' miles: 6 TOTAL: ..... BRIDGlID: EIlm S'tr:eet 10IVer' Catfish Creek, Aylmer. ..........,........................... ....................... .'10.1 milesl All of which is respeetfuHy sUlbmitted. JOHN K. HUX, Ohairman THE CORPORATION OF THE: COUNTY OF EIL,GIN BY-LAW NO. 1799 "A By-Law to Amend the By-La.w Adopting a Plan of County Road Improvement and Establishing a. Cotmrty Road System in the County of EiL.GIN under the ,mghway Improvement Act." The CJounciJ of the COrploration 0[ the Cbunty of ElLG[N enacts as BY-Law Number 1.799 as, follows: 1. The SooeduJ.e "A" of B\V-Law NU:mIber 897 !being the' originaJ By-Law establisthinga County Road S\Vsrtem in the County of ElL- a IN as a..'11ended by By - Larw" Nurrllber 105121 bein!g the last cnnsolidat- ing By-Law ire-establishing the sai:d system and further amended by SUlbsequent amending By-LaIWS is h~eby ameillded by adding thereto t.he Roads desd.gnated and descriJbed as fol1ows:: 136 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL DESCBIPTION Designated County Boad Number 8 BEiING that portion of the road or the deviations! thereof in tbe Village of Dutton and ibedng an ex- tension of the existing ICbUDIty Road Number 8; COMM!ENCINiG on Joihn street at the wesllexn limit of the extension southm-ly iOif the Road be-. tween !Lots 121 am 13, Cbncesslion "A", Township of Dunwicl1 known as CUrrie Sitll'eet, THlENCiE south.... westerly aliong the said JohnstJ:reet to the eastern limit of Main street; A DIST ANCIE of approximately 01.120 miles. DEIS,CRIPTION BE[NG that portiion of the road or the deviations thm-eof in the Township of Dunwidh; <OO1M1M'ENCING on the established road in Lot 1!1, Designated IOonC'ession X, knOWll) as: the [ake lRioad at thef CO'Ullity Boa.d ,eastern limit olfthe established rood between Lots Number 1M 110 and 1111; THEtN"OOeas:tedy along the said Lake !Road 1;i() the eastexn limi.!t of ISit. PeDeIl"S Oemertery in Lort 112. 'OoncesSion X, in the ToiWIhSiht'p of Dunwich; A DISTANOEI of approX!imately 01.:5 m.iles. nesieO"!'..ated DEISCRIPTION B'ElING that pO!l'tilon of the l'Ioad or the deviations Ithweof in the Torwnsmps otf North Dorchester aIlidi iSouth Dorchester and the Village of Belmion't kno'Nn .8iS the 'I1o!\'X.T!1Jine Rjoad, and: beLl1g an ~ten- COUllity Road taon of the existing COIl,mty' Road Number 37; Number 3'7 COMM!EtN'C[lNIG in the Townships: of North Dor- ohester <and Sou'Qh Dorchester on the Road CIOm- prising the boundary betwee:rll the said TownshipSl lat the western limit of Ithe King's Highway Num." '1-..__ r'7t). uca 'e), THENCIE west,erly aLong the said 'Thrwnline ROad to the .estabUsihed Road in Lot 00:, ConClessron VII, ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL 137 Township of SOruIth Dbrchester; TiHiEiNCE in the Township of Soutn Dorohester westeTly along ,the said established road across. lots OOi, ~3I and 214, CO!IlCiesmon !Vn, to the eastern limit of the Village of BelllllOfTht; THENC~ in the ViHage of BelIDiOnt continuing westerly along the said established road to the elastJern limiit of the King'sl Highway Number 74; A TOTAL DTSrrANlC~ OIf aPPTo!Xima,telY 11),.4 miles. DiElSCRJIPTION BE[NG that portiJon of tihe rlQad or tille deviations Ithereof in the Village of Vienna. Designate!d COMMEiNCIIN1G on fFIulton ISltreet, art the western County Road limit, oct: Main stlI'eet. Number 411 . THEiNCIE westerly aLong t!he saad FUlton stmet to the ea,stern limit of Union street in the' Village of Vienna. A DISTANiCIEI of approlXima,tely 0'.4 miles. DiEISCRlIPTION BE:ING tha,t pOil'tiJon of the I'Ioad or the derviatiions thereof in the Townships: of Y;armOiUJth and Mala-. hide, being an '8lXtension OJf the eocistiing COi\lIlty Desrignated Road Number 45 weste:rly; County Road ME' . +ih "" h' "<,.- b 45 COM INCIN1G In ..,.......e .Lowns lp of ~ 'armoruth on Num er .. the Toad: between Concessions V and VI at the eastern limiit of the road beltJween Lots 7 and 8, Oonoess!ion V; THEtNCIEI Icont,inuing. easterly along the s'a,id road Ibet,ween ConcessiOlJ1S V and VI and its deviatio!IlS1 ill1) Lots 2~., 214 and 2/5, to, the western limit 0[' the bonndary road bertween the TownshiPSl oct: Yar-, mOlUthand Malahide; THENCE in the Townships of Yarmouth and Mal- ahide, mrthelI"IY on the said boundary road to the southern lim.it of the road between ICbI1lCessions I:V and V, 'DoiWIlShip of Malaihide; A TOTAL DTSTANCIEl of approximately 7.0 miles. 138 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL DiEiSCRIPTION BmNG that portion of the r:oad or th.e deviations thereof in the Townships Of Ma~ahide and Bay- ham, being an eoctensiian of the exiSting County Designated Road 45, easterly; County Road Number 45 COMMiENlClIiNG in the Township of Ma.lahide on the road between CbncessiOlt1lS II!I and I1V at the easrtJern limit of the Tioad between Lots: 1210 and 2;1, COncessi,on ]V ; THENCE ea;sterly along the said Tood between Concession III and IiV to th.e balUndary betw'een the Townsihips of MaJahideand Bayham; THENCE, in the Torwnsihip of Bayham., conltmlli.ng ea.ste~ly on the ~oad between Cbncessions TIiI and IV to' the '€sltablfshed road in Lot 21, Concessi,on W'; THENaE nortih-easterly follOlwing the windings and turnings: of the said esrtabliSlhed T'oad through Lots 2 :to 91, Oonc:essian mv;, to the !road between. .do[l/cess.iOTI1S IV and V; '!1HiE[NCIE soru.th-east,erly aJ!ong the said road be- tween Conoessionsl ]V and V to the western limit of the King'sl Highway Numb,er1,9; A TOrr AL nrST ANCEl ,of approxima.tely 8UO miles. Designated County Road Number 53 UEiSCRIPTION BEING that por-tioill Of the road orr the deviatitonSl thereaf in tJhe Town Q(f Aylmer; COMMEfNC[N1G on iE~m street at the northern limit of TaLbot Sitreet,; THEiNiCIE nrn1berly along the said E[m Street to the ooruthern limit af Beecih street in the Town of AyLmer; A DrST ANCIEI of approxiimately 0.5> miles. 2. The roads as desiignated and descriibed in pa:ragraph 1 are hereby added to and included in the County Road System of the County of Elgin. ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL 139 13. The SCihedule '''A'~ of B\y-LaiW Number 8917, being the original By-Law eslta!blisihing a County Road System in the C/ormty 0[ EL- GIN as amended by B\y-Lia!w Number i10521 being the last consolidat- ing By-Law re-establishing the saa.d system and fUT'theT amended ~ subsequent amending By-iLaws is herelblV amended b\y !remow1ng therefrom the roads designated and descmed as flollows: Designation (A) D~ignation (B) DIEISCRIPTION BIEING that porlioo oftlhe existing COUNTY ROAD NTtJMBlElR 4 or the deviations thereof in the ViUage of /ROd:ney known as Queen Street; OOMMlEiNlCiING on Q:ueen Sltreet at thel easrterrn limit of ThrniiVlal R,pad, being County Road NUm- ber 3,; THENC!E easterly a.long ,Queen srtreet to the east- ern limit Of the Village of Rodney; A DIST ANCEl of approximately 101$ miles. D<EISCRIPTION BETNG that portioo Of the exiSlting COUNTY ROAD NTUMBEIR 1;2 orrthe deviattiolI1lS: thereof in the TOIWllshi,p of Dunwidh, knOlW'Il. aSI the Co(Vnel Road; OaMMElNIClING on the road between Lots 6 and 7 at the northern limit of the road between Conces- sions II: and III, being County Road Number 9; 'J'I:HENC~ northerly along th,e slaid road between Lots 6 and 7 tha'ough Concessions m:, I and Broken Front to the estaJblished ['oad tll..rough iLot 7,. Brok- en Fxonlt; TH.EfNCIE! easterly along the said established road through Lot 7, Blrolmn Front ConceSSlion to the IbQlU11dary !beltween the ICbuiI1t1y of E[gin and the County of Middlese!X; A l)[ST ANCIEI of approximately 21.55, miles. 1;40 ElLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Designation (0) Designation (D) DESCRIPTION BroNG that porlioo of the existing COUNTY ROIAD NIU1MBEIR 114 or the delViatd.ons thell'eof in the Township of Dunwi:cJh; OOMlMlENCmNG Ion tne road between COtmessioIlS' WI and VIIt at the wesrtern limit Of the road oomprisdng the bOlUIlclary beltiween the 'I1orwnships of Dnnwieih and Soothwood; 'I1HlElN1ClE1 we!Slterlyalong the said road between Concessions VII and vtItIiI and itsi deviati<msto the south-eastern limit 0[ the d:ivm:sion cons1Jl'!ucted across: the south-'ea;Sltern part lorf Lot "'BI" in Cbn-, oessliJon rvIJl" and the soufuern part of Lot "c" in Ccmeeslsion VII by the Ontario DepartmelIlJt of! Highways, and being the King's HighiwlaiV Number S; A DIiST ANCEl 0[ apPT'o!Xdmatiely OJ), miles. DiElSCRIPTION BE[NG that po!'tion orf !1fu.e e!XiSlting COUNTY ROAD NUMBiElR liB or the devia,tions thoceof in the Townsihip of Sbuthw:oJd; COlMMiE[NIC[N!G on :the rlaad berflWeelt1l C!oncessions II and In; at the easrtJe!rn liJrniLt 0[ the road be- tween Loml 1. and i1a, !being Ciounty Road Number 19; THElNCE eaSitm:ly along the lSw.d road between ConoessionlSl II and IIII to the south-western limi~ of the road comp!r'ising the boundary between the Townships Of Sbuthwold and Delaware, being Oounty !Road Numlbm: 1m; A DLsrr ANCIEI of approximaltielY 1.95 miles. DEISCRIPTION BEING that portion of the exiSlting COUNTY ROAD NruMBiEiR 27 or the devia,tions thereof in the Townsihip Of Yarmouth; EtLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 141 Designation (E) Designation (F) COMMENCING on the established !road in Lot 4, Concession ]V, at one time known as the Old Lon- don and Port stanley Gravel Road and shown on Deposited Plan'fNumber 2k33. as registered in the Registry Ornee f10r the rRlegi.sltry Division Of the County of E~gin, at the eastern limit of the King"S: Highway Number 4 in Lot 4, Coneesstion IV; THlE[NCE south-easterly, southerly and welSlterly fol- lowing the windings and :turnings of the said Old Lond/on and Port Sitanley Gravel Road through Lot 4, OoncebSSion IlV; Lot 4, Concessilon In land Lots 4 and 3, CioncesSlion II to the eastern limit of the King's Highway NUimber4 in Lot 3, Concession III; A DISTANClElof approximate~.y 1.6 miles,. DlElSCRilPTION BEING that portion Of the existing COUNTY ROAD NiUTI\1BrEIR 33 or the deviations thereof in the 'I1olWllship of ~armOluth; OOMM1ENCING on -qhe ['load between Concessions x:I:Ir and XIV at the 'eastern limit of the road be- tween Lots 18 and 9; THlENCIEl easrterly along the ,said road between IOonces:si:OIliS XIII and XlIV :to the road between Lots 12' and 13, Cloneesslion xtIIV; TH1ElNClE northerly along the said road Ibet,ween Lots 1121 and 13i, COllClession XlIV to the southern lilmit of the Road between the TIownshi'ps of Yar- mouth and WeSltminsrter:r, being Counlty Road Num- ber 34; A DIST ANCIE of approximatelY 2~,;.?15 miles. DtEISCRIPTION BEING that pomon of the existing COUNTY ROAD NlUMB~[R. 3!4 or the deviations thereof in the Townsihips of Yarmouth and Westminster; l~ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Designation (G) Designation (H) Designation (J) 'OOM:MlENC'IN'O in the Tawnships i()f Yarmauth .and Westrni.nster an the road comprising the !boun- dary between the said TOIWllShips, at .the wesltern limit of the rood betweelIll :Lot;s !12:and il3:, Conces- sion xmv, Town:sh.ip of YaT'lnourth, preViousily refer- red to in Designation (F) of this Bty-Law; "I'1HimNCIEI IllOrlh-easterly along the said road com- prising tpe boundiaTy beltween the Townships of' Yarmouth and Wesrtminster to the soothern Limit Of the road between COlIlJCessions vm: and VIn, Township of WestmiUlster; A TOTArL D[STANOEI ofapp;mxima,tely 0.6 miles. DESCRIPTION BIE[NG that pOO"tion Of the elXisting COUN'IIY ROAD NUMBlEtR41, or the deJViatioos thereof in; the Villag;e of Vienna; COM'MlEfN'CING iOn Main Sttreet at the noctherlY limit Of Fulton street; THJE(NICIE noI'ltiherly aLong the sai:d Main Sltreeu and its deviations to the establ1lSlhed road along tpe north bank: of the B~ otter Creeik known as the Cl1eek Road. THElNOEI weSltffi'ly 'M1Id southerlyf1oIIowing the windings and turnings .of the said Creek Road to the western limit of the ViI:1age: Of 'Vienna; A DISTANCIEI of 31ppl1oximatlely 0.9 miles. D!EISCRIPTION .tS!.I:!HNli that porrtion of me e%isttin:g COUN']W ROAD NUMBIEtR, 45 or the devta,tions thereof in the Townships of MaIahide and Bayham; OOMlMlEtNlOING in the TowIlSlhip of Malaihide on the road between C'O!l1Clessions ]V and V at the eastern limd;t of the road between Lots !2Q1 and 211, being County Road Number 401; THlElNaEeaSlterlY along :tIhe said I'IoadbetIWeen Concessdons IV and V and its deviation in Lot 315!~ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 143 Designation. (K) Designation (L) ConcesSion W. to the western limit of the road! comprisdng the boundary between the Townships of MalaJ:lii.de and: Bayham;' THElNCEl in the TOW!IlISIhips of Malahide and Bay- ham. southerly along the said! road compristing the ~olUldM"y !betJw:een the Townships OIf Malahide and Bayham. to the northern limit of 1t.te road lbetJween Coneessions III and IIV, in the Township 01' Mala- hide; A TOI"AL DISTAN1CtE: of aipiprO!ximaitely 4.9 tniles. DiEISCRIPTION BEING that po:rtion: of theexiSlting COUNTY ROAD NiUiMBIElR 46 or the deViations thereot in the Torwnship 01' Ba,yham; COIl\f:MEtNCIN1Gi on the Toad between ConcessiOns VIrrI and IX a,t 1:1he eastern limit of the road be-, tween Lots 5 and 6, ibed.ng County Road Number' 415; THEINCtE: easterly along the said tl'oad betlween Cion cessions VIftI and IX to thel western Limit of' the Tallbot Road being the King's Highway Nmn-, ber 3; A DISTANCiEI of approximately O.7:S miles. DiEIS,CBIPTION BIEJNG that portion Of the exi.sJtjng COUNTY ROAD NUMBER 5131 or the deVia;tions thereof in the Town 01' Aylmell'; OOMMiEINCcr:NG Oill Caverly RiOad Calso knpwn as Fiifth Avenue) at the SO'Uithem limit of !King's Highway Nrumibm- 3; THElNCIE southerly along tp:e said Caverly Road to South Sibreet; THlEtNClIDeasrerly along the said South Street to Victoria street; 144 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL THENiCIE southerly on the said 'victoria Street to' Elk street; THENCE leasterly Qn the :said Elk street to the western limit of King's Highway Number 3; A TOrrAL DIST:ANCiE: of approximately 1.70 miles. 4. The TOads as designated and described in paragraph 3 M"e hereby removed fI10m the County Road System Of tjhe County of! Elgin. i5,. This By-Law shall come into force UPQn the approval there- Qf by the Lieutenant-Governor in Clouncil. FINA.LiLY IPASiSlED ra,t the OLty of ,st. 'Thomas!, in the C:ounty of' Elgin, this: 19th day of September, 1001. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. DONALD BURGESS, WaTden. FIFTH :S:ESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, 'the 21st day of November, 1961 TheEllginJ County COiUillJCiI met this day at the Oorurt House, 8t. ThQmas, in a.ccordianoe with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ALl the mem.bers were present. The Warden addJressed the Council and welcomed the junior guests to OouniCdl. ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL 145 W ARnEN'S ADDRJEISS November Session, 1961 To aU Members of the Elgin C10unty Counen, Gentlemen: On b$:alf of the Elgin Oounty Council, I wish to extend a hearty welcome to our young .guests of today. It gives us gl'ieat pride, as fathers and friends, to demonsrtl'iate to you, the C:Oming gel1lera- mon, the w:orkings of county gov,ernment, so that you might have gl'ieater interest and understanding during' your .own lives. This visit might also prove to be a little preparation f!or future County Coun- cil candidates. The November Session is tJ:11e clolSling Session for Corunty youncil for the yeaJ.~, and it is! the cuS!tIom of the Warden t.o review for those present, the accomplishments of tihe vadous cammittees. OUir County Road C'ommittee' wrocih is respo!l.1Slib~'e for the ex- penditure of about5iOl% 'Of county funds has had a Vieiry satisfying and sUlCcessful year. The WardSlV'iUe! Bridge, begun in 19160, was ofn- oially .opened by the Hon. FIred Class, Minister of Highways, on 010:- tOlber 119th. The Eden Bridge is 'llIearing oomp(lletion and with favor- able weather will pI10ibably be compiLeted before the end of the yea,r. The Road System of Etlgin County has been gIven addJit>ional stUdy that it might be srtreamLined for better service to the people of the county. The Elgin MaTIOil' hasibeen eomp1eteil~ rewired, botjh as a sa,fierty measure and for !better ,lighting. It haS! been made more attractive by redeco!I"ation. 19<611 haSl s'een the fufiHmerut ofa twenty-dIve year old dream in t.he opening 'Of the new County Llibirary. The Library Boards, respon- sible, are to be commended for their eih.OilOO of plan, and excellent building, as a result. A few Y1ears ago, when OUT newihoopital was built to serve both eitYiandeounty, it seemed unnecessary to have ereoted a bunding of its' sdze. but already it is fiNed to capacity and pI'aus for enlaa-ging are before the committee. 146 ElLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL The pool installed at the Nurses' Residenc;e has pa"QlVen very popular and added to other verm-eational facilitles:, acts a.s an induce- ment for greater enroolmEmit in the School of Nursing. I am pleased to say that under the guidance IOf our Caerk, Mr. Thomson, all committees have kept ,fairly wel[ within their budgets and the county will finish the year in a, favorable financial position. In closing, I would like to thankaJ..l members of the Council for their steadfast cQi-operat[OfIl; and SUippmt, in carrying out OiUT duties, and. hope. that my owneffQirbSl have! been to tihe satlis:facltion of tnOSle Wlho entrusted to me,) this position of honor. The minutes of the September Session were read and confirmed. The following communications were read and r€'fm-red to their various Committees: COl\-IMUNICATIONS Novem.ber S'ession, 1961 From the County of RenfI'letW requeslting the Dept. 0[ Welfare to enact legis~at,ion alloWling Counties to admindster child welfare. - Referred to 1j1e Finance Clommittee. From the UnJiversit:y of Wesluern Ontario with appreciation of grant.. - Filed. FTom the City of Cornwall requesting peIllSlilons for disabLed per- ISOns between 40 and '61Oi years of age.. - Referred to the Rnance Cammdttee. From the County of Prince Edward requesting the Ontario gtOIV__ ,ernment not to legaN!2Je the saile of yellow coliored maa:-garine. - (Re- ferred to the Agriculture dommittee. From the COIUIlty of Ontario requesting the Ontario government to exempt specified materials from Provincial Sales Ta~. - Referred to the lilinance Oommittee. ELGIN COUNTY COUNan. 147 From the Secretary of the West Lome Horticultural Society with appreciation of grant. - Filed. From the Clanadian National Institute for the Blind with appre- ciation of grant. - Filed. From the Salvation Army with appreciation of grant. - Filed. From the' Wes,tern Ontario AgricultluTal Slcoool with appreciation of (Scholarship GTant. - Filled. Thorn the University of Western Ontrurio re County Council Day, 1962. - Referred to the 196121 OOiUniC'il. The Elgin Manor Committee Report was presented and adopted on motion of Deputy RieeVe Tansley and Reeve GUXI". The property Committee Report was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve MdKibbd.n and Deputy Reeve Barbetr'. Moved by Reeve Barkier, Seconded by ReelVe Wilson, That the :r;eport of the OOiUnty Treasi\.U"el" be accepted, and print- ed in the, lPvooeedings. --Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Tanstley, Seconded by ReelVe GUl'T, Thau the Secretary's /RJeport of iEIlgin Manor be accepted, and printed in the Proceedings. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Wight, Seconded by Rewe Eilliott, That the Cierk's Report on YcelnSes ibe aocept.ed, and printed in the IProceedings. -Carried. H8 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Reeve Downey commended tjh:e Property Oommittee and County J.library Board for the fine, new Library BUilding. Moved by Deputy Reeve McIver, Seconded by Reeve Gurr, That we do now adJJlourn to meet this 81fternoolIl at 3 p.m. -Carried. The Council resu.>ned. A communication from Mr. C. B. Voaden, SearetM'Y ,of the E1.- gin-St. Thomas Health Unit 1'e miSlpeotingof plumbing Teg!Ulatdoo.s was read and J:leferr'oo DO the Finance C:omrnJittee of the i196\2 County OounciJ. The r:eportOlf the Agricultural Committee waS! presented and adopted on motion of iR,eeV!e Nlimmo and Heeve iWi:lison. The report of the Road IClommJJttee was presented and adopted on moti!olll of R,eeve Hux and RJeeVie Downe\V. Miss ,June Baird, druug:hter of IReeve Baird exJpressed the appre- dation on behalrf of the Juni!OT guests for the very, !inJt:leresting day and lovely dinner. Moved by Reeve Wight, Seconded by Reeve Elliott, That v\re dio now adjourn to meet on J'tyV'ednesday, l'"~ova.uiber 22nd, 19611, at ten a.m. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. DONALD BURGESS; Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNC[L 149 FIFTH SESSION - SE,COND DAY Wednesday. the 2,2nd day of November, 1961 The E[gin County Ciounc:i! met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the C!haiiT. All the members present. The minutes Oif tjhe plrevious day were read and confinued. Moved by Reeve Gurll" that Mr. A. V. Langton be now heard. Mr. Langton addreslSled the C:ouncil on ,tlheagricrultmll"al oon.ditions in the County, a.nd on the! Junior Farmer alCftivitdrelSl. Moved by RleelV'e WilLson tha"t Mr. Claylbowne Gordon, Cpunty Weed InspectoT be norw !heard. iM'r. Gordion addiressed tibe C'ouncil on the Weed Insrpecltor"s work in the Cbunty, dm"ing the year<. Moved by R,eeve Hux ,tlh3lt the Weed ]IlISpeC!tor's ;Report be ac- cepted a.nd printed in the PrIoceedings. Moved by Reeve Birownthat Dr. Mbntelitlh be now heall'd. He addressed t~e Conncdl on school COSltJsi and PrtOlVinciaJ. grants. Moved by Deputy Reeve Mc/rver, Seconded by Reeve Gurr, 'JJhat we adjourn .for DIlle !half hour for the Education Colnmittee no meet. The Councilad!jOlurned to allow the IEIdrucatiOll1J Oommituee to meet. The C:ouncliiJ. resumed. The report of the Flinaince COmmittee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve lEl1!liott and Reeve Chute. 150 ELGIN OOUN'I!Y OOuNClIlL The Education tOommtttee ~epmt was pIl'esented and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Deputy Reeve Phillips. Reeve Barker reported that the County Assessor's Report wmch was preselt1lued to tp.e iEqualizatioo Committee be referred to the Councils of the local municipalities fo[' ,their Clonsidet"a.tion. -Carried, MOV'ed by Reeve Crawford, Seconded by Ree!ve DOIWney, That By-Law No. 118100, of the ICOrpor:ation of the County of El- gin Restricting the Weight of Vehicles 1Pa8S!ing Olver Bndgesl, be read a, fiirSt time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Robson, S.econded by Reeve Nimmo, That By-Law No. 1181010, :be read a second ,time!. -Carried. Moved blY Deputy ReelVe TuffO!l'd, Seconded by Reeve Baird, That BlY-[Law No. il18010 be !'lead a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. Moved 'hy Reeve Hux, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Barber, Tha,t By-Law No. 11181011, '''A B~-Law tlo Oornsolidate and Revise 'tihe By-Law Adopting' a Plan of Cbunty iRAood IiInprovemenlt and IEs- ,taibliSlhing' a, County Road SYstem in the County of Elg'lin under The Hiighway rmpro~ement A:ct as: amended by .subsequent amending By- Laws," be read a ,first time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Barber, Seconded by Reerve Hux, rnlLGIN OOUNTY OOUN1OllL 151 That By-iLaw No. iUIDl, be read a second time. -Carried; Moved by Reeve Wight, Seconded by Reeve Emott, That B~-["a;w No. i1!80~~ !be l1ead a third time, and f;iIlially passed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Gurr, Seconded by Daputy Reeve McIver, 'I1hat the rusuailJ gra\IlJts of $!2J5I.oo each. be gi~en to Mlr. Paul Siall- awaY' and Mr. James Taylor fior reporting lPToceedings of C!ounty Council. -Carried. 'I'hie members of Oou.ncil commended the Warden on jhds exrel- Jient servioe to Vhe Gbunty dlli"ing his y'ear in offioo. The Warden expressed hisa.ppreciation for' the splendid co-op.., eratinn of the membem of IDonnell d:urilng his ytear as Warden. Moved by Deputy Reeve Mc[ve:r, Seconded by Reeve .Qurr, That we do now adjlown sine die. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. DONALD BURGESS, Warden. ELGIN ~OR COMmnTTEE November Session, 1961 To the \Varden. a.."'ld :rv1:e.l"1iJi;;ers oi! the Ellgin Oounty Council, The !EIlgin ManO!r Committee reports as follows: 152 EfuGIN COUNTY OOUN011L 1. That we :have a.ccepted tJhe tender of the Imperial S\Vstem of Baking for b~ead tro be deiLivered to the E~gin Manor during the Y1ear 1962: at 1I3i cents per 10a.f. 2,. That we have accepted the tender of Sl1verwood Dairi6S1 for IStandard Milk at 21()i cenTIs per qt; 3 qt. tiugat 55 cents. to /be delLiv- er:ed tio the iElgin Mamior dUring ,the year, 1191612:. :3'. Tha,tthe question of a new County Home for the Aged be referred to tJhe ,1196~ Effigiin Manor Commit,tee for tjheir serious: con- sideration, and the iClOIUIlIciil of the Oity of Sit. Thomas be apiproacJwd if they wOIUld be interested in a joint Home for the Aged. All of W:hdeh is respectfully submitted. M. TANS[,EIY, Chairman. PROPE,RTY COMMITTEE November Session, 1961 To the Warden, and Members of the Eigin County Council. The P,roperty Committee reports as foolows: 1. Thia,t we ha,v'e aceepted the tender of the Imperial System of Baking for /bread to be dellivered to t:he IElgin County ,Jail during the year, 1916121, at I1I3l CelI1lts per loaf. 2. That we have! aceerpted the tender of SilVrerwood Dairies for ,standard milk at 210 CIe[lUs per qt., and 3 qt. ijug at 15151 cents to be delivered to the EDgin Cb;unty ,Jatl during the year, 191612i. 3. Tha,t the nerw County Library BUiiJding was completed at the tender priCie of$43,1873.iOIOI by !Paul Kantoc Oonstruction COmpany LtJd. 4. Tha,t landscaping of the grOiUnds and pI'loviding shrubs by 'tjhe MciOonnel1 Nursery Oompany at a cost of $45;6i.OIOi has grroot[y im- proved the appearance of the grounds. All of which is respectfully submitted. RUSSElL McKIBBIN, Ohainnan. ElLGIN OOUNTY OOUN1011L 153 COUNTY TREASURER'S RiEiPORT November Session, 1961 To the Wa;rden, and Memlbers of the E/1gin OOWlty Council, i beg to SUlbmit the fOlLoW!ing statement of Receipts and Expend- itures from ~Ianuary '1st, 1119611." to October 311st, 119611.: Receipts BaJ1anCie in Bank, and on !hand, Jan. 1, 19611 ...'...,.,'...' $ Administration of Justice ....................................$ 5121,6~1.33 County Assessment Dept. .................................... 1,,6010.0.0, Notes Payable ................. ......,....... .................. ........ 6eO,OOO.oO Registtt'y Office ........... ......... ........................ ......,.... 9',.9710..79 Charity and Welf,are ............................ ........ ........ 2!1.,6912;.6:7 Eligilt1l Mano[' . ........ ............................... .....'.............. 314,.7157.63 Ohill!drten's Aid Societies: . .................. ......... '........ 918S.611 Oounty \Roads .,...... .........., .... .............................. 6164,/3i40.,93 Miscel!laneou:s .....,."..."...,...,...,..... ',..............".....,. ..... 4,,(li6l3iAl8i Licenses and fPermits .. ,........................................ 211(6.010 AgriClUlture .................... ...... .......... ................................ 7,/315O.99! Interest ............. ........................ ................................... Un.512' COWlty Rates under S:ection 53, of the Assessment Act .............,................... Oounty !Rates ........................ .................... Province of Ontario, Mmeum Grant .. ........... ELgin-St. T1hmnasl Health Unit .................. OrIS Cheques written. off ..............................., 416~1.l 03 83.83 13i2.7r46.50 9100.00 ~,BI40.!111 4.610 $1 ,,61114,2i72 49 l$ll,6iOO.~3 512 ~penditures Administration 0[' Justice ....................................$ 810,9121'7' 811 Notes Payable ............................................................ 5,00,01001.,010 Charity and Welfare ..............................................~'O09..77 'GTants, AssIOciations, Scl1.olarsmps .................... 45.,525.00 iElgin Manor ....'.....'...,..............., ............ .............. ....... 35:,3'6:2.512 Pvegistr,; Office ......".....,,'..,'..... ........................... .'.... 6,02iLI23 Elgin-Sit. Thomas Health Unit .................,........ 20,000.00 Children's Aid Sooieties ......................................... 312;,0112:.:212 Members' Wages .... ........... ...................... ........ ...... ..... 9,694.55 154 mLQIN OOUNTY COUNcmL Offioers' !SaJlaries ..'........... ,...........................,..'.......... 8,162.5Oi Printing, Postage, and Stationery .................... 8214.43 ewe of BuIildings ......... ..'.......................................... 6:,5192.411 Agriculture ............................ ,..................................... 10,7187.99 OountyRoads ....................... .............'..........,....... .... 7100,002,.36 Miscellaneous ..... ..,........ ......................................... I5OOIJliO Interest .......,...................,...,.......... ...... ............,............. m,Q58.016 County AssesstmetIlit Dept. ............................. ........ 8,OiI8.721 ,Elgin Clounty Pioneer Museum ....... ........ 91010.00 Trtansrfer to hospital aooount ................ ........ 96.011 Transfer to IEagin rManocr:" account ........... ........ 51,0100.00 '$ll,p814,569 48 Balance 00. hand, Oetober 311srt, 119611 ........................$ 7I51,911i4 014 General AClCount .......... .........$ 714,673,.63! Elgin il.\funor Account ....', 1,~14J01.4!l $ 715<,911:4.014 $I1i,6161O,483 52 All of which is respectfully suibmitJted. cr. D. THOMSON, County Clerk and Treasurer SECRETARiY'S RiEiPORT November Session, 1961 'I10 the Warden, and Members 'Of the Elgin County Oounci1, The foUowmg is my report on Elgin Manor fior the year ending Ootober 311st, !19<61: '1. NUillliber of residents at last report ...................................... '...... 33 2. Number admitt,ed during the year ................................... ..,..... 9 3. Number Off deaths ..,....,... ,......,..... ..... .............................. 1 4. NumJber discharged ........., ......................... ........................................... 6 5. Number 0[ reSlidents now in the Home ...................................... 35 6. Total daiYs residence ............ ................... _............_................. ...... ... .... ..12;,869 7. Average number of residents during the year ........................ 35 8. Average number with SlUperintelIlJdent's family and hired help ........ ...... .............. ... ........ ............... ....'. .... ... ................ ......... ...... 44 ~GIN OOUNTY COUNCIlL 155 9. Nlumber 'Of weeks' board with SUperintendent's f:am:iily ........ 2,3107 1/0. Number of week's board of r:eslidenc:e .............................,............ 1,8138 111. Beceipts Provi!IlJce of Ontario SUlbsidy ..................................................$ 16,0015,.17 Old Age Pensions and Residenoe Maintenance .............. 15.436,.7,0 Government of Canada SaLes Tax Refund . ........... .......... '. 4119.158 Sundries ...................... ........ ............................. ..............................'.... 2I8!2!.11 1;2. Expenditures Food and Provisions ............................ ......... .......................... ....$ Medica[, Dental, and Drugs ...................................................... Clothing and Wielfail"e .'........,...................... '................................ Household supplies .,',...,.,',...".,...".....".."......,....,... FurniShings ..".."..,......"..,..............................................""....,........... Rapairs to Buiild1ngs and grounds ..............,............... Fuel, Hydro, Tffiephcme, Water .............................................. Travel !Elxrpense and Office Sluppilies ................................... SaJariesandWag:es "'.'.................'..........., .,...............,.......,........ InsUiI'ance, Fire~ Clompensation, and Boiler .................... Pension Fund, Convention !ElxpeIlJSles and Siundries 113:. Deductions Government of Canada, Sales Tax ..................................... '$, Sundries ......... ......... ,.... ......................... ....................................... 1,4. Net Cost of Operating 15. Average IElxpens.es per day of leach pe:rson ....... 16. Average Elxpensles per week 'Of eaoo person 117 . Average Elxpenses !per year ofeaep. person .....,................ 118. &etual Cost to C'ounty after deductions 'Of all receipts 119. $ 3~,9'75.56 6,998.36 1",958.33 ~;1711151.28 1,21301.23 5,08:.89 1:O~1:7!9i,65 4,208.1,9 304.81 9,2176.08 11,,1t10.6,7 1:911.54 $ 3!B,618~I.00 41.9.158 21821.1l $ 7011.69 ,,$ 3'7,000.34 2,.915 210.65 1,0i73.80 5,,706.47 Produce ;510 bushels potatoes; 40 busihe~ carnotsl; 312! bushels oniO!Ils; 25 bushels turnips; 18 :bushels beets; 1m bushels slquash; 7114 head cabba.ge; 7 bushels p~snips. During seaSJon, the Home used tlheir own Lettuce, tomatoes, gI'leen anions, sweet corn>! radisihes, cuoumbers, and beans from 'the garden of which no account was kept. 156 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCTiL 20. Stock !715 Hens. '21. There wm-e4l2i residents in the Home during '1001:-1311 males, 11 f,ema[es. Of the 36 residents in the Home, on the 1st day of November, :191611, ~i6 were males, and 9 were females. The management has been satisfactory. All of which is respectfully sUlbmitted. J. D. THOU.v.rsON, Secretary of ELgin !Manor CLERK'S REPORT ON LI:OENSIES November Session, 1961 To the Warden, and Members of ijle ,E[gin County Council, I h:a,ve to repoQ"t the following lieetlisles in foree' on the 1st day of November, l!9i6,1: Auctioneer S. A. Brady......... ,....... ....... ................... R.R. 21, Dorchester R. H. Shore........., ......... .................................. ........... Glan'Worlh William Johnson .'..""",'.'..... ..... .......... ...............,......... ....... Rodney Don W1atte:rworbh .....................................,.......................... Aylmer Fra.ilk Pulkerson ......................................... R.R. '1, TilIsoll1lburg DQin Shoil"e ......................... .......................... R.R. 16, SIt. Thomas !Leslie J. Slhaekleton ..... .............................. R.IR. :1, SpringfieH:d Harold G. Ciarke ... ........................ 21111 /ROss st.;, Sit. Thomas James R. McLeami ........................ ilill2i EImwood Ave., London K. J. McAlpine .... ............,............ .................,..................... Dutton. Henry D. Brock ............................ 110012:% Dundas St., London E. El. Randall.........,....,.., .................' ................................ Aylmer Roberl Oarney ...... ..,.. ................................. R.R. 1, Glenmeyer James G. BrackeniblUry ,.............................. Box 455, Aylmer ~GIN OOUNTY COUN1OIL 157 Transportation of Fowl ChM"les !Pangborn .'...' ..'. ...' ............. ............... '........ ...... TaJ:botviMe strnthc:ona Clreamery ..........,.. ............. ................ ......... ... .... Dutton Elgin Egg Co. .............................................................. st. Thomas Salvage Dealers Julies Vandenibussche ..... ........................... .............. straif'fordv:ille ,Jaok: streib ........... ....... ... ........ ...... '... ...........' ...... ... ................ Rodney Frank: ICfuodowski ........... n.....'. .............. .................. ............. Aylmer George T. !HIodgson .................................... R.R.. 6i, st. Thomas Ed. Shoemaker .................................................... R.iR. 3, Dutton Howard !ROloson .................................................. a.iR. 1, Vienna, Salvage Yard J'~wk streib .......... Rodney All of Which is respectfully submitted. OJ. D. THI0iMSON, Oo:unty eLm and Treasurer AGRICUL,T.URAL, COMMITTElEi November Session, 19611 To the Warden, and Members of the E~gin County Council, The Agriculltural Committee repoml as fd1lOlWs: 1. That the ooslOffiurtion from the Clounty of Prine'e Eidward re- questing the Ontario GorvernmenJt not to legalize the sale of yellOW Icolored margarinle, !be filled. All of whdch is respectfully submitted. F. NIMMO, Chairman. 1,58 ~IN COUNTY COUN1C[L, ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1961 To the Warden, and Members of ijle Eagin Co unity COuncil, YOUR ROAD OOMMITTFlEI begs to report as d1011o~s: 1. Road Mulch Pa.Vlements have been laid On the fQlJilowing Roads during 1961. : (a) Sou.tihwold and Duniw'tch Township Townline;, Cbunty LRload 14 fr:om the Thames River south- .erly to Road 13 ex;cept where Highway 401 inter- seets ........"... ,................................ ......., .......................... 3,.4 miles (b) Yadinouth ''J'1ownship, OOllloossion I, Dexter 'e'ast- erly on lRJoad 214 ................................................................. 2.5, miles (e) Yarmouth Township, lRIoad 214 northerly on Road J:t6 ............. ..'........................... ........ ..'........................................ 1115 mUes 4 (d) Malahid;e TO\l(Djship, Highway 3 northerly on Road 40 .......... ....... ..,......,..'... ,...............,.................... 2.15 miles (e) South Dorchester, Martinsl School easlte['lly IOn Road 48 ....... ....,.,....,... ........... ............., .... .................... 1.8' mUes (f) Soutlh Dorchester and Dereham Townline, Road 48 southerly on Road 152: ............ ................................... 0.51 miles 2. Widening, G:rading and GraJVelling has been done on the follow- ing Roads: (a) SouthWlold Township, Fingnl to Shedden, Road 20 ....,'...'.."...,.'... ..........,.'.'...............,..........'................ .... ... ........ 2.3i miles (b) Yarmouth Township and the Vj1[S,gi8 of port; stanley, Highway No. 4 southerly, Road 214 ........ 1.3 miles (0) Yarmouth Township betlw1een Union and Sparta at the 'Seminary School, l.Rioad ~7 ..................:........... 0.5 miles (d) Yannouth and Southwold Townships on the Townline between them, Road 215, being the Wellington .Road from Bostwi!ck Road to the ELGIN COUNTY OOUNlClIlL 159 ~dgeW,'are ~,qad,. Wor}{ under the control of the Sib. Thomas SUJburban CQrnIIl~ion .....:...................... 0.4 miles' 3. The WardSlVille Bridge OV'er the 'Dhames River on Road 3 has been rompletted as have the app:roa.ohes (with the exceptilOn 0[ rGuidte Rails and Paving). 4. Th~ Eden B~idge on. Road 46, in Ba~ham Torwn$ip ~,being rapidly completed and is e~ecie~l to be oI>~~d by Ohristmas. 5. Concrete Oulverts have been butlt on: (a) Road ~210 near Sh.edden in col1(jrulIlICtion with Grading between F,ingal and Shedden. (b) Road 1~: near the Cowal Road in Dunwich Township. ,6. Si~l Pla,te Ciulv'erts h~.ve b~~n inlSltalll~d oA: (a) Road 18 !on a branClh or! the Hnnt Drain in SIouthwold TQwn~hip. (b) Road 215A, the Wellington Road north of the Lwnhurst School. 7. Steel Culverts were insltaUed on Oorunty !Roads 2;0, 214, 2,7 and 258A in conjune:ttl.on wiroh Grading operations. MiSlool1anoous Cul- verts well'e irus:t:alled throughout th.e Cfounty. 8. Ti:l.e ~t. Georgie! :stre~t, ~ter Gully fi1nd Port Burw~ll BridgeS' have been cleaned and painted. 9.. Repair:s h~ve been ma4e to a number of Bridges IDclllUdLllg st. George S:t1'lee:t, Kains, Jamestown, Port Burwell. Mapleton, Rob- bins and Orwell. 10. Storm Drains have belen irusrtalledon Road 14 sooth of Iona on the Townline Road betweelIlJ Dunwich and ,Soutihwold Townships. n. App:r1Oxi:mately thirty-five miles of ICounty Roads and nine miles 'Of st. Thomas Suburban Oommission Roads WeD:e Sur,face Treat- ed with Bituminous Material and Gravel or Stone Chips. 160 ~GIN OOUNTY COUNIOIlL 1;2. LF[nSlhing Light SignaliS< ,and Bells have been installed at the following Cbunty Road Crossings: (a) RlOad 1i8 at Lawrence station on. the C!anadian NatilOnal Railway in !SOIUthwold 'I1ownsrup. (b) Road 2\0 north of Shedden. on. the Canadian Naitional Rail- way in Soothwold Township. (Ie) Road2Oi at S!hedd€ln on the Chesapea,ke and O!hd:o Railway in Southiwold 'Ibwnsihip. (d) Road 40 'at Glen Oolin on the Oanadian Na,tilOnaJ Railway in Malahide Township. 13. The Board of 'I1ransport Commissioners :fior Canada has, approv- ed the following: (a) Flasihing Ught S[gna1s1 and Crossing Gates 0iIll County Road 3: in the Village of Rlodney at tibe cTloSSling of the Chesapeake and Oihio Raillway and the' New Ybrk Oen:tral Railiway. (b) Doufble [F/]Jashing Ught SigIDJals and Modernization. of Cir- cuits on Road4i6, a,t Oorinth in Bayham Township. 1:4. Gravel IR.eSlUTfacing was done on.: (a) Road 9 in Aldborlough 'I1O'WThShip. (b) Road 5, the Townline Road !between Aldbo["ougih and Dun- wich. TownSlhips. (c) \Road 8 from the end of the pavement through Tyrconnell in Dunwich 'I1orwnship. 1;5. La.."1d Piull'Icihase, C:Leadngand Fencing i\s! being ca!'ried on, on the Wellington Road by the Sit. ThJomas Subur!ban Commission in pa-ep3.r3ltion for ;G["ading, Ga:-avelJing and PaNing operations next year. WE RlECOMM:EiND: L TtfA T Me ResoiJurtion from the County of Bruce 1"e the change in speed l:imd.t on County Roads and the'ResoLution [rom the County IOf Grey re additional subsidy for SinJow Removal, be filed. ELGIN COUNTY COUNlCmL 161 2. THAT a Rood Consolidaition B~-Law be passed. Such a By-Law would describe in one By-Law all Roads that are presenltly County Roads (IOil." that wi!lli be as of ,January '1st, 1!91612!), and alsol ffialke minor changes in the I1IUmbering of Oounty 1<<lads,. 'Ilhe last SU!cn By-lLaw in Elgin! OounJty wasI passed in 1005. 3. THAT a By-Law limiting the weight to be cairrled on oortain Oounty Bndgt€lSl be passed. The By-Law 'thiat was passed in March has ,been reviewed by the Ontario Department of High-, way Bridge Officials and they hawe advisled lowering the limit on the Walker Bridge to 10 tonS!, the TaUs Bridge to illS tons, the 'RJobbinSl Btridge to 15 tons, the Hoovl6!l." Bridge to 'is tons amid the Oooks B:ridge to '10 tons. As, new Bridges haiV'e been buiJ.t .or will be completed shortly, there is IliO lOng1€ir an.y need foil." a load limit on the new Wards- ville or Eden Bridg'etS. AU o~ wIh~ch' is respectfully submitted. JOHN K. flUX, Chairman. WEIED INSPE,CTOR'S. REPORT November Session, 1961 'l10 the Warden" and Membexs of the Elgin Qounty COuncil, I wish to report on the work done re weed oontrol in the Ooun.- t.y of Elgin duri:ng the yiea1', 1001. lin MarClh and April, there weI'le tru-ee or f:our County Meetings, which I was aSJk.ed to attend in neighiboring Oounties. There was no aIll1iUal weed meeting in Elgin Corunty during the tSPring, but we hOipetlo have a meeting in the spring 0[ ,1I9OOi. 162 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOlL We do not seem tlO have the attendance at thesemootings that, the neighboring coUJIllties haV!€i. I am hoping that Wlhenthe spring meeting i5ealled, that all of the County Ag;riCiUltural Committee and as many County Officials will attend as possible. I am kept very busy with weed control ,from the first of May until the middle of Octobe'1'. Most townships, towns and viJIlages pUita notice in the local papert10r all weeds to be cut by a cerlain date', andasl manlY times: laB n6ClessRrY. TJhis was of ,great benefit to me as I could cut lots up to nine acres without giving a Notice, and then colileClt them in tax- ~, if they didn't pay at the time. I wOUild say that fifty per cent of the property ownelT'S paid at the time of mowing. Some fa.nners take grea.t pride in ke'epling their weeds' cut 0'1' spray:ed, while others are quite satisfied to, have weedy pasture fields and fell1iCe rows. Sow thistle was veLrY bad in the CO'unty this year. Parmer:s were nearly a mO'nth late in harvesting tlheir oa,t crop, and the showers and damp wea,thm- at harvesting time made, the Wleeds grow 1V'igoll'- ously ~ The Provincial HighllNays in the County arel 'Very ba.ctl.y infested with weeds, and do not seem to be improving mucih during thel last twO' O'r three yearsl. For the last two years I have had to get in tIoiUlch with the De- partment of Highways, to remind tlhem of mO'wing the weeds along' the HigihlWays in the County. They were a month late in g'elttting, started to mow the weeds, and did nOlt seem to have enough mow-' ers. Sow thistle, milk weed, Canada Tlhistle, and many otherr weeds there1iore, were gone to seed !before the,y WErre cut. County Roads were well mowed except f'oc a few where new grading was done, and 21210 miles were sprayed. Township Roads are clean, with some mowed" and 800 miles ".ere sprayed. iELGIN COUNTY COUNlCIiL 163 'Ilhe District [i.nspee,tor spe:nta. day with me on OC!tdJer 12, and we viewed the Conntyand 'Downship roads. He was pleased with' :the wor'k diO!IlJ8. The Towns and Villages kept their streets weill mlowed. The Railways gave me a lot 0[ eoctra WOB:"k this year. It was Ihard to get. th,e railways to do any mowing, and 'When thJ~ did ac- tually get at it, it was too late. The Canadian National co-operated, v.ery well, this y€ar. Yarmouth Centre AirpOIrt, now operated by the NOIrthcana. Sprayilng and Dusting Ltd. promised 1Jo clLeaIli IUIp and spray, but didj Inot get any done. There were four [Pias'tAure Demonstration !Plots m the County this year, on the fol1owingfanms: (1) The farm of William Meek, No. 3 Highway, Southwold Township, (2) The farm of Miss Sadie Graham. No.3 Highway, Dunwich Township, (3) The farm of Lawrence Sru:Uherla:nd, 'Ilownline between Dun- wich and Soutihwold tolWllShi(ps:, (4) The ['arm of Clew Reid, ToiW!n\1ine ibertween Dun'Wich and Aldborough. Anyone vi,er.ving these demorusrtr3.ltions WOuld quite agree that 'this was the proper way '00 control WiereclSespecially in pastUltes: 'Where weeds can be siprayed without n.uming into damage c:laiJi:11s. 'These plots were made available through the Orbp ImprolVement\ Association, and a special grant by the C!ounty Agricultural Com- mittee of $35.00 was aldtted. At this time, I would like to reportt:he rn"op sp~aying done in the County: Spring Groin 4,000 acres; Cbr:n 211.,1500 'aer~i' and pas- ture land 3,500 acTes. 164 ELGIN COUNTY COUNIOl1L There were two spray damage cmims reported in the County this Ylear. The claim flOT beans ill Dunwich, 'Ibwnship W3.SI caused by' Ispraying on a County Road. I had OICcasion to i!ms.poot this" field three times hefore harvest, and I feel quite SliT'e th~e was no spray damage. 'The second clam was reported by spraying township roads in ,SOuth Dorchester township. I would also s~ there was no da.ffil:!,ge ,as the beans were, a, giood sample and y.d:eIlded around forty bushels 'to 'the' aca:-e. These were soya, beamsl. I want 'to thank all CO'unty and Township Officials. and all who> co-operated in helping with weed con1rr'ol in Ellgin County for the year. '19611. All of wh~.ch is respectfully suibmitted. CLAYBOURN!E GOIRlDO!N, Oounty Weed Inspeetoc FINANCE COMMITTEE November Session, 1961, To the Warden, and Members of the E[gin COunty Council, The Finance Committee repiOrts as follows: 1. That CP..arity and Welfare Pay List No. 9 far$-3i4i6.6i2; !Pay List No. i10 for$il,216I7.~l6,> and Pay List NOI. III for $9113'.74, be ap- proved. '2. That ChIldren's Aid Societies Pay Ldsit NO'. 9 for $3~191.2:7; Pay List NOI. 10 for $3,447'.312:, and Pay List NOI. i111 fior $3,3119.:519, be .approiVecL 13. That the resoliUJtilon from the County of Renfrew for legisla- tion to permit Counties to admin!i:ster Child Welfare, be filed. ELGIN COUNTY COUN1CmL 165 4. That the resolution from tjhe City of COrnwall fu provide pension for disabled persons !between 40i and 60 years of age, be filed. i5,. That the resolution from the County of Ontario for exemp- tion from the iPlrovincial Sales Tax specdfied materials purchased by municipalities instead 0[' the pr€lSlenrt; rebate system, be approved. 6. That the brief ,from the Elgin County Jail Staff be referred to the J,anua,ry Session of COiunty ClOiUIlCil; regail"ding SIalaries and \hours of work. All of which is respectfUlly submitted. LiLOYD ELLi!OTI', Chainnan, EDUOATION COMMITTEIE REPORT November, Session, 1961 'Ilo the Warden" and Members of the! Elgin Coun,ty Clouncil, The !Elducat,ion Clommittee I"epOirtsas foUows: 1. That Mr. John stalker be appointed COiUnty Ciounci:1 Repre- -----~-,sentati:ve to the West EIlg.inJ High Schoo~ Ddstriet Board. 2. That Mil". Ralph Auctcliand !be appointed County Council IRep- resentattv:e on the Central E:1:gin High School D~sltrict BOard. 3,. That Mr. J. F. Pineo be appointed to the Elast E[gin High SohooJ District Board. 4. Tha,t e3ci1 :R,epresentative report at the No:vembe:rSesSiion of County Council, anda,t 'any other time at J:lequest of Councl1. All of which is respectfully SiUbmitted. K. c. EMERSO~p Charrman 166 m,OIN COUNTY COUNICiL COUNTY ASSIE:SSMENT MUNICIPALITY Initial Capital Clost and 1st Year of Operation ZONE l-Bay'ham ........ Porlt Burwell Vienna .................. ZONE 2,-Belmont ........... S. Dorohes1Jer ..., Ayil!mer ....., ZONE 3-Ma.la.h:i(de ............. ............ Springfield ............... ZONE ~Yarmou1b. ......... ..'........... ZON~ 15,-Southwolld .................. Port Stanley ZONIE 16,-Dunwicih .......... Dutton ......,......... Wesrt lLoTne ...... Z,ONEI 7-Aldiborough Rodney TOTAL ..... % OlF ICIOSr!' 11sft YE.A!R 2nd YElAR 11iOjll5111'1 ,$1 4,4013;.4151 $ 3~1617'.,l2 :1 J513m6 666,.96 47'9.70 .61433 2r7R0i4 2100,..80 11..12143121 15139.26, 3817 .BiS 13."n5l4l1 'lJ61218.40 1,'1711..20 ,U3i.i914l13 6~0I47.,2~, 4,31419.39 1131.217106 ~J75:6.1312 4.1,40J15 .6914 00191.910 2115.70 115>.6121210 6::n/6.28' 4,8:73.73 1101.31088 4!,4711.61O 3,21161.113 is :71919!6 2IJ5!1\5t.66 1,8109;35 7.6151'118 13:,31211.681 2,3819.07 1.7005, 7147,)16 5137.38 121.075(4 91010.214 647.48 ,9J601211 4~16l5,,05 2,,9915'.65 '1.191'1186 8158:,215< 6117.28 ------ ,liOO.OIOIOIOI $143 3176:.50 1$3!1J19,7.90 Basis: No. of AssessmjedS 75,%. Assessed Va~ue 115%. Transportation 10% % OlF COSrI' MUNICtIlPAlLITY TOTAL COST ,1st YEAR COST 2nd VElAR ZONE 1-Bayhiam ............. 9.111512 $31,198'1.12 $I2i,9128:.614 Port Burwell ' , , , . .. . 3 .9!816,1/~3131.9il 1.217/5'.,512 Vienna 1.094 4715.89 31501.08 ~14J2I3\2 1$I6\(190.912~-$4,554.2:4 2,..1:63 9r40.9rO 6192:.16, 3.6118 1.1573.83 1,.1517.76 9.21012 4,00121.617 2,,9"4i4.64 -14.983 ----.-i$6IJ5\1!'7 _610 $4/794.56 , 12,.0100 5'.21515,.617 31,81616:.214 .....' 1.6188 73!4~218 151401:16, -------13.170 $5\,9819.,95 1$14.406.40 ZONE 2-Belmont S. Dorchester Aylmer ... ZONE 3-Malahide Springfield ,ELGIN OOUNTY COUNlOIlL 167 ZONE 4-YarmOlUth ....... ...... 14.0456~10i9.15i7 4,4914.40 ----.,14.0~ $,6,:1109'.517 $4,419'4.40 ZONE :5-'-Southwoid ...... ..... 9.4rn4,100.49 3,03~!.64 lBort Stanley .....,.. 6.393 2,7001.915 ~:,oI4l5. 76 -15.81710 '$6,900.4151 $5,078.40 ZONE 6----Dunwich ................ 9.408 4tI09'2:.418 3,01101.561 Dutton .................... 2'.01415, 389.5'7 61514.40 West Lome .......... 2'.2189 995>.711 732.48 ----J1\3i.7412 1$15!,9717 ."17' $4,3;97.44 ZONE 7-Aldborough .......... 1:1.0594,:81110.661 3',6i318:.88 Rodney ...................2.12~i6 990.06 'm181.3!2: ~13.335, $6i~OIO.~ $4,2167.~O TOTAL ...... .......100.0001 $43:,500.001 $3121,0100.00 COST OF E!QiUJIPMEINT 1 Class 119515 Addressogil"aph machil11let equipped with multi-column lister, auromatic form feeder ........1$6,339'.26 1 Class 6318!1 Gmphortiype machin6l) keyboard opemt- ed embossing machine: .................................................... 2,4119.75' Oard ClUtter ......... ................ ........,.. ............ ........... ........,... ..... 59.00 $ 8,8118.00 EIQUIPMENT SiUPPlLIiE!S '20,000 1Pi:roJ.oktab frames @ $14'3.7151 per M ................... $ !20iOOiO BB 'Doip secrt,io!Il plates @ $16 prell" M: ..............,..... 20,01010 BiB Middle section plates @ $6 per M ............ 210;0001 BB Bottom section pla.tes @ $15.210 peT M .... '20,000 Notchedloktabs @ $7.50 per M .......................... i5010 Strip index carding @ $12'.110 per 1010 .................... 2-'701 Drawer c,aJbinets @ $195.10101 ea. ........................,....... 8715,.001 1210.00 11210.00 1014.00 1510.00 10.150 31910.010 $, 1,8170.00 TOTAL eolSlI' ElQiUIfPMENT & srUP'PLLCIES $ !1O,,688:.oo 2-4 drawer ,filling c:aibdnets @ $901.001 ea. ..................... $ 11810.00 1 Oalculator ,,'..,...... ......... .......... ......... ..................... ............... 60/0i.{)1Qi 1 Posture ohair .......... .............. .................,............................ 40.00 $ 820.00 TOrrAiL INITIAL iCiAPITAL COST E'QurrlPMENT ............$ lil,508.00 Hil8 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL MAINrnNANClE AND OPERATION During tille first year" the equipment is und~ guarantee, thell'e- fore there would be no servic€! charges. From the secoDd year, the 'cost of tjhe Fili.! Maintenance Agreement wou:ld be $1~.4K)I annually. This annual charge includes free replacement of parts" regular caMs by ;a trained man to clean, oil land adjust equipmoolt and also free call baICks wheIllerver requiried. The aVierage output of completed assembled plate units for one person per day is 11100. To prepare the initial pIl!ate file of 19,01510 ,represents the work of one person for 1901 dayS. If the iIlSlt!allatiOO lis started in Ocooiber afOOT the return. of tihel HollSi, one rental ma- ,chine and one temporary operator would be required liar 3 months. If the initial plate fiae is not 'stiarted until A:P!I'ili 11st, one rental ma- ,ahineand one tempoI"ary operatorwoulJldi be requilred foil' 5, monthsi. The rental of a keyboaJrd Graphtype embossing machine is $I1:1i1.35 ;per month. The sala;ry of a temporary operator inl this area, is usu- ally in the area of $1810.010 to $200.00 peT montlh. COST: INITIAL YlElAlR 1 !Full time oplea:'ator @ $2:,250 annually................................. 1 Part time operator -3, mos. @ $120:0:00 ,.................' Graphotype rental - 3 mos. @ $,111i1.3!5, ...... $:2;,2501.00 6100.00 3314.00 $3,,184.00 COST: 2nd YlEIAiR 1 Pull time operator @ 1$I2!250 annually .,. Addressogmph maintenance ..... .. ..:$2u250.oo, 2,63.40 $2,5!13 "40' ANNUAL, STATIONEIRiY COSTiS 1.6 Assessment Roll ClOIV'OCS1 (,1 for ea. municipali- ty) @ 1$12:.50 ea. ...... ......' ...... .., $ 310;000 Assessment Notices @ $7.0101 per M 5;0010 ,Assessment Roll Sheets @ $1100 per M 1,,0100 Population Census Sheets $35 per M },6 Population Census Covers $:1.i5Oi ea. 16 .AJfidavits @ 25cea. 16 Books Notices (See,. 53 and 64) @ $5.150 2001.00 2m.On 610\01.00 35.001 214.00 6.00 88.00 TOTAL ",' ,$1,062.00 ~GIN OOUNTY OOUNiOllL 169 1st YEAR COSTS Addressograph - iCapital Cbst ..........................$ U,I5i08.00 Rental and Operation ...... 31,,1814.00 stationery (Annual) ................................................ 1,,oo2J.00 Salades (Assessors) ........ .... ......... ......... .................... 213i,812.50 Car Allowances .. ,'........... .,.,................... ....... .......... .... 3,810.00 :$43,376.50 2nd YEAR COSTS IStationery ................................. .....'...... ..................... ..$ 1,06121.001 Salaries (Assessom) ...................... ...... ...................... 2~,,81m.50 Car Allowances .......................................................... 3,.8110.00 Salary (Addressograph Operator) .............,.....'. 2:,2/50.,00 Addressograph Maintenanoe .............. ................... 200.40 $ :U,,1917.90 SALARIES OF ASSE:SSORS @ $11.215 PER ASSE:SSMEiNT COST TO MUNIOIiPALlITY NO. ASSESSORS M}UN1ICTPALITY ASISElSS~S $1.25, I-B:ayham .................................... 1,600 Port Burwell .......................... 9150 Vienna ...................................... 250 $121.,0010 14817.610 3i1!2.50 21,800 $ /3:,5/00.,00 1-BeIImoIliU .................................... 500 S. Dorcihester ........................ 600 Aylmer ...................................... 1,600 6125 750 2,25Oi 2,000 2:,7I5iOi 500 3,,6~'5.,oO 1-Malahiide .................................. 2,2100 Springfield .............................. 4100 - ~),~OO I-Yarmouth ................................ 2,6100 3,2150 --- 21,600 1-S!Outhwold .............................. 1.,600 2,0001 Bort Stanley........................ 1,4Oi{)i !1,750 3i~OOO 3:,2I50.oQ 3:,250.00 3,7150.001 1-Dunwich. ....... .......................... Dutton West Lorne ................ 1, nlnn "'I,,'IU'V' 1<)'.1'.,11:: "'!~.J.~k.I' 450 500 - 2,650 562,.50 625, 3,3112.50 17<0 E[.,GIN COUNTY COUNJCiL 1-Aldiborough Rodney......... 2!,00'Oi 50'0' \21,500 6\215; 21,150'0 3'Jl!25.o.O TOTALS 119,050 $ i23,6\12.i50 CAR ALLOWANCE Bayham, Bort Burwell, Vienna Belmont, S. Dorchester, Aylmer Malahide, Springfield .... Yarmouth .................,.......... ....,........................... ......... Sloruthwold, PO!rt stamey..,................... .......... .......... Dunwich, DUltton ................................. .......................... West Lorne, Aldborough, Rodney ...$ 1560.00 58101.00 5\201.00' 5201.001 600.00. 5301.00 5001.00 TOTAL ...... ......$3 ,8110.00 !Estimated allowances onQy, until actual mileage can be pl"O- diwed @ 10'0 per mile for use, opernUon and maintenance 0[ asses\S:- or's own Clar. Based on 210'0 per assessment fOir eacJh zone. BY-L,AW NO. 1800 OF THE, CORPORATION OF THE COUNTT OF EILOIN "Restricting the Weight, of Vehicles Passing Over Bridges~' WHlElREAS subsec:tipnH of Section 1512: of the Highway Traffic AiClt (R,.S.O. 1960) provides bha,t: The Municipal corporation or ooher authority having Jurisdic- tion over a bridge may by By-lLaW' appro;ved \by the Department make reguJ:atilonsl limiting bhe weigjh:t of any vehiclle or oombin- ation of vehicles Oir any class 1;herr'eof passling over sruch bridge; AND WHlEtREiAS it is deemed expedient to li~lliit the weight of vehicles passing Olver certain bridgeS! i!!l the County of Elginl; NOW THEREI<"'ORiE the Council of the Corporation of the Coun- ty of ~gin enacts as follows: ELGIN OOUNTY COUNJOI]}L 17,1 L No v:ehicle or combination of vepicles or any class thereof, 'wheth6T empty or loaded, shall be operated over any bridge desig- n:aJtJed in Schedule No. 11) Schedule No. 21 orSlchedule No.3;, attaeth- ,ed to and fonniillg part of this By-Law with a weight in e!X:cess 0[ weight limit prescribed in the Schedule for s'UiCh bridge. '2. Any person vtolating any af the provisions of this By-Law shalrt besubj1ecrt to the penalt~ prOlVided in Sootlon 512! of the High- way 'fuIaffic .Act. :3. T!his By-Law shall not become: effective untU approved by' tlbe Department of 'I1ranspoll"t and until a notioe of thel weiJght per- mitted, legib~y pili.nt,ed, has belen posted 'U:p in 'a, oonspicUJorus place at .either end of each bridge deslignated in thJe attached Schedules. 4. All previous B~-iLa ws restricting the weight of vehicles pass- Ing over Ibridges are hereby f'e!pea1ed. READ a first time thi:s: 2~tnd day of Niovembell', 19611. RElADa second time, this 1212tnid day of NOIV'embea-, 119611. RElAD a ijlird time, and finally passed this 212tnd dQ,y of N1orvem- Iber, 19611. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. DONALD BURGESS, Warden. 172 ELGIN OOUNTY COUN'CliL SCHEUULE NO. 1 BRIDG'ES ON COUNTY ROADS ;.;:> ~ :~ s ~ 'S H :zs S Q Q,) Q,) ~ ..... ~ 'El f 'a ~ 0.0 ! ~ 0.0 rt.l ~~ ~ 8 .~ "d ~~ ~ ."... 0 .CD s:: ~ S ~~ P.1 Q ~~ z~ ...:l ~o 1. 215, .211 Shelboua:ne or Lot 16, 210 1900 Concrete Warren street N.L.IR. Village of Port stanley 2. 28 301 Patte1'Son Lots 8 and 9, 15 19018 ConCil"ete Coo. Itr" YannoUlth 13. 44 42 stalter Lot 28, 20 19W Concrete Gully Con. 1 & 2, Malahide 4. 45 42 Port Lot 11, 20 1191lO! ConcJ:"erte BUl"We'li Con. I, Village of Port Burwell 5. 47 411 Vienna. Lot 1,4. 210 Un- Concrete Con. 1]I, known Village of re con- Vienna structed- 1953 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIIL 173 SCH'E:DULE NO. 2 OOUNTY BRlDtGES ON TOWNSHIP ROADS +.:> ~ ~ 5 ~ 'a s:l ~:g Cf-4 &, Q) II) .9 ~ d o .t: """ ~ ~~ ~ .~ ~ CD 8 t/) ~ ~ 'S .~ 0 CD ~ ztQ 3 ~E-i ~~ 1. 2~ Robbins Lot is, 5 !1:8i98 Wooden Riv6Il" !Road. SOuthwo1ld 2. 23. F\llton Lots 3 & 4, 1S, 191m' O>ncrete Mill Road, Sourthwold 3. 2t4 Meek's Lot 16, 210 11900 Concrete NJU. Roa~, S()iuthiwo~d 4. 27 Jamestown Lat 2'8, 115 1900 Concrete Oan.2, Yarmouth 5. 38 !Ho<wa- Lot 20, 15 19110 Concrete Clan. XII South Domhesrter 6,. 41 Orwell Lat 29, 15 1900 Concrete Oan.9, Yarmoutal 7. 4'2 Dingle Lot 13, 5 Prior Wooden Street Can. 7, to Malahide 1000 8. 48 Clook's Lot 1 , 10 19:017 Oonorete Con. 5, Bayham 9. 49 Phillmore Lot 3. 115, 19'09 Concrete OOIlJ. 61 Bayham 10. I5i6 Acacia Lot 2/2,,' 2 19108 Wooden Can. X, Bayham - (Road in paor condition) 1. 2. 3. 4. 1:6 s. 312, 6. 211 174 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNlCIiL SCHEDULE NO.3 BOUNUARY BRIDGES WITH OTHEiR MUNICIPALITIES ADJOINING ELGIN. ALSO REQiUIR!ED FROM ADJOINING MlUNICfIlPALITY. o z Q.) on "t1 .~ tI1 3 4 5, ~ 't:1 8 ~ 5 Cf-! o Q.) ~ ~:s z~ Walker 1:1 Tait's 6 Willeys Lings Belmont ht Kains 7. 18 216 st. George Street !:l ~ ~ I;) :3 Lot 1, B.F.lG. Dunwicih. Lot 7, B.P.A., Dunwioh Lot M, B.F.A., Dunwi,cih. Lot 49, East Side T.R.N. Br., SouthwlOld Lot 21, Con. 7" SOuth Dolrwest& & North Doroh.esiter L{)t 1, Cian.8, Yarmouth Lot 2" Con. 9, Ya:rtmJOuth """ 'S ~ """ .c: on tl1 .cu ~ ~~ 10 ,115 210 ~ .S .;.::> ~ 8 :-.~ d !:l ~8 11900 ..... o .c: S. f:; .$ :>, oS .S 81i4fil Btitu- minous po, """ ;::l .~ .g .5 .~ .S?, ~ "t1 ;:j <:;;g County of Middlesex County Df MIddlesex Clorunty Df Middlesex 15 11912\21 Concrete CoUlllty of Middlesex li91i4 ConCl'!ete 115 190'7 Goncrete CiOunty of MidcIDJeseoc 190'7 Concrete 15 1009 Concrete Ci1ty of 115 119105 BiLtu- minIOns st. ThDmas City Df SIt. Thamas ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 175 THE COlRPORATON OF THE' COUNTry OF EiLlGIN BY -LAW NO. 1801 4'A By-Law to Consolida,te and Revise the By-Law Adop,ting a Plan of County ,Road Improvement and Establishing a County Road System in the Ciounty of ,Elgin Under The Highway Improvement Act as Amended by Subsequent Amending By-Laws." WHlElRiEAIS the B~-[,jaw adopting a plan of iClountyRoad Im- pravementanJd establishing a GOIUn,ty Road System in itlhe Oorunty of Elgin, haS be,en amended f['lom time to mme b&, adding roads to and r~moving roads from thel Cbunty lRoad System,; AND WHlElRiEAS eertain roads: formerly inoluded in the County Road ISMsltem have been aSSlUffied by tib,e Province of Ontario as part of The King's Highwa,y auld oertain ['oads so assumed or parts there- IOf have been ~everted to tjhe munioi'pality previous[y liab~e fo!l' their maintenance and r€lpair or transifextred to the mJUnicipality within whicih Ith,e'same are SJituate; ANtDWEE!RlEIAS the desciriptilo!ll of certain roads inclluded in the County Road System, and the rlecorded mileagJe, thell"eof as estalblish- ed by B~-[,.aws her~erto~ore pa:SiSled !halve been affeoted by alteration$ or diVleil'Siio!lls 'Of the said roads .or by alteramons in the boundaries of oertain 100al municipalities. AND W!HlElRiElAS in orner t.o aitta,in gJ1eater efficiency in the, ad- rninistl'iatio!ll of the ICbunty Road Slysrtem it is deemed expedilerut to :l'Iedesignate and l'edescribe the roads comprisiIlig the sam. System in one Clonsoilidat,ed Sicihedule making sruch revisilon:s 011' corre'Ctions in thefficisting descri'ptioltlS and recorded md.1eag,es a,s are neJOPJ,SOOry to make them oonform with 11he pres1ent situation. THIElRlEIFORiE the Oouncil of the COirpOiratiOIli of the County of Elgin, enaots :as: By-LaIW Number 18011 as follows: 1. The Scihedule of By-Law Number 89'7 being Ithe odginal By-Law establishing a County Road System .in the County of E~gin as 'amended by By-Law Number 105:2 being the last consolidating Bty- Law re-establishing the said system and further amended by subs:e- 17i6 ELGIN COUNTY COUNiOIL quent amending BW-[,aws is hereby repea!led and Schedule "A" cxf this By-Law annexed hereto is su/bstituted therefor. 2. The roads as designated and described in SchedJUle "A" h&e'- :to anne~ed shaH cOIl.Stitute the County iRoad System of the County of Elgin. :3,. Tlhe numbers by ,which theseve1'lal roads COIIn\p1"isd.ng the County Rioad System are designated in Schedule "A'" hereto annex- ed 'shall be used for all purposes of adiministratiion and accounlting. 4. This By-La,w shall come into fOr'Ce Ulpon the approval there- of by the Lieurtenant-GoViern.or in Counoil. FINAiLiLY PASSED at :the City of st. Thomas, in the County of Elgiln, this 2i2nd day of November, !1196\1. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. DONALD BIURGESS, Wa4'den. DEISCRlPTION BIEING that portion of the !road ar the deviationSl thereof in tjhe Townships of Aldb.oraugh and Dun- wich, and the Villll1age af West Lorne; .-! Designated OOMMlENC'ING in the Township of Aldboraugh on County Road the road between Ooncessdons V!IlI and IX at the Number ~ weSltelln limit o! the rood betwOOilli Lots 6 and 7 hereinafter described as County Road Number' 3; THENCE easterly along the said road between Con- cessions ViIII and IX to Ithe western limit af 'ijle> Vlllag'e of West Lome; 'I1HENCE in the Village of west Lome easterly on the continuation of the road betweell1l Concessions, VIII and IX,,, in the Township of Aldfborough, known as Main street to. the weslt1e1I'Il limit of Gra- ham stroot being the Kingi's Highway Number 76,; ELGIN OOlUNTY COUNC'IL 177 Designated County Road Number 3 AND COMM1EN1OIN'G agam in the Villlage of West Lome on Main, street at tthe eastell'Il limit of Gra- ham Street, being the King's Highwa,y Number 76; T:H:ENClE easterly on lMain Street to the eastern limit of the Village of West Lorne; THlEfN"CE in the Township of AldbOirough eastedy on the road between ConceSiSions VIII and IX a,nd its deviatiOIllS i!::o the road comprising the boundary between the TowuS\hips of Aldbororugh and Dun- wieb.; THENOE in the Township of Dunwich northerly and leasterly a,long a, curve through the north-west oorner of Lot 1, Cloncesslion" A" to the ~oad be-I tween Oonoession "A" and Clol1icession V No['ij;[h of "A"; THENCE easterly aillong $e said road between ConceSiSion "A" and ConceSlSion V North of "A" to the eastern limit of the estab1ished road running sorutherly throUlgh Lot :1/1 in OcmceSiSion ., A" known as the Old Currie Road; A T01I' AL nrST ANCIE of approodmai!;iely 111.210 miles:. nEISCRIPTION BElING tha,t pm't1on of the rload or the deviations thereof in the Township of Aldbororugh and 'tihe Village of Rodney kno'\vn as the FtJiIT'..ival Road; COMMlENOINIG in the Township of Aldboil"Ough o~ the roa,d between Lots 6, and 7 at the entrance to the Port GlIasgow !Memorial Park in C.oncession XIV near Lake Ene; THENCE northerly along It\he said road between Lots 6 and 7 through Concessions XIV and XIII to) the southern limit of the road between COilllcessionsl 178 ElLGIN COUNTY COUNlCmL XUI and XII, being the King's HighWay Numbe:r 3; AND \COMMJENCiNG agam on the, road between Lats 6 and 7 at the norithern limit of the road be- tween Concessions, ~I and XII; 'IlH'EtNCEl noll"tjhlerly along the said road between Lots 6. and 7 and ilts, devilatiollS1 to the southern limit of the Village of Rodney; THiElNCE in the Village of Rodney northerly 0.11 the continua,Uon of the road between Lots: 61 and 7 in the To.wnship of .A!l!d)boa:-o.ugh known as the Fur- nival ,Ro,ad to the nortjh.ern limit o.f the Village of Rodney; THENClE, in the Township o.f Aldborough, nmtheirly along ItIh.e road between Lots 6: and 7 and i!tSi deVi- a,tions to the road betweeD C'o.nceSSioll1l VII Westeirll Division 'and the Gore Cbnc'esstiOon; THElNCIEI nOll"therly along the said ro.ad between LOOs 8, and 9' and its derviatilOns 'ijIrOlugh Oonc:es,-, sions VI, V, ]V and III, Western Dtivilsion, to. 31 curve running north-easterly through the nortih.- western corner of Lot 9, in Conoession Ifill, Western Division; THEN"CIE along the said curve thirough Lot 9, Con- cession m" Westell'1l Division, to a road be,twee~ Concessions II and IIII, Western, Di!vision; THENCIE aLang said raad betlween Cancie5sions II and IIiI, Western Division, to a curV!e running north-easterly through the sOlUtjh-eastem corner of Lot 14 in Con:oession II, Western. Dirvision; THENOE along the said curve through LOot 14 in Conoession II, rwestern Division, to. 'the established road in [,jo.ts ,114 and !1I5; JULGIN COUNTY COUNiCiIL 179 Designated County Road Number 4 THENCE al.onig said established road in Lots 14 and 15 through ldonoessions D;)1 I and Broken Front Ooncession, Western DilVision, to 'tpe boundary be- tween the Corunty of iEllgin and the Counlty of Mid- dLesex; A TOTAL ntsTANCIEI 0[ approximaitely 1:4.0101 miles. D>EISCRIPTION SEeING tha,t portion of the !'load or the deviations the!l'eoif in the Townships of Aldborough and Orford and the Vilil:age of Rodney; COMMENCING in the TloW1lSlhi):ls of Aldboil'ough; and OrlOI'd on the road com~rlsmg' the borundaxy between ijle' said Townsihipsiat the northern limit of the road between CloncessilOns IV and V in the Township of Orford; THENCE; soultiherly along th.e said Boundary Road! between the Torwnsihip of Aldborough and the Township of Orford to la, diversion constructed across the sout;h-eastern portioI1i of Lot "'A" in Clon- cesslion ViII; THEINCE in the Township of Aldlborough south- ieasrter'ly along tille said diVletrs:ion ltihrorugih Lort "A" in Concession VI[ to the road between Cbncessions vn and VIII; THENCE: easterly aliOng the road between CIonces:-, sions V 1.1 and vIII and its: deviations to the! west- ern limit of the ViUage of Rodn~; THlENOE in tihJe Villa.ge of Rodney easlterly along the extension of the road beltween Conclessions! iVII' and VIII in the Township of Aldiborougih lmown as Queen street to the wesrtem limit of the F'u.1'I1.lvaJ Road, herein described as County Road Number 3; . A TOTAL DISTANCiEI of appl'Io!Ximately 6.6 miles. 180 EILGIN COUNTY COUNCilL nEISCRIPTION BiE[NG that po~tion of the road or the deviations the!l'eof between the Town'Slhip of Aldborough and the Township of Dunlwich; Designated County Road Number 5 CONIMENC'INlG In the Township of Aldborough and the TowllSlhip of Dunwich on ij1e road oomprising the :boundary between the said Townships at the northern limit of the road ibetween Concessio!l1s V1IIJ: and IX in !the Townsjhip of Aldbocough, here- in described. as County Road Numibe!l' 2i; THiEtN'ClE: northedy along the said Boundary Road between the Townships Oif Aldborough and DunwiChJ to an estalbllislhed road in Lot 1 in Concession "0" Broken Front in the 'Ibwnship of Dunwich; THEINCE in the TownSlhip of DunwLCih easterly along th.e said establiSlhed road through Lot 1 in <concession "G" B~oklen Front to the iboundary be- tween the Clounty of lEllgi!ll and the Coonty of Mid- dlesex ; A TOfI'AL DISTANCE of approrximately 7.15. miles.. DIEISCRIPTION BE:ING that po~tilOn of the l'Ioad or the deviations thereof in the Township of Aldlborough; Designated COMMElNClING on tjhe road beit'ween Clonc:essions II County Road and III, Western: Di.vision, at the eastern limit of Number 6 the road comprising the boundary between the Townships of Orford and Aldborough; 'I1HEINCiE easterly along the said road between Con- cessions II and m, Western Dilvision, to the road between Lots 8 and 9; ELGIN COUNTY COUNC[L, 181 "THElN1CIE south-eastetly across the north-western corner of Lot 9 in Cbncession m, Western Dilv1siorn, to the nortb-western limit of County Road NUJinJbef' 3; AND COMMJElNClINGagain on the road: between Lots 8 and 9' a,t the southern limit of the road be.- tween Concessions II and Ill; THENOE sorutherly along the said road beltiween Lots 8 and <9 to the westelrn limit 0[' County Road Number 3; AND COMMElNC1NG again on the roM between Conciessions II and II[ a,t the eastern limi,t of the road between Lots 8 and 9; THENCE e'asrterly along thel said rOad Ibetween Con- cessions II and Ill! to, tne Il/OIl'thern limit of Clounty Rood Number3!; A DIST ANCEi of approximately 4.:10 mileS!. UEISCRIPTION BEING that portion of the r:oad or the deviations ther.eof in the Township of AJ:dbolrorugh and the) Townsihip of OTfo!l'd; Designated COMMlENlCtIN1G in the Townships of AJldiborough COllA'"lty Road and Oa:-foTd .on the !'load oomprising the boundary Number 7 bet:w€len: the said TOiWllSthips at the boundary be- tween the Cbiunty .of iE[gin and the County of Mid- dlesex; THElNCE southeirly along the said Boundary !Road between the TOWTl...1Slbips of lUdboTOugh and Orford through CbncessionsBroken Front, I, l[ and part of m, We&teirll Di.viSJion, in the Township of Ald- borougth, to iffue beginning of a diversion a,cross the 182 ELGIN COUNTY OOUN\OliL Designated County Road Number 8 soruth-eastern portion of Lot 26 in Concession XI, Township .of OrfOTd, in the County of Kent; A TOTAL DISTANOEI of ,approximately 3W miles. DEISCRIPTION BEING that portion of the rood or the deviations thereof in the ':Dorwnshi,l> Off Dun\Wich and the Vil- lage of DUitton knJOIwn as the New Cmrie Road; COiMMlElNOING in Ithe Township. of DuinwiClh on the estJablished road in Lot 14 in ICIonc:ession"'A" 0[ the Broken Front at the bounidarY !between the Oounty of EIlgin and the Oounty 0[ MidcBiesex:; THIEINCiE sOlUftherly along the said established rood throUig)h. !Lots 114 land m, Concession "A" of the Broken Front to a div,ersion constructed acirOSlS the' south-eastern pOirtion .of Lot '131 in Ooncession "A" of the Bl'ioken Front; THIEINCE along the sai!d diveTSion aca:-oss the south- weSltern portion of Lot 1m, in Concesswn "A" O'f the Broken ~ont to the road between CloncessiO'fJ11 "A" of the Broken Front and Concession 1.; THiElNCE along the road between OonOOSlSion "A" of the BrO'lmnFront and Concession I to the di- version acrO'SS the north-western porltiO'n of Lot 13 in Conoossilon I; THENOEalong the said diversion across the north- western portilon of Lot :13: in CbrlIoossion I to the rO'ad between Lots m and 13 in Concession I; THENCE southerly 13Jong the said road beibweernl Lots 12 and 13 and its deviations thiorugh C.onces- sions I, I~, ]]I, IV, tlhe Gore, V North of "A" and "A" to the oorthern limit of the Village of Dutton; lElLGIN COUNTY COUNC[L 183 Designated County Road Number 9 THENCE in rtlhe Villil:age of Dutton southerly along the extension of the road between Lots 1!2 and 13 in the Township of Dunwicih known as CurriEll street to the IlIOriJhern limit IOf John street; THJENOE south-westerly aliong John street to the, eastern limit of Main Street hereinafter described as Oounrty Road Numlber 115,; A TOT.A[" DISTANlClE of approximatelY6i.35 miles. nESCRU'TION BEING that portion of the road . or ~e! deviations thereof in the Townsihips of Aldborough and Dun- wich; COMMENCING in the TClIWIlShip of Aldboirough on the road between ClonlCessions V and VII, Western Division, at the eastern limit of thel rOad between Lots 8 and 9' known as the Furnival Road, herein described as County Road Number 3; THiENCIE easterly along the said road betweern Con- cessions V and ViI to the western !limit of the road between the EaSlternand Western Division of the Town:shi:p of Aldiborough known as the Ddivision Line; THENCE norlherly along tjhe DiviSJion Ldne RJood to the southern limit of the road between Concressions II and III, imastern DilVision; 'DBlEfNOE easterly along the said road between Con- cessions II and !IiI, Eastern DiviJsiOil1, to the wes:t- lern limit of the road between Lots 211 and 221 in 'Concession III being the King>s Highway Number' 76; AND OOMMENC1IlNG on the road between Conces- siOIllS II and m, Easrtern Division, at the eastern 184 EILGIN COiUNTY COUNCIL Designated County Road Number 12 limit of the road between LoOts 211 and 212: in Con- cession III; THENCIE easterly aLong 1i!he said road between Con-' cessions II and ]]1, Eastern Division" to the west- ern limit .of the road comprising the borundary be- tween the Torwnships of Aldborough and DI.IDWicih, herein desoribed as Oounty Rioad Number 5; AND OOfM1MlE!NC[!NIG again in the Township of Dunwich on the road !between Ooncessions II and In aft ~e eaSitern ~mit of the road oomprising the boundary between the Townships of Aldbprougih and Dunwicih herein described :as C'orunty Road Number 5; THEN1C1Eeasterly along thel road betwe'en Conc.es- sions n and III to the western limit of the road be- tween Lots 121 and 13 known. as ,the New CUrlI'ie Road herein desmilbed as iClounty !Road Number 8; A TOTAL DISTANCIEJ of apprmdmately 111.<95, miles. OEISCRIPTION ElEING that portion of the' road or itle devia,tions thereof in the Torwn$:ip of Dunwich; OOMMlENC'IN1G on the road between Cbnc,€Ssion I,V and the Go~e at the easftem limit of the road be- tween iLots 1~ l:l,nd 113 knorwn as the New Currie RJoad, heI'le1n descl'ilbed as Corunty Road Number 8',; THEINClE: easteTly along the saM road between Oon- cession IV and the Gore to the western limit of the road comprising tpe borundary between the Town- :Ships. of Dnnwich and Southwold, hereinatter de- scribed as County Road NlIDliber '14; A DISTANCE: of approocimateUiy 5,.710 miles. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 185 Designated County Road Number 1.3 Designated County Road Number 14 DiEiSCRIPTlON BlEINGthat portilon of the road or :qhe delViations thell"eof in the Townsmp of Duniwich and the, Vil- lage of DuttoIll known as Shadde,ton s.treet; CO!MMEINOIN1G in the Village of Dutton on 't{hel road knolWn as lShackleton Street at the eastern limit of Main Street, heTeinaifter described asl Coun- ty Road NrumbeT 1m; THlEtNC!EI easrtierly on SihackleiOOn street to a diver.. sion constructed aciI'OSS the south-easrtell'11 portiOIll o.f Lot H in C:onCl2sstion'"A,", formerly in thel 'I1orwnship. of Drunwicih noiW in the Village' of Dutton; THEINCiEl Slouth-easterly along tpe said; diversion to the road between Cbncession ""A," and Concession V south. 0[ "A" in the 'I1olWnsihiip 'of Du..'11Wich; THEIN/OlE in the TOlWnship of Dunwich easterly Oll1\ the road between C'oncession" A," and Concession V south of '''A'' to the wesJtern: lliniIt off W:1eroad com- piI'iSJing the boundary . between the Townships Qf Dunwi(cih and Soruthwold hereinafter'. . described, asi Cbunty Rioad Number 1:4; A TOTAI... DISTANGlEI of approximately 51.% miles. DIEISCRIPTION BEING that portilon ,of the rQad. ,or t,he, derv'iatiolIls )bhereof in the 'Townsihips of Dunwich and Soultp,-. WQld; COMM!E[N'C'ING in the To.wp..sJ:l.ips of Dun:v,l'ich and Southwold on the road comprising the borundary be- tween the said TOiWllShips at ij:le northern limit of the Talbot Road. !East Branch; 186 ELGIN COUNTY COUNC[[" Designated County Road Number 15 'I'HEiNC!Ei no:rlUheirly along the saM Boundary Road and its deviations to the southern limit of the Tal- 'bot Road North Branch, !being the King's Higpway Nwnber 3; COMMENCING again in the Townships of Dun- wich and Soothwold on the said Boondary Road at the norltfuern limit of the Talbot ROad North Branch ; THiENClEi northerrly along thesaild Boundary Road and its devia,tions to the boundary between the County of E[ginl and the Cbunty of Middlesex:; A TOrrAL DISTANCIEI of approximately 8.815 miles. UEISCRJPT'ION BIEING that portiJon of the road or tJhe de!vi!atioo.s the!l'oof in the Township of Dunwich and the Vil- .!age of Dutton; COM!MlEN!crrNlG in th,e TOiWIlShip of Duniwicih on the est~blished rood iIn Lot 111, ConCtession "A" known as the Old Ciurrie Road at the northern limit of the road between Concession "A" and OonC'es- sion V North of "A"; THlElNiCE south -easterly along the said O~d Ciurrie Road w Lhe !lor ijl~ Ll IhLl~t of the Village of Dut- ton; THENOEI in the Village of Dutton south-easterly along !the said Old OUrrie Rood knPwn as Main Street to the southern limit of the Village of Dut- ton; TFrFi'NCIE in the Township of Dnnwich southerly along the road bertweoo. Lots: '112 and 13 and. its de- viwtions through Concession V t Sbuth of "A", cOn- cessions VI. and ViII to the nortb.ern. limit of the ,ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 187 Talbot Road, being the King's Highway NUmlber 3; AND CIOMMiEtNCING again on the road between Lots 112 and 131, Concession VITI at the sOiuthem limit of the TalbOlt RJoad; THENCE south-easterly along the said road 00- tWleen [Lots 121 and 1131 to the eSltabli$ed road in Lot m in Concession VIm; THENCE soubherly and south-easterly along the Isaid €sltablished road through Lots .12, and 111 in Concession WIt, Lotsl 1111andlO! in Concession IX and Lot 110 iln Concessicm X to the €lSItablished road in Lot :10 in C1onc:ession X knJOIwn as the LiaJk:E'! Road!; THEIN10El northerly and 'W!esterly foUowing the windings anld tmnings of 'Qhe said Lake IRoad as widened and derviated through Lots .110, 9 and 8 in Ooncession X \tIo the road between Coocessdons IX and X; THEtN'CE westerly along the road between Coo.lCes- si.ons IX and X ,and its deviations to the eastern limit lOr! the r:oad betlWeen Lofts ,6 and 7 known as the Coyne Side Road; AND INCLiUDINIG that porltion of the estabLished road known. as tJhe Lake Road; COil\1J\11E1'rCING on the said Lake [OOad at t!he east- ern limit of the estiab1ished road in Lot 10 in Clon- cession X; THENCE easterly fol'101wing the windings and turn~ ings of the said LakJe Road !through iUots 10, 'lil and 1~ in Concession X to the 'eastern lil11it of St. Pet- er's Cemetery in Lot m, iOoooes:sion X; A TOTAL DIsrrANOE: of approximately 8.35 miles. 188 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL DESCRIPTION BEING that portilOn ,00 the road or the deviatiOiIls thereof in the Townsihips of Dunwicih and SQuttl- wold known as the Talbot iRoo.d East Branch.; Designated COMMlElN1OIN!G in 'the 'Dorwnsmp of DuIlIwich Qn County Road the Talbot Rood ~st :8rnnlOh in Lot 12:, Concession Number 16 VITI at the souttl-easrtern l.imit of the establiSlhed road tlhrough Lolt 121, Concession VITI; TH1ElNCE SOUith-easrterly along the said Talbot Road East Branch and its deviations through Concessions vm, IX, X;, XI and X to the road comprising the bOlUndary between the Townships of Dunwicih and SorutillwoldJ ; THEiNCE in tihe 'Ilownsh4> of Sbuthwold easterly along the said Talbot Ro,ad 'Eiast Biranch to the western boundary of the City of st. Thomas; A TOTAL mSTANOE of apP!l'oxiimately HJi.4IS miles. DEISCRIPTION BElING that portion .of the road or tpe' devia,tions thereof in Uhe TOWII1Smps of Southwold, DeJalwar€l and Westminster; Designated County Road Number 17 COMMlEINOIN1G in tihe Townsihips af Sourthwold and Delaw:are on the road comprising the boundary be- tween the said Townshi[)s at the W!estern limit of the road between !Lots: 1 and 18, Coooession I, in the Township ()If Southiwold; THEiNiOE easterly along the said Boundary Road. between. the Townships of iSouthwold and Dela.ware and the Town'Ships of Southwold and Westlmins:telr' to the western limit of the King's Highway Num- ber 4; A TOIJ'AL DISTANCE of approximately 5,,50 miles. ElLGIN COUNTY COUNCiIL 189 Designated County Road Number 18 !" Designated County Road Number 19 DiElSCRIPTION BEmG that porti!on .of . the road or t,he deviations thereof in the Townshi(p of southwold; COMMENCING on the road !between Ooncessions II' and III am the eastern limit of the road comprisdng the !boundary between the Townshipsi of Dlmwich and Southwold, and herein described as County Road Number 1'4; THlENC!E easterly along the said road between Con- cessions II and II[ to the western limit of the road between Lots 1 and 118 ihere1nafitler desmi.\bed as! Oounty Road Number 1:9'; A DISTANOEI of appro~mately 6.701 miles. DiEISCRlPTION BEING that portilDn of the road or the deviations thereof in the TownIShip of Southwald. known as the Base Line; OOMlMiENOING on the road between Lots 25 and 216, North Side of Talbot Road.. North Branch, a,t the nortbJern limit of the Talbot Road Nortn Branch, being the King'S! Highway Numlbe!l" 31; THEiNldE northerly along the said r:oad between Lots 25 and 2:6 North Side of Talbot iRIoad Nlorth Brancl1 to the rOad between Lots i1 and 18 in Con- cession IIV'; THlENCEcontinudng nortiherly alon.g the said rood betWleen Lots 1 and 18 and its deviations through Cooo€Ssrons IlV, ill" II and I to the southeirIl limit of the road comprising the ibQl\H1Jdavy between the County of lIDlgin and the County of Midd1e..~" herein described as Cbnnty Road Number 17; A D[sT ANCE of approxilmately 3.60 miles. 190 IE[,GIN COUNTY COUNCIL DEISCRIPTION Designated County Road Number 20 BlE[NG that portilon of the road or the' deviations thell"eof in the Township of SOU)ij1wold and the Vil- lage of Port S:tanley knQlWIl as the Union ROad; COMME:NCIN1G m the T.ownship of Southwold on the road between Lots 6, and 7 in OO'ncession III at the southell"n limit of the road beltlween Concessions' II and IIIII hell"ein described as !Cbunty Road Num- ber 16; 'IHEtN"CIE soiUyJ:1erly a,long said road between Lots 6 and 7 through C!oncessions ill, IV and V to the :mad betrween COncessilon V and the North Side of the Talbot Road NIoirth Branch Concession; THENCE wes~ly along' said road between Oonces- sion V and the Nor1Jh Side of the Tallbot Road North Brancjh Gorncession) to the road between Lotsl 115 and 16 in the North Side oil: the 'TIalboitl Road NOl"tih Branch CIo!IlCesslion; THlENCE southerly along said road between Lots 1'5 and 16 in the North Side of the Talbot Road NQIl'th Brancn iClOIlIcession to' the nOll'thre:m limit of the Talbot Rioad NO'rth Branch, being the K'ing':s High-, way Nrumlber 3; AND iCOMM1ElNClIlNG again on the road between Lots 115 and 116] in the SOuth Side of the TalJbotl Road North Branch Concession at Ithe southern limit of 1;jhe Talbot R.oo.d North Branch; THENCE southeirly on the said l'Ioad between Lots 115 and 16 in the South. Side of the Talbot Road North Branch C.onoession to' the Edgeware Road; THENCE southerly along the road ,between Lots 18 and 19 in the NoTth Side of Talbot ~oad East Branqh, herein described as County [Road Number 16; ELGIN COUNTY COUNC'IL 1911 Designated County Road Number 21 AND OOMJ.v.miNCITING again on the road between Lots 1'8 and 119 in the South Side of TaJibolt Road East Brnnch Ooncession at the southern limit of the Talbot Road East Br'anch; THlE!NC'EJ southerly along the said road between Lots 18 and 19 in Ithe SOuth Slide of -qhe Talbot RoadEIast Brianch IOOlllCession to the Union Road; THJE(NICIE south-easterly along the said Union Road and its deviations to the established road in Lot 16 itn the Flirst Range Soultlh of the Union Road known as the Clarlow !Road or Mill street; THiElNC!Ei slOu1;jherly following the wmding1S and turnings or! the said Carlow Road to the northern limit of the Village of Port Sltianley; THE!NCIEI in the Village 0[ Port Sitanley, south- easterly along C'arlow [Wad to the northern limit of Brtdge street, being ibhe King's Highway Num- ber 4; A TOTALJ DISTANCE of approxima,tely 13.80 miles. DE:SORIPTION BiElING that portion of the .road or tjhe detViations thereof inI the Village 0[ !Pb,rt Sltanley known as Warren streettl; aOMM]E1N'CING on Warren Sit!l'eet at the wes:te!l'I1 limit of Colbmne street being the King's Highway Number 4; THEINlC!ID westerly aLong the said Warren str:eet to the eastern limit of C'aI'low Road, herein described: as County Road Number 20; A DIST ANdEl 0[ approximately 01.25 miles. 192 ELGIN COUNTY COUN!CiIL DESCRIPTION Designated County Road Number 22 Designated County Road Number 2~ BEING that portion of the road Dr t;he deviations thereof in the 'I1own$ip of Yarmouth; COiMiMiEfNCIN1G on the road bertween Lots 7 and 8 as divell'ted and travelled in Lot 8, Cbncessdon :mI:. at the northern limit of Itlhe road between Conces- sions III and II hereinafter described as Cbunty Road Number 27; THENOE northeirly along the said Toad between Lots 7 and 8 and its deviatiJons to the SlQuth€irn limi,t of the City of st. 'Wlomas; A DISTANCE of apprOO:.ima,tely 3.8 miles. DESORIP'flON BEING thatPlormon of the road or f1he deviationst theroof in th,e Village of Porl Stanley and the Township of Yarmouth; 'OOMMlEiNC[N1G in the Village of Port Stanley on Joseph street at the easrtern limilt of CIolbome Street Ibeing the King's Hdghway Number 4; THElNCE northerly and easterLy along tp.e said Jo- seph street to the soulthern limit of EIast street; THIElNOEJ northerlL'Y on East Streert being the old POl'it stanley to 1St. Thomas Gravel Road, to the norltihern ltmit of tL'1e Village of Port Stanley; THlElNOEi in the TDWnship of Yarmouijl nocth€iriy along the old P.ortstan~ey to st. Thomas Gravel Road throrugh Lots 1 and 2" Concession ,! and Lots 2 and 3, Ooncession II to the eastern limit of the King's Highway NlUfIIlJber 4 in !Lot 3 in ConcessioIll II; A TOTAL DIST ANClEI of appro:mnately 1.60 miles. ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL, 193 Designated County Road Number 24 Designated County Road Number 25 DiESORIPTION BEING that portion of the road or ijle deviations thereof in the Township ofYarmout!h; COMMlE:NC[[NO .on the road . between Concessions I and IT at the westerly limit 'Of the road between Lots 1211 and 22 hereinafter described as Cbunty Road Number 361; THENCE westerly .on the said road between Con- cessions I and II and its de'viations thereof in Lots: 3 and 2, Concession II to the eastern 1imilt of the! road througjh Lot 12, CIoncesm1on IiI, known as the Old !Port Stanley to St. Thomas Gravel Road bel- ing Cbun:ty RDad Number 23; A DISTANOEI of BJpproxima.teiLy 6.70 miles. nESORIPTION BElING that portion of the road Dr ~e d€IViations thereof in the Townsihips 'Of Southwold and Yar- mouth; COMMiENOING in the 'I1ownships of Southwold and YaJI'mouth on the road oomprising' Uhe boundary hetween the said Townships at the boundaiIjT be- twe'en the lOorunty of Uillgin and the Cbunty of Mid- dleseoc; THENCIE southerly alongltihe' said Boundary R:oad to the established road througJh Liots"iC''', "'B" and', "A" in the Gore betiWeen Lots 45 and 46 in the North . Side Talbot !Road East Birlancih Concession" in the Township 'Of Southwald; THIE[NCIE~ in the Township of Sou4hwold south- westerly on the said establdshed road through Lots! "C;', "B'!- and "A" m the Gore betiWeen Lots 45 and 194 ELGIN COUNTY COiUNiOI[..Ii Designated County Road Number 26 Designated County Road Number 27 46 in the North Side Talbot Road. EMit Branch; COIlIcession to the noctheir1l liimiJtJ of tpe establisihed road in Lot "A"", bedng the King's Highway Num- ber 4; A TOTAL DISrr ANClEI of approximately 4.7 !IllIiles. DESCiRWTION BEING that pormon of the rood or ~e delVia,tiQlIls thereof in the ToW'IliSlhip of Yarmouth; COMMElNCING on the esrtablished road in Lot 47, Conoession IX known alSl st. George street, a)t the northern limit of the C!ity of st. Tlhmnas; THENidE northerlyal.ong st,. George S:tl"eet inI Lot 47 and north-easteirly in Lots 47 and 46 to the eastern limit of the' road comprising the boundary between the Townships of Yarmouth and Southwold here'in deslCfctbed aSI Corunty Road Number 21S; A DIBrr ANCEl of approximately 01.901 milesi. DESCRIPTION JBlEIING that portion. of' the road or tihe deviations thereof in the 'Thwnship of Yarmouth; COMMIENGIN1G on Ithe road between Concessions ]II and Fv at the eastfu-n lilTJ.t of the road be- tween Lots 211 and 212 m CionoessiJon m hereinafter described as <Jaunty Road Number 361; THENCE westerly along the said road between Con- cessions III and IV to the eastern limiIt of tille 1'I0ad between Lots 31 and 4, being the King"s Highway Number 4; A nrSTANCE of approximately 6.10 mtles. ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL, 195 Designated CounJty Road Number 30 Designated County' Road Number 32 DEISClRlPTION BEING that por-tion of the road .or 'Qhe d€lViatioiilSl thereof in tjhe Thwnship .of Yarmouth; OOMMENOINIG an the rood !between Lots 8 and 9 in the Range I Norqh olf the IEidgeware Road at the nO!l'ltihern limit .of the Clity of st. Thomasl; THEN~ nprtherly along the said road be!tween Lots 08 and 9 and itSi deviations through Ranges r and II Narth of the E1dg18ware Road and Conces- sions X, XI, XII: and XID:I to the southern limit of 11he road between Concessions, XIII and XIV'; TH!EWCIE westerly al'Ong the said road between Con- cessions XIII a:nd X]Vto the sooth -eas:teirn liimit of the road comprising the baundary between the Oounty of ELgin and the County of MiddLesex; A D[iST ANCffi:j of appraximatel,y 4.715 miles. DE:SORIPTION BEiING that portion of theI'ioad .or 11he deviationS! thereof in the Townshiip of Malahide; COMMENIOING 'On It/he ,road between Cb!nIC'e8sions VII and VIII at the easrtern limit of the road be- tween Lots ,10 and !111, beling the King's Highway Number 73; THlEiNCIEi easiteirly along the said road between C'on- oessions Vl'I and WI! to the diversion construoted across ithe south-eastern portion of Lot 112: in Con- cession VIII and the north-western portian of Lot 86 in Oonoessian 'VII or the Gore Cbncesslion; THErN'CIE north-.easterly along the said dtv'ersron throiUg]h ILot 121 Lll Clon.cession 'VIllI and Lot 86 in Ooncession VII or the Gor'e Concess!i.on to the road betlween Cloncession VIII and lOon cession m or the Gore Conoession; 196 ELGIN COUNTY COiUNOliL Designated County Road Number '34 THiEINCIE easterly along the said road between Con- cession V[II and ConcesSJion VI[ or the GoTe Con- cession to a diveirsion constructed across the south-I western portion of Lot 15 in Concession VIII; THEINCE IlIOrth-easiterly along the said diversion tlwough !Lot 15 in Concession V!I1II to tihe road be- tween Lots 115 and 16 in Gonc:es:sion VIII; THEtNCE northeTly along the said road between Lots 1,5 and '1'6 to the main enltrance' to the R.O.A.F. Sltation, Ay1mer. A DIST ANCIEI of approximately ~.O miles. DESORIPTION BlEING tha,t portion of the road or tjhe d€lViatio!l1s thereof in the Township of YalI"Inouth, in the Corun- ty of E~gm, and the Township of Wes,tminster, in the Cbunty of Middlesex" anld the Village of Bel- mont,; COMMlENGING in the Townships o,f Yarmouth and WieSltminstelr on the road forming the boundary be- 'tween the said 'I1ownsihd.ps a,t the Bridge Olver Kettle Creek opposite Lot 15" COncession XV, j11) the Town- S1hip of Yarmouth; THiElNCIE north-easterly along the said road to till€! weSltell"n limit of the Vil!l!a.ge of Belmont; THiEiNCIE, in the Villagte of Belmont continuing north-easterly along the Sltreet to, the western limit of the street, being iKing's Highway Number 7":1:; COiMM\ENOING in the Townships! of YarmouJt(l:1 and Westminster on the road forming the boundary be- tween the County of Elgin and the Corunty of Mid- dlesex a,t the western limit of the road beItWeen Lots 10< and li1 in Concession VIn, Township of Wes1tmilIlster; ELGIN COUNTY COUNCTL 197 Designated County Road Number 35 Designated County Road Number 36 THlElNCffi;i north-eastell1y along the said boundary :Road to the road betweeIlf C<mcessions: XIII and XTV, nerein desc1'libed as tC/ounty Road Number 301; A TOT AiL DISTANCIEI of approximately 0.115 miles. DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the road '0[" the, deviations (thereof in the Townships of Yarmouth and M:ala- hide; COMM1ElNCTNlG in the Townships of Yarmouth and Malahiide on tille l'Ioad forming the boundary be- tween the said Townships a,t the sQluthern limit off the iKing's Highway Number 3!; THENOE: southerly along the said Bounda,ry Road to the northern limit of the !'load between Conces- sions ]V and V, in the Township of Malahide here- inafter deslcriJbed as ICounty Road Niumber 4.5; A TOTAL D[STANCE of approiXimate,ly 3.15 miles. UESCRIPTION BlEINiG that portion of the road 'Oil' the deviations theIl-eof in the 'I'iolWllShips of Yarmoulth and Mala- hide; CaM:MiEiNOING in the Township of Y;arnrouth on the road between 1I0rts 63: and 64. Cbncession VIII on the South Talbot R:oad at the southern limit of the Talbo!t Road, being the !King's HighiWay Num- ber 3; TH1EINCiE: southerly along the said road betweeinl Lots6i3i and 64, OOIllClession VIII to the d.ivers~'On across the south-western portion of Lot 614 in Con- cession VII[; 198 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCaL 'I'HiENC!E along the said diversion tPrough the soU/th-western poction of Lot i614 to' the road be- tween CO'ncessi.ons V[I and VIiII; THENCE easterly along the said \road between Con... cessions VII and VITI to the established road thrO'ugh [,o,ts 20 and 2:1 in Concession VI[; THEiNClEsoutherly and easterly along the said es- tablished road tJ1rO'ugih Lots 20 and 211, ConcessiO'n VII iI:Jo the road between !Lots 211 and 2~" Gonc:es- sion VII; THiENCIE southell'ly along the rO'ad between Lots 211 and 2~: and its devi!ations through Concessionsl VI, V, and IIV to the noirtheirU limit of the road be'- tween Cbncess~ons 1[1 and IV, heTein described as GOUIlIty Road Number 2rT; AND COMMENOING again on the road bemween :Lots 2;1 and 212, Conoession III at the slOIulthern Mmit of the road between CO'ncessions III and ]V, herein described as County Road Numbetr" 2'7; THENCE southerly along the said ~oad between Lots 211 and ,2~ and its deviations, ItJhrough Conces- sions III, II and I to' the established road in Lot 22 in OonceSlSioIll I knO'wnas the Lake Road: TIIElNIOE! eastell"ly along the said !Lake Road thrO'ugh. Lots 212 to 2B to the boundary beltlween thel Town- ships of Yall'mouth and Mala!hide; THiElNClE in the 'I1ownship of Malahide continuing easlterly alO'ng the said Lake Road through Lots 1 to 6, in CbncessionJ I to' the w€Sioem limit of the es,- tablished road known as Bank street in tne Ham- let of lPort Bruce, bering the King's Highway Num- ber 73; A TOTAL nrnSTANC!E of aPPToximately 12:.35 :miles. !ELGIN COUNTY COUNCn." 199 Designated County Road Number 37 DESCRIPTION B[E[NO that portion of the road or the devia>tions: thereof in the Township olf North Do~ches,ter, in. tihe (Cbunty of Middles!ex,and the Township o:fl ISouth Dol'Clhest€ll' ,and the iVillag:e of Beltn.0II1It1, in 'the Cbrunty Oif lE~gdn; OOlMlM:ENCrnG in the 'Ibwns~ of North. and South DorchesJter 0Ill the ,l'ioad comprising the! boundary between the said Townships at the borun-! dary between the Townships Oif North Dorchester .and SOlUth Do~cheSlter, and the Townsh~p of Derre- ham, in the County of O~ord; 'r:HIENCE westerly along rtJhe said Boo.ndary Rood to the eastern limit, of the ,road between Lots, 3 and 4 in Concession iVII, TOiW'nship of South Dorchest- er, iherrilIlJafter described as: C!orunty Road N1umbefl ~; AND COMMlENC!INIG again OIll the said Boundary Road between the ~ol\V1lsh1ps of North Dorchesltle~ and South Dorchester a,t the western limit 0[ the road between /Lots 3 and 4, ICOnoession vtrr; THElNCE westeirly along the, said BtlUndary Rioad to Ithe eas,terrn limit of the road betweelll Lots 12 and 1!3 in OOIllcess[on VII, 'Ilown$ip of S!outh Dor- chester, being the King's' Hiighwa,y Number' 7,\3(; AND COiMMffi;tNlClING again on the said Borundary Road at the western limit of the King's Highway Numlb:er 73; THEINCE westerly along the said Boundary Road to th.e established road in !Jolt ~~I in ConcesSJion VII, TowIliShip of Souttl DO!1"chesteT; THENCE in the Townshi;P, of South DOil"chester weste!l'ly along the said established road across: Lots 2121, 123 and 214, Concession VII, to the eastern limit of the Village of Belmont; 200 !ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL Designated County Road Number 38 'ItHlEN'CE in the VillJage of Belmont continuing westerly along the said establi$ed road to the eaStern limit of [King's Hiighway Number 714; A TOTAL DISTANOE! of approximately lO.7i5 miles. UESCRIPTION BEIN1G that portion of the road Oil" the deviations thereof in the 'I'ownships of Malahd.de and Bayham known as the' Talbot Road; COMlM1ENC[NG in the 'I1orwnship of Malahide on the road known as tihiel Tallbot Rolad in \Lot 'l0/T in the .south Slide of Talbot !Rood ICloncession a,t the soruthern limit of the King's Highway NurnbelI' 3'; THEINCIE: easterly along the said TalbOlt Road to the road between /Lots '1108 and 109' in tihe South, Side of Ta1bo~ Road Cloncessd.on being the road comprisdng the boundary between the TOwnships! of Malahide and Bayham; THEN!CIE: in "Ghe TowIlISmp of Bayham continuing easterly along JtJhe said Ta~bot Road and its devia- tions to the western limit of Uhe King's Highway Number 19'; AND COMMEINCINIG again on the Tallbot Road in Lot 125 a,t the eastern :Iiimit of the King's Hilghway Number 19; THIEINCE easlt:erly along the said Talbot Road and its deviations to the road comprising the bOUillidairY between the Township of Bayham, in the County of lEI1gIin, and the Township of Houghton, in the Corunty of Norfolk; A TOTAL, DIST ANOE of approximately 8.60 mi:les. ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 201 Designated County Road Number 39 Designate'd County Road Number 401 DiEiSCRIPTION BEING that portiQin of the road 0111" the deviations thereof in fue Village Qf Piort Burwell; COiMJME[NCTiN1G in the Viilllage of JP.oTt BUrwell Qin Chatham ISitreert 'Opposite the northe'rn limit of Burns S~eet; THiENClE southerly along said Oh.atham, Sitreelt and its devia,t,ions to the W'a,te~s Qif Lake lEirie; A DISTANOEI Qif aprp:roxdmately 1 mile. UESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the road Oil" the deviations thereQf in tne Townsh~p rof Malahide and the, Vil- lage of Springfield; COMMENCING in the Township of Malahid:e om the road betlween Lots: 2:0 and ~11 at the northe~n limit of the road Ibetrween Concessions, I and tI he!l"einafter desoribed as Cbunty RQad Number 412,; TH:ElNC!E: northe'rffiy aLong the said road between Lots 210 and 211 and its: derviations t(hrough Conces- siom II, III, J:(V, V and South Sii!de of iWl,e Talibot Road to the sOIU,thern limit of the Talbot Road, bel- ing the King's Highway Number 3i; AND COMMENCING a,gain on the road betweelDl Lots 2ft) and ,2:1 in North [Side .of the TaLbot Road Concession ,ait the northern limit of the Talbot RQiad; THENCE northerly 8Jong the' said road betrween Lot,s 20 and 211 and its dev:iati!ons through Conces- sions North Side of the Talibot RQad, vm:, VIm, IX to the southern limit of 'the Village of Sp!l:'ingfield; 202 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 'I1H1FJNIdE in the iVillage of SPringfield OOIl:tinuing northerly on East street to the southern limit of Main IStr'ee~, hereinafter described as Oounty !Rood Number 52; A TOTAL DISII' ANOEl of approxima,tely 111..20 miles. UESCRIPTION BEINiQ that portion of the road Oil" the devi9ltions thereof in the ViLlag18 of Viemla,; Designated COlM1MJE!NCING on Main street at the western County Road limit of Front Street, being the !King's Highwa\V Number 41 Numbell" 19'; THENCE! northocly along Main street to Fulton street ; THENCIE: westerly along Fulton Sweet to the east- ern limit of Union Street; A nISTANC!EI of apPll"oximat,ely 0.4 miles.. UEiSCRIPTION BEINlG that portion lof the road Oil" the deviations thell"elOf in the 'Downships of Malahide and Bayharn and the ViUage of Port BlUil'WeH known as the Lake Road or Nova Scotia street; Designated COMiMlENlOINlG in the Township of Maaaihide on County Road the road beween Cloncessions I .aI1Id III at the east- Number 42 ern limit of tJhe road between Lots 9 and 101, being the King's Highway Number 73!; TFfi1m\TCE easterly along the said road betJWlP.Jen CIon.. cessions I and II and its deviations to the road be- tweeIli Concessions I and II, in the Township of Bayham; ELGIN COUNTY COUNCn.. 203 THlENCiE in tale Township of Bayham .along tll.e! said road. between Conoessions I and II 00 rflhe di-, version 'ac.1'IOSS the north-east portion of Lot 10 in Concession I; THENCE: south-easterly along the said dive!l"Sion through Lot 10 iIn: Concessilon I to the road be- tween liat"S 110 and 1(1 in Concession I; THIENCtE southerly a.1ong the said road between Lots 10 and 111 in iOoncession I to the northern liamt of 1111e Village O!f Port BimrweUi; THtEINC~1 in the lViillage of Plort BiUrWell south-. eastm-ly along Bridge Sltreet as diverted through Lot <11, Concession I, formerly in the Township of Ba,yrhiam, now in the VillJiage of lPioTt BlWweill, over the Big Otter ICreek to the western 1imi,t of Union street, being the King's Highway Number 19'; .AN[) OOiM;M'E!N1CTNG again in It4he Village of Port Burwell 011 Wellington street at the easrtemlimit of Robinson StJree~, being the King's Highway Numlber 19'; TImrNCtE easterly a.1ong Wellington street to the ,eastern limit of the Village of Port Burwell; TH1EINC!E in the 'Downship of Bayham easterly' along the es:tablished r.oad in COIllCesslion I knOwnl as the Lake Road and it,s devia!tlioI1lS: to the road comp,risdng the boundary between the Township of Bayham, in th,e County of !E[gin, and the Town- ship of Houghton, in the Corunty of Norf.ollk; A TOTA1L DlISTANCiEI of appiI'o~imately 115'.2i5' miles. DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the road O!l" the deviations: thereof in the Townshiipsl of Malahide and BaYham; 2,04 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Designated County Road Number 43 Designated County Road Number 44 Designated County Road Number 45 COM;MENlC[NG in the Townsihips of Malahic1e ancl Bayham on [the road comprising the bOUiIlc1ary be- tween the said 'TlownSlhips at the northern limit of the road between Clornoessions I anid II in thel Township of Bayham, being County RJoad Nrumb€ir 42; THiEtNlCE nortiherly aLong the slaad Boundary Road to the sOIuthrem 1imilt of the road between ClQnoos- sions 1[1 and rrv in the Township of Bayham, here- inafter descrilbed as COIUnty Road Number' 415:; A TOTAL D[STANCIE: of appro!Ximately 21.6, miles.. DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the road OIr the deviations theiVeO[ in the Townsihip of Ba.yham.; COMMlElNC[NIG on the ~oad between Concessions VIII and IX at the leasltern limit of Itihe Talbot Road, being the rKJng's Highway Numibe;r :3; T:HIENCE easterly along' the said road between Con- oessions VIIII and IX and i.ts dervi:atio!l1S 00' tlw w€S:tern l:imit of the €Sltablished f!oad in Lot 22: in OonceSiSion VIllI, /being the King"g Highwa&, Num- ber 19; A DIsrrANClE1 of approximately 3.6 miles. DESCRIPTION BEING tha,t p'Ortion of the road Oil" the deviations thereof in the Townsihips of Yarmouth, Malahide and Bayham; COlv.r.MmCIN1G in the TO!Wnsihip of Yarmouth on the road bertween Concessions TV and V'I at the eastern limiJt of the road between Lots 7 and 8 in ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 205 Concession V herein described as County Rioad Number 20; THiElNCiE easterly along t;he said rOOd between Con- oessions V and VI to the western limit of the road! betJween Lots !2l1 and 2121 in Concession VI hell"em described as IOOlUIlty Rioad Number 1316:; AND COMlM!ElNCINGi again on the road between C1(JiIljcesSli!ons V and V1I at the eastern limit of the road between Lots 211 and 212 in Concession vt; THIEINCiE continUJingeasteirly along thel said road between Oonces:slions IV and VI and its deviations inl iLots \23, '214 and 1215 to the boundary between the Townships of Yarmouth and Malahide; 'I'HlEtNCIE in the Townships of Ya.rmoUlth and Mal-, ahid~, noctherly along the said Boundary Road to the road between Concessions !IV' and V, Township of Maliahide; THIEINCE in the Torwnship of MaJahid:e easrtelfly b:e-' tween Concessions IV and V to the wes,tern limit of the road between ~0/tJs 10 and 111, bedng thel King's Highway Number 73; AND. COIl.VIM1E!N1C[!NG again on the road between ConCiessio!llS IV and V at th.e eastern limit of the rood between Lots 101 and IiI; THlENIC!Eleaslterly aJong tihe said road between Con-, cessions IV and V to. the wesltern limit of the mad between Lots 210 and 211 hooein described as Oounty Road Number 40; AND OOM.MiE:NCING again on the road between. Ooncessions m and ]V at the eastern l:llnit of the road between Lots 210 and 211 in ConcessiOl1i IV; THENCE easterly along the said road between Con- cessions III and IV to the iboundary between the Torwnships of Malahide and Bayham; 206 iElLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Designated County Road Number 46 THENCE iIIl the Township of Bayham COIlltinuing 'easterly along the road between Conc:essiioIlSl IIll and IV to the establti.shed road in Lot 2; in COiIlc'es- sion IiV; '!tHEtNCE nO!'ltlh-easteirly following the windings and turnings of the saidesrtabJ.ished road through Lots 2' and 9 in Conoession IV to the road between Con- oessions ]V and V; THIEINI~ south-easterly along the said road be- tween Ooncelssi!Ons IV and V to' the, western li.mmt of the road between Lots 1<0 and 111, being the King"s Hilghway Number 1119'; A TOTAL DIlSTANCiEi of app:l'Io:ximately 210/.315 miLes. DiEISCRIPTION ElEINlG that portion of the road Oll" the deviations thereof in the TOJWnship of Bayiham; aO!lY.lJMlENC[NG on the row between Lots 5 and 6 tn Oorneession VIIiIat 1:jhe northem limit of the established road in /Lot 6 :in C~ncessiion ViTI, being the King's Highway Number 3; THlEiNClE: northerly along the said road bertween [Jots 5 and 6; and its de'Viations through Conces- sions VIII,. IX ,and X to a diV'e'rmo!ll across the! north-eastern portion of Lot 5, in Concessilon X; THiElNClE north-westerly along the said diversion througrh Lot 15, in Concession X to' the road com"" pr1sing the boundary between the Townsmp of Bay-' ham, in the County of WgiIll, and t.he TOwnship of Dereham, in the C~unty of Oxford; A DIST ANGlE of approximately 3.0 miles. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 207 Designated County Road Number 47 Designated County Road Number 48, DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the road Oil" the deviations the!l'eof in the ToWIliSihip of South Dorchester; COMM!ENCING on the road between Lots 3, and 4 at the borundary between tihe Township of. South Dorchesteir, in the CbUIll~ of E~"aI1jd the To:wn- ship of North DOIl"$resl1::er, in the County of Mid- dlesex ; TH!EtNCEI slQiutheil"ly along the said road betlween (Lots 3i and 4 ,and its deviationsl through Conoes- sions VII, WII,rx and X to the nOiI'ltlhe!l'n limit of' the road between Cbncessionsl X and XI hereinaf-. ter described as Oounty !Road Number 48; A DISTANCIEI of apP!l'oxima,t,el~ 3.6 miles. DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the road .oil" the deviations ~eof in the TOlWlls!hip of South Dorchesrter; COIMJl\/.DEINC'INIG on the road Ibetween Cioncessions X and XI at the easltlerrn lirni,t 01f the :mad between Lots 1121 and 113;, being thel King's Highiway Number 73:; THlENCIEI easterly along thel said road between 00il1- oessdons X and XI tOl me road comprising the bonndary between the 'Ibwnslh.i:p of Siorutn D~r- ohester, in the CO/Ul1)ty of Eilgtln, and the Townsihip of Delreham, in the C!ounty of O:Kford, hel'leliniafter described as Cbunty Road Number 5~;a A DIST .A_1\1iCJE! of approxi~ately 5\.4 miles. 208 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL DESCRIPTION Designated County Road Number 49 Designated County Road Number 50 BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the Township of Sooth Dorcjh.ester and the Village of Springfield; OOMMIEINC'ING in the Township of South Dor- chester on ,the road between Lots 6 and 7 in Con- ceSlSion XI at the southe:rni lJimit of tJ1e road be~ tween COIlicesslioos X and XI herein described asl County Road Number 418; THENCE slOutherlyalong the said road between; Lots 6i and 7 and its deviations through Clonces., sions XI and XII to the northern !J:1:mit of the Vil~ lage of Springfield; THJIDNiClE; in the Vti1lage of Springfield continuing southerly on Wellington street to -qhe northern limit of Main St~eet, hereinafter deslCriibed as County Road Number 52i; A TOTAL rnSTANC'E of appro~ima,te~y l.8 miles. DESCRIPTION BEINlG that portion of the rood or thel deviations rtlh.ereof in the 'I1ownsihips of South Dorchester and Yarmouth; COMlVIJENC1NG in 11b;e Township of South Dor- ohester on the road between IC1oocesSJions X[ and XII at the western limfi.t of the road between Lots 1!2 and 1~, !being the. King's mghway Number 73; THElNC!EI w€Slterly alIOng Ithe said road between Conces:sions XI and XII and its deviations to the road comprising the boundary between the Town- ships of South Dorcihester and Yarmouth; E[.GIN COUNTY COUNCIL 209 Designated County Road Number 51 Designated County Road Number 52 TIIlENCiE in the Township of Yannouth continuing westerly al.ong Itlhe road. through Lot 19 in Conces~ sion X to the eastern limit of the King'S Highway Nrumber 714; A TOTAIL DISrrANCID of approximately 4.90 miles. DESCRIPTION BEINlG that portion of the road Oil" the deviations thereof in ~e TOiWIlShip of South Dorchester; O~ccr:rNG on the road between Ooncessions IX and X at the wesluern limit of the road between Lots 112 and 113, being the Klng's Highwa,y Number 73:; THENOE WlesterlyaLonJg the said r.oad between Concessions IX and X to the ,eastern limit of the road comprising the boundary between the Town- ships of Sowtlh DOl'lchester and Yarmouth, being the King's Highway Number 74; A DISTANCE of apPl"lOxilInate1y 4.80 miles. nE:SCRIPTION BETNJG that portion or! the road Oil" the deviations thereof in the Townships of Slouth DOlrcnesteT and Malahide and the Village of Springfield; OO!M:M!ENIC[NG in the Townships of South Dor- cd1esrter and Malahide on the road comprising the bou..nd9,ry between t..~e said TOwT...ships, at t:he OOSlt- ern limit of the road hetween Lots ,m and 13 in Concession XII, 'I1awnship of South Dorchester, be- ing the King's mghway NUIniber 79 ; :no ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL THENCEi east€['ly along the said Boundary Road to! the wesltern limit of the Village of Springtfield; THlEtNCiE: in tne Village of .Stpringflecr.d continuing' eastel'ly on Main street to the eastern limit of the said Village of Springfield; THEINCE in the Torwnships of South DOiI"chester and Malahide easrterly aLong t1he said Boundary Road and its deviations to the roadi compris~ng too bounda;ry between the Townships of Sorutjh. DOiI"- dheSJterand Malahide, inI the County of EIlgin. and the TOJWnSihip .of Dereham, tin the County of Ox- ford, helreinaf'ter diesCIl'ibed as Clounty RJoad Num-, ber 514; A TOIl'AL DISIl'ANCtEJ of apPiI"oximate,ly 5..45 miles. DrESCRIPTION BEINiG that portion of tille road or the deviations: thereof in the Town of Aylmer; Designated COlv.rMENC[ING on lE~m S:weet at the northern lim- County Road iJt of Talbot Street; Number 53 THlENClEI nOl'therly along the said E~ S'tree:t to the slOuthern limit of Bleech Street in the ':Down Oif Aylmer; A D'ISrr ANCIEI of approximately 01.5 miles. DrESCRIPTION BEIINO tJ:lat portion of the road o!' the devi..atiO!l& ,thereof in th.e Township ofSorut(h Dorchester, in the Oorunty of Ellgin, and the Township of De!l'e- ham~ in the County of 'Oxford; ELGIN COmITYOOUNCIL 2:1'1 Designated County Road Number 54 .J COMM1EiNCING in the Townships .of South Dor- chester and Derefh,am on the road comprising the bounda1ry between the said townships at the OOUItlh- ern limit of the road comprising thel boundary be-I tween the Townships of South Dorchester and Malahide iherein described as County Road Num- ber 62; THENCE: llIoll"theirly along the said Borundary Road beltween the Townships! of South Dorchesitell" and Dereham to thie! lliorthem limit of the road betIWe:en ICouciessiiOns X and XI in the TownSjhip of South) DOll"ohester herein described as County ROad NUm- be!l' 48'; A TOT.AJL DrSr.rANOE of appro~irna,tely 1.75 mileS'. 212 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL - - INDEX - - GRANTS- Agl'Iicultural and Hortioultural Soc:ieties ............................................ 15 Canadian National Institute for the Bil!ind........................................ 25 Reporters ........ .......... .... ...... .................................................. ................... 151 Salvation Army..... ...... ..... .................................................. .................. 25 University of Western 011ltario ........................................... ................. 25 Women's Institutes ............... ...................................................................... 26 Local Agricultural O1fice ............. ....... ............ ................................... 34 Law Library .. .... ..._ ....... ............ ...... ............ ....................... ............ 25 Memberships-AAO; OIMA; OEA.; MOFOA ........................... .......... 25 IScholarsmp Grants ...................... ........................ ...................................... 32, Library Grnnts ............................................................. ...... ....... ..........,......... 32 Trustees' and Ratepayers' Assooiation.................................. .... ..... ....... 32 Rotary Music Fesltival .............. ............................ ......... ...... .... ... ................. .1311 Pioneer MUSeunl ....,.................................................. ....... ............ .......... ........ 216 MISCEUANEOUS- Appointment of Delegates and Representatives................ 211, 129 Com1lllunicatioIllS ........................................................ 6,. 1511. 99, '1124, 146 Oounty Councd.l ........ ................ ............ ............. . .............. .... ................. ........ 3 Warden's Address ...................................................................... 5, 98, 1415, Delegations ................................................................a2, 15. 11011, 1001, J.r49 Financial statement of the Engdn Agricrultural CommitlUee.......... 38 Warden's Election ........................ .............. ................ .......................... ........ 4 REPORTS OF COMMITT'EIE: AND OFFICIALS- Agricultural Oommittee .............................................. 34, 611, 111,1, 157 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 2;13 \ OountyOleil"k oniLioenses ...................................................................... 156 Elgin Manor Committee ................................................................ 1107, 1511 County Assessor's Rieport .... ......... ................................................... 64, 166 County Treasurer's !Report .............. Education Committee IR,eport .......... Equalization ......................... ........................ .................... 109, 153 312" 166 33, 63, HH Finance Conunrittee ............ ........... ,214, f5rT, 1518, lOi8" 1:12 13'0, 164 Libmry Co-Operative .......... ................, 36 40 154 Elgin iOounty Museum Report ......................... S'ecretary's Report of Elgin ManO!l' Special Committee l1e APPointment of County Assessor.............. 35 Petitions and Legislations ...................................... 33, '612" 1!116 13~ REPORTS OF COMMITT'ElEi AND OF1WiClIALS;"'" Property Oommittee ...............,........................... ....... 126, 108, 111:1" 152i Road Oommittee ........,....................................... Wl. 514, 1113, l!312" 1158 Report of St. Thomas ISUbmiban RJoadClatnmission...................... 515 Svrunding Oomm.ittees ........................................................................ ......... 23 Weed Inspector ..............................................................................,............... 161 Special Committee re Group Insurancrel ............................................. 130 BY-LAWS- No. l:n8 To Amend By-Law No. 171710 re Adjustment off Egualized Assessment of Belmont, Sou'ij'l Dorches- ter, Aylmer and Maaiahide .................................................. 42 No. 1:77!9 'Do Borrow from the Banik of Montreal up to $800,0010.00 as may be rtelquh"ed .......................................... 43 No. 1~80 To Confirm By-Law No. 181212 of the Township of Punwicih ... ........... .............. ................. ........................................... 46 No. 17181 'Do Confirm By-Law No. 14122: of the TOIW1l&lip of Bayham ..;............... .... .....................,.............................................. 47 214 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL, No. 1782 To Appoinrt a County AsseSSOr for EIlgin County.... 4Il3 No. 1783 To IncTease the Salary of ]van ,J. ps,tterson, Sup- erintendent of Elgin Manor ...... ......................................... 49 No.1178'4 To Appoint a Board of Audit.. ......................................... 49 No. 17815 To Appoint a Oounty Road Clomm.tttee ........................ 50 No.. 17,00 '1101 Raise Amaunts for counrty Rates During \196'1 .... 81 No. 1787 To Provide for 1961 Eixpendi'tlures, 0IIl; Cbunty Roads 00 No. 17'88 '1101 \Providel for 1916i1 Supplementary Eixpenditures on County Roads .. ........ ...................... ................................. 84 Na. 1789 To Restrict the Weight of VejhiCiles Passing Oveil" Bridges ..................................... ................................................... 85 No. 17190 TIoIncll"ease the Salary of the Oounty RJoad Srup- erintendent ....... .................. ..... ..... ..... . ................................. 90' No. 1'7911 To Add Portion of Road in the '11ownship of Bay- ham to 'the County Road S~sltem. (Repealed.) ....... 911 No. 179~ To Remove Portion of Road in the Townships of Bayham and Yarmouth from tjhe County Rood System. (!Repealed.) ............... ................. ........ .................... 92 No. 1;79'4 To Regulate the [Localtion of Fuel (Pumps an Lands Adij,aoent to C:ounty /Roads ........................ ............ 9'4 No. 1:7'915 To Confirm the lmquallza,tiOa:lJ of the Assessment Rolls for the year, '11916\1 ........ ..... ............... ......... ........ 97 No. 1793 ':Do !Regulate the Location of Buildings and Sltruc,- turffi on Lands adijooelIllt to County Roads .............. J.116 No. 1796 To Add Portion of Road in the Township of Bny- ham in the County Road Sysltem ................... ............. 120 No. 1797 To Remove !PornOnsi of Road in the 'J1oiwn$ip of Bayham. and the Township af Yarmouth from the County Road System ............ ......... ....................................... 12i1 No. 17198 To IncI'lease the Salary of the Secretary in the County AssessoT'S Office ................................. ...... 123 No. 1799 Ta Add lPiortions ,of Roads and lRiemove PO!rtions of Roads re the Elgin Oounty Road System .......... 135 ELGIN COUNTY OOfUNCIL 2,15 No. 16010 To !Restrict the Weight of V:ejhioles Passing Over Biridges I........................ ........................ .... .... ............. .............. ........ 170i No. 18011 To iOonsolidate and Rievms!e the By-Law Adopting a Plan of Oorunty Road Impl'loV1€ment and Estab- lishing a County Road Sysltem in! the Coun,ty of Elgin ........................................ .................................... ................. .. 1175 RESOLUTIONS- Re Incirease of Salary re Elgin Manor SUperintendent ............ 1:0 Petition for Government Subs[dy for Roads ...........................,...... 10 RJeiqruesmng Provinoial G~an!t ,for SChools for Retarded Cihil- dren ................... ......... .... ..................................... .......... ... ... ...... ........ 21 To Authorize the Warden and the C1eTk to Sign OertiHcate re iExJemptton of Employees for UnempI:oym.ent In- suraIliCi€l ...................................................................................... .... .60 To Petition the Minister of Highways re Traffie conditions iIni Port Stanley ....... ........ ........................................ .................. 60 To Reques:t tjhe Dept. of IE!diuc:atilOn to Reinstate Elntrance ExaminaJtimls and Provide a System of Trade Schools ............................................ ..................... ........... ........... 74 Re Expansion of the fElIgin C:ounty !P!ioneer Muserum Building 74 Requesting the Cbrpor1ation of the Ci,ty of 8it~. Thomas to .oOlI1ltribUite mooe than. % mill of their as:s:essment to SUburban Roads in 119,621 ......... .................................. ............ 7:5 Re Salary Increases for Officialsl ... 76 To Granlt Consent to the Appointment of the County As- sessor as Assessment Ciommissioner \for Port Bur- well and SOlUthwold ........... ......... ..................... .......... ..... 102 To Endm'sie the R,equest of Mr. Russell !G. LielWisi for a !pub- lic: iVehicle License to Operate a Ciharter BUs! SeTVice 103' Re Retail Sales Tax Aot 126 That the Road Program on GOUil1Jty /Road No. 512~ be a.dvallC;- ed for li916i3 to 1.96\2;. ([,pst) ................................ ................... m7 Re Bridg:e over otter Creek at the Village of Vienna ................ m,7 Re OCJlUI1ty Road Tour .............................................................................. 128