1962 Minutes , t IIIII "llllllllrI11~lml~rl~1 ~~~~1~11111I1 1111111 3 6279 00765 0128 :L. l "r;------------------------------------------------------------------------------:..- ~ . I ! " .... '. .....>.. : , W~~l : . ", ." .. i ~ ~ : ! nnnl'I:EftIUAC ~ \y; \c] : rK.U~~ ., 11'" 't~ : "'~Ii .,' ~ : : : I I : OF THE : : : ! Elgin Counly Council I : : I ! During the Sessions he,ld in the I I I II Court House, St. T'homas I I I I II in the MoIllths of I January, March, June, September and November r I I , , , , , I I : . I I I . . . . . . . . . , . . :' I' . : . , : . . . . . J. D. 'l1HOMSON, C. D. PHILLIPS, Ii -- , County Olerk W arden ~ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ 1962 ,. ~ fe. I . ~ ;,J! F.:.'i h T,' ~&:",,;::.' COUNTY OF ELGIN OFFICIALS, 1962 J. F. McMillan, County Judge 1. D. Cameron, County Court Clerk and Sheriff P. J. Gloin, Clerk of the Peace and County Crown Attorney F. R. Barnum, Police Magistrate, Judge of Juvenile Court Mrs. M. Walker, Magistrate's Clerk, J.P., Clerk, Juvenile Court F. M. Rawlings, Sergeant, O.P.P. R. Davis, County Registrar R. S. Brown, Jailor E. D. Moore, Supervising Probation Officer B. Doan, Probation Officer John A. Mould, Probation Officer J. D. Thomson, County Clerk-Treasurer H. McLean, County Assessor R. G. Moore, County Engineer 1. J. Patterson, Supt., Elgin Manor Miss R. Prowse, County Librarian Stafford, Fanjoy & Hennessey, County Solicitors A. Kilmer, Division Court Clerk Dr. J. B. Coburn, M.O.H. Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit A. D. McColl, Public School Inspector R. E. Rawlings, Public School Inspector Dr. A. B. McCallum, Jail Physician Dr. C. A. Graham, Elgin Manor Physician A. V. Langton, Agricultural Representative Claybourne Gordon, County Weed Inspector & Tree Com. Fred Page, Higgins & Co., County Auditors !. ~ .. i MUNICIPAL CLERKS AND TREASURERS Municipality Clerk Treasurer Aldborough......----..-.--.---C. I. Black, Rodney____....__._m..___C. E. :Black, Rodney Dunwich.._____.__nFinlay M,cPherson, Dutton___mmmMrs. M. McNeil, Dutton Southwold.___.____mm.W. G. Blewett, FingaL.......m...W. G. Blewett, Fingal Yarmouth..__L. M. OIde, 386 Talbot st., St. Thomas___.M. Olde, St. Thomas Malahide___u___...___..H. L. Johnson, Box 478, Aylmer___.._____..n..H. L. Johnson Bayham._..n_____._.m.___mJ. D. Vallee, Straffordville..m_..___._.___..___..J. D. Vallee South Dorchester._..___..mRoss Evert, R.R. 3, Belmontm.._mmRoss Evert Town of Aylmer........._nm.m.J. S. Foy, Aylmer_mn....m___.mJ. S. Foy, Aylmer Viennam...nMiss El<aine MacDonald, Vienna._......Miss Eilaine MacDonald Springfield.___.__..m_.___...Ralph Smith, Springfield._.......___..m_..Rialph Smith Dutton___..___._..____Z. E. MacCallum, Dutton.___.__...___...Miss Margaret Leitch Po:rt Stanleym.._______James Quinn, Port Stanley......mmMrs. Maxine Vary RodneY....___..___nmm.--.m....-R. F. Coles, Rodneyn__.___m.n..._...____...____R. F. Coles West Lorne__..______Mrs. Vera Reid, West Lorne...___..._Mrs. Norma Albright Port BurwelL..m.W. E. Boyd, Pt. BurweIL.u___W. E. Boyd, Port Burwell BelmonL__.......__mW. O. Barons, BelmonLm__....____W. O. Barons, Belmont .~; a- .<..&2 c/ /7~~' PROCEEDINGS OF THE Elgin (ounly Council FIRST SESSION - F,IRST DAY Tuesday, the 16th day of January, 1962 The ~J}gin County Council m,elt this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, as irequir,ed by Statute. The following m'em'bers filed Certificat.es and took their seats at the Council table: George Barber, R,e,eve, Aldborough Gordon Woolner, Deputy R,e,eve, AldlborouglL Wailter Robson, Reeve, Dunwich DonaLdJ C. Leitlch, Deputy Re,eve, Dunwich F. J. Nimmo, Reeve, Southwold N. G. Tufford, Deputy Re,eve, Southwold Mason Tansley, Reeve, Yarmouth :Robert Martin, Deputy Reeve, Yarmouth H. E. Brorwn, Reeve, Malah1de W. R. Caverly, Deputy Reeve, Ma1lahide C. D. Phillips, Reeve, iBayham Norman Pressey, Deputy R,e,eve, !Bay'ham J. lB. Wiilson, Reeve, South Dorcheisier R. M,cKibbin, Reeve, Aylmer Angus Hughes, Deputy iReeve, Aylmer 4 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL K. C. Emerson, Reeve, Vienna J. W. Barker, Reeve, Springfield \8. E. Downey, Reeve, Dutton Lloyd So Gurr, Re,eve, Port Stanley G. McIv'er, :l)eputy Reeve, Port Stanley Harold Howard, Reeve, Rodney L'1oyd Elliott, Re'eve, West Lorne' Kenneth Baird, Reeve, POll't Burwell C. N. Clarke, Re,ev,e, Belmont {J> ,t The election of Warden was proce,eded with, and on the first ballot, Reeve Charles D. Phillips, Reeve of Bayham, was dedared Warden fOll' the y,ear, 1916'2. Reeve Emerson moved that the eledion of Ward,en he made unanimous. The Warden thanked the members of CouncrI for the honour conferred, and took Ithe De,e1all'ation of Office. Ex-Warden Burgess congratulated Warden Phillips on his election, and presented him with the Lord Elgin wakh and the gav,el of affke. The Warden addressed the Council. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 5 WARDEN'S ADDRESS January Session, 1962 Ta A<ll Members of the EI-gin Caunty Cauncil, Gentlemen: The hanaur which yau as memhers of Caunty Oauncil have just Iconferred on me is great'ly appreciated. . I realize fuLly thalt the pasitian carries with it certain res- pansibilities, and I wHl try ta discharge these ta the best of my ability. W,e 'hav,e just icampietedJ a mast suceessful year, and I fe,el we awe much trO Past 'Warden Burgess whase leadership has had a mm'ked bearing an our suceess. It is inde,ed ,a pleasure to' weleome back the vet,erans of OaullIty Cauncil, and a s'PelCial wekome to our five new members whase fresh appraach 'combined with the experienee1s of the n}der members wiLL again enSUiI',e an ather year of progress. 'The WOI'11d 'ee-anomie situatian showed signs of recavery and grawt'h in 19161, and the tifend is exped'ed ta cantinue in 1962. Weather conditions heing favaura:ble, agriculture shauld have a prasperaus yrear and should improve all aspeds af aur ecO'namy. Our County RaadJ Syst,em wa,s revised in 1961 giving it stab- ility and oantinutty. The 1961 Raads Committee should be commended f.or their efforts, and 1t is my desire that further extensians and deletians shauld be can1ed out when fuHy warranted. One of the highlights af 1961, was the apening of the Wards- vUle Bridge .of whieh the Caunties af M}ddlesex, and Elgin can be rightfully proud. The past year has seen the campietian of the new Elgin Caunty Library, and a spe,cial thanks ta the cammittee whose efforts made its comp'letion on recard time. 6 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL fiom Itim.e to time, various authorities give their opinions as to the value -of 'County Council. I ,believe Municipal Government has just ,as integral a part to p,lay in a 'democracy as have the Provincial and National Levels of authority, the direct rellation- ship with the people gives tihem a gDeater sense o;f participation in public affaia:'s. Next year wHl pr,e,sent itis prohlems and difficllities of this I am eertain with your SUPPOl"it and co-operation I am equal'ly certain that among us we will solve these problems and sur- mount the difficuLties. ~ rSince our last Session, the County of \Eagin and the Town- ship of Bayham has lost a valued citiz.en in Charles Jackson, who w.as Warden of the County in 1951. I would ask you to ris'e with me and pay rt;ribut'e to his memory. Gentlemen, once again my isincere thanks for your confi. denee and be assured t,halt I wiN do everything possible to deserve it. Moved by Reeve Barher, Sec.onded by Deputy Reeve WOOllner, That the minutes of the last day of the Noviember Session, 19'61, as printed in the Proceedings, be approved. -Gar~ied. The fo'llowing communkations weDe read, and r.eferred t'O their vaiI'ious Committ,ees: COMMUNICATIONS January Session, 1962 From the County of Grey wiJth resolution requesting the On- tario Governm,ent to improv.e the auction method of selLing cattlle at the OntariO' stock-yards. - Referred to the Agricultural Com- mittee. From the University of W.estrern Ontalrio w.ith request for a grant, and report of !their activities. - Referred to' the Finance Committee. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 7 IFram the Clerk of the C.i1ty af 'St. Tho-mas with appaintment 0'f cityme-mher :ta the E:lgin Caunty Pianeer Museum. - Referred to. the Finance Cammittee. Fr'Om the Ontaria Municipal Ass0'ciatian with request faT membership fee. - iRef.err,ed' ta the Finance Cammittee. 'Fram the Munkip.al Clerks' and Financ.e Offieers' Assacia- tian with riequest far membership f,ee. - 'Referred :t.o the Finance 00'mmittele. Fram the Canadian Natianal Institute far the Blind with re- quest far a glr,ant. - fReferr'ed to' the Finance Cammitt<e.e. (Fram :the :E[gin :Schaol Trustee's' ,and Ra,tepayers' Ass0'ciation with r,equeSlt far a grant. - Referred to' the Educatian Cammittee. From the Ontaria AssaciaHan 0'f RuralI Municipalities with r'equest far me m'be I' ship ,f,ere. - Referred Ita the Finance Cammit- tee. !From :the W,est Elgin Spa1rtsmen's Assodatian r,e d0'sing the County to' nan-resident hunt'ers af Ontario.. - ,Ref,enred to' the Agricultural Committee. Fr0'm the Assadwtian .of Ontario. Caunties requesting the Pravinc,e af OntariO' to enact legislatian ta permit County Caun- cils Ita ,administer the Child Welfare Ad. - Referred ta the Peti- tians ,and Legislatians Cammittee. !F1ram the Cityaif Chatham requesting the Dept. af Highways to. pave faUir lanes 'Of Highway 401. - Referred to. the Petitians and Legislatians Caill'mittee. Fr'0'm the CO'uruty af Huran requesting r,einstatement of com- pensatian for 1a'8s .of ralbies. - Ref.erred to. the Agricultural Cam- mittee. ~ro.m Caril Jahnstan witha;Pipre'Ciatian of A:gricuiture S.chol;. airship gr.ant. - Filed. From the County of FTontena'c with r,eso'lution requesting the Feder,al iDept. of Agriculture to' pay all casts tawards quaran- tine af ,anima'ls ,O'rdered by the gavernment. - Ref.erred to' the Agricultural Committee. 8 E'LG(lN COUNTY COUNCIL From the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission with es'um- at'es fo[" 1'9>62 e~penditures. - 'ReferT'ed to the Road CommiHee. From the !Registry Office, St. Thomas, with statement of f.ees for the year, 19'61. - Filed. Fr.om the Salvation Ar'my w.ith r,equest for a grant. - Re- ferred to the Finance CommiUe.e. From the St. Thomas-iElgin Association for Ret,arded Child- ren with !request for a gr,ant. - <Ref,err,ed to the Finance Com- mit te:e. From :the Bank of Montr'eal, St. Thoma1s, with invitation to dinner ,on Thursday evening, January 18th. - Filed. From the County and 'Munidpal Councils' Se-ction of the On- tario Scho01 Trusbe,es' and Ratep.ayer:s' Assoda,u0'n with request for Membership F,e,e, and appointm'ent of delegates. - Ref,err,ed t0' the EducaHon Committee. F[,0'm !the 1St. Thomas & District L.ahour Council with r,equest Lor endorse'ment .of Laibour Educa,ti0'n W,e,ek from March 5th to Ma~ch 1Uh, 19'62. - Referr,ed to the P,etitions and Legislations Committee. Moved 'by Reeve Nimmo, Seconded by Reev,e Downey, That the Warden ,and Clerk he authorized to submit to the Minister of Highway,s of Ontario, ,the petiti0'n of the County of Elgin, showing that from the first day of Janua\l'Y, 1961, until the 31st ,day of De1c'em'ber; 19'61, there has :be,en expended on the County Highway system, the sum of $80.2,'537.6'5. -Car\l'ied. The Ward,en appointed Reev'es D0'wney, Nimmo, Brown, and McK~bbin, as a CommIttee :to S'trtke the standing 'commibtees for the year, 19'62. The Council stood for one minut,e's silence in memory of the late Ex-Warden Charles Jackson. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 9 Mov.ed by iRe-eve Barber, Se,conde-d 'by Reeve !Elliott, T'hat we d.o now adjourn to me,et on Wednesday, January 17th, at 10 a.m. -Carried. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk C. D. PHILLIPS, Warden 10 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FIRST SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 17th day of January, 1962 The Elgin County Council m'elt tills day at the Court House, 81. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. 'Dhe Warden in the Chair. All the me:mhers pr'esent. ~ The minutes of t!he previous day wer,e read and: confirmed. Moved iby !Reeve Barker that Mr. F. Pineo, Oounty Repres,en- tativ,e on Ithe East Elgin High Schonl District Boa,rd be now heard. Mr. Pineo presented a r,eport on the adivittes and .program of the ;Easlt Elgin High 18choo.! 'District Board. Warden Phillips thanked Mr. PineD for his r,eport. Mov,ed iby ,ReeveB.arber that Co!. LitHe, from the University of W,este,rn .ontario he now heard. Cot Little addressed the Council on the a'cltivities .of the Univ.er,sity and r,equested contin- uance of support. Warden 'P'hilllips expressed appreciaJti.on to' Co!. Little for his fine report. 'Moved 'by Reeve 'Downey that Mr. Sta,c,ey of the W,est Jmgin Spor,tsmen's AssDciatiO'n 'be now heard. Mr. Stacey addressed the Council, requesting support for legislation to dose Elgin County to non-resident hunt,ea:s of OntariO'. The Warden thank- ed Mr. iStac,ey for his pres1entation. 'Moved by 'Reev'e Tansley that Mr. A. V. Langton he now heard. Mr. LangtO'n presented a r'eporton .farm crops and on the ,expenditure of the 19:61 County grant, and ll"equested a grant ior 1962. 'The "Varden expressed ,appreciation to Mr. Langton for his sp'1endid report. The report of the Special Committee to strik'e the Standing Committe,es for the year, 1962, was presented and adopted on motion of Reev'e Brown and 'Reeve Downey. Moved 'by ,Reev,e Bafiber, "\ Seconded !by Deputy Reeve WO'olner, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 11 That we dO' naw adjaurn Ita melet this aft.erno.an a.t 2 p.m. -Car~i'ed. The C.ouncil resumed. Maved by Re,eve Gurr that Mr. Cipu, Pres1dent af the Elgin Trusteles' ,and Ratepayers' A>ssoeiat1an be naw heard. Mr. Cipu addressed the Connci'l, requesting a glrant. The Warden referred the iI',equest to' the Edlucatio.n Co.mmittee. The repart o.f the Praperty Cam:mittee was presented and adapted on matio.n .of Reeve iBarker and Reev,e Emerso.n. The repart of the Agricultural Committee was pr,esent,ed and adopted an motion of Re,eve Br.own and Reev,e Barber. The first r'epalI"t .of the Finanee Committee was presented and adapted on motian of Reeve E,merso.n and R,e,eve Gurr. Moved ,by RJeeve K. Baird, Secanded by Re,ev,e K. C. E,m,erso.n, WHE:REiAS the ilat,e F. S. Thomas had made r'epresentatians and farmulated plans up to' the paint af acquiring the land known as Iro.quois Park and beach alt ,Part lBurweH, Ontario., far a Pra- vindal \f'ecreational area and sinee that time little pasitive actian has taken plaee. THE'RE~FORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Eilgin Caunty Caun- eil ,endarse Itheestalblishment o.f a Pravincia'l Park under the De- p.artment ,af Lands and Farests to. s'erve the tri-eaunty area com- prising :the eastern 'extre,mity of Elgin Caunty, the western part of Narfolk Caunty, and the :majar portion af Oxford County in- cluding the towns of Tilllsonburg and Ingersoll. FURTHER':DH.AJT 'capies o.f this resolution he presented for endarsation to. the Gaunci.'l of t'he Caunty af Oxf.ord, the Councils of the tawns of Til1sanburg and Inger:s.oU, and the City o.f Wood- stack, and! the Canndls af Haughtan and Midd,l'etan Tawnships of Norfolk County. Co.pies of this r,esalutian aTe alsO' to' he mailed to' Mr. R. K. M'cNeil M.L.A. for Elgin; Mr. Gardan Innes, M.L.A. far Oxford; 12 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Honourable James N. Allen, M.L.A. for Nodolk and Haldimand; Honourable John Robarts, Premier of Ontario; and the Honour- able J. W. Spooner, Minister of Lands and Forests. f. -Ca~ried. Mov,ed by Re,eve Downey, Se,conded by Deputy Reeve Leitch, -;;> That we do now adjou['n to meet on Thursday, January 18th, at ten a.m. ---,Car!I"red. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk C. D. PHILLIPS, Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 13 FIRST SESSION - THIRD DAY Thursday, the 18th day of January, 1962 The Elgin CDunty CDunlCil met this day at the CDurt House, . St. ThDmas, in aCicDrdanee with ad1Durnment. The Warden in the Chair. Allithemembers were present e~cept Reeve Baird. 'Dhe minutes of the previDus day were read and confirmed. MDv,ed by Releve Gurr that 'Mr. R. A. Jones, PlI"esident of the St. 'ThDmas-Eilgin AssDciation for Retarded ChIldren Friend>ship SChDDl he nDW heard. Mr. Jones addressed the Council on the activities of the school and requested a grant fDr the new prD- posed buHding. The Warden thanked Mr. Jones for his: splendid address, and the request was referred to' the Finance CDmmittee. IReeve Gurr moved that Mr. Carro'll from the Canadian Na- tiDnal Institute for tlle Blind ibe nDW heard. Mr. Carroll address- ed the Council on the activities of the .organization and of assis- tance given ItD blind p,erSDns. Mr. Wheeler also. spoke to the CDuncil/thanking theim for their support. The Ward,en thanked Mr. CarrDn and Mr. Whe,eler fDr their repDrt. Moved iby Reev,e Gurr. Sec'Dnded !by Deputy Re,eve McIver, That wle dO' now adj;ourn to me,et this afternO'on at 2 p.m. --,CaDried. The CDuncil r,esumed. The lI"'eportof the Road CDmmittee was pr'esented and adopt- ed on motion of Reeve NimmO' and Reeve Brown. Reev,e NimmO' mDve,d that Mr. T. S. Caldwell, District En- gine,er, 'be nDW 'heard. Mr. CaldweU addressed the Council and asked .if they had any rDad problems. 14 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL The second 'report of the Finance Cammittee was pDesented and adopt'ed onmotian of Reeve Emersan and Reeve Gurr. ~ ,The report af the Educatian CammiUee was pr,esented and adapted on motion of Deputy Reeve M,cIve!I' and Deputy Reeve Caverly. 'The repart of :the Petitions and Legislatians Committee was pr,esentedand adapted an motion of Deputy Reeve W aalner and Reev'e Emersan. Moved by Reeve Howard, Secanded by Re,eve Barher, Thalt the grants to the Agricultural and Horticultural Socie- ties af the Caunty he 'On the same basis as il:as:t y'ear, equal to the Provincial grants. --,Carlried. Moved by Re,eve Gurr, ... Secanded by Deputy fte,eve McIver, That By-Law No. 1802, "To !Authariz'e the Warden and Treas- urer to' Borrow the Sum of Nine Hundred Thausand daHars," be riead a first time. -Carried. Maved; by Reeve !Brawn, Secanded by Deputy Reeve Caverly, Th':lt Rv.T .':I~IT l\.Tn 1 An? hp 'f'P~rl J:t ~,M>'nT1rl tiTnp .&.~.&."""" .A-'J ..a.....I......y'J .L'_. .....___, ,.,,_ ...___ _ ....___.6.._ "'....6........_. -Carried. Maved by [)eputy Re,eve McIver, Se,canded by Reeve Gurr, That !By-Law No. 18.02, be iread a third time, and finally passed. --,Carded. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 15 Moved by Reeve Barber, Seconded :by Deputy Reeve Woo/Iner, That By-Law No. 1'80'3, "Designating Through Highways in the County of Elgin," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve E:Hiott, Seconded by Reeve Howard, That By-Law No. 180'3, h~ read! a se,cond time. -Carried. Moved by Ree've Robson, Seconded by rDeputy Reeve Leitch, ed. 'Thrut By-Law No. 180.3, he read a third time, and finally pass- -Carded. 1VlO'v,ed ,by Deputy-Reeve Hughes, Seconded Iby Reeve 'McKiibbin, That By~Law No.. 180'4, "To Appoint a Board .of Audit in the County of EJigin for the year, 19-62," be (read a fir,st time. ---,Carried. IVloved iby Deputy Reeve PresSley, Seconded hy Reeve Clarke, 'Dhat By-Law iN 0.. 180'4, be read ,a seco.nd time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson, Seconded by Reeve Clmrke, , 16 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL \ That [By-Law No. 1804, be read a third time, and final1y passed. -Ca~ried. Moved by Reeve Emerson, Se,conded by Deputy Re,ev,e Tufford, That By-Law No. 1805, "To Appoint a County Road Com- mibtee," be read a first time. -Cwried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Tufford, Seconded by Re'eve Emerson, That By-Law No. 1'805 be rlead a second Hme. -Carried. Moved by Re,eve Emerson, Seconded by Re,eve Nimmo, That By-Law No. 1805, he r,e.adl a third time, and finaUy pass- ed. -Carried. Moved by :Deputy Re1eve Martin, Se,conded by Reeve Barker, That By-Law No. 1806, "To Increase the !Saiaries of the Clerk- Treasurer and the DepUJty Clerk-Treasurer," be read a first time. -,Carried. Moved by Oe:puty Reeve Caverly, Seconded :by Re,eve Brown, That By-Law No. 1'806, be read a se'cond time. -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY .COUNCIL 17 MOVied by Re,eve Tansley, Seconded by Deputy 'Re,eve Martin, ed. That [By-Law No. 1806 be read a t'hird time, and finally pass- -Carried. W,arden iPhiHips appointed the following delegates to attend the various Conventions during the year: ONTkRIO GOOD ROADS-Harber, Woolner, Enio/tt, Tansley, Tufford, Emerson, Nimmo, Barker, Gurr, Caverly, Brown, and the Warden. ONTAiRIO EUUClATIONAL ASSOCIATION-The Warden and ,the Clerk. ON'DAH10 MUNIC]PAL-Mdve1r, Wi[son, Clarke, Howard, Hughes, the Warden, and the 01erk. Moved by !Reeve Gurr, Seconded by Oeputy Reeve Mdver, That we do now adjourn to meet on Tuesday, the 20th day of Mar,ch, 19'62, at 10 a.m. -Carried. J. D. ,THOMSON, C1erk C. D. PHILLIPS, Warden 18 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL t. REPORT OF Sp!E,CIAL COMMITTEE TO STRIKE THE STANDING COMMITTEES January Session, 1962 TO' the Warden, and Members af the Elgin. Caunty Cauncil, The fallowing is the repart af the Speda'1 Gammibt,ee to' strike the standing cammittees for the year, 19!62: Administration o,f Justice - Judge J. F. McMillan, Hughes, County Treasurer. Agriculture - Barber, Robson, NimmO', Tansley, Brawn, Wilsan, Warden Phillips. County Roads - NimmO', Brawn, Tansley, Robson, EUiatt, War- den Phillips. ~ Advisory Road Committee - Barher, WHsan. Elgin Manor - McKibbin, Tufford, Pressey, Warden Phillips. 'Children's Aid - Bai['d, Haward. Education - Woolner, LeitC'h, Tufford, Martin, Caverly, Pressey, Wilsan, Hughes, Emerson, Barkeif, Dawney, McIver, Howard, Elliatt, Baird, Olarke, Warden PhilIrps. Equalization and Assessment - Barber, ROibsan, NimmO', Tansley, Brawn, Warden PhiHips, Wilsan, McKibbin, EmerrsO'n, Bar- Imr, Downey, Gurr, Haw,ard, EUiot1t, Baird, Clarke. Finance - Barbeif, Robson, NimmO', Tansley, Brawn, Warden ;Phillips, Wilson, lVkKibbin, Emerson, Barker, Downey, Gurr, Howard, Elliott, Baird, Clarke. Health Unit - McIver, Dawney. Hospital - Gurr, Warden Phillips. Library Board - Clarke, Caverly, Leitch, Wa,r,den Phillips. Property - Barker, Emersan, Martin, Warden Phillips. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 19 Museum - 'Woo[neT, Downey. Petitions and legislations - Emerson, Barker, Martin, Howard, Woolner, Warden PhilLips. Legal - Wilson, Clarke, Leiteh, Pressey, Warden Phillips. Reception and Entertainment - Gurr, Wilson, Tansley, Tufford, Hughes, E'Hiott, Emerson, Warden Phillips. ':DHAT each Commttte,e mHet, and appoint a Chairman as soon as possible. All of which is respedfully submitted. G. E. BROWN, OhaiJrman. PROPERTY COMMITTE,E January Session, 1962 To t1he W,arden and! Me:mbers of the E'lgin County Council, The Pr<openty Committee repoTts as foHows: 1. That a new Icookstov,e be purchased for the Jail kitchen. 2. That the hydro service be enlarged t.o carry the neces- s.ary load. 3. Tha,t a :partition be built in the Probation Office with new door and:flrame with ya'le lock, a'1so, two smaH drawers in exist- ing cupboard, foa' the t.endered price of $13.5.00. 4. That a new typewriter !be pur'chased !far the Clerk- Treasurer's office from Underwood Ltd. far a net price of $206.00. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. W. BARKER, Chairman. 20 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ~ AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE January Session, 1962 TO' the Warden, and M.em'hers nf the E1gin County Council, The Agricultural CO'mmiUee reports a's follows: 1. That a grant nf$2,800.00 he made to' the local Agri1cul- tura1 .office for farm .organizatinns and Junior F.armer and In- stitute groups fnr 19'62. '2. That Watrden Phillips, Reeve Brawn, and ,Reeve Rabson, be a GammiHee to' allncate the gr,ant. 3. That :the resolution fram the Caunty {)If Grey requesting the OntariO' Gavernment to' improve methods of seHing cattle at the OntariO' stock-yards be filed. 4. That the request .of the West Elgin S'partsm,en',s Assoc- iatian to' clase the Caunty af Elgin to nan-resident hunters of OntariO', be endorsed. '5. l'hat the resO'lutian fro-m the Caunty o-f Hurnn riequest- ing the Pravincial Gavernment to' reinstate :compensatian for 1O'S8 by rabies, be endorsed. . 6. That the ["esolution fram :the Caunty af Frnntenalc re- questing the Federal Gavernment to' pay aN casts tawards quar- antine nf animals ardered quarantined hy the gavernnient, he filed. An af which is respectfuHy submitt,ed. G. E. BROWN, Chairman. v ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 21 FINANCE COMMITTE'E FIRST REPORT TO' the Warden, and Memher,s of the Elgin County Council, January Session, 1962 The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That Oha,rity and Welifar,e Pay List No. 12 for $2,246.53, and Childr,en's Aid SO'cieties 'Pay List NO'. 12 for $3,286.34, and Pay List No.1 for $3,313.0'7, be a'pproved. 2. Tha't the Warden and Trleasurer be aubhoriz,ed to bofil'oW up ,t'0 $900, fram the Bank of Montr'ea'1 as may be required and a by-law he prepared. 3. That themem!bership f.e.e in the OntariO' Mun1cipa'l As- sociation af$25.0o. he paid, and the Warden to appoint deieg.ates to' attend the Canvention. . 4. tr,hat a .grant af '$7'50.0.0 be made to' the Canadian NaJtion- al Institute for the Blind. '5. That a grant of $,500..0.0 be m,ade to the Salvatian Airmy for Bethesda HOispHal. '6. That a grant of $1,0.00..0.0. ibe ;ma,de to' the Univ1ersity of Western OntariO' far the Capital Building Fund. 7. That the membership fe.e of $10..0.0 in the Municipal OLerks' and Finanee Offieers' Association be paid, and the OLerk- Treasurer to' attend the Convention with exp,enses paid. 8. That the usual grant of $50.0.0 to' the Law Libr,ary be paid. 9. That the r,equest of the Ontalfia Assaciation af Rural Municipalities for a m,embership fee be filed. 10.. That a grant of $50.0..0.0 he madle to' the Elgin Pioneer Museum. 22 ELGiN COUNTY COUNCIL 11. That Ex-Warden Donald Burgess and Reeve L. S. Gurr be paid f.or attendanee at hospital me1e.tings during 1961. 12. That the following constitute the Board of the Elgin Pioneer Museum--'Mrs. J. R. Futciher, Mrs. J. Stanley Lyle, Mrs. J,esse Van Patter, Mlfs. Paul J,efferies, Mr. M. C. Moore, Deputy Re,eve W.oolner, and Reeve Downey. 13. That a grant of $1150.00 each to the East E'lgin Women's Institute and t'he West Elg.in Women's Institute be paid. 14. That the salartes of R. S. Brown, J atl Governor, and Dr. A. B. 'MClCallum, Jail Phy;s:tcian, he increased $200.00 each, e:f[e,c- tive J,anua~y 1, 19'62. 15. That the maximum sa'laries of the Chief Turnkey and turnkeys he increased $'200.00 per year, effectiv1e January' 1, 1962, and a 48 hour week be continued. 1,6. That the salalfies of the Clerk-Treasurer and the Deputy Clerk-Tr'easurer he increased $300.00 pelr year, eaeh, effe,ctive January 1, 1916'2 and necessary by-'law be pre:pared. Ai' '4 kH of whk1h is r1espectfully submitted. K. C. EMERSON, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 23 ROAD COMMITTEE January Session, 1962 To the Warden and Council of the County of Elgin. Gentlemen: Your Road Comm1tte'e begs to report as foHows: The following is a Summary of the Costs of ConsbruCitlon and Maintenanee on County of Elgin Rnads during 19'61: CONS~RJUCTION ROADS- 1. Paving Road 14, Southwald and Dunwich Town- ships ......................... .................... ........... .... ............ ....$ 25,96'9.04 2. Completion of Grading and Granular Base, Road 14, Southwold and Dunwich Townships........ 3. Paving, ~encing and Gr.ading Road 24, Yarmouth 4. Paving, Fencing and Grading Rnad 36, Yarmouth 5. IPaving, Fencing and Grading Road 40, Ma'lahide 6. Paving, Fencing and Grading Rnad 48, South Dorchester............................ ........ ........ ....... .... ... ........ 22,189.16 7. Paving, Fencing and Grading Ro,ad 54, South OorchesteiI', (Der'eham Townline) ............................ 2,9'64.18 8. Paving Aldboroug'h-Orford Townline, Aldborough 10,g,75.98 9. Grading and Granular Base Road 3, Wardsville Bridge Approaches, Aldborough ............................ 12,029.21 10. Grading and Granular Base Road 20, Southwold 53,741.19 11. Grading and Granular Base Road 24 (now Road 23) Port Stanley and Yarm,oUJth................................ 12. Grading and Granular Base Road 27, Yarmouth 13. MisceUaneous Grading Construet.Lon .................... 14. Surveys, Tr.afftc Counts............................................ 15. County's Share of Installation of Flashing Light Signals Road 20 (Shedden), Southwold.................... 1,182.68 16. New 'Ma:chinery .......................................................... 4,850.00 17. Land IPur,chased (induding Land Surveys and Registry Office Fees) ................................................ 20,326.71 2;6,884.08 24,67'5.63 11,598.75 19,698.94 24,946.47 9,734.63 1,797.00 3,051.41 TOTAL ROADS - COUNTY..........................$276,615.06 TOTAL ROAJD~S - SUBURBAN AREA............$ 19,303.66 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION ON ROADS............$2915,918.72 24 ELGiN COUNTY COUNCIL BRIDGES & CULVE-RTS- 1. Wardsville Bridg,e ....................................................$ 6'7,704.86 2. Eden Bridge ................................................................ 73,484.45 3. Tal:bot Cr,eek Cu'lve["t Ho,ad 20 ................................. 13,916.35 4. 'McGeaCihy Drain Culvert Road 12, Dunwich........ 6,6'52.62 5. Hunt Drain Culvert Road 18, Southwo1ld................ 2,340.39 6. Dingle S'tre,et Bridge ................................................ 218.7'5 7. Bothwell Bridge ........................................................ 232.14 8. Culvert Pipie Road 2.0, Southwold: ........................... 6,30.3.95 9. Culvert Pipe Road 24, Yarmouth ............................ 1,633.17 10. Culvert Pip,e Road 27, Yarmouth .......................... 1,527.92 TOTAL BRIDGES & CULVERTS - COUNTY $174,014.60 TOTAL lBRIDGEIS & CULVEiRTlS- SUBURBAN ARE'A $ 5,96'6.55 TOTAL BRIDGES & CULVEiRTS .................... $179,981.15 TOoT AL CONiSTRUC'TION-ROA:DS & BRIDGES & OUL VERTS- OOUNTY & SUBURBAN AREA........................$475,899.87 MAINTENANCE RJOADS- 1. G ra ve:l Resurfa'Cing .................................................... $ 3'6,3161.8'3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.. II. 12. . 13. 14. 15. 1,6. 17. 18. 'Repairs to Pavements................................................ Surfaee Tre,atment ..................................,................. Grading (induding Maint,enance of Gravel Roads) Winter Contr,ol .......................................................... Weed Control ............................................................ ,Brushing . ....... . . .. .... .... . . . . .... . . ... .. . . . .. . . .. .. ... ... . ... .... . ....... Drains .......................................................................... Installation of Storm Drains 'Road 14, Dunwilch-iSouthwold Townline ................................ Dust 'Control .............................................................. ISigns ............................................................................ 'G llide iRaii1s ........ . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . Heforestration and Seeding .................................... Railroad Protection .,. ........... ....................... ... ............ Drainage Assessments ...... ................... ................... ,Hoad 38 Maintenanc'e-Richmond Hill................ F encin'g . .. . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. .. . . . .. . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rebaltes to Towns and Villages .............................. 4. 11,60.0.17 54,671.16 15,720.316 14,798.90 8,850.18 9,22'5.23 4,003.66 2,761.68 16,068.11 <) A t::.,A <)"7 .w,":I:',,,-x.,,, . 2,:5513.15'3 3,048.2'6 4,75:6.4'3 2,229.3'6 2,27'3.4'5 32.74 29,8415.73 ''1' SUB-TOTAL ........................................................ $221,2'5'5.05 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCiL 2'5 MISOELLANEO'US 1. Superintendence....................... . ........... ..... ............ .... $ 2. C'lerical. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . ... . .. . 3. Pension Fund . .... ....... ....... ......... .............. ...... ..... ....... 4. Unemployment Insurance Commission ................ '5. Holidays with Pay.................................................... 6. ISkk Ben'efits ............................................................ 7. 0' ffice .......... ............................................................... 8. Garage and White Station Gravel iPit.................... 9. Rodney Garag.e .......................................................... 10. 'MiseeUaneous Repairs ............................................ 11. T.ools. . .. . . ... . ... .............................................................. 1:2. Per,mits....................................................................... 13. Insur an ce .................................................................... 14. Machinery Overhead ................................................ 11,396.74 3,685.50. 2,276.20. 781.49 4,610.20 1,150.15 1,869.96 6,034.27 381.27 1,994.35 6'63.76 29.94 2,957.93 2,183.96 SUB-TOTAL ............ .... .......... .... .... ....... ............ ...$ 40,0'15.72 TOTAL ROADS - COUNTY................. ...................$261,270.77 TOTAL ROADS - SUBURBAN ARE'A....................$ 4'3,657.3'5 'I'OTAL MAJNTENANCE ON ROADS....................$304,928.12 MAINTENANOE BRIDG@S & CUuVE'R'DS- 1. Kains Bridge . ... . . . ... . ...... . .. . ... . ...... . ... .. .... ...... .... . . . .. . . .. $ 2. Port Burwell Bridge ................................................ 3. Robbins iB['idg.e ....... .......... .... ........... ..... ... ..... ........... 4. Jamestown Bridge .................................................... 5. Map1eton Bridg,e ........................................................ 6. Orwell Bridge ............................................................ 7. Ottelr Creek Culvert (Richmond) ............................ '8. IPain:ting Port Burwell & StaHer Gully Bridges.... 9. Miseel1aneous Bridge Maintenance ........................ 10. MiseeUane.ous Culvert Maintenanee (insta'llaHon of Pipe Culverts throughoUit County) .................... 1,292.21 2,212.07 1,033.22 6'51. 96 1,088.46 171.96 1,288.50. 5,195.00 2,963.16 7,736.40. TOTAL lBiRI:DGES & iCULVERTiS - COUNTY........$ 23,632.94 TOTAL BREDGEIS & CULVERTS-'- SUBURBAN AREA.......................................... ..$ 4,474.0.3 TOTAL BRilDGE'S & CULVERTS ....................$ 28,106.97 TOTAL MlAINTENANCE - ROADS & BffiDGES & OUL VE'RTS- COUNTY & SUBURBAN AREA ....................$3'33,03,5.09 26 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL TOTALS: CONISTRUCTION................................... .$475,899.87 MAINTENANCE ............................................... .$333,035.09 SUB-TOTAL: $8.08,934.96 19'61 STQCK BALANCE ....................................$ 3,278.20 SUB-T01iAL: $812,213.16 1960 LESS STOCK BALANOE ........................$ 7,861.86 GRAND TOTAL: $8.04,351.30' By-Laws in 19'61 appropriat1ed $819, In addition the following work was pedormed and bHled to others: Middlesex County Share of the Wardsville Bridg.e........$ 6'7,70'4.86 Middlesex County Share of the W.ardsvil1e Bridge Approaches ............................................................ 12,0'29.21 Q~ford Courrty ShaTle of Paving on Dereham- South Dorchester Townline ................................ 2,9'6'4.18 Provinee of 'Ontario re Road 39, Chatham Street, Port BurweH being Development Road 585 (billed in 1961) . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. .. . .. . . . , .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. . .. .. 7,970' .66 Counites of Middl,esex, Oxford & Norfolk Boundary Line Maintenance Accounts ..............................:. 5,0'3'9.36 SUB-TOTAL: $ 9'5,70'8.27 Work done for other Municipalities and individuals and Materials sold .........;...................................... $ 40',794.28 TQT'AL: $136,50'2.5'5 County Road Vouchers for 19'61....................TOTAL: $940',853.85 We have reeeiv,ed notice from the Department of Highways that normal expenditures for 1962 must not e~ceed $2.00',0'00.0'0 for Construction and $33'5,.000'.0.0 fo~ Maintenance. These limits are the same as in 19i61. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 27 SUPPLE'MENTARY By-Laws ar'e available as in the past years for a:pproved Construction Projects. McLEAN -FOSTER Construction Company Limited have eom. pleted the Eden Bridge ,with the exception of the asphalt deck and painting and a smaH amount of grade and c'le.an up work. WE RlECOMMENn: 1. That the Warden na'me delegaltes to the Ontario Good Roads Association and the Canadian Good Roads Association. 2. T'hat a (By-Law \be passed designating all County Roads as "through highways". This By-Law is necessitated by the passage of the County Ro.ad Conso11dating By-Law last November (which included assumptio.ns .of new Hoads ,and the r,enumbering .of ,eefitain other County Roads). This By-Law will confirm stop signs as now pla,ced ithroughout the County !Road System. 3. Tha!t thee,stimates of the St. Thomas SubUTban !Road Commission for 19'62, amounting to $12H6,400.00 be approved. Of this amount 1$19,400.00 is appropriat,ed for Maintenance and $267,0.00.00 for Go.nstrudion on the W'ellingbon !Road. 'JIhe amount estimated will permit the St. Thomas Suiburban Road Commission to. 'complete the rebuilding of the WeUington Road induding paving in 19'62. 4. That t'he County Finance Committee study the best method of paying the County sharle of the Cost of RebuiLding the Wellington Road. All of 'Which is respedfuHy submitted. F. J. NIMMO, Chairman. 28 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL REPORT TO THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION January 1962 THE ST. THOM!AS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMliS!S'l'ON has jurisdicUon lOver 23.7 miles o.f pa'ved and 1.4'5 miles of grave'l Road as of January 1st, 19'62. (0.3 miles 'being on Wel!1ington Ro.ad). , ATTAJCHED lis la summation olf expend1ture.s in 19<51. The yealr 1961 was one of maiintenanrc'e designed to put the Suburban 'Ho.ad ~OIther than the We]lingJton Road) into. a leondiUon so that further ,eoisHymaintenance wHl not he requir,ed for some years. Majo.r repairs Ito :pav,ements wer,e made ,on Road 30 a'nd to a lesse,r ,extent on ;Ro,ad 22. Surfalee Treatment was done on Road 30 throughout and on a portion of Roald 16 and Ro.ad 2'2. Gra,ve[ was ,applied on the grlavel portion of Raad30. A CONSIDERJAiBLE a'illount of ditching was done on Road 16 and .the slhoulders repaired in the V,i!llage of Finga:1. Wint,er Maintenance wa's somewhat ie,ss than av,erage. Ma,terial Wlas pUI'lchased :for f.encing ,and so.me grave,l obtained for future use an W,e'llinglon Raad. The iSt. George S:tr,eet BJ'idge was eXlten- sively repaired and :painted. This Hridg,e shoui1d oa1rry lJig'ht loads for a numlher of years wtthout major work. The raHings of Ithe Fingal and Dodds Creek IBridg,e were p,ainted also. iCONSllRUCTION in 1961consist'ed of work .on the Welfling- ton Road inc'luding Ithe ,insta:11atlion of a Mwlti-Plaite CulV'elit nOlI"th of the Lynhurst Schoul and the gr'ading and gravelling of t~e Road from t1he Bostwick :Road to. ,bhe Edgewa.r,e Road. Fencing is still 'being ,carried on as of January 5th and it is hoped to. com- p;le<te mast of this work he,folie the spring clearing is virtuaHy c,ompleted. A P A YlMENT :for the ,Reid Propeflty a!cquired 10[" the New W'ellington 'Road Entr.anee, ordered hy the OntariO' MunicipaiJ. Board, was made and properlty for widening the Wellington Road was acquired ,and pmid f'or northerly to. the' Edg,ew.are Raad. Near:1y alllthe pro'perty has been acquired for w,idening the re- maindeir of It'he W,eJJlington iRna:d and .iJt 1S hoped tha,t liand sur- v'eying may be Icompleted in the next few malliVhs. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 29 A CONi8TRJUGTION PLAN for the r.eeo.nsitruction Off the We[- lingt.on Road has been tentatively approv,ed by the Ontario De- partment o.f Highways and will he' submitted f.or f'orma'~ approval wiit'hin a mont'h. THE ATTAGHErDesbimates provide $20,000.00 ~oJ." !Road Mainbenanee .on the entire Suburban Roads 'Sysrtem plus a nom- inal amount of Bridg,es and Culverts Maintenance. THE AMOUNT of $20,000.00 :for 'Roads win provide adequate maintenance fOlr the Suburban 'Roads las no major maintenance expenditur1es are an:ticip,ated. 'THE G0N1ST1RUCTION estimat,es provide for !the completion, induddng paving, of the iW'e:11ing,ton Road north to the Mlidd[esex County Line Ifrom IVhe Bostwkk Road. In the light .of our exper.- ienoe in 19:61 in 'grading 'from the Bosbwick t.o the Edgeware Ro.ads, sOIme a!mounts Ihav,e been adjusted .over our originall eSltim- ates wIDch were of a pr,elliminary na,ture. I believe that estim- ates ar,e high enough to provide Ifor any oontingency that may be met, 'Other ithana major revision of plans,ek. The tender for Asphalt Pa'vemenJt !may of rCiourse 'change :the estimate. We w~l1 find in aill prohahiliity that !the amount to. be dehent ured will be so,mewhat Ile83 tihan $10.0,000.00 {$50,OOO.00 City portion and ($50,- 000.00 County por:tton). I BELIE,ViE Ithat grading slhould he started as soo.n as p'Ossib~e in {!he ,spring iRnd Aspha:1Jt P,aYing T-end,ers caned a-s sroon as it can be ,debermined when a Gontralct,or eould stant paving so that the Road is not in a grave'l Icondfution any longer :than necessary. If the majority of the work ,couild he finished before Sept,ember 1st, an interim suhsidy [rom the Ontario Depar,tment of High- ways payrment would lessen ,the ,Clost to the County of horrmving money 1)o.r .the work ullltH dehentures can be issued. All of whic'h is r.es:pedfully submitled. R. G. MOORJE, 81. ~hQimas Suburban Road Commissio.n Enrgineer. 30 ELGIN COUN'rY C01.JNCIL ~- STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1961 OONSTRUCTION ON THE W!ELLINGTON ROAD- (,ROAD 2,5 S.A.) CULVERTS- Mu'lti..Plate Construebion ......................$ 5,464.30 (pipe Culvert Gonstrudion .................... 502.25 $ 5,966.55 ROADS- Surveys .................................................... $ Clearing .................................................... F'encing ..... ......., ............. .......... ... ..... ........ Maintenanc,e of Traffic during ConstrUJction .................................... G ra'dJin,g .................................................... GranuLar Blase ..... ....... ...... ....... .... ... ........ Land Purchased (induding costs of Re1d vs. tlhe Counlty of Elgin)........ 584.16 419.33 4,2'52.93 421.98 39'9.07 3,840.23 4,388.75 $ 19,306.4'5 TOTAL OF CONSTRUCTION: $ 25,273.0'0 MAINTENANOE ON ALL SUBURBAN ROADS BRIDGES AND CUL VERTS- St. George rStre,et Bridge ........................ $ Dodds Creek, Fingal and Pat't.erS!on Bridg.es ..... ....... ..... .... ..... .............. .... Miscellaneous CulvertS' ........................ ROADS- Repairs ,to Pavemelllts ............................$ Surface Treatment ................................ Winter Maintenanc,e (lee and Snow).... Gr.ading 'Maintenanee, \l)!i,bching Road 16 S.A. and !Repairing Shoulders in Fingall .......................................... Gr.a vel Resunfa'Cing ................................ Dust Gontro[ ............................................ Weed Control........................................ 3,753.60 32'7.33 393.10 $ 4,474.03 12,001.34 11,5sr5.46 2,691.73 2,160.97 5088.32 197.50' 923.55 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 31 Brushing .................................................. Signs and 'Gentr,e Line Marking ............ Gu1d:e iRaHs .............................................. 'Seeding and Relfor,estr:ation .................. 'Dra,ins ..... ........ ....... ..... .... .... '" .......... ........ RJ(1!tlroad PJ:lotect1on ................................ Su:perintendeIllce and Clerilic.a:l ............ OVierhead ................................................ rDnainage Assess1menlts Repairs ............ Ma,teriall in Stock Fencing .................... Material in Stock Pit Run G r~av!e]].... .. .. 141. 74 954.15 279.01 273.94 544.07 372.57 2,2'59.94 2,704.42 10.68 3,-5'52.88- 7'5'2.00 $ 41,994.27 'DOTAL OF MALNTENAiNCE: $ 46,468.30 ITEMiS PARTJjALLY Suhsidized by D.H.O.- Dr.ainage Assessments Consltruction.... $ ITEMS NOT SUBIS:IDiIZEiD BY D.H.O.- Comm1t.tee Memher F,e,es and EXlpenses .......................................... $ Onta,rio Good Roads Membership F,ee W,eed Spr'ay InsuI'Iance ........................ IRoad LiahiLity Insurance ...................... 1,205.591 $ 350.00 20.00 116.00 71.49 4'57.49 AMOUNT l~A Y1A:BLE -BY THE GITY OF ST THOMAS CONSTRUCTION- 10% of $'5,9<66.5'5 .................................... $ 59,6.66 25% of $19,306.4'5 ................................ 4,82[6.61 MAINTENANCE- 10% of $4,4 74.03 .................................... 44'7.40 25% of $41,994.27 .................................. 10,498.57 ITEMS PA:RTIALLY SUBiS1DIZEiD BY D.H.O. $1,205.59 .................................................. 452.10 ITEMS NOT SUBSIDI~D IBY D.rH.O. 50 % iQif '$'457.49 ...................................... ..228.75 $ 17,050,09 LESS P A:YIMENT Oct. 20th, 19,61: $ 17,050.00 BALANCE $ NIL 32 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 1962 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ESTIMATES ROADS Repa:irs to Pavements ........................$ Surfa1c,e Trelait.ment ............................ Winter M,aintenanee .......................... Grading Mruintenance, Dust Oon!trlo~ land Grave'! Resurfacing ............ 'W,eed:.s:and Brushing ....... Signs and Cenbre Line !Marking ........ Guide Raitls ... ..... ......... ...................... Seeding and iRe1forestration ............ 'Drains . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . ..... . .... . ... ... ..... . .... . .. .. >Railroad Protection ............................ Superint,enderuc,e and Olerilcal .......... Overhead .............."..,......................... Contingendes ...................................... Maintenance City Portion 5,0'0'0'.0.0. $ NR 3,0'0'.0.0.0 1,000..00. 1,30.0.00 2,0'00..00 300.0'0 200..00' :5'00'.0'0' 40.0..00' 2,40'0'.00 2,80'0.0'0' 1,10'0.0.0' l> TOTAL: $ 2.0,0'0'0'.0'0' LEiSS CREDIT re Maieria1ls in IStock [or GonsbrUlct.iJon ............$ 4,0'0'0'.0.0 r.DOTAL RJOAiD MAINTENANCE: $ 1'6,0'0.0'.00 $ 4,0'.00..0.0 BRIDGES AND CUL VERTS--- Bridge 'Maint,enance ............................ $ 1,00'.0.0.0 Culvert Maintenanc,e ........................ 1,.00'0.00 $ 2,0.0'0.0.0' $ Drainage Assessment ........................ 800.00 Hems not Subsidi:zjed by D.H.O......... '6.00'.00. 200.00 3.00.00 300..00 TOTAL: $ 1'9,40.0.00 $ 4,800.00 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 33 Construction Wellington Road Survey and Supervision ....................$ 2,00'0.0.0 $ Land IPur'chase .................................... 12,000.00 F.encing ...... ............ ........ .............. ........ 7,00'0.0.0 Clearing ................................................ 2,0'00.00 Grading (Earthwork) ........................ 30,000.0'0 Granular Base (Pit Run :and Crushed) ........ ................... ... Asplha1t Paving. ....... ....................... .... Movement of Utilities .................. MaiIlltenanlc'e of Traffic ............... City Portion 100,'000.00 85,0'00.00 6,000.00 3,0.00.00 $247,000.00 $ 61,7'50.0'0 Insta:lla,td.ol1 of Culv,erts ............... ...... 20,000.'00 2,000.00 TOTAL CONISTRUGTION: TOTkL MAINTENANCE: $2167,00'0.00 $ 63,750.00 $ 19,40.0.0'0 4,800.00 $286,400.00 $ 68,550.00 % IM!]1 frioiffi the City .of St. llhO'mas will provide .................................................... $ 17,35.0.00 AMOUNT TO BE DEBlENTURED: $ 51,200.00 FINANCE COMMITTEE January Session, 1962 Second Report To .the Warden, and M.embers of the E1lgin County Council, The Finance Committee r'eporlts ais fo!llows: 1. That the County and ISuiburban Road Levy :Dor the year 19:62, he sev,en mills whkh is ,the s:a'me as :last y'elar, and this is to' inc[ude the County's slhare of Ithe W,ellingt.on Road project 2. Thiat ,the County of E!lgin g.rant$2,OOO.OO to' the BuHding Fund ;far the FI'Iiendslhip Schaol tfor Retarded Children. AH of which:is resped;ful1y submitted. K. C. EMERSON, Chairman. 34 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL EDUCATION COMMITTEE January Session, 1962 To. .the Warden, and M,emhers of ,the E1lgin County Council, The [Education Committee r'e:ports as foHows: 1. That a gr.ant of $7,00.0..00. be madle to the Elgin County Libr.ary Go~Operative, for the year, 19,62. 2. That a grant of $20.0..0.0. he made tiO the Elgin School TruSit,ees and Ratepayers Association. ~ 3. 'That we renew OUir membership fee in the County and Municipal \Section of the Ontario Educational Association, and the Warden t,o appoint delegates to 'atftend :the Convention. 4. That a gr:anlt of $50..00. each, be 'made to t!he local [ib- Darie,s of the County. 15. That the request !from the Port Burw'e'~l Library Board for a gr.ant be frIed. 6. That a slcho:la:rship grant of $10.0...00. elalch, he mad,e to the bay and girl {from Eligin Oounty aitt,ending the University af Wes- tern Ontario, and .a:bta;ining the highest a'c!ad,emic standing. 7. That a' gIiant of $1000..0.0. (be paid to the hoy from Eilgin County attending the Ridg,et,own Agricultural School and attain- ing tJhe highest p,ass standing. 8. That Mrs. De11a Ludy, 'Mr. 'Wililliam McKiHop, and Mrs. M'Hton Craik he appointed it'D the Library Board for the year, 19'62. A~l of which is reSlpeiCtful!ly submitted. c. G. M,C'l:VER, ChaiTman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 35 : PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE January Session, 1962 To .the Warden, and Me1mhers orf the Elgin County Council, The p.et'itions and !Leg,isllaiUons Committee reports as f,Qll1o'Ws: 1. That ,the resolution from the Assodation off Ontario Counties requesting permissive 1:egisi~at]on t,o. permit Counties to administer dhi!ld welfar,e, be filed. \2. That the J",esolution from the City. of Chatha'm requesting paving of ,f.our lanes: of Priovincial Highw.ay 401 from Tempo to Tilbury instead, of only ,two ~anes proposed by .the Dep1. of High- ways at t1he pr'e:sent time, be endorsed. 3. That the, Icommunkartion fvom the '81. Thomas and Dis- trict Lahour Oounei'!. de1crnaring March 51th to. Mar,ch 11th, 1962, "Labo.ur EdUicationW,e,ek," !be endorsed. A~l of whi'ch is riesipeJctfully submitted. G. WOOLNER, Chairman. 36 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FINANCIAL STATEMENT ELGIN AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE January 13, 1961 to January 9, 1962 ECEIPTS Balance forward, 1961 .......... .......... .................... ............ ....$ County of Elgin, 1961 Grant ..............,.......................... TOTAL REOEIPTlS ............................................ 85.08 2,800.00$ 2,885.08 XPENSES Breed Shows- Holstein Bilarek & White Shorw................$ Jersey Parish Show, Aylmer ................ Ayrshire Show, Aylmer ........................ Be'e:f Cattle Show, Wallace!t.awn ............ Beef Catme Show, Rodney.................... E1lgin Beef Producers' Association ........ Elgin Horse Breeders' Association ........ Field Crop Organizations- Elgin SoH & Crop Impro:vement Assoc. Elgin Fruit Growers' Assoeiaition ........ Elgin Seed Fair ..... ......... .... ...... .......... ...... Elgin Agr1euUural Book1let .................... UN lOR PROJECTS l) Junior Farmers Elgin County Junior Farmers' Assoc. \Elgin County JumoQ' Institute ............ )) 4.H Club Work (13 Clubs) :IDaslt Elgin Dairy Calf Oh]lb-30 ............ Beilmont Dairy iCaH Glub-2i6................ Shedden Dairy Calf OlU!b---.-.:25................ Corintlh Dairy CaH Olub-15................ Aldhorough Be,elf Cailf Club-13............ Shedden Be,ef Gal;f Glub-10................ Wallace;town Beef CaH Club-9 ............ West E1lgin Swine Club-10.................... Aldborough Corn Club-14 ................ Dunrwieh Corn Olun-10 ........................ AId/borough Tobaleeo Olub-13 ............ Belmont Trador Olu:b-12 .................... West E'lgin Engineering Club-10 ........ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 37 (c) Transportation-4-H Inter-Club Shows B.el>mont & Shedden Ca1V'HS to. Aylmer Fair ........ ........ .... ...... .... ............. ......... ...... 82.00 Shedden & ,Ro.dney Calves to WlaUaee- to.wn .......................................................... 26.00 108.00 (d) Inter-Clulb Competitions, O.A.C., Guelp'h- 13 contes:tants ... ..... ..................... ... ........ ........ ....... .... ... (e) 4-H Olub Le,aderg' Assodat1on .......................................... (If) (g) '50 4-H Cluib Lead'erg' Pins @ $1.25........................ Girls' 4-H Club Work 5 4-H Olub 'Com. Delegates, O.A.C., 19-61 .. .......................................... 5 Hal!l Rentalls,-Ach. Days & Tr,aining Scihools .................. .... ........ .................. 26 County Honour Pins ........................ Framing 11 4-H Homemaking Gertrfieates .... ......,................. .................. 78.00 100.00 62.50 25.00 133.00 75.05- 33.20 216H.25 MISCELLANEOUS 50th Ann., Opening E:lgin Ag. Orff:tce- Dinner, etc., honour'ing Dr. Fred ele- m,entand Gha's. Buchanan, June 9, 1961 .......................................................... 48.00 M'eeting 'EX1penses-London ................ . 2.95 Casih Book ................................................ 1.5'5 Auditing-James Ga}braith, 19'60. ........ 5.00 Bank Ser'vice Charge .............................. 2.20 59.70 2,763.9'5 121.13 $ 2,885.08 TOTAL EXP,ENSEiS Bank Balance, Jan. 9/62 Jan. 10/6,2-Audited and: found Icorred-James Gal:brad.th, 64 East St., St. Tho.m- as. Jan. 1'6j62-Appro.v1ed: by !E.lgin Agricultural Commibte,e: F. J. Nimmo, Chairman, Do.nald Chute, Do.nald Burgess. A. V. LANGl'ON, Sec.-Treas. 38 ELG~IN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN ELG'IN COUNTY PIONEER MUSEUM CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND BALANCE SHEET As at December 31, 1961 ASSiETS .. LlABI LlTI ES Inve'Sibment in Capital Assets .......................... .......$ 15,528.0Q $ 1'5,528.02 COUNTY OF ELGIN ELGIN COUNTY PIONEoER MUSEUM REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHE'ET As at December 31, 1961 ASSETS Cash on hand in hank ........................................... .......... ...$ Building EX'Pansion Fund Cash in bank....... 92'9.72 1,641.98 $ 2,571.70 LIABILITIES Reserv,e for BUii'lding Exp.ansion ............................. ........$ 1,641.98 Surplus Balance, January 1, 1961 ....................$ 1,9'61.18 Add Surplus for the year ............................ 610..52 $ 2,'571.7.0 Less Reserv,e ,for huilding .expansion .......... 1,641.98 929.72 $ 2,571.70 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 39 COUNTY OF ELGIN ELGIN COUNTY PIONEER MUSEUM STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE For the Year Ended December 31, 1961 Revenue G rants,...--cCouniy of Elgin ...................... $ ---,Province of Ontario ................ 50'0.00 900.00' $ 1,400.00 '55.17 47.40 Donations .. ............................... ................................. Int'erest on bankdep.osits ...... ................................. Admissions ............ ........ .... ......................$ 1,044.91 Me1m'hersihips ............................. ............ 84.75 Books, cards, hasH notes, etc................. 10'7.35 Jams, !rugs, ek. ................................ ..... 90.9'0 Tea room, food salles, elk....................... 30.02 Expenditure 'Merchand.ise pur1chases ........................ $ SIa1lanies and wag es ................................ Taxes'----'munddpial .... ..... ...................... ... Insurance .. .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . . .... . ..... .. .. .. .. . . .. . . .. . ... 'Repairs: and maintenance .................... Light, hea;t and power.................:.......... Terephone and tel1e.graph .................... Postage and exchange .......................... Pr:inting and advertising........................ Misce:l1aneous . . .. .. . . .... . .... ..... .. .. . .. ... . .... ... 1,357.93 $ 2,860.50 32.t5 1,271.90 90.69 20.00 47.37 299.60 89.32 19.57 16'5.10 214.28 2,24'9.9'8 Surplus for the year ........................................................$ 610.52 40 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY LIBRARY CO-OPERATIVE REPORT January Session, 1962 FINANCIAL STATEMENT December 31, 1961 RECEIPTS Balanceforw.ard, Dele,ember 31, 1'9'60......................$ County GOUI1!eil Gran t ................................................ Provincial Grant ...... ................................................. Membership Fees--Schools .................................... MemJbership Fees-Hookstops . .......... ...... ........... .... Fines, Reserves, etc. ................................................ IMis'cel!laneous Rev,enue . . . . . . ... .... . .. .. .. ... .... . . ..... .. . .. ..... $ DISBURSEMENTS Ad ult N on- Fictton Books . .... .... ....... .. ... .. .. ..... .. .... .... $ Adullt Fiction Books .............................,...................... J uven.He Books ............................................................ Sa1laries and \Vages . ............. ................... ......... ....... ... Pension Payments .................................................... Membership Fees, Libraries~exC'hange ................ Periodica1ls and newspapers ............................................ Bookbinding .........".................................................. .'.......... Furniture, fixtur'es,etc. Typewriiter 2'88..50' (main items pur!chased Stacks ....... 1,927.80 .are List,ed) Drraperies.. 409.51 Desk, Ichaiirs: 428.30 IRepa'1rs and 'maintenance ........................................ Library Cards, stationery, e:bc. ................................ Library Ass,olc<iation 'Fees ........................................ Bookmolbile Expenses ................................................ Telephone and t.elegraph ........................................ Insur,ance Bookmohi.1e............ t31.60 B ui1ding .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . 78.43 Mending Su ppUe,s ...................................................... Une\mp!l'o'yment InsuraIllc-e' . ,.. .............. ............ ...... .... Travell Expenses ...;............................,....................... Legal and Professional ............................................ Public UtiJlities . ....... .... ..... ... .... ......... ............ .... ........... Heatd..n,g ........................................................................ Maintenanc'e Su pp}ies ................................................ MisceHa:neous Expenses ............................................ Ba:lance on hand, De,cember 31, 1961 .................... -. 887.29 7,00'0.00 9,237.99 1,552.05 105.45 14.30 87.04 18,884.12 1,237.20 1,'293.87 1,465.31 7,8-84.60 157.38 .30 18.5.0 572.54 3,179.43 106.31 323.50 11.30 432.'51 146.3'5 210.03 16.31 71. 02 1,033.30 2'5.00 42.13 83.84 49.45 275.22 248.72 $ 18,884.12 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 41 BUILDING FUND December 31, 1961 RECEIPTS Balance.in bank, Delcemher 31, 1H60 ........................$ 6,000.00 Oounty'Council . ..... ...... ......... ..... ............... ....... .... ........ 40,430.96 Bank Interest .............................................................. 36.24 $ 46,467.20 EXPENDITURES G. Duncan Blaek, ConsultJng Engineer ................ Paul Kantor Consbruction Company........................ Ba,lance on hand, De1cember 31, 19,61 .................... 2,630.00 43,835.48 1.72 $ 46,467.20 Thea:bov,e ifiigures ar:e iConsltruction costs only and do not in- elude new hook Ista'cks Qr furnishings. Estimated B~dget, 1962 RECEIPTS Balanc,e on hand, De,cemiber 31, 1961........................$ County GouIllcH Grant............. ... ....... ...... ........ ..... ...... EstimMed Provincial Grant .................................... Sdhnol Fees ................................................................ Eookstop Fe,es ............................................................ 248.72 7,0.00.00 15,650.00 1,500.00 100.00 $ 24,49'8.72 42 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ~ EXPENDITURES B,ooks ............................................................................ Return on County Bui1ding Loan............................ Insurance (Bookmoibi'1e) ............................................ Insurance (OEfice contents and books).................... Library Supp1lies ........................................................ iLi br ary As:s:ocia tion Fee:s .......................................... BookmobHe Expenses ................................................ Telephone and telegra:ph .....,.................................. iMending Suppilies . . .. . .... . . .,. . . . .... .. . .. .. ........ . . .. . .... .. . .. .. Travel Expenses ........................................................ Unemployment Insur:ance ................... ..................... Book Binding .............................................................. iPubl~c Uti1ibies . .......................................................... IP,ension .......................................... ............................... Healing .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . . . .. . . .. . .. .. .. . . . .. . . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. . . . . . .. . .. .. Newspapers and per~odiJca:1s .................................... Legal and professional ...............................,............ Maintenance Supplies ...,......... ....... ....... ................ ..... Salaries iand warges Prowse.............. 3,40.0.00. Greenfield........ 2,600.0.0 MeHer................ 2,0..00.0.0 ISchuit................ 480..0.'0 MisceHaneous 5,0.0.0..0.0 6,70.0.00. 150..0.0 2'50.0.0. 200..0.0 11.0.0. 40.0..00. 10..0 no. 1,0.0.0..0.0. 70..0.0. 20.0..0.0. 250..0.0 150..0.0. 2'50..0.0 25.0.0. 25.0.0. '" 8, 987.72 $24,498.72 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 43 MUNICIPALITY OF ELGIN BY.LAW No. 1802 WHEREAS .the Goul1JcH ,of the Corpor.a tian deems it necessary to horrow the sum of Ndne Hundred 'Thousand doHars to meet, until the ta~es are 'col1e.cted, the 'current ,expenditures.of the Cor- pora1tion :for the year; AND WH!E1REAIS the total a'mount of the estimated revenues Qif the Oor:poraHon as set forth in the estimates ad,apted far the year 1961, not including revenues derlivaihle or derived [flalfi the sale of asse1ts, horrowings or issuance alf debentures or from a surplus, inC'ludiing ar1relars of taxes, is One Millian, T!hree Hundred and ISe,v,entY-IFour Thausand, Five Hundred and Seventy-One DOII- :lars. AND WHEHJEi.AS the tota'l amount heretofore authordzed t.o be 'barrawed this year for the pur'poses mentianed in su'bsedion (1) of SecHon 341 of The MunilC'ipa'l Act is Ndne Hundr,ed Thaus- and da:Jlars, of w hi'clh the Corporat1on hatS already harrowed a total 'Of (nn) daJ1ars. 'J.1HE!REFORE the GOUI1!cil o'f The Garporrutian of the County of E:1g.in, hereby enacts as follaws: 1. The Head and the Treasure,r are here/by authorized on behalf of the Oorporatian to !barrow fa-om time to. time, iby way of promissory note, fr,om the Bank .of Montreal, a sum or sums nOit exceeding in the aggr'ergwt.e Nine Hundred Thous/and dOJUars to. meet, untll the taxes ar'e coHeded:, the current expendJitures of the Corporation for the year, induding the amaunts'required far tlhe purposes mentianed in subsec!Uon (1) of the said Sectian 3141, anJd to give, an !behali af t'he GaTporatiou, to. the Bank a pro- missary note ar notes, se,aled with tihe corparate sea'l and signed by them for the moneys S'0 horrawed with intereslt at a rarte nat e~eeeding 5% per c,entum per annum, whkh may be' p.aid in ad;. vance OJ" otherwise. 2. ALl sums borrowed fram the said Bank, far any or aU {)if the purp:o.ses mentioned in the said Section 341, shaH, with in- terest Ithe~eon, he ,a ,charge upan the whole of the revenues of the Corparatian farbh:e Icurrent year and ;f)or all preceding years, as and when such r'evenues are received. 44 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 3. The Treasur,er is here'by authorized and direded to apply in payment of a'~l sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this By-law, as weilJl as aU other sums borrowed in this year and any previous years, from the said Bank f.or any or aU of the pur- poses mentioned in the said iSerction 341, tog,e:ther with interest thereon, all of the moneys her'eafter c,o,ueded or reeeived on alC'count or realized in r,espelCt of the taxeS! ;levied for the current year and preceding ye:ars and all of the moneys eolleicted or re- ceived from any other sourice, which may [awfully be appl1ied fOir such purpose. .e, Passed tills 18th day of J.anuary, 19:62. CORPORATE SEAL C. D. PHILLIPS (The Head ,of the Oorporation.) J. D. THOMISON CLerk. ". I her'eby 'certify {that the foregoing is a true copy of By-'law No. 18,02 of The Corporaltion of the County of Elgin in the Pro- vince o:f OnJt,ario, du'ly passed at a meeting of the Coundl of the said Corporation duly ihe1d, and that the said By-']aw is in fun :DOfiee and effelct. Dated this 19th day of January, 1'9'62. As wttness the Seal of ,the Corporation. CORPORATE SEAL J. D. 'I\HOMISON, Clerk. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 4'5 EXTRACTS FROM THE MUNICIPAL ACT R.S.O. 1950. (1) A council may by :by-law eiJther before or after the pass- ing of the by-J,aw for im'posing the ria/t'es for the curr,ent year authorize the head and tr'easure,r to borrow f~nm time to time by way of promissory note such sums a,s the /Council may dee,m ne'ces- sary to' m.ee.t, until the 'tax,es arecolHeded, the currenlt expendi- tures of the corporation tDor the year, induding tlhe amounts re- quir,ed for sinwing fund, prindpJal and inter,est fa'Hing due within the year up.on lany debt of ithe 'corporation, school purposes, spec- ial rates purposes, and for any hoard, eommission .or body and other purposes for which the ~tOrpo.ration is requtr,ed by law to provide. (2) 'The amount which ,may he harrowed in any year for the purposes ment10ned :in subse'ction 1 shall not, exc.ept with the ap- proval of the Municipal Board,e~eeed seventy per eentum of the total amount of ,tlhe eshimated r,evenues .of the corporation as set forlth in the estimates adopted for the year. (3) Until sueh estimates are ,adopte,d, the limitation upon borr,owing prescribed by su'bsection 2, shall t,emporarily be cal- :cula,bed upon :the estimated r,ev,enues of the corpoflation as set forth in thees,tlimaites adopted for the next pre'ceding year. (4) IFor the purposes of subsedions 2 and 3, es:ti:mat,ed revenues .shall'l not inc1lude \revenues de,r~vaible or derived from the sa1e .of asse ts, 'borr.owing or issues of debentur'es or from a sUI'lplus including arrears of traxes and proeeeds fro,m the sale of: assets. 46 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL MUNICIPALITY OF ELGIN BY.LAW No. 1803 DESIGNATING THROUGH HIGHWAYS WHEREAS dause 2,6 of subsecitian 1 of sectian 1 of The Hlghvv.ay Traffic .Aicl {R.iS.O. 19HO, Chapter 17,2) pr,avides that: "bhraugh hlghway" means any highway or part of a high- way designated as such ;by :the QVIinister ar by by-law of a munjlCipality approved by the Department, and every such highway shall be marked by a stop sign or yie1d right- of-'way sign in Icompliance with the regulatians of the De- par,tmen!t: NOW THEREFORE :the Council af the Oarpor1atian of the Municiparlity of EI}tgjn enac:ts as follO'ws: 1. 'The faUowing highways ar parts .of highways under the juris- diction of the MunicipaLity of ELgin a:re designated as through highways: Name of Highway- caunty IRoa:d 2~Fro:m the ,east side of Caunty Road 3 to the nort'h side of Caunity Road 15. The interse,ctian of King's Highwlay No. 76 is a through (highway far Caunty Raad 2 ,and King's Highway No. 76 is not a through highway at this point. County Road 3-lFrom the gate of the Memarial Park at Port Glasgow to' the County Baundary whrch is the Thames River. County Road 4---!FrO'ill the west side of the lR:oad between Concessions IV iand V, Township of Or- fard to. the west side of Caunty Raad 3. Caunty Road '5-From tlhe nortih side of County Road 2 to. :the County Boundary which is the Thames River. County RJo.ad 6-!From the east side of County Road 7 to. the west side af County Raad 3. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 47 County Road 7---,From the west side of the Road between ConcessiO'ns X and: XI, Township of Or- fO'vd to' the County Boundary whtch is the _^ Thames River. Caunty Road 8-(a) John Str,eet in Dutton. From the north side of County Road 15, Main Street, Vil- lage of Dutton, ito tlhe soutlh sid,e O'f County Raad 15 heing Currie Street in Dutton. County Raad 8-(b) New Currie Road. FJ"om the sowth side af John :St:r.eet in the Village O'f Dutt,on to' !the Couruty Bounda'ry which is the Tham- es River. County ,Road 9-:(a) Frum the east sdde of County Road 3 to' the west side of County Ro'ad5. (b) (F,rom the east Slide of County Ro.ad 5 to. ,t'he west side of County Road 8. County Road 12~From the ,eas!t side of COUnity Road 8 to' the west side of County Road 14. COUll1ty Road 13-From the east side of County :Road 15 to' the west side of County Ro.ad 14. Oounty Road 14---!From tlhe norVh side of County Road 16 'DO the County Bo.undary w htch is the Thames River. Caunty 'Road 1'5-From the so.uth side .of County Road 2 to' the west side of the Road between C.on- 'cessions IX and X, Township of Dunwich a:t the west side of the 'Road between LO'ts 6 and 7. County Road 16-FrO'm {'he south-ea.sltslide, of County Ro.ad 1'5 to. {he west Boundary of the City of St. Thomas. Oounty 'Road 17-From the east slide O'f 'County -Ro.ad 19 to tlhe west side of King's High'\vay No, 4. County ,Road 18--iFrom the ea,st side .of County Ro.ad 14 to the west side of County Road 19. 48 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL County Ro,ad 19----:F,rO'm the north side Oif King's: Highway No.3 to. the no-nth side of County Raad 17. County Road 20~(a) From the south side of County Raad 18 to. !the norith .side of County Road 116. {;b) From the south side of County Raad 16 to. the nor1th side af King's Highway No. 4 in the ViUage o.f (Port Stanley. Caunty 'Road 21-From t:he west side of County Road 20 to the east side of King's Hig1hway No.. 4. Caunty iRaad22~From ,the narth slide of Goun:ty Road 27 to the 'South Boundary of the CMy of S>L ThOimas. County Road 2!3-----(a) Fr,om thee<ast side of King's Highway No.4 in Lot 3, OonceSiston II, Township of Yarmouth to. the north s]de of Joseph Stre,et in the Village of Port Stanley. (b) On J,oseph IStr'eeft from the easlt side af King's Highway No.4 to' ;tihe east side OIf 'East Street in the VHrage <QIf Port iStanley. 'County Road 2'4-From Ithe ,east side OIf Oounty Road Q'3 to the west side af County Raad 36. :()}unty !Road 25-iFrom the north side of King's llighway NO'. 3 tlO the County BO'undary ibetwe'en the Townships of S-out'hwo!ld, Yarmouth, and 'WeS'tminster. Oounity Road 26~rom the east side of County Road' 25 t.o the north Boundary of the City of St. Thamas. County RO'ad 27~Fram the east .side af King's Highway No.. 4 :to. ;f;ihe west side af County Road 3'6. County Road i30-(a) Fram the north Boundary aif the City of S1. Thomas to. the sauth side' af the \R.oad between Cancessions XIII and XIV, 'Downship of Yarmauth. ELGIN .COUNTY COUNCIL 49 (b) From the east side af the Road be- tween the 'Downshiips of Westnunster and Yarmouth to. the west side of the Road betwe,en Lats 8 Hnd 9, Cnnrees.sdan XIII, Tawnship af Ya,rmauth. County 'Road 32~r:o:m the east side of King's Highway No. 73 to. the Main Entrancre to tihe R.C.A.F. Aylmer Airpart. Caunty Road 34-(a) Fraim the west side of the Road be- tween Lots 10. and 11, Cancession VIII, TawnshipO:f Wes,tminster to' the east side of the Oaun:ty ROaJd 30. (b) !From the wes,t side of King's Highway NO'. 74 to. the weslt :1imjt of the Road being Kettle Cre.ek. Caunty lRoad315-From the sauth side of King's 'Highway No.. 3 to. the narth slide of Caunty !R,aad 45. Oounty Road 36----'Frnm :the south side nf King's Highway NO'. 3 to. :the west side of King's Highway NO'. 73. Oounty Raad 37-Fram the east side of King's Highway NO'. 74 to. the east limit of the Townships of North Dorchester and S.outh Dorches- ,t'er. Cnunty 'Ra,ada8-From the north-west side of King's High- way No.3 to the east side of the County Line hering the east side of tihe Town line between the Townships nf Bayham and Houghtnn. 'Caunty Ro,ad! '39-From the north side of Lake Erie to. the south side of Cnunty Road 42. County Raad 40-Firom the south side of County Road 52 to. the north side af County Road 42. 50 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL County Road 41-(a) On Fult,on Street from the w,e,st side of Union Streelt to' the west side of Main Street. (b) FrO'm the north side of King'sllighway No. 19 to the north side of Fulton Street. County Road 42-(a) From the elast side of K!ing's Highway No. 73 t.o the west side of King's Highway No. 19 in the ViJ.:lage olf Porlt BurweH. (b) Fro'm the east side of King's Highway No. 19 in the Village of Port BurweU to ,the County Boundary which is the east side of the TO'wnline being the Townships of Bayham and Houghton. County Road 4i3-From the south side of Oounty Road 45 to the north side of County Road 42. County Road 44-:-F,rom the south-east Slide OIf King's High~ way No.3 to the north"'weslt side of King's Highway No. 19. County RO'ad 45-(a) From the east side of County Road 22 to' the west side of County Road 3,6. Cb) From the eaSlt side of County Road 36 t.o the west side, of County Road 40. (e) .From the east side of County Road 40 to ,the west side of King's Highway No. 19. 'County RO'ad 46---!From the north-west side of King's High- way No.3 to'the County Boundary beiing the nO'rth side of the Townline bet,we,en the T,owlltships of BaY'ham and Dereham. County Road 47---'From the north side of Road 48 to the County Bound,ary being the north side of the Townline hetween the Townships of Nmth Dorchester and South Dor;chester. Counlty Road! 48-F;rom the east side of King's llighway No. 74 to. the west side of County 'Ro.ad 52. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 51 County Road 49--.JFr,om ,the north side of County Road 52 t.o the south side of County Road 48. County iRoad 150'-FrO'm the east side of King's Highway No. 74 to the west side of King's Highway No. 73. 'County Road 51-Fro.m the east side of King's Highway No. 74 to west side .of King's Highwlay No. 73. County 'Road! 5'2\-Fr,om the east side of King's: Highway No. 7'3 ,to the west side of County Road 54. County 'Road 53-From the north side of Ta'lhot Str:eet in the 'Down of AyLmer :toO the sOUltlh side of Bee1ch Ske,et in the Town of A)"lmer. County 'RJoad54-.From the south side of County Road 52 to to the north side of County Road 48. 2. The ,des.ignation in sectioOn 1 of this by-law of a highway or part of a highway as a through h:ighwlay shaN nOit include any int.ersledion tiher'eon where :the road interseded is a King's Highway or w)her,e traffic control signals are install'led. 3. This 'by-law ,shaH not Ibeeome ,eifif,edive until approved by the Department of Transport :and un:til signs ar'e on disp,lay in 'oomp'liance with the regulations of the Bepartment. ENACTED AND PA!SSE[) this 18th day of January, 1962. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk C. D. PHILLIPS, Warden 52 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BY-LAW No. 1804 liTo Appoint a Board of Audit in the County of Elgin for the year, 1962." The Elgin County Oouncil enacts: THAT the Jud'g,e of the County Court, and the Treasurer, and Mr. Angus Hughes, be, and ar.e hereby appointed members of the Board .of Audit Ito. pe:vform the duties requir,ed of them by the Revised Statutes otE Ontario. THAT the member.s of the said Boa:vd 'Of Audit be paid the sum of Nine Do'llars per day, for their services, and twenty cents per' mile going toO ealch Audit. lRJEAD a ftr.st time this 1Bth day of J'anuary, 19,62. !READ a selcond time this 18th day of January, 1'9162. READ a third time, and fInal!ly passed this 18th day of J an- uary, 19-62. . J. D. THOMSON, C. D. PHILLIPS, Clerk Waifden BY-LAW No. 1805 liTo Appoint a County Road Commitee.1I As required by rthe Highway Act, the E1l!gin County Council enacts: THAT the following tEive members of tlhis CouniCtl constitute a Gonimittee for the 'Purpose of directing ,the work to be done on the County Road System: iF. J. NimmO' - for Term of One Year G. E. Brown - for Term of Two Years Mason Tans-ley - for Term of Three Years Walter Robson - for Term of Four Years Dloyd EUio:tt - for Term of Five Ye,ars 'THAT By-Law No. 17'85, be, and is her'e1by ~epealed. READ ,a first Itime this 1Bth day of January, 19'62. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 53 REA'D a se1eond time this 1mh day of January, 19,6,2. REIAJD a third time, and finally pas'sed, this 18th day of Jan- uary, 1H6!2. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk C. D. PHILLIPS, Warden BY-LAW No. 1806 liTo Increase the Salaries o,f the Clerk-Treasurer, and Deputy C!erk-Treasurer.1I The Gorpo\l"ation of the County of E;lgin enalc.ts: TH~T the salary of J. D. Thomson, Clerk-Treasurer, be in- creased '$300.00 per annum. TH~T the salary of Mrs. Mary Fishleigh, Deputy Olerk- Tre,asure1r, be increased $30.0..00 per annum. 'THAT By-Laws No. 1'621, and 1'628, !be, and are hereby amended aecordilllgly. THAT this (By-Law to beeome effecHve January 1, 1962. !READ a first time this 18th day of January, 19,62. RE.AJD a se,cond time this 18th day of January, 19'62. READ a third time, and fillaJ:ly passed ;this 18th day of Jan- uary, 19,62. J. D. THOMSON, Oler k c. D. PHILLIPS, Warden 54 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL SECOND SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 20th day of March, 1962 The E1lgin County Coullioil met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in alc!cordanee witlh adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the memher.s p,resent. The 'W a~den a,ddressed the Council. The 'minutes .of the last day of the January Session were read and confirmed. The If-oUowing ,communications were ~e>ad and ref.err,ed to their vaJ"tous Committ,e,es: COMMUNICATIONS March Session, 1962 From the Oept. of Reform Institutions re Meeting on Wed- nesday, Ma1r1ch 21st, at 2 p.m. r,e Jail 'Prisoners. - iF:i!led. iFrom iH. is. G:i:bson, City Engineer, with appred:ation for use of Court Bous'e. - Filed. From the Elgin ISchool Trus:t,ees' and Ratepayers' Association with a'ppred:ation of g,rarrt. - FiRed. From the United Oounties of Stormont, Dundas, and Glen- garry, requesting inc1"easeid Provincial Subsidy for dust, snow, and ice ,conbr,ol. - Ref.erred to the Road Gommitte,e. From the Dep1. of Agricu1tlffie re Ra:bies Indemnity. - Flied. From the S1. Thomas-E1lgin Association for lRetaJ"ded Child- ren with app~edation of grant. - Filed. From the [}iredor of Provincial Library Serv1ce with con.. gratulations on new library building. - FRed. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 55 From the Minister o.f Highways re Elgin Caunty r'esolutian on Highway 401. - Filed. 'From :the Canadian Natio.nal InsHtute ,for the Blind with ap- preciation of grant. - Filed. lFrom A. V. Langton, Agricultural Repr'esent,ative, wit'h ap- p,reciatian of grant. - Filed. From the Directar of the Westelrn Ontado. Ag.!"iircUiltuml Schnol with appr'eciatian of Slcholarship. - Filed. From the President of the University of Western OntariO' witha:pprelCiiation 'Of gr,ant and scholarships. - Filed. From the County alf Prince 'Edlward, re Inspectian af Meat and M,e:at Produc:ts. - Ref.e1rred to' the Elgin-:St. Thomas Health Unit. From the De.pt. of Lands and Fo.rests re E;Lgin County resalu- tion an nan-res1dent hunting. - FHed. Fram R. K. McNeil, M.P.P., with acknowledgement of Elgin County resolution re non-resident hunting. - Filed. 'From Zone NO'. llRe:gional Sheep Breeders' Assodatlion with request 'for a 'g.rant. - Ref.erried to. the Agr1cultural Grants Com- mittee. 56 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL REPLIES FROM OTHER COUNTIES RE ELGIN COUNTY RESOLUTIONS March Session, 1962 Reso'lution-Hequesting the Dept. of Lands and Forests to. Estab- lish a Provincial Park at Port Burwe'l'!. ENDOR'SED-Twp. of Middleton, City of Woodstock, Town of Til1s.oll'burg. tAGKNOWLEiDGED-Dep:t. of L,ands and F'orests, Honourable James N. A1l:an, Tre.asurer, Province of On:ta.rio, R. K. M:cNeil, M.P.P. Resolution-Requesting the E1lgin County Goundl to dose the County to non~resident hunters .of Ontario. AC:I~NOWL'EDGEn-Dep't. of Lands and F,or;ests. Replies f,rom other Counties to ELgin County r'eso1lu:tions were read and ordered filed. r:Dhe IReport of the Property Committ,e,e was presented and adopted on motion olf Reev,e Barker and Deputy Reeve Martin. The Report of the Equalization Committe,e was pr,esented and adopted on motion of Reev,e WHson and Reeve Barker. The, [Iirst Report of the Finance Commit.te,e was present,ed and adopted on ,mortion of IReeve E'merson and Reeve Gurr. The second Report of the Financ,e Committ,ee was presented and adopted on motion of IReeve Erne/r.son and Reeve Barber. Moved by Deputy Re,ev,e 'lVLcIv'er, Seconded by Re.eve L. S. Gurr, That we do now adjourn to meet this a1f.ternoon at 2 p.m. --'Carded. The Council ~esumed. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 57 MoV"ed by IReeve Gurr that Mr. Clayhourne Gordon, County Weed Tnspeetor he now heard. Mr. GordO'n requested a good attendance at the County Weed Meeting on March 27th, at the Gourt House. Reeve lBalr~er inquired why the pO'rtion of the Road Super- intendent's salary appHcaible to !SU!burban Roa,ds in By-Law No. 1790 'Was not setout separate. The 'm3!tter 'was referred to the RO'ad CO'mmittee. The third Report of the F,inance Oommittee wa,s p.resented and adopted on motton .of Reeve Emerson and Reeve Gurr. The Report o.f the E;}gin Mannr OOimmittee was presented, and on mO'tion of Reeve Barker, ,the Counetl went intO' a Com- mittee. of the whole with 'Re,ev,e OVrcKi:bibin in the Chair. A len- g.thy dislcussion 'Was held, :tlhe Committee arose, and the report wlas ladopted on motion of Reeve McK~bbin and Deputy Reeve Tuff.ord. The Goundl recommended a spercial meeting of Coun- oil with Mr. Drew, to be heild O'n Wednesday, April4t:h, or Friday, April 6th. Reeve Emerson asked that the Olerk prepare a report on hedaccom'modation, r'esidents in the Home, and of indigent residents in :the Nursing Homes. The iRepoTit of the Road CO'mmittee was present,ed, and on mo,tion of Reev,e Barker, the Council went into a Comm~ttee of the who'le with ,Reeve NiJmmo in the Chair. Tlhe Committ'ee :arose, land the Repor;t was adopted on motion of Reeve N~mmo and 'Reeve' ElLiott. 'The 'Warden appoint,ed Reeve Nimmo, Reeve BrO'wn, R. G. Moor,e, County Engineer, and the Warden, a Special CO'mm~ttee r,e Development Road. M ()v.p.n hv ,R,o.a,lT,O "R.-r./v<xrn .......-..-- -J ....,,"""""""'..'"' .L.I..LV YY.L.I., Seconded by 'Deputy Re,eve Caverly, 'Dha,t we do now adjourn to me,et on Wednesday, March 21st, at ten o'dO'ck in the forenoon. -Carried. J. D. 'rHOMJSON, Olerk c. D. PHILLIPS, Warden 58 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL SECOND SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 21st day of Mar'ch, 1962 The E,lgin County Coundl 'met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in aecordance with adjournment. The ,War'den in the Ohair. All the me'mbe,rs were present e~cep't 'Re'eve Baird and De~ puty Reeve Pressey. T'heminutes of the 'pr:evious day were read and confirmed. The C1erk r'e'ported on E'lgin Manor a,c'commoda,tion and of the numbe1r of residents durd.ng the year. 'Thecommunilcation re'garding the Asse,ssor's lSiciho.ol to he he'ld on 'May 3rd and: 4th at the Court House was read, and the Warden ,expressed hope that the local municipal 01erks and Coun~ cH1ors, and other oflfilcials should attend. Mov,ed !by Reeve Barher, 'Se'conded by Deputy Reeve 'W oolner, That By-Law No. 18017, "To Raise Almounts for County Rates During the Yea,r, 19'6'2," he rea.d a lfirst time. -Carded. Moved ,by Re,eve Eil1iott, Se'conded by 'Reeve Harward, That By-aw No. 1807, be ;I"ead a second time. -CarTred. Mov,ed by Reeve Howard, Seconded by Reeve Barber, That By-Law No. 1807, be read a third passed. !!-:, 'YYl 0 '...'.J..I..I..1........, an!d fin!:! 101-'(7 ~..L....a.r~.L...J -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 59 ' Moved by Deputy Reeve Le&t'ch, Seconded by Reeve Rohson, 11ha<t By-Law No. 1808, "To Confirm the EquaHzation of the Assessment Ro!11s of the County of E'lgin f.or the Year, 1962," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Downey, Se,conded 'by Deputy Reev,e Leitch, That By-Law No. 18018, be read a se'cond time. ---Ca:rried. Moved by \Reeve Robson, Seconded by Re.ev,e Downey, That By-Law No. 1808, be read a third tim,e, and finally p,as'sed. ---Carried. Moved by Reev,e Emerson, Se.conded by Reev,e McKibbd.n, That By-Law No. 1809, "To Amend By-Law No. 1695, Re Memhers W1ages" be read a first time. .-carried. Moved by neputy Reeve Hughes, Seconded by Reeve E'merson, That By-L3.IW No. 1809, be re,ad a seeond time. .-carried. 60 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved: by Reeve Olarke, Seconded by Reeve Emerson, 11hat By-Law No. 1809, he read a third time, and finaHy passed. ----'Carried. MDv,ed by Reeve Emerson, Seconded by Reeve Gurr, That By-'Law No. 1810, '"A By-Law to Increase t:he Sa'lary of the County We-ed Inspector .and Tree Commissioner," he read a first time. -Carried. Mov,ed by Reevoe Gurr, Seconded by Deputy Reeve MlClver, That By-Law No. 1810 he read a second time. -,Carried. Mov,ed !by Reevoe Brown, Seconded by Deputy ,Reeve Cavetly, 'That By-Law No. 1810, be read a third time, and finaily pasised. --,Caxried. 'Moved :by Deputy Reev,e Hughes, Se-conded by Reeve McKibbin, That By-Law No. 1811, "A lBy.,Law :to Prorvide for the 19'6,2 Supplementa1'Y Expenditures on Roads unde,r the Highway Im- prov,ement Act in the County of Elgin," be reiad a firs,t Hme. --,Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 61 ' Moved by Re,ev,e C. N. C[arke, Se,conded by Reeve Wilson, That By-Law No. 1811, be read a second time. ---Carried. 'Moved'by lRee've 'Wilson, Seconded) :by Reeve C. N. Clarke, 'l1hat iB~aw No. 181l1be read a third time and finally pass.. ed. ~Carried. Moved by Ueputy !Reev'eMartin, Se,eonded by >Deputy Reeve Caverly, IJ.'hat By-La,w No. 181'2, "A By-Law to Provide foor the N.ormall 1'962 Exp.enditures on Roads Under the Highway Improvement A!c:t in the County of glgin," he r,ead a firs,t time. -Carried. Mov,ed by Reeve TanS/ley, Se,conded by Reeve Brown, That By-Law No. 1812, he read a seicond time. --Carried. Moved :by Reeve TansJ,ey, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Caverly, That By-Law No. 1812, be read a third time, and finally passed. ---Carried. Moved Iby 'Re,ev,e Nimmo, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Tufford, 62 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL That !By-Law /No. 181,3, "A By-Law to !Regu~ate the Location 'of Buildings and Structures on Lands Adj,a,cent toO County Roads," be reiad a fir,st time. -Carried. Mov<ed iby 'Deputy Reerve Tuffo~d, Se1conded by Reeve Nimmo, That By-Law No. 1813, 'be read a se,cond Hme. ----Carried. Moved by Reeve Downey, Se,conJded by neputy Re!eve Tufford, That By-Law No. 1813, be r,ead a third time, and finaUy passed. ----lCarried. Reeve Gurr invit,ed CQounty Councillors and Offkia'ls to. the "Stork Club" ,port iStan1ley, on Saturday evening, March 31st. M,oved by ReeVle Gurr, Se'conded by Deputy 'Re,eve McIver, That rwe do now ,adj.ourn to meet on Tuesday, June 12th, at ten a.m. --Carried. J. D. THOMSON; Olerk r. n PiR"H ,T .TP',~ -- --. ..... ...................................... ~, Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 63 PROPERTY COMMITTEE March Session, 1962 To .the Warden, and Members of the E!lglin County Council, The Property Committee reports as fol!lows: 1. That we have aCicepted the tendeT of iRohbins Electric fOT a new e'leetrtc ser'vic,e panel for the Court House of $687.00. 2. That t:he tender of tlhe London Restaurant Supply Co. of $616.5.0 for a new gas stov'e for the Jail ha,s be.en accepted. 3. 'That ,a new typewriteT desk for the Deputy 01erk-Treas- ure,r has been purchased from Ri1chard Cochr.Hl Co. for $148.50. 4. That :t'he tender of H. G. Me,dlyn of $'500.00 for painting the int'erior of the Registry Off~ee and the Probation Of!fdices has been aCloep'ted. 5. That we have aC1cepted the tender of Ande,rson Froor' Coveriing Go. of '$417.00 f.ora new flloor .covering in tlhe Probation Of,fices. All ,of which is respe'ctfully sulbmitted. JAME!S W. BARKER, Chairman. 64 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL EQUALIZATION REPORT March Session, 1962 To the Wa,rden, and Memhers of the E'lgin County Councill, The Equa1lization Committee reports as follow,s: 1. THAT the foUowing be ,the equalization of the Assess.. ment Rolls olf the County .of Elgin for the year, 19'62. Aylmer ...... ".......,..........$ 7,491,400 Belmont .... "... ....... ........ 694,300 Dutton ............,. ,..... ...... 883,103 Port Burwell ........,....... 807,196; 'Por:t iStanley .......,........ 3,060,877 \Rodney ......".................. 1,0'62;52'5 Spr.ingfield ...., ......,...... ,. 3'61,978 Vienna ......".......,.......... 338,0'73 W,est Lorne ........,......... 1,10'3,840 Aldborough .........,........ 5,014,630 Bayham ........,.............,. 5,319,744 South DorC'hes:ter ........ 1,958,650 Dunwich ...................,.... 3;979,3080 Mala!hide .......... ...... ...... 7,033,275 'Southwold .................... 5,418,021 Yarm.outh .................... 8,138,7'28 $52,'6;65,723 14.2'24433% 1.318314% 1.676'814% 1.532678% 5.81189<6% 2.017488% .687312% .641922 % 2..0959:37% 9.5'2162.0% 10.100'9'6.0% 3.7190220/0 7;5559'21 % 13.3'545'59% 1.0.'28756,6% 15.453558% 100.00.0000% 2. THAT ,this Council is wilLing to have the fimd equaIiza- tion of Assessment Rolls in cas,e of appeal, mad.e by the County Judge. . AWl of which is f'e,spedfuHy submitted. J. is. WIUSON, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCiL 6'5 FINANCE COMMITTEE March Session, 1962 First Report To the Warden, and Members of the ~)1g,in County Counci'l, The 'Finance Committe.e repofits as follows: 1. That the County T1reasurer's Budge,t with a tax ievy of $'6140,4.5'3.00 'with a rate of 12.3 mills, he apPfiuved. 2. That amounts 'Corlected [or County Rat,es under Sections 51-'53 of the Assessment Aic,t previous to 19:61 he retained by the local imun1cipalitie,s, and mun1cipalities that did deduct suc:h amounts ,rfiom 19061 County Riates be eredited with the same, but all amounts eoUeCited in 19<61 under Sedion 53 for County Rates shalH he paid It'O the County Treasur'er, and shaH not be deducted by local ,munici:paH,t:ies from 19:62 County Rat'es. 3. That the a'mount of $'645.0.0. fieifunded to the County of E.lg.in 'by Canadian. Government Annuities for past service of Miss K. Murphy, [.ormer County employee, be paid to her. 4. That the Warden and the Olerk he authorized to sign amendments to ,the ifiegurat10ns of the County of Elgin Annuities Gontra1ct,s. 5. 'fthat when a Committee of County Gouneil meets for forenoon and ,a,vt,ernoon Sessions the same d:ay, that the pay be $15.0.0 per day andmd!leage land By-Law No. 169'5 be amended ac'cordingly. Reeve Brown tllwv,ed an a'mendm,ent that the pay r,emain the same as present but motion was lo.st. 6. ThatappliJcaiUon be made to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval to issue debentures on beha'Lf of the City of St. Thomas for approximate'ly $50,000..0.0. to pay the ba'lanee of the CHy of St. Thomas's share OIf W,e1liington Road projeet, and to be c'harged annuaHy to the C~ty of Sit. Thomas Suburban Roa,d Statu- tory levy. Al'l of whidh is respedfully suibmitted. K. C. EMEiRSON, Chairman. 66 ELGIN 'COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY RATES, COUNTY OF ELGIN FINANCIAL REPORT a. March Session, 1962 Second Report To the Warden, and Members of the E:1giin County Council, The Committee 'On Financ.e beg 'leave to report that having inquired into Finances of the County, and e.stimates pr'epared by the County Treasurer, they herewit'h submit a stlatement of the eX!pendHur:es requtred for the lawful purpose of the County dur- ing 19,62, showJng ,the amount r,equired to he raised far the un- derment10ned purposes: Administration of J us'tke ,,'" " " , " " " " , " " ,$ 6'5,0.0.0. GO County 'Roads (7 mH1s) "..""""",,,.,,.,,,,."" 3'64,485.00 Ohild We'lfare ....",.."",........,....,.,....,....,.,. ,3'6, County Assessment "....",.""....,......,...,.... 9,0'00.00 Ei1gin-'St. Thomas HeaJlth Unit ""..""...... 32,494.00. E'lgin ;Manor ""..""..."""..""...".........""..". 6,. Elgin Hospital Debentures ,..,...",....,......... 516, Munieipa:l Gove,rnment ....,...,..........,...,.... 2,s,o.o.O.OQ Agricultur,e ",.."""""..,."".,...."..."..,..,.,",. 10,0,00.0.0. Int,erest and Pre'payment of County Rates "....,.."""............,......................,. Printing, Postage and Stationery."".".." Gr:ants (Includes new 'library 1'9,61)""...." Licenses and Misoel!laneaus ............,..,.... 24, 1,0.00.00. 12,5,00...00. 974.00 $640.,4513.0.0 Your Committee would r:eoommend that the sum of Six Hundred and Forty Thousand, Your Hundred and Fifty~Three Dolla,rs he raised on aH rateahle property in the sev,ecral muni- cipaHties of the Coun.ty of E!lgin, during the year, H)6'2, for County purposes, and tha:t a rate orf 12.3 mitIs on the donar he levied on rateable property in the severa'l murucipalities in the County to' raise said a:m'Ounts. AN of whidh is re,spectfully subm,Uted. K. C. E MIERS ON , Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 67 FINANCE COMMITTEE March Session, 1962 Third Report To the Warden, and MembeLs of tihe lDlgin County Council, The F,inanee Committee reports as follows: 1. That ChiLdren's Aid Socie:ty Pay List No.2, for $3,008.19, ~nd Pay List No.3 for $2,758.64, he paid. 2. That Charity and \W,eHare Pay List No.1, for $2,983.91, and ,Pay List No.2 for $.847.17, he paid. 3. T:hat the wages of CLaybourne Gord,on, C.ounty Weed In- spector and Tree COommissioner, be increased frOom $1.2'5 per hour to $1.50 per hOour, and ne,eessary by-law be prepar,ed. All of whtClh is re,spedfully submitted. K. C. EMERSON, Chairman. ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE March Session, 1962 To the W arden, and Members .of the IElgin County Ooundl: The E'lgin Manor Committe'e reports as follOows: 1. That we have hir,ed a night watchman f.or E,lgin Manor at a sa'laryof $'200.0.0. peT month. 2. That in view of the facts presented, 'by Mr. Drew, Dire'c- tor of Home,s for the Aged, the Elgin Manor Committe,e ree-om- mends tha:t ,c.onsideration he given to building a new Home for the Aged, and that Mr. Drew 'be invited to address a spedal m,eeting of the Elgin COounty Council, the first part of April. All of whidh is re,spe,ctfully submitted. RUSSELL McKIBBIN, Chairman. 68 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL ROAD COMMITTEE March Session, 1962 St. Tho.mas, Ontario. Mcmch Session, 1962. ~o. the W ardenand M.emhe['s of the Elgin Oounty Council: WE RIECOM:MEND: 1. THAT ,a Normall Road Ap.propriat.ion By-Law !be passed to. be aiHocated as fOlno.ws: Construction Maintenance Total Roads ..................,....,.,......... ,,$138,'500.0.0' '$23'9, $3'78,100.00. Bridg,es and Ouilv,erts ........ 36,\' 49,60'0.000' 86,10'0..00' New Machinery.................. 2'5,00'0.00 .................... 25,0.0'0..0.0' Superintendence and Overhe,ad ...................... 4'5,80.0.00 45,800..0.0 TOT.AlJS: ............$200',000.00 $335,000.0'0' $53,5,000'.0.0' iB!REAK1!NG THESIE AlMOUN'I1S DOWN: ALL Road, Bridge and Culvert Construction ,to be done on County Roa'ds'- County Road) Maintenance ..............$224,000.00. is. A Road Maintenance ....................$ 15,6.00'.00 $2'39,60.0'.00' County Bridg.e and CUllvert 'Maintenance ...................... .........$ 47,60.0'.00 IS. A. Bridge ,and Culvevt IMa,inbenance ................................ 2,0.0,0.0.0. $ 49,60'0.0.0 County Overhead .......... .....................$ 44,000.00 IS. A. Over,head ............$ 5,800.0'0. $ Less Stock on Hand- iFencing :Materials '$ 4,000.00 $ 1,800..00 $ 45;8.00.0'0' :2. THAT a Supp:Ie:ment'ary By-Law he passed appropriating $427,., to. !be aHocated a,s folLows: Construction Total Roa,ds ............................................................ $3'5,2,0.00'. DO. 1Bddges and Culf\Terts ................................ 75,0'00.0.0. $427,0'00..0.0 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 69 FURTHER iBRE'AKING THESE A:MOUNTIS DOIWN: Oonstruction Oounty Roads ..................... .$105,000.00 Construdion is.A. RnaJdls ..........................$,247,000.00 $352,000.00 Oonstruction County (Br,idges and Culverts ... Construction IS. A. Bridges and Cul<velr,t,s ... .......$ 5'5,000.00 ............$ 20,000.00 $ 75,000.00 'T1HE NORMAIL AND ISUiPPLEIMIENTARY BY-LAW provides mnney'for (besides lVIaintenanee, Overhead: and New Machinery) complete Re'c'onstrucrtion, including paving on the Wellington Road, and P,aving on Road' 20 hetwe,en Fingall and Shedden, iPavingon Road: 23 .from King's Highway No.4 ,to the School House HiH in (Port \Stanley, . Paving ,on Road 2i7 .near .the ISeminary School, Paving, Guide Ra,us, E'bc., on :Road 3 at the War,dsvHle Bddg'e, Paving on 'Road .38 at the Richmond HHl, (Payment 1<01" [Pla'ving on the OJ:f.ord.tA1dlholI'oug,h Town1ine done by the County of Kent in 19'61, Grading iR:oad :2, IWest Lorne e.asterly to the ~ld1borough~[)un- w1ch 'Townline ineluding the implI'ovement of the curve at the TOlwnline, Grading Road 20, King's 'Highway No.4 northerlly, Pm~t stan.. :ley ,and :Southw01d Township approx.imately 2 miles, 'Gradin:.g Road 1<6, TaLbot :Road in DUllIw1ch Township from Burwe11'.s COlrners westerly, - Land Purchase land some Fencing on Grading Work sc'hed'Ul~ ,ed under .the Oounty's Thr,ee Year Prog!I':a1mme to be under- taken in 19613, Completion of the Eden Bridge, Construction of t,he Dingle IStre,et Bridge, and ICulvert Construction on 'Road 9 and the HOQVeT Bridge on the ISouth Do~chester-Y'ar,mouth T,Q.wnrine. 70 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ,THIS liS A ''rOTLM.. RJO.A[) BUDGET .of $9-62, at an es- timated rcost tOo rthe County of $36:4,:6,20..00. being a Road 1evy of 7 mHls on the present Assessment. 3. THA:T .the IM,inister of Highways be petitioned to desig- nate a'S a Development tRoa'd; County ,Roa,d 86 f:Dom County Road 24 to K!ing's Highway No.7i3 at IPort Bruee, 'a distance of approxi- mately 4 miles; AND THA:T .the W'a~den name de:1ega,tes to meet with the Minister and Dep.artment of Highway Offi'Cials to present the petition. 4. THA:T a By-Law he passed to regulate the location of !Building,s and IStructureson Lands adj.acmlJt ,t,o County ROiadis. 5. 'THAT the lRes:oluUonfiro.m the UnHed Counties of 8tor- mont, <Dundas and Glengarry re 'an increase in suihs~dy fo.r Cherrui- caT used mor Road purposes: 'be !filed. Ail1 of whieh is respedfUJlly ;sUlmbmitted. FAR;N~LL NI!MMO, Chairman. BY-LAW NO. 1807 "To Raise Amounts for County Rates During the Year, 1962". iWHEiREIAiS an esUmate has been ,made sho:w,ing ,that the sum of Six Hundr,edand iForty Thousand, Four Hundred and Fifty- Thr,ee DoHars is Ifequire,d to be Iraised in the several municipa'li- ties for the :larwful purpose of the County during the year, 196,2, on the basis of t'heequalized lassessment as determined in 1961. Municipality Total Equalized Value ALdborough ....................................$ 4,9'99,7:5,3.0.0. Dunwich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., .................. 3,987 ;3169. DO. Southwold .............................. ........ 5,3167,670..00. Yarmouth ...................................... 8,134,2'64.0.0. Malahide ........................................ 6,90.9,950.0.0. Bay,ham .. .............................,.......... '5,285,892.0.0. (South DOfichester .......................... 1,9154,7215.0.0 Aylmer .... ........................................ 7,259,175.00. Port Stanley .................................. 3,019,812.00 Dutton .... ............... ...... ......... .......... 896,889.00 'Rodney ............................................ 1,030.,2'50.0.0. W.est Larne .................................... 1,0.80,640..0.0' :Port [Burweilil .................................. 80.0.,620..0.00 ISpringfieild .................................... 360.,03'2.0.0 V.ienna .. .. .... .. .. .. ....... .. . . .... .............,. 334,93'7.00. Be'l:mont .......................................... 6i4 7,375.00. $52,069,35'3.00. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 71 ':DHERElFORJE the Council of the 'Munkipal OOir'PO[I"atioIll of the County of Eilgin enacts: THA'T a .rate of 12.3 mills on the dotLar 'be levied on a,}!l rat,e- able property in the sev,era'lmunicipalities in the Oounty of Elgin as above set forth ;for the y,ear, 1'9'62: AldJboa'ough ............. ... .... ......... ... ........$ 61,4916.94 DUfiiwich .. .. .. ...... .... ...... .. .. .. ....... .. .. .... .. . 49,044.61 Sout'hwold ..... .... .... ........ ............... ,....... 6'6,0123.02 Yar:ill;outh ............................................ 100,051.57 'Ma:l:ahide .............................................. 84,991. 9,5 Bayham ..... ..........,............................. ... 65,0.16.87 South [),orchester .................... ....... ..... 2'1,0'43.24 AYl1m,er ............ ..... ......... ................... ... 8'9,28:7.48 iPort ISbanJ:ey ........................................ 37,143.71 Dutton .., .............................................. 11,031.80. Rodney ........... ...... ..... ... '" ... .............. ... 12,6'72.00 Weist Lorne .......................................... 13,291.906 Port BUir'weU ... ..................................... 9,847.61 Springf,ieild ..... ........ .,....,.... ..,............... 4,42H.09 Vienna .................................................. 4,120.004 Belmont ... ..... .................. ....... ...... ....... 7,9'62.11 $640,453.00. RJEAD a fir:Sit Hme ,this 21st day of March, 1962. 'RJEAD a' second iUme this 21st day of March, 19'6i2. READ a third, time, and finally passed this 21st day of March, 19162. J. D. THOMiSON, Oler k r1 T"\. T\'T TTT T T"T"\l~ '"'. lJ. r:rUJ.iLJri'), Warden 72 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BY-LAW NO. 1808 "To Confirm the Equalization of the Assessment Rolls of the County of Elgin for the year, 1962." The Elgin County Councll enacts: 'DHAT the following he the equalization .of the Assessment RoUs of the County of E'lgin for Ithe yeaiI", 19'62: Ayllmer .... ................$ 7,491,4.00.0..0 He~mont .................... Dutton ........................ 'Port lBur'WeH ........ .... Porit Stanley .............. Rodney...................... Springfield ., ,..... ........ Vienna ................."..... 'West Lorne ................ Aldlhorough ................ iBayha'm .................,.... South DOI"chester ...... DUlliWieh . . ,. . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . Mlalahidie . . ,. . . . . .... . . .. . . . . Southwold . . . . . . ,. . . . . . . . . Yarmouth .................. 694,300. DO 8,813,106.0.0 807,1'9'6..00 3,0.60.,0877.0.0 1, o.602,'5,2i5. 0.0 3161,978.0.0 33-8,0'73.0.0. 1,10.3,8/40..00' J5,o.14,/63o..o.o. 5,319,744.0.0. 1,9508,6'50..0.0 3,979,380..0..0 7,0.3,3,275.0.0. 5,418,0.21.0..0 8,13.8,'728..00. $5,2,6165,7,23.00 114.2'24433% 1.318314% 1.617'6.814% 1.'532,67'8 % 5.81189:6% '2.0.174'88% .608'7312% .6419.2:2% 2.09159~7% 9:5'21620.%'60% 3.719.022% '7.5155921 % 13.3'541515'9% 10..287\56'6% 1>5.4535,5-8% 2. THAT this Council is willing to ha've the finwl equaliza- tionof Assessment RoLls in ,case of ap.peal, ma:de \by the County Judge. REAJD a first time this 21st day of 'iMar'ch, 1962. iRlE'AJD a se<eond time this 21st day <of 'Mar:ch, 19,62. READ a third time, ,and finaHy passed, this 21st day of MaI"ch, 196'2. J. D. THOMSON, Olerk oJ. ':'~ C. D. PHILLIPS, Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 73 BY-LAW NO. 1809 "To Amend By-Law No. 1695 re "Members Wages." '.Dhe Oouncil of the Corporation of the County of Elgin en3!C!ts: TH~T the 'Sum of Fifteen DoHaJ:";s per day he paid members of Council:Bor ;their attendance at Committ.ee Meetings when the sa1d Oommitte,e holds forennon and! wfternoon 8ess.ions in the same day, and twenty cents per mile [:0[' going t.o siUch Meetings. 'THAT Clause 2 of By-Law No. 169'5 be, and is hereby amend- ed a:ee,oridingly. :READ a first trme this 21st (lla.)' of'Mar'ch, 19'62. IRJEAD ,a ,second Hme this 21st day of IMarch, H)62. READ ,a third time, and finaJJly paslsed this 21st day of Ma1!oh, 19162. J. D. THOMISON, Olerk C, D. PHILLIPS, Warden BY-LAW NO. 1810 "A By-Law to Increase the Salary of the County Weed Inspector and Tree Commissioner." r.Dhe Council of the Corpnratioll1iof the County of Elgin enacrts: THAT the remunelrationof Mr. 01ayrbourne Gordon as County W,eedJ Inspe.ctor and Tree Commissioner he $1.'50 per hour. 'EH~T By_1Law No. 17'59 :be repealed. \REtAJD a f,ks:t tiJme this 21,st day of M,a:r'ch, 19'62. RJEAD a ,selcnnd Hme this 21st day of'Ma,rch, 1962. READ a Ithird t1me, and 'fiiIlia<~ly pa'ssed this 21st day of March, 19162. J. D. THOMSON, Olerk C. D. PHILLIPS, WardeI1 74 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL SUPPLEMENTARY BY-lAW NO. 1811 A By-Law to Pr'ovide for the 1962 Expenditure,s on Roads under The Highway Improvement Ad in The County of Elgin. WiHgREAiS ~The Highway Improvement Act requires that the tota!I,expenditUlre on Irnadls ibe provided for annually by county hy.:law land that the !by-la1w 'be submitted to the Minister of High~ waYis [or approvaL THJffiREiFOR:E the Ooundl of t'he Oorporation of the said Countyenads as fOlllows: (1) The sum .of :$4217,000..00 is hereby estim:at.ed as the ex- penditure upon the oonstruction and maintenance of the roads and hrtdges und'eT its jurisdiction during the year 1962 as fol~ 'lows:- Construction Roa<ds ..... ............................. ..$'3'52,000.00 Bridg.e.sand Cu}ve,rts ........$ 7'5,000.00 New Ma'chinery .. ...... ...... ....$ Superintendence and Overhead ......................$ $ TOTALS ........."..."".". $427,000.00$ lJ.VI.a'1:ntenance ':Dotal '$ $352,00.0.00 $ $ 7'5,000.00 nil $ $ $427,000.00 (2) The said monies shaH .be expended under the super- vision of the duly appointed county road superintendent and on work 'Perforlmed in a!C'cor'dance with The Highway Impil';ovement Act. (3) The de~k shall itranslmit duplicate copies. of this by-~aw t.o the idisttr.ict oflfice of the 'Muntci1pa:l Roadsl Br.anch, nep'a['lbment of Highways, not late[" :than !March 31st, o,f the said year. (4) The a1p'pr.oV'alr O[ the Ontario Municipal Board shan be obtained (before any expenditure is: authorized! 0[" work com~ melllced which wiIJl be finan.ced-by the issue of dehenturesl or mon- ies raised in a subsequent year. 'Pas,sed at 1St. Thomas this 21st day of MaTich, A.D. 19,62. (SEAiL) J. D. THOMSON, Clerk C. D. PHILLIPS, Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 75 iI, J. D. 'Thomson, 01erk of the Corpo'I':altion of the County of E'lgin, do hen~lby ,cer,tify that the foregoing is a true copy of By- Law No. 1811 passed by the Council 'Of the said GOirp1oIiation on . the 21'st day 'of March, 1962. J. D. THOMSON, County Clerk NORMAL BY-LAW NO. 1812 A By-Law to Provide fo.r the 1962 Expenditures on Roads Under The Highway Improvement Act in The County of Elgin. WHEiRE'AS ;The Highiway l!mpr,oIVeiment Act reoquire:s that the tota'l e~penditUlre iOn rOoads ibe provided' :for annuaUy by county by..,law Rnd that the by-i]jaw he submitted to. the Minister of High- ways f,01' approval!. 'T'HER'EFORE ithe Oouncil of the Corporation of the said County enacts as follows: (1) The sum of $535,0000..00 ,iis hereby eSltimated as the ex- penditure upon the oonsltruet.iOon and maintenance' of the roads and ,bridges under its jurisdiction during the year 19'62 aSI fOol- ~ows:- C011Jstruction Maintenance TOita~ Roads................................... .$138,'5.o0.00$2i39,.6'OO.OoO $3178,1.00.'00 Bridges and iCulv,evts ........$ 3i6,:50.o.Do. $ 4'9,6.00..00 $ H6,100.00 Ne'w lVLaichinery ..................$ 25, nil: $ 25,000.'00 Superintendence and! Overhead ................... ..$ $ 415,800.00 $ 4'5, 'TOTALS . ....... ............. .$200,0,00..00$3'3,5,0,00.0.0 $535,0.00.00 (2) 'The :sia,ld monie,s shaH ibeexpended under the super- vision of the duly appointed county Toad: superintendent and on work perf,omeod in a1c1coI"d,ance with The Highway Im.provelnent Act. '(3) The clerk shall transmtt duplicate copies of this by-law to thedistric:t offrce of ,the MunJ:cipa'llRoads Branch, Department of Highwiays, not later than March 31st, .of the sa,id year. 76 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL (4) The approva:l of the Ontario lMunilicipal Board shaH be .obtained before anyexpendtture is authorized 01' w,ork cnmmeUiC- eel which w.i11 be finaneed !by the issue of dehentures .or monies raised in a suibsequent ye'ar. lPassedat St. Thomas, this 21st day of MaI'1ch, A.D. 19!6!2. (SEAL) J. D. THOMISON, Olerk C. D. PHILLIPS, Warden I, J. D. Thomson, 01erk .of the OorpoJ."ation of the County of E'lgin, ,do hereby Icertify that the fOJ."egoing is a true copy of By- Law No. 1812 passed by the Coundl of Ithe sa,id COIrpor'aHon on the 21'Slt day of MaI'1ch, 1962. J. D. THOMSON, County OleTk ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 77 THIRD SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 12th day of June, 1962 The E1gin County CoullIcHmet this. day at the Court House, 8t. Thomas, in a<eeordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Ohair. All the members 'Pre.sent. The vV,arden ac:LdJressed t,he Council. The Iminurtes of the 'Ia,st day of the March Session, and Spe'Cial Session on April 17.th, were tread, and approved. The foHowing rcommunioations were read land ref,erred to. the sieveral CO!mmiUees: Moved 'by Reeve Tansley that the AgricUJl:tura!l 'Representat1ive be now heard. 'Mr. A. V. Lan~ton ,addressed the Council on far'm produetton in <Ei1gin County, and on the F'clfim Sa1fety Program and Junior Far1me:Ds work. The Warden ,expressed :a'prpreeiation to Mr. Langt.on ~or his splendid report. iM.oved Iby Reeve Gwrr that Col. Gavin, iE. M. O. he now heard. GaL Gavin addre,ssed the Council on p;vepariation and e:merg'ency measures in ,ca,se of atlta,ck. The 'Warden thanked; Col. Gavin for his address. Moved Iby !Reeve N.iJmmo that Dr. Monteith he now heard. Dr. lMonte,ith add.'ressed the GouIlicH re Sen1o,r citizens of the County. Moved 'by !Reeve Gurr that the GountyW,eedi Insped,or be now heard. 'Ma:-. Gordon addressed the Council ;requesting co- operation from the loc,al municipal Counc.i:ls enf,orcelment of the Weed Act. Reeve Wilson questioned the purity of No. 1 seed and the am,ount .of weed seeds ,aHowe,d under government regu- [ations. Repilies]rom other Counties to Elgin County resolution re Port Burwel!l (Park was read, and ordered filed. 78 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Wa:rden Phillips appointed Reeves Downey, Baird, Deputy Reeve Hughes: and :Reeve Gurr to the Tourist Committee. ~he County Tireasurer's Report was presented. Mov,ed by Reev,e Gurr, Seconded by Deputy Ree:ve Mdv,elI', 'That the County Treasurer'So Report he a'ccepted and printed in the Proceedings ,0.{ County Council. -Canried. The IProperty Committee's report waS' presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Barker and 'Deputy Reeve iMa["itin. iA report of the [Elgin Manor GOlmmittee was presented, and Reeve McKibbin mov,ed, and Deputy Reeve Tufford' seioonded, the report. Reeve McKibbin asked for a re,c.o.rded vote. ReevHs lDowney, Gurr, Ni1:nmo, Elmerson, Barker, Wilson, Deputy Reeve Tuf,f,ord, Tansley, 's'aivd, 'Rorbson, Brown, and De- puty 'Heeve Hughe.s add,reS'sed the Council. Y;EA~Nimmo, Tuf1ford, Tansley (2); Marbin, Phillips, Pres- sey, 'McKibbin, Hughes, Howard. - 10. NAYS-Barhe,r, Woo]ine:r, iHO'bslOn, Leit'ch, Brown, Oaverly, WHson,ElmeTson, Barker, 'Downey, Gurr, McIver, Elliott, Baird, Ola["ke. - 1'5. Moved 'by Oepuity Reeve Oa'verly, Se'conded by Reeve Brown, That we do noiW adjourn until 2 p.m. -----CariI'ied. The Goun'Cif]i resumed. Moved by Reeve Howard that Mr. Arnold Lee he now heard. lVf...r. Lee addressed the Counc.tl re a pr,oposed hospital at Wards- vHle. The Warden thanked iMr. Lee for rus presentment. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 79 .Deputy Reeve Hughes addressed the Council re Spee,din,g in Port >Bruce, 'and the Warden lI"eJerred the matter to the Road Committee. Deputy Reeve Caverly adldressed the Council fe Speed Limit on boats in the ,creek, and lake tlkont at Port Bruce. ;Reeve :ELl1ott addresrsed the Council :re crest and tunic for County Council. Mov,ed 'by Deputy Reeve 'McIver, Seconded !by Reeve Gurr, 'That we do now ,adjourn to meet on Wednesday morning, June l,3ith, at ten a.'m. 80 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL THIRD SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 13th day of June, 1962 The Elgin County Coundl: met this day at the Court Rouse, St. Thomas, in '3Jc,cordance with adjournlment. T,he 'Warden in the Chair. AlH the members present. The\Varden eX'Presseda:,ppedaUon f(lr the manner in which diis!cussion took prace on the (E)lgin M.anor repor1t, and: a'sked if the E:~gin Manor COID,mittee should pursue the matter fur'ther with a different type of RQime. Reeves \Barker, Em'erson, Olarke, Downey, Barber ap'Proved the GO'mmit,tee to furithecr:- investig'a:te ;the matter and report. The minutes of the previouS' day wer'e read and 'ConfiJrmed. iMo'V,ed 'by Reeve Brown that the AgricuLtura'l \Re'Presentative be noW' heard. IMr. Langton introduced Mr. Dobson who spoke on the 'Purity of farm se,eds, and gO'vernmellit r:egUllaUons on the same. The 'Warden thanked 1MI'. 'DobsoOn [or his report. The report 'Of the Ag:ricultural Committee was presented and adiopted 'On motion of Ree'V,e Brown and Reeve Barber. !The report :Qlf the Finance GOlmm1ttee was 'Presented and adopted on Imotion of Reelve Emerson and 'Reeve Howard. The r:eport of the Road Committee waS' pifes:ented and adopt- ed on imotion of Reeve Ntm'mo and Reeve Tansley. Reeve Nimm,o asked ,the Oounty Engineer to explain the DepaDtment's Regulations for equipment required.-a <1iSturrbutoir and mechanical ,chip sp:reader foOl' resurfadng roads. Moved iby Deputy Reeve GaverTy, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Hughes, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 81 TheElgLll County Council requests an eight miJre an hour speed limit ibeestablished in the ha~bourand ,creek at Fort Bruce t.o safegua:rd the lives of ,chHdren swimming; e:1iminate erosion, damag.e to anchored boats and properity as there are approxi- ma1te:ly 2'5.0 Iboat'susing .the fadlities at Port (Bruce, and co-pies be fOI1wardled to the <Dept. of Transport, and Ja1me-s McBain, M.P. --Carried. Moved !by ReeveEll1i,ott, Seconded Iby Reeve Emerson, iln order to enhanee the dignity and deem'um of County OouncUlors: while on official business, BiE IT RiEISOLVE[) that Si1milar ,dres.s 'rOT a'll County Gounci!]lors be re,commended. The dress :to ,consist of !blue ja'ckets, and grey trousers. The jackets to he adorned with ere:slts designating the wearer to be a Co un- cillnr of the County of ;E<lgin with the current year date upon it. The ,crests :toO be supplied annua,r~y by ,the County Qof Elgin. All jackets and trousers ,eouId be in one large order to ensure e.eono- mka:l pUfehase's. Moved by Reeve Ni'mmo, Selconded by Reeve Downey, 'That By-Law No.. 1814, "A By-(La,w to Regulate the Location of Buildings ,and Structures on Lands Ad!jacent to C.ounty Roads," be read afirs:t tume. ---JCaril"ied. Moved! by Deputy Reeve Leitch, Seconded Iby Reeve Nimmo, That iBy-1Lam No. 1814 he read a seicond time. --Carried. Moved by Reeve Roibson, Seconded !by !Reeve Howard, ed. 'That By-Law No. 1814 ibe read a third time, and finailily pass- -Carried. 82 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved iby Reeve \Barker, Seconded! by Re~ve Wilson, 'That lBy-Laiw No. 18115, ",A By-La,w to Regulate Parking on Certain County Roads," be read a fir,st time. -Carried. Moved ,by Reeve Tausley, Seconded hy Deputy Reeve Martin, That 'By-Law No. 11815, he read a se,cond time. -Carried. Moved! iby Deputy Reeve Caverly, Se,conded iby Reeve !Brown, 'That By~Law No. 1>8115, be read .a third time, and !finally pa,ssed. -Carried. Mov,ed by Reeve GUfr, Seconded 'by Reeve Blrown, 'Ehat we do now adjourn to 'meet on Tuesday, September 18th, 19'62, at .ten a.lm. -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 83 COMMUNICATIONS June. Session, 1962 From the Oounty Solicitors re Dehenture By-Law ApP'lica- Hon. - Ref,erre-d' to' the Finance Gomm1ttee. FrO'm the Ontario IMun1cipa:1 ,Association reA:nnual Conven- tion. - Filed. From the iBoard O'f the Four Counties Generlal HO'sp.f;tal re- questing grant. - Re.fenred to the Finance CQmmttte,e. lFliom the rMinislt.er of TlrallJsplQ!fit Ire Road' Safety Workshop. - Filed. IFrom the 'Minist.er of Muntcipa,l A;fif!air,s with a'P'predaHon re AssesSiofis' SchO'ol. - Filed:. From the ne:p;t. of Re1forlm InstitutiO'ns re Appointment of Jafl Staff. - Referrr-ed to' the 'Finance Committ.ee. Fr'om the MiniJslter of Lahour Ire the Construction Safety Act. - Referr-red to the Financ.e COImmitte,e. FrO'm the De'pit. oif Lands and Fores:ts re Ho~ding a Hunting Season for :Deer in Elg,in County. - Referred to the Agrkultural Oommittee. From the University of Western Ontario re annual County COUThcil Day. - Filed. From Miss Kay 'Murphy ftl,r:ith appredation O'f pension refund. - FiJled. From the County of iHaildimand, with resolutiO'n re Hunting Season !for Deer. - Relf,er'red to the Agricultural Committee. FfiOim the ThameSlvdew General Hos'pital with request for a grant. - Referred to the Finance Committee. 84 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL REPLIES FROM OTHER COUNTIES RE ELGIN COUNTY RESOLUTIONS June Session, 1962 Reso'lutioTh-....Requ€is,ting the Dept. of Lands and Fm:e/sts to Esta:b- [ish a Provincia'l Park at iPort Burwell. ENDOfRJSlEiD---iCoullJty of Oxford. June Sess,ion, 1962 COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT To the Warden and! Memhers of the E!rgin County OouncH, I Ibeg to. submit the foHowing statement of Re,ceipts and Ex- penditures from January 1st, 1962, to u.Y.[,ay 31st, 1910:2. Rece i pts lBalance in Bank, and on hand, January l,s:t, 19!62 ..................................................$ 23,50.5.15 AJdmini'str'ation of Just1ce ....................'$ 1,645.78 Notes Pay,a1ble ............,........................... Regi:sltIry Office ................,...,................... E'1gin Manor ........,............... ..............,.... ChiIJdren's Aid Societies ........................ County Roads ..............,........................... Mis'co€;11aneous: ......................... ....... ... .... ... Lieenses and Permits ............................ County ASls'eslsiment Dept. ...............,.... Ag.ri'culture . . .. . . . . . .. . ... . . . .. . . . .. ..... . ........... .. County IRates Under Section 53, nf the ASiSeiS':sment Act ...................... Interest . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. . ... Charity and Welfare .............................. Elgin~St. Thomas. Health Un1t .............. 0/8 Cheques witten o/f'f . .... ................... 270,.000.00 2,3,922.8'0 16,6'9'7.54 1,370..00 2.06,212.60 2,lH7.88 1712..0.0 1,150.0..00 1,2'84.64 1,672.917 76.83 754.41 1,260.73 1,4'7'5.46 $53.0,233.70 $'553,738.8'5 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 85 Expenditures Administra:tion of Justtee .......,..............$ 46,39'5.3'3 Notes Payable .......... .............................. 230,0000.0.0. Charity and WeHare .............................. 11,616'6.70. 'E'lgin 'Manor .......... .............................. 14,84!5.82 ,Grants, ASlsoda>tllions, IScholarships.... 4,3'50..0.0 Registry Office ........... ................. 7,913.0.0 Elg.in.lSt. Thomas Heaillth Unit.............. 15,0..00.0.0 ChHdiren',g: Aid Socielty .. ....................... 14,700.2'7 Membel'is' Wages ........... ........................ 6,393.85 Off,1cers' Salaries. .............................. 4,06<8. 75' Printing, Postage & Stationeiry ............ 887.10. Care of BuHdingls .................................. 2,38.0.43 Agriculture........ ,........ ... ................. ,.. ..... 2,3:6o..2!5 County Roads ................... .................... 1'52,671.13 MiSice]1aneous "........ ,.,........... ....., ............ 1,841.82' Interest ...............,.................................... 4,8'91.24 County AssessmeIlit IDept. .................... 4,877.098 Rebatement of Taxes Und!er s.ection 207 of the Assessment Ad ...,............ Refund County Rates Unde Sed ion 5\3 of the AS1se'Sismelllt Act ...........,.... Transrferre,d to iE'lgin M,anor alC'coun:t.... 991.5,3 3:73.04 2,0.0.0..0..0 $528,608.24 Balance on hand, May 31st, 19162.................... 25,13.0.61 $'5'53,738.85 Afl of which is respectfully submittedl. J. D. THOMSON, County 01erk and Treasurer. 86 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROPERTY COMMITTEE June Session, 1962 To the W a~den, and Melmber:s of the iE'lgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. 'That we have accepted: the tender olf the Cities Service Oil Co. iUd. for No.1 Fuel Oil 'Of 14.3,5 eents per ga:L]on. 2. That we have a'c1cepted the tender of the I,mperJ.a'1Jle Fuels Ltd. for No. 1 Sto~er Coal fo[" the iCOUlit House and Jail of $11.34 per ton and '$22.73 'Per ton for' No. 1 Anthracite Coall f,o[" the Reg- istry Office. 3. 'That ,we have aocepted the tender of Snowsel'l Sheet Meta,l Oompany of $7199.0'0' instaHedl fior a new large size ga's hot water heater for the J,ail. 4. That 'We request 'the Council of the City of St. Thomas to remove the 'boulevard f.rom the ea,st side of IStan[ey \Street be- tween WeUilllg,bon !Street and Gladstone Alvenue, and construct a cwrband gutter to per'mit angle parking. Alll of which is respedfully suhmitted'. J.W. BiA'RJKiElR, Chairman. ELGIN MANOR COMMITTE'E June Se,ssion, 1962 To the Warden, and 'meilnJberrs of the Eagin County Council, The Elgin IManor Comm,ittee reports as tfolI10'Ws: 1. That we recommend a nerw Home fio.r the Aged be built with approximaltely 10'0 beds at an estimated cos,t to the County of $325, 2. 'That the Nursing ,and 'Sp,e.cia'l Care Sections be kept to the minimum, required 'by the !Department of Public Welf.are. 3. That this Committee bee,mpowered to engage pe:r>sonnel to draf,t plans fOlr a new County Home in co-operation wit.h the Depairtment of Public We:lfare; .AJn of which is respeotfully suhmitted. RUlSSELL M'ClUBB'IN, ChaiI"lman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 87 AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE June Session, 1962 To the Warden andM€Ilubers ,o'f the Elgin Oounty Council, The AgrieuHur,wlCommittee reports as f.oHows: 1. 'That the ,communication from Ithe 'Minister .of Lands and Forests r'equesting a de,er hunting season in E:lgin County this year, be filed. 2. That the communtcation from the County of Haldimand reque!sting the Department of Lands and 'Forests to take action to reduce the deer population in southern Counties, ibe filed. Ml of which is r,espe,ctfuLly submitted. G. E. BROWN, Chairman. 8'8 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FINANCE COMMITTEE June Session, 1962 To the Warden and IMemhe:rs of the E>liginCounty Council, The Finance Committee repo~ts ,as f'Ono'WS': 1. 'That Children's Aid Societie,s Pay Lislt No.4, for $2,- 949.47; and [Pay List No.. 5, fiOr $2,670.9,0, be paid. 2. That Charity and' Welfare Pay List No. 3 for $3,632.97 and Pay List No.4 for $2,017.55, and Pay List No. ,5 lor $2,lH5.10, he paid. 13. That the ,communication {,rom the County SoUcitor re Issue of delbentures, be tfilled. 4. That Governo:r Brown em,ploy a paI'it Hme secretary at $100.000 per month in the Jail Office, and that 'Mrs. :s.chuit'ls salary of $'50.00 per month \be ter'minated June 30th. '5. That the request 'f:rom the 'Four Counties: Hospitall Board for ,a grant !be :f~led. 6. 'That the communication Te The ConsltlrU!cition Safety Act and appointment of iInspedor he filed, for future ref.e~;ence. 7. That the request of the delegation from Aldborough for a grant to a new propos'ed ihospita'l at WardSlvi1!le be 'laid over till the September Session. AJrl of which is r,espedfu1!ly submitted. K. C. EMERSON, Chairman. <,i ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 89 JUNE SESSION, 1962 To the Warden and: Members Q1f the Ellgin County Council, Your Road Committee begs to iI"epo:rt as follows: 1. NEJW MACHJNE.RY has been purchased as f:QI~llo:Wis: (a) A new 18" Chain ISaw with the County's: .oLd Chain Saw as a tr,ade- in. (b) A new ITypewr1iter for the lEngineer's Office with the old Typewriter as a traid,e- in. (:c) A new Nine 'Wheeled RUbiber Tired GaMon Roller (being used to. f10tl Surf,ace Treatmenit and Granular Base), and (d) 'TendelYs aiTe being 'caJiled far a new 1 Ton Ptck-up Truck and a new 1f2 Ton Truck with the County's old 19158 1f2 Ton Chevrolet Picik-upand 1958 1 Ton Chevrolet Pick- up Truc~s as' trade-ins. 2. ROAm ,MIX Mulch Sur:faces will he ,l1a,1d .on the fo~l1owillig Roads: Rna.d 3 At the Wardsville Brtdge in .A:ldrborough Township ............,...,.................................,. 0..3 mHes Road 20 Fingal to Shedden in Southwo~d Town- ship ............. .,. ,......., ,.................., ,.. ........ ...... 2.3 miles Road 23 King's Highway 4 at Hepburn T:ransrport to the top oJ the School Rouse Hill in Porit Stanley in Yarmouth To'wnsrhrp and the VHlage of iPOlit Stanley .................... 1.4 miilies Road 27 At the Seminary SchoOll between Union and Sparta in Yalrmouth Township.......... .5 miles Road! 38 At the Richmond Hil:l in Bayham Town- ship .............................................................. 1 mile 3. T1HJE EDEN \Blfidge on County Road 44 in Bayham Township has heen ,completed by the McLeafriFoster GonSitructton Co. Ltd. of Sit. M,arYis. 4. THEPLANiS for the Dingle Street !Bridge in Ayl'mer have 'been eompJeted ;by F. A. Bel.'1 & Associates. 90 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 5. GRAJDING is, approximately 2/3 completed on the Welling- tan Road' and approximately 3/4 af a mile af Granular Base is completed. HOT 'MIX Paving Tender!s will beca:l1ed shortly and it is hoped! 't.o have the Road pav,ed (by ,the middle af Septe,mher. WE RECOMMEND: 1. THAT a By-Law he passed prohibiting parking oppasite the weste'I'ily 1,0000 f.ee!t Q1f Lot 18, Concession III in the Township O'f Yarmouth an County Raad 2'7. '.Dhis is in the vicinity of the enbrance toO the 8ot. Thamas Drag Strip and car,s parked .on .the 'shoulder of the road are 'cr,eating a serious tra.flfic hazard when the Drag Strip is .operating. 2. 'THAT By-La,w No. 181,3 being a By-Law.to 'Regulate Bunding,s and Structures on Lands Adja'cent to' County Road'S pa'ssed by the 'M.arch Session of the County Council he repealed and that anather ByLaw be 'passed om1tting Seictions 8, 9 and 10 of [By-Law No .1813. THE 'ONTAJRJIO Municrpal Baard at a hearing on June 7th suggest.ed that a new By-Law he paslsed deleting Sections 8, 9 and 10 of By-taw No. 1813. These Sections dealt with a Wesser .set hack lfior Temporary Fruit Stands and /the right of the County to' ent,er on private pr,oper:ty and ,remove, after due notice, a building or structure in ,cont:ravenUon of the By-ila'w. The B.oavd intimated that a new By":law, the same as 8y-llaw No. 1<8,13 without Se1ctions 8, 9 and 10, wouLd be ap- proved without a forma'} 'hearing. Ai]! of which is r,espedfu11y submitted'. FA!RNELL NfMMO, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 91 BY-LAW NO. 1813 REPEALED NEW BY-LAW By~law No. 1814, Passed June 13, 1962 BY-lAW NO. 1814 A By-Law to Regulate The location o.fBuildings and Structures on lands Adjacent to County Roads iWHEH;EAS, it is deemed to be ne,ceSSiRry and desirable to. regulate the location of buiLdings and structures on lands ad~ j acenrt to certain COUI1ty Roads!; AND WHJE!R!EAIS, authoTity is grant,e,d under Se<C1tion 64 of the Highway I:mprove'ment Act, Revised Statutes of Ontario. 19'60 to exelrcise such re'strietions aecording to. Section 30 of the Plan~ ning Aict, Rev:ised Staltute's'of Ontario 1'9'00 subjed to. the approval of the Ontario iMund!C'ipal Boa:rd. NOW 11HE:RJEiFORlE, the Council of the Corporation of the Counrty of E:!Jgin enaiCit,s as foHows::- 1. In this 'By-Law the word' "person" shaH mean any per- son, firm or cOlr:po.ration; the word "Highway" shaH mean a County or a SIt. Thomas: Swburban Road! Commission Road of the County of E:lgin and the word,s "Ro.ad Com- mittee" shaLl mean the Gommiittee or Body appo.inted by the, C.ounty of 'Elgin to have jur1sdiction over Elgin Coun- ty Roads. "Engineer" shall mean ithe County Engineerr appointed by the Council of the Corporation of the County Oif E<lgin. "Buil:t~up iArea" shaH mean the terri- tory co.ntiguous toO a highway not within a cd.ty, town, vi1!lage or poLice village where, (i) not less than ,50 per cent of the frontage upon one side of the 'highway fo,r .a distance ,of not lless: than 600 fee,1; is oC'cupied 'by drweJlings, buiLdings used! for business purposes, s'cho,ols, or churches, or, 1;;\ \~I not less: ~han 5.0 per cent of the frontage upon hoth sades .of the highway for a rd1stance of not less than 300 feet is oC'cupiedl by diweHings., ,buildings, used for business pur~ poses, schools OT churches, or 92 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL (ill) not mocre than 600 feet .of the hig1hway separates any tecrrito.ry described in ;suib~clause (i) or (ii) from any other territory de.scribed in sub-,clrause (i) or (ii). 2. This By-Law .shaU apply to' tho.se 'Raads des'clribed in con- solidating By-Law No.. 1801, save and! except those in an incorpocrated vilHage or t.Gwn. 3. No. persan ,shaH erect any buHding or Is,trudure aT dam or dig or drill a well, aolter or modify any building or strueture or dig a p,ond, any pa1rit of which is llhcated doser Ito the ,centre line of the original Ro.ad AUawallice than g,5 ,feet Oil' within 35 feet of the nearest limit of any highway wh1chever ea'se is further distance fram the present ee,ntre line; save and except any highway in a police viiH'age or Buitt-up area. 4. No. person ,shal'l erect any building or Sitruc1ture, a,lter or modifyanysbruetur,e, any part of whkh is at a closer distance than as !shown on Schedul,e "A" as: attarched, from a \RJoa.ct: interseeting a highway or a railr'OadJ right- of-way iIlitersecting a highway. 5. In a 'Police village or [Built-up Area no. person s'hall eyed ,any 'building or :S1t.ructure or 'dam, or ddH ar dig a wel!1 or dig a pond ,or aHer or'mo.dify any structure, at a claser distance to. the Emit of any highway than; (i) where the new buildling, structure, dam, weN~ or pond is ,ereded !between t,wo existing ,buHdingts not more than 300 de,ar !feet apmrt the distance from the limit of. any highway shaH not helesSi than the average sletiback of eaeh of the,t:wo adijoiningbuildings, but in nO' ease need ,the setba'ck he moa:-;e than 3:5 f.eet ,from the nearest nlmit of any highway. (ii) where a new !buHding, structure, dam, weH or pond is ereC'ted between :twoexisting bui1dings more than 3.00 c1ea,rfeetapart, the regulations of Sections 3 shaH ap- ply. 6. (a) TfiJs By-Law sha1!} not ip:mhibit the alterati.onar the modi- fying one only of any structure or buHdling ,closer to' any liJmit of the highway as ,defined in iSection 3 OT 5 Iprovided: (1) ;that in altering the building the di'stance ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 93 to the nearesit 'l>imit of the highway is not diminished: and (2) that the ,cost of alterations is not greate1r than 1/2 of the value of the present IbuiLding. (b) This By-Law shaH nOit prohibit the driHing or digging .of a well within 20 ,fie,et .olf a residence tJhat is -closer to .any ilimit of the highway as defined ,in Seetion 3 or 5 provided the distance to the nearest limit of the highway is not ,less than It.he distance of the re'sid~eIlJee to the near~ est limit of the highway. ~c) This By-Law .shalll not 'p:rohiibit the ~epla!cement of a To- :baioea Kiln des1troy,ed. by fire or wind: whelre it is one of a Hne or serie,s of 2' Of mor,e;even though the distance t.o the neare'sit l1m1t of the 'highway is [ess than is! requir~ ed in 'sedions3 or 5. However, the distance to the near- est :Timit of the highway s'hal,l not be lesis than any other adj a'cent kiln. 7. No junk or automohHe w1r,e,cking yard may be located within 150 feet .of a hig,hw.ay. 8. iErvery person who vio1:ates .any of the abnve provisions of this By-Law shaH Ibe he gutHy of an offence and upon Summary Conviction shall be liable 'boa pena:lty oif not .mOf;e than $,300.00 for each o'fifence. 9. This By-{Lalw sha'H come intO' ,eftfed the day that it is 'pa'Slsed by the Council subje(~t to the approval of the On- tario Municipall Board. 10. iPAJSSE[) 'by the iE1gin County Council at St. Thomas on June 13th, 19'62. 11. 'THAT By-Law No.. 1'813 be, and is hereby repealed. READ a fir,sit Hme this ,13th day of June, 1962. READ a secondl t1me this 13th day ,of June, 1962.. READ a third; time, and finail1ly pa1ssed this 13th day of June, 196,2. J. D. THOMSON, Olerk C. D. PHILLIPS, Warden 94 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BY-LAW NO. 1815 A By-Law to Regul'ate Parking on Certain County Roads WHERJElAS, it is deemed! to he necessary and desirable to regulate pa:rking on oertain County Roads; AND IWHEIRJE!AiS, authority ,is granted under Section 8'9 of the Highway 'Traffic .A!ct, Revised IStatutes of Ontario 19!6.o, sub- jed !to the apPDoval .of the Minister of Transport. NOW :THEiRE'FORE, !the Goundl of the Corporation of the County of Jmgin ena'Cts as fOUOW1Si:- 1. In this lEy-law the word "v,ehide" sha'H 'mean any motor vehiclie, tJrai:ler, tradion engine, far,m tT'aidor and any vehicle drawn, propelled or driven hyany kind of power. The word "park" shaJJl mean the standing of a 'vehtel'e whether occupied or not. 2. NO' veh.ide IshaH park on the Road A:l']owanee and: the RO'ad AHowance as widene1d Ibet'ween Concessions III and IV, in the Township of Yarmouth (GountyRoad 2'7), OiP'Pos'ite the wes- terly 1,000 feet of Lot 18, Concession III, in the Township of Yarmouth. 3. PenaLties ,shall he as set out in the Highway T,raffic Act, for !contravention .of this By-law. 4. This lBY-!Ia'w shaH 'come into effe'Cit when passed by the Oounty Council !subjeot toO the approval of the Minister of Trans- port. R:IDAD a tfirst Hme this 13th day of June, 19162. :RJEAD ,a second time this 13th day of June, 19:62. REA:Da third time, and finaiLly passed t'his 131th day of June, 1962. J. D.THOMSON, 01erk C. D. PHILLIPS, Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 9'5 FOURTH SESSION -FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 18th day of September, 1962 IThe ,E1Jgin County Council 'met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in ,a1ccordance wibh addournment. 'The iWarden in the Ohair. All the Mem!bers iPr,esent. The 'Warden addressed the /CounciL The 'minUJtesoif t!he last iday iOif the June Session were read and confir,med. :Moved!by:Reeve Gurr, that IMrs. J. R. 'Fut'cher, be now heard. Mrs. Futcher ad'dr'eSised the Council on addition required to the Elgin iPioneer Museum. The War'den referred the matt,er to the Finance Commitbee. !The cfollowirug communications were read and referred to t1he various Committees: COMMUNICATIONS September Session, 1962 From the Minister of Highways, re neve'lopment Road. Filed. lFro.m the IOntario [Parks Integration Board with appreciation on visit to Port (BurwelL - Filed. lFrom Neil J. McBride re the Cleaning of abandoned ceme- tertes. - Filed. IFrom the Ue,pt. of 'Mun1dpa,l AJDfairs re Indigent Hosrpitaliza- tion. - FHed. Frolm the City of Windsor r,e Unconditional Grant for Indi- gent iHoslpitalization..- iReferred to the Finanroe Committee. From the County of WeHand r'e Safety Construction Act. - Referred to the Finance Cormmitt'ee. 96 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 'From the County of Victoria re Ambulance Serviee. - !Re- f.erred to Ele iFinanere Committee. IF'rom the !County olf 'W,entworth re Weed Control in Urban Areas. - !Referred to the Agricultural Committee. 'From the Dept. of iLands and IF'orests with apprlerciation of County Weed Inspector. - Filed. From the Uept. olf Transport r,e Speed Limit on water at Port Bruce. - Filed. :From the De:pt. Oif Public Records and Arc1hives with appre1c- iation of municipal records. - Filed. 'From the rDeptuy Clerk, City of 1St. Thom'as, re Parking on Stanley i8treet. - Filed. ,From the E,lgin ICounty Jail StalDf with request :for 40 hr. week. - tRe,ferred to the Finance Committee. 'From Sheriff Ian D. Ca1meron with Grand Jury Report. - Re- ferred to the Property Committee. \From the 'Delpt. of Municipal Affairs re Amounts colleded under Se,c'tion 5,3 OIf the Assessment Aiel. - Rel.f.erred to the Fin- ance Committee. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 97 ELGIN MANO'R COMMITTEE September Session, 1962 To t'he :Warden, and Memhers of the (EIIgin County Council, The Elgin Manor Committe,e reports. as foHows.: 1. ':Chat the {!ender otf the Cities Service Oil Company Ltd. for No. :1 ~uel Oil of 14.3:5 cents per gallon was aecepted. 2. That .the tender of the ImpoerialleFuels for No. ,1 Stoker Coal Q1f$li1.:34 per ton was ac.cepted. 3. That a new :power ,lawn m'Ower has been pur'chased at a net cost of $'6'9.00. 4. That the employment of Mr. G. Obendorf as night watch- man is quite satisfadory. An of which is .relspectfully sUlbmibted. IRJUrSISEiLlL ;MidKiIDEiIN, Chairman. ROAD REPORT COMMITTEE Sep,tember Session, 1962 To the rw arden and Members o.f the EJ:gin County Council: Your Road Co:mmittee begs to report as foLlows: 1. A iContraet ,for Hot !Mix Paving on the WeHington Road was let to and has ibeen ,completed by Walmsley Bros. Limited of London at a ,cost of $062,4518.09. In addition, AS1>halt was provided by t'he St. Thomas SUibur!han Road Commission. 2. !A IGontrad :has been let to Matthews Concrete iLimited of London Ifor the Ibuilding of the Dingle Street Bridge in Ayl- m,erand the Township of Malahide. Their tender of $37,- 3Jl}8.00 w.as the ,lowest o.f sev,en received. WE 1REiOOMMEN\D: 1. THAT a new By-law of a type approved by the Department of Transport he pas'sed prohibiting ;parking opposite the wes- t'erly 1,000 feet olf Lot '18, Concession III in the Townsh1p of 98 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Yar,mouth on County lRoad ,217. rrhis! is in the v1cinity of the entrance {o the St. 'Thomas Drag IStrip. ~ IBy-'law passed by the June Session of the County Council]: was rejeded, hecause o.f improtper iBy-law forim, by the tDepartm'ent of Transport. 2. 'I1HA:T a lBy"":lawof a type approv,ed by the Departmrent of Trans:port Ibe passed; setting up maximu:m stpe,ed zones of 40 M.lP.H. on County Road 27 ad'ja'cent {o Union and Sparta, County iRoad316 adjac,ent to Sparta (aH in Ithe Township of YavmouVh); County Rio-ad ,3H at \Richmond and adja,cent toO iStraiffordville in the TownshiJp of Bayham and County Road 14 at Ilona on the iSouthwold-iDunwich Townline; and a maxi- mum speed zone of 315 M.P.H. on ICounty !Road 3'6 adjacent lnorth) to ISiparta in the Township of Yarmouth. AN AMENDMENT to the Highway Traffic Act this year allows Counties to regulate speed on County (Roads iby By-law from 3'5 M.IP.H. .106.0 M.P.H. The (By-law must be approved by the Dep.artment o:f Transport. Mr. Roy Cow,ley of the Depart- ,ment of Transport has drivren Olver the Roads mentioned ,above and will a:plprove the max1mum slpe,ed limits recom- 'mended. ,3. 'THA:T the County Coundl Road Tour dates Ibe set as foHows: Octolber 17th-east end of the (County, and Octoiber 31st-Wrest end o.f the County. AlH of which is respedfully submitted. FAlR!NiEff..(L N]MMO, Chairman. ,FINANCE COMMITTEE To the W.arden, and M,embers olf the Er1gin County Council, 'The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. i'I\hat ICharity and Welfare Pay List No.6 for $.1,575.60; Pay List No.7 tor $1,~16i3.:515; and Pay List No. 08, for $1,619.2'0 he approved. '2. 'That IChildren's Aid Societies !Pay List T~o. 6 for $2,6,57.- 67; Pay List No.. 7 for '$2,75\3.60, and Pay List No.. 8, fo.r$2,6i15.99, be approved. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 99 3. That the ProhatiO'n Officers he paid $2!5.nO each, to' at- tend the annual Convention. 4. That we concur with the ,communi'Cationfrom the City O'f 'Windsor that any new Provincial legislation a1ff.eding expendi- tures .become ,effective the f0'l:lowing y.ear. '5. That we 'concur with the r,esolution from the County of WeIland requesting re1peal of the Safety Construction Act, and the Pr0'vince t0' provide the ne,cessary inspedion. 16. ''Ehat the resolution fro.m the County aif Victoria request- ing the :PravinlCiail lGovernment toassUffie the Co.st of indigent ambulance servkes, \be filed. 7. That the request of t'he JailrStaflf !for a 4.0 hour we,ek be laid over to. the N ov,e,mber lSession of County Council. 18. That we give a grant OIf$5',OOO.OO to the ELgin Pioneer Museum (Building Fund, and ,a loah of $'5,000.00 to the Fund. '9. That this C0'uncil go an re,cord as being opposed to any grant to the Four Counties Hospital !Board at the Newbury site. 10. That we wiU support the Thamesvie,w General Hospital at Ward'S'ville. A:ll of which is r'espe'crtfully suhmitte'ct. K. C. EMERSON, Chairman., 100 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL AGRICULTURAL COMMITTE'E To the W,arden, and IMe,mbers o,f the Elgin County Counclli., Thekgrkultural: tComimitte.e reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from the County of W,entworth re- questing a Vegetation Control Act to give permissive legislation Ifor control of other than noxious weedS', be filed. AJ]l of which is respedfuHy suibmitted. G.E. BIROWN, Chairman. The !first relport of the Elgin 'Manor Co!mmitteoe was presented and adopted on :motion olf iReeve !1.V[cKi:bbin and Deputy Reeve TuUord. Reeve Tufiford! presented the Provincial Ins'peotor's Report. !The iRoad Committee's !Report was presented and adopted on motion of Ree,ve Nimmo and R,ee:y,e iBrown. IRe€'ve MciKiJblbin reiported on new HO'mes for the kged re- cently visited by the IE,Lgin' Manor Co:mmittee, and cost of the sa,me, also, ono:perating expenditures. A resolution re a New Home for the Aged was presented. Moved Iby IRe eve Barker that the Council gO' into a Commit- te,e of the whole ;with IReeve M'cKibbin in the Chair. lA:ftera lengthy discussion, on motion of Reeve Gurr, the Committee arose, ,and the Warden assumed the Chair. 'The 'follow,mg resolution was presented and Reeve WiLson re- quested a recorded vote: Moved by Reeve M;cKibbin, Seconded by Deputy Ree,v,e Tufford, That this ,County (build a new HO'me for the Aged. -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 101 YEAS-iBarlber, Woolner, /Nimmo, Tufford, Tansley, Martin, Phillips, Pressey, McKiiblbin, Hughes, Emerson, Mdrver, Howard, EUiott, [Baird, and: G}arke. ('1'7). NAYIS-Rohson, Leitch, Brown, Caverly, Willson, Barker" Downey, and GUIT. (8). Moved Iby Reeve Gurr, Seconde.d :by Deputy iRe:eve M>C!Iver, :'That we do now adJourn to meet !this afternoon at 2.30 p.m. ---,Carried. The Council resumed. Reeve Gurr inquired if the municipalities ,had received a grant for winter works program. The report of the lFinance Committ,ee was presented and adopted on motion of iRe'e.v,e (E,merson and Reeve Gurr. 'The report of the 'Agricultural Committee was presented and ado:ptedon motion of Reeve iBrown and lReev,e Nimmo. 'Ree'v,e Elliott reported on Iblazers and trousers for members of County Council. The Warden app'oint,ed !Reeve Elliott, Reeve McK1blbin, and Reeve Clarke a 'Committee to se,cure ,prices and sam'p1es of mater- ials. Moved by Ree,v,e Nimmo, Se,conded Iby Deputy Reeve ,Tufford, That By..Law No. 14816 of the Township of Southwold to. Close Elm Street in the VHlage of Lawrence Station he confir,me.u and the ne,cessary Oounty By-Law be prepared. -Carried. MOoved by lRe.eve Nimmo, Se'conded by \Reeve Downey, 102 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL That the Warden and 1:he IClerk be authorized to sign agree- ment with the !Corporation of the City of 8ot. TnOlmas re Welling- ton road expenditures. -Carried. It was mov'ed Iby Reeve Nimmo ,and seeond:ed by Deputy !Reeve Caverly that ea'ch 'CounciHor \bring a junior guest on the first day of the IN ovember Session. Warden Phillips brought Uip the maUer of a County Cham- JJer of Gommerc'e. ReeV'e Gurr ,could see little value in it. The Warden appointed Reev,e iMason Tans'ley to attend the Ontario Provincial PloUighing Matrch, and plough in the Warden's c'lass. Moved iby Reeve Nimmo, Seeonded /by Deputy Reeve Tufford, 'That By-Law No. 1'81'6, "A iBy-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 11486 of the Township of Southwold to Close E'lm Street in the Village of Lawrence IStation," be r,ead a first time. ---,Carried. Mov,ed !by 'Reeve Downey, Se<eonded ,by (Ree've Nimimo, 'TIhat (By.[.aw iN o. 118116 be rea.d a second time. -Carried. Mov'ed iby Deputy Reeve Tufford, Se,conded rby Deputy (Reeve Leitch, 'That By-Law No. 1.s'16 he read a third time, and finally pass- ed. ---,Carried. Moved by \Reeve Clarke, Se<conded by Deputy Reeve Pressey, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCiL 103 That Ey-La,w No. 118117, "Restricting Parking on Certain Coun- ty .Roads," he read a first time. -Carried. ... Moved rby \Reeve TanS/ley, Seconded hy Deputy Ree've Martin, iThat (By-Law No. '181'7, he read a se1cond time. -Carried. IMoved :by Reeve Tansley, Se:eonded by neputy Reeve Martin, That By-Law No. 110817, he read a third time, and finally passed. --Carried. Moved by Reeve MeKjjbibin, Seconded by \Re,€'v,e immerson, 'That lEy-Law No. ,181:8, "Authorizing Speed Limits on Certain ICounty IRoads in the County of Elgin," he read a first time. --.JCarried. Moved by Reeve Elmerson, Se'conded /by Deputy Reeve Hughes, IThat IBy-La:w No. 18118, he read a second time. --Carried. Moved (by iDeputy Reeve Pressey, Seeonde,d by \Reeve Emerson, 'That (By.Lalw No. '1-818, he read a third time, and finally pass'ed. --.JCarried. 'Moved hy Deputy Reev,e Caverly, Se.conded by Reeve Brown, 'That we do no:wadjourn to meet on Tuesday, NoverL1!her 20th, 196'2, at ten a.m. -Carried. 104 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BY-LAW No. 1816 'f "A By-Law To Confirm By-Law 'No. 1486 of the Township of Southwo,ld,Being a By-Law to Close Elm Street in the Village of Lawrence Station in the Township o,f Southwold, as Shown on Registered Plan Number 161." WHEIREAlS the Council of the TOMTIlship of Southwold on the '6th day of Novemlher, ,19161, A.n., did pass By-Law No. 1486 to dose IE,lm Stre1et in t.he Village of' Lawrenc,e Station in the Township of Southwo1d, as shown on Registered Plan Number 16:1, more particularly described in the said \By.Law, true copies hereof ar,e hereuntO' annexed. !AJN:D WHEiRJEiAS pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act, t1he said 'Township By-iLaw shall not have any force until con- firmed lbya By-Law of tihe Council of the Oounty in which the township is situate passed .at an ordinary meeting of the Council held not sO'oner than thr,ee 'months, nor later than one year, after the Ipassing of the By-Law of the Council of the Township. AND 'WlHEIRE)AJSa\piplieaUon has been made to the Council of '~he Corporation of the ICounty of E;1gin :for a By-Law confirm- ing the said township [by-law. INlOW THlEIRiEFO\RlE the Council of the Oorporation O'f the County of \Elgin enacts as foHows: ''I1HAT \By-\Lalw No. '1486 of the Township of Southwold, Being a By-Law to' c,losle ELm IStreet in the Village of Lawrence Station in the 'Tnwnship of Southwo1d, as shown on Registered PLan Number HH, he, and the same is hereby eon:firmed. RElAiD a first time this aiBith day o.f Septemher, 19'62. REiAD a se'cond time this 18th day of September, 1962. RIEAJD .a third; time, and :finally passed this 18th day of Se,p~ tember, 19162. J. D. THOMISON, Olerk C. D. PlHLLIPS, Warden ELG:uN :OOUNTY COUNCiL 10'5 MUNICIPALITY OF ELGIN BY-LAW No. 1817 RESTRICTING PARKING The Council Qof the iCor:poration od: the Municipality of E[JG:EN enacts as tfoUows: DEFINITIONS !For the IlJUripose of this by-'law:- iPAiRKmeans the standing of a vehide, whether oecupied or not, otherwise than t,emporarilly [or the purpose O[ and whHe aetually engaged in loading or unloading. ,STIREErT 'OR HEGHWiAY ifilc>ludes a 'commo.n or puiblic hrgh- way, street, aVienue, parkway, driveway, square, place, bridge, 'viaduct o.r trestle, d'esi.gned and intended for, or used by, the general puhltc Ifor the passage Q!f ,vehicles. V]BH]CLE includes a motor vehie1e, trailer, traction engine, Ifarm tractor, road'building ma,c:hine and any y,ehide dra'wn, 'propeLled or driven !by any:kind of power, including muscular po.wer, :but no.t including the cars of eledr:iJc or st.eam rail;. ways running only uP'On rails. METHOD Of PARKING No. 'person shall Ipark a vehicle on any street other than a 'one-way street unless on the right hand side 'Of the street, having regard for the diredion in whi'ch the vehide had been proceeding and unless t1he right front and right rear w:heels or runners of the vehicle are parallel to. and distant respeetive1ly not more than six inches ,from the edge of the roadway. PARKING RESTRICTIONS When properly 'Worded signs hav:e heenereeted and are on display, no. ,person shall park a vehicle on the highways or :parts of highways, known as County iRoad No. 2'7, BE'ING the Road Allowance and the (Road Allowantce as widened hetween Concessions III and Ii\! in the Township o.f Yar- mouth opposite the westerly One T;housand Feet of Lot 18, Concession ill in the Township of Yarmouth. 106 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PENAL TIES Any iP'erson violating any O[ the provisions of thiS' by-'law shaH be subject to a penalty of not more than Ten Dollars ($10.00} Ifor the first oififence and not more than Fifty Dollars ($'50.00.) for every suibsequent offence, ex:clusive of costs, and lall su.ch !penalties shall be r,ecoverahle under the .ontario Summary COlliv~ctions: ket. ,'DBmS [By-Law shaH not !become eflfective until approved by the Department of Transport. ''TIHl~T \By.lL~w No. rUn5, !be, and is hereby repealed. 'ENAJOTED kND \PASSED THitS !lHth day of September, 1962. J. D.THOMSON, Olerk C. D. PHILLIPS, Warden MUNICIPALITY OF ELGIN BYulAW No. 1818 AUTHORIZING SPEED LIMITS !WHElREIAS su:bsedion '6a of sedion \59 of the Highway Trafu fic Act CR.iS.O. 11960, Chapter 1712) autho.riz,es the coun,cil of a township or !c'OUll'ty Iby .Iby-law to prescribe a lower or h1gher rate of speed ,for 'motor vehic1es on a highway or IporHon nf highway under its jurisdiction that is not within a built-up area, urban are.a or suburlban distrid than in ipr,escr1bed in dausle a of sub- section 1 of sledion 59, hut such rate of speed shan not he less than 3'5, ~miles :per hour or Imore 'than 150 miles per hour; AND WiHEIREiAS it is deemed ,expedient that the speed limit for motor vehkles upon oertain highways in the Municipality of FJLGIN he either de!creased or increased. or hoth; NOW'THERJEFORiE the Council of the Corporation of the Muni- eipalityof ili.;ILGrN enacts as !follows: 1. No person shall drive a motor vehicle upon the highways or .portions .of Ihighw.ays des1gnated in Schedules "A" and ''is'' ELGfN OOUNTY OOUNCIL 107 appended hereto, at Igreat.er rat'es"of Slpe1ed than the rates of speed preseribed in the schedules. 2. This by-law shall not bcome eff.edive unUl ffipprov,ed: by the 'Department of !fransport. . !ENA:C'TIEn lAND IP~SSED this !lHbh day of Septemher, 1962. J. D. THOMiSON, 01er k C. D. PHILLIPS, Wa~den S,CHEDULE "A" Maximum rate of speed-35 miles per hour ICounty Road No. 3,6, BEING the \Road Allowance between Lots 21 and 212 in IConcession IV, Township of Yaflmouth, mOM the north limit of County (Road INn. '2'7, BE1!NG the Road Allow- ance hetween Concessions I\l!I and illV, Township of Yarmouth, to' One ''thousand, One Hundred Feet north olf the north limit of County iRoad No. 27. (Hamlet of Sparta). SCHEDULE "B" Maximum rate of speed--40 miles per ho'ur County iRoad No. 27, BiEiING the road Allowance between Concessions N'! and ltV, 'Township of Yarmouth, FROM Two Hund.. red ,and 'thirty Weet east of the east limit of Co.1!born Street in the Hamlet of Union in lOoncession wV, Yarmouth Township, to One 'Thousand, Seven Hundred and Thirty \Feet east of the east ilimit of !C01born IStreet in the Ha'mlet of Union (!A DJJSTANCIE of .one Thousand, and (Five Hundred Feet). County <Road No. '2.'7, iBlElNG the Roa,d A1:lowance between Concessions HI and ']V, Towns1hip of Yar,mouth, From One Thous- and and Twenty F,eet west of the west limit of :the Road Allo,w- ance between Lots 2!1 ,and 212, Concession IV, Yarmouth Township, to Three 'Thousand, Five Hundred, and Twenty Feet west of the west limit of the Road AlLowance !between Lots 2'1 and 22, Con.. ,cession lV, Yarmouth Township (A DISTANCE of Two Thousand, and Five Hundred Feet.) 108- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL County [Road No. 36, HEmNlG the :Road AUowanee between Lots 2,1 and '2;2, 'Concession HiI, Township of Yarmouth, !From Six Hundr,ed and Twenty Feet south of the south -limit of the Road Allowance Ibetween iOoncessions 1m: and IV, Yarmouth Township, to .one 'TIhousand, Two Hundred and Sev'enty Feet south of the South limit of the lRoad tAllowance between Concessions HI and lV, Yar,mouth Township (A DtS'I1ANOE nf Six Hundred and F.i!fty Feet.) <I CountyiRoad No. 3'8, BElDNlG the Tal:bot IRoad Eas1t in the Township of Bayham, lFrom IFour Hundred and Twenty Feet south~east of the south ;limit of IMiH IStreet, in the Hamlet of Richmond, ,as shO'wn on a Plan registered as No. 2'2 in the County of E:IJgin Registry Of.fice to One Thousand, Three Hundred, and Thirty Feet north-west oif the south limit of Mill Street (A DIS~ TlANCE of .one ,Thousand, ISeven Hundred, and Fifty Fe'et.) County Road N 0.38, BEliNG the Talbot Road. iE,aslt in the Township of Bayham, FrO'm Six Hundred Feet west of the west limit 'Of the Plank :Road. in the Ha,mLet of Straffordrvi11e, as' shown on a 'Plan registered as No. 20S in the Oounty of Elgin !R,'egistry Office tn 'Two Thnusand, \Eight Hundred Fe,et west OlE the west limit of the Plank Road (A D]STANOE of Two Thousand, Two Hundred Feet.) County 1R0a'd No. 3'8, HiEING >the Tatbot IRoad East in the Township of Bayham, 'From the :east limit of the C.rp.:R. riJght of way (Approximately One Thousand, Three Hundred Fe,et east of the east limit of the IPlank Road in the Hamlet of Straflfo~diVille, as shown on a Plan regisbered as No. :205 in the County o.f Elgin Registry Offtce) to the west limit of the Road Allowance between ,Lots 1'216 and 12,7, in Ooncession VI, TownshiJp of Bayham (A 1>'18- 'DANOE of One Thousand and Three Hundred Feet). County Road No. 14, BEING t.he Southiwnld-DunwiC'h Town~ line From the south limit of the North Branch of the Ta'lbot Road in the Township of Southwold, to Two Thousand, Five Hundred Feet south of the south limit of the North Branch of the Talbot iRoad. "Jj,:, ELGlN OOUNTY COUNCIL 1'09 FIFTH SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 20th day of November, 1962 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, , St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members were present except Reeve Barker. The Warden addressed the Council and welcomed the boys and girls who came as junior guests of the Councillors. The minutes of the September Session were read and con- firmed. The following communications were read and referred to the various Committees: WARDEN'S ADDRESS November Session, 1962 To the Members of the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: It is a real pleasure to welcome this group of girls and boys' as our guests. To-day, you will have the opportunity of seeing County Gov~ ernment in operation, and Deputy Reeve Angus Hughes has ar- ranged a tour of County Buildings, and feel free to ask any questions while making the tour. We, the Council of Elgin County, are charged with the res- ponsibility of providing sound, progressive government for this County, and it well may be some of you will also have that res- ponsibility in a fevl short years. After your visit here, keep in~ terested in your local and County government. An interested, well informed, citizen is invariably a good citizen. Vigorous, public leadership will ensure continuous growth in our County. 110 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL We are pleased to have you with us and hope your day with us will be enjoyable and educational. - I have been pleased with the co-operation given me by Council and Committees, and with your help we have enjoyed a year of progress. No little credit for this, goes to the heads of the various departments within our County, and especialy to our Clerk-Treas- urer, J. D. Thomson, who has served this County for so many years. Gentlemen, your support and understanding has made my term of office very pleasant indeed, and I sincerely hope I have at least partially filled your expectations. COMMUNICATIONS November Session, 1962 From Mr. R. B. Dewsnap, Secretary-Treasurer of the West Lorne Horticultural Society with appreciation of grant. - Filed. From the University of Western Ontario re Elgin County Scholarship. - Filed. From the County of Prescott and Russell with resolution re- questing the legalizing of lotteries. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Egin TB and Heath Association re Homemaker Service. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the St. Thomas-Elgin Association for Retarded Child- ren re Grant. - Filed. From the Union School Section Southwold No. 24 and Yar- mouth 25 (Lynhurst) re Junk Yard. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. From the Dept. of Agriculture re Elgin Farm Safety Coun- cil and appointment of representative. - Referred to the Agri- cultural Committee. ELG:IN COUNTY OOUNCIIL 111 From the Elgin County Pioneer Museum with appreciation of Grant. - Filed. From the Dept. of Labour re Appointment of Construction Safety Officer. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Western Ontario Agricultural School re Scholar- ship. - Filed. From Mr. N. Drew, Director, Homes for the Aged, re new Elgin County Home. - Filed. From the Elgin County Jail Staff re 40 Hour Week. - Re- ferred to the Finance Committee. From the Canadian National Institute for the Blind with appreciation of Grant. - Filed. From the Four Counties General Hospital requesting an in- terview with the Elgin County Council to request a grant. - Referred to the Finance Committee. The Elgin Manor Committee Report was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve McKibbin and Reeve Tansley. The Property Committee Report was presented and adopt- ed on motion of Deputy Reeve Martin and Reeve Emerson. The County Treasurer's Report was presented to Council. Moved by Reeve Gurr, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McIver, That the report of the County Treasurer be accepted and printed in the Proceedings. -Carried. The Secretary's Report on Elgin Manor was presented to Council. Moved by Reeve Barber, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Woolner, >112 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL That the Secretary's Report of Elgin Manor be accepted and printed in the Proceedings. -Carried. The Clerk then presented his report on licenses. Moved by Reeve Brown, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Caverly, That the Clerk's Report on licenses be accepted and print- ed in the Proceedings. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Brown, Seconded by Reeve Gurr, That we do now adjourn to meet this afternoon at 3 p.m. -Carried. The Council resumed. Moved by Reeve Wilson that Mr. J. F. Pineo, County Coun- cil Representative on the East Elgin High School Board be now heard. Mr. Pineo addressed the Council on the new addition to the High School and the various courses of instruction avail- able. Moved by Reeve Howard that Mr. John Stalker, County Council Representative on the West Elgin High School Board be now heard. Mr. Stalker addressed the Council on the num- ber of members on the Board, also the cost of High School, and additions; and cost of carrying pupils, and the operating cost of school. Reeve Nimmo moved that Mr. Ralph Auckland, County Council Representative on the Central Elgin High School Board be now heard. Mr. Auckland addressed the Council on the formation of the District, number of members on the Board, and new school and additions built. The report of the Road Committee was presented and adopt- ed on motion of Reeve Nimmo and Reeve Brown. Moved by Reeve Downey, Seconded by Reeve Nimmo, _:..-6:; ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL 113 That R. E. Rawlings, Inspector of Public Schools, be ap- pointed Elgin County Representative to the Senate of the Uni- versity of Western Ontario. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Barber, Seconded by Reeve Elliott, That the Warden and Clerk of the County of Elgin are here- by authorized to sign Certificate regarding permanent employees of the Corporation for exemption of contributions as provided under the Regulations of the Unemployment Insurance Act. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Gurr, Seconded by Reeve Brown, That when an Elgin County employee has contributed suf- ficient monies for the maximum pension of One Hundred Dol- lars a month, that the County of Elgin contribute five per cent of his wages to a supplementary pension until his normal retire- ment, provided the employees contribute the same amount. -Carried. Reeve Downey expressed appreciation to Deputy Reeve Hughes and Committee for entertaining the junior guests. Moved by Deputy Reeve Woolner, Seconded by Reeve Elliott, That we do now adjourn to meet on Wednesday, Novem- ber 21st, 1962, at ten a.m. -Carried. J. D. THOMSON (",1",...1,- '-'.1.\:;.1 .n.. C. D. PHILLIPS Warden. :,114 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FIFTH SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 21st day of November, 1962 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, 8t. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members present except Deputy Reeve Caverly. The minutes of the previous day were read and confirmd. The report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Reeve Gurr. Moved by Reeve Gurr that Mr. R. T. Gavin, Field Officer of the Emergency Measures Organization be now heard. Mr. Gavin addressed the Council on the formaton of the Emergency Measures Organization and answered questions and dangers of radiation. The Warden thanked Mr. Gavin for his address and answer- ing the questions presented by Council. Moved by Deputy Reeve Hughes that Mr. Claybourne Gor- don, County Weed Inspector, be now heard. Mr. Gordon pre- sented his report. Moved by Reeve Gurr, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McIver, That Mr. Gordon's report be accepted and printed in the Proceedings. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McIver that the Agricultural Rep- resentative be now heard. Mr. Langton addressed the Coun~ cil on farm crops, cost of production and prices, also on the Junior Farmer Organizations, and Seed Grain Survey. The Warden expressed appreciation to Mr. Langton for his address. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 115 Moved by Deputy Reeve Hughes, Seconded by Reeve Elliott, That the Reception and Entertainment Committee voted ; that the sum of One Hundred Dollars be paid to the "Stork Club" for use of their facilities. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Tansley, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Martin, That we do now adjourn to meet this afternoon at 2 p.m. -Carried. The Council resumed. The report of the Agricultural Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Brown and Reeve Robson. The report of the Petitions and Legislations Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve W oolner and Reeve Emerson. The report of the Elgin Manor Committee was presented, and Mr. Black and Mr. Green explained the Plans and answered questions from Reeve Gurr, Reeve Wilson, Reeve Barker, and other members of Council. Reeve Barker moved that the Council go into a Committee of the whole with Reeve McKibbin in the Chair. After a lengthy discussion, the Committee arose, and the following resolution was presented on which a recorded vote was requested by Reeve Gurr. Moved by Reeve Lloyd S. Gurr, Seconded by Reeve J. B. Wilson, That until such time as we have discussed the matter fur- ther with the City of St. Thomas, that the building of a new County Home for the Aged, be deferred. 116 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Recorded Vote:-YEAS - Barber, Woolner, Robson, Leitch, Brown, Caverly, Wilson, Hughes, Barker, Downey, Gurr, Mc- Iver, Elliott, Baird, Clarke. (15). ;1; NAYS:-Nimmo, Tufford, Tansley (2); Martin, Phillips, Pres- sey, McKibbin, Emerson, Howard. (10). Moved by Reeve L. S. Gurr, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McIver, That we do now adjourn to meet on Thursday, November 22nd, 1962, at ten a.m. -Carried. J. D. THOMSON Clerk. C. D. PHILLIPS Warden. ELG1)N COUNTY COUNCIL 117 FIFTH SESSION - THIRD DAY Thursday, the 22nd day of November, 1962 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, . St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members present, except Reeve Emerson. The minutes of the previous day were read and confirmed. Moved by Deputy Reeve McIver, Seconded by Reeve Gurr, That Mr. John Stalker be appointed County Council Repre- sentative to the West Elgin High School District Board. . That Mr. Ralph Auckland be appointed County Council Rep- resentative on the Central Elgin High School District Board. That Mr. J. F. Pineo be appointed to the East Elgin High School District Board. That each Representative report at the November Session of County Council, and at any time, at request of Council. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson, Seconded by Reeve Clarke, That this County Council enter the Emergency Measures Organization in co-operation with the City of St. Thomas, and the Warden appoint a Committee to prepare by-law to be pre- sented at the January Session of Council, 1963. -Carried. The Warden appointed Reeve Wilson, Reeve Clarke, and the Warden as a Committee. 118 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Reeve Barker, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pressey, That the Warden and the Clerk be authorized to sign con- tract for new addition to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum in the sum of $16,921.00. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Gurr that Mr. John Pearson of the Dept. 'Of Planning and Development, be now heard. Mr. Pearson ad- dressed the Council on county organization of Planning and Development. The Warden expressed his appreciation to Mr. Pearson for his excellent address. Moved by Deputy Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Brown, That we recommend the 1963 County Council set up a County Planning Committee. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve. W oolner that Reed Menzies and Calvert Raycraft, a delegation from the Four Counties Hospital Board be now heard. Mr. Menzies and Mr. Raycraft requested a grant for the Hospital. Moved by Deputy Reeve Martin, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Caverly, That we do now adjourn to meet this afternoon at 2 p.m. -Carried. The Council resumed. Moved by Deputy Reeve Woolner, Seconded by Reeve Elliott, , ELGIN-cOUNTV:OOUNCIL ~:.119 That a Committee be appointed from the Elgin County Council to meet with a Committee of Kent and Middlesex Coun- ties to bring back a recommendation re construction of a hos- pital at Wardsville at the January Session of the Elgin County Council and the Committee to consist of Reeve Downey, Reeve Howard, and Warden Phillips. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Gurr, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McIver, That the usual grant of $25.00 be paid to Mr. White of the Times-Journal, and Mr. Traichevich of the London Free Press for reporting the Proceedings of County Council during the year, 1962. -Carried. Reeve Gurr moved that the Elgin Manor Committee confer with the City Council re a joint new Home for the Aged. The members of Council congratulated the Warden on the excellent manner in which he presided at Council, and conducted the County business during the year. Reeve Gurr invited all members of County Council to the "Stork Club" on December 1st. The W~1rden thanked all members of County Council for their splendid co-operaton during the year. Moved by Reeve Barker, Seconded by Reeve Tansley, That we do now adjourn sine die. J. D. THOMSON Clerk. C. D. PHILLIPS Warden. 120 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE November Session, 1962 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Elgin Manor Committee reports as follows: 1. That we have accepted the tender of the Imperial System of Baking for bread to be delivered to the Elgin Manor during the year 1963, @ 14 cents per loaf. 2. 8hat we have accepted the tender of the St. Thomas City Dairy for Standard milk at 20 cents per quart and three quart jug at 55 cents to be delivered to the Elgin Manor during 1963. All of which is respectfully submitted. RUSSEL McKIBBIN, Chairman. PROPERTY COMMITTEE November Session, 1962 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That we have accepted the tender of the Imperial Sys- tem of Baking for bread to be delivered to the Elgin County Jail during the year, 1963, @ 14 cents per loaf. 2. That we have accepted the tender of the St. Thomas City Dairy for Standard milk at 20 cents per quart, and three quart jug at 55 cents to be delivered to the Elgin County Jail during the year, 1963. 3. That a new refrigerator has been purchased for the Jail kitchen from W. J. Robbins Electrical Service for $227.48. 4. That a new water cooler has been purchased from D. Gillard and installed on the second floor of the Court House for the sum of $368.00. All of which is respectfully submitted. ROBERT N. MARTIN, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 121 COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT November Session, 1962 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, I beg to submit the following statement of Receipts and Expenditures from January 1st, 1962, to October 31st, 1962: Receipts Balance in Bank, and on hand, Jan. 1st, 1962...,.$ Administration of Justice ................$ 39,927.43 County Assessment Dept. ................ 1,503.10 Notes Payable ..... ... ............. ...... ..... .... 750,000.00 Registry Office . ... ........ ........ ......... .... 23,923.16 Charity and Welfare ........................ 7,400.65 Elgin Manor ........................................ 26,615.24 Children's Aid Societies .................. 3,526.87 County Roads .................................... 521,639.46 Miscellaneous .................................... 2,560.51 Licenses and Permits ........................ 192.00 Agriculture .. .. . .... ... . . ....... .... ... . .. . . .. . ... . 1,284.64 Interest ................................................ 89.32 County Rates under Section 53 of the Assessment Act ................ County Rates ...................................... Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit ........ O/s cheques written off .................... Expenditures Administration of Justice ................$ Notes Payable .................................... Charity and Welfare ..... ..... .. . ....... .... Grants, Associations, Scholarships.. Elgin Manor .............................,.......... Registry Office .,.................................. Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit ........ Children's Aid Societies .................... Members' Vi ages ................................ Officers' Salaries ................................ Printing, Postage and Stationery.... 23,505.15 1,685.88 153,378.89 1,260.73 1,4 75.46 $ 1,536,463.34 $ 1,559,968.49 85,059.70 500,000.00 18,803.80 7,350.00 28,859.72 9,140.57 20,000.00 27,946.26 10,231.25 8,787.50n1,026.44 122 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Care of Buildings ............................ Agriculture ....................,..................... County Roads ............... ......... ............ Miscellaneous . . .......... ........ ............ .... Interest ................................................ County Assessment Dept. ................ Rebatement of Taxes under Section 207, of the Assessment Act....... Refund County Rates under Sec- tion 53, of the Assessment Act.... 4,931.45 6,158.35 783,496.87 1,652.52 14,039.33 10,268.56 991.53 373.04 $ 1,539,116.-89 Balance on hand, Oct. 31st, 1962........................ 20,851.60 $ 1,559,968.49 All of which is respectfully submitted. J. D. THOMSON, County Clerk and Treasurer. SECRETARY'S REPORT November Session, 1962 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council: The following is my report on Elgin Manor for the year ending October 31st, 1962: 1. Number of residents at last report................................ 35 2. Number admitted during the year................................ 7 3. Number discharged ............................................................ 9 4. Number of residents now in the Home........................ 33 5. Total days residence .. ,., ............ ................... ......... ....... ,.12,338 6. Average number of residents during the year.. ........ 30 7. Average number with Superintendent's family and hired help ....,.....,.....,...,..................................................... 40 8. Number of weeks' board with the Superintendent's family ..,.,...................................................,......................... 2,206 9. Number of week's board of residents............................ 1,748 10. Receipts Province of Ontario Subsidy ..................................$ 10,024.21 Old Age Pensions and Residence Maintenance.... 17,411.75 Government of Canada Sales Tax Refund............ 301.71 ,-"" $ 27,737.67 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 123 11. Expenditures Food and Provisions ................................................$ Medical, Dental, and Drugs .................................... Clothing and Welfare .............................................. Household supplies ................................................ Furnishings '" .. . .. . . ... .. . .. .. .. .......... . . .. .... . ,.. ... .... . .. . .... ... Repairs to Buildings and grounds ........................ Fuel, Hydro, Telephone, Water ............................ Travel Expenses and Office Supplies .........."........ Salaries and Wages . . .. .. .... ...... . ..... . ............. . ....... . .. . Insurance, Fire, Compensation, and Boiler............ Pension Fund, Convention Expenses and Sundries 12. Deductions Governm ent of Canada, Sales Tax .....................". $ 13. Cost of Operating .................................................... 14. Average Expenses per day of each person.."........ 15. Average Expenses per week of each person........ 16. Average Expenses per year of each person........ 17. Actual Cost to County after deductions of all re- cei pts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 18. Actual Cost to County after deductions of all re- ceipts per day ...............,......,.......,................,............ 20. 7,753.53 2,035.78 3,177.93 1,097.23 781.33 1,456.11 3,548.94 224.25 10,594.92 1,011.53 372.18 $32,053.73 301. 71 31,752.02 2.57 17.99 935.48 4,316.06 .35 Produce 150 bushels potatoes; 33 bushels carrots; 50 bushels onions; 12 bushels turnips; 12 bushels beets; 20 bushels squash; 420 head cabbage; 6 bushels parsnips; 60 bushels apples. During season, the Home used their own lettuce, toma- toes, green onions, sweet corn, radishes, cucumbers, and beans from the garden of which no account was kept. 20. Stock 75 Hens 21. There were 42 residents in the Home during 1962:-31 males, 11 females. Of the 33 residents in the Home, on the 1st day of November, 1962, 26 were males, and 7 were females. 124 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL The management has been satisfactory. An of which is respectfully submitted. J. D. THOMSON, Secretary of Elgin Manor. CLERK'S REPORT ON LICENSES November Session, 1962 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, I have to report the following licenses in force on the 1st . day of November, 1962: Auctioneer D. A. Brown ............................................................ Shedden Don Shore............................................... .R.R. 6, 81. Thomas Harold G. Clarke ........ ............24 Alma S1., S1. Thomas Leslie J. Shackelton ............................R..R. 1, Springfield Keith Fawcett........................................... .R.R. 2, S1. Marys Kenneth McAlpine ................................................... .Dutton Don Watterworth ........ ... ..... ....... ............. ........ ....... ,Aylmer Robert Shore ...................................................... Glanworth William Johnson ..................................................... .Rodney Hector McNeil ....,................................................ . Alvinston Henry D. Brock ....................1002% Dundas S1., London James R. McLean ................112 Elmwood Ave., London Frank Fulkerson ................................ ..R.R. 6, Tillsonburg Salvage Dealers Jack Streib ............................................................... .Rodney Jules Vandenbussche .............. ...... ............... .Straffordville A. Kirschner & Sons ........................... .R.R. 3, West Lorne Frank Chodowski ..................................................... . Aylmer Howard Roloson .......................................,..R.R. 1, Vienna Charles Rickwood ........................................... .Port Stanley Borden Tower ................................................. .Port Stanley ",";' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 125 Salvage Yard Jack Streib ........ ............. ....... ..... .... ...............,......... ..Rodney John F. Wallace ................ 75 High St., Apt. 646 London Transportation of Fowl Charles Pangborn .............................................. Talbotville Elgin Egg Company .......................................... St. Thomas Strathcona Creamery ....,...........................,.............. .Dutton All of which is respectfully submitted. J. D. THOMSON, County Clerk and Treasurer. 126 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1962 To the Warden and Members of The Elgin County Council. YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE begs to report as follows: 1. Road Mulch Pavements have been laid on the following Roads during 1962: (a) Road 3-At the Wardsville Bridge in Ald- borough Township ...................................,...... 0.3 miles (b) Road 20-Fingal to Shedden in Southwold Township .......................................................... 2.3 miles (c) Road 23-King's Highway No.4 at Hepburn Transport to the top of the Schoolhouse Hill in Port Stanley in Yarmouth Township and the Village of Port Stanley.............................. 1.4 miles (d) Road 27-At the Seminary School between Union and Sparta in Yarmouth Township.... 0.5 miles (e) Road 38-At the Richmond Hill in Bayham Township ..................................,....................... 1.0 miles Total: 5.5 miles 2. The Wellington Road (County Road 25) in Yarmouth and South wold Townships under the jurisdiction of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission has been completely rebuilt including Grading, Granular Bas and Hot Mix Pav- ing from the Middlesex County Line to the Bostwick Road, a distance of approximately 3.8 miles. 3. The Eden Bridge on Road 44, in Bayham Township, has been completed this summer. 4. Work, by Matthews Concrete Limited of London, on the Dingle Street Bridge over the Catfish Creek between the Township of Malahide and the Town of Aylmer is well ad- vanced and it is expected that the Bridge will be open for traffic by Christmas. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 127 5. Widening, Grading and Gravelling has been done on the following Roads in addition to the Wellington Road: (a) Road 2-From the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad Crossing in West Lorne easterly to the West Limit of Lot 2, Concession "A", Township of Dunwich, in the Village of West Lorne and the Townships of Aldborough and Dunwich .....................................,...................... 2.2 miles (b) Road 20-From King's Highway No.4 to Turvilles' Corners in the Village of Port Stanley and the Township of South wold...... 2.0 miles (c) Road 16-From Burwells' Corners (County Road 14) to Talbot Creek in Dunwich Town- ship .................................................................... 1.6 miles Total: 5.8 miles 6. Concrete Culverts have been built on the following: (a) Road 9 near Campbellton in Dunwich Township. (b) The Hoover Culvert on the Yarmouth-South Dor- chester Townline. 7. Steel Plate Culverts have been installed on two locations on Road 25 (the Wellington Road). 8. Steel Culverts were installed on Roads 2, 16, 20 and 25 in conjunction with Grading Operation. Miscellaneous Cul- verts were installed throughout the County Road System. 9. Steel Guide Rail has been or will be erected at the Eden Bridge, Wardsville Bridge, Road 20 north of Warren Street in Port Stanley, Road 2 at the Crossing of the New York Central and the Chesapeake and Ohio Railways east of West Lorne. 10. The Jamestown, Gillets and Fulton Bridges have been clean- ed and painted. 11. Repairs have been made to a number of Bridges including Fulton, Robbins, Cook, Shelbourne and Catfish Bridges on Road 45. 128 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 12. Road 45 from King's Highway No. 19, to Calton, in Bayham Township, a distance of 4.2 miles, was surfaced with a double coat of Bituminous Material and Stone Chips. 13. Approximately 30 miles of County Roads in various loca- tions throughout the County were treated with Bituminous Material and Gravel or Stone Chips. 14. Flashing Light Signals and Crossing Gates have been in~ stalled on Road 3 in the Village of Rodney at the Crossing of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway and the New York Central Railway. Double Flashing Light Signals and the Modernization of the Circuit on Road 46 at Corinth in Bayham Township has been completed. 15. The Board of' Transport Commissioners for Canada has approved the installation of Flashing Light Signals and Crossing Gates on Road 40 in Springfield and the work is expected to start shortly. 16. Gravel Resurfacing was done on: (a) Road 43 from Calton to Road 42 in Bayham and Malahide Townships. (b) Road 45 from Mount Salem to Calton in Malahide Township. (c) Road 35 from Jaffa north in Malahide and Yar- mouth Townships. Cd) Road 45 from Jaffa to Road 36 in Yarmouth Town- ship. 17. A new Champion Motor Grader has been purchased to re- place the County's 1952 Model 610 Adam Grader which was traded in. Delivery is expected by the end of the month. 18. Surveys are being continued on Road 36 designated by the Ontario Department of Highways as a Development Road for Pre-Engineering Purposes. The field work had been near~ ly completed when the Ontario Department of Highways re- quested a change in the location of part of the Road. Work on this relocation will likely be completed by the end of the month. It is expected that the Department will conduct soil tests shortly. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 129 WE RECOMMEND: THAT the County's Three Year Road Program be added to as follows: 1965 - Paving - That milage of Road graded in 1964. 1965 - Grading and Granular Base- Road 19 from Southwold Station southerly to the north end of the pavement, north of Frome in Southwold Township ................................................ 1.5 miles Road 45-Calton to Mount Salem, Malahide Township. ....... ... ....................... ..... ..... ........ ......... ...... 4.0 miles Road 44-King's Highway No. 19 to King's High- way No.3, Bayham Township................................ 3.8 miles Road 52 from the New York Central Railroad Tracks easterly to the Oxford County Line, Mala- hide and South Dorchester Townships.................. 1.8 miles Total: 11.1 miles All of which is respectfully submitted. FARNELL NIMMO, Chairman. 130 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FINANCE COMMITTEE November Session, 1962 First Report To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That Children's Aid Pay List No. 9 for $2,662.53, Pay List No. 10 for $2,556.20, and Pay List No. 11 for $2,703.93, be approved. 2. That Charity and Welfare Pay List No.9 for $1,351.95, Pay List No. 10 for $1,426.80, and Pay List No. 11 for $1,278.10, be approved. 3. That no action be taken to reinstate Mr. Josef Topfner as turnkey on the Elgin County Jail Staff. 4. That the communication from Mrs. T. Schuit be referred to the Property Committee. 5. That the account of Stafford, Fanjoy, and Hennessey re Elgin Manor Water Pipe Line, be paid. 6. That the position of Matron on call and part time steno- grapher be continued. 7. That the Jail Staff be continued on the 48 hour work week. 8. That the annual increase for those members of the Jail Staff who are eligible in 1963, be granted. 9. That the resolution from the United Counties of Pres~ cott and Russell to legalize lotteries so that the profits would be used for hospitals and charitable institutions, be endorsed. 10. That the communication from the Elgin Tuberculosis and Health Association re Homemakers Service, be filed. 11. That the appointment of a Safety Construction Officer be laid over till the January Session of County Council. 12. That a grant of $25.00 be given in prizes for Essay Con- test on "My Day at County Council," to Junior Girls and Boys, guests of County Councillors. All of which is respectfully submitted. K. C. EMERSON, Chairman. <of ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 131 WEED INSPECTOR'S REPORT November Session, 1962 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, I wish to report to you on the Elgin County Weed Control Program during 1962. In the months of January and February, there is very little a Weed Inspector can do re Weed Control. In March and April, there are some County Meetings to attend, and inspection of seed cleaning plants re the screening of weeds and the various kinds of weed seed. There are farmers in the County who draw these screenings home, and spread them around the barn; some let the cattle and pigs eat the screenings and weed seeds. They are seeding their own farms with these weed seeds and many farmers draw them with an uncovered truck, and with the speed of the truck and the wind bowing, seed the road sides. The Weed Act states that anyone trucking these screenings, are supposed to have the truck covered. It is amazing the num- ber of farmers who draw screenings to their farms. A Seed Drill Survey was conducted in Elgin County last spring. I picked up 53 samples throughout the County. There is still improvement to be made in the seed grain that is sown by some farmers. I think roadside spraying should be done earlier in the year in some of the townships where tobacco and vegetable crops are grown, and spraying cannot be done. The townships do more mowing, some township roads are quite weedy. Milk-weed is hard to control by spraying, but if spraying is done, no mowing should be done for three weeks after the spraying is completed. The townships that spray the county roads are late in get- ting the county roads sprayed, if they are late in getting started at spraying the township roads. Early spraying seems to give the best results before the grass on the roadsides grows too high. I advise as many farmers as I can on their spraying, and if it is impossible for me to help them, I get the District Inspector, 132 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL or someone from the Ridgetown Agricultural School. These fieldmen are always ready to help you. There was little improvement on the Provincial Highways this year in Elgin County. The mowers should have been out a month sooner than they were, and there is a shortage of mowers. The County Roads are fairly clean-200 miles were sprayed and 263 miles along with the suburban roads were sprayed and mowed. The Township Roads are fairly clean, except in areas where milk-weed is real bad and the places that are not sprayed. These roadsides should be sprayed in the fall. Middlesex County has completed a great deal of fall spraying this fall, spraying as late as October. Railroads give the usual problems-not wanting to do any- thing about their weeds, and when anything is done with the control of the weeds, it is always la.te. There is a lot of work getting the sub-divisions mowed and cleaned up. I have received many complaints, and the only thing I can do is to hire some one to mow the weeds, and if the owners don't pay, collect the cost of cutting the weeds in their taxes. There was a little improvement at the Yarmouth Centre Air- port this year, but a lot more can be done on weed control and cleaning the place up. The farm land is getting quite dirty. The Towns and Villages do very well on weed control and don't give me too much trouble. They all seem to have Weed Inspectors who have an interest in seeing that the weeds are cut. There are far too many people who live on a farm and work away from home and these farms in most cases are dirty. These farmes are the ones that I have worked with mostly this year, and there seems to be more of them each year. It was very noticeable in West Elgin as quite a few people did very little farming, and 'yJlorked on High'ATay 401. .;! I am starting to have complaints about weeds in municipal drains. The Weed Act states if you have complaints, the Weed ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 13'3 Inspector, Village, Town, or Township Inspector or County In- spector can have them cut, or sprayed and the cost levied against the drain. I had about sixty rods on the Hunt Drain along the Elgin- Middlesex County line where the drain is moved off the road, and the weeds cut this year, and levied the cost to the drain. There was about the same mileage of roads sprayed in 1962. County and township roads around 1,000 miles and farm crop spraying was increased a few thousand acres. More grain, corn, pasture fields, and pasture farms are being sprayed each year. We had the same four pasture Demonstration Plots sprayed this year. All these plots looked practically weed free so no further demonstration will be necessary. No crop damage by spraying was reported to me, this year. I want to thank all County and Township Officials, and all who co-operated in any way re Weed Control in Elgin County, this year. All of which is respectfully submitted. CLAYBOURNE GORDON, County Weed Inspector ~ 134 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1962 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That Granville Gloin be reappointed County Representa- tive on the Elgin Farm Safety Council. 2. That no action be taken to place Goldenrod on the nox- ious weed list in Elgin County. All of which is respectfully submitted. G. E. BROWN, Chairman. PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1962 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Petitions and Legislations Committee reports as follows: 1. That our County Solicitor has appealed the decision of the Supreme Court Judge in quashing the Elgin County By-Law re Salvage yards. All of which is respectfully submitted. GORDON WOOLNER, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 13'5 ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE November Session, 1962 Second Report To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Elgin Manor Committee reports as follows: Following the resolution passed at the September Session of County Council to build a new County Home for the Aged, the Committee visited Mr. Drew, Director of Homes for the Aged. After a full discussion, the Committee unanmiously decided to hire the Engineering firm of G. Duncan Black & Associates and J. Fred Green, Architect, to draw preliminary plans and cost estimates for presentation at this Session of County Council. After visiting several new Homes in Counties comparable in size to Elgin, it was agreed the most economical would be a 90 bed Horne which would contain services for 135 at an approxi~ mate cost of $670.000.00. The Home would be a one floor Plan with maximum allow- ance for flexibility. The Plans to be presented are recommended by the Com- mittee, and approved by the Dept. of Public Welfare, and the Fire Marshal. We now present Mr. Black and Mr. Green to explain the Plans. (Report not Approved). All of which is respectfully submitted. RUSSEL McKIBBIN, Chairman. 136 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL - - IN D EX - - GRANTS- Agricultural and Horticultural Societies..................;....,...... 14 Canadian National Institute for the Blind.......................... 21 Friendship School for Retarded Children...................:........ 33 Salvation Army ............................,........................................... 21 University of Western Ontario.............................................. 21 Women's Institutes ...............................:................."............... 22 Local Agricultural Office........................................................ 20 Law Library and Local Libraries."""...."......"............... 21, 34 Library Co-operative ...............,.............................................. 34 Memberships: OMA, OEA, MCFOA................................ 21, 34 Scholarships ...... ,.... ..... ......... ...... ....... .,.......... ....... ....... ... ...... ,.. 34 Trustees' and Ratepayers Associations...."..............."......". 34 Pioneer Museum ......" . ........... ........... " ........ ....." .... .. "".. " 21, 99 Reporters .."......"..... ".......". ".."" "..." "...................... ......".. .... 119 Essays by Junior Girls and Boys...."...................................... 130 '" MISCELLANEOUS- Appointment of Delegates, Representatives.."..............17, 22, 27, 34, 57, 102, 113, 117, 118 CommunicationS ............."................."........ 6, 54, 83, 95, 110 County Officials, Municipal Clerks and Treasurers............ 2 County Council .................................."......................... ........... 3 Warden's Election .................................................................... 4 Warden's Addresses .............".............................:.."....... 5, 109 Delegations.................... 10, 11, 13, 77, 78, 80, 88, 95, 112, 114 Assessors' School .. .. ................ ............................ ...... .......... .... 58 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 137 Four Counties Hospital, Newbury........................................ 99 Thamesview General Hospital, Wardsville.......................... 99 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES AND OFFICIALS- Agricutural Committee .................................. 20, 87, 100, 134 Financial Statement, Elgin Agricultural Committtee.......... 36 County Clerk on Licences.............................................. .......... 124 Elgin Manor Committee- 57, 67, 78, 80, 86, 97, 100, 115, 119, 120, 122, 135 County Treasurer's Report............................................ 84, 121 Education Committee .............,....................................... ....... 34 Equalization .......,.,....... ............. ... ,... ........ ... .......... ............. ....... 64 Finance Committee........................21, 33, 65, 66, 67, 88, 98, 130 Library Co-operative ........................................................ 40, 41 Elgin County Museum.... ......... ............ ....... .... .... ......... ......... .... 38 Secretary, Elgin Manor..........................,................................. 122 Petitions and Legislations Committee.......................... 34, 134 County Rates .......,................................................................ .... 66 Property Committee ........................................ 19, 63, 86, 120 Road Committee ........................................ 23, 68, 89, 97, 126 Report to St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission .... . ... .. . ................. ..... ... . . .., . ... ................... 28, 30, 32 Standing Committees .................................................. 8, 10, 18 Weed Inspector ........................................................ 57, 77, 131 BY-LAWS- No. 1802-To borrow up to $900,000 as may be required from the Bank of Montreal................................ 43 No. 1803-Designating Through Highways.......,................ 46 No. 1804-To appoint a Board of Audit for 1962.............. 52 No. 1805-To appoint a County Road Committee................ 52 138 - No. No. No. No. No. No. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 1806-To increase the salaries of Clerk-Treasurer and Deputy Clerk-Treasurer. ............................... 53 1807-To Raise Amounts for County Rates during 1962 ........ ... ........... ........... .... ....... ................... ....... 70 1808- To Confirm the Equalization of the Assess- ment Rolls of Egin County for 1962................ 72 1809-To Amend By-Law No. 1695 re Members' Wag- es . . .. . . . . . ... . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... 73 18I0-To Increase the salary of the County Weed Inspector and Tree Commissioner.................... 73 1811-To provide for 1962 Supplementary Expendi- tures on Roads .................................................... 74 No. 1812-To provide for normal 1962 Expenditures on Roads ..... ....... ......... .... ................. ....... .... ........... 75 No. 1813-To regulate the location of buildings and structures on lands adjacent to County Roads 91 No. 1814-To regulate the location of building and struc- tures on lands adjacent to County Roads........ 91 No. 1815-To regulate parking on certain County Roads 94 No. 1816-To confirm By-Law 1486 of the Township of Southwold to close Elm Street in Village of Lawrence Station ................................................ 104 No. 1817-Restricting parking on certain County Roads 105 No. 1818-Authorizing Speed Limits on certain County Roads .................................................................... 106 t> RESOlUTIONS- Re Minutes of 1961.................................................................. 6 Re 1961 Expenditures on County Highways........................ 8 Re Establishment of Provincial Park at Port Burwell... .11, 84 Re Replies from other Counties to Elgin Resolutions........ 56 Re Speed limit for boats in harbour and creek, Port Bruce .................................................................. 81 ~ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 139 Re Uniform Dress for County Councillors................ 81, 101 Re New County Home for the Aged.................................... 100 Re Exemption Certificates, Unempoyment Insurance...... 113 Re Supplementary Pension Contributions.......................... 113 Re Reception and Entertainment.......................................... 115 Re Deferrment of New County Home for Aged................ 115 Re Entering Emergency Measures Organization................ 117 Re Signing authority for Pioneer Museum.......................... 118 Re Establishment of County Planning Committee............ 118 Re Committee to recommend on Wardsville HospitaL...... 119 Re Legalization of Lotteries.................................................... 130 t f" ~ 't .."P -I.