1963 Minutes .;.~~~.___o~~.:< t I = i . - , PROCEEDINGS I I OF THE i Elgin County Council i I I I i During the' Sessions held in the I Court House. St. Thomas i I i I i in the Months of I I January. March. June. September i I and 'November 1 I 1963 I . ! i , I I I . I J. D. THOMSON, K. C. EMERSON, I Cl>Ullty Clerk. Warden. . ~.J.-.c...tM8iiB'O~.04iiiIHJ~.:. COUNTY OF ELGIN OFFICIALS, 1963 J. F. McMillan County Judge 1. D. Cameron, County Court Clerk and Sheriff P. J. Gloin, Clerk of the Peace and County Crown Attorney F. R. Barnum, Police Magistrate, Judge of Juvenile Court Mrs. M. Wallker, M'agistrate-'s Clerk, J. P. Clerk, .Tuven1le Court F. ~JL Ra:wlings, Sergeant, O.P.P. R. Davis County Registrar R. S. Brown, Jailor E. D. Moore, Supervising Probation Officer B. Doan, Probation Officer John A. Mould, PrOlhation Officer" J. D. Thomson, County CI9.::'k-Treasurer H. J,ohnson, Assistant OleTk-Tl'easurer H. M,C'Lean, County Assessor ,E.. G. Moore, County Engineer 1. J. Patterson, Supt. Elgin Manor Miss R. Prowse, County Librarian Stafford, Fanjoy and Hennessey, County So.licitors A. Kilmer, Division Court Clerk Dr. D. T. Harris, M.O.H., Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit A. D. MoGoll, Public School Inspector, Elgin No.1 R. E. ITh~wlings, Public SChOOlI Inspector Elgin No. 2 Dr. A. B. McCallum, Jail Physician Dr. C. A. Graham, ElginManor Physic.ian A. V. Langton, Agricultur.al Representative Clay.bourne Gordon, County Weed Inspector & Tree Com. Fred Page Higgins & Go., County AudItors MUNICIP AL CLERKS AND TREASURERS MunicipalHy Clerk Treasurer A1dborough ___________ C. 1. BIRek, Rodney __________. C. 1. Black, Rodney Dunwich ____ Finlay 1'.d:cPherson, DuDton_ _ Mrs. M. McNeil, Dutton Southw-old ________ W. G. Blewett, Fingal ________ VV. G. Blewett, Fingal Yarmouth, L. M. OIde, 3186 Ta]hot, St. Thomas, M. OIde, St. Thomas IVralahide________ L. Van Prut.ter, Box 478, Aylmer _____u_ L. Van Patter Bayham __un_____ J. D. Vallee, Straffordville ___._______,"n J. D. Vallee South Dorcheste1r M_ Ross Evert, R.R. 3, Belmont.----. Hoss Everett Town of Aylm€T ____m.__ J. S. Foy, Aylmer __________ J. S. Foy, Aylmer V,ienna, Miss ELaine MacDonald, Vienna, Miss Elaine MacDonald Springfield __._m_____ Ralph Smith, Springfield _____..___ Ralph Smith DUltton _____n___ Z. E. J\.1acCa'l1um, Dutton _______._ Miss IVIargaret Leit:::n p.ort Stanley Mrs. Maxine Vary, pt. Stanley _ Mrs. Maxine Vary Rodney _________ __..__ R. F. Coles, Rodney ___.._m______n R. F. Coles, Rodney 'Vest Lorne ___ Mrs. Vera Reid, West L'orne ____ :Mrs. Norma Albright Port Burwell __________ \V. E. Boyd, Pt. Burwell m_________ W. E. Boyd Belmont ________n______ W. O. Barons, BeImolllt ____________ W. O. Barons PROCEEDINGS OF THE I:~ <) l~lgln County COllncil FIRST SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday. the 15th day of January. 1963 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, SIt. Thomas, as required by Statute. iThe following members filed certificates and took their seats at the Council t.aible: GeOTge BaT/bel', Reeve, Aldbo:rough Gordon Vi!'Oolner, Deputy Reeve, Aldborough vValrter Robson, Reeve, Dunwich Donald C. Leitch, Deputy Reeve, Dunwich F. J. Nimmo, Reeve, Southwo'ld N. G. Tufford, Deputy Reeve, Southwold Mason Tansley, \Reeve, Yarmouth ROlbert Martin, Deputy Reeve, Yarmouth G. E. Brown, Reeve, M3.tlahide W. R. Caverly, Deputy Reeve, Malahide C. D. Phillips, Reeve, Bayham Norman Pressey, Deputy Reeve, Bayham J. B. Wdlson, Reeve, South Dor.chester R. McKibbon, Reeve, Aylmer Sydney J. Glover, Deputy Reeve, Aylmei' K. C. Emerson, Reeve, Vienna 4 ELG.IN COUNTY COUNCIL John Hodgson, Reeve, S~ringfielld B. E. Downey, Reeve, DuMon Lloyd S. Gurr, Reeve, Port Stanley G. McIver, Deputy Reeve, Port Stanley Harold Howard, R,eeve, Rodney Lloyd Ellidtt, Reeve, West Lor-ne Kenneth Baird, Reeve, Port Burwell C. N. Cl.arke, Reeve, Belmont Moved by Reeve Barber, Seconded lby Deputy Reeve Woolner, That Kenneth C. Emerson, Reeve of the' Village of Vienna, be Warden for 19'$3. - Carried. The reso,lution re Warden's Eledion was unanimously ap- proved, and 'the "'\\T'arden took ,the Declaration of Office. Ex Warden PhiHips presented Warden Emerson to the County Council, and presen1ted him "\vith the gavel of office, and the: Lord Elgin watch. The Warden addressed the Council, and thanked Reeve Bar- beT and Deputy Reeve Woolner, and members of ClouncH for his election by acclamation. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 5 WARDEN'S ADDRESS January Session, 1963 To All Members of the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: May I convey my appreciation for your confidence in electing me to serve .as your Warden. The duties of this office, I will endeavour to carry OUlt wi:th dignity and dispatch. In assuming this posiEon which has been held by many talented and highly esteemed men, I aim fully aware of the reSlponsibilities tha't go wi'th it. I would like to remind this Council of the very com- mend:able and highly ef.ficient manner in which this office was filled by my predeces,sor, Ex Warden G. D. PhiUips of Bayham. The Three year County Road P!!'ogra,m is proving its worth. The Dingle Street Bridge is now carryil1lg traffic. Most o~ the 'Older bridges on the County Road System have been replaced. The WelUngton Road surfadnig is comple:ed. When Highway 401 is completed to the western limits of our County it wEl be inter- estting to note the changes in thE:' traffic pattern. In these times of .changin\g sociaol order, when even the value of County OOUITcil g'overnment is be'ing queried, it is the respon- sibility of each County Councillor t10carefully weigh his decisions in the br,o'ad liight of continuing County progress. During my tenure as Reeve, I have seen many c2.ipital improvements to Coun- ty PI"operties. The addition t'O the Oounty Jail, the New Ltbrary Building; the establishment of the Health Unit ,in the former governor's re_ sidence, the addition to the Museum and the pre'3ent addition to the St. Thomas-EJgin Genelral Hos~ital, all are indicative of con- tinued progress. At present, plans for a new County home for the A,ged have been drawn up and presented to County Council. Out o-f the diversity of opEnion on this matter may we arrive at a solution which will ensure a safe, comfortable retreat for our senior citizens during the sunse,t of life. 6 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL The County equalization program is nearing completion and '\VIe hope with it as a guide that County financing will be fairly distrjibuted. We canmyt deny that the economy of Elgin depends greatly upon our agricu'HuvaI SIt abil i ty. I t is pleasing to note that the H}62 crop of tolbaCico is moving throu.gh the auction at a reason- ,alble ra.tte. The year 1962 has seen good harvests in Elgin and I hope that the year ahead may be crowned wilth success for the farmers of Elgin. We have ~n our employ, many persons who have rendered long and v:alua!ble service to this County. In deaJing with our employees, we should keep in mind the changing economic pa t- te'rns. In cases where employees are contemplaltmg retirement we should appoint ana&sistalllt to become conversant with the duties thart; the smooth function of Oounty affairs may continue. It is l1'OIt too early to draw your attention to the Canadian Centennial in 1'967, that thought may be' given to the role Elgin County will play in these celebrations. May I bespeak your continued co-operation, 'the wise and frJendly counSell of each of you that we riiay go.forwardto,.make the coming year one of prQlgress for the COW1lty of EI.iih. Moved iby Reeve Barber, Seconded by DepUlty Reeve W oolner', That the minutes of the Jast day of the November. Session, 1962, as printed in the Proceedings, be approved. Carried. The following communications were read, and referred to their various Committees: ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 7 COMMUNICATIONS January Sessi~ 1963 From the Ontario Labour Relations Board re request for Cer- tification by the National Union of Public Employee's. - Refer- red to the Finan<:e Committee. From .the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission with 1962 Expend.itures and Budget for 19'6"3. - Referred to the Road Com- mitte'e. FrOOIl the St. ThQlmas-Elgin General Hospital re Meetings at- Itended by County Council members during the year, 1962. - Referred to the' Finance Committee. Fro'm the University of Western Ontario with report of the year, 196\2, and a request for a grant. - Refel'red to the Finance Committee. From the Elgin Schoal Trustees' and Ratepayers' Associatio::1 with request for a grant. - Re'ferred to the Educ~tion C'ommittee. From the University of Western Ontario with appreciation of 1962 grant, and scholarships. - Filed. From the I. O. D. E. with nomination of representat.ive on the E~gin PioneeT Museum Board. - Referred to the Finance Com- mittee. From the Workmen's Compensation Board re Deposit,re- quired. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the !County of Grey requesting the Provincial Govern- ment to enforce automobile insurance with minimum amounts of $100,000.00. - Referred to the Petiltions and Legislations Commit. tee. FrDm - the Municipal Clerks' & Finance Officers' Association of Ontario with re'quest for membership fee. - Referred to the Finance Committtee. 8 ELGlN COUNTY COUNCIL From the Oanadian National Institute for the Blind with re- port of work and request for a grant. - Referred to the Finance CommitteE:'. From the County of Wentworth with resolution requesting the Provincial Government to prohibit the use and sale of mineral base" dete"ngents. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislation:: Gommi ttee. Fr~m ~he Ontario Ass'ociaJtion of Rural Municipa.lities with iI'eqLlest for membership fee. - Referred to the Finance Com- mitttee. :FrO'm the County of Peel requE:'3ting the Provincial Govern- ment to include the cost of premiums for indigents in the annual grant. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. From the Sa'Ivation Army with apprecialtion of grant and re- quest for the same in 19'63. - Referred to the Finance'.CommitJtee. From IBrian Bolt" with 'appreciation of essay prize. - Filed. From the Doun ty of Simcoe with resolUltion requesting the "Ontario Hoslpital Services CommIssion to inc.lude ambulance service in iJts benefits. - Referred to the Petiltions and Legisla. tions Committee. From ithe Village of M'arkham requesting legislation to in- clude :members of volunteer fire brigades under the workmen's Compensation Act. - Referred ,to the Petitions and Legislations CO'liimi ttee. From the County of Victoriarequesctinig the ontario Govern- ment ,to clarify the definition of resident for candidates for mun- icipal C'ouncil. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Com- mittee. From the County of Victoria requesttjng increased remuner. ation for high school area representatives. - Referred to the Education Committee. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 9 From .the County of Hastings requesting farm labourers be included in Unemployment Insurance Benef~ts. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. From the County of Has.tings reque:sting increased govern- ment grants for Winter Works Programs. - Referred to the Pe- titions and Legis'lations Oommittee. From the University of Western Ontario re County Council Day in 1963. - Filed. From the Associrution of County Clerks and Treasurers rc Membership. - Referred to the F~nance Committee. From the Bank of Montreal with invitation to dinner on Thursday evening, January 18tth. at 6.30 p.m. - Filed. From the Township of Georgina requesting the Provincial Government to pro-vide grants in summer resort areas. - Refer- red to the Petitions and Legislrutions Committee. From !Robert H. Davis, Registrar, with report of Registry Office for the year, 1962. - Filed. From the Elgin Regiment requesting financial assistance for the 'Regiment Band. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Western Ontar.io A,grkultural School re Scholar- ship. - Referred to the Education Committee. From the Ontario Cream Producers' Marketing Board re Colouring of margarine. - Referred to the Agricu1tural Com- mittee. From the Ontario School Trustees! & Riatepayers' Associa- tion of the Ontario Educattional Association re Membership Fee and appointment of deleg,ates to attend the Convention. - Refer- red ,to the Education Committee. 10 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Tbe Warden appointed Reeve's Tansley, McKi'bbin, Robson, and Wilson as members of the Oommittee to strike the Standing Gomm.ittees for the ye'ar. 1963. Moved by Reeve Nimmo, Seconded by Reeve Downey, That rthe Warden and Clerk be authorized to submit to the Minister of Highw,ays of Ontario, the petition of the County of Elgin, showing that from the first day of January, 19'62, until the 31st day of December. 1962, there has been e'xpended on the County Highway system the sum of $931,330.61. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Woolner, Seconded by Reeve Elliott, That we do nOW adjourn to meet on Wednesday, January 16th, at 10 a.m. - Carrie9-. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. K. C. EMERSON, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 11 FIRST SESSION - SECOND DAY VV'ednesday. the 16th day of January. 1963 The EJg,in .oounty Council met this day at the Court House, st. Thomas, in accordance with adjournme'nt. The Vlarden in the Chair. All the members present e~c,ept Deputy \Reeve Glover. The minUltes of the previous day were' read and approved. Communica:tions from the ThameS'view Hospital Assodation including res-Gllution from the Council of the To'wnship of Ald- :bor,ough was read and referred to the Finance Committee, also, a similar ,communication from the Council of the Village of Rod- ney which was referred to Finance, requesting investigation by the Ontario Hospital Services Commission of site ,at Newbury fOi.. proposed hospital. " Moved by Reeve Tansley that the Agriculturall He'presentative be no'w heard. \Mr. Langton addressed the Council presentin.g reponts on crops and prices and cost of p~oduction in Elgin County, also, activities of various Farm Clubs in the County in 1962, with report of eX1penditure of Oounty Grant in 1962, and request for a gralllt was referred to the Agricultural Oommittee. Moved by Rieeve Phil'lips that Mr. A. B. E,uis be now heard. Mr. Ellis addressed the Coune,il requesting a grant to assist fin- ancing a trip to New Orleans for the Elgin Re1gimeIllt Band to take part in the Mardi Gras. The request was referred to the Finance Committee. The report of the Committee to strike the Standing C'ommit- Itees for the year 19163, was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve T,ansley and Reeve McKibbin. Move'd by Reeve Brown, Seconded by Reeve Gurr, 12 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL That we do now adjouln to meet this afterno'on at 2 p.m. - Carried. The Council resumed. Deputy Reeve Glover present. The report of the Petitions and LegisJations Committee was presented and adopted on mo.tion of Reeve GUl'r, and Deputy Reeve Mantin. The report of the AgricuItural Cbmm1ttee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Barber and Deputy Reeve vVoolner. Reeve PhiIIips reported On the organization of the' Emergency Measures Organization. Moved by Reeve Wilson, Se'c'onded by Reeve Hodgson, Thalt ,Reeve Phillips and Reeve Clarke be appointed to the Em,ergency Measures Organization Committee. The Wa.rden appointed Reeves Tansley, Gurr and Nimmo, as members of Ithe Prlannirug and Development C'ommittee. Moved by Deputy Reeve Oave:rly, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Martin, Thait we do now adjourn to meet Thursday, January 17th, at ten a.m. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. K. C. EMERSON, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 13 FIRST SESSION - THIRD DAY Thursday. :the 17th day of January. 1963 The Elgin County Clouncil met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members present. The minutes of the previous day were read and confirmed. iMovedby Reeve Baird that Mr. I. Rowley be nOW heard. Mr. Rowley addressed the council on the cond1tion of the bridge at Port Burwell, and Mr. Hargraves also spoke to the Council on tht same matter which was referred to the Road Committee. \l.V[.oved by Reeve Gun that the delelgation from the Canadbn Naftional Institute for the Blind be now heard. Mrs. Neff, Local President, introduced Mr. Murdock, District Supervisor. Mr. Murdock addressed the Council on the work of the organization in Elgin Oounty, and Mr. Wheeler also spoke to the Council. The Warden thanked the delegation for their report, and their request for a grant was referred to the Finance' Committee. iMoved by Deputy Reeve McIver -that the dele'gation from the University of Western Ontario be no'w heard. Dr. G. Hall ad- dressed the Council on the capital building project of the Un i- versi ty. The Warden thanked Dr. Hall for his excellen1t presentation and referred the request for a grant to the Finance Committee. Moved by Reeve Phillips that Mr. Vv. Hawke, be now heard. Mr. Hawke addressed the Council on the Tourist Bureau Organ- ization requesting a ,grant and appointment of a member to the Organ,ization. The matter was referred to the Finance Commit- tee. Mr. Rke also spoke to Council. 14 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL The re1port of the Road Committee was presented and adopt- ed on mo,tion of Reeve Robson and Reeve Tansley. Reeve Elliott reported on C.ounty .crests and clothing. M'oved by Reeve Gurr, Seconded by Derputy Reeve Oavel'ly, Tha:t we do now adjourn to meet ihis a:fiternoon at 2 p.m. - Carried. The C.ouncil resumed. The reiport of the Equalization Committee was presented and adopted on m'oltion of Reeve Downey and Reeve Gurr. The reporlt of the Education Committee was presented and adcpted on motion of Deputy Reeve Woolner and Deputy Reeve Oa'verly. IT'he reporit of the Finance Committee was presented and ad- .opted on moti.on of Reeve Tans,ley and Reeve Brown. Moved 'byR.eeve Gun, - Seconded by Reeve Ellioif:t, That any member of the Elgin County Council attendin:g a 'Oonvention anywhere in the Province of Ontario be paid $35.00 per day, pluS' registration, and the same musit be proven to the - Clerk by the hotel bill or reasonable facsimiJe. Moved by Reeve EHiott, Seconded by Reeve Clarke. [Resolved th~at this County Council order cres<ts at a value of - $10.00 each, for the County Oouncillors, and a sufficient supply (be kept on hand for future councillors. We recommend the adop- tion of a simHar dress to be worn by C.ounty Councillors on of- ficiaJ. businesS'. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 15 The r€iport of the Elgin Manor Oommittee was presented. lr-A:oved hy Reeve' Gurr that ,the Oouncil go into a Committee of the whole with Reeve McKi!bbin in the chair. Mter a lengthy discussion the Committee arose to re'por,t. The report was adopted on motion of Reeve McKibbin and Deputy Reeve Tufford. Ree've Wilson requested a recorded vote. . RIEIOOlRiDEiD VOTE: YEAS - Barber, Woolner, Nimmo, Tufford, Tansley (2), Martin. Phil1~lps, Pressey, McKibbin (2), Glover, Emerson, Howard, Baird, Clarke. (16). NAYS - ROlbson, Lei,:.ch, Brown, Caverly, Wilson, Hodg~s'on, Do'wney, Gurr, McIver, Elliott. (10). The Warden appoirute'd Reeve Downey to the Central Tourist Organization. Moved by Deputy Reeve Woolner, Seconded by Reeve Elliott, T1uvt By..:Larvl NO'. 18[19, "To Authorize the Warden and Trea- surer to Borrow the sum of Nine Hundred Thousand Dollars, be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Barber, Seconde'd by Reeve Elliott, That By-Law No. 1819, be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Woolner, Seconded iby Reeve Harber, 16 ELGIN com~ COUNCIL That By-Larw No. 18,19, be read a third t1me, and finally passed. - Carried. Moved ,by Reeve' Rolbson, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Leitch, That By-Law No. !i820, "A By-Law to Authorize the Union Gas Company of Oanada Ltd., to Construct, Use, and Operate W,orks Required for the Transmission of Gas in the County of Elgin," ,be read a first time. - Carried. M,oved by Reeve Downey, Se.'eonded >by Reeve Robson, That By-Law No. 18'2.0, be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Nimmo, iSe!conded by Reeve Tufford, That By..jL8Iw No. 1812.0, 'be read a third time, and finally pass- ed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve M'cKiblbin, Seconded iby Deputy Re€Ve Glover, That By-<Da>w No. 18'21, "A By-Law to Set the Total Aggre- gate Valuations for Apportionment of County Rate in the County of Elgin in 196,3,"be read a first time. - Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 17 Moved 'by Deputy Reeve Pressey, Sec.onded .by Reeve Phillips, That By-'Law No. 1821, be read a second time. - Carried. Mov'ed :by Reeve Hodgson, Sec.onded by Reeve Clarke, ed. Thalt By-Law No. 1821, be read a third time, and finally pas3- - Carried. Moved -by Reeve Wilson, Seconded Iby Reeve Hodgson, That By-Lww No. 18\2;2, "A By-Law to Estalblish and Main- tain an Emergency Measures Civil Defence Organization in, and for the C.orporat.ions .of the City of St. Thomas and the County of Elgin," be' read a first time. - Carried. M-()v~d -by Reeve Clarke, Seconded by iRe'eve Phiillips, That By-Law No. 1822, be read a second Hme. -- Carried. M,oved iby Deputy Reeve Gl'over, Sec()nded by Deputy Reeve Pressey, 18 ELGIN COl:JNTY COUNClL 'That By-Law No. 18-2;2, be read a third time, and finally pass- ed. - Carried. [Moved by. Reeve Gun, B-econded hy Deputy Ree've McIver, That By-Law No. 182i3, "To Appoint a Board or Audit in the County of Elgin f.or the year, 19163," be read a :fiirs! time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Br.own, Seconded by !Reeve Gurr, That By-Law No. 182:3, be read a sec.ond time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Brown, Se'conded by Deputy Reeve Ciaverly, That By-'Law No. :1823, be read a third time, and finally pass- ed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Tl:lnsley, Secon_ded. 'by Deputy Reeve Martin, That By-Law No. 1824, "To Appoint a County Road Commit- tee," be read a first time. - Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 19 Move'd by Deputy Reeve Caverly, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Martin, Thalt By-Law No. 1824, be read a second time. - Carried. Moved ,by Deputy Reeve Martin, Seconded by Reeve Tansley, ed. That By-Law No. 18124, lbe read a third time, and :finally pass- - Carried. Warden Emerson appointed the following delegates to attend the various Oonventions during the year: ONTARIO GOOD ROADS - Barber, Woolner, Elliott, Rob. son, LeH.ch, Baird, McKibbon, GLover, Wilson, Hodgson, Tansley, Martin and Gurr. ONTA!RIO EDUC:ATION.A!L ASSOCIATION - The Warden and the Clerk. ONTARIO MUNIlCXPAL - Howard, Clarke, McIver, the Warden and the Clerk. Moved Iby Reeve Gurr, Seconded ,by Reeve Brown, That we do n'ow adjourn to meet on Tuesday, the 19th day of March, 1963, at 10 a.m. - Carried. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. K. C. EMERSON, Warden. 20 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO STRIKE THE STANDING COMMITTEES January Session, 1963 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, The following is the report of the Special Committee to strike the standing com,mittees for the year, 1963: Adminisfration of Justice - Judge J. F. McMillan, Caverly, Coun- ty Treasurer. Agriculture - Barber, IRobson, Nimmo, Tansley, Brown, Phillips, Wilson, Warden EmeTson. County Roads - Barner, Robson, Tans1ey, Brown, Warden Em- erson. Advisory Road Committee - Nimmo, Pb:illips. Elgin Manor - McKIbbin, Tuf.ford, Pressey, Lei!t:ch, Warden EmeTson. Children's Aid - Baird, Hodgson. Education - Woo'lner, Howard, Elliott, Leitch, Downey, Tufford, McIver, Martin, Caverly, Glover, Hodgson, Wilson, Clarke, Pressey, Baird, Warden Emerson. Equalization and Assessment - Barber, Howard, Elliott, Robson, Downey, Nimmo, Tansley, Gurr, Brown, McKibbin, Wilson, Hodgson, Phlillips, Clarke, Baird, and Warden Emerson. Finance - Barber, Howard, Elliott, R:olbson, Downey, Nimmo, Tansley, Gurr, Brown, M,cKJibbin, Wilson, Clarke, Hodgson, Phillips, Baird, Warden Emers'on. Health Uni:t - Howard, Clarke. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 21 Hospital - Phillips, Gurr. Library Board - Elliott, McIver, Woolner, and Warden Emerson. Property - Martin, Downey, Glover, Warden Emerson. Museum - Woolner, Elliott. Petitions and Legislations - Baird, Gurr, Pressey, Martin, Cav- erly, Howard, Warden Eme'rson. Legal - Tuff.ord, Wilson, Downey, Nimmo, Warden Emerson. Reception and Entertainment - Clarke, Tans ley, Gurr, Wilson, Phillips, Tuffor-d, Leitch, McKiblbon, Warden Emerson. THAT each Oommittee meet, and appoint a Chairman as soon as possible. All of which is Te'spect.:flully submitted. MASON TANSLEY, Chairman. 22 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE January Session. 1963 T.o the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, 'The Petitions and Legislaltions Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from the' County of Simcoe requesting 'the Ontario Ho'slPital Services Commission to include ambulance service for all meimhers holding Ontario Hospital Insurance Cer- tificates, be' filed. 12. That the resolut'ion fDOm the County of Peel requesting the Provlincial Government t.o include Hospital Insurance prem- iums paid by munidpaHtie:s in their Municipal Grant, be filed. 3. That the res'Olution from the County 'Of Wentworth re- questing the Provincial Government to prohibit the use and sale of mineral base'd detergents, be endorsed. , 4. That the l~eS'olution from the County of Grey requesting the Provincial Government to enf.orce automobile insurance with limits of no't le'ss than $100,0'00.00 for Puhllic Liability and Prop- eil"ty Damage, beendoI'sed. 5. Thall the resolution from the V.illage 'Of Markham to in- clude femlbers of Volunteer Fire' Brigades under the Workman's Compensation Act, be filed. 6. (That the resolution fro'm the County of Victoria request- ing the Prov,incial Government to clarify the definition 'Of the word Resident in Section 34 (1) of the Municipal Act, be filed. 7. Thalt the resolution from the County of Hastings request- ing the' Federal Government to allo.w farm labourers to contri. bute to the Unemployment Insurance benefits, be filed. 8. That the resolution from the County of Hastings requesting the Feder,al and Pr.ov>incial Governments t'O increase grants to Winter Works Programmes, be filed. ELGIN COU~'i'Y COUNCIL 23 9. That the' resolution from the Township of Georgina re- questing the Provincial Government to amend all related Acts to prov,ide grants to mun1cipallties with summer resort residents, be :fiiled. All 'Of which is respectfully submitted. LLOYD S. GURR, Chairman. AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE January Session, 1963 T;o the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, !The Agricult~al Committee reports as follows: 1. That a grant of $2,800.00 be made to the local Agricultural Office for far:m organizations and Junior Farmer and Institute Groups in the County of Elgin for the year, 1963 .2. That Warden Emerson, Reeve Barbel', and Reeve T~msley be a Committee to allocate the' grant. 3. ,That the resolut.ion from the Ontario Cream Producer::' Marketing Board opposing the c-oloul'ing of margarine, be endors- e'd. 4. That the grants to the Agricultural and HOTtic.ultural So- detiesbe on he same basis as last year, equal to the Provincial ,grants. All 'Of which is respectfully submitted. GEORGE BARBER, Chairman. 24 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ROAD COMMITTEE January Session, 1963 To the Warden and Council of the County of Elgin, Gentlemen: Your Road Comrnittee begs to re'port as follows: The following is a Summary of the Costs of Construction and Maintenance on County of Elgin RoadS during 1962: eONST:RUCTION ROADS - 1. \Paving andcompleti'On of grading, etc., Road 20, Shedden to Fingal, Southwold Twp. _______________$ 24,829.49 2. Paving and completion of grading, etc., Road 23, King's Highway No. 4 to Port Stanley, Yar- mouth Twp., and the VJllage of Port Stanley -- 14,4'55.86 3. Paving and co'm~letion of grading, etc., Road 27 at the Seminary School Qbetween Union and Sparta), Yarmouth Twp. ____n_________________________ 6,253.07 4. Paving, Aldborough-Orford TO'wnHne', Aldbor- o ugh Twp. ________________________________________________________-- 6,548.41 5. (Paving, Guide Rail, etc., Road 3, Wardsville Bridge Approaches, Aldborough Twp. _.___________________ 3,316.84 tl. Paving, etc., R.oad 318, Richmond Hill, Bayham Twp. __ ___ _____________________.___________________.__ - -----------.-. ..------ ---- 11,261. (}3 7. Grading, Granular Base, etc., Road 2, Village of West Lorne, Aldborough and Dunwich Twps. 58,068.45 8. Grading, Granular Base, etc., Road 16, Dunwich Twp. ____. ____________________________________ ----------------- ------- 48,102.98 9. GradJing, Granular Base, etc., Road 20, Village of [Port Stanley and Southwold Twp. ___________________ 47,608.l:t 10. Miscellaneous Graddng Construction ________________ 1,731.70 1'l. Surveys, Traffic Oounts, et.c. m______________---m-- 1,901.39 12. Installation of Gates and Flashing Light Signals at Railroad Crossings en Road 3 in CR..adney, Road 40 in Malahide Twp., Roads 18 and 20 in Southwold Twp. and R.oad 46 in Bayham Twp. ___________~_____________.__________________ 6,40.1.65 ELGIN COuNTY COUNCIL 25 13. New Machinery ----------------n______._n_____________u___________________ 26,564.17 14. :Land Purchases (Iincluding Land Surveys and iR,egistry Office Fees) -----_________________ 23,759.93 TO'DAL ROAlD CONtSTIRUCTION ----_ ----------------------$2:80,803.08 ROAlD CONSTRUCTION INCLUDING SUBURiBAN ROAD COMMISSION - IRload Construction Including, Paving on the Wellington Road -----.--------------------------------$221,419.85 TOTAL ROAD OONiSTRtUCTION ----c--------------------$502,222.93 BRIDGES AND CULVERTS _ 1. vVardsville BI'Iidge ______________________________ .._______________ _________$ 2. Hoover Culvert, Yarmouth-South D01"chester T~o w nlin e _____ -_________h________________ _ __________ _______________________ 3. Campbell ton Culvert, Road 9, Dunwich TIwp. ______ 4. Dingle Street Bridge, Town of Aylmer and Malahi de 'Twp. ______________________________ _________________ ____ 5. Completion of Eden Bridge', Road 44, Bayham T'wp. _________________________________________________________________ 6. (pipe Culvert. Construction, Road 2 _______________________ 7. Pipe Culv€Tt Constructii.ol1, R'oad 16 _______n_________________ 8. plipe Cu}vert Construction, Road 20 ___.______________________ 9. (pipe Culvert Construction, Road 53 (Elm Street) T'Qiwn 0 f Ay 1m er ________u________________________________________ 79\1.33 11,608.36 7,548.21 3;6,424.69 16,042.96 10,913.98 9,22;8.97 7,205.16 4,062.59 TOTAL BR1DGE AND CULVERT CONST'RUCTION - COUNTY ----------------------$103,824.25 CULVERT CONSTRUCTLON by the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission ___________________________$ 20,498.0'2 TOTAL munGE AND lCULVERTS ------.-----------$124,322.27 TOTAL CONiSTRUC''DION ROADS AND BRIDGES AND CUL VffiiRmS - COUNTY AND SUBURBAN A!REA ----------_ --_ _____________... ----------$626,545.20 26 ELGIN COU~~Y COUNCIL MA!ItNTEN AiNCE IROADS - 1. S urfa ce Trea tm ent __________nm__________.___ ____________ _____________$ 45,569.62 2. Surface Treatment, Road 45, Calton to King's Hignway No. 19, Bayham Twp. _______________________u___ Winter Maintenance --------------------------- --------------.-------- G ra v el Re'S ur.fa cin g ------------------------------ -----------------.----- R elpairiS to P av elffi en ts --c--------- --------------.-- --------- ----- ----- Grading (includ.ing M:aintenance of Gravel Roads) :l)ust C ontro 1 ----------------------------- .-----------------.--------..---..---- Weed C'On tT-ol ____________u______________________ --. --------------------,.------ Brush>in g --------.------------------------------------ ----- -------- -- - --------- G ui d eRa il ------------------------------------------ ------------- ----.. - ----- :S i gns ------------.--------------------------.------------------ ----.----- --- ---.----.------ lRefores'tration and Seeding -----------------.--------- -------------- Ralilroa d Pro tection ------------------------- ---------------- - ------------ Dr ains ____________c.___________________________________ --------------- - ---- - -- ---- Drainage Assessmen ts _____m_____________________ ______u___ -------------- iRelbates to Towns and Villages ------.-------------------------- 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. H. 1-2,. 113. 114. 1'5. 1'6. 13,0-60.36 31,450.84 23,839.45 10,601.49 14,018.57 13,511.27 8,926.63 5,867.63 2,183.02 5,713.16 2,699.62 3,062.28 1,970.07 4,670.81 37,802.85 T'OTAJLROAJD MAINTElNTNCE.---------------------- -- ______$2,24,947.67 M]StClELLANEOUS - iSuperintendence ____________m____________________________________________$ 11,527.53 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1>3. C 1 el'li c al ------------ --------------.--------------- ------- --------------- .-.-------------- Car Mileage __n_ --- --------.-----------------.-----------------------.-..--------.--- ;p eusion ___________________________ ________ ______________.._ .---- ____._______n___.__._. -- ..-- Une'mployment Insurance Commiss-ion ---------.----------- Holidays with Pay ____..__________________________________n_________._______ Sick Ben efi ts ______m___ _____m___n_______._______________________________ Oif!fi c e ___no. ______ ___________________h___.___.___________.____ --- .------ -- - - - -- - ....-- Garage and White Station Gravel Pit --.---..----..---------- Rod'll ey Garag e ________________n_______________n______________._______ a.v.Hs'cellaneous Repairs _____.____________...__m______._m__. -------.-- --.- .T 00 Is ____u______________ -- ------------------- ---------------- --.-._-- ..-- --- ...-. --.---- Insurance -------------------------- ----------.---.--.-------- ----.-.--.----- 14. 'County 'Machinery Ove'rhe!!.J ___n_________ ------.-.--- ----- ------ 16. Permits ________________ ___________u______________.__n___._____m__ Credit 3,722.46 805.29 2,854.46 €49.78 4,716.88 549.82 .2,219.59 7,443.51 328.06 2,734.44 512.02 3,600.32 3,146.83 154.95 TOTAL MLSCEIlLANEOUS m________o.___________________.______$ 44,656.94 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 27 TOTAL ROAiDS AND MISCELLANEOUS _ COUNTY ___u__________._ -_____ '_____n__ -.m------._---__________$2'69 ,064.61 TOTAL ROADS hND MIStBLLANEOUS BY THE ST. THOMAS SUBUR!.dAN ROAD COMMJJSIS:rON ---------------------__m__________u______ ________________.$ 17,298.73 TOTAL MkINTENANCE' GA ROADS ________ -----.-----$286,903.34 MAIN'.DEINANOE [BRIDGES AND CULVERTS _ 1. \Port Burwell Bridge _________ .-------.-----------___________m_______$ 2. F1ulton Bridge (S.outhwold '.L'wp.) ----m___________________u__ ,3. Catfish Creek BrIdge (Jaffa) --__________mu_________..___________ 4. lRobbins Bridge (Southwold TWlp.) -------..-.---___________m 5. Co'Oks Bridge (Malahide and Bayham Twps.) ______ 6. SheJlhourne Bridge (Port St:.llley) -.__c___________._u_______.___c_ 7. Br,idge Painting (Jamestown, Gilletts, Fulton) ________ 8. Miscellaneous Bridge Maintenance _u______.____._u_ _______m_.. 9. Miscellaneous Culvert Maintenance ______.__u _'. _________ 270.91 921.96 608.95 634.29 1,373.36 389.00 3,709.63 1,625.57 4,632.78 TOTAL BRIDGE AiNtD OULVER'TS - OOUNTY _..$ (14,066.48 TOTA'L BR:ILDGIE AND CULVERTS _ ST. T'H01VIl&S SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISiSION -------______________nnu___ .-_-___________ _ .._ ___. ______$ 499.20 TOTAL BRIDGE AND CULVERTS_._______u________________$ 14,565.68 TOTAL MAINTEiNANCE - ROADS AND iBlRIIDGES AND CULVERTS _ IOOUiNlTY A!ND SUBIUlRIBIAlN AJRE~ -----m-----------------$301,469.02 TOT AiLS - CONiST1R!UC'TION __ _____________________._________.__________. $626.545.20 MAIiNTEtN AiN1CE ___m______m_______ ._______________ __um. ------------$30'1,46-9.02 SUB-TOTAL: $928,014,22 '1962 STOCK BALANCE _m..____________________________________$ 10,899.47 SUB=TOTAL: $938,913.69' LESS 1961 STOCK BA,LANCE ---_._,-------...___ ____________$ 7,583.08 GRAND TOTAL: $931,330.61 28 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL By-LAWS in 19'62 appropriated $962~OOO.00 IN ADDITION the work was performed and billed to the Oounties of Middlesex, Oxford and Norfolk, the Ontario Depart- ment of Highways re Development Road No. 585 (Port Burwell) and Devel'opment Road No. 692 (Road 3'6 to Port Bruce) as well as Municipalities -in the County of Elgin and others. WE TOTAL .of this work was __.______._______________________.$ 47,329.2J TOTAL COUNTY ROAD VOUCHElRS for 19162 were _______________________________________________$9.78.659.86 WE HAVE Teceived notice from the Ontario Department of Highways that normal expenditures for 196i3 must not exceed $200,000.00 for Oonstruction and $3315,000.00 for Maintenance. These limits are the same as ,in 1962. SUPIPLIEtMElNTAiRY By-laws are availa.!ble as in past years for approved Construction Projects. WE R:EOOMMEND: 1. That the Warden name delegates to the Ontario Good Roads Association and the Canadian Good Roads Association. 2. That a By-law be passed granting the Union Gas Company a franchise or the right of passing through the County of Elgin for the purpose of constructing and operating gas lines .on County Roads subjed to regulations as detailed in the By-law. All of which is respectfully submitted. WALTER ROBSON. Chairman. ELG IN COUNTY COUNCIL 29 REPORT TO THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION January Session, 1963 THE ST. THlOMiAS ISiUBURC8!1\N ROAD COMMISSION has jurisdiction over 24.0 miles oi paved and 1.15 miles of gravel Road as of January 1st, 19i6'3. DURING 1962 Wellington R'Oad \-vas completely rebuilt and paved with hot mix asphalt. Expend.HJures were somewhat less than estimated alt'hough some minor cleanup work, :;eeding of the shoulders, e'bc., remains to be completed. !1\ plan from the Land Surveyor is expected shortly and an am~unt to cover payment to land owners for property acquired .for widening is included in the a.ttached hudget. ATTACH/ED to this report is a summary of expenditures for Construct<ion on :the Wellington Road and :for Maintenance On an the :Suburiban R,oads. rrhe largest items for Construction were Granular Base and Paving. MaintenancE' costs were quite light with the ex:ce1ption of Winter Control which, because 'Of the am. ount 'Of sanding needed las!t winter, was much higher than an av. erage year. ALSO ATTAiOHEID to this report is a proposed !budget for 19'6'3. Money is estimated for the ,completian of work an the Well- ington Road including minor grading, gravelling, the seeding 'Of ditches, the planting 'Of trees where possible and two small utility moving aCc.ounts along with payment for property. :M:A!INTENANOE COSTS are expected to be a little higher than 1916-2 !but should be considerably reduced from the' years be- fm:e 198i2, as costly maintenance on the W-ellington Road has ,been eliminaoted. The' small mileage of Gravel Hoad is in good condi- tion and only normal maintenance is anticipated. ,ROAlD NUiMBER MARKElRS will be erected on all Suburban Roads this spring in accordance with a policy approved by the County Road Committee last year. This, togther with directional 30 ELGlN COUNTY COUNCIL markers erected on Road intersections last spring, will be of very valualble assistance to the motoring public. A SMALL AlMOUNT of money is estimated for Surface Treat.. ffient Wmk .on Road 22 or 16 depending on conditions in the spring. Other maintenance costs are expected to be similar to previous years. All of which is respectfully submitted. R. G. MOORE, P. ENG., St. Thomas Subur'ban Road Commission Engineeer. STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1962 'OONSTlRUO'DION ONTIfE WELLINGTON ROAD ~ (ROAD 25 S.A.) , CULVERTSh- Multi-Plate Oonstruction n________________________'$ 8,962.43 Pipe Culvert Construction __________________________ 11,535.59 .$ 20,498.02 ROAD.S - 'Siurv e ys ________________________________ _________________ ------ ---$ !Land Purchase ____________.____________________________ IVI:ovement of Utilities ___________m_________m_____ - - Fen'cing -------------------------------------------------------- (Clearing _________________________.___ m_.__________.___ !MaintenanCe of Traffic ____________________________ Grading _____________________________ ----------------------- Granular - Bas e _____________________________________ Hot Mix Asphalt Paving ---------------------- 612.62 4,572.57 5,2;38.89 5,196.93 1,322.18 2,015.20 3;2,270.2;1 89,076.53 81:114.72 $221,419.85 TOTAL OF CJQNSTRUCTION:$241,917.87 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 31 TOTAL OF CONTRlJiCTiIiON ON WELLINGIDN ROAD - 196,1 and 19.62 ------------------h----$267,190.87 MAINTENANiOE ON ALL SUBURBAN ROADS BRIDGES AND CULVERTS _ Fatters'on Bridge (Road 30 S.A.) __._____________$ Mis1cellan en us Bripg es ______ _______ _________ ,"_______ Miscellaneous Culverts _______________________________ ROADS _ Win ter Maintenance ______________________________.___$ Repair.s to Pavements _________________________.______ Grading Maintenance __________________________.______ Gr a'V.el Re's urfa cing ____________________________ ______ Dust Con trol _________________________________________________ Dr adns _____________ ____ .________________________ ._____________. ______ Weed ;Clan trol _________________________.__________________ Brushing _______________________________._________ __ _~_ _____ Signs and Centre Line Mark'ing -______h______ 'Railro ad Pro tec ti.o n --__._______ ___ _ _____ _________ ___m___ Superintend1ence, Clerical and Car Mile'age lOver he a d __________________________________._____ _____ ____. ______ Material in Stolck - Pit Run Gravel 388.16 43.86 67.18 $ 499.20 4,757.63 1,458.32 605.05 409.45 SOO.OO 120.39 948.42 22.00 1,848.3-6 717.10 2,559.92 3,069.68 1,000.00 $ 17,817.32 Less Material in Stock - January 1st, 1962 and charged in Construction in 1982 ____$ 4,304.88 $ 13,512.44 $ 14,011.64 TOTAL OF MA'LN'rENANiCE R01\D AND BRIDGES: In:1MS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY THE ONTARJIO DElPkRTM.ElNT OF HIGHWAYS _ Committee' Member Fees and E'xpenses _.$ 353.00 Ontario Good 'Roads Membership Fee _____ 20.00 Weed Spray Insurance ---_______________._._.______. 28.00 Road Lialbility Insurance and Employees Bond Insurance _____._______________ 80.41 $ 481.41 TOTAL ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN COMMISSION EXPENDITURE 1962: $25'6,410.92 AMOUNT PAYAiBlLE BY THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS _ 3-2 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL CONSTRUCTION - 10.% oJ $20,498.02 __n_________n__________________________$ 2,049.80 215 % of $2'2:1,419.85 _______n______________________________ 55,354.96 MAINTENANCE - 10% -of $499,20 __ _______m.______n_n________________. __om 25 % of $13,512.44 --------------------------------- ITffi:lMlS NOTSUBS-IDIZED BY D. H. O. - 60 %' of $481.41 -.--------.------------------------------- - ------ 49.92- 3,378.11 240.70 $ 61,073.49 PAID BY THlE CITY OF ST. THOMAS - ~l) 1/2 Mill ___________________________.___________________________$ 17,340.34 (2) Wellington Road De'ben ture Amount $51,200 - Less cost of Delbenture .____n_________u______ 51,108.00 TOTAL: $ 68,448.34 LIEISIS TOTAtL EXPENDITURE: $ 61,073.49 SURPLUS TO 1962 OPEHATIONS: $ 7,374.85 1963 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD 'COMMISSION ESTIMATES MAINTENANCE ON ALL SUBURBAN ROADS ROADS _ Maintenance City Share Winter Main tenance ______ __ .___________________________$ 4,500.00 {Repairs to Pave'me'nts _____ ___u__________._________n_ 2,500.00 Surfa'ce Treatment _.___________________________________c 3,00'0.00 Gra.ding Ma1intenance, GTavel Resurfac- ing and Dust Control -------------------------- Weeds and Brushing ____________n___._______ -- __n__ Signs and Centre Line Marking -----..--------- Quide Rail ----------------------------------------------- ------- Railroad Protection ---------------------------- -------- Superintendence, Clerical and and Oar Mileage ---------------------------- Over head ------------------- --------------- ----- ---------------- Contingencies _________________________. --- ____--________n______ 1,000.00- 1,200.00. 2,200.00 200.00 700.00 2,700.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 TOTAL: $ 2,2,000.00 ELGlIN COVNTY COUNCIL 33 LESS CREDIT FOR MATERIALS IN STOCK FOR. CONSTRUCTION: $1,000.00 TOTAL ROAD MAINTENANiCE: $21,000.00 CITY OF ST. THOMAS SHARE - 25% ______________________ $ 5,250.00 BRIDGES AND CULVERTS _ Bridge Maintenance ----------____________________$ 2,000.00 $ Drainage Assessments __________________________ 800.00 Herns not Subsidized by D.H.O. __________ 600.00 200.00 300.00 300.00 TOTA~ ESTIMATE For Ma:intenance: $ 24,400.00 $ 6,050.00 CONSTRUCTION ON WELLING,TON ROAD _ ROADS - is urv e y s ~---__-----------------_ __ ________________________...$ Land Purchase _____________________________________ Grading and Granular BasE:' _______m_______ Movement of Utilities ________.__________________ Seeding and Reforestration _________________ 200.00 12,000.00 2,500.00 800.00 5uO.00 TOTAL: $ 16,000.00$ 4,000.00 BRIDGES AND .cULVERTS ____m________________$ 600.00 60.00 Total Estimate for Construction ________$ 16,600.00 $ 4,0.60.09 'Total Estimate for ConstrucHon and Maintenance: $ 41,000.00 Share of the City of St. Thomas: $10,110.00 1h Mill fro1m the City of S t. Thomas will Provide Appro~imately ____mm_______m____$ 17,400.00 ,Less Payment of 'Wellington Road Debenture ________ 12,816.00 $ 4,584.0a iSURPLUS FROM 1962 OPERATIONS ________________$ 7,374.85 $ 11,958.85 Estimated Cost of Suburlban Road Expenditure ___m__$ 10,110.00 Estimated Surplus to 1964 Operations ________._-:_______$ 1,848.85 34 :gLGIN. COUNTY COUNCIL EQUALIZATION -COMMITTEE REPORT January Sessio~ 1963 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, The .Equalization Committee reports as follows: 1. That the adjustment of valuations on which grants in lieu .of ta~es were paid in 19,82 as prepared by the iCouU';y Assessor, he approved. 2. That By-Law to set the total aggregate valuati.ons for apportionment .of County Rate ,in the c.ounty of Elgin in 190,3, be prepared. All of which is respectfully submitted. B. E. DOWNEY, Chairman. EDUCATION COMMITTEE January Session. 1963 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Educa.tion Committee reports as f.oll.ows: cr.. That a grant of $7,00'0.0.0 be made to the Elgin County Library !Co-Operative for th.e year, 1963. 2. That a grant of $200.00 be made to the Elgin School Trus- tees and Ra.tepayers Ass.ociation. 13. That a grant of $50.00 each, 'be made to the local libraries .of the County. 4. That a scholarship grant of $100.00 each, Jbe made to the boy and girl from Elgin County attending the University of Western Ontario, and attaining the highest academic standing. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 35 5. 'I'hat a grant of $100.00 be made to the boy from Elgin County attending the Ridgetown Agricultural School and attain- Jng the' highest pass standing. ,6. !That we renew our Membership Fee in th~ Ontario Edu- cational Association, and the Warden to appoint delegates to at- 'tend the annual OOTI'vention. 7. 'That Mrs. Della Ludy, Mr. William McKillop, and Mrs. Milton Craik be appointed to the Libnry Bo~rd for the year, 1963. 8. Thc:.t the resolution from the County of Victoria request- ,ing in:::reased remuneration for members of High School Boards, ,be endorsed. All of which is respectfully submitted. G. WOOLNER, Chairman. FINANCE COMMITTEE January Session, 1963 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That Charity and Welfare Pay List No. 12 for $1,640.75, and Children's Aid Pay List No. 12, for $2,498.50, be approved. 2. That the Warden and Treasurer be authorized to borrow up to $900,000.00 as may be required from the B.:mk of Montrea!, and a ,by-law be prepared. <3. Th2t the ,membership fee of $10.00 in the Municipal C1erks' and Finance Officers' Association be paid, and the Clerk-Treasur- er to attend the Convention with expenses paid. 4. !That the usual grant of $50.00 be paid to the Law Library. 5. That a grant of $500.0-0 be made to the Salvation Army foi' Bethesda Hospital. 6. T''11at a grant {)!f $2,500.00 be madie to the University of Wes- tern Ontario. 36 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 7. That a grant 'Of $500.00 be made to the ElgIn Pioneer Mus. eum. 8. That Ex- Vlaroden C. D. Phillips and Reeve L. S. Gurr be .paid members wages for attendance at hospital meetings during the year, 1962. 9. That the following be appointed to the Board of the Elgin Pioneer Museum f.or 1963 - Mrs. J. R. Futcher, Mrs. Paul Jeffer- ies, Mr. M. C. Moore, Reeve Elliott, and Deputy Reeve Woolner. 10. That the membership fee in :the 011't,ario Municipal Asso- dation 'be paid, and the Warden to appoint delegates to attend the Convention. 11. That we grant a 44-hour work week ;to the Jail Staff with- out any pay increase, and the Governor employ one additional member to staff, the same to commence March 1st, 1963. 12. That a dep,osit o'f $300.00 be made with the Workmen's Compensation Hoard as requested by Regulatioils of the Board. 13. That the request from the Ontario Association of Rural Municilpalities for a mem:bership fee, :be filed. 14. That a grant of $500.00 be made to the Elgin Regiment Trumpet Band to assist in expenses of a trip to New Orleans. 15. That the communicati.ons frO'lll the Thamesview Hos- pital Association and Council of the Village of Rodney re New- bury Hospital site, be filed. 16. That Warden Emerson, Reeve Phillips, Reeve Gurr, and ;Reeve Elliott be a Committee to investigate Convention expenses. 17. That a grant of $1,000.00 be made to the Canadian Na- tional Institute for the Blind. 18. That the request of the Central Erie Tourist Association for a grant to be laid over to the March Session. 19. That the fCounty and Suburban Road levy for the year 1963, be seven mills. All of which is respectfully swbmitted. MASON TANSLEY, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 37 ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE January Session, 1963 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Elgin Manor Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Elgin Manor Committee met with a Committee .of the Council of the City of St. Thomas, on January 10th, 1963, re building a joint Home for the Aged. 2. The St. Thomas Committee stated that due to the large Nursing Home accommodation in the City of St. Thomas they were not interested in building a new Home for the Aged with the County of Elgin. 3. This Committee rec.ommends tha t the Elgin County Coun- cil proceed with the plans and specifications for a new Home for the Aged aged as presented -by Mr. Black and Mr. Green at the November Session; and not to exceed $650,000.00. All of which is respectfully submitted. RUSSEL McKIBBIN, Chairman. FINANCIAL STATEMENT ELGIN AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE January 9th, 1962, to January 10th, 1963 RECEIPTS Balance forward, 19-62 _______________________"____,-$ County of Elgin, 1962 Grant _____________"__________ Refund - Inter-Club Competitions, O. A. C., Guelph ____________.______________ 121.13 2,800.00 3.50 TOTAL RElCElIPTS __________________________________$ 2,924.63 38 -ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL EXPENSES SENIOR PROJECTS Breed Shows - Holstein Black & White Show, Ay lmer __________c__c_____~---------u$ J,ersey Parish Show, Aylmer _n_________ Ayrshire Show, Aylmer _______________m_ Beef Cattle Show, Wallacetown ------ Beef Cattle Show, Rodney ______n________ Elgin Beef Producers' Ass'n ------------ Elgin Horse Breeders' Ass'n. ____mn___ lOO.OO 100.00 64.50 100.00 75.00 50.00 50.00 $ 539.50' Field Crop Organizafions - Elgin Soil & Crop Improvement Associa tion _____m_c_____m______$ Elgin Fruit Growers' Ass'n. ~----------- Elgin Seed Fair --------------------------------- Elgin Seed Fair Prize List __________m___ Elgin County Farm Safety Council 925.0'0 JUNIOR PROJECTS (a) Junior Farmers Elgin CGunty Junior FarmeTs' Association ____________________m$ 200.00 Elgin County Junior Institute ______ 100.00 $ 300'.0'0 (b)__4-H Club Work (15 Clubs) East Elgin Dairy Calf Club - 34 comp Ie ted ________m______ 51.00 Belmont Dairy ICalf Club - 23 _____ 34.50 Shedden Dairy Calf Club - 8 __._n__ 12.00 Corinth' Dairy Calf Club - 19 _______ 28.50 Aldborough Beef Calf Club - 11 ___ 16.50 Shedden Beef Calf Club - 29 __'__ 43.50 Wallacetown Beef Calf Club - 14 __21.00 . East Elgin Swine Club - 7 __________ 10'.50 West Elgin Swine Club - 7 __.___.____ 10'.50' ELGIN COUNTY. COUNCIL 39 Aldborough Corn Club - 11 _________ Dunwich Corn._Club - 11______------- Al-cuborough T6b8CcO Club - 9 _u_____ West Elgin Electric Club: "'""""::8- ~_._:.::._~ Shedden Tractor Club - 10 __________ (Belmont Machinery Maint'ance-7 16.50 16.50 13.50 12.00 15.00 10.50 $ 312.00 (e) Transportation - 4-H Inter-Club Shows: Belmont & Shedden Calves. to Aylmer Fair ________________$ 90.00 Shedden & Rodney Calves to Wallacetown ___________________ 28.00 $ 118.00 (d) :Inter-Club Competitions, O.A.C., Guelph - 14 contestants ___.u_____ 70.00 (e) 4-H Club Leaders' Association ___________n____--. 150.00 (f) 50 4-H Cub Leaders'. Pins @ $1.25, plus Sales Tax _____________u_____u_________ 64.38 (g) Girls' 4-H Club Worlt 5 4-H Club, Conf. Delegates, O.AC., 1962 _________________$ 5 Hall Rentals --:-: Ach. Days and. Training Schools __h________ _ J36 County Honour' Pins _______________.~--~- Miscellaneous. Auditing - James Galbraith, 1961 .Exp~nses l'e: Mastitis Meeting ___n_ 30.00 156.0() 108.45 .$ 294.45 5.00 2.75 ~ '7 '71;: '+" I..IC..I TOTAL EXPENSES ___________________$2,781.08 Bank Balance, Jan. 10, 1963 ________________ 143.55 $ 2,924.63 Jan. 15, 1963 - Audited and found correct - James Galbraith, 64 East St., St, Thomas. Jan. 15, 1963 - Approved by Elgin Agricultural Committee: G. E. Brown, Chairm2.n: "Varden Chas. Phillips; Walter Robson; A. V. Langton, Sec.-Treas. 40 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY LIBRARY CO-OPERATIVE REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENT December 31st. 1963 RECEIPTS Balance December 31st, 1961 _____n__W___________..____. ---.-$ Coun ty Grant ------------__---~--------------------- Provincial Gran t __u__________________________________________________ Membership Fee's - Schools --------------------------------- Membership Fees - Bookstops ________________u_______________ Fines, lost books, etc. ------------------_.-----.---------- Miscellaneous Revenue ______________________________ 90.0'9 DISBURSEMENTS C oun ty Lo an ----. -------- ------------------------------ -------------------------- iB 0 oks- Adult Non-Fiction -------------------------$ Adult Fiction ____________________on____________________ iJuvenile --------------------- 1,474.14 1,291.51 2,674.44 $ Periodicals and iNe'wspapers ----------.----0------------- iBookbindialg ----------------- ------------------ Furniture, fixtures, etc --------------------------------------- Repairs and Maintenance ____on_____________________ Insurance: Bookmobile & compensation ______________$ 318.55 Books, buildings & contents, 3 yrs. ___ 130.00 Library cards, stationery, etc. ---------------------------- Salaries and wages ------------------------- Associa tion Fees ------.------------------------------ Bookmobile' Expenses --------------------- --------------- Telephone and telegraph -------------------------- Mending Supplies ------------------------------------ Unemployment !Y".surance -'-".....=-'==~~------------- Travel Expenses -------------------------------- -------------------- Legal and Professional ------------- ----------- Pension ------------------------ -------------- 248.72 7,000.00 15,490.0'9 2,235.40 114.25 92.36 $ 25,270.91 6,700.00 5,440.09 76.76 6:19.22 124.63 7.65 448.55 400.99 8,930.10 6.15 415.37 145.41 49.96 68.85 492.1)0 25.00 167.40 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 41 P. Kant-or (building) ____________________~- ~-----"-_,_--.-------- Public U tiE ties ______________________.,.._____________________ He'a ting _________________________________ _ ______________ Main tenance Supplies _______________________________________ Miseellaneous Expenses ______ ___________m_________ 175.7:1 Balance -on hand, December 31st, 1~62 __________________ ELGIN COUNTY LIBRARY CO-OPERATIVE Proposed Budget 1963 Estimated Receipts Balance on hand December 31st, 1962 _____________________$ County Council Grant __________________________________________ Estimated Provincial Grant ______________________________ School Fees (Public and High) _________..________..,_____________ !B 0 oks top Fees ----------------------------------------------.-------- Sup plies Sold __________________________________________________ ____-________ Estimated Expenditures !8-ooks ________________________________________________--,--__________~---$ Insurance (Bookmobile and Co<mpensation) _______________ Library Supplies ___________________________.._______________ ......,.-___ Mending Supplies _____________. _______________-,-______ ___________ Bookmobile Expenses - Gas and regular maintenance ____________-..,_$ 450.00 Body work and painting _______.;-______________ 300.00 6 new tir~s ------____________________________ 3-60.00 Telephone and telegraph ________________________._________ Membership fees ____________________________._________ Travel Expenses _________________________________ U nemploymen t Insurance _________________u___________________ Book binding _____________________________._______~_ Pu blie Utili ties ______________________________________ lPensi-on ___________________________________________ Heating ________________________________ Newspapers and periodicals ______________________ 83.34 243.48 210.73 47.57 391.84 $ 25,270.91 391.84 7,000.00 12,000.00 ,1,935.00 100.00 200.00 $ 21,62,6.84 5,000.00 250.00 300.00 100.00 1,100.00 130.00 11.00 500.00 70.00 600.00 l)l:.n nn ""....v.v.v 150.00 200.00 50.00 42 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Legal and Professional ______________n__________________________ iMain tenance s u pplie-s ____n__________________________________--- - Co un ty Lo an _____n_____ _____________n________________________________ Salaries and .wages _n__"_______n_______________________.___________ Office sign _______________~ ____~_______n__________________________________ Mjs.cell aneo us ~_"'____~_____~_______________"___ -------~--'------- 30.00 25.00 3,700.00 9,080.0n 25.00 55.84 $ 21,62.6.84 COUNTY OF ELGIN ELGIN COUNTY PIONEER MUSEUM STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE For the Year Ended December 3151:, 1962 Revenue Grants - :County 'of Elgin _______________________._______$ 500.00 -:- Province of Ontario _______~__.__________ 900.00 $ Interest on Bank Aco'cunt ____________________________________ _____u____ Re-ceipts at Museum: Admissions ------------------------------- .--- -----$ Bo.oks _____________________________________ ------ Car ds __________________________________ .--------------- Hasti Not es __________________________ 0--- ------ Jam _____________________----------------- Dona tions ---------------------------------- ,----- Tea Room ----------------------------------- Expenditure Salaries ___________________________________$ Oil Furnace ---------------------------------- Public UtHities ---------------------------------- !Public UtUilities -----------------------0----- \Bell Telephone ------------00------- 590.30 70.75 47.45 14.15 60.70 14.25 2.55 $ $ 1,316.05 283.03 105.90 105.90 101.44 1,400_00 16.15 800.15 2,216.30 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 4=-S Taxes - City .of St. Thomas _________u________ 1\.1el'chandise __________h_______h______ -______._____u__ ______ AdverLsing (Brochures) __._u_________________m_____ Postage and exehange _____m_________..________________ Main tenance m______________m_m____ .__m_________________ :Mis (; ell a n eo us ________ __ _..__________ _h ____ ____________ ________ 85.76 44.40 62_38 13.30 24.71 100.17 $ 2,137.64 Surplus for the year, 1962 ____m____________________________$ 78.66 Total lRegistel'ed 3,440. Capiial Account for Expansion Balance on Hand, January 1, 1962 ________m______________ .__~______$ 1961 S Ul'p 1 us ---_h__________u______u _________________h________________ __.________ _____ Interest on Bank Account _____m____u________________m______________________ Co 1 Tal bot Ann i v ers ary ___..______________.____ _________ -----_____________uu ____ I. O. D. E. Tea -----------------______________u_____________ _____________ _______ _____ P ers on al Don a ti o.ns m_________________m____ _____________ _ ___u___________ _________ 'Women's Insti tu te Donations _________h______u___ ____________ .___._m______ County of Elgin Grant m-m_____m_______________________________________u____ Expenditure Postage for Campaign Letters -----___________________h$ Printing World for Letters ___________.____________________ Ex I~h 3. n g e ___________________________________________ _ _ _________ __ _____.____ M 0 v ing S to n e ________________ -------__________________u_______ ________ First Payment to L. "Wright Contractor ________ 1,641.98 610.52 91.03 935.12 256.10 3,146.00 563.65 5,COO~OO $ 12,249.4d 50.00 59.63 2.60 3.00 4,008.12 $ 4,123.35 Balance, December 31st, 196'2: ---"--_____________________________$ 8,126.11 [Balance, January 1st, 1963 -_..___________u_____h__________$ 8,126.11 Personal Donations ___________u_____UOh___________ 75.00 W. I. Donations ----------___________.._________.___________ 23.80 $ 8,224.91 Loan from Elgin County ___u_________________.____.----_ 5,000.00 $ 13,224.91 2nd Payment to Les Wright ________________________$ 4,830.72 44 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Third Payment to Les Wright _________________________ 4,078.04 $ 8,908.76 Balance on Building Account ______ ._u__________ ---------------------0--$ 4,3,16.15 MUNUICIPALITY OF ELGIN BY -LAW NO. 1819 WHEREAS the Council .of the Corporation deems it necessary to borrow the sum of Nine Hundred Thousand dollars to meet, until the taxes are -coJ.lected, the current expenditures .of the Cor- poration for the year; AND WHEREAS the total amount .of the estim'ated revenues .of the Carp oration as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 19'612, not including reve'nues derivable or derived from t1:.e sale of assets, borrawings or issuance of debentures or from a surplus, including arrears of taxes, is One Millton, Three Hundrea. and Sixty-Eight Thousand, Eight Hundred and Twenty-Faur dol- lars. AND WHEREAS the total amount heretofore authorized to be borrawed this year for the purpases mentioned in subsection. (1) .of Sectian 329 of The Municipal Act is Nine Hund'l'ed Thous- and dollars, of which the Corporation has already borr-owed a total of (nil) dollars. THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation .of the County .of Elgin hereby enacts as follows: 1. The neadand the Treasurer are hereby authorized on be- half of the Corpor:a tion ta borr.ow from time to time, by way of promissory note, from the Bank .of Montreal. a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate, Nine Hundred Thousand dollars to meet, until the 'taxes are callected, the current expenditures of the Corporation for the year, including the amounts required. foT." the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) .of the' said Section 329, and to give, on behalf .of the' Corporation, to the Bank a promis- ary note or notes, sealed with the corporate seal and signed by them far the moneys 5.0 borrowed with interest at a rate not ex- ceeding 53f4 p!l' centum per annum, which may be paid in advance or .otherwise. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 45 3. All sums borrowed from the said Bank, for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 329; Ehall, with in- terest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of thE:' revenues of the Corporation for the current year and for all preceding years, as and when such revenues are received. 3. The treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in p'ayment of all sums borrowed pursuant to the authoTity of this By-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and any previous years, from the said Bank for any or all of the pur- poses mentioned in the said Section 329, together wHh interest thereon, all of the money.s hereafter collected or received on ac- count or realized in respect of the taxes levied for the current year and preceding years and all .of the moneys cotllected or re- ceived from any other source, which may lawfully be applied fo.::' such purpose. Passed this 17th day of J'anuary, 19'63. CORPORATE SEAL K. C. EMERSON, (The Head of the Corporation) J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. [ here'by Icertify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-Law No. 1819 of The Corporation of the County of Elgin in the Pro.. vin-ce of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Corporation duly held, and that the said By-law is in full force and effect. Dated this 18th day of J.anuaxy, 1963. As witness the Seal of the' Corporation. COf.R.PORATE SEAL J. D. THOMSON, Clerk~ A6 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL EXTRACTS FROM THE MUNICIPAL ACT .R.S.O. .1960 (1) A councE may iby by-law either before or after the pass- ing of 'the by-law for imposing the rates for the current year au- thorize the he:ad and treasurer to bOTrow from time to time by way of promiss-ory note ,such sums as the council may deem ne- cessary to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expend- itures of the .corporation for the year, including the amounts l'e- quired focr:sinking fund, principal and interest falling due within 'the ye'ar upon ,any debt of the corporation, school purposes, specia.. rates purposes, and for any board, commission or body and other purposes for which the corporation is required by law to provide. (2) The amount that may be borrowed in any year for th9 ., purposes' mentioned in sU!bsection 1 shall not,' except with theap- proval of the Municipal Bo-ard, exceed 70 per cent of the total amount of the estimated revepues of the corpol'ationas set fort11 in the estimates adopted for the year. R.S.O. 1950, c. 243. s 341 (1, 2). (i3) The amount that may be borrowed at anyone tiine for the purpose;s meutioned in subse'ction 1, together w!.th the total ot any similar borrowings that have not been repaid, shall not, ex- cept with the approval' Of the Municipal Board, exceed 70 pet cent of the uncollected balance of the estimated lrevenues of the corporation as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year. (4) ikt the time, after the 30th day of June in any year, that any amount is borrowed. under this section, the treasurer shall furnish to the lendeI' a. copy of the by-law* authorizing the bor- rowing -and a statement showing the nature and amount of the estimated revenues of the cur.rent year not yet collected or, wh~:re the estimates for the year hav.e not been adopted, _u statement showing the nature and a_mount of the estimated revenues of the corporation as set forthirr the estimates adopted for the next pre- .ceding year, and also showing the total of~my amounts borrowed under this se-ction that have not been repaid. 1958, c. 64, S._ 23 (1). (5) Until su-ch estimates are adopted, the 1i:rn~tations u~on .borrowing prescribed by subsections 2 and 3 shan temporariJy be calculated upon the estimated revenues of the corporation' as se~ forth in . the -estimates' adopted for the next pre'ceding year. R.S.O. ELGIN. COUNTY COUNCIL 47 1950, c. 24'3, s. 341 (3); 1958, c. 64, s. 23 (2). (6) For the purpose of this section, estimated revenues "shall not include revenues derivable .or de~ived from the sale of assets, - borrowings or issues of debentures. .or from a slrrplus includir.g --arrear.3 of taxes and proceeds from the sale of assets. R.S.a. 195u, - 'c. 243, s. 341 ( 4); 1958, c. 64, s. 23 (3). *N.B. If there is sufficient avai-Iable under existing by-law(.;) to provide for the fresh assistance required a new by- law is n.ot needed. BY -LAW NO. ,1820 -of- THE CORPORATION OF THE 'COUNTY OF ELGIN A By-law to authorize Union Gas Company of Canada, Lim- - ,ited,(hereinafter called "lhe Company" and which term shall in~ - elude its successors and assigns) to construct, use ,md operate works required for the transmission .of gas in the County of El- gin (hereinafter called "the iMunicpality"). FlJ.~~LLY PASSED the 17th day of January, A.D. 1963. J. .D. T. WHEREAS the Company has requested The Corporation ot the County of Elgin to grant it a franchise or right of passing through the M:unicipality for the purpose of constructing, using and operating a line or lines and works for the tl'a!lsmisslolJ. through- ::t~e: Munic~pa~ity _ of gas not intended to be distributed from the said line or lines in the Municipality other than to per- sons whose land abuts .on a highway along or across which the same is carried or conveyed. AND WHEREAS, subject to the terms and cpnditions here- inafter set forth, the Council of The Corporation of the County ot Elgin has agreed to grant the said franchise. 48 ELGli"'l COUNTY COUNCIL BE IT THERElFORE ENACTED by the Council of The Cor- poration of the County of Elgin AND IT IS HE\REBY ENACTED as follows 1. Full right, power, permission and consent are hereby grant.ed, conferred and assured unto Union Gas Company of Gan- ada, Limited, its successors and assigns '10 enter upon, use and occupy the highways of or under the jurisdiction of the Munici- pality to survey, c-oustruct, lay, maintain, inspect, altar, repair, renew, remove, replace, reconstruct, use nnd operate in, through, upon, under, along and across the same or any of them a pipe line or pipe lines with any and all connections, apparatus, applI- ances and attachments, including attachments for cathodjc protec- ti.on, necessary or incidental thereto and to a system for the pur- pOf:.e of passing through the Municipality and transmitting gas which is not intended to be distributed from the said line or lines in the said Municipality other than to persons whose land abuts on a highway along or across which the same is carr1ed or con- veyed. 2. Such right or franchise shall be subject to all the terms and conditions set out in an Agreement 10 be entered into be.. tween the' Municipality and the Company in pursuance of this By-law, whioh Agreement shall be in the form hereunto attached. 3. The Warden and IClerk of the said Municipality are hereby authorized and empowE:Ted to enter into and to execute on be- half of the Municipality, the Agreement aforesaid and to affix the corporate seal thereto. THE CORPORATION OF THE COUN'rY OF ELGIN, ,. T'\. ,,"TTr'\"1\JI"CCI"'\.'1\.T ""'__1_ J. JJ. ~.[J.VJ.VJ.OV.l.'1, '-'.U:;J.A, K. C.E1Y.IERSON, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 49 AGREEM:ENT made in duplicate this 17th day of January, A.D. 1963. BETWEEN: THE CORPOR-TTON OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN, hertinafter calle'd "the Municipality" AND UNION GAS COMP.A!NY OF OANADA, LThHTED, hereinafter called "the Company" OF THE SECOND PART. WHEHEAS the Company has requested the Municipality to grant to it and its successors and assigns, a franchise or right of passing through the Municipality for the purpose of constructing. using and operating a line or lines and works for the tra,nsmis- sion through the Municipality of gas not intended to be distribut- ed from the said lines in the Municipality other than to person~ whose land abuts on a highway along or across which the same is carried or conveyed. AND WHEREAS the Municipality has by By-law passed on the 17th day of January, A.D. 19B3, granted the said franchise from and after the execution of this Agreement and has author- ized and empowered the Warden and Clerk of the said Munici- pality to execute this Agreement and to affix the corporate seat thereto. NOW THEREFORE THIS IND'ENTUR-E made in consideTa- 150n of the piI'emises and of the performance of the covenants ana. -obligations hereinafter contained on the part of the Company WITNESSETH as follows:- 11. The Municipality does hereby grant, confer and assur~ unto the Company; its successors and assigns, full right, po-..ver, permission and consent to enter upon, use and occupy the high- ways .of or under the jurisdicti.on of the Municipality to survey, construct, lay, maintain, inspect, altar, repair, renew, remove, 50 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL repla,ce, reconstruct, use CL.l1d operate in, through, upon under along and across the same .or any of them, a pipe line or pipe lines with any and all c.onnections, apparatus, appliances and attachments, including atta,chments for cathodic protection, necessary or inci- dental thereto and to a system for the purpose of passing through the Municipality and transmitting gas which is not intended to 'be distributed fr-om the said line or lines in the said Municipal- ity ,other than to persons wh-ose land a:buts on a highway along OT across which the same' is carried or conveyed. 3. \All new (or renewal) mains, pipes, lines and works install- ed by 'the Company under this Agreement shall be constructect and laid in acc-ordance with good engineering and construction pradices. Except in case of emergency, (a) no ,excavation, opening 01' work which will disturb or in- terfere with the travelled surface of any highway shaD ,be undertake'n or commenced by the Company withOUt written notice t-o such officeT of the Municipality as may from time 'to time be appointed by the Council of the municipa.lity for the purpose of general supervision over its highways (hereinafter referred to as "the said officel' of the Munidpa'1ity", which term shall inc1u..le the per- son acting in his stead in the event of his absence from duty), such notice to be given at least 24 hours in ad- vance of 'commencing such work unless otherwise agreed to by the said officer of the ITvIusicipality, and (b) before laying or installing any new (or renewal) maim.... pipes, lines and works, the Company shall first file with the said officer of the Municipality a preliminary map or plan showing what it proposes to lay or install and t-he proposed location thereof arnd shall also check with and obtain the written approval of the said officer of the Municipality as to such proposed location. Not later than three months after the close of each of its fis- cal years the Oompany shall file with the Clerk of the Munici- pality, maps or plarns showing the location and size of all main!:l, pipes and works laid or installed by the Company in the high- ways dUTing its previous fiscal year. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 51 :3. The said line or lines shall be placed underground so far as is practical and if required by the 'Warden or other officer of the Municipality above mentioned shall be located along the sides of the said highways except where it shJ11 be necessary to cross a highway and shall be so constructed as not to obstruct or inte~:- fere with the use of the highway or with any drains, ditches, bridges, culverts or other works or improvements thereon or there.:n. . 4. In the event that the Municipality shall deem it expedient to alter the constru.ction of any highway or of any municipal drain, ditch, bridge,culvert or other works or improvements thereon or t-herein and in the course thereof it shall become necessary ':0 have the Company make changes in its lIne 011' lines or works m order to facilitate the work of the Municipality, then upon receipt of reasonable notice in writing from the Warden or other officel of the Municipality above mentioned specifying the change de- sired, the Company sha'll at its .own expensE:' change its line or lines or wOTks at the point specified. G.'I-he Company shall -construct, repair and replace any sucu line or lines Or works with all reasonable expedition so that th~ highways shall not be torn up or obstructed for any unnecessary- length of time and upon t,he consb:'uction, repairing and repbc- ing of any such line or Hnes or works or the taking up of any of ..he same Or the m-oving of any of' the same from place to place in a highawy, the highway shall, with all reasonable expedition, be restored to its proper level and grade and left in as safe and good a state of repair as it was before it was entered upon or op- ened, and to the satisfacti.on of the said Warden or other officer' of the Municipality above mentioned. 6. The Company shall and does hereby at all times indemnity, and save harmless the Municipality from and against all loss, damag'e, injury orexp.ense which the Municipality may bear, suf.. fer or be put to by reason of any damage to pr.operty or injury to persons caused by the construction, repair, maintenance, 2'8- moval or operation by the Company of any of its mains, pjpes;) lines or works in the Municipality unless such loss, damage, injury or expense is o.ccasioned by Act of God or by the act, neglect o:q default of some pe'I'son. firm or corporation other than the Comp- 52 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL any, its servants, ,contractors, sub-contractors, agents or employ- ees. 7. The rights and privileges hereby granted shall continue and remain in force for a period of thirty years from the date here,of. 8. In this Agreement and in the By-law above referred to, (a) the word "highway" shall me'an a c.ommon or public highway ,and include a road, bridge and any other struc- ture incidental thereto, now o.r at any time during th~ term of this Agreement under the jurisdiction of the Municipality. (b) the word "Muicipa-lity" shall mean the County of Elgm as presently constituted or as it may from time to tim<= be constitute.d during the term of this Agreement. 9. This Agreement shall ensure to the benefit of and be bind- ing upon the parities hereto, their successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHE:REOF the parties have hereunto affixed their respective corporate seals duly attested by the hands .of their proper signing officers in that behalf. THE .cORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGTh, K. C. EMERSON, Warden, .T. D. THOMSON, Clerk. U~TJ:ON GAS COMjPA:r-rY OF CAN.t\..DA, LLl\[ITED; F. PALIN, Vice-President and General Manager, .T. W. S. McQUAT, Secretary. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BY.LAW NO. 1821 53 UA By-Law to Set the Total Aggregate Valuation for Apportion- ment of Counfy Rate in the County of Elgin in 1963" The Council of the' Corporation .of the County of Elgin enacts: THAT the following be the valuations for County Rate pur- poses in the County of Elgin for 196.3: Aylmer _______________________ lBelman t ---__u__________h_ Du t't 0 n ________________________ :Port Burwen ______________ Port Stanley _____________ Rodney --__________h__________ Springfield ______u________ Vienna __n___________________ West Lorue _________________ Aldborough u_h_____n___ Bayham _______uu____________ 180uth Dorchester u____ Dunwich ____________________ Malahide ____________________ So u th wo 1 d ____________________ Yarmouth __m___._____ $ 7,534,0.30.00 694,30-0.00. 905,751.00 807,19'6.00. 3,074,757.00 1,065,680.00' 3B1.978.00 338,073.0-0 1,104,575.00 5,0213,515.00' 5,3124,855.00- 11,958,8B5.00 4,001,160.00 7,071.800.00 5,450,539.00 8,183,403.00 14.241894% 1.312464% 1.712180% 1.525876% 5.812343 % 2.014500% .684263 % .639072 % 2.088024% 9.49>6163 % 10.0'65797% 3.702925% 7.5,63562% 13.3168122% :10.30S,383 % 15.469432 % $52,900,477.00 100.000000% READ a first time this 17th day of January, 19B3. READ a second time this 17th day of January, 19,63. READ a third time, and fLl1ally passed, this 17th day of Janu- ary, 1963. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. K. C. EMERSON, Warden. 54 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BY -LAW NO. 1822 A By-Law to Establish and Maintain an Emergency Measures Civil IDefence Organization In and For the Corporations of the City of St. Thomas and the County of Elgin. WHERE'A!S the Government of Canada has deemed it nece~- sary to create an emergency measures organization to co-ordinate duti.es and functions of g,overnm'2nt departments and agencies hav- ing responsibilities in ,a national ,e'mergency in the event of enemy adion; .A!NDWRiEIRE;AlS the Government of the Province of Ontario a.ccordingly has deemed it advis2!ble to revise the Ontario Civil De'fence Org.anizatic.n by esta:blishing a committeE:' to be known as the Emergency Measures Organization of Ontario, to formulate and .carry out plans relating to survival operations, continuity of civil gO'vernmen t and civil defence and similar measure's in t~~ even't of natural d-isasters; to co-ordinate the fu.nctions of the various departments and agenc,ies of the Government of Ontario relating to these matter and to maintain a liais,on and working re- lation wi'th other agencies and organizations of the Governments of Canada, of the Provinces of Canada, of the municipalities in Ontario and of the nearby states of the United States of America engaged in likE:' matters; AND WHEREAS Section 378 of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 19160, Ohapter 249, pr,ovides that ;by-laws may be passed by the councils of counties, cities, separated towns and separated town- ships, for the esta\blishment and maintenancE:' of emergency mea- sures civrI defenc'e organizations, and for providing moneys for emergency measures and civil defence, for the purposes of f;'mer- gency me.asuresciv,il defence or,ganizations and for the cost or the oper,ation of such organizations and for other sL.'TIilar \-vork within the municipality; AND WHERiE'AS the cost of establishing and mainta.ining such emergency measures organization is to be paid for as follows. Government of Canada ________________ 75% of the cost Governmen t of Ontario _____..__________ 15 % of the cost The !Municipalities _________________________ 10% of the cost ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 55 AND WHER.EI.AS it is deemed to es.tablish and maintain all emergency measures civil defence org:mization f.or the Corpol-- ati-on of the City of 81. Thomas and the County of Elgin; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the City of St. Th.omas has agreed to enact a by-law similar to this by-lai\v; .THEREFORE the 'Council of the Corporati-onof the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. In this by-law, (a) "City" means The Corporation of the City of St. Thomas. (b) "County" means The Corporation of the County of Elgin. (c) - "Emergency Measures Organization" means the St. Thomas-Elgin Civil Defence Organization, established by Section 2 of this by-law. (d) '~Committee" means the St. Thomas-:Elgin Emergency Measures .committee. - (e) "Co-ordinator" means the co--ordinator-Public Sur- vival of the St. Thomas-Elgin9mergency Measures Organiza.tion who shall be the Clerk of the Corpora- tion of the City of St. Thomas. (f) "Deputy Co-ordinator" means tile deputy co:-ordinator of the Emergency Measures Organization. . (g) "Secretary" means the Secretary of the 81. Thomas- EJgin Emergency l\leasuresCommittee who shall be the Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin: (h) "Treasurer" means the Treasurer of the St. Thomas- Elgin Emergency Measures Organization who shall be Ithe Treasurer of the Corporation of the City o.f St. 'Ihomas. 2. An emergency measures civil defence organization is here- 'byestablished to be kno'wn as The St. Thomas-Elgin Emergency Measure's Organization". 56 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 3. The purposes andO'bjects of the Emergency Measures Or- ganization shall be: (a) To pIan for the continuity of the physkal operatiol,;, of the Ivlunicipal governments of the City, and County and to establish plans for co-operation between stlcn Municipal governments in the event of a nuclear and other types of warfare; (b) To co-ordinate the emergency plans of the Municipal Departments and Services, having immediate respon- sibilities in the event of a national emergency and natural disaster, and to prepare plans for public sur.. vival; (c) To work closely with Provincial authorities who may be assigned to comparable duties; (d) To maintain effective liaison with the appropriate Canadian Army authorities in the area; (e) To conduct emergency measures orientation courses for .the training of personnel who have an emergency role; (f) '1.'0 conduct a public self-help educational program related to nuclear and other types of warfare; (g) To carry out other similar work within the City ane! County. 4. The Emergency Measures Organization shall consist of two branches to be known as: (a) the 1C0mmitte'e; ,'-, ...1- _ ~____..".~......._ I..UJ loUt:: lC.IAt::\,;UU v c. 6. The Committee to be known as The St. Thomas-Elgin Emergency Me'asures Committee, shall consist of the Mayor 01 the City and two members of the' Council of the City, the Warden of the County and two membe'rs of the Council of the County who shall be appointed from time to time by resolution of their re.. spective Councils. 6. The Committee shall have the following duties, power and responsibiU ties: ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 57 (a) To ,est8Jblish policy f.or the Emergency Measures Or- ganization; (b) To s<Uibmit to the Councils of the City and County, estimates .of expenditures for the operation anti. maintenance of the Emergency Measures Organiza- tion during the year 1963 and subsequent years; (c) To prepare the annual emergency measures civil de- fence financial assistance project, to indicate to .the Government of the Province or Ontar,io and to the Government of Canada the amount of public funds required for the cost of the Emergency Measures Or- ganization; (d) To submit such emergency measures civil defe:nce financial assistance project to~' the Emergency Mea- sures Org,mization of Ontario not later than the 31st day of March in each year; (.e) To submit to the Emergency Measures Organization of Ontario amendments to such proje,cts and claims ,against such projects to recover appropriate amounts .of public funds from the Government of the Province of Ontario and the Government of Canada in accord- ance with the terms of the financial assistance agree- ment between those' Governments. (f) ,To recommend to the City Council the employment .of .the Deputy C.o-ordinator and such other employees a.s may Jbe requir,ed to assist the' Co-.ordinator in the performance of his duties and such employees sha,ll be considered empJoye1es of the City. 7. (1) The Co-ordinator shall be responsirhle for the imple- plementation of the policy as fo:rnnuiated by the Com- mi ttee. (2) The duties to be performed by the Co-ordintor shall include the following: (a) co-,ordinate the emergency plans of Municipal De- partm,ents an.d S~ervice's, ha,ving immedialte re- sP.onsibility in the event of a national emergency and natural disaster and to prepare plans f01 public survival; 58 ELGl1'f COUNTY COUNCIL ,(b) To perform other related duties as directed bjl the Committee. 8. The Executive sha'll consist of the persons holding from time to time the following .offices: Chairm,an - The Co-ordinator; Vice-Chairman - The De'puty Co-ordinator; cr-.~emlbers - City of 81. Thomas Fire .chief Police Chief Welfare Administrator City Engineer City Treasurer Assessmen t Commissioner Public Utilities Manager - County of Elgin OleTk-Treasurer Engineer Co,unty Assessor Medical Officer of Health Hospital Superint,endent, 81. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital; Agricultural Repres'entative', Ontario Department of Agricul- ture, Advisory Consultant; Secretary ~ Secretarial services shan be provided by the Co- ordinator. ,9,. en The Executive shall be responsible for formulatin!\ departmenta.J plans for th.e continuing functioning of municipall ser\Tices \vhich '\tvould be required in th~ event of an emergency. (2) The Executive shall, when policy decisions are re- quired, submit the subject matter to the Committee in the form of a recommendation. 10. Gl) The annual cost of operating the 81. Thomas-ElgIn Ermergency Measures Organization shall be included in the annuall estimates of the participating municI- palities. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 59 (2:) The ten percent municipal cost of est2.blishing, ffi2.in- taming and operating the 81. Thomas-Elgin Emer- gency Measures Organization shall be bo!'ne jointly and severaHy by the participating municipalities pro rata on ,a per capita basis using the record of popula- tion in the Ontario JVIunicipal Directory for the year to which the estimates are related. '11 In the event of a natural disaster, the Chairman of th~ Committee may submit a request to the Honourable the Attorney General of Ontario for authority to call out regularly enrolled em... ergency measures volunteers to assist municipal authorities to contr,ol the disaster and to alleviate distress when it has been determined that the manpower resour.ces under the direct con- trol of the municipai1it.:es have been committed to disaster oper- ations and it is Iound that these ate insufficient or inadequate to control the disaster effectively. 12. The Agreement marked Schedule "A" to this by-law and so certified by the Clerk, being an Agreement between the Co).- poration of the City of St. Thomas and the Corporation of the County of Elgin is hereby approved, adopted and confirmed. 13. The Head of the !Council and the Clerk are hereby au- thorized to execute the said Agreement on beh3lf of the Corpora- tion and to affix the seal of the Corporation thereto. 14. This by-law shall come into forc.e and take effect on the final passing thereof. READ a First and Second time this 17th day of January, A.D. 1963. READ a Third time and finally passed this 17th day of Janu- ary, A.D. 1963. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. K. C. EMERSON, Warden. 60 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BY -LAW NO. 1823 61To Appoint a Board of Audit in the County of Elgin for the year, 1963." The Elgin County Council enacts: THAT the Judge of the' County Court, and the Treasurer, and Mr. William R. Caverly, be, and are hereby appointed membef& of the Board of Audit to perform the duties required of them by the iRevised Statutes of Ontario. THAT the members of the said Board of Audit be paid the sum of Nine Dollars per day, f.or their services, and twenty cents per mile going to each Audit. READ a first time this 17th day of January, 1963. READ a second time this 17th day of January, 19,63. READ a third time, and finally passe'd this 17th day of Janu- ary, 196'3. J. D. THOMiSON, Clerk. K. C. EMERSON, Warden. BY-LAW NO. 1824 liTo Appoint a 'County Road Committee." As required by the Highway Act, the Elgin County Council enacts: THAT the following f.ive members .of this Council constitute a COiJ:l1mitte.e for the purpose of dire-ding the 'work to be done on the County Road System: Walter Robson - for Term of One Year ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 61 George Barber - for Term of Two Years Mason Tansley _ for Term of Three Years George E. Brown - for Term of Four Years J.ohn B. Wilson - for Term of Five Ye.ars THAT By-'Law No. ,1805, be, and is hereby repealed. fREAD a first time this 17th day of January, 1963. HEAD a second time this 17th day of January, 1963. RigAD a third time, and finally passed this 17th day of Janu- ary 1963. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. K. C. EMERSON, Warden. -62 - ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL SECOND SESSION-FIRST DAY .. Tuesday; the 19th day of Marc~ 1963 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordancewHh adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members present excep.t Deputy Re'eve Caverly. The Warden addressed the Council. The minutes of the last day of the January Session were read --and cOnfirmed; .- The following communicaUons were read and referred ,to their various Committees: COMMUNICATIONS March SessioJL 1963 From the East Elgin District Women's Institute, re Appoint- ment 10 the Elgin Pioneer Museum Board. - Referred to the Fin- ance Committee. From the West Elgin District Women's Institute, re Appoint- ment 10 the Elgin Pioneer Museum Board. - Referred to the Fin- ance Committee. Fr,om the University of Western Ontario with appreciation of gr.ant and scholarships. - Filed. rFrom the Children's Aid Society, St. Thomas and Elgin, with request for a grant. - Referred to the Finance 'Committee. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 63 From the Canadian National InstHute for the Blind with ap- . preciati.on of grant. - Filed. From the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital, Tillsonburg, re Delegation to Council. - Filed. From 'the Elgin School Trustees' and Ratepayers' Association with appreciation of grant. - Filed. From the County of Simcoe re Appointment of Provincial Commission for settlement of Automobile Accident Claims. - Re.. tferr,ed to the P,etitions and. LegiSil1atioills C.oITh.'1'littee. From the Ontario Dept. of Ec.onomics and De'velopm€'nt re Meeting in St. 'I'homas. - Filed. From the Ontario Traffic C.onference with reque'st for Mem- bership Fee and appointment of delegates. - Referred to the Road CommHtee. . -From.-th~-South~Western -0nt-al'ie-Li-vestockEroducer.s'. As.sQ.. ciation with request for a grant. - Referred to the AgricuHural Committee. From the Dept. of Labour re Appointment of Inspector for the Construction Safety Act. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Onto Dept. of Lands and Forests re Deer Season in El- gin .county. - Re~erred to the Agricultural Committee. From ,the St. Tho'mas and District Labour Council re Declar?- ;1;ion of Labour Education Week. - Referred to the Petitions an.d Legislati.ons Committee. From the County of Huron requesting Interim Subsidies, twic~ a year. - Referred t.o the Road Committee. From ,the County of Bruce requesting the Ontario Depot. Jf Highways to subsidize the Bank Interest on funds borrowed for County Highway purposes. - Referred to the Petitions and Leg- islations Committee. 64 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL From ,the County of Bruce requesting TV Advertising re Li- quor be curtailed. - Referred to 'the Petitions and Legislations Commi tte'e. From' the County of Bruce requesting the Federal and Provin- cial Depts. .of Agriculture t.o make a study of injurious effects due to indiscriminate use .of ins'ecticides. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislations iCommi'ttee. From the Association .of Ontario Counties re Meeting and Membership F'ee. - Referred t.o the Finance Committee.. Moved by Reeve Phillips that the delegation from the Tillson- burg District Memorial Hospital, be now heard. Mr. Ostrander introduced Mr. Steens, Superintendent of the Hospital, who addressed 'the Council asking that a Representative fro,m t..lJ.e Elgin C.ounty Council be appointed to the Board, and of the need for expansion of the Hospital. The re'quest was referred to the Fi~ance C()mmi:ttee. ,Moved ,by Reeve' GUIT tha't the delegation fr.om the St. Th<>mas and Elgin Children's Aid Society, be now heard. Mr. Auckland addressed the !Council iI'eque~ting a grant. The request was referred to the Finance Committee. Moved by Reeve Tansley that the delegation from the Elgin Medical Services be now heard. (Mr. D. Lanning introduced Mr. L. Hoag, who addressed the Council .on the services 'provide-d by the OrganizaHon. The matter was referred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. The report of the Finance C.ommtttee was presented and adopted on m.otion .of Reeve Tansley and Reeve Barber. Reeve Gurr gave a report on <the Elgin Regiment Band's tr1p to New Orleans. Moved by Reeve Ro:bson, ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 65 Seconded by Deputy-IReeve Leitch, That we request the Department of Highways to make the following transfer of money in conneC'tion with the by-laws listed QelQtw: ,sUPPLEMENTARY - Transfer $17,523.84 from Construction Bridges and Culverts, to C.onstruction Roads. NOThMAL - Transfer $25,774.90 from Road Maintenance to Road Construction. _ Transfer $1'5,3909.56 [rom Bridges and Culverts Main- 'tenance to Bridges and Gul.vert~ C.onstruction. - Carried. lV!:oved by Reeve Gurr, S~cond~d, Iby ;[)'eputy-iReev~ McIver, That we do now adjourn to meet this afterno,on at 2 p.m. - Carried. The G01IDCil resumed. A c.ommunication from the Southwold Trustees and Rate- J)CJ.yers Associa1tion r~ Guidance Te'achers tor r1J.r~J pUbli.G schools was read, and ref.erred to the Education C.omm1ttee. The report of the R.oad Committee was presented and adopt- e'd, .on motion o{ Reeve ROlbson and Reeve Tansley. The sec.ond report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Tansley and Reeve Phillips. The Warden appointed Re'eve Brown and Reeve iBarber as a Committee xe Appointment .of Safety Construction Officer. The Warden appointed Reeve Phillips and Reeve Downey as a Committee re Appointment of Assistant Clerk-Treasurer. 66 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL The report of the Equalization Committee was adopted Qn motion of Reeve D.olwney and Reeve Ro,bson. The report of the Elgin Manor Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve McKibbin and Deputy Reeve Tuf- ford. Reeve D.owney reported on the Central Er:ie T.ourist Associa- tion. Moved by Reeve McKibbin, Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Glover, That the' Warden and Treasul'er of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized to borrow up to $650,000.00 from the Bank of Montreal, 81. Thomas, as may be required, f.or cons'truction of a County Home for the Aged, pending the issue and sale of debenture's and receipt of Government Grants, from the Provin,ce of Ontario. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Brown, Seconded Iby Deputy Reeve Martin, That we do now adjourn to meet .on Wednesday, March 20th, 196.3, ~t 10 a.m. - Carried. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. K. C. EMERSON, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 67 SECOND SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday, fhe 20fh day of lV!arch, 1963 The Elgin Gounty Council met this day at the Court Hous'e, St. Thomas, in accordance' with adjournment. The Warden in the' Chair. All the members pr,es.ent except Deputy Reeve Caverly. The minutes of the previous day were re'ad and confirmed. A communication fr:om R:ead Brown, Governor, of the Jail, re Correction in report of the jail costs was read, and ordered filed. Moved by Re,ev,e Gurr that the- delegation from Port Stanley be now heard. Mr. Payne addressed the Council on depletion of fish in Lake' Erie Cl.'"1d I'iequested support of the Council for re- stocking the lake. ;The report of the Agricultural Committee was presehtedand adopted on m.otion of Reev,e Barber and Deputy Reeve vVoolner. The report of the Petitions and Legislations Committee was pres,ented and adopted on motion .of Reeve Gurr and Deputy- Reeve Martin. The report of the Property Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Deputy-Re'eve Martin and Deputy-Reeve Glover. The report of the E'ducation Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Deputy-Reeve Woolner and Reeve Elli.ott. Moved by Reeve Gurr, Seconded by Reeve Baird, That the Ontario Department of Lands and Fo!'ests be re- quested to begin a comprehensive research program concerning commercial fisheries in the central Lake Erie region, particularly 68 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL from Long P.oint on the east to Rondeau .on the west. and, That Ithe Ontario Department o'f Lands and Forests be re- quested to take steps t.o begin restocking Lake Erie's central l'e- gion with basic fingerling stocks of such commereially valuable species as blue pickerel, yellow pickerel, and white bass. We suggest that a plan recommended by Ontario commercial fisher- m-en: that is the pond rearing of fingerlings and release by natural water escape meth.ods, should be carefully considered and studied. It is understood that respons1ble commercial fishermen w.ould co- operate with the Depart.ment in Ql>tainipg spawn, pong sites, and general protecti.on. . ..,..,.".Carried. Moved 'by Deputy-lReeve W~lllf<T~ Se,c()nded ,by Reeve Barper, That By-'La:w No. 1825, "To Raise Amounts for County Rates during the Year, 1963, be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Howard., Seconded .by Reeve E1liott, Th~t By-Law N.o. 1825, l;>e rea.d, a ~e(',ond t.ime. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Barber, Seconded 'by Deputy Reeve Woolner, That By-Law N.o. 1825, be read a third time, and finally pass: ed. -- G~-€ie4. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 69 Moved by Reeve Robson, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Leitch, That By-Law No. 1826, of the' Corp:>ration of the County of Elgin, "Restricting the ';Veight of Vehicles Passing Over Bridges," be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by R'eeve Nimmo, Seconded by Reeve Downey, That By-Law No. 1826~ be read a second, tim~. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Downey, Seconded by Reeve Nimmo, ed. That By-Law No. 1826, be read a third time, and finally pass- - Carried. Moved by Deputy-Reeve Tufford, Seconded by Reeve Baird, That By-Law No. 1827, 'A By-Law to Provide for the 1963 Norm~l Expenditures on Roads Under the Highway ImprovcmE':'l1t Act in ihe c.ounty of Elgin," be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Baird, Seconded by Reeve Downey; That By-Law No. 1827, be read asecoIld time. ~Carri~. 70 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Deputy-Reeve Leitch, Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Tufford, That By-Law No. 1827, be read a third time, and finally pass- ed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Phillips, Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Pressey, That By-Law No. 1828, "A By-Law to Provide for the 1983 Supplementary Expenditures on Roads Under the Highways Im- provement Act in the County of Elgin," be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Clarke. Seconded by Reeve Wilson, That By-Law No. 1828, be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson" Seconded Iby Reeve Phillips, Tha't By-Law No. 1828, be re-ad a third time, and finally pass- ed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve McKihbin, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Glover, That By-Law No. 1829, "A By-Law Authorizing the Obtain- ing of Temporary Advances to Meet the Cost of Construction of a County Home for 'the Ag'ed P.ending the Completion Thereof'," ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 71 be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pressey, Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Glover, That By-Law No. 1829, be read a se,cond time. - Carried. Moved by :Reeve Clarke, Seconded by Reeve Phillips, ed. That By-Law No. 1'829, be read a third time, and finally pass- - Carried. Moved by Deputy-Reeve Martin, Seconded by Reeve Brown, That By-Law No. 1830, "To Incr,ease the Salary .of Ivan J. ,Patterson, Superintendent of E.lgIn 'Man.ol', and to Amend By-Law No. 1729," be read a first time. - Carried. M.oved by Reeve Hodgson, Seconded by Reeve Tans ley, That By-La'w No. 1830, he read a second time. - Carried. l\iIoved by Reeve Tansley, Seconded by Deputy-'Reeve Martin, ed. Tha't By-Law N.o. 1830, be read a third time, and finally pass- - Carried. 72 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Reeve Wilson, Seconded by Reeve Hodgson, That By-Law No. 18311, "A By-Law to Amend the By-Law Adopting a Plan of County Road Improvement and Establishing a C.ounty lRoad System in the County of Elgin Unde'!' the Highway Improvement Act," be read a first ;time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Hodgson, Seconded !by ;R;eeve Wilson, That By-Law No. 1831, be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Clarke, Seconded by ,Reeve Hodgson, That By~Law No. 183!1, be read a third time, and finally pass- ed. -- Carried. Moved by Reeve Gurr, Seconded by Deputy-iReeve McIver, That By-Law No. 1a:32, "Respecting the Weight of Loads to be Carried an Vehicles," be' read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy-Reeve McIvor, Seconded by Reeve Brovv.n, That By-Law No. 18'3'2, be read a second time. - Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 7.3 Moved 'by Reeve Brown, Seconded by Reeve Gurr, That By-Law :No. IH:3.2, be read a third time, and finally pass- ed. -- CCJ.l."ried. Moved by Reeve Brown, Seconded 'by Deputy-R,eeve McIver, Thwt By-Law No. 18'313, "To Confirm the Equalization of the Assessment Rolls of the .county of Elgin for th~ Year, 1963," l>e read a first time. -- Carried. Moved by IReev~ Gurr, Seconded :by Reeve 'Brown, That By-Law No. 1833, be reacI a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy-Re'eve McIver, Seconded by Reeve Gurr, That By-Law No. 18'313, he read a third time, an4 :finally pass,- ed. -- Carried. \Reeve E.Niotti reported on the tunics and crests for the' County Councillors. Moved by Reeve Gurr, Seconded by Reeve Brown, That we do now adjourn ,to meet on Tuesday, June 18th, at 10 a.m. - Carried. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. K. C. EMERSON, Warden. 74 ELGL"\T COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY RATES. COUNTY OF ELGIN MarchSessio'n. 1963 - First Report FINANCIAL REPORT To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin Oounty Council, The Committee on Finance ibeg leave to report that having inquired into Finances of the County, and estimates prepared by the County Treasurer, they herewith submit a statement of the expenditures required for the lawful purpose of the c.ounty dur- ing 1963, showing the amount required to be raised for the under- mentioned purposes: Administration of Justice ___...._______________$ 65,000.00 Coun ty Roads (7 mills) _________________ ---------- e70,303.00 Charity and Welfare ________________________________ 5,000.00 Child Welfare ____ ________m______.._____________m______ 32,000.00 County Assesment ______..._______.____________m___ 10,000.00 Elgin-1St. Thomas Health Unit __.___..._____..__ 3'4,875.00 Elgin Manor._____.._.________._________.___.________.__ 6,000.00 Elgin Hospital Debentures ____.______h_________ 54,400.00 Municipal Government _____________.._____________ 25,000.00 Agricul ture ___________________~_______.._______.___ ------------ 9,000.00 Interest and Prepayment of C.ounty Ra tes ------------------------------------- !Printing, Postage and Stationery - ------..- Grants ___ --..-- -.-- --------------- ------------------------- ---- Licens'es and Miscellaneous ---------.--------- 24,000.00 1,000.00 14,000.00 97.00 $650,675.00 Your Committee would recommend that the sum 'Of Six Hund- red and Fifty Thousand, Six Hundred and Seventy-Five Dollars be raised on all rateable property in the s'everal municipalities of the County of Elgin, during the year, 1963, for County purp.oses, and that a rate of 12.3 mills on the donar be levied on rateable property in the several municipalities in the County ,to raise said amounts. All of which is respectfully submitted. MAlSON TANSLEY, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 75 ROAD COMMITTEE March Session, 1963 St. Thomas, Ontario. To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: YOUR, RO~'D OOMMLTTEE begs to report as foll.ows: 1. ENGINiEgRING WORK AND LAND PURCHASE is con- tinuing on c.ounty Road 36 from Road 24 to Port Bruce, designat- ed last year as a Development Road for Pre-Engineering by the D.H.D. It is expected that plans and profiles and a cost estimate will he completed by the end of the month f.or presentation to the D.H.D. Land purchase is continuing and an expI"opriation Land Plan from the surveyor is expected sh-ortly. VIE RECOMlVIEND: 1. 'IR:A:T THE ESTIMATES of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission for 1963 amounting to $41,000.00 be approved. Of this amount $24,400.00 is ....'ppropriated f-or maintenance on the Suburban Road System (25 miles) and $1'6,600.00 for C-onstruc- tion. The amount for construction will complete cleanup work on the Wellington (Road and pay foil' property required to widen the R.oad. 2. THAT a Normal} Road Expenditures By-Law be passed to be allocated as follows: Consfrucfion Maintenance Total Roads ---------__n_____._____m____u_ ---'$149,000.00 Bridges and Culverts ________n_ 12,600.00' New Machinery __h_________________ 28,000.00 Superintendence and Overhead ------__________n_n__ 10,400.00 $273,100.00 22,00.0.00 nil $422,100.00 34,600,00 28,00'0.00 39,900.00 50,3'00.00 T,otals ----------------------_____$200,00 O. 00 $335,000.00 $535,000.00 76 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BREAKING THESE AMOUNTS DOWN: County R.oad c.onstruction _~:;;;.~""~;.:..:..:;."--==~~-,,:--_---$133,000.00 St. Thomas Suburban Roads !Construction ----- 16,000.0l> To ta:I _________________________ ________ _ _ _ ___.._______________________________.____ ._____.$149,000.00 County [Roads Maintenance -'-__c_ .__. ______"___...___~$257 ,ooo.no (including rebates to Urban Municipalities estimated at $39,000.00) 'St. Thomas Suburban Road Maintenance .-----.- 16,100.00 Tota;J _________________________________________ _________ ----- ____________________$273,1 00.00 County Bridge Construction _____._______________________ 12,000.00 St. Thomas SubUrban Culvert Construction --.- 600.00 Tota.l _________ _._________._ __ ._.____________________. -.--------.----.----------- -----$ .12,600.00 County Bridge & Culvert Maintenance ----------$ 20,000.00 St. Thomas Suburban Bridge and Culvert Maintenance ______________________________________ 2,000.00 To tal ______ ___________________________________________.____________un.___ -----$ 22,000. OU COUNTY OVERHEAD (1) Construction ______________________________________$ <10,400.00 (2) Maintenance ___________________.______________ .----- 33,600.00 St. Thomas Suburban Road Ov,erhead ---------- 6,300.00 Total _______.__________________________________________.___.------ .--------------$ 50,30 O. 00 13. THAT.a Supplementary Road Expenditure By-Law be passed to be allocated as follows: Construction !Roads __________________________________________ ______$211,000.00 [Bridges and Culverts _____________________ 80,000.00 Total _______________;...~__________________$291 ,000.00 ALL CONSTRUCTION to be done on Coun~y Roads. The Normal and Supplementary By-Laws provide money for (besides Maintenance, Overhead and New Machinery': ELGJN COUNT-Y COUNCIL 77 (1) IC.ompletion of minor work on Vlellington Road by St. Thomas Surban Commission. (2) Purchase of land for Road widening (including fencing on Road 36-D~veloPIl1ent Road). (3) (Payment for Installation of Railroad Protection onltoaa 3 in Rodney and ~oad 40 in Springfield. (4) Paving on Road 2 east of West Lorne in West Lorne, Ald- borough and Dunwich Townships. ('5) D-ouble Surface Treatment on Road 16 from Burwell's Corners to Ta~bot Cre:ek in DU~lWich Township; and as- sociated work. i~81) [Paving Road 2,0 from Highway 4 in Port Statnley and Sou thwold Township. (7) Grading, Granular Bas.e, etc., Road 20 Shedden north to Road 18 (except at Highway 401) Southwold Town- ship. (8) Gtc'ading, Granular Base~ etc., Road 52 Springfie14~ east- erly to N.Y.C. Railroad tracks. Sprin&field, South Dor- chester and Malahide Townships. (9) Gr,ading, Granular Base, etc.~ Road 42, from Road 40 €asterly, approximateIy 4 miles in Malahide Twp. (10 Gompletion of Dingle St. Bridge in Ma~ahid~ Twp. and Ay1nler. (11) !:Pipe Culvert Construction on Road 20, 52 and 42 in con.. junction with grading. (12) iC.oncrete Culver.t Construct~on on Road 42, 37, 17, 20 and 9. THIS is a total Road Budget of $826,000.00 at an estimated cost to the County .of $3'70,30.3.00, being a road levy of 7 mills on ~A~ p~~e~~!.1t a~se~:?ment (the S?n1e r~le ~~ l.a$t ye~r). TOTAi,. EXP~N:DlTU(RJE:s. FOR SUBSIDY ~n 1962 wer~ $~'31,- 330.6i1 with Gross Expenditures of $~78,6p~.~6. 78 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL With Development Road Expenditures and Accounts Receiv- able, it is expected that the Gross Expenditures will again be in the order of one million dollars. 4. THAT a By-Law be. passed removing the following roads from half-J..oad restrictions: (a) Rd. 3 from New Glasgow to the North limit of the Vil- lage of Rodney. ;(b) Rd. 15 from Wallacetown to the North limit of ,the Vil. lage of Dutton. (c) Rd. 25 - The W,ellington Rd. throughout. (d) Rd. 32 from Highway 73 to the Ontario Police College Ga te. (e') Rd. 39, Chatham St., in Port Burwell. (f) Rd. 42 from Rd. 39 to Highway 19 in Port Burwell. 5. rrHAT a By-Law ,be passed, in effect, amen4ing By-Law No.ISOO- restricting weight that can be carried on County Bridges by- - (1) Removing the Dingle St. Bridge and the Hoover Bridge from restrictings (both replaced last year). (2) Raising the limit on the Cook Bridge (Bayham-Malahide Townline) from 10 to 15 Tons, as repairs recommended by D.H.c. have be-en completed to the abutments. (3) Placing;a IO-Ton Load Limit on the Bridge over Catfish Creek on Rd. 45 near Jaffa. (This road has been assum- ed since By-Law No. 1800 was passed). (It is necessary to pass a new By-Law repealing By-Law No. 1800). 6. 'rrlAT. at the request of Mr. T. S. Cald\vell, District M1.LTl.!' cipal Engine'er, the following Resolution be passed regarding a - transfer of monies with regard to the County AIlnuaA Expendi- tures Road Return for 1962:.- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 79 THAT we request the Department of Highways to make the following transfer of money in connection wIth the by-laws liste.:l below: Supplementary - Transfer $17,523.84 from Construction Bridges and Culverts to Construction Roads. Normal - Transfer $25,774.90 from Road Maintenance to Road Construction. Transfe;r $15,399.56 from Bridges and Culverts Main- tenance to Bridges and Culverts Construction. 7. THAT the right of way needed for the Development Road be assumed as an extension of County Road 24. This includes the Road Allowance between Concessions I and II opposite Lot 22 and the West half of Lot 23, Twp. of Yarmouth, now maintained by- the Twp. of Yarmouth, and the proposed new right of way through Lots 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and the West half of Lot 28 in Concession I, Yarmouth. All of which is respectfully submitted. WALTER. ROBSON, Chairman. 80 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FINANCE COMMITTEE March Session. 1963 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That Charity and Welfare Pay List No. 1 for $1,959.90, \Pay List No. 2 for $9T1.55, and Pay List No. 3 for $1,39'3.6'0, be' ap- proved. 2. That Children's Aid Societies Pay List No.1 for $2,655.56, Pay List No.2 for $2,687.70, and Pay List No.3 for $31485.55, be approved. . ,3. That Mrs. Roy McNeil and Mrs. Fred ShtVely be appoint- ed to the Elgin Pionee!' Museum Board as Representatives of the Women's Ins.titutes. 4. That a grant of $500.00 be made to the 81. Thomas and Elgin Children's Aid Society. 6. That the request of the Central Erie Tourist Association for a grant, be filed. 6. That the request for a membership fee from the Associa- tion of Ontario Counties, be filed. 7. That the Warden appoint a small Committee to investigate the appointment of a Safety Construction Officer. 8. Tllat the Warc.en appoint a Committee to receive appli- cations for the position of Assistant Clerk-Treasurer. All of .which is respectfully submitted. 'I\Jr A<:!('\'M 'T' A 1\T~T .F.V_ Chairman. .&.YJ,...C.J..JoJ'''-'' _......-'---7 ----- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 81 EQUALIZATION REPORT !4arch Sessio~ 1963 To the- Warden a1lltd Members of the Elgin County Council., The Equa1i~ation. Oommittee' reports as follows: 1. THAT the folLowing be the equalization of the Assessment Rolls of the Oounty of Elgin for the ye'ar, 1963: Aylmer _______.__ _______________ Bellmont _________________________ Du Hon ________________ ________________ Port Burwell __________________ Port StaMey ___________________ Rodney ________________________._ Springfield ________._______________ V ienn.a ____________________________ We'st Lorne ___________________ Aldlborough __________.__________ Bayham ______________________________ South Dorchester ______________ DUl1lWich __________________..__________ Malalhide _________________________ South wold ________________________ Yar,mourth _____________________ $ 7,574,200. 720,300. 894,196. 629,500. 3,053,731. 1,101,720. 361,204. 1371,250. 1,19'5,3'65. 5,046,69'2. 5,369,726. 1,97'6,305. 4,000,696. 7,049,70.0. 6,249,852. 8,489,575. $54,284,062. 13.952898 % 1.326909% .1.647'2153% 1.528073% 5.625557% 2.029546% .665396% .683,902% 2.202055% 9.2968~1 % . 9.891902% 3.640673 % 7.369927% 12.986685 % 11.51323,6% 15.639167% 100.000000% 2. THAT tlhis Council is willing to have the iinal equalization of Assessment Rolls in case of appeal, made by the County Judge. All of which is respectfully submitted. B. E.DOWNEY, Cb~an. 82 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE March Session, .19€3 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council: The Elgin Manor Committee reports las follows: 1. That the Dept. of Public Welfare has approved of the' Plans and Specifications prepared by the Consulting Engineer and Arch- itect rea new Home for the Aged. :2. That the Ontario Municipal Board has granted approval of preparation of !final plans and specifica Hons, and the calling of tenders. ' .3. That we recommend a partial payment of $10,000.00 to G. Duncan Black ,and Associate's !Ltd. iEor plans ,and specifications. 4. That we recommend an increase of $200.00 per year in the salary of Ivan J. Patterson, Superintendent; to take effect March 1st, 196.3, ,and necessary by-law be prepared. All -of which is respectfully submitted. RUSSEL McKffi:BIN, Chairman. AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE March Session, 1963 To the 'Warden, and [Members of the Elgin County Council: rrhe Agricultural Committee reports as \follows: :I. That the request of the South-Western Ontario Livestoclt Producers' Association for a grant, ,bE:' filed. 2. That we are opposed to an open season for deer in Elgin {"'nlll"lhT in 1 aR~ ""''''-.......J ....... "V_Y. All .of which is respectfully submitted. GEORGE BARBER, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 83 PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE March Session. 19Sa To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council: The Petitions 'and Legislations Committe.e reports as 'follows; 1. 'Ihat the resoluUcn from the County of Sjmcoe to amend Section '34 of the Mun::cipal Act, to require six months residence in the municipality, prior to election in order to qualify for elec,. tion to Council he approved. 2. 'That we concur with the resolution from the County of Simcoe requesting the Provincial Government to ccn~ider the e:::- tablishment of a. Commission for the setEement of Automobile Ac- ciden t Claims. :3. -That the resolution from the Ccunty cf Bruce reque3ting the Dept, oJ Highways to subsidize bank intere.st charged on funds borrowed for highway purposes be filed. 4. 'That we file the resolution from the 'County of Bruce l'e- questing the curtailing of liquor and beer advertising on televIsion. i5. That we concur with the resolution from the County of iBruce to eliminate the indiscriminate use of insecticides. 6.. That we endorse the communi-c.ation of the 81. Thomas Distri-ct Labour Council dedaring the we,ek of March 25th to March ,31st, 1963, as Lahour Education Week. A.ll 'of which is respectfully submitted. LLOYD S. GURR, ChaIrman. PROPERTY COMMITTEE March Session. 1963 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council: The :Property Committee reports as follows: 84 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 1. That we have ~accepted the tender ,of Elgin Co-Operative Services .of $31311.71 \for 13 Jail windows. 2. That we have accepted the tender of Air Master .of 'Can- ada, Ltd., of $9\6.67 f.or 6 three-track windows in the 'Court House. 13. That we !have accepted the tender ad: Robbins Electrical Se,rvices of $3112.00 for an oil '.automatic conversion burner instal- led in the Registry Office. 4. That we have accepted the tender of Robbins Electrical Services for 7 new lights in the 'main corridor of the Court House, and lights in the three entries, .at a cost of $745.00. 6. That the' salary o'f the Caretaker of the Court House be increased $150.00 per year. All -of which is respectfully submitted. ROBERT N. MARTIN, Chairman. EDUCATION COMMITTEE March SessioDI 1963 To the :Warden, and :Members of the Elgin County Council: The Education Committee reports as follows: 1. That the 'communication from the Southwold Trustees and Ratepayers Association regarding the need of a Guidance Teacher for rural public schools be referred to the E1gin County Trustees and Ratepayers Asssociation as County C.ouncil has no jurisdIc- tion in public school matters. All .of which is, respectfully submitted. GORDON WOOlliER, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BY-LAW NO. 1825 85 liTo Raise Amounis for Counfy Rates During the Year. 1963" WHEREAS an estimate has been made showing that the sum .of Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand, Six Hundred and Seventy- Five Dollars is required to be r,aised in the several municip?Jities for the lawful purpose of the County during the year, 1963, on the !basis of the assessment as determined in By-Law No. 1821, passed J,anuary 17th, 196,3. . Municipality Total Equalized Value 'Aldborough ____m____.____________n_____________ $ 5,02,3,515.0.0 Dun wich _h_________n_u ___________ _____________ 8.0 u thwold n_. h________________.________________ Y arm 0 u th ______________________ __ ________m._ Malah ide _____________m______________________ [Bay ham _______._____________n______._____________ South Dorchester ________.______________n._ Ay 1 n1 e r ____ __________._____ ________________ ____ [Port Stanley ____________ ______n____________ Du tton ------------------------ ------------------ R 0 dn ey __________________________________ ______ __n West Lorne ____--_________________n_n_m__ Port Burwell ____________________________________ Springfield _________________________________ V ienn a _____________________________________________ 'Helm.on t __ ____________________ ____________n_ _n_ 4,00.1,16'0.00 5,450,539.00 8,183,40'3.00' 7,071,800.00 5,3,24,855_00 1,958,865_00 7,534,030.0() 3,074,757.00 950,751.00 1,065,680.00 1,104,575.00\ 807,19'6,00 3,61,978.00. 338,073.00 694,300.00 $52,900,477.00 THEREFORE the Council .of the Munidpal C.orporation of the Oounty .of Elgin enads: THAT a rate :Of '12.3 mills on the dollar be levied on all rate- able property in the several municipalities in the County .of Elgin as above set forth :for the year, 196,3: Aldborough _n______________________m_~-m$ 61,789.16. :T"\______~ _,. An <)1 A <)1 11.1 Ull W 1 l:ll ___________________________________ ':tv, ~.L ':1:. ~.L So uth wold ___________________n_________ 67,041.54 y.armouth ______m___________________________ 100,655.72 Malahide __________________________.._____ 8,6,983.03 86 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Bay ham ______________________________ Sou th Dorchester _________________________ rAy lmer _________________________________________ Port Stanley __________________________________ Du tton ___________________________________________ Ro dn ey ___________________~_______________u______ West Lorne ___________________________________ Port Burwell ____________________"_______ S.p rin gfi el d _________________________________________ IV i enna ____________________________________________ Belmont _____________________________________ 65,495.62 24,094.01 92,668.44 37,819.46 11,140.731 13,107.85 13,586.25 9,928.49 4,452.33< 4,158.28 8,539.88, READ a first time this 20th day 'Of March, 1963. $650,675.00 READ a second time this 20th day of March, 1963. READ a third time, and finally passed this 20th day of March, 1963. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. K. C. EMERSON, Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 87 BY-LAW NO. 1826 -OF- THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN RESTRICTING THE WEIGHT OF VEHICLES PASSING OVER BRIDGES WHEHEA:S subse'cti.on 8 o.f Section 52 of the Highway Traf- fic Act (R.S.O. 19,80) provides that: The Municipal 'Corporation or other ,authority havmg juris- diction over a bridge may by By-law approved by the Dep3rt- ment make regulat~ons limiting the 'weight of any vehiCle or combination of vehicles or any class thereof p2ssmg ovel' such bridge: AND WHER.EAS it is deemed expedient to limit the weight of vehicles passing over certain bridges in the County of Elgin; 'NOW THER.EFOR.E the Council of the C.orporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. No vehicle or -combination of vehicles or any class thereo!, whether empty or loaded shall be operated over any bridge designated in Schedule No.1, Schedule No.2 or Schedule No. '3, attached to and forming part of this By-law with a weight in excess of weight limit prescribed in the Schedule for such bridge. 2,~ Any person violating .any 'of the provisions of this By-law shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 52 of the High~ way Traffic Act. 3. This By-law shall not became effective until approved by the Department .of Transport and Until a notice of the weight permitted, legibly 'printed, has 'been posted up in a con5picu~ 'OtiS place at either end of each bridge designated in the at~ tached Schedules 88 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 4. (By-Law No. 1800 of the County of Elgin is hereby repealed. :REIAD a first time this 20th day of March, 1963. READ a second time this 20th day of iMarch, 1963. READ a third time, and finally passed this 20th day of March, 19-63. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. K. C. EMEfRSON, Warden. SCHEDULE NO. 1 Bridges On County Roads Schedule Weight Year of Type of Bridge Road Name 'Of Limit Construc- Floor No. No. Bridge Location Tons tion Finish ,1. 26 21 Shelbourne iLot 16, 20 1900 Concrete or Warren N.L.R. Street Village of Port Stanley ~. 29 45 Catfish Lot 25, 10 Unknown Wooden Creek Con. 5 & 6 Twp. of Yarmouth 3. 30 30 Patterson Lots 8 & 9, 15, 1908 iOoncrete Con. II, Yarmouth 4. 49 42 Stalter Lot 28, 20 1922 Concrete Gully Con. 1 & 2, Malahide 6. 50 42 Port Lot 11, 20 11\1^ tr't____^..,.,. :J.~J.V '"'v.U\;.&. '"' ~'"' Burwell Con. 1, Village 'Of Port Burwell ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 89 SCHEDULE NO. 2 Counfy Bridges on Township Ro,ads Weight Year of Type of Bridge 'Road Name of Limit Construe- Floor No. No. Bridge Location Tons tion Finish 1. 2'3 Robbins Lot 5, 5 1898 Wooden River Road, iSouthwold 2. 24 Fulton Lots 3& 4, 115 1912 Concrete Mill -Road, Southwold 3. 25 Mee'ks' Lot 16, 20' 1'90.0. JConcrete N. U. Road, Southwold 4. 27 Jamestown Lot 28, 15 1908 Concrete Con. 2, Yarmouth 5. 44 Orwell o:..ot 29, 15 J19o.8 Concrete Con. 9, Yarmouth 6. 52 Vienna Lot 14, 20 Unknown Concrete Con. 3, Reconstructed Bayham In 1933 Now in Village of Vienna 7. 54 Cook's Lot 1, 15 \190.7 Concrete Con. 5, Bayham 8. 55 Phillmore Lot 3, 15 190.9 Concrete iCon. 6., Bayham 9. 61 Acacia Lot 22, 2\ 190.8 Wooden Con. 10., Bayham (Ro.ad in poor condition) 90 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL SCHEDULE NO. 3 Boundary Bridges With Of her Municipalities Adjoining Elgin Also Required From Adjoining Municipality Weight Year .of Type of Adjoining Bridge Road Name of Limit Construc- Floor Munid- No. No. Bridge Location 'Tons <tionFinish pality 1. 13 5 Walker Lot 1, 10 19012 ff3itu- iCounty ,oif B.F.C., minous iMiddlesex Dunwich 12. 4 1i1 Tait's Lot 7, 15 1914 Concrete " ff3.F.A., Dunwich 3. S 6 Willey's iLot 14, 20 B.F.A., Dunwich 4. 17 Ling's Lot 49~ 1'& East Siae T.R.N. Br., Southwold 5. 34 !37 Belmont Lot 21, 15 East Con. 7, South, Dorchester & North DorchesteT 6. 22 Kains Lot 1, 15 Con. 3, Yarmouth 7. 19 26 St. Lot 2, 15 George Con. 9, St. Yarmouth :1907 " iCon-crete 1907 Concrete " 11907 " !Concrete 1899 Concrete City .of St. Thomas ,19,05 Bitu- minous " ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 91 BY-LAW NO. 1827 A By-Law to Provide for the 1963 Expenditures on Roads Under .the Highway Improvement Act in the County of Elgin WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act requires that the total expenditure on r.oads be provided f.or annually by county by-law and tha-t the by-law be submitted to the Minister of High- ways for approval. 'THEREFOR.E' the ICouncil of the Corporation of the said Coun- ty enacts as follows: i(1) The sum o.f $535,00'0.00 is hereby estimated as the expen- diture up.on the construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the year 19'63, as followgs: Construction Roads ----------------------------------$149,000.00 Bridges and Culverts ________ 12,600.00 New Machinery -__________________ 28,000.0.0 Superintendence and Overhead __________ 10,400.00 Maintenance $273,100_00 22; 0000.0.0 nil Tofal $422,100.00 34,600.00 28,000.00 ,39,900.00 50,300.00 TOTALS -----------------$200,000.00 $3;3'5,000.00 $535,000,00 (2) The said monies shall be expended unde:r the supervision of the duly appointed county road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Impl'ovemnt Act. ,(3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of t111s by-Jaw to the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Departmell". -of Highways, not later than March 31st, of the said year. (4) TIle approval .of the Ontario Municipal Board shan be obtained before any expenditure is authorized or work commenc- ed which will be financed by the issue of debentures or monie3 raised in a subsequent year. Passed at St. Thomas, this 20th day of M,arch A.D., 1963. (8 E A L ) J. ,D. THOMSON, Clerk. K. C. EMERSON, Warden 92 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL I, J. D. Thomson, Clerk of the Corporation of the County o't Elgin, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By- Law No. 1'81.217, passed by the Council of the said Corporation 011 the 20th day of March, 19613. J. D. THOMSON, County Clerk. ,sUPPLEMENTARY BY.LAW NO. 1828 A By.Law to Provide for the 1963 Expenditures on Roads Under the Highway Improvement Act in :the County o,f Elgln WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act requires that the total expenditure on Toads be provided for annually by county by-law and that the by-law be submitted to the Minister olf High- ways for approval. THER::EFORE the' Council of the Corporation of the said c.ounty enacts as follows: (1) The sum of $291,000.00 is hereby estimated as the e:&.- penditure upon the construction and maintenance of the roads and ,bridges under its jurisdiction during the year 1963, as follows: Consfruction Roads __n_______________4____________ ----- :$211, 0'0'0.00 Bridges and Culv,eTts ----- --- 80,000.00 New Machinery ------------ Superintendence and Overhead ---------- Maintenance $ Total $211,000.00 80,000.00 nIl TOTALS _____.__________ _$29<1,000.00 $ $291,000.00 (2) The said monies shall be expended under the supeTvisio"J. of 'the duly appointed ,county road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shan transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways, not later than March 31st, of the said year. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 93 (4) The approval of the Ontario .Munidpal Board shall be ob- tained before any eXlPenditureis authorized or work commenced which will be financed by the issue oJ debentures or monies raised in a subsequent year. Passed at St. Thomas this 20th day of March A,D., 1963. (S E A lL) J. D. THOMSON, >Clerk. K. C. E-ME<RSON, Warden I, J. D. Thomson, Clerk of the Corporation of the County 01 Elgin, do hereby certi,fy that the foregoing is a true copy O'f By- Law No. 1828, passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the 2'0'1h day of March, 1963. J. D. THOMSON, County Clerk. MUNICIPAL BY-LAW FOR TEMPORARY ADVANCES UNDER HOMES FOR THE AGED ACT BY-LAW NO. 1829 A By-Law aufhorizing :l:he obfaining of temporary advances to meet the cost o.f construction of a County Home for :the aged pending :l:he complefion thereof WHEREAS, with the approval in writing of the Ontario Mun- icipal Board, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the .county of Elgin has the estimated cost of which works is $.650,- 000.00. AND WHEREAS it is desirable ioagree with a bank for temporary advances to meet the 'cost of the said works pending the completion thereof. BE IT T:HEREFORE ENACTED iby the said iGouncil as follows; 1. The Head and Treasurer of the Corporation are hereby au- thorized to obtain from the Bank of Montreal temporary advances 94 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. at a rate or rates not exceeding 5% per cent per annum represent- ed by a promissory note or promissory notes or by way of over- draft or otherwise not exceeding Six Hundr,ed and Fifty Thousana dollars to meet the cost of the said works pending the completiol1 thereof. 2. A ~promissory note or notes or .other vouchers, seale'd with the Corporate Seal and signed on behalf of the Corporation by the Head and Treasurer thereof, for the advances from time to timl::: obtained under the authority hereof and interest thereon, may be given 'to the s-aid Bank providing ior the repayment of or represent-. ing the said advances with interest there.on as af.oresaid. '3. The Treasurer of the Corporation is hereby authorized and directed to apply first in payment of such advances with in- terest thereon as aforesaid all moneys horrowed on the credit of the Corporation to repay such advances and to defray the cost of the said works a.nd all moneys from other sources properly applicable to the cost o-f the said works. Passed by the said Council this 20th day of March, 19;6,3. (S E A L) J. D. THOMiSON, Clerk. K. C. EMERSON, Warden I certify that the foregoing isa true COPy of a By-law passed by the Council of the Munici(pal Corporation of the County of Elgin on the 20th day of March, 19'6,3, and that the paper-writing hereto annexed is a true copy of Construction ~y-La,w Number 1829, passed by the said Council on the 20th day of March, 1963. (:8 E A L) J. D. THOMSON, County ClerK. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 95 BY-LAW NO. 1830 liTo Increase The iSulary of Ivan J. Patterson, Superintendent 01 Elgin Manor, And fo Amend By-Law No. 1729". THEtRiElFORJE the Council of the Corporation of the County of' Elgin enacts: (1) 'I'hat the salary of Ivan J. \Paterson shall be $ pel' annum, payalble monthly. (2) That tHy-Law No. 17'29, be, and is hereby amended ac- cordingly. (3) That this By-Lacw shall take effect March 1st, 1963. (4) That By""Law No. 1783, be repealed. RE:A.D a first time this 20th day 'Of March, 1963. RE:AD :a se.cond time this 20th day of March, 1963. :RE~ a third time, and. finally passed this 20th day of March, 19-63. J. [). THOOWiSON, Clerk. K. C. EMERSON, Warden THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN BY -LAW NO. 1831 A By-Law fo Amend the By-Law Adopfing a Plan of Count? Road Improvement and Establishing a County Road System in the 'County of Elgin Under the Highway Improvement Act. The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin ena.cts as By-Law Number 1831, as follows: 1. ,T'ne ISchedule' "Au .of By-La,w 'Number 1801 being the last consolidating By-Law re-establishing the' said system is heregyamended by adding hereto the Road.:: designated ane! described as follows: 96 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL DESCRIPTION COUNTY ROAD 24 - \BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the Townshilp .of Yarmouth: COMJMENOINGon the road between Concession 1 and II at the western limit of the road between Lots 21 and 22; THENCE easterly along the said road \between Concessions 1 and II opposite Lots 21, 22 and 23 to the road 'Constructea by the County of Elgin through Lots 23 to 28 inclusive, in Concession I and shown on a Plan deposited in the iRegistry Offke' Ifor the County of Elgin as No. D 769, which point is 600 feet more or less easterly from the north-west angle oi Lot 23 in Concession I; THENCE, south-easterly, southerly and easterly following the road constructed by the County of Elgin through Lots 23 to 28 inclusive in Concession I, to the northern limit of the established road in Lot 28 of Concession I being Coun~ ty Road No. 24, 830 feet more or less westerly from the eastern boundary of the Township of Yarmouth. A distance of approximately 2.6 miles. 2. The roads as designated and described in paragra'ph 1, are hereby added to the County Road System of the County of Elgin. 3. This By-Law shall come into force upon thea'pproval thereof by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council. FINALLY PASSED at the City of St. Thomas, in the County of 'Elgin, this 20th day of March, 1963. J. D. THOMSON, !Clerk. K. C. EMERSON, Warden .ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 97 IvrUNICIP ALITY OF COUNTY OF ELGIN BY -LA1\. \FJ' NO. 1832 Respecting :the 'Weighf of Loads to be Carried on Vehicles WHEiREAS subsection 8 of section 54 -of The Highway Tra,ffic Act (R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 172) provides that:- The municipal cOI'lporation .or other authority having jurisdic- tion over any highway, may declare that the prOVISIOns at subsections 4 and 5 do not apply to any .or all or the highways under its jurisdiction; AND WHER,E:.AS restriction of loads is not deemed necessary for the protection .of certain highways in the MunicIpality or County of Elgin; NOW THEREFORE the Council O'f the Corporation of thl2- Municipality .of the County 'Of Elgin enacts as follows: _ 1. The provisions 'Of subsections 4 and 5 of s.e'ction 54 01: the Highway Traffic Ad do NOT apply to the highways named here- under:- (a) County Road Na. 3 From King's Hwy. No.3 at New Glasgow To North limIt of the Village of Rodney, approx. 4.90 miles. 11-.' \.I.J} No. 15 King's Hwy. No.3 at Wallace town North limit of the Vmage of Dutton, Approx. 3.50 miles: (c) :No. 25 King's Hwy. No. 3 Middlesex C.ounty Line, approx. 4.7 miles. (d) No. 32 King's Hwy. No. 73 Main gate of the Ontario PolIce College 2.0 miles 98 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL (e) No. 39 County Road No. 42 Lake Erie, approx. 0.90 miles, (f)' No. 42 c.ounty Road No. 3:9 King's Hwy. No. 1~ approx. U.39 miles: . 2. This 'by-law shall not become effective until approved b;y the Department of Transport. -ENACTED AND PASSED this 20th day of March, 19'63. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. K. C. EMERSON, Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 99 BY-LAW NO. 1833 "To Confirm the Equalization of the Assessment Rolls of :the Couniy of Elgin for the year, 1963." The Elgin County Council enacts: THAT the following be the equalization of the Assessment Rolls of the County oJ Elgin for the year, 19B.3: Aylmer _____._______ .__._______.n Belm,on t __.________._._____________._ .Du tton ___ ~------u______.___._..._._____. !Port Burwell -_.____.______m___ Port Stanley ....____..m..._____.. Rodney ---________mm___._______.__ Springfield __..____.___.___..__..... Vienna ____~_.._______________..___ West Lorne _________.___-'_~_ .___ Aldborough _m_____..______..____ Bayham ._______________.__..____ _.__ South Dorchester ___________.. Dun wich _________m__.______________ Malahide _______.___._________.__.... Southwold _____________ Yarmouth __._________m____m______ $ 7,574,200. 720,300. 894,19'6. 829,500. '3,053,781. 1,10'1,720. 1361,204. 371,250. 1,195,365. 5,046,69'2,. 2,369,726. 1,976,3005. 4,0'00,696. 7,049,700. 6,249,852. 8,489,575. $54,284,082. 13.952898% 1.326909 % 1.647253% 1.52807,3 % 5.625557 % 2.0'2.9546 % .665396% .683902 % 2.202055 % 9.298821 % 9.891902% 3.640'673 % 7.369928 % 12.986685 % 11.51323,6% 15.639167% 100.000000% 2. THAT this Council is willing to have the final equalization of Assessment Rolls in case of appeal, made by the County Judge. READ a first time this 20th day of March, 1963. READ a second time this 20th day of March, 1963. READ a third time, and finally passed, this 20th day of Ivfarch, 1963. J.D. THOMSON, Clerk. K. C. EMERSON, Warden. 100 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL THIRD SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 19th day of June, 1963 Th~ E1gin :County Council met this day at the Court Ho-use, 81. Thomas, in accordance wiLh adjournment. The Warden in th~ Chair. All the members present. Mr. Herbert Valentine filed his Certificate as Reeve of the Village of Springfield. Tihe Warden addressed the Council. The minutes .of the last day of the March Session were reaj and confirmed. The foUowing communic'ations were read and referre'd to the various Committees: COMMUNICATIONS June Session. 1963 From the Children's Aid Society of the City of St. Thomas and the Caunty of Elgin, with appreciation .of grant. ........ Filed. From the Lake Erie Regional Development Association with request for a Membership Fee. - Referred to the Finance Com- mittee. From Zone No. 1 Regional Sh~ep Breeders' Association with request for a grant. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the University of Western Ontario re 1963 County Council Day. - Filed. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 101 From the County of Essex with resolution requesting in- creased Road Subsidy from Cities and Separated Towns. _ Refer- red to the Road Committee. From the Ontario Fede'raltion of Agriculture re Co-Operative Medical Services. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the County of Halton re Inoculation against rabies o,t domestic animals. - Referred to the AgricuJJtural Committee. From Reeve B. E. Downey with resignation as County Rep- resentative on tlle Central Erie Tourist Region Council. _ Filed. From the City of Hamilton wi1fu. a Brief respecting the organ- ization of Public Health in the Province of Ontario. - Referred to the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit. From C~aybourne Gordon, County Weed Inspect.or with re- quest for a grant for spraying of demonstration plots. _ Referreu to the Agricultural Committee. Rephes from other Counties to Elgin County's res,olution re- questing the On:taTio De:pt. of Lands and For,ests to begin a re- search program of commercial fis:b.'eries, and to begin restockin.~ Lake Erie witlh desirable species of fish was read, and ordered filed. Moved by Reeve Gurr that the Deputy Go-Ordin'atol' of the Emerency Measures Organization, be now heard', Mr. Gordon Pratt addressed the Council on duties and work of the Organiza- tion. The report of the Property Committee was presented: ana ad.opted on m.otion of Deputy Reeve Martin, a.."'1d Deputy Reeve Glover. The report of the Special Oommittee re Appointment of an Assistant Clerk-Treasurer was read, and referred to the Financ,", Committee for consideration. 102 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Reeve R. McKibbin, Sec{)nded by Deputy Reeve Tufford, That th.e Elgin Manor Committe'e be empowered to accept tender for fue new County Home, and the Warden and Clerk be authorized to sign Contra-ct, subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal B{)iB.rd, Dept. of Munic1pal Affairs, and the Department of Public Welfare'. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Gurr" Se,c{)nded by Deputy Reeve McIver, That we do now adjourn to meet at 2 p.m. - Carried. The Council resumed. The' Treasurer's- Report was presentect. Mo,ved by Reeve Brown, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Oaverly, That the Treasurer's Report be ac.cepted and printed in the Proceedings. rcn.........;~,:I --- v.::\..L.LJ,.c........ The Agricultural Committee Report was presented and adopt- ed on motion of Reeve \Ba,r:her and Reeve Nimmo. The report of the Finance Co.mm.ittee was presented and ad- opted on moti{)n .or Reeve T,ansley and Reeve Barber. The report of the El-gin Manor Committee was presented and adopted .on motion of Reeve' McKibbin and Deputy Reeve Tufford. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 103 The report 01 the Special Committee re Appointment of As- sistant Clerk-Treasurer wafS presented and adopted on motion 01 Reeve Phillips and Reeve Downey. Moved by Reeve Gurr, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McIver, That Reeve Valentine or Slpringfield ,be pl'aced on all Com- mittees that his predecessor served on. - Carried. The se'C'ond report of the Property Committee was presentea and adopted on motion of Reeve M.cK1hbin and Reeve Tallsley. Moved by Reeve Phillips, Seconded by Reeve T'ansley, That the County Solicitor be authorized to prepare a Deben- ture By-Law for financing of the new Elgin County Home for the Aged to,be presented at the' September Session for consideration by County Counc.il. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Caverly, Seconded by Reeve Gurr, That we do now adjourn to meet on Wed..l1esday, June 19th, at 10 a.m. - Carried. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. K. C. EMERSON, Warden. 104 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL THIRD SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 19th day of June, 1963 The Elgin GountyPouncil met this day at the Court Hous,e9 St. Thomas, in ac,cordance with adjournment. The Warden in the' Chair. All the members present. The minutes, of the previous day were re'ad and confirmed. The Auditor's Report was presented. Moved by Reeve Gun, Sec.onded 'by Deputy Reeve McIver9 That the Auditor's Report be accepted by the Elgin County Council. - Carried. Reeve Downey inquired regarding tenders for the Elgin Coun- ty Home for the Aged. The report of the Road Committee was presented and adopted. on motion of Reeve Robson and Reeve Tansley. Reeve Brown re'Ported on 'the Appohltment of a Construction Safety Officer. Moved by Reeve Barber, Seconded by 'Deputy Reeve Wo'olner, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 105 That By-Law No. 1834, "To Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign An Agreement re Administration of Justice Expenses Pay- able by the City of S1. 'Thomas,"be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Elliott, Se,conded by Reeve Hcyward, That By-Law No. 1834, be read! a second itme. -- Carried. Moved by Reeve Robson, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Leitch, ed. That By-Law No. 18:34, be read a third time, and finally pass- - Carried. Moved by Reeve Downey, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Leitch, That By-Law No. 1835, "To Authorize the Warden and Cle~k to Sign An Agreement for Payment of a Fixed Sum in Lieu of Fees to the iCro-wn Attorney and Clerk of the Peace," be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Tufford, Seconded by Reeve Baird: That By-L'aw No. 18'35, be re'ad a second time. - Carried. 106 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Reeve Nimmo, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Tufford, 1'hat By-Law No. 1835, be read a third time, and finally pass- ed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve McKibbin, Seconded ,by Reeve Baird, That By-Law No. 1836, "To Appoint an Assistant Clerk-Treasur- er for the County of Elgin," be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Baird, Se'conded by Reeve McKibbin, That By-Law No. 1836, be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Nimmo, Sec'onded by Reeve Robson, That By-Law No. 183.6, be read a third time, and finally pass- ed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson, Seconded ,by Reeve Phillips, That By-Law No. 1837, "To Re-A'ppoint a Member of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission," be read a first time. - Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 107 Moved by Deputy Reeve Pressey, Seconded iby Reeve Clarke, That By-Law No. 1837, be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by De.puty Reeve S. J. Glover, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pressey, ed. That By-Law No. 1837, be read 'a third >time, and finally pass- - Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson, Seconded by Reeve' Valentine, That By-Law No. 1838, "Being a By-Law to Authorize Parti- cipation in the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System," be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by ReevE:' Tansley, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Martin, That By-Law No. 1838, be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Martin, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Caverly, ed. That By-Law No. 1838, be' read a third time, and finally pass. - Ca.-rried. 108 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Deputy Reeve McIver, Seconded by (Reeve Gurr, That By-Law No. 1839, 'A By-Law to Pr.ovide for the Grant- ing of Permits in Moving Heavy Vehicles, Loads, Objects, or Structures ODJ County Roads, be read a first time. - Carried. Moved. by Reeve Brown, Secondedl by Deputy Reeve Caverly, That By-Law iNo. 18'39, \be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Gurr, Seconded by Reeve Brown, That By-Law No. 1839 be read a third time, and finally pass- ed. - Carried.. Moved by Reeve Gun, SecondedJ by Deputy Reeve McIver, That we do now adjourn to meet on Tuesday, September 17th, 1963, at 10 a.m. - Carried. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. K. C. EMERSON, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 109 REPLIES FROM OTHER 'COUNTIES RE ELGIN COUNTY RESOLUTIONS June Session. 1963 Resolution - Requestin.g the Ontario Dept. of Lands and Forests to begin a res:earch program oi commercial fisheries and to begin res:tocking Lake Erie with desirable spe'cies of fish. AiOKNOWLEDQED - R. K. McNeil, M.P.P.; John P. Spence, M.P.P. EN,[)O\RJSED - We'lland, Kent, Simcoe. PROPERTY COMMITTEE June Session. 1963 T.o the 'Varden, and Members of the Elgin Crounty C'Ounci~ The PrDq;)erty Committee reports as follows: 1. That we have accepted the tender of the Cities Service Oil Co. Ltd.,ocf .11.4 cents per gallon of premium Fuel Oil f.or the Registry Offic:e, Health Unit, and the E'1gin County Library Co- Operative. 2. That we h'ave accepted the tender of Irnperialle Fuels Ltd. of $12.8'3 per ton for South West Virginia Oil Treated Stoker Coal for the Court Hous,e. 13. That we have accepted the tender of H. G. Medlynof $395.00 for redecorating three rooms in the Court House and two rooms in the Health Unit. 4. That we have accepted the quotation of Robbins Electric Company of $429.00 for new ligfuts to be installed in the County Council Chambers. 5. That the Warden and Clerk be authorized to sign Renewal of Agreement for sharing Administration of Justice costs with tne City of St. Thomas on the same basis as the previous Agreement. 6. That the Warden and Clerk be authorized to sign an Agree- ment with the Crown Attorney for payment of $4,800.00 per year L." lieu of Fees. All of which is respectfully submitted. ROBERT N. MARTIN, Chairman. 110 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT June Session, 1963 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin C.ounty Council, I beg to scubmit the following st.9.tement of !Receipts and Ex- penditures from January 1st, 196-3, to May 31st, 1963. Receipts Balance in Bank, and on hand, January 1st, 1963 ____$ 51,928.04 Administration 'Of Justice ____________________m_____$ '6,415.59 Notes Payable ___________m________ ______ ___________ _________230,000.00' R,egis-try 'Office ___n_Un__n._____________________________ ______ 20,6-81.23 Elgin Manor ________________mm_________u__________ .___u 25,225_91 Children's Aid Societies _m________________u________ 504.33 County Roads _______________________________. 340,821.84 Miscellaneous ________________________c.__."' _m__m_________. 1,270.76 Licens.es and Permits ____m_______._________.__ ___un 176.00 County Assessment Dept. _____u____ .___.____._______ 1,50'6.40' Agriculture _________________n____n__________m________u_____ 1,753.53 County Rates Under Section 53, of the Assessment Act _____ _______.___ -- -. ---"--- Inte rest _______n____________ - ---------..---. -- --- ------- ..--- .-- - --.- ---- Charity and Welfare ____________._.___u____u__.______ Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit ------------------ O/S Cheques Written Off ___________________nm_____ $693,870.84 Expenditures Administration of Justice ______________-:______...._$ 38,688.39 iN otes Payable _____________________m________n_______ 2HO,OOO.OO Charity and WeHare .___..____________..____.___.___ 7,352.65 Elgin Manor ________________n__m______ _________________ 24,106.52 Grants, Associatians, Scholarships _____u_ 7,825.00 Registry Office ___________n__________n_____m______n_____ 1,903.03 :EIgin-~t. Thomas Health Unit ________ 25,000.00' Children's Aid :Societies _n...___m__n_____________ 15,988.76 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 111 il'vlembers' Wages ------ ---.- -------_h_n_m____________ 6,527.40 Officers' Salaries ---- h___h. ---- ---- -_ ___________ _______ 4,668.75 Printing, Postage and Stationery _____________ 647.27 Care of Buildings -----____.h________. ______________________ 4,056.40 Agricul ture ------_~-__h_____ ---------h----___________m_.___ . 13,189.35' Coun ty Roads ---------------_____m___ -----___m_________ [87,320.96' Miscellaneo us m_________________ ------_ _______________________ 5,691.10 In terest --------------------nm____n__h_________________________ 5,742.25 Coun ty Assessment Dept. _h__________._____________ 4,349.30 Rebatement of Taxes under Section 207 of the Assessment Act ---------____h___ Transferred to Hospital Account ______h________ Workman's Compensation Deposit u_.__.____ 135.28 80.74 300.00 $603,573.1:> 19,63 -----------------_____.________ 90,297.69 Balance in Bank, May 31st, All of which is respectfully submitted. J. D. THOMSON, County Clerk and Tr-easurer. $693,870.84 AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE June Session. 1963 To the "Varden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricu1tura'1 Committee' reports as follows: 1. That the res1olution from the County of Halton requesting the Provincial or Federal Government to make it mandatory the inoculation of d'omestic animals against rabies, be filed. 2. That we concur with the resoI.ution from the Ontario Fed- eration of Agriculture to not endorse any particular Medical Plan. ;3. That the request of the Regional Sheep Breeders' Associa- tion for a grant be referred to the Agricultural Office. 112 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 4. That Mr. Claybourne Gordon, County Weed Inspector, be granted $40.00 for Demonstration Plots in Weed Control. 5. Whereas complaints have beeIll re'cetved that Weeds on Provincial Highways have been allowed to go to seed, thereforl1, be it res'olve'd that the Ontario Departmel1lt of Highways be re- quested to exercise the necess,ary control of weeds on Provincial Highways. All of which is respectfully submitted. GEORGE BA:RBlIDR, Chairman.. FINANCE COMMITTEE June Session. 1963 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That Charity and We'lfare Pay List No.4 for $1,304.55, and Pay List No. 5 for $1,223.05, !be approved. 2. That ChiLdren's Aid Sodeties Pay List No.4 for $3,934.95, and Pay List No.5 for $3,225.00, be approved:. 3. That we approve of the appointment o:f Mr. Gordon a Pratt as Deputy Co-Ordinator o~ the Emergency Measures OrgaI1- iza tion. 4. That the requ'est of the Lake Erie Regional Development Association for a membership fee be laid over to the SeptembeJ; Session. All of which is respectfully submitted. M. TANSLEY, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 113 ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE June Session, 1963 To the W'arden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Elgin M.an-or C.ommittee reports as follows. 1. That we have accepted the tender of ImperialIe Fuels Ltd. .of $1121.83 per ton for South "\Vest Virginia Oil Treated Stoker Coal for Elgin Manor. 2. That we have accepted the' tende'r of the Cities Service Oil Co. Ltd., of .14 cents per gallon of Premium Fuel Oil and .18~ cents per gallon for stove' oil. i3. That the Dept. .of Public Welfare has approved of finial plans for the new County Home for the, Aged, as prepared by G. Duncan Black Ltd. All of which is respectfully submitted. RUSSEL MICKIB!BIN, Chairman. PROPERTY COMMITTEE June Session, 1963 - Second Report To the' W'arden and Members. of the Elgin County Council, The Property Oommittee reports as follows: 1. That no action be taken re Annual Increment requested for Mrs. Barhara Croker, part time employee On the Jail Staff. 2. That the County Crest be issued to the Clerk-Treasurer, Assistant Clerk-Treasurer} County Engineer, County Assessor, Superintendent of ,Elgin Manor, and C.ounty Librarian. All of which is respe'ctfully submitted. ROBERT N. MARTIN, Chairman. 114 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL iil!l REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE RE APPOINTMENT OF A CLERK-TREASURER ASSISTANT June Session. 1963 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin Oounty Council, The Special Committee rep'orts as follows: 'I. ;That we reviewed: six applications for the position of As- sistant Clerk-Treasurer of Elgin County. 2. That we recommend the appointment of Harley L. John- son, as Assistant Clerk-Treasurer and Secretary-Treasurer of thl:! Elgin County Ho,me for the Aged at a salary of Four Thousand Dollars per year, duties to commence September 1st, 1963. :3. rrhat Fifteen Hundred Dollars of his salary be charged to the Elgin County Home for the Aged. 4. That a necessary By-Law be prepared. 5. We' recommend that the salary of Mr. Johnson be in- creased to Fifty-Five Hundred Dollars per year, when he is ap- pointed Clerk-Treasurer in 1964. All of which is respectfully submitted. C. D. PHILLIPS, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 115 ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT June Sessionl 1963 To the Warden and Mem'hers of the Elgin County Council, YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE begs to report as follows: 1. WE, HAVE :J?:URlOHASED the fOllowing new machinery: (a) 2 International 240 Utility Tractors with side-m~unt- ed mowers. (b) Used centre line marking truck and centre line mark- ing equipment from St. Thomas Metal Signs Ltd. (c) A Michigan 85A, Series II, Rubber-tired front end !Loader, with the' County's 85A Michigan, Series I Loader as a trade-in. (d) An Underwood-Olivetti office calculat.or. 2. ROAD MIX MULCH PAVE;MENTS will be laid on the fOllowing roads: (a) Road! 2 - in West Larne, Aldbor.ough and Dunwich Townships, approxima tely 2.2 miles. i(b) (Road 20 - in the Village .of Port Stanley and South- wold To.wnship, approx. 2 miles. 3. DOUBLE SUiRFACE TREATMENT PAVEMENT will be: laid on Road 16, from Burwell's Corners to Talbot Creek, in Dun- wiCh Township, approximtely 1.6 miles. 4. THE DINGLE ST. BRIDGE over C:atfish Creek in the Town .of Aylmer and the Township of Malahide, has 'Deen com- pleted by :1Vfa'tthews Concrete Ltd., 01f London, Ontario. 5. STERLING CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD., of Windsor, has 'been awarded the contract for the construction of County RoaC1 3-6 (Development Road No. 692) from Port Bruce to County Road 24, appr.oximately 4 miles, in the Townships of Malahide and Yarmouth. 116 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Their bid of $15'9,975. was the lowest of 5 received. WE RECo:MlMEND: 1. 'IiHlAiT the W'arden and Clerk be authorized to sign the contract for construction of County Road 36 between Sterling Con.. struction .00. Ltd., and the County of Elgin. 2. rrHlAT the Warden and Clerk be authorized to sign the Devel'opment Road Agreement for construction of County Roact 3.6, between the Department of Highways and the County of Elgin. 3. THAT a By-la1w be passed re-appointing George Cross as thE:' County's representa!tive on the st. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission, for a five (5) year term ending June 30th, 1968. (Oommissioners are appointed for 5-year terms, in accordance with the terms of the Highway Improvement Act). 4. THAT a By-la,w be passed to provide for the granting o~ permits in moving heavy vehicles, loads, objects or s.tructures, on Oounty Ro'ads, as permitted by the Highway Traffic Act. The last By-la'w regulating the issuing of permits was passed in 1944 and is obsolete. '5. THAll' a By-law be pa,ssed enabling the County to join the Ontario Municipal ElTI\Ployees' Retirement System Pension Plan. C01mty Ro'ad employees are presently enrolled in a pension plan sponsored: by the' Government of Canada. The Ontario Go- vernment Plan has been developed to meet the needs of municipal employees. All o.f which is. respectfully submitted. WALTER E. ROBSON, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 117 BY -LAW NO. 1834 liTo Authorize ilie Warden and Clerk to Sign An Agreement re Administration of Justice Expenses Payable by the City of St. Thomas." TiHElREFORIE the Council o'f the Corporation of the County of Elgin E:'nacts: 'I1HAT the Warden and the Clerk be, and are here.by author- ized, to signe Agreement with the City of St. Thomas for payment by thE:' City of an annual sum as their slhare of Administration 01;- Justice expenses during five years commencing the first day .ox Janua1ry, 196'3. (REAr> a first time this 19th day of June, 196a. RiE'AD a second time this 19th day of J'une, 1963~ READ a third time, and finallly passed this 19th day of June, 196,3. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. K. C. EMERSON, Warden. BY -LAW NO. 1835 liTo Authorize :the Warden and Clerk to Sign An Agreement For Payment of a Fixed Sum in Lieu of Fees to the Crown Attorney and Clerk of the Peace." WHERE.A:S the Crown Attorneys Act R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 82, Section 8, provides i{)x payment of a fixed sum: THIDREFORE the COUll!cil of the Corporation of the County of E1gin enacts: 118 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL THAT the Warden and the Clerk be, and are hereby author- ized to sign an Agreement for payment of $4,800.00 per annum, paya.ble quarterly in lie'u of aU fees payable by the saId County to the Crown Attorney and Clerk of the Peace. THAT the first of such payments to be made on the last day of June, 19'63. READ a first time this 19th day of June, 1963. READ a second time this 19th day of June, 1963~ RE:A:D a third time, and fmany passed this, 19th day of June, 1963. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. K. C. EMERSON, Warden. BY -LAW NO. 1836 liTo Appoint An Assistant 'Clerk-Treasurer for the 'County of Elgin." "WHEREAS it is dee'med advisable to appoint an Assistant Clerk-T'reasurer for the County of Elgin: THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts: :1. !THAT Harley L. Johns.on be, and is hereby appointed As- sistant Clerk-Treasurer of ,the County of Elgin, and Secretary- Treasurer of the Elgin County Horn€:' for the Aged. 2. THAT his salary be Four Thousand Dollars per year, par able monthly. 3. ' THAT Fifteen Hundred Dollars of the said salary be charged to the Elgin County Home for the Aged. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 119 THAT this By-Iiaw to take effect the first day of September. 196,3. READ a first time this 19th day of June, 1963. ~E:AD a second time this 19th day of June, 1963. READ a third time, and finally passed this 19th day of June, 196,3. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. K. C. EMERSON, Warden. BY-LAW NO. 1837 UToRe-Appoin:t a Member 1:0 the Sf. Thomas Suburban Road Commission.u The Elgin OOUl1lty Council ena'cts. THAT George' H. Cross be, and is hereby re-appointed to th~ St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission for a term of five' years, effective July 1st. 1963. 'READ a first time this 19th day of June, 1983. READ a second time this 19th day of June. 1963. READ a third time, and finally passed this 19th day of June, 1963. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. K. C. EMERSON, Warden. 120 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BY -LAW NO. 1838 "BemgA By-Law To Authorize Participation in the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System:' W1HiEiHEtAiS pursuant to' section 15 of The Ontario Municipal Employees Retire.me'nt System Act, 1961-62 a municipality may by by-laiW or resolution elect to participate in the Ontario Muni- pal Emp10yees Retirement System 'and pay to the fund the total oif the emp]oy.er and employee'contributions, and has all of the powers necesisary and incidental thereto. NOW THERJElmOHE BE I'T ENACTED as a by-law of the Oounty of Elgin as fo11ows: 1. The Corporation of the Oounty of Elgin hereby ele'Cts to paDticipate in the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement Sys- tem as of the 1st day of Ootober, 1963, and authorize the treasure: to submit this eledion in writing to the Secretary-Treasurer or the Ontario Municipal Employe'es Retirement Board. 2. Every person who becomes an employee of the Corporation on, or after the 1st day of October, 1963, snaIl, as a condition of !his employment, become a member of the System on the com- pletion of six months of service on a continuous full-time basis. 3. The Treasurer of the Corporation is hereby authorized to deduct and to remit the employer and the employee contributions as required, to exe.cute aU necessary documents and to do sucn Things as are necessary to carry out the intent of this By-Law. READ a first time this 19th day of June, 1963. READ a second time this 19th day of June, 1963. READ a third time, and finaTIy passed this 19th day of Jun~, 1963. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. K. C. EMERSON, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 121 BY-LAW NO. 1839 IIA By-Law To Provide For the Granting of Permits In Moving Heavy Vehicles. Loads. Objects. Or Structures on County Roads:. THE MUNIC1iPAL ClOUNCIL of the Corporation of the Goun- ty of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. No heavy vehide, load, o.bje-ct, building, structure' or con- trivance ex ce-edin g the limits prescribed by Section 52 and Sec- Hon 58 of the Highway Traffic Act, Chapter 172, R.S.O. 1960, sha,ll be moved upon wheels, rollers or ot11erwise over or upon any highway under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the County of Elgin unless or until a permit has been obtained from the County Engineer or the County Road Committee. 2.'I'he gmnting of such permit shall re'st solely in the discre- tion of either of the aboive mentioned authoritie:s and shall be subject Ito such conditions, regulations, privileges, covenants ana bonds as the County Road Committee may deem proper in eacn !particular case' after cons-idering all of the circumstances. 3. That By-Law No. 1432 be, and is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 19,th day of June, 1963. RJEAD a second time this 19th day of June, 19'63. 'READ a third time, and fina]ly passed this 19th day of June, 1963. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. K. C. EMERSON, Warden. 122 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FOURTH SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, :the 17fh day of September, 1963 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Wardlen in the Chair. All the memhers present, except Reeve Brown, and Deputy Reeve Pressey. The Warden addressed the Council, and welcomed the Assist- ant Clerk-Treasurer. The minutes of the last day of the June Session were read and confirmed. The foUowing communications were read, and referred to the various Committees: COMMUNICATIONS September Session, 1963 From the Rotary Club of St. Th.omas re Advertisement in their Offical Program. - Referred: to the Finance CommIttee. From the' Ratepayers of the Union School Section No.2 Ald- borough and Dunwich re Privilege of joining Township School Area. - Referred to the Education CommitteE:'. From the Four Counties Hospital Board re Appomtment of Representative. - Referred to the FinancE:' Committee. From the County of Bruce opposing the Appointment ot County Construction Safety Inspectors. - Referred to the Peti- tions and Legislations Committee. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 123 From the Co'unty of Victoria requesting ,the Provincial Govern- ment to assume a portion of the AdministratlOn cost under welfare assist2.nce. - 'Referred to the Petitions aL11d J.egislations Committee. From the County of Middlesex requesting le'gis}aticIl! rc An~ neJeation Grants. - Referred to the P,etitions and Legislations. Committee. From the County of Renfrew re Eme'rgency Measure:.> Pre- parations. - Referred to the Petitions and Legis,lations Commit- tee. From the Ratepayers, of Scnool Section No. 11, Township of ISouthwold, with an Appeal re the' Setting-Up of a To NHShip School Area. - Referred to the Education Committee. Fr-om the Dept. of Highways re Weed Control on Provincial Highways. - Filed. From the County of Essex with Fixed Date for holding the May 24th Holiday. - Referre'd to the Petitions t(1nd Legislations CommitteE:'. From tJhe Oounty of Peterborough, requesting the Provmcial Government to pay the entire cost of salaries of tea-chers for secondary education. - Referred to the Education Comrmttee. From the County of Well and requesting the construction in- dustry to -carry out safety inspection. - Referred to the PetUons and Legislations Committee. Fl"Om the Council of the Township c,f Orford requesting the Kent-Elgin Townliue asa Provincia.} Highway. - Referred to the Road COffiJnittee. F.rom the Central Onbrio Televisjon LVI. with invitatio:l to visit their studios and for dinner some evenmg. -- Filed for fu- ture l'eference. From the Bo.ard of Trustees of Union School Section No.1, T<>wnships of Aldborough and Dunwich with an Appeal against 124 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL the decision of the TOiWnship of Dunwich in refusing to permit the said Union School Section No.1, to be included in the Township S.chool Area, and requesoting appointment of Board of Arbitrators. Re'ferr,ed to the Education Committee. The report 'Of the Pr'Operty Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Martin and Deputy Reeve Gliover. The report 'Of the Elgin Manor Co'mmittee pres,ented and adopted on mort ion of Reeve M-cKibbin and Deputy Reeve Tut- :ford. The report of the Road: Oommittee was presented and adopt- ed on motion of Reeve 'Robson and Reeve Tansley. M,ove.d by Reeve Tansley, Seconded by Deputy Re.eve Martin, That By-Law No. 18110 of the township of Yarmouth to close part of tine original road allowance between Lots 7 and 8, Conces- sion 4, in the TOiW.Uiship of Yarmouth, be confirmed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve C. D. Phillips, Seoonded by Reeve Barbel', WHERiEArS it is necessary during harvest t'O transport flue cured and burley toba,eco from one farm to another which due to climatic conditions is. a matter of extreme urgency and it is often inconvenient .or impossible to 'Obtain rthe necessary excise trans- porta tion permit, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the transportation from one farm unit to another farm unit as registered with the On.- tario Flue Cured Toba.cco Growers Marketing Board of flue cured tobacco, and Burley Marketing Board of burley tobacco, either as loose leaves or tied, ox sewn on sticks cus.tomarily used for the ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 125 .curing and storage of flue cured toibaccoand burley tobacco on r~- gistered tobacco :flarms, be exempted from excise permlt:s. FURTHER that copies of this re'so.Jutiun be sent to the Counties of Brant, Bruce, Durham, Dufferin, Essex, Kent, Lambton, Middle- sex, Norfolk, Northumberland, Oxford, Renfrew, Simcoe, \Vaterloo and Grey,anc1 ifconculTed in to be sent to their respectIVE:' mem- /bel's of Parliament. ,Copies of ,this resolution to' be sent to James A. McBain, M.P., The Ontario FliUe Cured Tobacco Growers Mar- keting Board, the Ontario Minister o-f Agriculture, and the Federal Minister of Agriculture. - Carried. Reeve Phillips, presented to' the Warden, the scissors used for cutting the ribbon at the openinlg of .the Dingle Street Bridge on behalf of the Minister of Highways. Moved' by Reeve Gurr, Seconded by Deputy Reev,e McIver, That we do now adjourn to' meet this afternoon at ~ p.m. - Carried. The Council resumed. The report of the Education Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve' Woolner and Reeve Howard. The report of the Finanre Committee was presented and. adopted on motion of Reeve Tansley and Reeve Robson. The report of the Petitions and Legislations Committee was pres.ented and adopted on motion of Reeve Howard and Deputy Reeve Woolner. 126 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved' by Reeve Nimmo, Seconded by Reeve Downey, That this Council follo,w the usual procedure of each Council member to .bring a junior boy or girl guest to COU!lty Council on the first day of the November Session. - Carried. Moved by \Reeve Phillips, Seconded! by Reeve McKibbin, That this Elgin County Council requests a reduction in rates for natural gas 'charged by the Central Pipe Line Company and this resolution be forwarded to A. R. Crozier, Chairman, of the Ontario Ener.gy Board, and the Central Pipe Lbe Company 01 Ay lmer. - Carried. The Warden addressed the Council re Appointment of a Chair- man of the Committee of the whole, and the Warden appointed Reeves Gurr, Wilson, Phillips and Tansley, to report at the No- vember Session. Ree've Phillips invited the members of Council to the opeIl" ing of their new Municipal Office in Straffordville on Oc.tober 16th. Moved by Reeve Tansley, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Martin, That By-Law No. 1840, "A By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 1810 of the Township of Yarmouth, Being a By-Law to Close Part of the Original Road Allowance Between Lots '7 and 8, Concessjcn IV in the Township of Yarmouth," be read a first time. - CL-ried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 127 Moved by Deputy Reeve Martin, Seconded by Deputy Re.eve CaveTly, That By-Law No. 1840, be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Caverly, Seconded. by Reeve Tansley, ed. That By-Law No. 1840, be read a third time, and finally pass- - Carried. Moved by Reeve Phillips, Seconded by Reeve Clarke, 'TIhat By-Law No. 1841, "A By-Law to Provide for the 1963 Supplementary Expenditures, on Roads Under the Higllway Im- provement Act in the County of Elgin," be read a first time. - Carried. Moved. by Reeve Valentine, Seconded 'by !Reeve Wilson, That By-Law No. 1841, .be read a second time. - CarrIed. Moved by Reeve Tansley, Seconded by Reeve Phillips, ed. That By-Law No. 1841, be read a third time, and finally pass. 128 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Reeve MICl(ibbin, Seconded! by Deputy Reeve Glover, That By-Law No. 1842, of the Corporation of the County 01 Elgin, "Being a By-Law to- Provide for the borrowing of $320,- 000.00 upon Debentures for the purpose of erecting a Home tor the Age'di to be' built within the municipality of the County 01 Elgin," be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by iRe eve Cfarke, Seconded. by Reeve PhiHips, That By-LatW No. 1842, be read a second time. - Curlett. Moved by Reeve Downey, Seconded :by Reeve Nimmo, That By4liaw No. 1843, of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, "A By-Law to Authorize the Corporation of the Village o~ Dutton (hereinafter called "the Grantee" and which term sbaJ,! include its s'Uccess'ors and assigns to construct, use and operate wOTks required for the transmission of water in the County of El- gin (hereinafter called "the Municipality")", be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Leitch, Seconded by Reeve Robson, That By-Law No. 1843, be read a second time. - Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 129 M.oved by Reeve Howard, Seconded by Deputy Re'eve Tufford, That By-Law No. 1843, he read a third time, and finally pass- ed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve G. McIver, Seconded by Deputy JReeve Caverly, That we do now adjourn to meet on Tuesday, November 19,th. 19:63, at ten a.m. - Carried. PROPERTY COMMITTEE 'September Session. 1963 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, rrhe Property Committee reports as follows. 1. That the tender of Terra Tile of Canada Ltd. of $3,090.00 for a terrazzo tile floor in the corridors on the main floor of the Court House was ac.cepted, and the job has been comp1eted. 2. That a new adding machine was purchased from Under- wood Ltd. for a net price of $168.50 for the Registry Office. 3. That the walls in the jail yard have been repaired, ana the interior of the jail has been painted by the prisoners. All of which is respectfully submitted. ROBERT N. MARTIN, Cin!attman. 130 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE September Session. 1963 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Coundl, The Elgin Manor Committee reports as, follows: 1. That we have signed a Contract with the W. A. McDougal1 Construction Co. Ltd., London, for construcion of the Elgin COUll- ty Home for the Aged, at a price of $652,578.00 inclusive of kitch- en and laundry equipment. This price includes FEderal and Pro- vincial: Sales Tax which will be recoverable by the County. 2. That the Sod Turning Ceremony for the new Elgm Coun- ty Home fo'r the Aged was hEld on July 14th, 1963, at three o'clock in the afternoon. 3. That Chairman Russell McKibbin, Superintendent Ivan J. Patterson, and Secretary-Treasurer H. L. Johnson attended th3 Canvention of Homes for the Aged at Windsor during the week of September 9th, 1963. All of which is> re'Spectfully submitted. RUSSEL McKIBBIN, ChaIrman. ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT Sepie!!'..Der Session. 1963 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE begs to report as follows: 1. The Sterling Construction Company Limited of Windsor has completed their work .on County Road 36 west of Port Bruce (Development Road No. 692) with the exception .of granular base and minor trimming which is !being 'Continued at present. All work will likely be completed by the end of October. ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 131 WE iRECOMMEND: ,I. THAT the County Council iRoad T'our dates be set as fol- lows: October 17th - east end of the County. and Octoiber 24th - 'West end of the County. 2. TH~T the resolution of the County o,f Essex re increasing the half mill contributions of separated cities and towns towards Suburban Roads be filed. i3,. THAT a By-Law be passed authorizing -the Oounty of El- gin to enter into an agreement with the Village of Dutton for the laying of watermains on County Roads. The By-law and agre~. ment would be similar to these allowing the Union Gas Company to lay gas lines on County Roads. 'I'hi.3 agreement will, in par- LcuJ.ar, allow the Village D: Dutton to enter into an agreement for laying of a watermain on Couny Road 2 easterly from West Lorne to an Ontario Department of Highways Service Centre on King's Highway No. 401 in the Township of Dunwich. 4. THAT a Supplementary By-law be passed appropriating $40,000 to be' used for the 'Construction elf County Road 42 in the 'l'ownSihips of Malahide' and Bayham. This will allow construc- tion, which is presently underway on County Road 42, to be con- tinued eastward' approximately 1% miles into the Township of Bayham, and save a considerable amount of money which woul.i be o'heTwis'e necessary for maintenance of this mileage of road for the winter. All of which is respectfully submitted. WALTER ROBSON, ChaJrman. i32 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL EDUCATION COMMITTEE September Session. 1963 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Coun-cil, The Education Committee reports as follows: 1. 'l'hat, in 1:Jhe Appeal of the Board of Trustees 'Of Scho'ol Sec- tion No. 11, 0<1: the Township of Southwold, a Board of Five Ar- bitrators, be appointed. 2. Tha't the Boar-d IconsiSit 'Of Judge J. F. McMillan, Alex. D. McColl, Public School Inspector, Vlarden K. C. Emerson, Reeve C. D. Phillips, and Reeve George Barber. ~. That the Protest of the Ratepayers of Union School Sec- ion No.2, Ald!borough and Dunwich, be dismissed. 4. That the Appeal of the Board of Trustees of Union S.chool Section No.1, Aldborough and Dunwich, be dismissed. 5. That the resolution from the Coun!f;y of Peterborough re- questing the Provincial Government to pay the full cost of sal- . aries ,of teachers for Secondary Education, he filed. All of which is, re'sp'ectfully submitted. GORDON WOOLNER, Chairman. ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 133 FINANCE COMMITTEE September Session. 1963 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That Children's, Aid Societies Pay List No.6 for $3,479.65, Pay List No.7 for $3,434.48, and Pay List No.8 for $3,377.73, be approved. 2. Tlhat Charity and Welfare Pay List No. 6 for $2,112.25, Pay List No.7 for $2,12:1..60, and Pay List No.8 for $2,805.65, be approved. ~. That the Probation Officers be paid $'25.00 ea,ch, to attend the Annual Convention. 4. That the Elgin County Councii take a full page at $25.00 in the Rotary Festival Booklet. 5. That the request of the Four Oountie's Hospital Committee for appointment of representatives be laid over to the November Session, till more informaion can be obtained from members 0:1: County Council in the West end of the County. 6. 'That the request of the Lake Erie [Regional Development Association for Membership Fee, be filed. All of which is r!:spectfully submitted. M. TANSLEY,C~~~ 134 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE Sepiember Session. 1963 To the \Varden and Members of the Elgin County Coundl, The Pe'titiollis and Legis~ations Oommittee reports as follows. 1. IThat the res-olution .from the 'County 'of Bruce opposing the action of' the Provincial Government in the appointment of County Construction Safety Inspectors, be filed. 2. That the resolution iT'om the County of Victoria requesting the Provincial Government to assume a portion of the Adminis- tration costs olf the General Welfare Assistance Act, be filed. ,3. IT blat the resjolution from the County of Middlesex reques~- ing legislation for paymeI~t of grants to a municipality after an- nexation to 'continue on the basis of assessment, be filed. 4. That the resolution from the County of Renfrew re the Ct;J- operation of municipalities OIl emergency measures preparations and urging the Federal Government to increase its efrorts towaras World Pea1ce, be filed. 6. That the resolution from the County of Essex requesting the Federal Government to set the Monday following the 124th of Mayas the National Holid!ay, be filed. 6. That the resolution fro.m the County of WeIland request- ing the Construction Industry to maintain and carry out adequate safety measuy.es and the costs be levied .by Ithe' Workmen's Com.. perusatioIlJ Board, be endorsed. All of which is Tespe,ctfully submitted. H. J. HOWARD, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL -135 BY -LA "vV NO. 1840 UA By-Law To Confirm By-Law No. 1810 of :the Township of Yarmo,ufh, Being a By-Law to Close Part of the Original Ro;ad Allo,wance Befwe'en Lois 7 ;and 8, Conces- sion IV, in the Township of Yarmoufh." WiHEiRIEA!S the Council of the Township of Yarmouth on thi,; 31'd day of June, 19'53, A.D., did pass By-Law No. 1810 to close part o'f tlhe original road aUo.wance between Lots 7 and 8, Conces- sion IV, in the Township of Yarmouth, more particularly describ- ed in the s!aic1 By-iLa,w, true copies hereof are he"!'cunto annexea. AND WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act, the sa'id ~ownship By-Law shall not have any force untii coIllfirmed by a By-La:w of the Council of the County in which th~ township is situate, passe.d at an lordinary meeting of the Council held not sooner than three months, nor later than one year, after the passing of the By-L3JW of the Council of the Township. AND VTHEiRE'AS app.lication has been made to the Coundl oI the Corporation of the County of ELgin for a By-Law confirm- ing the s'aid township by-law. NOW ''I''HEIR,EFORiE: the Council !Qf the Corporation of the' County of Elgin enacts as follo.ws: THAT By-Law No. 1810 of the Township Oif Yarmouth, being a by-law to close part of the original road allowance between Lots 7 and 8, Concess IV, in the Township of Yarmouth, be, and the same is hereby confirmed. READ a first time this 17th day of' September, 1963. REiAD a second time this 17th day of September, 19H3. READ a third time, and finally passed this 17th. day of Sep- tember, 1963. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. K. C. EMEiRSON~ Warden. 136 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL SUPPLEMENTARY BY-LAW NO. 1841 "A By-Law to Provide for :l:he 1963 Supplementary Expenditures on Roads Under the Highway Improvement Act in the County o.f Elgin" WHEThEAS The Highway Improvement Act requires that the totalexpend1ture on roads be provided for annually ,by county b~- law be submitted to tihe Minister of Highways for approval. 'IlliEREFORE the Council of the Corporation 'Of the said County enacts as follows: (1) The sum 'Of $40,000 is hereby estimated as the expenditure upon the construction and maintenance .of the roads and bridgelS under its jurisdiction during 1he year 1963 as follows: Construction M.aintenance Total Roads -'._____c_________hn._______m_____________ $ 40,000.00 $ $ 40,000.00 Bridges and Culverts ________.m________$ $ $ New Machinery ____________________________$ $ nil $ Superintendence and Overhead $ $ $ TOTAJDS _____________n____________ $ 40,000.00 $ $ 40,000.00 (2.) The said monies slhall be expanded under the supervision 'Of the duly appointed county road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The derk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the' district office 'Of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of \Highways, not Jater than March 3;lst, of the said year. (4) The appr<>val of the Ontario Municipal Bo'ard shall be obtained before any expenditure is autb.orized or work com- menced which will be financed -by the issue of debentures or monies raised in a subsequent year. Passed at St. Thomas this 17th day of SeptembcT A.D. 1953. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. K. C. EMERSON, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 137 I, J. D. Thomson, Clerk of ,1fue Corporation of the County Ot Elgin, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By- Law No. 1841, passed by the Council of the said Corporation 011 the 17th day of September, 1963. J. D. THOMSON, County Clerk. 138 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Ootober 24th, 1963. A Special Meeting of the Elgin County Council was held at nine o'clock a.m. to open tenders on debenture issue and give third readhjg. ito By-IT..awNo. 1842 of 1fhe County of Elgin. The Warden in the Chair. All the members present except Deputy-Reeve Caverly. Moved by Reeve McKibbin, Seconded by Deputy iReeve Pressey, That the tender ,bid of Midland-Osler Securities Ltd. of 99.022 be accepted. - Carried. The report of the [Special Committe:::, re lGonstruotion Safety Inspector was presented. lR:eeve Wilson addressed the Council on the report, and it was adopted on motion of Reeve Brown and De- puty Reeve Woolner. Moved Iby Reeve R.. McKibbin, Seconded by Reeve (Phillips, Thatt lBy-Lrrw No. 1842, be re'ad a third time, and finally pasl)c" ed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Woolner, Seconded by Reeve Nimmo, 'That we request the Dept. of Lands and Forests to ban all hunting until the drought ends in Elgin County. - Carried. The Meeting was declared adjourned by the Warden. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. K. C. EMERSON, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 139 REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE RE CONSTRUCTION SAFETY INSPECTOR October Session, 1963 To the' Warden: and Members of the Elgin Coun1y Council, The following is the' report of the Special Committee re a construction safety Inspector: 1. That a .C'onstruotion safety inspector be appointed. 2. That the 'construction safety inspector he ,under the super- y;ision ,of .t'heC:o'llnty Engineer. 3.T'hat the construction sa.fety inspector be under the jur- isdiction of the Road Committee. 4. That applica!t:.ons be received and considered at the De- cember I"oadcommittee meeting. 6. 'Th8Jt the' duties of the construction safety inspector be commenced on January ,1st, 1964. '6. That the construction safety inspector be used whenever possible to assist the County Engineer in land purchase and dam- age settlement so as to keep part 'Of his salary ,under grant. All of which is respectfully submitted. G. E'. BROVlN', Chairman. 140 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL DEBENTURE BY -LAW NO. 1842 THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN Being a By-Law to provide for the hOl'rowing of $320,000.00 upon debentures for the purpose ,of erecting a Home for the Aged to be .built wHhin tlhe municipality of the County of Elgin. ,WHEREAS it is :expedient to borrow money for the erection of a County Home for the Aged in Elgin County, a sum not ex-ceeCl.- ing$3'20,OOO.00 upon the credit of the Corporation, to issue deben- ture'S therefor bearing interest at the rate of 5.50' per cent per an- n urn, paya!ble annually, an.d provide for the discou:lt and expenses incidental to negotiation and sale of such dehentures; AND WHERIE!AS it is expedient to make the principal of the said debenture repayable in annual instalments during the peTiod. of twenty years next after the date of issue of such debentures. of such amounts respectively that, with the interest in respect of the' debt, the aggreg.ate amo:unt payable for principal and interesl in ea.ch year shall be as nearly as possible the same; A...'~D WHEREAS the last revised and equalized assessment rolls .of the local municipalities of which the County is composed are as follows: Town of Aylmer _________m____________________$ 7,574,20'0. Village of Belmont .-------- -----.-..--- Villa.ge of nutton ------------"..---------------- Village of a?ort Burwell ------------. ----- Village of Port Stanley -..---------------- "v,illage of Rodney --------------.------~ Village of Springfield ____m._______. -.--- Village of Vienna ---.-.-~------------- Village of West Lorne __________H_____ Township of :Aldlborough ----------- ~ownship of Bayham ----------- ,Township of South Dorchester ---- Township of Dunwich ---------.----- Township 'Of Malahide ---------.------- Township of Southwold __________n Township of Y.armouth --------------- 720,30'0'. 894,196. 820,50'0'. 3,0'53,781. 1,101,720'. 361,204. 371,250 1,195,365. 5,0'46,692. 5,369,726. 1,976,305. 4,0'00,696. 7,049,700'. 6,249,852. 8,489,575. $54,284,062. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 141 THEREFOR:E, the Council of th.e COl'ipOratioIl of the County od: Elgin ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. For the purpose aforesaid the Corporation Shall borrow upon the credit of the Gorp-oratioiIl a sum not exceeding $3'20,OOO.OU and shall issue debenture's therefor in sums of not less than $500.00 each. Each debenture shall 'bear intere:n at the rate of 5.50 pel' centum (51;2%) per annum payable annually and sh~ll have cou- pons attached thereto for the payment of such interest. 2. All the debentures shall bear a date in 1963 and shall be issued at one time and within the year 1963 after the day on which this By-Law is passed, ,and shall be made payable' in annu~i1 installments during the period of twenty years next after the datt.. of issue thereof, and tlhe respe'Ctive amounts of principal and m- terest payable in ea.ch of such years shall be the amounts so de- sIgnated in Schedule "A" hereto annexed. ,3.. The debentures shall be payable as to both principal and interest in lawful money of Canada and may be made payable at such place or places in Canada as shall ,be designa.ted thereon. 4. The debentures shall be sealed with the seal of the Cor- poration -and signed by the head of the council or by some other person authorized by by-law to sign the same and by the treasur- er. The said interest coupons shall be signed by the treasurer and his signature to them may be written 01' engraved. liuhographed, printed or otherwise mechanically reproduced. The signature of the head od: the council may be written or engraved, lithographea, printed or otherwise mechanically reproduced and, if such de- bentures are countersigned in writing by the deputy treasurer, the ~ignature of the treas.urer thereon may be written or engravea, lithographed, printed or otherwise mechanically repr{)guceg. . 5. Commtmcing in the year 1964 and tJhereafter in each year in w:h.i.ch an installment of principal of the said debt ~md interest. become due, the Corporation shall levy and raise the specific sum shown for the respective year in the fifth column of the said Schedule. Such sum shall be levied and raised by a special rate sufficient therefor, ove'r and above all other rates, upon all th.. rateable property in the municipality. :142 ELGIN COUNTY 'cou:t~rdIL '6. The said debentures m1ay contain 2. clause providing for the registration thereof to Section No. 3'23 of The Municipal Act. 7. Pending the sale of the said .debentures, the head of the Councii and the' Treasurer may raise for the purposes aforesaid by way of loan OIIl such debentures any sum or sums of money not ex- ceeding in .all tfrle sum hereby authorized to be borrowed and ma:, hypothecate s'uch debentures for such loan. 8. The Corporation shall have' the' right, at its option, to rb- deem slJch o.J tlhe said. debentures which fall due in the. year 198::1 in whole' or in part on any date prior to maturity at the Bank ot Montreal, (IMain Branch), ICityO'f St. Thomas, in the County o.t ElgIn, or at the Main Branch of the Bank of Montreal in the City of Toronto, Ontario, or at tfrle Main Branch of the Bank of Mont- real in the City of M.ontreal, Quebec, upon payment of the prin- . -cipal amount thereOif together with interest accrued to the data of redemption, and upOn giving previous notice of said inten1:on to redeem by advertising once in the Ontario Gazette and once in a daily newspaper of general pr.ovincial circulation published in the City of Toronto, and once in 'a local newspaper, such notice to lJe .advertised ,as aforesaid at least 1Jhirty days before the date fixed for redemption. Notice of intention so to redeem shall also Jbe sent by 'post at le'ast t:hirtydays prior to the date set for such redemption to each person in whose name a debenture so to J:)~ redeemed is registered at the address sho\wn in the debenture. : . registry book. \READ a first time this 171Jh day of September, 19,63. READ a second time this 17th day of September, J.963. [READ a thir.d time, iand finally passed this 24th day of Oc- tobeT,' 1963. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. K. C. EMERSON, Warden. 'ELGIN -COUNTY COUNCIL 143 SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW NO'. 1842 OF THE CORPORATION 'OF THE COUNTY O'F ~LGIN Year No. Principal Interest Total 19,84 m___________n________ .1 $ 16,000.00 $ ;17,600.00 $ 33,600.00 1965 m____n_______n____ 2 16,000.00 16,720.00' 32,7'20.00 19'6,6 _______________________ 3 16,000.00 15,840.00 3'1,840.00 19,57 ______________________ 4 16,000.00 114,960.00' 30,960.00 1968 _______________________ 5 16,0.00.00 14,080.00 30,0'80.00 19'69 __________________n____ 6 1'6,000.00' 13,200.00' 29,200.00 1970 ____________n______ 7 116,000.00 12,320.00 28,320.0U 1971 _____m_____________ .s 1'6,000.00' 11,440.00 27,440.00' 1972 _____________m__ _____ 9 '16,000.00' 110,560.00' 26,560.011 1973 ________________n_____ 10' 16,000.00' '9,680.00 25,630.00 1974 _______________________ 11 ,1'6,000.00' 8,800.00' 24,800.0lt 1975 _____m_______n_____ 12 W,OOO.OO 7,920'.00' 23,920.00 197i6 _____________________ 13 11'6,000.00' 7,040.00' 23,040.0U 1977 ____________nn_____ 14 }6,OOO.OO 6,160.00 22,160.0u 1978 ___________m________ 15 16,0.00.00 5,280.00 21,280.00 1979 _________m___________ 16 ,16,0.00.00 4,400.00 20,400.0Q 1980 n______________________ 17 '16,00'0.00 :3,520.00' 19,520.0i) 1981 _______ _____m_______ 18 '16,000.00 2,640.00' 18,640.00 1982 _____________________ 19 16,000.00 1,760.00' J 7,760.09 1983 _____________________ 20' 16,000.00 880.00 116,880.00' - $320,00.0.00 $184,800.00 $504,800.00' 144 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BY-LAW NO.. 1843 - of -- THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN A By-Law 10 Authorize the Corporation of the Village of Dutton (hereinafter called "the Granfee" and which term shall includg ifs successOrs and (assigns) to construct, use and operate works required for the transmission o.f wafer' in the County of Elgin (hereinaf:ter. called ":the Municipality"). FUNA[JL Y PlAlSISlElD the 17th day of September, A.D. 1963. WHiElRiE:AJS the Grantee has requested The Corporation of the Cou.."lty of Elgin to grant it a franchise or right of passing through the Municipality for the purpose of constructing, using and op- erating a line or lines and works ~or the transmission through the Municipa.lity of water not intended to be distributed from the said line or lines in the iMunicipality other than to peTsons whose land aibutson a highway along or across which the same is caI- ried or conveyed. AND 'WH/E!REiAlS, subdect to the terms and conditions here'in- after set forth, the Council of The Corporation of the County of Elgin has agreed t.qgrant the said franchise. tEE IT TH~EFaRE ENACTED by the Council of The Cor- poration of the County of Elgin AND IT IS HEREBY EN.A!CTElJ as follows: 1. Full right, power, permission and consent are hereby granted, conferre:d and assured: unto the Corporation of the Vu- la.ge of Dutton, its successors and assigns to enter upon, use ana occupy the highways of or under the jurisdiction of the Municl- pality to survey, construct, lay, maintain, inspect, alter, repaI!", renew, remove, replace, reconstruct use and operate in, through, upon, under, along and across the same Or any of them a pipe line or pipe lines with any and all connections, apparatus, appliances and attachments, including attachments for cathodic protection., necessary or incidental thereto and to a system for the purpose of ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 145 passing through the Municipality and transmitting water which is not intended to be distributed from t1he said line or lines in the said Municipality other than to persons whose land abuts on a highway along or across which the same is carried or conveyed. 2. Such right or franchise shall be subject to all tlhe terms and conditions set out in an Agreement to .be entered into between the Municipality and the Grantee in pursuance of this By-La,,,, wh.:.ch Agreement shan be in the form hereunto attaChed. 3. The Warden and Clerk of the said Munidpality are hereb} authorized and empowered to enter into and to execute on behalf of the Municipality, the Agreement afore3aid and to affix tihe cor- porate seal thereto. 4. This By-Law shall come into force and take effect im- mediately after an Agreement in the form hereunto annexed shall have been executed Iby all the parties thereto. THE CQRPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN J. D. THOMSON, Clerk, K. C. E1IERSON, Warden. I, J. D. Thomson, Clerk of the Corporation of the County 01 Elgin, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By- Law No. 1943, passed by the Council of th~ said Corporation On the 17th day of September, 1943. J. D. THOMSON, County Clerk. 146 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL AGREEMENT made in duplice this 17th day of Sel'- tember, A. D. 19,63'. BETWEEN: THE OOHiPORATION OF TB)E COUNTY OF ElLGJN her'einafter called "the Municipality" - OF THE FIRST P AR1.' AND THE JCORPORAITION OF THE VILLAGE OF DUTTON fu.ereinafter called "the Grantee" - OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Grantee has requested the Municipality to grant to it and its successors and assigns, a fmnchise or right of passing through the Municipality for the purpose of constructing, using and operating a line or lines and works for the transmissio!J. through tfrle Municipality of water not intended to be distributeu from the said line or lines in the Municipality other than to per- sons whose land abuts on a highway along or acruss which the same is carried or conveyed, or to the Village of Dutton f.or its use:. :AND WHE'REAS the Municipality has by lEy-Law passed 0:I1 the 17th day of September, A.D. 19B3, .granted the said fran- 'chise from and after Ithe execution of this Agreement 'and hab authorized and empowered the Warden and Clerk of the said Mun- icipality to execute this Agreement and to affix the corporate se,aI thereto. NOW THEREFORE THIS INDENTURE made in consider....,. tion of the premises and of 1Jhe performance of the covenants and obligations hereinafter contained on the part of the Grantee WIT- NESSETH as f'oll-ows:- 1. The Municipality does hereby grant, confer and! assurt; unto the Grantee its successors and assigns, full right, power, per- mission and consent to enter upon, use and occupy the highwaY3 of or under the jurisdiction of the Municipality to survey, con- struct, lay, maintain, inspect, alter, repair, renew, remove, replace, reconstruct, use and operate in, 1furough, upon, under, along ana. across the same or any of them, a pipe line or pipe lines with any and all connections, apparatus, appliances and- attachments, in- ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 147 eluding attachments for cathodic protection, necessary or incidental thereto and to a system for the purpose of passing through the MuniCipality and transmitting water which is not intended to bre distr1buted from 'the said line or lines in the said Municip.ality other than to perS-Ol1S whose land abuts on a highway along or across which the same is carried or conveyed, or the Grantee fOl its use. 2. All new (or renewal) mains, pipes, lines and works in- stalled by Grantee under this -Agreement shall be constructed and laid in accordance with good engineering and! construction prac- tices. Except in case of emergency, (a) no excavation, opening Or work whic/h will disturb ai. interfere with the travelled surface of any highway shall be undertaken orcammenced by Grantee witholit WrIt- ten notice to such officer of the Municipality as may from time to time be appointed by the Council of the MuniCipality for the purpose of general supervision ,over its hig1hways (hereina.fter refeIT€;'d . to as "the said officer 'of the MuniCipality", whI'ch term shall include the per', son acting in his stead in the event of his absence fr,onl duty), such notice to be given at least 24 hours in an., vance {)f commencing such work unless otherwise Clgreed' to by tthe said officer of the iMunicipality, and (.b) before laying ()r installing any new (or renewal) main~, pipe's, lines and works, the Grantee shall first file with the said officer of the Municipalityapreliininary map or plan showing what it proposes to lay or install and the proposed location thereof and shall also check with and obtain the written approval of the said officer of the :M:unicipaIity as to such propos'ed location. Not later than three' months a.fter the close 'Of each of its fiscCl.J. years the Grantee shall file with the Clerk of the Municip?lity, maps or plans showing the location and size of' all mains, pipes, lines and works laid or installed by the Grantee in the' hig.hwaY13 during its previous fiscal year. 3. The said line or lines shall be placed underground so f~ . as. is practical and if required by the Warden or ather officer of the Municipality above mentioned shaII be Ilocated along the sides 148 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL of the said highways -except where it shall be necessary to cross a highway and shall be so constructed as not to oib3truct or intel:'- fere with the use of the highway or with -any, drains, ditches, bridgest culverts or other works or improvements tJhereon or therein. 4. In the event that the Municipality shall deem it eJtpea- ient to alter the construction of .any highway or of any municJ.- p'al drain, ditch, .bridge, eulve'I't ,or other works or improvemenb thereon or therein .and in the course thereof it shall become ne- cessay to have the Grantee make changes in its line or lines or works in order to facilitate the work of the Municipality, then upon re.ceipt of reasonable notice in writing from the Warden or otfuer officer of the a.v.runicipalityahove mentioned specifyin.g tl1e change desired, the Gran-te.e shall at its own expense change its line or lines or works at the po'int specified. 6. The Grantee shall construct, repair and replace any SUCh line or lines or works with all reasonable expedition so that the highways shall not be torn up or obstructed for any unnecessary length of time and upon the construction, repairin~ and replac- ing of any such line or lines or works or the taking up of any of the same or the moving of .any o.f the same from place to place in a highway the higfulway shall, with all reasonable expedition, be restored to its proper level and grade and left in as safe and good a state of repair as it was fbefore it was entered upon or openea, and to the satisfa.ction of the said Warden or other officer of the Municipality above mentioned. ,6. The Grantee shall and does hereby at all times indemnify and save harmless <the Municipality Ifrom and against aU loss, da- mage, injury or expense which the Municipality may ,bear, suffer or be put to Iby reason of any damage to property or iinjury to persons .caused 'by the construction, repair, maintenance, removal or operation !by the Grantee of any of 'its mains, pi-pes, lines or works in the Municipality unless such \loss, damage. injury or expense is occasioned by Act of God 01" by the act, neglect or default of some person, firm or corporation other than the Gran- tee, its servants, contractors, sub-contractors, agents or employees. 7. The rights and privileges lhereby granted shall continue and remain 'in force for a period of Twenty years from tha date ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 149 hereaf. 8. In this Agreement and in the By-Law above referred to, (a) the word "highway" shall mean a C'ommon or public high- way and include a road, bridgE:' and any other structure incidental thereto, now 'Or at any time during the term of this Agreement under the jurisdiction 'Of the Munici- pality. (b) the ward i"Municipality" shall mean the County of Elgin as presently constituted or as it may from time to timv be constituted during the term 'Of this Agreement. 9. 1"'his Agreement shall enure to the benefit 'Of and be bind- ing upon thE:' parties hereto, their successors and assigns. 'IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have hereunto affixed their respective corporate seals duly attested by the bands 01 their proper signing 'Officers in that behalf. THE CORrPOLRATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN, K. C. EMERSON, Warden. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk, THE CORPORATION 'OF THE VILLAGE OF DUTTO~, B. E. DOWNEY, Reeve, Z. E. MacCAl.,LUM, Cle.rk. 150 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FIFTH SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 19th day of November, 1963 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members were present. The Warden addressed the Council and welcomed the boys and girls who ca.me as junior guests of the Councillors. The minutes of the September Session and Special Meeting on October 24th were read and confirmed. Th~ following communications were read and referred to the various Committees: COMMUNICATIONS November Session. 1963 From the Western Ontario Agricultural School re Student's Scholarship. - -Filed. From the University of Western Ontario with appreciation ot grant and students Scholarship. - Filed. From the County of Prince Edward with res.olution request. ing standardization of text books. - Referred to the Education Committee. From the Salvation Army with appreciation of grant. - Filed. From the Secretary of the West Lorne Horticultural Society with appreciation of grant. - Filed. From the Tillsonburg District :Memorial Hospital with request for Capital Grant. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the ICanadian National Institute for the Blind with ap- preciation of grant. - Filed. ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 151 From the Coun ty Council of the County of Bruce with res'Olu- tions re: Weight of vehicles on highways; and beverage bottles 011 roadsides. - !Referred to the (Road Committee. From the Town of Riverside with re-solution requesting amendment to the Highway Traffic Act re: Reduction of speed limit in 'School z{)ne. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. From thE:' Arbitration Board appointed to deal with the South. wold School Appeal and its report. - Filed. From the Township of Southwold /Council with rasolution requesting permission for ratepayers on the Fingal Road to USta the County watermain running to Elgin Manor. - Referred to the Petitions and Le-gislations. Committee. From the Ontario Energy Board with reference to resolution passed at the September Session of County Council Te: Reduction in gas rates charged by the Central Pipe Line Company. -Filed. From the Dept. of Lands and Forests re: Resolution passed by the Elgin County Oouncil requesting delay in opening of hunting season. - Filed. From the Minister of National Revenue re Elgin County re- solution that transportation of tobacco ,be exempt from excise permits. - Referred to Petitions and Legislations Committee. From the Four Counties Hospital CommittE:'e re Pl'ioposed Site - Referred to the Finance Committee. Replies from other counties on Elgin County resolutions were read and ordered :filed. Reeve Downey inquired re the Organization Em'ergency Mea- sures set up, and the Warden referred his inquiry to the Emer- gency Measures Organization Committee. The Oounty Treasurer's Report was presented. Moved by Reeve Gurr, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McIver, That the County Treasurer's Report be accepted' and printed in the Proceedings. - Carried. 152 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Th~ Clerk's report on Licenses was presented, 'accepted, ana org,ered printed in the Proc~edings .on motion .of Reeve Howara.. and Reeve J)owney. Mr.H. L. Johnson presented the Secretary-Treasurer's Report on Elgin Manor. Moved by Reeve McKibbin, Seconded by Reeve Tansley, Tlhat the Elgin Manor Report be accepted and printed in the Pr.oceEldings. - Carried. Moved iby Reeve Phillips, Seconded by Deputy Re'ev'e Pressey, That the Elgin County Council confirm By-Law No. 1477 .0,( the T.ownship of Bayham to authorize the stopping up, closing, .and selling portions or unused roadway on Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ana. 9,lConcession 4, in the Township of Bayham. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Brown, Seconded ,by \Deputy Reeve Caverly, That the Elgin County C.ouncil confirm By-Law No. 1571 0% the Township of Malahide to authorize the stopping up and closing .of part of north Water Street, Bruce Street, and John Street, in the Village .of Port Bruce. --. Carried. Moved by Reeve Nimmo that !Mr. Claybourne Gordon, County Weed Inspector lb~ 1l0W heeu'cl. Mr. Gorclon presented his rep.ort. Moved by Reeve Barber, Seconded lby Deputy ReeveWoolner, That the Weed IIlSpecto:r's lieport be accepted and printed in the Proceedings. - Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 153 Deputy Reeve Caverly addressed the Council re Burning and destruction of trees. Moved by Reeve Phillips that the delegation from tne Tillson- ,burg District Memorial Hospital be now heard. Mr. Ostrandel, .Mr. Stevens, Superintendent, and Mr. Giib;s.ol1 addressed the Oouncil requesting capital building grant, and appointment of all Elgin County Representative on the Board. 'I1he Warden referred the request to the Finance Committee. Moved by Reeve Brown, Seconded by Re-eve Gurr, That 'We do now adjourn to meet this afternoon at 2 p.M. - Carried. The Council resumed. The Report of the Property Committee was presented. and adopted on moti:on of Deputy Reeve Martin and Reeve Downey. The Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve Barber and Deputy Reeve Woolner. M'oved by Reeve Gurr, 'Seconded by 'Reeve Brown, That we do now adjourn to meet on Wednesday, November 20th, 1963, at ten a.m. - Carried. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. K. C. EMERSON, Warden. .154 ELGIN COUNTY C01JNCIL FIFTH SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 20th day of November, 1963 The Elgin c.ounty Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournm€:nt. The Warden in the Chair. . All the memlbers present. The minutes of the previous day were read and confirmed. A communication from the Dept. of Nati'onal Revenue re Re- porting travelling expenses of County' Councillors was read ana ordered filed. . Moved by R.eeve Barber ,that the Agricultural Representative be now heard. Mr. Langton addressed the Council on JUnIor Farmer Judging at Toronto, farm crops, and 'Of water shortage in the C'Ounty. 'The Warden expressed appreciation to Mr. Langton for his . report. Moved by Reeve Bar.ber, Seconded by Deputy Reeve W oolner, That Council adjourn to allow Committees to meet. !M.oved by Reieve Phillips' that Mr. Trott, Safety Construction Officer be now heard. Mr. Trott addressed the Council explain- ing the Act. The Wardeuexpresed appreciation to Mr. Trott. The report 'Of the Education Committee was presented and adopted 'On motion of Deputy Reeve Woolner and Deputy Reeve Pressey. The report of the Finance Committee was presented and .adopted on motion of Reeve Tansley and Reeve Phillips. The report of the Petitions and Legislations Committee Has presented and adopted as amended on motion of Reeve Gurr and Reeve Howard. 'ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 155 The Elgin Manor Committee Report was presented and adopted on motion of Reeve McKibbL11. and Deputy (Reeve Leitch. The report of the !Road Committee was presented and adopt- ed on motion of Reeve Ro.bson and Ree'VeTansley. M'oved 'by Reeve Geol'ge BaJ.'lber, $econded 'by Reeve G. E. Brown, That Mr. Granville G10in be appointed to the Elgin Ooun.ty Farm Safety Council for 1964. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Tufford, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Caverly, W(fI:E!RiE.AJS, in South-western Ontario, the number of hunt- eTS is decidedly increasing, AND WHEiRAjS, in South-Western Ontario, the areas of prI- vate land upon which hunting is permitted are correspondingly and decidedly decreasing, :AND WHEREAS, in this regard, the future has been assessed with both alarm ,and. concern, NOW 'I~H\ElR(E(FORE', BE IT IRESOLVED that in South-west- ern Ontario, the Ontario Department 'Of Lands and Forests be pe- titioned to proceed with the further expansion, 8.iIld the furthel' establishment, of public hunting areas. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Gurr, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McIver, That the usual grant of $25.0.0 be paid to Mr. Gene Florcyk of the Times-Journal and !vlr. Steve Traichevic.h 'of the London -Free Press for reporting the Proceedings of County Council, during the year, 196.3. - Carried. 156 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Deputy Reeve Caverly, Seconded by Reeve Brown, That By-Law No. 1844, "A By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 1571 of the Township of Malahide, Being a By-Law for the Stop- ping Up and Closing of Part of North Water Street, Bruce Street, and John Street in the' Village of p10rt Bruce, According to Re- gistered Plan Number 5'5," be read a first time. - Carried. Moved iby Deputy Reeve Mciver, Seconded by Reeve Gurr, That By-iLaw No. 1844 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by .Reeve Gurr, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McIver, That By-Law No. 1844, be read a third time, and finally pass- ed. Moved by lReeve Phillips, Seconded by Reeve Clarke, That By-Law No. 1845, "A By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 1477 of the T'ownship of Bayham, Being a By-Law to Stop Up, Close, and Sell Portions of Unused Roadway on Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 9, Concession 4, in the Township of Bayham," ,be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson, Soeconded by Reeve Valentine, That By-Law No. 1845, be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve iPressey, Seconded by Reeve Phillips, That By-Law No. 1845 be read a third time, and finally pass- ed. - Carried. ELGlN COUNTY COUNCIL 157 Moved by Reeve Robson, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Leitch, That By-Law No. 1846, "A By-Law to Amend the By-Law Adopting a Plan of County Road Improvement and Establishing a County Road System in the County of Elgin Under the Highway Improvement Act," :be read a first time. ...". Carried. Moved by Reev,e Downey, Seconded by Reeve Nimmo, That By-La:w No. 1846, be read a second time. - Carried. Moved Iby :Reeve Nimmo, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Tufford, Tllat By-Law No. 1846, be read a third time, and finally pas~- ed. - Carried. 'Moved iJ;>y Deputy Reeve Glover, Se'conded by Deputy Reeve Pressey, That By-Law No. 1847, "A By-Law t.O Amend the By-Law Adopting a Plan of County Road Improvement and Establi~hing a !County Road System in the County of Elgin under the Highway lmprovement Act," be read a first time. ...". Carried. Moved by Reeve Phillips, Seeoded .by Reeve Wilson, 'r,bg.t BY-~aw No. 1847, be read a second time. ...... Carried. Moved by Reeve Valentine, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pressey; That By-Law No. 1847, be read a third time, and finally pass. ed. - Carried. 158 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Reeve McKibbin, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pressey That By-Law No. 1848, "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 180~," be read a first time. - Carried. l\ioved by Deputy Reeve Glover, Seconded by Reeve Phillips, That By-Law No. 1848, be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy [Reeve Pressey, Seconded by Reeve Clarke, That By-Law No. 1848, be read a third time, and finally pass- ed~ - Carried. The Warden expressed appreciation for the co-operation of the members of eOl.IncH in carrying on the business of the Coun'ty. The members of County Oouncil congratulated the Warden on the manner in which he filled the office. Moved by Deputy Reeve CaveTly, . Seconded by Reeve Brown, That we do now adjourn sine die., - Carried. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. It. C. EMERSON, Warden. ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL -159 COUNTY TREASURER'S SUPPORT November Session. 1963 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, I beg to submit the following Statement of Receipts and Ex- penditures from January 1st, 1963, to October 31st, 1963. Receipts Balance in Bank, and .on Hand, JanUary 1st, 196'3-:__$51,928.04 Administration of Justice _____________ ":'___$ 43,878.17' . . N otesPayable ____________________._______~__~____..:.___ 590,000.00_ Registry Office ___.-----------m-__m___________ 20,748.83 Elgin Manor' ________________________.~_.:.:_______. 221,664.5f Children's Aid Societies ______________________;_____ 1,486.88 County Roads ---______________________________m__ 459,841.76 Miscellaneous -___________________________________u.___ 2,4()9.71- Licenses and' Permits ___________________"~________...:_ 239.00 County' AssessmE:'llt Dept. ___________._____________ 1,506.40 Agriculture __________________________________________-'-_____~___ 1,754.98 . County - Rates Under Section 53, of the. Assessment Act ----____~_____'_______ 380.7n _ rnterest _c__________________--_______.~_______.____ 179.921 Charity ang Welfare _______________________________ 12,256.:36- Elgin-St. Thomas Health. Unit c----------- 980.15 O/Scheques written off ~---------------.----3:3.35. c.ounty Rates --------_______________ 181,434.26 $i,538~795.07 $1,590,723.11 160 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Expenditures Administration of Justice ___..__________$ 79,993.63 Notes Payable ________~----_--------------------- 260,000.00 Charity and Welfare ____u_____________._.________ 16,876,58 Elgin Manor __,______~------__---.----__- 2:10,039.76 Grants, Associations, Scholarships ___"._., 18,447.14 Registry Office ________u___m__________u______u_ 3,43'6.14 EIgin-St. Thomas Health Unit ________..__ 25,000.00 IChi1dren's Aid Societies __________________________ 32,549.12 lMember$' Wages ___________.______c______________ 12,494.40 Officers' Salaries ________________________.______.____ 9,330.48 Printing, Postage and Stationery ______ 826.57 Care' of Buildings _____________.,____________________ 9,848.94 Agriculture _____________________....,_____ 6,375.38 County \R.oads _______________________________________ 817,362.78 !Miscellaneous ________________________._____"_________ 16,243.85 In teres! ____u_________________________________.___ 5,742.25 County Assessment Dept. ____________,.------ 8,808.17 Rebatem~nt of Taxes Under Section 207 of the Asessment Act ___.__.__. Transferred to hospital account ------------ Transferred to Elgin Manor account -.- W'orl.tman's Compensation Deposit ------ 135.28 80.74 6,000.00 300.00 .$ 1,529,891.21 ._____._____ 60,831.90 $1,590,723.11 Balance in Bank, October 31st, 1963 AU ot which is respectfully submitted. J. D. THOMSON, County Clerk-Treasurer. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 161 CLERK'S REPORT ON LICENSES November SessioDI 1963 To the Warden and Meml;>el's of the Elgin County Council, I have to report the following licenses in force on the 1st day of November, 19-63: AUCTIONEER William Johns,on -----------------------_______________________h__________ Rodney Harold G. Clarke ____h______________________ 24 Alma St., St. Thomas Hugh Silcox ---- ----\-------________________________________________________ Shedden D. A. Brown --------------.------------------_______h_____________n____n__ Shedden ROlbert Shore -------------___n_____n__________n___m_________________n G lanworth K. J. McAlpine __n__.______-_________________ __________n_________ ______m_ Dutton Leo Bird ----__m______.,_____~---n----.----n--m-----_____.._______ R.R. 1, London James R. McLean ___n______________ 112 Elmwood Ave., London Keith Fawcett __-__-----~------~-----------------n------ R.R. 2, S1. Mary's W. D. Shore ------_--________________n__________________ H..H. 6,. St. Thomas Harry L u t chin _____________n.,__ ____m_____________________________ __ Wardsville J. Spadafora and Co. (Ontario) Lt(J.. 119 Adelaide St. W., Toronto 1 Henry D. Brock ____m___________________________ 2 Heather St., ltondon Don Wa tterw,orth ----,--_------~----------,-~--,._--------------m--------- Aylmer Art Long --------------------------------------n------c----- Box 95, Vienna R'obert L'ethbridge ----c---,--- 349A Ronqe.3valles Ave., Toronto Leslie J. Shac:kelton -------,._----,---'--m,.-----c R.R. 1, Springfield Arthur Catton ----------------,----c----,._ 17 St. Andrews 81., Aylmer SALVAGE DEALERS Jack S treib --------------..----___________________________________ Rodney Jules V andenbussche -----,.,.--ccc---c---~--- - __________ Strafford ville .Jerry Clarke ______n.____n_____________________________.___ R.R. 3, S. Thomas Howard Silverthorne -----___________________m__ R.R. 3, S1. Thomas Clarenee Welch ______n____________________________~ R.R. 3, West Lorne SALVAGE YARD Ja~k Streib Rodney 162 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL TRANSPORTATION OF FOWL Charles Pangborn _______________________________u_____._________ Talbotville Elgin Egg Company __________h__________________.__________ St. Thomas Strathcona Creamery ________________________.__.,...~.____________ Dutton All of which is respectfully submitted. J. D. THOMSON, c.ounty Clerk and Treasurer. SECRETARY'S REPORT November Session, 1963 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County C'ouncU, The following is my report on Elgin Manor for the year enC1- ingOctober 31st, 1963: 1. Number 'of residents at last report ________.___.._________..______.___ 33 2. Number admitte'd during the year __________.,_.______..__________________ 5 3. Number discharged __________________________~_____________ 6 4. Number of residents now in the Home _____._______._____.______ 32 5. Total days residence ________________:______._.________________ 11,960 6. Average number of residents during the year _____________ 3a 7. :Average number with Superintendent's family and hired help __________________________________ 43 8. Number of week's Board with the Superintendent's family __________________ 2,23u. 9. Number of week's board of residents ___.____________._ 1,709 10. Receipts lProvinceof Ontario Subsidy _________________________$ 11,369.00 Old Age Pensions and Residence Maintenance _____ 17,586.83 Sundries _____________________________________________ 13.05 Government of Canada Sales Tax Refund _.__.__ ~07.05 $ 29,175.93 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 163 11. Expenditures Food and Provisions ______________________.________________.___._____$ Medical, Dental, and Drugs ________._____m.___.__..__________. Clothing and Welfare ___._________.._._________._________________________ iff.o us ehold Supplies __.._.____.____._______ ____u _______._______ _ .__.___- n____ F mnish in.gs _______n_______________._____. ___. _'__'__' __...__ n______ .___._.____.__ Repairs to Buildings and Grounds ________________m___._____ Fuel, Hydro, Telephone, Water ________________._________m__ Travel Expenses and Office Supplies ____________h____.____ Salaries and Wages _______________________________________n___.__________ Insurance, Fire Compensation, and Boiler ._____..__.__.__ Pensi'on Fund, Convention E'xpenses and Sundries 8,469.19 2,085.09 2,651.7U 1,276.17 115.87 1,266_26 5,075.13 503.0z 12,201.81 137.26 266.84 $ 34,048.34 Deductions Government of Canada, Sales Tax ____....__.________.._. ______.$ 207.05 13. Cos t .of Operating _____________.______.__m______._.____"_.__.____________ 33,841.29 14. Average Expenses per day of each person ____ ____.___.. 2.81 1'5. Average Expenses per week of each person n.________ '19.67 1'6. A verage Expenses per year of each person -.___. _________ 1,022.84 17. Actual Cost to County after deductions of all receipts 4,872.41 18. Actual Cost to County after deductions of all receipts per day ___n_____m____________._____ .40 19. Produce 200 head ca,bbage; 50 bushetls potatoes; 15 bushels carrots, 15 bushels onions; 10 bushels beets; 14 bushels turnips; '15 bushels squash. During season, the Home used theirowIl lettuce, tomatoes, green onions, sweet corn, radishes, cucum- bers, and beans from the garden of which no account was kept. 20. There were 38 residents in the Home during 1963: - 31 males, '1 females. Of the 32 residents in thE:' Home on the 1st day of November, 196.3, 25 were males, and 7 were females. The management has been satisfactory. ....t.\.ll of \Ylhich is respectfully submitted. H. L. JOHNSON, Se'cretary-Treasurer, Elgin County Home for the Aged. 164 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL WEED INSPECTOR'S REPORT November Session. 1963 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, I wish to report to y.ou on weed control in Elgin County for the year, 1963. This was a very dry year in Elgin Oounty. The crops wert:: good on the whole, and weeds were also healthy. Weeds seem to ,be able to absOl,b the moisture they need from the ground. Corn was a large c:r.op in the Ooun ty, this year. There was 50,0.00 acres grown and it is estimated that 40% was sprayed with atrazine and 25% with 2-4-D. T'here were 37,00'0 acres of spring grain - oats and barley, mostly oats, and 50% were sprayed. Far- mers are turning to spraying where ever it is posstble to spray. A sprayer is becoming a ne'cessary implement on the farm today. There should. be a lot more spraying done on pasture fields. Some pasture fields in the County were very dirty and weedy. County Roads were kept well mowed this summer, and al- ound 220 milesh were sprayed. Most county roads were mowed twice, and a few roads were mowed three times. It IS hard to spray the C'ounty roads now that they are so wide, and in places it is hard to mow to the fence. Some tOWlllships do fairly well .on weed control, and some an: falling behind. It is not safe to spray where tobacco, tomatoes, beans, and fruit are grown, so it would be advisabl~ for every township to own a mower, and mow where spraying can not be done. Fall Spraying can be done on :r.oad sides after these crop::. are harvested, and it is working out very good. Middlesex Coun- ty is doing a lot of fall spraying and getting go.o.d results. iIt the early summer milk weed is hard to kill with spray. The only successful spray for milk weed is Brushkil and fuel oil. I had a number of complaints about some township roads, and I have had a loOt of -complaints in general. As a result of these complain ts I was able to give out more notices this year than I have given in any previous year. Several properties were cut and the cost of cutting the weeds were collected in their taxes' when the owners didn't pay. One property owner was taken to Court. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 165 The railroads as usual give problems. r.rhe weeds when cut, are not cut until September and Octolber. The Provincial Highways are like the railroads. They cut weeds too late and do nO spraying. !There is still a lot that can be done on weed control in Elgin County, but when you drive through other Counties, we see that they have-as many or more weeds than Elgin County. I had one pas'ture demonstration plot sprayed during 1963, on the famn of Robert Futcher, Fingal, west of Middlemarch. It was badly infested with Canada Thistle. It was sprayed about the middle of June, and the result was approximately a 90% kill. Chipman Chemical furnished the spray 2-4-D Ester, 80 oz. of acia to the gallon. No crop damage by spraying was reported to me during 1963. I want to than'k all County and Township Officials, and all who co-'operated in helping with weed contr:ol in Elgin County during 1963. All of which is respectfully submitted. CLAYBOURNE GORDON, County Weed Inspector. 166 ELGIN COPNTY. C01J~CIL PROPERTYiCOMMITTEE REPORT November SessiolL 1963 To the Wardoo and Members of the' Elgin ~ounty Council, 1. That we have accepted the tender of \-Vonder Bakeries Ltd. :for brea~ at .14c per 11/21b. 10aLf,delivered fo the Elgin County Jail. 2. That thetende'r of Silverwoods Dairies J:..td. :for standard milk at .i2!lc per qt. and .5ac per 3 qt. jug; skim milk at .15c per qt.and .,38,c per 3 qt. jug be accepted. 3. That 6 chairs have been purchased for the RegIstry Office from Richard Cochrill Ltd. 4. That we recommend re'decoratbg and lighting improve- ments in the Court House to be continued by the 1934 Propertj! Committee. 5. That plans for cleaning and painting the exterlOr of the Court House, and an addition to the Re'gistry Office be commenced as a Centennial project. All of which is respectfully submitted.. ROBERT N. l\fAlRTIN, Chairman. AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT November Sessionl 1963 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agr1cultural Committee reports as follows 1. That we endorse the resolution from the County of Kent requesting the Ontario Department of Agriculture to Institute re- IDe dial action to control and abate the blackbird nuisance. 2. That the Warden and Chairman of the Agricultural COIh~ mittee be a Committee to support the Kent delegation wnen they interview the IvIinister of Agriculture. AU of which is respectfully submitted. GEORGE BARBER, Chairman ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 167 EDUCATION COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1963 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Educatioll Committee reports as follows: 1. 7'hat John Stalker be a'ppointed County Represent3.tive on the West Elgin High School District Board. 2. That Rc:lph Auckland be appoint.ed County Representative on the Central Elgin High School District Board. .3. That F. Pineo be atppointed County IRepresentatlve on the East Elgin High School District Board. 4. That the resolution from the County of Prince EdwarC! requesting standardization of school text books be endorsed. All 'Of 'which is respe'Ctful1y submitted. GORDON WOOLNE..."q, Cha1rman. PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1963 To the Warden and Members 'Of the Elgin County Council, The Petitions and Legislations Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from the Town of Riverside requesting amendments to the Highway Traffic Act for reduction of speed limits to 15 miles per hour in school zones, be endorsed. 2= That the Warden be authorized to communicate with th,~. Minister of National Revenue re securin.g a blanket permit for transfer 'Of to bacc'O. 3. That the request of the Council of the Township of South- wold to make water available to land owners 'On the water mam to Elgin Manor, be referred to the Ontario Water Resources Con!. ~,i.J...i.;,)~J.U..i.~. All of which is respe'Ctfully submitted. LLOYD S. GURR, Chairman. 168 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT , November Session. 1963 To the Warden and '.Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That :Children's Aid 'Societies Pay List No. 9 for $3,0'4'7 J13; and Pay List No. 10 for $3,2'211.'3.7, be approved. 2. That the request o.f the Jail Staff for increase In salaries and a 40-hour week Ibe re.ferred to the Finance Committee of th~ January 1964 County Council. 3. That the request of the Tillsonburg Hospital Board for capital grant and representative on the Board be referred to the January Session of County Council. 4. That the communication from the Site Committee of the Four Counties Hospital recommending the Archer Site In Warc!s- ville, and the Elgin Oounty Council has no objection to this site. 5. That a grant o.f $200.00 to the "Stork Club" for reopening expens'es foil' holdinig Coun\by Council Dinner, be made. All oi which is respectfully submitted. M. TANSUEY, Chairman. ELGIN MANOR 'COMMITTEE REPORT November Session. 1963 To the W'arden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The ,Elgin !M:anor Committee reports as follows: 1. That we have accepted the tender of Wonder Bakeries lLimited to supply bread at .14c per loaf. 2. That we have accepted the tender of SilverwO'od Dairies Limited to supply milk at the following prices: Skim Milk -.. 3 qt. jugs .i38c; 1 qt..15,c; Standard Milk - 3 qt. jugs .58c; it. qt. 21c. ELGL"N" COUNTY COUNCIL 169 3. The construction of the new Elgin County Home for the Aged is progressing accor.ding to schedule, and we have to this time pa,id W. A. McDougall Ltd., Gene-ral Contractors, a total of , . $247,7166.00. The Provincial Government has in turn paid to the County o! E1<gin interim p'aymenlts of $312,6,28.90 and Mr. Drew, Director of Homes ior the Aged, has recommended a further payment of $13(1,- 515.60. We anticipate receiving this cheque in the very near fu- ture. 3. The CO'mmittee recommends that the salary schedule of the employees of Elgin Manor be reviewed in January, 19B4, ana that the matter 0.1 freE:' tobacco for the residents, also, be reviewed. All .of which is respectfully submitted. RUSSEL McKLBiBON, ChaIrman. ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT November Session 1963 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, YOUR ROAlD COMMITTEE begs to report as follows: 1. Road MULCH P AVEI~N'DS have been laid on the followin!;t Roads during 19i63: (a), iRjoad 2 from West Lorne easterly in the Village of West Lorne and the Townships of Aldbor. ough and Dunwich. ___~_______n____:__________________________' ------ 2.2 :Miles (b) Road 20 from King's Highway No.4 northerly to Turvilles Corners in the Village of Port Stanley' and the Township of Southwold ____.:__ 2.0 miles 12. WIDENING, GJRAnLNG AND GANULAR B!A>SE has been done on the following Roads: (a) Road 20 n;ortherly Lrom the Village of Shedden to Road 18 (except at King's Highway No. 401) in the Township of Southwold ______________________ 3.1 miles 170 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL (b) Road 5~ from Road 40 easterly to the east o~ the New York Central Railroad Tracks in the Village of Springfietld and the Torwnships of Malahide and South Dorchester ----______________________1.1 miles (c) Road 42 from' Ro'ad 40 easterly to approxim- ately 1 % miles east of the Bayham-Malahide Townline (except at the SltalteT Gully Bridge) in the Townships olf lVralahide and Bayham ____ 5.0 miles 3. GRAiD[NG, GRANULAR ReASE AND WIDENING has been done on Gounty Road 316 (Development Road No. 692) from !Road 24 easterly to P,ort Bruce in the Townships of Malahicle .and Yarmouth. This work has been completed by the Sterl- ing Construction Company Limited of WindsOl". Crushea iGravel will be pla'ce'd ona portion of the old Road 36 which is being reverted to the Township or Yarmouth next spring. The length of work involved is 3.8 miles. 4. !ROAD 1'6 from Burwel1s Corners to the Talbot Creek in the ,Township of Dunwich, a distance of L6 mile'S, was Surbce Treated with a double coat of Bituminous Material and Stone Chips. 5. APPROXliMATELY29 miles of County Roads in various lo- cations throughout the Coun:ty were treated with Bii:uminous Material and Stone and Gravel Chips. 6. THE DINGLE: STREET BRIDGE, in the Town of Aylmer and the Township of Malahide, was completed .by the Matthews Concrete L,imited of ,London. 7. CONCRErI'E: CiULVER!'TIS have been built or are Ibeing built on the following Roads: (a) fRoad 42 - The Chute Culvert 1M mile west of the Stal- ter Gully Bridge. :(h) Road.37 - Kettle Creek ,Drain Culvert west of Avon. (c) Road 17 '-- Government Drain No. 2 Culvert we~t 01 King's Highway No. 401. R STEEL PDATE CULVERTS were installed in thr~e locations on Road 42 'inthe Township of ' Mala hide in conjunction witn grading, replacing three narrow Ooncrete Culverts. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 171 9. STE~iL CULVEIRTSwere installed on Roads 20,42 and 52 in conjunction with grading and at various locations through- out the County. Four Concrete CUlverts (in addition to Hems ,6 and 7) were replaced on Road 42 by Steel Pipe. 10. THE iSiHELBOURiNE BRIDGE (or Warren Street) on Road 12~1 in the Village of Port Stcmley was cle,med and painted as was the Meek Bridge over Kettle Creek near Port Stanley. 11. EXTENSIVE GRAVElL R~ESURF ACING was done on Roads 17 and 18 in the Township of Southwold. 12. FLASHING LIGHT SIGNALS AND GATES have been ap- proved by the' Board of Transport Commissioners far Canada lfor tre New York Central Railroad Comp2ny .and Chesapenke & Ohio Railway Company Crossings on Road 2 east of West ,Lorne and Road 15 in Dutton. This work is expected to be: completed before next spring. Early approval is expected of the County's app1icatip!l 101 Flashing Light Signals and Gates on the New York Cent!'Rl iRailroad Company and Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Comp~ ,any Crossings on Road 4 at Black's Lane and the Kent Towrl~ line in the TOiwnship of Aldbor.ough. CompJetion of thl~ work is not likely until late in 1ge4. 13. STORM DRAINS have been completed on Road 45 on hills in the vicinity of the Otter Creek in the TDwnship of Bay- ham. 14. AN INTE!RiNAT1:0iNAL TRAVElfLALL STATION WAGON to be used primarily for a survey vehicle has been purchased. .15. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION hall complete~d the trimming and gravelling of the shoulders 011 the Wellington Road. 16. THE ONTARIO DEPARTlVIENT OF HIGHWAYS has been asked to make a report on the replacement 01: the present Bride on Road 42 at Port Burwell. 17. ALL COUNTY and Suburban Paved Roads with the excep- tion o.f Road 36 north of Sparta, ha.'ve been centre linea marked. 18. THE ONTARIO DEP_.<\:RTM:ENT OF HIGHWAYS has erectea traffic signals at the intersection ofSt. Thomas Suburbul:l 172 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL !Road 25 (Wellington Road) and King's Higvhway No.3 .and No.4. The County Road Committee and the' St. Thoma:, Sub~ urban Road Commission had petitioned the Department for the sinals. 19. THE COUNTY ENGINEER has been authorized to ask for applications for the position of Construction Safety Inspecto.L wIder the Construction Safety Act 1961-62. WE' RECOMMEND: .1. THAT the County By-law No. 1803. Designating Througn Highways, be amended, changing the descriptions of Roads 24 and 3.6 and correcting the descnptions of Roads 27 and 32. The new relocated Road 306 (Devel~~ ment Road No. 692) will, in the future, be a continmt... tionof Road 24 and will be a through Highway which Road 36 will end at Road 24. 2. 'DHAT a By-law be passed reverting to Townships in which they are situated, the following portions of County Roads: (a) Road 36, in the Township of Yarmouth, in Conces- sion 1, from the south side of Road 24 southerly along the Road between Lots 2;1 and 22 in Conces- sion 1, in the' Township of Yarmouth and the Lake Road in Lots 22 t02 7_ and the west 450 feet of Lot 28. (This portion of Road is now replaced by De- velopment Road No. 692). (b) The Road built from Development Road No. 692 to the present Lake Road in Lot 24, Concession 1. in the To;wnship of Yarmouth, a distance of ap- proximately 900 feet. (This portion win be useC1 as a service entrance to several propertIes on the Lake Road). (c) iRoad 20 - (i) the northerly 350 feet of the Road Allowance between Lots 15 and 16, North Side 01 Talbot Road North Branch, (ii) the Road Allowance between the North Side of Talbot Road North Branch and Concession V from the Road Allowance between Lots 15 and 16, North Side of Talbot Roa,l North Branch (above) to the Road Allowance be- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 173 tween Lots 6 and 7,' Concession V, and (iii) th~ Road Allowance betwen Lots 6 l?nd 7 in Conces- sion V, all in the Township of Southwold. These portions have been 'cut off by the re'locatlon of Road 20 north of Shedden. '3. ,THAT a By-law be passed assuming as Oounty Rooad 20, the Road constructed in Lot 16, North Side of Ta1bot Roan North Branch and in Lot 7, Concession V, all in the Township of Southwold. 4. THAT a By-law be pased, assuming as a continuation 03: County Road 2, the Road between Concession A ana. lGo'llicession V no-rth of A in Dunwich Township be- !tween County Ro'ad 15 alIld County Road 8, a distance IQf apPiI"ox1mately 0.5 miles'. This road connects Road 2 and :Road 8 north of Dutton. and has had a considerable increase in traffic sInCd Highway 401 has been opened. 5. THAT the Coun!'oy's Three Year \Program'me be add,ed' to as follows: ,19616 - Paving - That mile,age, of Road graded in 19165. 19610 - Grading and Granul,ar Ba,se - Road 27, in the Township of Yarmouth, Union (Hihway No.4) to Sparta (with the exception of that portion paved in 19;6~), a distance of 5.5 miles. Replacement of Bridges - Road 42 - Stalter Gully Bridge and the ap- proa'ches, a distance of 0.5 miles. (present engin- eering studies are toward a culvert and a fill). All of which is respectfully submitted. W ALT.ER E. ROBSON, Chairman. 174 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BY -LAW NO. 1844 " II A By-Law :to. Confirm iBy-Law No. 1571 of :the iTownship of Mal- abide, Being fa By-L.aw .for the Stopping Up and Clo,ging of Part of North Water Street, Bruce ,Street and John Street in :the Village of Pod Bruce, According to Registered Plan Number 55". WHEREAS thE:' Council of the T'ownship of Malahide on the 8th day of July, 1'9i613, A. D., did pass By-Law No. 1571 for the stopping Ulp and closing of part o~ N ort'!1 W1at1er Sltire-et, Bruce Street and John Street in the Village of Port Bruce, according to Registered Plan Number 55, more par.ticu]Ia:rly de.S'cr1bed in thes,aid By-Law, true copies hereof are hereunto annexed. AND WHEIREA:S pursuant to the provisions of the Municipa! Act, the s'aid T'ownship By-Law shall not have any force until ,confirmed by a By-Law of the Council of the County in which the township is situate, passed at an ordinary meeting of the Council held not. sooner than three months, nor later than one year, after the passing of the By-iLaw o'r the Council of the Township. AND WHEREAS application has been made to the Council of the Corporation of the iGounty of Elgin for a By-Law confirm- ing the said twnship by-law. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corparation at the County of Elgin ;ena'cts1as follows: THAT By-Law No. 1571 of the Town~hip of Malahide, being a 'by-law for the stopping up -and closing 'of part of North Water Street, Bruce' Street and John Street in the Village of Port Bruce, acording to Registered Plan Number 55, be,.and the same is hereby confirmed. RE.W a first time ~this20th day of November, 1963. READ \a second time tis 20th day of November, 1963. READ a thirdtirne, i2nd finally passed this 20th day of No- vember, 1963. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. K. .C. EMERSON, Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 175 BY -LAW NO. 1845 "A By-Law To Confirm By-Law No. 1477 of the Township of Bayham, Being a By-Law :to Stop Up, Close and Sell Por:t20ns of Unused. Roadway on Lo:f:s2. 3. 4. 5. 6, and 9, Concession 4~ in :the Township of Bayham." WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham on the 8th day of' July, 1963, A.D., did pass By-Law No. 1477 to stop up, cioGE' and sell, portions oJ unused roadway on \Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9, Concession 4, in the 'Township of Bayham, more particularly de- scribed in the said By-Law, true copies hereof are hereunto an- nexed. :AND WHEREAS pursuan t to the provisions of the MunicipaJ Act, the said Township By-Law shall not have any force until confirmed by a By-Law 'of the Council of the County in which the township is situate, 'passed ,at an ordinary meeting of the Council held not sooner than three months, nor 'later than one year, after the passing of the By-Law of the ICouncil of the Township. AND WHEREAS application has been made to the Council 01 the Corporation of the County of Elgin for a By..J...aw confirming the said t.ownsthip by-laiW. (NOW THERE.FORE the Council of the lCbrpo.ration of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: THAT By-Law No. 1477 of 'the Township of Baynam, being a Iby-law to stop up, cose and sell, portions of unu.sed roadway OIt Lots 2, 3, 4,5, 6, and 9, Concession 4, in the Township of Bayham, be .and the same is hereby cO!1.1irmed. READ a first time Ithis 20th day of Ncvember, ,1963. READ :a second time tis 20th day of November, ;1963.. READ a third time, 'and finally passed this 20th day of N 0- vember, 1963. J. D. THOMSON, - Clerk. K.C. EMERSON, Warden 176 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL THE CORPORATION OF THE' COUNTY OF ELGIN BY -LAW NO. 1848 A By-Law to Amend the By-Law Adopting a Plan of County Road Improvement and Establishing a County Road System in the County of ELGIN Under the Highway Improvement Act. The ICouncil of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as By-Law Number 1846 ias :follows: 1. The tSchedule '''A'' of By-La.w Number 1801 being the last consolidating By-Law re-establishing the said system i3 hereby amended 'by removing there.:f:!.'om the roads designated and described as follows: ROADS TO BE REVERTED DESCRIPTION DESIGNATION "A" BEING that portion of the existing County Road No. 136 or the deviations Ithereof in the Township of Yarmouth. COMMENCING on the road! be!tween LOots' 21 and 22 at the s,outh- ern limit of ~he road betwe'en Concessions I and II be- ing County Road No. 24; THENCE southerly 'along ,said :road between Lots 2.1 and 22 through Concession oland the deviations thereof in Lot 22 in the said Concession I to the !Lake Road that runs through !Lots '2:2 to 28 in Concession I; THENCE' easterly lalong the s.aid 'Lake tRoad through Lots 22 to 27 'and the westerly 450 feet of Lot 2<8 in the siaid Conces- sion I to the west Emit of County !Road No. 24 as built. (The said I..ake Road being shown on a plan r~gisterea as No. D769 :in !the County of Elgin Registry Office). ;A, distance m approximately 2.7' miles. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 17~{ DESCRIPTION DESIGNATION "B" BEING that portion of Toad built by the County of Elgin in the Township of Yarmouth. COMMENCING on the road 'built in Lot 24, Concession I (shown as Parcel No. 6 on a plan registered 'as No. D7,69 in the County of Elgin Registry Office) at the northern limIL of the Lake Road in Lot 24, Concesskn I; THENCE northerly along said road 'to the south-western limit of of County !Road No. 24 as built in Lot 24, Concession .. A distance of approximately 900 feet. DESCRIPTION DE:S]jGNAT~ON "e" BEJNiG that portion of the e'xi'Sltin:g Goun1ty Road No. 20 or :the deviat1ons' thereof in the TownshLp of Southwold. COMMENCING on tlhe road beltwee'n Lots 15 and 16, North Side of the North Branch of the Talbot R.oad at a point 350 !feet south of the nor.:h limit of the North Side of ;the North Branch of the Talbot Road; THENCE north-westerly along thE:' said road between Lort:s 15 and 16 'to the Road Allowance between Goncess,ion V and lthe North Side, of the North Branch of the Talbot Road; THENCE north-e.asterly along the ROlad Allowance between Con~ cession V and the North Side of the North Branch of the Talbot Road to the Ro.ad Allowance between Lots .6 and 7 in Concession V; THENCE not.th:~weS'terly along the Ro.ad Allowance between Lots 6 and 7 in Concession V to. a point 300 :feet south of th~ limit of the Road Allowance' .between Concessions IV and V. A distance of approximately 0.5 miles. 178 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 2. The roads as designated and described in paragraph 1, are hereby removed from the County Road Syste.m of the County of Elgin. 3. r.rhis By.:Law shall come into force upon the 'approval thereof by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council. FINALLY PASSED at the City of 'St. Thomas, in the County of Elgin, this 20th day of November, 1963. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. K. C. EMERSON, Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 17~ THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 1847 A By-Law to Amend r:i:he .By-Law Adopting a Plan a.f County Road Improvemnt and Establishing a County Road. Sys:i:em in the County of ELGIN Under the Highway Improvement Act. The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as !By-Law Number 1847 as follows: 1. The Schedule "A" 'of J3y-Law Number 1801 being the last ,consolidating By-Law re-establishing the said system IS hereby amended by adding thereto the Roads designated ana described as :follows: BOAD TO BE ASSUMED DESCRIPTION DESIGNATION ROAD 20 BEING a portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the Township 'Of S'0uthwold, as built by the County of Elgin. COMMEN1C[NG on the road between !Lots 15 and 16 North Side '01 the North Branch of thE:' Talbot Road at :a point 800 feet south of the north limit of the North Side of the North Branch of the Talbot Road; .J THENCE' on a regular 5 degree curve to the right through the . -/West corner of Lot 16, North Side of the North Branch of the Talbot Road. THENCE n'0rtherly across the easterly corner of Lot 7, Gonce'ssion V, a distance of approximately 1200 feet to a regular ~ de'gree curve to .the left; THENCE ,along this said 5 degree curve to the Ro,ad Allowance !between Lots 6 and 7 in Concession IV. iA distance of approximately 0.6 miles. "180 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ROAD TO BE ASSUMED DESCRIPTION DESIGNATION ROAD 2 BEING THAT PORTION OF ROAD or the de- viations thereof in the Township of Dunwicn; COMMENCING on the ro,ad between 'Concession A and Conce:S'- sion V north of A, at the easter.Jy limit 01: the travelled road in Lot 11, known as the old Currie Road (alro th~ easterly limit of County Road 15 in Lot II, Conces- sion A). THENCE easterly along the said road to the westerly Umit of the! road :between Lots 12 and 13 in Concession A and Con- cession V north of A, \known as the New Currie Road, and described as County Road 8. A distance of approximately 0.5 miles. 2. The roads as 'designated and des.cribed in paragraph 1, are hereby added to the County Road System of the County of Elgin. 3. This By-:Law shall 'come into force upon the 'approval thereof by the Lieutenant-Governor in !Council. FINALLY PASSED at the City of St. Thomas, in the County of Elgin, this 20th day of November, 1963. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. K. .C. .l!AlVl~RSO!i, Warden ELGIN CQUNTY COUNC~ 181 MUNICIPALITY OF TaE COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO~ 1848 "Being a By-Law To Amend' By..Law No. 1803" WREHEAJS it is desirable to ffi'ake .certain .changes in By Law No. 1803 which . designates the highways under the jurisdiction ot the' :Municipality of 'the Coupty of Elgin that are th:rou~h high- ways, NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Gorpor:ation'. of th~ Municipality of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT !By-Law No. :18.03 be, and the same is hereby amended by: '" (a) County Road 'No.2 - From the east side of C:ounty Road No. '3 to the west side of County 1R0ad No.3. The interse'ction of King's Highways No. 76 is a through highway,for County Road No.2 and King's Highway No. 76 is not a through hig)l1way at this Part. (b) Deleting the description under County IR.oad No. 24 anQ inserting the following description in place thereof: From the ,east side of County Road No. 123 to the West side of King's Highway No. 7,3 atiPort BrucE:'. (c) Deleting the description under Gounty No. 27 and in- serting the following description in place thereof: Fronl the east side of King's Highw.ay No.4 to the east side of County Road No. 3,6. (d) Deleting the des'cription under /County Road No. 32 and inserting the -following description in place thereof: From the east side of King's Highway No. 73 to the main entrance to the Ontario Police College. (e) Deleting the descrption under County Road No. 36 and inserting the following description in place thereof: (a) From 'the south side of King's Highway No.3 to the north side of County Road No. 27, and 182 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL (b) From the south side of County Road No. 27 to the north side of County Road No. 24. 2. THIS (ByJLaw shall not become effective until approved by the Department of Transport. READ a first time 'this 20th day o;f November, ,1963. READ 'a second time tis 20th day of Novembe-r, 1963. READ a third time, land finally passed this 20th day of N 09 vember, 1963. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. K. C. EMERSON, Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 18~ -INDEX- GRANTS _ Agricultural a-nd Horticultural Societies ___________ ______,_~__"______._ 23 /Canadi.an National Ins.titute for the Baind ---~----------C-----___-fn__ 36 ,The Salvation Army ------------------__________. _____________________________________ 35 Univ'ersity of Western Ontario ---_ __________________________________________ 35 Local Agric ultural Office ~---__- -----c-------------____________________________c____ 23 Law Library and 'Local Libraries ______ _______________________________ 34, 35 Li brary Co -Op era ti ve ----------------_______ _ -----~----n------___________________u 34 Memherships: OMA: DE-A: MCFOA. ----~-------------------------_35, 36 IS ch 0 larshi ps ------------------------ -----___ ___ __ ____ _ ____ ____ __ __________________.,.._~----- 34 Trustees' and Ratepayers' Associations ________________________________ 34 Pioneer Museum -------~--------___"___ -----------------_______c__________________ 3,6 Rep orters ------------------------------ ~~----- ___________ _ _______________ ___ ___________________ 15'5 Elgin .Regiment Trumpet (Band ---------"---------c---------------------_____ 36 MISCELLANEOUS _ A{ppoi.ntment of Delegates, Represen;tatives ______________-'__________ 19 Communications ------~--------------________________________ 6, 6,2, 100, 1~i2, 150 County Officials, Municipal Clerks and Treasurers ____________ 2 Co un t y Co un cil ----------------------------- ----__________________________________________ 3 W arden's Election --------------------- ..--______________________________________:.______ 4 Warden's Address -------------------- --- .. ---_______ __:._______________________________ 5 Delegations ---------------~-----------------_______m__________ 11, 13, 64, 154 Four Counties Hospital, Newbury ----------___~_____H.____________ 122, 151 Thamesview General Hospital, Wardsville ________________________ 11 . REPORTS OF COMMITTEES AND OFFICIALS _ Agricultural OOlnmittee -----------______________________ 23. 82, 111.1, 166 Financial Statement Elgin Agricultural Committee _-.:_-_____ 37 County Clerk on Licences -------------_________~_______________________________ 161 Elgin Manor Committe'e ------______________ 15, 37, 82, 113, 130, 168 County Treasurer's Report ---------____________________ 110, 159 Education Committee -----------_____________________ 34, 84, -132, 167 Equalization ----------------____________________________ 34, 81 'Finance Committee -----------__________ 35, 74, 80, H2, 133, 168 Library Co-Operative --------------_________________ 40 Elgin County Museum ------------_________________________ 42 184 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Secretary, Elgin Manor __________m_ ______ ___n__________________________________ 162 Pe:titions and Legislations Oommittee ____________ 212, 83, 1'34, 16'"( Property Committee _____"___.,___________.___n__m._ 813, 10.9, li3 1219, 166 Road Comm!ittee "_"_____________.__________ -.---------------- 24, 75, 115, 130, 169 Report to St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission ---------- 29 Standing Committees ________________---------------------------.------------ ------ !it, 20 Weed I nsp ector ______________________ ________________ ---------------------------- 152, 164 Re AJppoiintment of a Oonstruction S.af~€!ty Officer ----.--- 65, 139 iRe Appointment of an Assistant Clerk-Treasurer ---.--- 6,5, 114 BY-LAWS - 18'19 _ Tn borr-ow up to $900.,00.0..0'0. as may be required from the Bank of Montreal _______________________________ .------- 44 1'820. __ To Authorize the Union Gas !Company to con.. strluct and operate works on county ro.ads __..______u_ 47 1821 _ To Set the Total Aggregriate Valuation for alPP'Or- tionment of County 'Ra tc __ __________________________________~--------- 53 182/2 -'-"" To E:sta1::H<ish and Maintain Emergency Measuresi Or,ganiza ti on ________________ ____nun_un. ________________________________________ 54 182:3 _~ To Aippo-int a Boar-d of Audit in ,the County of EI~gin -------------------c----------- __ _ ____________________________________"__ --------- 60 1,824 _ To Appoint a County Road Committee ------------------ 60. 1'82:5 _ ']}O Rais'e Amounts for Oounty Rates During the ye ar, 19,6C.l _____________________________ ---------------------------------------- 85 18e6 -'1"0 Restrict the Weight of Vehicles Passing o.ver Co unity B ri d ges ______ _ _____ _____ _______ -------~------------------- ---c------ 87 182,7 _ 'to Pro.vide for the 19613 Normal Expenditures on County Roads __________ ________ __.._ __ __________________________________91 18126 _ To Provide :for Supplementary Expenditures on ;County Roads ______________________________________________ 92 18'2.9 .........To Authorize the Obtaining of T'e'mporary Ad'- Via!l!C'es for construction of County Home _______________ 93 1'830 __ T,o Increase the S.alary of the Superintendent ole Elgin Manor _________________________________________ ---------------------- 95 1831 _ To Amend By-Law No. 1HOi1 by adding portions of road in the T'ownship of Yarmouth -----..----~--------- 95 18,32 _ Respecting the Weight of Loads to be carried on v'ehic1es on .county roads _..________________________________________ 97 1833 _ To Confirm the Equalization of the Ass'esS(l11ent Rolls of the County of Elgin ____..______________________~_____"____ 99 ELGIN COUNTY COli'NelL 185 18134 - To Aw~horize the Wa,rden and Clerk_ to Sign an Agreement Te Adminis tl'Eltion of J usticeexpenses payabile :by the City 0& St. Thomas ____________________________ 117 ,18!35 - To Authorize the Warden and Clerk to S.ign an . Agreeme:n1for payment of -. a fixed. sum in l!ieu of fees to the Crown Atto=rn~y' and Clerk: of the 1Pea1ce ---:-----------------------------------~---------~------~-----------------------__ 117 183'0 - To Appoint an Assistant Clerk-Treasurer for the Coun ty of ;E.lgip. _ ---~--------------- -__________________________________ _ __. ___ 118 1837 - To Re-appoint a member to the SL Thomas Sufb~ urban Road Commission .---------------~--~,.c-------------------------- 119 183'8- A By,.Law. to Authorize Participation in the On- tario Municipal Emprroyees Retiremept Sysltem ____ 120 183'9 - To Provide :for the Granting of permits in . moving hea'vy. vehicles on County Hoads _______,_______________________ 121 '1'840 - To Oon'fimn By.,[.,alW No. 1810 of the T'ownship of Y arm 0 u th - -- -------------- - -------..-- --_ ---- _ -.. __________________ ._________________ __ 135 lS,41 - To ,Provide for Supplemeptary E~enditures on ~ 0 un ty . Roads ,.---------~--. __h' - ---. -- --______ _____________~ _ --e-----..------ 136 !18'42 - To Provide for the _ Borrowin.g of $312IO,OOOAJ!Q upon &ehentures for a new. County Home __~___'_~_':_______.______ 14.0._ 18413, - To Gran.t the ViHag'e of .Dutton to construct and operate works for the transmission of water on County Roads ----------_______ _ m_~-: -----_______________,.--___-______--------- 144 1844 ..,-- To Confirm By-Law No. l~lj71 of the T'ovvnship of M'?lahide ,c____ _~-_---,.-.---.- ___u____~.. --. -"_________.-.-._-__-----____ ._______ 174 1845 - To Confirm By-Law No. 1477 of the Township of B'ay ham ------------__.._ __....u _ -________ ____________________ _____n_____ ______ 17b 1'846 - To Amend By-iLaw No. 1801 revel'lting portions of roads in the townships of Yarmouth and South- 1847 - To Amend By-Law No. 1801 and assume portions 1847 - 'Do Amend By-Law No. 1H01 and assume portions of roads in the .townships of South/wold and Dun- wi eh -------------- ----___ --________ __ ___on '_n_.._ _n______ __________..__ _______________ 179 1848 - To Amend, By-Law No. 180,3 re Through Highways 18,1 RESOLUTIONS - Petition to the Minister m Highways for Sulbsidy ________________ 10 Tio appoint m.embers to Elmergency Measures' Organiza- tion Commi Ue-e --------------_____.._________.._________ ___________.._________ 12 For payment of members of Council attending Conven~ tions ___n____________________________________ ____________________ ______ ________ .14 .186 ELGIN COUNTY C01JNCIL To order Crests and Tunics for County Councillors -------'---..:. 14 To authorize the bOlTowing of up to $660,00.0.00 from the Ban'k o.:fMontreal for construction of a County Home __-'"-.._---'_____________________-'--_______ 66 To request the Ontario Dept. of Lands and Forests' Te Stocking of Lake Erie with fin.gerling fish ----------- 68 To Emp.ower the Elgin Manor Oommittee to accept tender :for the new Elgin County Home for the Aged _______ 102 To place 'R.eeve Valentine of Stpringfield on all Commit:.ees of his predecessor __________________________________________________ lO~ To Authorize the Oounty S01icitor to prepare a debenture by-laiW for financin.g the new County Home ________ 103 'TIo accept the .Aud'itor's Report ______m_______________________________._______ 104 iRe Permits for .the transportation of tobac'co ----_____________.______ 124 To invite a junior ,boy or girl guest to the first day of the November Session, 1963 _._._____________________~_________________ 126 Request reduction in rates for natural gas charged by the Central Pipe Line Company ________________________________ 126 To ,a,ccept the tender bid of Midland-Osler Securities Ltd. 1:01" County Debentures __________________________________.__________ 13M To re'queg;t the Dept. of Lands and Forests to ban all hunt- ling until the drought period ends in Elgin County 138 To appoint Mr. Granville Gloin to the Elgin County Farm Safety Co unci! ______________________________________________________-- 155 To Petition the Ontario Dept. of Lands' and Forests for. establishment o,f public hunting areas ----------------- 155