1964 Minutes PROCEEDINGS OF THE Elgin County Council DUIl'Iinig It.lhJe S€lSISrlJ01IliSI hieflJdJ.iIn thie COURT HO'USiE, ST. THOMAS iIn 1lhe lMJolDlt:U:llSl of JANUARY, MARCH, JUNE,SEPTE,MBER AND, NOVE,MBER 1964 J. D.THOIMSON Comlltq Clerk RUSSIEL Mc:KlIBmN WiM'ldlen COUNTY OF ELGIN OFFICIALS, 1964 J. F. McIMillM1, C'oUlI1lty Judlge !Elu:g1enJe .1P ~ Ra;y, OOlUlllity o()UJ:'it O~ffi'Ik' 'aJIlld Slhiell"itfIf P. J. Glllol1JI1I, Cffi.ewk of. 1:Jh!eBeaJCt€l ,ailJ.d C:OQlIIll1Jy CIrowIIli AtoOlm'e(Y F. R. BaJl'[]Uim, P/oildJCle MrugilSuTlaibe, JUid!g1e of ,JuiVlelIliiJl!e ColUJI'It Ml1S. M. Wallk:!er, Ma;g1iSwalte'tSi 01er'k, IJ. P., Gl1emk of JUJVIOOIi1:e C~UJI't R. DaIV1iJS!, ClOUiIllty HJ~itSitrlao: R. S. BrI()lWIDi, JlalillJOO" E. D. Maorle, ISUJpervUlslill1g PirobaJt~on OrffdloeT B. D'aaJI1I, PirlDlbaluilon Of1f:iJoer Jiollm, A..'lMouJid,' Ptl'labruui<m Of[1i!CtelI" J. D. 'TlbJoiIl1lS!OIl1i, OOUiI1lt!y 01erk - Tr'eas!Ul'~elI' H. L. JldbinsOlru, AiSls1lsiuwt CllielI"k-Tr:erusiUII'IeIr H. . MclLeM1, C1OU1l1lty AlSSleSISIOil' Ia. G. MloDlre, OOUlIlrtw E\nIgiill1leelI' I. J. Plalutel'lSlOIli, SUlPt., ElgdlIli Ma'IlIO!T Miss Ri. :I?\rowse,. OciruJIllty LilbrrlalI'liialIl Sltait1fmld!, Flaml,jo;y & H€IIlIIl!e.sSley, C'OUlI1ltiy :SoJJilcliitoil'S A. Ktlrrner, DivWs:ilcm CI()UJI'!t C[ierik A. D. MloClollill, P:ulbl~ilCt SiClhlooil InispeCltlOII", E[g!i1Ili Nio. 1, R. :$. RJa;W11inig!Si, Plulb1iJc Slclhiooil Iil1lSlpeotJOIr', (E[igllln: No. 2 Dr. "A; B. MioCaJilJUim, Jlad\l Plhyslic'ialn I:>a'. C. A. Omlhlann" Ellig:iln M!aJI1IOII' P\hiylSiiicdlaiIlJ A. V. Lainlg1UClIn, AgrjJClui]tUll'laJ. -RJepflooelIlitalt:i.lVIe' OliruybOlUJI'lIlj€l GoodJon, OoUlI1ltyWleedi Th:llsipeIClt~ Iwd Tlrleel Cloir:rJJn:lJilsSWIDJ€Ir lF1r:eidJ Bag1e Hliiggii.nlS, & OO.,OOlUll1Itiy' AudJiloolI'lS Dr. D. T. HiM'lI'l~Si, MD.H" Ellg,iln-ISit. 'I1homa:s Hieal]t)h 'Undrt MUN]jc[IPAL OLE:RiKS AND TRiE:ASUlRlErRlS Municip,ality Clerk Treasurer Al1!dIb00"oUlgih ................ C. I. Bliaidk, \Radlney ................ 0'. 1.. BlJaJCik, Rod!ne~ DUIl1IWdlcJh . . . . . . . . F1iJnJ1ayM]dP!hieJ!'l51Oln, DurtJtlon . . . . .... Mir'SI. M. McNie1iJ., Dwtoolru S(JlUjtlhiW!d~dJ .... . ... ... . W. G . B~eweup;' l'1ilnlgail . . .. . . . . .... W. G. BlLeweltlt, Fing-al Y1all'lrnlO!UltJh, L. 1M. OllJdiel, 3!86 'I1rullbot, st. ThornlaJS, L. M. Owdie, SIt. TOOmas MiailialhiiJdJe .... L. M. ViaIDJ Baltlter; Box: 478, A~liIIlier .... L.M. Van Paltlter Bajyibiam .................... J. n. VaJ!liee,IStmalff,oodivliililie .................... J. n. Va!llee SOUltJh: DwooelSlOOr ............ ,Ftried! .'. Hildie" . RR; 3" BellmolI1Jt ............ FlI'iedl Hide Aiyllmer ........................ J. IS. Foy.,. Ayilimeir......................... J. SI. Fb(Y', Aylmer VdJeI1II1Ja .................................... JlaJClk 'Piettr'iJe .................................... Jack Pletxie Spr1qfd!ellid .. ......... . . .. . iR!aJ1PIh SmiltJh,SlPll'mg1fiJeldJ .. . .'.... ........ Ria)liplh Slmii,tlh: DulotOlIlJ ... .Z. E. MaclCalllum, DUitJ1xm .. . . MisS! M,M'/glaJI'elt LeiiJtc!h" Duttiolll PlQil'lb iSlballlilJ~ W. G. W1hieialton, pit. Slbamiley ........ Mlr's. MiaXiine Vary RIOIdihJe:Y ....,........... Rloibemt F. 001100, ROldi:I1leiY ................... Robert, F.. Colle5 WieSlt ILJOl1'lIlie .... iM\I'!SI. Vle'l'la. Reid, Wiest LClIrIlle .... Mrs. NiOlliIIla A1b~igft1t POI'It BurWlelll ................... W. lEI. Boyd, FIt. BUlI"WeM: .................. W. Ei. BoiYd BeilmOllllt .................... W. O. Ball'IOiIlS, Beilmlomlt .................... W. O. BiM'ons P R GeE_EDI NOdS OF THJE. Elgin County Council FI~ST SESSION -. Fm8T DAY Tuesday, the 21st day of January, 1964 .' The Eilg'in OOUlIl/ty ClaUlIlicH met 1fr1d:s di~y laro itJhJe" CbUll'lt HOU:Sle, SIt 'I1homas, 100 ~eQ!UlIDeid !by SitruuurtJe. '11111e f'oiJJlowing memlbern f1iil'ed Oel1tifliic;wtes lamJdi took thei!r sooros alt tJhe C'oUlIlioil i1:111~ble: OQ\l'ldon W'.oolnelr, ReeVle, A:ldbooOUigih DOiUjgffias'f?iclhllethiaJUlf, j)epUlty" Re1eV1e, AilidlblOll'1oruglh DoIllaJJd C. 1IeiJtcfh, Reey;e, DUII1IWdioh A. Briuoe IMclOaililum, D~Ulty ReeV1e, Duniw1iJcIh N. iG. Tuf.focdl, ReeVle, SaUltJhJwoLdi AilibleI'lt AUiClk!liaJI1di, .DepUlt~ Reevle, Sourt:ib.iwoi1Jq. . .RJobiwt iMialI'!t:ilIll,ReeV1e,' Ya.rmOUltih. JOIhn lMlClKtiJIlJlruy, DepUity ReelVle, YiaArmoUJtlh O. E. Bl'Io\Wli, Reeve, lMla;lamdie W. R. IOa;V1erily, Deputy ReeV1e, iMal,alhiidi~ C. D. 1'P\hiiM1lpsI, ReeV1e, Bay!hJam '"ROISS' Cirurscm," DetpUlty . [R;effille, BayOOm J. B. Wli1sor:L, RAel8!V1€!!, lS00tJh DooMeisltelr R. M~dJn, Relev;e, ^y~!mJer Sy.d1ruew J. GlIOIVieT, D€!!purtJy RJeev:e, A'Y'lmai' 4 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL K. C. Emerscm, RJeevie, Vi<(ID!Illa Herbert ViaUJenJt:inJe, RleeVIe, Sprdnigfd.eJ.d B. . E. Dowtney, Remne, DUlttxm Mirs. VdiOl1et M1C1C.aIDtihY', RJeev'e, PoritstanJley Baa-oLd J. HOW1al1'Id, Ree'Vle, Bodlney J:.J1oLyid Elliott, RJeeVI~ West LOI'tIlle KJeIIlI11eith Biairldi, RJemne, Pont BneJJl O. N .ICIlaTk!e, RJeEWle, Belmonlb The eilJootion of Wiao:rdeni IW'aS prooeedJedl wiltlh, mid on tJhe filrslt baMat, :Rleev'e Rmissiel MClIGbbm, RJeeV<e of .A:yI1Imer, was d1eci1ared: WaD:'dieln full: JtJhie Y'eall", '1:964. RJeev1e BirowIn moved that tbJe el:eotJioIlJ of WaT'd!en be made UlIlIaJIliiimOUlS. The WIalr:denthaTIl~ed tlbJe me1llibers of C0i1.WlCli:1 Lor 'iJhe hOIllOlUa:' ClOll1ItieNiOO:, rM1ld: !took rtJhe JJieIaliama1t1cm of Offdioo. LIDx WlaI1d!en Emerson OOIlIg1I'l~edi WaJrIden MJClKlibbiln on ihds eLelCltion, I3JIlId: presented hiim wilth tlllie LOl'Id E1gilIl1 'Wlal00h aJnd ,the ga. vel of offiICle. MOVied: by Reev:e Mirs. McCiaIrIthJy, SooOlIlided ~ Rleevie G. Brown, 'Ilh3.lt rtihle minfUlt'€S of !the 18JSlt daY' of the November Se&siIon 11963, as pr:in!ted din itJllie lPtroceedJiin!g's, be a~ofVled. --Cla.TrielC'li. The .foRowjng COmmJUlIloowtions 'WI€Il'Ie I'IeaJd, aIDJd lreferlI"eld Ito tlheix v:all'ious Comm:iJttees: ELGIN COfUNTY OOUlN1OIL 5 OOMMIThi'ICATIONS January S,ession, 196'4 From ;tlhie Untiversid;y .of Western Onrt;aJrilO wiitfu. T'epiOII"t 'rurud request for HealliiInJg. - RIe[lell'T1ed rtJo the RiJnJancle C1omm:iltmee. :Flriom tihle O[lltall'io iSiclho.Ol 'I1riU:Slt.ees .ruI1Jd RJruuepaw:ers AiSiSlQICl1aitioin wiJtJh T'equeslt :for a.v.IJemberslhlip mee !alIlia a,PPOilI1ltm'e'Illt of d!e[legiatoo'. - RefierTleld: to.tlhie iEldJucaltionaa: OommJiltite,e. F1rom ltihe Dept. o!f Hi:gihJw!a!Y's w.iJth 19614 Road ElsItimalt.e By-iLaiW. - RlefeI'll'led 'to ltIhie Rioads C1ommiltitee. F1l'1om the Dept. of AgIIii!CiUi1tme Tie: BlliI'beiI':ry' ood! bUlciklilllO!rn a:S1sUlSltaa:roe POl1]cy. - RJe!f'eJI"fled ;tOl rtJhe AgtfliJowtma[ Commd.\tltee. From tlhe 1St. Thomas ISlUibulfban Road IOommislSlioll1 wiltlh !repQlI'lt 0If 1i9I63 'e!XjpendJiJt:u1f1elS aJIlJd eSlti:maltes for li9614. - !RIerfelfreld! ,to' tIhe Road Oomm:i:ttee. Priom tlhie OOlUlI1t\Y' ,and DdlSlffi"i:crt . A:siS1esISIO['S AssIOcialtliOlI1l w1th ~eq'Ule\St for MembeT'sihiip Fee'. - Rielf1e!I'tr'ed :to ,tIhe ::F1iJnlamce Cloimmiltltlee. Fmm tlhie OLe:rlk JOlt' :the. Ccr.tiY' of st. 'IUlomrus: wiltih JaiPlpoinltment of Ci!ty Repf1elSienJtJamiJV'e on Itlhie Emerg'EmCIY MJeaJSIUIl'Ies Orglam.d:zwtlion Com.:. m1irtJtele. - FilJedi. Flr:om tihe iMUlDJiciJpall C!lJerk:is laillId FdinJaJ.1.iO€ OfIf:iJclers A:slsoc:1a1tio!n w.iJth. reqUlest fio[' !Miembersihiiip Fee. - HJeferred! to Itlhe F1nance CIomrnLttoo. FJ:1om 'tIhe imootan1dj w:est Ell'g1i1l1, D~Clt Women's lh:mtIiItUltes wilth ~pIpO'ini:a::nienlt :uo Itlhe Jillgj,nJ PliJon:eer M:iUiSeum BOMtl. ..-,- Rie[rerlfl€id. to tihe FlmamJce OOiIlllITriltrtJee. F1rom !tJh:c C:oUlIllty of OnttM'!l!O wttJh resoliUltiio!r1. reqiUleSJting amend- melI1Jt to tine Weed GicmtlrolAiot. - lRIeferrreid to the AgrioUJ1tuTIa[ CIommiirtJtee. LF'.rom it1he OaiIlJaldliiMlJ Nalt1onlail: IlrlSti!t11lte for tlhie :min:1Jd with repolI'lt and r:equest for gl'8tlllt. - Rlef'ffi'rledi ;to. the FiI1i8tIllCle Oommitltlee. 6 iE!LGIN COUNTY COUNCIL F1rom tlhie SiaJ.'ViaJtion .AJrmjy wdi1ftl l1eqiUlest for gil'!amJt. - Referred to the F.inalrroe Oo11lill1ittee. Thom iflhe Til'liSonibu:rg ,and PiSltJricrt; AssocliJaitiODi tOll" Rieta.rded C!hll- d1'leJ.1 with ~equestt r!or giliaJIllt. .;....... Ref&1'led to rtfrle ~e Oommiltrtee. LFb:-om :the OnIt!all"io AisisioCl1aitdiOlI1i IOf RmJr,aJ: M11II1IiJc1piall:i\tli/es wtth request f,OIf Mlem'ber.sihlip Fee. - RJef,er:I"edl to :the F1n:anre Commli!tltee. Fl'lQim Itlhle OOll.1iIlJty df HiaiS!oogs wiIth il'esiOliwtThOlI1i re: RJe-'loc:altiJng or! tJelieplhone aiIlld Ihydllio serviloeS. - Refer:redl to ltihte Road CIomm:iittee. JiU'tom tJhie iOrnmty of IQrle:y rwilth ~equest tlha:t 1ft1Je OlllltlaJrio GOIvem- ment PalY glI'laJIllUs :iJnJ Jdieu of Itaxles on all !priOlp~by exclep!t !hliighrwaySl. ---. R;efer1'1ed Ito tlhe iPteti1liOIliS' ;amld [Jegis1iwtliOlIlS Cbmm:i>Utee. F1rom DorlaiLdi JeWlell wdd:lh ,apprtecil8.lt:ilon of \SCiho1aa'sh:ip. - FRed. From Ithie U1nitiedl OOlUJI1tiies of NOIl'ItJhiUlmll>e:rJ.and QI11Idi Dulrham re- questing itJhe dutiles of aIl1J IlnisiPooUOIl" IUnidel1' .the ISIaif1ety C:OIlliSlWucttiJOiIlJ Acrt be oaiI'lriieldl out ib(Y' otlher iProv1ilnicliiail lOr locaa: iil1::1iSpecIOOrS. - RietierJ:'led to tine iBetiltiOlllS and [;eg,i:sl:wtiom Oommilbtee. From !tJhe Umtedi ICbUIlltiles of NOIfIthJumbea"land anJd Dtm1ham ;re- quelSltdng Ithe ProvinCiiia:l GiOlVle!l'IlllIl\eIIllt p~y flOll" fire ciaJil:s 100 ve!hlicJies 0Ill Pl'ovilncliiaiI HighlWlayiS1. - ReLetlU'ied 100 ltJh:e Betditions a.nd Legislliatwm Oommiltltee. . From ;tihie Four CIounlties Hic>spirt)al W!itlh reqUJeSlt fOil" gmmdi. - R;ef1erred! to Ithie Pmaa:liCle Oommilttee. F1rom tibie 'Oounlty of Wenrt:lw1O!l'1tlh wiIth re$petclt tto oosts of D1ivisdi<m CioUi1'lt. - Refetm':edi to itlhe iPietiitdJOlIlS anld! LeigisJ.Jaltli.onS: Oommirtitlee. From ltJhJe St. Thomas Times-iJOUIVn& Repootem 'WIiIth a.pprleCliJaltiion of grmt. - iF1iJled. From Ithe OOUJ1lty of HI1.lIl'IOin 1'leoommenlddng ithtalt tihe Mun:ilCipail .Acit, Se'c.tdiOlIll 3~9, ISulbseCitian -4 be 3iIDeIllded to :inIci1luJde OouinItiies. - Referrred ro ltJhJe Pieti:tions lail1idJ Leg'jlSlaJtiJOns iC'ommi!ttee. EIJGIN 00lJ1N7rY IOO~OIL 7 Flrom Itlhe GoUi~.It'Y of IHIuroni re.oommen!diing I1ihlaAt iW:1e Oinltario . H~l Servroes OOmJmilSlSdiOlI1i belI1iefiit!si be ex.tendled 00 :i!nlCilluJde NiUll\SdIng HOIITlI€IS. - Re[ielTed \1;0 1Jhe iPletiltliions: IMlIdi liegislaltiom COIIlIIIldItItee. :From JUhJe E1Igtn School T.flUlSltees' l8.l11Jd RaitJepaJy'€I1'IS' Asooc'ialtion wirth reqtUiestftor laIllIlIwal gl1'lant. - 1Thef<€Il'IDed tAo tlhe IEldluooJtion CD'll1!lI1Jtt!tee. Flrom rtJhieA:sisOC:i:aJtiJcm of Or:1italriJo. CoUiIlltdies 'With Il'eqruest far :rruem~ be'rslhi1p fee. - iRlef:ell'1"eld to itlhe FmaIlioe OommiJtJtee. F'rom :the LaJkie ~ie ReglicmaJ. DeVle1!apment AissOOiaitio.n with request foc member.sihip tfee. - Riefer:red ;to !tJhie FmaJnlCle Commiltitee. Ftriom rtJhie Dept. of ;LaibOUJr ire Saf.e1;w aOlI1JSltr!ootliiOOi Il:n\SIpeciOOr. Refierr.ed rDO ,tlhel !aoadJ COmmtuoee. FIDom tlhie Effigm COUIlIty !PilOneer Museum wdtth 1003. Pl!nanc:ial SltJaloement. - Ret1€1l'IDedi rt;o Ithe FimJamlce ClOIl1lmi<Utee. [FIDom rtJhie BaJl1lk of MOIlltJreiaJl wj[)h :iJnJvdttatJi:olIl to dli:DllJie1" ()(IlJ 'Ithium- day ,evenlinlg, JiMllUJaJ:'Y' 2C3ll'1dJ. - Ned. [FIDom lRo!bert H. Davis!, COUinlty Reg.ilSltJrialr, wirtlh r€{POl'lt of RJegisitry Of.f:ioe !for ItJhe year, 119613. - :Filled:. Rejplles fil'lOID 10000er 'Oownrties Il'ie Elig'in OoUlJ.lJty IreSClI1iuJtiio were IleaJd a'Ilid oodEIDed flii1ec1f. MJOIVted 1bW' lRieeve Wiilisoni, SoooiIlIded by RJeevIe CDarkie. ThaJt the Watid!en 3JIl:d! Clerk be wUhorlood rto submilt to the M:1ndster of Highways of 0nl1m'"i0i, It)hJe petiJtiJcm of rtJhie CoUlIllty of _in, s'bJOIWtn.g itJhalt f!rom une filI"SIt dJaiY of iJianlUlaJrY. '11963, UlIl!ti:l !the 3illSlt day of Dooembell', 1003, t:l1&e hJas !been ,ex,penJded on ;the CDUiIlJty Highwaw system,. ,the SIl1!Ill of $8119,81615,.312. -CanTLe/d. 8 'EJrEI,N COUNTY ICOUNCIL The WiM'idJm1. alPpo:inltetd: Reeves W1oomer, Liettcth, TulffoI'ld, Mlid: MaJ:'I1liJnJ, as :a, ICbm:m1i.rtiIbee Ito ~tmiJ~e rtJhestamldJing 'coII1!In1tltees frOIr the Y1ear, . 19614. MOVled by Reeve Woolner, Seconded '.. ;QY Deputy Remne SCIhilieilhaUf, Toolt we 'cIJonowladijiOUir'n loomeelt on WedJnesidJ~, J1armall'y 2l2i1:1Jd, 2Jt 110 a.m. --C1alI''I''teld. .' , J.D. THoil.v.tJS<)N C!lerrik RUSSlEL MCiKI[B[B[N Wlall1dJen EUGIN OOU1NTY aOUNCL'L 9 FIRST SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 22nd day of January, 1964 The E~ID OOlUJIllby OaUIllC:iU: melt iJhds day art; ItihJe COUJrit House, Sit Thomas, in 'ruCicol'ldlMlioe wiltih i~d:jIOiuirnment. The W'alrdleI1 in ItlhIe CibJaix. An ltihe memlbell',s pl'le.5en!t ,exoept Depu:ty Re;eve MClIvoc. The Wa.l1dJen we1comeld 't.he [lJew members !Pl'Ieslffillt. The. mIDUues of tJhe pr;evlioUiS day were Xie8.ld ilIDIdi conrf1.irrmeldi. Moved:by Reley'e Bad11di ltJhtaro !tJh,e lagr~culi1Ju[1al il'Iepll'le51entative be n101W lhJ€laIl'ld. Mil". :LiaJI1lgltlonrudJdir!els:SedJ ,tlbie OOUlDlCliJ1 .em flall"m C101Il1dliltjlOns, repoil'1Os 100f f:a;rffi ,alrulbs, :Mlid jiUlI1lior f'aJrm€ll" orga'IllizatWOlIllSi, wirth ra reque&. tor a 19164 grantt. The W1aIDdien tlhJaIllk;ed 1MJr. LMlig:tJon IiOIl' lhii:s eXicle1WelIlit T1epoll'lt aiDJd l'ieDerir'edi :tIhe II'!8qUleiSlt to rtlhe A!g1l'!~aullibuirail CommiJtltee. The l'ieport of ,the ISpec:iJal Ooo:nrn:U!tJooo va se100t :the StJa;ndilng OoIlJJll1JttJoees Ifar 1!9i64 IW,aIS pll'leseI1ltedi Iamld ladoptJed Ion mO!td:on: of ReeIVe Woomer aIlJd RleeiVIe Tuiffood!. MOVled by RJeelVe EJrneI'lSOI1, Seoonded by Rteeve 'l\t:1Jrls., M:ic(~am~, 'I1hIrut we diD TIloW laidljoUJmi rto meet 'tJhiS IrufiOOm1JoOltl ,at :2 p.m. -cal1ried. The C'OlIDcil lI'iesrulmeld. The :repoil'lt of the EqUializruticm Clommi.i~tee 'W13!S pil'leLSleI1ltedJ Mlid 12Id:OIpted lOin motion .of RJee;vie [)OWIlJ~ i3IDd Reev;e WiOOlnJer. T'Die il'epoiI"t of iJhJe AlglI'icUiJuUJria:l OOlITll!nlilttJee Wlas presented and atd!OlPitE!d on motion IOf ReeVle L~ftcih. land ReeIVIe MaritirnJ. liO ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL The Tleport of the Petitions and LeigdsillaJtiiOlrliS Oommilttee was preslented amid adoprtedl 0Ili mot1<m of Reeve BaWd iMlJd! DepUlty Reeve A uck:1'M1ld. MOVled by ReelVe EJrnensOTh, Seoonded bW RleelV'e J.\1JnsI. MioOM'ltlhy, 'I1h/a;t W1e do now aJdjiOlurn to meet on ThrUJnsdiay, JiaiIllUaJI'Y 23\1"di, at 110 a.m. -Ciaa:'~ied. J. :D. TH:OiMlSON Oletrk: RUSISEL MiciKl:B!B\IN Wlaxldien EI.GIN OOUINTY OOUNO]L 11 FIRST SESSION - THIRD DAY Thursday, the 23rd day of .January, 1964 The Elg'i:n oOlU1l1lty OOlUniC:iiL met ;tjhis day I3Jt; tlhie COUll'lD HoiUSe, SIt. 'I1hoffi3JS, i!nJ I8JClcordlMroe w.iJtJh iaJdjOUl1mlIl1eint. ThieWaIDdlellli Iiln tlhie Clhiaix . A;R ltible member;S! IPI'IeS1etnJt 'exlClelpt Daputy Riee~e Mic\Ivlel". Thie m1nlutoo iof 'tih!e prievi:oUlS1 diwy W1e~e lI'Iea\d aIIlld approVied. A icommUiIlJi:ClatioIl! fX!om Ibhe V:i:1Wag1e lot' V1erurua lI'IequeSlting dietlac\h- m!ent [['om ithe 'I1i1I:sofllbiumg HiIg1h ISCIhooJ. DiJsItir!i:CIt and alIllniexioo ,to 1:I'he Ea.s!t El!gilnJ HligIh ISiCihoo1: Di:sItriJot WIllS lI'Iet:er!l'ied to ltihe Eldluc:at'io!I1 OOllllllI1iiitJtee. A CidiIn!I:riJUIIljiJOaltiJorn [Tom it!he SIt. Thomas and SUlbUJrbam. . P.LaI1IIllin~ BOaIDd il'IeqrllJoo1Jingi iappoiJnltmiell1rt; of \dieilJeg1a1tes ,to la meetJing 0Il1 :mebruar:y 2I6ItJh was .rerf1erlI'led va tlhie tAgirliJCIUI1itnm1a.1: IOommiJutee. [MioVled: b!y RieeVle E1mers<m lthiaJt ltIhe <delJelg1aJtd.on fJ:'lom the University of WeJSIter:n OtrlltiariJo be now !heardi. Dr. Hlailil adl~e:SlSledl iCOI\.miC'.iW 0l1l tlhie liarrge i1ncrriealSle i;neIlll'!OIBment Iamld lt1he Dieed [1()[' 'erxJpa.IlJSii:OIli of flaci:lii:td!eIS :t101r s:uudentts Wlirtih a ['leqjUielslt [fior I3l gr:wt. Thie WiaIDdJen l~preiSSledJ i~eciaJtii!On to Dr. HiaJl &1Id iJ:1efEW'edJ tbhe ~eqlUeslt !to rtihe F1inImoe CIOIlllimiutee. MOViOO b~ Reff'!eI Ji'lrnersOOl! :l:Jha1:l rt:Jhe IdJe1!egaIt1o:n from tJhe C.!ai!l-!aldian NaltionJaiL · mOJsmt!ultie ifor itlbJe BllJind !be now lheaIDdJ. Mr. Wheeler 3m.id: . Mlr. u.v.IiuJl'idoClk laJdldlrel.Sl.Sed :thJe COuinIcil aJnIdJ dem>OOl.lStJriaitedJ ,a new ,ta.pe re- oorder If:or Ithie Blli:nld w:i'tJh ia iVelqlUieslt fior a 'g\l'Iamlti 0If $I1~,OOO.OOI. We Wiamdie!I1 !tJh~ed .tJhe dleillegatiJor1 iaJnldJ il"eferr,eldi iiIt IUO the FliniaaliCiel Ctornrm:iitltee. (Reeve J\flI"s. lMiciCiartJh.w mov:edJ 'thJaJt Dr. MionItei'bh be now hea.'1:"d. Dr. MonteiJtih adidl"es:sJeld rtJhe COUlIllc:i:l W1itih r:espeot to i1he FoUil" Oormties Ho.spttail.. 112 ELGIN COUNTY :OOUNCIL 'TIne fiTsit :f!elPoot of me Fma.IlJoe Dommirtltee was prelSlEIDited aInd adopted iOll1J moti!olI1 of RieeIVe Woomer a.nd Reeve E1lJilQltit. The rep()['1t off tlbJe ,RJolad Oammi!btee !Was ,prelSlelIl!tJeld ,and irtWlas l1llQiVted! by Rlemne Emieil"Slcm rtJhJat !tlhe iCI01UniciJJ go itntUo a. C/ommiiItitee of' me woollie,' lamJd 'the Wlamdle:n ;roppodn;tJed ROOVie PhillilPlSJ to tailre tIhe Clhiailr. A lleI1loort:il1y disClUiSlSd:cm ItJook plaJce Qi11; alPPOiin:tme1lit of an IinJsIpootor UI1Jdlsr :the Cbmt,ruotliicm !SIMlelOS tArClt, iaJIlld a IIIliOtion to amelI1id tlhe report by IdeJJet10n af ItJhe arPpoinltmenlt iPl1e51e11lood !by DeiplUlty ReeVle GWorveI" W1as lIOSit. The Oomm'itiUee 1all'1OIS1e Mlid the il'iaport on illlot101n of Reeve !PIhiIDlPs and! ISIe1C1oolded by ReeVie Lettcfh waISI .'8IdOpited on a Irecmdled v:OIte requested 'bw RooV'e WIiliSIOO11. YEiAiS - Wloolinie:r,. Ll6iitclh, ,i:MciOaJ:lium, 'I1ulf1foil'id, AuckJand, ~iKiin- lay (:2)'; B.roWlUi, 'ClaIverl'y. Wil:s.oInl, EmerSicm, Vl8lltenltirne!, ED:1rotro" 01laT'ke 1i4. NtA.Y1S - ScihlieilhalUlf, Mamtlint ,(~); Ph:iJ.l1ps:, CiM'SiOOlJ, McKiibbin (~); G1Q1V:e!l'. DOIWIn~, MirSI.' MciC'a~, ROWlalI:dl, Bud:' - '12. M()!\IIetdJ by HielefVe ErneIrIS'OTh, SleclOlIlld!ed O\V RJeelVle Mira. MlciOartJhy, Thialt W1e do now :aJClljou:riIl Ita meet rlthis laIDter:nJOloll:1 art; 2: p.m. -CllWrioo. TIhie Gownc:i:l iIiesumed. The :relP(>J::t at ,the ~oa.tion iOo1IlJll1..ttltiee W1a1S1 presented amid 3ldIQpood on mOltion of Reeve EllilOltt 'aa1Id Depwty ReeiVie ~edlhauf., The IOOpOrtt oIf t!he iElIgiln iMamJor COInIllli:tltee 'WIa,s ipl"eSerruted andi rudlopteld Olli mOItnon lOt R,ee:v:e TuffiOlId iMlid :aeeve Plhd~~. MOlV'ed b(V Reeve Wi!lroni, SieClO!I1ldJed !by :R.!eeIVe Elmiell'S!lIDi, WHJEJRm:IAS IEllgdn Coi\1lnr!Jy OOUiIlicil xeailrl:2leth'rut 'the nli81tter . is a pr:oblem beuWleaIli !the OeIlltl'lail. Elig:irn DisUr.iJClt Hjglh Scihooil BOIard 31Di~ tihe St. 'Dluoml8.S BiaJrons Hoclk;ey Club and, EDGIN OOUNTY (COUNCIL 13 WIHElRIElAJS. El1gin ClolUiI1!ty Clmmc:fl Lrlea1i2Je tJhe. importance of oom- pet~tiV'e Spo1'itJ.s: .uo .the peap]Je of :mLgin Oo11lI1lty; and WHJERJEIAiS iEll/gjiln CloiUlIllty OOUlI1lClil :feels ~t a OOOO1U1ti:OOl to tIhe priOb:lem fOil' tlhis ,rurea ,as 'WeR IMl <othera~eaJs of 'tihle pil'iOvmoe can:. be inittitatood by itfr1:e Dept. af EdooaJt101I1, provi:nJc;tai1 Oi()lV'ernmenlt of Onitaa-io. BE rr RiElSOruVEID .tlhirut !the ProV1i:Illcdill!l GQIvIernmenJt be asked to i:n'Ve.Sltdg:alte ~ i[,ealSliib1Jj:tIy of iMnieI1ldmg ,Seclti<mi 68 of fueO!ntario SleiConoory Scih.oo1s and Bioa:rdls of EdiUiCaJt:LolIli Aict tlOai:illiOlW the . trans! er of g'l'lanJts m caStes ISIUlc!h ,as iJJ:1llis; or .aillllendJi:nlg itIhIe Acit !to aililiow w- d€.!lJJUs m sucJh C:ir'CU/mS:tIain1ceLSi a.s tihleylOung hiockey pllayerSl to be dJec[ared las If:esidieI1lUSl of 'the diiSitlr,:LClt l\Vfr1:ere they :llil'le aJtitJen.dli.!nig SICIl:1iooa!. -ClaJl'lI"ied. iMlOlVled lbiY Reeve WiUiSOIli, SecorI1Jdled biY ReeVie PlbJililliipS, WtH:ElRJEIAiS rtlhie plI'o'Visiol]s lof The OOl1JSltJ:iuJcltion Sll/fetIY AiClt r€lQ:UJire tJhiat :tlbie OOiUiIllCltl of evieJrY GOUlIlIty '3.iPpo.:Lnit lime Oir more i:lliS\POOtJOIl'S to 'enforce the PI10'Visi00lSl OIftfr1:aJt AiClt, ANID WIHElRIElAJS the Cmmc'il has ,ruppomted LSiWcJh, an iruspecltor, AND WHlElRlEIAS .tlhie cost lof eIn\pwoymg slUlClh, laJIli iJns!p€citoIr imposes an 81dJdli!tdiDmlil. ,anid hlea.ivw €'XlpeI1lSe on, rtJhe OoU:IlJtJy, RlESO!INED tibJat a r:eqUlest !be mll/dle to tihe iUeg:isffiaMVle AiSlsembly for IaJn iaJIllIllUJaill ISlulbsdidy tbo paq oIlie-hiaJIf of 'the 00SIt of employing SUidbJ an DpeClDDIr, AiNiD F'UR.'TIHIEIR IRlESOOVED tJhiat a IClOPY of 'tIhiis resoLurtion be S1eI11t to tlhe M'i!nd.s!te:r of Lialbcmr:, ,to. Mlr. lR. K. MciNeiil., M.P.P.,to the ,SeooetaJry of t1he Orutario MJU'Ill:LCiipail. AislSiocirutiOiIl, .alllJd to' ltih:e Clerk of eruClhOounty lr6questd.ng 'tihlat a SIimilaa- !1'Iesoliuiti!On be !piaiSISied aM tJhiat a copy be lSerut fo:rw,a;pd to 1tJhie Miindster of lJaJb()lUJl". -aM"riJed. 14 /ELGIN COUNTY roOUNCIL The S/OO{)[l!d; :I'iapoil'!t IOf ;tIhIe F.iinJamJOe Committee W18.S presenJted and adapted 0l1! mOltion: of lOOeve Woolner alIld: Reeve Emerson:. The WaiI1den iawOiinlted tJhe fioililowinlgdJe1Jeg8itles: .to alttend tbJe ViaJl'110/UlS1 OOIlJVoort1!01Il1S : ONTA!R[O GOO[) ROAfDS - P'h:i:11iPSI, OaITS011i, Woo1I1JelT, Scih1edJhaiUlf, MClIGn:1iaJy, GLovier, BaJia'id, Mart1n, J:./eiltClh, [MoOalilium, WiM'dien MJCIKliIb- Ibm, 31l1Id Itlhe AiSlSlhsiuaJIllt iClerlk-~eamlllier . ONTARI]O EDU1CIA'I1IiOfN1A[..AlSISOCIIIA TIION - W1wrdJen MiclKibb1n, land tib.Je ffierk-'I1rteaiSlUIDeir. ONTAlRJlO iMiUmCrnPIM.i AiSSlOO]AT]ON - HiOlWlalTd, El:1ioot, Emier- san, DOIWitl\ey, Wil1Json, ViaAI1Emlmne, iOl3!rkie, Brown, WiaJI'iden McfKi.bbdn, jtJhe OLffi'lk-~easul'ler, :3.lnd ;the Aislslisbamit CiLm-'I1rel8.lsUIrer. MOVIedi by iReeve Woomer, Seconded: ~ Deputy Reevle &milleiJhaAUif, 'Ilhiat ~-~8IW No. 11849,"'110 .AJuJtJhorJze tlhe Wa:rtdie[lJ a.I1Idi 'I1rleaslUlI"eil" to Bol'lrow t:hesum I()If . Ni!nJe HurnldJr.ed 'l1hOlUlSlMlJd DoillLWl'iS," be ~ead a . first iIAime. -C1aJl'1ried. Moved b~ ReeMe Elliiott, Seconded by Re:eVi8. HOWiM'Id, 'IlhiaJt By-{[;a,w No. 18419, !be ll'Ieald a seoOIlJd time. -Oall'ried. Moved /by DeipU!ty Reeve MciOailJIrum, ISeoonded by !Ree'Vi8 Lei~, 'IllulitBy-[.a4W No. l!8i419:, !be mood! !a :tibJ1rd! ;UL<rn.e, and f!i!l..aJly ~-&...~d!. -C1M'ried. Mored by ;ReeVie HOWJaIl'\d, EI../GIN OOUNTY OOUtN'CIL 15 Seconded b~ RJeffil1e LettJeih., 'I1haJt By-Law No. m5l0l, "[B~iJI1Jg ,a By..[jaJW -to RAepeal Biy-iLaw Na. 11816., of 1fuJe Oarmty of iIillgm,'" be :read 181 fdirS(t tdme. Mo;v:ed tb~ Deputy ReeVle MciOa:lliUm, SeOOllJdledi by Remne HOWlamdi, That .By-[,am No. 'li8i5tO, be r<eada second luime. MOVl€ld! by ReeVie LeliltClh, Sleoondled by Rleeve. Mtout, -CiM"ried. -C1aJr:l"i.€d. Thwt B~-Liam No. 11850\, be lrIeadl a t'hliIrtd 'time, iMlIdI ifiilnaiLly pamed. -Om"ied. Moved! Ib~ DepuUy Ree;vle iM.CiOalliUm, SecOiIlJdled! by !RieeVIe DO'Wltlley, Thialt B~-Llaw No. 181511, "BeiJng a :ay-iUaw 'UoAmemdl ny-Lam Nb. 1:6\96, TheirWiY Ald!jmtiiID./g l1fuJe iSailiaiJ:1y iWI1ldi :Mi1I:e8lgie .AJlJow:anJoe of tiI:1<e EI1ig:'iJn: OQlUlIllUy Rood ISUiper::iJr:utenJdelIllt," be '1'Iead! a filrslt imme. -C!alrTietd. MMneldi '~ iRJeeiVe 'TIulflfoodi, SeclOll1ldJedl ib\V DepUltY' ROOVIe AiUCikilianJd, ThaJt B(v-[JaJW' No. ,1:8151, be read! a seclOnd time. MOIVIedi by DepuUy R.ieeve AUlClklllMlid, SeoonJdleld by Reeve 'I1uf.fIoI'ldl, -ClalNied. 16 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCn.. 'TIblaIt [Biy-!LaiW No. 1851:, be '~e3id! a tJhiTd tdme:, 'amd! finality p8iSlSed. -Caa:TIoo. MOlVleid: by DepUlny Rleeve Arookillalrlid, SeClO\l1ldJed Ibw IOOe/v1e B~d, 'DhJaJt By-ff.eaJW No. 1815121, ""A lBy-LlalW to Selt rtihle 'TIota;l Aggll'iegalDe "\T.ailJUlaJtiOI1ls f1ocr:' ApipIO/l'ItliJo:nmelrlit of C1OU1Illny Rate :iJnJ Ithe OOUJIljt~ of Ellgtl.n in 1i91614," be ['lead! Ja [.IDsit rtMne. -Clamoo. MOVledJ by [R,e,evie Baird, SIOOO\l1ld1edi by De:pUJty lR.eeivie AiUlcklJJwd, ThJajt .By -Liaiw !Nio. 1\85121, be Il'loodl 'a sooOlllld It.inre. -Clail'lrield. Mov:edJ by Depwny RJeeV1e Au~and, Seoonded: by De:pWVy Rle'eV1e GloV1er:, ''I1hait BiY~W NOi. 11815/2, !be !read la ,t'l1drti time, and firlail:1y passed. -Clarrield'. MloviedJ by Riee'VIe Badir<d, SeoOIllded by D€ipUltiy' ReeV1e OloV1er~ Tthalt B~-~ No. 1663" "'To Apporint a BOalVd! Olf ArudiiJt in tlh.e CIouJrutIy oJf Elgin: [or the' yeaIr', 19614," be Il'ood a filrslt tIime. -ClaAl'rleld:. M)oV!oo by' DepUJby RJeevie Oarson, SoooooedJ 1blY' Roov:e Bawd, Thait By-/Ww Nlo. 1:8153/, be Il'le:ald a SOO<IDd! !time. ~. ELGIN OOU1NTY OOUNCIL 17 MJoVlelCil !b~ DeipUlty lR<el8IVe GU.OV1er, SeJciQlI1Jdied b~ ReeVie PfrlJililiips, Tha!t By-LaiW No. 118153, be TleaJd a iihd.!l'ld It:ime, and! f:i:rual1w passed. ---C:aITieid. MQlVlecL !biY lR,ieev,e Wi!lsOlli, SeClo[}jdiedl by iReeVie ViaJ€lllJtme, That By-LalW No. 1181514, ""110 Appomt a iCIolU!I1lt~ iRJoaid! Oomrnitibee," be iI'lea..cL la iHtrlSlt ltiiJme. ---ClalITleid. MOVied! by :ReeJVIe VroelI1Jooe, SecOlIlJd!ed by Riee'VIe Wlii1sIoo, 'I1hia;t By-LiIDW No. 11181514, be ~eaJdi la rSIOOOOlJd: iIiIime. -iClarneid. !M:iOlVledJ !b~ ReeJVIe P!hdJilIiips, ,SeC:OI1Jd!ed by RJeevre CiliaJl1roe, Thait B\V-La!w No. '118154, be lI'!eadl la ta:liiJl1d! ltime,. aIllJd fina1i1y pa.sISietd. .......CIMTioo. MOVledi bw RJeelVe iElrnEmson, Seoolllldted !by ReeJVIe M:r1S. MCiClaiI'ltJhy, 'I1hia~t By-Liam NOi. 1181515:, "Being a By-Law to PtrlOev1d!e fOl1 tlhie Deta;c:hi!Ilg of 'the V;mage of V;i:eIlliIlia fll10ill lune Till1sionJbUlI'g mgih' Sch1oo[ DiJstJr!i.CIt, iMlld! :a.didlilnig :tfr1e Vii1lJag:e ,of V1erma ,to \tJhe ElasIt ELgm :Hiliglh Sc:hooll: DisrbriJot," be iI'leaJd la f1irst luime. ~M'rield. MOVied !by Reev.e Mrs. MCiOaJI'it1hy, 1i8 ELGIN COUNTY <COUNCIL SeoOlIllded by Reeve Emienson, 'I1h:a:t Bty-Law NO'. 118515., be' ['lead a secoIlldi time. -OM"rield. MQiVled by Reeve Emenson, SecOIIlIdied OW Reev/e Mrs. J.\tliciOalt'itJhy, 'I1ha:t Biy-Laiw NO'. 1118515', be lI'IealdJ s; /1Jhiiirld! time, !OOd IfJJnaillly paiSSied. -C1aJrr.ien. MOIV'ed! by Deputy LRJeev:e OmenLy, . SecoIlldedi ~ Rleeve Br~, 'I'J:lJwt lBy-[;3lW No. 1006, "RespeCltmg tlhe Wedgihit of Icadis to be Oail'll'iJedi lem V1eh1i1cles," 'be lI'lood! a fliJrst rtdme. -OMIrleld. Moviedi by Rle€iVle Brown, ,Semmd!edi ib~ DepUJty RooVle McK:m1ay, Thlwt IBY-[;3IW No. 18516" be It'I€lrudi fa second time. -OaaTield. MlOVl€ldi by Rlemne Brown, ISeClOIlld!ed! 1b(V Deputy lRiaEWIe MciK!ilnJ1a:y:, 'TIhat B~-IDaw No. 11006, be ll'IetaJd ;a i1JllIiJrid rtime, and :fina11y passed!. -cMri~. MOIVedi by Rleeve Malrttin, ,SooOlIlldiedi lb~ RieeV!e BirOWln, 'Tlhiat B(y'-LalW No. 11181517, ""A By-Law lto AiUi1;JhOI'li:re 1lhe OoopoI'l8Jtion of !thie VIilEla;ge of Woot lL<mnie (iheretnJafter oaiLlJedi "itibe GmlniOOe" and! ELGllN COUNTY' OOUNClL 19 whlircfu: term sibJail.l mclude its iSlUooeSiSlOtI'lS !aIIlJd i8.lSlSigm) '110 CiOmDroct, Use:, OO1Id Opelr,3/te WOl"kis RJequillied for tibie 'I1r!MlISmi!sSion of Waiter in the OoiUllWy of Elgin (hiea:'Jemaf,uer caJiliedi "1fuJe :M.iuJrlJiioipal1iJty"), be l'Iead a filnslt tlime. -i08.lI"tieid. MloV1ed by RJeEWe BrlOwn, Second!ed! by Dept1lty Rle8lVle C1aViel'l1y, Thad; 'By-La;w [No. 181517, be ~ead! a. sieoond 'tlime. -OaJrIrioo. Moved by [)eputy RJeeJV1e OaJVIen1y, SeoornJdJed by tRieelV'e ~on, 'Dhait By-[Jam No. 1181517, be l'Iead a. ltJhlii1'!dJ time, am.d lfinaM.y passed. --Oamed. MOVtedJ by RJe€lV'e Woolner, SeoOIlldJedJ by RJeelVle ~, 'I1haJt BIY-iIJarw No. 118/518, ''':Do Appoinlt 1aIl! ]ru;peclto.r iUnldierr tihJe Cbllli- StIDtrotd.OIllI S8ifietw Ac:t," be r:oold a if1rrSlt tdme. ---Ollrrled. IVIoViedJ by iRJeeve LeliJtlc!h, Second!ed! !by Deputy Rieeve MoOaliLum, Ttb.iaot By-Law No. 11858, be read a seoond rtIiJme. --Carrietd!. Moved !by JJie[PuItly RJeeVle MciCai1lIUlnl, Q,"'r>'f'llrl.nlo.n h:tT rR.o.=~o. T .o.;,tJl..h ....,_~~.A.."""_\A. -J I.IoU"",,,_" _ ......._...""v..o6l' That :By-Law No. 18158', be Tleiad fa rbhiJrdi !time, and waJ1y passed. -C3lrlri€d. 20 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL MQlVled by R!eelVe ElThel!'lSQ11, Seoonded b~ Theeive Mm. MciOlwlJhy, That we do ;now '8JdijiOUJr.I1 ,to meet on 'IlUieSldiay, Macr:.cIh 1l7ith, 1964, a;t 10 a,JIIl. -ClaIlried. J. D. THOlMlSON Clerk RUiSSELi MCiKIJ3!BIIN WlaD:ldJen ELGIN <COUNTY ClOtJ1N1CIL 21 REPORT OF SPE!CIIAL COMMITTEIE TO STRIKE THE: STANDING COMMJTTEiElS January Session, 1964 To Ithe Wlamdl6Il, iMlId M:iernibens of >tJhe Elig:iJn OOUlIllty OQlUJIllcli1, The f'01110lWciJ:ng is :tJhe ll'IelPOl'It of'tlhe SpeciJaJ. C'ommiJtltee to Sltmilkethe StJM1Idli!ng OomrnilitJooels flor 'tJhie y,ealr, 11964 : A.dministration of Justice - iJuldgle J. F. IMiCIMiiliLaII1, aalVerl~, C'oUiIllty Tr'eruslUTle!l' . Agricrultural - Wloomer, Lteiltclh, 'DUlfiflOlI'1di, MiarttJiln, Pil:1:iJ.JJiplSi, WiasOO1, BDOIWIlli, Wiwdien MdKiibbID. Oounty Roads- Phtl!~ldpSi, Lrobclh, Wlooli:nJer, Mamtiln., Tuf[lor:di, WlaJrdlen MclKti:llbilIli. AldiVlilsol'lY RiOlad OOlmmj!tiIJee' - BirOWlIli, WilIslon. Elgin Manor - HioW!aJrdl, EI11dlO'tt, LeiJtclh, 'I11Jlftfoodi, Wlamdien MiclK!iibbiIrL. .A:dJvIiislOII'lY - Pihl.i!1Il!1pS!, E1mersOI1. Children's Aid- Bia:iTldi, OamslOO1. E:ducation - Sc!hilleilluwf, MioClaJilium, A:UlcIki1JamJd, MicKJ!:nWay, Cia.V'eIl'~y, CIMSIOO1j, WiiilisOQ1i, HlOiWlamdi, lElJJlJiJOIut, ID()IW!IlI~, MClIVlea:-,. GlOVlell", E1mer- !SoIl\, Elaillridi, 01M:k:e, Vi8.I1!eI1ltme, Wlamdien MiclKiiiblbdn. Equalization Assessment - Woo1JnIeI', Deirtlclh, '1UJflf0!l"d1, MaIl'1t'iln, Br'oiwn~ Plh:illi111ps, Wi:lison, IDmenson;, ViailleI1ltiiinte, DoiWnley, :M:rs. J.\fuOa.r1thy, HiOlW'a!r1di, . EIiliiott, Brui:rid!, C!JJax:me, !a.Illdi Wiall'ldien IMiclK!ilbbiin.. Finance - "WIOIolnler, Le:Jtclh., TuftflOll'idl, MiamM, Bl1'!O!Wllli, P\h:iililIiipSl, WilislOO1, Elmea:;SlOII1, VaLentine, Downey, M1rIs. McCiart'hlf, Hiowwdi, Elliott, Bawd!, .ICUiM"kJe, lainJd! WiM"dien MdKi!bbilni. HeaUh Unit - MTls. MdCiaJrrtlh~" iClla11:lroe. 22 tmLGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital - Phlillilliiplsl, i3JI1ldJ WaJrIdleiIli .M:iCKlIbIbiiln. Tillsonburg Hospital - Oa.u:\Sicm. Library Board - A:ueikJ1Jatnld, IMlclIVleT, SdhilIeilhlaUlf, and W34'dJeIn :MciKibbilIl. Property - Downey, GIOVlea', McIC1al1l1UlIn, /MlIdJ WiM'Idie.n lVDclKiilbbm. Elgin Pioneer Museum - iMeiKliinlay, ViawEmlt:ilnle. Petitions and Legislations - BaWd, !Mrs. MlcOaJI'ltlhy, C1aIDSOIli, AiuICk:llaM, iSclhi~edlhaJUlf, OlWlerly rund Wamd€lIll MCiKiibbitn. Legal - WilJsIoinJ, Mm. MlciCIail'ftJhy', DOW1llie/Y, ':DuJffOlfd, Elmea:oon, Wall'ldJeIni iMiciKiilbbm. Emergency Measures Organization - EmerSlOil1i, AU!CIkilamd. Reception and EntertaJnment - Ollamke, WjilsOOI, 'I1wffOll'ld', Phill1i1ps, Me- OaiJ.Jlrull::n, Eliliiott, IEIme:rSClln, IGWOVieI';, WardJen iMIctKJilbbiiJnJ. 'TIHlA TeaiClh iOomrnJiJ11tee meet, amid! lapipOQ a iCIhJarlirman as: SOOlll 8lS poosdibtlie. AiEl of 'Wlh:iJcIh ills: iI'lespeCltifulliliy' S1U1bmiititled. GORJDON W100!LiN'ER., OlmiiV.ni!an. AlGRlOU[iNJRAL OOMMITTEIE .January Session, 1964 'I10 ltJhie WiaJrdIeln, a.Ilidi Members of ifihIe Elg.iillI CoultlJty 00unic1iiL, The Agrlc.UIlltUlI'la11 Clonrm:ilutee :reparlts 'as folilotws: 1. 'Dhalt a g!l'lOOJt Off $2i,6()()I.OiO Ibie made tlO lthie lociaJ1 Agir'douIDtum.il Offliioe !fOIl' f!axm OI'IgIand.zationlSi lam.dJ JiU1IlIior Faa:m!etr amid Inst'iitltLte GIOO\1IpIS m rt1h1e Counlty iOIf Elgdn [Or: ifhe year, 11964. EDGIN COUNTY iQOOOCIL 23 12. 'I1h.Jajt WatrdlBiIl1 iM1c1KlilJJbm, ReeIVIe Le:iJtclh, ,am:];. Rle'evle Mairltliin be a ICIomJm:iitltee rto MOlaa.'oo rtfuJe gu'laIIllt. 3. 'I'Ihalt Ithle gmiIlltls: to tlhie Aglricu!1ltrUiI'M aII1Idi Ho1'iticuUltrua''aI1 iSOciilemes be PI] tJbJesame iblas:iJs :aJsi [rusrt yea:l", eqUlaw '1;101 me Ptrio!V:iJnoilaJ.1 gl'1aI!1ltJs. ,4. 'I1hia:t Itlhie OOSIoil.:utiiloIli [lOOm Itfu.el iCioulnlty of Orlltamilo !to mooe man- dlaJtor:y, t!bJe .a,ppolilIl/tmenrt 0If rwteed! inlsipootom: in lioclall mU!Illilci1pailliities, be. fii:l!ed. 15. Throt 'tlhie ClOIIIlJIll1UmCiaJUi:cm fr<Dm ItJhJe Dept. of Ag1"iJmlilitUlre re Brov:mcdJa:l A.sisdiSltlaiI1Cle fOil' 1:lhJe oolIlltJrtoJ; of ibambeI'll'!y 'MlJd! buiCiktlhiOll"Il, be fdllied:. .AlIi! of 'WIh:iiclh Iils r1eBip€lCitifillllitr slUIbmiltlted. DONAiLD C. LEIWClH, CIhiMrmaill. EnUOATION COMMITT!EIE .January Session, 1964 ':Do It!he WlaIDd!eIIli, 1aII1Jd: Members of tlhe lEIlgilnl Oouinity Oo!UaJJctHJ, The EdJuiCaroiJOlll ClommilfJUee il'IapOll'!ts as rfoliliolws: 1. Thlat an granlt IOIf !$I9,OOO.ro be: mJaIdle to rtJhe (IDlgiJIlJ Oo!UlIllty Librlaa"y Oo~Opelr1a,ti'71e, f,o!r t~...e yea~, /1964_ 12. 'I1h:ait Ia gil'iaa1It of '$i200~ be made to 1ft1te EIgm Sclhool Til'IUsbees <ail1Id! ~ers Assoo'iiaJtdicm. 3. 'I1hia:t we Il'OOJe!W oUlr membiffi"SbJip fiee iiJn ltft1je Onta:riJo EdluClaltdiooJa[ AJSlSoc:iIa1tion, and! Ithie! WIa..rdIen rtJQI lappOlinJt diel!egaJtes rbo lattend tIhJe arunu.al Cbn<renit'iJOIn. 4. That IaI g.r:M1!t iDlf :$100.00 'eadhi, be ma:d!e ....ltio tlhe :liOCall. libr:aa:ies of 1tihJe OOlUIl!ty. 24 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 5. 'I1.bJaJt la.sclholiaJrShiip gtl1aIDlt of $11100;010 Ie!alC'hi be millldle to tIhe boy and rgiTJ. [1YIOIm Eligirn OQlUlIl!tJy :aJtueII1ldliJrllg \tJhie Uinlhne.rsilty of Wesroell'll1i Q\n- UaJI'.iJo, MIld laJutJai:niing tlhle [big!hJest aJClaJdlem1ic s1tJ.aJI1dilIlg. 6. That a rglTfaJIl't 100f $IlOiO~O:() !be ma.de 'uo 'tJhie boy I\I'lom ElIgiIn., C'oUlllity aJbtJeIl/(:l!ing :tJhie RiJdlgierooW1n Ag:rilClUllltJUIl'IaJ: iSclhJOOl1. IMlJd ;rutl1Ja:i:rlinIg tlhe !h:igih- eSlt paJSIS SltialnIdIiJ:r1lg. 7. ThaJt JMirIs. Delila Wdy, Mir. Wjj1l1diam MciKiJiliop !wd Mris:. MiilitKm Clraik be a.ppOIiIlIted: ito 'tine iLltbrlarw HOMidi Jar ;tlhJe yJOOIr, 196141. 18. 'TIhialt 'tibie ,request of Itlhte V.iJ:1agie of V:i!€In:r11a !to be .c1JebaJcihe:d: ifIrom tthe Till1lSlOIlIbUil"g Hiilglh SchooJ. D.iJSltrilClt IMlJd!'to be 1a.d1di€ld: ,to ,tlhIe East Eligtl[t Hi:g1h SclhiolOil Dils1iliilc!t !be lappl1oVledi, !MlJd tJhiaJt a bY-lliruw priOVilclinJg ]or this ,cIh!alIlIg1e be \!prtelpa~re:d. 9'. ThiaJt OOUlIllty AisIS€tSlSIOIV 1Mr:. HeC/tor MC/LeiaJn be appoillllbed as aJl'b~tlraroor Ita V1M'Ule laJIlid ta;d1jU!st ItJhl€l :aJSSelDS laIlJdI J.i1aJb[u:iJtieIs as pIl'IoiVtded: for Ji:n subSlootiOIllSl 3' lamJdJ4 {)If SelCltion 1!5, 100f Itlhl€l lSeconidlall'Y Slcl1:lIOloUis aiIlid: BOIaJl'Ids 100 EldJUlCiatilOn ACIt las 'aJmI€IIlidleldl iJn 119!611. Ai1il of w1h:iIcIh !ilsi il'Ie:specltf1u1JJJy sUlbmitted. iL. EUL[JOrrT, C!hI3Mman. ELGIN MANOR COMJMIT'.VEIEI BJEPOiRT January Session, 196i4 'Do Itfu.'e Wlamdlen, lamtd: Mem(bem '00 'tJhe Eligm OoUlI1lty OOlIDlC!iJJ, The E~gi:n Manor OO1IIllIlliJbtlee ~epiOI1tiSI IaJsi fo1ffiOWlSi: '1..0o:nsrt:a:':uiClbiicm lof itJhelIlJ€IW Eligm Cbuinity Home :floc the ~edi is pl'lOgJ'1e3lSilng saJtiJsf:a!Cltorjjly, laIlJd 'Wle hia.'\"e rbo .dJaltle paildJ W. A. McDoUiglaJ.ili Ltd., Gffil!€II'IM Con;tra!Cltor~, tlhie SlUIlll OIf $14100',,'3179:.00. 2:. Wle haJVIe :l'IeC/eliJv1edi g'l'IaJIllDs f['lom tlhe Pl'tovinlciaiL GOVIernm:eiJ:1t to dame in tlhe lamoUlIllt of 1$i1163"l;4J4.i5iO. EUGIiN COUNTY OOUNCIL 25 3'. 'TIeIl1Jdem ha.lVie belen oMl1ed fiatI' fUJrI1'ts1hinrgiS: fol" tJhIe Hlome atnId most (llf I17he irtiemsl naMe been seLeCltJedi. Ai~ OIf wO::uiJclh !iJSl I'(elStptoctbfrwl1liy SIUIbmdJtted. N. G. TUlFFORD, ObJaJirmalIl. EiQUALlZATION COMMITTEE: REPORT .January Session, 119614 ':Do ttih!e W1amd!en,. ialIlid: lMiemlbe!1s of rtJhIe rEngiln 100Ull1lUy OOU!I1iCiiai, 'IfuJe Elquru1!iZla:tilQn' OOlITlJrnliitd1ee reports iaIS1 foltllOWIS: 1.. That ilfuJe adljUlSltmelDlt of V1aJ1fl.llaJtilom 'OIIli rwlhiilclh glr:amlW in: liiieu of 'taxles welrf6 piaiiid: iiJn 1191613; 100 pa:'!epaJI'ledi by ItJhIe Cournity Alsises:sor" be aJppmvedi. 2. Thad; By-Lruw to Slet tJhJe ibo1Jal: alggIDeglalte VIaJ.\UialttiOlIllSi for all)p(J(l'- ttOIlJll];efI1lt lof. rOoUlIlfty Halve :iJIlI tJhJe oOlU1I1lty of Eligin itn 19I614, be PfielPa!I"ed:. Allil of Wlhiilclh IiIs l'1elspeotlfll1i1i1lY' Slulbrnitted. BERT DOWNEY,Clhairn1:aJIl. F'INANClE COMMIT'UEIE BElPORT .January Session, 1964 - Firsrt Report 'TIo Itlhe W1amdien, IaII1Id Membefl"s of ttJhe Elgin Corulruby OonncdiL, The Fi!Il/MlJoe OQ.'11Jl1lf]tJbae:r:etpoiI'DS . as flolllows: 1. T!halt Ohirurdity 31nd We1d"Jaifle Pay LiJst NOi. 1:1. foil' $6991.810, and Pay [jilslt No. :li21 fiOT' $!l.,0i617.301, be a,PPll'lCllV1ad. .2."'I1bJaJt C!hdldl1'1ea:1l'isi Aid Socilelt:y P1aJy ]j]srt No. 1:1 foc $2:,8319.29, and Play LiIslt No. 112! flOC $I2!,7H.215., Mll-d Pay LiSt No. 1 (11964) for $i3,146):,,!9 be ~ptrloVfed:. 26 ELGIN COUNTY !OOUNClL 3. 'TIl1ait 'tihe Wall'fdeIll IalIlIdl 'II!'\eIaiSIUX€II" :be '.au1:Jhorwed: It<> boI"l'IOW up to $9GlO.0i0iOJ010 [iI"om too BlaiIlk of il\fuIlItIriaal I8.IS< may. be. Il'leqUJilred, aIlld! a bY-Ilaw be pll'Iepa:l"edl. 4. Thlat a IgiliaJI1t ,of $5001.00 be made to iW:1Je ,SaU:v!3.ltiJoln Amly foc Belth!oodJa H6S1P]tJM. 15. Tlhialt ItJhe IUiSlUlaili gmll1lt of $5101.001 100 'tible IJaiw iIA:bl"aJry, be pa;iJd). 6. That tlhte ifJoililiolWiinlg oOIlSltilbUltJe 't~e Boom of Itlhie El1g1Jn PilOiIllOOll" MUlSe'U1m foil" 11,9614 '-- Mrs. J. Ri. FlwbcihlelI", Mir!S<. J. [)lUinJCalIli GiabQ.itlh, Mm. F1ved SIl:1iv:e1Y, Mrs. ~uJ: J1efif€il"dJeSi, Mr. M. to. Motorle, Rielerve Valen- t1ne, oodJ De!PUlty Rie~eve MciIGnJ1ay. 7. ThiaJt :tll:lIe' membea"lShd!J;> fee of ,$10.001 illl too MlUl1:iclipal Cl<&1ks' aDid FmaJIliOe Off:iJCI~' ~ocilaltron be pafudi, laIDJd ihe caNk-~I"reasUlreiI". 9.lIlJd Asi.sis'tJamlt CllIerlk - ':Dreawtrelr ,wttenId: 1ible 'OOIlJVielIlitwOll1i wiJtlh eXlpenses paJidi. 8. T.hlait ReeV1e 01. D. 1PihIillil.:tps laJl]d L. S. GUJrIl' be padJd membem WialgJes fOlralutend!3!IliCie at /hOSIP~tail. mleletJtIl!gs dJUJrlirng 19631. 9. Tlharti a grantlOtf $500iJOOI be ma;die ito rtJllle' Ell.gm P'ionee!f M'l1lSJe!Um. 1101. 'I'thialt tJbJe memlber.slhiip fee in: 'the OnItall"iio Mlullliciipal As5ooda- ti:OII1i be paid, :aJl1Id ItJhe Wiamdieru to laippomt <diellegatesto altit'end! tlhIe aOllllV1enJU~cm. 111. That tJbJe !1'IeqiUJest of thieOnltarioAislsooiialtion of RlUml Munici- palities {Oll'f a" membooslhlip flee, be if'iJlred. '1~. 'TIh'at tJhe ,xlM'lden .wt'benJd :tih!e 1n~t me~wLf11.g of tlhe 1'..ssOCli!atiorn of Onttwrio OourlltiJe.s;, or 3lPPoiIl1Io :a deilJeg1aloo :iiIl !bds pliare. 113. 'IbaJt ItJhie !l'IeqUlest 'Of.:1ft1Ie lLalkJe ElrIiIe Reg!iionaJ1 Development .AJs:sociJaltmn, !f101" !a. memiblerShdip fe,e /be ilia.tdi OVielI" to ttIJ:1ie MiaIrdl1J S1esIS!iiOIll. 114. 'Dhiart; the salalI"Y of tlhe COUlIllUy Engilntoor be iIroreasoo $1,0001.00 per;918ar, and nleOOSlSiaJI'Y By-lLaIW be plie!pIaTled. Ailtl of wlhiiclh!iS il'IespectfiUJl!lIy SUlbmiltlted. GORJDON WlO<IDNIER" Oha.iirman. ELGIN' COf01NTY iOOUfN'C[I[., 27 FINANOE COMMITmE REPORT January Session, 1964. - Second Repon To tlhe WlM'idlen, iMlId! Members of 't1h1e El1gm OouinltyCID'\IDCIii1, 'The F1inan1ce C100nmilttee X1eiPOIl"ts aJS f ()1!1iows: /1. Thad; ItfrlJe memberslhlip ~ee of l$lOJOO iJn ltJhe 'Col11IlJty OOid DBsltriClt A:siSetSlSO!"S AisSlolcdia:tion be paiiid! lM]d Mlr. MclIJetaiDJ, OO1\llI11W .AsiSie&soc to ad:;uenJd! 1ft1Ie' meetdlng. 2'. Thtwt 1:Jl1te iI'lequetSlt lof tihe TiJJl!SIOIllbiUll'lg alIlld Dis:trliclt .Assoc1is.tilQlIJ., fOT HeuM'lded ChiiiLdlrten faT ,s. gmaJIllt, be fdllled!. 31. 'I1hlaJt.aJDi alIllIlIuail g:rtM1t of $1I2;OOlOuOlO per. Ye8lr . rfiOlr' !fiVle Y181a'l'S be roadie to :t:lhle F1o~ GOUlI1ltliies Hi0lSlP1tJaJ!. IQIIl 1ft1Ie Aroher s:iJoo', Wiaa"cLsviilllel, provi:d!eJd la, hiospiltlallJ is! lbiUiJl\t. 4. 'IlhIwt Ian IMllI1lual g1ranrti of $16"OOOJOO pel!' yi€lalr ,for ~li:ve' .yeal'S' be made to 1lh!e 'Ilillllisicmb!Ulrig HoslPliluwl. 15. 'Ilhiwt a g1l'lant of $I1,OOiO,()IO be madeiUo.b Clabadlilan NaItiioo.!all Ill1ISltWUlte for tIhe Bilimd. 61. 'I1hiat a g['Iall1lt af$l2l5010;0I01 be mwdJe to tlhe UIIliVletr<Sditq of WelSltlaI'IIlJ OinJtlardJo. 7. Walt .tfr1eCiommUlJ1\iJca;tlii<m fTom Mil'. ScJhfUi,t foralIl' incD:'Ieaoo in SallJa.!J:W be rI~emedJ 100 rt:Ihte Prop€lI'\DY Commlirbtre. ,8. Tlhlalt tIb1e treqUieSlt IOf it:Ihe JlaJiJ, SOMf [or an . iIIlclrearein: sa;laI"ies be liaild: over ita 1Jhe Mair<cIh SeSlSiiOn: 13Il1Id! ;(ilia iProplerlty ClOlIllll1Ji.titee secure S1ailiaaie.Sl of JlaillI: staflfs' t'il'Iom ClamplaIl'laJbl1ie CoUIl!t:ies. 9. Thlalt$OO-,OOOJOO for ;I;UTInJilSh:iintg ['or ElgiilIl Mam/Or .begrnmed if reqUlirred. ' .Aim of '\\<fuiJdh dis iI'lespeCltifiUJld(y SUlbJ:ndrtJtJed. GORDON WOOlI.iNmt, Oha~n. 28 IDLGIN COUNTY (COUNCIL PETITIONS AND LEIGISiLATIONS COMMITTEE .January Session, 19614 'Do the Wlall'ldIen, .a\l1Jd Members iOO the ~g!tn OoUlIllty OounJcliJI, The Peltli:moiIliS Iallltdl IJeg1isJ1ruUQIl!S OOlIIllmdit1Jee raponlls ,as folllioWls: 1. 'I1htruttihle TreaolllUftliJOIn fmom the OOUIl!ty of Grey wiJtlh ll'IeqUleslt 'tihalt ItlbJe Otnltrul"io Gmnerllllffiloot pay glI'laniUS fun ];iJeu o!f taxletSl on lallIl. PTIO- vi!OOiiall p[['loperr1;ly,eooCI€!Pt. <HilgthiwlalYS, be e!lldlQI"oodi. 121. 'IlbJalt :tihiereSiOiliuJUiJolIlJ ifJriom tihe U11Ilibed OOUlI1lt~esl of N1ootihUlIllbe/I"- loodl a'Illd.Dun:1h!am.' T!equesitiJnJg. tIh\e P1'lOlvdinCJ~aJ: Govannm€mlt PaIY fOLL fare e:::u11Js 1:10' . V'e!h;i/c!llelS OIIlJ Poo,vmc.iall HigftlIw1a1yJSI, (be filed!. i3. 'Tthtat Itlhe relSiooutfuon fiI'lom itlbJe ClOUInUy of WendilWQI"tIh Wliltlh :re- spect rtIo ~otSlts olfDilvislioo CbUJrlt, be filled. 4. 'l1hJrut ,tlhe /l'IetSloillultliJolI1 [Q''Offi. ibhJe IQ\owty of HuI'lOtIli ~eqUJest:ing Amelooffilem 'uo 't/he M:uridlC1pail Aiot to pernn:iJt OOUlIlltiJes: ,to pass by.-l:aws if or tlhle oOll1itmoll O[ alJ1tiJrrua[s TUiIlIIlWnJgrut ]aJ1'Ige, be fiiled!. 151. 'Ilhlalt ItlbJe r.et5IOlIUltliloiI1 fTom rtlhe OOUilllty of Hu['lOlIli !'ielcommending itJhie OrutalI'liJo HJOSlPIlitall COrnmilslSlilOIIlJ lben16fditJS be eootoodied \00 ilI1JCl'uJdie Il!urstnJg (hom€lSl, be tilled!. 6. That Biy-lLa:w Nb. 118'61;to glI'tMllt tJhie Rle<evre of tIb.le 'DoWlIl!slhip of Y1aJ1'1mOUltlh aII1i .ad!dilitiO'Illa;1 VlOite iJnJ Oommilttees, be !l"epeaJ.ied!. 7. 'I!hlalt tlbJe !l"€iS1oliult:iJotn from 'tlhre Utnl~bedJ CoUlI1lttes Oif NiOtI'tlhtUlmbeT- Land lalrua Du:It.'1Jam tlo laffileIlld tlhie! SiaJf1€tuy CloDlSlurnCiutOln AlCIt so tihialt tJhe dlUitJiJeiS Off iJI1tSiPec:toJr' be IClalI'lf/i!edi out by tW::1le PrlOviil1Jc:ila[ [)ept. of LaJboiUlr or ]ioca1 mUi!lli,cipaJl:i,ti'oo, be €lIlldi01'lSe:d!. Ailil of rwlhiicO:l 1Js ll'lespsClbfiUlJJllY Siubmii1Jbed. KIEN1NETH BA!IRlD, Ohairman ELGIN OOUNTY roOtJ'N1CliL FINANCiIAiL STA TiEMEiNT 29 ELGIN AGRIOULTURALOOMMITTEE January 10, 1963 to January 14, 1964 Receipts Bai1aJlliCle flolrIWlM'1dl, U)163 .......... .......... ... ......... ................ ..........$ oOlUlIllty af ElLgiln, 119163 G~aJllit ............................................ lr4J31.i5I5i 2:,i8iOO.oO TO'DAiL RJElClEIIP'I1S ............ ......... ...................... ......... ....... .......$ 2i,9143.55 E~enses Breed Shows - RoI1S1teiilli iBll1alclk a(llldJ WlhJiJoe !Slhow, ~limJer .. . . . .. .... . .!$ JieMe'Y BaJI'Ii:s1h ISlhiaw, ~yilm€ll' ........................ .............. A!ylrslhiilrie lSIhJow, AiyihIli€ll' ................ ........ ................. ... .... Beleif OaJtlt]el SIhiDIW:, WiailWaJoetoWlIll ............................... iBeeif Oai1Ju]e iShow, lRiOldlniejy ........................................ ~]g,m Beier lPirlodiulooI'ls' AiSlSlocdtaJtJi!on ......................... E1]gii:nJ Hiorlse Blrieeld€ll';s' As/soaiJait1ion ... . . . ....... ... . .. . .... Field Crop Organizations - ElligiimJ SomanJdi Ctrop ThI1iPI1oVlemlelIllt AiSlSloCJiaAtiiolI1 '$ ~]g1m F1r1UJilt Growiens' A:sisiocdiwtiJon .............'.............. _lilll Seed! ~a;in:" .... ................................ ...... ....... ......'....... ... E1g1m AigiritClU!l!MaU. Bodkil€lt ................... ..................... _m oOUlIllty F1amm ISaJf1ettw OOUiIllcdil ........................ JUNIOR PROJlEiCTS (a) .Junior Farmers - iEl1g1iJIll OOllllI1ltyJiUJIljiiQll" F1all'mer>s' AissoC~aJtilOIIl ......$ E1gJ:Ill OOUlI1lty Jundior InisltiwDe ................................ 1i00i.OOi lIOO.OO 616.,001 WO.OIOi 715JOOi 501:0'01 510.0'01 $ 1514UJlO 4001.001 2151.10101 21001.010 21001~0I0i 11001.0101 2010.0'0 11001.610 912)5.00 3100'.0'0 310 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL (b) 4-U Club Work (13 Olubs) - BeJmontt [)rui!r1y OaM ICILUlb - 26 oOlIl1plJetJelCll ......$ 319.00 OOll':iJnttlh Da>iry OaJlf IClJJu:b - 112 ioomp1!etJeid . ....... 1.8:.001 ~aJSlt ~imJ DaJimy Oaili Ol'11lb - 44 IClomp1ebed .... 66;.00 ;ShIedidJen Dialiiry CIa[1f iCllub - 215 oornplieuetd ........ 317.!5Oi ISbJsdidielIl: Beef Oalif CUlulb - 113 IClOII1jpJ;eueidi . .. . . . .. 191.5101 AilJdlbt0l'101U1gi1h Beef OaM OlUlb - 110 Icornlp1lelt!e'd! ... . moo Wru1l!a>CletIQlWln Beielf Oaffif rCI1ulb - 112 'ClOII1jp1!ebed .... 'l8t.00l EligiiJn '4-lH a.v.uaJrlk,E$ Hog OLUlb - 1.0 IClomplJelbed .. 115'.0'0 A1JdIbarougih. iClOO'J:li 01JuIb - 11 ClomplieJtJedi . . . . .. . . .... . . '16:.5\01 DuinJwliidhi Oorrn CI1U1b - 1113: 'ClornIpi1etedJ .................. 19.501 AWdiboroUlgilh ToooClClo CiLUlb - 9 'ClOIITljplletled ........ 13J501 EaSt EIllgmFlorlelSjtll'y Cllulbi - 4 iClOInjplJebeid ........ 6:.00 Shedlden ':Dmotor Cl1iuib - 9 clOmpilieloed ................ 13'.501 (E]1gm ISlhieep CtlJUlb - 6 ICI~ed ............................................ (c) Transportation - 4-U Inter-Club Shows: BelmoIlltlaIDldi . Shed!d!eIlI ICIaJl'VIas Ito .A,yIlmer ~aJiJr $ 76'.001 lSlh/eldldIen iMlId RJodinley OaJlivJes itJo WiaJli1ooatown .. 2/:1:.001 (d) J:inltell'-iCl.lJuIb OOtIl1iPett~tJi!OIliS, O.:AJO., IGUlelPh - 16 'ClcmteiSltalnitsl (!e )4-lH CilJulb J.letaldiarls'AlSSlooiJatbiOl1l . ....... ... ".. . ........ .... .. .. .... .. .. .......... . . . . (if) 'DWIetl!V1e 4-R CaJuib Leruc1!ers' Pirnls @ $1:251 €law................,.... (g) Girls' 4-H Club Work - Fti'VIe 4-H CI1JU/b 100m. DelJeg1aJues, O.AJO., 11963, ....$ iF.we Halil RJeIIlJua..1J.si-.--tAcIh. Days, TlriaIirnIiInIgScihioo[1S 1~9 IOO1.tnity iHQl1ioUJli !PIi11iSi @ $3ijOiQI ea., exdhJainge 'Ilbh'lby-six mOOsUlrlatJtelSl iamJd :BIPOOIIlIS ........................ 301.001 11l5.00l 517 .i5 30.00! Miscellaneous AiUldiilbinJg - JiaJrnetS Ga>lJbrlwiltlh, ll962 \boo~ ........$ 110.00 LUIIlJcIh - /W1rutetriloo OOlUlIllty Bus 'I1our - ;uycr.1e iFlamm - ~ 129, lJ963 .......................... 9.010 29i7.0I0 9'.00 100.00 33.00 1150.001 15'.00 232,.18 19.00 TOTArr... ~sm ...................................................................$ 2,621.18 ELGIN OOUlNTY IOOUNCIL 31 B'amIk lbaHlalnioe, J'aIIlIUiary 1<4, :1!9i614 ...$ [Jess O/S IOheqruJes ................................ 31615,.87 43.50 AiCltUJail. IbailJaJllIoe, J1aJIl1Uiao:;y 114, 1191614 ....1$ 3~2:J3i7,................... $ ~.3i'7 $ 21,943 :515 J'a;I1JUIaJry 1:7'/,614 ~ .AiUldJ~bed lamId diOU!llid ito !be OOl'l1'loot. VieltiJftlJed WlttihiBank.. JiaJmes G~lbr!MtJb;, 164 Ealst .Stmeat, Sit. 'I1biomals. Jalliuamy 211:/64 - AiPPflOVIeid Ib!y :ElIgin AigtrtiJoUJ1J1JuJriaa OommlittJeei: Oeoogie BaJl'1b€ll', IClhiruirmalIl Wiall'ldeIll K. O. E1merlson !Mason 'I1aml1ey A. V. [UamIg1tJOIli, Selc.-U1neaJS. RlEIPORT TO THE' ST. THOMAS SiUBURBAN ROAD COMMITTEIE January Session, 1964 To :1ft1JeOhia:iirman I8.iIlld iMembeJ1'ls af ,tJhJe St. 'I1biollliaJS ISUlbruiIibam Rorud OommissliOIll, 'l1HiE ii1QIIJIJOW1IN1G lis my ANNUAL RmlPORT roo tJhJe OOIn!IIllissiiio. i~[btadhied 1110 itJhe Rle:poI'lt is Ia; lSIUIIIlIII1\aJry I{)If leXIPeIlldliltUJre5 an. Sit. Thomas SUlbUlI'ibaJI1 Oommission RlOaJdIs in 119163 lalllid lalIl les1liJmall1e of extpentd!i'tUI'lelS ill ]91614. '!HE iOOMllVDllSSION ihia:s 214.0 millies lof paved 1l'!QI~dJs fwd 1,.1151 ~ of g1l'1aJV1el I1"IOOJdIs ,UII1IdJer di1ls jlUil"iSldiiJotiJon. DURJING Il!963 ,OOiIllStJrtUlClOiQ(lll lWIas oOInlPLettJecf on fue W1eI1WiJrlJg1UOIll Road! 'Wj;tlh 'tlhie exJoeptJi<m of lSIeedii:nJg lt1hie lS1iopes whim. wliilll be done :in tIhie spr1ilnlg of ,1Jhii:s yjeM". N1EA!RJL Y laJ11 lIDOIPer!t'Y sebtlJemenJt;s hruVle Ibeen IClompliilued: I3JI1idJ it is hopedi :to \SIel1t1l:e ltIhe TlemaJilnii!ntg propaI1ti!es slhiortl~. . 312 E[..GIN COUNTY OOUNCIL ]N lJ9i63i maJirllueIIllaJllice exJPoodli1tnwes for (l'IepiMrS ItOI 'PaJVIemJeIIlltJs anidJ wdinltler mai:nJtenlMllCle wwe '8Xitll'lemely ~1g1h laJllid! lesser :amoUJIllUs IMe bUJdJ- gleitJed iior itlhiis yterur. otihier ~Piellid!iJtUlI'les Wiane of 1IlIOlt'maJ.: amounlts:. Thie exlPeIIlld~1JUil'1e on ISiIg1IlIS 'W'tiJll be lSIomJewfr1taJt wOOSJ 'rul> WaJSlt yierur';Si cost i!nJCIl uidieldi l'IorudJ IlliUlIIl!bw rnM'1roeI'lS IOn lailil SluJbUll'lbam: ~adSi. Thie Silml, of $3,lOOi.OO diSJ est:i!mruDed! l110r ;siullif:ruCle itrnelaJtment WiOll'lk. 'I1hiiJs: iWltlil. dOl iapprOXli!miMIely 2i mi/1Jes or! W101l'1k. rnf more mcmey lis :aJVIa1Jlrublie, rowe wiOIl"k 1SIhi00000idl . be diOlIlle laJS mUlCh !Of ROirud! 1:6 has nJOIt been done iior nleadlY 10 ytelMSi. SielV1etl'1a[ miIlJeISI of Road 212, laJI'Ie la~a ,in .nJeleld of iSlUll'frruce trlealtmelIllti. O'TIHlEIR madinJtieI1iaJlliCle ii/terns Iwe IbUldgeted flOr' as: din preiWioUSi yearn. Aili] of rwU:1Jilclh tlJs il'1especl1JtiUililiy sUlbmiltted. R. G. MiOORm, P. EIllg., Sit. 'I1l1i<mlia,s ISluib1.Wballl ROald OOmID[sSdlOlIll Englinlel€ll'. ST. THOMAS SUBiURBAN ROAD COMMiISiSION STAT'EMEINT' OF 19'63 ~PlENDITURES OONiSlTRIUIC1T']ON ON 'I'HJE WlELUUNIGT10N RJOA[)>-- (ROAD 25, Si.AJ '- SlUI'lVle:Yis ............ ..... ........... ...... ...... .,.................... ........ ... ..... ..1$: GraJding . .... . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . .. . . ... ... . ... ... . . ..................... .... . . ... ... . .. . ... O.lJeaJrmg ............................................... ..... ........ ......... ..... .... M!OVeIIli8(lllt lOt Uitilitdiels .... ...... ...... .......... ... ... ..... ... ...... .... LaiIlJd Ipumclha;se . .................... ... .... .... ............. ...................... Clcmstll'lUJClIDJOIn on IRlOald! 116 SA. ...............:................ 177.8141 8:,2,71.0'0 9151.351 42161.39 91,1977.215 li616.!1!1 'Ilor.DM... OF IOONSTIRiUICrmolN: $1 19,1113.914 MAillNTENANiOE ON .A[JL iSru!BURJB.AiN IROAiDIS - BRJIDGES AiN[) CUiIJVmJR'!1S - 1St. (fflOIT"Ig1e Sltrlerelt BirJidlgie ............................................$ ,Iv.I:ISlClel]liaJn!elOius Bddig!e MaIia1!telIliaJlliCle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IMilsiCleillamJeoUlS OuJ:V1elI't Mamte\IllalIliCle . . .. . .... ......... .... 361.00 -14.215, 13'4J5121 TOTAL OlF' BlRlIDGlElS AJN[) crU1LiVElRTS MAINTENANCE:$! 184.86 E[.GIN OOU\NTY OOUNCIL 33 ROlAiDS - WiIDtJell' MiailnftselliaJllioe . ............ ......... ................. ..... .... .....$ RleiPai!ris ,to Pa:V!enJJellitis ........ ...................... ........ .......... Weed OollitsI'lol .................................................................... Oenwe Dine MiaillkiIllg .................................................. ,~OIad iPiIloteCltion ................... ... ...... ....... .................... OI1aJdimJg" MadJnjUelliaJlliCle .............. ....... ...... .......... ...... ........ GfI'laJV1e[ lRJe:surf:aJCli:nJg ..................... .......... ............ .... ......... 1I3irruIslhii:nJg ................... .'......................................................... ISig1IlJS ........... .'.. ............. ....... .... ...... ..... ... ......... ......... ..... ...... ... DI'IaJimJs ..... ............. .............. ......... ......... ....... .............. ...... ... RiefioreSlUrlaJtioo ....... ......... ................ ............. .... ......... ......... iGiuJiJdJe Riaiil:s ..... ........ ............. ......... ............ ...... ........ ......... [)II'IaJimgie .A:siSelSlSlm1enltJs (~e;paiJrlSl) .... .... ........ .. ........... ISUlpermtlerudJenJCle, ICIlJeriJCIaJl laJI1Id OM' iMille8;gie ... . .. OV1erlhiea;d . ... .. ". . . .... . . . . . ... . . .... ........ ... .. ... . . ....... ... .. ...... .. . .,....... . 7',4BiO.il'l 7~194.5\li 1,,6815,.59' 1,2173.3~ 6143.96 4H1150 280.72! 3917'.731 4511.36 1615,;7;(jl 401.891 26,.2111 7'_011 2;,3159J916 21,6812.615 $ 124;711)7'.218 !JESS MiaJtJer1itall m IStaClk la;s. of ,J1aniuJan:w :1" 111963 OO1Jdi 'I1IIaJIllSIfierll'led! roOi COniStll'tuiCltilcm iiJn 1'963 . . . . 8321.1512: TOTAllt OF ROAlD tMlAENTIEtNiAJ:NiclEi:$ 123!,91214.76 mEMS rP.AiR'TI~Y SUJBS[[)t]zm BY THIE ONTiAIRIIO DE? AIR'IMENIT' OF' HlIiGiHW~YS - 'Dr!aJilnJaJg1e.AislsieSlSmenJtis (ICIOOllSltJruicltJiJon\) ......................................$ 21~()!.59' rI1EMJS NOT ffiJ1BISID1ZIElD BY 'I1HE ON'I1AiRIO ~ OF HIIIG[H!WAYlS - Oomm1ttee Member Flees OO1Jdi ExlpeI1JSeIS ............$ OnroalriJo Good RoaJdls AlslsIO:C. MJemlbierSh:iJp iF1ee . ... Weed l~aQ ImUlI'anlCle ................................................ Rood L!i!aJbri.1rt1ty ]rl.l.'~lu!!'!a!I1!CJe ...... ..... ................................. 300.0101 201.001 28:.001 814,18 4BJ:U8 TerrAL IEIXP~ ON 1ST. THOMlAS1 iSIUil3ItJIRIDilN !R,oA1DSI: $I 43,896.33, ,34 ELGIN COUNTY iOOUNCIL AJMOUINT PAYAIffiJE !BY 'IlHiE OIiTY OF 1ST. THOMiAS - CONS'ImJUOTION - l215% of !$m~lI13.i94 ..... .......... ..... ........ ............... .................$ 14,7'78.49 MAJIiN!'IlEN1AN1OE - 1110% of $1184!86 .................................................................. 12151% iQlf $23)9l214~716 .. ............. .................... ..... ....... ............... 116.49 5',9811.;19 l'IIEMlS P..AlRfI1LA[.,LY ISU1BSiI[)]ZlEID BY IDED. - 1$2I4IOj59 ..... ..... ......... ..... ........ ........................ ........ ................ ... 910.2121 rI1EMS NOT ISIUlI3ISIIDl}ZrnID BY DED. - il)0% of 1$4J3I2Jll8 QI16:.o9 'IO'IlMJ moo !Ex:BEJN[)]TU1RlES: !$li1,0I84.48 PiAfJJD !BY "I1BJE OIlTY OF 1ST. THlOMAtS - '% lMilJa ..,'. ...,' ..,... ....... ............ .... ............... .... ....... ................. ...$' '1!'7.4IOOJOO lUESiS !P3)yJIIlJenJt lof Wie11iLllIgtJOlli iR.lOaJdi Deiben1mI'ie .1l2,8l!6i.OO ISU1RlP!lJUS 1f1l'l0Ill li962 Opell'lartJiOIlJS 1$ 14,1584.00 7,3174.1815 1$ 11J1.,9158;85 iUESS IExpenldliltUJna3 mor ,11963 .................................... 111,o84~418 ISU1RlPlIJUS 'IO 11964:$ 874.37 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMIiSSION 1964 ESTIMATES CON'STRlUC'I1l1ON - ROADS - cmy ShaIDe Wie1mgrtJon ifOOatd LiaJllid lPUI!1MalSle ........................1$ ,~,600.()I0 Seedling ............................................................................. 400:00 'Il0'IWL: '$ ~i,OOO.OO $ 750.00 EI..GIN OOUNTY OOUNCllL 35 M.A1JN7I1EINlAINlCIE - . BRJIiDGE AND ICIUiI.iVlFJRT \MJAIN'I1ENANlOE $ 1,0001.100 $ mo.oo ROADlS - IWliinItJ€Il' ll\1JadlniueIIlIaIIlICle .................................................$ Hl~aJiJrs Ito PaViernellltJs ............... ......... ........ ...... ..:.. ... ISUlrITaJce 'DI'ierutJmEmlt ......... ... ...... ...... .......... ...... .............. BrmisIhd1n1g lanJd: Wleeds ................................................. ISi)gnIS lamld Oelllltrle ,Limel MaJ1'!kmg ............................ Gll'1aJdJinlg, iDlliSIt OOlI1troil iMlId iGm;vcl lReSlUll'\facliJng RJaJilll'1oaJdJ PirIOltleCItiIOln . ... ......... ... ..... ....... .... .......... ....... ... IGiulidJe iRJaiiWs ...... ..... .......... ...... .... ........... ........ ........ ........... ISUipemiInJtJerudJeiI1Cle, C[ierwa[ and 10M" \MiI1e.age . ... 1000erihietaldi ......... .... ... .......... ...... ...................... ......... ....... ... 15,0I00JOO 3,00101;010 3,J1:00I.OO 1,,4100.0101 1,400.00 80101.1001 7100.100 300001 21,5010.001 2(,8100.100 'DOIrALI: $ !2rll,OIOOI.OOI:$ !5,,21501.O1O T10ITWL a.y.IATINI'TIEINiAiNGiEI: '$ 221,01001.0'0 I'I1ElJ.\.1B NOT ISlUIBlSlIDfIJZm BiY OJHD. ....................1$ 1500lJOiOl $ 21510.00 TO'TIM.u ES'IITiMA;TIEI FK)[R, 1ST. THlQMlAlS iSUlBOOiBAN ROAD ICOM1MIESlSrON ....................:$ 215,151001.00 ,SHAiRffiJ OF THIEl ClLTY OF SiT. 'TIHIOMAISI: 1$ 6,31~!O .100 1h MEI..lL li1RJOM 'DHJE CIITY OF ST. 'I1HI01\M.IS w~]1 rpirlOVIiJdle I~OXIiJmruuel'Y ....................................1$ 17,710'01.00 UElSlS PA YIMENT OF WEiIlLINiGTON lRJOAa) :DEBENTURJElS ............................................................... l!2I,216~LOIO 1$ !5!~43:4.00 SU1RJPrLUS F1R!OM IJ963 OBERiATljON1S ...................... 817i4.317 'IOTAiL: $ 6~30I8i.37 ROADCOMMITTlErE January Session, .1964 To me WiamdJen laJllid Oa1llI1lCii1 of )tfr1Je COUlIllty of :E.ilgdJn, MTS. Mcaam1Jhiy lamJd Gtmt},ettnJerll: YOUR ROAD GOMJMITTEEI lblegiS :1Jo lI'Ieporrt; as. rfl.ol[ows: 316 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 'I1HE lFOI..JLOWIfN1G ills a SIl.1IIIlIlllil of <tlhe 0001:5 of OOll1lSltrIJ.I!C:ttQ(lll aJIlId MallintuenJamlCle on ClolliI1lty of EIligilll RJOIa;dis drUIrIiJnJg 19163 : OONS'IlRiUlCfIJ:1I;ON: RJOAIDSi - 1. PlaJVlInig laJllidi IClOmplelb.i:on off Gll'laJdJiInJg, etc., !RJ09Jd! 2, VdWlJage of Wiel.SltJ Lome, iaJIlId the 'DOIWIlISD:1iiJpS of AJidlborlQlugh anJdJ DuiniwtilcIb. ................ ........ ...................... ... ........ ... ........ ........... .................$ 3121,2174.43 2. PaJvmg anidi oomp1ettiloiIlJ of GIl'I9Jdiinlg 13.II1idJ Ol'faJV!eililiiIng, elbc., RJOald! 12101 [mom lKIiJIlIg's Hilg1hJwiay ND. 4 to 'I1u!rvil1JlJesl ClOOiIlIeIl'IS, iJn ItJhJe. VjjIWag,e Of iPiOl'it stanWey aJllidi 'IIoWI1JShliJp af ,SOIUIt!hJwIOIlid . .. ... . . .. . .... . .. .. .. . . . . . . ................ ..... . .. . ............... .. ................. . .... 31S,863 .612 3. DoulbilJe ISUIl'IflaJCle 'IlI'IelaJOmenJt iaJllid ClDmpletilon of GrIrudiing lamJd! lGa"aIVlelilliJn!g" RpadJ 116 [:rom BUIl1W1ellis. Comell'lS 00 'I1ai]bOlt Orieelk din 'tlhJe 'I1owirusIhiiip of iDUIllW,ilcIh . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .. . .. ... . 13,979.86 4. GlI'laJdiiJnig, GraIlJUiLaID BalSe, etc., Rorud 12101 from Slhiedidle!Il; I1Iortohi€ll'lly ItD HIDadJ 118 (,exJoept I3Jt H:iIg1hiWla(Y NOI. 4101,) IilnJ 't:1he TOWIIliSIhdJp -of SoutJhiW1olid ........................................................ 73',911OAl S. iGmaldimg, G1l'IamJUllaJr BaJSIe, etc., /RJOirud 512 rfll'lom, RJoaid 410 eruSlterJiytotJhie New Yorik: Oentll'lail SyJStiem RJaliiLroadl 'I1r9JClkis 11n rtfuJe VliililJruge of [~iII1Jg1liJellidJ &lid tJhJe 'Il0W1l:J.1Slhjjps of SOUItJhi DOO'ICIhiestell' aJllidl lMJall:alhiiJdJe ........................................ .214,0031.39 6. GrlrudJq, GIDamiulJaJr B9JSIe, etc., ROaJdi 4J2i fll'iOlln Rload 40 eaJsItenliy for is.lPPI'Ioximalteiliy 5 millJes m tthe 'Il~ off J.VI]rulaJhdidle aJI1Id BaJythiam ....................... ..... ._...................................... 11214,2715,.111 7. lMJiJs1C1elJliaJI1JelOUlS GrirudJilnig OOI1JSiOrrwcrtdiOIli (,iIllICIliUld!ing worik on !ROiaidJ 153 m the ToWll1l of Ayilmer) ............................................ 5m6.23 8. iSUlf'VieylS, 'rJ.'lalf',ffiJc Cl0i11ll1ltJs, €lUc. .................................................... 1,97~i.71 9. LrusioalilJamion 100f Girubes ,anJdi Fllfils!hiilIllg [j]g1hJt ISilgmJailJs laJt RiaiiJlt- ll'Iofildi OrlolSlSliJnJgIB lOIn RJolaJd 13 ,int1hie VdililJaJg1e !OIf iRIod!nieJY (CihJesaJ.PeaJ~e & OhIiJo RaJiiliw:a;y Oompany) ro1Id! R09Jd .ro iJn tine VJJlW~ge. 'Of Sipll'liinlgtf;1etiJdi (New YloIrlk Oell1ltmaJ. SY\SItem) 4,i5819.43 !ElI.JGIN OOUNTY {OOUNCIL 37 1JO. New MalClhiiinetI"Y ................................................................................ 261,l:79,.OO 1J1. Land PuiDclhiaJse (moliUJdJiIIlJg 'lJamJd ISUJrVIeylS ,aJllidJ iSollLcllUOl"s' Flees) ... ........ ..... .................. ...... ..... .... ... ......... .......... ...... .... ........ ..... ....,.... ll3i,6I4i8.214 1f2,. LaJllidJ PlUJriclhia.ses cflOIr De\'lelopmetnlt Road Na. 6i9i2i, :RIoiaJd: No. 361 ......... ........... ........ ....... ..... ...... .:... ........ ..... ...... ........... .... ............... 33',736.66i 13,. !FlellliClinlg', ROIaJdJ 3[6, De<Viet]opmeIljt RiOlrud ND. 16I9l21 .................... 21,908.43 TOTAIL ROAlD ClONlS'I1RUOTION RID OOUNTY: '$367,91118,.521 [RJOAID ClONlS'TIRfU1CrrION BfY 'IlHE ST. 'l1HJOiMlAlS iSiUIBUIRIBAIN ROAlD ClOMJM]SSIiON RE 'ItH!EI 1WIEII..JLl!N1G'DON ROAD: li9,11113;.914 'l10IlAIL !ROAlD CONlSTRlUlarIlO!N1 :$14017 ,0C3~.416 BRmDGiES AiND ClUII.NER'I1S - 1. (;lolmIPletd!oilli of ltil:1Je D.in:1Jgle :StIDeetBriildg1e Ii.in tIh1e Torwtn elf Aly1lmer laJIlld! i1Jhie 'IlownI~ IOil: MiaJlIaIhIiJdJe ................................$ ll4,51211.99 2,. Chute OOlniClIietOe CiuJl~erIt, iRJOaJd!4l2, tin r1Jh!e 'I1oiw1IllS1hdp 0If !lY.IJaJtalhliidle ...... ...... .... ..... ................ ... .... ..... .... ........... ..... ................. ... ........ 8,541.13 3. ~U1e Oreek tDmim. OOilliCIDetle OOO€ll'lt, [Road! 3rt, m tIhe 'l1olW1I1!Shiip of ISloiUltlh DOIl'Ic:hestell'l (OoUiIllty of EIliglin SIhiare, :lh dhiaJrlgieldi iUo CbUlIli1Jy of iMLdJdI1eSl~) ........................................ 3,9144.212 4. GiOIV\elI'IDIIIlient DmIilru NIo. 21 OOtIllClI'lebe OUll:vlartt, Rood 1'7, !in Itlhie 'IbWJl:llSlhliip of SIOiUltlbiwlolidJ (iOOUlI1It(Y of ITilllgiIlJ Slhiare, :lh clhialrgedi tilo 'tJhie cOiUIlIty oil: a.v.lliIdJdIliesex) .................... .. ... .......... . 4,694.9'7 5. Muilltli-iP1ruue Pipe OOOllSIWuation, Road 412, m. IbhJe Torwru;ihj,p of Mru1aJhiidJe . ... ....................... ............. ................ ........... ......... ......... ... 8,963.22 6. PlipeOW'V1€ll'lt OOll1JSt.a:'IUiCltilolll, IRAood 412, m Ithe 'I1oIwnlShJips olf MaWrumde laJIlId! Baj7lhiam ....... ................................. .... ........ ... ........... 1191)98.5tl 38 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCn.. 7. lPIi,pe OUil~emt COI1ISitmulClUiOIl!, RJorudJ !2IOi, dJni Itfue T101W1I1LSlhd1p Oir- ISIoUltlhlwOtLd: ........................... .'.................................................................. 9,339.64 8. Ptlipe OuJiV1er1t CO!IllSWUCltliJO!lli, Rorud 1512 ........................................ 3,6201.40 9. ISUJrVieylS, 'etc., StaJ~1l€ll' OuilillY BIlildlgJe, RioadJ 4l2I ........ . ... ..... ... . . 507.40 T<YI1AL IBiRJIiDGIE AJN[) ClUDVlElRT rCON1S'ImJUorIlON: $713;,2001.46 TOrrAlL: TOrrAiL lRJOAID OON1S'DRUC~ION ThE iOOUNTY: 'I1OfDAIL lRJOAID OON1S'I1RUO!1ION IRJm iSUBUIRiBlAiN AIR~A: TOTAL BRIDGE ANlD OU1INiERT OONSmUICI'TION: $3187~9118;.5~ l!9,IUi3.i94 7i3i,2152i.48 TO':DAiL OOlNlsrnRUCrrION: $480,2814.914 MAi]N'llEINIANlClE : IROAlDS\ - 1. ISwlfiac:e 'I1rIOOltmelI1lt ........ ............ ...... ...... ...... ....... ........... ..... ..............$ 44,3128'J59 2. WiJnrtJer IOanltroil ............. ..... .......... ... ........ ......... ............... ....... .... ....,.... 4S',2o'1.20 3. iRJ~iJr!s 100 P!alVIemeIllUs ...... ...... ..... ... ............. ....... ......... ............ ....... 216;,11401.913 4. GfI'lruVle~: RJesUJrlDaJc:i(lllg . ........ ........ ........... .... ............. ..... ..... ... .... .... ........ 2I9,43i1.412 5. Gll'IaJd!iJnlg (inlCIliUldJilnig MiaIinItemunoo loIf IGIl'IaNlel lRJoiads) ........ l2','l09.39 '6. Dulst ClOl1Itmol ..................... ... ......... ................................. .... ...... ............ 19',773.23 7. Wieed OOin/tu'lol ......... ..... ........ ..... ............... .................................. ........ 91,71312'.49 8. BriuJsIhImg .............................................................................................. 3:,17:6'.1\2 ,9. ClelllitJ~eLitnre MalrIIminlg .........,.................. ....... ..... ...... .,. ......... ....... ... 9,'5130.25 110. Silgm .... ... ... ........ .................. ................ ................. ....... ..... ............... ...... 4,489.04 ll1. IGu1dJe :RlaJiil ...... ........... ........ ........ .1............. .... ....... ........... ....... ................ 2m'.89 112,. Relfiorestra;ti!on lam Seedlii:nJg .. ............. . ..................... ..... ........... .. . 1,'7184158 13. Rw:i;LrOaAa P.ratecttiJan ....... ..... ... .,........ ...... ... ..~.,..... ........ ... ........... ....'.. '0' ~,"11111 9th. cJ',~:~I~,.c.lV 14. DraiJnJs ....................................................................................................... l151. StJomn D1'Ia!ms, Rorudi 45, rC!a~\toIn rtio iKiIng's Hii.gihiwa.y No.. 19, in ltihIe ToWl!llSibJip 'Of Ba-ythlam .................................................... 2i,4J9~:.6~ 6,,2101.36 ELGIN laotJ1NTY rOOUNClIL 39 J6. DriadnJaJge \AJsiSles.smenJts . ................ ............ ... ........ ............... ............. 7,3'68.90 17. iRielbaitles lto 'TI0W1IlIS laJIlJdJ VdllWag.es .... ............................. ....... ........ 36,9~11.515 TOT AIL ROAlD J.\!EAi]NTENAJN1ClE: $21612i,170.9Il J.V1J]]S~OUS - 1. ISUlP81J.'1mtendenoe ....... .......... ... ............... ......... .......... ....... ...................$ 11,1550.00 2. 'OLel!':iCla.l .......... .......... ............ ............. ..... ... ............... ..... .................. ....... 3. IClaJr MiLeage .... ................................... ......... ............. ... .......... ....... ....... 4. lJ?iemilon ......................... ...... ... ...................... ......... ... ... ................... ........ '5,. UII1IEID1!pWoym:en/t mSUIJ.'IaJlliCle OOiIIlJIItiJ.s1siJOIn .................................. 6. Hiol]iJdJaJYs w.i!tJh B~ ..... ......... ... .... ....... .... ........................................... 7. ISilck: BeIIlletfliJts .......;. ............... ... .......... ....... ............ ........... ...... ............... 81. 'OffltCle ... ....... ............ ...... .............. ....... ............. ......... ..'............... ............. '9. IGaII'Iruge laJllidJ WlhIiJtJe ISta.tilQIll G1l'Iruvel PIiJt . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. ...... ....... ... .'.. .. 110. lRJodJIlIey ,GlaJl13ig1e .... ...... ...... ..... ................. ......... ...... ............ .... ...... .... .... 1,li. Milsiaetl!liaJlli60UiS Repa.iJr!s .. .... ................. ............................ ..... ............. 1:2,. 'IlOiOlJs ............... ... ........ .... ......... ............. ........ ............. ... ...... ........ ............. 1i3. ]nJsUlliaJlliOe ............ ............. .............. ..... ..... ... ... ..... .............. ....... ..... .... .... 114. Gol.1lIJ.fQY MrudhiinJemy OVlerlhierud . .. . . . .. . ......... .... ..... ... . . . . . . . ... . ... .. . . ..... .. 115. lP!el'lIIlJilts .. ................. ........ ................... ... ........... ...... ..... ... ...... ...... ..iClrledWt li6. Dleveil.lopmJeIlIt :Road No. 16912 OVl61'1hierudi .... .... . ... .. . . ..... . . .ClriedJilt 1'7. iMiIsICielilJalIlIooUlSlUmulbisiJdJi2leid ExiPetllidJiltUJries .. . .......... . .... .. . .. . .... 3',31317.210 1.,15i1.318 3',130'.519 6169.73 4"T88.46 1.,135,.811 2';089'.15 5,,4;16,.03 31m.92 2,480'.0'15, 8517'.75 3:,31214.410 2:~13~.56 1127.00 1.,032'.1519 2160.7rr ':DOTAL M]SOEDLAiNEOUIS: $ 4l,479.2\l TOTALS: TO'I1.AL :ROlAiD MA1NTENlAN0E: 'DOT AIL MISlCF.lI..ILANIEIOUS: TOTAL ROlAIDS ANII) 1MlIISCIElULANlEIOU1S BY 'I1HlEI 1ST. 'TIHIOMAJS, iSlUBUHJBAN ROAiDS C'OIM!MIiSSION: $i262,l70.9l 411,4179.21 215,430.'05, $009,060.17 ~ ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL MAINTEINArNIOE: BRillDGiEIS A.N[)I Clurr.NIERTB 1. lP:art BUIl'l\Vle11i1 Brliidg,e ....................................................$ 2,. Birdidlge Piarunting (Meeks aa::JJd ahetlboume) . ... .... 3. M:i:sIClet1l1aJl]eoiUlS: [BrfudJg1e iJ.VI]t~e. .................................... 4. M1isJCleliliaJnJeolUlSl OUJl'VIe:rtt M1toe. .................................... 193.63 2,6001.97 496.49 3,8197.13 $ 7,1190.22 BIRJ[)OE AND Orn.Nm.T D.\TAiIN'TIEIN1.ANlCE - SIt. 'IfhiomaJS SIUlbwI'tbam: :RIooldJ OommJiJslsiiOlIlJ ........$ 1184.86 -$ 7,31S.018 'DOTAL iMAIN'I1EINIAN10E:$3C36,45S.25 TOTALS:- OOIN/S'I1RU1C/I'ION .......................... ............................... .$48()~.94 MAIN"I"ElN'ANCIE1 ............................. ................................ 336',4156.215 Siub-IDatail: $816:.7~~19 1;963 ,STOOK BAlLAiN1C!ID ............................................ ll5l,727.12 ISUib-~atlail : 1$I8312I,4167.3Ill LEISS 19612rSTOOK. BAlLANCE .............................. liO;8i9!9!.47 GlRlAN[)1 TOrnAL: $8211,56:'7.814 BY -iLAWlS din 1:9163 lappllioll;Jlliiia.ted '$8I6I6;~OOO.OOamid 7' minilsl 0Ili tlhe Ool1iI1lty AisiSlemmernJt lra;irsJ81d! iaiplPl"OxtlimruOet1y $3170!,303'.OO. The estimated oOlSlt of lune RioaJd iPIl':agmam m 119:631 !to ltihie COUlIlW' W1asl$3l'7i7 ,310'0.00 anJd\ tlhie e/SIbimaltJed dielfdiCltt i$7,0100,OO. Tillis !O~ lbooalUlSle a. BW-Lla:W fl...pptI'lQprti.iaJtliinJg !$4IO,ooo.IDO (€Isillilma:tJedi IClos;t Ita rtlhie iQOIUII1~ $20:,0'00.(10) was paSlSled! :irnJ iSleIp!tielIlllbw :DOll' lCiOII1lSI1muiCltiiOiI1 on aOOJd: 4J2! irnI ItlhJe 'IbwnsihJ!p1 Off Barylh/alm. 'TIhie Col1lrl.lty's IpOf.rIt1ion oJf tbbJe 'Cloot :wtas to be ItJaJlreiIli f:rom the OOiUnlty's SJUJ!'!pilJUlSI .of :tlhie pll'lefVdJOlUlS yteM'. IN AD[)!TION 'WlolI'k 'lv,ffiS ipleu1formerd: taro bUllied: :to tlhie C/QIlmltielS of MiJdJdllielSl8X Iwd Oxtt'iou:ld land Itlhe OnbM'l1a De!palI"tment O[ Hilghiw~SI re DeV'ellopmenlt iRIoodi No. 158~ (1Porit BUIl"W1elil), DeVie[lOpmernlt RlOIad No ELGI.N' OOUNTY OOUNC'IiL 4l 6912 (:RlOIald 316 100 !P1or1t BruCie) 1aII11d! f:OIr !l'\eipl*s ro RbIa1dlsI 6, 14 amid 36 :f)Olr tdJaJn13ig1et3 \by ConJbmcluOIl'tS fhr8Juilitng ito KJiinIg'ISi Higihw1aw woil"!k. WlOIRK. wa;s lailIs1a (pIeIl'IfOil'lIIl!eld mOil" Vlamiiouls MUlIlIi.CIipIa1liltdJes, in tihe ClOiU'Ili~ of EIlig.iJn lMlid IOItJhielI'\S. T.HJE ONT A\R[]O iDlElP!AIRlIlMIEINIT' OF BJ]GHJW A YS was inJvIoliiced fOIl" $1117'7 ,IQi04J9~i flair iW:OIl'/k Ion DieVleu.opmelIllt Roadi INo. 6J9~1 (!Rioad 3'6: !1:oP<mt Bruce). Iill laidldi~t~o[1) Itlhie OIl1jDaJr:iJo DepalrIUmellit.. of HigihlW'a,ws pll'O'Vidled 'E'l.Ilgme1eJI'ling lassdlSlbalIllcle lalIlld mruuerlilaUs IUOi i1Jhie 1VJaJlUJel olf 1$1101,63:1:.13: for t!hJiIs RlOIrud. TOTAL OF AiClCOU!N'I1S 'RlEIcrnrrv:Alm..iE W:ASi ..,.........$2143,1!28.33 and TOI'lArL AMOUNT OF' OOUNiTY ROAlD V1QU1CIHIElRIS ,FOR 1:9631 !WAlS ....... ......... ..... ......... ...,....... .$11,0614,7/0'3.801 WIE HAW] . RfElClEWV1EID lIlIotlilCle firrom ithJe OlliUairlio . Depa;ribment orf HliighJwlalY\Sl 'tlhalt [ljorma~ le!X\piEmldlttluJrielS [1011' 19!614 must nlOlt ,eooooedJ $2001,.- DOO.tOO foil' iOOIIltSltlIucittOlIlJ !aJI1idl $I3315"IO'1OI01JOIO Iilor MiadJnltlerua,nlCle. ThlelSle llinJi.itsl aIDe '1JIhe Siamle 'aISI din: palSlti ~alI'lS., SUipIPlJOO1Em1uamy BlV-iLalWlS a;rie a:va:i1abil:e rus iJn Itlhe pres:t ~elaJI'IS, ili0'r ;aiPiplrfOved OOlIllSl1lr!uJcltiOlIlJ Projootis. 'TIHiE !FOL['OW::LN1G is' a ll'IeSla1utilolIli paJS\Sleld blY' ,tlbie 19163 RJol8id; Cbm- mdlvtJee at i3J meletJtng 10II1 DeiCembier 17itJh, 1963i: "TIhiaJt '\VIe :r€IC!OImImJe1I1JdJ 100' rtfr1J8' OOUlI1lty ... OOiUlIllCi]; tlhaJt I.il1O~di GUlliI"' be 18.lPPomted t3JS OCmisrtmuCltinn Sla:fi~ Inis!pecror, !hIis dJuibi!eSi 'VOl lSIUamt FeibIl1u!alIW lslt, 1191614 a'tl la ISIailialr~ of $4~OOOi.iOOI per 1aJIlJIlIUIm", wlhdJcih iWaJSi iI1IOlt IcoIllClUll'lI'leldl wiJtih Ib~ rtJhe 119164 RlOIaJdi O0'mmlitltiele. WEI RIEjClOJ.v.DMiEN1D: 1. That ltihie ~eSlO'lurtdiOI1 imOLm Itlbie OOUlIllUy of Bm1!Cle rre CllililSS "B," Rioll1oo laJIlId 1l't€l1unldis on beverngie ibobtlles be moo. 2. That ltJh:e ll'IeslolUJtdkm iftrrom tJ:Jhie COUlIllt/y' <of HiaBtlings: :1'8' cosf;s of the moV!eme!Ilit or U/biillLtiJes lOIn iRJoaldJs: be fdilledi. 3. That 'a B~-1Lialw be Pi8JSISIedl laJUJtIh~\g l1JhJe CiOlUlIl!ty of EIlig:in !to 'e(llIti€ll' mbo Ian ag1l"'eeme(lllt wilth itihie VliilLa.g'l8' of Wiest: DOIl'IIlJe roc tJhie 42 ELGIN COUNTY IOOUNCIL layillng Of'\VlalberrruaiJnisl on OOlUlI1lty HjOlaJdisl. ThIe' ~-JJaIW anldJ ag.r.ee- merut w!OIU!1d !be ISUmlirrlalr 100 tlhi3.ltprussield! by Itlhie iClouin;ty OOiUll1lCiJ.. loot Siepbembier ito laJilOW ltihie Vilillrugie IOIf Duuton itOI liaiy lWlalbermailns 0IIl OOUJIlltw Rioialdls. 'IIhliis 13)g:rtOOIDetnlt w:m aJJiow tlhe V1I11lagle O!f Wesrt LornJe ItO 'eIIl!uel1" IiJnIbo &'1 rogiooemelllit [lOll" Jiayling Of 13; WIalbeil'l.rniam 0II1 OOlllJl1l4Y ROiald 2 lealSlD€Il'ly [Tlom west LIormie to Ia OnlOaJrlio DiepalIit- moot Oif Higihiwa,orlS .1~1l''Vd!ci81 Clentre iOlI1I Kling'isJ Hlilgthlwla\V No. 40\1 in ilbJe'I'lolwnb1hdip loIf DlUII1lW'iiclh. lit ihlas !been I3Jgil'loodl lbeftweelI1J tIhIe V:i!l- JlalgielS of Wloot iLJoll'l1le a!l1ld :DulttOII1J itJhiaJt lthie VJ.ililag1e 10[' Wiest !Lortnle ll.'IaJtihiell' ttlhallli DuttlOln 'W!iJlil! ma:iTIltaJiJn ltihe 'WIaltJem1adn a!l1Idl selli lWJailler to ItIhte On!tlall'lilo ~alI'ltitnJe!I1Jt of HiIg1hJw:aJy1S. 4. 'I'l.hiaJt ithie Wlarldlern !llIame ldJe1egialtes !to Itlhie OlIlltia\l'liioGoOd! RIO/adS Ai.sJsoClilaitilolIl; ClOIIllV€lntiOIll amid: tlhte OanadJiia.in GIOOid: Roalds AslSlOcm- itJJOIIl OonlvientiJon. 5. 'TI.hIalt !B\V-i!a1W NQ. 11832 (ipalSlSledi liaJslt iMaJrlC!h)" 1l''elSlpeClmng t\hiel WiedgbIt of I/OladlSl to be ICIalI'iI'dield! iOlIlJ lVIahliiciIlas!, be il'Iapeailled laJIlldl la. new ~-Llia'W be . passleldi &lidding Ithie' [iot11lowtilIllg RKlI8.ldisl rtJo itlhIe ISIcfr1JediuJJe: CioIuInttiy Road 3 !f~om 'tihle IIlIOIl"tiht WiImdlt of RiodlnIery 00 KiLTIg'\9 Higfu:way No. 4011, 18ll1Id! OOUJI1l~'Y RioIad: 8 f1rom Oo1.lJI1lt(y lRiooJdJ 115, to Kfung'\S HigIhtw\a\V No. 4101. 'Dh1i!s 'W!iJilaililo:w rt:ihIe CIaIl'lr;ydJn!g of f'Ui1i1 Iltoaldisl b\V oommell"Cliiail. VIe- ihdJcIJJes m MlM'1OO laIIlldJ AlpriiJIl fll"OiIIl Kfung's [BJilgUllWlaJY Nb. -tOlll inIllo DulttOIlJ and RJOIdIllie(Y' (West iI..mmle Ws S1e1l'fV1edi 'btv King's H1igh1W'aiY No. 7:6). .AilIl of wbiJclb. lis l'leISpeCIbflUililiy submitted. C. D. P!HELLIIPS, CihadrmJaln. ELGIN OOUNTY rOOU'NCIlL 43 ELGIN COUNTY LIBRARY CO-OPERATIVE FINANCIAL 8TA 'J.'IEMENT December 3:1, 1963 Receipts BailIamlCle DeClember 3'1, 119162 ..................................................................$ OoU!l1lt(Y ,Ga"aJI1Jt ...... ... .... .... ........................ ............... ................ ..... ......... ...... P.fiolvmc~all 'G!r1aJIllt .. ..................... ..... ...... ...... .... .......... ........... ....... ........... ..... ... J\1JernJbeT'Shlip Flees - !Sclh!ools ..... ......... .... ....................... ........... ..... ......... MemlberSlhiip Flees - Booklsltops ............................................................... SUjp:pliles :ooLd .. .. . . . ........ ..... .. . . .. . .. ... ... .... . . . . ... . . ... .. ......... . ............... . ... .'.. ......... ..... ~iiI1les, last book:si, leuo. .... ....... .'. ....................... .................... ......... ...... ........ MisCleliliaJnelOlU!s RisVIe\I1lUle .... ....... .... ...... .... ... ........ ....;.... .... .......... ......... ........ Disbursements Boom - OpteraitiiP.g cost .... ................. ..... ............... .................... .... 466.39 AlssOiCliJa/tim F1ee1S .............................................. ..'... ....... .......... .................... ..'.... I'lliSUJrlaJI1lOe (Bookmiobi!1e latnd C1omperusaltiOlIll) .................................. U:Ill~eI1lt IinlsuJran.ce ...... ........ ....... .................................... .................. J?!eIlISi!on .................. ............................................ .......... .'............ .'... .... ................ Sai1M'ies i31IlidJ w,3Ig1eIs ........................................... ............................... ............ LeIg1al ,and PI'laflessliiWllall: .............. .................... ......... ........... ... ... ..... .... ....... ... T~el 1!:ixiPeI1lSles .................................................................................... ....... 'TIelephOIlJe laJllidl 'I1eilJegtl'laph ........................................................................ HeIaItiJnJg ........................................................... .................................................. 391.814 7.,0001.0101 91,6153.9'1 21,069.69 lU.oO 218,.44 l8'.47 45,.67 $ 19',3119.22 4,9318'.46 191.17 145,.29 30'~17 1i13.38 2150.i1O L,6'7I4.82 211.015 21015'.61 68'024 200.~ 9i,65~ ;63 50.00 66fa'.95 1!58.38 285.617 44 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL Pulblilc UltilLiJtJi!es . . .. ... . ........ ... .. . . .. .. ............. .......... ......... ..... ............... .. . .... . . ... MaAiiIlltJelliM1lCe SluiP!Plies: ... ............................................................................. Flu:r1r1;iiJulrle ................ '.............................................................................. ......... MiSCleIlWaJIllOOiUS ................................................................................. ................ Ba1a1IlICIe OII1I iJmnld! DeClember 3:1, 11963 ................................................ Proposed Budget, 1964 Estimated Receipts BalaJIliC1e 1O!I1J lhalllid! IDlOOemlbelt" 3'1, 11963' ................................................$ CaUlIllty GiralI1lt ........... ...... .... ................... .... .................... ........... ..... ............ EsUiJm1aJt~d P.rIolVi:nciIwl GtI'la.lIlt ........ ................ ............'...... ......... ....... ...... MernJberlShiip l'1ees - SchooLs ...........................................:.................... Memlbell'ship CFlees - BOIOk:SltloplS .......................................................... SIUiPiPliJe1s Siollid! ................ ................. ... ... .... ......... ................ .............................. Estimated E;xpenditures Bodkis .................;................................................................................................. .,$ Relf:enellice CIOililieClti'on .................................................................................. F1f1rn Str,ip' laonect,t'OlIl . ...... .... ......... ....... ......... .......... .......... .......... ........... ... PietrliJOidJilCJals laIIlidi N!€IWISIl)apeI'!s ........ ...... .............. .................... ....... .......... I..iJb/l'tanw SiUlPpruiJes . ..;..:....;. ... .:........ ... ........... ....... ............................ .......... .... MertdlilJJig lSiuJp!pliles .. ... . ;. . ... .. .... . .; . .... .. ... .. . .... ............... . . .... ............................. . Pla81tic Jlalcikiets .................................. ................ ...... '" ......................... ......... Book:/bii!n!dIiinlg .......... . . .... .... ........ ....... ...................... .'........ . . .................... ....... ..... BooikJrnJOibil1e :@XPeIliS8IS ........ .... .... ... ..... ........................ ...... ...... . .. . .... ...... ...... ASSOCiiJat'iioni l'1ees . ...... ............... ... ................ ..... ................ ......... ..... ......... ..... Th:1JsiUJI'lamlCle (Biookmdbd~e aJIl1d oompen:saltioIl!) .................................. lJInJempJio(YmelIllt ]n;sIu:raJIl1Cie ...................................................................... Rer"mO!!l .... ... ,..... .'....................................................... ......... .....0........................... Salall".ies laJIlldl 'WIaJg1es: ......... ........... ...................... ................. ...... ...... ........... L,agiaJ. lalIlld [PtrofiesSil<>niall . ........ ........'...... ................. ....... .... ..................... ..... 'lIDavrel E!xpelIllSles ................................. ........... ......... ...................................... 'I1el!~OIIlIe IaIIlidl 'I'elegriaJPhJ ...................................................................... He!ati.n!g ................... ........................................................................................ PiulbIl:tc Utillditli.es ............................................................................................ MrumelI1IaJIllce IStmPlIiles . ... .... . ... .... .... . . ..... . .. .. . .. ................. .... ..................... ~CleililalnJOOUS ............................................................................................... 222:~6 161.52 211.,110 139'.16 118.14.52 $ 19,3!19:.2:2 1.a4.5~ 9',.000.010 9',000.010 1,210101.010 1100.0'10 100'.0101 $ 21O,1184J52 6,0001.010 51Q10.00 510101.00 l60.00 21010.00' 50'.0'10 100.00 3100.0'0 5001.010 201.0'10 ~5,.OO 7'0.00 500'..010 9,4801.00 50.010 0001.0'10 1601.0'10 300.00 21501.00 251,010 21i4.512 $ 20,184.52 ELGIN .cOUNTY iOOUlNlCIL 45 COUNTY OF ELiGIN E[L,GIN COUNTY PIONEER MUSlEUM STATEMENT OF REiViENUEi AND E!XPEINDITU'RiE For the Y:ear Einded Uecember 3,1~ 1963 Revenue GlI'IaJllits - OOtllI1lt~ iQlf Elg1i1n .... ..................... ............... ............. ..... ..$ 51001.00 iPlrJovIDCle of OnitaJrl.io .................................... ................ 91001.010 Cliity of 1St. 'Ttb.!omaJSi ........................................................ 200.<liO $ IIIlItweslt 'Olli bamlk depoSlUts ...... .................... ........... ................. ............... MernJb1eI'lShilps ............ ......... ....... ..... ........ ...... ....... ...... ......... ........ ... ................ Aid!milsisliooo . . .. .. . ... . .. ...... .. .... . ... . . .. . . . . .. .. . . . . ........................... . . .... . ....... ...... ... .. ... . Glilfltls ............. ........... .... .......... ........ ...... ........... ..... ..... ... ...... ............. ... ............ .... Niet me~chJaiIlld!ise salles (Ita inclUldJe Airmi~MM'Y) ........................ 1,000.00 116.17 3,313i.OlOl 7:40'.50 1,096,,1:4 518.96 $ 4,306.'717 E~enditures iSiailJaIl'iiIes fWd! wag1es ..... ...... ..... ...................... ............. ..... ... ....$ TaXies - il.VIIuin.dJoicr;llal ................ ............ ........... .......... ............. IinsUIl'/alIlICIe ............................ .'...................................................... Rie!PlaliJm lalIlldi maiJnltenalIlloe . ... ........... ........................... ........ [:liJghit, hielalt iaJIlid! po:w1ell': ................. .......... ............. ................ 'I1elephQ(llle ood! !teILeigIDaph .. ........................ ...................... .... POSluaigle laJllid 'eooclhamlg1e .................................... ...................... OaJPdltAal expell1ld!iJtUlI"e JOUit of Il"eIV€iOOle . . . . . . .. ..... . ........ . . .. . .. . lV1liisIcieILlialnJelOlus .... ............... ............ .............. ..... ....... .......... ........ t,3rT1:.88 87.04 31591.2~ 3rl'Ol.77 4'8,7.77 1001.149 23.158, l8~1.217 15151.31lJ 3',14.0.28 SU1RlP[J(J1S FUR 'DHIEl Y!E.AR .................................................................$ 1,16:6.49 Building Account, December 311, 1963 BaLall1JCIeID bi11dJllc1lilnig ifUlIlidl, JIl1II1JUiaJI1y 1" 1119100: ........ ........ .... ..... .......$ 7,1214.33 119'6i2 sUll'plw ............ .... ................ ..... .... ....... .... ..... ...... ..... ...... ...... ... ... ... ....... 78.66 DOIllaJtJiOiIliS .... .............. ........... ........ ........ ............ .................. ........... ............. .... 99l.801 InJUeI'leStt 1QIIl! baiIllk idieposiJts .................................................................... 50.015 $ 8,2:44.89 ~ ELGIN COUNTY 'COUNCIL LoalIl1 from Oouruty of ElI.gWn 5,000.00 $ 131,2144.89 AI'Icil:1d1teClt.s [lee ..................;..... .......... ...... ...... ......... ............. .........................$ 850:.00 CanlStJrruiCltioni Clcm1maJat . ....... ............... ............................. ....$ 116,9~\l.OO Exltmas ......... .'.......................... .......... ..... ...... ......... ..... .... ...;............. 26'8~i7 Pri~ar yeax's Jbillililnig $ 17"l89.917 01,000.901 l~,l8Qi.0i7 1.1!21.B5 PaJiJnltling I8lnIdJ plUl1llJbinJg .. ... .. . '" ~..... . ............. -..... ................. .............. ...................... Clash :in banik, [)ooember 3'1, 1!9163 $Il3"M2'.92 101.97 $ l3,2144.89 BY-LA WS MUNICIPALITY OF ELGIN BY -LAW NO. 1849 WHJElRJE.AS. t1:lhie 100unCIiJ. 100f :the OOiI'lpOtI'laimon deems it l1JecessaJry to botImow 'tlbie ISIUJln of Nme HUII1IdII'IedJ 'Ifh:OUISalIlidJ [dJolilars Ito meet, UIIlltil thle IDa'X1es aIDe 'colJieClted, Itlhie ICIUJlU'Ierut '~pen:dlilttwes of 1:lhie Clorpol'Iation 110r ltihe yteaJr; AND W!HlERJ:EAiS ItJhie ro1laJ1 laJmOUlIllt of Itlhie estlilmaJued !l'IeVleIllUJes of thle CiorpOll'lattcm .alS set ,fion1Jh dn :tlhie l€ISltimmbes I8JdJopted: db!" ItJhJe yeaJr 1963, :t:liOit iJnJa1U1dii1ntg re'VIeDlUles IdJer:i.lVlrub.liear dletrli:Vlad! f/l'lOm 'tihie SIailJe of assets, ibOll'll'lowrogs or 'issU8JI1JCie IQIf dlebenJtnwas' [or f:rom Ia SUJI'lplJuis, m- clruidJiIng laJrIl'IeaIl",sI of taxies, :iJs O!nie 1MiJI1!iJ<m, F!1lv1e Hl.1l11Idlred anJdJ Filfiteen ThoUiSlalI1ldJ, ISix HUiIlldJriedJ aJllidJ lEtigihity-iFour dloolaJriS. i\......~ '\V1HIEIRIE'iAlS ItrJJe rbGtial famounJt ihlereiJOIf:OIfIe a.n.ut.IhiOO'li:2JedJto be bOI'll"owetdJ tIhliJs: Y'OOQ' fior Ithie PUIl'1pOses melIlltdioniedi in SuibseCimOirli ('1) of SsaOiJoo 3~9 10f! The lMlUiI1!idiipail. A.ot ts Nii1 dloUams, of WIhd!ch it!hie CIornpora- tloIli lhias lawerudty biorxlOIwedJ a ,1Jdtlail of NdIl: d!o1li8.ll'lSi. ELGIN OOUNTY OOU!NlCIIL 47 THJEIRJEFORE Itlhie OQl1.lJI1Jciffi of T:heO:mpomtiOiIll of ltibJe Oo1llnty O!f Ellig1i:n ihle~eb~ eIlJaJCiUsi aJSI !f olliaWlS : 1. Tlhie :Bieia-ell amid tJhie 'I1ri00lSlUiI"eT' aJI'le IbJweby t3iutlhor1i2ledl 011 bielhiaJif of thte OO['(plOll'lrutiJOIn UOi ibOtl'll'lOW fll"om rtJme Ito 'time, by WlaW 0[ poomis- sorw Illote, f~om ltJbJe BalIlik of iMOIDlwea1, a sum or SUTIlISI not exJC/eediilng in il:lhJe laJg1g1I'1eg:aJte N'~D1e HUII1ldJrledi 'llhJoUisrunJd tdiolWM'Si \to mee't, UIlItiJl thie ta.xJes laJrIe oolWeclted, tlhie 'ClUJmle!Il!t '~ellidii'tUil"ets of 'tihie COiriplOlraJt~OIli f!oIl' tlhieyiefalr., IimlCl1UldiiJlllg ,thie amaUl11itJs T1eqru:iJrIed 110r Itlhie PUlI'IPOSes: IDeIl'tJilooed in lSIUIbisiecloiJOIIlI ('1,) of ltIhie lSIaJiid iSieCItJilcm 131219, laJllidi 'to ,giVlei, 10111 bEfuJaJf m tlbJe IOOll'IptOll"altion, iUo tJhe BaJllik ,a lpr!omislSlorY llIOIoe Ql'I l11IOoe8, lSIealied wd,ttJh. tJhe 'CiOll'lPOll'IaJtle seal anJdi SiJg1llieldJ by Itbiem ;f101l' rt:ll:re mOillieIYIS 'Sla bolI'lI'lOlwed \V1iJthiJnItJeTleslt laJt la l!'laiUe lIliOoeooCleediilIl1g 51%, pleI!" ICleIIlltum per i8lI1II1n1m, whJiJcih mEW /be paJi:dJ dinJ. rudlviaJ11JCle lOll' IOthelI1wise. 2. Ail1 ISIU111S ib!OO'II'Iowedi fXlOffi :1ihIe lSlaildi Bal11Ik, f:or IMlIY OIl' all 1lhe p'UlI'pioses mel11JtilonJed! m !the lSlaiiJdi ,SeCluiJorn 3l29:, shiaJll; w~tIh ilnlDerest 1:ilwre- Oln, !be la chall'g1e UjpOlIl: rthe !Whole of l1Jhie ll'IeIVIelliUle\Sl 10lf ttihie Cbrparwtilo!11 fJOIl"the ICIUll'Il'IeIIl/t yiealr ,aJIlldi far 1aJ1!l pI'IelCledJinig YJean-s, lalSl runJd whelIl! sUlCh OOV'eJIllUies alrte XlooedlVlefa. 3. Thle 'I1r;8IaiSIUlI"ell' lis lhierlefb(Y ,authlor'izefdi IruIlld! IdliIrIecluedJ !to 'apply in paJYmeIIljt of al~l lSIUImS bOl'irlowed: piUJrlSUlaJ11lt to ,tJhie ,a:UJtlhOlr'ilDy Oif tlhis By- law, IaIS 'WIell! las 'alll iOlthe!I" !Sums 1bt0000I'1ow!efdi iiIni this yterur' iMlld Ia\11W previlolus yream, tfIrlom Ithle SiaiiJdJ BaJl1k !fOT lruIlly IQIl" lall lof robe pu:Iip0lSle5 menJtiolliefdJ in ithe saJ~di iSeCltilolIlI 31219i, 'tOll?Jethel!" with ilnrtJe!'loot IthteroolIlI, 'all: of the m!QlI1leyJS he'l'Ielalfiuer ClolleC/bedl 100r ll'\efCle!i vedi tOO laJClClOIUlIllt or l'Iealizedi iIn re- SpeiClt of ,tlhie !taxes !I:eVlted rflOIl' 1Jhie ICIUJI'II'Ientt Iytetalr'and! pl'Ielcledling yteialrS1 am aJIl 10If rt:JhJe mtOIlJeyJs iCloll]eCltJedl or l'IeoedivladJ !f1I'l0In aIllY O!tJhelI" SQlUJl'lCIe, Which mlaly wawfruilll!y ibie I3.lPplileldJ for SUlch PUTlPooe. iPlasseld this 2t3ir1dl dlalV af Jtal11l1.1l3iIW, 1,964. OORJPOlRJATE SIEIAL RiUSISEtL MciKmBIN ('Ilhe HOOldJ of tlhiel CiOlr\Porat'iOlll) J. D. THOMISON' CI€/rik. I hieTI~ cell'tirf~ Ithadithe ,forel?JoilIlIg lis a rtJruie Clopiy OIf By-law NO. 118419 of The OOlrpolI'laJti'OlIl: {)if tJhle OOU\11\ty ,of ElginJ in the Province 'Of 0\nJtJaJri0, dluiliy palSsedi ,at la meet:ilIligof Ithe 100Uin1cJiJ. of the saud! CiOlI'lpOrs,- tIOIl1i IdJul'Y' heldl, am!dl tthalt the Slamd By-iliaw is iIIll filli f'OII'ICi8' 8I!l:dl e["f.eclt. ~ ELGIN OOUNTY -COUNCIL Dalbetdl tJhlis 2t4!tih idIalv of JialIllUlall"Y, 11964. .Ais wiltllielSS tlhie iSea[ of tlhe Cmponaltilon. J. D. THOMSON, C1,erk. CORlPOIRATE S~ EXTRACTS FRiOI.\'[ THE, MUNlClJPAL ACT R.S'.O. 1960 ( 1) A IcoUlIllcil may by iby-ihruweiltihi€ll' befOlI'le 0[" ialflbell" the passing of !the lbiy-ilJaw !flair ,iImlPOiSIing Itlbie ll1ates cfor the ClUIl'rlelIllt J'lealI' aUltJhoiI'rne tlh!e head lantd!. IweaJSlUiri€ll'l !to borrow [['101m Itilme too Itwle b\y wrao/ of pI'lomis\- s0i1'lYIIliotJeSlUich sums as the IClOIUJI1iclH iffiIa!Y :dlelem lI1IeClessary to meet, nnti[ ,the itJ~es lalfle collie/Clued), the IClUIlil'lelIllt leoopelI11d1i1tUll'leISi Oif :tlhie ClOIr!plolI'altlion for ltlhJeJ'leiwr,mcilJuJd!iJnig 'tlhie amoUlIllts :requliJI1e1d! [10[" silIllki1l1lg ifUlIlld!, prlincd- pa1l. lalIlid! :inltIetrlelSlt fjallialig due wiJtlhiin the yeaII' 'UplOin IanlY 'd!ebt of tibie Clo[jpOll'laltiilOIIlJ, 81000101] !PUI1'IPOISle81, 1SIP1elciiJaJ araJuas plUlI'JpOiSle\Sl, lanld! [IOIr aJn!Y board, ClommdiSlSi:oo . or bOldiy laIIlld! other pUlI1pases for wlrnch. ,the ClOlI."tpOlria.i1Ji.cm is :rIelqUiilrledJ blY law Ito plI'lOIVIiJdle. (21) The lamolUJnt thalt m3IY ibe ool'frlowed in lalI1(Y Y'eJalf .rfi0ll' the. pwr.. poses me(llltilOlIlled ;iJn ISlUibseClttOlIl: 1. shall1 [ljolt,~Clept wWh the alPlPlI"oJValL of It/hie :MiUJl1iilciipaJ BOIaJI'ldi, lexJcmdl 7101 pel!' 'Clem of itihie Jtotail aIDiotulnit of 1!he estWameld! 11e1ViEmlUlelS: of Ithe IcortpOiI'laJtilon IfIlS S1et lfio['tlh) m !tJhie letSltilmartes 'aJdiOipOOd! 1"1or the J'leaID. RJS~O. 11951Q, o. 12[413, s. 31411. (1" 2). (:30 The amlOUlI1lt !t!hiaJt may be IbioIrIriOWle1d! laJt iaIllIY OI1le tIi.Ime, for the PUlr!POISle!SI melnJm.oued! IiIIll iSlUibooCltilon 1, rtJog,eitheJr wilth ttlhie \tIOOal of aIIlJy sim:ill!a\!' bo~owing ithaJt halVe iIliOt belen ll'IeiPaJid, slhall IIlIOt, ~cept witlh itJhie laiPlPflO/Vla[ 0[ til:1ie MW1i~Ci\pa1: BoaI1d, ,~ooed! 710 ipleIl" cwlt of itihie U1Ili- CloUeClbed! IbailJaJlliCle ,of Ithe lelsti'rnJ3lueldl ll'IelVleIliU!es ()[ Itlhe ClolI'lplOlI'l3ltil<m las set f1OI'1th m the les'1lilmlaJues I3ldbpted! flOlr i1JhJe yiear. (4l) AJt Ithe 1JiJme, IMltell" Itlhie 310tth idJaJ(Y of J1nneiln aII1JY yIe!aT, that aJI1lY lamollllI1lt liIS bO\I'lrlQiWied 1lII1Id!ell", rt:lhiiJs iSleCltilOII1, itlhie trmslUXleJl'I Sihall fUll"- nishto Itlhe LelIlldier a COPlY' .of i1Jhie by~lJaw* laJUitlholl"tiZi:nJg !tlhie bOlI'TOwIDg laJIlId la slbabell1lelIllt shIolWiiIllg tlhie nlaJtmrle IMlld! Iarrnlonnlt of ,the :eSltimaAted ll'IeJVIenrtliers oif the cUIlWeilllt ~aJr lIlot J1Iett ClolltscltJed! or, whelrie the estimlaites ELGIN OOUNTY OOutN1ClJL 49 flair ,tlhie yteall' hiaVlelI1O\t been! ,aldioipltedl, ,a stlaJtJeme\IlJt; IShowding rtJhJ8I n:attUJre iaII1Idi laJrnlOiUllllt :0[' Itlhie :eSltillmaitJeJd Il'le(Visn'UJes iof ItJhe IClO!I'POrrla,tii<m :aISI selt fiorrtlh :iJn tibie 'elSlOiJrnaJtes adloptleld [OIl' th!e: D8!Xt P'I"ec.ed!im.g ytea!r. ,M1Jdi aUSIO show- inlg ItlhJe rtortJaIl ,olf 'M1!Y 'a.Inoil.m1Jts1 bioiItroweldi UIIlld!eJr thUs secrtdiOIl1i Jth~ have !ll\Oit !been ll'Iepaiild. 1191518" o. 64, 151. 23' (1). 05,) Ull1ltil :slUIch le8It~ffilaltJes lame aidlOiptJeldl, Ithe limttwtilOlIllSlUlPOlll biOO"- l'I()IWO.il1lg prelSlClrlilbed bW- :SIubselCttdJons 121 lall1ldJ 3 iElhJaJil ItelmlPO~alI'tly be CIa1lICU- lalted upOIIli the lesltlimalbeidj relVlelliUles of Ithe ,cOII'IPOII')aJtliollll laJgi ISlet for:1:fr1 in tlhie rootimlaJbes aidiolplbeldl [jail' tlhie I1J~t Ipll'lelClediilnig y:erur. RttS/.O. 1191501, C. 21431, s. 34;1 (3) ;11915181, c. 1614, s. !2!3: (121). (16) 1'1011' tlhie prUll'!PiOlSte Qlf ItmS1 ISlec:tilOlIli, leSltiJmaJtledi 1l'i8lVlenJUle8 shaU rum ittliCtliUldie i!'ieMEmlUleIS d8lrdiVlalblie OT' dielI'iiVlsd! fI'lOlffi itihie srulle of laSSleltlS:, bO!I"rlOiW- ]lliglSl OIl' ilssUles of dJelbeJI1ltUll'les lair firom la iSiUlr!pIUlSi dinC:liUldiilnig aa'I18aJrS of 'oarxJes amld' piI'1oc1e€ldls fll'iOm 'tlhle salle 'of :aJSlSietls:. \a.iSl.Q. 191510, CI.21413:, ISI. 314J1 (4); 1'915i8, Ie. 1614, s:. 213 (,31) . *N.B. ]f ItheI'le is sUlfif11c:1e1Illt laJVIaJil1aJble Ulllldier eX:i!Sltil1lg by-la,w(s) Ito pIl"iOlVidle for the fTleslh laJSlSistMlicle /l'IeqUliJrteda new by-law is 1Ill00t :nJ~eldle\dJ. BY-LAW NO. 18'50 "Being a By-Law to Repeal By-Law No. 1186 of the County of E1gin.~' W!HJE\REASI By-LaJw No. 111186 of itJhe OoUlIllty of EIlgin, gav:e tl.b.ie RJeeIV:e of Ithe 'TIo'W[]ship 100f YaI'lmoutJhi las ,a mJemlbaI1 (of '3lIlIY' Oomrniitltee an I3.IdJdl~tiorual vote i1Jhi8ll'lOO, .AJN[) WIHlIDR.'li'.lA;S Ithe OOl.1[]o1l1 of ItJhe Oountw i()tf E:Iigiln i!J.!Qt l!o[l..g',err deems it pllioper IthiaJt Ith!i:s prliIV1Ilieig1e :shJaUiLdl beeoctemile!di :to tlhe Reeve of ItJhie'l1ow:ruship tOff YiaJI'lrrlJOUlth siJnJoe 1Jhiel.'ie !aJI1e latJhier meiITllbers wlho aJ.SOi halVie ltiw10 votes :iInJ OOUIllty OOlUlIllcil uIlIdler! sulbseotiOilll i2: !()If SedtiJoo 2!6 of !the MiUiIllilClipaJl Act, ;RJSlJO. 1,g:60, NOW THiEJREIF1ORiEI, tJhe GOU!I1Icti.l af .the OariPOIl'IaltiJon off t!hJe OoiU.il1Jty of Elg':iIni 'elliaJClts: as fldlJ~ows : 'I1HlAJT BJy-Law NOi. 1111&6 of thie .OOUiI1lty of iElgm be, airlId 1Ihie same iJs hereb~ iVepealedi. 00 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCI:L iRlEAJD 'a firsttiime Ithils 213['td! IdJay \00 JiaJl1It1laIl"'Y, :1:004. RJEIA[) a ISIe1C1olIlldi time ithis 2i3:nd: ,d!aJY of JiaJr..JUlM"y, 1004. ~ la ,tlh'iJrldi ltime, lM11d filnially passeld .1:lhJis 21300 dlay olf J1anuary, 11964. J. D. 'IlHOIMlSON CJelrK RJU1SSlEL MiCJKIIBlBlIN WiaJI'ldJen BY -LAW NO. 1851 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 1696, Thereby Adjusting the Salary and Mileage Allowance of the Elgin County Road Superintendent." WIH1EIRlE1AiS By-lLaw No. 1116916 deailis wiltlhi (the la\PlP'OIiinJt:mletl1lt 3.lIlId TtelmUlIlJeIl"aAtion of a RJolaJd ,SiujpeIr!i.nltletnldient lfIor Ithe tCbUlI1lty of EllgiinJ" AND WHlERl'mAlS :ay-lLIaw NIo. 1!696 18 pl'leseI1I1Jly Iam:e[lidled! iby By- LaJw No. 1i724 laJIllcl By -Lalw No. 117190, AND WIHlElRffilAlS :iJtJis IllJOW dlelemed! laldlvisabLe to IcIh\anJg1e ItJhie ipl'IeSleII1t :salaa:y a;llid mtiJlJelalgle lailllOtWialIllCle of rtlhie ELgin COIUlI1Jt;y RJofa\dj SiUIPerWn- OOllidletnlt. NOW THJERJEFORlE 'n MlThIllicipal 'CIcJ1'Ipi00'laJtJiicm IO[ the Cloluint'Y of El:g1m lelliaJCUs IalSi [Iollow:s: 1. TlHJAT Ola!U1Se ('4) lof B:y-iLaw No. 1!6916, laB amwdJedl bY B'Y..[aw Na. 1;7124 la.nld By-[;aw No. 1!791O be dlelebed, wrud! the lfoThoW'itng sulbstitluitJeldJ thooeflwe: ''TIHiAT the SIaJIIall'iY or IrlemUiIllelIiMJtcm of ItIh!e Roald! 'S!Ulpe['mtelI1JdleJI1)~ sihiaJ1 be !the ISUm of 1$91/5100 no :per 311'llI11l.l1m. payaibille IDOIIlItIhilW, anidl Ithat he ibe !PaJiid! IWIlI laJlIoW1alI1JOe lf10ll" :tlhie !Use of his CI3.ir based! 0IIli 'tlhie f101l1owing Slclblediulie:" :MlIlLiElAJGIm 'T"YiI~ "",(l Jl iT l'!":"n~,:"]T-~I.^ IT""\ ~7"IT:'Il ^,~ J:"U!ALU 'V~u.,,~ .L~ AIlL01V\rAiiCE iO............. ......... ..... ...7iOOlO 7000... ..... ..... ................ .114000 141000..... ...... ........ ........ ..:2OiOOO 110 c:enlts: p€Il" mile 8 Clentts :per mlile 7' OOOlts peT mile ~IN COUNTY iOOU1NlCIiL 5'1 2. That By-lLaw No. 117:24 IMlld! B'Y-Liaiw No. lt790 be, lalIlldi the same laIDe fr1Jooeby lOOpelallJedJ. 3. Thialt tthi!s Biy-iLaw mill Itakie ,effeClt tfir10m J:anlUlaJry 1st. 19614, sulbj1eCit (DO :the ~pprlorv:alof It:ihie MJiJnlister of HighwaY'Sl. PlAJSJSlElD :i!n opellll C10'UIIlICIill; itlhis :2l3ridi tdiay of ,J!all1lUiMW, 1191614. J. D. THOIMSON Ole~k BY-LAW NO. 1852 RUlSlSIEL McKm3BIN' Wwtlien "A By-Law to Set the T'otal Aggregate Valuations for Appomonment of County Rate in the County of Elgin in 1964." The OOUJlliCIiJ. lolf :the C'orplOlI'frutJtoooo ,tihle CiolUJrllt(Y. olf Elllg!inI emcm: 'DHlAJT ltihie lfollow!Lnlg be !the V1MUJaAtiorus f10r OOUJI]W Ra!.tJe PUIl'IPoses i!n. rtJhie COUl1lUy of IDI\g1iJn :nor 1119164: Aylmer ................. ... ......... ......... ..1$ 7~652i,1I00i;O'O Belmo1IlJt .. . ... .. . . . . . . ...... ... .... .,.... ...... 72101,3001.010 DUltlbon ............ .... ............... ...... ... 9l!6,8411.0I0 POII'It Bm/welll ............................. 829;5010.10101 PIO["t SltaniI!eiY ............................ 3,;067~661.JOOi IOOwew .... ............ ........................ 1,;1104,18'715,.00 SpiI"inIg1f\iIelJd! ......... ... ...... ........ ....... 367,3719:.00 ViJe1l1IlJa .... ...... ......... ...... .......... ..... 31711,25IOJOIO W1esit Lame .............................. 1.,1:916,liOlOl.010 ALdlbor:ough ........... ...................... 5,~05161.t5I00.00 B3.!YIham .. ....... ..... ............. ...... ..... 15,31714~8318'.OiO Si01Ulth DorohesteT .................. IJ97i6J5i210.ol0 DuinwiJch .................................... 4J02QJ0I9161)Q101 Mallialhiide .................................... 7.326,13110.00 SOUlthfWlOl1d .................................. O;3:1J5,'~62JO'I()I "Y<axmOlUJtJh ..... .............. ............... 8;5314J050iJOiO $54.8310~li44.00 113:.95600191% ,1.3;136:914% 1..6172111481% 1,;5/1:28514% 5'.&94;84:4% 2i.Oll:5i08r7% .6:7001311.% .617'7019\1% 21.\1811.4614% 9:.22:2:21301% 9:.80~1706;% 3J60460I5'% ~.331909% 113.i316i18:29% 1:1.51187'7,7:% 15,!516415221% RJElAiD la first Itime ItlUS 23Jr1d: day of JaJIlIUJarry, '19614. lIQIQi.OOOOO()l% 5Q ELGIN COUNTY 'OOUNCI:L RlElAJD ,a SelClOInJd! 'vilme this :231l'fdi Idlay ofJ]aJlliUJaJIW, 19614. READ a .tlhi!rid Itime, anJd finally passed! .os 23m day olf Jianuary, 119614. J. D. THiOfM1SIQlN Olelrk RUS8iEL MClKm,B[N Wlalrtiie(lll BY -iLA W NO. 1853 '~Tol Appoint a Board of Audit in the County of Elgin for tbe year, 1964." Thie Eltg1iJn CbuTI.\Uy IOO\1.ll1ldiill etI1Jadts : 'DHA;T 'the ,JIUld!ge of 'the oOl..1lDity GlOUl1t, !alI11d:the '!1rlea\SlUI'lell" aJnJdJ . Mr. WiJ.1iam R. CI!WeIl'~, rb~, laJI1IdI aJI'e lllwelby .appom1Jedl members iQlf Itlhie BOIau:ldi of Aruidlilt Ito P€ll'ItlO!mt ltible Idlwtiles: ~Iequirted: olf them by thie [Rjev;iJsoo iSltaJtwues IQif OnltlaJrl.i:o. THlAT the membem of Ithe saLdJ BOaJI'ld: of Arl:IJdiIt be plali!d :tlhie sum of NiJnIe Diol1aJrs :pe[' d!~, iflO!l' :thew ServiiClOOI, laIIlidJ ItweiIll1Jy Clenlts pell" mile g1oi:nJg 1110 iOOOO A:Uldlilt. IRJEJA[) 18.1 fii:r:st ttme ItruSI 23rtdl Idlay ,of JiaJIliUJall'Y, l:9614. RlEIAD ,a IseooJI1jd! ItJime this 2131l'fd Id!a:y of JiaJI1lUJall'ly, 191614. READ la ItJhiiJrld Itime, aillId fiiIliaUy passed! 't:lhd.s 23Tdi day of Jiamuary, 1:9614. J. D. THOIMlSlON Oler;k RU1SS~ MicKID3BIN WJaa-1dJeni BY-LAW NO. 1854 "To Appoint a County Road Committee." As fI'leqUJilretd by thie Higil1W.8lY Aict, the Elg;iJn Cbu.:r1Jty GonnCiilenacts: iElUGIN OOUNTY OOUNCI!L 53 THlAT the folilOWliinlg five mrernlbiems of this OOUInciI CI()IIlsti:tUJte a Oornm1JtIDee i!iOO" 'the purpOlSe oIf' d1il1iootilnig qjhje wolrlk w be dbine 0II1. t.ihe OOl1.1lDlty Roald! \SlylSltlem : OhiarJJes D. :Rl:1Iiilililps - fiOO" Temm. of One YetaJl" Rdbent M:iall'ibin - for 'Ilemn. of Twro Yeam GooclJcm WoOtlnier -for Term of TJ:wee YealI"S N. G. TuJf:fortdl - [!Ol' 'Ilemn 'Of FoIUlI" Y1ea!I"S DOtIlJaJ1Id C. Lei:tJdh - tor 'Ilemn. of Filvte' YeaIl'lS TIHlAT By-La\W NO. 100i4, be, aaJldl is hweby lmpeaJeld. mAfD a first ltiJme /this 23IVd dJaw of JiMlJUialliY, 19614. RiEAD ,a seCOll:1XL tdmIe ilihi:sl 213iI'ld tdlaw of JiaJlliUiallW, 19614. READ is. ,tlhird time, and fma11y passed thiis 23~d dIa.y of JoorualiV, l1964. J. D. THOMlSOIN Olellik RUSIS!E!L MJCIKIBBIItN WIa1rdi8(lll BY -LAW NO, 1855 THECOIWORATlION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN "Beilng a By-lLaw to p,rovide for the detaching of tbe Village of Vienna from.the TillsonburgHigh Schools District, and . adding the Village of Vienna to the East Elgin High School Distric,t." W!H!EFJEl>\;S the .oo!'1PWaJtion lof !tJhe VdfJ.:liag'e of V!iie1fl.!nlal ll.as b\V I'ieslOJ1u\t.iloln . r.equeSlOOdi rtJhait ttheOOlliPomti<m of the OIoulnltiY of EI1g:in, enJaiClt a By-l!aw 'UIl1!d!elr :the . poov.i:sliJOlliS of . ,1fr1Je ,Secanldlall"Y ScIhools wtlid BooJrtdis of Ediu:oo.'taon Aiat, &./SI.o. 1000, (1hlalPver 362:, I3lIl!di paa:rtiCWalr!y Sootilcm 115 (i1.) 'bhier.eof. Th!eI"'eaJiter Ithe OOU:11lc:ill. of 'tihe' C~ of rtihie Coulnlty df.mgtiInJ ieIllaJOts as It1oUow.s: 1. SUlbjrect !to Jthe approV1al1 of the IMiinlistler of E1d'UlOOltdJon;, tJhe Vill:aJgie 0[ V:iJenoo. shaJ.il be IdletaJchedl fl1'.om !the Ti1IlsOO1lbuJl'lg Hig1h, Sdhiro1s [)iSitrlilotlaJIlJd shlaJ.J. be I3ldidled 10 !the East iElgiiln HiJg1h School Dis1br1ictt. 54 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 2". 'I1.bJiJs By-Law shai1l1 lta~e €lfrf.ecIt ran thie lsit diay of .TaiI1Iuary, AD.; 119614. RJE!AID fa fiI1S1t rt:Jime Ithis 2i3!I'Idi <dJa(YOIf JIMllUialfY, A.D., 1:916/4. RIEiAiD a second) rt:;i.me '1fuis ~2131l'td dtaIY otf JialIliUlall'Y, A.D., 11916:41. RJEiAD la ~thirr1d, ,ulime IMlId pi~eldi this 213rid day O!f JlaIIllUlaJry, A.D., 1:9164. J. D. THOMSON <CleM RUlSSIEL MCiKIB!BIN Wlail'ldJe:n I, ,J. D. Th0iIl1S01I1, O~8iI"k of ,tfute COIl1plOlI'laltilOIIli of the County QIf E~g1iTIl, dlol heIPelby. "'€Il':tllifyt1J'haJt IW:1\e lf1or:eg1od!ng is 'a Itroe clOpy of By -La,w NOI. ,1,815151, Ipas:S1edi by iUhe OOlUlIlicdtl of ithe :sa:ild OOlI'iporlalti<m OIIli :the 213lI'd! diaJy of JIaJIl(UJaJ!"Y, l:9614. J. D. THOMSON, GouruOy C1l-wk. IvIUNJjCWA!LITY OF OOUNTY OF EILIGIN BY -LAW NO. 1856 "Resp,e'cting the Weight of Loads to be Carried on Vehicles." WHJElR(ElAIS .ISIUIbSl€Ic!tiiOIIli 8 ,off seotiJ<m ,514 'Of 'I1hJe HliIghWialY Tirlaffilc Aot (R\.S\.O. 110010, Ch:aiplDeiI' 1\7i21) iplI'lOIVildies 'thiat:- TbJe murnliJcipall1 clOIl'\POflaloio[lj :of othell" autlhio!I'li!tIY :h1aiVID:g jmisdlict'dkm Well" aJIlY hilglh1W1ay, may' tdie:cliall'\el. itfuIaJt: . ftihe p:t1OlVWIDm of sU/bsectiQIIlS 4 em.JdJ 6 1d10l :r:uot 3.lPPly .to laIIlY tori !alll of Ithie :l1dlgh WI8,WSi nndleif! iItJs; j!Ult'isWCitiotn; iAfNlD WIHIElRlEIAiS ll'estll'iJclt:iiolIli . of lQads ~ . iIlJot IdJeiemeidfIlleC1eS!SIa.I'IY ifIofr thie prlO'beCltdiolnJ of IOetI'ibaaln: ihighiw1ays IiIn the lY.1Suln.f1cilPaliJty 0[. C\olu1nlty Qf EIlgIinl; NOW 'DHJ.EIRJEFIO!R i!fuIe Oatmlcil of :t:lhie .OOtliPOmJt1lo1IlJ IOf the MIllII1Iiicdpai1,1Jy lolf !the OOlUll1lUy of EltgilI1 '8OOlClts aiS !fiOalIOiWS:- 11. The provisiJOI1IS of :s,rulbseotiJOIlIS 4. aJIlIdJ 5> of SfeicltlilolIli 5k1: of the Higjh!wa(Y 'I1rfaJrfilc Aidt ldio NOT I81.PPly '00 the higlhWlalytS mtmled here- UiIlIdler: - iEfuGIN OOUNTY 00UNCIL 55 Coumy Rood Fm!ffi (Ia) NO.3 IGnig's HiwIy. NQ. 3 -rot New GllJaSg10iW ('b) Nla. 8 cOUIlllty RJOIald 115 (c) Na. 115 Kmg's HiwlY. NiO. 3 (Idl) NOi. 25 K:iInIg's HiWy. No. 3 (,e) No. 312 Klilnlg'S HWiY. No. 73 (f) No. 3'9 OoUll1ltw RJOiaJdJ No. 4121 (g<) NOI. 4121 OOlIDlW RJOiaJdi NiO. 39 To K:ing~ Hwy. Nbl. 4iOll ~lrox;imaJtffiy 6, mJiales K:mg's. Hwy. No. 4011. Appl'loociJmlaA;1e1lJy l' mile' N OI'lth limilt olf ItIhe v:tllaJg1e 100 DfU!ttiOlIll ApprloXlilmla(tleJ.lV 3.1510 miles! MlLdlcUesex CoUJIlJtur LliJnJe AlppTIOIX!i:maltlelty 4.7 miles MaJm g1aJtie of the OinJtaJrIio Piol1lilCle Oo[iliejg!e 2:,01 mitles LaJkJe Erile A~pirloLXimaiteJ.iY O~90 miilies KiiJIlIg'!s Hwyt. NOI. 119 AippiDoX!imIaltlely 01.39 miles 2,. THAT Bty-[,jaJW No. 11813121 lofthe GoUll1lt(Y olf EllJg1:iJn be, ooid the saanJe :is lhiel1'leby rlepeal'eld:. 3,. 'I1hJiJs By-Law shall :n\OIt become ,effeCltiMe unJuil iaJPproVlelc1 b(Ytlhe Depa;ntmelIllt of 'I1r!aJIl!SIPoot. [E}NA)0I1EID .AiNID iP AiSSIEID 1ft1Iis 2&'1ddJ~ of J1a1DJUJMW, 1964. J. D. THOMiSON m€ll'ik RU1SSum:.u MicfKIIB1B1IN Wlall'ldJeilll I, J. D. ThomsOII1, OLerk of ltihie' OOl'lpOl!'lart;iitw Off tJhie C:oUJnJty Olf EJlg!in, idlo hlwe!by oer:1Jtf:y ,tJhiaIt ItJhie tt1or.elg1oi1ng is ,a we ,copy of B~,..Liaw Na. 11185161, !palSsed it)W the OaUll1lCli1 .of 'mlie Siaiid OW'i!:1Oil1iiJtiOii1i 0Ul the 2~Jrd dialY of JlalDfUlaIl'Y, J.!9!64. J. D. 'ItHJOMSON, COUlIliUy Clerk. 56 ELGL'T COUNTY OOUNCIL BY -\LAW NUMBER 1857 -of- THE CORPOIIMTION OF THE OOUNTY OF .EE.GiIN A By-iDaw 100 81U1thoni:2lei1fr1le IOor,partatbiKm o!f Ithe' VlillJage of Weslt wI'IIlIe (heI'leimJaflter Ic:alled "the IQrlarnlbee" wndl wlhliich term slhJall!L mdU!dJe itls iSUlClClOOSorS 'aII1Id! lassig;lliS) tt;lo 'C:0I1JSI1muIctJ, lUlSie lamJdI O!Petl'IaJte WIoirIks 1"e- qudmedJ ~0Il' rt:Jhe IdlitsltmLbUitton of WlaJter wi!tlhIm ltlhie' OaUInlty .lC)f .l!~lg.iln (hletre- inJaJt1ter ClaJW€ld! "Ithe [MjUlIlliic~alliiJ1Jy"). IW1IIIERJEAiS the IGl1alnItee halS requesood 'I1hte Ciolr:pooaltli<m of the OOlUlIllt!y 10[ ElgiJn wg'l'lamtt ia :tlramldhdse 'OIr Il'lilght tOf iplassdng 1t/hirl00000h tihie Muinltclipa]itt:y f101l' :the pumpose iO!f ICIOI1IStmUJcl1Mlig, UJSIiinJg amid! opemtlilnlg a line IOIr ilImes antd iWIor1kis tlor Ithe tm8lIlSITliissdiolI1 of 'WlaltJer WiltJh.iinJ the ~c:i[ptaIl:iJtw . ANID IWJH:IERjEAjS, is!Ulblj'elCIt Ito r1JIhe Iterms IaIIlid ICIOII1fdiijtions hie!rlei!ruarfrter set forith, Ithe OOiUlIllclil loIf. ItJhe iOooporlaJUitcm of Ithe Cion.1Jnl1i(Y 0If Eltgdnr hJa4SI aJg1I'!ood! iUo tg!I'IaID.lt 'tible saild! fl'lMllChise. BE 1T ~ORJE iEJN1AlC/I'EID by ItlhJe CIofuIl1Cli1 of The CIoirIpIo!m- til<m of Itlhie Oourut'Y lof iEilrgin AiN1D IT liS HIElRIEIBlY ENAiClrElD as fOl\lowiS: - lit. FulI1 right, (pOWIeIr, pen:nli.'SSiJOn amid ,CIOfI1Selnlt are lheiOOby g1l'BIIlIt,eId! cOlIllf err~d 1alQId! .'EYSSIUJI'leld! IUJnjtJo Thie 'ClorVor1aJtIiioInJ IOIf !the VIi.ll!age of west !.JorinJ~, lilts SUlClClessOl\S lam/di 'a5SiIgmS 100 l€Il1Iter UlPOIli, iUISle lamdI OIClClUlPIY' thIe Ih/ii~s 'Of 'OIl' UiI1ldJ€Il' 'the jUlI'liisdlWtli<m lof tIhe LMiulnlitcIipal1l1ty .00 SI1l'r!Vey', oorusItlrruJeit, lIiwy, IllllalilnJtaJiJn, !iJmpeclt, aliter, Irepall;r, !J:'I€Il1Iew, ll'IemIOIVe, replacet, il.'lOOOIllSWuiClt, UJSie 'alllld opelI'falt:e din, ,through,\llPOlIli, iU!Illd!ar, alonig. M1JdJ aICIl'IoISIS the !Same or a4llY IQf rtihem la ipfipe litn1e ICJtr pitpe lJiinJes: 'W!ith am.(y amid laffiJi 'CJOillillieCl1JiOIlJS1, laJPpIaiOO.ltUlS, awliJaJJ:JJces IRlIlld alttadhmenits" mc:'LudIing a1otlaJCihmelI1lts fair i(llaltu1JOIdJiJc proOOCltliio.n" DleC'e.ssaJlW lOll" mo~dI€Il1ItaJli thell"elto anJd roo ia. ~tem ,fIOIl" itJhie P\1iI'!POiSIe of passdrng /thJrlou!gh It\hie :J.\funJiCipailli.~ amid!. !tr.a!Ill~..itlt]p.g 'Wainer ~"hiioo :iis i1ntenldiedi ito 100 diisltmi!bl\.Lted f!l'lOlnl the sadidi me iOI" mes in tJhe said; \MiuniiJCIi,paJiiJty iOtfr1e.l'1 thJainJ It<> pell1SiOIl1S whose ~aJI1Id ialblultls on la h:iig1hiwiaJy1 !along !OIl' I8Jal'IOSS whidh ithe same is CIalI'iIied QI"OOIliVIeyedl. ELGIN OOUNTY ,OOUN1CI!L 57 12. SlUlcIhi Il'!iigblt or [TMlIchli.se ShiaJi1 !be 'Suibjoot roo 1ailJ. the ,telI'lmS amid C!O(llIdlilt!tQlI1JS lS1e1t iOut m IM1i Aigu-:eernenlt Ito be eIlltered DO between thJe MUIIlIiJcdipaJldJ1Jy I3.lIlldi ithe IGIl'iaJIlltee lin !PUJ1'ISUIaJI1Jce of 'tJhJiJs By..[.;aw, wh!iiclh Alg"'.I'lee...'1loot shall be 'ID11JIhe tfOll'lm lhierffiLIllto alttaJdhied. 3. The WiaJrlden !M1Idi 100er1k lof the !SIaiJd !MiUJI1JiJcdJpailiirtly llWe hetl'le~ aUl1JlhorlizedJ laalJd lempower/eta !to enlter Iiinlto amid' Ito leooeiCiUlOe on behalf of tbJe IM]UIllitcdJpaJiil1Jy, rtJhe AigmeernelI1lt IMIOl"esaJildJ lamId to 1a;f[1ix: ithe Ooop<malte seal iIihlell'eJoo. 4. Thiis Byi-[jaw Shialil IClome muo If'OI'ICie I3JI1IdJ 1JaJkie leifoot 1immed'iJaJteliy alfter laID A;gmeemetI1lt 1m the :f101I'1m Ih:er:mmoo laJI1lI)jexedJ slhiallJI mVle beern exJetCUftea iQY' lal1 Ithe ipaJrltdJestheI1e1,to. RlElAD /a ifi:rlst tlime Ithils: \23il'\d IdJaJy' ofJ1aJ!liU18Jl"Y, A.D., 19M. :R.JmA[) la S1eCiolI1ld rtdme \tJhiis ~31I'1dJ IdaY' IOifJiM1lUlMW, AD~, 19614. RJEAiD fa 'th:ilridJ !time JaiI1ld! paislsed iJhiis 23Il'idJ idJ~ lof JiMllU'aay, AD., N~614. J. D. THOMSON CrleTk RUS'SiEL McIKIBB[N WlaTden FINAlI..iLY :p8lSlSied IthliJs 12131l'1dJ ldiay I{)If lJiaJI1JUlall'Yi, ADI., 19614. J. D. THOMSON Olelrk RUiSl31ElL MicK:ID3!BIN Warden I, J', D. ThOill8'OlI1, Ollemk IOIf Itlhie C01'!P'o1l'taltilolIl orf tlhie C:ooruty oif El1rg!in, IdlOi hEll'lClby <c1ell't:i:fiY J1Jhalt ;1JIhe lfior:eglodmg is .a Jtme copy of B(Y-Liaw Number 1181~7, piaJSSediQY' Itlhe OOlUllliClill! lof Ithe !S3JiIdi Cm-pOO'altian. 001J the 213rldi I!=i!ay I()If JiaJIllUJaJI1y, A.!D., 119614. J. D. THlOlMlSON, C[elI.'lk AlGIRJEEllY.IlElN maldJe din d'UlpltiJCIa\te ttft1WsI ~51th IdJaq of Malrelh, A.D.. 119164. B!ETWlElElN: THIE CORJPOIRJAT]ON ()[i' THIE OOUINTY OF ELGIN, lhieI'lemafter oaJ.ledJ '''11JIhe MiuIntlJClipaJit'Y" OF 'I1HE ~ ~T - !8.!!1\d - 'TIHJE CORlPORAJT]ON OF THiE VJJUI../AiG!EI OF WlElST OO~, hooetIDaf'ter IClaDledJ "'the IGll'ianlUeie" OF THE SECom:> PAJRT 58 ELGIN 'COUNTY lOOUNGlL WHIERmWS !the GtrfamlUee hias 'l'1eque:steld! <thie MUil1IiJcrnpa1itty tJa Gram.rt to lilt !alntd: 'its SUClC'esSiOl'S M1KiI lassl!g1llIS, a [rl'\alIllClb.iise or !l"i!ght of pasmng IthrOU/gih the MUJI1jtoipaJJ~i1Y for Itlhe ipUll"pOlSle of !ClO!IlJSrtmdbilnig, UlSliinig IM1Id OIpell1aitdinig la JdinJe 100'1 il!inJes laJllidJ JW!oriks 1I0Il' ,1Jhe dliJsIflrttbUJtiion 0If W'atell' wjjthJi(lll rtlhe ~cdpilitty. AJN[) WIHiEmlElAIS Itlhie lMumiCliJpaJ'ity. lhia;s by By -LlaiW patslSleld: on . the 23lrid Idlaiy lof JiMllUlamy, A.ID., ,1[9164, g'lnanluedJ Ithe \SlallidJ !frnalIliclhiire fmm .aIl1ld 'ad:11Jer ,the l800elCUltilOIlJ lof th'is Aigr.oom.wt aJllid has laiUlbhiolliized amldJ em- powlwed ItJhie Wa!r:dJen ,amId! Cllenk of thie salildi Mu:n:i!cipaO.liJt:y 1Ja ~eculte ti.h!iIs Ag1reemenlt 'amid !to. laJfIfiix the IClorrporlaite \sleal 1tih:er.ero. NOW 'I1HlEIRJElF10RlEl '!"HIlS IlN1DEIN'I11J1RE mrud!e' m oonsildJe!l'1aJti<m otf 1Jhte iPI'Iemises laIllid or the lPell'iflormaJIlIC8 I()[ Ithie 'ClQ<V:eIIllarutsl laIIlJd oibniiglaotJions lhieI'le.iJnJadlter 'ClOIlJtaJilnJed 100 !jjhJe palI1t ,of the IGI'laIIlItee WlITNiESStE1rH as ti01J]OIW1S : 1. The IMUJIlliJcd.IPa~ili1Y does lhieroe!b!y gIDamlt, co(lllf:eIl" iaIIlId iELS'S\1JI'Ie U!IlItD the GtI'!Mlltlee film :SUlClCielS'SlorS IMlId lassilgrnJS, :flUll ll'iiJght, ipOWler:, petI'1IlldssiioiIl IMlldl rClOlIllSel1lt <to enfter upon, me IMlIdi iQlClCUIPY Ithe hig1hlW,a:ys otf Olr' UIl1\dlelI" tlhe jlUll'lisdiiioDilcm of ith!~ !MiUlIllitCliJpality to iSUJ1'IVIe!Y" COlllSltJI'IuiCIt, 1IJaiy, mialiln- 1"AaimJ, illnlSpoot, taJ!tJer:" Il'iepruir, \l'Iellie'W, remlOl\71e, f1epa:aoCie, !l"eoonsIt\l'IUJct, use flJl1ldl fqple!l'faJbe 'm, I1ihll1ough, U\Pl0lIll, UJrudler, 31l1OIl1g laJIlid! 13ICl'IOSS the same OIl" alIlIY lof itlhieni, la [PIiJpe llime or :pipe liJnes witJh 'MlIY lalIl(d 'aU ,CiOI1lJ1Ie!ClU]OIIlS, a;ppama1ms, lalPPliiJanJCles laJIlld alt:UadhmtmUs, IiJIliClud!i:ng lalttiaJclhJmlelIlJts for' C1aJ1JhiOlditC prl{)ltJect!tOll:l;, lIliOO:elSSlaJIW iOl'! :ilIlJcdtdi€lllltlail th!e/r.eto aJI1Id: IU0' la ~em t10l1 t:he .pumpOSle lor ld!iJStTliibUlt!in!g Wialbel!' wi'bhd.lIl.\ ttthle' MUIIlliCliipaJIlilt:y. 2,. A1l 'IlIew (or lI"elIlieWIal) 1IIlIa!iJns, pipets, lin!es iaJIlIdJ WIOIl'ikJs iJnIsltlailled by GtrtMllUee uJIlIdJer 'thiils Aig1reetmlerut shan be IClOlIlJSlUrUlCited ialIlidJ JaiJdJ :iIn a.ClClondJaIIliCl8 wilth :gtaod: le!IllgiinlSeriJnlg IMlId OcmstmuatiJOlIli pmcticles. Elx!cept liIl 'Clase of etmIerr!g1eIliCly. (a) (llIO eXlClaNamcm, o})e[llilnjg IQ[" wortk rwthiich will 'dii!sluUll'1b or in!teIl- rt1eI'1e wtlith rt:ihJe 'UnawelliadJ sUJIUiooe rolf IMlly hlirgthiWlruy slhIa1I1 be UII1I- dJeIl'ItJaJkien; 011' 10000000000eIl1C1eid1 fbY Gtl'lamtooe 'WIitlbJoiUlt W1I'1iItten rnJOItiCIe ,'00 SUldh off:toffi'l lof !tlhJe M'11II1!iIClilpaJliilby IaiSI ~ tf'I'lOffi rbime iflo Ibimie be laJppoinIbe1d IbiY t:hie iClOIUIIlICIiI1 IOlf !the Mrmdicd.palillty flor the pUlI"'- pGise iOf @erliffi'rall: ISiUJptetlf'\'Hcm over :iitJs hdghways (hell"reliln.Mltelr' Il'fafiell'll'etd !to las ""l1fue sa&d o:tlf'icer of :tih:e M,~ty", wlh1iicftl term shall mclU1de the persQ(llI lacl1li!nJg m Ih.ris :stead: in tihe eIVelIltt of Ihiis laJOOentOO f!I'lOIn duty), 'sUlch lIliOiti!C!8' to be g:i'VIelll t8Jt ,least !EJLGIN COUNTY OOUNCIJL 5,g 2\4 hol1.lrS 'm laJdlv1Ml1ce of \Clommerromg ISUIcih WrOlrlk 1.lll1il!ess other- wilSe laJgIl'laed roo !by the sadldl ofif:tcer of !thie i:Mi1.liIll1ai;paliilby, alIlId (!b) tbedloIie liaJYintg lor :inJs1JaJIl1n1g Iaa1JY il1iew (or iI'lEmeJWlal) IllJainJs:, lpirpes., lJi(lll8lS land WiOflk:si, r1Jhie iGIl'IalIlltee ShlaJllJ fiirSlt fdle witaJ. Itlhie sadd off'1cer of Ithe :J.\funlilClipallliitJy fa 1pI'IeilliminalrIY IlllJWPI Ol" pm Show- mg wbJalt 1it PI'lOIPosm to laJY or ilnlsItJall iaJtlfd :t:ihiel prtoposedl iliOlCa- t1JiJQ(llI 'therteolf laJl1ldl ShIaJIl laliso d1eClk wdlth !aIIlId! dhba'iIni the W11'Ii:t'ten '31PPI'OVlail of the sadidl ofIfd.Cler of !the MUIIlIiJC\i.paJlitly I3JS ltJo SIUICIh :proposed: lioClaltion. NOit laroeT tlhiaJIli 1ft1mee mOllibhis a;fiter ltJhJe Id]jose !Of eaJcih of dlts fisoal :yJeall's tbie GIl'Ia:nftee rSlhiall1 f;illle 'WIilth Ithe OlieIik. of the IMUIIlIiciipaililty, illllaJpS or !plM1JS slhJQWli!nrg 'the JJOIOaJtiOlIll laJllidl si2'Je of 3111 maJo, pipes:, liiInies 8II1ldJ WIOIr1ks laJid lor diniStalll'ed by 1:lhe Grtamloee din ,thie hii!gihlWlawsl dJU!I"J.nig jjts ~ev!ilOius f'isClal Y1e1aJr. 13,. 'I1hie sa:iid lme Q1'I IlImes iShIall be placed: ulndel"1g1l'lOlU)Ild 510 fl3.ll" as iJS iPI'lootiJclalll aIIlId: itf ll'IeqUJiJrlfld IQy ItJhe Wiamdlen or ortihJefI officer orf :tI..lre MulllilcdipalitJy lalbOVle men!Ji:Q(llIedJ 1SIhiaJl1 !be llQiClartJedl 1a.J.t0!JJlg lfue 'SJi:dea of the saJildi ihdghWlaJ(Ys I€lXlCleplt :w1hieI'le ~t lSIhiaM !be IIliOOe8lSla4'ly 1001 IClI'IOISS a mghwaw 3JI1!d SbJaJ1li be so ClOIlISltll'rulCltedl taJSi iIlIOt Ito lobsl1n~Udt 101' dJnlterd:lell"e wiJ\:Jh tJhe use of the lhitglhJmtIY lOll' Wlith a.lIl1Y Idir1aJiJnJs, tdltOcihes, ibtrIiIdg1es, cWV1eaW OIl" OitlhJeII' iWlOII'm IQlr lirrnipI'loonemeJIlJts Ithell'eon . or Ithwem. 4. In ltIhie e'Venlt iJIhaJt the fM'uiniiJc'ijpalilty 1ShialJJ1 deem it ex1Pediilentt to la~ter Itlhie IClOll1lSltll'ulClt1JO(lll of 1a.lIl1Y ihig1hWraJY or of 13JI1IY m 'UlIlliJcd:p1all; dll"adn. dtl:boh, b!rlildlg1e, culvent or IQlther works or dimpl!'lOlV1emell1lts tlhiell'l€lOIl Olr t/her'eill1i iMlIdJ 'in the ClOIUJrse ltheI'leof :ilt sbJaJ1l become neCteslSlalr'Y to halVe the G~alD.1OOe make chialngles IilI1 iits 1me lor lines OIl' W'OIl"ksl 1n oodler /fJo fac:iil!iJtialtJ tlhie WIOIJ:Ik \Of the MiuJnJi.c:iJpal:iltly, ltihien Ulpon !I'lelCleilpt Off irOOSOIll- 21b1e il1IO!ti:CJe in: ~ilt1ilnig tfll'lOlll tlhe Wi:wdlen for OltihJer of!':icer of tIh(e MUJIlItCliJpaJ.jlOy :aJblolVle mel11ltdoned speci!f~ Ithe cl1Jamge dJeSliIredJ, the Gmanltee shiaillli ialt lits I()W\I1I e~ chJ9JD.ige im 11inle lOll" il!inJes or workls alt the pIOIimJt Slpooif:iJed. 15'. 'I1hie Glrl3JDlbee lSiI:1IaJll const:ll'UJCIt, rreparur I8lIl!d /I'lepiIlace laJIl;y sUiCih lilnJe OIl' l:in!es OIl' 'WIwks wirtJh alW reasonable ex!pedlirtiiOll1 so it!mt tlhie lI:1JighIways &l1iall 1IlI00t be t'Otlm1 Uip OQ', IObsttIl'IuJCltedl d10l"' tamlY' UII1lJ1eceSSlallW '1etngith of tIimle aDld: !u\p0l1J !the 'ClOiIllSI1FUJCltd.oIlJ, IrIepa;iIriinIg iaJtlfd 'l'lapltacinJg of aIl1IY SUJCh Jdn.e OII'" mea IQIl'\ WIOI"ks Oil' Ithie taJkJinlg UIP of I.alIlIY \Of the same OIl" the movtinJg of ~ of IUhe same: fll'lOIIl phtcle roo p\IJacte in a h~y, ttl.he ~~ 60 EIT..nGIN COUNTY 'COUNCIlL Slhiaill., WlitJh tai11 lI'I€laJScnaIbJ1e eXJP8ldilti!Ol1t, lbe ll"'eSooriedJ to lilts propeiI" lev-ell amldI tg1I'laldiedi IalI1ld left d:n !as salfre alI1ld good a. stalte of II'IeIPaJir as it wtal9 beflOll',e it was €II1lter;eld UJpIOIIli 0lI' op:ooedi, a(llIdJ !to the SlatiJSfalCltiOlIl of the s3J~d 'Wiall'lC11enJ lor lather offlilceT' lof rthe lM'UIIlIic:iIpaldltlV albove menctdIOInedi. ,6,. The IGTantel8llSihiaJll ramJd does hell'elby. lait Ian. tlimes mdemJ:1liJfy alIlId' salVie ihIaJl'IInless 1Jhe MunmcltpaJliiltJy fll'Offi iBJllId ag1adnislt alL! lioos, dlamaJgie, iInIj:UJl'Iy'OI' eXIPenJsle wthiiJClh !the.. MUll1IiciilpaU:iJt:y maJy beJall', sUlfftell'" or be' pm tlo Iby ll'IelaJSOIlli of 'aIIlIY IdJama;ge :00 iprope!l"'Uy iO!'! dmij UlI'lV 00 pIelrS!OOlS ClaUSed by Itihie 'ClOIllISuI'UiCltd:on, TieiPaJir', m1aJiInltenaallCle, ll'IernJOIVlal or opell"lat'iJOllJ blV !bhie GmMlloee IOf'llaJI1lY of dim ma.dJI1Js, piJpes, mes !()It" Worlksl m 1Jhe M'UIl:tcLpaJit(Y UillI1iess ISlUJdh loss. idiaJmlaJge, 'iJnIj:UJI'ly 1011' eXIPeIIlISle lis oClcamiQlJ1led by AClt of Glad lOll' ibiy !the lalCIt, [}Jegloot iO!'! IdJefiaJUJljt !Of some !per'S0Ill,. f'iIl"m lOr CiOIl"POT- ai1Jiloln othiw Itham: the Gll'1aJIlltee, :iJts. '8!6l"1V1Ml1ts, ClOI1ItIl'looOOrtsl, SUb-OOiIlltrtacl- tors, la@eIlItJs or em.plO1y1eielS1. 7. The ll'Iilghlts !aalldl pIlU'V11leges Ihwelby IgIl'anroedi sib.Iall1 ClonJtiil:llUJe OOld reIlllaJia.l Ji.nJ fOOCle for. la !peI'I~odJ of 'I1we:nlby yeall"S fll'lOIn tthe dialte !hereof. 8.m tJhii:s A!gTI€l€menlt aIlldJ dIn 'tlhe ~..[jalW laib!oiv'e MerIl'edJ lbo, (fa) dlb.:e 'WOl'IdJ "ihdJgihlWlaJy''' lSlhiaJ]lJ mealIli a oommon or pu/bilJicl high- WlaJ(Y laJllid mclUJd!e a 1l'I00adl, blI'li.tdjg1e fMlld laIDlY other Sltiril.1lCltmJre ill.- ClildlenJtall tiheIleto, [}JOW tOr !aJt ialI1lY' IOU:I1!e IdlUll'lillllg <tJne i!termof th!is Ag'l~eem:enrt; llIl1ldler !the jUJI'lismeID.1OIll 'oif thie lMUJ:1JLciipaHroy. (Ib) !the 'Wood "lMiuIniitei(pa1ity" ShaM meam.1the COUlIl!ty to[ Elgin as \Pl",etsenJtlY 'ooIliSltdltuttedl or iaJS !iJt maJY' fl1'1OIn ltd:mJe to itillllle be oonI- stiltmood! IdJUII'IiinJg Ithe te!I'lm of fthiiJSI .Aig1I'Ieemenrt. 9. This .Aig1reemenlt Shiall ,enure 100 tbhe IbenefiJt IQIf ami! be biLndIing upon ltlhJe palt'l1JiJelSi hel!'ielDO, ithiei!r SUiCiC€SSiOll"'S IM1ldl ~. 1IN wmrNIESiS wtHIERJEOF !the pamtlles lhaJv;e hielrel1ltl.lOOi affdxiedJ i\:lhe!ir respecffiirve iClorporIaJte Slelallis fcJJuly atltelSlt:ed by \the' ilmtnIdS of tlb.ieiJr proper signJ1nJg of1fioers m thtat behalf. THE OO/RlPORJATIION OF 'I1HlE V1IILiLAGIEI OIF WIEST LORIN!ID L['iO!YD E[.[...!]OT!' VIERA M. RlEID RJeeVle C,[erk THlE CORiPORA'I'[ON OF THlE COUNTY 0iF' ELGllN J. D. THOMSON RUSSEL McKIBBIN Clelrk Warden J!1LGIN OOUNTY IdOUJN1CIL 61 BY-LA. W NO. 1858 "To Appoint an Inspector Under the Construction Safety Act.,.,. 'WHERlEAIS rt:lhie C011\sJl:lrlwclt'iKm Saftety Aot !l'eqUiiJrles the ~ of ClounltJy ~om, 'I1hie 1000000clil iOIt' .the Oorpol1a.tJ.i!on of 1lhe CIoIUlIlltw of Ellg'in ena.ctf;s: 1. 'I1HJA T L]Oi~d IS. Om-II" ol! the VWIaig18' ol! PIo1t SltainILey !be, aa:lIdJ is ihier\eIb~ ajppoliln!tJedi IInlspelCltoo UIIlJdieIl" ltihie Q)1IlSWt1icJt1iio SIaif'ety' Act to peI'lfonn ala: Ithie dlU/tlies as plrIe8CIr!iJbed! m t1hie AiClt 00di ~tikms Iirni 'tftlIe OOUiDltyi of !E\1gm. 12. 'IIHlA T !the saliaJI'ly' shiaJIa be $14,000 per lamllUm, all1d CalI"' aE.'oiWainK::e on Ithie same basis I3.iS petrlmWled: Ib~ the Delpatrtmel1llt of ~ghwaJyS ifIO.r 001.llljOy ~OIaJdi iSuiplmi~D1belIlldaIllts. 13. 'lUM T IhIis idiultiels CIOmmentCle ilhe Ilat dia1y' of Felbil"U&W. l~. lRlEAiD la first /time It his: 23lVdl diaIy of JIMlJUJalrly, 19614. lRlEAiD ,a 1Sl000ll1ld! !time this 213!l'fdi dJaw of JiaIll1Jlall'Y, 19614. ~ I8l 11lh!iJrIdJ ltilme,. lima filnlally passed! ~s 23m! dlaiy Olf J1anru.al'lY, 1/964. J. D. THOMSON Ol~ RUSSElL MciKl!BtBm Wlartfien 62 ELGIN COUNTY 'DOUNCn.. SEOOND ~S:SION - FIRST DAY Tuiesda.y, the 17th day of March, 1964 'IfuJe E1ig;i:nClOUJIllty COUI1iC1:1 met t1htis dia;y art; the Court House, SIt Thoma!s, in ,a;cCQI'IdlooICJe wttih adjournment. TJ:re Wazdml in tlhie CIhaiT. Ali1i the memJbetm rpll'lesentt Imroept iaeeVle EmierSOlIli. LMI1\Tho.n:uas Gioodi1alnJdJ. DepuJty !R.eeVie 'Of Pant lSlbalnfLew mad hiils OOl1biflilCalte. 'IfuJe IMilnJuites df ltIhie Iliast QaiY of itlbJe JalIllU!aIDy' /SesISikm were read ,SInd OODIfmnedl. The IfolJmv:i.nJg iCIOlII1llIll\ll1100rt;~OIlIS were il'IeaJd iBlllldi ll"Ie!erIrefd iOO the.ilr VlaJl"iiQUS OQrnlInJiIbtees: COMMUNICATIONS March Session, 1964 liIDom !t.lhe WiestJem OnitllllI'tlJo AlgtnicwbuirIaJ School wdlth appl'lecdiaJtjjon of ScholialrS.hJiip Gr1aD.1lt.~iJlJeJdJ. li1rom rbbie SeooeuaJI'(Y of /the lElligiJn Bnwch of lthe Canadialn NaMODl8I1 InsbiJtIuI1le /f1()J." Ithe Blii.!nJdI W1iItihi tapp.recialtion of gmlIllt.----F1iledl. (F1rom ttibJe D~a;rtlme:rut of lMuinii:oilpaO. AtJf1aliJrs re Centte:IllIlliiall Gt11alIllt. -!Rlefetrtred! :to :tibia Flm3mloe CommiJttee. From '1Jbe ISouItihWesterm OnltJamio HiOll'semanslhli.'p C1JuJb iWiJth Il'IeqUlelSlt far ~alIlIt.---ffiJefeI'll'ied Itlo the Aig1rIioul1tu/rlail Oommiibtoo. iF'rom :1fue Briesidlenlt of rtfuJe UlIlivensditly of Wiester1IL OnitJarmo With appr.ooiaJtilon of Igrant :aIl1Idl schiolJairshipsl.~d. l'trIom thie lPiQI'lt BUJ1'IWIe1l Ooolmbw of Oommetroe 'WIitb reoommetnidJa,- tion IDe: Ithe :sale lof ltolbacoo.-iRe:feI'll'leld; tJo Ithie Aig1I'Iioolltull'lal Co:rn:m.Jilttee. iElLGIN. COUNTY OOUNCIL 63 iF1:oom .:tihie iOoUJIlJtly of Ki€ll1lt Tie: AJrmeXlaJtion J.iegisliaJt'iiolni.-R.eIf€ll'1l"edi rOO the Bat'iitdlOlIllS iMlJdJ LegislJaJtiKmls COmiJ:njjt;rt)ee. F1rtom :1ft1e OOllll1lty of Kienrt 1l'Ie: Oouirlt:s of lReVli:sdon [OOgUslalti.(m.- Ref erll"edJ ,to the PetJi:tiO'IlLSi lanldJ LegiSlialtiJorus OammiItIDee. !FlJ:'lOllll the OOtllI1lUy of [ualllllbtoIll 'l'Ie: SUlbsiJdy on SlalfiSty Iin.spootor's sa04all'1Y. ---lFtiffied:. FiI'lom [J]Joytd IS. 1Gu/rir wditJh 'l'Iesdig1lliaJtiJOOl ifll'lOIn Saflety 1inJsp/eotor~ pooi- ttOll1. --l1i1iil1edi. [Ei1rom /the Dep/t. lof iLlaJbOUiI' re: .AippoilnJtmenJt 10[ a Satiety Iiruslpootor. ----;RefierlI'ledJ ,to 1fuJe lRJoiaJdJ OonmriJUtee. a<1rom 1Jhe !Elgin SchodlJ 'TIrIuS00eis 18.IIlId! RJaitepawea"lSi .AsSIOOiJaJtion wDJth a(pp1'IecliiaJtli!OO1I of iB1l'IanJt.--"FiJ!ed. F11'1Om rtJhie iOOUIIllUy of !KlenJt 'Wilth lajpIpI'IeClilaltion !ftOll' tlhe WI8.ll'JdelI1'~ a:tJ1JenldJaJl1JCIe laID meetinJg wilth itftle MiJnJister IOf Aigll'ticWtUll'e Te: BaooImWd: Mestatilon.-J}i1iledl. ~ /the OOlUlIllty laf !Beel tie .Arrm~cm liegdslalti:cm.--RieifelJ.'lI'ed rOO tlh,e PiEiltliltions 18lIlId! iLlegislJaJtiOlllS OomrnIiIt1tee. 'V1M':iJouls loomm'UlIliirCIaJOiOIlis \1"e: VieI1ll1la mgh SIchoIOIl.-'FdledJ. iF1rIom the Depa.rttmlenlt \0[ lLIaDJds laJIlld For.eslts re OpelIli SeJaS/OIll fOll" ihJuJnitiinJg IdJeer m IEligdIn 'OOUlIllty .~errreid \to ttlhe Ag>riciUllltUlr'ail: CiOIInmittee. F\r1om thle 1Ql0000000Uy 100 WeniUworlth :re pa.ytn:llelnft of Slai,ett~ IinspecOOir';S sail!aJrY !by" lthe Pa~,vmC'e of O!I1tau.~ol~~il,ed. lRep~E:l!S flrom OIthier OOUJIlltiiJes !fie _in ,00UnIt(Y Il'leiSIOllUltioos was read anJd! O1'Idiertedi filled!. Mov'ed by Reeve Brown, Seconded by Re.eve CLarke, ThiaJt 11hie ElligD CIOI1lIIl.IW' C10iUlIllCiJ. aJOOeIpt Mil". Lloyd GJUIl'lr's il"eSiigna- ,ti:on !as safelty dnJspooUOll" oi <tIl:le Ooil.1ll1ltAy of Elgin. -C1arTileJd. 614 :mLGIN COUNTY 'COr:TNCIL Thle f1lns1t ~eportt. of the ~ Oommirttee was presented and 9.ldJopbeid Q(llI moti!OiIli of Rlee\'ie Wioolnier land Rloore iIbillips. The !I1epcmt df !the iIDqUlal'i2lwtJiOIll OOIl1JIIlittee was presented a.nd iflldIQpted! 10illi matliio[ll IOIf !Reeve [)ownley lalIlld Rleeve MaIl'Itdn:. MOVied !by Reev:e Mrs. McGM"ithy, SlelClOIlJdIed by ae.ere MamtinJ, Thait [)elpulty R.eeve TIhiomas OoodilamiJ be a!prpoinIted 00 aim Crom- mD1bteles :tJh.alt hJi\s! predlece5SOIl." \SIeriV1ed 0Ill. -ClalI"I"iJed. Moved! iby Reeve CJiaritle, Sec!o(llldied b~ ReeVie P!hJiI:1ips, 'I1hiaJt we do now adjo'l1lrni to meet -too iaJiUeIrIlOOn at 2 p.m. -Call"ded.. The cOUncil. :r;esullneld. ThJe ll'Iepartt 100r Ithie lPIroper!tly CommirtJtee WlasI pr8Slemed andJ adopted 0IIl motiJolDI 'Of DejplUlty lRJeeVie G10Vie!l'l land Depulty' Reierve fMicCallwm. 'Ilhe secOIDldf repont IOf rtlhie Flmallllce 10000000000utee Wasl prese:nft1ed and 19IdOptedi lem motilon of RJeeve Wiodlinier 1aJI]d; ~e MirSi. MCICiaJrltby. The ::mI1g1m iMlamJor Comm'iltlbee iRleipOl'lt iWlas prelSlEmlted amd adopted on motl~cm 0[ RleeVle TuIt1fl()lrdi amid! \Reeve Howard. ".LUlIe !I1epor1t lof !the iRloaJd! IOommi!ttlee !W1as ~d and! adopted on mot~on of :Reevle PhilldJps I3Jl1Id RJeevle Wioomer. MloVed! by DepUlty Reeve &iliJlJeihaJUlf, SeOOTIldedJ by RJee:ve iE1!1tOltt, Thalt !W1e 100 [lIQW lald!jlOUm iOO meat on WedinlesdJaJ(Y, MaIDdh lif~th, li964, at 10 aJlll. J. D. 'DIroM1SON CJ:erk -ciaa"Tied. RU1SSiEIL McfKIBIBlIN WiaJI'lden ELGIN OOUNTY iOOUN'C1L, 65 SECOND SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday the 18th day of March, 1964 The Elgi:n OOlm1lty OOilIlDJcH. met tJhis day aIt .thie Cour:t House, SIt. 'DhomaJSi, m oocordJanioe wiltal aJdjOUJmlment. Thle Wa;rdlen m ttJhie CIhaix. All tlhe members pa'lesenJt leoooelpt lRJeev:e ~erSiOlIlJ land ReelVe Howard. The m:inJutes of tihe pr;evd.aUiS day were l'ielaJd and conf!ixlmJed. A commt.m'icwtton fi!1OIn the AssiQlCiiaibioo: of Ontario MJ~ and Reeves reqiUlestilIlg memJbetMh.iLp in :tIhte OrgalI1limtiJ<m was :read:. M!OIVIed 1b(Y Rieeve W:i!]sOIll, SSciQll1Jded b~ ReeVie Pihil:1ips, Thalt we, the COUlIllUy of EJgm, jlOlin Itlhe AssiooilaltiooJ of MayOl'lS OOId RieelVleS. -CWrne!d. The ll"Ieporrt of !the lPetliltalQlIlS and: 'Legistla.tiOll:lS C/olmmdJttee WJa8 plre_ sooted! loodi lalcc:eptedi 0Ili mJOItJion: Of Rleeve BaJilrid 00Idi [)epu!tJy RieIelVe CIaimOin. The i!1epQI'lt lor !the AJg.nioolt'Ulr'aJ1 Committee IW1aISi pil'IeSenItJed BlDIdl aooepbedi !Ql} motilo.n or [RJeev:e 1.Iedd:ldh :aJIlld RJeeve vaaenrtine. Moved ib1Y" Deputy Reevie MClOall-um, SecOIlldled by Rieeve Downey, TbJaJt itlhe .ooUlIllty of lIIDg!iJn maJke l~liiJcaIDiKm iOO [be City of St. ThIOlIl1laJS Ifio!r :ilmipr'ovemenJt of iGliaJdstlOlnJe AVle. ICUtlib, gmrt;Iter I8.IIlldi 316 :foot !l"oaidiW1~ f!!'lOl!!!: rSt!M"'..IJJ~ StJI'!eet !to iM:etc:alfe &ureat. -Clarried. MOIVIed by Re1eve WOolner, Seoanded by Deputy ReeVIe Sch:l1eiJb.,a.uf, 66 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL Thiaro By-Law NOI. '1I8lOO "'110 Ralire Aimounlts flOll"' tCoUlIlty RnrtJes Dumng the YieaJI", 119164," be ll'Iea;d a lfiiJrSlt !tilIllle. ~CiaITieid. Moved by Heev.e Elliott, SeClOlnded by Reeve Lei:tch, 'IU1JaJt B~-[JaJW NOI. 11815191 be a"!ea;di a lSooOIlldJ rbime. -CiM"Tied. Maved Iby Deputy ReeVie McOal1um, SeclotI1ldield by Reeve Tlufflord, 'Ibait By-Larw No. :118001 be Il'OO.od a 11Jhiil'fd time,laJllid ifinta1L1iY passed. ------C:all"ried. Moved by Remre DoiwInIey, Secand!ed !by Deputy R,eeve McCallum, ThiaJt By-lJaiw trilb. 181610 ""DOl ClOllif.iJrm the ~qUlali:llalttOIll of the AiSISIessmernlt Rolls lof rt;he tOOUIIl!Uy of !ID1ig!irn ~or the year, 11964!~ !be iI1erodJ a :ftia'st 1fJime. -CIaIl'Il"Led. MOVled by ReeV1e LeiJtc!h, SeClQ(lllded by Rieev:e EIlJ1tortct, 'Ilhwt By-[JaJW' ND. :1!8160 be ll'Iood a secOlIlldJ 'time. -Ciwrri-ed. Moved! by Deputy Reeve SclhilJeihia'Ulf, SeOOiIlldiedi by Reeve WlOOliIlJer, 'IlhiaJt By..[Jaw NOI. '[81601 !be Il"ead a thiiTldi tdmle, and f:i1lla1ly ptaJSlSed. -Clall"ried. MOlV'ed by Rlee'Vle P!hiJil.d:ps, SeclOindied ib\y [)epUJty J:OOeiVe lClaa"son, Thalt ~\V-Ww ND. 1001 "A By-Ww' 11101 LP!rIov1die fOIl"' the Ni01l'!IIml 19614 ~en1dJilbuJres on Rloolds lUJI1der the ~ l!mpiI10iVeme[)jt Aicl!; iII1 the 001mty Df ~" be Il'IeaId aJ fiJrst illime. -Clarr1ed. EliGIN COUNTY OOUNCIiL 67 MavedJ !by Reeve 01laJrtkie, Seo00l1ded by DepUltiy RJeelV1e Glaver, ':DhiaJt B;Y-Law iNio. 1861 be, read! a SOOOIIlld Jtdme. -Cia~ried. MOVied ib~ RieeVle BaJiIl'd, SeoonJdedl 1b(Y RJeeVie P\hill.Iips, 'IUliaro BIy-lLaw No. 118611 be !l"IeaidJ 131 thiiJrldi ftime, iMlIdJ ~lly pa5\S;edJ. -ClaJI'Il"ied. Mov.ed by Reevle ViaiLenJmne, SeClOI1ldled 'bW RJeev1e o.v.Iamtin, ThaJt B(Y-[JaIW NOI. Il186121, ~':A. iBlV-lJalW Ita [prIovitdie r:OOr !the Sup[ple- mEIDltJa;r:y '119614 ElxipelIlldiiitUll'les OIlJ iRlOIa\dJsi under the HiJgbiwaIY Improv:emenIt Aiot, iJl1J tJhie C/OiUInlty ,df @JJgiJn:"', be tr€laldl 18< fiJmt lt1me. -Cia;rried. iMlOlVledJ \by Deputy ~eeVie MIcIKliin11laJ(Y, Second!ed by Deputy RleeVIe CiaveI"ly, 'IlhiaJtBly-li3lw NOI. 11816121 be ll"ealdl Q seOOnJd itlime. -Ciaa."ried. MOIVledJ by RJe:eve MaIDtiJn, Soooodedi ib(Y Rleeve BIl'oWlI1, T1!1/aJt BW-[.m3lw N1o. 1i86i2i be read i8I ,tl1.iirid 1tin1le, iWDid! :t1il1laJ!1y passeld~ -Oarried. :MloVletdi by DepUlty Rteeve Gtlmner, SeoolllidJed iblY Reeve Ba:ilrid, Th3lt By-[Jww No. :1!003, '''Bielimig 18< B:y-ILaw ito lRiepeal By-[a:W No. 1008 of ltJI:1ie COUinlty tOf IEDigm", be ll'Iead IS. 1f;iirst time'. -Ciarried. Movled by Deputy ReeVle Oarson, 68 ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL Sec:o(lllded b~ Riei8!ve Clarke, Thlat rBy-[J8iw No. 1186131 !be il'Ieald a seoOIlldJ :mme. -Oarried. Movred by Re,ev,e Baird, SieOOllided by DepUJty Reev:e Glover, Thirut By-LlaJwNlo. 1[863: be l!Ierud la ItJhiirid rt:iime, laJllidl finJally PMiSled.. -Clwrrioo. Mov,ed by Reev.e Mrs. Mc:OaI'lthy, SeoolIlldJedl bw DiejpIuItIy Reeve GiOOdWaJIlJdJ. TlhJaJt By-iLIaJw NOi. ,lI864i, "'Bemg la B!Y-rr...aw l1la Aidlj'llISlt the SalaiI"Y of Irvan J. iPlrutUeIl"SlOiIll, iSU[pIeIl"mtendJenlt of ~m MaJDlOlr, laJllidi to Aimend By- DaJw No. l7129"", be rerudi ia lfI.iJmt time. -Oarded. MlO'Vied by Reeve Brown, SeclOn.'dledi by DepulUy RJeeve Oawerly" 'llhiaJt LBw~ No. 11864 !be a:lelad la second rtJime,. -C1aa-ried. MOVIed! Iby Deputy lRJeeVie MciKiiInIhwy, Sec:Ollidiedi by Re6VIe BrOWlI1, Tbalt B'y..[;aw N1o. 11864 be !l'ead la :third time, laJllid ifilnallily passed. -aaa-ried. lRJOOVIe Philliips priesenroed the WiaJI'lden wilth :a ,dhieqUJe for $71001.00 :1JI"0In The :LiIOIIllS Oliulb of SitmaffOiI'ldlV1i11e 'UO ibeUlSed to fumish a room am the iI1Iew LlillIgillll CloUinJty lBJome iior ltJhJe Aig:ed. MaVled by Releve Wool-ner, Seconided by Deputy ReeVle Scl1Wemauf, TbJat /We 100 :now ladljaUTtn to meet on Tuesday, Jtme 1161th, aJt lO am. -C!aJrried. ~GLNao~ 'a~CTL 69 COUNTY RAT'ES, COUNTY OF ELGIN FINANC[A;L REPORT March Session, 1964 First Report 'I10 It:he WIaJI'ld!e.n, iMlid Memibel1s of Itlhie iE]1g~n OaUlllity OormCliJ1, The OOlmmi1t1ele iOn FinJamlcle beg JieaVle :to ,l"epoT1t l11hialt ihiavinlg m- qiUJiiredJ dinJOO FimJaJnJCles of !the iOOIUiIlIOy, !amld! ,eSluimrutes wepaIl'IeidJ biY tlhie C1oiUJIl\ty T/rielasUl!'ler, Ithe(Y hiell'leWl~th IS1UJbmiilt la slualtemerut of the e!XiP'elnidli- 'bUJrles lI'Ieq:wiJrleld! fOIl" lohe i]aWlf:ul1 purpoSle ,Of l1Jhe C101UJIllty dluiritn.lg 1191614, slhow:ilng Ithe I3JIT1JOIUJllIt ~eqUJtred! Ito be [['1a;iJSleld! :fIOIl' iJhe UIIlldiell'lmelIlltiJooed pUlrlpooes: : A:dimiJndtsltlraroiO!n O\f JrusmDe ......................................$ 62',OI01O.0i0l C10fUlIlity RJolaJds (7.5, mms) .................. ..... ... .............. 4J111,21216..OiO CibJaJrlilby and We1fiame ........ ............... .............. ........... 4,.000:.:010 Clhi1d WellfialIie ............ .......... .............. .......... ..... ... .... .... 23,.o1Oi0..D!O OoiUJIll1Jy AsSelSiStInlelllt .................... ........... ......... .... .... .... 110,01001.:0110 ElIg1iir1-iSt. 'I1hiomas :Hea]tJh U'DIilt . . . . ..... . .. .. . . . .. .. . .. .. .. 3i6,,71514.00 ELg'n MrulllOIl' Ope!I'lrutiJng ............................................ 13,01100'.0'0 Eligint Mial!llO!r FumiJSJhilnigs ........................................ 2IS,OOlO'.OOl 1EI]gm ManlolI" DebellltUJrlels ........................................ 313~,600.00 Elgm HlOIslPiltaJl iDebenltures ... . . . ..... . ...... . ... . . . . . . . . . . ... . 5I2i,8IO'O..DIO Mlu:nIiJCiiJpwl GovemmenJt ................................... .......... 301,100101.001 Aig1I"JJClUlJtu,l1e ... .,. .... .... ... ............. ....... ...... ...... .... ................. 1\10,000';010 InItJelI'leslt MlJd P~e~t ClOIUIIllty ThaJDelSl ........ 214,011001.0110 PIr1i'llitmg, P1ostlag1e lamldi :StaJtiJOIIlIerry ...................... 1,0100.010 GTlaJllits . ...................... ........... ........... ....... ........................ m,2loo.00 LiJDeIllIS1es !amld MiJslDe]LaJllielOlU:S .. . .. . .. . ... .... . ... .. . . . . . . .. . . . . ~:.O'O Ti!li1.sIOlnlbwrg HOi$.iltruI ......... ........ ........... ........ ............ 116,0010.0110 $7167,6122:.010 YiOlur Oommirbtee 'Would lI'IeCiOlITllmelllidi rtJhiaJt 'the SiUJII1 of SleiVIeiI1l HluJnidlr<ed 3ll1ld ISixity-iSevren ThousalIllC'I\, lSix HiUlllidiredl aTIld Twenlty-TwiQi Dollliams: be !l'IaJilsed IOIIli laU' Il1altealbLe iP'TlolPeII'Iby dill! Ithe selVleI'lal mlUlnJicliipaJittd'eB of ithe COIUIl1Ity of Elg;in, dlurd.Dlg :thie Y'elM', :119164, flor OOltmlty purripOSeB', and tlhrut a iI'laroe of 114 mjJ}l!.s IOI1 rthe dloilll8ir' be i!!ev!ted 0!1! i!'!rutea!ble pu'iOiperrty :i:n tihie seVleI'laU. mrmiJailpalIJilt:i.'els in ifue OOilli11JUy Ito mise sadJdI amoUJnlts. Mil. of wthiiclh. iIs: 1\especiUfiUJJJliy SIUIbmilOted. GORDON WOO!I.1N'm" Clbafu'man. 70 IDLGIN COUNTY 'OOUNC1!L EQUALIZATION REPORT March Session, 1964 'I1o the WiaJl'!dJen, 3.ll1id Memibws of 't'he ELgin Cofl.l!l.Jt(Y Co'Ull1Cil, The Elquaili2JatiJan OOlIIllIl1:iltoee repOlI"ts 3lS foliliQIWISI: ,1.. THAT ,tihief1011Lowti.!nlg be i1Jlhe eqiUaJIDtllaJttOO of tlhe Ais\slessmerut Rolls ,of 'tJhie ClOIllJ11l'ty of EilgIiJn [rOIl' tlhie yeall'i, 11964 : Aylmer .......!............................$ 7 :~a9;111IQi;00 BellmoIllt .... .... ..... ........... ........ ..7142,21215,JOIO D!Ultltcm ...... ....... .............. .......... 93!7~06I8;OO PioIit BlUlI'\W1ell ........................ 8417,397Joo Pam iSlUaJnlJe(V .. . . .. .. . ... . .. . . ... . . . . 31;11510,6818:.00 Riodlniey ......... ................ ........... l;11512I,M8.0I0 Slprinlglfdletlld ............................ 3163iJl1214.100 VWelIl.II1Ia ......... ........... ................ 31621,71719.0101 Weislt IJorinJe .......................... 1.,!2I111,,7149.00 .Alidlb()ll'!OIl.1Igih ............................ 15,,1168,5106JOO BawbJam .................................. 151,8131O.3159Joo SOlUlth DOIl'IooeSlter ... ... . .. . . . . . 1,,9821,96121.00 DuIIlIWiich .. .......................... .... ~~0517 ,8914JOO Mlailial1iJdie ..... ... ... ...... .... ........... 7,,\31318,21115.00 SIowtlhlwoLd . .................... ......... '6,3210,4i02IJOIO Y:aJrmOIUIth ............................. .8~615iO; 7151..010 $:515;8195,.3167.00 131.93151100:% 1..3217818'21 1..6\7161469 l,.511604l 5J6316mID 21.106112158 .64196419 .649\0312 21;161718189 9~8a62 1O~4130814i4 3.6476115 7.25198013 13:.1121841816 111..30\7151519 1I5i.417!600i8 11010JOOOOOlQi % 2,. 'nHlA~ thlis OOll1JIllOiil lis w;iJlIliinJg iUo. haVie Ithe tf.iJruaJ.; eiq)UJal'i:2JaJtilon of Assessmerut RKlIlilis ID Clase iOIr laJppea~, made by rtfuIe tOOIUlIllty JuidJgte. A:li of wfr1:ilC!h 1is il'IasipeCltf,uth~y SlUlbirni1bted. B. rnJ. DOWNEY, :Clhlruilrman. 'PBONRTY COMMITTEE R!'EPOR.T March Session, 19614 ':Do the WialI'd!en, and Members of t'he Elgm Oournty Council, The Ftr/OpeI'!ty Clorn.miJtltee lreporrt:s IaJS ~olliawts: 1.. 'Ilhlalt la nleIW :tYlPeW1I"jrtJeIl" lhiros been ipUI'lchiased! fil"OIIIl Ull1ldierwood! Ducl, I3rt; a net priloe IQIf i$lI9l2lJJO T01" !the J1aJiili Ofrfd:oei. iElLGIN COUNTYIOOUNC11L 71 2. ThiaJt tlih!e !teIlldielr of W. IJ. RJdbIbilrusI ]jtJdl~, of :$11187.615 ror a ThOll' !DIl'!y1eir ltloIrithe Jrol lhJaJS !been laJCIoetpood. 13. Thlalt new stOll'lIIl IaJ11Id ISIC1l'ie!en w-inJdlows hiaNIe ibee:n !inabaUetd 0Illi :1IDJe tOOUJnlby Elnig1inJeler's laJIlidi iSlhJer.irft's lOf1t1i!oes Wiin1diows art; a cost of $3~O.oo. 4. 'IIb.iaIt we :retClommenJdi 100 rtJhJe ~oo C\omJmditItIeIe <at 40 lhoUll" week !for the Jialil1 SibaLflf; rt:ihe maxrilmJum lSIa1:all'IiJes be mClI'lela8ed1 $lOIO.OO per yeall", iaJ!lld! :tJbJe Chd!eIf' 1MaltID0IlI be parlJd: 1$9JOO per >diaJY iWhliWe on d\uJtly', antdi mJadle reItlrtoaJCltJiiv!e to ~ illSlt, 1964. 5,. ThI8Jt we ~ecIOIIl1lllIetIlld! 1Jhie TedleOOiI'lwtiJIlig laJIlidl ll"eIf'1.lIl'll1Ii:slh of the ISheri!f's offioes I3it an 'estim8Atedl IOast 100 $21,1500.00. 6. ThiartJ ItJhe ;wttilc rflJOOit" i()If rbhe tOOUlt'It Boiuse lbias been complete,l(Y 1ins>uIlJajUed ralt a ,00Slt laf 1$3l96iJ()lO'I; rtfu.'i:s rwm melaJIl a Clonsi:dieI'laJbllie sa,"'i'Ilg in fuel oost. Aim. of wIh:iIclh 1ls re5lpiootlfU\11liy Sluibmilbtred. !SYDNEY 'OLOV1EIR, OhaJi.lrmam,. FINANOE COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1004 Second Report 'I10 tfu.-e WaIl'ldielIl, aIIlid Members ofUhJe EIlg:in OoUllllty OounC\tl, The FmMliOO Oomrnfiltbee l"epoa'ts a6 ficillaws: 1. 'Dhwt tObJalI".ilty aJllid Welitia.re IPIwy List No. 1 of 1$I2!,5314.715 IaiIlld BaIy Ust N!0i. 2 Ifor' $111,68101.:501, be ~pr!OV1edJ. 2.ThiaJt ChildJrielI1's MdJ iSOICliieties Baiy. Li:st No. 2: 110Ir $3i,2\71.'19 be approved. 3,. 'l1h1alt !the :l'IeClammeIlldiaJtil<m 100 ItJhie Propell'ltJy aOtlI1lITlliJbtee of a. 40 ih!0UIl" week, amid 1aJI1 mCll'ieaJSe Iiini ithe maooimum :salJwr'ies of '$100.00 per yeaJr, Ifoli rtihle JiaJiJl! S1tJalff, 'Wirt:lh Iall1 iInlCll'€laJSe of 1$I1iJOOI. per dIaJy 00 :the Chief MlaIlJron whiiJ.,e 10011 !diulty);1 iW:re same roo be Jri~t\iJvle /to .J\a.n!uJaJry 1iS1t, 19!6l4, be 1aJPPl'l000edi. 712 ELGIN COUNTY UOUNCIL 4. 'IlhiaJt the IClommuniaartiiJOII1 re FedJeml-iFtt'loiVlirucIial Oerubelllll1ii1aI gtI'la.lI1lbs !be ~eiie~edl !to tlhe lliolorul mUimClLplaliltieSl, alIlld! 1th8IY flOl'WlaJrldl thei!r ['eqUle'sts 100 \1Jhie O0i1llI1lty CloUJnjc:i1 tlO be IClOIlISIildlwsd last !the J'UiIlIe Session. 15. TlbJ~t Ithe 'CiommUJrlliJCI~tion ,fIl'Oiffi 'tihe [J~e Erie RJegdolIllaJ. De- v,eIliopmelllit AssOCiiJaJUiJOIIl, be filledi. ALII OIf wlh.iJelh il8 r1eslptec't:f''UI1lIY SIUIbm1tted. GORDON WOOiLNlElR, Ohiaill'man. ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE RE.POR,T March Session,. 1964 '.DQ !the Wlall'd!en, aiIlid Members of 1Jhie ElIgm OoUJrllty OOlmClil, The E~:gin MaThOIl' OommiJutee r1ep:Oll'its as foliliows: 1. We lexlPeclt lohiast IClOIlliStr'UlC'tIiIOlIli ~()Il'Ik 100 Ithie new Elig.iJn OOlUiIllVy H!ome .fIor ItJhie .&gladi, wdill be Icomplleoodi by Aiprill. illSlt, 1!91614. 2. FlUll'lIllislrmgs looleCltJedJ ,tiOll' ltihe (llIew Horne 100 dlwoe amJOIUlIlIt to $I3I1tll1:7.84. 3,. Aipplrovrrul olf lain IrudidliJtiolI1lal eX1P6IlldJiJOUlI'ie of '$9iOI,iOIOiOUOIQi hia.lSl been iI'leoeiJved fiflom Ithe iBrl()lV'iIll~iJal OOVlemmslllt :f1O!r fUil'lrui:slhli:ng1S', engdlneer's If~es, LaJllidlsc:rupimlg" etc. ]]t dis amltiJoiplaltedl ItihaJt !the OOUlIlltty'S POlrtiJOIIl of 1:lh!iJs ladd!iltiJOIIlIaiI lex)petlliditOUil'le willl !be proviJdedi !by Ithe $12151.0001.0101 pili81CiOO in Itlhe 119'64 IbUld!g1e1t plUJSl tihie OOlUllllUy's ooaJre of 'WmtJell" WlOll"ks SIUlbsdictr amJdi !Sales iUaoc iI'!efiUlIlJd. 4. We ihiaIv1e lemgagedJ fa, n!Ulrse, head IclOlOlk, lalIlJdJ tl"lec1eptiIOlIlli.Slt-S!eICll"e!t!M"Y tiar fue new Home. '5. We lhiaNe sma .ane of It.I11ie IClOItltI~wes !alt tthJe 1EtlgilnMia[IlJ()lf fiOll" $16215',00. 16. We ll"eCOIlliIDe!IltdJ rthiaJt AJpp~CMilli !be giv:enta SoUltihiwrold Schoal Airea NO.1 rtJo :Cloomoot 100 rtJo Ithe P~eJSeIllt waJUermaliJn.: ,to Elgin MMlOr provIiIdIitng !aJn laJdleqlUlaste 'WIll/tell" supIiJiy ICla(lll !be maJilrumilniedl 00 ;the Eagm aounty Home for !the A:gietd(, tMlld: :ClcmtilngeI1it 'UlpoolJ Appr:oval ibedng ire- ElLGIN OOUNTY OOUNC1!L 73 'Cle1lV1ed .fiflOlm 1JhJe DelpaJI10meIllt 100f L8Ulb~c Welfiwe laJIl!dl UJplcm SiolUlthwoltdl ,ScIhool Airea NiOl. 1., being laJg1l'eedi roOi Ipaly' ~O% lof itlhe OOiUlI1lty'!s CIO/St of maiJntualiniJnJg the WlaJtermadn. 7. We ifIetClOllIlJIThendl rt:IhJaJt IVlaJIll J. LPiaJttell'lSlOIli be i!'ie\ualinied! iaJS Super- dlTIJtenld!eiI1lt of tth:e ntelW Elligm lVIiaJIllOiI" laJt a. saJM;y 0If !$5,;81O'IO.,01Ol pelf yJelaJr eff;eClb~Vle MaiY lst, 1191614. Ai}[ of wlh:i:c'h is f'espelC'tfUl1lJy SiUlbmitted. N. G. TUFFORD, Ohia;]rman. ROAD COMMITTEE March Session, 1964 ':Do the Wrurd:en,Mlid Members of thIe Elligiln OO'WlIty Oouncil, Mrs. iMiClClM1th~ 3lI1ld GeIIlltLemeIli : YoUJr :RJQ~dI Oommtubee begs IUO i!'ieport las fiOnOiWSl: 1. TENllJIERIS ~ BEl CIAiULiEID for Itlhe IClcmSlbrucrtiliJOIlI 10lf :tJhe EIlm ,Sweet Birilldige 1OlI1 [Hoard! 1513 lOIVeIr OaJtfiilsh C~e:elk. din ltJhie Town of Ay1lmer , ~art;ro- iJn mei rnJOIIllth. WIE RiEClOiMIMiEND: 1. 'I1HAT 'I1HlE ESTliMA TES fOIl' fue 1St. Thom)a;s S1ulbUJrbMl Road OOmmissiJOiIli [lor 1:9164, laiIl1IOIUII1lting itJo$l25"i()IOIOI!OO'I !be laJppJI'lOlvedi. 011' th1Js taJlIl:ooot, $3,.00101;00 :is estimruued! f101l' ClonstriU!Clt~OIIli (la(llld1purtelhaJSIe) on !too WelilJiinigiton ~oaJd, Il1T.Ild ltJhJe memalinid!er.I$l2!2iiOOOi~OOIIlJOibewed!fiOll.. the maJ:iJnlteiIiiaJl1lCie Olt' til:ue ,st. 'IlhiOO1]a!S iSUibUu.-fuiam. iROiaidJ ICoIr.Li.LT.LiiJs:sian S~~sttem (laa>IPll'IoommaJtely 215 millles). 2. THl1\T AT THE RlEQOOST OF [l.VI]R. H. D!ElRNtIEl&, District Engillieer of the D,H.O., Itlhe tiOillawjng ResolUltlliO!Ili be ipaJSISed J:'eg1M"dling a rtl'laJIllSf1er of ~OIIlJies, iWi.ttJh aiegamd! :vo the ClOIUlnlUy's AninJUlaili ElxipoodlitUTes ROlON:'!! ~e.t'Um1! fior 1:9163:; "'That w,e [l'IeqlUJest !thie ID~H.o. rbo ltr1amtsf:er !the S1Uffi of $2:,41291.29' fx'Om CionJsI1Jru!cItian iROIaJdIs ibo OOIllSlwclt'iJon Bridges talI1\d OuiLv&tts, :inJ ClOlrli- :noot.i.Jon w.i!th iOUll' NOIl'Imlal RJOiaJdi ExipendlittUJre By-:Law 1f7O!r lOO~3:." 74 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 3,. 'I1HAT A NORO\tllAiL ROlAID EXPiEINlDITf.J1EIEI BIY -LAIW be passed! to be :aiJJJoca.tadJ las follows: COIIl:SItruClmOO1l M!8,lintbermncle TOItaJ. Rorudis .......................................................... ..,$11160;500.0101 1$1215!61,70101.0I01 $l4t7',2!OiOJllO Br.iJdig:€s lall1d OUl1rv1e["ts .... ... .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. .. . .. .. 1.4;510101!010 311,i5iOiOi.IO'OI 46,0'0101.,010 New MJaJChime['y .......................................... 215"OQlCWOI nd:1 2151,,0100.010 SiUlpell'linJt8(llld:elIlJce IMlJd: OVierhelaJd ........ ................. 46i,801Q;.DI0I 46;,800.010 'I1OTALIS: ............................ ................. .$2!0I0,OI010.0I01$33i5.,0I010.0I0 :$15315",0100.010 4. THlAT A iSUPlPLiElMIErNmARYRJOA[) ,EIXJPfEtN[)IT!UR[E1 BY-lUA.iW be palSsed lua be laHocalted! 13.1S: fo]l\ows: Can:swucibiiotn RlOiaJdls ......................................... .... .:$305,,0001.010 Bll"iJdiges iaiIl!di ClulV1ents . . . . . . ... . . . ltllO,0I0101.lDO 'IOTA[,;: ................................. .$4ilI5,10100.QO BRE.AJK:IINIG TIHlElSIE AiMJOUIN1I1S DOWN: (ReClomrnleiIlldJaitiom 3 & 4) (ia) OOU1N'DY iEJX!PElN[)iI,'DUIRJES: OomtI1lllatilOln iRJoaldis ................................. ................ .$4!6121,15IO'IO.QI0I OOlmtlI'luiCit]OO BJ::ildges irunldJ OulverlDs . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. .... 11214,:5>010..010 OOllliStr:uJCltiJoo New iMJrucihmffi'lY . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ... .... . . .. . . 215,,01001.00 MJruiInJte(lllaJI1Jce Roads ... ...................................... ... ....... 2138~5iOOl.OO MlailI1lte(lllruIllCie BirdJdig1e:s iaJll!di lClulViell'ts . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 310,5,010.010 O'VIernerud ... ......... ............................. ..................... .......... 44,0'00.010 TOT AIL: ................................................................. .$91215',1000.00 (Il>) 1ST. THQlMlAiS SIUBURJ3AiN IR)OAD COMM:ISS[ON EtXJPIE[N[),LTlURES: OOloowuCltiJon Rorudis ............................. ... ........... .......$ OOllllSltI!'uJClUi!oo BriJdlges OO1ldi ClulveI'lus .................... MaJilnJtenJaJIl(Ce RIooJdis ........................ ... ......... .... .......... MamteTIfaJI1JCle Br.iJdlges :aJll!di CUilJvIffi'lts .... .. . ....... . . .... Ov:erihJerud . ....... ..... .... ........ ........... ... ........... ............. .......... 3,OOO~0i0 nil H5i,7IOO'I.0I01 1.,01010.0101 5,3iDO.OOl "1l0f'J'1. 4. rr ~. .m. nil::', ,n~n. ,nln ... ""'" ",;"L~. '" ................. ............ ........ ......... ..M........ ....... . \pI ~U',i\JI\JlVl.'VI\J! TO'I1.AIL MONEY AiRBROPIRTA'TIED, !$9151O;0I010.1001, ialt ialn estimated! cast ifjo rtJhie Oowt;y of $;4i113:,9i00.OO (Iafluell' !l'ecetpt 0Jf iSa1e1Si 'Da-x Rebate :liar 11961, 612: mud 63;). E1LGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 75 7,5 mills on ltibie pl'IelSeIIllt Ia5SeSmIliffillt 'wi:1l :I'!MSe ,$41111,226'.00'. 'I1HE1S1El ROAD BY -LAW1S IPR.OViIlDEl MONlEY flOlr CIon!sttruatiOlll Oilli COUII1lt(y ,ROIrudis laJS :fIOl!~OW1S: (Ia.) IDaIllid PIUireihJalSe [jor W'i!dffilitng ~OIaJdS belilIl.lg CIOII1Stlrnctted. (h )Pla.ym€ll1ltfioll' ;mSltru]llaJtilan of lRia.il1I'I0iaJd PrIOtUeClti!Oilli on; Roald li5 in DUlooon laJIlldJ ROaJdi 2ea,stOlr West lLminJe. (0) DOIUJble SUlI'tflaJoe TIr1e1aJtunffillt '0Illi Rloald: 1512, f;rom ROald! 401 ealSltell'ly 1 mile iIn iSpIiiln.gf-i!e1d, ISIOIurtlh DOI"cheSloe:r laJllid M1a.l:ahtiJdie. (tdJ) CllieMli-UIp WlOIl'k laJDJdi ISeeldimg ,on [ROIaldJ21O 1m Pori SltlalI11ey and S101Wtlhlw1Oild 'TIOIW1I1ish'i!p, [:I'!0Im iHiiJghWlaJY No.4 IIlIootherliY, lalpprOXJimateiLy 2 miles. (Ie) Plavtilng ROald 201, ,SheddelI1 ::tlIOI'Itherl!y to ROIaidl 18 (eX/cepit alt Hwy. ND. 401) !m SIOlU/thlW1oldJ 'TIowniSbiitp. (If) P1awmg IOOaJdi4J2, rfr!om Road 4101 ,eaJsrlJerflJY fiOll" IaJPPflo'Ximameily 5 milles, whiJc(h WlaJS gU'laJdied an JI91613:, ;in MaffialbWdJe land BI~am TowrusIbiilps. (g) 'CWaJdJiInJg, iGa:'IaJIlIUIlJa.r Blas~, ,ate.., RJOlaJdI l!6, DUJIlIWIilc!h 'DaWIlJShip, fTlOIl1 RloaJdI li5 !{;IO 'DaliblOtt Clveelk, 1~lPll'aximJaJtely 6: miLesl. (Ihi) 'Grladii!ng, Gmamulia.r Base, etc:.,RoaJd! '61, AJdlboll'olUgh 'I1wp., from RlOIaldI 3, iVOI BliaJdk's [jaJllie, 'alPlPfIoximrut:ely 21.5 m!iI1es:. CD Gil'IaJdlimlg, OrlallliulJaJr Blase, €iDe., RJOaJdI~l, Plor:t Biulrwell, welSluer'ly alpprioXliirn3Jtely 2 mi!les, ,1n BaJyham TwiP. laJIlJd lPiOI'lt Buirwelll. (j) GtI'laJd!mg, GrlalnJUl1!aIl' Blase. lelDe., IEIlim ISUrleelt (Rioa.d53) in !the 'Down of ~lmer.n Ck) OOlmtll'ootiJolll of !tJhe crffim ISweet Bll'iJdlg1e 10000eIr Claitfiish IOreek. (l) OO!I1JS!tIT'fl.1JC!1!iloIl! lof IC!O!!1JC!l"etle, stirlUiCitwal Isteel, stee[ p:i!pe C1ID:'\rerts 0iIll iRJOIaJdIs 161, 1161,42: laJllidl 153i. las (llIeedJedl din ICicmjlU!J:1iCjtiOlI1: wtth gil'1a!dJi.1llgj. WJ]'DH ~INIT BJOAID EXPJ:UN1DI~ (Double SluJr!fMe Ttl"erutJmen:llt lem DeVlelJopmeiIllt ~OIaJdI No. 1692" RJoja.;C]! 214 to Foot B!DUCie, 4 miles) la.nJd AieCloUlIllOs ~eceli!VlaJblie, 'iit :is '~eclteidi rt;lhl~tlt !the GlrIoss EIx- PeTIlcli:tJuirles will be m rtJhie OI'id!er lOr :$1,11010,01010.00. 5. 'DRAT itJhe TleISIOiliultiJOlIll fl1'lOlm itlhe ,OOUlIllty of Wentworth re the COIllJS1l;IriuJcrtliiOllli ;Slatfelt(Y' fuspedOOr' :be fi!ledJ. .Aim of wih:iJcIh dJs r"lesipecibfiullil'Y oobmiitJved. C. D. PHILli[PS, Clhaii:nrJJMl. 716 EILGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PETITIONS AND LE:GISLATIONS COMMITTEIE REIPORT March Session, 1964 'Do me W~tl'tdJe:n, iMlId M'em!bers of 'tfule EI1giin: aOiUlIlJt~ OotlniCdl, 'Ifue Pelbitiooo iaJl1dl Legi:swruttcl11l.3 Oommilttee T€lpal"ts as fobaws: 1. ThaJt tlhe ~elSlOOuttioll1: ifu1011U 'the OOUlIl!1)y of ~enlt !l"IequJestiInig AmelIlldmelllJt iDOl l1egi:slrobiJOIl11 lilll\ lI1eSplelClt :tlO IM1Il1Je!XIaltiJOlnlSl, be filed!. 12. Tlh:alt the resOil!UltiJOilli fifl(JIm the OOUlIlit'Y' to[ LalITllbltlOtI1i II'Ie PlrtoiV'mcI.iJal GtOVlelrIll1ni€lIllt S1U1bsiJdI~ZJroti1ollli (JIf ISafiettly']:nl$eJClbors" S1aJ1a1l'ies, be f.i1edi. 131. Thirut Itlhie relSlol!Ulti!o(lll flfom ,the QOIUIIliuy of Kenlt 11;01 laJIllood exist- Iilntg l!egislrot:ilon 1;01 v:elSlt 'm :OoU!I1bs lOif &eviiSlilOlI1i lof ilIociaJl mUfnicipallliJttes thie il"~Q!I1ISIiibil::iJty !fOlr ld!elruLilllig IWjJtlh 3JPpeaJlis din municipal Idlrtalilnlalg1e alIl!dI ~ooal ilmpI'lOVleme!rllts, .be !filed, 4. 'I1hJait the ll'Iestollwti!an !fTIQtIIl Itlhie OOUiIllty of lPieel for legisLalt'ion to m9.ikJe mUlIllilci!palilties lrupplyinlg ffiar !M1II1I8X1aJtion of IUerI1itOiry' in OItlhe!l."' ffiiUIliiciJpail'i1tJies ireS/POlIllSlilbl!e ifrOlr Itlhie ICOIst of pl'lOlceedii.rn!gs when tJhe(Y with- dlrlaw !theia:" IruWliiCla\td.on, be fil!ed. Alli of wlhilclh !i1S r18S'}J16crtf1Ul1lly sUlbmitted. KENNETH BAIRD, Ohairman AGRICiULTURAL COMMIT'EEIE; REPORT March Session, 19614 To the Wirurtdien, t31llid: Members of 'tJhe EJllgill1 OouJruty OQflIDciiJ." The AgTilc:uJ.itUlml OOiIT1lIIl:iJtltee repo/l'lts as foLlows: 1. T'.c.1iatt we aTe oprposedi itJo iM1I open SeasOlI1 for dee!!."' in: Elgin CIolmity :iJn 19:64. 2. TlhiaJt the relquest of :tJhe iSourthwester:n OtniOaJrlio Hor'iSlemaa:lShip C[.U1b for a g1I'3lIl(t, be !f1ilJedl. ffiXLGIN :COUNTY iOOUNCil.J, 77 3,. 'l1h!at we falCikinowledlge Itlhie 'le1uter :r:ecleiVled! f\l'lOiIll the Prn'It Bw.. well 011laJmber of ClammeJ.'lCle :r:e :'I1OibalCiCa ItCle(lllSe!Si !aJI1ldi laldM:se tlhem that tfr1re \l'Ie\'SOIrWtliOlIlJ wir1l be ooIl!Sdid!e\l'led. 4. Thel WlaIl'dien, The C'bJallirmam: Qf Ithe Ag1l'IiCluJltumal COIIIlIlIl.iitrtJee oold ~. A. V. LiaJllig;tOll1 l3juteIlJdield fa iMJeeJtmg on lthe .Aig1rd!culitUil'lal iR4ehabili- DaJtiOlli lrun!d DeVlelopmenlt Alan in 'I10\l'lOlIlllJo on Mwcil:1 1lllth. l:96i4. and it is reClomJmell1!died tll1lalt the maJuteil' of rtihie appOlinjuL'TIJe[)jt olf a Clommilttee UIlJdiell' :1JIhe AlCln be illa;iJdi IQlVler tlo /the JUIIlJe SeSiSdJon. All 'of Wh:ilclh lis \l'IelSpeCltf'Ul!ly sUlbmJitted. DONALD G. LElITCH, Clhailrman. BY-LAW NO. 1859 '"To Raise Amounts for Oounty iRates During the Year, 1964." W1HlElRlEAiS :aa:li eiStimruue has been mald!e Isihowing tIl1!aJt the sum of Selven HU!I1Id!redi laI1Jdi ,SiOOUy-ISelVeITh 'ThOlU/samJd, lSix HUiIlldlrtedJ OOlId Twently- Two DOiI1aJm ;is a:-equjmed rbo !be \l'IaJilSledJ :iJn ,the seJViell'al mrmilcilpiaild:tiJes foc the iliruWlfiUll pU'l1pose 10[ \tibie CloUiI1ltly tdllWmg 1fu:e yleiar,'l9614, on the basiis of tt.Jl:1e Iaslsesrsmoot las d!etuermiilnedi :in B~-iDaw NOi. l1815121. passed! JanUia.JI:W 213\l'1d, lOO4. MiunJiClipaliiUy TO/oaJ1: Elq'UiaJlii2Jedi ValruJe Aylmer .................... ...... ........ ....$ 7.61521,!lOiO.iOO BeLrnOlnlt .... ..... ........................ ... ~2[O.3iOOI.iOO DuitJDO!Il ............. ........................... 9116;,81411..010 Borlt BUII'IWiel]l .. ...... .................... 0019',151001.00 POIl't ,StamLey ............................ 3;0617,616i1.iOlO ROidlllietY .......................... ....... ..... 1.1Oi4,81715,~O SprdingfilieLd ..................... ........... 316!7,3179'.o1O VielIma ........ ..... ... ........ .... .... ..... ... 31711,21510.100 Weslt [nJ:mIe .......................... .... 1.1196.100.010 AldibOlrouigh ..... ... ... ......... .... ........ i5<i0i516)51621.100 Ba;yihiam ............ ............. ...... ..... 51,3i7i4.8138:.OiO SOiUItJh Dovclhiestler .... . .. . .. .. ...... 1..n6:,52iO.OO DlmwiJch .................................... ~.roO.096~OO l\.~am~.JiJde ... ."....... ........................ 7i3l2f6i,3ilO.oo SaUlthW10lLdi YrammOUlth '6,3m,7i6J2i.OO 8)513/4.000.0'0 $514.00'O,ll4:4.oo 7,8 ELGEN ,COUNTY 'OOUN,CIL THEIRlEFORJEthe Ommeil of Ithe Mrtm:iJcltpa:1 ICo.1'IPom:tiJ0iI1 olf the OOUIIllDy :of El:~iIn. eIIJ8.iQts : 'TIBiA T a ll1aJte [of 1:4 miJ11s 101TIl rtfuJe dlal1rur be ilieIViled :em rail1 ll'1atel8.ib[\e property iII1l Itlhie SeVlelrlailJ mu:nd!ciiplal~~tJiles ,m ithe cOIUIIlIt:y of E:Lg,in as: a.bove Slett fOlI'ltJh for the yi8lrur, 119!64: Aylmer ........ ............... ............ ........ .'$111017,11219.40 Belmonlt .................................. ........ 1O~OI84.20 DuutOlIl .................................... ........ 112:,83!5.7i8 POIl'it Burwell ................................ lil,6im.oO BOIl'lt tStaJllille:y ................................ 4!2i,91417.215 Riodiney ............................................ m,4J6I8.1215 SpIl'lmg1f'te1d .................................... 5",1143.30 VI.e1I1Il1Ja ................... ... ...................... 5r,,1!9i7 J50 WielSt LiOlI'lllie .................................. 1161,714151;40 AldbOll'OiUlgih ....................... .... ..... .... 70, 7~)11,.8'7 Ba,yfrlJam .................................. ....... 7:51,2i47.7,3 !SOUltJl1 DonclheSitelr .. . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . ... . . . . 217,6171.27 Dunrw:i.!oh ........................................ 15161,218i1..3I5' n.v.JJalalhiJde ................. ....................... 11012i,568.,314 SIQlUlthwold .................... .................. 88,4:21O;6!7 YlaJrmlOIUlth ............................. ........ 119,476,.619 $'7i617,6212i.OIO RlEIAiD la ifJiIl"st tlime rthiiJs 118Jth daJY of MarI'lcID, 19164. RJEIA[) 18.1 setCloil1!di Itilme ltihis 118:th dia;y of MaIl'!CIh, 196i4. IRJElAID athtrid ttilme, laJllidJ 'ri.!nJaH(Y' pas:seldJ Itlhds l:8\tlh day of MalI'lcll1, 1964. J. D. THOMiSON Cle~'k RU8IS!E[" MciKIB[B!IN WiM'idJen E[.,.GIN COUNTY IO'OU1-.rCIL BY-LAW NO. 1860 79 "To Confirm the E!qualimtion of the Assessment Rolls of the Oounty of Elgin for the year, 196!4:.'. Tibia Elgin ClOIUiD.it(Y ClOIUJIlIciil eJ11JaJCltS: Thalt tfrlle IflOilllolWlilnig !be l1Jhie eqUlaJi2JaltdJ<m IOf ilfu.:e AislSlessmenJt RoliJis of !the OOIUlIllty JOIf EI1g1m for ltheyielM", 1:9614: .$ 7,789,11'0.00' 7'4a,2i215.00 93'7;068.00 847,397 :00' 3".1150,6<88.00 1,11512,148.0'10 3163,1214:00 3'62,779.00' 1;211,749.00 5,li5'8,506.00 5,830,315,9.00' 1,982',96;2.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4~0I517 ,89'4;010 7,31318,21115;00 6>,3121O,402iJOIO 8,6150,7!5,1.0I0 Aylmer Belmont .......... DUitlton Pior,t BUil'well ........ POI'lt ,stanley RIOdiIl!ey . ... . S;p~linJgfileld ................ VielI1nJa W'est Lorne ALdlbor'QlUgIh ........ ................... BayhMIl ........ ..................... SOlUlth DOr'chester .............. DUII1lWtch ... MaJJ.iahitde SiOUl1fuw'OLd YaJrmoUJth $515,,8915,.31617 JQlO 13.9351163 % 1.32:78182 L6'76,469 1.5.1604l 5 ;631617610 2:.0i611215r8 .6'419649 .61490312 2.1617'8189 9.2i2i881612 10.4301844 3.5,476115 7.2151918103 13.1121841816 111..301751519 115:~47i616188 liOlOJOOOOIO!O% 12\. TiHA T Ithis OOiUlIlidil d:S! w:iJ1Minlg IUO IhialVle !the finlaili eqUJaJli0aimolIl off AsiseSSllTIloot RJor]Js dinJ IClMe of Iaq>peal, made !by /the C:0ru:nJtw' Jruidge.. REAlI) la fiill'st time rthiisl l'81th day of Mall'lch, 1i9'614. RJEA[) la S:€IC10'ruru l1;ilme rtlhis 118th Id\aw 'Of Miall'lcJh, 1191614. R'EJA[) lathil"d :time, lall1ldf'ilJ1iaJliJ!y passed ItJhi.s 1&bh 'dia(y Oif MairlclI:1, 1964. J. D. THOMSON Clerk RUSSEL McKIBCBIN Wlamdien 00 EiLGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL BY -LAW NO. 1861 NORMAL "A By-Law to Provide for the 1964 E~enditures on Roads Under the Highway Improvement Act in the :County of E!lgin." WIHlElRJElAJS The Hiigfhwa;y IimprolVlemen;t Aim requlires, ljjhaJt 't.lhie 1Jobal expe:rudiltUlre on T101aJdiSI be prr"IOIVliJdield 11011' laJIUlIUlally by IclOIlliI1ltiY biY-Ja:w aIIlld fuiaJt !the ibly-iliruw be sulbimliltJted! toOl !the Mimilsber of HlilghWla\y's for apipr'o~L 'IlHiE'R1E'JFOrRIE the OOIUlDlci~l Ialf tibie OOIllPOIl'Ialtilolll ()If the saJid C1CHlinJt\Y eiIllalClts a;SI :fIcillOlW!S: (11) The sum of '$1513151,10001 'is heI'lelby esltilmlalteldJ iaIS !tihe €!XIPenJd!iltwe UlpIOll1l Ithe ICIOll1iSUriUlCluiJOII1 laII1IdJ mJaJinltenJaJIll0e of IUhie 1l'I00aJdiSianid brI.iJdlges UIllJdiea' iIts jUJI'1.iJsldii:Cltion dllliriingUhie YielaJr !U~64 8lS fo1J1:ows\:- COIliSWCituJon ROIaJdJs .... ....... ............. ................. ...................... .$li6101;5010.00l B!l'Iiidlges .1aJIlIdi CWVleTftls .. . .. . .. ... . .. . . . . . . . ..... . . 114;50O'ijOlOl NeiW MiaJc/hmellW ........ ........... ............ .... ....... :251;010101;001 S'u\par.i:n1betnldJeIl1ICle iM1Jd OV:eil''helaldJ ;. . ....... . .... . .. . .. ...... . iMJadnloonlallllCe To!ta[ 1$215i4)210101.0\Ol $141114,7001.00 311.,15100.\00 46,,01001.00 IIlli1 215,,010101.00 49,310101.1001 4191,30101.010 TO'I1A[,S ....................................... .$21010,1000lJOIOI 1$0015,,0100.001 $53I5i,00l0.DOi (21) .The saiild mamas uSrha!1l be l~e!l1ldietdi utnldie~ the ISlUlPeJrwsioIli of thie rdtu!l'y lajppOlimlteldJ ICiOIUlIlltly ll'oaJdi SUiPeII'IinltemldJoot JaJnldi I()(llI WlOlrk penOll'meldl in aooOll'idJamice 'WIiIth TlIlie Hliighw;3lY' I1l.11lPIl'lQlVletmlelI1lD Alclt. (3,) The tClerk ShiaJ.l !UrlaJ111sm:iJt duplicate Ic,opies of Vmsl ,bY-I~alW to thie dliiSltlr,iJdt oflflilCle O[ Ithe MiUlIlltCiii.PaJ1 RiOtaJdi.s1 BirlalI1lclh, DfepaIl'ltmenlb of HiilglhwaJ(Ys, Il1loIt laltea' itlhialI1l lMaJI'ch. 311st, lof 'the iSlaJildI \yeaIl". (4) The a{PIprov:all Off Ithe OlllUaJ!'Ito M'UIl1IiIcdipail: Biolall'!dJ slhatI1 !be ob- tadnied: bteflOll'ie laJIlly e}qpendl.iJturrte d!S laulthiooiizedi or WfQll'lk IClOiIl111I1iemlOeld wh:iJCh WIillJ. Ibe fiiInJaJl1Icedi by rthie i:ssl.1ie !Of 'diebelIllt:uJr!eIS or mantl:es ll'IaJiis~dI m a SiulbseqUenlt yeaJI'. ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL, 81 PiaJssed rut 1st. 'IThOiITllaJS this 18t1h 'dJalY .of MaTich AD. 19i614:. (SEtAL) J. D. THOIMiSlON Clerk RUSIS!E!L MJCIKlBBIN WlalrdEm I.,J. D. 'T1hiOillS101!li, Cle:rik 'Of Ithe OOll'piOa::altliIOIli O[ Ithe Oormty IOf EIlglin, do IhiereQYCieiI'ltiJfy Itlhialt It:hJe foregoing ,ts la 'UrUle IClOPW of By-LiaIW NOI. 1>81611 passed: by Ithe CIoUlIlJcdJlof !the saJi<di OOTlpOIl'IaltioflJ lOin !the l~81tih dJaIY 0If l\J.1jaJr'ch, 1'9164. J. D. THOlMISO!N, OOlUiIllty C[erk. BY -,L,A W NO. 186~ S.u~~U~MEiNTARY "A By-Law to Provide for the 1964 E:~pendi.tu!res on 'Roads Under the ffighway Improvement Act in the C!ounty of E~gin." WlHlEIRJElAlS The Hilgihiw3!Y ThnprOlVlement AiClt 'I'Iequill'€iS tlhaJt 1Jhe tOlbal E"XIPen!ddl11Ulre .on TloodiSl he ptI'IOIVIiJdJeld f10r IMl:lllUlaJly b\V IClOIUII1lby b\V-iJ!aJw am.!d! tblaJt !the blY-'~aJw be sulbmli:uteldi IDa Ithe MiJnlilSlber off Hlilghwarys f!or ill1P:pro~l. 'I1HERiEFORJEl Ithe OoulI1lcdll 100 tlhie OOII'lplOlrlaJtilOlI1 of the S1aiiJd OoUlIllt(y e!1J3!cftlS as !t101UOWS: (1) The SUIlll of 1$1415,1000, :iiS1 hereby €ISltilmalted ,as tJhe eXIPeIIlldiiltme upon 'the ICOI1JsWuJCltilcm la(llId, mai:nltlenJall1JC!e 'Of ,Uhie roaJdis al11d bl'l.iJdiges rmdlell" ilts jUll'li!sdliJCltiJon tdlurilnig ,Uhie 'y.eaJr 1119614 as [;dllOiWlSI:- COllisWuJctilon RlOaJdJs ... ................................................ .......... .i$3I051,Oo/(WOI BI'il1digres laJllid 1000ver/Us .............................. liliO,iQOO.OiO New iMiacihJiinJery .......................................... .................. SUperln!tend!enCle IaII1Jdi OV'er1hieaJd .. . . . . .... . . .. .. ... . . ... ... . lMialinluellIaJllice TOOaJ1 $................ ..$31015,.000.010 1110,010/01.0'10 w TOTAilS ..... ..................... ............. .:$.U5,lOOOJOO $4dJ5!!0I00.oiO (21) The saJiJd monJiles rsha)ll be l~eII1Idled IUJI1IdJer the s!UlPeil"VIision of thie ,dluily !aIPpoinltecl: ClOiUIIlltJy 1l'00aJdJ sUJPeI'li:nl1JenJd:ent IM1id on Wlork peTflQl1'ffi€ld in ac:oordal!l!ce 'WliIth The HiJghWi~ lmp:ooV'em'ffillt AcIt. 8!2 ElLG Il'J OOUNTY 'COUNCils (31) The cler:k shall tramJsiIIl1t duplicate ICIOpies iQf 1JhJis: by-ltaJW to iOhie dliLslt!r:i!c!t ofrfliJCle of rthe MJUJIlItci!Pail: RJOla\di.s BirlaJllicID, Depaa:itment of Hiiglhwiaws, 1lli00t La/teT iUhJalI1 lMjaT10h 3ils:t, lof Ithe saJi!a yeaa"'. (.4) The laJpIproVlall 100f Ithe OnJUaJI'lto M'UIl1diCiilpail. BOlall'id slhiall be oib- 1J::tiIDed beflOll'le ialIlJy ,eX\pendJ1imJrle dis iaUlthOlliizedl ar MTIOIl'k IClommel11lCeid whiich. vJlii.l.l be :I:1imJaIllIcedi by Ithle dislsUle of d!ebelIlltUlI'lets or mOlIl!tes II'lai.lsledin a SIlllbseiqJuenlt yeaII'. Piamedrut 1St. 'DhomaJS r1Jhiis H~tJh ldiruy iOf Mlall'lCh. A.D. 119614. (SElA.[.,) J. D. THOo.v.IISON Gl!eI1k RIUiSSR..,1 iMiciKmBIIN WlaD."d!en I, J. D. ThomlSIOIlli, GlelI'lk lof :the OOlI'lpiOll'aJtJiJOIlli of the C1oUll1lty of EUg~ln, do ihell'lelbW- celt'ltilf~ tlhia/t ltihie flOlregoi!nlg is a ItI'lUi~ ICOIPY IQf Biy-Lia.w No. 1800 paJSS1edJ Ibw rthe OOlUlIliciJl of !the SiaJidi OOI'lpOIl'altioTIJ 1001 fthe li81tih dla~ olf MaJI'lch., 1!9i614. J. D. THOiMiSON, CbU1nJVy Clerk. BY -LAW NO. 1863 "Being a By-Law to Repeal By-iLaw No.. 1858 of the County of Eilgi:nr "'1H1EIRlE[A(S lr~. lJoj71d! s. iG".1T~ has IUetl']dierred rJis resdgnatalQ!n as lJr..speCltior iUlI1!der Ithe OOIllSltrUJCltdiOln SIaif'eOy AiClt, AN[) WHlElR'ElAfS Ithe OaUlIlloil lof ItJhe OOlUIllty IQIf Eilig1i1I1 has aiCici8lPted the mi'di lI'looiIgnJaltion:, NOIWT!l1F.fRJEIFOFlEl <the OQlu[1!cil of'tlhe iCOI'pIOIl'I3JmOII1 .of tJhie COiUnlty of IE!ligii:n emClts 3.IS; !fIol]oWlS: 11. 'DBJAT By-[jaJW No. 'li858,."11o .A\PpOOnlt all! lruslpe!dtJoc under the Sa-flatly C101I1lS1triU.~it'i!on AiCit'" be., laJIlld: Ithie saJme dis ihiereby a::epeaJ.ed. iElLGIN COUNTY iOOUNCI'L 83 R$lAiD fa fiJrtst time rthiJs 'li8(th da;y of MaIDcih, 19614. RJEIAID fa Se!ClOlllidJ ItiJme Itlhis 1i8,th tdiaJ(Y of iMialI'ldl:1i, li9614. RJEA[) fa .thi:rtd! ItEe, IM1Jd! .fliJlllaJ.Wy passed tIh.i.s 1i8Itlh da,w 0[ MaIDch, 1:96,4. J. D. 'I1HOMISIOlN' Ol!erk 'RlU1SI.SIEL MclKIBBIIN Wlail"d!eIn BY -LAW NO. 1864 "Being a By-Law to Adjust the Salary of Ivan J. Patterson, Sup'erintendent of E[gin. !Manor, and to Amend !By-Law NOI. 1729.'" WH'ElRlElAS rthlis CIoulnIciIl deems 1It faJdMilSlaJble lto l~dJjUJSlt 11JhJe' saJ.iaaw of rthieSUlperiinJtenld!el1lt of iElLg1imJ lMIa1IllOll", NOW THlEIRIElFIQ[RJE !the CIOlUll1iclil of Ithe Clorpor:altdiOlli of the OotUlD.ltIy of [E]Jgm enJrucrts ;aJS :fIo1l\lJOWISi: 1. 'I1hart Olaruse (~I) lof By-[JaJW No. li7l29 be tdiei1e1tedJ, laIIlIdi Ulie f'o~- lowmg SlUJoSltiltulu€ldJ thel'lefOll'e: 'ItHWI' rtlhle iSla1!d! IVIainI J. iPIa1tJ1Jerson tShIall be :paiLd a SlaUia;ry OIf $I5,eOOJO'O per aJIllIliUlIIl. 2. THlAiT B\)7'-Liaw No. 1100iO !be, laJDJdi l1Jhie lSIame is hW€lby repea1JedJ. 3. 'I1H1A T 'thiiIs By-[JaJw shrul1 Itaaoo ,ef[ieClt 0II1 [Ma(Y 11S1t. 196:4. :HJEI.A[) la fliirst time rthiiJsI il18th daJy' of MaIDcih. 1,9!64. RJEAiD la s€lClo(llldi itilmle lt1hiis li8th tdIaJ(Y of iMiail"Cfrll. 19164. PJEl~ 'a thfu'id !tLi1'!1!e, al!1!d! ifii!n19J1ilJy' passed itihis li8\tlh d~ Of Mail'Iclh, 119614. J. D. 'TIHOMSON Clerk RlUSSlEJL McKIBBIlN Wlail"dem 84 ElLGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL THIRD S,ESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesd~, the 16th day of .June, 1964 The Elgin C10'UlI1lty Council mettth~s day rut the Court House, st T'hamaiS, m.ruciCol'ldianlCle w1th a;djlauri1!ment. The WM'den intihieOhai:r. A~l mermbem PIl"eSsfhlt,exJc1eipt Reeve Wooliner. The miniUlbes lolf i1be la..slt. day of luhe Mi..q;l'Icih SeSlslion wer'e ,!'lead and wnfirrmed. Tbe fiol1orwilng 'CtOtmmUnmtiOilliS WeTe Telrud iaJIlId relf1e!I'll'ed to tlhei:r Viari.oUJs C1ommilotJees : COMMUNICATIONS June Session, 1964 Thorn 'tlhe IMiUSiCIUI~M' [)ystll'iophiy Ass1ocitrutilOlIll of C\a.nJajdia 'WT1ft1 I'\equesrt; for a 'g1I'IaiIllt. - RefreXil'ed: roD the iFiIllMliCie Oommiltlbele. Thorn Ithe OelIlltria~ Erie ToUJrlist Thegion ClOUJI1IcdJI wiltlh Teque5It fiOll' a memlb1eTshiJp.-RleterJl1etd to tihe FtnJa.mic.e C1omrnitt:1tee. Fmm the oilUY of lLQ(llIdJon wilth reslO1Jut:LOITh TleqUel.Sfttllig !the Onrt:lall"io GOViell'!IllIIlelllit ,tD lalSlSlUffi:e ltihe 'Cloot ()If rudim.iJruSltI'lrutiQlIll !OO jiUStitCle.~elfiemed to !the lFtnianJoe CbmmiitIDee. Thorn ltJhJe OOiUlIllty of iPiebembaroUlgth with aceSlolllwtilan reque5Iting tJhe PXiovmdal 1910vernmeIllt ltiopruy ,the lelIlttire Icoot 10rf roe!aMerlS' salaries foc S8C1OD1dianw edJuoruti<m.--fRietfierred to the EdJuClaltliOl!1 Commi:ttee. F1rom itlhe CWilicW8(lli's Aild: ISociJety:, 1St. Thomas loodi :Eligj,n, with re- quest for la gmI1lt.-R;efl~leldi ,to rtlhe 'FmaIlJCie CornmiIbtee. Thom !the Town of Newmarket wirt;h il'ie5101UJtiloo !'Ie glI'leater uoo off ~oil flrucJillJitiJes.-1Relfioored 00 Ithe EdlUiClrutiolI1 ClOIIl1mittee. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 85 . Friom . me MiiIllJsltex of ~dtUlCl8jtiOlI1 wilthatCikilliOfWLedtgemerl1!t IOf resoilu- tiJOII1 ptaiSlSeldJ o(Y E[lgm OOUlIllt'Y OaUll1icil l'le ,Seation 68 Olf the Slcfuoo!s1 aiIld BoM'ldls of EdiulCiatiKm A.ct.-&iled. Flriom !tihe Uni'VIell1silt(Y olf WielSltleml Onltlarto a ilieiUter :re <OOUJIllCU'Si yisiJt .to rthe UJlJiViell':siJt:y iOiI1i the aflteriIliOlon of lJilllI1lel t214Jth.-Filted!. F1ram 1:Jhe C'ilt(Y IOIf WmdiS10x wtiltJh ~8so1U1tilolI1 re clhiillcWen in tCiafie of iJl1Je Chi1dIien's Aid Society requtrmg ItreruDmeI1Jt inlnJs:ti'1mticms.- RJe- fell'1"edJ !UO Ithie PetiltilonlS a.llidJ Leg,iiSilJaJti()[llS Cbmm:iJtibele. From rtIhe ClOiU!I1tby lof VliicltJ01fIiJa iW'iith TlelsIOliuJOiOlli lthiait Sec:tion 21116 of the A;SSI8:sISlmeltllt Aiat be lamellidedJ.---iRefierr.ed: IUO 11:O:1e ElqUlaJli:?JrutioiI1 aa:J.Id AislsJessmeiIllt Clomll11HJtee. Fmm tlhe 'IbwiIlSihd.\p of Yii;tlrmOi1llth requ!elSltirng 'the alI1nexa.\t,ion of the Spamta Oonltmualtion ISlclhJool to :bhe GeIIlltll'lall EIligm Higlh Sichaoll District. ---1ReferredJ rto ItJhie :E1d.ruClatt:iJOiIl Oomm.~tJ1Jee. F1l'1orn thie OillltJaxto School Tl'iUSteasl' laJIlldi !Rlattepl~YieTS' AislSlaC[laJtilQlIli, Inc., rle AimienidlrneiI1Jts in Itlhie f.PIuJblie Scl:1OioLs AiClt.-fRJefer;reIdJ rUo tib.:e EdJUlClaJt:iJOII1 Clomm:i:tltee. F1riom rtJh.le ViUag1e of Rodiney wEth f.eC]UleSlt IthaJt thie laJslSessmenJt of tJhie ipl'Iopooeid Twiln lPilliOO A@arrumenltlSl ,for lSeIlJiiOT' Gilti:?Jea:JJS be ex1etffilP!1; fior Ciou[]t:y purriposes.~etf,erreld: tal ltihie EqUlruli:?Jatticm amid AisISlessment Oommtttee. Thorn st. Thomas CI:iJty [ffingmero" H. ,so GitbslOlIl wiJtJh pm!pooails [IO~ i'!l1...IPl'IOVIemenVs !to Glad!s!tul1ie AVle!nue.---"Riecf&rr'ted: !tio :tlhe Property Oom- mirtltee. Prom tlhie Dept. of iMUiIllicip.ai1 AiffiaiTls ll'Ie: Flec1eral-fPlrlOrvlnciJal Cen- tennial Gral1its PiIlogmmme.-R<eIf<erneld rtJOi lt1hJe iFiIIl!MlIC1e Committee. RJeplHe.s [!'!Om lot.hie!!" Cloll..!!!J.!t.ie..s !!'te @1!gin OOU!!lrty resolu!t.io['l-s were Tioo.rd, aIIlldJ OIl'IderleldJ filLed. The iI'leplOrt of ltihe iEli~iJn iMJaInor Ciommiltroere W!aJS pIl''€Senlted ooJd: a;dJqptsd: lOiIlJ mOltilO!l1t Off !Reeve TUlfforrdi iaJIlIdReevte Leirbcl:1. 86 :mr..GIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL The Treta.lSlUl"etr'iS1 iaeparJt W1a1S pI"e&enJ1Jed. MO'VIed b\y Rlee!Ve Elmell"son, SeClOIlldJed by Reeve Mamtin, ThJrut the 'DrieaslID:eir's RepOlI1t be aJClceptJeld, OOlJdJ pir'mtedi in the Pro- ceedings. -C1aJr'l"ield. MOVied !by Reeve Mrs. McOad'lthy, 8eOOllidled b(Y DeipultIy Reeve GiOlOdl:aJnJdJ, 'Ilhiwt we dOl 1lli0iW aJdljourlu to meet lrut 2, p.m. -CalI"ried. The C'OlIDicil I'iesum,ed. The lJ:'Iepal'lt .of !thei F:inJaJllice Oomm~t;tee was 'pl'IeseIlff;etd aa1JdI adJopted OIl m01tiJolIli of Ree!Ve EmersOIn IM]dJ Reev:e V1ruLenJtine. The Il'lepcmt O[ Ithie ElqUlalizaJt~cm iamJd A.siSe:slSlme(lllt Oormmilbtee 'WM preselI1lbedl !al11di laJd!optedi on mOltiorn of aeleve DowiI1!ey la[]di ReeIVIe H1ofw1M"tdI. 'TIhle IrEq)OIit of rtJhie AlgriClUl1.tUl'lal OommiJotele was pll"eSleIIllbed MlidJ 3.ldlolPlted 0iI1J mOltton of RieeJVIe lLe:iJtdh IMlId! Reeve 'Th1.ffolr1d. The I"epOlI'lt of tlhe Eldiuc8JtilOlllaJ. Clommiltbee 'WIas priesenOOd aJIlid aldiopitetd 100 moti!On af ReeVIe EliltOltt laIIlId Reeve E1mell'iSlon. The lJ:'Ieporlt Olf fue iPetilt~OilliS laJllidJ l.iegis1aJtiiOlIl.s Oomm~ttee was plre- selllited ,aJIlld l8JdJoiplbedJ OIl motinn of Reeve Bailld aiIlldi DeiptUltty R,e,eve ScihJ.eihiau[ . The I"etpOII'!t off Ithe iP!rlQlpeI'lty Oommitbee WIa8 prlese(llIted ami adopted on, mOloi/Oln of DapUlQy Releve GLover 'and Depuby Relerve MCJClaHum. 'l1he repo.nt olf ,une ROIEIJd! C1mrumi!tltee w,a,s prelSl8iI1lted laIIlid adJoiplted on IDOfUOI1l of Reeve lPlhiLlips /8JI1Jd ReeIVIe Tulfflord. Moved by Deputy Reeve SclhJieihiaUJf, ELGIN COUNTY rOOUNiCIL 87 Secollided by Reeve EIlil:tott, Thiat we diD now roojlOfUlm1 lto meat on WedinielSldJa(V, JiU!!lJe 171th, art; ten a.m. -Oall'Tted. J. D. THOMSON Cle~k R U:SSiEIL MiciKI:B[8[N W1M'lden THIRD SIEISISION - SIEiCOND DAY Wednesday, the 17th day of June, 1964 The E:lg'i:n oOUlIllty OoruIltc.iJ met tfrlis day aIt ,thie CbUll't House, SIt. Thomals, in 'alClcordiMlioe w:1t1h adjoUirnment. The WalI"'dJen in taJ.ie Clhah'. Ai1Il tlhie members pl'lesellllt, eooclept lRIe'eIVIe WloOll.inJer. The mmutes of tlhe pr:ev-ioUis day werre l'Ieadantd conflirmed. MioVied b(Y Reerve lnmersOln l1:lhat !the AlgmiouiltbUll'lall RepresernrtlrutiJVle be noiW heM'ld. Mil' . LaIIllg100n lalddI'lesseld :the Ommcil on raJg1l"iOUJltumJ ClOO';' di:t:iJooo in ElliginJ 00IUinlt(Y tlhis spring, laIIlldi g,aV16 fa Ir€lSIUime of the agri- cuillbUl'laI proj-eClts !thirut Ihia;V1e belen in:iJttated. 'IfuJe WlM'1dien tlhiamikedi IMir. LMlig1tcm lfior hils eXlcelliMt reipOir\t. MiOlV1edJ by Ree.V1eMaIl.Itim... SeClcmded by R,eeVie \T:aJeinrtme, Thialt By-Law No. 1/8615, ~'BeIDg a By-\l:Jaw to .AinJnieoc .M>ela to the Denrtmaa E1g:iJ:n Higih Sicihiool DistriClt anJd! Ame(llld By-Laiw No. l478," be -reaidI a filrlSlt !time. -ClaIl'T1ed. MOiV<ed by Reev,e Vrailienrtline, SeClOlIl:dJed by DepUlty ReeV1e McK:inJ1ay, 88 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 'I'.hJwt B(Y -!Ua.w No. 1181615, !be Tlelwd a secOIlld time. -Gamed. MaVled by Deputy Reeve MciKJi[1'lia.y, SreClonJdled b(Y Reeve MaJI'ttin, 'I1hi9Jt B~-Wiw No. 118615. !be TeaJd la ,thilldi :time, iWllid fmailly palSISed. -Oairried. MOlVled by Reeve Eme~son, Sieclo(llld!ed by Deputy R,eeiV'e AUCik1aiDJd, Thalt BiY-iLaIW No. 1181616, "'110 GrfLI1lt An .Anir1JUiaJl RetirerneJI1jt Al1JolW- ance," be il'ietald! a fir;st time. -OalI"rield. MOi'Vled by Depuity Reeve Auckill3md, SecOiDJdJed by Rl8>eIV'8' ElmIeI'ISOn., Thalt B(Y-[ja1W No. 11866" be retald a seoOllid time. -C1aII"T'1ed. MOVled by ReelVe Ernetl'lson, SeclQinJdJed by Reeve Tufford, 'I1haJt By-La.w No. 11866" be l1eaJd ;a 1:ihJi:l1dl 'tilrnel, iaIIlld fiin1aillliy :passed. -Oall"ried. MOVled by Reeve Howard, Seoallided by Reeve E11iott, ThiaJt By-[;Ww' No. 118617, "'Beilng laBy-'Law 1ia Appomt a Clerk- 'DreasuTeIl' :ftor' rtlhe CIoUlnrby of Elgin," be ll"e3ld! a tfil'lst Jtilrnie. -OaJl'lried. Mov,ed b~ Heave Emtoltt, Seoonded by Deputy ReeVle SCIhl!eilhauf, 'I1hiaJt By-[j3lW No. 118l617, be iI'!e3Id a seClOlIld time. -C1a1l'Tied. MJoved by Depurty Reeve SdhWeihJauJf, iElLGm COUNTY 'COUNCIL 89 Seconded by Reeve LerbCih, 'TIhlait ~-[jaw No. 181617, be reaJd la :third !time, IMlId filnally p'aiSlSed. ----CIail"l"teld. Moved by Reev:e Mrs. MClc'arrtfuy, Secollided ibi,Y DepUlty RI86V1e GOIOid!laiI11d!, Thalt B\y-Law No. 1[8168, ""Being ,a By~aw iUa Appoinit So Dept1Ity C!leT'k-TreaSlUlrer ;floc It.ihie OOUlI1JUy I()If IEligtn," !be read: a fimt time. -CiM'Tiied. Moved by Reeve Brown, S;eClOndJed by Deprurl;(Y RJeeve Oawetly, "IlhiaJt B!yt-Ltam No. 118168, be ;read a seclOIlId rtimle. -Clanied. iMI01V1ed! ,by Deputy Rlee'VIe ~, SieClonJded Di,Y TheeVle Brown, TbJaJt BY' -lLaIW No. 1181618, be l1eaJd ra third ibime, laIlIdlfl.iinJailly pa;ssed. -CIMTiled. Mlr. ThomstQ(lll ClOIllgr(arowaroeid Itlhie W1aIDdien on the malJ:llIllelI" iIn whicfh: he has IClOIl1ld1uclteid! CioUlI1CiJ1 ibuisinrelSlS rtJhiilS yeaJr, 3/00 rbbJaInked C!OIUIl1ICil members for their gwerosilty IaAllid Clo-lOIpel'laJtion. MJoViedJ by D~W TheelVle ScIhJ1eihiaiUlf, SeClcmdled: by iRJeelV'e iEIDiott, 'I1h!ait we dOl ,nlOW laJd!jIOUlI'lI1l ibo meet 'OiIli 'IIUIesdJay, September '15ith, 19614, at i1Jen a.m. -ClaJrTi.ed. H. lL. JOiHiNiSON Clerk RiUlSSIElL lMCiKlBBrnN WIa1rldien 90 ELGIN COUNTY \COUNCIL ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT. June Session, 1964 'Do Ithe Wiall'ldoo iMlid Members 'Or the !E1igm OOUlI1lt(Y OOiUlIlJcil, 'I1heEllgin \MJ3.llliOT OommiftJtee rapa~ts~s tfloHOW\S;: 1. We hiruVle 18!Dc,epueldI ,the :tellidell' or iRloberrt F. LiaAceiY 'bo supp~y f'U1I'IIl13.lce Ifruel oil Ita EI!g'iilli Mlamor !aJta lpl'iClB I()If 113.3 oellits per g.aJ10iIll, dielivered. 21. A lbeq'UielSlt !oo 1$5~61118.184 'WIaiS receiVled by :E[gm MainlO!l" f!1om the esltlrute iOIf 03.lrolyn M. Hiillil. 3. The flo11owirrlg d!cmaJtiOIllS hiav,e beelI1! !1eCleiv;ed tolWlaJI'ldis the Clost of frumiJSihilnig 1Jhie illJew !Home: 'I1he L:iJOilliS CI'Uib, istTlfuffoll1dviLle .......................................... ..$70'0.iOiO The West LEIligin BlI'iaJIliCh" RQlYlaJl OMllrudian iLegtoiIll . . . . 80. .0.10 Uniined Bll1ortlhemOlOldl 03.lI'IPeIIlltell' land J omers" Erie FLOIocirIllg, West [,JOI:llie ........................ ..........:... ............ 510.0.01 Br3.lyham WlomelI1!'s IinlSlt:iJuU!te ............... ................... ............. ... 510.0.0. 4. The illiew Blame iISI rviI'luualliy 'ClOInIpleted wiltlh the 'e~weptio[l of la.nidSiCialpiilng laJllidi Ithe r,es:iJdeilliUs 'Were moved f'I'om ItJhe 'Old :home to thie new buiilidlinlg tOI1i MalY 261th, 1!91614. 5. Wle lhaNIe 318 Q"lesiJdielI1Jts :in 'the Home laJllid ,the IniUJITlber is in.creas,- iInig slterudiliy . 6,. The ElLg:i!n MaJIliOll' is OJIOW statif'eldJ [or tJh:e mcreasling Iresid!erut pOlpiull1ation - rbotal struff inlc.liudiillig SuperilliterndeI1it, Belc[,eIDairy alIlidi SrUJperviSlor of Nursing is 23. 7. Tihe flU!rn!tsd1.inglS lI1Jot requi:red in :the new home are to be SlOW by ptulb[ic 3.JU!CJtiJO(lll, alIlid ltelIliders Clrullled for tJhe dlemoli:t,ioln of the old home. All of wlhiicih is r:espootJf'Ullly SlUibmit1ilted. N. G. TUiFFO!RJ), Chairmrun. ~L~ COUNTY OOUNCn.. 91 COUNTY TRE~SUREiR'S REPORT June Session, 1964 'Do 'the W<3lI'IdJen la!I1id MembeTs of the- ~gm OOiUiIlit(Y Council, I beg !DO Siuibrrntt Ithe following surutement of !RJe-oeip.tls and EOOpellidli.., tUI'les from Jl3.lIllUlary liSt, 119614, to Mia.y 3111st, 191614. Beceipts BaUiaIlJoe ill Bank, <3.il1Jd OIl1i hamJd, JiaJlliUlMW 1st, 1191614 1$, 211,5'8'2.32 Notes Pay!a1b~e .. ...... ........ .......... ........... ........;........................... .$21010,0010.0'101 OorUJllit~ Rirutes ........................ ...........:........... ... ...... ....... ... ........ 50,,000.010 00l11JJtW IRJrutes Oo1l:eClted UllIaell' Section 53 of rthe AsSetSlSImwt Aiot .... ........ .... ........ ......... ........ ......... ....... ... 1,05,7 .8~ I...lcellliSles land rPlell'mil1Js ............................... .......... .............. ..... . 1816.00 I'IlIDer,est .... .......................... ........... ............ ............. ...... ..;........... 46'.,91l AJdminiJSltr,wbioill 'Of JuS/tioe .................................................... 114,636..59 CO'UJI1Itw IOOads ... .... ............. ..... ............................................... ...2193~11216.0~ ChJa~i~ and WelflaJI'le ............. .................. ............ .................. 131.41218.29 (,)hiill!d!rerni'1S AiJd iSociJeties ..... ...................... ...................... ..... 1>4,6116.14 Agr'iJoul1b~e .. ................ .................. ..... ........ ... ..... ..... .., .......... ..... 1".1711.1~5 RJegisbry OfifiilCle .................................................. ... ................. 211:,3154.66 E1:gin-iSlt. ThiOlIlllaSl Helalth Umt ........................................ 1;51312.915 MiJSlClei]]3.iIlJelOiUlS ReVleI1J11e .......... .................. ......... ........ ........... 1,51212,.710 ClOUilliUY ASSleslSIIIliellit Dept. ... .......... ................. ... ................. 1,151612.4!9 E!lgiJn. Mainor ......... ............... .... ............................. ................... 3119,.2196.7.6 '$:9314,1~19 .58 $9155',7'2!1.90 Expenditures MemiOers' WiaJges ....... ................ ............................................ $ Officers' SlaWairies ............. .......................... ............ ................. PlrinltJmg, P!ostalge amid ~tiolliery .................................... ClaJrie of BiuiilJdiiJn.gs ................................................... ... ............ CT!!'!anJt,s, P,.....c;;socilatito!!1JS. !Sc:l1!01aJrsib.ia;>lSI, 'flOC. ........................ 7,744..601 61,2117.00 1,1114.38 3',3116.715. 4,150.00 MiscellanJeOlUiS ..... .......... ..................................... ........................ 9512.,012 AdimiJnJistmtiOlIli of JmtiJce ........ ........ ...... ............. ............... 418,615121.815 Ooru:nty RioadlS . . . . .. . ... . . .. ...... ......... . . . . . ...... . .... .. . .... . ............ ... . . . . . . . 1\53;15156.93 ClhiaJri!ty and Weliar-e ............................................................ 8,O~1'7.8'4 92 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL ChiilidJr:en's Aiid Siooieties ............. ......... ........ ................ .... .... l~,Oi46,.DI6 L..t)jtffi'lest ....... . ... . ... . .. .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . ... . . .. .. . . .. . . .. . .. . .. ...... ............ .... . . . . . . . .3,,610/7.55, Agricu1OUI'le ................................................................................ 21,8714.615' Registry Of1fioe . ......................................... .... ................. ..... .... 1.,830j5151 OOiUlllltw As&essmelIltt Dept. ......................m........................... 4,417:1.6131 Elgin-1st. Thomas HeaJ1Uh Unit ........................................ m,ooo.OQi Niotes P1a~alble ..................................... .... .... ... .... ..... ....... ........ 2010,010'0.00 LWe!IliSe8 ialnldi Piermits ............................................................ 3.001 TramJSlf!eru::ed :to H1ospittall: AiClCioUilllt . .. . .. .. . ... .. . .. ... . ..... .. ..... . .. 80.66 Elgin MiMllo[' ...................................... ...... ..... ..... .......... ............ 200~liOI8.215t .$~65,,82~.72J Ba1anJce in Book, MJaiy 3111S1t, 1[964 .................................... lJ89,898~1i8 $955',7211.90 All of wth:i:clh is resipocJtlflUlly sulbmit/ted. J. D. 'DHIOIM1SON, OOUlI1lOy CQerk anJd: TreasiU!Ver.. FINANOE' COMMITTEIE, June Session, 1964 'Do the' Wiall'ldeoJ.i amid lMemlbffi"s of 'the rn:IDgiln CloUiI1Jt(Y Oormcil:, The F.inIanic:e C10mmilttee X1ept01I"tS alSi f olillawSl: 11. ~t Chiaril1Q aJIlJc1i Wiet]Jfaa-6 !Play L1i1St No:. 31 for $11,884l.214; Paw List No. 4 [or $lJ0I86.901, laJllic1i iPIaiy List NOi. 151 for $911~1,.451 !be aipptr'OV'eIdI. 12. 'I1halt C!h;ilIId!r8lI1i~ A:iJd: iSooietiels Bay List NOI. 31 fi()lr$~\>9t4I2.50; :Paw List No. 4 [1011'1 1$3:J1011.tJl8l" iMlIdi \Pay List No. 15. (for $12;,6!l!UlO ,be approved!. 3. ThJaJttlhie resolUlti!OiIlJ If!l'lOIn !the rotty 0[ LionIdiolI1i requesJting the On11JaD:dio G1O/Vlea:mmEIDJt 100 laJSSUJII1Je ooot of ltihie IaJcImi:ni.Sltl!'ialt101I1 of jlUiStii.ce, be filled. 4. Thalt:1ft1Je request oIf !the CeoJ.itI'lM Erie T1OUtr'islt Region 00IUII1cdl fOIl' memJbersi.h:ip be filed!. '5. That fue request 0If ItJhie Mj1liSOUf1la,r Dystrophy AIsoocialtilOln roc a gIl'IalI1lt, be filled:. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL '93 6. 'I11:1Jrut a g;mnlt of $500JOD be mrude to <Uhie ChildI'le!Il's Aid SioCliet(Y of the Cli!t(Y 'Of st. 'I1hiomas, iaJIlId( ,the OOUl1lty of Elgm. 7. 'I1h'IDt Ithe oommnniCl3Jt:iJ<m f!liom ItJh:e Dept. of Mlmicipa.l Aff1a1im il'Ie: FedeiI'lal-1Ptt1ov1nJCiial ClentieI1l!lliJal GlI'laJIlltist be !filed. 8,. Thrut .tlh:e !aJUld!iJUOll"S I"1epont for the IYieiaJ:':, 1196~" be 3JClCleptJedl. 9. Tlhialt 'We jlom with Ithe Cli!ty '00 ,st, Thomas tlO !pI"1ovide a 1lm- ahieoinl d:ioir deleglaltes lat .tJhre O[)ju3Jrio lMiUlIlJiclipail Armua[ ConlVierrlltiJotn.. 10. Thalt H. L.JlolhinsOIll be t3Jppoinlueid: C1!erk-TriealSlUJrea.- of the OOUiIllty of El\gm 'rut laSlalary 'Of $15,,'000':010 peT~eM"; Ialnd! TI"1easuJI"m" 'Off ItJhie EUlg,m COUlIllt(Y Home IDOC Ithe Aged, !alt la salary of !$il,5IO'lQi;O'iO per year, eflflelctiVl8 ISieptJemlber 1st, 1191614,aiIlId ia lIlIe,c,essa;ry By-Lam !be . pl'Iepared. 1\1. Tlhialt Jlom D. 'I1homsOlnl, OlIel'ik-PTIrealSlua:-er, be gi'VIelIl: a Il'!eltiring alllOW1aJncie, o!f $!l,m.DIOI ipeT mOlIllth." ,effeCltiVle Septemlber 1st, 1'91614. <m his lI'eltiremem !from I{)IfftCle, lM1ldJ la B~-lLaJW be pfielpa:red. m. Tll'ait Ithe sailiall"Y' ,0[ Mm. iMaI'lY' Fi.Sh[eig1h lbe'$3,,6iOO.,o0 pe!!: annum, 'eflfie,ctd~'e ISeptemibelr 1st, i1'96~, !aJlliCl! rtJhiaJt a By-lLarw be piI1epall'eld':. All of wJ::uiJcIh is r:espeC!tflwly SlUlbmiJ1Jted. K. 0'. ElMERiSON, A,Cltil1ig ChairmalIl. EQUAiLI:ZATI0N AND ASSIESSMENT COMMITTEIE June Session, 19647 To ItheWiM'fd'8in and Members of Ithe Elgiln OOUlIllt(Y ClQlUIIl!c.ll, Tii1e Eqwali;a8;tiotn iSJl1ic1 Asses&"ne11lt :Carr.1lL'll:i!tte:e x1epoa:+..,s as fJOllolV..fs: l.TI1iaAt Ithe TeISIOllUJtilOin fl1'Oilll l1Jhe C!OIUJIl1ty of Vic:toTiIa r,equesrting El.JIIlJerudJrnOOit 10If ISroti:OIlli 2:1:61 of 'the Assessmerut Act be not ronJClUlTEd. 94 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL ~. 'I1hiaJt ithie veq;uest fiI:olm ithe ViHaJg'le of ~OidinJe(Y thlalt :tihe assess- moot olf 11JIhe proposed Twin PiJnes AlptaJ.,bmenJts floir StenilOlt" Citizens be e~emPit for Ooulnuy pUlI'lp0i3eS be 'denied:, but IthaAt, the V.iJUalgle o!f RlOdJIlle(Y requesit ullider ISieCltil(ID ~07 lad: me AisISessmellllt AiCit for IrubatJemenlt of tIaooes 0II11 Twm Pinles' .Aip~tm8(lllts [lor SenJior ClitizeI1!S'. All of wmclh. is re:speclt[wly sruibmilbted. B. E. DOWNEIY, Chairman. AGRICULTURAL COMMITT;EiE June Session, 19614 'Do Ithe W1aJI'lden ,and iMiembers Oif the E]~girn OOUillit~ OOiUllltci:J., The Agu-ilcluiLtu:r1all ClOmm:iJbt,ee repolI'lts as follo'Ws: 1. ThaJt the lappoinltment of ~a OommiiUtee UIIlId:er fue AgriCiU:l.tlUral RehJaibiiilJwwtiJ<m laJnId DeveflJopment Acl, be fillied. All of wfr1;iJc.h. is resipeClDfUiHy SlUbmilUted. DONALD C. LElITCH, Chairman. EDUCATION COMMITTEE June Session, 1964 '110 the W1alrlden land iMiembexs of ith'e Elllgm OOil.IDtw Oonnctl, The Ediooaltkm Clomm1iutee il"epolrrt:s as follows: 1. Tlhat ltIhie resollUJtion from 'the GOUllity of 'Pleterboroogh reqruesrt- iJnJg 'the Ptl'IOIviJnJciaa IGove1'lllmeil1Jt iUo paiy' rtibJee!llltd.re C1001t o[ teacherS!' slalliM"iJes [100' S1e1OO1Il1daaw edJUic:a\tiolll~ !be C10Ilt0U1lTedlW1ith. 2,. 'Dh1aJt l1Jhie resolution flI'lOiITl '1JhJe ''Down of Nelwma:rikelt petitiomng the Mi!llliSlter off EduCJaJtiOilli Ito OOiIlldUlClt a studly ffor the ipItlXpOSe off usiIll.g OUT iSlclhiool fl3JciliJties flor 'a lOO1g'1er :periOlcf <Of time in the year, be ftiJJed. ELGIN OOUNTY OOUN:GIL 95 3'. 'I1h1alt the I'Ieq'Ulestt of me TowmIhiiJp of YiammoUlbh to 'eIIlwaI'lge ,the Clenimal JillginJ Higlh ISch'OOlJ DistriClt ib~ mclU!dfug tthell'lem itlhie aIDea of Sclhiool Section No. 7 YarmoutJh, be giI'lMllted, a:IlId ithaJt Ithe neoeslS19.a'IY By-Law be pI'lelPl~edJ. 4. Thalt 1Jhie ilIellAtier fI'lom Ithe OnrtJa.riiO SichOloo 'IIDusbeeS" amJd Rialte- PaJYIffi"Si' AssociJaltiOOl :J:"le: AmelIlldimellllts in ifuJe Pu!J;)ltc SclhiOiOls Aicrt, be filled. All 'Of wmcih is respecrtlflully SlUibmiJuted. L'lIOy[) E]UU]OTT, Chairman. PETITIONS AND LEiGISLATIONS COMMITTEE June Session, 19'64 '110 the 'Wiall'fden ,and Members of 'the tEIllgiln OOUiIlJtJy Oound:l" T1he P:elbimonlS IaJIltdi JJeg1i:swrutiOllS OOlmmiltoee reportsaiS follows: 1. 'DhiaJt tlhe lreSlOOtU!tiJon frrom ithe OiJty of Wlintdsoc il'Ieg1ar1dJiing chii- wen in! rt:lhe ,Clare rof lthe Childirten's Aid: SOici:eUy Tlequirinlg tl"leatmEmlt in institiUltdtOlIlJSl, be fHed. All of wU:l::iJcih is relSlpecltJfiUlly sulbmirbted. KElNNETH BAIRD, Ohairman PROPERTY COMMITTEE June Session, U64 To the Ww-JdJen andl iMlemlbocs of lthe Elligin. OoUlIlJtiy' Oonncil, The Ptroperty Oomm.iJtluee :veipOnt.Si .aJ.Si folLows: 1. 'I1ha;t 'We have latClcepteid: the 'tender of ImperilaJ!lle FUels Ltd., to S!Upip[iy No. 1 oi.il:-\trealted iSltJokJer coal for the OOlUJl'lt House, 3JI1d !Jail @ :a prdce {)If $112.814 per rban. 96 ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL 2,. That 'We U1iawe a.ooepbed tjjhJe 'tender of R. lJaCle(Y tJa supply fuell oil fiar the R.egistlIlY Ofifice, OOUlI1lVy Liibr.ary, IMld He'alith Uilliit @ a priJce of 13,,3, oeiIllts per glaJlil:OIli. 3. Thwt :1Jhie ,bender IOf BiamIlies' Moo's Shop of '$ll,30iO.3:1 fOIl' IUIIlifIOll'\lIl!S DOll' the Jlaiil. ,Sltiaifif has beeTIi aJclclepibed. 4. 'I1hiart; painltin:1g oif 'tlhie Sthffi'U'dif's, ClOIUJIl!ty C!l<er'k's, Div:iJsdion: Clom amid E/n!gmeeif's ,00r!fdic:elSi; !the main ClorniJdlor \all)Jd rtJhe s:ecloiI1ldl s1nI'leIY ClOIr'- riJdior iiDJ l1Jhie lEIast W'imIg frljaJs been clOmpleloeid ib~ H. G. Mieid];yln" @ a coslt of $19~8.51O. i5. Tlhiait thre tender of NiaJttOillial Flioarmg ComIPMl'Y IOIf '$1538.86, floc %" viIlL)7l1 :tile wilth ~" pliylwiolod UIllder!lla,w floors ill :the ShIerifrs ofr:tc'es and 1:Ihie l€mamiiI1laJt:i.t<m room., has been 3AClc:epbed. 16. "!'hart; we naive pUirlcihaJSeld a GeSltelmler Mbd!eIl 320' Du.pil.ioaitOf' [jar taJ.ie Clol\.1JI'\t EbUlSe @ a inet oost of $14180.215 p]U1S PI'!OVlincial Sales 'I1ax. 7. Thiait No. 1 Pro:plosi3.il. of :1fue Sit. Thiomrus: Ci.t(Y Elngmeler rtiOf' impI'lQivemen\1:s IUO Gll.ia!disItIQ(llIeAVienlUle, OOlUlDlty slhiare IOff 100SlbSlta be aP!Plrlo~malte[IY '$14,4150.!01Ol; wttlh la 4 fit. sidew:alk IDOl be liaid [loom MeuCla1f Stll'ieelt ltio S1ta.nJieIY IStJre1et; \uoloal cost of siJdiewaJk to be bo!Vne 'bw' thte 01OUlJ:J.lt;y ; !be awriOi\71ed. All of w(bjcih. is respeottfully SIUlbmiJtted. SYDIN1E!Y G[,;QI\TER" iQhair.man. ROAD COM.l\UTTEE June Session, 19H4 ':Do Ithe 'W1aJl'1den laJIlid Members of the EDigm OOiUIllt(Y OOiUiIlJcil, Mrs. MClClM'lthy aIlld GentllemeIli: YaUlr Rloa.d OolIllllli,bbee begs 100 !Deport as folliows: 1. A a~crr foo 1:Ihie OOJ1\SltlJ:miOtiOIli of the Elm Sltreet Bridge Oil OOilIDqy Road 531 IOIVIer Oaltrfish C\reek in [the 'I10M1i of Aiyilmer !has been let 'to !the Ellgm CiOIllStr'UlCttiOt11 OompaJIll(Y Limiiued! (}If Sit. TholITlfW for '$I4l2~003.30, tthe lIJoiw1eslt of 11 bd!dJders. WOl'ik iJs now UUidell"\WaW. iEILGrn COUNTY OOUNCIL 9rT 2,. A iOON'IlR.\AIClT for ltJhe cTU!shJmg a<nJd !hJamJl'ing d.f gTlavel in varr-ious looations iIn Itlhe CloUiIllty lhiaJSI been iLet 1;01 W3Itters B:vos. CIoIIllSlt:vucticm of SplI"ingrftelJdI !Dorr $150,41815.00, tJhe (Jjowest of 2: btddiers. Work is nlOlw undelr'- WIa.lY. 3. iRJOAD MUILOH ~a.lVlemenlt wIll be laid 100 the foilloiWing Roads: (1) Oo~ lRoaJdi 120 nOI1t:lhi of Shedden to King's' Higlhiwaiy No.4i0l1 !in the Totwnship 'Off SoothwlOlid, rup!Ixt'O~ely 3 mileS!, amid (2) IOolU1D!tiy RJOaJd 4!2i :f!riom OOlUlDltJy Rload 4lO :eaJSiberiI.'Y in the 'I1aWll1lSihips of MJailiahide laJllid Bay/ham for approocimaltely 15 mi'les. 4. (STlElRLiIlNIG OOlIllSlUriUJCtion OOilIlPMlIY Limiltleid of WlinidlsoT harve Ciomplelteld tibie oonJtimlClt [Iocr: rtJbJe IOOilli$rUJotioiDl IOIf ClOiUIlIty Rload 214 (Dre,- veIDopmerut RlOad No. 69121) !from Bomt BrtuCle weslt;~ to OOiUiIllty Road 316 illi the ToW(lllS/hipsl of YiaiI'lmlOiUJth laJIlid 1MiaJ.lumdle. 15. SUlRiFlACiE 'I1roo,tlmenlt iPlaNeme(lllUs halVe belen oom.p[eued on tihie fol1owiiIlg iRJOIaJdis : (:1) ClolUnIty RJolaJdi 214 (DeiVe1Jopmenlt Rorud No. 6912:) from PlOiI."t B1'1uICle tlo OOlUl!l!tJy Roadi 316, taIlid (21) OOlU!I1ltiy !ROOd 5/2 tOOSIue!flly f!l'lOlIn Slpring,f\iield aJPPl'loocimailJe[y 1 mile in: !the VilLaJg"le of SIwing1fielid IMlld iIIl.t thiel ToWlllSihiplSl of SoUlth DooclhieSlter anJdi MialahiJde. 6. TIHlE FIOUOIWlINlG New Ma;c:hmffi'IY bias been purclhased!: ( 1) Four DolOl1" PfLymoUltih AiUJtOII1JOlbillie, (21) 1II1lterJIl!a:tjonal 'I1aJIlldem Duirnp Tmclk wiltlhthe aonniy's 1954 IJnternaJtionJrul 'I1aJIlldem Dump 'Th'iuck as a tmd!e-m, (3) 11% Ton StJakJe 'I1:rt1.liCIk, laJllid: (4) ~Oiur Ohain SaJvV1S. 7. GlRlA[)!I!NlG iaIIlld GDMllullar Base wwk lhirus been completed on oOlUiIllty R10laJd ;6 Ji:n me TOiWnship of Ail1d1bOiIOUglh between OOlUlI1lty IOOirudJ 3 Ja(llId Brrlalck'lSI LiMlle. Or1ruding is progll'essiil1Jg on OOUllity Riorud 412. 98 ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL WE! RJECIQ(Mll\ffiEIND: 1. 'ItHJA T the OOSlol'lllt:ilolI1 Iirom the OOllllI1lty of IGrrey ~e the mo~e- moot lOr U1ti1Iilty pOiles, be filed. 2. THlAT tJh:e WiaJxlJEID IrunJd Clerk be talUltbJo~ized tlO sign lal!lJ Ease- ment :gi~g ,tlhe BieU:l 'DeLephoI1Je Compa.IllY the !right to bUll'iY oaJble ruoross O1'l8.lne Pla\I'l~, 'Lot 11, Cicmcessilon V, Towrusihip IQIf Soultlhwold. The OOUlIllty of Eligm will reCleliV1e $410.,010' for g'I'IMlrtilng tlhiis [Efrusem€!lllt. All of wih:ilcIh is reslpelcltlfuilly srulbmitted. C. D. BHiWLlIIPSI, Cihiaill'mMl. COUNTY OF E,LGIN BY-LAW NO. 18615 "Being a By-Law to Annex Area to the Oentral Ellgiin H~gh SchOlOII District and Amend By-Law No. U78.~ WHEiRlE!AS the ':DawI1Jsihip of YalrmoUlth !has 'r:eqUleSlteid the ClOlUIlllty of ElLgin Ito eniliarge -the CentJ:1aJl E1Jgiln Hilgh ISdhiolOtl DilSItrilclt ta ilniclUldle tIhJe rM"ea of Schoal ISleCltiolIl Na. 7, YlaJrmoUlth. AN[) WHlEIR1E!AlSI ClhJruptJeIl' 3:621, ISeCitiJOIDJ 113" .sUlblslelClt,iiQIn 1, R'JS.O. 1'9160, maiklelSl iPlI"ovisillorn for Itlhe SaJInre. NOW 'I1HlElREIFOIRIE Ithe Croll:pal'lrutiJOiIli of 'tIDe ClOIUlI1lty IOf EI]:gi!l1 ellliacJts ~iS flollows: i1. 'I1HJArr IStchOiolL SiecltiJo[l NOr. 7 of !the Towi!l...:s!hip of Yarmo~..!lth, mare 'PaJrlt,:LcIULalI'il:y described! laJS d:iollllows: OOIllCIe:sSiJOII1 5, - The sooth hiaJlives of I.IOItis: 1I5H19 inc!lusiVle. OOIll!CleSiSlioiIlJ4 - LQ/ts 1151-211 i:nJcI]:uslve, laJIlia Ithe 81amh haM of DOlt 212. L:olts li5-2:1 iJr.wlrUiSiViB, ,and 'W:1Je il1IOiI'tii1 half of Ime nal'1th west qiUJaII'lter of iLot 212;, be, 1aJ...'1td 'the iSIa1lne is Ihe~eby IM1Jne~ed IUo- t.he Oenttr:al1 Elligin High S1clhiool DiSltric:t. r-t.........-......................:....._ ,n v1lJU.lIvtA:)i:)lU\U ;,) :ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCTL 99 '2.'DHiAT B(Y-IL'I!llw Na. M~8 of 'the OOUlliUy of Elgiilli be, Mlld is hereby lalffieI1ld!etd! 3iCi001I'1diinigly. 3. THAT this By-iLtalw shaliL C!OlITlie inlto ,f1oTlce land 'ef.f1eet on Jia[l:- UJaIl'ty 1., 1191615, Isulbjoot .J;Ja Itheap:proViail of It:lhe HO:lli(){UJI'Iab[:e Miruislte!r of EchliCJaltJi:on. RiEIA:D a !first time i1Jhiis 1171tJh day of JUine, 191614. RiE\A[) a secollid 'time Ithis l,71tlh dJaJY of J'l1IIlie. 119,614. REA[) a t.lhir1d time, laJllid fmally pas:SletdJ IthilS 171th diaJY of June, 19'614. J. D. TIHOIMlS!QQ\T CJ!eiI"k RJU1SSlE/L iMJcKIBBIiN W1aJI"dien I,J. D. Thomson., OLeI'<k of ,tihie OompOlI1aJtiJolIl OIf tlhie Ci()lUinIty olf Elgin, ldio her1eiby oerlttfy t:lhrut tJh:e far:eg!Oimg is ,a rtruJe copy of B(Y -Law No. 11866" passed ibW It:lhe OOIUiI1lCiil of thie saltdi Clocpol'laltiJolIl on the 11iW:1 day of JI1me, 1191614. J. D. THOMSON, OOUlIllty Clerk. BY -LAW NO. 1866 "To Grant An Annual Rietirement AllOlWanc.C!." WlHlEIRiElAiS Section 2410, OhJaJPCeIl' .21419, R.IS,O. 1960, p!roviJdJes for the gl"ialIltwng of ,a RietiremelIllt AlllOWlallioe ItlO laIIl; emploY1ee willth at lelast tlwenty 'Y'elall'lSI ICtQIIJ.)ti:IliuiOUIS servloe with la ml1ln1cipailit,y. The OOUlllicil of 'tlhe Oompol"iruti:on ,of '1Jhie OOiUnlt\V of Ellgin enJacts : THAT John D.'I1bJomson /be g1l1alliteldJ laIIl A:I1IIliUJaiL Retirement AllolW- a:nce af Th~I'Ite8\I] HiUlIlicIDeldi ,a:nd E:tgihty DoIUaJrls ( 1,380.(0), ptruY1able rut the raJte Oif $115,.010 p.er mOillith, beginni:nJg ,Sielptemlber 1st, 1:9!6'4. TlHIS By-Law tlO iJruke ef:fleat SeptemJb.er 1st, 1:91614. RJEA[) a :firSlt time Ithis l711fu day of JUine, 19:6i4. 100 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL RiEAD la S16C1onld: 'time this ,l,7tih day of J'llII1Ie, 119:64. mAD a Itih.iI'Id time, laIlJdi fmaHy passed Ithilsi 171thi diaw of Jilme, 1964. J. D. THOMSON Clerk HUSSiEL McKIBBIN Wiaxden COUNTY OF ELGIN BY -'LAW NO. 1867 "Being a By-,Law to Appoint a Clerk-Treasurer for the C!OWlty of ElIgini' WCHlERiEAJS ll\W. J. D. Thomson d:s ['Ieltirmg .as .. CQIea:"k-,TreasurelI" of tJhe ClOIU!D.Iby of lElligin on AiUJg1UiSlt 311st, 119164. AND WIHElRJEAJS iUlI1Idiell"' Clhiaptell"' 21491, SecrtiOln 2:115 ('1) 3AIlJdi 2116 (1) RJS.IO. 11961Q, :irt :i!s DleCeslSlM"Y for OOUllliCliJ! Ito I3.lWOr1nJt someone Ito fill ltibJe posiltiooo. NOW THlElRIEiFO!RiID ltihie OaulIlJCil otf ltfi:JJe OOO::POll"wtiJolI1l oil: the C1oll.llIl.lty of iEIlgm elIlJacrt1s as IfolllliOlWS : 1. THlAiT HjM'lley L. JiOOmOIll be, iaIlJd iJs; hereiby aplPOi.nJted 01erk:- 'IlreasruJrler IQIf !the IOOiUlIllU,v of ElgiJn; 'amldi 'I1I1easurer of the CioUlIllty of Elgm Hiome f101J.'1 ltihie Agiedl. 2. 'TIH!AT IhJis saliary 100 Clwk-/I1rieasUll'ier of 1:ihJe ClolUll1lt(Y of E~gin be $S,OO'IQI.OOi, per iM1lIlIUIm. 3,. 'TlHAT Ihiis SIalIaxy laIS'I1reasUJrer I()If l1:fi:]e iEI1gin IClOiUIliUy Hiome fur tJhJe Agedi be $1,,15'00.001 per iaJIlJI1IUm. 4. THlAT all jpre!Vi0UlSl By-Laws having !to dJo wilth lthe a.ppoinrt,- mOOlt of a Ccr:wk-~eaSlU!rer Ifor ltfi:JJe C1aUlIliUy of ElIgin, 3.lI1Jdi a SOOl'Ietalry- TreaJSlU!l"eI!' of !ohe iElLgiJn! C!OiU!:rut;y iHbme fJo(!" ,the ..Aged;, !be, :Ml!d: tihie same arie' here'b~ repeailied. 5. 'I1HA.iTth:is Btv-Law sIhiailJl taikJe leflf.eClt on tlhe 1st day of Sep- tember., 1;9164. F.[JGIN COUNTY COUNO.TIL lOll RJEAiD a fir:Slt time Itlhis 171m tdJa.y of June, 196i4. RJElA:D la seclOIllid: time Ithi:s 17tlh lday of J'Uil1!e, 19614. RJEWD la itiliirrd time, laJllid fmallly piatSiSield: Ithis 171tlh d1ruy of JlUne, nl!64. J D. THOMiSON Clea:-k R,uSIS:ElL MciKIB[81IN Wra:r'ClJen COUNTY OF ELGiIN BY -LAW NO. 1868 "Being a By-iLaw to Appoint a neputy Olerk-Treasurer for the County of Elgin." WlHEIRIEIAIS by 1B(Y-[ja1w NOI. 11816i7 of rtfue OOUilliby orf E!1gi:n .halS Tie- pe:alleidJ lalll p~e.violUlS By-LruwlS lhiaving to dlo with 'the Appai[l!tJment of 'a 01elflk-ThelalSllWer. AiNID wtHlElRiElAlS a llIU1mber of ltJ.he By..[jaws repealed, aoilJJtia,ID cLalUSeJS laf:fiec!tlmg itJhie DepUlPY C'lea:ik-'IIDe:asurer. NOW 'I1HiEIRIEIFORIEl ltJ.he OorulIl!cil of Ithe OOl'lPOO'laJtiJOiIl of the Oou:nrt(Y off F.ilJgm eil1JlWtIS as tfloWliows: 1. 'TIHIA T iMlrs. MaJI'iy FiJsihilJeigfu !be, Mlld ts !hweb(Y appoiJIlItedi DeplUty Clell"lk-TreasUlrer ,orf rtlhie OOUlllit:y of EllglilI1. '2. THiAlT ;the salaJI'iy of 'the Depuby G~erk-Tr8ialSlUa1er be $13,6010.00 pier annnrm. 3. TIHiA T aIIliy, 'atnld: laill pDe'vious By-LaJW1SI of ltIhie ClolUmy off Elligin mCQlI1JSlisltenlt witfh. ltiliils By-[Lruw !be, laIDld rtheSlame laJr,e herlelby repeaJed. ,4. 'I'lHA T rtJh.i:si By-lLaw lSihiaU Itake ,ei:tieClt OiIl tJ.he 1st day otf Siepbemb~, 19:614. .RJEAiD a :firslt Itime ,tlhis lf7ltJ.h tdJa.y of JUIllte, 1:9:64. 1102 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL RJEAD la S1e1cOllid time rthis 171Jh day of Jrmt8, 119614. RlEl.A[) a tIhiTId time" 13JIlJd! fmailly paJSISIElld :this 17iOhi djalV' of JUil1Ie, 19614. J. D. THOa.v.IiSOIN Olerk RUlSlS!EIL MicKIBlBlIN W1aiI'!dieIli Thunstd!aJy, AJugUlSlt 20\1Ih, 19614 A rSipeeial iMeeJting O[ Itlhie ELgin oQlUJIllty COlUlIllcil wlas held! alt 8 o'lcuock in Itlhe leve.nting, OlIli rthle ialbaV'e dla:te, \110 ooollstdier' thel ITlIa\tIDer' of a RlOialdls Neeid SUJr'V1eJy", aJIlldi OIt1her bus,in,esSi. The W'aIl'Idien, in rbhe ClhJ8.iir. Arul luhe membem p!l'1esem 'e'XiOeipt iDepU!tJy Reeve M,ClOallrum and RieeVle DoWiI1ey. Alsa lP!l'1eJSlenlt, 'WIe!re Mr. C:JJaIl'Ik of tlhe Dept. of Hi:glh- wa;yiS aJnd R. G. MOiOlre, ClOiUlI1JUy !Elnig1llleer. The Rlejpart of t1he RlOIadl Ciommirtltee was pQ'ieseIIlltedl by Chaixman PhillliJps, 'amJd rut tlhe !l'1equelSlt of RJeeVle Wi1soo, E1ngmere!l:' R. G. Moore sparkle IDO OOlUiIlJcil 'MlidEll'Xiplamed the pUlrpose of Ithe (llIeedls study. Afiuer ClOltliSiidJelI'lalble ,diisCIUlSSiolIl, rt:Ihe RJepoiI'lt WiaJS i8.1d!opted on motion of Reeve PlhiHiIpls lrunid Reeve Malr1ti!Il. MOV1ed by Reeve Vialenltine, Seconded by RleeiVIe WiJ.rsoo, 'IfhiaJt lthe WM'lden ralllld !the CIlerrk of rthe OOUiI1ltty of Elgi!Il be, altlId we iher:eblY ,aUlt1ho!l:'i:1ledi ItO si:gn Oel"tifioaJte IregM'rdJi:ng the f1oID!orwIDg peI1ITll~nrt; 'emp\lJoyees .of tihe OorlPOl'iaJtion 'forr ~emptli.JOIn of Clo[1jtriibu- tilQ(lllS laJS pi!'1Ovidied IUiIlJder rtlhe Re~u1altIi.IOillis of Itlhe U(llIemploylmem Th1istuIr- aJIloe AiC)t: - Davtd Bealtti.e; G1EID1I1 CrIOSIS; Eric ii\rEcK.eme; amId' RlOibeiilt GIlIOV1er . -..Oalrried. Moved by Re,eve WaOlllieT, SeDoiI1Jded by Deputy ReeVle StCIhWeilha.uf, Thalt we do now rudljoul'n. -Oa;rried. H. L. JiOlI'NISlOlN' C1er1k RU1SISlElL :MclKIlBlBm Wlrurd!e:n lOZA ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCLL ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT Special August Session, IH64 'Do me Wiall'ldJen, aillid MembeI'lSi 0If tlhe ELgi:n OOU!I1lty OO'UIIlIClil, Mrs. Mi~Cla.l'Ithty and GelIlltlemeIli: YaUJr RJOIaldJ Oomrn..tt\tee begs' 100 !I'iepOil't as fOUiOWS: W1E RiECOMMiEND: 1. 'm!AIT we IClomp]iy wiith thie MilnJilStler of Hlilgh'WIaJYIS' T1eqUlelSlt to bJawle a. sltlUldW TIlJaid!e orf fue OOlllI1lty R10rud S'ylSluem rtlo I3JScerroam the pI'lesenlt iCOIlIdfi!tiiJolIllS of OUJr :roaldis lrunldi bi1"i!dJges, Itlo iaJSlClertlaJi!:r1 Itlh:e :f'uI:nlds IlieICi8\SSa:ry \00 meelt Itlh'e nleleldls iof 'tD:l1e lIlJeXJt 1101 yielaJI'lS ;aJIlld t,UO a:sciell'lbaJinJ thte funldis larvlali1a!bwe flar \tJhiesle (llIeeldis; aIIlJdi ltibJait ithJe Firm 0If A. M'I Spcr:ii81t & .AisSloC!~a!telS iLlimiteldi of !Lonldon be Iruppoi:nJteld IruS OOlI1iSui]tilI1Jg EIllginJeell"S to makie ItlhIiIs s\tiuidiy la.lllId i1:lhJaIt ItJhils sltlUJdiy be aom'pl.!eltled bW DeCiemibelr 3i1s1t, [191614. ~. 'T!HlAT tihle Wa['ldle:n <amid OLerk be aJuthJori2Jetd to s:ign a, Leasle to ,tb!e UiIliiWll'Sli\t~ of Wi6Sltem OlIlitamilOf1or ItlhaJt pOII'Ition of DOlts 2G' and! 214 SOUibb. orf \tlhe dLdi [jalke ROald :iiIll OQ(lllCleSlSlton I, im::tJhe TOIWIIlIShip O[ YlarnmolUltlh, Q1wiIlIeid! !by ltihte OOUlIllty, floc rt;b1e sum of One Ddl[JaJI' (\$1.00) pell" yieaJl'l !flar slUlclh Itdme as itJhie UlnJiVlffi'lSliltly mruy l'€IqruJiJr\e tfr1:e ~opea:tt(Y. The p['lOlpier:t(Y (laJpp['loiX:imIalbely 110 ,alClrles) WaJS pUJr:dbiased in 19163 fiI'lom the Pe!'lCIY BOOiSle iEiSlualtie [Ioll'thie !I'lel!oClaJtion orf ClOUiTI!ty RJoad 214. This pIl"OIpie[ity IW\i:IIl: be Ulsed! by !the Ulnliverlstty'lS Depall'itmelTIlt of GeogmaiphlV !flar ,a ifjJe1!dl S1talt:iJOIIl rtJo SlOUldiy Vla:r1IOUIS elffeClts of :tJhe WiIlldJ alIlldJ the la}re on ihie eI'lOISliJon Ol:f thie LiaJkJe Er:ile lSlhor~line. No !'IesewClh fus ait priesffil!t ibemg aarried an iaJIlldJ iMlIY iinJf100maJtion w1hiclh is obiba:iJllieldi w'fl!l: be V1er~ ibeiIllef'wilaJ1 to1be 001\11l1Jtiy. All of wlh:.iiCili is resvecM'Ul.ly SIUIblllliIUted. C. D. P'HTI..LJP'S, ChamniMl. ELGlJN COUNTY aOUN1OIL l03 FOURTH SES!SION FIRST DAY Tuesday, the L5th day of September, 1964. The Eil:gin OQilmttv Cov.!Illcil met '11ms dt8!Y 'rut the OaUlI'lt, HOlme, st. ThOlIDaJS, in 'aJOClO[1dJaJIJ.JClewiJUb 31dlj.QlU1'II1ImeI1lt. The Wall'idie,n in tbhe ahiadr. All the members prtOOeIllt. The mi!nntes of Itlhe i1i3JS!t druy I()If lt1hJe JUllie S1ession, iaJllid of the Special Sies.s:i!ollJ. lhieilldJ iQIIl ,.AJUlgfUisit 210th, 1:9164, WleTle T1eaid alIlidl oOIIlJfirnoodi. 'The foIllowimg ICOIll1I1lIUIIliliClaltiJam w~le ~erud iaJllid Def eTlr'ed rtOl theiIr V'aJrimlis Comnnirttteoo: COM.MiUmC'ATIONlS September Session, 1964 F1r,om !the C10WlttiY of Pele1 rwilth reslOIUltian rr"'equestiTIlg ltJhe MiniJs)DeT' of MUIIlJioipaJ1 Aiffiaim to l"ielPelal R,egmJiaJtiou 4J50 'rl.mdell' rtlhe MUI!1iicilpail .AJClt.---iRielflerredl IDO lUbe IPrIOlPerrtJy OOll1llmiiJttJee. F\rJom !the AsiSloCtaJtton of Onjtrurlio OQlUJIlIuies wiltJh request flOC mem- belf:sihirp.-fRleLf:erlred: IOOtJhe: FilliaIThC8 ClommiItIbee. FIiOiill itlhe Dept. ;()if ~yt"..uI1itciIPa:1 ~d...;f,f:a,]r\S laldrvisilng tha!t the de31cIJ.ine [,Of SlUibmijttinlg appHclarti!OnlS U\Il!dieiI" rl:lhe OeI1ltel!llIliiJa,l GIl'IaIIlIts Ptrogramme hiaJS beelIli e~tel!lidleid: rtlo N1ON1ember 91fu., 119614.---lFiLed. iFrtom tU1e Mintster 'O[ EdiUClalti'oiIl!, illi replly to !the T1e1S'OJ.!l1tion passed by :the El1gin oQlUlIlity Ooiuinic:iil a\t iJtJSI JiaJIl!UJailW 1:916:4 Session. re: AmelIldl- menltts Ito Seatiolll 6i8.0[ tlhie Sielc'OnJd!amy ,SOOoal8 lalIlJdl Booll'ldS: 0[ Elduoo,tiolllr Aict.-FiilJeld. Flram ltilhe F:oUil" OoiUinJties General HOIS!Pwal, w~th request fOil" filll- aIIlJciJal atSISIiIsJtiallliCle.-Refieil.'ll'led'bo the Firn:aJIllce aomm.iJtltJee. ]04 ELGm COUNTY COUNCIL }itr;om !tihe DepaJ'Jument ,olf 1L!M1idis anld F101l'8S(Vs 118: C!OiUnrby GlI'larnIDs in lieu .of luaxes on I!!a;I1Id1 requiTed ,for fial'lestrw !piUll'IptOlSielS.-PUedj. iFlDam Mr. J. D.Tthomson wilth ~pI1ec:truti:o[]) otf gifit, a;ndi eiVeLtlmg ,rut Pont stamiLey .-IFi1ed. :F1rom !tlhe OnJOall'iJo lMulIlrtcd.lpal AmOic.i!aJtilon iW~lm.a:pipl1eC'i:at:i!olIl laJllidi 1JhiaJIlikls for hOSiPiltalilty exltlended Ito tihe d.lelleglaJtes lat ltihe Xlec.e!I1\t CiO!I1'- 1,nellitiiOln :iJn LiOInldiolIl.-F:iI1ed. From (the Dep[t. .of LlalboUlr r,e: ltihe AiPPOi'lliDmeIl1t IOf ,a SiafeQ~Y C1on- stJriUIClbiJon IlruspeClto[' .---<Ref'ffi"l"ield IDa ltihie RJOIatd 100mmiltltee. ~om lthe FoUll' Cou[}jtiJelS Ge(lllera:J HOISlpi1ual Boalrid wi:tlh m.:viltrutiJol!1 to Irutlt'€!IlId !the ISoid 'DurnJitng Oer:eIT1Jony, OiIlJ MOI1Jday, OClbo:ber 1I2itlh, 1i916141. -Filed. MJo~ed by Re,eve Elmerson. ,trhaJt Mr. OmldJon Pimtlt, De~m1;iy 00- OiI'Idlinaltor of !the iElmell'lglency'MeasUl"'es Org!9Jnizalt,iJoll1 be IIlIOIW lhieallid. Mr. iPlrialtlt ;prelSe(lllbetd his 1191614 EUM.o. Repol'lt Ito ItJhe EllJgin OoUJIlity ClOiUJIliCil ffi1It:liindiIlg 'tlhre laCluiviltiJeIS 0[ the tOII'Igani2'JatiJOlndiuring :the past yteall', aJl1)d; hie w:als Itha.:nikled! for his presell1jurutlion by WlaJI'ldJe.n. iMicIKiblbiiIli. Tlbie _i!I1 ManOlr Clommilutee RJelpoll'lt wrus presented! ~y Clhia.i!l".man N. G. 'DUlff.o[d, laJIlldJ adJo:pteld; oln motion of ~eeve 'Dufflol'ld allid! Rleervle EIlliott. The Road OOimmilttele laepart was rprese(lllted !b\y Ohairma:n C. D. Phillilips, laIllid! ,aidlo[llted on motion of RJeev'e Philil:i:ps and RoIbwt MwtiJn. MQIV,ed by Reeve DolWlIliey, Sec:onded hy The€fVIe C:iJarke, Tlhialt !the apipI'lociiJrutilOln OIf rtihiiis OOUlIlioil be ,eootell1!dJeid tJo MalyOl" F1a1bb~o of SuidlbiUlI'ly, his OOlUll1icil laJllid Associruues,fo[' tlhJeiIl' kindin:ess aJl1)d ClolUll"tesies ItelIlldiweidJ !to Ithie WlwdJen laJIlld ltihe S€lV1er1all members of E!lg!i.n OOUiIllty ClolUlIlicila.nd OitJhell' ,diell:egruuoo :f1'1om Elgin :arti dih:e lMiaiylo~s a11Jd Reev;es .&SlSlOici:altiolIl, OonV'etntilon lhiei1Jd m JlUII1ie. 'Dhirut !the OOlI1verutiOiIll Wlas o[}je of the !fmem elVleT aJttelllidleid:, and! the oCloamoiIl; was a memonaJble OIIlie. -Clarried. ElLGIlN COUNTY COUNOIL l05 Moved b~ RieelVe ElmelI'1Son.. Seconded by DepUlty Reeve Auckland, 'TIhiaJt this OOU[]Jcl1 :riOiHolW ftJhie usual pr'OCledlUlr-e ofe8.lch OOUlIllcilli memible[' b['iJngirrlg a jUiIlJiJOIr !boy or gi['l guest tlO OOiUlI1lUy COUIIlIC:i1 on. the fiJrlSlt dJay of ltIhe NOiV€mbelr Semicm. -OaiI"ried. Moved by Depu)ty R\ee!V:e iJ.Y.[jciKmlaJY, SeciO(llIdied: .bw Rleeve MiM"tiiln, Thirut we dlQ l110W 'adljoll1ll'in ta meettihis laJfte!l:'noolrl alt 2 p.m. -ClaIrTired. The OOIUiIllC:ll il'iesuJmed. The Rlepmlt af the FmMlice OommiJttee Wl8.lS prfeseIlItedJ 3Jllid appro!Vleidi 01Ili motto[l) af Reev;e 'WiOio,}Inie:r a[]jd RleeIVIe EmerSOIIlI. The iI"elpiO['t of ltihe PlrlolpeI'lty C10mmittee iWlaJS: pres1elIllted, aIIlJd: ~t Wi8.iS mOVletd: b\y DepiU1tw Rlee!V'e Olov!er iaJllid! seClOlIlldJedi 'blY Deputy Reev:e Mic- Oa;lllUJITl ttihiaJt the fleipOll't be rupproved. ]t '\VIas mloiVed: iby Reeve Ph:i!l1iJps aIIlIdJ seoond!eld iblY RieeVle Tuff1ofl'ld!, "ltibJalt we rumeiIlld! thJe Praper:ty RietPiOi1'it by dJeil.,ettng OlaJUlSle 8!' The amenld!melIllt was VIOIted: tmJOiIlI laJllidi Ciall'll'ied. The aiIDooded ['Iepo!l'lt 'WIaS rt;;hen p:vesMed to OOUlI1lciJI aIDJd aJppI'lQlVle!di. iM:i!\ T, iB, OaldlWlelil 100f ItJhie OIl\orur:io Dept. of HigihwaJYIS waJS:pre~EmIj; iaJllid IruIlJs'\Vler,ed seIV'eIl'al questions ItlhiaJt WeJI'e '8.ISlkield: by members of the OQU1l1JciJl. MO!V'ed by Ree'Vie Ph.1lilips, SecOiIlided by ReelVie W:i.l!snn, ThiaJt Oaun1Jy COUJl1lcd:l ROald T(JIUJl' dates ibe set las follows: EIaslt- 'I1U!esdiaJY, OClDober l3th, faJllid Wlest-Wiecmesdiay, OCltober 2!81th~emib:er5 (to meetaJt rtlhe COUII't HiOUlS€. 'st. Thomas, 'am 9 a.m. -ClM'rietd. liOl6 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL Miov;ed: ~ Reeve DOWllle(Y, Seconded b~ Deputy R.eeve McOali1um, Thad; B(y-Ltaiw No. :11869" "Bemg Ia. B(Y-LaIW !bo Gra.rut Piensi:OII1 The- funds laJIlldi PiOiClk!eIt ::Mioooy 100 ResidlelliUs .of Ithe Elgiln CloiUlIlJty Blome foc the Aigled:,'" be irleiald a !first time. ----;Clall'ried. Moved by Reeve TUiffo,lId, SeClOlThded ,by Ree'V'e Letbch, 'I'lhlait B~-ILiaIW NiOi. 1I8i619', be r,eaJd a secOllid time. ---<ClalI'ried. Mlov.ed: by RleeVlel Elorwaa'ld:, SeclOiD.ldleldi lb(Y Reeve 'I'iu1'lforid!, Thlllt B~ -LiaIW No. 1816:9, be Il'ieald a lthiIJ:id time, t3lrlId f1inlal1y palSlSed. ----;C1a1l'neid. IV[oVleid by Reeve Ledit1c.1:l, ,SeClOltlldJed: by Deptllty Re8lVie MclC!a;]].IUJIn, ThaJt B~-[..lalW Nio,. '11870i, "'Be:i!nig Ia; By-lLam to Appoliirut a, DepUl1w 'Dre~eIl' for i1lhie E[gin C'OUlIlJty iHlome lfior itJhie Agied~" bel TleaJdJ a firsdJ time. -Clalrried. MlOlV'ed: by RieeVle HoiwlaIDdJ, SecOIl1id1ed ib~ Reeve [E!lJliiQUt, That By-Lia.w No. 1i8701, be TleaJd ta SOOOllid: !tiime. -Clalrrieid. MOlVlela ,~ DeJpUJty ReelVle ScIl:J.il!eih'aAurf, SieOOIlloodi !by :IOOeve WiOlOillD.ler, Thalt By-[,aw No. 1[8170, be ['lead ta thi:rtdJ Itime, IaIIlIdi fi.J:mJ.ly passed. ---<Gamed. E[JGIN aoU1N1TY COUNOIiL 107 MOIVIed by iReelVe Tuffiwd, SeoondJerd :by DelPlUlty Rieeve AiUiclkJ!a.nid;, T.haJt By-!La,w NOI. 1187111, ""B!e;mg laJ BIY-iLaw rtJo .AidijiUlSt !the !Salliaay of tlhe PhyslilciJa:IlJ mOil" lE~g:m lMiamJOIr," be TeaJdI la first time. -CiaIl'IliJed.. MiDVled by Deputy Rleleve AucklJand, Se'colllid:eid by ReelV'e ,Elmerlson, Thi~t BIY-LiaIW NOI. 1187:1, be ~lerudJ :a seoollid time. -ClM'Tierd. MOVIed by Reelve Emell'ts'OI1, .sOOQ(llid!etdi ib(Y Re1eiVIe 'I1uJf[' aridl, Tlhiart By -[Jaw N1D. 118711., be [l'Ioodi la Ithilridi Itilrnie, ranJdl filml,lly passed. -CiaIl'["ted. Mooed by :ReeVie iPhillips, SleClO(llldied! blY Relevle WilJslOIli, 'DhiaJt lBIy-iLialW ND. ,118712, "lA By-llMV' rtJD AimeIlldllt1l:1Je By-[jaw AJdlo!plt- iJng fa P;1a1I1 of CblUnltlY 1RJ00aid IimP[l'IOIV1eIllleIllt IMlidl Es1Jrublisihi:Ilig la OOUJIllty ROiaJd System m tihe CoUJDlty ,of iEI1girn: I\.lIl1Jdier /the Higilhway IimpI'l()Ivement AiClt," be ["ead Ia lfiIrst !time. -Clalrrted. MOVIeId by Rieeve ViaJienItinJe, Sec:olllided by Reev:e C~arroe, TbJaIt LBIY-[.e,1W ND. 1817121, be [l'IeaJd: ia seClOllid: ifJiIme. -C!~rietd. MOJV1ed by !Depulty RJe!ev:e MicKmWaJy, SecOlI1ld!eidJ by Reeve Vialen\ti:nle, Tlhialt By-iLalW ND. 118712:,. be [l'Ierud a ;third! time, ,amJd finJally passed. -Orurned. 1:08 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL MOVled by DepUJty RteeIVe GJav.er, SeClollidJeId. 'b~ Depwty Rie1eIVe (~arSion, Thirut By-[,aw No. 118'7'3:, "R;estrilClti:nJg PiarkiIDg,'" be iI'le~d a fmslt time. -Ciall'Tied. MO'Vled by RieelVe Emeil'son, Sec()[llded by Depurby ReeVIe Glover, 'IlbJalt By-lLaiW No. 1181'm" be Il'erud ta, second time. -C1M'Tieu.. Mo:vred by R'8IelVt8 BaJ1I'1d, SooOinJded 1b(Y RJeeIVIe Plhillip.s, Thwt By-Law Nlo. 16713!, be l'Ie~d ta" ItJhdirldi tme, alIld finaa[(Y pas\Sl6\d. -Oau-ried. MQlVled by ReeIVIe Philltps, Seconded 1b(Y Rel6Vle CffiookJe, Tlhart we do IDiOIW adjjlOIUl"ln to. meet at ten a.m., OIIl TuesldialY/, NOI-' vember li7t1h, l!916i4. ~Clall"'I"i;eld. H. L. JicmlNiSOiN Cilell'!k RJUSSIEIL McKIB[B[1N WlalfldJen ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 109 1964 E.M.O. REPORT TO THE, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL September Session, 1964 Y1oUlI' Wloirsrnp and Members of OOUlI1icil for rtlhe OOlUlIllUy of Elgin:: ]t is my privJilJetge 1101 !I'le1POIl1t to you on 1fue a-C1bi:v~b1es of the St. 'Ilbiomas-Eligin EmelI'lg1e1I1JCIY lMaa:suJl'les O.l'lg1all1iiZJaJti!on dJwr1:nJgthie past fdltiooeIli moDIths. ThiJs lor<glaJI11mtiOiI1~ is - as ~OiUaa'la lal1 laJWM"e - dieISignJad IDOl deal wilth tt:Jb.Je ~elSell"VlaJtilOI1J lot' lilf e in ttihie ,eveIllt of tMlW madlOlI".. d.lisastJell" . . Plni EIlgtnOoUlI1l1Jy. .1.,.tam mdlee!d ihlajpW. IUOI repOll1t rthaJt Ithe emerg1Emicy 13Iea:"- viJc.es of .this Orlg1aJI1Ii.ZJrution hia-ve nJOIG ,aB yet IbaelI1J :reqjUweidl t,iO fUiIllCitliolIl in Itlhe xlole fOil" 'wIhdJdh ltihiey Iwe dies\iglnled. Peril:1Jalps we will" iIl!erv,er .hlave to use Ithsm? BUlt, we 'Claroll1Iolt. be sur1e 'Of Ith'ils! OOlV1etI'1ll1llrelIl/t, a1t F1edlemJ. anJdJ PmvinlciJa1 ilieve1, .is still v,ary ,fiImliylCloiIllvilIlicladi 1JhiaJt s:olIDIdl amid Prlolg1I'lelSiSive ,emergle[1jClY. pIlranlndJi')lg lils ia Vlell:'Y wi:selaJIlldJ neClesLSlary iJnvest~ lllielIlit of Itilme, ItJai1ffillt laJIlIdJ m!Q(llIEl!Y; NiartJlwe 'C101Il1S1bwtliy d!iSlplJa-ys Ihell" albililty to d!eSltJr:o(Y life; iall1id we ~. in .,eveo.w ;pamt of tthilsl WlarUldlltodJaJY ~ IStrIe Ii vilnig 'UII1Idie:r ra rblweaJt of d!estruCltiJon.!by ItniruIli-llIlIaJdie lfol'iCle. When :r. l1epoll'ltJed IUO Y;0iU din Jiune 119163', I sta;Detd a C1omiCitiontihlat ''!tOiO maally people in. ELgi1n OOUllliUY ha Vie . ladJorpteldJ ra dJetfeliltiSlt altittbuidJe neg1ardiilnig the pjoosibiltties 'Of <SIUII'Vii'Vlal Itlhraug1h la nJUic!h;lM' .,altluacfk on tJhits cOllitinJellllt."AJt rtlhaJt Itime [ saild! rtJIhru~, ,as y:our DepUltiy Cio-Oll'!dmalDOIl" fiQlr SUT'ViVlal 1P1lIaa:1Jlling, I. hiaidlaJn Iilmmed!iJalte iUask 'aJIl1dl ,run obWigiat101Il 00 CiQI1'Il'leClt. itlhis laJtltirtlUJd!e.. TIn, .Ithe past fifitJeiEmi illIOiIlItfus I 1hiarv:e is)d!dltleiS\SlOO servioe .; dluJbSl, sohiooll cl1i1dJren,.. fire dJapruntmeIl/us, WOlnetli'\S. Lnsitd.ltiultes, IlrudJies' Aiuxitl:iJaries, IIlIUII'ses laJIlldJ mt.tnJilcdipal IClOUlI1lClil1s - iaJIlId inmOlSlt OaJSIes I 'USieldJra ,fIiI1lm to :bJellp me ~d!isplliaJY tthe VlaJlUleolf SlUI1WiVlal rP11a;DJtJJi!ng. EmWg"lffilIClY plM1lIliilnig dlisiplJaJy's, pI'lavild!eldJ 'OW Ithe F1e1dJeI1aU: Deipar/tImerutdif Helailltlhi lamld; We1fall'e, well'1e ,esltlaiblishieldi lalt ea,dh !Of .the fa!l1' tflairs m iIDJigill COlliI11by .. din 1119163' IMlIdJ rt:IhiiJS is ibein!g I'I8Ipaalued ID'li96i4. OVle:r :fifteen: thow- SaiI1ldi pieoes lolf SlUIl"ViiVlal J.iJtell1aJDUJrIe lharV'e been ,dJistni!bUlteidl in! E[,gin C10IUIIJJttv druxintg! tlheipwt .. fi[lteern m101l11tlhis; F1arrn.ilia;riZlatioI1 Ic:oul'ISIes.i.ti survival pliamJnJirbgwooe IQrg1Dzedi ior Ithe g1Em€tI'iai pubi1li1c lad; a ICeiIl!UraJ. 1:OiOaJt:iJOO in .Ieooh ttJoWJ:1lSlhdp. ISWCiOes!S in 'thi!Si laI"ea of, I. publilCJ mOl"1lllation aM gmiJdia(llloe is :dJiififiClumt Ito lalStSIeSS, tblUit I IfiilliIlly be[i,eve IthJa;t ltIh,ese eflfarts haV1e DrOIt beelIll in Vlam MlJdI I will 'ClOllitin'Ue rbb giV1e albsoilwte IWiorit& 1;0 Ith:iJSI i8Jl'Iea of my lI'iesponstbiildlties. . llllO ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL T!b.e pl"I~altiOIlJ lof a fJOImaJl ~'iEm~g1elliCIY S'tlJI'lvi:vJal. Pliam. fO!f :t.lbJe Cou!nI1;jy lof Elgin/' ipl'!agTesSIes rv'erw If1aN'OUIl'Iaibly. F1riom diisIooJsIsiiJO witJh the J:1Jelrudis ,of IQIUI' ll1IoI1Il1laJ1 muJIllicilpall!~eIl'Vioes - fire, poooe, enlg1i:nJeex\, U1ti1ilmes, lhiospirtJaIis l~l1Id puiblLic lheaJlith - I lrum ICloIW.mcedi rtha;t they hJaNe a dLeall' IClOOJICleip\tion of \1JhJeIiJr lalpeI'l3lttOlIllaJll l'IesIPonsiJbililtlies 1m all1lY' ma.j!OIl" d!isasoer, and Itlhirut !piIIa.inInIi:nJg 1lhe :dletaiiledl 1nlstrUIctilorm :li0ll" such OfPIerIa.- tilOllli9 ilSI jlUlSlt ta maJttell" IOf lf1irnldiiil1ig TIIMIE roo PUIt !theilr rtfr1!oug1hrt;s on paJpell" iIn Ijjhe 1'IelqJuiTledJ lfiorm. lit is lIlot leasy rtJo JOOCIl'IUiit SlUii;talb1!e V!OIitlII1Iteers tlor 1:lhiose emergelIliClY services which hiaVle iIlO OOIUIIllUeI'1Pamt iin mlUiIllilcipal g1QtVeIl".I1II1l<8[,)lt. These iTIiCIrUldie weIJfiame, 1'Iet.SCIU!e, 1'IaJdiiologilcM cdIe1f1enoe !alIl!dI oenbain adlmiiJniis1n'!a- tiv:e iaJP!POirnltmJe1Il!OO. I lhiaye laJ.SIk!edi itJhe Senlilor eiJJec,ted ofIfiiciaJI: of ooclh, mUlI1lioi.p,aili,tIy 1to,1'!eemilt.~eaJdJem for 181 ClOUII1Ity Emeriglelllic:y WeU!fiaTe SIeir- vtCle - a:I1Idi fll1Oill. Ith!is'ii: !hope iUOi get ta fitmn IOO'Ig1aa:1JU21altiOiIll esrbaiblilsihedi a.t lUbe WeIl\fiaIDe ~etrciiSie iPIJaJllillield: !for 30 ,septemlbar. The RJelSICu.e Sea:-Vlice is we'lL lestiablislhedi dl11 ISlt. Thom8JSi, bruit must be ,erxpMllded to lOClate tl'Iailnedl laJllidi Ielqruipjpeld! lSeCltiiolIllS e13JS1t iWei'. Wiest lof It/hie iCi!tiy. A RJaJdiologioaH. DefelIllce :Service1l'lelquilres llerudier.Shii!p .fl'lOlm some'OlIlle whio is q'Ulaliftedi in the lfiJeLdi IOf 'eI1ig1i!nJeell'inig .or scienlCle. Y10U!I" ICloomtN IaSSe8lSlOil" is dJellielgtateld 8lS ladmiil1JistJraltiVie I()t1filcer ,flOIl" 0UJr Emerlg'eIllOY iMeaJSIllIl'I6S Otrlg1aJIl.1imJt:iJcm. He is ISleaIl'IChinlg [rOIl" volIuinloeem 100 IStm!d1y laIlldidli:reClt :emetr'g'e!ncW' !r,equmel- moots ifiOlr lSUPPliJeS/, IWaJI1ISIPOl'lt !aJllid persQ(llIllIel. Tin ,MlW' tdliJSIalSlter IOtr Mwea.t oIf diSiaiSltier, ltfuJeI1e Ihlas lJ:lIelv.eIl" beleIli 13< !Pl"OIbilJem of 1l'IelCII'IUiltiiinig a:rlIaSS assdst- all1JCe - IbWt, UlllIless we oan ireCll1UiJt laJllidi wrum [Leaders alllid S1PecilaA'lists NOW, we win nJQt be ,capable lof usilnig tIhJaJt m8.lSlS of taSsi:SlUM1JC1e wilth alIllY ll."leail afflem. Wilth lVeg1rurtd Ita iWai!nJiJnig': - iEVieI'!Y eleCltedJ lalIlld <aIPIPOintted official in ELgiIn GoUll1~ W101UJlid: bEmefilt IfJjOffi ta [tew hOUT's of 'cOIIllcleIlltrarbed stUldiy onemeI'gieIJ.ICW plIMl1IlJing. I believe rtft1JaIt ;tIDe ifall.l1liil:iJaJI"i:2Ja!t:iJornJ oourses far oIf1filciila.lIiSi, whilclh we IClOIllIdiUlCltield ia Y!eiM' Irug1Oi, 'WeI'le 181 slQIulllid dlnJv1estmEIDlt of time aiIlld eflfrOll'lt, I8JI1jdi I prOlpose (to OIf1f,er similliar oTI1el-idlaIY stUldies in J1a1IllUlaJIW Iwd Fe/bIl1U:aIl"Y Il1eXlt :J71ear. F.Wst laild: 100000SJe:S' were oOlllidiuctedl (1blY' st. Jlolhtn AmbulIlairroe) for 0IUir il'IelSClUle Iseatilcm aJIlJd! some members of Yiammouth Na. 2 F\1rie De;pambmel!lJt. (EM,O. willi oog1alIlli.2le IaIlId SUibsddme first laiidJ ICIOfUirses ;for 'InIUII1li:olipall empllOJ7le1e\S IruS 'Well laiSl reg1sltel'led volUll1!- 'belem). RJes!CIl.lie traindng is OI'Ig1anlil2ledi (00 kieep rlihe sedttOlli acltive thxio!ugh- ~,."- ii-.h!^- rTT.n.nt"" 'TTh~.~ ';~,nln"rliooC" ifhlQ IrlIQl't"YlIf'\rn.IC!,tmorr;L'\InI ~f' ~C!lf'att1~ +jAf1'ih"nlr1qlj~ Vlu..\LJ 'V.&.~C' 'y'OGUJ.. .&.lJ.J.l..LQ ........Il\AllIo.of..l\AU.....~ u.L.I.Iw t\A.~.I.""vu..I.lI-.IfU.l.tLNlv""""l,&....' ""... loIo ~""'-- ....-......---"1.-- wIhicl1 have ibeellli ip1'l0lV'iJdiedi fior :bwo !fIDe 'dieJPamtme[,)lts (Y'ar:moiUib..."'1. Nio,. 2 p..'l1Idi SlplringfiJellid), I.;aCl~e's ClomrnJUIIlliItw FailI' mist. 'TIhom'aJS :a1I1tdi Ilihe fi8Jll ;tiair laJt Ayilmer. A cOiUII"Se lfIoir trlrud!il()l 'OPeII'1aJtors Wias OOI1.IdJuioted m lVIlaJy of ithJis 'Y'OOll'; :Lt qwaJId1f1!ed! six VIOi1U1I1lteem for 1iheiJr operIaItoIl"'s Clermif'iiClate EUGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 111 fTlom ,the Deparrt:menlt of 'I1:rtMlJSlPOl'lt. llt is not 1dJi[f,iiCfUllrt; roo opeooroe a stJaaJldlaII'Idi IClommoociJaJ1 rtlyJpe lSIhoot wave l'laJdio, I8lI1ldi wherte ItIhis equipm8(lllt is used! by iirudluisitry, !taxi, I3.llI1lbuliaa:lCles, ,etc., IlliO special rbraiin:inlg or qualifdiClatilcm iJs :l'IequiJrted!; bult, beClalUlSie of Ithe i.nJC\rIea;stedl It'alIl.gIe of /l:lhie rlaJditoequiJpmenJt 'Wlh:ich. we wiilll me m our MJrmioipal [EimeI'1g1ell1CIY 001V'- ermmelIllt Opwatioll1lSt, ttlbJe Depa:rrtimenJt of 'I\rlaa:J.iSIPcmt req.udil'les that 0fUIr QPer!aJtons iaJI'!e ItI'laillledi m pl'lOlpe:r l'IaJdiiJO-ItJele\Pho:nJy procedures QiIlId thJaJt tJbJe:y qUaJ1if(Y ,ilOf!' ia :reSltll'lLClted mdJilOi-ltei1ePnone opem1Jar's IcerltifilClaJte. I wiilil I8.Sk eaclh Im.li11Iilci!paJl g'loVl&lIlllne[}lt ,to 'd!esi!g1IllaJue 'alt :Least tth!I'lee CIMIldli- dJaites :for :a IClOIUJI'ISe Wlhiclhi Clam! be loonIwClted laJt ithe,ir lmiUItuIalI OOllIVetnI- ielliCle. On 211 Apml, :a ClommiUlnwaJtioI1lS1 1ex:er:cilSle, lllIameldi "~telSlt 01ll1e"', was OOIlJdiUlCitJe.d !to ltest OUI" ,capalbili1Jy 100 pass: a message m each mltIDiJoipaJ g'lOIVIer!nlIl1Iellit of! EIligm CloUlI1lOy iWil1lh la milruimum 0If dielaw. This exierrcilSle Wlas not a 'comiPllelte 1SIUi00E'lS.S!, aJI1IdJ some :mn:mic:ipaJiJties diiid! 11l0lt palI'ltiJclilPa~te. OIl! i11()1 OerobeI';, :aJIli ;evJaClUlaltilcm .exie:roiSe WiatSI oOlI1idlUCltJ8Id for al1:1 sOO.lQiol:s in: !1Jhie. !t0lWlIll of A~lIIler. Thi:s was :l'IartJedi ;as 'VIetl'IY saltiSifaCltolI'y. Eam of itlheSle leociell'Cdses <wiam !be l'IepelaJtedl ,this flBilll. We lhialVe IClOImplleted a ,SbJi!e1diiJng survey of !the GietIllooal anJdi Me:- morilal HiOl3lPilUalisl, :a1.S1 well '.aJSI tJhie EJast E1g.in SelCiOlIlldJaI;y S1chaoll, tlhie Oenrtmal Elgin OOll[egiaoo InstilDUite, a.nldJ iohie mrm:ilcitpalL IbUlillJdiilI1lgs ,SIt RJOIdine:ymdi Weslt LOIl'IIlIe. Tiltis :suJl'lVIey will .teIL 'Us how muclh proteCltiOtn w;e Wi]]: hia.Vle f>l"Iom I1aJdJiOlaJotiVleflallOlUrti in ItJhJelSle buildJinlgs, aIIlidl SOl pe:r- milt us ,tOi ;go fiorw:amdl WDth OU!I" eme~ellIClY plJrunJs. ill rthie "'iBookeltJbiOlOlk Depatmmelllt": For dlhie f:iJSICIaJ yeaJr endimg 31 MM'lClh 119614, 'Our OIPell'iaJttOlI1lS: Clost 1$1121,61118104 (Iof' w'hiclh 90% iWJas sulblSi- dJi:zJeldJ by f1etdie:l'lall OOd provmoiJail: !gTIaiI1lUs). 0U1r bIUJdIg1et ,tIhis y;ea;r lhias been lapprOlVledJ Ialt 1$1114i8l9~JOiQi; It/hi:s. iirucllUldJes '$31000.00 fOlr the pUIl'clhlase of shiOll'lt waVle !I'!aJd!iJo e.qrufupmenlt. You mow rtJhiait me p1l"eselIllt oflftCle 1M]d! iWa.i:nin/g OOOOirililllOdia.tJiou.ll in rtJhe AmalSlaJ 'Wood bwiilidlThga.t ,43: iPlearl SltJr:e.erb, will be dlerri!oli:roeld V1eIiY eaJr~m J1aIl'llUIM1Y' ll9615.. N1egolti.altiOlI1S lhav:e been inliItiJatledl :to eJcql\l!irre i3JCIOOlllIII1I01diaJti:OIll i(llI rtJhie balSleII1JellIU of ttJhe F1e1dieI'lall'BiUJildlingm SIt. Thom:as. 'Dhi:s mM"ks !"teal progress in tdeVIeJ.iqping 0U!l" 1()Il1gIamJim.ltiiolIl - with tlhis 2.JCICiO\lllID1Qld!aiti0llli we wi1l1 be ia/blle ,to esIOaJblish la firm iSlite fOr' 'Our l\111.Lni- cit"t)IaJ]: lEmergellJ.Jc/y OOVle:rnllll€lI1It HieaJdlquamtJers, iMlIdi 'WiIDl 1tibJeref'0T1e be in is. iplOJSilitton !to iOOIlltrol !3lli1 ,emerrgelliCY servioesdJUlrliing any type., Olf dJisia:site1l". ill SIUIIIlIllllalI, genlt1Jeme(lll, !the 1St. 'I1hJomalSl-El!gin EIrnerg;er1Y M€\aISIUres Orgtani2laltian iSIElRMElS ElUGmN 1001JlNl':DY BY: lJ]Q ELG:DN COUNTY COUNCIL 1. Om~anizinlg e:\7IeI"Y a'Vlai!liaJble !I'leSiO\UT1Ce of mMllPower, equiJpmffilft amid! ma.00riJa;1 to enIsIU:re thirut a maximum ,efforlt Clallli be quiclk1y, 3J.IlldJ 'effieotivreiLy laJpplied tto iPl'oteCltinlg talIlld SA. VIN1G LIVES! !iN AN1Y DIISIAS'I'ER. ~. Iinfiorming aMiresrnd!eIliUs nn1fue melal Ithr,eruts of a nJaJtiO(lllal ~ a;sber -- iaJbJdJ gutdmg Itheilr pI'IepM'laition of a "FAMillLY ElMERl'" OENCY PMN". 3. fPilM1lI1lin!g !fOil' the cO(llltiJnJueid frmcmon OJf a;lil municip'all gloMe:rlIl<- menrtls (landJ '1;jhei;r serVltaes) during Ml\Y <I1laJtUlI'ial or I1Jrut~O(llIaJ ((llIuclealr) cli>SIaSuer. 4. ,EnlCiOW1ag!in,g piUlblio-spirilted ciltizenJS to 'VlOiIUl!lJteer some of tlheir 'timleood eftio!rlt m being .trtrumeid Ito HlELP OrrH'EJRJS IiN THE EVE1NT OF ANY rnSlA!S'TIEIR. I. I~k . yolUCf cOOltinJuedSlUPPOlit (00 oo.mwe thiaJt i1Jhlese seTVtces earn be providied! wiltih IDaXlilrrium ,efifleot. Alrr of wlhidl is I'IelSlpeotflUll1ty submitted. GOIRDON (II. PRA'IT, DepIUlO\Y Oo-OTdinaltor. ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1964 '110 !the WtalI'ld!en., a;nd Members of tlhe Ellgm OaUllity OOW1Jml, The Elgin Manor OommiJUtee 1"epOl'lDs as faliliows: L. 'Illmtt a awtisfiacltoil"Y rpttiee CIOUJlJdJ mt ,be o'btamedJ floc dJemollish- mg the old Eil.gitn. MiaJOOll" BiuiJid!inlgJs, but it lis hoped thaJt all'Il'W1gefmoots cam be iIIl!aidie '110 rdJemolilsh thie bu:iilidinlgs d!Ulring 1Jhe wirnJter months. 2.ThaAt we I'Iealizeld $11.400.18 aJiter ex,pelI1iSes we'I'le plalild f:romtlhe sallie IOf flUl'lIll.ils!h1gs itn. Ithe OJld ELgin Mianar. 3. Th!3lt we hiaNJe 56l'1esid1OOlts m ,1;jhe New Hiorne. ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNOIL 1t13 4. We IhlruVie ~7 parlmaiIllenIt SUM! ilniCJliuidiilnig ltJhe SiuJperinltendJenit aIDid Seooeluary . 5. The OffilCiJaI1 Qperutng Oir Ijjhe New .Elgm M]~IllOIl' wiLl be hlelid on ~dJaJy, OCl1loiber 71th, aJt 2 !p.m. 16. We reClommendi luhalt tJ:1,e :t101lrowmg By-lla1Ws be prr'le!paIl'erd aiIlld passed: ; (Ia) A ib~-iliaw ll'IefiUJI1jdlilng $1:LDOI !per mOlIllth lua <8lwcIh peiI1lSi~Ol!llell' in !the lH]ome laJllidJ gi:vtng f$l1!l.IOIO petr mOlIl!uh POCl~e1t mO(llle\y' to atJhier resiJdlents !prov~dliiI1!g, m erucn 'case, 1JhiaJt Itlh!ey !are Inlot self SUIP- pi()ll'ltmg lrIesii:dleIlJUs. (ib) A by-waIW .a~pailnit:in!g IMirs. MiaJl'lY Fils!hIlieilgih dJeptllty trelaSlU1"€ll' of ljjhJe IElgin OOUlIlloy Home fior I/:ihe Aig1e1d. (c) A IOy-liam 3.Id1jmtinlg Dr. iG1r:aJ1Iam is slalaI'\V sa thiaJt he !reClefives $12.001 per monJtih [lOll" €IaClh bed :QICiCJupied: b(Y a. resiidlelI1lt OIf tlhie Home iClItWiJnJg iW:lJe imOlIl!th. .Ailil of w/hi:ch iIs r'especrt[UIliliy slUlbmittted. N. G. TUFFORlD, Ohiai.["man. ROAD COMMITTlEIE. REPORT September Session, 1964 '110 Ithie W1M'1d!e.n, amJd: iMemlbffi'lS of ,1Jhie iilllig1i1Il OoUlIlity OOUlIllCJill." YOUR, ROAD CIOMMfLTrEE belgs IVO ll'Iepal'it as foil~oW'S: 1. WI.A[1M]SLlEjY BIROS. LJJMlI'TIFID .of LonidJOIIli lhIaJV1e been ruwardJed: the IC-Qn1tmadt ID Itr....e !3urrnJ01lll1tt lof $li5',2,60JOO ,f1or t1he Hat l\!ix Baving 0[ OOllllllt;'y Roald; 39\, !CIhlrutham ISltll'elelt, :in! Itlhie V1tl:1ag1e 'Or 1P0000t Burwelll, beilIlg DeVlel'Ojpmerut iRoaJdJ Nlo. .5i8t5. The ICloslt of Ithis 'WIolrik :iJs 'aJslSlUlffield WO per oeIl/t !by Ithe R'1ovmCJe of OlIllttauio. The 'Work i!S ex;pe>Clted 1x> be oOlIllplelted ~. 11M ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL WIE RJECIOMlMiEN[): 1. 'TIHJA T 181 By-JiaJW be pruSlSiedl las [l'IeqUleSlued by 1:lb.ie ViHruge of DUltlbOlIl pl'lohibiltiJng parnkin!g 0Ili OOlUJ11l1Jy RJoa:d 115, (!Madn Sltre81t) in DultltOln as folJ1om's: (Ia) !for 215, f eelt 1lI01l'ltihi lof Slhiru~et1J<m ISltreet OIl ftJhie wes!t sdldle, aJllid (b) for Ql5 lfieet IlliOl1th of MiruI'IY Sweet !OIli Ithe west sJidie. ~,. 'I1HAiT ,a By-lalw be plaJSls1edi :~dhibdtting runglie pamklimg within 1000 If'6e1t leaJcIhi wruy IOf !the 1nJDerlSeatilolIli of OoUlIllty RlOIrudls, 1,6i land 210, i!n the Pol:iJCle VdilIlIage of FiInlgal. 3. T!HA T 181 BY'-J1aw be pi8.lSlS81di priolhii:bittmg pa,riking 01[1 OoulI1Ity ~OaJdJsi 116 :aJllidi 00, in !the PiOlliCle Vmag1e IOf F1nJg1ail, as fIOIHolWs: (Ia) iOl11i ~olaJdi 116 wiltihlillll 90 tf1eet of rtJhie ,east limilt of Roald 21{} on rthe inlOII1tJh s:ilde, (Ib) on RJoaJdJ lt6 wiJ1Jhiin 3101 meet of ltiJ:lJe ei3Jst J::imilt of RJolald 21{} on rtbJe SOUIth sildle, (e:) OIli lRJoaJdl m w:iJtJhtn i30 fleelt of lt1hie Wiest ,limilt of Road 210 or.'1 1b00th Itlhie 111i0000th s~d1e 3.II1Id: 'tihe soUJth. sildie, (id) 0II1 iRoad! '2101 wiltibJiin :510 i11eet lof 'the IlliorltJh limilt Old: ROiad li6 0IIl the easlt sidle, (e) iO\l1i RiOiadi 2101 wli\til:J.Jm 30 :feet of tlhie 1I1I00000th Jimiilt 0If ROald l6, 0IIl rtJbJe weslt sidle, (:f) on Roatd: 210 wi!1fui1I1 301 [Ieelt od: Ithe sOlUlth limilt O\f Rorud 16, 0([1 i1Jhe ea.lSlt s1-ldie, 3.II1Id (fg') OIl! RK)alCl 20 w;irt:)OOn 510 d:1eelt of !the !S!ourth lim~t of iROOJdi 16 Oln: i1Jhe west side. The prohdbiltiJOIIlI of paJrkiJng J]eall' Itlhie ii:nlterseCJtinn of OOlUlI1l1Jy Rooida 116 I3ID!dl 210 WiIll imlpl'lOlVle virSltb ilitly g1l'IeIaItly. ,4. 'I1HA T !3; BW-iLaJw !be tpalSSedl poohiJb~ pall"kiJng iO\l1i the no:rrt:al sidle of o()lUJl)jty .Roold 116 w.iJthiini 'the IdiiisioM1!ce of 1210 f.eet amJd 1501 foot 'M1Jd lalslO 1Jhe dislbaiI1JCle of 11710 :1effi; 3.II1Id 200 meet [rom tIhie west; lim.iJt of CbuiJ:1Itq Roaidl 201. 'I1hi:s will pt10hibitparnkinlg art; Ithe enlt:a'ainces to the grusolme pumps of Clhia.rl1.,eg JiaJClkson. EfLGlN OOUNTY COUNCIL 115 RlEIOOMlMlElNlDA T']ONS '1, 2:, 3 laJI1ldJ 4 loan be iJllIClOO"pIOII'Ialted inlto OlIlle By-laJW. 5. THAT a. By-[JJaJW be passed! l1'IeVlffi'ltilnig ;00 rtJhie 'TIowiIliSh1p in whiclh they laIle sliWa/oed! rthe [1011101wtnJg pOl1'ltiOiI1lS Of COUln\ty Roads: (Iru) lEOOaJd 36, m Ibhie TownlShip 10If Yla;rmOUlth, in OOlIllcess1JOIn I, frlOIIl ItJhe sOUJ1Jh sidle of lRJood 24 S1()1U1W:1i€lI'l1y aliorng the Riowd: beltwean LoltlSl 2i1anJd 22 iIIll ICIOlIlloeslSion . I, in lIbe TOlWIIlISihip of Yia.nmJOIUIth lamidl ItJhie Lia.~e ROiaJd in Lots 212' !b0l 2r1 amlcL the west 4150 fleet of .L101b 218. ('TII:1is po:rtOOn of RioaJd: ills 1l1I00W replaood! by DeViellopm8(lllt RJoaJd No. (92), (b) . The Roald buiLt fflom De!V1elopmenJt Riorud! No. 6192: !to the pl"ie- seIIlIt L!aikie ROlaJd: in LiOlt 214, OQ(llicessiOlIlJ I, iJn the 'Ibwnship 0If Yi3ll1IIlOUlth., lru lc];iSlUMliCle lof 1~1'Io::lctmaJtell\y 9010 feelt. (TW.:s portion wilJ. be U1Slediasl ta semCleenJtTlalOOe 100 seVleral pmpe\l"Itiles 00 ,the ~e RioaldJ), aiIlld (c) ROaJd: 210 - (i) rthe I1JOlltJhiffi':1ty 3150 feett 0If too Road AJilJOWI31I1lCle between L()Im 1i5, ,aJllid ill6" NOlI1tlh Siidie of T!alibOlt RJOiaJd! NoD:1th Br!amlch, (ii) ItJhie ROlaJd A]~OWIaIIlioe beltlwieelI1 the N10lrtih Slide of 'IlaillblOlt RJOIaJcL Nortlh BirlaJIliM iMlldl !OQ(lliCleslSl:i!on V f!'lom theRiooldi AliliowMlice beltlWleelll: LioItSI 115, la.Illdi 1:6, NoI'lUh Slidie 0If TaJ.'bolt Rlolrud Niootih. BlI'laJllicn (lalbOlVle) lua Ithe ROaJd! AHawatnlce beJtrw1een Liolts ,6 laII1Id! 7, ,QolI1lceSlSiolIlJ V, laJllid (iii) JjjhJe Road) .Al~oW!aJIliCle between Dots '6 I8JI1Idi 7 m O:mcession V, !aJU 1m 'the 'TIownShiJp of SOlUlth- WlolId. TlhielSle POlI1tJiOllliS hiaJVe beelll: ,oUlt oIfif 1b1Y' the reloClatiOOl of RoaJd 20 iIlIOIl'ltlh of SlhielClldlen. TIlJeSieRol3.ldJS were mev:el1tecL by BY-iLa;w m N1oVlemlber. 19163. burt tlhe By-Law 'WIaJS 1I'Ie!j.eClted ;by ltihe Orutruria Depa,1'lt.mentt ot! HighlwayS! belcliliUlSe of ~OIper IdleISICII'li,pt:iJOI!l/.SI of the port:iJcm:s: of Rioaldis. ,6. THAT 131 B'Y-l:ruw be passelCl 'aJsoomiJn!g Jas OOlUnrt(Y Rlolald 2i()1, the Rood Icomt:ll'1uiclted m LoJt 1:61, N101l'1tih. S,idle I()If 'TIalblOtt Roadl, N1art1fu BinaJnlch laJI1tdi in Lot 7, OO/IllCleSlSlton V, laJ]l tn !the To'\V1I1lSfrlip of SolUJtihwolld. 7. TlHiAT la B'Y-Jiruw be lPa!Si,S1edi, laJSSUlmi(lllg as a OOlI1ltinn3itilOiIl: of CIoiUJnJtiy ROIaJd! 2\, 't'hie RiOlaJd bebween C1OiIllClessiOl1l "A" runiCl\ CIOiIl.ce!SlSli.1QiIl! V 'lliOll'ltJh of "A" m DulnJW:iJdh TaW!I1!S'h;i;p ibelUween Cbnnlty Roa.d 1i5, a:nd OounIb(Y RioaJdi 8, a disuaJI1tce of~r.oximaltely {)I.5, miles. 116 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 'I\his ROIaJd: ICiOlI1lIl!OOts lOOaJd!2 amdJ RoaJd 8 I!1!OIlth 'Of DUJttJOIIl, aul!d has hrrud! 131 coruslid'ell'lrub1e mClI'leaJSe mtmaJif,tc smce Kmg's HighiWlay No. 401 hroo be€\l1J OIPened:. 'I1HlEl .ROADiS: 'd!esClrtbad m SecrtJtOIllSi 6 ,aJllid 7 WlereaslSrumed b~ BlV- 131w:inJ NlOViember 1i96C3: 'bruit weIl'1e almo ll1€1jleated: by :the OlllDar10 DepalI'lt- mentt of Hi!gm:way:s becaU:S1eof iJIntprlQper IdieSlClriJplttOlI1lSi of the povttolIlS of RloadlS. RJEOOM1MlElNlDAlTIIOIN1S 6, 6 lrullid 7 'Cirun be iJnClorpolI'laAJed initio one B(Y-I3IW . All of W'h'iJCIh iJs 1'I8ISIp€lc-tfully submitted. C. D. PHILLIPS, ClhadrmalIl. FINANOE: COMMITTEE September Session, 1964 'Do the W1ail'dJen, tMlid Members of tlhe Elllgm COiUlIllty Oonnciill, 'Ilhe Fi:lliancle Oomm"ltbele r:epOirts as flQ,1Jlaws: 1. ThtaJt Clhraa:-iIUy laJllid We1lf!are Play List NO'. ,6 flor $1,2144.20; PlaiY List No. '7 flor $1.21519'.90\, laJI1Id PaJ(Y List No. 8 far $:1"lI612;.i1'5, be apiproVleld. 2. ThaIt ClhilJd/r!en's Aild ISOiCliettetSi PI~ ILiiSIt No. 16 foil" $121,6214.3171; Pay List No. 7 i!iar !$I2:,G10I3.180, laJllid! PaJY' rLi:slt No. 18 Itior$i2:;6i5'1J.34, be aiPplI''Oived. 3,. 'I1hiaJt :MisCieJillaJllieO/Uls :RaW' LilSlt No. 1 1',or $i1,1190.014, be' a!PPll'lOve1d. 4. ThaJt IWe do lIlIOIt jlom ttJhe AssorciJatian of O(llltlariJo OOlUntilels. 5. ThaJt the let/ter [rom 11:lhJe F10U1I' OOUlIlltt€/S GenemJ. lfuspitla[ re- qiUootlilllg rEilniamictaili aJSSIistAairroe, be fILled. 6. That a gtI'lM1Jt of '$1215.00 be gilVlento leacl1 Ellg:inJ OOlUlIlty Prdba- ltion Of1fijCier 00 IaItlteI1ldi itJhJe laamUJal Plrioibrum()iI1J Oflficell's OO[1JVeniti:oll1. 7. The maJtltJar ,of hilIingamdthar g1UJwd for too jaH be liai:d over UIIlltU 1965. Ailil of wthiJci.h. is reSIPecrOfiUlli!iy SUlbmiItJted. GORDON WOOLNER" Chia1rman. ELGIN COUNTY OOUNOIL 1:17 PROPEIRTY OOMMITTEE September Session, 19614 To ItJhie Wiamdlen, alllid Miemibens of 'Uhie ELg1iJn OolIDty OolmcIiJl, Tlhe Pirloperrty Oo:mmiJttee ~epoots latS fiollJOW\SI: 1. ''I1hJaJt !redieClaI'laJtiIllg of itJhie Ba;rrislter's ROOlm iJn thie O()lU1'lt HoiU!Sle haJsi been Clompletedi. ,2. That rtihie 11JeIJ.lder of Ha,y SitaJtilOlliemy 00. iLltd., of $:2147.60 flOll' 1oclkeI'lS iln ltihie BaIl"rislter's Room land! of $li2I4J51O tioir SlboraJgJ8 caJbmets: in tlhie' ElxiamtlliaittOln [Room, ibJas been iaJooept,ed. 3. The 100000ittele lhJas laJppil'lOVledl lMir.J. IJ. lMicDollliald las a permla'- ruelI1Jt ItluJrlllikJey !as of AiuigiUJSlt 1IS1t,me4. 4. LIliSluilIaltiJolI1 of itlhie !aJtII~ic of ithle Registry Offilce aiD.ldJ HeaJitlh Unit has beeiIl; Cl0ID1P1eJt1ed. 6. That !the :LaDter from :M:r. [). MdDoug,all, Ohied:" ]n[slPeClUOIl', DeiPtt. of Rle[lOIl'lffi IinSltiltlUltdJOIll/SI Il'e: ]n[slPleClD()II'I Jialclob's Reparrt af tihle EThgm OOiUlIlltyJ!ail be I'Iefemred: !to ItJhie !F1im1M1lcle GommiltJtee for CIOlI1lSlildJffi'atiolIl. '6. OIn reciOImrnenldJaJtiron oftihie 1F.l'IaJllik IOoiWIa.n OOlmp:any, aidJditionJa~ inISIurlaJIliCie' od:" 1$718,10I0I0IJOIo. is beiJnlg pLaced Olll: itJhe OOlUlIlltly Bu:ilLdlingISI. 7. ThIaJt Ithe ll1es:01U1tion frlom -1:1he OOiUiIlluy of PeeL r,eqiUieSltimg tJbJe HOlliOiUiI'iaJbLe Mindsltler 'OJf MiUlIlltcdlPatl! Aifif!ailm Ita relpeaJ. Reg.'LuaJtl101I1 4150' U!I11dJerthe :MluJnJiiCIiipaJ AtClt, be filled. 8. ThaitJ we ll1eqiUlelSlt Ithe ELg:iJlli C101UIlJlty OOIUlIlic:il :DOl :reciOIns1dell' tlhie OOlnSltll'fUJCltiolI1 !of la lSIi!dJewalk if~Oim Itlhe OOUlIlloy [jiJb!I'IaJ'Y' to SltJrunley' Sw:'eet on GlJaJdlSluolllieAiVleJI1lUle with {the reClommellidJrutiO[l; Ith'M it be dJelleltetd' from iffuJe progIialIll. (C~aJUSie "'8" of this Rlepolrlt Wla~ deLated by reooJ.Ultlilon of the EUgin. CioutJ:1%r OOltlnlCll.) Ailil of wlh.:iJcih 1Lg, rreslpec1tflll!1llY SIUIbmti:lted. SYDNEY GLOVER, Chalirn1an.. l:li8 ELG])N' COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN BY -iLAW NO. 1869 Q'Being a By-Law to Grant Pension Befunds and Pocket Money to ; Residents of the Elgin County Home for the Aged." W1H1ElRfEIAS l1Jhe ~eslildielIllts of itJhie rmlgm OOlUlIllty Hiome fOil' :the Aged reqlUiiI'e pook!et IrIlIQ(llley IDOl pUJI'looalSe 'V1aJri'OlUlS sU[)jdiries iIlIOIt pliolviJdled flOll' tlhem; NOW 'DHIElRIEIF1OIRAE 'the OOlUlIliOO of :tIhe ClortPoa:'ialtilolI1 olf ;the C1oi\.ID'ty or Elgiln €II1IaJClOs as' fol1lows: it. 'NIIAT 100M ~esliJd!eIllt of E]gin [M]aJllior l'eClei'V'ing Oad Age Aslsislt- alIlIC!e or Old Aige SeoUll'lilby lPenJSI101lli !be g1iVleI1 ,a TlefnndJ of $:11.010 per monrllh. ~. THlAT OI1ft1JeI!' residJenlts of Eligin Mlanor be givelt1 !poc~et money in rtJhie 3.IIIli0ltmt iof 1$il!l.OO pel!' mlOIIlIt'h. 3. '''DRAT iC~aJUJSe 1 lrunld: 21 of Itlhlis By-IDaJw SbJa;ll [)jOlt a{prply to thooe ~esiidenJts !of Elgilnl MlalIllor who IMle seM SlUlPlploll'tfjling. 4. 'TIHlArr lall 'pI'lev:iOlUiS By-iLalWs IOf l1Jhie OOUlIllDy ill Elgiln which are imOlI1JSli:sitenlt lhierewiltlh, be .a(llld! the ISIa1IIlJe ,are heTieby repeaiIJed. RJElA[) a !first tilme tl:lJi.s 1:51th ,day of Sepltember, 1196~. ROOA[) Ia seClOIlld! IMme rt1h;is 1I5itlh -dia.;y of Beptember, 1916i4. RJEIAiD a 1fuJirld! time, lal11!d lfinJalliy passield!, !this 1!5111hi dJaIY OJ! Sepltembel!', 11964. H. L. JI~()[N Cle1l'k RUSS!EL MciKI!B[3[[N WlaTidle:n EDGIN OOUNTY COUNOIL 119 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY -LAW NO. 1870 "Being a B~-lLaw to Appoint a Deputy Treasurer for the Elgin County ,Home for the Aged." IWlHJEIRIEIAIS ilt is deemed ::lId!vilsalb:Le ItOi h!a.V'e la DeplUity 'I1riea:srurrer foll" ltihIe !El1gilI1 Clonnlt:y Home Tor itJhe Atgteld! SOl rthalt lbusilneSis ffialY' be carriied 0II1J ID ltihle ablS1eInlCie or! ltihe 'I1I"eaiSlulrer. NOW TlHElRlEfFlORlEi rtJhe OOlUlIllClil of Ithie CiOI'lpoll"iaJtiloll:1 olf the OOlUiJJJty of Eligitn ellli3ACUS asl folJJows: TRiA T MJ118. /Mary F1slhl~ig1h bei, lamldJ 1S ihielreb(Y a;PlplOiinJted! DepiUlty Tl'Iea:slUlI'ler lof It;h,e IEIlig1Il1 OoulDJty Home flor the Ag1ed. 'ItHlAT th1Js1 Bf-iLia-w s!hJaIlW It!aikiel leiLrfeclt on the day thJ~t it is giiVeI1 ,tlhiJrld! rI6a:d!mg runiC!: ifiJn!ailly paslSled. mA[)1 a :first Itilme th:i:Si -ll5ith day ofSeptembell:'., 196\4. RlEA[)1 la second! time :bhis :l5ith day of Sepltemlbelr, W6i4. RJEA[) a ltlhirldi 11ime, iBJJ1Ia ifilli~lJJy paJSlSleld, 'this 151tfrl diary of SelpltJembe!l", W6,4. H. L. J101HlNlS()(N Cilell:' k RlUSISIEL M-cK]B(B[[N W1ar:dJen COUNTY OF ELGIN BY -LAW NO. 1871 ''Being a B~-Law to Adjust the Salary of the Physician for Elgin Manor." The 'Coruncil of \thiS ,Co41oliatian of ltfrlle COllnty of E[gi.Jl1 en'aJcts~: 1.. 'TIHAT Dr. 10. A. Gll'Ialhiam, MD., iPhiysicilan for EIlgiln !Ma;nolI\ be prutet TWlo DoillJaIl'ISl ($2:.00) per month: for 'ela.cIh rresiJdJenIt ooc:upieid boo all; Ellgin Miamlor. 12101 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCTI.. :2. THJA T :this By-[ja.w be I'Ietll'o-Ia.CltiV:e to AuJgtUiSlt list, li9i64. 3.'I1HAT By-lLiaiw Nio. 1!71218 ,aJIlld By-Lruw No. U41 be, allid aJI'le hereby raJITlienld!ed iaICIOOI'ld!iil1igly. HEAiDa first itime 1iliIts 1I5ith dlay of SeptemJbell', 1I96i4. !RJElAiD 13; lSeOOlIlJd! [time itlhlis 151th day or Sepbembelr, 1,9164. RJEAID !a, ltihiI'ldl ioime, 19.1Illd InIlJa11y PaJSlSeldJ, rthis 115itJh da(Y 0If Seprbembelr, 119614. H.L. JiOHJNISaN Olerk RJUSISEIL, McKIiBIB[[N Warden THE CORPORATION OF THE, COUNTY OF ELGIN BY -ILA W NO. 1872 "A By-Law to Amend the By-Law Adopting a Plan of COlUuty RlOa~ Improvement and Establishing a County RDad System in the Oounty o.f E:LGtlN Under the Highway Improvement Act.'" The ClOillInclil of tIlre OOrlpO!l'laJutO(lll !Of !1fue OOlUlnlty of iElgin elliaclt;s as Biy-iLjaJW NlUlIl1lber 11817121 as ftOIllows: i1:. TiHAT the SIch.edJuilie lof By-Liaw Na. 89rr beimg tine arig:iJna;l Bry- LalWeSloalbliislhliing ItJhie CbUlI1lty RiOIa.dl S!ybsltem is hieil'leby amelIl!dled by adldiinlg ltiheveloo ltJl]e RJaaJdls desigIlJaJDeld laIl1IdI rdescll'tbed aiS foiilloWSi: DiE:SCRIPTION BErnNGt:htast PO["ltion of ["IoaJd or lthJe derviJaltiJolIl!s there- of in 'tiihe 'DOIWIIlSIhip of SOUItihwoild; Designated County Road Number 20 COIMlMENC!IN1G OIlJ tihie 1'101atd tn Lot 16 Nioll"th of 'I1auhOit RiOIaJd NiOlflth BI'IaIl1Ich oOll1JSltruClted: bW the C:OiUuty I()If Jillgilnalt '1fue nlQlrlth-,ea;st€ll'lI1 l:imit of JtIDe road be-- It ween WOlts1l5- rand l,6i NOrlth of roe TaJibot Road! Noll'th BirlaTIlch, 8001 ifieet mJOIl'ie or lelS!S, SlolUltlh-easltelI'l~ from rtlhe (llIootih west rM1JgilJe tOf1ot 16 NlOIl"thr olf the No!l'th Br/Mllch of me 'I1albot Roald NOIl'1tih:; ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 12:l Designated County Road Number 2 'I1HJEINlCIE IlJOII'ItJherly, nlonOh-leasuelra:y aJllid lliOil11:Jher[y l3Ilong :the s:rui!dI il'OiaJd oonstruCJt8ldl !b(Ythe CiOl1.llIlltJy of Elgin 11:Jlw0lUig(h Ithie IlIOI'lDh -weSlt porttiiOlli of lot 1:61 NOIl'Ith -of Ithie 'I1alJbOlt ROaJd Norl1:Jh !BlI'lamldh laDld! UJot 7 of Con- oessi/on V 'uo lube ;soUlth -w'e:Sltarn Il.imiIt of the JrOlrud beuween ll()fts 6: land 7 of OOllliCletS.Sli:O!D.i V, 131010: feet more 011' ,]Jess nOlIltfr1-'WieSltemly from tJhe south -elaSlt Mligle 00 lOit 7 of Coooessilo!D.i V. A DrsrrAN1C1E of 'aJPlPil'oxdrmlrutely 0.6 miJ.es. DIESCRIPTION BEIDNIG 'that piOlI'lutOIl1 of r03Jd or Ithe devialtli:om theIl'e- of m ItJhie 'I101WiI1l.S1hip O[ DLmwiJC!h:; OOMlMIEtNiOING lOIn 'tible 1I'I00Elld betJW1een OOOicessltOIn A alI1ldJ OOlliCie!slSiiJon V :nl():vtibl of A lalt It/hie InOTlthetI'ln limiJt of Itihiee:Slta:bil:tshieldi rloaJdJ i:n ;Lot 11 of CIoIllClession A kinolWlI1 las :thie Old C:Ulr:rie Rlorud, being OOUlI1loy ROIaid N1U1ll1Jber 15; ":'HlEIN1CE iI1IOIl"1Jh -lelatslter:1y l3Ilong the said! road: batW€lelD OOiIlloeSlSliJOin A laIIlldi CloncesSlicm V :n0lr/1Jh of A to the :sOUlth -iWelSltell'l!ll limit of Ithie il'OIaJdJ between lots 121 aa:lid: m lof OOlliClessli'OlIll A, beinJg C101U1ll1ty !RJOIaJd N1U1mlbtelr 8. A D]STA:N1OEl ()If taJP!PI1oximalbeliy' 0.5 mi.l1tes. 2. THlAT lt1he IScheldluilie ,of By-Qjaw Na. -897 Ibemg Ithe OIrliigillial By- LaJweslbaJbliJslhiiJnJg 'tJhe OOlUiDlty< ROIrudi ISY1Sitem ts; lhiereby emended b\y TiemolVing ItlbJeIl'eflI'lom tUhe rtOlaJdls ld!esilgmJaJted laJllIdJ described aJSi folll!ows: Designation A D:ESCRJPTION BEI]N1G l17hiaJt iPorltion of :VOlaid amId thie aeV'ilaltli:ons tlhieI'leOlf m !the 'DOWIIlIshiJp IOf Y'aJr:moUltfu fOfl'llller}y desilg- iI1IaJted: aOUINTY ROAD NruIMlBiElR 316:; C10G.VIlMlE1N10IN1G on ItbJe I'lOlaJd between 10\00 211 and 22 in COlliOelElSii!on It Ia.t ,'1ib!e :SO'UltJhell'll1 lilrnd!t of ;the l'IOIa.d beuw6e1lli CionClessiiom I and! ]I: 'IlH:ElNiCiE: SOlUltID.ieil'ly :alJOlllig (tJhie EladiCi roald beltlweell1 llQlts 211 and 212: iflo !the ,eSluabl1i.Mied !rGlaid in llOt 22' of Oon- :oession I kinJown :aJS the Lake Road; 122 ELGJJN COUNTY COUNCIL Designation B Designation C THiENiCiE leaiSlterlly if1OO1owi1nig 11JIhe 'WiInidmg's alIlJdI turnr- inIg1s [of 'tlhe :sarod! wk:;e RAoald: 'uwoog1h rots 211, 23, 214, 215" 26, 27 laJllid 218 of OOI1loeSlSlion I ,to rthe s01.1lth- westlei'IIJ.J J!iirrri:t lOf l1JIhe di'ViersiJOiIlJ loO!llSltiroJclted! by the OOUIJ:l.lby iOIf'Eagin l1l1wolUlgUl lot 213 O[ CiolrlJOess~on I aIIlId >dJelSdgniaroed C'OIUJlljty RAOIaJd Num'belI" ~14, 4\5101 fieett mJOire or 1eS1S1, €IaiSItell'iliy IflI'lOln rtlhe w,ootem '.!li.milt of lot; 218 of OOIllClessioo I. A DI!STA:NICiE of 'aJPPI'IoximaJteliy 2.7 mires:. D~SCRIPTION BEIIJN1G 'uhalt lPoll'rtJion of road aalid t'bJe dJelViilalt:dJ<ms l1JIhel'leaf m iffil;e TlownJSIhiJp of YiaJrmOlWt!h :rormerfjr dJesig- nJalted OOrurNTY ROAlD N1UtMlBIER 214; OOlMiMlElN1C1I1N!G 10Illi 'tlhe :est:albilJiJSl:1Jed iroaldl in 10lt 214 0If COIllCieISlSiiO(lll I laJt itAhie lI1iOlI1tfulell'!Ili limit olf the establliLSO:1eid IliOad la!lJoog 1tine 1I1f000000h Shove of Lakie Erie mOlWII1 as il:hie Ltalke }OOlaJd!; THlEINIC[E 1I1f0000therly adOlI1ig <the said esltiaibil:iIslhed road: in ilOlt 214 I()If OOIllCessiJOO I roo 1Jhe S1owth-weIS,tem limit I()rf rtJhe Il'IOIaJdJ m :lOlt 214 'Of OOI1lClessioIlJ I CIOII1ISWClted: bw 1Jhe OOiUJI1jty rof E1gm laJllidJ IslhiolWin iOIli a .pLan dlepOlSlIted m Itlhie RJelg.iJsItry OffiCle 1:01' ;thie RegdJsIt;lry DiiVi:s!iOlIl of the OOUlIllUy of CIillIgm 'aJS iD-7r6l9. A DIfSI':VA!N1OE of IaJPiPIl"OX!imaroeliy .2: miles. DlmSCmPTION BIEIIIN1G IOhM /POll'rtJion of 1'I01aldJ OOlIdJ tihie dJeV1ilart:li'OOS tlhiel'leof iIn ltIhe TowImsib!ip of SlOUJtIl1wolid fOirmelI'rr(Y dlesd;gI1lalted OOllintt:y- 'RJooid NiuI111iber 210; COMiMIEINICIIN1G IOn Ithe 1I'I00ald: beltiW1oolI1i l/oIts 1/5 aJIlId: 16 alJOII'ftfu, of the 'I1aJ1biOlt R!oiaJd! Niorltfh B/ri.aJll\Cih, 3150' fret roWel or less, :sOlUltih-,eastwly !fram 'ilhe lllomn-eastt amJg1lie 'Of JiOlt 115 Non1ft1, of tlhe 'I1ai1bot Roald ~ BI:rlailllCih ; 'IlHJENI~ i!lJOl"tih-w'eS1Jer~ ;aJlong ItbJe sMidi II'lOOldl between 1005 115 .amidi 16 Niorl11h ,of 1:lhe Thlbot iRJooJd NoIitih BramJCh roo ithJe rood! ibebween the lots IIlmrtih oJf tlhie 'IlailJbot Road NorItih Bl'IaJllicih andi OOIllOOSlSlioo V; EDGIN >COUNTY COONan.. 123 'TIHElNIOE DJOIl"tft1J-€la.lS'ter:]y lal'Oillig Ithie said ~oadi beltwetm ljjhJe J/0I00 Noll'lth. of tUbe 'DaJIb!0It Roald Nonth BI:raa:1ch aJIlJdl ClOIIlJOesSiiJon Vtla t1he lIlorrtibHwesiberlIli limilt of the -dii'Viell's1an lCiOlruSltrocroedl ~oUlgh Lot 16 No!l'ftih of the 'I1a~biot :RIJlaJdi Nooth BriamJc:h Iwd iliolt 7 of OOl1lcessdioill V, 3120 [Ieet mOI'le orr Less, n1OI'1th-leas.terrly flrom tihe IliWtlh 'WIe\Slt 'aJlligl,e of 1Iot 116 Norrt:Jh of the TaJ~bort Road NOl'lth Bll'IaJIlIdh; .AN[) CIQI.:.\ilM:EIN1C[[N!G AlGlAJIN on Itlhe said ~di be- 'tween ltIhe 110m NOO'l1Jh of tihe 'I1aJ.bOlt ROlad NIOil'ltih BrlalIlich laiIlJd! OOiIllCessWIll V I3It Itlhie sOUltfh -'OOisrtell'lI1l limit of 'tlhe iClJiV1ertsion lCiomtJrrtrotJedi ItJbirOlulgh lot 16: Ilioll'lth of ,tlhie Talbot RoIadi Nooth Bri.am.lCih Iamldi 101t 7 of ClOn- ces:s1olli,50iQI :felelt more or 1,eiS1S, Ilicmt11-,eaJSIueIl'Il'Y' from ,thie [lJartlh-\Wiesrt aa:l:gJie of :Ilot 16 NiOll'lth of the 'lIalbot ROiald NOc1tih. Bra'IlJch; 'IlHIElN1C!E lI1JOltt)h-eas1;~ I8ILQ(llig ,the SIa,iid foad beltrween the Lolts NorttJh of !1fuJe 'TIalbOitRJol3.id N101!'lth Brl&1lClh and . C10iIllClsssiol1 V ,to ;tJhe 'I'OiaJdJ be!tJweeln lots! 6i and 7 0[ OOlIllOeooioi!1 V; 'NIIElNICIE: illio!J:'ltJh-1westerly :a.Jl10llllg' ,thIe slailld road between lots 6 lalllia 7 10lf ClolIliclessli:OIll V '001 ,the eaSitem 1!imilt 0If the dli.~eIl'lS~Q(lli ,constmClted ,by 'tJhie OOlUlI1.l1Jy O[ Elgiin ItfrlTIOIUIgih. alat 7 of Oom.loessioll V, 3100 :f'eelt mOfie Olr Less, fJ:lIooth -westJeil'1y' [rom rthe :SouJtJh-Ie3.iSit laJIlg1Le of lot 7 of G'oIJ:lIC1esjSiiiOlI1J V. A TOT AiL DIlSTANOE of l3JP1PI"oximaltelW' 0.5 miil.€s. 3. The [['Joodis I8lSI d!esigIllaloeid: :amJdI d1esC1!'!i!betdJ in pamglI'laph 1, a(!'le hwelby '!3JdJdled! to Q:ihe COUTIlt.y IRJOIald! Siyisteffi of ,the C1Q1l.ID.rt.y (}If Elgi.mJ. 4. The (madls IaiS dlelsiIgmJaiteid 3IDIdl describedi in parlalg1'lap'h.. 2" are herieib~ tremoiVIed! from tlhe ClOIUII1JUy RloaJdi 'Sly\sltem of rtfuJe CiOlUlI1lt'Y of EIligiln. 15,. This BIy-Laiw Slh:aJ.1 ,come i:rllto force upon ~ iaJPproV1al tlhiereolf by' ithe [,jteutelIllamJt-GOIVIeI'IIlJOIl" inI ClOIUlIlICliJl. FID'ML!LY PASlSIE[) 'ait itr.ll6 Oity of St. TI"1'L...__,_~ :_. J.~ -. .I"'"'tl-...._........ _,I: ~UU1111l:1.D, .I:1.1i 'lJjI.J.'C" vUUlU.l1.Y UI. EIgin" Ithi:s 1i5lth dJa.y O\f September, 11964. H. L,. JOlHN'SON Clerk RUSSIElL McKlJ3B[[N Warden 1214 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCn.. OOUNTY OF ELGIN BY -!LAW NO. 1873 "Restricting Parking." ''I1HIE CIOfUJNlOIlL of Itlhie OorpOl'laJtiJnn IOf thie OOUlIllty of Eqgin EmlaClts aJS foililOlws: 1. DF1F']Nfl1IIONB - For ,the ipUJI'[plOOe of rthils B~-lam: IPIA~ melaJI1JSi ItfuJe SiuaOJld:i.ng of fa Vishiide wneltiher oCiClUiPffieid Oil" IlliOlt, 100thierlwise 'tfuJan temp.Ql1'lamiily ilor Itlhie pu:r-polSle of and! wihile ~woUlallly enJg13Jg1e1d in lOialdiI1lg' OIl' UII1lllOiadlilI1lg. 8mEET OR H1IlGiHlWIA 'Y mClliUIdlelSl 'a 'ClommiQIn or pUlbliic hligih- WIaJy, ISIt~eelt, laJVI8(llIUI~, paJr'kWlay, ..ld!rIilVleWla)y, SlqiUJa["le, pllaloe:, biI'ildglei, ViJaJdll.1JCit lOll"' IU!'looule, dlesiJgmJedi and LTIltelIlideld!f\OII" Oil" ulSleld! by, tihe ~g18(ll1e~al :public 1fi0ll" ibbJe paJSIS1aJg1e ofVieh'tc~es. V1EIHlIlC[jEj mCl1U1d!es :a ffiOltor Vleh:iic:Le, ItTiadJeiI', tlI'laCltli:on elI1lgine, famill l1lr:aCltar, 1"OIaJd/blUlUdiing machiJne lalIlJd! alllly' vehicle d.lI"alWlll" ~opelmedl or IdJriiVienJ Ibiy 1amJY" Ikmd! lOr POWell", i:nlCillu!ding ffilUJSlCIUlalI" plOIWeIr, !bUlt nOlo mc/1U1d!iInig ltihe ICWSi of lelieClme: or slteam railwa(vSi !l"lUII1JIliiInJg only UlPonJ flails. OOU1NTY ROA[)I 115 riis lW:1ie RlOlaJd .Ail:li01Wla!IllCieI lcrllOlWn as Ma,j~" Strleelt, m Jtib.Je Vill'a.Ig1e af Dutton. iCOU1NTY !RIOIAiD 116; is :the IOOaJd! AlliOiWaa:ree mo!WlIl alS! TailIbot RoaldJ EaJSIt Bl'iaJnicih 'OlPPlosilte [jots 118 and! 1'9, m :tIhe Township of SOIUttJhJwlOOdJ. OOU1NTY ROAD 20 is Ithe! RlOaJdJ Ali]oWlaJlliCle beltJWleen Liots 18 fOOd! 11i9, NaribbJ :aJllid! ISOIU!1ih IOf ItJhe Tai1bOlt RJorudJ East BTlMlcih, in the TOlwiIlIshi:p of SOUItihwo:ld. 2. M'EmHiO!D OF lPIAJRKIllNIG - A :I'lestrliiClt'iJan 0iI1 ClorllJ!llUy 1Ri00ald ,1.16 3!I1Id OOUlI1It(y Roald! 20, in the Plolioe Vililiage or Fingal: NO iPlEJRiSlOiN shaJ!1 pamk !a Viehie:lie on OOiUJIlJtly ROlllid 16, within lOOO feelt of rtfule Hmilt of IClOUnlty RJOIad! 20 or on CIo'tLIliV,y RJoad ELGIN .cOUNTY OOUNOIL 1215 20 wiiJhiiln 1IOI01l) feet or itlhe limilt of COUlIlJty RQaJd 116: rmLeSSl on tlhe righlt s~de laf :the street ihiaJVilnig Teg,amd fOfI" tlhie direCltiiOIll in wibJ1ch. Ithi~ vleihicle ih!aJs beelIlJ ~()fCleediinig aIl1Idi rtmltestS the nghrt fll'lonlt aJl1JdJ right l1eall' w1hieels or 11U1IlJI1IaI"S . olf tlbe veihd.CI1e are pama]lel ttJo Iamld diistanlt 1l'espeotJiIv1e11y not mOl1"ie tihJa.ln 61 :iJnJcl.hles from the edigle of 'thie ll'ioadwa(Y. 3. PAJRKIlNTG msrrnJ1cmIONlS - Wlhen pl'IOIperly woodiedl :sig1lliSl h~'VIe been erlelClbed a!nd 3il'le on dispLa;y, ll1Ia .ptelrSlO/IlJ Slhiall pamk 'a 'veJhiiJcil1e ()Ill! Ithe highlWla~ or paJI'lt of tlhie ih!igftltWlaJykJnJQIW[]; as: (Ia) COUNTY Roaidl im wiItJhJi:n :215, feet of Ithie nortlh limit of MQ["y StOI'ielelt, :in tfrle V'i1llIag1el of [)Ull1tOtn OIIlthie WieiS\t sidle of OoU!nltlY RIOiad 115. Ob) OOUNTY ROaJd 115, Wlilthin2l5 feet Oif Illie I1Ior:tih liJmttof sthiad{- leluOIn Slureet, irn the V1ilJliaJg1e 'Of Du11too 'On the Wiest sidle of OOlUlI1lty . RJomdi 115. (.0) OOU1NrrY Roald! 116 rwitlhin. 90' fieet ,of :the ealSlt ilimit. of OaUlrl!t(V RJoaldi 210 all! tIhe, iIlJOll'ltih sdidle of COUln/by RlOladi 16. (.ell) COUNTY RoaJd ,116 withLn 30 !fe8lo of itJheeaslt lilmit of OoulIlitJy Riolatd 2101 IOIIlitihle :SOUltJh silde of CIouir:lttJy Roald: 16. (18') COiUNmY Roald! 116> wtthiiln 30 f,eet of tlhe Welslt Jiimilt elf OOlUnIt(Y RaalQ, !210 0IIlJ ttbe (llIOiI'ltlh siJdJe lof GOUlnlOY Rioaidi 116. (If) ClOlUNrrY RJ()IaJd il16 w:iJt:hiin 310 feet I()If1ihie WielSlt limdlt of OOlmltly RiOia1d2!Q1 'OIIli the SioUltJh siJde of ClaUlIlJty Roald 116. (g) COrrnNIT'Y RiJlaJdi .116; wiithiJn Ithe IdJilsluaJlliCle of 1i21()1 :f,elelt allid 1.50' feet fIDom the west u!imiJt 'Off OOUnltly ThoaJd 20 on the' !Il101!'Ith Slide 0If OOUlnlt(y RioaJd l16. (Ih) :COUNTY Road Il\6, 'WiIUhin ltihle td!iSlUaJlliCie of 1'7101 feet aimli 2101Qi f,el2lt fl1.'lom thle weist iJlimilt of OoUII1ltlY ThoaJd 210 on tthle !Illwth side of Ool\.lll:1lt(y RIoaJd 116. (i) COU1NTY [Road 210 withilli 51l) rfreet :fiI'lom tlhie !Illoot:h limilt o:f OoUll1JtY' !RJoatd li6t on rtJhie e!aSIt sildle of ClolU:Illt.y RlOlaid 2iO'. (j) COfUINrrY Roald! 210 with1in 310 jfieet fmm the north lim1t Olf GQIUIIl)tlY RlOtad! 116 on Ithe Wiest SIiIdle of OoUlI1lty Rood 20. 126 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL (ik;) OOUNrY ROald 20 iWilthm 310 f.eet of ." :the sOOllth. . limit of OOUlIllty RiO/ala 1!6 0l1i Itlh:e least siide of OOUlIllty Rload! 201. (1) iQOUINrY Rioad 20 witihiin.50 f,eet of tlhe S()IUJ1ft1l limit of OOUJnJty ~oa.d! 116 on Ithe west . sildle of OOUlIllUy ROIaId 20. P'EN.ALiTIES - AINlY PlElRSON Via~aJtJi!rlIi ~ IOf 'tfr1e 'prlOlV'isiiOllllS of IUhis By-liaIw SIhIallilJ be SlUlb jieClt iU{)la pelnla~tly of. :not ilIlJore itJhJaIIl Ten DoiJ.}ams (!$lIO.QiOI) ,for. :thie(f~~loff;eI1ICle, laJInldL not. mo~e \1fualIl Flift~ Dolliars C$i50.00) flor Iev;ea:w .SUlbiSiequeInlt of[leJIllOe, lexJc1UJSive olf COSltS;, amId aLl suClh :Pelllial]ties shall be ~ecIOVI~aJbI1e IUJIlIdJelI" the Orutlario SIUm- mamy CtonrW.ictiorusActt. THlIiS BY -LlA:W shall Ill()lt become eMeCltiVie unlti:1ap\PII'Oved by the Depal'ltmEmit of 'I1r1amspcmt fOil' OnItia<rio. EN'tAiCrI'lED .AiN[) PASSED Ithis 1!5Ith dJaJy IOf Sepbembetr, 19614. H. . L. JIOIHINISON Clerk RlUSiSIEL MicKmLBlIiN WialrdJen ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 127 FIFTH SrESSION -. FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 17th day of NOViember, 1964 The EngiJn CiollJIlf!Ay COUIIlIcil met ,this day 'a:t the Oouirtt House, st. ThiQII1l8JS, in: aClClordlMllCe wirtlh adljOlU1'l1lmenlt. The Wall'Idien in the Ohiadr. Ml the membell'lS 'W'etrle presetIllt. The Wia1'ldietn laJdJdJr'e~S1ed: i1fuJe O()lUlIllCdil: lood! 'W1eLoomedl ltihJe b101y's runJd 'gdJrlls mOl ClaJme as jiUlIlli!or glUelSlts Off il:lhie OOlUJI1lClilillOil"S. The miIniwtJes (00 Itfu.e, 8e1PtJemlbeTl iSiessilcm were TleaJd alUIdi rudJopitredi. The foJiliowmg CO:rnmt1lI1iClwtiJoIllS were ~eaJdM1id l'Iefe!f/I'!ed to t:hei.r VlaJI'iious CommiJttees: COMMUNIJOATIONlS November Session, 1964 Thorn Itlhe CIOUlI1ltIY of Pooth wdllfu. ~eISIOmUJtiiOn me: IlJeIW 1l1l0lI1 ~etumtalble oorutlainletr fOil' :SlOlflt idlr:mks.---<RrefiernedJ rt:o ,the AlgriCluffitUll'lall OOlIIllmiltltJee. F\rIorn ItJhie UtnJirveI'1Sliltly of Westem OnI11aJr.iJo 'am:lI01UiIlfCiing tbt Mlr . TheOldiooe W. M1ellnJYIk IO! ,RJOIdiIliey is tJhe winlniw of tthle EU.glilnJ OOlUlIlft,y Sclhiollalrsh:iip.--iFiWed. From !1fuJe COOaJdliM1 NrutdlOlnlalli ThllsitilbUlue for ttJhie Blliinid with aiplplre,- cliaitliJOln of giI'lalIllt.~Fi1ed. Fl'Iom rbhe Ti1lI1sOO1lbUI'lg DdistriClt 'Memomilal Hospiltlaw, TiillisornbJulI"g, wilth appa:'eciJaltil()[l, Otf g1r1am.rt.~F1iil!eidJ. Priam !tJhJe SlallVlrutiJ()[l Airmy iWilth ~~eciaitiJOIn of gmaIIlIt..-FiI1ied. Fll'lom tlhre Ull1Jiversilby of WleEiter!I1i 0nrt1aJriiI0I wilth aJp~ecd1altilon of gl"amJt.--Fiiled. 1'28 ELGIN COUNTY GOUNCIL Flrom itJhle Wiest LiOiIIDle HiOlI'fttClwtwall SiOlClileIDy wiItih. laiPPl1ecialtliiolrl: of g~oot.--Ji1i[ed:. lFlrlam !the Wiesltem OlI1JtJaJI'I:ilO AiglriiClU!1ltJUJraJ! SclhiOlQiI riel l1eCleiplt olf sc:h1OllaIDShdiP .---,;}i'illied. Fll'lom rtlhie Dea:>it. lalf ll.\1lUlnIilcdlpal AIfIflari!I\S iaJdivi:slisI1g 1tIh1alt, t\he! die/aldline flOll' ISlubmJilUt:ilng alPPi1JiClaluiJalIliSl nndier rtfuIe 08lI1ltJ2InIIllilalL GrlalIlltsl Proglflamme hias beenelXJtelIlldedi rtJQi AUlgrUlSlt: Mlh., 1I9i615'.-<F'iled. F1rlom IW ElLgiJn CiOluinltlY PiloIl!eer MUlSleIUIIIl 113. ILebter €U1ICIloslilng pa/YllIlien;t olf '$6!DiQll0iOi on :loo.a:1 mialdJe imJ !1f9:63.-1FiLed. [F1liOlIT1J1rum. iStaJlJkier:, wiJth lebuer lof lI',es]g1Il!altliJa!I1l as OaiUlIllty Rep!l'te- S1e1IlltlaltiVle 1OIIl! tJbJe Wiest Elig1iJn JUgh. ISclhiOlOlI B1olalI'ld.-1RleIf1e!l'1I"ed to tJhe EdUiclaltdlon OallIlllIldrtJtee. The GOluinlty TheaJSlUJI'ierr\si iRepOl'!t WialS pl"esenltieid. MQiVled blY RieelVe Eiln&'son, Sl€lClalllJdJedl iby DepuJty !RieelV'e AiUJOkiLaiIlId, 'l1hialt Ithe OOlUl!l/tiY 'l1rea:snwetr"s Repcmt be laJCl0ep1tJedi alnld prinltieid in tlhie PIl"lOiCleetdJilnlgls;. -Oarrrried. '!be CllJerk'si lI"e{PIOII'ft on Liroelll!SelSl was plI'lesemeid. MlOlVled by DepuJ~ Reeve GilQiVler, SeoolllJdJed !by Reeve Ba:iJrld, 'Tihialt l1:lhie GiJJerk's iRepOJ:'ft lOin 'LiClEmiSes Ibelwaepted 'aIIlld primood iIIl t!hie ProClee!d:i!nlg1s. -ClaJrried. MOVied hlY ReevIe Phillips, SetClOlIl!diedi lbiY Dep1Ulby iRleevle iRlaSlS Oarson, ThaJt Ith,e ElIg,m IClorun/tIy OOUil]CIiJl aoI1lfiJmn By-Law No. 1'4;97 of the 'I\oWlIl1Slh.ip olf BiaJyIhJam, lbeiJnlg la ~-1a1w IUO !SUOIP 'Up, cl1ose" iaIIlJdJ Slea:!! a ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 129 ,sweet.!or JaHelY din rtfule ViI1IlJrugie of IStmaU1oodlvme, !alCICIOI'ldiiInig i!Jo !R;eg\iIsrboced P1iaJn 2105, m Ithe aMid V:itlliage, of StJriaffoodlviJille. -ClallTied. Mwed blY Rle€lVe ElmeIl'lSOIl, SooOO!dled by RJeeve 'Dutfrforidi, T!hJalt ~e rp~ [lOT' selieCltimg JUIl'IOO'IS be il",efelflrled! tlo thie Finlall1lCle Oammiltltiiele. -Oarried. MOVled by RleelVe EimefI'lsrm, SieDalnldied Ib~ Rleev,e Ba;iiTld, Thirut we do now 'adj all1ll"iTh to meet .tIhi.s ,axfiberIlOon at 2 p.m. -Cocried. The Cmmcil l'ietslulrned. Tillie FinlM1ICle Clommiltitee RlepOO'lt was presided Ib~ ahlaliim:1M:l G. WOloilJnJe~ loodl laldiapte1d loin 1ITli00tiJalIl! lof ReeJVIe Wlooi1InJer lalIlld RJeelVler HIolWIam. The AgiI':iJclUilllmrra.l1 COIlIlIII1iIuuee RlejplOIlit Wlas prIe1S1enJtledi biy ClhlatilrmlalIl D. LteliltcihJ, amld! laldiOiPlueld! onl motiJOII1 larf aelev'e :IJeiucih IaII1ldJ Reev;e Tuffom. Thie E1ig'Iiln Mjooor Clamm~tltee Riapall'lt Wlas rproolenlt!e1dl blV ClhaiJrman 'DUlf[!orid! lalIlJd: aldlapued OIJ.] moltllo[1l IOfReeve 'l1w[lQ/rldl IMlldi Ree~e iEIDdJatlt. MOfVIed by RJeelVle 'DuffoI'ldi It'hM ,1Jhe repOI'It of tlhe ISlulPerinltiemilenlt of Ellgi!n: ~.1]a!Il!o[" be !!1!mv lr1€!oeived. The a:'iepCllI'lt Wlas PTleSlenlbeld1 Iby SlulperilnlbeIlldelnlt I'Wlm: iPialtite!rSO!lli. M1mned: b~ iReelVie 'Dutffmidi, Seclondied by [R,eeve Leitch, ThaJt ltJhie iSiuperinltlelnldeiIlJt's RJepOI'lt on Elig:i!l1r MlalIl!ar be wcoetplted anld! prmbed m ltIhie Pr:alooediings. -<Jalr1ried. 130 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL The l'rQrpIOO'lt;w C!oirnmiltJtee Re.pont 'WaIS ipr!eISIelllJtiedi bY' Clhadrnmlll. S. G&over, Iamld laidlopood IOIIlI moItdlOin of Delpl1.llty :Rieeve 0101Ver, aII1di !Deputy ReeJV!e MiciCiaJlllium.. 'llhe maltlner i()jf reJVisliJnlg ltihie: Hmllies iaJIlIdJ RegWaJtiJOIIlS g1aJVelI'lIlii.ng the BroDe€ldJilnJgs IOIf ItJhie Elligin ClOUl1lIUy OOUlIlJCil was DII'IOIdJuoodl by ReelVe EmersOiIli, laIDJd IMlner 'ClOlnISlidlel'laibl]ei idJiSCUlSlSIiicm la Cb:rnm.iJUtee clOm;pooed of ReeVIe ElmielI'lSiOiIlJ, Reeve :FIhJiI]Jlirp!si, iMlId Reev:e WilISOIll 'WIas aiprpIOinlt;edl blY 1Jh!e WalI'IdJen 00 sMlJdiy... ith:e maltJter iMlId lbimnig iin l'IelClammelnldiaJt;iO!IlLSi. Mo'Vied ~ Ree<ve Mamtin, Secondled b~ Depulty Rieevre MCKiJI1!1aJY, Thalt Mr. G1'1MlJVJtliLe Glom :be ialppOlilnlted IUOI the E1gi:n OaJUlllity F1alI'm Saifiet:y OOlUlIlicil lfiOll" 1191615. -OaJrrried. :MJoviedJ by DepwtW ReefVle Sdhil'eihiaJulf, SeOOIlldJed: by :RJeeve WioIOlinier, Thalt we dOl IIlIOIW adijiQIU1"J:li itJo melet on WewelSldJaLy, NOVIember 181th, aJt 10 o'olJocIk. -OaITied. H. L.' JOHNSON Olerfk RU1SISIElL MicKIBB[1N Wialrdien ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 131 FIFTH SESSION - SiE:CONU DAY W'ednesday, the 18th day of November, 1964. The Elgin OOUlIllty OaiUncil met this day est the CoUiI't House, Stt. Thomas, Tn lalCicordiMl\Cle mtihaJdjoiUlrnment. The . W3.ll'Idien in the C!hiadr. A]l the memibletrlS 'WIern prieserut. 'l1.hie milnlultes olf !tIh..e ptl1eviJOUlS day W1ene !'lead amid wdiopued. The Roald Oommiltltlee RiepO!fJt Wias preseIllueid blY ChJa.i.rmaJl1 C. D. PlhiillltPISI, lMlld it Wlas moved by Riemne Phillliips MlIdJ secOInIdieid blY RJee'Vc Miwtin 'tIhiatt tlhIe ["epo!fJt be 3ldlOlpited. Ree'V1e WiWOiIl maiVied tulJaJt ttJhie OOUlrlic:1l go initio a Coll11IIl.di1t.ee O!f the whoLe !OOdJ ItbaJt ltbJe Iplt'le/SISI be ilniV'iJt,edJ to (['Iemtan. Wiardlen McKJiJbbin !3.IPiPlOilnlued Remne Phillips 11;10 lta~e the Clhiadr, amid. a ~enlgrt;hiy IdiSiclU:SlSliolIl itJolok pillaloe 'wilth iI1e!SlpeClt It/Oil ItJhiel !l'Ieipoil'lt of A. M. Sprtelt, OOInlSlwtdn!g EIr1Jgli:nJeer, :flOII' Ithe OOUlIlJl1Y's nleeld: SltUldly. Clhailrml:lln O. iD. PIhil!liJp~, Elnigrnnleer R. G. [Moo!l'le lalnldllMr. Sipr1e1t expiliamed VlmolUB 3ISlpeCltis of lj;he RJelPort. 'I1hieClomm:iJtluee oosle w:iloh no ir'epont. WiamdJen McKibbin laSlSIUJmed itJhie Olhiair, ,Mlld it Wlas maiVied b~ Rlee'V'e EJ]liJctt !a!!l!d sflcClnldle1d by Depu!ty Reevle iScr.JlJeilhlan.:llf "that ",?Ie do nIO!'N 3!dij101UI'iIlJ 1101 meet alt 2, p.m., NJoiVIember 118t1h, 1:9164." The COUJDic:iJ. !l'Iesumed. MorV'ed 1b(Y R,eev.e Wbson, SeoonJded: by Reeve Valenlti:nJe, Thalt the need ,r,epOlI'lt be ,dJefllettetd fiI'lDm ithe R()IaiCi Reportt md be laid OV2T Ito lt1l:1ie JiMlJUlalI'lY SletsiSilOn of ClOUIIlIt~ COIlmiCill. 132 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL R1EIffi'ie WiJJJSlaiIlJ l'ielqUieSlteJd! ,a l'iecall'dJedi VlOItle 10iIlJ i1fuJe aibolVe mOltion aJnld the resul\t WI3iS. as fiOUOWS: YEA - WoomeT, SlcihLeiilbJaJUlf, Le~bcih, MctOalllium, BirOWlIl, ClavelI'llW, W:i:1JsiOiIlJ, VialEIDltiIllei, 1'/.[['IS. MiclOal'l~. (9) NAY - T!Uitif1olI'idJ, A!Uiclkllalnid, Miafltm (2:), M~Ki:nJlia1Y (21), P!hiilLips, Cial'iSlOIIlJ, GIlO1V1e1r" iElmelI'ISI01Il" DOI\V:ney, GioodJliainldi, HaWlaJI'ld, ElllliiIOlut" Cl:aiI'ike, MicKibibirn (21). (1'7) 'TIhie motion WlaIS dJe[leaJtedi. The mOltiJan ttoaldiOjpt rtJhie Rloatd: RieipOlit was tihielll PUlt to CiauD.1C1il aIIlIdl C1a1'll'ied. Tlhie EldiUi~altiJon OounmiJtJtee RepOO'lt was p!I'1esenrbeld: by Chairman EI111ilolut :amld: laJdiOiPlt1edan mOltJiicm of Reev;e Elliotlt ialnid! DeplUltlY Rle:eve Schlei.hialUlf. MiOlV'eld! b~ RJeelVe TiUlfrfra['1d tlhialt l(Jhe COiUlIllW Wieed IlIllSlpieCIUaT be norw he1ar\d. Mil' . GiOII'ldlOlIli !Pl'1eseruted his repOllit.. MOJVed by R,eeve Tulffor:d, Siecondierd blY DeipiUlty Reeve AiuiClkJ!and, 'I1hialt ,tfue Wieeldl linisiPlelcltoIr"1S Replant be laI~ceplteld Ialllld! p["ilniteldi iJn the P'rIOi~e'eldiilng'S1. -ClaJI'iriJed. Mr. 'Tia~1a[' frlOm !tJhie Crop IScilelI1Joe DepaJI'ltme.nJt olf itlhie OA.C:. was preseInlt, 19IDId i1t was mIOiVled by Reeve Elmel'lSlolIl rthiai1; MIr. Tlaulla!I' be norw !bJelarid!. Mir,. ~ar IaldJdil'8Sseid! Cla!UiIliCil TieglaJrldiiIllg the. c:onstIrlol of na!XiolUS weedis IMlid W1a1S thamlkiedi blY ilfue WlM'ldlen. Mov;ed by R,ee:ve EI.lliOltt, EDGm OOUNTY OOUNCIL 133 SeoOlI1lded b~ Deputy Reeve SCIh1eilha.uf, Thialt the 'UiSUJaJl gl'loot of $125,"00 be paid to Mr. R1a.1p1h Aidiams of thie Times-,JiouTnlal ialIlldJ Mr. iSlteve 'l1rIa.1iclheviJcih ofUhe Lonidloln :F1:rIee Pl'Iess, :DOll' Ti~Oll'ltilnig Ijjhie PlroCleedii:ngs of CiQlUl1llby ClOUIIlICIill. dlUiIU!nlg t1he Y'efM', 19614. . --Clall'rled. MOVIed by ReeVIe Phillips, Seconded bW' Reeve Clli~e, Thalt B~-Lialw No. 11817i4;, "A BiY-fua.w ltio iOalnlfiJrull By-Law Nio~ 1.4917 of ithe TowIllShip of BalYhialm, Bemg la By-iUalw to Sltap Up, CJiOiSte and Selll ,a. iSltIr'eelt OII' Allley ii[]j Itlhe ViUalgle ,of ,Stlriaif:fiOlfldlviJ1l!€1 AicIClo~d:img' tlO Regislter:edl. P111am: :21015, '00 Ithie ,Sa.iJdJ VilLalgleI of Sltma.ffOll1dlviJ.we," bel iVead a f:iJI'ISlt time. -ClM'TiJed. MalVled by Rdeeve Wilson, Se1coIlldted b~ ReeVle Plhiil:ldps, ThiaJt By-iLlruw No. 18714, be relaid a seClOiIlldJ time. -Clall'rield. MOVled by DepuiUy R1eervte OaJTISon, SeoOlnlded by DepUlty Rleeve Glover, 'IfbJalt By-lLaw Nio. 1181714;, be iI'1elaJd a rtthill'ldt itJime, Ml\d fiJnJa'llly passed. -OattiJed. MOVled by Deputq Rieeve AUiC~cliand, SecJO!!lldied! ibW R.ee"VIe 'Ib..1lf1f arid:, TI1Ialt Biy-Lla,w Nio. 1:8171l)""'Bei:nlg la J3iy-iUrow rto Aippoii.nIt a Phiysilc'iJan f,Oil' ElIglID MaJnIOil'," be rreaJd a filrlSt ibiime. ~. M10Vled by RieeIVIe 'I1ulfforid, SecOltldted by !Reeve Elmerson, Thalt By-LialW NIo. 1!8176" be r,eaJd! a secOlnldJ !timie. -clan'ied. 134 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL MQlVled by RleelVe E1me\l'lSOI1, SecOiudJed b~ DepUJty Reeve AUiCkJiood, ThaJt ,By-[,jaJw No. 118715!, be I'IeaJdJ a ,thilTld 'time, anld finlally paBSied. -Oaa"Tted. MOIV1ed by DepUlty ROOVle SclbJ1eiha.UIf, SieClcmdield by ReeIVIe Wodmer, 'IlhIaJt By-lLtaIW No. 118716, "A B~...LaJw rtJOI Aiultihail"i~e tihie Ai!idlboiI'lOruglh TOIWiIllSlhilp Al'Iela Siclhiolol BOIaJl'1dJ (h:eT:eilnlalf!ter IClal1I1ed 'lthie Gl'Ianlbele' aIIlid whidh !UetrIIIl ShIaU iJnJcI]Uldie trts lSIUlClCletSlSlOil"S 'amid alSlSlilgIllSI) tlo COlIl:Sltll'lUlClt, use il:nJd! operaJtJe wlOl"kis iI'letqu]riedJ ifor 'the distlribU!tiOln oil: wraltler W1ilthin the OQll.mt~ of E1JgilIl (hooemaf,ter 'Clal1ed '1Jhie Mluntcdrpalitty'), be reald a" firslt time. -OaxTted. Moved! by ReefVIe E11:iJoIut, SecoIlldJed by Re:eVie HowlaTld, Th'1ialt B~-[jal\v No. 1i81'16, be rerud a setClCmdJ time. -OalI''l''i:ed.. MOVield by RJeeV!e LetirbClh, SeconJdJed: PlY DeputyRleeve McOaJJ1.UIIIl, Tihalt B~-Liaw No. 11876" be rr<eald: a rtlhiiIl'Id time. iaJIlIdi finJal1\y pamed. -OalI"l"ietd. J\1)oved by DepUlty Reeve rScIhilieihJa'UIf, SieCionded by. R,eeve EIliLtott, T\ha\t we dJo nIOW laJdljOum sme me. -Oaa"Tied. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 135 COUNTY TREAStJItmt'S REPORT November Session, 1964 'I10 the Wamd!en :aJl1id Members of the IDllgm ClOUiI1It\V C~un.cil, I beg 1001 SUlbmirt the follOlWing stJaJtemenrt of lRlooeip1ls anJd ExlpenJd!i- tlU!I'leB drom JlanlUlary '119614, itlo OCltJoib€ll" 3111s1t, 1:91614. Receipts BlaIlJaII1Jcle m Bamk, loodi iOn hMlldi, JialI1JUiall1Y 11S1t, 1916[4 $1 211,58~:.32 NODes P1alYlalbiLe ................................. ..... ....... ...... ..... ........ ....... .$550,000'.00' CiOlUllllty RIa/boo ..................................................... ..................... 2148,71721.40 OolUlIllt(V Rialte:sl ICioUeelted iUIIlIdler SeCltiJOIl1 '5~0If the Asislessme[lJt AiClt ......... ............................................. 1,0sr1.8f7 UilCleIIlSeIS aJrud iPiermilts .... ......... ..... ......... ..... .......... ... ............. 2144.00 IinJtrell"elSlt .............. .............................. ...... ........ ... ......................... 4119.89 AldlmtnilsltraltiKm ,alf ,JiUsltJiJoe .................................................. SQ:,2i710.214 OOlUJ11ltlY RiolaJdisI .. ........ ............... .......... ...... .............. ...... ......... .... 39C3,,5!151.94 ChaxiJtlYMlIdJ WeillflaJl'l8 ..................... ................................ ....... 13,41218,.29 ClhiillJdJren's Aid SOCiiJelties .... ............................... ................. 14,9851.60 A!gTiJCiulibUll1e ............................... .............. ......... .... .......... ... ........ 11,7'711..16 RiegiJsItJIw OfHCle .................................... ....... ..... ..................... ... 211,31514.66 EI1gii!l1J-ISlt. 'TIhiOlIT1lalS He9.i1ltJht lUlnIiJt ........................................ 1,5C3~1.915 Milscemla1nleOIUiS RieNIelIl1Ul8 ............................ ................ ............ 3i,4:41O.01O 1JI0000000tIY ASlSlessmelnlt Dept. .. .. ... .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. ... ................... 1,,51861.511 Elgin MialI1OI' ................. ........................................ ................... 500,21531.2,7 . $l,8f.!i7,63~.77 $.t,84~l,21115.00 Expenditures MiemtbretrS' Wages ............................... ................ .................... .$1 M,9M.60 Officers' SailIaJI":i!es ...................................... .................... .......... 12:,9Ili1.5~ PlI'lilruting, PlQISluage alIld !SltJaIDiJOIIlJeII'Y . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ... .... .... . .. . .. 1,91818:.217 Cia:rJe ,alf Buildiings ........................................................ 5,2179'.4.4 GrJ3Jlllb3l, AJsJsloiC'ila(tiJOoo, SclhioilJalI'lSihips ................................ 315,21715,.,115. Milslcel1alI1leloiUS...... ............................... ........ ............ 3:,:959.42 AldJJ:ni!nJistmltdJcm iOIf JlUiSltJiJCie .... ...... .... ..... ...... . .. ... ....... . . .. .. .. .. .. 912;,004.715 OOQllllIt(V Riolalds ......... ............................ ................. ............ 8113,2751.73 ClhlariitIy aJIlld Wiellit1M'1e ............................................................ 13,606..614 1316 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL C'hiilJdlrffill'S Aiid1 Sloc,iJeltJies . ............... .... ...... ........... ...... ...... ... 27,6615..911 IinJteresrt ....... ..... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ......... .... ...... ............ .., 3",6017.5151 .AgTilciulltiuxe ............... ..............,................................................... 6',9145,.66 ReIg',istnw Oif!dioe ............. ......... ............. ....... ....................... ....... 3,212~L77 COiUJIlIiq Aissessmem Delpit. .................................................. 91,169.39 EliginJ-!Slt. ThiomalSi HeailltJh UlD.lilt ....................;................. 201,00.0.00 NOItJesPa\Yiaible .............. ...................................... .................... 20.0,.01001.010 LiJoeIllSle!S lalIlldi PlelIiIIlws ................ ............. .... ....... ............ ...... 3.001 'I1rIamJsf ervedl :to HioIS[Jiiltal AiClClOIUIl]jt .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. 80:.66: 'Dl"Iamlf,eQ'a:'Ied 1tJ0I ElligalI1J MialIllOlI' AiClcl()lum . .. . .. .. . . . . . . .. ....... 215,.0010..00 El'gllln MJa!nJor ............. ... ................ .......... .............. .................... 499,31211.715 BialLoooe in Biainlk, OtoOlber 311st, 11964 . . .. . . . . . .. . . $1., 766,,314~);.2S 601,8615'.86, $1.,8491,21115,.09 All of wtrnclh js respooUf'11/Ily S1Uibmillted. H. L. JOH/N1S0N, 001.mtly ClIierk alIlid: TlrealSfUtre!I'. ROAD COMMITTEE November Session, 1964 'Do the WifiJrld!€lI1 md [Members of 'the E1Jgm OOlUiIlltly OormiCil, YOUiR, ROAD COIMIVli:LTfl'ElE1 begs IUO a:'IepmW as floilliows: 1 ~ ROIAD :J.VtULCIH PiA V!ElMlEINmSl lhiaJV!e beffill iliaJild 01I1J the foilil./OIwing RJoaidls. diuriJng 196;4 : (la,) RlOIrod 210 from HiIg1hIw1aJY No. 3 ,to HighlWJalY No. 41011 in the TOIW!I1JShip of ISoUltihiWloIlJd, laipproxilmaltely 2:~9 millieJSI, aiIlld (ib) Road 42, lealSluelrtlJy f,l'!OIITl RIOlad40 in ItJhie Townslhips of Mala- :b.i1d!e IalI1!d BialYbJam., 3JPprioximaltJely 5.JQ milltes. 2,. HOrr lVf!IX ;piA VE'MlEINI1S lhialVe beiffill laid! on ROald 39 (Chialtham Sweelt) m the Vililiag1e of Font Bil.wwell (DelVeillopmel11lt Road NO'. 5'8151), apprlQlxim~(Ly 1.Oi miles. lUIJG]N OOUNTY COUNOIL 137 3. A DOiUB[,E SfUiRiFAGIE TRIEA.:'l1MEINT hias belen iliaJId ()II1J Road 52 easberly [['10m Road 40 <to the New York OenltmJl Riaili'loadi T1racks in rtlhe Vlilll'aJg'1e 0I.f ,springfield laIlid the 'DOWnJSh.tpsi 0If SoUJtih DQlI'lClhieslteT alIlld Miailiamdle, rupprloximalte1fY 1 JO mi~es. 4. A SIIiNGiLE: SUlRIFAIOEI T:RJEA:TM!EINT lhias belen llaiid an ROIald 214 (DelVerropmenlt R:oald No.. 619!20 :fiI'lOm ROald 316 to HiglhWlay Nlo. 13 iJn the 'DaiWTImrnps alf YIM'mJOiut:b. IMlId M.a~ahdJdJe, iaIPP1ia!XliJmlaitely 3.9 miles. CH iJS leiXpelclted ltIhialt lalnlolther lorerumlelIllt will be diOlTIle nJe!Xlt S1Umrn€T.) 5. THEI ELM SrrRiElErr BRIDGE! olVer C1a1ufisih CIr:eeik in the 'I\o1Wn of ~Illffie:r lltas been 'ClompwetJeid by tJhJe Elgin OantSltlI'iUlcltilalIlJ oampalIllY L.imiJted alf Sit. ThlOma-s. 6. W[[)IEIN'IlNIG, GIRiAiDlINlG AJND GRANULAiR BIASIEI hias beleln dJo!I1le Oln ;the follillolWing ROalds : (a) Rioo.ld 6 flI"om Road 3 welSlbeTl:y in the 'l101Wlli'31hip1 of AlLd- !bOII'fOiUlg{h" a\pprtoxmaltJely 2,.3 mIi:les, (b) iRtolad 116: ('I1aUiblalt RJoialdl) frlom Taillbot Ctreeik tlO RKlIaId 15 inJ Ithe TOWllllSlhii\p O[ nnnw~lcIh, irupproiXimaltieliy 61.0 robl, (c) RIOIald 412i westerlfY' flI'lom ROald 3,9' in 'the Villagie 'Of. Poirt BUlI'lWell lamid !the '11OiWIlJSh.i,p of BaiYhJaInl, a!P!p!fIo:x:imaitJe[1Y 1.8 miille\Sl, aiIlld Cdl) RlOIad 153 GEIlirn ISltlrelelt,) lfll'lOm HiJg1hiwa\y NlOI. 3, tlo Beeclh Slbrl8ert :i!n 'tlhe TalWn lof Aiyllimer,apprtaxiJmaitJe[iY 0'.15 millles. CWlaG.'ik is !I1Ietarl:y OOlIIllpl€lted aTIldOiPEmJi!ng aWiaLtISI the CIOm- pl:eit.ioln of Sii~TIl3.il WiOlIik by ,the C1a1IllrudJiJalIll N'ialtliJoil1l3!l RaiwwafY.) 7. A COiNiCiRiEiTlI:!.;i iCiu""llivll!ffiJT is ibei:ng bu:illt I{)Illi lOOiaJdJ 9 in the ':DalW!I1LSlh:i.p of DUlnwi!Cil:l welSlt O[ OaJlTIjpbeHO()[l. A ClalIlJClI'1ertle clUiliVle!l.'rt was eXlt!eIIlId!edJ lOin R10IaJd 16 in cla[ljjiUiIllcltiOiIlJ wiltlh gTIa1dmg. 8,. A :SrnElElL PILiATE iClUlINEIRJT Wlas !IDsta[led! OII1: Rloald 16: in CIOII1:- jiU!l1lcltiolIlJ 'WIiltlh gr:aldiilnig lalnld amJOItlhiffi' mtJa1ledJ 0llI iRlolaid 17 M,.\C .L.. iJn th;e TOVII'.LiShip 0If South,,71d]d. 9. A1PlPiROXllM:A 'TIEL Y 314 miJJes of OQlUnltiy iMlld Sit. 'l1hioanas: SulblUll'lbaiOJ OOllIllIllisstolJJJ ROalds: in V1M'i'OiUs lIOICialtiJalIliS1 were tl'learoed! wi'th bttum:iJnJOfUS ma.ltielJ.'liJal alUIdi ,gJ:'laJVIe'1 or stxme clh:tps. 138 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 10. iElXTlEINSILVE giI'aJVIeiI! !l'IeISIUIl'Ifirucin!g WIak9 d'O!I1le 00i Roald: 37' M.GL., Rorud 50 a:IlId Roald! 154 i!n ltihie '1101WiIl.Shlip of tS()IUltih Dorelhiaslte:r, amJd Roo.id 16 :I1IelaII" 'Iiy!l'IClOIIllIlJeil.l m me Torwn.Shii(p of Drmiwidh. 11. 'I1HJE FOLiLOiWIlNG BridigelSl were meaJlnled! aIIlId padntedJ: (13.,) !KaiInJs: BriJdigte OVIex KleutLe Ctrteeik DIeM" Sit. 'I'hlomas~ (joint OalUJIlltlY-Gliity of SIt. Thomas Bridigel), (ib) iMildidl1etrnJis1s BrliJdlgie - Rioald 14 IClIVier Thames RiVlell'. (joinlt Eligiin-MitdldLesex Bll'lidi~e), (c) Glooks BrIiIdge 0VleI' Obter C:Veek, Ba(Ylhiam-iMlalah:i:dJe TOiW!I1I- linJe, aIIlld (.dJ) VilelIl!Ila Br:iJdig!e oVlell' rtJhe Obter C:I~eeik iJn Vi'e:Illna. 112. iSHlO!R!I' AiRIM GiAII'IEIS lanldl PJiaShing Lighit SiiglnJals J:1IaNe been ell'loobed: 10IIli RIorudi4 inJ ItibJe 'D01W:nJ.Slhiia:>1 iof AlLdibialI'Oiuglh alt Bwruclk's Liane and the Keinlt TrOIwlI1ililnle OrlOOlSliinig of the New Yioil"k Cerrutlrlail Riadlwa(V 'aJ:1!dthie C'heSJajpelalkJe & Ohio iRlaIiillwaJy OOlIliPa!nly. m. AiPIRRiOMAL of thie ICOUIIlltlY"s lajppl:iClaitialI1 [lOll' ffLasJhiing lighit slgIlJals IOOd slhJOlI'tt rarffi g1a1De\SI ,on RJoaldJ 114 (DUlnlwilclh-SoutlhlWolldi Town,.. lIiInIe) la!1; thie ICa'IOiS.s::iJng off tlliie Nelw YioI1k OenJtTla[ RIMIWla(V aIIlid tlhe Clhies3jpelaJk:e & Ohio Riaill'W1aiY hrafvie been r.eCleilVled. Dt is e1Xpeclteldi that i!nlsItlalLaltiilorn willil be CIOiIll!pl~elDed: by spl4i1Ilig. M. AUL COUNTY anid Sit. Thomas :SulbiUirlbirun palVeld roadS have been oenJtlrle linJe InIalI'kieldJ. 1!51. THIE FtLOOR lolf !the Tlad!1Js Brdid:g1e O'~81.r i:frl:e 'I'!h:a.."nIe8 P..i\'1e1l' ("""/I"\~rf-"" \.iLJJVU, 'VIoL.&. 00 CiaJJn[lIbellJ1luOlI1 iIIli ltihie '1101WJJJSIb.Iiip off Dulniwtdh) Wiats repl1!ac1ed wiltih 00 AlI'lmoo ISbelel Deck IaJIlld .Ais{plhJa,]t. A s,eClttOlIl! of !tbe fll()lall' of the PioIIt BUiI'Wlell Bnildigle 'WIalSl a,lslO T1elPliaIood!. 1;6. A FRillNIK POWIE/R ISlANIJiElR of ,8:-10 ,capaJc~ rtIo moUlIllt 0IIl a ta,nidem Wuiclk bas DeEm purchased! 1aInId! de1liVleII"Y is ;eoopec:teid in earlry Delc:ember. Tffil/dlers :bJa;v;e been ,clalllliedJ ;for a Illlerw gmrudler witth the COOIllty'S 1i956 giaJliOlnl gmalder 3lSI a rtm.de-iiJn. ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL 139 11r7 . IW\E HAlVE it"eCleived! p.l'IelilminiaJl'lY JlOClaJtIiIotn IClalnlClemIDng a Inlew Poot BlUil'IWIell.l1 !Bridg.e .fir/am the Onltario Diea;JlaA"tmenit of IIiigIh.Iwl:?qs. We e!X- psclt fiUa'ltlhelI"iInlfloomaJt~alI1 beflOire spriIllg. W1E RDnCOMlMJEN[): 1. 'DHlAlT a By-lLialW be paiss,edi aUlthorizi:Illg ltIhe Wla;ridiein aIIlld' C~erk ,to srgn lailli l~gTle:em€lIllt witlh ItlThe AiLdibiorl()ll.llgih 'l1oiWlIllSihip Areia School Bala1'ld ;fOil" tlhte laylilng of !a, waJbermam 1l0l Ibhie TIJeIW SClhool 100 ROald 3. This lagTIe1em>OOJt I\VlillJ. be similaJI" tlO the rOIne leI1It~edi moo wit(:lhl tlhre Vil- laigle 'Off We:slt lLiail'lIlIe lJalslt J1aJI1lUiaTY. 2,. 'l1HAT the [,Iepomt of A. M. Spriet, aOlnswting lEInJgme1elI" :t101I' t/hJe OOUInlW'S Nieeld lSltuidlY, he :aclclepOeldi !as '1Jhe ,desi.l'laib)~e OalUlIllt~ Road Syslbem. 3. 'DH:AT Ith:e Oomll~'1S1 Thriee YielaJr COI1JSltrocilJiIOIll ProglI'laffi be edided ltIo as itioilllows: POIR 119'67:- PlAiViINlG - Those Rloadls girlaldiedi iIn 11966. BlRITiDGEI - Replaloemelnlt of 1JhJe Pioo-t Burwellil Birqle. ROADS - (Ia.) iRJOfald 421 laiPP[flaximaJt~ % mille alt 1Jl1ie PoII'lt BlUII'lWIeilil BiriJdig,e, m :tlhte VilLage 'Off PIOII"t BUil"W'€U, (fb) Rioald 21 fll'!Oinl RJOIaJd8 !to ROald 115' aIIlId: weISIteirliy from RJOIad 1f5. l3JP!I)roximaltely 1 m.iilie. Total l~roxj1llllaiteWY 1;5' mt]elS1, IM1 fin tn,e 'I1oIwnship of DulnwiJClh., ('c) RJOIaJd 412 ffTorn Hig1hJW1ay No. 73 rOO Rlaad 410 - 2.6 rnllies iInl tJhJe 'Dow~ilp of MaJ:a;hilldie, and {IMll Q\'t"'\1t"\tf-- TI1"V'III1"'VI1'InI'rr.Ol't"V'llIOlMl'hCfl- ,'\AJ/ fo..I1VlJIV .LlJ..&..L\J::-ILLIVlY1V..&..I..LIl..4..ulh.>. (i) Roald 419 - ilnJtelil"seCltllem ,alI1ld ciUII"ve arprpr!OXi- maItJely % miles norIth :Qif ROIald 52 (SPll.'ing- f:i!elldJ) iInl i1fuJe TOWIl!Sb.iQ;> of Sdl1Jt)h Dorchester, 140 ELGIiN1 COUNTY! COUNCIL (liJi) Lnlt6!rs,eGt'ian 100 RiOlald43 lail1ldi RIOIaJd 49 in ltihe 'TIoWlIlShdip lofSOUltJh Doocb.6SIt.e!l', (iii) ROald 40 - OUl'Vle ialIl: diirut.erselotiian 1 mile iSloulth of ISprliinJgfiJeUid in tine TlOIWttlSrup olf MaJialhildle>, aIl1ldl (iv) Rioaldl 40 - aJPPI'loxirnaltellY % miles na['th of MOIUIllIt 8flllem m tlb!e Tlawrusihiip DIf MaIlahdldJe. .All of milcih is relSlpeclt:f1u11y SluibmiltJted. C. D. BHlI1I1UIlPS,OhailrmalIl. EDUCATION COM1MITTElEi REPORT November Session, 1964 'DOl Ithe Wiaa:ld!en iaIIlid 1MIemIbre!l'S of the Eligm OOlUJIllty OaiUllllCtl., 'l1he EdiooaJti<m Ciommiltltee iJ:'Ieporrtls as follows: 1. Tb.iaIt Itlhe iI'1e/SilglnlaltiiolIl lof 'Jlolhin SltJam{le!l' 'lliSl CialUlIlitly RJejp!l'€seIlltlatdiVe Dn Itlhie WieSlt iElligm High SiclhialOl Disltriat Boa1'!dJ be aiOCielptedJ, alllld 1ft1Ialt DUlDJCIalIli K. MCKiillliOlP be iaJppro:iJn!tJed tQ fill rtJhe poSlilt:iJOII1. 2. ;'TlhJalt Riarlplh AUlcik1JalllldJ be lalPpointteldJ CIOun/tjy' ReprieoonltJaJtive OIIl theCleJIllwal Elig:ilIl Hiiglh SlChOOl1 D1sItmiJCIt BOaJI'ld. 3. Thialt G. F. Pfilneo be :awoilnltJeldJ OOUlnlby ReprleselIllbalti'V1e 0IIl tihe EaJSlt ELgiJn High SlClhtooa. Ddsit.IDilcIt Boom. All 'Of Whiclh iiS ll'IelSlpecUul1:y SIUIbrnii.'Ilted. LI..OYD ELlU]OTr, Chairman. IDDGIN COUNTY OOUNlCIIL 141 WEIED INSPECTOR'S RJEPORT November Session, 1964 ':Do the Wiaa::dJen, Mlid Members of t1hie EIlgm OoIUJIlIty OOlIDCIil, The lfoJ;~a~inJg :iJ.s: my reiploll"t 0IlJ weed oOlnlUrlOll:fia[" tibie YJe1aJli, 1964. There lare a t1ew melelt:iJngs ldJuring itJhie morutihsl off JaiIl.l1.1JM''Y, Pebru- arty, ,and: Maa'clh, tlhlalt a o()lU[lty Weedl loopeCltor sihOlu~c;li altltend. lVDeelt- ings slUICih 'as "Fall'm!ers' week" ,wt the Rrlidig1etlownJ AgrilooltJUm,[ Slclho\O[, The ,S0li1 :alIlldi Clr1ap OonlVeI11IticlIU in 'DOrfOlI1J1)OI, lalllld a nlUlIT1lbetr of tlhe llIe1ghboUl'li.nlg OalUlIllties hlalVe meetti!nJgs !()In 'WIeladClOlllltxOII wiltlh respelClt to CIl'OpS alIld !I'lOadisiJdlelS. 'l1h!iJs ipIaslt ISPil"~ng, ibelfOlre I beClalnle busy wiltJh weed: clOlIlItroiL, I visiibed tJhe ISICIh.ools in A1dJbor/Olugih lalnldi Duinwicih tIofwnlslhii.pSi, laIIlId relfl{;, tlh:e fo[- lowilnig bralOks! prub~iJSlhieidl by the Olnlururio GOVleum.melIllt: Bairbe!I"lr'Y - Puib]iJootialI1 49 Clommon Wieeidlsl of On/1Jairio - Puibl1icatinn 5015, OUliJdJe roo rC:hemiJClaJl: Weed OOlnltrdl - PluIbli:caltiolIl 715 AJ[ olf tlhie tlelachem weIl'Ie g11a;di tJO iI1eCeiVle 1:lJ1iese IQoolks eslPeciJally the OammlOlIlJ WeedS off Olnlta~iiO, ,alndi I :tnltelIlid ItOl visliit lalt leasft two more tJalwlIlshitplSl It!h:is flailll 01[" Iffill'(l!y lIlIexlt ~ear if t)he DeiPa1I'Itmenlt of Agr!icrulltlUll'e wiLl SlUiPPly ItlhJe pruJbUClaltiiJOIIlIS. I lhiolpe lalllli towns iaJlnld ItJowllJSihilps wliillL pIUIt Ia! lIlJalticle in tlhe local paper laJdivilslimg a:IJl priOpe~ty oWlI1em 'UOI hiave 'their weedS eruJt.. as ooten as TIi8!oeSSlail"Y, aiI1!di I WIOlwd SIUggelStJ Ithialt ItJhe 'notioe ibe put in the paper abOlut JlUJIlJe 1I5ith. TI.b.Ji.s :nJaltdlce is of grl"ealt beJIllefiJt .to !the Weed. fuJSp1ecltolr, a~ alflter it lhiasbeen prtLbilislleld \tihle Th"'.LSiP1eotolI" Clan 'OllJt latsl otf rr.Jine acres Olr less wiltlrouit giving [1Ua"Itfr1Jer :rliOltiJCi8. However, I UJSlUla1ll(vg.ive tlhie OiWIIlIetr the OPIPOIrtlunliltJy' Jtio CIUJt I.I:1iS! weedS lbefrOlI'le I 19.eIt iSI01nloone to do it. Not manw g.e!t ttlbIedT lialt ,clUlt las it iJs very diifftClUlt ItJ()I glelt ,alnlYOIIlJe tlo maw smail lialts .aIIlJdj SlUIbidliJvliskms. 1\42 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL We hialVe tWIO dasses of farmeriSl i:n Elg1in; iOIIle keeps a clieIan fail'm aIDidi maikies [lamrnJilng 'a busmess whii1!e. Itlhe other talkies a1[ he COOl get flflam 'thie flamm iaJIlidi PUits :nJotihIinJg balClk. :un rudid:itd:o:Ili to tarese tlWIOI, there is ltihIe perlSlOlI1 woo Jives on a fiaa'ill butt WOIl'Iks some pLalC1e eilJsie. Weedls were bald itfi1ds y;ealI' m ibeMli fields lMlidi ltIhielI"el was CialIls1,die['ab~e SlOW :t;hisltl1e !in some belalIl aiIlId orut fiellds. M:iJ!k 'weed Was a p!l'Iaiblem in OltJhier a'1'lelas. TlbJeil'Ie was .imJpI1oviemenlt Ithis Y'eaLl' on 'the PrlQlVinciiail. HighiW'ays. The ffilOIWIeI'S 'Wooe 'Out iaiblorurti ItWO weeks eaJI"Uer and mOist highwaJyS were clUit ilAwioe. OalUlIllt:ly l'l'Oaldls wooe well mOlWled lalIlJd 2120 mi!lJes werle spra'Yed. TwenJby-Ifive miLoo of S1UibUllibalI1 l'I'Oaldls we:I'le s;pil'la'Yed. ,SOtme :tOlWlI1JSlhiip irlOalds ootUllidi ihia~el been mowed better, aIIlld whi[e 7105 miILes we1'Ie ISIP!l'IaJyield" SIOffiIe Qf iIt was' roo Laltle. S\pil'Ia~ slhould be diOlDle by JIUII1Ie: 1!51tID. Elgifn COIrmtty has 'ClOIIlSiJdiel'IaJblie 1I'I0fUIglh lIlalIld whicihis' hM'ld to roeep cllielaJI1 lallldi a l1Ialt Qf rpas1tUll'le wlhiilch is iInif1elSltedi wiJt:h wild ClM'I'lOlt, bu[l tlhtstle 'and olthier 'WIeleids.' 'TIhles'e weeds IClaII1 easiLy be rtJalkieltli oaJI'Ie 'Of b'Y 5pl'laJyinlg, provided ItIhey lal'le :rlIOlt 'bOlOl d101Se iUOI fa bealIl or tJomalto flile[d. RlltilWR\YS idOl velI''Y o.:ttJtIl.le iOn weed iClOlnltJrtol, :aJI1Id w1hen th~ do mow, iit ds U1SlUIa,liliy" tOOl llalte. 'TIhe!l'le were fiVle plaJstJua:'ie demcm1Sltltlalti!Oln pLoits s!P!l'Ialyledi iflhiis yealr, 3.II1ldJ all Is,eem Ito halVe had la good kiilllc:m weeds:, aJso rtwal dJemOlIlSltrat,iJolIl p~Olbs lof Spiring gradln were ,spl'laJY1eld aJIlId: mOlwed glalOldi resulIts. I ibJaid no ifiepO!l'lts on IC!l'IO!P diamag1e by SlPI'IaJyi:ng this y:ear. ]n olosilng. I wowdJ l1!ilkJe lvO lthiamlk: :aWl OoUll1l1iy tMlIdi 'DOIwlIliShip of!firCiIa[s aJIlJdI aJn'YJQiIlJe e~1€I wlho ,cO-1aip€ll'laJueldJ iIn CiOIIlIWOI'llling weed/s iIIli tlhie cormrt;JY dUJI'lfug this past yeaa' . Alll of wth:ircth is resipec>tlf'ufliliy su:bmiJtrted. C["IIAYBO~ GORlD01~, 0oUlIllty. Wlfledi . IntspecitJOil". ELGIN COUlNTY COUNCIL 143 OLERK'S REPORT ON LJJClEiNSlElS November Session, 1964 'Do the Wooden land Members of the Elligm OOiUilllt;y CO~. I hilWe 00 re(pa['lt ltJhe flOlllliowinlg liClelI1lSes m fIolrce OIJ1i t1he l\S1t dla~ of NialV1embetr'. 191614 : Auctioneer RlabeiI'lt Oamey ......................................... iR.R. 1" Gi1:emn~ William J101hinsOlIli ... ..... . . ... ... . . ... . ..... .. .... . . .. ... . . .... . ... .. . . . . ... RiOldlnJe~ HUlgill ISill,cooc .......... ....... ..... ..... ................... .................... .... SllwldJd:en D. A. BirOlWln ................................................................ SheidJdIeII1i Rialbell1t IShiwe ....................... ........ ........... ....... ............ GilIamJworth LielSliJe ,J. SOOClke11Jcm .. .. .... .. .. .. .. ..... .. .. ... RE.. 1" S\p!rilIlglfie1idJ DOIIli WlalutlelI'lWlorrt1h. ..... ............ ....... ................... ........ ......... Aiyilirn.er K..J. J.\1JClALpme ... ............ ........................... ....................... DIUItltoIJ1i He!IlIl1Y D. 'Bl'IOCk .. .. .... ..... .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. ....2 Hea.rt:lh:elr Sit.., LalIlldiolJ1i Hlamol~di O. C~amkle .................... i2J4 AIlJmIa Sit., Sit. TI.hJomas WiJlJlIiiam 03.lI"negiJe ...................................................... lMIuixlkixlk [){marudl HOISIe ................................................. R.R. 3, Iinlgemo[1] IIvlalIll PlaJrlkJiinlslOIIli .. .... . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .... .. . .. R.H.. 81. LioInldlotn [,name Btrlald!y ............................................ R.IR. 21, DatrlchesitJer Leo BiII'Id .......................................................................... LOIl1IdKm .AJnt LOIIlig ..... ........... ........................ ........ .................. ..... ..... ViJeIninJa, S. A. BI'IaKiIY ................................................ RR. 2" DoircihJelSltIetl" K. W. HiaJWIkms ........................ 11513, FI'IamtCle5 st., Inlge['SIOIll Salvage Dealers J1aICIk StlI'leilb .. ............... ................................. ................ RJoIdIney g-:uIlies V I3Jl1IdJetnlbUlSiSlClh.e .. .. .. .... .. .. . .... BQIX 11821, Sltir1arffIo['ldJvIiftlle HolWlalI'ldi iSlillverlthOl'lIlle . . . . .. . . . . . . .... . . . . . . .. R.R.. 3;, Sit. TIhiom3.S1 JieTlI'W ClliaJr[{!e ........................................... iaR. 3" st. Thomas Clia.I'leI1lcle Weilclh .................................... R.iR. 3, West L1arnJe Elgm MOIOlI'le ................................................................ ~er A. KiJnsclhIn\elr lalnid S101IllS .. .... .... ....... RR. 3, West Liome NomJ.Ia[1 WlilnJtetr' ............................................ R..R. 1, Simcoe Salvage Yard JiaJClk ,s'tlreilb . . . . . . .. RJOId!ney 144 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Transportation of Fowl Cllmll'lLes till. PIamJg1bom ............................................ TlalllbdtiVilUe EUig1imJ iElgg C10mpanly ........... .,.... .... ........................ Sit. 'l1romas, All of wlhliic!h is respec1tJfUilly sulbmitted. H. L. Ji()[HJNlSION, iOolt1llll~ CllJerrk aJIlid! TlrmslUlI'ell'. FINANOE CO~TTEE REPORT November Session, IH64 To the 'WaJrJden amid Memlbers of ,the Eligm OoUiI1ltly Cormcil, The F1i.nJanic:e Oom!l:1liJttee Xlepoirts as folJliows: 1.. That ChalI'lilty' iMlId WIeLf.aiI'le P1~y LilSIt NOI. '91 Ifi()['f $'81615<:90, rurud Plajy Lislt No. 10 f'or '$\9176.651, be a!PIPrOVledl. 2:. T\hJaJt C!hJi:l!dlrellli~ Aid SIOiClt~tiJes Pialy' 'LtsItJ Nlo.' 9 for $121,6110.713;, RiIid Pia(y' List NOI. 1IOi flOlr $12;,:44!9 .15121, be apprlOlVled. 3. TlhtaJt Itlhle mlaJbtJell" 100 ~emJUIIlleI'lajtion lfior OoiUlI1lt(y SlellielC!OOl"s otE JIUJI'IOIliS be !l'.elfielI'[ledi iIJo the P1e1uiltiJOlIlISI :oodl LiegiiSillaltiJOlIlISI ClOIITlIIIlliitree :i!ni 1965,. 4. Thia Mr. IJiohin: Nemetit [be Igmamjted $2100.010 cl()~er clJ:.ualrge' for UISIe Q[ the StWlk ct1~Lilb. 15. ThiaJt rt:lhie CI1ertk: -'lIDeta!SUtt'!e:r be lPalildi InWOOg16 fmam tlhie C'0IUIl'lt HOIUiSe rto Itl11/e sttJe of meetings aIlId nlooessalW bulSliinies\Sl. All of wlh:iJc!h is r:espootfiUlly sulbmwted.. GORJDON WOOLN1ER, OhaiIrman. 'ELGJIN' COUNTY OOUNOlL 145 AGRICULTURAL COMMlTTEIE: RlEiPORT November Session, 1964 '110 the Wiamden. and [Mjembexs of Ithe EligiLn OOUiI1Jtw Oannd, 'Tlhie A~ilcUJlItUll'la11 COmmiibtee repOll'ltsas foWlOlW's: 1. Tihialt the JI'lelSoLUltilQlIli IfII'lOffi the ClOIUiInltijr olf Per1th 1"Ie nlOll1l- :r'IetmJrlnlail)[le gJialSlS ClOIIlItJaia1!eII'S 11011' soot IdIr1i1n1kls be filledJ. All of wiJdh. is relSipectlfUilly SlUlbmibted. DONALD C. LillnTCIH, CibJai:rman.. ELGIN MANO[R COMMIT'EEiE BEPO[RT N oV'ember Session, 1964 '110 the Wiamden and: [Members of the ElligiJn OOl~OalUlI1lCtl, 11. A ISIUIccelSlSlfIU1l. opelI1!i!nig of 1lhie rnJew Hamle W1aJS ibJeilIdl 0111' OCltaoer 7, 19614 rood Itlliie d1ediiClaltriJOOJI of Xfhle dhialpe] willi] be biellld 0II1I NOIVembex 2121, 191614, aIt 3' p.m. :21, ThaJt Wle hialVle IalClClepltleldJ ltihie it€lI1lder of Ill1lPelI'liJal BakerielS tOl ISIUlpIplty ibrealdl alt 13% Ci per ~OIaf. 3,. TIhlalt 'WIe bJaVie alClcleptleid! rtfrlJe 't€lI1ldJer of CittY D1alliriJelSl 1;101 srupp~ millk !alt Ithe floH!OIWlilrug ptticlOO: iHiomo MiJ1Ik - 3' qt. jugs .5Se:. t qt. .211p; Skim Milk - 3' qt. jUJgs .l3l8lcl, 1: qt. U!5iCl; iHiomo [rOIl' diistpell1SelI' - 116 qt. $3 .36. 4. Thialt Wle !l'1€lClO!ITl_me!n!d! thiatt !a, b~-'~alV! be 'PaJSIS!eldl estiaibl!isil:1iJn.g Dr:. C. A. GTlalbJam's salllaaw IaiSI p~CliM1l 100' 'I1h1e Home I3Jt $11.710.00 a mOOltih. 5. T/hJa;t ltlhJe Hlome hialSl a lI'IesiJdi€lI1lt popul]:aJtiOlI1l OIf 651, atnJd, OW' :rruaJ.e resilldielIllt 3JCICIammoclJart;:iOlI1 is 00fW fiiJilJed!. 146 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 61. TJ1!arti we Ihia~e 0IIl /the stlaJflf Ialt iW1Je Pl"ielSlelnlt ttime, inlcllruidlinlg the sUJPerli.lIllteI1ldi€lnl~, aJIlld! lSIoorleUaJI;y, 3101 fruJ]l time 1aIIlIdI 5, piaJI'it time. 7. The !P1'IaiViInlciJaJ1 OOlVlemmeI1lt has paJiJd iuar .the CIQlUlnltIY' iOIf Ellgm $410;9160,615, Tie Winltefr WlalI'iks <aJI1ldl fa SlMeSI It ax ~efiuJntdi 0IlI lI1JelW bUiilJdirrlrg of $li6i,5159J58, woo ::t'Ielc:eiv€!di. The lI1JefW IhlOme iJS 'VixitUiaJ:ly CiOIIIlIP]etedi ait R1Il.; i3JPIPl"(){X!iillllalte Clast OIf $165101,01001 .00. 8. Thalt ltihJe resiglI1!ationJ lof u.v.Ers. IisiObel KJelly' aISi the HOlme nrume Wla.s ;8JCiCieplteid Ialt a. IS!pelcdJalli meeti:nJg ihle~dl NOV1emb& 13', 19614" M1Id 'alPlPlliClaltjrolI1Js laIDe being 'C1aJl1l:ed! floc a lrIeplL8Jcemelnlt. All of w3:1d:clh is r:espooJt1flUJ.ly S1ulblIl'iiuted. N. G. TUFFORD, Chaixman. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT' November Session, 1'964 '110 the Wiall'lci!en f8J!lJd Members of the E1~gm CiOUinltJy Oarmcil, 'Dbe Ifb]LOiWi:n!g ~S!' IllIY l'IepOII'lt 0Ili :ml:gin MlalnlOtr fOIr tlh;e Y'eIalI" ending OCfbolber 311Sit, t9l64: N()Iv. 1., '63 11;01 MaJY 1311, '164 1. NlUIIIlIb& 10[ resiidlenrns: laJt ,Lam II'leiPoot 3121 12. Numbe:r laldiIniltltedi IdiuJrirng Ithe yielM" .. 6 3. Number IdJiSlcJhia;rgleld ................................ 5- 4. Number 0I:f idielaJtihIs . .... ... ... ......... .............. 5,. Number of re:sliidJenrtls 1J:ll0lW m tlhie Home ....................................... ..... ........ . 6. 'I1ottaJl diaJJ'ls resildJeInlce ............ ... ............. 7. ,A V1e!I'age lIllumbell" Off l"iesliJdJeIIllts OOlfiDlg Itlhie ~M" .............................................. JlUiIlIe i1, "614 to Oclt. 311, '614 33 39' 5 2 Totla[ 33 7,398 6f5 8;,0031 315 5r7 ,...8. - AV"ieragie l1IUlmlbier wttfr1 srUipeu.-":.Untan- laent's [lamdilIy amid hired bJeOlp .. .. 9. NUlIllIber of wee!k's bOlaiI'!a wi;1fu !thie :SUJPIe!I'liinltelI1ldJenlt's tfamillw .. ............... 110. NumberOlf 'Wleek'ls bOa,TId! iOif Tlesd!dJeiIllts 44 1,291 1,0019 1,746 ELGmN COUNTY COUNOIL 1.1. Receipts 14,7 Nov. 1, '163 ,JluinJe 1., '64 to rOOI MaiY ron,,'64 Om. 311, '6~ ProV1i!nJCle Oif OnIuaJI'ilo SlUibrSJildiy .............$110;565.211\ $Ili9',5113<.7181 OilidJ Age (Pi€illSilom wet iRresildlelnlCle MiailnttelIllMllCIe . . . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... . ....... .... JI1,,:0712,.1!1. 1!8I,i096,911i ISuiI1ldlrtiies .... ........... ............... ...... ................. 111i.10 210'0.37 Gover:nmeJIllt ot ClainiatdJa Sallies Tax Rief'UlI1Id ....... ................................ .... ....... 119[4"00: 11531.3161 TotIal $30,0/78:.99 219',ml.0~, 211:1.47 3148.191 $21)843 .1215, '$317,9661;4121 $1519,8109.617 12. EXpenditures FOOld! IaIIlJdJ PrOVli:s:iOlIlS .. .. .. . .... .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 1$1 !q;9718;j218 MJeldiClaili, DelIllbal iaIIlId Drogs ................ '1.,31911:.1214 CilJoJtlhding IaJIlldJ Welrt1aa:le .. .. .. .. ..... .. .. .. .. .. ... '2:;11318;63 Hlomelb.!arridJ SIUlPrpllies ..................:.:......;.... '94J2:;83: FlUlI'lnliJsll1i1nJgs ........ ........ ..... ... ... ... ....... ... ......... Repairs ,uo BiUiiilldiDlg1S Imd! GirlolUlIlldJs 4691..712 F'iUiel, Hlyd!riOi, T1elleiphianlei, Walber . . . . . . . . 21,21019:.619' Tri8JV1el Elxlpemes alIlld Oflfli:Cle IS~lies 314:6:.,9121 Sia:laJI"ies !met Wialg:e1S .............................. ;11:.41314.1011 ]rusm:aIIllClel, FiJrie ClomjpelIl!Slalti!olIl. alnldJ Borler ................................................. 1,;2011IJ65 Pemilcm, Fm1!dJ, CblIlJVlelIlltJilOlIli !EixlpelnlSelSI 1:91.00 SlUInldiries ...... .......... ......... ....................... ...... 66,,815, '$I 7,709'.60 1,,31714.0141 1.91715, .ill5i 11,.8\2121,93: !5,49'.\l!4i 3152:.691 3,6112;J69 3149.0121 2rl ,7:619.2121 3110.617 2!40.89' 2163'.4.3 $li3i,6!8'7'.88 2~, 7615'.28 4,U3..7B 2,7615,.7~ 5149.14 8:23.41 5,8212.36 61915 .94 39,203.23 1,51m:.3~ 4311.B~)i 3310.218 $216,3710;8121 '$1461,3129,,47 $'72:,70iO.29 Oeductions 13. Gia1VeXlIllIl11e1Il1t olf ClalIllll.ldJa ISallies . '!laoc . '$ 1~94..8I31 $ 1.153.36 $: 3~48.19 14. rOast 0[' Opernltmg ...... ......... ................... 1216.1:T5 .994161~17161.1!1 7~1,352,.10 1'5. AJvie~'algle lEixlPEmlSIe\Si per diaw of €I8Jch pelrSOIlr .................................................. 3J54 1:6. A veTl3Jg!e EOOp,elIlrS1eIS per week of €Iaidh pe'l'1SlOlI1 ............................................... ... 214.78 1'7. A velI'8gIe IElxipelIllS1es per YeaII' of €laJCih penslOlIli .................................. ............... 1,200'.10 2:,096.6:4 5.76 40.32 1~ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCrr.. ill. AiCltJuiaUi OOlSlt !to OOlUlIll1Jy IalfltJer dediuc- ltilOlIlS of 1aJ1ll: iI1eceiptls ... "..... .. ..... ..... .. . 4,5127.517 119. ,A]CltJuiall Cloot IDOl CIoWty a[;(;er dJe!diulo- ltiJorrusl 100alill il.'!eceipts per .dIalY . . . . 8,3163.05' J61 1.014 210. Thffi'le wwe 7'7' reslildielIllts in IUhe Home diUll"ing 19614: 49 mal1:es., 28 ~emaJLes. Of tlhe 6151 il.'!eslildlenlUsl iiln: Ithe [H]om,e 0l1l :tJhie 11Slt d)aw olf November, 119:614; 411: wene mJae!, IMl.Id: 214 were [iema;lies. All of wfrticih is respecltfruJly SlUlbmiltJted. mv1AiN J. :RAiTDElR1SOiN, Slupminite!IlldielIlit, El!gilni CalUiIllty Home flail' tJhe Ag'ed. PiBOPlEIRTY COMMITTEIE BEPORT November Session, 1964 To the 'WiM'td!ro and lMiembeTs of the ~lgLn Ool.1JIllt(y Oal\..litliCil, The ~O)perlty Commditlbee l'IerpootJS i3lS follOWS!: 1. We hiafV1e1 pUJI'lcnraseldr la lnleiW BeaitJty aomlIlllerlcila~ WlalsIhmg' Ma,- dhlilnie fior tlhe Jialiil fuom FlieIWleillilnlg :AipplJiJalIllOes la1t a. :J1Ielt piri:cle of $3119.30. 2;. Wie hialViel engrageld Mlr. CrIialI'lk M;c/DQlUigiaffiL :to irielp1air thJe pOir:ttrIa~\t of SlIell'i:t"rf MiUInJrIo . tal] a, C/O/Sit of $315,.00. 3. ;SjtJorm wiJnJdJalWSI lame beiInJg ilnistallllJeid on tJhe ibaaJaiIllCle of the firsit floor w:.itnJdJarws of Itlhie: Clam HoiUlSle. 4. We lhiaNe 1PlUlI'1CihIas1e!ldi Ia. 31M Phimo 'COIpying iMIaIC!hi:DJe a<t a. net Clost of $419'.00. 5. We h1a1V1e '3.lClCle[)lDedi i1:ll:1e rtJelIlldier oIf the 'Oi1:iy DlaJry to SlUp.p~lV milk 00 Ithe ClOIUJIllt(y' IlW'H fror 1191615, Ialt ltlhe fo'l!1!owliing priiClesi: HbmlOl !MIi!1k rut 5ac pier 3: qt. j'Ulg1 \aJnld! 2111C1 per qUlamt; 18kii1m 1Mi1!k at 3alCI 1Petr' 3, q~1 jug amldl 11510 pefl quaJIlt; 1161 qt. Homo fiQll'l id/ilsipeooe!l', $3.3:6i. 6. We hla'V!el accepted rthe Itelnldier of tlhie limpe!l"iIaJ Siy'Sibern 0If Baking iJo ISUlpply OOelaJd Ito ,the iClClIUIIllDY Jiail fm' 1I9i615 taltI 113!~CI Pier 1I0IM, d1eiliivered. All of wfrtiIcIh is respeCltf'Uilly SlUibmilbted. ~ GiLO'VER., 10hiaiIman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 149 BY -ILA W NO. 1874 "A By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 1497 of the Township of Bayham, Being a By-Law to stop Up, Close 'and Sell a Street 01" Alley fu the Village of Straffordville According to Registered Plan 2015 of the Said Village of Straffordville." WlHIElRlElASi Itlhe OalUlIllCiil of rthe 'I1OiWJ.1isihiip 100 BalY'ham 0!IlJ the 61th diary of J1uIllV, 1916l4, AD., ,diild !pruslS By-ILruw Na. 1141917 IDa stJopl up, eLose alllldJ seill la sltreelt Oil" a1LelY' m Ithe VilLrugie of iStl'laJfiflo!'!divj;]JLe i3JCiClOO'ldJilng to RegiS/berrledl PLallll 21015 of Itlhe saild: V:iHruge of iS1l1'1ruffiOll'ldvil.lJl:e" mOlI'e PiaJI"- trauLamIlY' ;dJeSICriibteld: in tlbie ISlruiJdl ~-iLla;w, Itme 'ClopiJes lhietreo[' a['(e here- unto ruIlII1Jexed. AiNU) WT.H:ECRlE1A1S PUiI'SIUJalllIt to !the Pil'lO!'Vll:siJOInlSl of Itlhie M!uJnic'iJplllil ACIt, tine slruid 'I1O'W1ll1s1hriJp BlV-iL!aw IslhiaJ]1 1lI01t: IhJruV1e anly fiOlI'lCle unt.i1. confirmed by 'a Bry-[jaiW of Ithe iCloUinlcil lof Ithe GOIUlllIUY m 'W'hiilCih tlhe ItowtnlSihip is siltUJaibeid!, plaiSlSleldl lrut lam oil'ldlimlaJry meetmg of It:hie C!()IullIcdl he]d not SlooneiI' i1fuan Itlhiree mlOlnltlhisl, IllIOIl" LruDerl 'thialni ollie y.eal!", IrufitJelI' !tlhe ,passing of tihe By-iLiaIW 101[' i1fuIe iOoUJllIcIiIl oftJne 'I1OW1Il1sihilp. AND W!HE'RJElAJS iaIPPliIClaltiOO1l IhiruSl been mrudle tlo tlhe OOUlI1JclilL ()If the O()lr:P'alI'laitilam 0[' thie OOUinlby OIf ffi]]giJnJ :fiOlr 113. B!y-iLlaw 'CiOll1iirmilnlg the Slaid uowmsihJilP bry-liaJw. NOW 'I1HElREIFOIRIEl 'the ClOIulnlcil of tJhie ClQI11pIcmaJtiJem ()If ilfue Oarmftly 00 Ellgin, elllIruClts as flOHOWIS : TlHiAT By-LlalW No. 1,4197 of ltihle 'l1owJllShJiIP ,of BruyQ1Jrum, bemg a. bry- llruw ito iSlbOlp IUlPl, IClLose rM11d :selll a LSlt1"!elCit lor !alLey 1m ltlhie V:illrugiel ()If StJrarf- f!OII'ldlvi1Jl:e, aCICiolrdimg tiQi Riegi.s~tle:rieldl PlLall1i 21015, of \tlhie iSlaid! VilllageOO st!l'aif- f101l'1divi]lie~ be, lalnld Ithe same iJS ihier,eby' ClOIIlITIiil'Imed!. RJEIAD la firSlt 'ttme !tlh:is 118th dl3.iY IOf NoV'ember, 19!614. !aEAiD ~a seclOIrud! Itime this 118tJh IdJaJyof NiOViemlber. 19614. READi a ithiJrd 'time, lalIlld ifdmiall11y :paJSlSled :this 1I8th dlalY alf Novemibe!l', 1964. H. L. JIOH:N1SON CJ:erk RJUSSlElL McKIBlBm Wlarden 1!5!O ELGIN COUNTY COUNCLL COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 1875 ''Being a By-Law to Appoint a Physician for Elgin Manor/' 'I1H1m OOUtNlOllL of ttJhJe OOll'lPooaltiJ<m ofthie OOUllnlty of Elgin eInlaots as IfoNOIW's: (1) TlHAT Dr. 0. A. OI'lWam" MID., be, laJIlIdi ills, ihieI'Ieb~ ~PiOmt!ed: physic:iaa:1 ifior EUgm MiaJl'l1m". (121) THAT ltJhie salaJl"y of it1hie phiYlsioiaJI1l flor Ealgm lMlalI10r be $170.00 petl" mOlIlIth, erf:flelClti'Ve NlOlVlemlbetl" l\s1t, 19164. (,3,) 'I1HAT lall pII1evilOUiS Iby-;]aws lhiaiV'IDg !DO do wilth the a!PIpoirnlt,- merut loodJ SlalaiI':Y 100f 'a physiJClilalI1J for Eligi!I1l Manor b1el, IaIIlIdl the SIMn!e are netrleby' I'IoocmdJed. RiEIAJD a :fiirlslt time rtft1is 11&th dlajy of November, 19614. IRlEIAiD Ia selClOlIlldl Itime rtmsJ \l18tlh daJy of NOViembelr, 19614. RJ:ElAD illJ Ithilrid Itime, laJI1Id 'fdrooJlily p13.1S1Sed 'this 1i8!th dlaiy oil:" November, 119614. H. L. J10lHNSON CllieTlk RiUSsrnL MClKIBBfIN WlaJI"dJen BY -LAW NUMBER 1876 -of- THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN "A By-Law to authorize the Aldborough Township Area School Board (hereinafter c:alled 'the Grantee' and which term shall include its successors and assigns) to construct, use and operate works requirled for the distribution of water within the County of EiIgin (hereinafter called 'the Municipality~). WHERlElAIS ltihie 'Gtrianltee lhtas r:eqlUJeSltedl The OOll'lPCJIl'IaJtion of the OOlUJnrtJy ,of EligirnJ :1;01 g1l'laIllt iJt IllJ Ifl1alIllChise or ri:oolhlt O!f p1as1S1irng through ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 151 thie MUJI1iJClilpaJliJtJy far tJhie pUJr.pOlse iof IClOIIl:SIWucltinlg, UJSling a'l1ldl olP'emlting a liiJnJe or ,lmes lalIlJdJ WOIl'Ikis [or ;1fue IdliSItrilbrurtdicm of Wlalber withm tlhe Mrumcipalilty. AiNJD WHiE]RiE/AiS, sUibjieClt ,to Ithe :teI'lmS laII11d: ClOlnldJilt:i:ons helI'ednJaftelI' Slelt frOll'lth, Ithe iOalUll1iaU 100f the COrpiOI1a1tiolI1 of 1Jhe CloiUlIllt(v alf Elgin has a:g;f1eedJ ItO gr,aJIllt tJhJe saliJd lfll'\oochilSe. BE lJTTHERlE/F1ORIEI EN1A0I1EID bytthie G1oUll1icdlli of The Corpmialtion of rtJhie OOlUinluy of Eilgtiln .AiN[)1 IT ]8 HERJEBY ENACT(E[) as fon!OlwS:- 1.. i~uil1 '1'Itgbit, power, permiSiSLOIl1 laJI1Id IClalnlSelDJt a~e lhiweiby gmmed, C101Il1f'eI'Il'I~d lalTI1d!assUJI'ield Uinlto Ithe AlldibOll1aiUJg1h 'Dowrnslhip Airela SicihoiO'l BiOlWd, j)tls SUJOClelSlSOII1S i3JI1Jd ;russilg1Ills 100 'elDJter Uipcm, uSlea[lld! OICICIUIP'Y tlhe ibJ:iJgb:Wi3.lY1S 10[ iQIr !l1JI1Iderr 'thlel jlUJritsldiiation of 1me MluniicdJpaillil1;w' to srurrve~, conJSItJI1UJClt, Lruy, maJi!nltatiJn, truspeclt, aJit~, r:epair, ~ffillew, T1emorve, veplace, I1eIClOlDlSlwClt, use lalIlIdl opelI'IaltJe 1m, thI1alUlgih, !UJpcm, ulIlIdIetr', affiong MlJd! am'oss the iSlamle oraJny 'Of tlhiem la pipe I1me or plipe lilnleiSl witJh am.Jy 3Jl1Jd ala. oOlI1lIlJeCitiOlI1iS, laJPPaJrlallJUis, aJppIlilallllO€lS 'alThd: lalutJaclhmenIDs!, mlc[lUidiJng Rltltac!h- moots !fOIl' IClaibhaldJiJo rprlQltlelcltiOttli, 'llIec1eSlSlary or mCli\dieIllbal tlhiell"e1vo RlIlJd 00 a sIYlstem fior the piU.!l'rpiosleof diSltribUllli.!IlIg wiaJter: wiJt:hiin:1i tlhie MiUIlJiJc:ip'alJit'Y 2,. ISlUich lI':ight 0iI' flflallllchilSle slhall be suibjeClt t10allll tlhe terms and Clolnld'iltilam selt oult im aIIl AgiI"e1eme!Illt to be emJbereid i.!IlIbo between tihe MUlniJoipiai]i!ty and Itlhie IGrialIlluee iIlJ prursUlalTIlCle of Itihi:sl Biy-iLlaIW, wbiclh A@J:"eelll€lllIt slhiaWl be in ,the form hereUJlnltlO rutluaclhied. 3. The WiM'dJen and OleiI'k :oftthie sMd MinniJcliipal:iJt~ all'le her1eby 3JUltlhori2Jetd a!IlId em,poiWeIl'ied ltio eIIlIuer m!tlO: 'alnd !to eooecuibe on behalf of the MlunilciiPia[IDty, 'the Aglfl€lemeTIlt 1a[lOretsla,iid oodJ ItlO lalfiflix rthe C!on:ipolI'rute seal rthiere'tlO. 4. ThiilSb~-[la1W shiall 'ClOme ilIlItlol 1f1()11'1C1e lamld! rtJa,kJe €Iff:e1C1t immedialte[IY !aJf1tffi' ,aIIl :a,gl'leleIl1.leII1lti:n: :tJhie form bJelI'lel.llIllbo IrunneXledi slhlal!l haiVe been execiUlt8ld! by iall Ithie p~ltiJelS1 Ith:ereto. RJEAD a firSlt tiane this 118itfh ldiaw of NiovernJber, A.D., 19'614. RElAiD a selClOlIlla time rtihii:s: 1I81tlh dJay of Nov,embeT, AD.~, 1964. RElAID ,a third time aTIJd passed rtlhiis H~tJh tdJaIY of NOlVember, AD., 11964. 152 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL H.L. JlOHlNlSON CleI'lk RlUSISIE[" MciKIlBLB[[N Wl3Jl"den FINALlLY paSlSleld :tfuds 181t1h diaiy of NOViembell", A.n., 19164. H. L. J1OH1NSON ,Olerik. RID'rSISJE[n MclKI:BB[[N WiaJl'den AGiRlEIEMEINT made in dJupl:ilCra:be ithilS1 18th dJaiY' of NalV'emlber, AD., 19i64. BETW!EIEN: THE COIRiPOR,A'EION OF THE, COUNTY OFEILGIN, hereinafter called "the Municip'aiIity" OF TIHJE FrIRSIT' PARIT' - Ellnd - THE ALDBOROUGH TOWNSHlJp AREA SCHOOL BOARD hereinafter caned "the Grantee" OF 'I1HIE SlEIClOiND P~r.r W1HIEIREIAS tlhie Glfralil!tiee /has: Il"leqtueSlt:eld! ,the MlunJicipiallJilty tlal Gr'alIllt 1JoiJt ,aJnIdi :hts iS1U10c1elssors ralnlQ lasSiglilS, fa flI'1amJcfuise Oil" riglhlt of pasiSlm.g 1Jb!rialUlgih 'the MiU!Illioiplailli\Uy fOil' !tJhe PIUII1POISle ,of iCiolnlSltrlUlClti!ng, U:Sliing anld OPerlaltilng a me or li:nes laIllid IWlOII'lkis: f()lr Ijfuje dJisltrr:i!blUltion of wraitell:' wilthiin Ithe MlUIIl!iJclplaJ.jj1Jy. AN[) W1H1ElRlEIAS Ithe MUIIlIitc1iIPalLiJty bias by By-LlalW pRiSlSed! on tlhe 1;81t:h idlaNof NiaiVemlbleiI' ADI., 1,91614, g1l'lalnlteld! i1fuJe saJid! [lflalIllclh:iSle' fl'io!I1l ooid: aliter 'tihie lexJ€lClwtiJOIIlJ of Ithils Agirleem:€IIllt laJIld hialS la'WtlbJairizeldl raII1ld! em- power-ed! ltJhe Wiamd!en iaJlnld iCllerlkof :the sailldl ~nJicli.pail.:iJty to execute ihiilS AJ~eemerut iaJIlld to lalfifjx Ithe ICiOlnpOO'laltle seall 1Jhiell:'e!to. NQIW T!HIEIRJE)F1ORrn] THES I:N!DiENIT!U1RE lIliald!e iInJ cIOIIliSlildietr'atiii(ID of thie premises Iamld ,of It\hle ipWfiOl"lIliallllCe 0I:f the OOiVffilJams BJl1!dl ob[jglaltdolils h:er.ei::n)a:f1ter .oOinltai.nied on; lthie Pail.1t IOf :Uhie iGlfianltee wl'l.:NElSSIEfTII as follows: 1. The !MuJniJo1paJ!i~ does lhel1etQy ;giralIllt, ClOIllfer amid! a;SiSlUI1'le UJI1lto ELGIiN COUNTY OOUNOn.. 153 1ihie Gr1ootee, its SUlC1cooSlomand la8sigIllSi, f'UilJl mghlt, palW1€lI', petrlIll1SS1<m aInldJ .ooTIlSlent to looter iUlpion, ulSleallld OIC1CiUlpY Itlhie hi:g<hW1~ of Oil" UiIlJdie!!' iJhJe j!UTliJsddJatiiOln of 'the iMhmiClipality ItJO sUlIWey, ICIOII1lSItI'IUICIt, Lay, main- tlaliln, iInlspeclt, !aJlItJeIl", repair, ,renew, T1eIIllI()IVe, repllaCle, I1eConsltiI'IUiClt, rusle and OIperlalte i1n, IthiI'lOugh, Ulpon, rmdJer, ,along ,and iacrOlSlS: tihe same ()Il' anlY of them, la piJpe liJnJeor piJpe JiiJnJes witlhi laln!y iamld iam CiOi11lI1!8C1t:i!O[lJS, 3.PiPlaiI'- alvm, lalppliiallllOeS lood: 'altJtalcfr1JIIlelnltS, iIlicLUldiinlg lalUt\alChmelI1.lts for Claltlhiadlic p!'lOlteCltilOlIli, lI1Ie06S1Sa["y or i1ncdidientJaJl tih:el1etOl iamldi i/Jo la srylSltlem full" the pUlI'lpose of dilsltrilbrult'iiIlig WalDer wiJtlhiiln iOhe MUlnicipaJl:itly . 2,. All lI1Ie!W (or iI'lelDieIW:al) ma~, pipes, Hnesl aIIlIdi WI()Il'ks iJnSbaJlJ.led by Gl100tee uJI1IdlerthiiS ,Aigll'ie1emelnlt :Shiall be ciOiIliSltTluclted! IaII11dl '~Md in aoooodiaTIloe wiJth :gOOld: !oogmee\l'lmg :Mlld: 'ClalI1lSlwuCltiiOlIli prlaClttceiSi. EooClepit iII1. ClalSle O!f emergency. (Ia) no 'exJCla V1a1NoIli, ,OIPeIIlIin!g or 'WlOrk WlhiiJclh will idii:sltmIib or ilIllt,etr- f'erle wiJth :thetrlaiViEilleidl SIuflf1alce of :alIl!Y' :MghWlay slhlaH be UiIlIdJe!r- ItlaikJen 011" 'Clommelnloed ~ GiI'lamJtee wil1;h1alUlt wriJtltern notice to !SIuclh oflficer 'Of the MiUlIlJloipalitiy laJS maw fiflom time to tdIIlle be laJpIpalmted by ithe OOUl11JCliIl of ItJhie MUJI1JiJcliparr:iIDy flO[" tlhie Pill!!'.,. pOise lof g1enJeI'lal IsupervisiJcmOVler i1ts Ihtgh:WlalY'S (he~elfu::llaiflter l'Iefer;rted itJQ as "ltJhie said oflfilCler .of 1fuIe iMUJI1IiJcilpalliity", Whicih Itel'lIIl iShtruH iJndUldJe Ithe ipetrlSOII11 lructtmgi:n IDS sue1a1di m Ithe e'VlelPtt 'Of bJils lalblSlelIllo.e from ,diUlty), iSIuclhlllolttcle to be giVlEID at least i214 ihJOlUlfls iII1i IrudiVlaIDlCle of 'ClommeIliciJnJg SlUW wlOlI'ik uiI1llleSlS! oitlhielr- wise ,agreed ItJOI !by Itlhie salildi OIfifilo€ll' of Ithe Minniloirpiall!iJ1iIY', and (b) beforle lia!yilnlg 0[" iJnstiru]~i1ng IMlIY nJew (or iI'leIIlielWlal) mains, pdJpes, liIlles ,amid: Wlams, ltfr1!e GIDalI1Itee ,sihal!l :f1mst ifilte with ltJhel slalild olffic€ll' of 'tlhie flY.[Ulruic:iJpaJI,il1Jy la ipl'1el1iminJallW map Oil" pLain sihorw- iII1Ig whirutilt 1>>'10ipQlSieiSl Ito Ulruy 101[' 'iII1Isitall lamldi Ithie rp~larpiog;eldJ loClai- JtiJOIn 'tlhiereof Ialnldi Mal]; laJlSlOI 'chieclk: 'WIiIth. IMlJd oblta.m iIlhe WII"ttlten lfl,pprlOVIal iOIf luhe SlaliJd! OIflficter of Ithe lViiUlmcdipaliity as to S1Uch pifiOlPOSled iliOlClattioll1. Not lallier 1fr1lalIli ltJhiI'iee mOlIllths lalfu€lI' ItJhe dOSle of leach of iJtIsi filSlClal yeams ltJhie Gl1anltee sblaJl fdile wilth me iClle1'lk 'Of .the MiUlI1!i1aiJpaJl'L'W, IDaIpS' OIl' p]JaiIliS showing tlhie liOlClrutinn laInldl ISrne of lalllJ mruilnlsl, pipes, lines: amld W!or);{..s (!JflJild iQlrfu:1..l~a.necl by itlh!e Or,alIlltJee in thie b1iig1bjwaYJ)~ d1U1rrilng iIts pl'leviOlus fiSlClal Y'eaJr. :3. The iSlaJild: wiJnJe or li:nes Main be PI:aJCledl UlIl!dertgriOOllnldl SOl fiM' as d.is :pI'IalClttclal amid if l1eqUJixledl by Ithie WiaTIdle:n or otJher offiCl€lI" of tfule 154 ELGIN COUNTYf COUNCIL MUJIlIic:ipaJ:ilby lalbolVle melnltiOlnleJd! shaLl be]oClat~d ialllong 1Jhe siJdesl of the, saild! hilgihiw:wys !eooereplt wlbJerteilt shial! ibe :neerelSsaif'y !to C!l'IOSS a highwlalY aiIlld: LSbJaIl be so IClOIIliSIwucltedi alS 1IlJ00t to obsitDUClt 101" im:terfere wii1h. :tfue USie of ItbJe ~igihlwlaJy 'or wilth laIl1(Y' dll'laiJnJs, rdlJJtches,briidig1eSl, ClulVletrltis Oir oDher workis 0'1" imprlOivemeJIllts Ithlereon IOl" Ithiereii:n. 4. ill tfi.lIe e'Vielllt Ithalt lt1h:e MiwnliloipaililtJy Shalil. deem ilt e!x\ped~lelnlt to aLter the (;IOiIlIstlrlUlCltiiOln of IOOy lhiilgihJw:alY Oil' of iaIl1,~ mfUlui'Cirp1al dlraiD:1, d!i!tcih, ibrifdlg1e, ,ClUilivel!1t lor dtbier wooks orirm.pT,QlVlemelllts thweolIl (){I' rbhier\eiJIl ,aIllId 'i:n 'tlhie OOUil'se :theTIeof ilt shla1lll rbeClOll1lle :neeretslSa;rw' to ha'VIe the Gra!llJtee maJkie 'clhiamgle:Si din iltlslme lar J:irnloo Oil' wooiklsi in ord.ler to flai01]iJtlaJte tlhie w'O!I'ik ,of Ithe J.VI]U1IlJicilpalilty!, ;1)helIlJ ulPcm recleiJpt of reaSOIUI- ,alble iIlIOItiJere 1m 'WIriltinJg If!I'iom ItJhie WlM'idlelIl Of' otlbJer orffic'er a[ thie MJUJIlJilcipaLilty laJbralVle merutinned! spec:tfyinJg Ithe chaJIllgle! dlesdil1edi, the GI'IalnItee iSlhall laJt ilts own expense ,Clhlrunlg,e tts li1l1Je or linJes OII' works aJt the pOlilnlt specified:. 15,. 'I1bJe GiI'laJnlteel Marr:J. ClOITI:S1WUClt, I'IepflIir ,amJd: I'Ie1p)JruCleMlIY such lilnle or LiIl1Jes 1011" workis wiloh ana, I'I8lalSallllalbLee!x\pediltiOlIlr ISlO rbhiait the highiwiayrs Shirullli 1nl00t be rtorn 'Ujp lor 'dbswCltJed! for :M1!y unnlelClesslaJry le1n1glt\h! o!f time aIlid! upon ,the crOlIllSltrrIUICltilon, ll'leplairiInJg 'aJIlId 'l1epllfllciJnJg O[ ,alnlY such. l'ilnle 'or Lilnes or WlOII'ks or ;the ,tJalkiInJg 'UP ,of aI1lY of 'the Salme or rthie movinlg Oif :Ml;Y' of Ithe Slame from plaJcevo pLaJCle ill ,flI 1htgbiWla(Y', tlbJe' higlhiWalY .shiall, wiltlhi la])l ~ea,S1alIlJaJble '~pediiltiOlI1, be resvOO"ecr Ita its proper :1:eViea ,aiIlldi ,glr1aldied ,alI1ldi iLe:tit in ialS :saxfe aDld g100d 'flI ISltalte of iI'lepa.irrus it WIaS betlcme ilt WlflIsenlu€ll'led 'Ulpcm or OPEIDeiQ, Ia.nd ItJ()I l1lhie saltisflaJCltiolIlJ of the salilc] Wiamdlen Oll' atJhier ofifiCler of Ithe MUI]]iJc~pfllli1ty aJboVie melllJtil()(l1;ed. :6. The GII1aiI1!tree sbJall ,alI1ld dale:Si hel'lelby laJt aJJJ. 'tJimes iIl1Jdlemnify anld sav:e hammless It!hie MUlniic;ipIa.li:ty :flr:am lalllId! ,a.gla.iInlsIt lall] 10lSlSi, diamage, inljW'y or 'ex!p8il1JSle w hicth :tJhie IMUIIlliioipaJlilt!y ffiaiY bear, iSlUJ![Ie!" or be piUlt Ita b~ a",efuSlOiI1 ,of 1aJ11/Y dlaJmagre 1t0l pt101perty or ilnJjlUJl'y to pell'Sons cwood by rlJh,e oOlIliStirUlCltilon, 'l'Iepair, mainJteI1lalIlJoe, l'IemQlVlaU: or Qp~altliOlll blY the G['IalllItee IOf 'aJnly of iJts InIain, pilpe!Sl, lmes 0'1" WOII'kJs in the MiUJni:cipaai~ unLess SUlCIh loss, Jd!amalgle, :iJnijiUiI"Y or 'exIpeIliSeS is occaJsicmedi blY AiCit of GIOd: or by ItJhie IruClt, negleClt ,or IdiefiaJUilJt of !Slome piell"SIOII1l, fi'l'lm OIl" C101l1J10['- altJiJOIIlJ 'OItih.:er than ltJhie GmalnltJee, ilts servootlsi, 'ClOInlWalCltoo"SI, SUib-rCIOOita:'aICIto!rs, agelnltJs or em'Ploy;ees. 7. Tbie rigrhlts Ialnld prlilvilieg,es her:eiby gma[1JtedJ siha[l colUltill1JU!e and :remlam i:n [orne !flOC ,a :peil"iOld: IOf TWleIIlIty yieaa-s from the <i.rute hereof . ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 155 8. In ,tfrlds Agr:eemoot :aJnIdJ iIn the By-J:.JaJW '8.IbiQlVle vef1exrredl to, Oa) 'the wtOl'ld "lhig1bJwaw" ISIhall meMli a IClammO!Il OIl' pU'J:)l!ic ihigll1Jwary 1aJD.Jd molJuJdie la I!'f()lald, brid!g1e iood! 1M1(Y' olther Sltrocltiure ilIroidien.- iUM itJhereoo, :nIOW lOr at laJn'Y time Id!uirmg ItJb.ie term of this Agl!'!eem,enlt UII1!dier Ithe jurilSldliCltion of Ithre MluniclipaJirtly. Cb) The W1Ol'1dl "Mrmic:ijpallil11Y" 1Shiailll: melan rthie OalUlI1ty 0[ E1gfun as piresootly IClOIIlStiltUltled lor laJSI mt mruyr :fl!'fam ,time :to tlime !be' COIID- iSltiltJuited dlu:rilnlg Itlhie !berm of !tlhis Agr.eemelIlft. '9. This AgreemeInJt 1Shiali1 lell1lUlI'le 100 rtIh1e ibenefilt off alUIdI be blinding upon :tJhie 'PaU'lties hereloOl, :theilI' ISlUiClc'essiOlI'S aII1ldi alSsiglI1S. !iN W1FI1N1ESS WHIE1RlEOF Ithe Parities !h:aiVle ihe~eulIlJto aIffbreid their' respelClti'VIe ICOI'lPol'lalte lSleaJJs dlulliy SAtltoot b~ the ha;ndis off thedirl propler s:iJgnJiJng ofiHCleil"s iIn ItbJaJt beb1aJif. 'I1HE A1DDBOROU1GIH TOWNlSH1IlP ARlEA SCHOOIL BOARD DOII1. A. Oampbellili, Clhiailrlma;n VilniClenJt R. BllIack, Selcll'eltla/I"Y THIE OORlPORiA'TIION ()rri1 'IlHIE COUNTY OlF ELIG[N RlUlSiSiel McKIiIbbirn, W1a1I'ldlen H. L. J1ohinJ&m, C1erlt 1156 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL - - INDEX - - GRANTlS - mgtiInJ ~0Il" Fmirn:iShliJnJgs ... ..... ................ ........ .............. ............... ................. 27 AlgrjJCIUIlItJUiTlail lamid! HlooitJilcml:tJUiTlallI SoclietiJes .. ..'............... ...... ......... .. .... .. ... 23; IOaJIliaJdJiJam; NlrutiJOIIlIaJ1 Th1isItiltutle [lOll' l1:lhie Bliinld: .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. 2rT 'l1hie iSa;l~aJti:OI1I AIDmY ... .,........................................... ....... ..................... ............ 216 UlIlJilVletrlSliJUY lof WlooteT'Ill OnltJaJrliJOI .. .. .. .. .... .... .... .... .. .. .. ... ....... ..... ... .. .... ..... ... 217 [JOIClM Ag/l':iJCluilltlUlI'ta1. O~fioe ... ... '" ............... ....... .................. ....... ......... ... ........ 212 [;aJW LilblI'laIT'Y laJIlId LIoClall Llilbirl3.ll'j!es ................................................ 23', 26 [jiJbl'lary' Co-OplelI'/altiiVle .......................... .......... ...... ................. ............ ......... ..... 23 MembelI'lships: OMIA............ 216, OlEA............. !23, iMlCIFOA............ 216 AiSSlOICliJaJtiJO!Ili lof M1ayiOll"iS alllld: lRJeelVe8 ......... ... .. ......... .. . 65 ISClbioliaJ1'lSh:ips . ... ........................ ............. .............. ...._.... ......... ............. .......... .... 214 'I1rruiSloees' lanld! iRaJbePlalYIers' AssociJaitiJam .. .. .. ............ .... .. ..... ......... .. ... ... 23 PiiCllIlleetr iMluseum ............................ ..... ........ ........ ...................... ............. ........ 26 RlepOI1tlers .. . . . . . . . .. ....... .... . . .. . ... . .... . -........ ...................... .... .... .......... . ..... .... . ..... . . ..... 133 li1oUil' ICOIUlnlties Hiospdluail .............................................................................. 217 ~iJ1IlisIanlbUil'g HiaspiJtJaJl .......... ........... ......... .......... ............... ........... .... ...... ........ 217 MlSOELLANEOUS: AipPOIiJIltmnelllt rof roeleglatJes, iRlePlI'lesenlt!aID.ilV1es ........................................ 14 OOlnlmrmiClaltJiO\!1lS ........................................................ 151, 612, 814, 1031, 111217 lClou:ruUy1 OffiJCi.iJal~, IMJuJruilcdpaJ. Clerlkls aIl1IdJ 'I1rIeiasUtreIIiS ........ .. .... ........ 2 'OolUrr1Juy CiOlUJnlcill .................. ................... ..... ............ ........ ............. ..... ................ 3 WlalI'Id!en's E[ecltliJOln .. ... ............... .. .............. ... ........................ .,.................... ...... 4 De!liegialtJ.i:0I1l1S ..... ...... ...................... .......... ................. .................... ......... ......... ........ 111 l~eciaJ Oommi:1Jtee iMjootinlg olf Cbulnlty rOoUlIllOil, Aug. 201, 19614: 1012 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNOIL 115,7 AipipoiJnJtme[1jt of iClOImmiltJbee IDa iSrtJudly \RruIlie1Si IalIl!dI !RiegfLlIDaltiol!lSl GioVielI111JiJrug.. lP'rioc:eedii'nlgls lof iClOUlIlIty C!Ou[1jCli[ . .... . . . . ... . .. ... . . .. . . 130 RJEiPORTS OF CO!MMITTiEIEiS AND OFF1ICIALIS - AiglI'IilC'UI1JtJUIl'Ial OommiltJtee .................................................. '212i, 761, 914, 1145 .FiJruaJIliciJal ,SIt:aitremelIllt EJ.gilll A.giflilcullltUlI'laIl OOITllI1lliJtlteJe . . . . . . . . .. . . . .... . . . .. . 29 O0ll1lllltJy O]erk on iLilCleIIllCies ....................................: ....................... ........ ....... 143' ,Elgliln iMJamJor Clommittee .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..... .. ........ . 214, 7,21, 90, 1i12\, 1145 OOUlnltiY Trlei3.ls:U1verr's Rlejpall'lt ...................... .............. ........ ....... ......... 9'11, 1136 ,EdlUlClaltilOlIl! ClamITlliitltree ........................................................... .... 2~1, 914, 11410 EquaJliZaltion .................................................................................... 215, 710<, 93 FmaJnlCie OammiJtJbee .. . '251, 1217, '69, 711., 912:, tll6l, 114i4 lLilbJ!'lary Co-Opetrlaroilve .................... ............. ............... ................... .......... ..... 413 !Elligiln! iOOUlIllty MJUlSlerulIIl .......... ~........ ....................................................,......... 45 E.M,O. 119i6!4 RepOI'!t .. .................................................... ... .... ........ ............... ..... 109 SUlpeI'l1nlDeJIlldJeII1!t, Ellgm lMiooor ...............:.......................................... ......... 146 BeltiltilalIliS lalnldLeg1iJsUlalt,i!alnlS Oa/mmiltloee .... .. .. .. .. ... .. : .. .. .. .. .. .. 218, 761, 95 PlriOlpierlUy' Oammiltlttere ....................................................... 70" 95',U7, 148 RJOIaJdI OommiltitJee ...................................... '315:,73., 916" 1I0121A, 11131, 136 Rle\POl'\t Iti()l Sit. ThI0ffilaJSI ,SluJbUJIfuIaJl1i RJoaJds OOlmmdlsLsruan ...... .. . .. .. . ...... 31 ISibalnldling OammiltrtJees ........................ ............ .............. .,......... ..... ....... ...... ...... 211 Weedl liruslplelcltlolr ........................ ............................................ ..... ................. ..... 11411 BY -LAWS - li8l4l9 - TlOI :~olW 'Up to i$l9101O,,010(};00 'aIS MalY Be Rlequir1ed From luhie BaJ11k lof MJO!I1ItJreall ................................................................... 46 11850 - A B:y-Laiw IDOl' RelPea~ By-Law No. 1:1816 olf Jth.e Ooulriitw lof E'lgiJru (RJe RJeffi7le lof Y'a1'lmOll1rtID Ha.ViiJn!g Twlal Vbtes irn. C,OIITlIIIlirtJtee .................. ................ ..~................". ..,c.................... .:.~.... 49 11518 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 118511 - '1'101 AmelnldJ By-["ja1w No. 1:696 Ald!justJinlg the SiaJiwy aiIlid Mi)]elalge .A]]QlWlalnloe m ItJhe EIlIgm ClOUiIllty R100d Supffi'lillli- telnldeIllt ....................... ......... ...... ........... ............................... ................ 50 m5~ - To SElt lfue 'DOIUaU Aiggl'lelgiaJte Via;llUJaltioll1l olf AlppIoil'ltion.- ffientt IOf OOUiIllOy Rlrube .................................................................. 511 118513 - 'I10 AJppodinit ,ru BOlrulidl of AUlct:iJt iin 'tJhie ClOlUlI1ltly of Eilgitnl 5~ 1181514 - 'I10 A1ppotIllt a ROald: OOlmmiJotJee .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. .. . .. . .. . ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 52 1'l~515 - '1101 ProviJdJe 11011" the DetruClhinlg of ltihie: ViTliag:e olf V,ierrma, IFIDOIm ltine TiI]1sOllIDumg HtgihiSchool DiJstTlilclt laiIlld kdlding it IUD ItJhie Eia:stEl~glin Higih ISClb!OOlI DiJsItJ:'1clt (Nalt Approved by !the Dept. of iEldJUlClruti1all1l) ...:................................. ............. 53 1181516 - RleslpeCltiln!g the We~glhit otf LIorud1s ,to Be ClalI'lI'1ed! OlIli VISbJilclles ............ ............................. ..................................................... 54 118517 - .AiuJtlhiQlriziJng !the V:illruge of 'Wiest Lm-nle Ito, Cbrnstruclt" ViSe, laJInldJ Orpel'laltle WI()l'lkiS. RequiJredJ :D0iI" Itlhiel TrlalIlsmdssliolIlr 100f WalDerr ............. .............................. .............................................. 56 1181518 - "1'10 AiplpOliiIllt (run linisIpec:uOi1" U:I1ldJeI" tlhJe ClalIllSltlI'lUiCition iSruf,etly :AiClt .......... ................... ........................ ........................... ....... 6i1 1118519 - '1101 lRJailse AimIOiUlI1ltS If tar ClOIUIIlItJy RirutlelSl DiUlriilng tihe YeaiI', ,119164 ............................. ............... ... .,............................,............... .......... n 1i860 - '1101 iC!(]n!firm Ithe ElqUlal]iZlaltilCU1 of ltihe ASSeSlSmen.lt RoUs of ItJbJe OOIUJIllUY 'of E]gdJIll .... .......... ....... .................. ...... ........... 79 118611 - '110 :PTioviJdle [lOII' ItJhe 1I9i6l4 NlalI'lmial ElxPanidfutUire3 an ,OoUiIllOy HlOOJdlsi ... .... .. ......... 80 118612 - '1101 PrlOlviJdie fOIl' Itbe ;1191614 S1..1lPPlllemelIlJtiary Elx!peJrudii.ltlUiI'es 'Oil] OOiUiIlltJy RJOIaJdlS ...... ............. ............................................. 811 1181613: - ''I101 ReiPetal By-ualw No, 1185:8 ,of Itlhie ClOIUnlt~ oif ElgilIll 82 '113641 - '110 AidijlUJSlo ltihJe ,Salau'y of ']V!aIIl ,J. PlrobbenslOn, Su:periJnJ- ItenldJent~, [of lE/~g.iJllI M.1aJn101I' .... ...................................................... 83 118615 - '1"10 Ainlnex Airieta IDO Ithe OeiIllUrtaJI E1g,iJn Hdgih SciOOlail DistJriJC!t ... ............ ..... ......... ....................... .......... 98 '11366 - "l1o Gl'Iatnlt laID Anin!wall RetiJremeiIllt .A!llowalIllCle (J. D. 'I'hiOiJ.TI.sIcm) .... . .................. . ................ ... ....... .................... 99 181617 - '110 Aiplpiorl:nlt 'a C'leI'1k...:T.ooa:su,rIar rn Ithe cOUIIllty 0If E:J.gin 100 ELQ]N COUNTY COUNOIL 169 11868 - '110 A{pp~lJnIt la DepulUy Cllienk-ll'rel8.:Slu["IeI' ia1J ttlhe Coun/tlf 100f El1igj;n ........................ .......... ....................................................... lIOi1 ,11869 - Piffillslron ,RJefiUlI1ldJs aIlld: PloClket MonlelY' to R/esidJe[]Jbs1 of i1Jhie iEl]g1iJn OQiUnlty Home If:or :tJhie <Aged .... ........................... 1118 11870 - TIoAiPlP01JIllt !a D€lpUI~Y TreasUl'i8lr fiOlr ItibJeE[gin Clonnlty' Hiome l:Dor th1e A;gred ............................................ .......................... 119 11871 - '110 .Aidijust Ithe SaJllaJI'y' lolf ltIhe Plh!Yis~cilaJllJ flail' EUig~nl Mirun.or 119 1181712 - '1'IaAimelllld: 'the By-Law AidiOlptimg a P~aJn oIf Ciaunty iRJolaJd Iimpro'V'emelIlJt ailld El;;itaiblishilng a C10lUlIlltiy ROiadl SYiSltem ............................................................................................. 1tllO lLI87131 - RJestrilClti[]g BaJrIkinlgr 1214 \118714 - '1'10 ClolIllfiilrm By-iLlaJW No. 114;97 IQIf iJhJe TlalWnship of B:a~am ........................................................................... ..... .... ..... ...... 149 118715 - '110 AiP!pomt la PhiyisilciaJn fOIr imlginl ~or ........................ 1601 1187ie - ,AiUJtb!oll'ltzirnJg Ithe A:]dlbiOll'lQugih 'I1oWill'slhip Area Sc\bJololl CBIOlaTldI ~to Oa:nlSltI'1UlCl~, Uisle, iMlId OpeII'laltie W o~ks RlequJired i!1Q1I'1 l1Jhe TI'lalI1ismilslSliOIll of Waiver .. .. .. .. .. .. . .... .. .. . .. .. ... .. . .. .. .. .. .. 150 RJESOLUT'IONS - iPelIDitilOlnl tlO ithe Minisltelf of Hig1hJwialylS ::tor SUlblSlidlY . . . ...... . .. . . . . .. . , .... 7 'I1bJaJt ,the lPtrovinCli!aJ. Gov8Il'[]menlt be ruSkierdl to inlvestiglaIDe the Ilelambililuy lof iamemJdlinlg iSedoilon 6H of tlhie OnltIail'IiO' iSleiClOIIlldlM'Y' Schloolls ialll\di BOaIDd!s of Ed'UiClaJUion Aiot . . .. ..... . m RJeqUlestilI1jg 'me Legi:S1a1ttVle Aissreunroil'Y flOlI' 100 !aIIlIIlJUIall SIUIblSliidly va, pruy OOIe-lhiallJf 100f Ithe ,Clost o[ :empl]OIY'imlg laJIli inlSlpecrtJOit" UIIlIdJW Itlhle ,COIIlJSIwuCltioIlJ ,SaJfey AJat .......... .. .. .. .. ... . .. ....... ... ...... !l.3 ResiJgIIlJalticm of Mr. LilloY'di Ol.lil1r .as SaJf,epy Iin!Spe'Cltlor ..............."... 6~ APlPoi'llItinlg 'Ilhoma;s OOlodlLaJll\d to lalllI OomrnJwtees ilfrllM bJis pI!e!dJeClesso~ served! laD ........ .......... .............. .......... .... .............. ...... 6~ '110 jlom ltJhe ASISIOIroalti!OlIl of lMJalY100's :aIIl\d! Reeves . . .. .. . . .. . .. ... . .. ... . .. ... 615 MaJkiiJnJg I3.1PPliJClaltiO'IlJ to rbllIe CiJty 100 st. 'Ilhioma:s !lOll' improvemelIllt of OlialdSvo[]e A'ViBIlJUle .......... ............................................ ............ 65 1160 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL iRiegaJrld1nlg . !peII'1ITlIaJIllem lempllOiYee:s ullIdier r1be UiIllem!p[o~tm!ent InsUiI'lanlce AJClt ... ............... ..... ......... ... ................ ... ... .............. ..... ... ... 10fa ThialnJkilng lMi~yJaif fi'alblbro lof iSUldibUll'Y' lf1b1r IClOIUIl'IDesy shlOlW1Ili rut tIlm MaiyJOI'ISi lood iRiewes rOOII1IVleInltiloo ............................................ 104 '1101 dinivilte Ia jumJilor bay lor 191ir:] glUiest .tD /jjhie first dJa(Y of the Nia'VI€lmlb€lr ISessioo, 110014 ...... .... ........................... ..... .... ................ 105 'DOl /Set RQaldi 'DoUlr DaJtes ............................................................................ 105 '1101 OOlnlfi!l'1rn By -1J3!W Na. 11419'7 I()If ilfule 'l'ownsihip of Ba~!hiam ...... ms iRe Flaw fior iSeilJedttngJuJI'!OII's .......... ........ ........................... ........... ...... ...... 129 'DOl A1ppa:Lnlt Mil'. G~MlIvme GIro/in IUOI ltihJe [E[l:gm CIofUJnlt~' Flairm ISiaJf,ety OOUlIllc:ill: ......................... ......... ................................ .............. 130