1966 Minutes PROCEEDINGS OF THE Elgin County Council During the Sessions Held in the Court House, St. Thomas In the Months of January, March, June, September and November 1966 H. L. Johnson, County Clerk. John McKinlay, Warden. Name Office Phone No. J. F. MclVLillan _n..__.County Judge mnm_.m.m...... ....m.. .__ 6~'1-46i10 Eugene P. Ray ......._..Co<Unty Court Clerk and Sh.eriff m. 6~1-0640 P. J. Gloin m"""""__," Clerk of th.e Peace and County Crown A'Horney F. .tt: B'arnum _m_,,__~._Ma,gistra.te, 'Judg~ ()f Juvenile Court Mrs. M. Walker ..___.m.Magis,trate's Clerk, J. P.) Clerk of Juvenile Court ___.mmm_m..m 631-7.300 R. Davis _.m........___._County Registrar m.n_m_n__.__m_m ~1-3015 R. S, Brown m.._._________J.ailor __.m__.___m____________mm____ 63i-3~72 E. D. Moore ______.u_~--__Supervising Probation Officer m_o___ 63'1-'3'430 B. Doan __.__.__m___m._Prolbation Officer m__.m.m.n__....__ 631-3~30 W. Canning __.m______._Pmbation Officer ____.m_______.__nm 631-3~30 if. L. J'obnson ....___._.__County Clerk-Treasurer _______.____. 631-1460 H. McLean ..____--_..---....County Assessor ____.m_______m.__.m 631-9660 R. G. Moore __.._________..County Engineer ________m_m_.__m.____. 631-5'880 N. J. Chatplow _...___Co,nstruction Safety Jnspector mm__ 631-686'0 l. J. Patterson mnm.__.SUlpt., . Elgin Manor mm__....______.._m 631-06'20 Miss R. Prowse ________.County Librarian _____.________m_m____._ 6~,3-0815 F'anjoy, Hennessey & ., Kempster _.".m_____._.'". County Solicitors A. Kilmer __mm__.____.._Division Court Clerk A. D. McCQlll ,",,___."______FUlblic School Inspector, Elgin No.1, 24 Wellington St. .... 6~1-0~93 R. E. ,Rawlings .........._.Pulbllc School Inspector, 'Elgin l'Io, 2, 24 Wellirugton St. .... 6'31-5560 Dr, A. B. iMcOallum -Jail Physi'cian, 616 Talbot St. ........ 631-G~OO Dr. C. A. GJ)aham -..--Elgin, l\ianor Physician, ,1M Ross St. A. V. Langton ----.-.-~-A,gricu1tuial "'Representative, 592 Talbot St. Claybourne Gordon --County Weed Inspector and Tree Commissioner, RR. 7, Shedden .... 764-2674 Fred Page Hig.gins County Auditors, & Co. ........_.........__.._ 1'36 Centre St. Dr;,' D; 'T., HalU'is, M. '0. H. ..........._...__Elgin.'St. Thomas Health Unit ......__ 631-9900 Carl Mtenberg .......mPlanning Director. ......____ ('London) 451-7659 County of Elgin Officials, 1966 631-1506 631-7300 631-0700 631-12'41 633-0000 631-4700 631-6260 Elgin County Council,. 1966 WARDEN JOHN V. McKINLAY Township of Aldborough Reeve Gordon Woolner" R., 1; ,Wardsiville _.__ 693-4285\ (Wardsville) peputy Reeve, p. G:iJlohrist, R..R. 1, W,est'Lorne ,"'__'_____'.;'-_~ 76H~1718 (West Lorne) Township, of Dunwich Re.eve A. Emce MoCa:llum, R. 2, Dutton 0........... 762"510.3 (Dutton) Deputy Reeve Kenneth M-dAlpine, R.R. 5, Dutton ....__...... 76'2-5~00 (Dutton) Township of ,Southwold Reeve Albeet Auckland, HlR. 7, St. Thomas _____u ........._ 633-0759 . (St. Thomas) DepuiyReeve Albert Orchard, Shedden ..........764-237'3 (Shedde!l1) Township of Yarmouth l~eeVe John V~ M'dKinlay, R.R.4, SK Thomas Deputy Reeve J,ohn Wise, tH.R. 4, St. Thomas . .775-2427 (SiParla) 631-3921 (St. Thomas) Township of Malahide Reeve G. 'E. !Brown, R.R.. 2, Aylmer Deputy Reeve W. R. Cav.erly, R.IR. 5, Aylmer 77.3-9'381 (Aylmer) 773-3047 (Aylmer) Township of Bayham Ree've C. D. Phillips, R.R. 6, Aylmer .....u.muuu 77~-2~18 (Aylnner) Deputy ReeVe Jalnes Ell;ott, 'R..R. 3, Tlllsonibuvg m."u..U____ 8~2-6684 (Tillsor;burg) Township ,of Souih Dorchester Reeve J. B. Wilson, R. 1, Springfield. ... 2,69-~995 (Harrietsville) Town of Aylmer Reeve S. J. Glover, Ayl<mer Deputy Reeve Forrest Moore, AyLmer _,__n 77~-8323 (Aylnner) "m'" 773-20~1 (Aylnner) Village of Vienna ReC'Ve 'K. C. ElmeTson, Vienn" ...........___....m 874-4460 (Pt. Burwell) Standing Committees, 1966 Village of Springfield Reeve hmes W. Barker, Slpringfie.1d ...._.......... 77~-1)293 (AyLmer) Administra1:~on of Justice Judge J. F. M1cMi'llan, and County Treasurer. Village of Dullon Reeve B. iE. Downey, Dutton ......m............_........ 762-2719 (!Dutton) Agricultural ChaiTman G. Woolner, McCallum, Auckland, Brown, . Phillips, Wiloon, and Warden McKinlay. Village of Pori SIan1ey Reeve Lorne Kei!l"r, Port Stanley ."......... 782-3~2 (Port Stanley) Deputy Reeve J.,hn Nemeit, iPort Stanley .._.....n.........__.. 782-3935 (Port Stanley) Centennial Committee Chairm,an TIVor (R;OlwJ.ey, Clarke, Wise, Moore, and _Wm:~d,en McKinley. Village of Rodney <Reeve Victor DSGraw, Rodney ____....._.........m.. 766-0200 (Rodney) County Roads C;nairunan ,G. E. Brown., Wilson_ PhiUi1ps. Auckland. Barker ,and Warden M'GKinlay. Advi..<;ory Road COl'l1lmittee - Woo1ner. McCaUum, Rowley Village of Weol Lorne Reeve Douglas Todd, West Lorne .,..m'_""" 700-t3{)0 (West Lorne) Elgin Ma,nor Ohairman W.'.It. CaiVerly, Auckland, Clarke, Todd, Warden McKinlay. Advisory _Elgin ,IManor- COlffimittee - Barker. Keiller. Village of Pori Burwell .Reeve lvor RJowley, Port Buvwell __"mn' 1174-412&2 (Por! Burwell) Children's Aid Moore. Gil\chris,t, Wdse. Village of Belmom Reeve C. N. Clarke, Belmont ________.......__.........__ 644-0570 (Belmont) Educ8ltion ClhaiDman Moore, Emerson, Barker, J)owney, N€\lllett, DeGraw, GilchTist., McAIpille. O.rcharq,Wise, O~verlY.,El~iot.t, Wi'Ison, . Todd. IRowIer" Gllarke. a'nd W1arden M.C'K.Jirulay. Equalization and Assessment Ch:ajrman B. ,E., Downey, Wo-oliner~ MiOC:allumf Auckland, Br.o~vn",:Phini'Ps" Wilson" Glover, Emerson. ,aark'e:r, ,KeUlor, DeGr~aw, Todd. Rowley. CLarke, and Warden McKin}ay. Finance Chairma.n C. N. . 'Clarke, Woomer, McCallum, Atickland, Brown, Phillilps, Wilson,' Glover, Emerson, Ba'I'ker, Downey, Keillor, DeGraw, Todd, :RiOlW'ley"aro.dWarden McKinley. Heallh Unil Howley, Keillor. 51. ThOmas;Elgin General Hospilal Emers-oll, Wise. >@ . -~ tP:;" . S is: " . " ~tJrn :-=CP.~ -" ~ 0 ",,[ p. -'" fl <>- :Tt;>j'" " S rn 6"~g. "Q ~ 0 Ql:j- ,,'. 0 0:+: 0 " ::;:" <D .....lof'1 o - ~ H>~::: o:+~g, p''' .... (D 1-0--= is: '" c. 5' g; bl !;;'" s ct rtd3 ~ 0 ::;: g,a;, t:l s. CD p.~ lS " ~~ -. ::l g - . 0 " \.l :T " ~. " (l" ~? Ji> td ~~i' li)og '< E. 'tS Q~g. l-'S;:s O' ;gz ~ ." @ p. ~ (l) tI:I "-a ~..c-t- ~ ~::;:tr ~ ~.S' 0. 0 S " " " ,,- l;I ~101" P':~ _. " a~ ~p ':0 ~ >6' .00 9 ~. ~ " " !"i ~~t-cI $2.l?:J~ ::<l ~ 1l ef ~ 5 0.00 I1l g e. ,,- 0 is:::;:o (') 1-'- ~ e1~ :::l :::l t+ br ~ ;- :< 9 ~ i:l ji ~ :;; - >6' .00 ~~ ~ ~. s;:::: fl:I F" ::;:r:> ~~ o F ;,q 'tI td S Ai' ~ S' " u e. !J> " Fi1'J'" e~ bl ~.~ R j); ffi 1+ ~::;:if ~o "1 g, it; " ." is: > os:: ~~ e.St ~ " .J" ill ." " CD " " " .. " .. :r CD o 0" 0:': S 0 e. 5- .. - tir,K" CD rn I ::l o ~[ ~ ~ 1l'" p g> :T o o - (l :;Y' " ~. " 'tI " = g; :-< n o o " " = 1+ " .. -' < CD ~ g.t':I a g I:d ." . w z 'g 5" ~ g e. C1! >< <1 ~~ s:: o "CD " "e: 00 0. = ~ " i ~ II ~ ~ 0 ;; A. 11 ~ .~ ~ ~. ~ g. '" " ~ ~ ~ '" " J" ~ 0;- " 0 ::IF o.>u """. ~8 "1,...,.. 0.'" l'" "" CD ". .. :;;: >? eo ~~ _. " " " ;-:=:: ~Q S ~ '" -" ::;: o g. " " -" (l :T " ~. S ~ ~ Q :!i " :< 'tI etdlt ii. ~ J:;: P1 0' ~..~ ; " f5'~~ ::l ~ Q.. ~ g. l'" .- CD o <So s.~, ~ iB P' ~. '< i:l 0 . p.. ; :>1 !B, '" o ." (l ~ ~ 9' Clerk MUNICIPAL CLERKS AND TREASURERS Treasurer ::;:~ "0;- " 0 it" " - :s::S: ~~ g~ ~? b:1bl ~ ~ .? :: >ul! g; ~ .00 Phone >,] o p;:;: = ~-$ Q = " S D' :!i () ~ ~. " " b:1 " t:l ". "'t1 :;:~ ~ :::l It:! ~~ 1'1 ~.. .g :s::S: ~ ,,-0':;- ;>;g -. " " - ~~ '" " .> >8 S' -'" b:1 ;:; :E " Q ~ " ." t1 " Q " ~ (l l'" ii>' 6' * &t .".:! . ~ b:' 0. g " ~ p. " '" '" " :;;: ~ !:r '" ~ g " o " t:l'" ",= o.,a - "':I: o 00 'S. ~ Phone Aldb(>rough __.C. I. BJa~k, Rodney .m._....._.m.. 785-0560 (iltod.) C. I..iBlaok ~.....mm"____ 785-()6ji{) (Rod.) Dunwich _.__~_Finlay M~Pherson, Dwtton _...... 762-2204 (Dutt.) Mrs. M. McNeil, Dutton.. 762,2204 (Dutt.) Southwo1d .~__ W. G. Blewett, Finga'l ____________ 7'69-20Hl<(Flng.) W. G. B1ewett____________ 769c2010 (FIDg.) Yarmouth ...m_L. M, Olde, 122~ .Tallbot St., St. TJ>omas 63,1-8460 L. M. Olde _______. __ 631-4860 ~St. Thomas) Mailahlde .___----L. M. VanPatter, Box 1164, Aylmer, 773-.2051 (Ayl.) L. M. v.anPatter __,._.___. 77,3-2051 (Ayl.) Bayharrn _._m___J. D. Val1ee, Strafford-ville ___ 866_5521 (Straff.) J. D. Vallee __________._. 86'6-'5521 (Straff.) South Dorchester _Fred Hide, RJR. 3, Belmont __.___. 773-2722 (Ayt) Fred Hide ~___ ____________... 773-.2723 (Ayl.) Aylmer m_._...J. S. Foy, Aylmer ....m~________"___ 7re.3164 (Ayl.) J. S. Foy ___._______m____..___,. 773-3164 (Ayi) Belmont _'m___W. O. Barons, Belmont ____________ 644--1071 (\Bel.) W. O. Barons ________._m."... 644-1071 (Bel.) buttJOn___~Z. E. MaoCall'UlIIl, Dutton ____,... 762-2410 (Dutt.) Miss Margaret Le;tch ._.__ 762-2717 (Dutt.) Port Burwell _._Mrs. Helen Wolfe, P!. Burwell 874-4343 (Pt. Bur.) Mrs. Helen Wolfe .mn . 874-4343 (P!. Bur.) Port Stanley ____E. L. McCall, Pt. Stanley ____ 7m,.3363 (P>t; Stan.) E. L. McCall __________ 782-3383 (Pt. Stan.) Rodney R F. Coles, Rodney ..._____m______ 766-0466 (:Rod.) R. F. Coles ___......._____ 785'-0466 (Rod.) &:.>ringfield ~Ralph Smith, SpringfieI.d m_____ 77'3--3118 (Ayl.) Ralph Smith ____.......____ 77~--3118 (Ayl.) West Lome __._..Mrs. Vera Reid, West Lorne ~ 768-1234 (WJL.) Mrs. Vera Reid ________. 768-1234 (WL.) Vienna _....... Jack Petrie, Vienna __________ 874-407!2 ~t. Bwr.) Jack Petrie .mnm._~ 874-~'m (PI. Bur.) PROCEEDINGS of the ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 9 :Election 9f Warden waspl'Ocee'dedwith aIIld on the 1st bal~ lot, Mr. John Mt!Kirilay was declared Warden for the y~ar 1966. Moved by Ree,veWoolner, Seconded by Reeve Phil1i"s: That the election of W:arq'enhe m'ade unanimous. FIRST SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 18th day of January, 1966 The Elgin County GouneH met this day at the Colitrt House, St. T,homas,. as r,equirred by St'a!bute. 'Tbe foUowing members filed Certif-lcates and 'took their seats at the Council Table: GO'l'don Woolner, E.,ewe A~dlbororu.gh :pUlnoan GilIchrist, Derputy Reeve, Aldlborowgh A. ETuee MdC'illlum, Reeve, Dunwitfu Kenneth M'CAlpine, Delputy Reeve, Dunwich Albert AucUand, Reeve, Soutbiwo1d AIbett Orchard, [)eputy Reeve, .Soutbiwald John M,c[Kirilay, Reeve, Yarmiouth John Wise, De'puty Re,eve,' Yiarunouth G. E'. BrolWll, Reeve, Malahide W. R. Oarverly, Deputy Reeve, 'M'aI.ahide C. D. Pihillips, Reeve, Bayham James Elliott, Deputy Reeve, Bayham J. B. Wilson, Reeve, South Dor-chester Sydney J. Glover, Reeve, AJyl1mer Forrest Moore, Deputy Reeve, Aylmer K. C. minerson, Reeve, Vi-enna J1ames W. Ba'rker, Reeve, Sprilllgfield B. E. Downey, Reeve, Dutton Larue Keinor, Reeve, Port Stanley , Victor DeGraiW, Reeve, Rodney Douglas Todd, Reeve, West Lorne Ivor Rowley, Reeve, Port Burwell C. N. Clarke, Reeve, Belmont Moved by Reeve Phillips, Seconded by Reeve Brown: That we adjourn to the Court Room for the election of War~ den. -'Carried. ~Carried. : 'Dh.e,Wm'deri tha,niked :the members of Council for the honour 'conferred and took the [)eclaration of Office. Ex-WctrdenLei~cploon[gratuJ.ated Wafl:denM'cKinlay on his ele:ction ai1dpresented h'inj,witili the Lord EI,gin watch .and ~he ,ga.:yel' 9f" off.ice. ~he mem!bel'is of Ooundl re-,convened to the County Council Chaanfbers and transacted the :floHQlwing business. Moved by Reeve Woolner, Seoonded 'by Deputy Reeve Gilohrist: That the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday .the 8th day O'f DecCllIllber W65, as printed and distTlbutedbe adopted. .......O.rried. '.rfu:e fo.l1,awing 'commun'icati~ns ~ere read and referred to their v'ar.ious Committees: ~roqn1fue Association of" QUDail'1o, May.ors, and Reeyes with ,re.. quest for llVIemibershi,p. - !Referred to the Finance Oounmittee. > ;Fr-~ the Departmenf of LaJbot.trannounrqing a sem-inar for tnspeot<Jrs apipointed under the Consm-uciion Safety Act......... Re- ferred to the Roads Committee. . From ~he. Salvlation . Army with. req.uest. f:Dr ig:t:ant. ;-:-R,eferred fo the Finant:e CQmmitiee. ., From tile Ontario School Trustees' and Ratepayers' Associa- tion with request for Memlbershi:p. . ---:. Referred to. the Educationa:I COlnmittee. From the A!soodation of iJ.Y.IiunidpalOlerks and. TreaSurers re'.. questing MeJUiberSllia>. .~ Referred to th~ Finance. COmmittee. FT.onn the-University af Western Ontario with request for grant. - !Referred to the Finance Goomnittee. 10 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 11 iFrom James J\1. Oameron and Ral1)h E. Cotterill re Planning, elc. - Referred 'to the Planning CQITIDIittee. :From the Asso.ciation of Rural Municipalities wi~h request for Memlbership. - Referred to the Finance' Committee. From the Mus'cu}ar Dystrophy Association of Canada..with :request for - grant. - Referred to the Finance Connm'ittee. [Fil'iom the La'ke Er.ie Regional iDewelo.pm,ent Aissolciation re~ questing the aJppoin-tmentof representa1tive's. -R-eferred to the Finance Coonmiitee. [From ", the Canadian National Institute for the Blind with re- quest for ,8 gr,antinsupiport of the Institute's seflvices and a grant tOlwards the iCost of an addHion to ':Vweedsmuir Hall. - Referred to "the - 'F,inance Committee. 'Froon the Canadian 'MeditC-Alert Foundation IncoTiP'orated with request for .grant. - Referred to tlhe'Finance COmimittee. From .the Ontario Good'Hoads Association with request. fOT lVlemlbership 'and announcing a seminar for mennlbers of Council. ~ Referred to the Roads Coomnittee. ",-From Mr. T. M. Fielder, Centennriall Field Representative re a County Centennial Co~or"dinatinrg Comrmittee. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the City of St. Thomas Police Commission a letter re~ garding the retention of the, Aylmer Police College in this area. - FHed. FromoDr; E; S.'Hagemnana let1ter of atIlpreciatioI1:f:orthe sup~ portgiveniby c.ounty Coun'cil with reSlpect to obtaining a Com~ munity College ~or Elgin C<>unty.- Filed. From the University of Western Ontario announcinrg that Mr. Theodor. W. Melnyk, Riodney, Ontario, and !Mr. Ri'chard Butler, R.R.Ne. 1, St. Thonnas, Ontario, wer:e the winners of the Elgin OQ\lnty Scholarshirp for'1965. - Filed. From St. Leonard's House 'with request for gl1anrt. :- 'Re!ferred to iihe Finance Comm'ittee. Fr<llltl the Children's Aid Society of the City of St. Thomas and the County df Elgin with 1966 iBudget.- Referred to the Finance COImmittee. From the City of St. Thomas with .aPlP-ointment to the Elgin County Pioneer MuseUlIl1 Hoard. - 'Referred 10 the Finance Com- mittee. F1rom 'the Women's 'Institutes of East and West Elgin with ap- pointnnents to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Boaxd. _ He.. ieTred to the Finance Commit,tee. From the, Western Counties Guernsey 0100 with request for grant. - Referred to the Algr,icultural Coonmi'ttee. Fl'om the :A.ssociationotE Ontp.rio Counties with request .for memlbership. ~..(Referred to the Finance C()ffirnittee. !From the Elgin County Junior Farmers re Centennial PI'O~ jects. -. Hefer-red 1:0 the AgricuHur:al Committee. (Fro'm the Miinister of HigbJ\vays 'a letter of atpprec,iation re Engineer R. G. Mnore serving on the County Engineers' AdlVis.. 'oiy Com1mittee. - Filed. From the Bank of Montreal with invitation to Dinner, Janu- ary 20th, 1006. - Filled. :HIram the S'LThomas ISuburoanRo,ad COU1llffiission with report of '1900 ex.penditures and estimates for 1966.- Referred to the Road Comm'ittee. :~qved- Iby Reev~.: Emerson, Seconded !by Deputy Reeve Orchard: The the W,arden and Clerk be 'authorized to sulbmit to the Minister -of Highrw,ays of Ontario, the petiti{)n, of the Oounty olf Elgin showing that from the first day of J'anuary, 196'5, until the 31st day of lDecemlber, 19,65, there has been ex.pended on the County Highway System the sum of $85'5,9~'5.23. 12 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FIRSTSESSIOIj' - SECOND DAY Wednesday, Ihe, 191h day of January, 1966 The IDI~in Coun1y Council met this day at the Court House, St. Tholmas, in accordanice wHh -adjourmnent. The Wal'den in the Ohair. AU MemIJers present except Deputy Reeve Nemett. A letter ~ram the IIWtary CIUlb o~ St. Thomas requesting sup- 'Port for the!RJOtary MJIsic, F~stivai was presented and referred to the F,inance Oommittee. A request frOlpl' the Elgin School Trustees' anq. Ratepayers' AssodaHon xor their Annual grant was referred to the Ec1uca~ Han C:ommittee. [t was moved by Reev,e Phillips t'het IMr. Langton Ibe now heard. Mr. Langton addressed the Council on farm, condition, re- partso! farm clufbs, etc., and requested a grant for 1966. Th. W,arqen th.niked Mr. Langton and' referred t4erequest to the Agricultural Committee. The report of the ISipecia1l C0111ll1littee to strike the Standing Committees lfor 1:9166 was presented by 'Reeve' Clarke' and adopted on m.otion,of Reev.e Clarke and Reeve Emerson. Move~ Iby Reeve PhilHps, Seconded ~y Reeve WTlson: ').'h~tnvOT R-orwley, Nelson Clarke, John Wise and Forrest M;oore be 8,lppointed to the Centennial Oommittee. ---Carried. Moved by Reeve Woolner, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Gilchrist: Tha~ by-llJ);v ntvmJber 1~09, "TQ appoint a County lRoadCom- mUtee" !be read a fh's't t'ilIIle. ---Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 13 DeGraw: nttmftJer .1909 he read a second time. --Cal'ried. Deputy Reeve McAIlu;>ine: number 19-09 be read a third time and finailly -Carried. by Reeve Todd: do ll:~m adjourn to meet January 19th,' at 2:00 p.m. ---Carried. of the Agricu!tur.al Committee was presented !by and -adcxp1;ed on motion of Reeve Woolner and report of the Finance Committee was presented by and adopted on motion otf Reeve Clarke and Reeve of .the Equalization and Assessment Committee was i:>y !Reeve J])owncw and aclopted on motion of !Reeve and Reeve Woo1nex. ~y Deputy Reeve Caverly, by Deputy Reeve Wise: t'he Warden and the Cle11k of the CQunty of Ellgin ~e and authorized to sign -certificate regardinlg the fomowing employees of the COl'por<rtion for eXllmIPtion of contr!- as !provided under the Regulations of the Unemployment Act - Mr. Leslie Sawyer and Mr. Jos'lPh Carter. 14 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 15 Moved by Reeve Woo1ner, Seca"ded by Deputy Reeve Gil~hr]st: 'I1h'at we do Thaw 'adjourn to meet on Thursday,Jranuary 20th, at 10:00 a.m: FIRST SESSION - THIRD DAY -Carried. Thursday. the 20th day of January, 1966 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordanee with adjournment. All members present except Deputy Reeve _ N emett. The Warden invited the delegation from the Canadian Na:" tionalInstitute for 'the Blind to SlPeakl and \Mr. StaniBurns of St. Thorrnas, introduced -Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Joe Caruk~ Mr. Wheeler addressed Goun'C'il, reporting on the work of the CanadianlNationall Institute 'for theBlindahd requested '3 grant in support of the work of the Institute, and also a ,grant towards the cost of an addition to ']weedsmuir Hall. Mr. Caruk also spolke briefly to Council. The Wa:rden thanked Mr. Wheeler and Mr. CaJ:1uk and referred their request to tii~ F,inance Committee. IRieeve K. C. Elmerson moved that the delegation frOlIn t'he Universi,ty of Western Ontario be now heard. lMr. Fraser Bowland addressed Council reporting on enrol- ment, sources of revenue, etc., and requested a grant for the Unw iver~ity. ' The Warden thanked Mr. Bowland and referred the request 't6'th'e Finance Committee. !Reeve Phillips, reported on, the progress m,adeto date in the pr'eparatio-n otf a trailer iby--law. Warden McKinlay direoted that the SeUect. Committee O!I' Reeve -PhilliJps, ReC'Ve EIll\erson and ReC'Ve Wilson, appointed in If965 'by Warden [,eitch, continue' with the various undertakings as~gned to ,it, and Ibring then1 to, ,cOlffipletion. Moyed :iby Reeve ,Woolner, Seconded by Reeve Todd: JDhat: /We-do now adjourn to ,meet again 'on Thursday, Janu- .ary 20th, at 2:00 p.m. -Carried. l6 .ELGlN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN C01JNTY COUNCIL 17 Council re-'conven~. 'Moved hy Reeve Woolner, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Gilchrist: That by~law nwmber HHO, liTo appoint a Board. of Aw:iit in the County otf Elgin for the Year, 1966" <be read a first time. Tbe report 'af. the Education Committee was presented by Heeve Moore and adopted on motiJon .of Reeve Moore and Deputy Reeve Caverly. The report of the Property cOIlllIIrittee was presented <by Reeve Downey. and adopted on motion of Reev:e Downey aI)Jd De~ Pllty Reeve McAlpine. ']:'he wcond rep9rt of the Finance committee was presented 'by Reeve ClaJOke and adJolPted 9n motion of :Reeve Clwke and Reeve Wooln-er. Tl1e report of, the :planning Committee was presented by 'Reeve Pl1iIlips and ad~ted 9n motion of Reeve :PhllIips and Reeve Olar~e; The report of the Roads Committee was presented lbyReeve !>l'i>Wn and 'ad<;>pled 9n motion of Reeve Brown and Reeve Wool- ner, -Carried. Moved 'by Reeve Todd, Seconded hy Reeve DeGraw: Tl1at "hy-la<w number 1910 be read a second time. -Carried,: Moved by ifl,eeveIVJ;cCaUum, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McAlpine: That by-law number 19'10 Ibe read a third tiOne and finally passed. Mo"ed by Deputy Reeve Wise, S.econded by Reeve Clarke: That Ivor RowIey 'be atpIpointed Chairman otf tl1e County Cen- tEmnial comm:ittee. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by Reeve M<,Callwm, Seconded !by Deputy ReeVe McAlpine: That By-law nUJm!ber HIll, "To Authorize the Waxden and 'l.'reasurer. to Borrow the 'UJm of One Million, Two Hiundred Thousand Dollars," (he read a ODSt time. rrl1e Warden appointed the following delegates to 'attend the v.ariousCODvent'ions: Olltariq G90d ;(Wadi; - !>aa'ker, Pbilli,ps, Elliott, Glover, !\oW- ley, Auckland, MoAJlpine, Giulcl1rist. Ontario EduoationalJ. Association - Wilson, Moore, E1m,erson. fI'reasuer. -Carried. Ontar;o Municipal AJsso-ciation - Wilson, Ciarke and C1erk- TxeaSUTer. Moved by Reeve Downey, Seconded by Reeve Aucl<;iand: That by-laIW nuritberl9:t1, tbe'-reard A,'second time. Ass<>-mati<m of Ontario .Mayors and Reeves - Keillor, Brown, Caverly, Barker, C1aJOke, Pl1i11i1!lSi Rowley, Downey, iMoOallum. -Carried. IS ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Reeve Emerson, Seconded -by Deputy Reeve Orchard: That hy"law nU!rnlber 191.1, be read a third time passed. and finally --Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Caverly, Seconded by Derputy Reeve Wise: 'Dhat Iby..;}aw nurnlber H)Jl!2'1 "A iby:-laJw to Corufirun Iby.'la:w num- her 1601 O'f the Township of Ma1ahi,*, Being a iby-1aJW for'stop- ping, Closing 'UIp aIld Conveying the Westerly 44 Feet of that Part O'f Vicl\oria Street lying North of Water Street according to Plan 55 for the Village !Jf Port Bruce, and ~or Fixing and dedaring the T,erms upon whioh the same shan ibe disposed of and conveyed," be read a first time. JYIi\>ved hy Reeye Broy;n, . Seconded by Deputy. Reeve Wise: 'T'hat'by-la.w nmnlber 1912, be read a second time. Moved by Deputy Reeve Caverly, ~econded by Reeve Brown: ']hat by-law n1llIIllber 1912, 'be passed. -Carried. ."...carried. read a third time and finaHy -Carried. Mov,ed by Reeve iRowley, Seconded by \R:eeye Emerson: Th!,t by-ffiaJW number 1~13, "A by-law to Set'tbe Total Aggre- gate Valootions for APportionment O'f County Rate in the County of E~gin in ,1,966/' be read a first time. _Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ~. / 19 Moved by Reeve Emerson, Seconded ;by Reeve R1owley: That Iby-Ia'w nuanfber 19>1,3, be .read a second time. -Carried, Moved by Reeve R(}w1ey, Seconded !by Reeve Emerson: That by..law number 19-13, be read a tlhird time, and fInally ,passed. -Oarried. "Iy.foved by, Reeve Barkerl Seconded by Reeve Wilson: That Iby-IaJW ntm:n;ber 19-14, "A by-law to Authorize the Ex- propriation of Land f'Or the Purpose ofWLdening and Improving: County Road," be read a iir:st time. --Oarried. ,M:Qyediby Reeve Cla~ke, Seconded 'by Reeve Phillips: What by-law number 19-14, be re~d a second time. -Carried. Moved Jby Reeve Wilson, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Elliott: Thathy-Jaw numlber 1914, be read ~ third time, al1dfinally i><lSsed. . -Carried. 20 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Reeve Wilson, Secondwby Reeve Olavke: That hy,law Il~miJ:ler 19,15, "Re~pectillg the Weight of Loads to . 'be Qarried on Velhicles/' be read a first time. ---Carried. Moved hyReeve Pbrllilps, Seconded by Reeve Barker: Tp.at bY-)~w n1)Ulj\:)er 1'915, 'he read a secoru;l time. ---Carried. Moved by Dep~ty Reeve Elliott, Seconded hy Reeve Wiloon: That by"IOlw nwmlber 19'15, be read a third time, and finally passed. ---Carried. MO'Ved 'by Reeve Phlllips, Seconded by Deputy Reeve EUio~: T.rat by-ilaw nUlmber 1916 of the Clorporatioll of the Cc>unty of Elgin RestrictinJg the Weig'ht ot Vehicles Passing OVer Bridges, be read a first tim,e. ---Carried. Moved by Reeve Clarke, Seconded by Reeve WilsOll: That by-IaIW numlber 19116, be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Ba1<ker, Seoonded by Reeve Wilson: Th"t by"laIW nu!ll1iber 1916, be read a third time, and finally passed. ---Carried. .ELGIN 'COUNTY 'COUNCIL 21 Moved by :Reeve' Todd, Seconded by Reeve DeGTaIW: That we do no adjourn to meet again c>n March 16,th, 1'966, at 10:00 a.m. -Carried. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. J. V. McKINLAY, Warden. 22 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL REPORT OF SPECIAL coMMITTEE TO STRIKE THE STANDING COMMITTEES January ,Session, 1966 . To the Vi ai'den, and Metrnlbers of the Elgin County Council, rr1he ~oUO'Wing i,s the rf'..port of the Special Commi ttee to strike the S.taridi~g Committees for the year, 1966: Administration of JusHce .,....- Judge J. F. McMillan and County Treasurer. Agricultural _ Woolner, McCallwm, Auckland, Brown,Phillips, Willson, and Warden McKinlay. County Roads _ Brown, Wilson, Phillips, Auckland, Barker, War~ den M,eKinlay. Advisory Road Committee - Woolner, Mc- Oallum, Rowley. Elgin Manor _ Caverly. Auokland, Olarke, Todd, Warden M'CM Kinlay. Advisory Elgin Manor Committee - Barker, KeilH ier. Children's Aid -:0 Moore, Gilchrist, Wise. Education _ Gilchrist, McAlpine, Orchard, Wise, Caverly, Elliott, Wilson,' M'oore, Emerson, Barker, Downey Nemett, DeGraw, Todd, Rowley, Clarke, Ward;en McKinlay. Equalization & Assessmen:l: - Woolner, iMJcCaUum, Auckland, Brorwn, Bhillips, Wilson, Glover, Emerson, Barker, Downey, Keinor, DeGra:w, Todd, Rowley, Clarke, Warden McKinlay. Finance _ Woolner, McCallum, Auckland, Brown, Phillips, Will- son, Glo:v,er, Emerson, Barlker, Dorwney, Keillor, DeGraw, Todd, Rowley, Clal!ke, Warden MCKinlay. Heallh Unit - Rowley, Keillor. S:I:. Thomas~Elgln General Hospi:l:al - Emerson, Wise. Tillsonburg Hospital - Elliott, J;..ibrary Board _ Glo'V,er, DeGraw, Clarke, Warden MoKinlay. Proper:l:y _ Downey, Moore, McAlpine, Brow~, Warden McKinlay. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 23 Museum - Todd, DeGraw. Petulons and Legislations ,,""':'" Barker, Rowley, Elliott, Orchard, Keillor, Caverly, ,and"Warden MdCinlay. Legal '- Auokland, Wilson, Phillips, Downey, Glover, Woolner, Warden MdK'in;lay. Emergency Measures ,Organlza:l:ion - Orchard, Nemett, 'Warden McKinlay. Public School Consultative Committee - Wilson, M'cCallulIIl, 'Brown, Phillips, Warden McKinlay. Repres~ative on Norfolk Secondary' School Consultative Com.. mi:l:iee - Emerson. Planni~g Commi:t:tee -:-- Emel'ison, Phillips,Woolner, Auckland, avr'cCal1wm, Wilson, Brown, Glover, Warden' McKinlay. Personnel COmmittee - Emerson, Wilson, the Chairm.an of the Fi'l1'~nce GOill1ll11ittee,and. Warden McKinlay, and . we. recom~ mend that Item ('1) of the re:port of the Select Committee on salary revision for. employees of the County.. 9'f ELgin, adopted /lit tlhe Noveunber 19'66 Session of the Elgin Coun- ty,C'6uncil bearmended to read.."That a Personned Commit- tee composed of. the W,arden, the C~airman of the. F.inance Committee, and three .members of County Counci'l beap- pointed earch year at the January Session," and that Reeve .~. D. Phillips be added to the above named Committee for . 1966. Reception and Entedainmenf: - MciGaUum, Nemett, Wilson, Em- eroon, PhiHilps, Clarke. Rowley, and Warden M.oKinlay, Glorver. We recorimnend tlhat each Go!InlIliittee meet and appoint a Qhahunan . .as SOOn as possible. All Cl'f which is respecUully submitted. C h': C. N. CLARKE, Chairman. .?4 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ElLGJJjJ:COUNTY COUNCIL 25 BY.LAW NO, 1909 "T 0 A~p:pin:l: a COU,J7.ty ~oad Committee~' .As required by the HignW,ay Act, the Elgin County enaots: 'I1HAT the .following five melllllbers of this CouncU constitute a Committee' for the' rpuvpose of directing the work to. be d'Oneon the OOt>nty Rc>ad System: CouncH 3. That the memlbers of the aJbove Committee be paid mem- hers; wages, for their'ser-vices; ',' 4 That the grants to the Agricultural and Horticultural So, cieHes"pe on the same !basiS as lalst' y.ear, equall to the Provincial grants. '5:. .lfhat the request. 'of the Western' Counties Guernsey Club for"~ ,~ant;_'be' laid' over to,- the March Session. <6. ThaJt the Elgin Oounty-, _Juii'ior Fa~mers' }beg~ven a grant of $300.00, sulbdect to the Agr,icultura1 and Hor-ticultu1'81 SO'Cieties Branch"of-the"Ontario Dapartm,ent .'of,' Agriculture approving of the projec~s, to ,'be carried out 'by the Junior Famner8 andtJhe money 'to he administered_ through the local Dept. of AJgri'CuJture, <>Mice. All c>f which is respectfully submitted. GORpON WOOLNER, Chairman. J. B. Wilson - for Tel1lll afOne Ye~r. C. D. Phillips _ for Tel1lll of Two Years. J. W. BaI1ker - for T,erm of Three y,ears O. E. BroW'll _ for Te)'ffi of Four Years. Albert Auokland _ for Tel1lll of Five Years. 'I'IJ:A:T By..JJOJW No. 1877 Ihe, and is hereiby repea1~d. RElAD a first time this 19th day of January, 1966. ~W<\P i>sepond time this l&ttl1 d~y of January, 1900. RiEJA-D a third time, and finally passed, this 19th day t>ary, t966. FINANCE COMMITTEE. REPORT of Jan- .January Session,..198S.- First Report To the Warden, arid Memlbers of the Elgin C'ounty Council, ,The F.inanceC9l111Jn1.itt~. reports, as follows: 1. That Charity and Weliare Pay List No. U for $901.75 and p.ay List No. 12 for $6~0.1o, be approved. 2. That Children's Aid Society Pay List No. 11 for $3,383.75 and Pay List No. 12 for $3,270.87, be ap!proved. "g. That th'e Warld~n. (lnd ,Trea'sure~he. authorized to borrow up to $1,200,000.00' .fromthe Bank of Montreal as may Ihe required, and ,that aby-lll!w ,beprClPared. 4. That a grant of $500.00 be made to the' Salvation Army. 5. That · the usual grant of $50.00 to' the Law 'Li.brary be paid. 6. . That the memlJershilp fee of $10.00 in the MunicIpal Clerks' and Treasurers' A;ssociation he paid, and the Clerk-Treasurer' at~ tend '. the Convention witfu e~enses paid. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. J. V. McIqNLAY, Warden. ~GRIcl!I.TUilAI. COMMITTEE RJ;:PORT, 'I'o the Warden, and MeIIllIbers of the Elgin County Council, 'I1he 1\gricultural Oommittee reports as follow.: l. 'l'hat a grallt Q.f $3,000.00 be made to the 1000.1 aJgricultura1 ojlflce for farm' organizations alld junior farllller and institute 'gro1liPs in the Goollty of Elgin, for 1900. 2. That the Warden, Reeve Woo1ner, alld Reeve Auckland, Ihe a Clm1imittee to allocate the g1'811t. 26 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 7..%at Reeve J. B. W'ilson, Reeve K. C. Emerson, and De- puty Reeve R. Carson be paid memlbers wages fa!!:' attendance at hOlspital, ll1eetingsduring 1:9t35" and that Reeve McCarthy and Reeve R<>wley 'be !paid an addition"l $~.OO per meeting attended on the Health Unit in J966. 6. That the follorwing oonstitute the Board of the E,gin Pi- oneer MuseUlm !for 19116.- Mrs. J. R. FulJcher, Mrs. J. D. Gal- braith, Mrs. CiharlesPhiUips, Mrs. Paul Jefferies, Mr; M. C. Moore; Douglas Todd, and Viclor DeGMw. : If. That a g..ant of $600.00 pe made to the E,gin Pioneer Mus- eum. 10. 'l1hat the memberShi(p fee in the Ontario Munioipal As- sodation be paid, and the Warden to appoint delegates to attend the Oonvention. H. That the request O't the M""",ular Dyotrophy Association for a grant, be filed. 12. 'J1hat pay!l11ent of gr.ant of $16,000.00 for 1966 to the Till- s-onlburg Hospitall ,be' authorized. 12. That we join the Association of Ontario M,ayors and 'Reeves, and that the memlbershirp fee, be p'aid', 14. That the grant of $3.000.00 for 196,6 to "Beattie Haven," b. withheld, and that !Reeve Clarke, Reeve Todd, and Reeve Woo1- ne.r"be a COl1l1lmittee'to,investiga~e the operation of "Beattie Ha- ven/'and report back to Council. 16. That the request of the Canadian MecHe-Alert Foonda-tion Inc. for a gr,ant, 'b,e filed_ 116. That, tl1€ request of_ th~ Ontario Association ,of Rural Mun~lcipalities ,for a -memlbership, be' filed. 17. That we join the Lake Erie Reigionall Developllllent As- socia,t.ion ~or 19~16. ,16. That the letter from T,M. Fiel-der, be :filed. 1'9. That the request of St. Leonard's !House for a grant, be filed. 20. That the 1966 Budget of the Children's Aid Society otf the ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 27 City of St. Tho'lUas, and the County O'f ElgIn requiring $19,348.31 to !be raised by the Ci?'Uuty of Elg,in," :be awrorved. 21. That the memlbership fee in the AssOIciation of Onta.rio Counties be paid., and the Warden to a:ppoint dele1gates to attend the . Meetings. 0\2. That Mr. Charles 1. Blaok and De1mty Reeve Elliott be ~P'P.~inted C{)'lill,ty, of ElgiI1 representatirves on the Lake Erie Re- gional Development Association !{)r 196:6, and that these mem.. bers 'be paid the same remuneration as COm111'tttee members, "but without mileage allowance. All of ",hieh is respectfully submitted. C. N. CIL.A.RKE, Chairman. EQUALIZATION AND ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1966 To the "Warden; and Memlbers of. the <IDlgin County Council, The Equa'l-iz,a1tio,n and Assessment Oommittee reports as fol- lows: 1. That the ,ad1us'bmelllt of valuations on which grants in lieu of ~'taxes - 'rwere (paid in - 19615 as - - prejpared by. 'the County Assessor, 'be"approfVed. 2. That a By-Law to set the total aggregate v"luations for apportlol1!lnentof Coun'tyRate in the County of Elgin;n 1966, J:>e prepared. 3. That Mr. McLean's ap,poin'bm,entas D1re'ctor at large on the Lake Erie Regionnal Development 'Association; be approved. 4. That the County Assessor be asked toolbt'ain estimates with respect .110 the cost of equipment necessary to implement a county assessinentsystem and that the estimates be included in the 1966 buwget. All of which is res-pectful1y sub:mitted. B. E. DOWNEY, Chairman. 28 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 29 EDUCATION COMMITTEE .REPORT January Session, 1966 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT January ,Session. 1966 To the .WCj.rdeu1 and Members Of th~ E/lgin County Couhcii, The Property Committee reports as fol1orws: a.', ! That Governor R. 8.B1"own' bas been instl'1uct-ed :to- ii1&tall a ventHation vent in the women:squarters of the jail in. accord~ ance with the Grand Jw:y Repprt jJp JI4r. JusU<:e ~ich.a"~9n. 2. That Mj~s S4ei!~ ;DuckwQrbh has been engaged to work in the C'lerk-Treasur.er's office! at' a sallary of $3,1200.00 per annum. G. 'iIt is recommended thalt tihe HW6 Property Committee ha,ve a survey made to determine the needs of the various depal"!"- ments wirth reSjp.ect to ofr,fice"spq.;ce.. 4. Tenders are ag~:in :lJeing. cl111edforthe installation of new heati~.gequ~ln~l}t i;n the Co~r.t House. 6. ICombination ~topm windows a~q. s'creE;ns a.1'e beingipstalM led on the windows of the Council Chamlber ata cost of '$214.51. 6. The tender of H. G. Medly-n has beenaGc.m!ed ~Qr red~- coratinlg tlhe Court Room, Jury Room, Hall, artd'(fiestrooirl 'at a C9$tQ1 $1195.0'0. All of which is reopectful1y sl1'l;xmittelj. B. 1;;. POWNEY, Chairman. The ;Edu<:ation Committee Reports as follows: 1. That a gvant of $200.00 be made to the Elgin School T.rus- tees and Ra tepapers' Association. 2: That we reneviour, m.ernJbership in theOntari"o Educa- tionaJ1 AssoGia tion and the Warderi to aJ!.l'point delegates to attend Jihe Annual' Cmwention. 3. That a scholarship grant of $100.00 e""h, be made to the boy and girl from Elgin County attending the University of Wes- tern' Orutario,and aVtainifilg the highest academic standing. In <:ase a boy or girl does not quali!y the llIWard may be given to the two tOll' students. 4. That a grunt of $100.00 he made to the 'boy from Elgin County attendiIlg the Ri<lgetOlWn Agricultum1 School and atta.in- ing the hig!llest pass standing. 5. 'I1hat Mrs. L;nons be appointed to the COUlnty Library Boa~d for three years, '!'hat Mrs. F. Barnum he ap,p<>iIlted to the County Lib~aTY Boardfo~ two years. That Donald Leitch be ap- lPointed to the County Dlbrary Board for pne year. . 6. That. High School Consultative Committee be formed. 7. 'Dhat Reeve ,DeGraJW, Reeve Emerson, and Reeve Wibson, be the County appointees on the High School Consultative Com. mittee. 8. '1'hat P",bllc Sch<lOl !riatpector Alex. McColl !be iIPIPOinted to the High Schoo! Consultative Committee. 9. That the 1966 Budget of the Elgin County Publl<: Lilbrary requii'ingY2 mill 'be' 'approved. All of which is respectfully su'blmitted. FORREST MOOltEl, Chairman. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1966 - Second Report To theWarden, and Members of the Elgin County Courucil, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That a grant of $1,000.00 he made to the Canadian Na- tional Institute for the Blind. '2. That the Eilgin County Council take a full page at $26.00 in the Rotary Festival Booklet. 30 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 31 2. That a gvani of $2,500:00 'be made to the University of Western Ontario. 4. That a gvant cd' $2,150.00 be made to the Canadian Na- tional In.&ti1u1e for the Blind to fbe aJJ>plied to the cost of an ad- dition to 'I1weedsmuir Hall. 5. That the request of Alma College for a grant towards their b'Ui)ding pr9'lll'Bim ibe filed. . All of which is reopectfully &ubmitted. C. N. CLARKE, Chairman. ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT St. Thomas, Ontario. January Session~ 1966 To' the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, YOm ROAlD OOlVl!MITTEEbegs to report as follows: ~ FOl.JDOW~NG is a surromary of costs of Construction and Miaintenance on County of Elgin Roads during 19,6'5 PLANNING COMMITTEE REPORT January Session. 1966 To the Warden, and Members of .the Elgin, County Council, T'h,e Planning COIffilIlittee reports as follows: 'i. That the letter from J'aIIlles M. Cameron and Ralph E. Cotterill 'be tabled, 2. That the resolution from the County of Renfrew request- lng 50% sulbsldy on the cost cd' esj;albllshing and operating County Assessment Departments he tabled. All <If which is reopectful'ly submitted. C. D. PHILLIPS, Chairman. CONSTRUCTION: ROADS- 1. Baving and completion, of Grading' Wovk, etc. $ 115,729.711 Bioad 6froon Road 3 Westerly to Blaok's Lane in jihe Township. of Aldlboroug'b.. 2. lDouible Surlace Treatment and Completion 29,403.57 of Grnaliing Wovk,. Rood 16. frO!lU 'I1albot Creek Westerly to Road 15 in the Township of Dun- wioh. i3. 'Paving and Completion of Grading, etc. Road 21,397.12 ~2 fvoon Port Burwell westerly in the Town- ship of Bayham. 4. [Paving and Coonplletlon of Grading, etc., Rioad 16,7'6<7.84 53, Elm St., in the Town of Aylmer. .5. Grading, Granular Ba'.s.e, etc., Road 1,g, 'rown- ship of Soutbiwold. 6. 'Grading, Granular Base, etc., Rd. 44, fTom iHwy. .3 'to Hwy. 19, in the Township Qf Bay- ham. 7. Gl1adinJg, G:van-ular Base, etc., Rd. 45 Mount Salem to Calton in illle 'I1orwnship of Malahide. 8. Grading,. Granular Base, etc., Rd. 5,2, east of New York Central R!R., Town.ship Of Mala- hide and Township of South Dorchester. M,996.46 9'1,99;1.77 74,16'1.80 10,7<7U1 32 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 4,OS2.65 9. Gr:adiing,. Granular Ba'se, etc., Rd. ,514 South O!f BroM'nsville Rd., Townships O!f South Dor- chester and Dere'bam (County of E,lgin share only). 10. Surveys- Road 27 Union to Sparta, Town- shi(pO!f Yal\ffiouth. 11. M'iscell:aneo'l1s Gradinrg Construction 1'2. ISurvey.s, Tr13.ffitc. Counts, 'etc. 13. Installa tionO!f Gates and Flashing Lights ISignal'S at Railroad Crossings on Road 4 (Kent Townline and Black's Lane), (Road 14 (lona Station), RoM 20 ~Shedden) and Road 00 (Aylimer). 14. New !Machinery 15. Needs Stw1y 16. Land Purchase (including Land Surveys and Soli1citors Jrees). 17. Fencing -Oil Developn)~nt Road No. ,766 Town- ship of Bayham (now County Road 4>$). 18. 'l;'OTAiL ROAD OONSTRUCTION (COUNTY) IROAD OONSTRUCTION BY ST. THoMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION TOTAL ROAD CONSTRUCTION BRIDGE AN,]) CULVERT CONSTRUCTION 1. Elm lilt; Bridge. and ApproacheS Rd. 5~, The Town of Aylmer. . ~. Gillies Drain O\lNet Culv~rt, !Road 9, T<>vm- Ship af ])unwich (CO!Ul>letion .of Work from 19.64). 3. 'l1wo GOl1creie GulVe)'is RJoa'd 9, Township of ',Mdborougjl. 653.29 1,3'25.36 1,699.81 18,75'9.91 29,844.73 16,7112.06 r.l7,3Q6,75 8,5417.00 $424,16~.25 '1,200.42 $~26,468.67 691.90 1,()32.64 20,4\0.67 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 33 4. Concrete Culvert Road. 12, TQWnship .of Dun- 5,970.18 wid.... 5. Structural P1l>te Oulvert :Road 20, North. of 2,784.74 Highiw,ay 401, TQWuship of S-outhwold. 6. lPiJpe Culvert Construction in -conjunction wi;th 6,395.r37 Grading Road 19, 'l1ownship of SouthfWold. 7. Pipe lCullvert Constrwction in conjunetion 10,22,2.06 with Grading Road ~4, Township of Bayham. -a. !Pipe euwert Construction in oonjlunction~ 11,004.,612: with Grading Road 4'5, Township of Malahide. 9. lPijpe lCuWert Constru:c:tion in conjunction with 347.16 Gr-ading Road 52 - T-ownship of Malahide and ,ThlwnShip of South Dm;cmester. 10-. lPi!pe Oulrvert Oonstruction in conjunction 1,O,75.6~ with Grading IRe-ad .5!4 - TO>W1lsbips of South :Do~chest.er and Dereham (County of Elgin share only). U. Stalter Gully Bridlge _ Road 42, Malahide 8,890.86 Township. Total Bridge and Culvert Construction $ 68,875.90 TOTA:IJS: Total Eoad Construction _.-......,..__$425,4&8.67 Total Briclge and Ou1vert Construction .,......._m...,........... 68,87'5.90 ''l1otal Construction .....m............_.......$494,334.57 MAINTENANCE EOADS- , 1. Winter Control ....00..............__...._.......__...._......_...... $ 31,826.95 2. Surface Treatment .................._....__,........................._ 37,500.lJ2 3. !Repairs.to Pavements _......._......._...._.___......,...._.... 22,141;.10 4. GraovelR$urfacing ..__....,........_.........._.._..__.............. 26,602.67 5. <hading (including Maintenance of Gravel roads) ............_._.,.._._..._.........,... 6. Dust Control ...................._..."....._..............__,,_.......... 7. Weed Control -"".--...,,__,,_"""...."m'....-......,,__......... 8. Brushing ..--...~...._....,......._......_....m__......._..............__.... 9. Guide Rails ......"..._..m......_...._..._........."...m.."....".. 1<1,449.41 15,000.99 '9,90~.77 4,~94.09 1,696.,12 34 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BRIDGeS AND CULveRTS 1. Miscellaneous Bridg.e Maintenan:ce ._._ ___~_._...__.__m_$ 2. Miscellaneous Culvert 'Maintenall1ce 3. iMatpleton Bridge (Engineering) 'I1ota1 Bmdge Maintenance .........__...............$ 1-6,3'&5.03 rrotai 'Road and Bridge Maintenance ....................$248,685.74 '17. :OentreLine M.arking Signs _........._m...................__.....__..............___.................. Tree, Planting _____n_________ __________________m.____...___ --------.------ 'Railro.ad. Protection Drains Drainag.e" Assessments Creek Diversion - Kettle Creek, Meek's Bridge RE!bates to Tawns and Villages ....... 10. 11, 1'2. 1,3. -14. 15. 1.6, TOTAiL ROAD ilV.DA]NTElNIA'NOE COUNTY OVERHeAD 11. :Superintendenee (County Engineer, Assis-tailt to. Engineer and General Forero-an) _;____m-$ 2. Cleric"l. ......._............__~m_............-....--............_.......... 3. .car - iNHlea.lge ~County - Engi:ne'er) m_m__________.____.____m. 4. O:l1fi:ce-' '::.'::~:~::______________m______________________.________------.------------- 5. Gar"ge 6. !Rodney Gar,age ............_........._..m.............................. 7. iMis.cellaneous ,Repairs 1l. ,Tools _m.................................-......-....m........-.............. 9. :Insurance n__'" .'__n_. ...nn______..n__.__.n__.__ ._._,___..n_n_.~n_._n___n ;10. tPen\~:don ___~...n___u___n.______n_.____.___n___n___nn_____..n.___.___n__"_ N. U. 1. C. ........................__...............m.._......____....._...mm ,1,2. Hollclays With Pay . . :1,3. ..$iok Benefits .....'..........m___..._......_....____....__......_...... !14. . ICounty Mil'chine"y Overhead .... .m____._ ORiIDD!T J'5.. Pel'Ulits mm..mme:.._...____.............__....m.......__ ORJE([)!T l.G: Overhead Charged to D. R' No. 692 and . No. 7-8,5 and Townline ~ccounts ..._..." ClRElDIT 17. Miscellaneous Unsulbsidlzeil E"'Pend'itures ..-....-.. 5,8139.-85 9,2M.50 431.09 4,697.21 4,689.42 2,565.42__ 852.6G ..."-- r' 43,909.44 .,.__..$2;32,550.51 1,38U2 14,898.91 53.20 15,718.21 4,3,8~.09 980.-87 2,4&1.38 7,526.33 184.08 5;244.34 1,958.84 4,692.11 5,69'3.6,'! 1;3211.81 7,5'56.49 2,581l.29 217.00 77.00 1,923.00 125.00 $ 56,216.6'5 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 35 HT-otalCounty. Road and Bridge Maintenance and Ov.erh'ead __......____...___...___m..____....____.......$307,102.39 Total St. Thomas Sulbtn1han Road Commission Bridge and Hoad Maihtenance and Ove"head ......m..:.._ ..............__... m__ 25,24>9.8'5 Total Road Maintenance and '. Overhead .___......$332,352,24 . TOTALS:- CONSTIRUCT]ON MAJINTENANCE _____,...,..__'_....__m$W4,334.57 3~2,35'2.24 . Suib-Total. ..........._:m.______.'m"...$8126,6&6.81 196'5 Stock Balance. ......__m............,.. 49,805.17 Su/b_Totai .:.....,......_...........,$Si7G,491.98 Less 196'4 Stock B~lance ....__m....__. 1'5,988.24 GRANlD TOTAL .............._....__$860,503.74 IN ADDL'TI!OlN v,arious Winter, Works, Projects in:cluding" ere;c~ tian of Guide Rail, fence, !brushing and installation of Storm Drains 'were !Carried out on County and Su'bm:fuan ,Roads. These t~tal1ed $,7,6119,32. Work was alsoperfonnedand billedtl) ,the Counties of Mid~ dlesex and O"ford and -the 'City of St. Thomason Bounclary Roads and Bridlges. These ,amounts 'billed totalled $1;2,~lO.97. . Hot mi,x :8aving ,w'a~ lai4. on OounJ~ RO'ac.l 2~ Ibeing:Develop- mel'tRoadNo. 692 at a,cost of$~'1,496.52 and was,lbilleci to the :0. iff. O. (In ,additionthe,-D.iH.iO. supplied mate~ials valued at $9,89~.69). ... . '_A,Pro;J'in'c{al,Saies Tax Rebate of $2,S90.l22 , was,' re.ceived and cr'edited to Operations. Work was ,lPerfomneci and Materials ~urchased for Develop. merit Road No. 78'5 -and 'billed to .the TownShip of B<lyham for relbilling to ,the -D.'-H,' O. 'in 1Jhe amount of $37,9':ill.44; Work -was 'also' pemomned'.f~r vari~s ariilllicipalities in the Oounty and others and various' m1altetriaJs. were s'old. 36 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 37 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Total of County 1R0ad Vouchers for 19'66 was $91l6,370.36. IlN AfD;l)lT]ON SUlPervisionrtf .Deve1opment Road No. 786 in Bayham Township was under the direction of County forces. I,n 1965 a -total of $182,443.'66 was expended on t'he Development Road (which in~,udes -the _ount of $37,929.44 billed 'by t'h" County to the TownShiIP of Bayham). S. THlAT A BY-lJAW be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign 'Land Plans 'e::xJpropriating Land necessary to widen County Roads in 191{)16. It is necessary 'that such By-Lalws be passed yearly. 4. ,'J1H1AT IBY-LAJW No. 18-86 (passed in Marclh 1965) respect- ing the weight of Loads tolbe carried. on Vehides Ibe.repealed and a new By.fuaw Ibe passed adding the following Roads to the sched- ule: THUS 'NtE 'TO'l1AJL AlMOUINT <>f money "'"Pended under County Supervision was In theovder of $1,130,000. {a) Road 13 ,Sh"ckMonStreet) froon iRoad 16 in DUJtton to Road 14 (Soutllwold-Dunwilch TownlJ.>ine) Dunwich Town';' Sh1[l. lWiE HA ViE BJElCEIVIElD notice from ;the D. H. O. t'h"t nOl11llal expenditures tmust not exceed $200,000 for Construdtion and $370,000 for Maintenance. The ~irnit for Gonstvuctlon is the same ,as in Q;>8St years !but 1fu.e limit for, MaintenanCe is i.n1creased to cover the increasing costs .and an increase in IRdad. M<ileage. (Ib) :Road 14 (Southwold-J)u-ruwloh T<Yivnline) from Hwy. No. :3 ,to Thames River. :SUiPlPiLEMEN'l1AIRY BY -.LAiWlS are avallaJble as in the past for allprclIVed Construction Projelcts. (c) iRoad <2:0,< from lHwy. NO.3 at Shedden to H1wy. No. 401. (d) Road 42 (Lake Road in Bayham and Malahide TO'Wnship) from Hw-y. No. 73 to Hwy. No. 19. WE BJElOOMlMENiD: (e) (Road 44 from llIwy. No. 3 to Hwy. No. 19 (iNovth H1aU to Eden) Bayham Townsh1[l. 1. 'l'HI\T 'l1HE W.A:RiDEN name delegates to the OIltario Good Roads Association Convention and the Canadian Good Roads Assodation. Convention. (f) :Road 5'2 - [roon Hwy. No. 73 to Road 40 (Springfield). ~. THlAT A BY-.LAiW 'be passed whlclh in effect amends County lBy~Law No. -1&26 restricting weight on c~:rtain County Bridges. TI1" 'changes from By-iLaw No. 1-8,26 are as fol~ows: '(g) Road 53 - Beeclh Street, Aylmer. TI1is will "llow Ithe carrying of full! loads Iby Conlllnerica1 Ve- hides in IMar:ch and .Alpril . on these Oounty Roads. (a) A 1'0 Ton Limit is placed <>II Carr's Bridge <)ver K"ttle Creek on /Road '512 IQRoad No. 52 was ,assUilned as a County Road on ,J;anuary 1, 19(0). All oil' which is respectfully submitted. G. E. BROWN, Chairman. (Ib) \Reducea the 'Load Limit on ,St. George Street IBrid'ge <)ver KettleCree~ frOilll 15 Tons 11<> 6 TalliS_ (c) Reduces the Load iLlmit on Orwell Brl&ge over Catd!ish Creek from 16 Tons to 10 Tons. 38 ELCl'IN COUNTY COUNCIL ST. THOMAS. ONTARIO January.. 1966 'l10 THE CHMRIMAIN A1ND MEMlBiERS 0tF THE ST. TIHOlMlAlS SUBURIBM:'f RQ~ COlMiMJISSiO'N AlI"IWOHED TO MY ANNUAL RrEPQRlT to the Commission is a.s:tatement O'f expenditures on tlhe Commission Roads in 1965 and anestiJmate of expenditures for :1966. IIN 1965 THlE COMMISSION had jurisdktion over 24.0 miles of paved TO'ads :and 1..15 ,miles cd: gravel roads. Tlhis will. be reR duced to 22.0 miles ,in 1966 wi'th the reversion to the Counfty o\f Elgin of ~d. 16 from Rd. 20 to Burwell's Corners, 3.9 an:iIIes; and the 'assuiffilPUon df Rd. 33, 0.7 ,milJ.es.This ass'UIfi'l1Ption places Kain's Bridge under control of the 'COl11lnnission. EXPENlDITURES were higher in 1966 than estinnated. Main. tenance e:x;pend,itures were considerrubly \higher on Winter M'l1mw tenan'cei,Grading_.and BruShing. Repairs to Pavementcosts.were lower however. A,oorox1mately two miles of Road 16 West of Middlemareh was su:r!face ireated. SURVlEYS OF Road 16 from Kettle Creek to :E'i-ngal were cClIIDlPleted in preparation. fur future Oonstruction and some pro~ perty acquired. Two parcels of land which were not aequired when Well11ngton 'Road was, graded were al~o acquired during the year. No settlement has yelt been reached for tlhe !Dodd property althQugh negotiati.ons are !being continued. OViElRlHlEiAID ITEMS represent 5% of the County's total aver- head costs: lNCILUDiElD in the estimates for 19&6 is $5,000 for engineering on the St. George St. Bridge. The City has already awroved their share $500) of this cost. Willen estimates are availalble the City Coun~iI and County Road Committee shO'Uld be a!p\proadhed for funds to 'build a new 'bridge. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 39 UrND PURiOHAJSE ON Roads 16, 25 and 26 is estimated at $2,300. Although payment toward the County Needs Stu<1y was included in the 1900 Ibudget no payment was made as fue COIlll- mission was over-eXUJended on M'ainrtenance. It is suggested that 8% or $1,700 of the total cost of the Needs Study should Ibe pa,id by the Co.:mJmission. THE COSTS OF 'NIiE STUDY have been pro r,,:ted on per- centage of. !lnileage under jurisdktion of the Commission to', t01ial County andSUlburban OOl11missi'on mileage wU1i.1dh the OonsuQtant examined. MAiINT'ElNAiNCE COS'I\S are estimated as in the past. . ~f a saving can {be made on Winter Maintenance costs~ Sunfa'Ce Treat- ment work should be done on Road 16 east of Fingal for aJpprox- imately two mil€s. (Cost "bout $1,100 per mille). All of which is respectful1y submitted. -'.;. R. G. MOO!RJE, P. ENG., st. Thomas Swbunban Road Commission Engineer. ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ,ROAD COMMISSION STATEMENT OF 1965 EXPENDITURES CONSTRUCTION:- Land Purchases .......___.....................m__........'$ 347.20 (including Rd. 1.,6 and 26 after recelipt of $11,000' re sale to Kelso in 11960). Surveys . ...........mmm...._..__................................ 948.22 TO'.l1AIL OF CON1~UC'I1ION ..........m.._...................n$ 1,29\5.42 MAINTENAN'CE:- Bridges ..................___........._..........................__...$ OUlverts ___........___...____.____.__.___..______..--_____ 'St. George St. __....m.....________........_..m__..____.__ 2'1-9.20 631.89 6~3.70 TOTAL B~}lIDGElS and Culverts Maintenance --......1$ 1,374.19 40 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ROADS:- Winter M'aintenance __m ______mm_______..._________,$ Repairs to !Pavements Surface Treatiinen't Weed Control Brushing IGr:ading,Dirbching, Gravel Resurfacing, etc. , Drains ___"____._.______._H__.__________"___~___._. ----------...-------- Signs .Centre Line' Markings Guide Rail Railroad iProt<!ction .............--.---... -.....-....-- Drain,age Assessments 'CRepairs) Traffic Counts \SUJperintendence, Clerical &' Car Mileage Overhead TOTAiL RlOtA'DS MAINTENtAlNOE ..............................$2,3,097.66 7,140.96 857.09 3,467.40 1,~3'1.92 982.~0 1,615.67 758.416 323.&1 978.99 40.01 4166,46 87.95 5.20 3,007.08 1,905.66 ITEMS PARTIALLY SUBSIDIZED BY D,H,O. Dminage Assessments Construction ........................__$ 317.25 ITEMS NOT FOR SUBSIDY Committee Mernlbers Fees & EXlPenses ....$ 376.0.0 O.GJR.tA. ilVLen:i.bershjp _...................__.......__.... 20.00 Sulhu:t1ban Road' Commission Association MemlbershjpFee. ...__......___...___.. 10.00 WeedSJ>ra:(ing and Road Li~bility . Insurance ......_............_................... 67.16 m 4!l0.16 WORK DONE UNDER WINTER WORKS PROGIRAMME:..,... iBruslh1ng, "............___...__..............___...................... 100.40 TOT.AJL EXI1ENID'trUlRE FOR 196'5 ON ST. 'l1HOMIAJ'1 SUiBUR'AiN ROADS ......,_...__$ 26,645.70 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 41 STATEMENT OF 1965 EXPENDITURES AMOUNT PAYABLE BY THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS- OONS'I\RJlJlCTIOIN {Roads) 25% of $1,295.40 .............,......."....--.. _._._..__.......__......___.$ MAINTEiNA,NCE Bridges & Cu1'Verts 10% of $1,374.79 Roads, 25% Of $2;3,097.65 ,........._.._........"....__..............,. 111EMS PAlM\lJA,1JI,y SUBSIDIZED BY -D.H.O. $317.26 ......._........___......_............__....._.... ___......_............._ ITEMlS NOT SUBSIDIZmn BY D.H.O. 60% of $4!l0.16 ............................................._..........._......... WINI\I'lRJWOREjS 1~'h % of $10M3 3.~.66 1'37.~ 5,774.41 118.0Q 260.08 TOTAiL 1,2.65 ._...$ 6,597.3-6 PAID BY THE CITY OF ST..THOMAS- 'h iMi1l fuJOOn:..the City of St. Thomas provided ...._..$16,~6'7;50 LESS ipay;ment of We1Hng>ton ~'Oad -Delbentnre ........$ 1'1,716.00 $ 6,65'1.50 LESS J:leticit from 1964 _____...__..,__...__"....____.."--__.........$ 858.72 TO'l1AJL ....._...______.._..__..._______...__....__..__..__..$ mlSS EJm'ffilNIDlTURES for 1965 ..........__.._____........_..$ -DElF\l!otr '])() 1900 .....___.................__...$ ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1966 ESTlMA TES '5,792.78 6,69'7.36 804.57 CONSTRUCTION Roads Land Purchase and ISurveys ..................$ Needs .study .._.._..._.................................... CITY SHARE 2,300.00 ,1,700.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 1,000.00 Bridges St. George St. Bridge ...m....____..................$ 6,000.00 $ 500.00 - CONISIJ)RUC'I1liOlN '11CY.lWL ......$ 9,000.GO $ 1,500.00 42 ELGIN COUNTY -COUNCIL MAINTENANCE Bridge & Culvert Maintenance ".........._~$ .1,500.00 $ ROADS MAINTENANCE Winter' Maintenance _nnm__..._______nmn __.$ .Repairs to [P.avements . Weed Control and Brrushing i3;igns and Centre Dine M,arking _'__n______ Grading and Dust 'Control n_m_'________ ----- ':Railroad Prdtection Guide Rails ": '!Drains 'and Dra'inage Assessments Superinltendence and Clerical and Oar Mileage 'Overhead 7,000,00 1,500.00 1,800.00 1,500.00 1,000.00' 500.00 300.00 700.00 ~;200.00 2,600.00 ROADS TOTAJL _.................;$ 20,000.00- TOTAL MA1NTElN",(N1C'E ....,..._,.$ 21,5'00 i'BmMS ; NOT FOIll;. SUi8lSIDY', .....___..____.__"....$ 500,00- TOllAL ES(l'J(MNllE F0-R 1-966 ..,...___,._.........-4 ~'1,000'.00 'SHIA!R1E OIF THE C[TY OF ST. m>oMAS __ 'hMill from the City of St" 'l1llOmas will will (provide aJpproxilfrl'a1tely _~~'~:_'.______~_~c_$ 18;800- LESS PAYMCEJNT of We]lington Rd. DeJbentu"e ____ ___......._m....'.'..;:':$, 11,666.00 $ DESIS DEFrciIT from 196'5 ..:____ ...._....mm_.'..$ 7,1~4.00 804.67 TO'l1AiL. .....__.......,......................$ 6,320.4;3 hDD-I'l1liONIAIL GlRIA!NT from the City re St. George ,St. Bridge ...............__... '''__'' 500.00 T01JAIL ..__....................m........-4 6,6~9.~ 150.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 5,150.00 $ 250.00 $ 6,90'0.00 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 43 BY.LA,W NO, 1910 "To Appoint a Bo'ard of Audit ~n the ,County ~of Elgin for the Year 19660" The Elgin County Council enalc'ts: ,'.l1l:RA,T' the Judg,e of .tlhe County Gourt, and.tJhe Treasurer; be, and are hereby appointed members of the Board of Audit to per~ rol'lm: th_e duties required of them hyilhe iRievised S'ba'tu'tes of On~ tarie. @MfI' the men1lbers of '1Ihe said Board of Audit be pa,id th~ sum of INine Dollars jper day, for their seJ:1V1i1c'es, and twen,ty cents iPer _miJegoing to each. Audi1t. 'lli:ElAlD a first time this 20th day of J'anuary, 1-9,56. \R:EAlDa secon'dtime 1Ihis20th day of J"ooary, 1966. '-'< !READ a >third time and finally passed this 201lh clay of Jlanu- a"y, 19-65. K ,L. JOHNSON, Clerk. JOHN McKINLAY, Warden. MUNICIP.AUTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO, 1911 ~IDAS the GOUl1JCil oftli~,Oouporation d'eelffis:it necessary ~P: Ibo~rmv tlb,e swm of_, One Mnl-ion~ rDwo Hundred Thousand DoHars ':~~m,e'et, 'l1;n:iil~he-ta~es are col1Iected~ ~he1CUrrent eX(penditures of the.Oorpora1tion for the year; .. " ":-" .' .. .., , . AiNiD,~ the total'aJrnount of 'tlbe 'estLmated. revenues of 1!he Gonporation as set ~ol'th in the estLm'ates adClQ)ted fur the year 19i6-5, not including';revenues' derivalble or :derived.from the sal~ of,:a~sets, ..bo:rr,owi11.gs .orissua11lce 00 delben'tures or from a surplus, 'Iric1llding ar:rears of .taxes -is One MilJ:ion, Five Hundred and Fifty-SeVim Thousand, Five Hundred and Twenty-Six Dol- lars. 44 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ANID WiHlERiEAS the tot "I amount heretofore authorized to ibe .bo1To1wed this year for the purpo,ses mentioned in stilbsection (1) of Section 329 of ']]he Municipal Aic't is Nil do1-lars,of which . the Corporativn has already borrowed a total of Nil dollars. TIHElRIEE'O~ the CO'Uncil of The Corporation of the County Olf iElgin hereby enacts as follows: 1.. The Head and -tlhe Treasurer are herelby authorized on behalf of the Cor.poration to [borrow from time to time, by way of promissory note, from tlhe Bank of Muireal, a swm or sums not ex.ceeding in the aggregate One MiNion Two Hundred Thousand dollaI1S to meet, until the taxes. are collected, the current. "eXlpendiM tures of fue Co:uporation for the year. including the amounts reM q'Uired for the purposes mentioned in sulbseiction (1) of 'fue said Section 3129, 'and to give, on :behal[ of the COl'\poration, to the Bank a promissory note or notes, sealed witlh the corporate sea'! and signed Iby ,them fur ,the moneys sO hOllTowed with interest at a rate not exceeding 6 per 'centum per annum, which may be paid in advan-ce or oltherwise. 2. All sums 'borrowed from the said Bank, for any or all of the purposes mentioned in t1he said Section 3129, shaU, ,with interest thereon, bea oharge 'UJPon the whole of the revenues of the Ciorpor- 'ation for the lcurrent yea~ and for alllPl"eceding years, as and when SUlch rervenues are received. -3. The Treasurer .is herelby authorized and directed to ~lply in payment of an sums Iborrowed pursuant to the authority of this iJ3y-LafW, as well .as all other .sums borrowed in 1fuis year and any previQiUs yeaTS, f:rotrn the s~dd' Bank for ,any or an oct: the -p.ur- poses menUoned in tlhe said Section 329, 'together with interest thereon, aliI otf the moneys herea~ter -collected or received on ac- count or realized in res.pect of the taxes levied for the current year and preceding years and all of the moneys collected or re- cei,ved from any other sO'lll'ice, which may lawfully be applied for 'Su~h pUl'lpOse. Bassed this 20th day of January, 1966. JOHN MaKJiNLAY, Warden, H. L. JOHiNlSON, Clerk. CO'RIPORiATE SiElkL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 4S COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW :NO, 1912 "A By-Law jo Confirm By-Law No, 1601 of the, Township of Malahide, Being A By-Law for Stopping, Closing Up and Convey- ing the Westerly 44 ,Feet. of fhat Part of Victoria Street Lying North of Water IStree:l: According to Plan 55 for the Villa,ge of Port Brucek and for Fixing and Declaring the Terms upon which the Same ,shall be Disposed of and ~Conveyed/' WHEREiAiS the Council of the To'wnSh\p of ilVlalahide on the 1st day of SeptemJber 19'85. did pass By-Law No. 1601, a tme copy 9fwhich is hereunto annex€d, to close up and convey the we.s'terly 44 feet of that part 01' Victoria Street lying north of Water Srtreet according to Plan 55 for the Vi'llage of Port Bl.'UtCe, and for fixi,ng and d~cJaring 'the temns upon wfuiJch the same slhall be dlposed of and conveyed. ~',;, AND WHEiRJEAJS pursuant to the prOVIsIons of the Municiipal Ad, the said Township By-Law shan not have any force until aonfirnted by a By-Law of the CO'Uncil of the County In whiclh the Township is situated, passed at an ordinary meeting of 'fflle Council held no't sooner than three months. nor later than one year after the passing of the BywiLam of tlhe CO<l,mcilof the Town- ship. AiN'D ,WHIDREAS alppHcation has Ibeenmade to t1he Council of the Oorporation of the County Olf Elgin for a By-Law conrfirm- ing the s'a1id township By-Law. !NOW THE'REFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Comity of Elgin enalcts. as follows: 'l1H"I-T By-Law No. 1601 of the TownShip of Malahide, being a By-iUlliW for stopping, Closing up and Conveying tIl1e Wesrterly 44 feet of that part of Victoria street -lying North of Water Street A'Ccording to Plan 55 for the VNlage of Port Bllu'Ce, and for firing and declaring the terms UQ)on whtch the sarme shall ibe disposed of and conveyed he, and the same is hereiby confirmed. RiElkD afirs'! time this 20th day of January, 19-86. 46 ELGIN COUNTY COUNC1L RIEAJD a second time tlhis. 20th day of J-an'llary, 1966. READ a 'third time and finally passed this 20th day 0If Janu- ary, 196'6. H. L.JOHNSQiN, Clerk. JOHN McKINLAY, WaTden. BY-LAW NO, 1913 uA By-Law to Set the ,Totta1 Aggregate Valuaiion ~Ol' ApportionM meni of County. Rate in the County of Elgi~. ,in ~966:. The Oounciol of the COIlPoration of tJhe County of Elgin enacts: THA{I' ,thefol'llQwing ,he the: valuaiions for County Rate Bur;' !poses In the County of Elgin for 1966: ' :;<\ylmer _............................... '$8,OD5',!178.DQ Belmont ............... ............7G6,990.00l Dutton .....__......m m ............. 1,021,lJ10.00 1P0rt BUI1Well ...................._. 8'5Q,.290.DO Port St.n1ey .," ...._m.......__.. ~,183,050.{)0 Rodney....'.... .. ....................__ 1,1198i179.DO Springtfleld ......."...._...,..m'... ~169,&96.00 Vienna ..__........mm..._.m....m.. 363,53D.00 West Lorne . ........................... 1,2~,262.00 A1d1borough ........____. ....m'''''' 5,,2i14,~0.00 Bayham ....m....__...... .....m...... 5,763,OO8.0D iDorohester South .......m",," 1,99'0,479.DO .Dunwich_,..m......... ..........m 4,1'29,700.00 Malahide mm......................... 8,027,5&2.00 Soumwo'ld ............................ 6,406,215.00 Yaronoutlh ........_..................... 8,983,989.00 13.003(133% 1.286'2\ltiJ,% 1.777174% 1.480599 % 5.5'360'93% 2.0'8~003% .6~33'36.'10 .632266% 2.1-67551 % 9.069~57% 10.0.23750% 3.~1'9-24% 7.'180l546% 13.961904% lL145~4% 15.6125326 % $57,49'6,328.00 100.000000% :wEJ,AJD a first time this 20th d"y of January, 1966. iRlEJA!D a second Hme tlhis 20th day of J'an<uary, 1966. mAJD a 'third time and finally passed this 20tlh day o1'J"nu- ary, 1966. H. L. JOHNSON, 'Clerk. JOHN McKINLAY, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 47 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO, 1914 "A ..By~Law i:l:o Auihorize',fhe Expl'opriation of Land for the- Purpose Jof Widening and ,Improving County ROladso" WHEREAS under Sedtion3'3~ of the. Munlci:pal Act, !being Chatpter 24!9, R;S.O. 1e'60, the COlIDcil of every Corporation may ,pas's By-4Laws fo.r acquiring -or eXlprapriating any land required ifar the [p'u:vposes of. the COl'lpora1tion', :AiND WHEREAS the HigbJway lim.provElInent Act, R.S.O. 1960, (Chapter. 1711, Se.ction 616, .lPrQi~1des that where, in t1he exercise of dts powers, or in lPerfOl:m1ance of its olbliga'tions under Part VLI IQf the said Act, a County finds :that it is necessary to eXjpropriate il1and for tlhe pUl'Ipose -of .o'!)ening UP-, widening, 'improving, pro- tecting from erosion; 'altering or div,erting a County Road, the County ma;y iProceed in the. mf,tnner .provided by Part 1 o,r the !Said Act; '-~ AND WH[IDRJ;ElAiS in thEt ex'ercise. of its powers a~d in perform- ance Olf its dbligaH{)ns, the COI'IPoration of tJhe County of . Elgin fin(}~, ,or may find, that His necessary to eX[)ropriat.e lands for widening, improving; evc" the Coun1ty Roads shown on Schedule A as attached; iBE lT THIElREIF'ORIE JilNAJCTED !by tihe Corporation of the County of Elgin: , ('1) That the Warden and Clerk of the County of Elgin be, and are, autlhorized to. si'gn any and all plans pertain- :in-g ... tp land eXiprolpriation. for Oounty Roads shown on Schecjule Ai and to affix thereto the seal of the Corpor- ation otf the CO'Unty of Elgin and to register the 8'ame in tlhe .County of Elgin Registry Office. (2) -That the ;Treasurerlbe, ,and he is herelby aJuthorized to p'ay . to. the owners of the lands hereby eXjprO'priated, such amounts as. may be agreed ulpon as c~ensation for the lands exprO(pria;ted, or such colll1(pensation as may 'be dek termined /by aDbitration under provisions of the Expro- priation Procedure Act, Statutes elf Ontario 196'2-6'3, Clhatpter 43. .48 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL SCHEDULE "A" . 1. .county Road 45, TownOhtp of Malahide wts 2'1...35 inclusive; Concession HI ~ IV ~. -County Road 45, Township of BayhailIl Lots 16--28 inclusive;' Concession IV - V 3. .county Tho"d 44, Township of BayhailIl Lots 11-22 inclusive. Concession VDlr and IX 4. County Road 27, Township of Yarmouth Lots '4....211 inclusive; Concession III and IV 5. County Ro"d 00, TownOhtp of Ma1ahide Lots 1 to 20 inclusive. Concession IX 6. County Road 5'2, Township of SOUth D<>rchester 'Lots 7 to 24 inclusive, Concession XII 7. 'CoIXnty Road. 52, TownOhiIP of Yarmouth iLots 9-24 inclusive, ConICession X ILots 9-<21 inclusive, Range l!I North of Edgewal'e Road 8. 'County Thoad ~2, Township of MaQahide Lot 27-28, Concession I and II 9. County Road 38, Township of Baybam, Lot 109, .concessiOn North and South of Ta1lbot Road 10. County Road 38, TOWltlship of Malallride, Ltit 108, Qoneesslon North and South of T,,1Ibot Road RiEJAlD a first time this 20th day of January, 1966. IRIEl,,"D a second time this 20th day 01 January, 1966. illElAD a 'third time and finaHy passed this 20th day of Janu- ary, 1966. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. JO!HiN McKINLAY, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 49 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY -LAW NO. 1915 Respecting :the Weight of Loads :fo be Carrie.d on, Vehic1es W1HJERIE),,"S sulbsection 8 of Sec'tion 54 of the Hlg,hJway Traf- lie Aet CiIVS.O. 1960, Cha(pter 17~) provides that: The munic.ilpalcoIlporation or other 'authority having jurisdic~ tion over any :hi,ghway, ID'ay declare_ that the provisions of su'b~ sections 4 a,nd 5,_ do not apply to any or all of 'the highways under its jurisdi-otion; ! .AJN1D WH;ER'EASrestriction of loads is not deemed necessary for the protection of certain highways in the Municipality of the County of Elgin; NOW . 11HiElREFORE the Counc>! of the Corporation 01 the M,u,nic1paUty of the County Off Elgin enact'S as IoJlows: LThe provisions of .sru{bsections 4 and 5 01 Se1ction 54 of the Higfurway Traffic Act do NOT ""ply to. the highways nMned here- under: County Road From Ca) No. 2 County Road 3 To The West limit of Lot 8 -opposite Con. VEH and IX, Twp. of Aildiborough, Aipproxlmately '!4 mile King's Hwy. No. 40[ A'piproximately 6 miles King's Hwy. No. 40,1 AlPIProximately 1 mile County Road 1~ AlPIProximately 5.8 miles Tham'es River Ajpproxlmately 6.2 miles (Ib) No. ,3 King's Hwy. No. 3 Cc) No. a County Road 15 Cd) No. 1~ County Road 16 Ce) No. 14 King's Hlwy. No. 3 50 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL County ~oad From . (f) No. '1'5 Kong's Hmy. No. 3 (g) No. 20 King's Hwy. No. 3 (h) No. 25 King's Hwy. No. 3 (i) No. 32 King's Hwy. No. 7~ To North limit of the Village of Dutton Approximately 3.5 rnlle.s King's Hiwy. No. 401 Aa>Proximately 3.0 mlles Middlesex County Line Aa>Proxim~tely 4:7 nriles Main gate of Ontario polioce_ College Approximately 2.0 miles (j) No. 39 County Road No. 42 Lake Erie AJpproxlmatelv 0.9 miles (k) No. 42 H'wy. No. 73 Hiwy. No. 19 Aipjproximately 10.3 miles (1) No. 44 Hwy. No. 3 Hwy. No. 19 Approximate'ly 3.8 miles (m) No. 62 Hiwy. No. 73 Road 40 ApproJ<imately 2.7 miles (n) No. 53' K:ing's Hwy. No. 3 Beech Street Elm Street (0) No. 5~ King's Hwy. No. 73 Elm Street Beech Street e.11HAT By.Jjaw No. 1866 of the County otf Elgin be, and the' same is - herelby repeafled. 3. 'Dhis By-Law shall not Ibecol!ne effectwe until aJpproved by tbe Department of Transport. EiN:hCTEID AiND Pu\JS!SEID this 20tb day of January, 1966. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. JOHiN McKilNL<l.Y, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 51 BY..LAW 'NO, ,1916 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN rRE'striC\ting the Weight rof Vehicles Passing Over ~ridges WElElRiElAiS sulbsection 8 of Section 5'2 01' the Highway Tratf. floe AJCt (RS.G. 1960) IpTo'V'ides tlu~t; The Mun;iC'ilPalco11Po~atioil- or other authority having Jurisdic:t:uo'll ov,era ;bridg'e'mayrJJy By-lLaw alPproved (by the derpavtunent auake regulations limiting the weighrt of lany:vehide-,oir' ,cClilnlbinationoo vehicles-or any ,class there- of p'ass'mg over such Ibrtidge: AIN[)' W\HiEJRIID.AiS it is deEllned expedient to limit the weight of vehicles passing orv'er .certain Ibl'iidges in the County of E[gin; (N;OW WJiElRiElE101RiE the Counoil of the CotlpOration of the Oounty Of Elgin ~nacts as follarws: 1. No veU1:1c\le or 'comJbination Dlf velhicles or any class tlhereof, wihether empty or lo'arded, 'shall he Oiper:ated . over any /bridge desilgnated' in 8crhedule No.1, 2, and 3, form1ng part alf this By-[.Mcwr wioth 'a weight in 'excess of weight limU iPresc.dbed in the SiChedule for such bridge. 2; Arry [p'ersonvlalaiing any of. tlhe pTov,isionsof tihis By-Law Shall 'he sulbjedt to the lPenailty provided in Section 52 of .the Highiway TrafficAc!. 3. lJ:fu:is By-law shall not Ibecorne effective until aQl.PI'1oved by rthe D.epartlnlent .C?tfTra<nspor.t and Unti<l",a no~ice of the weigfuJtpenmiHe-d, leg:ilbly,pri;nted, !has' heen !P'os,ted 'up :in a ,cOn;SpiICftWUS PLace at either end O[ each /bridge designat- ed in tbe attaclhed SchedJules. 4. By-iLBIW No. 1-82,6 of the County of E,lgin -is hereby re- pealed. 'Enacted_and passed this ,20th day of January, H)66. if. L. JOHNSOIN, Clerk. JOHN McKITNLA Y, Warden. 52 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ,SCHEDULE NO. 1 ,BRIDGES ON COUNTY ROADS i&'idge Road Name of No. No. iJ3ridg,e 1. 26 12. 29 'i& Catfish Creek 3. ISO 30 lPa~terson 4. 411 ~ ,Sta~ter Gully 5. 50 4!2 Port Bur,well 6. '1>4 'is Cooks LOlc1a'tion Weigl>t LllInilt Tons Year <>f TYiPe of Con- F,loor struction FiniSh 1900 Concrete Lot 25, 10 Unknown Wooden Om. 5 and 6 TWIP. of Yamnouth ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 53 SCHEDULE NO, 2 COUNTY BRIDGES ON TOWNSHIP ROADS. iBridg,e No. Weight Limit Tons Lot 5, River 5 Road, S<>uthw<>-ld 1896 Type of Floor :E1ini.h Wooden Concrete Ooncrete Lots 8 and 9, 15 1908 Ooncrett:! 27 iJamestown Lot 26, Con. 2 15 1906 Concrete Con. ]1, YarmowUh Yarmou11h :20 1'~2 Concrete 44 Onwell Lot 29, Con. 9 10 1908 Concrete L<>t 28, Yarmouifu Con. 1 and 2, Malahide ~2 Vienna' .Lot 14, Oon. 3, 20 Unknown Concrete BayhB.lIil, !lOW in Reconstructed Lot H, 20 1910 Ooncrete Village Of V~enl)'a ;" 19~~ Con. 1, Vi~lage cd' 61 Acacia .Lot 22, Can. 10, 2 1908 Wooden Port Burwell Baylham (Road in poor condition) Lot 1, Con. 6, '15 1907 Concrete Bayhalm 7. 1515 'is IPhlllmore Lot 3 1'6 1909 Concrete Con. 6, Baylruam 8. {IS '6~ Carrs Lot 5, 10 early Bituminous Range n: 1900's N 0$ cd' EdgelWare Rd. Yamtou~h Location Year of Con- struction 1,l1' She1hoUl'ne Lot 1~, 20 {jI' Warren St. iN.L.R. ViJlage of Port Stanley Namecd' :B,ridge IRoIJ:jbins ~ 24 IFulton LotsSfrnd 4, 15 Mill Road, Southwoid l'~li2 25 !Meek's Lot 1'6, M. U. 20 R<>ad, Soutbiwold 1900 54 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL SCHEDULE NO. 3 BOUND'ARY BRIDGES WITH O'THER MUNICIPALITIES ADJOINING ELGIN ALSO REQUIRED' FROM ADJOINING MUNICIPALITY IBridige ~:()Iad Name, Olf Lo:cation WeigbJt Year of ,Type o,f A1djoining No. No. iB"idge Limit Const~1;lc~ Floor Munici- T,ons tion iF1nish pality 1. '3 5 'Walker Lot 1, B.F.iC. 10 1902 Bltu- County of ,DrunwiClh mlinous MidcHesex 2. 4 111 T.a:i!t's iLot '7, B.F.A. ,15 19,14 Ooncrete iCO'Unly of Uiunwiclh Middlesex 3. 5 S Willey's Lo,i 14, B.F.A. 20 1907 Concrete County of D'lIl1Jwiclh Middlesex 4. 17 Ling's Lot 49, East 15 1907 Concrete County of Side T.IR.N. Br. Middlesex South-wold 5. 34 3'7 Belmont Lot 21, Con. 7 15 1907 Cone,rete County of East ;South no""hester Middlesex & North notchester 6. 2~ 3i3 ~ains Lot 1, Con. ,3 15 1009 Concrete Oily of YanmoU!tlh St. Tholffias 7. 19 26 St. Geo. Lot 2, Con. 9 ,5 1906 Bitt!- City of St. Y'amnou1t!h m'inous St. Thoorras ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 55 FINANCIAL STATEMENT ELGIN AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE }From January 13th. 1965 to Jan January 11th. 1966 RECEIPTS Balance fo:vwalld, 19:65. ___~____ ----._o-------~____.___._ County of, Elgin, 1916'5 IGTant .........__................$ . 148.75 2,800,00 TOTAL RiElCEIPTS ..--.....................__........................$ ~,948.75 EXPENSES Breed Shows - Holstein Bialek & White Show, Ay Imer ___~$ Jersey Parish Show, Aylmer ___________________ Ayrshire ShdW, Aylmer' ___________nmC______.________ lBeef Oattle Show, Wall"cetowtn .....__......_... Beef Oa~tle Show, Rodney """"''''_'''''____ Wgin Beelf Improvetment AssQ.oiation mu_~_ Il\Mddlesex-Elgin .lHereford Breedens' Aissoctation _______~______________m_____ El'gin [forse Breeders' Assodation ________m_ Southwestern Ontario Horsema:n:ship OlUlb 100'.00 63.00 34.50 100.00 75.00 75.00 ~'5.0Q 25.00 2'5.0'0- $ Field Crop Organizations _ Elgin Sbn & Crop lJmproveunent Ass'n. m_ Elgin County Seed Fair Elgin Agricmltur-al Booklet ,~g,in County Plowmen's Association __,,____ J!}~gin Oounty Elanm ISafety Council __________ Elgin County FJ:'Iuit Growers' Association ~50.00 150'.00 ~50.00 ~OO.QO 50.00' 25.00 $ JUNIOR PROJECTS _ (a) Junior' Flarme:rs 'Elgin County Junior Farmers' Ass'n. .___m__ --iElgin County Junior Institute 2'00.00 200.00' : ~ ;,; Ii I i , 622.50 1,025.0'0 400'.00' 54. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL SCHEDULE NO, 3 BOUN,DARY BRIDGES WITH OTHER MUNICIPALITIES ADJOINING ELGIN ALSO REQUIRED FROM ADJOINING MUNICIPALITY iBridge fRoad Name. of Location No. lNo.. !Brodge 1. 5 'Walker '3 2. 4 111 Talt's 3. 56 Willey's 4. 17 lJing's 6. 34 . 37 Belmont Ea.t 6. KJains 22 '3'3 Weight Year of Limit ConStruc- Tions' tion rI'y1pe of Floor !Finish Lot 1, B..FJC. Uunwiclh 190~ Bitu- mi.nous 10 iLot '7, B.F.A. ill,; 19114 Concrete nunwidh Lot 14, B.F.A. 20 1907 Concrete Duruwiclh Lot 49, East 15 19m Concrete Side T.!R.N. Br. Southwold Lot 21, Con. 7 . 15 1907 Concrete lSou'th' DJoItchester & North DOIichester Aic1joining Munici~ pality County of Middlesex County of Mliddlesex County of Middlesex County of Middlesex County of Middlesex Lot 1, Con. ,3 YaIirt1ou~1fu 15 1009 Concrete Gity (}f St. Thomas 7. 26 St. Geo. Lot 2, Con. 9 St. Y'aruno'll'tII1 ,5 1900 B;tu- Ctty of minous St. ':DhOlffilas 19 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ss FINANCIAL STATEMENT ELGIN AG,RICULTURAL COMMITTEE IFrom J'anuary 13th. 1965 ~o Jan January l11h. 1966 RECEIPTS Balance forrward, 19165 _____m_____",___m___n_____.__nm___ mm____________,$ County of Elgin, 19165 Grant 148.75 2,800.00 l'OTAlL RECEJPTS ..... __m.............$ 2,946.75 EXPENSES Breed Shows - Holstein BlaJck & White Show, Aylmer ....$ Jersey Parish Show, Aylmer ___________________ Ayrshire' Slhaw; AyLmer' _________.__m____m________. \Beef Oattle Show, WaHa'cetowlIl ___m.._______ Beef OartJtle Show, Rodney __..___n__.__.._m__.~ 'EIlgin Beef' Improrvernent Asso.0iation mnm ITv'fdddlesex-Elgin Herclord Breeders' Assodation __m~~____._____h______m___ a'5~Oa Ellgin Horse Breeders' Assadation __mm___~ 25.00 Sou1fuwestern Ontario Horsema:nship Olulb 215.00' $ 100.00- 63.00 34.50 100.00 76..00 75.00' 522.50 Field Crop Organizations _ Elgin Soil &CrOlp ]1lliPrC>vement Ass'n. m. ~50.00 Elgin County Seed iF1air ................................ 150.00 !Elgin Agrioultuml Booklet __.............m...... 250.00' .~g;in County Plowmen's Association ,_______ 200.00 <Elgin Oounty iF1arun ISafety Council ......__.... 50.00 Elgin Oauntty Frruit Grower,s' Association 25.00 $ 1,025.00 JUNIOR PROJECTS - {a} Junior Farme.rs 'Elgin County Junia,,", F,armers' Ass'u.____nn . iElgin County Junior Institute 200'.00' 200.00' 400.00 56 ET .GIN COUNTY COUNCIL (b) 4-H Club Work IBelmont iDairy Calf Cluib -30 completed Shedden Dairy Calf C1u1b - 25 coonJP1eted East Elgin Dairy Calf Clulb---<2l completed Comnt'h DairyC"lf eluib - 2;1 completed Shedden 'Beef Calf Clwb - 15 completed __ Walllacetown Beef Ca:1f eluib - 15 cOnliPleted .................................. AJldlborough Beef Calf ClullY-7 completed West Elgin Swine Cluib - 20 ,completed Cel1Jtral Elgin ,g'wine Cl'wb _ 16 completed [)ul1Jwich Corn Clulb - 14 coonp1eted __....__ Alcilboro-ugh TDlbacco Ciulb - 112 cOnliP,ieted West Elgin SOylbean Olulb - 8 COnliP1eted Elgin Sheep CIuIb - 10 completed ........_" (c) Transportation - 4~H Inter~Club Shows: Belmol)t & Shedden Cal"es to Aw1'mer Fair Shedden & Rodney Cal"es to Wallacetowa Fair (d) 4-H Club Leaders' Association (e) Girls' 4-H Club Work 4 4-1H OhJb Conf. Delega'tes, O.A.C., 1965 35 County Honour Pins @ $3.00 p}us exchange __mm_m____um.,-___ GQ pa'ckets garden seeds- Chili Leaders 3~ 4-H CIUlb Leaders' Pins 45.00 34.50 31.50 31.50 22.50 22.50 10.60 30.0<l 24.00 21.00 18.00 12.00 15.00 82.00 3~.00 32.00 105.46 19.60 41.88 318.00 114.00 160.00 (f).. Inter.Clulb Competition, O.A.C., GuellPh - meals _...___...,............................................ 19.19 198.93 Miscellaneous , Auditing, J'ames Ga]braith, 1964 books 10.00 Organization - Fal1ffistead 'Improvement meetings ...___.............................. 30.10 40.10 .110TAJL EXiPElNSIDS _.....__...__...............___....$ 2,787.72 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 57 iBankiBala:nce .............__........_.........................$ 'Less O;'S Cheques ....__.,.........,..................___ Actual Balance ................-....__.........___.......c-..$ 2175.4~ 1-14.40 161.0~ ".1.' .! [I I 1 I 16-1.03 $ 2,948.75 Approved - Elgln .llJgr]cultll1'al C<mnnittee: Robert N. Martin, Chairman; [)oo'ald C. LeItch, J. B. Willson, A. V. Langton, Sec.- Treas. Jan. 13th, .1966 - AudIted and found to be correct. I I JAMES GALBRAITH, Auditor, 64 East St., st. Thomas. '~',. 58 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN , ELGIN COUNTY LIBRAlEIY CO-OPERATIVE CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND BALANCE SHEET As al December 31sl. 1965 Assets General Fixed - !Buildings ...._.........................__.........................:.$ 46,46'5.48 Books less a1ltowance for wear and tear _. 18,5'30.81 Furni1,ure, fix~res 'and equipment _____,______ 6,138.2i2: B-ookanolbile ...._.................................................. 10,230.00 .$ 8-1,364.6'1 $ 8-1,364.51 Liabilities lnvesimenlt in Capital Assets ...2.............. .............................$ 81,364.51 REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET As 'al Dece,mber 31sl. 1965 Asseis Oash on hand ................................._..._......................$ 160.00 Cash in :bank ....__..........._....._......_............._..__.. .68 $ 160.68 $ 160.68 S1ll1Plus ..... Liabilities .-..-.....................-.-..-.....-..--..-..-.....-.....................$ 1-60.68 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 59 STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE For Ihe Year Ended December 31sl. 1965 Revenue Grants - Province of Ontario ..........................$ 12,4115.10- County ,oj' Elgin _00................................. 9,000.00 $ 211,4116.10- Lake Erie Regional Co-Operative ...............__...................... 7'50.00 MemberShip crees ..........__....................................___......._..___.._ '1,2311.00 Fines, reserves, lost and damaged !books ____n_____________._____"__ 13'0.08 SUlPplies ....--,,--..........--__.............____......___...................................... 106.58 Interest on d€QlOsits .............___...............____................__............_ 20.74 Expenditure Salaries. and wages ........__.......................................$ Unemployment insul\a'nrceand pension ____ BoQiks ......____..............._...............______.................__..... P.eriodic3'ls and 'newS'paJPers __'."______________d__________ FHimts.trips ;l:tnd pilctures n________.___n"______,u____m_m__ Bo'O'klbinding, plasUe COlVers, cards, staJUonery and mending sUlPpHes _"_____ ________nm_____ J'anitorial wa,ges ___""__________________._____________..._____._ Liglhrt, he:art, wa.ter and telephone Rep'airs and \M:ia1ntenance ___________________m_________"_" Insur,a'nice __""-"".__.._,""":""""________~"""""""""_"__"""...__"""'_ Travelling ..............._..,........._................_................ Bookimolbile Legal] and professional ...._....._......................_..._. MisceUaneous $ 23,7Iil3..50 11,-'139.6'1 6-82.56 7.0913.-'11 2,60.30 553.58 1,~76.54 ~O.OO 636.13 56.00 176.14 892.30 61'2.37 50.00 444.41 $ 24,751.57 l(eJijcit fo~ the "ear ...................................._.............._..__..........$ 1,0-16.07 i',:.' 60 ELGIN' COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF Et.GIN Et.GIN COUNTY PIONEER MUSEUM CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND BALANCE SHEET As aJ December 31st. 1965 Assets Gene"a1 Fixed - Land ..........................._......._....__........................$ 1,000.00 Buildings ........._.............._...............__......__...... 31,155.51 Furni1ture, fixtures and equiJpm,ent ___m___"__ 2,5182.9-9' $ 34, na.50 $34,n~.60 Liabilities Due ,to County of Elgin - Building ..............__................__$ 4,000.00 Investment in qapita1 Assets ................................................ 3ll,788.50 $ 34,W6.50 REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET As at De.cember 31st. 1965 Assets Cashon hand ........_.................._.._.._.._._.__...$ 60.00 'Qaslh in oank ............._..__.......__..__......_.......__.._........ 1,9~~.91 . $ 1.983.9'1 $ 1,968.91 Liabilities S'UlWlUS ...................._..........................................._......._............._..$ 1,968.9-1 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 61 ,STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE .For the' Year Ended December 31st. 1965 Revenue Grants - Pr.ovince of Ontario m____~__"________.__.."m$ Count(y of Elgin ......................._......._.. Oity oJ' St. Thomas........................_... 1,000.00 500.00 200.00 $ Interest on bank deposits _..___________________.._________._.._m_.__.____~ Memlbershi[Js and, admissions ____m________._._. "___________._____________ Donations to includ~ piano fund ($136.00) ...........__........... '<Me"chanclise sales to il1()lude tea ($352.66) ....___............... 1,700.00 64.39 1,223.90 350.19 606ll~ $ 3,945.20 Expenditures Salaries and wages __mnm__ _______m________n..____:_.______ $ 1,414.40 Taxes - lll1unicipal _.._.......................................... 8'9.64 Insurance ................_....__.............._..._................._ 9~.14 Repairs and~ll'aintenance ________.._.___________m_______ 154.37 Merchandise purchases .._.............._.....,......_........ 166.58 Light, heat, and pl)'Wer .......,..._................... ..._.... 462.95 Telephone and telegraph ........................_..........._ 140.41 Capital eX{penditure out -of revenue - Piano ...._..........__........................."........................ 167.25 Bird egg display ...._.._............"...................... 7.3.14 Building loan paynnent ......_.............__................... 500.00 Miscellaneous _................_............,......._.................". 23~.11 $ 8,50~.99 Surplus for the year ......"..........................,;__.........._...._........$ 441.2J1 62 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL SECOND SESSION ~. FIRST DAY Tuesday lhe 151h. day of March, 1966 The Elgin Corurut;y Coun1cilnnet this daljT at the Court House~ St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The W,arden in the Ohair. AU the memlbers present except Reeve Barker. Moved by ReeiVe DeGral\V, Seconded IbytReeve ,Rowley: That the minutes of the January 19,66 Session of the Elgin County Council as printed and distrilbu1ted !be confirmed. -----Carried. The foll'Olw:ingcomhnunications were re,ad andre,ferred to the vmuous committees: From tJheAJssociation of Ontario Counties announcing the mid-terln meeting to :be held in Toronto on May 3~d, 4th, and 5th, 196'6. - Filed. From the' -Ellgin Schoall Trustees' an-d Ratepayers' Association with aplPreiciation of grant. - Filed. From the:Universityotf Waterlo-o with request for- grant.- Referr.ed to the Finance Committee. From the South-Western .ontario Livestock Producers' As- sociation with request fOT grant. - Referre-d to the Agricultural Committee. From, tfue Honoura!ble J. W. SlPo,on-er, Minister of Municipal Mfa-irs pointing out lIhat onl'Y a person who is J;icenced !by the Delpartment ,maJr !be aippointed as Assess-or, Assessment COO'nmis- si'Oner, County Asse,ssment Commissioner .as a ,meimber of '8 Board ,of Assessors. - Referred to the Equalization and Assess~ ment Committee. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 63 From the County of' Simcoe with resolution re,questing the Federal Go,,"ernment to take the necessary steps to see':that safety features are added- to new cars. Refer,red to Petitions and Lelgis- btion Committee. Froon the Corunty of Simcoe with r~olution petitioning the Minister of Agriculture to re;view the TMe [)rainage Act. ,..;... Re- ferred - Ito the Agricultural- Cammittee. 'From the C'i1ty of St. ThomasJ re retaining the Ont,ario PoUce 'College at Aylmer. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislation Committee. From the Dep.arliment of Municip.al Affairs with awroval of County of ElgjnCentennla,1 Project. _ Filed. Fr:oon Rolbert"H. DaiVis, Registr-ar, wi1th 19-66 Annuai Return 0:1' Local Master of Tittles and Registrar of Deeds. _ Filed. From Elgin - St. Th,omas Hea;lth Unit with Financial State- ment for the year 1965. - Filed. ,From the County of Grey with resolution petitioning the Minister of Edu'ca1tion to 1ntroduce driver training courses in an secondary and voca.tional schools and the Minister of Trtansport to compel automolbile m,anu:facturers to build 'vehibles with m'ore ,regard to the safety of passeng-ers. - Referred to the Petitions and,' Legislwtion Commi'trtee. iFrom the 1A.ssistant DGlputy M'inis'ter of Edu.cation advising that the Minrs,terhas aJppo,inted Mr. D. W. Scott, District Second~ ary S'eho-ol Ins!pector to 'tlhe - Elgin - County Secondary Schools Con- su1taMve COilIllIDittee. - Filed. From the Coun'ty of Bl'uce with resolution de,aling with tpe cost of relocatin.g tel€!phone Calbles on roads, the prirce 'and qual- jty, ,of fa:rnnmachinery; ,'the cost of constructrin1g- ne,w schools, the a1bandonmel1lt of railroad lines and financial assistance for estab- lishing w,ater reseI"Vioirs for -conservation, recreai-ion, etc. _ fRe~ ferred- to Petitions and !Legislation Com-mittee. 64 ~LGIN COUNTY COUNCIL From the Clly o<f .st. ,]]homas advising the a\ppoinofm1ent of a c.oun'ty Rel'art:ions Committee and its personnel. -. Filed. From the University 'of W~stern Ontario €Xipressing 9.pt9recia- tion for the hearing giv,en to the University delega Hon at the J1anwary Session. - Filed. :From E. F,', S. Sanders, Q/C., Chairman of the Alima CoJ1ege EXlpansion P;rogram Wlibh 'thanks for qebter of January 24th.- Filed. From ;the County Olf Norfolk with resolution to petition illle Fe<1erel Government to exempt muniicipal officials elected in m'UnidIP'alitie'S (o'ther than tha~t designated a city) from contributR iug to the Canada Pelision Blan on the salaries and/or allowances paid them as municipal ,officials. - Referred, to the Petitions' and iLegis1a'm.on Committee. From- Dr. G.E. Halll Pres~dent of the University of Western Ontario wi'th aJPtpreC'iation of grant and schola.r!fuiJps. - Filed. From Western Ontario Agricultural S'C!h.ool wl,th a{PlPreciation of Scholarship. - Filed. From ,the City of St. Thomas advising the appointment of City. R€lpl'iesentartive to the El,gin _. St. Thomas ErrueTgenlcyMea- sures Committee for 1966. - Filed. From ,the Elgin - St. Thomas Health Unit with 1966 iBudget. - Referred to the Finance Oommittee. Frqm Sheri;jjf E. P. Ray, copy of Grand J"",y Report to Mr. Justice Brooke. - Referred to the iPrQperty Committee. M,oved by iReeve PhiNips, Seconded by :Depu1ty Reeve Moore: ".Vhat we do now adjourn to meet at 2:00 p;m., March 15th, 1966. .".....,Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 65 Council Reconvened .. The report of the Planning. Committee was presented by R<eeve Phillips, ."and adapt,ed .'dn--m-otionof Reeve Phillips mid Reeve McCaUIUJJn. The..fil'st report. olf...the ~jlh'ance. Cam'niibtee Il.v,as presented by Reeve Cl,arke, and adcftJted on motion' of Reeve Clarke'and'Reeve DeGraw. The report of the Elgin Manor Committee was presented by DetPUty Reev,e Caverly and adopted 01\ motion of Deputy 'Reeve Caverly 'and. Reeve Aruckland. 'Dhe :report-of the PrOlperty,Committee.was presented by Reeve Dorwney,and ,adopted on motion' of ReE.lVe DoWney and Re'eVe Brown. The first repo~lof the Equalization andAss€'SsmentCom~ ~ltte~ was ,presented Iby Reeve Downey and adopted on motion of Reeve Downey and Reeve Emerson. The :second report of ,the Equaftization and, Assessment Com~ mitt<ce. was presented !by Reeve DOlWlley, and ado-pted on motion of Reev,e Downey and R-eeve Keirllor." :"Th:e'seJcond report of- tJ-heFinance Committee was presented by Reeve Clarke, and adopted on m<Ytion of Reeve Clarke and Reeve Wilson. Moved ,hy Reeve W'Oolner, Seconded by Reeve Emerson: 'WlfFiRJElAJS the new \proposed riding.of Elgin includes the TownShiJps o<f HO'll~Mon, Middleton, and the Town of De[hi, and t'hesemunic1paHtiesha've indicated they would prefer to rem1ain with Norfolk County, WHrEmEtAlS 'tlhe TQlwnshLps of Dunwich, Aldlborough, and the Villages: of Rodney, West Lorne, and Dutton are now in the Kenl 66 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL riding, and would PI,efer to 'be iUCi1uded in rthe Elgin. riding, Wi!liEmElAS bhe Co<unty of Ellgin ha~ requested tbe Minister of Municipal A.J:Efa'iri:l to tfOlUll a. COU:,:lty Planning Area, WHEiRJEAJS bhe development now occurring within the Elgin County win ,greatJly incr.ease the population and the need for co~ operation wi thin the Oounlty, WIH'ElRiEAJS Elgin County is presently a Federal constituency, BE l!T HEREBY RiElSOLV,FJD that the Prlme Minister give serious consider-atian to removing the Townships of Hollghton,. Middl,eton, and Iblre town of iDeI,hi f:l"o'm the Elgin Roiding and in- .elude the t01wnships otfAldlboroug'h :and DUI1!Wioh and the Villages of Rodney, West Lorne, and Dutton. AJND 'TIHiAT OOPcrES of this resolution be sent to the Prime M;inister, ItK. M'c:NeiI; Honourable James Allan, and Jack Spence. -Carried. Morv~d Iby, Reeve Clarke, Seconded by Reeve Phillips: 'I1hatthe County Auditors be i,nstruoted to transfer $52,600.00 frc.\m accUllYlulated surlplus, to reserve for working funds. -Carried. Mo~ed rby Reeve ArUckland, Secom;led by Reeve McOallum: That the Warden and the Clerk 0/ the County of Elgin be, and are hereby authorized to sign Cerlif~cartes. regarding. the fol.;. low1ng . .pe:rnnanent eIl1/Ployee of the OoJ:'lpOration for exemption of contrilbutions as provided under the Reg.Ullations of the Unemrploy~ ment Insurance A,c:t. - Mr. J. Me[)onald. ~Carriep.. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 67 Moved by !Reeve Woomer, Seconded by Reeve Todd: That we do now adjourn to' 'm,eet, March 16th, at lO:O{) a.m. --Oarried. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. J. V. McKJIN-LAY, Warden. SECOND. SES,SION - SECOND. DAY .' Wednesday the 16th day of March, 1966 ;- The Elgin C(>unty Council met this day at the Court House, 81.. Thomas, in accordance wi1h adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. '-;:;. All the members present, eXlCept Reeve Barker and Deputy Reeve Caverly. A letter from :Mr. "Frank Danlbrook withap!preciation,of a pen and lPe~d'l set receLved at the Elgin County J'ers'ey Clu1b .Annua'! Ibanq{let was read and ordered. filed. 'Ilhe report of 1!he Agrioulrtu1'lal CQJtrllmittee was pr,esenied by Reeve Woelner, and adoptted en motioll of Reeve Woolner and Reeve AUClroliand. The report of the Road C=;ttee was presented by Reeve Br:OWill, and adopted on motion of Reeve Br,olWnand Reeve Mc- Oallum. Mo,ved .by Reeve Brown, Seconded by Reeve Keillor: That By-Law No. 1917, "A By-iLawto :prov,ide for the 1966 Nomnal EXlpenditures on Hoads.,under the HigJhrway Improvement A.at in the County O!f Elgin," be read a first time. --Carried; 68 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Depuiy Reeve Wise, Seconded by ReiWe WilsOn: That By-lLawNo. 19'17 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved !by Reec;re W;ason, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wise: That By-Law No. 19,17 'be read a third time and finaBy passed. -Oarried. Moved by Re"",e McC~lium, Se'oond,ed hy Re"",e Auckland: Thai By-Law No. 1918, "A By-Law to Pirovide.forvhe 1966 SUiPP1'eullen-tary EXlpenditures on Roads under tlhe Highway rm~ .provement Ad in theCouutyof Elgin," 'be read a first time. -Carried. Mo,vedby Reeve AuC'k'land, Seconded /by Reeve 'MoOa1llum: 'I'hstBy-lLaw No. 19,18 'be "ead a second time. --Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Orchard, 'Se-cpnded by Reeve ,Emerson: ITh.atBy-iUaJw No. 19'18 he read a third time and fina!By passed. ---Carried. ELGIN COUNTY. COUNCIL 69 Muved by Deputy Reeve Nemett, Seconded by Reeve BTOIWn: 'Ilhat By-iIJaw No. 19119, "A By"Ll>w to A,mend the By-Law adopting .a Plan of County Road l1mprovement and E:stalbIishing a Oounty'Road System in tlhe County cd' Elgin under the High- Wlay LmprQ!Velment Arct/, be read a fi1'l9t time. --"Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Nemett, Selconded by Reeve Brown: ITh.st BY-<LaJW No. 1919 Ibe read a second time. -Carried. ,Mov~d by Deputy-\Heeve Wise, Seconded :by Re"",e Clarke: That By-iUaiW lI:'o. 19m be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. . ,Moved 'by ReeVe Emerson, Seconded hy Deputy Reeve Orchard: That By-iIJaJW No. 1920, "A By-LaJW to Amlend the By.Law adopting a Plan cd' County i!Wad t1nlpO:'ovement and Estalblishing a County Rood System in the Counlty elf Elgin under the Highway liniiProvehtent Act," Ibe read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Auckland, S~~,oI":dedby :-Reeve -_ Emerson: That By-LaJW No. 1920' be read a se,cond time. -Carried. 70 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Reeve EmersoD, Seconded Goy Reeve MoOallum: .' rI1hat By-iLalW No. 1920 he read a 1Jhird time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Wooilner, Seconded hy D'€lPuty Reeve Gilchrist: That iBy-LaJW No. ,1021, uTa con1finmthe Equ~Hization <Yf the Assessment :Rolls O'f the County O!f Elgin for the year 1966," be read a firSlt time. ---Carried. Moved by Reeve Todd, Seconded by D€lPuty Eeeve McAlpine: 'l1hat By-Law No. 1921 he read a second time. -Carried. MOlved by Reeve DeGT.aJW, Seoonded by Reeve McCalllum: That By-JJ~w' No. 1921-be .read a third time and finally piassed. -Carried. !Moved :by Reeve [)eGN\IW: Seconded by Reeve Todd: That By-Law No. 19\2:2, "To raise amounts for County Rates during fue Year 19~," be r~ad a :first time. --,..Garried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 71 Moved by Deputy Reeve GUcl1rist, Seconded hy Reeve Woolner: That By-iLalW No. '19,22 Ibe' read a second time. ---Carried. Moved by Reeve Todd, Seconded hy iReeve McCallum: 'l'b:&t By-lUalW No. 1922 he read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved hy D€lPuty,Reeve McAlpine, Seconded by Reeve MoCaJllum: That By-Law No. 1'9-22, "To a!l'Point Court Reporter and S<!\:- r~t8;rY for,tbe C.ounty.tudge," bereadR fir~ time. Moved by Reeve Row-ley, Seconded 'by D'CiPuty Reeve Moore: 'l1l;at By-L'aw No.. 1923 be read a second time. ---Carried. -Carried. Mwed ,by Reeve Glover, Seconded by Reeve RoM'iley: 'l1l;at By-LaM' No 1923 be read a third time and finally passed. ---Carried. 72 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL M'wed <by Reeve W,aolner, Seconded by Reeve Todd: That we de no,w adj.ourn to. meet at 2:00o'.c!ock, March 16th, 1966. -Carried. Council Reconvened The report af the Petitions and Legislation Gom1mittee was presented, Iby Reeve RIOIwley and, adopted on motion of Reeve ROwley and Deputy Reeeve Elliott. The second report .of the Road Ooonmittee Wias presented by 'Heeve Brown, and' ,adO[Pted on motion of Reeve Brown and Reeve Keillor. Moved <by Reeve Philli,ps. Seconded 'by Depj1ty Reeve. Moore: That By-'Law' No. 1'9~4, "Being a By"lIaw to 1\woint a Plan- niJ;l~~LDireotor for the County of Elgin," ,be read a first time. '. . -,Oarried. Moved !by Reeve 01arke, Seconded !by Reeve WiQson: 'Dhat By,Law No. 1924 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wise, Seconded Iby Deputy Reeve Elliott: 'Dhat ,By-'Law No: 1924 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 73 Mo.ved by Reeve Downey, Seconded by Reeve Emerson: That By-ILaw No. 1926, "A By-ILaw of the Municipal COl'po,- ution of the County 0& Elgin to provide for the atppOiniment o;f a County Assessment Commissioner/, Ibe rea-da first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Rowley, Seconded c by Reeve DeGraw: Th.t -By-ILaw No. 1926 <be read a second time. --Carried. Moved by Reeve ,,!;odd, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Gilichrist: That By-iLalw No. 1005 he read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved 'by Reeve Bllllli,ps, Seconded by Reeve Wilson: 'Dhat By-Law No. 1006, HA By-iLarw to confirm By-LRlw No. 1538 o.fthe Township of Bayhaln, -Being a By-ILaw to Stl>p up, close and Sell a Street in tbeHattl1~et of SiJra~fordvi11e according to Registered Plan No. 205 of lihe said Hamlet of Stralffordville," be readS. first time. -.JCarried. Moved by Deputy R-eeve Elliott, Seconded by Reeve C1arlke: That By-Law No. 19M be read a second time. -Carried. 74 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Movedhy Deputy lReev'e Wise, Seconded 'by Deputy Reeve Moore: Thart By"[,aw No. 1~'2,6 be read a third time and finally passed. -Oarried. M'oved by Re'eve Woolner, Seconded by Reeve Todd: That we do now adour.n to meet on June 14th, 19~6, at 10:00 a.m. -Carried. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. .J. V. McKJ:NLAY, Warden. PLANNING COMMITTEE REPORT March )Sessioni 1966 To the Warden, and Memlbers of the Elgin County Council, The Ptlanning . Committee reports as follows: 1. 'l1hat a F1lanning Works'hop wlll be held in St. Thomas on the evening of Aipril 5'th, and all day Aipril 6th. 2. lit was agreed that the communication from the County <Yf Renfrew -be filed. ~. Th'at aU resolutions regarding County of Elgin Planning Area pa'SlSed 'by the m,emlber municiJpalities 'he forwarded to the Min1ster of Municipal. A.::IWairs. 4. Tlhat a noon Iluncheon Ibe provided for' the PlanningW().rk'~ shop. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 75 5. 'I1bJat Mr. Carl A!lteIJberg ,be engaged as F1hmning Director for the remainder of 19'66 at a salary 0If $1,000.00 \per month com- mencing A1pril1st, 1966, and the t<>wnohi[>s of Yanrnouth and South- wold !be relieved of their oIbligation to Mr. Carl Altenberg. 6. 'l1hat the Ollairman be \paid a per die<m allowance "nd mile- age for intewiewwith the Minister of MuniciJpal Affairs. . 7" :t'hat Reeve Keillor be appointed a memiber of the Plan- I?-:irig CoinImittee. Ai]'l<Yf whioh is respectfully submitted. C. D. PBlHJL!ps, Chaivman. -"i' 76 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL -, COUNTY RATES, COUNTY OF' ELGIN March Session, 1966 _. F'irst ,Report FINANCIAL REPORT To theWa.;rden, and Merhlbers of the Elgin CountyCounlCil, THE OOMMlTI1EE on ]1inance ,beg 'leave to report that having inquired, into :Financ:-s of . the County, ~ndesti1nates pre})ared by the County Treasurer, they herewith submit a statement of. the expend~tures required for the la.wful {purpose of the County dur~ ing 1,966, s:ho1wimg the amount required to be raised for the underM mentioned pUl'Iposes: ' Administration of Justice ~_..__._..""._____.~'_____m__. 'County Roads (9.3 mills) Charity and Welfare Child Welfare -Ellgin Manor Operating Elgin Ma,,<>r Deben lure . Hospitall Debentures _____________________"~_____~__________._____"-_ iBanll<: Interest ..........__..........................._.....__.............. Discount on Oounty Rates Ab"tement o~ Taxes _......._.._.......__.___......___..,_.....___ Agriculture County Assessment ___._..__________________.__...___________.__ !Health Unit .m......__....__.....................................__....... Registry O'ffice ................,...---.........-...--.....-......-.... Care of BUildings .._____._..........._..___....__......_.m__.. County P1.lblic Library ___...................._.....m........... Gra,nts _.____________~________~.._____________.____._._______------------..--.~.- Tillsonlburg Hospital .......mm.m..___...................____.... lIDmergency Measures" Organization _______.~.___________ Printing, Postage and Sta'tionery ______,.__.___________. Municipal Government Sundries .______.,________.____.___~.______~__._~__~.___.~____.___..________..____ P,1anning Provision :for ReseI1ve From S<Urplus ..m.$ 68,000.00 534,716.00 ~,OOO.OO 26,000.00 ~l,036.00 3-1,840.00 49,600.00 20,000.00 6,000.00 12,000.00 16,000.00- 42,031.00 22,500.00 26,746.00 12,:lOO.00 16,000.00 2,600.00 2,000.00 39,000.00 96'1.62 10,000.00- 46,000.00 $1,022,322.62 73,633.21 $948,689.41 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 77 Your Coonmittee would recommend thratthe sum -of Nine Hundred and Forty-Eight Thousand, Six Hundred and Eighty Nine Dollarsl and Forty.:.One cents ibe raised on a'll the' rateable prOlperty in tl1e severall municilPaliM.'es of the County of Elgin during the year, 1'966, ~or CO'Unty purposes, and that a rate of 16.5 mills on fue dollar ,be levied on ratealble property in the several municipal1ties in the' County to 'raise said amounts. All ,o'f which is respectfully suO:lmitrted. C. N. CILLAlRIKE, Chairman. EI1GIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1966 '~,;" To the '\Varden, and Memlb~rs of the E~ginGoul1JtyCounlciIJ' The Elgin Manor Committee reports as follows: 1. That the OOlnlnitteie authorize a GroUp InsurancePlall fur theeimployees and the dedudion ihe made OIl the payroll. 2. That we instruct Black and McDolliaJid to inlllallAuxiliary unit at a cost of $1086.00. '.3l" Tihat Ir\ifrs. J. Pinnegar'be engaged as part-t:me office help, '12 days. 4. Th"t we adOj>t a 'budget requiring $62,8,76.49 ,for operating Elgin Mianor an<:l meeting the 1960 delbenture payment. 6. Thai! the petty ca.Sh 'be increased from $25.00 to $50.00. 6. That Mr. P"tterson be given $360.00 car allowance per year, plus out of town mileage at lOe a mile. 7. The home now has a resident populaition of 83 with a waiting list df 9, to be admitted when rooms are available. Am of whioh is respectfully su'bmitted. W. R. CAVERLY, Chairman. 78 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT. March Session. 1966 Tq the \Varden, and Memlbers of-the Elgin C9:unty Council, The Property _ C()'ll1111ittee - reports - as follows: 1. We have acce<pted the tender of Gillard Plumbing and Heat1ng to renovate the furnace room and install new gas fired furnscesat a price of $'15,169.26. 2. An electrilc typewriter, two steel wardrolbes, and a station,. ery OOIbinet are being purchased for the Crown .A!ttorney's otffice at a total net cost of $6-17.50. ;3'. A ne'W' adiding machine has !been purchased for the sher- icl!f's o~fice at a net cost of $78.'10. 4. The resign:ation ,of Mrs. Jean Be1avis as Judge's Secretary and Co<urt Reporter has been accepted with regret. 6. ,Mrs. Lois SOIll1erville has been engaged as Judge's Secre~ tary and Court ~eporter for an ;:l:veraJge of three days per _week at $1-6.00'. ill.er day. 6. 18urchase of a microfile machine 'and accessories fromRe. cordak of Canada Ltd. for lfue Registry Office has been approved. Tolal cost $5,5167.74. 7. The tender oflLaf Statio~ery Dtd. fer five 'filiri~ caJbinets, six oak. al'm chairs; an:d1lwe 'oak office talbl,es fer the Registry Of- fice..}}'as, been a1ccepted. Tender, price $986.49. A:11 of whioh is respectfully sulbmitted. B. E. DOWNEY, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 79 EQUALIZATION AND ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE March Session. 1966 - First Report TO' the Warden, and MemJbers of the E~gin County Coun1cll, The Equalization and Assessment Committee l'eports ag, fol- [ows: 1. 'I'hi"t we accept lfue re<port of the Oounty Assessor M the year 1966, dated March 1Mh, 1966. ~,. . That the [etter from the Honouralble J. W. Spooner point- ing o<ut that only a person who is licensed by the Depar1nnentrnay -be appointed as Oounty A:sses.sor ,or Assessment Commissioner, be filed. ~. That a By.;Law he prepared to provide for the aplpOint- ment. of aCoUIity Assessmerit Commissioner. ~Ilotf whioh is reSpectfully sulbmltted. B. E. DOWNEY. Chairman. 80 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL EQUALIZATION ~EPORT Ma~ch .Ses~ion. 1966 - Second Repo~f To the.Wardenl and Members of the E!gin. County Council, The Equalization Committee reports as follows: 1. THAT the following be the eqnallzation o:f the Assess- ment Tholl, o:f the County 0If Elgin for the year, 1966: Aylmer ..........................,................$7,397,425. Belmont ..............................__..,....,: 765,500. Patton ............_.............................__ 1,014.497. ,.. Port Burwell ...._.."....................... 857,486. Port Sbanley .......,................._....... 3.057,'612. Rodney' ..........:....."............"..............,. 1.2126,895. Springfield ...._.........................,.... 365,841. Vienna -..........................................359.900. West Lorne .....m.._____._..:.............. 1,1281.000. AI<'Iborough ..............--'.__............__.... 5.245;9~0. Biayham .....m.................................. 6.800,796. Dorchester South ..__..._.....00"...... 1.995.000. DUIllWich ........__.............................. 4,~1l2.2I30. iMala'hide.. ............_... ................,...... 7,767,700. Southwo1d __:_........:..:..................._ 6.587.700. l"armouth ______.............._.___ 9.Wl3.4oo. $57.67~.91-1. W.69~4'7,4% 1;3&1991 % 1.75900~% 1A86607% 5.3(}16~ % 2.126599% 0.6M3'38% 0.624067 % 2.2121147% '9.Q96003% 10.066764% 3.459-163 % 7'.459707% 1M68542% 11.422520% 16.61001-2% 100.00000'0% 2. 'I1HIAT this Council is willing to ..have the final equalization of Assessment Rolls in case or appeal, m,ade by the Count.y Judge. Aill o:f whioh is respectfully sulbmitted. B. E. DOWNEY, Chaiman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 81 !FINANCE COMMITTEE. REPORT March Se$sion. 1966 _ Second Report To the Warden and Memlbers of the Ellgin County CouncN. The Finan-ce COlTIlIlliHee r~ortsas follows: 11. Thai! Charity and Welfare Pay List -No,. 1 for $1.346.50 and Pay List No. 2 for $1;384.85; be arpIproved. 2. Th'at.."Children's Aid Societies Pay List No.1 for $3.601.97 and Pay List No.2 for $1.757.26. be approved. 3. That the letter from the University of Waterloo request- ing agr.ant, .Ibe filed. 4. Thai the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit l3udget for 1966. he alJ.lProved. 6. That net a'ccount fr<llm thbTownship of Malahide for ta"es wribten off or iElbated under Section m'l for 1962, 19'64. and 1965 totalling $l.~84.14,lJe paid. AQ.j of whioh is respectfully sulbmitted. C. N. C~, Ghairman. AGRICUL TURALCOMMITTEE REPORT March. Session, 1966 To the 'Warden and Members af the Elgin County CouncH, The Agricultural Committee reports' a'S fdlJIo'W.s: 1. 'I\hrat the letter from-the Western Counties Guernsey Club requesting a grant. be :filed. 2. 'Dhat the lebter from the Western Ontario Livestock Pro~ ducers' AssO'ciation~ be talbl'ed. . 3., That the reso1uti9n .from . the C9tmty 9f SlmCge .recom- mending t'hW!.. theIl!lin1$t~r of AgrlO'Ulture be pe'titiOil<ad to .review 82 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL the Tile Dra.'inage Act, be.. filed. Ml of whioh is respectfully sulbmitted. GORiDON WOOLNiEJR, Chairman. ROAD COMMITTEE ,REPORT March Session. 1966 To the 'Warden and Me.mIbers of the Elgin C'Punty CouncN, Gl'lN'l1IJEM1ElN : YOUR OOA!D COMMITTEE ,begs to report as follows: 1. We expect to recehre the Needs Study Report very shortly from the Printers. 2. I:t is exjpected thatinSitalUation of M,oIbile Radio units will be .larted s'hortly, and 1!llat the system will be operating by early Aipril. 13. Tenders are Ibeing called for gra,v;e.~ crushing and . !for hot mix asphalt Paving on Gounty Road ~5 east dl Highway 19 in Bayham Township 0Dev. Road No. 7~'5). 4. lPre-engineering work is underway on County Road 52 ~Dev. Road No. 840) west of Springfield !by County employees. 5. THE ENGINiIDIDR has been empowered to advertise for an AssiS'bantdue It.O the present large road eXlpenditur'e and the projected. increase in the next few years. WE RECOMMElND: 1. THiAfr!rt the request of the Department of Highways the following resdlution be passed in regard to our Annuail- Return to 'the Department,"That we request rf:iheD.H.O. to m,akethe fol.:.. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 83 lowing transier: Transler $10-,876.90 from Gonstruc<tion Roads to Oonstruction Bridges andOul'Verts." 12.' THAT the Estilrnates of the St. ThOlmas Stlbwfuan Road C<>m:mission for 1966 totalling $1,7,6,000 be 8J!lIProved (of 1!lljs am- ountthe Swn of $150,000 is estimated for theConstruotion of the St. Geor,ge Street Bridge). 3; TIHAT:a Norman Road Expenditure By-LaJw be. !passed to be allocated as folJows: Cons:truction Main:tenance ~6,000' 230,800' 56,000 26,50fr 65,000 nirl 3'3,000'52,7fr~ Total '3~6,800 82,500 65,000 85.7frO Ro'ads Bridges & G'lIl verts N:ew Machinery m______m~_________________ Superintendence & Ovhd. .......... .'~';. 200,00fr 570,000 370,000 4. THAT a Supplementary Road E"pendlture By-LalW be passed to 'be allo'Oateda\s. .fol1()w!~ Roads Bridges COlt$:truc:tion 465,000 ..--................,..........___..,................. 005,00~ 77'0,000 iBIRIEJAIKING T:HiElSIE AMOUNrr.S DOWN: (Recommendations 3 gnd, 4). (a) OOUWTY EXPffilNIDiWUiR'ES: COTI's:trulct~on R'Oiad's _______.____________Cm_______________________$ iConstruCltion Bridges and Culverts ______..___.__.m.~ Construction New Mia'chinery iMiaintenance Roads ________m___.__,___~......". ._____________________ lIY.fadntenance 13ridges .and Culverts Ovemead ......._____...................__......._............................ 479,000 211,000 65,000 )304,000 26,000- 80,000 $ t,1-1l4;000' 84 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL vq)ST, TH!CJIl\IM!S SI(J1S,UlRIl3<AiN :ROAD COMMLSSLON E~P:IDN- DtIlI1UlRIElS: ...$ 4,000 150,000 14,800 1,500 5,700 Construction 'ConstI1UctlOn Ma'in1ten:ance Maintenance Overhead Ro.ads .............................___................. Bridges - and - Cui verts ,-- --------- --. Roads.............____................. .'m....___'" Bridges' ahd - OuI'Vierts-'_____.....c___~____"__C_ $176,000 TOTA:L '1VJjONlE,Y .M'P:ROIPIRlIAoTElD, $1,340,000 at an estimated 'oOs! to the Oo.unty <If $5'35,600 (9,3 mills on llie present County A:ssoos1ment). ~'8E' rtOAiI>' BY-LAWS provide money for C-oI1strti.ction on Cgun,ly Roads as follOO'ts: . (aY 'Land Purchased ~or Roads "eing co.nstruoted. (lb) Pa:y1ment for: Il1staillation of Railroad Prfrtection on County Ro.ad 14, at Lena, and CoulJlty :RMd 37 east of Belmont. (c) Doulhle-Surfalce Treatment on Road 19, Southwdld. (d) Doulble Surface Tre,a1ment on Ro.ad 44, Bayham. (e) Double Surface Treatment anil Crushed Gra"e1 on Road 45, Calton to Mount Salem, MalJalhide ~ownshirp. (.f) COIDIPlettion.otf Grading, Granular Base, etc., M'alahide-Sou'bh iD~rchester To.wnIine Elast of SpringfIe'ld (foDmer Road 62). (g) CormpI€ltionof Gxading, Granwlar Base, etc., South DOl'ichester- [)e~ehalm Townline (fo:nmer iRoad 5'4). (h) GN>di",g, Granular Base, etc., !Road 27 !from HigibJWay 4 to. !Road 36 (Unio.n to. Sp;arta) Yal1IDo.w1Jh TownSb.ip. (i) Grading, .Oranlar Base, etc., Rood 2 w€stenly aa>iProx. OOle lll1i1e, Dunwtich TownSb.ip. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 85 (j) Grading, GDanular Base, etc., !Road 8 from Highway 401 to Road 15, i!)unwi0h Township and Village of Dutton. (k) iSlpot ..:TImprovement, ... Grading Ch.anular Hase and Culvert widening, Road 40 - % mile nortJl} of Mount S-aqem, lVIa1a- hide TownSb.ci(p, (J) ,Plalceunent of Oul"ert and Fill to Repla.ce Stalter Gulley Bridge, Road 42, ,Malahide T.o'Wnship. (m) MapIeton and McNiel Bridges on former 'County Road 50, South Dorchester. (n) 'Spring Creel<: Culvert, Road 37, North and South Dorchester. (0) fJip-e Culvert Construction on Roards 2, 8 and 27. 5. .THAT two>-By-Litvis be passed, one assuming and one re- vemting a portion olf: (a) Former County Road .5 in Aldborough and DunwIoh Townshci(ps. ,Ob) :For,mer Gaunty Road 18 'in Southwald Township. (c) Fm'mer County !Road 5~ In the Village of Springfield, land the Townships of 80uth Dorchester and Malahide. ThIs will enable the County to make Cash Payments to the TQwnS:h1PS. of Aldlborough, Dunwi'ch,. Southrw,oild,. South Darche'st- er.. "and. the Village of Sprmg'fieldJ in accordance with the lM:inis~ ter of Hig:b!wa:y's poHcy that where a Township assumes more County Road ftiom the County t'hranthe Gounty assumes. Torwn- shiJp Road from the TownshiJp, the Depavtment wIR make a pay- menttoiWwds the maintenance o;f this -extra mileage of roads. The De;partmel1t of Higih."'ay's will reirnlh<L1rse the County for the cash payments mad-eta the local municipalities. AU>I of whioh is respectfully submitted. G. E. BROWN, Chairman. 86 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL NORMAL BY-LAW NO. 1917 A By-Law to Provide for the 1966 Expenditures on Roads Under the Highway Improvement Act in the County of Elgin ,WHEREAS The Hig'hJwlay Thniprovement Aet requires that the totail eXtpenditure on roads be :provided for annually by County :by-Iaw and that the 'by-,jaw be submitted to the Minister O<f High- ways fur atp<prOV<ll. THEREFORE the Gounci~ of the Corporation of the said County enacts as follows: -(1) The sum of $5'7~,OOO is hereby estimated as the expendi- ture .1lIpon 'the construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiotion during the year 1966 as follows: Cons:truoiion Maintenance Total ~5,000.OO $:21~O',800.0~ $33'6,800.00 56,0-00-.00 00,500.00 6~,500.00 11l6,OOO.01} nil 00,000.00 ~~,OOO.O~ 512,700.0~ 85,700.00 Heads Bridges and Culverts ........n__m.. New Msohdnery '..mm___m.m.... Superintendence and OveI'ihead TOTALS ..m......m..........___i$200,000.00<$37~,000.~O $57~,000,01l .(~) The said monies s'hall heeXtpended under the supervis- ion of the -duly 8iPPointed county road superintendent and on work perfol'lmed in aocordance wilth The Highway I,mprovement Act. -(i3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate COljlies of <this by-law to the district oflfice of tihe Muni'Cipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways, not later than March 31st, of said year; (4) The atp<prov,al of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be ob- tained before any eXlpenditrure is authorized or work comnnenced Which willI .be financed by the issue of debentures 001 monies raised ilJ. a. subsequent year. Passed at Sit. Thomas, this 16th day of March, A.D., 1966. H. L. JOHNSON, Glerk. JOHN McKINLAY, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 87 I, H.L. Johnson, Glerkof the Corporation of the County of Elgin, do 'her€lby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By- Law No. 1917, passed by the Council of the said COl1poration on the l'8th day of March, 1968. H. L. JOHNSON, County Clerk. SUPPLEMENTARY BY-LAW NO. 1918 A By-L'aw.to Provide for the .1966 Expendi:l:ures on Roads Under theJ ,Highway Improvement Act in the County of Elgin. .WHERE:AS The Higlllway Improvement Am requires that the '-'> total eXI.P,enditure on Toads be pil'Ovided for annually by county . by-I"", and tbJat the by-law be sulbmitted to 11le Minister of High- ways for ap'proval. WHrnmfEiF101R1.E the Council of the Corporation of the said County ,enads as .follows: (1) The sum O<f $770,000 is hereby estimated as the expend'!- tUlre upon the' construotion and IDainrtencmce. of the rDads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the yeatr 1966 as follows: Construction Mamtenance Toial 'Roads .m........m--................_.._____.m$~5,000.0~ $ $~5,OOO.00 BricLgesand Culverts ..........m...305,00~.00 305,000.00 New Mwchinery .m.____.___..___........ nil Supellintendence . and . Overhead -~ TOTALS .....m.m...m..__.m..$77'0,00~.00 $77~,OOO.00 (2) 'Dhe said monies shan be eXlpended under tl).e supervisR ion of the duly a.,ppointedcoul1Ity road superintendent and on work !perfiormed in accordance. with. the Higthwa'y !improvement Act. (13) The clerk shan transmit duplicate cOLPies of t-his by-law to the -dish"iot omke of,trhe Mrunidpal Roads :aranc-h~ Department of Highw'ays, not l~ter than M.iarch ~lslt, O<f the said Year. 88 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 1(4) 'Ilheawro"al OIl tile Ontario Municipal Board Shall be olbtained''before any ex:pendirtJure is a1uthorized or,work,commenc~ edwhich. will 'be :liinanced by the issue of debentures or monies raised in a subsequent year. Bassed at St. Thomas, this 16th day of March, A.D., 1966. H.L. JOHNSON, Clerk. JOHN McKINLAY, Warden. J, H. L. .Johnson, Olerk of the Co,,!>omtion of .ne County of Elgin, do h€rrelby ,certify 1Ihat the foregoing is a true copy of By- Larw No. 1918, pass.ed by the .council of the said COl'lporation on the 16'1Ih d'ay OIl MaI'oh, 19616. H. L. JOHlNSON, County Clerk. THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW.NO.1919 A BY-LAW TO AMEND Ihe By-Law Adopting a Plan of Counly Road Improvement and Establishin'g ,8 ,iCounly Road, System in 'Ihe Counlyof ELGIN under the Highway Improvement ,Alet. The Council of the 0011Poration of the County of Elgin enacts as By-Lalw Number 1'9'1'9 as Jiollows: 1. II'HE SCHlEDULE "A" df By-l"w Number 897 being the or- iginal By"l~w est~blishing a County Road System in the County of Elgin as amended by By-law NUJtn/ber 18(>1 being ihe 1:as;t Consolida:ting By-lalw re~establishing the said SYS8 tern '.and fur:ther allllehded 'by subsequent a'mending By-laws is herelby "mended :by adding thereto the Roads designated and .descrlbed as :&>l1ow.: DESCRIPTION County Road No,S BEING that pODtion of road and the' deviations thereof in the fuwnships of Aldborough and Dunwioh: COMMENCJNG in the Tc>wnships of ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 89 Aldbolloug1J.' and Du:nwlchon the road compris~ ing ,the'lboundary he1iween the said Townships at the northern limit of the road between Conces- sions VIII and, IX: in the. T"wnsbiJp of A1d.borough designated COUNTY HOMJ' NUMiBER 2: THElNCE northerly along the sa,id boundary road. to the southern Hm:it of the road between coilC~sslons 'Ill and III in the Town.ship of DufllWich designated OOUNTY ROAD NUMBER 9; A TOTAL DIS- TANCE OIl approximately 3..25 miles. BEING. that por.tion of road and the deviations thereof in the Township OIl, Southwold;QOM- MEiNOItN1G on the, road between Concessions II and ILl a;t the eastern lrmit of the road compris- :Lng 1Ihe -boundary between the Townships of Dunwioh and Sout!>wo1d designated COUNTY RO~D NUMBER 14; THENCE easterly along the said road between Concessions n and In to the western limit of the road between Lots 6 and 7 designated COUNTY ROAD NUMBER 20; A DlS- TANiOE, of 3IllProximately 4.,3'5 miles. BIDING thwt !P-l?rtion of road and the d.ev.iations thereolf'in the Townships of'South : .Dorchester and M,alahide. and the Village ,c!fS,ringtfield commencing in the villag.e of SiIn~ingfield on Main Streetat.the..eaBtern limit of East Street being County Road l1iumrber 40; THENCE easter- ly along the saidiJVtadn Sltreet to theeasternUmit of the Village of Springfield; THENCECONTIN- UING in the Townships of South Dorchester and Mal'ahide easterly along the roadcotrlliprising the boundary' 'between the saidmunidpalities and its deviations to the western limit of the road compriSing iJhe Jboundarybetwe'en the Townsh~ps o.fSouth Dorche-st€r and the Towns'hi'p of Dere~ ham in the County OIl Oxford designated as County Road NUlrtiber 54; A TOTA!L DISTANCE OF approximately 2.75 miles. 2; THE ROADS ,as designated and described in P,ai'agraph 1, a.r'e hereby added to and included in the County Road Sys~ temof the County: olfElgin. County <Road ' No. 18 County Road No.. 52 90 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 3. THts BY-UAW shall COOle into fovce upon the atpprow1 there- of by .theLieuwnant-Governor in Council. ,E'INALLY PASSED at the City of St. Thomas, in the County O'f Elgin, this 16th day of Mar~h, 19'58. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. JOHN McK1NLAY, Warden. J, H. L. JOHNSON, Clerl< of the C<lrporation of the C()unty of Elgin, do here\by cerbid'y th"t the :I!()regoing is a true C()Py of By- La.w No. 19-19, passed by the Council of the said Corporation, on the 16th clay of March, 1006. H. L. JOHNSON, County Clerl<. THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 1820 A BY.LAW TO ~END ihe :By-law Adopling a Plan of County Road Improvemenl .and .Establishing ill. Counly Road Syslem in ,Ihe iCounty of ELGIN under Ihe Highway Improvement Act. Il'he Council of the COl1POration ()f the County of Elgin en. a,cts a's By--!aw Number !i120 as follows: 1. THE SCH:EDULE "A" of By-law Number 8;)7 being the orig- inai! By-la.w e'stall>l1sbing a County Road System in the Coun- ty of Elgin as "mended ~y By-law NUIll1Iber 16(11 'being the last Consolidwting By-law re-estaiblislring the said system and 'further amended iby subsequent amending By-laws, is her.elby a'mended Iby. relnQving therefrom the Roads designated and described as follows: Designalion BEJNGthait p<>rtion of the road and the devia- "'''All Hons thereof in the TownsihiJps of A1ldiborough and Dunrwich formerly designated as COUNTY ROAD NUMBER 5; OOMMENCING in. the Town- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 91 Designation Designation "B" ....eu shiI.Pg of Aldlborough and DUl1Iw1ch on the road oOmIPrising tihe boundary hetween the said T{)Wn~ ships wt the northern limit of the road 'between Concessions VIJ.[[ and IX in the Township 9!f AQd~ bovough. (le.ignated COUNTY ROAD NUMBER 2; TFIEN:CE northeJ!ly along the said boundary road to the.. southern l-1mitof -the I'1o-ad- between Concesslons Mandl;]! in the TorwnshipO'.f Dun:- wlch designated OOUNTY RJO!A.'D NU~I.(lBER 9; A 'I'OTAL DISTANCE <If approximately 3.25 miles. B;EING that [J'ortion of road and the de.viations thereof in the Township of Southwo1d foruneTly desigMtedCOUNTY'ROAD NO. 18; COMMENC- ING on the road 'between Concessions IT and III at the eastern li<mit' otf the road cO:ITI,pOC'ising the iboun'd-a:ry. Jbe-tween the TOiwnsilritps of Dunwich and Sl>\xthwold designated COUNTY ROAD NUMBER 14; THENCE easterly along the said road ;bebween c.oncessi-ons m: wnd ILl to the wes- tern limit of the road between Lots 6 and 7 de- signated. COUNTY ROAD NUMBER 20; A DIS- TANCE . of aQ;lQ;lroxlmate Iy 4.G5 miles. BElNG THAT porti<>n of road and the deviations thereaf in the Townshilps of South Dorchester and Mal.ahide and the Village of Sprin~ie1d for- merly designated Oo'Uuty Road Number 52;, COM:- MENClNG in the Vi~lage of Springfield on Main Street at the eastern liflnit of Ea'st Str,eet being Oounty Ro'ad NUIlTIlber 40; THENCE easterly al()ng the said 'Main Street to the eastern limit of the Villa,ge ()f Springfield; THENCE CONT1NUING in the Townships of South Dorchester and - M'ala~ hide easterly along the road comprising the boundary obetrween the said munici[l'alities and its deviations to the western limit of the road co'm~ prisingthe boundary between the T{)IWnships of. South Dor:chester and the Towns1hjQ) O'f Dereham in the County of Oxford designated as County Road NUllnber 54; A TOTAL DISTANCE of ap- proximately. 2.';'15 miles. 92 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 2. THE RO:ADSas designated and described in Paragraph 1, ar.e hereby removed fram the Oounty Road. System of the C10unty Olf Elgin. 3. II'H1S BY-LAW shall cO!ffie into force upon the atpprova1 thereof Ibythe Lieutenant-Governor in .Oounci~. IFllNALLY PASSED at the City of St. Thomas, in the County of Fllgin, this 16th day of March, 1966. H.L. JOHNSON, Clerk. JOHN McKlNLAY, Warden. I, H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk of the. Corporation' of the County of Elgin, do herelby certi:Ey thM the foregoing is a true copy of By- Law No. 19~0, passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the 16th day of March, 196,6. H. L. JOHNSON, County Clerk. BY-LAW NO. 1921 liTo Confirm ,the' EqualizaJion ofilhe ~ssessment Bolls of the County of Elgin for the y....r. 1966:' The Elgin County Council enads: 'illIAT the folloiwing be the equalization Olf :Rolls of the County of Elgin for the year, 1966: AYWmer _.___.......................................$7,007,425. Belmont ..............m......................... 786,600. Dutton n______'_"~".__.___._____.n_n__________ 1,0114,497. Port BurweH ..___.__........................ 657,485. Port staniley .......................~........ 2,067,6112. Rodney ..........m.....___"........------........ 1,2126,896. Springtield ...".........m..........___....... 365,841. Vienna ........................................___. 369,900. West Lome ..............................m... 1,261,000. Aldborough .................................... 6,245,9,30. Baynam ............_............_.............. 6,805,796. Dorohester South ................__...... 1,006,000. the Assessment 13.69~474% 1.361991 % 1.700000% 1.466807 % 5.3<H643% 2.125599% 0.6343~6% 0.62~37<;'{. 2.221147% 9.096003% 10.0667.64% 3.469163% ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 93 Dunwich ____....__._.......................... 4;3(;2,230. Malelbide ..m................................... 7,7'67,70<0. SoufuWold .....:.........._......m......... 6;587,7'00,. Yiamnouth' ............m..........__._..._. 9;1-213,400. '$5q,67~,911. 7.459707% 1H68542% 11.4005<20% 15.8192,12% 100.000000% THAT this CouncHis willing to have .the fina'l equalization of Assesmnep1 Rolls in' case Olf atppeal, made by the County Judge. READ first time this 16th day of March, 1966. READ a second time this 16th day of March, 1966. READ a third time, and finally passed, this 16th day of March, 196,6. H. J. JOHNSON, Clerk; '-'> BY'LAW NO. 1922 JOHN MoKINLA Y, Warden. "To iRaiseAmoun:ts for Coun:ty ,Ra:tes During:the Year, 1965:' WHE~EAS an .estimate has been Imade showing that the sum of Nine Hundred and Forty"Eig1ht ThO'Usand, Six Hundred and Eighty Nine Do.lllars, and Fo:t;'=ty~One Cents is required to. 'be raised in the several municipalli'ties f{lr the lawful ipuI'lpose of the County dur'ing the y.elar, 19,616, 'On the basis 'Of the assesernent as determined in By-Law No. 1~13, passed January 20th, 1966. Municipali:ty' Aylmer ..__n Belmont Dutton Port Burwell Port Stanley !Rodney Springfield Vienna West Larue Aldborough To:tal Equ.alized Value ................_...........m$ 8,005,678.0-0 788,990.00 1,02'1,&10.00 86-1,290.00 ...............___................... 3,18~,050.00 1,100,179.00 .3,69,8916.00 3-63,630.00 l,t246,,26~.00 5,2114,490.00 94 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL B'ayham Dorchester IDunwich Malahide ,sO'Uthwold YarmO'Uth 5,76~,288.00 1,990,479.00 4,12'9,700.0<l 8,027,582.00 6,408,215.00 8,98~,989.00 $57,496,328.00 South THEREFORE 1Ihe Council of the Municipal Corporation oif the County of Elgin enacts: THAT a rate of 16.,5 mills on the dollar he levied. on a[1 rate- ruble p'roperty in the sev,e:raI municipalities in the Oounty. of Elgin as a!bov.e set f{)rr1;h lor the year, 1966: A)"lmer ......................--..........---..--......__...$132,092.04 Belmont ..--................-..___........__m..m..m 12,193.34 Dutton ....--............___..__.___........._.............. 16,859.87 Port Burwell ........___..____...___........._____. 14,1J4.6.29 Port Stanley ................................_____.... 52,fY20.33 Rodney .....--....m....................__m__._.___.... 19, ~69.95 ISpmng1!ield .'.......m.....__.............__..__....__.. 6,103.28 Vii-enna ---------------____________________________________ 5,998.25 West. Lorne .........._____......__................... 20,5'68.32 Aldborough ....__.............._...................... 86,009.09 BaY'ham. ...................__....________..__...........__ 9'5,094.25 Dorchester South ................................ 3'2,842.90 Dunwioh ..m...........__.....__.......__m.........__.. 66,140.05 Ma1ahide ...................__.....__..__...........___.. 182,465.10 SoutbJwold --...........-----..........m__m.......... 105,735.54 Yarmouth ........___...,......__.......__............. 146,235.81 $948,669.41 READ a first time this Wih day of March, 1966. READ a second time this 16th day of March, 1966. READ a third time, and finally passed, this 16th day o. March, 196,6. H. J. JOHNSON, Olerk. JOHN MoKINLA Y, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 95 BY-LAW NO, 1923 "To Appoint Court Reponer and Secrej:.ary for :the County Judge." The :Councilaf the COl'iporation of ,the County of E1gin enacts as foUQ!Ws: THAT Mrs. Lois Somerville be, and is herelbyatPpointe'd Court Reporter and lSecretary to the County Judge art a salary mE $116.00 per day to a maximum oif $2,5'00.00 pell' year. THAT By:';Lasw No. 171i3, !be, and is hereby repeal}ed. 'DHA.:T this [By-Law shaH Ibelcome effe1ctive March . 15th, 196'6. READ a first time this l'6th day od' March, 1966. READ a second time this 16th day of March, 1966. READ a third time, and finally passed, this 16th day of March, 196'6. '" H. J. JOHNSON, Olerk. JOHN McKINLAY, Warden. PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT March Sessionl 1966 To ;the 'W'arden 'and MeunOJers. of the Elgin County Goun~il, The Petitions and Legislations Committee reports as follows: L ,'Dhat the resolution from the County of S:ktncoeJ'lequesting the. Federal GoveTnment to take the necessary steps to see that sa:rety features .are added to new cars, be \filed. 2. r:Dhat the letter frolm the City of 1St. Thomas re: retaining the Ontario Po1ice College at Ay'Jimer ,be end.orsed, and the Coun- ty of Elgin lend its sliwort to rretaining the Police College at Ayllme.r, arid that Mr. fR. K. MoNeil, M.P.P., for Elgin, be so ad- vised. 96 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 3. With respect to the resolution from the County of Grey petitioning the Minister of Eduoation to introduce driver training 'Courses in all secondary and vocational schools, and the Minister Q'f Transpooi to oompel automobile Irnanmacturers to build yew hides with more regard .to <the safety of passengers, this Com~ mittee reconnmends that Item No.2, be endorsed. 4. That the resolution frOlffi the County of Bruce re the cost of relocating telephone cables on ,roads, the price and quality of farun machinery, the cost O'f !Constructing new schools, the aband~ onmen t of railroad lines and financial assistance for establishing water reservoirs for recreation, consewation, etc., be filed. 6. ~at the resolution frOltU the County of Norfolk topeti- tion the Federal Government toexernpt municipal officials elect- led dn municipalities (other than that designated a cay) from con~ tributing to the Canada Pension Plan 011 the salaides and/or al- lowances paid them as municipa1 officialsl 'be endorsed. All of which is respectfully submitted. I. ROWLEY, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT NO. 2 March Session, 1966 To the Warden and Members CY.f ihe County Council: Gentlemen: Your Ho-ad Committee begs to report as follows: We recommend: .~1) That the responsibi1ities of the County on County Roads in inconporated U'Ifban areas be setiforth as attached: tha't the responsibilities of the incorporated Ul'iban areas be set foIith as attached, and that the relbate to inco11Por- ated Urban To,wns and Villages be set at 2'5 %of . their Road levy. An of whioh is respectfully submitted. G. E. BROWN, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 97 COUNTY ROAiDS IN URBAN AREAS (Towns and Villages) 1. These disoussions :assume that the Road is ,an Assumed Coun:ty Rioad and not a connecting link. 2. The R~bate paid to the U..bans shall be the minilmUlm (2,5 %) as allowed'by t!he: Highway Improvement Act. 3. fl'he extent of 'any work deemed to (be a County responsilbil- ity shalll Ibe determined by the Road Committee only. 4. The eXltent of any work deemed to he an Urlban responsilbility shal'! be determined ,by the local counciJ. only. URBAN RESPONSIBILITY 1. iNomlal ReIp'air Maintenance & r€jplaceunent of sidewalks, (See if. J. A.) including sanding. 2. C1eaning of existing Catchbasi-n,streets, cur:b and gutter (inc.Judiliig spring clean-up) (whenever necessary). 3. Trimming 'and remOval of Trees 'except that ne'cessitated by road. reconstruction. 4. Parking Imarki~gs ne'cessary f.o[" Parking & Pedestrian Safe~ ty (crosswalksl etc.). 5. Signs necessary for Icontrol of speed of tra:ffLc and parkiing (By-Law will have to be p'assed by County). 6. InstaLlation and Maint~nance of Parking ,Meters. 7. Street Lighting including lighting on ,bridges. 8. 'I1raffic lights. 9. Guide Rails, st.epsl etc., ',for pedestrian safety. 10. (a) Removal.of Snow ,from Road Allowance by trucking after it has !been mo.ved to the curb line by the Oounty. (b) Removal of Snow to o:pen Catchbasin, etc. 11. Construction and Maintenance of Sanitary or OOiffifbined S'ew- ers. 12. Eredion of StI'leet Name Signs. 1;3. Hand cutting of weeds and grass. 98 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY RESPONSIBILITY 1. Constr['uction and M'aintenance of Pa'Vement to reg,ardless of width. 12. Oon.strruction and Maintenance of Parvement of intersecting streets io property line. 3. M:aintenance of Shoulders including gr;ading, etc. 4. Replacement of sidewalk made necessaTY U>y reC{)nstruction af the raadway. 5. Construction and MaintenanCe of OuI1b and Gutter. 6. Construction and Maintenance of Catch hasin. 7. Construction and Maintenance of Storm Sewers (only) (for erosion control and drainage of the right~of-way) re- serving the Tight of the County to request a muni~al drain where there is a signifi-cant amount of drainage from outside the Road Allowance. 8. Construction 'and Ma..intenance of outlets !for storm draina'ge ;systems, reserving the right tto the County to request a rnuni'Cllpal drain wlh,ere there is a significant amount of drainage from outside the Road AIlownce. 9. :Erection and Maintenance of afJ.l necessary signs ior Guidance :and Regulation wi'~h the exception of traffic control signs, such as parrking signs and maximum speed signs. 1'0. Erection and M,aintenal1Jce of Village entrance signs, ex-ample "Dutton", "Population xx persons". 11. Ice control on pavement. 112. Plowing Snow !from the pav€Ulle-nt to the CUlfu line. M. Guide Rail 'necessary for vehicle safety. 14. Constl'udion and. M'fdntenance of Bridges and Culverts (ex~ ce.pt Ughts on bridges). 15. Centre Line ilVlarking of pavements. 16. RlaUroad Crossing Protection. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 99 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 1924 IIBeing a BYRLaw to Appoint a Planning Director For . the County of Elgin:' WHEREAS it is deemed adrvisaJble to haJve a Planning Direcw tor for the County of {IDlgin, NOW THEREFORE the MuniciPal COOlp'or,ation of the 'Caunty of EJ1gin enacts as follows: 1. THAT Mr. Carl Altenberg Ibe, and is heveby "ppolnted Planning Director for the County ,of E,lgin for th.e period begin~ ning April 1st, 19'61/3, .and continuing until December 31st, HJ66. 2. THAT ilVlr. Altenberg be paid the sum of One Thousand Dolla;rs per anonth, and ten cents per mUe for each mille necessarM ily travelled in connection with his work. as Planning Dire:cto'r for the County of Elgin. '-', REJ\D a first time this 16th day af March, 1966. READ a seoond time this 11!1Jh day af March, 1966. RElAD a third time, and finally passed, ihis 16th day of Mareh, 1966. H. J. JOHNSON, Olerk. JOHN McKINLAY, Warden. 100 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BY-LAW NO. 1925 A By-Law of Ihe Municipal Corporalion of Ihe County of Elgin to Provide for :the Appointment of a County Assessment .Commissioner. WHEREAS Section 9i3 (a) of The Assessment Aetas enacted by the Statutes of Ontario, 19a5, Chapter 6, provides that the Coundl af 'a County may by By-Larw provide for the appointment of a County Assessm'ent Commissioner; AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the County of ELGiN is -desirous of providing for the appointment of a Coun1y Assess- ment 'Commissioner; BE IT ENACTED as a By-Law of the Corporation of the County of ELGIN as follows: '1. That the County of ELGiN appoint a County Assessment Commissioner. 2. THAT this .By-Law win come into force and take effect upon the final passing thereof, suJbject, however, to :its having xe. ceived the 8UJIprova,l of the Honoul1alble Minister of Municipal Af. !fairs. FINALLY passed in Council this 16th day of March, A.D., 19,66. THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN, JOHN MoKiNLAY, Warden, H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 101 BY-LAW NO. 1925 "A ,By-Law 10 Confirm By-Law No. 1638, of .Ihe Township of Bayhaml Being a By-Law to Stop Up, Close a.nd Sell a Street in the Hamlet of S.fraffordville According :to Registered Plan No. 205 of the said ,Hamlet of Straffordville." WHEREAS the Council of the Township 'of Bayham on the 3Dth day of November, 196,5, A.n., did pass By-Law No. 1538 to stQP up, dose, 'and sell 'Rstreet in the HaiJl1'let 'of Straffordville according to Registered P<lan No. 205 of the said Hamiet of Straf- 'fardvHle, more particuloarly described in the 'said By-Law true co:pies hereof are hereunto annexed. AND, WHEREAS pursuant 'to the provisions 'of the Municipal A,et, the said Townshtp By~Law shall not have any fOI'\ce until confirmed i})y .a By-Law of the 001lTIci1 of the County in which the townShip, is situate, passed at an ordinary meeting ,af .,the Council held not sooner than 'three months, nor la.'ter than one yea'r, 'after the passing of the Ily-Law of the Council 0" the Township. . .. .,., r . - . _, ,,' . A~ri WHEREAS atpplication has been maqe, to the Council 'of the COI1Poration of the County of Elgin for a By-:Law con~irm- ing the said township by-1'8Iw. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corlloration of the County of' Elgin enacts as follorws: ' THAT By-Larw, No. W38 of the Town~hip of Bayham, Ibeing 'a by~llaw, to stop up, close and sella street in the ,Hamlet of Straf- fordvriHeaJDcording to Hegistered Plan No. 205 of the said Hamlet of Straffordville, be, and ,the saine is hereby confirmed. READ a first time this 16th day of March, 1966. READ a second time this 16th day of March, 1966. READ a third Ume, and finaIIy passed, this 16th day of March, 1966. H. J. JOHNSON, . Cierk. JOHN McKINLAY, Warden. 102 ELGIN, COUNTY COUNCIL THIRD SESSION~ FIRST DAY Tuesday the 14th Day of June, 1966 'lUle Ellgin County CQuncil met th1s day at ,t'he Court House, St. Thomas 'in accordance with adjournment. 'Dhe 'Warden in the Ohair. AH the M€lInJbers present except, Reeve Ri()/Wl-ey. 'Moved Iby ,Ree.ve Woolner, . Seconded Iby D~puty Reeve Gilchrist: ' That Ithe minutes olf the lMal"clh, 119166-, ISession of the ELgin c.ounty 'Council as !printed 'and distrtbuted be confirmed. --Carried. 'Dhe following oommunilOaitions were read and retEerred to the various coonlmHtees: Frolm the Un]versi~y of Western Ontario with invitation to attend Co<unty Council Day at the Univemlty on /Wednesday, June '22<ld, 1eau. - File,}. :Fraim Doctor IE. S. Hagerman with .alplprec:i.ation of suwort g.lven !in 1he preparation of a Brief for '3 Community Co~lege in Elgin County. - Filed. FrOlm the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glen- garry with resolutilon petitioning -the lHonouralble-, TheAJttorney- General '0'1 the ProVlince of Ontario to amend the Coroner's - Atet. - Referred Ita the .Petitionsand Legislations Committee. 'From the Hydro-lEl1ectric Power C-oonnnission of Ontario re: Advance p.ay,ment - of ~gr,ant in lieu of taxes. \- Filed. \From the St. ThOllllas-Elgin Centennial Co-ordinating Com- mittee 'with copy of the Iminutes iQf the conc€lPtion meeting. - Referred itlo the Centennial Ootm(mittee. Fraim the Cana-dian Natiou3l1 Jjn;stitute .for ,the. iBlind with a,cknowledgement and thall/ks for grant to 'TIweedsmuir Hall. ....::: Filed. From Ithe JIonoura1ble C. S. McNaughton, Minister of High~ ways announcing that an ,advance payment of 19'66 Road Sub- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 103 sldy in ,the amount of $Hu,700.00 'is being made to ,the County of ElIgIn. - FHed-. From. the Ontado Professional Foresters Association re.gardR ing conserv.ation measures for fores'ts in the area. - 'Referred to the Agrioul tural Committee. Fr-Offi the T-own of Aylmer re: reduction Olf the percentage of Oounty lR'Oad !ReJba1e -from ,35% rto the minilmuan of 25 % - Re- ;feried to the Road 'CoiITllffiittee. iFrolffi the UnHed Counties of Northumberland and Durham w'itth resoLution ipet1tioning the Attorney Gener,al, the Honourable A. A. Wishart, QJC., 'tro ,encourage various 'Ol,:ganiz.ations to in- crease their driver training schools and safety checks. ,-Referred to the Petitions .and ff...egis'lations. Committee. @rotm the TiUson1bul1g District MemoI"ial Ho~ital wHh 1965 Annual\R,'e,port. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From 1M'!. IC.,JB. Voaden a letter tfrom Fanjoy, Hennessey &; KelJn[lster re: ReguJ,ations to Igovern a trailer site for less than (lnee tr,a'ilers. -' Refened to the PlanningOomrrnilttee. !From the [Department of Mlu11'icipal Affah".s with aJpprec~ation to the Court !Hoose IS!taf.f for assistance given during the reCe11t workshop lheld in 1St. Thomas. - Filed. From the Unirversity of W'aterloo with appreciation for letter O'f March 1lSth, .1966, re: request :for grant. - Filed. From Warnock, !Hersey Management CoOnsultants DLmited re: Passage of Bill 64. - Referred -to the Persbnnel Coltlllmrttee. From the Honourable J ahn :P. Rolbarts, Prime Minister Iof Ont'wio, with acknorwlec1gement of the letter od: IMardh 117th, 19166, from the Oounty otf -EJlgin dealing with the electoral district of EI!lin. - FileCl. !From the tHonouralble J.ames 'N. Arnen, Treaslurer of Ontario with acknowledgement Q1f 'the letter of March 17tJh, 1966, from the County of 'El,gin dealing witlh 'the electoral district of Elgin. _ Filed. From Mr. R.iK. !MciNeil, M.iP.iP. (lElgin) 'with acknowledge- ment of the letter of !March 1Qth, '19'66. from It'he County of Elgin dealing with 'tlhe el'ect--orall district of Ellgin. - Filed. 101 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL From Mr. R K. McNeil, M.P;P. (Elgin) with ackno,wlegement of the letter 'of !J.Vlarch 18th, 1966, from the County of Elgin !favour- ing the retention '01 'the Ontario. Poli-ce College at Aylmer, Ontario. - Filed. From the County of Norfolk with res<olution op.posing the re~ soi;.u'tion passed Iby the IpIu!bUC Utilities C'OI):ljmission of the City of Sault Ste. Mia'rie and endorsed .at the 517ffi1 Annual M.eetirug of the. Ontario Municiipal Electric Assodation,which. 'Would make muni- cipalitie;s Hable for the cost of ,m-aterials used in relocatinlg racil. ities where streets and h1ghw,ays laTe a'ltered and widened.-- Re. ferred to tile Road Committee. From the To.wnship of North York with !prOQJosed Code of Ethics. - Referred to the Petitions a11dLegislations Committee. From the Ontario, School Trustees' and Raitepayers' As.socia- tion announcing a seilll'inar tD !be held on. October 20th, 21st and 22'nd" 1'9186. _i Referred to the Public School Consultative Com- mtttee. From C. S. Reid foe: surv.ey description and the planting of iron bars ,ait. the corners -of his Iproperty. - Referred to the Road COlllllIuittee. From the 'Township o:f Wesbmins'ter with copy of ,By-Law No. 6'6-116 tranferring lands from the Townshirp School Area of West- minster to the Township School Area of Yarunoutlh. - Referred to the Public Slchool Gonsulta.tiveCorrn:mittee. From ,the Association of Ontario Corunties re: Annual Meet. ing, October 2nd to October 5th, at Barrie, Ontario. - Filed. Fraim 'the City of St. Thomas, announcing the appointment of Mr. R. A. Barratt ',as City Olel'k, effeC'tirveAugust Its'!, 196-6. _ FHed. From the City of Ht. Thom,as w.ith copy O'f Resolution sent to the Honoura,ble J. W. Spooner, M:inister of 'MunidpaI Affairs re: C-ounty of Elgin PI'anninlg Area ,and :the County of-Elgin Planning Board. - :Referr,ed to the Planning Committee. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 105 The Treasurer's Rerporl W,ag presented. Moved by D"IPuty Reeve Gilohrist, Seconded.lby Reeve Woolner: -That the Treasurer's .R1€lport .be a'Ccepted and printed in the proceedings. --Carried. The Auditor's Report was presented. Mo'ved by Reeve Todd, S_econded by Ree,ve ,DeGraw: '.Db,ait the Auditor's Report be aceepted Iby the Elgin County CO'ufncil. ---Carried. The First Report of the :Planning Committee was presented 'by Ree,v,e Phillips and ,adopted on 'motion of Reeve PhilUps aIid ,Reeve . Em'erson. Reeve Clarke introduced the subjeC'i of the Oo.unty paying the Per-Capita C{)st of meiinlbership dn Lake iErie Regional Devel. opment AS:sociati-on~ and the m,atter was referred to tlhe Fin.ance Committee. Moved by Reev.e Woolnex, Seconded by Reeve a.V.kC3J:!um: That we do nQlwadjourn to meet at 2:00 p.m., 'llie 14th day of June, 1966. --Carned. COUNCIL RE-CONVENED 'Dhe F,irst R~.ort .of the Road Committee was presented ;by Reeve Brown and adopted on motion of Reeve Brown and Reeve Barker. Tile Second R"IPorrt of the :Road Committee was presented by Reeve Brown and ,ac1olPted on moti.on of Reeve Brown and Reeve Barker. 106 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL The Report 0If the PlIoiperty COll1lIllittee was presented 'by Reeve [)orwney and adapted on ID-otion of Reeve Downey and Reeve !Brown. 'Dhe RepoT1t of the Equalizaltion and Assessment Gomanittee w.as Ipxesenrted !by Reeve DOIWney "and" 'adopted on motion of Reeve Downey and (Reeve Phil1i(p:S. The Rejport of the ELgin Manor Committee was presented by D€!puty [Reeve Caverly and adolpted on motion of Deputy Reeve Oalverly and Reeve Auckland. The Repo~t of the .Finance Goonmi1ttee was !presented 'by Reev,e C[,a'I'ke and adopted on motion of Rieeve Cl1ar'ike and Reeve Da<wney. Moved Iby Reeve Todd, Se'coltlded !by Reeve iMcGal1wm: Th~t w.e do now adjourn to meet on June 15th, 1966, at 10:00 a.m. ---Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 107 THIRD SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday lhe 15lh Day of June, 1966 The Elgin County Council met 'tlhis day at the COll!'! House, St. 'Dhomas, inaC'col1dance withaddournment. ~he W'arden in 'the Chair. All the MernJbers presenteX!cept Reeve lRo<wley. A letter from Stevensoll1 & 'Kello!gg Limited re: joh evalua- IUon -was rPresentedand referred to the Personnel Committee. ]t w,as. morv-ed iby Deputy Reeve AJUckland that Mr. Langton, Agricrultuval Representati've be now -heard. Mr. !Langton repoI1ted on crO{P conditions, etc., 'in the County of E[gin a'l1d w,as thanked !by the Warden. The Report of the IPetitions and Legislations CommHtee was presented !by Reeve, Keillor andado(pted .on \l11Dtion of Reeve Keil- ~or and D€!puty Heeve Elliott. , I Movedo Iby :DepUJty Reev,e Caverly I Se<conded (by Deputy Reeve Wis-e: That rthe County Council grant Iconsent to the Corporation of ;the Villa,ge of [Port BUI'\well tD aippoint the County Assessor a.s Assessment Oo:mm:iss:ionerfur the munidpaHty for the year 11966, andthattl1e Village of Port 13uDwell reimburse the COUl1!ty for !Costs incurred by the County Assessor tfor work done on its 'behalf ;in In-atters otE As.s-essmenlt. -Carried. MOiVed !by Reeve McOallum, Seoonded by Reeve DeGraw: What lBy-LaIW numlber 19127 "Being a By-Law -of the Conpora.. ii,on of the County of Elgin to prov1ide for the 8.tPiP'Ointment of a CQunty Assessment Commissioner, pursuant to Section 93a(1) of the Assessment Act, R.S.O. 1060," /be read a !first time. -Carried. 108 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL M,o'ved by De!puty 'Reeve McAJpitie, Second.ed fby.Reeve Downey: That By-Law Numlber lIfJ2i7 be read a second time. -Carried. M,oved by Reeve Auckland, Seconded !by Deputy Reeve Orchard: 'I:hart By-Law NumlJer 1927 be read a third -time, and finally !passed', ---Carried. Moved by Reev,e Todd, Seconded -by Reeve Woolner: That, By-Law Number 119'28, "Being a By-Law to Aippoint an Assis.tant Road Superintendent for the County of Elgin," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Todd, Seconded by Reeve Woolner: That By-Law Number 192<8, be read '3 second time. -Carried. Ml>ved by ReeVe Todd, Seconded by DCtPuty ReC'Ve Gilchrist: ':l'hat By~Law Number '1'928, he read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. Moved lby Reeve Emerson, Seocnded .by Deputy Reeve Orchard: That By-La,w Number '1929, "Being a By-Law to Esta,blish the Salary of ItheAs:sessment Commisskmer of the County .of Elgin" he read a first time. -Carried. ELGIN 'COUNTY COUNCIL 109 Ml>ved by Deputy ReC'Ve Orchard, Se,conded /by Reeve Emerson: That :By~Law Numlber 1929, !be rea-da g:econd time. -Carried. Moved !by Reeve Emerson, Seconded 'by Deputy 'ReC'Ve Orclhard: That By-ILaJW Number '19:2!~,lbe read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. Mov,ed by Reeve Phillips, SecolJ-ded by Deputy Reeve Eliiott: 'That By-lLaw'Nrwm!ber 19'3Q, I'Bein.g a lBy-LOJw to, Establish the Annual Relllunemtion tl> he paid to the Warden of theCri"n~y of E1gin/'be read a,Jirst time. --Carried. Moved by Reeve C. N. Clarke, Seconded :by Reeve W:ilson: That By"Larw- Number 1930, be read ,a seoondtime. -Carried. Moved !by Reev,e Barker, Se'conded \by Deputy Reerve Wise: That By-Law Number 1930, be read a 1Jhird time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Brc>wm: , Se'Cl>nded by Deputy Reev,e Caverly: That By-LaJW NulIliber 193,1, "A iBy~La,w to Author.ize >the Ex- eClJ.'tion' ,of an Agreement with the M-inister of Highways for On- tario Relating to Roads under the Jurisdidton of the Corporation of the Cc>unty l>[ Elgin Designated as Dev,elopment Road Number 87H" .be read a first time. -Carried. 110 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Deputy Reeve Wise, Seconded 'by Reeve (Brown: ThaJt BY..ILaIW NiUJlUlber 1'931, be read a second time. -Carried. MQfV,ed ,by Reeve Bro,wn, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wise: 'l~hat By-Law Nmnlber 1ll31, Ibe read a 1Ihlrd time, andfinooly passed. -Carried. Moved !by Deputy Reev,e W'ise1 Seconded 'by Reeve Barker: That By-iLaw Numlber W'32, "'Being a By.;L,,,w to Confirm and Legalize Grants. made by Reports of Committees or Othe1'\wise by the 'Council ,()If the County of Elgin," !be read a first t:ilffie. -Carried. Moved 'by Reeve Barner, Seconded Iby Deputy Reeve Wise: 1'1halt By-.'LalW Nwmlber19:t2, be r,ead a second time. -Carried. Moved D:ly :Reeve Wdlson, Seconded ,by Reeve C1a:vke: ~haJt By-,Law Numlber '1-932, be read a third ,time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved 'by Reeve McGa[1um, Seconded by Reeve DeGrarw: That we do now adjourn to meet at ,2:00 p.m. -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 111 COUNCIL RE-CONVElNED A communiowtion from Reeve Rowley eXlpressing Ibest wishes to rbhe Warden and Memlbers of 'the Doanen on the o:c'casion of the Warden'is Banquet and eXlpressing his regrets at not being able to be present was presented and filed. Trhe ffi.eport of the PuJblic School GonS'Ui!tative COIlIllIUittee was presel1!ted by Reeve Wilson 'andadCl!Ptedon motion of Reeve WH- oon and Reeve M'CiCal1um. Th,e Report of the Agricu'ltural Oommi:i,tteewas presented by Reeve W()Olner and 'adopted on motion of Reeve Woolner and Reeve Phillivs. The Rffi}ort o~ the Centennial Gomrrnittee was presented by Deputy Re~'e \Moore and adopted on motion of DetpUty Reeve Moore and Deputy- RJeeve Wd.se. The Se'cond Report of the Planning COim'm1lttee wais presented by Reeve lPhi:h~ilps ,and adopted on motion of ReeVie iPihillips and Reeve Woolner. '~'>- Moved by R-eev:e DeGraw, Seconded D:ly Reeve iMdCallUlm: That 'We do now adiJourlll to meet again September 20th, 1966, at 10:00 a.m. -Carried. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. J. V. McKINLAY, Warden. 112 ELCINCOUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY TREASURER'S 'REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, I beg 10 submit the following statemenit of Receipts and Ex- penditures from January 1st, 1966, to May 3i1st, 1966. Receipts Balance in Balllk, and on hand, J'anuary 1st, 1966 ..._.............._...___..__.............$ 9,661.79 Notes P"yalble ...._.........................c....__...........,$1-70,00U.00 County Rates .........__..............______.................... 12,193.34 County Rates collected under Sec. 53 of 1he Assessment Act ....m....._" 890.45 Licenses and Permits ___________________________________ 135J)() Interest ..........___....__................. ...._"'__,_'''''''''' 754.13 Administration of Justice __.______________m _____ 8.862.79 County !Roads .___...........~._..........................._ 353,8'06,5-1 Charity and Welfare ..._.....___......______..."...... 14,69'1.06 Children's Aid Societies .m......................____ 11,198.14 Agricullrture _________________________""._____________________" ----c-- 2,195.73 Registry Office ..............................__.............. 20,6~9.7-1 Miscellaneous !Revenue _________________<__+.____________ I,M'8.53 Cownty Assessment Dept. ........_................. 5.72 Elgin Manor ......................___.............."....m_.... 76,477.76 $673,267.&9 $68e,919.68 Expenditures Memibers' Wages ...........m.............._..............$ 7,284.76 Offi1cers' Salaries ,______._____._____________..___,,_______. 6,9'31.3.0 Printing, Postage ,and Slta1tionery ______________ 1,1'7-3.54 Care of Buildings .........................._........_...... 6,75'2.21 Granrts, Associations, SdhO'larshi'Ps, etc. __ 10,11'7.94 Miscellaneous ...____...... ,,"m.... .__............,,_,,____ 3,807.5'3 Administration of J'UStice .........__............___.. 47,841.:12 County !Roads ___................................................. 216,903.09 Charity and WeLfare ...........__...............___.... 6,300.90 Children's Aid Societies .......__....................... 12,888.11 Interest ............__.............______......."....___............. 4,8-87.09 Tra",.ferred to El,gin Manor ..__.................... 10,000.00' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 113 Aibateanent of taxes "Seotion 2.07 Assess. Aoct) ......._....._........m.._.... Agrioul:ture __.."..:..___..____"__,_~.._."-'____.._"___..___.._c_..__..______ Registry Offi!ce ___________..___________..___0......______..___ County Asses&meni Dept. ~______.._______-...--...--....-- E1g-in.St. Thomas Health Unit Notes Payable ...._'.....00....'....___..............,......... County L,brary ................___.......................... PI-anning ..--..--,--....-..-----------------..---......------------....---..,.. Transferred to hospital account Rebalte of.\-D-verpayme:rut of taxes ,collected under Section 5~ (pt. Stanley) ......_ 98.80 Elgin Manor ...................................................... 75,412.91 $620,945.77 Ba'lance in Bank, May ~lst, i966 .....m...._.......... 6-1,973.91 1,9?6.78 4,728-.76 6,250.80 5,7'19.37 17,500.00 160,000.00 12,0000.00 2,25? .99 11,3.56 ~68~,919.68 All of which is re"p~(jHully S'Ubmitted. '~'~. H. L. JOHNSON, County Clerk and Treasurer. PLANNING cOMMl'rTEE REPORT June Session. 1966 - .First Report To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County'Council, 'Dhe Planning Committee reports as follows: 1. We recomme-nd that the Constitution as set out by the Minister be accepted,- 'with tllle fol:owing exceptions --- That the City of St. Thomas be allowed a subsidiary Planning Board. 2. That each fu'itnk.ipality within the County !pay the cost of its planning, except where a joint proiect is being clarried out, and this to be decided by mutual agreement. 3. That the terun o!f offiCe for me'moers, Councillors, or a.p- poirutees be the same 'as tlha1 carried. out in 'the municipality for Council, 4. That regular Planning Board !Meetings he paid by the local municipa.lity. 114 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 6. That Standring Committees of the County Planning Board be paid for by the County Planning Board. 6. That the County Planning Area be divided into three secitions: the Cen'tral Area to. !be composed of the municipalities of St. Thomas, Yarmoutlh, Southrwold, PODt Stan'ley, B.nd Belrmont. All of which is respectfully S'UIlmitted. C. D. PHILLIPS, Chairman. ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT, June Session. 1966,- .First. Report T6'I'REWARDEN AND MEMBERS OF COUNCIL .oF THE COUNTY OF ElLGJN: YOUR ROAD OOMMITTEE begs to report as follows: 1. Tenders have ,been called by the 51. Thomas SUlburban Road Commission to clOse on JllIDe .29, Um6, for the replacement of the St. George IStreet Bridge. The 3-span bridge is est:iJmaied to cost $1'5'0,0'00.0'0 and is e"Pected to !be open to traffic this Fa!llL .2. LA contrad' has been let to Walmsley Bros. Ltd. of London, at $28,050.0'0 for Hot Mix Paving on Development Road No. 765 0Coun'ty Road ~ east oJ' HigThway 1'9 to the Hocrgihton TO'wnline) in Bayha'm 'T'OlWrllship. This COIl1~traot has ~een completed. 3. A routr.ad has been let to JohnS'ton Bros. (Bothwell) Ltd. for swpplyring and applying cDushed gravel on various Roads in Aldbororugh and DuuwJc:h 'TorwnShiip. This work is underway. 4. A ,contr.ad :has ibeen lert to Watters Bros. Ltd. of SprinlgfietiJd foOr 1!he crushing and Istockpiling of gravela.ttihe County Gar- age at White's Stat-ion. . 15~ SuD'faee Treatment pavements will 'be lald on '-Road 19 in .s0.utbJw01d Townsh~, Road 44 'between Highway No. 3 and iHighway No. 19 in J3ayham TownShiiP, and Utoad 45 /between Mount Salem and Galton tin M1alahide Township. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 115 16. Mr. Arthur GamiP!bell hascDIffiIl1,ell'ced his duties as Assistant County E'ngineer, ,aJt a sal'ary of $9,00'0.00 per annum. 7. The ]ollowing Thew ilTI'achinery hals, been !pUJ:'Ichased and de~ i!Jivered: (a) Fo~d, '12-Ton 'Pi(jk-up tvuck. '~b) '2 Ford %-Ton Double Galb Pic;k-~ trucks. (IC) G.M.C. Van for a surveying vehicle. (d) lOase 5~0 Tractor witlh loader and Ilaclohoe. The follorw'irug 'ma.chinery has been purehased and has not, as yet, !been del]vered: (a) 2 International Tandem Dump trucksj with 2, of the preseiI1.t County trucks as tvade-ins; (b) Ford Double GaIb stake truck with a present County truck as a trla.ct:e-in; '.1y (c) iElord tractor and loader, with the County's MimneapoHs MoHne tractor as a trade-in. B. Gr.ading is presently under-way on 'Road 27 !between Union and Spar,ta in Yarmouth Torwnsh'Lp. 9. 'Dhe firm of ,A.M. Stpriet and Asso'ciates L:iJmi.Jted, ha've been appoiilllted as Consultants on the Por:t [Bu1iwel~ BrJdge. AU of which is respectfully sulbmitted. G. E. 'BROWN, Chairman. JOHN McKINLAY, Warden. 116 ELdIN COUNTY COUNCIL ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT June Session. 1966 - Second Report TO THE WARDEiN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCJL OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN: YourR'Oad Committee ,begs to report as follows: WE RECOMMEND: (I) Th:>t a By-law he passed a~ointing Arthur B. Campbell as Assistant Couruty Engineer, at a salary of $9,000.00 per an- num. (,2) Tha,t a By~la;w ,be :passed authorizing the execution of an agreement wd!t.h the M'iniste,r .of High:ways, relating to Roads under the jurisdiction of the County of ELgin, ~ designated as, DevelOQ;)lI11€riJt Road: No. 8'79. Theis agreement win enalb:e ,the Minister of Hi@hrways to authorize payment to the County of Elgin the sum of $16,118.46 already paid hy ;:he County of Elgin to the Townships of Aldborough, Dun- wi1ch, :Sotitili'wold and South Dorclhester, and the Village of Springfield. All of which is respectfully swbmitted. G. E. BRO\VN, Chairman, JOHN McKIN:uAY, Warden. PROPE(RTY COi\1MITTEE REPORT June Session, 1966 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Prolperty Committee reports as follows: '1. Ceiling repairs have been comp~eted in the Men's wash~ room in the COUl'lt House 'and one Ups:tailiS offke in the Health Unit Bui'ld;ng. '2,. Sixty (60) new blanlkets hav,e been pur,chased for the Jail at a cost of $~50.76. EI'.GIN COUNTY COUNCIL 117 13. Fire ex1iDlgu'ismers in the Court House, Reg'istry Office, Ubr.ary. an.d -Jiea1Jth Unit have been inslpe1cted and re-charged )' where necessary. 4. The. Tender of. Cri'llklaw Weather Stdp Services for Clean;", ing, 'Repoin1ting and' Applying. Silicone WeartlherproofilJl.g treatment on the Court Ho~se heJS !been. accepted and i1lhe IWOr1{ is !proceed-- ing iavorura'bly. The Tender. price for. this-port'ion of the -work is $6,~313;00. Additions to the work called for in the contrad, (second coat of JSil'1c;oIT1e to atE sandblasted brickrwol'k, betlter qua'lity caulking sealant, repairs to ledge below the COlat-of-Arms, ap;plica1ti1on of two coats of Glidden !paint to. the exterior olf the Court H-ouse and several minor repairs) will- COlst an addi1tional $2,,3012'.8-7. Other minor repairs may Ibe necessary as the wo.rk prQgresses. 5. One Underwood manual tyrpewrIter has heen purchased to replace worn out ma,chine iln the SheriJffs OifIce. Net CQst $2'3'1.50. '., 6. The T,enderofLa,cey Fuels to supply ;fuel oU to the IRe~ gistry office, Jiealth Unit and. Libl'iary at -a 'cost af 1'3.2c per g.al- Ion has fbeen accepted. All of which is re.pect~ully .uJbmitted. B. E. DOiwney, Chairman. EQUALIZATION AND ASSESSMENT REPORT June. Session,. 1966 To the Wal'iden -and"' Members of the Elgin COunty Council, %e EiqualiZJation and Assessment Committee repor,ts as fol- lows: .1. We,reco:mmend, that We name and a(plpoint by By-Law Mr. Hector MrdLean as County Assessment Commissioner of the Coun- ty' oJEI,gin;lClruties to 'commence January 1st, 1967, at a salary of $9,500'.,00 per annum. 2." That: 1ihePersonnel Committee-and the Chairman of the EqualizaHo-i1. and: Assessment Cb!ml1llittee1be empowered to', set up a saiJ.,ary sohedule for rthe Aissessment Comanissioner Staff, and 118 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL halVe power to engage the same. '3. We reoommend that the ProlPerty Committee advertise by tender for the equiipment and furniture required for .the Assess- ment Commissioner's ooffice and that the Property Com.mi'trtee be authoriz.ed to piUX'chase <the same, 8Jlso, Itha,t tenders be !prE.1)ared and adver:tised 'by .the County Assessor. 4. That County Aissessor Hector iMciL€'an (be aiU:thorized to assist P<wt BUl'well in the !preparation of its 1966 Assessment Roll and 'that Port (BuI'twell re'innlburse the County of Elgin for the use of his s,ervkes. cAll of which is respeotfully sulbmitted. B. E. DOW'I\'EY, Chairman. ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1956 To the Wa~den and Memo,ers of the Elgin County Council: The iElg'in iM;anor CommiHee reports as follows: '1. That the 'Per-diem rate for Elgin Manor be set at $5.75 as of AJprH 1st, 19'66. 12,. That' we re'cammend fhat Mrs. E. Baker !be authorized to sign cheques for E1gin Mamor in -the €lVent that MT. Patterson is not a,va'ilalble and that sam.e 'be 'countersigned by the County Treasurer Of' Deputy Treastm'ier. 3. Tenders for fuel oil were opened as iollows: Elg-in Co-Op ............................ 15.-k per gallon Lacey Fuels ________ "___m_ __________ 13.2:c per gallon IShe11 Canada Lirmited m....._.. 18.lc per ga>llon Wilson and Somerville ____"m____ 14.6,c per gallon Imperial Oil ________m________ _______ 13.fi'c (per ga2,I'On .That we accept Lacey Fuel's tender for fuel oi~ at a cost o.r 1-3.2'c per gaHon. 4. That Dr. G~aham's salary be set at ~1.30 per bed per In'on'uh plus $2.15 per month 'Per person in restde-nce on the final day of each monoh. ELGIN,OOUNTY COUNCIL 119 5.-%at we purchase a piano witll Ibendh. and toe baTS from G. O. 'Howse at a cost of $56'0.00. 6. The total resident population is 81 'With two females to be admitted upon cOID[Jleiion of' do-ctOT'S examina1tion. There is 'one female on the waHing list at !presen.t. All of whicl1 is respect:5ully submitted. WILL1AM .R. CAVERLY, Chairman. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPO'RT June Session, 1966 To the Warden and Members of the E..Lgin' County Council: The EUnance Commi'tt.ee reports as fOlllows: 1. ~hat Charity and Welfare Pay List No. 3 :5or $1,261.95; Pay List No.4 for $'1,7'3'3.50, and Pay List No.5 for $534.10, be atppwved. '2. Thalt Children's Aid Societies Pay List NO.3 for $1,763.56; Pay List No. 4 for ~11, 792.'3'6, and Pay List No. 5 for $2,~30.60, be 'aV,Prorved. 13. That the 1965 Annual Report o~ the 'Dillsonlb-urg iDistrict Memorial Hospital be filed. ",1. We recommend tha't a By-[,aw .be passed to confirm and. l€lg,alize grants made !by reports of Committees or ouherwise by .this CouJ;lcil. 5. We recommend that the W,ar.den of the County of Elgin Ibe paid an annual remuneration of $3,000.00 for attending Coun- ty Cound~ _meetings, Commirtrtee meetings, !performing all ortl:1er drutie,s 13jpipHc.a!ble. to. his office and incLuding milea,ge necessarily trlWelled'. 6. . Tha!t the martte[' oifpaying Incal municipal membership in LERDA on a County basis be left in albeyrance to the Septemlber SessiOlIl. All of which is respect:5ully sulbtrnitted. C. N. CLARKE, Chairman. 120 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PETITioNS AND LEGISLAT'IONS' COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1966 To the Warden and Members. of the E1gin. County Council: The Petitions and Legislations C01IlIII1ittee rerports as fo[Jows: 1. That the resolution from the United - Counties of Stormont, Dunda's,and-Glengarry,. petiti'OniTIlg theHono<urajb~e, The Attorney- General of the Province of Ontario to liImend tJhe Coroner's Act, "e filed. '2. Tha,t the Resolution from the United C"un'ties of Northum- berland'. and Dur>llla'ffi petitioning the Arttorney General, The Hon- ouvalble A. A. WiShart, Q.C., to encourage various organizations to increase ~heir dl'iver training sdhooLs, and safety checks, be en~ dorsed. ,3. rI'hat the prCIPosed Code of Ethics from the Township of North YOrk ,be talbled'. All of which is respeotfully SUlbimitted. LORNE KEiLLOR, Acting Chairman. THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 1927 BEING A BY.LAW of Ihe Corporalion of the Counly of Elgin 10 provide' for the - appointment of a County Assessment Commissioner, pursuant to Section 93a(1) of the Assessmenl Acl, R,S,O, 1960. WHEREAS BY VIRTUE of Section 93a(1) of the Assessment Act, the C.ouncil of a. County may," sulbject to ihe 31PrprovM of tihe Minisi'er, rp'ass a by~law 'appointing a County Assessment Com- ffi'1ssioner who shall halVe a'll the powers, duties and priv:ileger under this and every other Act of an assessor" and assessment ,commissioner, or a -county assessor in respect of the county and the townships, to<vvms and villa.ges in the county, an.d who shall he deemed [or the puJ:1jloses o[ this and every other Act to he the assessor for e'a'ch of such local< munioipalities. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED as a By-law of the ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 121 C~)1mty of Elgin, tha!t Mr. Hecior McLean BE 'and the same is .herelby apipointedCounty Assessment Commissroner pursuant to Section 9~a(1) o[ The Assessment Act, R.S:O. 1960, Chapter 23, as amended, such arprpojnmnent to ~beoo.rne e:lJfecrtive January 1, 1967. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME and finally passed and sealed wJ;th the seal of the- said Conporation in Djpen Council thi.s 1Mh day of June, A:D., 1966. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. JOHN McKINLAY, Warden. Aippro,ved: J. W. SPOONER, M'inister, Department Munkilpal Mfairs. Date: June 22nd, 1'966. BY-LAW NO. 1928 "Being a By-Law fo Appoint ,an Assisfant Road ISuperintendent for ,the County of Elgin." WHEREAS it is deem.ed awls-able to appoint an Assistant Road SUlPerintendent for tlhe County of Elgin, NOW TRHREFORE the Cound: of the Copporwtion or the County of Elgin enaots as follolWs: 1. THAT Arthur B. Campbell he, and is hereby appointe.d Assistant IRoad Superintendent for t'he Corunty of El,gin. .2. THAT his salary be Nine Thousand Dollars ~$9,o-OO.00) per per, pay,alble semi-monthly. -3. THAT he Ibe lPaidan allowance for the use of his car based on the following S'chediUlle: o - 71000 miles 10 cents 'Per mile 7,000 - 14,000 miles 8 cents (peT mile READ a first -time this 1Mh day or June, 1966. READ a second time this 15~h day of June, 1966. REll\.D a third time, and finaI1y passed this 15th day of ,Tune, 1966. H. 'L. JOHNSON, Clerk. JOHN McKINLAY, Warden. 122 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BY-LAW NO, :1929. "Being a BYRLaw to ,Es:tabli.sh :the Salary of :the Assessment Commissioner o,f :the County of Elgin:' The MuniC'ipal Corpo:va1tion of tJhe Corunty olf Elgin enacts as ~oll"ws: i. THAT 'the sall-ary of Mr. Hector McLean, Assessmenrt Com- .milssioner -of the County of Elgin [be Nine Thousand, Five Hund- red Donars ('$.g~'510n.OO) per annum, payafble semi-monthly, and that he rbe paid an allowance for the use -of his car based on the fol- lowing schedule: Mileage Per Galeuclar Year AllQlwance a - 7,0.0.0 10 cents per mile 7,000' - 14,0,0,0 8 cents !per mile 14,000 - 20,'000 7 cents permUe 2. THAT' 1Ihis By-<L'aw shal'l take elifec,t on January 1st, 19-67. READ a first ,time this. 15th day of June, 1966. READ a second time this 15th day of June, 1966. READ a third time, and finally passed this 15th day of June, 1~66. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. JO!HN McKINLAY, Warden. BY -LA W NO, 1930 I'Bei'ng a By~Law :to Es,:tablish :the Annual Remuneration :to be Paid :to the Warden of :the County of Elgin." 'WHEREAS :it is deemed advisable to establish the altlnual re- muneration to 'be paid to the Warden of the Oounty of El,gin. NOW THF.REFORE 1Ihe COWlCi,) o.f the COl1Poration of the County of Elgin enads as follows: 11. THAT the annual remuneration of the Warden off the :Co'UnJty of' Elgin ,for ;attendilllg meetings of the Council, meetings of the Viarious Committees and perror;ming a'll other duties applic- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 123 alble to his OI:lifice including mileage neceslsarily travelled shaH be Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) per anm.1lln, pay,alble in twelve equal instalments. 2. :In addition to the annual remuner:ation es,talblis'hed in Clause (1) the Warden shall be paid .the usual Convention ex- penses allo:wed by Oouncil for attending Conrveniions oubside the munriciJpality. '3. A ,grant of Two Hundred and Fifty Doilars ($250.00) shall 'be paid each year to the Wl8.rden of Elgin OO'U'llty to help defray the coS't of the Warden's ,Hanquet held each year in the month of June. READ a first .time this 151tl1 day of June, 19B'B. READ a seclOnd time this H51tlh day O'f June, 1966. READ a third time, and finany ,passed this 15th day of June; 1956. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. '~", JOHN McKINLAY, Warden. BY-LAW NO. 1931 UA By-Law to Authorize the Execution of an Agreement with the Minis:l:er of Highways for Ontario Relating to Roads Under the Jurisdic-iion. of the Corporation of the County of Elgin Designated as Development Road Number 819:' tIt is Iherelby' ena,cted by the CouncU of ,the Corporation of the COIun ty of El,gin: 1. That the Ward,en ,and Clerk are hereiby authorized to exe- c'ute. an. agreement 'between ,the Mdnlster of Highways for Ontario and the OOI1PoI"atiolll of ,the County of Elgin wutaohed hereto and marked Sohedule l'A". !Read a first, second and third time and passed this 15th day of June, 1966. (SEAL) JOHN McKlNLA Y, Warden, H. L. JOHNSON, Cierk. 124 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL I hereby certify that ,the fo-regoing is a true copy of By-larw Numlber 119i3'l Ipassed !by tlhe Council of the Corporation of the County of ElJgin on the IMh day o~ June, 1961i. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. SCHEDULE:'A" THlS AGREEMENT BErriW'EEN HEIR M!\JJESrrY THE QUEEN in right of the Province O'f Ontario, as represented by the Minister of Hi.gihfWays, hereinafter called the Depantment, and 'J.1HE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGiN hereinafter caned the Goripora1Lion, WITNESSETH TiHiAIr: tlhe Minister of Highways for Ontario has designated as develolPment roads on the 27th day of M'ay, 1966, the roads descrirbed as tfo:L10IWS: Designated Development Road Number DESCRIPTION 879 1. l'hao part of Elgin County Road Number 5 from Elgin County Road . NwmJber 2, northerly to Elgin County Road Numlber 9. 2. That part of Elgin Oounty Road Nrumber 18 irom EIJgin County Road Numfuer 14 easterly to Elgin County Road N1N11Jber 20. 1l. That part of Elgin County Road Nurnlber 52 from Main Street in the Village of Spring- field easterly to tfue boundary road between the TOWlnshiq:> of South Do"cbester in the Coonty of Elgin and the To.wnshilP of Derehaon in the Coun.. ty of OJd'ord. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL j'[I r' 125 ::1 Now tlherefore in consideration of the rtermsand conditions ,conroa1ined in this Agreement, the p3'I'Ities hereto mutually agree as .fullo'Ws: 1. Th:e Depar'bmen t a1grees to make a [lUmp SUlm c.ontriJb:ution of eighteen thousand, one hundred and ei!glhteen doHars and forty- five c'ents ($16,1116.4'5) toward the maintenance of the said roads. 2. The COl'lporation agrees and hereby undertakes to indem~ nify and sa;ve, harmless the Departmenlt from and against an loss, costs, expense or damage whkh, the Deparrtment or its offi- cers or the. prulblic may incur, suffer or be put to !by reason of any work bein,g done on the said roads or parts thereof over which the Council of the Gorporationha:s jurisdiC'tion or by reason of any acddent da'mage or iinijury whidh may be sustained Olll ac- .count of such. work heing done or the same being maintained or on account of ,the condition or the said roads or parts thereof at any tirrne. ;3. This Agreement shall remain and !Continue in force until the desiJgnartion o.f'the said roads as'developm.ent road.s has been revoked. 4. This Agreement shall !be .effective on the date it is execut- ed .by 1fhe 'M'inister of Highways for Ontario. 1N WITNESS WHEREOF HE'R MAJESTY THE QUEEN in '!he right of the Province of Ontario This 27th day of June. 1966. C. S. MacNUGHTON, Minister of Highways for Ontario. :'i i 1\ (SEAL) Signed and sealed' I!his 15,th day of June, 1966. CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGJN (SEAL) JOHN McKINLAY, Warden, H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. 126 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BY-LAW NO. 1932 "Being a By~Law :1:0 Confirm and Legalize Grants 'Made by Reports of Commil:tees or Otherwise by :the Council of :the County of ::;Elgin." WHE,REAS it is the desire of the Council from time to time, to ma,ke grants to person or /persons, ol'lganizations, corporartions, or j1rtstitutioru;, NOW THEREFORE the Gouncil of 1ihe OODporation of the County of Elgin enacts als follows: 1. THAT aLl grants m.ade or ordered by reports ofCommi,t- tees during th.e year, 191616, and the same are here'by confirmed. 2. THAT the C'lerk-Treasureraf the Oounty of ELgin ;be, and is hereby authorized and instructed to. !pay all ,grants or orders !made Iby reports of COlUimi,ttees adolpted by this COIUll'cil or o:tfuef- wise for whatever !ptmpa,ses such gl"amts or orders may be made to the person or persons, or,ganizations, ,col'lPorations, or institu- 'Hans, entit!'ed to re,cei'Ve same. READ a first -time this 15'bh day OI! June, 1966. READ a second time this 1-51tJh day of June, 1966. READ a third time, and final1y -passed this 15th day of June, 1966. if. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. JOHN McKINLAY, Warden. PUBLIC SCHOOL CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE REPORT June Session. 1966 To the Warden and Members of the Ellgin County Council: 'The P.uibHc School Consult'ative Committee reports as fol~ lows: 1. That since hoth YaI1mouth Townshilp School Are.a and the Council of Yarmouth Township have voted to take no action in SUlP!>ODt of By-Law NQ. 66-16 of the Township of Westminster to deta'oo the Vi1!'a,ge of BeLmont irolm WeSllminster Townshilp Sohool ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 127 Area and att'aich Ltto the Yiarmoutih Torwnship School Airea, 1fuis C.ommi,Dtee will make no recommendrution in this m:atter to the Council o~ fue CouUlty of Elgin. 2. That tfrle By-Law received from Westmjnster T'W1>. be filed. 3. That the Chainman of the Pulllic School Consultative Com- mittee and as manymexnJbers of Committee as possible do attend the ProlPosed Seminar in Octolbcr perrtaining to the function of the Consulta,tiJve Oom1mittee. All of wbi'c'h "is respec,tfully submitted. J. B. WiLSON, Chairman. AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT ,~" June Session. 19S6 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin Counrty Council: The Agricultural!' Commirt,tee reports as follows: ,1. That the letter from -the Ontar:io Professional Foresters Asso:ciaJtion regarding conservation measures for forests in the area 'be tabled, and Mr. Herb. Crown, Provincial Director of ARiDA, Ihe requested to a-d'Vise as to what assistance is arvflilable for reconditioning woodlots in thus dis,trict. 2. (['hat the request of the South Western Orutario Livestock Producers' Association fbe referred to the Distrid Agricultural O:Bfiee :lhr cons.ideration. All of which is respeot:fiully submitted. GORDON WOOLNER, Chairman. 128 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1966 To. the Wm'den, and Members of the Elgin County Council: The Centennial Committee reports as follows: L That the minutes of 1fue Conception Meeting of llie St. Tho.mas-E1gin Centennial Co-Oxdinating Meeting be taJl>led to the Septernlber Session. All of which is res~ectfully submitted. FORREST MOORE, Acting Cnairman. PLANNING COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1966 - ,Second Report To the Ward.en, and Members of the Elgin County Council: TIlle Planning Committee reports as follOlWs: 1. We recommend that an Industrial Promotion Oom~i.ttee composed of Reeve Philli[ps, Rieeve Auckland, Reeve WooIner and the W,arden ex...otf.:liido !be a[pipointed as a sulbHcommittee ofllie County of Elgin Planning Coonmittee. 2. We recommend that a uniform building permit be adopted -by the local mUll1idpal1ties wirthin the County of E1gin. ,3. Tha,t the 'copy of the letter sent by the City of St. Thomas to the Honourable J. W. Spooner re County of ,Elgin Planning Area and llie County of Elgin Planning Board be filed. 4. That ,llie letter and suggested TraUer By-law prepared by F>aIlijOY, Hennessey and Kempster referred to EJ,gin Go.unty !by M.r. C. B. Va-aden be tabled. All of which is respectfully .ulbir",i'bted. C. D. PHILUPS, Chairman. ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 129 FOURTH SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday the 20lh ,Day ,of Seplember, 1966 The Elgin County Council met this day at the COUl"1t House, Sf. Thomas, in ac'Cordance with adjournment. The Warden in the chadr. All ffi'emlbers pres'ent. M'Oived by Rieeve Emerson, Seoonded [by Reeve lWw;fey: Tlhat the uuinutes of the June, 19616 Sess~on of the Elgin Coun- ty. CounlCil as printed and d.istdbuted, ,be' comituned. --Carried. 'Dhe following cOiInmunic-ations were read and referred to the various camnritJtees: announcing C\ Incentive Pro- to llie Road From. the D€pa'rtment of Municilpal Affairs Joint Federal ProvifilciallMunidpal W'intel' Works gvam :fior the coming winter months. - (Raferred Committe'€'. iFW'om the North Grey Region Oonservation Authority with resol'UJtUon requesting the, Ont'ario Government to pass legislation empowering the Province to administer and enforce prD\Per cut~ Hug and rnJa_na.gement control df our Faron woodlots.- Referred ,to the ,Agricultunal CO'lnttnittee. 'From the Oity of St. ThOlmaswith notice of intention to ap~ ply to the Ontario M.uniiCipal Boar,d for a.pproval of St, ThomGls Ily'<LaIW 59-6'6. - F1iled. iFrOlm Mrs. D. J. Heffernan, President of the Belmont Home and School Association advising that a house poll 1n the Village of Selmont showed that 100% wished to have 1Ihe Belmont Pu~- He Scholoo remain in theWestrninster Townshilp School Area. - Referred to the Bulblic Schooi ConS'Ultative Committee. iFrom the Ontario Divi-sion of the OOlID1Inunity Planning As- sociation of Oanada announdnrg a con1feren1ce to be held in Tor.::. onto on Odtolber 6th and 7th, 1'9'66. - Referred to the Planning Committee. Fmm 1Ihe C-ouruty of Ontario with extract from the F10urth Rep.ort of the Standing Committee oil Assessunent and Taxation. 130 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL - Referred to the Equa'li2lation and .Assessment Committee. From the Cormty of Middlesex with copy of M.iddlesex Pub. lic School Oonsul1taJtive Oommittee !Report, oopy of Middlesex By~ Law No. 311112 transferring tllJ.;e Belmont portion of the Westnnin~ ster Township Scho,ol Area to the Yarmouth Township School Area and a cO/py oifa letter received frOlll'l the Department of Edu- cation Te: 1VIiddl,esex By-Law No. 3'1<12. - Referred to the Public School Consultative OQlnunittee. From the Elgin County Federation of Agriculture endorsing the resolution re: reassessingoompensabion ;paid ror land eXlprop~ riation for road aUowan'Ce, whidh was passed at a joint meeting held at E,pringfield on June 12th, 1966. - Re~erred to the Road Ocimmittee. {From Frank Cowan Company Limited re: 1966 Commission Di's'triibution. -', Relferred to the Finance Committee. From G. Duncan Black!Li!mited a letter of oommendation l'e: the restoration of the Gaunt House Building. - Filed. F-rom the County of Perth with resolution aUowing a muni- cipality to engage an assessor who has been granted a temporary -Hc:ense for anotlher municipality to do their assessment work. - Referred ,to the Equalization and .AJssessment Committee. From the County of Viotoria a letter regarding the prdblem of non-returnable .bo'ttles being discarded along roads and high- ways. - Referred- to the Road Committee. From the Oounty of Huron with resolution utlging the Min- j,&ter 'Of Highways to reconsider his directive and ma'ke fair wages optional at tjhre discretion of the munidpal road autJhority.- -Re- ferred to the Road Co'mmittee. From the Minister of MiUnic1pal Affairs a letter re: County of Elgin and St. Thomas Planning Organization. - Filed. From the OutaxLo Pl'illn'bing Inspectors AssQ.ciation with no.. Hce of the 196'6 annual conference to be held at London, Septem- ber 20-23, 1966, - F]led. From the County of Bruce with resoluHon re: fair wages and the reunov,al of tlhe stumps of trees cut along Provincial Highways. - Re'.fierred to the Road Comm'ittee. ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 131 Frolm the County of PeteTlborough wiJth resolution requesting the provincial Government to pass legislation 'making it cOIDlpul- 'sory for all Munidpal'ities to have a :llorm of Warlb1,eFly Control P.mgra'ill. - iRJeferred to the Agricultural Committee. From Mr~ F. A. Lashley, Director, Deparbmerut of Agricwltue and Food ,a report !With r,espe1ct to the 19[66- RUlIa 1 Jmprorvement Centennial Program. - Referred to the Agricul1Jural Comomittee. From the Assoda-tion of Ontario Oo:unties re: Vo'ting Dele- g1a1es. - Referred to the Finance COmmittee. From the On1:arioWater Resources Oommission re: Route of Lake EiJ'ie Pia;>el'ine. - Filed. From the City of St. Thomas with claim for Mr. Fred Flem. ing for damage to his property caused by lblasting at St. George St. Bridge. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the Ont-ario Good Roads Association re 1967 Conrven- tin reservatlJons. ~ Referred to the Rol2.d Committee. Mr. Stook and Mr. O'Donnell from the Department of [.ands and Forests were present at the meeting and it was mo'ved by Reeve ,PhilIiJps that the, representatives .froIn the Department of Lands and Forests -be now hear-d. Mr. Stbo'ck addresSJed the Council giving statist1cs on the deer popul,at'ion in South Western Ontari-o and other rellated matters. After genera,l discussi'On had 'taken .pl,ace the Wm..,den thanked 'Mr. S.tock and Mr. O'Donnell for their visit to Council and referred the matter to the Agricultural Committee. The Property Committee Report was presented Downey ,and -ad-o.pted 'On motion o.f Reeve Dorwney BrQlWn. The E1ginManor Committee Report wasrpresented by Deputy Reeve Oavel'ly and adopted on motion of D€ip.uiy Reeve Oarverly and Reeve Barker. by Reeve and Reeve Moved /by Reeve W,oolner, Seconded /by Deputy Reeve Gilchrist: 'llhat we do now adjourn to meet again Septemfber 20th, 196~, at 2 p.m. -Carried. 132 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNOI'L RE-CONVJmolIDD The following cOIm,mun1cations were read and referred to the various committees: From the St. Thoma6-lElgin Centennial Co,ardinating Com- mittee' requesting a grant. - Referred to the Centennia,l COlffiM mittee. -From the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit re,questing assurance from the City o~ St. 'Dhomas and the County of Elgin that fin- ancial backing will be ava'ilalble for the purchase and renovation of a 'building to be used as headquarters for the Health Unit. Referred ,to' the Finanfcre Committee. Moved by Reeve McOanum~ Seconded hy Reeve Clarloe: That we folllQlw the usual procedure of eadh Council memlber hringing a junior .boy or ,g;irl .g;uest of County Council on the first day olf the Novem,ber session. -CaI'!1'ied. Moved by ,Reeve Todd, Seconded by Reeve DeGrww: That we do now adjo-urn to meet at 10:00 a.m., Septemlber 21st, 1'~66. -Carried. FOURTH SESSION - .SECOND DAY Wednesday. the 21st Day of September. 1966 The Elgin County CO'llllJoil met ,this day at the Court House, St. '1.1homas, in aiCcofldiance with adjournment. The Warden in tJhe oha1ir. An memlbers present eXlcept Reeve Emerson. A telegvam was received from J. W. Munphy, Chairman, Can- a'dian AlmeriJcan Committee .on' water pol!J:ution seeking support to stop drilling fQr oil .or gaBs .on Fawn lsland in the st. Clair River and .the foU.olwing reso1ution was pa,ssed. ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 133 Moved' by Reeve Woomer, Seconded ~y nee"", DeGraJW: That we CoOnC'llr with telegra'm received from Mr. J. W. Mur- phy, Cha,irnn:an QIf Oanadian Am,erican' Oom1ma.lttee .on WateJ:' 'Pol- luUon and tihat we nobify Qrur IMembeI'is oOf provincial Parliament, Mr. J-aok Spence and Mr. R. K. McNeil of same by letter. ~Carried. A l'e'tter Wias received f.rom Mr. C. E. J:ackson re: no parking signs <on hisprQlpel1ty and the foOllowing resolution waS passed. Moved by Reeve Woolner, Seconded by Ree",. Todd: That communication froun Mr. C. E. Jadt:son re: no parking signs be filed. A communication, fronn the Department of TourLsm and In- fOl1mation, 'Onlbarlo Centennd,a,il Pl1anning Branch, requesting de- tails of plans for Centennial Celebrations was rmerred to Mr. G. H.Pratt, Chairman of the St. Thomas-Elgin CentennIal Co"'Ordin- ating CIQlll1im:itJtee. The repovt of the Equalization and Assessment Committee was presented by Reeve Downey and adopted on motion of ,,R,'eeve' Downey and, Reeve Keinor. The report of the Agrkultural Committee was presented by Reeve ,Woolner and adolpted .on motion of !Reeve Woolner and Reeve McCal1lUJm. The report of the P<Uiblic 80hoo1 Consultative Committee was presented Iby Reeve rWilson and adopted on motion of Reev,e WH.. son and Reeve -Brown. The report of the Road Committee was !presented by Reeve Bi'OIWn and adO/pted oOn m-otion of Reeve Brown and (Reeve Phillips. The report of Ithe Finance C.ommittee was .presented by Reeve iC!1arke and 'adopted on motion - of IReerve Clarke and Reeve Rowley. The report of the Petitions and <Legislation Committee was :presented \by Reeve Rowley ,and adopted on motiQn of !Reeve Rowley and Deputy Reeve Elliott. 134 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 'The report of the Centennial Committee was presented'by Reeve Ra,wley and adopted on motion of iReeve Rowley and Reeve Keillor. The report of the. Planning Committee wa.s presented !by Reeve Phillips @d adopted on motion of Reeve Phillips and :Reeve Wil- son. Moved' (by /R'eeve IPhi1Hps, Seconded \by 'Deputy Re,eve iEUiott: 'That we QQ. now adjourn to 2:30 p.'m., iSeptemlber Qilst, 19'66. -Carried. '[1HiE COUNCIL m~CONVElNE[) Moved by Reeve Wilson, Seconded ,by iRee-ve iPhilld(ps: Thalt we appro'Ve the appointment 'ocE !Reeve 0: E'. Brown .as s'uJbstitU'te for Warden McKinlay on the ",Elgin County Pil!anning Bnard and to alet for him fronn time to time. -Carried. MOVied' lby !Reeve Barker, Seconded by Reeve Todd: . ''Dhat a 'committee of one meunJber from each munici[pality be formed to, cons,kLer the feasitbildty of tJhe County Council meeting once monthly. . -Carried. Moved !by Reeve Glover, Se'conded !by Deputy ReeV'e Elliott: Tbat iBy-[jaw No. 1933 "A By-iLaw to Amend the iBy-,Law Adt>pting a 'Plan of Ct>unty :Road IimiProvernent and Estalblishing Oourvty 'Rioad System in the County of Elgin under the Highway ]mprovement Act," be read a. flirst time. -Carried. Moved Iby Deputy lReeve Elliott, Seconded !by [)eputy !Ree-ve Moore: That By-iL,aw N'o. 1'9~G !be read a sec<>nd time. -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 135 Moved :by Reeve rPihilliips, Seconded ;by {Ree1Ve Grover: 'Dhat By-Law No. 14)13,3 be iI'ead ,a third time, and finaIrly passed. -Carried, Moved /by ReelVe Rowley, Seconded !by Deputy !Reeve Orchard: That By-iLaw No. W34 "!Being a By-,Law to A!P'Point Membe"s and Altern:a1tes to the County of Elgin iPlanning Board," .Ibe read a first time. -Carried. IMoved {by HeeV1e Auckland, Se'conded by Reeve Dorwney: . That By-fLaw Na. 19C34 11)e read a second tim,e. -Carried. Moved Iby Reev.e [)owney, Seconded by iReev,e Auck1and: That By~Law No. 193'41be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved !by Reeve McOallum, S.econ,ded !by Deputy !Reeve McAlpine: rrhat By-lLaw No. 1935, "A By-iLaw to Author'lze ,the EJ<\Prop- riation olf Land fur the {Purpose of Widening and Lrno;>roving County Ro'ads," !be read a firrst time. -Carried. M'oved 'by RJeeve Downey, Seconded !by 'Reeve MdOallum: Tiharl; By-LaIw No. 19~5, be read a second tim'e. -Carried. 136 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved Iby Ree"le A'ltcloland, Seconded by [)el!>Uty Reeve Orcl1ard: That lBy"La'w No. 1936,!be read a third tillne and finally passed. -Carried. l\tToIVed by Ree1ve Todd, Seconded Ily Reeve DeGraw: That By-Law No. 1986 "!Being a By"lLaw to Confitln Proceed- ings od: the Gouncil of the COi1poraHon of the Cmmty of Elgin at the Sep'temlber session .19166.," !be read a ,first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Downey, Seoonded by !Reeve Auckland: That By-iLaw No. 1006 !be read a second lillne. -Carried. Moved by :Reeve Rcywley, Seoonded !by Deputy Reeve Orchard: That 'By-~aw No. 19'86 be read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Woolner, Sec.onded by !Reeve Todd: 'Ilhat we do nOW adjourn to meet on NO"lember 16th, 1966, at 10 :00 a.m. -Carried. H. L. JOIHN\SON, C1eI1k. J. V. MoKINDAY, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 137 . ,PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT September Sessionl 19G6 To the Warden and Men'lbers of the Elgin Comity Oouncil, ,The iProperty Gammitteeret>orts as !follows: 1. The following equipment. has -been selected for Ithe Asses- sot's Qf.fll~e wUh delivery to take !place !before Decem!ber 31st, 19616: One Monroe C,l'Iculator - $1,5(14.'50. Four Underwood-Olivetti Oa~'0\11atQrs @ 1$5'86.50 each~ !plus Ontario Sales Tax. .:(jne 20" J..BJM. Electric Ty,pewriter - $55G.50, plu.s Ontario Sales Tax. FrOlll1 iPitney-BolWes Ltd.: One.'Ele:ctric M1ailing Machine; One IInserting Machine and '~... One iJi10lding Machine at a total ,cost of $2,7G6.00 plus On- ta:vio Sales Ttax. We are renting one Aocorunting Meter to !he orperated an tfne Imailing ~llia'Chine <at a rate of 6% of (postage usedsulbdect to a anini!mum ,Of $!211.160 and a maximum of $'39.QO per Quarter. Desks, chairs, credenza, flile calbinets, 'and plan c,albinets far the Assessor'sOffice;Clre Ibeing .purchased from -Rilchard Cochri-I1 at a total cost of $2,0"'1::13. . ~',_ Fire Insurance on the Court House, Ja11', Registry Offke, and' (kj\1"~rno~'s Residence. Obuildings only) has been increased. to ~9'76,OOO:'00' and $90,000.00' !fire insurance has !been placed on ~he c.Q!ltents . o:f theswid /buildings. The albove insurance will ibe adM jillsted when an :appraisal has been com;preted. :3. iNotic~ has [been received from the City .of St. Thoma's- ad~ vising that the improvements ta Gladstone Avenue would /be un~ dertarken this year, with the. est.umatedlcost ta the. County being $9,000.00. 4. iM,iss Lynn Watson has 'been enga,ged to fill the positlon left vacant in the Clerk's Office !by the promation .of Miss Duck~ worth to the Planning Director's Offke. , I 138 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 15. We re<oommend that the following guards I:>e hired on a six month's pr.olbationery fbasis: John A. iLynoh, dating from August 16,tb, 1966. Josie Oline, dating from Sept-emlber 1st, '1966, Ted Sebum, dating from SClPtemlber 1st, 1966. 16. W,e recommend that Doonin'ion Aprpr,a.isal Compt8.ny !Utd. be engaged to. mlake a de'tailed awrais.al of the County Court House, J,aH, Registry Office, and Governor's Residence, including the con;tents of each lbuilding -with the exception of the Governor's :Residence, at a cost of $760.0<l. 7. We recommend to County Council that four ,1,000-watt fiood lights rbe installed to illulninate the Court House !Building at an estimated cost of $1,800.00. All of whi,ch is respe<otfiully sulbmitted. B. E. DOWNEY, Chairman. ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1966 To the Warden ,and Members of the Elgin County Council, The ELgin-M,ano! CQIlnmittee reports as follows: 1. Committee has accepted t8.S residents of iElg1in Manor 1 male and 5 femaies during the period from June to Septemlber. 2. Correspondence was received from Mr. N. Drew from the d~artnnental nutritionist Myra Smithies, in regard to. the annual month's men'Us submitted - the meals were analysed and were found to. 'be excellent and nutritional, with nO' changes recom~ mended alt the present tim€. 3. The to.tal xesident population at present is 77. All of which is reSlPectfiuily sulbrmltted. WM. R. CAVERILY, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 139 EQUALIZATION AND ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE :REPORT September Sessionl 1966 To. the Warden and Members. o.f the Elgin County Council, The iE'qualizatio.n :and AsseSSffi1ent Committee reports as fo:- lows: 1. That the !Fourth. Report 011' the Standing Ccmmlttee on As- sessment and Taxation of the .county. of Ontario.!be talbIed for fUrf)he<r study. 2. That the resalrutionf.roffi ,the Co.unty.of Perth, 'be endorsed. All of wl1;ch is reSlPectfiully sUlbmitted. B. E. DOWNEY, Chairman. AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT '.,.~. September Session, 1966 To the Warden and Melmbers of the Elgin County Council, The Agricu,ltural Committee reports as 'folloW's: 1. That the J:'Iesolution fr,om the North Grey 'Region Co.nser~ vation Authority be filed. 2. That the resoi"-'tion from the County of Peterlborough be fiied. ~. That the 1966 Rural ImprOV€'ffi-ent Centennial Program Report sulbrmittedby 1lVII. F. A. Lashley be fiied. 4. That the erection of "WeIrcome" signs at the entrances to 'the County of Elgin as a Centennial Project by the Elgin County 'Junior Farmers he apprwed. 5. That no orpen season for .deer !be held in. Elgin County in 1966. Aii of which is reSlPect1iully su,llmitted. GORIDON WOOLNiEIR, Chairman. 140 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PUBLIC SCHOOL ,CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE September Sessioni 1966 To the-,Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The P1.liblic S.chooI Con.uItati<ve Committee r€llorts as follOWS: '1. A meeting of the [PUlblic School >Oonsultalive Committee was held In the Elgin County CO'Urt House a!t 2 p.m. on ~esday, Seu>temlber 20tb, -and the fullowing memlbers ;were present: Chairman: J. B. Wilson, Gle-orge E. 'Brown, C. D. Phillips, Warden J. V. MciKjin~ay and Bruce MoCallum; C. 'N. Clro'ke and R. E. Hwwllngs were also present. 2. -It was moved !by Warden McKinlay, and seconded iby Reerve BJlGWLtl, -that we wish to appose By-1Larw {No, 3'HI.2, of the Oounty of Mtddlesex. ~arried. 13. Moved 'by !Reeve PhiH1p.s,' and Seconded by ReeiVe Brown, that the plan for a new twelve room school in rthe Un'ion~Sparta ,area, is cons'istent with the recommendations of' the /Pulblic School ConsU'ltatwe Committee. ~arried. 4. IThe meeting was aCLjorurned on motion of Reeve C. D. Phillips, and {Reeve G. E. (Brolwn. An 01' which is respectfully suJl>mitted. J. iB. W![;SO'N, Chairman. ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT Sep:l:ember Session, 1966 To the Warden and Council of the Gouruty of Elgin,. ;cOUIR ROAlD OOMM:rrrI1EJE ,begs to report as follows: A COiN1I1RAJCT for the Construction of the St. George Street Bridge has 'been let by the St. Thomas SUlbUliban Road Com111!ls- sian, to the Elgin Construction Company Limited, at a tendered price of $1122,95>1.00. The 1W0rk i. now well underway. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 141 WE RilllCOIMIMiEINiD: 1. TfHAT County GouMiJ :Road Tours dates be as follolWs: East End of County, Octolber l'~th, 19~6. West End of County, October 216!h, 1966. Lea<ving the Court !House at 9:00 a.m. each day. ,2. ':I:,{f~}A"l' the following Ro.ads in Jthe T'orwnship ,of Southwold Ih~ as~um~4 :;l$ County Roads. 1. Bostwi0k Road from Wellington Road to the Middle-sex OfJIUnty~ip.e, .$.'PlProxitmately 3.7 miles. 2. Road 'between .Lots 45 & ~ ,between Highway 4 and Bost- wick Road, ,(Road South of the l"ord Plant), approximately 1.2,5 mHes. 3. 'Road between Concession n & 'E, from- We:LHngton \H.,oad ,tip BGstwi'ckRo,ad, ;31pp:r:oxfu:nately O.3mHes. These m:oads ar_E; assumed underCritel'ia No.2, (Jndustrial Roads)of,tlhe !Minister of Hi,ghtway.s Recommenda'tions Respectirig Desivalble County Road Systems. The Assumptionoi tmese Roads will serve the' Ford Motor Company, andanr other Industry that situates in the area. The Assumption of the Bostwick R{)ad, lS.nd rthe Road !between 'COI}~es{:;ion iD & :E, willaH'9Lw the lay,ing of a Watermain along these, Roads t() th~ F{)rd Plant, -(which' will also service any othel adj,acent industry). 13'. TlHlAT ,a By-lalw !be (passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign iLand P.lans ex.propriating Land necessary to 'Widen County Roads, 111, 26, 2-9 and 35. 4. THlAT we a~prove the Resolution of the County of Nor- f{)~k' obdecting to a Laesolution of the Ontario, Municitpal Electrical Assciation, reque,sting a Change in [.egislaition, that wOiUld reim~ burse the;IDlectrical Association for Costs o,f Material Us'ed in Road MOIVes. is. 'mIINI" the Re~olution of the County of 'Bruce, re F,air Wages Policy be filed. All 01' which is respectfully sUlbmitted. G. E. BROWIN, Chairman. 142 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FINANCE COMMITTEE ~EPORT September Session. .1966 To the :Watden ,and Mermlbers of the Elgin County Council, The Ji'inance COlIDffiittee reports as [ollows: 1. That Charity and 'Welfare ,pay List No.6 for $5U.80; Pay List No. 7 for $'200.76, and Pay List NO.8 for $2,'i1112:10, be ap- (proved., '2. That Child"en's kid ,Societies ,pay List NO.6 for $1,876.116; Pay List No.7 for -$1,860,5~; and Pay List No.8 for $1,910.,25, be ct'pproved. i3. That the usual- Igrant of $25.0.0 lbe made to each Prolbation Officer attending the, Pro!bation Officers' Convention. 4. Th.at the follo'wing he ,the Voting Delegates for Elgin County at -the Association of Ontario Counties Annual Meeting -Warden McKinlay, Reeve \Phillips, Reeve '(Brown, Reeve Wi1~ son, 'Reeve Emerson. 5. That IMr. Roy E,vans' Insurance Commission Ibe transf,erred to Douglas Todd, West Lome; and that Mr. J. M. McWinnie's In- surance Commission \be transferred to Ed. Matschke, Strafford::- v.il1e. 6. What a grant of $50.00 'be made to the El,gin Coonty Past Warden's Association towards the cost of pins; for the memlbers. 7. We recolmmend that a By";La1w !be passed at tme concLusion of 6a,ch Session olf Ithe ELgin County Oouncil confirming the Pro~ ceedings of the Council at that particular Session. 8. 'l'hat We agree to the purchase and renovation of the 'buitlding on the south-east corner of ,Elm and Wood Streets at a total COSlt of $90,000.00; and that ,we subscrilbe to our portion of the ICOSt based on a ,per oalpita percentage basis with the City of St. Thomas. Said- bunding to be us-ed as he:adquarters !for the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit. 9. We recoonmendthat ,the Elgin.st. Thomas Health Unit he allolwed to retain any su~plus in its alccaunt at the end of each j>"ear providing the City ()f St. Thomas concurs with this !policy. \W. ,We :recommend that the Planning Oommittee !be aUlthor~ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 143 iZied to spend an additional $5,000.00 o'Verand albove the amount 'budgeted fo~ Planning in the 1966 Budget. Iil. We recommend that no action be taken with respecif: to having the Annual Audit Report printed .in the Proceedings of the Elgin County GmmeiIl each year. AU of whi-ch is re'l[lecHuUy submitted. C. N. OLAR[<iE, Ohai"man. PETITIONS ,AIN'D LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT September Sessionl 1966 J To the Warden and Memlbers- of vhe Elgin County Coune,ill The Pet~tions :and !Legislations Committee repol'lts as foHows: '-" 1. That the pmposed Code of Ethics from the Township of North York be filed. AU of which is reSlPecHuily sulbmitted. ~VOlR ROWIUEY, Chaimnan. CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE REPORT Sep:l:ember Sessionl 1966 To the Warden and Memlbers of -the Elgin County Council, Tlhe !Centennial Committee r>e~or.ts as follows. 1. 'We recommend that a grant 01' $1-00.00 !be made to the St. Thomas-Elgin Cen.~ennial Co-ordinating !Committee !for signs, la~ Ipel pins, and adm:inistrati1Ve costs. ~. That the minutes of the !ConceptIon meeting of the St. Thomas-Elgin Centennial ICo-ordinating Committee !be a(pproved. Ail 01' whkh is re.pectJ)uily sUlbmitted. ~VO'R ROWlUEY, Chairman. 144 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Pj:,cANNINq .CPMMI'!'T~l'= REPORT Seplember Session, 1966 To tI1e 'Warden and MeilUJbers of the Elgin County COuncil, .The PI-anning Committee reports 'as follows: ,I. Hall Point Pens have been p.urohased for the County of Elgin, ~l,Oo-O Pens at a ~ost of $4J1Oo.00, sa.e. tax extra). '2. Office iFurn1ture for the 'Planning Orfice has .been acquir- ed, (One Btena lOhair .at :8 cost of $46'~1 tax included). 13. A- Secreila,.ry rto assist the, Planning Director has ,been ap- pointed' ,and has commenced wo:rlk on Septem!ber 1st, 196,6. 4. Building lPerunitForms have been prinrtedJ and are 3rvail- alble at the ~Co'unty 'Planning Office, and all municilPalities should ,!'ubmit to. the Planning Offke the number olf cOlPi,es they wish to qp1ta,.in. 5. iWIE iRiEOOlVllMElNID: 1. 'That ,.he Planning Committee study the feasiibility of 'Pl'Ov:iJcHng essential p.wbl1c servkes on a county-w,ide basis, an,d '~n :partkt1ilar the prQvision of pulblic !Water systems and sanitary sewer sySltems, and 'be requested Ito r€.q)ort its find~ in.gs and recommen.dations to the CQlUnty Council at the No~ 'Vember Session. 2. Th~t.~ s~udy U,e made ,by the P,lanning Committee to- 'g,e,ther wilth the Secondary ~hool Consultative Committee ,and the Pulb1ic IScho..a1 Consultat1ve Committee in co.-operation wit,h tj1e ISc,hoo1 laoards wit)lin th~ County of Elgin Planning tArea and the teaching profession 'as to the merlis of a County Soard of Education !for elementary 'and secondary SDho.oIs and a~~a ~ ~oard Qf ~d11l~!ltion for sqparate schools. 3. That the County ,Rolad COlnmittee study the feasibility of a County road system comprising a11 raads and streets in all towns, viUages, ~nd tow!lships. 4. Th~t Iseriqus consideration ,he given the estalblishment of the off'ice of Caunty Building [n~pector to assure unifo1.'lln aclministpation of the Bullding By.Law and of all zoning by- laws. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 14.1 6. We: reoommend that a -Standing Coonmittee on Co.unty Governm,e,nt be formed. 7-. ','We recQ1mmend_ that ,>30,000 (pacikages of matchesJbe pur- chased at a c<>s1' of $7800.000 !plus tax. 'S.That the Chairman of the Planning Committee be author- iz-ed, 'to. 'a1btend the ,Community Planning Association Conference on Octoher 6th and 7.tIh, at Tmonto. All of which is respectfully su/bmitted. C. D. iPIl:D1LL!II1S, Chairman. THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ;BY.LAW NO. 1933 A BY.LAWTO AMEND lhe By-Law iAdoPlling a Plan .of Counly Road Improvement and Establ,ishing a County 'Road System in lhe Counly of ELGIN ,under lhe Highway Improvement Alct. . " The !Council of the COl1p~r,ation of the County of Elgin enacts as, By-law N'llmiber 1'~33 as follows: I. mJIE ISOHiE!DI(J[1E "N' of Ey-iLaIW Number 897 !bein.g ithe -ori,ginal BY-ll<aw estalb1ishing a County !Road ISystem in .he County of Elgin as amended by By-iLaw Numlber 1600'1 being the last Consoli. dating iBy-Law re-estalhlishing the said system and further "mended !by su'bsequent amending By- laws is herelby....amended !by adding;"tl1:_e~~to. ~he Roads designated an.d descrilbed as folio",.: DESCRIPTION Designated County Road Number 11 BEING that portion of road or the de'liations Ibhereaf in the Township of Southwo1d; OOMlMElNCIN1G on the road between lots 45 and 4J6. East Side of the Talbot Road, North Branch, -at the ;E1astern limit of .the Taltbot Road, North Braneh, !being the King's Highway Num~ lber4; 146 ELGlN COUNTY COUNCIL Designated County Road Number 29 Designated County Road ~u"""r 211 'I1H\ElNlOE Easterly along the said road be- tween Lots 415 and 46, to. the western limit of t.he road !between Lots 4!5 and 46, East side of the ~a]bot Road, North Branch, andConceSSJion B, known .as the Bostwick Ro'ad, and hereinbe-' fore de~ignated as County Road Numlber 16. A 1JO'l1AiL D]STA!NCE of approximately 1.25 roUes. DESCRIPTION ElIDING that pOrtion of road or the devhttion thereof in the 'fuwnshio;>, otf ISouthwold constitut- ing I8.n extension of County Road Numlber29; OOlMJMlElNlCINiG on the road between Lot 1 of (Concession D and' LE, at the western liImit c.f the - road comprising the 'bound:ary:between the TownshiQ:>s of Soutruwold and Yanmouth, being County !Road No. ~5. 'I1H1ElNIC'E 'westerly along the said road to the north-eastern Hh1it of the road between Lots D to A East Side cd' Tallbot Road !North Branoh and Concession ID,known1as the BostwilC'k 1R<nid, and hereinlbefore designated. County Road Number 16. A TO'DAiL DillSTiAJNOE of approximately 0.4 miles. DESCRIPTION BiIDI1NG that portion of ro-ador 'bhe'deviar!;ions thereof in the TOIwnship of SolttbJwo1d knotwnas the Bostwick Road. COMMIEJNlClNG on the road lbetween Lot C, (or 4J5), and Lot [) (or 46), in the Gore, IDast of the Talbot Road, North iBranch, at the western limit of the road cOlnlPrising the boundary !be. tween the Townships of Yarmouth and South- wold, Ibe1ng County Road Nurnlber 2,5; ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 147 'TIHIENICIE north-westerly alongtbe said road, -!between Lot ,C ,and !Lot D to the road between- . Lo-t ,C in -the Gore, E,ast of the Tatbot Road, North B~anch and Lot D E'ast of the Tallbo,t Road, North Br,anch. 'DHEiNClE, 'continuing north-westerly along the said road\between Lots D~ C, B, A, an~ 41 to 49 inclusive, [Eas't of 'the T'allbolt Road, North Branch on the ,one hand. and Concession E, D, C, B, 'and A on the.other :hand t,o the northern.limH of the road comprising the boundary between the Township of ,Southwold in -the County ofElg-in, ,and the Townshilpof iWesuminster in the ...'Dawn- ship 0If Middlesex. A DIlISII1AiN1C'E' of a,pproximately '3.75 Iniles. 2. . TlHIE IROADIS, as designated and ,de.scr~bed in par.agraph 1, are ,hereby added to and included in the County Road .systerricd' the Coun-ty cd'Elg-1h. 3. 'DHt[S' BY -LAW shall Icome into 1orce, :upon ,the aplprolVal thereof fby tl1.e ffJi,eutenant-Gb'Vernor in CouncH. ' iE'LN~Y PiAlSSiEID at the Oityof St. Thomas, in the County of Elgin, this 2,lst day of Septemlber, 1966. H. L. J10HNSON, Clerk. JOHN McKINLAY, Warden. COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 1934 "Being a IByLaw to Appoint Members and Alternates , to the County ,of Elgin Planning Board." WHlIDRiElAlS the HonouI'Iaoble J. W. Spooner, Minisier of MuniN cipal Affairs, has defined all of the City of St. Thomas and all the municipalities 1Jhat nOlW or hereafter ~orm Ip'arrt of the Oounty of Elgin for muniJc'ipa:1 pur;poses, eaoh as from ti,me to tim,e consti- tuted, 'as a planning area to be known as tJh'e "County of Elgin Planning Area.'1 148 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ANiD W1HiElRlE""S the County of lE,lgin has heen nllJmed 1Ihe desig,na'ted.munkipalirty in the "County of Elgin. Planning Area." NOW 1TIHIE:RiE1F10R1E, the COl1Pol1ll,tion Qlfthe Oounty of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. TH1AIr the following representatives Ile, and are hereby alliPointed memJbers 'of the County of Elgin Planning Board for the term set oppos'ite their res.pective names. Name Municipality D, r. Houghton City of 1St Thomas W. L. P'llJlmer Peter Laing \S.J. Glover Nelson Glanke 'B. E. Downey I'I'or 'Rowley .Larue Keillor Victor [)eGraiW Norman Ostrosser K. C. EmW'son Douglas '.Vodd 'Gordon Woolner C. D. Philllp. J. B. Wilson City of st. Thomas . City of St. Thomas Town of Aylmer Villag.e o<f Belmont Village of Dutton Villag.e of Port BUl'We}l Village of Por,t Stanley Village of :Rodney Village of Springfield Village of Vienna Village of West .Lorne To'WnslUa> of A.ldbomugh Township of B.ayham Townshi.p of Dorchester South Tbwnship of Dunwich Townshlp cd' Mal,,!hide Townsh'lp of lSoutbJWold TownshLp. of Yarmouth A. B. MoOallum Baul de R;yok A. W. Auckland John Wise rreIm of Office 1966, 1967, 1966 1966 1966 '1966 1966 1966, 1966 1966 19611 1966 1966 1966 1966, 1966 1966 19'66 196,6 1966 1966 Mernller of Munidp,al Council No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ELGIN; COUNTY COUNCIL 149 2. 'TIHiA"I' the ',follO!wi,ng representatives lbeJand are' here'b~.. appointed alternate memJbers 'of the County of Elgin Planning Board Jor the term set QIPlPosiietheir respectirve names. TeIm of Office Name J. T. Waite D. C. Waite T. if. C\lrrah Russel McKifl:fuin Gene Deppe Ch~;'le$' Pale Ross Carroll Fred . Walde~k WillJ:mr Wheaton J'a!ck -Misner John Jensen Milton Craik J. A. lPetrie James Hamilton Paul - B::i!ker R<JIbem Walker James S. Elliott Thomas Lwwr-ence Donald Irish Kenneth !McAlpine Colin - M,orrison p, Liddle F.' Ingr~m Ralph Auckland Bruce 'Ly~e Thomas R<Jllerts RdheM' Martin. Municipality City of St. Thomas City of st '.Vhomas City of St. l1homas Town of Aylimer Town of Aylmer Village of Belimont Village of Dutton Village of. Port !Burwell Vikage, of Port Stanley ViJJ,age of Pci~t _ Stanley '~'vVi<lla,ge of,Rodney Village of Springfield Village of Vienna Village of West Lorne TownshiIi(}lf Aldiborough Township cd' A1dborough Townshitp of Bayham Township of' Bayham Township of Dor>chester South TowrishiJp TownShip Tawnshiip Township Townshi~ of Du):]wich of Dunwich of Malahide of iMalahJ:de of Southwold Townsh4;l of Southwald Townsh~:[) o~ Yarn;tollth TO'Wl1ShiQ) of Yarmouth 1'9166, m68 196,6 1966 1966 1966 19'66 1966 1966 1966, 1967 1966, 19'67 1'966 1966, 1967 1966, Hi67, 1'9-66 1966 1966 1966 196,6 1966, 1967 1966 1966 1966 1'966 1966 1966, 1'9-68 1966 1966 1966 MemJber of Mun'icidml Council ,1967, No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No Yes No No Yes No Yes 1967. Yes Yes NQ No No Yes Yes No 3, TH""T this By-~ Shall come into force and effect on the date. of final passing thereof, S'wbject however to the all)'proval of.'the,:appoinrtmentslby the Minister of 'Municipal Affairs under Section 3 of the Planning Act. 150 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL RlEAiD a first time this 21st day of Septe-rnlber, 19-86. 1RElA[) a second tilme this 2'lst day of Septemlber, 1900. ~EiAD a thivd time, and finally passed this :?t1st d'ay of Sep- temher, 1966. H. L. JOHNSON. Clerk. JOHN McKINLAY, Warden. COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW. NO. 19a5 "A By~Law to Authorize :the Expropriation of Land.for :the Purpose of Widening .and ,Improving \County Roads:. ,WiHlElRlIDAIS under Section ~3G of the Munic;pal Act, heing Cha!]Jter 249, R. S. 0, 1960, the Oouncil of fNery Corporation may pass )3'y-La'ws' for acquiring or eXlPropriating any land required !orthe iPurposes'of the COllporation. AlND WHlElRIElAS !'he Hig'hiway !improvement Act; R. S. O. 19160, Chalpter J71, Section 6'6, provides that where, in the exettise of .its .powers, or in pemomnance of its oIbligations under Part VII of the said Act, a County finds that it is necessary- to' e~propria.te land, for the pUlIPose of opening up, widening, il11lproving, pro- t-ecting from erosion, altering or diverting a County Road, the County may prooeed in the Iffianner -provided by Part 1 of the B'aid.-Aci; :.AJND WIHiElRiEAJS in the exercise of its powe;rs and in per~ form~mce of its obligations, tJhe Corporation of. the County of ELgin finds, or may find, that it is necessary to expropriate lands for widening, improving, etc., the county roads shown on Sched~ uleA as attached; BE ]T 'l1HIEHIElF'ORiE: ENACTED by the Oorporation of the County of IDlgin (1) 'l'hat the Warden and CIlerk of the County of Elgin be, and 'are. authorized to sign any and all plans pertaining to l'and eXlPTOIpriation for County Rioads shown on Sched- ule A, and to affix thereto the seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin ,and to register the same :in the County of Elgin !Registry O~f;ce. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 151 (:2) That the Treasurer be, and is hereby authorized to pay to the owners of the lands herelby exprOl)ria:ted, such am'ounts as may !be agreed upon as compensation for the lands exqJropria<ted, or such compensation as .may !be 'de- termined /by arbitration under provisions of the EXlPl'op~ riation Proce'dlJJres Act, Statu:tes of Ontario 1962-63, Chapter ~. SCHEDULE "A" 1. !County Road 11, Lots 45 and 46, East Side of Tallbot Road, North Branch, Southwold Township. 2. County Road 26, Lots A, E, C, D, and Lots 41 to 49, East Side of Tallbot Road, North Branch, and Lot 1, 'Concession E, and Lot 3, Concession D, SoutJhJwold Township. 3. County Road 29, Lot 1 - 4, :Range 1 North of Edgeware Road, and Range 1 -. South of Ed.geware Road, Yarmouth Town- ship. . ,-., 4. County Road 29, Lot 1, Concession D & E, Southwo,ld Town- ship. 5. CO'Unty Road 35, Lot 2'8, Concession VI; VII and VHI, Yar- mouth Township. 6. County Road 35, Lot 1, Ooncession V & V'I, Malahide Town- ship. R>EAJD a first time tJhis 21st day of Septemlber, 19,66. REiAID a second ,.tilme this 2'lst day of Septemlber, 1966. READ a third time, and finally passed this 211.t day of Sep- tember, 1966. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. JOHN McK1NLAY, Warden. }'52 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO, 1936 . "A By-Law tlo Confirm 'proceedinlgs .of the Council of the Corporation of ~he Counly of Elgin tat the Seplember Session 1966." WH'EH,EAS Ioy S~ction 9' of the Municilla1 Act, .being Chapter 249 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1960, the llowers of a munici'P.al corporation are- to he 'exer.cised by its council; rA!NlD WiHERiE:AJS ,by Sulbsection 1 of Section 242 of the !Muni- cipal Act, being Chapter 2419 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1960,1.ihe powers of every council are .,to !be exercis.ed by Bywlaw; AiND WH~S it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confimned and adOlpted by, lby':'laJW; !NOW TBIERiEIF'ORrE THE COUNClIL OF THE CORPORNl'LON OF THE COUNTY OF El!JGlllN ElNAJCTS as follows: 1. That adiou of the Council of the Corporation of the Coun~ ty of Elgin in respect of each reco:mmendation contained in ihe Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution' passed: and. other action taken !by the Council of the .corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the September 1966 session is herelby adopted and confirmed as if aU S'uch procE"ed- iugs were e:xwressly emlbodied in tlhis by-law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the COl'pOration of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all thin.gs, n~cessary to give effect to the acti'on of the CQunrcil of the Corporation Q1f ,the County of Elgin referred to in preceding sec- Uort' hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and Directed to execute all documents necesSJary in th1at !behalf and to affix there- to the Seal of the Corporatl(}U of the County of I!2gin. REAiD a first time 1Ihis 211st day of 8eq>temiber, 1966. REAID a second time this 21st day of Septemlber, 1966. ;RJElAiD a third time, and finally passed this 21st day of Sep- tember, 1966. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. JOHIN M~K1NLAY, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY CODNCIL 153 FIFTH SESSION - FIRST DJ\,Y ,"uesday Ihe151h Day of November. 1966 The Elgin iCo'Unty 'Council m,et this day at the Court House, 81. Thom,as, in accordance with ad}ournm.ent. The Wa'rden in the Chair. All memlbers prcsenJt e",cept taeeve C. D. Bhillips. The W'arden laddressed the C'Olunc1~ ,a'hd weUcamed the boys and girls who came a's guests of the OounciUors. Jvloved !by Reeve [)eGrarw, Seconded by !Reeve. Todd: That theminrutes of the September 1191()i6 Session of the Elgin County Council as, printed and' distrIbuted 'be confirmed. -Carried. The' fOllOlWing communications were read, and re:::erred t.o their various Committees: 'FrDm ,the University, of " Western On tario 'announcing ", that Mr. Alldy E. Couckuytof R.R.'JNo.12~ Aylmer, and Miss".Jean:iL. Hum-:- phrey of iR.R.!N:o.~,Aylmer, were the rwinners of the Elgin Coun... ty Schol&rShips for 1966. - Filed.' Fvom . theWesiern Onta'ria 'Agricultural School and' Extr>eri- menta.llE~announcing that Mr.'Alan 01i11lton o.fR.R. No.7, St. Thomas, wras..the winner.Qf the E~gin County SchD1larship.for .19'66. ...,. Filed. From the Town of Wiarton with resoLution requesting the Provincial Governm,ent i:opass legislation so 'that ,Order Offices, the Liquor. CoI1ltrol Board of On'tarla and the, Brewer's Retail Company he assessed under !Sections 1O~:t 142-113 of t4e Assess- ment Ad. - Referred to the Equalization and Assessment ComM m1ttee. IFrom the City of St. Thomas, ;;lCOPY ofa letter sent to rthe Village of Port Stanley re: the visit of Oanadian Warshilps to Port Stanley -. Centennial GelEfura'tions; ..,;,.;. ;Referred to the Cen~ tennial. Committee. 154 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL !From the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit a letter with respect to financing the purchase and renav,ation of the property at No.. 2 Wood Str.eet, St. 'Dhomas - Referred to the !Finance Committee. From the County of Huron '3 letter and proposed resolution l'e: ,changes in accounting methods and procedures by Provincial Departments. - Referred to. the Finance Committee. From the Uni'Versitty of. Western. Ontario. with acknowledg- ment and thanks re: 1966 gnant. - Filed. From the Canadian National Institute for the Blind with ack- nowledgement and thanks :re: 1916'6 grant. - Filed. From the SaVvation Avmy with acknowledgement and,~hank8 re: 196'6 grant. - Filled. W'rom the County of 'Mid<Resex with notice of Appeal by the County of iIv.Iiddlesex ,against the neglect t1I' refusal of the County of 'Elgin to pass a resolution e.onseruting to By-LaIW No.. 3112 !pass- ed ,by the County of Middlesex. - Referred to the Pu;hlic Scho~l Consultative Committee. ~rom 1MI'. iH. G. Schlotzhauer, Inspector of Schools, re: the appolntmenrt of ,an (Elgin County representative to the Arfbitra~ tion BOaI'd to heart/he appeal of the-County 'Of Middlesex against the neglect or re.fus'al of the Oountyof Elgin to pass a resolution consenting <10 By-La<w No. 31'12' passed by the County of Miiddle- sex. - Ref.erred to' Pu'bHc School Consulltative Committee. \From the City of Niagara- Falls with resolution requesting the Provincial Government to incr.eas'e the subsidy on capital eXlpen- ditures with respect -to Homes for the Aged. - Referred to the FinanCe Committee. (From :the Associa'tion of Ontario Oounties a letter re: the ex~ penses of Dkector:s of the Association. - Referred to the Flnan-ce Oommittee. (From Mr. J:erry Seghers, Vienna, Ontario, a letter re: the pre. sevv-ation of the Pioneer Edison Homestead a1 Vienn'a. "- [Refer~ red to the FinanCe Committee. .F'Tom the Village of Port Stanley a copy of By.JLaw No. 1472 restricting the USe of land, /buildings and ather structures .and th,=, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 155 erection of !buildings and ather structures in the viH.lage of Port Stanley. - Filed. From Mr. John Spence, M.P.p. for Kent acknowledging re~ ceipt ,of letter Te: driliil1g for oB or gas on :E1ruwn Island in the St. Clair River. - FilEd. From R. lK. M-cNeil, M.P.P. for Elgin, aoknowledging receiJpt of letter re: driH:ing for oil or gas on Fawn Island in tJhe St. Clair River. - Filed. iFrom Ithe County of Huron with resolution requesting the Minisi;,er of Education -to establish, a' more uniform system in con~ - nection with S'ubjec1s taught in the iV<arious grades- throughout the Province. - (Referred to th,e Educational Committee. From the County of Huron with resoLution passed 'by th<! Town of Exeter requesting legislation to ,enable the Courts, upon conviction ofa ;prisoner, to levy againSlt that prisoner (in addition to couM costs now l~ied)-all costs involv,ed in hls arrest and !bringing to t1'ia1.- RefeIT,ed to the P.etitions and Legisllations Committee. -From- f!he City of St. Thomas 'f!. letter inviting a representative from the 'County toO :attend a meeting of the Centennial Music Committee on December 7ih, at 7 p.m. - Reierred to the Cen- teimi3l1 Oommi-tltee. From the St. Thomas Rotary ClUlb :requesting .the County of Elgin to repeat its usual full p.age.. adlVevtisement in the Official Programme of the Music Festiv.al for 19'67. - Referred- to the Fin- tlTIiceCoTInnilttee. From the Ex-Wa.rdens' Association with 'appreciation of grant towards the cost of lapel Ibuttons. - Filed. :Reeve W ooIner present-ed. a report.. prepared Jby Mr. Charles Black, outIinirug <the activities of the .La'ke Eri,e- 'Regional Devel:ap~ ment Association during HJ6"6 and it was Moved 'by ReeVe Woo-Iner, Seconded !by Ree've Emerson: Th!'lt the report .be ace-epted ;and printed in the Proceedings. -Carried. 156 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL The. County Treasurer's Re'port w.as, presented. Moved by Reev'e Woo~ner, Seconded -by Deputy Reeve Gilch,is,t: That ,the County Treasurer's -Reportlbe accepted and printed in the Proceedings. -"-carried. The County Clerk's REWort on \Licenses iWr8.S presented. Mo,v€d 'by Re,eve Todd, Seconded 'by 'Reeve iMcCallum: That 'the Clerk's Re'port on Licenses ,be accepted and printed in the Proceedings. . -Carried. Moved <by (R..eeive Woolner, Secon\led 'by Deputy !Reeve Gilchrist: That we do now a.djourn to meet again at 3 /p.m., November 15th, [966. -Carried. TIHIE COUiNIOIiL RE--COiNViElNtEID The Repo~t of the Property Committee was presented by ReeVe Downey and -adopted, on motion -of Reeve Downey and l1)e~ puty . !Reeve IMicAlpine. The ReIP<>rt of the Elgin Manor Committee 'Was presented by Deputy Reeve Oaverly and adopted on motion of P"IPL'ty Reeve Caverly and Reeve Keillor. The First and Second Reports of the Personnel Committee were: ,presented [by ,Reeve iEmerson and it W1aS decided -to leav~ adoption of the lengthy reports in aJbey:ance until the memlbers-of the Counc11 had an oppovtunityolJo study them. The !Report af .he Finance Committee was presented by Reeve Ola~ke and adOjpted on motion of !Reeve Clarke and Ree.ve Glover. The (Report of the P.Ulblic School Consuliative Committee WitS presented !by 'Reeve Wilson .and - adopted on' motion of ReeveWil- Bon and Reeve Brown. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 157 ' The iReport of the Equalization and Assessment Committee was presented by Reeve Dorwney and ~dopted on motion 'Of \Reeve Dorwney andR-eeve Woolner. Reeve Emerson iritroduced the question 'Of appointing ,a Coun- ty Government Committee in 1967 and !Reeve Woolner 'brought up the problem of future ArnJbulance service in the c.ounty. After consider~Ie'disoussion 'the matters were left in a'beyance. Moved by :Reeve Todd, Seconded by Reeve Woolner: 1flhat /we do now a'ddourn to meet -again on Wednesday, No- vemlber 16th, 1966, at 10 a.m. ---Carried. FIFTH,SESSIO~ - SE;CO~D DAY Wednesday lhe IGlh Day of ~ovember. 1966 The Elgin 'OountyCound~- met. this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. ' 'rhe Warden in the Chair. All ,the -, memfberspresenrt. rMoved'byReeyeMcGallum that CMr. lv~n"Batters(m} Srulper- intehde11Jt, of-~lgin-M.an~r 'be ,now' heard. - . Mr. !P.atterson presented his report. 'Moved !by IRJeelve T{)dd" Seconded -by Deputy Reeve Gilchrist: That ihe SUJperint'end-ent's Report ol1 Elgin Manor 'he accep't~ ed and printed in the Proceedings. ' -Carried. :MQVedby ReeveWooiner that Mr. Claybourne Gordon, County W~ed -Inspeotor,! 'be:now 'heard: {Mr. Gordon presented his report. 158 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ,Moved !by (fl.'eeVe Woolner, .Seconded [by Reeve DeGraw: That the Weed -Inspector's REQJort Ibe accepted and printed in the P.roceedings~ -Carried. IJ.1he CReport .of the Road Committee _s presented by Reeve Brown and adopted on motion of Reeve Brawn a.nd Reeve Auck- land. Moved by Deputy Reeve Mc:Alpine, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Gilchrist: That the Elgin, County CQuncil send a recommendation to the Department of Lands and Forests to have the County of El- gin deol'ared a prohiJbitedarea for non-resident hunters except licenses on !Forms No. 10, 101, 12, 16 and 18, 'none of which are valid fur \fox or ralblbits; this being the 581me system under which Kent and Essex Counties are controlled. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Brawn, Seconded ,by Deputy Reeve Nemett: That the Warden 'and the Clerk of the County of iElgin be and ~re hereby authorized to sign ,Certificate regarding the following pernn'anent emlPloyees .of the Corporation for exemption of contri.- butions as prO'vided under the iR.egulations ,of the Unemployment Insurance A'ct. - Mr. lD~vtd Gordon and lV!r. Gary Gordon. -Carried. Moved !by Reeve IDmerson, Seconded by Reeve R&Wley: IJ.1hat lBy-La<w No. 19~'7 "Being a By-Law -to Amend County of Elgin By-JJa<w No. 19~4 Aippointing Memibersand Alternates to the County of Elgin Planning Boardj" 'be read a first tIme. -Ca'rried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 159 Moved by Reeve Rowley, Seconded by Reeve Emerson: That By-OC..arw No. 1937 be read a second time. -Carried. M"O'Ved iby !Reeve 'Emerson, Seconded 'by Reeve Row>ley: That l3y-La'w No. 19~7 be read a third time and finally passed. -Ca.rried. Moved by Reeve BrQlwn, Seconded by DeqlUty Reeve Nemett: That l3y"Law No. 1938 ''Design~ting Through read a first time. ,~" Moved 'by Deputy Reeve Nemett, Seconded /by Reeve Brown: That By-Law No. 1938 'be .read a second time. Highways," be -Carrried. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Caverly, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wise: That l3y-L~w No.. 19'38 'be read a third time and finally passed. -CaITied~ Moved by Deputy Reeve Orchard, Seconded 'by !Reeve Auckland: That iBy-'LaIW No. 19(13 The C01'lPoration of the County of El- gin, !fA By-LalW to. establish 'and maintain an Eme~gency Mea. sures Organization in and for the Co.rporation 0,+ the County of Elgin and the City of St. Thomas and to aUlthorize the. Corpora- tion of the Oounty of Elgin to paTticipate, to the full extent of its cap~bilities, in 1he said OrganiZiation," 'be read a first time. -Carried; 160 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved ,by Del!JU ty Reeve McAllpine, Seconded !by !Reeve 'Downey: Thay iBy-Law No. 19'39 -be read a second time. --Ca-rried. 'Mo'Ved by Reeve Downey, fjeconded by !Reeve MaOallum: That BY'7La'w No. 1939 Ibe read a third,time and finaiHy passed. --C,,-rried. Moved Iby RelWe W'oolner, Seconded '-by Reeve Todd: 'Dhatwedo ,nOW';;1djolJrn-to meet this afternoonat2 p.m. ---CaITied THiE Com;;CI-L RrE-OONVEN:ElD M.oved .by !Reeve Emerson, Seconded -by Reeve Phillips: Tb"t the First and Second Reports of the Personnel Commit- tee be approved. --Ca-rried. The Report of the Education Committee was presented by by Reeve JCla11ke ,and adopted On motion of Reeve Clarke and Moore and Deputy !Reeve Caverly. The Second Repo~t of the Fin"nce Committee was presented hy Reeve Clarke and adoptedo on motion 'Of Reeve G1ark:,e and Reeve Emers'on. ' 'Dhe Repor.t O'f the !Petitions and Legislations Committee was presented 'by Reeve Rowley and adOlPted on motion of Reeve Row ley and lDeiputy !Reeve !Elliott. ',['he Report of the Centennial! Committee was !presented !by Reeve Rowley and "dopted on motion of Reeve Rowley and De; puty Reeve Wise. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 161 Moved by Reeve Rowley, Seconded by Reeve DeGr8JW: That a Committee 'he formed to study the feasilb1Hty .and \pre~ sent recommendations for a worka1ble plan to form a striking com- mittee. Oonsideralb1e discussion took place and the following amend~ ment was Moved ,by Reeve McCallum, Seconded by Reeve Phillips: That a Committee on County Government be. estalblished in 19if),,7 ,and the said Committee in its report include a recommenda- tion for a IWorkalblJ.e !plan t\;o form a striking committee. --Carried. The motion as amended was passeci by Council. Moved 'byReeve Wilson, Seconded by Reeve O~'arke: That the usual grant of $25.00 !be paid to !Mr. Ken. Kilpatrick of the Times-Journal and Mr. Steve ThaicheviGh of the London ]j"ree P:ress for reporting the Proceedings of County Council durw ing the year '1966. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wise, Seconded by !Reeve Bar'ker: That Mr. Granville GIoin -be ap;pointed ,to the Elgin County Farm Safety COl.lncil for 196.? -Carried. Moved Iby"Reeve Woolner, Seconded 'by Deputy ReeVe Gilchrist: That By-lLaw No. 'l'94(), "A By-Law to kmend By-Law No. 1900," be read ;;l. first time. -Carried, 162 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL Moved by rReeve Todd, Seconded !by !Reeve DeGraw: That By-L~w No. 1940 be read a second time. ..........Carried. M{)lved !by Reeve McC<allum, Seconded !by Reeve Todd: 'Dhlat lBy-[,a:w No. 194(} be re'ad a third time and fina1lly passed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve DeGra1w:' Seconded by {H.,eeve McCallum: That By-<Law No. 1'D41 '\Being a By-Law To Estalblish Holi- days for Employees of ,the County of Elgin," \be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by !Reeve McCallum, Seconded !by Deputy Reeve McAJipine: That By-Law iN o. 19~1 Ibe read a second time. -Carried. Moved by 'Deputy \Reeve .McAIlpine, Seconded !by Reeve !Downey: That By-La", No. 19411be read a third time, and finally !passed. -Carried. Moved (by \Deputy Reeve M-cAlpineJ Se,conded by Reeve Downey: That By"Law No. 1942 "Being a By-Law to Estalblish a Salary Schedule forallo Employees of the County of Elgin other than the He.ads of Departments," be read a first tim-e. -Carried, Moved by IReeve Auckland, Seconded by Reeve DeGmw: That By-,L'a'w No. 194'2 ,be read a second time. -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 163 Moved by Deputy Reeve M-cAlpine, Seconded by Reeve Auckland: That By-Law No. 19~ be read a third lime, and finally passed. -Ca'rried. Moved Iby Reeve Auckland, Seconded by D$uty !Ree'Ve Orchard: That By-Law No. 19~3 "lBeing a By-Law ,to A:mend By-Law No. 1696, TherE!by Adjusting the Salary of tbe Elgin County Road Superintendent," Ibe read a first time. -Carried. Moved 'by lReeve Downey, Seconded by Reeve Auckland: '.~. That By-Larw No. 19~3 be read a second time. --Carried. Moved.iby. Deputy tR'eeve McAlpine, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Or~hard: ['hat By-La", No. 194'3 be read" third time and finally passed. --C,ar.tied. Movedlby Reeve Rowley, Seconded by (Reeve Emerson: Th"t By-lIJa'W No. 1944 "Being a By-L"w to Adjust the Salary of the Assistant Road Superintendent for the County of El'gin," !be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson, Seconded by ReeVe !RowIley: That By-Lww No. 1944 be read a second time. -CaTrled. 164 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL Moved by Reeve Emerson, Seconded by Reeve Rowley: That iBy-iLaw !No. 1944 !be read a third time and finally passed. -Cal'ried. Moved by Reeve Glover, Seconded 'by Deputy Reeve Elliott: That By-Law No. 1'946 "Being a By-Law t<l Amend By-La'W No. 1867, T-herEJby Adjusting the Salary of the Elgin County Clerk- 'rreasurer," Ibe read a first time. -OmTied. Moved ,by Deputy Reeve Elliott, Seconded !by Reeve Phillips: That By-Law No. 194:5 he read a second tim~. -Cal'ried. Moved by Reeve Glover, Seconded by Reeve Clarke: That By-Law No. 1945 !be read a 'third time and finaJlly passed. ~C.arried. Moved by Reeve Phillips, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Elliott: That By-Law No. 1946, "Being a By-Law ,to Alnend By-Laiw No. 1868," ,be read a first time. -Cal'ried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Elliott, Seoonded [by Reeve Clarke: That By-Law No. 1946 he read a second time. -Cal'ried. Moved by .Reeve Barker, Seconded by Reeve Wilson: That By-lUa'W No. 1946 he read a third time and finally passed. -carrIed. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 165 Moved by Reeve Barkex, Seconded !by Deqmty Reeve Wise, That Bycliaw No. 1947 "!Being a By-Law to Adjust the Salary of ,the Assessment Commissioner of the County of Elgin," be' read a first time. -Ca,rried. Moved hy Reeve Barker, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wise: That By-Law No. 190V7 Ibe read a second time. --Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wise, Seconded by Reeve Barker: That By-Law !No. 19~ be read a third time and finally passed. -''Carried. M(}ved [by Deputy Reeve Wise, Se,conded !by Reeve iKeill<lr: That By-Law No. 194!8 "Being a By-Law to Appoint a Deputv ,AsseSSllielllt CO'll1missioner for the County of E~.gin,"!be read a first tilme. -CarrIed. Moved !by Reove iKeillor, Seconded hy D<u>uty Reeve Wise: That By-Law No. 19<18 he read a seCOnd tim~. -Carried. Moved !by Reeve 'Brown, Seoonded !by Deputy Reeve Oaverly,: Thai!. By-Law No. 1948 'be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. 166 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Deputy !Reeve Caverly, Seconded !by Deputy Reeve Wise: That By~aw No. 194<9 "Being a By,Law to Adjust the Salary of Lv,an J. ,Patterson, Superintendent of Elgin Manor, and to Amend By-LalW No. 172:g,," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wise, Seconded by Reeve Wilson: That By4Law No. 1949 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved !by D-apU/ty Reeve Wise, Seconded /by peputy 'Reeve Caverly: 'l'hat By~aw No.. 1949 'be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. M.Qived Iby Reeve Brown, Seconded by Reeve iKeil~or: 'l1hat BY-4Law No. 19'60 "Being a By-Law to Adjust the Sal- ary ,of the Governor of the Elgin County Joail," be. read a first time. --Carried. Moved by !Reeve Keillor, Seconded by Reeve Brown: That By-Law No. 1960 be read a second time. ---Carried. Moved !by (R.eeve Brown, Seconded by Reeve Keillor: That By-Law No. 1950 1:Je read a third time and finally passed. ---Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 167 M.oved by Heeve Keillor" Seconded by Reeve Brown: That By~aw No. 1951 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 19'111 of the County of E,lgin," -be read a first time. -Carried. iMoved by Deputy Reeve Caverly, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wise: That By~aw No. 1951 be re'ad a second time. -Car::'led. Moved by Deputy Reeve Caverly, Seconded !by !Reeve Brown: 'l1hat By~aw_~o. wm be read a third time and final!y passed. -Carried. Moved Iby Deputy ReeVe Moore, Seconded by Papwty Reeve Elliott: That By-La'w iN'" o. 1\,g512 "A By-diaw to Confirm Proceedings 01 the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the No- vemlber Session 1966," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by !Reeve Glover, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Moore: That By-lLaw No. W62 ~e read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Moore, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Elliott: That \By-Law No. 195~ :be read 2 third time and finally passed. -Carried. 168 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Reeve DeGrarw, Seconded by Reeve Woolner: 'That we do naw adjourn Sine Die. H. L. JOHNSON', Clerk. -Carried. JOBIN 1VLcKINDAY, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 169 REPORT ON ,LAKE ERIE REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION Rodney, Ontario, November 12th, 1966. Warden..J o.hn MJciKinlay, Members of E1gin Oounrty Council, Gentlemen: It is my privilege and a pleasure to rEWort to you as one of your reyresentatives to. the. Economic Council-\Lake~Erie Region.. upon the activities of that organization during the year which 1.3 nearly passed. It has been a stimulating :experienceand a challenge to have served the past year as,a member of the Board of Directors of ,the iOouncil and ,as the Chairman of the Commtttee on Municipal Gl()'Vernment. The Council has increased its. memJbership, its ac.. tivities:.and i,tsiIrlluenc€.and its ,meetings are becomiIl/g a ,forum for new ideas and concepts and a common meeting ground for the exchange of ideas among the 71 municilpalities that com/prise oU!' iour-:county area. 1 should,very ,briefly like to review 'some of the activi,ties of the JCounc1l in the year 196'6. Seminars were held during the ye'ar oniManufacturing Industry Development, Visitor Industry Development, Water Management and ,M,unicipal Government. As one of those ,responsible for the one day seminar far municilpal councillors; I 'was p'articularly proud of the attendance and .interest show,n, by th'ose invo.lved with municipal gavernment. It is prow posed to' hold a similar conference, in Decemlber on "Planning !by MlunicitPaiitiE~s for ,Orderly ,DeveIDlPment" and We hope this will .receive as en'thusiastic support as did our spring seminar. The V?'<J.rt..:,Qf the various' comD;1ittees' of the Council relating to' edu.~ ca,tion"natural resources an<:l; recr,eation,and land use p1anning has provid~d_ :n.1uch valllalble inforlTIation which may 'be used ,by the municir,{al councils in' tlheir ,day .ta day decisitms,in local govern- :qlent. Award or ,t;wO- should 'be said concerning the "EriePrciject" ~F the a.m\bitiaus study pro,gram and' c'ompilation'of a:!lda'ta re~ specting I(Yur four, c01?-ntyarea so that up to date information on land 'use, -a-gricuHuy.e, -industry, papulation and virtually an aspects 170 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL of our regionail economy will 'be readily availalbtle to aid local gOY. ernm,ent in making wise decisions in planning,education and all realms of its respons~biHties where ,accur.ate information a'nout the patterns of growth are needed. This information will be inval~ uable to industry ,and commerce and other private agencies in. valved with service to people. We can be proud that this Upilot project" in IIresearch for better living" w,as initiated through the vision of the Council and the University of Western Ontario CO. 'oiperating for the region's benefit. .Finally, furough the estafblishment of better communication between all the bodies concerned with the organization of OUl' d,aily living, the Council is bringinlg albout adeeu>er understanding o'f our prolblems, and a clearer view of the goals we seek. By meeting tlQgether in an 'atmosphere of mutua] understanding and co-operative effort we are tending to realize that we are all hope- fully. tra'velling in the same direction and hoping to attain the same objects in .a word..;.... "happy, sta'ble, balanced communities." This is really ail! we seek for ourselves and for our children' but the task win taoke our .best effol'tsin the face of an expanding economy' and th<? ralpid grorwth our area faces. As you all are aware, the new LProvincial Government policy firmly estaJblishes the Regional iEoonomic Councils as direct :.ines of communication with. the Provincial Government 1hrough the Regional .Advisory Boards of senior civil servants which. are now set Ulp in e'ach region. Thus the Provincial Government. hopes to leaye in. local hands, through the mediu'1h of the, Econ- omic Co-uneils, the .fostering and guiding of all pha'ses of develop~ ment within the region. Since the Economic ICouncil is ro'ade up. of representa1tiYes of. the local muniCipa,1, .governments are we not beinlg' encouraged to govern ourselrves more ef,fecti.rvely but also to do our own research an-dto seek our orwn answers ...to our own profblems? It:is ,already ohvious to most of us that if local govern- .ment is to survive at all, it'must follow the example of industxy, bee-orne (moreeificient, meet new responsirbilities as they arise and use the tools of modern research to do Hs work effectively. and eConomically. This, and J: feel strongly albout this, we c'an . do if we will, and the Lake Erie Economic Council can make a worth- while contribution in this work in severa'~ ways. First. by being as Ipa've already intimated, a co-mmon meeting ground for the disoussion ofrprolblems of mutual concern. Second, ,by being a means of communication between the Provincial and municilPaI ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL l71 governments as well as between different lo'cal governing .bodies. Thir.dly. by being a res~arch and information centre up-on which all loc'al governments can dralW to -assist in making the responsible decisions which we will require if our communities are to , survive and be st~b]e, happy living places we want them to !be. The fu- ture groyvt,h in tJ;1is County.alone wi11rbe difficult ,enough to man.. age and sustain. with adequate services at levels of expenditure vhat are within our means and we ,will cer'ta:inly need .all the best answers we can find for the many prdblems the coming years will ibring. ,I !believe the Economic Oouncil can Ibe of great assistance to your Council in the coming years and I urge you to continue ~o support it. It has Ibeena really interesting year -of 'adivity for me and I a'm most g11ateful for the opportunity of serving as your r~re- sentative to this body. All of which is respectfully submitted. >.., CHAS, 1. BLACK. 172 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT ,November Session# 1966 To the .Warden -and 'Members of the Elgin County Council, I .beg to sUlbmit the follO'Wing statement of receipts and ex- penditures from January 1st, 1"'86, to OctOber ~lst, 1966. Receipts Bal,ance in Banik, -and on hand, Jan. 1st,' .196'6 ________$ 9,651.79 Notes Pay"ble '.__ .mm.....__m______..________....$840,OOO.00 County :Rates ...m__________.m____'__________.........__. 260,102.1~ County !Rates collected under Section 53 of the ~ssessment Act __..__.m '1,076.01 Licenses and Permits n.._____.,_________...____mm__ 179.00' Interest .m....__...... __..__..m.m....__......_____________ 005.66 Administration of Justice ______.. ____...__ __ 55,601.19 County R;oads _______________.______00_____._..__...___.___ 4'76,580.66 Charity and Welfare ....._____..........mm..'__ 126,1126.74 Children's Aid Societies ____.m_____________,____ 111,6.2'2.;26 Agriculture m..__..mm__..mm.....__m_____m_mm... 2,195.73 Registry Office m____________..__m___..........__m____. 20,5'39.711 iElgin_St. Thomas Healtb Unit m__m..______ 360.49' Miscellaneous Revenue ____._._______________~..____~ 13,,760.00 County Assessment Department _"'_________ 1,5iJ.'2.1'1 iPlanning .____m..__..____...__m____mm..__..__.m__m__. 36:00 Elgin. Manor ________.m....__.____....____..________m_____ 1418,68'0.80 $1,ll50,J98.48 $ 1,86'9,660.27 Expenditures Members' Wages _____....__..______.....________m..m.$17,75'5.99 .officers' Salaries ---------c----.-------,-------------"---._ 13,600.94 Prin'ting, Postage and Stationery __..____ '1,523.6'6 Oare af Bu;ldings m._..__mmm"__'__"___"__,,,,, 22,135.6'3 Grants, Associations, Scholarshipsj Etc. 1213,76''7'.94- MisceHaneous _____"_ _.___.__m_____ _____ __._'_____m_""_ 6,,146.79 Administration of Justice .... ________.__ ____. 10-1;270.02 County Roads ..................__......................... ,1/196,5'51l.91 Charity and Welfare ..........__.................... 11,080.05 Children's AId .societies ...>........................ 22,4'15.44 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 173 Interest Transferred ,to Elgin Manor Abatement of /faxes (Section 207 'of the Assessment ,Act) Agrkulture Registry Office ...................______ .._............. County Assessmtmt Department Elgin-1St. Thomas Health 'Unit Notes !Payable County Library Planning ,________"__..__,__________________________________________ Transferred to hospital: 'account ___mm___ !R"e!bate of overpayment of taxes cdllected under Section '513 (iJ>ort IStanley) ____ Elgin M,anor _nn_______m 4,867.09 1lO.000.00 2,282.74 12,662.3-8 9,968.76 111,8-01.717 ~2,500.011 160,000.01l 19,000.00 9,565;12 113.116 Balance ln Hank .octolber'31st, 98.80 1~8,459,24 .$ 1,847,695.63 1966 ............... 12,164.64 ,~" $ 1,85'9,850.27 All of which is respectfully s'ubmitted. H. L. ~()iHINSQIN, County Clerk and Treasurer. CLERK'S REPORT ON LICENSES November Session, 1966 To the Warden and MemJbers of the ~lgin County Council, I have to report the fOllowing licenses in force on the 1st day of November, 1966: Auctioneer K. J. MoAlpine Jack Dykxhoorn Larry Gardiner -Fhlgh SHe-ox Gerwld B. King Harold G. Clarke tLeslie Shackelton W. D. Shore Steve Timewell Du !ton IR:R. 4, Aylmer Cromarty Shedden R.R 1, Woodstock !.24 Alma St., St. Thomas Rill\. I, Springfield 'R.IR. 6, St. Thomas Shedden 174 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Rohert W.. Carney ..___m...........m........... Box 'n1, Straffordville Don Watterworth ......m......__....m............__........m........... Aylmer Henry D. Br,ook ...m......_...m....m. '106120 Dundas St., London Salvage Dealers Jack Streilb .......m.mm.m..mmm.m.m..........m......_....__..m !Rodney J"les Vander;bussohe m..m......m........ Box 1-82, Straffordville A. Kirschner & Sons ................................ .R.iR. 3, West Lorne Robert iRyokman ...._.......m__mm.....m_...... [R,R. 5, St. Thomas Clifton iBrinn ..................mm..m.m..m."m IRJR. 3, Tiilsonburg J,ames Th()mas' Da:vies ~____________m 36 ;Station St, St.' Thomas Aiex. .slm _..__..__....mm....m....m.mm........m__............ West Lorne Ross Locey ........____..m.m..................99'1 Talbot St., ,St. Thomas Salvage Yard Jack Strellbmm....m.............................mm.m... ..__m_...... Rodney All of which is respectfully submitted. H. L. JOHNSON, County Clerk and Treasurer. PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT November Session. 1966 To the Warden and Members of the 'Elgin COlUnty Council, The Pmperty Committee reports as foilows: 1. We have accepted the tender of Wonder -Bakeries Limited to suppiy to 1!b.e' Elgin County Jai1 for J'96'1 ,at" price of .16c !per loaf. :2. We have accepted the tender of SHvel'Wood Dairies Limited to supply milk. to .the Eigin County Jail for 1967 at the foilowing prices: 4 gal. dispenser Homo Milk ..__.mmm.._......_.. $1.06 Skim MUk ..m..............m...... ,88c :2 qt. jug .7G!c .67,c 1 qt. bottle .26 'he .220 ,3. Restoration of ,the exterior of the CourtJI,Quse has been collllPie1ed ,and the total cost including Sanclibiasting, Caulking, Silicone ,treatment, IPainting,L'ighting, Lettering and Landscap. ing was $1:21121.W. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 175 4. While the' neW gas fired furnaces h""e" <been instailed in the Court House Building' and ,are operational, some of the reno- vations in the' furnace haVe yet to be cOODIPleted. All of which is respectfuily submitted. :BERT DOWNEY, Chairman. ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE ;REPORT Nov.emb&r Session, 1966 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin COlUnty Council, The' Elgin lM,anor COffillnitt'ee reports 'as follows: 1. TJrat the CommIttee have decided to proceed with prepar- ation of pa!'lking lot for p,arving next year. 2. That We accept ISilverwood Dairies' tender to supply milk to the Home at a cost of: .26,lhs per quart 1.06 c per gallon .72c !per 3. quart jug Sklm .22c per qUlU't .5~c per 3 quart jug. 3.Thai 'We accept Wonder Bread's tender to supply !bread at a cost of 15c per loaf. Siandard and Homo 4. That 'We IPuvchase ,1 CT ~ 2 Electric Toaster from iRestaur~ ant Equipment and Supply Company for $330.00 plus Provincial and Federal Sales Tax and Customs D<L1ty. 6. The total resident popula'tion at present is 82. All of whlch is respectfully submitted. WliLIiIAM R. CAV'ERlLY, Chairlnan. 176 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FII'fANCE COMMITTEE. REPORT November Session. 1966 To the W,arden-and Members of the Elgin COlUnty Council, The Finance' Committee reports .as follows: 1. That Charity and Welfare Pay List No.9 for $7~8.5Q, and Pay ,List No. '10 for '$5~6.00, !be approved. 12. That. Children's Aid Societies Pay 'List No.9 for $1,921.96 and ;Pay List No. 10 for $1,9137.6'0, 'be oJpproved. ~. Il'hat Mr. John Nemett be granted 1$200.00 cover charge for use of the Stork Club. 4. 'I'hat the County's Representatives on L.E.R.!D.A. !be paid the usual Committee per ,diem rate without mileage for me.etings attended. '5. That the letter frOln the Elgin-iSt. Thomas Health Unit with respect to.financing the purchase ,and renovation of the property at No. 2: "Wood Street, St. Thomas, Ontario, 'be filed. 6. That the resolution from the County of Huron reehanges in accounting methods and procedures, ~e filed. 7. We' recommend that .a new By-Law 'be passed to e?talblish and maintain an-Emergency Measures .Organization in, and for the Corporation of the iCounty of Elgin and the City of St. Tho1U,as, emibodyi.ng chan.ges required lby Ithe Attorney General. is. That the resolution from the City of. Niagara Falls re in..: creased sU1bsidy on. capital eXlpenditures in connection with ~omes f9r the :Aged, ,be filed. 9. That we take ,the usual full 'Page ad in the Rotary !Music F'estival Program for H)16"7. 10. rrhat the County of Elgin accept the [pioneer Edison Home- stead .at Vienna, Ontario, in accordanCe with the arrangements outlined in the letter from !Mr. Jerry Seghers dated OctOber 20fu, 1966. '11. That By-Law No. 1'9'11 of the County of Elgin, being the J3or~owing By-lLa1w for ,HJ661 Ibe ,amended by deleting the 1985 es.. timated revenues in Par.agr:aph No. 12, and sulbstituting therefore the 19.6'6- estima.ted revenues. E\..-c;m CqUNTY COUNCIL 177 12. Th.J, ~Hectiy~ Janu.rJ[ l~t, W67, tIje e.xpense~ of Elgin County members .whoare on any of the Executive Committees of the Municipa:l Associations to which the County belongs, be paid by the ()9\ll1ty 9f iE;lgin '}t a ra.te of $3'5.00 per day. 1'~, Tha;t 'I !!rf\11.t of $3,0,OQ (b.~ paid tll iBea,ttie :aay~n for 1966. All of which is re&pectfully submitted. C. N. OLAIRIKE, Chairman. PUBLIC SCHOOL CONSULTArrlVE qq~~IEf:f: WO'l9.m!<e~ Sessiol1, l~~~ To the Warden -and Mcr1;pge,rs of tl1e E~g~~ COlllP.ty COUlf.~il, ThePU!hlic School C;o1).suUp.tive CQIl.11mittee reports a;; fqllows: 1. A !,!ee\io,g of the ffl'b1iQ Sch901 Consultative Committee was held in .the El-gin County Court House at 2 p.m., on Tuesda'Y, November H5'tfu,and the foUowing memlbers were present: Chairman: J. B. Wi1~O!1; '-A. iB. 1',1:qG.lltlit11, q. E. Brown, War- den J. V. McKinlay, a.:r~4 R. ~. Ra'wli~gs, Associate Secretary, and A. D. McColl. 2. It was moved by W-arden McKinlay, and seconded by Reeve :aroWIl, "Tl'Hlt Mr. E. O. 1J?~.:n,jpy bE1 alppointed ~z1bitrator representing the County of Elgin to consider the' Appeal under provisions 76, Subsection 11 (1) of the PulbIic S'ooools lAc! as re- enacteq. by Section 46 of the PulbHc Schools Amendment. Act, 1966, in the lJlatter of the Appeal by the Corporation of the County of M.iddle~.ex against the neglect. or re1iusa} of the Oounty 01' Elgin to assent t9 iByoLww No. 3112 of the County 9f Middlesex. ~~arri~q. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. .]3. WIJJSqN, Chairman. 178 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL EQUALIZATION AND ASSESSMENT REPORT November Session. 1966 To the 'Warden and- Members of the Elgin County Council, The Equalization -and Assessment Committee reports as ful- lows: 1. That .the Tesolu.tion from the Town of Wiarton requesting the Pro'vincial GOiVernment to pass legisla'tion so that Order Of- fices, the Liquor Control (Board of Ontario, and the Brewers' 'Re- taLl Company .be assessed under Sections lO-a-12-13 of the As- sessment Act be filed. 2. 'J'hat the extract from the Fourth Report of the Standing Committee on Assessment and Taxation which was adopted by the Council of the County of Ontario, be filed. All of which is respectfully submitted. BElRT DOWNEY, Chairman. SUPERINTENDENT'S ;REPORT November Session, 1966 To, the Warden and Members-of the,Elgin County Council, IJ.'he following, is my report on Elgin Manor for the year endM ing Octdber3'lst, 196,6: 1. NUll11lber of - residents at last report 2. Numlber admitted. during year ----- -------------- :3. Number discharged 4. 'Number of deaths __..m..........m-.m...........mm 5. Number O'.fresidents now in the Home 16. Total days residence 7. Av,erage num1ber of residents during the year ~m 8. Receipts Province of Ontario Subsidy . ..... on..... ....m....m... . ,$ 56,.211.61 Old Age Pensions and Resident's Maintenance ________ 86,63-6.65 Sundries .........................m.__.......m......m............_................. 509.3' Government of Canada Sa:les Tax Refund ____mm__ _____ 694.81 77 31 22 4 82 28940 79 $143,05.2.44 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 179 9. Expenditures 'Food and Provisions m....._................... ............m..__...___$ 26,.272.81 Medical, Dental and Drugs .m........m........_.m....___..m.. 6,808.81 Clothing and 'Welfare ....m.~__.mm__.m__.......................___ 4,170.7'5 Household Supplies ....___m.......................m....__........__.... 4,519.62 Furnishings ... .00_.....___.___... ....__....m__....mm......mm...mm.. 611.22 Repairs to Buildings and Grounds _m___________m.________~__._ 1;939.44 . :E1uel, Hydro, Telephone and Water mmm......,___.. H,477.29 Travel Expenses and Office EXlpenses _________m__m_"_._~ 001.,10 Salaries and Wages ---_..___________._.___________.._______________________._ 10'1,3'80;59 Insutlanee, Fire iCom'Prehension and, BONer m___.________ 1,494.23 Pension Fund, Convention EXipenses and Sundries 5,413'1.04 $166,956.90 Deduc:tions 10. 11. 12. 1'3. 14.. 16. Cost of Operating ..--.,..n..--........m--.m...__.mm.....m..........$16,6,966.90 Avera.ge iExp~;mses per .day of each person ------------c--- . 5.76 Av-erag.e [E':xpenses per. week .of each person -c--___n___ 40.32 Average Expenses !per year of each person _._~________ 2,096.64 ,Actual cost to County - after deductions ,of all receipts - 2'3,904.46 Actual cost to- County after deductions: of aH rec.eipts per. day .83 16. Capital Expenditures Cost of Capital EJ<penditures _"'U__'''U'U. ___mu'umu.m 8,029.98 Province .of Ontario Sulbsidy _.___m__..._____________n______..____ 4,014.99 Actual cost to County m..muu_uu..uumuuu...U.....um..... 4,014.99 17; There were 99 residents during 1966- - '512 males, 4.7 females. Of the 80 residents in the Home on the 1st day of Novenill>er 1 g.66 - 43 are males and 3,7 females. All of which is respectfully submitied. IV'AN J. PATTERJSON, Superintendent, Elgin County Home for the Aged. ! Il 180 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL WEED INSPECTO!!'S REPORT November Sessions 1966 To the W,arden and Mem'bers of the Elgin County CouncilJ The following is my Teport on Weed Contr-ol in -the County of E'lgin for 1~6'5. The farmers of Elgin County hav:~ had ,a fairly good year; hay was a !big -crop ,and -wheat, corn and fbeans a~lso yielded well. Rain was not too. plentiful and most farmers woul-d hav.e wel- comed a little' more. ,Farm help 'W.as scarce and therefore it 'was hard to keep the weeds under ,control~'. There were some rea.lly clean fields of beans and corn while others iwere not SP clean and a few thai look- ed as ,though no weed control had ,been exercised. 'Farmers who have spnWHs and use them at 'the right time with the proper ,chemi'ca:~ and, in ,accord-ance with the instrucM Oons usually ha've JHtl,~ trouhle keeping weeds under control. We-ed control on.pravincial Highwaysha!> shqwn :improv~- ment the last couple of years and while some COUI1-ty roads were mowed u ~ittle too late this was due l,argely to a .\)hortage of help. Townshilp roads were ahout the same as other years with some being s.prayed too late. There were many dirty pasture fields this year and these \vere fields that are pastured year after year. B'\lll Thistles, Wild Carrot, Goat Beard, Wild Lettuce undGolqeprod were most :prevalent a114 aH these weeds could ,be controlled with the proper treatment a;nd it wpulcJ. not be necessary to take cattle off ,the pas~ ture. (Milk weed is tncre~sing on road sides_,and in m,any fi,elc;ls and is one of the hardest we~ds to <;:o~'trol. Goat Beard is also showM in~up in 'Alany areas in the Gounty. (R,aUways gi<ve me some trouble and it :i5 diff1.cu1t to ,get the ranways to do much !by way of .weed ;control. Th'e'Y say they are short of mOlwers and help. The weeds on some subdivisjon lots had to {be cur. and the cost co1:lected in the taxes. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 181 Quite 'a humber of complaints were received and many no~ Hces to cut Iweeds ;were given ou.t. I rece-wed no reports of Cro,p damage by sprayjng during ,1966. In closing my report' I wish to thank- aU' County and Town~ ship -officials who'co~operatedwith m'e, in helping to control 'weeds in Elgin County in 196'6. 411 of which is respectfuUy submitted. CIf.,AYlBOUiRlNE GORDON, County 'Weed Inspector. ROAD COM;MITTF;J:; RF;PORT November Session. 1966 :1'0 the Warqen and Council.of the County of Elgjn: Your !Road .Comtnittee:begs to, report as ,foUows: -1: [Hot Mix Pa~~ment has ,bee,n laid on !Road 45, in ]3ayha:M To!wnship, (pe'VeloP'ment RoadN-o. 786), frOm. Rings rnghway No. 19 to the iNorfolk County Boundary, a qistance of 3.8 Miles. 2'. !Double Surface Treatment Pavements have been laid on the :foEolwing'iRoads: (a) Roaq No. 19 Southerly frOlU Southwold Station, approx- imediately',L5 miles .in Southwold To'wnship~ (b)' Road No. 44 from Kings High",ay iNo. 19. to Highway No. 3,approximately 3.8 miles in Bayhartn Township. (c) Road ,No. ~'5 frOlU !Mount Salem (Road 40) to Calton CRoad4i3), arppro:xima'tely 4.0 miles in'Malahide Town~ ship. 13. W'id,ening, Grading, and Granular Base and Placement of Culverts has ;been done on the foJlowing Roads: (a) Road 2 from Road 8 westerly, appr.oximately 1.0 Miles in the To:wnship of-' DUllIWich. (b) Road 8 .southerly from Highway 4frl, approximately 0.5 miles, in the Tow-llship of DU-llwich and the Village ,of Dutton. 182 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL -- (c) tRoad 2f7 from Highway No. 4 to ;Road 36,approxirnately 6.1 miles in the Torwnship of Yarmouth~ (d) RJoad '36 from Road 27 Southerly, a!pproximately 0.2 miles, in the Township of, Yarmouth. (e) Former CountylRoad 52 from Dereham Townline west- erly ,approximately 1.8 mUes in the. Townships of Mala.;. hide and South Dorchester. (This road was reverted to the Townships, January 1st, 1966). (f) Former . County Road 54 from the Brownsville Road Southerly to the Malahide-South Dorchester Townline, 'a distanCe of ,a.pproximately 1.25 miles, in the Townships of Dereham, and South Dorchester. (This Road was re- 'Verted to' the Townships, January 1st,' 19'66). 4. Construction Iby the Elgin Construction 'Company Limited, of the St. George Street BrIdge, over Kettle Creek, on. St. Thomas'ISuburoan Road No. 26, is nearly complete. '5. ,Installation of a 4134 foot- long, 3lh",foot diameter 5.;.gauge steel Cul1vert has been completed ,on Road 42, at Stalter GuMy, in Malahide. Placement .of fin over the pipe continues, and it is hoped to complete the work this fall. ,6. Canstructian of a twin ,20-foot Span Cancrete Dulvert nea.' Mapleton over the West Branch of the Catfish Creek on . Former .caunty Road 5D" in South Dorchester, 1S underway. 7. P.reliminaxy iPlans have 'been C()mpleted for th,e.;Part (Burwell Bridge 'by the Consultants, A. M. S!prie! & Associates Ltd., and l1a1ve been forwarded to the 'Ontario Department .of Highwa'Ys far their comments. It is praposed tiliattheBridlge CI'OSS ~:)Ver ibath the Otter Creek, and the C.P.iR. Tracks at an elevation, approximately 25 feet hi.gher than the present bridge. B. GraiVel Resurfacing has been completed on Road 9 iri Mdibor- ough and :Dun.wich Townships, Road 5 (the Aldiborough-Dun- wich To,,"nline). !Road 2~ Ibetween Road 27 and 24 in Yar- mouth Township, and on a Portion .of Roads 29 and 52 in Yanmouth Township. 9. IStop GaJP Grading Construction has been completed on Road 43 between Caleon and Riohmond, in Mailalhide and Bayham ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 183 To.wnships,an Road 9 between Road 8 and 14.in Dunwich Township. 'Flashing Light Signals have been installed on Crossing oil Road 4'5 :East of Highway No. 19, Township, and onlRoad 137 East of Belmont in South Dorchester TownshiJps. 11. ApproxImately 50 MHes of County and St. Thomas Subur- han .Road Oammissian Road, in Various Locations were, sur- face treated with Bitvminous MRterial and Gravel. Chips. All Paved County and St. Thomas Subm1ban [Road CommIs- sion Roads, have !been centre line marked. The fallowing. .bridg.es have been. cle.aned and painted: Port Talbot Bridge on Road 16 over Tallbot Creek In Dun- wich Toi\vnship. Phillmore Bridge on Road ~3 over Otter Creek in Bayham Township. The Railings of the WardsviHe Bridge over the Thames Ri- rver on Road 3 in AId-barough TbWnsmp, and the Ra1!ings of the Eden Bridge over ihe Otter ICreek on Road 44, in Bay- ham Township. A King Se"grave Sander of 8-10 Cubic Yard Capacity to MountoD one of ~he iCountyTandem Trucks has !been purch- 'ased and delivery is expected in early Decem'ber. County tRoad Co:mmHtee is studying the Integratian of the County Road rSystem and .ILocal Road Systems as requested (by the September Session of County Council. Among the items being, 'examined are the adv,antages and disadvantages of 1Ibe System, the mashinery owne.d by the County and lo- cal munida.J'alities 'and the use made of, it,. future machinery and garage needs of the County and the nl:ebhods of intelg'raM tion. No conclusions have as yet 'been reached. 10. the C.PiR. in Bayham N orl'b and 12. 1.3. 14. 15. WiE !RIElOOMMEJNUJ: 1. That -the Resolution from the Caunty of Huron re Fair Wage PoEcy of the :Department of Highways [be filed. 2. ,That the ,Resolution fr.om the County .of Victoria, re non- ReturnaJble Bott1es,.be endorsed. 182 ELGIN. COUNTY COUNCIL - (c) Road 27 from Highway No.4 to Road 36, approximately 6.1 miles in the Township of Yarmouth. (d) Road '3'6 from Road 27 Southerly, atpproximately 0.2 miles, in the Township of:Yarmoufu. (e) Form.erCountylRoad52fromDereham Townline west- erlyapproximately 1.8 miles in the Townships of !Mala- hide ,and South Dor,chester. (This road was reverted to the Townships, January 1st, 1966). (f) 'Former County Road 54 from the Brownsville Road Southerly to the Malahide~S.outh Dorchester Town~,ine, a distance of ,approximately 1.25 miles, in the Townships of Dereham, and South Dorchester. (This Road was re- 'Ver/Ed to the Townships, January 1st, 19'66). 4. Construction ,Iby the Elgin .construction 'Company Limited. ,of tbe St. George IStreet Bridge, over Kettle Creek, on S.. Thomas'iSuburoan Road No.. 26, is nearly complete. 5. ,Installation of a 4-34 foot long, 1)l!2-foot diameter 5-gauge Steel Culvert has been completed on Road 42, at Stalter Gu1!y, in Malahide. :Placement of fill over the pipe continues, and it is hoped t<l complete the work this fall. ,6. Construction of a twin20.,.foot Span Concrete Culvert nea.' 'Maple ton over the West Bran.~h of the Catfish Creek on . 'F,ormerCo.unty Road 50,. in South Dorchester, 1S underway. 7. iPl"elimihaJ.'Y Plans have been' completed for the,Port !Burwell Bridge 'by the Consultants, A. M. Spriet & Associates Ltd., and halve. been forwarded to. the Ontario. Department of Highways for their comments. It is proposed that the,Bridlge cross }liVer Iboth the Otter Creek, and the C.P JR. Tracks at an elevation, approxhnate!y 25 feet higher than the present bridge. '8. Grarvel Resurfacing has been completed on Road 9. iri Mwbor- ougb and Dunwich Townships, Road 5 (the A1dborougih-Dun- wich To,wnUne). !Road 22 Ibetween Road 27 and 24 in Yar- mouth Township, and on a Portion of Roads 29 and 52 in Y.armouth Township. 9. IStop GBJP Grading Construction has been completed on Road 43 between Caleon and Riohmond, in Maflahide and Bayha.m ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 183 Torwnshipsjon Road 9lbetween Road 8 and 14 .in Dunwich Torwnship. 10. !Fiashing Light Signals ha'Ve been installed on the C.P.-R. Crossingolf Road. 4!5 East of Highway No. 19, in Bayham Township, and onlRoad137JEast of Belmont in North and South Dorchester Torwnshilp.s. 11. Approximately 50 Miles of County and St. Thomas Subur- ban lload Commission Road; in VariausLocations were sur- face treated with Bitvminous Material and G,ravel Chips. 12. AllPa'Ved County and st. Thomas Sulburllan iRoad Commis- sion Roads, have UJeen centre line. marked. 1-3. The following .bridg.es have beeou cleaned and painted: Port Talbot Bridge on Road 16 over Tallbot Creek in Dun- wich To'\vnship. Phillmore Bddge on Road 4:3 over Otter Creek in Bayham Township. The Railings af the Wardsvil:le Bridgeo~er the Thames Ri- rver on Road 3 in Ald'borough Townslrlp, and the Railings of the . Eden. Bridge' over the Otter lCreek' on Road 44, in Bay~ ham Township. 14. A King Se"grave Sander of 8-10 Cubic Yard Capacity to MounLononeo,f the County Tandem Trucks has ij)een purch- .ased and delivery is expected in early [)ecemlber. 15. County ~oad Committee is studying the Integration of the County Road System and .ILocal . Road Systems as requested (by the September Session of County CO'UnciI. Among the items being, €xamined are the adv.antages and disadrvantages of iJhe System, the maghinery owned 'bY. the County and lo- cal munidipalities 'and..the.use made of it,. future machinery and garage needs of the County and the methods of inte\graM Hon. No conclusions have as yet been reached. WE !RJEOOJ\lJjMElNIll: 1. That .the Resolution from 'the County of Huron re Fair Wage PoIicy of the Department of Highways be filed. 2. ,That the Resolution fr,om the County of Victoria, re non- Returnalble . [Bottles, be endorsed. 184 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL . ,3. That Da1vid Gordon and Gary Gordon be declared pennan. ent employees for the purpose of the 'UnemPloyment In- surance A'ct. 4. That a By-iliaw ,be passed designating Through High- ways on the portions of County Roads 11, 2:6' and 29 .assumed as County IRoads, at September Session of Coun.. ty ,Go~ncil. -5.~h~t the,County's3-Year Program !be amended to, and added to as follows: 1967 i8ROGIRtA!M ~. RA VUN1G - Ho'ad 2 and 8 Village of Dutton and Township 01 Dunwich. Road 217 and 3-6 Union 'to Slparta, Township of Y,armouth. Road 42 Stalter Gully, TOWMhip .of M<0ahide. G\lM.DI]NG ~ <Road .42 at Port Burwell Bridge 0.4 lVIiles - Port Burwell. Road 4'2 from Highway No. 7'3 to Road 40, 2.6 Miles - Mala'hide Township. Road 3'5 - Highway No.3 to Jaffa, 3.1 miles - Malahide and Yarmouth Township, and Road 1'1 - Highway No.4 Easterly 0.2 Miles - Southwo:Id To1wnship. iRoad 3-8- 1Jz mile East of High,way No" 3, :M.al;. ahide and Bayham. Spot I,mpl'Ovemen:t. 'BRWDG!ElS -'- MoNiel Bridge F.ormer Road 50 - South Dor- chester. Catfish Creek Road 52 - Yarmouth. Port BurweJl Eridge. DEVElLCXF1MEmT ROAlD GRAJJlING - Road 52 from 'springfield to Road 30 approxi- mately Ht Miles - South Dorchester, M,alahide, Yarmouth' and Springfield. 19'6S PIRJOGRAlM - RA WNiG -'- Grading in 1967 - Road 42, 35, 1'1 and 3S. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL GRADIING -'- Road ~, Rodney to Road 9, approximately 3.0 mlles, Township of Aldborough. 'Road 16, Dunrwich, 0.6 miles into Peal'ce Pia'l'k _ Tl>Wnship of Dunwi~h. !Road 48 Highway No. 73 to !Rood 47 ,3.6 lVIiles '(including curye on .-Road 49) - Tl>Wnshilp of South Dorchester. . IBlliIIDG(EJS - Road 4'5 CatfiSh Creek Bridge .-'- YaMlouth Township. !Road 37 MJC..L., Belmont, East Brictge over Kettle Creek ~ South and North Dorchester. n'E'ViEltJOIPIMIElNT RIOAD iPAVilING- Read 52 ~ 12 mUes. !PmviFJLC<l!WEiNTlR!OAiDGRADING - iRoad20 .from Read 16 Southerly and ;!Wad 16, Fingal Urban Section, Southwold Township. :Road 45 ~ Road >'15 to Road 36, Yarmouth Town- shiP. IT 969 BRJOGRA.'M _ rp A Vi1NG - Grading in 1968. GlMD'liNG - -Road 22 - Road 24 to Road 27, 2 miles Yarmouth. Road 4!7 - Road 48 to Road 37, 3.5 miles. (including Avon on Road 37 M!C..L.) - South Dorchester. Spot Improvement - Road 40, 1 mile North of Mount Salem - Malahide Township. Southwold - Yarmouth, IndustTia} Area Roads. B:R1'DGES - Road 46 Kettle C1'eek (new Crossing). Orw€ll Bridge ~ lVLalahide - Yarunouth Town- line. DEVJilLOIPIMiE!NT !ROAlD GRADING _ Road 40 - Ro.ad 512 to Glen-coHn, Village of S,pringfield and Township of lVLalahlde. Road 4'5 - Road 36 to Road 16 - Township of Yarmouth and 'Southwo.!d. 185. 186 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 6.'rhat the Minister of !Highways be petitioned to designate 1!he foJio^,,'ing lWads as Deveh>pment Roads for Pre-En- gIneering ,Purposes. (a) Road '20 from approximateiy 0.2 miles North of iRoad '16 Southerly from 5%' miles in Southwold Township. . 01:>) Road 45 from Road. 35 Westerly from approximately 1~.3 miles to Road 16 in Yarmouth and Southwo~.d Townships. 7. That the Minister of Transport' he petitioned to recom- mend to.. the iLegislature that the Highway Tr.affic Ad be amended, so' that Counties and TownshLps haVe the power to, pass :'BYRlLaws, restricting .therate of' 'speed. in school zones to, not less, than 3'5.miles per, hour, similar, to the pO\wer norw granteq, to Cities, Towns, and, Villages, in See.. !;ion 6Q, Suhsection' 10 '(a) of The !HIghway Traffic Act. All of which is respectJ!uily suhmitted. G. E. BROWN,Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 187 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO: ,1937 "Being", !By-Law.to Amend County of Elgin By-Law No. 1934 Appoin:tingMembersand A1terna:tes :t~the _CoUJ:uy . pf Elgin Planning Board.'. WHiElRElAiSIN lBy-L"w No. 19M, J. A. Petrie was atppointed the alternate member for the Village of Vienna on the County of :ElginPlanningBoard. AiNID WHiElIlEiAJS Mr. !Petrie is au employee of ,theVi))age Of Vienna, and therefore ineligilble for appointment to the P,lanning BOard. NOW THlElRilllF10RE the Council of the Conporation 'of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. 'l'HiAiT By-iL"w No. 19\14 of the County of Elgin ,be amend- ed!by deleting 1!herefroon the name of J. A. ,Petrie, and sulbstituting; therefore the nameof Yorkley Long. 2. 'l.1IM.'l' this By-iLaw shaJi come into force and effect wheh the appointment oiMr. Long is approved hy the Minister of Mnn' icipal--Affairs. REA!Dafirst time tbis 16th day of November, 19(;6. IRiEl/\;D a second lime this 16th day of Novemlber, 196,6. i!lJ:I[lAD a third time, and finally passed, this, 16th day of No- vemlber, 1966. H. L. JOHNSON, . Clerk. JOHN McKtNLAY, Warden. 1.88 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL covn:rYOf &I.GIN ;aY-J;.:AW NO. 1838 "D~s'9....fu1g :rhrough Highways" WHrJilllJEAS Clause 26 of Sulb-section ,1 -of \Section 1 of The Highway Traffic Act (R.B.O. le60, Chapter ,172) provides that: "through hightway" .means ,any highwtB.,y or part. of. a ,fhighway de- si;gnated ""sum by the' Minister -or 'by By,[;aJw of a munici!P;>lity approved by the Department, and every sueh highway shall b" )11larked Il;>y ;;1, $top sign or yield right-of-lway sign in compliance with the Regulations of the Department; iN.OW 'l1H1EJRJElF101RlE the Council of the Corporation of the :M'Uni~cipality of Elgin enads as follows: 1. The following higruways .or ;parts of highways under th. jurisdiction I{)f the Mu.nicipality' of Elgin are designated as through higbrwaYs: RO:AD ,NO, DESCRIPTION U From the East Side of King's Highway No.4 to the Wes, Side of County Road No. 26. 26. .(a) FromtheN.orthSide.of the Townline Road, betweell tbe Townships of WestlX)jnster and Southwo1d, to. the West Side of County Road No. 2'5. .,Qb) 'From the East Side of County Road No. 25 to the North !Boundary of the City of St. Thomas,'Ontario. 29 (a) From the East Side of County !Road No. 26 to the W<st Side of County Road N.c. 25. Qb) From the East Side of County lRo..d No. 25 to the West side of County Road No. 3-1. 2 The designation in Section 1 of this By-Law .of a high- way or part of a highway as a through hIghway shall not include any intersection thereon where the road inter- sected is a King's H~ghway or where traffic control sig;' naIs are installed. 3 The penalties provided in Section 85 of the Highway Traffic Act shall apply to offences against this By-Law. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 189 4 iBy.;Law No. 1897 is hereby amended. 5 This iBy-!Law shall not become effective untit approvecl !by the Department cif Transport. .REA!D a first time this 16th day of November, 196'6. IREAD a second time this 16th day of -Novemlber, 1966. IRJEA!D a third time, and finally passed, this 16th day of No- y,emiberi 1916'6. H. L. JO.EJ:NSON, Clerk. JOHN McKINLAY, Warden. BY -LAW NO, 1939 TH:ECORPORA.TION OF THE COUNTY OfF ELGIN A BY -JJANV to estaJblish,and maintain an Emergency Mea- sUr,es Organization in and for the Conporation of the Colinty of Elgin and the City of ,St. Thomas and t:e authorize the Cor:i.;ora~ tion of the :County of Elgin ,to participate, to the full extent of its capabilities, in the s.aid Organization. WiHEREA:S the Government of Canada has deemed it nece,S- sary to, 'create a branch of government, in the forun of an ]}mer- g.ency <Measures Org.anization, to co-oI'ldinate the duties and, func- tions of 'those government departments and agencies which wdti:ld have a responsirbiIity in a Iiational emergency in the ev- ent of enemy a,ction; AiNt1 WiHk,1:iiJyAs the Government of Ontario accordingly has deemedH desirable to co-operate with the Government of Cl1n~ acta in carry:ing out in respect of Ontcrrio its responsibility for the security, defence, peace, order and welfar'e of Canada in the event of real or 8'PlPrehended war, iu'Vasion or insurrection, and, as a cons~,quence. ,'has', est3lblished a,'b~ahch of 'government, known as theEtn~rgeu'cy IVU:!asures '[Branch of the Public Safety Division of the'Department of the Attorney Gen'eral; and is making provision for the CO:htiillied functibrl.ing of civil government' arid govern~ meht servic,es in IOritario in the' eovent of an 'ettnergency caused by a real or ,apprehended war; invasion or insurrection, or by na~ tural causes; 190 ELGIN. COUNTY COUNCIL AiND WI.IJJEIRJ'~",,-S Section 376 of the Municipal Act (R.S.O. 1960), Chapter 2,49, provides that by-laws may !be enacted !by the ,councils of all counties and municipalities for the establishment .and maintenance of Emergency Measures Organizations and for proiViding moneys f.orEmeng-ency M.easures Ormanizations and f.or the cast of operation of such organizations and for similar work within themunicil'palities; /) AND WrI-IlIDRlIDAJS the cost of esta1blishingand maintaining such IEmergency Measures Organization is to be paid as follows: Government of Canada - 7'5 % of the Cost . Gov'ernment of Ontario - 15 % of the. Cast !Municipalities - 10% of the Cost ,AN'D WHlEiThE\AJS it is deemed eX!pedient to estah!:ish and maintain an Emergency Measures Organization as a !branch of ,county government to serve the Cor.porationsof the County of Elgin and the City of St. Thomas to ,be jointly operated hy the participating mun:icipalities; AIND W'HIElRJIDAS the Corporation of the City of St. Thomas has agreed to ~nact H (by-law similar to this Iby~law; THEREE10RiE the ICouncil of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows': L IAn Emergency QVleasures Organization is hereby established to be known as the St. Thomas-'Elgin Emergency M.easu1:.'es Or'ganization. 2. The iPurposesand Objects of ~he St. Thomas-Elgin Emergency Measures Org,anization are as fonows: (.a) to iplan for the ,continuity of the !physical operation of the 'governments of the participating munkipalities and to. ''€!stalblish :plans f.oI' the: co-operation and mutual as~ 5istauc,e between such municipal governments in the event of a National :01' a Natur,al E'mergency; (Ib) to co-ordinate the emergency plans of the municipal departments 'and services having imm'ediate responsi- bilities in the event of a National or a Natural. Emerg- ency, and ,to prepare jpl'ansfor pulbHc survirval; (c) to work closely with other authorities of participating m':unkipalities and Prorvincial authorities 'Who hav.e been ,assigned to compara1ble duties; ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 191 (d) tomaintaineffect1ve liaison with the appropriate De- partment of Na'tionaI Defence authorities in the area; (e) to ,conduct 'emerlg,ency meaSUTes famHiarization courses for the training of ;personnel who have an . em,ergency role; (f) to conduct a .publi-c self-hel/p, education programme .ce- lated to nuclear and other types of warfare ,and natural emer,g,encies; (g) to carry out other similar 'wol'lk within the. geogra1)hical area encompassed by the participating municipaJities. 3. The St. Thomas-,Elgin Emergency !1VIeasures Organization shall consist of two ibranches: (al' 'l'he EJ<ecutive Committee (b) The Pianning Committee 4. (a) The'ExecuUve Committee shall consist of the W'arden and -two mem(bers of the Council 'Of the County of Elgin, ,and the ~ay.or and two m'embers of the Council of the City of ,St. Tho'mas; all said members to be appointed from time to time ,by reso~lution of their respective Councils; (b) The Warden ,of the County of Elgin and the Mayor 01 the !City.of 1St. ThO!lnas sha.~l act 'en alternate years as Chairman and Vice. Chairman of the Executive Com- mittee. (c) 'I'he Cie~k-Treasurer of the County 01 Elgin shall be secretary .for. the iExecutiv,e Committee when the Mayor is Clrai"man and the City Clerk of the City of St. Thom- as shaH be secretary for the Executive Committee when the W.arden is Chairman. i(d) The Co-,ordinator shall be an advisor to, the E'xecutive Committee. '5. .The Exe'cutive Committ-ee shall have the following duties, powers and reS:ponsilh~1ities:- -(a) to estalblish policy for the St. Thomas-Elgin Emergency Measures Organ illation; Cb) to appoint, from time to time, by resolution of the Ex- ecutive Committee, a Co-ordinator for the St. Thomas- Elgin Emerg.ency Measures .organization and such other empl()yees 'as may be requir'ed to assist the Co-ordinator; 192 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL (c) to name or ,assi,gn such persons as it may deem advis- able to provide keYiPersonnel. to perform duties re~ated to continuity ofm:unicipal government and !public sur~ vi'val and may refer such appointment or assignment for approval of the Councils concerned; (d) to suJbinit to the Councils, for 'inclusion in the annual e,stimates to the respecUve municipalities estimates of expenditures for the Operation ;and tlnain1:enance of the St. Thomas-Elgin Emergency Measures Organization; (e) to prepare and su1l>rnit, to the !Emergency Measures 'Branch of the Department of the Attorney General, the ,annual emerlgency measures financial assistance pro- 'jects, amendanentsto such project~ and. claims again,;t such tproJects to recover ,appropriate amounts of public funds from the Gdvernment of the Province of Ontario >and the IGovernment of Canada in accordance with tht:. terms of 'the financial assistance agreement between those governments; 6. (a) The terms of ,employment, working ,conditions and sal.. ary schedule for the Co-ordinator shall'be within the framework of existing standards for municipa~ officials of the City of st. Thomas. ,~b) The City' Clerk shall be Chaimnan of the Planning Com- mittee. (c) 'TIhe'Co-ordinator shaH be a member of -the Planni,n-g C6mmit'tee and !be responsilble for: (1) the implementatIon of the l'olicy as formulated 'by the Executive Committee; :(2) the fulfillment of the ",Purposes and Objects" as more particularly -set out in 8ection 2 of this by- law; ('3) the performance of other related duties as directed !by the Executive Committee. 7. (a) The Planning Committee shall consist of the persons holding .from time to time the following offices of ap- pointments: ~1) City Clerk - Chairman; (2) The County Fire Co-ordinator WIIRiE); ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 193 ~3) The Chief of the St. Thomas Police Dapartment (POLllC:E) ; '(4) Cify Engineer (ElNGlNEER); 0(5) County Engineer (iR!AiIYEF); (6) General LManager St. Thomas Public Utilities Com- missiQn (UTilJLITIlES); (7) City General Services Co-ordinator (WELFA~J;: LOdging, Feeding, Clothing; R,' & lIP. S.); (8) LMedical Officer of Health (HElALTH); (9) County Assessment Commissioner (ADLMlN1STRA- TolaN ...,.,.., Manpower, T,ransportj Supplies); (10 City Treasurer (F1iNAiNc-E); (iB) Co.,ordinator, St. ThollTICl-s-Elgin Emergency Mea- sures Org,anization. (b) The following shall he invited to be mem~ers of the Planning Committee: (il) [)irect6r Emergenc'y public Information Servtce; (2) Chief Rescue Officer,; (!3) An administrative representative from the St. Thomas-Elgin Gen~ral Hospital; (4) An administrative repre'sentativefI"om the Ontario Hospital; '(5) A representative from tbeSt. Thomas Branch of the Canadian Red. C['-Qss; ('6)' A representative from the st. Thomas Branch of St. .fohn .Amfbulance; (7) The Commanding Officer of the St. Thomas Cita- del, The Sahration Army. (c) A secretary for the Planning Committee shaH be !provided from the ,city Clerk's Office. (d) When any such '1l'pointed member is the employee of a statutory Board or Commis,sion, the consent of such Bbafd or Commission shall \be requested to ~I11ake the appointment effecU,ve. 8. (a) The Planning Committee sball be responsible for formu- lating dep,artmental plans for the continued functioning of ri:ninicipal services which !Would be requiredin,the . event of emergency. 194 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL (Ib) The IF-Ianning Committee shall" when policy deci- sions are required, surbmit the sulb-ject matter to the -Executive Committee .in the form of recommendations. 9. (,oj The ,annual cost of operating the St. Thomas-Elgin Em- ergency Mea;sures Organization shall be pro-rated on a (per capita hasis ,as determined by the current Ontario Municipal Directory and he included in the annual esti. mates of the participating munidpalitie$. IQb) The administration of the St. Thomas-rElginEmergency Me'asures Organiz!~tion will be undertaken by the Cor~ poration of the City of St. Thomas. (c) The eODporatiotI of the County of E!gin, upon being hilled, wiU ,pay to the Corporation of the City of St. Thomas, its pro-rated portion of the municipal share of the approved annual expenditures. 10. In the -event of a natural emergency, the Chairman of the Ex..) ecutive Committee may submit a request to the Honourable the Attorney General of Ontario for authority to call out 1'e- gula!1'ly ,enrolled emergency measures volunteers to assist municipal authorities to control' the emergency and to aHeM viaie distress when it has 'been determined that the man- power resources under ,the direct 'control of the municipali- ties have 'been committed to. emer.gencyoperations and it is found that these are :insufficient or inadequate to control the emergency effectively. 11. That By-Law No. 1822 of the Corpo"ation of the County of Elgin be, and the same is hereby r@ealed. 12. This iBy-Liruw 'shall ,come into oforce land take effect on the final passing thereof. ,REAiD a first time this 16th day of November, 196,6. :RIElAiD a second time this 16th day of Novemlber, 196.6. :RiElA!D a third time, .and finally passed, this 16th day of No- vemlher, 10016. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. JOHN JllLcKINLAY, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 195 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE - FIRST REPORT November Session. 1966 To the W,arden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: Your P-ersonnel Committee has held several meetings since the Septen1lber Session of the Elgin County !DouncLl;, in order to 'interview and select applicants for the lAssessment Commissioner's Deparbment, ,and to study ,and revise our fringe 'benefits and salary schedules. iE-Ia'ving studied the salary. schedules and working conditions in other Counties, and having due reg-ard to the remuneration paid for similar work in our immediate area, we recommend the following report f.or adoption 'by the ELgin County Council. 1. That By-iLa,w iN o. 1900, "A By"Law To Establish a Plan of Sick .Leave Oredit 'Gratuities For Employees" be amended by de- leting cl.ause 1 (.a) a-Ild sutbstituting therefore the foJlowing: L (a) (1) "'iEmployee" means any salaried officer, clerk, workman, servant, or other Iperson in. the em.ploy of the municip'ality who has campletedhis or her six month's prolbationary period. (2) "iE'mployee" in this By..,Law does not include cas- ual, seasonal, or part time employees. 2. That iBy...Law No. 1901 ,be amended to provide that when one of the. paid holidays granted to employees fans on a Saturday, or a ISu'nday, a day off sha~l be granted to each employee in lieu there aI, and the day off shall be designated by the Head of the Department in which he, or she is employed, and also that casual, seasonal, and part time employees receive vacation pay at the following ;rates: 2% of gross wages during the flrst year of em- ployment, and 4% of gross wages thereafter. 3. Salary Schedule for Road Department Employees. 1. Salary Schedule for regular hourly rated empJoyees: Class?: Foreman Class S. Lead Truck Driver Class 5. Foreman $2.25 per hour $2.20 per hour $2.15 per hour 196 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Class 4, iPart-Time Foremen Stockkee\per Minimum $1.95 per hour Maximum $2.10 per hour Experience rating 4c per hour for completion of each year's work 'to amaxi'll1um of 4yeafs (3e last year). Cla;:;s O. {Machine Operators Minimum Maximum Experience rating :as in Class 4 $2.00 per hour $2.15 per hOur Class 2. Lathor experienced Minimum Maximum ;Expel'ience rating as in Class 4 Class I, Lwbour IIVl'inirnum Maximum $1.80 per hour $1.95 per hour $1.75 per hour $1.90 per hour 12. Seasonal or Casual Employee-s ClassiIicationto ~echange'd to the following: Class AI. E'mployee~ afhigh school age (generally under 1211 years of age) with varied experience Minimum $,1.50 per hour [Maximum $U5 per hour Class B, Casual Laibour inexperienced $1.60 .per hour Class C. E;xperienced L,a1hour, ineXlperienced, mower operators $1.05 per hour Class D. Experienced Mower Operators $1;75 per hour 3. S,alaried Employees Grade -1 Office' Personnel , Minimum - $3,oQ.OO per annum Maximum - $13,800 per annum Increments $200.00 per year for 4 years Grade 2 Office Personnel Minimum - $2,6.oO.OOlPer annum Maximum -'-'-$3,400 per annum Increments $200.00 per year for 4 years E]jGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 197 JuniOl' Insi:rumentMen Minjmum - $4,700.00 per year Maximum -. $5,'500.00 per annum Increments' $200.00 per year for 4 years Technician Minimum - $5,80.0.00 per annum Maximum -'- $6,'600;00 :per annum Increments $20.0..0.0 per year for 4 years Genel'al F'oreman 11'v1'inimum - $5,800.00 per annum Maximum' -'-' $6,60.0.00: per annum lucre'ments $20.0.00 'per year for 4 years Assi~!l:ant :1:0 the Enl9'ine~r Minimum - $6/~OO.OD l})er annum lVLaximum ~ $7,7{}0.00 per .n.nUm ,Increments $200.00 per year forA years .Mileaef Relies tobe p9.idtoall employees using their own ,private cars be 'set in accordance, with the present Department or- Highlway rates. o -'- 5,OD.o miles .14c per mile 5,000- 10,000 miles .07c per mile Over":":"':;'" 10,000 miles .05'c per mile 4. Salary Sc'hedule for County Library Employees Senior ,Cle,rical S.:taf~ ~: M,inimum ,-$3,6-0Q.00, per annum Maximun~,- $4,~-oO.OO..per annum InGrements,$400.0,O per year to maximum Junior Clerical Staff - Minimum - $2;600.00 per annum Maximum ....c-... $3,400.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year. to maximum Sec'relarYaBookkeeper ..:.- ilVtinimum - $3,000..00 iPerannum Maxi'mum - $3,800.00 per annum Increment.s $200.00 !per year to,maximum 'fresent . st.aff , to receive. regular annual increment, plus {).ne, ,adqitioniil ipc;i;"ement,. to compensate for the raise in .the minimum s,alarjr. 'W,€' recommend that our: present Librarian receive a salary of '$4,400.00 as Senior Clerical Staff, plus $400.00 as tem- porary iOepartmentHead. 198 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 5. Salary Schedule for .court House Staff Secreiary-Bookkeeper(Grade One) 'Minimum - $3,HOO.OO !per annum iMaximum $'3,8,00,00 per annum Increments $200'.00 per year to maximum SeCl'e:tal'y~Bookkeeper :~Grade Two) Minimum - $'2,:600.00 per annum Maximum - $'3,500.00 per annum Increments' $200.-00 per year to maximum Key Punch Operafo'l' (new position) ,Minimum-' $2,800.00 per annum Maximum - 3,600.00 peLt' annum Increments $200'.00 per year to maximum Present staff to" receive r-egular increment plus one ad~ ditional increment to compensate for the raise in the minimum salary. Deputy Clerk~ Treasurer to recei'Ve 111ax:imum, s'alary as Secretary-Bookkeelper (Grade I) plus an additional $600.00 per annU1tn. Caretaker Minimum $3,800.00 Maximum $4,600.00 Increments $200,00 'p~r, :v'ear to maxim.um \In the albove schedule the v,alue of the serviced apart~ ment is to be considered 'as part of the salary. Present employee to receive $4,000.00; use of the apartw Irnent,'and an additional $600.00. per year for extra help. 6. S'alary Schedule for Ellgin Manor Employees Nursing Aid Orderly First Cook Minhnum $2,700.00 <per annum Maximum $3,300.00 per annum Increments $1150.0.0 per year to maximum Minimum $'3-,'000.00 per anntllm Maximum $4,15.0.00 per annu-m ,Increments $1'50.00. per year to maximwrn Minimum $2,80'0.00 per ,annum , M'3ximum, $3,400.00 'per annum ~ncrements $150.00 per year to maximum ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 199 Sec'Ond Cook M'inlimum $2.,65,0.00 per annum Maximum $'3,2'50.00 per annum Increments $1'50.00 per year to maximum Kitchen 'Maids Minimum $12",3150.00 [Jer annum lM'axi'mum $2,95-0.00 per, annum Increments $150.00 per year to maximum Housekeeper iIVIinimum $2,65'0.00 per annum Maximum $3,250.0'0 per ,annum Increm-ents *150.00 per year to maxfmuut Housekeeping Maids Minimum ,$2,350.00 per annum Maximum $2,Ho'Q..OO per annum Incremen~ $15.0.00 \}Jer yeard to, maximum Laundry, Staff Minimum $-2,35.0.00 ,per annum M,aximum $2',950.00 per annum Increments. '$150;00 per year to maximum N~ght Maintenance [lV.Unimum $'3,050.00 per annum Maxim'urn $'3,650..00 per annum Increments $ 15'O.On per year to maximm"'l: Head Maintenance Man Minimum $3,800.00 per annum Maximum $4',600.0'0 per annum Increments $200.00 'per year 'to maximum Secretary-Bookkeeper (Grade One) Minimum $3,00D'.OO.per annum Maxim-urn $3,800.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum Secretary-Boo.kkeeper (Grade 'Dwo) Minimum $2,600.00 per annum iM'aximum $3,400.DO' per annum' Increments $200.00 per year to maximum 6. Salary Schedule, for Elgin Manor Employees Regis:l:eredNu~se Mini,mum $4,200.00 per annum Maxhnum $5,000.00 per annum 'Increments$2HO;OO per year to maximum Present staff to receive regular annual increment plus one additional increment to. compensate for the raise in the mirrimum salary. 200 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Adjuvant (new position) Mini1mum $2,900.00 per annum 'Maximum $3,600.00 per annum Increments $150.00 per year to maximum Present employee to receive 1$2,9il!3.912 retroactive lto April 1st, W66'" and $3,200.00 effective December 31st, 1966, at 112o'e}.ock midnight. 7. Salary Schedule for Jail Employees Chief Turnkey Minimum $4)4'00.00 per annum Maximum $5,200.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per y'ear to maximum Present emlployee. to receive $;5,200.00 per year. Sergeant (new position) Mininium $4,000.00 per annum Maxi'ffiUm $4,80.0.00 per annum Increments $'200.00 per year to maximum i.A ser:geant to Ibe iappointed ata salary of ;$4,8,00.00 per year. Turnkey Minimum $3,800.00 per annum Maximum $4,'600.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum 'I'ul'l1!keys Ipresently receivh,g a salary of $4,200.00 or $4,- 4!QO.OOwill receive ,$4,600.'00 per year; others will receive t11e normal- annual increm-ent plus $400.00 to. compensate for ~he raise in the minimum salary. ' Chief Matron M,inimum $3,000.00. per, annum Maximum $3,80-0.00 per annum Increments $200.00- per year to maximum Present employee to receive $3,00-0.00' 7 (a) Salaries for Par:f: Time Employees of :the Elgin County Jail. Doctor Casual Turnkey Casual, Matron $1,250.00 per annum $12.0'0 per day $10.00' !per day B. Salary, Sohedule for Assessment Department Assessor I Mini'mum '$31800.00 per annum' Maximum $4,600.00. per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 201 Assessor II Minimum $4,600.00 !per annum IMaximuril $'5,:4(}O.00 per annum Incren:ents $200.00 per year to maximum Minimum' $5,600.0.0 per annum Maximum $5,400.00 per annum [ncrements $200.00 per 'year tO',maximum Minimum $6,400.0.0. per annum :Maxirnum $7,200:0.0: 'per a~num Increments '$20.0.00 per year to maximulil Minimum $7j200.00per annum Maximum $8,000.-00 per annum Increments $200.00 per ~earto maximum -9. ~/Hleage rates tOlbe paid all County employ;€.es (other than Road !Department Employees). are to ,be in accoil'dancewith the follOWing sch€dule: Assessor III. Assessor IV Assessor., V Mileage .Per Calendar"Y~ar o - 7,000 miles 7,000 _. 14,000 miles Over - 14,000 miles Allowance .1Oc per mile .DEc per mile .07c per mile lO.[n the alboye salary schedules, the annual increments are to became effective on January Jst; of each year until maximum sa,1ary is reached. H. New ellllployees beginning employment with the County of Elgin before Septemlber ,1st in any year, shall receive his, or her first .annual incrementJ on the first day of ~ranuary next, fol- lowing.. Thoselbeginning employment on, or after September 1st in any year shall receirve his, or her first" annual increment, one year :from the first day of J'anuary next, follOWing. 12. ~t has heen. previously determined by the Elgin County Council,' that Department 'Heads should not !be placed on a salary schedule, hut that each should be paid a stated 'salary, and that these /sih'Ouldlbe' Teviewed from time t.o time, Iby 'the Personnel C.ommittee. ,We halve done this, and recommend the fonowing salaries for the Heads or the various oDepartments: County Engineer $'1'3,000.00 per annum Assistant . County Engineer $9;5,00.00' per 'annum County Clerk~Treasurer $lo-,OOD.OO !per annum; 202 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL $1,6,00.00' of the' salary to be paid by the County Home for tho Aged as' remuneration for him a~ting as Treasurer of the Home. County Assessment Commissioner $10,000.00 per annum Deputy Assessment Commissioner $9,00,0.00 per annum Superintendent of Ellgin Manor '$7,6'00.00 per annum Governor of 'the Elgin County Jail '$6,'5,0,0.0,0 per annum 113. ':Dhe salaries (,with the ex'ception 'of the rewoactive salary of the ad1uvant a1 Elgin Manor) and the salary schedules recam'- mended in this report are to 'be effective Decemrber 3-1st,J.966, at 1i2 o'clock midnight. 114. We authorize that present County of \Elgin :by-laws he amended ,or new lby~laws' pass.ed 'as requil'ied to implement the re- commendations contained in this report. All of which is respectfully su1:Jmitted. K. C. EllvTEiRiSON, Chairman. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE - SECOND REPORT November Session. 1966 To theW,arden and Members of the Elgin COiUnty Council, The p.ersonnel 'Committee reports as follOlWS: The following assessors ha'v:ebeen engaged for rohe County Assessment Department: Depufy Assessmenf Commissioner WiUiam U. Vidler Assessors '- G.:rade 4 E. Neil McCallum lBernavd P. J. Murphy Michael J. Russelo Assessors - Grade 3 iEclwin A. lBaker R.ichard F. Preston Salary $9,,0,00.0,0 per annum ~7,,ooo.,o,o. per annum 6,1900..00 per annum '6,r30{).OO' per annum $6,0,00.00 per annum 5,750.00 per annum ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 203 Assessors - Grade 2 Roy iD. Lamond Clifford G.Soper '$O',OOQilper ,annum ~4,600.00, per annum One grade 3 Assessor still to be appoint,ed. Ali of which is respectfully suhmitted. K. C. EMIDRiSOlN, Chairman. EDUCATION COMMITTEE REPORT N ovember Session~ 1966 To the Warden and Members of the 'Elgin Corunty 'Council, The Education Committee reports as follows: 1-. That Duncan C.McKillop ,be appointed County represent.. ativeon,-theWest~\;Elgin High School, District Board. 2. That ~alph Auckland ,be a'PPointed County Representa- tiVe on the' Central Elgin High School District Board. 3. That G. F. :Pineolbeappointed C.ountylRepresentative on the East Elgin High School District 1B0ard. 4. Th~t the resolution fro~ the County of Huron requesting the ,Minister of Education to estalblish a more uniform system jn connection with subjects taught :in the various grades throughout the Province, Jbe endors,ed. All of which is respectfully submitted. FORRJEST MOORE, Chairman. FINANCE COMMITTEE N oyember Session. 1966, - Second RE)po~t i To the. Warden and Members of the Elgin Corunty Council, The Fhiance Committee reports as.. follows: 1. 'l'hat the Treasurer of the County Of EJigin ~e authorized to advance to the Elgin CountyiPlanning [Board such sums of 2M ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL money' as ,are :required !by the Board 'Up to .a maximum of $5,OQO.OO during the period between January 1st, 1916'7, and the adoption of the 1967 ;Bud.get by the Elgin County Coundl. All of which is respectfully su'bmitted. C. N. OLAiR~, Chairman. PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE REPORT November Session. 1966 To the W,arden and Memhers of the Elgin County Council, TJ1e lP.etitions and [..egislation Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution lpassed Iby the Town of Exeter request- ing legislation to ena\ble the Courts, upon conviction of a, prisoner, to levy against that prisoner (in addition to court costs now leV- ied), 03.11 cost involved in his arrest -and bringing .to trial be en- dorsed. ~arried. All of which is respectfully sulmritted. IVOR RiOW[;EY, Chairman. CENTENNIAiL COMMITTEE: RE:PORT November Session. 1966 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Centennial Committee reports as foIlows:, 1. We recommend that Irvor Howleylbe the representative from the County of Elgin to attend a Meeting of bhe Centennial Music Committee on lDe.comber 7th, 1966, at 7 p.m. 2. That the letter from St. Thomas re "Canadian Warships at Port Stanley on August 1st, 1967, "be taibled to January, 196'7. AU of. which is respectfully submitted. liVOR iRJOWiLJEY, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 205 COUNTY OfF ELGIN IlY-LAWNO.1940 "A By-Law To !Amend ,By-Law No. 1900." ~ lBy~'La'w No. 1900 of the County of Eligin estab- lishes 'a Plan of 'Sick Leave Credit Gratuities for Employe'es. AlND ,WHiElREAS it is deemed' advisable to gi~e a more de- tailed definition to th{l: rp.e,aniI?-g of th~ word "Employee." !NOW 'I1H1ElREFOIREfue .c"uncil of. the Conporation of .he County of Elgin enacts as fqI1ows: 1. THAT paragraph l.(a) of By-Law No. 190,0 'be deleted, and the following sulbstituted therefore: 1 (a) (1) "Employee"means any s'alarled officer, 'clerk, work~ man, servant or <J,ther person in the employ of tlhe mruni,cipality who has completed his; 'or her six month's; prOlbationary period. 0('2) '\Employee" does not include any' casual se,asonal, or part time employee. mAID a first ti~e this' 16th day of Novemlber, 19li6. IRIEAID a second time this 16th day of November, 1966. iRili:AD ,a third time, and finally passed; this 1lith day of No- vemlber, 1960. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. JOHiN Mc~INLA Y, Warden. I !il 206 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 1941 "Beirnga By-Law ,to Establish ~olidays for Employees of the County of Elgin." The Council of the Corporation of the County of Eligin enacts as foHolWs: THAT the following 'holidays be, and are hereby adopted for regular hourly rated, or salaried employees: (1) Paid Holidays - New Year's, Good Friday, Victoria Day, July 1st, Civic Holiday, Labour Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Boxing Day. (2) When any of the paid holidays falls on a Saturday, or a Sunday, a day off shaH Ibe g~anted to ea'ch employee in l~eu there- of, and ~he day off shalllle designated by the Head of tilie Depart- mentin Iwhich he, or she is ,employed. (3) Special u.p to three days in event of bereavement in im~ mediatefamHy (Le. father, mother, (huSband, wife, . or child). (4) Amnual Holidays, !For employees of the Elgin County Jail - As provided in Re- gulation4'50 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 196\7. For all other County of Elgin employees - Over ten years continuous 'employment with the County - Three weeks per year. Over one year continuous employment with the County, - Two weeks' per year. RegulHr emp}oy'ees the first year of employm,ent - One week. Casual or Seasonal Employees - !2% of Gross Wages during the first year of e1l1QJloym,ent, and 4% of Gross Wages thereafter. (5') TH\AII' By-LaIW No. 19m be, and the same is hereby re- pealed. ~D a first Ume this 16th day of November, 1966. BiElAD a second time this 16th day of Novemlber, 1'966. IRJilAJD a third time, and finally passed this 16th day of No- vember, 1966. H. L. Jo:tJNiSOiN, Clerk. JOHN McKJiNIUA!Y, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 207 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY -LAW NO. 1942 UBeinJg a By-Law to Esiablish a Salary Sch~dule for ,All Employees <>f the County of Elgin Other Than the Heads of,Deparim.enis:.~1 WHiERiE:AJS it is considered advisalble to eSLablish salary schedu:es for, tJhe employees of the various Departments of the County oJ Elgin. NOW TWElRiEl:FlORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin ena,cts that the foll<>wing salary schedules be, and are hereby adopted: I. Salary Schedule for Road Department Employees: Class 7. Foreman. [n ohar:,ge of specialized work usually .has seniority and eXiperience of Otv,er ten years with the County, $2,.25 per hour;-" Class 6. Lead Truck Driver. Supervising other County :Drivers and/or hired trucks on ,a regular !basis; 'Usua1Iy hilS sen.., iority and experience of over ten yea:rs, ,.' $2.20" per hour. Class 51 F01'cman, - E:xperienced; regUlarJy in Marge of a work crew of at least fiVe other men, $2.'15 per hour. Class 4. Stockkeeper, 'Part-Time Foreman _ Workers per- forming the work of 'a hig'her classifi,cation than Class 2. Ex- perience Rating -.04c per hour for "completion of eacrh year'E; \vork to.a maximum of four years. Minimum _ $1.95 per hour; NLoximum ..:. $2,110 per hour. Class 31 Mac:hir..e Operaiors -'- Including trucks, tandmn dump and distrjJbutor, loader,grader and. shovel. ;Experience Rating - .04c per hour for 'ClOmpletion of ea,ch year's work to a ,maximum, of four years. Minimum - $2.00 per hour; lMaximum-- $2.1'5 pel' hour. Class. 2. . Labourer. Experienced _ Some sup,ervisory work, 11ght truck ,driving, roller operator,etc., ,on regularibasis. Ex:per- ience Rating - .04c perh'Our for completion of each year's work to a maximum or four years; !Minimum - $'I.80per hour; Max.. imum - $1.9\5 per hour. i I 208 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Class L Experienced (After, completion of six months [pro~ bationary term) little if any supervisory work. Experience R.at~ ing - .04c per hour for completion of each year's work to a max- imum of four years. IMinimum- $1.75 perhoul'; Maximum ....- $1.90 per hour. 2. Seasonal or Casual Employees Class A Employees 'Of high school age (generally under m :rears of age) with varied eXlperience. Minimum ~ $1.50 per hour; Maximum - $1.65 per l1our. , Class B 'Casual La.bour' inexperienc-ed $1.6-0 per hour. Class C - :Experienced lalbour, ine)O);)erienced m01wer op- er,ators, $1.65 per hour. Class D -lExperienced mOwer operatDl'S, 1$1.75 per hour. 3. Salaried, Employees Gr'ade 1 Office Personnel - Minimum $3,000.00 per an. nt~m; Maximum $3}800.00 per annum; Increments $200.00 per year f~rf(:>ur years~ Grade: 2 Office'Personnel~ Minimum $2;6{)0 per annm; Maximum ,$'3,400, per annum; In,crements $200.00' per year for four years. Ju?iorlInsfrumeni Man Qualifications - Grade li2'or equivalent. Duties - Surveying and drafting as necessary under SUN pervisitm. ilncrementsshall be governed by 81bility, experience, and passing of D.H.a. sponsored courses. Position comparalble to D;H.O. Technician ,g .survey. ,Minimum $4,700.00 per annum; Maximum $5,'500.00 per annum. Increment $200.00 per year to maximum. Technician - Duties to include ,all suvveying work with a minimum of supervision and to assist the Engineer and the ASN sistant to the Engineer in supel'Vision of construction and when qualified to supervise specialized wQrksuoh as Hot Mix Paving. Qualifications to be similar to D.H;O. Technician 1 and 2. Min~ imum';.......;. $5,800.{)0 per annum; Maximum $6,600.00 per annum; Increments ,'$2'00.00 per year for four years.' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 209 General Foreman' - !Duti€3 to supel'Vise and control all men andequijpment for aU maintenance and con~truction under supervision IQfthe' assistant to the Engineer and the Engineers. MillinlUm- $5,800.00 per annum; Maximum $6',600.00 per 'annum; Increments~OO.OO per year f.or four years. Assistan;t fo the . Engineer - Duties - Gener,a'l supervisor or .construction and. contra'mor 'forces, land purchase, arid the pow sition of Construction Safety Inspector. Minimum- $6,900.00 per annum;, Maximum -'-.$7,700.00; IIncrements$200.00 rper year for four y.ears. Milealge Ra.ies to -be paid to all employees using their own pr1vate .cars Jbe set in accordance with the present Department of Highway rates: 0,....,.,. 5,000 miles.14cper ,mile 5,000 - 10,000 miles .o7'c per mile Over - 10,00'0 miles .05'c per mile 2. Salaxy ;Schedule . for County Library Employees: Senior Clerical Siaff-- Minimum -.$3,600.00' per annum, Maximum - $4,400.00 per annum, Increments $200.00. per year to maximum. Junior Clerical Siaff-Minimum ..c-. $2:,600.00 per annum, .Maximum ~ $:3,400.00 per annulli, Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Secreiary~Bookke~per - Minimum - $3,0'00.00 'per annum, Maximum - $3,aOO.OO per annum, Increments $ per year to maximum. 3. Salary Schedule for Courl HOUSe Slaff: Secretary~Bookkeeper (Grade One) Minimum - $'3,000.00 per annum, Maximrum-:- $'3,800.00 per 'anntID.l, Increments $200.00 !per year to. maximum. Secrelary-Bookkeeper (Grade Two) Mirtimum _ $2,600.00 per annum. Maximum - $3,400.00.per annum, Increments $200.00 iPer year tlQ maximum 2'10 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 211 I, I: II I I Key Punch Operator (new position) Minimum -'- $2,800.00I'erannum, Maximum - $~,600.00 per annum. Increments $2(}O.OOper year' to maximum; Caretaker - Minimum - $3,800.00 Maximum - $4,600.00 Increments $200.00. per year t~ maximum. In the abO'Ve schedule the v,alue of the serviced apart- ment is,to lbe considered as part. of the salary. 4. Salary Schedule for Elgin Manor Employees: Nursing .Arid , Minimum' - $2,7<lO.OO !per annum, Ma:x:imum - $3',;300,.00. per annum, 'Increments $150.0Q"'per year to'maximum. Orderly Minimum - $'3,5'50.00 per' 'annum, Maximum -$4,~50.00 per annum, Increments $150.00 per year to maximum. Firsf;Cook Minimum- $<2,80.0.00, per .annrum, iiY.f,aximum - $i3,400:00 per annum, Increments $150.00 per year to maximum. Second Cook lMinimum - $2,6'50.00 per annum, M.aximum -:- $3,250.00 per annumJ Increments $150.00, per year to maximum. Kitchen Maids Mdnrmum - 2,,350.00 per annum, Maximwm- $2,9150.00 per annum, Increments $150.00 per year to maximum. Housekeeper Minimurn -'$2',650.'00 per 'annum, Maximum' - $3,.2i5,0.O:o. per 'annum, Increments $150,00 per year to maximum. Housekeeping Maids --.. lMini!mum..,...... $2,350.0.0 per .annum, flVJ:.aXlimUlm'-'- $2ta50;0{), per annum, Increments $1!50.00 per year to maximum. Laundry Staff Minimum - $2,'350.00 per annum; Maximum - '$-2',9'5'0;00 .per annum, Increments $l{)O.OO per year to maximum. Adjuvant (new position) Minimum - $2,900.00 iPer annum, Maximum - $13;60a.00 per annum, Increments'$1'50.00 per year' to maximum. Night Maintenance Minimum - $3',Qi50.0-n per annum, M1axiJIDum - ,$:3,6150..00 per annum:, Incr,ements' '$1:50.00 per year to maximum. Head Maintenance Man Minimum - $'3,80-0.00 per annum, Maximum - $4,600.00 per annu,m, Increments ;$:200.00' per year to maximum. SecretaryCBookkeeper (Grade One) Miniimu-m - $3;0.00.00 per. annum, Maximum - $3,8IQO.OO per ,annum,: Increments $200.00 per year to ,maximum. Secretary-Bookkeeper (Grade 'Vwo) Minimum - '$2,600..00 per annum, Maximum - $,3,400.0a pe!annum, Increments "$:200.00 per year. to maximum. Registered Nurse Mlinimum - $4,2'00..00, per ,annum, Maximum -$5,000.00, per annum, Increments '$200.00 per year to ,maximum. 5. Salary ,Schedule for Assessment Department: Assessor 1 l\1:inimum - $3,HOO.OOper annum, Maximum - $4,6.00.00 per annum, Increments '$200,00 per year to maximum. Assessor II Mlinimuiffi - $4,6.00.00, per annum, Maximum - $5,400 per annum, Increments \$200.00 per year to maximum. 212 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Assessor III Minimum - $5,600.00 pet'an,uurn, Maximum '$6,4!O-O.OO per annum, Increments $200;00 per year to maximum. ,Assessor IV Minimum' - $6,40.0.0'0 (per annum, ll\.1'aximum - $7,,200.00 per annum, Increment's $200.00 per ye~r _ to maximum. Assessor V Minimum - $'7,200.00 per annum, Maximum - $8,00.0.00' per annum, Increments $200.QO per year to maximum. 6. Salary Schedule for Jail Employees: Chief Turnkey Minimum - $4,4'00.00 !per annum, Maximum - - $5,i200.00 per annUll1, lrncrements $2'OO:QOper year to maximum. Sergeant (New Position) Miinimurn - $4,O:QO~OO per 'annum, Maximum - $4,800.00 per annum, Increments $200,00 per year to maximum. Turnkey Minimum - $3,aOO.Oo per' annum, (Maximum' $4,600.00 per annum~ Lf.ucrements $1200.-00 per year to maximum. Chief Matron Minimum - $3, per annum, Maximum -$3;800.,00. per annum, Incre~ents $200..00 per year to maximum. 6.(a) Salaries jor Part Time Employees of the Eligin County Jail. Doe,tar ~li250,00 per annum. Casual ,Turnkey $m.oo per day. Casual Matron ~10.00' per day. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 213 7. 'N1!AIT' all previous By-Laws of the County of Elgin in- ,consistent herewith lbe, and ,the same. are here/by. repealed. 8. 'DHtAfI' vhis 'By..Law shall Ibecome 'effective on December 31st, 1966, at twelve o'clock midnight. RJEc'\JD a first time this 16th day of November, 1966. iREiAD a second time this 16th day of Novemlber, lifJ.66. REA[) a. third tim.e, and finally passed' this Wth day of No.. vember, 19.66. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. JOHN McKINUY, Warden. COUNTY OF E.LGIN BY-LAiW NO. 1943 "Being a By-Law~o Amend By-Law .No. 1696. raereby Adjusting the '.,Salary of the Elgin County Road Superintendent." WHEJRtEiAJS By-Law No. W96 deals with the appointment and remuneration of a !Road Superintendent for the Co,unty of Elgin, AND WH\EmlAS By-Law No. 1696 is presently amended by By-Law No. 1900, AND WlHERA'S it is now deemed advisa1b1e to change the pr,esent salary of the Elgin Oounty Hoad Superintendent, NOW 'NlIElREElORE the Municipal Corporation c>f the County of Elgin ena'cts as follows: 1. TH\<\:T Clause (4) of By-La,w No. -1696 as amended by By- -Law No. 19,03 be deleted, .and the following substituted therefore: "'DHIAT Jtihe salary or remuneration of the Road Superin~ tendent shall he the sum of $1-3,000.00 per annum, pay- a\ble semi-1D):<mthly, and that. he be paid an allowance for the use of his 'car based on the following schedule:" 214, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Mileage Per Calendar Year o - 5,00'0 5,000 - 10,000 Over - 10,000 1lHiA:T By-Law No. .14c per mile .07<: 'per mile .05c per mile 1903 be, and the same is hereby re~ 'Ii Iii 2. pealed. G. TIHIAII' this By-Law shall take effect on Decemlber 31st, 1!a-66, subtieet to the approval of the Minis>ter of Highw,ays. PASSED in open !Council this 'Wth day of Novem'ber,1966. H. L. JOHNSOiN, Clerk. JOHN McK!N[JAY, Warden. II'i Ii i ,I iii 'I: I! Iii It COVN'rY orE' E.LGIN BY-LAW ,NO. 1944 II,Being a. BYRLaw to ,Adjust iheSalary 9f :I:heAssi~~~i Road Superinlendent ~or the County pf Elgin," 'WiflJElRE)AS.By..[,wW No. 1928 deals with the appointment and remuneration of an Assist.ant RlQad Superintendent tor the County of Elgin. AJND WiHiElRrEJAS it is now deemed advisalble. to Clb.an~<! the salary of the AssiStant Road Superintendent for the County of Elgin.' NOW 'lJBjElRiElF1001E the Council of the Corporati\m of the County of 'E~gin enacts' as follows: 1. THAT Clause (2) of By-Law No. ,1928 'be deleted, and the fOllowings'u1bstituted therefore: ".THAT his saI,ary :be Nine Thousand, Five Hunded Dbllars C$9,5'DO,) per year, pay'alble semi-monthly. 2. THAT ClaiUse (3) of By-iLaw No. 1928 be deleted. . .- , , ,3:' TIMT this By-Law shall become effective on December 31st, 19,66, at 12 o'clock midnight. Ii " II I'I II 'Ii Ii ! ,[ "I: I' " 'I U ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 215 mll\JD 'a first time't!tis 16th d!lY of November, ,1966. RIEAD a second ti";~thi~l~th day~f November, 1966. 'RiEAIi:i'~'thIid iirri~, and fi';al!y passed this 16ihday of No- vember, '1966. H. L.' JOHNSON, Clerk. JOHN McKJNII;.,IAiY, Warden. COUNTY' OF ELGIN BY-LAV/NO.1945 .... '. .... . '.' , ';:Being al3Y-Law ~~Amend By-Law N'o. 1867 The.rebyAcljuding ihe Salary of ~he EDgin Couniy Clt!rk-Treasurer.I', . WflEaiElAlS By-'La.w No. 1867dea,s with the appointment and remuneration of a Clerk~Treasurer for the County of' Elgin. 'AJND WHiIllRiEhs By~Law No; 1867 is presently am..mded ,by By-iLaw No. 1904. AJND' WHERlID.AJS it is'. llOw 'deemed advis~ble' to . c!tange the present salary of the E'lIgin County Clerk-Treasurer. :NOW'I1HIERE'F1OiR!Ethe lMuniCipal CO"Poration of the County of ElgiI1;:.!~:q.acts_: _~ foJlows: 1. . 'IJHiAT Clause (2) of B:y-La", ;No. 1867 as amended lJy. By- Law"No: 1904, be delet<!d, and the following swbstituted there- Lf.ore: 'i'r.lf~T.l1is: sal:ary as Clerk-Treasurer of the County :of E'l,gin !be: $8,50Q.OO per annum." , 2. THAT this By-Law shall take effect on December 31st, 11966, at 12 o'clock midnight. mAD 'a first time.'th.is 16th day of Ncwember, '1966. 'RiE'AD a second time t!tisI6th'day of'Novemlber, 1966. RiElAlD a third time, and final!y passed ihiiI6thdayof No- vemlber, 19166~"" . . H: L.JO!ElNOON, Clerk. "." JOHNiMcKrNMY, Wardell. 2'16 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN BV-LAW NO. 1946 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 1968:' W1HElRiElAS IBy~LaJW No. 1868 deals with theaPllointment and r.emuneration. ,of;a Deputy Clel'k-Treasurer for the County of Elgin. AND WHmElAJS By-Law No. 1866 is presently amended by By-LaJW No. 1905. AJNiD WHIElRJEAS it is now deemed advisable to change the present salary of the Deputy Clerk~Treasurer. NOW ;'l'!HIElIRIEF1OIRiE the Municipal Corporation of the County of Ehgin enacts_ as follows: I. 'l'iHAT. 'Clause (2) of By-Law No. 1868 as amended illy By- Law No. 1905 Ibe deleted, and the. following sulbstituted therefore: "TH,NJ:' the salary of the Deputy Clerk-Treasurer be $4.400 per annum." 2. THiN,!' t)Jis By-Law shall take effect on Decemlber 31st, 1966, at W: o'qjock midnight. .1RiEA,!1)a first time this 16th day of Nll'Vember, 1966. RiElAD a second time this 16th day of Novemlber, 1966. ~EAID a third time, and final!y passed this 16th day of No- vemlber, 1966. H. L. JOIHNSON, Clerk: JOHN McKINIUAY, Warden. COUNTY OF ELGIN .BY-LAW NO. 1947 "l1eil\g '" By-Law to Adjust the .Salary of the ,Assessment Commissioner of the County of Elgin/' WHEREJAiS the. salary of the Assessment Commissioner (If ,he County of Elgin was estaiblished by By-Law No. 1929. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 217 AIND WtH'EJRJEAS it is now deemed advisable to adjust the said salary. NOW THtElRErolRE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: '1. 'l.'IHATthe sal.ary of Mr. Hector M,cLean, Assessment Com- missioner of the County of Elgin be $10,000.00 per annum, ,pay- able semi-monthly. 2. 'l1HiAT By-Lww NO. 1929 !be, and the same is hemby re- pealed. 3. THAT this By-LaJW shal,l take effect on January 1st, 19'67. RiE~ a first time this 16th day of NovemQ:)er, 1966. READ a sec<lnd time this 16~h day of Novemlber, 1966. READ a third time, and finally passed this 16th day of iNo- vember, . 19'H6. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. JOHN MaKiIiNLA Y, Warden. COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 1948 "Being a By-Law IO Appoint ;a Deputy Assessment .Commissioner for :the County of Elgin.u \ WHEIR@AS it is deemed ,advisalble to appoint a Deputy ASH sessment Commissioner for the County of Elgin. NOW TtHiElRiEIE10RE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: ,I. ITHIAT William U. Vidler :be, and is hereJby appointed De- pulty AJssessment Commissioner for the County of Elgin. 2. THwr his salary be Nine Thousand Do!lars ($9,000.00) per year, payalble semiHmonthly. 3. TlH!AT this By-Law s'haIl become effective January 1st, 1967. 2'18 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL REAJD 'a first time this 16th day of November, 1966. ThFJAD a second time this i6t'h day of Novemlber, 1'966. REiAD a third time, and finally passed this 16th day of No- vemlber, 11966. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. JOHiN McKJ!iNiUAY, Warden. COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LA,W NO. 1949 "Being a By-Law ~o Adjusl lhe Salaxy of Ivan J. Pallerson. :Superin!ienden:l: of ,Elgin Manol'. and 10 Amend By-Law No. 1729:' WHEIRiElAIS this Council deems it advisalble to adjust the sa1ary of the Superintendent .of Elgin Manor. NOW fIIHffilRiEF10RE the Council of the Corporation of the Oounty of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. 'l1H!AT Clause (2) of By-,Law No. 1729, as amended by By- lLa.w No. 100~, he deleted,and the following sulbstituted therefore: '~'DHAT the said Ivan J. Patterson shall be- paid a salary Q,f $7,5'OO'.OOper'annrum." 2. 'l1H!AiT By-L,aw No. 1907 be, and the same is hereby ,'e. pealed. ~. THiAT this By-Law shall take effect on Decemlber 31st, 1'9166, at 112 o'clock midnLgh't. RilMD a first time this 16th day of Novem!ber, 196([. RlEAD a second time this ,16th day of November, 1'966. REiAD a third time, and finally passed this 16th day of No- vember, 19166. H. L. JOIHN'SOiN, Clerk. ,JOHN McKtNiLAY, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 219 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 1950 .'Being a By-Law-to ~djust the Salary of fhe Governor 'of lhe Elgin Counly Jail." WHERlEiAS the present salary of tlhe Governor of the iElgin Oounty J.ai! is established by By.[,aw No. Hj{)8. AND WlHlERiFJAJS it is now deemed advisable to adjust th& salary 'Of the Go<vernor 'Of the ~l;gin ICouny :Jail. NOW TlHEtRJElF101RlE the Council of the Corporation .of the County, 'Of Elgin enads as foIIows: 1. THAT the s-al'ary' oiR. S. Brown, Governor, Df'the ELgin County Jiail be $6,500.00 per annum. 2. l'HNl' iBy-iLaw No. 1908 of the County of Elgin be, and the same .is hereby repealed. 3. THlAT this By-lLa'w shall take effeet oniDeeemlber 31st, 1966, at 1~ o'clock midnight. RIErA([) 'a first time this 16th day of November, 1966. MAD a second time this 16th day of Novemlber, i'966. !READ a third time, and finaUy passed this 16th day of No- vember, 196;6. H. L. J'OIHN\SOiN, Clerk. JOHN McKINLAY, Warden. COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO.~9S1 ,"Being;> By-Law to ,Amend By-Law N". 1911 of the County lOf Elgin:' WRElRiElAiS, when lBy-Law No. Wll of the County of Elgin was enacted tfue estimates for. the year 196H' were not estalblished 'and consequently the estimates adopted for the year 1965 were useq in paragraph number two. ANiD' WiHilllRiEA:S the estimates for 1966 have now been adopt- ii, 220 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ed and it is deemed ,advisable to amendpara-gl'aph two accord~ inigly. NOW TH'EIRIEJE10",E 'l'HE OOUNCffiL OF THE coo,pOlRA- nON OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN EN1\,CTS as follows: 1. Tha1 J3y-La'w No. 19-11 of the County of Elgin be and is herelby amended Iby deleting paragraph numlber two and .substi- tuting the following in lieu thereof, "iAiND WHEREAS the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Corporation as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 1966, not including revenues' derivalble or derived from the sale of assets, 'borrowings or issuance of debentureso:r from sur"': plus, including arre;lTs of taxes is two million two. hundred and siXity .seven th10usand five hundred and ten dollars. 'RlIDAlD 'a first time this 16th day of November, 1966. RlEAD a second time this 16th day of Novemlber, 1966. -RJEAD a third time, and finally passed this i-6th day of No- vember, 19,66. H. L. J'OIHINiSON, Clerk. JOHN McKINiLAY, Warden. COUNTY OF ELGIN ,BY-LAW NO. 1952 ",AI By-Law ;to Confirm Proceedings of .the Council of Ithe Corporation of the County ,of Elgin at :the November -session' 1966/' WHlElRE,AS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 249 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1960, the powers of a mun- icipal corporation are to be exercised Iby', its council; AiND WiHIElRJE~S 'by Subsectlon 1 of Section -242 of the Mun- icipal Act, being Chapter 249 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1'960, the pow'crs of 'every council are to be exercised 'by By~'La'W; A'ND WHilllRE"'S it is deemed expedient t'hat the proceedings of the Council of the Corpotatil:m of the County of Elgin at this ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 221 meeting be confirmed and Rcloptec,1 l;:Jy By-Law; NOW THEiRIE:F10RE THE' COUNCIiL OF THE COU'l!PORA- T'liON OF THE COUNTY OF ElIJGIN EN<l\JC'I'S as follows: 1. That action of the Council Of the C<)llporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation conta,ined in the Heports of the Committees and each m'Otion and resolution pass.ed and other action taken Iby the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the NIovemlber 19-616 session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if 'all such TJro~ ceedings were eXPressly emJbodi{~d in this By~Law. 2. The Wa~den 'and proper officials of the COllporation of the County of Elgin are hereiOy autdlorized and direoted to do all things necessary to girve effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in preceding sec~ tion hereof. 3. The Wa~den and t!he Cler.k are authorized' and Directed 00;' execute all do'cuments necessary in that behalf and ,to affix thereto the Seal of the C@poration of the C<>unty of jDlgin. RJE"'D -a first time this 16th day of November, 1966. R!ElAD a second time this i6th day of Novemiber, 19'66. RJEA.D a third time, and finally passed this 16th day of 'No- vemlber, 1966. H. J. JOHiN:SOIN, Olerk. JOHN MiclmNLAY, Warden. 'I' 222 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 223 Balle No. REPORTS OF COMMITTEE AND OFFICIALS - Agricultural Commi'ttee __mm____mm....mm_m____.___ 24, &1, 1:1.7, 139 Centennial C-ommittee _..m__mm_nnm____nnc______________," 128, 143. 204 Financial .Statement E,lgin Agricultural Gomm~tte~ --c---"~"_*-. 65 Gounty Cl.erk on Licences __,_________________nnnm______""_n____.C____________h 173 ElginilvI:anor Committee _______~-c-.--~~-_-"---,__c--n-------77, 118, 1'38, 175 County Tre:asurer's Report 0-_______"________________"._________.--,-0-----,1112':, 17Q Education Oommittee ________________.h_______~__c________;...._,,________________ 28. 203 E!qualization and Assessment . Committee !Report _c__.____-----.------m---....-----.--m.--.. 27,79,80, 117, 1'39, 178 Winance /Committee _u.n__ __.___m__ 25, 2'9, 7-6; S,l,H9,142, 176, 203 Library Co-Operative. "__m--..-mmm---m-C---C-,-----......-C-'m-m.............m 58 Elgin .-County M'llseum c_______~~;.__..__.,__~___c____c______c____c__~__~~__~___"_______m__ 60 Personnel Committee m__m__mm_m~________m"___m___~___mm.__m 1195, 20'2' Superinten.dent, ."E1gin M-a.no,r- _nnn____"_'___m._.__m."'_m~___m__m..~._~~ 178 Petitions ,and,,,Legislatio'nsOomrrdttee ________~-_ 9'5, 120, 14G~ 2'04 Property Commi.ttee ._.....c....._...............w._... aG, 78, H6, 1137, 174 Road Committee_...--..,......._...,........,. 31, 82, 96, 114, 116, 140, 18,1 !R~port to St. Thomas Subunban Roads Commission ............ 68 8tanding Committees _m__~____.~_n___,_____"'..___m__.-'~_---mm"'--m_"':-,-_~__"_ 2'2 Weed Inspector _..........m._...........__._.......................m"............._._.... 180 Lake, Erie: Regional- iIJevelopment, Association n_'_"___m__;:____~_ 169 PlanningCommittee__".___..~_m_~;n.____n~n:________, '30,74, 113, 128, 144 P.uJblic School Consultative Committee ..._c......_...126,140, 17'1 INDEX GRANTS - Agl1icultunal and Horticultural Societies ....._.m..........'.......... 25 C~ll'adian' National \Institute for tlhe Blind _____m__~_._m_____.' 213, 30 The Salvation ATmy ..........................._.............,................._.....___ 25 Unliyersity o~, West,ern Ontario _mcn--'______._____C___~n.__.>_..___>.__._n_n':"' 30 Locai Agricultural Office .._....."...............,.._......._....._..._.....c......_ 24 LaIW Lilbrary ,.........Cc_c...................,................................_._..........c,"... 25 liV!emlbersh'irps: QMtA26, OlEA 2'3, MlCTA 25, Association ofOnt",rio Mayors, ,and, 'R~eve,s 12'6, Associa Hon of Ontario Counties. 27. Soholar"hills ,.............................,..._.'_..........................._..............._.... 28 TTius'te'es' and iRatepayers' Associations m___.___..__'__mmn~._______H 28 PioJ;leer, Museum m_____n_.___."m_~nnnn.____n~-n-,'h-cnCn--..,.--~~----_----m-.c_ 26 Reporters. .......c.,.....c_........c.............c........................c......._................... 161 Tilisonlburg Hospital' ...._c.._............_....c_..................._c__............"...... 26 iElgin..C~unty 'Junior --Farmers _,_"____c_.~._____m___"_cm_._H,-~..n____ 25 Lake Erie. Regional- pevelopment Association .._n___m_m.n~~--:-.- :16 St. 'Thomas-EI,gin CentennLal Go-Ordinathllg Committee __H_ 143 Beattie ;Haven _.............c................_...:,.._................._....................._ 177 Elgin County Past Wardens' Association "..________mmm>_.__m"____ J42 MISCELLANEOUS ~ Appointment of -Delegates, Representahwes __.____._____m_m_.nh 16 Communi,c,ations ___.""__._.___m___..mm'..__ 9, l~, 6'2, 102, 129, 132, 153 County Officials, :Municip:al Clerks and Treasurers ________m_ I, 7 County Council ........_....._.........__....._.......__.._.._........_......._......___.._.. .. _ 2 'Warden's Election ______.m___________.__________..___________.__m_"__.___________._._. 9 Appointment of High School Consultative Committee ........ 28 kppointment of Dominion Appraisal Co. Ltd. to make an. Appraisal on the County Court !House, Joail, Registry OMice,. .and Governor's Residence _mn_______.__ 138 BY-LAWS _ 1'90'9~T'0 AllPoint a County iRoad Committee ...._................... 24 ,WI0LTo. Appoint a Board of ,Audit for the Year, 1966 "'_"" 43 l~lll'--To'Borrow.up to$1,200,OOO.00'as'fuay h~ Required' from tihe Bank. o.f Montreal ...cC..'............................._....._ 43 Wili2'-'-A By-ILaJW to Confirm By-Law No. 1601 of tile TownsMpof IMalMide ........_..L.,...c..,......c.:...................... 45 1~1,;j,.'-.m) Set the 'rotal Aggregate Valuation of Appor- tionment of County Rate .........................._.m..................... 46 224 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 225 l'iJH-'fo Authorize the ExprOlj)riation of Land for County Road Purposes .m.u...._...u............u........u......._.... 47 19i5--'RespeC'ting the Weight of Loads to be Carried on V ehic1es ___________.____________________________________________________,________ 49 19'W-..Restricting the Weight of Vehicles Passing Over Bridges ............_uuu....u_um...u..C.u.m.m.mu.u.m_uu....m._.u 51 i~17-To Provide for the 1966 EXlpenditures on Roads ..mm 8a 1~18-To Pro1.'ide for the 1966 Supplementary Expendi- tures on Roads _.....m..m....._.m.........._._..Cm_..m._.__m. 87 19'19~To Amend the By-Law Adopting a Plan of County Road Impro'Vement and Esta'blislhing a County Road System _.....C"_....m........m...u...mu.."'''"''_''''__''_'_ 88 1920-To Amend the iBy"Law Adopting a iPlan of C9Unty Road Improvement and Establishing a County Road System ..........m......m.m.m...............m.'u.............._m_.. 90 19121-To Oonfirm the Equalization of .the .Assessment Roils of the County of Elgin ...._...m._.m..m._..__m_...-.. 9,2 1902_ToiRaise Amounts 'for County Rates During the Year, 19,66 _.m.mm...m.m.mmu.....umu__u......._mm_...."..... 93 1'923-11'0 oAJppo'int a Court Reporter and SeC'retary for the County Judge m.....Cu..__m___._..........._____mu... g.; 1924-'To Appoint a Pianning Direelor for the County of Elgin m....."..u_.......,...u....uu...u..._..u..m......",....u_u..."m..u 9'} 19'2'5-To Provide for the Appointment of a Oounty Assessment Commissioner _______.___4__.__~__v._______;____._ 100 1926-To Confirm By-Laws No. 1'5'38. of the Township of iBa;"ham ...m.",u....mumuu.........u...u..mmu..U......_m..m.. 101 1927,-To Pr.ovide for the Appointment of A County Assessment Comm,issioner ______m______m___________m_.___________ 120 19~8-To Appoint an Assistant Road Superintendent for the County of Elgin ...",...."... ..um..........m.....m........."..... 12.1 m29~To Esta'blish the Salary of the Assessment Com- missioner of the County o.f Elgin ....._._u'",..u.mm'.m.... 122 W30-.To E.taihlish the, Annual Remuneratio.n to be paid to the Wa~den of the County of Elgin ....m......m lQQ 1'9'31--'A By.;.~a'w' to Authol1ize the Execution of an Agreement with the Minister of H1ghw'ays. for Ontario IRelating to Roads Under the. Jurisdiction of the COI1Poration of the County of !Elgin iDesig_ nated as De,'Velopment Road No. 8'79 ...........",.._.......... 123 19'32-To Confirm and LegaHze Grants made by Reports oflCommittees or OtheI'lwise by tihe Council of the County of Elgin J9'3'3-11'0 kmend the By,Law Adopting a Plan of County Road Jmprovement and iEstablishing a County Road ISystem 1934-ToAppoint [Menibers .and Alternate's ,to .theCoun- ty ofE1gin !Planning iBoard .c......................................... 147 1~35'-To Authorize theEJ<1propriation of Land for the Purpose of Widening and Improrving County 1Ro'ads 150 193'6-To Confirm 'Proceedings. of the Council of the Corporation of i!he County of Elgin .at tJh:e SEID- tember Session, 1~66 _...................................................... 152 WG7-To Amend County of Elgin !By-Larw No. 1934 ............ 18'7 J9038~esignatirog Throuilh Highways .................................... 188 193'9~o Estalb~ish and Maintain 'an Emergency Mea- sures OrIganrrz'ation in, and for the COl'1poration of the County of Elgin and the .City of St. 1Jhomas """ 189 J9040c,.,'TIo Amend iBy-lUarw No. 1'900 ...................................",.... 205 119'l!I-To Establish Holidays for Employees of the County of Elgin I942-To Estalblish a Salary Schedule for Employees of the County of E1gin .................................................... 207 l'943-To Ad:iust the Salary of the Elgin County 'Road 'Superintendent I944-To Adjust the Sala'ry of ,the Assistant Road Sup- erintendent _______"_mm__m_______________.~_____________________________________ 214 1945- To Adjust the Salary of the Elgin County Clerk-Treasurer 1946c,.,To Adjust the Salary of the Deputy Clerk- 'I1.'easurer _________________________________________.._____________________._ I947-To Adjust the Salary of the Assessment iCommdss"1oner -----------___._______--,________.______________"..________.____________._ 216 1\948....To AJppoint a Deputy Assessment Commissioner .... 217 1949-To Adjust the Salary of the Superintendent of Elgin. Manor ................m.........~..........__............,.......,....... 2'18 19'50-To Ad:iust the Salary of the Go'Vernor of the E~gin County Jail ........-...............__...._.............................. 219 [26 145 206 213 215 216 i I j 226 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 19'51-To Amend By-iLffiw No. 19H of the County of Elgin 219 19{5.2~To Confirm Proceedings of the Cmmcil. of the COIIPoration .of the County of EL~n at the No- vemiher Session, 1966 ______m_____._n_______nn___________m_____n_____ 220 RESOLUTIONS - PeUtion to the Minister of Highways forSl>bsidy ____n__.__.____ 11 To Appoint .a Oentennial Committee. __.___.._______..___~_;____._._____________ 12 [R,e,garding Pel'imanent IEtmployees under the Unemploy,,:, 'ment Insurance Act ~c_~___;m"m___.__..___._.__.__.c___,._~~ ItS, 66. 158 ApPo1intm'ent of,ISelect Committee '___..m_____~____..~___m"______________-- 15 Ap'Pointmentof Delegates, Repr~sentatives __.~______._~_____________ 16 Requesnng the Prime M:inister to make alterations in the Proposed RidIng of Elgin _m___m_C______m_n_____m___,,___ 65 Instructing ,the County Auditors to Transfer $5'2,500.00 fromacoumulated surp1us to reserve:for working fUnds n____m_____m__n____________m___n__m__CC._.n______m___,__________mo. _n 66 G~anting Consent to the Vil1age of Port Burwell to A(ppoint the County Assessor as Assessment Commissioner fer the municipality for the year, 1966 107 To Invite .a Junior Boy or Girl Guest' to the first day qf the November Session, 1966 _____"___m~-'-nm---------c----- 132 To Concur with telegram received from Mr.'J. W. Mur- phy, Chairman of Canadian Almerkan Committee on rw,ater ,Pollution re drilling f.or gas or oil on ,FaJWn Island _______nm______n______n___________________________~."m 133 'Re communication from Mr. C. E. J,a.ckson regarding no, parking signs ~___m__mmm.___________"_.____m_____nn_______________ .133 Approving the appointment 'of Reerve G. E. Brown as sufbsitute ,for .W.arden Mc1{iinlay on the Elgin County Planning Board __________m_________n_m_____________________ 134 Appointment of a Committee to ,consider thefeasilbil1ty . of the County Council Meeting once monthly m___n__ 134 Recommending to the Dept. of Lands and Forests that the Coul1tyof ,El~n ;t,e declared a proMbited area for non-resident hunters ____~_mC~_'_C~~________m__m____m 158 AlppO'intment of Committee onCountygov'eTnrilenf___m_nm 161 To Appoint !Mr. .Granville Gloin to the Elgin County Fa1\m Safety Council for 19,67 _.n'"___"_nm_______n______________ 161