1967 Minutes I PROCEEDINGS OF THE Elgin County Council Durling 1Jhe Se~S1sd'Onls he[d iu the, COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS in thel 'McmUhs of I JANUARY, MARCH, JUNE, SEPTEMBER AND NOVEMBER 1967 H. L. JOHNSON, OoU!lJty CIeTk A. W. AUCKLAND, Warrden County of Elgin Officials, 1961 Elgin County (oundl, 1961 Name Office Phone No. WARDIDN ALR_T AUCKLAND J. F. iMicl.l\/.fi'llban . ..........CiolOOlttv JIUJd!ge 6i3'1~418!1O Elu~ffi]e P. Riwy.. ........Clo"""by OOWlt 01_ ,llJl1Jd S1h"",.{ ..............6SI1-08W P. J. GIloIiD:>. ................... CW_ of !!he 1>\30100 omd CotmlJy OIlOl\\O!] AitltDitm'lY ... .......................6301..15V6 F. R. BlamUll11............... Mla(gli~bnalbe, Joog,e' of JIUlwmiWe CIoortt "",,6~1-7GOO Mns. M. WiaIlIkJelr ........... rMlagriisrtTlatbe:\5 C11efl"k, JJP., CcrJel'1k 10If JUlvlettJJMie GOIt.mit Township of Aldborough Reeve iI)UIl1IClllln IGlillKfull.'list, R.IR. 1, Wloob [joume. 71681~'117i18- (WietSlt llY.rne) D~ 'We"",. Dooo.l<l M. (MkjK]i11Iap, IRJR. 2, West IJ01l1OO 76~-,161!l; (WeIlItIJome) ""........" """'''" ,6~1-7300 R. DalVli:s .........."..............aorruru~y Rieg!itslt:lI1aJr 6i3!1~i30il5 R. ,So Brr()lwrn .................. JlaJi~OO' 631-38'112 E. D. MOIOll'le .................. S<ujpell'iVlw.iJnJg Ptrtfulaltli!oo. Ott1f:1iJOelr' 63'1-3tiBO B. Dotvn ........................, rPtI:101JraltruoiDJ O(flj)jfCier 631-31480 W. OMllnJillig ................... PTrolba/t)~ol21l Ott:t1iJcer OOil-3fi3iO H, L. Jloil:1JnJsioJrll. ..............OOlumJDy iO]U~jrlk-Thel1l1S1UJl'1er 6l311-.J'460 H. 1VJj<fu.W.,......"...........Aso""'lm'emlb ,aomm_ 6S'I-1I5IU, 66'1-958~ R. G. Jv.OOOIl1e ...... ............Oounfby lE\n)gl.iJnl6e1r ..............................................0011-5880 N J. ClhiaJPlow.""...."...OOl1SbnUJd~j"" SIlIfI~by ms,p8lcoor 631-5880 1. .J. P,rubton.OIllI.......".... Supt., EIgiiJn 1VJjWDr 6311-06~0 Me R. Pil10IWlSe.. ......... OOlUJnltr,y Lill:Y.rlaJr1.iJanl 6133;~O6'15 I<~MlljlQlY, Hem.!llJoosey & KieunlplSuer.. . .,...... ,..... ,. .OOiUnJPy iSlI)]DcWbOll1S A. Klllm"".. ..,... ......". Dlvliaion O'I_t 01_ A. D. ilVlklOoffl........"....".iPUbllo S!dbJoloi ~8I<JbDr, EIgiiJn No.1, 24 WieilllinlglDWlJ Sltmeeffi R. E. RJaJWIDilng. ... ..." l8uJbi1lc ISldhio~ ms,pedl1or, 2~ We1Illi"gtotru Sb11€'elt, ID!g1i1n No.2, 1\I.IJidrdilieseIX: Nb. 2 .... 6ii:!-5560 Dr. A. B. 'MioOalllwm ..JIaill ~aJn" 616 'l1ai!1:lot So. 6S11-3GOO Dr. e. A. GrlalbJllIIIt .....lElI~ a\!IjlllIliDr :E1h)'I'iUolwn, 130 iRIOSS St. 633-0030 A. V. [j~I1o", ..... .......;\I"OUiiOUWbwroJ! iRI<l)J<l1ooenJbaitiive, 69~ 'fuIb10lt St. C11!ltYbOUJl'il]e GIOll'ldIoil1J ....CiolUJl1lt1y W1eeld linlSlpeJ()tlOIl" OOU 'I\rle6 OommfrlSSliJOOIe1l", iRa. 7. Sit. 'l1hJOlllJas (SOO,dI<IeIll) 7m-~6'7~ Township of Dunwieh ~e€lV-e A. B:rn1ice MClOailtlruim, R,iR. '121, Dll.1lb~O\I1i Depwtly Rl8l~e K€lnlllie:t.h McA1ipilIlJe, R..IR. 5. lDultlVOOll . 7m-~93'6 (DuIbtiJin') 76!l1-53V'O (lJuMlOtru) Township of Southwold' Rf€'16'V1e Al1'bert ArUJckilIaJnId~ iR,R. 7, St. 'IlbJoonrruSl '" Dapllllw Rle6Viel Mlbel1'lt Orncil1!an'ld, iSlhedrdiea:lJ ,633-'0769 (Sij;. 'I1hioimos) ~6~-~G73, (Sl1edkloo,) Township of Yarmouth R~""e JldIm V. ~. !R,JR. ~,Sij;. 'I1homas """."""" ~7/;-00!7 (SI>aIrOa) Depujby iRI.ove JIoilln WIilsIe, RR 4, st. WOIITlilllS .". OOl-3'lllIl (SO. T!>Omal;) 63'1-070'~ 63'I"W~1 Township of Malahide Reffilie Wllilliiann 1Ft. iOaJVIerly, iR..R. 15, .AJyl1Jmer DejpuVyRJeieve H. P",uIl 'dJeIR(y'k, ~or 63'1,-0393 77SHlO47 (AyIlm...) 7'73'-3igOO (AlYful...) ,6S'l-4'T00 Township of Bayham Reerve C. D. Phl:i]]Jps. R.R. 6, AylimeJr 77i3,-~191118 ('.AW1llmel1'~ DejpuJ!Jy iRIee;oe J_os IEllThld~t, RiR,. 3, T"WOIIlibWlg. ,,6~:-58~4 ('l1illsloinl:>wrg) Township of South Dorchester Flr'ed PIl@o Hillgtn. & 00. .""."""""""""".OOuo]by AiudJlibors" 13,6 0_ Sd;. Dr. B. P._, M.OR """.""""""""".iEll~~st. TibJOlIlI!l>l HIeiailith UInIiIt Ownl AiIlbenlhetrg'. ..............!P1lrrururuil11[g Dlilr1eCltlar:, {ElLgliln ClolUlIltl}' Pr1a1111nJilnig Biotamdi Rieevle J. B. WIlhsIOlJ], R.IR.. 1, SPoJqllie!ld 269-3995 (!IlIaJrll'li_e) 63'1-8~50 001-9900 Town of Aylmer Reeve [i1{mr1est F. J.\!fu()(J:'le, AwOmar D"PUJby iRIoove Ai1.'tlhitln' T. 1\!Iitsill!eIiI)I, ~or ~73'-lm~11 (AyIlmor) 77~-3i!b4!7, (~r) 63'1-4870 Village of Vienna R-eerv>e Ie, C. IIDml€lrlSlOln. VienlIll81 Standing Committees, 1961 874-.0050 (CElt. Bu<_I) Village of Springfield Rleewe J,almes W, Ball'lrJoc, Slprmlglfileld Administration of Justice JUldtg16 J. F, MclMliIlilralDi >fulljd Cot.l1nltly TIl'ffilSlUtrel" 773-9~93 CAylnwr) Village of Dutton RieeVle AIrbliJn KIa\h1I1lb. DUibtro Agriooltural Ohal1rtrnJalIL n, Glilliclhlrtifslt; MloOaJffium, lY.1lclKllJn[lflU, ClalVClliLy, PhJillIiJpIsI, W~!1siOl11i md 'WIamdlm AJujClk1la!nd. 7(j2:-2<2!213; (DutrtiQn~ . Village of Port Stanley Riemne tLOI1'I1re KelinOll',', PioIrIt \SI~all1lliew ''1821-13'400: ([POll'lt SlbM1l1ely) D"J>UItJy Rie","' .JofrID Nomebb, iP'Dut IStaocUley ... . ... 7'&1-3936 ([PIt. SiJfunle\Y') County Roads ClhlaillrnnJa.:n! A. !Bruce IMldOailil.n.Un; (El(hIiI]llii!p, De:GmIw. WdfusIOI14 GiI_lSt Mlld WIaa1denl AiWcIkIoinId. AdivIlSDIl1Y RIoI~d GIOIlnnruluve<e - iOaI'I"<lliIy, ~ 1I1IcIKlio1IIa(. Village of Rodney ,Reeve VlielD DelGil'1aJW, ROMey Elgin Manor I Ol:lIaJm1nliaIn Li. KlefiilJJOIr; WJlsie. BlM'lkJeir. !MJ~()1'Ie aaJld WlaBXlielnt~. AldMilslDIDy' E!lIgtlln 1\IIlattlJor ClOO1]mJ~btee - TolClfdl, dieiR(yk;. 785'-0000 CThad11le'Y) Children's Aid - iMIils1loemly, iMIdK1iJ1101j), IEWl,,,tt. Village of West Lome ReeJV1e DiolUlgHlaJS '"DOldld, Wle\sIt l.dOlffile '7'618:-131010 <Wiest LIoll'ne') EdUcation <ll>~an J. _or. !M:oRJLliOlj), iMlaAJlPim, Ouch""u, moe, <le1R1Y!<, Elliott, 'Wli'loon, :EIm<lMOll1, K<lIhirut, NemeJtt. DeG11ilW, 'I1ddkl, Shltlmr:liMlld, MI'",kJelio', Cla.l<e md WlM'deo; ,,"axil. mid. Village of POl-t Burw'ell Ree'V'e \1101hlnI ISUltlhletr:liM1Jcl, !p,t. Bruivwalil 874-4Q33 (Pit. Burweill) Village of Belmont ReeJV1e o. N, C[lamkle, Be~mO[ljt Equalization and Assessment OhJalilmnJarn W, IOalV'ea"Jty;. G!il]cIb.1rfusI~, [l\ffiClaaDiliu.'m. lMlcKlilnlllaIY. ll\iIIololl'\el, PhIiilllJilp.s, 'WlilltsiOln, iElmeu'lSlOO, lBIaJl'1k[e!l", Klalhrnt, 'KIe1il1rrnr. DelGll'ialW. 'I1~drd, SuitlhJell'llia;nJdj~ OlJaJrIkle mdi Wiallic:lleIli AIubkllJalIlld, 614i4-015170 (Belmon~) FinaJlJCe ChaliJrtm3l11l (0, 'Doldldl, IGliIltfturlslt, Il\!1Iclaa!J.llruim, tM:idKli1l1l1/aly, ,0000ell1y, 1PIhIillllIi/ps, WliIisOO1l, a.vJJcxoirle.. Emlert.5iOln, BM1km:, Kla1hJnIt, tKielilIDotr. DllGi11a1w, iSUltibJorIUmd, Olallikoe wd WOJ1'IlIeII1 AOOk1lt[]ju. Health Unit - 01_, SUtlhorl9lllid. st. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital - ,Ern'fl!r\SlOni, McKIiIlllJatv. Tillsonburg Hospital - EJlJJiJo/bt. 9 9 -~ i ~ f @ @ " 9 ~. f 9 " I ~ 5' ~ A' I 1'1 ~. iJ " ~ !l !l i P1 '" !l !l ~. '" ~ :!i <:l ~ g ~ '0 ~. '" ~ l:i: to e ~ .~ 1;;' '" :,: "- '" '" t'J .!'l '" _m ~ ~ ! '" ~ ~ J g F Q' U ~ S' 0 h i s g " ~ 0 '0 ~ ~ ~ ..., en ;< ~ ~Jl' i'l ~ ott ,g 0 ~ Sl. ;~ C a-.P ~ .~ en 0 ~ ~ F' St. ~~ '" ~ " "'0 .. ~ ! ro ~ e .\1 '" " ~::1! Ii: ~ ~ 00 ~ i2. " ~~ ~ S "- e ~I g g ;g ~ ~. -~ ,.. ~ ~ ".~ [ j3 i i2. i"- e i:i: 00 "''' Q 6' ~ " e- "i!' I ~ :Jl g i~ " . 'd i!. e e 0 i;' . 0 [ . "'- 5. li e ~ '" ~. m~ Q' ~oo ~ ~i ;'1 00 j3 ~l- ::;J 0 ~ ~<!i '" e ~ e '" -~ :; l:i:"' "'- " ~ i. ~ 00 [ 'U ,.. ~. ~ tll Eo g ~. e. I~ ~ ~" _m 11: ~ " II ~ !l. g: i e '" ~i i 0 w _. ~ 0 g; ~ ~~ ;'1 ~ W ~ ~ I~ !l [.) >,3 ;:: ~ ~. oil e' ;; '" " ~ " .~ I p.- '" ~ 0 0 e ~. ~ " '" ~ '" 0 p.~ 0 !l ~~ '" 9 ~ e !l g !l R ;'1 ~ ~ ~ p. i ~ ::;J !l ~ I ~ '" '" <': i '" !:O .'" g. "" p. e ;'1 ~ f ~ "- !l i ;'1 ~ 1:' g 1i . !l " II ro fr I :> >- ~ '" '" l'l ro ~ !l [l i ~ " ; ( f ~ ~ f ~ ~ '" :g '" j3 Q ~ ~ t;: "" ~ ~ MUNICIPAL CLERKS AND TREASURERS Clerk Phone Treasurer Phone Aldborough . C. I. B1I1ck, Rodney 785-0560 (Rod.) C. I. BI"ck Dunwich .... PiEruIay MCJPherson, Dutton 762-2~(}4 (DL1tt.) Mrs. M. McNeil, Dutton Southwold ..............W. G. Blewett, FingaI 769-211l0 (FingJ W. G. Blewett YlamnroUltlh L. M.. OLdte, 10019 'I1allJbat st., Sit. Tholni:als 6211.-4860 L. M" 01ae MI_~e L. M. VomlPaItiter, Box ~ff4, ~, 77lH100,I (~.) L. M. VauPatter Bayham . ."...."........J. D. V8.lllee, Straflfordville 8OO-SS!2i1 (Straff.) J. D. Vallee South Dorchester FIred Hide, R.R. 3, Belmcmt 773'.:...2723 CAyl') Fred' Hide Ayrner J. S. Fay, A3'lmer 77ll-3164 (Ayl.) J. S. Foy Belmont .. W. O. l3oJrorW, Be'lmonrt 644-1071 (Beil.) W. O. Blwons Dutton J'ol1n W. MoNe1Jl, DuJI;ton 700-2il10 (DuJtt.) Mis!, ~t Leitch Po.rt Burwell _:...,.,1v!1rBr. H'6l'ffil W.olIDe; pt. BlrrweLl 874-43'43 (pt. BUlr.) M:m. Hellren Wolfe Port stanley .. ...E. L. McOaI1, Bt. s.ta.'1ifey 782-3383 (Pt. stan.) E. L. :McClllll Rodney . ................R. F. OdIes. P"odney 785-04/j6 (Rod,) R. F. C<>les Springfield . ..........RaIph SmltJh, Spr1in;gU:ield 773-3118 CAylJ Ralph Smiith West Lome .. .,.,.II/Irs. VieIra Relid, West Lome 768-1284 (W.LJ rv.Ins. Vera Reid Vienna .,.."..............Jack PeH'ie, Vienna 874-4072 (pt. BurJ J'aci: Petrie 785-0560 (Rod.) 762-2004 (Dutt.) 769-2010 (Fing.) 631-48W. (st. Thomas) 7'73-2()l;1 (Ay1.) 866_5521 (Straff.) 773-= (Ay!,) m-31iM (A3',,) 644-1071 (Bel.) 762-2717 (DuilJt.) 874-48'43 CRt. Bwr.) 782'-3383 (Bt. Storo:.) 785~0456 (Rod.) 7'73-3118 (Ay!,) 763-= (W iL.) 874-4072 (pt. Bur.) PROCEEDINGS ElI.JGIN OOUNTY C0lJN10EL 9 OF THE James W. Barl<er, Riee"", Springficld Mbin I>eailmt, Re€N"e', DuttJon C. Lome Ke1Nor, Re~, Pont Stamey Jam P. Nsm,,'tt, Deputy Riee",e, POI1t SlJanlley VirCltmr . DeIGr,aJW, Reeve, R;o,dnley Dougla" R. Todd, Hieeve, Woot Lorne J,(full SllthJe~arud, HieINe, P<mt BJWW€Ua C. NollS1Oru OIruoloe, R2,eve, Befumorut Elgin County Council FIRST SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the;' 17th day of January, :1967 The EJIgfu> CotUllt:yCow>cil met IJhds day at Iihe Cowt House, St. Thomas, ru8 roqrnred by StaWte. 'I11re follilwmg memb_ ffied Oe.rffld'loa!l:oo arud wok fuefur ""ails ail the CounC'il talbl<>: lVlo",ed by Reffi'e lM<JKiniIay, Seoonded by R8IeJVlB KieiililOT, DlmJCat] Gi1JCllFi'Sit, Re'€'Ve, Ml(]Ibor()u~h DooaJd M. MeKiJilop, Deputy Re€N"e,Aldborough A. Broce IVl<lCaMum, Reeve, Dunwiclt KemJ.<'Jfu McAlpim, Deputy Rie","", !:>unIwich AdlbeJ1t AuckJJa<ll<!, Hieeve, Slmthwold Mal,,",t J. Orcltall"d, Deput:y RieeV€',' Soofuwold John V. McKmay,Hiem'le', Yammout!:l JOIhn Wise, DepUlty Rie"",e, Y,aJrmouth WiJiliirum R. Oa",erlw, Re€N"e, M~ahJde H. Barn deRyk, Deputy Rioove, Ma'iOOide Oh""los D. Bhiilllip&, Riee<ve, Baylham Jam"" S. El'l;,,~t, <Deputy Ree<ve, Ba~am Jalm 'B. W~son, 'Hieere, South lJ<Jirdhe.sOOr \. . . . ForrestF. Mom", Rieeve, Ay:Jimer AIDllhurT.. IMiiskel'l\j", Deputy Reeve, Aylmeo: Kellooth G. EmersOll, Hieeve, ViOOl1Ja Thail we rudjollflltafue' Gaunt Rioom for 1Jhe e]6'Cltioo 01/ Wardel!l,. -{)a[mied. The 'Co1ll1lciil:, havJng assemlMed iI1J ,tlheOGoot ,Riaom, libe e~<Jtion of Wan-den was proceeded wilit1h and rut was, Moved by Rieev<'J McOaIIilum, Secooded by RJ!~eVle Caveflly, 'I1oot Mal"rlt AuckI:Jmd, Rieev,e of 'lIhe TOM"ruship 01. Soot:llwold, be' W""de" for 1967. -O""ried. The TesollUiliOO! ire: Wlwden's m~eClt&ol11i W.8!Si unwi:mously appr0v- ed 'and Iihe WaIl"doo 'book IlIhe Deccar~tion of Office. Ex W"'Tdeu McKiil1iliaY' poosmted Warden Auckla"d tJo !ihe Coll!lllty Qomoo ""d p""""J]~d him wlllh 'fuel 'fl:we!l of of,ice, md lhe Loird E1gm wartJeh. The Warde"ad<lreSlsed dIlle Cow>cll and dIllallked Re,e"" Mc:Oal- ~um, HeeVle CaCVl8l1'!ly &1Jd d:lhe memibe!r1Si (lIf OOWlai~ for ih.ia eilledJioD by "cel_MUon. 10 I'lLGIJIN OOUNTY COUNCI!L ElLGEN OOOO,TY OOUNOI1L 11 WARDEN'S ADDRESS Mov,ed by Reeve Pb:llliips, To 1Ihe Membere of ~e E]gm CoonDy COUIlcil, SeOOlll<led by Remne iMcKjnQay, Genlt1leme!]: Th"t ^,"e re,coowooe .to .the OOUIleitl Ohrumhers. IMay I lexpoossmy .appl'eciartJion of your cOOltikll8!llce m aJcc~aJiim.. lfig me, 'to '*"''V1e "" )"OUl' Wamcloo of .tJ];s '15'"""t Ooun~y of Elgin ill ~lIls Ce!]beimlal J"eflit', W6,7. I feel jt i-l a ~ homua- for' my 00Wll> ship '"n<l for m;\"reIf. I wm oocle"vour lto 'C"N;\" out tJOO duties of Ilhis ol,'ie" ",ith dignfuty .""d dWspabch. Oongra,lJuIamo!]s ""e dlle m;\" pro- deoe~so~, JoQm McKillla'y of Yarmoul!h To\W]sdtll' for his 1eadm'Slliil' iast Y"'''''. --Gllmed. The Me'llbe"" of Co\llJJci~ <'e."ssemlll~d '" the Ootmty COUll">! Oh>lmbers' and .lm""sa<lted tJOO f<jl1K>wtilrug busjness'. Moved by Hiee". Todd, TO THE NEW MEMBERS OF COUNCIL Seconded by Re""" GiiLllba-ist, M";\,, 1 welcome yoll .to jJhis bodey of dedicrubed moo, who"",, smY- Jng theilir mpresloot"tive mmicipailtities of the' Coooty. We aweol- "be ~h. frie!]dMipand knOWledge of 4Ih0l9" me... w!Jo deolde<l to re- i!re ,from Comty COIm"il last year - but&v~ rememlber that we haw if{)iUr Ex WardoolSJ lamlOll1ig us" wh.oSle e2q)er1enoo' and opinlions Clan heLp, to guide our COllTiSI81 ill the' futt.Jre. Gentile'meni: 'I1h"t the miOOtes of ;!he November, 1966 S""Slion a., prmlJed and diSltrJbulJed be adopted. -Oamied. 'Ilhe rfolilowing co:mmurrui;c,atioIliS Wle1'\e read amid oorfeOC"!'1erdi to therir varioU\Sl commiJbteleS'. 'JJhe prlQlMelm:s of rtihe' future are ,many and may take some Ume beflOtre' s0I1UitiOll1iS arel frnmd. From the OllItwio A:,.ocj"tion of Rmal Muruicipailiibies with re- ques,t for mcmbwsft:!ip fee'. -The.l1e11red to mbe F1irr>ance Comm:ilte<l. L""t y~"r ,a 'Comt'y PiUanruing BiOlau'd WaL!l set <up. As we sbudy ttheasp;eabSl of gDocl plaming maey it, be, rot of lIl1e <li"el\Sdity of "pm> ion, 'that Wle aJril"ive. art a s:oliuJbiJo:t1l Ichat w.il[ bS!I1Iefi.t future' gE!nieraltions jl:l: our OounJty. Elgin Om,mby wirl[ SIOO' :changes as: illIWef' befure,! .Fixlm ,the St. Thomas Oemelvery 'Coffil>8Jny with request for a gr""t. -Th~fe"""d to the Ffulan"" CommlbtJoo. F1rom ,the OnrlJflit'io Good Ro"c1sAssoci"tion w>th request fo~ mem. berslliil' fee. -Referred to the Roadls, Ooonmitte'e. IIJlIt!hd'S' p1atlmIDIg we mUisltJ 'conrsidielr [,and USI8t, walter, sewage" mgh... wa'Y :rootes:, eOlI1Js1ervialil{)!l1J, ,and p.O:Sis]b~e adr and waltreir poiIIT.ultiiOnJ. AibiolV'e ,aID!' ~elt us €>lllCiOU!l'la'ge 'ooc pri'maJI'Y w3I,Y of Idt1e, agrilcuillbure. F100m th'e, Ganallioo N"tioo", rnJs:t:itllte fur ,tthe BiUind W]1!h request for a grant. -JWfeTrecl ,to ,tlhe F1iIl""ce ColIllllrlmtee. This liS' OIur 03'llladlkm OellJtemrlaili ye3ll', he proud! you 8Il'e a Call1i- adriJan, I 'aim. F1rom rthel numerous Icelebr3ltiOltllS: wiibhIin our County, galID erncOiurag.e1m€!l1it fir{lm Itlhe parst, halVie faHih in 1lhe future!. From the O"tarrio Sci100iJJ Trllslbee.' ,a"d ,MU!IIicipal ColIDci!lllorsl Association with ""qlloot for meJDbcDslhip !flee. -'~ef0rred to lIIe. Edi- uC'altion Oommtiltiree,. IM8J)' I .".k for your wis'e <lel:lbe",,,tiOOs ,and co-ojJ€ratioo tIh.oc we wiH make Eight Oomty a C€11IIJ8m1i,,1 Y"',flit' of progrese. From the, Cotmty of Peterooro~h w>th ""solutio" reqllooting AmanrlmenJt 'to tl:le Jur<ms Act. --iRJefClt1J:led to the Pel:iltdorusl ood Leg" lsJ."tion 00immi1JIJ00. ;li2 ElLGIiN COUNTY OOlJilllCIIL 13 ElliGLN COUNTY COUNCIIL li1rom Mr. AI. Olmbon wllth appreci"blon fur sldhol"r,sIlil'. -FRed. From liIe Associ"bioo of UI'Itmicipal OlerkJs and Tre'"smws of O"tooo, with requ€slt fur membership f.,e. -Rie.."""d to the Fillance C'.ommittee. FrDm Ohe Del'arltment of Landis ,and iF<lresbs 're: OOUllJty' of Elgil1 Rielsoiliutio" I'D pro"l!>" oon-<Iesidoot hunbers, from hoobing "" Elgil1 Comity. -Rio.e"",ed lto ~h. Agr:lculturaili CommibtJoo,. Fr<lm the Ontwio iGood .Roads Asso6ial1ion re': SeminlaJr for Cooocillors'. -RefffiJOOd 00 lIlre Roads Oommibtee. li1rom the COOl]ty IOf Huron w1th res!oo,ution re: CoUlllty ",,",oum- mg metlhJods. -Ref""",d to Oh. f>eJtit!onsand! ,Leglsl"tion Committee, ,F'rom ,the Cilly of ,St. Thom"" wJth 'appointment of Mr. M. C. Moore 00 Ohe Ellgil1 Pme'e,. ~seum Bo"rd. -J:lJe~e~red 00 the Fi- nance Commllitltee. From ,the AiSlsocl"bio01 of 'Ontario Maj"OlMmd Roo~ w1th re> que\!lt .or <eslea:v:"bions' "b the 1967 ,amual comerloooo. -Rief€ItTed to the Fmm"" COIl!lI1lldiIJtJoo. From !the Sal""t!on Arony with ""lues!: for a gTallJt. -Rie..<red to ,the F,manoe CommmlJtee. ,F1l'1om 'the EaJst IBlnd WlelSlb ffi1gm HilStrict Women's EnstllitUJtes wiltlh "J[>poilnibmoobs 00 Ithe Elgin> PloOJJee,. Museum Board. -RJeferred to the Fln"""e Commibtee. From "he Agsocl"tlOO1 of Ontario Oowbies wIibh <late,. liotr the Ward,",s' Me"bing, MId-Term ll\ILeeltimg md Amwal Coll"""t!on and request for 1957 mem!>eTSmp fue. -Re~e<rred oolbhe Fmallloo Com, mittee. Ji'roni fuel OnIbrurio Good Riolads Aisoociati,oin ladvfisiing that Mr. A~thur B. CampbeJIL, ~ssiSltam.t ,Cotmty Engmoer, slIcrelSlSfufiey com- pJ"ted'lJhe O.G.R.A. Seanmar 011 Doom DesIgn w'bJjoh was held iI1 Ormia, Onibario. -iFiI~d. iI'1rom R.egibllaiIJ ECOlllOlIIt1es (bUl1Cfi ll'equesliillg Ohe, Coon!ty of Elgin> 00 pay libe memileMhip ""''' fur eaoh of the munlcipallii1Jies iIIlJ the 'Coon!ty of ElgilllJ. ~Ref€Q'ved 00 the 'FiIIlJan"" CommijojJee. Firom !the 'Elgin School TrosteasJ' ,and! Ratep1ay:e.ns? AslSod:atio!I1 wltlh reql>9St fo~ " ll'r""b. --'Red'elrred 00 the Edl>c"bi~" Cloonmittee. F1rom lIlre Elgil1'lSt. Thomas IGeneml Hospitaili with resolutiKJn re> qoosbing '<lOI1IV<alols"""t €,""" units b. iIIlJc1utledin ""y "ddit!OIhSI or COIISbmOtlOO <lII' honres fur lib,. aged. ~R<lf""",,,d 10' ,bhe Ellgi" Maoor Commilt1Jee. F1rom 'ube UillJi'VeQ'lSilty' of W,elslte['n! Ol1ltall'iowlJth repm:"t and request for rolltirmOO ~illalll<llail: SUpjIDvt. -Rie~err.d 00, theFinall~e Com- mibOOe. F'rom lIhe OlIItario Department of HitghwaY's wNih Road EsIti- maoo Bey-Law. -'Referred ,to vhe Roads Commi"tee'. F1rO'm Ibhe, CiIly of St. Th~ma,s with appOOntm€l!llbs: to, lJhe Emer- !lencY' ,1l\ILe'"sures Org<ll1li~atlon Exe'cutlve Comm:itl:oo for 1967. -Filed. :FU-om tlle Aissodartio!t1l of Onrt8!rlo Counb~es m:mt()rtm~ing a one GaY' worklSlhop .on CounIty Gtmnemmoot. rto be lart ibhel Carouse.J. Motel', Loodon, OlIItar"", on Fe!>mary Mt,1967. -Riefe~red 00 tIh. Finance CoI!llll1lLttee. F'rom Ithe Muscrnar nY's,trophy AAsooil>tion of CaOJJada with re- quoot for a' gmllllt. -Rie~e'lWed 00 the Fmanre Committee. From Calldan MediC-AIl"",t li1ooodamioo mcorpGMted wIibh re- quest ~or ,a 'grmt. -Riefe!l1l'ed to 'bhe FilIance CollllllMtJtee. ,FrOllIl the Ellgin CouOJJty' Proneffi' ll\!Eusellm wlbh 1956 F\inmclal RepoIt1t. -RJefenred to the F1IDllI1w ComlillttJoo. li1rom 1St. John ,AmbuW""oo wlllh ~eques:tlllr a gnal1Jt. -Referred to the' FiIlJoore CommllJl:oo. From the FOlF ColUlltiffi Goo€Q'aW HoS[>ltail: w&tIh request for 00'b- eg<l1:ioll to meet wltlh libe Elgin OowtJy Cooociffi. -Filed. 14 EJLGIN OOUNTY OOUNOIIL E[jGIN OOUNTY OOUINIClIL 15 F~om 'lJhe Bank of Mu"br,ea1 wlth iDrvitrutioo 00 dim1~ Ja<ma<y 19th, 1967. ---<F1ilJe<l. FIRST SESSION - SECOND DAY We<lnesday, the 18th day of January, 1967 Fmm 'lJhe EUgiinJ Oootlby 'Dlb~a<y Wlith 1966 Fi!1JlWc~aili Sbaltet1llent and 1967 Budget. -R~er,"ed ro fue Educatioo Commillttee'. The Ellgin OOlIDby (JolIDCiJi met ,lJhls d"y ,rut 1!i:le Court Howse" S1- Thomas, :in a'Ceordall1lce with adjoum.mem. ]1"om H;s' HoOOll[' Judge R. J. Cuooey, '"dv;sing thrut the Boord of AiI'b:iltl'lalbi.o!n wi'Ll. Iilleelt iOn J anruary 31'Sit and :if 11!81Ci8'SIS,aIl"y O!l1l Feh- mry 1st, 1967, ,,,t 10 ,".m. ,00 determine whether or oot vhe VlIl"ge' 01' B<llmont 1Sh0uilld be .,emo'l'1ed from ,tft1e 'Do_ship Schoot Mea of We.'tmmsbetr and ,aIib"ched ro 1!i:le 'Do~ip Sclwoo AJl'C'" of Yarnrouth. -Referred 00 ,the PubJilc S<iho,~l Ooosuilit"ti'Ve Commivtee. The Waroen II> lihe Ohalia'. AJili memb_ jIOOsent. 1lVlr. A. V. LlWg1too, AJgrkullibu'l'm ReprasenilaU'Ve' lIotr EIgIin Oounrty W3!S presffit and ilit was mo"",'d by R,e"^,,, J. V. MdKinrray vhrut M... Llmgtoo he 00'" lreaTd. The W,alfldJoo appdmted ROOlVie 'McOaililum, .R€ItW\e1 IDme'l'\SlO'n, Reeve W,llsoo ,and 'Roove McKiiniliay ,"s: ,=1>""" 01' ,the Committee 00, Sltrike the :Standfulg Oomnmttee. fo", ,the yea< 1967. Mr. ,Langton ,,,dd[1es.ed ,tihe Cou!1JCi~ on .arm conditions, repoir\tis offaTm clubs, €Itc. ,and requeslJed a grant for 1967. [MjlVled by ll.eew DeGMw, See<mded by Deputy Re€rv'e M~l<>p, , The W,ard"" 1!i:lanked 1VJjr. La!lJJgtollJ 'a!lJJd ""f,,_d !lhe requem to the Ag11icuLtt;rai Oommitte'e. Tha,t we do mw "djollT!1J ,\10 moot 0lI Wedne's~, J'aooary IglJh at 10 a.m. A de!iegavion f~om lihe' ]1our GOlIDlties Hoopilltail' was jIOO.ellJt and it W3!S m~d hyRe€"," Gilliclrlst ,'that tOO del<Jgatio!); from 1JlJe F\lur (;<)U!1Jties Ifuspital he IlKlW heard, -Oamled. H. L. JOHNSON, Olerk A. W. AUCKLANlD, Wlm'dro Mr .Geo'l'ge McCallum ad<loosse<l the ColllllCill. With respect to ~he Four Ootulbie. Hosp;taill ,giVing ,lih~' 'size of !lhe l100p;t~, lihe tel'- "iliory ill! w"" ""probed '00 .,erve, etc. 'a!lJJd ~equestirug a giI'amto. wards ,the' eoSlt of the huilldilllg. The Wi~d€!1J 1!i:la!lJJkJed iMir. McOailllum ,ood r€tferroo the requel\lt to the Fin"!1Jce OormnilliJtJee. The Tepm1t of Ille Sped"i Oolilrln!itbee to siri"'e the flbandfing CormnilltJtees fur 1967 wlas presellted by RJoov,e Em"""OilJJ "00 adopted on motion <!f Rewe EmeJJSlOllJJ ",,<I ll.eew :M:cGailiIuim. MOV1OO by R,e'ove EJlllieMon, Sooondoo by Roow Sulihelrla!lJJd, ThSlt By-~_ No. 1953 "To AwoIDIt ," CouiJIby Ro'ad COlmmilltJl.ee'" be mad a first tJme. -Oarried. 16 EllJGlIN OOUNTY COUNOlIL EJlJG!)\N COUNTY COUNOE 17 J.\IloJved by Depulby Ire""" OroIla"d, FIRST SESSION - TIDRD DAY S..ronded by Ree",,' 'Kiall!lllt, Thursday the 19th day of January, 19.67 mat BY'IIaw No. 1953 ,be ~~ " ~nd Vime. . ."\ Moved by Deplllty Roov,e' iMcAIIpl!]e, -Oarri~d. The Ellgi!IJ. Oounll:y Cooocil met ,lIhiis day >it ,1Ihie O~mlt H'oose, Sl. , Tbornas, i!IJ. '"crordao;"" w,fu a<lj<llU'llllmoot. Secoo;ded by Ireeve, M<lOailiuim, The Warnen in tlle Ohialir. Th<llt By.fulllW No. 1003 be read ," 11hiird lJime, mtl finaillly palSsed. .Ml memben1S presellt. -Oarried. The ~~Nowj'!]g rommmlic"tioos wtml ooo"tl ,aIIlJd ",oorroo lio their respective commilllJlJoos'. 11'10..00 by IOO,e"" Todd, 'Scroruded by Roove OO<ful'ist, 'l1bJalt 'We diD IlIOIW 'adaoum ,to moot '''!lain 00 JaooalrY ll1t1h at 3 p.m. 'F1rom libe T<l"MnlSbil> 0[ Ellldbieol<e wilth r€\SoilUlbloo requesiil1ll amooclmelllis lio Ithe aaomling ilJdt. -'Reillerretl to ,fue' CotIruby Govern,- ment OJIIliIl1IDttee. -Carried. THE COUNCIL RE-CONVENED '~x i<100m llhie Onitario W>iter Re"ioorres Ooonmis.iioo;, a le~ter 1'0" gal'wllg CounIby of Ellgin SOIUItIhem Aroa Regiooa!l Poll1ltion Conlrol :;Iludy. -'IOOle."etl Ibo tlle Ooml:y Govemmoot OJmmi~tee. The' rejlo"t'o[ the Pllb],;c ScllOoil Ooos1.llltalii"" Co1llll11'iJbtee' Wi1Is pooseruted by Roove WlI",o; alldadopbed 011 moVioo of Ireeve Wille Bon m<l Roo"" McKi'nilay. , The rejlopt of tllepropeIDI:y OOllJl!miJtllJoo WlaS presellJted by Depu1Jy Ree"" MciIJlpjInJelllldadoplie<l 00 m<JItioo of Dep1lty Reeve McAlpine land RJeeve Moore. From 'the Dep"rllim<mt of ElCOOOtIDCS ,"Ild DevelliOlpmeo;t, " Ielter regarding '8'11 ,]jnJ<It.!,;lmlall SpOloolSlm8'1l for :IB67. -<Referred to the C<>lIDty Govemnmnt Committee. The reporlt of tOO, P"bifJioos ,amd LegilSilrulOOllJ Commti~e WlaS pre- sellllled' by Deptltyc<ROOV<l EillIiKllbt aoo ,,,dOlpbed on motion 0[ QepUlty Reeve' ENiolbt aoo DepUltJy Ireeve Wise. MkM!d by D€IjlUby IOOlWe ,MciIGilUop, See<midOO by' Roove Todkl, 'l1bJ>it we do nQ'" ,,,djOrn"ll lio meet on .:lalluaIrY 10011 ail; 10 a.m. -Carried. ~t ,,"as nwve<l by Reeve OLarke tllalt the de~ega!fJion >rom the UmVllil'.siI1Jy of We~tem Ol]ba~io be n~w hoord. 1lVlr. iFID~sea' RowJood mbroduood ,fue lJlibJer nrembersI of the del" egaliioo, !Mr. BaildIIWn, 1lVlr. McDo,,!cld .,no Mr. Kime, ao;d addrelS'S€d Oome~ T!egarning the ellll'lOllimoot 'aIld 'gr<lW'th of tOO Uni""mity ood veques1mg conItmued fil!]a"c;,,1 suwoO<b. The Waroeat th:dred 1lVlr. RowIlantl 'llIld 'referred the' request tJo the FUnJa"ce Co111lllillfuee. H. L., .:lOOINlSON, CliJrk A. W. AUCKLAND, Wlardoo ]t ""II" moved by' Reev" lMicKiniliay thllt libe deilegaliiOll from the Ooo"dia" NaifJionall JIlsItiIlute fur 1000 Bilii1ltl be !lOW helard. ~E EJlJGJIN OOUNTY OOUNOlIL ELGJlNOOUNTYOOUNCTIL 19 'MI'. 'Ilioy Meehan ,addre.,sledCou"ci!I repo"vi"g <m lIhe, work of rtJhe Oau1!adllatn N8IbiiQInla[ liI1JstJiltJ1.lJbH foll" the blJirnJdj and l'iequesmll1lg .a g!OO.n1t oj '$1,250.00 in suppor,t of ~e, work. 'Dher rep'D1rlt of IbIle EqUlailiZJalbi10lll land Aiss'e\SlSltnrelllJt Commillbbee was' presel.t1lood bY' RielelV€' Oav€!1"ly laln.d radloplted iOnI 'moti()!l1i of Re1eve Oa;v:- <ruy ood Re""" McKiin1aey'. 11he Wmderrlt 1tJh8!nik!ed IJ\IIfr. Moohia!I1i lood referred ~ ['equeslt to. ItJhe' FhiiaiIlfce COImmjjtJbee. The if€POll'lt of Ibhe P€lrlSlOO1neil Oommilbtele 'WlWSI plt'1elSl8<!lIbed by ReelVe lVIClNililIl'ay laJl1Id ra.:doipbed Olli moiHtm of Rele!V181 MaK1'rrllay a([]Jd Re'erve Phill~ps. MIOVled by Deptlby Re,e"e McKiOOlOp, Secooded by Hie,"~ Todd, The Iflep011b of luhe County Gove;mme'nlt OQlmmiJtJbee was pres.eltllt- ed by Ree"e Bh;Jl!tips ,,,,,d ,adopbed 0" motion of The""e' Pl1lilil:i!>s and Relerve Ke'iNar. 'Dh3lt we do nolW adljoU!r[] VI) 'meelt la~am laot 3 p,lffi., J1anruraIfY 19th, 1967. 'Ilherle<{llart of Iv!>e Seco"dau:y ScfuolOllComsuilJb~bhne OommruDbee' \VIalS pr€lSJel1]bed bY' Reeve Em1elt"SI0illl and! ,adopted on .moltioill: of Roorve Em~ €'fSQIIlI arnd Reeve J\kOaJ1l1um. -'Oarried. THE COUNCIL RE-CONVENED The repoaib of lIhe' AJgrlculltur'mCl>lIlImltJIJoo' was presel]ved by Resv<l Gilliclh~lS1b ,,,,,d ,aiUO'J'ted 'on mOlt"' of ~ee,"" Gi~~hrlslt amd Thee"e Oa"er~y. The ~,epart of l!he ~()Iad Oommlbbee was presenJbed by Re.",e M<JOal!l:"m la"d !adopted 00 mdbi\Jn orl' ~eeve 'lVIcOailllum aoo Rioove I<elilOOr. '~". 'llOO repo\l1t of ItibJe Oelltffillliaw Oammlbte,e w,as preSlellJbed by De- p"ty IIoow> W;.e' ooiU adol'bed 01] mOlti"", of Deputy ~ee"e WilSe and Reeve OIau:l<e. '1)l>e repQ<lt 0< ~he COOIsiVr1.dloo Safeby IDS'pectm \VIas' pit"elSlented by Hie'""e IlIWOailllum. The it"eport oIf fuhe ,mm"",oe IComm~tbee WWSI pres,el]bed by Hiee,ve Todd land laidopood! 101tll mtot;irollliOlf Rieerve' 'Dodd ,and ReiflV'e' Enrenson. Moved by The""" McCaJllum, SecolllleiU by' Hiee"" Emer'oollJ, Moved by 'The""e McO"JIlum, That 'tibJe ""'po~t of Ithe Cooobrtd!lonSorl'elty Inspecror be, adopted oodpriOJlbed in lJIle Pirocee<lil><ls'. Seconded by Hie""e' MclKfuilay, -Carried. ThaJt 'bhe Wla<d"" ,,,,,d Olerl<: be' aullhorized ibo 'subm>t to' !he' Min' ;slve[' of Higlmay" orl' OllJbwrio lJIle pflbllion of ltIhe (booty of Elilgiu ,showing l!hat from IIhe IiIDSlt <lay olf J'aruuary, 1966, umil lIhe' 3'b.slt <lay of December, 1966, 'tibJerle bm been e"P€ll!ded ll1l ibhe OOUlllJty HUgh- \VIal' Sysbem bhe ""m of $1,329,450.20. The repo~t of tile E<lumlviO" Oommlbbee \VIaJS prese"bed by Hie""" Barl<€ft" laud ,,,do![Jbed <Ill moiIJion of RJee've, Bau:'Joer am<! De<{ltlty Reeve Wise. -Carried. The reporlt orl' l!he, E!@I] Mimor Collll1lID,~boo "''"" pre~elllJe<l by Rioov,e Kffi1llio[' and I"dapte<l on Inrotlo" of Ree"" Keiiliior al1ld Deputy Ree",,' WilS<>. ''llOO Wardell 'aru>oi'nived :!he fuJllowing deillegJaOOsI j,o 'a~teoo 1ih:e Viar- iQusl cO!D/Vlentlioll1fs. 20 ELGIiN OOUiNTY OOUNCI.IL ElWIN OOUNTY OOUNOI.IL 21 OnJ~a["ll() IGalardi 'RJoladls - ll.\1oK!illIDop,' SulthelfllJand, BaIri}relI", McCall.[um, _'01], deIRyk, Ca'lerly, iK€IillOOr, iN""'.tVb, Elilii\lllJb. MO'l.ed hy De\lUty Riee",,' Wise, ~ecol]d.d hy Depuffiy Re€'le deRyk, o.llIba~io EcIt:I<lalbiol]ai1 Asrocl8Jlioo - W"lIsol], PMillilips', BM'ker, McKilt1ilJaw . Thalt By-LIlIW No. 1955, "Being " ~"LIlIW 110 Appoint " ~ard of Audit iIni IlIhe Ommty of Elgin for IIihe Yo'ar, 1967." he read" first time. Onlt"rill Mooicipld AwsO'dialtioo - C!iaa:ke, Clerk-Treasll!re,.. -Oarried. Assocffi"tJioo of Ol]tari\).J.VIja~fIS "nd Re"""" - MoKin[ary, WilS'<lI1, NemeJbt, IWIlWo,., Todd, OI"rIoo, Oa'lemly, McOaillum. Mov-el! hy Deputy Reeve deIRyk, Seconded hy D"l'lity Ree'le Wi"", Assoclrution of ODJ1Jario ColIDlliels - Mld-T,,",m Me~ting. - Mem- heflS of ~ Oomty G<l'le[l]melllb Oommtibbee. Thail By.Law No. 1955 Ibe read a selJOl](] lliirne. ~amed. Mov-ed lYyRoove PhiJllips, Moved lYyReeve Oa'lerly, SecOlllded by Roo'le WlIilOO, SeCOllded hy Deputy Reeve Nem~bt, Thalt ROO'Ie McKiIllliay i>e t;he AJitemaiOO ~o rtIhie Ward." 011 the OoUllty 0If EWgin Planllllimig Board. That By-LIlIW No. 1955 i>e ,.ood ,a tlIird ltime, and finamy p8JSsed. --{)a['ried. ~wried. M~'1ed by Ree'le Bark"",, Mov-ed lYy DepUty Riee"" N€IJ1l<jtt, seCOllded lYy Reewe Caw"ly, Seeorr1Kled by Rieew' WrnIlsoo, Th8Jt By-<Law No. 1954 "To AulJlJOO'ioo the Warden and Tro8JSll!t"er to Bomrow rtIhie Sum of One ~!!ioo, F1i'l'" Hundred Thoosmd Dol- 1,aII'S." !be f1e1ad a first rtliIme. Th"t ~-lJaw iNll.1956 "Belittlg "~4lJllIW to Set The ToW A!lgre- !l"te Vmu"tiOlllJs for AppOOlioomlOO!t of 'Ooullty Raile mtlre OouIlty of Elgi/nJ iDl.'L967," he r€lad 81 f1Irst trlme. -GmTied. ~arried. Moved 'lYY Ree'le Ba"ker, Mo'led hy Reewe KeillKlr, Secooded by Depu!lJy Reeve delRyk, Secood~d by Re""e PhMips, Thail ~-<Law No. 1954 be read a serond time. Thail By-LaiW No. 1956 be read a se'cOlld time. ~arried. ~arried. M\wed hy R€e'le Wilsoo, Moved by R.oove Oa'le11ly, Secolllded' by Depuffiy Reere delRyk, ThaJt By-Law No. 1954 be relaid a lIlW<I time, and fu1!afiy passed. SeOOllllOO by R",,~ Balrker, That ,~4L8IW N\). 1956 be realda tlID1d time, tool! fina[ly p'""sed. -Carried. ~Carried. 22 ElliGIN OOUNTY COUNOllL Mo'\^ed by 'Depuby Rie""" ElllliolJt, SelCio-:ruded by Rieoerve M(lOlre, ELGIN COUNTY COUNmL 23 lViov.ed by Reeve EIfiJJe!l\SOn, SelcQnded by Depuby Reeve Oreharo, 'Dhalt By-JJaw No. 1959 '''B''il>g ," By.Law liO' A!Ppomt kslsesoors for ilJIlI8' Oounlty of E1!glinJ." he flelada filt'\slt timei, Th"t By-JJaw No. 1957 "<Bemg" By.!JJ"w To Autlho"",,,' lihe Expro- Pl'>>J!tJiOl> of Lan<! FIor TIle Purpose OIf W1<1eniIlg 'amd Improvjlng COOI>ty R\J"dJs." be,re'ad " ~irnit time. Moved by Ree"" OlIa"ke, S'e!co!I1fdJed by Relev-el P!hillilips, 'Dhialt By-Law No. 1957 be relad " ""cOIld ti!me. Moved by Ree."," Williool], Seconrded by Reffi71e BaIl'ker, -Oamried. -O""ried. Mov>ed by Roo"" Ki>J!lmt, 8ercc.mdied by Reeve Emerson, Th,.t By-JJa'W No. 1959 bel m"d " "eCOlld time. ~Oa<rieil. ~Oamriro. Moved 'by Reeve Emerson, Seconded by DeptJty Reev" McAiipIttle, 'I1bJaIt By-Law N\>. 1959 he read " lIhiro ,time, 'amd fmailily pasred. Th"t By-LaM' No. ~957 be reoo " third nhIlll', llIId fimal[y passed. -O""ried. MOIvro by !aeeve McCa!l!lum, Moved by Reeve ffimeroon, Secoodoo ,by Deputy Reeve OrclJJarcl, ~.;. -Oamrled. SeOOllded by Roove DeGMw, 'That By,Law No. 1960 "Beillg ,,, By-Law lio A!Ppcmt Membern and AilitJemlalOOs to Itlhe C10rUll1Ity i(jf Eil'gm Plia!tl!l1ii:ng Boa.!t"d," be' !relaid a fimt lJ]me. Th"t By-L'aw No. 1958 "Respe0tmg 1Jhe WejglJt of Lood81 to be Calm-led on Veihircl1f!IS'." Ibe relad al fnlb time. MoV'Od by Re.we Kiahnit, Seconded by' Reeve Em.el'\S{lD, Th"t By-Law N\>. 1958 he mad" ee'cood time'. lI!I'Jwed by Reeve ElnrerroI>, SecOl11ded by Deputy Reeve IVOOAil[Ifure, -Oamried. ~Oa[Tie<!. Moved by RJoove Todd, s"colllded by Roo"," McCailiium, -08II"Tied. Th,.t By"lJaw No. W6D be De"d " oocomJd Mime. -Oarrie<!. MIoved by Deputy RelWe M~iiWop, Secol]dJsd by Re~"e Todd, TIl<llt By,LllIW No. 1960 be re"d ,a tIlrimd lJime, ood l'il]a!l!ly passed. 'Dh~t By,Law N~. W58 be rood ,,, lIImit lJ]me, 00<1 ~ina!Qy plllSood. -Oamried. -Oamried. 24 ElLGIN OOUNTY COUNOIIL ElLGIN COUNTY COUNOIIL 25 'Thiov€d by !lie,erve Todd, Moved by ~ee'rve &lIcl1a-s, Seconded biY Reerve DeGmw, Seronded by' Depwty Roorve MeK:iililiop, Thwt By~ NOI. 1001 "Being ," By-Law to' Amenid By-L<wl No. 1476 of 'bile Ooooty of Eillgi"," be OOI"d a fdmt tiInre. Thalt we do now ladljowfn Ibo 'moot 'algJa1m on .1\I]jail'oo 2l1St, 1967 'at 10 H.m. -Oarriro. ~Call'l'lied. Moved by Roo"" GilKlImst, Secooded by Dept.lty ~ooveMldKiilll~p, H. L. JOHNiOON, Olerk A. W. AUCKLANlJJ, W>lIl'doo That ay-Law No. 1961, be reail a second tilme. -Oarriro. BY.LAW NO. 1953 Moved by Deputy Reev,e' lV1ic!KtlI!\op, "To. Appoint a County Road Committee" SeIOOJ]ood by' Reeve OOdlwiist, 'I1b.<lt By-Law No. 1001, be read la lihird time, Md fmaIDly passed. ks requir€<l 'by' dIhe ~aiY Ad, dIhe Eligin Cotmty 00IlIri1 ellr acts: . -Oait1riro. THAT dIhe '-itollorWmg five memb_ <JIf Vhis' COtmllill COlllStliJuJOO a C<JmnJJittele foT Ill!le pUripcise <JIf d'irecl;!nig IlIhe wou:k 00 be <1000 011 bile CIltllJlty Road SySloom: MllVeiI by DeptJty Il.eIeive McAIDpioo, Serondied by Reeve Kia""t, J. B. Wil1'loo C. D. Phillilit\llS A. Bruce iMcOail'lum D. G,ldhrlSlt V]ciIxJr DeGIDaw fur Temn of Olle Yearr fur Te~m of 1'wo, Yo",,,,, for Term of 'J.1I1Jooe Yearn fur Tea-m of FOIlll" Yel""" ~or Tel1lll (jj' FiV\) Ye,,",. Thlwt By.Law No. 1962 "Be"'g ,a By,Law 00 C<mf>r1Th Proce1edilJgs of dIhe COOlIciJl <JIf IbIIe OorparwlJioo (jj' 11lre C"'mlty of EWgiru alt lihe J'a& uary Seseioll 1967," be rewd " flMt l!iJme. -Oarried. !VI:orved by Dopu1Jy RiellVe Ovcharo, Seconded by Reeve Enrerslm, Th!lt By'.Law No'. 1962 be read" secood lii!nre. THAT By-Daw No. 1909 bll, ood is l1e~roy repe>ailed. RElA![) Ii. fil'Slt Itwme tis 13bh day of JamIlI,,",iY, :L967. READ a 9000"d time ,thIs 1GIih diaJy of Jaooary, 1967. READ ,a Ill!lird time, alld .",aIly paSsed], lihis 18th day of Jan- uary, 1967. -Oarried. Mooed by Reeve Srlbhmand, Secondied 'by' Depulty R"""" IMil9k€iiIy, ThlIt By-Law No. 1962 be ['eaid " llllrlrd time, am:! fdnJaIDliY pallseil. ---'Carried. H. L. JOIHNISON, OWrk A. W. "UCKLAND, Wmdell 2.6 ,EJLGIN 0000 fY OOUNOIL PUBLIC SCHOOL CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE To the W,arde!], and Members of ItIM Elgin OOtIDty Cornroi~, l. A meeting of vhe P'llbliic 80h0oI COl1!Bul~,"e' ColIlJlllItttee was heid 'in lfihe Eligirrl Ooooty .Com,t Hoose 00 WOOiruesday, Jlml.lairy 18th, 1967, ,aI1d lillJe fulllo",ing IOOmlbere were presle"t: Oha1ir'ma([]j: J. B. W'iiliS'orn, K. C. EmeflSon, A. Bruce' McOa\llLum, .1 MciKJfnlliaIY, WiarneD Awckilmldl, F. O. Flall1ljoy, So!l:icil~O[';md R. Eo RawIillg\S. 2. Et wws mo,"ed by Roo",. Elmersoo, and s'econded by Reeve' Me- GallQum, 1t:Ihat Wle ,aceepit -tlhEi- res1ilgwbio!l11 00: 31rtllitmatol" of E. O. F:an.. joy 0IJj tlhe' ,ambiJbfi3lMo1nJ he1aring he\tJweeni ]~)]ginl GoootyaJnd Midille- serxColmty re -B~]t11JO'1llt relm&ndmJg in W'81SIbmirn\S1belr T{)iWll.ISh~p. -()alt'!ried. 3. Movedl;y Reeve M~C<'ilJIlIm, seconded Iby Ree"" Emerson, tbJat Mir. E. O. Fanjoy be 'awoillJterd ElgmColIDity Solicitor to 'ad on be" 111wllf of l[Q;e 'Connty 'alt 4Jhe """iJbMtioru 110"",<1 I1c,runing re BelmOl'lll s:dhl()()~ querslbilQin. -{)arri~<I. 4. 'lVIowdby Reeve Emersoru, ,se<loorded by Releve MK!KiIlJla~, tbJat Jdhn LU!fitbe ,roppOliinlt.edl 100 lal}] arbitJfialoor for E~gillJ CountY' at the .'l'bllir'wtro" "e'a.rlnghetween Ellgin 'Couruty alld Middlesex OouoWy re Be~imOOlt, remadifllIDg in, Wt&Slbmi1l1tSlter T-olWIl!slhip. -{)arried. All of wlmeh is r""l>""'lIfuli~ submlitited. J. B. WliLSON, Ohairman. PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT 1'0 tbJe Warden, and Memlbers of iiOO Ellgirrl County Ommicl1, The Broperty 'CommllitJee reports "" foijUoW!l: 1. We i1Ja"e .pu"dh"sed lihe llirladeb fumiiJurre 'al1Id jlJJte['-rom. s~&- IJem from Ithe Elgill'8t. ThornaJs HelaOlllh Unit IaJt " cOOIt of $742.4Q. I I r I f I I i I , El!.J@N COUNTY COUNCIL 27 2. iMir. R. W. 10000alitlOill' halg bete'll '8ngag.ed 18!S' ,a ttJe:mpOir1arry turlllikery tor lihe Elgin OooIlty J'aJll. ~. Mr. T. Schuit hals' !>em given pe~miss'on to ,""ca~e hiis apart- me'l1lt ill Ithe Cburlt HOIllIS!el 'all1:dilt [IS' 'expetcbed: tlhaJt t.ihe' aparlmell1t wm, betcome va1call1lt.l8lbl()ut Aprjil.., Hl67. 4. The CLerrk-'IiJ:€!alSunerr ihatS been rgivoo ,pea;:missilOll t{:o hire pad- time oJ1fice Ilelp '" requi~e<l. Ailil of wlhk!l is' resl'ec1IDuiIlYSlUbmilibed. K. J. McALPINE, ChaJkman. PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS COMNQiTTE,E REPORT To the Wardell, al1d MmnlheTB of IlIhe agm OOUllly Cornroil, The Petitions land Leg;sl"tiOlls ComtWtitee ","orllls as: fullil~"",,: -",. 1. ThaJl lihe resolulionwom tbJe Oll1Nlly ol' P<'Jterbo[ough requecs,oog mnoodmel'lll of I\Ihe Jurors Aah bel f\iilied. 2. That 'tIM re"oillbiOll from Itlhe OOlmty of Huron regarding C~uruly 8!ccountpng lli€lt!OOdJS! be enrdlOO'lSed. 3. ThaJt By-lJaw No. 1476 be "meuded by re'"'Wl'ibing pamgTapl1 No.2, :tJO [!:lead 100 foiliJorws: No persOll shaM! opemte any vehicle, for "ny of lihe'purposels (jf a lSaWv1aJge 'shop, 8 slMVlag.e YlalM OJ:" 18' .8ecoTIid.Jband tOOOp, eiltlher on hIS Owali taccouruo 'Or als .llJhe laig€tllt {)II" 'serV8.!l1it {)If all10ther pWSIOO, wHJh,. owt flrnlt ob~aJiD!irug ,a lloeme lto do so. Upon "Ppliootion fur BucI1 a HCOOISie lohe larppliro8nt iSbarul produce ,a [llehber (If reloommendlabi{ltllJ from 111e Ohief Conslbwble of IlilIe' awlielaOJJl's mlll1'LcipaJilty, or a letter from tbJe Cl~rk of tllhe M"gisltftalOOl'!l <Court "dvisiirrlg lIhalt !tlhe aplllicant hoo no 1000.iJmintail. record. The fee tior \SUch Ia: lliiooosle s\h:ailll: be $5;.00\. All of wihic!h is relSlpe<l!lliu!!y BullmiitlJed. JMVlEB S. EDLWTT, Ohairmanl. 28 ElliGIN COUN ry COUiNOIlL ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT TO THE WARDEN AND COUNCIL OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN YOUR ROAD COMlI'lFTTIElE lbe,I,J" liD repou:lt aIS foI~o""': 'I1H1E F10LLOWlNG ~" 'a rom:mary 01' COISIbs of OonlSlbroobiOOl alld M~inrtJooanoo 0.. OoUIDJty 0' Eilgm Ro"cl. dul'ing 1966: CONSTRUCTION: ROADS- I. DoUble SOOIiaoo Tre~bmmt aOld o,mpllelbi<m of GIt1acliOlg Wovk, ere., an. rohe TOWIllIShip <If SootJhwolll, Road. 19 $ 5,762.60 2. Dool>1Ie Smace Tire~tmerrjt ood OomplletJiK>J] <If Gradilllg Work, ~tc., ROIad 44 betwooru Hwy. 3 and Hwy. 19 in ,tJhe Townlsl>ip 0If Ba;ytham. 21,785.21 3. DOIll!Jlle SooIiaee Tm~tmeJ]t and OompletiOlOl 0' Gm<iiOlg Work, .,tc., Road 45,MolIDt Sailiem tJo C~" twin 'tJhe To,^"",I>ip of Mailiaft>i<le. 42,910.24 4. Gra<ii"g, <rl1anwwr 'Ba"", "be., fu~mer OoWll!:y Rd. 52 e,am 0' N€IW York O"mbmil RJallll'oad Crossdirug to the Dereham ThIw1ilIioo ID Ithe 'l1owmships of S. D,o[1c1bJ~"teT iallllC! [[\I['a!]aft>ide. 20,4HI.72 5. G~ading, Gr'anu]aT Baoo, eilJe., f{J!1ll1er RJoad 54 from 4:he BT_i1le RJoad to, 4:he lVJj~I~1Iid>> ToM'!lll- ]ine ;" the ToWl]Slripg, of S. Drnt'cooster and Doce" baan. (Ooooby of Ellgm s!hare om\V). 13,496.84 6. G~ading, Omnwwr :6woo, etc., Road 27 between Hlwy. 4 a"d SpamlJa (,mc1uclimg cUJJb gutter drarlni- lage', etc. iI1J Umon ,and ISpar'" ,aIllIC! a pornon of Rd. 36 Sootb of iIOOad 27 in Spar'ta) ;" 4:h" TOWllliSMp <If Yarmouth. 262,153.49 i_, f I I , I i I I ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNOIL 29 7.GIt1admg, Gnamruiliwr Bare, ",e., Road 8 from Hwy. No. 401 .01 Dlltl'<>.. ,and Road 2 we~'e,,;y from Road 8 appo"imwteQy 1.0 mille", (mclludimg curl>, 1JU!tter 'aOO <lnwiOlal,Je 1m the' Viililwge of DI>ttoo) ju the Vi~' lagtl 0' Duttoo 'lllilld Ithe 'I1""",,sl>ip of Doowjcih 71,333.19 8. lm,allla!biou <If Galtes 'lllilld F1lwslhi1lg lJight Sjguals <lit RJwilrowd OrosSling <m iIOOwd 14(100" Sta,tion) ,a"d Road 53, Aylmffi'. 11,980.16 9. N€IW lVJjachfure"Y. 63,884.21 10. LaIllIC! Pul'<:I1,w",,' (mclliudillg La"d SuTV1eys ""dSoil' IcllIDr"'S FeelS). 2'3,321.24 11. iMlse"~alll€Ous' Gmdillg Omstruo,ioo. 1,287.74 12. Survei~ 'auJld 'I1fiaJ)!lc Cowl", elte. 4,911.17 13. Nero SiiJudy (St. Thoma" SuIlmrl>an Road OomrniS" sioo mt cha.'I,Jed wjth 'their 'Share of the 19tuKly (1,680.60) tmlJll 1968). $1,344.63 (Credit) . TOTAL ROAlD CaNSTRJUC'l1J1ON (OOUNTY) $1;41,900.18 Road Oonstrudtion by SL 'l1homws StJnJUl'Iloo Road Omnmission. 1. Need", 'SiJudy Land P\N'ichwse, SUl'V<!~S, eilJc. 2,366.41 2. Pool!ioJ] of 1St. G€oogtl stJreet BTjd~e Oomstruc- ,""m Idharl~ed iI1J RowelS.' 11,825.38 T<lt:rl! Rood 001l"bmotioJ] by ,the Oommls!i1ioo $ 14,191.79 TOTAL RJOAiD OONSTRUCTION :p556,091.97 30 ElLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL MAINTENANCE ROADS L. \Vmber ConitrlOl 2. SurrlfaJce, TrelaJbmellllt 3. 'Gtr"",,~ ResurjjaJcIDg 4. RepaJi~. 100 BaJV<lIllerrlt 5. G'l)wdli"g (ittJJoludling ma!inwll<\TIce of gravel roadls) 6. D".t OOilltrol 7. Weed Clmibrol 8. Brllslbdng 9. C€'lJJbre' IJioo ilffiarkIDg 10. Gllidl> R;aills U.Sigm 12. Seedmg anJ<I i1roo PIoobittJJg 13. Drains 14. Radilil1O,ad ProIJe<Jbloo 15. DromaJge Aisse.~lOOllIt. 16. Stop Gap GtrallittJJg, RJo,ad 9 from Rd. 8 00 Rd. 14, 'I'owtntsIb3Jp of D\Il1wioh 17. tStipIp Gap Gfiadinrg, R;"ad 43 .rom Rd. 38 to 1M. 45 ittJJ IlIhe 'fuw~. of BR(YIharrn anJ<I lVJj~ahid" 18. RielbailJe to 11owr1>s:anJ<I VilliIages TOTAiL R;OcAiD MA]N'I1EJNANOE BRIDGES AND CULVERTS 1. M'.lcelJi""oou. Bridge lVJjainltena"ce 2. Bridge PadllilJilllg 3. MiisclillaIJrelO1llS1 OuITwoots $ 41,541.16 60,601.28 59,758.17 20,562.63 13,358.66 20,266.67 10,123.47 6,406.05 9,320.24 453.82 8,001.40 3,847.07 3,786.86 5,964.65 1,012.39 7,459.66 11,468.28 39,475.12 $324,227.58 $ 861.50 5,597.76 14,929.28 TOTAIL ffiill[)G!E A!ND OmNElRT MAINTENANCE $ 21,388.54 : I I I , I 1 ~ E[jGIN COUNTY COUNOIL 31 TOTALS: TOTAL ROAiD IMA!lNT);JN<ANOE $324,227.58 TOTAL BIRJIDGE AN[) OULVERT MMNTElNANOE $2!1,388.54 TOTAL MAJiNTEiNAiNOE COUNTY OVERHEAD 1. Superillltooden~ (Olllmty EngittJJeer, Aislsis~ant ElllIgittJJeeu- <and Gene"alli Forom",,) 2. Olierical 3. Cwr i\fi!eage (Oounty ElllIgi"eeo:) 4. QjjJilce 5. G3l1'I8!ge 6. Rodney Garage 7. Miiooe%aneoo. Repada1. 8. 'ThJoIJ.\s .....,> 9. RadiI> MaillnJlmamlce 10. Irusur""ce 11. Pension (Om"". ,amid Oanada PenSioo) 12. UnempllJY'lIloolt ,limlmlnceOollltl'il>nmlQnls 1(1, H\Jlidays W1i4lb. pay 14. Sick Benerflts 15. PerroW!. Orediit 16. OV<JIfuead Icllla[\ged t" D. R. No. ~85, No. 840 and Townilille Acrooot Oredlit 17. 10000ty lVJja<fuiinel1y 0"""0000 Oredfil! 18. iM!isc<Jl~aneI>IIS Ums'uiblSwClized ElllpendiuelS TOTAL $345,616.12 $ 20,479.84 5,559.01 889.17 4,176.73 8,879.57 38.95 6,566.72 2,556.62 272.96 4,135.86 9,407.39 1,057.06 10,838.30 1,829.30 13e.00 2,874.43 195.96 1,482.47 $ 74,967.56 St. Thomas ,SlIbrn1ban RJo,ad Ooimmii19sion Roald and Bridge Mllinitenance ,and OveJfuead $ 28,889.51 ToIJaIl Road anJ<I Bridge Mlliniten""re amid Ove[head $449,473.19 32 ElliG]N COUNTY OOU,NO]L ELGIN' OOUNrY OOUNCr[, 33 CONS1lRUCTUON MMNTENANOE $ 9OQ.,151.47 449,473.19 We Rercommif:nd: 1, Thalt ItrheWardell1l Il!aIIDe. delegates roo ItJhH Ol1lbEUrlio Good Roads Al,slgQlci:rubilQlllI OOIlllVlell1ltiotn Iamld :1Jh.el Oall1larlilan Goold -Roam AssocJa- .ion C<mve"bioo. TOTALS: Sub- TOltal 1966 Sbock Bailiam1c€ $ l,351,@l.66 $ 30,882.43 2. ThaJt a By-ILMV be paJslSiod 'aUllihonizmg llih€ Wrurde" ood CUieirk 'Do lS:ilgn Land PllaJniS €iXlprlOplfi'a1mng LarrJld ne1oesIS1atry ~Q1 widenJ Ooun~ Iby ~olads lia:I 1967. En ~ ne100ssary lbhat 1stloh By-IJaJW\Sl bel passed yeamly. St.fuJr(jba[ 1",.s 1965 Sitock Bal",,"" $ 1,382,507.09 49,805.17 3. That By~Law No.. 1915 (palS.ed m J""U:ll!ry 1966) rlelS!pe<lliIDg tlhe Weilghlt of ilload Ito he IOalru::ie.d on V;eJhWCl1sl,Si be' !reip8lMed allld a nl8JW BY-ILalW he patS's'ed ,addling ttilliel foili!l!)!WIDg Roads rb() Vhe Sched- me. \ (mAN[) TOTAiL $ 1,332.701.92 Hot Mix Pa"illlg wa's .ald on OOlIDby Ro!ad NO'. 46 bemg Deveropme"t R\Jlad No. 785. Olihe" m]S1ceb"eoolS WOl1:k walsalhslO'dO'11Je IOrnlltJhe ;Toad. 'Dh:e' Itroltral ()If IbhiilS worrk IV/as - $ 63,4'77.80 and Iillled 00 ~" Depa"bme<nJt of Hlghlwa.:\"S uhrough fue TowrusllJi[> of Bayiharn. (Ia) R"ad 9 ~mm ltlhe OO'wal Side ~o'ad 00 Rolad 14 ill DUIIlWiJclI 'fuwIlsilJip. (Ib) ~oad 23;tI Y wmoulih 'fuwIlshJip. (c) R\Jad 24 1irom ~olad 23 ll:o Hwy. No. 73 fu> Yrurmoolih :nt Maltahide Tmv"si>ip.. (d) ~O'"cl 27 fmm Hiwy. No.4 tD' Rioad 36 dIl Y,armo",1ih Twlsp. (e) Road 36 from Rioad 27 ,to R\Jad 24 dIl Yattmo",1ih ToWlliSl1dp. (f) Road 40 from Mounlt Salliem !DD' 11/4 roWe. I>orllih of MllulJlt Sa!lellIl. (g) Road 45 WOIlIl Hwy. No. 73 00 ~oatd 40. (i>) Rioad % 1irom ~D'ad 40 ,1:0 ~e HOllglhioou Townillille. lu ,alkli~lo", V1811'ioos: Wm"",work ProjeoDs inclliu<lillg ilo:usl1- mg and errootiollli ()If fooce werel c:a:moo oUlt O!fll County and IS1IburbalJ! Rioads ,and :lJoIbail1<ld - $ 7,711.89 Work was ailiso IC8I!'il';"d out on Mirldwooox BOlIDdatry Rioads:mil Bridges, .maddiilio" .0 WlJ['k 01J! F1orme" Oouliby Ro'ad No. 54 0rlJ mho Ox1ford Cotmty 'I'<>wnilii11e. Theoo Aimoulibs IblliiQecl loolbailleil - $ 19,874.56 Pre Elnigillelool1g WlJ['k wacs ,carried out on OomWy Road No. 52 being D€'I"e1lop'melJlt Rioatd No. 840,allil TOltallbed $ 10,032.59 Thd:s willil: laillllo/W itlhe ICl8lrtrylmg of ;F1uJl IJolooJS\ by OOlmmell"clalli Ver oI1icl~" ;" lMaIl'oh ,ood April[ 00 ,tlhe'sle Oounty Roans. Total of Oounlty Road Vouoh""" ~O" 1966 was - $1,503,420.82 The ~o!IJowmg Repo~t ls lS11.lbmibted <by llihe 1966 ~o'ad Oommit- <tee, which Watg T€<jtlelSood by 1966 Cotmby OOtll]cill. 001 sliJudy lihe Amall- g'l'maJbion of Ooul]tyam wca!l R\Jads ill tlhe' Ooulliby. We willslh ~Q1 fl€ipOiIID alS: fo;:Dows: Wo~k 'w."als'O per1!oo'rood fur 'l"arious MlIDioipWllJies alld otlherls: and v;ar~louS1 maltJerriaills sold. EJ<pel1llliturel By"Laws in 1966 'aJIlpropniatted $1,,340,000. ,000 $534,722. wa" mised by OoulJlty ROIacl Le'l"Y. The IbolbaQ eSltimaDed coot to the Coutlly of ~e 1966 progmm is $534,700. Thatb aIS reque,slbed !by Itlhel SepbemlbCll' SesffiOrlJ of Cotmty O"",,cil[, :tlhe 1966 ~olad Commlbbee hasl made. ,a 'lDlldy of Ootmty mil wClal ~oall Ama!lgamrubion ,and WCIl'e of lihe OdN'Owmg opilliiom: 34 ELGIN COUNTY COUINClIL 35 EDGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 1. Th~b ,lfue ",lllIlrlgalID~blon of ,Ootmby 'and Laoail Roads S~'tem re- qUID0S fOObhe.., s'tudlf '''''d m ilhe loog range yiew, "malligaJmaltioD may b"",ome a .eaITcity. I nlWe Teooi~.ed mti!ces of C'ombrootiooas required by Sootiorn 15 (",) of lfue A<lI: as f<ilO.<IWIl: 2. Th~t ilhe. pres'ent .'""vices rendered by 'lfue Oowby 00 Loeral Mun>- iclparlilltJies shoolid be 'Oollbinood, wd where pri~dtJicaw ""I'aooed. Ar,,~s ",here ,l!lJis )V'OU!!d be pm<ltJibaa: iOOlude.;- Buill< P","cfu~sjng" ReOlbal ,,,,,d OWl]erSllip of Speclallii~ed Equdp- me'Dlt, and in! due- 'COiUll'lSe, Eng:me.eQ"mg Services. T<>Iw>slhip of AllxIborou!lh Towmhiip of DUIlIWidh 'I1o'lmslmp of Sow~d T<>Iw>ship of YaJrmotJlJh T<>Iw>slmp, of MjalliaiJille T<>Iw>slhip of BOo/h~m T<>Iw>sI1ip of S. Drn'<fu€\9beU' 110Wl] of AyIlmer V~~ge of Vdenna Vtllliage of Sprm~ld Vdffilages of BQ[1t SlJanffiey, B€Ilmoot, D1.1I1Jbon, '-West LomIe ,and Rodlooy Boot iBu!'welll, o 3. That alIii p<lliicy derciSli()1lJs made hy Local ,alld Oomiby Ro,ad S~" 100m'S, ,>SIbJ(}~d be ~,ialSed ()IllJ Ibhe' pre1miseRill,aIt 8JlllJaWgH1malbi1o'fil maIY become I3J ~el~qJJty. o 10 42 68 25 22 o 89 8 4 4. Th~t Oowby Ro~d ,Service M~inJtemlll"" Pol:iei". sbouilld be re. v\ieJwed WliJtJh a "vi~ _ IbQ ,riltnlprOV€i Selrvi1oosl, .pwrtilculJ8Ir!1.(y in the ex1IJl'€IIIlilltJie" of l!lJe CoWby. 5. 'I1haJt 'oorustOOrraJbioo .11Owld be givell '00 'lfue ,e!Slbalbl,shmelllt of lfu" ,polis m Elast ,,,,,d We"t El@im, 00 ':mprove ,the Servilloo MaJinlteru- llOOe m Ifu",," ~re,~s. 6. That IlIlIifu"mjlQ]j1oje,s 'm<! BY"LaWS be developed where practi- c~, IbOi 'CIOI11lbro~ Selt BI3JOkJSi of BmldJingls, Sig!]S" ElIlIbraOCI8JS' and ,Road Gross,,,,!!s, eIbc., 00 'apply on ih~bh Oounlty and Locaa: Ru'ad~. I hmne made'appm8:lm~bely 100 mSfP<lotiom inJclllrli"l( approooi- mabely 20 '00 tile !lie^" F10Dd P'/IDb Imder OOIlIsbrodbion ilJj Sootilwold TowrusIl1ip. All of whiidh is respoobMIy sllIbmmbfJed. A. BRUCE McGAlLLUIM, CI1airman. I h""". issued 60 ord.~s (40 .ut 'the F10rd PiI/IDt alli01lle') for tire improv<Jment ofsafuby aJb iIh., ,"aJri~UlS1 \Sli~. I h"VIe ilssued 110 Stop Wwk Ordems ,as ,such, but nav,. dheckoo !fu~~lIIy ,aJbbel'waTds to see lfuat my <>rd..... were ca..rre<:i owt. CONSTRUCTION SAFETY INSPECTOR'S REPORT To 'lfue WiaJrden, .alld M€IllIb.rn of the ElIgUn Comllby CoUlJJCiil, No d]]"'ges have heel> lliaJid under tire Act, lIlms Ulere halVe bem no cO'lWicmom. I berg ,00 report as ful!l<lWll:' No Pe_1lIS !>alVe l>ee!IlJ f~baillly Onjw-ed <JIl Projeclbs Wiifuiru the 000nIby. llh~t the 1'o~IOlV1inJg Re"o~v is presenlted '"'. requillred by SootiOIl 16 of Ule CoruSlbrucbioru Sailety Mt. I woo!lil eSblm~te 'bhat ,awrucrdm~OOly 25 day\S' time throullhoul lfue Y"aJr halVe !been de~ted ,00 C""stmdtioo Sailely. I hiafVJe heeJllJ emplnyedi 'on la part Itmmle b3!slis ,aw halVe liIOil; been Ilss;sbe:d by 'aIllf otiler dnislledll<ms" lither th"" Mr. F.A.C. 11rolJb of TIle OllJbario Dej>a"Dmooit of LaJbOllll". NORMAN J. CIHAPLOW, C\mSbrocbioo Safeby !inspector. 36 ELGillN OOUNTY COUNOllL EDUCATION COMMITTEE REPORT 1'0 lih. Waa:den, alld iMemile~" of tile Eilig,in Cotmby OounK:i", The ,Ediuc"blo" Oommiilltee' rel'or~ as folllimve: 1. TIll"ta ~r'alllt of $300.00 h. made 00 ,the Ellglill SdhOlol True" te€lS' ,and RJ"oopayerrs' Aissociabioll. 2. TIllat lihe m_bersh:lp feem 'lIhe OIJJbamo Scilioo~ Tirustees' and J.\.1iundlCipall. OOrtmCLi[[lOrsl' Aeslo'cJlalt!1oo be paid, al}]d IlJhe Warden ap- polnit d<Jleg"te's '00 ,attend rohe anllual! Oo"",."ti"n. 3. TIlllll a .,clmiliarl!lhlp grlanlt of '$1U0.00 e'adb he, made ,to tihe bOy and giT. from Elgm Oomby albbe"dmg 'lIhe Unhr€Q'slby of Weslbem 0110- tall'liOi, ,8Jl1!d ,albtJadJnJing Itlhel tmgrhest lacaJdetmiiC ISlband:inJg. III] case a' boy or girl d~oo n~~ qualliify 'lIbJe awau:d ffi")' he give" DO libe' tJwo 001' studell1lvs. 4. 'Thlllta ii,lI1allt of $100.00 he, made 'bo, ,~he boy fu'om Elgin 00lUlJt:y a~beinJ.mg rtIOO RidgetOlwll AgricullilJ,,",,1 School ""c1atlt:ming 1II1e hdgIJ" est pass I!lbanding. 5. Tn"t DOIlOOd 'Le<iJbdb beaiWomood 1Jo lihe 'Ooooty Libmry Bd. for 1967, 1968, and! 1969. 6. That lIbe 1967 iBuclge't "f ,tihe EJlgin Ootmby PubJi1c IAbrm-y requiI1in>g '12 'nMJI, be approved. M of wtbddh is "espellbfulliLy sllbmlbbed. J. W. BAIRKER, Oh"il!1man'. ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT To 1tJ.hJe! W;ar:deo, arn'd lMemJbffi'lSl of ltihe E1grin Oooot'Y OOUI1lCi~, TIlle Ellgin Manor 001llllIl,tibe<l reiPo~bs '"s foiliDoW\3: THAT we ",eeommend 'Ilhat Oowty Ooomcil ,aubhor;ze ,tire Mam<' COImmlbtoo 100 pmeeed wlbh ,a .'ElWage ISj'lsbem fO[' ElgitTh Manor 00 t:we ,o"re of rnmmecli"ile and fu\JU['e Q'equir,emenrlJs - oocl G. Dunc<l!r, Bl"ck Dbel. beaullhOl'i~ed 00' carry out libe work. AillL of whiioots mspeclbflilly sUl1mlbted. LORNE KElliLOR, Ohadrman. i I ELGIIN COUNTY COUNQ[L 37 EQUALIZATION AND ASSESSMENT REPORT To Itlhe W:aool8n, illlid MembeDSI olf ,tbe EiLgdrn Cou:nlby 00wn.c:ill.1, The EqualUizllbioo ,ood Ais&""smellt O"mmi~boo rep<J"bs' as' follows': 1. TIllai! 'bhe ,adjuSitmoot of "."bJOIlSi Oil> wlhiich i,lI1oobi;, in lieu of ~""es wetre paid m ~966,aIl lIDepaa:ed by lIhe' Col.lllty A_\S\S<Or, be approved. 2. That ,a ~aw '00 iSet IlIhe ,b"bail '''llgNlgalbe "a1\J:aiJiorus for ap- porbioomellt of Comly Raile m Iih" ,Oounby of E~gi" ill 1967, "" pre" pared. AillL of wnuah is "ool'robfulliLy 'SlUllmlbbed. W]LDIAlM R. CAVIDRLY, CI1adm1al1. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT To lIhe Wwden; ,oocl IVLelm!beQ's of tile Elgin CoootJy Cou"cil, 'l1he P"'S01lJ!]ell: O"mmlbbool reporlls liS ful'llo_: 1. TIll"t the lembor ~"Q11Il H",,"wd C. Belln"~t re (j,.,oup mSll'l'anllO', be taNed. 2. Th"t 'libe relbte,. .rom MT'S. Some"Wllile .e' F1rmge Booe~lbSi be refer!Nll! 1Jo Ohai_an MtiKirrllliay lor dJecision. M of wrodh is respeCl\flilly sulbmillted. JOIJjN iMcKINLA Y, OhairmadlJ. COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMNUTTEE REPORT To lihe Warden, ood Melmilor~ of lihe Ellgin Oowty Oouncll, The Comby Gov€ltttll.mt ,Oommlttee ."por'tSi all fu1iloW\S: 1. Thllt rtIOO rooolubioo from llhe' Township of Eibobicoke request- jug "lOOIJJclmoovs roo llhe PliamJ!iug AKlt, be filled. 38 ELGLN COUNTY COUNOIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 39 2. 11h~t the lebber fmm ~he O"talt1io WOl,ter ~e.oor""" CoIl1llOO;" llioo re Ooul1Jty ~f EI/liIl1J - ,Soobhe.., Are", ~egio01l3!l PoIl!lwbion Coil" ,troll Study he rell'€ll'red 'to ijfue Blallllll.;ng[ilie<lboa- of the' Coonity of El- ('.in Plallllll.drrlg BOllll'd wiijfu ijfue request that he provide' tl:te Ontar!!) WatJer'ResourrooSi OommisiSlioo Wlillih, laIS muoh of rtJhel r'equrired DO!I'"- m"tioo as, pos.9ii!lll. 3. 11h~t Ree"" C. D. Pfr>ill'Ilips be appointed Nl<luslmiail Spoke&- ill"" for 'bhe OoutJby of Ellgin for 1967. Ailll of wbiiltl ;s respeobfuMy sllibmibOOd. 2. Th~t 'bile WI~rdm, Reeve Gilli<lhir;st, Re,we' IMcllilllI%" b" a Comm]btee ro lll!lllc~be tl:te lJralllb. 3. ThaiIJ ijfue moollJ,el'S of the oowe Ooomnliltte", be, p,aid mernlbers W.aJges for t:lheliJr SeI"Vi]ces'. 4. Th~t fue goalllltJs ro ,1Ihe AlJIicullib\ll1111 ood HoroolWtmal Sode" ties he 011J Ithe "ame Ibal'lils la" 1~S1t ye,ar, €<ju!ll'b()l the Prwitnclal gl"aIllItJs. 5. Th~b the leIJter ~rom 4Jhe Dep.wlimoot of Landis aOO Forests re 0100 resident 11u!rut.€...., be talliled. C. D. PllliIlLUPS, Ohaiirman. SECONDARY SCHOOL CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE REPORT 6. Th~t Mr. Clayboume Gordoo he padd $180.00 in Neu of wle",. bioo paey 00<1 drrl "dditJioo 00 bIis houriby wages, 'aOO that fun. aIlIWlIDl; be pad<l 410 ilIim e~ltI )"oor wblllie he ll"elmcins rCowby of EIlgi!l1 Weed ImpeciJor. To 4JOO Warden, ood Memh"". ()If thllElI'lin CoUIDJ!;ey Cooocfr, The SeICoTIKl~ry Scfuooill 'Co""nlilbalbive Oomrrruilbt.ee repoobs as fo!llows: Ml of willioh is respe<ltfulliley SlIbmiibOOdi. DUNCAN GiIJlJOINIillST, Oha1irmM. 1. Moved by Re,,,,,e Plhi'llips, ,an<! seconded by Warden Auck- I3IJJd 4JIJJ~t Reeve K. C. Elm"",oo be ohawm"". ',,';. 2. lMoved by Roove Plhilllldps, ood "eoonded by Wardlen Auck- la"d jfuJaJb ITlspe1cltor A. D. iMlOColll be arppodnibed bo lIhe S"""ndiary SoholllL ComullJb~bive Oommi1Jt.€e. CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE 'fo the Warden, oocl Mernlbem of 4JlJJe Elgirl COUIDJby OoundID, The CentoonIDaIl OoomnibOOel l"€Ij)OO'bs liS foliliow\S: 3. M~"e<l.biy Reevel MoCa~"m, ,and "'''''1]ded by Ree"e Phiili- ~i\>S . ~"t 'lIhe ohalirom"" he all1thorized 'to Igafuer dliba 00 all[ Hlglh SchO<lI em!l'\JImOOlt .,,<1 ,a<lromnwd~bioo in tlle Ol>oob)" of Ellgin. 1. That ijfue oollliIIlWJJicaJbi~rl ~m the Ciby of St. Thomas, re: a \WITsibiip vilsilloog Po~t IStal1ll!ew be filled ,~s faolllbie" ,~t Pout Sb",,~ W!il!l oot ,a<"'o!llllll~d"t.€ the ""mEll. AN of which bs r€l9pedbfi!lley submiltJ1Jeil. K. C. ElMiElRlSON', Oham.n. Ml of w.Woh ;s respedbflMy slU!JmIlbt.ed. JOHIN wrSE, Obailrmoo,. AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT To Vhe Warden, oocl Membern of ,bile Elgin Ol>ooty OoUltlcil, The ~g"icu!lbu,""l CommllibOOe repollJbs liS foNoWlS: 1. Thliba '!lI'llIlJt of $3,000.00 be m~de ~o llbe Illcall agricuilil;u,ml olifIDe for ~arm o"gallli."bioos ,,,,,<I jumor f!l"mer ",,<I mslblbtlbe groups in the Oolmty of EllgiTl fur 1967. To the Wardm, ""d lVWmbEll\'l of tIlre Elgjin CilrnlIby OotmciID, The F1inaIIce ColllllIllibtee repoobs' liS f<llllows': 1. That (harWby ,,,,,,f Weilif""" P,ay List NOr. 11 for $1,655.50 ",,(] p,%, List No. 12 for $434.15 be 8!Jlproveld. 40 ELGJJN COUNTY COmOIL 'ElLGJJN COUNTY OOUNOUL 41 2. W"t OIl~lIr""'ls Aid Socielly Paey Li.lt Nv.. llfl>r $1,932.75 and P'ayo Li'st No. 12 for $1,799.56 00 approved. 14. W"t ,the request of rtJIle Onitario AJssod"tivllJ of RilI1'a~ Murui_ cipailiiilJill' fur " memllnmfutlp, 100 filed. 3. 11I1"t rtJIle Wa!rden ,.",1I 11rea.umr he awtho'l'i""d to borrow up to $1,500,000.00 fmm the Bank Il1f MOIiUr'elaQ .aJS 1Illaey be requdred, and .hru. " by-ilaiW 00 prepared. 15. Wrut payimellt of grallt of $3,000.00 'to "Beailtie Haven" for 1967, 00 autlllon1ized. 4. '!1hail 'the usuallgr'aJlit of $50.00 to the LaiW Ub~ary be paid. 5. 111laJt 'bhe memlber.llip fe'e of $10.00 ;n ,tlhe AJs.socialJioll of Moo- kdpla[' 010rks ,amra Tre'a!SilU'€ll'1s be' pta~d, <and thalt the, OlieJrk-TrelalSUl"e!l' 31btJemd Itlhe OonfV€JIlIbi'on WIiJtih e~etlJSlee plaid. 16. W"t fue requeslt of Ibhe' St. Th<>moo CffillJe!bery COOlp~ for a g>'a<lt, be f1iled. 'L7. 11I1ail.ru 1!JI'a<lt of $1,250.00 be malle to the C"""diUa<l NalJiooal In.bitule for fue' Blii<ld. 6. Th"t Reeve K. C. Elm"",.o", .Deputy Ree,w J. Wise, a<ld De- pwby Re'""" J. E~i<>tJt ,be' paid members wages fur rubte<JJdanee at hospital) mootillgs dllt'mg 1966, ""d tlhiat Reeve RJo""ey a"d Reeve KetlIlvr be paid an "ddilJio".. $3.00 p""" meeting 'abbooded on the Heaill1h U"it ;n 1966. 18. ThaJt the request of St. J<llm AmbaJlaJThoe for " lJI'alllt be fiiled, aIld ,th"t fue AJssocWahion be adv;ood Ohat this is a mruoter fuT' the lllcaIDmnmidpailiUhies. 19. That.a !lJI'a<lt of $2,500.00 be made to fue Uruive~sity of Wes, oem OllJtanio. 7. Thail ,the, !'oIIlOWdlJg co"stJitJuw' Ibe Bo""d of Ibe Ug1in Counlty Pilllleffi' Museum for 1967: Mrs. J. R. FtIbcher, Mrs!. J. D. GaibraitJh, MiSlSI C"liharine' McDow€~, Moo. BMlili Je~reri"s', M. C. Moore, J. Wi"", and A. ~chard. 20. Th"t ,a'lJI'8lt1It of $500.00 00' m"de lto fue Sail'l1ation Airmy. 21. Th"t ~e 1967 MemlbetrlSibJlp Fee in the AJ"so~.albioo of Onioario Co!mlll:iee 00 ordetred pmid. 8. Th!it" gnalt]t of $500.00 !oo made dJo. fue EIlgil1J Coooty Piol1Je.r MUOOUffi. 22. ThaiJ 1Jhe COUIJby ofEllgm pay tlhie 1967 Memhersmp Fe,es ill dJhe ReglioIllaW EiCOn/omlic CotmicH for €Ialch ill rtJh:e, municipalim1es in Elg1in Coooty alt ,a rtJolbail coslb of $2,239.92 pr<widitlg Ib".e aIre no Ie' ll~ <jbst"clieJs to lb.. _I:mgemoot, 9. 11I1!it ,ohe mem\)etrsl>ip ree in .lihe Olltan1iO Mwicipail Assoc;a' Uoo be paid, and fue Ward"l1J to '''Ppomt d.legalbes Iio . "tbend til:J.e Coovel]hion. 10. Thail Ibhe request of the JI1[l.lsculli"" DySlbroplby As.olCi"tion for a lJI'altlIt be f&<!. 23. Th!it Ibhe 1966 F1ma<lolaill Rep<d Il1f fue Elgin County Pioooer Museum, bel fi[ed. n. Th1lb pa:l"meillt of gr.8lt1It of $16,000.00 for 1967 to the TlID.son.- lltn1g Ho'splba'l, 00 ootil:J.on"i7.ed. 24. Th"t Ommby COUtl(milJoM "boonllmg ~he WmlosllJOp bemg spOIll- sored bY jjhe A\9Socialtion of Olioa,.;" 'Coumil;ie~ be paid at Ibe. S!aII1le ['aile .aJS fuT Comm:iJbbee Me,ertJmgs, ,wtJlmtlt m:iJlelmge aIDlowa"ce. 12. Thmt we join Ithe AJsoociaJtioo of ()']barao MaY'Qrs and Reeve,s, aoo .t!Il"t dJhe membetr'sIlip roo !be poad. 25. ThaJt Ibe 'l1re"Slli€OC' be 'authOtt1iwd to <JOIlIbillUe monjjh[y Paw- melJJbs !to Ibe Ohildren's Aid Soroeby on ~e bmsis <If tihe 1966 Budget, lllWiili ~e' 19&7 Budget ;s eSlb"bliisihed. 13. Th"t the reque\Slt of fue Can"diUan MedJic-Ailie"t FoundatJion Ille. for., g"alllt, be' fillled. 26. 11II"b 'tihe ]eober ~l"Om Howaro C. Ben"ebt re Group msm'alllce be referred to the Per>Som.~ Commlllbee. 42 ELGIN OOUNTY OOUINOlL ElJGiIiN OOUNTY COUNOIL 43 27. ThaJtaCom~ of Elgin Sick BeneifiUt Amolmt 00 opened at <1!he BaOJik of M<J11~rellJl, <aW fuaJt mooey- Iforwffi'ded by oliher mUllici. pailiitJies willb TeBlpOOt ilx> emjJloyees \\1ro haw become empI<J(Yees of Dbe Oorrnlby of Elgm, Ibe deprnsilllle<l 11Ib"",,,,. When smtieimt 'lnllO:JJeY ill on deposit in 1ihils1a<lcowt, <lwlJifficaJlle\s of deposiIfJ .aIt'e to 00 pur- chasedl. ELGIN COUNTY LIBRARY Court House, St. Thomas. Onto FINANOEi\L STATEMENT, 1966 28. That W<l OOllJ01IT willIh lihe recommoodaJlJiol] of "he Elgin ManIOO' Oommilltllee thrul <aJ srutilslfaetory <syaJtem tOT sewaJge msposail he' 00IlI- stNrote<l to se""e Eiligin MalllOT. Receipts I'lgfurn Oom~ ~~t ... ................... .........$28,748.00 I~sl3JIJi"" Grant .................................. 41,000.00 L<Uke Elrie ReWOnail ............................... 4,996.85 Trust ,"ccolIDlt - Bmalllllh UOOa<'ies ................ 2,570.811 FineIs mil FeeIl .................................... 858.19 Root - Ayillmer Aprurtmoot ...................... 550.00 M..eellil~eollS, Reivelme ............................. 1,603.95 ~$80,328.80 29. ThaJt the maJtAJeT of " gT,~t Ito lihe ,Four 001.lIlltlies Hoopitail be tabled ro nJbe I]eoot mee"ing of fue Finalllce Coimrni:tt:ee'. All of wIli<fu is respedtllullily !lU1>mii~d. DOUGLAS TODD, ObaiTmoo. Expenditures InSUlIiOOOO ............................ Lib~rury S1J!llilles .. .. .. .. .. .. Liwrury A&soclaJlOOn Fees BooillmdbNl> Ex!peDJSe .............. I1allldii 'Vialll ............. TeleplJ.<J11e 'allle! TeIDeg<ralfu .......................... Ua:JJempiOy<meaJt LrlisuTalllce .......................... ~leaJgI> - Sb8Jlff ......... ........... ...... '" ....... Lega!l fees .......................................... O.M.E.RS. - Pel>sfun ......................... C~a<l" PoosIiOa:JJ .................................... P.U.C. - Main ................................ Bm~ch ..........................'........ Barnik iJ>ailJ~ee, lJeioombea- 31st, 1965 ............... $ 569.8<1 ,"~arg€lS '8.Il1!d S3ilialli~s "'- Miailiru...................... 18,047.97 B~alllch, .................... 9,364.05 Bd. Membe~s & MlleaJgI> 1,176.90 Booms .............................................. 22,,317.34 PeTi<>~a!Is laW N€MOSpllpeM ...................... 441.75 Bo"klbiindlinig . . .. . .. .. . . . .. .. . . 1,376.97 F1umlture, F.tsJtures .am I'qUJIpmoot - M~iI> ..... 2,765.18 B"alllch ..... 408.50 RepafulsaW Mamtooalllce - Mam . . . . . . . . .. 3,334.65 Brlallldh ....... . . . .. 1,868.87 ......... .1,609.24 ......... 2,527.52 . . .. .. .. . . 140.00 .............543.59 2,567.72 243.38. 98.08 338.56 50.00 635.57 293.75 235.01 268.51 44 El!JmN OOUNTY OOUNOEL Hel3lbing - Ma!irnl BlflatnJOO Mwlnillena!lllC,e, Supplies Se""j~lls - Mrs,. F. Wb!ite~a:y, Lib~wialll Mr. Sclhuit, Joollm 1\rCloOlIDIIDJQldiaJt1iJoo1!Bi - Br:anohle!s II]beoosl 'and I'"ch~ MilSlceillliainleouSi Bank BaIJJ",,"e, DecemJheT 3!Js1, 1966 Estimated Budget, 1967 Estimated Receipts Ram BaIJJ~oo, DelOOllliJ>er 31.t, 1966 . . . OounbY' Gml]b PioovWIlIclaIJJiliarut ($25,000.00 plus $16,000.00) F1in~1l <aOO ,Fees Root - Ai)'lmer Aparltment ... EIiGJIN OOUiNTY OOUNmL 45 229.02 769.03 75.42 3,000.00 480.00 1,095.00 26.90 1,488.65 1,42<1..91 -$80,328.80 Pwsi\JiIJIS - O.M.KRoS. ........... ......... C.P.P. ......................... IIlIieir"st ,allld I'xehaogl> .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Root - 'Libu:'aIt'y A"~OIllJJmod~tioIJ!s .............. S0rwoo\S - Mr.,. Wi>lteway , . . . . . . $ 3,000.00 Mir. Schuillt.. .. .. . 480.00 -$ 3,480.00 8~L.27 .$72,859.27 $ 4,300.00 3,800.00 3,900.00 . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . .... 3,400.00 3,000.00 2,800.00 1,000.00 1.,243.00 25.00 1,700.00 lVIiise<ill~s .. "SalJJaIt';es - .Main - Rullh P~o""'e ($4,400.00 plus $400.00) Dorolihy PaskJ<jtt ...................... Tihclm" G",,8IllIfil~ld Kruy Mllbler June lVJjwm One fulll ,time em!'i<>\YOO P,a[lt Itlme 11<llp B~~ch Empilioyees (10e pea- OOUT mem"..) . . . .. ... $ 1,509.27 . . . . .. 29,000.00 41,000.00 350.00 500.00 -$72,859.27 . .. $22,600.00 ......... 11,000.00 . .. .. .. .. 15,000.00 1,800.00 400.00 1,000.00 400.00 800.00 200.00 1,000.00 200.00 275.00 250.00 650.00 1,790.00 50.00 75.00 300.00 6,300.00 125.00 1,200.00 125.00 Estimated Expenditures *SalJJa<'ies - Main Lilbr,rury .......... B~alllch IJlbmni.es ........... Books "Offle" Equipment - Main Br:a!niCih BoKlklblndil1<g .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . Pe"~drncailJs ....... ......... ......... BOiOklmoibi!hel,amI! Viarn ................. .......... T<!J.e!lihooo ThaIVeiI - BOlard Memlben:" aH1rl Stalff P.U.c. - Mai" ............................... Bl'lrtfu ... .......... ........ ............ He'aJt - MalllJ ..................................... B~alllch ................................. hJisur~"e ..................................... Le(!jall Fees ........................ Mai!nItie"~SUWIies .... ............ "RepaJirnaJlld Mlwlnitea:JJallloo - ,Main . . . . . . . . . . Bmarllch ... .......... ,""",cl8Jbi<J11 Fees LibMr~ ISupplWsl - Oards" Uoo~eaJt WIlT,arlloo JlJJckelbs, <ltc. 11,000.00 ToIJa[ *Oill'iIoo EqUilpI1llellJt - MaID [;j"~Ilil"Y - SheM"g Book c.rurts DesIos, €iIle. .. $33,600.00 $ 1,500.00 200.00 100.00 'J1<>tail ................' $ 1,800.00 Bl'ta!l1ldh lJilbrooi:e,g. - DeISlkiSi, c!hlai1rs:, etc. $ 100.00 2 slelns, clhlillda.'ien\s It3Jble, and C"a>'rIs 300.00 ToIbaJi $ 400.00 *Repai!rs ,and Mainte"a"ee - Main - 11a&nitlrug oubside $ 300.00 B~~ch - Belmont ( T. Fwd, $623.60 piliuSI E.C.L., $1,876.40 .. $ 2,500.00 StJl18J1.11!0Il'diI"llille .... 1,000.00 Shedd"" 1,000.00 Ayillmer 1,000.00 111. Slban!ley (,ste[(lSl) 200.00 Rodney (I'ailllbing) 300.00 West Lome ((pwlnimg) . . 300..00 . .. $ 6,300.00 ToW.... 46 I'LGIN COUNTY COUNC[L ELGIN <COUNTY PIONEER MUSEUM FlNANmi\L STATEMEJNT, 1966 Receipts Gmanta - Provllilllee of Owamio ......... .......... $1,000.00 Comby of I'Igin ............... .......... 500.00 $1,500.00 Jlllmlslt ood U.S.A. Prerruirnn ................................ 48.31 lJOOaJbioos, W.I.'s .~(] O,!izeIllS' .............................. 107.50 F1ul) Day . ..... . . ..... . . ...... . ..................... ....... 48.74 Amivemary Tea ............................................. 265.44 W. ,and S. Re!baoo 00 Oil ...................................... 27.17 Museum Recedpta - AdmmOlllS ........... $ 795.70 Memberslbii\lS ......... 273.00 Bookls .. .. .. .. 72.55 Oalt'ds and IialSlbi NOltes 67.65 Jlalln ............... . .. 43.15 Mi\SC€IIlalllOOUS .. . . . . . . 27.50 DO<l~biOl)s ............. 33.00 Tali RoDm ............ 2.25 $1,314.80 TOT~RtI'CEJjjpTS . . . .. ........ ....... $3,309.96 TO'J1~ DISBillllSElMl'NTS ...................... $3,365.32 Defimt ................ ........... B~anee 00 hand, JalllUrury 1"t, 1006 ...... $ 55.36 $1,983.91 BalliaJRllB' 00 hand, Deceml>ea- 3~"t, 1956 $1,928.55 Disbursements Saillamies ..................................... 0iIl fur FUma"" .............................. C~aJdaJ P>emi0a:JJ .............................. TeiIIeijlImoo .... ................. ............. ~tdWc {JitHffillies ,........................ ..... InsurallJJce .................................... '!1aixes ........................................ 'MaiDllenal>ce .................................. stWbiooery ........... Pur<fuwses fur ~ale ... ........ ....... ...... $1,371.90 315.52 6.31 141.01 136.65 291.34 14>i.48 71.71 31.48 93.33 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 47 Pooba!'J<', EJrol>ange, SeT>VIice Ol>rurge Permanea:JJt I'quipme"t ." ,'.......... A~aIDreoUS ,JG~se ... ........ ... 19.50 114.78 126.83 . Elig1ltI~P"J'IIIWaJt $2,865.32 500.00 $3,365.32 No. Reg., 4443 ELGIN AGRICULTURAL 'CO~TTEE F'INANO]AL STAIfl'1VENT - JaJR. llilh, 1956 ro Joo. 12th, 1967 Reeeipts Boo""",, FOTWard, 1966 ............................. $ 161.03 COWlllty of Eligin, 1956 G~ant ......................... 3,000.00 TOTAL RiEOEIPTS . .. $3,161.03 Expenses Livestock ShDWS and Cluhs: I10llstellilll m~ck md WibJilte Show, A~mea- $ 48.00 J,,",'sey P.lrislh Show, Aylrtror ...... . . . . 48.00 Aytrslme Show, Ayillmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55.50 ROOf Owttile Show, WaillaeebOlWI1 . . . . . . . . . 100.00 Beef O~ttAJe Show, Rodney . . .. ...... 75.00 EllglllJ Boof ]mprowmmt AsSOIClll1OOni .. 75.00 :Mlddlle_~l'Igil> HeTeIfOTd BroodeTS' ,"ssociaJtiJ<m .. ........ . . . .. .. .. .. 25.00 We,stem Comties Guernsey Olul> ,... . . . 25.00 $ 481.50 Conn~ Organizations: Elgin Soli ~ Orop lin1proN'emeaJt A\Ssocbwbi<J11 ... .................$ 350.00 Elgfurn 0lrnJI~ Seed F,aJir ................ 150.00 Orop Oosit Re!COT<i lBookls ................ 1175.00 I'Igfurn ~ ruo'VllI100'S MoOC. . . . . . 200.00 Elgin Comty l!1amI S8Jlfe~ OOUOOll ...... 50.00 48 I'WIN OOUNTY COUNClIiL ElliGlIN OOUNTY COUNmL 49 ~ Oorlmily ~rruillt GJ:'IOlW€II"Si'. ksooc. Elgin Fermst8lad lmprONleOIlenlt Ce[lJteOOliail (Jomp8lbiliiKl" ":B81rore laIllIdi Aflbell'''' PtirCif1uool CbirutJeslt Gil'ls 4-H Clnb Work: 4 4<H 0luI> 'Coa:JJIf. D~aJIle\s, O.A.C., 1966 $ 43 (Jowty HIoiruour Pins @ $3.35 plus Exoo~ 8 4-<H Club Leru<!ea-s' Pins @ $1.25 plus I'JOOh""ge 28 Fliip Ohalllbs plus NewspOOt 15 Club SiP .................... 144.35 25.00 40.00 200.00 100.00 $1,250.00 Junior Farmers' As~iociation: 10.66 36.32 46.31 $ 328.16 ElIglllJ Comly JlR1Iior F8Jl'mem' A.s\soe. Elgm (lornJ~ JlR1Iior Imtiwte ....... $ 250.00 150.00 $ 400.00 Miscellaneous: AuditllJJg - Jlames Gailbraill1!h - '65 Books $ 10.00 Dinner - ~bwoog Team - Gueiliph 15.60 Dmnea- - Dem ROOhaJrds, Cllll> Leadlms 20.22 $ 43.82 4.H Clnbs: Bellffi<J11lJD3Iiry OaWf CiLUb - 28 oomplebed $ 42.00 Sbedd"" Dairy CailIf Olub - 21 cornpIeted 31.50 ElOOlt I'lgin -Dairy Oaillf (Jlub - 20 compi"bed .. .......... 30.00 eorUlnitih DWirY' CailIf 'C!lUI> - 26 completed 39.00 She<ldoo BooJ' Oaillf OIUib - 17 .oompleted 25.50 W.aililJaootOiW!11J Beef Oaillf Club - 18 c<lmplelted ... ......... 27.00 Mdhorou'gh Boo{ Oaalf C1\lD:J - 9 oomplelted 13.50 We"" EllglllJ SwiInie OIUb - 16 completed 24.00 OeI>bra!l 'Elgfurn SwillJJe, Ollll> - 11 <completed 16.50 WelElt ElIgfurn Elrugmooring Club - 8 'oompieted ..... . 12.00 ElIgiru Thaotm- Cllll> - 12 compiLeled 18,00 Weist 1'l!g1iID: Firuld Orop Olub - 10 oompIelbe<l . . . . 15.00 EligllllJ Sheep Ollll> - 10 comaJlebed ..... 15.00 $ 309.00 TO'J1AL E:l<PEll.\\SES . ...., $3,061.71 Barnik BoollllOO ............... $ 264.32 Less 078 Cheques .... . . . . . . . 165.00 AJcroal BooaJR~ .......... $ 99.32 $ 99.32 $3,161.03 Approved - ElIgllJJ AgTioullilit:ID!ll c<>mmlillllee: Gord<J11 WooIli1:1er; A. W. Audkiland; JOIhn MI~ay; A. V. LaJRlgb(llt, Sec.-'I11i>a5urer. J~rury 131ih, 1967 - Aullited ood IbtnJid III be corredt: J_ Ga'lbmilih, AudililxJr, 64 East. St., St. Thomas. Transportation - 4-H Inter-Clnb Shows Beilmlld ,am Shedd"" Owl",," III ~eT F13Jm-........................... $ Shodden and Roooeiy Oailiv€1S to W~~oeIJoWl> Faillr .... .................... 30.00 26.00 $ 4-H OltJb LeadOOlI' Assookubion ..................... $ 4.JI ThlIter.C11l1> WinnlerIS' _ 2 poo S€IIJs . . . . . . . . . .. $ 56.00 200.00 21.28 50 ElUGlIN COUNTY COUNCJIL 'ELOllN iOOlWI'Y COUNCJIL !l1 By-La)\' No. 195.4 3. The 'l1malSUl1eIt' is 00reiJ>y sulihortiood .aI>d di!reclled ~o OIJlply in pa:;nmoot of MI OOllllS borrowe<l pur",,~t ~o lihe <UWiJbooity" of thls By.lJiaJw, ,as we~ "" MI otlher SllIIl1S b<mrowed in IIIlm yeait' 00<1 allly pmv:ious Y'l>aIt'S, f,lIIIl 1ib.e. saild BllI>k fur lany or Il!lli of fue purposes mel1liJiooed in fue said Se<Jbioo ~9, ltogebber wJth mlle",.,t fueroon, alll of the _neys bereatllbea- eolleloted OT received 00 wocomlt or re,alized l'l respe<lt oflDbel Itaxes rev.le<l fOT lihe <J1.IIJl'CIlItJ yeait' ",,<I precediiirug yeams and lalJ.[l !Of rtlhe1mcme'YS' !coWliedbed! or l}'I€.ICJ8Iived: iforotIn aui)" oi(:Jh€/I' source, whicl1 may larwfuillly be appliie<l ~()J' ,"uoo purpose.. ~8ISS€d tis 19th day of Janualt'y, 1967. A. W. MYOKLAND, H. L. JOHNSON, The He"d of fu. GOTpOlraJbioo Olerl<: I ihiereiJ>y c.ertlJiy thwtfue IIoregoing is .a dJroo copy of By"law No. 1954 of The Oo~OIl'lablo" of ii;e Comity" of iEllg1in llJJ the Province of Orutario; diUly passed wt .a moobia:JJg of IlIhe COUDlOO of the, Sla!Id Coirpor>- e/lioo diuly JreIT\l, anI<! ,tIh~1 "l1e <s!lid BY'-lliaw ffis in ~ulliI. f\lit1ee ood effoot. [)wtecl thi!l 20lih1 day of JalllUrury, 1967. MUNlCIPALlTY OF ELGIN WIlERJEi\S Ibbe 'Oouooi~df tlhe Oo~or.wti"n deems ill Dlecessalt'y to bomow ,lib>> "",m of ooe 1J:lIiIIli00, five l1mdt'e<I nJbousaOO dolbalt's to moolt, tmhi~ fue ItarxelSi 13!re' !cllJlliLelObe:d, rtlhe 1CW"1'enrt eooPe!l1ldliJtJur€lS" of the Corporwbioo for the yeaJr; AND WiH)EIRiE~S the Wtail lalOOU11It of lihe elSltimwted revel>OO", of the ~orabi"" "" ,selt ~00111h m IDb" esblmalles ,a""pied for 1ihe yelllt" 1966, Dl{jl mudlinig re~I>OOIS dlllli>v:oole or dori'vlJd ~rom 1ib.e sla~e of I3\S'SleItS, bOl'll'OWilo!.gs IOl" QlsJSUlOOOO oIf dleibetllrnrelSi or from a iSurp]us; in- clrudmg oorelams' , of lbarxes, rus ltJwo milllliim, Itwo hruin.dn.'ted and! sixty oov- eo IDbllUlS,am, mvel1U1l1dred aIlJd 00n doJILllil:1S. AND WIIDillllElAS 'tiI1e ootail "mllUllJJt l1erelxJfure au~e<l to, be bllU:'1'lOWed @jjs yieaJr IflOT 1ib.e lJUl'POse~ meOJlbiooed in SIIiJ>seolillm (1) of Se"bi~" 328 of The MOOrolpaili ,"dt ~. mJI 1I01J1Lllil:1S, of while" 1ihe 00'1>0'- wbi~n "as 'a~adY' bowowed ,a ootaili of niC cloJlLarsl. '-', H. L. JOiIlJNSON, Olerk 'J1ImRJE:FORE 'tbe Cooooit of The OollpOlrWtioo of the Comty" of Ell- gin l1erelJy ""aots as fll![ows: BY-LAW NO. 1955 "To Appoi!nt a Board of Andit in the Connty of EIgio for the Year, 1967." L. The Hllad .am 1IlID ThelalSlIl'ffi" .aJre hereby all1ihOTWed 00 be- l1ai1if of ,1Jhe OOIrporwlJioo ro bOTOOW /irlom Iblme lJo lJilme" by WIll)' of promilSJso<y "000, from lihe Barnik of i1VJ!Gntreail, ,a oom OT SUlIllS 1110< ex<:eedittJg 'in IDbe ,ag;goog"te OOe mi~, five hoodrled iilousam do!" laillS ,Ix> meet, Imtiili the ~"""'s' .are 'edl!lodted, 1ihe euTTellllt expeI>dv1JuTes of lihe Oorporwtikm fuT the yeait', indudling1lhe wmooJJJbs reqllired for 1JJ:>.kl' lJUl'POses moobi\ll>lld m ,stJbselltioo (1) of lihe srod Se<Jllioo 329, md lto g>ve, ll11 bellaillf of lihe OOlrporwti"n, to lihe Bam " prom:ilssory IlJOte or miles, se,a!Ie<I WIiIIh lihe <e<>rpol'ate 'seal aIlJd sigl>oo by 1ihem for l:lJe nro!Ieys so bONowed w.1Ih i11Jtemst Iwt ,a moo not exceeding 6 pea- """turn peT ,,,",,um, which may he paild m .adlvaaree ll1' oUre"",ise. llhe Elgfurn Oo~ OoImCll e"aJdbs: '\1H!AT the Jud!ge of IlIhe Oounty COOt1t, 'and the 'J1mWSllfeT, be, Md aTe ihiereby lappointed memb€!M of the Bo"rd of Audfut 10 pe.... form ItiI1e du.ies req1llilred of :Db€llll by IDbe RJ"",i~ed StalttJtes of Oil'- t",,;o. '1'IIAT ItiI1e ,iffiemb,,"s of lihesallid Boalt'<i of Audit he padd the sum of 1llifu1Je dlOlJiliwSi p~1l" dlatY !fur ilJhe1j[- iSleJf'Vlices, l8.1lJJd twenlty cooIhs: per mill> .going to eadh AudIlt. READ a fiDcsl time nJbi!l 19t1h <lay of J.anurury, 1967. RiEAD ,a sclC<J11d ~imel 1ihils 1911h <laJY' of J<lIl1IUary, 1967. READ a 'lIbJlrd 'time, amd lIma~y paJssed tis 1911h <lay of J'allwary, 1967. 2. AiJID ISUIlIlB borrowed from lihe s!lid B""k, for 'any or Hill of 1ihe purposes meI1IiJi\ll>lld in 1Jlre .,aid SooliI<m 329, ooail'l, WIiIIh interest 1ihere. on, be ,a cih~e' UpOO "he wIrolll of vh. reveomes of lIhe ~~ti~n fur nJbe ,ourrea:JJb Y'l>aIt' 00<1 fOT <a!II preceding yeait'S, "" and whoo such lfe'VenU8\S1 are reooilVed. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk A. W. AUCKLAND, Wa!t'<iein 52 ElliGIN OOUNTY OOUINCIL 'ElJGIN COUNTY OOUNOIL 53 BY.LAW NO. 1956 By-lJaJws f<lQ' oo:ju:iring or expropri8Jiillg alllY ~aI>d reqllliTed for 1ihe pUITpose elf the Cln1poMtiJOII. "A By~Law To Set The Total Aggregate Valuations for Apportion~ ment of Connty Rate in the Connty of Elgin in 1967." 'The ICotmci!l of lihe CorplOmbioo ef illheCom~ of EIgUn el>acts': THAT ,Db" folllioM'ing bel .tJbe vailu"blom &la' Oooru~ ;&i1Je Pur- po""'" tin IlIhe Gounty (If Elgin lOT 1967: AyWmer .... $' 7,943,335.00 Be~mKJllllt .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. 795,500.00 Dnil:oo .. . .. . . .. .. . .. .. 1,045,622.00 POTlt BurW<l1l ......... ....... 857,485.00 Porlt Slallliey .. . . . . . . . . . . 3,093,005.00 RodinJey . . .. .... . . . . 1,'249,390.00 Springffi<!ld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369,3~6.00 VlielllliaJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 859,900.00 We"" Lome ................... 1,281,785.00 Aililllroroogh ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5,256,445.00 B"J'IbaJm . . . . 5,816,661.00 Dorcl1"ste'l" Sollllh .............. 1,995,265.00 Dmwich . . . . . . . . . . . 4,412,169.00 [lVJjaillaJhi\le . . . . . 8,114,955.00 &mlJhwolld . . . . 6,746,680.00 Y"rmeufu .... . . . . .. 9,167,825.00 13.567105% 1.i!42671% 1.787303% 1.465716% 5.286936% 2.135608% 0.631279% 0.615134% 2.190896% 8.984948% 9.945955% 3.410547% 7.541809% 13.871057% 11.532237% 15.670748% AND WHI''RiliJAiS ,the H!iglJWlay Lmpro~mool ,"0l, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 1701, Selobloa1 66, provJrles illh3Jl where, in; Ibhe e_!lire elf iJIJs powers, o'r in per"furmanoo elf iOO dbiliig3Jtioos oodllr Poot Se""'l1 of the s8J'd ,"ot, la 'OoUIDJty fudsl Itlh3Jt it is nOO€lSl\1aJrY to e~prlaoo I""" for :lIbe PlIDpOOO of opel>ing up, Wlidel>ing, ImprOVliI>g, p~tecll. ing flI"OllU €!1"OISU.Ol1I, ,alJtJell"mg or dlivertiJnlg '8; Counlty Road, tlhe Comity may proceed in lIhe 'tIJJauI>er prllVIidoo by Pooi ,0,,0 of the sllJid Act; AND WH!ERE.AiS in IlIhe e"ercilse elf its po"""",,, al1d m peTfuI'- m~oo of lis ooJli~altions" '1ihe' Oorpor8Jbion of the OnmIty of Ellgin finds, OT may ood, th8Jt ~b "" n."essaJrY ro eocpropriallie i"""s foc widoomg, iimpl'UVllrng, etc., ,the {,ownlby [(\lads: sh.own 00 S'chedu!le A as 8Jibacl1"d; BI' IT TH!EREFO!lJE EN,"C'I'ElD by the Cln1poMbioo of lIhe CounII:y of Elgfurn '-'; (1) Th"t ItJbe Walt'dea:JJ ,and C~e1l'k of IlIbe 'Comty of Ellgj:n he" al1d .aJre, alJj~~ed to "'go 'allY 'and .aOO. p~amB. perliail>ing bo land ex:propriabioo fur Oolrn1l~ ROfUds sMwn on Schedule A, am ~ ,atOOix lihea-elx> IlIhe. Sea[ <If lIhe Corpomtiol> of the C<>u~ olf El~i:ru ~d to registeqo ,!b" "ame m Ithe OoWly of I'lg'in IWJ<istry OlIffiee. $58,502,788.00 100.000000% RElAD a 'fwslt lillme ii;i!l 19Db <lay of J,antJaJrY, 1987. READ ,a ,*cOa:JJd 'lhne IlIhi~ WDb daY' of JlantlaIt'Y, 1967. R:EAD <a ,tlhird ltime and ~i-nally pa""'ed, ~bis' 1911h 00lf elf Jmuarw, 1967. H. L. JOHNSON, A. W. AUOKLAND, Olerk Walt'del1 BY.LAW NO. 1957 (2)ThaJt ,Dbe' The"SUJ)eT be, <a"d is hea-<fuy oollhmlzed to p"y to llIbe OWI>e~s of the ~aI>d" hereby eJ<1ROl'ri"ted, oodb aJmOlIDts '318 'm1ay !be lagreed upon .81Sf compet1lsaltion for 1:Jhe ~arnd'SI elX- propriaibed, or ;sudh comp.ooSlaltion ,as malY be'denerrminled' by fUIibffitratioo umder provisions of l\Jhe I'Xlplt'Opd3Jbi"" Proee. dure" Act, S~"mte:s elf OI>tm1io 1962-63, ChaptJer 43. SCHEDULE "A" "A By-Law to Authorize the Expropriation of Land for the Plll'pOse of Widening and Improving County Roads." WHlEmlEAS Ua:JJdea- Se"biol1 333 of ItJbe Mooidpa[ Act, being Ohlllp- oor 249, R.S.O. 1960, u", GouooiJl of e""rw ~mtiol> may plllSs 1. Comly 'RiofUd 11, SotllJhwold Thwnsmp LoIbs 45 <ll>d 46, Easi \S'iIde of T.a!Ibot 'Rioad No<rDb Erel>Ch. 2. Road 26, Y<aJIiIllout!h 'J1oW\llOOd[J Lot 47, NOTth ef TailJbaJt Road, OT Lot 2, Oonc'eSlSdm 9. ~---------_._--~_.__.- .54 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIiL EDGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIiL 55 3. CarnJl~ RIllad 27, YaIt'ffioulih TownShip Lotsl 4 - 21 mclirusJ"e, Ooneesm<J11 3 ood 4. 4. GIlUtJty lIWaJd 29, 'ya~ollth 'J1owtnllffip Lots 1- 4 iu~si'Ve, Hooge 1, NOn111h of Edgewaoo ROOd atlld RlRl!lI> 1 Soutlh of Edgewalt'e RIlad. 5. Coun~ RioaJd 29, SootIhwoild 'J1owI>smp Loft t, OonicelSlSliu!l1!sl "D" wd! "'E". ThEAD ,a liirst ~ ii;i!l 19th <Iruy of Januaq, 1967. READ ." I""cood "!me ll!Jis 19bh <lay of Jawa~, 1967. RElAD a nJbi!rd ~tme, ,and finalliil' PaJSISe<l, lJbi. 19bh day of J~aIt'.y, 1967. H. L. JOHNSON, 0leTk A. W. AUOKLAND, WaJrd"" 6. COImty Road 35, Y_1Ib Towmhip Wt 28,C<J11ee!lsioo 6, 7 ~ 8. 7.Coonity R~ad 35, Mallialbiide' Townsmp Lot 1" 'C<J11cessi"" 6 ,arue! 7 ,~d Wt 74, SoaJth Slide of TaJIbo,t RIlad. BY-LAW NO. 1958 "Respecting the Weight of Loads to be Carried on Vehicles" WIIIE!3:El~ ,suhs.dbioo 8 of Se<Jbioo '54 of ~'" Higihwruy '!1rla1!fic ,"ot (R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 172) proVides 1ihat: 3. Road 38, lMaiI$idl> Towruship Lot 108, Norbh ,~d SotJIIh of 'l1ailb<lt RIloo. 9. Road 38, BaY'ham Towmmp Lot 109, Norbb ""d Soutlh of Talbot Road. 10. Oollnlty RIlad 42, lMaID3JhiKJie Town\Sbijp Wbs 27 ood 23, Omcemioo 1 aoo 2. 11. 'O\>lmI~Roa<l 42, Malliahiide '!1owI>ship Lobs ~l - 20 ;musilve', CoinIees.s[oo 1 ,and 2. 12. Coonity ROad 44, Baylruam T<>WI>sI:lip Lots 15 ane! M, Oo!lreSsIDon 8 ""d 9. IG. Oom~ !!Wad 45, !Malli3Jhide ThwI>sImp Lobs 21 - 35 incilusi"", Oo.rucessi<m 3 llIld 4. 'J1he mwi~aiI<m!l<>"~bioo or ollhe.r 'oobblll"lity ha'V'mg juri!ld>> tim over alllIY mghwruy, ffiruy dec:lare .lh~b fue provisi""" of sub" OO<il.ioos 4 ,and 5 do !lOlt ,"PI'iY' IIx> llIlY or a!Iill of tile, I1Iigihwal's mile. irts jrurilsrliJCtrl.on;~" AND WIlEOOAB ._ction of ~oads is !lilt lleeme<l ooeel9SlaIt'y for the probeolJloru <If cen1baia:JJ mgihwruys in lihe' Miumeipallii~ of 1ihe OolIDity <If E]gfurn; NOW 'IlIlERJEFOOO the C()\l!llON of l1ihe COIt1poralliOOl of lihe, Moo- lCipalliity of nJbe Ootmty- of ElIgin ""adts as full(>W!l: 1. 'J1he prowsiom of SlIbsectiom 4atll<l 5 of SeolbibllJ 54 of lJiJe Hi(glh- waJY 'I1raillllfu Aot do NO'!' "llpily to fue IlIiIgihWllJYl!l "amed hereunder: 14. CouJ]~ Road 52, Ma!l3Jhidl> TownrShip Lobs '1- 20 incIlu&i,,", C<>nee.SIiKm 9. Connty Road From To 15. C<>rnJ~ Rioad 52, Soulllh Dor<fuester Thwnship. (,a) NO.2 Com~ Road 3 The wesl timtit of Lot 8 LObs 7 - 24 mdlusi,-,,,, CooeelSlsioo 12. oppoolte Cooc. 8 am 9, 16. County Road 52 Twp. of Ail.tllJor<>UJgl:t, Ap- Lois 8 - 24 .indlusti,-,,,, Concessi"" 10. prox;mlllbelly- '!4 mIil.e. . Lotts 8 - 20 ineluslve', RJ~gI> 2 Nooii; of Eltlgewlaire Road. (b) No.3 King's HIwy. Nil. 3 lGa:JJg's Hwy. No. 401, Ap- 17. COOnJ~ -Road 42 prol<iimalteIDy 6 md1,,";. Lobs U ,and 12, Coooossion 1 BaY'ham, 00'" Vtilillage of (,c) NO.8 00tnlIty Road 15 King's Hwy. No. 401, Ap" Pwt BUlVWei!l. prol<lim3Jtely 1 mille. 56 (<I) (e) (0 (g) (h) (0) NO.9 Nu. 13 Nu; 14 No. ~5 No. 20 No. 23 (j) No. 24 (k) Nu. 25 (~) Nu. 27 (Iffi) No. 32 (n) No. 36 (0) No. 39 (p) No. 40 (q) No. 42 (11") No. 44 ElLG!JN OOUNTY OOUNOIL Oow~ Road 14 Road Allowane.e' belbween Lol 23 ood Lot 24, Twp. of Dunwlclb, Approx. L.5 mites. CouaJty Rood 15 OomJ~ Road 14, Approx_ lro8JlJel~ 5.8 !ffill~". ~g's Hwy. No.3 ThaJmffi Hi"",", approooi- maJbeILy 6.2 mlles. Kmg's Hwy. No. 3 NOrlllh rimi!t of lIhe ViMOJge of DllItiJol>, approxim<lltJelly 3.5 ,miles. Kmg'", HIwy. No. 3 ~g's Hwy. No. 401, ap- proxdrmabely 3.0 miiles. Hiwy. No.4, Lot 2, Hiwy. No,. 4 II> lfue ViliIage .oorn. 2, Y=oulih of POl1t StaJulliey, approx- j!mabely 1.6 miillelS. ~ Road No. 28 Hiwy. No. 73,approx. 10.6 m:i!I-es. Kil>g"s Hwy. No. 3 ilVIld(][esex CouaJty Line, aJPIIl'lximalle~ 4.7 miles. Hwy. No. 4 OowJly Rood No. 36, ap- proxim<lltJell~ 6.1 miles. Kmg',s Hwy. No. 73 M!lin 03Jb. of OnlJaJrio, Po~ ~ice OOlilege, appro!<ll'lruall:e- ly 2,0 milles. CouaJty Road No. 27 Oomly Roo<I No. 24, ap- proxilm>itely 2.2 mille",. Comty Rid. No. 42 Laloe Erie,appr<>XJiroaJte- ly 0.9 milles. RoaJd Aim~"""IICe, be" Ibweoo CoI>e. 3 ~e! 4 of Ma!lalride Hiwy; No. 73 R<llad Aimowmoo b~tween O()]]e. 4 IllWd 5 Maru3Jbidl>, 'llIJl'POOx. 1.0 mille". Hwy. No. 19, approxli- m3Jbelliy 10.3 nillJes. Hiwy. No. 19, approx. 3.& ruJilm. H!wy. No. 3 Wi ELGillN OOUNTY COUNCIL 57 (IS) No. 45 Hwy. NOI. 73 Cowty Road No. 40, ap.. proximaJMy 2.7 millesl. (0) No. 45 ()ouaJty 1Ri<l. No. 40 HougTlIiJoI> TowmUdne, ap- proxim>iteliy 12.0 nll1es. (11) Nu. 52 Hwy. No. 73 Road 40, approximately 2.7 mlIDes. (v) No. 53 Kmg's Hwy. No. 3 Beelch Streelt. Elm St. (w) No. &3 Kmg's Hwy. No. 7SElm Street Belech ,St. 2. THAT By'LaJW No. 1915 of the ~ of I'lgin be, and lIhe m'm<l ;s hereby repeailell. S. '])Ws By-LaJW slhaiIil IIDt beeonre el1fedbiw mti1 approved by 1ihe Deprurbment of T<'ll1lspOOt. I'NAC'rniD ANi!) !PAiSSI'[} 1ihils 19Db day of J,,,,,OOIry', 1967. H. L. JOHNSON, OJie~k A. W. AUOKLAN[), Walt'den BY.LAW NO. 1959 "Being a By-Law to Appoint Assessors for the County of Elgin." IfIll' OOUNOlL of IlIhe Oorpo",8Jbion of the' OouaJty of I'llgm 00- l\l0bs 3lS foliLows': 1. THAT the foll_g peil'SOl]S he, and are hereby appotinJtecl as- 'SCS\S()J\S fur the OowJly of Elgin: E. N. M<lOalllrnn, B. P. J. Mumph.y, M. J. RlIsseto, E. A. Baker, R. F. PreSIon, R. D. Laffi<J11d, C. G. Soper. 58 EDmN COUNTY OOUNOIL 'EDGIN OOUINTY COVINO]!' 59 AillbllJJ KlliImt VmaJge <If DIlItt<J11 1967 Yes, Jolm Su1Jl:rer1""d VruThag. of PorI; -Burwell 1967 Yes' IJoma KeilJ.or VillI. of Port Stalliley- 1967 Yes V,dtor De~aw VdJlIi"ge of Roooey 1967 Yesl J. W. Bffi'ker V~age of Spria:JJgfleld 1967 Yes K. C. ElOOl"ISon Vd~alg8' of Vieooa 1967 Yes Doogl"g R. Todd Viill"ge' olf Weslt LOT,," 1967 Yes Palllt Baker Twsp. of ~\xJrowgh 1967, '68, '69 !\II> C. D. I1IriJibips 'I'mw1isIJIi1> of Ba(YIham 1967 Yes 2. ill 'addition .to the sailJaT~es' es,t"Mislred fOT 1ihe 00""" mei1lbiooed "sses'So~s ~fu" 1966 PerSlOme~ C<>mmditltee, liheysbJailrn he padd the mileage. "lliowanee, eSltablislbJed fur >liliI Counlty of E~gin employees Cifthea- than Road nel'a~tmelllt emrPloylles: RE:AD " fjo,st lJime lIlri:s 19th d!ly of January, 1967. RJI'AD .a ,"""""d time thi!l 1:911h day of JffilUaJrY, 1967. READ a IlIl>ird Ittme, ,an<l fil>aililiy pacs"'oo, Ibbi\si 1<.l~bJ <lay of Jaooa"Y, 1967. H. L. JOmSON, Omo:k A. W. AUCKLAND, Walt'doo BY-LAW NO. 1960 J. B. Willson TW\SIjl. of Dorcl1es1Jea- S. 1967 Yes A. Broce McCaltum TOWI>sIliip of Dlmiwi<fu 1967 Yes Willl,am Ca"erllf T<lwnJSl>i!P of JIIIlailiailrlde 1967 Y"" A. W. Auckland. TOWI>ship of Sowtlhwoltl 1967 y"" J<lm Wdse '., 'J1owI>Sl>i!P of Yiamlouth 1967 Y"" 2. 'J1IMT 11ihe folITrowiinJg ""'Jl'.OOSC11~bives lhe, lallld alt'e herelJy appOOnt- ed alUteMaoo membem of the 'CoW~ of Elgin Pltlil]l]l!JJg Boait'd fur Iihe bem1 set oppoailJte their respelcliw "ames. "Being a By""Law to Appoint Members and Alternates to the Coun~ of Elgin Planning Board." \WImEAS .the' Honoumble J. W. Spo<J!1eT, Mini!lbeir of Mum- cipailJ Allfulir,', h8JS de~ined alil. of lihe Cl~ of St. Tlroimas am all the muruicipalliities lih8Jt ~()W OT heooallileT fu11m patt't of lbe OoOl>llf of I'lligfurn for mumOOipaiIJ purposes, el~ch ,as lirom tinle to time coo- S!liltuted, ,as I;' p~amJliIDJg .aIt'OO 100 be kloowil1I 8JS the "CouIl!Jy of EJigi!n PI.!.:mmmg Area." AND WHElRlElAS lIbJe OolRllty of I'lgm hacs beoo llJamed 1ihe d<>- eigruated muruicipailrn~ m 1ihe "OoOl>llf of ElIgin I1l~ Me'a." NOW THiElRlEliF1ORE, lihe Oorpot13Jtitm of the CouI>ty of Elgfun moolJsl as fu~ow,,: 1. THAT the foIDlowing ~pr€.'enlbaJti""" Ire, am ,am herelby ap- pomted memboos of lihe Com~ of Elgm I1l"",,"ug Boait'd for lIhe temu ,se~ opposite lJhei!r respectiw "ames. Member of Term of MUnicipal Name Mnnicipality Offi.. Conncil J. T. WaJiIW OIby of St. ThomatS 1967, '68 No P. Laing Gilby of St. Tlroimas 1967 Y<lS R. F. Oytr Gilby of St. '!1ImmatS 1967 Yes R. C. McIilllb<J11, 'J1owI> of Ayllmer 1967 Y<lS (iM!!lyOr) F. F. Moore Tow!> of Ayllmer 1967 Yes Chalt'J:es DailJe \'Iillliage of Be~moaJt 1967 Yes D. W. Fwd \'Iillliagl> of Dnleb<J11 IH67, '68, '69 No Mirs. iM""Y BIiyIIIh V:illilagl> of Port Burwell! ~967 Yets Willl>1l[' Wilootol] V~e of I1ld SfJaarlJey 1967 No Member of Term of Municipal Name Mnnieipali~ Office Council D. I. Hough1Ion Cl~ of St. Thomas 1967, '68 No J. R. CaNi" Olty of St. ThomatS 1:967 Yes D. C. Wa!!1Je City of St. ']]hornatS 1967 Yesl J. T. MitlIIood Town of Ay1Iml1il' 1967 Yes C. N. OIl11'kJe vm"gI> of Betlmo,," ~967 Yes 60 ElIJGiliN COUNTY OOUNCIL Jack Misner ViiOOJruge of P<rt Sbaullie\y 1967 No Jlohn Jmse!U V1f1IDage of Rtodmy 1967 Yes lVJjjililx>n Oraik VID1IgI> of Spl:Wgilield 1967 No Yorl<1iey Loog V1iJJ1ag'e of Vi€lll1t1Ja 1967, '68 No Jatmes L. I1anillltoo ViillJage of Weslt Loone 1967 Yes DUIlIClan GtllichIrIsit 'J1owI>Sl1Iip of Mklbooough 1967 Yes Gord"" WooillnJer 'l1o~rnp of Mklborough 1967, '68, '69 No Jatmes ElIIioltit 'J1owlJlSimp of Batyham 1967 Yes 1'lm'llllas LllIWIl'etOCe 'J1owlJJsimp of BaiyOOm 1967 No DO'llJa]d Iirilsh Twp. of DOMle'.ber S. 1967 Yes Rieoo,"1Jh M~MipdIrre' 'l1oWl>sIhJiJp of DImWtch 1967 Yes Oolin Q\1jofflS<J11 'J1owI>Simp of DlIDIWidh 1967 Yes P. d~<Ryk 'l1own1simp of lVJJaiJal1litle 1967 Yes C. Pe,arsol> 110W1l1s1hillp of lVJJaiJah:illIe 1967 Yes c.t":._) ~a!Uph Auddood l10wmhiip of SowDbwo!lJd 1967, '68 NO Bruce Lyille 11~ of Soullhwol\l 1967 Yes Thomas 'RoI>etits T<>W<lISihIip of Y~moolh 1967 Yes Rioh."t Maroo TOWl>s1hip olf Y'armouDb 1967, '68, '69 No ELGIN COUNTY OOUNOIL 61 BY-LAW NO. 1961 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 1476 of the Coun~ of Elgin." WIIERIEJM) ]t is dieemed ,adMisaJb[e lbe iBJlllICnd By.u.w No. 1476 of lihe ~ of Eagin. NOW 'J1HI'!REF1ORJE Ibbe Oouooll of lihe Oorpombion of 1ihe CouaJty of El1gllJJ ""a<liJs IllS folllows: 1. THAT palt'''grlaph No. 2 of By"!Jllw No. 1476 00 delielted am.d lIbe follk>wing subsblwte<l lIh,*,<'Jfore: "No per""" SbiaIJI opeTaJte lany ~ for any of lire purposes of " .Ia[~ ISi!mp,a sa[~age )'lard OT 'll! ooellllllHh~d\Slbop, eiii;er on his OW" OOCOW~ or ,"'" nJbe "gelJt OT ......atIlt of amllhea- person, wlliDbOOJlt fiIrst o!Jtalinllinig " Iice~ce to db 00. Up"" 'applie3JtJiKJI> fOT su<fu a l!iKJeI>s,e lire "Wllo""t sl1iaill prodUIce " 1<ltber of mC01l11JlOOIldalion from lJhJe Ohiietf lC<lu1St3Jble of IDbe 8Wllill""t's mOOliKil>ailI~, or ", M- OOr ~oom nJbe i(lWrk of l1ihe MaJgillibr3Jbe'll ICourt 8Jdlviising bbalt 1ihe ap- plicatllt "as no llrmna[ recom. The fee 'tIor weh la lliiKJemse shall be $5.00." 3. THAT By-Laiw No. 1934 amd B:y"Law No. 1937 100, am.<! lIhe .ame are hereby repe'3Jte<I. 4. THAT 1m By"ilJaw shaill come mix> foroeand effect on 1ihe <late of mall ,p","sing lilOOreof, snbjedt howev<e<r to the approvlail of the <lppomtmooils by lIhie IMinilslter of ilIfurulcitr>a[ AlfBaw Imdea- Sec" bioo 3 of llIhe Plamia:JJg AICt. !REAiD ,a i'm~ Iblmre lJhJil!l 1911b <IaJy of JlaIlIl]f!ft"y', 1967. MAD ,a 'SllOOI]d mnre Im1911h <lay of JllI!lIlJary, 1967. RElAiD " Ibbiro time, land !IlnJaIII1(y plllSsed lJhJjs 191ih i1aJy of Jallla:JJaJrY, 1967. R.ElAD 'a fIDslt itJime tis 1<.l11b i1aJy of J'allla:JJaIt'Y', 1967. REl,"D " 'seOOUJd 1IJlme IlhiSi 1911h <laJy of J,allla:JJaJrY, 1967. !READ ,a ~ time, land !IlnJaiIly paJSsedi Ibbls 191ih <IaJy of Jallla:JJaIt'Y', 1967. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk A. W. AUCKLAND, WaIt'deI> BY-LAW NO. 1962 "A By-Law to Confirm Proeeedings of the Council of The Corporation of the County of Elgin at the January session, 1967." II. L. JOHNSON, Cl.,.,k A. W. AUCKLAND, W!lIl'doo WIlElliEAS by ISeKlbion 9 of jibe llI'Iumcipaili ,"dt, beling Ohapbeir 249 of lihe Rie"ifle<'l Staltules of OaJtarill, 1960, lihe powers of <l mUl1!- OOlpalli corpor13Jbllm """ ro be exeroilse<l by Il>l comciill; 62 .ElUGJ!N OOOOTY OOUINOllL , AND WHElREAS by StfusootiJon 1 of Seobi\Jn 242 of lIhe Munici- pae ,"ot lhemg ()hapltea- 249 of 11Ib" H,evllse<l SbaUes <If Onba<'io, 1960, ,the !l<>wers of """ry 'COUOOlI laJreoo !be exeroised by By-LllIW; AiND WlHERIEAiS ,t i\S d"emOO expe<lleltJl thalt lIhe proceedings ,of one ICoWell of Ithe OOl'pOlt'abiollJ of Ithe (J"umI~ <If ,Ellgiilt om 1ihils mrebinJg be '~rmeid 'am "dopted by By"lJaw; NOW THEmEF= 11HE OOUNOllL OF THI' CORPOlR:ATION OF 11m COOOTY OF EWIN ElNMJ'J1S "" follows;: L Th3Jt l,,"biOl> of IIilIe Oomllil of lihe OOl'p(Jl'3Jbioo of the Oomty of I'l!jjirl in ~pelct <If e'~ch .eC<>llJ!lllell]("bloo cootadined in tIhe Reports <If IlIbe 'Commillbeesand elaoo mdtiJol> .""e! .esoUi\Jbioo paJSSed ood 0111" eT '8JobiolJJ ~3!kleI> Iby' lIhe 'C<J11JJJcll of nJbe ~3Jbjo" <If the Cowlty of Elgin llit 0Ibs an~ heill<l dnving IDbe JalIlIUJary 1967 seas!"" III heTeby ,8Jdopood ,~d coaJtirnled "" dIf lailill oo<fu proeeediIlgs we.., ex- preslSil.y embodlied in 1ihils, By-ilJaw. ,.'" 2. The W,,"del> am.d proper oiI.Ifl<llals of the Ooo:pllmbioo <If 1ihe Comty of EliJilli ,3100 hereby laJU1Ib:omJe<llallld ~ to <10 alili IJbings nllOOSsaJrYoo give <Jjjfedt 00 lIhel OlJobioo <If IDb" CbUllledIIJ <If 1ihe ~- ~Jtioo of nJb" C<>m~ <If :ElJgfurn referlrell to :m prelcedlinig ooctikID hereof 3. The WiaJrdel] 'and tIhe Oie.!<we ,8IUlDbll<1ized ami Di[-ec1Je<l in ex- ecullie ,ailll <Ioeumenlbs ooeelSlSla.y in thiaJt behaillf md in af!:ili< tJIliea-aJt<> lfue ",,1lJI of .1ihe ~aJtikm of illhe O<luoty of El!li". RiEAD la flI1s11: ltilme 1ihils 1<.l1lb <Imy <If JiallllUJaIt'Y', 1967. REID ,a seC<J11d IIJiJIoo IibJiSI 19t1h <Imy of JOOI]aJrY, 1967. READ ,a IIhwd lime, laW llinailly paJSSe<i 1ihils' 1911b idmy <If JMtJIary, 1967. H. L. JOJIITIISON, (J0UIlI~ Ole.!< A. W. AUOKLANlD, Watrdel> ElJGIiN CotWI'Y OOUNOllL 63 SECOND SESSION - FIRST DAY Toesday, the 21st day of Mareh, 1967 The Elgffi C""l1l~ OlJUllllciJJ m"t lIl>is day- 'lit ltihe 'Oonrt HOI'''''" Sit. ThtoimalSI, mi lalC'corrdar.ruee wdrtJh a!dijoumnrenlt. The Wiatrdel] ia:JJ lIhe Ohair. All Itlhe m_~s preseaJt eooeept Diepwty Reeve Milsl<:ecrlly. Moved by' Reeve Tode!, Sec<J11ded by Reew GiillIclriSt, Th3Jt lihe mmwoos of lihJe JlalIlIUJary 1967 Session of the I'liJm Ootnlty Council "s pIiinlled 'aIlId: dislll'ilbutedoo adllpliled. -Gairried. '~'; The foITiliowllrrg communtlcaJlJilllts W<lre re8Jd 'llIlld ll'€Ifewed bo 1ihe w~ilOU!SJ OoomnJiItlOOelSJ: F1roon .the 'OI>talt'm ,G<lod RoaJds Msooialtloat amolnJic-llJJg tIhe 1967 Soooo! fur RIl"d Supooilltendea:JJts. -iRefetired in one Roads Comanit- bee. J<1rom the Com~ <If o.llI11a<'i<i wdibb reoolitJtkm reque~bing tIhe Mlilll- ",tea- <If 'I1ranlspoit1t 00 ,amen:<l the .el!lUl3Jbion" <IegaJrdlilJg scbolll h"""s.. -Ref~ in lIhll ElducaJlJionaJi CmnmilJllee. From l1ihe CowJty of Vib1l<riaJ WIlIIbi resllI11uJtioll reque~oog the Pro- vinc.illili (k>wmm€llllt to jlmy laJ miJ>si~ (If 75% <If .1ihe salary and mllie" age OO'SIls of .tihe Ootm~ S8Jlfety- 'furspellOOr. ~Relferred tJo the Pe'ti- ,tiooo a"d Legisili3Jbilltls CommiltilIee. From lihe Msaclaibioo <If Onltario CbunJties WlIIb BllIIrelbil> re, 1ihe Ml<l-itJeirm Mootlil>g ro be b.<JIUe! iI1 ~, Ai[d. . 00 IlIIh lIdusive. --FllOO. F1rInn lihe WeSIlem 'Co1.IIlItIies GuerlllSey Club requoobing " g<rant. ~eclloo nJbe ~l~ COllnllllli~tee. 64 ElliGIN OOUNTY OOUNICIIL lIfu~m ItAle 0iIIJy of Barr'ie willh resollibioo reqoosJbing bOO Gov- e'r'nnne[l~ oif O"ta<'io 100 'aJme"d :bhe Obiiilld W8il1'are ,..b. ~Reifoored to tbe P<oll;itbo". and u,glsilJ3JbiollS C<>mmibtee. From :lIhe ]mpe<ltail Ord~r Daugj]b~rs of lihe Empire lIcktnowied- grog the "Il!l~jllltm""t of Mrs. P. 'G. JefJirills to the, Eil!gin ~ Biooe€r Mmemn BOlam. -\FlQed. lIfuOlm Rob€<lt H. DlIVill, Regi,'brar ,willIh 1966 Amuall. ReIIm[l of Loc,ail Mlaslter' oif 'I1iItlies a"d Rel!li~lrlalt' of Deedl9. -iI!1illied. From IDb" Elllin.iSt. l1oolOOS Heailllh UlliJt W]1Ih FimlllC]ai! Sta""" moot ~or IlIhe Y"""' ewed DeeetrnJhea- 31St, 1966. -Reif€<'n?ed to 1ihe F>maooe Commdlbbe1e. ~' ~ r~J Fmm lihe Depatr~mOOl; of LaJbour widih ropy 011 loe<tmea- """t to M~. NOM~ J. (JhaJpQKlw <,,: Amua'l 'Reporlt Olf lIbe Ooffltru<lbioll Saf.". ty IruspeclbOT. -Rielfooroo to lIhie Road19 Commi!blJee. CF1rom lIhie Bam lMIalll'agI>r of COObral E1glllJ OoiIIIetgIDaJte !l>StiMe Semiioc B~d willh requ€lSt fur gM'lIt. ~RiefuIm:OO ro lihe I!'i"aooe Ooim- milltee,. Frl>m IlIhe St. Thom"...Eiligiml GeJIllffi1ll!1 Hospllal witJh breailJdiown of AdIm:i19sioo:s for 1966. -\Flled. ,From IDb" Towmllllip oif Y,alt'ffiollllh with ,copy of Roolrioted Mea B)"'Uaw No. 19i1l-l ,,,,,<I NOlbioo of ApplWo~bioo. -J<1i'bed. Frum IlIhe 'l.10M'IIIS11JiIp ot B~ham w]!lh ropy of B~-iLaM> No. 1557 .to ~e~3JlJe IlIhe use of ]aJOO lInJd ItAle ereleti"" ,am """ of buildOnigs aoo 'SltruJctmes la"d Notice of Appllii<labioo. -E1iaed. From Itlle St. Th<lma&Elli!lil>Geoor1a11 Hospital w]Db resolutioo re" quesltil1l!l Oit:v ,,,,,I 'Co\ID~ Go,,€mmOObs ro ""sure lJbat oonva!lereellt "are uailb. <Ire dnclu<lell II> lany 'ad\litions OT ooIllSlbrueibion of Iiom€s fur lihe' AgI>d. -Re~r"e,d to the Elgin I\II~or Commi!tAJee. From lih" I'lgin.iSt. Thomll!SI Healtlh Unit, a loIIItea- reques!Jing the .Comty oif I'lgimlloo proll"lde " ""m of $49,359.15 fOT the operlltilm 01 11ihe DlgiDSt. '!'hornoo lHelaIDIIh Uffit dmililg 1967, andallt addtillJioruail 500 per <lll!p~ta Ifor lQle pnrohlllS", 'rem<>v:abioo, ,alll<I fuTmsI1ing of the ElLJGDN COUNTY COUNOIIL b1Jilidlirug kruOWllt 100 2 Wood SlJre<jt. ~Relferred to thel!'ilJJllIlCe, Com- nriIlllee. From lih" Puhlliiic S<fuool 'l.1llllSllee,S' Asoociation of OI>ba<'io with requeslt for 'a gr""t. ~RieIf~di to lJbe Elducatiooa' ColtnimilJlJee. FrOlm .the Depairtmool of Lands 00<1 Forests w]1Ib a Idst of lalld br'~slaJcb:<ms fur the :velait', 1956, in 11Ih" OlliWll~ of Elgin. -F;lied. !!'rom IDbe UIlill"eM~ of WaJbeo:1!oo W<illh request tor ~inanci", as.- ei;slt~ce. -'Red'=ed lo the Fin~ce Commllltee,. From Eugene PooIJon RIlY', lJocal Regisltralt' of the' SIl![l<mJe Collrlt oif ,000trurQQ, 'a Wrllt of Sull1llOOl>S. -Jl.efe~<1 to. lJbe Roads Commi!Jtee. From 'Dbe United Combim of SlJorm\lllt, Dunllas, am GilJengaa-ry w1illh copy ot ~~ber wr.!Ile" to mrue HO"OIIc3Jble J. W. Spo<J11ler re. queslling 1IlIat no lamendlmoobs be mad" 100 IlIbe A:ssessme'llt ACit or the Dog 'I1ax .alldl.piv,e..lock ProtectiOl> AJdt "0 r.ve A:SS€\9sors of the dUby of emmer8Jbirug the dogs- ow1lJed or "",'homed by lJbe resi- d""u. ot any ~d lailII lo~ait IlllIU11JioipailiitielS. -Refe~d lo lIh,e Equal- lz<llti"" ood ,,""'Ssmoot Commibtee. ,lIfuoon DT. G. Eld!walt'<i Ha!liI, President of ,tIbie Unh"ers'~ of Wes- lern Ontario ~pre"sing mrualllkls fur lihe 1967 ~ant ~o lIhie Ulliwrsilly, flIl1d lQle SdoolarsIINl's. -J!1lled. From the AJssoci3Jbioo of OI>t8Jrio May,,"s ,and R:eew" wilDb report of ltIhie ArstsIQICJ1Ja1bioll1J's MutnliJctipaiL :F..ilruamro1aili lood Fi.iJsloa~ Polld!cy COm- mi~tee. -Refur:red: 00 lIbe' Finance Commitle". F1rom .the COUlllby- of Lemo" :md AddingtJon WIiItih re51olution re. quesilJillg IIIhll!t lIlle Deparlbmoot ot l',dlne3JlIIDn of Omitiario prepare' bia- s;e pl~s for .school ~mgs ,aloog willh fiirnl€[' oo""lIrurds, pr1i:ee ce!irllmgs, OOId priJc1el guide Illitruel.Si. --'RieiJ:1efl.reidi rto ltJhe EldiUC3Iti'Oi11iall Oom- milbtJee. Ji1rom one Comtie's of Leeds amid GreIMilIJ.€' wlilJb ~erolwtlion re. questlinlg lihe, Ontanio Hl>splbal SeJ'VI;ces COOl1iIUJiS!liOl> 00 oons:iller pa:ving ~or iDi3b"lruoslble FeelS fur Out~3Jbi""ts, .~Referrred to the Pe. tiliioos ""d LegilS1l3Jtions CommQfullee. 65 1 , " :If ~.I; "I II .'!I :~ ':.:1 iJ ~ ;I' ill :<1 11jl . iii ~J ,I ill 06 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL ElIJGEN OOUNTY COUNCIL 67 From Hi. HoooW', Judgo R. J. Oudney, "d'Visdnig of the posr\Jp<lI>- mellt of Ibbe Healt'mg of lihe Mblbrabion <Board elsilJa!b!iished .0 deter. mine wmfuer Qr nOiI rtJbre Vd!lIlruge of Belmont should be l'emo""d from rtJbre l1~silrip Sclbooi Me'a of Wesltmmster Me! ",titaJcOOd to tJhe 'T1owa:JJSibJipSchOio~ Airea of Y=mJth. --;Filed. ,From tlhe MJi<llis1bea- of 'I1r",",spo~t,a lietbea- '00 I'trugfurnoor R. G. Moore ~e': the Tequest of thel O,,",,~ of Elgin 100 ha^",,' Seeltioo 59 (lOA) of .tho HlghWlay'fualit1le Aot "mended. ~Re~m~ed 00 the Rolads OommiIfltee. From Fantjoy, Hmnes~"Y", 'a!]d Kempsbea-, " 1e1Jbea- &iVliJng 1ihe", opinioo mgaJr!!illg .the, 00Im~ Oo",,~ pa~ the mClIclJernhdp fees of tihe 110lC'all :mUll1lirclpaillill1i€\SI !in ItJhe LiaikJe Eirrie 'Regu.ooail:' D.e.V€1opmrent Cooncill. -Helfiell'lred ;Do Ithe F1jtruan1ce OommwtJele. F<om 1!heCounlby of Hwoo WIitib re'sol1Jbioo oequeslJmg !lJIIJOOdc mentis of :tille pr".etrut legisil~bi"". relative 00 tho es!baibJifu<;hmool of COU!lty .lJlbrrurloo -'RJelferred 10 ,1!he Ed"oaJlJio!na~ Ormmi~te". From l1ihe Asoocli~ioo of O"tario MaY'O~s ood Reeves with tl>aml<s 1967 Membmship Fres. -li1iIee!. From 1I1>e Thwn of Ayillmer, ,a letb,," laJSkilllg '1Ibe Oomty of El(g;n 110 lbake ooer Spruce Stroot f<<l'lll JohI> ,Stroot N(l~till '00 HigihMoay No. 3. ~Refer're!! ro Ibbe RoaJcls CoonJrnIDttee. 'F1rom ltille st. 1'bmruas Sllbwb"" Road Oommission Ea:JJgfurneer with Repoot of 1966 E"pe"dllme" 0011 I'lsbima!tes for 1367. -Refe"",,!! to the Rl!ads CollJllllWtltee. From lihe OonaJty of Simcoe, .a reoolllbixm ooqoosllJiJnJg bbe fto_ 'VJ"c:iall ,G<wemtIrelllt ito laJnBJd 'IIhe MlIllIieipall 'I1ax AsmsrtJllIIl!ee kt. --Rielfemre<l 00 tJhe Pl>tlbiomaW lJegi\9lalrlkms CommitJhoe. iF1roon MT. E. L. Woodlley, Diredbor, WeslJeirru OnItrurio ~icua" ,tocall ScIboal "00 I'xperiJmeaJta!! ,ji1a"m "elmlllJlwlledging 1967 El@in OOWJI~ Sch<>lalt'sIllp. -iI.'1iled. F1rom bbe ElIg;ilnJ.Sl.11bJotn]"" I1ea!1l1b Uml wil!Jb 1967 Brldgelti "00 copy' of AudIiIbor::? 1lieipm1t for 1966. -RelferrOO 00 the Ji1i111aJl1Ce' Oom" 1I1IiItItJee. From IDbe St.'I1lJom81S>-Elgfurn Obiilldroo's Aid SocielJy "clmowled- ging Oounlty of I'illgin lappohjbmetrutSJ ,110 the 1967 Boom. -'1"1100. From the ~drel1i's Aid Soole~ of IDhe C,~ of St. '!'boimaJS aIlld the Colll1ltJy of I'~ w,Db '<>OW of Andloor's Repo~t fotr 1966, and rtJlJe 1967 Budg€lt. ~Relf€rneld Ii<> the FinaJIwe Ormmiltlllee. F~om Mr. G. L. Dmw, *,,,ta!lllt Depru1Jy" !l\Illimd!sIOOr of Eldooa" .;00 .aJckloowledgia:JJg "",ce[p,t of !lames of memboos of 1957 Public Sclbooili ,and SeC<J11dal'lY School OooouiIfJaJtiVle C\mJImirtJIlees,. ~F1i1ed. From IlIhe Deprurbme"t of L3Jbour, 'OnIbalrlio L"bour ReillaJtiollll ll<>am, aIll Appillio3Jbioo fur Oert:ilJiic8Jtioo of jJq,e, Oanadian Unroll of P,fullle EmpIk>yoos ,aJS barllaJllJJllJJg 'aJg1ent fur the Comty of E]gin Jntll Empllll}'e'els. -lleIfewed 00 ltille PeTS<J11neil Ootmlllllillitee'. From ,1ihe Townshii!> of 'Mestmil1lSbe,r willh resmubilllli requesting lhe MJi\JiisOOr of H~aY's ro !live ooosidelI1a!ffioo 00 llhte combructi<J11 ial~ a "OevelJopmell1l1J, Road" Ithe road fOl'lmirnlg ltihe' bOUllldlaJI'Y betwem the '00Im~ of .EIIgi11. 'and llhte Com~ of Milldllesex from the' Vi!IlOligl> of Bei\onJoojI we"~ lailoog lihe "aid bomdaJrY to ,bs inlterneclioo Wl1ih tJhe (M"cDooailJd"OaJrflier 'F'reeway.~RefClrn'ed !xl, llhte Roads Com- F1rom F1aJ1]ShaJW ,e<>lIDegl> of i\ppllied AtrltSJ ood 'J1e~"'Y, llIlII 1ihe lJ<J11doo Come>! fOT AdUllt Elduel3JtIioo, Ian inlni~altioo 00 "ijllelld a o,,8i-<nay Sem,nalt' 00 Apr:iib 2200, 1967. -SllIiei1red !xl, the EdullaJtion ColntmOilJbee. From the Asoodia!tioo of o"baaJto 'CoUlltleS., '" copy- of "leitter .e~t 100 Reeve C. D. PhilI!lips lama:JJOUi]cl!JJg Ws' "ppoil1ltmellll as Chair- m~ of the Spelclail 'Committee esbabliSh"cf pursualJt ro 1ihe el>dOir- s<lllioo of Rielsol\1ltilllli No. 17, IlIl .he ASSlJoi"tlon's Se<veaJtih. Annual MeelJiJJJg. -FiIkld. From !;be VllIaJgI> of West Lome wtillh CIOpy- of resollulJion re- quesoog lihe MilnilSIbea- of -M1lIlli~'~ Atli~ailt;s ioo disrolive tJhe P1lln11mg B<lam of lihe ConaJty of Elgin 13JI>d g;i.ve 'C<J11side~ad:ioo to the 00II' stillulbioo of smailIDer P1alll111inJg Mel"" as may be a!g1ree<i UiJOn, anl! <equeSlJe<l by lle~aIln mmi<:li[>aIllillites W\l1fibti!n 'IIhe CounIty. -'Relfewed ro nJbe P<ititioos and iLegislaJtioos Coromllllee. ~8 ELGiN COUNTY COUNOlIL ElIJGiIiN OOUNTY COUNCEL 69 Fmm lihe VdllJlagl> of Dlitilm> willllb C<lpy of resotll>ti"llJ requesting the MiIlIiSber of ,MunticipailJ MdjBlim Itog1iw ibil. considel1allliK>" to allow ItlJJe Vi2lliaJge of iDlitilm> to wootIJJdraJW djrotm the ElIgm Comty PIa<lilWg BOaJrd ,,," rnt ;;s preselitly cool'lilllliuille<l, ,and a 'cory' of " IeltAJer \WIitAJen by RJe""" M. A. Kiallmt to IfuJe H\mou11~ble J. W. Sp~o"er, lVIiinil'liter of Munliclpalli Mf.a~s wlbJich I"cooml'ued 'bhe reb'"1()ilibi<J11. ~ed to lihe P~tibi<J11S am liElgitsllalbillnsl Oomllllilltee. The serond repOTII of 'lIbe Equallii2J~fun md ,"SSIeSSI!IleaJt Com- mlibeie "1aJS ~ed 'bY' Roo'!e O""",,"ly, ,~d adIopoo<l "" moltJioo of RJee'V'e Ca'ler1y and Reeve De~aJW. The I'lligm ilVJj~or CommlJbboo Rap""t was'presenrlJed by Reeve KeiOOor land <ad<>plted 00 nrobioo of Reeve KieiJiDor alJJd Ree'!e I'm- enslOn. -Oalt'ried. Mowd bY' R"ElVe McOaJ!lum, s.",ome<l bY' Reeve KaIbalIt, Th<it By-LaJW No. 1963, "A By.JJaJW To Alitlbroirdzie 1ihe, I'xecu- tjollJ of .~ Ag<reemea:JJt woollh lihe 1\IIiiIJJllsIoor of HliglhwaytS fur Ontario Reil8J1Jilrug ,10 la Road U"der ,lIhe, Jurmdliobion of fue ~or3Jbi<J11 of lihe Comty- of Ellgin DesiglJJ8Jted ,rus DevelliopmeaJt Road No. 340," be ",rud II fjl'aJt time. Movied bY' R:ee"" MeOaW1U11I1, Scron<led .by Rwvll De~aJW, 'fu3Jb 'II'<l request the Deprurtment of f]iglhw~ to make the fol- lowing tI1ans[er willh ",gaM ro our 1966 iIloooaa Relturm. TrarusM $13,961.10 fu'OIIl1 Ooootruolloo Bmiclges ood OWJ\'ffiibs ro ConisiIIruclioo Roads. -Ca"ried. Moved bY' Ere""" GtlJKfurust, Seconded by Derptlty Ree"" l\1IdKIillilop, Thalt 'II'<l' do now .adljoWl'lJJ ro 2 p.m. Mwllh 21s~, 1967. -Carried. M"""d 'bY' Deputy Reeve Ortfururo, Seconded bY' Roove M",CailWm, '.'i. Th8Jt By'LaJW No. Ig63 00 re"d a second lillre. -CaIt'ried. COOllCil re"OOlIIV€IJJ6d. Mooed by Reeve KaIlmIb, SeeoodJed by Roo"", l!llIll€ll'\Slln, ThaJt By'LaJW No. 1963 be .ead la illbJi'rd /lime, ,and djlrua!l!ly passed. -Carried. 'fue Road OoonnnJiIitee, Repor~ was presoolled bW Ree.ve McOal- lum, 'allld "do1jJbe<l on motion of Roo"" McOaillum, am Reeve Gtl~ chxiSlt. The ,djlrl'lit repo~t of ,tIbie Fin~e,Comllllibtee WaJS poose!rtJed bY' Reeve 'I1odd, ,and "dol'1le<I on mOlbioo of 'Rreev-e Todd 'aW Reeve StJllberlaW. MlIVed 'bY' Reeve DeGraw, Sec<mde<l by Reeve Todd, ThaJt 'By-Law No. 1964, "A By1Law To Provide fur the 1967 NoMllllil ExpemditJuTeSl 00 RoOOs Under the Hiilglhway ElIlIpIr<>VeIIleaJt !\Jdt in ,1ihe OOUIJlty of EllgJin," 00 ",ad OJ !1lr\s1t !lime,. 11I1e 'seewd report of IDbe FJiJ]alllOO OollllllllitlfJee w,," pres,e!rtJed by Rele"" 'I1odd, and 'aJdrplle<l on mobioo of Roo"e 'I1odd am Roove PhiOOiipSl. -Oarried. The djht "'po~t of the :Eqnalwabton ,and Aslsiesm1eaJt CommiiJtee WI~S presea:JJbed bY' Rm\ne OaIVWly, md adoplled on mollioo of Reeve OaIVWlW ~d Rieeve, WiIIoon. Moved by Reev-e McOall!lllm, Seoonded by Reeve DeGraJW, 'I'h~t Byr-[JaJW No. 1964 be re,ad " secood !lime. -CIlrriro. ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNOIL ElJG-lN COUNTY OOUNCIL 70 J.\'Lowd b[Y Roow. GIiII<JIn'ii\9b, Seconded by Roove MoCa!Ilum, Thllt By.Law No. 1964 he read la 1:bIDrtd Ittme, am lJIruaMiy passed. --Oarried. Moved by R",eve If<>d<l, SooooJ<Ied ,by Depul~ Roow MdKJilllOOp, Th8Jt By.Law No. 1967, "If<> RaJi!le ,"moonibs flllr CouniJy' Rialies Du~ lihe Y€laIt', 1967," be ooa<l " ffimt 1;iIme. -Oarried. Moved by- R",eve IVJicOa!llum, Se.col>ded by Thoove De~aw, That B(y>JLaw iNo. 1955, "A By-Law To Provtid~ fo" lIhe 1967 SuJ>Pilenre'l1ltaJrY Expea:JJd~ on Roads Ul>delr the HiglJlwalY 1m. Vrovl8llllent !\Jet m .the 'CoImty of Ellgin," 'be ooa<l a IIDst time. --Owried. .Mioved .by Deputy RreV<l l\1icIKIiilllKl, Secol>ded by R.oove Todd, ThaJt B[Y-Law No. 1967, 00 read" ooCOl>d tJime. --OaIt'ried. Movred b[Y R",,,,,,, GiiillclOOi\sib, Seconllled by Ree"e DllGmaiw, Thalt BycLaiW No. ~967, be read ." nJbi!rd tiImre, ,am finJa!Ilo/ pa&Sed. .-Owried. Moved by Roove Todd, Seoood"d by DeplJ~ R",,,,,,, MdKJilllOOp, ThOOBy.JJaw No. 1965 ,be "'100 " seoond ttm.,. M:owd by Roo"" 1\IIioore, Sllronded by Depu~ Roo"e 'EJIli\jjjj, ThOO By4Jaw"'iNol. 1968, "BeWng ,a ByoLaw Th AlIIIbOIt'Iize Grn<1ibs If<> Be Made Th V""IDm ~~8JIIionIs, ~lltlions, ImtiJbuitions, Ere., dit11ib1Jg 1967, " be read '8! ffimt il:iimer. ~Calt'ried. Moved 'by R.oove Todd, Seconded by Thoow MoCailiIium, Walt By.Latw No. 1965 he ,rood a rtIb:iil1d 1JiJoo, """ ffiInIa!Ily passed. -Carried. -Oarried. Mioved by Roo"., PhMps, Seeooded by Reew Ctatrke, Thalt By-Law N<>. 1968 be reOO II second time. Movred 'by Reev'e O"",,,,-,ly, Seconded by Depul~ ,Roove deiRyk, Th8Jt BY'-Latw No. 1966, "Th 'COOfinm IDbe I'qua!ll~aJti"" of the kssessmeJ]t Rolls of the ConaJty <>If El1llill fur m,e Yea", 1967," he 0000 " ffimt biirrre. --Oa:rried. Moved by Reew WmDn, Secoodl><i by Roo"" Barker, Thalt By.Laiw No. 1968 00 moo ,a IIIbdrd It>mel, am.d finailJlJy passed. --Oarri€d. --OaITied. Moved Iby Depu~ R",<JVI> Nemetlt, Secomled by DepUlby Roow Wdise, ThaJt By-Law No. 1966, be read a secood lJiime. Moved by Reev'e If<>d<l, SeCllIl<led 'by Reev'e DeG\Mw, Tha~ we do !>OW aKljoum ro .meejJ 011 WedntesdllY, Ma~ 221lrl, aIt 10 llJ.m. --Owed. lVT...oved by Reev'e McirollJJlay, SeeOllded by Roove Oavwly, Th3Jt By-.JJaw No. 1966, be read ,,, iIhiXd time, ,am finaH~ passed. --CllITied. II. L. JOIH'NlSON, Clea-k --Oa:rri~d. A. W. AUCKLAND, Wiaroen 71 'i2 ELGIIN OOUNTY OOUNClIL I'WIIN COUNTY COUNCJIL SECOND SESSION - SECOND DAY, From lihe Village of Sprmgl1ield wlllh ropy of resol\l!billl:l requ~s!1r mg ,1ihe ~bea- of M1n1llicIip~ MJ'<llt1s ro ,ailQow '1ihe Vij~age of Spring_ fi~i1Jd Iii<> willtibJdrlaw from ~e Oom1ilJy' of I'iligful PlliaJl1l1lliJng Board. -Re- le~d '00 lihe P<Jbi~s am.d Legrsl8Jbiom Comll1li~boo. Wednesday, the 22nd day of March, 1967. 'J.1be I'lgm CoU!Jj~OouooillJ met ItibJis day <It ItibJe Cowt House, St. T!h1()ll]31S1, in! alClCloil'daintce WjJtfu. adjoormner1lt. ]t WII" moved by Rxle"" MoOaillIitlm ~h"t Mr. Cl~urn~ G<l,... doo, COO>JIby. Wood lI>spoooor, be now healt'd. 'J.1he Wlwden 'm ~e ChaiT. Mr. GOMOO aJddreSlSoo tibJe 'Comcill lI!Id mtrodueled Mr. Wiillllam lla~lor 01 ~he Orop Selmae lMpa<rlbrnenit of ItibJe UuiV'8[.illty of Guei[plh. ,"II ItibJe 1OOmber!s presloot """"llt Beptiby Thee"e Misioolly. The ~olilO\WlJJg comrnlll1li"BJIJi~m were !read am.d oofetteo 00 1ihe Vla'Virous ColnlDiittees: Mr. 'I1aJy1lor .spoke 00 lihe Comeii ~"lJardil]g lihe Fede~ Pro- vJnJcloo Lroadieabion Program wlDb respect '" ba~berry. He WliS ,1ihooilJed by the Wlarden, ""d 'lIbe maJUler was refun1ed 10 tibJe. A@i- culbuJroo Oo<n1nmiJllee. From ,Dbe Township of MdflJorougih ww~h 'copy of a resolution re- quelstlng !Dbe MiniislleT of Mmlernpail AiJ!.6airs 1:0, pel'mit tIlle T<>WiJISIh!ip of Mdiborougih to willJb<ll1aw from 'Dbe Ellgm Com~ PWamrlng Boait'd "" illt ;S ~"sentlly coootltJuitedJ, ""d ,a ropy of 11ihe laJccompauyillng 11>!- tea- ro ,the MmisIDer. -'R€lfe[~ ro iIle Peblbiom ood LegilSlatioos Com,rui!bboo. . ,Mr. A. V. Lang!oon, Dlsbnielt ,"grillcuilibrn1ail Repre"enbati"e S[loke to 1Jhe OOU!lllCiiI reglll1dillJ.g bariJ>ea-rY' c""trol, mKl "tlbJer II!l~u1iJul:<ail m3Jbbe~s, lane! WIIS lJhalllilJeo 1Yy1ihe Wwdoo. '~'" The Propel'lty Commi:tAJee Thepool was prelSel:lted by Deputy ReewMeAilpiirne,and ooO[lted on mKloon of Depu~ Reeve, I\IlcAl. pine, land DepuI~ Reev1e McKilllop. :From ;lIbe Towa:JJs~i[> of DoowlciIJ. willIh copy of a resolution ask- ing the Miil1ilster of Mmic1pa:l Mf!llt1s ro allow Ithe Towa:JJsilliip of Doowroh 'to wfu1lhdrlaw t1rom IDbe Elgin Ooooby PlliaJll!lEg Bo""d as it is preseaJttly .,.b up, ,and " copy elf1ihe laccompan~ lelboor 00 lIhe Mlni.,ter. -RefeTTled fu, the Pelti~o"s' and Lelgls.l8JtOOrus. Commilillee. The Eldu<laltionail C<>mmltAJee Repot1t WaJS prels,e'lJJted br Reecve Brurkler, I~da<lopood on m<Jtii"n of 100""", Ba~kJer aa:JJd Reeeve I'm- €Il'OO!Il. FrOllll fue V!itlwagl> of Ro<ll>eY' withoopy of r€Slolubion askling 1ihe Mlmslter 01/ Mwlci[>al M1J18JiIDs ,bo oillo'w lihe Viillage of Rodney 00 willhdraw from the, Counlby elf Elgin Plaami:nJg Bo""d as, illt Is. oow ool1isbltwted, ...<1 ,a ,copy elf itIbJe '''ceompamrying li~tileT ,bo !be MiniaJter. -Relferred 00 the PellJltiom ~d Legisl<>tioos' CommdlblJe.e;. lV'..oved . by Ree"e Elmernon, SeC<>l1Jdooby Roow Suthe~laJI]d, ThaJt we ~equest the Miia:JJiSileT elf Mmlcipail AiJ!.6am., Tlhe Hon- OW8Jble Mr. S[>ooI>er, 00 mel>! '8Jt ,aJI] earlly <laloo wi1ih 1ihe eilielolled re" presel1italm'VelS of the 'Comty of Elgill "0 diSiCUS\!l jliJaJl1I1IIiJng liS poosel1lt- ly coostlbnded ill I'lgm Co~, m 00 clfurlb '00 ~e~~11Ve 1ihe present plalll!ltinJg dilt1IIleuillties, and ailQow iilooe mlRllicipallbiesl wIOO "0 desdre '" inSlblbnte efl/edti",e pl~g ~egul8Jtims atS nooded 10 safegualt'd 1Iheir future "welopmeaJt. 'F'ilcom 1ihe Township of SotJlIh Dwche~ileT wlllh <mpy of resolubi<J11 requ"slliilJg Ithe MIllilsteT 01/ Mmleipali Mfa:irs 00 aili10w fue TownlSihiip (If Soullh Do~~1leT 100 willhooaw ~rOllll 'lIhe Oouru~ of E~ID Pllaan1iing Board. -Th0ferred 'to ItII>e' P<'ltlbions ,~d LeglslaJti.om Oomm1JtJbee.. Fmm "he ToWllllsilliip of MalliahiKle W]1Ih .oopy of resol~biOl] request- mgbh. MilliSlleT <If Mmimpail MfaliIDs 100ailIDlv the lIo_ship of MaiIiaIIli!de 100 w]Dbdnaw <rom tlbJe EIgm OOunl~ PI~ing Board. --1lJe- ferred to ItibJe PeltltJiOllS 'and Le!ji\Sllaliioos Commitllee. li was 'agreed that wbing 011 ItlbJel ,a)bow m~tioo should 00 <Ie, liayed, and lIhe motion "abled ro 1ihe ~lJermon lllC'eItiJJJg. 73 II ;1 I , :..1' ." i,., ::1 ':1 ",'1 I"" , ;:',1 :i.I' I",'! Iii l,li 74 ElLGlIiN COU\lTY COUNCN. MlMJd by 100""" Th<ld, Seconded by Reew DeGraw, Thruttlhe &llbs,blruIDe fffi' itlhe W,alt'doo 00 the Elgdn CoImlJy Pliaim- I>ing B"""d be plaid Oolllllllillbtee MOOS pJit1'I mi]K,agl> fo[" aitAlffildling moobi!nJgsl of the Boait'd. ----GlITied. Moved ,by Reeve Todd, Seronde<l by Reeve GiWbrW, 'ThaJt W<l do l1IOIW ad~owm to moot agaJllJJ at 2 p.m. Wedm.esdlay-, March 22'l1d. -Ol:rried. Comell re-COl1IVOOeI!. 'I1he B",.""",,\ CommbtAJee RepoIl1t w""' preslea:JJted by Reeve Me- Kimillruy, am ,adoplled 01lJ motd<J11 of Roo"" lVIIdKiinWa\j' ""d Re""" Emerson. The Pebiti<ms .,al]i1 Legi~8Jbioms Colll1lmiltl1Jee ~epoIt was preoonib- ed by DepllJby ,Reeve E!Illillbt,and ado:plle<l 00 morlIDn of DepIlJby Reeve ElEtiJolllt am Reeve Caiv~ly. The AgiriouITlm;alli Cormrrlbtee IlJep<n4t was preswilJe<l by Reeve GdIIIcbiMlSlt, lam ,rudopied on motlol:l of Reeve Gll\lbrW ""d Deputy Reev>J Wise,. '!1he OelllJemtnWail C<>mn1illtlJoo RepOT" watS pI'esCIlIledi by DepaJty Reeve Wdse and rudopbed on mobioo of DeptjtJy' Reeve W!ise am Reeve D<lGl'aw. '!1he. m<lIiioo moved by 100""" _ and _<led by Reeve SllDbed~d wlhich WIllIS ~8JbIled ,aIt itlhe maming meetimg WalS l1IOIW brooght belfore' .CoIl1lciiI!I, and .1ihe fOl!lowmg ,amel>dmoot was pre- sente<l: Moved by Reeve Cawerly, Seeoodw by Reeve GtillIdlri<lt, That 00 ,amOOdmeaJt he made lhaJt we lailllOW l;ijme ror the Mia:JJ. isleT of Municip'ail Ai!lfjatilm 100 ~akJe ."dbioo on lihe ....dllllbiolls he bas al!rerudy rooeived .rom the mlllllilcipalities in '1ihe CoUlll~ of I'lgin. . ElIJGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 75 The almendmeaJt was wiled 00, land "amed, ii;e, wbe being 14 fur; ,3Il1d 12 lagadlnst; tihe motionr as '31moodled wm9i ibhettli volted on, 'am carried. Moved by Depulty 'Roove McAIIpiOO, S<lOOI>ded by Reeve DeGTaw, 'l'h'lllb B\j'-iLaw No. 1969, "A By--Law '1'0 OooillittIm Procoodiingls of lihe Comell of lihe ~1lJ of lihe OouIlIty of I!lIgin alt 1ihe March Sessmn!, 1967," be it'ead 181 fin time. -Carried. Moved by DepuJ~ Reeve ONhall'd, ,Seconded by Reeve Kamt, 'I1hrut By-Law No. 1969, he maid" sec<J11d time. ---Oarril>d. Moved by Reeve MOOre, l'leoonded by Deputy Reeve I'lliIOOIIt, ThaJt ByuLaw.,iNo.1969 be ",ad '" thim 1JiIme, 0011 !iil>dy paoreil. -carried. MllVIld by Reeve Todd, Serondeil Iby Depurty' Roo"" lI1i<lRiillop, Thab we do 1l0W ,adjourn to meed: <lgaJllJJ on 'l'ueooruy, JIlOO 20th, 1967, ad; 10 a.m. -<Jarried. H. L. JOHNSON, Clea-k A. W. ,"UCKLAND, W....del> 76 ELGil!N COUNTY COUiNCIIL ROAD /COMMITTEE REPORT /VIareh Session, 1967 To :the WaJroen, and ~ of lihe Comly of E:!gin, GeDJ(J.OOlel1: YOUIR ROcMl COU\1IlVLrTTEE belgs to ~()Il1t "'S foUl~ws: 1. 'J1ENDffiRlS 1haNlel beeil1l oailil18d full" GmalVm Ormshinlg. on vm-ious Roads. TENDl'iRIS "!We ,aiIso be,oo oaililJed fur Hot Mix Alsph!rllt Pavil1g 011 OOOlJJ~ Roads No. 2 'me! No. 8 DJ6a1t' DOOIxm and 011 Rolad No. 27 in Ylrurmoullb T<>wnISihJp. TElNDEiRIS h""", ailso be'en eaillled fur lihe GODJSibrudliOO of the McNeE! Brd<lgl> 001 f<n1mea- Comly Road No. 50 m SoaJtlJ D=heste... 2. 'J1lE OaJtarJo Depalt'lbmellt of H!i!lhwa\YIS wdWl make foods awtil. 'aMe 1ihils year for lJOOClJl>Stroobi<J11 of Development Road No. 840, bemg Cotmty Ro'ad No. 52 'from Ro'ad No. 40 to Road. No. 30 (in .!he Thwa:JJsl1iil>s of YrurmOlIDb, MiaJIaIlride and Sol]tIh Dorchest8ir al>d ,Ihe VdlIDall'" of Sp.-~reW). Clli6Wihg of Itrees has beell comvleibed and It is expacted ,tlhab Coa:JJsbrllabioo willi b8lgfurn wlren ;ve,altllrer COOl- ditio[fils peTmit. 3. . ElNGl!NEiERIlNG Wwk oOllbinU8Isby M. Spri"t & Mocillltes lJtd., 0>> ltihe Por't Bmwailll BrIdge. A BDes'ellballi<>" Ito the Board of Trallspo~t Com!llisrsioo fur ,a ~mt from the JloaIt'd is to lYe mads, sbortl\j". ~t ]S nolt .as y"l kloown wben Toodern am be oailbed. WI' RECOMJlllill;)ND: 1. 11HAT 8Jt Dbe "'que~t of Itlhe Depalt'ltmoot of HlgIlwa\YIS' tlhe fol- lowlli!lg msoltlbion be PaJSslooin ",gard to our Amua[ Re'lmn Ix> tlhe DellaTtmellt "Th8Jt we ,,,,,"weSlt iIle D.R.O. 00 illailJe the fo][llWinrg transfer: Tralllslfer $13,961.10 fmm Ocmstirudbioo Bridges """ em,. V€Il'IDS: 00 OoI]SltruotUOfil Roads." 2. THAT !he EsllliJmaibe'. of the St. Thomas Subwt1bm Roald Com- mission fur 1967 totaliliilllg $31,000.00 be approved. 3. THAT ,,, Normaib Road ExpoocliJture By-iLaw he passed to be ail- I"oallled ,as foIDiows: I!lIJGliN OOUNTY COUNCIL Roads !WJdiges 00<1 Otrlve..ms New MaJchillnery Supeil'illltel>dOOce & OverIbeaJd Construction $ 68,000 50,000 50,000 32,000 Maintenance $ 274,300 36,000 n:i'L 59,700 $ 200,000 $ 370,000 77 TOtal $ 342,300 861,000 50,000 91,700 $ 570,000 4. 'I1IliATa SupplemeaJtalt'y Road ExpendliJuire Bye-Law 00 pa""'" to be ail!l\Jaa~oo ". foII!Iows: Roads Bmidges Constrnetion ........................... $438,000 ................... 347,000 $ 785,000 '~); .BRJEMaNG 'J1HI'SI' ITEMS DOWN: (ReooInnloodabioos3 aIIl! 4) (,il) COUNTY EXPI'NrnTURiES: OOlllSbmCliJioo Roads .................................... $ Oon~.brnatioo!la"idges ,and OuIWez1ls ............... Coostrul!tioo New MaJCIhinevy .......................... ,Mainltel>alllOO Roads ......................... Malinlenanoo Birid\,_ ,aIIl! CuIJv<l!1bs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ovemooe! ........................................... (ib) ST. maMAS SUBUIRIMN !lOID OOMi.I!IJ1SSlO!N I'Jl:PEmDII'J1UIRIES: O<>ru3ibruClti"n Roardll .................................... $ CooslJruCliJion Brklgl>s mJld OuiIiv<lIibs .................... Malinilel>ance Roal:ls .................................... iMadllltea:JJalllOO Bridges and O~s .................... ()vierI]ead ............................................... 435,000 396,000 50,000 273,000 35,000 35,000 $1,324,000 1,000 1,000 21,300 1,000 6,:roO $ 31,000 78 I'LmN COUNTY OOUNCIL 'ElJmN COUNTY OOUNCIIL TOTAL MDNiE,Y APPROPffiA'J1I'D, $1,355,000 at an esmnaood ""sit ro nJbe, CumlY' oIf $544,076 (9.3 Mills OIl the ~elSeIlIt CoonlJy As' selssmeaJt). (j) ICompletiOOl of ,1ihe Maplelb"" OuiIV1~t and the' Replalcement of lihe MeNeN Bridge <J11 foomer Road No. 50 in SoulDb Dorel1esOOr Townsl1Wp. 'l1Il!EJSiE ROAD BY.(LA WS proWoo m<J11"W fur CoMtiruction <J11 OOtOO~ Roods asl foililows: (k) Reliaeemoot of lihe OaJtJ1ish Ore'ei<: &~dge <m Road No. 52 (y"" moullb ThwI>sI1Wp) W~t of m!lh~"Y No. 74. ('a) !l.mJnJd PlJil'ooalsed fOT Roads being coMtiruolJed. (01) Ilprjl>g Croek 01] Riomd No. 37 No"Db ~dI SouJIIh D<l1re""'ter. (ib) payment f\ll' lmislJaJIIaJbioo of RaiaIroad Probewon 01> CoWll~ 'Roladl No. 5~ <ut SpringEielld, ~d Cornj~ Road No. 37 east of BellffioaJt. (m) ,Port ~elID Bri<lgl> ,~d Appromehes. ($230,000 ill "IIPrnpr:itated i!JJ ~967 By-LmwtS. 1OOmmiiJJden- wilm hawe ro be approjl<'ialted in 1968). (c) Ooimpletixm of ,Q[1ad1inig, Curb, (JutAJea- 'and Hot Mix '"s\fualt Paw. dmg, eltc. 00 RJolads No.2"'"" No. 8 near DutlJon, in the VflIbagl> of DUltool] ,and .rt1he TIlWIJISI11ip of DtnlIWich. 5. THAT A BY1LNW hel ,,"ssed aul1iho1\ilziinig rt1he Waa-dIen and Olllrk 'to 'sIDgn all Ag<eemel]t wlDb ~be Deprurtmoot of Hlgtl11WaW\Sl fur 1ihe CoostruatJim of DewJ~l>mel:lt RJooo No. 340. 6. ~ THE Ll'T'I1.ER OF JANUtMtY 23M from. the, MimslJeir of Th~sporIt, M:r. kw:il> I1alSkelJt, ro lihe <lounit)' ~ee[' 100': SedbiOll 59 of 1lbe Hig!ma!y '.Thalifilic Ml, be rnfut1red to ~ CoUllcll. (d) Oompreltlol:l ofGlrading, CUIrb, GuIDbea-, Ii<>t I\IIix As\fualt Paw- i!JJg" lite. on Road No. 27 heibwool] Umon ood SpartllJ, and 01> Road No. 36 in SpartllJ, ,aM ID Y.amJ.oullh ThwI>Ship. ALL OF WHillCH JJS RiESmC1W'l.fuL Y SUBIMlLT'I1EID. (e) 'Oll>aIt'ing of lJre<Jsl, Grullbing ,al>d 'MoV1mg of UtNrlitil!S on Roads No. 26allld No. 29 (iE<lgl>waJreood BoSlJwlck) in YaJrmouJilb and SouJiIbW<lld! TIlwosbrl(ps. A. BRUCE McCMlliUM, Olmttman. (f) GraJ~g, Grlalllular Bmse" etc. on Romd No. Ll from. Rlgll>~ No. 4 ro Road No. 26, S<JUIIIffiv<lIld Townshfip. (g) Gmdmg, ~aooiliar -Base, etc. 00 nomd No. 42 lit SlJaillbea- Gtrliliy BmlJdge, MailiaailiOO TIl"-"lSffip. (h) Fencdl]g on Roa<l No. 52 (Dewlopmoot Ro..d No. 840) from 100ad No. 40 ro Rio'ad No. 30.m S001ih D()rcl1e~bea-, MalIllbilfu ""d Ymmoubh TIlwI1lM;[ps. \0 Goading, G~aooilJar Base, lite., RJo'ad No. 35 from JllIffla to Or- weilll, in Mailiab;d,,~d YaJrmoullh 'fuw1ntshlps, iIDclUd!ing the 'CouIIty"s Sib.are' of fue, Spmgw8Jbea- Dam beling al'PiOOxd!maJtely 21.2% of ,lIbe ,lxJboo CiOSt. 79 80 E:LOliN OOUNTY OOUNOEL COUNTY RATES, COUNTY OF ELGIN FINANCIAL REPORT March !Session, 1967, 'First ;Report E)LQ!NOOUNTY OOUNOEL 81 ConaJty (If Elglin PlJannJlilllg Bo","d . . . . . 10,000.00 Colmty OIf .I!]@!ll Sicll: BEilreifdlt AicOOUlllit . . . . . . . . 2,000.00 Prov<sitm /'or Resffi'<ye ........ wmtlimgoocJ.ies ................ 19,000.00 10,000.00 2,000.00 19,000.00 ~"o lihe Wl3It'<Iea:JJ, md Members Qf the E1[lin CouaJty ~, 'f1HE COMM!lT'l'!ElE; 00 Finooce beg Ie""" ro repoT!; tthatt ',,",ring inquired lJaJto Finances of lihe ,00UIJty, ,,",II esjjilnJaJIles piOOpaJred by ~he Oolllll~ '!1reiawrer, ~e!y hemwtlllh wild II ,.iro3JllemeaJt of tiIle expeOOlilbuirels reqUiired fur' Itlhe ililliWlfllil purpooo of lihe' OouaJty dUirliDg ~967, ""cl .siI1IowdIlIg lihe <lIll1IlIl!I]t requllred ro be mOsed fur 1ihe Imdea-. menllilmed prurpo,ses: MminiSilIDalbiKJn of Jwblce .. $ 127,000;00' $52,000.00 CoImIty Rolllds(9.3 :mJillIIs) :.. 2,555,000.00 2,010,924.00 CbaJI'ilfJ.y land WeilliaJre......... 15,000.00 12,000.00 Chilld WelJi""" ....:........... 21,000.00 Elgfurn Mm~r Oper3JtIil1ig ..... 239,630.00 EJlgJia:JJ lIi1lam.<lr Dl>bel>lmres .... 30,960.00 IIoopilbailJ DebelJture .......... 48,000.00 Barnik II>tere~t ...,........... 41,000.00 DiiSOOUIIlit "" ()owly RJ8JIles ... 7,000.00 Ab!liIJetmellilJ of 118!Xes......... 2,000.00 Agniloolltwre .................. 14,000.00 OOOl>~ ,"ssmsmellll: ......... 107,480.00 Heaill1ih Ulnlit .................. 68,025.00 Re!listry Ol1J1ice............... 6,000.00 0...., of BllIiIdiinJgs ........... 27,000.00 Comly PtJbllJie ~aIt'Y ...... 29,2.1.00 ~bs ... ......... 20,700.00 TiilliI.s<J11boog ~diIJail . . . . . . . . . . 16,000.00 Emell1genCy Me!ll!l\]['es O~g~i~3Jbi"" ............. P11in1l1llJJg, Pooroge llllld St!aillikllllJery MIlIllIiClil'ail GOWll1llllIlea:JJt SullKMes ..................... 1967. Estimated Expenditnre 1,700.00 2,000.00 41,000.00 5,147.37 1967 Elstimated Revenue 195,655.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 9,500.00 6,000.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 $ 3,455,893.37 $ 2,236,039.00 $ 1,169,804.3~ F1rom Surpiltls m,ooo.OO 19.5 IMd'IIIis $ 1,140,804.37 1967 Tax Levy $ 75,000.00 544,076.00 . 3,000.00 21,000.00 43,965.00 30,960.00 48,000.00 41,000.00 7,000.00 12,000.00 97,980.00 68,025.00 22,000.00 29,251.00 20,700.00 16,000.00 1,700.00 2,000.00 41,000.00 4,147.37 YOUiR OOMlMll'l"J.1E: wolllld reCOOl1lmeJld thaJb 1ID.e sum of one m@illifon!, one hundred ,~d furlby lihUIlSalllcl, e~1It hundred aI>d folll' do]~","", ""d 11bilr'~ servenOOlJJts be mls"d! on ..alJ ~. I"aIDellbiIe pr<>- perty in the lSIeV1e[1a'l mumdilPa!libies of lihe C,,1.lIIli~ of Elgin diuring ~.he y<laJr, 1957, fur 'Ooumiby' purposes, and1ill~t " ~aJte of 19.5 miI~s on IIihe doililaJr be levied "" ~"OOllIbiIe prope~ty in the severaib mullJ. cipailllbies dttJ. the C<>omIt:y" ro rlllise' saJid mntlllmbs. AiID: of wlhJlch is oospeCltlfUlly stJbnJrubted. DOUGLAS R. TODD, CIJiadmloo FINANCE COMMITTE,E Mareh llession, 1967, Seeond Report To ,1ihe W<l['(]oo, and MerobeTs of lIhe EllgiI1 Oomty Coll'lllCfi, The ,F1m~ce OommIibtee repoit1!ls 8JS foliliow\'l: 1. That . Ob!arl~ oocl W€IllIaJre Bay List No. 1 for $198.05 am Pay Lilllt No. 2 fur $2,281.40, 00 llipprove<l. 2. Th3Jt OIJIiiItdrein's Md Sociebies Pay !Jist No. 1 for $1,9211.65, atlld Pay lJi1sIt No. 2 for $1,777.96, 00 aIJ.IP!'<Mld. 3. Tbllt ,the Ellgiin-St. Thoml>s H"aillDb UIiliIt Budgetl; fOT 1987 requilr- mg $49,359.16 iOO be ~alise<l by the CouaJty of Elgin and an addilJiona. 50e per caplla ro lJelevliW fur the j>Urllha"., renlJ!Vlalbi<J11, am flllr- nisihi:ng of the 'properjJy known Il>S No. 2 Wood SiIlroot, be aJpp!l"Oved. El!JGiIiN OOUNTY OOUNOIL 82 I'!JGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 4. Thalt.a gil1ant of $500.00 be !liven lxlt!l>e Oeotraili El]gfurn Co~ate InSiJitulte SeoillJ: B""d t'Ol ih<llip de!iI'a~ fue expea:JJSes of @>e bam.d in aoclepbia:JJg an ,1lJVtliIJ3J~lonto Play .aiI; OaID.",e]a'" Wo,"ld Exihlibil.ion "" Jilly 2a:JJd a'lld 300, 1967. Dog Tax me] Livestook 1'roWcbioo Aol '00 re!liew 'assmsom of 1ihe du~ <If emml€M!iing dogs owood, OT ihaJrbouioodl by fue ,residmtlS of aIl~, ,~d aWl! IooaJl mmJJiJcipailil.im, be filled. 5. Thllt 'a. g<'ant of $9,000.00 be g!W11 to fue FOOr Combies II<>sp;- tail for 1967, ,and we <"commend 1Illalt ,ubwroe Counollls ooolbiooe fuis g.~~t fur .the sU<lo"ediing four yoms. 2. That W<l I"CCept ,the, rev""" of ,1ihe C<>naJty ,,"soolSll1mllllJ Commds- "'ooea- for ,Ihe Y"aa', 196Q, lIated! iMlar'oh 21m, 1967. 3. That ,1ihe '''ccounlt of il\1ir. :El1Jol> H. Jllckisoo in the aJmOUI>t 0' $104.40 for ooan!Jinig ~s_smoot c~s be Mmlrne<l to the Townsbdp of B"!}'haJm. 6. That IDbeOouruly of :EIgllJJ Imam a gil1u of $2,239.92 ro 1ihe Lake I'<tie IOOgi""alI Dev€illopmeot OoImcill for 1967. 7. 'J1lj1l1 IDbe request of IlIhe Ul:Ii_..ty of WlaJiJe<loo for fI"alllce 00- "'emce, 00 IIillkld. A~ of wlbiiOO i<s1 respelltl!1lMy oollmdilJted. WILDIiAIM R. CA ViElRL Y, Ol>ailrllllJan. 8. That lihe trelpO"t of the !IVIurui\JipaJl, Finanmai, a"d Fiscal Polrey Comml~1lee of IDbe AlssoCli8Jbion of Onlrurill MaJy'OII\9 am Roo""", be talbll><l. EQUALIZATION REPORT Mareh !Session, 1967, Second Report 9. Thalt ,the 1967 Budgelt of. lfue' Ol>ildroo'" AUk! Society of tiIle City of Sl. Thomas, I~d lIhe Comty of E~in, reqilll'ing $17,412.00 to he r",sed by liheOoooty of J!lIigia:JJ, be "iPProved. To lIhe Wrurden, I~d l\IIieIn1I)e["s of fihe Ellgin 00Im~ ColmeR, '~"\;. 'l1he I'qua!li~aJIJio!n CotmllllillJtee reports a" foll'lOWls: 1 'J1HAI1' the [olllowiia:JJg be ,lIhe equll!li:lJalbio.. of ,fihe Alsa_moot R<>1~s of ~/Je CIlunJIJy of :Elgin for IIhe Y""", 1967 : Ayillmeu- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I$' 8,00[,,575 Belm<>aJt ......................... 825,315 j)tI~lJo" ........................... 1,036,237 !'ort Burweill ............... 863,270 POTt StallllIie\y ............... 3,143,418 Rodliey .. . .. . .. .. .. . . . . . .. ... 1,227.205 \SpIl1mglf,eId .................... 373,310 Viem;a .. .. .. .. .. .. . 360,293 Wmt Lor"e ..................... 1,304,764 A!Idlborough . . . .. .. .. . . . .. . .... 5,27'2,155 BayihaJm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,644,446 Dll1'<lheSlter Soutill . . . . . . . 2,002,495 Dtmwti<fu . .. .. . . . . . .... ........ 4,338,605 l\fuia!bllde ....... .. ...... ..... 7,733,300 S<J11Dbwolll .................... 7,033,625 Yarm101]bh ............. . . . . . . . 9,480,075 10. ']b8Jt lihe proviSlion to 'PaY' C<J11V'eobion AlIlOM"aJIl1CeS to membern of OOll'aJty ComiOji[ wtho 18J~teoo mee1lJillgs of ,lib" I'JOeoobi"les of Organ- iza1bi!oos tiC) wthilch (jfhJey !hlaw belen elJeldbed be exlbooded to cov,er rneelt- mgs of Commltte'e~ s'elt up ~ llibe"e' 011gau:lli~albio"" ood of whi'ci:t they aTe mambea-s. AJIl of wlJ]loh is' ""specrtJfu~ suh'mdilJted. DOUGLAS R. TODD, Ohaimm" EQUALIZATION AND ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1967 To IDbe WI~OO, ~d Members of Ihe Elgin CouaJty CoIRllClil, The Eql]a!liwbion am A&Se"SIlllellitCommillte'e """o~ <IS folllows: L TiJal ilibe l~tibeT from the UaJlilled Comtliels of Sllom1oot, Dundas', B"d Glffil!JaIt"'Y, wr]tIIJen UD 1JOO Hooooo3JbIDe J. W. SP'Oooer request" mg thalt I1i<> lamen<lmeolts he made. "" lIhe AlsselSllltlW"t ,..t 1]0[' the $58,855,588 13.612259% 1.402271% 1.760643% 1.466760% 5.349395% 2.095112% .635131 % .612164% 2.216891% 8.957782% 9.930146% 3.402387% 7.371611 % 13.139449% li1.950650% 16.107M9% 100.000000% 83 84 EllJGIDN OOUNTY COUNiGIIL 2. 'IHAT _ CoIll1Klil ds WliItiJrg. ro iJJIIVe lihe finllJl eqwaillizaltOOn of .MsooslllJell~ Rollils iJJJ CaJse of "W'la!l, made by the Oom~ JudgI>. Ail~ of wIlich i\s respectfully- sullmiltile<l. WHULIAM R. CAWlRLY, OIrai,..man. ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1967 'fu .the Waroel>, """ Member's of lihe Ellgin Comtw ComciI, TH1E ElJGIN l\!J1i\NOR COMMTl'TElE repOl'bs <lIS fcllOlWl1: 1. '!1Ir,,1 wtork ;s poogre&Slilng wrullh rellait'd ro IIIbe sewlaJge sylSltem in ,ct><opell1tll~i<>n wtiJIIb lihe O.W.R.C. in regJaJrd to l"~3Jbioo md size. 2. That a """ommellll"bi~1l be "",aJt ~ .CoIm~ Comcill' to requoot IlIhaJt '1ihis 'Commlllte,o mailoe la .study Ibo 'asceTlballl the 0000 and la[lJ>roXlilmiaite 'OO8,b of ,an addiibioo "0 l!:he II<>me. 3. 'I'braJt we OOeept A. N. lVLoolJin's lJenclea- fur padinibing the inbedOT and e"ternor cf I'illgin Mlanllir 00 ," three Y"aIt' contract at a OOSft of '''!fJ!ll'"o"imlaJtelJly'$2,000.00 pea- Y"aIt'. 4. That we rauthOll1ize tlhe Cow~ of EllgJm 100 paw.e tihe 4lwo parlril1g lilllls ,am '4lwo driveways l3Jt "', oosit of $4,356.00. 5. 'I'br3Jt we adopt la ,bu<lgelt requiaOOg $74,925.20 fur operlabil>g I'Igdn lVLaIlild' land meetillig lI1e 1%7 Deberubtn'e' paymeaJt. 6. Thai!: lalIl ~.illderubs reoelive' ij]]e l1IeIaIt'C"t lIo~aIt' llIP to ~5% <If tihror Icheque 'as pockel IOOi]ey e"oludiia:JJg those J>ll)'liDg furI1 mari:nrtern- lance. Ailsi() !lIbaJt lib","" WllllhOllb a dlIeqwe rooe;,'e $11.00. 7. '.l1bJ3Jt .the' l10me is pre~t!ly fia'led 100 """"Clity w1i1lh 83 residellJts. We Irave " WlailIt!l1>g l'ist 'Cll1lIS1iSlJing of 5 femailesood4mrailes.al... soa gTeaJt oomber of dnqui11ies Iirom holsplilllail am ~ami1ies of prospeobive residOObs. All of wlblch WI> respe<illfu!llly submll. W~NE KEILLOR, Obamnan. EWl1N OOUNTY OOUNiCTL 85 BY-LAW NO. 1963 ., A By-Law to Authorize the Execution of an Agreement with the; Minister of Highways for Ontario Relating .to a Road nnder the Jurisdietion of the Corporation of the Connty of Elgin. Designated as Development Road Number 840." It ills hereby ooooted b\y IDbe! Comail of lihe Co~rallloo of lIhe Co~ of EJJgm 1. . Th3Jt the Warnel] I~d . CIDerk are heroby lauthorih<l lo eoceeilie' an .aJgTeemenJt betweel] the' MlnriiSter of HIi!JhWlaryll fur (m~a11iOi al>d il1e OO!lp<ID8JmOll1 of ,Dbe CoonIty- ~f Ellgin l3Jttachoo hreret.. arnJi ma~ked SdherdJuile "A". Relad ,a ~ir!jt, .ecood ood 1ihilm .Iime'and p"srsed lib.. 21.t <lay of JllLaIt'ICh., 1967. H. L. JOHNSON, 'OlIe1r'k '~". A. W. AUOKLAND, Warrden I herelYy' 'eerlllilf,y ,bhaIIJ l1ihe IfOCelgTolrug ls a ~e ,copy of. By.LaJW No. 1963 raJsrsed IOY 'tlhe IC<>om!all of IIIbe Ool1p"",,bioo of ilbJe Ooootw of Elgin 01> ~"" 2~~b day of ilVLaJrdh, 1957. H. L. JOH!Nl90N, Ole.k. 'SCHEDULE ."A" Thd\!l lagTeelllJoot betweoo Her 'M"jest:y lIbe Queen in rlg/]l; of the l>ro"",,,,, of Oo:lItaroo, la\S re[lTelsenlled by iIle' Mmster of ll'igb- Il',~ys, hered>:lalfter calfllJed ij]]e Detplrurlil!'8l]t, ,and The Oll!l1pO:ration of the COOI]t:y of Ellgiin l1eirellJJalfbea- cailwed lI1e CoTporaltioo. WilllJoosrsellb ij]]aIIJ the IVllindrsiIJerr of H~gJbJwra\}'lS fur Ol]la<'ill lraS' de- S;gI>arIJed I,," ,a de'leill<lJlmeaJt mad 00 the 2711h clay of Februarry, 1967, tile road desc11ibed "s fornIllws: Destigl]8J1le<I derl"ellopmmlJ mad Ill.IlI1ber 840. D~ri!>tIion - Th8Jt prurt of ColInilly' RioaJd NO. 52 C'<lI1I1 CouaJty Rio"d No. 40 wesbea-ly to Comty- Ro"d No. 30. 86 ELClIiN OOUNTY OOUNmL ELGiIiN OOUNTY OOUNOIL AiNID W~EiRiE~ ,the 'SJall'd rood 0,. piflIDt .thereof is Imdea- tlhe juT- isdUotbn of the O<>UIlIC:ill: of tile OoI1poo3Jbion. comt of such w<>rk hedi!lg donre OT tile saJffieheing maintaJined OT "" 8JceOllmt of the COI]cIlllioo of1ihe sflid roaJd or 'prurt blreireof <it my .time. NOW THlillliEFORE 11HIS NN1IEEMENIf WITNESSE'I1H lIhat, inCOlllStl:<:leTabiJoo of lih" ~",,"s ~d til" c<MmaaJt. h_inafbe,. coo,. 00Iined, nJbe paJrlJies 1Je[1e00, fu,. ,1ihelI1lSe'lves ,an<l lJI]edr respoobive sue- cessox~ 'am all'lgnJS, do hooeby mutooillliy 'COVOOI~t ~ agree as flJil!lloiws: 5. Thiis lagTeemeaJt slliailJJ. remm amI COa:JJbim.ue' in !!oree IR1IIJiI tlhe ~alli~n of lihe saJid road llJS la Developme!Jt Rooo hrus, he<!1l 1m'okJed extCeplJia:JJg prurrug"aph 3 ~helOOof IWlWch slltaila remadllJ and oo!Jllnte in fwee so IOOg ,"" the """,,<ill of Ithe CoI1p<>r3!bion b",s jumisdiiciiion <>V€T the sadd roadl <>,. palI1t bheireoIf. 1. The DepaJrtmerut wgrees ,and h€lOOby mdexltail<es wIhiiIle lIhis lagre"""ent ",,'mains in' ful'ee ,I<> <J<l!OODrllot or ,;,npoo"" the sa!ld road eJDbe<r by .iJse'lf or by a C""Droo!Jo,., or by tile Oo<rpombion ro :a SIIJ~dlaIt'd whmch in Ithe opiruloo of bhe Depalt'itmerut is sOll!Jis.. ~8JCloirY' fur IDb" lJype ood doltemi~ of lrlll1Jille wsda:JJg the Sla!ld road .and whffich mBJ)' ,be poslscrlble hawing regalt'd to the flmds "",,01- :8Jble foc lihe pwrpa.e bllit lihe D8!llarltmoot' doelS .oot lISWIIlle ""y w;ablliIll~ fOT the saUd mad. 6. Thils 'aJgl'eSJIlOOt BdlJallli be elfj'elcbi"e "" ~he <I. it is "","",ulled by the MiiruisileT of Hi!ll>way-S for OaJtal1io. ID WliUnelSS wh~f lIer MajeW~ bhe Queen in tibe righltof tile PirovIilJtoo of OJjta<'!o 1ihils 21l11b dBJ)' of Mamch, 1967. G. K Cl(llMMIE, Miia:JJislter of HlgI~BJ)'IS fOT OaJiardo. 2. The CIlT[>ol'rubioorugre,eg am h_hytmde~takes to rucqulire ""y ~alll<I wltibih> ,the' boul>daJrlies .1iheTOOf wbich mBJ)' be req11dred for widea:JJing or deVli8Jtirug Ithe saJid oo"i1 OT wIliClh may- be obherwise ""'lllilred in conneotli<J11 Wlillh the oombructioo, imp"",emeaJt OT lJIlJaJi!nlben1amJOO of 1jJh~1 slama road and ,to lbeaJr Ithe C'O\Slt tlhereof j1ll- Olu<lillig ,an>;' "elces~ary f€a:JJcing. A. W. AUCKLANID, WllII"den . SiIgoed ~d lselailm 1ihils 21st day of Mamch, 1967. OOTpo~atioo of the Oolllllby of E~. Ii. L. JOHNSON, .o11er1< 3. It is mde<rstooll and lagreed fu]]"t ,Dbe OorpoTrubloo lis and wlll ciOlI1IbiJruue to be rl'1eISlpOl1lSUlb!le for rtjhe 'lTIIa!iiIlltetnfanlCI6 anrd rep1ati!r of fJhe .,add mad ood 'the Oo~rrutioo "OVOOalllliJs and llgrelelS th.,t lailitea- the d"s~"bioo 0' Dbe sadd rolad as " DeIVe~opmerut Road Gltas 'he<!n r""olred the OoTpOTation wOO mainlta!in ill; and keep it in " sltiaite oif repailr sl3!bilSif.aJCOOry to the Dep_eaJt and in de- ,'ault @>el'eof tile Del'rurtm8ll11t may, l'llll"slNlllllt lJo, eec:biOl1 98 0' 'I1he EiigihlwTBJ)' Lmpoo"elIDea:JJt .AieI;, 1960, i!sleW repailr ,fJhe ro",d and ooarge the COSlt .I<>!h" Co'1lorntion. BY-LAW NO. 1964 "A By-Law to Provide for the 1967 Expenditnres on Roads Under the Highway Improvement Aet in the Connty of Elgin" WIERE~ The ~ay Lmprovement A<lt Teq1Jires lI1iaIt tibe to- r.a[ eXiPoodiiture 001 roaxls be prlJVlided fur lamwaIl\y by C<JWrtJy" by"l_ and IlJljaJt 11110 h~aJW 00 'SIl:lbmi~tell ~o IlIhe IVliimfuslileT of m~ fOT approWlil. 4. The CoTpo~3Jbi"n aJgrees and helt'eby mdeJ1lJ3Jlree 00 indlel11lllli!fy l8lrud ISlaiV€' lh:all'llTII~eSIS; 4Jhe Dep1aq'lbmea:tit fu'om :am:li '81giaIDS1t iBJH 111).518, C10lslte,ex!pe!l]S'l6 (llf d1a1IIl1ruge rwIhJich. ,tJhe Depalflomeltllt 01l" lits otffilcern OT 1ihe pnlJJic may incur, slli1fer or be p1Jt .1<> by reason of any work being dIooo 00 l!he saJiil road OT part thereof olVer mcl1 iIleooUlllC:ill: of bhe Co~o~3Jbioo hats jwrwsdlobi\)l] OT by reason 0' 'llIllIy aIOeid~l!lit, dam8Jgl> o~ injury IWlWch may 00 stlSballlJell on ac- 'I1HER!EFORI' lih,e 'Comoiil. "f lllhe COTpwail1i:on of tlhe, Sla!Id Cowty enacbs as foUIDoi\VIS': 1. 'J.1he sum of $570,000 ills hereby eSt:lmi3Jted as, lIhe expelJldiltllire llplID tllhe ,con,;lrndbioo aOO maJintenlanJee of iIle, mads am bridgl!s unrll>!" ]IJ& i""il;<dIidllioo drn;"g IIIhe yerur 1967 "" fo!lloWlS': WI 88 ELGIIN COUNTY COUNOIL E:iLGIIN COUNTY COVINOIL 89 Construction Maintenance Total Road's ...,........................ $ 68,000 Bridgels ~ Ou!l,,~ils ............ $ '50,000 New Mlachine~ ..... $ 50,000 Sup~rillJtell!dOOce ..am OVOOhaad .. $ 32,000 $ 274,300 $ 36,000 $ lID $ 59,700 $ 342,300 $ 86,000 $ 50,000 . $ 91,700 11HIEJ~EJF10RE liheCournill! of nJbe Oorpooaltion of 1ihe said CoUlllW "",,cIJs as foilllows: (1) The sum of $785,000 rus iheireby eStIlroaJted IllS the expendilJure upon 1Jhe iOOJl1sDrurooron ,and mamtoolanJoo IOIf !the 11"00adsl land bridlgies tmr- der its jm1ilS'mdtioo during lihe Y'\>ar 1957 'IllS 1f<JiIloW\S: T011ALS $ 200,000 $ 370,000 $ 570,000 2. The "alit! m<J11lJes .lhaUili 00 exp,oode<l mder lIhe superVlisfun of <tI)e <IollJy lappoilJJted IOO\l[lI~ mad s"Perintel>deaJt _d 00 w<>rk per- fO_eIl in ,,,elcor<lance willlb The, HlJgh",ay ]ropro"emel1it ,..t. IConstruction Maintenance Total 3. 'Dhe <lle~k Islhaill transll1lJit dUplIUea!le' oopies of thTs by.<Jaw to the dilslbrticil; office of lihe lMooilJi[>ail Rklatls Br=h, Dep"rjtmell!t of Highw>lyis, IlkJt lalbeir 1tIb!~ March 3VSb, of nJbe saiKl Y"<lIt'. 4. The IaJjlJll'O",aJI of lihe OllItlarao iMooicil>ail Board slbaill be obllJa"," ed befure lalllY eXlPel1dlilture .. "urtllmdze<l or work COll1lll1l~d w'hli<fu \j'u'iII he ~alIlK:e<I by lIhe,lSlSue of dehellitJures OT monties rali:sed in a mhtsequeaJt Y'\>"r. Pa&Sedalt St. Thomas lihiis 21s1t <lay- of March, A.D., 1967. Roacls . .. .. . . . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. ... $438,000.00 $ Brtdges .am Cul"oots .............. 347,000.00 New Mluchinery .. .. .. .. .. .. SupeafullJendell!ee md O"er!Ire'ad $438,000.00 347,000.00 nJiID TOTAILS . . . . .$785,000.00 $ $785,000.00 (2) The s,aill m<J11IDes ""ail[ 00 eXIPooded mdea- the surem;"" of the dll!iy "Ilpoi<nlted ct>oo~ mall !lllPeTinoomlel1it 00<1 on work perform- ed inaJCCOT<l~ce WIitIh The Higlbtway illmprovemeaJt AICt. ,~" H. L. JllliNSON, Oil>\t'k A. W. AUCKLAND, Wan:den (3) The cieri< Shaill! ,tran8lIrit tmpilioaJte copies of lIhis by-!law to the dii"""lclt ojJ/ijee of IDbe Deparltmoot of ijflghWlay\s Ollitaa'iOl, nOlt IllJt.er !ban Mlareh 3lslt, of the said yeait'. r, H. L. Joln1soo, Oerk of ibhe 100rpo~"tioo 'of 1ihe CouIl~ of I'll- gin" dl> hereby 'ce~bify 1IbJ3Jt lihe foregoing is la incue ropy of By"lJaM> No. 19,64 l'aSlSe<l by lIhe Com~ of IIIbe 'said ICorpo~8Jbion 011 the' 2~st Gay of Man:<fu, 1967. (4) The appro"a1 of l!beOJjiJa<'i1l iMUIlillipa!l BOlam shaWl be 01>- tai!led before 'a"y- eXIPentd!iIture lis au1lho1Jize<l or work commenced wlllich willi be f~ by nJbe iSlsue, of dgbe<JJt!lres OT lnOOIies raised in a subsequent y€laT. H. L. JOIINSON, Comly' Clerk. PaSsed laIl st. Tholl1lJas, ,1ih!ls 2bit d3ly of MaIt'<fu, A.D. 1967. BY-LAW NO. 1965 H. L. JOHNSON, Clieu'k A. W. AUCKLAN!D, Wan:den. "A By-Law to Provide for the 1967 Expenditures on Roads Under The Highway Improvement Aet in the County of Elgin." I, H. L. Jobinisoo, OleTk of lihe OOTpombion of lihe CoW1~ of 1'1_ g;n, do Iherllby cerjtil\y lIb"t the ~oreg<>ing i~' " trUe C!<lW of By.,Daw . No. 1955 passed Iby nJbe Coullcll of lib" Isl>id OOTporlallJion 0" the 2[Bt day of iMaJrch, 1967. WII:lEREAlS The 'I1iglhway Improvement Aelt Teq1ETes 1ihatl; the total eXIPCa:JJdiltore 00 roads be' pr<W1itle<l for """"aiiIly ,by C!<lUlJJ\:y by- law 00<1 @JJa!t nJbe by-iliaJW be, sllibmWtted ro itlhe Mlnfus~r of Highways for awro"al. H. L. JlllliNSON, OounltY' Cle,rk. 90 ElIJillN COUNTY OOUNOIL BY-LAW NO. 1966 I'lJGlN OOUNTY OOUNCIL 91 BY-LAW NO. 1967 "To Confirm the Eqnalization of the. Assessment Rolls of the Connty of Elgin for the Year, 1967." "To Rai'Se Amounts for County Rates During the Year, 1967." The EWgiru OoU11lty Coll[1l{ill ""aJcbs: 13.61W;9% 1.402271% 1.760641l% 1.466760% 5.349395% 2.085J.l~% .635131% .612164% 2.216691% 8.957762% 9.930146% 3.402367% 7.37111l.1J% 13.100449% 11.950650% 16.107349% WIHElRiElAS I~ esltimalle, Ims hero lIllJade Showil>g fuat !lire sum of 00" lIl!iIltIiOIlJ, 't>>l<l I>UI1dired ,am fo~ty rtJIrollSaOO eigillt hundred! am rour d\lllilars, an<! IlJljmtycsewellJ coots he raJised on aIJII ii;e ~aJteabl" propeO'lty in the SElV""aiL .lllIllillIioipaillbies !lor iIle iliawlfu!l purrpooe of lIhe 00mItJy during lihe ~aJr, 1967, 00 l1ihe -basts of ii;e IllSIsessmeniI: as determined din By'-LaJW No. 1956, pwSSied January 1911b, 1967. Mnnieipality Total Equalized Valne Ayillmer ............................. $ 7,948,835.00 Belmoot ............................. 765,500.00 Dwb .. . .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. . .. .. . ... 1,045,622.00 Port Burwell ..................... 857,465.00 POTt StalllIDey ............ . . . . . ... 3,093,005.00 Ro<ine)' .............................. 1,249,390.00 Spit1i1>glfiekl.. . .. .. . .. .. . 369,316.00 Vielllllll . :-;<.......................... 359,900.00 We~t LOToo ........................ 1,261,735.00 ADidlbmooglh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,256,445.00 Bayi>am . ... .. .. . .. . .. . ... 5,818,661.00 Dorehesbea- Soutlh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1,995,,265.00 Dmwlclh ...... .. . . .. .. .. . .. . . 4,41l.1.!,169.oo ll\IIjalliaihlide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,114,955.00 ISblJtIImroJJd! . . . . .. .. . . .. ..... 6,746,690.00 Yr8Jl'IlI1l0UitJh .. . . . . . . . .. .............. 9,167,825.00 'l1FIAT the l'oiillJowing be .the equ~li2J8Jliion of ii;e MselSWle!llt Rolls of the. OoUlll~ of 1'll@llJJ for nJbe ~, 1967: ~~mer ....................... $ 8,011,575 !leiImolJJt ....................... 825,315 DwIJtl<>l1 ................... 1,036,237 IIorlt Burwellll .................. 863,270 Porlt SlJalllIey ................. 3,148,418 R.odlIey ........................ 1,227,205 ISpI'liIJJ~ ..................... 373,310 VIi<lwa ......................... 360,:l93 We5lt Lome .................... 1,304,764 AI<lborooglh ................... .5,272,155 BaJ)'ham . . . . . . . . . .. 5,244,446 Dorchester SouIDb ............. 2,002,495 !Dunwlfdh ...... .... .. .. .. ... 4,338,605 :MalIah:idl> .... . . . ..... . . ....... 7,733,300 Sou!iftJIwKjI<I .................... 7,033,625 YlaJr'llIDu!1Ih ..................... 9,480,07'5 $58,355,538 100.000000% 2. 'l1FIAT ii;bs Comdill. is wtlIiIing Ito1 baN''' ItIhe finllJl equali2J8Jbion of Asses\9llloot Rioillis il1J <laJS>e' of lawe'~, made I>y lihe Oo~ Jndge. $58,502,738.00 'I1HIEIRJElFOR!E nJbe Comdill. of ii;e Mmicipail Oorporallioo of the CounllJy of EIgfurn eoadtJs: READ a fir(Slt Ibime IDbics 21st daJ)' of Mardh, 1967. RffilA[l ,a secood ttme ~hliJs 2ll'lt daY' <If Mrurch, 1967. 'l1FIAT " ~aJte of 19.5 mIiIilJs on Itlhe dollar he oovied on ailJl Mreabie p~ 51> the I!lElVerllJl mwldlpaililltllm in nJbeOo~ of ElIgin ll\S above selt fOTlih for the yerur, 1967: RElAD ,a Itftjird OOne, laoo ~iruaiIly ,paSiSCd, lillis 21st daJ)' of Moreh, 191>7. H.L. JOHNSON, CIDerk A. W. AUOKLAND, \VardOO Ayillmer ............................ $ Belroonlt ............................. Du!iJoI> .......................... POOt Borwernl ................... 155,002.26 15,317.25 20,369.63 16,720.96 REID a firlst lliime' lib.. 21's! d%" of lV1!aIt'ch, 1967. REID" secom Iilme 1ihils 2l1S1t day- of Mamh, 1967. RI'IDa lihdrd 'blme, land finailly pallSed 1ihils 21st dia(y of Mwch, 1967. H. L. JOHNSON, A. W. AU~ND, Clea-k Wat-den 92 ElJGIN COUNTY COUNCIL POOt SII!lIliley ........................ ~........................... Spring1Jlield ........................... Vi"""a ............................... West Lome .................... . .. .. . J\ilidbo~aQl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ba~lbaJm.. ........... ....... ~dhesIDer ~lIb ..... ............. ... Dunwidh .................... ..... M1illJalbide ...................... Sou~d ..... . ....... ....... Y,ammouth ......................... BY-LAW NO. 1968 ElJGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 60,313.60 . 24,363.10 7,201.66 7,018.05 24,993.83 102,500.68 113,463,89 38,907.67 86,037.30 158,241.62 131,560.26 178,772.59 The UllIivoosittiy 0[. Western Oa:JJba<'!o ................. 2,500.00 The S,,","3J1JiOO Army.................................. 500.00 'I1hie :Elgin Sdhool 11m"bees' am.d ~~bepaJy'em' ~di8Jbroo ..................... ................. 300.00 SchOVlWSlliips ,aIb the Univocsiby of Western Omalt'io 200.00 SdholaTlSllilip 'aJt the OOgetowl> AgTlouIDlJu"a!1 Sciroolli .. 100.00 Four Coonlbies Hos[lit>a[ .............. ............... 9,000.00 iJake Eme lOOJ;lima!l Ebln<>milO OO\lll!ci1 ... ... .. 2,239.92 Coourlal Ellgin Oolllegi3Jte In"bibuJte Selllior Band 500.00 The mca!l AlJl'b~iJtIraili Olifiice for ~arrm organ'Z!lItJioosl ,and Jooi<Jl' F1ammern aoo mSllJlb1Jte Groups 3,000.00 The ~oulltJua-a!I land HorlbicuIDtura!l Sodieitlie\'l m the OoulJ~ o[ I'lgil1! - I'quall ro nJbeRrolninoo of OIliIJa1io ~~ts ro lIbI>se Srooietres. REID a fit'lStJ ~me' lih.. 21Mt d%" of lVJIaIt'ch, 1967. REID .asero!JJcllilme nJbWs 2l1S1t <lay of Mamch, 1967. REID" iIIbIinllilme, ""d fillJa!llJy paJSsed1ihils21"t day- of Ma<dh, 1967. H. L. JOHNSON, ',., A. W. AUCKLANP, Olerk Wardm $1,140,804.37 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT "Being a By-Law to Authorize Grants to be Made to Various Organizations, 'Corporations, Institutions, etc. .During 1967." Mareh Session, 1967 W!HIERJEAA 'lIbe Oomcll of lIbe Co~aJtioo of lihe ~ of El- gin deems rnlaJdlW1iaIbie ro make gT,anbs to ce~afun orglanlizaJbi<>llS, corpwalbioos, in~lIlmbioos, etc. To 'Db" Wardoo, ,am ~Sl of lihe Ellgin Com~ Cowcill, The Propffi1by 'Oom!lnlilllte.. Tew~ts 00, foNow\si: 1. ilVIr. Johl> A. Lynch and .Mr. Theodo~e OlareiJJee Sebum have been .madl> .perm~t 1W1ll~. 2. The le'aJremalre!"s "'llartmeallt, wibJoo valo3Jted by Mr. S~ilUi<t, wiilil be reaJted .to .the Elgin <Comly- Phmmmg BlJ!aIt'd aIb $50.00 per nioaJth, to la maximUll1l of $600.00lbT lih.. y-ealt', 1967, mcludling fumlture and equipmelJlt 'loaned to lIbe Boait'd. 3. Seour]ty Bone! Oovemge 011! 'Comty employees !>as: been increas" eel ro $25,000.00 wIiitIh e""es~ clMIDagl> on iile OolIDlty Treasurer be" ing deIDelJed. 4. F;,.e ]$u"""oo on lih", Court IIowse, JaIil, Registry Office, and ASlSessmentDeparlJrooolt Building;" PMsenbly- Ileing ,..,v1sed to NOW THmEFORJE the OoUlJJCil of ,lIbe 001'p<>~atdon of 1ih" CoUlllty of EJlg1in eallaJcbs liS follK>ws: (1) THAT lIbe following 'granlbs be, ,am alt'e hemhy auDbo<ized tar lIbe yl>ar, 196'7: The' Elgin Cotnllty Law Lib~aJry .....................$ 50.00 'l1he .Elgin CouaJty ~ollleer Museum ..... 500.00 The TilWsollllUrg Dllistridl lMenno~lal Hoopita'l ...... 16,000.00 Bealbie il!javoo 3,000.00 The Oatllllldialll Nalbiona!llmtiluibe fur ~he BlimI ...... 1,250.00 93 94 El!JGUN OOUNTY GOUNOLL eoll!l'oil'm wlDb IDbe AprIDabsa~ C<IJ1l!llWted .by lJheDllirniinlOOn Appraism CIooJJJpany. 5. A four \fuooe inter-cron Bell TeOOPhone System "as boon iJW- ~taillled in the Asse&SIIIleaJt BuMJdinlg. AilIl. of wIbilch .s ~~clfuil!ly- SIlIbImtlJed. K. J. MicAlUPINE, Ol>aiinnan. EDUCATION COMMITTEE REPORT Mareh Session, 1967 '1'0 lIhe WaIl'doo,and Members of .1ihe Elgin Cow1ItJy Oounted_, The Edllc3Jbiooail 00iIntmi1ltJee repOlibs as fuMOWlS: 1. . ThaJt the OOsoIlltJion fu'0IIIl lihe' Co~ of bniIJaIt'do requeslJing 1ihe Minister of' Tralllsp<ll1b lio ,amend lihe RegW8Jbioos regaxding 8ichool IIms<1S, he .~bled. 2. That the request of Itlhe ~ffiic S<fuool Trwbees' Associ8Jbioo of Om""" fOT a gmmlt, be fiIDed. 3. That the resoluibioo from the Co~ of Lemox am M\Iiinigton reqoos>tJing !1Ihe nep_!lIt of Ediu,,~liioo of OnItalt'io 00 prepl""" b1a' sic plaJllS for ..moal Ibuilldlings along wibh !Wmer stamaJrds, pr1lce ceillla:JJg\',am pllice guide !IDes, be enidlOTsed. 4. Th3Jt the rerolultiioo frOlIIl /!he C<>tmlty of H\l!l'O" requesting amende moot of nJbe PrelSoot le!Jlsiliabioo rl>laJlii"" to ,the eSIIJaiblIilsl1moot of Cot:I1IIIiJy lJiwa<'ies, be liiIled. 5. ThaJt lIhe C"aiMtlm oftlhe I'dueartJioruail O<>IIlIll1lliIItJe be delegated to aJbte"d ilI!:le Ol:le-<laJy' S€IIlIIina,. 00 April 22I>d, 1967, to be held a.t the OmaTID Vooabiol]ail CeIlIIJre" Loodoo, Onibatrill. Ailil of 'wIbiloh is respelctlfuNy subIilltAJed. J. W. BAmEm, C!Jaiirma!1. El!JGEN COUNTY COUNCIL 95 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT Mareh Session, 1967 To lihe Warden, and Members of '1ihe Elgin C01IIlIly Cornril, The Perslamel OomimtitItee repo~ts as follows': 1. 'I1IlAT lIhe Pier'S<J11<lell Oo!lIlllltillJtee, ,tlhe Olerk-'I1realSW'er, and the Solidboir, ,he jruslbrlldted ro proceed with ilI!:le 1\ppllcaJlJioo bIy 1ihe 0_ adilaltI UniOOl1 of Bullibie I'ln[Ilioyoos regarding 11Ibe, Atpplill8Jbion for cw- tifilc8Jtiol> belf<>re Ithe OaJtrurio L~bour Rel3JtiKlrus Boait'd <if the J<lIiI Empil\l~,es IllS IlIhey ma\y deem allvilllabilie ", 1Ille interests of tlhe C",,- poraJlJioo wdilI!:l full .powe~ ro "dt. Ailil of' wam<fu bs ~""!>8lclfuil!ly sullmlbted. JOHIN V. 'M1cKLNLAY, Chadrman. PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS (JOMMITTEE REPORT '.', March Session, 196'7 To lihe WaIt'<Ie", .~ Members of .tlhe Ellgin Comby OouooiI, The Pl>tbbions ood Legii1sIII3Jbioos OomIillbtee rep<lJ'lbs as follilows': 1. Thall lihe resoIlllbi<J11 Iiriom ,tlhe ICotn:lty of Vmemorla requesbia:JJg lIhe P.rovinctilail GovernmemJit lto paC\" "JJ subsidy of 75% of the sa!lrury, and mile~ge coots of 1ihe CooI>ty S8Jlf,,~ II>speoboir, he eOOoirsed. 2. That lihe resQlulbi\ln fr= the <City of Barrie reqUl>~bia:JJg 1ihe Governmenb of OI>tax;'() to 'amenll the .Ch;ld WeII'we Mt, be tilled. 3. Thalt ii;e~",<JI.llbiOa:JJ from Ithe 'CooI>tias of Leeds and Gu-envillIDe reqtrelSltia:JJg lihe OI>tario HiospjIIJ~ Sei.'VIi""s COlll!lllli:slsIDon to OOl>1lidetr paytia:JJg for DlliagI>osbic Fees for olJJt-p3Jtiellbs, be. endorned. 4. ThaJt the msoiliultiioo fu'om ii;e ,Comty of Slmooe, reqUlCSltling !be Pl"IOVIinclatl Govemmenlt 100 amend iIle llVIunlcipa[ 'l1ax ,...isit!mc" Act, be endiar'Soo. 5. Thalt lIhe reoolubi<J11s from the 'l1mvInslbdp of SiouItIJ Doochester, the V;Jiliage of Ro<ine~, fue Towa:JJsIbIlp of Dww.el1, the 'J1owinJsIIjip of Aldlimrough, ii;e Thwmhip of MaIDaimlle, the Viilllage of Spring!field, the Village of .j)UIlJt~n, ~d t'he Villila~e of West LOTne, requ.~tilJg 96 ELGlIiN OOUNTY COUNIOJiL that the iMiinIiisIDe<r of ll\ful1Jioipa~ Ail!falirs permit lihe slllid lllIilliciir>alri- ties 00 wtilibJdmw from lJhe Imi!lm ConaJtY' Rlanomg .Board, 00 twbled. AIlIl of wWcI1 rs ~espe~uIily sllbmiilbted. JAMES S. ElIJUIOTT, O!:ladIrman. AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1967 To 1ihe WaJrden, wd Member" of ,tlhe Elgin ConaJtY' Oouooii, The ~rIi"u!litura~ !CoilIlllIlW~tee l1e![Iorbs 'aJS faNows: 1. WI' RiECOMIMillN[) that lJhe relOOlubion paJSSed "tthe No"""""'" SessiOll rooomm<m\liirug to the Deparll1meaJt of Lal:lds me! Foresls, (h3Jt the OOllIDl~ 01' Eil!gin be declme<l la prOlhtiblted! arela for 1li0llr resid6l1it hUllltersl 'be fur",aTdeid to lIbe ll\IIinlster af Lands al:ld Fol'- e..bs, am nJbe LlIkJe I'me: Dilsltrlct Olllliro. 2. l1l:laJt the reqneaJt of nJbe We,,1lem ColIDlties Guernsey Club fur a g~a~t be re,erred to IDbe Dlsmot ~\JuIbuml OI1t1ice. 3. llhat '1Ibe OIIeirk-11reasure.rhe ault!:lorize<l to pmy lIhe acCOUIJts for tire JIlII1IiOT Farn>ers GeaJt~ooiail Project wlhen lIbey are' presented, al>d apply for a girllIl1li 00 the slrl" expenllillJureis. M~ of wlhich ts mspe\JllfuI~y stJbIlllillted. DUlNOAN GillIJOORiIST, OhalirlU!al>. CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1967 To 'Dbe WaJrd€I>, wd Merobers' of the Ellgin eouu!liy CounlCil, The COObemiatl C\llIlmilbtee reponbs as foll<>ws: 1. That laOeaJteooi~ Dediicatiron SerVlire be be!ld on Tuesday, June 2Qth, 1967, 00 CoaIlIIlreIIllOTaJte tlhe' r"slJor~bi<m of lIhe OllWll~ Bui:ldil:lg astlhe Oouruty Celllteooial Project. '. AUIaa:JJgemen"" 00 he IDbe reeponsrllbiiliity of .lIb", OellibeIlniiail <Jom.. milbtee inoo-ope~ati"n wiIIIh the Olrali~man of the Prope~~ Corrrumit- lee. AIlIl of wlhi<fu j.s, respecllfuI~y slllbmilbted. JOIlIN WliS!E, OhaiTmoo. I'. ,<:!~;', 1"1 1,;1;;' I,. rll i}lii I I )';}I 1 EDGIN OOUNTY COUiNOJiL BY-LAW NO. 1969 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Coq>ora- lion of the County of Elgio at the Mareh Session, 1967." \WlIElRlEAS by Seotion 9 of lihe MlDlioipa[ Adt, heing Chapter 249 of the Revised Statwte<s, <If OI>bario, 1960, nJbe, powers of " mooicipal c~ation are lohe eXeJlci!led by ibs Cow~; AND WIl!EtRlEM Iby Sutbsecbion 1 of Se\jbioo 242 of lIbe MUlDIi<>J:pail Act, .bedng O!:laplbea- 249 of Ithe Rewsed St8JbuJte's 0, OnbaJrio, 1950, the P<>W~s 0, every aourucil """ to he exercised by By--iLaJW; ~N!D WiHElREM it Is deemed expe<lieaJt that lJbe proceedings of the Oomcii oftlhe Oorpomti<m of IDbe Coorj~ 0' Elgin <lJt Wl;,g meet" mg he ooaJt'imIed oot! adopted by By.[,aw; N10W 11HiElREFORE; 'mE iOOUNCIL OF TH!E OOlR<PORATION OF 11H.E COUNTY OF ELGIN EN,"CTS as follows,: ,~", 1. ThaJt aclbion of the OomClif of //he ~aJti\ln of ,the Co~ of F~lgin in resp",,'t of eaJch reooromen<labion collibainelll in lbe ReporllS OIf lbe Ooonaruirbtees ant! e,aeh mobi<J11 .aJOO ~11lbi<J11 p,,"ood ~ oii;ea- OJClbioIl ~al<rell by lIhe Coweil of the C<>rporwbion of1ihe Co~ of lill- gin aJt ~ls meetings !JeI]<1 d1uril>g ,Dbe' MaJl1C1h 1967 Se"~ion is hereby :adapted '00<1 O'OOiI1imled lars ill' ailII such ,proceediing<s were expresscrJy emlllodiiell m1ihils BiY.uaw. 2. The WaJrdell ood propea- <>fiI1lciails of the Corporation of 1ihe ConaJty of E~gfurn are hereby OOItb.<>rized ood <lire:cIDe<l lJ<> do ailII tbdi1tgs """"""rury to give elffe"t W ItIhe l8Jclbibn of .1ihe Gomcil of the, COI'poir<- 0001> of the Co<ulily 0, Elgm mfeNe<l to m preceding Sel:Ibilm hereof. 3. The WardellJ 'am IDb" 01e~ aJre auDbOTize<l al:l" dffirected ro ex- €"uJte ~ d<>cuanenlbs I>e!cesslrury in thaJtOOhailf and toalflfix lbereoo the Seail of the ~o~3Jbion of the' Counl~ of Elgfurn. RJMD :a I'ia'aJt time ,!ibis: 221><1 day of Mardh, 1967. READ ,a seoooo 1tfune 1lhii!l 221><1 limy of lMiaJrdh, 1967. RJIi)m a /Ibih1d time, ood finailly pas:se<l ~Ws 28n<l <I..y of Maoxil, 1967. H. L. JOIllN1SON, A. W. AUOKLAiND, CUk Wllrd." 9~ II. , 1.1 11 "j, I , 98 EllimN COUNTY OOUINON, ELGiIiN OOUNTY OOUNCN, THIRD SESSION - FIRST DAY IF'rom fue UlliveTlSIily of Western On~ario willh reque~t fur as- siSb"""", in ibtillding up lit's colliIe<!tion of mumeipaQ recoros. -Re- ferred to the I'du<l"tionlail Oommittee. Tnesday, the 20th day of Jnne, 1967 'JJ/re E~giu Oouni~ ICoundllJ met tis day at Dbe Cowt House, St. TQlOmaS', m .accor<lanre Wlilih adjoumment. From 'tlhe Dept. of Hiighw<a;}"s 'aaIDouooing a<1 adl^alllCe paymel1lt of $1/12,250.00 0<1 IDbe 1967 mmicipal subsidy. -il"Ned. The Warren in IlJhe Obiai!r. ~m fue Um'l"ffi1Sily of Western OI>tario 'e~sS'ilJJg <Iisl~iJJJt- moot Ib~caus'e IDhe dlate of lIbe June Se'sslio<1 of lihe I'ligin Ootmlly Cooocil oonl/1licts wifu ()()U]]ty- IComeiill Day ,8Jt the UI1li_'sity. ..JFi~d. Ml 't he meunlbers pre",,"t e"cept Deputy Reeve deIR;}"k. l"rom Mr. E. P. ~ay, Loeail RegiWar, S.C.O. Wlibb 'e<>P'Y of 1I11e report of the ~alld Jury .00 the lIJjonou"1jbQe <Mr. Justice Brooks. ~Relferred .to 1II1e Prope~y Oomml!tee. Moved :by Ree"", D<J(}m"" Seconded .by Deptl~ Breve McIKiilllop, Thab the milll.lte!l of ,lbe !Matich 1967 Ses.sIion of tlhe I'lgin Oo~ GouIreil, ,as pr.inIle<I I""d diillltrlbuted, be confimled. From 1II1e On"ario Water Reso1lre€'s Oommissiol]agTeeing to pay <lOSlts of xepa;r ,am:d maintenance, 00 OolIDlty Road No. 30 \lIP 00 a liimillt of $3,000.00. --R<Jfe,rr"'" to the Roa<ls Comllllittee. From lihe Cmllll~, of iE.rex <m.1Ih resolution. requesting 'Ihe pass- ing of legi.l"bion "'heTeiJ>y '1ih,e mul1licipallty, wlhere 'an indiligent pa- tient gained residence priOT .to adimission to .any nlUr'Smg 110me" he responsiM", Itbr lihe bur1a!L expenses. -m.Jfurred to lihe' P~tltionS' and Le,gisllJ3Jbion. Oommi"tee. -Oarried. The tfoMowmg 10000000000l1nIi!Calm:oom were r-ead ,and refierred to ltihe ViwiotlSJ OommibteelS: Fmm the Dellt. of Hiigima~ wilih Audiit RepoJ1t of Rood I'x- pemlO:ture. fur tlhe yelar, 1966. ~Referred to 1Ihe Road O<>mmittee. F'tom 'Dbe I'lgin Oounty- plJb!IIic LIbrary wiDb 1966 Report. ---4Fi1ed. From the ,county <If Grey !with res'oIiubioo requeSibiIJJg 1ihe Olltar- io lHoSpit,,1 Se<wces Oommission .to e"tend insured 'se""ices 'to ,all P<'1\SOns wI10 Teqniffi meditlalli imd/or nUMing caoo in nlWSmg homes l~oomred ib~ tJhe Pr:QiV'mce of On1tarira and 00 'aU persions- in c~onl.i'C or colJlVlalle\S1Cent :bospitals. -laelfea-red to iile Nlbion'S 'and Lelgis~a- tions Committee. IFrom IDbe '1'1gill OouaJty !Pion",,", Museum withreqnem fur per- mis"iKm to ereet <a htliJding to holld ~a~gea- .aooique rernics. -Reiferred to.1ihe.Finance ~~bee. From llheDiept. of SociaJi land 'F'amil~ S8['Viees witill copy of a l<lilter 100 Mr. D. BaITe~t, Aic!ting Lo<lalli Diredtor of "he St. Thom_ llilgiIJJ Children'ls Aid Society <adl^ismg 1IhaJt lbe ~957 esmm3Jte of ex- peOld!tures of lihe St. Thoma'S"EllginSociElty has """naipproved. ....:mOOd. l"rom 1ihe DetlIt. of ReIform fus1Jillubions announcing 1IhaJt Regu- lation 450 m"de under 1ihe Municdipa~ Act wllD. be re",uk"'" elJfeoove Mlay- list, 1967. -il"i1~d. ,F<'om the Y,wmoulih GIloo Women'ls rnsllilln"" with res~utioo re- que's1iinIg lIbJat ,alll ~<>V>lh9 of govermnoot be mlindfuIJJ of 1ihe ~act that dch ~aI'm laOOs .are heing Ilaken 0IVeT fur high,,"a~s <and access rotJte!l, ,md .fur ,indl.lsltry- ,and uriJan housing, 'and ,,,.ked bbatgood judg<roant be used. in ~alllJ!ing ISO tlhai 'a minimum o~ pri,ne 'agribu!" tnralli Imd I>e used f<>l" the i1jbove pwposes. -iR.!jferred to the' AgTi- Cl~turam OomtmfutAJee. !F'r<lll1 Dbe Comty of i[)ulfferin "'ith resol<Jbion 1ih3Jt 1Jhie MOOmey- Gerre~al for the Prorv>inee of Onta<'io 'he petlbioned to haw legislia- iioll 'amendedail!k>wing nJbe MOOrney~Gooeral"s Depa~tment to im- plemm" 'coot1IPil<Jte co~ toWlards ,"drnlimstramoo of Justice incllud- ing pa~ment ofaill 'costs inVlllwd. -iReferred to !he Pebitioos and Legislations Oommitbee. 99 100 I'W]N OOmTY OOUNOIiL 1!lIJmN oom'l'Y OOllNCllL 10<1 Fml1l 1ihe Ooldy of ..'Th'inee Edward. wl1ih resolution requestiing that Selption3, Sub-ooction 6 of 1ihe Mtmlclpall Tax ,,"sisvalllOO Act be 'llUl!en<led by deletling ,Dbe words "P",,,ja:JJciaI property' used for parl<s pUl1JXlse,s jnclu.<Ii"g bui!<lings in IlJhe PMks." -'Referred to 1Ihe Pelilionsand Legisla'biol>s Oommi~llee. From F~ank Cowan Company Limited with 1966 Inslll'ance Oomzrnssion Di~tribulion5. --ilWfeITed toDbe F'in"-llce Ooromittee. From the O"tario LaJbour RelaJlJions Baaro, a copy- af the Bowd's decision in 1Ihe ml3Jtter of the Oanarnan Uniol> of Publllic Employees .and lihe 'Oonnty of I'"gin ('eeTtilfic3Jbion) j'Ogether with II copy of CertM'icate issued .by 1Ihe Board. -,Rl>fewed ~ 1ihe Persoll'- nel Committee. !F1rom 'Dbe Oooo~ of Pr'ince Eldward wilh resolum"" petitionmg the 'Dept. <If Nliliionta!l R<JVenue '00 give a sped.. ,additiMal mcome tax e""mption up .00 $250.00 pea- persol> fOT se,asonw flarm work in order to encouraJgI>gTe'ater volunteer llarvesltillg assistance for farm 'emps. -'Relferred to the ,.gTieuilM'aI C\mNn"otee. !F1mm vbe On"ario Good Roads Assoclatioo ,annoUl]clng the re- tiremoot of iMr. 'W. Seoet M~ay as SelCrobaJry~'j1relas=, and1ihe appoi!Jtment of 'Mr. lBernaro J. MicA!lIfrey as Ilis suC!Coooor. ---Wiled. From 'bhe. ,"ssoci8:tion of Ontario Cooobies ad~ising tlhiat lihe .Dept. of !Vt1IDi<li[J'aIMiJa;rs WiIIL pay 50% of 1ihe opea-amg costs of 1967 Workshops on CowJty G(YI'emmeaJt, 'and IDhat these, monlies wNI be fol'WlllTd~<1 tollhe Oounties ,whose repres"ntabives, as executive memJbers,are conducti"g these wor"'shops. ---iF'iled. From Hiis IIonour, Judge R. J. Ondney, wilih lihe Aware of the Boare of A1'bitration appointed U1]der Secbion 76 of1ihe PuIllic SChools Act in respe"t ~ lBy.[;aw No. 3]m of 1ibeConaJtY' of Middl[~ .sex. -,Relferred to ,1ihe Public School! COOsu!lllative COOlJrnittee. From 1Ihe Town of A\YIlmer WIiIIh copy of resoliution reg~ing the extel>sion <If SIprooo Street. ~RelfeTred ~ the Roalls Ooll1iInlittee. From :the O"bario 'Wiater Resources CommiSlSiOl> wi1ih copy of C'.onnty of Elgin - S<>wlJhem Area Regiol>a!! Pollubion Oontrol Stud&. -Filled. '~'< From 1ihe DePt. of Lands .an<l Forests 'aclmmvlellging rooci!lt of Te'solution Te'spe'obia:JJg prohibition of noo-resident hnnteTs in the County of ELgin. -F'i1ed. From the Ci!~. of St. Thomas W"1Ih 'awrovall of 1967 budget es. timates of 1ihe St. Thomas SuhurlYan Roads ,Commission. --IFNed. From IDbe IIonllill'a!bIDe M. B. Dymond, M.D., Minister of Health, announcing .th8Jt provhrola!l l:Ueenses will be issued allOWing ade- quate time '00 meet staOOards nndeT theAJrnbwalllOO Servires Act. -.FNed. The Treasurer'. Report was preseaJte<l. Moved by Reeve McOaIWum, Seconded 'by Deputy Reeve McMpioo, ThaJt the 'j1rea~"s Re1po~t he 'acropted, and printed m 1ibe Proceedil>g5. -carried. The Audi1ooi"iS Report was presented. .From the Thwrusllip of Colroester South willIh reso!lution recom- mooding to the lVIiinister of Mnn.eipaill MWair's, aoo the Minister of HeailDb and Welliare that consider'aJlJiolJJ !be given to 'amendil>g Sec- tion 37 of the A\S1sessmelJt Act to inlclu<le arnlbwanoo '""""ioos. -'Reo- ferredto 1ihe I'qnailiq)atlo" and AsooslSllllelJt Committee. From the Oity of St. Thomas 'au1lh0ri1Ji"g the allpointment of Alderman I1arold N. Broo"'sto 1IheOoumy of Ellgin 1'lall!Oing Boaro, and ,the Ge"t~a!l P~alll11ing Committee to fill lihe nneoopired term of Nl<le~m"" D. C. Wallte. ---iF'iled. Moved by Reeve Todd, Seconded by Reeve Ginlc!bTlst, Tha" 1ihe Audi~r's .Re1port heaceepted !by- IIhe ~ ConnilJy 'Conncill. -OaIt'ried. .. The report of '1ibe Public School Co"sultative Committee was [Jre:seiJted !by- Re<JVe Willson, and ,adopted on moliioo of Reeve Wil- son 'and [Reeve EmeTlSon. ELGIN C()IlJ[\IIfY OOUNOIL 102 ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNOIL The fd~st reporlt of the I'Ig;in Manor Committe" was presented by Reeve KeilWar, and it was mo'Ved by Reeve Kei!J!lor and seconded by Deputy Ree'Ve Wise 1;I\],.t th" repOTt he adopted. The repoJt ofth" AJgrWcnltnml OommilJllee was pre'fren1Jed by Reeve Gilchrist, and ad\lpted on motion of Ree'V" GilelN'ist and freeve Wi!oon. Mjwed by Reew Todd, Movoo by Ree'V" I'me~on, Seconded by Reev" MclIMnlbay-, Th3Jt Dbe ~irsl repOl1t of Dbe I'lgin Manor Co!llllllli~tee be amend" ed by dllle.ling item bee, 'aoo lbl3Jt the llIJJa~ter of pe<rmittinlg adVlis- Dry membeTIs of 'committee\'! ta vole in ~he 'absence of voting mem- be~ be rl>ferred to the Committee on Oonnij;y Governmmt. -OaITied. Secanded by Depnty" Reeve 'MclGllop, That we do IlillM' adjoW'll mtil 10 a.m. Wednesllay, JIme 21st, 1967. ......Qattied. The fiost rep'Ort of 1ihe E:iligin ManKlr Committee as amended, was ItJhen ViOrted upon, and carJ:'lied. H. L. JOHNSON, ~k A.. W. AUOKLAND, Warden The report of 'Ihe. Celltenrnlrl Commi~bee was presented by De- puty" Ree'Ve Wdse, and adOpted on mo~iol> of Deputy Reeve Wise and Reeve DllGr'aJW. ,~". The report of 'Dbe Property Committee was presented by De- puJty Ree'Ve McAl!lJine al:ld adapted on mobioll of Deputy" R.eewe Me-- Mpineand Depu~ Reeve Mcllilllop. . M,:wed by- Depn~ Ree'Ve ,MeilGlllop, Seconded by Ree'Ve Gnchrist, That we do now ad1011ID to meet at 2 p.m., Jnne 201ih, 1967. ~Oamed. CooneR re-comened. The report of IDbe Road Oommiltee Was presel>ted by Ree'V" McOalllum, 'andadepted 011 mobion of Ree'Ve M<10aMum and Ree'Ve' DeGrnw. The repOl1t of the I'quaIizaJtioll and AJsses.sIJ1leaJtOommittee was preserited by Ree'Ve Oa'Verly ,andadopied an moliol> 'Of Ree'V" Oa. verlyan<l Ree'Ve KeiMor. 103 ELGiIiN OOUNTY COUNOIL 1u4 ELGlINOOUINTY OOUNOlIL THIRD SESSION - SECOND' DAY NAY - McKinlay (2), PIhilIItlI[>s, E]Jlliioot, Ememon, KeillllOT, Ne- mett, Su1ihedand, C1rurke - ThlJ~ (9). Wednesday, the 21st day of June, 1967 The motiol> ""rried. l1be I'lligil> OoUl~by' Oouncil met Db;" day at tbe Cowt Hoose, St. Thomas, in 3!oc(),1'i(j:anoo witJh adjoUl'Illmenrb. Mow<! by Reeve Todd, Seconded by -Deputy Reeive Wise, That the report of 1ihe 1"inance Committee as amended, be adopted. The' Warnen in the Cilair. AtlI Dbe m"",he~s pres""t, except Depu~ !\ee"e delRi)"k. -Carried. . A jetAJea- from Mr. End D. Moore, Supffi'Wsing Prollatilln OMi- oer, requesbinJg t:he usuaili 'g<ran" of $25.00 to each Elgin Counby' Pro. iballion O!tlficerattendinlg rtJhe P:roibabioIll Officers' Convention was prese"ted,and the I'oNowiJJJg resolutioo was passed: Moved by Deputy Roove ~am, feconded by Reeive Kalmt, That By-JUaw No. 1970, ''iBeinga By-LaJW to A:mend CounIJy of I'lgm By.[jaJW No. 1960, ~ lMemI>ersand AUiternaoos to the OounllJy of Elgin P]anning Board," '00 read a fiM wme. --, -Garried. Moved by Reeive K8JbaJt, Seconded by Deputy Reeive~am, ThaJt By.jUaJW No. 1970, the read a second time. Moved 'by !\eeve MeCaHum, Secol>ded by !\eove Glleb<is~, 'Th3Jt the usuaili gTaaJt of $25.00 i>e mOOe to eam Probation 0If~' cer abtendm'g the Probation OMicers' CoIJ."envion. -Calt'ried. The repo~t ofDbe 'Finance Committee WaJspresel>tedby !\ee"e Todd. -oarried. 1\1o"ed by !\ee"e Wilson, Se.condedby !\ee"e DeGraw, Moved ,by Roove DeG'l'aJW, Seconded by Reew McCWum, That By.jUaJW No. 1970 00 re'ad a 1Ih!iffi time, and ~inailJly passed. -0arrted. An amendiment '00 1ihe 1"in= Report: That Clause 9, granting $IQ,OOO.oo to Dbe P,amdl>g Boam ibe deleted, 'and Ihe amoun~ of $5,000.00 be gr'anted, OT sull'fiicient to clauy on, until the SeP'ilelmiber Session of the CoUllJby Co,mcil, not 'to exceed $6,000.00: l\!!ov'ed by- Ree"e Emerson, Seconded by Reeve S\lItIherlam, That By.jUaJW No. 1971, "Being II By~LaJW To AllIJbome the WoaT- den and Oler!k of the Oounly of. Elgin To Sign . the D\lcumems Re- quired for the Purohase of ~ximatelly Four ,"ems of Land," he read .a I'iM nme. Reeve \WIson requested a recoroed vote on the above mobion, and fJhe result waS' ;as fuJJliOWS; \1EA - ~ehcis!t, 1MKlKi1I\lp, McOaillum, MoMipine, AuctdaOO, OMard, Wise (2), Oave~ly (2), WiI1son, Mom", (2), MiskeI>y, BIl['- ker, .Kjllb!]t, DeGa1aJW, Todd - Total (18). -0arried. ---, 105 106 ElJWN OOUNTY COUNCI!L ElOOIIN OOUNTY COUNCIIIL 107 Moved by DepuIDy Reeve Otthalt'd, Seconded by Rewe Emerson, I Thwt By.[JaJW No. Ilf1'l be read a see(Jlld time. Mo""d Iby Reeve McliliJIDay, S9conded by Depn~ Reeve Wise, '!1hlat By.[JaJW No. 1973, .he read a seOOl1d time. -C_ied. ~OarriedJ. Moved by Re""e I'merson, Seconded by Depu~ Reeve Oocl>aIt'd, That By-lLaw No. 1971 be read a tbtird tJ1me, and finllJll!)' passed. -C_ied. Moved by Depu"y Ree"" mse, Seconded by Reeve Oaverlly, That By-lUaiw No. 1973 be read a 1ihlm time, llllJd fioal[y- passed. -Oamed. Moved ,by Reeve PdJiiillIlvs', Seconded by Reeve Barker, That By.[jaw No. 197~, "IBeing a By.[Jaw To Allthorire lihe WiaT- den and Oll>rk of 1iheColIDty- of Iillgin To Sign Viarious Docnmenw," 'be read a first time. -C_ied. l\Ifowd by Re""e Moore, SeC<J11ded by Deputy Reeve Efuliolt, ll1I:lat By-ILaJW No. 1<.l"M, "'Beling a By-ILaJW To 'Oonstitute a 'Loclail Oou>t of ReW&i<>n fOT the 'fuw!l of Ay!lml>r for Btmposes! of 1ihe [,0- call IimQl<'<JVement ~ct, and 00 AWOiot1ihe Membea-s Thereof," be read a fii11st time. '.>;. Mowd by Reeve Ba"ker, Seconded by Reeve' Wilsoo, '!'bwt By-ILaJW No. 1972, he read a second 'bime. -Oatt:ied. -Cairtried. Moved by Re""e Pi1@Ijps', Seconded by Re""e QlOli'ke, That By.[JaJW No. 1974, ,be read .,. seeood time. M"""d .by Reeve MaroinIDay, Secol>ded by Deputy Reeve Wise, 'lfuwt By-lLaw No. 1972, 'be read a 1ihilro time, and fiinallly passed. ---Q>rried. ~OaJrTied. Moved by Reeve Oawrly, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wise, That By-Law No. 1973, "Bei!]g a By-ILaJW To Oonsmtnte, a C<>urt of ReVlis'ion for ea"h To'Nnsh1p, Town, and VOtlage, Wilbin lihe Limits of ~be OOl'pW'8Jtion of .1ihe OolIDty of I'~, To Awoiot the Membea-s 'I1hereolf and 00 Designabe Their Remuoor'wbion PoosuaaJt to Section 65a of Dbe ,"ssessment ,..t," be read a ~irst mme. ---Oaxried. Moved Iby Depll~ Re""e ElldJiolt, Sooondedby Reeve Moore, '!1h~t By-ILaJW No. 1974 he' rea<l a lbird time', and finailly- paiSsed. ~Oarried. Mowd by Reeve Todd, Seconded by Deputy Re""e !McKiiliIIop, ThaJt we do now wdjourn 00 meet lIbi. alfbemoon at 2 p.m. -Carried. OourleTh r€Hconve!lled. ELG]N" OOUNTY OOUNOliL 103 ElJG]N" OOUNTY OOUN(lJI, Mowdby Reeve Wlleon, ~~ooded by Reeve McIIGnlliay, 'I1ha~ Ree"e C. D. PIbliIIliips ,he allthorized to !liJoond 1ihe' annual mee~ing of N.A.C.O. to 00 ""Id in Debroit during Jwy-, 1007. ...oamed. Mo"ed by Depillly' Ree"e ~, Seconded by Reeve Todd, ThaI By.,Law No. 1915, be read a 1ihiffi lime,ood finail!ly passed. -Oarrled. Mc"ed by Ree"e Emerson, Seconded by- Ree"e Suii;eI'I""d, Tha~ By-Law No. 1976, "To Authorize 1ihe Wruroen and Treasurer to Bo~ tbe Sum of 11wo Mflilion, Four Hwdred ThouSallld Dol' lars," he re'ad a first time. The repoTt of lihe Edtm'"lion Oommi~tee ""as preoonl;ed by Reew Barlker, and lld~pted on mobion of Reew Barker and Depu!~ Ree"e Wise. 'I1he repot1t of 1ihe Pwsonn<il Onnimi~ was presented by Hoo"e MJcIK!Way, ood adopted on mOOion of Ree"e McKim~ and Roove Emer'sou. -Carried. Mo"ed by Reeve Sn1iherland, Seoondl>d by Ree"e EJmel'OOn, ThaJt By-Law N~. 1976, he read a second time. '!1he report of !:he Petitions and LegisilJations Commi~ was p-esented by Depu~ Reeve Elltilllt, and adopted on mOOon of ))e.. pillly' Ree"e Ellli<Jbt, and Ree"e Ca"eTly. -Carded. 11he relp<>l"t of Dbe SeC<J11<1ary ScIrool! Oonsu!ltalive CommitAJee was presooted by Reeve Eme~son and adopted on mmion of Ree"e EmerS<J11 'and Reeve !MclKiniLay. Moved by Reeve ElI!ferson, Seconded by- Reeve Sulihe11land, That By-Law No. 1976 'he relad a thhld ti\ne, ,and finailly passed. -C_ied. 'I1hesecond reporl of the Elgin MalllOT Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Keillor, and adopted on mmion of Reeve KeilUbr and De\lU~ Reeve' W;oo. IVLo"ed by Reeve Moore, Seconded ,by Deputy Reeve Miskelly, That By-LaJW No. 1977, "Being .a By-LaJW To A[Jvomt AI> Mses- sO!!' For the Ooonty' of EJltgin," he ooad " first lime. Mowd ,by Ree"e lVLcCallum, Second€<! by Ree"e DeGr!arw, '!1h.at By-Law No. 1915, "Beia:JJg a By-LaJW to De~aidh Oemin Lantdi9 1Irll1ll Undon School Section West Lorne,and AIklbol'Ough No. 6, 'and to A"taidh 1ihe said l.Jands to 1ihe Thwl1\slllip SeI1oo1 Area of AllidbO!l'ough," be' read a I\irSlt Ume. -o_led. Mll'Ved by Depwty Reeve Ellioot, Se'conded by Reeve Pbii!IIips, ThaJt By-LaJW No. 1977 be read a second time. --OaTrled. -O_Ied. Mocved by Ree"e Todd, Secondlld ,by Roove Gi:lciJrist, Moved by Reeve Olarke, Secondlldby Ree"e WillSOn, 'l1hat By-Law No. 1977 he' read a 1ihilrd time, ood fina~ly paSlled. --carrllld. Thait By-Law No. 1915 he read a second Ume. ...oamed. 109 110 EWIN OOUN.TY COUNCIL ELG\lN COUNTY OOUNC[I1 111 Mowd bY' Reeve Barker, SeC<J11ded by Depu~ Reew Wdse, That By.[jaw No. .1978, "A By-lLaw 'fu Collfirnl Proceedings of1ihe . Ck>Tlporablqn of the Oounty of EJi!ljn aIt the June SeIs!ition, 1967," be read .a first billIe. COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT June Session,. 1967 -Carried. To ,the 'Waroen,aOO Membern of 1Ihe Elgil> Ootmty- Comcil, [heg fu submit lihe following sbalJemeaJt of Receipts Illld I'xpend- itores iirom January 1st, 1967, ro May 31st, 1967. Moved by- Reeve Caverlly, Seconded hy RooveBarlrer, Walt BY-iLaw No. 1978, be read a. seC<J11d bime. -Carried. Reeeipts . Bala>ree dn Barnik, .and on hand, January 1st, 1967 $22,680.63 NobesI1ayable ................................ .$270,000.00 COlmtyRiates ................................ 15,317.25 ColRlty Rillbes collected under Sootion 53 ...... 2,326.94 L1C""",," 'and Pemn!its ........................ 106.~5 Interest ........ ................................ 888 Administration of Jwstice ...................... 9,156.97 ConaJty- Rioads ................................. 000,949.,15 Charity land Welilirure ........................... 290.70 Ch:ilid!ren's Md Societies ...................,... 255.00 A)g<ri(lw1JO!re .................................... 2,1119.10 Regisltry OJIffice "; . . . . . . . , . .. . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . .. .. 117,092.95 Misc~anoous Revenue ........................ 731.44 County. MseSsaneaJt Dept. . , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . 5,402.02 Care of iBuildinIg\S: . -iCentel1llllial G~ant ............... .$7,380.00 I'nteircom syslem,iHeail!tb UIlIit. .... 247,75 ,Elgm Mi~ 7,627.75 96,158.04 $1,047,544.36 Moved 'bY' Reeve Balt'ker, Seconded bY' Deputy Reeve Wise, That By-iLawNo. 1978 be read ,a third time, and fmallly passed. ~CaJITied. Moved by Reeve Gildbrdst, . SeeondedbY' . Reev<i' Todd, .' TjjaJt W<l do I>OW adjourn to meet on Septemoor 191ih, 1967, aJt 16 a.m. ~aJITied. . . '.. )" H. L. JOHINSON, . OI<lvk . .' A. w. Atl'OKLAND, WllTden . $1,070,224.99 Expenditnl'es Membe~s' Wla~s ..............................$ 8,559.57 OJIfficers' Salaries ... ........................ 7,751.66 Printing, Postage, 'allld Stationery ............ 1,200.96 Care of Bnlldings . . . . . . .. 13,082.42 G~anbs, ASISOciatiom, Scholarshi!lS, etc. ...... 2,008.25 ~maisceManeous .... ........ ... ............ ...... 4,396.75 'Mmiullistr.moo of Jusbille .:............... 60,253.41 .C<>ontyRioaJds ...........,.................. 285,961.75 Charlityand WelIJIaIt'e .......................... 5,082.00 Children's Alid S<>eieties ...................... 8,200.57 Tl1aJnsfewed to Elgin 1\!IIaJOOr ......,........... 1!.!,OOO.OO In~est ..,........,..........,................. 1,200.75 112 ELGJIN OOUN'I'Y OOUNOlL ELGJIN OOUNTY COUNGUL AItlallemoot of Taxes (Section 207, ,..rsess. ,"e.t) ft~..euWbure ... ........ ........ ....... Registry Olit'iee, OouaJty ,"slscssmen.t Dept. . . . . . . . . EJJgin~Slt. Thomas 'IIeaillDb UI>it . . . . l'otes I1aY'lble ................... CouaJty Lib~ary ................ P]aming ........... Tmnsferred 'to Ifuspital ,"ecount I'lgin MllnOT.. .. .. .. " .. L,2111.75 , ~,700.721 2,667.13 36,469.26 33,504.00 . . . . .. 270,000.00 20,000.00 8,069.00 ~15.03 . . . . .. 97,402.69 ~ in .an "Mort to cOllIleoo an ,agreement and ,tbat ~bey 'report lheir findings to bheConsultative Committeeb<ifore bhe Jooe meeting of OonaJty OOlmeil. A fwbher melelmg of theeon.lllltative Committee was held in the Coun.ty 'CowreU Ohambers 00 June 14Db, 1987. A ri"- p<>~t W'asgiven of the joint meeting of the lCooocils of West Lome, Aldoorough and Rodney rand !be tWee School Boaros. West Lorne agreed to roleacse Vbe A1dborough !,orbion of 1iheir union school sec- mOl> and the Aldborough T:S.A. Board "greed to ameplt. l\Lotions: Baillalllce in Bank, May 31.,t, 1007 ............ 933,447.39 00,717.60 $1,070,224.99 1) M<>ved by J. V. MClKinWay and secoOOed by- Wardel> A. Auck- land . lbat Db" COl]sulbative Commibbee "",commend ,to ColIDty COtID- cil bhat a by-1m> I>e passed debac/ringtbe Aldborough portion of S.S. No.6 Aldboro<lgh ,aoo West iJorne, and attaebing tbat portion to ,1ihe Aldborough T.S.A. Alii ofwlbich is rerspecbliully- sulJimJitlled. H. L. JOIINSON, OoMly Olerk and Trelasurer. Ml of. .wlbich is respecllful!y s<lbm.itted. J. B. WElJSQIN, Obait1man. PUBLIC SCHOOL CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1967 ELGlN."MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT '110 the Warden, ,aoo llVlembers of libe Elgin Oounty Cooocil, June Session. 1967 - First Report The Public Sl>hoot Ool1Sultllbive Oommitt"" reports l1S fullOWll: To the Warden, 'aI>d llVlembers of 1IheElgin Comly Oooocil, Thl> Elgin MalllOT Oommittee repol'ts 'as' full<>ws: A meeting ""as held 00 June ~st, 1967, in IIihI> OoUllCTh Ohamlbern wlbh IDbe Ob"it1man, .lRee"" J. B. Wilson, presiding. Ml committee mem"'e~s were p<resent A delegatioo coosisting of 12 mOOpayern ~ 'bbe iReewls of We.,t Lorue and A:kloorongl1 supporlled a petillion which had hoon signed 'by a lrurge =jo~ity of the ~atepaye~s of s..s. No.6 Aldborough - Ith'at !,omon of Aldbourough presently in union with WeSlt Ulr.tlll - wlbich ""ked "hat the Coooty- Oouncil <Ie- t8Jch '1ihe Aldborough portion IIf 1ihe schoo,! selcbion from West Lorne and ,a"~aeh i.too Aldborough T.S.A. Lt wacs pointed otlt that there aJre morebh"" 30 public school pupils in ,the rwaili section oIf this unioo sobo,,1 secbion, 'and 1Il1Jat iIf Dbe"" booame pupi,.. of Ihe T.S.A. - We~t lJome woUlld he left wi1ll1J "" oorolimenlt of fewer Ihan 100 pupils.ff lihis ,should /rappen West Lorne fublic School wolllld be required under SulbsectiOl> 5 of Seclion 40 of 'l1he fublic Schools Aiel ,00 he<come, part of ,the Aldborough T.S.A. 1.'I.1hat ,bhe per diiem ~aoo fur Elgin Manor be set at $5.35 per day ,as of ~ri1 1I;t, ~967. (lJllSIt ye'ar $5.75). 2. That 1ihe lendeT of Elgin l'Iedtri~ he .accep;ed for in'S!talla- tion oIf lights in the prurkmg illt using Won posts _ at a cost of $830.49 andlJhaJt allowance be made ~or a service to be put in for future expansion. .3. [t Was recommendedbll8Jt Vbe "d"isorsbe altem~tes to vole in Dbe .absence of voting members. (Etem 3 de!l>ted by COtID- ell). 4. 'I.1bJat if soiili SallIlples prove ~a""UI'able 011 awroximately 4 'acres of land selected on Vbe i&lllllethButler faml for the lIooamon of ,the lagoon tylpe sewage sY'Stem, we reoommend to Oomty Ooon!cil thalt 1ihis land be purehased 'at ,a sum of $3,000.00 fur IWld ~ '$4,000.00 for deprec;abion witmn 1;500 feet. iMr. J. oR. 'Wilson,tbe' Ollawman, proposed 1Il1Jat ,the lihroo Public School Boards land Ooundls concerned should hold a joint meebing '1 113 114 ElLGIIiN OOUNTY OOOOCllL EIJGE!\! OOUlNTY OOUiNClIL 5. The foll<>wting tendeM were submitted for Sl]pplying oil to the Manor: SheM! of Oaruada - 13.95c per gallon B.P. of Oanada ~ 14.85c per 'gallon sterling F1uels - 14.90e pea- gallon Supertest ~troleum - 15.70e per gallon G. H""rn - Wltite Rose - 14.400 per gallon Dmperial on - 14.900 per gall~n L8JCey Fuels - 13.75c per gdJon That we accept vbe tender of Laooy F1uels to supply oil for tbe lMallOr at 'll c""t of 13.7~c per glaIlon delivered. 6. TOOt <he total resideaJt popuIaJtioo is 83 with a waibing Hst of eight males aoo eig!JJt femares. PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT JIIOO Session, 1967 To .lbe Wiarocn, and MemheM of 'Dbe Ellgin OoUlJJty- Colmcil, The . Property Committee reporls ,as follows: 1. New fNmt slJeps :hruw be"" constructed 00 the Assessment Dcpal'lJment Building and 1ihe verandah has been padnted. 2. A 3M Model 66 Ovem.ad Projector and 50" x 50" screen h"s heen purchased f'Or use in the Court Room aJt a cost of $242.00. 3. Mrs. P1h~llis W~kJea- has been engaged to work in tbe CounlJy ASOOSSlllleaJt Commissiooer's Ofl1ice. 4. A Model 17.00-'54 Viclor Ell"otrie Addling Machine has been rumhased for the Probation Office 'at a cost of $216.10. 5 We have accepted bhe tender of Laooy F1uels to supply fuel <liil to bhe Registry Of!fice, !Jib~ary, and Assessment Building, at a coot of 13.75c. per gailllon. 6. We have stllilied tbe instlJ'ance in foree as of May 1st, 1967, and fiod lbat lbe fire c""er'age is in keeping wilb lbe a!lP1'OlIis'lll "",de <by the Dominion App~aiSal Oompany and that o1iher il]sur- ance rcovevage is, in our . opinion, adequate. All of wfrJ!ioh is re.spoollfully- stJbil!lIitted. K. J. McAilJPENiE, OhaJioman. A!I1 of wll1ioh is respec'lIfully sullmitted. IJORJN1E KFlIlJUJlR, Chairman. CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1967 To ,lbe Warden, 'and Memhers of 'lIhe Ellgin OoUlJJty CoUllcil, The Oenl:ooni~ lC<>mmittee ~rbs as fob,"": The Cl>ntenclaiJ Cmnlmlltee met and dra1fted the. fotIlowmg pro- gNlm for Ihe nnveiling of the Oenoooolai BJaque erected in coo- junction wilh lbe resmoratilm of bhe extemOT of lbe Oouni:y of Elgfin Cou~t House which wiill lalre plaoo at 11: 30 o'clock a.m. on June 2l!th, 1967. RiID~Rl{S by lbe 1967 CentenmaI Oommitllee Cheminan: Dep- uty Reeve John Wise. SPEAlKERS: Wa,-den A.' W. Aucklland, -Mayor V. A. Barrie, A. BruceMldOallum, Chad=an of the 1005 BOOijJ<lI1l:y C\lllllIIlIitAJee, K. M~Mtl>ine, Chaivmoo of the l.OO7 PropeTty CollllIIlIitAJee, H. K SlJ8JIf- ~aro, M.P.; R. K. MlcNeil, llILP.P. UNVtEJDIJIING OF 'J1HI' !'IJAJQUI' BY: Ward"" A. W. Auclolaoo, B. E. Downey, Ohai=an of the 1966 Property Committee, Iwr Rowley, CbadJ'.m1l1l of the 1966 Centoomail Oommittee, RiepreseruVa,- tive of the Minis,ter,al ASS<llcirutJion, Rev. Dean Ooosidy. All of I'!hooh is respoolilinliy stJbmltted. ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT JW1.e Session, 1967 1\> lihe Waroen, 'and Membevs of lihe Elgin CotmlJy ColmCil, YOII1' lOOad Omrmtittee regs to ~Iit las ~ollows: 1. A 'OONI!1RJMIT i]as lheen let '00 Wa!lms1ey Bros. Ltd. of London, at $1'1[,.l~4.00 f'Or I1ut lMix~a1t BaJVing 01> RO'"d No. 27, he- ..ween Ulllionmd Sparta, land on Road No. 36, .at .sparta, in Yarmouth Thwmhiip, on iI:OOads No.2 laI>d No.8 ileait' Dutton, in DUIlIWiklh TownShip, ,and ,1ihe Village of Dutton, ,and fur the Dri\"eways ,and PavkJing Lots at Elgin Manor. The Work is und""'~ay . JOlIN ~, Ohlli!rman. 115 116 EllJGIN OOUNrry OOUNClEL ELGiIiN CDUNTY OOUNCillL 2. A .cON~CIr has .been let '00 McLeal><Fos'teT Limited, of St. Mary-s, at $34,289.91 for .lbe oolliStruction of the Catfish Creek Bridge on Ro'adNo. 52 en Ya~mouth 1Jowmfuip. The WOTk is underway. 3. A CON'I1RiAiClr has heel> let to Dom Con.trucbion lJim'ted, of ScOOland, at $20,200.00 [or construction of Dbe iMdNeil Bridge on fu_er Oounty !Road No. 50, in !Sooth Dor.cbester Township. '!1he work is. unde~ay. .A OON~OT iJJalS been let to F. A. Stonehollse & &ln Limi- ted, of SaJrllia,. am $15,200.00 fur sUjlIplydng an<l applyJng CrllShed G~a"elto Road No. 43 in Bayl>~m and MMaI1ide 'J1owI>sl1il's. The ~olad 'Colmimilitee has aw<>V'ed lbe subIDetting of this 0Jn. tract to V. W. RlIelOle ConstrllctiOl> Limited, of Bro""".,,ille. Work is eoopected to staaot shormly. (c) Road No. 47 from Road N<>. 43 bo iRJoaJdNo. 37, alJ?l'roJci- mately 3.6 miles, in .south Dorchester 'J1owI>sl1ip. Your .Road 'Commlt1Jee believe's lih"t Ith",e 'Roads should be programmed IfOC Oon.trnclion 'aJhead of Road No. 45 in lbe Th_slJips of Y~olllb <aIld SowtJhJwold (now desigl>8Jted as De- velopment Road No. 930) .hecall.e of 'lIhe eJ<treme ,sp!:'ing break- lip on "hese Roads. Repairs presenllly being made 00 tJhe'se Ro,a<ls are of ,a OOmiporory nature only. 2. that lihe Warden 'aIId ClI>rk be 'auDborized to sign a Deed re- tumingoo ,the 'I'xeeutom of Dbe Wm. iDodd EstaJte ,the land, lapproximateiy 8.4 ,acres eXIpTopl",iated by Registered !'!ban No. D 464 in Lots A ,and B in ,Dbe Gore betweoo .Lots 45 and 46, NOI4tb: of '11al.1>ot Road East, In lIheTowntShill oJ' Southwold. This ~""d was extpoopriated Iin 1959, '00 dbtmn .a ri,ght of way for tJhe OOl>slmc1!ion of Wel~iIlgool> Road, near Hi!lhways No. 3 .and 4. A SeilJlOOmeaJt has now heen reached by tlhe' St. Thomas Suhmfuan 'R<>ad 'Oommission wi'Db the Exeeuto'~s of the EMaJte, and one of the leonditiol>s is lIhe return of 1ihe' ,and expropriat- ed fur the right of way. 3. fuat 1ihe Warden_,;md Clerk he au1ihlIDized to sign ,a Deed, deed- ing to Lilla Jean AiereapproJcimately (51) fj~~.o"" ,a"",s .iIl tJhe South I1alf of Lobs 28 'and 24, OolllCessdon 1, Y'wmouth ToWn" ship, not needed fur Ro'ad Ailil\JWance pu~oees, and OTiginally purchased from lJhe Percy 'Boose ,Estate in 1911.~ fur the reloc'a- lion of ~oad No. 24 (D.evelopmeaJt Road No. 600). '!1he Committee put ,the ,prope~ty up fur Tel>der, "nd the . highest Tooder ($4,500.00) was accepted. Ailil ofwIT>i"h is respool!fnliy submitted. A. JlIRJUCI' !lVJjdCAiIJIJUM, ObaJirrnan. 4. '5. A OONmMJCIr has been let to Johnstol> B~os. ('Bo1ihwell) Ltm- ited,at $5,808.00 for \sujllplylng and lapply.ing Orushed Gravel fur Road No. lQ !for 100ns.truction Pu~oses. W<>rk willllot start until ,ater in the 'Season. 6. nIE E101LL0W'JiN!G NEJW !lVJjAJClH~Yhas been. purcibased: (ta) Fo~d,. % .ton Dou!J'I~ Oab Bick-up Truck (I>) Dodge V,an (c) OllSe Trac.torwitlh LOIaoorand Backihoe (d) Che"",let Automobile Wlith the Cour1ty'.s IPlymolltJh Aurt:o- mobi[e 'as trade' in. (e) Two Internooonal F~l40 Tractors and Side MOUJJJl Mowers witlh 1ihe OoUll~'s Internalional E1arnJ1aH Aas la trade in. (f) '!1hree "dditiol>al 2.Way Radio Ull!its. WI' R.ECOM1\IID.'ID 1. fuatthe Minister of Highways be petitiooed to delSligl>ate ii;e fullowing ;ROIads ,as iDewl\lplIlentRo"ds fur Pr€-ll'ngineering Pul'pllOOs: (Ia) Road No. ~9 from iRJoaJd No. 52 to R<>ad No .48, ajllprox- ;mailely 1.8 mi<les, in South Dorchester TOWlllShip am:! the Vililiage of SpringfieW, (b) Road No. 48 !from Highway No. 7e to Road No. 47, 'approx- imatel\j' 3.6 ,miiles, in Soutlh Dorchooter Township. EQUALIZATION AND ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE REPORT Jlune Session, 19117 Th ,1ihe Warnen and MeTObe~s of .1ihe I'lgin COOnity Oouncill., The Equalizatiol> ,and AssessmeaJt Committee reports .as foNows: WI' !RJElOOMIM:ElND~ 1. That ,a Court of Revision consistillg of IDbree men be con" stitJllted for the 'J1oWmsrllips, Thrwns and Vilillages; Wli1lhill the CooaJty of Elgin, 'allld .that one membea- of vhe Oowt 'he from tJhe E-astern 117 ELGEN OOUNTY OOUNOIL IlJfl ELGEN OOUNIl'Y OOUJIIOIL 119 Area o~ tho OOlmty, one member from the Oentral Ama 01 the Ooun- ty, .and one mom/beT from Dbe Wes'bem Area of1ihe County. 2. That the members of 1ihe C\lu~t elf ReVlision '00 paid $15.00 for e"oh haillf dOLY or portion'lbereol ,,"bile sitlting .as a member 01 lhe 'Oourt of RJe'lision, plus miJJelage at 1Ihe rate' 'Of 10c per mile each way fmm his place of resid""ce 00 lhe ptooe of the si1Jtmg. 3. That 1ihe members of lIbeOour," of Revision select one of their number w be. Chai11mal] of the Oourt, and1lhe Chairman be paid lanad<lilwnal ~.50 for e'ach jj"jf day or po~tion thereof sitJt:ing of 1ihe Court. 4. ThaJt tbe ~ollo>wi"g persons be appoiaJted membero of .the Com,t of ~evisiol> fur the ToWl>siJ>i\JS, Towns and V<lliliages wllibtin 1ihe OOUl]~ of I'lligin: 'Mr. Philip &lhleihaolf, RR. 2, Rodney-, On1Jarlo. !lVIr. N~ble 'futlIJ'ord, R.R. 1, St. 'I1homtas, Onvario. MT. Kenneth WiJiUa1msQn, Ay-lm,oc, OnJtJarrao. 5. That a Local OOllrlt of ~eW"ion be constituted lor lhe T<>wn 01 ~Imer fur purposes elf the LOiCaa Impro'l.ment Aict. 16. That Mr. Artlhur HeWISJton, MIl'. Dawson Pittie', and Mr. LOOI>arn Da",is be appooed memJbers of .the Local Court elf Revlis- ion cons'tituted fior ,tbe Town of Aylmer for purposes of lbe Local Improvemem ""t. 7. That lihe members of the Lae"l Court <>f RJevision fur 1ihe TOIWrl of Ayillmer Dor purposes of the Local lltnpro'lement A.ot he paid $10.00 per pem'on 8Jttel>ding e'aell meeting elf Dbe, Court. '8. 'Wrher,e la Oourt olf R'8rviision is: oomsrUtut,ed !for .a locm: mUllli- dpal~ty ~or lhe pUl'lloses of ,the LOOM ~mj>r<>V'ement Aict, the lkYc'al mll1llicipallty shall pay- .the members of the s"id Court. 9. That 1Ihe resolution foom ,the Township of Coiliellesler South re: ,"memlment to Secbion 37 of 1Jhe Aissessment Aict, be filed. lO.That the ksSieSSlInent Ooonmiss'ioner be given poomiiSsdon to hir,e ooow"l oftfice help 'at a ~aJte of $10.00 per day. m. Th"t we play to lhe VillaJge of Rodney the Oounty po~n of the lax write oJlf with respect to Twin Pine Apartments Ud. 12. That the IlImI>her of members on the EqualizaJtiion 'and As- sees'smeaJt 'ComimitJtee he referred to lihe C\Jmm;~tee on Co~ Clovernlment, fur study and reeomme"dation. All of which is respecltfully subnr:illled. WIIIlliMiM R. OAJVI.ElRlLY, Chairman. AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1967 To ,lhe Warnen and Members of the Elgin Ooooty OolRlcil, The Aigricu]buml 'Committee reports 'as follOOws: 1. ThaJt Dbe resolution from 'tbe Oo1Illty of Prince I'dward reques!bing lad<liHOI>al mcome tax exemption up to $250.00 per per. .gon fOll"ooasonl8ll flarm wol'1k, be endorsed. 2. That the resolulJiOl> from lihe Yarmoutb Glen Worn",,'. III>- stilute, be .lled. AIili .of which is re'sp€lOtIlully sOOnr11Jted. DUINIO~ GiIIlJO.HIRJlJST, Obairman. .....~" FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT June SeB\Sioo., 1967 To lJhe Warn"" and lVLemlbers of ,tbe I'lgin Cow>ty Council, The Finance OommiIflooe reponts' as follows: 1. ThaJt Charity and WeMare Pay List NO.3 fur $132.75; Bay Dist NO. 4 for $400.35, ,and l'ay List No. 5 ~or ~,683.95, be 'appro'led. 2. That Obildroo's AIld Societies Pay- List No. 3 fuT $1,268.68, 'Pay Ust No. 4 for $<1,713.08, and Pay Ust No. 5 fur $1,584.20 he approved. 3. That the I'Igin OouaJty I1ioneea- !Museum .be g<ranted per. missiol> to ereiCt a building to bold langer a'lIItique relics. 4. That ,1ihe ml8Jtter of Mr. marence Blue's InsuralllCC Com- mission be tilibiled. 120 ElLG:uN OOUINTY OOUN1OlL ElIJGIN OOUlNTY COUlN1CQL '5. 'I1bat 'the IOOport <>If1ihe Assoclatioo of Ontario Mayors and Reevoo Municipal F1iJJJalllCial allld Fiscall Policy Oommli1Jtee, be ~d. BY-LAW NO. 1970 6. We reeommood lhaJta By-ilJaJW be plassed authorizing the \\1ardClland O]e"k of 1ihe Oounty- <If I'lgin to .;go. doclIIIleaJts, deeds, cOl>tracts, cle. when s,ame ba""c been approved by the appropriate committee. "Being a By-Law to Amend County of mgin By-Law No. 1960 APPOinting Members and Alternates to the Connty of Elgin Plan- ning B'oard." WHI'REAJS il> By-ilJaJW No. 1960, D. C. Waite Was' appointed a member of the Oounty of I'ligin Blanrring BoaI'd fur tbe' City of St. 11homas. 7. '!'halt a By.[;aJW he pas\Sedanthodzingthe, purchiase of ap- 'proJOlmately four 'a"",,s of land from Kenneth and RJOiJerlJa Butler at ,a pdce <>If $7,000.00. AU\ID \WIIEREAIS Mr. Wailbe bas moved 'TIhomais, and resllgned ,as Ian Mdeflm1:ll1'. on (10Ulll"il. from the City <>If st. the St. ThomaJs' Cllity 8. Thaot a By"Law be passed anthodzing the Warden and .Treasurer to borrow up 00 two m1illOOn, four hundred 1ihollSand dol- lar's from Dbe Bank of MOIltr<ia!. AU\ID WHElRiEAS the St. Thomas, Oity Oouneil baJS authorized the appointment of Alderman Hlarold N. Bmooks to 1ihe County of I'!gin Planning Boam 1Jo fu][il the unexpired 1le11lll of Alderman D. C. Waite. 9. That W<l gl1ant 1ihe 'ElIgin Oounty BlaRl>ing Bo'ard up 1Jo $IQ,Ooo.OO <wer and '8Jbo"e the $10,000.00 placed in 1ihe 1967 Bu<lgl>t, .ndbbat lhe 'I1r~as1J["eT he, aI>d is hereby authorized to ad"an~e this mimey- to the Elgin Ootn>ty Planning Board mon1ffiy as needl!d. NOW 'J1HERJEJF10RiE the Council of the Col1pOration of Dbe CouaJty of Ewgin. enacts as' foHorws: 1. 'I1HiArr By-lUaw No. 1960 <>If lhe, Colmty of I'lgin he amended by dl>leting thCll'elf"om the name <>If D. C. Waite ""d substitutia:JJg therefore the name <>If I1aoold N. Brooks. 2. 'J1HATlbis By-lLaiw shall come into fo~ee and e~fuct wiben the 'appointment of Mr. Brooks is appr<wed by the Mil>ister of MunkipaJI Aililiams. * Cliau"!, 9 deleted, and the fdI1<JWil>g substiinted by reso- lution of iile Elgin OouaJty CoUIIICil: 9. ThaJtllhe la",oont of $5,000.00 be gl1~ or suflicieJJJt to catTY on uniIJil ,1ihe September Sessiol> of the Oounty Oouooil, not to el<eeed $6,000.00. AITlli of wibich is respectlluJly submilted. REm ~I'AD ~EJm 1967. II. L. JOHNSON, OIIeIl<k A. W. AUCKLAN!D, W.rdoo DOUGLAS R. 'J1ODD, Cha1rlman. a firslt timebbis 21s't day <>If Juoo, 1007. a second timeDbis 2'18't day <>If June, 1967. a tlrird time, andfmaNy passed tlris 21st day of June, BY-LAW NO. 1971 "Being a By~Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk of the County of Elgin to Sign the Docnment. Required for the Pnrehase of Approximately Four Acres of Land." \WE]]~EAS it is necessrary 00 iU"lall a ~agoon system for the treatment of sewageaJt the Elgin Oounty- II<>me for the ~ged. :!'I' 121 il i[ !. I j,1 II , 122 El!JG1IN COUNTY OOooOEL ELGIIN COUNTY OOUNCEL 123 AND WHJEJRJE)~ it is DJecessaTY 00 pwehase approximately four acres af land for Dbe oonstmction of the Said lagoon. ~ a first time t1his 21st day- of June, 1967. RIEAD a second time this, 21st day of June, 1967. Ri.EiAID a thim ttme, and filllally p.assed bhis 21&t day of June, 1967. NOW 'J1HE'REiF1ORI' the Council of theCo~oration of the Oounty of Elgin enacts as follOW\S: 1. THAT 1ihe WaJrdel> and Ole~k of bhe County of I'lgin he, and are hereby authoruzed to sign the documents required in or- der to eOllllllliete the pUI'chase of approJ<imaooly four acres of kmd from Mr. Kel>netb Butler ,and Mrs. RioIbel"lla Butler, at a cost of sewn thousand dolffiars ($7,000.00). H. L. JOHNSON, <JIeirk A. W. AUCKLAND, WaJrden BiElAD a fir'st time this 21st day of June, 1967. ~EAD a second time this 2Ls!t day of June, 1967. READ a bhird time, and filially passed lhis 21st day of June, 1967. BY.LAW NO. 1973 UBeing a By-Law to Constitute a Court of Revision for each Township, Town aod Village Within the Limits of the Corporation of the Connty of Elgio, to Appoiot the members Thereof and. to De9ignate Their Remuneration Pursant to Section 65a of the Assessment Act." H. L. JOHNSON, <JIeirk A. W. AUCKLAND, W\lrdieIl. WHJEJRJE)~ Sootion 65a (1) of 1ihe Asoos'sment Act states: "Where 'a By;jJaJW is,.l'assoo in <my year under sufrlscction 2 of Sec- tiOll 93a appoinbil]g a 001m~ ,"ssemmlCaJt Oommissioner, 1II1e COOn" ciI of 1ihe C<>UIlty sh8Jll, io each subsequent year, ronslbitute by By. Law one or more Courts of Revision lor eaoh 'l1ownlShip, Town and Village in the OounIty." BY.LAW NO. 1972 "Being' a By-Law to Anthorize the. WaJrdenand Clerk of the County of Elgin to Sign Various Documents," AND WIHIElRIEiAS the Couooil of the Oo~orati<n1 of1ihe County of Elgin has passed a BY-.[Jaw un<ler Soobion 93a of the AssCIS'sment ,"ct. WHIE'RJl!1<\S it is necessary from time 00 lime 00 b:we' docu. meaJts signed by the Wardeo and Olerk of 1II1e Coun~ of llgin, and s.e,aled wlbh the Oo.woraJte Seal. AND WllJlE'RIE~ in oroor to expedite the bUSiness of the Cor- ,poration, . it is oflen neces'slary to cOllllllklte these docume11Jts. be- tween Sessions of th'o Elgin CouaJty Oouncil. NOW rnERlEiF1O'R1E, lhe Council of the Co1.1pOl1abion of the Coun. ty of Elgin eooclsas follOW\S: 1. 'lHAT a Oourt of Revision consisting of three members be, and is her,ehy constituted for 1ihe 'J1ownsllips, Towns al>d VII- la'geB WliDbin the limits of .the C01.1poration af the County of Elgin for the yem', .1967. NOW 'J1HElRlEIFO'RIE the Council af the Oo~or"tion of the Coun- ty of Elgin enacts as follows: 2. IJJHAII' the fallowing pernons he, and are hereby appointed ar.emI>ern of the Ootwt of ~ision - constituted by- SectiOl> (1) of this By;jJaJW: Mr. Pl1llipSclJ!eillanf, R.!R. 2, Rtod!ley, OOOario. . Mr. Nlibile 'I'llItIford, R.B.. 1, Sit. Thomas, OaJtario. Mr. Keme1ih Williamson, Ay]mer, OnlJar;o.. 'I1IIM.l' .the Waroenand Ole~k of the County of Ellgin be, and lare ber<lby auDborized 00 sig!> documea:JJbs, coaJtmots, deeds, etc., fur the Co~oraViol> of lhe OoUllty of E.ligin, and to ~ix thereto the Sieal of the OOJ1POrabion of ~he County af I'Igin when 1ihe said dacwmenibs, conltJrlarcts~ deeds, etc., bave boon approved by the .ap- Ilrdpriate C<>lmm~tAJee of the I'igin OouaJty Council. 124 ELGJJN COUNTY OOUNCIL 3. 'J1HArr the memhens of .Dbe Oou~t of Rwislion shiall seIloot one of their numher to he (]hiai~man of the Oomt 4. That e,ach memb'er of the Comt of Re"ision for the Town- ships, 110wns and Villages wilJbin the County of Eigin he paid $15.00 for each one half day or porti\lnDbereof while sitbing as a memher of DbeCoUI1t of RJev,sion plus miJJe"ge at bhe Date of 100 pea- mile e.ach way fmm his pil\lee of re~idence to the pilaJee of 1ihe sitbing; the Ohairman of lheCourt of Rew.iol> sham he paid an adlliti\lrual $2.50 for e..cll one haillf day OT po~tiOl] lIhea-eof while acting as Chair- moo of a slitting of the Court of Rwisfon. REIM) a first timetbris 21st day of June, 1967. IREM a second time this 2,I.t day of June, 1967. RiElM) a third time, and firually passed tbis 2~st day of June, 1967. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk A. W. AUCKLAND, Wardl>n BY-LAW NO. 1974 "Being a .By~Law to Constitute a Local Court of Revision. for the Town of Aylmer for Purpose's of the Local Improvement Act. and to Appoint the Members Thereof." WmREiAJS the Corporation of the OoUl1lty of &gm has passed a By~Lawappmlltil]g a Cmm~ Asses'sment Commissioner under subsection 2 of Section 93a of the ks'sessmoot Act, Ohapter 28, R.S.O. 1960. and hoeoo\nents tbereto; AND WlHElREAS lbe Counrcil of the Cornwation of the Town of Aylmer hi."e recommended that the OouncM! of the Corporation "f ,the OOl1ruty of Elgin collllltitute a Loe'al Court (If Rewsion for the pUrpiOSes of tbe LOlla,! IimprovCffioot Allt und... Section 65~ (1) (3) (8) of the A.~essment Allt, and appoint Dbe memher~ thereof. AND WlHEJRiEJAS 1iheConnc'i! <:if the COTporation of the Coumy of Elgin deems it eXp<ldliel>tand ad"i&3Jble 10 'appoint a loc'al Court of . Re'l'is;on for the Corporation of the Town of Aylmer for 1ihe pu~poses of the Local IimproV'ement Act as recoonmeoo<!d. ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIIL 125 NOW ~I' the OOlmCiili of the Corporaiion of 1ihe COIITh- by of Elgin """-,,to' as fullows 1. 'I1HArr a Looal Cowt of Re'l'ision consisting of three mem- hers he, .and is herebw constituted fur lhe Town of Aylimer for pur- poses of The Loeal Improvement Arct fur tJhe ye1ar, IG6'7. 2. 'I1HAT the folli<>wllg pemons be, and are hereby appointed members of the !Joeal Couril <>If Rwision constituted by ,Semi"" (1) of tllis By<Law: !Mr. ~thur HuesiJol>, Aylimer, o"tarno. !Mr. Dawsoll Pirie, Aytmer, Ouibarill. !Mr. LC<J11ard naI\'is, ~1nJm-, Ouibario. 3. 'l1HArr lIhe memhers <>If the lo~!al Cooot of Rewsion for 1ihe Town of Ay-Iimer for purposes of The LOllal Iimpoo"emellt Act shall seleCIiJ one <>If !!heir IlIUmlber to be Chairmau of the Court. 4. 'I1HAT eaw, member of !!he LOIca! Court of ReV'ision fur the Town of Ay-lmer for pUI1p<>ses of The !Joe,aI llmprovement Act shall be paid $10.00 for each meeiting of the Oourtat wbich he' is in, at- oondalJJee. RiEW a first tme tbris 2~st <lay- of June, 1967. IRiElAiD a second time this 21.'t day of June, 1967. RiEJW a lbird Hme, and firuaily pas~ed this 2tst <lay of June, 1967. H. L. JOHNSON, (JlJe['k A. W. AUCKLAND, W\l:rdien .J, H. L. JohnS<J11, Cleri<: of 1ihe 'Oorpor~tion of 1ihe County of I'lgin, do her<!hy cClitJiiy !b8Jt !!he foregoing is 'a true copy of By_ Law No. 1974, pa'Sood hy the Oouncil of the siaid Corporation on the 2ilaJt day- of June, 1957. H. L. JOIINSON, County Clerk. 126 E1JGffiN OOUNfl'Y OQIUiNruL E1JG111N OOUNTY COUINCIIL 127 EDUCATION COMMITTEE REPORT PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1967 June' Session, 1967 To the Warden and Membws of ,the E!Jgm Ootmty C<>uncll, To lihe Wardell and Membws of .theElgin Oounlty Council, The EduCiation Commibtee rel'(Jl'.vs as f<Jll(J\V\S: The Petitions and Legislations Committee, repo~ as follllWS': '.,;, 1. Wat vbe resolutJioll Erom the CoMty of Essex requesting the passing of legislatiOn wilere by the municil'a!jjty- wbere au in- digl>aJt p8JtiellltgaJllJJed residence priOT to admission bo a"Y llIlrsing home be reSlp()1lis':ilbJ.'e fOIf the bW"rai eXlp.enses, be €!lldorsed-, 1. That the UniwrsitJy of Western OaJta~io be advlisedllhat this 'OoUlJJty wilt! c,,"operate to the el<leaJt of our eOlweuJiooce in building up the Univer,Slity Munilleipal lJil:lrary. 2. That Dbe re'solutiol> fmm 1ihe Gotmty of Ontario requesting amend!m""t of the re'guillalOOns with res~et bo ~ehool buses, be lliie\!. ~ of willeh is resp<JCltlMly submitted. 2. That bhe resol"tionf.rom lihe Oounty. of Grey requestil>g the OnVlirio Hospi"al Services Oonrmlslsioo 00 eXJtel>d irusured . ser- v4ces to aTh persons- who requirem-eillcal and/or rmrlSli:ng . Clare 'in nur&ing hames licensed by ,Dbe ProV1ince af OaJta<'io,and 00 all per- sons in chTomc OT ronV1aile;slloot hoSljlitals, be f1iled. J. W. BAiRJKiFlR, ChawffillID.. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT 3. That the res<>intion Erom tbe County ofDIJIIfer:iJJJ requesting thaJt Ilhe '"ttorney-~Gooe~m of OnrtJario be peltitiooed to haw legtls- lation amellded ~g Ilhe. AiblJomey-GenwaI's Departmant to im- plemenl; cooriplete controllxlWurds 1ihe. adminriswalion of jUlS1!Jlce illi- cludlil>g pa)"mellt of all coots inwlved, be f1ile<l. 4. That the resolution from lbe Ooul1Jty of PTi"ee I'dw~rd re- questing arrnendmeaJt of Section 3, Stlbsoolion (6) of lhe Municipal 'IJax Assis,lance' Allt, be eooo'Med. JlIOO Session, 1967 To ilie Wardellalld Membern of ,the Elgin Ooun~ Council, The Personnel Commi"tee ~~ as fo1luW\S: 1. ThaJt the OlltaJrio U3Jbour RelatiKms Board's Decision in the ma1lter of. bhe Omadian Union of Puibliic EmploY'OOS lllld fue County of I'I~ (certification) be filed. All of which is respaell1fu1ly sllibmitted. JAlMlES S. ElJIJ]OTT, Chairman. , SECONDARY SCHOOL CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE REPORT 2. That Mr. IWbeJlt A. Gmham be engaged aJS a Grode 3 Ais;essor for the OoImty of Elgin at .a salary of $5,750.00 per annum. June . Session, 1967 3. 'J)haJt a By-ILaw be passed ,appointing 1ihe V1a1t'WUS IIssesrors of lIbe CouaJty of Eiligin. ,"II of which is respee~ully sllibmltted. To .the Warden and Memlbws of ,the Elgin C<>tin~ Council, . The SeeQlldary SchQol iCol>srutatiw OQmmrittee ~I'1Js as fol- ~: JOIIIN McK!IINLA Y, CbllimlOO. 1. 'We "ave held meetillg's wi1llr the Q;ailrmoo land Vlee,C1m:iT- man Of 'West !Ellgin DlslJrict IH!igIh Sllhool IBoalt'd, "he Oellltvail E~ El!JGIIN OOUNI'Y OOUNICIL 128 El!JGlIIN CJOlJm"Y OOUNOIJL DiSDrict High School Board 'aOO,tJOO East Ellgin District H>gh Sohooil Bowd to dirouss ~erudivantruliell ,and ddsad"anrogl>'s of f<>rJmfug a Oounty .of Ellgill tHigh Sdh.ool BoaJrdlx> operate !he tbt!'ee Distt'Jot ffigh, S<fuools. Elgin ,Coooty ~ace. <a more serious .pr'ablem than do oDber CoUI1>- ties .(jf Soubhiwes'Dem Ontario. Elgin's medium age' is, some two to three y-e",," older .lllan 1Jl>e ollhea- 001.lIlltlies, and ;"S populatiDI> of ov- er 70 is muoh rngher. Elgin CDUllty IDJaJS 4,837 \}8ople over the 'age (jf 70 (tis :baing 7.7% of its total 1'<>P'u]aVioo). lProbleme 1_ ,elliVl'eaJt in West Elgin as 'a busload of students ere IDral>$o<ted 110 GIl>nooe ealch day for lecbntical t~ainil>g in Grrudes 9 aJJJ<l 10. M'l"anllemeDJtJs ffi'e [being made to continue this tech~al tr'ainli"g 'alIileT Gmde. 10 in Gootraili Elgin Schools'. W<l'rnllation haJ been ,aJjlJaiined re preS<ml; entrOlment, dElhentures, and projected en- roliinents.. . Wwllh our <ilianging S{)'oi~ 'aI>d ius conce[it of caring fOT our ,"ged, we ._ ~aced wilih, providing il>stitubionlli 'care, where in the past our .i\ged were !Cared for by residual care, the twe of ca<<, wrn()h has """islledalong willh progress. '_'-0-__' One meeting Wlas spent dn discussinlg grant etructW'ies, and we WeTe linlfu_ed ,tIJat no school ""("Nil suffer .gram wise fOT a period of bee yeaTS. AJl ,tile end of "hree years ,a levelling off for "m1iher three yeoos ro lihe level of. the new .graaJt structure. It is .apparent tl;8Jt .tlhe dnteaJtlol> of the Depa11lJment of Education is to encou1'llge the fut'n]"tion of ~argeT units of educabiorual 'administroatioo. 'I1h" need 'at Elgin Manor fur ,adm!Jonal lheds at the present time is eritie'al. The home "as <been Wled to' oapacity sJnee Decem- ber, 1965, wiDh ,applicants on the wmling .Iist ;Since June, 1956, still \mitingadmissJoo. At presmt, lhere are '8"""n males am sevoo femaioo waiting ,a!dimis~sifOn. There owe !be'ell man~ >(llbher ;app[iclants that have had .Ix> make ollher arrangemeaJts in lihe past y-e1ar dlie to the lack ~f bods in the present home. A fuTtl1er meeting is coaJtElIIl[;l!ated this ~a1l 'at wlrillh a speaker will be present iirom 'a OoUlJty High SchoO'l Board. AJt. 1ihe last anooail report ",ade by lihe iProvin:dal InspeclOT (recei"ed June 2nd, 19617,. folloM'inglheir Jamary 25tJh, 1.967, il1>- spec1Jion), it was 'Ipoinlled out that additiMal "ocommodatioo Is need\ld .at 1ihe Manor, wd I quO'te, "Since trends indWcrul;e lhat the numlber <lfappliiootiooo for ,a<!mis.ion to Iiomes for the Aged' is increasingannuaMy, especiaMy wlhere fue "eIWices of the Bed Care A;l~8JS are l"equil'ied, it is TefCom1mended .jjhat the OQIJDnuttee girve ''''"Y ear"y, lhO'ug!l>lIful, and sl,,'iO'US comider"tionllo eoctendiia:JJg iIfls present f1acildties." illt ;is the int<mtrol> of IIImS OommilJllee to' ",ame " fuM am.d com- pr<jhel>OOW r<lpO[1t .al ,bhe <November Session. At tMs tilme rec<llIl!lllen- <Iatioos willi he collsidered and !Ji'esooted to OounlJY' OoUllcH. AiII of wlhklh is rellpelltllully sul>nritlJed. K. C. ElMiElRlSOIN, OhaiIman. As it is in""it3Jble th"t more ,acoommO'dation is required to relrieve the prese!tJJt need 'Olf earing for our Aged, iand,sinbe it ]3 weM known thaJt ~e cost of cO'l>Strucbi,m ,is increasing rapidliy- erucl1 year, it would a[lpearadwis3Jble Ix> proceed with expans'iO'n imme(!. iately, tthus siavii'l1!g laddDti<mal ICost IQIf construction. THE ELGIN MANOR REPORT Secon<l RJev<>rt - JUlIe Session, 1007 110' the Wa~den and Members of "h" Ugi" County OoonIcil, TheEllgin Malllor <Joonm:rillee ~rbs as follows: YOUT OolllllWtbee "as bad me'etings .with G. Duncal> BIMk lim- ited, the DesIgners of the present HO'me, reg'ardin.g their OTiginal prov.ision. fOT expansJon of our huililirug ,and 1:I1e possible coots of expansion, ,and the Ifolllowing inifwmation has he'en received from Mr. BlaJCk: 'l)he nlled U wlhaJt is referred .to as "Non..Huspital Bed Ooce" alleommodarnon lbr iile Aged is not limited Ix> E~n Oomty". It ;s a PT"ssdng proIblem throughl>ut OaJtalt';O landacro.ss the OoIltinent, and is Igrowing mOire. serious, not omy because 1ihe owraR popu- la~on ~ increasing, hut 'alsO' lbeoause ,adwances in medicme am swgary 'aIt'e extendiJJJg the life, expectancy df humans. The preseaJt building, compleite wilh ,aIlI furnliture, fees, etc., was consl;rllolled II> -1001 at a cost of approximately $7,200.00 per bed. Had the 60 beds ,he"" ;added, 'at lhat time, tile ad. dlbionro CO'st wouild i1a"e heenapprooclimately $5,500.00 pea- ood. Present date <JOS1Js ,are ull'wmds of $10,000.00 per bed. 129 l(lO E[JQIIjN OOIJN!J1Y OOUNCIIL 131 ElIJG!IIN COUlNTY. COUNCIL However, .since some lfIacHities were inlCorpo~ated in the ori- .gina! plans to t1iklecare of the ~utUl'eelOpansion, Mr. Black has ,adv'ised lhat, in ,cO!>sideratioo of 1ihis, he .wouJid eoti- ma~e tJhat this proposed ,addition couJd <Xl.t $500,000.00, llf whicl:l 50% wOllld be paid for by 1ihe Pr"",inre. Ii !I BY~LAW NO. 1975 HBeing a By~Law to Detach Certain LandiS from Union School Section West Lorue, and Aldborough No.6, and to Attach the said Lands to the Towoship School Area of Aldborough." RECOMMENDATIONS: YIour ComIllitbee, Dber'efure, ul>allli1m:<)usly reoommends ~]jat: 'Wi.IlERiEAS it is expedient thateeI11ain !""ds be, w!ithdrawo ilrom 1ihe Union School Secti.oI> of WootLorne 'and A1<1borough No. 6, 'and atl"ehed to lhe Township School Area of AIldborougl1. .M<[} WllmRiE~ tJhe P>tlblic S~hool O<J11sult8Jbive Committee of the Count;' of Ellig;n has rec<>mmended 'vbat this' aotion be t!lkell. fu orner to =u~ately determine the lal'Ont to moot o\ll',.needs ,and ~o"'al, 'allJd to dete~mine 'theae'tuaili CO""", we procelid with preliminalt'y plans fur .a new addition forarpproJcittnJately 60 addt!- tional beds. MQ .of which is r€'SpedtifuHy sulllltmlted, NOW 'I1HIElRIEJF1O! the Colilleil of1ihe Oo~pol'aJbi<m llf the Couno- ty of I'lgin pursual]t to tJhe autJhority confu!rred by subsecbion 4(B) of Sl>otion 40 of The P,wblie Sehool]~ ,\jot, iR.S.O. 1960, Chapter 330 ("s amended) ""acts as follows: HlOMl' J;10iR TIBlE ~D CUVIIMJITfI.1ElE L K'EmJlJOR, Ohairman. 1. 'I1HIAT 'Dbe. Mdoorollgh portio!> of 'Unioo Scoool SectiOl> West Doroo 'and Mdborouglb N<>. 6 is hereby detached from Union ScIrool Seclion Wesl !Lome" and A1dborollgh No. 6 and 'attame<l to the TOWI>ship ScI100l Area of Aildborouglb. 2. THAT 011 ,andad!ter the 1st day of January- 1968, 1Jhe lands de- taohed from ,1ihe said Urnon School Selction <if West Lome 'and AIil- bQTough No.6 shall cease to be part ,of too said Union ScI100l S~c- -li0l> of West Lorne ,and MdbwOlIgh No.6 and sbail 'he addlld to tbe Tl>wnSllip School ATea of A!ldborowgh. 3. 'I1HIAT this By4lJaw shaill 'take effifeet from Dbe first day of Jan- uary, 1968. !RJElAIDa first time lihis 2,ls.t day of June, 1967. RiE~ a second 'time this 21st day ,of June, 1957. !RJElAID a .1ih,ird ttme, ,and HllallY' passed this 21st day .of June, 1967. H. L. JOHNSON, OIDerk A. W. AUC'KLAN!D, Walt'den ,132 ElIJGffiN OOUNTY COUNOIIL I'WlN COUN/l'Y COUNC[IL BY-LAW NO. 1976 3. 'l1he Treasurer is hereby au~hooized all<l direOOed to apply in paymeaJt of aH sums borrilwed plR'sual]t to 1ihe authority of 1ihis By- larw, ,a's weIll ,as 'all OOher S'lIDlJS borr{liWed in this yel8lr and any pre. vJoUis years, from tb.re 'Braid Bank for any or aU {)If the, puriplQl&es mel>bioned in the s<aid Section 329, ,togebher with interest Dbereon, .aill of the mOlleys hereadiler collected or recei"ed on 'accouaJt OT realized in relSipelot of the ,laxes l€lV!ied tOr 1ihe current yealt'and pre- cedillg yeaM and aN of the moneys eolileeled Or recei~ed from ""~ oohea- sounce, which may law~uUy be applied fOT such purpose. Passed. this 21st day of June, 1967. H. L. JOHNSON, CIDerk lITo Authorize the Warden and Treasurer to Borrow the Sum of Two Million Four Hundred Thousand Dollars/' .~ tile Council of 'tbe Ool1jloratioo deems it necess'aIt'y 10 ,bOT~lJ'W tile sum of two miillIii"", 110m hrundred 1ihousand dobs 00 moot, .until the 'ba"es 'are collected, the current expelld>t1l1'es of the Co<poration for 1ihe y-e'aIt'; A. W. AUCKUND, Wwdell AINID WlHlEJRlEiAIS tbe to'tal .amotillt of the estimated revooues of the OOl1JlOl'ation as oot foo1ih il> lhe estimates adopted for flbe year 1967, not including ,"""w€s derivllbwe or derived foom lbe sale olf asoot'S, bOlfil'lOlWlilllg,9 or issuance of debenrtuT'es, or from a, sUTiplus, il:leluding .alt'rearn of ~axes, i" lln'ee milil:ion, four hundred and 1ihdrty- six thousand, eight hundred and nil>ety tln'oo dollars. AiNID \WIIEiRJEAS the tot"" .amount heretofore authorized to be borirow<ld lhis l""ar fur the purposes mentioned in woo8iCtion (1) of Section 329 oIf 'l1he iMtmi<Jipal Aot is one mliIIIion, Iii"" hUlldred 1ihous'and dollare, of wirlch 1ihe Oorjlo~ation I>as ,already borrowed a Mal of lIbree hundred and se~nty 1ihollS'and dollars. r hereby ee~t1Ifytl>aIt lIbe foregoing is a lrue copy of By-law No. W76 <if The OOTpovaition O[ lhe County of :E![,Jiu. in 1ihe Pro- "inee of Ont,,",io, duly passed at a meel;ing of lhe OOMilll of fue lSaild OOl1jlOmti"" duly held, and thaJt 1ihe said By-law is in tuJ!! fOTce ,and ellfeJcl. iDaJted !Ibis 22nd day of Jooe, 1967. '~'. H. L. JOHI\TISON, C'll>rk. 'I1HIERIElJi1OlRIE: the Coul>ClI oIf 'l1he CorjlO~aition of the County- of Elgin hereby ""acbs as fuH0W5: 1 Tbe H"aJd and the 'I1reasurer are herelbyauDborized on hehaIf oIf lihe ~aiti\ln to borrow from time to time, by way of pro- mds1sI()ry note',.. firom the Banik oIf MonltreaJ.:, a. sum or StmlS' not ex~ ceedffil>g in the aggregaletwo milllion, four hundred thousand dllHaIt's to meet, ""bil Dbe tiaxes are eoll<;eted, the curreaJt eJCpendi1Jures (jf theCo~~ation .for the l""'r, includling the amountJs required fur lhe purjlOse's mentioned in subsection (1) .of lhe said Section 329, "l:Id 1110 give, on rbehallf oIf tile Col1jllll'a1ll0n, to 1ihe iBmk ,a pronrlssory note or ootes, sealed Wiith the oorporote seail 'and stigne<l by them I10r the mOllel'" so borrowed wilh interelSt at a rate n\>t excee<Nng 5% per oenlbum per-annum, whioh may be paid in adl\'lan:ce or o1iheO'Wiis", BY-LAW NO. 1977 "Being a By~Law to Appoint An Assessor ,For the County of Elgin" 'I1HIE OOUiNlOIIL of lbe ~""ation of ,bhe Oounty of I'lgin 00- aJCts as fallows: 1. mlIAfI' the fulllJ'Wing pwson be, and is hereby 8JjIpomled asses- sor .for Dbe OounlJy af Elgin: lRoIbert A. Gvaharn. 2. !fn addition ,to the salJaIt'y estalblliished for lIbe abow mentiOned .assesSor by 1ihe W67 Personnel Oolllllllllittee, he shaN 00 paid fue mileage allowance established for all Cotmty of I'lgin empl<>yeoo other than Road Deprurtment employees. m~ a fi~t time lhis 21'st day' of June, 1967. ~El~ ,a seleol>d time this 21st <lay of June, 1967. RIElAID a tbwd time, and fi,;aMy passed thilS 21st day of June, 1967. 2. Aill Snms borrowed from 1ihe said Bank, fur anY' or all of the purposes me!llltionerd in lhe slaid iSeldtilOn 329, sha:ll., with interest thereon, be a. clJjaJrgl> upon the whole of the re,ne"ues of lhe COT- pomtion for the <JU~em: year and for a~ pl'Oleee<ling y-ears, as and \WI"" such """enues' are recei""d. H. L. JOHNSON, ~k A. W. ,"UCKLAND, Wardel> 1B3 ~34 ELGffiN COUINTY COUNOIIL lTIlJGIJIN OOUU\lTY COUU\lOIlL 135 BY-LAW NO. 1978 SEPTEMBER SESSION "A By~Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corpor- ation of the County of Elgin at the June Session, 1967." Fouctlh Se~sion - First Day WHIEJR)EAS by Section 9 of 1ihe Mumeipal Ad, being Chapter 249 of the Rwised Statutes of Ou1ia~io, 1960, 1ihe pOW<lrs of a mum- .cipaiJJ cOf!1Xloo>tion are to be e~erci'S'ed by its Oounrci1; Tuesday, 1ihe 19th Day of SeptemheT, 1967 The !Elgin O>mty Council met this day 'at 1iheCowt House, St. Thomas, ~fi. aooordiance witJh 'adjlOurnme!llt ~ WlHlEREAS bY' subsection 1 of Section ~ of 1ihe Munici- pal Act, being Ohapl""" 249 of the Revised statures of OaJtario, 1960, tbe po""'''" of Cl\'ea-y Counell are 00 be exerciood by ByoLaw; MID WlHlEREIAS it is deemedexpedieaJt that the proceedings <if the 'Council of the OoI1porotion of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed audadopted by By.JJaw; The Ward"" in 1ihe ChadT. All members present e><lcept Reeve Sutherland. Moved by Roo"e Gilcbrist, Seconded by Reeve Todd, . That 1ihe minutes of tbe .June Session, 1967, of the Elgin County OounlCil, as prmt:e<l al>d diis!wilmted, be colllfirmed. NOM' 1.1HJERiEFORE 1.1HJE COIUNOIIL OF 1.1HJE CQRjp()RATIOiN OF TIHIE OOUU\l'I'Y OF I'WlN ElN,"OTS as foll<JW\S: 1. 'I'billtaction of the Council of Dbe Corporation of 1iheCotmlJy olf Elgin in reapeet of e<ach reck>mmendaJtion coul1ained in lIbe Re- ports of 1ihe Comntitooes and each motion and re~101ution passed and oliher a<Jtion takoo by the Council of 1ihe C<><pomtion of 1ihe Cu~ of Elgin at tis meetings held dwing the June 1007 Se""ion is !leTe- by adopted and eol>firmed as if all such pNlreedingB' were express- Iv embodied il> thi~ By.[JaiW. The following COIlIi:innl>ications were read and referred to 1ihe various Oommitbee~: !From the H1onowaWe J. W. SpoOllea-, Minister of Mmicipail AiIIfai~s, aunOU1lcing ,a Winter Worms Incentirve PrograJm for the winter of 1967-68. - Filed. 2. 'lfue W",den and proper <iJlficials of the Oorpor,aJtion of 1ihe ~ of Ellg;n are herebY' au1ihorized aud direclled Ix> do all things necessary 00 give eI11fect 00 lhe action of the OOUIJJeil df l!Je Cor- p""atiOu of the CouIlty of Ellgin ~erTe<I to in preceding Section hereof. 8. Tbe WaJrden and 1ihe Clerk are aut1horired anddireeOOd to ex- erobe 'aU documents neces,sary in !bat MhailfaIld to a!OOix thereto the Seal 011' the e<>rpomtion of 1iheCounty of Elgin. From lhe ~""i"an Riight of Way Association ,advisiil>g !bat the Annual Seminait' w&ll be held rut NiaJgara FaHs 0" Sepllember 28bh and 29th. - Filled. .From 1ihe Obiilldren's Aid Sueiety of Dbe City 011' St. 'J1hOIl1laS ,arid the Oounty of Ellgtn wi~h F'inaneial Report as at July 31st, ~967. Referred to tibe Fmance Committee. F'rom the Depa~tment of Municdpal M'Vadrs wi1lh OaJtario Plan- niIlg Anl>uaI Report. - F'iled. F'rom the CouuI1y of Peel wilh reeommendaJtion !baJt 1ihe fee paid 00 jury mllmbers be increased. - Referred to the ,petitiol>s and Legisiliations Committee. RiEA[)a first time 1ihis 2,~st day of Juoo, 1967. RIElAID a second time tIbilis 21st <lay of June, 1967. . RJElAID a 1ih,ird time, ,and finllJlly passed this 21st day of Juoo, 1967. H. L. JOHNSON, Olierk A. W. AU<JKLAN[), WaJrdel> From the CouIIty of VlclJor&a with resolution miging the Gov- ernment of Ontario Ix> pro,"ide a subsIJauI1ial measure of rellef fo1' 136 I'LG!IN.. OOUm'Y OOUNOIL ELGIiN CODmY OOUNOLL 13~ municipal la",ation. - Referred to the Pebitioos and Legislati<J11S CollnJlI1Ilttee. J!1rom the Oounty of Grey with resO'lubion requesltinlg Dbe Pro- vincial Government to pay a 50% subsidy on the cost of lhe con. tml (jf W1ariJ>le Fly. - Ref~d ,to ,the '"g<ricwltwac Committee. From G. Duncan Bl<lCk wl1ih ~reement f!OT preparing Plans and Speciifiemiol>s for an addition to the I'lgin Oolll1lty HOme for Dbe Aged. - Relfmred Ix> lhe Elgin MaJOor Gom..mttee. ,From lhe Departmeot of Education wllh approval of Coulllty of Elgin By-dimv No. 1975. - Filed. J!1rom 1ihe 'J1owa:JJsd1ip of MichiJpicoten with resolution requesting 1ihe Millis!ter of Health and the Minlslter of Manpower to assist in aJhMating lIbe need in Onvardo mundc.ipalities for me<lic'a< pmcti- tioners. - RElfewed to lhe Petitions and Legislations ConlmitAJee. F1rom the Ti1Isonlburg District Memorial I10splbal wlvh invi- tation fOT County Counell to atAJend a IUIreheon meeti"g whill> mak- Jug tlbie fall road tour. - 11aibled. F~om Dow Ohemical of Canada LW., a 1<Jli1Jer requesting a Meet- ing with 'Comeil fu discuss W1ariJ>le Fly Oonlrol. - Refel'red to' the Agricultural Committee. The .Propw~ Coll1lrnittee Repo~t was presented by Deputy Reeve McAilpine and adopbed on moUon of Depu'Y RooIne MeAilpine and Rewe MciKiJJJJ"Y. !I;1rom the OI>tario School 11ruBtees' and Mundclpail Oouncillors' ,"s'soci8Jtion announlCing a Fall Seminait' Ix> be held Nowmber 2nd to 411b. - lOOferred to the Edue'llbi<>n Committee. The FlmlJ Report Qf 1ihe 1':lgin MaJOor Committee was presented by Reeve Keillor, and adopted on motion of Reeve Kellllor, aJOd Deputy Reeve Wise. F1rom the As'soc:iaJtiOl> <If OntariO' Oounties requeslJing the names of in",e voti"g delegaltes Ix> lhe Annmll Oonvent;on. - Refe~ to the OouaJty GlYVemment OommiUee. 'lit was 'lOOVed by, Reeve KelllW' 1ihat Mr. Venema of the firm of G. Duncan Black LW., be now heard. FromDbe Ontario Dep'ar,lmeaJt of Education W{1ih llhanges in legiSlation ,al1fectinJg Public and Seconda~ SChool Consullatirve Coimo11tees. - Refel'red to Dbe' County GoV'CmmeaJt Committee. J!1rom Vincent A. Barrie, MayoT of the Oity- of St. Thom"s, a lettl>r regwdling 1ihe didlferenJCes hetween Dbe City of St. Thoooos and Dbe Ol>tario Water Resource!s Com.mssiOl> W{th respect to bbe Lake ~ie PiIlelme. - Fi'Jed. F1rom the Urnood Counties of Prescott and Russell with reso- lution requesbing the Province of Ontario Ix> aJmend Ie!lislation to increase lbe allOwance of melrlbers of County CounC'iis. - Referred to 1ihe, F1In"nce Oommittee. Mr. Venem" ad<lre..ed the Co\mCll, presented preilimdnalt'y rlans of tbe pro~msed adtlltioo to Ebgin ManOT, and explained lbe changes that would be made to bhe present accommodation. 11he Warden thamed Mr. Veoom" for ,,"bending ComelI, and explaining the p]lanned ad\lltion. The Second Report of IIbe Elgin Manor Committee. was pre. 'senlted <by- !Roo"" Keillk>r, !an<ladopted on motion of Reeve Keillor and Depnty Reeve Wise. Reeve A. B. McOaliliwn introduced Mr. T. S. Oaldwetll, District Municipal Engineer, to' 1ihe Council. . ~om tbe Oel>tr,al Elgin CoIl"~ate InsNtnte Senior B"nd wlbh apprect;>tiOl> of 'grant. - F"led. J;1rom the Ellgln"8t. Thomas Heallih Unit wi'Db in'l'iitation to at. tend tbe operuing of it's new quariers at No. 2 WO<><lStreet, St. 1lhomas, on. Wedtl!es<lay, September 2Uh, from 2:00 ro 5:00 p.m. -- Jililed. Moved by Reeve McOallwn, Seconded by Re<Ne Todd, That we do now adjourn Ix> meet at 2 p.m. September 19Db, 1967. -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCII!L 139 ~3U Iill.JG1N COUNTY OOUNCiIIL Oouncill re-convened. '!'haJt we aocept the iJJJv!it"Jtion <If 1ihe T;1ilioollbu~g District IIos- pita!! BoaOO to be with 1ihem for lmch on Oc1xfuer ~&Db, 1967; 1ihe d8Jte of our ElOOlt EJlgin Road Thur, at 12 - 12:30 p.m. 'Dhe Rep""t. of the Hoad OomrnitAJee was preseaJted by- Reeve MoOailifum, and adl>pted on motion of Roove M<lOallUJlll, and Re""" DeGEl'aw. -a_ied. Moved by Roove DeGrIlW, Seconded by Roove GiI.<lwist, '!'hat1ihe Mtoislier of HW!jbMna)'s be pebitioned to aiIil.\Iw Dbe COIl- tr,ibulioo oflbe Ontario WlaJlierResoorces (Joonm;ssion in 1ihe amount of $6,010.53 towams 1ihe rep",;" of St. Thomas StJbnrb"" Road No. 30, and the repa,ir of lihe P>ltJlJernon Bridge. The Report of lhe Petitiorus and Le<gislations Committee was p"..ellted by Deputy Ree"", EWiont and ad<>pted on molllion. of De- 1(.:,'l1Ity R'e'eve Elliott, and Reeve EmeTlSI()lli. The Report of the I'ducation Commilitee was presented by Rioove Bao:ker" and ad<>Jlbed on nroIJion of Reeve Barker, and Deputy Reeve MdKiilllp. -awried. 'l1he Report of lbe Agricu1tu~al Commitllee woo presented by R"..,ye Gilcwist, and adopted on motioo of Reeve ~ch"st, and neeve Oa"erly. Moved by Roo\>e GiilclIDist, Seconded by- Depwty Re""e MclKillop, 'Dual we fdlIJow 1ihe usual procedure of eaJCn Councll mejnber bringing a j'UlJJiorh<>y or ~l!luest of Counity Counell on the llirst day of lhe November Session. The Repo~t of tbe Elqwali2JaJtJioo and ,..sessmeaJt o>mnrittee was presellted by Rei""" Oaveruy, and adllpted lID motion of Ree"" Ca"",ly, and Roove MciKinlay. :\fuve<l by Re""" MllOa!llum, Seconded by Reeve DelG!.1aiw, Thalt By-.[)aw No. 1979,. "IBeing a By-Law to Amend County of E:lgin By.[Jaw No. 167~,':r 00 rea<l a firlst lime. '~'i. -Cairried. 'The Heport of the Fillan"" Committee was I'res'ooIled by Ree"" l'odd, and adopte<l on nrotion of Re'""e Thdd and Re""e Keilftll.. The Re!lO~t of the Oounty Governm.ant CommMltee was preseaJt- ed by Be,,,,,e PQlillwpS, and it was moved by Ree"e PI1il!ips, and seconded by Re,,,,,e Elme'rnon tlh8Jt the r.eport be adopted. -a_ied. Moved by Re""e Todd, Seconded by- Deputy Re""e MciKillop, ThaJt ByYlJlIW No. 1979, he read a second time. J.\IIj(wed by Ree"e Bar'ker, Seconded by Ree"e Olarke, -aattied. IN MV!ENJMENT - 'J1IIArr the Report of tlhe County C'<<>V<ll1\- lHent Oommi"tee, winJb the e"""Ption <If pa~a!SI'apl> No.7, be tabled to lbe Novembe'r Session of the Ellgin County OolmCil. M<wed by Re""e Todd, Seconded by Reeve McOaUllUJlll, ThaJt By-LIIW No. 1979, he read a !bird time, ood lliI>aJiy passed. -Cattied. The amending motion car:ried, and 'the "HepoIit ais. amended, was car-rried. Mov,ed by Depllty Reeve Elliott, Heconded by Reeve MciCa!lilum, Moved by Reeve McOailil.um, See<mded by- Deputy Reeve 'MoAIDpine, 140 ELGIIN OOlJN'J,'Y OOUNlOlIL ELGITIN OOUIN,TY COUN'CI:L 141 'l1!lat By-lLaJW No. 1980, "A By-lLaJW 00. AJmend lihe By-Laiw Ad\lp- tmg a Plan of Couruty Road JJrnprovement and I'mabliShiixlg a County Road System. in 1ihe OountY' of Ellgio 1.1llderthe Hig'l>way ]rnpro"e. ment '"<Jt," be read a Iiil'lSl; bime. Moved by Reeve Barker, Seconded by Reeve MclKimay, That By4Jaiw No. 1982, be read " 'Second time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McAlpine, Sec,,,,ded by Reeve MoOa[lum, 'J1hatBy'DaJW No. 1980, be read ,a second time. -Cacrled. -Cacrled. Mwed by Reeve B'i'ker, Seconded by Deputy Ree",e 'Wille, Th"t By.Law No. 1982, Ibe read a lihh-d time, ,and (t'il]aJlly plaBsed. -Cacrled. Moved by Reeve Kahllt, Seconded by Reeve De~aJW, ~hat BY"DaJW No. 1980, he read a thdT<i time, and fio~ly passed. -CalTIed. Moved bY' Reeve Ca"ei'ly, Seconded !bY' Deputy lRoove deRyk, That By-lLaw No. 1Il83, "Being ,a By'LaJW To I'xtend lihe Tlme fur Ithe Return of lihe ArssesslmeaJt iRJoNs for lihe Townsl1ips of AlJd. borough, B'Y'ham, Do~ohester SouDb, Duntwd<Jh, !l\["labide, SouDb- wold, and Yarmoulh, ill 1Jhe OonaJty of :I!Jlg1in," be mad a ltIirnt li!me. Moved by Reeve Keil1or, Seconded by Reeve Todd, Thllt By-iLaJW No. 1931, "Being a By-LaJW To Gmlllt Pension Re- funds and Pocket Money to RJesidents ofDbe Elgin Oounty Home for the ~ed," be read a first time. '~". -Carried. Moved ,by Deputy Reeve deIRyk, Seconded by Deputy Ree"e Neme~, ThaJt BY"LaJW No. 1983, ihe read la seoond time. -Carried. MOVed by Reeve Caverlly, Seconded by Reewe 'Mcffinlay, 'Dhat By..lJaw No. 1981, he read a second time. -Carried. Moved by DeputY' 'Roo'l"e Nemelt, Seconded iby Reeve, Oaverly, ThaJt By-lLaw No. 1933, be ~ead ,a IbhW time, ood mnal!y passed. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wise, Seconded by Roo"e Barker, 'J1h'at By'Law No. 1981, he rood a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve 11odd, Seconded ,by Reeve GHlchrim, 'l1b!at B)'{DaJW No. 1934, "Being " iBy-lLaw To Autborize ~he Ob- taiomg <If Temponary AdVlallOOS To !Meet ii;e 00\SIt of Corusllru<JtiJJJg an Addition ~olihe 'EJgio Ootmty Hbme fur 1ihe "ged, Pending 1ihe CompletiOll Thereof," be read a 1'WsIt tilme. ~10ved by Deputy Roo"e Wise, Secol>ded by Bee"e Barker, That IBy-IDaJW No. 1982, "BciJJJg a By-iLaJW to Adjust ,1Jhe Salary 01 Ithe I1hyslician fOT Ellg;n Manor," be read a diirm time. -Carried. -JOalTied. 14? I'LGlN OO{][\/TY CO!UiNOIL Moved by Reeve D~arw, Secol>ded bY' DellUty Reeve Mc!KifuJp, '!bait By-Law !No. -1984, !be- read 13 second ,lime. -Carried. Moved by De[lUty iRe""" IMdBiiNllp, Secollded hy Reeve I\j3Jbnt, ThaJt By4Larw No. 1984, 'be re'aJd 'a ~kd,tlme, .and fma~ly IllllSsed. -Carried. IMoved by Deputy ReelV'e IlVLisilJelly, Seeol>ded hy Reeve EmerSOll, llhaJt By~Larw No. 1005, '\Beil]g ,a By4Law Th 'Confirm Proceed- iI,gs <l.l ~he Oouncil of the Oorpombioo of 1ihe CIountY' of Elligin at the September Session, 1967," Ibe read ,a fm 1J1me. --.JCa,rried. Mo""d by Reeve I'merson, Seconded hy De[>Uty Reeve OrohaJrd, ThaJt By-<Larw No. 1005, be ""ad a secood time. ~Ca"ried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Omhalt'd, Seconded by Reerve Emerson, ThaJt By-Larw No. 1005, be read a lhiTd .time, and finally pas'sed. -JOa'rried. Moved by Reeve Thdd, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Mc!Killiop, That we d\l now ad10urn 1>> meet 1967. .aJt 10 a.m., NO'll'ember 21st, ~Oar.ried. H. L. JOHNSON, OIerk A. W. AUCKLAND, WllrdW I'LGIiN OOUINTY COUNOLL 143 PROPERTY COMMITTEE; REPORT Septembea- Session, 1967 To ,1ihe Waroen 'and Membe~s of the Iillll'in CoOl>I;y- C\luncil, The ~ope11ly Oomm~tAJee ~epor,ts as foilows: 1. Thai! lihe appomtment of Oh""les Donaldson aJS sooge-aaJt has :heoo made p""mallleaJt eIM"otive July list, 1967. 2. That ~he :8PPoin1JmeaJt of Mrs. K Joan Pimagait' as CIlief Ma- It roo haJs heoo made .permanent el'd'eoti"" Apml 1511h, 1967. 3. That Mi.. !Leola Oh""" I>a" been hired .as lSeCTllbarY'.J}ookJilJeep- er (Id"ade 2) Ix> work in ~e Aissessment ,Commissioner'" Ot1filce. 4. That pajnt1Iing of lihe Larw lJibmry, Judge's (]haJmlbeTS at 1ihe Te"" of 'the mlail> Oomt !Room and lihe eJ<lier;\lr trim 01> lhe sou1ih side of 'Dbe Conrt House has been compielted'at a totail <lost of $668.00. '." All of wINch is ~especjjful[y subnrltted. K. J. M<lJ\IJP]NE, Chairman. ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE, REPORT _ 1 Septembea- Session, 1967 To ,the Wafflen rand Memhem 0[ tbe Elgin Counlty Council, The ElIgin MaI>or Committee rep<la'tsas follows: I. Thai! IV<llJJ ,paJtlie~\ln ,aVtel>d .the COUMe IJ.llW by Homes for the ,"gI>d!!t MdMia"ter UniVerll;~. 2. Thiat IVlan ,paJtte~s<>n be given ,authority 1>> instal! 8 foot pre- "ast cement curos on front PaIt'l<Ii!]g lot. 3. 'I1bata recommendaJbiOl> be .oo!]t 1>> 'CoUl1!ty Council to< request .1II>at ,a 'SUI'veY' to 'aseertam 1ihe need and in'll'estigate silles for a Relll Home :in the <last end <l.l tile Oolmly be unde~taken. 144 ELGiIIN. .COI[JNTY COUNCiiL ELGIN OOUlNTY OOUNCIIL 145 4. Th<lt G. D. Black Ltd. he ,instructed to call tenders for waste sb~b.ilization pol><l - lleI>ders to cl"se 12:00 noon, Oetol>er 5th, 1967, also to make ,applilJabioo for 8Ip!>"",al fmm O.W.R.C. and immediate'ly 1:1..... sur""y description and deed drawl> up. 5. IEllgin Manor is fiNed 00 oapacity with 39 femares ood 44 mail"", with a waitil>g list of ~1 malles and 4 females. ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT September Se..iol>, 1967 To the Warden 'an<! Membe~s of .the ElIgin .Coua:JJty CoullJeil, Your 'Road C00IIallili1ltee begs torepOTt as fo~ows: ,"11 of which is respectJful~y submitted. 1. Tenders for the. oooswu<Jbioo of the P<>nt Bu~el'l Bridge, OTi- <gin~y sched11led 00 close "" Sepllember 19bh, 1967, have been d<J!erred 00 Oot'Ober 3rd, 1967. 'uORNE KEIIlUl.JOR, Ohairman. ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT - 2 September Sessdoo, 1967 2. Tenders ha",e been call1ed for Hoi Mix AJsphailit Paving on Road No. 52 (D. R. No. 840). lit is baped that paViiog wilt ,he eompleted /'rom Highway No. 73 to Spril>gfield, this, fall. To the Waroen and M_beTs of the ElIgin CouaJty OouI]eil, 3. That the C\lntraotfor lhe SpringwaJter D~m 00 Road No. 35 "as bool> let IJo GarlIJ!neY' OonlStrUlltioo Li!lIl!itJed <if Str~tJforo. The Oounty share of the jlIt'Ojee.t is 21.2% to a llm~ of $34,000 (which "S subsidized by." the Ontario Depa~oot of HlghM'ays). 4. Tenders are to be called as soon as possible for lhe consh'uc- tioo of .lhe Belmont Bridge on RJoaJd No. 37, east of BeimoaJt. The Bl11dge is a joint IEllgin4l\l[iddlesex Bridge. The floor bas faWed in ..ver'ail spols, and tempor"ry repairs haw had to be made. The ,El1lgin ManOT 'Com!lI1illtee reporIDs as full\>ws: 1. '!'baJt .preliminary dra",iJJJgs foc 1967 addition to Elgin Manor 'as snbmitted by G. D. Bilillok Lid. be awmvedand thalt a ,eOOIIallilittee ,consisting <if Ohairman Kell~or, Depu~ IRe""" 'Wise, ]"an J. Pa~te~oon and G. D. Black meet with vhe DeplaJrtment OlllJiclals in Toronto for their'8Ip!>roV'al, and .thalt County Council be reques'ted IJo awr\lve lIhe rompiebioo. llf rinal plans al><l spe. eiflcatiolls ,and call for tend<>l's at an eWmaJted cost of $600,- 000.00 10 include l=i~ure, fee's, new buiI<liog 'oorusJtruction ood altera1Ji\ll>s to existillg fa"mtie~, a1s0 the clerk he ins1Jructed to apply I'or OIJbario MUI>icip'al Board8lp!>mV'al fOT d~hel>ture~. 2. '!'baJt we recommend to ClnnJ.ty Oounoil ,1ihat the agreement prepared by G. D. Black Ltd. I'or prellar'ation of plalls md specitfieations for 'an ,additioolo Elgin Manor he awroved 'and signed. 3. ThaJttms repom be referred Ix> Dbe Fin",,"e Oommit'tee for thei!r recommendations for filla-Dlcia[' 'aT'rangemenrts. WI' RElOOMMlElNID--- l. 'I1balt County CommH ,RJoaJd Tour dates 00 set as f<JNows: East end of 'fJhe Oomty - OclOber 101ih, 1967. West end of '1ihe CountY' - October 31st, 1967. 'Leaving lhe Cowt House aJt 9:00 a.m. on each day. 2. ThaJt a By-ILaJW be passed assuming as a 'Comty.Road appro,,- imateiy 600 feet of RJObil>Soo ood Ecieus Streete in the ViillliaJgI> of P<>rlt Burweill. 'J1bis road is nOlW lilldea- the jll1'isdictlon of the Vililiag.e, who l:Iav" a 100% 'connoobing linkagreemeaJt Mbh the Del'a~"nt of Highways. The assumption of this road by the CouaJty wiililaNmv 1Ibe Oo~ to enter mix> 'a comeetmg Idnk agreement with tile D"pa~tmeaJt of Higbways, so 1ih~t 1ihe Oounty may deal direetly wl1ih Dbe' 'Depa~tment fOT their share of . the costs on the comecting link. AFi of whioh is respectJfuiIy submitted. LOOm RJEJILLOIR, Ol:la:mnan. 146 ELGITiIf OOUlN7l'Y COUiNC[IL ELG!lN OOUNII'Y COIlJNGlL 147 3. 'I1hat" By-llaJW .00 passed amendda:JJg By-llaw No. 1873, alffect- ing parking on Road No. 16 in Fing"l, by remo,"ing lbe pre- serut re'sltrictiom on pa~kmg ill from OIl the busiinoos establish- ment of C. Jackson. 4. 'lliaJt the 'leltAJea- from 1ihe Minister (If Tr:anspOIt, 1lhe Hon. !Ir- win 'I1askett, under dabe of J<anuary 23rd, 1967 to Ihe Omnty I'I>gmeer, reo Section 00 (lOa) O[ the Hi!giJJway '!1rad!fic ,"ct be It3Jb,led. 5. Wat '1Ihe Minister of Highways be petitioned bo $lIow the On- tarl~O Walter ResOUl'iC'8'S OOlmmis's[on to oo!l1it<riliute the' amount OIl $6,010.53, tow"rd the cO'st of repliiring RO'ad No. 30 and lhe P'8Jtllerson IMllge. This eootr,bution bylbe OaJta:rio WaJteT R!lsllwces Comnuillsion, ""gather wlllb norma:I subsidY' by lhe Orubal'io Depamnem of !Highways, willewerllhe $14,1U.65 eO'st OIl repa;iring Road No. 30 allld replairing the Patte~S<J11 13ridgl> damagell by trucks hauliruglo the Ontario WaJter ResoUllceS' Oommissillll pilpe!il>e this spring. Ml of which is respedauNy s\Jblmitted. A. ImUOE McOAlLLlJIM, OhaimJan, EDUCATION COMMITTEE REPORT September Se'ssioo, 1967 To the Warden ,and Members of tbe I'lgm CoIIIJ~ Council, TOO l'd'Wcation Committee repol1Jsas fulIows: 1. ThaJt Chairman Bwker be autboriood to ,attend the Fall Sem- inar o:f :tJhe Ontm'il() 8100001' T.rUSlbees' and Mun1dpail OOW1CliJJlors' ,..soclartiioo. Mil of whWh is respec'lJful'ly submilted. J. W. BAlRJEE!R, Chairman. AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, ~967 'I'o the Warden 'lffid Members, of the ElDgin Cooo~ OoulllCii, The kgricu]tuml Commi1itee repol1Js 'as foll\lws: 1. '.Chat !be l~oor '/irom Dow OhemicaJ C<>l11!Pany re Wrurble Fly CoaJtrol, he filed, and that it be rooommended 'ffl>!UI: they eol>fer with 1ihe ~g~u]tmlal Repr<>sootative coocernmg the problem. ~. '!'hat 1ihe resolution from. the OoUJj~ OIl Grey re Subsidy 00 the cost of ,Ibe eorutrO'I of Warble Fly, be filed. MI of which is respeclJful~y sllhmi"ted. DUNOAN (N[JOH!RiIST, Ohah'man. PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT September Ses'slion, 1967 To ,the Warden ,and Member" of 'lIh,e I'lgin Coooty OouI]eil, The Petbtiol>S and Legisl-atiOa:JJS Oommillttee repo~ls as foNows: 1. That Ihe resolution from the County of Peel- recommending 1ih1l! Ibhe fee paid 00 jury members he inClt'ease<l, be l1iIed. 2. That the resolution ~romDbe Comty <If ViC'lJOria ""ging Ihe GoveTnmerut OIl Onlarioto provide a sllbooalllU,,1 measure of re- ~Ii€tf for munircipal Itax,ation, !be ~Hed. 3, ThaJt!be res01!ution ~rom the Towl>shdp of Micb4>iooten request- ing govermnenlball: a\S:sis~anJCe in ail.evi1a'tinJg :bhe need in Ontario munlcipal-lties fOT medWe:al p~aetitJiooers, he fdlled. A'll ofwhioh is ~esp""lJful~y sulbmitted. J~MEIS S. 1!;LUI00000, Chai~lIn. EQUALIZATION AND ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE. REPORT September Se'ssion, 1%7 'J1othe Warnen and Members of 'Db,e I'lgin ColIIJty Council, The I'qualiz"tionlffid MsessmeaJt Commilfltee reports as foRoWI'<: 1. T)jat a BY'-iLaJWbe prepared e"tending bhe .tiJme If<lo: lire retU1l'!ll of the "'sessment IWl!ls <If !be Rur'a1 MuniclpailIities in Dbe Oounty of Elgin to Noevember lsIt, 1967. Ml of which is respecllJfuNy submitted. Wffi!JLIlAIM R. C~\'!ElR;L Y, ChaiTman. 148 I I " ! ELGillN OOUNIfY COUNOJ[. ELGIiN OOOlNTY OOUNC!iL 149 . FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT ['. That Jul.a Krist be remowd from the 'il>d.gel>t IroSlj)italizabiol> list. SeipOOmbea- Se'ssion, 1967 To .the WaIt'den 'aOO Memlboos of .the Iillgin OowJty Oouncil, 10. That1ihe Treasurer be authorized to ad"llI1ce anadd>ttiol>al $3,000.00 over and 'aJoo"'" wbat bas alre'ady been au1ihol'ized to tbeI1lanndng Board uaJtil Doo.mbe<r 31st, ~967, fur a total of $18,000.00, Ibr tbe yeait', 1007. The Finance Oommtttee reports as Ibllows: 1. That lihe E'ilJJalleial RJepo~t as at July 31.st, W67, of the Cbil- dren'.s Aid S<lcie~ of lhe Olty of St. Thomas" and the Oounty of Elgin, be filed. M! of wrn<!h is respoollfullly submitted. iDOUGlUAS R. TODiD, Oh'aJlrman. 2. Tbat 1ihe resolubion from the Ullited Ooullties of PrescoUam Russe.l that legi&lation he "mel>ded so as to illcTease lbe ail- liowanoo ",aid to members of Coul>ty OomC'fl!s, be filed. 3. 'I1lJat the Treasurer be authorized 00 tran"fer to lhe Elgin MllI10r Aooolmt the money required to eOn;sltrUli 1ihe l"gO<J11 system, and to ewer ope~ating expen:ses Ibr the Yeal', 1967. COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT Se1ptermJber Se'ssion, 1967 4. ,Th"t MT. Olarence Blue be r<llIIDVed from the County Imtn"- ance Distrllmtion List, and th"t his Comll1iiJssion be l!i.,;<!ed a1ffioog t'hosle agents a1r€'ady r,eceiving Commissions. '-'i To tbe Warden 'and Members of <the ElginOounI~ Council, 5. '!'haJt Oharityand Welfare Pay List No.6 fur $304.75; Pay LiS!: No. 7 fur $2,~95.00, and Play List No. 8 fur $621.50, he "pproved. The Oounty Go""rnmellt Committee r~ts ,as Ibllows: 1. ThaJt a:SIj)i~anls f<>r Dbe positi"" of Warnen 'he' given lhe oppOT- tunity to ,address Coooty OouncIl, on the thi!rd 'J1u1>s<lay (jf Jail" uary, €la1ch year ~ prior to proceeding with the clecUIOU. 6. Th"t Obildren's Aid Societies Pay List No.6 fur $1,728.25; PIIy List No. 7 for $1,603.10, ,al>d Pay List No. 8 fur $1,609.70, be 8!pl}l'<>1I€d. 2. Th"t the I'quaNza1Jilln aOO A""essment Committee' he dispellsed w;tlh and the business of ,lhe AssesSffieJjl: Dep,aIt'tmeaJt be lhe reSpol>Sibility of lhe Pl'IJperty Commi~. In ftllure the Pro- perty Committee is 00 be knOWlJJas 'tbe Brop"~ aIld Assess- mewt CommltAJee. 7. Th"t the SlJaooard FUrm of ,"g<reement belJweoo Client and lBrdfesslj()!I1Ial Engineer, in Oonsulting Pr,aclJ1'c€', a's' presented by G. DUllKJan B1a:ck Limllited, with respect 00 an additi!ln 00 Elgill Manor, be gilgned. l. Th8Jt the Pnbl>e Smool aIld SecoooaJrY School Oonsu!ilative CommWllee he amllJlgama1Jed '00 form 'a County EducaJtional Coil- sniIJ"ti,,," Commitbee. Ii. 'I1baJt the Clerk be aullhori.ed to a!lJlly 00 the MunicipaJe Boarn !'or apPlXWaI Ibr preparati\ln of final plans and specll1ie'aJtiolls !'or an addition 'to I'lgill Mallor, and the calling of tenders for 'the oonsIDrUOtion, alld Dbat a by-law lhe passed a=lIging for temIpo~ary fiinallcmg of the projetJi with the Bam of MoaJtreal. 4. That m fiutwe the I'illgin MaIlOT Committee be composed of fow memheTs and the Warden ex.officio with II\) ad"iSOTY memhers 8Jppoillted. ~fO E~GiIiN . COUNTY OOUi\lOllL 5. 'JlilBJt in ~uWre tile gIgin Colillty Counrcil meet in JaI>lIary, IMarch, May, June, Septemller and November ea<fu year. 6.. 'WI> recommend lllBJt bhe Colillty Road CoI/IlJmitllee meet monthly at 1 o'lei\lek p.m. 7. 'I1I:uat the members of the County Govemment Committee be ,appointed wtil>g de'legJaoos 00 the Assoelation of OaJtario Coun- ties Oonrvenltion, 1967. 8.. 'l1llaJt 1ihe prllV.isioos of Olanses one to six oif tbis ~rt be- come eillfu<lbive Jlanuary 1st, 1908. All of ",Well is respec1lfIMy suOOrl1Jte<l. >I> Par1agJr1aphiS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 8 were tabaed to the November Session oif 'Cowcil. C. D. PHl!lJIJIIPS, Chaimruan. BY-LAW NO. 1979 ."Being a By-Law To Amend County of Elgin By~Law No. 1873." '.l18JE} OOUiNlOIIL oif the Co'l"poraJtioo of the 001lllty of Elgin en" all(<' as ~o~<>ws: 'l1llBJt Clause iG rand Clause H of Pla~agraph 3 of BY'-Iiaw No. 1873 he, an<l tlhe' s'aJme aTe herebY' rescinded. ~ElID a mrlSt time Ibis 191ih day of September, 1967. BElA[) ,a second time tills, 19lJh <lay of September,1967. B~ a bhiro time, and fll>ally passed !!his 19lJh day of Sep- tember, 1967. H. L.. JOHNSON, Olerk A. W. AUOKLAND, WaJrden II ,:j 11 EllJGIJN OOUNTY OOUN()]L 151 BY-LAW NO. 1980 "A By-Law To Amend the By-Law Adopting a Plan of Conn~ R.oad Improvement and Estahlishing. a County Road System in the Coun~ of Elgin Under the Highway Improvement Act. The 'Council Of fue OorI>orBJtion oif tbe Ooul>ty of EIgID """"ts as By'iLaJW No. 1990 as' follows: 1. '!1he Schedule "AU of ByJLaw !\liD. 897 being lbe OTigina~ By- tlJaJW el'lt8Jblishmg .a OoImty ~~"d SysIDem il> the CoMty of 'Elgin as amended by By--iLaJW No. 1801 heing lhe last COnsolid- .8Jting By-iLaJW re-esb3Jblishillg the, salid sySlbem and fua:,tber 'aJmended by subsequent amending By-iLaJWs is hereby amended by adding lher'eto the Road designaJted and described as fol- liows: Description Designated County Road Number 42A ""'>' J3ffilIiNIG bh8Jt portion of the road or the de'VliaJtions tlhereuf ill the ViillliBJge of Port Burwell; OOMlMi!lNQ]NG on the Roald ImoM"!> "" Union SlJreet, at fihe ea'~n limit of I'rieus Street; '!1lID!:NOE SOllthOWesterly alOl>g the said Unioo street to Ro- 'binson street; 'JlHli!lNCI' Sollbberiy along the said R'<lbinson street 00' 1ihe South Um!t of Wel!linglJon street. A TOT~ DiISTAlNOE of 'approxilmately 1168 feet: 2. The Road, as desi.gnated and described in pa:ragraph 1, is hereby added to and in~luded inbhe CouaJty Road SY'stem of vbe County of glgin. 3. '!1his By.[jaJW shall COOle into force upon the' apprwai thereof by uhe Lieu1Jenant-Gowrnor in Council. J;1]N!MJL Y P,"SSWaJt the Ci~ of St. Thomas, in the CountY' of Elgin, 1ihis 19uh <lay of Septemher, 1967. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk A. W. AUCKLAND, Wllrdel> 152 ,.ELGIN OOUNTY OOUlNOIL EI.GIIIN COUNTY OOUNCillL 153 BY-LAW NO. 1981 3.ThaJt By"iLlIW No. 1815 be amended arccordmgly. ~Em a ~ir'st time tllis l-9iDb day of Se<pteml>er, 1967. ~EJm ,a second bime lhis 19th d~ of S~emher, 1967. IRIEAD a thi1'd time, and fillJalWy passed tlhis 19ith day of Sep- temher, 1967. "Being a By-Law To Grant Pension Refunds and Pocket Money To Residents of the Elgin County Home for the Aged." WHlEJRJElASDbe residents of the EJlgin Oounty Home fOT lIhe l\Jged require pocket money 00 purohase various sundnies not pro- vided for 1ihem. NOW 'l1HEmIElF1ORl'1ihe Oouncii (jf ,tbe Col.'jlora!tiKm ,Of the County of. Elgin eru"..ts ".. follQ\vs: 1 'I1haJt each residerut of EIlgin Manor receiving Old Age Aissis- balllCe; Old ,"ge Soou~lty Pension OT Family BenefIts Allowanrce he givel> a refund il> fue amOU1lJt of 15% of their cbeque lakJen .10 'the nearest dollar, but not exceediing. $15.00 per month. 2. ThaJt OiDber resroeruts of Elgin Manor he givoo poclret money io the amount of $11.00. 3. ThaJt Clause 1 and 2 of this By"iLaw shaH not appley to Dbose residents of Elgio Manor wiho are sell'.supportil>g. 1. 11h"t lhis BY'"iLaw be retro-al:Jtive to MlU'CI1 1st, 1967. 5. 11Mt By-LlIW No. 1369 be, and the same is hereby repealed. IREAD a first time this 19th day of September, 1967. ~EJAD a second lime this 191h day of Septemher, 1967. ~Da tbird time, and finally passed tlhis 19th day of Sep_ tember, 1967. H. L. JOHNSON, A. W. AUOKLAND, Olem Waa-dm H. L. JOHNiSON, Clerk . A. W. AUCKLAND, Waroen BY-LAW NO. 1983 "Behtg a By-Law To Extend the Time fOT the Return of the AsseS'S- rrtent Rolls for the Townships of Aldborough, Baeyham, Dorehester Sonth' Dnowilch, Malahide, Sonthwold, and Yarmonth, ht the Conoty of Elgin." WWffilJElAJS It appealt's ro the Council of Dbe Oorporation of 1ihe CotnJty 'of .Elligin tb>llt the ,"ssessmeaJt R<>Hs fOT ,tlhe' yeait' 1967, for the Townslhips of AIdboroo~h, Bayham, Dorchester South, DUl>Wich, M~8Jhide, SonlJhwold, and Y'rurmontlh wdilil oot be OOlurned to 1ihe Cleri<s of the s'aid murm,ipalillties hy the t1Wst day of October, 1967. NOW 11H!EREF10RIE the Council ,Of the OlllJjlOl'aJtion of 1ihe CoUllJty of El~ el>lIclsas' follOWlS: 1. Th8Jt the bime for Dbe return of lhe 1967 AssessmeaJt :!W1I for lb.e T<lW11sbip of AildboroU!lh, the Township (jf Bayhiam, 1ihe 'I1ownl'lhip of DoochesterSowlh, the TownsIhi\> of DlmWm, the Township of Malahide, the Towll,"hip of So1Jl1ihwold, and bhe TowllJship of Yla~<>wth, be eOOllende<l to bhe firnt day of NO- vember, W67. 2. Thalt ,this BY'"iLlIW sha~ become eIllfecbi"" wih"" it has reeeirved the OWrllVllll of the Depat1lment of Munieipal Altfuks. IRE;\i!) a first time this 19Db day of September, 196'1. :aEAlDa second time, brns 19th day of S~bember, 1967. iRlEAiDa third time, and finaliliy passed this W1ih day of Sep- lemher, 1967. BY-LAW NO. 1982 "Behtg .a B~-Law ro Adjust the Salary of the Physieian for Elgin Manor." The Oo~oration of the Com~ of Elgin enllCts IllS fdlIIom: 1. Thllt Dbe salary of the physician for Elgin Man\lr be $1.30 per bed per moo"h plus $2.15 per moaJth in relSlidence 01> the fillllll day of elaoo moo1ih. 2. That Dbis rllte be retro-active to June 1st, 1967. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk A. W. AUCKLAND, Waroe" .154 ED,0illN. OO'W'fTYOQUN(JI1L I'lLGcIDN COUNTY COVNCIiL BY-LAW NO. 1984 BY-LAW NO. 1985 uA BYRLaw To Confirm Pl'oc.eedings of the Council of The Cor.. I.oration of the County of Elgin at the Septemher Se9sion, 1967." WlBlERiEAS by Section 9 of the MImic4>al Act, heing Ghapier :A9 of the Revised Sba1Jutes of Ontario, 1960, the' powers of a municipal corporllltion are to he exercised by its OoUilJci]i; ANI!) ~~S .by subsecl!on 1 of Section 242 of "he MUlOOipa~ '"ot, being Chapter 249 of lhe Revised SbaJtuloo of Olllbario, 1960, the powers of every Oouncil are to be exercised by By-ILaJW; ANI!) WiHlERJ~S itils de'emed I>xpedi<mit tbat the proceedinglS of 1ihe Ooutril of the Oorpo~ation of lhe Ooulllty of I'lgm at tbis meemg he cOll!flTmed and a<IDpted bY' By-ILaw; . NOW 'I1HIERiEFORE THiE OOUNl(J]L OF THiE OORJBOIM!I1l0N 01" 'I1HIE OOUINTY OF I'LGillN enacts as fuRo,""s: 1. 'I1hat aeilJ.ion of bhe Oouncil of the CoTpom"ion of the CoUllty of I'lglo in respect of each recommendatiol> col>bained in lhe 'RepOO:ltS of t1;1e "Commiltees and eOOh motioo and resolution passed anu obher action taken by. the CoUl]eil of tbe Corpwa- tion of the CoUllty of Elgin at its mee'bings held during the Septemher, 1967, Session is berclby adopted and conlf&rmed liS j1f all sucb proceedings were expressly embodiied in 1ihis By- LaJW. ,. The Warden and proper <lj)f!loi.als of the Corpo<rabi\ln of the County of I'jgin are bereby au1Jhoo-ired .and direeood 00 d\l aill "hinglS necessary 00 give' effect 00 the action <If 1ihe Couneil ofillle Oorpom"ioo of the C<mlll~ of Elgin Teferned to in PTe- <Je<iing Section heTeolf. 3. Tbe W~e" and th,. Olerk are authOTi:red and dire'eted to e,,- ecube alii dOCUlInCIl"S necessary in that behalf alld to ail'fix "herelJo the Selal of the Corpo~aJiion of the' OOU1lty of I'~gin. 'RlElm a jij"SI; time tbi,s 19tb day df SeplJember, 1967. RJElAiD a secolld bimethis 19tb' daY' of September, 1957. RIElAID a 1Jhi~d time, and finally PaJs'sed tbis 191ih day of Sep- temlber, 1967. flEeing 13 By-Law To: Authori.ze the Obtaining of TempOrary Ad- vances To Meet the Cost 01 Constrncting an Addition to the Elgin County Home lor the Aged, Pending' the Completion Thereol." WiHJElRil!)M, subject to the .appr<JVild of tile Or;tario DcpartmeaJt of SolCilll and F1amllily SeTV'iees and the OaJtario Mumcipal Board, it is the inrt:ention of lhe Corporlltion of the CoUl1Jty of E'1gin to consltruct .all addlilioo 00 the n~n Oounty H<>me fur the Aged, 1ihe estiJmllood oost of Which is $600,000.00 il>cIudiing furruishin!gs. ,"00 WHlEiRlEk'\S it is desir8Jbleto agree with a bam fOT !em" pooory ,adWlnces 00 meet the cost of the slIid works pending lhe loompletion . thereof; iNlOW 'J1III'iREFOIRJE. the Coul]elI of the OorpOl'aJbion of the County of ElJ@in enacts' as follow.: 1. The Head and 11reasurer of the OO~TlItion of lIbe County of Elgin are herclby authwized to dlltain from tile BaOJik of Moo- treai te"'!Povary adM>nce's .at a rate' or vailes not exceeding 5% per cent per """'um, represel>ted by a promissory. note OT PTomissory ootes or by way of ovea-<lraJllt or otherwiSe not ex- c,eedlog si" hundred. thousand docriliars to meelt the cost of tbe said works pending lhe compleliol> lhereof. 2. A promissOTY note or notes or ooher ,"ouehers, ..ailed With the 'CoTpo~lIte Seal and si!llled on he<haJlf of the Oo~vatiOll by the Head and TreasUrer thereof, for lhe .adil"ances. from time to 'bime obtained under the au"hority hereM and interest thereoo, may be given.1Jo tbe said BaOJik pro,"iding for 1ihe repaymeaJt of or raprelsen1ving bhe said 8'd\nanrces with interest thereon '81S 'aJI1oresaid. 3. '11be 11reasUl'eT of the Co<rporation is hereby aulhorized ooJ diroote<'C to apply fdrst in payment ~f suoh .adil"allce's wi1ib in- 'terest the,ooon as 8Jfuresaid, all Illi<>neys borrowed 01> the crediit of the Corl>oraJiion to rep~y such ad"alllCes and to deifmy the COSlt of lihe said workis ao<l all moneys from ooher sOllrees pro- periYapipIiIl3Jhle to the eost of the said works. ~ElAiD a ~iorst time bbj.s 19tJb day of Seplember, 1967. 'RJlM[) a seleond lime this 19bh day of Septemher, 1957. RJE)A[) abbird time, and finJlIlly p,,"sed lhis 19bh day of Sep- teml>er, 1967. H. L. JOHNSON, 00U1l~ Olerk A. W. AUOKLAND, Wa~d"U' H. L. JOHIN1SOIN, 'County Cleri< A. W. AUCK!IJMID, Warden 155 Jij6 Elli(lIN OOUNTY OOUNaDL SPECIAL MEETING OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Oetober 18tb, 1967 . A Special Meeting of .1ihe EJlgil> CoUlllly OouncN w,,," helld at 4:30 p.m. to reeeillv<lllheRJeipo[1\ of lihe F1mance Comrmttee ,and eOlJl- duct other ""lliIIine busil!~"s. 'Dhe' Wiarden lin.ltJhe' ClhlaJir. A!1lli members prcrelllt excllpt Reew Gilliclwlst, 'RJee'"" lVJjeronii~~, He""" Mrs. M. Blyth am DepurtY' Ree'le Mellillcp. The lOOp<d \If ,1ihe FilJlaID!ee C<>mmltAJee was presented by Reeve In<ld ""d .ad!ipted 01> mll!:lon of Ree'le T<>dd Md Reeve Ke;Hor. M<W'ed by ~ee'le EmeM<J11, Seconded by Delputy Reeve MiskJelliy, That ReelV'e Mrs. lVJja~y Biylflh he' appoil1!ted to. ,all[ OOI11m.ttees that the Wile Reeve JIoOO SlIIIh~land SeTWd. on. ......oamed. Moved by Re""e CaIV'eilly, SeconOO<I 'by. Ree'le iDeGro^", 1.ba1t we do nl()lW radj~urn. H. L. JOIINSON, CIDerk -Carried. A. W. AUCKLAND, ~ FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT Special Session October 18th, 1967 To lihe Warden and Members of tlle E~!Jin.Couruty Oouncil, The ,,"manee C\lmImiJ\JtJee' Ire\lo~ts ,as full[/(,ws: 1. That we issue debeaJtme.. il> tlhe ,amounll: of $300,000.00 o'ler a periOd of .tJein year's ro P"Y for ,1ihe Oounll:Y' ,p\lrmoo of cost of COlJl- strulll1ing ,and fuimJis!llmg an .addition ro 1Jhe E~gin Comty Hklme for the~d. ~]I of whillh is re"'pcClljful~y sulJimitlled. DOUGILAS R. TODD, ObadTman. ElliGillN OOUNIJ'Y COUNODL 157 FLFTH SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 21st day of NO'lember, 1967 The .EJligin (Jouruby Oooocil met tbis daY' atDbe' Coul1t House, St. 'lihomas, in .alClcord!anrce w.iJbh adljIOUI"illlmmt. The WaJI'deI> in :lIhe Chair. AILl members pr'osent eJroeljlt Re,eve Clarke. The W,mdoo :addressed IlIhe ,Colllreil and welcomed lhe boys and gj~ls who .catmJe 'aJS Igue&IJs of 'bhe CoUJ]cJlIlors.. ,M tlhe request of !the W,arden, ,all rr'e'sent s!rood am obser'led .llI1e minute of sllellKJe in memo~ of lihe late J<JIIm Sullhertand, the former Roo'Ie of the Vd!Wage of Pori BUl'\VIeI1I. l\1""ed hy 'Re""e T<>dd, Secol>ded by DeputY, ReelV'e Mcl{1[I[op, ThaJt bhe manures of .1ihe SepiJemIJer, 1967, Sess'ion oftlhe lillgi" C'o1.llllty Oouncil "nil ,the Odtolber 1311h meeting, as prlilllliedand .dill- tribn1Je<l be oolllfiiTlmed. -Carried. The ~allllWiJJJg cOllJlJllllmlo"bions WeTe Mad and relferTlld to 1iheir ~;arri{ll1JS Oom1mWOOes': ~ Mr. E. L. Woodiiey-, Dimcboo.', Westerl> OllibarID Agrieu1- tU~aJl School ood 'I'xperlimenbail Flamm ,aJIll1lI()uncmg 1Jllat Mr. Stwamt Li<ldle of R.R. 6, AyJimer.w,," lihe WtimeT oIf ItneElligin County SCIboI- a~sihip fur 1007. - Filed. lF11am iMI1S. CaroIme Ion, E",eellillive Secootar.y-1.1rela$W'llr of the !lJsS<lcilloon of On.arro OOUlJlties .aJd\nismg tlhail Re""e C. D. Ph@!ips, Re""" oIf lihe 'J1owmhip of Bayi>am, was ""...,IOOlJed ,totlhe Assoeia. ti.o'n's EJreioo!JWe C<lmmit1tee 'am Il"med Secood Vaee-lPreJjident. - F1llw. 'From 'lbe HOOlOW13Jble G. E.Gomme, MinisiJeT oIf IIlgh~aws, propllSlinJg a needs sI!Judy o[ lihel C<>unty TOad syiSlJeim similar 110 1ihe oOO'<iOnducted in 1964. - Hefoored to bbe Roa<l Ooonnna.~. 158 ElLGlN OOUNTY OOUNCiDL I'LGIN OOUNTY COUNmL 159 F'rw1 ,the CouJlty of Nod<llk W]th reoolubion requesting legisla- !len whiich wouilid maJkJe illt maoo3Jtwy lor a memb'er of a murnC!ipal cOOlJJeil wbo has m<llVed \lut of the mtmicip~lilbyand is not aSse&Slld for prlQ'perlty 'wiltJhdn .the muruicruprultty to re~irgl1' his' or her seat WJithin 90 daY's. -RerfeTred ,to ,the ~bimoosimd Legiilll~tlon CommitJtee. From the Chlldoon'ls Aii.<1 Soeielty of the City of St. Thomas and Ole Comty <If I'lgm wllith Final1Jc;al Report as at Al.lgu&t 31st, 1967, '.,nd O<!bober 3Wt, 1967. - Refe"",d 'oolbe Fmaooe Committee. 'F'rom .the Department of MIm1Clitpalli MIla... anuooooing that Mr. DelnJlis Date' has bero a>1s:igllJed 10 ,the Department's lJoodon Regional Ol'flce. - F1lled. ,F1vom 1ihe University of Westero OnlJar:iQ announcmg that Mr. J el!Irey H. 'J1oilman, R.IR. .1, PlJrt Stanley and Miss 0"",1 A. sta!!ker, We~t Lotme, were IDbe wnnneoo of the Elgin Oounty Scibolarshlps lor If.i67. - Flied. IF1rom tlhe T<lIWlWh1p of Sol.lllhwold with request foom Mr. C DeD<lCkere 10 be sl.lWl1ed willh water from the w3Jtel'm<:rin I'UIJJlNng to Elgin Moo<JQ'. - .Relfe,""d In Dbe' Elgil> Manor OommitJtee'. F1rom Itl1e St. '!1homas-E,lgln I'me~goocy Measures ~gani!1!aJlJion w:iJDb a proposld to .publicly recog~ize the eoImJmunity ool1llll'!ibution made OV€'t ,tlhe yJelam by 1:Jhe st. 'DhlQlmas-lEffigin E)mertgel1lCY MeaJSoc- e's OrlgantizailJion .Ifuscue Section. - R€lferred .10 tlhe Fmooce Com- miJtltee. 'F'rom the ElginMJanor ComJJ:Mttee WIllih the 10llioM'mg resolu. t1on: "That we ,ask Dowty Ooundl to reoonsidlffi" fuel rooommooda~ tionaf 'ColIDly Government C<>mmrlitlJee' .aJS 10 our OTighla~ request made by the M""or CommitJtee Aprdl. 6Db, 1967, as fuailrows: ]t was l'eearomended that .Dbe ad"iSOTS be alternates to vote in the llIJ.. seooe of vot1ng memberiS." - RJeiferre<l 10, lihe OOUl]1Jy Government Co1lJJlI1!Ubtee. From .the ,CoUl1Jty of Peterllooowgh w:iJth resllllllbioo requesting lhe <assumlpbion of ~lIi <JOsIDS of Seeondrury S\lh!oolsaoo Seconda"y EdUl<lBJlJiOO, In Ithe ProWlIce of. On.ario bytihe DepaIrtimoot of Ed- ncllbion of OI>baJl'tlKl, OT !by I>rovinclail and Fe<leml GovemmoolJs in r6<Jpe~3Jbion wdl1h each obher. - Reifewed Ibo Ithe Educ,aJlJiooaa Com- niibtee. '--~. I!i1rom1ihe Depa"bmoot of Munwolpa!l AiUains wItIh le.ter re: Sup- plememalt'Y' Bene~ibs under tlhe ODJtar,io Mnnlicip8J1Employees Ree tiremeaJt Sysllem. - Refe~red 00 ,the F'mance OotmImii'lltee. From S!>wilJf K P. Ray with <JOI]ly of G~ood J<!rY"s Ifuport 10 Mr. Jl.Isltice Hlawnes. - RelferredlJo' the 'Property CoImmltJtee. !From the 'CoUllllty of iJambton willl;b relsolubionssilJing the Olle ta<rio GoveirnJmeaJt to take o""~ fuN respolJJS'lbil1Jty for lIhe operatdK)n 01 Amlbuilianees and '1ihaJt .i.,"nomg becar~ied ",utDbroo!lh the 01>-. trow Hosp;bail SerVlices Commissioo. Referred 10 the Pellbions <and LeIgis1laJ1Jiol> CommlitJtee. iF100m ,1ihe 'OI>tario Mumeipal Bomd wItIh ,approvail for tile pre- paratiol> of Jiia:JJa~ pllians and ,spooilflcallJi<J11" I'oir ,~ ,additi"" to Elgiin Mamr ,and the <lalldng 01 itenders fur same. - Filed. l'F'rom ,the Ooun~ of Essex wilflh resolution requesting the Pro- "lnclail ood Fedoo!!l GovemmoolJs ,toasSIlIIIle a more equd"3Jble aha"" of futwre ,c8JpiJtal oonsbruomoo oosls of hospitadls. - Referoed to the Petitlioosand Legis1lallJi"" ,Comm>ttJtee. F'rom Sl>llWand Begg !Jlmited WIlt!> l.llbter re: lIiwbflllty II> ae, cidllllJl; dnwlvillg Mr. Earl Mason on November 1LlJh, 19"07, on E~gin RoaJd Nil. 52. - R€lfe"",d to the'R\Jlad Comm>lllllee. The 'ColmIJy Treasurer's' Re<p<rl """" prelSallll.ed. Mowd by D€ipnlby Reeve Mc[(1U[op, Seconded by nee"" GlflIcI>rist, fJ.1l>aJt the Treasurer's Repoot be <accepted ,and prinlted in the Procee<llngs. -Carried. The Ootmtty 0Ierr1:k'" Report 011 licenses was, p"'sea:JJted. F1romthe OaJtarro Good Roads AooocWati<m 'aJOOolmCling <a sell. ond. three year. "T. J. M3Jho"Y" SchOOl fur Road SuperlDJtendoolJs. - ~e~1n the ,Road CommilJtee. From Hagarty, iBu;"t, Bmeiwkand Mdlics, hciJ:J!itelcts, request- ing cODJsiderallJron <II .thelr lih1m 'ill' a D!eIW rest home is oomidered fur 'Db" elasOOrn ,jlO11iiion ofDbe County. - lFiiled, 160 ElLG1IN COUlNTY OOUNC!IIL 16~ ELGillN OOUINTY COmmL lVJIoved by Re""" DeGraw, Secol>ded hy Reeve Todd, IlhaJt Il1bJe Olook's RepOl1t on Lioonses ,heaccepte<l and prinlled in 1ihe Pr'09eedillgS. '!1he PropertY' OommillVbee! Report was poosented by Delputy Reeve M0Mp1ne a!nd 'adople<l on mdtion of Deputy Re""" MbMpim.e and Re""" McKtIDlay. The Elgin Manor Commitllee iReport was presented by Rieeve Keilllklr alld ad\lpted on motioo of iReeve Kei1!lJor and DepulJy Reeve Wise. -Carried. '!1he SIIpeml]oomeaJt's, Report on EiglllJ MaI>llr' was, pre'seaJted. l\11lVed by ROOV<J' ilffioCallamn, Secooded by Derpwty Reeve lMc>\Jlpine, That "he Snpe~iaJtelldent'" Report 01> Elgin MaJOOf beaccep1Jed and pl1inted 'm bbe Proceedings. ,MO'V.ed by Reeve GiI<lhrJst, 'Seconded by Deputy ~e MdNllilop, '!1h,at we do I>llW aJd~oum to meet to~mOTl'Ow, WedoosdaY', No- vember 22nd at lOa.l.IIl. -Carried. -Oarried. iRleeve John Mi<:lKinlay pI'eSenlled a plaque' Which was ~en by MN. JesS!ie Mderson in reme~aI>ee of Mr. Atex. Mders<>n who w"s Re'eve <if Y'armoUJbb TOM"ll\slllip 'and Walt'd"" of Elgin County in 1912, ,and his ron, 'Mr. .W~am ~erson, who was Reeve of Y;a~mmjtlh ToM'l1lShdip and \\Ialrden of ~ 'Cou~ ill 1925. Moved by R"""e McKllJilay, &coooed by Reeve Thdd, That 'a letter of acceptance he soot to Mrs. . Jessie AOOersoo for .Dbe. plaqUle whi<lh "he sent tol'lgin Oounity CouncWI in memory of heir IlIte ~3Jthe.,ii>-~MV, MT. Alex. Ande~son, and her late ms" band, Mr. William AndersOI>, wilf were both Reeves of Yarmoutb ToiwI1Iship .and Wlairdeoo <If .blJe Comty of ElgiiI1. The pl~que is to he htmg in tlhe Ellgin Ootm~ .Counci'IChamlbers. II. L. JOImSON, ClJieI!'k A. W. AUOKLAND, Wmden FIFTH SESSION -SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 22nd day of November, 1967 The Elgin Ooul>by Oow0il mettlhrus. day aiI;. the Court Ifuure, St. Trhomas, in: accOl,xlanlCe W1~th adijoummoot. Th~ Walt'den in the ChaIT. -Carried. Ii\ililtihe ImemJboos present. M<1IV<ld by Depwty Reeve McKiNop, Seconded by Hieeve Gllchrist, 'iliat we do oow adjourn .00 meet '!lJgain :at 3 p.m., November 21.'Slt, 1967. ~t Was moved by Deputy IRe""e Wise .iJbat lhe delegation from tbe Vrnctorian Order of Nurses be' oow hea~d. 'Mr. M~ay Heooesseyadw-essed !the OOImC>Il introduced Mds's Mladdalford, M;ss J~\nes, Miss' Bainbridge .am Mr. OampbeJil 1ihe other mamlbers <if the delelg8Jbioo 00<1 poosenJlled a 'bl1ief from Vic- toJJl"" ~dea- of NurS€\!l explaining wh!lt they ,are "tleimIPtIia:JJg 00 do ~d requeslJing .a '~aI>t of $9,000.00 fur WOO. -Carried. O<>uneil re"Coo"ened. A <JOOllIllunlcllillion from Mr. D.F. Tayl\lr, Director, OoonmUllllity Planl>ing B:"""<lh, Dep~elllt of Munlcipa~ AIlIfam. wllitIJ. letlle~ and proPOSIa! 're: consiliiJ~wbion and operoliion of the Coun4y of llgin PI_ ning Boaro W>lS presented aoo ref~ 00 the' Finance Commitllee. Miteir ,coIFsideralbile disloussilon t:he fulllotwing rnstOliution was passed. 162 EI1GiliN COUiNTY OOUNOIIL 163 ElLGIIIN COUNTY OOUNC[jL Moved by Reeve Emerson SeC<J11ded hy Deputy ilJeeve Wise, 'lJIlat 'the requ€!lt of .1ihe VlillOOr~:m .order of Numes fora gTant of $9,000.00 for 1968 be reterredto the 1968 Finance 'C<>mmittee. -Carried. 11bat BY'lJaJW No. 1<.J36, "R-especbiJJJg .bhe Welg1ht of Loads to be Camed on VllbJitcles," be read a I1Mt bime. -Carried. 'Mowd b,y. Reeve ,BaIt'kl>r, Seconded by Reew MctKiinIDay, 'lJIl3Jt BY'lJaJW No. 1986, be ,oo'ad a 'secood time. Moved by Re'e"e Emersou fuat Mr. Olaylboume Goroon, OonaJty Weed II]SpoolJor be now heard.. -Carried. IMr. Gordon presented his i'eVOrIt. 'MOV1~d hy Reeve BaIt'kJea-, Seoondl>d by Thlpu~ Ree"" Wise, Th"t By-I!JaJW No. 1986, he road a 1ihird time all<l fina~ pa.SIld. -Carried. lVfuved . by Deputy Reeve M<lI,illop, SeeJ(Jl1Jded by Reew GiiI\llrist, 'l1bJaJt the Weed Inspelltor's ReplYlt the -Pt:OIceedi11!gs. be acoopledand pr!inted io -Carried. Mowd by Deputy R.ee"e de!RJyk, Seconded by Reew Caverly, 'l1hat BY'-I!JaJW No. 1987, "Beia:JJg a By-ILaJW to Aimend By--LaJW No.Um RootrictJing P"",.!cing," be ~'ad a firSlt time. ., -Calt'Tied. Moved by Deputy Ree"e Nemett, &lC<J11ded byRoove KeJIIior, That B\y.[;aJW No. 1987 be read aJ second time. The Finance Committee Report was presel]ted hy Ree"" Todd an<<adiopied on mollol> of iEOOew Toddaull Reew OaVlerly. The iRoad CommWtlllee Repoot was preseuied 'hy Reeve MeCail- ium and' adopted on motioa:JJ of Ree"e M<!Oallum aud Reeve PIcii- lips. -CaJITied. Moved by Deputy R.ee"e NemelJt, Seconded by Reew Oa""rly, Thlit By--LaJW No. 11)817 lhe read a bbird Mme, md finallY' passed. -OaJITied. The Pe<<soll1lel Commi!Jtee ReI(lor" was preooaJted by Reew Me. KL'liliruyaud 'adopted on moltioo of nee"e l\IIcKiolay and Ree"", Todd. !Reeve Olarke -gave a \'eroa!l ooporlt of a meeting wiJIich he !llteOOed in Thoonoo ,",Db res!>ect to Heailth Ul1IiIfls. He explained lJhe present ilrellld to liarger Helailibb Uuilts, am .ad".ised ComroiI that it has been sUljgestJed fuaJt the E~ginHSt. 'I1homas He,aillJh UllIi.t amailga- mate wlllhthe City 01 LoQKlonal>d the MiddIesI>x OonaJty H"a~1ih Ul)lt. Moved hy Roove Moore, Seeooded by Depu~ Reew E:UtliotJt, ThaJt By-ILaJW No; 1968, "Baiog a ByJLaw 00 AimeOO ByJLaw No. 1900," be mad a fiin'lt time. -Carnied. 'WaJrdell Aookiliam bb""ked JlJeeve Olarke' for INs, report. Mcved bY' Deputy Reeve' E:Utliolt, &eeoode<l by Reeve~, ThaJt. B~-itJaJW No. 1988 be read a second time. lV10ved bY' Depwty 'Reo"" Wise, Seeoncledby Ree"e W;!SOll, -Canied. 164 1'!lJGIIIN OOUlNTY OOUNOl'L :M~l\'ed by Rem',,' Pl1ilrrtlps, Seconded by Reeve Moore, 'J.1bJat By-iIJaw No. 1988 00 ""ad allhi~dtJime ,and finally passed. -OaIt'ried. l\1oved by Reeve Mrs. Mary B!i~, Seconded' by Reeve E:meroon, That By-iIJaw No. li989, "Being ,a ByYl.iaw to Est3Jblish 1ihe. Nor- mal !RetiTemeaJt ,"ge fuT employees of !Dbe' CoUlllty of Ellgin," he reau 'lt1i!t's1; time. -Oarried. M~wdby Reew Elmel'SOO, Secondell by .Reeve Bl~Db, 'J1h"t ByYl.iaw No. 1900 be read" seoon<l ,time. -OaITled. l\1o\'.ed by Ree\'e ~th, SeC<J11deu by Reeve ElmeM<J11, Th8Jt By-Law No. 1989 be read a ,1ihilrd mane .al>d ,!'ina!lly paJSsed -Oairried. lVioved by Reeve Thdd, Secol>de<l by Depu~ Roel\'e MclKi'lI<>p, Thab By-i!Jaw No. 1990 "Being .a B;>"Law to Aippoint Audlitors {OrDbe C\>UIlIty of EIg1in," .be..read a fiTst time. -OaITied. l\1ol\'ed by DetpnlJy Reeve MclKill\lIJ, Seconded by Reeve Thdd, 'J1hlat B;>"Law. No. 1990 be read. a seC<J11d time. .....oaarie<l. l\1owd bY' Re""" Gilchrist, Seconded by Detputy Reeve McllilOOp, 'l1iIaJt ByYl.iaw No.. 1990 be read a 1IhIDd time aoo ,ffin'lITly passed. -Oarrilldi. EllJGiliN OOUINTY COUNOIIL 165 1M0l\'ed by Reel\'e Todd, Seconded by Il€pUJty Reeve Meimlop, That we do now adjourn ,to meet at 2 p.m. NOrVember 22nd, 1967. -Carried. '!'be council ~nl\'ened. The Report of 1ihe EdiucaJlOOn Commilltee WaJS presented bY' ROOl\'e Ba~ketr and adopted on motion of He""" Ba~kJeT .am Detputy R~JCl\'e WIl1OO. 'J1he Hepo<rt or 1ihe Petlbions ,and Le'gismaJbioo O""""i~e was pre- .5eJlted by DepnlJy Theeve I'JIiott ~d ad\lpted on mlltioo of Detpulty Reew Ellio!!t a"d Thewe Oawerly. 'J1he ReporlJ of the CouaJty Gol\'erlllmeJJIt Cllmmilltee wfrrich was la- Ibled aJt .Dbe Sepilember Session md 'a DDber Counl~ Gover_eaJt OommJIiJeeRepoI1t to lIhe November Session weTe preoonloed by Reeve. PlIill1lps imd it was mowd by Reeve ~lpsand secooded by Reeve 1\IIicKi1l!lay tb3Jt lihe' report he OOOlj>led. Moved by Reeve Ba"ker, Seconded by Reeve Moore, That C<>nnic1JI go inlJo a Cllmmlttee of the wfrrolelJo dioouss the ,""ports. -O_ied. Wamen Ancklland app<>inted Roo"" Pltfips ObJa!lmJJan of ii;e CommlJlltee of 1II1e whole. .Mter a lllngnJl1y discussion, nJbe CommiitJtee rose to I'eIport.. 'J1he Committee ~ledDbe folJowling llJmoodmentslJo 1ihe Coun- ty GovernnneaJt Coimmittee Report 110 the September, 1967, Seooi\ln. Cl,.use 4 - <IeIDeted .0011 .1ihe ftj]Jowing sullsbilJaJted 1ihemlbi'e: "That 1ihe two adviso~ memb8irs. remolia:JJ 011. the Ellgin Maoor Corn1lr1IDtJtJee". lU6 ElJGIN, OOUNTY OomOLL 167 ElllGllN COUNTY COUNCiIiL Clause 5 - ~ended .to rea<l as folilows: "1'I1hJa1t in 'fiuture -.the IDIgin County Council. 'meelt ill January, MaJl1ch, May, JUlie, ,Sepllember, November ami December each y,e'&If." Moved by Rem'e MlOOa:llum, " Secollded by. Reeve IW!ll!ips, ThaJt aspecia[ meebing of tbe Ellgin County CoUllClit\ be 00111 011 December 20th, 1967, aJt 10 a.m. 00 deal wlth tire qwestioo elf PI"Iming and o1iher gell€<'"l business. Olause 6 - delwted and the following sullJs,tituted 1ihe~re: "~We recommend tIhIat the, Tho-ad Oommittee g'irve consideration to hOI~ng its meetllnlgs 3Jt a different hour Ilhan 10 a.m." -OaNied. Moved by Re""'" Todd, Seconded by Deputy Rcwe IM<lKi1[op, "I1bat BY-iLaw No. 1001" ''1Bemg ,31 By-lJaw to EiS'b~i.slh 8' S~ Seheda:JJle foraJllli Employees 0If tire County of Effi~l1i oDber th"" Heads of Departments," be read a first time. 'l1he()ommirtJte'81 ',a~Q ,f'eponted the MllioIwlnig amendments to tJhe CouaJty GOV1emmel]t Committee Report to lhe NovemlJe:r, 1967, Sess'ion. Olause 1 - deMed and,the fuJ[~ng swb<ibilttltJed therefOTe: ".'Dhralt the Road COImmi1ltoo r€lma'in the Sium€ a\S' in prror yearS'." -Carried. Moved by Reeve GMchmt, Seconded by Reeve Todd, That By-'Law No. 1991 he reac' a secooo time. That Db" foll\lw!l]g cWau"" 00 added to 1ihe' '. RepOrt: -Carried. Olause 5 - T,bat lffIis report become 'ellifecbive Jlalluary 1st, 1968. Mwed by <Reeve 'Gllli<>bTist, Seconded hy Deputy Ree"e McKiiillIop, 'iliat By-'LaJW -No. 1991 he read ,a tird 'bime ;alld wally passed. ---'Oa-rried. Moved by Reeve' Philliips, Seoonded by Reeve Keillor, That 'Dba ;bwo reports elf the Coonity Government. Colllltl1dttee ,as ,amended bW the Commilfltee (jf Dbe Whole be awrored. Moved by ,Rieeve 1\!I<lOaillltuan, Seconded Iby" Deptlty 'Reeve' McAilipine, ThaJt B,,-'Law No. 1002, '~Being .a By..:LaJW to AJrneod By.[Jaw No.. lJ696, Tihereby AdjMtil]g tile Salary" elf bhe l'~gil1i Comty Ri>ad Supel'- in1tendenJt," he read ,a fd.mt tJLmre. -Crurried. iMwed .by" Reeve Todd, Secooded hy DeptI~ Reeve M<Jroillop, That the 'usu3Jl gnaaJt of $25.00 be paid to Mr. Tihomas, Duquette of 1ihe TimescJOowrn..1 and Mr. Stm'e TraieheV'i<lh of Dbe, London Fre'. Presls fOol' repo~ting lhe Proceedings elf CountY' OoUllClit\ dtmillg ,uhe Y""aIt' 1967. -Ca~ried. iMoVJed by DeputY' Reeve J.I11ciAIpioo, Secollded bW Reeve McCailQum, ThaJt Hy-iUaw No. 1002 be read a second ttme. -GaTTi"". J.\([t1vell by Reeve. D<lGraJW, Seconded by Reeve Ki3JboJt, That Mr.~anvilllle Gilllin be appointed to the Ellgin CoUllly FarmSafeltw 'Cotmlliil for 1968. --'Carried. Mow<! by Depnty Reeve ~ehard, Seool]ded by .Reeve Kailmt, 'l1bat ByoLaJW No. 1002 he read a 'tIlird mme and ~inailQy p"ssed. -Carried. ~Cal'ried. 168 ELrnN ,OOUINTY OOUINOIIL ElLGIN OOUNTY COUNOIL Moved I>y Rem" KiahaJt, Seconded by D€puty Reeve ~charo, Th3Jt By.J.JaJW No. 1003 "I!l<>mg .a ~aJw to ,"mood iBy-iLaw No. 11l67, ihereiJ>y ,adjoobia:JJg the "~a1'Y <if the iEllgdn ICounty Oll>rk-Trea\s- uoor," be 'l'eada ifiinslt ltime:. Mwed by Reeve OIaIt'lre, Seconded I>y Reeve J'IMIIii!ps, That By-liaw N\>. 1005 be mad a seeoo<l1lime. 169 ,ci I I -Oarried. Mm'"d I>y Deputy Reeve Orlohard, ' Se'e<J11de<l by IOOeve Kiaha:JJt, 'J.1l;3Jt By.[;aJW. No. 1003. he read " ,seOOllJd time. iMo"ed bY' !Reeve Moore, Seconded by Deputy IRee"e Elli\Jtit, That By.[;aJW No. 1995 be read ,a tWrd tbme .and 11in1lM\j' pla'Ssed. -OarTied. -Carried. Moved I>y Deputy 'RielWe lMC,"lpine, Seconded by Reeve McIOaIllrnn, That ~aw No. 1993 be Telad la 1ihilOO 'bim" 'aoo ~!]ail!y p""sed. -Carried. 1\1"""d by <Deputy Re<we deiRJyk, Seconded hy !Reeve llIfficllinJIay, That 'By-iLaJW No. 1996, "Being '" By.[JaJW IIJoM1"st l1ihe Sa1lllt"Y of the ASSllSSIm""t C<>mm'issioo8it' of .the ICo\Rll~ o[ Elgin," be ~ood a fIDst .lhne. -Carried. Movedhy <DepaJty !Reeve IMIUskJe~, Secom:llJd by lRie<we Bl:ylllh, 'l1hat ~~LaJW No. 1994 "iBeillJg ,aBy.[JaJW 100 Adjrus1t .!be Sailary of the ,"SlSlisrtJaaJt ~oad ISllpea-1ntoodeaJt fur !be Coll1lty of, Ellgm," be' read 'a ~ir"t time. 1\1oved by Reeve, ~ay, "" SeCOOded by :DepntY' Rieeve' deRyik, ThaJt By-Law No. 1996 be relada second ;time. -OBil'ried. -OBil'ried. lIfuve<l I>y !Reeve BI:yIIfu, Seeooded by Dep,,~ lRee"e iM!is!re~y, Thiat B\j'.[;aJw No. '1994 be rem ,ll '""'000 "ime. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wise.> Seconded by Reeve Ca""rly, TOOt By-LaJW No. 1996 be read a !bird time and ~inaHy pa9sed. -OaIt'ried. -Carried. -Oarried. Mo"ed .by D€pulty !Reeve ilVldsI<ell\j', SeC<J11lled by Reeve Bcy<llh, lfhaJt ByYLaJW No. 1994 be relad a tlbdrd time ,and fin~ passed. -Oarried. Moved by Reeve IM~ay, Seconded by Reeve Phillips, That By.[,aJW No. 1997, "I!l<>mg ,a By-iLaJW ro Amend By-LaJW No. 194:8 Thl>reby Mjusting ,1ihe Sa1lllt"Y of lihe Depulty AssessmeaJt ComnciasiKme1' Ibr the OoWDY' of lillgm," be moo " fi1st tiime. -Carried. Move<l bY' lDepnjJy Reeve EI!lJiott, Seconded iby Reeve' MOOIr,e, That iIlr<UaJW No. 1995 "iBell>ga ~aw ro Airoond By-Law No. 1008," ibe read 13 (fJirst ltJiIme. 1M"""", by [)<lj>njJy !Roo"e ElJilillllt, Seronded by iRoove 1\IIicKinl~y, ThaJt lBy-LaJW No. 1997 he read a secol>d mme. -Oarried. ji i! ri I,! -O_ied. 1170 I'LGIUN . OOUINTY COUiNCIl!L 1~1 ELGIIN COUNTY OOUNCIl!L ill1<>1Ved by Depu~ Reeve' Wise, Mconded by Re""" !Moore, That By.lJ8JW .No. W97 .be .road " thiro !Jime ,and finally passed. -Qarded. Mrove<lbY' ~".J{eiil!lllir, Seconded by DepUty Reeve Neme4Jt, That Bw"L8JW No. 2000, "A By.u8JW be 'Conll~m Pooc.se<lings of the lCoI'pomjt!ion of the iOow1lby of Elgin '8Jtbhe Novelriher Ses- sIOn, 1967,""lbe' read 181 [dnsItJ rmme. Moved by Deputy .Reeve' deRyk, Seconded by Reewe Oa""o:Ily, That BY'4!JaM' No. 1008; "Being a By4!J8JW ro Adjust !be Sa~aIt'y ofr~an .J. i>attenson, Superintendoot of Elgin Manor and to Aimei1d By-iLaJW Nio. 1729," 1he ooad a ffirst time'. -Qarded. Maved by RJeeve OlllVllit'lly, Seoomled bY' iRee..e I<etl1lOT, That By-iL8JW No. 2000 be read .a second ~. -oa..ried. -Qamed. Mowd by Deputy Roow deiRyk, Se""nded by Depu~ Roow Nemett, I '!'halt iBY'lJ8JW No. 2000 be read " ,IJ!MI time .and finaJilYPll~d. -Qarried. Moved by Deputy Reew Nemett, Sec"nded by Reeve Kedl!lllir, 'l.1hat [By.u8JW No. 1008 bb read a ""oond .bime. -oamed. MlIVed by R.eew Thdd, Seeonde<l by iReew De~8JW, ThaJt we d\l oow ,adjourn 100 meet again 00 Decemher 201ih, 1967, at 10 'a.m. Moved by Depwty Ree"le deiRyk, ISeool:lded by iRee"" Oaweo:lly, 'I.1llaJt iBy.u8JW No. lOO8 be Tead " third .lJime and fin.y Pallsed. -Q_ied. -Qarried. A. W. AUCKLAND, Wirrden MlIVed by iDelpwbY' !Roow Nemett, Seconded by neewe KeiNor, That. :By4!Jam No. lllOO, "~ing a By.i!Jaw to Aiwli!)orize Cur- renlt BoI'r<liwinlgls in Ei<!eess of 70% of tI1ie Unoolflected Balance of ,the iElsbimalle<l Currelllt Revenues of the C<>I'po~at!ion for bhe year, :JS67," !bel read .a tfdm fl:liJme. H. L. JOHNSON, CIDerk COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT November Session, 1967 To ll1e W!aitxlooand Members of the I'~gfurn Catmby' CIluIroil, I beg to s1Jlimlit IDbe fulloM'mg staJbement of receipts ~ coc. pendllJures 'Ifr(}lm J"nu~ 1aJt, 1967, li<> OclJoher 'ollaJt, 1967. Reeeipts BalamJCe m' bank, 100<1 01> l1JaI>d, Joowary tat, 1967 ...... $ 22,680.63 Notes. payabile ............................. ..$1,WO,ooO.oo OOlIDty moos................................. 263,273.92 OOunty nabes Ical["cted unde~ Sec1OOI> 53 ...... 2,326.94 LicenseS ,and permits ........................ 15M5 11100_t ...................................... 134.00 A~alJion of JusfOOe .................... 55,168.02 -Oarried. lV".<IO'V,ed by !Roove !Kejl[OT, Seconded..by Reeve"Oacve11ly, 'I.1haJt ByJ1JaJW No. 1999 the Tead 'a second time. . ----aamed. l\IIoved by Ree"" Ke~l\)T, SeCOa:JJded by Deputy Reeve' NemSbt, 'I.1haJt By.i!Jaw No. 1999 he ~ead ,a .IJ!MI 1Iirne ~ f'1]aRY' plllSsed. ----<:Jwried. 172 ElLGillN OQUNTY COUNOIL <coRl>ly Toads ................................ Ohar",Y' 'and WellllaJOO .... ................... Ollildren's Aid SO\li<lbies .... . . . . . . . . . ~rillculliluice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Re@!s,ry of~ire .......... mrlilSlCeillL1aJneous rervetl!11Je .................... (IotIDo/ .Asse&SmelJit DepactJrn""t <Care olf Builwl]ge: -'Cel]tenmal ,g1r,ant -ITl:Itercom s~tem, Health Urnt -Elllill ManIOr .............. .......... Expenditures M:emlhern' Wages ........................... $ 01JflilcooS" iSailiaries ...... .................... .IWlnIbiI>g, posb8Jge <lIld etatiotre!ry' .... ....... CaJOOof ImiIldlings Granlts, '3!s'soC!ilatbioms, sOO'O~I8.ifSJh~s, etc. .... M.iscellllJane0Ui5 ..................... Adminietr~oo of JuetJice . .... .. .. ... .. .. . CoUnty rOaJds ..................... Ch~ 'and W<lllllaJOO ..................... Clbdllidren's Aid S<>cilelliles' .................. Tran~erred to I'JgTIn Mawr Il]terest ...... ........ AJbaltemeaJt olf laxes; (Soot. 207, ,..sees. Aiet) Agmuillture ...... ............... Ri~gi\SltJry' off.ee .. .. .. .. .. C\llRlity Assessmoot D"IlactJrnoot ............. E:igi11J-St. ThomaJs Helaillih, Ulllit .............. Notes p'ayiable ....... ..................... Oounty Library .............................. PlaJtnJllnlg .............................. Tm"sfurred ~o bospllJail ,,,"count ............ Elgin 'Manor ......... .................. 17,820.41 15,428.66 1,648.14 21,166,.16 3,318.25 7;132.93 110,408.23 1,558,234.77 11,646.20 16,618.39 42,000.00 8,346.89 1,599.fl4 6,4lJ..37 4,852.76 85,82Il.12 63,504 00 270,000.00 22,000.00 13,859.62 115.08 196,734.55 $ 2,479,184.97 Bal",,"e in ba"k, OclJober 311St, 1967 ........ 172,076:79 ElJGIN COUNTY OOUNOEL 173 880,958.55 10,319.77 648.19 2,]19.[0 17,177.02 8,840.92 15,402.02 CLERK'S REPORT ON UCENSI'S November Session, 1967 To tlre Waroen a"d Members of the EllginCount)' Oouneil, 'I harve to .~ itlhe.lf'9lrlow.ing..!lic€rlises ,in t10rtee on ,tlM hsIt;- day of November, 1967: 7,880.00 247.75 204,416.82 $ 2,628,581.i3 $ 2,551,261.76 Auctioneers< La~ Gardboer, Croma~ Le,slile SilIaokeiloon, R.!R.. 1, Springlleld Harold G. Ol"rke, 24 Ailtna ill., St. Thorn"" WiJiliiaim Johnson" Rodney W. D. Sb.\lre, R.R. 6, St. Thomoo Jlack DykJoho<>rl>, 'R.R. 4, Ayllner K. J..,Mek'\ilpfue, R.llt 5, Dutt<J11 IfubeTt Oalt'OOy, Box 71, SWal1l'oirdWllile Leo iE. l3iTd, 885 V'ailellta St.,. Lolld~n Cliay:1xm Webster, Fingail iDOl> Wa~terw""Db, Ayillmer Salvage Dealers Roos !Loiooy, 991 'I1ail1bot St., St. ThomOliS Jack ISibre;b, RodOOy Jwll>s V:andenimsISCl1e, Box 182, St~ai'furdrWuae Cli.itt1ton Brinn, R,lR. 3, Tiililsonlbtwg',' $2,651,261.76 Salvage Yard Jack SIJrelb, RoidI1ey All (jf which isrespelltlluIN\y su\llmJltJtJed. All (jf Which is respectlfwlly subimdlJted. III. L. .roHil'iIISiON, ICounty" Cievk and 'I1reaSUl'er. H. L. JOH!NiSION, C<>~ Cievkand 'I1ooasu~. r f!', I:, I' I '1, !. Iii , III !.o' 1 . I I"~ 1','4 ElLGIN OOUNTY .OOUNIOIL SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT November Session, 1967 Tolhe Waroenand Members (jf the. ElgdnCounty OolmCiI, Thefoliowilillgis my report 01> I'lgiillMial1or fur the yeait' oodliDlg October 3Mt, ]967: 1. NlImher of reslide,,"s at ilioot i'elpoI1t 2. Numlber ladmi!tted dwing year .... 82 19 19 2 80 3. NmnI>eT dis<fual1ge<l 4 Numller .0[ de'3J1ihs ..... 5. Number of residen"" now in the HOllie 6. Totail. da:}"s reslidenre ................ 7'~"gI> oomber ,Of reStideniJS during .1ihe ............. 29851 year ............ 82 8. Reeeipts p.rwinIce of O.waril> subsidy .........................$ 79,578.30 Old laged perusdous land remdoof;'s 'ffilaintena11lCe ...... 98,492.20 ISundries .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . 829.93 Govemme"t of Oal>ada s'aIes tax refRl>d .............. 990.53 $179,890.96 D. Expenditure.s F<>od ,and pl1<>V1is,oos . . . . ...,............... ....... $ 33,789.87 Me<llcalli, de.wal and drugs ........... ........ 7,332.93 Ofulbhingand weilIIiare .............. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 4,300.00 'Houooh\lld 'supplies . . . . . . .. .. .. " .. .. .. . . . . .. . 7,176.32 ,Furnislhings .. .. . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . .. . .. . .. 2,106.27 Repa!lrs 00 bwildllJJgs' an<l grounds .................. 19,615.32 IF'uel, "~,,o, fuIephooe 8100 WaJler .................... n,595.62 TD8IVe[ eXiPellses ,and oifI'ice e:&lpenses ................ 620.98 ISalarues laoo wages' ................................... 117,065.84 mSW1ance, fire collllpir<lhensiol] land boiler ............ 2,730.02 iPenStioo fund, 'C<J11venMon expenses land sundries ...... 6,9ill.54 $213,767.39 ElliGII!N OOUNrrY COUNOIL 175 Deductions 10. ICoil!: of ope~8JbllJJg .................................... $213,767.39 11. A'Vwagl> l'J<Jj)enoos per day of each person .......... 7.16 12. c<ltveMge expoo\Se\S' pea- week of eaJoh perron ......... 50.12 13. c<ltvemgl> e"pemes per year ofeaICh perno!> .......... 2,613.40 14. ,"otwal cost to 'eumty .after declucbioos of ,allil Tllce!pis 33,876.43 15. ,"omal cosl Ibo. 'llOI:IaJtY' ;aI1lter deductions. of . reooi[>ts per day . .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 1.14 16. Capital Expenditures Co.st of capltail ,eXiP""ditnoos ......................... $ 13,45~.36 Prwil>ee of OaJtario subsidy ......................... 6,726.17 AetuaIU oost ro county ................................ $ 6,726.19 17. There were 91 resiKlJelWs in the Home during 1987 _ 47 mail.es, 44 f1eanale.s. Of IlIhe 80 residl>nbs in 'the Home ow the 11S1t day of Nwember 196Z, - 42 'are maJles 'aOO 33 Ielmales. All of which is, respeC!1fuliysu!lmli~d. WAN BA1J1'J1ERSON, SuperJntendeaJt, Eli!lin Oounty Home for 1ihe Aged. PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1967 To the Ward"" and Memlber,q of the Elgin Comly Oollllredl, The iProperty CommililJee 00Ip<>I'rbs as. fOIl<>ws': 1. Oarpeting has !leen il:lslJaffilecl in the Juclge"s Obamher aJt the rear of 'lIhe OoUll1t 100= at ,a ,cost of $344.40. 2. Fina! se!biJIemellt has been made wilflb 'Gillibard Plu'llllbiing and Heabia:JJg furin\Sltal!dng Ilew boilliers in the Coum House. The jOb was coonplete<l fur the contract plllee of $14,169.26, nme CiOnillmgel>CY' ~OI1d Il"t ~!Wing beel> required. 176 IDLrnN COUINTY OOUNOIIL 3. The ,tea:JJder of ,"eme iFaIt'llIlOOS Dairy Limlle<l hoo beenareep- ted to ,supply milk 1Jo ,the Oorntty J.m ail the fuJiliowingptrices: Gail. :J..qt. Jugs 'h-Gail. QuarlJs Homo . . . . . ..... $1.03 .?~e .520 .25e Ski'lII . . . . . ..8tle .56'!2e .21e 4. The lten<ler of Oanooa Bre'ad {)oonp~ ILi!lI1liOOd has he"" ae- cl>Pted I<> &uPWY bNad to 1ihe Oomty JiaU 'at a .pri<le of 14.5e pea- lkl,af. All of WbJiclb is ~espelclfully submitted. K. J. Mek'\[JJ'[!\llE, Ol>aIi~. ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT November Session. 1967 '1'0 ,tIbie Waroenalld Mim1IbeTS of lihe Elgin Coonity Conneil, '!1he IDlgin lMarnor IClmJImilitItee Tepo~ts as f<lNOW>I: 1. 'l1lIat lihe ooooer for ,1Ih" Wl'ste Sl8J)>iIiWllbion Pood swbmi~ by Elgin Oolls!iruelbi<J!1' Lbd. . in "he am<YUl1t of $24,315.94 be accepied, subje"t I<> Dbe sigudng ,oflDbe 10011 pmlchase llgreemeaJt lood O.W.R.C. "4lPI'Oll"aIl, in .ll<!eor<larnce with pJOOS andspe"~e'aJbions of G. Dnn- can Bil18JCk Ubd. G. Dun"arn Bwaek ailtooded ,1ihe N\)"embeT meetia:JJgmd reported on the progress being madl> in the W<lISte StJalbiWallon: Pond. He ,,'pooited. ,th3Jt IlIhe 'Sllme soouid be in ope~llti"" in8Joout fureie weeks Viiilie:. lie also reported .tbat pilians, fur the n_ alldition, al'e .going ahead favoumbly. 2. Th~t we .3Jecep; Oalllada Bread's wnder to supply IbTead to the Mallor..3Jt ,a cost ,(jf'14.5Icper W2-lb. .1Kl8Jlf. S. '!1haJt wea"eept Acme Fffi'mea-s Da,ry Ud..s' tender to suptply mi:ik to tIbie MallOT at ,a cost of: Homo ...,.. $1.00 . per gal., 7lC per 3 qt. jug, .520 pea- 'hg8JL. .25c per qt .. ;'~=""'~'"""",,,,,,~~,:,:::;,;,,;.,~.,.,~,_,, : ""'-"~"''''",ll~ I'LGIliN OOUNTY OOUiNOIIL 177 iSkilm - .82e per 'IlM., .56'!2" per 3..qt. jwg, .2~e per qt. 4. ThaJt pmgre,"s certificate No.1 <Ia1iJed NlIVOOliJ>ea- 9th, ~967, from Elgin Ooos:trucbi<JI> Ud. furU,256A8 and bIid[ 00: engineering of W...te Sbalhiwl~8Jbi()nPood .md l!1o~ee main SlIbmitted hy G. Dmcan Black Ud. fOT $1,000.00 be ''''PPrwe<l arnd OTdere<l pa!ld. 5. That Miss K. Mor'ia~be'y he awoinlled .soorelary to the E4lin M&nor Ooromlltee. Ail of which is respelcllfiul[y sulJrnlitlxld. LOONIE WElllI1LOR, ObJ8Ji!rman. WEED INSPECTOR'S REPORT Nove,mber Session, 1967 To .Vhe Warden and MeroiJ>ern of the Eligin County CorniiciJ, The fullowing is my repo"t on weoo coobrol in fue' COOaJty of EigJin for 1967. '!1IWs ,being OenlJea:JJI];W year 'I .aJm sure it wdillI be ~embere<l fur many years by 1Ille excessive ~a:inJIlailili th;""past s~ _ md tnrongihout lihe reSlt of lhe >"elalt'. In iIle monlth of June ,1iheTe was more <1am ,in SIOme par"s of I'rn&,in'llb"" we' sometlmllS ~t in a full twelve mootlhs, moot ooops WIlre piliaaJted laJIle. .There is " sprey !>OW ~or nea<'iy e'Vlery crop grown, but if falt'ffietM dQ JJ.OI: get the rigiht \V€la1ili.18ir ,and fi,e1ds are. wet, whtilc!h wasl the Grose thi\Si Yeafr., furmms canoot carry out their weed control. Thea-e WeTe dean !lieJds and some dlirlty crops throwgilowt the COtmtY'; ""d8Jbout slixty pea- cent fairly cleM and ~orlty per cent "it!> 'Jobs of _elis. lJI: Is 1I>aJr<i to gT<>W " good coop on 'Iand lIhat is not wml drmned. There ilSa 1011: of pasture lmd in West EigJil:l - some get very little attention, am also there are IDanyacres of .rowgil l1IiIIy laoo from one """ olf the coUllty .1<> 1ihll o1iher. 17E ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIIL 179 ELGIN OOUNTY OortlNOIL o<mslde11ing the. welalbher an<l "he sI1m~age of help 01> the focm, the >oomers of Ellgin did as good ,,. job 01> weed cootrol, as fur. me~s m 1ihe' neighllori!lg cGwtJies.. 1 had many e01lll'ladl1ltsm s\1lb~vision 1m., and smaN aCTe'ages m moslt elasesI had lhe weeds cut ,aoo cdllected the cost in ~llIXes. Provincial highways have sh\lWlt some Impr~ent in the past three yearn. The mowers were' oUlt aIbtoult two weekis em"'lier tJhis year. NGt much spmymg Wlas <lone 01> the Provincial! highways fu E:lgin ellJcellt I1ighway 401 Wlhtillh is lrept welQ mowed and there is somespmyillg. I did harv<e some c"mplallints a'oout1ihe highway!! but .they ,camot ,'aJM. be mowed the same day. OOU11JtY' a10lads were weN mGwed, oome were mi>WOO 'and spI'ayed a HOOle l"te ~he ~rst 1Iime, due to sh\l~tage of hel[> aoo W<lt weather alld New CoUllty mads ,a htmdred feet wide sI10Wd have, lwI> rounds wi1ihDbe spmyer. Ii is 'the diil<Jhe's ~haJt need s:rmay:illg lihe most, where it is ham to' moM' and sometimes impossUIJIl>. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT 1'lovernber Session, 1967 To 'tlhe Warden ,and iMembers Of ~he I'lgia:t Ooutlty CoooelI, The Fli11lance OOlmmiilJ'tee' repoz:1ls aLS' ~olJ[k)IW1S: 1. 'I1hiaJt ObJaIt'lty land WeIlfaxe Bay lJislt 'NIo. 9 for $1,408.65, am P,ay lJislt No. 10 fo.r $1,433.40, be lapprov<ld. 2. TlJaJt iClbillid",n's .Md SocietIes, Pay IJisrt No. 9 fur $1,531.10, and Play Lislt No. 10 fur 1$1,87Q.67, beaipproved. 3. 'J1b.,t '1Ih," leIJter from .'lIhe St. 'J1bomasciElginEmengencY' Me... sure's Orgla>J!i.ati\lns Te: pubIlic reelognlt~ioll Of lihe KiM.a. Rescue Sem;on be ,tooled for future loo]]side~8Jbi<J11,' ,and ,!bat Ithe Warden cOl>badt the Oilfly of St. Thomas regardillg a co"'Peniltiw effort in rthilS m1aibter. 4. 'I1h1at t1h~ Ohii~d[1enllS A11d :SblClie1ty Fiina!l1lCilaJl R:erporlbs alS' ,at Au~ gust 3Mt, 19~7, land Oc"dOOr 3Mt, 1967, Ibe ~lied. 5. That '1ihe leltAJea- from IlIbe Depar,tment .,f Munlitiillal MJ!airn re SupPlementary bene>ils UIlder 'the lOr>ba<'io iMU11JicipaI I'ltup!i>y-ee. RetirelmenJI: Sy\SItem, Ibe ~3Jbled. e. 'I1Ir"t ,a Bj^[J3Jw be ,passed ""'lueslling 'apJ>lm>IaiI of the, Oulliario Mll1lIicillpa[ Boaro ~or lihe Head ,and 'J1masurer to borrow hy way or promilS\Sor.y nme a stJm m eJ<!eess' of 70% of "he'tmcol!leelted bal- ance of ltI1e esbiltn8Jte1l r<Mmues 'Of lih" i(Jm1pG~8Jbioo fOT "he :l"'ar, le~7. 7. That we order ,a >wfuer ,1,000 Coonty of iEll!lin pel>s. 8. '.DbJart itJhe 'I1rela'Surer be laUlbhl{)ri~~H:lJ rho la!dvanlCle~ prlior tlo DelCem~ ber 3Lsrt, 1967, a oo~a!1 of $18,000.00 to the ,Ellglin Comiy aannlillg Board fur 1967. 9. Th3Jt ,1ihe letter >rom iMr. D. F. TayiGr drnted Q<ltJoller 13th, 1967, wIlli proposaOs fur Iconst~tWtiOIT1'and metlhod .of ope~altion of the 'E~g-in OounrbYl P'IlannlinJg Board !be lanlSIWered ias: fu!JJLbrws': "'DRAT sincl!?! €J8Jch h~C'M ImullliJciPa[jiJ~ hlaJSI recehned a sliimfioc ~e,ter 1ihi8Jt this Council lfecls I~at the iMiniSlter ,sllornd walua'te the replli"sand 'm8Jke Ib,s decision on the Movm~tion 'submiUtllJed." An Of whleh ]s relsp,eldtllullly s.ublmitled. DOOOLAIS R. TOW, CIllaj['man. Thwl:Islblip roads ill~ ooe end of lihe ~'(JUni~ to "he oltlher showed i1lll'roveme,nit 'tlhis :I""ar but some eornd do .a lttt:le better. Mi~ weed is 00", Of. the we'eds, ,tlha't ls CTeeping in hadlY' on township roads and fence' rows on ~arms and Is hruro to rontIJrol ew" with ~;pray. We have fuur mWways II> Ellgin COUllty, Oal>adiaJllJ National, Can- adian Pa<iitlJic ,and lJwo ~erro~ miillways, the New Y~k Oentral and the Ohe.'apeake and Ohio. 'I1Ire Oanalli"" Nationm did very \lelll, as ,liIley did a lot Of nrowdng, hut WIIb tbe vain the weeds grew we!lffi. The Oa"adti"" P~cifiic dbd Il<lt do qmoo as well'l. on weed conwo! ""d j"on m;gQ>t s'ay tlhe lJWo ~eTica" mllwa~ did notbmg I received no reports or d",mage, rrolm roadside Slpmyi"g in 1007. r wallt tollbam coll1lliy and toIwn~ (jjlficiaills andailI who oO-<lpC~ated in hel!J>ing COI>l:rol weeds m E~.in Cotmt;>' dU11iIDJg 1967. All Of which is' roopelotlB~y su]jmlilfJ1Jed. OlJA Y!BOUlRNE GmIDON, OOtmty Weed Inspector. 180 ElLGIlN COUNTY COUNCIlL ELGiIiN OOUNTY COUINOJ!L ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT (d) Rd. 00 ([)welopmeaJt Road No. 340) iir= HIwy. 73 to Rd. 40 II] .the 'l1I\;ps. af S\lnlJb D<>t1Chesber, Mal"mde and Dbe Vi'llage of Sprul>glfae!ld. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO November Session, 1967 5. W!iJdl>nmg, Gnadintg, 011anwa<r Base ,and F}ooeml>l1Jt of Cu!"",t ih!a1S ,boon 'dolne on .the fo1l1oW1i.'DlgRoaJds. To IlIbe Warden and Memlbe,fiS of Ithe Elgin OOUl~ly Oaull'eil, (a) ~d.52 (I)eov. lIOOad iNo. 340) l1r0iln Rd. 30 elasterly to Rd. 40 in .the Twps. ,(jf Yllll'mouth, Mal3Jbide and South Dor- 'chesIDer arrud the V;J<iage orf ~1nJgleiellicl (ll[lpro". 12 mtlles,) mdluded in IDbe work .Wlas a ()()I]stider"bllie ,m>llunt of storm 'S€IWer, curlb ood gutter work, etc., II> .lhe V~laige of ~il]g. ~ield. GrlanWaT Balle WllI'k is etiilil unde~ay and is expec!l- ed ,la be' ,cIomple1Jed ea<rly in December. Y10U1R '~<MID iOOIM:M= belgs ro repa~t ,as dof..w01W\S: 1. u\ OanlJr8Jdt [lor CI(Jl>stru<ibioo of iPom 1Bu:rlwell Bri<l;Je has be,n '!eit ro 001> IBru<lgl> iUlmLted od TomJjro 8Jt$732,821.50. TOItail COSlts of !lIbe prolje<Jt (other lIh1a~ 100<1 pmchas,,) are estimaJted IJo be lapproodm3Jbello/ ~860,000 ..WIitth "be OouaJty'ls share !IID 'be ll[l- proXimaIWly 16%. TIle W1{)ffi is I]QIW ooderWl"Y .and 1s scbeduled for 'oomvl~lron :in September of 1968. (h) Raad 35 dmm lIIwy. 3 I(O~eMJ) lio Rd. 45 (Jalifa) in the 'l1wtp. orf MailiailJddeand Yll1tmlootlh. ,Conslndion of boo Sprmg- Wia1ier iDam b(y the 03JtJJ!ish Creek IComel'V1aIDion Authority oollltJinues. 2. u\ iCoolr1allt haslbeen iet .to D\lOO Ooll!SliJr"cbioo lJimlirtJoo of S""j;. iootl, Ol]tario, at $45,555.40 [lor constrU<ltioo of lI1e' Belmoot IBI1illge ~er KeIltle Cl'€lek 01> RIlad 37 m ItIre 'I1a"",-sIlIlps of SOODb ood Norlllh ~T\lh!l\Slter. '!'be WIOrk is IilltllIDWalf land willi be SOOBlbamtlia'lily complelle<l ,1ihis year. '!'be 100Ull1ty orfMidklile- sex will ,contr",JUte . '"' .\}if the cost oif 'tire project. (IC) Rd. Ll dOO1l1l, iHIwy. 4 lio Rd. 26 '(Bos1Jwi!ck Rd.)approx. 1.2 nmffi in "he Twp. orf Sotilihwrold. This work caJjtmues as we"," liher pe11mits ,and an<:lludes ,a lll'ade crossing of the CooadJian Natio"ld IlJailroads Bpur Ime dntln ,1ihe F10rd pl~t. (d} Rd. 42 laID SlJaller Gully 'in lihe 'l1wtp. of llVJjailialJide. Gvading, GOOnular Baseal>d Guide Rlaiili Wlork ha". been oomple'ted. 3. A CootraJcl ,,"" heen let !to W"lmsll>y IBrolDbem Lim[too of L0n>- don [lor H<>l Mix Aisl[lhiallil iBaIV.me"t on .001Rlity R~'ad 00, ([)", "eklpimoot !lioad Na. 840) 'aJt~91,482. A pO[jbIDn of .lhe w,,~k is completed ,and !Dbe _t wtiIIl I>e C100nIpleted in the early summer <!f'19Il8. ' (,e) Rem~ orf stumps 'al:ld Relallallion of U1IiJ1itiles, ele., haw ,heoo C<llmrpi<Jled on iRd. 26 (BostW1i:ck lid.) and Rd. 29 (l'(lgI>- wa're Rd.) m Sowllbwlild ,and Y;a~mowllh 'I'WIps. 100 ~a"i1lta1ie l1ihe instailatllial> of the O.rw.R.G. pipeline ro the Ford ~ant. 4. lEIot Mi>: :Aa"emeJjts lJaIV," hero laitl on the fuliOlWling roads,: 6. 'IJhe fuliOWlng :bI1idgesan<l CUlIveJ!lJs baIVe ibOOlJJ Icompleted (lr aIt'C untler 'cl<>nstruotioo: (Ia) 'Rload 27 from IIiwy. 4 00 Rid. 36 (UnioJj to SpaIDba) and on Rload 36 in Spa.ta. Al!! il>Y1a11mau1ih '!1OIwnsl1>Ip. (a) Port B1WWIe1ll Brillgl> ""Rid. <Ill an jJhe Vill"gI> of p()Tt BII1'W'eH. (Ib) !Rd. 8 iu..h VillaJg,e of Du1Jlx>n (pa~!ia!l) and no[1tJh 00 Hwy. ~01 m 'lIbe TWlp. of Dmwillh. (oc) Rd. 2 WI€\\lterlY' from ,Rid. 8 fOT approx1im"tel~ 1.5 millIes in Ithe 'J1wIp. of DumWclj. (b )Be~oJjt Bmitlige ,on iRd. 37i:n .the 'l1wps. of N\ln1ih and S<>uth -DorcIb.e1SI:er. (c) MklNeUi Bmdge (In ~orttner Oomty !Road 50 in SatJth DoreOOs" toT Twp. . , 181 Ii Ii ',j!' I"," ,;1 I --- ---.;;; ......w.;n""_.~".__,__~~____. 182 I'LG!IN COUNTY COON\CIlJL ElJGIiN OOUNTY OOUNOIL 183 (d) The 08JVfish 'Creek hl'lillgl> 00 Rid. 52 <1""" Hiwy. 74 in YaT- mouth 'l1wp. (e) Unuerhilllli D~aJin OuIve1'b (SItrUKltuml SI1;e'el 'pdpe ow"e"t) on Rd. 52 'West of Rd. 25 'in SoaJthWtoJd 'J1wip. (if) Slmpron D~a!Inl Ouliverl; (Jl1 Rd. 52 (De". lRx>ad No. 840) in ViIllagl> of SpJiingllield. 3 \1EAiR RlOAtD PRlOGlRAiMJMiE OOUNTY BY.JJAW 1968 BRlIDGES: o,lllI(llebe Belnrorlt .&idge !load No. 37 Oomplete Port B~ .Bridge Ro8Jd No. ,42 Ou~b - Sll"er Croek HIlill Road No. 42 OJ1Weij Bridge, \1aJrmou1lb-MailI3Jbdde' Towulliine. 7. 'The >lloor of 1Ibe Pa~be11son Br\<Ige ou St. TholllJas Suburlbal> RoiaId 30 has boon replaced. 8. Gv"",el Resmil!weing bas boon coanpleood on !ld. 43 /'rom Rd. 38 to RId. 42ia:JJ ii;e TM'!JS. of iBay;,aJl!1and Mailaibiide. 9. iFiliashing UglIIt Sig1>ails h<Ml' been illsVaiIled on lihe CarladIi.al> Pa- laific Raillu:"ad OrosiSIiJJJg on !:road 52 ('D"". 'R<>ad No. 840) in Yarnnoul!b. 'J1wp. 10. Appl1<>l<lim3JbeJY' 28 mill". ofCoUl1~ 'aOlJd St. Thomas Subtl[1biaJn Roads in vaJiious Jocamioos were iSIU~aJce' treated Wi1lb BiJtu- .minous Materlall;' 'and G!raIvel 0Mps. PANITINIG: 11. AIlli pave<l CIlUrlly and St. Thomas ,Subu!1lJaOlJ Roads ha"e beeu e<m1JOO line mrurked. !laad No. 35 - Jlalfll'a 100 ~effil. !)rouble Sm1l'ace 'J.1.NlatbmeaJt. Road NO. 1<1 ~ Sonlih oif F\n1d P]a,Jlt. DooIbJe Sm'lace 'J.1.Nl8Jtmoot, (()r 2" H<Jt iMix P"""",enIt). a;roaJd No. 42 - At StailOO~ Guilil~. GlRiA[)IlING RiillVIIArnNIDNG .F1ROIM 1967 (a) Road No. 38 - ;Sp<Jt ]mpr""emeaJt 'I.. nriakl, gast Of I1igi\]waY' 3 ~ BaylhaJm - Mail3Jbdde. (b) Road No. 42 - Hi~way No. 73.00 Road No,. 40, 2.6 mdilies, lM!ar!aI1iide'. 12. Tender.s h""e heen dwlled fur the followmg new mwclbUnerrw: Oa) '1..001> Tmek (b) 1 00ll Truck (Ie) TarldemtrOlJck ,and ,asphalt dIi.SbrlbulJor body, ffilIIlGIIIN~ Y PlRJOGiRAIM!MtED F10R 1968 lR<Jad NO. 3 - Rodney to Road NO.9. 3.0 mtles, Mdborowgh. RIlad No. 15 - In!1Jo Pealt'Ce BaIt'k. 0.5 miI"s" Dill>- WlK:h. DIEWlliOP[l[[E{NI!' ROmS: WI' REJOOMMENlD: 1. That ,a By4IJaJW be [lalsised pr<fuibi~g piaI'king oo1ihe west side Of ICouaJty RJoad 20 for 100 foot from the nKIDth sddl> oif HIwY'. 3. (iPollire Vill:aJge oif Sbecldl>n). 2. ThaJt ,a iBy-ILaJW be JlaJS~ed ,eooemplling aIlI 00_ RJoad" !\rom HwJIf Load ReStl'lictiooom Mar<fuand AvrIDl. PIANIING: R<>ad No. 52 (lDe"e1kJipmeaJt RJo'ad NO. 340). 3. That the fullowing Ooun~ 3 Year !Road Pro!Jliamme he mlopte<l: GdMJDIiNG: :Rklad N\>. 20 (DewJOIpmeaJt Road No. 931) Fin- gail fu 'I'u1'VdIIe~ 'Oornea-s, iooJudiilJlg F'm~ Ur- Jjan Secltli(>n.~Dld 'J1wip. II i: !.i; 184 E!JGlN OOUNTY OOUNOJJL EI1GIIlNOOUNIfY OOUNOIIL 185 Roads .iNo. 47 'allll 49 S, Doooheslea- Twp. De- ve[<>l>meaJt Raad No. 972,inJcluding Springfield ,and A""I> Urban SootJinns. ROaJd No. 48 from Hwy. 7G to Rd. 47. S. DOl'- 'chester Dev. Road N<>. 972. (a) Road No. 40 - Roa<l No. 52 .to Glmoolin!llp- prollianJaooly 2.5 mlilels {now :s1dhe<luIed for lOO!l Deve1opmoot Road GTading) MlaIl~e. (h) :Road No. 40 IIlghIVay N<>. 3 '00 '12 mile' Soobh of Road No. 45 (West) 'approx. 3.0 mile.s, Malw- It[de. (Ie) Road Na. 52 - iHlghIVay No. 4 Talbobv;!le 00 Road No. 30. ]f lIot relliieved 'bY' St. Thomas By- BlISS. AipprollianJaJte1y 5.5 mh. Sm;IJi]WI<>ldalld Yiamnouth. 1959 'BRlIlDGiElS: RlIad' 45 -' BI~er BI1idge, over OaJt!f;sh ~ek. Rio"" 45 - KellllIe Orook (l\IllW Crossing). (d) !Road No. 30 S.lA. - Radio Rolld. 3.6 m;les. YlaTlmoui1:lh. (e) Road No. 16 SA - st. Thomasta Fing'al. 7.1 mNes. Sonthw<>ld 'J1<>wnshd[p. ~AiV1J1NG: Those 'Roads Gl'aded ill L9llll. 'Road' 22 !irom Road 24 00 Road 27, 2.0 rnIDI~s, Y"r>- mooIl:i. Smlllbiwold Yialt'ffiouth ]ndustriall Area Roads if ne- 'e",..'rury. (Road 26 'Boot1Wlok Ro8J<l) and (or) (Rllad 29 - EdgewareRoad). All of ,wlhi~h ,is reiSlpelotllo![y rollmilted. A. lmUOE M~UM, Chail'man. !DIElVIELCl'PIMiEN1T ,RJO..WS: !\AIWINiG: DllVelllipmoot Roads No. ,931 ",,<I 972. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT November Sessiou, 1967 GIRIAIDlINIG: Roa<lNo.45 from Ro\ldNo. i6 (lDe"elllipmenit Ro,ad 930) approJdmately 12 me (YiarttnKJuJtlh am Sonlih- "",Id). To @Ie Warden and Memboos of the Elgin COOnty 0IunclI, The .Pemallllel Cornmi~ reports 'aJS full<lW\S: 1970 'BRlIlDGES: iOaro's BrUdge (iRlIad No. 52) Ymmonlih owr KllI:- tIe Ooollk. W;llys Bi1idge (Road No.8) Dunlwroh ToiwIlishlilp o,"ea- Thames !R.lver. Your PersonoolCommiilttee bas IreJd 'seveJ.1ail meeIJia:JJgs Slince the SeplemIOOr Sessioo af the Elgin Oannly OaUttJdi[ in order 00 studY' laI>d rev;se our !iringe he~;bs 'am swary S1elledllles and we l'€IC<lmmoo<l the ful\Jo",ing OOpOTt for ,adioptJiollbY' bhe IDbgin Counl;y UluncJil. 1. ThaJt By-Law No. WOO "A By"uaw to Estab~sll a Blal> of SU<ck Leave Credit GratuIties for Emplayees" be "mended bry ad<ling to Olause 1 lhe following sub-elause (G) "IRJE'I1JIRIElVJEJNT" me'an\S hlllViillg 8Jlltlatlned1ihe "ge of 85 yel_ or ,ear![e<r if sub,!ltalllJl8Jted bY' a . Dadbor's cemlficllte sWmg .th>lt r~birem.eaJt is necessary bellause of poomanent dUsaIJMty. oRiAlDlIlNG: MNIla)ge fOT .~. By-iIJ1IW Wod!:, .and. for Deve.. apmenlt RIlad Wod!:, slblauld be selected from Roads liisted belmv. 100 ElLGLN OOUNTY COmClL ElJGlINCOUNIJ.'Y COUNC~L 2. '!'brut aby-ilaJW be ~epa""a atppOlnvillg Wil1\sp_, H;ggins, Ste. 'enS<Jl1 'ana Doane las OoUlIty <>If 1'~g1iJ:l Audlito~s' ,am .tlhat their an- nuail ,ruCCOlRlt Ibrlbese servliees be Slfujoot vo 1ihe appro",al <>Iflbe PrO[lewy Oomm~tAJee. 3. '11halt vbe ,resolution lIlllVro 'by Hiee"" Wti_son, se""nded by BRevi! PaJlmer and pass'ed 'at .lhe NOV<lrobea- 19.5 Sessoon sta1fuJlg tllat Ithere ,sllam be 00 el<ltensaon of seI'Viice beyond oormaI retire- In€rnlt l3Ige be ireScindedand 1:Jbialt ii}ll future tb.e oonma!l r€lbm:-emenrt a~e .for emipllly008 of the County <>If Ellgin "bailili be 65 Wlith lIbe pro- viSioo Ilb3Jt 'aI> <mlIjlloyee may COIlIiJinue his employment on a yearly ibaJSis ,rut IlIhe pleasure <>If iile ~ County CouncN. 4. Salliary Sllheidwe Ibr Road Deprurtment Employees: (1) Salary SllheallIe Ibr regular hourlY' rated <mlIjlloyees CLASS 6 - F1oreman$2.60 per IUl1lr OIJAiSS5 - F<>reman and Lead IIoods lVJiinrnmum$2.30 per l10ur Maxillmwm $2.45 per 110ur 'E:xipwi""ce rating .4c Ipea- hour lOT eompletilll> <>Ifeacb yelaT's work 00 a maximum <>If four yellr.. 'ClJAiSS 4 - BaIt TMe F<>remal>, StockJkJeepea-. Minlimum $2.20 pea- h\>ur MalXIimwm $2.35 per irour iE)llIpooielllCe ~3JbiI>g .40 per hour for complooon of eooh work 00 a maxilmum of four yearn. CLASS 1 - L3Jbour Minlimwm Maooimwm Exiperienlle raoog .40 per hour fOT work ooa maxitmwm of four yea".. $1.95 pea- 110ur $2.10 per 110ur completion of ooc'h ye'ar's (2) Seasonal or Oasual! Empl~es IClJAiSS A - I'mployees of l1illgh school exiper[ence. l\ffiin[mU!lll Mwcimum' age mIib VIl,,!ed $1.65 per 110ur $1.80 I'er Irour OIJASS B - Oasllail IJruhrn1r, illexpea-ieooed - $1.75 pea- hour. O!JASS C - EXipe:rioocea IJ3Jbour, ineoopel1ieneed mo"",r <lpem1xms - $1.65 pea- hour. CLASIS D - Experienced !IllIlIWeT opeNliloTs - $1.95 per hour. (3) Saila<'ied Elmployees. IGIIlJAJDtE: 1 _ Ol1filce PersllIlIlel lVllinIimum $3200.00 per 'allllwm Max!1mwm $4000.00 per amum fu\lreimooM $200.00 per yeait' for four yearn. , year's OLAiSS 3 - M,,~hiine Operator. Miinianum $2.25 pea- hour Maxlmum$2.40 pea- ,hour I'llIperiooce railIDg .40 per hour fur romplebion <>If elll<!h yeW". work 100 a maXiirnwm of lour yea".. GilMlDI' 2 - Oll1'ioo POOS<J11llel Miinimum $2800.00 per "",,,um Ma:xiimuim $3600.00 pea- aJOnum !1IroremooM $200.00 per ymr for four yearn. ,CLASS 2 - ,IJ3Jboorer :Exr>erienced Minimum $2.00 pea- Irour Maxilmum $2.15 lpea- Irour Exiperielllle railIDg .40 per. hour fur complooon of each yeall"S work ro 'aJmaXlitmwm of fo1ll' yearn. IMlAIIJE CLElRJK - OfII1Uce Oo-oromaJtor lVllinIimwm $5200.00 per aIlIDU!Ill Mallli!mum $6000.00 per .amwm lfID.\l1'Te!IllenVs $200.00 per yeait' for four yea".. 187 la? ElliGiIiN COUINTY COUNOIL ELG!lN COUNTY COUNClIL 189 JlUlN!IjOR INIS'I1RJUIl\!IiENIr MAN Minlimwm $5300.00 pea-anoom MaJcilnum $~100.oo pea- annum IuooomenlJs $200.00 per year for four Y"'al'l'l. OFF1]CI' BERSIONN1EL Minfunum MalOimum GRADI' 1 $3200.00 per annum $4000.00 per amum InoreriJe!nlJs $200.00 pea- year to maximum. Present sOOiIIf ;00 reeEli"e relgulalt'anl1uall increments P!1llS one additiollta~ inorementto cOlmpen\Slate for t1he I'lad;se in 1JheminJLmum salary. We recommend tbat 0111' preSI""t LiilraT]all reeEli'l'e' a saIJary of $46OO.ooa'8 Sen!iQr Olerical Staff, plu8'$900.oo. as oomporm-y De.. p&Ttment H"ad. mClH'NlJjOLA.N M1",funum MaJcimnm $6400.00 per anl>I]m $7200.00 pea- anllum Ioeremen"s $200.00 per Y"aIt' for foll1' ye'arn. IG!ffiN1EIItA[, - iF()rem'an Minlmum Marlmum Ioeremoovs $200.00 per Y"aIt' for $6500.00 peT aJlIDum $7300.00 per anllum four ye'arn. 6. Salary Schedule for COlmt Iiouse Staff OF1F1IIOE PERSOINiNElL Miniimum Maxfunum ~SIII'i'J1A!Nfr TO 'J1III' ENGiIiN'ElER MinWmum $7500.00 per "mum MaJcimum $8300.00 per amum !Ioorlllllellts $200.00 per yea<[" for foUJr yearn. 1lI'IDmJAJGm: RiArI1ES - '00 ,he pllid atll co~ . empl<J(YOOS using thcir own prli,""ooears 00 set in ,aroordance W1ith the preseaJt De- pa~eI>t 0; Ilighwruy's r8Jles: o ...... 5000 mill,," .140 pea- mil" 5000 ....... 10000 miIles .070 pea- mile, Oveir ........ 10000 miIles .05c per m.1e 5. Salary Schedlllle' for OoUJJJty r.;b~a<["y 'ElIl[lQoy<>es. SENillOR 0LIElR~0AiL SII1AlB1F Minimum $3600.00 pea- ,amum MaJcimum $4600.00 peT aJlIDum [ml'OOleaJts $200.00 per year to maXimum. .Grade 1 $5200.00 pea- 'aJIlllnn! $4000.00 per llIIlml!IIl Inllrelffients $200.00. ,per year to malO1mum. O!Fili1ICE I'IEmSONlNEL - ~ade 2 MinimUlm$28OO.oo per 'anIloot Maximum $3600.00 peranooffi IinMlrilenbs $200.00 pea- yem- to mW<limlnn. DlElPU1I'Y ClLiERJK-'!1RJEJAISrnlJElR - to reeeiw mmmum sa!lary ,as QlJl;;ce PersotnlelGrade one' pilus M addiliiona~ $1000.00 pea-aooum. ~ MiuImum ilVlaJcimmn $4000.00 per ,aJlIDum $4800.00 per lUlllum JUINJJOR (JIJElBEOAiL' S'l1AIF1Fl Minbmwm $2800.00 pea- aJlIDUffi Maxfunum $3600.00 peT Il!ll!llUJn Inllrelffioobs $200.00 per year to maximum. InllrelffielJJts $200.00 per year to maximum. Itn fue aib<we. SlChedule 1ihe value of IlIbe seMeed "PsetmeaJt ($500.00) i~ to be ,coosid8ire<l aJS part oflhe salary. Present em- pio~ fu receive $4200.00; use of. Dbe .apaJrtment 'and an addltional $900.00 pea- year for eJ<Jtra h<llp. I 1:1: ~! ti ~i ~I II .1 it 'I' , ' .1'1 :,1 ' A ~~' 1~ .. IW: [Ii! i\!i "I'I:' 'I !'i Ii' li;1 I",,' ii: tr": Iii: ,l! :I!! ~:j ill " ~Ii rl 190 ELGIN COUNTY CO~NOIL I'LGIIN COUNII'Y COIU!NOIIL 7. Salary SchedWe' fur Elgin Mlal>or Employees N1mSl!lN1G AiIID Minmwm MaX!imum LAUNDrRY S'J1AiFIF Mmimlllln MaxIDmum $2350.00 pea- annum $3150.00 per amum $2700.00 per annum $3500,..00 per annum lnerem_ $200.00 per year to max!mlllln. Iucl'<JIIloots $200.00 per y,ear to maximlllln. ORJ:)IIilllILY Miinli'mum MlaDciJmum MGIRT .MiMN>I1EINI\iNlOE Minillmwm Maooimum Incromen~ $200.00 per year to $3050.00 pea- 'amum $3350,.00 pea- annum max!mlllln. I $3550,.00 per annum '$4350.00 per amum Inwements $200.00 pe.r year ,00 maximum. F1ERIST OOOlK MiJjjmum Maximum HEAlD MAlI!NrrElNl\iNlOE Mtndmlllln 1\1Iaoci'ffiuID' $2800.00 pea- ,amum $3600.00 pea- amum $4000.00 PeT oooom $4800.00 per annlllln 'Inwemen"s $200.00 pea- year to maximum. iPresent empl\>yee to re'ooi"" $3600.00 per 'amllllln. Ineremoobs $200.00 per year to maximum. iP11esent emploY"<> to receive $4800.00 per ""num. '-", SElOOND OOOlK Mimmum Mlaxcimum $2650.00 pea- a""um $3450.00 Pea' annum OF1F1JJOE I>EROONli\1EL (Grade 1) $3200.00 per amum $4000.00 per llIlIIlIU!I11 M!l1iimum MaJcimU!lll IUffi'<lmoobs $200.00 pe'r year to maximum. KEllCHiEN MAII[)S Millimum [VI)~iimum rnwem_ $200.00 per year to maximum. Presen~ ell1[>1<J(Yee to recei"e' $4000.00 per ammm. $2350.00 per '!IIllIllUlll '$3150.00 per annum Inwements$200.00 per year to maximum. OF1F1IOE Pil!lR&0NINEIL Miutmum (Mja.xnJmum (G~"die 2) $2800.00 pea- annum $3600.00 pea- aOOum I101(J~J!)ElPi!IR Minimum $2650.00 ,pea- annum Ma"imum ,$W50.00 per aOOum lnerem_ $200.00 per year to maximum. PreselJJt IWusekeeper to r<looive $3,,450.00 per aImUm. I!OUSElKElEPmG MAIDS Mindmum Maximum InwemenlJa $200.00 per year 'to maximum. IRIE~ MmSE Mimmum Maxinmm $5000.00 pea- amum $5900.00 per amum $2350.00 per 'anoonn $3150.00 per annum rneremoobs $200.00 per year to maximum. !PreseIlIt emptoyee to oolceiw' $5800.00 per llIlIIlIU!I11. looremoots $200.00 per year to max'in1um. 191 . ''1 l'llil II, 1'111 I' I:: Ii ;11, II I' I I ~~, IIi: Ii' 1 Iii II :.,' 1 ,I: ~i' II~I ~Il ~ lj: ~ ~I; ,)" II ~i ~! Iii \1 Iii II I '. I "I! 192 EWIN COUNTY OOUNOiL ElliGiIN OOUNTY COUNOliL I"e~el>ts $200.00 per year -to maJdmum. Present emp!OY''''' .to receiw $3600.00 per annum. 8. Salmy Sched"!,, !lor ,,"sessment Depm1JmeaJt Since1ihe IStllllfof the Assessmoot Depaxmment \VIaS hired ef- fective J'''''''a~ '10It,'1967 ,alld tlitAJed into lihe schedule at iIlat time, we reromm"ndtbJaJtlhe' present salliary ""hedu!e ~or "he Assess- moot Deprurbmoot he retaJiood wil!Jh 1ihe sbllllf members rece1ving thelirslJ8Jted ~lIal incremeaJt. ADOO'V ~T lVlliriimum Maxrlmum ASSl>ISSOlR ' 1 l\IDinimum Maximum 9. SaJ1""'Y Scoo<Me !lor Jlml Elll!Pl<J(Yeels. $2900.00 peranllum $3700.00 per """urn ,]t is 'BJIlbiclpattedtha-t the G<Mlmmmt of Dbe BroVmce of Oo~ ta<'io w.illI he .tailoirng 0""" the respol>slWliity of lIbe Admilllistra100n of Justice em;ecbi'l'e January 1st, 1900, and eoosequently we do wi; fOOl tbaJt, ""'" should hec<lmeinvulvOO wiIfJb estalJliisbmg a 'sal\1rY' schedule ftlr empillyees of iheElgin CoUlwy JaJi~ at liMa tJime. Ef, however, the :respoIlis.illlill.itby fur. seboog salmu,es. reffilams wiltb the 001J[l~ of Elgin '.e,r J'anualt'y ~st, 1968, 1ihel> we recommend thai! ,the ~968 ~onll"l OommilJtee look 11>110 'lIhe m8JtAJer and 1IbJat allY adjusbmen~s be made retroactIve' 110 Jloouary 1st, 1968. $3800.00 per annum $4600.00 per ,annum 10. IWe have revli€iWOO "00 saJI"ries of 1ihe Depa~tm""t I1el8Jds and re!C<Jrnlmel>d the fo1ll:ow:ing sala,,;.,s fOT1ihe' Helalls of lite WIll" ""'" Depar~m""ts. looremeaJts $200.00 per year to maxtmurn. OOUNII'Y 1'1IlG[IN!EIER - $13,900.00 per llnnum. ~ffiTANrI' COUiNll'Y ENGIMJJEJft - $10,200.00 per annum>'; ASSESSOIR 2 MJimmtiJrn lMaooi.:mmn $4J6OO.00per annum $5400.00 per ,annum OOIUmY OOEIRIK-'I1RIl!lASWliER - $]1,5oo.ooperamum. $2,000.00 of the aIOOve slailia~ to 00 pm by 1ihe OouaJty H\)UIe fOT !he ,"goo as remumer8Jbion fur Mm acIIimIg as Treasurei' of lIbe nome. Illcreilnenlis $200.00 ,per year to maXimum. AJSSI'SSOlR 3 Mmilmmri. M'an1mum $sooo.oo pe" llmum $MOO.OO per OOI1um OOUIN'rY AiSSI'SSMEN'I' OOMJI.IUISS]ONl'R - $10,700.00 pea- Ilrrlllum. l"e~oots $200.00 per year to maximum. 'lJlEPU'J1Y AJSSESSlWENT OaMJllill]SSlJjONER - $9,500.0Q per amum. . AJSSI'SSOlR 4 Mimmum 1\1)aXiimwm $6400.00 per anoom $7900.00 per 'annum SUiPIElRiJINTElNNT OF ElliGillN MmOlR - $8,250.00 pea- annum. $7200.00 per alll>urn $8000.00 per '~um GOVERNOIROF 'I1HIE ElliGffiN OOUN'l'Y JiAillL - $8500.00 per~. We reeomanen<l !lihat tb."""l<lry:. of ,Db" G9vemor of., lite Ellgin 00. Jaful be revliewed ",wly ill W68 if ,lite Comly is abiilil respon- SIble rOT esltJaIliisIbIinJgllbe siailary of lIbe Gllwroor and ~ba.t a!ll)' adjustmen"s 1ihaJt are mooe. be reDro'a(lbirvelJo JIaIluaJrY lisIt, 1968. I""remen~s $200.00 per yeaT to maXlimum. ASSESSOIR 5 Minlimum Maocilnum 11!1Cre1l1en!ls ,$200.00 pe[' year to. maximum. 193 Ig4 ElLGIIN OOUNTY 00lJiNI0]L 195 I!JI.JGIN . COUNTY OOUNCIL 11. The Slwruries allld Dbllsa!lary schedules reCOllIlllIlended in this ~epGll'lt rure to be eIl\frotliw December 3<1S1t, 1967, aJt ill o'Ci!\>cI< m;<lnWght. 12. We awDboIiize lIh,aJt pre's'ent County of ElgillJ by<-baMlS be amen<lo- ed or new by~baws pa&s~d 00 reqwired 00 jl1l[JI~ment tJhe' recom. mendations conroail:led in .ti1Iis reprort. PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1967 To .1ihe Warden and lMembei\s of the I!lbgin O<JllaJty CouncH,. lI1he Pedtion" 'and 'LelgiebaJlJioos Ooonmottee Reports ,as fillfurwls': AIl . of w!hich is re.slpe<lllfwllLy' .slJbmioted. L ThaJt 'Dbe rerolut;on from .1ihe Oolllllty Of Noafulk 00: the res;g. nabiOll of a member Of a munooip~l counc~ who uasmoved from the mll11Wcipalrnty', 00 endoosed. JlOHN MciKlliiLA Y, (Jba!l~an. EDUCATION COMMITTEE REPORT 2. 'iliat the resoilIution frotln Dbe OounOy Of .Essex ooquestillJg the ProvrniCdlal ,and Fe~al~ Governments lI:Jo assrlmlle a :mQi1'e equitalb[re shalt'e of mtuTe <laiJllbail C<Jb~ CIOsts of hosplballis, 00 fwled. 3. ThaJt full reoolllJlIWii from lhe Ootm~ of Lamlbt<m askllJJg the Onroario GoIi<lrmrioots' to take <>'Vel' fullil re.slpolllSilbildty fur too op. embion QIf ambulll11Cels, he' ~iled. November Session.' 1967 To lihe Wwden ,al>d Membern oIf !llbe Elgin County 00mic1I, All Of wITliCh is respeldlfully sllJbrnilted. The I'dooaJlJion Committee reports as fuNows: 1. ' '!1bat DUl]Ban K: MlctIrui!<>ip be appointed Ootm~ RiepreseIll1JaJIJi"e 00 ,1ihe West I'lgin Higlh School DialliIfut Board. J. S. ElIJIJlIOTT, Ci>ai"man. 2. Thllt IRJaiIjjh AuekilJand he fUwoinlled Oounty Riepresel>tative on the O""t"a~ E1igil> HR!lh School D1istri(jt Board. 3.'I1h~t G. F. Pineo 00 llIppointed OouIlJty ReproseIll1JaJlJiw on 1ihe I!l~stI!llgil> lJjiglh School Dlsltrdct Borurd. 4. Th8Jt .lIhe resolllJlJi<m l1rom .tlhe 'J1owI>siJ>iIp of ChlandOT, County of PelJeTlrorollglh, requeel1ing assumpbioo of allII costs of Seicondrury SchoOls and SeconKlary' I!ldwatioo by the l'ro'v'indal and FedI>rlrl GOV€It'IIlmel>ts, be fThed. . COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1967 Aimeliijed at the NOV'ember Se.~ioo, 1967 ,ooooad lIS fullo"^,,,: 1. '!1naJt ,Dbe 'asiPlr1allbs fur lib" position df Wlarom he given 1ihe ep~tUllli~ fu aJdwe~s Oolmty OollllKlil 00 the1ihml TuesdaY' in January', ewoh )"ear, prior fu proceeding with the eleOOoIl. All df wITli<lh is respedllfw][y Sl.lbrni"ted, 2. 'iliaJt ,!be I'qnailli~aJtiOll1 atlld ,"sselSlSffieaJtC<>mmii~tee be diiislperusOO w]lband the ilusdn"".. of the A\SSIl\SI!lIIlel]t DelpootmeiJIt 00 1ihe' 00- spon"iJl;iilditiy of the Property C<>mmiittee. In fllture, 111m Piooperty Commllllee is ,00 be mawn as1ihe P1'OpC[1ty md ,""""ssment Com. ,mlOlJee. J. W. BARIKEIR, OOOIDmaD. 100 ElJGiIiN CO~, OOUNOIL 197 ElJGlIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL 3. 'J1bJalt ,1ihe Public Selbool an<l Secondrury ,School ConsullJatwe OommJlttees be amaillg1am<lled to forma Counly EdulJabiooal Coa:JJ. sulb3Jtiw Counmltboo. 4. We recommend 'bbJaJt a CoUlllty GovernmeaJtOl!ImIl<ttee be ap- poitnred in 1968 to oo.Jbinlle lbe stuidy of rewsiol> il> Co1lI!lll;y G<>v- crnmelllt. 4. Th1alt .tl1iB! two 'adrw,SIOvy" mermberlS remlaalll 0]] the EI]gin Manor CommilJtee. . 5; 'l.1bJaJt il> 'flJlure tlhe Elgin Counby' ColIDciil meet in J'anuary, Maroh, May, 'June, ,Serptemlber, Nov€lmlber and Decemlbelf ,€lrucih year. 6. We oooommenil that bhe Road Co.llJlU]lbtee ,give coos,ideration to holdiIlg its meetings 'at a dll1ferel1Jt hOllrtlhan 10 ".IID. 7. That membeTs o~bhe CouI>ty GO'i'ernmel>t CommMitee heap. pointed votmg delegates ,00' lbe A.soclalJioo of' On"M1io OounItiies. 8. That the proWsIiKJins, of ciiallses 000 to'six of lhisreport he" come eII1fOObive JanJ]''''y 1st, 1006. Ail~ of which is respeeitully oohmi"ted. C. D. PIlI'lJLillPS, Chairman. Glause 1 - 'ammdedto read 'as folilllWS: "ThaJt 1ihe Road Com. rmttee r€lmaIin the same a!S in pl'Iior yealiS." iOlausc '5 -added "That ihis repo~t hecO!ille ~ecbive. JlanUllft'y lst, 1968." , . COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 1986 All of .wlhich Is relSlpootJIullly sllbmilflted. "Respeeting the Weight of Loads to be Carried on Vehieles." C. D. B~~s, ChM~M. WiH!ElRIEAiS . stll>secbion 8 of Selobion 54 of d1.e HlllbM'ay 11va11llic Ai0t C<R.S.O. le60, Chapter lq2) pr<JVidoo tlhat: COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT The mooiclJpail co~Tlllbioo or o1iher aulihOTWy havillg jU:J:'lisdlic- ,biOll wer any ./lighway, may declaJre .ihat fue prorvilsiom of sulb- ",,""ions 4 and 5 d" n1<Jtapply '00 anry or a1!l of tlhe h~~ys under its jU:J:'liscli<JlJion; . Nove~ber Session, 1967 To .1ihe Warden and fMembw,s. ,of tihe I'lgdnCotml:y Oouncil, 'J1beCoulWy Government 00nlmi1Jtee reports aJS foNOiWS: 1. }in fJ]bure 1ihe Road Con>mlttee be oornpooed, of five- memhern plus .Db" wrurooo ex~~o, and that one of tbe members be from an l.l11ban ll)1!nillcipalil.y. 2, 'IlliaJt in ~e, eaJCl1 memher of OouaJty Colll1llil be on at least ene jlaIid ComimliWbee. .. 3. We ~ec"minend ,tl1~t IComimli1Jtee reports be m:afiIed to eaJch memb"" of OouIWyOoImC,1 p~ior '00 the moo1ling o~ CounJ~ Councli. ~ WlHJE[lJEAJS re,;lIl'Iictioo of loads is not deemed necesslary forthepj'OtOOfiion of cerltain b!igdJlways in ii;e M1Rliic'~alit:y' of .1ihe COunJty of :EIDgm; NOW THlEmEF1ORJE: 1ihe OOunJ<Jil of the Corpornbion of the Mu" n!icipality of .d1.e aonnty, af Elgin enaJCJiJs as folllliWs: . 1. The provtisdtonIs of subsoobiom 4 'and 5 of Section 54 of the IilgIbIwary T~aJiWic ,hit do not applylx> any h;ghwaY' in the OonaJty of Elgin Thoad Sy<sibem. 2. That BY'-<u..wNo. 1958 o~ 1ihe OoImty of Ellgtill be,. and the Sllime is'. heirell>y' rep8laled. . .' 198 EL(Jl)]'i!. COUfflY COUNOIIL l'[JmN OOUNTY OOUIIICllL 199 3. 'Wis BY':iIJaIIV s"all not bllcome eIJlfooiive un"iJ approved by !be D"Pavimoot of Trauspom. COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LAW NO. 1988 iR;EWa mrnt t~me Ibis 22nd daJy of N<>vembeT, 1967.. "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 1900.'~ IRJElAD a secood time this 22nd day of Novemiler, 1967. WIIDlRlEAS BY"IJaIIV No. 1900 of .1ihe Oounty <if ElI~ eslJ3JbJiishes a Blal] of Sick Leaw Ore<liit~atuiJties for Employees, RiEJAJD atmrd time, and fil>aJlly paSlSed ,lIbis 22nd day of No- vember, 1967. AN[) WIll'RJMJS il is deemed lld",i.3Jble to give a oo[inltiOl> of tlhe' 'meaning df itJhe word "lReItiremenlt." H. L. JO!HNISOI\I, ~k . A. W. AUCKLAND, W..-den NOW 11IlIElRIElFORIE the ComeR ofllle Oo~mlJtion of 1ihe CouaJty of Elgin enacts as' full\>ws: COUNTY OF ELGIN 1. 'I1BIAJT'"By-lLaw No. 1900 be amended by adding '00 Oiau"" 1 the fo1ilK>Wmg SlJb.<c1oose. BY.LAW NO. 1987 (iG) "RIEJ'I1IIR1EIMIENrr" means llaIV'ing lIlJIJain"d the ~e <if 65 years or ea"lier if.. stlbstanliilaJte<l by 'a Medical D<>dtOT's, CI>"tilfi~'are stating Dbat reltIremrot is neoossary bOOause of pe~ dliBe aIJil;Jiy. "Being a By:Law to Amend By-Law No. 1873 Restrieting l'arkiog" The Councft of !be COOpomtion of the .Oowlty of Elgin enta<lls as folloW\Sl: RlEA!Da first lime till" 22nd <lay of Nowmher, 1967. IRJEAD .a second time tiruls' 22ncl day of November, 1967. IRIEIAiD ,a .tmrd IDtme and ffi<lail!l\j' passed tJhis 2211c1 day of No. vemlbell', 1967. 1. '.l1HJA.T By-llaJW No. 1873 of ,bhe OolIDity of Ellgin be andis here- by '"mended by adding the fallQwmg Oiause (M) 110 l"a~ph 3 I'Bail"lcing Resh'UictriO!tllS." H. L. JOHNSON, are~k A. W. AUCKLAND, Warrd<Jn (JJ.ulilJlS!E (1M) - Oowlty Road 20 wIi1IbIin 100 feet of !be no~ limdt of Wing". I1lgh",ay No.3 on !be wei!lt Sidl> of Ooun~ Road 20. 2. 'l1mS By-ILaJW 3Jballl oot becoml> <l!footi"" until llpproVed by 1ihe Depa~lJment of Trooepolt for OniiaIt'io. COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 1989 ENACTED and passed this 22nd <lay of November, 1967. "Being a By-Law 00 Establish the Normal Retirement Age for Employees of the County of Elgin." H. L. JOHINSON, <Jre.rk WHlEREII\.Slt is deemed ll<1IvUI'lalile! 00 eslJaIiI",", .1ihe oorlllll!L re- tiremeaJtage' for .empiOYe€!l of lIbe County of Elgin. A. W. AUCKLAND, Wardioo 200 EIDGIN OOUNTY OOlJlNQ(L 201 ELruN OOUlNTY OOUNOLL NOW 11HIERJEJF101R1E lihe Coonicll of .1II>e Oorpo~ation of1ihe Co~ of Eiligdnoo"oos as folI0W\9: 3. TIlAT ,bhe 'amwa[ atcc01llllt submtiJtJbed fuT the services rernJier<. ad basubject to DbellJJlProV'm of 1II>e 1'1g1ia:JJ Cotm~ Rr~ Com- miJtJtee. 1. 'I1H!AT the normal retirement agl> for employees of lhe Oo~ of l!ll!linshadD! be' s.iJOty-l'i"" (65) years. Z. 11HJAT an emplilJoYoo of vbeOoonty of Elgiin hllCVlingreoohetl ':1e IlK>~aI relii<elmenJt ,age may, aJt ,Iftt'e pleasme of the EllgIin eom~ Oounc'il, cOI>biooe his or IB: employment on a Y"'aJrly basis. . 4. lfIIArr.ailIl 01ll>ea- By<l.Jamg passe<! Wil1ll> respect to ,Db" appoiaJt- me!]t of an audilfJor or audiirors be andlhe same ,are hereby ree pealed. RlEAD .a first timelftt;"1 22nd day of NovemJber, 1967. 3. THAT 'alliY a!]d "II B%aJWs or resolutiolliS 1II>aJt am hreon!lis- lieaJt wl1ih ibbis By.jjJaw he. and the ,same berelliy repellled. . lRJEADa sllCood lime 1!his _<I day of Nowmbe<r, 1967. IRJEAD .a fi~st time thds 22nd <lay of Novemll<>r, 1967. mAD a ,tibiro time and ~ia:JJaiIly pllJSOOd lMs 22nd day of No- vemlher, 1967. BEAD ,a second. time Iftt'is 22nd d~'Y' of Novembe<r, 1967. H. L. JOHNSON, CWk A. W. AUCKLAND, Wmden I~EAD a 'tlhi~d bime and fd!]aiIlW passed 'vMs 220d day of No- vember, 1967. H. L. JOHNSON, Olerk COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 1991 A. W. AUCKLAND, WaJrden COUNTY OF ELGIN "Being a By-Law to Establish a Salary Sehedo1e for AU Em- ployees of the Connty of Elgin Other Than the Heads of Departments." BY-LAW NO. 1990 WIHIEBIElM ~t is COIl1\Oidl>OOd "dVlis'3JhlelJo "st3Jh!ilSh sa!I""Y s<>hed, ules fuT the employees 0[ lihe V!arious Deparvmants of 1ihe OoUWliy of Elgin. "Being a By-Law to Appoint Anditors for the County of Elgin." 11HIE Oorpov"bion of 1ihe- OonaJty of Elgin ""aJoos as foilllOlWs: NOW 11HEIBJE!FORE ,the Cowroll of tbe Oorpot'aJtion of the County 0[ Elgin elllaiCoo th.aJt1ihe fulIiclwiJJJgsJa~ruryschedwlas be, lIIIK! are hereby adopted: 1. 'I1HiAT Winspealt', mg!lin\S, SbevenS<Jl1 ,an<l DllOO he and are 'her<fuy appoIinted auclitors fuT the 001IDIty of Elig1in 00 hold oJifice <lu~g good behllVliour wd beremoVl3Jh1e for cause up<>!> the rote oflwo'IJbi"<ls 0[ 1ihe memb_ o[the Co\Rllci[. 1. Salary Sehednle for Road Department Employees. 2. IfIIArr it shall be the duty ofllbe saJid 'audiJtxws to el<amine and auclitaIH a<lCOlmts '8Jlffecling 1ihe CWporaJtioo or rel"tmg 00 ll!liY matiter unde<r its collitrol or wi1!hil> its jul1i:sdiclJioo. Class 6, Foreman. In ciJ.mge of iSIpllCiali:red WOTk sOOb as grnd- ing or C<JIllICTeiIJe cull~ OT lmidgl> COIllStrtrolioo uswailllY' WIlth ex- penil!lllOO of len years OT over in the Slpecl"Iized WIlrk. Also li- censed memanic $2.50 per hOtn'. 202 I'LGI[IN COUNTY. COUNCIIL .ELGiIiN OOONrrY COUNCfflL 2oo Class 5" Fore'man and Lead Hands. 'RieguillalfilJy in charge of a work crew of at loast .five men or supervlslia:JJg <lllber Co1IDlty or hired wlIdros on a regula~ basis, OT perlf<>rmdng work WWeh is a recogu,wd sl<i~l or lrlOOI>. I'xpemel1lCe rlatillg .040 .peT hOllr fur ecml.pl~ion of eaclb )"elll["ls work to' " ma>limum of four )"ealt'S. '1\1"~:ndJmum ,$2.30 per !hour; maxri1mum $2.45 peT' hour. 3. Salaried Employees. Grade 1 Office Personnel ...... MliniiJrnum $3,200.00 pelf' annum:; maxomum $4,ooo.no peT oooom. Increments $~OO.OO per yelaJr to ma~um. I' il, 'I, I,'; i Grade 2 Office Peroonnel -Mi11Iimru1ffi $2,800.00 pea:" 8JIloom:; maJXimum $3,6W.00 pea- 'alll'",m. Increments $200.00 per Y"'ar w ma~mum. IClass 4. Part-Time Foreman, Stockkeeper. Worikiers peIifoominlg the worik: olf a hfugher das$i.IfI1cl3!bion ltJhloo OlJa\SIS 2. EXlperience vaItJing .04c per hour for completJiolll: olf eaJch Y1etar's: work to a ~imum of fuur Y"'ars. MinwlIIllJi $2.20 peT hour; maximum $2.35 per hour. Male Clerk - Oflfue {wocdinaJtOT 00 "ssist \VIi'Db 'a"d wille" qllal, i!iedlJo direct otihers, in aililJ phasles of office. work ineludiing IJ'l\V' roll,aJCcoRa:JJts, .am book!k!eepiIJIg, e,tc. Hooos of work per week - 37'12. Minimum $5,200.00 pea- a[lIlum; maJ<imtlm $6,000.00 peT all~ num. Irn'CTemenDs: $200.00 Y'&r y.e18ll' roo maxrumum; Class 3, Machine Operators. In\JludiIJIg t~u<lks, tandem dump anddlilSllJrlilbutJor, ll()lader, gTiader ,and soo'V1el1. EXlpooien!ce' r1wt:iD.lg .04c per hQur furcornpl'e~ioll' of elach year's WlOrk to .a mla,x!,mum o[ ',f,~ur ye~s. Millltmum $2.25 per hour; maximum $2.40 per hOll['; Junior Instrument Man QuailJi>l1i<Jabioos - ~rude 12 OT equiWllleaJt. Duties - Sur\ne;y'ing and dmalflIDg as ~s&ary tnlder SUlper~ vision. II1Iwemenros. snail! be gO'J<Jmed by .3Jbili~, e",pea-ienice, aod p~&sing<lf D.iH.O.sp'OIlsllred eourees.. PoBlilion eomllar3Jble to D.RO. Tedhnicilarrl 3 sUJr'l"eY'. MJitfunum $5,300.00 per aDllum; maocimum $6,100.00 pea- ,annum. II>C""llUOOlB $2W.W per year 00 maxliimum. Class; 2, Labourer Experienced. Sbme sup'erwsory work, l!iJghrt V:uck driving, ooillle!l" OIpooaOO!I", e'tc. on regu~ar- basdls. EXIpOOiell1cel r.~bitlg .04e .per nour ~Oor compllIJtion o[ e,ach Y"'aIl"S wom 10 a maJ<imum of four .Y"'ars. Milllimum $2.00 .per hour; maximum $2.15 per bour. Class 1, LabOourer. (Aliter oomplelbion <If six m<J11lih's .proIbation- ,",,'Y leTm) Iltlile if allY supervlis""y work. El<pea-ienoo raving .04c per hour I10r cOlmplebion of eacl1 Y"'aJr'iS work to a maJXimum of four )"elaJrs. MMmum $1.95 peT hOtlr; m""imum $2.10 pea- hour. Technician - Dumes to dinJciwe super'VilSlilOIlI of ,Jtmibr Inl84trn- moot 'men and ~o 'asiSd ,the ~inee['\S and .AJssistant to the EnginJ.. eel' in ,'supeif'V'.iJsion of Oorustrurctlion and ,00 sUpe1I'WSle, sipec:iJa(lJized wock such as iH<)\ 'Mix I1aVling and Ul1boo OOnlSlbrlldbion. Quaai!fW8Jbions to 'he simiillall' 00 D.H.O. TelchnOOiall 1 am.d 2. Mi:nfumum $6,.400.00 per alIDlUilll; maximum $7,200.00 pea- almUm. Imrements $200.00 per ye1arto 'maximum. 2. Seasonal or Casual Employees. Class A. Employees of bigh oohool aJgI>' (generailly tmder 21 ye'HfrS of age) wLth V1aOC'ied eXJpmenrce.Miimmum $1.65 per- hour; ma"imllm $1.80 per hour. General Foreman - Dubiesoo stlpe""oise al>d coaJtool aili1 men aa:JJd eqlllipmeut fOT an m"intena~ce ,and COl]structioo tnld€[' snper. visuxm olf the 3Jssi\Sltlanlt ,to the ,Engineerr and tJhe En1gIDeers. Mmd. mum $6;500.00 pea- allllUm; maJ<limum $7,300.00 .per amum. Inc"". mellllJs $200.00 per yelaJr 00 ma"illlIDm. Assistant tOo the Engineer - Duties - Genea-ail. snpervlillor 01 conlSlbrucibion aodco~tT!a~tor forees, ~and purlel>as,e, and lbe posi' Hen of Coo~truc~ion SoJlel~ Iruslprooor. MJiuoi\num $7;500.00 pea- au' num; maooirrnmn $8,300.00. Inlcr.emendJs $200.00 per Y1ear to maxi~ mum. Class B. Orusual lJ3Jbour, inexperliel>C€d $1.75 per h\>m. Class C. EXJPerd.lOOlC€ld ,1IalblOur, inexpe.:rienrced mower operators) $1.85 per !rom. IClass D. Elxperiel1lCed mower opea-alJo)'lS', $1.95 per hour. 204 ElliGIIN COUNIIT OOUNOIIL 205 ElliGIIN OOUNTY OOUNOlL Mileage Rates 00 be paid to a!ll coooty employees using their own ~iV'ate oors be set in a<lCortlaooe wllith lih" preseaJt Depatrit- ment of ~Y'.l.'aJtes; Caretaker Minimum - $4,000.00 MaxlJrnum - $4,800.00 I~emeaJts $200.00 per year .00 maxlmum. In th"abo"e seheduI"the ""Ill" of the se<'Vliced",,~meaJt is to be C<J11stdered as part of vh" salary. o - 5,000 lllIilJes, .Me per mile 5,000 - 10,000 miles,.07Cper rrri!le 0_ - 10,000 m~les, .05c pea- mill> 2. Salary Sehedule for ConntyLibrary Eimployees. Tempo<rary Liooarial> - $5,200.00 pea- amwm. 4. Salary Schedule for Elgin Manor Employee&. Nnrsing Aid 'Miniimum - $2,700.00 pea-alllIlum MaJciimum - $3,500.00 per lIIIIIWIl In<ll'ements $200.00 per year to maxlmum. Senior Clerieal Slaff ~ MinlJmum - $3,800.00 per annum MaX!imum - $4,600.00 per "mum Increments $200.00 pea- ye,ar .00 maximum. Orderly M!in;mum - $3,550.00 per annum Mm<!lmum - $4,350.00 pea- alllIlum In"",meaJts $200.00 pea- Y"1>r 00 maxlmum. Junior Clerieal Staff _ Mintlmum - $2,800.00 pea- annum UVIammum - $3,600.00 per annum Incremel>ts $200.00 per year 00. maximum. First Cook Mmlmum - $2,800.00 per .annum Maximum - $3,600.00 per ~"um Iooremoots $200.00 per year 00 maxlmum. Offiee Personnel (Grade One) Mintmum - $3,200.00 per anoom MaXlimum -$4,OOO,pOper ,annum II]ocemcnts $200.00 per yea., be maximum. Seeond Cook Minimum -$2,650.00 peramum MaJcitmum - $3,450.00 per alllOOm IOl~enUs $200.00 pea- yelar 00 maooimuan. 3. Salary Sehednle for Court House Staff Offiee Persounel (Grade One) Millimum - $3,200:00 per aimum MaJ<imum - $4,000.00 pea- ~oom tI_en~ $200.00 per y\>ar 00 mall1imum. Kitehen Maids Minimum - $2,350.00 pea- llttUlIllIIIl Mal<!imum - $3,150.00 pea- lIIIIIWIl IooremellIDs $200.00 per year 00 maJcimum. Office Personnel (Grade Two) lVJjjl]imum - $2,900.00 per annum Maximum - $3,600.00 per amum Incremel>ts $200.00 per year .00 ma"lmum. Housekeeper Minlimum - $2,650.00 pea- <1llmll1Il Maooi!mum - $3,450.00 pea- annum In""'mel>ts $200.00 per year to maxlmum. 2U6 EJ1JGIIN COU1N!I'Y OOUNOIiL EJIJGIIN OOlUiNTY OOUiNlO]L 207 Housekeeping Maids lVllin!iJmmn - $2,350.00 pe!!" annum Mia'X!i,mum - $3,150.00 per :annum, iller'eme[Jts $200.00 per year to ma"lmum. Registered Nuroo Mimmum - $5,000.00 per IlI1I1IUm Maximum - $5,800.00 pea- annum Incremel:lts $200.00 per yelar ,to maxtmum. Lanndry Staff Min~mwm - $2,350.00 per lallinum Maximum - $3,150.00 pe'r allll1um Increme!l1lts $200.00 per y€lar to maximum. .r' 5. Salary Schedule for Assessment Department. Assessor 1 Milllimum - $3,800.00 per annum M1axi1ffium - $4,600.00 per 'annum illeremoots $200.00 per yOOIl' to ma"imum. Adjuvant Asoossor 2 Miindmum - $2,900.00 per amum Ma"immn - $3,700.00 per amum Incremoots $200.00 per yc"rto ma"imum. Miil>tmum - $4,600.00 per annum Maximum - $5,400.00 per annum illoremoois $200.00 per YClalt' to m""lmum. Night Maintenanee Minimum - $3,050.00 per aIlIl1um Miaxllimum - $3,850.00 per annum Increments $200.00 .pe." ye'arto maximum. Assessor 3 Minimum- $5,600.00 per"",,um Maooimum . - $6,400.00 per amum illoremoobs $300.00 per yelar 00 maximum. Head Maintenance Man Mimillmum - $4,000.00 per annum Marimum - $4,800,00 per annum Inol"emooJts $200.00 per y€1a:r t.o. marx:.imum. Assessor 4 Mil1'i1mum - $6,400.00 per 'anDUJlll M."imum - $7,200.00 per amum :inJcreme,,"s $200.00 per yelar to maximum. Asses-sor 5 Office Personnel (Grade One) Minimum - $3,200.00 per amum Ma"imum - $4,000.00 .per annum Incremeruts $200;00 per year ,vo maJXiiznum. Minlimum - $7,200.00 pea- anoom MaJcianum - $8,000.00 per amum Increments $200.00 per y€laif to mla~itmum. Office,Personnel (Grade Two) Mirufmum - $2,800.00 per allll1um Maximum - $3,600.00 perarunum illcremel>is $200.00 per "".,.to maximum. 6. Salary Schednle fOor Jail EmplOoyees. ~~S it is ""tlefup8Jted bbaJt ,bbe kdm;m~nation of Justice wi'll hevhe respolllSilliiIru~ oIf lihe Provmce oIf Ontario 01>, 'an<l al'ller J;muary 1st, 1968, no swary schedwe is jl]cl\:idedin Dbis by--:liaiW for employees oIf 1ihe EWgfu OoMty Jiall, but it is! hereby- pro'Vlided' iliwl.lhe .sehedwe a~ 'la!ld' dOWa:JJ jl] By-.[;8JW No. 1942 sh!lffi IillI1lllin jn ellfect unlJiI 1ihe s'ltuwtiiKm is cilialt'i[ied. 208 EDGIIN OOllNTY COUNOIIL 209 iElIJGiI!N OOUiNIJ1Y COU!NIOEL - 7. 'l.1IliAJT all prev.ious By"uaJWs ~ lhe County of Elgil> incomsis. Ie"t heTe~bb be, and the same are herelly repem"d. ' Mileage for Calendar Year o -5,000, .1~e per mile 5,000 - 10,000, .07C per md'le Over - 10,000, .0Se Il"rrmle D. 11RAfl' illds By-LllIW shMI beleome elffective 01> Decemher 31st, 1007, at .welve o'olock midaJtgbt. RJI'W a fuSlt bime tlhis 22nd day of Nowmber, 1007. IRJEAlDa ooo"nd Hme bhis 2I.!I]d d"Y of Novemher, 1967. RiEIA[) a !hi~dtlime, and fina'll;y pall.eo lib's 22nd day ~ No- vember, 196/7. H. L. JOHNSON, A. W. AUCKLAND, 'Oim'k Wanlen 2. 'l1HNr By-Latw No. 1943 he, and ,1ihe S8Jme' 18 hereby Mpe!lled. 3. 'I1HAT!!IDs By-LllIW shail[lake <!.tIDelet 00 Dl>eember 31st, 1967, subject 10 fue aIJlPl'IlV'at of !he MinllislOOr <If I1ighways. PMlSEID in open Ootmoil lhis 221><1 day of November, 1007. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk A. W. AUCKLAND, Warden COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 1992 COUNTY OF ELGIN "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 1696, Thereby Adjnsting the Salary of the Elgin County Road Snperintend:ent." BY-LAW NO. 1993 WlIDJRIEJ~ By-Law No. 1696 deailis wlt!hDbe appointment and remuneration ~ a IOO'ad Swperinteooel>t for tI1e' ConaJtY' <If Elligin. "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 1867 Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Elgin County Clerk-Treasnre,r." AiNID WH'EIRE~ By-iLlaw No. 1696 is presently amended by &y-iLaw No. 1943. ~~ By-lLaw No. 1867 deMs wdllb 1ihe' appilJli,t>lJment am remunerlalbiOO of a Olem-il're'asurea- fur tibe County of EligilJ!. AM) WlIIIEIRJEiAIS iBy-LllIW No. 1367 is preselll!ly' amen<led by By-iL_ No. lW5. . MID WiHIEIRJE~ it is now doomed ad",""ialhilie to oo<lnge the preseaJt slal""y of tJhe Elgin 00Ulrtly' IOOla<l SupeTinllen<leaJt. NOW THE!RJElF101RiE ,the muniKlipM CoI'[lo~ajjjoo of the Ootmty of Elgin enaots aJs follows: AM) WIIElRiElAS it is now doomed ,adviSl3Jble to chang\> . the presen. SMary of ~he mlgin CouaJty Oim'k-il'reasurer. 1. 'l1HINr CIa"",, (4) <If By-LllIW No. 1696118 amended by By-<ullIW No. 19~3 be delelled, and tJhe f"llowdng sllbSJIJituted tI1erelfOl'e'; "'I1HAT .DbesaWary or remunemlioo <if .Dbe Rom Superlinteru- aenlt slhaMi be bhe. sum ()If 'lllii!t'ltee!l11 'Dh:ous1and, . Nine Hundred Doliliars ($la,900.00) per anoom payiaible semi.mol;liMy, an<! !haJt he be platid an .aJlowaooe for the use of his car based 01> Dbe fulklwillig soh,," du!le:" . , NOW 'J1III'IRlEIF~OIRiE 1ihe MuniUoipaI CorpM1ation <If the County of mlgin ""acts 'as, foillllWs: . 1. 11HIAT Ol,,"-,se (2) <If ByLllIW No. 1867 as' "mellded hy By-<uaIW No. lWS be delewd and 'Dbe foNllwIing sllbsjJjlJuJl;ed lhereifure. ;.~ "11HIAT !t18 saillary as <Clerk-Treasurer ~ the OoMLy of Elgin be Nine Thousand, I!1i'le Hundred D<>lIDars ($9,500.00) per 'atIIll.Im." 210 ,EUGiIiN COUNTY COUNOIL 2. TIHAT OIause (3) elf By-ilJalw No. 1867 be deleted ood "he' f~l. :owing sulls1lltwlled 1fr1ea-efure. "WAIf his s'lrlar-y as T-relllSurer of the' Ellgin Colml-y Home for 1ihe Aiged be Two Thousand Doliliars ($2,000.00) per annum. ~. THlAT tlllis By.[;aw Sha~tal<e eflfect ()dl Dec,emller 3~St, 1967, at 12 o"clock mid!n<ilght. ~E;AD a flimt time lJhis 22nd day of Nwemb'ecr, 1967. !RJEu\[[)a second .timeDbis 22nd day of NwembeT, 1967. Rl'AD a bMrotllme,and finailly passed tllis 2Qnd day of No- vember, 1967. Ii. L. JOHNSON, Olerk A. W. AUCKLAND, WaJrdel> COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 1994 "Being a By~Law to Adjust the Salary of the Assistant Road Superintendent for the County of Elgin." WHElRJE,w By-ilJ8JW No. 1928 deals wltlh ~be' appo'intmeaJt and remuneration o[ al> Aiss<is~allt R<>'ad Superintendent fOT the CoUlllJy of ElIgm. AINiD WlH1ERlEJi\S B-y-ilJaw No. 1928 is presently .amended by By-ilJaw No. 1944. AIN[) WHJEIRiElAiS it is now deemed adWsabIDe to challge 1fr1e sa.lary of 'bite A.s,lstant ~oad Suve~iI1oondoot fOT the Counrty of EJg;in. NOW 'ffilEm1F0RIE the Cowma of ,the Co~pombion elf 1ihe CoUI1' t.y of E~gin elllacts as >owkJws: 1. 'I.1HIAiT Olause (2) of By-ilJaw No. 1928 as a!lIl""ded by B-y-Law No. 1944 be <Iele"ed and the IiolIowting sllbstitwte<l 1fr1erelfore. -- --- - .... -. ~-"~.~'-'-~~,............ '~--""""""'_'~"--"~"- ELGilN OO{)[\/!f-Y OOUNOlL 21'1 '''I1HIAT his salary be Tell ThouSal>d, TWI() Hundred Dolkms ($1O,200.VO) per year pa~able s<mri-!lIloo1ihIy." 2. WAT By'Law No. 1944 be and the 'same' is hereby rep8laled. 3. 'I1HAT this By-Lawsh<lIQ become ~flfelc1Ji"" on December 311sl, 1i967 at 12 o"c~lQ!cik midnli!g1ht. ~ElAD a flivst time tbfus 22ml day of NoveJlnbecr, IIJ617. ~EJAD a selcond ,time .1fr1ls 22nd <law of November, 1967. ~ElAD a 1ihiiro '1Jime, ~d fin<llly passoolJhls 22nd daY' of No- vember, 1967. H. L. JOHNISON, COOrk A. W. AUCKLAND, WOnIro COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 1995 "Beiog a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 1868." ~i\S By'Law No. 1003 deals wlllb 1ihe appoinbment am.d remlIDerailJiOl> ofa Deputy Olerk-'J1"oolSU= fur lihe' Colmly df Elgill. AND WHIElRiEL4IS BY-<lJaw No. 1868 Is presenrt:ly amended by By- Law No. 1946. ,"NiD W:H!E;R~ it is now deemed 'advislalble to changl> lJbe prosen! 'salary of .he Del>u~ Cler<k-'l1reasurer. NOW THIEmEIl"ORIE ,bbe MuniCiipal CO.l'pO~ooion elf lihe Oounty of mgin enacts, as, fulloWlS: 1. 'l1HAT OlaJUlS'e (2) elf By-LaJW No. 1868 as amended by By-<lJaw No. 1946 ,he deleted, and tbe folfu.wiIlg swbs1litwle<l lJberelf=: '''IUlIAT the s'oo,,-"y of 1fr1e' Depu~ Olerkc'J1reasurer be F1iw Thou- sal>d Docrwam ($5,000.00) permnum." -"~'~~'-"-'.""-'"''-'-'''''~----'-~ 2J:' ElIJGiIiN COUINTY OOUiNOIIL 213 ELGmN OOUNTY OOUNOIIL 2. TiIlIArI' ,bhiis BY4Law sbJa,1I t~ke €IlIfoot On December 31St, 1957, OIt 12 o''C!ock mliooigilt. RiElAlD a first time bhiis 22nd day of November, 1957. IRJElAID a secOlld time' tMs 22nd day of Nowmbea-, 1967. mm a 1IbJiro time, and finally passed .thLs 22I>d day "r No;vem- rnlr, 1967. COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 1997 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 1948 Thereby Adjnsting the Salary af therDeputy Assessment Commissianer." "Far the Caunty af Elgin." H. L. JOHNSON, Olerk A. W. AUOKLAND, WaJrdoo IWHEREJAiS By.<lJaw No. 1948 dea!ls wd1ih the .appolntmeaJt and "-"'Illunemtion of ,a Depu~ ,"ssessment Commli"Siiol>er fur 1ihe Ooun- ty of Iillgfurn. COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 1996 AM:> WIiElRJE~ it is oow ,dl>emed ad'l"isable to ehange lJhe presel>t eal"ry of illhe Deptlty ,,..sessm8f11t Commissioner. "Being a By-Law to Adjust the Salary of the Assesoment Com- missioner af the Caunty of Elgin." NOW 'I1HIEIRJElFlORiE the Mlmidipaili CoTpo~8Jbioo of ,Dbe Oounlly of 1'lligiia:JJ enalcts as fall\IWS: W!HiERiE~ ,the s,aJjary of the ~ssOOlsme!llt Oommi.sione<r of the CoUJJJty of Ellgin was eS>tJ8J1YliSiiled by By~Law No. 1!l47. AiNiD WlHlElRIE1<\.S it is now doomed "d'l"i~3Jbie ibo ad1wst lihe said salmy. NOW 1.1.8JlilllIEJF1OiIRJE the Counc'il (jf the Corpor8lbiol> of the Connty of'l'lllgtn en,;cis 'as !b][\IWS: 1. 'J1IIAT ,Dbe si3JI","y of Mr. Hector MOLean, ,..oossnrenl Com- missioner of 1ihe CoulJJby of Elgin be Ten Thousland, Se;ven I1un<lred Dollars ($10,700.00) per annum, p"yalhle sel1lli-1llonth~. 2. 'I1HAT By<lJaJW No. 1M? be, an<l 1ihe oame is herelby repe3Jled. ~. TIIllAT .lIhis By<lJaw sl1aN .taJilJe elffe<lt on Deooml>8T 31"t, 1967, at 12 o'"loek roidnillght. 'RIEAD a first bimethis 22nd <lay of NO'l'emlher, 1967. IRJElm a second time lms 22nd day of Novembea-, 1967. HIElAID a lihil'd time, and finally passed 1ihils 22nd day of No;vem- he,-, 1967. H. L. JOHNSON, OIerk 1. TIIllAT ClallSe (2) of By<lJaiw No. 1948 be delelte<l .and ,Dbe fol- lowing subslitwlle<l tb8lrefure. '''I1I11Ar1' his sailmy be Nine Thousand, F1i"" Hllnidl'ed Dollil_ ($9,500.00) per year pa:,naib'le semi4moullbly." 'I1IIWr .th1s By<lJaw shall -become elffl>Cbive, December 31St, 1967, at 12 o'clock midnigll]t. I mm a first time ,1ihil8' 22n<l <lay af NowmiJ>ea-, 1967. mm a second time this 22nd day of November, 1967. IRiEADa 1JImd time, aoo !linaUy passed 1ihils 22a:JJd <Iruy of No,""ttn- ter, 1967. A. W. AUCKLAND, Wllirdell I 1\ A. W. AUCKLAND, \VIn'dlm H. L. JOHNSON, OJierko 2'14 EllJGiIiN OOUINTY COUNOIL 2'15 ELGIN COUNrry OOlUlNlCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 1998 BY-LAW NO. 1999 "Ueinga By.;Law to Adjust the :Salary of Ivan J.Pattersoli, Superintendent of Elgin ,Manor. and to Amend By-Law No. 1729." "Being:a,By.,.Law to Authorize Current 'Borrowings in Excess -of 70% of the Uncollected Balance of the Estimated Current Revenues of the, Corporation for the Year, 1967. W1HJE1R1E~ ,this Council dk;em9 illt ad~isl3Jble 00 adjU"" llhe sa!lary of !be SupeT\nOOnde!nt (jf Elgil> Mian<>r. 'WlHEmJ~ by Byc[J1lIW No. 1954, ood By-lLaw No. 1976, of 1ihe Olll1llcill of1ihe Co~po""bi"" of 1ih8' Comty (jf ~IJJ pmviiderl for tOC bo~rmvting (jf funds to meeit c~t expenclitures pending re- cedpt Of lb8' e'sbima,ted clI'l'il'eaJt revenues for the' Y'elar, 1967. NOW 11HIEIRIE1F10RiE1ihe Cooocil of1ihe Corpomlioo of Dbe COllI>- IJy of Elgin enaJ(jts as folllows: AlNID WIIlIElRJE\o\JS it ills deemedexpedienJt :tJhaJt 1iheaJmount willlKlh , it will 00 OOCeS\;laryDo bOTr<JlW <luning the year 1007 wtill exceed 70% of 1Ihe unroJ[e(jted ba!laooe of ,the .emimaJted reveooes of the Co~nabion .as set fo11th in the ooiimaJt.esaoopted fOT .llhe eur- rcaJt yeaJr. 1. TIiAIf :mause (2) <Jf By-ILaJW No. 11729, as 'amended by ByJ]J1lIW No. 1949 be deleted, aI>d tJh8' fo1!owmg snbsbi:buted the~efure: "T!B1AT .1ihe 'said I",an J. P'8JtAJea-oon ooaill be paid " sa1aryof IDi~ 'I1lro1l\Sood, 'I1wo Hnndred andF'i~ty Dobs ($8,250.00) per amUlll"p'ayaa>Ie . se'lll'iYJllKla:JJlJWy. 'I1IIIElmIF1OBJE, ,tJhe OoulllClil<Jf the :Corporla"ioo Of1ihe' Comty ,,,fElgin ElliIAJO'I1S 'as F'ffiJLOWS: 2. TIlWl' Byc[Jaw No. 1~49 be, am the same is heTd>y repelaled. 1. THAT sulbjeclJ to 1ihe appmwl dfthe' OaJtardoM1IDItcipail Bo"ro lhe Helad and 'Treasurer are' berebyaullh\>'t'dzed Do bo~o~ Iirom time to .!Jime by way of Pl'Omlsrory ooIe f~ lIhe Bam of II1on. treail Barnik, a sum in €'<I",,"S (jf.llhe said 70% Of Dbe' oocollilected balWlee Of 1ihe eslim~ted r<Nenues of the' Go~mbiol>fur 1ihe year 1007 to lhe extent of $240,000.00. 3. 'l.1FlWl' bMs By-lL1lIW s]]al~ barke eIfIfec,t 00 December 3lJst, 1967 at 12 o'clock midnlLglht. 1REi\D a ~lrst time IIJd. 2tlnd day Of Nm'embea-, 1007. READ a ~irslt 8Illd second time llhds 22nd day of No",ember, .1957. ~ElAID " .second Vime thWs 22nd clay of N<>'VemJber, 1967. A. W. AJUOroJJAND, Head of CoImcil. H. L. JOmSON, (J]erk. ~ElAID a'1ihird time, all<l fdnallYp'assed tIlils 22nd d"y Of Novem- ber, 1967. READ a tlhiro time, ood finally 'passed 1ihds 2200 day of NIJIVeI!I1- her, 1007. H. L. JOHNSON, <h'k A. W. AUCKLAND, Warden A. W. AUOKILAND, Head of CJouoojj. H. 'L. JOIHNSON, Clerk. 216 I'lJG]N OOUINIfY COUNOIiL .ElIJQ]N OOUINifY OOUINIOliL COUNTY OF, ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2000 SIXTH SESSION - FffiST DAY HA By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Cor~ poration of" the County of Elgin at the November Session, 1967." WHlElREi\S hy Secmon 9 nf the MUIlJ;C!ipm Act, being Chapier ZOO "flbe Rewsell Slbatu1Jee of OnIJrurio, 1I.l60, the powws of a muni- cipal cOrpGraJbiOll ,are to be exercise<! hY' its Council; AJND wmRiElAS by sulJSelCvion 1 of Selltion242 of lbe Mun;- cipal '"ct, boeing Chapltea- 249 <if Dbe RJevlsed Statutes of OI>tJa11i.o, j:960, Dbe pOJW<lOO of e~e<y Comlli'! are to be exe"clsed hy By-Law; ~D wmmAS it is deemed elOpOOiewt that 1ihe pmceediiwgs of .he. Oounc'il of the Oo~l'aJtiOl> ofbheCouwty of EIg11> aJt Ibis melllr ing beC<J11f;'rmed and ladopted hy By-!LaJW; NOW TiHIElRiElF1OO1E TiHIE COUINOIiL OF TiHIE COIRJPORATION OF' TiHIE OOUNTY OF E'LGIIIN EINIAICYI1S as fulIoTWs: 1. 'I1h"t acbim> of !be Oomeiil of !be Corporation of !be COOnty ofI!llgin in reiSlp'llet of, each rwommendatioo COl>baiined in the Reponts of tbe OommrullJeesand each motion and resolution, p'assed 81]d olther acbion lakien hy tbe OotnllCliI of the Corpomtiol> of 1ihe County of FJlgill at its meevings held <IlWing 1ihe NwembeT lW7 SessdOll is hereby, 'adk;pt;ed and conrl'i"med as if ail! such plt'(l<lOOd- lings were expressly embodied ;"tlhiis By-!LaJW. 2. The Wardell and prope'r oJlficiails of 1ihe Oorpovation of the O<>rnJty of EIg11> a"e hereby atlthor;,zed ""d <lir6ee,ted ,00 do au thmgs ne'ce,,_Y' .00 gi~e ei!lfect to tbe a"tioo of the Couooil of tbe 'Corporamoo of 1ihe IComly of I!llgin referred to in precedtng Secbiol> h""eof. 3. The WaJI'dell ""d !be Olerk are oolbori..dood dM-ooIled to e~ecube a101 do'Cume:Illbs necelSIs1aTy in that" bed1failif arnd to alflfbc: there- to !be Seal of !be Co,~rlation of !be Comby of FJlgin. RFlA[) a lirslt filme ,Ibis 22nd <lay of November, 1W7. IRiElAID a secood mme tbls 22nd day of November, 1967. HIFlA[)a lbiro time, and Finally passed tills 220<1 daJy of No<vem- .[xJr, 1967. Wednesday, the 20th Day of December, 1967 The FJlgin Comty Oooocil met bhis day at St. Thomas, in accoroalllCe' wiliJ. adjournment. The Warden ill Dbe cblair. tOO Co1l11t House, AlII membeM present. Mwed by Reeve GtiIIchrist, Secooded by DepUJby Ree~e Mc[{iiliop, ThaJt lbe IIl!inuOOs of 'fihe NlWemlber lW7 Sessioll of. fiOO .I'lgin CoUllJby Comttlil..as printed 'md dJislrilluood, 'he eolliliraned. -Carried. The fulilOlWintg., comnlWl!icabions were read and referred to 1ihe v.a1'1ious commilf1tees: .]1rom .fue DepactJmelllt of lbe Attorney GenocllllldWsing' lblat as of J'aoorury 1st, 1968, c~,,"n 1iuIil'iime' mOOlclpailslJaIfIf engruged iv lihe Adnlln!i~braJtiOll of Ju~bice will become P""",illlcial Oicvd!l Ser- vanls. -m1iied. l'Ioom Mr. SfiwaJI't lJiddie with appreciaJlJion of .s<fuolamlJ!ip. -<F'!lJed. iI'1t<!m Miss Oarol Stalker wilb apprerciaJlJion of scl:wlalt'lShdl>. --if1iled. H. L. JOHNSON, Olerk A. W. AUCKLAND, WaJrden !F1rom Mr. C. H. Kett, Sope11llJJfJoo<leot of Belltibie aclarowledgmmt andfuanl<s re: 1967 gnaJ]t. -!F1i[ed. !F1rom fue I1onourllble W. nalt'OOy Mc[(eOtlgh WIiJlh ookmwiledg- meaJt of ~elJteT of NOWmber. 291ih, 1967. -i]1iled. . '.]1rom 1ihe ColIDlty of Grey with rosolwoo vequesllJin~ theMin- t'lier of Mdipal AilDad~ to amend Secbioo 329 of 1ihe Miurui~ AJm wlIeIt1eIbY ,MunicipaIOItdes lJ~, l"'I'.milltAJe<l ro borrow fUl1ldlsito flinance 1ihe =SWlrotiOll of DeveiopmeaJt Rl>a<ls in 1ihe amoonts Hlawn wilb 217 218 E!JG]N OOUNTY COUNOIL UJGIT[\f OOU!NTY OOiUiNiOIL equal to 100% of Dbe expeooitures made for Development Road p""j8IClbs. - Relfe~red to the F1iruanre Committee. The repo~t of bhe PernlOllI1el Oommittee w'*' presmood by Reeve ~ay md adopred on motion by Reew McKiil>lay and Roo"" Pbtill1lips. iI!1rom 1ihe Book of Monkeal adivisdng that interest rate 00 101J,lJJS has beeo~aJi~ed .00 6% per alll1rnn. -di1iled. The repOTlJ of the I'lligiru Mooor CommitAJee WaJS presoof;ed by Reeve KeN!lor arud 'adopred 00 m<J1Jion of Re""'" Kelllor and Ree"" Barker. :~rQm tihe Sail'VIatJion Army wibh aolmroW1~edigllnent and aw:recil8.- (lion of 1961 g<rarut. -<FJled. Warden Aucklballld reqneSlted eam memJber of Com~ CooociIT to ""press his or her V1iews oru CoUl]l;y Plaming and aiIiteir eooh memher had spokeru, the follOlW1iJJJg resolubion was passed. iFrom FoorCoUl]l;ies Gene~al I10spttal willih aJcknowile<lgmeaJt al>d appremalbiuI> of 1967grarut. -<FHed. F'rom 1Ihe Colmly of Werutworltb wibh resolubion pebitioning 1ihe' ",fin~"t""' . of Moolcipal Mfairs and tbe GowmmeaJt ofOaJtardo to ar.l]owce. immedi8Jt~ly the. program fur 1968 ""'gaming Dbe Basde snewter ~""t. - ReIf<eNed 00 the' EXJI]aWi~abiol> and Assesmnent Oomm;A,tee. Mm>ed by Reeve Emerson, Secoruded bY' Deputy RJeeve Orc'hard, That 1ihe 1!l6ll Wa~deo appow " Comm>tAJeer aJt the' J1anurury SesSion to emmme 1ihe queslioo of planTIlil]g in I'lgin CoUl]l;y al:ld to wirug in recommen<laltions as .00 the romwosi4Jion elf Roams and! or Committees thei!r pOWBrs aud member"h"p. lF1rom!he OI>tar"o School Trustees' and M1lIllicipal OourucM!ors' I\sS<JciaJtiOll wWIIb letAJer reo bbe proposaW of the OaJtrurro Goverm- menlt 'to estabilJish County JloaTds of I'ducation. - IOOferred 00 the gducaJtion Commi~tee. -Carried. Mwed by Reeve Mc!Kiirnay, Seconded by Deputy Reeve W~se, 'l)hat By.[;aw No. 2001 ''Being a BY'-Law 00 Amend By--IlJaw No. 1'9-91," be read a first ti:me. iI'1rom the Canallian NatioruM IDsltutulle for lIhe Blind with ac- koowile<lgment and 1Ihankls for 1007 want. -<Filed. MOV'ed by Reeve Brurker, SeCllnded by Reeve W~lson, That By-Law No. 2001 be read a secooo time. -Calt'Tied. iF'rom the Oaruadiian l1axF'oundaJtion ,and Bureau of MUIlWipaW ReslelaJI'lclJ; ai!lllIOoo'Cling a sp€lCilBJl> ta(8: conJfeteriJce at ToroIl./tJo on Jan.. ua~y illDb and 13th, 1968. - lRe[erred .to 1ihe F1inance Commlttee. -Carried. Moved by Reeve- (J]rurke, Sedonded by Reew ~"Y, That By.[;aw No. 2001 be ~ea<la bhIDdtime 'and finally pasood. -Cairried. From G. Duncan Black IJimillted reque'Slting coruside~amoo of th~ir j)irun if a Reslt Home is corusddered fOT Bast Blgm. -<Flied. iFrom Mr. T. S. Oaildwell, DiskdKlt M1lIlliKlipal I'ngineer, with oolJ'k1e't e"'llMJled "IMUilNcip'al Roads, Di"isdoo." -'!13Jbled. Moved by Reeve K~IIlr, Seeooded by Deputy Reeve Nemelt, ThaJt de do now -adjourn .00 mest December 201ih -at 2 p.m. -Garl"ied. From ,lIhe RoVary Oiul> of St. Thomas requesMng County of Elgin ad in lhe Rolrury Music FesllJivail Prog"amme. - Refemd to Dbe F1inaooe Committee. 2119 220 EDGIIN OOUNTY OOUNOIIL 221 UJG[N OOIUlNTY OOUNCllL Coonc~ .re-;eO\1llVened. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT The repO"t <>If lIhe I'ducamn CommitAJee '""" preseaJtedby Rioove Bail1ker and adopted on molioo of Rewe BwkJea- an<l Deputy . Rewe Nenm!Jt. Dece~b~r Session, 1967 Th fue Warden ,and Memheoo (jf lhe Eilgin' Comty Co~, The ~epmt of .lIbe Equaild~ation <I!ld AJss8lS\SmeJJJt Committee was presented hy Re,eve Oave~ly and adllpled O!> motlioo Of Reeve O"^,,,",ly .and Reeve Emerson. The PerooInlel Com!lIlillbtee repolils as folfuw;s; 1. 'I1HlM'lhe sa<ary. s<fueduJ.e fm- the Assessmmt DepartmwaJt he as foNows: 'I1he repozt of lhe Fmance OOOllllllirbtee 'MaJS presented by Reeve 110dd and adopted 00 moNO!> of Reeve Thdd and Reeve DeGraw. MlSIElSSOR 1 Mo""d by Reeve' Dl>Gl1aW, Seronded hy Reeve McOal<lum, That :By-uaI\V No. 20<Y.l "A :By-uaw to Clmfimn Proceedings of the Comoil of the Oorpora~ioll of theCouaJtY' of, Elgin, at 1ihe De. ~e.~!r Sessd~n, 1007, II be felad a first time. MiDiJmum Maxuil11U11ll $4,000.00 per annum $4,800.00 per annum Ineremellts$200.oo per year to maximum. ASSESSOR 2 Mlinimwm. Maommlllll; $4,300.00 per anoom $5,600.00 per annum -O_red. Mwed hy Deputy Reeve' MklAIlpin~i Se<Jo"d~d ,byRee"" De(1imw, Th,at By-uaJW No. 2002 he read a' second time. mereme,,"" $200.00 per year to ma101mum. ASSIElSSOR 3 ---CmTied. lVJ!indmum Mrocimum $5,80Q.00 per amum $6,600.00 per annum MOIVe<i hy 'Reeve roamt, Seconded by Depu~ Remre Or<fualt'd, 'iliat BY'-iLaJW No. 2002 be rood a .third time 'and fil>aliy v_ed. ..,.()arn-red. IllllremeaJts ,$200.00 ,peT ye'ar to maximum. ASSESSOR 4 MJn1rmum Mammum. $6,800,00 per aInlum $7,400.00 per aInlum MOIV<ld by Reeve Thdd, Seconded by Deputy Ree"" ~, That we do now ad!i<>um. Sine Dile. mcrements $2oo.0Q per yeait' to maximllm. AlSiSESSOR 5 ---CmTied. MinJtmum MJaXlimum $7,400.00 par $8,200.00 per 'anooll1 <lIlI1um II. L. JOIlNSON, OWrk A. W. AUOKLAND, Warrden 'Jinerem""ts . $200.00 per year. to maximllm. 282. EllJGillN OOUNTY COUNOEL !ElLG[N COUIN!l'Y OOUN1OIIL 282 OF11i1J100 PI'RSOQIlN!E1L Milllllimwm MaXlimum GRiM)E . 1 $3,000.00 per amwm $4,000.00 Jier atlIlI1m tam pa:}"illlg 50% elf ,1ihe cost ood sIDce numerous other' sirntiIDar requests ilia"e had .00 be refused we Nlcommeoo .00. County Coune~ Ih..tDbe 'J1owI>sblilp elf Soolbwold he 'advllisedlbaJt ~. request of MT. DeDeokJere oannot be aecepIled at .lliIis ,bime. "N of wmcth is respe1ctfullily sulbmltted. lJOIRiNE roF:[IlJLOR, Cb-airmal>. InCTements $200.00 pea- yeW to ma"imum. OF1F1l!OE PiElRSONawL GRiM)1' 2 $2,800.00 per annum .$3,e00.00 per annum M1iillli:mum Maoo1mum Ioorements $200.00 per ye'ar to maX'lmum. COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 20&1 2. !Pa'€OOl]t slJailII', wilflb tbe excepitio]] of Mr. K N. McOailImn, to receliw relliIJJar ~al. ilIDremoot plus one addiilbixmal ilIDremenl; to 'compel>sate for tlhe "aisle in ,lbe miilllimnm sIlJIary. "Being a By~Law to Amend By-Law No. 1991!' 3 UVlr. K N. McOalbn.1Jo be re4classilfded.to a ~ade 5 Amessm- mdappoil]lIEld Qhief Stailll' AssesSOT aJta salalt'y of $7,800.00 per annum. ~~ it is deemed adVlisalbile '00 ..mend Dbe 'Sailirury Sched" ule ~or ,Db.. Oounity <if EI!lin Aooessment Depaa1tment. NOW 'J1Hi!lR1EIF10R1' 'Dbe ColUllCft of tlhe CIorjJo<Iatioo of VIle Cotmty elf Fllgil> 'e"acts as foNaws: 4. The salaries al1ld s"~ary rohedules recommended in '.bbis re- port .are .00 be' effective December 31!.st, 1967, 'at 12 o'"lock mid' nigh!. 1. 'l)Jjat By-iLaJW No. 1991 ofDbe Ootmty of El!lil> 'be amweled by dell>liinIg Oiause 5 ('SalarY' 'S~hedule for Asoossment ~art- meaJt)anll su"'"bituOing therefore VIle folIDowing: 5. That By-iLaJW N\). 1991 be ,..mel1lde<l 00 ine()['pG~ate VIle reeom,. mendaffions made 1n this ~rt. ~SFlSSOR 1 Mindmum $4,000.00 per amum Maximum $4,800.00 pea- annum iLncremoots $900.00 pea- yeait' ,00 ma"lmllill. ASSIE\SSOR 2 Miniaoom $4,000.00 pea- amum Maximum $5,600.00 PeT llIlillIUm I1Ioreme]]bs $200.00 pea- yelalt' to ma"imum. . ~SFlSSOR 3 Mmimum $5,900.00 per OO!llum Maximum $5,600.00 pea- aooum mCTemelllts $200.00 per yerur' ,00 maximum. AN of w!rich is respectl!ullily subml"ted. JOHN MkJK:1INILA Y, Ohmrman. ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT December Sesoslon, 1967 To ,1ihe Wardel> 'and Members of ,1ihe Elligin Colmty CotllllCil, The Elgil> Ma.Jror Oommilbee repo~ as folWws: 1. That ill wew of ,Dbe fall! lbat. 1ihe waterm"fu ,00 Elgin Malllor was OOI>aJtTu~ted asa pri",aJte main wtiDb lhe GwemtmeaJt. of On" 224 ElJGiIJN OOUNTY COUNOIL ElJGiIiN 'COUlNTY,OOU\lOIL ASS'EISSOR 4. ;Mindmum Ma~i;mum EQUALIZATION AND ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE REPORT $6,600.00 per aIlIlIlm1 $7,400.00 'Per aIlmIriJ. Deceniber"Se~sionJ 1967 Increments $200.00 per 'yelaT :to ma",lmwm. 1'0 1ihe W'!l'lien al>d Membel1S. of bb.e Elgin Co111!by l::\)uncill, AlSSESSOR 5 'Millliimum MaooimUilll Increments $200.00 per Y:ear 'I1heE:quababiQI.~ and Assessment Cornmwtee rep.o~t'! ~.. fcNIJIWS" .",,"":: ,":::' ..,'.' ,. ," r.'- ,0' .": ", .... '" $7,400.00 per $6,200.00 pea- to maXllmum. amnIm aoo.um " ,-':.',.:.'__ '; :'. .....,,'..,... _,':, ',_ ':....., ,'... 't'-;'::'., :,' ' ." . 1. 'i1iiat bhe res<llutiqll f,.om the C<)U!Jity of. '8en~hregan:lilJil . 1968 Programme ~or the' bas'ie she<lbergrnnt, he eoooo.ed.' ffii1F1IiOE ffiRSONlN1ElL OOAIDI' 1 Mmimum $3,200.00 pea- !lIlll1um MaX'irnum . $4,000.00 per !lIlll1um .' ~nmem""ts $200.0Q per year 00. rnaJOimum. AN of which is respeo1Jfullily submitted. .' WffiLLLAiJYl. R. O,"ViElRILY,.. (]]"irman ffii1F1]OE PiEJRSONINEIL Minillmum MaXlimum GlRIDI' 2 $2,800,00 per .'!lIlll1um .$3;600.00 pea-.anuum FIN<\!'<<;,E C01IlJ\lITTEE. .REPORT December' 'S'ession. 1967 Inorem""ts $200.00 per year 00 maooimulll. ~ . '.". &wsttlme' . .lJhIis 20th d"y of. Dere1l1lber, 1967. RIEAID a 'seeondthlll>lhis 20tb <lay of December, l.967. RIEAID a lIhiTd lime aJlld ~inaHy passed 1ihi. 201ih. day of De- cemlber, 1967. . 1'0 ~ the Warden' 'and 'Me1nIbers.ofbhe ElgJI> ColIDlty::OotmcN, The F1inalloe'Ollll1rn;lJIlee repo,:rts as' foNIlW\S: 1. TbJat' ~heresolumori ~roon lhe Oonnty .9!1' GreY re.:AiffieiliJi. menlJs to Sltiiion 329 of the Munlclpaili Act; be taJbled.' H.L. JOHNSqN,. OIea-k A.W.AUOKLAND, \Var'denl - '2~ 1bat:, AssessrrnentCoIIllmiSiS,ioner. HootorIMlc\Le~j 'wd:,the Chairman of .lhe Property Commilllee. he authorized.' to atl;en<l !be Tax Domerel]ce ar~""ged by the Oal>nan1)a;,; Foun<latiul>. ~d ,1ihe B,Ul."'~1l .'1f MtnN~,ipal Rese;ooch on. J;an"";"y 12"h ~lld l!lIJh, ~968. .,'- ,., .,' ' , EnUCA'l1ION COMMITTEE REPORT Decel)lber ,Session, 1967 To !be Waroen.aJlld Memhel'\Sof Dbe ElIgm Oounty Councill, The Education Cornrnltbee repOTls as follllWS: 1. ;ThaJtthe Ie~r from !be OnbaJrio School 'J1ruslees' an<l Munici- pal Coonreiillo~s' A..<>c~a"ioo, be filed. 1MI of whiOO is. ",sp'oolfulilly' submllted. . . ' . 's: Thatbh",ci;l'aI fulJ. page ad. ~. .plaic~jnlJheRxlDaryl\iI1~.ic Festi'l"ail ~"~amme. ... .. . 4. ThaJt. $1.500,00 he iad"me",d to the.. Elgiin. C<)rmty Ji'lioouJing Board. to ~VeT. exPenses for the' m<m1ih of Jan"aJrY', 1968. . ",', : i:',. - '_' . .;,-, "., .., "" ; ~";' ". '.:-; .... ,'-',- .." -0'; A!ll of which is respeclf1JiNy submfutAJed. . J.W.B~, Ch~man DOUGilJAlS IR. TOOI[),oh~an. 2Q5 226 mLGmN' COUNTYCOU~L UJGIffiII COUNTY COUNCiUL COUNTY. OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2002 --INDEX-- "A BywLaw To. (jonfirm Proceedings af the Council af The Corporation of the COWlty of Elgio at the December Session, 1967." WHil!mIElAiSbY;ll~ction 9 of the MU1IicipaU. Act, bcing Ohapter 249 01 the Riewsed .SbaJtlltes of OIl"ornO, l!l60,1ihe jJ<lIWeTS of a m)llllicirpol oorpo,~ation are .10 be ex~lsed by its COUllKlil; AINiD WIHiEIIlIJDt\S by sllbsoobiol> 1 of 8olcmon 242 ilf lIhe MU1Iicipllli AJat, being Oha{l~r 249 of lhe ~e"ised ~atutes ofOl>tarno, 1960, bhe jJ<lIWeoo of eV<>Ty .,Couooil are to be exeroised bY' B!y-<Uaw; A:NU:> WHERlIDA\S it is deemed exipedient that 1ih" proceedings of the Ooul>Ciili of the Oorpomtion of .Dbe C\>~ of Ellgi" at Db,,, meet- ing .he ,eol>firmed and adopted b!y By-ilJlIW; NOW ~ 'I1HIE COUNCillL OF 'I1HIE OORiPORA'I.1ION OF 'I1HIE coumy OIF ELGiIiN ENAiC'J1S as. !iQl;lows.: 1. 'I1bJatactOOn of ,1ihe Council of 1ihe Oo~oratroTh of the Comly of I'~;I)' respec,t of eaJCb. recommel>dotion cootained in the Re<- po,"s of ~heCommittees aoo each motioo llllJd resolution passed and other action :taken by .the C<J11ooil <JJ;', the 'CoJWP'otion elf. the Oounty of Eljgil>aJt its~ing>s held dll1'ing 1ihe December 1967 SasBiol> is h~y adk>pte<! ood; ~ol>lfli!'med a~ if aMJ such proceedings were ex- pre""'y embod,ed ;m vms By;Low. 2. The Warden and proper oJiI1iciailis of 1ihe ~aJtioo of the Co~ of El!lil> are h..~by autho~ized llllJd directed to do a!Il tJhing>s neoossary to '.gi"e €flfec,t 00 .lhe ""tion ilf 1ihe Councll<lf the Corpor- atlonof:tlbe.CoU1lty of Eiliginrefe'wed to in preredlimg 8o,,"ioo hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are auDbOTized and ilkeeted to e".c)lbe a)l .doCII"leats. necessary it! that bebaJ[ and to affix there- to the 80lal of 1ihe Corpomtion of 1iheOounty <If Elgin. . ~ElA[) a !lrs:t lime this 201ih day of De'cember, 1967. !RiElAID a second bime this 201ih day <If Decemiber, ,l!l67. ,RlEID a Dbird time, and !lnlrl!ly pa..ed this 2011h <lay <If De- cember, 1007. GRANTS - ~ri\Ju!In:urIlJI and Hblil!lcllit11l1a1 Societi"" . . . . . . . .. . . 39 Oanadiloo N1a:IIiOllailildjbilJule fuT lb.e Bllod ................ 41 The SailIViaJtioo Axmy .................. ... .......... 41 UMvernilY' elf Western Ontal'i\l ........................... 41 iL<lcal AigIDicullilJtmlili OJ!tIlce .................... ...... .. 38 iUaJw lIil>rlalt'y ................................................. 10 Memb,ensinps: OMA..... 40; OElA..... 36; l\1IC'J1A.. 40 AssoICIiiamlnl of OI>tra<iloMlayKJl's .am R,#;El\'es. 40 ,"s.soIciatron of OaJtaliiQ Counties "" (. . . . . .. 41 Scholwshfips ............................ 'Th'Iloilees' ,and RiaJtepayem' MiOOClati\ln PlionJeeir 1v.Lumum ........,...,.......... .................,.. iEOOpo:I1tern .. .................. .,.......... .....,.... ........... Hili 'JJillsolllboog H\lSI!lilail ........................................ 40 [Jake Eri:e fulgiiol:lal Developmanlt Cow<liI. .................. 8~ !BealltJi" Ha"",n ...... ,ee,jjmail I'iligfurn OdlleglaJte mStJltule Bam' ................... 82 ~ ICo1nJlles HIoispi~aU. .................................... &2 ~""iH3JIl\>ll ()[lWe~ ........................................... 104 MISCELLANEOUS _ ~menlt of DelliegaJiJ!lS ~bi,,<lS ................. 20 ICol11ll1llIDlc'atojns .......... ~1, 17, 00, 72, 98, 135, 157, 160, 217 'Oooo~ 0l1IIre~." iMrn1IicIipaJiJ CIDerkls and' 'J1roasuroos ...... 2, 7 Counlty" 'CoUllc!1 ........................................... 3, 4 H. L. .)I<Y.IjINSQiN, County Clerk A. W. AUo.KiUAND, Wardell '(", ['! ;'1: , 2Q7 ,\ :r ,,1 36 3il 40 41 ",'-.._.,.."~,~".~,~ ---..., 226 ELm!\! OOUNTY. COUNOIL ElLGl1N OOtmTY OOUN!OEL SboodIDg Comimlltees 'Wla!l'ldw's iElledl1ioo ~arden's M<lresis 5, 6 BY.LAWS _ ]953 - To A[lIj>OIillt la Ootmty Rioad 'Collll1nlilJbee ............ 25 '1954 - If<> Bilmrow up to $1,500,000.00 las maY' be reqwi~' !!rom the Bank of MOllibooail ........................ 50 1<955 - 110 C'\ppOlfujt 'a Boam ~f Audilt................... 51 1956 - To Set ~e Mal ~googale ViaOO>allJion ~f Apporlbiolli- lffieJjt cJf Comty lRi3Jte ............................... 52 1957 - 110 AJutlho!fu>e the I'xpropd8lbion of 'Land for ,1ihe Pur" :p'OSl> of WidOOllJJg ~d ]mpoov;"g Comty lOOa<ls 52 11958 - lRieSlpeIeilJln(g ltihe We;glhlt of wads lto Be! Oamed on Vebii.bl"lS........... .............. ............... 55 ]959 - If<> AppllliiJt MsoolS<Xt1s fur the CIo~ of EJ]1Jin ...... 57 le60 - To AppoUo M€imIOOns land AIDl:ern8Jtes~. lhe County ofEI1Jin lf1lalll1'lng Board .................... 58 1961 - To. ~enil By.JLaiw No. 1476 . ..................... 61 1952 - To Omi!imn lP:rocee<lilllgs of .1Jbe 'Counclill of the'. Cor. POOalliKm of the 'Comty of El!Jin 'aJt 'tihe Janu,,",y Boo_ . Sibn, 1957 ....................... ................... 61 1963 - A BY'.[Jaw ~o Aa:JJ1ihoriZl! the Exooubion o[ .~ ,"gree.. rom \W1Ib nJbe iMlinislteT of mgiJ.~"'YIs fur Ollbarlib I'e iDwelbpmelJt Ro8J<l No. 840 ..................... 85 '11964 - 110 PTIOVIide fur 1Jbe 1967 ,Expendlilmoos on Roads '" 37 1965 - If<> IPrm>i;de' fur iIle 1957 SupplemenlJary EXPend,lIUoos 00 Rioladlsl .................. ..... 88 1963 - To, ,ConlJ1ix1m ."be :Eq"ailii~allJioo of 1Jbe Amessment IlJolIiIs of lih,. County of 1"Ig1in fur 1967 ............. 90 ]967 - 110 'Ria!ls'e Aimourut. ~or 'Co11lllty- RI!Jros .............. W 1963 - To. AJuIllIDI'Ii~e' Gmanlt!l ~ \'1ld1ioosl O",gallli0al!li<>us, 000-- 'Il<ll'8Jbi\>nIs, fus~lf)ThjIiOnls, 'eI1c. .. . .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . ... 92 11969 - To OOllllfilrun Prooeedlillllg1s of '1ihe Ooullloil of lIbe Cotr. PoMtion of 'tIh<1 OouaJty of E1g1in at ,lIbe MaTCIJ Ses. sti1on,1967 ....................... ............. !Y1 ... ..,.. ..-j"...... ...,-.,....-............... 9 .......... 10 REPORTS OF COMMITTEE AND OFFICIALS ..,,- ,"grllcwtmal IComll1litAJee ........ ...... ....... 38, IOeolleldal ICIomIlll]ttee ......................... ....... l!1inal]C'ial Statemoot 1"!llm ,"gJ1iIcullul.1~!. OOOIllmlltee. 1000000y Olerk "" llJilcellllces ......... ..................,..... .... ,. 173 Eil/lin :ManIOO' 'ComimJliJlee 36, 34, H3, 128, lMl, .144, 176, 222 100tm/ty Tre~'s, laepoJjj; .. .................... ",""" ~~1, 171 EdIl<l!Itib1l .Oottm)llblilee,.. ....... ....,.36, 94, 126, 147, 194, 224 Equa!limbioo lam Al;sessllleaJt CotmJrniilitoo. .... 37, 52, 33, 117, ......... ..147,225 39, 60, 31~ 119, 148, 156, 179, 225 ....... 43 !j6,. 119, .39, 96, 114 147 47 Finaooe Colllll1lilJtee .... lJiJbrlaJrY' Co-~8Jbi"e REPORTS. OF COMMITTEE ANI) OFF1ICIALS - ,E1gfurn CoIR'~ Museum.................. ~ COIffiIl1ill~................, .370'.95, 126, 185,.221 SuveI'IiaJt€llllllmt, ElligWn lVlialllQT ............ q .... q .. .......... 174 lPetl~iOOs ,al>d Legtllstla1Jio"" ~e .... 27, 95, 127, 146, 195 Prllperty ICommllfuee .................... 26, 93, ,115, 148, 175 Ro8J<l CoIlltmiifu!e . . . .. .. .. . . . .. .. . 28, 76, 115, 146, <180 Weoo InspedlOT.. ..............q..........q........... 177 iAulbliiC SdhOOQ OomWb8Jbive Commilfuee .......,........ 26, li2 OomtrOOliKm S~ty' ilms![lOOllor's lReport .................,.. 34 ICoOOIJy ,Go!Vemmenll; .......:................ .37, 149,195, 196 Secoodm-yiScIbIlOil ,ColllSllillllaJtli'le CmnmlitlJee. ..:....,...:.38, 127 100000000llbee of lihe 'lVlholle ...q........q.................,. :165,166 ........,.. 48 11970 - 'fu ~el>d By-Law No. 1960 Appllli1JVllJJg 'MemIbers and ~ternlaJtes 100 the I'~ iC<>WlItY' lPlliailll>ing B<laa-d .... I2I1 229 2.30 ElliGiIN COUiNTY COiJNCi'L 'E[,G[N roDN'I'Y COmO]L ~9'fl _ To Auliho~ize fue W,aroen ,wd 0Ie11k ro SIgn J)jjcu- menltsRegalt'dllJJg .Puroo8JSe af '''l'PJ'l!lOimaitely four ,a~ Ofl3lJJd ................ .......... .........121 ~972 ~ To Aullht<>rtize ltIhe' Ward"" .am 100erkto Sigl> Various iD<lcumools ........ .100 1973 _ '1'0 Oon\S~buIte ,a IComt of ReIVIistiOO !'or each Towrusllilp, ToWl>, .amld Wlill8Jge wltlhin ~heC<J111]~ of Elgin 123 .. ~974 -110 'c<>n.llibure 'a wda~ Oourt of 'Reviiilion !'or ,1Jhe ToW!> Of . A-yilimer fur PU~\S of iIle 'weal lmpro'lemeaJt Act ...... ..... ..... 124 .1975 - To . Detach Omltail>Laoo~' !F1rom Union 'School Sec- tlioo West Lorne, ,aod AilidiJorougih N1>. 6, land. to AlJIj8JCb lJhe \S1~id iliaoos '00 the 'J1oiwrusIhiIp S<fuoo!L Area of Aid- iJ>oro\lgih .. .. . . . . . .. 131 1976 ~ To Aullhorize. .tlhe WlaJOOen lam TrealSm-er to Borrow lihe Swm of 'l.1wo 'MMioo, !FOur '1'1"""",11 'J1boosallrl Dalillaoo ....................(.....................182 '1977. _ Th Aippomtal:l ,"sseSlsOT fur the 100\riy of ElIg;n ... 133 1973 -To 00nAliim Booreediings Of the 'Comc!iI of the 001'- poflllbion of the' O>umlty of ElIgin 'aJt ltIhe JUllIe' Se\si- ,sdion ...... .... ...: ............ .... 100 ~979 -To~ellrl By~1J!lW No. 1973 ............. .....150 '~980 - To ,"meOO 'tIhe By-!Law ~g la P.lan of ColIDltY' [RtjadDmprowmeaJt 'am EsIIablislbti"ga CoUlll~ n<>ad Sysltem . . . . . 151 <1001 _ To Grlamlt B",,"oon iReIf"""saDJd P<>c!reIt M<J11ey ro :aesildelJlJs of the E~gm County HllDJle fur lihe Aiged . 152 1982 - '1'0 AdjUllt IlIhe Salary ,OfDbe Plby.u"" for Eagdn M- OT.' .............. 1003 - To, EodlJelld tbe 'J.1lme Iloo: 1ihe Return of tlhe. "'\SIOOS' moot Ro~ for ,lIbe Town\Sihiips of Mdborougih, 1S~- ham, Dorcl:1eSter SootIb, DuniWillb, IVIllJIalbidl>, SoulJh- wol\l and YIa~mouDb .. .. .. .. .. . . 153 0000 - '1'0 AUtII1kJrIiw IlIbe ObIJa!ll>ing of TempOTrury Ad'lance~1 ~o -Me<Jb rtJhe Oo.t of 'CoI>sItrocbinJg ,"" Add!ltioo to th" ElIgil> ,County Home Iloo: Iihe ~ed ....... .......... 15~ 1985 _ To 100nIffiJJjm PtrKlooeddlngll Of the ,COUnI<lil of the CoT- porlabioo of lih" ICoUlJty' Of Ellgfurn <lit the s.ptemlJe~ SesSlioo, 1007 ......................................... 155 1986 - IReiSpecjJia:JJg '1Ibe WlliIgl1l; pf LOllds ,to be Orurried 00 Vehicllls .............................................197 1937 - '1'0 ~end By-!Law No. 1673 "fRestriclbing Pml<:- ing" ..................................... ........198 1982 - To~en<l By-!Law No. 0000 ....... .... .100 1989 ~ To Els"3Jbl!ieh ltIhe Noomall :R€iIJiTetmeaJt Aige. for I'm- ploY'ees of lihe Coumity Of ElllJin.... .. .. ... 199 WOO - To Appoint Au<litors fOT lIbeOoUllJtY' of Elgin . . . . .. 200 19m - 110 l'~talJlliish laJ Saillary Schecliull> Iloo: I'mpl<J(Yees of ~he C<>mJtY' of EilJin ...:... .... ..........201 1992 _ Th Ad(juslt ltIhe '8a1lrury of the E'1gtin Oom~ Rood Su- p",,1ittJtendoot ................. 208 1993 - To'Ad(jUlllt. the SailIa<ry of IIIbe E'igin OonaJty Ole,l<:- TrelIsurer .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. 209 1994 - '1'0 AidJjuSlt .1Ihe SailIrury of. 1Ihe A!ssWSIlant Road Supe1'-' Prutendenlt .. .. ..... ........ ..... . ... 2[0 1005 - To ~ By-'L!lW No. .1668 Thereby. AdjullOOg .!IlIe Remunen3Jbi<>n of ,the Saffia~ of rtJhe, DeprJi;y, Clerk,! 'I1OOaJSlM'er .... ...... ........ ........................2[1 1996 - To, AidJju.t lih" Salliary of ltIhe A\9seslSiment Oorrunn& !SIiooerr ............................... .......,.....,. ,... 21ta 1007 - ~ ~juslb 1ihe Salalt'y of 1IheDeIjll!ty "'~llSISnleIlt~ oms1Siooer ........................................... .2W '1998 - To ,"djwst fue' Salary of IlIbe Sup8[1ittJtood~nIt Of IDI- Igln M1anOl' ........................................ 214 W98 - IJ'o Aul~ Current Bo~gs in Exc,,"," of 70% ofbhe U'UCoIN~eOOd (Ba[WJ,,,,, of lihl' ElSlllrn3Jted' O_<lll~ !Rev€iDJUes......................... ... ..... 2'15 2000 - Th 100nflirm Pmeellrlmgs of ltIhe Couooll of ,lIhe Cor, pONllilik>nOf '1Ihe' Oorrnlby of El@in l3Jt thl> NIowmIl>er Sesilioo, 1987. ....... ..216 2001 - To ~em By-LllIW No. 1991 'J1bwelby Adlju.bingtlhl>' Slllaaw ScheduJie [OT lihe C~ ofEligtl!n MSeBiS1IIlenlt DepartmeaJt ..................... .................... 223 2002 - To 'CoIltiliam Proceedings af liheCounlC'il of tbe C<>1'- ~ of 1ihe CouaJty of J!JliWID ,aIt 1ihe DeeellJJhe~ SessOOn, Ii967 ......................................... 226 231' 232 ELGl!N OOUNTY COUNOIiL I1I'SOLUTIONS - pellJiJtiioo 00 1ihe ,Minister of I1igiJJways;fur SIUIlsidy........... 19 W~OOil,,'1s AilternlallJe 00 CouIJ~ of ;EJlgm Plliamil>g Borurd 20 RequeSlt!nlg 'the [)ept. of illIgIJIwaY''' ~o mak>e ~msfer WIiI1ih ~egaTd t'Obbe 1966 AIllllwal Return . . . .. .... 68 W>Db re~ect jJo, Plaooia:JJg <in tbe 'COmIt:V of Elgin ....... 73, 74 If<> pay the WIaroeni., SIUbOOihlbe. f<n' altltending me€!tfug\s of 1iheEJIgill PiloouJing Ellard .......... .. .. . . .. . 74 '110 ~lID<l l!1.ia:JJaOCe ICo1lllITlllittee iReIpKJItt aJt iIle June Sesslioo .. 104 If<>Au1ihovi~ Reeve C. D. i'lai!ls 00 Alllen<lfJbe AIllllual Mee!f;.. ",g 'Of NAC.O. .................... .. .. ... ........... 108 To .taille the Septembe~ Counlby Gm>ernmenlt iReipori ,00 the Nowmher Sessloo .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .., 138 If<> petition lihe MlllJi"ter of lIiiIgIbJwaJ)"Si to' ,alilklw 1ihe' conm- Wlllo!> of .(!he OallJaJrill 'W~ter RJes<>ur<les CommislSiion bowia~ 1Ihe ~e",aiT of St. Th\lmaJs SUlburban 'Road No. 30, am fJbe ~ep"Ur olf the PalItersoo Brlidge . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 139 'IP dn",lbe la jtn1li<m boy or giu:lli !jU<!st to fuel !irIsIt d~y of fJbe ~~n>ber Sesoion, 1967 .... ........ ... ....................139 If<> ApplJlillt RJeeve !MTs. !lV1IaTY Bliy'tih to aID! C\JmimJit1Jeee tlbJai !Dbe l!1te Roo"e J<llnJJ SuJDberland ,..rwd 'On ..... . . .. 156 ThaJt ".,lel~ber of 'aec'epltance he' sent ,10 MM. JelSlSle Al>de~ '.00 f<n' ,the pilruquel lJOOS,enlted m memory of MT. AIDex. Ml\ler- 'S<J11 'and Mr. W&am Al>dooson .. ...... .. .. ..... 160 !RElfervinlg 'lIbe r<!q"e~t of lihe V<i<rol'lian Order of NW'OOs f<n' a g"ant 100 .tlhe '100!l F1i1Jance OImrmiitIDee ....... . .. 100 If<> 'aJPpomt .MT. GmUlwlilllle GIoia:JJ 00 fJbe Elgfurn Goooty Farm S8JIf€lty OoUlllCiil. ~or 1900 .... ............. ..... 166 If<> Hllllid a Speoialli llVLe<Jbing of CouIJ~ 00 December 21ltb .... 167 If<> A,,1ih'011l~ the 1968 Warom to appoint " OJ1IlIITldlttee ..~ the Jan"aIt'y Session to ..""lIl!ioo the queallJioo of Plaming iln Elgm 'Com~ .............................................. 219 ~. 1 ; t i d . '..,J ~ ,