1968 Minutes PROCEEDINGS OF THE Elgin County Council During the Sessions Held in the COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS In the Months of January, March, May, June, August, October, November and December 1968 H. L. JOHNSON County Clerk A. BRUCE McCALLUM Warden Elgin County Council, 1968 Counly of Elgin Officials, 1968 Name Office Phone No. WAlIDEN A. BRUCE McCALLUM Township of Aldborough Reeve DUncaJn Gilchr:ist, R.R. 1, West LOlrne'. "'''''''000000768-1718 West Larne J. F. MoMi1laTh___......County Jud&1e.....~_____.m..n..h.h..._mm.'nn....un._u631-4810 Eugene P. RaY.n..mOownty COUl't CJerk and .sh~riiff,__,""'m......6631-0840 P. J. Gloin.m.m...........C1eJrk ,of the P,eace and Oounty Crown Attolrney ......... ....___00............631-1506 F. R. BaJrnumn........Ma~ilst:ra.te, Judge (Jof Juvenill.'e' Court mmn.........' .........................631-7300 Mrs. M, WUker.....__.Ma.gistiraJte'.s O~erk, J.P., Oletk ':o{ 'Jttyernirle,.~ourt;.~.m.~~......................631-7300 R. D'avd,ls.................m..Coun'ty ,Regis;Vrar ....................m.........................631-3015 'R. S. BrowO';................J wi'lolr .............................:__.......__.................__.............631-3312 E. D. MoO're~.._.....~.....Supeirvtsing Probation .Off.icer......................631-3430 : B. Ddan........................Pr:obakion O,fH'Cer .............................................631-3430 W. Ganning................P,robakion Offii'cer ______........................................631-343'0 H. L. JQlhnson..........coumy,Glerk..:T1lieasure,'l;' .....................__..___........63l~.1460 H. McLe'an.___.__...........AJs,sessmeill't Commissioner ..............631-9581. 631-95&2 R. G. M()IO!X\e'..........:....J?om;rty ~n_gd.n;e'e'r ....___;.___.___.................___..... .....631-5880 N. J. Chapliow...........:Coins\trucrtion S'afety' Ill'SpeotJor....................__..631..588.0 I. J. PatterSOn......m...Supt.. ~Jgin Manor ___.._-----..................................631-0620 M.iss R" ProwSie......:.CbUl1ty Librarian, (9 Gladstone Ave,.)............................ .............633-081,5 Deputy Reeve DoO'wld M. McKBllop, RR. 2, West Lorn,e . 768-1646 West Lorne Township O'f Dunwich Ree,ve A. Bruce McCaU,um. R.R. 2, Du:ttl()'n~... Deputy Re'eve Kenn,eth McAlpine, R.n. 5. Dutton .........762-2936, Dutton ........... .......762-5300 (Dutton) Township O'f Southwold Re'eve Albe,rt Or,chard, Shedden...... ......... ...._____ ..n. .......764-2373 (Shedden) Deputy Reeve Laur'enc.e McIntyre, R.R. 3, Shedden 764-2044 (Shedden) Township Qf YarmO'uth Reeve John Wis'e'. R.R. 4 St. ThQmas........m...m.m___631-3921 (St. Thomas) De,puty Reev,e Thamaa Y. Robert,s. R.R. 1, Sparta Township' of Malahide Reeve WHM'am R,. Cave'l"ly. R.R. 5, Aylmer..... Deputy Re'eYe H. Paul deRyk, Aylmer...ooomm Tawnship af Bayham Reeve Hora-CiC~ B. J'ohns1on, StlrHffOlrdv,jlHe u...._ Deputy Reeve Jes-s1e L. Denrnis, RR. 1" Vienna 775-2508 (Sparta) ..........773-3047, Aylmer ...773-3903, Aylmer 866-5651 St'1'affordvi~le . m......... ~"oomm....m.886-5601 (Sltraffordville) 'F1anj;oy, Hennessey, Kiem,pster, Johnson & Gunn..County SoUd.to-rs .........m......oo...................m.oo...631-0700 W. O. Barans............Divjsi'on Court CJ:etrk ......................000...___0........631-1241 A. D. McCo,u...........oooArea Superinrtemdent of Schaols, " Elgin N 0'.1; 24 W'e;:w,Lngton SL.,oo ..............631-03~3 R. E-. Rawl!ings..... ..AQ'I'ea Supe'i:i:ntend1ellit of SChrao:Iis, mlgi'11. NO'_ 2;'MIj1ddlies'ex No.2, 24 W~li1ingtan . St. ............000...........................00631-556'0 Dr. A. B. McCaIJurn..Jail Physidan, 616 TaJlhot SL.n...ooo...ooo.......631-3302 Dr. .c. A. Graham....EI~g>in, Miwna.r:Physlicfan 130 Ross SL........m633-ODaO A. V. Lang,tanOOO"__h.Agrj:CUI1mral,RePllesent~tive, : 594 Talhot' St. ~... ...............__000 000..........___00000.,...631-4700 Olaybou'rne' Gordon..Coulnlty W'eed- Inspec.toil' and Tre,e Comm.d'ssio:ner, RR 7. St. Thamas mooo................u....oooo(Shedden.) 764-2.14 Winspear, Higgins, ! stevenson & i, Doane . ~.'............oo......OOunty Audiwl'S, 136 Cent~. 8t... ....h....dh...631-82~0 Dr. F. Appletan, _, M.O.H. ....................EIg,i'n-St. Thomas HeaJlth Unit........................631-99Qo :' Township of SO'uth Dorchester Reeve J. B. Wilsan, R.R 1,S,pfl1ingf~,eJd....ooo....ooo......269-3995 (Hani-etsville) Tawn af Aylmm' Reeve Forr,est F. MOail"e', AyJ.mer................ ..... ........... m..773-2021, Aylmer Deputy Reeve. Al'thurr T. Miske~ly, AyJmer .......................773-'3447, Aylmer' Village of Vienna Ree've K. C. Emersa'll. Viennamnn ................mooo...... ..874-4460 (Pt. Burwel,I) Village of Springfield Reeve James W. Barker, Sprlngfie1d..." ""."'.00000 _._mm...773-9293 (Aylmer) Village af Dutton Reeve Albin Kahnt, Dutton..m........_. ...,....... .........00 ..on ........762-2223, Dutton Village O'f PO'rt Stanley Reeve Lorne K6li.Hor, Port Sta;l1Iley ...00 ."..nm.... ......782-3462 (Port StamI:ey) Deputy R'eeve Jahn Nemett, POl't Stanley.. ......_............ ..m........._.....782_3120 (PO'l't Stanh:'!y) Village of Rodney Reeve'Vlctor DeGraw, Radney...m..........n ............ __,. .......785-0200 (Radney) Village of West Lorne Re-eve Doug'lla-s T,odd, WeSlt Lo-rne.......................mm.768-1300 (W,e,st Lorne) Village OfPOl.t Burwell Re'eve Mrs. Ma/ry Blyth, Palrt BurweJ;} .............0000.... ............................874..4191 (Port Burwell) Village of Bebnont Reeve C. N. Clarke. Belmant......... .......m...._. ...mm ...........644-1835 (Belmont) Standing. Committees, 1963 Standing Committee 1968 confJinued Administration of J'llstlce Jud-ge J. F. McMiUan and Cownky Tfle'asuNw Cha1Tm,~n ,J. Petitions and - Legislations Ba,rk€lr; Mc~~lilop, :MJiske1~y. McAl,pin~, deHyk and Wardlen McC8Jlllum KeWor, ChaJirman Agricultural A. Orchard; a:nchli'is1t, Caverly, Wj,s.e, Wi;lson and Ward,en McCrull1um. J:oh:h~oi1; , Chairman A. Legal Krahnrt, .C1a-rke, dJeRyk _ Nemett, WaTden McCaJllUm. McIntyre and County Roads Cp'airman W. CaVlerly; GHchri'st, Wilson, Wise, M'QIo.re and WaTden McCail~um. Advi\sO'ry RoadCorinmi:tltJee '- Orchard, J.ohns1o:rl'. ,Todd. Emergency Mea,sureS Oi'ganization pennis, Orcha'l'd and Warden McCan'urn Public; Sphool Consultative Committee Chairman J. B. WUS'on; Emerson, Gil}.chr-~st_and Ward,en :McCalLum . . EIghl Manor ChaJrmam J. Wi,s.e; Keil,llQr, Bark,er deRyk and W'aTden McCa1lJ.um. Adv~s'Olry,. mlgd.u Man'or Comrdi,tte-B ....:.. Misk,e.JJly, DeGraw. : Children's Aid.- M'iske;Ny, Dennis, Roherts. Seconda,ry' School Consultative Coinmittee Chwirman J. B. ,Wdlson; Emell>son, Balrk'6Jr ,and Ward'en ~cGal1um Education Ch,8Ji'rman A. MilskeQ1y; McKHloiP, McA:lpine,McInty:re, Rq:berts, de'Etxk, Dennis, Wj:lsion, 'Ernerrsorn, Barkeir~ KiflJhnt, NemeU,:DeGraw, ,Todd~ Mrs. Blyth, Olark'c' and Wardlen: McGaUurn. Personnel' Committee Chairman K. Emerson, KeiUnr, DeGraw, Todd and Warden McCaHum. Eqmiiiz!:lti9n Ohair,manF, Moor,e'; GillchrilSit, Orchard, Wi:se', Cav.erly, Johnson, Wm,S'Olll, Er.m.ersolU" Baxkc1Il'" Kahnt, K'ed'UlQr, DeGraw, Todd, Mrs, Blyth, C. N, Ola,rl;;:c and W3Jl~d<en McCal1lum; Rec~ption ~d Entertainment Chakmanc, V. DeGraw; 'Wilson, Emers'On, Wise', McAlrp,ine" Nemett, Mc~d!]lop, ~Iore and Ward'en McCa'llum. Chairman p. COunty Govermnent GikhiI'li'st; Wdilson, Moore, Warden McCallum, Todd' BJud Finance Chakman D. Todd; Gdi~chr:ist, Orchard. Wise, Oaver[y, J'ohnson,- Wilson, Moore, Emerson, Barker, Kahnt, K'eiUol1', DeGraw, Mioo. Blyth, CIa.'rke, and Warden McCalllum. Health Unit - CIrurkeand Mrs. Blyth St. Thomas-Elgiri" Genel'a! Hospital Emerson and Waf'1den MoCwHum Tillsonburg Hospital - Johnson Four Counties Hospital - DeGraw Library. Board OJ.a;rk<e, Ne(nl,ertt, Kahnt and . Warden McCallum Property and Assessment Cha.lir,man K, McAlp1:ne; MCKiilrlop, Cav;erly, M,clntyI'e 'and" Warden McCaUum Museum _ Mlrs. BlYth, Roberts ~ - - - - - - - - - - - ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 7 e ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ g ~ ~ ~ $ ] g g e 8 ~ ~ ~ g ~ ~ ........ ........,.q tIJ. '-' 00........ ....... o ~ 0 8 ~ ........ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ R ~ ~ 0 ~ ......... ID M ~ i PROCEEDINGS o ~ ~ N ~ M ~ ........ ~ M ~ ........ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I i I 1 i I i Ii. il I _ ! _ , OF THE 'Elgin County Council [,>,;~, ;;~.;-;.. - i ! +>! !! ~! ~ i ~ .e- ~ :.;,:>! : u:i ~ i::l 1 C,l i I " rll'\li~~ ig~j;:.;8:S'E; ,""", ",,""",,"",,, en i! ~I~~~~i~ ~j~~!8~ ~ I W "'., . ;1 IIi '" "Il. i FIRST SESSION - FIRST DAY ~ ~ H . 0 ~ ;1 A i ro 0 w ~ ~ " ~ M ~ :> I en o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;1 ~ 8 ~ 8 ~ Tuesday, the 16th Day of January, 1968 c( w ~ I I- The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, . Q = ~ J ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ St: ThomaS as required by Statute. Z e'O.....,OJ:l~~<I-l--,.....;4,J~~od..... . ~ ~ ~ E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ~ I The following members filed certificates and took their seats c( I ........ '-' ~ ~ ~ b ........ ........ ........ Q 00................ ~ I en ~ rl 00 . rl ........ ~ ........ . at the Council Table. o ~........ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ! ~ j ~ ij ~ ~ j ! ~ ; ! ! ~ ~ ~ Duncan Gilchrist, Reeve, Aldborough w Donald McKillop, Deputy Reeve, Ald1;lOrough ... u : to: t-; E-t fi ~ ! : ! ~ ~ a.- t-; t- l' A. Bruce McCallum,Reeve, Dunwich . " C()'::' " ... iJ ioj.!J~ I f 1;9 i i~; .Kenneth McAlpine, Deputy Reeve, Dunwich c( Albert Orchard, Reeve, Southwold Q. U i ~ i oj .., '" S i ; , ~ ,; [,> .,; H ; Laurence McIntyre, Deputy Reeve, Southwold Z !~ !.18~"i1 !Ji~~~]ljE i John C. Wise, Reeve, Yarmouth :> J. '@~"~Pl!~....; &I~i William Caverly, Reeve, lVlalahide ::l: ~ <i~8ili~,; i I'lll.w.. .~ H. Paul <IeRyk, Deputy Reeve, Malahide ;2 ~~!1 ~.~r&j~'t~a:lw!.~ Horace B. Johnson, Reeve, Bayham ql +f C'l +> . ~ z :> Jesse L. Dennis, Deputy Reeve, Bayham ~P:;~.-lh~ Q)p;i~~ O~_hO~'~ .!:llr.1!::ll)At~~ o~ ~~.".,-d,i J. B... Wilson, Reeye, S01jth Dorchester ",jj~~:8~"'-!l.lJ · "i:i!l'. ~iYi lilOi>~iiii;'Pl~%;1;1wQ{1 Forrest F. MOOre, Reeve, Aylmer is I" . r... ~ :;!.. ~ Il. Arthur T. Miskelly, Deputy Reeve, Aylmer H .. 0 ;1 ~ q '" . 0 . ...:i ,,~ " .K. C; Emerson, Reeve, Vienna ._ . (!) Ul ..s:: IJJ l=l ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ B ~ James W. B~rker, Reeve, Springfield ! j II! j J ! 1 ! J j j ! I i Albin Kahnt, Reeve, Dutton . , , , . ~ ' , , 'is ... , . ~ I Lorne Keillor, Reev,e, POIlu Stanley .d i : i ~ i ! i !::.$ i .! John Nemett, Deputy Reeve, Port Stanley fj' , "':S ' ", ~' '" ' .. 'S . ~' '~ ''il ; Victor DeGraw, Reeve, Rodney o ::l '0 +-' .... ~'~~~",~6Jg.Pl [,>r,3" D01jgl~s Todd, Reeve, West Lome .o~:S ~t',q S$~t:..ll~ Mrs. Mary Blyth, Reeve, Por.t Burwell :' ;::l - ~ tIl :>. 'ij) ~,.:, 'O.~ ~ I'l ~ ~ ~ ro ~ ~ & & S ~ j;: ~ C. N. Clarke, Reeve, Belmont 1 I' 8 E:LGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY. COUNCIL .9 The Clerk announced that any Councillor who was a can- didate .for the office'oLWarden' would now be given the oppor- tunity to speak anqReeve A: Bruce McCallum addressed those assembled. ... , None of Ibhe other merhbersbf Council availed themselves of the opportunity to sPeak and the. following resolution was passed. Moved by Reeve DeGraw, Seconded by Reeve Moore, That A. Bruce McCallum, Reeve of the Township of Dun- wich, be Warden for 196~, . ,,'from .:Dhe ,Ontario. Good Roads Association announcing the sec))nd one day SeminarfOl,' CounciIlors._:Referred to the. Road Committee. .. .. fmm' the. Department of Labour announcing a two day Seminar for. Construction Safety' Inspectors.~Referred to .the Road Committee. ' . ~Carried. >: Fronl.the, Ontario Good Roads Association with request for 1968 membership fee and announcing 1968 conventIon to be held in Toronto, February 26th to February 28th inclusive.':":'" Refel"~ed to th"c Road Committee. .' '. .' From the Ontario Association of Rural MunicipalIties with request for memb,ership.~Referred to the ..Finance Committee. ",,', ",... . Erom the Association of 6nt~rio Counties with. vequest ~or membership fee.-Referred...to J).J.e' Financ,e Committee. . Fr'om the .younty of Ontario with resolution l"equesting Amen<;Iments, tq thePuj)lIc . Schools Adt. an~l the secoJldary Schools and Boards of Education to provide for payment of mem- Schools and Boards of Education Act Itoprovide for payment of '!ne~bers of PublIc and Secondary' School Consult~tlve Commit- tees.'-'-'ReJ)erred.to :the County Educational Consultative. Com- mittee. "Fronithe Minister of HIghway~ advising<that no money should be sent nor any commitment made on which subSidy is ""pepted before. receivingDepartmentapprova1of a supplemen- . tarJ,'j)Y;law__R'lferred tq tlle,Jwad yommittee. .. From the County of Essex with resolution to set aside one ",e,ek each. Year to be kno)\'n as "Sporlbs Week" and a Jlfrther resqlutiqn to ,amend V\' olf and Bear Bounty Act.~Referred to . the' PetitionS arid Legislation Committee. ' Ifr(jIrlthe COu)ltyofwentworth witl1l'eS()lutiontecording 'objection:Do the Government proceeding. wit).J. legislation to e,staj)lish younty Boards of. Educationuritil suchtiir>e as .fUll particulal"s have been provided to MunicipalcouncilsandSchqol 'BOards fOr their consideration 'and comments.-Refetr'ed ..to' the County Educational Consultative Committee. . .. ,,' ' The resolution rei The Warden's E:lection was unanimously approved and the Warden took the Declaration of Office. , ...., . Ex-Warden Auckland presented Warden McCailum with'a ne)\' Warden's gown which he, Mr. Auckland, was donating to the Elgin' County Council and he. also presenlted Warden McCallum with the gavel of office and the Lord Elgin watch. Warden McCallum thanked Ex-Warden Auckland for the gift of the gown' and having donned the new gown he addressed the Council and thanked Reeve DeGraw arid Reeve Moore and the members of'Council for his election by acClamation. Moved by Reeve Todd, . Seconded by Deputy Reeve McKillop, That the minutes' of the December 1967 Session.a8 printed and distributed be adopted. -Carried. The following' Communications were read. and referred to their various committees. From the MusetIlar Dystrophy Association of Canada with request for grant.-Referred to the Finance Commtblee. From the Lake Erie Region Economic Development Council rei Seminar on Housing needs and Rational Land-Use.-Refer- red to the Finance Committee. From the La~e Erie RegiOn Economic Development Council with request for grarit.-;Referred to the Finance Committee. ,'n '" ,," . ".l!'rQm the Cotmto> of Perth witltresolutiOl:t requ~sting . the Ontario Goyernm,"ntnot to enact legislation to s,"t upCo!ll11;y j39~r,dsof lj:dueation._:Refen:ed to the qounty Educatiol1al Con- sriltativeCIHrimittee. . . . . . .' ;""1. I' I 1 10 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL From the Ontario School Trustees and Municipal Councillors' Association with request for memhership.-Referred to the Edu' cation Committee. From the Canadian National Institute for the Blind with request. for grant.-Referred to the Finance Committee. From the East Elgin District Women's Institute with ap- pointment to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board.-Refer- red to the Finance CommittJee. From the University of Western Ontario re: Elgin County's representation on The Assembly of the University".-Referred to the Education Committe.e. From the St. Thomas-Elgin Children's Aid Society with list .of the children for whom the County was responsible in 1966-67, -Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Department of Highways re: 1968 Road Estimates By-Law and Road · Progtamme.~Iteferred to the !toad Commit- tee. From the UniversitJy of Western Ontario with annual report on the. significant developments within the University.-Filed. From the West Elgin District Women's Institute with ap- pointment to .the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board.-Refer- red tQ the Finance Committee. From the Bank of Montreal advising that effective January 2nd, 1968, the interest rate on loans will be 6'12 % per annum.- Filed. From the Association. of Ontario Mayors and Reeves with request for membership.-Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Association of Ontario Counties announcing the election of Mr. C. D. Phillips as a member on the. Study Commit- tee and requesting that the County of Elgin recognize Mr. Phil- lips as their representative paying his out-of-pocket expenses re- lated to performing the dUlties therein.-Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Association of Ontario Counties with copy of let- ter written to Mr. C. D. Phillips expressing appreciation for the fine work he did as a member of the executive.-Filed. From the SalvaitLi.on Army with request for a gr~nt.-Refer. red to the Finance Committee. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 11 From the South Western Ontario Live Stock Producers' Association with request for a grant.~Referred to the Agricul- tural Committee. From Sheriff K P. Ray with. Grand Jury repoJ.1t to Mr. Jus- ticeRichardson.-Referred to the Property Committee. From the City of S1. Thomas with appointment to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum.-Referred to. the Finance. Committee. From ~he hnperial Order Daughters of the Eimpire with ap- pointment to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum.-Referred to . the Finance Committee. The Warden appointed Reeve Todd and Reeve Gilchrist, Re.eve Caverly and Reeve Wise as members of the Committee to strike the Standing Committees for the year 1968. Moved by Reeve DeGraw, Seconded by Reeve Todd, That we do now adjourn to meet on WedneSdaY, January 17th at 10 a.m. -Carried. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk A. BRUCE McCALLUM, Warden 12 ELGIN COUNTY .COUNCIL ELGiN COUNTY COUNCIL 13 FIRST SESSION - SECOND. DAY Wednesday, the 17th day of January, 1968 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, S'f. Thomas, in accordance with adjournll\ent. The Warden in the chair. All members present . except Deputy Reeve' Roberts. . An invitation was received from. the Bank of Montre~l for the members of the Council to have dinner at Malloy's Restaur- ant on 'January 18th at 6:45 p:m. A communication was received from. the Four Counties H.os- pit'll advising that the County of Elgin was ,entitled t.o a Life Membership in the Four Counties H.ospital Corporation. A delegati.on was present from the TiIlsonburg District Memorial Hospital and it was moved by Reeve Emers.on that the delegation from the Tills.oriburg Hospital be noW heard. . Mr. Bennett and Mr. Gibs.on addressed Council explaining the need f.or renovation of the .operating and Delivery R.o.oms ,p.resente.d a brief regarding the finances required and requested a grant [from ,the Oounty .of Elgin. , .' . .. Warden McCallum thanked the delegati.on and referred the request t.o the Finance Con:u.mttee. Mr. A. V. Langt.on, Agricultural Representative f.or Elgin County was pr.esent and it was moved by Reeve Keillor that Mr. Langton be now heard. Mr. Langton addressed Council reporting on farm conditi.ons and the activities of the various farm clubs and requested a grant f.or 1968. The Warden thanked Mr. Langt.on and referred the request to the Finance Committee. Reeve Wise introduced Doctor Finlay and moved "hat Doc- tor Finlay be n.ow heard. Doctor Finlay reviewed the activities etc. of Fanshaw Col- lege and advis,ed Council regarding future expansion. He sug- gested that Council appoint a C.ommittee to work towards the acquisiti.on of a satellite college for this area. Warden McCallum thankedD.oct.orFihlay f.or appearing be- ~.ore Co_up.cil and rep.orting .on the progress .of Fansb,aw Cqllege. The feporCof the Special Committee to strike the Standing Committees for 1968 was presenbed by Reeve Todd and adopted on motion, of Reeve Toddanil.Reeve DeG.raw. M.oved By Reeve Wise, Seconded by Reeve Caverly, That the Public Sch.o.ol C.onsultative Committee and the .SecondarySchool Consult'ltive ,Coll\mittee be amalgamated to fopn. a County Educational C.onsultativeC.ommilttee. '.' . , . -C'lrrie<!. Mov~d by Reeve Gilchrist, Sec.ondeil by Reeve T.odd, That Victor DeGraw be app.ointed to the Fonr Counties Hos- pital Board as representative of the County of Elgin. . ._ ~Carried. Moved by Reeve DeGraw, Seconded by Reeve Todd, That By-Law N 0.2003 "To appOint a County Road Commit- tee/: ,be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Todd, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McKillop, That By-Law No. 21003 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by DeptiWReeve McKillop, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McAlpine, That By-Law No. 2003 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McKillop, Seconded by Reeve Todd, That we do now adjourn to meet at 2 p.m. January 17th, 1968. -Carried. 14 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCI.L 15 Council Re.Conv~ned The first report of the Finance Committee was presented hy Reeve Todd alid adopted on motion of Reeve Todd and Reeve DeGraw. The Warden referred the matter of a Conimittee to consider the location of a satellite college to the Educational Committee. Moved by Reeve Emerson, Seconded by Reeve Mrs. Blyth, That By.Law No. .2004 "To Authorize the Warden and Treasurer to borrow the Sum. of Two Million, Four Hundred Thousand Dollars," be read a first time. FIRST SESSION - THIRD DAY Thursday th~18th day of .January, 1968 Moved by Reeve Emerson, Seconded by Reeve Mrs. Blyth, That By-Law No. 2004 be read a . third time and finally passed. -Carried. The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the chair. All members present. A Communication was received from the Elgin Law' Associa- tion wIth a brief re: Court facilities and was referred to the Property and Assessment Committee. It was moved by Reeve Emerson that the delegation from the University of Western Ontario be now heard. Mr,Fraser Rowland introduced the other members of the delegation, Mr. Baldwin, Mr. McDonald and Dean Dillon and ad- dressed Council regarding enrollment, the need for further ex. pansion and requested continued financial support. Warden McCallum thanked Mr. Rowland and referred the request to. the Finance Committee. It was moved by Reeve Caverly that the delegation from the Canadian National Institu,t'e. for the Blind be .uo.w heard. Mr. Roy Meehan addressed Council reporting on the wo.rk o.f the Canadian National Institute for the Blind and reqUested continued financial suppo.tt. . The Warden thanked Mr. Meehan and referred the request to the Finance Committee. . . Reeve Keillo.r moved that the delegation from the Bobier Home be now heard. Mr. Stuart McWilliam. addressed Council explaining the need fo.r an additio.n to the Bobier Home and requesting a grant o.f $15,000.00 to.ward the cost of the addtbion. Warden McCallum thanked Mr. McWilliam and referred the request to the Finance Co.mmittee. It was mo.ved by Reeve Gilchrist that Mr. Ro.bert King he now heard. Mr. King addressed the Council advising that he wo.uldlike ~Carried. Mo.ved by Reeve Mrs. Blyth, Seconded by Reeve Emerson, That By-LaW No.. 2004 be read a seco.nd time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Todd, Seconded by ReeVe DeGraw, . That we do no.w adjo.urn to. meet again January 18th, 1968 at 10 a.m. . H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk A. BRUCE McCALLUM, Warden 16 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 17 The Report of the Construction Safety Inspector was pre- sented 1:Jy Reeve Caverly. Moved by Reeve Caverly, Seconded by Reeve Wise, That the report of tile Construction Safety Inspector be adopted and printed in the Proceedings. . The Report of the Property and Assessment Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve McAlpine and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve McAlpine and Reeve Caverly. The Equalization Committee Reporh was presented by Reeve Moore and adopted on motion of Reeve Moore and Reeve Wise. Moved by Deputy Reeve McKillop, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McIntyre, That this Council is agreeable to have the agreement drawn on April 16th, 1963, between the City of St. Thomas and the County of Elgin, se'lting out the amount to be paid by the City of St. Thomas towards the cost of Administration of Justice, etc., continue in force on a yearly basis pending the assumption of the .cost of the Administration of Justice by the Province of Ontario. to remove a small acreage of bush from his farm bWh has been unable to obtain a 'permit to do so. . Warden McCallum thanked Mt.'King alldteferr,ed the mat- ter to the ;,,-griculture Committee. ," , ' '. The Report of the Road Committee, was pr~n ted by Reeve Caverly and adopted on mOltion of Reeve Caverly and Reeve Moore. ~(;nrried -Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly, Seconded by Reeve Wise, That Ithe Warden and Clerk, be authorized tQ submit to the Minister of Highways of Ontario, the petition of the County of Elgin showing that from the 1st day of January, W67, until the 31st,day of December, 1967, there has been expended on the County highway system the sum of $1,241,657.50: MQved by DepWtJy Reeve Miskelly, Seconded by Reeve Mrs. Blyth, That By-Law No. 2005 "A By-Law To Set the Total Aggre- gate Valuations for Apportionment of the County Rate in the County of Elgin in 1968," be read a first time. -Carried. -Carried. Warden McCallum congraltulated Mr,Norman Chaplow and Mr. A. J. Gordon on having successfully completed the course a~ the T.J. ,Mahoney S9hool for Road Superintendents and pre- sented them with their certificates. MQved by Deputy ReeVe McKillop, Seconded by Reeve Todd, That'we do now adjourn to meet at2 p.ni;; January 18th. . -Carried. Moved by Reeve Mrs. Blyth, Seconded by Reeve Emerson, That By-Law No. 2005 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McInilyre, That By-Law No. 2005 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Co unci I Re.Convened The Repod';f the Petitions and Le'gislaltionsCommitteewas presented by Reeve Barker and adopted on motion of 'Reeve 'Barker and Deputy Eeeve McKillop; . Moved by Deputy Reeve McAlpine, Seconded by Reeve Kahnt, That By-Law No. 2006 "To Appoint a Board of Audit in the County of Elgin for the year, 1968," be read a first time. --Carried. 18 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNcIL 19 Moved by Reeve Orchard, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McIntyre, That By-Law No. 2006 be read a second time. FIRST SESSION - FOURTH DAY ~Carried. Friday the 19th day of January, 1968 Moved by Reeve Kahnt, Seconded by Reeve Orchard, TMt By-Law NO. 2006 be read a third time and finally pass. --'-Carried. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk A. BRUCE McCALLUM, Warden The Elgin County Council met this day at the CourtHouse, St. Thomas in accordance with adjournment.. The Warden. in the chair. All members present. A letber from the Minister of Health to the Warden of Elgin announcing a meeting on January 31st re: Proposed District Health Unit, w~s presented and the Warden appointed Reeve C. N. Clarke to attend the meeting. The Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Orchard and adopted on motion of Reeve Orchard and Reeve Wise. Moved by Reeve Caxerly, Seconded by Deputy Re.ev.e deRyk, That By-Law No. 2007 "A By"Law To Authorize the Expro- priation of Land for the Purpose of Widening and Improving County Roads," be read a first time. ed. Moved by Reeve Keillor, Seconded by Reeve Caverly, That we do now adjourn until 10 a.m. Friday, the 19th'day ofJ'lnuary, 196'8. --'-Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Ne~tt, Seconded by Reeve Wise. That By-Law No. 2007 be r,ead a seCond itime. .' ~Carried. Moved by Reeve Wise Seconded by Deputy Reeve deRyk, That By-Law No. 2007 be read a third time and finally pass- -Carried. ed. Moved by Reeve Clarke, Seconded by Reeve Johnson, That By-Law No. 2008 "Being a By'Law to Constitute a Court of Revision for each Township, Town and Village within ,the. Limits of the Corporation of the County of Elgin to Appoint m-Carried. 20 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL the Members Thereof and to Designate Their Remuneration Pursuant to Section 65a of the Assessment Act," be read a first time. Moved by Deputy Reeve Dennis, Seconded by Reeve Johnson, That By-Law No. 2008 be read a second time. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Johnson, Seconded by Reeve Clarke, That By-Law No. 2008 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. . Moved by Deputy Reeve Miskelly, Seconded by Reeve Mrs. Blyth, That By-Law No. 2009 "Being a By-Law tq ConstitU'be a LOCal Court of Revision for the Town of Aylmer for Purposes of the Local Improvement Act, and to appoint the Members Tbereof," be read a first time. Moved by Deputy Reeve Miskelly, Seconded by Reeve Mrs. Blyth, Th1lb By-Law No. 2009 be read a third time and finally pass- Moved by Reeve Mrs. Blyth, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Miskelly, That By-Law No. 2009 be read a second time. ed. -Carried. -Carried. -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 21 .-;Hi Counei IRe-Convened The Report of the County Educa>tional Consultative Commit- J~e''Yas presented by Reeve Wilson and adopted on motion of ~'t,J:l,eev~ Wilson and Reeve Barker. ii!J{'!:iThe Report of 'the Educational Committee was presented by i'!),ePllty Reeve Miskelly and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve ~iSkrllY and Reeve DeGraw. F)...;....'l'h~~econP: Report of the Finance Committee was presented ',b'y-ifl;eeveTodd and adopted on motion of Reeve Todd and Reeve Gilchrist, < ,~}~'?U.~JL.' ,- Moved by Reeve Kahnt, ~~50pded by Reeve DeGraw, ?rIY+'l'haHhe By-Law appointing members and alternates to the .ElgiJi County Planning Board be withheld pending the report of ifl\eiiSpecial Planning Committee to be named by the Warden {i.!lp:.thelll'inister oCMunicipal.tffairs be so advised. ,.<<h:\"';':.!:,""""'" " ' -Carried. Warden McCallum named the following members to be the Sl?ecial PlanningCommllitee to examine the question of planning .m.Elgin County and to bring in recommendations as to the com- pg~ition of Boards and/or Committees, their powers and mem- .ben;hip.___Ree"e Todd, Reeve Gilchrist, Reeve Johnson, Reeve /l\I()o,te, Reeve Wise, Reeve Keillor. .ThWarden appointed the following delegates to attend the :::;yaii()us, conventions. H9WtJrio Good Roads-Gilchrist, McKillop, Todd, McAlpine, Mc- .....Pi'Irlt~e, Wilson, Roberts, Wise, deRyk, Caverly, Keillor. ):prit:,rio', ,Educational Association-Miskelly, Emerson. r<j;>9I1flir.,roMunicipal Association-DeGraw, Clarke, Clerk-Treasurer. "'i,CT,}" ":~5:s9~'iation,of Ontario Counties-Emerson, Clarke, Clerk-Trea's- :urer. Moved by Reeve Caverly, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Nemett;, That we do now adjourn to meet at 2 p.m., January 19th, 1968. -Carried. .i":.::'."'; '. Moved by Reeve DeGraw, . SecQnded by Reeve Todd, >"'1 .' 'That By-Law No. 2010 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings 22 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ~~ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the January Session 1968" be read a first time. -Carried, WARDEN'S ADDRESS January Session, 1968 To all Members of Elgin County Council, l\frs. Blyth and Gentlemen: I humbly accept the honour that you have conferred on me this aIternoon and wish to express my appreciation to you for choosing me as your Warden for 1968. I recognize the responsibility of this office realizing that .it is the duty of the Head of the Council to be vigilant and active in causing the laws for the government of the municipality to be dulyexecwted and obeyed. This I will endeavour to carry out to the best of my-ability. . At this time, I would ltke to make mention of our Immed. iate Past Warden, Albert Auckland. I would ask him to accept my sincere congratulations for a job well carried out. during 19.67. Four years ago, Albert and I were new members to this Qouncil and during :bbe"e four years, I have come to hold him in high respect, regarding him as a person of high integrity and honesty. Therefore, it is with great pleasure that I accept on behalf of the Melllbers of County Council as well as the citizens of El- gin, his generous gift of this new Warden's gown. I can assure you, Albert, that I will wear it wlbh pride and I am certain that the Warden's that follow in the years to come will do the same. Please accept our sincere thanks. As we embark on our journey into 1968, we look forward to new achievements in our County. We expect to see ~he com- pletion of the Port Burwell Bridge which has been a gigantic project for our Road Department; also to the continuance of our Development Road Programme to assist in upgrading of our County Road System. It is also .expected that our Elgin Manor Committee will pro- ceed with plans to construct the 60-bed addition to the present home in order that we may meet our obligations to our senior citizens of this County. At the same ~ime, we also realize that these are years of change. Let us hope that the changes that might be made in our governing bodies will prov.e to be successful. Weare, at this time, hearing many comments from our citizens as to their COI\- Moved by Reeve Todd, Seconded by Reeve Gilchrist, Thalt By-Law No. .2010 be read a second time. Moved by Reeve Gilchrist, Seconded by Reeve DeGraw, That By-Law No. 2010 be read a third time and finally pass- ed. -Carried. -Carried. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk 24 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 2:; cern over the proposed change in the administration of our edu- cation system to a County Board of Education. I will expect our Council, under the leadership of our County Education Con- sultative Committee, to make known our views on this propos'ed . change to the' Depavbment of Education at various intervals throughout the year. I would request this committee to hold their first meeting during this January Session and ,bring in a report to Council on their findings as soon as possible. This year must also see the conclusion of the dissension over the County of Elgin Planning Board. I feel that we have two choices, namely- (1) That we as a Council would he able to come forth with a recommendation for a Planning Board setup that would be acceptable to a large number of our participating Municipalities, or REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO STRIKE THE STANDING COMMITTEES January Session, 1968 (2) Failing this, to realize that it has no future and there- fore, dissolution of the Board, thus leaving the responsibility for this branch of administration in the hands of individual municipalities or groups of municipalities in particular areas of our County. Whatever the final answer is to be, it must be arrived at in the very near future. . In closing, I wish to once again thank you and trust that, with your assistance and co-operation, we can look forward to a year of progress for Our County made !,ossible by a. Council ever conr scious of the needs and problems of its' citizens. To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, The following is the report of the Special Committee to strike the Standing Committees for the year, 1968: Administration of Justice-Judge J. I'. McMillan, and the County Treasurer. Agricultural-Orchard, Gilchrist, Caverly, Wise, Johnson, Wilson and Warden McCallum. County Roads:"'-Caverly, Gilchrislb, Wilson, Wise, Madre, and Warw den McCallum. Advisory Road Committee-Orchard, Johnson,Todd. Elgin Manor-Wise, Keillor, Barker, deRyk, and Warden Mc- Callum. Advisory EIginManor Committee-Miskelly, DeGraw. Children's Aid-Miskelly, Dennis, Roberts. Education-McKillop, McAlpine, MCIntyre, Roberts, deRyk, Den- nis, Miskelly, Wilson, Emerso'n, -Barker, 'Kahnt, Nemett, DeGraw, Todd, Mrs. Blyth, Clarke, and Warden McCallum. Finance-Gilchrist, Orchard",Wise, Caverly, Johnson, Wilson, Moore, Emerson, Barker, Kahnt, Keillor, DeGraw, Todd, Mrs. Blyth, Clarke, and Warden McCallum. Health Unit-Clarke, and Mrs. BlyiDh. St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital-Emerson, and Warden Mc- Callum. Tillsonburg Hospital-Johnson. Library Board-Clarke, Nemett, Kahnt, and Warden McCallum. Property & Assessment-McAlpine, McKillop, Caverly, McIntyre, and Warden McCallum. Museum-Mrs. Blyth, Roberts. 26 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 27 Petitions and Legislations-McKillop, Miskelly, McAlpine, Keil- lor, Barker, deRyk, and Warden McCallum. Legal-Kahnt, Clarke, deRyk, Nemett, McIntyre, and Warden McCallum. Emergency Measure-s Organization-Dennis, Orchard, and War. den McCallum. Public School Consultative Committee-Wilson, Emerson, Gil- christ, and Warden McCallum. Secondary School ConsultativeCo"'nmittee~Emerson, Wilson, Barker, and Warden McCallum. Personnel Commitf.ee-Em'erson, Keillor, DeGraw, Chairman of the Finance Committee, and Warden McCallum. Reception and Entertainment-DeGraw; Wilson, Emerson, Wise McAlpine, Nemett, McKillop, Moore, and Warden McCallum. County Government-Gilchrist, Wilson, Moore, Todd, and War- den McCallum. WE RECOMMEND that an Equalization Committee be form- ed composed of all Reeves to deal with the matters otcomputa- tion of aggregate valuations to apportion County Rates for the current year and ,the equalization of Assessment Rolls for the current year. WE RECOMMEND that each Committee meet and appoint a Chairman as soon as possible. . All of which is respectfullY submitted. BY.LAW NO. 2003 "To Appoints County Road Committeeil As required by the Highway Act, the Elgin County Council enacts: THAT the following five members of this Council constitute a Committee for the purpose of directing the. work to be done on tDe County Road System: J. B. Wilson for Term of One Year W. R. Cav,erly for Term of .Two Years John Wise for Term of Three Years D. Gilchrist for Term of Foul' Years F. F. Moore for Term of Five Years THAT ByLaw No. 1953 be, and is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 17th day of January, 1968. READ a second time this 17th day of January, 1968. READ a third ltime, and finally passed, this 17th day of January, 1968. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk A. BRUCE McCALLUM, Warden DOUGLAS R. TODD, Chajrman. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT January Session 1968 - First Report To the Warden, and MemQeTs of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That Charity and Welfare Pay List No. 11Jor $1,088.60 and Pay List No. 12 for $1,667.15, be approved. 2. That Childr,en's Aid Society Pay List No. 11 for $1,534.700 and Pay List No. 12 for $1,734.600, be approved. 3. . That the Warden and Treasurer he authorized to horrowup to $2,4000,'000.000 from the Bank of Mon1treal as may be required, and that a by-law be prepared. ' 4. That the usual grant of $50.00 to the Law Library b~ Paid. i i 28 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 5. That the membership fee in the Municipal Clerks' and Treasurers' Association be paid, and the Clerk-Treasurer to at- tend the Convention with expenses paid. 6. That K. C. Emerson, J. V. McKinlay, and James Elliott be paid members wages for attendance at hospital meetings during 1967, arrd that C. N. Clarke, Mrs. Mary Blyth, and John Suther- land Estate be paid an additional $3.00 per meeting attended on the Health Unit in 1967. 7. That the following cons1titute the Board of the Elgin Pion- eer Museum for 1968-Mrs. J. R. Futcher, Mrs. J. D. Galbraith, Miss Catharine McDowell, Mrs. Paul Jefferies, Mr. M. C. Moore, and Council representatives. 8. That a grant of $500.00 be made to the Elgin Pioneeer Mus- eum. 9. That the membership fee in the Ontario Municipal Associa- tion be paid, and the Warden to appoint delegates to attend the Convention. 10. That the request of the Muscular Dystrophy Association for a grant, be filed. 11. That payment of grant of $16,000.00 for 1968 to the Tillson- burg Hospital, be authorized. 12. TMt payment of grant of $3,000.00 for 1968 to "Beattie Haven" be authorized. 13. That payment of grant of $9,000.00 for 1968 to the Four Counties Hospital, be authorized. 14. That the request of the Ontario Association of Rural Muni- cipalities for a membership, be filed. 15. That the membership f,ee in the Association of On.ario Counties, be paid. 16. That :the County of Elgin make a grant of $2,220.48 to the Lake Erie Regional Development Council for 1968. 17. That the letter from the Lake Erie Regional Development Council reo Seminar on Housing needs and rational land-use, be filed. 18. That the Treasurer be authorized to continue monthly pay- ments to the Children's Aid Society on llihe basis of the 1967 Budget until the 1968 Budget is established. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 29 , 19. That the request of the Victorian Order of Nurses for .a grant of $9,000.00, be tabled. 20. That the letter from the Children's Aid Society listing the children for whom the County was responsible in 1966/67, be filed. 21. That the Association of Ontario Mayors and Eeeves with request for membership, be filed. 22. That the letter from. the Association of Ontario Counties reo C.'D. Phillips, be filed. . 23. TMt a grant of $500.00 be made to the Salvation Army. All of which is respectfully submitted. DOUGLAS R. TODD Chairman MUNICIPALITY OF COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LAW NO. 2004 WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation deems it neces- sary to bqrrow the sum of Two Million, Four Hundred Thousand dollars to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expen- ditures of the Corporation for the year; AND WHEREASlihe total amount of the estimated revenues of the Corporation as set forth in the ,estimates adopted for the year 1967, not includirrg revenues derivable Or derive<! fro," the sale of assets, borrowings or issuance of debentur,es or from a surplus, including arre'ars of taxes, is Thr,ee Million, Four Hund- red and Thirty-Six ThousaWI, Eight Hundred and Ninety Three dollars. AND WHEREA.S the toltal amount heretofore authorized to be borrowed this Year for the purposes mentioned in subsection 30 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 31 (1) of Section 329 of The Muriieipal Act is Nil dollars, of which the Corporation has already borrowed a total of Nil dollars. .THEREFORE ,the Council of The Corppration of the County of Elgin hereby enacts as follows: ' , 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of 'bhe Corporation to borrow from time to time, by way of promiss-ory note, from the Bank of Montreal, a sum or sums not exceeding iu the aggregate Two Million, Four Hundred Thousand dollars to meet, until the taxes are collected, the cur- rent expenditures pf the Corporation for the year, including the amounJbs required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of the said Section 329, and to give, on behaU of the Corpora- tion, to the Bank a promissory note or notes, sealed with the corporate seal and signed by them for the moneys so borrowed with interest at a raile not exceeding 6'/2 per centum per annum, which may be paid in advance or otherwise. 2. All sums borrowed from the said Bank, for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 329, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Corporation for the curren',t year and for aU preceding years, as and when such rHvenues are received. I hereby Certify that the foregoing isa true copy of By- law No. 2004 of The Corporation of the County of Elgin in the Province of Ontario, duly passed ata meeting of the Council of the said Corporation duly held, and that the said By-law is in full forCe an<! ceffect. Dated thiS' 22nd day of January, 1968. As witness the Seal of 't~eCorporation. St. Thomas, Ontario JANUARY SESSION, 1968 ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this By-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and any previous years, from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said Se~bion329, together with inter- est thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received on account or realized in respect of the taxes levied f.or the current year and preceding years and all of the moneys collected. or received from any other source, which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this.17thday of .January, 1968. To the Warden and Council of The County of Elgin. . Your Road Committee begs to report as follows: The following is a summary of costs of Construction' and Maintenance on County of Elgin Roads during 1967. CONSTRUCTION: ROADS - H. L. JOHNSON Clerk' 1. Hot Mix Paving, Completion of Grading etc. Rd. 8 f,om Hwy. 401 to Dutton and Rd. 2 Westerly from Rd. 8,approximately 1.0 mil- es, in the Village of Dutton and the Twp. of Dunwich. 2. Hot Mix Paving, Completion of Grading, Granular Base etc. Rd. 27 between Hwy. 4 and Sparta and a po~tion of Rd. 36 South of Rd. 27. in Sparta in the Twp. of Yar- mouth.. ' . , :3.. Gra<lingalld' Granular Base on Rd. 11 from $ 45,213.34 CORPORATE SEAL A. BRUCE McCALLUM (The Head of the Corporation) 164,509.04 32 ,- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 33 Hwy. 4to Rd. 26, (Bostwick Rd.) in the Twp. of Southwold. (Total does not include an interim billing to the Canadian National Railroad of $24,000), 33,354.27 4. Grading, Granular Base ,etc. on Rd. 35 from Hwy. 3 (Orwell) to Rd. 45 (Jaffa) in the Twp. . of Yarmouth & Malahide. (Tollial includes Road portion of the County share of Spring- water Dam). 100,986.78 5. Grading, Granular Base etc. Rd. 42 at Stalter Gully (Road Portion of Work) in Twp. of Malahide). 7,376.88 6. Removal of Stumps, Relocation of Utilities, Granular Base, Cleancup etc. Rd. 26 (Bost- wick Rd.) and Rd. 29 (Edgeware Rd.) in Southwold and Yarmouth Twp. to facilitate the installation of O.W.R.C. pipeline to the Ford Plant. 11,405.92 7. Fencing Rd. 52 (Development Road No. 840) from Springfield to Rd. No. 30 in the Twp. of S. Dorchester, Malahide and Yarmouth... 14,961.16 8. Fencing Rd. 45 from Rd. 40 (Mount Salem) to Rr. 43 (Calton) in the Twp. of Malahide.. 3,131.41 9. Road Portion of Belmont Bridge on Rd. 37 in S. Dorcheslber, (Middlesex County Portion billed to them). 3,114.08 10. Port Burwell Bridge. Progress Payments, Materials and Engineering. Total $121,177.08 to date. 55.15% of the Total expenditum is eligible for D.H.O. Subsidy (Rest is payable by Board of Transport Conunission, Cana- dian Pacific Railway and the King's Hwy. re Hwy. 19 Connecting Link). Portion charge- able to Roads~24.61 % of 55.15% of the To- tal expendlture. 16,446.66 11. McNeil Bridge. Former County Rd. 50, Twp. of S. Dorchester. Road Portion of Work.... 900.00 12. Installation of Gates and Flashing Light Sig- nals Rd. 52 Springfield and Rd. 37 Belmont. (Middlesex County Portion billed tl> them):.. 2,778.19 13. New Machinery 14. Machinery Ownership Costs Charged to De- velopment Roads and Townline Accounts- CREDIT 15. Land Purch"se (inclUding Land Surveys and Solicitors Fees) 16. Miscellaneous Grading Construction. 17.' Surveys and Traffic Counts etc.... 64,226.0'0 35,132.55 68,422.92 517.17 2,520.08 TOTAL ROAD CONSTRUCTION (COUNTY) $504,731.35 ROAD CONSTRUCTION by ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1. Completion of St. George St. Bridge... $ 254.94 Charged to Roads 2. Surveys, Land Purcbases etc.... 2,384.52 TOTAL ROAD CONSTRUCTION BY THE COMMISSION 2,639.46 TOTAL ROAD CONSTRUCTION $507,370.81 BRIDGE AND CULVERT CONSTRUCTION 1. Port Burwell Bridge Portion chargeable It6 Bridges 75.39% of 55.15% of the total. ... $ 50,382.50 2. Belmont Bridge (Portion Chargeable to Bridges. Middlesex Portion Billed to them). 20,748.97 3. Catfish Creek Bridge, Rd. 52. Twp. of Yar- mouth. 42,549.74 4. Stalter Gully. Rd. 42. Twp. of Malahide, Grading, Granular Base, Guide Rails etc. (Bridge Portion of Work). ... .................. 36,464.52 34 - 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 10. 11. 12. 13. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Bridge Portion of Springwalter Dam Rd. 35 Twp. of Yarmouth & Malahide. Rd. 35. Pipe Culvert Construction in con" . junction with Grading. Rd. 11. Pipe Culvert Construction in con. junction with Grading Underhill Drain Culvert Rd. 52 in TWp. of Southwold (near Rd. 25). Bennett Drain Culvert. Rd. 8, in TWp. of Dun. wich. . Spring Creek Culvert, Rd. 37. TWp. of S. Dorchester. (Middlesex Portion billed to them). McNeil Bridge, former County Rd. 50, TWp. of S. Dorchester. Mapleton Bridge, former County Rd. 50, Twp. of S. Dorchester. Rd. 20, C.I.P. Construction Shedden North- erly (Shedden Drain~. . . ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 35 - 6. Dust Control . 24,391. 75 18,469.95 I 7. Weed Control 15,783.63 8. Brushing 9,645.84 [ 9. Pavement Marking. 7,147.59 13,007.12 10. Guide Rails 1,449.64 11. Signs. 7,838.83 4,750.71 I 12. Drainage 5,863.75 13. Seeding and Tree Planting 27.63 14. Railroad Protection 6,422.08 3,260.30 I 15. . Drainage Assessments 8,884.12 16. Rebates to Towns & Villages 39,503.82 426.00 r TOTAL ROAD MAINTENANCE $333,060.81 4,3Q4.43 23,747.58 BRIDGE & CULVERT MAINTENANCE 5,533.24 1. Miscellaneous Bridge Maintenance . 2. Miscellaneou'. Culvert Maintenance.. TOTAL BRIDGE & CULVERT MAINTENANCE $ TOTALS TOTAL ROAD MAINTENANCE TOTAL BRIDGE & CULVERT MAINTENANCE 1,470.69 11,991.07 13,461. 76 ,8,400.00 $333,060.81 13,461.76 TOTAL COUNTY Bridge and Culvert Construction $232,045.06 BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION by ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1 Bridge Portion of St George St. Bridge.. TOTAL MAINTENANCE" $346,522.57 1,091.88 TOTAL BRIDGE AND CULVERT CONSTRUCTION $233,136.1.14 MAINTENANCE ROADS 1. Winlber Control 2. Surface Treatment . 3. GraveI Resurfacing 4. Repairs to Pavements ........... 5. Grading (including Maintenance of. Gravel Rds.) COUNTY OVERHEAD $72,1.152.82 34,927.63 31,798.20 43,446.29 22,977.19 1. Superintendence (County Engineer, Assist. ant to the Engineer, Assistant Engineer, and General Foreman). 2. Clerical 3. Car Mileage .(County Engineer) 4. Office 5. Garages. 6. . Miscellaneous Repairs 7. Tools 8. Radio $ 23,319.73 8,977.19 995.96 5,521.59 10,651.64 8,785.14 2,183.38 1,509.51 36 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 37 17,727.94 1,590.73 4!03.73 Also, various Winterworks projects including brushing and erection of fence were carried out on County' and Suburban Roads and totalled $18,333.88. In addition the following work was undertaken and charged . to eithers. (a) De\"elopment Road No. 840 (County Rr. 52) from Road 40 (Springfield) to Rd. 30 in the Village ,of Springfield, and the Twp. of S. Dorchester, Malahide and Yarmouth (ap- proximately 12 miles) (paid for by the D.H.O.) $876,716.40 total exp.enditure during 1967. . (b) Engineering on Dev. Road No. 930 (Road 45) Yarmouth Twp. Dev. Road No. 931 (Road 20) and Dev. Rd. No. 972 (Roads 47, 48, 49) S. Dorchester Twp. (all paid for by the D.H.a.) Teltal expenditure $10,130.33. (c) Port Burwell Bridge. Share. of Board of Transport Com- missioners, D.H.O., Connecting Link Branch, and the Canadian Pacific Railway. Total in 1967 $54,347.92. (d) Middlesex County's Share of Belmont Bridge, Spring Creek Culvert and Road Maintenance. $38,673.88. (e) Interim Billing to Canadian National Railway re building of grade crossing of C.N.R. Spur to Ford Plant On Rd. 11. $24,000.00. (f) Paving Work was Supervised at Elgin Manor and totalled $4,112.08. Work was also performed for. various mUl)icipalities and others and various maiberials were sold. Vouchers for 1967 total- led $2,340,971.40. . WE RECOMMEND: 1. That tile Warden name delegates to the O.G.R.A. Conven- tion and to the Canadian Good Roads Association Conven- tion. 2. That a BfLaw be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sigll .Land Plans. expropriating Land necessary to widen County Roads in 1968. It is. necessary that such By-Laws be passed yearly. Allot whi~h is respectfully submitted. WILLIAM CAVERLY, Chairman. St. Thomas, Ontario, 9. Insurance 10. Pension 11. Unemployment Insurance Contributions., 12. Holidays with Pay 13. Sick Benefits 14. Permits ...Credit 15. Overhead Charged to Dev. Roads No. 840, No. 930, No. 931, No. 972 and Townline Ac- count . Credit 16. Machinery Overhead 17. Miscellaneous Unsubsidized Expenditures... 7,771.96 14,111.88 1,313.94 15,912.47 3,847.60 88.00 TOTAL $ 89,080.51 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION Road and Bridge Maintenance & Overhead $ 40,560.27 TOTAL Road and Bridge Maintenance & Overhead 476,163.35 TOTALS:- CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE $740,507.75 476,163.35 1967 Stock Balance. Sub-Total $ 1,216,671.10 59,753.13 Sub-Total $ 276,424.23 30,882.43 Less 1966 Stock Balance GRAND TOTAL $ 1,245,541.80 Expenditure By-Laws in 1967 appropriated $1,355,000 and the Road Levy of 9.3 Mills Raised $544,076. A direct Contribution of $6,010.53 was received' from the On. tario Water Resources Commission to assist in defraying the Cost of repairing St. Thomas Suburban Road 30 and rohe Pat- terson Bridge. This contribution was used to reduce the cost to the County and the City of St. Thomas of the St. Thomas Subur- ban Road System. The total Cos,t to the County of the 1967 pro- gramme (including County's share of Winterworks) is estimated at $539,000. 38 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL JANUARY SESSION, 1968 CONSTRUCTION SAFETY INSPECTOR'S REPORT To the Warden and Members of The County of Elgin Council: I beg to report as follows: That tbe following Report is. presented as required by Sec- tion 16 of the Construction Safety Ac~. I have been employed on a part time basis, and have not been assisted by any other irispectors, other than Mr. F. A. C. Trott of the Ontario Department of Labour. I ha"e received noltices of Construction as required by Sec- tion 15 (a) of the Act as follows: Township of Aldborough 0 Township of Dunwich 0 Township of Southwold . 74 Township of Yarmouth. 84 Township of Malahide 0 Township of Bayham 65 Township of S. Dorchester 0 Town of Aylmer 60 Village of Vienna. 0 Village of Springfield 0 Villages of Port Stanley, Belmont, Port Burwell, Dutton, West Lorne and Rodney.. 0 Major Construction projects were Ford Motor Company of Canada, Ontario Water Resources Commission Pipe Line, and uhe building of Highway No. 401 Overpasses and numerous smaller bridges. It would appe,a,r that a number of Municipalities are not complying with Section 15 (a) of the Construction Safety Act. I have made approximately 32 inspections including approxi- mately 10 to the new Ford Plant under construdion in South- wold Township. I have issued 93 orders {26 at the Ford Plant alone) for the itnprovemerrt of safety at the various sites. I have issued no Stop Work Orders as such, but have check,"d shortly afterwards to see lIJhat my orders were carried out. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 3\1 No Charges have been laid under the Act, thus there have been no convictions. No Persons have been fatally injured on Projects within the County. I would estimate that approximately 20 days time thr,ough- out the year have been devoted to Construction Safety.' , NORMAN J. CHAPLOW Construction Safety Inspector. PETITIONS"AND LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1968 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Petitions. and Legislations Committee reports as fol- lows: (1) That the resolution from the County of Essex Re: "Sports Week", be filed. 2) That the resolution from the County of Ecssex Re: Amendments to the Wolf and Bear Bounty Act, be 'endorsed. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. W. BARKER, Chairman. PROPERTY AND ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1968 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Conncil, The Property and Assessment Committee reports as follows: WE RECOMMEND (1) THAT a Court of Revision consisting of three mem- bers; namely Mr. Philip Schleihauf, Mr. Noble Tufford, MId Mr. 40 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 41 portionment of County Rate in the County of Elgin fo'r 1968, be prepared. All of which is respectfully submitted. ,FORREST MOORE, Chairman. BY.LAW NO. 2005 "A By.La",. ToSe! The Tolal A9gregale Valuations for Appor- tionment of County Rate in the County of Elgin in 1968." The' Council of the Gorpomliion of the Co.unty o.f Elgin en- acts: THAT the follo.wing be the, valuations fo.r County Ratc pur- poses in the County of Elgin fo.r 1968: Aylmer .........~.. $ 8,102,540.00 Belmont 825,315.00 Dutton 1,067,342.00 Port Burwell. 863,270.00 Port Stanley 3,190,763.00 Rodney. 1,250,715.00 Springfield. 377,285.00 Vienna 360,293.00 West Lornel,305,490.00 Aldboro.ugh 5,280,790.00 Bayham . 5,855,971.00 Dorchester So.uth . 2,002,760.00 Dunwich 4,387,680.00 Malahide 8,014,030.00 So.uthwold 7,272,88'0.'00 Yarmouth 9,53'0,750.0'0 EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1968. Kenneth Williamsan, be constituted far the Tawnships, To.wns, and Villages within the County of Elgin; that the members of uhe said Co.urt o.f Revision be paid the same remuneration as set out in Co.unty af Elgin By-Law No. 1973, and that the necessary By-Law to constitute the Court of Revisio.n, appoint the members, etc., be prepared. (2) THAT a Court o.f Revision consisting of three members, namely Mr. Arthur Huesto.n, Mr. Dawson Pirie, and Mr. Leonard Davis, be conslMtuted fo.r the To.wn of Aylmer for purposes of the Local Impro.vement Act, that the members of the said Court of Revision be paid the same remuneration as set out in County of Elgin By-Law No. 1974 and that the necessary by-law to constitute the Court of Revision, appoint the members, etc., be prepared. (3) THAT where a Court of Revision is constituted for a lo.cal municipality for the' purposes of the Local Improvement Act, the local municipality shall pay the members of the said Court. (4) WE RECOMMEND that the agmemen1t between the City of St. Thomas and the Co.unty of Elgin re: the sharing of Co.sts of administration o.f justice be co.ntinued in fo.rce on a yearly basis pending the assumption o.f the Co.st of administra- tion af jusliice by the Pro.vince of Ontario.. All of which is respectfully submitted. K. J. McALPINE, Chairman. To the Warden, and Member,s of the Elgin County Council, The Equalization Co.mmittee reports as fo.lIows: 1. That the computation o.f aggregate valuatio.ns to appo.rtio.n Co.unty Rates for 1968 as prepared by the County Assessment Commissioner, be approved. 2. That a by-law vo set the. total aggregate valuatio.nsfor ap- 13.5728'03% 1.3825'09% 1. 787936% 1.446'089% 5.360017% 2.095109% .632001 % .603537% 2.186880% 8.846006% 9.809509% 3.354882% 7.349931 % 13.424537% 12.183015% 15.965239% $ 59,696,8E3;QO. 100.000000% READ a first time this 18th day of January, 1968. READ a second time this 18th day of January, .1968. READ a third time and finally passed, this 18th day of January, 1968. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk A. BRUCE McCALLUM, Warden ~ 4.0 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Kenneth Williamson, be constituted f'Or the T'Ownships, Towns, and Village,s within the C'Ounty 'Of Elgin; that the members 'Of uhe said C'Ourt of Revision be paid the same remunerati'On as set 'Out in County of Elgin By-Law No. 1973, and that the necessary By-Law to constitute the Court of Revision, app'Oint the members, etc., be prepared. (2) THAT a Court 'Of Revision c'Onsisting of three members, namely Mr. Arthur Huest'On, Mr. Dawson Pirie, and Mr. Le'Onard Davis, be consluituted for the Town of Aylmer for purp'Oses 'Of the L'Ocal Impr'Ovement Act, that the members of the said C'Ourt of Revision be paid the same remuneration as set ''Out in C'Ounty of Elgin By-Law No. 1974 and that the necessary by-law to c'Onstitute the Court 'Of Revision, appoint the members, etc., be prepared. (3) THAT where a C'Ourt of Revision is c'Onstituted f'Or a l'Ocal municipality f'Or the' purposes of the Local Improvement. Act, the l'Ocal municipality shall pay the members 'Of the said C'Ourt. (4) WE RECOMMEND that the agreemen1b between the City 'Of St. Thomas and the County 'Of Elgin re: the sharing of c'Osts of administration of justice he continued in force on a yearly basis pending the assumption 'Of the cost of administra- tion 'Of juslJice by the Pr'Ovince 'Of Ontario. All of which is respectfully submitted. K. J. McALPINE, Chairman. EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE REPORT Janu/lry Session, 1968. To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County C'Ouncil, The Equalizati'On Committee reports as f'Oll'Ows: 1. That the computation 'Of aggregate valuati'Ons t'O apportion County Rates f'Or 1968 as prepared by the C'Ounty Assilssment C'Ommissioner, be appr'Oved. 2. That a by-law 'uo set the total aggregate valuationS for ap- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 41 portionment of C'OuntyRate in the County of Elgin f'Or 1968, be prepared. All of which is respectfully submitted. FORREST MOORE, Chairman. BY-LAW NO. 2005 "A By-Law To Set The Tot.1 Aggregate Valuations for Appor- tionment of Ceunty Rate in the County of Elgin In 1968." The Council of the ({orpora,IJi'On of the C'Ounty 'Of Elgin en- acts: THAT the following be the valuations for County Rate pur- poses in the County ,'Of Elgin for 1968: Aylmer "", $ 8,102,54.0.00 13.5728.03% Belmont 825,315.00 1.3825.09% Dutton 1,067,342..0.0 1.787936% P'Ort Burwell. 863,270..0.0 1.446.089% Port Stanley 3,199,763..0.0 5.36.0017% R'Odney . 1.250,715..0.0 2..0951.09% Springfield. 377,285..00 .632.0.01% Vienna 360,298.0.0 .6.03537% West Lorne " 1,305,499..0.0 2.18688.0% Aldbor'Ough 5,28.0,790..0.0 8.846.006% Bayham. 5,855,971.0.0 Dorchester South 2,.0.02,76.0..0.0 3.354882% Dunwich 4,387,68.0.00 7.349931 % Malahide 8,.014,03.0.00 13.424537% Southwold 7,272,880..00 12.183.015% Yarmouth 9,53.0,750.0.0 15.965239% $ 59,696,8[3.0.0. 1.0.0..000.00.0% READ a first time this 18th day 'Of January, 1968. READ a second time this 18th day of January" .1968. READ a third time and finally passed, this 18th day of ,Jan)lary, 1968. H.'L. JOHNSON, Clerk A. BRUCE McCALLUM, Warden 42 ELGIN. COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 43 BY.lAW NO. 2006 5. That the request of the South Western Ontario Live Stock Producers Association fur a grant be referred to the Dis. trict Agricultural Office. 6. That the request of Mr. Robert King to clear bush on his farm be tabled, and that Chairman Orchard, Reeve Gilchrist, and the County Tree Commissioner be a Committee to investi- gate :the situation. All of which is respectfully submitted. ALBERT J. ORCHARD, Chairman. "To Appoint a Board of Audit in the County of Elgin for the Year, 1968." The Elgin County Council enacts: THAT the Judge of the County Court, and the Treasurer, be, and are hereby appointed members of the Board of Audit to perform the duties required of them by the Revised StalJutes of Ontario. THAT the members of the said Board of Audit be paid the sum of Nine Dollars per day, for their services, and twenty cents per mile going to each Audit. READ a first time this 181th day of January, 1968. READ a second time this 18th day of January, 1968. READ. a third time, and finally passed this 18th day of January, 1968. COUNTY OF ELGIN H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk A. BRUCE McCALLUM. Warden BY.lAW NO. 2007 ,-,'. AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1968 To the Wa,rden, and Membel.'s of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. Tha,t a grant of $3,000.00 be made to the local agricul- tural office for farm organizations and junior farmer and insti. tute groups in the County of Elgin for 1968. 2. That Ithe Warden, Reeve Orchard, and Reeve Wise, be a Committee to allocate the grant. 3. That the memhers of the above Committee be paid memo bers wages. for their services. 4. That the grants to the agricultural and horit1cultural societies be on the same basis as last year; equal to the Pro- vincial grants. ' "A By-law to Authorize the Expropriation of land for the Purpose of Widening and Improving County Roads." WHEREAS under Section 333 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 249, R.S.O. 1960, the Council of every Corporation may pass ByLaws for acquiring or expropriating any land required for the purpose of the Corporation. AND WHEREAS the Highway Improvement Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 171, Section 66, provides that where, in the exer. cise of its powers, or in performance of Its obligations under Part VII of the said. Act, a County finds that it is necessary to expropriate land for the pllTpose of opening up, widening, im. proving. protecting from erosion, altering or diverting a County Road, the County may proceed in the manuer provided by Part 1 of the said Act: AND. WHEREAS in the exercise of its powers and in per- formance of its obligaiUions, the Corporation of the County of Elgin finds, or may find, that it is necessary to expropriate lands for widening, improving, etc., the county roads shown on Schedule A as attached: BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Corporation of the County of Elgin 44 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL (I) That the Warden and Clerk of the County of Elgin be, and are, aulVhorize& to sign any and an plans pertain- ing to land expropriation. for County Roads. shown on Schedule A, and to affix thereto the Seal of the Cor- poration of the County of Elgin and to register the same in the County of Elgin Registry Office. (2) That~he Treasurer be, and is hereby authorized to pay to the owners of the lands hereby expropriated, such amounts as may be agreed upon as compensation for the lands expropriated, or such compensation as may be determined by arbitration under provisions of thc Expropriation Procedures Act, Statutes of Ontario 1962-63, Chapter 43. READ a first time this 19th day of January, 1968. READ a second time this 19th day of January, 1968. READ a third time, and finally passed, this 19th day of January, 1968. H. L. JOHNSON, Clcrk A. BRUCE McCALLUM, Warden SCHEDULE "A" 1968 1. County Road 2, Dunwich Township, Lots 10, 11 and 12, Concession A and Concession V N ol1th of A. 2. County Road 3, Aldborough 'Township, Lots 6 and 7, Concession VI. the Gore and VII. 3. County Road 8, Dunwich Township, Lots 12 and 13, Concession A and Concession V north of A. 4. County Road 15, DunwichTownsbip, Lots 10, 11 and 12, Concession X. 5. County Road 20, Southwold Township, Lot 18 and 19, North Side' Talbot Road East Branch, Lot 18 and 1.9, South Side Talbot Road East Branch, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 45 Loins 6 to 16 inclusive, Range I South of Union Road and Lots 6 to 16 inclusive, Range I North of Union Road. 6. County Road 25, Yarmouth Township, Lot 2, Concession IX (or Lot 47 NODth of Talbot Road). 7. County Road 35, Yarmouth Township, Lot 28, Conccssion VI, VII and VIII. 8. County Road 35, Malahide Township. Lot 1, Conccssion VI and VII and Lot 74, South Side of Talbot Road. 9. County Road 37, Souith Dorchester Township, Lots 21 and 22, Concession VII. 10. County Road 37, South Dorchester Township, Lot 18, Concession VII. 11. County Road 38, Bayham Township, Lot 109, North an& South'of Talbot Road. 12. County Road 38, Malahide Township, Lot 108, North and South of Talbot Road. 13. County Road 42, Malahide Township, Lots 11 .0 20 inclusive, Concession I and II. 14. County Road 42, Malahide Township, Lots 27 and 28, Concession I and II. 15. County Road 45, Malahide 'Township, Lots 21 to 35 inclusivc, Concession III and IV. 16. County Road 42, Lots 11 and 1.2, Concession 1 Bayham, now Village of Port Burwell. 17. County Road 47, South Dorchester Township, Lots 3 and 4, Concession VII, VIII, IX and X. 18. County Road 48, South Dorchester Township, Lots 4 to 12 in.clusive, Concession X and XI. 19. County Road 49, South Dorchcster Township, Lots 6 and 7, Concession XI and XII. 20. County Road 52, Malahide Township, Lots 1 to 20 inclusive, Conces'sion IX. 21. County Road 52, South Dorchester Township, Lots 7 to 24 inclusive, Concession XII. 46 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 22. County Road 52, Yarmouth Township, Lots 8 to 24 inclusive, Concession X, Lots 8 to 20 inclusive, Range II, North of Edgeware Road. 23. Orwell Bridge, Malahide Township, Lot 74, North of Talbot Road. 24. Orwell Bridge, Yarmouth, Lot 24, Concession IX. COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LAW NO. .2008 "Being a By-Law To Cons,titute a Court of Revision ,for each Township, Town, and Village Within the Limits of the Cor- poration of the County of Elgin, To Appoint the Members Thereof and to Designate Their -Remuneration Pursuant to Section 65a af the Assessment Act." WHEREAS. Section 65a (1) of the Assessment Act states: "Where a by-law is passed in any year under subsection 2 of Section 93a appointing a County Assessment Commissioner. the Council of the County shall, in ,bhe subsequent year; constitute by by-law one or more Courts of Revision for each Township, Town, and VHlage in the County." AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation .of the .County of Elgin has passed a by-law under Secti'ol).. 93a of the Assessment Act. NOW THEREFORE, the .Council of the Corporation of the COUll~y of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT a Court of Revision consisting of three members be, and is hereby constituted for the Townships, Towns, and Villages within the limits of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. 2. THAT the following persons be, and are hereby: appointed members of the Court of Revision-constituted by Section (1) of this By-Law. Mr. Philip Schleihauf, R.R. 2, Rodney, Ontario. Mr. Noble Tufford, R.R. 1, St. Thomas, Ontario. Mr. Kenneth Williamson, Aylmer, Ontario. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 47 3. . THAT the members of the Court of Revision shall select one of their number to be Chairman of the Court. 4.' That each member of the Cout,b of Revision for. the Town- ships, Towns, and Villages within the County of Elgin be paid $15.00 for each one half day or portion thereof while sitting as a member of the Court of Revision plus mileage at the rate.Of .1Oc per mile each way from his place of residence to the place of. the sitting; 'bhe Chairman of the Court of Revision shall be paid an additional $2.50 for each one half day or portion thereof while acting as Chairman of a sitting of the' Court of Revision. 5. Each member of the Court of Revision for the Townships, Town, and Villages within the County of Elgin shall hold office during the pleasure of the Council of the County of Elgin. REA-D a first time this 19th day of January, 1968. READ a second time this 19th day of January, 1968. READ a third time, .and finally passed this 19th day of January, 1968. H. L. JOHNSON,'" Clerk A. BRUCE McCALLUM, Warden COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LAW NO. 2009 IIBeing a By-Law To Constitute a Local Court of Revision For The Town of Aylmer For Purposes of the Local Improve- ment Act, and to Appoint the Members Thereof," WHEREAS the Corporation of the County of Elgin has pass- ed a By-Law appointing a County Assessment Commissioner under snbsedbion 2 of Section 93a of the Assessment Act, Chap- ter 23, R.S.O. 1960, and amendments thereto: AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aylmer has recommended that the Council of the Cor- poration of the County of Elgin constitute' a Local Court .of Re- vision for 'lhe purposes of the Local Improvement Act .under 48 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Section 65A (1) (3) (8) of the Assessment Act, and appoint the members thereof. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin deelffis it expedient and advisable to appoint a Local Court of Revision for the Corporation of the Town of Aylmer for Ithe purposes of. the Local Improvement Act as re- commended. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT a Local Court of Revision consisting of three mem- bers be, and is hereby constituted for the Town of Aylmer for the purposes of the Local Improvemen.t Act. 2. THAT the following persons be, and are hereby appointed members of the Local Cou:tit' of Revision constituted by Section (1) of this By-Law: Mr. Arthur Hueston, Aylmer, Ontario. Mr. Dawson Pirie, Aylmer, Ontario. Mr. Leonard Davis, Aylmer, Ontario. 3. THAT the members of the Local Court of Revision for the Town of Aylmer for purposes of the Local Improvement Act shall select one of their number to be Chairman of the Court. 4. THAT each member of the Local Cou~t of Revision for the Town of Aylmer for purposes of the Local Improvement Act shall be paid $10.00 for each meeting of the Court at which he is in attendance. 5. Each member of the Local Court of Revision for the Town of Aylmer for purposes of the local Improvement Act shall hold office during the pleasure of the Council of the County of Elgin. READ a firS, time this 19th day of January, 1968. READ a second time this 19th day of January, 1968. READ a third tinw, and finally passed this 19th day of January, 1968. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk A. BRUCE McCALLUM, Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 49 EDUCATIONAL CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE January Session, 1968 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Elgin County Educational Consultative Committee met in the County Council Chambers, on January 18th, 1968, ait 3 p.m. Members pres,ent: J. B. Wilson, A. B. McCallum, J. W. Bar- ker, K. C. Emerson, D. Gilchrist, and R. E. Rawlings, Associate Secretary. It was moved by D. Gilchrist and seconded by J. W. Barker thM J. B. Wilson, be Chairman. It Was moved by J. W. Barker and seconded by D. Gilchrist that K. C. Emerson, be Vice Chairman. Moved by A. B. McCallum that letters re building of schools, be filed. ' It was moved by K. C. Emerson ~hat the following resolu- tion from the County of Ontario, re payment of Consultative Committee members', be filed: "THAT the Minister of Education be petitioned to amend Section 13, Subsection 5 of the Public Schools Act and Section 76, Subsection 7 of the Secondary Schools and Boards of Educa- tion Act to provide for the payment of members of the Public School Consultative Committee and the Secondary School Con- sultative Committee for attendance at the meetings of the Com- mittees at a rate not exceeding $20.00 a day and an allowance of not more than 10 cents' a mile for each mile necessarily travelled in attending such meetings; and that this resolution be forward- ed to: The Minisuer of Education; The Hon.. Dr. M. B. Dymond, Minister of Health; William Newman, M.P.P., All County Coun- cils in Ontario, Association of Ontario Counties, and the Ontario Municipal Association." Moved by J. W. Barker that the following resolution from the County of Wentworth, be endorsed: "WHEREAS the Prime Minis,er of Ontario has announced the Government's intention of establishing County Boards, of Education, AND WHEREAS this Council has not received any part!- 50 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL culars regarding the basis for making such a recommendation or the mechanics for implementing such a proposal, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this Council record its objection ~o the Government's proceeding with any legisla- tion to implement such a proposal until such time as full par- ticulars have been provided to municipal councils and school boards for their consideration and comments. FURTHER that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Honourable John P. Robarts, Prime Minister; ,the Honour- able William C. Davis, Minister of Education and to all County Councils. Moved by J. W. Barker that the following resolution from the County of Perth, be endorsed: "BE IT RESOLVED that the Ontario Government does not enact legislation reducing School Boards from 1600 to 100 as announced in the pre,ss by the Honourable Prime Minis,ter John Robarts and the setting up of County Boards of Education includ- ing all municipalities within a Oounty being City, Town, Village and Township, omitting therefrom a few large cities. WE RECOMMEND as an alternative that Public and Second- ary School Boards amalgamate as one Board of Education com_ prised of ejected member... That the said area be no larger than the present high school districts except in special circum.stances which warrant same. We suggest that the Premier and Minister of Education refer this matter to County School Consultative Committ"es for their recommendations." THAT this resolution be forwarded to Premier Rob,mls, Minister of Education, Perth County M.P.P., all Countie-s, in On- tario, The Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities, The On- tario School Trustees and Municipal Councillors Associations. ' The meeting adjourned. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. B. WILSON, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1968 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Educational Committee reports as follows: 1. That the membership fee in the Ontario School Trustees' andMunicipa1 Councillors' Association be paid, and the Warden appoint delegates to attend the Annual Convention. 2. That a scholarship grant of $100.00 each be made to the boy and girl from Elgin County attending the University of Western Ontario and attaining the highest academic standing. In caSe a boy or girl does not, qualify the award may be given to the two top students. 3. That a grant of $100.00 be made to the boy from Elgin County attending the Ridgetown Agricultural School and attain- ing the highest pass standing. 4. That Mrs. F. Barnum be appointed to the County Library Board for 1968, 1969, and 1970. 5. That the 1968 Budget of the Elgin County Public Library requiring one-half mill be approved. 6. That the Warden be the County of Elgin representative for 1968 on The Assembly of the University of Western Ontario. 7. That the members of the Public and Secondary School Con- sultative Committees, and the County Edncational Consulta'live Committees be paid members wages in accordance with members of other Committees. 8. That Reeve Clarke, Deputy Reeve Miskelly, and Reeve Emer- son, be a Committee to work with the City of St. Thomas to sponsor a community coUege in this area. All of which is respectfuUy submitted. 51 ARTHUil T.MISKELLY, Chairman. 52 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 1960, the powers of every council aDe to be exercised by By-Law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient 'that the proceed- ings of the Council of Ibhe Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ENACTS as follows: 1. That action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation con'tained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolllJtJion paSs- ed and other action taken hy the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the January 1968 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the CorporaJtion of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in pl.1eceding section hereof. 3. The Warden. and the Clerk are authorized and Directed to execute all dOCUments necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 19th day of January, 1968. READ a second 'time this 19th day of January, 1968. READ a third time, and finaUy passed this Wth day of January, 1968. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk FINANCE COMMITTEE - SECOND REPORT January Session, 1968 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That a grant of $1,25,0.00 be made to the Canadian National Institute for 'the Blind. 2. That a grant of $2,500.0,0 be made no the University of Wes- tern Ontario. . - 3. We recommend that future councils consider making a grant of $15,000.00 per year to the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hos- pital far 1969, 1970, and 1971. 4. That a gran't of $5,000.00 be given to the Bobier Home for 1968, and we recommend that this grant be continued for the succeeding two years. 5. That no further funds be advanced to the Elgin County Planning Board until such time as direction is received from the minister or from the Special Planning Committee to be named by the Warden. All of which is respectfully subIcltted. DOUGLAS R. TODD, Chairman. COUNTY OF ELGIN BY. LAW NO. 2010 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the County of Elgin at the January Session 1968." WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chap- ter 249 of the Revised Sta'tute,s of Ontario, 1960, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by lts council; AND WHEREAS by Subs,ection 1 of Section 242 'Of the Muni- cipal Act, being Chapter 249 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 53 A. BRUCE McCALLUM, Warden 54 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Financial Statement 1967 ELGIN COUNTY LIBRARY Recei pts Provincial Grant County Grant . Fines & Fees. Rent-Aylmer Apartment Miscellaneous Revenue Trust Account-Branch Libraries.. Disbursements December 31, 1966 Deficit.. Salaries-Main Branch Board Members + Mileage.. Books Periodicals Bookbinding Furniture & Fixtures-Main.. Branch Repairs & Maintenance-Main. Branch . Insurance Library Supplies Library Association Fees Bookmobile & Handi Van-operating.. . Telephone Unemployment Insurance O.M.E.R.S. . Canada Pension . P.U.C.-Main Branch Heat-Main. Branch . Maintenance Supplies Services-Mrs. Whiteway Mr. Schult Interest & Exchange . Library Accommodations-Branches. Miscellaneous Cash on hand December 31, 1967.. Bank Balance December 31, 1967.. 59,279.91 29,251.00 887.32 550.00 1,380.98 615.92 3,388.09 20,620.81 11,017.28 961.62 26,712.28 743.04 1,222.86 418.20 2,007.68 261.50 5,894.66 1,879.15 2,289.64 122.00 398.98 213.46 114.50 680.28 340.13 212.67 305.44 203.62 984.31 1.12 3,000.00 480.00 35.45 1,395.00 1,580.19 170.00 4,311.17 91,965.13 91,965.13 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Estimated Budget 1968 55 Estimated Receipts . County Grant Provincial Grant ($25,000. plus $21,000.) Fines & Fees Renl>--Aylmer apartment Estimat,ed Expenditures Salaries-Main -Branch -Board Members plus Mileage Books Periodicals Bookbinding . Bookmobile & Van (Operating) . Office furniture & fixtures-(Main).... ~(Branch) Telephone P.U.C.-Main -Branch Heat--Main -Branch Insurance Legal Fees (audit) ... Maintenance Supplies Repairs & Maintenance-Main 100.00 -Branch 1,370.00 .,; Association Fees Library Supplies Unemployment Insurance Pensions O.M.E.R.S. 800.00 C.P.P. 400.00 Library Accommodations Services-Mr. Schuit Il1Jterest & Exchange Miscellaneous 30,000.00 46,000.00 500:00 600.00 $ 77,100.00 23,300.00 11,500.00 1,200.00 24,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 600.00 1,122.50 200.00 200.00 375.00 250,00 900.00 1,900.00 150.00 25.00 1,470.00 125.00 2,000.00 125.00 1,200.00 2,000.00 480.00 50.00 927.50 $ 77,100.00 56 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FINANCIAL STATEMENT ELGIN AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE Jan. 12, 1967 to Jan. 10, 1968 BEOEIPTS Bal'aucle forward, 1967 OouiJIty of Eilgin, 1967 Grant TOTAL RECEIPTS EXPENSES Livestoclt Shows HolSltle!in HI1ack & Whi\te Show, Aylmer....$ 87.00 Jensey Barish Show, Aylmer...___ u..unnno... 28.50 Ayrshiiioo Shnw, Aylm,er nm..... .....mnunm..... 12.00 Beef C'ruttLe ,Show, WaDlacetown ...'mmoom...l00.00 Beef CattIIe,~how, Rodney noon om..m._ moo on 75.00 Elgin Beef Impr'ovlml'ent Associa~bion mm 75.00 Middlesex-Elgin He:l"efiOIDd Br,e:e'c1ers' Ass:oclatJion ."., Wesve.rn Counties Guernsey Club COWlty Organizations Elgin S;oU & CrOip ImpJ:1ovement ASlO'O'C,nu 3-50.00 EIglin Coum.y' S,eed F'8Jir _ un.. ......mmnnmmnn 150.00 Elg.in Counity PIQl\.vmen's A:sSlocil8Jt!i1onmnm 200.00 Elgin County Warm Saflety CounciL...m..," 100.00 Elgin County F,ruLt Growers' Associ'ation 25-.00 "Be:l3OI'le & After" PIcture' Conte'st- Farm;siJead ,Imp. ...m..oo....................................1OO.OO Junior Farmers' Association Elgin Junior F'l3;nm€lrs' and Jun~'or tnsbi1tute 4~H, Clubs Beilmont Dairy Calf C1Uib~26 comp'l'eted.. 26.00 E. E. Dairy Calf Olub~15 compl!eted.._ 15.00 Shedden D8ii1ry Ca:U CI'Ub~23 completed.... 23.00 Corinth Dairy Calf Club-17 C'ompletled...... 17.00 Shedden Beef Oalf CIU1b~13 completed.... 13.00 WaHacetiown Beef Oalf Olub- 19 'compJerted 19.00 .Mdtbovough Beef Calf Club-ll compl,e.ted 11.00 Wlesit EIgliln Swine Club-9 comp.l~t'ed... 9.00 Centlrail EIg,in Swi\fi,e Olrub-13 c'omp~'etledoo 13.00 Elgin Engineerri'ng Olub-7 completed.. 7.00 EI1gin Tractoil' Club~15 completedm .....m.... 15.00 West ElgiJn Field Cmp CIub- 11 compl1etJed 11.00 EIlgin Sheep Glub-7 complerbedoommmmoo.m 7.00 Engraving Oelnrt)enniial PlaqU!es- 186 @ 50c 93.00 $ 99.32 3.000.00 25.00 25.00 $ 427.50 925.00 400.00 279.00 $3,099.32 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 57 Transportation--4-H Inter-Club Shows Shedden CBJlvesto, Ay.lmer W8.1il'......_.m.m.... 32.00 ShJedd{~.n & Riodnre~ Owve'S, to Wa.llace-town Fair h. m........... .....mm 22.00 4-H Olub Ll::aders' Associ'atio.u Girls' 4-HOlub Work 4- 4-H Club Conf. Delegates, O.A.C., 1967.... 40.00 53 County Honour Pilns + exchange..... ...~ 181.30 32 4-H. Club Leaders' Pins @ $1.35 + exchange ._. .....mm.'mm......................oo..... 45.66 5 easel units,,:-:"HomelIUiaking Club 4eade;rs 15.75 5 Club Signs + tax ........m..:~...... ...... ..m.......... 15.11 Miscellaneous Auditing-James Galhrailth-1966 bo'olm.. 10.00 Debating 'Deam-5 pen sets ._.hm..........m. 17.54 Bank Bala;IlIce-Dec. -Less 0 IS Oheque TOTAL EXPENSES 29/67-$414.46 26.00 Actual BaJlance '''00'''''''00$388.46 '~". ApPl1'oved-:-'"IDlgin ,Agricultural. Committee Dune-an Gjjlchrist, ChaArman. A. W. Auckland John V.McKinlay A. V. Langton, Sec.-Tl',eas. 54.00 300.00 291.82 27.54 $2,710.86 388.46 $3,099.32 J'an., 12/68-Audi1ted' and ~ound to be correct. Verjfi'cd with ba.rnk balance. James Gambrai'th, AudU'or, 64 East St., Sit. Thomas. 58 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL SECOND SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 19th day of March, 1968 The Elgin COUlllty Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All members present except Reeve Gilchrist' and Deputy Reeve Miskelly. Moved by Reeve Todd, Seconded by Reeve Wise, That the minutes of the January 1968 Session of the Elgin County Council be adop~d. -Carried. and referred to The following communications were read the various Commit~es. Fromuhe Minister of Highways with Guide for the Selection of County Roads in Urban Areas.-Referred to the Road Com- mittee. From the Children's Aid Society of the City of St., Thomas and the County of Elgin with 1968 Budget and Auditor's Report for 1967.-Re1'erred to iuhe Finance Committee. From the Department of Education with a guide for the Reorganization of School Jurisdictions in the Province of On- tario.-Tabled. ~'rom the County of Wentworth with resolution from the Hamilton-Wentwol1uh Planning Area Board recommending that The Planning Act be amended, and the 10 acre lot exception from the area of subdivision control provisions, be eliminated.- Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. From the Unive'rsity Women's Club of St. Thomas with Brief reo The need for Family Counselling in St Thomas, and Elgin County.-Referred to the Finance Committee. From Rohert H. Davis, Registrar, with 1967 Annual Return of Local Maste'r of Titles and Regis,trar of Deeds.-Filed. From the Minister oJ Municipal Affairs with statement by ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 59 the Honourable Charles MacNaughton on ApPoI'tionment of Fines undeT the Program, to assume costs of administration of justice.-Tabled. From the Ontario Municipal Board with Notice of appoint- ment of Tuesday, Apm 2nd, 1968, for hearing an, appeal by Ronald Alway against a decision of the Committee of Adjustment of 'the Township of Ya-rmouth.-Filed. From the Tavistock Council and the Tavistock and East Zorra Union School Section with letter reo The Proposed Reor- ganization of School Jurisdictions.-Refe'rred to the County Edu- cational Consultative Commit~e. From the Town of Stoney Creek with resolution to amend Section 26 (1) (b) of the Planning Act.-Referred to the Peotitions and Legislations Committee. From the Children's Aid Society of the City of St. Thomas and the County of Elgin with Financial Report '"0 December 31st, 1967.--Re1'erred to the Finance Committee. FrOm the Department of Lands and Forests with list of land transactions for the year, 1967, in the County of Elgin.-Filed. From the WeSitern CoullJties Guernsey Club with request for a gra,pt.-Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas, and Glen- garry, with copy of letter to the Honourable William G. Davis, Minister of Education requesting ,that a delegation from the said Counties be given the opportunity to discuss with the Minister any public and high school boundary changes within the said Counties before the changes are made.-Filed. From the Elgin County Branch of the Ontario Humane Soc- iety with Reque'st for a grant.-Referred to the Finance Commit. -tee. From the County of Peterborough with coPy of resolution reo the separation of City Boards of Education and County Boards of Education.-Referred to the County Educational Con- sultative Committe'e. From the Ontario School Trustees and Municipal Council- lors' Association with di-rective from the Deputy Minister of Education reo the provision of additional school acc,ommodation in 1968.-Referred to the Counity Educational Consultative Com- mittee. 60 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL From Mr. E. L. Wondley, Principal, Ridge'town College of Agricultural Technology, with appreciation of 1968 Scholarship. -Filed. From the Honourable W. Darcy McKeough, with extracts of the speech made by the Honourable C. S. MacNaughton to the Special Tax Conlierence on January 13th, 1968.-Referred 'rn the County Govecrnment Committee. From the Association of Ontario Counties urging that coun- ties prepare submissions on the recommendations of the Ontario Committee on Taxation, and th~t these submissions be 'forwarded to the PrO'vincial Gove,rnment before the deadline date of April 1st. 1968.-Referred to the County Government Committee. From the University of Western Ontario with appreciation of grant.-Filed. From the University of Western Ontario announcing that ~ County Council Day will he he.Jdon Wednesday, June 19th, 1968. -Filed. From the County of Simco,e with resolution opposingchan- ges in present public and high school boards and boards ofedu- catio,n until the proposed changes have been discussed wiltJh the CO'unty Councils concer!"ed.-Referred to the County Educational Consultative Committee. From Mr. R. W. !-lipgrave, Co-ordinator, E. 1\1. 0., with list of courses bein'g offered at the Emergency Measures College, ArnpriO'r, Ontario.-Filed. From the Erie Region Economic Council announcing the Annual Me~liing to be held on March 27th, at 8 p.m., and a Sem- inar on Housing ne,eds and Wise Land-Use to be held on April loth, 1968.~~Filed. From the County of Pe,terborough with report of Commit- tee appointed by Peterborough County Council to consider and report on the "Smith Report on Taxation".-Referred to the p~titions and Legislations Committee. From the' st. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Engineer with Report of 1967 Expenditures and Estimates for 1968.-Re- ferred to the Roads Committee. From the Bank of Montreal advising that interest ,ra,tes on loans has been increased to 6% % 'effective February 2&th, 1968. -Filed. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 61 Frnm Mr. R. G. Moore, Secretary, St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission, advising that the appointment of Mr. George H. Cross as County Representative on the St. Thnmas Suburban Road ,Commission expires on June 30th, 1968.-Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Elgin-St. ThO'mas Health Unit with 1968 Levy.- Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Association of OntariO' Counties with Bulletin rei Mid-Term Me,eting, April 2nd to' April 4th, 1968.-Filed. From the Ontario Good Roads Association announcing the 1968 "C. S. Anderson" Road School and adviSing that Mr. N. Chaplow and Mr. A. J. Gordon are qualified 'to attend.-Referred to the Roads Committee. From the OntariO Good Roads Association announcing the 1968 "T. J. Mahony Road School."-Referred to the Roads Com- mittee. From A. V. Langton, District Agricultural Representative with 1968 Budget'ijf 'the Elgin Agricultural Committee of County Council.-Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From Mr. George H. Cross with resignation from the St. Thomas Suburban RO'ads Commission effective June, 1968.- Referred to the Road Committee. A delegation from the' University Women's Club of St. Thomas, composed of Mrs.. Dana 'Po~ter, Mrs. Sloan, Mr. Douglas Barrett, and Mr. Earl Moore, were present, and it was moved by Reeve Wise that the delegation from the Unive'rsity Women's Club of St. Thomas be now heard. Mrs. Porter addvessed Council explaining the need for a Family Counselling service fO'r the residents of St. Thomas and Elgin County. and requested a grant in support of ithe work. Mr. Barreott and Mr. Moore answered, questions regarding the proposed service. The Warden thanked the de'legation and refe,rred the re- quest to the Finance Committee. The Report of the Road Committee was presented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caverly and Reeve Moore. 62 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Reeve Kallnt, Secanded by Reeve Tadd, Tllat we do now adjourn to meet again at 2 p.m. Tue~day, Marcil 19t1l, 1968. -Carried. Council re.canvened. Tile Report of tile Petitians and Legislatians Committee was presented by Reeve Barker and adopted on maitton of Reeve Barke-I', and Deputy Reeve McKillop. . The Report af the Personnel Committee was presented by Reeve Emer~an, and adopted on motion of Reeve Emersan and Reeve DeGraw. The Report of the Agricultural Cammittee was presented by Reeve Orchard, and adapted on motion of Reeve Orchard and Reeve Caverly. The Report of the Elgin ManaI' Camrrl~ttee was presented by Reeve Wise, and adapted on motion of Reeve Wise and Reeve Keillor. Moved by Reeve Moore, Secanded by Reeve Wise, That the Cauncil of the County of Elgin, having appointed an Assessment Commissioner under Sectian93a of the Assess- ment Act, hereby petitians the Minister to e)'ercise- the aUlbllarity vested in Ilim by subsectian 2 af Section 94 af the said A.ct to' order that the provisians of Clause a. of subsectian 1 shall not apply to' -tile County of Elgin for such periad as may be deter- mined by him, and that the prO' visions of Clause b of subsectian 1 shall apply during such period. -Carried. Maved by Reeve Tadd, Seconded by Reeve Kahnt, That the Caunty Auditors be instructed to transfer $35,- 000.00 from accumulated surplus to reserve far working funds. -Oarried. Mov.ed by Reeve Keillor, Secanded by Deputy Reeve Roberts, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 63 That a County of Elgin Home for 'the' Aged Building Accaunt be apened at the Bank of Montreal, and that the signing officers for the said account be the Superintendent of the Elgin County Home for the Aged and the Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer af the Elgin County Home fo;r the Aged. -Cal'Tied. Maved by Reeve Wise, Seconded by Reeve Keillor, That tenders be called for tile canstruction of the addition to the Elgin Caunty Hame for the Aged when final appraval of the plans has beenabtained fram the Department af Sacial and Family Services; tllat tile Elgin Manor Committee be empawered to accept a cantract, subject to' the appraval af tbe Ontario, Muni. cipal Baard and the Department af Social and Family Services praviding. the cost of the additian including contract, fees, fur- nishings, ei~c. does not exceed $600,000.00 and that the Warden and the Clerk af theCaunty af Elgin be empowered to sign the con1Jract when all necessary approvals have been abtained. _Oarried. Moved by Reeve Kahnt, Seconded by Reeve Orchard, That By-Law NO'. 2011, "Being a By-Law' to Authorize Grants To Be Made to Variaus Organizations, Corporations, Institutions, Etc., During 1968," be read a firS1t time: . . Moved by Reeve Orchard, Secanded by Reeve Kahnt, That By-Law No. 2011 be read a second time. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Tadd, Seconded by Reeve DeGraw, That By-Law No. 2011 be read a third time, and finally .passed. -Cal'Tied. Maved by Reeve Mrs. Blyth, Seconded by Reeve Maare, That By-Law NO'. 2013 "A By-Law TO' Provide for the 1968 Normal Expenditures on Roads Under the Highway Impro.vement A.ct in the Caunty of Elgin," be re'ad a first -t'me. -Carried. 64 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Reeye Moore, Seconded by Reeve' Mrs. Blyth, That By-Law No. 2012 be read a second time. Moved by Reeve Emerson, Seconded by Reeve Mrs. Blyth, That By.Law No. 2012 be passed. -Carried. read a third time, and finally -Carried. Moved by Reeve Wise, Seconded by Re,eve, Wilson, That By-Law No. 2012, "A By-Law To Provide for the 1968 Supplementary Expenditures on Roads Under the Higbway Im- provement Act in the CQunby of Elgin be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Ree,ve Moore, Seconded by ReeVll Clarke, That By.Law :Nt). 2012 be read a second time. -Carried. Mov,ed by Reeve Moore, Seconded by Reeve Wise, That By-Law No. 2013 be read a third time,' and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Re'eve Emerson, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McIntyre, Thall; By-Law No. 2014, "Being a By-Law To Amend ByLaw No. 1818 Authorizing Speed Limits," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McIntyre, Seconded by Reeve Emerson, That By-Law No. 2014 be read a second time. Moved by Reeye Emerson, Seconded by DepUlVy Reeve Mclntyt'e, -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 65 That By-Law No. 2014 be read a third time, and finally pass'ed. -Carried. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk A. BRUCE"McCALLUM, Warden SECOND SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 20th day of March,1968 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance wvvh adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members present except Reeve Gilchrist and Deputy Reeve Misl<elly. Mr. Venema of the, firm of G. Duncan Black Ltd. was present, and it was moved by Re,eve Wise that Mr. Venema be now heard. Mr. Venema pre,sentedand explained the plans for the addition to the Elgin Coumty Home For the Aged, and report- ed on the progress beirrg made with respect to the final plans and specifications. The Warden thanked Mr. Venema for appearing before Council and giving the report. The Repol1t of the Elgin County Educational Consultative Committee was presented by Reeve Wilson and adopted on nw- tion of Reeve Wilson and Reeve Emerson. The R<!port of the Committee appointed to investigate Planning in Elgin County was presented by Reeve Keillor and adopted on motion of Ree've Keillor and Reeve Wise, 66 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL The first RepO'rt of the Finance CO'mmittee was presented by Reeve Todd and adO'pbed on motion O'f Reeve Todd and Reeve Moore. The secO'nd Rep()(t"t of the Finance Committee was presented by Releve TO'dd, and adO'pted on motiO'n O'f Reeve TO'dd and Reeve DeGraw. The Report of the Property and Asse.ssment CO'mmittee was presented by Deputy Reeve McAlpine' and adopted on motiO'n O'f Deputy Relev,e McAlpine and Deputy Reeve McIntyre. Moved by Reeve Caverly, SecO'nded by Reeve Wise, Thrub the Warden and the Clerk O'f the County of Elgin be, and we hereby authorized to sign Certificate regarding the fO'l- lowing permanent employee of the CorpO'ratiO'n fO'r exemptiO'n of , cO'ntributiO'ns as prO'vided under the Regulations O'f the Unem- plO'yment Insurance Act.-Mr. JO'seph C. Livingstone. -Carried. MO'ved by Reeve Keillor, SecO'nded by Reeve Caverly, That we dO' now adjO'urn until 2 p.m., March 20th, 1968. ,-Carried. CO'uncil re.convened. The RepoDb of the CO'unty GO'vernment CO'mmittee was presented by Reeve MO'O'l'e, and adopted on mO'tiO'II of Reeve Moore, and Reeve TO'dd. Mov,ed by Re,eve TO'dd, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McKillop, That we purchase a supply of CO'unty Crests and Bruce Tar- tan Plaid TIes. -Carried. Mov,ed by Reeve WilsO'n, Seconded by Reeve' Wise, That the Warden's gO'wn which has been in use by, the CO'unty of Elgin since 1940, be dO'nated to the Elgin CO'unty Pioneer Museum for disp~ay and safe keeping. ,-Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 67 Moved by Reeve TO'dd, Seconded by Reeve Kahnt, That By-Law NO'. 2015, "TO' Raise Amounts fO'r CO'unty Raites During the Year, 1968," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reev,e McKillop, Seconded by Reeve Mrs. Blyth, That By-Law NO'. 2015 be read a second time. Moved by Reeve Mrs. Blyth, SecO'nded by Re,eve Kahnt, That By.Law No. 2015, be read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Mcintyre, Seconded by Deputy,Reeve McAlpine, That By-Law NO'. 2016, "Being a By-Law TO' Amend By-Law No. 1984, Thereby Increasing the Interest Rate Paid O'n: Tem- pO"rary Ad\'ances Obtained FrO'm the Bank of Montreal," be read a first time. ' -Carried. Moved by Reeve Orchard, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Mcintyre, That By-Law NO'. 2016, be read a secO'nd time. Moved by Reeve Kahnt, Seconded .by Reeve Orchard, That By-Law NO'. 2016 be read a third time; and finally passed. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Dennis, Seconded by Reeve MO'O're, That By-Law NO'. 2017, "Being a By-Law TO' Amend By-Law No. 2004, Thereby Increasing the Interest Rate Paid on MO'neys BorrO'wed Fromihe Bank of MO'ntreal," be read a first time. . -Carried. 68 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Ree'l'e Mrs. Blyth, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Dennis, That By-Law No. 2017 be read a second time. Moved by Reeve Moore, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Dennis, That By-Law No. 2017 be read passed. -,-Carried. a third time, and finally -Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson, Seconded by Re,eve Johnson, That By-Law No. 2018, "A By-Law To Increase the Salary of the County Weed Insp€clor and Tree Commissioner," be read a first time. Moved by Reeve Johnson, Seconded by Releve Clarke, That By-Law No. 2018, be read a second time. Moved by Deputy Reeve Dennis, Seconded by Reeve Moore, That By-Law No. 2018, be !'ead passed. -Carried. -Carried. a third time, and finally -Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly, Seconded by Deputy Re,eve deRyk, That By-Law No. 2019, "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the March Session, 1968" be re,ad a first time. Moved by Deputy Ree"e deRyk, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Roberts, That By-Law No. 2019, be read a second time. Moved by Deputy Reeve Roberts, Seconded by Reeve' Caverly, -Carried. -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 69 That By-Law No. 2019, be read a third time; and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Wise, Seconded by R'eeve Barker, That we do now adjourn until May 22nd, 1968, at 10 a.m. -Carried. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk A. BRUCE McCALLUM, Warden ST. THOMAS, ONTARIo' March Session ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT To the Warden and Members of The Elgin County Council: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE BEGS TO REPORT as follows: 1. TENDERS HAVE BEEN CALLED for the' application of gravel on various Roads. 2. GOOD PROGRESS is being made on the Construction of the Port Burwell Bridge by the Contractor, Con-Bridge Limited. 3. IT IS EXPECTED that, Development Road funds will be made available by the Onibario Department of Highways to (a) complete the work on Development Road No. 840 (Road No. 52 from Springfield to Road No. 30) (b) to do Grading, Granular Base and Urban work in Fingal on Development Road No. 931 (Road No. 20, Fingal southerly) (c) some of the Grading and Granular Base on Development Road No. 972. (Roads No. 47, 48, 49, South Dorchester). 4. THE FIRM OF A. M. Spriet & f.ssociates have started En- gineering work for the replacement of the Orwell Bridge on the YarmoUlUh-Malahide Townline, north of Highway No. 3. WE RECOMMEND: 1. THAT THE ESTIMATES of the St. Thomas Suburban Road 70 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Commission for 1968, amounting to $68,000.00 be approved. THAT, AT THE REQUEST of the Minister of Highways, we again participate in a County Needs Study, and that the firm of A. M. Spriet & Associates be appointed as Consult- ants fOl' the Study. THAT A NORMAL ROAD EXPENDITURE BY-LAW be pass- ed to be alloca'ted as follows: Construction Maintenance 2. 3. Roads . Bridges & Culverts . New Machinery Superintendence & Overhead ........... $ 45,000 70,000 85,000 $ 321,500 25,500 23;000 Total $ 366,5QO 25,500 70,000 108,000 $ 200,000 $ 370,000 $570,000 4. THAT A SUPPLEMENTARY ROAD EXPENDITURE BY. LAW be passed to be allocated as follows: Roads. . . $ 497,000 Bridges 533,000 $ 1,030,000 Breaking these Items Down (Recommendation. 3 and 4) (a) COUNTY. EXPENDITURES Construction Roads Construction Bridges & Culverts.. Construction New Machinery. Maintenance Roads (including Urban Rebates . Maintenance Bridges & Culverts . Overhead $ 481,000 533,000 70,000 325,000 25,000 100,000 $ 1,534,000 (b) ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION EXPENDITURES Construction Roads . Construction Bridges & Culverts Maintenance Roads . Maintenance Bridges & Culve'fts.. Overhead ...$ 29,000 28,500 500 8,000 $ 66,000 (Not Including Items Not for Subsidy-$2,000.) ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 71 TOTAL MONEY APPROPRIATED by SupplemeI~bary and Normal By-Laws-$1,600,00, at an estimated cost to the County . of Elgin .of $620,847 (10.4 Mills on the present County Ass'e8s- ment). IN ADDITION, normal Accounts Receivable, ExpendiJture on Development Roods and Grants from the Board of Transpo'ft on the Pori Burwell Bridge are estimated to total $1,700,000. Gross Road expenditures are estimated in the order of $3,300,000. SUPPLEMENTARY AND NORMAL ROAD CONSTRUCTION BY-LAWS provide money for construction on Roads and Bridges as follows: (a) Road Constru<Jbion. by the St. Thomas Suburban .Road Com- mission on Road No; 16, Southwold Township. (b) County Roads Needs Study, during the current year. (c) Land purchased for Road Widening. (d) Completion of Grading, Granular Base and Surface Treat- ment on 'Road No. 11 from Higbway No.4 to Road No. 26 in Southwold Township. (e) Completion of trimming, .etc. at Springwa,ter Dam, and Sur- .face Treatment on Road No. 35 between Rood No. 45 and Highway No.3 in Malahide and Yarmouvh Townships. (f) Completion of trimming, etc., and Surface Treatment at Stalter Gully on Road No. 42, Malahide Township. (g) Fencing on Road No. 52 (Development Road No. 840), on Road' No. 20 (Development Road No. 931) and on Roads No. 47, 48 and 49 (Development Road No. 972). (h) Grading, Granular Base on Road No. 42 from Highway No. 73 to Road No. 40, MaIahide Township. (i) Grading and Granular Base, etc., on Road No. 15, Entrance to Pearce Park, Dunwich Township. (j) Grllding, Granular Base, etc., on Road No.3, North Limits of Rodney to Road No. 9 (except Highway No. 401), Ald- borough Township. (k.. Grading, Granular Base, etc., on Road No. 38 at the Bay- ham-Malahide Towuline. (I) Completion of Port BurweIl Bridge and Road No. 42 from the Bridge to Road No. 39 in the Village of Port BurweIl. 72 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL (m) Completion of Belmont Bridge, Road No. 37, Noi'th and South Do~cheste~ Townships. (n) Completion of Spring Creek Culvert on Road No. 37, Nol'bh and South Dorchester Townships. (0) Extension of Bennett Drain Culvert on Road No.8, Dunwich Township. (p) Engineocing Work on Bridges on Road No. 45 ove~ Catfish and Kettle' Oreeks, Yarmouth and Southwold Townships. 5. THAT A RESOLUTION BE pASSED authorizing the Watt- den and Cle~k to sign a Certificate' regarding the following permanent empl0ye,e of lillle Corporation of the County of Elgin for ex"mption of Contributions as provided under Regulations of the Unemployment Insurance Act-Joseph C. Livingstone. 6. THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED amending By"Law No. 1818, being a By-Law authorizing Speed Limits, by adding to un- der Schedule "A"-Maximum Rate of Speed~35 miles per hour on that portion of County Road No.3 in the Township of Aldborough from the Soutih Entrance to Port Glasgow Memorial Park in Concession XIV northerly to the Road Allowance between Concession XIII and Concession XIV. This will restrict the speed of vehicles in the vicinity of New Glasgow Park. All of which is respectfully submitted. WILLIAM R. CAVERLY, Chairman. St. Thomas, Ontario, March, 1968. To the Chairman and Members of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission: ATTACHED TO MY ANNUAL REPORT to the Corrimission is a statement of Expenditures on the Commission Roads in 1967, and an ,estimate of Expenditures for 1968. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 73 THE COMMISSION has control of 22.0 miles of Road, which is the same as in past years. 1.15 miles of this mileage (Road No. 30) is gravel, the rest is paved. In 1967 the last of the Wellington Road Debentures were paid. Thus, the full one' half Mill, approximately $20,186.00 will be available to the Commission this year. Maintenance will fuke the majority of the bUdget, as major Maintenance Work has been neglected for a number of years. Surface Treatment is necessary on at least (6) six miles. PROGRAMMING OF NEEDED CONSTRUCTION, WORK on Radio Road and St. George Street is uot possible until a definite Roube for the Sf, Thomas By-Pass and Highway No. 126 Exten- sion are designated by the City of St. Thomas, and the Ontario Department of Highways. FURTHER MEETINGS with the County Road Committee will be necessary throughout the year, to co-ordinate future planning for Road Constru0t[on. All of which is respectfully submitted. '-' R. G. MOORE, P. ENG., ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ENGINEER. ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN, ROAD COMMISSION Statement of. 1967 Expenditures CONSTRUCTION: BRIDGES: Completion of St. George Street Bridge ROADS: Completion of St. George Street Bridge.............. Surveys & Traffic Counts. . Land Purchases 1,091.88 $ 1,091.88 254.94 43.32 2,341.20 2,639.46 74 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL MAINTENANCE: Pattffi'son Bridge. (New Deck ..... Bridge & Culved Maintenance., . ROADS MAINTENANCE: . Winter Co.ntrol . Repairs to Pavements Surface Treatment Repairs to. Road No.. 30 (O.W.R.C.) ... Weed Control...... Grading, Gravel Resurfacing & Dust Co.ntrol . Drains Brushing Signs & Pavement M..-king Railro.ad Protectien . Fencing Drainage Assessments (No. Aid Received) (CREDIT) Superintendence, Cleric1ll & Car Mileage Overhead ITEMS NOT FOR SUBSIDY: Committee Member Fees & Expenses Ontario Goo.d Ro.ads Asso.ciaHen Membership Suburban Read Cemmissio.n Assoc~ Membership ................ Weed Spraying & Ro.ad Liability Insurance ..................... ...... Drainage Assessments (2/3 Aid Received) WINTERWORKS PROGRAMME: Bushing & Fencing 4,485.29 . 123.31 4,608.60 5,992.91 2,622.66 3,269.41 10,245.92 1,278.78 1,104.06 169:34 1,594.48 1,510.03 305.01 91.00 7.67 3,925.19 2,924.32 35,026.24 690.00 20.00 10.00 33.38 172.05 925.43 379.39 379.39 TOTAL EXPENDITURE FOR 1967 ON ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS. . . $ 44,671.00 Amount Payable by The City of St. Thomas ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL CONSTRUCTION: BRIDGES. ,...10% of $ 1,091.88 $ 109.19 ROADS ....... 25% o.f 2,639.40 659.87 MAINTENANCE: BRIDGES .........10% o.f . ROADS ..25% .o.f ITEMS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY ONTARIO DEPARTMENT HIGHWAYS. 50% ef 925.43 4,608.60 35,026.24 460.86 8,756.56 462.71 WINTERWORKS: 12%% of 379.39 47.42 TOTAL LESS-CONTRIBUTIONS FROM ONTARIO WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION. TQTAL CONTRIBUTION % applicable to. beth Cnunty & 3,005.27 City share ef .~uburban Reads (Net Expenditures) PAID BY THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS ,;" Mill from City provided.... . 19,309.14 Less WeHington Road Debentures.. ....11,288.50 Less Deficiu fo.r 1966 8,020.64 3,658.43 4,362.21 DEFICIT TO 1968.. ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1968. ESTIMATES CONSTRUCTION Roads Construction on Road No. 16 (Finga,l Rnad) 75 $ 10,496;61 3,005.27 $ 7,491.34 4,362.21 $ 3,129.13 $ 29,000.00 $ 7,250.00 City Share ,:': i,,1 "..'1' lill i:'.11 il!' i,:I, "'II ilill :1:' "'1 'Ii ii' il:1 :1: 76 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL MAINTENANCE Bridge Mld Culvert Maintenance. ROADS MAINTENANCE Winter Cantral Surface Treatment Repairs to' Pavements Grading, Raadside Maintenance, Dust Cantrol, etc. Weed Cantral & Bmshing Pavement Marking & Signs Railroad PrateclttQn . Guide Rails Drainage & Drainage Assessments Superintendence, Clerical, Car Mileage, etc. Overhead 500.00 RQad Maintenance 6,500.00 9,000.00 4,000.00 2,000,00 2,500.00 2,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 4,500.00 3,500.00 .$ 36,500.00 . $ 37,000.00 2,000.00 TOTAL MAINTENANCE Items Not far Subsidy & Winterwarks . $ 68,000.00 $ 17,425.00 TOTAL BUDGET FOR 1968 . SHARE OF THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS '12 Mill fram The City af St. Thomas will pravide approximately (Assessment $40,372.291) Less Deficit from 1967 $ 20,186.00 3,129.13 $ 17,056.87 Less Estimated Share af City far 1968 17,425.00 ESTIMATED DEFICIT TO 1969 ........ $ 368.13 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 77 50.00 PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT $ 9,125.00 $ 9,175.00 1,000.00 March Session, 1968 To the Warden, and Membocs af the Elgin CQunty Council, ThePetitians and LegislatiQns CQmmittee repQrts as follawS: 1. That tj]e repart fram the CQmmittee appointed by the Peter- borQugh County CQuncil to' consider and repQrlu Qn the "Smith Repart Qn Taxatian," be filed. 2. That the r€\Solutian fram the Tawn af Stoney Creek reo Amendment of Seotion 26 (1) (b) of the Planning Act, be filed. 3. That the resalutlon frQm the Caunty Qf Wentwarth reo elimination af 10 acre lot exception far the area of subdlvlslan cQntrol provisions, be filed, All af which Is respectfully submitted. J. W. BARKER, Chairman. '.';. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1968 To the Warden, and Members af the Elgin County Cauncil, The Personnel Committee reports as follQws: 1. WE RECOMMEND to County Council that Ure Personnel Committee be empowered to' interview applicants and hire a male assistant Clerk-Treasurer. All of which is respectfully submitted. K. C. EMERSON, Chairman. 78 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1968 To the Warden, and Me'!llbers of the Elgin County Council, The Agriculbural Committee reports as follows: 1. . WE .RECOMMEND that the weed inspector and tree com- !llissioner's hourly rate of wage be $2.0.0. per hour, and his mile- age allowance be' according to County By-Law for County em- ployees and that this wage rate and mileage allowance be retro- actiye to ,January 1st, 1968. 2. That the request of Ithe Westem Counties Guernsey Club for a grant be referred to the District Agricultural Representa- tive. 3. That the 1968 Budget of the Elgin Agricultur3!1 Committee of County Council be approved. 4, rh>\t the petition of Mr. Robert King to clear six acres of bush be referred to the County Tree' Commissioner, and that his decision in this matter will be agreeable to the Elgin County Council. All of which is respectfully subm1tted. ALBERT J. ORCHARD, Chairman. ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1968 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, THE ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE reports as follows: 1. That 'uhe Waste Stabilization Pond is completed and has been in operation since the middle of December and is working very satisfactorily. 2. That the Committee members and G. Duncan Black, Con- sulting Engineer, met with officials of the Department of Social and Family Services, in Toronto, and were given per- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 79 '" . !llissionto go ahead with final plans for the addition 'uo the ..<,'Home. 3. That we, adoptabudg.et .requiring. $71,87~.QO,for operating ,'.Elgin Manor, and meeting ,the 1968 Debenture payment. .4. That the Home is presently,filled,to capacity with 83 resi- dents. We have a wa1ting 'Iis,t ,consisting. of 2 females and 11 males, also a great number of inquiries from hospital and families of prospective residents. . All of which is re,spectfully submitted. JOHN WISE, ,Chairman. COUNTY OF ELGIN '_', BY.LAW NO. 2011 IJB~ing a By~Law' To:,-Author,izc=,Gra~ts, 1,0, B~ Made to Various Organizations, Corporations, Institutions, Etc. Du':ingI96~:' WHEREAS the Council, of ,the Corporatiol1 of the County of .Elgin deems 1tadvisable to make grants to certain organizations, corporations, "institutions, etc~ NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County; of Elgil1 enaclts as fOnows: (1) THAT the following grants be, and are hereby au.thor- ized for the year, 1968: The Elgin County Law Library...., ....,..... ,..$ 50..00. The Canadian National Institute for tbe Blind. 1,250..0.0. Lake Erie Regional Development Council 2,220..48 The Salvation Army, 50.0..00. The Elgin County Pioneer Museum. 50.0..0.0. . Scholarsbip at Ridgeltown Agricultural School..,.. . 10.0..0.0. Scholarships at the University of Western Ontario.. 20.0:00. The University of Wes'tern Ontario. 2,50.0..0.0 The Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital..." 16, Beattie Havel1. .......::.:..;.. 3,0.0.0..0.0 80 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Four Counties Hospital ............... 9,000.00 Bobier Home . ................ 5,000.00 The Local Agricultural Office for farm organizations and Junio'r Farmers and Institute Groups.... 3,000.00 The Agricultural and Horticultural Societies in the County of Elgin-Equal to the Province of Ontario Grants to these Societies. READ a first time, this 19th day of March, 1968. READ a second time ,tlhis 19th day of March, 1968. READ a third time', and finally passed this 19th March, 1968. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk day of A. BRUCE McCALLUM, Warden BY.LAW NO. 2012 . NORMAL A By-Law to Provide for the 1968 Expenditures on Roads Under The Highway Improvement Act in The County of Elgin. WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act require,s that the total expenditure on road!; be provided for annually by county by-law and IVhat the by-law be submitted to the Minister of Highways for approval. THEREFORE the Councll of the Corporation of, the said County enacts as follows: (1) The sum of $570,000 is hereby estimated as the expen- diture upon the construction and maintenance of the mads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the year W68 as follows:- Construction Roads ...$ 45,000 Bridges and Culverts ... ....$ New Machinery ....$ 70,000 Superintendence and Overhead ............."........,$ 85,000 TOTALS ....................$ 200,000 Maintenance $ 321,500 $ 25,500 $ $ 23,000 $370,000 Total $ 366,500 $ 25,500 $ 70,000 $ 108,000 $ 570,000 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 81 (2) The said monies shall be expended under the super- visi()n of the duly appointed county road superintendent and on work performed in accordallCle with The HIghway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk Ehall transmit triplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the Department of Highways Ontario, not later than March 31st, of the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained bef()re any expenditure is authorized or work com. menced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or monies raised in a subsequent year. Passed at St. Thomas, this 19th day of March, A.D. 1968. (SEAL) H. L. JOHNSON, A. BRUCE McCALLUM, Clerk VVarden I, H. L. Johnson, Clerk of luhe Corporation of the County of Elgin, do hereby ceriify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-Law No. 2012 passed by the Cooncil of the said Corporation on the 19th day of March, 1968. H. L. JOHNSON, County Clerk. SUPPLEMENTARY BY-LAW NO. 2013 A By-Law to Provide for the 1968 Expenditures on Roads Under The Highway Improvement Act in The County of Elgin. WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act require,s that the total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by county by-law and that the by-law be submitted to the Minister of High. ways for approval. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said County enacts as follows: (1) The sum of $11030,000 is hereby estimated as the ex- penditure upon the construction and maintenanw ()f the roads 82 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL and bridges under its jurisdiction during the year 1968 as fol- lows:- Construction Maintenance Tota~ Roads ..$ 497,000 $ $ 4Q7,000 Bridges lInd Culverts $ 533,000 $. . $ 533,000 New Machinery. . . .$.. .. . . $ nil $... Superintendence and Overhead .. . ..$. .. $.. . '. $. -- - TOTALS ...$ 1,030,000 $.. . ... $ 1,030,000 (2) Th~ said monies shall be expended under the supervis- ion of the duly appointed county' road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway' ImprOVement Act. (3) .. The clerk shall transmit triplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the Department of Highways Ontario, not later than March 31st, of the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal BoanLshall be obtained before any expenditure is authorized or work com- menced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or ,monies vaised in a subsequent year. Passed at St: Thomas tbis 19th day of March, A.D. 1968. (SEAL) H. L. JOHNSON, A. BRUCE McCALLUM, Clerk Warden I, H. L Johnson, Clerk of the Co,rporation of the COUl~ty of Elgin, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By- Law No. 2013, passed by the Council of the Said CorpOO'ation on the 19th day of March, 1968. H.L. JOHNSON, County-Clerk. ,ELGINCOU).\lTY COUNCIL 83 COUNTY OF .ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2014 "B,eing a By-Law To Amend By-Law No. 1818 Authorizing .' - - ''--- - Speed Limits/' , THE COUNCIL of the Corporation of the County of Elgin . enacts. as follows: "." .. c._. , THAT By-Law No. 1818 of the County of Elgin be amended by adding the following paragraph to Schedule "A". . "County Road No.3 being the Road Allowance between Lots in ConCession XIV of the Township of Aldborough from Allowance between Concession XIII and Concession XIV southerly for a distance of 1,600 feet." THAT this By-Law shall not become effec',lve until approved by the Department of Transport. READ a first time this 19th day of March, 1968. READ a second time this 19th da,y of March, 1968. ,~EAD a third, time, and finally passed tilis 19th day of March, 1968. >. .. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk A. BRUCE McCALLUM, Warden " ELGIN COUNTY, EDUCATIONAL CONSUL TATlVE , COMMITTEE March Session, 1968 To the Ward!ln,andM~rnhers of the Elgin County Council, The Elgin County Educational Consultaltive Committee' re- ports as follows: '.1. '. That 'the, resolution. from the County of Simcoe opposing ,'any chal)ge in pres'llIlt public .and high school Boards, and Boards ,of Education until the proposed changes have been discussed with the County Coul).cilsconcerned, hetahled. 2. 1:'hat the. communication from the Ontario School Trustees' 84 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL and Municipal Councillors' Ass,ociation with lette'r from Mr. J. R. McCarthy, Deputy Minister of Education rei School Construction and Debentures, be filed. 3. That the resolution from the County of Peterb6"ough rei Separa!tion of City Boards of Education and County Boards of Education, be filed. 4. That the letter from the, Tavi.tock Municipa~ Council and the Tavistock and East Zorra Union School Section rei the pro- posed reorganization of school jurisdictions, be filed. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. B. WILSON, Chairman. REPORT OF COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE PLANNING IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN March Session, 1968 To the Warden and Membe,rs of The Elgin County Council: The Special Committee appointed by Warden McCallum re- ports as follows: The Spedal Commiibtee appointed by the Warden to examine the question of planning in Elgin County has met on several occasions since the January Session. The Committee not only discussed, within the Committee. the problems facing planning in the County, but also has had communication with all municipalities within ,the County on the matter. A Meeting was also armnged with the Honourable W. Darcy McKeough, Minister of Municipal Affairs. .This meeting was held at Mr. McKeough's office, 801 Bay Street, Toronto, and was at- tended by your Committee on February 29th. We undersitand that the Minister has forwarded letters to ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 85 all Jl1.unicipalities in the County stating what he proposes to do. Also, stating that he has insitructed the Staff of his Department to get in touch wlllh the City, and the various municipalities in the County to discuss questions relevant to new planning are'a.. All of which is respectfully submitted. LORNE KEILLOR, Cbairman. COUNTY RATES, COUNTY OF ELGIN FINANCIAL REPORT March 'Session, 1968, First Report To the Warden and, Members of The Eigin County Council: THE COMMI'fTEE on Finance beg leave to report that hav- ing inquired into Finances of the Counuy, and estimates prepared by the County Treasut!er, they herewith submit a statement of tbe expenditures required for the lawful purpose of the County during 1968, and showing the amount required t.o be raised for the undermentioned purposes: 1965 Estimated Expend. Adminis,tr'akiJon of Just1:C:3 ...._.. __.$ 70,000.0.0 County Roads (10.4 mills) om 3,3.00,000.00 Charity and Welfare __ on..__ __n... 15,000.00 Chi'ld Welfare ___,.nnn.....__m'""" uno 23,000.00 IDIgtnManor Op'emting 'mh" ....._. 237,350.00 Elgin Manor, DebentuvC.unn moo 30,080.00 Hospital DebenJture's ........_.......... 46,400.00 Bank Interest "monn..,................... 60,000.00 t>iscounton County Rates ........ 8,000.00 kbatemenrt of TaxeS' ...... ........n 2;000.00 Agr:iicultur,e ......"...............m......_...... 14,000.00 County..Assessment Dept. ..n,""_". 109,520.00 Health Urni,t h..h.....................h....... 57726,00 Registry O:fimce ........00......00.... ..0.. 6:000.00 Cave of Buirldings ..'........um..uu.. 11,000,00 County Puhlic Library .......m..no 29,848.00 Gr:a:nts . .._;.........~..u...........un........... 24,573,00 1965 Estimated Revenue $ 55,000.00 2,679,153.00 12,000.00 195,555.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 12,500.00 1965 Tax Levy $ 5,000.00 620,S47.00 3.000.00 23,000.00 41,795.00 30,OSO.00 46,400.00 60.000.00 S,OOO.OO 12,000.00 97,020.00 57.726.00 6,000.00 11,000.00 29,S4S.00 24,573.00 86 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL TilQso:nburg . HOSpii't8i1 Em'erg;ency MoosU'res OI1ganlizf11tJion mm~ ..m...un..n..:" Pii'illlbing, Postage,. & StJaJt'ionery Munri!c'ipaIGov.emmenrt Sundrd,es .........nmnnum. 00. of Elgitn Planning Board.... EIg1in Co. Sick Benefit Acet. Oontling;en!cies 16,000.00 1.350.00 . 2,000.00 55.000.00 7,456.91 1,500.00 20,000.00 12,000.00 lS,OOO,OO 1.350.00 . 2,000.06 . 55 000.00 7;456.91 1,500;00 12,000.00 12,000.00 $ 4,141.S03.91 $ 2,95S.20S.00 $1.1S3,595.91 From Surplus 13,537.00 19.6 miMs $1,170,058.91 YOUR COMMITTEE would recommend that the sum of One Million, One HUI).dred and Seventy T!\ousand, and fifty eight Dol- lars, and Ninety One Cents be raised on all the,'rateable property in the several municip'altties of the County of Elgin during the year, 1968, for County purposes, and Jbhat a rate of 19.6 mills on the dollar be levied on rateable property in the seve'ral munici. palities in the County to raise said amounts. All of which is 'respectfully submitted. DOUGLAS R. TODD, Chairman. FINANCE COMMITTEE March Session, 1968 Second Report To the Warden and Memb"rs lYf The Elgin Coullty CO\lncil: The Finallce Committee reports as follmvs: L That Charity and Welfare Pay List No. 1 for $$12.3() alld Pay List No.2 Jor $1,220.85, be approved. ' ' , 2. That Childrell's Aid Societies Pay List No. 1 for $1,531.1() and Pay List NO.2 for $1,451.00, be approv"d. , ',', 3. That ,bhe 1968 levy ofth" Elgin.St. Thomas Health unit re- quiring $57,725.92 to bEl raised by the County of Elgin, be approv- ed, . ELQIN COUNTY COUNCIL 87 4. That the 1968 Budget of the Childr"Il's Aid Society of the City of St. Thomas and the COUllty of Elgin requiring $20,106.00 to he raised by the County of Elgin, be approved. 5. That the Brief from the University WOllen's Club of St. Thomas reo th" Ileed for family coullseiling in St. Thomas and Elgin Coullty be tabled to tbe May Session. 6. That the Children's Aid Society Financial Report to Decem- ber 31st, 1967, be filed. 7. That tlrerequest of the Elgin County Branch of JtJhe Olltario Humane Society for a grant, be filed. 8. ,That By-Law No. 1948 and By-Law No. 2004 be amended to provide for all interest rate not exceedillg 7% per ceut per annum on temporary advances, and mOlley borrowed from the Bank of Montreal. 9. That the Coull.ty cOllltinue to allow" discount for prepay- ment of County Rates at the s.ame rate per annum as the County pays for money borrowed at the Bank alld in accordance with By-Law No. 1344. '-.. All of which is respectfully submitted. DOUGLAS R. TODD, Chairman. PROPERTY AND ASSESSMENT COMMITTTEE REPORT March Session, 1968 To the Warden and Members of The Elgin Coullty Council: The Property allid As'sessment Committee reports as follows: 1. We have purchased a Paymaster Chequewr>ber for the Clerk- Treasurer's office at a cost of $214.50, less $50.00 trade-in for old chequewriter. . 2. Th~t fire insurance 011 the Court House, Jail, Registry Office and A:ssessment Office has been incre'ased to $600,075.00. 3. That fire insurance 011 contents of the Offices, Court Hous'e and Jail has been increased to $130,000.00. 88 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 4. That fire insurance on contents of ~he Assessment Depart" ment has been increased to $15,000.00 and that valuable papers coverage in the amount of $50,000.00 has been added to this policy. 5. That Councillor's Accident policy has been renewed and.tbat Liable and Slander has been added to policy No. 751921 as an endorsement. All of wbich is respectfully submitted. K. J. McALPINE, Chairman. COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1968 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That the letter from the Honourable W. Darcy McKeough, with extracts of the speech made by the Honourable C. S. Mac- Naughton to the Special Tax Conference on January 13th, 1968, be filed. 2. That rohe letter from the Association of Ontario Counties re: Submissions on the recommendations of the Ontario Committee on taxation, be filed. 3. That the County Government Committee be authorized to investigate the mail'iJer of remuneration paid to County Council members for attending meetings of County Council, and meet" ings of County Committees, and that the County Government Committee report it's findings to County Council. All of which is respectfully submitted. Acting A. BRUCE McCALLUM, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 89 BY"LAW NO. 2015 uTo Raise Arno'unts for County Rates During the Year, 1968./1 WHEREAS an estimate has been made showing thS!t the sum of One Million, One Hundred and Seventy Thousand, and Fifty Eight Dollars, and Ninety One cents is required to be rais" ed in the several municip'ali1lies for the lawful purpose of the County during the year, 1968, on the' basis of the assessment as determined in By-law No. 2005, passed January 18th, 1968. Municipality Total Equalized Value Aylme'r 8,102,540.00 Belmont. 825,315.00 Dutton 1,067,342.00 Port Burwell. 863,270.00 Port Stanley.'" 3,199,763.00 Rodney 1,250,715.00 Springfield 377,285.00 Vienna . 360,293.00 West Lorne.",.. . 1,305,499.00 Aldborough 5,280,790.00 Bayham . 5,855,971.00 Dorchester South. . 2,002,760.00 Dunwich 4,387,680.0{) Malahide 8,014,030.00 Southwold . 7,272,880.00 Yarmouth 9,530,750.00 $ 59,696,883.00 THEREFORE the Council of the Municipal Corpontion of the County of Elgin enacts: THAT a rate of 19.6 mills on the dollar be levied on all rate" able propemy In the several municipalltes in the County of Elgin as above set foruh for the year, 1968: Aylmer Be,lmont Dutton Port Burwell . Port Stanley Rodney Springfield Vienna . 158,809.79 16,176.17 20,919.90 16,920.09 62,715.36 24,514.0.1 7,394.79 7,061.74 90, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 25,587.78 10,3,50,3.48 114;777.0,3 39,254.10, 85,998.53 157,0,74.99 142,548.45 186,80,2.70, West Larne Aldboro\lgh Bayham Darchester Sauth DUlllWich Malahide Sauthwold Yarmauth $ 1,17o"o,58.9~ RE~D a first time this 2o,th day af March, 1968. READ a secand time this 20,bh day of March, 1968, READ a third time, and finally passed this2o,th day of March, 1968. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk A. BRUCE McCALLUM, Warden COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 20,16 "Being a By-LaW To Amend By.Law No. 1984 Thereby Increasing the Interest Rate Paid on Temporary Advances Obtained . From the Bank of Montreal." WHEREAS By-Law NO'. 1984 authorizes the obtaining of. tem- porary advances to meet the coslb of constructing an addition to the Elgin County Home for the Aged' pending the completion thereof. AND. WHEREAS Clause. (1) of By-Law No. 1984 authorizes an interest rate not exceeding 5% per cent per annum on the said t~mparary advances. AND WHEREAS interest rates have increased since lIhe passing of By-Law No. 1984. NOW THEREFORE the Cauncil of the COi1lOratian af the County of Elgin enacts as follaws: . THAT By-Law No. 1984 be amended by deleting Clause (1) and substituting therefore the fallowing: ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 91 1. The Head and Treasurocaf the Corparatian af the County of Elgin are hereby authorized "0' abtain from the Bank of Man- trEial tempararyadvances ata rate ar rates not exceeding 7,1,. per cent per annum, represented by a promissory note or pro- missary nates ar by way af overdraft or atherwise not exceeding Six Hundred Thous.and Dallars to meet the cost of the s,aid works pending the completion thereOf., READ a first time this 2o,th day of March, Hl68. READ a second time this 2o,th day of March, 1968. READ a third time, and finally passed this 2o,th day of March, 1968. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk A. BRUCE McCALLUM, Warden COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 20,17 "Being a By.Law To Amend By.Law No. 20,04 Thereby Increasing the Interest Rate Paid on Moneys Borrowed FrOM .the Bank of Montreal." WHEREAS Clause (1) of By-Law No. 20,0,4 authorizes an inter- es'lrate not exceeding 6,,. per cent per annum on moneys bor- rowed from the. Bank. of Montreal. . AND WHER.EAS interest rates have increased since the pass- ing of By-Law NO'. 20,0,4. NOW THEREFo.RE the Council of the Carporation af the County of Elgin enacts as fO'llows: THAT By-Law NO'. 200,4 be amended by deleting Clause (1) and substituting therefo,re the follO'wing: 1. The He'ad and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on be- half of the CorpO'ration to honO'w from time to time, by way of promissory note, from the Bank of MO'ntreal, a sum or sums nO't exceeding in the aggregate TwO' Million, Four Hundred Thousand dollars'to me:et, until the taxe's are collected, the cunent expen- ditures afthe Corporation for the ye'ar, including the amO'unts 92 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL required for the purposes mentioned in subse~tion (1) of the said Section 329, and to give, on behalf of the Corporation, to the Bank, a promissory note or notes, sealed with . the corporate sea'! and signed by them 1)01' the moneys so borrowed with inter, est at a rane not .exceeding 7''12 per cent per annum, which may be paid in advance or otherwise. READ a firslu time this 20th day of March, 1968. READ' a second time this 20th day of March, 1968, READ a third time, and .finally passed this 20th day of March, 1968. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk A. BRUCE McCALLUM, Warden COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2018 "ABy.Law to Increase the Salary of the County Weed Inspector and Tree Commissioner/I THE COUNCIL of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as foHows: (1) THAT the remuneration of Mr. Clayboourne Gordon as COUllJty Weed Inspecto,r and Tree Commissioner be $2.00 per hour effective January 1st, 1968. . (2) THAT, effective January 1st, 1968, Mr.. Gordon he paid mileage rates for the use of his car when engaged in the duties of his office as Weed Inspector or Tree Commissioner in accord- ance with the following schedule: o - 5,000 miles .14c per mile 5,000 - 10,000' miles .07c per mile Over - 10,000 miles .05c per mile (3) THAT By-Laws NO. 1721 and 1777 be amended accordingly. (4) THAT By-Law No. 1895 be and is hereby repe'aled, READ a First time this 20th .day of March, 1968. READ a Second time' this 20th. day of March, 1968. READ a Third time and finally passed this 20uh daY of March, '1968. H. L. JOHNSON, Cle,rk A. BRUCE McCALLUM, Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 93 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LAW NO. 2019 "A By.Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the County of E 'gin at the March Session 1968.11 WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 249 of the Revised Stlltutes of Ontario, 1960, the powers of a municipal co,rporation are to be el<Cercised by its council; AND WHEREAS by Subse'ction 1 of Section 242 of the. Muni. cipalAct, being Chapter 249 of the Revised Statutes of Ontado, , 1960, the powers of evwy Council are to be exercis'ed by By-Law; AND Wf!EREAS it is dee,medexpedient tha!n the proceedings of the Oouncil of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ENACTS as follows: 1. That action offue Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendaltton contained in the Re- ports of the Committees and l'!ach motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the CouncU of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the March 1968 Ses- sion is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in !tiJJis By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do aU things neceSsary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the' County of Elgin referred to in preceding ~ection her,eot 3. The Warden, and 'uhe Clerk are authorized and Dire~ted to executE! all documents ne~ess'ary in that hehalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of 'Elgin. READ a first time this 20th day of March, 1968. READ a second time this 20th iiay of March, 1968. READ a third 'time. and finally passed this 20th d'ay of March, 1968. - If. L.JOHNSON, Clerk iY , li,l il Ii I::)i ',;1 i'l: I' :1 A. BRUCE McCALLUM, . Warden I,! I' il Ii u 94 ELGIN COUNTY COUNClL THIRD SESSION .,,- FIRST DAY Wednesday, the 22nd day of May, 1968 The Elgin County Council. met this day at the Court House, St. Tl1omas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the. Chair. AlllJlembers present except Deputy Reeve Dennis. A delegation composed of. Mrs. McKenna, Mrs. Herold and Mrs.. PincOlnb~,. representing. t!)e. Progressive. Conservative Women's AssoCiation was present and Mrs. McKenna; on behalf .of the Association, pres.ented Council. with a sketc.h. of t!)e. Elgin County CourtHouse which had been drawn.by Mr, B.Young. Warden McCallum accepted the draWing and thanked the delegation on behalf of the Conncil. Moved by Deputy Reeve McKillop, Seconded by Reeve Gilchrist, THAT the minutes of the March 1968 Session of the. Elgin County Council' be . confirmed, ~Carried. The following communications were read aJ;ld referred to the various Committees. . . . From the Dept. of Highways with Audit Report of Road ExpenditUl'es for the year; 1967.-Referred to. the Road Com. mittee. From the County of Simcoe with resolution opposing Bill 44 an Act to Al)1end the Secondary Schools and Boards of Edu- catioJ;l AGt.-Referred to the County Educational' Consultative . Committee. . . .. From the HonOl.!rable W. Darcy McKeough with approval for County of Elgin to continue to equalize assessments under Sec- tion 94, Subsection 2 of the. Assessment Act until the assessment rolls are closed in 1971 for 1972 taxes.- Tabled. '.' . From Mr. Cla~ence Vankoughnett of Fingal, Ontario with letter reo water run off on his property.-Referred to the Road Committee. . ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 95 From Fanjoy, Hennessey, Kemps.ter, Johnson & GUJ;ln with letter re: Twin Pines Apartments Limited._Tabled, From the Honourable W. Darcy McKeough with copy of statement made by the HonourableC. S. MacNalighton outlining the third stage of the government's programme to. transfer the cost of the administration of justice from the property taxpayer to the Province.-Referred to the Property and Assessment. Com- mittee. From the Elgin-St. Thom~s. Health ..unit re: revis~d grant requested from the County of Elgin in the amount of $56,678.90 including the cost of plumbing.-Filed. . From the County of Ontario with resolution supporting the Minister of Education of the Province of Ontario in his proposed re'organization of school jurisdiction on a County basis which includes the cities and separated towns.-Referred to the Coun- ty Educational Consultative Committee. From, WOOd Gundy SecurHies Limited with letter ic: Modi- fied Sinking Fund Debelltures....:.cReferred to' the Finance Com- mittee. '." . . .FromMr. Dave Callaghan wit!) .letter asking support for the program of the Ontario Deer Preservation Committee for a reduction hy controlled methods of the wolves and coyotes' in Ontaric._Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the Bank of Montreal announcing that the rate' of intereston_borrowipgfOf curre!)t expenditures has heen reduc- ed to 7% ~ffective April 25,th, 1968.~Filed. From the Townships of Rolph, Buchanan, Wylie and McI(ay with resolution requesting. amendIYlentsto the Municipal Act or Public Healt!). Act to. allow local , municipalities to control the deposit of debris such as discarded motor vehicles andrefrigera' tors on private lands.-Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. From the County of Victoria with the suhmission by the , Council of the County of Victdria on the Report of the. Ontario Committee on Taxation.-Tahled. From the Children's Aid Society of the City of .St. Thomas, and the County of Elgin with Financial Report at April 30th, 1968.-Referred to the Finance Committee. 96 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL From the Ontario Municipal Association with News Notes and Convention Registration Forms.-Filed. From the University of Western Ontario with reminder re' County Council Day, Juue 19th, 1968.--,-Filed. The Auditor's Report for the year ended December 31st, 1967, was presented and the following resolution was passed. Moved by Reeve DeGraw, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McAlpine, THAT the Auditor's J:teport be accepted by the Elgin Coun- ty Council. . -Carried. The Report of Personnel Committee was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Reeve Todd. The First Report of the Road Committee was presented by Reeve Wise and adopted on motion of Reeve Wise and Reeve Gil- christ. The Second Report of the Road Committee was presented by Reeve Wise and adopted on motion of Reeve Wise and Reeve Kahnt. The Report of The Elgin Manor Committee was presented by Reeve Wise and adopted on motion of Reeve Wise and Reeve DeGraw. The Report of the Property and Assessment Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve McAlpine and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve McAlpine and Deputy Reeve McIntyre. The Report of the County Government Committe,e was pre' sented by Reeve Gilchrist and adopted on motion of Reeve Gil- christ and Reeve Todd. Moved by Reeve Gilchrist, Seconded by Reeve Todd, THAT By-Law No. 2020 "Restricting Parking" be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeye Kahnt, Seconded by Reeve Gilchrist, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 97 THAT By-Law No. 2020 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Todd, Seconded by Reeve Orchard, THAT By-Law No. 2020 be read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Wise, Seconded by Reeve VVilson, THAT By-Law No. 2021 of the Corporation of the County of Elgin "Restricting the Weight of Vehicles Passing Over Bridges," be,read a first time. -Carried. Moved byReeve Wilson, Seconded by Reeve Clarke, THAT By-Law No. 2021 be read a second time. Move<;l by Reeve Wise, Seconded by' Reeve Wilson, THAT By-Law No. 2021 be read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by Reeve VVilson, Seconded by Reeve Moore, THAT By-Law No. 2022 "Being a By'Law To Authorize the Execution of an Agreement with The,Minister of Highways for On~ario Relating to a Road Under the Jurisdiction of the Corpora- tion 'of the County of Elgin Designated as Development Road Number 931," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve VVise, Seconded by Reeve Caverly, THAT By-Law No. 2022 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson, Seconded by Reeve Wise, TI1ATBy-Law No. 2022 be read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. 98 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Reeve Johnson, Seconded by Reeve Moore, THAT By-Law No. 2023 "To Appoint a Member to the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Re'eve Moore, Seconded by Reeve Johnson, THAT By-Law No. 2023 be read a second time. Moved by Reeve Caverly, Seconded by Reev,e Wise, THAT By-Law No. 2023 passed. -Carried. be read a third time, and finally -Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McIntyre, THAT By-Law No. 2024 "Being a By-Law. To Appoint An Assistant Clerk-Treasurer for the County of Elgin," be read a first time. Moved by Deputy Reeve McIntyre, Seconded by Reeve Emerson, THAT By-Law No. 2024 be read a second time. Moved by Reeve Emerson, Seconded by Deputy Reeve. McIntyre, THAT By-Law No. 2024 be read passed. ~Carried. -Carried. a third time, and finally -Carried. Moved by Reeve Orchard, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McIntyre, THAT we do now adjourn to meet at 2:00 p.m. Wednesday, May 22nd. -Carried. Council Re-Convened. The First Report of the Equalization Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Moore' and adopted on motion of Reeve Moore and Reeve Caverly. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 99 The Second Report of the Equalization Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Moore and adopted on motion of Reeve Moore and Reeve Blyth. The Report of the Petitions and Legislation Committee was presented by Reeve. Barker and adopted on motion of Reeve Barker and Reeve Keillor. The Report of the County Educational Consultative Com- mittee was presented by Reeve Wilson and adopted on motion of Reeve Wilson and Re'eve Emerson. The Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by lIeeve orchard and adopted on motion of Reeve Orchard and Reeve Wise. . The Report of the Finance Committee was presented by Reeve Todd and adopted on motion of Reeve Todd and Deputy Reeve Miskelly. Moved by Reeve Gilchrist, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McKillop, THAT we rebate to the Village of Rodney, the County Por- tion of the 1967 taxes written off with respect to Twin Pine Apartments Limited. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Wise, .Seconded by Reeve Wilson, THAT the Warden and Clerk be authorized to sign a certifi- cate regarding the following permanent employee of the Cor- poration of the County of Elgin for exemption of contributions - as provided under regulations of the Unemployment Insurance Act-Keith Player. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Todd, Seconded by Reeve Gilchrist, THAT By-Law No. 2025 "Being a By-Law to Set the Daily Remuneration to be Paid to Membe" of the Elgin County Coun- cil for Attendance at Meetings of the Elgin County Council and Committees Thereof," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Gilchrist, Seconded by Reeve Todd, 100 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL THAT By-Law No. 2025 be read a second time. Moved by Deputy Reeve McAlpine, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McKillop, THAT By'Law No. 2025 be read passed. -Carried. a third time, and finally ~Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McAlpine, Seconded by Reeve Orchard, THAT By-Law No,. 2026, "Being a By-Law To Amend By- Law No. 2018 and Establish the Mileage Rate to Be Paid the County Weed Inspec1tor and Tree Commissioner," be read a first time. Moved by Deputy Reeve McIntyre, Seconded by Reeve Kahnt, THAT By-Law No. 2026 be read a second time. Moved by Reeve Orchard, Seconded by Reeve Blyth, -Carried. -Carried. THAT By.Law No. 2026 be read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Miskelly, THAT By-Law No. 2027 "Being a By-Law to Confirm the Equalization of the Assessment Rolls of the County of Elgin for the Year, 1968," be read a first time. Moved by Depu1ty Reeve Miskelly. Seconded by Reeve Emerson, THAT By-Law No. 2027 be read a second time. Moved by Reeve Emerson, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Miskelly, THAT By-Law No. 2027 be read a third time, passed. -Carried. -Carried. and finally -'--Carried. ! ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 101 Moved by Reeve Clarke, Seconded by Reeve Wilson, THAT By-Law No. 2028, "Being a By-Law To Appoint a By- Law Enforcement Officer for the County of Elgin," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by'Reeve Johnson, Seconded, by R,eeveMoore, THAT By-Law No. 2028 be read a second time. Moved hyR"eve Blyth, '$econdedby Deputy Reeve Miskelly, THAT' By-Law No. 2028 be read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Wise, Seconded by Dep~y Reeve deRyk. '. , THAT By-Law No. 2029 "A ByLaw To Confirm Proceedings of.the Coul1cil ,of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the 'May Session, 1968," be r<)ad a first time. Moved by Deputy Reeve deRyk, Seconde.d by Reeve Wilson, THAT By.Law No. 2029 be read a second time. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Wise, Seconded by Reeve Keillor, THAT By-Law No. 2029 be read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McKillop, Seconded by Reeve DeGraw, THAT we do now, adjourn to meet June 18th, 1968 at 10.00 a.m. H. L., JOHNSON Clerk -Carried. A. BRUCE McCALLUM Warden 102 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1968 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: The Personnel Committee reports as follows: {I) We recommend that By-Law No. 2018 be amended to provide that the mileage rate paid to Mr. Claybourne Gordon. be .10c for each mile necessarily travelled while engaged in his work as Weed Inspector and Tree Commissioner. (2) Mr. Robert Graham has been paid .2% Vacation Pay upon :termination of his employment and Mr. Bernard Mnrphy has received his 1967 holidays. We recommend that, in lieu of 1967 holidays, all other County of Elgin Assessors and the Deputy Assessment Commissioner be paid 2% Vacation Pay and that the Assessment Commissioner be paid 4% Vacation Pay based on 1967 salaries. (3) We recommend that Mr. W. McKellar be granted an extension of employment to October 31, 1968. '(4) We have engaged Mr. George C. Leverton as Assistant Clerk-Treasurer at a salary of $7500.00 per annum and we auth- orize the introduction of the necessary By-Law. All of which is respectfully submitted. K. C. EMERSON, Chairman. ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT FIRST REPORT May Session, 1968 St. Thomas, Onto To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: Your Road CommIttee begs to Report as follows: 1. A Contract has been let to Johnston ETos. (Bothwell) Ltd., at $12,720.00 for Supplying and Applying Crushed Gravel for Road No.3, for Construction purposes. Work will not begin untillate'r in the season. .ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 103 2. The. following Machinery has. be-en purchased: (a) Mercury '12 ton Pickup Truck (b) Ford Van. (c) Champion Motor Grader, complete with Snow Plow and Wing (d) Hough 2'12 cu. yd. Front End Loader (e) Used John Deere No. 350 Tractor and Blade (f) Used Bros. Shelepsfoot Roll"" (g) 3 Additional Radio Units WE RECOMMEND: 1. that a /l;esolution be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign a Certification regarding the following perma- nent employee of the Corporation of Elgin for e",emption of Contributions, as provided under Regulations of vhe Unem- ployment Insurance Act-Keith Player. 2. that a By-Law be passed appointing Albert Auckland as the County of Elgin representative on the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission for a term of five (5) years, from July 1, 1968 to June 30, 1973. 3. that a By-Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign an Agreement with the Department of Highways, for Construction of DeVlelopment ,Road No. 931 (Road No. 20, Port Stanley to Flngal). 4. that a By-Law be passed restricting Parking on County Road No. 40, within thirty (30) feet of County Road No. 52 in the Village of Springfield. As there are several County By-Laws de,aling with Parking Restrictions'on County Roads, it has .deemed advisable to. pass anew By-Law containing all the restrictions and Repeal all other By-Laws dealing with Parking. . 5. that a By-Law be passed which will in effect amend By-Law No. 1916, which deals with the allowable Loads to be car- ried on various Bridges in the County of Elgin. These Amendments are: (aJ deleting the limit on Stalter Gully Bridge, St. George Street Bridge, and BelmonrtJ East Bridge, as new bridges have been buHt since' By' Law No. 1916 was passed. 104 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL (b) lowering the 'limit on Cooks Bridge from 15 tons to 8 tons (c) lowering the limit on Willeys Bridge from 20 tons to 10 tons . . (d) lowering the limit on Warren Street Bridge from 20 tons to 10 tons 6. that a ByeLaw be passed (under the authority of Section 59 of the Police Act) aPP'Ointing Arthur Pike, 'Of the City of St. Thomas, a,s a County By-Law Enforce,inent Officer to enforce Parking Restrictions on County Ro'ad No. 27, near Sparta, at a salary of $1.00 per annum. All of which is respectfully submitted: JOHN WISE (Acting Ch!lirman) ROAD COMMITTEE REPOR.T SECOND REPORT May Session, 1968 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council: Your Road Committee begs 10'0 rep'Ort as follows: WE RECOMMEND: 1. That,a ByeLaw be passed allowing "Parallel Parking" Only, on County Road No. 15, in the Vil1age of DuttOn. (This will be inc'Orporated into the County's ByeLaw restrict- ing Parking in certain locations.) All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN WISE, (Acting C/lairmap) ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 105 ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEER.EPORT May Session, 1968 To the Warden and Members Of the Elgip, County ,Council: THE .ELGIN M1\.NOR. COMMITTEE reports as follows: Plans,and specifica'tions were sub,jUitted to, both the Fire Marshall and .The Department of WeUare and we were advised verbally that they were approved subject to :winor recommenda- tions which would .be cover~d in separate letters. Upon receipt of the final approvals and letters, any necessary changes will be made ang tenders called siInultaneously with tenders for the Sou<hwold Towpship area school directly across from the Manor. All of which we respectJ'uIly submit. JOI;IN WISE, Chairman. ~';. .' PROPERTY AND ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1968 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: The Property and Assessment Committee reports as fole lows: (1) We reconunendt)lat a resolution be passed to rebate to the Village of Rodney the' C'Ounty portion of the 1967 taxes on the Twin Pine Apar>li1nents Ltd. (2) We hav,e authorized the purchase, of 25 'County of Elgin Crests from Muir Cap and Regalia Ltd. at a cost of $11.50 each plus provincial sales tax. All of which is respectfully submitted. K. McALPINE, Chllirman. 106 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1968 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: The County Government Committee report as follows: . (1) We'recommend that, effective June 1, 1968, the mem- bers,of the Elgin County Council wi~h the exception of the War- den he paid the foll()w.ng remuneration: :For attending County Council Meetings $20.00 per Day For attending a 1 day c{)mmittee meeting $18.00 For attending a 'I, day committee meeting $12.00 In addition to the above remuneration each member shall he paid .1Oc pe.r mile for e'ach mile necessarily travelled in attend- ing such meetings and we authorize that a By-Law be prep'ared with respect to this recommendation. All {)f which is l'espectfully submitted. DUNCAN GILCHRIST, Chairman. COUNTY OF ELGIN By.Law No. 2020 "RESTRICTING PARKING" THE COUNCIL oft!)e Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. DEFINITIONS- For the purpose of this By-law: PARK means too standing of 'a vehicle whether occupied or not, otherwise than temporarily for the purpose of and while ,actually ,engaged .n loading or unloading. STREET OR HIGHWAY includes a common or public high- way, s1Jteet, aV1enue, parkway, driveway, square, place., ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 107 bridge, v.aduct or tre;stle,diesigned and intended for or used by, the genel'al public for the passage of vehicles. VEHICLE includes a motor Vehicle, traile,r, traction engine, farm tractor, roadbuilding machiue 'and any vehicle drawn, propelled or driven by any kind of power, including mus' cular power, but not including the cars of electric or steam railways running only upon rails. COUNTY ROAD 15 is the Road Allowance known as Main Street, in the Village of Dutton. COUNTY ROAD 16 is the R()ad Allowance known as Talbot Road East Branch opposite Lots 18 and 19, in the Township of Southwold. COUNTY ROAD 20 is the Road Allowance betwe,en Lots 18 and 19, North and South of the' Talbot Road East Branch, and North of the Talb()u Road North l?ranch, in the Town- ship of South wold. ' COUNTY ROAD 27 is the Road Allowance and the road al' lowance as widened between Conce-ssion III and IV in the Township of Yarm()uth. ' COUNTY ROJl,D 40 is the Road Allowance between Lots 20 and 21, in Concession IX and X of the Village of Spring- field (f","marly the Township of Malahide). 2. METHOD OF PARKING __ ' (a) A l'estricW>n oil County Road 18 and County Road 20, in the police Village ,of Fingal: NO PERSON shall park a vehicle On County Road 16 within 1000 feet of the limit of County Road 20 or on Coumy Road 20 within ,1000 feet of the limit of County Road 16. unless on the right side of the street having regard .for the direction in which the vehicle has been pvoceeding and unless the, right front and right rear wheels or runners of the vehicle are parallel to and distant respectively not more than 6 inches from the' edge of the roadway. (b) A restriction On County Road 15 in the Village of Dut- ton: NO PERSON ,shall park a vehic1e on County Road 15 in the Villag,e of Dutton unless on the right side of the street having regard for the directilin in which the ve- ""'.'i'" .'.' ':;';;;;::~("';M.;~\rX <,"<b,:,,,<,,,'~I",, 10.8 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL hide has heen proceeding and unless tIw rigM.front and right .rear wheels arrunners ,of the vehicJ.e are parallel to a,ndd[stant respectively not more than 6 inches ,from the edge of the roadway. . 3. PARKING RESTRICTlONS--, When properly worded signs haveheen erected and are on display, no person shall park a vehicle on the high- .way or part of the. highway known as: (a) COUNTY Road 15 within 25 feet of th~ north limit of Mary Stlreet,in the Village of Dutton on the we,st side of Caunty RO'ad 15. (b) COUNTY Road 15 within 25 feet of the north limit of Shackleton Street, in the Village O'f Dutton on the west side of County Road 15, (c) COUNTY Road 16 within 90 feet of the east limit of Coun~ Road 20 an the north side of County Road 16. (d) COUNTY Road 16 within 30 feet of the east limit of . County RO'ad 20 on the south side of County Road 16. (e) COUNTY Road 16 within 30 feet, of the west limit of County Road 20 on the north side of Caunty Road 16. (f) COUNTY Road 16 within 30 feet of ,the west limit of County Road 20 .on the south side of Caunty Road 16. (g) COUNTY Road 2{lwithin pOteet from the !,orthIimit O'f County Ro,ad 16 on the east side of County Road' 20. (h) COUNTY Ro,ad20 within 30 feet from the north limit of Counby Road 16 on the west side of County Road 20. (i) COUNTY Road 20 within 30 fe.et of the south limit of County Road 16 on the east side of CO'unty Ro'ad 20. (j) COUNTY Road 20 within 50 feet of the south limit of County Road 16 on the west side of County Road 20. (k) COUNTY Road 20 within 100 feet of .the north limit of King's Highway No.3 on the west side of County Road 20. (I) COUNTY Road 27 opposite the westerly One Thousand (1,000) fe'etof'Lot 18, Concession III. .(m) COUNTY, Road 40 within 30 feet of the sonth limit of , ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 109 County Road 52. on the e'ast and west sides of Caunty Road 40. 4. PENALTIES--, ANY PERSON violating any of the provisions of this By-Law .shall he subject to', a penalty of not more' than Ten Dollars ($W.OO) for the first offence and not more than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for every subsequent of- fence, ,exclusive of casts, and all such penalties shall be recoverable unde,r the Ontario Summary Canvictions Act. . 5. BY-LAWS No. 1817, 1873, 1979, and 1987 are hereby repeal- ed. 6. THIS BY-LAW shall not become effective until approved by the Department af 'fuanspart for Ontario. . ENACTED AND PASSED this 22nd day of May, 1968. R L. JOHNSON A. BRUCE McCALLUM Clerk Warden '," BY.LAW NO. 2021 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN RESTRICTING THE WEIGHT OF VEHICLES PASSING OVER BRIDGES WHEREAS subsection 8 af Section 52 of the Highway Traf- fic Act (R.S.O. 1960) provides that: The Municipal corporation ar o,ther authority having juris- diction over a bridge, may by By-Law approved by the De- partment make regulatians limiting the weight O'f any ve- hicle or combination of vehicles or any class thereof pass' ing aver such bridge': AND WHEREAS it is d8'emed expedient to limit the weight of vehicles passing over c>ertain bridges in the County of Elgin: NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation af the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 110 ELGIN COUNTY ,COUNCIL L Na vehicle 'Or cambination 'Of vehicles 'Or any class theTeaf, whether empty 'Or laaded, shall be operated o"er any bridge designated in Schedule No,. 1, 2, and 3, farming part 'Of this By-Law with a weight in excess 'Of weight limit preScribed in 'Ihe Schedule far such b,idll!'. 2. Any person vialating any of the pravis,ions 'Of this By-Law shall be subject ta the penalty provided in Section 52 'Of the Highway Traffic Act. 3. This By-law shall natbecom", ",ffectiv", l!ntH appraved by the Department 'Of Transp'Ort and until a notice 'Of the weight peTmitted, legibly printed, has been pasted up in a c'On- spiciaus place at either end 'Of each bridge designateil in the attached Schedules. 4. BY-LAW Na. 1916 'Of the Caunty of Elgin is hereby repeal- ed. ENACTED and passed this 22nd day of May, 1968. H. L. JOHNSON A. BRUCE McCALLUM Clerk Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 111 c:i Z W ..J ::> Q w X u '" - oL,~ CI> 0._ a..,2 .: ~u..:lL _ c o..~ .. c " .. 0 ::I Cl>UI.. >- 1;; '" Q <( o ll/ >- ~ Z ::> o u Z o '" w I!) Q ii2 al ~ ..c:::U) .!!' E C <u'- 0 :s:..J~ ~ tl .. o [.) '" ;:l o .. ] i$ '~", - () CI> "Dl E:!! .. .. Zal " .. . :00 ...-! ll/Z' '" <ll - <ll tl S [.) $ <ll '" ~ 8 <ll <ll .'B) 1i) '" tl ~ .. o 0 [.) [.) .. <ll '" o ~ o o 0> .-< .. '" o 00 .. 0 .>:0> .. ..-< :::> ~ 0> .... ~;; ~g <ll'-< o t- .... ,0 0> 0> .... .... 0.0 m e ~ ~. 0 ~ ~....-I N ...-!...-! C o :;:: .. " o ..J >-I '-H'5 "W 0:::1 ~ ~ ~ S 'i'J"'..<::,s;:l o~ .::lol:lE ;:l I:Q z>< ,..; mo 0 t :::: " ..., .It:l_~ S~OLD <:0 't::l,' ~ ." ," Q) .....:J ~ 1=1, ~ ~ = A-I. . 'o.O~ Z'-Ho;>im~O'-H~ c Cq,l .0 [.).... ~. . [.) 08 ~ 88 r2 ~ ;e, ~,l6' 0 co l::: .-f ~,~. ~ ca r,-::: ',' 'Cl:$'C'l ".r-l C'I:Il'""'l ~~tO iJ) ~::::l+>'p.;~ $:l....",,:::::l.+J >,...... >,;...> '0.0 Q.i-!'O!S:,c_o 0......:0 ctl O,ro o't "-'l:>"-'lE-<"-'lO"-'l:>"-'lI:Q"':<I:Q"-'l1"1 "" r:n <ll S~ .. :::.;I~..c: 5l o.~ i;/;I,.!:I:l J..t .ci>'~ '" '" cul>~d)"'" ~~8b~ ~, o 8 - :;:l ~ :::l <ll", - ~'>:8 ~~. il<1:Q[.) ~ '" '" [.) "' ... o "" ;;;1 * "" ... '" "' " ..gci <:0 Oil 0 0 '<:tl lQ O':l ~~z N N O':l lQ to lQ ~ ::Ial " " .c . . ........ u~ r-l N..,O':l ~ lQ ~ ~ '" >" >" "" SCHEDULE NO. 2 COUNTY BRIDGES ON TOWNSHIP ROADS Bridge Name of Weight Year of Type of i'j Limit C"n- Floor t" No. Bridge loca.ti,," Tons struction Finish c:> - Wooden Z 23 Robbins Lot 5, River Road; 5 1898 ('> 1. Southwold 0 1912 Concrete c::: 2. 24 Fulton Lots 3 & 4, Mill Road, 15 Z Southwold ..., Lot 16, N. U. Road, 20 1900 ConcretJe ><: 3. 25 Meek's Southwold (') 1908 Concrete 0 27 Jamestown Lot 28, Con. 2 15 c::: 4. Yarmouth Z 1908 Concrete (') 44 OTwell Lot 29, Con. 9 W - 5. t" Yarmouth Unknown Concrete 52 Vienna Lot 14, Con. 3, Bayham, 20 6. New in Village of Vienna Reconstructed in 1933 61 Acacia Lot 22, Con. 10, Bayham 2 1908 Wooden 7. (Road in poor condition) ....~!liJL;~~^: J J~, ;,,;l;~ ,,,^i~,,\,.L,,<,,< ~,~~,;< " Y'<:'0~;<<'<' ,; ,;1 ~<,J.:..,~-),.ilI~< ..I:-'~."N;::l ..~;41jI,~ ,... ~ SCHEDULE NO. 3 BOUNDARY BRIDGES WITH OTHER MUNICIPALITIES ADJOINING ELGIN ALSO REQUIRED FROM ADJOINING MUNICIPALITY i'j }: S - Bridge Road Name of Weight Year of Type of Adjoining Z No. No. Bridge Limit Construe- Floor Municipality (') location Tons ion Finish 0 c::: 1. 3 5 Walker Lot 1, B.F.C. 10 1902 Bitu- County of Z ..., Dunwich minous Middlesex ><: 2. 4 Tait's Lot 7, B.F.A. 15 1914 Concrete County of (') 0 Dunwich Middlesex c:: 3. 5 8 Willey's Lot 14, B.F.A. 10 1907 Concrete County of Z Dunwich Middlesex (') - 4. 17 Ling's Lot 49 East Side 15 1907 Concrete County of t" T.R.N. Br. Southwold Middlesex 5. 22 33 Kains Lot 1, Con. 3 15 1899 Concrete City of Yarmouth St. Thomas >" >" '" --~~'~.---~---- ':.n" ~:.~'~-~-~.--'-c.,:c;c..,;., 114 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2022 A By-Law to Authorize the Execution of an Agreement with the Minister of Highways for Ontario relating to a Road under the jurisdiction of The Corporation of The County of Elgin. Designated as Development Road Number 931. It is hereby 'enacoed by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin: 1. That the Warden and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an agreement between the, Minister of lfighways for Ontario and the Corporation of the County of Elgin attached hereto and marked Schedule "A". Read a firs1b, second and third time and passed this 22nd day of May, 1968. A. BRUCE McCALLUM Warden H. L.' JOHNSON Clerk (Seal) ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 115 SCHEDULE "A" THIS AGREEMENT BETWEEN HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN in right of the Province of Ontario, 'as represented by the Minister, of Highways, here- 'inafter called the Department, and The Corporation of the Oounty of Elgin hereinafter called . the Corporation, '-'> WITNESSETH THAT: tile Minister of lfighways for Ontario has designed as a development road on the 9th day of May, 1968, the road des- cribed as follows: . Designate'd .. ,De.scription DevelOPment THAT PART of Elgin County Road No. 20 from Road appvoximateIy 0.4 miles north of Elgin County Number Road No. 16 ,southerly for a distance of approxi- 931 mately 5.'8 miles. AND WHEREAS the said road or part the'reof is under the jurisdiction of the Oouncil of the Corporation. NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that, in consideration of the premises anc' the covenants hereinafter contained, the parties hereto, for themselves and their respec. tive successocs and assigns, do hereby mutually co\Oenant and agree as f~ilow's: . 1. 'The' Dep.aTtment agrees and 'hereby undertakes while this agreement remains in foroe to construct or improve the said 116 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL road either by itself or by a contractar or by the Carpara- tion toa standard which in tne apinian of the Department is satisfactory for the' type and intensity 'Of traffic using the said raad and which may be possible having r,egard ta the funds available. for the purpose but the Department daes not assume any liability for the' said road. 2. The Corpamtionagrees and hereby. unde'ltakes to acquire any land within IVhe boundaries thereof which may be reo quired fQIT widening or deviating the said road or which may be otherwis'e required in connection with the canstruc- tion, improvement or ma1ntenance 'Of the said road and ta bear the cast the'reof including any necessary fencing. 3. It is understoad and agreed that ,bheCarpo,ratian is and will continue to. be re,spo.nsible' far the, maintenance and repair of the said road and the Co.rporation covenants and agrees that after the designatian of the said road as a Development Road has been re'voked the Co,rpamtian will maintain it and keep it in a state of repair satisfactory to the Depart- ment and in default thereo.f the Department may, pursuant ta section 198 of The Highway Impra\'ement Act, 1960, iJtself repaiT the raad and charge the Co.st to. the Carporatio.n. 4. The Co.rporatian agre'es and he.reby undertakes to indemnify and sav,e harmless the Department fro.m and against alllo.ss, costs, expens,e or damage which the Departmenlb 'Or its 'Offi- cers 'Or the public may incUT, suffe,r or be put ta by reaso.n 'Of any work being done on the said road 'Or part thereaf aver which the council of the Corporation has jurisdiction o.r by reason 'Of any accident, damage 'Or injury which may be sustained on account of such wark being done 'Or the same being maintained o,r an account o.f the candHion 'Of tne said road 'Or part thereef at any time. 5. This agreement shall remain and continue in force until the designation 'Of the said read, as a Develepment Road has been revo.ked excepting paragraph 3 thereef which shall re- main and continue in force. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 117 6. This agreement shall be effective on the date it is eJ!)ecuted by the Minister 'Of Highways fer Ontarie. IN WITNESS WHEREOF HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN in the right 'Of the Province of Ontario /'.' This day, of , 19 (Seal) ,.'." Minister 'Of Highways for Ontario Signed and sealed this 22nd day 'Of May, 1968. CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN A. BRUCE McCALLUM Warden H. L. JOHNSON Clerk (Seal) 118 ELGIN COUNT,\:, (jOUNqr. BY-LAw NO. 20~3 "To Appoint a Member to the St. Thomas Suburban" Road Commissi,oot, The Elgin County Council enacts: THAT Albert W. AucklaIld be,aIld'is hereby appointed to the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission for a term of five years, effective fr,om July 1st, 1968, to June 30th, 1973. READ a first time this 22nd day of May, 1968. READ a second time this 22nd day of May, 1968. READ a third time" and finally passed this 22nd day of May, 1968. H. L. JOHNSON A. BRUCE McCALLUM Clerk Warden COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2024 IlBeing a By-Law To Appoint An Assistant Clerk-T.easurer for the County of Elgin." WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to appoint an Assistant Clerk-Treasurer for the County (}f Elgin. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT George C. Leverton be, and is hereby appointed Assistant Olerk'Treasurer of the County of Elgin. 2. THAT his salary as Assistant Clerk-Tre,asurer of the County of Elgin be Seven Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars ($7,- 500.00) per annUm. 3. THAT this By-Law be retro.active to May 16th, 1968. READ a first time, this 22nd day of May, 1968. READ a second time this 22nd day of May, 1968. READ a third time, and finally passed this 22nd day of May, 1968. H. L. JOHNSON A. BRUCE McCALLUM Clerk Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 119 E.QUALIZATION COMMITTEE REPORT May' Session 1968 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin Oounty Council, The Equalization Committee reports as follows: 1. That we acoept the Annual Report of the County Assess- ment Commissioner for the year, 1967, dated March 20th, 1968. All of which is respectfully s\l!)mitted. FORREST F. MOORE, Chairman. EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1968 '.', SECOND REPORT To the Warden and MemberS of the Elgin Oounty Council, The Equalization Committee rep(}rts as f(}ll(}ws: 1. THAT the following be the equalization (}f the Assess- ment R(}lls of the County of Elgin for the year, 1968: . Aylmer $ 8,292,611. 12.172409% Belm(}nt 850,1360. 1.248211 % Dutton 1,026,229. 1.506363% Port Burwell 848,908. 1.246080% p(}rt Stanley 3,251,491. 4.772740% R(}dtie'y 1,240,244. 1.82Al507% Springfield 390;000. .572598% Vienna 365,670. .536753% West Lome 1,333,862. 1.957925% Aldbol'(}ugh 5,316,790. 7.804314% Bayham 5,935,320. 8.712231% D(}rchester South 2,026,022. 2.973921% Dunwich 4,354,055. 6.391152% M~lahide 7,961,280. 11.686061 % S(}uthwold 15,226,447. 22.350323% Yarmouth 9,706,915. 14.248412% 68,126,294. 100.000000% 120 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 2. THAT this Council is willing to have the final equaliza- tion of Assessment Rolls, in case of appeal, made by the County Judge. All of which is resp.ectfully submitted. FORREST F. MOORE, Chairma". PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT. May Session, 1968 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The P'etitions and Legislations Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from the Townships of Rolph, Buch- anan, Wylie and McKay requesting amendments to rbhe Municipal Act or the Public Health Act to allow local municipalities to con- trol the deposit of debTis on private lands, be filed. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. W. BARKER, Chairman. COUNTY EDUCATIONAL CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1968 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Educational Consultative Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from the County of Simcoe opposing Blll 44, an Act to amend the Secondary Schools and Boards of Education Act, be filed. 2. That the resolution from the COUIl!ly of Ontario support. ing the Minister of Education in his proposed re-organization of school jurisdiction on 'a County basis, be filed. All of which is resp"ctfully submitted. J. B. WILSON, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 121 AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1968 To the Warden and Membe,rs of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee re'ports as follows: 1. That the letter from Mr. Dave Callaghan asking support for the program of !Ihe, Ontario Deer Preservation Committee for reduction by controlled methods, of wolves and coyotes, be filed. All of which is vespectfully submitted. ALBERT J. ORCHARD, Chairman. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1968 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin COllnty Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That Charity and Welfare Pay List No.3 for $1,897.45, and Pay List No.4 for $317,50; be approved. 2. That Children's Aid Societies Pay List No.3 for $1,451.- 00 and Pay List NO.4 for $1,451.00, be approved. 3. That ~he letter from Wood, Gundy Securities Limited re: Modified sinking fund debentures, be filed. 4. That the Financial Report at April 30th of the St. Thomas.Elgin Children's Aid Society, be filed: 5. That a grant of $500.00 be given to th" University Wo- men's Club 'Of St. Thomas to be used for family counselling in the County of Elgin and the Cily of St. Thomas. All of which is respectfully submitted. DOUGLAS R. TODD, Chairman. 122 ELGIN COUNTY.COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO~ 2025 "Being a By-Law To Set the Daily Rernunerati!>n to b~ Paid to Members of the Elgin County Council for Attendance at Meetings of the Elgin County Council and Committees Th~reof~lI: THE COUNCIL OF THE .CORPORATIONOF THE COUNTY OF'ELGIN ENACTS as follows: 1. THAT the following remuneration be' paid to each mem- !;l<\r of the Elgin COU!)ty Oouncil, with the exception of the War- den, for attending meetings of the Council and Committees thereof. (a) For attending meetings of the' Elgin County Council $20.00 pe,r day. -(b) For attending a mee-ting of a Committee when the said Committee holds forenoon and afternoon or afternoon and even- ing sessions on the same day $18.00. (c) For attending a meeting of a Committee when the said Committee holds a session in either the ,forenoon, the afternoon or the evening $12.00. 2. IN ADDITION to the above remuneration each member, with the exception of the Warden, shaUbe paid .1Oc for each mile necessarily tra,velled in attending such meetings. a. , ,THAT By'Law No. 1695, By-La\y No. 1760, and By-Law No. 1809 be, and the same are herebyrepe,a1ed. 4. THAT this By-Law become effective ,June 1, 1968. READ a first time this 22nd day of May, 1968. READ a second time this 22nd day of May, 1968. READ a ,uhird time, and finally passed this 22nd,dayof May, 1968. H. L. JOHNSON A. BRUCE McCALLUM Clerk Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 123 COUNTY."OF ELGIN BY-L.4.w.NO. 2026 ;" "Bei~g a . By.Law To Amend .B~:L~;" No. 2018 and Establish the . Mileage Rate To Be Paid the County Weed Inspector and Tree"CC:'llnrriissioner'/I, . .. . THECO{]NCIL OF THECORP'ORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIlIIenacts as follows: ' (1) 'THAT By'Law No. 2018 be amended by deleting Clause (2) and substituting therefore the following: """-;"':":_'"r: " ':" ..,: '_..:' THAT,effe<;j:iveJanuary 1st, 1968, Mr. Gordon be paid a garmileageallo\yanceof .1Oc p,et mile for each mile necessarily travelled while'engaged in the duties' of his office as Weed In- spector or Tree Commissioner. READ afitslt.time this 22nd day of May, 1968. READ "secimd time this ,22nd day of May, 1968. READ a third time, and fina'lly passed this 22nd day 6f May, 1968. '_', R: L: JOHNSoN' A. BRUCE McCALLUM Clerk' · WaIl"den COUNTY OF ELGIN BY'LAW NO. 2021 "B.ii~g a By-I.aw To Confirmt"e Equalization of the Assessment Rolls of the Co'unty'of Elgin for the Year, 1968." . , ''I'HECOUNCILOF TIrE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN' ENACTS as follows: . 1., THAT the following be. the eguali.ation of the Assess- ment ROllsofthe()ounty of Ergi!) for the year, 1968: ' Aylmer $ 8,292,611. 12.172409% Belmolllt ,850,360. 1.24821.1 % Dutton 1,026,229. 1.506363% Port Burwell 848,908. 1.246080% Port Stanley , . a,251,491. 4.772740% Rodney 1,240,244. . 1.820597% lIi"""',C0"""',"'h,. ,~"~""-",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,.,,~.., ,~ ,..~=,-,~.~ 124 ELG1N COUNTY COUNCIL Springfield Vienna West Lome Aldborough Bayham Dorchester South Dunwich Malahide Southwold Yarmouth 300;000. 365,670. 1,333,862 5,316,790. 5,935,320. 2;026,022. 4,354,055. 7,91\1,280. 15,226,447. 9,706,915. .572598% .536753% 1.957925% 7.804314% 8.712231 % 2.973921 % 6.391152% 11.686061% 22.350323% 14.24!8412% $ 68,126,294. 100.000000% 2. THA'r this Council is willing to have the final equalizll' tion of Assessment Rolls, in case of appeal, made bY' the County Judge. READ a first time ,this 22nd day of May, 1968. READ a s~cond time tilis 22nd day of May, 1968. READ. a third time, ani! finally passed, this 22nd day of May, 1968. . .' ' H. L. JOHNSON Clerk A. BRUCE McCALLUM Warden COUNTY OF ELGIIII BY.LAW NO. 2028 "Being a By.Law To Appoint a By' Law Enforcement Officer for the County of Elgin." WHEREAS the Corporation of the County of Elgin deems it necessary to appoint. a person with the authority to enforce ce,r. tain County of Elgin By-Laws. . AND WHEREAS, undeT Section 59 of the Police Act, Chap- ter 298, R.S.O. 1960, the authority is granted to appoint By' Law Enforcement Officers. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as. followS: 1. THAT Arthur Pike be, and is hereby appointed a By- Law Enforcement Officer for the County of Elgin with authority ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 125 to enforce By-Law No. 1817and By-Law No. 2020 as it pertains to restricted parking on Countly of Elgin Road NumOOr 2,7. 2. THAT the salary of Mr, Artilur Pike as County of Elgin By.LawEnforcement Officer be $1.00 per annum. READ a fiNlt time tbis 2200 day of May, 1968. READ a second time this 22ntl day of May, 1968. READ a third time, and finally passed this 22nd day of May, 1968. H. L. JOHNSON A. BRUCE McCALLUM Clerk Ward<m COUNTY OF ELGIN '" BY.LAW NO. 2029 "A By' Law To Confirm Proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the County of Elgin at the May Session, 1968." WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chap- ter 249 of the RevIsed Statutes of Ontario, 1960, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its Council: AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 242 of tile, Muni. cipal Act, being Chapter 249 of too Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1960, the powers of every Council are to be exercised bY' By' Law: AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of too Council of the Corporation of tbe County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By.Law: NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ENACTS as follows: 1. That action of the Council of the Corporllltion of the County .of Elgin in resped of each recommendation contained in the Reports of tbe Committe'es and each m.otion and resolu- tion passed and other actiou taken by the Council of the Cor- poration of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the 126 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL May' 1968 Session is h'ea-eby adopted and coilfirmed..asifdIILsuch proceedillgs were expressly emboddedin this 'By'Law. '2. The'Warden and proper offici~lsbf the Corporation of the County of Elgin are heI1ehy authorized and directed.t(},Jl.(} aU things necessaryt(},g\ve effecUo theac~Qn Qf the ..C<Jl\n!1lof the Corporatiori of. t.he. Opuntyqf" Elgin' referred ,10 in, plJ'ceding .Section M"e(}~, ,. ,,' '. ' '. ... 3. The Wll1'den and the Olerk are authorized and directed to execute .all documents necessary in that behalf aJ).d to affix thereto th'e;Sea1 of the' Corporation of the Count~ Of Elgin. . READ a first time this 22nd day of May, 1968. READ a second time this 22nd day of May, 1968. READ a third time, and finally passed this 22nd day of May, 1968. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk A. BRUCE McCALLUM Warden ELGIN' COUNTY COUNCIL 127 FOURTH SESSION -,FIRST PAY Tuesday, the 18th day of June, 1968 .. ,'0 " > ", ',' '.. ._' .< ""..- .. .... " ',."':' The Elgin County. Councitmet this. <lay at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance' with adjournment.' , The Warden in the Chair. All the memberspres,enlt e'xcept Reeve Kahnt. Moved by Deputy Reeve McKillop, Seconded by Reeve Todd, That the minutes of the M~ 1<968 Session of th" Eigiri County C(}unci]; i;>e colllfil'med; . ~Cl\['ried. The foll(}wingc"mmunica.ti9ns Were read and referred to the varions Committees: . From H. E. Ha'rtley Oonsultants Limited with letter rei A specific s,lndy of il!~urance ne'eds for the C<Junty of Elgin."'-Re' ferred to the Property and Assessment Committee. Fr<Jmthe Ontario Plumbing Inspectors Association rei 1968 Annual Conference to be held September 16th to 19th.-For' "larded to the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit. From ;the Oounty of Wentworth with reSolution protestirig to the Government of Onta'rio the .pa,ssage of Section 3,Subsec- tion 2 of Bill 89, .an Act to amend the planning Act.-Referred to the Petitions and LegislatIons' Committee, From the Children's Aid Society ,of 11heCityof St. Thonuls, and the County of Elgin with revis'ed budget for J.968.~RefmTed to the Finatrce Committee. . . , .' , . From Mr. Talbot Kirkpatrick with letter re: a drain'to. take care of water running off the County Road a'D New Glasgow.- Referr(\d to ,the Road Committee. The Treasurer's Report was presented. Moved lJy Reeve Todd, . &ecohded l>y Reeve DeGra,w, That the Tveasurer's Report be. accepted and, printed in the Proceedings. -Carried. 128 ELGlN COUNTY COUNCIL The first repO'rt of the RO'ad CO'mmittee, was, presenited hy Reeve Caverly and adO'pted O'n motion of Reeve Caverly and Reeve WilsO'n. The report Df the Prope.rty and Asse'ssment CO'mmittee was pres,ented by Deputy Ree,ve' McAlpine and adopted Dn mO'tiO'n of Deputy Re,eve McAlpine and Reeve' Caverly. The r,epoI1b Df the Elgin ManO'r Committee was presented by Reeve Wise and adopted 0''1 mO'tion of Reeve Wise and Reeve DeGraw. MDVed by Re,eve Wilson, SecDnded by Reeve Wise, That the Ward'en and Cl(llJ"k of the' CDunty Df Elgin be, and are hereby authorized to sign Certificate regarding the foRDwing permanent employe'e of the CDrporatiDn fOT exemptiO'n of con- tributiDns as prDvided under the regulations o.f the Unemploy- ment Insurrance Act.-Mrs. Sharon GDrdon. -Carried. MO'ved by Reeve MO'O're-, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Dennis, That By-Law NO'. 2030 "Res1Jrictim.g Parking," be read a first time. Moved by Deputy Reeve Dennis, Seconded by Re'eve JolmsO'n, That By-Law NO'. 2030 be read a second time. -Carried. -Carried. MDved by Ree"e Johnson, Seconded by Ree've MO'O're, That By-Law No. 2030 be read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Oaverly, Seconded by Deputy Ree"e deRyk, That By-Law No. 2031, "Being a By-L:;tw to AuthO'rize the Execu tionof an Agreemell.t with tlbe Minister of Highways for Ontario Relating to a Road un<le!r the Jurisdiction of the' CO'rpora- tiDn of the' County of Elgin D1eSignated as Deveiopment Road Number 972," be read a first time.. -Carried. ELGlN COUNTY COUNCIL 129 Moved by Deputy Reeve de'Ryk, Seconded by Deputy Reeve RDberts, That By-Law N<l. 2031 be re'ad a second time. Moved 'by Deputy Reeve Roberts, SecDnded by Reeve Caverly, That By-Law No. 2031 be read passed. ~Carried. a third time, and finally -Carried. Moved hy Reeve Wise, Seconded by Reeve Clarke, That By-Law No. 2032, "Belng a By-Law TO' appohlt By-Law !fuforcement Officers fDr the County O'f Elgin," be re'ad a first time. -Carried. MDved by ReeV1e Jobnson, Seconded by DelPuty Reeve Dennis, That By-Law NO'. 2032, be read a second time. -Carried. MDVed hyReeve' Wise, Se(:onded by Reeve MO'O're, That By'Law NO'. 2032 be read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly, SecDnded by Deputy Reeve Nemelbt, That we dO' now adjourn to me!et at 2 p.m. June lllth, 1968. -Carried. CDuncil re-cDnvened. The repDrt .of the PetItions and Legislati.ons CDmmittee was presented by Reeve Barker, and adopted on motiDn Df Reeve Barrker and D""uty Ree've McKillop. The ,sec.ond repDrt of the Road Committee was presented by ReeveCaver<ly and adDpted on, motion of Re,eve Caverly and Reeve Wise. ' The report O'f the FInance. CO'mmlttee was presented by Reeve TDdd and adDp,ted Dn mO'tiO'n Df Reeye Todd and Reeve Blyth. 130 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Deputy Reie've McAlpine, Seconded by Reeve Orehalt'd, That By-Law No. 2033, "Being a By-Law To. Author~ the Execution of an Agreemetllt with ,the Minister of IDghways for Ontario Relating .to the Consta:uction of a IDgh Level Bridge at port Burwell, County of Elgin," be mad a first time. ,... --Carried. Moved by.Reeve Mrs. Bl~th, Seconded by Deputy Reeve' MiskeNy, That By-Law No. 2033, be read a second time. Moved by Deputy Reeve Miskelly, Seconded by Reeve Mrs. Blyth, Tha:u By' Law No. 2033, be read a thi!l"d time, and finally pass,ed. -Carried. -Carrie(i. Moved by Reeve Mm. Blyth, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Miskelly, That By-Law No. 2034, "To Authorize" the Warden and Treasurer to Bmrow the Sum of Two Million, Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars," be read a first time. ", , . -'Carried. Moved by Reeve. Emerson, Seconded by Reeve Mrs. Blyth, That By-Law No. 2034 be read a second time. Moved by Reeve Emerson, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McIntyre, That By-Law No. 2034 be read a third time;, and finally passed. . . ~arried. -Oarried. Moved by Deputy Re,eve, Roberts, Seconded by Depulty Reeve deRyk, That By-Lew No. 2035, "A By-Law To, Confirm l'Toceedings of the Council of the, Corporation of the County of Elgin at the June Session, 1968," be re,ad a fir'st time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve deRyk, Seconded by Deputy Re,eve Robe,rts, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 131 -Carried. That By-Law No. 2035 be mad a second time. Moved by Reeve. Caverly, Seconded by Deputy .~(Je,ve Nemett, That By-Law No. 2035 be read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McAlpine, Seconded by Reeve DeGraw, That we do how;ldjourn to meet again on August 20th at 10 a.m. . H. L. JOHNSON. Clerk -Carried. BRUCE McCALLUM Wardell' COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT June Session, 1968 To the Wardie>n, and Members of the Elgin County Council, I beg to su built the' following' s,\Memen ts of Receipts and Expenditures from J'anuary 1, 1968 to May 31, 1968: , Rece; pts Balance in Bank and on hand', January 1, 1968 $ 43,177.42 ,,",o,tesPayable ' 500,006.00 Couri,ty RaMs 23,194.22 County Rates collected under Sec. ' . ,tio11 1)3, ........,. 3,878.24 Licehs.e,sai1d Permits ... 162.00 Interest............ 521.11 Administration of Justice 6,778.19 County Roads. 733,331.43 Charlty& Welfaore . 1,679.43 Children's .Aid Societies . , 629.72 Agriculture 2,006.03 Registry Office 18,789.51 Miscellaneous Revenue 258.00 County A8s11ssment Dept. 937.04 Care of Buildings 80.00 Health Unit 7,484.27 Printing, Postage & Stationery . 2.46 $ 1,299,681.65 $ 1,342,859.07 132 ELGIN COUNTY .COUNCIL Expenditures Members' Wages Officers' Salaries Printing, PoStJage & Stationery Care of Buildings Gvants, Asso'Ciations, Scholarships, Etc. Miscellaneous Adminisllratlon af Justice Coonty Roads . Charity & We!far,e Children's Aid Societies. Transfe<rred to Elgin Manar . . LicelllSes & Permits Intere,st Abatement of TaRes (Section 207) . Agviculture Registry Office County Assessment Dept. Elgin-St. Thomas HewHIh Unit . Notes Payable County Library Plannong Transfffi'l"ed to Hospital Account. Balance in Bank May 31, 1968 ELGIN MANOR 8,330.77 8,591.89 1,556.47 3,166.71 2,448.00 3,654.38 38,275.31 517,238.08 3,989.10 7,613.40 14,000.00 3.00 9,455.10 1,451.08 2,465.60 1,955.45 47,658.35 20,000.00 535,000.00 24,000.00 1,500.00 30.45 Balance in Bank and on Hand J'anuary 1, 1968 . Receipts Expenditures Balance in Bank andl on Hand May 31, 1968 All of which is respectfully submitted. $1,252,383.14 90;475.93 $ 1,342,859.07 $ 9,058.61 107,496.73 116,555.34 113,046.19 - $ 3,509.15 County Clerk anq Treasurer H. L. JOHNSON ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 133 ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1968 FIRST REPORT To the Wavden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, Yaur Road Oommittee Begs to>Riepor't as Fallows: k Tenders for the OrweU .Bridge, on the Yarmouth-Malahide Townlinewillbe called sha!1tly. 2. . E!lgineering Wo.k fo.r the' Replacement of the fo.llowing Bridges will begin shol'1Jly: (a) Willeys Bridge over the Thames River on Road No.8. (b) Cook Bridge ove. the Big Otter Crleek, an Road No. 43. (c) Player Bridge ave,r the Catfish Creek, on Road No. 45. '-e;. .3. The following Conltracts have been comple,ved: (a) Belmont Bvidge on Road No. 37, by Doon Canstruc- tion Company Limited. (b) Hot Mix Asphalt Paving on Road NO..52 (De'velop- ment Roaru No.. 840'), by Walmsley Bros. Limited. (c) Cmshed Grav.el on Road No. 11, by Johnstan Bros. (Bothwe>lI)'.'Limited. WgR,gCOMMEND: 1. That a Resolution be pass'ed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign a Certific.ation rega.ding the following per- mapent employee of rtlhe Ooo-poration of the County of Ugin, for "''''<mption of Ce>ntribtltie>ns as provided under Regu- lations of the Unemployment Insurance Act.-Sha'ron Gor- don. 2. That a By-Law he passed author;zing the Warden and Clerk to sign an Agreement wirth the, Ontario Department of High' waYs, for Constructie>n of Deve}lopmen-i Road No. 972 (Roads No. 47, 48 and 49) in South DorcMste.. That a By-Law' be' passed prohibiting Parking on Coun>lJy Road No.. 53, in the Town of Aylmer, as follows: 134 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. (a) on Elm Sweet, within 250 feet of' Booch Street, on both the' East and Wes,t side<; of EhnStreet. (b) on Beecb StTe,et from Elm Stre'et to John StTeet, on the South Side of Beech Stre'et. (c) on Beech Street within 40 feet of John Street, on the North side of BMch StreelD. .. (d) on Beech Street, within!lthe distance of 1'75 feet and 325 feet of John Street, on the' North side ofBeecI1 Street. These restrictions will assist Traffic Cdntrol, near th~' Elgin Co'operative Serviees and the. Elntrance t6 the Flue Cured Tobac- co Growers' Marketing Board Warehouse,. 4. That a By'Law be paosed, pTobihiting Parking on County Road No.2, in the'Vi:Hage of We,sot L"me" as follows: on the North side of Road No.2, fTom the East Limit of Wood Street westedy to the Ohesapeake, and Ohio Railway Spur. 5. That a By-Law be passed appo,inting as CqUll!tJy By-Law EIlc forcement Offieers,all By-Law EnfoTcement Officell"s of the various loeal municipalities, f"r the]iurpose 'of eniorcing County Parking By-Laws. This By-Law to be in effect only until J'anlllary 1, 1969. 6. That By-Law No. 2028, appointing Arthur Pike as. a By-Law Enforcement OfficeT, be repealed. All of which is respedfuHy sn bmitted. WILLIAM R. CAVERLY Cl1alrmaJ} PROPERTy': AND ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1968 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property and Asse,ssmenlt Oommittee reports .as follows: (1) We have accepted 1Jbe ,tende,r of Lacey leuels to supply fuel oil to the' Re'gistry Office, Libr3il"y and Assessment Building at a cos,t of 14.45c peT gallon. (2) That the Communication' from the Honourable Darcy ELGIN COUNTY COUNC]L 135 McKeough with copy of 'statement inade by the' Hon- ourable C. S. MacNaughton outlining the third stage of the . Go\'e['TImel1!t's programme to transfer the cost of the Administration of Justice from the property tax- paY''''' to the Province, be tabled. All of which is l1espeotfully submitted. K. J. McALPINE Chairman ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT June Ses~iori, 1968 ;To the \Varden, and Members of the ElgIn County Coun.cil, The Elgin ManQr CommWtee repoo:ts as follows: 1. That the per diem rMe for Elgin Manor be set at $7.45 per day as of June 1, 1968. (Last years $5.85). The increase, of peT diem rate is laTg;ely due to the construc- .tion of the lagoort system whic!h in0reased cost approximate- lY$1.00 per day peT resManl. 2.. That the, Superintende<JJt be inst!ructed to receive prices in vellaI'd to the repairs of roof 011 ex~sting barn at the Manor. 3. The 'following tenders were submitted for supplying oil to the ManoT: . Lacey Fuels Esso-4mpeTial Oil Dowler Fuels British American Oil Co. G. Hearn . Shell Canada-Stormes Sterling. Fuels Supertest Petroleum Elg.in Co-operaltlive RP. Canada 14.45c 15.40c 15.40c 17.90c less .0002 15.30c 14.70c 14.75c NIL 16.3 c less dividends 15.85c That we a0cept the teniler of Lacey FuelS tli supply oil for the MailJor M a cost of 14.45c per gallon delivere'd. 136 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 4. That thetntal res,ident population is 80 with a waiting list of 10 males and 6 femalles. 5. Tendem haVie been called for the new addttion for The' Elgin Manor to be opened July 4, 1968. All of which is respectfuHy submitted. JOHN WISE Chairnum COUNTY OF ELGIN By"Law No. 2030 "RESTRICTING PARKING" THE COUNCIL of the Corpnration of the County of Elgin enacts as JiolloW's: 1. DEFINITIONS- For the purpose of this By-Law: pARK me,ans the standfung of a vehicle whether occ;upied or not, otherwise than temporarily fnr the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or umoading. STREET OR HIGHWAY includes a common 0,1' public hd.ghway, street, avenue, parkway, driveway, square', place, bridge, viaduct or trestle', designed and mtende'd for or ured by, Ithe general public for the passage of vehicles. VEHICLE includes a motor vehicle, trailer, tractinn en- gine, farm tractor, roadbuilding machine and any ve- hicle dr'awn, propelled or driven by any kind of power, including muscular power, but not jncluding the cars of ele'ctric or steam railways running' nnly upon rails'. COUNTY ROAD ,2 is the Road Allowance known as Main Street, in the VHlage of West Lorue. COUNTY ROAD 53 is the' Road Allowance known as (a) ElIm Stree!t' fmm Talbot Street (Highway NO'. 3) to Beech Stre1et, (b) Be'ech Street from Elm Street to John Street (Highway No. 73), in the Town of Aylmer. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 137 2. PARKING RESTRICTIO]\JS~ When prop'erly wOrded signs have been erected and are on display, no person shall park a v~hicIe' on the high- way or part of the highway known as: (a) Courity Road NO.2 from the east limit of Wood Street westE,rly8>O,o Feet to the Chesapeake and' Ohio Railway Spur, on the north side of County Road No. .2. (b) County Road No. 53 (Elm Street) within 25,0 Feet of the south limit of Be,ech Slireet, on the ,east and west sides of Elm Street. . (c) County Ro,ad No. 53 (Beech Street)'from the west limit of John Street to the east limit of Elm Street, on the south sidle of Beech Street. (d) County Road No. 53 (Beech Street) within 4,0 Feet of the west limit of John Street, on the north side of Beech Street. (e) County Road No. 53 (Beech Street) within ,the disitance of 175 F'eet and 325 Feet of the west limit of John Street, on the north s,ide of Bee-ch Street. '3: PENALTIES- ANY PERSON violating any of the provisions of this ;By-Law shaH be subject ito a penalty of not more than Ten Dolul'ts ($10.00) for the first offence, and not more than Fif,ty Dollars ($50.,00) for every subsequent offence, e"elusive of costs, and aU such penaUies shall be recov- erable under the Ontario Summary Convictions Act. 4. THIS BY-LAW shaR not become effective until llPprov- ed by the Department of Transport for Onta,rio. ENACTED AND PASSED th1s 18th day'ofJune, 1968. B. L.JOllNSON Clerk A. BRUCE McC1\LLUM Warde,n 138 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NUMBER 2031- A By-Law to Authorize the EX,ecution of an Agreement with the Minister of Highways for Ontario relating to a Road under the ,jurisdiction of the Corporation of The County of Elgin designated as Development Road Number 972. It is heveby ell'wtlild by tire Cauncil af the Carporatian af theCOiUnty of Elgin: 1. That the Warden and Clerk are hereby authorized to' execute an agreement between the Minister of Highways for OntariO' and the Gorparalioo afth" Cauntyof Elgin attached hereto and marl<edScheduIe "A". Read a firsl~. second and third time and passed this 18th day 'of June, 1968. (Seal) H. L. JOHNSON merk A. BRUCE McCALLUM Warden I hereby cerofy that the foregoing is a true' copy of By-Law Number 2031 passed by the Council of the Corporatian af the Coulruty of '1illg;li an theiSth dacy of June, 1968. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk SCHE:DULE: ."A" THIS 'AGREEMENT., BETWEEN HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN in right of the Province of Ontario, as ve;presented by the Minister of Highways, here- inafter c:Illed and the Department, and The COTporation of the County of Elgin hereinafter called the Corporation, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 139 WITNESSETH 'THAT: the Minister of Highways for Ontarlo,has, designa.ted as a development road on the 16th daY of September, 1968, the raad described as follows: . Designated Developnient Road Number, 972 Description BEING the Collnty of Elg;iJ Road No. 47 frQm the Coulltyof Elg;n Road No. 37 southerly. to the County of Elgin Road NO'. 48. BEING that partafthe C04llty of Elgin Road No. 48 from the east limit of .King's Hig!).way NQ. 73 easterJy.to the County of Elgin Road l"Io. 47. BEING the County of Elgin Road No. 49fram the Oonnty of Elgin Road No. 48 southerly to the County of El!l41;Hoad No. 52. . AND WHEREAS the said road or part thereof is under the jurisdiction of the Coundl of the' Gorporation. NOWTHE~l'FORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that, . in 'considocatioll of the oremises and the. covenants hereinafter cQntained, the parties heretO', for IVhemseIves an dtheir respec' ti"", successors alld ass'igns, do hereby. mutuaUy covenant and . agree as follows: ' 1. The Department agrees andherehy undertakes while this agreement remaills in force to construct or improve the said road either hy ilJseIf Oll" hy a contractor or by the Cor- poration to a'standard which ill the opinion of the Depart- ment is satisfactory fOT the. type and intensity of traffic using the 8Mel r'Oad and which, may be p'Ossible having vegard to the funds availab~e for the purpose but the Department does not assume any liability for the sai<1 road. 2. The Covporati'Onagvee\S and hereby undertakes .1'0 acquire any land within the boundaries thereof which may be. reo quived for widening or deviating the said road or which may be CltheJ"wise requiTed in conllection with the construc. tion, improv,enient. or maintenance of the said road alld to bear the cpst thereof including any necessary fencing. 3. It is understood and agr&!ed that the Corporation is and will 140 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL continue to be respansible focr the maintenance and repair of the said road and the Corpo"ation covenants .and agrees that after the designation .of the said road as a Development Road has been revoked the Corparation Will maintain it and keep it in a sbate of repair satisf-aotory to the Department and in default thereof the' Department may, pursuant to section 98 .of The Highway Improvement Act, 1960, itself repair the mad and charge the cost to the Carp oration. 4. The Corporation agroosanll hereby undertakes ~o indemnify and save harmless the Department fram and agairust all loss, . . costs, expense or damage which the Department or its offi cers or the public may incur, suffer or be put to by reason .of . ..ny worl> being done on the.. said. raad or part thereof over which the council af the Corporatioll has jurisdidtian or by ~eason of any. accIdent, damage or injury which may be sustained on account of such work being dane or the same being maintaIned or an account of the conditian of the said road or part thereof at any time. 5. This a!J1'eement shall remain and continue in force until the d,esignaiblon of the said road. as a. Development Road has been revokoedexcepting pal'agraph 3 thereof which shall rema\in and continue in force. 6. This agreement shall be effective on the date it is 'executed by the Minister of Highways fOT Ontario. IN WITNESS WHEREOF HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN in the right of the Province of Ontario. This 2nd day of Octoher,1~68. G.E. GOMME (Seal) Minister of Highways for OIll1Jaria Signed and sealed. this 18th day.of June, 1968. CORPORAT10NOFTHE COUNTY OF' ELGIN A. BRUCE McCALLUM Warden II. L. JOHNSON Cler,k (Seal) ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 141 DESIGNATION OF. PEVELOPMENTROAD D. R. No. 972 . TAKE NOTICE tjlat,pursuallt to theprovisions of Part XI of the Highway Improvement Act R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 171, and the amendments, thereto, Ibhe road shown in green an the attached map and described asJ'allaws:- COUNTY OF ELGIN ROADS NO. 47, 48 {Part} and 49 BEING the Caunty Of Elgin Road, No. 47 from the Caunty Of Elgin Road No. 37 southerly to the Caunty of Elgin, Raad Na. 48; IlEINGthat part of the Caunty .of Elgin Road No. 48 fram the east limit af King's. Highway Na. 73 eas~erly to the County .of Elgin Road Na. 47; . BEING the County of Elgin Rioaa NO'. 49 fram the County .of Elgin Road Na. 48 southerly t.o the Caunty .of Elgin Road No. 52. A distance of appraxima:tely 8.9 miles', is he1rehy designated a development raad rbo be cons1Jructed, OTimpraved as provided therein. . This designation shall have effect from the 16th day of Sllptember, A.D. 1968 and until further natice. Dated at Toronto September 16bh, 1968 G.E. GOMME Minister af Highways. COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2032 "Being a By-Law to' Appoint By-Law Enforcement Officers For The County of Elgin" WHEREAS, Ibhe Carpomation of the Caunty of Elgin deems it necessary to appoint persons with the autharity to enforce certain County of EI~n By-Laws: AND WHEREAS, under Soction 59 of the Police Act, Chap- ter 298,R.S.0. 1960, authority is granted to appoint By-Law En- forcement' Officers. 142 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL NOW THEREFORE,the,Council:oftheCorporation of the County of Elgin enacts' as ,i<;>llows:7 1. ,TflA. l' ,all duly, qualified Constabl~s or By-Law, Enforc~ment ()ffice.rs appointedfrom time to time by tM, folloowing local piunicipalitie's7Townships ,of Aldhorough; D\mwich,., South' wold, Yarmouth, Malahide, BayhlllI\and South DOil'Chester; Town of Aylmer, Villages of Rodney, West'Lorne, Duttori, Port SiUanley, Belmont, Springfield, vi~nna and Port Burwell, are hereby, appointed as ,county of Elgin By-Law Enforce- ment Officers. ' 2.. . THAT the said By-Law EnfOi'cement Officers shall haVe jurisdiction within the boundadesof the local municipality by which they are appointed. ,'..,. 3: THAT said By-Law Enfor~~meritOfficersshall be emllo\\" ered to ,enforce CountJ:'ParkingBy-Laws Only.' . 4. THAT said By-Law shaH be in force from the time of passing until January I, 1969. 5. THAT ByeLaw No; 2028 be and is hereby repealed; . , . READ a Hrst, s'econd, and IthiTd time, art<l passed this lSth day. of Jupe, 1968. A. BRUCE McCALLUM Warden H.;,L.,JOHNSQN Clerk PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1968 To the Warden, and Members of .the Elgin County Council, The Petitions and Legislations Commtttee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from theGounty of Wentworth pro- testin g to Ichle Go,vernment' of Ontario the passage of Section 3, Subsection 2 of Bill 89, an Act to amend the Planning Act, be tabled. All of which is respectfully submitted. .J. W. BARKER Chairman.. St. Thomas, Ontario ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 143 . ROAD, COMMITTEE REPORT, June Se'ssion; 1968 SECOND REPORT To the Warden, and Me'nbers of the. J1:lgin C;ounty, Council, ,Your Road :yommittee begs to Report as follows: WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a by"law be' passed, autho,'izing the Warden and Clerk :Uo sign an agl"OOment with the Minister of Highways with regard to 'the payment by the Department of Highways, of the Cost of Storm Sewers, Curbs and Gutters, Granular Base and Hot Mix Paving incurred by the County in the reconstruction of Union Street in the VillagJeof POI'V Burwell. All of which is respectfll!lly submitted. Ie, WILLIAMR. CAVERLY Chairman ,~,.,; FINANCE COMMiTTEE REPORT June Session, 1968 To the Wardell and Members of the Elgin County Council, The ;Finance Committee reports' as follows: 1. That Charity and Welfare Pay List No.5 for $241.00, be approved. 2. That Children's Aid Societies Pay List No.5 for $1,729.30, be approved. 3. That the revised budget of the Children's Aid Socielty of the City of St. Thomas and the county of Elgin requiring,$19;" 456.00 to. be raised by the County of Elgin, be approved,. 4. ,That a By-Law be passed authoTizing the Wll1'den and 144 E,LGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Treasurer to bo~row up to Two Million,Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars from the Bank of Montreal. 5. Thalb we join the Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves. All of which is rMpectfwHy submitted. DOUGLAS R. TODD Chairllliln CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NUMBER 2033 A By, Law to. Authorize the Execution of an Agreement with The Ministe,r of Highways for Ontario Relating to the Construc- tion of a High Level Bridge at Port Burwell, County of El- gin. It is herehy enacted by the Council of vhe Corporation of the County of Elgin 1. That the Warden and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an agreement between the Minister of Highways for Ontario and the Corporation of the County of Elgin a1rtJached hereto and mar ked Schedule "A". Read a first, se,cond and third time, and passed this 18th day of June, 1968. A. BRUCE McCALLUM Warden H. L. JOHNSON Clerk (Seal) I hereby certify that the f"~egoing is a true copy of By-Law Number 2033 passed by .the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin on the 11lth d3Jy of June, 1968. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 145 SCHEDULE "A" THIS AGREEMENT made in triplicate' this 24th day of Sep- temlrer AD: '1968 pursuant to section 22 of The Highway 1m- p'rovement Act, R.S.Q.Hi60, chaptler 171 and amendments there- to. BETWEEN: HER MAJJESTY THE QUEEN, in rigbil of Ontario, as represented by the Minister of Highways for the Province of Ontario, hereinafter called the- "Minister';, OF THE FIRST PART, - and- THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN, hereinafter called the "County", -, OF THE SECOND PART. WHEREAS pursuant to section 22, subsection 1 of The Highwa~Improvement Act, R.S.O. 1960, chapter 171, the Lieu1J. emmt Governor in Council on the 5th day of November, 1959 designated that portion of the. road .or deviations thereof in the Village of Port Burwell described as follows: COMMENCING on the road known as Union Street at the eastern limit of Erieus Street; THENCE southwesterly along the said Union Street to Rob. inson Street; THENCE southerly along the said Robinson Street Ito the south limit of Wellington Street, shown on ske.tch attached here- to marked "Schedule A" to this agreement and forming part thereof, as an .extensionof the King's Highway by Order in Council numbered 3890/59; ,AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the County of Elgin on the ,19th day ,of September A.D. 1967 passed By-Law No. 1980 of the Municipality amending the county road system to include the ,aforesaid porbion of roa:d shown on "Schedule A" to this agreement and the said' By-Law was appro'ved. by the qwtenant 146 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Gov,ernor in Council on the 22nd day of February A.D. 1968 by Order in Council numbered 793/68. NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in considemtion of the premises, the mutual obligations and benefits hereinafter provided the parties hereto agree each with the other as follows: 1. That subject to the payment of subsidy by the' Minister and the contribution .rom the Railway Grad~ Crossing Fund, the County will pay Ithe cost of constructing the high level bridge and road improvements contained in the Port Bur. well Bridge and Approaches Contract, save and except the work specified in paragraph 2 of this agreement. 2. That the Minister shall pay that part of the cost of the fol- lowing items not paid for by the contribution l'eceived out of the Railwa,y Grade Orossing Fund with respect thereto, namely! 1. Ea!t1th excavaivion necessary for granular base; 2. Granular base; 3. Application of water; 4. Supply and apply calcium chioride; 5. Storm sewers; 6. Catch basins and manholes; 7. Removal and breaking down of nld storm sewers; . 8. Removal ofexistilng catch basin; 9. Curbs and gutters; 10. Removal ,of old concrete sidewalk; 11. Replacement ofcnncrete sidewalk; 12. Hot mix paving; 13. Top soil, sodding 'and seeding as necessary; 14. Erect st<lel be'am guide' rail; 15. Maintenance nf traffic; and 16. Pl'O raba engine'ffi'ing costs of all items fQr that portion of road shnwn on "Schedule A' hereto and designated by the Lieutenant Governor in CownciI as an extension of the King's Highway oIl. the 5th day of November, 1959 by Order in CQuncil numbered 3890/59. 3. That the co,sts to be paid by the Minister shall not 'include the cost of additional fill or retaining walls required by the 'change of grade of the road: shown Ql1 "Schedule A" to this agreement and' des,ignated as an extension of' the . King's Highway by the Lieutenant GQvernQr in Council. ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL 147 4. That thl)County shall pay, the cost of the design and con. slJructiQn of the bridge and such improvements to the road shQwn on "Schedule'A" as maw be required by the construc- tion ofth~ afo~esaid bridge. 5.' That the County shall pay the cost Mthe acquisition Qf land 'or interest indand nece,ssary for th8' carrying .out of the wQrk contemplated by this agreement inclUding any cost or expe!,~e il1cwred by reason of claims for injurious affection to land,,'ising out of Qr in connectiQn with the acquisition of .land, interest in land or the exercise of any statutnry power. 6. That the decisIon of the Minis,ter regarding the costs tQ be paid by him with respect to ,the work cQntemplated by this egreelTIent shall be final and binding. 7. That upon the compietion of the work pursuant to this agreement the Ooun'liy shall ,take the necessary steps tQ delete the road shown on "ScheduleA" to this agreement from the county road system. 8.' ' ThaLthe County warrants that it has done all acts, Qbtained all necessary approvals and enacted and passed all by-laws to empo)\'er it tQ enter intQ this agr'eement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the MinisteT of Highways for the Province' of OntariQ oIl., behalf .of the party .of the First Part has . hereunto set his hand and a{fboed the seal .of the De,partment of Highways, Ontario and the party of the SecQnd Part has affixed . its cornorate seal attested by the hands of its prQper offkers duly authodzed in that behalf. . SIGNED, SEALED . and DELIVERED In the presence of: G. E.GOMME Minister .of Highways fQr Ontario R:'G.MbOitE THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN A. BRUCE McCALLUM Warden H. L. JOHNSON Clerk 148 ELGIN COUNTY' COUNCIL MUNICIPALITY OF COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LAW NO. 2034 WHEREAS the Council af the Corporatian deems it neces- sary to bortl'ow the sum of Two. Million, Eight Hun<ked' Thaus- and dallars to meet, until the. !Vaxes are collected, the current expenditures af the Corparatian for the ~ar; AND WHEREAS the total amount of the estimated re,venues of the Corporatian as s'et forth in !Vhe estimates adapted far the year 1968, not including revenues derivable 0.1' derived from the sale of assets, borrowings ar issuance of debentures or from a surplus, including arrrears' of taJ<es, is Four Million, One Hundred and Twenty-Eight Thousand, Two Hundred and Sixty-Six dollars. AND WHEREAS the total amount heretofare authorized to be borrowed this year for Ithe purposes mentianed in subsection (1) of Section 329 of The Municipal Act is Two Million, Four Hundred Thousand dollars, of which the Carporatian OOS already borrowred a total af Seven Hundred and Fifty ThouS'and dallars. THEREFORE the Council of The Corparation of the County of Elgin hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf af the Carporation to borrow from time to tJime', by way' af promis,S'ory note, from ,the Bank of Montre'al, a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate Two Millian, Eight Hundred Thausand dollar,s, to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expendlUur,es of the Carparatian for the ye'ar, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of the said Section 32,9, and to give, an behalf of the Corpora- tion, to the Bank a promissory note or notes, sealed with the corparate seal and s,igned by them for the m{meys sa borrowed w]Vh interest at a rate' not exceeding 7'12 per centum per annum, which may be p'md in advance or atherwise. 2. All sums borrowed fram the said Bank, far any 0.1' an of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 329, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the' whole af the revenues af the Corporation for the current ye,ar and for all precelting years, as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrawed pursuant to the authority af this By-law, as well as all other sums borrawed in this year 'and any previaus ye'ars, from the said Bank for any or all af the pur- ELGIN COUNTY COUNGIL 149 poses mentioned in the said Section 329, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter callected or received on account o,r realized in resoect of 'Vhe' taxes levied for the, current year and preceding years, and an of the moneys collected or received {roman)' other sau..ce, which may lawfully be applied for such purpooe. passed this 18,th day of June 1968. CORPORATE SEAL A. BRUCE McCALLUM (The Head of the Corporation.) H. L. JOHNSON Clerk .1 hereby certify that the faregaing is a true copy of By-Law No. . of The Oorporation of the.. of. ....... ....,^>. ...in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeiUing of tbe Council of the said Corporation (Iuly held, and tMt the said By-law is in full fo,rce and effect. Dated this. day of... .19.. As witness the Seal of the Corpwation. Clerk. CORPORATE SEAL 150 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL C;OUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LAW NO. 2035 "A By-Law To Confirm Pro(eedings of the Co.'!n(il of The Corporation of the County of Elgiro at the June Session, 1968." WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chap- ter 249 of the Revised S1Jatutes of Ontario, 1960, the powe'!"s of a municipal corparation are to be exerdsed by its Cauncil: AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 ,of Section 242 ,of the Muni- cipal Act, being Chapter 249 ,of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1960, the powcrs of every Council are to. be exercised by By- Law: AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceed- ings of the CouncH of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law: NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ENACTS as fallows: 1. That action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation cantained in the Reparts of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of the Oo.rporation of the County of Elgin ,at its meeUngs heM during the June 1968 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all .such proceed- ings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Wwden and praper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are here'by authorized and directed to do all .things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corpora.tion of the County of Elgin referred to 'in preceding Section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corparation of the Caunty of Elgin. READ a first time this 18th day of June, 1968. READ a second time this 18th clay of June, 1968. READ a third time, and finaUy passed this 18th day of June, 1968. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk A. BRUCE McCALLUM Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL 151 FIFTH SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 20th day of August, 1968 The Elgin County Council melb this day at the Court House, St. Thamas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in 1Jhe Chair. )\ill the members present except Reeve K. C. Emerson. Moved by Reeve Gilchrist, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McKillop, That the minutes of the June 1968 Session of the Elgin Coonty Council; be confirmed. -Carried. The fallowing communications were read and refeoced to the various Commi1Jt1ees: From the Children's Aid! Society of the City of St. Thomas and the Caunty ,of Elgin with letter re the lack ,of housing facili- ties far lawer social-economic families and advising that in fu- ture no child in a family where it is judged adequate care is exercised will beadmttted to the care' of the Society solely on the basis of lack of accommodation. It is the contention ,of the S,ocietythat if the famiiy ishameless the' problem of accommo- dation should be resolved directly by the' municipality of resi- 4ence through placement in housing, hotels, mo'tels, or what- ever accommodation. is available within the municipality.-Re- ferred to the Finance Committee. From A + A COl)sultants with letter re planning advisory service utilizing the electronic communicati,on system.-Referred to the Finance Oommittee. From the, Chilrlren's .Aid Society of the City of St. Th,omas and the County of Elgin with copy ,of finance report as at Ma,y 31st, 1968.-Referred to ~he Finance CommIttee. From G. Duncan Black Limited with appreciation for help given to the St. Thomas-Ste'. Therese Visit Oommittee.-Filed. From the St. Thomas'-Elgin Emergency Measures Organiza- tion with vequest for a grant I~owwrds a testimonial dinner to' be . tendered to the St. Thomas-Elgin E. M. O. Rescue Section. - Re- ferred to the Finance Committee. I ;1 :j' 'I, 152 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL From Lerner, Lemer, Bradley, Cherniak and Granger, two lette'.s with respect to an action by Leroy and Pa'tricia Smith for damages and personal injuries resulting from the disrepair or non-repair of the' Elgin County Road No. 15 between Wallace- town al\d Dutton on J'anuary 30th, 1968.~Referred to the Road Committee. From the Honourable W. Darcy McKeough, Minister of Municipal Afbirs a letter advisi'ng that he is dissolving the County of Elgin Planning ATea effective' July 31st, 1968.__Filed. From Mr. Norman J. Cahplow, Construction Safety Inspec- tor, a Critical Injury Report with respect to Jan Luth.-Referred to ,the Road Committee.. From the Association of Ontario Counties with July news, letter and res'ervaHon cards for the 1968 Annual Meeting.~Filed. Froni the Department of Social and Family Services with copy of letter addressed to Mr. D. Barrett approving of ~e 1968 eS,timate of expenditures of the St. Thomas-Elgin Children's Aid SoCiety.~Filed. From Frank Cowan Company Ltd. with list of insurance commissions' paid to various insurance agents.~Referredtothe Finance Committee. From Ithe Economic Council-Erie Region with August, 1968, Newsletter and announcing a Presentation by the Detroit Edi- son Company, "The Developing Urban Detroit Area," to be presented on Octobe'r2nd,1968, at 8:00 p.m. at tM, Ontario Hydro Western Regionl AuditoriUm, London, Ontario:~Filed. The report of iohe Elgin Mano,r Committee was presented by Reeve Wise and adopted on motion of Reeve Wise' and Deputy ReeV'e Miskelly. The report of the Elgin Oounrty Ro'~d Committee, was pre- sented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Cav- erly and Re'eve Wilson. Moved by Reeve Wise, Seconded by Reeve Barrke'r, 1. That all cheques of the Corporation dra,wn on its Elgin County Home for the Aged accounts be signed on its behalf by 'the Treasure,r or Deputy T1ieasurer and signed/countersigned by the Superintendent or Secretary of the Elgin County Home for the Aged. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 153 . 2. Thatthe Treasurer. or Oeputy Treasurer.of the Corpora- tion be and is hereby authorized for and on behalf of theCor- poration to negotiate' with, deposit wlUhor transfer to the Bank of Montreal (but fo,r credit of the said Corporation account only') all or any Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Cheques and ()rders for the payment :of money an~ :<lthe'r negotiable- paper, and for the said purposetoe-ndorse the same or any of ~hem on behalf of .the said COl'pomtion,either ih writing or by r\lbbe.r stamp. 3. That the Tr.easure-ror.Deputy Treasurer be and ,is/are here-by authorized for and on be-half of the said Corporation ,rom time to time to armnge, settle, balan.ce and ce"W-fy all "ooks and accounts between the said Corporation aimj the Bank; 1nd to receive all paid cheques and vouchers, unpaid and un- "':cepted bills of exchange and other negotiable instrumlmts. 4. That the Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer be and is/are bereby au'uhorized fo"' and on behalf of the said Corporation to '!>tain delivery from the saidBllnk of all or any stocks, bonds :i,ud other securities ,jieW by the sai(iBank in safekeeping or "'herinise 'for tbe account of the Corporation and to, give valid "'ld binding receipts .therefnr. 5.. .That this resolution beconimunicated to the, said Bank ,.nd remain in force un:bil written notice to the contrary ,shall have been given to the Manager for the time being at the. Branch of the Bank at which the. accQunt of the. said Corporation. is' kept and re-ceipt of such notice . duly acknowledged in writing. -Carrie(\!. Moved ,by Ree-ve Wise, . . Seconded by Reeve Barker, That, in addition to the Treasurer or Depu,ly Treasurer the Superintendent or Secretary of the E.]ginCoun~y. Home for the Aged be and aTe here'by author,izeeJ. to receive- fmm time- to time all statements of current account (Pass.books) cancelled vouchers and cheques from .vhe Bank of Montre'3l relating to all or any accnunts. of the Elgin Cnunty Home for the Aged. -Carried. Mov,ed by Reeve Keillor, Seconded by De'puty Reeve Roberts, That. the resolution moved! by Ree-ve Ke-il]or,' seconded by Deputy Reeve Roberts anld passed! on March 19th, 1~68, by .the Elgin Cnunty CounCil authorizing that a County of Elgin Home 154 ELGlN COUNTY COl!NCJL fo'r the Aged' Building Accaun'D. be opened at the' Bank .of Mon- treal, he rescinded. ~Carrled. Maved by Re'e've Keillar, Secanded by Deputy Reeve Roberts, That a Caunty .of Elgin Hame far the Aged Building Accaunt be .opened at the Bank .of MOlplJreal and that the signing .officers far the said account be the Superintendent .or Secretary of the Elgin County Hame far the Aged, and the Treasurer .or Deputy Treasurer of the Elgin CauntyH.ome For the Aged." ~Carried. Moved by Reeve T.odd, Secanded by Reeve DeGl'aw, That we. do now adjounr ta meet August2Qth, at 2 p.m. -Carried. Council re-convened. The 'report .of tM. Personnel ComlTIltteewas presented by Reeve DeGraw and adopted an motion of Reeve DeGraw and Reeve Todd. . The report .of the Finllnce Cammittee was presented by Reeve Tadd and adopted an mation of Reeve Tadd and Reeve DeGraw. The report of the Special Committee of all the Reeves ap- painted by the Warden to bring in." recammendatian as ta com- bining municipa]]bies and aNotlng members with' respect ta the Elgin Caunty Baard of Educatian was presented by Reeve Gil- christ. Maved by Reeve' Maare, Secanded by Reeve Barker, Thalthe repart .of the Special Cammittee .of all the Reeves be adapted. Reeve Gilchrist requested a recorded vate on the above mati on. The result .of the vote' was as follaws: YEA-De,putyRe,eve McAJlpine, Reeve Kahnt, Reeve Or- chard, Deputy Reeve' McIntyre, Ree,ve Mrs. Blyth, Reeve. Maare .(2) Reeve''Jahnsan, Reeve Clarke;. Ree,ve Wilson, Reeve Barker, ELGlNCOUNTYCOUNCIL 155 Re.eve Wise (2)' Deputy Reeve Roberts (2) Reeve Caverly (2) De- putyReeve deRyk, Warden McCallum. Tatal. votes 1'9. NAY-Reeve Gilchrist, Deputy Reeve McKillap, Reeve Todd, Reeve DeGraw" Deputy Reeve Miskelly, Reeve Keillar, Deputy Reeve Nemet( Total vates 7. The malt'on adapting the repart carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McIntyre, Seconded by Reeve Kahnt, .. That the Treasurer be autharized 1'.0 request apprava,] .of the Ontaria Municipal Board to barraw by way of promissory nate, a sum in excess of 700% and lIP tq' 10000% .of the uncollected balance .of the estimated re'VEmues .of the Carparatlan Of ~he County .of Elgin far the year, 1968. . -Carried. Moved by Reeve Johnson, Sec(mded by Reeve Barker, That the C'ounty Solicitor be authol"lzed to prepare' a Deben- ture By-Law far finanCing the new additlan ta the Elgin County Hame far the Aged. ". . 30 ~'u/~.dCl The' Debenture ,to .befar $a0900 repayable aver a periad .of ten years and. bearing interest a! a rate to be determined by. tlje Warden, the Chairman .of the Finance Cammittee, and tl:).eCaunty Treasurer. -Carried. Moved by Reeve DeGraw, Secanded by Deputy Reeve McAlpine, That we f~now the usual pracedure .of each Oouncil mem- ber bringing a junior boyar girl guest .of County CO:l!ncilon the first day .of the November Sessian. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilsan; Secanded by Reeve Clarke, That By-Law No. 20036, "Being a By-Law To: Determine. tl:).e Oounty of Elbin municipality or municipalities to be represented by each Member ta be Elected in the School Divisian .of the Caunty of Elgin by the Public Schaal E]€ctors .of the Coun!ty of Elgin," be re1ad a first time. -Carried,. Moved by Reeve Johnson, Seconded'by Reeve Wilsan, 156 ELGlN COUNTY COUNCIL Tl1at By-Law No. ,2036, be read a second time. Moved by Reeve Moore, Seconded by Reeve Cll>rke, That By-Law No. 2036 passed. -'Carried. be read a thin!' time, . and finally -Carried.. Moved by Ree've Wise, Seconded by Reeve Barker, That By-Law No. 2037, "Being a By-Law to Provide for the Borrowing of $3,00;000.00 Upon Debentures for the Purpose of :Erecting An Addition to the, Elgin Count(\' Home for the Aged to be Built within the Municipality of the County of Elgin," be re'ad a fiist time. ' . -Car.ried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Roberts, Seconded by Deputy Reeve deRyk, That By-Law No. 2037, be read a second time. ~Carried. Moved by Deputy RelWe'Miskelly, Seconded by Reeve Mrs. Blyth, That By-Law No,. 2038, "A By-Law To Confirm Proceedings of the Council of, the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the August Session, 1968," be read a first time. ~Carried. Moved: by Reeve Orchard, Seconded by Reeve Kahnt, That By-Law No. 2038 be read a second time. ~Carried. Moved 'by Reeve Kahnt, Seconded by Reeve Orchard, That By-Law No. 2038 be read a third time, and finally pass- ed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Keitlor, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Nemett, Tha't we do now adjourn until.November 19th, 1968, at 10 a.m. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk -Carried. 1\-. BRUCE McCALLUM Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 157 ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT August Session, 1968 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County CouncH, THE ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE reports as follows: 1. We recommend to the Finance Committee of County Coun- cil that the County Solicitor he iJ,lstructed to prepare Deben- turesfor ' $300,00'0.00 to be rep'aid over a ten year period with interest rate to be determined by the Chairman of the Fin- ance Committee, the Warden and the County Clerk-Treasurer. All of which were>Spectfully submit.. JOHN WISE Chairman St. Thomas, Ontario. ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT August Session, 1968 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, Your Road Committee begs to report as follows: 1. A Contract h!,s been let ,to Brandow-MacDonald Con- s'lruction Ltd. of St. 'Thomas at $62,960.36 for construction of tile Orwell Bridge. The work is underway. 2. A Contract. has been let to Walmsley Bros. Ltd. of Lon- don at $70,652.40 for Hot Mix Paving on Road 20 (Development Road No. 931) and on Road 16 in Fingal. The work will be done this Fall. WE RECOMMEND: . that the'County Road Committee be authorized to set County .Council Road ,Tour dates. All of which is respectfully submitted, WILLIAM R. CAVERLY Chairman 158 ELGlN COUNTY COUNOIL PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT. AU!Just Session,d968 To theWarden.and,Members of the Elgin County Council,. The Personnel Committee' reports as' follows: 1. THAT, effective J'anua.ry 1st, 1969, ,the :County of Elgin contribute fifty per c'e'lllt (50% ) towards the'employeesi premiums for Ontario Hospiital Insumnce (Basic Ward) and Ontario Medical Services Insurance Plan (OMSIP). "TheSe." contributions, shall only apply to employees hired On a, permanent basis and shall be effective from the da,,t.e of hiring. Casual orpart tiIne em- ployees are not to be included in these Mnge benefits. It is l\nderStood that in order to commence Ontario Medical Services Insurance Plan (OMSIP) on Janl\ary Is'v, 1969, it may be necessary to contribute prior to the beginning of the year. 2. THAT a by-law be prepal'ed with respect to this recom- mendation and be presented to the Elgin County Council at the November Session. All of which is respectfully submitted. V. DeGRAW Acting Chairman " "(see amendment in Personnel Committee Report at the November, Session, 196R" FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT Au'gust Sessio'n, 1968 . . Tothe.Warden and Members of the' Elgin County Cou\,cil, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That the ietter from the Children's Aid Society of the City of st. Thomas and vhe County of Elgin re the lack of hous- in.g facilities for lowe,r social-economic families be filed. 2. That the letter from A + A Consultants re' plalming advisory service be filed. 3. That the Finance Report as at May 31st, 1968, of the Children's Aid Society be filed. ELGIN COUN'rY COUNCIL 159 4: That th" recommen<latiollof the Elgin'Manor Camm;\). tee re instructing the COl\nty Solicitor to prepare a by-law for the issuance of debentures in the amount. of $300,000,00 to be repaid over a ten year period to fil],ance the, addition to Elgin Manor be approved. . 5. That the list of insurancecommissians Paid by Frank Cowan Company Limited to various, insurance agen.tsbe fi1<jd. ' . .... . . 6. That a grant of $200.00 be authorized to the St. ThomaS- Elgin E. )\1[. O. to provide a testimoniaL dinner to the St., Thomas- Elgin E., M. O. Rescue Section. . All of which is respectfully submitted. DOUGLAS R. TODD Chairman REP~RT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE . OF ALL REEVES . August Session, 1968 To the Warden and Members of the, Elgin County Council, . The Special Committee compose,d of all the Reeves reports as follows: Following a meeiing of the County ,Government Committee held on Jnly 24th, 1968, at8:00 p.m. in which; by invitation, was aittended by the reeve of each local municipality in the Connty of Eigin, the Warden named a, Special Committee composed of all the Reeves in the County of Elgin to bring in a recommenda- tion as to combining municipa'lities and alloting members with r"spect to the Elgin County Board of' Education. 'Reeve Dun- can Gilchrist was named Chairman of theCommllitee. The Committee met at 9:00 p.m. on July, 24th, 1968, and it VI,as, Moved by Reeve Emerson, Seconded by Re"ve Blyth, That we waive formal notice with respect to calling this meeting, -Carried. 160 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL After eonsiderable diseussion the following. motion was pro- posed, Moved by Reeve Wise" Seconded by Reeve Cavedy, That the municipalities of Aldborough, Dunwich, Southwold, ROdney, West Lorne, Du~on. and Port Stanley be' combined and allotted four (4) members on the Elgin County Board of Eduea- tion; , That the municipalities of Yarmouth and Belmont be com- bined and aHoted two (2) members on: the Elgin Count;\' Board of Education; That the municipalities of Malahide, Dorchester South, Bay- ham, Aylmer, Springfield, Vienna and Port Burwell be combined and alloted four (4) members on the Elgin County Board of Edu- cation. It was, Moved by Ree've Wilson, Seconded by Reeve Barker, That the vote on ~he motion before the Committee be re- corded. -Cllrried. The motion was then put to the Committee and the' vote was as follows: YEA Wise, Emerson, Moore', Orchard, . l\1rs. Blyth, Barker, Johnson, Wilson, Caverly,MeCallum and K~hnt (11). NAY Keillor, Clarke, Todd, DeGraw and Gilehrist (5). The motion carried. Moved by Warden McCallum, Seeonded by Reeve DeGraw, Thrul,this meeting do now adjourn. -Carried. The Spedal Committee composed of all the Reeves in the County of Elgin named by the' Warden to bring in a recommen. dation as to combinring municipalities and alloting members with respect to the Elgin County Board of Education met on ,August 20th, 1968, with all members except Mr. Emerson present. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 161 It was, Moved by Reeve Wise, Seconded by Reeve Caverly, .. . That. the motion moved by Reeve Wise and seconded by Reeve Caverly combining municipaUties andalloting members withre,speci to the Elgin County Board of Education and passed at a meetinl'( of this Committee on July 24th, 1968, be rescinded. . . . --Carried. Moved by Reeve Wise, Seconded by Reeve Caverly, That :the municipalities of Aldborough, Dl!nwich, Southwold, Rodney, West Lorne, Dutton and Port Stanley be combined and ~noted four (4) members on the Elgin County Board of Educa- tion. That the Township of Yarmouth be alloted two (2) members on the Elgin County Board of Education. That ithe municipalities of Malahide, Dorchester South, Bay- ham, Aylmer, Belmont, Springfield, Vienna and Port Burwell be combined and alloted four (4) members on the Elgin County Board of Educatio'n. Moved by Reeve Kelllor, Seconded by Reeve Todd, That the vote on the above motion be recorded. YEA Wise" Moore, Orchard, Mrs. Blyth, Barker, Johnson, Wilson, Caverly, McCallum, Kahnt, Clarke (11). Keillor, Todd, DeGraw, Gilchrist (4). NAY -Carried. Mov'ed by Warden McCallum, Seconded by Reeve Barker, That a by-law be prepared combining municipalities and alloting membeTs with resped! to the Elgin County Board of Education in accorda'llce with the above motion. Moved by Reeve Wise, Seconded by Reeve Mrs. Blyth, That we do tlJOW adjourn. -Carried. All of-which is respectfully submitted. DUNCAN GILCHRIST Chairman 162 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOlL COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LAW NO. 2036 "Being, a By.Law To Determine the County of Elgin Municipality or Municipalities to be Represented' by .each Member to be Elected in the School Division of the County of Elgin' by the Public School Electors of the County of Elgin." . THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ENACTS as follows: 1. THAT the municipalities of Aldborough, Dunwich,' Southwold, Rodney, West Lome, Dutton and Port Stanley be combined and alloted four (4) members on the Elgin County Board of Education. 2. THAT the municipality of Yarmouth be alloted two (2) members on the Elgin County Board of Education. 3. THAT the municipaHties of Malahide, Dorchester SQuth, Bayham, Aylmer, Belmont, Springfield, Vienna', and Port Bur- well be combined and alloted four (4) members on the, ElgIn County Board of Educaimon. READ a first time this 20th day of August, 1968. READ a second time this 20th day of August, 196,8. READ !lJ third time and finally passed this 20th day of Aug- ust, 1968. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk BRUCE McCALLUM Warden COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LAW NO. 2038 "A By. Law To Confirm Proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the County of Elgin at the August Session,: 1968" WHEREAS by Section 9 of tM Municipal Act, being Chap- ter 249 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1960, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be' exercised by its CQuncil: AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 242 of the Muni- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 162A cipal Act, being Chapte,r 249 of the Revis'ed Statutes of Ontario, 1960, the powers of every C'Ouncil are to be exerdsed by By- Law: AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceed- ings of the Council of the COTP'oration 'Of the CounltJy of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law: NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE ,COUNTY OF ELGIN ENACTS as follows: 1.. That action of the, Council of the Corporation of the County Of Elgin in respect of each recommendation colJJtained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other 'action taken by the Conncil of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the August 1968 Session is here'by adopted and confirmed as if all such prroceedings were exppessly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin ape hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary-.to give effiect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Connty of Elgin referred to in preceding Section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Olerk are authorized and direded to execute all documents ne'cessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the' County of Elgin. READ a first time this 20th day of August, 1968. READ a s'ecand time this 20th d!ay of August, 1968. READ a ,third time, and finaHy passed this 20th day of Aug- ust, 1968. H. L. JOHNSON A. BRUCE McCALLUM Clerk Wail'd'en ELGINCOUN'rV COUNCIL 163 SPECIAL MEETING OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL OCTOBER 16th, 1968 . A Special .Meeting of the' Elgin County Oouncil was held at riine o'clo~k a.m. to. open tenders on debenture issue, give third reading to By-Law No. 2037. and other general husiness. The Warden in the Chair. All the members were present except Deputy Reeve, McIn- tyre, Reeve Moo,re, Deputy ReeVe Miskelly, RMve Emerson, and Reeve Barker. The Report of Ibhe Elgin Manor Committee was presented by Reeve Wise and adopted on motion of Reeve Wise and Reeve Keillor. Moved 'by Reeve KerJIor, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Roberts, . Th.atwe accept,. with regret, the resignation nf Mr. IvanJ. Patterson. as Superinfendent of E,lgin Manor and that we author- ize the Elgin Manor Commitbe'e to. advertise for, interview and hire an administrator for the Elgin County Home for the Aged. . .. .' .., -Carried. Moved by, Reeve Todd. Seconded by Reeve Gilchrist, That the tender bid of McLeod, Young, Weir & Co. Ltd. of 98.251 per $100.00 re $300;000.00 debenture issue, be accepted subject to approval. of By-J;.,aw N\>. 2037 by the Ontario Municipal Board. ' . .... . . "-'-Carried. Moved by Reeve Gilchrist, Seconded by Depu'~y Reeve McKillop, . " That County of Elgin debentures be made payable at the Bank of' MDntreal (Main Branch) St. Thomas, or Toronto, On- tario, or Montreal, Quebec. -'Carried. Moved by Reeve DeGraw, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McAlpine, That By-Law No. 2037 be read a third time and Hnally passed.. -Carried. 164 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL Moved by Deputy Reeve' Nemett, Seconded by Reeve Cavedy, Tbat we do now adjourn. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk -Carried. A. BRUCE MccALLUM Warden ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT October Session, 1968 To the Warden and Members of The Elgin Coulllty Council: The Elgin Manor Committee reports as follows: 1. That Mr. Ivan J. P,atterson has submitted his resigna- tion as Administrator of Elgin Manor effective December 16, 1968. We ask that his resignation be accepted and that awtlhority be given the Elgin Manor Committee to advertise' for and proceed with the hiring of a new Administrator for Elgin Manor. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN WISE Chairman DEBENTURE BY.LAW NO. 2037 THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN Being a By-Law to provide for the borrowing of $300,000.00 upon debentures for 'uhe purpose of erecting an addition to the Elgin, County Home for the Aged to be built within, the muni- cipality of the County of Eigin. WHEREAS it is ,expedient to borrow money for the erection of an addition to the County Home for the' Aged in Elgin Connily, a sum not exceeding $300,000.00 upon the credit of the Corpora- tion, to issue deben~ures .therefor bearing illlterest at the, rate of 7.50 per cent per annum, payable annually and provide for the discounib and expenses incidental to negotiation and sale of such <lebentures; ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 165 AND WHEREAS it is expedient to make the principal of the said, debenture repayable in annual instalments during the period of ten years next after the date Of isslle Of such deben- tures. of such amounts respectively that, wilbh the inrterest in respect of the debt, the aggregate amount payable for principal and interest in each year shwll be as nearly as possible the same; THEREFORE, The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. For ,the purpose aforesaid the Corporation shall borrow upon the credit, of the Corporation a sum not exceeding $300,- 000.00 and shall issue debentures therefor in sums of not less than $500.00 each., Each debenture shall bear interest at the' rate of 7.50, per centum (7% %) per annum, payable annually and shall have coupons attached 'thereto for the payment of such interest. 2. All the debentures shall bear a date in 1968 and shall . be issued at olle time.and within the ye'ar 1968 after the day on which this By-Law is passed, and shall be made payable in an- nual instalments dUNng the period of ten years next after the date of issue thereof, and the respective amounts of principal and interest payable in each of such years shall be the amounts so designated in Schedule "A" hereto annexed. 3. The debentures shall be payable as to both principal and interest in lawful mol1ey of Canada and may be made pay- able' 'at such place' or places in Canada as shall be designated thereon. 4. The debentures shall be sealed with the seal of the Cor- poration and signed by the head of the council or by some other person authorized by by-law to sign the same and by the treas- urer.The said interest coupons shall be' signed by the treasur- . er and his signature to them may be' wdtten or engraved', litho- . graphed, printed or otherwise mechanically reproduced. The signatUre of the head of the ,council may be written or engraved, lithographed, printed or otherwiSe mechanically reproduced and, if such debentures al'e countel'signed ill< writing by the deputy treasurer, the signature of the treaklfer thereon may be writ- tenor engraved, lithographed, printed or atherwise mechanically reproduced. 5. Commencing in the year 1969 and thereafter in each year in which an instalment of principal of the said debt and interest become due, the Corporation 'shall levy and raise the 166 ELGIN COUNTYCOUNOIL specific sum shown for the reS'Pective year ill the fifth column of the said Schedule. Such sum shan be levied and raised by a special rate, sufficient tberefor, over and above another rates, upon an the rateable property in the municipality. 6. The said debentures may corutain a clause providing for the registration thereof to Section No. 323 of The Municipal Act. 7. Pending the sale of the' said debentures, the head of the Council and the Treasurer may rllise' for the' purposes afore- said by way of loan on such <lebenturesany sum or sums of money not exceeding in an the sum hereby authorizedto.'be borrowed and may hypMhecate such debentures for such loan. READ a first time this 20th day of August, 1968. READ a second time' this 20th day of August, 1~68. READ a third time, and finally passed this 16th day of Oc- tober, 1968. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk A. BRUCE McCALLUM Warden SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW NO. 2037 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN Year Year No. Principal Interest Total 1969 I $ 30.000.00 $ 22,500.00 $ 52,500.00 1970 2 30,000.00 20,250.00 50,250.00 1971 3 30,0'00.'0'0 18,0'0'0.'0'0 48,'0'0'0.'00 1972 4 3'0,0'0'0.00 15,750.00 45,750.00 1973 5 3'0,0'0'0.'0'0 13,5'0'0.0'0 43,50'0.0'0 1974 6 ,3'0,'00'0.0'0 11,250.'00 41,25'0.00 1975 7 3'0,'000.'00 . 9,'00'0.'0'0 39,000.00 1976 8 3'0,'000.0'0 6,750.00 36,750.00 1977 9 3'0,000.-0'0 4,500,'00 34,5'00.0'0 1978 10 30,000.00 2,250.00 32,250.0'0 $300,000.00 $123,75'0.00 $423,75'0.00 i! li'.:I, I' i! ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 167 :! SIXTH SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 19th day of November, 1968 The Elgin County Council met thisd>ayat the Court House, St. Thomas; in accordance with adjomnment. The Warden in the Chair. All :the members present. The Warden add'ressed the Council and welcomed the boys and girls who came as guests of the Councillors. Moved by Deputy Reeve McKlIlop, Sec()nded by Reeve Emerson, That the minutes Oof the August 1968 Session of the County Council and the October 16th, 1968, Meeting, be confirmed. - Carried. . The following communications were read, and referred to their various Committees: From' the Ontario Good Roads Association announcing an Urban Design Seminar to. be held December 8th - 11th, 1968. - Referred to the Road Committee. . From the Board of the Gentlemen and, Boys .Choir of First United Church with request for a grant - Referred to the Finance Comnrlttee. From the University of Western Ontario announcing that Mr. Jack A. Couckuyt of RR 6, Aylmer, Ollitario, and! Miss Jean E. Campbell of RR 8, St. Thomas, Ontario, were the winners of the Elgin County Scholarships. - Filed. From the Ontario Good Roads Association with requqest for resolutions and proposal of names for recognition of long service. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the Children's Aid Society of the City of St. Thomas and the County of Elgin with Financial Report as at September 30th, 1968. - Referred to the Finance Oommittee. From Mr. Jack Couckuyt with appreciation of scholarship. - riled. , From the County of Ontario with resolution petiiioningthe 168 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Minister of Agriculture to amend Section 13 of the Weed Control Act. Referred to the Agricultural Committee; From Mr. D. J. Date, Municipal Accounting and Finance Advisor with Statement concerning tax collectiOn policies of townships. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Township of Southw0'ldl.with copY.,oi' By-Law No. 1677, a c'Omprehensive zoning hy-Iaw. - Filed. From the Honourable George E. Gomme, Minister of High- ways with letter re: Brief on Highway 3, St.Thomas By-Pass and Highway 126, London to St. Thomas. - ~eferred . to the Road Committee. From the Oounty of Frontenac with resolution .requesting that the Ontario Government take over the administration. of all welfare. - Ref,erred to the Finance Committee. From the Rotary Club of St. ThomasI'equesting, Coul1ty of Elgin ad in the Rotary Music Festival Programme.=..Re- feITed to the Finance C'OmJmittee. From the Ontario Municipal Board with the Board's .order stating that the County of Elgin may horrow in excess of 70% but n'Ot more than 90% of the uncollected balance of the.estimat- ed revenues as set forth in the estimatesado'pted f'Or the year. 1968. - Filed. From the Department of Municipal Affairsannouncifig that a Winter WOrks Incentive Program will not be offeteddorthe coming winter. - Referred to the Road Comnltttee.' From the Bank of Montreal advising that interest. rate on loan borrowings has been reduced from 7% to 6%%'pet annum, effective September 5th, 1968. - Filed. From the Department 'Of Indian Affairs and Northern Development with request to erect a sign at the south exit of exchange No. 18 on 401. _ Referred to the Road Committee. From the Honourable Ge'Orge E. Gomme', M]nister of High- ways with announcement that the Dept. of Highways will conduct five courses for municipal employees in 1969. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the Ontario Municipal Elmployees Retirement. .Board announcing a 10% increase in the Pension Benefits from 2% to 2.20/0 of annual earnings, .as of January 1st, 1968. -Filed. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 16>9 . From the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital ad,vising that the Board of Directors have authorized the calling of tend- ers for the Renovation Project. - Filed. . , . From the County of Peel with I'esolutio!, requesting that Sections of the Assessment Act as the'y apply to the BeU Tele- phone and Telegraph be amended, - Referred to the Finance Oommittee. Fro!n the University of Western Ontario with request for a renewal of their lease, on Part of the East Half of Lot 23 and Part of the West Hili of Lot 24 in .the Township 'of Yarmouth for a further five years from September 30th, 1969. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the Honourable W. Darcy McKeDughi Minister of Municipal Affairs advising of proposed legislation to make the hours of polling for municipal and school ):>oard elections the same. - Filed. . From the. County of Kent with resolution re: Statutory authority for pollce officers to use such Jorce as lI\ay be nec- essary'to carry out 'their dyties. -'- Referredi to the Petitions and Legislations Cammittee. . From the Ridgetown College 'Of Agricultural Technology advising that Mr. Jack Jarp.ieson, Of RR 1, West Lorne)s the reeipi~nt o~ the El!!il1 County Scholarship..~ Filed.' From the West Lorne Horticultural Society with appreciat- ion of grant. - .Filed. The County Treasurer\ Report was presented. Moved by Reeve Gilchrist, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McKillop, That the Treasurer's Report be ,accepted and printed in the Proceedings. ~. Carried. The County Clerk's Report on Liccnses .was presented. Moved by Reeve Tod<l, Seconded by Reeve Kahnt, That the Clerk's Report on Licenses be accepted and print- ed in the Proceedings. - Carried. 170 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL The Superintendent's Report on' Elgin Manor Was present. ed. Moved by Deputy Reeve McAlpine, Seconded by Reeve DeGraw, That the Superintendent's Report on Elgin Manor. be accept. ed and printed in the Proceedings. - Carried. The Report of the Road Committee was presented by Reeve .C"verly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caverly and Reeve Moore. The Report of the Elgin Manor Committee was presented by Reeve Wise and adopted on motion of Reeve Wise and Reeve Keillor. . Movedl by Reeve Caverly, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Nemett, That the Warden a,nd .Clerk' of the County of Elgin be and are hereby authorized to sign Certificate regarding the following permanent employees of the, COrPoration for exempt. ion of contributions as provided under the Regulations of the Unemployment Insurance Act. Effective November 15th, 19611 - Robert Doyle, Reginald Essertine, Harry Harrington, Millard McKenzie, Edgar McLeod, Gerald Smith, and Donald Ze'llas. Effective November 30th, 1968 - RonaMJ Zellas. Effcctive December 15th, 1968 - Gel>rge Fickling and James LaForge. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McAlpine, Seconded by R~eve Kahnt, 'Dhat owing to a delay in tlhe start of construction of the pro- posed' addition' to the Bobier Home in mutton, the $5,000.00 grant authorized by By-Law No. 2011 be not paid for in 1968, but that the matter of a grant be again given consideration by the 1969 Council. - Oarried. Moved by Reeve Todd, 'Seconded by Deputy Reeve McKillop, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 171 That we do now adjourn to meet' at 2p.lll., November 19th. - Caried. The Council re-convened. Reeve Clarke' gave notice of. motion th"t he would present a resolution on November 20th, 1968, regarding the formation ofa District HeaJlth Unit comprising the Cities of London and Sf. Thomas, and the Counties of Miq.dlesex aJ1d Elgin. The Report of the Finance Committee' was presented by . Reeve, Todd and adOptedJ on motion, of Reeve Todd and Reeve DeGraw. . , The Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented hyReeve Orchard, and adopted on motion of Reeve Orchard and Reeve Wilson. . Moved by Reeve WIlson. , Seconded by Reeve Barker, That By-Law No. 2039, "Being a By-Law To Authorize the Execution of an 'Agreement' With the Minister of HighWaYS for Ontario, Relating to a, Connty Road Needs Study," be read, a first tillie. ' , Moved by Reeve Barker, Seconded by Re'eve Wilson, That By-Law No. 2039 be - Carried. read a second time. ~ 'Carried. Move,d by Reeve Wise, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Roberts, That By-Law No. 2039 be read passed. . a third time,. and finally - Carriedl, 'Moved by Reeve Barker, Seconded by Reeve Wilson, That By-Law No. 2040, "Being a By-Law To Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign a Letter Renewing the Lease Present- ly Held By The Unive'rsity of Western Ontario on Approx,imately Ten Acres of Land in the Township of Yarmouth," be read' a first time. Moved by Reeve Johnson, Seeonq.ed by Reeve Ba'rker, - carried. ~ I i iI 172 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL Moved by Reeve Barker, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Dennis, That By-Law No. 2040,be read a third tirne, and finally passed. . ~ Carried. Moved by Reeve Johnson, Seconded by Reeve Moore, That By-Law No. 2041 of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, "Restricting the Weight of Vehicles Passing Over Bridges." be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Dennis, ' Seconded by Reeve Johnson, That By-Law No. 2041, be read a second time. - Carried. Movedl by Reeve Moore, Se,conded by Deputy' Reeve' Dennis, That By-Law 2041, be read a third time, and finally passed. -' Carried. 'Moved by Reeve Orchard, Seconded by Reeve Kahnt, That By,Law No.. 204~, "Being a By-Law TO; Appoint By- I,,,,,,Enforcement Officers for the County of Elgin," be read a first time. _ Carried. Moved by Reeve Kahnt, Seconded by Reeve Orchard, That By-Law No. 2042 be read! a second time. ~ Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McAlpine, Seconded by Reeve DeGraw, That By-Law No. 2042, 'be read a third time. and finally passed. ~ Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson, Seconded by Reeve Mrs. Blyth, That By-Law No. 2043, "Being a By-Law To Amend, By-Law ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 173 No, 1818 Authorizing Speed Limits F'or the County of Elgin," be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson, Seconded by Reeve Mrs. Blyth, That By-Law No. 2M3, be passed. read a third tirne,.and finally - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McAlpine, Seconded by Reeve DeGraw, That By-Law No. 2044, "Being a By-Law To Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign Deeds To Convey Land to Ralph M. Brown and Minnie Brown, in the Village of Port Burwell," be read a first time. Moved by Deputy ffeeve McKillop, Seconded by Reeve Todd, That By-Law No. 2044, be re'ad a - Carried. second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Gilchrist, Seconded! by Deputy Reeve McKillop, That By-Law No. 2044, be read a third time, and finally passed. . - Carried. M.oved by Reeve DeGraw, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McAlpine, That By-Law No. 2045, "Being a By-Law To Authorize the Execution of an Agreement With the Minister of Highways for Ontario Relating to the Construction of a High Level Bridge at Pori Burwell, County of Elgin," be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Kahnt, Seconded by Reeve Orchard, That By-Law No. 2045, be :vead a second! time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Orchard, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McInty,re, 174 ELGIN COUN'l'Y OOUNOIL That 'By-LaW No. 2045, lYe'read a third time,'andfinall)' passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Todd, Seconded by Reeve Gilchrist, . That By-Law No. 246 of the CorpOration of the County of EJfgin"Being a By-Law To Authorize the Corporation of the Village of BeImont (hereinafter called "the Grantee" and, whiCh term shall include its successors and assigns) to. construct; use and ,operate works required for Jhe transmission of water in the County of Elgin (Hereinafter called "the Mnnicipality':) be read a first time. . . " .' seeD.rid time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McKillop" Seconded by Reeve Gilchrist, 'l'hat By-Law l'Io. 2046, be ,rea(l Moved by Reeve Gilchrist, Seconded by Reeve Todid, That By-Law No. 2046, passed. .,- Carried. be: read a third time; and finally - Carried. Moved by Reeve Wise, Seconded lYy Reeve Barker, That By-Law No. 2047 of the Corporatioll' of. the County of Elgin "Being a By-Law To Authorize th~.,Corp,o~ation ,of the Township of Yarmouth (hereinafter called '''the' 'Grantee" and which term shall indude its successors and assigns) to cori- struct, use and operate works requir,ec( for tl\e transmission of water in the County of J!;lgin (l\ereinaf,ter. called "the.l\>!unicip- amy"), lYe readl a first time. ., . Moved by Reeve Wise, SecondedlYY Reeve Barke~ That By-Law No. 2047, ~ .Carried. be read a second time. ,,- Carried. Moved by Reeve Wise, Seconded by Reeye Barker, That By-Law No. 2047, passed. be read a third time, and finally - Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 175 Moved by Deputy Reeve McKillop, Secondedl by Reeve DeGraw, That we do now adjourn to meet on Wednesday, November 20th, 1968, at 10:00 a.m. - Carried. H. L.JOHNSON ' Clerk BRUOE McCALLUM . Warden SIXTH SESSION - SECOND .DAY Wednesday, the 20th day of November, 1968 The Elgin CountyCouncii met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in ,the Chair. All the memhers present except Reeve Barker. Reeve Kahnt, ~nd Deputy Reeve iWiskelly. 'The Report of the Property and . ASsessmellt Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve McAlpine and" adopted 'Oll motion of Deputy Reeve Mc.Mpine and Deputy Reeye McIntyre. The Report of the Personnel' Committee was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Reeve DeGraw. Moved lYy Reeve Clarke, Seconded lYy Reeve Mrs. Blyth, That . this Council consider the . fOTlnation of a, District Health Unit compriSing the c.!ties of Londpn and St.Thomas and the Counties of Middlesexand Elgin and that a lYy-lawand agreement lYe prepared and presented to this' Council fo,r further consideration. Dr. Appleton M.O.H., was present, and'it was moved by Reeve Wise that Dr. Appleton be now beard. 176 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL Dr. Appleton e"'plwined to Council the advantages of a larger HO'alth Unit. RO'evO' Wilson requO'sted a recorded vote on the above motion. The result was as follows: YEA'~ Reeve Gllcbrist, Deputy Reeve McKillop, Warden McCallum, Deputy ReO've McAlpine, RO'eve Orchal'w; Deputy Reeve McIntyre, Reeve Wise (2) Deputy Reeve Roberts (2) Reeve Oaverly (2) DO'puty Reeve deRyk, Reeve Johnson, Deputy Reeve Dennis, Reeve MaDre' (2) Reeve Eme1'son, Ree,ve Todd, Reeve Mrs. Blytb, and Reeve Clarke. - Total votes (21). NAY:- Reeve Wilson, ReO'vO' Keillor, Deputy Reeve Nemett, Reeve DeGraw. - Total votes (4). The motion carried. Moved by Reeve Mrs. Blyth, Se'conded by'RO'eve Clarke, WHEREAS the disposal of wastes is becoming an increas- ing problem. AND WHEREAS the operation of a majority of.the garbage dumps in the County of Ellgin often cont.ravenes' the Air Pol- lutiOn Act and the Public Health Act. AND WHEREAS most municipwlities can not afford to in. stall or operatO' the proper equipment required to. comply with the above 'acts. . . WE RECOMMEND THAT the Warden request the County Government Committee or appoint a special ~ommittee to study' the, practicability of garbage disposal sites on a County basis by properly. controlled sanitary landlfill and incinerators. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Todd, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McKillop, That the USUlll" grant of $25.00 be Paid to the St. Thomas Times Journal and to Mr., Steve . TraiChevich of the London Free Press for reporting the proceedings of County Council during the year, 1968. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Wise, SecondO'd by Deputy Ree've RobO'rts, ELGiN COUNTY COUNCIL 177 That Mr. GranvillO' Gloin be appointO'd to the Elgin County Farm Safety Council for 1969. - Carriew. Moved by Reeve Todd, Seeondedby Deputy Reeve McKillop, That By-Law No. 2048, "Being a By'Law To Establish a Sal- wry Schedule for all Employees of the, County of Elgin Other Than the Heads of Departments," be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McKillop, Seconded by Reeve Todd, That By-Law No. 2048, be .read a second time. - Canied. Moved by Reeve Gilchrist, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McKillop, That By-Law NO'. 2048, be read passed. a third time, and finally - Canied. Moved by Deputy.~eeveMcAlpine, Seconded by Reeve DeGrow, That By-Law No. 2049, "Being a By-Law of the Corporat.ion of the County af Elgin To Provide For t.he Appointment of A County' AssO'ssment . Commissioner, Pursuant t.o Section 93a (2) of the Assessment Act, RB.O. 1960," be read a first time. , - Carried. MovO'd by Reeve Orchard, Secondied by Deput.y Deeve McAlpine, That By-Law No. 2049 be read a second Moved by Reeve DeGraw, Seconded by Reeve Orchard, That By-Law No. 2049, be passed. time. - Canied. read a third time, al>d finally -,---Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McIntyre, Seconded by Reeve Emerson, That By-Law No. 2050, "Being a By-Law To Establish the Salary of the Assessment Commissioner of the County of Elgin," be read a first time. - Carried. 178 ELGIN COUNTY.COUNCIL Move~ by Reeve Emerson, Seconded by Reeve Mrs. Mary Blyth, That By-Law No. 2050, be read a second time. -Carried, Moved by Reeve Mrs. Blyth, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McIntyre, That By-Law No. 2050 be teada passed. third time. and' finally , :. '; f" ~ - Carried. Moved by Reeve Mrs. Blyth, Seconded by Reeve Emerson, That By-Law No. 2051, "Being a By-Law'To Appoint a Deputy Assessment Commissioner for the County ot Elgin':' be read! a first time. '. . - . Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson, Seconded by Reeve Mrs. Blyth, That By-Law No. 2051, be read a second time. -Carded. Moved by Reeve Mrs. Blyth, Seconded by Reeve Emerson, That By-Law No. 2051, be read a third time, and finally passed. - Carried,. Moved by Reeve Moore, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Dennis, That By-Law No.. 2052, "Being a By-Law To Adjust the Sa~ary of the Deputy Assessment Commissioner for the County of Elgin," be read a first time. ~ Carded. Moved by Deputy Reeve Dennis, Se'conded! by Reeve Johnson, That By-Law No. 2052, be read ~ ; a second time. - Carrie,Q. Moved by Reeve Clarke, Seconded by Reeve Moore, That By-Law No., 2052, be 'read a thir<li time, .and finally passed. -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ~,7B Moved by Reeve Clarke, Seconded by Reeve Johnson, ",'rhatBy"LaW l'lo..2053,"Being a By-Law To Appoint Asses- sors For the County of Elgin," be read a first time. '.' ..... -Carried. Moved by Reeve Moore, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Dennis, That By,~aw .No. 2053, be .read a. second time. " . -Carried. :lWo"ed.by Deputy Reeve Dennis, Secondedl by Reeve Clarke, That By-Law No. 2053, be read a third time, and finally passed. , --Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Roberts, Seconded by Reeve, Wise, That By-Law No. 2054, "Being a By-Law To Amend ByCLaw No,I696.. The,eby. Adjusting the Salary' of the Elgin County Road Superintendent," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by' Reeve' Wise, S~con~~d by ,Reeve Johnson, Tbat By"Law No. 2054; be read a s~cond time; -~Carried. Moved:by Deputy Reeve Dennis, Seconded by Reeve Moore, That By-Law No. 2054, be read a third time,' and 'finally pass~~. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Nemett, . Seconded by Reeve Caverly, That 'By-Law No. 2055, "Being a By-Law. To Adjust the Salary of the A~sistant R?ad Superintendent for the County of Elgin," be read: a first time. ' -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve deRyk, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Nemett, "That: 'By'r.~iVNo: 2055 be read a second time. -Carried. 180 ELGlN COUNTY COUI'W1L Moved by Reeve Keillor, Seconded by Reeve Oaverly, That By-Law No. 2055 be read a 'third time, and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Todid, Seconded by Reeve DeGraw, That we do now adjourn to meet at 2 p.m., November 20th, 1968. -Carried Council re-convened. Mr. A. V. l.Jangton, Agricultural Representative was. present at the meeting. 1t was moved by Reeve Orchard that Mr. Langion be now heard. Mr. Langton addressed Council and! reported onagricult. ural conditions throughout the County. . The Warden thanked Mr. Langton for' his report. The Report of The Petitions and Legislations Oommittee was presented by Deputy Reeve McKillop and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve McKillop and Deputy Reeve McAlpine. ..,-Oarried.. Moved by Reeve MODre, SecDnded by Reeve Wise, That By-Law No. 2056, "Being a By-Law To Amend By-Law No. 1867 Thereby Adjusting the Salary of tbe Elgin County Clerk- Tre'asurer be read a first time. Moved by Reeve Johns(}ll, Se'conded by Reeve Moore, That By-Law No. 2056, be read a second time. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Wise, Se-cDnded by Re-eve WilsDn, That By-Law No. 2056 be read a third time,and.finally passed, . . -Carried. ELGIN COUN'J;'Y COUNCIL 181 Moved by Reeve Wilson, Secondled by Deputy Reeve Roberts, That BYeLaw No. 2057,. "Being a By-Law To Adjust the Salary of the Assistan't C~erk-Ttelasurer of The County of Elgin," be read . a first time. -Carried Move-d by Reeve- Wise, Seconded by Deputy Reeve deRyk, . .' - . That By-L"w No. 2057, be read a second time. ~Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve RobeDts, Seconded by Reeve Wilson, That By-Law No. 2057, be re-ad a tbird time, and finally passed!. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Keillor, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Nemett, That By-Law No, 2058, "Being a By-Law To Amend By-Law No. 1868," be. read a first time. --Carried. Move-d by Deputy Reeve Ne-mett, Seconded by Reeve Wise, That By-Law No. 2058, be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Wise, Seconded by Deputy Reeve deRyk,' That By-Law No. 2058, be read! a .third time, and finally passed. --'Carried. Moved' by Reeve Eme-rson, Seconded by Deputy Ree-ve McIntyre. .That BY-LaW 1'-10,,2059, "To Amend By-Law No. 1838, Being a By-Law TO Authorize Participation in the Ontario Ml.\nicipal :Err'ploy~es Retirement System," be "ead a first time. . -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McIntyre, Seconded by Reeve Emerson, .: -,. .,'. : ' That By-LawNo.. 2059, be read a second time. -Carried. 182 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Reeve EmeTson, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McAlpine, That By-Law No, 2059, be reacl a HUrd time, and finally passed. ' , -'-Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McMpine, Seconded by Reeve Todd, That By-Law No. 2060, "Being a By_Law To Provide for Payment By the County of Elgin of 5076 of Employees' Premiums witb Respect to Ontario Hospital Insurance ,and Ontario Medical Services Insurance Plan," be re'ad a first time. . ~Carried. Moved by Reeve, DeGraw, Seconded by Deputy Reeve -McAlpine, That By-Law No. 2060, be read a second time. ~Carried.. Moved by Reeve Todd, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McAlpine, That By-Law No. 2060 be Tead a third.:time, and< finally Passed. ~Garried. Moved by Reeve Todd, Seconded by Reeve DeGraw, That By-Law No. 2061, "Being a By-Law To Establish Holi- days for Employees of the County of Elgin," be .read a first time. -cCarried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McAlpine, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McIntyre. That By-Law No. 2061, be read a second time. ~Oarried. Moved by Reeve Emerson, Seconded by Reeve Todd, That By-Law No. 2061, passed. be read a third time; and fjnally -Carried. Movecl by Reeve Gilchrist, Seconded by Reeve DeGraw, That By-Law No. 2062, "Being a By-Law ,To A.uthorize the Warden and Clerk of the County of Elgin To Sign An Agree. ment With the Hel1lth Insurance Regist.ration Board Designat- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 183 ing G. C. Leverton as ClIllector For the County of Elgin Employ- ee Group," be read a first time. ~Carried. Moved 'by Reeve Todd, Seconded by Reeve Gilchrist, That By-Law No. 2062 be react a second time. Moved hy Reeve Gilchrist, Second~d by Deputy Reeve McAlpine, That By-Law No. 2062 be read a third passed. -Carried,. time, and finally -Carried. Moved by Reeve Mrs. Blyth, Seconded by Reeve Moore, That By-Law No. 2063, "A By-Law To Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corpor:lJtion of the County of Elgin at a Special Meeting of COllncil on Octobe,r 16th, 1968; and at the November Session, 1968," he read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Moore, Seconded by Reeve Mrs. Blyth, Tha,t By-Law No. 2063 be read a second time. Moved by Reeve Emerson, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McIntyre, That By-Law No. 2063 be read a passed. ~Carried. third time, and finally -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Nemett, Seconded by Reeve Caverly, That we do adjourn now and meet December 17th, 1968, at 1Q a.m. ~Carried', H. L. JOHNSON Clerk BRUCE McCALLUM Warden 184 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT . November Session, 1968 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin 'C!ountl'"Council, I beg to submit the following statements of Receipts and Expenditures from January l~t, 1968, to OctQber 31~t" 1968" Receipts Balance in Bank and on hand, January l~t, 1968 Notes P,ayable County Rates County Rates Collected under Section 53 Licenses and Permits Interest Administration of Justice County Roads Cha!rity and Welfare Children's Aid Societies Agriculture Registry Office Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit Miscellane'OusRevenue CoUnty Assessment Dept. Printing, Postage and Stationery Care of Buildings Expenditures Members' Wages Office,rs' Salaries Printing, Postage and Stationery Care. of Buildings Grants, Associations, Scholarships. Miscellaneous Admillistration of Justice County Roads Charity and Welfare Children's Aid Societies lIransferred to Elgin Manor Licenses and Permits Interest .$1,390,000,00 277,359.87 $43,177.42 3,878.24 174;00 898.55 29;626.05 1,417,736.51 13,137.16 1,427.62 2,172.87 19,124.61 7,484.27 1,724.34 : 3,443.34 2.46 52.30 $3,168,242,19 $3,21~,419.61 .:$ 14,231.86 18,768.43 2;085.27 6,584.40 2,473.00 6,768.99 . 45,506.04 .' 2,327,202.98 10,506.70 16,871.54 26,000.00 3.00 27,235.83 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 185 Abatement of Taxes (Section 207... Agriculture Registry Office' County Assessment Dept. . Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit... County Library . . Planning Notes Payable Transferred to hospital 'acc'Ount C'Ounty Rates (Re SpringfieId's over payment of County Rate) 1,90ROl 7,378.90 2,636.73 93,089,99 40,000.00 24,000.00 . 1,500.00 , 535,000.00 30.45 19.29 -- . $3,209,801.41 . 1.618.20 Balanc!) in Bank,Oct. 31, 1968 $3,211.419.61 STATEMENT OF ELGIN MANOR AS QF SEPTEMBER 30, 1968 ~- - . ,'" Receipts Expenditures $199,559.78 198.951. 71 Balance in Bank & on hand Sept. 30 ..... $ All of which is respectfully submitted. H. L. JOHNSON County Clerk and Treasurer 608.07 CLERK'S REPORT ON LICENSES To the Warden andl Members of the Elgin County Council, I,.have to report the fOllowing licenses in force 'On the 1st day of November, 1968: . Auctioneers Jerry E. Br'O'Oks - Clear Creek;, Optario. Le'O E. Bird - 19 Marmora St., London. K. J. MCAlpine - RR5, Dutt'On. William Johnson -,- Rodney. Larry Gardiner - Cromarty, Ontario. Henry D. BrQck -,-29 EleanorSt., Lopdon. . i86 ELG~N CODNTY~ODNCm Don WatterwMth - Ayhner. Harold G. 'Chirke- 24 Alma St., St. Thomas. Rohert W.CiWney - 144 No~th St. E., Tillsonhurg. Hector McNeil .-:..,. RR 7, Alvinston. . Jason C. C;a~dller - 2 LangaTth St., West, London. Go~don H:' Me'eko' - St. Thomas. Walden Allen":'" RR 1 ,Lambeth. Jack Heywood '~ 1010 Dundas St., London. Salvage .Dealers .Jack streih - Rodney. .' Jules Vandenhussche - St~affordiville. Ros~Locey - 991 Talbot St., St. Thomas. Clarence Welch - RR 3, West Lorne. Salvage Yard Jack Streib '-"-Rodney:.. '.' . . , , -", :,.:--' All of W'Mch is respectfully submitted. H. L. JOHNSON County Clerk and Treasurer SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT Novem~er S~sslon, 19.68 To the Warden'lnd Meimhers. of the Elgin County Council, The following is' my report. on Elgin Manor . for the ending Octoher 31st, 1968: 1. Number of residents 'at last report 2. Number admltted during year 3. Number discharged . 4. Number of deaths . 5. Number of residlents now. in the Home', 6. Total days residence 7. Average number of residents during year 80 13 14 4 75 28436 78 year ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 8. RECEIPTS', Province of . Ontario Subsidy ...,.... .,.... ,... ......,..... Old Age Pensions and Residents Mitintenance . Sundries..... ..........,.,..................... .,................. Government, of Canada Sales Tax Refund 9. EXPENDITURES Food and Provisions ......... Medical, Dentl11 ,and. Drugs Clo~)Jinganfl Welfare . Household Supplies FurniShings Repairs to Buildlngs.andGrounds Fuel, Hydro, Telephone and Water Travel Expense 'Ind Office Expense SalarIes and , Wages ..' Insurance,' Fire Comprehensiv~,iilldBoiler Pension Fund, COllvention Expense and Sundries DEDUCTIONS 10.' Cost of Operating...................... 11. Average Expenses per day of each person 12. Average Expenses per ewek of each 'person. 13. AverageJ.El<penses .per, year. of each person 14. ActualCost to County afte.rdeductions of all . receipts. ..' ". . 15. Actual cost to County after deductions of all receipts per day . 16. CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Cost of Capital El<pendiitures Province. of Ontario Subsidy 187 $ 94,455.30 109,205.06 2,329.44 615.19 $206.604.99 30,365.11 6,685.11 3,508.95 6,349.01 1,737.95 18,916.30 13,153.60 1,060.22 133,972.76 2,385.38 8,131.89 $226;266.28 226,266.28 7.96 55.72 2,905.40 19,661.29 69 730.67 365.34 ActualCost toCounty....., ... ....... $ 365.33 17. There we're 94 residents in the Home dUring 1968 - 49 males, 45 females. Of the 75 residents in the Home on the first day of NovemjJer 1968---,38 are male and. 37 female. All of which, is respectfully' submitted. IVAN J.PATTERSON Superiilitendent Elgin County Home. for the Aged 188 ELGIN COUNTYCOUNOIL TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ,THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL , . YOUR ROAD COM!\ilITTEE begs to., report as 1011008: 1. Construction of the Port Burwell Bridge has been com- pleted, (with the exception of repMrs to the deck) by Con- Bridge Limited. . - . Quantities are presently being computed b'your consult- arllts, A. M. Spriet & Associates Limited, and the exact . d[vision of costs is expected to be Imown by. the end of the month. . 2. Construction of the Orwell Bridge ,by, Brondow"MacDonald Construction Limited is well advanced. 3. Construction of the Springwater Bridge and Dam on Road No. 35 has been completed by G~ffney Crmstruction Limit- ed, under the supervision of the .Catfish Creek Conservat- ion Authority. 4. Hot Mix Pavcments have been completed on: U) Road No. 20 (Development Road No. 931) in Finga) and southerly fOr approl'imately. (5) fi.ve .miles Iowan! Port Stanley. (2) Roadl, No. 52 (Development Roa<l No. 840) from, Road No. 40 in Springfield to Road No. 30, a distance of ap- proximately (12) twelve miles. (Completion6f work sta,rted in 1967). . 5. Double Surface Treatment Pavements have been laid on: (a) Road No. 11 from Road No. 26 to Highway No, 4, ap- proxImately 1.2 miles, in Southwold Township, JRoad south of Ford Plant). (b) Road No. 35 from Highway No.3 to Road No. 45, ap- . proximately. (3) three mHes, in Yermouth. an<l Mala- hIde TownshIpS, 6. Widening, Grading, GranuI~rBase, andPlacetnerltOf Cul- verts has been dione, on the following Roads: (0) Road NO.3: from north limits of the Vlllage of Rodney to (1) one, mile north of County Road No.9 in Aldbor- ough Township;, . ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 189 (b) Road No. 15 at the entrance to Pearce Provincial Pa.rk in Dunwich Township. 6, (c) Road No. 2() (Development Road No. 931) from Fingal southerly for approximately (5) fIve miles in South.. wold Township, IncludIng Urban Work in the Hamlet of Fingat (d) Road No. 16 .in the Hamlet oiFingal, by the S1.. Thomas Suburban Road Commission. . (e) Road No. 38 at jhe Bayham - Ma-lahlde Townline. if) Road No. 42 from Highway No. 73 to Road No. 40 in . Malahide Township, includ[ng the Placement of a steel liner Culvert and' extension in' the existing con- crete culvert at, Silver Creek. (g) Road No. 47 from Road No. 37to Road No. 48 (Develop- ment Road No. 972) in SoUJth Dorchester Township. 7. Repairs are scheduled to be made, late in November, to the floor, of the Cook and Phillmore Bridges on Road No. 43, (Bayham"'- Malahidie Township). 8. Studies by A. M. Spriet ,& Asosciates Limited have shown .the cost of Replacement of the Cook Bridge on Road No. 43 ,to be greater than the benefit deTived, and the Replace. ment of. this BTidge has been deleted from the County Road Prolgl"a'mme for the time, being. . 9. Engineering, Studies are underway for the Replacement of: (e) Willeys Bridge on Road No.. 8, over the Thames River (Dunwich Township). (b) Player Bridge on .Road No. 45 over' Catfish Creek (Yarmouth Township). . (c) Warren Street Bridge on Road No. 21; oVer Kettle Creek (Port Stanley). WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a By-Law be passed in effeotamending By-Law No. 2021, regarding Maximum Weight to be carried on County Bridges, by removing the weight limit on' the' Port Burwell and Orwell Bridges, as new bridges have been, built, and raising the weight limit on the Cooks Bridge f,rom 8 to 15 tons, as repairs wlll be made to the floor in the near future. 190 ELGIN COUNTY. COUNCIl; 2. Tha,ta By-Law ,be passe.dwhich in effect wiUaJlow ,)3y-Law officers of the Local Municipalities to, ~nforcecounty Park- ing By-Laws in their local Municipalities, until the By-Law is .repealed. (The present By-Law is effective until the end of 1968 only)'. " ' 3. That a By-Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk t~sign aDeed! to RalphM. Brown and ,Minnie Brown, for property purchased by them from' the' County near the p(}rt Burwell Bridge.' , " 4.'i'h~t'a By-LaW he pa'ssedamendingBy'Law No. 1818, by extending theAO mileper.hour}.oneon coup.ty Road No 27" near, Sparta, westerly.to the. we~t limit.ofth~, Yarmouth Township Schooll3Ollird, pr~l!erty.' . 5. That ,a By-Law be passed 'allthorizing'the'Wardenand Clerk to sign an Agreement with the. To;ynship of Yarmouth to allow the. Tow!lShip tOl!lace Watermains. on County Roads. ... . 6. That a By-Law be passedalltlwri~ingtjJeWa~<\enand~Clerk to sign an Agreement with theviUage of ,B~Im?nt,to' allow the Village toplace Watermains on County RoadS.. . 7. That a By-I,.awbepassed authorizing theWardenan.d;Clerk to, sign an Agreement .with the, Department of Highways with.regardto the present County Ro.a<\NeedsStl1dY. Such an agreement isnecessa;ry toenabletheDepartm~~ttO pay a 75% subsidy (}n the S1;l1dy. . . 8. That a By-Law be passed authorizing the W ard~ri.'and Clerk . to sign an Agreement with the Department of Highways for the reconstruction of the Higl;lway.No. 19 connecting Link in Port BurweH. Such a By-Law was passed in June, but the Depar.tment of Highways has, requested a new 'By-Law be passed as the C(}unty has requested that some (}f the 'c(}nditi(}l)s nf. the .Agreementbe changed. 9. That a By-Law be passed auth(}rizing th.e Warden and Clerk t(} forward estimates of the cost nf reconstructi(}n of the Highway N(}. 19 Connecting Link in Port Bu",vell to 'the , Department (}f Highways. 10., That, a By-Law be passed authorizing the Wardenai,~Clerk t(} ,sign a Ren.ewal (}f ,Lease t(} the Unive,rsity.,(}f.'iltestern Ontariof(}ra, p(}rtion ,(}f L(}ts23 and. 24,Con~~si(}n I. Yarm(}uth Township, lying,sputjJ,(}nre01<\ Lake.l}qad, as ELGINCO~'l'Y,COUNCIL 191 shown onPlanl;>7,69, fgraf1u1jJer five. yea).' Peri(}d from !3eptemher30,1969"The Latid is used hY t\l.e,University for studies in erosion by win<\ and water..,.", . 11. Thatal}esoluti~n ,I)e Passed, authorizing th~warden and Clerk to sign a Certlficationrega'r<\i1.g the fOllowipg regular enWloyees pf.the Co).'p.oJ,'atiol).::Qf theCol.!l)tY-/lf: Elgin for exemption pf con\r.ibu!i(}ns" as Woyi41ed 1ill<\er'Regulations of the UnelUployment}nsUr'lnCe ACt:. ROhert, l!oyle, Reg- inald Esseltirie, George Fickling, Hllirry Herrington, James LaForge, Millard McKenzie, 'Edgar McLeod, Gerald' Smith, Donald Zellas, and Rohald Zellas!", . , 12. That the following Road Progra,riimefor 1969 he' adopted' (It is ,.the ,feeling. o.t the County Road Committee thai. as location fo~ .the: 'St.' Thomas By-Pass is not known at this time a,riil that information from the New Needs Study wiil be available early in 1969, a One Year Programme' Onl)' be recommended at this time). DEVELOPMENT ROADS (a) Paving Development Road; No. 972.' RoadN(},47 graded in 1968; Roads No. 48 and, No. 49 graded in 1969. ...., (b) Grading' .".: Complete Development Roae! ijo,. 9?2.-,.-,(Roads No. 4,8 and No: 49), Stait Development Road t:lo. Q39 '---:d~oad No. 45). ' ',1\'] BY-LAW (a) PaYing " ,," '....' Road No.3 - Rodney to 1 mile north of Road No.9. Road' No. 15 - Pea..ce Park Eentrance. .Road) No. 42 - Road N(}. 40 to Highway No. 73 and Stalter Gully. Road N(}. 38 - Spot Improvement. (b) Grading Road No. 22 - From Road No. 27 t(} Road No. 24 (Yarmouth Township) 2.0 Miles. R(}ad No. 40 - From Road No. 52 to Glencolin (Malahide Township & Springfield) 2.5 miles including Urban Work in Springf,ieId. 192 ELGIN COUNTYCOUNOIL Road No. 8 - Approaches to Willeys Bridge. Road No. 21 - Approaches to Warren Street Bridge. (c) Bridges Road No. 45 ~ Players Bridge over Catfish Creek (Yarmouth Township). . . Road NO. 8 -'-- WiIleys Bridge over Thames' River (Dunwich' Township) ('/2 to Middlesex). Road No. 21 ...:... Warren Street Bridge. ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION Start Kains Bridge, Road No. 33. All, of which is respectfullY submitted. WILLlAMC. CAVERLY Chairman ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT November Session,1968 To tbe Warden and Members of the Elgin County C()uncil: THE ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE reports as follows: 1. That the work on the Addition to.Elgin Manor is progressing satisfactorily. ' 2. That Empress Chapter No. 277 O.E.S., Port Stanley, has presented a gift of $550.00 to furnish a room in the new addition to Elgin Manor. All of which we respectfully submitt. JOHN WISE Ohairman ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 193 FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1968 '110 the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That Chal'ity and Welfare Pay List No.6 for $3,205.00; Pay List No.7 for $406.00; Pay List No.8 for $127.25; Pay List No. 9 for $1,213.90, and Pay List No. 10 for $1,565.45, be approved. 2. That Children's Aid Societies Pay List No.6 for $1,451.00; Pay List No.7 for $1,451.00; Pay List No.8 for $2,813.64; Pay List No. 9 for $1,621.33 and Pay List No. 10 for $1,- 921.17, be approved. 3. That the request for a grant by the Gentlemen and Boys Choir of First United Church be tabled to the January 1969 Finance Committee. 4. That the Financial Report of the Ohildren's Aid Society as at September 30th, 1968, be filed. 5. That the statement "rom Mr. D. J. Date concerning tax collection policies of townships, be filed. 6. That resolution from, the County of F.rontenac requesting that the Ontario Government take over the administration of all weMare, be filed. 7. That the usual full page ad be placed in the Rotary Music Festival Programme. 8. That the. resolution from the County of Peel requesting amendment to Sections of ,the Assessment Act, as they apply to the Bell Telephone and Telegraph, be endorsed. All of which is respectfully submitted. DOUGLAS R. TODD Chairman 194 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1968 To the Warden and Members Gf the Elgin County CoUncil: The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from the County'Gf Ontario with resolut. ion petitioning the Minister Of Agriculture to amend Sect. ion 13 of the Weed Control Act, be filed, All of which is mspectfully submitted. ALBERT J, ORCHARD Chairman COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LAW NO. 2039 "Being a By.Law, to Authorize tbe' Execution. of an Agreement with the Minister of Highways for Ontario, relating to a County Road Needs Study" , IT IS HEREBY ENACTED by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin: 1. THAT the Warden and' Cle,rk ,are hereby authorized to ex. ecute an Agreement between the Minister of Higways for Ontario, and the Corporation of the County of Elgin,' a copy of which is attached hereto and marked ",AGREEMENT". READ a first, second, and third time, and passed this 19th day of November, 1968, H. L. JOHNSON Olerk A. BRUCE McCALLUM Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 195 THIS. AGREEMENT BETWEEN HElR MAJESTY THE QUEEN in right of the Province of Ontario, as' represented herein by the Minister of Highways, for the said Province, hereinafter called and the Department, THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY QF ELGIN hereinafter called the Munieipality WHEREAS the Department andl the Municipality desire to enter into an agreement for ,the preparation of a report, being a study of the development and improvement of,the road system of the Municipality; AN)) WHEREAS the parties hereto have set up a Co.ordin. ating Oommittee t"{'direct the prosecution of the Study whose Terms, of Reference are attaehed hereto as .Part I to Schedule "A" of this agreement; AND WHEREAS the municipality r"quested a Consulting 'Engineer, hereinafter referred to as the "Consultant,," to esti~ mate costs to effect the study in accordance with Part I to Schedule "A" and the Consultant's Proposal accepted by the municipality on the 7th day of May, 1968, is attached hereto a~ Part II to Schedule "A" of this agreement. NOW THElREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in'consideratioll of' the terms and conditions herein con- tained the parties hereto mutually agree as follows: 1. In this agreement, (I) "Work" means the execution of the study and ihe preparation Of the report in the manner prescribed or directed by tbe Department. (II) "Cost Of the Work" means, payments made by the Municipality to the Consultant as set forth in Sched. ul,,"A"; expenditures madle by the Municipality dur. ing and as part of the Work to obtain traffic data not provided by the Department; the cost of printing the report and the payro'll costs of the Municipality for 196 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL such parts Gf the Work executed directly by the Munici. pality, (III) "Payroll costs of the Municipality" means the direct salaries of the staff of the Municipality while soley employed on the Work, plus provision for vacations with pay, statutory holidays, unemployment insur. ance where applicable, workm.en's com'pensation, pen- sion plan and sick leave benefits, where such benefits ,are regularly paid by the Municipality and an allow. anc.e of 10 cents per mile of travel for necessary transportation, 2, The Municipality agrees to have this work completed on or before the la,st day of August 1970, 3, The Municipality shan from time to time furnish to the Department such parts of the Work as the Department re. quires, in the form prescribed by the Department. 4, The Municipality shan supply to the Department the in. ventory ~ata, assessment projections, and fixed costs 'as prescribed hy the Department 'On or before the 30th day of June, 1969, 5. The Municipality shall supply the Department with 20 copies of the printed report. 6, The Municipality shall maintain a separate record of the Cost of the Work in a form and manner satisfactory to the Depa,rtment and the accounts and records with respect to the Work may be inspected and audited by the Depart. ment, and the Municipality shan give an reasonable assist. ance to the Department with regard to such inspection or audIt. 7, The Municipality shan keep the records, accounts, vouchers and invoices in connection with the Cost of the Work for a perio~ of 5 years from the date of the completion of the report, 6, The Department shan pay the Municipality 75% of the Cost of the Wo,rk included in a road expenditure By.Law under The Highway Improvement Act approved by the Department and the statement of the Cost of the Work s!:r1l11 be submitted to the Department in the form prescribed by the Department. ELGINC01JNTY COUNCIL 191 9. The Department may agree, upon the request of the Municipality, to the enlarging of the Terms of Reference as set forth in Part I of Schedule "A" and to increased costs thereby incurred. The parties to this Agreement, by their officers duly author. ized in that behalf, have signed and affixew their seals below to witness their acceptance of the terms and con. ditions contained herein, Signed and sealed this 18th day of De. cember, 1968, for the Department. (Seal) G. E. GROMME, Minister of Highways for Ontario Signed and sealed this 19th day of November, 1968, for the Municipality, (Seal) A. BRUCE McCALLUM Warden H. L, JOHNSON Cle,rk SCHEDULE "A" PART I Sample, Letter to a Consulting Engineer Requesting a Proposal A, M, Spriet & Associates, 264 Wellington Street, London, Ontario, Dear Sirs: . The Road Committee of the Council of the County of Elgin requires the .services of ,a qualifiedi consulting engineer to assist in updating the 1964 Needs Study data of the county road system (including those roads under the jurisdiction of Suburban Oom. 198 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL mission (x) for the 1970.1974 programming period and in carrying out a detailed study of the needs for the second five year period, 1975.1979; the estimation Gf revenue that will be available to meet those needJs; the develo'pment of a method to direct anticipated revenues to the areas of greatest need; and the preparation of a formal report to County Council summariz. ing the' findings of these studies, The consulting engineer shall be required to work under the immediate supervision of a co.ordinating committee. 'rhe work shall be divided into five major phases as fol. lows: (1) traffic counting, (2) 'Classification and inventory of the present and desirable county road .systems and! estimation of construction needs, (3) estimates of probable maintenance, machinery replace. ment costs and administration costs, a review of the organ. ization of the county road department, and a review of regu1atoirY by-laws and policies which effect the county road system, (4) estimate.. of future revenues, and (5) preparation of a report on the foregoing. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PHASES Phase 1, Traffic Counting Routine traffic counting shall be done by the Department of Highways, Ontario and estimates of the Annual Average Daily Traffic (AAD,T,) will be provided, The consultant in co.operation with the County of Elgin shaU review the adequacy of the routine counts and shall make recommendations to the co'ordinating committee regardJing the necessity of obtaining supplementary counts on roads carrying high seasonal volumes ,and on roads in urban areas, Phase 2, Inventory of the Present and Proposed Systems and Estimates of Construction Costs The inventory and construction estimates shall' be prepared according to procedures prepa,red by the Department Of High. ways, Ontario. Where necessary unit costs will be supplied by the county engineer, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 199 Phase 3, Estimates of Probable Future Maintenance, Overhead and Machinery 'Replacement Costs These estimates shall be prepared in accordance with pro. cedures developed by the Departmentof Highways, Ontario and wlbh the assistance and advice of the county ,engineer and the co.ordinating committee, Phase 4, Estimates of Future Revenues These estimates sball be prepared in accordance with proced. ures de'veloped by the Department of Highways, Ontario, Where necessary assistance will be given by the co.ordinating commit. tee. Phase 5, Preparation of the Report A report shall be prepared by the consulting, engineer in accordance with 'an outline prepared by the co.ordinating com. mittee and the Department of Highways, Ontario, GENERAL ,The ~onsulting engineer shall provide staff acceptable to the Oo.ordinating Gommittee, office accommodation, equipment, material and transportation when necessary, and he shall super. vise the printing of the report, The cost of printing the report will be a charge to the County of Elgin and shall not be included in the consulting engineer's fees. The Co.ordinating Committee will provide the consulting engineer with work sheets, procedurll' manuals and other nee. esSary items and dJata. All originals Of papers, work sheets and forms shall become the property of the County of Elgin and shall be given to the Co.ordinating Committee on the completion of the report. MEHOD OF PAYMENT The consulting engineer's fee shall be basedon the following: (1) the actual cost of direct salarIes of permanent staff, plus 100%, and the actual cost of dillect salaries of temporary staff plus 50%, and (2) disbursements for staff expenses properly incurred in the pel'formance of the WQrk. 200 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL However, the fee shall be limited by an upset figure above which no further payments shall be made, Direct salaries shall include such fringe benefits as may be paid by the consulting engineer to his staff and may consist of, (1) payment for statutory holidays, (2) worlolUen's compensation insurance, (3) vacations with pay, (4) unemployment insurance, (5) health and! medical insurance, (6) group life insurance, (7) approved pension plan, and (8) sick leave allowance. Such fringe henefits shall exclude any bonus or profit shar. ing system. Payments will he made monthly. If, during the course of the study, the Co.ordinating Com. mitteealters these terms M reference, the upset lbnit may be re-llegotiated. , ELABORATION OF PHASES 2, 3, 4 and 5 Phase 2, Inventory of the Present and Desirable Systems and Estimates of Construction Costs ' The existing county road system of the County of Elgin consists of 300 miles of road (including the roads under the direotion of the suburban commission (x). In addition, the county wishes to obtain information on some 10 miles of road now under local jurisdiction which the county feel could pos. sibIl' meet the criteria for desirable county roads, On this total mileage 'are located 42 bridges, and a further 17 bridges undel' county supervision are located on various local roads within the county, Before the inventory is carried out the consultant shall id. entify a desirable county road system by application of the criteria for county roads in both rural and urban areas, Appraisal sheets covering the present road system, the desirable county roads not in the present system and each bridge under or proposed for county jurisdiction located on the ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 201 present or desirable county road system' or On a local road within a county, shall be complet~d, according to instructions in the manual supplied,- This appraisal requiresthat each section of road be driven 'over at least three times and each bridge be examined at least once, The appraisal of S:I1RUCTURAL ADE. QUACY shall be carried out in the Spring of 1969. Estimates of construction costs shall 'not require the measure.. ment of quantities, The county engineer will supply ,unit costs of various work items 'as a basis 'for estimating future costs, Oonstruction costs are to be estimated in the field so that special con<iitions which will effec,t the cost of ,construct\on may be allowed fOr, " ' Phase 3, Estimates of Probal)le. Maintenance" Overhead and Maehinery Replacement Costs ' Future maintenance costs shall be estimated from past expenditures, local knowledge' of the adequacy of past' maint. enance standards and of thePTesent and"probable future maint. enance demands, The estimates shall be compiled' from esti. mates of desirable.',expenditures per mile, Estimates of future overhead costs shall be based on the projection of the histOO'ical record, as modified, where necessary, by the judgement of the Co.ordinatingColUmittee, Such judge. ment will consider necessary expansion of the operation of the county's road department andl' increased costs, if any, due to increased construction and maintenance expenditures, Machinery repIacement costs shall be based' on estimates of useful life of the various machines owned by the county, and the current prices for replacement. InCreases. in the volume of construction, or the standards of maintenance, and local know. ledge of the capahilities of the present eqnipment shall be the basis upon which the need for additional eqnipment shall be made, Estimates shall be lUade in accord,ance with procedures laid down in a manual supplied by fhe D-3partment of Highways, OntarIO, Phase 4, Estimates of Future Revenue The estimate of future county' asseSsments will be compiled from estimates of the future population of the municipalities in theconnty that contribute to the county road system multi. plied by the current assessment per person values, 202 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL The municipalities to, be considered are' TOWNSHIPS of: Aldh'Orough, Dunwich, Southwold, Yar. mouth> South Dorchester, Malahide, and Bayham. TOWN ()f: Aylmer" VILLAGES of: Rodney, West Lorne, Dutton, Port Stanley, Belmont, Springf~eld, Vienna, and Port Burwell, In addition, estimates ()f .the future assessments of the City of St. Thomas. The Department 'Of Highways, Ontario will supply a guide for preparing these estimates, Phase 5, Preparation 'Of the Report The" finding Gf the Committee shall be, compiled in a report prepared by the consulting engineer, which sha'll conform to a format prepared by the, Co"ordinating Oommittee and the De. partment ()f Highways, Onta'rio, The report shall include:' (1) the background, and purpose of the report, (2) the methods used in the study, (3) desirable revisions to the county road system, and the timing of the'se, (4) revisions to the suburban road systems, and the timing of these" (5) future maintenance, overhe'ad and maChinery replace. ment costs, (6) 'Organizati'On of the county road department, (7) anticipated future assessments of the county, (8) dollar value and, priority of Deeded work, by time periods, now 1 . 5 years - 6 . 10 years, (9) a financial plan of acti'On, (10) recommendations respecting regulatory byelaws and po]. ici,es,and, 'Other special., problems idlentified during the cour~e of the study, and (11) methods of keeping the study data under review, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 203 The following information shaH be shown on maps, drawings or charts or in tables: (1) the present county road system with proposed revisions showing classification, (2) the present sububan road systems, with proposed revis. ions, (3) the road invent'Ory, section numbers, traffic counter.stat. ions, present A.A.D,T.'s and the priority ratings, (4) bridge inventory numbers, and priority ratings, (5) past and future assessments of the cities andl separated towns, , (6) past and future assessments ()f the county, (7) tables 'Of fixed costs and construction needs by time per. iods, now 1 . 5 years - 6 . 10 years, (8) a machinery replacement schedule, (9) total needs"by time periods, and available funds at various mill rates, (10) avaHa'ble construotion funds at the selected mill rate, and after financial arrangement is received from 'the Ontario Department 'Of Highways, (11) other tables, maps, charts, graphs and diagrams as the co.. ordlinating committee may direct. It should be noted that two items of policy will have to be decided by county council These 'are the desirable changes to the county road system, and thedesimble level of the county mill rate for roads. The latter item should not be referred to council until 'early in 1970 at which time an effective mill rate for the 1970.74 programming period can be calculated. These decisions may require s'Ome time and the consulting engineer should make dlue allowance for this, " A considerable amount of the data necessary to complete Phases 2, 3, and 4 was tabulated for the 1964 study and these data are availa'ble to the consultant. Considera.tion should be given t'O this when preparing the proposaL All appraisal sheets, other needs data and esUmates of future assessments shall be submitted to the Department of 2U4 ELGIN COUNTY .cOUNCIL Highways, Ontario for tabulation and analysis not later' than June 30, 1969. If you 'are' prepared to undertake this work, ,please submit 2 copies of your proposal to:- TheChaiJ:man, Co.ordinating Committee County of Elgin c/o R. G", Moore,' County Engineer, Court Holise, St. Thomas, Ontario. Your submission Shouldl cover the following poi'.'ts: (1) the qualifications of your firm as they relate to the recommendations of the Department of Highways, Ontario, appended hereto, (2) the names of persons on your staff and availahle for the study 'and their qualifications (and their direct salary as of the date of your proposal), (3) the names of persons you propose to engage for the study, and their qualifications (and proposed salary), (4) the upset limit you propose, (5) conditions under which the upset limifshallbe re.negot. iated, (6) your estimate of the cost and the' approximate man. hours to complete e,ach of the various studiy phases, and (7) other points you deelll worthy of mention, Samples of other reports prepared by your firm may be submitted at your option. Yours truly, R. G, 'MOORE, County Engineei' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 205 SCHEDULE "AI< PART II May 7, 1961l The Chairman, Co.ordinating Committee COUlity of Elgin . , . c.'o Mr. R. G, Moore, Courity Engineer Court House ST, THOMAS, Ontario Re: The County of Elgiu Roads Needs Study Gentlemen: We are pleased to present our proposal to complete the up. dating of the 1964 Roads Needs Stlldy. It would appear from the "Methods Manual" Volume I, County Ro'ad Needs Study 1969 and! the terms of reference that the methods and ,the format of the study have not changed ap. preciably. I expect that much of the work will be similar although somewhat more familiar than the 1964 Needs Study, We have on file many of the' maps and overlays, which were used in the 1964 study. These will be of some assistance in completing the proposed study. Since the 1964 study, salaries have risen apprec. iably. The increases tend! to offSet any saving that might arise in carrying out the 1969 'report, In accordance with your request, we submit the following: ,(I) Qualifications of the Firm We were fortunate to be chosen by the County of Elgin in ,1964 to complete the County of Elgin Needs Study, We trust our past pwformance will provide sufficient insight into th,e <jualifications of our firm, (2) Persons on Staff Our staff has grown appreciably since the 1964 study. At. tached to this submission is a schedule of personnel with the'ir respective salaries, The schedule shows the method of calculation used to arrive at payroll costs, (3) We' propose to use several of the personnel listed in the above schedule, They wiU work under the supervision of W. E. Kelley, p, Eng, and myself, Any temporary or sum. mer help which is employed by our firm and who is work. 206 ELGIN COUJ'ilTY COUNCIL ing on the study will be chargedl at a lessor rate (1.5 x pay. roll costs), ' (4) On ,the basis of the terms of reference and the present salary scale, we propose that the upset limit for the study be $18,000,00 It will be our sincere endeavour to ,.complete the report as efficiently as possible, Any savings which result will accure to the County, (5) The upset limit should be renegotiated upon the following conditions: (a) Theextept of the study is appreciably altered. (b) The number of miles of road to be investigated is ap. preclably increased. (6) I estimate the man hours and the cost, to complete each phase of the study as follows: Man Hour Phase 1 Traffic Counting 50 Phase 2 Inventory 0 'fthe Present and . Proposed Systems andi Estimates of Construction Costs" ",' 400 Phase 3 Estimates, of Prob,able Future Maintenance' and Overhead' and Machinery Replacement Costs, Estimates of Fu;ture Revenues. 200 200 600 Phase 4 Phase 5 Preparation of the Report Cost. $ 600,00 $4,800,00 $2,400,00 $2,400,00 $7,200,00 I trust the foregoing Will, outline sufficiently the points mentioned in the terms of refer,enee" We look forward to working with the County to update their present Road Needs Study. It is our pleasure to be of service, Your truly, A, M. SPRIET & ASSOCI4>TES LTD, A, M, Spriet, p, Erg,. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL CALCULATIONS FOR THE PAYROLL SUMMARY Notes: (1) 1 year~52 weekS @ 37'12 hrs. ~ 1,950 hours Less 10 statutory holidays 75 hours Less 10 vacation days 75 hours ActualWorl<ing Time 1,800 hours assuming no 0.. ,'1', Sick Leave Assume 18 days or 135 hours per year (2) Basic Hourly Rate - $6,646,16 """ $3,69 1,800 (3) Fringe Benefit S\lfchar/ile ' $1,508. 72 ~ $ ,84 1,800 Example: John Smith works 2,000 hrs, for client in one year Charge $4.53xI1800~$8,154.bO (Surcharge x 1,800 $3,69x 200~$ 738,00 (Normal'time x 200 $8,892,00 207 hrs,) hrs.) p;-" -~~~' -~~~-~~::::'~~.:'~,- _ ___~C__ -d--~- ---'.".,...",- --. - ,,_-,,"--.~"''''~''''-'''?,'':-''",,''':'->!~'.'-''-=''? > ~-'-"-.'~~~~'-- -..,'-"'..'''".....-..,- ~.~~-.'~.~~._... COST OF FRINGE BENEFITS '" 0 ,; '" "' ", "00 ' - ~:e " >.~ I:l ~o:!3 0" ~= , 0.'-' I:lM C 00. ~~ ~ o~ ~ ~&l~;a~~ >'d>- O~ .....w m e ~ " ~ @a$~ ~ d '" ~M O::l ....; > ~g .....<iJ c, o~ ? .8 Y.2!:: ~~ Q ~ - >.... . ~~ ~ ~p:j a ;:> ~ Ctl-+>o -" " .~ ~o.....s ~~ ~ ;>, d" ~ .. ? m.$:: .0 ""0 "'"" ~.s .. ..1 ci -~ o oj 0 " Ctl <Jj 0 .....'Oct! 00 .~ 'g.~ ~'a -- " ~ if' C)~ ~ ~.s:: -;'-:: gr<! ~Q)::lQ;lo:i~ .m:s~ ~. U1:E . "' :g~ .;j;::l ~.5 ;.., ~o "" -" +'..... -b ~ z'E <l)~+'E.!:l: ~.... ~ '" ~~ dO <l 5~ ;,:;:;" 0" ~-~ ;::l;"',,, ~..o~:o~.g !:Q~"tl "'> oil< ii.i ti "H 81'< w~ p. "'p, l':I Ram:::ay ._..___........$ 5,980.00 $ 5,520.00 $230.00 $230.00 $8~00 $ 414,00 $- S 96,00 S 76.80 $1,127.80 $ 3.07 $ ,63 $ 3,70 Ie' 0 Wade ._..m............. 6,240.00 5,760.00 240.00 240,00 81,00 432.00 96,00 190.80 1,279,80 3,20 .74 :3.91 - McCurlIll()ugh ) 4,420.00 4,080,00 170,00 170,00 68.76 306.00 48,88 48,00 76:80 888.44 2.43 ,53 2,95 Z f. May 1 ) 4,680,00 4,334.40 180.60 180,60 73.44 306,00 48.88 48.00 76.80 914.32 2.58 ,55 3,13 ("l Sher ...........-......- 4,680.00 4,320,00 180,00 180.00 73.44 324.00 48,88 48.00 76.80 931.12 2.40 ,52 2,92 0 Vlidamour .-....._.. 6,240.00 5,700.00 240,00 240,00 81.00 432.00 48.88 96,00 154.20 1,292,08 3,20 ,72 3,95 0:: Gibbons 5,720,00 5,280,00 220,00 220,00 8~00 396.00 48,88 96.00 190.80 1,252,68 2.93 ,70 3,63 Z ..--..--..... >'I L'ilHiman .......-..-. 2,925.00 2,700,00 112.50 112,50 4~85 202.50 37.44 48,00 76,80 631.59 1,50 .35 1.85 ><: Howard 5,980.00 5,520,00 230.00 230,00 81.00 414.00 96.00 190,80 1,241.80 3.07 .69 '3,76 () Goswami ) 6,240,00 5,760.00 240,00 240.00 81,00 432,00 96.00 190,80 1;279,80 3.20 ,71 3.91 0 f. AprU 1 ) 7,020,00 6,480,00 270.00 270.00 81.00 486,00 96,00 190,80 1,393,80 3.60 ,77 4,37 0:: Arnold ..._.._._.._ 6,000.00 5,538.46 230,77 230.77 81.00 415.39 48.00 76.80 1,082,73 308 .60 3,68 Z Robinson ...-........ 4,940.00 4,560.00 190,00 190,00 81.00 342.00 48.88 96,00 190,80 1,138,68 2,53 .63 3.16 ("l - Insell ...-.............. 3,900,00 3,750.00 150.00 59.40 48.88 258.28 2.00 ,14 2.14 Ie' E, Kclley .......... 13,500.00 12,461.54 519,23 519,23 81.00 934,61 96.00 190.80 2,340,87 6.92 1.30 8,22 J. DeVos ...,....... 15,000.00 13,846.15 576.92 576.92 81.00 1038.45 96,00 190.80 2,580.09 7,69 1.42 9.11 M. Spri'et -......-. 20,000,00 18,461.54 769,23 769.23 81.00 1384.61 96.00 190,80 3,290,87 10,26 1,83 12,09 Dunn ._..........__m.. 8,832,00 8,154.00 339.75 339,7'5 81.00 611,55 96.00 190.80 1,658,85 ,4,53 ,92 5.45 Spriet h__............. 4,680,00 4,500.00 180.00 73,44 48.88 302,32 2.40 .i7 2.57 Russell.} 3,900,00 3,750.00 150,00 59.40 48,88 258.28 2,00 ,14 2.14 Peckham ............. 2,925.00 2,812.50 112,50 41.85 37.44 191.79 1,50 ,11 1.61 Triesman .......-.. 4,160.00 3,852,00 160,50 160,50 64.08 288,90 48,88 48.00 76,80 847.66 2.14 ,47 2,61 Derksen n.._.n...... 7.800.00 7,200,00 300,00 81,00 381.00 4,00 ,21 4.21 TOTAL .........:\155,762.00 _ll.. ;<: r nC-j _0 ~::r: ,..Z '" o Z !'> ~ ~k: "("l atrJ ~~ " ("l ;> Ie' Ie' C :;;: ";=-"=-~--' z o ." '" g.~gg~ "';>;>;> ....1::'1::'1::' ~~~tl:I ~.-e-~:;:n ~2:gf2 "1'.j:S<+ Bop.g 0': C;'S ;:IS'" (tl~a: ~ ;00'- 5,:;;'_ -'" ~~g: S=-.~ qg..e: '<0 '='0"" ~""""...,.. "'Z"" C'Qo~ a.<co ~"'S [~g '" ... i-'~'" ~ '" - ~ -'" "''''0> 0>", p.'" . 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I:l;l ("l = Sl) -5. ....... 0 rI.!""C g =- '"" e =""C rI.! eo ~ Z ~'a~::!. ~ ~ 0"'''' 1: ::;; ><: ~e.~..... 0 ~~oo=-z~ Sl) _(ll..~ ~ '":l ('!) == - e~~~ ~ ~ o_.~~~ =~=-'":l Q :;: St=~~ L., :::= :=..= " "1 =-= '" '< '" '" "" s..~C""j "'- - '" ~~* ""'" ........... :;-~ 0 .....~ ~. =- ;!:ao. 0:':> '< =: l':I Ie' o - Z ("l o 0:: Z >'I ><: ("l o 0:: Z ("l - Ie' '" o to C--_'--"'_ 210 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BY.LAW NO. 2041 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN RESTRICTING THE WEIGHT OF VEHICLES PASSING OVER BRIDGES WHEREAiS subsection 8 of Section 52 of the Highway Traffic Act (RS,O. 1960) provides that: The Municipal Corporation or otheraurthority having 'juris. diction over a bridge may by By-Law approved py the Department make regulations limiting the' weight of, any vehicle or combination of vehicles or any class thereof passing over such bridge: AND WHElREAS it is deemed expedient to limit the weight of vehicles passing over certain bridges in the County of Elgin, NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as foilows: L No vehicle or combination of vehicles or any cla,ss thereof, whether empty or loaded, shan be 'operated. over any bridge designated in Schedule No, 1, 2, an," 3; forming part of this By.Law with a weight in excess ,of. weigl;1t, limit prescribed in the Schedule for such br,idge, ,. , 2, Any person violating any of the provisions of. this By.Law shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 52 of the Highway Traffic Act. 3. This By.Law shall not become effective until 'approved by the Department of Transport and until a notice, of the weight permitted, legibly printed, has been posted up in a conspicuous place at either end Gf each bridge designated in the attached Schedules, 4, BY.LA W NO, 2021 of the County of Elgin is hereby re. pealed, ENACTED and passed this 19th day of November, 1968. H, L. JOHNSON Clerk A. BRUCE McCALLUM Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 211 ~ 0,,-= 0.'" ~..s.e "'r..r.. r,.. ~ 0: 0=:3 ,,"" a:lU E ~ t; ~o: .:::..... tI:l .~+:o = ~.... Q ~.!!E-< ..l ~ 0" "" "... S'C z~ .... g" ~Z " . """ I <0 :SZ C"I " i>:l " " ~I""ll ....i -5 '" SCHEDULE NO. 1 BRIDGES ON COUNTY ROADS " ~ " H " g o o o '" 0-< 0: o ~ " o ..l P:i '" , " ~4-I'2 ze", ~ ~ (I) W .~ ~~ ......:=1 ~ 0.......0 ..l::?-il; ...; U1 " 0: 0: " " H " " 0", :3::: " ~t:j ~ .", o o ::> '" Ii' o '" ... " p o 0-< o 0-< <0 "" oij'H"-' ~. o;::l ~'ID. 0 , .P<" -<-' ~.tI.l: ~ o,'o:s: ro '..lOH'~ .;;J... 'H" 'tJ" '" " 00 0-< '" '" '" '" '" 04 '~'. (l.: <0 " " " " c' '" o '" 0-< ," 0-< '" "" ~...,.,~t:?j co""'"" ~ 00' "'" -+->~IZl~ Cl 0 ;s:~ ..lOH:>< 0: iJl " " ~ ~ '" il; o '" o '" 0; m ++ '" H " " o o t- o '" 0-< "' 0-< " +" '" " " " o o g " 'fij B iii '" o '" 0-< 00 >>. ,-<0 HO "'''' rilo-< "' 0-< o 0-< H' IQ- {O I.~,.-d , bJJ P:: = = = (I) ~ 0.... o~ ~''+-! h'-H...... On ~ ~ u_ ~ ffi ~_' 0 ~ ~ g .-t Pol,s.:: C<? ~..t::, ID:S: (J) ~ S ~too>'''''''t:>:>-'.+-,~o' ~:?~ '0 ro 0 i> ro" ~I.,' t$ 'I' ..l. P< ..lE-<P< ..lZrilH:>< ~ o o o '" '" '" U "" ~ @ :Ei il; 00 ,~ H '. o '" '" '" "' '" ~, ,,, <0 <ti ~,o ~,;--,:_~"_8:,".:;_:7:.:~.{~~r;:~~~~_ ~~,~-=.~~~:;,;~~if!~",~-i:,~;-~,~;:~~j ~~!:~~2C:':~'~- '" >-< Year of Type of '" Weight Schedule Bridge Name of Limit in Con- Floor 2 No. Bridge Loeation Tons struction Finish ("'l 23 Robbins Lot 5, River Rd: 5 1898 Wooden 0 L c-: Twsp, of Z Southwold ~ 2. 24 Fulton Lots 3 & 4, 15 1912 Concrete t:I:l t'J I:" Mill Road, !:i 0 '" - Twsp of 0 ("'l Z Southwold <;1 = C':l t'J t'J 0 20 1900 Concrete '" 0 3, 25 Meeks Lot 16, N.U. Rd, c-: 0 c-: ~ Twsp, of Z ~ Southwold ><: 1908 Concrete .., Z C':l 4. 27 Jamestown Lot 28, Con. 2 15 0 ::;! ~ 0 Twsp. of c-: Yarmouth Z N Z '" C':l 5. 52 Vienna Lot 14, Con. 3, 20 Unknown Concrete = - - t" Bayham, Now in Recon- ." Village of structed i;::l in 1933 0 Vienna ;.. 6, 61 Acacia Lot 22, Con. 10 2 1908 Wooden 0 '" Twsp. of Bayham (Road in poor coal Weight Year of Type of Adjoining t:I:l ;.. 0 Schedule Bridge Road N~me of Limit ,in Con. Floor Municipal I:" c-: 3 No. No. Eridge Location 'fons struftion Finish ity '" Z 0 0 i;::l ;.. 1, 3 5 \~, tHker Lot 1, 10 HlO2 Bitumin' County of t'J ~ ;; B.F.C., ous Middlesex c-: t:I:l - Twsp. of i;::l i;::l t'J Dunwich t'J - " 0 0 I:" ;",0 0 '" - 2, 4 Tait's Lot 7, 15 1914 Concrete County of "'l0t'J ("'l Z B.F.A. Middlesex ==I:...coo = C':l OO::;! t'J Twsp. of s;:- 0 0 z_ 2 Dunwich ;..z'" c-: 00= ~ .., 3. 5 8 Willey's Lot 14, BYA., 10 W07 Concrete County of '-< ><: Twsp. of Middlesex Ot'JO Z C':l -I:"'" ~ 0 Dunwich ZCl= --t'J c-: ZZi;::l .. Z 4. 17 Ling's Lot' 49, 15 1907 Concrete County of 0 C':l >-< East Side, Middlesex s;: s;: I:" T.R.N. Br., c:: c-: Twsp. of Z Z - - SGllthwoldJ ("'l ("'l - - ." '" 5. 22 33 Kains Let 1, Con. 3 -< 1399 Concrete City of St. ;.. ;.. ~J I:" I:" Tw"p, of Thomas - - .., .., Yarmouth - ><: t'J '" '" >-< .. 214 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LAW. NO. 2042 "Being a By.Law to Appoint By.Law EnfO'rcement Officers fO'r the CO'unty O'f Elgin" WHEREAS, the Corporation of the County of Elgin' deems it necessary to appoint persons with the 'authority to enforce certain County of Elgin By.Laws: AND WHEREAS, under Section 59 of the Police Act, Chap. ter 298, RS,O. 1960, authority is granted to appoint By.Law Enforcement Officers. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the County of Ellgin enacts 'as follows' L THAT all duly qualified Constables or By. Law Enforcel11ent Officers appointed from time to time by -the following local municipalities - Townships of Aldborough, Dunwich, South. wold, Yarmouth, Malahide, Bayham and South Dorchester, Town of Aylmer, Villages of Rodney, West Lorne, Dutton, Port Stanley, Belmont, Springfield, Vienna and Port Bur. well, a,re hereby appointed as County of Elgin By.Law En. forcement Officers, . 2, THAT the said By.Law Enforcement shall have jurisdiction within the boundaries of. the local municipality by which they are appointed, 3, THAT said By.Law Enforoement Officers shall be' 'empower. ed to enforce County Parking By.Laws .only. 4. THAT By.Law No, 2032 be and is here repealed, READ a first, second, and third time, and passed this 19th day of November, 1968, H. L. JOHNSON Clerk A, BRUCE McCALLUM Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 215 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LA W NO. 2043 ~'Being a By.Law to' Amend By.Law No. 1818 Authorizing Speed Limits for the County of Elgin" THE COUNCIL of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: L THAT By.Law No. 1818 of the County of Elgin be amended by- (a) deleting pamgraph 2 of Schedule B dealing with the Speed on County Road No, 27 opposite Lots 21 and 22, Concession IV, Yarmouth Township, (b) by adding in its place the following~ County Road No, 27, heing the Road Allowance between Ooncessions III and IV, Township of Yarmouth, from 1,020.feet we'st of the west limit of the Road Allowance betwee.n Lots 21 and 22, Concession IV, Yarmouth Township, to 1,003 feet east of the west limit of Lot 19, OonceSsion IV, Yarmouth TOWnship (a distance of 3,047 feet. 2. THAT this By'Law shan not become effective, until appro",ed by the Department of Transport Commission, READ a first, second!, and third time, and passed this 19th day of November, 1968. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk A. BRUCE McCALLUM Warden 216 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LA W NO. 2044 "Being a By.Law to Authorize'the Warden and Clerk to Sign Deeds to Convey Land to Ralph, M. Brown and Minnie Brown, in the Village of, Port Burwell" WHEREAS, the Corporation of the County of Eigin has agreed to seU to Ralph M, Br.own and Minnie Brown, a po.rtion of Lots No. 26, 27, 28 and 29, Southeast on Union Street and Robinson Street, Registered Plan No, 12, Village of Port Bnrwell, for the sum of $4,500,00; said portion not being needed for Road' Allowance purposes. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the County of Ellgin enacts as follows: That the Warden and Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized to. sign Deeds to Land, conveying the said portion of Lot No, 26, 27, 28 and 29, Regist. ered Plan No, 12, READ a first, second, and third time, and passed this 19th day of November, 1968. H. L, JOHNSON Olerk A. BRUCE McCALLUM , warden CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LAW NO. 2045 "A By.Law to Authorize the Execution of an Agreement with thc Ministcr of Highways for Ontario Relating to the Construct. ion of a High Level Bridge at Port Burwell, County of Elgin." It is hereby enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin: L That the Wardien and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an agreement between the Minister of Highways ELGIN COUNTYCOUNCm 217 fotOntario arid the Corporation of the . County Of Elgin ' attached hereto 'and marked Schedule "A", ' , 2:' That'By.Law' No, 2033 be'and ,is ;hereby~epeaied, , . .',...,....'... .,', ,',.. '.". ' 'C" READ a first, second, and third' time, and finally passed this .19th' day of November, 1968. H, L. JOHNSON Clerk A, BRUCE.McCALLUM , Warden SCHEDULE "A'~ THIS AGREEMENT, made, in triplicate this 24th, day of Septenibe'r, AD, 196? pursuant to section 22 of The Highway Improvement Act, RS,O, '1960, chapter 171 and amendments thereto, ", BETWEEN: HER MAJESTy"THE QUEEN, in right of Qntario,as represented by the Minister of Highways for the Province of Ontario, herein,aft,er called, 'the "Minister", OF THE FIRST pART, .and. THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN, hereinafter called the '~County", OF THE SECOND PART. WHEREAS pursuant to section 22, subsection, 1 of The Highway Improvement Act, RS,O. 1960, chapter 171, the Lieut. enant Governor in Council on the 5th day of NOvember, 1959 designated that portion of the road or deviations thereof in the Village of Port Burwell described as follows: COMMENCING on the toad known as Union Street at the eastern limit of Erieus Street; 218 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL THENCE southwesterly along the said Union' Str~t to Rob. inson Street; THENCE southerly along the said Robinson Street to the south limit of Wellington Street, shown on sketch attached hereto marked "Schedule A" to this agreement and forming part thereof, as an extension of the King's Highway by Order in Council numbered 3890/59; AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the County of Elgin on the 19th day of September A,D. 1967 passed By.Law No, 1980 of the Municipality amending the county road system ,to include the aforesaid portion of road shown on "Schedule A" to this agree. ment and the said By.Law was approved by the Lieutenant Gov. ernor in Council on the 22nd day of February A.D. 1968 by Order in Council numhered 793/68. NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration 0{ the premises, the mutual obligations and bene. fits hereinafter provided the parties hereto agree each with the other as follows: L That suhject to the payment of subsidy by the Minister and the con'tributionfrom the Railway Grade Crossing Fund, the County will pay the cost of constructing the high level bridge and road improv'ements contained in the Port Burwell Bridge and Approaches Oontl'act, save and except the work specified in paragraph 2 of this agreement. 2, That the Minister shall pay 'that part of the cost of the fol. lowing items not paid for by the contribution received out of the Railway Grade Crossing Fund with respect thereto, namely, , L Earth ,excavation necessary for granular base; 2. Granular base; 3. Application of water; 4, Supply ,and 'apply cakium chloride; 5. Storm sewers; 6, Oatchbasinsand manholes; 7, Removal and hreaking down of old storm sewers; 8, Removal of 'existing catch basin; ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 219 9. Curbs and, gutters; 10, Removal of old concrete sidewalk; ',., ,,: ,.-..... 1LReptacemimt of concrete, sidewalk; 12, Hot mix p~ving; 13, 'I'op, soil, sodding and seeding as necessary; 14, Erect steel beam guide rail; 15, Maintenance of traffic; and 16. Pro rata engineering cost of all items for that portion of road shown on "ScheduleA" hereto and desig. nated by Ithe'Lieutenant Governor in Council as an extension of the King's Highway on the 5th day of November, 1959 by Order in Council numbered 3890/59, 3, That the costs to be paid by the Ministe'r shall not include the cost of additional fill or retaining walls r'equired by the change of grade of the road shown on "Schedule A" to this agre'ement and designated as an extension of the King's Highway by the Lieutenant Governor in Council. 4, That the County shall pay the cost of the design and con. struction of the bridge and such improvements to the road shown on "Schedule A" as may be required by the construe. tion of the aforesaid bridge. 5, That 'the County shall pay the cost of the acquisition of land or interest in land necessary for the carrying out of the work contemplated hy this agreement including any cost or expense incurred by reason of claims for injurious affection to land arising out of or in connection with the acquisition of land, interest in land or the exercise of any statutory power. 6, That the decision of the Minister regarding the costs to be paid by him with respect to the work contemplated by this agreement shall be final and binding, 7, That upon the completion of the work pursuant to this agree. ment the County shall take the necessary steps to delete the road shown on "ScheduleA" to this agreement from the county road system. 8. That the County warrants that it has done all acts, obtained 220 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL all necessary approvals and enacted and passedallby.laws to empower it to enter into this agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Minis,ter of Highways for the Province of Ontario on behalf of the party of the First Part has hereunto set his hand and affixed the seal of the Department of Highways, Ontario and the party of the Second Part has affix. ed its corporate seal aittestedby the hands of its proper officers duly authorized in that behalf. SIGNED, SEALED & DELIVERED In the presence of: G, E. GOMME . Minister of Highways for Ontario THE ,CORPORATION OF THE CQUNTY OF ELGIN R G.MOORE A BRUCE .McCALLUM, Warden H. L, JOHNSON, Clerk F'LMJ Of PART OF THE VillAGE Of PORT BURWELL SCALE: 3 CHAINS: I INCH ../ ,~ ; ','''.'-,' ~-= ,01 ,~.' , ~ II 12 I n 114..115 ROBINSON E. ., 41 S 10 ERIEUS G 7 8 I 9 10 ST. .,; CI) II 12! 13 14 i5 I I- ST. "'.-~~ \~..,:;"" "". :l<: <.> o a: !l) II 12 13 14 - 15 , I I I ;-f ... (I) I 16 ! ... ... lL ~ I I I . 1---' I -------- \ l i ____~I I. _~ rLAf~ Of PART Of THE VILLAGE Of PORT BURWEll SCALE: 3 CHAIt~S ; I INCH I--" :,,'.-;.,,- 19 I 20 m~ ""~ ; ~------ ---..----- I 261 29! ~O I ~I i I ~3 IM',:;~ 36 ~ 11" : ; G I 3,:;; . :/"'\~ .' -:1 .~ / ~ ..... c.~ Fr. T" I I I 21 122 23 24 l~ IQ t'l tl C r- t'l ;l> r:-' ~ I '\ ~/(;' I I I t I h'~... ~~ ,<:> <o~ = \;< HOWARD ST. 121 I n 123124~ ~ 8' "',....., ~:. .,...." ,.,.-v.w....... - 19 f20\ 21 I PROPOSED Cm.:NECTING LINK I Cotlllh of ELGIN 128 t; 11--1 I I I ~ . I I ! g> ~~ I--- .01 I f--i l- (/) 12 i 13 I 14..1 15 I 16 I 17 18 19 I 20 II ROBINSON ST. .. ~171a1S!lOI I II I 12 : I~ 114 i5 I I l- t- - .' I I lL- l- (j) I ! I I l- If; I 17 18 L-- :c,- fRIEUS ST.'Xx"'-:" ~~ , I 16 I I I I i ! I I 19120 I I -1 I Ii; 7 8 s 10 II 12 I 13 14 l- 15 :.: () o 0:: !O i 'I ! I I ~ ~\ ".? o.?- >- <!' . /f> ..", /' /' .." C' -'9><!'", ' '\ :'::--r"",,, .... ..; "'0 '8 /"" .. ) "" 21 I 22\23 ! ~ z I I, I o I I ' " 0 I- I i I I 10 c> r I .J ,Z I I " I 0:: ! -, I' I I..J . 1 i i W I I oJ I i I l- I t<: i ! I i <{ l ; > L I ' I i I> J _..... L_............... '< $ 12 (;' '\. '" ~/,.<'y .t (;'V 34 4' '( .. 05';. "> ....-. 281 29 /~ " 3() I 31 26 I 27 <t I -t I ! "" / " ...... o,'tE-~' ~~. L 222 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BY.LAW NUMBER 2046 -of- THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN A By.Law to Authorize the Corporation of the Village of Belmont (hereinafter called "the Grantee" and which term shall include its successors and assigns) to construct, use and operat€ works required for the transmission of water in the County of Elgin (hereinafter called "the Municipality"). WHEREAS the Grantee has requested Th€ CorpoI'ation of the Oounty of Elgin to grant it a franchise or right of passing thI'ough the Municipality for the purpose of constructing, using and op,er.ating a line or lines and works for the transmission through the Municipaljty of water not intended to be distributed from the said line or lines in the Municipality other than to per. sons whose land abuts on a highway along or across which the same is carried or conveyed. AND WHEREAS, subject to the te'rms and conditions here. inafter set forth, the Council of The Corporation of the County of Elgin has agreed to graut the said franchise, BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of The Cor. poration of the County of Elgin AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED as follows:- L Full right, power, permission and consent a,re hereby granted, conferred and assured unto The Corporation of the Village of Belmont, its successors and assigns ito euter upon, use and occupy the highways of or under the jurisdiction ,of the Municipality to survey, construct, lay, maintain, inspect, alter, repair, renew, remove, replace-, reconstruct, use and operate in, through, upon, under, a,long and across the same or any of them a pipe line or pipe lines with any and all connedtions, appar,atus, appliances and attachments, including attachments for cathodic protection, necessary or incidental thereto and to a system for the purpose of passing through ithe Municipality and transmitting water which is not intended to be distributed from the said line or lines in the said Municipality other than to persons whose land abuts on a highway along or across which the same is carded Or conveyed, 2, Such right or franchise shall be subject to aU ,the terms and conditions set out in an Agreement to be enter,ed into be. tween the Municipality and the Grantee in pursuance of this By. Law, which Agreement shall be in the form ,hereunto attached, ELGIN COUNTY ' COUNCIL 223 3,The Warden and Clerk of the said Municipality are here- byauthc>rized andempowrer,ed to enter into and to execute on hehalf"oHhe Municipality, the,Agreemeni aforesaid and to ,affix the corporate se~l ther\Jto. 4, THIS By.Law shaU come into foke and take effect im. mediately after' an Agreement in the form hereunto annexed shall have been executed by aU the p8irties theI'eto,' READ a, first time this 19th day of Novemher, AD. 1968,' READ a second ltime this Wth day Of November, AD" 1968. READ a third time ,and passed this 19th day of November, AD" 1968. A BRUCE McCALLUM Warden H. L. JOHNSON Clerk FINALLY passed this 19th day of No\'ember, A,D" 1968, A, BRUCE ,McCALLUM Warden H, L; JOHNSON C1erk .' . - ~', " " " .;' -, I, H. L, Johnson, Clerk of the Corporation .of the Oounty of Elgin, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By. Law Number 2046 passed hy the Council of the said COI'poration on the 19th day of November, AD.;1968, H: L. JOHNSON, Clerk, AGREEMENT made in duplicate this 19th day of Novem. her AD., 1968. BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN, hereinafter called "the Municipality" OF THE FIRST PART -- and - THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF, BELMONT, hereinafter "called "the Gr8intee" OF THE SECOND PART 224 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL WHEREAS the Grantee has ,r,equested the Municipality to Grant tojt andits successors, and assigns, a franchise or right of passing :through the Municipality .lor the purpose of construct. ing using and operating a line or lines and works for too distri. butioll .of water withinthe, Municipality. AND WHEREAS. the MuniCipality has by By.Law passed on the 19fh day of November, A.D., 1968, grantedlthe said fran. chise from and after, the execution of this Agreement and has al(thorize!i and. elllPowered the Warden and Clerk of "the said Municipality to execute this Agreement and to affix the corpor. ate seal thereto, NOW THEREFORE THIS INDENTURE made in considera. tionof the premises and of the performance of the covenants and 'Obligation hereinafter COnltained on the part of the Grantee WI'rNFSSETH as follows: L The Municipality does herehy grant, confer and assure unto the Grantee its successors and assigns, full right, power, permission and consent to enter upon, use and occupy the high- ways of or under the jurisdiction of the Municipality to survey, construct, lay, maini~ain, inspect, alter, repair/renew, remove, replace, reconstruct, lls'e -mid' oper-at.e in, thro,ugp, upon, under, along and across the s-ame or any of them, a pipe line 'or pipe lines with any and all conneCtions, apparatus, appliances and attachments, ,Including 'attachments for cathodic protection, necessary or incidental the,reto and to a system ]or the purpose of distributing wather within .theMunicipal~y, 2, All new (or renewal) mains, pipes, lines and works. in. stalled by Grantee under this Agreement shall be constructed and laid in accordance with good engineering and construction practices. Except in case of emergency. (a) no excavation, opening or work which will disturb or interfere with the travelled surface of any highway shall be undertaken or commenced by Grantee without written notice to such .officer of the Municipality as may from time to time be appointed by the Council of the Municipality for the purpos'e of general supervision over its highways '~hereina]ter referred to as "the said officer of the Municipality", :Which term shall include the person acting in his stead in the event of his absence 'from duty), such notice to be given at least 24 hours in ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 225 advance. of commencing sUch work unless otherwise ,,!greed to by the said officer of the Municipality, and (b) be\ore l'!ying or installing any new (or renewal) mains, pipes, lines and works, the Grantee shall first file with the said officer of the Municipality a preliminary map or plan showing' what ,it proposes to lay or install and the proposed location thereof and shall also check with and obtain the written approval of the said officer of the Municipality as to such proposed location, Not later than three months after the close of each of its fiscai years the Grantee shall file with the Clerk of 'the Municipality, 'map~ or plans showing the location and size of all mains, pipes, lines and works laid or installed by the Grantee in the highways during its previous fiscal year, 3. The'said line' or lines shall be placed underground so far as is practical and if required by the Warden or other officer of the Municipality above mentioned shall be located along the sides of the said highways except where it shaU be necessary to crtiss a highway and' shall he so constructed 'as not to obstruct or inte'rfe1'e with the use Of the highway or with any drains, ditches, bridges, culverts or other works or improvements there. on 'Or therein. 4, In the event that the Municipality shall deem it exped. ien'! to alter the construction of any highway 01' of any municipal drain, ditch, ,bridge, c1)lvert or other works or improvements thereon or therein and in the course thereof it shall become neoessary to have the Gramee make changes in its line or lines or works in order to facilitate the work of the Municipality, then upon reCeipt of reasonable notice in writing from the Warden or other officer of the Municipality ,above mentioned specifying the change desired, the Granltee shall at its own expense change its line or lines or works at the point specified, 5. The' Grantee shall construct, repair and replace any such line o,r lines ,or works with all reasonable expedition so that the highways shall not be torn up or obstructed for any unnec. essary length of time and upon the consitruction, repairing and replacing of any. such line or lines or w01'ks or the taking up of any of the' same or the moving of any of the same from place to place in a highway, the highway shall, with all reasonable expedition, berestol'ed to its pl'oper level and graded and left in 226 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL as safe and good a state of repair as it, was before it was enter. ed upon or Opened, and to the satisfaction of the said Warden or other offtC'er of the Municipality above mentioned, 6, The Grantee shan and does hereby' at aU times indem. nify and save harmless the Municipality from and 'against all loss, damage, injury or expense which the Municipality may bear, suffer or be put Ito by reason or any damage to property or in. jury to persons caused by the construction, repair, maintenance, removal or operation by the Grantee of any of its mains, pipes, lines Or works in the Municipality unless, such lpss, damage, injury ,or expens,e is occasioned by Act of God or by the act, neglect or default of some person, firm or corporation other tha,n the Grantee, its servants, contractors, Sub.contractor, agents or employees, 7. The rights and privileges hereby granted shall continue and remain in force for a period of twenty ye'ars from, the date hereof, 8, In this Agreement and in the By.Law above refern,d to, (a) tlje word "highway" shall mean a eommon or public highway and include a road, bridge and I any oth"r struc. ture incidental ther'eto, now or at any time duringthe term of this Agre,ement under the jurisdiction of the Municipality, (b) the word "Municipality" shall mean the Oounty of Ellgin as presently constitUlted or as it may frOm time to time be constituted during the term of this Agi'eeme~t, 9, THIS AGREEMENT shali enure to the benefit Of and ,be binding upon the parties hereto, their successors and assigns, IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have hereullJto affixed their respective eorporate seals duiy attested by the handspf their proper signing officers in that behalf. ' THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF BELMONT C. NELSON CLARKE, Reeve, W, O. BARONS, Clerk. THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN , A. BRUCE McCALLUM, Warde,n, H. L" JOHNSON, Clerk, ELGIN COuNTY COUNCIL 221 BY.LAW NUMBER 2047 -of- ,THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN A By.LawtoAllthorize the Corporation of the Township of Yarmouth (hereinafter called "the Granitee' and which term shall include its successors and assigns) to construct, use and operate Works required for the transmission of water in the County of Elgin (hereinafter called "the Municipality"). WHEREAS the Grantee has requested The Corporation of the. County of Elgin, to grant it 'a franchise or right of passing through the Municipality for the purpose of constructing, using and operating a line or lines and works for the transmission through the Municipality of water not intended to be distributed from the said line or lines in the Municipal]ty other than to per. sons whose land abuts on a highway along or across which the same is carried or conveyed. , AND WHEREAS" subject to the terms and conditions herein. after set forth, the Council of The Corporation of the County of Elgin bas agreed to grant the said franchise, BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of The Cor. porfition of the County of Elgin AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED as fpllpws:- L Full right, power, permission and consent are hereby granted, conferred and assured unto The Corporation of the Townshipof Yarmouth, its successors and assigns to enter upon, usealjd occupy the highways of or under the jurisdiction of the Municipality to survey, construct, lay, maintain, insp'ect, aHer, repair, renew, remove, replace, reconstruct, use and operate in, through, upon, under, along and across the same or any of them a pipe line or pipe lines with any and all conll,ections, apparatus, appliances and attachments, including attachments for cathodic protection, necessary or incidental thereto and to a system for the purpose of passing through the Municipality and transmitting water 'which is noitintended to be distributed from the said line or lines in the said Municipality other than to persons whose land abuts on a highway along or across which the same is carried or conveyed, 2. Such right or franchise shall be subject to all the terms ,ami conditions set out in an Agmement to be entered into be. 228 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL tween the Municipality ~nd the Grantee in pursuance of this By.Law, which Agreement shall be in the form hereunto attach. ed, 3. The Warden and Clerk of the said Municipality are hereby authorized and empowered to enter into and to execute on behalf of the Municipality, the Agreement aforesaid and to affix the corporate seal the'reto, 4, THIS By.Law shall come info force and take effect im. mediately after an Agre!ement in the form hereunto annexed shall have been executed by all the parties, thereto, READ a fi.rst time this 19th day of November, A.D" 1968. READ a second 'time this 19th day of November, AD., 1968, ,READ a third time and passed this 19th day of November, A.D" 1>968. A, BRUCE McCALLUM Warden H. L. JOHNSON Clerk FINALLY passed this A, BRUCE McCALLUM Warden l'9th day of November, A.D" 1968. H. L,JOHNSON Clerk I, H. L. Johnson, Clerk of the CorpO'ration of the' County of Elgin, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By. Law Number 2047 passed by the Council of the said Corporation on ,the 19th day of November, AD" 1968. H. L.JOHNSON, Clerk. AGREEMENT made in duplicate this 19th day of November AD., 1968, BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN, he,reinafter called "the Municipality" OF THE FIRST PART -and- THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF yARMOOTH hereinafter called "the Grantee" OF THE SECOND PART ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 22:9 , WHEREAS tbe Grantee has requested' the Municipality to Grant to it and its successors 'and assigns, a franchise, or right of passing through tbe Municipality ]or the purpose of construct. ing, using and operating a line or lines and works for the distri. bution of water within the Municipality, AND WHEREAS the MuniCipality has by By.Law passed on the 1>9th day of November, AD" 1968, granted the said firanchise from and after. the, execution of this Agreement and has authoriz. ed and empowered the Warden and Clerk of the said Municipal. ity to eXecute this Agreement and to affix the corpor~te seal thereto. NOW THEREFORE THIS INDENTURE made in considera. tion of, the premises and of the performance of the covenants and obligatioJl hereinafter contained on the par't of the Grantee WITNESSETH as ]ollows: L The Municipality does hereby grant, confer and assure unto the 'Grantee its successors and assigns, full right, power, permission and consent to enter upon, use and occupy the high. ways of or under.the jurisdiction of the Municipality to survey, construct, lay, maintain, ~.ns'Pect, alter, repair, renew, remove, replace, reconstruct, use 'and operate in, through, upon, under, along and.across, the same or any of them, a pipeline or pipe liJles with any ,and all connections, apparatus, appliances and attachments, including attachments for cathodic protection, ,necessary: or incidental thereto and, to a system for, the purpose of distributing water within the ,Municipality, 2. All new (or renewal) mains( pipes, lines and works in. stalled by, Grantee under this Agreement shall be constructed and laid in 'accordance with good engineering and construction practices, Except incase of emergency, (a) no excavation, opening or work wbich will disturh or 'interfere with the travelled surface' of 'any highway shall be undertaken ,or commenced by Grantee without ! written notice to such officer of the MuniCipality as 'may from time to time be appointed by the Council of ;theMunicipality for the pur)ose of general supervision Over its' highways (hereinafter referred to as "the said ,officer, of the Municipality", which term shall inc1ude the,personacting in his stead in the event of his absence from duty), ,such notice to he gilnen at least 24 hours in advance of commencing such work unless otherwise agreed to by the said officer of the Municipality, and 230 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL (b) before laying or installing any new (or reneWal) inains, pipes, lines and works, the Grantee shall first file-with the said officer of the Municipality a preliminary map or plan showing what it proposes to lay or install' and the proposed location thereof and shall also check With and obtain 'the written approval of the said officer, ,Of the Municipality as to such proposed location, ' Not later than three months after the close of each ofits fisc:li years the Grantee' shall file with the Clerk of the" Municipality, maps or plans showing the locwtion and size of all mains, pipes, lines and works laid or installed by the Grantee in the highways during its previous Jiiscal year: 3, The said line or lines shall be placed underground so far as is practical and if required by the Warden or other officer of the Municipality above menltioned shall be located along the sides of the said highways except where it shall be necessary to cross a highway and shall be so construcrted as not to obstruct or inter. feil'e with the use of the highway or with any drains, ditches; bridges, culverts or other worl<s or improvements thereon or therein, 4. In the event that the Municipality shall deem it exped. ient Ito alte-r the construction of any highway or of any nlUnicipal dl'ain, ditch, bridge, culvert or of her works or improvements thereon or therein and in the course thereof it shall become necess'ary to have' the Grantee make changes in its liM or lines or works in order Ito facilitate the work of the Municipality, then upon receipt of reasonable notice in writing from the Warden or other officer of the Municipality above mentioned specifyil)g the change de'sired, the Grantee shall at its own expense change its line or lines or works at the point specified, 5, The Grantee shall construct, repair and replace any such line or lines or works with all reasonable expedition so that the highways ,shaN not be torn up or ,obstructed for any Unnecessary length of time- and upon the construction, repairing and replac. ing of any such line or lines or works or the taking up of any 'of the same or the moving of any of the same from place to place in a highway, the highway shall, with all reasonable expedi. tion, be- restored to its proper level and graded ,and left in as safe and good a state of repair as it was before it was entered upon or opened, and to the satisfaction of the said Warden or other officer of the Municipality above mentioned, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 231 6: The Grantee, ,shoJI and does hereby at all times indem. nify and save harmless ,the Municipality from and against all loss, damage, injury or expense which the Municipality may bear, suf. fer or be put to by reason of any damage to property or injury to persons' oaused by the construction, repair, maint'enance, removal or operation by the Grantee of any of its mains, pipes, lines or works in the Municipality unless such loss, damage, injury or expense is occasioned by Act of God or by the act, neglect or default of some person, firm or corporation other than the Grantee, its servants, contractors, sub.contractors, agents or employees, 7, The- rights and privileges hereby granted shan continue and remain in force for a period of twenty ye'ars from the date hereof, 8. In this Agreement and in the By.Law above ,referred to, (a) the word "highway" shall mean a common or public highway and include a road, bridge, and any other struc. ture incidental thereto, now or at any time during the term of' this Agreement under the jurisdiction of the Municipality. (b) 'the word "Municipality" shall mean the County of Elgin as presently constituted or as it may from time to time be constituted during the term of this Agreement. 9. THIS AGREEMENT shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties here1lo, the,ir successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have hereunto affixed their respective corporate seals d'uly attested by the hands of their prope'r signing ,officers in that behalf, THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH JOHN WISE, Reeve, L, M, OLDE, Clerk. THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN A, BRUCE McCALLUM, Warden, H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. 232 ELGINCOUNTY'COUNOIL PROPERTY AND ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1968 To the Warden and Members of The' Elgin Oounty Council: The Property and Assessment Committee reports as fol. lows: L Th1it w,e have purchased a, new desk and chair for the Clerk.Treasurer's Office. 2. That Mr, James McAnulty, Mr, David W. Hurst and Mr, J'ames H. McKibbon have been engaged as Assessors for the County of Elgin, 3, We have authorized Mr. Hector McLean to rent space from the Hi.Ro.Shrine Club for teu days at a rental of $10,00 per day to accommodate the Assessors' School, 4, Because Mr, Hector McLean will reach retirement age of sixty.five (65) on March 13th, 1969, we recommend to Oounty Council, subject to the aJpproval of the Minigter of Municipal Affairs, that: (1) Mr. William U, Vidler be appointed County of Elgin Assess-ment Commissioner. (2) Mr, E. Neil McCallum he appointed Oounty of Elgin Deputy As'sessment Commissioner, (3) Both appointments to be' effectiV1e December 31st, 1968, at 12 o'clock midnight, (4) Mr. Hectoi' McLean to he retained on the Assessment Department Staff in an advisory capacity until March 31st, 1969, at a salary of $1,.0.0.0,00 per month, All of which is respectfully submitted. K J, McALPINE, Chairman, ELGtNCOUNTY COUNCIL 233 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT Noveltlber S,e$$ion, 190:;8 To ,the ,'Warden and Members of the Elgin County Couneil, TllePersbnnel Committee reportg as follows: Your Personnel Committee has ,held a number.of lIleetings since the August Session of the Elgin County Coul'cU iu order to study anQ revise our fringe benefits and Salary schedules and we recommend the following report for adoption by the Elgin Connty Council, ' (1) ANNUAL HOLIDAYS That annnal hOlidays for employees of the. Counc'y of Elgin be as follows: (a) , Regular ernployees for the first calendar year of em. ployment-one week pro rated, to, the number of months he or , she was employed, (b) Regnlar employees for the, second through the, fifth calendar year of employment-,-two weeks per year,' (c) RegUlar employe'es for the sixth through ,the twentieth cahllldar year of employment-three weeks,per year. (d) Regular emPloyees for the twenty.first and subsequent caiendar years of employment~~ourweeks per year, (e),. All annual holidays shall be taken at a time. agreed upon by the Head of the Department in whiCh the employee is employed and the ,employee concerned. ' (f) No holidays can be 'taken until after the siJi month's probationary employment period has been completed, (g) . THAT a by.law be prepared incorporating these Changes and cO,!forming in other respects to, by.law No, 1941 with the exception that the clause pertaining to employees of tbe Elgin County Jail be deleted. (2) TFIAT theCounity Engineer and Road Superintendent, The Superintendent of Eigin Manor and the County Assessment Com. missioner furnish the Cle'rk.Treasurer's office on or before the 15th day of 'February each year with a list of the employees in their Department and showing theainount of sick leave days 234 ElLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL standing to the crediib Of each ,individual employee on December 31st o.f the prior year. (3) THAT a hy.law be prepared providing that employees com. ing to the County of Ellgin from other municipalities or boards and who a,re memberS of the Ontario Municipal Employees Re. tirement System be permitted to join O.M,ERK wlbhoutserving a probationary period of six months, (4) THAT Sentence 2 of Clause 1 of the Personnel Committee Report adopted hy County Counciiat the August Session (1968) be ,amended, to read "These contribuitions shall only apply to employees after. having served their probationary period of six months." (5) THAT settlement of sick credits for employees terminating employment with the County of Elgin prior to reaching retire. ment be as follows: (a) Payment of. 50% of vhe number of sick benefit days accrued to his or her credit prior to Decemher 31st, W65" in accordance with By.Law No, 1765, (b) Payment of 25% of the number of sick benefit days accrued to his Or her credit subsequent to December 31st, 1965, in accordance with By.Law No, 1900, as amended by By.Law No, 1940 and By.Law, No, 1988, (c) Sick days off shall be deducted firstly from accumula. tion made subsequent to December 31st, 1965. (6) WE RECOMMEND to County Council that the County Gov. ernment Committee meet and define the duties of the Property and Assessment Committee <arid consider 'the composition of the Personnel Committee, ' (7) SALARY SCHEDULE A ROAD DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES (a) Regular Hourly Rated Employees-(Overtime to be paid at time and one half for all time worked over 48 hours per week.) pLASS 6 - Foreman $2.80 per hour CLASS 5 - Foreman and Lead Hands Minimum Maximum $2.60 per hour 2.75 per hour ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 235 Experience rating,04cper hom'for completion of each year's work .toamaximum of four ye1ars. CLASS 4-Part rime, Fore,man, Stockeeper Minimum l\!:aximum $2,50 per hour $,2,65 per hour EXPerienc'e rating .04c per hour for completion of each year's wOTk to 'a maximum offourye'ars. CLASS 3 - Machine Operator $2,55 per hour $2,70 per hour , Experience ralting,04c, per hour. for ,completion of each year's work to a maximum of four ye'ars. Minimum Maximum, CLASS 2 - Labourer Experienced MinimuIIl $2.30 per hour " Maximum 2,45 per hour Experience rating .04c per hour for completion of each year's work ,to a maximum of four years, CLASS 1 ~ Labour Minimum Maximum $2,25 per hour 2.40 per hour Experience rating .04c per hour' for completion of each year's 'Work to a maximum' of four years. (b) Seasonal or Cas~al Employees-(Overtime to be paid at time and one ,half for aU time worked, over 48 hours per week.) CLASS' A - Employees of high school age with varied experience, Minimum, $1.90 per hour Maximum 2,05 per hour CLASS B - Casual Labour, Inexperienced $2,00 per hour CLASS C - Experienced Labour, inexperienced mower operator $2.15 per hour 236 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL CLASS D- Experienced Mower Opetafbots-- , $2,25 per hour (c) TECHNICAL PERSONriU:L-(Overtime to be paid at time and one'haU for all time worked over 48 hours per week.) , '. ' JUNIOR INSTRUMENT MAN $2.46 per hour 2,78 per hour' Minimum Maximum TECHNICIAN MiniIllum $3,30 per hour Maximum 3,65 per hour , InCr,emerits $200,00 per year for four years, (d) SALARIED,EMPLOYEES (1) OFFICE PERSONNEL GRADE 1 Minimum $3,800,00 per annum Maximum 4,600,00 per annum Increments $2;00.00 per year for four years, GRADE 2 Minimum $3,000.00 per annum Maximum 3,800.00 per annum Increments $2;00,00 per year for four years, GRAbE 3 Minimum $2,600,00 per annum Maximum 3,000:00 per annum i Increments $200.00 per year for two years, MALE CLERK-OfficdCo.Ordinator Min,mum $5,800,00 per annum Maximum 6;600.00 per annum Increments '$200,00 per year for four years, (2) SUPERVISORYSTAFF-(Noovertime pay. ment'rate has been set to includ'e overtime). GENERAL FOREMAN Minimum $8,000,00 per annum Maximum 8,800.00 per annum Increments $200,00 per year for four years, ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 237 ASSISTANT TO THE ENGINEER Minimum $8,490.00 per annum Maximum 9,200,00 per annum Increments $200:00 per year for four years. (c) MILEAGE RATES--To be paid aU County employ. ees using their own private cars to be set in accordance with the present Department of Highways rates: o 5,000 miles 5,000 10,000 miles Over 10,000 miles .15c per mile .08c per mile .06c per mile B. COURT HOUSE STAFF OFFICE PERSONNEL _ Grade 1 Minimum $3,800,00 per annum Maximum 4,600.00 per annum Increments $200,00 per ,ye'ar to maximum. OFFICE PERSONNEL ~Grade 2 Minimum $3,000,00 p€rannum Maximum 3,800.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. OF,FIeE' PERSONNEL-'-Grade 3 Minimum $2,600.00 per annum Maxhnum 3,000.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum, DEPUTY.CLERK.TREASURER,-To receive maxi. mum salary as Office Personnel Grade One plus an addi,tional $1,000.1)0 per annum, CARETAKER Minimum ' $4,500,00' per annum Maximum 5,300.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum, In the above schedule the value of the' serviced apartment ($65<J.00)is to be considered as partof the salary. Present em. ploy.;e to receive $4,650.00; use of the apartment, and an addi. tional $600.00 per year for ex.tra help. 238 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL C. ELGIN MANOR EMPLOYEES NURSING AID Minimum $3,.0.0.0..0.0 per annum Maximum' 3,8.0.0,.0.0 per annum In",:ements$2QQ,Q.oper year to. maximum, Presenlb staff to -receive an jncrease of $5.0.0,.0.0 over and above 1968 salary, ORDERLY Minimum $3,75.0,.0.0 per annum Maximum 4,55.0,.0.0 per annum Increments $2.0.0,.0.0 per year to maximum, Present staff to receive $~,15Q,QQ per ,annum. ,FIRST OOOK Minimum '$3,5.0.0,.0.0 per annum Maximum' ~,3Q.o,.o.o per annum Increments $2.0.0,.0.0 per year to maximum, Present employee to receive $4,3.0.0,.0.0 per annum, SECONDCOOj( Minimum $3,.0.0.0,.0.0 per annum Maximum 3,8.0.0..0.0 per annum Increments $2.0.0,.0.0 perY,ear to maximum, pt.esent staff tb'receive $3,llQ.o,.oQ'per annum, KITCHEN MAIDS Minimum $2,6.0.0,.0.0 per annum Maximum 3,4.0.0,.0.0 per annUm" Increments $2.0.0,.0.0 per year to maximum, Present sbaff to receive an increase of $45.0,.0.0 over and above 1968 salary, HOqSEKEEPER Minimum $3,1.0.0..0.0 per ,annum Maximum, ',' " 3,9.0.0..0.0 per annum InGrem~nts $2.0.0..0.0 per year to maximum, Present Housekeeper to receive $3,9.0.0,.0.0, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 239 HOUSEKEEPING ,MAIDS Minimum $2;6.0.0,.0.0 per annum Maximum 3,40.0,.0.0 per annum Increments $2.0.0,.0.0 per year to maximum, Present staff' to receive an, .incr'ease Of $45.0,.0.0 over and above 1968 salary. . , " LAUNDRY STAFF Minimum $2,6.0.0,.0.0 per annum Maximum 3,4.0.0,.0.0 per annum Increments $2.0.0,.0.0 per year to maximum, Present staff to receive an increase or' $45.0,.0.0 over and above 1968 salary, NIGHT MAINTENANCE Minimum $3,15.0:.0.0 perannllm ,Maximum 3,95.0,.0.0 per annum ]ncremell'ts $2.00,.0.0 per year to maximum, Present employee to receive $3,850,.0.0 per alHlUm. HEAD. MAINTENANCE Minimum $4,5.00..0.0 per annum Maximum 5,300,0.0 per annum Increments $2.0.0..0.0 per y~a.r to maximum, Present employee to receive $5,3QQ,.oO per annum, OFFICE PERSONNEL ~ Grade 1 Minimum $3,8.0.0,.0.0 per annum Maximum 4,6.00:.0.0 per annllm Increments $2.0.0,.0.0 Per year to maximum, Present employee to receive $4, per annum, OFFICE PERSONNEL ~ Grade 2 I Minimum $3,.0.0.0,.0.0 p,er annum Maximum 3,8.0.0,.0.0 per annllm Increments $2.0.0..0.0 per y"ar to maximum, Present employee to receiVe $3,8.0.0,.0.0 per annum, ,240 ELGIN COUN'r'\;,COUNOIL OFFICE PEI\SONNEL-Grade 3, Minimum $2,600.00 per annum 1\!laximum ,3,000,00 per annum Increments $200,00 per year for two years, REGISTERED NURSE Minimum $5,450.00 per annum Maximum " ~,250,OO per annum lncr,ements $200.00 per year to maximum. ,Present employee to receive $6,250.00 per annum, ADJUVANT Minimum $3,300,00 per annum Maximum 4,100,00 per annum Increments ,$200.00 per year to maximum. Present employee ,to receive $4,100,00 per annum, D. ASSESSMENT DEPARTMENT ASSESSOR Probationary Minimum $3,600,00 per annum Maximum 4,000:00 per annum Increments $200,00 -per year to maximum, 'ASSESSOR 1 Minimum $4,200,00 per annum Maximum 5,000,00 per annum Incr,ements '$200,00 per year, to maximum. ASSESSOR 2 Minimum $5,000,00 per annum Maximum ,6,000:00 per annum Increments $200,00 per year to maximum, ASSESSOR 3 Minimum $6,000.00 per annum Maximum 7,200,00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 241 ASSESSOR 4 Minimum $7,200,00 per annum Maximum 8,600:00 per annum Increments $200:00 per year to maximum, ASSESSOR 5 Minimum $8,200,00 per annum Ma~mum --- Present employees to receive the following salaries: Grade 3 Edwin A. Baker Grade 3 Roy D, Lamond Grade 3 James McAnulty Grade 4 Bernard P. J. Murphy Grade 3 Richard F, Preston Grade 4 Michael J. Russelo Grade 2 Clifford G, Soper Probationary" James H. McKibbon Davi& W. Hurst $7,000.00 per annum 6,200,00 per annum 6,500.00 per annum 8,000.00 per annum 6,800.00 per annum 7,800,00 per annum 5,700,00 per annum 4,000.00 per annum 5,500.00 per annum Grade 2 Office Grade 1 Grade 2 Miss Leola D. Chase 3,800.00 per annum Mrs, Phyllis C. Walker 3,200.00 per annum E. COUNTY LIBRARY EMPLOYEES JUNIOR CLERICAL STAFF Minimum $3,000,00 per annum Maximum 3,800.00 per annum Increments $200,00 per year to maximum, . Present staff ibo receive regular annual increments plus one additional increlOOnt to compensate for the raise in the minimum salary. OFFICE PERSONNEL - GRrade 1 Minimum $3,800,00 per annum MaximUm 4,600,00 per annum Increments $200,00 per year to maximum, Present employee to receive $4,600,QO, 242 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL OFFICE PERSONNEL - Grade 2 Minimum $3,000,00 per annum Maximum, 3,800;00 per annum Increments $200,00 per ye,ar to maximum, F, DEPARTMENT HEADS COUNTY ENGINEER $14,975,00 per annum ASSISTANT COUNTY ENGINEER~ $10,920.00 per annum COUNTY CLERK.TREASURER- $12,500.00 per annum $2,000,00 of theabo"e salary to be paid by the County Home for the Aged as remuneration for him acting as Treasurer of the Home, ASSISTANT CLERK.TREASURER- $8,500,00 per annum COUNTY ASSESSMENT COMMISSIONER- $12,000.00 per annum DEPUTY ASSESSMENT COMMISSIONER- , $10,000,00 per annum COUNTY LIBRARIAN $10,500.00 per annum LIBRARY SUPERVISOR $5,200,00 per annum G, PAY PERIOD-COMMENCING January 1st, 1969, the pay pe'riod shall be bi.we'ekly ending every second Saturday. The first pay period shall end January 11th, 1969, and the amount payable, for salaried employees, shall be calculated for this pay only, by multiplying the bi.we,ekly rate (de'termined by dividing the mte p'er annum by 26) by 4/5, (8) The salaries and the salary schedule recommended in this report are to be 'effective December 31st, 1968, ait 12 o'clock midnight. (9) WE AUTHORIZE {hat present County of Elgin By.Laws be amended or new By.Laws passed as required to implement the recommendations contained in this report. All of which is respectfully submitted. K C, EMERSON, Chairman, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 243 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY. LAW NO. 2048 "Being a By.Law To Establish A Salary Schedule For All Employees Of the County of Elgin Other Than The Heads of Departments/' WHEREAS it is considered advisable to establish salary schedules for theemplo)'€es of the various Departments of the County of Elgin, NOW THEREI<'ORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts that the following salary schedules be, and are hereby adop1bed: L Salary Schedule for Road Departm"nt Employees. A. Regular Hourly Rated Employees-(Overtime to be paid ,at time and one hlllf for all time worked over 48 hours per week.) Class 6, Foreman. In charge of specialized work such as grading or co'ncrete culvert or bridge construction usually with experience of, ten years or over in the specialized work, Also licensed mechanic $2,80 per hour, Class 5, For,eman and Lead Hands. Regularly in charge of a work crew of at least five men or supervising othe,r County or hired trucks on a regular basis, or performing work which is a recognized skill or Itrade. Experience rating ,04c per hour for completion of each year's work to a maximum of four years, Minimum $2,60 per hour Maximum $2,75 pe'r hour Class 4, Part~T,ime Foreman, Stoll::kkeeper. Workers per- . forming the work of a higher classification than Cla,ss 2, Exper. ience rating ,04c per hour for completion of each year's work to a maximum of four years. Minimum $2,50 per hour Maximum $2,65 per hour Class 3, Machine Operators. Including trucks, tandem anddlstributor, loader", grader and shoveL Experience dump 244 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL rating .04c per hour for completion of each year's work to a maximum of four years, Minimum $2,55 per hour Maximum $2,70 per hour Class 2, labourer Experienced. Some- sup'ervisory work, light truck driving, roller operator, etc, on regula" basis, Exper. ience rating ,04c per hour for completion of 'each year's work to a maximum of four years, Minimum $2.30 per hour Maximum $2.45 per hour Class 1, Labourer. (After completion of six month's pro. bationary term) little if any supervisory work. Experience rating ,04c per hour for completion of each year's work to a maximum of four years, Minimum $2,25 per hour Maximum $2,40 per hour B, Seasonal or Casual Employees.-(Overtime to be paid at time and one half for all time worked over 48 hours per week) Class A. Employees of high school age (generally un. der 21 years of age) with varied experience. Minimum $1.90 per hour Maximum $2,05 per hour Class B Casual Labour, inexperienced $2,00 per hour, Class C Expedenced labour, inexperienced moweroper- ators, $2,15 per hour, Class D Experienced mower opemlors, $2.25 per hour, C, Technical Personn<>I-(Overtime to be paid, at time and one half for all time worked over 48 hours per week,), Junior Instrument Man Qualifications-Grade 12 or equivalent. Duties-Surveying and drafting as necessary under supervision, Increments shall be governed by ability, experience, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 245 and passing of D,H.O. sponsored courses, Position comparable to D,H.O. Technician 3 survey, Minimum $2,46 per hour Maximum $2,78 per hour Increments $200,0'0 per year to maximum, Technician-Duties to include supervlslOn of Junior InStrument men and to assist tll,e Engineers and Assistant to the Engine-er in supervision of construction and to supervise special. ized work such as Hot Mix Paving and Urban Construction, Quali. fications to be similar to D,H.O.Technician 1 and 2, Minimum $3,30 per hour Maximum $3,65 per hour Increments $200,0'0 per year to maximum, D. Salaried Employees. Grade 1 Office Personnel Minimum $3,&00,00 per annum '.', Maximum $4,600,00 per annum Increments $200,00 per year to maximum, Grade 2 Office Personne' Minimum $3,0'00,00 per annum Maximum $3,800,00 per annum Increments $200,00 per year to maximum, Grade 3 Office Personnel Minimum $2,600,00 per annum Maximum $3,1000,00 per annum Increments $200,00 per year to maximum, Male Clerk..,..Office CO,.Ordinator to assist with and when qualified to direct others, in all phases of office work including payroll, accounts, and bookkeeping, etc, Hours of work per week-37'h. Minim\lm $5,80'0.0'0 per annum Maximum $6,600,00 per annum Increments $200,00 per year to maximum, General Foreman-Duities to supervise and control ali mcnand 'equipment for all maintenance and construction under 24J ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL supervision of the assistant to the Engineer and the Engineers, Minimum $8,0.100.,0.0. per annum Maximum $8,80.0.,0.0. per annum Increments $20.0.,0.10 per year to maximum, Assistant tc the Engineer-Duties-Generalsupervisor of construction and contractor forces, land purchase, and the posiHon of Construction Safety Inspector, Minimum $8,4100.,00. per annum Maximum $9,20.0.:0.0. per annum Increments $20.0.,0.0. per year to maximum, E, Mileage Rates to oe paid to all county employees using their own private cars be set in accordance with the present Departroent of Highway rates: 0. 5,0.0.0. Over 5,0.0.0. miles, 10,0.0.0 miles, , 10;0.00 mHes, .15c per mile ,08c per mile ,06c per mile 2, Salary Schedule for County Library Employees. Junior Clerical Staff Minimum $3,0.0.0.,0.0. per annum Maximum 3,80.0.,1010 p,er annum Increments $20.0.,0.0. per year to maximum, Office Personnel (Grade One) Minimum $3,80.0..0.0 per annum MaximUm $4,60.10,0.0 per annum Incremenits $20.0.:00. per year to maximum, Office Personnel (Grade Two) Minimum $3,0.0.0.,0.0. pel' annum Maximum $3,8llo.,o.o. per annum Incremenlt~ $20.0.,0.0. per year to maximum, 3, Salary Schedule for Court House Staff Office P,ersonnel (Grade One) Minimum $3,80.0.,0.0. per annum Maximum $4,600.,0.0. per annum Incremenlts $20.0.,0.0. per year to maximum, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 247 Office Personnel (Grade Two) Minimum $3,0.0.0.,0.0. per annum Maximum $3,80.0.,0.0. per annum Incremenlis $2,00.,0.0. per year to maximum Office Persennel (Grade Three) Minimum $2,6.00.,.00. per annum Maximum $3,0.0.0,0.0. per annum Incremenlts $20.0.:0.0. per year to maximum, Caretaker - Minimum $4,5o.o.,()() per annum Maximum $5,30.0.,0.0. per annum Incremenlt~ $2o.():o.o. per year to maximum. In the above schedule the value of the seTvice apartment is to be considered as part of the salary, 4, Salary Sche~ule for Elgin Manor Employees. Nursing Aid Minimum $3,0.0.0.,10,0 per annum Maximum $3,80.0..0.0. per annum lncrememts $2()o.,()o. per year to maximum, Orderly Minimum $3,750..0.0. per annum Maximum $4,550.,0.0 per annum Incremenlts $20.0.,100. per year to maximum, First Cook Minimum $3,50.0.,00. per annUm Maximum $4,30.0.,0.0 per annum Incremenits $20.0.:0.0. per year to maximum, SecClnd Cook Minimum $3,0.0.0.,0.0. per annum Maximum $3,80.10:0.0. per annum Increments $20.,0,0.0. per year to maximum. 248 ElLGIN COUNTY COUNC[L Kitchen Maids Minimum $2,6'0'0,'0'0 per annum Maximum $3,4'0'0,'0'0 per annum Incr,ements $2'0'0.'0'0 per year to maximum, Housekeeper Minimum $3,10'0.'0'0 per annum Maximum $3,90'0.'00 per annum Increments $2'0'0,'0'0 per year to maximum, Housekeeping Maids Minimum $2,6'0'0.'0'0 per annum Maximum $3,4'0'0.'0'0 per annum Increments $2'0'0,'0'0 per year to maximum, Laundry Staff Minimum $2,6'0'0.'0.0 per annum Maximum $3,4'0'0,'0'0 per annum Increments $2.0.0,.0'0 per year to maximum, Adjuvant Minimum $3,3.0.0,'0'0 per annum Maximum $4,1'0'0,.0'0 per annum Increments $2'0.0,'0'0 per ye-ar to maxi'!'unL Night Maintenance Minimum $3,15'0.'0.0 per annum M-aximum $3,95.0,'0.0 per annum Increments $2.0'0,'0'0 per year to maximum, Head Maintenance ..Man Minimum' $4,5'0'0,'0'0, per annum Maximum $5,3'0'0,:'0'0 per annum Increments $2'0'0,'0'0 per ye-ar to, maximum, Office Personnel (Grade One) Minimum $:3,8'0'0.'0'0 per annum JVlaximum $4,6'0'0:'0'0 per annum Increments $2'0'0,'0'0 per year to maximum, I I I ELGIN COUNTi'COUNCIL 249 Office Personn,al (Grade Two) Minimum $3,'0'0'0,'0'0 per annum Maximum $3,8'0'0.'0'0 per annum Increments $2'0'0,'0'0 per ye'ar to maximum, Offic" Personnel (Grade Three) Minimuin $2,6'0'0,'0'0' per annum Maximum $3,'0'0'0,.0'0 per annum Increments $2'0'0.'0'0 per year to maximum, Registered Nurse Minimum $5,45'0.'0'0 per annum Maximum $6,25'0,'0'0 per annum, Increments $2'0'0,'0'0 per year to maxim~m, 5, Salary Schedule for Assessment Department. Assessor Probationary ""Minimum $3,6'0'0,'0'0 per annum Maximum $4,'0'0'0,'0'0 per annum Incren~ents $2'0'0,'0'0 p"r year to maximum, Assessor I Mini/Uum $4,2'0'0.'0'0 per ann\ll)l Maxiinum $5,'0'0'0,'0'0 per annum Increments $2'0'0,'0'0 per year to maximum, Assessor 2 MinimUm $5,'0'0'0,'0'0 per aimun) Maximum $6,'0'00.'0'0 per annum Increments $2'0'0,'0'0 per )'ear to ma"imum. Assessor 3 Minimum $6,'0'0'0,'0'0 ,per annum Maximum $7,2'0'0.'0'0 per annum Increments $2'0'0.'0'0 per year to maximum. AS$essor. 4 Minhnum $7,2'0'0.'0'0 per annum Maxhnum $8,6'0'0,'0'0 per annum Increments $2'0'0,'0'0 per year to maximuin: ' 250 ELGIN COUNTY. COUNCIL H. L, JOHNSON Cle-rk A, BRUCE McCALLUM Warden THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2049 "Being a By.Law of The Corporation of The County of Elgin to Provide for the Appointment of a County Assessment Com. missioner, Pursuant to Section 93a(2) of The Assessment Act, R. 5,0. 1960," WHEREAS BY VIRTUE of Section 93,,(2) of the Assessment Act, the Council of a County may, subject to the approval of the Minister, pass a by.law appointing a County Assessment Com. missioner who shall have- all the powers, dUties 'and privileges under this and every othe,r Act of an assessor, and assessment commissioner ora county assessor in respect of the county and the townships, towns and villages in the county, and who shall be de-eme-d for the purposes of this and every other Act to be the assessor for each of such local municipalities. NOW THERElF'ORE BE IT ENACTED as a By.law of the County of Elgin, L THAT Mx, William U. Vidiler be and the' same is hereby appointed Oounty Assessment Commissioner pursuant to Section i93a(2) of The Assessment Act, R. S. 0, 1960, Chapter 23, as amended, ELGIN COUNTYOOUNCIL 251 2, THAT By.Law No, 1927 of the County of Elgin be and the same is hereby repealed, 3, ,. That this, By.Law become effective December 31st, 1968, at 12 o'clock midnight READ ArIRST AND SECOND, TIME and finally passed and sealed with 'the seal of the said Corporatioll in open Council this 20th day ,of November, 1968. .. H. L. JOlmSON A. BRUCE McCALLUM Clerk Warden COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LAW NO, 2050 "Being a By-Law To Establish the Salary of the Assessment Commissioner of the County of Elgin/I The Municipal Corpor-ation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: L THAT the salary of the Assessment Commissioner of the County of Elgin be Twelve Thousand Dollars ($12,000.00) per an. num, payable bi.weekly, 2 ,THAT By.Law No, 1996 be' and the same is hereby repealed, 3, THAT this By.Law shall become effective December 31st, 1968, at 12 o'clock midnight. READ a first time ,this 20th day of November, 1968. READ a second time this 20th day of November, 1968. READ a third time, and, finally passed this 20th day of N o\'ember, 1968. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk A, BRUCE McCALLUM Warden 252 ElLGIN COUNTY COUNCiL COUNTY OFEL.GIN BY.L.AW NO. 2051 .' . .'. ',', .. '. . I" ," . "'. c' . .....: ", ',' "Being a By-Law To' Appoint A Deputy Assessment Commissipner For the County of Elgin." WHEREAS. it is .deemed ~dvisable to ,appoint a Deputy Assessment Commissioner for the County of Elgin. .. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of .the County of Elgin enaclts as follows: L THAT E. Neil McCallum be and is hereby aj}pointed Deputy Assessment Commissioner for the County of Elgin. 2. THAT By.Law No. 1948 be and the same is hereby repealed. 3. THAT this By.Law shall become effective December 31st, 1968, at 12 o'clock midnight., READ a first time. this 20th day of November, 1968. READ a second time this 2'Oth day of November, 1968. READ a third' ,itime, and' finally j}assed this2'Oth day of November, 1968, H. L" JOHNSON Clerk A, BRUCE McCALLUM Warden COUNTY OF EL.GIN BY.L.AW NO, 2052 "Being a By.L.awTo Adjust the Salary of the Deputy Assesliment Comm.issioner for the County of Elgin." THECOlJNCtL of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: L THAT the salary of the Deputy Assessment Commissioner of the County of Elgin be Ten Thousand Dollars ($1'0,0'0'0,'0'0) per annum, payable bi.weekly, 2, THAT By.Law No, 1997 be and the same, is hereby repea,ed, ELGIN COUNTY -COUNCIL 253 3. THAT ;this by.law shall become effective December 31st, 1968, at 12 o'clock miduight. READ a ~irst time this 2'Oth day of November, 1968. READ a second time this 2'Oth dav of November, 1968 READ a third time, and finally passed this 2'Oth day of November, 1968. H. L, JOHNSON Clerk A. BRUCE McCALLUM Warden COUNTY OF EL.GIN BY.L.AW NO. 2053 "Being a By.L.aw To Appoint Assessors for the , '.'" County of Elgin." THE COUNCIL of the Corporation of the' County of Elgin enacts as follows: L THAT the following persons be and are hereby appointed Assessors for the County of E.lgin: James McAnulty, James H. McKibbin, David W, Hur,st. 2, Mileage allowance shall be paid in: accordance with the schedule estabUshed for all County of Elgin employees. READ a first time this 20th clay of No,vember, 1968, READ a second time this 20ith day of November, 1968, READ a third time and finally passed this 2'Oth day of November, 1:968. . H. L. JOHNSON A BRUCE McCALLUM . Clerk Warden 254 ELGIN COUNTY COUNC[L COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LAW NO. 2054 "Being a By.L.aw To Alt)endBy~Law No,. 1696: Thereby'Adlusting the Salary of the Elgin County Road Sup~r;ntendent:u 'WHEREAS' By.Law No, 1696 deals with the appointment and remunerlil;on of a Road Superintendent for the County of Elgin, AND WHEREAS By.Law No, 1696 is presently amended by By.Law No, 1992, AND WHEREAS it is now deemed advisable to change the present salary of the Elgin County Road Superintendent. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: L THAT Clause (4) of ~y.LawNo, 1694, as amended by By.Law No, 1992 be deleted, and the following sub. stituted therefore: "THAT ,the salary or remuneration of the Road Sl\per. intendent shall be, the sum of Fourteen Thousand, Nine Hundred and Seventy , Five, Dollars ($14,975,00) per a,nnum, payable bi.weekly, and that he be paid an allow. ance for the use of his car based on the following schedule." MILEAGE PER CALENDAR YEAR 0.. 5,000 , 5,o00d' ...........d. 10,000 Over.,. d' 10,000 ,15c per mile ,08c per mile ,06c per mile 2, THAT By.Law No. 1992 be, and the same is hereby re. pealed, . 3, THAT this By.Law shall take effect on December 31st, 1968, subjeot to the approval of the Minister of Highways. PASSED in open Council ithis 20th day of November, 1968. If. L, JOHNSON A, BRUCE McCALLUM Clerk Warden ElLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 255 COUNTY OF ELGIN, BY.LAW NO. 2055 "Being a By.Law.'To Adjust the Salary ,of the ,Assistant Road Superintendent for the County of Elgin." WHEREAS By.Law No, 1928 deals, with.the appointme!lt and remuneration of an Assistant Road Superintendent for the County of Elgin, . , AND WHEREAS By.Law No, 1928 is presenvly amended by By.Law No. 1994, AND WHEREAS it is now deemed advisable to change the salary of the Assistant Road Superintendent for the County 'of Elgin. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: L THAT Clall,se (2) of By.Law No, 1928 as amended by By.Law No, 1994 be deleted and the following substitui~ed therefore, "THAT his salary be Ten Thousand, Nine Hundred and Twenty Dollars ($10,920.00) per year payable bi.we-ekly, 2, THAT By.Law No, 1994 be and the same is hereby rep"aled, 3, THAT this By-Law shall become effective on December 31st, 1968. at 12 o'clock midnight. READ a first time this 20th day of November, 1968, READ a second time this 20th day of November, 1968, READ a third time arid finally passed this 20th \l~Y of November, 1968. ' , II. L, JOHNSON Clerk A. BRUCE.McCALLUM Warden 256 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT Noveniber Session, 1968 To ~he Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The petitions and Legislations Cornmitteereports as fol. lows: L ,That the resollltion from the County of Wentworth protest. ing to thie Governmen1b of Ontario the passage of Section 3, Subsection 2 of Bill 89, an Act to amend the Planning Act, be filed, 2. That the resolution from the County of Kent re: Statutory authority for poli~e oHicers to use such force as may be neces. sary to ca'rryout their duties, be filed, . All of which is respectfully submitted. DONALD M. McKILLOP, Acting Chairman. COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LAW NO. 2056 "Being a By.Law to Amend By.l,.awNo. 1867 Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Elgin County Clerk.Treasurer." WHEREAS By'Law No. 1867 deals with the appointment and remuner:.tion of a Clerk-Treasurer for the County of Elgin. AND WHEREAS By.Law No. 1867 is presently amended by By.Law No. 1993. AND WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to change the present salary of the Elgin County Clerk.Treasurer, NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: L THAT Clause (2) of By.Law No, 1867 as amended by ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 257 By.Law No, 1993 be deleted and the following substituted there. fore, "THAT his salary as Cierk-Treasurer of the County of ,Elgin be Ten Thousand, Five, Hundred Dollars ($10,- 500,00) per annum," 2. THAT Clause (3) of By.Law No, 1867 as amended by By.Law No. 1993 be dele'ted and the following substituted there. for,e, "THAT his salary as Treasurer of the Elgin County Home for the Aged be Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000,00) per annum. 3. THATBy.Laws No. 1904, 1945, and 1993 be, and the same are' hereby repealed. 4. ' . THAT this By.Law shall take effect on December 31st, 1968, at 12 .o'clock midnight. READ a firs,t time this 20th day of November, 1968. READ a second time this 20th day of November, 1968, READ a third Itime, and fiualiy passed this 20th day, of November, 1968. '.', H. L. JOHNSON Clerk A. BRUCE McCALLUM Warden COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LAW NO. 2057 "Being a By.Law To Adjust the Salary of the Assistant Clerk-Treasurer of the County of Elgin." WHEREAS By.Law No, 2024 deals with the appointment and remuneraUon of an Assistant Clerk.Treasurer for the County of Elgin, ANP WHEREAS it is now deemed advisable to change the salary of the Assistant Clerk-Treasurer for the County of Elgin, NOW THEREFORE the Council' of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 'II 258 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL L THAT Clause (2) of By.Law No, 2024 be deleted and 'the following substituted therefore: "THAT his salary as Asststarut Clerk.Treasurer ofthe County of Elgin be Eight Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars ($8,500,00) per annum." , 2, THAT Clause (3) of By.Law No. 2024 be deleted, 3, THAT this By.Law shall take effect on December 31st, 1968, at 12 o'clock midnight. , READ a first time this 20th day of November, 1968. READ a second time this 20th day of November, 1968, READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of November, 1968, R L. JOHNSON Clerk A. BRUCE McCALLUM Warden COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LAW NO, 2058 "Being a By.Law To Amend By. Law No. 1868." WHEREAS By.Law No, 1868 deals with the appointment and remuneration of a Deputy Clerk.Treasurer for the County of Elgin, AND WHEREAS By-Law No, 1868 is pl'esently amended by By.Law No, ~995, AND WHEREAS it is now deemed advisable to change the present salary of the Deptuy ClerkTreasurer, NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Corpor,ation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: L THAT Clause (2) of By.Law No, 1868 as amended by By.Law No, 1995 bedlelebed,and the following 'Substituted therefore: "THAT the s,alary of the Deputy Cierk.Treasurer be Five Thousand, Six Hundred Dollars ($5,600.00) per annum." ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 250 2,THNDBy.Laws No, 1905, 1946, and 1995 be and the same a're hereby repealed, 3, THAT this, By.Law shall take effect on December 31st, 1968, at 12 o'clock midnight. READ a fir,s! time this 20th day of November, 1968, READ asecorud time this 20th day of November, 1968, RE,AD ,a third time, and finally paSEed this 2,Olth day of November, 1968, H. L. JOHNSON Clerk A BRUCE McCALLUM Warden COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LAW NO. 2059 '~To Amend By,Law No'. 1838, Being a By.Law to Authorize Participation, in the Ontario Municipal Employ.ees Retirement System/' THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN enacts as folloWs: 1. THAT Section 2 of By.Law, No, 1838 be repeal'ed and the following substituibed -therefore: )'2 Ev'ery person who becomes an ,employee of the Corpora. tion on or after the 1st day of OC'bober, 1963 shall, as a con. dition of his ~mployment, become a member of the System , on the completion of six months of service on a continuous full'tlme basis or if he is already a member when entering the employment of the Corporation he shall resume his contributions on 'the day that he begins 'employment with the County of Elgin." This by-law shall become effective and take force on the day v 2, :i! iii I' II II 2.60 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL it receives the approval of the' Minister of MUlliCipal Affairs, READ a First time this 20th day of November, 1968. READ a Second time this 20lbh day of Novemb~r,1968. READ a Third time, and finally passed :this 20th day ,of November, W68, H. L. JOHNSON Clerk A. BRUCE McCALLUM Wardell COUNTY OF ELGIN BY. LAW NO. 2060 "Being a By. Law to provide for Payment by the County of Elgin of 50% of Employees' Premiums with Respect to Ontario Hospital Insurance and Ontario Medical Serv-ices Insurance Plan." THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: (1) THAT effe'Ctive January 1st, 1969, the County of ,Elgin conbribute fifty per ceut (50%) towards the llllJJployees' premiums for Ontario Hospital Insurance (Basic Ward) and Ontado Medical Services Insurance Plan (O,M.SJ,P.). (2) These contributions shall only apply to permanent. employ. ees who have completed their six months probationary em. ployment. READ a First time th~s 20th day of November, 1968, READ a Second time this 20th day of November, 1968. READ a Third time, and fill,ally passed ithis 20th day of November, 1968. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk A. BRUCE McCALLUM Warden ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 261 ,COUNTY OF ELGIN BY:LAW NO. 2061 "Being a By.Low to Estoblish Holidays for Employees of the County of Elgin." The Council of the The Corpora1tion of The County of Elgin enacts as fi>Jiows: THAT the following hollday~ be and are hereby adopted for Regular Hourly Rated or ,Salaried Employees, 1. PAID HOLIDAYS-New Years, Good Friday, Victoria Day, July 1st., Civic Holiday, Labour Day, Thanksgiving, Christ. mas ",nd Boxing Day. When any of the paid holidays falls on a Saturday or a Sunday a day off shall be granted each employee in lieu thereof, and the d'ay off shall be approved by 'bhe Head of the Depar,tment in which he or she is em. , ployed. 2, SPECIAL LEAVE-up to thre,e (3) days in event of bereave. ment in immediate family (Le, father, mother, husband, wife or child). 3. ANNUAL HOLIDAYS (a) Regular employees for the first calendar year of em. ployment-1 we'ek pr.o rated to the number of months he or she was employed, (b) Regular employees for the second through the fifth c;Jlendar year of employment-2 weeks per year. (c) Regular. employees for the sixich through the twentieth calendar year of employment-3 weeks per year, (d) Regular employees for ,the twenty.first and subsequent , calendar years ofemployment--4 weeks per year, CASUAL OR SEASONAL EMPLOYEES-2% of gross wages during the first calendar ye,ar of empioyment and 4% of gross wages during the second and subsequent years of employment. All annual holidays shall be taken at a time to be agreed upon by the Head <if :the Department in which he or she is employed and the employee concerned, and in any event shall not be taken before his or her six months probaitionary period has beell completed, Any, employee whose employ. ,> 4, 5, 262 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. ment is terminated prior to completing the six months pro. bationary period shall be treated as a casual or seasonal employ,ee and paid vacation pay as designated in clause (4) of Ichis by.law, 6, THAT By.Law No, 1941, be and the same is hereby repealed. 7, THAT this By.law become effective December 31st, 1968. READ a first time this 20th day of November, 196'8, READ a second time this 20th day of November, 1968. READ a third time, and finally passed this 20th day of November, 1968. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk A. BRUCE McCALLUM Warden COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LAW NO. 2062 "Being a By.Law To Authorize the Warden and Clerk of the County of Elgin To Sign An Agreement With The Health Insurance Registration Board Designating G.C.. Leverton as Collector For the County of Elgin Employee Group." WHEREAS the County of Elgin has decided to participate in the Ontario Medic,al Services Insurance Plan, AND WHEREAS it is necess'ary to execute an Agreement beicween the Health Insurance Rle'gistration Board and the County of Elgin designating a Collector for the County of Elghl Employee Group. , NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as fol1ows: L THAT Mr, G, C, Leverton be designated the Collector for the County of Elgin Employee Group, 2, THAT the Warden 'and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute an Agreemenic between the Health InSurance Re-gis. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 263 tration Board and the Corporation of the County of Elgin attach. ed hereto and marked Schedule "A", READ a first time- this 20th day of November, 1968. READ a second time this 20th day of November, 1968, READ -a third time, and finally passed this 20th day of November, 1968, H. L.JOHNSON Clerk A. BRUCE McCALLUM Warden SCHEDULE "A" MEMORANDUM OF AN AGREEMENT MADE THIS 20th day ,of November, 1968, at the City of St Thomas, in the County of Elgin BETWEEN THE HEALTH INSURANCE REGISTRATION BOARD, hereina,jj1;er called the "Bo'ard", OF THE FIRST PART, and The Corporation of the County of Elgin hereinaf,te,r called' the Employee Group, OF THE SECOND PART, NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH that it is hereby understood and agreed by and between :the Board and the Employee Group and participating members thereof as follows: L The Board hereby designates G, S. Leverton, one of the participating members of the Employee Group to be the Collector for the said Group for purposes of participating in the Ontario Medical Services Insurance Plan, namely, Collector's address Oourt House, Wellington St., St. Thomas, Ontario. 2.64 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 2, The said Collector shall be jheofficer of the said Group with whom .the Board ,shall deal in, the administration. res, peeling medical services insurance coverage for the~ mem. bersof the said Group, and any notice ,addre'ssect' by the Board ~o the Collector .at the address provided herein by the Group for the collector shall be notice to the Group and its participating members, 3, The Collector shall accept premiums from' partiCipating Group members and remit same to the Board and the Col. lector shall likewise accept premiums from -any new parti. cipating GI\OUP member who jsa resident of Ontario and who wishes to enro-l in the Ontario Medical Services Insurance Plan. 4, The Group, the Collector, or any officer, employee or mem. ber of the Group shaN not make any charge to the members in the said Group for any service or services renderlld in the collection, administr.ation, reporting or remitting of medical services insurance premiums of the participating' members of said Employee Group, or any oi~her such matters related to medical services insurance coverage. 5, The Group covenants that its Collector shall k;eep, th,e ac. counts of -all monnies collected or held in trust as medical services insurance premiums, separate and apart from those of any other funds belonging to or administered hy the Group and shall keep such monies insured at all ltimes against loss from fire, thef't and all .other causes, The medic cal services insuranCe premiums shall be regarded as trust monies. 6, The Group, the Collector, and the participating Group mem. bel'S 'agree herein to utili.e prescribed forms and to supply such inform'ation respecting med-ical services insurance cov. erage .as the Board from time to time may require, 7, The said Group may make application to the Bo-ard to, have the Collector designated under this Agreement removed from office and to have another participating member of the Group designated as Collectot in his, stead, and such applicalbion shall be signed by the signing officers or execu. tive committee of the Group. If the Board approves the member named in the ,application he ,shall be designated the Colledor for the Group, If 1be Board fails to approve- the member named in the application the GI\OUP shall'submit the ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 265 name of ano,iher participating member for approval by the Board, 8. This Agr"ement, may be terminated, by the respective par, "'es thereto by written notice. Where the Agreement is terminated by th!, . . Group, written notice must be received by the Board at least ithirty days, prior to the date of the final premwm remittance by the said Group, 9, The provisions and termsusedinthis Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance, with The Medical Services Insur. ance Act, 11)65, and the Regulations thereunder. 'This Agree- men is subject to The HeaUth Insurance Registration Board Act, 1967. ' ,\ IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said parties have hereunto set their hands, and seals". SIGNED, SEALED . and DELIVERED in the presence i~l for. TlIE HEALTH INSURANCE REGISTRATION B04RD THE CORPORATION OF THE' COUNTY OF ELGIN for Empioyec Group M, L. Fishleigh A. BRUCE McCALLUM, Warden' H. L, JOHNSON,' Clerk Chiverton 266 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTYOOUNClL 267 COUNTY OF>ELGI(II BY.LAW NO. 2063 "A BY.Law To Confirm Proce~dings()fthe Council of the Cor. poration. of the County of Elgin at a Special Meeting of Council on October 16th, 1968; and at the November Ses. ,sion, 1968.11 .WHEREAS bY Section 9 of the M1.Ipicipal Act, being Chapter 24~ of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1960, the powers ofa municipal corporationare, to be exercised by its Council: AND WHEREAS by s1.lbsection 1 of Secltiop242 of the M1.Ini. cipal Act, being Chapter 249 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1960, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By. Law: AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedientthat the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgip alb these meetings beconfi~m~d and adopted by By-Law: NOW THEREFORE TIlE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ENACTS as follows: L That action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Commilttees and each motion and resolution pass. ed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held on Octoher 16th and during the November 1968 Session are hereby adopted and con. firmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By,Law, 2, The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are herehy authorized and directed to do all things nece,ssary togiveeffrec1;.(o the action of the 'C01.lncil of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in preceding Section hereof, . 3, The Warden and the Clerk are authori.ed and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corpo,ration of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 2()bh day of Nov'emher, 1968. READ a second time this 20th day of November, 1968. READ a third time, and finally passed this 20th day of November, 1968. .SEVENTH SESSIO!,!-FIRST DAY Tuesday,the,17th day,of December, 1968 The Elgin Courlty.Co~nci1.met this day'. at the Cour'( House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Cbair. All the members presen'b except Reeve Barker, ,Moved by Reeve Gilchrist, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McKillop, That the minutes of the November 1968 Session of the Elgin 001.lnty Council be confi~med. -"Carried, The following communications were read and referred to the various Committees: From C. H., Kerr, ,Administrator .of Beattie Haven with ack. nowledgment and .hanks .re: 1968 grant.-Filed, From the Canadian National Institute for the Blind with ack. nowledgment and thanks re: 1968 grant.-Filed, From the' comity of Essex with resolution opposing the system of Regional Government as per Smith Report recommen' dations and further that if Regional Government is.to be institl\t. ed, that the County of Essex is in favour of retaining the exist. ing geographic county boundaries,-Referred 'to the County Government, Oo,mmittee, , From the Salvation Army with acknowledgement and thanks re: 1968 grant.-Filed: From the Four Counties General Hospital with appreciation for 1968 grant,-Filed. From the University of Western Ontario witht acknowledg. ment and thanks re: 1968 grant.~Filed, From the Township of Albion with resolution requesting amendment to the Assessment Act.~Referred to the Property and Assessment Committee, From Mr, Jack Jamieson with appreciation. of scholarship, -"Filed. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk A, BRUCE McCALLUM Warden 268 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL 269 F~om the City of London requesting the appointment of two representativ.es for the purpose of; m#eting 'jointly with two representatives of the City of London, and two representatives from each of the County of Middlesex and the City of St. Thom. as in order to enter into negotiations with resp'ect to the forma. tion of a Heaith District.'"'-Referred to the' Finance Committee, The Warden presented Mr, James McAimlty with a certifi. cate of admission to the Insltitute of Municipal Assessors of On. tario as an acc~edited, associate of the Institute, It was moved by Reeve Wise that Mr, Andrew Spriet be now heard, ' , ,Mr. Spriet presented the County with a picture of 'the Port Burwell Bridge, and tlulnked the County for permitting A,M, Sp,ietand Associates Ltd. to act as consulting engineers on the p~oj'ect. The Warden thanked Mr. Spliet for providing tlie"pictu,e. The Report of the Road Committee was presented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve CaVerly and Reeve Gil. christ. The Report of the Elgin Manor Oommittee was presented by ReeYe Wise and adopted on motion of Reeve Wise and Reeve DeGraw, lVIoved, by Reeve Wise, Seconded, by Deputy Reeve Roberts" That the Trust Account at Elgin Manor be named the Elgin Manor Trust Accou!lt, and that the Administrator .of Elgin Manor and/or the Se'cretary of Elgin ManOr Committee be nam. ed signing officers for the said account. It was moved by Reeve Orchard 'that Mr, Claybourge Gor. don, County Weed Inspector, be now heard," Mr, Gordon presented his report. Mo\'ed by Reeve Caverly, Seeonded by Deputy Reeve deRyk, That By.Law No, 2064, "Authorizing Speed Limits," be,read a first time, Moved by Deputy Reeve Nemett, Seconded by Deputy Reeve deRyk; That By.Law No. 2064, be read a second time: -'-'-Oarded. ~Carried, Moved by Ree\'e Keillor, Seconded by R,eeve Caverly, That By.Law No. 2064, be read a third time, and' finally passed, , -Carried, Moved by Re'eve Wise, Seconded' by Reeve Wilson, ThatBy.L~w No. 2065, i'Being'Q By.Law To Authorize Mr. Michael PopdVich and Mr. John Streib, the owners of a ).}ortion of Lot 6, Concession VII of the Township of Aldborough (he~e. inafter called "the :Grantees" ,and which term sh!lIl include their heirs; successors, and assigns) to construct" . use, ,and operate works required for the transmissi~n of water in the Oounty.of Elgin (hereinafter called "the Municipality)," be read a first time. Moved by ,Reeve WilSon, Seconded hy Reev,e Wise, That By-Law No, 2065, he read a second time, -Oarried. -Oarried. Moved by Reeve Wise, Seconded by Reeve Wilson, That By.Law No, 2065" be read a third time, and finally passed. ' " , -Oarried. Moved by Ree\'e Orchard, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McAlpine, That the Weed Inspector's Report be accepted, and printed in the Proceedings, Mov'ed by Reeve Todd, Seconded hy Reeve DeGraw, That we do now adjourn to meet again at.2 p,m., December 17th, 1968. " , -Carried, -,-Carried, 270 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Council re.conv,ened, The Report of the County Govern;"ent Committee wa~ pl'esented by Reeve Gilchrist, and it was, Mpvedpy Reeve Gilchrist, Seconded by Reeve Todd, That the Report be adopted, Moved by Reeve Emerson, Seconded by Reeve Clarl<e, That Clause (4) of the County GovernmentC:ommittee Rep()~t be amended by deleting the word filed and sUbstItuting there. fore the word tahled so that clause (4)' reads: "That the matter of g-arbage' disposal sites be tabled:; The amendment carried, The amended l'eport was then voted on and carried: The Report of the ,Finance Committee was. presented by Reeve Todd and adopted on motion ofR~eve Todd and Reeve DeGraw. The Report of the Property and Assessment Oommittee was presented by Deputy R.eeve McAlpine, and' adopted oil motion of Deputy Reeve McAlpine, and Deputy Reeve McIntyre, . Moved by Reeve Caverly, Seconded by Reeve Johnson, That this, Council due ,to the incidence of rabies, request the Health of Animals Branch, Canada Agriculture, to establish anti. rabies vaccination clinics thr,oughout the County as soon as con. veni1ent. --:Oarried, Mov,ed by Deputy Reeve McAlpine, Seconded by Deputy Reeve McKillop!, That the Warden and Clerk of tlie County of Elgin, be and are hereby authorized to sign Certificate regarding the follow. ing permanent employees of the Gorporatiou for exemption of contributions as provided under the Regulations. of theUnem, ployment Insurance Act Effective January 11th, 1969. Assessment Department-Edwin A Baker, Roy D. Lamond, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 271 E. Neil McC-allum, Bernard p, J. Murphy, RichardF, Preston, Michael J, Russelo, Clifford G, Soper, ' Road Department---M, Ferne McKay.. -Carried, Moved by Reeve Wise, Seconded by Deputy Reeve deRyk, That By.Law No, 2066; "Being a By.Law To AppOint a Tem. porary Administrator For the Elgin County Home For the Aged," be ,'ead a first time. Mov'ed by Reeve Keillor, Seconded by Re'eve Wise, That By.Law No, 2066, be read a second time, -Carried, -Carried, Moved by Deputy Ree,ve deRyk, Seconded. by. Reeve Keillor, " .'. That By.Law No. 2066; be read a third time, and finally passed, '.', -Carried, Moved by Reeve DeGraw, Seconded' by Deputy Reeve deRyk, That By.Law N.o.2Q67,"Being- a ,By.Law To Establish the Salary of the Administrator of the Elgin County Home for the Aged," be read a first time. Moved by Deputy Reeve deRyk, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Miskelly, That By.Law No, 2067 be read a second time, --:C"rried, --Carried, Moved,hy Deputy Reeve Miskelly" Seconded by, Reeve DeGraw, That By.Law No. 2067, be read a third time, and finally passed, -Carried, Moved by Reeve Keillor, Seconded'by Deputy Reeve McIn'tyre, That BY'Law No.' 2068, "A BY'Lay To Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the December Session" 1968,': be re,ad ,a first time, ---Carried, 272 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 273 Mov,ed by Reeve Kahnt, Seconded by Deputy Ree\'eMdntyre, That By.Law No. 2068, be read a second time, -Carried, (a) County Road No, 28 being (a) Elm Street from the Sf, Thomas City Limits to Centennial Avenue, and (b) Cen. tennial Av'enue from Elm St'reet to Highway No, 3- 40 Miles p.er hour Mov.ed by Reeve Kahnt, Seconded by Reeve Kelllor, That By.Law No. 2068, be read a third time, and finally passed. .' (b) County Road No. 26 (St. George Street) from the St. Thomas City Limits to Wellington Road~ 40 Miles per hour -Carried, (c) County Road No, 20 in Fingal f.rom the North Limit of . . County Road No, 16 northerly for 1,457 feet- 35 Miles pet hour Moved by Reeve Gilchrist, Seconded by Reeve Todd, That we, do now adjourn sine die. ~Carried, H. L, JOHNSON Clerk A, ,BRUCE McCALLUM Warden ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, (d) County Road No, 20 in Fingal from the South Limit of County Road No. 16 southerly for 845 feet- 35 Miles per hour (e) County',Road No. 16 in Fingal from the West Limit of County Road No, 20 westerly for 2,011 fe,et, and from the West Limit of County Road No, 20 easterly for 1,142 feet- 35 Miles per hour ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT 4. THAT all previous By.Laws governing speed on County Roads be consolidated w.th the By;Law recommended in Clause 3. December Session To the Warden and Members of Council Of The County of Elgin: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE begs to report as follows: L THAT a Resolution be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign a Oertification'fegarding'the following regu. laremployee of the Corporation of the County of Elgin for ,exemption of cont~ibutions, as provided under Regula- tions of the Unemployment Insurance Act~M. Ferne Mc. Kay, 2, THAT a By.Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign an Agreement wjthMichael Popovich and Jack Strieb to allow them to place a watermain on County Road No.3. 3, THAT a By.Law hep,as,sedsetting maximum speed as fol- lows: All of which is respectfully submitted, WILLIAM R. CAVERLY, Chairman, 274 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 275 ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT December Session ,1968 , To the Warden and Members of The Elgin County Council: THE ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE reports as follows: L We recommend to County Council thatM:r~,.rea!lPineo's term of employment at Elgin Manor be extended through the year 1969, 2, That Mr, Robert Himpfen has been hired as Administrator . of Elgin Manor, subject to the 6 months probationary period and approval of the Department of Social and Family Ser. vioes, at a salaq 'of $9,000,00 per year. All of which we respedfully submit JOHN WISE, Chairman, controll~dbY Spraylrtgand this is by far the cheapest and quick. est Wa~. ' There was ninety.eight thousand acres of corn and twenty. eight thousand acres of soyabeall;3 along wilh a large acr,eage of white beans grown in Elgin County, this year, Elgin has, a 10t of:rough'land on which it is hard to control weeds" and'thete is,also a large acreage of pasture iand some of which is very weedy with bull thistle, wild carroi, milkweed and goldenrod, Thes,e weeds can be controlled by spraying and there are sprays which you can use and still leav'e the cattle on the pasture. Provincial highways in the County are not mowed as early as they should be; the Department of Highways is two or thre.e week's late in starting to mow and do not mow of<ten enough, They do not do much spraying, County roads were well mowed but should have more spray' ing. ,~" Township roads in the County are. fairly clean, but some eould stand more spraying fo-r good w,eed controL Railroads do very littfe on weed controL Not much hand. mowing is ,done anYll).ore and while they try to do some mowing with a trador the steep grades and big ditches makes it diffi. .CHlttQ do an adequate job and this year with the abundant Tain. fat! the)Y.eeds grew .faster th~n they could cut Ithem, OntheC, & 0, Railway the tractor was stuck about twice a Week, 'and was broke down one or two days a week so not much 'i\\o",ing ",as don,e, It was ahout the same with the other rail. ways, ' r had man~ complaints about the weeds on the railways, but tJ:;e. Tailwaysdo very littLe, spraying as they are afraid of damage Claims. I had quite a few properties, mowed; and collected most of the cost in .taxes. These included lots and sub.divisions with some' as high as eight acres, Alot of complaints were Teceiv'ed by phone and in writing, I gave ,many notices to cUJb. weeds and after seven days, I had them ,cut. ' I have received no report of damage done by spraying dur. ing 1968. WEED INSPECTOR'S REPORT, 1968 To the Warden and lVIembers orthe Elgin 'County Council: The following is my Report on Weed Control in the County of Elgin for the year, 1968, , . . " Most farmers did a fair job on weed conbrol considering the amount of rainfall but, ,as usual, some did much better than others. In \Some parts of the County we had twenty-six inches of rainfall which promoted the growth of weeds, and made it difficult for the farmers to control Ibhe weeds along with their other work and the shortage of farm help, Elgin is like other Counties, having many people living on farms but working away from home and generally this is where the weeds ar,e neglected, There are many varieties of weeds the worst of which are yellow rocket, mustard, Goat's Beard, bull thistle, sow thistle and milk weed and these seem to be increasing on farms and road sides, Wild carrot is bad in some areas. These weeds can be 276 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COTlNCIL 277 In closing my r'eport I wish to thank all County and ,Town. ship Officials who co-operated in helping to control the weeds in the County for 1968, and I also want to thank the Weed Inspec. tors of the Town, Villages, and Townships, Lor their co'oP~ration, All of which is respectfully submitted, inconsistent with, this by-law be, and the same are hereby repealed, 3. THIS by.law'shall not become effective until approv,ed by the Department of Transport. Enacted and pass-ed this 17th day of Deceml>er, 1968, CLAYBOURNE GORDON, County Weed Inspector. A. BRUCE McCALLUM Warden H. L. JOHNSON Clerk MUNICIPALITY OF ELGIN BY-LAW No. 2064 AUTHORIZING SPEED LIMITS SCHEDULE "A" WHEREAS subs-ection 6a of Section 59 of the Highway Traf. fie Act (RS.O, 1960, Chapter 172) as amended, authorizes the Council of a Township or County by by.law to prescribe a lower or higher rate of speed for motor vehicles on a highway or por- tion of highway under its jurisdiction that is llOIt within a built.up area, urban area or suburban district than is prescribed.in clause a of section 1 of S'Bction 59, but such rate of speed shall not be less than 35 miles per hour or more than 60 miles per hour; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the speed limit for motor vehicles upon certain highways in the Municipality of Elgin be either decreased or increased or both; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Elgin enacts as follows: L No person shall drive a motor vehicle upon the highways or portions of highways designabed'in Schedules '-'A" and "B" appended hereto, at greater rates of speed than the rates of speed prescribed in the schedules, 2, THAT By.Laws No, 1818, 2014, 2043, and any other by.laws . Maximurrirate of speed - 3S miles per hour (1) ,County. Road No, 36, BEING the Road Allowance betw-e-en Lots 21 and 22 in .Concession IV, Township of Yarmouth, FROM the north limit of County Road No, 27, BEING the Road Allow. ance between Concessions III and IV, Township of Yarmouth, to One Thousand, One Hundired Feet north of the north limit of County Road No, 27, (Hamlet of Sparta), (II).' County Road No, 3, BEING the Road Allowance between Lots 6 al)d 7 in Concession XIV of the Township of Aldborough, FROM the Road Allowance between Concession XIII and Con. cession XIV southerly for a distance of sixteen hundr'ed feet. (III) County Road No, 20, BEING the Road Allowance between Lots 18 and W, North of the Talbot Road East Branch (Southwold Township) FROM the north limit of the Talbot Road East Brauch, northerly LOr one thousand, four hundred and fifty.seven feet. (IV) County Road No, W, BEING the Road Allowance between Lots 18 and 19, South of the 'I:albot Road East Branch (South. wold Township) FROM the south limit ,of the Talbot Road East Branch, southerly for eight hundr,ed and forty. five feet. (V) County Road No. 16, BEING the Road Allowance known as Talbot Road East Branch, (Southwold Township) FROM the west 278 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 279 SCHEDULE "B" Richmond, as shown on a Plan registered as No, 22 in the County Of Elgin Registry Office to: One' Thousand, Three Hundred and Thirty F1eet north.west ,of the south limit of Mill Str,eet (A DIS. TANCE of One Thousand, SeveuHundred and Fifty Feet), (V) County Road No, 38, BEING the Talbot Road East in the Township of Bayham, FROM Six Hundred Feet west of the west limit of the Plank Road in the Hamlet of Straffordville, as shown on a Plan r,egistered as No. 205 in the County of Elgin Registry Qffice to Two Thousand, Eight Hundred Feet west of the west limit of the Plank Road '!A DISTANCE of Two Thousand, Two Hundred Feet) (VI) County Road No, 38, BEING the Talbot Road East in the Township of Bayham, FROM the east limit of ,the C,P.R. right.of. way (approximately One, Thousand, Three Hundred Feet east of the .east limit of the Piank Road in the Hamlet of Straffordville, as shown ona Plan registered as No, 205 in the County of Elgin Registry Office) to the west limrb of the Road Allowance between Lots 126 and 127, in, Concession VI, Township of Bayham (A DIS. 7ANCE of One Th9}!Sand and Three Hundred Feet.) (VII) County Road No, 14, BEING the Southwold~Dunwich Town. line FROM, the south limit of the North Branch of the Talbot Road in the Township of Southwold, to Two Thousand', Five Hundred Feet south of the south limit of the North Branch of the Talbot Road. (VIII) CQimty RQad No, 28, BEING the Road Allowance between Concession VII and Concession VIII, Township of Yarmouth, FROM the east limit of the Road between Lots 10 and 11 wester. ly tQthe St.Thomas City Limit (A DISTANCE of approximately 0,60 miles,) (IX) County Road No. 28, BEING the Road Allowance between Lots 10 ,and 11 in Concession VIII, Township of Yarmouth, FROM the north limit of the Road Allowance between Concession VII and VIII northerly to the south limit of the Road Allowance between COncession VIII and IX '(Highway No, 3,) (A DISTANCE of approximately 1.10 miles,) (X) Oounty Road No, 26, BEING a Road Allowance known as , St. George Street, in Lots 1 and 2, Concession IX, Township of Yarmoubh,FROM the East limit of the Southwold.Yarmouth Townline easterly and southerly to the St. Thomas City Limit. (A DISTANCE of Four Thousand, Five Hundre-d and Se-venteen F1eet,) limit ,of Road Allowance between LOlt 18 and 19 w,esterlyifOr two thousand and elev'en fe'et, and FROM the west limit 'of' the Road Allowance between Lots 18 and 19 ,easterly for one thousand, one hundred and forty.two feet. " A TOTAL DISTANCE of th,ree thousand, one hundred and fifty.three ~eeL ' Maximum rate of spe,ed - 40 miles per hour (1) County Road No, 27, BEINGthf road Allowance between Concessions III and IV, Township of Yarmouth, FROM Two Hundred and Thirty Feet east of the east limit of Colborn Street in the Hamlet of Union in Concession IV, Yaarmoiith Township, to One Thousand, Seven IIundred and ThiIDtyFeet, east of the east limit of Colhorn Street in the Hamlet of Union (A DISTANCE of One Thousand, and Five Hundred Feet.) (11) County Road No, 27, BEING the Road Allowanceb(,tween Concessions III and IV" Township of Yarmouth, FROM One Thousand and Twenty Feet west of the west limit' of the Road Allowance betweens Lo':s 21 and 22, Concession IV, Y,armouth Township, to One Thousand, and' three feet east of the west limit of Lot 19, Concession IV, Yarmouth Township (A DISTANCE of Thme Thousand, and Forty.SeV'en Feet.) (111) County Road No, 36, BEING the Road Allowance betw!)en Lots 21 and 22, Concession III, Township ,of Yarmouth, FROM Six Hundred and Twenty Feet south of 'lhe south 'limit, of, the Road Allowance between Concessions III and IV, Yarmouth Township, to One Thousand, Two Hundred and Seventy Fe-et south of the south limit of the Road Allowance between Con. cessions III and IV, Yarmouth Township, (A LISTANCE of Six Hundred and Fifty Feet.) (IV) County Road No, 38, BEING the Talbot Roa~ Eas't ill the Township of Bayham, FROM Four Hundred and Twenty Feet south.east of the south limit of Mill Street, in the' Hamlet of 280 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BY.LAW NUMBER 2065 -of- THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN A By.Law To Authorize Mr, Michael Popovich and Mr, John Streib, the owners of a portion of Lot 6, Concession VII of the Township of Aldborough (hereinafter callBd "the Grantees" and which term shall include their heirs, successors, and assigns) to construct, Uis'e, and op.C'rate wnl'ks required for the transmission of water in the County of Elgin (hereinafter called "the Muni. cipality)." WHEREAS the Grantees have requested The Corporation of the County of Elgin to grant them a franchise or right of passing through the Municipality for the purpose of constructing, using and operating a' line or lines and works for the transmission through the Municipality of water not intended to be distributed from the said ,line or lines in the Municipality other than to per. sons whose land .abuts on a highway known as County Road N<>. 3 along or across which the same is carried or conveyed. AND WHEREAS, subject to the 'terms and conditions here. inafter set forth, the Council of The Corporation of the County of Elgin has agreed to grant the said franchise, BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council, of The Cor. poration of the County of Elgin AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED as follows:- L Full right, power, permission and consent are hereby gran.- ed, confeHed and a,ssured unto Mr, Micha,el Popovich and Mr, John Streib, their heirs, successors and assigns to enter upon, USe and occupy the highway, known as County Road No. 3, of or under the jurisdiction of the Municipality to survey, construct, lay, maintain, inspect, alter, repair, renew, remove, rsplace, l'ieconstruC'b, use and operate in, 'through, upon, under, Hlong and across the same or any of them a pipe line or pipe lines with any and all connections, apparatus, appliances and attachments, in. eluding attachments fo'r cathodic protection, necessary or incid. ental there,to and to a system for the purpose of passing through the Municipality and transmitting water which is not intended to be distributed from the said line or lines in the said Munici. pality other ,than to persons whose land abuts on a highway along or across which the same is carried or conveyed, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 281 2, Such right or franchise shall he subject to all the terms and conditions set out in an AgDeeIDent to be entered into between the Municipality and the Grantees in pursuance of 'this By.Law, which Agreement shall be in the form hereunto attached, 3. The Warden and Clerk of the said Municipality are hereby authorized and .empowered to enter into and to execute on behalf of the Municipality, the Agreement aforesaid and to affix the corporate seal thereto. 4, THIS By.Law shall come into force and tal<e effect immed. iately after an Agr'eement in the form hereunto annexed shall have been executed by all the parties thereto, READ a first 'time this 17th day of December, A,D" 1968, READ a .econd time this 17th day of Decelnber, AD", 1968, READ a third time and passed this 17th day of December, AD" 1968, . A BRUCE McCALLUM Warden H. L, JOHNSON Clerk FINALLy'passed this 17th day of December, A,D., 1968, A: BRUCE McCAlLUM Warden I.1. L, JOHNSON Clerk AGREEMENT made in duplicate this 17th day of December, A,D" 1968. BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN, hereinafter called "'the Municipality" OF THE FIRST PART -and- Michael Popovich and John Streib, hereinafter caned "the Grantees" ,OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Grantees have requested the Municipality to Grant to them; their heirs, successors; and assigns, a franchise :: I: Iii !'I Ilil ! 282 ELGIN COUNTY. COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 283 I:'; I',' Iliil I" 'I [:il 1'1' 'I I': 'I', 'or right ,of, passing, through the Municipality for thepurpos'e of consbructing, using, and operating a line or lines and works for the distribution of'water ,within the Municipality, :', ,', "",- ,- ,',', ,:; AND WHEREAS the' Grantees arc owners of aportioll of Lot, 6, Concession VII; 'Township of Aldboroughi' abutting on a highway, known as County of Elgin Road No, 3, ' , , ,',f, '",-; ,,',,".,'.," ,,",'.-' "',,_ ,i" " "',, ',,' AND WHEREAS the Municipality has hy By.Law passed on the 17th day of December, AD., 1968, granted the said franchise from and after, the execution of this Agreement and has author. ized and empowe,red the Warden ~nd Clerk of the' said Municipal. ity to execute this Agreemrent and to affix the corporate seal thereto. NOW THEREFORE THIS INDENTURE made in,considera. tion 'of'the premises 'and' of the performance of the 'covenants and obligation hereinafter contained on the part of the Grantees WITNESSETH as follows: L The MunicipaUty does hereby grant, confer and assure unto the Grantees, th~ir heirs, successors and assigns, full right, pow. er;'p'ermission, 'alld consent to' enter upon, use' and occupy the \1i~hways known as County Road No, 3 of or under the jurisdic. tion of ~he Municipality to survey, construct, lay, maintain, in- spect, alter, repair, renew, remove, replace, reconstrucib, use and operate in, through, upon, under, along and across the same or any of them, a pipe line' or pipelines with'anyandaILconnec. tions, apparatus, appliances and attachments, including atta,ch. mell'ts for cathodic protection, necessary or incidental thereto and to a system for the purpose of distributing water within the MunicipaJity, , , , , ',-,.' ',""'-", 2, All new (or renewal) mains, pipes, lines and works installed by Grantees under this Agreement shall be constructed and laid in accordance with good' engineering and construction practices, Except in case of (a) no excavation, opening or work which will disturb or interfere with the trav,eUed, surface of any highway shall be undertaken' or commenced by Grantees without written notice to such officer of the Municipality as may from time to time be appointed by the Council of the Municipality. for the purpose of general supervision over its highways (hereinafter referred to as "the said officer of the Municipality;" which term 'shalL include the person acting in his stead in the event of his absence Dmm duty,lsuchnotice t.o be given at least 24 hours in 'advance of commencing, such "work ,unless otherwise agmed to by 'bhe,said officer of the ,Municipality, and , (b) before, laying or, installing any new (or renewal) mains, pipes, lines and works, the Grantees shall first file with the said officer of the,Municipality a preliminary map or plan showing whaUtproposes to lay or install and t,he, proposed location ther,eof and shaUalsocheck, l"ith , ,and ,obtain the written approval of the, said officer ,of ,the Municipality as to such proposed location, N<lt lateithanthree months after the close of each of its fiscal years,th,e Grantees shall file wiih'theClerk of the MunicipalitY, maps or plans showing the location and size ,of aU mains, pipes, lines and works laid or insrtalled by the Grantees in the highways during its previous, fiSCal year. 3. The said line or lines shall be plaoed underground so far as is practical and if required' by the Ward'en. or other officer of the Municipality above \",cntionedshall be)oca'te<i along thc sides of the said hjghwa:ys e){cept, where it shall be necessary to cross a highway and shall be so constructed as not to ohstruct or inter. fere with the use of the highway or with any drains, ditches, bridges, culverts or o'bher works or improvements thereon or thel'ein. II Ililli I, 11"1, I' Iii' 1'1 ,I " I" ,'I" III' 'I 11'1 ~I I f I' [II /i II I, 4, In the event thatthe Municipality ,shall deem it expedient to alter the cons,truction of any highway or of, any municipal drain, ditch, bridge culvert or other works or improvements thereon or 'therein and in the course thereofit shall become necessary to have the Grantees make changes' in its line or lines' or works' ,in order to facilitate the work of the Municipality, then upon receipt ofreasonable notice in writing from the Warden or,.other officer of the Municipality above mentiQned specifying the change desir. ed, the Grantees shall at its own expense change its lille orlihes or works at tbe pointspecified, 5, The 'Grantees shall construct, repair, and replace any such line or lines or works with all reasonable expedition so that the highways,sh!ln not be'totn up or obstructed for any unnecessary length of, time and upon the construe-Cion, repairing and replac. ing of any such line or lines or works or the taking up of any of the same or the moving of any of the same from place to place in a highway, the, highway shall, with all reasonable expedition, be restored to its proper level and graded and left in as safe and , , , i "I' 284 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 285 good a stllJte of repair as it was befor,e it was entered upon or opened, and to the sllJtisfaction of the said Ward,en or other offi. cer of the Municipality above mentioned, 6, The Grantees shall and does hereby at all times indemnify and save harmless the Municipality, from and against all loss, damage, injury or expense which the Municipality may bear, suffe,r or be' put to by r,eason of.' any damage to property or injury to persons caus,ed 'by the construction, repair, mainten. ance, removal or operation by the Gmntee,s of any of its mains, pipes, lines or works in the Municipality unless such loss, dam. age, injury or expense is occasioned bY Act of God or by the act, neglect, or default of some person, firm or corporation oth~r than the Grantees, its servants, contractors, sub.contractors, agents, or employees., 7. The rights and privileges hereby granted shall continue and remain in force for a period of twenty years from the date hereof. 8. In this Agreement and in the By.LaW above r"ferred to, (a) the word "highway" shall mean a common or public highway and include a ro~d, bridge and any otherstruc. ture incidental 'thereto, now or at any time during the term of this Agreement under, the jurisdiction of the Municipality, . (b) the word "Municipality" shall mean the County of Elgin as presently constituted or as it may from time to 'time be constituted during the term of this Agreement 9, THIS AGREEMENT shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto, ,their heirs, successors and assigns, IN WITNESS WHEREOF the pariies have hereunto affixed their respective corporate seals duly attested by the hands of their proper signing 'officers in that behalf, MICHAEL POPOVICH JOHN STREIB THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN A, BRUCE McCALLUM Warden H. L. JOHNSON Clerk COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE December Session, 1968 To the Warden and Members, of The Elgin County Council: The County Government Committe.e reports as follows: L That in future the Property and Assessment Committee be composed of three rural members, thr'ee urban members, plus the Wardenex.officio; and at least five of the Committee mem. bers shall be reeves. 2. That the duties of the Property and Ass'essment Com. mittee be those that are delegated to the Property Committee in By.Law No. 1894, and in addition; to these, the Property and Assessment Committee be empowered to regulate and have super. vision of all matters connected with the Assessment Department including the hiring of help. 3, ,That in future the, Personnel Committee be composed of one member from each of the following Committees: Finance, Roads, Manor, Proper'ty and Assessment, and that the Warden bea member ex-officio. 4, That the. matter of garbage disposal sites be tabled. 5. We recommend that the Legal Committee of County Council be disp,ensed with. 6, Thalt the resolution from the County of Essex re: Re. gional Government, be tabled, 7, WE RECOMMEND that the 1969 County Government Committee review, early in the year, the remuneration being paid to the Warden of the County of Elgin, 8. WE RECOMMEND that the 1969 County, Government Committee investigate the' feasability of holding one Warden's Banquet in the fall of the year, rather th,an the two banquets tha't are pI'esently being held. All of which is respectfully submitted, DUNCAN GILCHRIST, Chairman, 286 ELGIN COUNTY GOUNCIL .287 ELGIN COUNTYCOUNClI1 FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORt EdwinA Baker, Roy D. Lamond, E:Neil McCallunii Bernard p, J. Murphy, Richard F, Preston, Michael J, Russelb, 'and Clif: f~rd I}. Soper. 2. We have authorized the Ass,essment:Coinmissioner.as'of January 1st, 1969,(0 advel'tisefor, additional stafffor the <\ssess. ment Department.. . ' .' ,: December'Sess'ioft, -1968 To the Warden' and Members' Of The Elgin County Council: The 'Finance 'Committee reports' as follows: '1. That Charity and Welfare Pay List No. 11 for $756,45, be 'appro~ed, . " ;"_' _._ ',' '. ,0 ,,'c. .:..':_ 2. That Children's Aid Societies Pay List No. 11 ,for $1,; 621.33, be approved. . ' . , , ' . 3, Moved by warden McCallufil, that the l~tter from the City of. L,ondon re: the app6in1tment of two represe!itatives to meet withl'epresentatives from ,the City of London, the City of Sl. Thomas, and, the County of Middlese", be tabledt~ the 'Jan. uary Session of the Finance Committee, and tha,t the CityO~ London be sent a copy of the resolution reo Health Districts which was passed at the November Session, and that LondOn be advise~ that the Coilnty of Elgin is awaiting the By"Law and Agreemen!t'mentioned therein for further consideration. All of which is respectfully submitted, , , . DOUGLAS R TODD, Chairman, 3, That the tesolutioll'from>the 'Township' of Albion fe: Amendment of the Assessmenlt Act, be fHed, Ail 'of whichis~espectfully submitted, K. J, McALPINE, Chairman, COUNTYiOFELGiN , BY.LAW'NO,2066 PROPERTY AND ASSESS,MENT COMMITTEE REPORT December Se~sion, 19~8 , ....., ".'. '.I "Being A By~Law To Appoint A Temporary Administrator For The, Elgin'CQuntYI:iQrile FQr the Aged" WHEREAS Section 8, Subsection 1a of the Homes for the Aged and Rest Homes AcLprovides for the Council' of a muni. cipality that establishes and' maintains, ~,home to' appoint a per. son to act temporarily ,as administrator, ofthe home for,. a period not exceeding one year. NOW TIlEREFORE the Council of, the Corporation ,of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: . ..,'..., iC','._"'; , . 1. THAT Mr, Robert Himpfen be [,ud,js,hereby,appoin1ted to act temporarily as administrator of the Elgin County Home for the Aged for a period of 'lip to one year from the date when he commences his duties, . , 2. THAT the said administrator shail carry, oilt ail" duties as required hy th<) Regulations of the Homes for the .;\ged and Rest Homes Act, 'and such other duties as directed by the, Elgin Manor Committee. To the Warden and Members of The Elgin County (;puncil: , The Propertyaud Assessment Committee reports as follows: 1. WE RECOMMEND that the following employees of the AsessIDent Department, having completed their two years em. ployment on J'anuary 3, 1969, be certified as permanent for the purposes of exemption from contributing to Unemployment In. surance: 288 ELGIN COUNTY ,COUNCIL 3, THAT Mr, Himpfen shall commence his duties on Jan. uary 20th, 1969. 4, THAT all By.Laws inconsistent with this By.Law be and the same ar,e' hereby repealed. . READ ,a first time this 17'th day of December, 1968. READ a second time this 17th day of December, 1968, READ a third time, and finally passed this 17th day of December, 1968. H. L, JOHNSON Clerk A. BRUCE McCALLUM Warden COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LAW NO. 2067 "Being a By.Law To Establish the Salary of the Administrator of the Elgin County Home for the Aged!' THE COUNCIL, of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: L THAT the salary of the administrator of the Elgin Oounty Home for the Aged be Nine Thousand Dollars ($9,000,00) per annum, payable bi.weekly, 2, THAT all By.Laws inconsistent with this By.Law he, and the same am hereby repealed, 3. THAT this By.Law shall take effect on December 31st, 1968, at 12 o'clock midnighit. READ a first time this 17th day of December, 1968, READ a second time this 17th day of December, 1968. READ a third time and fiually passed this 17th day of Deoember, 11968. H. L, JOHNSON Clerk A. BRUCE McCALLUM Warden :ELG1NColJNTX GOQNQIL COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LA 'Iv NO. 2068 "A By.Law To Confirm Proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the County of Elgirl at tile December Session, 1968." WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Murlicipal Act, being Chap. ter 249 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1960, the powers of a municipal corporation 'am to be exercised by ,ts Council; AND WHElREAS by subsection 1 of Section 242 of the Muni. cipal Aot, be'mg Ohapter 249 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1960, the powers of every Council are .to be exercised by By. Law; 289 AND WHElREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceed. ings of the Council of the Oorporat,on 'Of 1lhe County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and ad"Pted by By-Law; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE COPORATION . OF THE COUNIIT OF ELGIN ENACTS as :liolloW\S: L That aotion of the .council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recOlnmendation cont,ained in 'the Reports of the Committe~s .and each motion ahd resolution passed and other aCtion takMl by the Council of .the COtpO.ration of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the December 1968 Seslsion is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such prOCeedings were expressly einbodied in this By.Law, 2, The Warden and proper officials of the, Corporation of the Oounty of Elgin are hereby 'authorized and di'l'ected to do all things necessary to give effect to the aCtion Of the CoUncil of the Oorporation of the County of Elgin referred to in preceding Section he'reof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed toexecute all documents necessary in that behalf ~nd .to affix thereto the Seal of the Cotpovatioiiof the County of Elgin, READ a Ursl time this 17th day of December, 1968, READ a second time tbis 17th day of Deoember, 1968. READ .a third time, and finally passed this 17th day of December, 1968. ' H.]:" JOHNSON A. BRUCE McCALLUM Clerk Warden 290 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 291 - - INDEX BY-LAWS - - - 2003-T:O ApP'oirnlt a Oounty Road Oo-inmi1twe, 2004-,..-To BOilTioW the! Srim of Two. Mdm'on Fo>ulr Hund'red ThoUlsand Do'l[ars 27 MISOEL4NEOUS 29 1968 Of:fil'ci!aJ1s, Corunrty Coun-em, Sbanding Oommi.lt:be!es, Munlilcipal Clierka and T'I1ewsUl'eirs ........____....................___. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, OommruJniilCat!tOn-S n._n____.h.___...~m..._... 8, 15, 58, 94, 127, 151, 167, 267 WaJr:d:e/J1'S E~e:ct'iron ._...___..,_.........____n_n.......n..___..._............................._....... 8 WatdIetnls AddreJS'SI .___.:___nnnmm...._m..........................................__n.......nnn. 23 2005-To Set.tlre Totall Agg1t';e.gate VaJluatOOins foa' Appointment o.f Oounty Rame .m.:...._.................._____mm .mnmm. 41 2006-To .AJppo,i!nt a Borurd of- Aud'i!t ........nnnmm........mm.mn ........... 42 2007-'Do Attthor'i~e the Expr'olpi:iwtJiJon (if Land for the PurpOISIe (llf Wdden4:ngand Im!pll'Oving. County Roads m...._ 43 200S-To Colristi~utl::e' a Corur,t of . Rievi'sion tlor ,eooh 'Downship, 'Down; . and ViIlalage, WlitJbin the,Clorunty of EI,gin ................... 46 2009-To Oons.tliltiiibe' a 1.ioc8.JI COlUrt of Rlevl'srionfutr the Town of AylmeT fo:r Purpos-e.s of It'hie Lo'c'8Jl Improvemlent Act .'n..'.......nmnm...:.'...'.'..m....'..;..'..'..n_.....'.. ...... 47 2010-:-TQ Oonfilf'hl Pro.C'eedings of the CouncU of the CDlrrpolrwtion of the 'County of 'Ell:gim. at the J'8Jnuary Ses8i'on, .1968 ..nnn.....n..n.......n.................................n..n.nnn..........n 52 2011,-To AwtJhotize Grants fu VardoiUSi OrgI8.JJJ.~ons, Co~-;;raJtJilQip.s. InsltitutdlQlll)'3, ,€'bc. ...."....n......~'.....,....".'.........n....... 79 2012-:-To. P:rlOvi'd;e, fopT the' 1968. EXJp'endiltlj.res on R:oads .mn......... 80 2013-To PiroviJd:e for the 1968Suppilem;etn.tary Expenditures, on R'oads ..;.nn.................n...nnnn....'n.....n..nnn.....'...........,......;.n.;....... 81 2014--,-.To Amlend BU-LtalW No,. 1818 Aurthorizing ,Spe'ed Limirts..n 83 20lS---;Tb . Raise AmQunts toLl' G'PuaIlt.y RartJes mh.......nn...'_'................ 89 20l6--To Amem:d: By-lJaw No~ 1984 Inclr'eaSing the Interest RaJte PaM 'on Temp'orruryLolam1S nn...m...m...............h......n ...... 90 2017-To In:cr'€Ias'e the' InJtie~est RaVe' Paid on Mone'Y'S Bonowed,fromthe' Ba:nk o'f Montreal1 ............nnm.'n............. 91 2018-'To Incre3iSie'.. The Sa1ary of tlhe Oorun~ W€ed In\SJpeCJtoi' and. Tree Commissdloner. nn...C.......nmn..............n..n 92 2019~To Cohfil1m Proce'ediinglS O'f .the OournoDl of the: CorpOlra- tioh, of the Oounty OifIDIg1tn at the, M'B.iI'Ch S,ession, 1968.... 93 202Q--;Rootriobing P'aJrki1ng ............................................................._........... 106 2021-Restlric.ting .thl€i We:tght of V'ehi'ol'e's Passilng over Bridges .................................................................................................. 109 202~To AwthioiI'ize the EX'ecwt!ilOn of an Agreement wi'th the MiinisrtJer of Highways f10r OntariJo R>e[aJti,ng to' A Roa~l Under the ,JurJ\S!djotIJOIIl of th'€l COiUP:W pf :E}lg~n 1M: 2023---,.To AppioiLrut a - M'embell' 00 tIh'e' $.t. ThomaJS. Subul'lbam, Road oCommissd.iQlll. ............................................................................... 118 REPORTS OF OOMMITTEES AND OFFIOIALS - Repo'I'rt . o,f oS'p'eCiwl Commirl:/tJee to StJrti.kie the Standing ColIIlmlittltees fQrr 1968 ................,...............................................,. CO'llnty TreasUII'Ier's R.eporJ:!t Finance ,CommliJtIt'€ie .mn............," 27. 52, 8'5, 86, 121, 143, "."m"mnm. 25 131, 184 158, 193, 286 Boad OommIDttee .........n............,. 31, 69. 102. 104. 133, 143. 157. 188, 272 OorrustruotJion Sa.f1ety ]nstyecbor's..Relport "",,,,,,,,'''......mnnnm,,,''m...nn 38 PeitiJtd!oins aJlld.Legts~ati'ollls CormrmJi/tJt,€le .'....m........... 39. 77, 120, 142, -256 Plr1OiP:ooty and Asses'sment Commi;t~e'e n'.n" 39. '87, 105, 134. 232. 286 Equ8Jlazaftii'OOl Comm'iltte,e .................m....nnnnnnn..............m....nnnm.... 40, 119 AgI"icuTturail CQmmdltJbee ................nnm.................nnn.mn...n42. 78, 121, 194 EducraJtiiO'nail C'oln!SiUlI,tatliv€' OommiitJt"ee nn...............m.................. 49, 83. 120 EduCaJtd1ona1 Oommitte'e 51 E'l'gin C!OUnty Libl1ary .................................m;.mu.nn...u.......m...n....nnnn.. 54 E,~gin . Agri'cu'lltural Oommd.ttJe,e ....n..............:............................u............. 56 Subuvban 'Rioad ClommilsS'i'On Rleptmt .........m....n........nn..nnn.............. 72 F_eIl Oonnnli~tee hh_h_mnnm.mhmhhnn."hm..mm',n 77, 102, 158, 233 Elgin ,Manor Commtttre .'._.....nnnnh......._ 78. 105, 135. 157, 164, 192. 274 OoonmiJttJee to' InVlesrtigame Plamni'ng in the. COUlnty QIf Elgin mnm 84 001lmty Gov.€l1'lIlmelIlrt Oommittee .....mun......................._....... 88, 106, 285 Spedi'ail OommiJtltreJe' of 001 Re'€Jves ....m.........nnn..................h.......... 159, 160 Ol€ll'k's RiepotrtollJ Li.icenses ......nnn.....n.....nnn.................n.mmnnnn.... 185 SuP'~rinrt:Je~dJent.s Repor,t 'On EIgliln M:anor ....nnn..............nn......._... 186 Weed :tlllSp';eoi:.lOr's Report .............n...._.......n.......n.....n.....h..nn.nnn...n.n 274 292 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 293 BY-LAWS - COIn-tinned BY-LAWS - C'olritinued 2024---0To Appoiin.lt An. Ass11Sltant Clerk-T're8Jsul'e.r. _'nn...;.....;....u uno 118 202s..:-To Set the Remuneratlion to be Paid M'embms of ,the E'ligin County Con.mci1 .......n....;._______m__.___'.::___,....__......__ ..... 122 2026-To Amend ,By.-Law No. 2018, and Establish the Mileage Rate to he: PaJid the County Weed I'l1Sip€retJo1r'and Tree Oommissri.loner .....m........m..........___nnnnmnm....m.m'..m_'_'....;nn'..un. 123 2027-T,o, Oo;nfill'm. the', Equarliz'aftdlQn of the' Assessment RaUs 'Of tJhe' Cournty, of ,E~gin for, 1968 __'..n___m......'..,................. 123 202S~To, Ap.po~nt a BywLa\y. Enforc'8m€I1Jt OfdJi'c'€Jr ..'_"...n';....m.... 124 2029-'.Do,OoI.tl.fi:rm Proc'e:edli.llg of.,bhle OoUl1.ciIJ. of the Corporat- tilou'oii':thie County of IDlgin at the May Session u",;;,'"o"'.n 125 203D-Resltrd'obing PaJrk1!ng ....__.......~.h.......................;.__.......~c.................... 136 2031-To Autholrize the E~elCuUon of an Agi'le'lIDllelnt With the Mina'stJer of HighwaYlS for OntariQ Reilating to a Road, Under the J'Uil'isdlictdlQn Oof-t;h'e County afE:IgJn ,De'Slignrwbed 8JSj DeNe~OIpment Rioad No,. 972 c.......n.......n ........ 138 2032--'1'0 Appotint By-Law,Enforcement Offic'ell"s ......m.................... 141 2033-'Dn Aultlro!t"ize .the 'Ex)ecutlt'Ou of 8ll1i Agflee.menlt with tJhIe Min'i~lber .of Highw-8J,Ys ReJIaItJilng to. the 'ConSlt.iUction OIf 'a Hdigh L'frv-ell Bl'i'dge at Port BUrwJelH ..."-......'......mn'~...nn 144 2034-'11.0 BOil'TiOW the Sum of Two Mtl1li'on, Eight Hundred Th'ousa;nd DIQ~['B.lrs '.mn........i....'..n............-nnnnnn............nnnCm.......... 148 2035-Tn Confirm Plt'o!Celedingof the CouncU' of the Corpoll"8:tJ.iJon of thel COiUlLty .of E,lgin rut ,tilieJune Sessi!on, 1968 ...__.._..__...................c.......~..............,..,.......;.c.'.................. 150 2036-A: By.,.Law TbDetJermli'ne the COunty of Elgin MunictpaUty 'oII'MJunioipalilt'iies to be Repres'en'tJed by Each Merobell' ~.b be 'ElIieiCt<ed im !the, School Division' of the County M Elgli'n by, th-e: Pub!lic, Sohooll Ele-CIbors .of the OorutnJty of Elgin ......m..........h...........nnn'..'.....~.......__...n.... 162 2037-To, P>rloV'li'd-el f1olI' thle Borrowing .o-f',$3oo,000.00 Upon Debenrtutt'les! fo'r the Purpos'e, of E:necting '8ill, Addi,ti:on to' the E:iJgin County Home: fOir tlhe, Aged....,......_................... 164 2038-Tll) ConfLrm PirloC€'edlings Of the Coundll: of the 00lrpo00It1lOn. of thH Ol;mn ty of. E[gin at the' AugtUlt rSeslSiolll" 1968 .'.'.....nn.'.-.........n......................,...:..n:...'.;._....................n 162 2039-'"Do AJuthotrize, fue E~eou:tJion. of an Agre'emen1. with ,ul'e M1InillsltJeil' of Hdlghwaya fior Ontari'o Reil.\aJting to a County.Rioad Needs StUdy. ........~...........,...~.............................. .... 194 204O-To AuthOrize: 'the 'Warden and Ofierk .to. Si'gn a LeJtter RJeml€'W'ing 1Jhe, Lease PtrJes,entJIy He;J.d by theUnivelI'sity of ,Wooneil"O. Ontrarilo' on Approximate.ly Ten Acres of L\9Jl'ld In threTownshli'p-of' Yarmouth n..n....._..;......mn............. 209 2041""';"RestrdlCiting the Weighlt, of V'elhicilles Passling Over B.rldges ............-........'..............;......................'......;......................... 210 2042--To AP'po~tn,t ,By-Law EnfDroeinent Of.f,ioers floil'the Counrty of E,lgin ...;... ............................................................ ............. 214 2043-To Amerid }3w-Law No. 1818 .AJuthorizing Speed Limits for the Oounty of E,Lgltn ..............;..................nm.........;..... 215 2044-To AUrtlhoTi2le' 'the Ward'en arid 'Oll€irk to SIgn Deeds To Gonv~ Land tb Ralph M. Brown and MdlDnie Brown ...............................,.......c................~...................;....;..............;..... 216 2045--!ro Authoil'i'Ze the Execution of 8.i!lJ Agreem.ent witth the M.inisteT of' Highways .f1or Ontari\o R'8!I'ating t'o the ConstructJionofa Hiigh Levell Bridg€at Po.lit BrurweU ...... 216 204'6-To AuthOirli'ze: the, VHtIlaJge- of Be.l'mont to Oons:tNlc.t, Use, :~uld Operate" WOTks fOlr th'e Tramsmiss-i'on- of Wat€1l" in the. Cbuntty of. Elgii'n ..................................._.........n.... 222 2047-To' Authorize. the, Township of Yarmouth 1.1() COtn'SrtrUlCt, Use- and Ope,rate' W,dt'ks for the Tlransmi'ssioiIl. oif Watier1n the Oounty of IDlgill1 ................ 227 2048-T>o ESltabUslh -a Sall'ary. Sched.uJe for Employe'es. .of the Oounty . ;of Elgin ......;.......;.........;m;....m.m.............~.....-_.........;;;....... 243 2049...;....T,o AppoiJnrt a County Assessment Oommilssi'Oner for ,tlhe- County 'of EIg1in .....m............n.......;............~.....;...................n.... 250 205~'1Io Estahlish tbei -Si8Jla,ryof ,tillie' A<SIS.e'ssment Oommis- aianm of. the' Camity .Oif IDIgin ...........;............................-;.......n.. 251 2051-To Appoi'nt a DeputtyAsses'sment Ooonmissi'oner foil' th!e OOU1IlJty of Elgiln .........mm_.............................n.......................... 252 2052--To Estlllbl>i\slh the S8JblJry of 1:Jlm Deputy MS'elSsment ,Camm;sS'iJon'er ..............................._.........._................................_....... 252 2053-Tio Appoint. Arss-eSSlOiTS .for ,the' Corunty .of. IDlgin .......,............ 253 20M-To. Amend BY..([,8JW No. 1696. TIh:ere'by AdjustJihg the Salary. ,of. the IDlgdtn. Oounty RCJiad -SuP&'linJtrend:ent ..n.h..... 254 2055-.-To Adju.srt. the SaJI'ary of the. Atss-ista:nt Road Superintendent .'.........,.,....-.........,........._.........._................_.....~....,........ 255 2056-To. Amend By...;I..aw No. .1867 Thelr'elb~ Adjust1lng the SaIlalry af the EIJgiIn, County Cle1rk-Tl'easurer ..m...m......~,..... 256 294 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BY-LAWS - Continued 2057~To AdJjus't ,the ._Salla'ry of the' ASiSistant Gl1erk- Treasull'Ietr ......................................._...nmn..n____.___'____....... unm..._ ___00_ 257 205"8-;-ToA11llend By..Law NiO, 1868 ~ Adjusti'ng tJhe salary 'Of the Deputy, Ol<erk-Treasur;er 2Q59---,To AmendBy-La"w No,"l'838 - To AuthOlfi~ Palt'rt.acd:pation in th~e Oll,tario ~un~lcdpallEmp'loY'~s' Retir,eTQ.'tmt System 259 20ao-,...To p1rlovi'd'e' For P8Jyment of 50% oJ' EmplJO.ye'es' Pr,em-iurns wi'th Re.'sp'ecrt. to On'tJar'i'o HOspitl:!JllnsulI'anc;e and OntaJrilo, Medti'ca'J Servii'ce\'3 Insrurancle P.l'am 2061--,-To ,IDstJabBlsh HOllidays .fiorE'mpl}io'Y'ele."l of the, County Qf ELgin 20az-,....,T,Q Delsi'gnaJt'e' .G'. C. Le'Verton 80S' GoIJ'e'ctor for: th'e County of E:lglin Em.p'liOyBe Gr-oiQP 2063-To- OouHm Hr'oceedings of"the: Councill of the Oorp'oraJbilon !O,f fue' County of E;lgin at a Spedail Meleting of, Cou;oicd[ 'on ,Oc,oober16,th, 1968; and at the: November Sessi1on, 1968 .....umm.....................u..........._..m........unum... .'............ 266 2064.:...-Authorizllng Speled Li'mits Ii:u'thel Corumty of IDl,gdn ..........u 276 2065-To AutholrdZl81 Mr. Popovich ;and MJr. JiOlhn Stlre1ib, the' I()wnerf:j 'Of a pOlrlioln IQf Lot 6,Cop.CleiSs'~on VII o.f A1dJbo,DQugh Township. :bo ConstJruct, Uool and. Op'e,rate Works for thl(!l T,ransrmdlssd'on of WalDer iln tnle Counrty O'f EI'giiln 2066-Tio Appolint a TempolrM'Y Admini'SItr81Dor f'Or the Elgin County ,Holl1/8l for .the .A:ged ......~....~..~...u.............u..u~.................. 287 2067-To Es.tablish the Sail.'~ry of the Administrato.r of the ETgin Oo'untyH'Ormle' for the Aged .,.._"...m.....~u..u..m...'......~....nu....~....... 288 2068-T'0 Conftrm Prroce1ed'ing1S 'of tlhla Ooruncil Q-f the COrplO.rart- ion of the County 'Of Elgin at the' De'cemhetr S'essInn, 1968 289 258 260 261 262 280 RESOLUTIONS - P:et~tlibns tb th~ M1!rulsue;r of Highw:al,)l'"s' for SUlb-slIdy ..m................... 16 To Continue Ag1i:e!eimJent Bertw€le1n rtJh:e Oity of St. Thomas amd Ithe Ooun1ty 'of Elgi!il re Coat of Administr8itiJon of Jusrtiice mm...... 17 WiltJhho}i(;lt!.ng tt'heBy-Law rbo IAppoli.'nt Members and AltJernakes to the ElgiIiCloiunty PilannJhig Board. ..._......._.............n......~_m..'.......u. 21 To P.eltt'tiilQln ,the MdJndstJer of Municipal Affai~s tOo Exercis-e th'e Autlhiol1'irty V1efSitled in Him. ,by. Subsection 2 o,f...Becti'on 94 of tbJe' Assessment J\.CIt ............~...........................................m..n...._..... 62 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 295 RESOLUTIONS --. Continued To InstJruct thle County Auddtors to Transf'E!lr $35.000.00 From AcoumuD.la:ted Surplus to R'es.elrve 'foil' Working Funds ......m..m.. 62 To Op;en an Elgi-n County Home' for the Aged Butlddng Accoun t 63 To cwn T'enders DOiI' the OOlnstruct.ioln of the: AdditiiOlll to the Elgin Oo.un.ty Home for the Aged .....um...m.....m~h......u.........m......... 63 EX'empti.'on from Un,emp:loymenrt Ins-uranele .... 66, 99, 128, 170, 270 To PurdhaSle' Ooruntw C:r'feslts and BTuc'e Tartan Tiles ".."'....m........ 66 'Do Don,atle ,the Formelr Wardlen)s Gown to the' E~gin County Piilon'e€r Mm:reu,m To Accept the, County Audirtotr's Rep'o,rt To Rebate the, Virl~agre of Rodney th.e County POIl"t1:on of the 1967 Taxes With Res~ct ,to' Twtin Pine AP8Jl"1tments Limdlt'ed ...... 99 Re Signin,g Cheques wilth Re'spe.1Ot rOO, the Eigin County Home iiOor the Aged Ac'counts' To Autho;r:iiZie the Superinwnd'ent Ot' S,e:cil'letJa;ry 'Of the Elgin Oounty Home fOol' the Aged to Rece1'V1e St'atements, of Curr.ent AcoUiIllt, C8J?2,eUled Vouchers and Cheques from the Bank of J.\ILonibr'MiI R€cr'atAng tb Accounts Of thel E'lgrn County Home for tlhe A~e:d To Rescind tili.'e ReSO[uti'on moved by Reeve, KeilJJlolr and Seconded by Re'e-'V1e Rober,ts, Passled art thel M;aroh Sl/3ssion, 1968, Auth'Orizing that a County of E~gin BuQ1ldinlg Account be ope!ned at the Ba.I11k 'Of MbntJr€'al .....n......n........_.........m..................................... 153 'Eo Open a CO'llIllrl:Jy of Ecrgin Hoffi'€' fOt" the Aged Bud~ding Account at the Bank of Montr;ea:l .....m.............n...:............................. 154 ReqweiSlttng the ApPn):v'wl 'Of the' Ontario Munddip,a!1 Board to BiO,rrow a 'Sum i'n Exoess 'Of 70,% and up :to 100% Oif the Unco'lil!e;Cited B8Jlanoe' of the Esbi'm'ated Rev:euues of the' Oounty 'Of Elg1itllJ fOT the Y'erar, 1968........n......................~...m_........... 155 AUfbh'ori'Zling the County ;SQiHcir\:or to Prepare Debenture By-Law fOir F1inancing a New Addd'UiOn ,bo rbhe IDlgu.n County lLame foil'" th:e Aged ...........m....m...m...............m........................................... 155 To invit-e 'a juniolr boy or gi'rlgiUlem to' thefirs:t. day of the Noveznrber ISessli'Ou, 1968 m..........................................................m................ 11'i5 To aooept the l'ielSirgnati'on of Mr. Ivam. J. Pa'tJ1;Jel'son amd Authl()lrtl~e the' EIginM'an'OT Conund:-too'e' to Adv,ertl:3e fOol', Inuervilew, and Hlre au. Administrator fOIr the Elgin County Homle f:OT the Aged ............................m.....m......m.....................n........m..._.. 163 To Acc:ep,t' the TE!il1id€1r of McLeod, Young, W'eir, and Company Ltd., '!'Ie' $300,000.00 De'b'entul"1e Issue .m.................................................... 163 66 96 162 153 JI '~I 296 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL RESOLUTIONS _ Oo:n1t'inued To Make: t.ne! 'COl1Jruty of Eilgin D€lbelntul'1es Pay:able a:t the Bank of :MiontJfleail, Main Branch, St. Th'QlIDSJS,; or Toronto, On,tario, -or Mlontreaa, Queb'ec un_____.._.mmm.um.nnnmnm.m...mnnnm-'..n.. .mm_ 163 :Hie NOUi-Payment Q,f$5,OOO.OO Grant to the Bo!bier H(Hne in Duttnn __n....un.un...____n__..mnnm.o__nunn.___.__m.m..o.u.m...nnnnnm~" n.n ..n __..__.170 Tn Cons'idJelr the F1ormw'olu of a Distr,ict Hea:I'tili Uni:t;Comprising the Ciilti1e:s of :London am.d St. Th'Omas; andrthe' OounUes of MiddlJ-'esex and, ,Elgin ..mnmh...,_______..m_____'..._____________ .....m." _______m mOO 175 To R.eqUJeslt the; Oounty Govelrnm:elrut Cammittere br a SpeciaJ Oommirtbe-eto Study the PraomoaibiHity of Gwb'age. Di,sposaJ Sites on a Corun'ty BasiJs. m.....mnm____.mm. mmm .m.._...."........m. m..___ 176 To: Mak'e -th~e Usuall GrMiIt 110 the RJep'o'l'lb'eIM ..m...mum._ ..mnmm .m 176 To Aippori'11Jt M,r. GramvHl1e Gl:o:in to the E1:giln 'Corun.ty l1"'\aJi'm Saflety 'C1o.unc,iIl n'n.._.nm....nm....unun.........m.....nm.;....nnnn.:m... ".n _m.. 177 Naining Uie Adri1i1.1111istratbr, 'Of El,giri 'M~'or and/6r the Se'Cii:'Ielt!airy of the EJ:g'i'n Manor C!oinmi:t'Jbe:e as Signihg orHc'e'rs to, rthJe: Elgin Man'Or Trust ACcbunt ....n..nn. ....-....... 2BS