1969 Minutes 1--------'---' I ! i I I I I' In the Months of January, March, May, June, September, I I I I i I I I I H, L JOHNSON, I County Clerk I .. ~:.__,,_______~o_,_,____.:. I.;. PROCEEDINGS OF THE Elgin County Council During the Sessions Held in the COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS November and December 1969 I I ! I I I I L C WISE, Warden, ~=~."~._._.._--~~._~_.._- County of Elgin Officials, 1969 Elgin County Council, 1969 Name Office Phone No. WA,RDEN. J. C. WISE &31-4810 ",631-0840 Township of Aldborough RJee"" D. lMi. M<lKJiJllV[l\ IR,;R 2, W<>st Lome ...n..."..._n..._...nn 768-1646 (West Loa-ne) D"iP'WlY RieievIe lR. N. Jolmslt1o<ni, RRc 1, ,Watrd<9Vdlllle .....nnn..n585-0707 (Rodney) J,. F. iMcMilliaJni"".n..C,,,wn'tIy Judge ];JW!lenieP. RaY"n.....cOUlnitly ICoun;t Cllerk ",I](! SruOlu&f ' rp, J, Gloin ...._n_n..C[eIDk of the Broce ",,,d lOoumlty Ca-OW'Th ,Mtor"eY""n... ........nn""""'m" ..6.3l-1506 'F1. IR. :Sa1100mmnn."Pir"NMolall Judge .mm......n'" ,m'n"6'31-7300 (Ortilmlilnlall DUvisoo) M. H.. Genest."n.m___.ProVlilncriaIlJU!~e (Famlly' Dliivil91on) P.O. Box 3~7, St, TIhiomac. 'u,...,m 'n,008-2169 R, iDalvd"-...n.........n.....OOlUJ!l!ly Re~.tra!r m'm,....n.nmnm" ","n,.631-3015 IR~ 'IS, BirOlWIl>m.....__Gi<NeirIIliO<r, fProv!iInclail J,aiIl mm"'" "n'm...'.n&3'1-3872 iEJ, I). lMoore.m.mu.Siu[l~vd'siiInig ThxJl>oJtdKm 0fJf~ ,.' m'''' &31-3430 ~, D<oain.mn...........m..Pa1oboJlIi\lll1l OliIiloer nunn'm' "' nn ,.....,"...6M-3430 W. CanmilnJg'n..m""....J'uooil>aiIl<lll1J OJiIj]oer, ...mm"UU ,unm' n..n63.1-3430 ill. :L. Johinron.mn....Cll<UIIUtIy C~erk-Treasurer ,m"" ,.".&3'1-1460 W. U, Vfud~er......nm.Aooe..""- C<>rn1mi&'llcmer 'u n.m' ""..68'1-9581 IR G, Moore,..n.....'co,u,n,tIy Fm!JimJeer . ,""" nnw....un.. ..un6l3'1-5880 IN, J. C!;wp\1OlW.........Couwtn'Wol';OOt SadJe,ty 'LOI!1Peotm " ... 631-5880 IR. B. IHillrnIJ>fen.......AdIDIin'etmoJtoc, Eilgliln U\1JamKJr ,.. .".., n' ,,",631-0620 ,EJ. iA<, W..US.:._m'.....CO<Uln'tIy Li!b"atr,;run, 9 Olrudl!'ltone Ave. m 6,33-08,15 F1aIOUOf.Y I Hi€lI1Inessey, iKiempgOOlr , J<JIhm~"" j& Gua1n..C(>UIIlJtIy Soilici-tons "n'''' .. nn m nnn63'1-0700 W. O. ~.........D.vrl.oon Cio<ua't CIlerk . ,n"........u.... nn.....63\1-1241 W. W. AJIl""__....D"",,ror of Elduc",tiIOn, ElIgOin COO\OItY' _d of ElducOllOOn, 360 Tailbot i'lL 6'3,1-43'12 Pr. A. B. iMcC,"liliuanJ..il pl1ySlolatrl, M6 TaIlbot i'lL ....m'_m.m6~1-~802 ~. G. A. Qraham.ElI!lilnlIMiaJn<>r Pihyslolatrl, '100 lRoos St. ..",,(l3(j.0030 A, V. LoJ"gloin.m....'"gJt1iIcuilrtJlmail ~tOOllv", 594 'l1alIbOt St. ...."..,nn""..n.m.m'" " ""...JI31-4700 ~boUl11Ille G<lil1dJOtn....n....mnwCo>UJtlIiy Wee'd .Lmpedt<xr <llIld 'l1ooe 'CommlmiJoollelr, i.R.iRL 'f1, St, Thdmlas ""u"".."....., (SlbedJdell') 764-2674 Township .ofDunwich R",,"" IK.J. ;MioAilpdinJe, lRLR. 1, ,Duititon "..."".n.uu..,7'62-&~'00 (Dutton) D~ :ReelV>e C. [MjOO-<rlIoc,nl, IRK '~', [J'Urtltion m...n"_702-6840 (Dutton) Township of Southwold Rioove A. J, 0rcl1<lJrd, Shedden .....unnm""..............7'64-2378 (Shedden) Deput,y lRe""e i[., iMdinJtyme, HUH.. '3, ShedJdJeru .m,7~4-2044 (Shedden) Township of Yarmouth ~eelV>e J, Ie.. 'WOre, :R.R 4, St. ThomlllS' mnm...68>1-0021 I(St. Thomas) -DelPuity l~eIe"" T. Y. ,l:OOberw, R!R, 1, Spll.rtla ..n....775-2608 (Spa<rta) Township of Malahide ReoVle (W, R. CaJVIeI\1ly, RIR/.I5, AyIlmer ...._.._.m..n....77~-2998 (Aylmer) DeiPwty lReeve H. P. deiRyk, P.O. Box 300, AY'"",er ....mnn77:3-31303 . (Aylmer) Township of .Bayham Re""", H. iB. J<lihJneom, Sit!aJfjjioro'V'i~le "nnmn u8-6.6.56'61 (SlbwMo.rdvHle) D"IPuty iRI_ J. L. lDenlnf., RR 1, V'enlnll "..._"".."......u.......866.5601 (StalffO!rdville) Township of South Dorchester RJeev<! J. B. IWrlJron, !RliR. 1, SplJ1ilng[iiJeild nnu2l69'-3995 (HamI'le,sobvi~q,e) Town of Aylmer Re._ F, F. ilVI<>ore, P.O. Box 284, Ay'lmer m....77'3-20l2i1 (Ay1me<r) IlI<\PIUifJy lReeve lA, T. Miisl<oellJly, P,O. !Box 874, Wyfumer ......n773-3447 (Ay,mer) Village. of Vienna Ree",e IK. C, ElIDIeuron, P,O, !Box. 120, Vienlna n...,...n.m",,874.4460 ~Pit. :Burwell) WdinlU>eIllIr, !Ri(lg'w, SI1Je\06l1OOIl\ & Daan>e......._n..._Co>UJtlIiy Aoudito<s, 136 Centre St. ,n.___.n&31-8'250 Dr. F. Aipplleton. [Mj,O.rH. _____....Jl]/gIiIrO-S TIhomias HeaIDIIho UndIt, 2l Wood Street n...u.....u..m..m..n.u "...,631.9900 Village of Springfield HeOViO J, W, lfudlgJron, IF.O, Box 1l4, lS[lIJ1iittgtlli~1Id ...773-3068 (Aylmer) Village of Dutton IRe""'" [Mj, A. KaI1a>t, ITJuibton ..n u.762-22'23 (burotoo) Village of Pori Slanley iRe.VIe iL, KieiiUllOlf, P,O. Bo", 296, Porl SIbain~"lY .....m......_..m 7&2-3462 , (port Stam<iey) Dep<llly :!WlM! J, j<l;emeibt, !P.O. Eo", GOO, Poil1t SIbainIIJey mm78~-M20 (POOl: Striey) Village of Rodney Roev<e V. J)eiG~"Jw, [>,0. Box I, iRlodmJey m"m.m..._ 785-02QO (Rooney) . Village of Wesl Lorne Reov<e ;0, R. Todd, West Lame m.........__...m 7,68-<100<0< <('We.! Loone) Village of Pori Burwell !Weve !M""",,[VjJa<ry' O3Ily,tihi, P.O. Box 6, Poil1t 13<uirw!ill;,___"_.m.874.4i!91 (pOOl: Burwell) Property and Assessment O:ruaritrun~ iF. IF. !N.lbome; MoAlprlinle,;].v.Ilcfu.ltiywe, WiI!lsiOll1, RolbeuitiS, EmewsOIJ:1, ,Todd ood Walrd'eril WilSle. Petitions and Legislations ClhlaiIDmJallll 1M. A. KahrJt; Hodg1Si01U, llVIomiron, Johll:lJSlUOn, Denln;l>, INemJ"tt, IlVlirs. Bl'Y'tIh alOJd Wia.dm Wlilge. Personnel Ohalirman K. C. EimeooolI1; K>eliilllJoo:, Oa:V1rny, J,dhJt1lSlOtrl' am.d WaO'dem Wfuse. Standing Committees, 1969 Reception and Entedainment CIhJarl1ranWl V. iDeGjl1a1W; Hordlgtslcln~ MomrllSlOlTh, Jwrnston, de~R'Yk, Nem:eltib, \D€Il1J:;Jlls, ;M\c'^!ljpliJnle amId IWlaIVdJem 'V i:sc. County Government C\hIaillrmwn D. M. MdKilill'OlP; W,iilsl00,IDmell'filOO\ OaverOly, C11arroe, O11dhial11d, !MiCJl11l'iirroI1 ""d W<uvclen Wise, Heallh Unit - CGla~Joe aIl1Jd ,1VI'l\!l" B];>,th, St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital Em.Ietnsioln) Todd. Tillsonburg Hospital --..:... J'oIhIIlL'SIOlll,. FOUl' Counties Hospital - DielGriaJw. ,Library Board J()h:ru3lom~ !K.a1.'1:nt IC'Walrke 'aJnld' W'al1'ldietn 1WdlSle, Children's . Add - lVTIilSikie'My, J1oomlsltO/I1J, Nelmetrt. Emergency Measures Organization HO\dg5Olll~ iKaihmlt aloo WI8!I'tdi€mJ WdlSle. Museum - Jdilllisan, MioNJlsOlD.. Village of Belmonl R<lev~ C. N.OlaIl1Joe, P.O. 80'" 1'54, BelmJQnJt __. 6'44-'1,835' ~B"lmo",!) . Agricullural . Cthwiirnnalru (K, J. McMipi:ll1Je; \McKiililop, Orohalrd, Oa_];>, D<l1lIllilS, Willoon bOld W_ WiIse. , Counly Roads C!JiaIiam<llll IT),. R. "Dodd; M.cAl'P'Il11e, OrohiBird, JoiJ.rulon; Wi[oo" a1nJd !W aroen W!iSe. Advisory Road Committee l- M'ciKJillJlbp, Miocl\re, CaNer ly. Elgin Manor ab8J:mmaJn V. DeGraw; IMfi~, Keilll,OT, IleRJyk and I Wanlien W,.,.. Advisory Elgin Manor Committee - IDe11l11lilsl, ilVIidKJillllop. Education Clh!adrman l\1irs, B1y,tIh; J<JIi>n\<J1xm, ~ MbmtyIDe, RobentJs, deiRyk, IDenruis, Misk.eil!y, NOOletl;, W1iJisc>n\ DeGraw, ['Q~tt, Kialhmit, OlJarJoe, Hoogson\, Em"""",,, alrud W<l<lXlan Wise. Equalization Clh!aliirmalru J, B. WIiIls:o"; !MicKiiOll'1P, MaAJlpIiJne, Oroh"",d, C\3!v1e~ly, JoiJ.rulOilli !MiooIl1e, Kieillllcxr, IDEJGraw, Todd, lKaIlmt, OIIlW:Joe, HWll1sdnl, !Mitw, IBIIYlt!h, Elm<e<MOIIlJ lIIni~ Wro-<ian WiLse. Finance OhaiJrmm H. B. J dhimoo;, Wi,lson, MicIKJll~'1P, IMIcAlpime, Ordhial11d, iOaIV~,OMJo(lil1C, KeIiIIIlo~, lDeGir8IW, TI'odJd, KaftlJnJt, OIai1ik!e, !8l<ldlgson, !Mitw. BlIyltlru, Emell1Sem aIl1d W<l<lXl"" Wise. ,i , I t ! ~ <n ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ '" P.1 w ,." , P3t,'l-'ljt.:J ::J ,,; <n U p- La ,-....-....-. Q 2', ___ ........ --.. .-..' --- ........ ,....., -. .-.. ~ ~~!I!$]gg~~~~~g Q ~ " ~ ~. ~, l":;'1 - -e. co Z n. 0 oil! 0 co:g m "<tl ~ ~ lL ~ to, '" ... 0:0 - - "'.. to Q ".. 0 Pi LQ . < ~~'~~~fA~'1~~ ~$~~ ""'j"" "'.,~'~~.<., f/l ~ijf2 t--1:f~r:-CO~"<fl ~~~ ~ t'"'~t- ..~!.':".I:"-o !:-oJ t- t lli: 1!!.~6:lliilg;~i i~ ~ I" "" 1 Iii t-- I ~ ...l II II Iii ." ! '" i! l ii, U ,~ - 'Ol , i - - ~ IIJ;~II IliIJ'I~II, i, e:: A",...~'E1! '" !!Jl~ u ' \jO." " 0 CIl "'- . ... '8~8P1,;!L<f~ ' tnll', 'iJ ~ il.IIM~t:!,'I~I~I~ ::E ~~'Q;jofi>;1~6'5 ~Q<lij' ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~ ! I ~ s : i ~ ~ J u ! "1 i=\' 1;" lq =1 ~l ~ n ~~l~ I II I j \ P,l ~ I I i I '~j''ll ~Ii~-!I'llgl l ] 1 i 1 i ~.~ ,~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ~ i ~ 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i , ~~' ~ ~ " .~ ~ ~ e & .8 Q ~ 0 P4 ~ ~ S J c;;a C'f l!6 ~ ~ ~ 1:- 1:'- 1 -I ! ,,! l~i~~i ~~!S~"1l~ I,G iN '=f1 0 .oJ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q'j I - J -. T '-' ~ :8 C? ~ ~ ~ EZ ~ g: I: to ~ 18 , '" t9 0;,0 r I I I : ! ~ i !:15 1 ~it~~ p ti! '" ~ ~ A ~ qj ..;I .,j ..; ~ ..; ------- ti~,;>ci~.:i~ 6 ~ i\1 ~ s ~ P1 ~ ~ ~ * ~ ~ ~ ~~~9Df....~ I (Q M lQ ~ cb t- ~ "<fI zg ex;> I:- q) 0 0:0 ,'- t-- t'- 1:'- "':r t-"<:t''?I' ~ EO ~ i ! ',' ~ "" . OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 7 PROCEEDINGS ~ i i i 'OJ ~ " j ~ i " H~ H i L,~ :?J t!l ~ '" '"iil ~ Q", vl J 11 ~ ~ ~ , ~!; Q '=ffi 0 ~ i>: ;;: :;;1 r4 i'l ti: Q .., Elgin County Council '->~ FIRST SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday; the 21'st day of January, 1969 ~ ~ ~ P1 ~ Ii ~ '-" < , ~ The Elgin County Council mEJv ~his' day 'at 'the Court House, St. Thorn"s, as required 'by Stailute. 'l1he fd1lowing members filed Oerlificwte.s and tonk theiT seats at ~he Council table: DonaLd lvi. !McKillop, Reeve, AlcUborough Nelson Johnsvon, Deputy Reeve, Al<:lbonough KelllnEJl1h J. !McAlpine, Reeve, Dunwich CoNn Motti-son, Deput.y R:eeve, Dunwioh ALbert Orohard,_ Reeve, Soutlhwold Laiur"nce MCITIIlyre, Deputy Reeve, SouthwoM J ohru Wise; !Reeve, YalfiIllouth 11homws Y. Roberts, Deputy R'eeve, YllIrmouth WiLliam R.Caverly, Reeve, Malalhide H. Paul deRyk, Deputy Reeve, MaIlalhide Hoira.ce B. Jol1nson, Reeve, Bayha'rn Jesse L.Dennlis, Deputy Reeve, Bayham, FIDirl'lelSt tF. 'MoOlI'e, Reeve, Ayll,mer AntJhur T, Miskelly, Deputy 'Reeve, Aylmer K. C. Emerson, Reeve, Vienna John Hodgson, R-eeve, Springfield LOIrne Keillor, Reeve, !Port Stanley .T<>iho1J NCime1it, Deputy Reeve, POr'11 Stanley Victor DeGraw, !Reeve, Rodney Douglas '!)odd, Reeve, West Lome Mrs. Mary 'BlylJh, Reeve, !Port 'BurweLl C. !N. Clarke, Reeve, Beilmont 8 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by 'Reeve Elmersolli, Seconded by 'Reeve Mvvre: IThat we laidjourn to the -Court Warden. Room for the election of -Carried. :l1he Oouncil assembQed in the Court Room and the Clerk announced. 'tha!tJ 'any' OounciH'Or who was a candidate for 'the office of W",ndeIl! wvuld' nVlW be, given the opportunity to speak, and Reeve JIQlhn Wise 'addressed ~hoiSe assembled. None ot the ot1her membe.rs of Council availed themselves of the oppoa'tunity to 'S(peak, 'and the election of Warden was ,then Ip.roceeded with. On Ivhe tirst ballot John Wise, 'Reeve of the Township of Yarm.O'uth" wats. unanirruously 'eU.eC'ted Warden for the year, 1969, and lbh~ Warden tonk the Declaration of .office. ExWarde", A.Bru~e McCallum 'oO'ugratulllited Warden Wise and presented him with the Lord Elgin 'Watch, and the gavel: of ,Dlffie'€'. 'The Wlarden 'addr€ssed the Council and thanked the mem- bers for the honour conferred upon !him. Following itlhe Wa:rden'.s Address it was M'oved by Reeve Clarke, Seconded Iby Reeve Mrs. Blyth: That we re-convene to the Council Chambers. -Carried. !Council 're-.assero1bled in the Council Ohambers; and Jtr-an.g- u.ct-ed the IfoJlowing !business: Moved, 'by Reeve IMcKililop, Seconded by, Deputy Reeve Johnston: 'I'hat the minutes of the December gin County Council, be lCoolI1'firmed. 1968 Seslsion of the El- fh ~ ~Carried, ELGIN C.oUN:TY C.oUNCIL 9 ~.P.he ~'ol1o'Wing 'cornmunkatioll's were read and ,referred to their various Committees: From the Association of 'OIl!tardo Mayors and Reeve.s with request' for memberS'hip . -Referred to the )Finance Commit_ tee. F~OOl the Ohildrexh Aid Soci,e.y of the City oj' St. Thom- ll'Sl and the County ,of Nllgin with Finance Repor1t' to November 30th, 1968,a.nrd lioE't of \children in -care to De.cember 31st, 1968. '- Referned' to the Fimnce CommHtee, F,rom the Sa:lvatio",' 'Army with request ferr grant. _ Re- ferred to t.he Fina11lce ('ommitt'ee. 'IFromtheTown of Aylmer with,'recommend,atiO'n for a1p- pointmeIllts to lithe ,Court 'of Revision to handle lo,cal improve~ 'mentJpontag.es an the Tqwn of Aylmer. -, :rUed. FromtheTownshiplOrf Aldho['orugh Iwith resolutiou -1'e- questtng the 'Minister of Finam,e.e -fo:rCanada kO!I'ecoUlsider his propooMS f.Oor amendTaent,of the inheritance tax; - Referred to - the .petitions and Legislahons ,Committee. From .the Rev. BasiJ1}Ha..rtley with letter re: laying ,of new sidewalks - :and 'L'lleaning .uP ,broken tree hrahohes in F1ll'gal. _. RefeTred {Iothe Roads COill'mi ttee. From the County ,of Lam!bton \with resolution requesting U:ilel, IDede.ral Government to give>oonsideration to grants for thoiSe -d,rad.nage jJo-bs investi'gated in the year, .1968. - Referred to the AglI'iculltura-1 Committee, Fllom the Townsh1p ,cf Aldborough wiUh re&oltition re- questing theProvinc~ of Ontario to 'oontinue ARDA SUbsidy to 'all dxainage worIDs which have been sUTveyed or to which instructions w-ene in the ihands Qlf the engineers prior to De-. cember 31st, '1968, - Referred tv the Agl'icultural Committee, Fr.o.m 'the LO.D.E. with appotini-meDJt 100f 'representative to the Museum Board for 1969, - 'Referl'ed to the Fina'nce Com- mittee. Jt'.Dom th2 Couniy of iSimcoe with resQ,lut.ion requesting the Dept. -,of 'Municipal Af'faiIiS to post'ponelegisla'tion toimp:o:se Regional Gov'ernmenLand give rural .municipalities a c]ear 10 ELGIN COUN'1'Y COUNC1L 11 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL understanding a"gl to financial undertakings 'When they are at- t&ched to uo!ban units. - Ref'erred to the County Government Committee. 'From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with ;r~quest for mcnjbership. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Ontario Good 'Ro3Jds Association announcing a one day Seminar for Counci11ors an FebruaTY 24th, '1969. - Refemed to' the R03Jds Committee. FDom the ,Economic CooncH: ,Erie Region with request for g,rant. - Referred to the Finance Committee. FTom the Ontaric> Asoociati,on of Rural Municipalities with request 'foT membership. - Refemed to the Finance Com- mittee. From the Muscular Dystr.ophy Ass.ociation of Canada with request for grant. ~ RefC'l'fed to the Fin3!n"e Committee. From the County o~ 'M1ddlesex with resolution 'fe: the f,ormation of -a District IHeallith Unit comprising the Cities of Lond,o,n and St, Thoma. and the Counties o~ Elgin and Mid- dlesex. - HefeDred to the 'Finance Committee. From the Minister af Highways tWith letter re: 1969 sub- sidies for R< ad.s and Bridges. - Refer,red to the Roads Com- mittee. !From the D,'pt. of Heallth, Southwestern Region, with prop03ed Dorm .of by..]aw 'and ag,reementve a District Health Unit. - Referr1ed to the Finance. Committee. i From (Mr. !D. J. Date, Dep3!rtmeIlit of Municipal Affairs wi till tax .coHection policies .of cities, towns and villages in South Wes'terltl! 'Ontario. - Referred .to the Finanlle Commit~ tee. F,rom ~he OOlUnty Klf Ontario with ;resolution petitioning ,the Minister .of Agriculture to p3JSS legislati.on to prohibit the s",le altl!d distribution af European Buckthorn as Nur,sery Stock in the Province ,of 'Ontario. - Referred to the Agrieultur3Jl Committee. Fvom the GounJty of Ontario with ;resolution petittiOlI1ing the Minister O'f AgJ:'iculture to' make a sUTvey to determine the extent of !buckthorn in the Province wilth a view to in- creaSe the grants payable for spraying, - Referred to the Ag- ricu~tll'ral Committee. !From the County of Onta;rio /with resolution 'Petitioning the Mmister >of Lauds and Forests to, amend the Wolf Bounty Ac, to provdde 10r the payment .of a bounty for 1!he destruotic>n of Hybrid Wolves. - Refemed to the Agricultural Committee. 'F\rom the County .of Lambton concurring wi~h the resolu- tion fmm the CounJty of Simcoe re postponing 'legisla uion to establish Regional Government. - Re~erred to the County Government Committee. From the Canadian 'National Institute for the Blind wiih request for a gram. - RefeHed to the Finance Committee. 'Fmm the East and West Elgin District Women's Institutes with appointrr.ents to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board for 1969. -Referred to'the Finance Committee, From Mr. Stuart McWiJlliam, SecretaDY of 'the Board oJ Trustees of the Bobie'r Home, with request for a gra,nt. Refel'red to the Finan"e Committee. 'From .Mr. R. H. Cooper, City Clerk of the City oJ London with copy of a DDalft Ag,reement for a District Health Unit oomprising the Oities "f London and St. Thomas and the Counties of Middlesex and Elgin. - Refemed to the Finance Committee. F,rom t'he City of St. 'Thomas with appoontment to the Eigin County Pioneer Museum Bowrd for 1969, - Referred to the Finance Commilitee. From iiVLr. Blair Williams, Executive Assista:rut to the Hon- ourable H. A. OlJson ,ack'tlOW,ledging receiPt, of xesolution J01'- warded fl10m the 'Ag,ricu-ltural Committee. - Referred to the AgrJculturaI Commilitee. FTo,m the Onta:rio Municipail. Association re: 1969 mem- bership. - Referred to the Finance 'Committee. From. the kSJ,Sociation of -Municipal iClerks and Treasurers of Ontario re: 1969 Membership. - Referred to the Finance Committee. DFmm Mr. Yves LeGrds, :Special Assistant to the Honour- able Jean IMarchand acknowledging ,receipt of resolution for- 12 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 13 warded fr10m the, Agric:u.lli'ural Committee. - Referred to the Agf'iculturaI Committee. ' Fl'om' the Hono'l1'r,able William A. Stewad, Minister of Agriculture and 'Food for the ProvLruce. ,of Ontal'io 'With letter re: the resolution 'forwarded from !the Agricultural Commit- tee, - RefeTr,ed to Vhe Agricultural Oommittee, From the Elgin County Pioneer Museum 'with 1968 Finan- cial Report. - Refel1I'ed to the Finance Committee. From R K McNeil, M,P,P" acknowledging receipt of I"esolution 'forwarded from the Agricultural Committee. - Re- '[erred to the Ag,ricultural Committee, 'From ,the Economic Council: Erie Region announcing a One..,.Day GOll'fer'ence~ ',January 29th, 1969, on "Solid Wastes" 'Pollution, - Filed, F,rlo:m the BalThk of ;Montreal ,w[th i1lwita..tion to dinner at Malloy's Restauranrt on January 23rd, at 6:15 p.m. - Filed, Moved by Reeve DeGraw, Seconded by Reeve M~ALpine: : That the Wa'rden "n;d Clerk 'be autho'razed to submit to the Minister of Highiways of iOnta'r-io the petition of the County of Elgin showing that 1irom the 1st day of J a:nuary, 1968, untol the 31st {\"y of Deceffi1ber, 1968, there ha,s been expended oIlJ~he County Hi g h way SyStem, the sum of $1,577,833,67. FIRST SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 22nd ,day of January, 1969 The Elgin County C"uncil met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance wii>h adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members present except ,Reeve Wilson and Reeve Ka!hnt. Dr. Jack Dancey and Dr. Douglas Hawkins of vhe Health of Animals ,Branch of the Dept, ,of Agricultur,e were present, and it woo moved by 'Reeve DeGrww that Dr. Dancey be now heard. Dr. Dancey introduced' Dr. Haw ki n sWlho addressed Council with respect 'to the rabies situation in Elgin County expUaining the operaHon,pf Dabies dinies within the County and adviaed that the ,cost of advertising these clinics would be the responsibility of the Cou11ily. The Warden thanked Dr, Hawkins ,and r,eferred the mat- ter to th~ AgTicultural Committee. Dr. AJpp]eton of the Elg.iIlJ-St, Thomas Health Unit and Dr. Aldisw the Depa.rtment ci Hea-lth, Southwestern Region, were present and it was moved by Reev,e Clarke that Dr. Aldis be nie>w heard, Dr. Aldis addressed County Council regarding the formation of District Heal'th Units and answered questions from the members ,of CounciL Dr, Appleton a~so spoke' to Council with r'e'Spect to t,he formation of a District Health Un,!. -Carried. , The Warden appointed Reeve McKilI1op, Reeve Todd, Reeve J,ohnson 'and Reeve KeiHorr as members of the Co.mmit- tee to strike the Standing Committees 'for the year, ]969. Moved by Reeve Todd, , Seconded by Deputy Reeve Morrison: That we do now adjO'Urn to ;meet again on January 22nd, 1969, at the hour of 10 a,m, 'The Ward'en thanked Dr, Aldis 'a.nd Dr. Appleton and re- fel"red the ,matter 'bo the Finance Commi.ttee. H. L.JOHNSON, Clerk. -Carried. J. C. WISE, Wa.rden, The Report of the Special Committee to name the Stand- ing,Committees for the year, 1969, 'was presented by Reeve Keillor, aml adapteJ on motion 0 f Reeve Keillor and Reave Emerson. 14 ELGIN COU:NII'Y COUNCIL Moved by Reeve DeGraw, Seconded by Reeve McAlpine: That we do now adjcmrm rta meet again, on January 22nd, 1969, at 2 p.m. ~Carried. Council re-conv!ened. Committee motion of 'The Report of the ProperVy and Assessment was ,presented by 'Reeve Moore B.ndado.pted ron Reev'e Moore and Reeve McAlpine. The Report IOf fhe Elgin Manor Committee was presented by Reeve DeGraw and ,adopted on motion of Reeve DeGraw and Deputy Reeve Miskelly. The Report O<f the Petit1'>I1is and Legislations Committee w,as presented by Reeve Hodgson aiWd a&opted on motion of Reeve Hodgson and Reeve Mrs. Blyth, Theiirst Report of the Finance Committee was presented by Reeve Johnson and adopted ,01\ motion of Reeve Johnson and Reeve Moore. Moved by Reeve DeGraw, Seconded by Deputy Reev.e, Johnston: That By-Law No. 2069, "To kppoint a County Road CJ>m- mittee," be read aftDsttime. -"Carried. Moved by' Deputy Reeve Mo,rrison, Seoonded by Reev,e Or,chard': 'lJhaJt 'By-l,aw No. 2069, be read a .second time, -"Carried. Moved by Reeve o"ch"rd, Seconded by !Reeve DeGmw: That By-']jalW' No",. 2069 he 'r,ead ,a third time, and finally, passed. -"Carried. ELGIN COUNrrY COUNCIL 15 Moved by Reeve McKillop, Seconded !by Reeve Ca,verly: That By-Law Njo. 2070, "To Authoorize the Warden and Treasurer to Borrow the Sum of Two Million, Eight Hundred Thousand DoHa'fs," be 1"e8Jd la !first time. -Carried. Mwed by Reeve McKillop, Seconded by Reeve To&d: That By-Law No. 2070 be read a seoood time, -Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly, ~econded by Reeve Ro'dgson: That By-L"w No. 2070, be read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by !Reeve DeGraw, , Seconded by Reeve McKillop: 'Dh8lt we do now adjourn to 'meet ag,ain on J,anuary 23rd, at 10 a.m. -Carried. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. J. C. WISE; Warden, 16 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FIRST SESSION - THIRD DAY Thursday, the 23rd day of January, 1969 The Elgin County Counoil met Uhis day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Cha.r. Aill ,members present except Reeve Wilson and Deputy Reeve Miskelly, A 111elegation tw.oo present f.rom the 'University lof We.sterm Orulario" ,and it w.as moved by Reeve Clarke that Uhe delega- tion .from t1he University 'of Western OntaTiio be now heard. Dean R. M. Dillon introduced the o,ther members of the delegation Mr, B. L Baldwin and Mr, E. J. R. Wri~ht and ad- dressed ..council ~eg.arding the purposes Qlf the University; its meaning ',10, the Connty of Elgin, and explained the method of financil1g, ,requesting a grant for 1969. The Warde'flI thanil<ed Dean DiHon and refeI1l'Cd the request to the :H'ir.3nce Com,m4.ttee. ' Mr. A, V. Langton, Agricultural Representative for Elgin c.ounty >was pTesent, and it wa,s moved by Reeve McAlpine that Mr. Langton be now heard. Mr. Langton addressed Council reporting Ion .cr<J'P condi- tionisin EI'g.in County, the activd.ties of Ithe var.iQusfa;rm clubs, and requested the usual g,ran~ for 1969. The Wro-den thanked Mr, Langton, and ,referred his re- quest to' 'the Agricultural Committee. A delegation from the Canadian National Institute for the Blind w"' p'r"sent, ,and it was moved by Reeve Mrs. Blyth thai the 'delega1ilon fTom the Canadian !National Institute for the Blind, be now heard. Mr. Stanley Burns introduced Mr. Peter Corless, who. re- v1ewed <the wm'k od' the 'C. N. L B. in Elgin C,>unty, exoplained the w,olvk of the eye bank and thanked Council for the 1969 grllllli. The Ward"n'thanked M-r. Corless. ELGIN COUNI'IT COUNCIL 17 Dr.D. A. Monteith was present, and 11 w,as moved by De- puty 'Reeve McInt;yre that Dr. Monteith be now heard. Dr. Mlonteith. spoke to. Council on general matters, and was 1hankeO,by Wa<rtl"n Wi.e. Ifhe ~epart ,ill the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve McAlpine, and adopted on motion: of Reeve McAl- pine a'nd Reeve DeGraw. The report of the Road Committee was p,esented by ~eeveTodd and ",dopted on motilon of Reeve Todd and Reeve McAlpine. The report of tJhe Construction Sa,fety Inspector was pre- .tented 'by MT, Norman ChaplolW, Moved by Reeve Todd, Seco.nded by Reeve Keilk'I, That. the report iof the ConotrucVion Safety Inspector be adopted and printed in the Pro-ceedings, -Carried. Mo.ved by Reeve Johnso.n, SecOnded by Reeve Moore: 'l'hat By-LalW No. 2071 of the c.orporation of the County CY.fE1gin, being. HA Fy-Law to. Authorize' the Execut1ion of a Propasal and Estimate of Costs and its Snbmi'9Sio!l] to the Minister of Highway, for the hovince of Ontario Pursuant to an Agreement with HEr Ma'jesty the Queen in Right of On- 'tario' as Represented by the said Minister Entered into under Section 22 of tlhe Hi.gh\l\,'ay Improvement Act," be read a first 'tiine; -Carried, 'Moved..by Reeve Mo.ore, Seconded by Reeve J'ohnson: That By-La'w No. 2071 be read a second time. -Carried, 18 ElLGIN COUNITY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 19 Moved by Depu"y R,eva Dennis, Seconded by Reeve 'Mrs. Blyth: The revort nf the Equalizartion Committee w,as presented by ,Reeve C8JVerJy and adopted onmotioo of Reeve Cavei'll' and Reeve MOOT€'. ' 'Dhe secollldrepotrt of the ,.Finance Committee was present- ed by Reeve JohnSton and it was Moved by Reeve Johnson, Seconded by Reeve iDeGra1w: T'hat the seoond report of Vhe Finance Committee be adopted', Moved by Re'eve Clarke" Seconded by Reeve Emerson: TJ1-at Ithe see-and frepOl"t of t1he F.in1ance Committee be amended by deleting item No, 2, 'Reeve OIa,rke requested a l'ecorded vote be taken on the motio.n to .a'menid tlhe second ,repOlrt ,orf the Finance Committee. The result was aJS 1olIdws: YEA - Ward"n Wise '(2) Reeve Emerson, Reeve Mrs, Blyth, and Reeve Clarke, Total votes (5). NAY - Reeve McKill"p, Deputy Reeve Johnston, Deputy Reeve -Mo'rrisorn, 'Reeve Orchard, Reeve McIntyre, Deputy Reeve Robeds (2) Reeve Caverly (2) Deputy Reeve deRyk, Reeve- J,ohnson, Deputy Reeve Dennis;. Reeve Moore (2) Re'eve Hodgson, Reeve Kahnt, Ileeve Keillor, Deputy Reeve Nemett, Reeve 'DeGraw, Reeve Todd - Total votes (20), ~he .mation to -'B.-mend the second reportO'f the 'Finance Committee was defeated. Th"t- By-L",w No, 2071 be T"ada thIrd time, _and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by R,-eve Kalhnt, Seoonded by Deputy Reeve Mo~rison: That By--Law_ No. 2072, "Being a By-Law to Authorize the ExecutiOn! Q1f- allAgn~em.ent Between the County of Ergin and the County of Mlddlesex for tille Division of Costs faT the Builcling of the Will>,. Bridge," be read a first time. -Carded. Moved by Reeve Orc~tard, Second,ed by Deputy Reeve McLll'tyre: Thai By-Law '1'10. 20'/2, be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by, Reeve Emerson, Seconded by Reeve OrchaTd: That By-Law No. 2072, be read a third passed. time, and finally ---Carried. MOlved by Reeve DeGr'aJW, Secol1Jded 'by ,Reeve Todd: That we do !lOW adjourn to meet again on J-aJnuary 23xd, at 2 p.m. ---Carried. Reeve MOON:- requested that -a 'Teeo1"ded vote be taken 'On the motion to' adopt t1he second report of, the Finance Com- mittee. Cauncil r'e-eonven~d. 'The rev-Oft of the Educational Committee was presented hy Reeve Mr,s. Blyth, and ,aCl~ted on motioll! of Reeve Mrs. Blyth and -Deputy Reeve 'McIntyre. ,The report .of the County Government Committee wag presented by 'Reeve Mc;Cj[[op and adopted on motion of !Reeve McKillop and, R',evr C, ,vel'ly. 'I'he result WaJS as folllows: Y1EA - 'Reeve McKillnp, Deputy Reeve 'Johnston, Deputy Reeve Morrison, Reeve Orchard, Deputy Reeve M-cIntYI"e, Deputy Reeve Roberts (2) Reeve Caverly (2) Deputy Reeve DeRyk,' Reeve 'Johnson, Deputy Reeve Dennis, Reeve MooTe 20 ELGIN COUN!TY COUNCIL (2) Reeve 'Emerson, Reeve Hodgson, Reeve Kahnt, Reeve Keillor, Deputy Reeve Nemett, Reeve 'DeGraw, Reeve Todd - Tota, Votes (21), ' 'NAY - Warden Wise (2) Reev,e Mrs. Blyth, !Reeve Clarke ~ Total votes (4). The motion tc> adopt ,the second repo-rt of the Finance Committee carried. Reeve Clarke requested that 'he be replaced as County of Elgin member o-n the Elgin-St.Thomas Health Unit 'Board. Moved by Reeve Moore, Secondect by Deputy Reeve Dennis: ':Chat iBy-La"" No. 2073, "A By-LaJw to set the Total Ag- gregate Va:ltrations for Apportionment of County Rate in the County of Elgin in 1969," be read a first time. -Carried, Mo-ved by 'Deputy Reeve Dennis, Seconded by !Reeve Clarke: rrh!at 'By-Law No, 2073, be read a second time. -'Carried, Moved by Reeve Clarke, Seconded by Reeve Caverly: 'l'hatBy-Law No. 2073 be read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried, Moved by 'Reeve 'McKillop, Seconded by Deputy 'Reeve Jdhnston: That By-LaJw No-. 2074, "A By-Law to Authorize the Ex- pr<Jpriation <Jf Land fo-,r the Purpose of Widening and Improv- ing COIunrty Roads," be Dead, a first time. -'Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 21 Deputy Reeve J.ohnston, 'by Reeve McKillop: 'l1hat iBy-Lruw No, 2074 be read a seoond time, ---Canied. by R~eve Emerson, by Deputy Reeve McIntyre: By-LaJw N), 2074, be read a thi'rd time, and finally --Carried. Reeve Mrs. Blyth, by Reeve Keillor: By-'La'w No. 2075, "A By-Law ,to' Confir-m Pl'oce'~d- of the C<J'rpor,ation of the County of Elgin Ses&ion, 1969/' be read a first IHme. -Carried. by Reeve Kei1l:lor, 'by !R,eve M<rs, Blyth: That iBy-L"w No. 2075 he read a second time. -Carried, by Reeve Mrs. Blyth, by R?eve Keillor: By-Law tNo. 2075 be read a thiDd time, and 'finally -Carried. by Reeve 'McKillop, by Deputy Reeve J "huston: 'we .do now adjourn to. meet at 10 a,m. .on Ma"ch 18th, ---Carried. Clerk. J. C. WISE, Warden. 22 ElLGIN COUN!TY COUNCIL WARDEN'S ADDRESS January Session, 1969 'fa the Members of the Elgin County Council, Gellllilemen: /May: I fkst of all take the liberty 0" behalf of my col- leagues and staff to' extend 131 very sincere weUcome to. all Ex- Wa.rdens -- f,olr,mer eouncillors - County Officials - citizens, visitors, -and il'epI'esentaftives of the news media, who 'have beensuffici mtlY intere3ted in the events of this day to attend. We a1rie' :m.ost grat.eful 'fOil' this, appreciate YOUTi !presence and are hon1orured by it. I convey my thanks to all members of this Council fO'T their genruine and unanimous ,o:mpport and oonfidence render- ed to me for ~his office of Warden, It is with a 'g,reat deal of l'riile' and honour that I accept the vffice of Warden, the obli- ,gations, the duties and responsibilities' that a'ccompany this 'olffiee. It is a l~leasure and a great ex'p~rience and. a great privilege avai,pable to few ,to have the opportunity to' serve the people of Elgin County in public office, and even a greater privilege and honour to a lesser number Of peopIe to hold this 'Office of Warden the' highest' available in MunicIpal Go- vernmen~. Let me haist-en to. ,add, hOVi"eVer, th~lt this hO[lIOU'f has been made 'PQssible by the encQuragement and continued sUPPQrt that I have had the good 'fortune to r,eceive from the citizens of YarmQuth Tawnship in 'cO'mbinatian with the generous sup- pod given by you tl.e dedicated members O'f .council. ' I think ,the worrds _,I"Success is due not t0' the genius of the ,few, but to 'the ifa.i~hfulness ar.d goodwill ,of ihe many" - lend them- selve.s ap!p1icafble to' 'this particull'aT occas1on. While I know the office of Warden, just a,cqui-red, confers honaur upon its holder, I'knorw tao that it involves added time and responsibilities: -but I ac.ceprt this gaovel from experienced hands knolwing wen that wilth it I ifleceive your JQlWn gO'o- d wishes, Bruce, and your promise of guidance and assistan'ce if requested and needed, We have attended many meetings, Bruce, we have sha,red many p'r,oblems and experiences, therefO're, may I again utilize this O'ccasion to' expreSL my peT1Sion3ll thanlks for your help and ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 23 assistance given fO'r I r;:1l0'W your advice 'cO'ntxibuted greatly towards the solutian (.'~ these problems. I am 'confidenit that alIlme-mber,s of County Council jain wit'h .me w1hen I say that {lur associations with you have been mo.st pleasant oneS'. 'It Ihas been ,our pleasure ,to'ha've ih1ad the oPPO'rtunity to wor;k with you. You have lserved this Great Old Historic Couniy of Elgin unselfishiy "nd faithfully, you halve provided 'leadership a-nd stability: throughout your tenure of offke, I 'can say without hesitation that not only this C,ouncil and staff bOil< a'lso the people of Elgin congratulate you on the excelll-ent job y.ou have done not only in ,this. Coun- cil Chamber but also on manY' occasions throughout the County and elsewhere. lVIay I on their behalf express a 'sin- cere hope; and desire that oontinued success, health, happiness and prosperity will aecO'mpany y.O'u and your family 'On all fL~lure endeavours. Retiring alsO' frO'm Council this year are Aldborough Reeve Duncan Gilchrist and Springfield Reeve Jim Ba,rker, and to' these twO' men -cO'ngratulations are very much in O'rde-r flDr theLl' year,';; Qf- pulbllic 'service :lind 'fo,r their 'ContributionS' to ~his County and ta this Communlty aI,d with them also goes recognition and ;;imilar wishes in rega1rd to their futures. SimuItaneouslly with reth'ements come new personnel, new faces, withinew energy _and lUew ideas, ,ess'ential ingred- ients of 90ntinuingstUccess in an ever 'changing s.6:ciety. May I exlt-end a 'word' -of welcome tlO Nelson Johnston" Deputy Reeve o,f Aldborough, Calin- Morrison, Deputy Re'eve of Dunwich, and John Hodgson, Reev'€ of Springfield, and Ire-quest that you give !freely of your time in a manner simila'r to your prede- cessa,rs, for aSL time progresses more is required. Make a sin- celre effO'rt to" cO'ntinue YO'llr interests in -loca,l government in arder - that you ima'y ~become more iamiliarr with Itrhe business of Municipal Admi.nistratLon, tEar it is onllyw1hen one is inter- ested, involved, and 'Participates, can ollie achieve and contri- bute towa['ds suc~ess and accormplishment. I am ,certain tha\t' you willthOT:oughly enjO'y your JW.ork Ihere, and be impressed as I have been by the sincerity wi.th Which It-he members dil- igently 'discharge their respO'nsibilities. As we ;pallEIe' Ifor al moment Ito. 'T€caI1 SQme of tlhe ihighlig,hts and ma.jQr projects O'f 1968, I am sure that another .successful year can' be recorded in rthe history of this County. 'fihe I'€- 24 EDGIN COUNITY COUNCIL cent open1ing ,of the Port Burwell Bridge - nea'rly a -minion dollar pmject - the 60-bed 'addi~ic>n to Elgin Mano~ - the vigorous development road schemes ~ 1968 'Budget, $3,000,- 000.00 are some to mention a few which aJre no doubt mile- stones and land mar,ks of 1968, to serve and !benefit t1he people or! this Country fall' many years to 'Come. We have been Uessed with faithful andca:pable sta.ff and their efforts, knowlejge, and abilities 'halve contributed grea,tly towards the success of these tpTojects, and may I acknowiledge their contributions: and express our appreciaHOill1 for iheiT ef- foiI'ts put forth, IThe future will nut doubt present its share of problems and 'cha:Uenges, some old, and some new. High on the p'ri- ority list will be the ~omplelt1on and opening -of the Manor project, under 'our: nelw AdmiruistratoT,!Roolberft. Himp.fen, . who commenced \his duties yesterday, the continuation of Oll'f ever expanding road prog.ramme, the introducti,olll at 'the earliest possible date of County l\e'-asse,s'sment by the Assessment De- partment under the supervision 00 our newly appointed As- 8,eSSmell't Commissioner, William Vidler. We Shou1ld continue and whenever p,ossible increase our effor-ts 'olf co-operation between the City of St. Thomas and ourselves for mutual benefits of our citizens. 'We are -most a.nxious'that the route of the By-Pass be established as salon as possible, a long over- due, essential and vilt'al facility whi'ch would be most desirable to the future progr1ess ,off our community. 1111 our, hands will a!lso Il'est the respo'll'sibHities of the County's position in .regard. to the Province's proposed new health districts, and t'he County'Govemmemt Comm:ttee .hould actively engage them- selves as a, fact 'finding committee on local government reor- ganization and Regional Gov.ernmen'b projections, these aTe some to :mention a few. In doeinlg, may I once again e:x:press .my appreciation fall' t1he confidence 'placed in me to head this Cou-ncilas Warden. I amcen:-tain that with ttis continued support that we, through a sincere and united erfol't}will be able to assure the people of Elgin that good 'loca~ government and sound admin1stTa- tion given to them by OUT predecess'oTs will be continued dur- ing my tenure of O'zfice. I ask earnestly for this support from you, the ,members {If Council, and I a'sk earnestly for this suppor'v f'rom the Department heads and members of staff and I 'pledge mine to you, ElLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 25 REPOR,T OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO STRIKE THE STANDING COMMITTEES January Session, 1969 To the Wa;rden, and Members of the Elgin 'County Council: The f,ollowing is the ,report of the Special Committee to strike the standing >Committees for the year, 1969: AGlRICULTURAL - McA'lpine, McKimop, Orclhard, Caverly, Dennis, Wilson, and W:a,rden Wise. COUNTY ROADS - Todd, McAlpine, Orc:h!lJrd, Johnson, Wil- son, and Warden Wise. Advisory Road' Committee ~ 'McKillop, Moore, Caverly, ELGIN 'MANOR - DeGra'w, Miskelly, Keillor,deRyk, and WardOOJ 'Wise, Advisory Elgin IManor Committee ~ 'Dennis, McKillop, EDUCATION - 'Mrs. 'Biyth,Johnston, Mom-ison, McIntyre, Roberts, deRyk, Denn:Ls, Miskelly, Nemett, Wilson, De- Graw, Todd, Kahnt, C1arke, Hodgson, ErneDson, - and Wau-den Wise. EQUkLIZATION - Wilson, McKillop, McAlpine, Orchard, Carvert'ly, Johnson, M'oore, Keillor, DeGraw, Todd, Ka.hnt, ClaTke, Hodg.<on, Mrs, 'Blyth, Emerson, and Wa'rden Wise. FINANCE r- Jot.nson, Wils0rt, 'M"Kmop, McAlpine, Orcha(l'd, ,Caverly, M,oore, Keillor, DeGraw, Todd, Kahnt, Clarke, 'Hodgson, Mrs. Blyth, Emeroon and Warden Wise, PROPERTY & 'ASSESSMENT - Moore, McAlpine, 'McInty,re, Wilson, !R,.dberts, Emerson, Todd, and Wa:rden Wise. PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS - Kahn~, ~odJgson, Mor- rison, Johnst<oll, Dennis, Nmr~ett, Mrs. Blyth, and Warden Wise. PERSONNEL - Keillor, Emerson, C!lJverly, J.O'hnson and War- den Wise. REOEPTION AND ENTElRTAINMENT - DeGraw, Hodgson, Monrisoll, Jdhnston, deRyk, Nemett, Dennis, McAlpine, and Warden 'Wise, 26 ELGIN COU'NfI'Y COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 27 COUNTY GOVElRNM<EN'l' - McKillop, Wilson, Emerson, Ca- verlY', Ola1rke, Or:cha,rd, Morrison, and Warden Wise. HEALTH UNIT - 'Clarke, and Mrs, Blyth. ST. THOMA!S-ElLGIN GENElRAL HOSPITAL - Emerson, Todd. TILLSONBU!RG HOSPITAL - J'ohnson. FOU!R COUNTIES HOSPITAL - DeGraw. LIBRARY BOARD - J,OIbnsoll!, Kahnt, 'Cla,rke, and Warden Wise. CHILDREN'S AID - 'Misk"lly, Johnston, Nemett. ElMElRGENCYMEASUREfl ORGANIZATION - Hodgson, Kaihnt, and WlWden Wise. MUSEUM - Johnson, Mo.rrison. WE RECOMMEND that each Committee meet and appoint a Chairman! ,ars soon os possi1blc. 'Allo!f whi.:h is reSJjlectfully submitted. LORNE KEILLOR, Chai",man, PROPERTY AND ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE R;EPOR,T January Session, 1969 To '"he Warden and MembeTs of the Elgin Oounty Council, The Property and Assessment Committee reports as fol- "ows: 1. We have authorized tJhe AsseSSlnent Commissioner to hire up to fowr people on a ,contra,ct basis to take the census ill! Elgin Coonty for 1969, These pe"Pl~ are to be paid 10c for each name listed from tIDe urban 'municipalities anld 15c for each name listed from the rural mumcipalities. 2. We .have authorized the Count)" Engineer to proceed with painting of his office. 3, We have authorized that pa,rt time help in the Clerk- Treasu.rer's office be paid at the ,,,,,be of $15.00 per day retro, active to Januarw 1st, 1969. All of wthic'h is reSJjlebtfully submitted. FOREST MOORE, Chairman. ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1969 To the Warden and MembeTs of the Elgin County Council, The Elgin Ma,nor Committee reports as follows: 1. We ,have accepted the tender of Aylmer Dairy Limited to sUJPply milk to Elgin 'Manor for the year 1969. 2. ' We have -accepted the tell!der of Can~da Bread Limited to suppll)" bread to ,Elgin Manor for the year 1969. 3. That Mr. Vincent McTall'Ue of the Department of So- cia,1 and Family Servkes is Acting Administrator of Elgin Manor until Mr. Robert Himpfen takers .over his duties on January- 20th, 1969. All of wllich w,e .respectfully submit. V]OTOR DEGRAW, Chairman, 28 ELGIN COUNJTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 29 PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE R,EPQR,T January Session.. 1969 To 'the Warden ..nd tMembe'fs of 1ihe Elgin Gounty Council, 'The Petitions and Legislations Committee reports as fol- lows: 1. 'That the 'fesolutionJ from the TOI\vlnship 'Of Aldborough l'equeslt-ing the Mi'Uiisrter of 'Finance 'for: "Cam!ada to ,reconsider his prOjposals for almendment of the ii!l!heritance tax; be en- dorsed. All of w<hich is respectfully submitted. J, HODGSON, Acting Chairman. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1969 First R.eport To ~he Warden ..nd Members O[ 1ihe Elgin County Council, 'The Finance ,Committee reports as .ollows: 1. That Charity ..nd Welfare Pay Lim No. 12 for $1,798.00, be approved. 2. ,])hat ChHdren's Aid Society ,Pay List No. 12 fo'r $1,- 621.33, be appr"ved. 3. 'Th..t the W..rden and Treasurer be aut'lOrized to bor- row up to $2,800,000.00 from the B"nk of Montreal..s may be required amd that a By-Law be prepared. 4. Tha1i the usual grant of $50.00 to 1ihe Law Library, be paid. 5. That the memberWlip fee in the Municipal! Clerks' and Treasurers' Association :be pa,id, .and the, Clerk-Treasurer and Assistant meDk-Treasurer to attend the Convention with ex- penses paid'. 6. That K. C. Emenson, H. J,C1hnson, and V. DeGraw be paid members wages for. attendance at hospital 'mee1tings dur- ing 1968; and that C. N, Clarke and Mrs. Ma'ry Blyth be paid an additio.nal $3.00 'Per meeting a!tended on the Health Unit to Junelst, 1968; $6,00 per meeting attended from June 1st to October 16th, 1968; and that 1968 Council members on the Ohildren's Aid Society be pa.id an additional $3,00 per meet- ing for each meeting attended afte.r June 1st, 1968. 7. ,])haib the following constitute tlhe BOau'd of the Elgin PioneeT Museum Ifo", 1969 - Mrs. 'J. R. Futche.r" Mrs.' P..ul Jefferies, I1\1rs. Alex. Turner, !Miss Catharine McDowell, Mr. M. C. MDore, and'CounciL.representatives. 8. That a gr,ant of $500.00 be made to the Elgin Pioneer Museum. 9. That the memher,sthip :fee i.n~ the Ontado Municipal Association be paid, and .the Warden to aJppOint delegates to attend. the Cunvention, ., 10. That the request of the Muscular Dyst'fophy Associa- tion for a gra"'t be :filed. 11. That a grant of $15,000.00 be made to the TiJlsonburg HOSiPita,l, and we recom.mend to fu.ture Councils that a similar !lrand be made in 1970 and 1971. 12. That payment of g'f.,mt of $3,LOO,00bo "Beattie Ha- ven" fo'r 1969, be authorized. 13. That payment ofa grant of $9,000,00 to the Four Counties Hospital for 1969, be authorized. 14. That the request of the Ontario Asscciation of Rur,al Munici'palitdes fo~ a member,sthip, be filed.. 15. That the mem.oe'rship fee in the Association of Coun- ties and Regions of Ontario, be paid. 16, That the County of 'Elgin ffi"ke a grant of $2,298.48 to the Economic Couneil; ETrie Region. 17. That the Tre..surer be authorized to continue month- ly paymetrt.s ,to the Ohi1dren's Aid Society on the basis of the 1968 Budget <Until tlhe 1969 Budget is establislhed, 30 ElLGIN COUNlTY COUNCEL 18. That a grant of $500.00 be made to the Salvation Army. 19. That a grant of $5,000.00 be made ~o the IBobier Home, and we recmnmend to futu're Councils that~his grant be con- tinued for 1970 and 1971. 20. ,That the membership fee in the As.sociation of On- tario Ma,yof>s and 'Reeves, be paid. 21. That the 'finance Report of the ChHdren's Aid Society to November 36th, 1968, and the lis. ,of chiadren ill care to De- cember 31st, 1968, be filed, 22, That the resolution from the County of Middlesex re: the formation of a District Health Unit, be filed. 23, That the proposed form of By-L"w and Agreement fe: District 'Health Unit fl'om the Department of Health, South-western Region, be ,filed. 24. That the letter 'flrom Mr. D. J, Date of the Department ;of Mttnicipal Aflfail1's with taoc. collection policies of cities, towns, anrd vHlulges, be fil:ed. 25, That the request fOor a grant from 'the board of the Gentlemen 'and B~s~ Choir of First United Ohoir, he filed. 26. 'That the ,letteT from the City of London re: the '''p_ po~rutmenJt. of. two representatives to 'mem j,aintly with two .rep- resentatives of the City of Lcmdon, the City of St. Thomas, and the 'County of Middlesex re: the' formation of a District Health Unit, be filed. 27. That a "rant of $1,250..00 be made to the Canadian Nat1cmal Institute fm- the Blind. 28. That 'the 1968 Financi"l Repo'rt of the Elgin Oounty PfOllleel', Musem, be fdled, 29. That 'Reeve 'Blyth 'and Deputy Reeve Roberts be paid member.s wages fw attending meetings of theElg;n County Pioneer Museum during 1968. All of' 'Which is respectfully ,submitted. HORAoCE B. JOHNSON, Chairman, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 31 BY. LAW NO. 2069 "To Appoint A County Road Committee" As requiTed by t'te Highway Act, the Elgin County Coun- eH enacts: THAT the following Jive members of this Council consti- tute a Coonmittee for the purpolse of directing the wOork to be done on the County Ro,ad System: J, B. Wilson - for Term of One Year D, Todd - for Term of Two Yea",s A. Ok'chard - fOT Term of Three Years H. B. J.ohnso'lll - for Term 'olf FouI1Years K. J, McAlJpine - for Term o'f Five Years THAT 'By"Law No, 2003 be, and is hereby repealed. READ a fir.st time this 22nd day ,of January, 1969. REAoD a second time this 22nd da,y of January, 1969. !READ a 'UhiTd time, and 'finally [loosed, this 22nd day of ,January, 1969. '.., H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. J. C, WISE, Warden. Municipality of the County of Elgin BY-LAW NO. 2070 WHEREAS the Council of the COlC'poration 'deems if ne- Icessarjr to borrrow the sum olf Two Million', Eight Hundred OJhousand dollars, .to meet, until 'the ta'xeJs are collected, the current expenditures of the Cor-paradon for the year; AND WHEREAS the total amount of the estimated re- ,venues -af the Co,rporatiolll as set forth i;n the estimates adopted J,or the year 1968, not indluding revenues derivable or .derived ,from the B-8Jle of assets, borrowings or issuance O'f debentu~res or from a SlUifiplus, includin'g arrea'I'S of taxes 'is' -Four Million, .One Hundred and Tw.eniy..Ei~ht ThousaOl'd, 'I'wo Hundred and ,Sixty-Six dollar,s. ' AND WHEREAS the total amount heretOofore authorized to be borrowed this tj'ear for the purposes -mentioned' 'in sub- 32 ELGIN COUNlTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNlTY COUNCIL 33 .section (l).of Section 329 O'f The Municipal Act is Nil donars, ,of ,which the COIl'poration has already bor~owed a total of Nil ,dollars. THEREFORlE the Council of The Corporailion of the Coun- ty of Elgin hereby enacts as fol1oiW": L The Head 'and 'the Treasurer are :hereby authorized on behalf of the Co",!,oratio'tr to bor'row fmm time t<> time, by way of promissory .nOlte, from the Bank o.f'Montreal, a sum or sum. not exceeding in the aggl'egate Two Million, Eight Hundred 'Thousand dol1ars to meet, >until. the, taxes' are co1- le~t'ed, the 'Climent expenditures of the COI'I,POrati.oUl foc the y,ear; .including ,the amounts required f,oir the purposes men- tioned in subsection' (1) of !:he said' Section 329, and to give, <>" behalf of the COl'poration, to the Bank a' promis,sory note Oil' nortes, sealed with the corporate seal and signed by them fo-r It'he moneys so borrO'wed'witih intererst at 8.1 rate not ex- ceeding 71h !peT, 'centum .per annum, which-may, be 'paid in advance or otherwise. 2. AU sums borrowed from Vhe said Bank, for any or all of the purPoses mentioned in the said Sedtion 329, 'shall, with ,interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the ,revenues ,of the Corporation nor the current year and for all preceding .years, .81S and when such revenues are received. 3. 'I1he Treasurer is her,e'by authorized and directed to ,apply in payment of all sums borr'c>wed pursuant to the au- ,ffllGrity of this By-Law, as well 'as 'all other sums bolJ)rowed in .this year and any previous yeallS, from the said Bank for any iOf aU of 'the purposes mentioned in the said' Section .329, to- gether with interest the.reon, aliI of the moneys hereafter col- lected or received ~on 'account {}[' J:'ealdzed in respect of the ,taxes levied for the current year an!d precedin!g yearrs and all .of the 'moneys coHected or received [fOm any .m;her source, .w,hioh m"Y lawfully be applied fur such pUl'pose. Paosed this 22nd day \J'f Janua'l'Y, 1969. JOHN WISE, (The He8Jd of fflle Colr1pO'ration) CORIPORATE SEAL H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. I hereby certify that "he foregoir;g is a truo copy ,of By- ,Law No. 2670 of The Ccrporation 0If the County of Elgin in the Province '()If Onta'rio, duly ;passed at a meeting of the Council ,oil the said Corporation duly held, and that the said ,By-Law is i'tr full fOl'ce ,and effect. Dated this 22,nd day January, 1969. As witness the 'Se8J1 Of the COII1Poration. CORIPORATE SEAL H. L, JOHNSON, Cierk, AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1969 ToO fthe Warden and Members od: the Elgin County Council, The Agricultura'l Committee rep<>rts as fo.tlo,ws: L 'I1hat a grant 'of $3,000.00 he made to' the local agricui- tural} offke for farm organizati.oll1ls and junior fammer. and 1n- ,stitute groups i,n !the County of Elgin fo,.'1969. 2, !l1hat 'vhe Warden, Reeve McAlpine, and Reeve Orchard be a Committee to allo'cate the grant. 3, 'l1hat the members oil the above Committee be paid members wages .fOT theilr services. 4. That Ivhe grants to the agricultural and horticultwral societies be, on the salme ba'sd.s as last year; equal tor Ithe pro- vincial grants. 5, That the resolution Ifrom the County of Lambton re- questing the FederaL Government to givecoI1lS'ideration to grants for those drainage j'obs investigated in 1968, he endors- ed. 6. That the resolution from the To'wtnship of Aldborough requesting the Province of Ontad'io to continue 1\iRDA subsidy ~" 'aiJll drainage wmks whioh \have heellJ surveyed or to which instructions were inl the hands 'Of the engineertS1 prior to' De- cember 31st, 1968, be endorsed, 34 ElLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 35 7. Thall the reso>lution fr.orm the COlIDty of Ontario peti- tiondng ~he lMinister .of Agriculture to, pass '>legislation to pro- hibit the sale and 9istributiolll orf European Buckthorn as. nlUr- tSery stock in :t~e Province of Ontario, be endorsed. 8. 'Dhat the res.o>lution from the C.oUnty of Onlbari.o peti- ,tioning the Minister of Agriculture te> make aJ oorvey to de- ,termine the extent of huckthom in the Province with a view to illlcrealse the grants payable for s.pra:yirtg, he fHed. 9. That the resolution from the COUnty of Onilario ,peti- !',oning the Minister of ,;Lands and 'F.c>rests to, amend the W.old'Bounty Act to )lIfovide ,for the payment of a bounily for the destruction of Hyhrid- Wolves, be [iled. 10. Your Agricultural Committee has passed the follow- ing re"oJ:ution and forw/,arded it 'Ie> the people mentioned - "'!'HAT itlhe AgTicultural Committee of the Elgin County COUIreil petition the F'ederal Governtmentand the Go'VeTnment of the 'Province of Onta['io to give considelI'ation to cOOJtinU€ the A'RDA drainage grants on ,those drainage projecw thall were in the hands-of the engineers at December 31st, 1968, and that a copy of this resolution ,be sent to: HaTold E. Stafford, M.P., 'Ronll:ld K. McNeil, M,P:P., JjJcck Spence, )VL'P,P" The HonouraJble W, A. SltewaTt, Minister e>f Agricu1- tur:e ,for the PrQlvm!ce of Ontario, ''l1he :Honourable H. A. Olsen, Minister of Agriculture for the Dominilon 0If Canada, The Honourable Jean ~Max:Clhand, Minister of -Fores- try 'aJnd nural Development for the Dominion of Canada." 11. That ~he letter from Mr. 'Blair Williaun~ Te: resolutie>p fOl1W'arded te> the HonouJft8!ble H. A. Olsen, be filed. 12. Thall; the letter from Mr. Yves LeGris re: resolution forwarded to the Hooourable J,ean M8!Whand, be !HIed. 13, 'l1hat the ,letter from the Honowrable Williaun A Stewart re: reoolutionf,(]rw'arded to him, be filed. 14. That ',the letter, .from R K IMcNeil, -M.P.IP., ~e: reso- Jution forwa;rded to him, be f.led. 15. . That the County .of ElglnJ pay for advertisements placed by the Depa['tment of Heaith Te: RaJbies Clinics, All of which is respectfullysuhmitted. K. J. McALPINE, Chairman, ROAD COMMITTEE R.EPORT January Session, 1969 St. '!'homas, Ontario To the Warden a,nd Members of the COlmcil of 't!he County of Elgin, YOUR ROAD C01VJlMIT11EE begs to repo1;i as follows: THE FOLLOWING is a summary of cosbs .of Construction and Maintenance .on County of Elgin Roac],s during 1968. CONSTRUCTION: ROADS-_" L Surj)ac. treatmeIlJt, Completion of Grading, etc" Road 11 from Highway 4 to' Road 26. (Bostwick RQad) in the Township of SiJUth- wold (Total does 'not include aContrihu- tion of $9,000 from the Canadian NatiollM Railway) --.---------------__._____.___ $ 19,930,0[/ 2. Surbce treatment, Completion e>f Gr,ading, etc., on Road' 35 fTom Highway 3 (Orwell) to R"a,d 45 (Ja~fa) in "he Township of Malahide (no billings were made forCon- struction for the Spri-ngwater Da1m during 1968) -' ------------------------________ 20,030.02 3. Surface Treatment, CompleHon of Grading, etc., on Road 42 ,at Stalter, GuBy (Road 'Portion ,(]f Work) in the T.ownship of Mal- hide ---- _.". -- ---- -- ---------- -- _-----__ ____ 1,468.11 4. Grading, Granular HaS€, etc., on Road 3 from n<lrth ,limits of VillaJge of Rodney to 1 mile north of Ro,a,d' 9, in VlllaJge of Rodney, and ;Township of A!ldborough __ 92,935.09 36 ELGIN C01JNITY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 5. Gradi1ng, Granular Ba5e, etc., on :a,oad 15 at the entl'anc-e O'f John .s. IPearce Provin- cial :Park in Ithe TOlWnshipo~ Dunwich -- 6. Grading, Granular Base, etc" Road 38, at theMa!iaJhide.Ba~!ham Townline ______ 7. Grading, Granular Base, etc., Road 42 ~tom Hig>hw'ay 73 to Road 40 in the TawIlooip od' Malahide 8. Fencing Raad 52 (-Development Road No. 840) in Towuships of Yarmouth, Malahide and S. Do'rchester ________.,___.._n______... 9, Fencing ROlad 20 (Development Ro'ad No, 931) in the Township of Southwold ....---- 10. Fencing Road 47 (DevelOiPment Road No. 972) in the Township of South Dor.c!hester 11. Ditchirng, Drainage, etc., R 0' a d 5, from Road 9 to' the Thames River, Township ad' Aldborough and Dunwidh 12. >Raad :Portion of the Belmont Bridge on Road 37, South DODchester (50% biffiled to the County of Middlesex) 13. !Port I3urwell Bridge, Po~tion eligible for Road Subsidy in 1968 14. Orwell Bridge - 'RO'ad, Portio!!] (Creek Diversion) Townships of Ma,l..hide Ml!d Y,aJrmouth 15. Land PurChase (including Land Survey and Solicitors' Fees) 16, New Ma!chin",-y 17. Machinery Ownership Casts Cha'I'ged to' ,Deve1opmenJt !Roads, ,and Townlline Ac- CO'UltlJtS _____..n___..__..'...___________ Credit 18. Miscellaneaus Grading Construction _____ 19. Surveys alld Traffic Counts 20. Needs Study .__________________"________"_ 38,588,34 SUBUR.BAN R,OAD COMMISSION R.OAD CONSTRUCTION by St. Thomas L Grading, Granulair Base, Curb and Gutter, Storm Sewers, Paving, etc;, Road No. 16 in Fingal, Township of Southwdld '....,....".. 2. .surveys, 'Fencing, Land .'Pll'nchases, .etc. 20,987.57 99,041.55 TOTAL ROAD CONSTRUCTION by the Commission 12,027.88 TOTAL ROAD CONSTRUCTION 8,202.00 6,609.92 BRIDGE AND CULVERT CONSTRUCTION L Port Burwell Bridge Po~tion EligIble for BridgeSudoidy in 'l968 2. Belmont Bridge,"Roa'd 37, South Dorchester (50% :billed to ffie County of IMiddiesex) 3, Orwell 13ridg~, Yarrmouth Mal"hide To<wnline 4. Spring Creek Culvert, Road 37, South Dorohester (50% billed to the Oounltyof Middlesex) 5. StaJIterGully, Road 42, Township of Malalhide, Surface Treatment, etc. ('Bridge :POT.tion of Work) t.. Extensions. to Bennett Drain Culvert, Road 8, Dunwich Township 7. Steer Culvert Liner Silver 'Creek Culvert and Fill, Road 42, Township olf lMalaihide, (Bridge Portion of WOTk) 8. Engineer'ing and Soil Test.~or WaT'ren Street Bridge, Road 21, Village df Pdrt Stanlley 9. Soil Test lor W>>ly's Bridlge, Road 8, Dunwich Township 7,066.24 693.12 119,454.50 6,023.83 92,036.79 89,451.70 51,694,71 832.65 8,504.29 5,005.54 $597,094.48 37 31,172.19 103.96 $ 31,276.15 $628,370,63 $306,239.60 2,738.02 51,133.09 14,400,03 2,513.21 5,229.41 63,570.91' 9,632.73 5,239.69 38 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COlJlN1,TY COUNCIL 10. En,gineering !studies for Cook 'Bridge, Road 43, Townshtp of Bayhoon and Dda1~hid~ __________________________________ 8. Weed Contro,l " 9. Brushing and T.'ee Cutting 10. Parvement Ddarking 11. Gui,u, 'Rails 12. Signs 13. Dminage 14. Seeding :and Tree Planting, 15. RailToad Protections 16. Dl'ainGllge Assessments 17. 'Rebates to Towns and Villages 2,425.98 11. Pipe 'Culvei't 'Construction, Road 11, in 'conjunction with Grading ________________ 2,476.69 12, !Pipe Cul"ert Construction, 1R0a& '3 in, conjunction with grading ________________ 5,841.99 13. Pipe Culve,rt' Construdt'ion, iR,,,ad' ;15, in coojunction 'With Grading _____n_________ 7,954.16 14. 'Pip'e Culvel.tConstruction, 'Road 35 in ,conjunction with 'Grading __u.___________ 1,070.25 15, Pipe Culvert Construction, Road 38 in , conjunction with Grading __n____________ 5,251.47 16. Pipe Culvert Con"trudbion, Road 42, in ,conjunction 'With Grading ________________ 10,087.90 17, Road 20. 'C.L'P. Construction, Culvenls purchasedfo1r Shedden Drain ________ Credit 7,799.28 TOTAL raOAD MAINTENANOE BRIDGE AND CULVERT MAINTENANCE Miscellaneous Bridges Miscellaneous Culverts -__ Completion ,olf 1VIaJpletoJ;! Cui velrt Material for !ReplaC€'p1ent C>f lOook ,and! PhiHmore Bridge, ;E1loors Road 43 OOUNTY BRIDGE AND CULVElRT CONSTRUCTION ____________________ $488,005.85 Culvert Construction, Road 16 in 'conjunc- tioltll with grad,tng by ST. THODdAS ' SU'Bll'RBAN ROAD CODd1VTISSION _nn_ 2,422,14 TOTAL P>RIDGE AND CULVERT CONSTRUCTION _____n_____----__"__ 490,427,99 Total Construction (Roads and, Bridges) _.$1,118,798,62 TOTAL BRIDGE hND CULVERT MA:INTEN ANCE TOTAL DdAINTENA~CE COUNTY OVERHEAD 1: Superintendence (County ,Engineer, Asisr- -, ,. . ant to the Engineer), Assistant Engineer and General Foreman 2. Clerical 3. Calf Mileage (County Engineer) 4. 'Offke 5. Garages 6. Ddisc. Repairs 7. '1'0<>15 8. Radio 9. Insur:ance . 10. ,lPensiom 11. UnlCmplo'yment Insurance Contributions MAINTENANCE R.OADS- 1. Winter Control 2. Surface Treatment 3. Gravel Resurfacing 4. Repairs to Pavements -------------------- 5. Mainte"ance C>f Gravel Roads 6. Roadside Maintenance ------------------- 7. Dust Control ------------------..---------- $ 62,695.75 53,799.58 20,957.111 18,702.11 7,840.45 11,060.77 18,810.72 39 13,659.73 9,479.19 9,015,85 3,669.42 9,826.65 11,457.91 1,271.08 6,321.48 8,211.03 45,115.24 $311,894.15 4,457.29 8,089.21 2,577.68 4,432.74 19,556.92 $331,451.07 26,221.37 11,222.5i 1,131.81 5,204.81 14,291.43 8,242.53 4,477.36 1,601.22 5,949.27 18,683.88 2,380.17 40 ELGIN COU'N1l'Y COUNCIL 12 County's S'h:.re of Ont",rio Medical ' Services Insurance Plan ________n_______ 926.68 Holi&a\ys 'with lP",y ______________n______ 21,966,69 Sick Benefits _________n__'_______________ 4,489.66 lPer.tniJt's _...____n_____________________ Credit 88.00 Ove~head charged to Development Road No. 840, No. 930, No. 931, No. 972, and Townline Accounts _____n___________Credit 17. Macbinery OVelrhe:.d 18. Miseellane"us unsubsidized eXlpenditures .. 13. 14. 15. 16. 24,650.76 2,070.47 456.38 TOTAL $104,177.48 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION MailIlltenanceand OveI'lhead __n_. _ - ------ TOTAL Maintemmce and Overhead nn 37,542.67 473,171.22 . TOTALS CONS11RUCTION MAINTENANCE __ 1,118,798.62 473,171.22 Sub-Total mnm $1,591,969.84 47,830.55 1968 Stock Balance Sub-Total! Less 1967 Stock B",lance $1,639,800.39 59,753.13 OOAND TOTAL $1,580,047.26 -Expenditure by By-LaJws in 1968 'appropr"ated $1,600,000 anJ&the -Road Levy 'of 10.4 mills Dwised $620,841.00. Winter WOi'ks totalled $6,827.69. i])he total cool of the 1968 Ro",d Frogramme to the County of Elgin, including the County's shalre '()f Winter works is es- timated at $620,760.00. In addition to the -following, iW,ark w,as done and charged to others: ELGIN COUNTY COUNiCIL 41 (A) Development 'Ro,,,,d No, 849 (County 'Rd. 52) from Road 40 to Road 30 in the Village of Springfield, and the Township of South Dorchester, Matlahide and Yarmouth, Work included 'paving and trimming work $260,907.16, (B) Development 'Road No. 930 (Road 45) Yarmouth Town- Ship, Br,e-engineering $2,517.91. (C) nevelopment (Ro",d No. 931 '('R"",d 26) including Urban Works in Fingal, Gliading, Granular. :BaiSe and Paving, Township of Southwold $585,508.52. (D) Development 'Road No. 972 (Rood 47) including Grading and Granular Base, Soult<h !Dor'chester Township $191,- 796,35. (E) 'Por.( 'Burwell Bridge, Share of Board of T ran s p 0 r t Comrn1ssioners, D.H:O. Connecting Link -Branch, .and the Canadian Pacific Railway $365,665,24. (F) County of Middlesex Sha;re of Belmont lBridge, Spring Creek 'Culvert, Willy's Bridge and Road Maintenance, etc. 44,054.83, (G) Contribution by the Canadian National RaUway to building of 'Crossing 'of C,N,'R, Spur to-Ford Plant on 'Road 11, $9,000,00. In addition, <work twas performed. [or various Municipal- iities and other3, and v:ariousmatel'lials sold. (Payment Vouchers for 1968 totalled $3,139,336.57 which is :.pproximately $800,000,00 more than in 1967. A Summ,;ry of Costs of the 'Port Burwell Bridge and Ap- proaches in 1967 and 1968 is as -fo,llows: Contract by Con-Bridge Limited (completed and includes hold b:.ck) _.__ $753,374.91 Reinfor-cing Steel __n___nnn_______n______ 29,421.07 Engineering Costs (A.M, Spriet & Associates Ltd., T'es'Hn.gMateria.ls, Weighmen, Oheckers, etc, _______u__u____n____n___ 104,661.86 $887,457,.84 42 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNlCIL Of these Costs 40.10% are eligtb'le f.c>r, Subsidy ,by the D. H.O, ,at 80%: 15.31% ll!re eligible for Subsidy hy the D.H.O. at 50%; '35,18% is payable by the Canada TrwIJJS>port Commis- sion. 2,20% is pay.able !by the Oan",dian Padfi<: R",i1road and 7,21 % is payable by the D€IPll!rtmeni e>f Highways for the re- construcl~ion o,f,the HighwalY 19, IConnecting Link. - In additi'on ,to costs O'f $887,457,84, additional costs incur- redtO'waTd the B"idge include $4,396.55 for work by the Canadian' PacificlRailroaid (of which 80 % is recoverabie from the Canada Transport <Commission), ,approximately $5,000.00 by the Village 'of Port Burwell for lights on .the Bridge, of whiclh a pOlition is l'ecover,alble forOID the Commiss-iolIli and :ap- pwximately $40,060.00 for Land Pur,ch"e. A Grant is ex- pected from 'the Trans-part Commission for a portion of the Land .Furchase. Total wst oof the Bridge ",nd: Approaches is estimated at 'appr.oximately $940,000.00. WE RECOMMEND L That the Walt'dert name delegalL'es to the Ontario Good RO~s Association 'Convention, and the Camadian Good ROlads Association C()(tl\vention. 2. Thai a 'By-'Lalw be lPas,ed 'authorizing the W,arden and Clerk' to Isign Land Plans, ex;propriating Land as neces- sary io widen! <County Roads in 1969, It is necessaJry that S1udh Bs..;Laws be passed yeady. 3. "Dhat a By-L",w be passed, authoTizing the Warden and Clerk to sign ,an Agreement wiVh the County of Middle- sex for the bui1ding 'of ,the Willey's Bridge over the Thames River on Courtly Road: 8, in Dumvich Township, 4. 'I1haltoa 'By-Lawpe passed, authorizing the Warden and <Clerk to ,wbmit a Cost Estimate of the Kings Highway 19 !Connecting Link, in 'Port Bumwell, to 'the Minister of Highways. All of which is respectful1ywbmitted, DOUGLAS 'It. TODD, Chairma,n. 43 CONSTRUCTION SAFETY INSPECTOR'S REPOR,T January Session, 1969 Tc> 'the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, I beg to repc>rt 'as ro]lo,",s: That the follc>wing lRepor~ is presented as required by Section 16 of the <Construction Safety Act. 1 have heen .emplIQlyed OUl 8! :part time basis, and !have not been assisted by any 'Other inspectors, rfyther It!hall.l Mr. F.A.C. l1rott e>f .the 'Ontario 'Department of Laobour. I have ;received notices of Construction as required by Section 15 (a) of the Adt ars follows: T'Q1Wil1'Slhip of Aldborough __.__.___ TownshiJp of Dun1wiclh Torwnship of Southwold Township of'Y'a'r.mouth Township of Malahide TowillShip of Bayo.am Township of S. Dorrcmest'el.r Town of Aylmer Village of Vienna '______ Village of Springfield ViHaFe of 'Port Stan'ley ViIlruge o.f Belmont Village of iPo'rt Burwell ViHage oof Dutton ViIla'ge of West Lome Villa.ge of Rodney 2b o 107 86 52 58 o 64 5 o o o 22 o 12 9 Notifi.catiolll by Contlradtors where permits were not is- sued, 9. It wou;l<d appear that there ,are .stilt a number of Muni.. cipa>litie~ not 'complying w.ith Section 15 (.a) of the Construct" tion Safety 'Act. Major Construction :Projecl!J included - Port Burwell Bridge, Elgin Manor Addition, Several Schools and Additions, and-Numer.ous Silos. I have made over 50 inspections, alnJd Iha:ve issued 23 or- ders -fOT, the improvement 'of safety at the work site. 44 EDGIN COUNTY COUNCIL I have issued no Stop Work Orders as such, but have checked shortly alfterwa'lus to see tha.t my -orden; were car- ried out. No. Cha:rges 'have been lalid underl the Act, thus there 'hav~ been no. conviction's. .one \person was fartallY' injured 'art; a SilO' Project near New Glasgow. I wa. caNed as a witness at the Inquest. I would estimate Ithat 'aJllP'fOximatel~ 15 days time through out the year ha've been devoted to !Construction Safety. NORMAN CHAPLOW, Construction Safety Inspector. BY -LAW NO. 2071 of the Corporation of the County of Elgin A By-Law to Authorize the Execution ,of a Proposal and Es- timate of Costs and its Submission to the Minister of Highways for the Province of Ontario. Pursuant to an Agreement with Her Majesty ,the Queen in Right of On- tario as Represented by the said Minister Entered into under SectiOn 22 of The Highway Improvement Act. ',"WHEREAS 'a proposal and estimate 'of cost dated the 21st d8IY of January, 1969, for the 'con!struction 'Of a portion of Union ,and Robins'On ISlT-eets, in the ViHage of P'Ort 'Burwell, being part ,of ,a highway designated as 'a COOlnedling link has been! p~epared for submi,ssion to the Minister of Highways for the iProvinceaf Ontario pursuant to an agreement with Her Majesty ,the 'Queen in right of the 'Province of 'OntaTio as re- presented by the said Minister." BE 'IT THEREFORE ENAC1JED by, the Coundl of The Conporat1O'll of the County of Elgin: 1. That the hereinbefore recited proposal and estimate of costs be submitted to the Minister of Highways for the Provin!ce of OnItamo. 2. That the Warden and Clerk be and ,they are hereby au- ELGIN COUNTY OOUN!CIL 45 thorized and dtrected to sign tfue 'hereinbefore recited pro- posal and estimate of costs and to affix ther"to the se"l of the Corporntion. ,Passed by'theC'Ouncil o'f I,he Corponation of the COUNTY of ELGIN, this 23rd day of January, 1969. JOHN WISE, Warden. (SEAL) 1l L. JOlINSON, Clerk. January 21st, 1969. ;P'ROPOSAL ANb ESTIMATE OF COST ,FOR THE CON- STRUCTION 'OF A CONNECTING LINK OR EXTENSION OF THE KING'S HIGHWAY (O!R SECONbARY HIGHWAY) NO. 19 IN THE 'VILLAGE OF PORT BURiWELL, IN THE VILLAGE OF ,FORT BURWELL, IN THE COUNTY (OR DIS- TRICT) CIF' ELGIN.'" Designated 'Route: Union a-oo Robinsollll Streets from ,Erie"," Street to W elling,ton Street. !Pursuant to an agr,eement dated the 24th day of Septem- 'ber, 1968, 'hereinafter called the "greement made between the Minister and the Coo:-por,ation of ,the County 'Of Elgin and sub- ject to Ithe ternlS andcO'llditions thereof, ,and subject also to any necesosary approval of the Board, under Section 64 of The, Ontario Municipal Board Act, R.8.Q, 1960, Ohapter 274 and amenJdments . thereto the Cnrporailion op~oposes that the fol- lowing 'Portions of highw,ay, heretofore designated as a con~ ned,ing link, beconstrocted by the Coropolration during the present fiscal 'year commencing the hlt day of April, 1968, namely: Union and Robinl?on Su-eets from Eri-eus to Welling- ton IStreet and illustrated 'On the plan or 'sketch attached thereto; provided construdtoion to ,be in "ccordance with plans and Ispecificati<Xn's wp'roved 'by the Minister and tlhe Corpora- tiOn! in the manner and ail a ooot estimated and divided sub- stantially a's follows: (.a) Type Of ,construction, (kading, GranulaT Base, Curb and GutJt'er DtaiiIl!age, :Paving, etc. 46 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL (b) Length 1200' plus. '(c) Width (not less that> 22 feet) 44 and 24'. (d) Commencing at Welli'll,gton street (Approx. STA 13x40). (e) TerminllJ!ingat Erieus Street (AWl1OX. STA 26xOO). (f) Total ,estimated cost O'f conslt:r<u-ction _________ $218,067.32 (g) Deduct: ,'Items not cna'l'gea!ble under ag;reement:- (see 'FO'Dm PB-PlR-3) (I) Items to 'be paid by the Cc;rpor,aJtion (Pa",agrapn 4 O'f agreement) __ $ 3,444,53 (II) Oharged,(o other(S (ParagnaJph 12 (3) of ,agreement) Canadian T.ransport Com. --c' $128,706.04 CanadianPacifiellailJway ____ 8,044.12 (III) ICha'l'ged under ,Pa!r.t X of The Higbw<llYImprovemenfu Act: ____________________ 13,543.40 Total Deductions __c ____"________________$153,738.09 (h) 'rotllJl estimated cost of ,construction to be shared "----------____________________ $ 64,329.23 (j) T-otal cost in (h) to"be shared as follows: (11) 100% by Minister, (Para:g1nllJph '.12 (2) of agreement item (h) aJbove) ____________ $ 64,329,23 $ 64,329.23 (k ) 'Minister'" shaJre: (N) 100% of (h) ________________$ 64,329.23 $ 64,329.23 (m) 'Estimated annual expenditure ofMin- i.ster's )Elhare: ~IOT fiscal year(s): Apr~1 1st, 1968, to Mar, 31st, 1969 $64,329.23 $ 64,329.23 It is understood that the estimated cost is ",'asew on the best in'fc;nmllJ!ion a vatil",ble at the time of submission and that no so","bstantia1 increase in ,such ICOM; will be unJdootaken I()T in- cur.I'Ietd without the prior written approval (llf lbheMinister, 5uh- ELGIN COUNTY COUNlCIL 47 ject, where necess..-y, to the ,approvllJl of the 'Board. THIS PROPOSAL is :hereby submitted, this i23,rd, day of Janua'l'Y, 1969, by or on behalf of the CORPORATION. JOHN WISE, Warden, '(SEAL) H. L. JOHNSON, !Clerk. and is hereby accepted by or on Ibeha'1f of the CORPORATION. (SEAL) (Note: AttaohllJ plllJn or 'sketch sho'Wil[~g !roadway lengths, widths ,and returns, ailso a statement of the tOital estimated cost ,in deta,n llJnd abveakdown ther,eof showing how the. -Minister's share was eom'P.uted). COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2072 HBeing a By-Law to Authorize the Execution of an Agreement Between the ,County of Elgin ,and the County of Middlesex for the Division of Costs for the BuHding of tlte Willys Bridge." WHEREA:S ~he C<l11PoraYdon of the County: of \Elgin has de- termined thllJ! it is desirable to' replace the WiIlys Bridge over the '.Dhames River. AND WHElREAS the ,replacement 'of the ,b'ridge is, the joint responsibility of .the County (if Elgin and the County of Mid- dlesex, . ANDWHElREAS ilt is desirabilie that llJ divilsion of costs be set forth. ,NOW THElREFORE it is hereby enacted that the Warden and Clerk of the lCoonty of Elgin he 'and are hereby empow- ered to sign the Agr,eement '(hereto' attached as Schedule A) between ,the Coontyof Ellgin and Ithe County 'of Middlesex for 4:8 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 49 ments herein contained, the Parties hereto hereby agree a1s follows: the ,construction of ~he said Willy," B'ddg<!' and the division of costs .incurred therein'. READ a first time H.is 23rd day \>f January, 1969. READ a second time this 23m day of J'anuary, 1969. READ a third time, and finally 'PaS'Sed, this 23rd day of Janul1Jr~, 1969. 1. Wlheve used in this Ag:r.eement the fo11'olwing definitions shall apply ~ H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. J. C. WISE, Waorden. MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT entered into this 23rd day oIf January, 'A.D. 1969. BETWEEN: THE OO:EWORATION OF THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX hereinafter referDed to a\SI "Middlesex" OF THE FIRST PART -and- THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN hereinafter il'eferred to as "Elgil1l" OF THE SECOND PART 2, IWHERlEA!S it has been deemed expedient and in the pub- lic inltereSlt to canstnuct as ~ooo as practicable a bridge and h~gh'Way cl"ossinlg of the ~ha'mes River, Lot :13, Concession- A 'C'! the Bv<>ken Front, Dunwioh Township, In iJhe Counlty of El- gin, ,and Lot 14, IC<>l1cession 'lV, ';Ekfrid Township, hl! the C<>un- ty of Middlesex. AND WiHERoEkS the existing ,bridge is the joint respon- sibility< at! the Ra.-ties to ,this Agreement and is inadequate fo.r present Itraffic volume allld i1aadings, and is out of repatr, AND WHEREAS ,the 'Parties have agreed to -construct a bridige -and highlwroyerossing, land to .share its1com in the man- ner sei out !in ,iJhis Agreement, NOW THEREFOIRE "l'HrS AGREEMENT WI'l'NESSETH that in, consider,ation of the rp.remises, covenanlts and agree- (a) "!Engineer" IEhall ,mean the GountyEng.ineer of .the Counlly of Elgin" and the Caunlfy Eng,ineer a{ the County of Middlesex, an-dany 'competent, qualHied pwson or fill~m arutho['ized by the respective Councils to' act {o,r ,,~ on their behalf. "The !existing 'hrddge" .means the bridge presently -connecting the County of Elgin and the CounJty of ,Middlesex Iwihic!h crosses the '.Dharm-es. River, located i'l1 [,.ot- 13, Conce~lsi-on A, the Bro.ken Front, in the Township of Dunwich inthe County, of Elgin, and in Lot 14 ofCon'Cess1on' IV, ill' the Township of Ekf,rid, in' .the County of Middlesex, (b) (c) "The new_bridge" means the highway crossing of the Thames River ;to~'i- be constructed under this 'Agree- ment and includes aiH foundation and structural work necess'ary ['01' the construction amid aU app,:r.o:ach ,woTk and Ire-alignment af the existinlg. .road necessary to connect the new' 'structure w.ith the 'existi<ng road. 'The Parities shall 'acquh',e ,and individually pay fOil' all property in their own County 'l1eCeSSRiTY fo'r the bridge and approaches the!_r:eto. All studi€ls and 'aU plans and speciifkations prepared by the COlllsulting "Enginee-rssihaU be submitted to and approved by the Padies to, Ithis Agree"menta1ud the D"p~rtment of Highiwaws of Ontario, ThePa;r'iiesl have-hired and entered into an Ag.ree- ment wHh the 'firm o'I JR. C. Dunn & A,ss'Dciates Lim- ited, Consulting Engineers, who Slhall,l'ca.DDY out all 'PTeldmiruary studies, all surveys a'nd necessary in- vestigalbions to design the new bridge and to prepare all tplans and s.pecifications, land supervi's:e the c-on- structionof the new hridge and the demolitionl of the existing bridg.e. (a) (b) (c) 50 E'LIGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 3. (a) Elgin ag'rees to obtairn 8.111 .reports, plalliSi, drawings, contract documents, government '8IPp-rovals and any other things or items from the COrnisulting ,Engineers 'all': from ,any. other SOU1'1ce nec-eS!SiaIl'Y Olf' desirable !for the IOiI"d'er ly. 'completion af the WOlI"k. (b) Elgin 'shall advertiseforrund receive tenders for, any oontracts let'llnder this Agreement and shall purchase 'bY' tender, quotaltio!11 Olr othe!~wise, any material 0.1' othe", 'goods necessary IbcY build the new bridge and remove t1he .exilstill1g 'bridge; hut 'before doing so) shaH 'olbtain the approval df Middlesex of the con- traCts, marteriaLs, ,procedures to. ,be used, and of the sUiccessful tenderer on anysruch -contract. (c) Elgin has sole discretion in the prosecution of ~'he /WOrn, in' ,the supervision DeE the -Gorn~sulting Engineers, ill! the 'j!sSiuing and approval of utdlit'Y ill-Diving orders, and in all othenmatter.s ,relart:i'llIg to-the wDrk, except as <provided fdr herem. 4. The cOlsri of the 'conslt-ruction ,of the bridge 'and tlhe adjacent (100) ,one !hoodred, -feet of 'alPproaches shltll be div1ded evenJY' be~weeru Elgin and Mid'dlesex. [1he County olf Mid- d,lesex shaJIl pay 100% of the cost of the construction of the roadway approaoo heyon<l 100 {'eet from the end of the bmdge that lies witlhill' the Counlty of !Middlesex, and the County cd' Elgin ~han .pay 100% 'OIT !be co'st of construction ,o,f the !roadway' aPlP'waches beyo!t>d 100 f,eet f!rom the end of the ,bridge that lies wIthin the County of E1gin. PreJimin- ilJJa"y ISilte 'Surveylsand Soil Tests, and Engineermg. Work shJaJll be deemed to he .part olf bridge and ~h!JJH he divided equally. Engineering, Design 'and !Supervision 'Costs aJre to be divided iB110 Rata Ito the total of the hridge "'lJJd both ap- pro1acfues. 5. (a)E1gin shaH make lPayments for, engineering, utility relocation, '8.IIlJd flQ([' the const'I'lucmon 'Of Ithe new bridge ,and the removaJI 'of the existing bridge and shall, from time to time, but not more f'requently than monlthJIy, submit to IMiddlesex, a staltemenil of such .payments cell1ti-fied by the Engineer for :tlhe County ,of 'Elginl, 1n suoh realsonltble form and detail as Mid- ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 51 dlesex 1uay 'r,equire. Upon receiJpt 'the1reof,Middlesex shall pa;y1 t1heir ,share itlll a'C,coiVdance with S'e.ctioiD. 4 of this Agreement, cfOT'thw:vVh to the Treasurer of the County of Elg1m (b) 'ElgilJJ Shall maintain during const!1uction and for a period of seven ,year:s .thereaifte:r fuLl records of aU expenditures relating to the 'cost OfC-ollllstructi:on of the new ,bridge alJJd demolition of Ithe existing bridge in=.-ed by it, together IWith aU .proper documents ,and vouchems 'r,elating thereto, and Ishall, if required, make any -or all Dtf such records, documents, and voudhers ,alvailalbie Ito Middlesex and the Department of iHighJwlwys of Ontro-io, f'O'l'I examination 'and. audit, aoJd .give all :reasonable assista!t>ce t" Middlesex or to the Department "IT Hig1hways, Onta'rio with such ex- amination and ,aludit. 6. Elach PartY' shall make provIsion ilJJ al ",,,,ad expelJJditure by- Iaw a,pproved by tlhe Ontario D<1Partmenlt of 'Highways for the estimated e"lJenilitures that they will become Uable fo:r underthls Ag'~ooment, andshaJIi make application in- divid'llaili1y to the Department of Hig'h'hCay's, Ontario, fo:r 'any subsidies Ivhat are payable under the Hig.hway Im- prorvement Act. 7. Mter the new 'Bridge is completed, it shall! be main~ained by Elgin, and the cost '",f such maintenalJJce shaJIl be divided evenly be1lween Elgin and 'Middlesex, Elgin shall bill Mid- dlesexyeady for their Islha:re of the cost o,f such mainten- ance, which Middtlesex shall pay forthJwath. IN WITNESS WHEREOF !bhe Pa'rlies hereto have here- unto affixed their Co~p'Dlrate Seals and the hands of their pro- per Officers. THE COR'PORATION 'OF THE C.oUNTY .oF jMI'DDLESEX. THE C.o~PORATION 'OF THE COUNTY OF EI!GIN. JOHN WISE, Wa:rden. H. !L, JOHNSON, Clerk. G. C. Leverton, W.itness. Dated January' 23,rd, 1969, 52 EWIN COUNTY OOUN.crL EDUCATION COMMITTEE REPOR.T January SessiDn, 1969 To the Warden, and Members of the 'Elgin CO'Unty Council: The Educational 'Commitlbee reports, as follows: L That a scholarship g.rant of $100.00 eac!h be made to thebo,y and g'I'1 f-mmElgin County attending the University of Western 'Ontario a,nd attainJng the highest llicademic stand- ing. ' In 'cal3e a ha(\' 'or girl does nafu qualif.y, the award may be given to t'he two top students. 2. That a g~alnt of $100,00 be made to the ,boy f,rom Elgin CO'Unty attending the Ridgetown Agricultural School and at- taining Ilhe highest pass standing. 3, That Mrs. William Lyons 'be appointed to the County Library BOlard fa'D 1969, 1970, and 197L 4, . That the Wal'den ,be the CC}unty of Elgil1! representa- tive for 1969 on the Assembly of the Un;versity, of Western Ontario. 5, That Il'he 1969 Budget of the 'Ellgin Ccyunty 'Public Lib- rary requiring one mill, be approved. All o'f wlhich is respectfully submitt'ed. MAlRY BLYTH, Chairman, COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT January SessiDn, 1969 TO' the Warden al1!d Members of the Elgil1! County Council, 'The 'Gorunt'Y' Government .Commrl.tte~ '.reports alS. follows: 1. That the resolu1ion from the CO'Umlty of Simcoe re: postponing ,1egislartion to establish regional government, be filed. 2. 'Dhat the resolution f'ram the County of Lambton con- cuorr1ng with tlhe resoilution .from the County o'f Simcoe re ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 53 'postponing lelSislatioolll! to est8Jblish regional gO'vernment, be filed. 3. Thall the Elgin-St Thomas HeaJth Unit he asked to take an invent<l'1\Y of the preSelIllt gall'bage dumps in Elgin Oounty and -sul>mit a report to' the Elgin County Government Committee ion the light of new Departmen1l: of Health regula- ~ions. 3. 'I,hat the resolution from ithe County elf Essex re Re- g,ional Government, be filed. 4, That we recoonmend' that the Cihait\man of the Co'llnty Government 'Committee, tJhe ChairmaOJ! of the Reception and Enltevtainmen( Committee, and the W""den' of the :County of Elgin meet and, present a recommendatioolt1 to the County Gov- ernment Oommittee Wlith respect to 'the 1100lding of one War- den's ,Banquet, ea'ch year. 5. ThaJt the maJtter of remuneraltion 'for the Wa'rden be tabled to a future meetil1!g of this Committee, AlII of which is respectfully' submitted, DONALD M. McKILLOP, Chairman, EQUALlZA TION COMMITTEE R,EPORT January SessiDn, 1969 To the Warden and Members of the Elgiri! County Council, 'Dhe Equalization Committee 'veports as f"iHows: 1. That the ,compullation a'f aggregate valuations to appor- tiOll1 County Rates for 1969 as given hyMr. .McLean on behalf of the County Assessment CommistsQoner, be' approved'. 2. That ,8J by-law to set thE> total agg.regate valuations for apportionment of Counlty RaJte in the County of Elgin for 1969, be prepared. All of which is respectfully submitted. WILLIAM CA VERL Y, Actil1!g Ohairman. 54 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL January Session, 1969 Second Report To the Warden and Members of the Elgin .couruty Council, 'I\he Finance Committee -reports as follows: 1., That a grant af $3,000,00 be made to' the University of V\~estern On taiI'1o. 2, '11hat the ,composition of the Heal1l:h Untt be left as it is, coonprilsing the City df ,St. Thomas ,and the County of Ellgin, and that the City of London he so advised. A11 af w,hich is ~espectfully submitted, HORACE B.JOHNSON, Chairman, "A By-LOJW to Set the Total Aggregate Valuation Apportionment of County Rate in the County of Elgin in 1969." Tlhe Council. of the Corpo.raUolDl of the COUinty of enacts: ITHAT the following be the v"liuaJtions fa," County purposes in the County o'fElgful! f,olr 1969. Ay!m"" ______________h. $ 8,383,426.00 Be'lmont :nnnnnnnn 850,685.00 Dutton n___n___________ 1,057,669,00 Port BurwelJ nnnn___ 859,838,00 Pod Stanley _nn_n__n 3,301,521.00 Rodney ---__-____________ 1,263,754,00 SpringfiE>1d nnnn__nn 393,565.00 Vienna __________________ 365,670.00 West Lame _un"nnn 1,334,597.00 Aldiborough _____________ 5,325,425.00 Ba}"ham _____nn___n"_ 5,947,450.0ll FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LAW NO. 2073 for Elgin Rate 12.168952% 1.234811 % 1.534387% 1.248097 % 4.792319% 1.834400% .571279% .530788% 1.937233 % 7,730115% 8.633014% ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 55 Dorchester South h_.u,__ DUlllWich Mala~de ' Sourl!hJwold Yarmouth ___u.. 2,026,287.0ll 4,404,080.00 8,235,190.00 15,266,537,00 9,876,835.00 2,941255% 6,392737% 11.953781 % 22.160124% 14,336708% $ 68,891,929,00 100,000000% READ a first time ,this 23rd day !of January, 1969. READ ,,,second time this 23.rd day of ITanuary, 1969, READ a, third time, a.nd finally passed, tms 23rd day of Janualr,y, 1969. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk J. C, WISE, Waroen, COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LAW NQ. 2074 "A By-Law to Authorize the Expropriation of Land for the Purpose of Widening and Improving County Roads." WHIDREAS under Section 333 'of the Municipal Act, being Ohapter 249, 'It S, O. 1960, the Oouncil of every Corporation "may pass By-L'aJws fnr alcquidng or exp'.r.opriating any land required for the purpose of the. Corporation. AND WHEREAS the 'Highway ImprovElIDerut Act, 'It S, O. 1960, OhaplLer 171, Section 66, provides that where, in the exercise of its pawe1rs, Q1' in peflformance 'of its obligations under Part VII of the said Act, a County finds that it is ne- cessary to expropriate land for the purpose of opening up, widening, improving, protecting from erosion, altering or diverting a 'County Road, lthe County may .proceed in the manner provided by Part 1 of the Isaid Act: AND WHEREAS in the exercise of its powers and in per- formance of. its obligations, the Cor.p,oT.atiQll] ''Of the County of Elgin finrds,or ,may find, that it is necessary to'eX'priOpriate lanq.s .fur widening, improving, €ltc., the county roads shown on Schedule A as attached: 56 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Corporation of the County of Elgin: (1) That the Welnden and Clerk of the :County of Elgin Ibe,and are, 'authorized to sign aIIlY and all plelns per- taining to land e:><p.rOpriation for County Roads shown on Schedule A, and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin and, to ~egister the ,same in the County o'f E1gi11J Registry Of,fice. (2) 'I1hat the TreasureD be, and is hereby autho'rized to pay to the owners of the lands hereby exproprialted, such lamounts a's may be agreed upon as 'OoTIl(pensa- tion lor the lands expl'opriated, or such compensation as may be determined by arlbitration under provis,ions , of the Expropr;ations Act, 1968-69. READ a ,first time this 23rd day 'of January, 1969. READ eI ,second time this 23rd day of January, 1969. READ eI third time, and finally !passed, this 23rd day of Janua/r,y, 1969. }j:. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. J. C. WISE, Warden. I, H. L. J ahnson, 'Clerk of the Coxporation of the C<>unty of Elgin, do hereby 'ce11tify that the foregoing is a twe c<>py of By-La/w No. 2074 passed by the Council of the said Corpora- tion on the 23rd day of January, 1969. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. SCHEDULE "A" 1. Oaunty Road 8, Lot 14, Concession A, Broken Front, DUJJJWich Township. 2. County Road 20, SauthwoM TQlWlllsmp, Lots 14 to 16 inolusive, Range 1 Soutb 'of UruioIlJ Road and Lots 14 to 16 inclJusive, \Range 1 North of Union Road, 3. Road 22, ,Lots 7 and 8, Concession 2 and 3, Ya"mouth, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 57 County Road 25, Yal'mowth Township, L<>t 2, Concessi,on IX (or ,Lot 47 north of TaI1b<>t lR<>ad.) : County Road 37, South Dorchester, Tow<>ship. Lots 21 "nd 22. Concession VII. County Road 38, Bayham Township, Lot 109, North and South ,of Talbot Road. County 'Road 38, ..Malahide Township, Lot 108, North and South of Taibat Road. 'County Road 40, Lots 20 and 21, 'Concession IV and V and South Side of Talbot Road, County.Road' 40, Lots 20 and 21, Concession VIII and IX, Mal1ihide Township, and the Village of Springfield. 10. County Road 42, Malahide Township, 0>ts 'l1 to :,J 0, Concession 1 aJ11Jd 1 L 11. County Road 42, Mah,hide Township, Lots 27 and 28, Conces'sion 1 and 1 L 12. County R01id 42,'" Lots 11 and 12, Concession 1, Baybam, now Village of Port BUI1Well. Road .45; Lots 1 to' 28 inclUSIve, Concession V Yarmouth 'I'ownship. 14. County R"ad 47, South Dorchester Township, iLcltis 3 j3Jn1d 4, iOOlIlcessi!on VII, VIII, IX, andX. Coull1ty Road 48, South Dorchester Township, Lots 4 to 12 induisive, 'Concession X and XI. :Co)lnty Road 49, S(}Uth DOfichester Township, Lots 6 and 7, Concession XI ,and XII. CO)lnty Road 52,' Malahide Township, Lpts 10 to 20 incl1,.lsiv~, Con.cession IX. Cou~tyRoad 52, South Dorchester Township, Lots 13 to 24 inclusive, Concession XII. 13. and, VI, l5. 16, 17, 18. 19, County Road 52, Yarmouth Township, Lobs _8 rto 24 i1].clusive, Concession X'I Lots 8 to 20 i,nclusive, Range 11, North of Edgeware Road. 58 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 20. County Ro'ad 52, 'Lot 20, Concession IX, Malahide, now in the VilLage of Springfield. 21. County Road 52, Lot 6, Concession XII, South Dorche-ster, now in the Village ,of Springfield. 22. Orwell Bridge, Malahide Township, Lot 74, N or1vh of Ta'lbot Road. 23. Orwell Bridge, YaTmouthTownship, Lot 24, Concession IX. COUNTY OF ELGIN. BY.LAW NO, 2075 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of, the County of Elgin at the -!ct?"'uCl:ry $ession 1~69." . . WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chap- te'r, 249 of the $ev!sec1 Statutes of 'Onilar,io, 1960; ,the powers of a 'municipal car:potr;aItion aJN~ to be exercised by, it& "council, AND WHElREAS by Subsection 1 of 'Seotion '242 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 249 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1960, the powers 'Of eve~y ,c(iuncil aJl'e Ita "be exercised by By-Law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the pmceed- ings of the Council of the CorpO'1'aJtion. of the, County of Elgin at this 'meetin:g be :cO'n1firmed and adopted by, By-L81w; NOW THERE1<'ORETHE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORA- TION OF THE COUNTY OF ElLGIN ENACtS 'as foUows: L ThalV action of the 1C0uncH of the Oorpolration ,of the County of Elgin in 'respect of .each recommendation coortained in the Reports of the 'Committees and eaoh motion.:and T","olu- tion 'Passed and other ,action taken by the Council of the COT- por"tion of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the Janu"ry 1969 Session is hereby ad'opted and oond'irmed as if an \such proceedings Iwere expressly em"bodied 'in this By-Law. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 59 2. The Warden and proper officiaIs of the Corporation 'If the County 'Of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to gp,ilJl things necessary to give effect to the "ction of the 'pl1mcil of the Gorporatian of the County of Elgin \r,eferred to , ;:in',;preceding section hereof. " .,3. ,'rhe Wa'fdeu"nd the Clerk are 'a:uthorlzecl amJd directed toe~eculte all documents necessary in that behalf and foa:Wx . the,reto the Seal of 1he -Gol'porati'Ol1l .of the >County 'Of Elgin. Read a f!rst time this 23rd day of Jant1a.ry, 1969. READ a second time this 2Srd day 'Of Janua:ry, 1969. a third time, "nd finally passed this 23rd day of 1969. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. J. -G. WISE, Warden, 60 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FINANCIAL STATEMENT ELGIN AGRICULTURAL COMMITIEE January 10th, 1968 to January 10th, 1969 RECEIPTS BallaJllJoe Iflo:rwilmd, 1196'8 .m........nnnmn.nmnnm.mm. COUlMY Off ElligJiln, 1196'8 G<t1a1mt nm.mmnm.$ B88.46 3,000.00 TOTAL ~ECEIP'I1S nnmmmn.m...mnn.$3,388.1 EXPENSES Livestock. Shows Holstein B~a1ok amd WIMte Show; Aylimer m..mm.$ 99.00 Jerl.ey P~ Show, Aylmer ..""m.m.mnmm"m,n' 37.50 A;>:11sihiiOe,Show, Aylmer ..m....m.mnmn..n.nn........nm. 27.00 Wesrtem CUllIIIlIti,es G1.lffi1l1"ey C~l1b ......m..."...mmnm. 26.00 Beef OalbtJe Smw, W'a1Illa'ootow{l)J .____________'______._.__ 1:0>0.0"0 Beed' Caltitle Show, iRodrr>ey m..n.....n.......nmn.......m..nn 75.00 J.Y.lilidJdil!eSlex~E1g1n HetI"efoLrd ;Br'eeders' ASIS'n., _om_ 26.00 "Elg:i:n !Beef Lmp[jQ<vem:erJt AsrsolCd:atioo ___."'____________ 75.00 Soutlh/wte.srtemn: Onlt. 'Li'VlestJock Produce.r;s) Ass'n. Q5.00 llIJ@in 'Home Br€iOOeIr'" iAssoed'a1bion m..m_..m........... 26.00 $ 5,13.50 County Organizations EI@i:n SQdil & c",,!/? ilimiProvememJt A.ooci",bion _..$850,00 Demoml41altion - Dvamed V5 UllJdo:ailnJed Lmtd n 100.00 E~gl.iIn OOtUlruty 'Plow-m'en's A:ssoc.ila:tion ___________.~_____ 200.00 Elgin COlmly FaIrn1 S",Jialy ,C<nmcil nm.....nmmm 100.00 iEDgiln rF,cur,m BuWill1IBSS Q.\1)alnlalg.ernent Ass'1l1. ._______. lOO.OO Eligin PJu:nJly &-ui~ Growers' Asooci",tion _.m.. :215.00 $8'15,00 Junior Farmers' Association Elgin Junlio< Fa,'<lIlers' & Jultlior In~tiJtu1Je ...............m.mn 4QO,OO 4.H Clubs Belmo:nJt D.,;"y Oa:lif CilUJb 'm.m 33 'completl= $ 49.50 CooiInltlh Dafury IOal!f OJ"b '..m.m. 18 compilffiion" 27,00 East ElIgdin D~try Oaillf 'Club mm 23 'com~etions 34,~0' Shedden ID"try ,Calf CllUJb .._...... 29 complieiti.om 43.5'0 AlK1booough 'Beef Oall! Club m." 6 complietdo>:ll9 9.00 'slre<'l<1en:Beef >Oailf Club .........m 14 cOllllJ[)l<llli<m<l '211.00' WalllaJoe,town Beef iC(aJl'f IClub .m J.O comw~ations 15,00 El@i:n '8ih1eep C111'b .......m.m......"..m 'Hl ,comp;iet>oos 15.00 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 61 ihi '0' Cen1IDail ElgdIn 'sWlme Club _mm UcompU<Jti,ons wast El@i:n S..,""e Cffiwb "m...._m 11 oomple<t!i!oim Elgin Fanim & HQm~ 'E1!eotuirc '01urb, - 7 compliet]OOlJS AJklJbofC<wglh -Weld iCmp IGIDb ..... Ucompleo;ons [)UlIl!WIidh Field C",,!/? CiLwb ,mm.. 14 completi.on~ SooJt;hiwoJdF'ield Cirop Olub .m J.2oomplebions East ElIgin, Tobacco CiUlb m............ 12 comp'"tiiJoiIw A;ldbarough Tr-aotoc Clllb ........ lIoompletioltl" Cerutrail 4.H TT",oboir C[ub .m..... ]Jcomp;ietdon. 16,50 16.50 Hl,50 16.50 211.00 Ul.O-O 18,00 16.50 16.5(1, - $ 864.50 .,(::;l"ransporiafion -- 4-H Inter~'Club Shows t , ' , Shedlden-Cal1v€stro AyJ'ffiiell' Fad!!' S1hOOlden IaJllJd iRodm!ey Ca,i1Tes to W;aI]]wceuawn FaiT 86,00 24.00 4.;.H Cl'Ulb~eadeJ:s' A.woc.iJalhi:mi 6(1.0(1 300,00 ~ci, 'Girls' 4.H Club Work 5 4.H OIwb Condlwence ;D<!oJeg;aibes, OAC, ."...... 50.00 50 Ooumy :Ho,,,,w- !Plrus Plllil'l Exoo""'ge m"'m'm.. 175,30 20 4-H CQ<OO1;ead,,",,' Pirus, ~a'Xand Exdb!ange.. 28.60 96 '4.H BillnJd€<rs ..........m'm......._........m......m....m....mn.m 1>49.18 8 JC[ub Si'gns Plus T"x .. ...n'm..nm ... n... mm ,.. ..m ..28.22 :)~Jrecoglnliittil()lI1 D!itI1!l1!e['- 4-H OJJulb Lead-ens DDebaJttilng '!'leam - & pen. $lat."); Soci8l1 Evemng, .i, , Guelliph ~BefJh S1!aooeilll - Out, D<li,y P,ultlcess - ISlIV'er 'Dray nn...... iiAudltilng - James Gailbrniltlh - 1967 Books " A <t311.30 208,10 411.78 29,30' 10,,00 TOTAL !EXPENSES m.......... $3',200-.48 Ba'Illk Ba['a!U1ce, Dec. 3:1st, 1968 ___.m.__m_______.___,$362r.98i 1;"", 0/8' Cheques mn....Unm.m........m"....m.....u. 208.00 Acbual! B>a~a"'C'e .......... ........n......m.. .......,.$154,98 164,98 $3,388.46 J_, Hili, '1969 - lAudlilbed a"'d iI'otmd to be "",""act. Ve<ri!i!iIed w.ii:h balll!k >bailaooe. James GaJlJbraliitlh; rAu:<liilx>r 64 'Ed S1JOOet S(, 'Illioim,"", Onlbarilo, Ii Aj>p['OVed - E1grlinJ A;gtl1iIcwltUl'al1 CoIDilI1lL1lbee A1lbant OrohalI'd, OhIaIiinmiain A. iBnuce lMIcCaWmI JoIm Wire A. V. ILanlglfu"l Sec,-'Dreas. 62 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCI'L ElLGIN COUNrY COUNiCIL 63 ELGIN COUNTY LlBR,ARY Financial Statement 1968 Receipts ! Interest and Exchange ,MiisceHaneous CaSh on hand December 31st, 1968 ______ Bank 'Balance December 31st, 1968 ______ 18.01 1,384.71 170.00 1,973,54, $ 80,640,61 Bank Bala:nce, DeC€1U1iber" 31st, 1967 County Gr,ant Provincia.r1 Gx:ant Fines Miscellaneous -Revenue- Rent - Aylmer Apartment 'D"ust Account - 'Branch /Libl1flries ____. $ 3,872.06 29,848.00 44,647,00 873.38 332.85 550.00 517.32 $ 80,640,61 Disbursements Salaries - Malin! plus Fri'flIge Ben~fits :-- Branches Board Members plus ,Mileage 27,825.32 11,800,39 1,028,30 21,282.01 752.30 608.20 695.99 805.43 415,74 1,084.28 1,917.47 2,713.86 129.50 482.59 404.77 103,12 175.00 721.54 443.59 226.95 305.41 259.24 959.41 38,94 1,435.00 480,00 Books Periodicalls Boo,kiooIllding: Furnitur~ ,and Fixtuv.e'S - Main - :Branches Repai~s andiMaintenance - Main ____n - Bnanches -- I'llIsut'la11Jce Library Suppliies Lib~ary Assodaltion Fees Bookmobi1e and, Van Telephic>ne Unemployment Insurance Legal IFlees Pensions - OJ1VLE.R.8. ,----------------- C,P.P. P.U:C, - Main - 'Br,anches Heat - Malin - Branches Mainiten1ance. Supplies __________________ Rent - BI'anch Libraries SeliVices -JanitoriBJl (MI'. Sdhuit) ------ 64 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY LIBRARY Proposed Budget 1969 Estimated Receipts County Grant (based on 1 mill) _______. $ 68,891.00 Provincial Groot _______________________ 44,370.00 Granlt for Librarian _____________________ 1,600.00 Fines ____________________________________ 700.00 Rent _. Aylmer Apartment ____________ 600.00 Miscellaneous ___________________________ 150.00 $!.16,3i1.00 Estimated Expenditures Salaiies - !Main p,us Fringe Benefilts - Brandhes - Board Members Books FHmshtrips Periodicals Bookbinding Bo()k Van and 'Boo>km()bile Furniture and 'Fixtures - Main - Br,anches Telephone P,U,C. - Main - Branches Insurance Legal 'Fees - A:udito'D Maintenance Supplies Repairs and Maintenance - Main ------ - lBranClhes Heat -r lVI:ain _ Br,m1ches AssociatioIll fees Library Supplies Unemployment Insurance Pensions - O,M.E.R.S. - C,P.P. ---------------------- Library Accommodations - Rent ..,-~._-- ,Tanitoria!l Fees (Main Branch) --------- Interest and Exchange M,scellaneous 33,342,00 15,400.00 1,300.00 45,418.00 100,00 1,100.00 2,000,00 600.00 2,092.00 . 200.00 450.00 250.00 375.00 2,000.00 175.00 50.00 200.00 1,000,00 250,00 1,000.00 150.00 3,000.00 125.00 1,500.00 500.00 1,435.00 480.00 25,00 1,794.00 $116,311.00 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 65 SECOND SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 18th day of March, 1969 . The Elgin 'County Council met this day 'at ~Ihe Cou<t House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Ohair. All members present except -Deputy IReev€' MiskellYi and Deputy Reeve deRyk. .Moved by Reeve' McAlpine, 'Seconded, by Reeve Mrs, Blyth: That the minutes of the January 1969 Session of the Elgin County Council, be adopted. -Carried. The foHowing 'communication's were read, and ref.eJ.'1t'1ed to the, variouscorn'mittees: '-'; ,",mID ,the Village of Port Stanley with copy of Zorr>ing By- LaM' No, 15~7 to regulate land use. - Filed. FrDm the St. Thom,a',s.-E1gin Emergency M'e'asul'.es Organiz- ation with oorpy of Budget fO'r 1969. - Refer>red to !the Fin"nte Committee. From the- ChildJ'en's Aid Society of the City of St. ThoITlals and the County 'of Elgin announcing that, future meetings of the Boardo'f Dire~tor-s :wdll be held on !be third Wednesday of each month. - 'Filed. FDOlffi ibhe Association of Couhties and iRegions of Ontario ~wi!b, Febru"ry New.iletter advising that the 'Mid-Term 'Meet- ;ing willi beheld 'at the King Edwa:rd Hotel, Toronto, from April 1st Ito April 3rd, 1969. - F,iled. FJlOm the Department of Lands ,and Forests with list of land transacti01Ibs in the County of Elgin for the tyear, 1968. - FHed. F1ram the Elgin-St. fJ)homas Health Unilt' with 1969 Budget. - Referred ,to the Finance Committee, 66 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 67 From the Canadian Pacific Railway 'With copy of submis-;J: sion of the Canadian Pacific Railway to the 'Canadian Trans'.i port Committee foOT permi.ssion to establishar Customer- Service;' Centre on the Loodon Division, - 'Refevred to the Road Com-'), mittee. From Dr. John C, Da"cey, Sub-Distridt Veterinalrian with'! , thanks and appreciation for. county co-operation and assist-'A a'llce at recent anti-rabies 'cHnics. - 1FHeld. From the County of Ont"rio 'with resolution recommending) that the tax exemptio" on estates ,be 'rairsed to $100,000.00;\, that ~he 50% rate :be not imp '0' sed 'on 'e&taltes less than/~ $1,000,000,00 and that the gift ~ax <be 'left"s it now is. - Re- f€lt1fed lib ,the Petitions and 'LegisJaltions Committee. , 'From the County of Wentworth withoopy of resolution" passed:by \the Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities ex-:;! pr,eSlSing dissatisfaction with the manner in .which Municipal ;;:(1 Reform ,otr Reg,ionail GOIve'rrnment is Jbeingimplemented ill! the? Province. - Referred to the County Government Committee, ' From the City '<1f London with resolution Ie: the eommun- ication from the County of Elgin regarding the formation of a District Health Unit. -'- Filed. F\rom Mt. G. W. Stevens; Administrator, Tillsonburg Dis- trio! Memorial Hospital 'With Final Cost Estimates for Renova- tionP.roject. 1- Referred the Finance Commitltee. Fvom Harold E. Stafford, M,P., with letter in reply to resolution fr,om the County af Elgin Agricultuml Committee re: the discontinuance of ARDA <lr,ainage grants: - 'Referred to the Agricultural Committee. Fmm J,ohn R. Spence, M.P.P" with letter in reply to re- solution from 'the County of Elgin Agricultural Committee re: 1he discontinuance of ARDA drainage grants. - Referred to the Agricultural Commi1tee. F'rom'ithe TOW1l1i of OOlbourg with T.esQilumon requesting that the Municipal Act -be amended to' permit m.ulllicipalities to pass by-laws granting pensions to wives of employees who quaLify under Sedtion 240 of the Municipal 'Act. - Refenred to the ~etitions and Legislations Committee. '~!~m the County -of Grey with resolution pwtesttng the ?pdsed Changes in the estate Itax laws, - Referred to the ~~tip:ns and Legislations Committee. From W. W. Snow, Princip"lof RidgetOlwn College -of Ag- cultural Technology with appreciation ofscholaTship. _ Fil- From the County of Bruce with resolution reque.ting that iJto~ram ,of f.ree dental care fo'r pre-school aond elememary ,Q'dl'children be implemented throughout the province of ario. - Referred to the Educational Commititee. i;.' :Foom the 'Honour,able Jean Marchand- Iwtth Jetter in rep1y 1"esolution from the ICounty of Elgin Aglricultural CommWtee \J:fr:... .The Disoontinua.,ce ofARDA drainage gvants. - Refer- ft~d tj)' the Agricultural Committee, '-~~;"From 'the Bank of Montre"j advisi.,g thateffedVive 'F'ebru- :la-r~ 1st, 1969, the interest on bank loans will he 7%. - Filed. ,(.., (',;i;>F~om tfue Universityo! Western Ontario with eppreciation ''j},i.grallli;and scholarships. - 'Filed, \ From the Boaorcl ,of the Lake Erie 'RegiOlTlJlll Library Sysftem "with copy of a lett<!r sent to the Honourable William G. Da- Vis, Minister.of EducaJtion 'E'xpnessill1g concer~n negalrding recom- mendations 37-41 of the Hall-Dennis 'Report. - Referred to the Eduealtional Committee. 'From Mrs, Mary Fishleigh with !resignaltion as Deputy Cler~-Treasurer effective May 31st, 1969. - Referred to the ,Property and Assessment Committee. From the Onta;r:i.Q .!Good Roads Association wi!th aJn:flIounce- of the 1969 "C. S. Anderson," Road :Schooo 'from May to May 15th, 1969. - Referred to the Road Committee. F:OOIll The :.ontario Good: oRoads' Association announcing rbhe 1969 "T, .T. MaIliony" Road School to be Iheld f" 0 m May 11th to May. 14th. - \Referred to the Road Committee. F100m the ICoUilllly 0[ Perth with resolultion requesting re- . peal of the !aesidentiail Pmperty Tax :Reduction Act. ~ Re- fenred to the ~etition\s and LegtsilJations Committee. 68 ELGIN COUN"I'Y COUNCIL 1]'if10m ltihe- CoullIty of !Perth !With resolution! requesting the "Board ,of Transport Cormmilssioll.ell"S not to give :pe'rmission to the BElll '!'elephone Company of ICaItl"daJ to increaJse !'ates at the p"",sent time, -Referred to ,"he Petit10ns and Legislaltions Committee. -F:riOrn the 'St. Tholm,as Young Meru's Christian Associati~orrl! with--r:equesrt If OJ:'! la grant. - Referred to. thE!' !Finance Committee. Jr,rom the Cluldren's, Aid :Societ~ with Finaltlce (Report to DecembOir' 31st, 1968. - Refemed to IVhe !Fimlanee Committee. E\flomthe County o'f:HUDon 'with resolution and letter with ,respect to. snowplowinlg and the Employment 'Standards Act, 1968. - Referred Ito the Hoad Committee. IFr.arn Ithe C~Jy .olf London with 'coPY' of- a (r.esloJutiDII1I to -iru- tnoduce a By-Law autholrizing the MaJyOr and .clerk toO Exe- cute an _ Agreement between iVhe !City, of London, ,Ithe, Gorunf\;y of Middiese'x, the City of .St.Thomas, and ,"he CouutY' of Elgin to' pmvide for the establisbJrnent :of a; Docal B:oa~d of Heal~h pUflsuant to ,the provisions 0./ ,the Public Health Act, - Filed. 'F'iDo'm the AssQiciation of-Oounties and 1RegiionlS'-.orf Onta.rio with 'Ja:nuaTY New-SIleltter, - Filed, ]"rom theSt, ,'!'homas Suburban ,Road Commission Engine~'r with Repo'flt of 1968 eXiPenditures and estimSJtes fo~, 1969: - Referred to the Road Committee. 'From 4he Child're.nl,s Aid Society ,of the C.t.y of 1St. Thomas 'ancLthe iGorml(y 'of Elgin with 1969 lBudg,et. ~ Referred to the Finance Committee. .From the Economi:c COUncH - Ertie Region' annlQunicing the Annual \Meeting to be held ,on WeduesdaY', rMaJrdh 261th, 1969, .at the We.tennlRegio[]) - Ontario HY'cLro, 1075 W"llington \Road South, London, Ontario, at 8 p.m. - !F11ed. IF'r'om the County,o:f Peel with resQluUon that once re- ;'a,s:selssl1llent fha:s !been 'oompleted on 8lclbual 'Value, a1l 'assessments. be revde'Wled and updated OIl!: an averarge of every three years. _ HiefeDred to the ff'roperty and Assessment 'Committee, .From C. ,',W, \RUiITl;!>, !Secretary, Railway Transport Committee advisi[])g, 'of notice requi"ed if it is intendecLto oppose ~he ap- ElLGIN OOUNYrY COUNiOIL 69 plication ,of the Canadd:m 'Pacific RaJilway, Compa",ey re: !:us- tonier Servi'ce, London, Ontar,io. - Referred, to the Road Com- mittee. FrOlm Mr. IEJrk Wi'lkes a Letter with re.pect to d,ra,nage prOblems and floodirug conditions a!v !Port ,Bruce, - Refeinred to the Petitions and Legislations C.ommittee. From the Western Counties Guernsey Club lwith lI'equest for 2J grant. - iRef""red t:OI the Agrkultural CommiliVee, ];1oom the Elgin 'County Br,anch of the O'tlltaruo Humaue Society 'wiih suggestion for 'e'recting an :mimal shelter and the control of animals fOl' the City of Sit:. i'l'homas, and the County 'QfElgiru. - Referred to !'he Finance Oomm,ttee. F'fOm the County of Huron with resoluti<lnJ regarding the control of Warble F.ley. ~ Refermed to the Agl'icultura'l Com- mittee. F'rom the County Qf V1ctooia with letter Te: charge hack tQ local municipalities fa" lock-up services. - Referred to the Petjj(ions and LegislatiQns Committee. From ,the Association 'Of Counties a;hId Regions of Ontario. .wJfu letter al1!d prelimin'ary 'bu1,etin reo Mid-Term Meeting. - lRefum'ed to the Finance Committee. 'Fif{)([ll 1he County of Lambton 'wUt'h! 'resolulVion that the Govemment d~ OntariO' amend the Divisi,on:aI1 Sohoal legisla.., tion . to' iPtrovide fo'r' appro vall of ,capital ex.penditureSl of Divi- sional \School Boards by the Oouncils of 'Cities and Counties. - Referoed to' the Fma'filce Cotrnmittee. From It:he Township 0./ Tuckersmith with resolution: oppos- ing regiOl1!al1governmenrt as presented.~ Refenred to' the <::ounty Government Committee. From the Tow,l1!sIhip ,of Aldborough with res01ution express- ing concern with the present sales of to'b81coo Ifarm's where rights !Will nO longer be usecL foil' growing tobacco in the a.reas. Refel'Ted ~o the 'Agricultu1r,a'l Committee. From the Chi:ldren's Aid Sodety of the City of St. Thom; .,' and the county of Elgiil1! wUth copy of 'Auditor's Rellm't fo," 70 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 1968. - Refenn~d to the Finance Comrrnittee. ' l!'nom the Elgin Cau!l1lty Boa~d oj' Educa~ion wd:vising of the aP(pointment of a",bitratoTs under SectiOO! 84(3) and 84(4) of Bill 44, - Filed, 'Dhe Report 'a,f 'the 'Ro,ad 'Committee was presented by Reeve l1addwnd adopted on motion of Reeve Todc1 and Reeve DerGDafWi. ITbJ~ 'First Report of the Equalizatio'n! 'Committee 'was pre- se!l1lted by Reeve Wilson and 'adopted oOl! 'IDotion of Reeve Wil- son and neputy Reeve Roberts. 'The Second iRepoTt 'of the Equalizatio''n! Committee 'was pre- sented \by :Reeve Wilson land adopted On! motion .orf Reeve Wil- s~on a'llld 'Heevoe Hodgs'olI]. The First Report of lUbe Finance Committee was presemed by Reeve O"iOlhnson ,and adopted on ,mortion of 'Reeve John/son and Reeve KelUDIr. Mov,ed Iby, 'Reeve Keillor, Seconded by Reeve Johnson: 'That the RepOTt of the Special Comrrnittee to s!Toke the Stooding Committees ~'ooc- 1969 be ,amended by deleting 'Reeve TlTemett fxom ~he Childrenls Aid SocietY' 'Ba'M'd 'and placing him on the Couno1;y LibraT')' Board; anc1 by deleting 'Reeve Kabnt from the eounty Libralr.y Board and placing 'him on tibe Childnen's, Aid Society 'Bo-arc1, -Carried. Moved, by Reeve Johnson, ,Seca'n!cted by Reeve O1arke: 'Dhart ,the Oarunty hudilt'ors be instructed to t ran s fer $50,000.00 fTom accumulated sUTplws to, r~selr^"e for working funds. -Carried, Mav;ed by Reeve iMcAlipiD:1e, Seconded by Reeve 'M<:iKil1op: That we request the Depamtmellt of <Higthw.ay,s ,to make the ELGIN COUNTY COUNiOTL 71 following t:!'amsfer: Transfer, $42,572,01 "iF'rom Ca'llIs!Tuction Bridges and Culvelrts to Construction 'Roads." Transfe'r, $4,606,00 "frI'iOlm Mainlbenance Eo-ads to Construction . Roads." -Carried. Moved by Reeve Todd, Secalnded by 'Reeve McKiHop: 'I'hat the Wamd:en and ,the Clerk 'of the County vi Elgin be, ,and are heJ:1eby auuhorized to ~gncertificate 'regaTdi'n!g the following permanent employees of the IColrlpollation .fOD:' exem,p- lion of contrubu!tions as [J'l'ovided under Vhe taegulllll:io'lls of ,uhe Uiruemplo-ymell!t Insur.anc.e Act. Effective April .19th, 1969. Road Department - iHaDo,1d Fawcett, Geoit1ge Cook. -Carried, Moved by Reeve McKillop, Seconded by Reeve Todd: That lWie do now fadJoiUr:n uQllffieet at 2 p.m., TueSldalY, March 18th, 1969. -'Carried, Council r:e...'convened. .The RepOl.dt of the Agdculturall COlmmittee was 'p,resented by Reeve McAlpine and adO!Pted on 'motio.n' 'Of Reeve McAlpine and Reeve Ol1chJaTd. The :Report ,a'f lbe Peti1ions md Legislation Committee was p,"""entecl ,by Reeve Kah!l1ltand adopted on motion Of Reeve Kahnt and Reeve Mrs. Blyth. The RepOiDb of the 'Educatiofli8Jl Corn1mittee Iwas pres'ented. by Reeve Mrs. Blyth amd adopted on 'motion of Reeve Mrs. Blyth and Reeve DeGraw, 'Dhe Second Report of the Fln1mce Comrrnittee was poc-e- sented bY' <Reeve Joibnson ,and ,adopted 'on' motion !ot Reeve J'O'hn- SOn and Reeve Caverly. 72 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Reeve WilSOiTh, Seoonded by Reeve Hodgson: That we do rfllOlW aJdj:OlUrln! to :meet again on Wednesday, Malich 'l9t'h, 1969, all! 10 ",m. SECOND SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 19th day of March, 1969 The Elgin County CowIllCil ~et this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, lin laccordance twith adjournment. The Waxden in the Chair. All members 'present except Deputy Reeve Miskelly. The Report of ~",e iI1r1operty land Assessment Committee was pr.e'sented by Reeve Mo,",,,e a>nd adolPted 'on motion of Reeve Moome and Deputy Reeve IRo!herts. 'The /RepOTt of the Elgi[J) Manor Committee Iwas presented by Reeve DeGraIW and adopted on mDtion of Reeve DeGraw and /Reeve Ke.11oc. Moved by Reeve Todd, , Seoonded by Reeve McKillop: ,That B~-Law No. 2076, "A By-Law to Provide fClr I(Ihe 1969 NOIliIDOJI EXiPenditures on ROlads Under tbe Hig'hw.ay Imprewe- ment 'Act i1li the County of Elgin," be Q1ead Ia [irst time. --Carried.' H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. Mewed by Deputy \Reeve Johnston, Seoondedby Reeve Todd: Thlll1: By-Law No. 2076 be Dell<! a Isec{md time. -Carried. J. C. WISE, Wa.rden. ElLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 73 Moved by Reeve MCKillDP, Sec()<!]ded by Deputy Reeve That By-Law No. 2076 passed. Johnston: Ibe 'read a tihi'rd time, and finaUy -Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson, Seconded, by Reeve Johnson: That By-Law No. 2077, "A By-L8lw to' 1'1l1ovide lor the Supplementary iEXiPenditures on Roads Under the High- Wjay Improvement Act in the County o'f Elgin," be .read. a first Itrlane. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Clarke, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Dennis: That [By-LalW No, 2077 be reOJd a second time. -Carried. lby Reeve M,aore, by Reeve Cla'rke: Thwt By-Lalw No, 2077 be Tead athind time and finally passed, -Carried. MDVed by' Reeve Mins, 'Blyth, Seconded. !by Reeve -'Emenson: That 'By-L8lw. No. 2078 "Being a By-Law to Authorize . Grants: to be ;marde to Vrur[IO'llS OrganizatiolIls, CO;!'lpOTations, Inst,tluUon., etc. During 1969," be read OJ [i~st time, --Carried, ]..1o.ved by Reeve Emersotrll, Seconded by Ree"e Mrs. Blyth: That By;-L-aw No, 2078 be ~ead a second time, -Carried, I', , li: I:' I I': j; Ii:] ..t... I: , I. ~ I:',t i:' " !:; ;.' !" I I ~i i I i j g tl j ii . i , ' l! ii , 'i ~ , , , , ~i 'II I Iii II II ! f , 74 ELGIN 'COUNTY COUNCrL MOlved hY' !Reeve llYIns. myth, Seconded by Reeve Emerson: That By-LOJw No. 2078 be re8Jd a third time, land finally passed, -Carried. Moved ,by !Reeve DeGraw, Seoonded by !Reeve McAlpine: That we do, now adjourn to meet ag,ai", at 2 p.m., Mareh 19th, 1969. -Carried. The OO'Lmoil re-cou'Vened. The !Report of the County Go'vernmenIIJ Committee was pre- sented by !Reeve McKillop and adopted on motion of Reeve Mc- Killop and Deputy Reeve Mooc1rdson. <Moved by !Reeve Wilso,", Seconded by Deputy Reeve !Dennis: That 'By-L"w No. 2079, "Being ,OJ BYcLaiW, to Confimn the EqualizatiOOll ,of the A!ssessmerutR<ills of the Oourny, of Elgin :Dor the Yea!", 1969," be read a fi'rst time. -Carried. Mewed hy Deputy !Reeve Dennis, Seconded by !Reeve WILson: That By-LOJw N". 2079 be rea;d a Iseco",d time. -Carried. Moved, by lRee"e J oihnson, SecOOllded' by, !Reeve Moor,,: Thail 'By-Law No. 2079 be re"d a ,third time, and fin"li!y passed, -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNlOIL 75 'ved:by Reeve 'Johnsl()1l1!, ;~conded by Reeve Wilson: '/ That By-L"IW No. 2080, "To Raise Amomlits for 'County !tates Dulirug the 'Ye,," 1969," 'be 'read a ~il\St time. 'c",,;... --Carried. ,Moved, by: Deputy Reeve Dennis, Seconded by !Reeve Mrs. Blyth: That By-L"IW No. 2080 be read a second time. -Carried. "Moved Iby Reeve MiOO1re, Seconded by o'Oeputy !Reeve Dennis: That By,-Law No" 2080 be re"d a <third time, 'and finally ..iJ~ssed. -Carried. '-'; Moved bY' Reeve Mrs. Blyth, Seconded 'by !Reeve K"hrut: That By,-La:w No, 2081, "Being 'a 'By-L"IW ~'" estabibi'sh the Arrmual 'Remuneration ,to be paid to the Warden of the County <II' Elgin,".be 'reBJd a firm time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve 'McAlpine, Seoonded by Roo"" Mrs, Blyth: 'I1hail By-Law No, 2081 'be xead a seeond time, -Carried. Moved by !Reeve Kalhm, Seoonded by !Reeve McAlpine: That By-Law No. 2081 ,be Icead OJ'thiird time, 'and finally -Carried, 76 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL I I I I I ElLGINCOUNTY COUNOIL 77 Mo"ed, by Reeve McAlpine, Seconded by Reeve Kaihnlt: That By-HIW1 No. 2082, "Begi'tll a By-Law to Set the Daily), Remuneration ~o be !Paid '1;0 Members ,of the Elgin County'~ OOWl""> "or Attendance at Meetings oI the Elg,in County Ooun-,l cila<nd' Committees Thereof," be read a first time,' i:ad ,by Deputy Reeve N emevt, ."io')ded by Reeve Keillo~: ,~,;.j;~:::''Dhat; we do now adjourn to Im'eet againl May. 21'srt, 1969, at lO'lli,m. --Carried, J, C, WISE, Wa;tden, Moved by Ree've Mrs, !Blyth, Seconded by D'1[Juty Reeve iDennis: 'l1hat By-,Law No. 2082 be read a secoltld time. ROAn COMMITTEE REPOR.T M~olved [by: Reeve 'M>OlOre Seconded by Reeve Mn.. Blyth: ,'That By-Law No. 2082 'be Tead "' thh'<i time, passed. March Session - Rport No. 1 Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, ROaJd Committee 'Beg.sto Report as Follow,s: the Tend:erof McLeaJIlJ Foster 'ConstU1uctiO'n Limite'd St. MafrLYIS at '$137,947.25 rh",s been! 'accepted' for Oon- of the Wameh :st. Bridge iU1l ,Fort Stanley, the, Tender of McLean ,Foster Construction Limited St. Ma:r>)>iS at $345,692.80 hars been acc<lPted for Con- s1muJctloU1l 0'] the lWiHey"s Bridge on the r.L'hoones ,,,,nd the Awroacheil, This is a joiriJ1; project 'Wliltlh the County df and finally -Carried, Moved by Deputy Reeve p:;l emett, Seconded by, Deputy Reeve deiRyk: ' '11hat By-Law No. 2083, "Being a By"Law to' Confirm Pro- Ii ce'edings of the lCounci! <Jd' The Corporalbion of the County of ' Elgin at the March ,Sessi01l! 1969," be 'read aJ first time. -Carried,' RiElCoMMEND: Tllrllit the Resolliuti011l for the GO!Unty of Huron ~e the arppli- ""tie<<; to snow pLowing of the Emp1o'yment Stmudards Act be filed, , ' That tJhe foUowing Resolution he passed wl~1h regard to The rOoIl1i1ltY"'''i 1968 Re!tu~n to the D'eparrtrment ,(}f Highw,ays "That 'We rlequest the Department 'o~ Highways to make thefollo:v;.r.1TIlg TTansfet":' TranSfeT $42,572,01 "from Construction 'Hridges and CiUlverts ~O< Construction Roald." f:[1ra11!sfer '$4,606.00 "frroffi Ma,intertance' Roads' to Con- struction Roads." Moved by 'Reeve Keillo,", SeoOOlded by Il-eputy Reeve 'deRyk: Il'lhat By-IJarw No,. 2083 ,be ~e"d '" lieoOlnll time. Moved by Deputy Reeve Roherts, Seocmded by D<lPuty, Reeve Nemett: That (By-L..W' No'. 2083 be reall a third time, ,and< finally passed. \ 3. That the Resolution be 'Passed aultrhorizing the Warden 78 ELGIN 'COUNTY COUNCIIL arrrd lC,lerk te> ,sign a ceciificate regard!ing the foHowing Tegul"r employees of the County of Elgiru from exemp- tion '01f 'contributions as prlOvided under Regulations. o'f the Un"mplo,yment Insur!liIllce Act - (BalcoM Fawcett, IGeoTge Ooo.k. 4. That the Budget of the 'St. Thoma,s S1Lburban Road Com- mission 'for 1969 ,amounting, to '$155,500 be approved, In- cluded in this amount is the amount of $92,500 towards the ReplacemerJt lof Kains Bridge on Road,,33. The City of St, Thomas haJsag.reed to pTnvide an additional grant of $5,000 tD the rCommilssiollr oveJ:" the ordinary orne-!haU mill levy to help in the building of tbe' Brddge. , 5. That a Normaili 'RJoad E:,openditure By-Law be passed to, be aillncated 'as foillmvs: Roads Bridges and: Culvecis New Maohinery Supeoch1liendence 'and Overhead ConstruGvion 434,500' 399,500 70,000 Maint.enance' 310,500 26,500 nliI Total 745,000 426,000 70,000 80,000 48,000 $ 984,000 $ 385,000 $ 1,369,000 6. 'I1ha,t a Supplementary Road ElQlenditure passed to be allocated as f",llO<W\S: Roads Oonstructian ---------------- $ Bridges and Culvert ConstDuction -- By-Law 198,500 382,500 (a) $ 581,000 Breaking !dblwn l'ecommendatiot's 5 'a'ud 6. County Expenditure Construcltdon Ro,ads ---------------. $ Construction Bridges & CulvMS ConlstliUction New 'MaohdneI'ly - -,...- ,Mainten3!I1lce ROIads Maintenance Bridges & Culverts Urban RebaAles Overhead 580,000 689,500 70,000 265,000 25,000 46,000 120.009 $ 1,795,500 be ELGIN COUNTY COUNCTL 79 St. Thomas Suburban R,oad Commission Expenditure Oonstnuction R:",,,ds ...,__..,"_________. $ 20,000 Construc\i.on 'Bridges & Cu~veds '(Kains l3Tidge) _______..____, ...... 92,500 Matntenance :B.-oadls ______.________._.__ 32,500 M"intenance Bnidges & 'CulveDts _""__ 1,500 Over/head ________c_____.._______------.. 8,000 $ 154,500 (Items nolv for Sud!sid.y 1$1,006) Total money appropriated! by normal ,a;nd supplementall'Y by-laws $1,950,000 at an estimated cost to the County 'cxf Elgin of $709,587 (<being 10,3 mms on IUhe !present lOounty alssessment), It is expected thata;pproximately $1,000,000 w.ill 'be avail- through the Development 'Road !Prog'ramme from the De- 'CJf Highways. (This is the Isame "5 in 1968). This 'enia:ble the ,coln!PletiolIll of trJ.mm-ing 'work, etc., on ffi..ol8.id 52 (Dev. !ad. No. 840), :Ro"d ,~;O (Dev, tRd, No, 931) and the com- of gDa,ding on :Roads No. 47, No, 48, and iNo. 49 (Dev. Rd. Nc>. 972), It rs ihoped, thait some grading will be done on Road 45 (Dev. Rd. No, 930). InaddiiJi:on, Normal'Accounrts Receivable, Tow-nUne Ac- counts (including payments 'by the Cown,ty of Middlesex to- wards the Wj,jleys Bridge) ,will total to a g,ross expenditu:re by tb!e R03!d Deparrtment in the c>rd,er 01$3,300,000 ($3,139,336 in 1968). Sup:glemen1ba.ry.and Normall, 'Road COfllSVI'IUction By,;"Laws provide imoney fOD Constl'luction 'Of Roadls and Bridges as fol- low--s:: (a) Need Study payments during 1969. (b) Land 'P'urch3!sed for :wwdenrng of COThnlty Raa,ds, (c) Fencmg Wlork on Dw. I~ds, No. 840, N,t), 930, No. 931, !liIlId No. '972. (Rds, No. 52, No, 45, No, 20, No., 47, No, 48 and No. 49). 80 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL (d) Diriann,alg,e Asse.ssiments on valfiiousro:ad's. ' (e) Payment [<>r moving utilities on Ro",d 27 '(Union to< SpaTta _ 'Work doUJe in 1967 and 1968). (If) SUlnflace tmeatm.ent land' deattlJ-u\p, etc., ,on RQad 11, South- wold T,o:wrushlp. (,g) Completion otf storm dr:8.ltTIlSl, S.pringwatetr~ Dam, sud8.lce rtre8ltment, etc'" Dlnl Road 35 - 'J,aIDflal to OrrweH. (h) Completion, 'o,f gradin:g, d'r:aiiruage a'tl'd Ilawng on Road 3 - Rodney north. I I ~ (i) Surf,9JCe treatme'l1t, clean-up on 'Road 15 ~ entrance to 'Pea'nce Pa['k, DUiI1lwicth TOlw!hJship. (j) Sur:f",ce :l;Tealtment, cle...-up on Ro'ad '38, Malahide-Bay- :ham Townlirie. (k) Drainage, paviIllg, etc" on Road 42 rr<>m Highway 73 to Road 40 - lMala:hide, I (1) Com~leti"ru of work -on 'Road 42, ,a;t 'Stalter GuNcy, includ" ing paving, (m) Grading, gTanular base, <!le., -on R<>ad 22 f:mm Rd. 27 to Rd. '24 - YaTiIDouth T,ownship. ' (n!) Gradmg, 'grlanU'laJr base', u'rbM1l. wo!t'k, etc., OIll Rd.: 40 from Rd, 52 to Glenco:lin. Village "f Sp:dngfie1d arud Malabide T,owriship. (0) Willeys Bridge and Approache's, Road' 8 ~ t:rur;w,icb: Townshiip. (p) Wa1"1'en Street Bridge and Approaches - Rd. 21, iPort Stanley. (q) Comp1e'ti<>ru of Orwell Bridge on the 'Ma.a'Mde- Yarmouth '1\olWllliUJe. ' (r) GorustructiOIIll Players Bridge, iRo<<d 45, Yall'm<YU1fu TOlWcru- ,ship. (8) 'Stolnm ])I1adJr; - Rd. 53 - Beech St., Aylmer. AU of :wihich is respectfully ,submitted. DOUGLAS !R. TODD, Ciharr,man. ElLGIN COUNTY COUNOIL 81 EQUALIZA TIONCOMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1969 the Warden and -Members of the Elgicru County Council, The. EquaJization Co:~nmilt:tee !reports as follows: 1. That we ,"ccept ,the an,>ual1ieport of the County Assess- ment CommissioneI'i for the yeall' 1968, as Iprepared by Mr. Hec- tor McLean and dated' MaJrch 18th, 1969. All of wihich is ~espectfully ,soomitted. J. B, WILSON, \Chainman, EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1969 Second Report the Warden, and !Members .of. ~he Elgin County C()undl, The EquaJlization Committee repoll'ts as f,c;Ho'Ws: 1. THAT the foll<>lWting be the equaliza:tion of the kssess" !)l~n~ Rolls of ,the :C<>unty ,-of ~Elgin for the year:, 1969: Aylmer ~----___~~______u. $ 8,546,435. 12;263532% Belm<mt __c_~__.._,___.__~u_ 906,970. 1.301438% Duttcm --~----~----~------- 1,030,855. 1.479204% Portl3urwell -------~.---~_ 832,585, 1.194701 % P<llrtt Stanley ____~______u 3,404,690. 4.885490% ... Ric;dney_____~,________~____ 1,265,185. 1.815451 % <\pringfield --,-"~--_~_______ 393,975. 0.565327% Vienna -----_----______~___ 379,185, 0.544104% West Loom" --~----------- 1,370,595, 1.966707% Aldb"rough __~-~-"---~u_- 5,412,390. 7,766398% 6,036,450. 8.661880% S, -~---- -~,____ 2,076,043. 2.978975% 4,457,395. 6,396047% 8,162,365. 11.712418% 15,373,617. 22,060056% 10,041,101. 14.408272% $ 69,689,836. 100,000000% il11 "I' ,r 82 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ElLGIN COUNTY COUN10IL 83 ii~ ,1;, 'I' H' J] ml 2 , THAT this Council i's willing to 'have the :finaJl equaliz- ation of Assessment RoN.Sf, in 'case of appea'}, ma'de 'by the Coumy Judge. All of ""hich is respectfully submitted. J. B. WILSON, ChaJirman. ;Ui1e ______________________~ 0atmIty iMselS''''''mlt .m.m Hiea/lIIIhJ U""iJI: _......mn_...nm ~OM{)e Care at BU!illdl'migo; om..mm OouinItY.. NbiliJc LiIbmry n Gmamrt" _llarJJcy iMwsUll'elS' ()[1gwn~allilo'" "'m._m ; Th1iInIllnIg, iPos',aIgIe, aJnKl ;')" ,,"': Slta1taroll1le'I'Y .m___m MltmJiciJp<lll Go<vermImJe""t n ~--;._-------------_:_---_._-- K:K>uinIIJy Siak __ ,!BanJeffilt Aooonllrllt mmn !::()Iilim/g'e'11Jcl"" nmnmnm.m. 'll.eoovery -or! Rietnlta'lls .nn' COUNTY R,1\TES, COUNTY OF ELGIN FINANCIAL REPORT March Session, 1969 First ~port 4,000,00 14,000,00 147,1325.010 72,2;12,00 1,50.0.00 14,00.0.00 00,800.00 40,1rl1),Oo. 4,0.00.00 ~,Oo.o..OO 'l3-i3I2J5,Q{} 12,000,00 1~4,00-OjOO 72,212.00 'i i':.1 1,5'00,00 8,000,00 6,000.00 68,8e2.00 40,125,00 Ii iil J " , ffi i. I , 'I 1,000.00 1,000,00 3,0{)0.00 57,000.00 7,784,62 3,Q00,00 57,000-.00 7,784,62' 5,000'.00 8,000.00 5,000.00 8,000,00 2Ili,01Q{),0IQQCr.) 22,0100.00 $4,3~,608,6i2 $2,947,298.00 $1,(!95,3W,62 iF11'om SuirjJllus .m'mm...n.....,.n__nm..'. 51,916.00 To the Warden, and 'Membevs o:f the E1gin County Council, THE COMMITTEE on ,Fid>aJl1Jcebeg leave Itb ~epO'rt that h",vid>g inquired iUJtol Fid>ances lor! the County, anJd estimates 'I prepared by the Oounty Treasurer>, ,they [herewith submit a' statement of the e"penclltures ~equired f{)l!1 the lalWfuJ PUT,polSe.:I' of the County during 1969, and showing ~he lamonnt requi>red 1 to be -~atsed fo-r t'he undermentioDJedJ pmposes: .. 196,9 [,969 ElsItirmartJe<:l ElsitJimallJec1 iEx!PetnJd. . !fOOvenue 19,5 ImiMJs .m..nmnm..mm.....n,n.n..m$ 1,343,392.62 YOUR COIMMITTEE wou,d recommend that the sum, of on", rMHMon, Three Hundred and ~OIrty-three Thous",nd, Three Hundred anld, Ninety-Two DollaTlS',and Sixty7Two cent's be raised onJa,H the !l1<l1leal>le property id> ,theseveml municipal- iJ1Iies of the Oaunty -of Elgin during ~he year, 1969, fOlr. COIUnty #UD'jloses, and; thatlL rate of 19.5 mills on the -doHar be Ie-vied ?I' vatea:ble property in the severa, munkipallities in the : County to Ir,afse saddamQunts. 1969 TaD< lJevy CooJni1Jy BoadS(10-,3 mdilIIls') ...m.$ 3,300',0000.00' ClblaIl1iIby anld Welli'<w. __"__' 16,000.00 Chlild lW<lJIfIaIre .m......___.n. ~0,570.00 E1!lln iM!anOlr ICJip,_w..g.. ~47,70(l,00' ElgJlnI iM!aIIlKlr lD<Jl>etnlttWe n 11-1,700.0.0 H"'W'ilfiall lDe/bemilure .m.... 44,8010.00 BatnIk UeIOO'll ...m....__m.._. 70,000.1)0 Dfisoowt 00 CoUlIllty ~a1fi"" ...n....m' 9,000.00 ~lJl4,060-,00 709,567.00' 3<,000.00:' 3'0,570.00 .. 5~,,64(),00-; 81,700.00' 44,800,00 ' 70,000,00 ,- l' ,- Ji ;\1 i !II $lli,-59<O,'~13',00' * '1'2,000.00 All of ,which is respectfully submitted. HORACE B. JOHNSON, Ohai-mnan.. AGRICULTURAL 'COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1969 To the Warden, and IMe.mbeTS of the Elgin County Council, The Ag'r'icultun"j 'ComrriliVvee r,epOlrts as foHows: l.ThaJt .the letter ,fTom Mr. Ran-old 'E. Stafford, M.P., r"",,lutioj] forw,,"ded to him, befi1€'d. 2. 'That the lette'r f'rom Mr. J'ohn Spence, M:P.iP., re: oce-~1 solution fOlflwarded t" !him 'befwled, 'i ,',\ 3. That t!he lellter :firom the 'HolOOuTable J ean Marchand}~ l'e: <resolution 'fOTlW'3!rded iolhim, be filed. ' 4. 'DhaJt the Irequest of the Wester", 'Counties Guernse~'ni Cl\]b ~o,r " gll'aitlll: be !referred to>t1he !Distrwct Agricultwal RC(p, ' resentaltrive. 5. 'l1haJt Ithe Tesolution .from ~be County of Huron re: thel CO\\1tro1 ,QIf Wa[[\ble Fly, be eruc}ocsed." 6, 'That the Tesolutioru f'rom ~lhe Tawnship of Alc}bomugh in respect tOl the 'Salle of tolb"cco ,lands' aiIld tdbacco growing rights in \Elgin 'Couniy be endO[[\Sled 'anc} thaJt thi", be co",veyed to: 84 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ROnJ ,iMcNeiJ, lVLP. :P., J.ruck Spence, M. P. iP., HonO'lJlf,aoble W. ,A. Stew-a,;t, MinisteI' of Agriculture, Ontario :Flue Cured Tdbacco Grower,s Marketing Board. All olf !Which is respectfully submitted'. K. J. McALPINE, Chairman. :\ if 'I" rill Ii! 'i~ 1,:1 I'li ElLQIN COUNiTY COUNOIL 85 :q J1 !Jj fl' PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT ii~~ l~ !~ March Session, 1969 the Warden, and ilVIe.mbe'rs of the Elgin 'County Coundl, Petill)ions and Legisl!1tions Committee .eports as fol- :!,~ , I H i! :g, " I ;; , I I' , , 'l I' 1. ThaJt the resOIlutloil] from the 'County of Ollll"rio Ire- 9W.mEIDding that ~he tax exemption on estates be It'aised to ,$.100,000.00, thaJt the :;0% rate !be :not Impolsed on estates less }hl\11$l,OOO,OOO,OO,'and that the gift talX be le'fIti "s it :!]ow is; be <mdol'l'led. 2. Tlhai the !resolution fTOm the TOIwn Gf Cobourg req:uest- jug that -the MunJicipail Act be amended to peI'mit jmullllcipal- i;tiE$ toO p'81sSllby-law's gtrIaln.lting pensi()111I to IWlives of empl()y'ees 'Who quailif,yund~r 'Section 2'40, be filed. 3. That the oceso1ution ,from the ,County of Grey' protesting he propOlSed changes in the estate tax laNIs he ~iled. 4. Tha~ the resolution from the ICounty of PeMh Tequest- l;"g <epeaJ of the Residential Property Tax tReduc1Jion Act, be filed. 5, That the Iresotuiion f,rom the County o. Perth request- ,ing ,the Boait'd' Of TraiIlsportOolIDmission~s Ilol~to give per- inission to the Bell 'Telephone Companw Ilf 'Canada to increase rates at the present time, be flIed. 6. That the letter from Eric Wilkes O'e: <I!radnage and flooding at P'^rt Bruc.e be a,kuOlWledged aiIld the eXiplanaJtton f<>:rrwarded that the County has no <responsibility in! thi's matter, 7. That the ~etter ~= ,the County of Vidtll'ria Ire: d,arge back to local munJioiprulities fO!r lock-up' serv;ces, be filed, ,! <1; if I i f;: :i' i il:: ili I :I, 1'1.1' II All Of !Which i,s respeCtfully submitted,. M. A, KA!HNT, Chairma!l1!. 86 ELGIN 'COUNTY COUNCIL a7 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1969 3. That the St. Thomas-Elgin Emergency Measures Or- ',zation 'budg,et for '1969 be laJppiroved. That the 1969 Budget of tbeElgin-St. Thomas Health requiring $72,211.97 to be rrosed by the Cmmty of Elgin !lpproved. 5. "'!'hat the ,..,quest O'f t'he St. Thomas Young Men's Christ- n~rssotciatiol1! felf a grant, be .fd.1ed. ,6. That the Finance Report to December 31st, 1968, of Children'. Aid Society., be fLied, , "?- That the 1969 Budget of the ChildJren's Aid Society of Ih~}::ity of St. Th<lmasao>d the County <If Elgin, Ifequiring "30,570.00 lVo be Iransed by the County of Elgin, be approved, ,',a, That the letter :loom the Humane Society Ire: a contract ,'contll'ol of ianimaJls in Elgin County and the City of St, ''homas, be filed. , ljc 9. That the following delegates be named voting dele- .fes 'alt the' AssociatiolI1l of- Counties a:nd Regions mid-term ,eeting, Reeve WilOOlIl', lRee-ve Emerson, Reeve iCilalL'1ke, WaJI'den ,.iise,'and:one appointed officia'l. .:~,~ '10. That the resolutimr ;from the County of LamMon .e- q'l~ing !'he 'Government of Ontario to amend the Divisional S<;l1,90l legislarti<l[> to provide 'for approval <If 'capital expendi- ,~~res of Divisional School Boards by the Councils of Cities and COurities, ,be filed. 11. That the Auditor's Repol1t to December 31st, 1968, of Obildrren's Aid ISociety, be filed. " ," ,,12. 'Dbarl: the ~etter from Tmsonbul'g District Memorial Hospital wnthFinaJl 'Cost Estimaltres -for Renovation Project be t~bled 'and that Reeve J dOOS<ln pmcure info"maroioo> ll1eg'a'rding fuis matterr., 13; ThaJt!We institute an employee payrolL plan !whereby the wages of each county empJ:oyee shiaJrl beCTedited to Iris ,per- sonal bank 'aJccountrather than ;being paid to him or heiJI by individuaJl cheque. All df which irs respectfully submitted'. HORACE B. JOHNSON, ChaJirman,. To the Warden, and llVIembe'1'S of the Elgin County Coundl, The Educationa:l Committee rrepor,(s'aJS rfoMows: 1. That the ,reso,lutiOillJ from ~he rCounty of Bruce request,! ing tJhat " prog'r1am of free dentaL car,e -for pre-,rehool and, ele",l mentary schoolchi1dren be implemented: throughout the Pro~ vince -00: Ol'l:ta1rio, ,be filed. 2. Tlhat the le~ter sent by the Lake Erie Regional Library] System to the Honourable 'WilJiamG. Davis e'xpressing concelm~~ regarding. ~ecommendations 37-41 lof the lHaJH -De.rmis Report;;!' be endorsed. ., AJI <l'f iW'hich is reSl[lectfully submitted'. !M. BL YTE;, ChaiJrman. FINANCE COMMITIEE R,EPORT March Session, 1969 Second Report To the Warden, and Members 0:1 'trhe Elgin County Oouncil, The Finooce /Comrmittee 'reports "" follows: 1. That ChllJrity and Welfare Pay List No. 1 for and ;Pay List No.2 for $2,961.95 be a,pproved. 2. That (Chi1dven',g Aid S"ciell1y ;Pay List N,c>. 1 far $1,621.33 and Pay List No.2, for '$1,621.33 he llipproved. 88 89 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ElLGIN OOUNTY COUNOIL PR,OPERTY AND ASSESSMENT COMMITfEE REPORT ELGlN MANOR COMMITTEE REPOR,T March Session, 1969 March Session, 1969 To the Warden, alld Members of the Elgin County' Coul'cil, The Pnoperty and Asoossment Committee ~epoTts as f<),IJ J lows: '%' 1. Painting vhe PT<lbation Offices, the E"gineer's Office;ii th,e Assista];lWlDngin~er-'s -office ,and, the men's iWaJshl'oom !has .......~ been completed. The wonk was carried out j)y lt1>e:mpers <;f the :\ ROad Department sta,ff. 2. We !h~we engaged Miss Mary Miililer and 'Miss ElizlUbeth Ratr1tley to 'WOIr)< in the i\ssessment Of'J)ice wi salaries of $2,800.00 and "P3,000, respectiveilJy. 3. We have accepted, with regrr-elt', the wsig"at1on 1e>L Mrs. Mary Fishleigh as Deputy Cl~rk-Treas"'rer effective Ma,y 31s,t, 1969. 4. We have engag,ed Mrs. Rose Marie Damliel to work in the Clerk-Treasurer's office at ,a salary o'f $3,400,00 per annum. 5. That the resolution from the County lOIf peel ~esol'Vin~ tliat <:>=ere-assessment has heen completed oJ]! actual value all llISsessmenltis 'be reviewed md updated on "!Il average Of every three yea'fs, be !fid1ed. 6. We 'have aJUthordzed the CO'l"ty E"ooee" to proceed with placing asphalt on the IihraJI'lY driv€\WlaY, ' 7. We '!;lave inClfeased tl>~ &ire insul1ance <;In the H;o)1}se bwiWing ~rlom $36,7,500.00 t<> ~38p,oOO.OO. All (jf ,which ~s l'espectfully sUbmitted,. [;1();RR}EST 'F, MOORE, Chairman. We !have been assured by the oonstruction superint.end- that oonstruction is on ,schedule. OlliI' second subsidy ,cheque lWith respect to the addition Manor .iha.s .ibeen received from the- Province of On- in the amount of .$116,537.80. of which we T,espectfuHy submit. V1CTOR DEGRAW, Chairman. BY-LAW NO. 2076 - NOR,MAL, :W'By-Law to Provide for the 1969 Expenditures on Roads T:f1Uler the Highway Improvement Act in the County of Elgin. WHEREAS The 'HighlWay Imp!t'Ovemenil! 'Act requjlres that :1i~e~otal expooditureoo. roads be provided 'for annually by ,,,ounty by-laIW >md that the by-laIW 'be submitted to the Min- ister of Highways for ,ap!>",ovaJ1. THEREFORE the 'Council of the Corporaticm of the said County enadts as folilowls: (1) The sum ,0If $1,369,000 is hE!I1eby estimwied as the ex- penditure upon 1!he 'OOllstnuction and maintenance of the 'roads lindbridges undea- its jurisdiction dJUrirug the year 1969 liS Jol1ows: 'i,_ i~ !L~ ;lV, ;1M 1j) :;: i!~ !i~; iii1i ;11!,i :1;:: h~1 {ill it ~), it' i!':j ilil I,h I 1,1; :;'1' itr !Ii i~J ~i :il, U "I, Hi 11 I" 'd iii (I! :H " "I ,,,I ':j ,i!i ,I" ;E I 90 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 91 ElLGIN COUNTY COUNmL Raads Bridges and Culverts New Machiner\y Superintendence anid Ov,""head Construction. Mahi.tell'a:nce $ 434,500 $ 310,500 $ 399,500 26,500 70,000 nil BY-LAW NO., 2077 - SUPPLEMENTARY By-Law to Provide for the 1969 Expenditures on Roads ,nder the Highway Improvement Act in the County of Elgin "'WHEREAS The 'Highw.ay Improvement Act ~equires that ~~e,'total, "e'Xopenditure OIll Iroads, he provided fO'f ,annually by '';9tin11''Y by-rlaw and that the by-law be 'submitted tor the Min- i~,te.ri'Of Highways .frOtr apPl"Olval-. (,THEREFORE the CouncHorf the Conpanation of the said gnty €'llJa'cts 81& follows: (1) The sum of $581,000 is hereby estirnated aJS the ex- ptditure upon the conlStruction .amd 'ma,intenance .of the roads rt~l'brddges under its jU!risdictiol11l during IHhe yeaT 1969 as 'il.lows: 80,000 48,000 'TOTALS -_________.$ 984,000 $ 385,000 $ 1,369,0001 ',,',:i'l (2) The said monies sh~llbe eXlpended under f!he super-'~ vi.ion or. the dulY' rap:podmed 'ootIDty Il'oaru super1nitendenl1: and on, work performed in,aecordall'we wlith lThe Highwa~ Imptove.:':S rnent Act. ..' (3) The clerk shall tra<msmit triplicate copies of this by.!i lalW to the distri,dU'of1ice of the Deparlmenl of Highways On- <! t~ria, not <later than Mar,c'h 31st, of the said yell['. 'CoolStruotion" Main1'enance $ 198,500 $ . $ 382,500 Total 198,500 382,500 Culverts (4) The approv<ll ",[the Ontario Mumcipal Board....., be obtained, befare 'aIlly expenditu.re is authorized or work '.~ commenced whic'h Iwillbe d'iuarruced >by. the issue of debentures 01"1 mcmJies maised dn -aJ !SUbsequent year. Passed at <St. Thomas, this 19th day of March, A.D., 1969. TOTALJS __________ $ 581,000 $ 581,000 ::0:'.,.,::,....(",., ,""'(2) The said,moniesshaU be expended under the surper- ~sio~'Of the duly aaJp'oonr(;'ed ,c{)IUnty road superirrutendent" and 94:'l\V()rk 'performed in ,acoo~dance 'with The lHighway Improve- rtlEint . Act. /;-::':! Uir( 3) The clerk .hall tlfansmittriplicate oopies of this by- l~V/ to t'he distnictoiMice of the Deparitment of Highways On- hide, n;ot rl'ater than 'MaTCh 31et, of the ,sraid yearr. l,,:,.{,' i ;'Y: :( 4) 'lIhe apP'rova!OIf the OntaJrio Municipal Board shall ;'be o'btained.- before ,anyexpendituTe is oo1:Jhocized ,0[' work '~oimnenced :whioh will 'be financed hy ,the issue ,o'f debenltmes Onnnoniesraieed in a 'subsequent .year. Passeru at St. Thomas, this 19th dfrY ,of Marrch, A.D., 1969. (S E'AL) H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk, (SEAL) H. L. JOHN'SON, Clerk. J. C. WISE, Warden. I, H, L. JrlIDruston, ,Clemk of the Oor,porartion of the County of EI,g,iu, do hereb)1l <eertHythart the rO'1'egoillig is a. true oopy By-L",w Nh 2076, p"ssed bY' tibJe Oouncil .0If the said CorlPor: ation 001 'rtJhe 19th day ,of March, 1969. H. L, JOHNSON, Ooua>ty Clerk. J. C. WISE, Warden, , I, H. L, J,oihnson, Clerk of the Corpolration of the County :. of Elgin, do hereby ~ertify that the 10rregoing is a true ~':>PY of By-L",w No. 2077, passed by' the Council of Vbe said OorpoO'- aJtIi<m '001 the ,19th day of Maroh, 1969, H. L. JOHNSON, County Clerk. ';the ,;Walrod_ .",d Members of the Ellgin County Council, The <County Gov'etrnmentCommittee reports as follows: ',l.'Th"t the reso[lltionpassed ,by the Onlt-ari" Associ"tiool 'Rural MuniaipaIities e",pressing dissati'sfaction with the, il_ 'in which Municipal Reform "" Regional Government b'emgima;>lemeni1;ed ~the Provine<j, be tabled. 2. ' That the "",,"omtion Trom the Township of Tu"kersmWh ";Posh'log Regional Gov<'jrmment as presented, be file.d. \<, 3. Thlllt in future the COlmty O<f Elgi", hold one Warden's ,13anquet. That the Banquet be held in the faLl of the year and ,th"hthe Warden, the Chahllna.n of the Reception and Enter- wnmentCommitteeand the Chalrun"n of the County Govern- 'j!I~nt'Committeebe :a Coonmittee to finalize the arrangements fgr the Banquet. , 4. ,That the rrem.unenaiion of the Wa.rden be $4,200.00 per an'! retroactive to J'anlla"~ 1st, '1969. . 5; That iin futu"e theremun<JTatlon for :County Council be: $30.00 pelv dayf"" meetings of Counlby Council, $20.00 for: a full day committee meeting, ,$15.00 fIliI' a 'hdaJY 'cOOl1III1ittee meeting, effective April 1st, 1969. 6. That'iihe necessalrY by~laws be prepared to implement r"l'O'lThmendations O<f Clauses 4 ,and 5. 92 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2078 "Being a ]3y-Law to Authorize Grants to Organizations, Corporations, Institutions, be Made to Various;l + Etc., ,During 1969''';1 W1HElREAS the Council of the COJ1PO<mtion of 'lihe Count~hll of Eight deems it .advisable ~\(I make .grenits to certain organ-! izatdons, cOIlpOTiatioil1\S, institutioars, etc. " NQWTHElREFO!RE the Council ,of the CODporation of the\l . . .~ County of EIgm en"ctsas fo~IOlW": (1) THAT the foHo'wing grants 'be,and are hereby auth~! orized for the yeaJl' 1969: Rotary !Music Festival 'ElgliJn Lww LibnaI'\Y Canadian National Institute faT <the BLind n__.n iEconromi,c Council: Erie Region SalvatiOOl1 Army ________n______~_____n_______ EIginC<>unty 1?ioneao]dllseurn ----------------- ISaholiaJDShips, Western Agriowl1tural Schoo. ---- Sc!hdlarslhips at Ultl!iversity af Western Qnta,rio .- University of Westem Om'aTio The Tillsonburg Distirid Memorial Hospitll!' - -- Beattie HalVen ___nn___nn__n__n_n____nn Fo1m' Counties Hosliital nn____n_________n___ Bobier Home ___n____n_______________n______ The Looal AgrlCUltU1'M Office ~'DIr farm organiz- atlOll1Js andJu'l1liotr ~ ammers and IllllStitute 'Groups The Agricultural ..nd Ilooticu]!lural Saoieties in the ICountyofElgillJ -- ,Equal to rohe Province of Ontario Granis .to these Sodeties. 25100:j 50;00~ l,250.00Ji 2,298.48(! 500.00~ 500.00 ",~ 100.00 ii' 200.00';, 3,000.001 15,000.00 'I . "t 3,000;00, 9,000.00l 5,000.001 READ ,a first 'time this 19th day of Ma\l'ch, 1969. READ a oocond time Ithis 19th day of 'MaTch, 1969. \READ 1m w'rd time, and finalItY passed this 19th day MarCh, 1969. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. J. C. WISE, Warden. ELGIN ICOUNTY COUNOIL 93 COUNTY GOVE;RNME;NT COMMITTEE March Session, 1969 All of 'which is respectfully submitted. DONALD M. 'McKILuOP, Chairman. 94 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LAW NO. 2079 "Being a By-Law to Confirm the Equalization of the Assess- ment Rolls of the County of Elgin for the Year 1969." THE 'COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUN- TY OF ELGIN ENACTS as foHows: . THAT the 'following be. the equalizatiOIl of the Assess- mentRobls of the County of Elgin f,Ol' the year, 1969: 12263532% 1.301438% 1.479204% 1.194701 % 4.885490% 1.815451 % 0.565327% 0.544104% 1_966707% '1.766398% 8.661880% 2.978975% 6.396047% 11.712418% 22.060056'70 14.408272 % Aylmer _n_n____------_n--$ 8,546,435. Be1m""t n.._n___nn_nnn 906,970. Dutton __n_.."_____"_..c____"_ 1,030,855. Porlb BuvweIl ____"_nn__n_" 832,585. Port Stanley _C"___n__n___ 3,404,690. Rodney _n~_"__ _nC__ _n___" 1,265,185. S'r)[1ingne,ld n_.___"___n__ _en 393,975. Vienna ____.._________n__ _n_ 379,185. WestLowue __n_."_n_n ____ 1,370,595. Aldbo~ough nn" n_______n 5,412,390. BaJ'ham___n_______n_n_n_ 6,036,450. Dorche"ber S. "__nn___n_. 2,076,043. Dunwich n____nC_..n_nnn 4,457,395. Ma1whide _____ncn__n_____ 8,162,365. Southwold _"C_n.n_.._n_n__ 15,373,617. Y,=outh _Cnn__..C-"--n-- 10,041,101. $69,689,836. 100.000000% 2. THAT this Oou!t1!cil is N\'iLlling toohave the final equal- ization of Assessmeni1; !RoiLls, in ,case ill8Jppeal, made iby County Judge. READ a first t;me th;s 19th day of [M"'~ch, 1969. 'REM) 'a second time this 19th day 'o~ March, 1969. !READ" thi"d; time, and finall]w passed this 19th day March, '1969. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. J. C. WISE, Warden. ELGIN"COUNTY COUNCIL 95 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LAW NO. 2080 Rai~eAmounts for County Rcttes During the Year 1969." WHEREAS an estimlllte has been made showing that the of One Million, ThTee B;undTed and Florty"Three Tholls- T.hreeHundre<lJ and Ninety-Two DollaJrs "nd Sixty-Two is Ir.equired to be rais'ed 'm the sevemw 'munidpalities for lawful :r>'l>DPOse of the County during the ye!lir,1969, on the 'assessment as determldned ioBy-Law No. 2073, January 23m, 1969. Municipality Ayhner Behnont Dutl= !Port iFlurwe11 , ' Pm 'Sta!l>ley' RodnJeY -______ SJl'l'~g>field Vienna West Lorue Aldboirough Bayhaill Dorchester South DU!llwich MalalUde Southlwoild Y;a:r:mmrth Total Equalized Value $ 8,383,426.00 850,685.00 1,057,069.00 859,838.00 3,301,521.00 1,263,754.00 393,56,5.00 365,670.00 1,334,597.00 5,325,42?00 5,947,4:;'0.00 2,026,287.00 4,404,080.00 8,235,190.00 15,266,537.00 9,876,835.00 $68,891,929.00 THEREFORE t'he 'Council of the Municipal :Corporati'on of County of Elgin enacts: THAT a rate of '19.5 miUs on the d01llar be levied on all lralbeable Ipl'operty iIll the sever-~l municipalities in the County of Elgin "s"bove set f<>t1th ~Ol' the yea"" 1969: 96 ELGINOOUNTY COUNCIL 163,476.81 16,588.36 20,612.85 16,766.84 (;4,379.66 24,643,20 7,674.52 7,130.56 26,024.64 103,845.79 115,975;28 39,512.60 85,879.56 160,586.211 297,697.47 192,598.28 ElLGINCOUNTY COUNCIL i\ylrruer ---~-____________________.$ Belnlont ---_______________________ Dutton --------------------------- Pont Burwell _____n.nnn_n____ .port Stanley ____n_______________ Rodinrey _________________________n Spr~gfield _________n____________ Vdenn3! ______~__.__.~.__.._.___________ West Lol'll1Je ____~___n___nn___n Aldborough ________n____________ 'Ba~han1 __________________________ Dorchester South __._~__nn_nn_ I>un.vich -----------.------------- Malahide __________. __nn____n__ SO'Uthwold ___nn_.______________ YaJl'IDouth-- __ __ ____n __n____ ____ 97 COUNTy: OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2081 fB~ing a By-Law to Establish- the Annual Remuneration to be Paid' to the Warden_ ,of the County. of Elgin!" ". WImREAS it is deemed .advlsaJble. to 'e'st"blis.h the annual )'l'emuneration to be paidJ ~othe Wanden of the Gou"ty of Elgin. NOW THEREFORE the Oouncll; ,of the Corporaltlion of the County of Elgin elmcts as foll<:1W's: ft' 'ii'.1. THAT the - annual :nemuneTation af the Warden of th" €iiunty of ElgimJfol'" attending meeti'lllgs o'f the COW1lCil, meet- il)g" otf the v8lI'ious Commdtteesand performing all. other duhes ~licabletol his iolff,iceincl'UJding.mileage !tlJeces,salrily travelled $halhl be Foun 'I1hO'Us'md, Tw", HundDed DollaDs ($4,200.00); per ll!ll1um, payable in twelve equal lnst"lments. ,"), . 2. IinJ additiOln to tihe annllal '"emlUll1ieration established in ClaUse (1) the Walrden, sha% he Ip,aA<I<fu~ usual convellition ex- penses 8IIlawed by Council ,f,or 'llJ~tendingconventions outside _. the munJidpalliity. ' 3. '11HAT ]B.y-Law No. 1930 be ,and is hereby 'repeaJled. 4. 'l'HIIS By-L"W' to beoolrne effective Il'etroactive too Janu- ~1, 1969; . $ 1,343,392.62 READ a first time this 19th daJY of M"llmh, 1969. READ" 'second time Ithis 'l9th day O<f 'March, 1969. READ -athlrd time, and finally passed 'this 19th day March, '1969. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. J. C. WISE, Warden. 'READ a 'first time this 19th d"y of M:wch, 1969. READ" recond time Whis 19th day of March, 1969. r!' !READ ,a th;",c'l time, and fin"lly passed this 19th day otf -Marcil, '1969. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. J. C. WISE, Wilrden. 98 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN BY -LAW NO. 2082 "Being a By-Law to ,Set the Daily Remuneration to be PaW!! to, Members of the Elgin County Council for Attendance at Meetings of the Elgin County Council and Committees Thereof." THE COUNCIL 'OF THE CORlPORATION OF COUNTY OF ELGIN ENACTS E!S follc>ws: 1. THAT tlle follolwing xemuner.ation be paiel to each >1 " member of the Elgih County COU'I11CiJ, with the exception of';! the Wa1rden, fOIJ:'; ,attending meetings of the Oo:urucil and Com~:::~ mitte'6s thereo'f. ("-) For aMending meetings of the Ellgil11 .coounty Council' $30.00 pe~ day. ' (b) 'Fo~ attending a meeting of a Gommittee 'Wlhen the said Committee 'holds forenoon and aHelrl[];oo'DJ rOlf- afternoon evening sessions Oil> the salme day $20.00. (c) 'For '''-ttending a meetmg 'of a Committee whel11 the sa,id OommitJbee ,!hollds a IseS/mon in either the fQlrenoo:n, the af- ternoon or the eV'e","",g $15.00. 2. IN ADDITION to the~bove ;remuneration ea;c'h member, wilt'h the exceptiOll1l 'ot[ the Warden, slhall be fPaid IDe for' 'eaeh mlle necess8JrilY' haveUed in attendIDg. ,su~h meetmgs. 3. THAT By-Law No. 2025 be all>d the Isame is hereby 're- pealed. 4. THAT 'this By-LaiW become eff'e!otive April hst, READ a 'first 'time this 19th daJY of Mamh, 1969. READ a second time ~'his ,19th day of March, 1969. READ ," tMrd time, and finallw passed this 19th day Marc'h, 1969. H. L. JOHNSON, Cle:I1k. J. C. WISE, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 99 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2083 ",A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the County of Elgin at the ;March Session 1969." , WHER'EAS by Section 9 of the 'Municipal Act, being Chap- )!e,r 249 of the Revised Statutes ,of Onta,rio, 1960, the po'w""" of ~>ilntmicipal COlI'pof:atiOml 'are to be exercised' by. its CQuntcH; e.e.: AND WHElREAB 'by Subsed~ion 1 ,of Section 242 of the Jl,[lmicipal Act, being. Chaptei!' 249 of the Revised 'Statutes of Onta!J.'liO', 1960, :the 'powerr's {Ilf every Oaundl ar'e to be exercised ;y By-Law; AND W1HEREAS it is -deemed expedient that the proceed- jhgs of the Counc;,l .of the 1C0r,pomtion of the Counl~y of Elgin J~fthis .meeting be confi~:rd ,and -adopted: iby By-Larw; NOW THERElFCRE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPOR- ATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ENACTS as folloows: 1. That action of the COIUJJJcil of the CorpoTIationof the '::i Coumrt;y ,ad' 'Elgd'I] in respect ,or ea1ch Teaommend~atim1J ,contained in/the Reports faf the Committees anld each ~motion and resolu- tiO'n ,passed and other aJcUon taken by 'Vhe Council o'f the Cor- poriltioIll ,of the ,Counlt'Y of Elgin ,at its meetings held durung fue Manch 1969 Session is hereby adopted "nel comimued as if all ,such 'proceedingIS' weD€' express1y" embodied in thi'SI By-Law. 2. The Warden and pmperofficials o,f ~he OO"Poration of the 'Coonty of Elgin are hereby allthoruzedand \iiTected to do all things necessa"y to give effect to the ,8Jctio,," IO'f ~lle Council of the Conp'o~ation ,of the County of Elgin ""ferr,ed to m pTe- 'e'edirug section !hereof. 3. The W,a"den ,an," the Clerk""" authoDized ,and Dkecled to 'execute 'all do'cumenl\ls 'necessary in that ",,,haIf and t,o< ."ffix the Seal of the COlr,poration of the County of 'Elgin. READ a first 'time this 19th da;y of Ma['ch, 1969. 100 ELGIN 'COUNTY COUNCIL EDGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 101 THIRD SESSION - FIRST DAY READ a seoond time ~hJ.s 19th day of MaTch, 1969. !READ a th1rd time, ood' finaJIy passed this 19th day Mardh, 1969. H. L. JOHNSON, CIElrik. Wednesday, the 21st day of May, 1969 Th~ Elgin County .coulIlJclI imet this day at ~he OouI'1; House, ,'Thromas, in aCO<lIl'dance with adjoubnmenit. 'Ilhe Waxden <iLru the Ohair. '. All member,s present. lOved by Reeve WiLson, ;econded by Reeve Caverly,: Th"t the' minutes of 'the March 1969 Sessi= of the Elgin ;nty Council be oonfirnned. -Carried. ,_ . The ,fo:HOJWing ,communications were Iread and orefarred to the vanhous Committees: <1' "<. From the Association ohCounties ,and !Regdons of Ontario ,t~:.ReS€'l1VatiGns for the 10th Annu"~ 'Meeting. - Referred to ~heFinlantce ;Committee. From the 1Jeps!l1tment of Highwa(Ys 'with memorandum oqncem;ng the supply am disVrlbution ,of D. H. O. Forms, (Dia:rdes, etc., tOI MUln~cipalities. - 'RefeI'\l"oo ,to 1fue 'Road Com- llrittee. Fl'Q{lll the Department of Highw"ys with alldit repo:rt Gn mad expenditu~es .fon the y.ear, 1968. - Refenred to Ithe Road Committee. :E1roon the \Elgin-St. Thomas Heatlth Uin>it 'With 'COopy of Fin- >ancial Statement for the yea" ended 1)ecembeD 31'st, 1968. :. Refwred to the Fmnce Commi~ee. FWom the Ecoll1oiIl1lic Councilli Erie Reg1oll1! w,ith 'copy of ,Plamming to Action. Paint Three. - ,Refel'11ed to the COU!llty Government Co:mmittee. From the Ontario'F,Lue-Our.edTobacco IGrowers' Ma1rket- jng B=d with IElbter iIIl'll'ep1(y to letten endorsing the resolution Dl10IIIl the Township of AldbolI'ough ,re: 'sarres of tobacco farms. L. Filed. 102 'ELGIN COUNTY CO'UNCIL ,F'mm the Honourable ,WilHam A. 'Stew,an:t, :tVfuJIlster of Agricultme ,aIn!d Food with letter in U'eply to ~etter emlomsing the 'resolution il)rom the TOIW'IJ!:fuia:> olA!ldbol'Ollgh Ire: Sales of ~Iobacco farms. - Filed. F'rom the Associatkm of Mwrukrlpal 01eJ:'lks and 'fiea:s'Urer,s of OntaJl'io ,aocepting Mr. G. !C. !Le"emon ,!IS a member of the organization. - Refer>red to the 'F~ance Committee. F,rom the County O<f Gr"Y' with resolution mecommendmg that Warc>e'D.S of tln1temsted ICOWIlIties meet <00 discu&s !Regional Goivernment an& present their view-s to the. Ministen of Muni":' cipall Affairs. - Refertred, to the County ,'.Govenmmenit Caul-, mitJtee. ]1r= the Honourable W. Darcy MdKeough, iMinister of MUIIl>icipal Affwirs with ioOlp,y 'of a (letter 'wmitten to' Mr. P. D. Blundy, 'Maryor Jof Salrnia, Ire: the chamge in! ,assessm.entadmin.. istration. - RefeDl'ed to the Pl10perty and A!ssessment Com- mitte<:(. " Fr= the COlmty of IJambton 'w,th !resolution pratesbing the take OVeT of BJssessment 'by the Dep8!mment 'of Municipal Alfad'rs. - !RefEll1red to 'the Property and Assessment Commit- mee. Fr<om the COU!llty of Ontan:io with .,.eso~lltion petitioning "" tile Federal and 'Pl'Ovmcial 'Ministers of Agriculture to institute "' n: pTl()lgra;m tior the er.aJdi'CatioIl of IBUlckthO!l:ml across !the P['ovince of Olllta"io,. - Refer>red to the AgricuUwal Committee. FDOIm the BeH TelephOllle C'OffilPany w,th letter re: llnpaid account 'for damages to their pil'Operty lliocaJued' at Fdng..l, On- t,u10. - iRefeI1I1ed to the Road 'OOl!l1!mittee. 'From the BoaDd ,of ,the Lake Erie Regional LihraTY Sy.stem. with 'resollltlOlIl!s fr,orn Southwestern !Regiona, !Lib1\aIl1y Sy.stem's Trustees Worksho;pand other documents. - Refer"ed to the Educational Committee. )i Flrom the AooocdLati0'l1l of Ontario lMaJy'Ors and Reeves with <~ Notice l'e: Annual O'Onvention to be iheld ~une 23nd to 25th and ,copy of .Jetteit' oIll the 'matter of debenlbure iSSUing 'Power fot' school boards which W<lJS ,rent to each member 'Of the One ta'rlo Cabi>JJet. - 'Refenred to the !Finance Committee. ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 103 "'''From the Coonty ofEs,sex with U"eso'lulllion ~equesting the Jepatiment of S'Ocial :and Family Serviees to increase the :llareable !I:'Iates :DOIl1 pe.1'isons Irequillilllg nUTiSimlg Ihome 'care. - ~f<lm'ed to the Fiorance Committee. {:;:,'From the Department of ,Munidpal 'AffadJrs with IOopy of a etlter from the 'Ministen O<f Mllnicipaili Affaiors to the Heads of ~ilC01IDcil" w,hdch W!lS 'read in thel'Legislatme by the Minister ,0;; Apirll 3nd, 1969, ,and llaJv1nlg to do with the financing of ~"lllijal pmojects 'fmm ofue p"D<ceeds O<f debentuu:e wsues. - Re- 'erred! to the Finance Committee. From Bell, Gouinlock and CompanY' wiltlh letter ad vising .~!<t they are 'Pv€:!l,ared to supply a letter ,statil1!g that they wiH J"'derWll1ite any [onth-comiIllg 'debenture issue of the County oirE~gi:nJ. - Refelli"ed IUO' the Fi'l1lance Committee. , ,li'.);1oom the :Depan:tment of :Munidpal Affai'rs with letter :~wjththeDepaJl"tment's 'P.1'iOpOSM '.DoD 8'pace, furll11ituT€ and office :~quipment .plresently used ~"" the Assessment function. - Re- }~Itred ~o tile [Pr'Operty. aIlld 'Assessment C'OmmMtee. {:oE1rom Mr. E. OC'. !Ray, L<)'cal Registrar, with copy of the Grand JU"l"S Report as .presenited to the 'Honou"able Mr. Jus- tice Klnglllt the Assize Sitting1s of, the Supreme Court of On- torio. - Referred lbo, the Broperty and Assessment Committee. :F1rom the 'Bank ,of IMoniUr.e,al 'with lette'r advising that ef- ;lectdve MaTch 24th, 1969, the :interest 'mte on loans will 'be . 7\..%. ~ F;Hed. From the Children's Aid.ISociety of (the City of 'St. Thomas and the County 0/ 'Elgin 'requesting a g1raM of $500.00 for the operation of a !Family OOTU'l1Jsellmg Serv1c~. - ReferJred to the Finance Committee. " ' .F,wm fJYlT. 'R. K. McNeil, M.P:P., 10'" 'Elgin with letter ack- 'naw.Jedging ,receipts of I,Mer .from the OoulIlity of Elgin endo,rs- ing the U'eSOilution 'Passed by vhe Township of Aldboraugh. -- ,Filed. Th'ODn the 'F<mr GOUlnrties lGener3l1 Hospital 'WIth Financial Staiement fOT the yea.r, 1968. - Refer>red to Vhe Finoance Cam- mittee. From Itlhe A'Sisociaticm of Onta\rlio Maym's and Reeves and (The 'Ontario ;Municipal Association with ,request that each 104 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 105 municipality contribute 'M a.mount equal! to lone-thiTd ofoIl:~~1 cent pel' ,capit,. to enable the Associal1lioIllS to 'Present argument~,l against the !alPpliollltion of Bell C".,ad'a fw a -rate increase. 2;' Refel'Ted to the Finanoe Committee. 'F1rom the Count~. ,of NoofoQk with the following Teso!utioru;:,/, ')1'i (1) Resalll1llon re: Costs of elections Ire: 'Sch()(}1 Board".;,S Ref'e'ru:ed to the Finance COOlmittee. ::~, 5fl1 (2) laesolution re: Submi'sslOO] of School Boa-rd estimates~ to County lCouncn. - 'Rclerred 100 the Finame Committee. "'1 <~ (3) ResoluUon re: Provinical take over of Assessment, +;;t Refemred to the Property and Asses'sment Coonmittee. FDom the iCounty ,of ,Smcoe ,with resolution 'l'equesting 1Ih~;), Treasurer of Ontaroo to establi,;h .a Budget Review Board foq the 1969 budget 'of County IS'chool Boan:ds ,and that County Bud",l get iteview Boards be les\labili.hed fOT '1970 consisting of the,;l Go<unty Finance Committee "",d members from the sepaT,ated'j cities. - RefeN'led to the Ocmmy Government Committee. c;~ ;~i: 'F1DOm the County. of 'Lincoln wiTh "'ooo[~ion endODsing the'l resolutiOlll Ifrom !the County of Norf'o~k . re: Submission (\('.if: School BOllII'd estmates of Oo<unty Council. - Refened to tl1~~ FinaJl1ice ~ommittee";':l F1rom the County of iOxf'OIrd with resolution recommendingil thai! the 'member municiopalities of Oxf()Dd County collect the'! same amount Of 'educatio!nJal tBiXes, to 'Cover operational expen~':'l' ditur.es, aos ID 11968, 'plus a nQll"ffial increase of not mare than:.-:; 10%. - Refer.Ded\o the F~ance Committee. " if; ]1rom the County of Ontario, with l'esocution objecting to)! the glreatly inCl1ea,sed~cho'oil levy amid 'l'equesting the PJ:1ovincej to pay the entirr.e ICloSt of educati<m rnoma source other thanj~i rea;l p"operty taxat'!on. - Referred to the Finance Committee,':l ,5 From !Vhe 'United Co-unties of Leeds and GrC!tlJville with.1j eopy 'of 'resooll1llon\S Tecommended by 'the Leeds ,and Gren'Ville,! Plannil1lg Committee: (1) !Resolution disapp~oving O<f the p()licies of formed County Boards of Education particulaTly costs. - ;aefer,red to 't'he Finance Committee. "(2) !Resolut;oo "IPIPoslng the pr,incipail of Regional Govern- ,to - !RefeITed to 'the Counity GO'Vermment Committee. . . F\rom the County of Peterborough with copy of Brief pTe- ,fed by the Eduoat;OII1a:1 Committee to the Minister of Edu- ,Ion. relative to the apportionment (lIf costs f.or the new Coun- B<laTd of Educllltion. - !Referred to the 'Finance Committee. ":<FIDoon.ltlhe AJssociatioil1l of OOlUnties" ,and RegionJS of 011Jtario ~Il &raft 1J'000icy 'Statement as ,recommended by ACRO Execu" "eand'l'epOll't 'elf meeting 'with the Mindster O<f. Munic1pal Af- ,.. amJd the Frovinci-aJ Treasurer. - Referred to the Property .dAssessment Commi~tee. From the Department of COIl1I'ectional Services re: Charges . 'Lock-up PrisvneI1s, explairmg. that there is no C'~large fOT 'stsmade by Ontario iProvinlCial Police, flolr off'e11ces ,coming ,,1in ,their jUJcisd1ctiOOl, C.N .R. Police and similar policing ~ies and that the ,01l1liy 'chaJl1ge 100 municipalities in .a.ny event one day. - (J;1iled. ;E\rom the 'Community 1F'1"rmiJng ""'ssociation of Canada, .taiI'io DivLsioln 'and the OntadQ\ FedeI'\atio'11i of Agriculture nouncing a tJwo-da\}" ptoovlnce wade conference on Regional ~vernment, JunJe 18-19, '1969, 'at 13renJt].." Hall, St. Michael's :Ollege, IUniveI\Sity ,JIf Toronto,. - Filed. F\rom IVhe H=owrfrb1e Geomge E. GOIffime, Minister of Hig'h- 'Wa.ys,. adyi'S1nig. that anadvlan-ce pa,ynnenlt of su;bs~dy in the am- <liIrit od! *167,150.00 is,~" be made withdna few days, - F.led. The Audit""',, !Report for the yeaT ended December '31st, 969, was presen~ed ,amid ,the f.oJ~owiIJJg ~esolutJ.OII1 was passed'. ~MorrriSion : ;i;:;.Th~t the iaudioo,r'" RepOIIit .f'oT the yea;r ended December ~I~t, 1968, be accepted by ,the Elgin County Council. ~arried. XcC.'Ehe lRep'OIIit of the Road Ccmmittee iw,as presented; by Reeve TiJdd and adopted on mOltion of Reeve Todd a,nd Reeve Mc- ]1Iop. if i; " 106 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 'ELGIN' COUNTY COUNCIL 107 '}f1 TbEl iReport i~D !fue IPe"sOOIDel Committee was preoented "y"~ Reeve Emlll'OOIli and adopted on motion olf, Reeve Emerson an<l~ Reeve KeiJli101l'. 'j I11he Report of lIJhe Elg~ Manor OOlmmittee was pIl'esente~~ by Reeve DeGit1aJW and ,,,dopted ,~ motion 'ad' Reeve DeGraw,!! a'n"~ Deputy iReeve iMiSl<e!ily. T,he taepODt 'ad' 11Ihe IPa10perty =d hsessmem was pICesentec1 by !Reeve MOODEl am .adopted on Reeve Moore ,and Reeve iMcAlpine. 'he Report of ;thJ" lOounty Govoe=enit Committe. was pre- : by iReeve 'MdKillop .M1IdadopteOJ on nwMon of 'Reeve mop and Reeve Orchar>d. .e Report of the Educational C<lI!Ilmittee was presented ,eeve MM. Blyth 'and 'adopted ,on n'!otion olf Reeve Mo's. and !Reeve iMoo~e. "ifu,e Report 'olf the Fmoanc" Oonwtittee was preoonted by 'ye JoIlmson ,and adopted on m<Jtbion O<f, Reeve Jahrnson and ,ve McAJpme. . ,"'he Report of !the Agricultural Committee 'was !>L'E!sented il\eeve McAlpine and 'adopted on motion of !Reeve McAlpine ", aeeve O"",edy. Mewed by !Reeve T<l!dd, SElDo;nided by Reeve McKi1Ilop: ,';'~, That the Warden and <tJhe OIEll'ik o'f the County of Elgm "~i~ and ,a/Te hereby autholr'ized ,to sigmJ certificat" Tegarc1ing the)~ 1f0li10Iw~g !perunankmt emplo\ye", of ~lhe COJ1Poration for exemp"j,! tion olf 'DontrlbutiOllllS, ,as provided! unde" the Regulati=s of the),I.. Unemplo(ymenit InSlUl.C1ance Act: .. Ef'fective 'J~ '14th, \1969. Road Dep'artlrnem - NorffiamJ R. GIloveT. Blyth, .cted by Reeve Emerson: Th"t'By-LaiW No. 2084, "Beinlg a By-Law.. to Appoint a 'rk-TreasureT for the 'County of El1gin," be read ." first time. ..... -Carried. Reeve Mrs. Blyth, nded by Reeve Emerson: That By-Law No; '2084, be read '" IseoOlIlld time. J7 Movoed bY' Reeve Keiililot" Seconded! by Deputy Reeve Nemetlb: , That we do nolW1 'a/djOlUlr!ll to meet ..again at 2 p.m., May 21st, \1 1969. . -Carried. :Oved .by Reeve Emerson, ~onded' by Reeve Mrs. Blyth: By-L"w No. 2084, !be 'read a thi,"d time, md finally :,,~ w~ ,Cou.!1lcil re-convened at 11 :45 a.m. and Warden Wise pre',"~ senlt.fed, lOIn lbeha:JJf ,of Coull1lcil, aJ si[lvenltea service to Mrs. Mal:\Y:;':)D Fishleigih., Iretir~g. Deputy Clerik-TTeasurer O<f tJhe CmlDty of'~ Elgin. lVLl1S. 'Fii.hilei!jh had <completed twenty years of em-, ployment wi!th the ICounty O<f Elgiru. ReeVie Emerson presentedii; IVJir\S. Fishleigh with 'a silve" [lOse bow", the <gift of ~he ex-war-,;! dents of the County; ,oil Ellgin. '11 OoomciW iadjoOl.lJlmed fur lunch. GO'U!llcil re-convenecl. -Carried, .Moved' by Reeve o"chao:cl, :onded by Reevbe Kahntl: /. That By-Law No. 2085, "'Being ,a By-L,a/W to' Appoint" De- utyClerk-'I\re!asurer for the County of Elgin," ,'be ""ad a first :ime. -Carried. 108 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 'ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 109 Moved by Reeve Mc%1pine, Seconded by !Reeve Or>eOOOO: 'l1hat By-Law No. '2,085, lIJe read a secO!tlJd ,ti me. , by !Reeve Johnson, nded by Reeve Hoctg;son: ,fhat By.Law No. 2087, 'be react", second ~ime. -Carried. M"",,,ed :by, Deputy Reeve MOII'risoru, SeOOOlde'd by Reeve 'McAlpine: That I\y-LaIW No. 2085, be Tead !a <VhlDd tinle, p,laJsseq.. ,Bd by Reeve O1",vke, 'onded by Reeve Johnson: !JJhatBy-L",w No. 2087, .be Il',ea,d ,a third time, and finally -Carried. Moved by !Reeve 'McA1p~, Seo(>ndeil by lDeputy Reeve MOIl'Irtison: That 'B}'1-LaIW No. 2086, "Bmg a 'By-LaIW it> Appoinlt .a~i Secret""'W-TIrleaSlll'reOO fO[1 the Elgin County Home for the Aged,',!'l be read a wvst time. ~ved by Deputy Reeve Roberts, ',i:o.nJded b}'1 Reeve W[1son: 1l1hat 'By-LalW No. 2088, "Being a By-L",w ltioAmend By- N<l. 20611(A B,y-Law to EstabliSlh HoJidays fOll1 Employees Jlhe ,Qaunty of Elgin) ," be re"da !fi<\st time. "-', -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve 'M<lIl1r'illon, Seco11ided by Reeve :McAlpine: That By-LOJw No. '2086, ,be read a second time. ed by Reeve WilsoIll, econded ,by Deputy Reeve !Roberts: ',;,That By-Law No. 2088, be read a ,second time. -Carried. -Carried. Moved b}'1!Reeve Todd, Seoonded by Reeve KaJrnt: That By-Law NO'. 2086, p!l9$ed. :Moved by Reeve ClOJrke, ,Eicimded by !Reeve Johnson: That By-Law No. 2088, ,be read OJ 1Jhirxl ~inle, and finally passed. -Carried. Moved Iby Reeve Johnson, Seconded lIJy Reeve Wilson: '11hlllt \By-LaJw :No. 2087, ''Bmg ,OJ B;\'-iLaIW to Appoint DE1[1uty SecretaJl'.y-T'reasUJ:'elJO of the !Elgin iCo~y the Agred:," be !l"ead aJ first /time. Moved by Deputy Reeve deRyk, :Se~onded by Reeve Caverly: it: ' 'l)hat 'By..,f,aw No. 2089, "Being a B;\'-Law ItIo Appoint an '~essor for I~he C-oUD1!ty of Elgin," :be reaid 'a nrst ti,me. -Ca.rried. MOlVed 'by Deputy Reeve Nemett, Seconded by Deputy Reeve deRyk: ,p, That !By-Law No. 2090, "A !By-Law to Confirm Procee.d-t ing,s of the Council, of 'the iCorpo['aHon oiE, Itlhe County of Elgin i at the May Sesstoll1! 1969," 'be read a filrBt time. 110 'ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Deputy Reeve Nemett, Secolll!ded by Deputy !Reeve !Roberts: That By-LaJw No. 2089,.'be tread 'a second ,time. Moved ,by Reeve Gaveruy, Seoond,ed ,by Deputy Reeve N ellett: Thar~ i!By-LaJw No. 2089, be Tead 'a 'lihlDd time, 'p,assed. Moved by Reeve Caverly, Secolnded .by Deputy' Reeve deRyk: That By-Law No. 2090, Ibe reard ,ar second time. Mo'Ved by Deputy !Reeve Robelrts, Seconded .'by Deputy ReEve Nemett: 1\hat By-Law N,o!. 2090, he T,ead ,ar tJmd time, par.sed. Moved bY' Reeve WHo""" Secoocl<!d by 'Reeve Hod!;lson: 'Dhart we do now adjourn\ to meet again, June at 10 ...m. H. L. JOHNSON, Clark. ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 111 PiCk-Up iPick-up C'hev:no,let .. % -ton F,oDd Double Cab FOTd Van FOTd 2-ton Double Cab S'Vake R"ck Truck A Wabco '(Ad,ams) MOJtor Grad€lr, complete with PI"W aind' Win'g (f) An Int€lrnatiomJa1 Tandem Dump T.ruck with a Diesel Engine, 'cOUlpleteWith Box and ISrrow. (P,low and Wing (g) 3 Additional Radio U!tlliibs WE RECOMMEND: 'Dl"Uick TmUlck THAT a Resolution be passed authoDi:olIl!g 'lihe Warden Clemk ~O' sign ," 'certiiE,icarte I~ega"ddng the following perman;ent employee of the CODpol"l,tioIl! oiE the County of EIgiIl fOIl' exemptiomJ fromcontrihutions, as provided, under Regulllltions oiE the UneIntPlo:y<meni Insurlmllce Act: NOR- MAN GLOVER. . is "De'SlPectfully submiVled. DOUGLAS R. '1'ODD, Chairman. I. i,~1 I~ 112 c EDGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PER,SONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1969 To the Warden ~d 'Memb"rs of the iElgi:ru County CouncH: The Per"onnel Committee 'repOll1ts 'as .f01lO\WS: WE R'ECOMMEND: (1) That Mr. G. C. Leverton be app~ed, Deputy ClerkC;& Treasurer of the County of ElgillJ ,at 'a sl>lary of $7,000.00 'peril ~llJum, effective June l,st, 1969. I! ;.$ y, '(2) Il1haJt !M11. G. C. Lever:tO!tlJ be apponed Secr~y-Trea-~ SUet"" of the ElglnJ Caunty Home for the Aged at a salary 01:;$ $2,000.00 per aJnnwm, effective June 1st, 1969. (3) That Mr. H. L. JoIhnison be appainted Deputy Secre-"", tary-TreasUifer of th" Elgin County Home for, 'the Aged, ef-!~ fectiveJuue lo;i1!, 1969. '@ 'i (4) That the 'sa~aT,y of MD. iff. L.JohnsoIlJ, Clerk-TreasuT-;~, er of the County of Elgin ,be $12,500.00 paD ,arnrnrum, effective ..~ June 1st, 1969. . (5) We authorize that ,the necessary by-laws to imple-! ment ,the above change" belP'l'epall'ed and iPlI'esenfu<t. (6) We ,recummend thlllt Clwse 2 (SpeciaIJ Leave) of By- Law No. 206,1 'be amenJded by ,adding thereto, boo~her or sister. '*1 (7 ) We 'recommend the folJlorwingchianges m the gll'ades !~ and salaJl'Jes of .the foHowing assessors: James McAnulty - sallary i~orease fmom $6,500.00 $6,600.00 ,pen annum. James MdKibbon - from a pl'Obationall';Y ,assessor to an 'lWSessOT Grade One wJth ,asalaJl'y inlcrease from $4,000.00 to' $4,200.00 peT 'llJ11I11iUm. Jiarrnes Dorlmarg1ei - lJjoom pTobat1oinraJl'y 'as"""-Sor Gr,ade 0nIe witrha salaTly $4,000.00 to $4,200.00 per an!tlJUm. 'l1he above change. in sala<ry to be ed'.fective llpo"" comple- tlO!tlJ of their six months probaltlJoIlJaJl'y perJoo. Alili of 'which, is 're~ectJiuUy subrmitlted. K. C. EMElRSON, ChaiDman. 'ELQIN,COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEER,EPORT , Ma;y Session, 1969 'ovhe . Warden and iMembern of theElgiIlJ C0U11ity Council: . :rhe ,Elgin Mano~. 'Comanittee Repolt1ts as foUow,,: ,,,,1. Tenders ~"rfucmish~gs and equipment for the 60-bed iddHion to Elgin Mano:rhave beelIlJ accepted in the amounlt of ;3,0,350.40. '?U 2. Construction of fue addition is on i9chedllleand it is elOpected thlllt .v wiU be oompleted by the end of May. All of 'whidh is re~eotfuUy submitted. VICTOR DElGRAW,Chialrman. PROPERTY AND ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE REPORT " " " , Ma;y S;~sion, 1969 .To the War,den allJd' lMembe1\S of the Elgin County Council: The I1POpeDty 'and Assessment Comrnitt"e ~epoI'ts ",s fol- .\~~s: ';:'-;;. LThr8lt w.e halve authorized, the Assessment Commissioner 'I'o'hlre Mr. Temy, 'Cai1lag1han as a.n1 Assessor (Grade One) at a sal&!I'y of $4,300.00 per anm>m. 2. Thlllt .woe have authornze<l Gover""", R. S. Brown to pm-chase the fol]owing: ( i) a "",w' sump pump for the furnace rooon, (ii) anew.'Lawn ffitOIwer, (iii) pla,nJtsfor. the Court House flowe, beds. 3. The painting of the Brobation Offices, Engineer's Of- fice; Assistan~ ElniglnJeer?. Office, and ~e !Men's 'Public Wash- has now :been complete<l, by the 'Elngineer's Staff, a,t I cost of $1,856.57. is respectfully submi1Jtled. FORiREST MOORE, Chairman. 113 114 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT /ThllltReeve ,Clarke, Deputy Reeve Miskelly, and. Reeve :Qn, be ,a Oorrnmittoo tQ 'WloTlk with <1Ihe ICity O!f st. Thom- _,._.:SlPonsor la Community College in this.aII'ea. i. 'l'eBiPectfully submi~t>ed. MARY BLYTH, Cha'iDman. May Sesa.ion, 1969 TQ theWa'rden aOlJd,lVIembe"'S 'Of the Elgm CouIllty CQuncil: Til>e COUXlity Government Committee repOTitis as follQws: A~ L '!\hat 'tIhe Ill"'P enclosed lWiiM> 'P1aI11I11.in,g tOl Action, Part!,)! 'Ii,bJve'e - 'ftflOlffi the "Economic Gounteil, Erie Region, be completeq!I~ showing ~lhe COllIllty 'Of !Elgin 'ai, the total! xegdon ,aJl1Id that it".j be ,refer,ned 1:<> a future meeting of this COIlllIIl1ittee fw the'>; completion of local municipalities. '.-,," 2. 'That the Tes'Ollltion froon ltIhe County, of Grey ocecom-,j;! me",ding thlllt Wardens of interested CQumioo meet t'O' discuss,jri regiooal g'O..ve'rnmerllt and presenit lj)hei1', vie\Ws to the Minister ' oj' Municip,al Acff.ai'ns, be tabled'. 3. Thlllt the "es'ollution f1'om the CouIllty of Simcoe re- questing.the estab1iJShment 'Of Budgelt' Rev[ew Boards to deal with the budgets 'Of County SchoOL Bo'aros, be filed. 4. That rtJhe 'resolution from the UUliii"<l Counties of Leeds, ". -and _ Gren:V'illle opposmg the princip1e of" !I'egioOOJgQyernment,:,;~ be f'led. 5. Thll!l: iihe Tesolution passed by the antacio Associa.tion m' .of RUJml MuniicipaI>Uies eXpil'ess!TIJg dissll!l:isfaction with the" manneTo in 'Wlhkh l1llunlicipal lI'eform OT regd.onal-govevnmeri.t is being :imp,lemented in the P1'IOvi"ce, be f,Med. All of whic!h is ll'eBiPectfully submitJt>ed. DONALD M. McKILLOP, Cha,irman. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1969 Warden aJl1Irn Membe't\Sof theElgm Courllty CQuncil: Finance\CommiUee reports _ las foillows: That Clharity and Welfare Pay List N",. 3 fOlr, $1,728.30 p."'Y' List No.4 for $807.30 be appmved. ,2: Thlllt ChildrenJ's Aid Soci,ltJies !Pay List No. 3 for '62l.33a1nd 'Bay List No'. 4 for $2,005.35 'be apprQved. , .3. That ~he Clerk >reserVe 3 double rooms fO'l' the annual ~etIDg of We Associati",n of CQunties md Regions of Ontan:i,Q ,.I lBeUeviilile, Odt'cJber 5th t(} 8th, 1969. '1"',+ 'That theB1ina'''dal Stat.ement of the Elgin-St. Thomas HeaJIth UnitfoT the yeaJl) ended December 31ost, 1968,. be filed. 5. Tha,t membership fee IfOlt' Mr. G. CLeverlollJ.in the As- SQCiation of Municip.aJ] CleTks aml Treasuren, be o"dCll'ed paid. 6. That ~lhe letten sent by the Association of MayO'l's and "Reeves -tOlmembeTIS of .the Ont8!rlio caJbinet Tie: ~he debenture ,~~gl !power- of sdholOJ.1 :})iQla1rrd.s:, be" filed. 7. 'Dhlart; t1he !resolution flr,om the Cou!l]tyof Essex reque&t- ',iavg the Deparr-tmlelrut lolf Social 'alIlid:F"almibj7l Se'TlviC''es- _rf:..ol incre.ase the ShrurearbJe mlt1es for persons 'requilrdng nursi11Jg hOlme catre, ,.be ~Hed. 8. That ,fue ,letter fT,om the Mintslter 'Of Mllnicipal Affairs re: the f'lnancing of Caipit"l projects from the proceeds of de- benture is-SlUes, 'be tfiled. 9. Thlllt the letter from Bell, GQuinlock a.nd Company reo oodeI1Wl(1iting debenture issues ill the !Ooon'Uy k>fElgin, be filed; EDUCATIONAL COIMMITTEER,EPORT May Seanon, 1969 'To the Wamden aJl1Id'Membeirn 'Of the Elgm Coun~y Council: 'T,he ElducatiQIral Oommittee reporls M follows: 1. Thlllt 'the 'nesolutio" swbmitted by ItJhe Lake Ede Re- gdonal Libman:1Y BoaTd from SOIUthwestern Regiooal Libra;ry System',s 'Trustee WO!I'kshol', Ibe end'O!1Sed. 115 116 'ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 10.. 'I1h.ata grant ,I)" $500.00 be given to the ChiJd.ren's.. Aid' ISociety .foroperaJtiolli 'Of a Family !CoUlIlSelUng Services~'~!1' 11. Thalt the FouT iCoonties Gein~ral Hospi1al Financi&1~ Statemenb fOI\ 1968, be moo .~ 12. That a. cheque in the 'amount O<f $127.69 be issued t(jr~ the ,C!lIIlJooian FedemtiolI'l ",If May'OIIls and! Municipalities (BelJ'!:) 1969 iSI.ue) as Elgin's contribution to .the pil'ese'I1.1ation of .,..- guanems 8Jg.;allnst Illhe applicati= O<f Ben Canad'a for a rete in- Cl'IMse. 13. That tm ['e,so1ution fu10lm the County of Nmfolk re, 'the 'cost of !Sdooc>l' BoaTll elections, be filed. 14. TJJJ"t the it1esolution :Drom the CountY' O<f Norfolk re: the submission of Scht>ol :Boan:d estimall~s to CouIllty 'Council, be filed. 15. ~hall!the resolutioll1l from the CoUllllty of Lin<:oln en- d!olll9iinig ilfue It'.esoJu ti~ .c>f ~lhe GoUllllty of N1omfolk re: submis- sion of SchoOl! Boa[1d estima.tes to County Council, be filed. 16. Thalt the Tesollutioll1l 1\1'DIlll the County of Oxford re: collection of OOucaltional taJ<es be med. 17. That the resolution from ~he CO'U1lIty of On1ario re- qUe(<;ting Iill'.e !Province to p'ay the enitilre 'cost of education from aI iSlolUl1'lce 'Otthw Ithanl lieal property. taocation, be endorsed. 18. That <tIhe reso~ution fr,oon the United \Counties of Leeds aoo Grenville disapproving of the pOOicies of the ll1Iewly form- ed County B"aJrds of Educaltion, 'be ~L1ed'. '19. That Ithe Brief fTOm the Coumy of iPete'l'borough re" lative to the ap:p<Jlrtionrrnent of 'costs fon'the 11Iew couIllty Board of EducaMon, h~ filed. ALl of !whic'h .s. re'\Pectfully submi1lted. HORACE B. .JOHNSON, Chairman. AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPOR,T May Sessi'l,D, 1969 To the W"nden and Members of the Elgin Counly CounciJ.: ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Agricultur.a~ ,Committee 'reports as follows: '11b!aitl the Tesolu1ion from the IC"'UII1Jty O<f Ontan:ic> peti- iIlIg the Federal. "nd .Prrovincial Mi.mst€lI's of Agriculture to ,mtute a program f<JIr t'he eII1"dlcatiOll1 of Bllckthorn across RrovillJce of Onta~io, be filed. is res;pectfully submiVred. K. J. McALPINE, Chairman. COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LAW NO. 2084 "Being ,a By-Law to Appoint a Clerk-Treasurer for . the County of Elgin." '), WHEREAS under Ohap1t'er 249, Section 215 1(1) R. S. O. !9~O, thec;ouncil shaH lappoint a Cilel'k!llllJd llnder Chapter ~49,' Section 218 (1) R.S.O. 19.1lO, the ICoullJci1 ,shall appoint a la'S'UTer-~ NOW ,THEREFORE the Council 01' the Corpol\altiO!ll of the C<lnIDty of Elgin enacts as follows: '1. . THA'T HaIt'iley' L. Johnson be 'and is h€lI'eby appointed Clerk-Treasurer, of the ;COlIDty of. Elgin. 2. THAT his salary as Clerk-Treasurer of 1he KCQunty of Elgin be Twelve Thousand, ,'Five HundredJ Dolla"" ($12,500.00) ." per a.mum, payable hi-weekly. 3. THAT By,-Law No. 1867 as amended. by IBy-Law No. · 2056 be and the ",,,me is herebY' rep"aled. 4. THAT this By-Law become eff'ective JUDIe 1st, 1969. READ ." first thne th1s 21'st day O<f ;May, 1969. READ 'OJ seoond: time this 21st dwy of May\ 1969. READ a thi~d tlme,anld finally passed this 21st day of :May., 1969. L. JOHNSON, J. C. WISE, Clerk. W"rden. 117 118 .ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY iCOUNCIL 119 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY -LAW NO, 2085 "Being a By-Law to Appoint a Deputy Clerk-Treasurer for the County 'of Elgin." WiHElREAS 'Mrs. Man:y Fishileigh is ~,esign~g \as Depal CleirU<-TreasUlrel' of .tJhe Oounty, of Elgin o~ May' 31st, 1969./ AND WHEREAS Section 215 (2) oiJj the 'Mllnicipal Act, S.O. 1960, provides fo~ the appol11ltmenJl; of a Deputy Clerc "nd Sectioo 218 (2) of the !Munic4>al Act, R.S.O. 1960, provid, f.olr the' ,,.ppointmem ofa Depuitly Tre"SIUTe~. NOW 'THEREFORE the Courncil of the CorpoTOO;lon of thi County of ElIgin enacts as IDollow.s: . 1. THAT Ge(J~ge C. Leverto!tlJ be and is hereby; .appoln~e, Deputy O~e...k-Treasurer of the County of Elgin. 2. THAT his salall'y ,as DepuJty Clerk-T1'easme1' of 'CoUlmY' of "Elgin be SevenJ Thousand Doil.1ars (7,000.00) $1) anl11wn, pay,,,b1e bi-<weekly,. 3. THAT By-Law No. 186S, ,be aOO, \the ,sam" is ;hereb I!'epealled. 4. THAT this By,Law become effective J'U!1Ie 1st, READ ,,. first time this21'St day of :May" 1969. READ ,a second' time this 21st da\j' of May\ 1969. READ 'a third time, ,amid finally passOO this :21st day !May, 1969. H. L. JOHNSON, CIEl11k. COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LAW NO. 2086 By-Law to Appoint a Secretary-Treasurer for the Elgin County Home for the A.ged." COUNCIL of the Colt1po<ra:tion ,of the County of Elgin . as f,o'ilow,s: THAT George C. Levertoil1J 'be ,and is lhereby appointed :tSlI'y'-Treasmer ,of li!he Elgiil1J County, 'Home foOT the Aged. 2. THAT his sa~ary as Secretary-Treasurer O<f the Elgin :Y' \Home fO>I1the Aged be Two Thousamd Doll"rs 2,000.00) per ,annum, pay,,,blebi-weekly,. 3. THAT this By-Law become .effective Jllne 1st, 1969. ,~~AD ,a first time this 2hlt day of 'May, 1969. "READ ,a seoond time this 21st daJy of May" 1969. 'READ 'a third tilIne, llnd'finally passed 'this 21st :ay, 1969. ., JOHNSON, Clerk. day of J. C. WISE, Warden. COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LAW NO. 2087 a By-Law to Appoint a Deputy Secretary-Treasurer of the Elgin County Home for the Aged." WHEREAS it is deemed advise"ble to. have {lJ Deputy Sec- HWl'y-Treasur.,.. for the ElgiitlJ County, !Home for the Aged. fj"OV" .THEREFORE the Council of the OOl'pOl'atilon of thi rity of Elgin en!"cts as fo~IOIW\S: ,L THAT Harley L. JohJDJson be and is hereby 'fppointed :eputy, Secretary-Treasu~er of the Elgin County Home for ,eAged. 2. THAT By-Law No. 1870 be and uhe same is he,-ebv epealed. , :j1 i!i! "i,l i, :,I~, :'!' I',!; 120 ELGIN COUNTY COVNCIL .ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 3. That fuis By-Law become effective Jun:e 1st, 1969. READ a first time this 21st day of :May, 1969. READ .a second time this 21st daJY of May, 1969. READ a third tiane, and finally passed this 21st day :May, 1969. H.. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2089 "Being a By-Law tdAppointan Assessor for the County of Elgin." . .i'" 'THE :COUNCIL ,of the Corpo\t'altion of t1he County of Elgin '~n'aots. 8.&' folll0M1S: COUNTY OF ELGIN BY -LAW NO. 2088 ~';' c. ",' " "" , ,"" " _,' , ' ,:', LTHAT Mr. Te\t'rall]ce E. iOall8Jghan be and is hereby ~PP/llnted&na,se'sson' fo!' the County of Elgin. .' :;\.{',',2,. Mileage ,aJlo'wance, shaH, be p.aid in iaccO'Ddan,ce; with v,'c,.,,-_ ,', i.." _." .... .. ',.. ','.. .. si:n~dule, esil'ab.Ji.shed for all County of Elgin emj)'loyees. :READ "' first tiane this 21<st day of !May, 1969. . READ 'a' second tim€ this 21st daJY of May, 1969. ",:,,:!,I,,: ,:_' " ~;'ll~ADathird time, a'IlJd. finally pa~sed this 21st day. tf May"1969. fY ".,.. -' , .. H. .L. JOHNSON, Clerk. "Being a .By-Law to Amend By.Law No. 2061 (A By-Law to Establish Holidays for Employees of the County of Elgin)." WHEREAS it is deemed ad!Vis3Ible to inllluile a and .siisted in SPECIAL .LEA VE. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the GOrporatiOOl CountY' ,of Elgin eIlJacts '010 follows: 1. Th&t Clause 2 (SPECI'AL LEAVE) of By-Law No. 2061 ibe deleted 'and the folIowmg substitutoo fherefore: H 2. SPECIAL LEAVE - up to thr€e (3) days ~ €vent o!'l bereavement in immediate .family (i.e. diaitlher, mCYthe.., hus-;" halllld, wife, cmld, brother, Oil', sister). J. 'C. WISE, WaDd€n. COUNTY OF ELGlN BY-LAW NO. 2090 ,;."ABiJ-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council' of The Corporation of the County of Elgin at the May Session 1969." WHEH'EAS bY' Section 9 of the !MllnicipaJ1 Act, being hapter 249 of the Revised Statutes ,,'f Qnt",rio, 1960, the ,oWens. 'Or! 'a :municip:al -col'pOll',a1t'i1on arr-e t.o. be exwcised by its 11lcil; READaJ first tiane this 21st day.O<f !May, 1969. READ 'aJ seoond' time thi.s 21st daJY of !May, 1969. READ 'a thi~d tiane, and finally passed this '21st May, 1969. H; L. J10HNSON, Clerk. day AND WHEREAS by Sub-sectwn 1 of 'Section 242 of the ldunicipal ,,"ct, heing Chapter 249 of the !Revised Statutes of Q.lltarti:o, 1960, tlhe :pow.ers. of every COIUiJ1ici-1 .alI'e to ~be exercised :y By-Law; ;:: AND WHElRAS it is deemed ex,pedient that the proceed- ngs af th<! Gooncil of th€ C01'porat100r of the 'County of Elgin ,t'this meeting be conf1rmed and adopted by By-Law; ....i.,.'\ ..-..'0 J. !C. WISE,!, Warden. 121 122 ELGINOOUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 123 NOW THEREFORE THE OOUNCIL OF THE CORPORA-)~ TIONOF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ENACTS 00 f~lC>W's: "i~, \1 1. That <lIcUon of the Council of the COTporllltionJ of ,the;! .county' of Elgin in Tespect of eaCh Tec6mmendatiOOl containedj'l in the Repo..ts of the Commi~tees and each motion and: resolu,)) tion passed a;nd other action taken by the Council of the Cor-ii, porati= of theeo:unty of Elgin at its meetings heM duri~gi~ the May 1969 SessIOn IS hereby adop!ed and conflrmed as If.};, llJ!il. SlUch pIl'oceedings were expressly embodiOO in 'lIhis By-La\V,}l ;',,'ft 2. '])he W<lIrden an<lJ prop"" officials of the Corporatioo olN the CoU11lty, of Elgin an:e hereby, authorized and .directed, ,to do)! ,all 1ih'(l1!gs necessaT'y to give eLfect to the action of t'lieCouncil o.f the C01'poration, of 1ihe Ooun'ty of Elg~ refem,OO to in. pre- ceding sectioo he1'oof. , 3. The Wwden an.d the Clerk .are au~horized .and Direct~ " ed to' execute all docUments necessary in that behllJ];f and ,affix tb!~reto' the Seal of the CO'l1lloraltliO!tlJ of .the Oounty ElIgin; , READ ,a first twe this 21'st day of May" 1969. READ '!l seoond time this 21st do;y of !May" 1969. READ a thi'rd time, .and finally passed this 21st day ,May" 1969. H. L. JiOHNSON, Cle~k, FOUR.TH SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday the 17th Day of JUlie, 1969 LThe Elgin County Cou,"cil met this day ,aIt .the Court House, _It.,'Thomas, in arccordaltllCe with adjO'U!r!I1lIllent. L;L llhe Warden in the chliiT. i,!Ailil the melnbeI'ispresent. ..,ved by Reeve KeiIlOl', ""onded by Depu~'Y !Reeve Nemett: ;\i,'That tl4e minut~s 'of the May ,1969 'S_iOO1i of the Elgin (lQtiinJty Council be cond'hun.,d. -CarTied. ":The foJJlowingoommnmcatiOOlS 'Were read aa>d' referred to ie v~rious Cmnmittees: "'I.,' ,,' '.,.....' ~j:')FTom FoUll" Counties GeneDaiHOISpitaJl., with mvita!tiO'Ili to attend ffi a lu.ncheonffi ihe Canadian Legion, Newbury, On- 00 June 25th, 1969, at 12:00 noon. - Fillid. T: Ji)rom MM. Many 'FishIeigh with appreciation of gift 01 ilver tea service. ~ Filed. f.\!; . From !lIheAssociation O<f Onttalrio Mayors a1nd Reeves with ,dr a public staJtemenit by thePit'ssidenit on ,the subject of 'edn1ca.tlon ,costs, (2) a Reg.rmai Govel111m€l1t policy statement "Ind' (3) a questionnatiTe on the1Frovincia,] take Olver of muni- ,pol AJSsessmenV. .Items land 2 tefewCld ,to the C<>lmty Govel1M1lent Cdm- i.ttee. refer>red to the Poop<JI1ty and Assessmenit Com- !E\noan the 'Collllllty O<f Simcoe with lrelilO'lution 'vhat Boards Eduoaltion 'be .disballdOO and thaJt ~ormeT High SdhoolDis- .c~Bo!ll1<ls he r,e-established and _ume the responsibility ,ildministemingPub.Lic and. Seoondanw 'Education. - Refe1'l1'ed etlI!' Coun!tJy Government Committee. From the Un.ted Cou!tlJties of Northumberlam and Dur<b.am 124 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 125 ,:'7:;,": '<I' with resolution petitionting ,~he Provincial Government to C01)"11 tinue to' subsidize the !;>Togr,,,,,: foCI' Wa"ble Foly, enadication an~l to make it mamj'a~otry fon ..n.municipalltiesof .the Counties intI Ontario to' can:ry out the 'reglUlatiOllls. - Refemed to the 4gri"J! curtlural Committee. '1: F1rom the Cou~y of Halton 'With "'es<>lutiO!tlJ r.equesting th~gj Minister of Edllcation to investig";e the It'ea,,oll1J fon the great,~' ly iniCTeased cost 01' Ed:uca!~ion and endeavQlUr' to . place 'coritr{}*;~ 01] same and that County B"aro.. of Elduation he 'required to/i, '.,<~ submit sepaJl'ate tax 'bills to the taxpay"".., - Refenred to the'!,,, County. Go,V'€'rnment CommittJee. Flliom the. 01lltail"io Municip~~ Ass-o'ci'atiOOJ. with. regi~trati(}If;;! kit and Tesenvati= caTds 'for the 71m AnnuaW Conventi?n tq be trueld in Niag,all1a lfaJ[s, Allgu.s't17th - 20th. - Filed. .Frt1om the Onoolt'io Plumbing ]IJJSpectOTs' AssoctatiOIJJ~-'i1 nOlUuoiIJJg the 1969 hnnual C(YI]ference to be held' In the CIty," o.f Windso'", September 15th - 18th. -, FHed. From theElgin~S~. Thomas Hea1tilJ Unit with repoot on';l gila.'b!lJge dumps in the COUJIJJty' of Elgin. ~ !Referred to the,l COillinity Government Committee. :From the. ToMrShip ,of Westminster, 'with not'ice of ap-.:\ pliooti.OO1J to the Ontan:io MUJIJJimpal B()an:d by tile eO'l'Porati<>Jl.:~ of the Township of Westminster .fOil' aJllProv>a[ 0If By-Law 68-3,,~ l> By-Law. to regul"te land use passed pursuant to SedHoh 30,1 of the Planning Act. -FHed. :From the City of Belleviltle. with resolutioonsuppOTting t~~\ p!rlnrciple .wnld :pI'laJctice of "Equa1 opportunity taXi continu<w~Ki' Educatiolll ilIll ltlhe Serpar,ate Schools_ lor 'OntalI'io from KindeJ..~<".~ gatnten '00 Gnade 13".-'RefevredJ to the EducatLon Com'mittee;,)~ ".'-'''~ ,From Sa\l1.ders, Smith and Cline withiconsentby Cmpora-'i'1 tkm 'with !respect to ran applicaFtion' for 'incolriporation under >:"iW 'tlhe nlame "The Ant Gallery Fourud'atioru of St. Thoma~ ~rid'(!' Elg~". - Ref'err,ed to the Education Committee. :1 'Adeleg.ation f!l'Iotmthe' IFour Counties GeneI'al HOlspitaV;,:~ compo'sed {J[. M'f.' :Thoma9Steep, Admindstnat{J[',- and 'Reever,~ , ,_".,;'i, Jooo MCNaughton of Newbury,'met with 'Council arid. disC,j cussed 'an addition of lRehabilit..tiLi>n and CIwmic beds'to',the,lil thospitaIL. "IOwd by [Reeve DeGraw, '.[1Jjat the delegatio!li from the F,ouT. Co,,~ies Hospital be ,wh"..,d: ' , The delegation ~eviewed the qperatiOO1J O<f the Foul' COUri" cHospitailland explained why an ,additioll> to .the hospital is eSll'''b1e and submitted.", brief requesting ,a grant of :26,000.00 from the County of Elg~. , The Warden Itlha.nked the 'delegation aJIl/d Tefel'l'ed the 'att'e" to the Firualnce Committee. WHS presented. 'pi6<i by Reeve J ohnson\ .,oonded by, Reeve Glamke: ,j(Thaltthe '11reasurer's Report be accepted and printed in ~e',,~roceedings~ ~arrie(L .." The Repo~t O<f .the Elgin Maoo~ CommijjtJee was presented ,y Reeve DeGcDaNVa\l1u .adopted on' motion of Reeve DeGraw ie;! D, eputy !Reeve Miskelly. I!", ' ,i'. The Report of the (Pl'Oper,ty and Assessment . Committee ~,presented 'by lReeve'Moore and ,adopted on motiqn of ~e~ve MOOlOOand Reeve McAlpine. ,bi'nhe Report of the Road Comwlitee was presented by ,eeve Todd and ",wOIPted O!li motion 'ot! Reeve T.odd and Reeve . :cKillOlP. The :Seoond '~"iP<JIDt of the 'Road Committee was presented ~y Reeve T,o'dd l!lOrd adople.d on mot10!li .of Reeve Todd and lleeve McAlpine. /' ,ved by Reeve Kefillor, :econded by Deputy Reeve Nemett: do, ItlOw."djown 'to meet ",g;a'", a~ 2:00 p.m"June -Carried. 126 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY OOUNlCIL 127 :~~d by, Reeve McKillop, .ded by, !Reeve EmensQ!tlJ: 'hat By-Law No, 2092, "Being a BY,LOJw to. Amend .By- No. 1984 Thereby Incr,easing the Interest Rate Paid on .poItall'Y Adv,ames ObtainedrnOUl the Ban'k of !Montreal," 'eIld 'OJ first time. - CarriOO. ~.,ve:d. by, -Reeve Emerson, ,cOllllded by 'Reeve McKJ.1lop: 'Dhat By-Law No.. 2092, be read a seccnd time. - Carried. ed by Reeve Emerson, onded by Reeve Orrnand: ,J.'l;aJt 'By-Law No. 2092, be ""ad a thi'rd time, a"d' finally ,., 'd. - Carried. MONed by Reeve Emerson, Seco.nded by Reeve Moo.re: ,ved. by Deputy Reeve MOIl'.ison, ,ded' by 'Reeve Kahnt: Tohat 'By-L"w. No.. 2093, "Being .a 'By-Law to Autho.rize i!:,Wa<'den Wld Clerk 'of the County o.f Elgin to. Sign . and '!'l a OOlI1sent by, Corpor-ation, With. 'Respect to. an Applica- .&nf{)lr, IncQIl'pomtio'Ill Under' !the,. Name,. "The' Art Gallery . ~undationof St. 'ThOlmiaJS and Elgin;" 'be1read a first time. - Can:ried. ~, That By-Law No. 2091, "Being "By-L.aJw to. 'Amend By.!:!l Law N,o. 2070, Thereby Inoreasi11lg 't!he Interest Rate Paid Ol..i Moneys BOlvrowed fTOItn the Ba:nk .of ,Montreall," Ibe Tead a first',-;; time. Mo.ved by Deputy. 'Reeve !Dennis, : Seconded by iReeveElme"'lOl!ll: That By-Law No. 2091 be read a seo.olllld tinle. :oved,by Reeve McKil1o.p, ,econded by Reeve OrchiliI'dJ: Thalt By-Law No. 2093, be ""ad OJ second tinle. - CarriOO. Moved by (Reeve MooTe, ,SeoOllllded by Deputy Reeve Denms: That By-Law No. 2091 he read! :a third time, and finally: pa,ssed. read a'l:lhkd time, and fina.Jly - C!l!rried. 128 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Reeve Todd, SecondOO by Reeve McAlpine: That !By-Law No. 2094, "Restricting, the Weight ;hides Passi.nlg ove~ Bridges." . ;be Iread a fi..T,st time. Moved by Reeve McAlpin"', SeoOOll(\ed by Deputy Reeve MODrison: That By-L8JW No. 2094, be l1ead a seoond time. Moved by Reeve Kahnt, Seoonded b~ !Reeve Todd': That !By-Law No. 2094, .be 'read a thW time, and ,pa,ssed. Moved by Deput'y!Reeve Nemett, Seconded by Reeve KeilloT: That BYeLaw No. 2095, "A By-Law to Authorize the ecutlon of An AgIl'eemenit with >the Minister of Highways Ontario, Relating to a Ro:ad ui1Jder the Jurd'sdiction of Oo",poration of the ColmliVy of El'gi!!ll," ,be il'~ada fim Moved, b~ Reeve Keilloio, Seoontled by Deputy Reeve !Roberts: '])11Jat By-LaJW' No. 2095, be read a second time. MrOlvedl by Reeve Ho:dgson, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Nemeitt: That By>-Law No. 2095,be mead a fuixd pa,ssed.. EIJGINCOUNTY COUNCIL ,ved by :Reeve Joh:nison, ded by Deputy Reeve iftoberts: That By-La", ]1[0. 2096, "A Byi-'Law to Cond'irm Proceed. :s of 1ilie Oelmci1 ,of ItlheOoirpciration ad' the County of Elgin "c_,th1e"Jun'e, SeSls10rru 1969,"bell'ead alfiI1S1t time. -CllJlTied. , 'ed .by Deputy Reeve Nemett, .' J ; . . . ~ . . _ . , ' . . _ : . " ~~ded by Reeve Keilllor: That By-Laiw. No. 2096, be read .. second time. - Carried. ,eved 'by Reeve KeillOl', :onde'd by Deputy. Reeve N emett: ,]hat By-Law No. 2096, be :read " third time, and fmaJly d. ,....,. C......ioo. :oved by Reeve McA1PfuJe, ~~d~ by Reeve DeG<<-aw: b...,. . we do now adjourrn to meet again 01I1J Septem'beT 16th, 10:00 a.m. - CarriOO. L. JOHNSON, CIllM. J. C. WISE, WaDden. 129 130 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL iCUlIlbure ':boy Office Iy .Msessment Dept. . St. Thomas HeaJ!th Unit ,y LibraTY - _!tarred ,to Hospital Accoum HtYRaJtes CalIectedU",der, Sect."" 53 ---- --- :es Pay,able _- 3,.711.43 842.31 61,097.18 36,000.00 30,000.00 117.47 COUNTY TREASUR,ER'S REPORT June Session, 1969 To the Warden .amJd Members' oIf !the E1girru C<YlInt:l' Council: ",,:, ::'f?ij I beg ,to. submit the followi,rug statements of Receiptsang'i ,ExPenditures f,rom January 1st, 1969, to! May 31st, :1969. ' Receipts Balance ~ 'Bank and on hand, JanuaJl'y1 1st, -1969 $ ,N~'es PaYa!ble _ __ _._ __ -- _.._.$500,000.00 County Raltes.. .oolilect,ed u",deD Secti<ln 53 Liceruses arr>d Permits --- .- ------. IntOll'est Admini,stration of Jootice CoU!llity RJollJds ,OharltYJ and Welfare Chiwdren's . Aid . Societies AgcicultUIDe \ -- Misce'llaneous RevenlUe C<YlInty &ses"ment Depot. Recover:l' oIf Ren~als Oalre of Buildings (Jai1C1OOts TecoveTOO) 467.78 565,000.00 $ 1,331,491.69 138,919.52 $ 1,470,411.21 31'St, 1969 5,510.23 116.00 543.50 23,722.50 _.__.. 838,819.87 573.10 1,168.88 2,104.51 94.40 2,500.00 270.00 502.32 .. ",41.1,' . ,,',' ,,".c' .$ 1,375,925.3), Expenditures "______________.______$ 9,248.54 14,646.70 1,468.35 9,283.99 2,519.74 1,930.87 3,008.34 535,029.68 7,677.94 13,121.52 20,000.00 13,316.44 3,003.41 Members', Wages Off>cElI1S' Salaries Frint~g, P,osiage and S~ioner~ ----- Care oIf Buildi!nJg,s GralDfbs, IAsSO'ci,artions, Schol8l1'ships, etc. ~lsceWTaneous ------------------------- Adn'linis1mstionJ of Justice County Roads OhaJrity and Welfare Ohild"eni's Md Societies -------------- 'IIran&fer>red to E1g~ 1VIano", IntereSt ------------------------------- Abatemenit of TOJxes '(Section 207) ---- ELGIN MANOR As of, April 30th, 1969 irr> Bank \lind '00 Hand.Janu!ll'Y 1st, 1969 $ 14,768.27 89,849.94 $ 104,618.21 L 90,715.53 131 '.",:" I, ':", , '. . . ',", ' anee ~ Banik 'am on HOJnJd, April 30th, 1969 $ 13,902.68 of Which is ,r,espectfulily submittoo. H. L. JOHNSON, County Clerk and 'l.1reasurer. 132 EDGIN OOUNTY 'COUNCIL ELGIN iOOUNTY 'COUNCIL 133 ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE R,EPORT 'i~{ June Session, 1969 ;;1~ " . " . . ,",: ~:::i~ '.fu the W..rden <lII1I<l. Members of !the Elgdrrv County COU!tlJcil: ",i ;(i"i The ElginMllIThOIr Committee repOTts 'as folilows: "!" ,;"'ir>~: 1. T.rue fu:llowing 'venders wen~ submitted for supplyjpgl fuel loil Tequirernents for the 1969-70 heating seaSOOl/. ..~. PROPERTY AND ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE REPOR;r June. Sessi~n, 1969' Members of ItheElg'fu'v. COUl)ty' Council: The I1roperty . aIlld Asseoomenit Committee reports as' f<Jl- FIRM BP CaiI]ada Ltd. . George D<J!WleT Supeme& Petroleum Corpor>ation Ltd. Sterling FueWs Stormes Bros. Ltd. Lacey Fuelis Ellgin Co-Operative S<JTvices __ Brice Pen GaJlon 15.40c 14.40c That the copy ot aletter1'mm the HonourableW. Cj' McKeough, Minister ,of lVLunicipa!! Aff.alrs, 'too Mr; P. .D. ndy, 'Mayor of Samtia1 Re: -change Xrll Assessment Admjnis.. .ti.on, be filed. '., .~..'.' 2.TlwJt the :resorut]on fmm theCouMY' of Lambtoll Pl'o- estlng the take over of Assessment by the Depammem!v of I'llipipll;1 Affatirn, be filOO. That the letter from the De,p_menit of Municipal Af- Te: the' DepaJrtment's proposal f'OIrI space, furnilture and ~ice equipmerut :presently /USed :for the assessmel1ltfunction, 'e ,lIed. 4: Tl1at the resolution from 'lihe COWlIty ,of Nm:fulk reo 'vineLa'! take over of Assessme:rutl be filed. 5. That the letlter 1iroon the Associati"" of Counties and ,.!:ions of O!llt..rio with dmft 'PoHcy (staltement as :reoornmend- i by A.C.R.O.executiveamid, :repill1t ofmeetling wHh the Min_ lsten, of, MllIDicip8il 'Af'fains: and t.he ProVd!lllciall TreBJSurer, be (iled. 6. We 'have accepted the tender of Lacey Fuels to supply eIoil to the Registry Office, Libnary, and Assessment Build7 ",g:at a cost of 14.30cper gallon. . J 7. We have authorized":th"t Mr. Ted Sdhwit be paid the :ulval'en!v of thre" !Week's saJ]aJI'Y to p1'o"ide fro", ~upplyhel,p i.Wmrg his vacatioo. Hi ....".,;" ,.' : All, of whicll is .respectfu1Jy sub~tted. FOR!REST F. MOORE. ChaIrman. 15.90e 14.6Oc 14.50c 14.30c 16.30e less dividendi' :,'; The tender ,DIf L8Jc"y Fuels to oopply fuel oiL fat '8J price "!" 14.30c pen gallo", has been acceplted',.J "1,{?, OUT .1IhindJ subsidy cheque with respect ,to the additip<\.tg;t Elgin ManDT ,bJ..s been :received from the lAoovince of Ontario,1 in tl)eamount of $58,268.90. .'.~ ';'m 3. Mr. rR. B. Himplfen, Administratill1, !has been inTol'!,~ onto foo: the past two weeks a~tenJdin.g a cOIUrse sponsoredby,:i the Dept. Jof Socia] am.d Family 'Servlic~s. . .".'1 All of which us "",spectfuHy oobmitte\l. VICTOR DEGRAW, Chalrman. 134 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL up fund" "01'. oonstl'uct]O\l1. inJ 1969 and 1970. Work will shor.tlY' between' Road No. 35 and No,; 36, in Yarmouth ship. e.,.:,' AU of Whoch is respectfuLly submitted. :DOUGLAS R. TODD, Chairman. ROAD COMMITTEE REPOR,T June Session, 1969 'I1o the Warden and Members "f ~he Elg.~ County' Coundl: Y'OIUr Road Committee Begs to Repom as F,ollow,s: WE RECOMMEND - THAT a IBy-Law be pllJSsed whiCh wiN, in effect, By-Law No. 2041, wruoh dea'\,s with Allowable Loads cartriedon various Brddges in tire County. of Elgin. These Amemidments - (a) Delete the;Lood Limit oltll the WaII1I1en Street Bridge Porb StaruleY', llJS the old hI1idge has been ,removed; (b) Lower the Limit {)[l' Jamestowltll Brlidge in , TOIW11lShip' fTlOltn 15 tons to 5 tons, pending O<f the f,jOOT. AU of which is mspectfuLly submitted. DOUGLAS R. TODD, Chairman; ;C()UNTY GOVER,NMENT COMMITTEE REPOR.T June Session, 1969 the Warden .and. Members of itheElg~ County. Council: y/I1he County.Government Committee reports .as follows: 1. 1\hat the pU'blic staJUeme!tlJt by the 'President ,of the As- Ciati<m of Ontairio May",rs am Reeves ,oltll the subject of edu- .tion, Icosts,. ,'be .fHed. 2., That the po1icy, statemenit of the Association of Ontario yams and Reeves 01t1i Reglomll Goveronnen1b, be filed. 3" That the r,eSOllution f",= the Cormty ,o'f Simcoe that lO'lIl"j" of EduoaJtion be disbamided and that formeD High hool Diotrict Boall'lds be tre-elSltablishedamid assume the re- ol1$bility- O<f admnstemin:g !Public 'and Seoon~ Education, d'iloo. ROAD COMMITT,EE REPORT June Session, 1969 Second Report 'I1o the WaTden .aJIlId Members of ,the Elgin County Council: Yom Road Committee 'begs to repont as follOlW": WE RECOMMEND - THAT ,aJ By-Law be passed' "llltlhorizinJg the Wa~den Clerk to ,siglt1ian Ag-reement with the Minister of with regwdto' the 'oOllllStmwctlon ,of County Road No. Development Road in! Yarmouth and Southwold from COllnty Road No. 35 to County' Road No. 16. This Agreemoob w,llljpe!l1IIrit the Department ,of 4. ThaJb the resolJution f'l'OUl1Jhe .CoJ1Illl;y of Ha:1ton request- ing .the !Minis:ter ,of EducatiQIl1i to 'investigate the reason for the greatly incmased ,coot of Education a"d thalt County Boo~ds EducationJ be O'equlr.ed to. subrruit sep"TaJte -tax bills to the .axpaY'elrs be filed. 5. . T~t ,a oopyOlf the Jetter and repor~ oobmitted by the -lgin"St.Thomas !Health Unit oil! !laJl1Mge dumps in the County Elgin be fO'l'WlaJl'ded to ~e Clem o~ eM!> l"cllJl municipality il)~heCormty of Elgin 'With the Tecommendatlon that they tineet ID :alfeas .It(O CO~OIpeDate wlith one anorthe.r to solve the ,p:roblem on a joint basis. . 6. We ll'eco!l1JIIlend that, infuturet {ltn!e Wardoo's banquet be I1Elld in the IfuillJ. of the yeaJl' and take ~he f<Yrm of a banquet an" dance. The Bil!llquet to be held at 6:30 p.m. with a social 135 136 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGINCOUNTYCOUNC]L 137 hoo'n from 5:30 to, 6:30 p.m. The. dance tc>be !held, f'rom.9.:Q p.m. 'tbl:OO ,",.m. COIlllPlhnentary tickets 'Do~the banq\let;" dance to be "em to lCounty CouncHloo\S, Ex- WardeIlJS, 0.fioia1s altlJd tlhe .usual <>ther guests with .W'ive" or of the ,",bove peopJe to' 'be mc~uded. The W'aJ1'den ,shall submit a list of up to ,twenty-five tlonal people 10 mhom "ompllimenita~.y tickets to the and dance shail,1 be sem and if the Wa!t1den wishes to more, people lhe Iwill pay fQ'!, t1he extr,a ,tickets at the c[laJl'ged by the Stork Club foo~ the banquet. No one other ~hie Warden wHI be !permitted, tobu)" extra tickets for banquet. Coonplimentar,y tickets to the dalnce 'sha~1 be sent tc> permanem employee of the County of .EIgllinJ and wm for the. ..admissiool of one,?o~ple. A!dditlona:l tickets Ion the dance admiVl>ng one wvll be made available to the lmembeTS ,,,f County Oi price, of $1.00 per ticket. All of wMch is !t1espectfully submitted. DONALD M. McKILLOP, FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1S69 ",' " -.' .' -..',-' WaT'deriaa,d. Members OIf.the 'Elgin County Council: FinamlCe pommitteetreports as follows: ThatChildren',s Aid SocietiesP~ List No. 5 for 252.18, be approved.' . "2. That Chanltyand Welf,au:e Pay List No.5 for, $1,835.74, aPiProved.. 3. That By,-LOlw No. 1984 and By-Law No. 2070 be .ended itb [p't1ovide an [merest rete lIJJo:t exceedmg 81,2 pel' pac annum on temp'oo:aTY bornowin.gs from. the Bank of ;ntlrea~: .' f ' - . 4. That tIhe recomm,mdationof.. this Committee made at 'h 19.69 Session to institute an emplo<yee paymll., pial) . 'eby the wagesad' each County employee shan be cred- .to his (>1' hen' peI1SO'lJJail: b:mk '",ccoum mther than' being ld to him or 'he~,by i1ndividualcheque .be heM in abey,ance 1.",J('...,' ", .'"'' 'C. .",' -, ".'.' ,- .,' it: :l#e PDC,"""t thne. , . .1;':-,,(, "-,;', . .' .' 'i:' 5. Weneoommend totile'counciJsof 1972 and 1973 that !bey give a grant ~ $9,000.00 to, the Four Counties ,Hospital for eacl1 0If' these yeams,and 'We reoommend that the Council' , 1974 give ~l1e Foun Counties Hiospit",l a gnant of $8,000.60 . f<>r'tha.t y-eaT. Ail ofw'hiphduesp~9~fu)ily submittOO. HORACE B. JOHNSON, Chairman. PROPERTY AND ASSESSMENT COMMllTEE REPORT June Session, 1969 Second' Report To the Wardenalnd Members of the 'Elgin CountY' Council: 'The PDOPeriy land Assessment Committee Teports as lows: 1. We reoommend, that the questionnaire from the da.tion of Ontari'o MalYlotDS ,and R,eeves on PvovmciaJ1 ,over of AsseS&ment Fun'CtiO!tlJS, be ta!bled. AlJJ of Which Us respectfully submitted. FORREST F. 'MOORE, Ohairman. EDUCATION COMMITTEE, R,EPORT June 'Session, 1969 " ',"",:. ...... " ..",.':', ":',',' .,\ .',"', '," ",:, "":,',' Ta the WaTden."!tlJd Members of .the IElg.u}) County,'Co\1IlIcil: .";' '" , "",' ",", ", '0.,"" '..; l.'he Educa~ional COJnll1i~tee. repo~ts .asfollQws:, ThOit.theTeSO'luti= f~o:m' the C1tyof'l3elleville SUP" !the principle an'd''PI'alCtice "f '''Equal oppOIl'tunityfoot: 138 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 139 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCI:L cOUltmoos li:ducation int!he Sepanaie,SCIhoC1ls, of Ontario frd~i Kindergaxten to Grade 13", be filOO. t'~ "i::'.:!' 2. Thlllt the Waroenand Clerk of the County (Yf Elgin ~~ authorized 110 ,sigl11J <IInIdJ ,seal the CoIIlsent by ~por"tion wit!i\ T""Pect to an appHcaltion, for incorpo"aIt,on UJ1JdeD the nam~f~. "The Ant G"Herw FOIIDdation of, St. Thomas and Elgin" anal tihat the necessax.y By-Law be pxepa~ed. All of 'WiJl,ch is I1'espectfuHy submitted. MARY BLYTH, Ohairman. D WHEREAS i~tere&t :rates have increased since the ~g of By-Law No'. 2070. OW THEREFORE the Council of the Co<!;>Cit'ation of the ;y'of, Elgin, enacts !Is follows: THAT By-Law No. 2070 be annendOO by deleting Clause ..~nd, su.bstituti.ng therefore the followdng: . 1. T,he Head and the TreasUlt'er are hereby &ufuo,rized on 1IIf, of, tlJe Go~por,ation to. bonrow Trom 1iinle f\)o time, by of promissOTy note, f'fom the Bank of MOUItreal, a sum or ,s not exceeding inJ, the aggregaAe Two 'MiHion, Eight .dn'ed Thousand dallal's to meet, IIDItH the taxes a~e col- , ,the CUit'.tIeinIti eoopenditUlt'es of the !Oa<rporaltioIl! for the , ,includinlg. the amount<> ,requiTed filT the I'UTiPoses menc <1ried in subsection (1) of the said Section 329, and to give, Gll,ib,ehll1f of the Coxpo~ation, to 1iheBank a pTllmisso'l'Y note r~,'inotes, seaded. with the, corporaltle, seal and signed by the", ~"(,~e,mo.nreys so bOll'Tro'Wiedwith Interestl8lt a rate not. ex- l<i;ng. 81,2 per, centum I'eD 'annum, which may 'be paid in ad- OO,_.:C~ ,orOtl1eI'1\W,se. " ,.> . ~, REAtl a' first tiJrrie this 17th day of Jwrre, 1969. Y> READ a second time,thw 17,Ih dily of June, 1969, READ a third tinle. and ftnally .pas.sed this 17th day of J,une, 1969. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. AGR,ICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT June Session,19&9 To ,the Wall'den and Members af the, ElginJ County Council: The Agr;cultuml Committee I1'eports as f,ollows: " 1. That the resolu~ion from the United CounJties O<f Nottli-;)~ uanberJand ,aner Durham petitionmg the Pit'ovincia~ Govern~i~ Iillent ,to oontilllUe to subsidize ,the program fOIl' Warble Fly:!! eradication 'and to m"ke it mandatory for aH municipalities:l of the Cou!lllties in Ont"rio to caTty out t!he ~egulations. be::l\ filed. All O<f Iwhich i. Tespectfully submittoo,. K. J. McAIlPINE, Chairman. J, C. WISE Warden, COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LA W NO. 2091 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2070 Thereby Increasing the Interest Rate Paid on Moneys Borrowed From the Bank of Montreal." WHEREAS Clause (1) of By-Law Nlo. 2070 authorizes an , interest T.ate 'not exceeding 71,2 pel' cent ,per annum on moneys:) borrowed from the Bank of Montreal. . COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LAW NO. 2092 "Being a By-Law,'to Amend BYeLaw No. 1984 Thereby Increasing the Interest Rate Paid "it Temporary Advances Obtained From .the Bank' of. Montreal." W1HER!':ASBy,"Law No. ,1984 'autharizesth'e obta.iningof tellJPOr<\\"Y ~dy"nc""" 'tIo meet the .,cost. of ,conrstroctdng a,n ado. ditiQInJ .to1JheElginCOl1llltyHome:for !the Aged pendit;lgthe 140 EDGIN'COUNXY COUNCI:L compJietiJOOl .tlher,eOIf:. AND WHEREA:S Claure (1) O<f Bl'-Law No. 1984"""",- ended by By-Law No. 2016, authori.es ,.... futerest rate not e>oceeding 71,2 peT cent peT annum IOU the'sadd teinp01'aryad.', vances. AND WHEREAS interestr:ates have tnJcteasOO ' since the passing of By-Da'W No. 2016. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corpo11llJtion of the COIUnty O<f iElllgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT B)'-IJaw No., 1984 .as am~.ded by By-Da'W No. 2016 b.e fiUcther, ,an:nended by deletiJnJg Clallre (1) and substi~ tuting therefoilJ<i the following: . ' .' , (1) 'Dhe Head 'and Treasurer ,of the CorpO'1'ation o:f th~ Oou:nlt)',of Elg1in ,are ilene'by wu'tlhorizOO to obtliin forom the , Ba",k of Mankeal tem:porar:y advances at arrate OT mtesnot e>oceeding 81,2 !p"" ,cent perll!lln\lJm, ~epresented by ,a' promise ,oorynote on pnomlssory !I1IOtes OT by wal' of o\'etridn"ft or othC enwire 1l>0,t e>oceeding :Six Hundr.ed Thousand Doliars to meet theoo,st Iof 'tIhe, S!lid works pending the 'C()mp~etion th""eof. 2. THAT B)'-L"w No. 2016 be ,allIdthe same os heTeby TllPea1OO. READ a fia:st time tb;s 17th da:Y' of Jum, 1969. READ a second thne ,this 171ih !day. of, June, 1969. READ a fulrd time, .and fimHy. passedJ .this 17th day JU!tlJe, 1969. H. L. JOHNSON, Clel1k. J. C. WISE; WaDden. COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LAW NQ. 2093 "Being a By-Law ,to A.uthorize the Warden and Clerk 'or the County of Elgin to Sign, and SeOiI a Consent by Corporation) with Respect to an Application' for Incorporation Under the EDGIN COUNTY COUNCIL :141 Name, 'The A.rt Gal!ery'Foundcttion of St.'Thomas,and:Efgin'." !:f"WHEREAs it is :Pit'oPbsed'thaf'aCorp'bll'atlon be forn'ied by Hume kl1ldersO/IlI and lottJhers, under the name,' liThe :Art GaIle.vy F,ormdation of, St. 'Dhomils !aJ11Jd.Elg,01i." AND WHEREAS the Provincial Secretary has com!ented to the \lJse of t!he il1Jame, eubject. 'tol tll>e consent of the OonpOl'- of the City of St.'Dh1o""""s, and the .county of Elgin, "NOW THEREFOREI~heCouncil of the Corporatioon of the OOl.!!tlJt)' of Elgin enacts 'a~ .fowlioMr's: ' THAT tire Waroen am:! CI,,"k of thee County 'DIf Elgin be, and ,,",e hffi1eby. authorized to sign the Consent by Oorpora_ tiori, 'with Tespect to an appldcatiol1 tiOtI' incolI"P"oflationlOOid.er the name, "T;he Art Gatllery Fouooation of SV. ThlQlm1als' 'aria. El- gin~;, '00" ail1Y'VlalrUat1oiIll tihell"eof acceptable to "the-Lieu.tehant- :GoveTlI1lOl.r" amid to affix ,theretol the, ,CorptOoote Seal. READ aflr~t time this 17th: dl'Y' .&LJu!tlJe,1969. READ a seco>:>d time ,thiSl'7ltlbJ idal'of'JiUne, 1969. READ a .third,tinle,..and fiIl!aJlIy.opasoot1 ,this 17t11 ,day.of June, 1969. L. JOHNSON, Clerk.. J..C. 'WISE, WaDden. BY-LAW NO. 2094 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN RESTRICTING THE WEIGHT OF VEHICLES PASSING OVER BR.IDGES WHEREAS sub-sect.oit] 8 of SeoCtlon 52 of the Highway 'Th1affic A:c'~ (R.G.O. 1960) pmvides that: The M'UIIlJicipail Corporation or other wtfuJolrity having jur- isdictIon "'!Vel' .a !midge may by By-Dawappr<>ved by the Department make ;regllLaltlon\!; limiting, the we'g1h1t of. any vehicle or ;combinatiolll ;of vehicles 01' anyalass thereof passing olVer ,such br:idge: 142 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL AND WlHEREAS it.s deemed eJOpedieinlt VOl limi~ the wmg>ht of vehicles passi'llill over certain Ibridges in. the County of Elgin: NOW THElRElFORE thelCoumdl O<f the CoirpoImtlon O<f the CO'll/llty of Elgin enacts ,as follow,.: 1. No vehIcle or oombination of v<!hicles <>D <lInIy class there- of, wthether empty or IQaded, shaiJJ. be ope",alted over any h11ldge desigrualted ~ Schedule NOl. 1, 2, and 3, forming part of this By-Law. with a weight in excess of. weigJ>t ilimit prescriberu in the Sohedude io", Such bridge. 2. Any person vidlatiJrug any of the p<'OvdJslons O<f vhis By" Law ShalJ. 'be subj ect to Vl>e pellllJlt)" provided m SeC'tion 52 of the HighwOlIy Traffle Act. 3. Thrls B)"-Law shailfl not become eMectiveuntil approved by the D~ar,tment of Tlmlllli'lpOll1t 8II1d until a n<>tice of the weight permittoo, legibly printed, has been posted up iJru '"conspicuous place at either emid of each bridge desig_ matOO in the at1iached S<lheduJes. 4. BY-LAW NO. 2041 of the CoumIti}o O\f: Elgm is hereby re- pealOO. ENACTED and passed this 17th. dalJn 'OJi June, 1969. JOHN WISE, Warnen, H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. lS < g g ~ ~ ~ 5 l:.l ~ :x: u Ul Ul8 ! ... ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ... Oll.cl ~ IS :~ 1-01:10< ... 0':' s:t 1iIlU ~t311 .. .1! .Il .~:" a ~~~ 6 ] ... o II tll ~'" iiI"1l :z;1II J~ i~ -alii '" ~... rIl J ~ j :5 o '" .o:1l !j l'i 8'a ~.t ~~ I~ o~ '" ... Cl) '" ,..; i @ U 00 <> Cl) ..... '" ..... ~.t g; U;.. "''0 !t ~~ ~ ! <> ., o CO> ..; '" 'al ~ o U '" ~ @ u t- o Cl) ..... Cl) o Cl) ..... '" ..... '" ..... .,1 _I <i,-t c,Q..<+-l ,;10 go ~t c.:t ......~ : ~ ~E'< .s~ ~ ~ i g. u . CO> ... CO> ... ... CO> '" '" .; ... 143 gj .1 .... .~ Pl ij <> ..... $ ,s ~. S z.i ~ ~illl>'< J~~ "'-il 3'aE'< ~ u '" '" 115 .,; aapooM, 8061 l: 8861 1I'! paPltJ'lsuoo"R "JP=::l .U!M.omrufi 01: "'I"JOUO;) 8061 S "'I":t:>uO;) 0061 01: ,,+".I:l<W;) I:I61 SI uaP<><>,M" >"8681 'S " 'IS!'1U uo!tOt1% suo~ ~oold -Jsuo:) U! HtuM JO edA~ JO .meA J'IS!eM, (UOI+!PUOO JoOO U! POOR) "tiIreIq"'''8i j:o dI'lsUMIOJ, 'OI"UO;) '1:1: 'liO'I ~ ... ... "'!O:rov 19 '9 "trua!AJO"l1remA lI! MOM 'm"'!A"S: '8 'uOQ 'vI 1<>'1 mIil1<I!A I:S 'S ~ 63 """<Jq:saWlB'f LI: 'v Z 0 0 S>{adW SI: '8 ~ ~ (:i U04!Th,i[ vI: '1: 0 q ~ ~ slI!Qqo1,I 81: "'I t< 'ON 'ON Z JO aum,N eSP!'\[ elnpe'lOS 1.J'InoUT.W];, J!<l' UI'lStWlOJ, 'I:','UO;) '81: '10'1 PloM1.J'IUOS, JO d!1.JSuMIOJ, 'p~K)1! 'n:.N; '91 1<>'1 Pl'Ol<I.1{'1nKlS' JO d!1.JSillAoJ, 'p"<lIH rrrnI' v' piure. 8 s'l"'I P'f.lOM'lilnKlS JO dI'lSUMOJ, ';PttlOHl rraAHr 's lO'1 tlOHe:)o"I savoll ~1'fIS~~()~ NO s3tianl~X1mo:> z'ollt',3ihtI3H:)S SCHEDULE BOUNDAR,Y BRIDGES WITH OTHER MUNICIPALITIES ADJOINING ELGIN ALSO REQUIRED FRPM ADJOINING MUNICIPALITY Schedule Location Weight Year of Type of Adjoining f7l 3 Bridge Road Name of Limit in Const- Floo. Munid- 63 No. No. Bridge Tons ruction Finish pality Z 1. 3 5 Walker Lot 1; IB.F.C. 10 1902 Bitumillli- -County of 8 T01W7lJSh,ip of DunJw;i"h OllIS Middlesex ~ 2. 4 Tait's Lot 7, B.F.A.; 15 1914 Cotnc:rete CoumIliy of Ki T",~p ofDUIIlJW[M Mid<Hesex 8 q 3. 5 8 Willey's Lot 14, B.F.A. 10 1907 Conorete Cownty of ~ T<YW!tlJSIhJip ofDUlIlIWWh Mid<Hesex E'l 4. 17 Ling's Lot 49, East Side 15 1907 ConC11C!te County-ill T.R.N. 'In., Mid<Hesex Township '0If Southwold 5. 22 33 &lins Lot 1, Com- 3, 15 1899 Conorete City of ... Township of Ya~mouth St. Whomas ... on 146 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN BY -LAW NUMBER 2095 "A By-Law tQ AutluJrize the Execution of an Agreement with'!ll, the 'Minister of Highways for Ontario ~elating to a Road Under;)! the .Jurisdiction,of the Corporation of the County of Elgin."',;!' DesigmJated as Development Ro,ad NiurrnbeT 930. It is i>ereby enacted by the Ooruncil of the COJ1Poration the Coun'tly of Elgin: 1. That the WaTldien and Clerk are ihereby aurohorized e,.;ecutean agreement 'between the Minlister of [Highways Ontar;" and Vhe COl'poraltion of the OOU!tlJty O<f Elg;.n hooeto ,alIlld llI13lI1'lred 8C1bJedtuJJe "A". Read a ;DiDS", seoooo and ,Woo tfume and <passOO this daJy Oil' \Juore, 1969. JOHN 1W1SE, Warden, H.L. JOHNSON, Clerk (Se8!l) I Ihe~by cel1tify that the fOTegodng is a tTUe oOPY of By-g Lam Numb"l1 2095 passed by the Connci!~. O<f the C<>J1Poration;j 10If .the Oounty "If 'Elgil1i on the 17th <'lay ot June, 1969. H.L. JOHNSON,Clerk. SCHEDULE "A" THIS AGREEMENT BETWEEN HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN in rdg1ht ,OIf the Province of On'tlario, as represented by the MinliSIteID of Highiways, hereinafteT calleid I])h.e DepaTtmenit, and '!\he COI1PoraroIon of the CoUllllty> of Elgl:ru hereinafte<called ifIhe Cor<poraltion, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ,147 ilijllITNESSETH THAT: k;~:!',' ~j'::' the Minister o{Highways for, Ontario has designated! ,as a Development 'road on the 12th day of J'llalIe, 1969, the ",oad desCIDiIbOO as f",[[ows: I~:~;';" : ~({r.Designated ~R~nevelopment ~1t;:',:,; " Road l~f'.' 'N' umber v' 830 Description THAT patil;,olf Elgin CO'U!tlJty, Road No. 45 fu'om the south limit O<fElgin Counrt>y Road No. 16, ealSlterly to the ealSlt Umdt 'OIf El]gin C",nnty Road No. 35. E]Li ~V.i'. AND WHElREAS the ,sadd road Ol' p~tl ,thereof is under tile ~ljUll1iSilidiO"" O<f the Council of Vhe COIl'POTation. L..;:<.v,", ~;. NOW THElREFORE TH1S AGREEMENT WITNESSETH 0i:\ihat" in 'coIllSiideraJtion of tlhe 'plr'emirses l(lilld tJhe e~venamts ;here- ~; inaJ:ter ootnltained, the palr,ties he"eto, f,olt' themselves and their ~~i'lt;eg.~ec't[v.e SUlCcessoms .and' assiglfJJs, do herebY" mutually' coven- \!\1 ao1It and ogree "" follows: . ,1. The Departmenit a,greasand hereb:l' und""takes w'I;1iile this ag.reeme!IlJt remairns i,n -'.'fm'ce to! oonstoclUct 01:' ~mprrove the sIl1id. oolad eltiloo;bJ" its"lf <>"by' a 'cQilltr<>Jctolt'01' . . by tile C<>J1POlratioltl to 'a standamCl W1hi0h in 'tlhe opinion Of the Depa;rtm:ent is osMisfactwy '00" the tJ"Pe.and intepsify, of traffic using ~he said road .and whiclhmaJ" be possIble h"",ing Ireglllrldwthe funds ,a;v>alilab1e for the purpose but the DepaD:'ltmen~ does n<;>t 'lliSswme any liiOJbility f,w the sIl1id road. 2. '11he Oa<rporlllJtion,agrees alnd !h.eir<lbyundemtakes to' acquire any iliand with~ the boundaries thereo. wMch may be requfure<'l fw widening or deviatitlJg 'the I.add road or which may be othe11Wise r,equfut1ed In oollJmlection with the,. cone strlUcti{)tt1, impo:-ovement ,air malintenlatnce of. 'tJhe said' .-' l'lorad 'amrl to bear the 'cast 1ihereotf mclUiding any necessary fencitlJg. 3.. lit is undeTst<;>t;d and ,~gre<ld thalt, .~he, Coop<;>ration is and . wi!] 'contiinue to be It'esponsible f,o': the ",aintenance and rep.ailr of '1lhe saDid road and! .tlle C<>J1Pomtion covenants and ,agree~ that .aftoo ,the desigootiOOl <;>f, .the said road as .OJ Development Road has been Tev<>ked the COirpwation wiJI maintain it a.IlId keep it in ,. Istate of repair satisfac- 148 ELGIN C'OUNTY C'OUNCIL tOll'~ to ,the D€!l?",r~llllent and in def'alllt ,thereof the D~' ':i pll~tment may, ptJil'suant to seoti= 98 of The Highway .funp[1orvement Act, 1960" Hself <'ep,alir the 11Oad< and chamge ~he cost to ,the Cwp,o",altionJ. 4. The 1000000o",ati(>n! 'agrees aJI1d hereb)' unde<r!takes ,to il;ldem- niTY and save har.t1mil.ess the Depan:ltmenit f['om and ag~inst ,aJ11 ~oss, 'costs, ,exopeooe '0", dllIIlage wlhich the Dep..rtment (IIV its lolMioelrs o.r the ,public lffiayiInJcur, suffer 00'". be puttc .by relllSOru o~, !any wo[' k being done on ,vhesadd .road or p.aJl11; the[1eo~ lOIVer wlhilioi> the cou'DJdL 10If ,the Corp.o"altion Jmis.. jumsdd'ction 'Olr by reaSlODI ofanY~aJccidient,;' daJrnlage or ;:i: inj'lliIW whicU> may be sustllJi.nIed on "",count of such work, q being done or the Sllme bmg maintadnOO 0[' on account 1"' of the corudHlion O<f the said! road or p""t thereof at any time. 5. This aga:eemenu shall ~.em"~ all>d continue in flOTce until the dEls:ignation of 'illle said< mad .aJs .. Develqpment Road has bElen revokOO excepting paragmaph 3 thereof which slruall rem,adJni and "continlUe in f.o!l'lce. 6. Thds ,"greement ,shall be "Uective otnJ the date it is ex- ecuted 'by the Mindmer of HighwaY'S for 'Ontario. IN WITNESS WHEREOF HElR MAJESTY THE QUEEN in ~he right 'of 'tIhe Provilnice of 'Orutardo 'J.1his dilly of , 19 ------~----------------~--~-~---~---------- !Minister of HigfuJwaJys foil' 'OntaJl'io (Seal) Signed and ,,,,,,,[ed this 17tih day of Jllne, 1969. 'CORORATION 'OF THE COUNTY 'OF ELGIN 0 JOHN WISE, Warden, H. L. J'OHNS'ON, Clerik. (,seal) ELGIN C'OUNTY C'OUNCIL 149 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LAW NO. 2096 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the ,corporation of the County of Elgin at the June Session 1969." WHEREAS b)' Se'ction 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 249 of vhe [Revised Stafutes of Omanio, 1960, the ,powers of .81 ,muni'cipaL cOll'lp.cll.tation 3ll'ie' to be eXelrci'sed by its AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 242 of the Munddpll] Act, 'being 'Cl>apter, 249 IOIf the lRievised Statutes of Orutarrio, 1960; tIhe powers of every Council ajVe to be exercised by By-Laiw,; AND WHE~EAS i~ l& deemed e"pOOiMt that the' proceed- intgs of the Council of the .coro;>o~ation 'of the County of Elgin ~t this meeting be oonfiMled' ,and adlc;pted bY' By-Law; N'OW THEREFO~E THE COUNCIL 'OF THEC'ORPORA- TION OF THE COUNTY 'OF ELGIN ENA1CTS as follows: 1. Thalt !action of the Council of 'the OOJ1P<>ration of the County of Elgin in IreSlPeict O<f each orecoonmendati= oon~ainOO in the Replol'lts '0If the 'Coonmitteoo .and! leach motion and Tesoou- ti<ln passOO anti other action taken by ,the !Couruci1 of the Cor- pOIratl(>n O<f the County ,cd' Elgin aJtj its meetirugiS held during the June 1969 Session is hereby adopted ,and confiDme<l as if all such PJOtJceedings were 'e"pa;e&sI1~ embodied! ih1! this By- Law. 2. . The Wamderu 'and propel' 'officials 0If the Corporation 0If dhe County O<f Elgin are hereby authooi~ed atnJd diI1<lcted to do all thiirugs necessaTY to give effect to IIIhe action of the 'Council of the Corp~ionof the .county'Jlf Elgin 'referred to in pre- oeiling secti= her"OIf. 3. The WllIl'den ,and the Clerk.!lIre ,authorized and Directed to execute all doou:melllts necessary ~ tlwJt behalifand 'to theooto the Seal of the COl1POl11a1tion IOIf the Coumy of Elgil1i. READ a first tilme thIs 17th da:\, of JUl1ie, 1969. 150 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL READ a second time this 17~h <lay 0If June, 1969. READ a ,Vhird tinle, ,andfimlly 'passed ,this 17th daJY JU!lle, 1969. H. L. JQHN~ON, CleDk. . J.C. ~ISEi Warden. .i ~'., ".,' ELGIN COUNTY COUNlCIL FIFTH SESSION - FIRST DAY "Tuesday,the 16th day of September, 1969 The Elgin OountyOOlUncil 'met this day ,at the CouM House, 'Dlrotmas, in l8.rcoolrdance wdrbh adjoul.rttlment. 11me Warnen in the .ohair. All the membel1s plt'esent except Deputy> Reeve' Dennis. M<lVed by !Reeve KeilIo.r, ~eOOlllJcled by Deputy Reeve NemetJt: " That' the tthiiruutes 'Of the J\me 1969 Session' of the Elgin COUJnty OoomclD, be 'OOltlfirillled. -Calrried. ThefoUowingqommUlThicatiollJs ""ere It'ead.and .refenred to 1Ihe v.amlous c._mitte",,: , "'. Ejr'o'1" the, C<>un<ty: ofHa.ti:ngs"withres<OIl)1ti'On requesting i~:;::' tl1eBrovinaiJal :GoVlelrnrnJe\lllt tiQJ., ~;:lJke' 1m'medi'aI1;e action to control the I.Ise of ofue additivepQlospho~US in householdal1ld commer- clail detergenits.'~ Refertred ~Ior the Petit,olooand Legislation Committee., :Ir.."m thJe Bank of Monil:realli ,a letter, ,advising thiat effective JltIDe ~6,tlh, 1969, ~hielnil:eTest '~e'omJ ]~aII1IS w:iIili 'be 8 per cent. - Filed. ",'B111am the Bank of MonJUr,eal a letteT advisill1lg that effective Ju'ly 1st, 1969, 1Jhe InJt!,rest rate 'on loans will be 8]12 pel' cent. "..,FlIed. ' FtrIOm' the 'Bol1ll'ld . of. D:imectO'!is' of' the '~Qlu.r Oounties' Gener.a'] Hospi'taiIl wdthi letter.ex;pII',6....<:lSing lappre'ciation tOI ItibJe'Wwrden '.amJru OallnollllOlliS O<f the County of Elgin TOIt' the Oourtesy shawn 10 their deliegation on JUIIJIe l7th\ "mid thanks for the council reoOUIllIIlem1ation 'concerning a gll1arJt. - Filed,. Ifuom the County ill Ontamio wit'lH!E!salution 'P'etitio'Thing the MimJister 'OtE Energy land Res,orwrces to -amenJdt!he Power Com- millslsiomJ Act 1lo lP",cxvide"mllhotrdty fOlt' Jocal munipipaUties to nemit 'scl>ool .taJxes oitl h:;"dmo genarjaiting. statiOltl's to divisional ,schaOllJ b,oo[ic1.. - Refemr.ed to the i'C'titions 'and Legislation Commit~~. .. 151 152 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Fnom the DepaJrtme,nt ",f Municip,a'l Affairs with letter re- qwestinga decisian cOcr1lcerni11lg the ;tMrusfer of Assessment'::: fulmitUl11E1 and, equ-~ment to ,the iProvince. - Referred to the, Pil'1oper1t1y, ,aJnId' .AJslsesS'ment Oommittee. FTom the County of Gr.ey. with <resolution resoilving thalt . County Boavd," 'oif Educat!,cn, be disbande& arr;d that the fornn- em S0hoo~ EOlaJros be ~e-"stabiJoished to assume the responsibility OIf>>dministeu:d>I1Ig :Public and Seoondalr'~" education. - Referred to, ,the Co"nty GoveI1lllll1enit Committee. Firom 'M". D. J. Date, Municipal! Accouming and Finan.., AdydsiOl.r, with a.lettel!,! "Solme _'Dhoughts on 'Capital} Fhl!ancing"; - RefuITed to the Finance COIlllll1ittee. .Ji1nolffithe City ",f St. Tholll1as with Notice O<f Application to 'the Onltamio Municipal Boamd tlliI' aJPP!rOval of By-Law No. 67-69 to ",eg;uLate lood usealIl<l a .copy of By-LaJw 67-69. - File'iL. iIfu10m the City of St. Thomas with Notice 'OIl iPubLic Hear- Ing ;by the Committee .oif Adju&tmenit with "espect to an "ppli~ cation 'by IIVIms'. Valemie McK'ay, 67 MetcaJ:fe 'Stlreet, St. Thomas" for 'a - valfiance [l1Iomthe provrsions of City- of St. Thomas Re..;' s1Jl\icted Area By-Law No. 68-63 as amended. - FilOO. F1r101m the Mindster ,of Tran'S!>ow,t 'With 'copy. of Secoo>d print-, . ing ,of ,the 'ManuaJI of Uniform 'Traffic ConWolli Devices for On. tar..o. - Rej)enred to tllie R"aJd COll11mifLtee. Thorn the TOW1I1G1hd.p IO~ Ba,yha.m with \r.esolutio'nl protesting< ag;alnst the pr'op\lSal of the County' of Elgin Board of Educa- ti<m to withd'ra", certMn pu/p.1s :tlrmim the Tillsonburg and Dis" tridU High SOholo'l and to !force them to attend the High School.,' in Aylmer. - Ref-elnred' to the Elu-oation Committee. ' F1mm the' Elgin County BIo"rd of Education with letter advertising there is !a' selI'ious safety' hazaJJ.'Id in the area' of the", uTowl1llillle" PU'h}i,c Scholo:l 'Dinl Wellington Ro,ad during the';; weekly ooction sales held' kl[li ,aJ iaJrm in thaJt area. - Referred ' to the Road Committee. :From Mr. George N. Cc>lledge, EIg.Jn COIUnty Fire Co-Or- dlna~oll' with lettell' r'e,g;all'ding a raMO' net WIOTk fOO' the County of Elgin fiJre d~,aJrItments. - Refel'ired to the Finance Com- mitteE1. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 153 ifll'Offi ta>e Dep,airltment 'Of Highwllly>S witlh approval or Sup- lJi!ementary Ro,ad. ExpendituDe' By-Law No. 2077 ~" a total of $322,500.00 on[y, mther tha,," the $581,000.00 originally re- quested. ~ Refel'Ded to the Road C",nnmittee. F1rom the Depantrnent of Highw;ays WIlth letter advising thwt no futtWhe!t' approval can be given to County 'Of Elgin By- LaJW No. 2077. -Refel1I1ed to the 'Road Committee. 'Fmm the Chllidren's Aid Society of the City of St. Thomas aJ!ldltlhe County of Elg>in with a list of chihwen in 'caTe and finance report as at June 30th, 19.69. ~ Refemied. to the Fin- .all!Ce Committee. E1rom the University of Western 'Onltarid w..tb letter advis- ing th"t the BOllrd .of 'GovemoTs has """"I veil ,~o name a street dp camrpus 'alS EIrgin Drive." - 'Filed. F'irom tlhJe Onta1rilQl HOlusing CorpomtiJon 'with notice of ,a Municipal! Housing Worklshop to be held in London on Sep- tember 25th, 1969. - 'Filed. 'Fnom vhe Elgin-St. Th\).mas Health. Undt with resolution asking the Elgin Oo<umlly CIOIUncil to' ..Uow Mro. George Lever- iIon to ",01; ,as SeoretaJl'y-TreasuTell'. of the Health U,,"it effective :Ja11lUaJl'y 1st, 1970. - Refer,red to thJe PeDsonneL Committee. From F"ank Cowan Company Limited with list of insul'- :a'lllCeCbmmiSL~IOllW paid 'to v,alr<ious insuT1anceagenlts. -:..,. Refer,red to the Flniance Oommittee. F'rom the Associationl of CounHe19 and RegiO!l1'S 0If' Ontario 'with letter re::reso1utions approved and nlumber, 'planning to attend the ,annual meeting Ocltlolber 5th, 00 the 8th. - Filed. FbJm Swru ValL!ey Mator 1m with: T,es'e!Iwaitiool fOlr three ,double moms !for Octo bell'. 5th - 8th. - FilOO. From the Canada-arm Transport ..Commission withl Commit- tee O~der No.R-6510 with respect i((o, ~he applioaltio01! o'f the Canadian: Pacific Rai.1way OOlIllpany fbr authlority in respeot of its oustlomelr Ser,vice Centre a:tLondonr, m the P'oovince of Ont3lrio, to remove 'flQ;flt-y-trurree agents. and' !five cmretakell's loom stations on its 'LorJruOIl1J DivislOlIll. -Filled. Froll11the :Middlesex County Board of EducaJtion with brief 3IIl!d resc>lution 'Prepame'c] by a:n Ad Ilio,c Committee of the Board 154 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 155 OJequesting the Min<ist"" 100 Education to initiate and intOJoduce ]egislatio1ll. . making !irt m'atndE.rtollY .for a1ll. .school boalI'ds te'3Jchlers: in !the t'Prlovince- of OnitalI'.io 'to Ille~o:tiate salaries 1Q'I' thrl<!e year pElDiod. ~ Refemoo to' the iFinJance Committee. Frfotrn the Kent OO!Unty 'Bo.an:d of Edwcatio~ with copy ,a 'ie~tIer, and eJdhilbits sent to, the HOIWIUll'able W. D",wy Mc- Keough TegaTding 'Collection o~ 1969 EducaJtion tax Levies Amendmem O<f. Section 88, Subsection 1 of Bill 44. - Filed. Min. Gellnge' N. Colledge, 'Elgin County iFire and MT. Ralph Hlp.gl'ave, E.M.O.Co-Ord~aJboir were present and it was movOO by Reeve CM'erly, Seconded by Reeve Mrs. . Bly,th, that IMr. Collledge and I\1OJ. Hipgrove bo; now heard. MT. COlledge addre_d CouncH and e1.p1a:ined the ad vant- age. to be g.aJined from a Iffidio' mt' wIoIrk'foc ,the County 01 Elg~F.oo DepaJrltments. The approximate cost O<f the radio nEltwonk fur the COIUn!tY' would be $43,000.00. Mr. Hipgroave spoke to COlIDcila<nld expladm!ed, the va'lue 01 a Oonmty radio <Yet 'Work to the Elm""genCY' MeasuTes Org'an- izati(lln. R:eeve C. N. Clarke, Reeve J.B; Wilson, !Reeve K. C. EmeTson, Warden Wise. -CaJl'ried. Moved by Reeve Emenson, "'~ Seconded by DeputY' Reeve McImyre: 'IlhaJt, the 1I1OS01ution moved by Reeve GUIl'r, SeoondOO by Reeve Elliott and passed at the First SessiOOl of the Elgin COUllllty Council, 1963, 'setting the pel' diem ",ate to be paid meznbers O<f the Elgin C01JJllIty CounJcil "Jttending " oouvention allJiY'Whene i'llJ Ontardo be rescindOO. - Carried. Moved by Reeve McKillop, Seconded. bY" ReeVe T,odd: 'I)h:aJt ,any member of the Elgin County Council, the Clerk- " ..'Th1eaJsurer orthle Deputy Clerk-Treasurer attending a ronven- mo tion '''l1JyJW1here in the l1rovince of Ontan:io be paid $50.00 pel' i', day plus .registTaJtion and tit" same must be proven to the Clerk by the hotel bill and xegistration 'receipt 0'" reasoooble fac- simile. Also ilhey soon be paid 1il>e same p''''' ddiem rate for arotending exeoutive meeting.. of municipM ()![',gamzaltilms when they -are membell1s O<f t~ said mreioWtive. ,Warden Wise thankOO Mr. CollOOgeand MIl. Hipg.mve and referiOOd the maltlten to 'lihe FinMllCe Committee. The RJepon:t ,of the:Elgin Mail>O!r. Oommittee was presented by Ree!Ve DeGraw and 'aJdlepted on motiono! R"eve DeGr_ aw. Reeve KeillO'l1. The ,Report '00 the Properlty 'aJnd AS'S<lSsment Wrliis pr:es'entledl ;by ReeVle:Moore and adopted on Reeve Moore and Reeve EmersOln. The ReplOlI1tl of. the County Government Committee was p"esroted, bY' 'Reeve McKillop and adopted on motion of Reeve Md.Kililiop anJd Reeve CaV'erly. - Carried,. Moved by Reeve Wiloon, .Seconded by; Reeve HodgSon: l100Jtl we 1Jollow the usual pnocedure otf each Council mem- l>er brinlgdnga jUIni;,," boy or gim. guest O<f Coums Council on ',the first daJY 'of the November Sessim:.. - Cft.!rried. Moved by Reeve Keillor, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Nemett: Thwt fJhIe following be Elgin COIUnty's voting delegates at the annuM meeting of the Association of CoUJnlties and Regions of OiJItJamio: Moved by !Reeve Moore, Secootded by Deputy Reeve Miskelly: Thalt we do now adjk>Ul'!ll to meet ,again ail 2:00 .p.m., Sep- tember 16th, 1969; - Carried. 156 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Ooruncilil .re-,convened. A l~tter '\VIars presented frtom Mr. Nigel H. Rioha'rdson, Dir..:!1~ ectOil', HaldimJOIIld-N1oll'f<Jlk Study 'advising Irhffi othe final re- {)cJmmendatlo",s ,all'i,ling, out oJ: ~fue S1iud}' milghtaffect Counties other .than Norfolk and, HaMimond "lIlJd ",,1vising ~boo that il the 'Elgin Count\;', Councib w<l'Uld like him to meet wi~h them trOI discUSiS! ,alti.d explain the ,pwflplm~es of the Haldimond-Nor.folk Study, the 'W101U~d he very' pleased to' do so'. The letter was re~ fel'll'l'd to the 'Cooot\;' Go,"ernmem Committee. 'The F.rslu !Repoll't O'f the Ro,ad Comllllittee w{ls presented by Reeve Todda,nJil ad,opted on motion of Reeve Todd and Reeve 'Ii: Wilis01l1. . The SeoolIlJd Report of the Road Committee iW,as presented by Reeve Todd and wdopted on motion O<f Reeve Todd and Reeve Orchamd. The RepCYl't of ,the Final]Ce Committee was p"esented by Re'eveJonnsoil1. arruc1 adopttedOll1l motion IQcE'Reeve J(lhIlllSlOin .-and Reeve :McKiltop. ,The 'RepOirt of the Agricultural Committee was presented ~Yl:,Reeve WnEloi!t.a~d ,ad.{Jpted on motion m: Reeve WiLson and ReeV'El CaverlY,. The Report of the Education Committee w,as pTC1sented by Reev~Mrs. BI~ru and adopted on motion of Reeve Mrs. Blyth and Reeve Kemoo. I])he Rep"'~,t of true PeorsOIIlJruel Committee was presented by Reeve Emeroon and 8Jdopted = motion of Reeve Emerson and Deputy Reeve Mor>rison. '11he Repo'rt of the PetitioltIsand LegislatiO!tlJ C",mmittee was pll'esented by Reeve Ka:blnt ,and 'adoptOO 'QTh motion of Reeve 'Klahmrt; 'aJIlIdl Reeve DeGraw,. Moved bY' Reeve 'DeGnaw, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Momson: 'I1halt the W,,"Dden ,a",d Clerk of the County of Elgin. be arid':' are Iher,eb-yl au1!h!otrized IDOl sign certificate rega.:rddng the follow;.. in;g !permanent emp~oyee of the Corpoll'lalti'o<n foil' exemp.tJon of ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 157 a. provided undoo the RegW'ations of the Unem- IThSUll'allce Act. 'Effective September 25th, 1969 - 'Road Deparlmenit c.. T. Mil.1ltamd. - CarriOO. by Reeve CaveJJliy, SecondOO by Reeve !McAlpine: ThllJ" too Treasuroo be llJUltIhoTized to !request applI'1M7al of the OMa!rio Municipal Boand to borrow by 'W'llfY' of promis- so!'ly note a sum in excess od' 70% and up to 100% of the un- collected bailiance of the estimalted rle'Venues O<f 1:il>e C01rIPO'Tatioo of ,the COUItl1ty of Elgl1n fOT the yellll' 1969. - Carried. Move.dbY'Reeve Todd, Seconded by Depu!t\;' Reeve Joonston: Tl>alt the lt1esolutiollli p3JS\Sed on DecembeT 17th, 1968, deal- ing <with sigming officers for 1Jhe Elgin Man\lll' Tl'IUst Account be _ended ,by de~eti1ng othe word "0"" 130 thait it would now read - "Th"t the 'l1r1ust Account a!u Elg~MaoroT be named the Elgin Manor Trust Account and Itmat the Administl'111:o1r. of Elgin MllJIlor, and the SecretaJl'y of ElginJ !Manor Coonmittee be named si~g offieers fOil' the sOOd' "ccount. - ClI1l'Il'ied. Moved by RJC1eve Cllairke, Seconded by Reeve Wilson: Thalti the Ola'k-'l1reasurer of the C01lality of Ebgin Mr. H. Johnson, be a ~~g delegate at the Asrociatlon of Counties and Riegions of OnItario Coowelltion to be Ireld at Belleville, October 5, 6, 7, 8, 1969. - CwrriOO, Moved by Reeve Wil""", SecOltlKied by, Reeve 'IliadgsOlIlJ: That By-Law No. 2097, "Being ,a B'Y'-Law to repeal By- 158 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Law No. 1002 ,and By-Law No. 1304 jjolr licet>sing, Regulating ram Governing Hawkers, ,1l'1e'dhvrs, Petty Chapmen and: Otlhers;" be Dead a firs'V Hme. - Carried. MovOO by, Reeve Hodgson, Seoonded by Reeve Wi1ron: Thalt 'BY'-Law No. 2097 be xead a sedand tinle. ~ CM'tried. Moved by Reeve H<ldgsOOl, Seconded 'by Reeve Wi1sOll1l: Th,at By-LaIw No. 2097, be cr1ead a ~hird time, ood fin~lly passed. - Carried Mwed by~eeve OD<ihard, (:leconde.d by, Deputy Reeve !Miskeilly: Thalt B\Y-L3Iw.'NO.2098, "Bei..g", By-Law to Amend By" Law No. 545, '31 By-Law ReguilJating 'Vbe .A.moun~ to be Paid by Auctioneer.. for' a License to Sell Gobds, Wan:es, OO1Id MeTch" alll<!~se in .the CounJtY' 0Jf Elgin," be read' a firs<t ~'ime. - Cal'Tied. Moved by iJ)epu~ Reeve M.skelly, Seconded by Roove ODmamd: Tbalt By-Law No. 2098, be read a second ttme. __ Cal'Tied. Moved 'by 'Reeve Mrs. Bliyrth, Seconded by D~uty 'Reeve Johnston: Thall; By-Law No. 2098, he treaJd a thi"d time, and finailly passed. - Car,,-ied. EWIN >COUNTY COUNCIL <~':~oved fbY1 Reeve ,Emeroolrl1, y; ii1,:~eoonded by Deputy-Reeve McInJtyre:' ;)~' ~k;'(' ,Thalt By-Law No. 2099, "Be~g a By-Law to Amend County !!'~!>fElgin By-Law No. 2060, a By-L"w It'D Pmvide [or Payme!>t W:.by tl>e 'Oounty of 'Elgin of 50% of Employees' Ptremiu:ms with ~{'Respect to OrutarlQ Hospital ]nsu=ce ,and O!tlJtar>() MOOical 1m(Ser.vices Inswrlarnce Planl," 'be Teald a fi:r.st time. :~ri - Carried. M<lVedJ by Deputy Reeve McIrJJty;re, Seoond~d by Reeve Elmerson: What By-Law No. 2099, be read 'a seoond time. . -'- Cal'ried Moved by, Reev:e EmersOtn, . Seo<>nded ,by Reeve Kalmt: Tl>aIt By-Law No. 2099, be read 'a fulrd IUime, and finally passed. - Carried, Mov",d by Reeve Todd: SecOll1lded by Reeve DeGraw: Thai B'.I'-Law No. 2100, "A By-Law to Authorize the Ex- jll1Olj>rj,altion of Land 'FOT the Pumpooe of WidenJing 'aiThd Improv- ing County Roa<:lJS, be mead a first time. - Carried. MIO'Ved 'by Deputy Reeve Johnston, Seconded by Reeve TocJid: Thall; By-Law No. 2100, be read a seoond. time. - Carried. 159 160 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL Movoo bY' Reeve Elm€ll'OOlD, Seoonded' by, Deputy Reeve JoIhmston: .'J.1l>aItI iBY'-Law .No. 2100, be ~ead a thin! time, p~soo. Moved 'bY' Deputy, Reeve MiOlIlrison, Seconded, 'by Reeve DeGraw: That By~LllIW No. 2101, "A By-Law to CKmifilI'm Proceed; mgs O<f the Council of The COl'p,ar..tion O<f the County, of :Elgin' !lit ItIhe SepteIlllber Session 1969," be <rood.. fitrst .time. Moved 'byiReeve McKillop, Seconded by'Reeve Todd: Il'hiat By-Law, No. 2101, be read a second time. Moved by, Reeve DeGraw, Seconded by Reeve McKillop: That By>-LalW No. 2101, 'be read a thi11d 'time, and finally plmSed. - Carried. MovOOby Reeve DeGraw, Seconded ,by iReeve Todd: 'J.1haltl WJe 'nlO'W adjourn to meet 'lIgain November 18th, 1969, lilt 10:00 a.m. - Carried. ,H. L. JOHNSON, Clem. J. C. WISE, Warden. ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN MANOR, COMMITTEE REPORT September Se..ion, 1969 ,:0 the WllIrIden and Members o<f the ElgilJJ CcU<lllty Council, The Elgin ManDT Committee <repoots as follows: 1. Insura;n<)e ooverrage on the building and contents ,have been in_ailed< 'aIllKl: now tlO'ta[ coverage on the Home is $1,250,000.00. 2; 'J.1he officiai openiirug O<f the new add~tion to the Manor 'ill be WOOnesday., Ootober 8th, ,aIt 2:00 p.m., with the Hon" ourable John Yaremko, IIVHIllister of Social.anJd Fan'lily Services, lcuttinrg the ribbon. 3. Th!lJt the per diem nate ,for Elgin MMlIOT be set at $7.55 !per day eflfective August 1st, 1969. A levter f1rom the Departmenit O<f Social and Family Ser- vices, HOOle fo<r the' Aged Bnanch, dalted July 8th, 1969, raised me p"" diem rate effective August 1st, 1969, .te> $7.52 from $7.~5. This is the minimum mate thaJt the Manor can charg!" lan:dis based on! Tesidemlt da~, eX!penditures, and revenue ['Oit' ,the yeaID 1968." Mainly for ease ofbookkeepi'ng, the Manor Commillitee has 'set the per diem Dalte lilt $7.55 a TaJise of .03 ,cents per day above the mindmum. 'Dhe .07 'cent increase in the operating yeaJl' is due \Jor a drop 'of 1,412 resident da~s - caJUsm by oonstructioo - and an in- crellselOlf $15,526 h1i saklmies for 1968 over 1967. Also the final paymenit of $5,000.00 f{)l1' the Lagoon 'was made in 1968, 4. The first residiernlt was admitted to the new 'building on Julw 10th. As "t Septemhe~ 12th there 'a1l'e 102 residents with .ppooximately 20appliclltions 'being prO'cessOO. FUll capacity lor 'lihe Home is 143. 5. That we r,eoommend <thalt the ~esolution, passed' on De- cembeID 17, 1968, dealing with rsigning ,eyfficers f<lll' ItIhe :Elgin Mml>>' Trost Acoount, be amended by; deleting the WDTd "or" SO that the si@ldl1ig, officers will now be Seoreta.-y anld Admin- isbra1illlI' of ElgiJl1! Manor. 6. LandscSlPing ,and sodding fOt .the new addition has been pIl'OvidOO by, Miss MllIl'garret Lyle. A1l of which is reSiPectfully subrnitited. VICTOR D:EGRA W, OhaiTman. 161 162 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROPERTY AND ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1969 To the Wooden anil Members df the Elg;1tlI Oon.Jll1lty Couucil, The PJ:"operty ,and Assessment Commi~tee rep",rlus as' fQ'i- lows:" ~, of MUIllicipal ':~~ . .' /JJ fll'rn~ture and :;;W . '. I.. That we have advised the DepaJrtment Aff,;.d:rs that we wislh ~o', T,r"nsfer in to~al ~hJe! equiJ.>menit in ,the As>sesSitU€m depan:ltlment. 2. Thalt tende"sa,ve heingcatlolet1 fo" caTpetirtg in the spectators? areal;' land-" thel' " Gr1arid ,and Petit JUJr.YIS' areas in the C<l'lm'It Rioom; ,the Petit Jury Room,' the h8!ck halliway and back slaArow,aiy,' ,,,"d:f<'lr, the .installaltion of ;balttl€'Sb;p linoJeum on the .east. al)d w.est: hallways on ~ihe second .floor, '3. 'i',i,a~ t'md,,"sa~e beiltllg called f"'Il'."50 brown '~xecuti~e ....':~~r ,~~.d..sJ ~~i~~o.{ 2" ~'~ic,k.n~. ",. : . , " """ ,./ . -'^' . 4. That we 'l'ecommend to the Lo'Cal Municipalities. form" ing ,P!)e 'Q'ounty .of Elgin, that they get to,g!'J(lher in .alm attempt t9'aoiiieVie.~nifo~niity In the number<'lf times ,taxes 'lire col- lected "aich ye3!r; the amoultllt of Pe[]lality a'nd IllIterest' chargep on oveli(lue Itlaoces iatnd the di!sdount given 'otn the plrepayment oif.ta,j(j~~: '. . . . . . . ." .. 'We "arlso; \reoorn.~mendlthat :It!h<e're be twO' ,eolJ:lIectto'DlSof taxes "actbJ yea" w;th ~e Fi!l'st installment due not 13!ter than the ~5th ofJ1,1ly 'an<'lthe Secollld in~laIlmenlt due' tn9t. later than the l;;VI>c.of!peC)ElmbetI1 and :tIhalt..jhe maxlllll11mpen"Uy and in. t(lr\)St per,mitted 'by.the Revised ::;1>aItut".9f Onta~io be cham- ,,<'I by each I.ocal muniicipality 'On ,e>verdue ~a"es. . AU 'of 'Wlhioh Is, 'ivespectfuHy submitted. F. F. MOORE, Chairman. ELGIN OOUJ:'[TY OOUNlCIL 163 .cOUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPOR.T September Session, 1969 To the Warden "ncl MembeI1s ill the Elglin Ooll.1itlty Counci.I, ''I'he County Government OOlp1:Illittee ,repoI'lbso a's folLows: ing atnl~ IGOlVernilIlig Hawroell'iS, lPie'd1ar:s, Petlt\y Ohiapmen and ,irrbg 'a11ld Govern1nlg HalWkers, ;Bedle,DS', Petty Chapmen and Other., be ledJV to the discretion: ,of jJhe 1..oc.l Municipalities 'am we alU~hori~e that a by-l3!w be prepaJl'ed and p'l'esented res- cmdilllg 'County i()lf:lDlgi,n By-Laws NoVI002 and N.o. 1304. We :ailoo recommend ithat the Clerks of the Local Municipalities be advised oil the aotion taken bY' OoUnty Council reg"nding this matter: so lt1ha-t the locali GOlulp!cil may pa~,a:- by.-law for Licens- inganld'RegulGting Hawker:s, Pediloos, etc.) in, thre ,local mUll1'i- cipali<ty if it so desjJre~ and' hals not 'alll',eady done 8'0., 2. We recotrn:me'lID that ~ ;;wtu;re oouncil members .and the ;cJerk-'I'rea&ure!l', .and Deputy-Tr,eaSUI1eT, be paid $50.00 pel' day ,plus/reg:ilSltlrlaitiotlll-fee' rfOlr, , ,attending 'ciCmveI1ltiolliS wjJtlhinl the iP~Gvince .of Ontar~o 'aa;<1 that tll:>eY1 be paid the S3!me per diem ,:;MIte fol'l :aJtitending .'exeoutive meetings ,of ,munidparl'wganiz1a- tionswh€lIli theY' 8Jre memberlS . of the sa~d execu!tJive. The'se rates to be effective f'T'OUl :Septemb"r 17,th, 1969. ! 3. That the 'Desolution ~nom the County of Grey resolving that COluntty Boards .of Ed'llca!tioo 'be disl:>aorded and tha't jj()rm- E)r. Schooll Boailx1s be re-es1mblisned to.alssume true responsibility ',Of adm.iUllisrtedng Pub14c and SeClOtndary educaHolfil, _ be filed. 4. That in 'replY' to Planning to ActwlIll, Pamt Three, sent O}l1t by ILlhe ,Ec'OlJJJounic;Counci1, Erie 'Reg~o'Th, thle'llOcal municipal- ~1ies fO\flming tiliJe COU11Jty of Elginlbe ask'ed to .submit their views with l.res'P'ect ro div.tding t1he Oorunrty O'f Elg.in into -three BlrealS if'olr Loc,all GOV€immle.nlt, narmel'Y: Easte!rU1' Area - to be comp.osed of Haiyham, ':South DOII''CIlrester, A,JnLmen, SpTnngfi1e1d, Vi,enTIia' BlhDwell. Cenvr:a1 :AIDea - to be 'corr.posed olf Ya-r::mIOJuth, S'ourthwold, aelmoltllt and Poll'll; Stamiley. Malahide.. and Po,rt WesrternhI'iea- to be composc'dl'OfDu1t1lWich, Alidborough Rodney, West Lo~ne aJr]d DuttOl11, 164 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL AInKI that the LOCl8Jl Municipalities ,be asked .(\:> have their~ reply to ~his questi= retulDned to the Coom1iy Cle"k not latei;~ than! Novemboo 1st, 1969. All O<f. 'Wlllieh is re"pectfully submitted. D. M. McKILLOP, Chahunan. ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT First Report September Session, 1969 To the Warden and Membens of the Elgdtn OOJUllllty Council, y"""" Roaid Committee Begs to RotPoliU at FGllows: "A;\ 1. That the Departmenit of HighW<lyrs halS approved a total~t e"'pendi<bure of $322,500.00 Gut of $581,000.00 Tequestedon;! the C""mty',s Suppleme~ary By-Law, 'and" as a result, the,! ~ollow~g ,cIh!lmges W'el'e m"de in ljJ}]e 'plioIpo1soo 1969 RoaJd;~ BrQ!lramme:'; (a) DelEWiOlnJ lOll CGns1ll'luction <>n Oonmty R""d No. 40 from County, Roald No. 52 tG Glencolin inSpT~gfield and 'M"lahide. (b) DeJlltillin of Oalmtr:umrOlnl of Kaioo BTidge on 51. Thomas SuburbaJIlJ Rioad NQ. 3 until more funds ""aHable. The Departme<nJt Gf Highways 'haiS been requested to ap" prove ,,,t least anGther. $50,000.00 of the Sup:plement"'1' By-LaIw\ but >110 ,anSIWeT hilS yet been received. 2. Poor Soil Cond;JUions have been encou~ered 0'l1J the South 'abutment ,of the WilLeys lBl'Iidge 'On OorunJty RO'ad N",. 8, \i and after exten'Sive soil tests, it has been found n1e!cessa.ry ",1 to add 'another ,'pan of apPI'otxinlaJtely 60 feet to the bridge. , (TotaJ lOO!gth of the br1dge will nO\W be 426 feeb). The ji ,cost of this spa"", ~clud,i'llIg the addition ta the Contract' lof McLean-Foster. Li.mited, lreinforci'l1ig steel, soi.l tests, and eng~eering is estimated aIt; $70,000.00 (which will be di- v]dOO 'between, the Counties of Ellgin and MiddiJesex). ELGIN OOUNTYCOUNCIL Tenders 'h!8IV'e been called tOl close todayfoT HOlt Mix As- phalt PaIV~g on Road NQ. 48 and NIo.' 49, (Developme~ RoaidNo. 972) ~ SGuth Do[)cheste;r. The worl< is expected 'tJcl bie! done this fall. Toot the Tender Gf ElginConstrudt,on Company Limited <lit $127,620.30, foor :ConstructiGn OIfthe Ph>yers Bridge OlVer CatfiW Creek ,on Road NQ. 45, 'has been llICcepted. WGrk is !!lOW 'UlndeDWay, and scheduled fur completion this !311". . RECOMMEND: Thalt a II1eSlO\1utiollJ be p"ssed authorizing the W amen and Clerk to sign a certificatiGn regan:ding. the flOlIowiI>g re- gular e~loyee O<f the !County of Elgh1i fOil' exemption of eontrdbuti.OIUs as. pr.ovidedrmdeiD Regulations Qf the "Un- em,ployment I=rance Ado" - M'.T-. Jack MiI1a1rd. 2. T,bJat tire e:><pen\se to1lbose Cbunty . !CGuncilIors amending ,Canaldd"", ,Good Roads Convent;"", beas~onows:RGund Trip Ailo Fare, Reg1sliraltion, and' .Vhe !Pel' Diem Rate far e:><penses as Tecommetnkled bY' the .cGunty Government Committee. 3. That the COllllltty ClauncH RGaId' TouT dates be .,at as foJ~ !OIW\SI: . , Q(itobe;r 23, 1969 - East Ellg;nJ. OctolbeT 30, 1969 - West Elgin. To ,lieave CGUI11t Hoo.me at 9:00 a.m. 'bGthd3JYS. All of 'Wlhioh 1s respectfully submitted. D. R. TODD, ,Ohaiil'ID3Ill. R.OAD COMMITTEE REPORT Second Report September Session, 1969 the WllIrkien and Membel.\'5 of the EMgdllJ) Coomity Council, 165 166 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCl'L ELGIN COUNTY COUNlCIL 167 WE RECOMMEND: ;;ox' ':'+'~' 1. THAT a By-L81w he passed =thorizi1:lg tire expropriatio!i'j&, of a poll1lion of !Jolt 27, Concessilo.. V, Yarmouth TOWol1Shi\l,);~' being the nooth 17 f~et ,o'f. It!lie. east 00lf od' the Lot.. The:i~1 L"';'d lS needOO fm" ~ wldenlng of Road Noo, 45'amd c1uej~ notlce 0If the mtentlolll ,D'f the County to expmp;rlate has,;~ been. 'given. 'i;:fii All od' which is respectfully submitted. D. R. TODD, OhaiDmam:. C. 7. ThatC1ause 20f Byc.Law Nt>. 545 be ,amended so that 1'\"uctioneers' licenses 'shall h<!in ioo~ce untH December 31st of ~the year of i\SSlUe. . ": --,,-, . '. . . i,: 8.' '11h<;t the Jetteit' Ifmom 'MID. Geo",ge N. Colledge re the ~WTchase O<f " ,radio natlwor k :lioc th<! Fire Dep"rtmen~s in the ~:,qO\l1>ty od'. ElginJ, .'be tabled aner that it he recommended to Mr. ~;Sdlledge thaltil>esend 10 each }ocal mUnJicipality ,the inform a- !:;tiOllll thalt was pll'eseLrJJted, to Courny Council. st..,,''. - ", , . All of 'WIhich is ;respectJ'ully submitted. H. B. JOHNSON, Chahman. FINANCECOMMlnrEEREJ'ORT Septe~.ber Ses~ion. 1969 To the WllIr1denand Membern od" the E}g~ Oouirty Council, .,The FinaJrl''''' Committee lrep"JJt~ as f",llows: 1. Thalt Cil>ildiren'~ Aid' Sodeties 'P,aJy List Nol>. 6 for $~,547..5Q, pa.y Lis~ No.7 for $2,547.50 a'nId P.ay, List No.8 for $2,547.50, be app<iovoo. . . .' 'Ij, 2. ThllIt OhaTityallld We1'fare I\aJy List No. .6 ~0",$1,843.30,;,m Pay List No.7, foo $278.20 and P'ay List No.8 for $4,206.85, be,S, appvoved. 3. That the letter flt'om ~r. D. J. Date, ".some Thoughts on Capital Finaarcing," be filed. 4. That tire list O<fohdldren in caTe and the finance Teport as ,811; .rune 30, 1969, ~""m lfJhe 0hrl.1dren's Aiil Society of the City of .st. Thlomas 'alncL the Coumlt;>1 of Elgin, be filed. 5. Thail the list o~ iOOurance ,comis,saon\'l paid by Frank Cowan Company LinUt<Jd to vamious insunaJl1.ce agents, be filed. 6. 'I1hJat the brief and .,esoliultion 'pl'eprored by an' Ad Hoc";,,, Committee of tlhe Mjdidilesex 'COIUnty 'Board of ElduclltJion reo!'!: questing. the Minister tt EcLucatiOO1J to lniitiate and introduce legislati.o!nJ making it ,mal!lldJatory f,D'l' ,all sch",,! boards and teach_ in the fuovin<Je 1D'f OinJtall'io ItIo Negoo",te salwries for a three-yea~ period, be ,tabled. AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPOR.T Sept\lmbe~ Session, 1969 To the Wan:den andMembers,.OJf the Elgin eon.tllllty Council, The A!l1'icuMVu"al aoonmi!ttee 'l'€JPorts as follows: 1. That the Department 'D'f Lands 'and Forests be advised that the weeds haNe oot been 'cut on the DepaTtment of Lands ie, .and F,oresls land .aIt FiJ1Jig,orl,. Onta'luo, i<lJ 1969, and lIhaJt the De- s' jlll11lment of Bublic W<JiJ.'ks be advised that the weedis 'have not .be<!1Jloot on the Ontalt'>pl POliceCQ,iOOge at Aylmer, Ontado, in 1969, aner >we w'0IU1d request the,r cocOljlera/tlion in seeing that the SllIme eonditiOons aJI'e nOlt pern1itted to' exist illl 1970. 2. That letters ,0fawrecJ.altion from J om OxfOtt1d, Mary :M:cCal~UIlll 'aIl1ld. Locrtr:aineBeI'lI'Y fiQT expenses .d:OT" .attend1ng con- ,ference .811; the Uni'versitly of Guelph!, be filed. All O<f 'wruch is ,respectfully submitted. J. B. WIIJSON, Acting Chai'l'illian. 1'68 ELGIN . COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNiCIL 169 J:;QUCATION COl\'lMITTI;:E REPORT September Session, 1969 T,o the WllIrIden and Membel1S Of the E~~ OlllUllllty Council, The EducaJti.on Ooonmittee repO'r.ts as follows: 1. That ,t1J!e resolution from the Township of Bayft>am testing, <>JgillinJot the prOiP(lS8J~ ",f the County' O<f Elgin Elduo<Jti<llll ~o w[thdralW' ".,mam pupils from the Tillsonbuig, In'lIdi DMr.ict High Sohooo aUld '00 fon1ce them to aJl;te!nd the Hi$ Sohool in Aylmett', 'be moo. All of whioh is respectfuMy submitted. (MRS.) MARY BLYTH, Chairmaat. PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1969 T.o the Wardetn ,and Members O<f the Elgin C<>UIllIty C.ouncil, The Petitions and Leg.lsfution Committee repoil'ts as f.ol- I.ows: 1. Thalt the resolution From the C<mnty O<f Hasting. re- questing, the !E1no<vincia,~ Gove'l'lllment to ,take immed.ialte' action t.o Contr.ol the use .of the additive pihoophorous ~ hous~hold and, commercial detergents, be enidorrsed. 2. Thl>t the res.olution fDOtlll the County O<f Onlt'aJrio peti- tion!ing the, Mlnist"" of ElneI1gy anidJ Res'OIUl'ICes to amend the Power COUlmiS'BiOlnJ Act t.o ,provide authOll'ity fur local. munici- palities t.o ..errut ""''''01 lVaxes on hy;dm()generating sta,tioos t.o divl&ionail soIJJoi<yl boar<lJs, be fHe'd. AU .of 'WIhdC'h is """'pedtlfully submittoo. M. A. KAiHNT, Chah'man. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1969 To ,the WaM,,"" <IJllICl! Members of the Elgin OoUII1Ity C.ouncil, The PeTsonne1 C.ommittee ..eports as fJolliaws: 1. We recQUlmeoo thalt Mr. GeOil'ge C. Leverton, Deputy CJerk-Treasumer of the County' O<f Elgi.nJ 'be permitted t.o 'accept the pam: thne posiUon O<f 'Secretarw-TreaJSUrer with the Elgin- St. Th<Jl1rulS Hea'lJtJh Unvt on aJ triail basis 1\l1OIm J,.,m:."Y 1st, 1970, t.o Jllne 30, 1970. 2. Thiat C~""se 1 .of By-Law No. 2060 of the County .of Elg~ he amended! to provide foo paym€l!llt bY' the County of' Elgin ,of 50 % of EmplJoyees' PlremitmIlS with respect to Ontario Heallth SelWices Insurl\llce Pla'lll, effective October 1st, 1969. All of w,hich ios respedtifuUy submitted. IK. C. EMElRSON, Qhairman. COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2097 "Being a By-Law t.o repeal By-Law N.o. 1002 and By-Law N.o. 1304 far Licensing, Regulating and Governing Hawkers, Pedlars, Petty Chapmen ana.. Others." WHEREAS C.oUllllty .of Elgin By-Law N.o. 1002 and No. 1304 'j, provide f'DIr the Licenoing, Regulating a;nd Governi'ng Hawkers, "r' ,Pedlams Petty ChapmaJn and Others. AND WHEREAS it is the opinim ,o!f IlIhe ElJgln County Councll t'hat the Licensing, ReguJa,ting lIIIld G.overning .of Hawkers, Pedlarls, Petty. Ohapma'nJ and' Otherssll1oul\l be at the discretion <<if the Council of each L.ocal MiuniclpaJ1itY' forminig the C<>unty <if ElginJ. . < NOW THElREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ENACTS as foilows: 170 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 171 THAT By-Law NIO. 1002 and By-Law NO'. 1304 of CounUy: of, Ellgin be ",ne! the ,same are !hereby repeailed. READ a fim time this 1&tJh day' of Se~ember" 1969. READ a ,second time this 16th ,day ",f September, 1969. ,READ a .hire time, and finally passed this 16th day Sept!ember, 1969. READ a fiTSt time this 1&tJh day of Sep~ember, 1969. 'READ a recO!lld time this 16th daJYof September, 1969. READ a <tJhiIrd time, and finally, 'PalSsed this 16th day of 1969. JOHNSON, Clerk. J. C. WISE, WaTden. H. L. JOHNSON, . Clerk; J.C. WISE, WaTden. COUNTY OF ELGIN BY. LAW NO. 2098 "Being a By-Law to Amend By"Law No. 545, a By-Law Reg1Llating the Amount to be Paid by Auctioneers for a; License to' Sell Goods, Wares, and Merchandise in the County of Elgin." WHEREAS clause (2) ,of By>-'Law No. 545, authOTizes the C~enk of the County O<f 'EIg.in to Lssl,le an Auotioneer's lioe",.e ~p"'" 1Jhe ,payJme~ 10[ ~lJ.e SlUm of TM>'e1ive DolIlIa",,, aru~ every suobJ llicense SIhlaJll be iil1J.d1O!l"cerotrone year from Ithe date of is.. sue. COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NQ. 2099 a By-Law to Amend County of Elgin By_Law. No. 2060 to Provide for Payment of the County of Elgin of Premiums with Respect to, Ontario Hospital and Ontario Med~cct.l Services Insurance Plan.',' WHEREAS 'the OnUaJrJo Medical Services .lnsuOC'ance Plan slUlpenseded by _ 'the Onltario, Heallth Services Irnswrance NOW .,THElREFORE the COU!noil of the 'Co'rpo['ation' of the of ElIgiru ena'cts 'as fo1l1oWlS: 1. THAT Clallse (1) of J3y-Law No. 2060 be ,dIe'leted and following substituted ltIherefO'!'Ie: (1) 'ThaJt elDf.eetive flI1oonOotob€a'i 1st, 1969, the Oc>unty of ElgJ'lJIlGontrJbute mty per cent (50% )t'oward\S the em- .p:1oY1€1es' Iprenrluans '.fiar OnJt.a.Jrj:o 'Hospitwl Ins'Urr'ari-ce (Basic Ward) 'aJm:! Onlt.an:io Health Services In"u":'anJce Plan (D.H!S.I.P.). AND WHEREAS it is deemed ,9Jd viJSaIb~ to issue ..aid auc- t1Olt1eans' i)license;st' OInJ a caJ.enooT yealI'l basiS'. NOW THEREFORE ~he Council 'o[ the. Corpo"aitiori of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: (1) That C,aw"" (2) of :By-Law N'o. 545 be deleted and Vl>e f",llow~g .oubstituted therefore. (2) That the Clerk of the "aid COWll!cil is %ereby autho<, ized ,tQ> issue' ISiUiCh Ld'cense to applicants under _the seal of true County CoUlncH of 1Jhe County of Elgi~31 upon paymE!M klf the .sum of Twelve Dolllan:s aIlJd eve " ""'Ysu<li'i liceme Main bel in f,oll'<:e oUntil December 31st of the yeaJl' of isooe. READ ,afirnt time thit. l6t'h day of S~tember" 1969. READ a second time this 16t'h daJY of 'September, 1969. READ a ~hiTd time, and finally passoo this 16th day of 1969. H. L. JOHNlSON, Clerk. J. C. WISE, Warden. 172 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LAW NO. 2100 "A By-Law to' Authorize the Expropriation af Land for the Purpase of Widening and Improving County Raads." WHEl~EA'S rmder SectiOI1l 333 of the Municipal. Act, beingiJ,. Chapter 249, iR.'S.O. 1960, the Counci~ of 'every COIl'porationJ(i~ maY ,pallS .By-LaWlS fo~ acquwru.g 0Ir. eXPTOJPIl'iating alny land;C, requiu1ed far thepuonpO\Se of Itlhe OOl1paration. AND WHElREAS the Hig'b;w"y Impovemel1it Act, R.S.O. 1960, 'Chapter 171, Sectian 66, p'rovides that 'Where, in the ex~, er!cise lOti its pOWleDS, JOT in perlfoTmance of its obligations under PllII1t VII of the saJid Act, a Oormty finds thaW it !s necessary to eJQP/l'i01pQiLarte land ,for the' purpose of opening up, 'Widening, im.. :',% proviJnrg" protecting fro\m erosion, altering or divelI1ting 3! CountY"l~ Road, .the Couinlty may proceed In the maJ1ll1.eT Iprovided by Part;' 1 at tJhe snid A,dU: .1. AND WHEREAS in the exercise O<f .ts 'POWC1l1S and in per- '.~ form!llIlJce ,of its oblJigatioos, vhe Ccmporaltion of the County of ElIg~ finds 'lihait it is necessar,y iVa expmpri.llIte lams shown on Schedule "A" lfar w,idenmg, improving, etc., County Road No. 45 ,as ,aI1Jtlached: BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by. t'h>e COJ1POII'Iatioo af the. Oountyolf Eliglin: 1. 'That the Warden anc1 Clerk of ~he Caunty O<f Elgin be, llI!1Id are, 'aJUfJhJooized to sign an\y' and, all plans pertaining 'I? to' land, expropriatial1l fOIl' Caun~y Road 45 shawn on ,(,i. Schedule A, 'llI!1Id 'to affix theIr:E!tIo the Seal O<f the Cor- .1 por,altion o~ the' COIUnty of Elgin and ta register the same .~ the Coun~y O<fEIgin Reg,istr>y Office. 2. That the 'I\.l',ea<surer be, am Is herebY' authorized to pay to owne:m 'Otf the ,}13InJds Ihereby expDolprlialtred, such am- ,ounts as may .be ,agmeed 'llVon "'" compenlsatio'l1I ~or the lal11ds expr'Oprialted', 0[[1 lsuch compenlSation a!s maybe determined by aDbitra~ion under, plt'Ovisions oof the Ex- propri.>lJtian Act, 1968-69. READ" first time this 160fJhJ day of S~ember, 1969. !READ a 'second time this 16th day of September, 1969. ELGIN OOUNTYCOUNlCIL 173 READ a Vhlrd time, 1969. L.JOHNSON, Clerk. and finally .passed this 16th day of J. C. WISE, WaTden. HA" ,1. Be~g that BOlt'tion'of LO't27,ConC'eSsian V, Ym;moul,il Towoohlip as f,ollioIws. . . All and iSingul!lJ1' ',fJhm ~ai.npllll'lCel,oc otrac~af ,land and premises, ,situalte 1y[ng and be'ingin: Lot 27, Con- 'Cession V, Yammouth Township, wlhioh ma'Y' be mor'e ,particu.Lall'ly described as 1I)01l0lWs: COunm,-",cmg at tile, NoI'th EaslU COil''''''' af said Lat 27, COl1lcession V, Hence South 0 Degrees o Minuies 20 ,Seconds W~li10ID:g the line between Lots 27 al1ld, ,28 a distance of 17.00 feet, Hence N<>Dt!h88 Degrees 50 Mi.n- U/tIes 20 Secoo"ls, We~, a distal1lce of 136.37 feet, Hence NO'llth 87 Degrees 37 MimIulles 50 Seconds West a dis- tance of 629.14 feet, Hel1lCe NwtbJ 0 Degrees 5 :Min~tes 10 Seconds EalSt ,a distance of 17.00 Oeet to the South Linlit of theRoa.d AlJIoWRIlrce 'betWeen Concessions V and VI, Hence South 87 Degrees 37 MiJI1Iu,tes 50 Seco,p,ds Elast along I(he said South Limit Klf me~Claid' Al!laW.."ce a dista..ce of 629.63 feet, Hence cantinuoingalOn.g said SuuothLinlit of tJhe Road AM.o>wance South 88, Deg"ees .50 Minlltes 26 ,SecaDrls East,.. distlliIlCe of 135.85 feet mare IlIr,Less Itb the po~ of coonmencement. Contain~ ing by. A,dme...memenlt 0.299 aores. COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LAW NO. 2101 "A By-Law to Canfirm Praceedings af thk CouncH af The Corparatian af the County of Elgin at the ' September Session, 1969." WHElREAS by Sectioo 9 of t'h>e Munlicipal Act, beil1lg Chap- ter 249 of the Revised SllItutes of Ontacio, 1960, ~he pO'Wel's of 174 'ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCI!L ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL SIXTH SESSION - .FIRST DAY Tuesda.y, the 18th day of November, 1969 The ,Elgm County CatunJcil m.et th:is 'daly '8It the C<JIU~ g",use, Thomas, in aCClOll"da'l'lice. with' 81djat.l\t'lnl!ll;ent. The WaiI'den in the Chair. Ailil the members I!>nesent. The WamdeIlJ axldressed the cauncil aJIJJd w,elcomed the b6ysand gio:Js wlh" oame as guests a!. the CO'lmcllloDs. a municipal coltporalt'iOJ1l.3II'e to, be exerci'sed by- it:s oQuncil; AND WHEREkS by Subsection 1 of oSectiklinJ 242 of th~ Municipaili Act, 'being Cl>aptelt' 249 <>If the Revised St!1Jtutes 01'(1 OIJltaa1i,o, 1960, the powers of every' Council a're to be exercised by By-Law; AND WHEThEAS it is deemed e",pedielIlJt that the proce:ed" ings of tthe COU!llCi'l ,0If 1il>e COl'lploration of 'the County of Elgin ,at th:is meeting i>e oonfil'lIIlOO and adOtPtedby B~ LaIW; . NOW THElREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORiPORA" TION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ENACTS ,as follows: 1. 'Dhat 'aotiooJ of the COIUncil of the. CorpQl'atilon of the County of Elgin m 'respect of eacl> recommendation contained' m' the Reports of the CIornmiJtltees aJIJId each motiO'Il aI!ld resolu- tion passed. and other aotion tllJlrell1J by /the' COlllC;; of the Cor- po>ration 'o~ ,the ICounty olf Elgill1J ll!t its meetingSl held dwing theSepten'lb"" 1969 Session is hereby "dIop'ted'IlJIld conlirmed as df'all',SluCIhi pmcEledings were expressly embodied' in this B~Law. . 2. ',I.'obe W,ao:den and ,proper, officiails ,of, the OO'rporation 01 the 'OOJU\'rly pf Elgill alt'e hereby aJUJtho.,Jzed 'and directed to do a:Ll th;mgs. il1Iecessar,y. to give erLect to tbJe aotion of. .the Council ~f ItII)e C9!I'PQII1<l,tion O<f tlhe CloumIty. of Elg.in refeI1I"ed to !preceding sectiOlt 'l1eirE>of. 3: Toot W,alt'den ,am ~he CleiDk ""e allthorizOO and Direct- edto execute all documents necesmr>y inthialt ,bebJaJltf and to af- fix thereta1il>eSeal of the COl'lplOTation of the Gou<Oitoy of Elgin. READ a fiTst .time this 16Vh day of Se:ptember, 1969. !REkD a ,second time th:is 16th daJY' of September, 1969. READ a 1ihiro t~me, and finally ,paJssed this 16tbJ day 01 SepWen'lber, 1969. M\lIVed 'by Reeve 'McAlpine, "".' ,t Seconded, by Reeve DeGraW]: That the miIllUtes of !\ihe September. 1969 SessiOn! oJ'. the .ElginOounty Council be c()lIllfiJt1medc - Can:ried. The followi~g oomIlllUncaltions were read. "00 ~eferred to theiir.VlaII'Iious Commilttees. F'.rom t~ Honou~b1e Geooge E. Gomme, 1Vli'IJJister ,oJ' Hig1h" WaryI'l, aIllIllmmcing <toot his ,qiepaJ"tment wi1:l cond\lct t1iive COlUrses foo Municipal emp1,,:Y1""s hi 1970. -Referred 1,,,, the Road COIll1lIl1IiItItee. ' !FIiOIm the Commy. of {)!lIj:aJDip with ",DlMee of wivhlill'lalWa1 oJ' tesolllltion plt'eViou.sly passed by the County ,of. OirutaJrio re: the remittance of scbiOlOl1 taxes on h:Y1dro generati!llg stalt,ons to di- 'visiOlllal school boo"i:Ls!. ~FilOO. .. . E1n0lIl1 Itlhe City ofOW1en SoundW'tt'!1lresolutiO!ll petitioo1ng the OintaJrio Govemnment tt> wi1Jhdmw ~he sectiOOlof Bill 145 'whic:lli 'Wou]d ",epe.alThe Ohdld WelfaJre 'Review B",,",d anJd re- place ;t wIi.th a Child, Welfame Review Ooanmi~vee. - Ref~ed 'to the WnanC'e' Committee; Jfuom t,he Elgin-st. 'DbJOIffias HeaJl<th Un]tl Aw"sing <thalt the H<lalth Unlit has accepted, <the conditions '\Inder wMCh CoUnty COlllll'Cil has lacquiesoed to the "",quest ~Oil' the p<lJl1t time senwices o<fMr. 'Geot1ge C. Leverrt1o!tlJ. - FilOO'. Fronl the Scott Advel1tising S~ce with ""quest full' iIJJ- ImmaltiOOl ~egan:.ding cons1IDwction ,0If 401 HlgQl/waY' .aOO the H. L. JOHNSON, Olerk. J. C. WISE, Waa:den. 175 17'6 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN 'COUNTY OOUNICIL 177 pLalCing .of a~.-amU~le;iJnispeciail' issueentitled,UOntaJ1'io:'s M:' Street." ~ ltef"""ed t;<>the Finance Oommiltte'e. ])rom the Depaortmenltl pfMunddpa'l Mfairsadydsmg the MiInii,ster 'h",s definoo Vhe Elgin(P~anJnJ:iI\g Amea and Vhaf ti llrea ill>clUld<;s the City, of St. 'l1iromas, the Villages of Belimoiit am POII1t 'Staltlo!ey la~d the TdWnshiiJps of. :SouthwKlld and Yar~' mouth. - F1iIed. Ji1rom <Uhe Ontalrip Good' Ro'ads AssociaJt1ion with "'PplicatiOO fotn -resenvatioIlJs at the Rioty'al York Hote] fOil' the 1970 convene tion. _ TablOO. '1 From the Dep""'tm~ of Municipa:l AJi'faJ,n,; ,'With letter' eLabooating on .sE!ctioll> 29 of the p~opose(] 1968-69 Assessment Act. - Refelrlred to itlhe Prorperty,...,d AsseSsnnent C01mmittee:/, :E1l1am the St. 'I\homas-Elg1i11> Gene'l1ail HIoispit9!l with resol'1"' 'tion '''D00it the ll1eg>ular mOO1lthl~ meeting O<f truE! 'Baalrd of Gov~ ernoDsbe 'held on the foUll1th Wednesday of the mOOll1lh." -,'" FilOO. Jfu10m ~e Departmenltl of 'Hig>hW1"Y'sadvisillJg th9!t By-Law 2077, V/d1idh W1a1s lpII1e'vi<l'Ul>ly approved IIllJ p~ bas been given; 'further,CIO/IlISIideraltion md ,a f'Ull1theT ''''Ppooval of $50,000.00 has been ,aJufJho.rizOO by the lfuntourllib1eGeOll1ge ,E. GOlmme, M!nj..' j,ster of, HigbJways. - !Ref'erred to thie R"..dCommiilttee. ~mm Mn. D. H. P"..oson 'WIith suggested ,pl"'llJ (J~ GDOUp In- stwa:llJoe ~"r COlUnty employees. - ReferTe<1 to ItIhe Personnel Committee. From William M. Merc€U.1 Limited wj,fJh, letter regacling Sick Leave Plan and Long Term Sa~""'Y- O~inUlance InSUlI'- "'nee. - iRefell'l'led to the PersOlIlIlleI CommitWe. ,F1rom McNeil land CompaltliY with Jettear re: E. 0', Wigl1it and Sons acaiJclenlt, September. 16Vh, 1969,oonfilmning damage to the Im;'UlOOd's V1e:hric1e in an amount of $569.40. ~ iRefer>rOO to thie Road Committee. Jfu10m 1!he Deparrtmenit of Highiways ,advising that the H_ olUlt1able Geo'ogeE. Gamme, Minister, lof Highwa~ has de.ig" ooted as a developmell1Jt {wad for pDe-em]g,inearing ""'ly that p,alrlt of County of Elgin ROlld No. 16 ilrom the West LimiltS of the City of St. 'Thomas westerly to the E""t Umlts !of the Ham.- ~e~ 'of Fingai. - 'Referlred to Vhe R<:;ad Committee. ..... IDromthe O'ntario Municipal BOaJl'd with the Boalt1d's <N~ ~j~"" statin.g<Uhat the County or. Elgil1l.maiyo b011l'Ow.~ eJ<cess of ',j!IO% but not mlOIre fuaJru.80% of t!hre llncoIlected obwa!tlJCe. of the $*testimllltoo revenu.es Of. '.l1I1e . <Jo!rpOlraiiol1l of the C9Wruty of l;:l.gln .!!i;;as S€It forth ~ the' estiriiaites adopted!"," the ty'eaJr, 1969. - Filed, ~:;-'>'': ", ..' , .':","'." "," Ill;:;. From Mr. E. P. R'ay, w[th copy of t!heGrand' JUJr-V's Report ~:'Ito 'l1hie HO!tlJOIUI'able Mr. Justice Donnelly at.the As,,,;ze Sittings !i-.>,"'.' , ,'" "'_.' """ ". iY/Qf the Supreme Oom1t 0If On~..I'Iio whtioh. cOOl1III1enced bn Octo- ~i tier 20th, 1969. - RefEmrOO to thie Rl'opeTty aM Assessme11ll . . Coll>inittee. . Thorn 'tlhe O'ntario 'Good Roads Assoclati"" with letter re: jlIresentation. (J{f ."""oMiolnsainJd 16ng serVice' Tecogndtion. ....,. il!>felored ItIothe ;R""d C<iop,m1ttee. . . . ' . From the Depootment ,of Municip",l Mfalris Wtith'press De" lease ghnillllg th~. nia';'els9f 30 asses~nt. comm]ssion"""". who willadmlniistet . the.. PTovinCla1 Gov<!rril\1i1nt's ;'ew assesslnent system.- Fi~ed. .' ...'. ' . . '. !From the Clhildren's Nd.$oc~ety of the Ci~, O<f. St. Thiomas and the oounit!y of ElglnW[t\1list qfdhildir.eru. in .dte andli'in- ooce RepOlrlt to Septentbeir 3tl1ih; 1969. -JRefe11l'Od tqthe.Fin" ance Committee. .. Fmoin MD. C. W.Riunp, Secretary, RaIiwa~ Tran'sJX>niCom- mittee with copy of letter from Canad;an N.altii<Jruail RaiJJways re: IIl\Velr,ing of <:uilivenb unJdeT C. !:'.R.fu,acks ,M <lrosslng at. mile 9.62 Chaltham Sllbl1ivlsiollJ. - Refe",*" to the Rio>iJd Comll11it- tee. ..... "!..; F11OltTI. Mo. B. A. McInta,tb., ~egiol1Jaili Manager Depalrltmeni .I>f Public Worlos with l~tteradvis;n.g.that Mr. G. WIr>ilY, Dis- trict iMa.IllIaIgeT, 'WIll IpII1OgIiamil)lethecUJtlbing of weed.at Fingt!1 and Ay1lmer p~lOperties"'t the '~'PPIlO{jlriate tiiIllJe in 1970. ~Filed. FrornMln. E. W. Popo.vich with notice of claim '0'" da<nag<!s by Mo.. Jack Sttreolb by 'I'elason o~ tlhe Coi11pOO'atiOlllJ's d;,f'aJUflt in re- ifpainmganid maintIaimJi",g the :roadal~"wanceknown as. Ellgin 'C Counitly Road No" 3. ~ Refenred tl> ,the Road qommittee, ';{ . 'E1rom the VillilJg.te of Vienna with resolution requesti:ng ~.. the Elgin Connty Council to. inquire in,to. thie fee soaJe. for ~\ huildit\g permits ~hrrloug<hout the C01.lnt~ with a vi<!w of h8!ving !S)'a undi1\olrm fee scale. ~ Referred :to Itrhe County Gove'l'nment 178 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL C<JIlUIllittee. ];'rom Mn W. rHo DoIIaJl' with coPy of hds ilettelI' wu:itten tB the l.Portt 'Statile)", COUOliCi1 ",elgaDddng the dispo~a1 of gamb"ge. --;5 !Ref"!"",,d to the COUJllIty Gwemmenit Commiltltee.' From ,the ECIO",onUc Council - ElI1ie Region with neWlS[ettet ant! questionnaire 0'" garbage . dislPOsal. ~ Ref€l1'\l'ed to the County C,wffi1IllII1~nt Comm,ittee. , ,,',' From Mr. W. U, Vidl.,., with !hi~ :t'esignation as Coun~y As"'} sessment C01llIlll1iJssior;eD effeotiV'e October 31st, 1969. - Refer". ' Ired to tbJe PDDIP"l1t)" """d Assessrmenit Committee. , . :F1rormthe Depall1'tJmenl' of Munic.pal Affairvs advising thu>.t M1v. W. U. Vid~ev. has 'beeni '''Wgin\tied to <JIIle of the positions,ol ~egional Commisslo",erI with the IlVJiUlnIicipa! AJs.essment Di~ viJsi'OIDJ~ ',""'7" Filed; . . '~;.orn:Mr,'N~il MoCl\Utum with his resignatiJolr; ,0$' COUIl1Jt~ Deputy AssessmenW Oormanlssiloner effecti~ NoVembev ,24fu' 1969. - Referred to tlhe Rroperty <and AllSessmellit Cormmittee. . . 'Froffi the 'RIoItlacy C:~ub of St. 'Thomas, requ""ting 90unty ()f Elgin ad, in 1!he R,otB.iT}' Music Festival BnogTarmme.. -:- Re-, ferlI\ed <to true 'Fir;llII1lc<e Oormmittee. Fl'PlI> ti);e, Township qd' AlbiOln with :resolution requesting amen<lini.erui,VoI the' ~ssesSll1<!ll't Act JtIo provide that where an' 'assessment has,. 'beenconfi11med oon fina!"P!,ea1', the same Ml\ll ' not. b" inore8JsOO in the '1ext ,lio1lgW'iIlig ofJhmee :rears unless there mMI have beoo assi!ssable imprtOvemenits. ...:. Ref"""",d to the Rroperty ~n<ll :^;ssesSillenltl Oommittee. ,'. ,From 1!heU:nlIversity of Westemi Qm8l!1i,unnouncing1!h.t M". JohJnJ iSutherJiam1, l.Poil1t Stanl!ey, Qnltall1iJo ,and Miss Jean 'Ellizabelth CampbeJll, R. R. 8, 1St. Ti>ormJas, 18ll1<l ~e IOOcipients of the iElg~ Counltly ScfuoilarShop,i. - F\iled. l!1rom Mr. Gaw ,Gordon '",iVh letter Tequesting pemnission to use the, Count)" 011' 'Elgin Ores. on willl!dlbreakeDs 'W101rtt1J by OOllnt.y 'OII'El~gin lJl,ooid Employees. - !Re~e",l1ed: to the County GoV'ennment O"mrnittee. ]i110lrn Itli>e West 'Lome Horticultu:naIISociety with llpplreci... tdO!ll of giDant. -iFilOO. [J;1rorn true UfiliveDsity of Westen> On1Jatrio with llIppreciation ELGIN ,COUNTY OOUN!CIiL 179 I'!if. Sohola,rship Grant. - FHed. 11;,.: 'F\rom .,the Depantmenit loll' MUlmcipM AofIDairs with 1969 As- ~:$e.!;sment- Equalization Fa'etous rOlf. It1hIe Muni'cilp31ldtilelS 'Of the ~,~OVince of OntaJl'io. - FilOO. ~,+ .E1I1om ,the Del>llIrI1ment O<f Municipail. A~n!lJi11s wI1vh notice ~,~g1aJt:ding fuinge belllClfitswansfel'l'albJ,.,wiJ1lh lr<lspeot to As'Se"'- ~h",ent .tlad'f. - 'RJ<Jjjfel'1l1ec1 to the ,I1ropeny llII1ldJ AsSesSlle11Jt. Oorm" !.,FJllittee. '~Wi^ The CountYJ Treas:ur:er's iRJepolrt WIa\S lPreserutedi. 11JY Reeve _ Moore, SeOOl11Jded by Deputy Rie1eve Miskellly: 'Dhiat the 'l1reasuren's 'Ilieportt 'beaccepte.d an.. printed in the Rroceedings. - Oalliried. The County CleM'S Repj<JII1t "'" .LiCEmlses was presented. Moved 'by Reeve Kahnt, Seconded bY' ReeVTe QDchamd: 'l1hat It!he C!erk',s Report '0'11 Licenses be acceptedJ and pri11Jted ~ the Pa:1Oceedings. - Oatl1ried. The AdmiJnlistmtor's Repolt't on E~ ManOr> was :presented. Moved 'by 'RJeleve ~etilloD, Seconded by Deputy ,Reeve deRyk: That 'lihe Administrator's Report oQinI EfginManOlt' be ac- cepred 'and prlinted in the Pmceedings. - ealItried. The !RJelpOlt't of the !RJoad C01I1lI11iliitee ,was . presented by Reeve Todd 'and adopted on ,m<Jtion of ReeW T,oldd and' Reeve Wilson. The Repolrt ,011', the Elgin M8I11J01t' Committee 'W1as presentetl by 'Reeve DeGlt'aw and Il!dioipted = ,motion of 'Reeve DeGraw 180 ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL ELGIN' COUNTY.. COUNCIL 181 andi DeiPUty1 Reeve 'MiskellY'. 'I1he Finst Repc>rt of the Propenty all1ld Assessment Co ___ mi~1iee w'as pIreOOnted by Reeve -Moore and "dopted,,~ motioii of Rieeve ,Miall'l'e ,and DepUJiy !Rieeve !Roberls. ." . .51' MT. .shenm~ naiW1dy M>Iho Is 'retiri<lJg ,altid has woI1kOO lor. the CoulIlltY' Road Depan:\tment fOl' thiDtY' years 'W'aS introdu",*!. by the WaTden 'and thanked ~on his ~g selwlice wilth ~he C<lIUI1~ "y of Elg1n. Mn. Dawd~ lWlas invited to aIlitend d1nOlJen with.the Council IDembem. The Wa'l'den marl,,, mention O<f 3lIlId ,reco.g!tlJi7Jed the ..c'lrieve': IDem of Mn1. and 1I1irs. 'Rob€l1't Wilson funJ wi1llllling .the Soybeal' Ohampiionshilip AiwaI1d at ftlhe Jli<>)'aJ' Winter 'FaIiT and ,0If Mr. ana. Mrs. Gaston Vaniaes ~ wimining Vl>e Wc;n1d Qhan:npionShip willi <le(Sjpect to tdbacco. - The WiaJrden apopinted Itlhe fo'lIlowing :SpecillJ Committee 110 study Unban .rebaltes with respect ~o the !RoaJd bu~. - Reeve J,oI1lll.SOIIl, !ReeVie Wilson, !RJeIeve Elmel'lSOil'l ,and Reeve Todd. M\JtVe&by !Reeve McAlpine, SeoondOO by Deputy Reeve MOlmiSOO: Thalt a By-'Law be introduced 1Jo confil111n By-Law No. 69-65 of the To'wnship of Dunwioh being aJ 'By;-Law to oothOlr- i~" tlibie&t"l>ping 114' or elostng and ",,~ling O<f .. pIOIritliOnl of the. Road al'l<llW<Ullce ,between concessions A (B.!F.) ood 1;, In the" Tolwmhip of D1m1IWidh. . ed' bY' Reeve Todd, ,eoonded by !RJeeve DeGiI1aiW,: ~ ''I1hiat we do now adjou\l'n to meet ,wi: 2 p,llllJ., TuesdJa~ No- vemb"" 18th, 1969. - Gauwied. The OOlUOllcilne-colllVened. 'I1rue !Repo~t of the Oounty Govel'lIlImenit C<>mmitte~. was jll1..ented. by !Reeve McKillop and. adopted on mOltion of Reeve MoKi'illop aOlld Reev>e Clamke. The !Heparl' of the !Firumce Committee 'Wlas pTesenued bY Reeve J1olhmlSon land, lardlOpted on illlotilon J. of" Us'eve :J,oihIiSlOIl1J and . Reeve MID.. Blyth. MovOO by Depu~y Reeve Morrison, 'SeCOlllded .b,y !Reeve Kahnt: That BY'-Law No>. 2102, "A By-LaiW ,To C",J;1:fdmm By-r.,aw No. 69-'65,. ,Olf T'bie TOIWIl1Jsihip r(jf DunWli<lh, Bei",g a By-Law to S1Jop Up, Clo'se 3lIlId Sell a' PomiotnJ of true !Riolad 'Mlaw,ance Be- tween <Concessions A (B.F.) A1)i& 1, in the To'wnship of. Dun- ';Wioh, .be 'I1eadJ a fi1:'s~ .lvime. - Gw;ded. Moved b~ Deput~ Reeve Rx:ilrerts, Seoonde& by Deputy Reeve dJelRy;k: 'DhIllIt Ml1. Granville ,moon be appointed' to ttIhe 'Elg,~ OoIllnty Fall''''' ,Safety OoulllICil foo 1970. Moved by !Reeve Omchatrd, by Deputy Reeve Morl"isl(JtnJ: That Bjil-Law No. 2102"be iI1ead_I81lseoom tirn.e. - Ga[tt'ied. Moved 'by R'eeve DeGDa'w, Seconded by Rie,eve 'I)odd': Thai" a grant Clf, $458.87 ,be made to the Vmage O<f Rodney:, xe: 1968 Itla!l<es on Tw~ 'Rimes Aparlmem LinUted. - Gantried. Moved b.y !Riel""" Kiahnt, by Reeve O'l'chard: By-LaJw Nio,2102, be J;'ead a thIDrd ,time, and f,inally - Oa!l'lried, 182 ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCllL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 183 MOVled by Reeve 'l1odd, SecondOO I:>y Deputy Ree!Ve JohMton: ThllIt 'By-LaMr No. 2103, "RestIrfuctilng Pa1'lk~," be ~ead a ~i....t ltiime. SMoved bY' Reeve Emerson, , fi~eCOnded by Reeve Ml'i!l. BJiy1t!h: ~, it'> IDhJait By-LaW' No. 2105, "Be~a !By-LaIW 1xl Eabablish Ex- ~Panoo Allowlmce fOU! th.e Warden ,and Members O<f' the Ellgj!! %:00 ~"'. 00 '1" '- d ,,-, ,. it;, u........,y. unCl) ue lI'ea a .1'.W.Ii:l''' 't.-mIle. Moved! by (Reeve MoClOO, Seconded by !Ree\'" DeGraw: 'l1hialt By-LaMr No. 2103, ibe Deai& a ttihWrKl! time, ,pa&sed. *iMOved 1>)' Reeve :Mt1s. BlyJth, *'+ ~:::~econdJoo lby1 Reeve'Emer8'OOJ: ~; i[f' T,hiaJt 'By-Law No. 2105, be ~ead a second time. - Oaamied. i\fuve<X by (Reeve ,Em<ll'lSO!ll, Seconded by Reeve Mrs. Bliytb: Ii, Thalt B)'-IJllJW' No. 2105 'be reBJd a tMrd tEe, ,and' iin!ally Y'lll,,""'dJ. - CaIl'\l1iOO. Moved by. !Reeve DeGr,aIW\, SeOOlllKlOO by Reeve '11odd: Thalt By-\LaIw No. 2104, '~ctiIlJg fue Weightlof Vehicl<lS Pass~g OVE!I'l Bcidge&," be ",,,cJ, aiDt <lime. ' . Moved by Reeve Wilson, Seooo.ded by iReeve Hod~SO!IJJ: ThllIt we dio nOIW aJdjOUJml to meet ..~ain November 19th., ~969,aJt 10 ,,,.m. - Ollll'lrlOO. L. JOHNSON, 01erk. J. C. WISE, Warden. Mo~OO by Reeve Todd', Seconided by iRee\'e McKillop: That By-I1aw No. 2104 'be .-ead a seCOlIlk1 tilne. - ClIIl'Iried: Mloved 'bY' 'Reeve McKillop, Seoonded 1:>.Y1 iReeve DeGD9JW: Thal1l !By-Law, No. 2104, be ""'00 'a rohd:tid time, passed. 184 ELGIN COUNTY ClOUNCH.. 185 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL SIXTH SESSION - Second Day Wednesday, the 19th day of November, '1969 1Jb!Ei E1Igin CDunty C6uncil metbhis da:ylat the Court St. TOOm"", dltJJ aocomance with adj""'i11lllJnenit. The Wa'l1den in ~he OhiaiID. All ,the mem'be,."s presenit. The Fwst RepOll1t of Ibh<l iPersonnel Committee _IS prJesen,fl ed 'by Reeve Emerson amid .aidropted on. motion 'o~ Reeve Erner, soltJJ and Reeve KeilIoo. . , Th<l Second RepODt 'Of the Per"(}nne~ C"mmittee was pre' senited by Reeve Emer'Slo", 'and <l!dopted 0011 motion o~ Reeve Em, ""s'OltJJ a",d !Reeve Caverliy1. . MJo<ved by Reeve OInchaird, "",r Ii SeOOltIded by Depllitly Reeve Mclmityocie: Y,: ~,' That By-Law No. 2106, "Being ,a By-lJaw. to Elstablish a .'~: Swla/Dyl Scheduil.. for. All Employees O<f the Oount:\" of Elgin ~J': OtheJ.'l Than the Heads of Departmenms'," be 'reald a fiJrst time. - Ollll1ried. Moved bY' Deputy Reeve MorI1i1son, .Seo<mded by Reeve Orob!ar>d: 'l1b!at By.-i.law No. 2106, be I'ead a _000 time. - CaJl'l'ied. Moved by Deputy Reeve McIntyre, Seconded hy Reeve MeAlpme: Th<litl By-Law Nlo. 2106, he !read a thiJrd time, !lJllId filllll~ly ~. Mo\"ed by :Reeve OllJve!1',ly, SecoltJJiled by Deputy Reeve deItyk: Thialt we do' now adj,ourn to meet again 'art 2 p.m., NIOlven1! ber 19th, 1969. - CaTried. 'Dhre Oorunc)JlJ ll1e-COlIWened. . Moved by Deputy Reeve Miskelly, SeOOltIded :Qy Deputy Reeve Del1!ll1is: Thalt By-Law NIo. 2107, "Be~g a By-Law to Amend By- Law No. 2061 (A By-Law to' Establislh Holidays [0111 Empl\)yees af the County of Elgin)," be ..ead a forst ItIime. - CllIl1ried, The Second Report "f the Flroperty and AJSllessiherit Co",.'" nnittee W1ais presented by Reeve 'MoO're a!tlJd 'adopted on molttiOll "'[ Reeve Moolre and Deputy Re<lv;e Roberts. . 'Ilhe Repolt't O[ the Speciro Ootrn!mittee appoimed by llie WaDden to study UDba!tlJ xeba~e\'J oWlas :preseltJJted by Reeve JI>OO-' son and ,ald'opltred on m'OmiO.ll IOlf Reeve JjOfhJnson andl Reeve Em..; ersOl1. Moved by Deiputy Reeve Dennis, Seconded! hy Deputy Reeve Miskelly: '1'hat B)"-Law No. 2107, ,be '"ead .. second thne. Mewed hy !Reeve Keil~oi.1, Second!~d, by Deputy Reeve Nemett: Thaltthe usual g1"",m of $25.00 be paid ~" MT. NeU Mence O<f ,the St. ThoimlalS Times-J'c>ull'ItIal .and to Mn Steve Traichevicli, of the Lond"", Free Rress :folt' 'repm,ting the pmceedI.,gs of th~i' OoiUdllty (lOlUncJil dn.1II1in:g the ye"", 1969. . - GaII1ried. 'W4.:.MoV1edl by. Reeve Jblhnson, ii" ~i'SeOOlllldeidJ by Reeve C1amke: +J I;:' Tha!t, By-LaW' No. 2107, be read ,a thdJrd liliinre, 'and fimlly :, ,palSSed.. - Oarried. 186 ELGIN COUNTY 'COUNCIiL Moved by Reeve Todd, Seconded by Reeve 1VIcAlp.ime: Thall B;n-Larw No. 2108, "Beim'g " By-Law t<l Amend By- < Law NiDi. 1696, The'reby A:djus1ling, the iSall>Jron or the Elgin Ct>UJIlI1;y Road .superdntendent," be read a ildirst time. - OaJl'ried. MDlVe<l by R"ClVe McAlpine, Seconded ibJ" Reeve McKi1lop: Tha~ By-Law No. 2108, be Inerud a ,second time. - Oarried. Moved by Reeve Kahnt, Seconded, by BJeeve Todd: 'l1halt By-Law No. 2108, be U'ead iaJ ttl1in<l 1Mne, <[>_"d. Moved by DepUity Reeve RIobel'ts, Seconded by Depwty !Reeve deiRytk: '11h"t iI:lY'-Law 2109, "Bell1lg a By-Law to Amend' By,-Law No. 2084 Thereby AdjUisting. the Salary or the Elg~ OOUlllty Clerk-'TreaIS.Ulr:elri," 'be treBldl laI fill'1st ltLme. ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIiL 187 M""""l bJ" Deputy Reeve d'eIR)"k, Seconded by 'Reeve KeiHor: That B.J'1-L"W1 NID'. 2110, "Betnlg a By-Law to Amend' By,. Law 2085 'l1her,eb,y Adjustlh!g the &i:lar,\'l ",f Vhe :Elgin County Deputy, Cllletrk-T.rewsrure['l," be tre'8Jd a !fil.1st ltl1rne. - Oarried. ~:' Morvoo bY' RJeeve 'Caverly., Seconded by Deputy Reeve Nemett~: 'Dhiat By-Lllw No. 2110, be r:ead a second! ttime:. - Crarrried. Moved by Depmy :Reeve Robimts, Seconded, by Reeve Hodgso[l): ''11hat B:Y'-Law No. 2110, be read 'a thdlrd tinle, and fim'ally passed" - Oarried. ;Movecr by. Reeve K.\eHlLor, Seconde:d by Deputy Reeve deiRyk: TbIaIt By-Law No. 2111, "'Being a By-Law to Esta'bllsh the < .~ 0[' the TempDirary Adrrninistraton <O[ ~he Elglin Couffiy ,it Homer foT' :vile- Aged," be TeHid' a first time. MOlVed by Reeve C<lJVerly, Second'ed by Deputy Reeve Robent&: That 'B;n-Law No. 2109, be U'eaJd '" second! time. - Oarried, Moved by [)epMlty RJeeve deR:I'k, Seconded bO" Deputy Reeve Nemett: Thm By;-Law Nlo. 2109, be U'eac1 a t'hiindtime, and ili~M~ p_e<l. - Oarried. Moved by Depmy Reeve deRyk, Seconded by 'Reeve Kei11Q1l'1: T1hat By-Darw No. 2111, be read a second' time. - Oarrried. M<>v>od h:l' Reeve DeGraw, Seoooded ,by Deputy Reeve Nenlett:. That B}'-Larw Nlo. 2111, be ,"ead " 'thiiTd time, 'arnd finally vo.ssed. ... Oall'l'ied. 188 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 189 MOIVOO by Reeve McAlipine, Stelcondled 'by Reeve 'KaihinItr: That !By-Law No. 2112 "A By-Law to Inc"ease the Sail~ arJI lOW It!he COUtruty Weed LruslpectolJ:' and T,ree CIomrnissioner,"\: be "ead a fi!I)slt ,time. ' MO\>ICd by Deiputy Reeve N emett, Seoonc1ed 'by Reeve KeiJJlJoiD: Thalt we ,d" now adjoU1'in ,to meet December 17Vh, 1969. - ea.-ried. Mov~c1 b\}" Deipu1l)o Reeve Mc1rnYlI'e, Seconded by Reeve McA~plnie: Walt B,,-LIa1W1 No. 2112, 'be Q'€la.dI '" secondi tim/>. - Carried. H. L. JOHNISON, C~erk. J. C. WISE, WaIl'd\!n. Moved bY' DeipUlt)" Re"""" McIntYlI'e" Seconded by ,Reeve KiaJhnt: That ~y,-LaJw1 iNIoi. 2112, ,be meaJcJj " third ItIim,;, llIllkt, finlllli platSiS1ed. MOIVed b" Reeve McAlp>ITe, S'e'(Jond!,;d by Reeve Mrs. Bl~ibJ: T1halt B)"-LaJw No. 2113, "A By-L>ljw to Confil'ttnl iPIl10ceedings of the Oouncil ,0If the ConpoQ'ationJ of the County of Elg>in, ~t the NovembeT Session, 1969, be ma.d a filrst Ume . . - Oa.-ried. Move" bY' Reeve KaJlmt, S,;comJdJed by Reeve McAlpine: That B)"-LOJw Nlo. 2113, 'be ~ead " second' time. - O"rried. Mo'ved by Reeve Mrrs. Blyttlh, Seconded by Reeve KaJhnt: Wat By;-LaIW No. 2113, be l1Elaid III th,'ridJ tilm1e, p,,,s'sed. 1~1 , - Oa!l'l'ied. I" I' , 190 ELGIN OOUNTYCOUNCIL COUNTY TR,EASURER'S REPORT November Session, 1969 'l.1othe Wla>1den, lam MembeDs of ,the Elgin County C",unciI: I beg, cOO 'submlit the foUolWio:Jlg stat.."rnents of Receipts Expendfutures ~I\Om J,aitl\JIalry 1st, 1969, to Octebell' 31St, 1969. R,eceipts Balawoe in Book alnJd onllruam, Januar.y 1, 1969 -- $ N'otes 'Ba,y,,,ble _.____________________$1,580,000.00 County R,ates __.__________ __.______ 239,827.77 Oounty Raltes Collected UJwder Section 53 LiceIllJc€ls rand Pielrmits Interest ---. AdJmio:Jllsur1aluioltJ!of J".tice OO!UJmy ROlaJds Oh:aa:futy and Welf.aJl'e ChlflJdJren's Aid Societies AgwiOUrJltu'I'!e Reg;istry OJifice MisoeUillaJnleous ReVlenue Oounty A,s,sessment Depairltment Recove~y or. Renitals Care of iBILildin~s Expenditures MElmbevs' Wages __on .___._.n_n___.. $ OflNcansl ISailames Pl'Iintiwg, Postage and StalfiiomJetl1y n. GaTe of BuildJing;s Gl1run'ts, '&sslOlciJaJti;OIl1lS, ISchaliarshi,ps IVLisoelDaJneou. Admin!iwmltionJ 'Of Justiee County: Roads CIh"vity <lIlJJd, Wleliliare OhiLd,ren'lSI Aid .soloieties TransfeDved t<l Elgio:Jl Manor 5,510.23 179.00 811.09 23,722.50 1,425,806.46 1'0,816.42 1,207.28 2,104.51 944.86 1,533.35 2,500.00 11,328.78 7,192.81 $ 3,313,485.06 $ 3,407,970.96 21,115.51 25,513.16 2,244.66 13,302.27 2,519.74 7,263.78 3,008.34 2,142,66'1.95 16,725.84 26,389.84 40,000.00 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 191 Interest Abatement of Tax"s (SecUOOJ! 207) __ AglrillcultUJm 'Regi<ltiry Of,fice County Assessment Dept. _.__.. 'Elgin-St. Thomas HealVh Unit ',County LibraJD)" 'Nates I1ayaNe ______. , County Rates (Seotl<lIll 53) Ove"'J>aJYments Licenses lamJct Pemnits ,- Transfer/red' tlOI hOlslP:itaili (arcoo!Unt 43,993.94 3,445.97 8,070.38 1,222.79 118,976.80 54,000.00 50,000.00 565,000.00 467.78 3.00 117.47 $ 3,146,043;22 261,927.74 $ 3,407,970.96 BaDaltl"" in BaJIlk, Oct. 31, 1969 ELGIN MANOR, As of September 30th, 1969 Balait1ee in Bank and on hand', J:anua't')" 1, 1969 ... $ Receipts 14,768.27 214,778.93 $ 229,547.20 214,812.53 Bar1an'ce in B3.IllIk and on hraJnJd, 'Sep,tembev 3 ()1:Ih., 1969 $ 14,734.67 AlliJ. of 'W1hlCch dJs Ifespect]u]ly ISWhmiitroed. H. L. JOHNSON', County CI,mk ,altllil TreaiSlUJI'er. 192 ELGIN 'COUNTY OOUNCIlL CLERK'S REPORT ON LICENSES November Session, 1969 To the W,a"den and Membem of the Ellgin Coulllty. Council: I have to reprolrlt ltlhJefhUolWiim:g licenses in force Q[ru the d'ay ofNovembe~, 1969. AUCTIONEERS La~IlY G"rdine~ - OIle>mal1t;y1, Ontario Leslie ,Shackleton - R.R. 1, Sprliln!gfieId Lmme 1Jl~!lJdy - R.R. 2, Do"dhester Ken JooIhnsolllJ - RiR. 3, 'Rooney DOllJ Watte"wOIl1th - AyilmeT D"''''!lJl1d Cos'ens - 118 Cenltlle St., St. ThomaJs K. J. IMcAlpin/e - R.!R. 1, Dutton GcJm'lon H. Meeloo - 11 Woodiwo"'th Ave., St. 'Dhoouas Garldnell AuctionlS Lim>beCl - London Al1thUlI' Long - Vienn", 'HaDdld G. Clarke - 24 Alma St., St. Thoma" HaI1l"Y Lu~ohilru - WamsvilIe Brock A'UotioneerlS & Appnaisers :utd. -934 Dundas St., Loodon SALVAGE DEALERS Jwss Vandenboosche - Stm1fomville Rloss Lo'cey - 991 Talbot St., St. Thomas A. Killsdhner, & Sans - R.R. 3, West Lorue Gerllild ShCll'hard - R.R. 1, St. '])homalS Jack -Stneib - RJodney SALVAGE YARD Jack Stneib -Rodney Allil of IwlMch UIS lr:espectfull'Y ISIUhmitJted. H. L. JOHNSON, County Clerk-TII'ea1SiU!1'er. ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT 193 November Session, 1969 Warden, ,and Membells of the Elgin County Gouncil: The cfioJlowing is my 'report on EI~ MooOIl' for the yea~ OctdbeJl? 31st, 1969: 1. Number of ,"""Idems <>1 law repollt u_ 2. N=beradmitted <luirIing year 3. NiUJmber disohar,ged 4. Number of deaths 5. N",mber oJi Il1Bsidents nIOrw in Vl>e HC>Ill" 6. Total da;ys resid<lnJce .7. A:V1elrlage nlUmbe!l" of residents dull'Jing. y!e'ar 9. EXPENDITURES FOOld aII1Id ProvisioIl!s MedJcaH, Denltal and 'Ilmugs Clioth.ing and We]f,rure H'oUJsehoold Su,pplies FurniSlhings Repall\S to Buildings 'and Gu1oUl!llds F.uel,H,I"dl'O, Telephone, Waltet', Garbage TnaVlel EJepense and Offi,ceExpenlse Sal"",ies 'and Walle" IDSlUrr:ance, FiJ:'ie,. 'Complreherusnve ~nd Boiler Pett1lS~on Fund, CoruventiJon Expenlse land 'Sundries ._ __.. -_ DEDUCTIONS OOlSt O<f Operating A vett'lage EX'penses -per d.a,y rO/f '8aJch IpeliSlotnl 75 55 16 5 109 30,032 92 $ 84,582.56 131,105.14 2,741.28 1,753.26 $220,182.24 37,647.79 9,708.22 4,507.56 7,582.60 2,557.55 5,962.48 15,000.20 3,066.61 167,074.21 2,928.61 11,995.14 $268,030.97 268,030.97 8.92 194 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCI!L 12. 13. 14. Aver"'!le Ex,penses pel' week O<f each penson ---- A "eI'age 'Expenses pelI1 yea," of ealCh per'SOn Actual 'Cost 1\)0 County aliber ded\JCctiOiI1'S of a,l ~eceipts Actual Cost ,to County ,after deooctiOll>s of ,a1l1 .receipts per day CM'lTA'L EXPENDITU!RES OO\'lt of Capiltla\ ExpelJlditulres I1mwince of Ontario Subsidy 15. 16. 17. Acturul Oom :to Courny. ________________________. $ 1,481.34; There were 123 oresldenits in the EJollle doolng 1969 - 60 m~le, 63 'femaJIe. Of ,the 109 residents in the Home on the' fiIiSt <'IIay. of November, 1969 - 50 llll'e m.<lJle a!tlJd 59 are ~emale. 'I\hese figUires are 'for the perm Novembe" 1st, 1968, OCtobEl!> 31s1t, 1969, inclusive. 18. All of whiCh is respectfully ,submitted. " ROBERT HIMPFEN, Administrator, Elgin: C"'lWrlJty Home foO~ the Aged. ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1969 To lthe WllII'den OOld Members of the Elligin County Council, YIOIlIIr Road C",mmittee begs to report as fo:lIows: 1. O0i11ls'UflUction olf: It!he Wdlley's. Bridge on ROlad No, 8, DUJI1wich Torwnship by McLean-Fo5ter Limited, is con-, thlltNng, laJnd' it is expected' lI:Ihe B"idge w[JQ be opened> tl:> fu1affic bej)Oire Christmla5, .alJthoogh, cleanup work' IwiN. not be ,coullPleted ultlltil next yeaJl'. 2. Oo1nlstruomon Ic>f Il!h'e PlayeD'S Bnidge on Road No. 45 in Y:anml:>uth ToW1IllsbJip is oolt'ltinuinlg by EIgftn ConJSVm".' tton COlmpalI1lYLimited: IllD!d it is eJCPected the bridge. ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 195 will be ope"e1i! to traffic bef<Jlre Chiristma:s, although monoI' war k may not be <lompletedi untiili neJOt year. 3. OOlJlslt!rnctioo> of the W<lII1ren Stneet Bridge 001i RoOad NIO. 21 in Port StaJnll~y is .continuirlig bY' McLean-Foster and is expectOO to 'be eomp;iJe'tOO this year. 4. 0001is:truction 'alt the Qnwell BiDidg16 on tJhe Y'alrmouth- MalalbJide TownJilIl!e has been completed. 5. Trhnm;ng wo.rk "'rug 'beenoompleted 'on :Rioa,d No. 52, (De",elopment RJo1ad No. 840) 'betJween Hio'ad No. 30 and Spm"gfield in I~e Townships of YaI1mouth, Mal>l!hO.de and South Dov~hester. 6. Omd:ing, Gnauru"". Base ,and Hot Mix Asphrult Paving !have beelnl ooonpleted on ROaldls No. 47, Nlo. 48, No. 49 (DeveJb="""u ~ No. 972) lnJ SoutJl1i Doodheste" T'oM'lllshJop. 7. Gl1adilnl'( ,and Glnanu:lar Base is underWla.y on County ROOJd No. 45, (Development Ro'ad No. 930), betlwe"", Road No. 35'andR<Jad No. 22 in the Y'an:mourtlh Town- shOp. It is eJCPeoted ,that appJJOiximately 5'" miles of wDn::k win be .compJetreld this yealr. 8. 'Dcimminlg wonk Ihas beelJl 'completed "'It'l Road No. 20 (DeV'elopment ROald No. 931) i\nom FI"gJa:l, Southerly f,OIl' apPDOxilnulltel.y 5 miles in SOIU1ihwOIld 'Downs!'>ip. 9. The MlnIister of !Highw,a:y,s. haiS designalted'Raad No. 16 :flDom the St. ThOlIIlia>s City Lirrnliltsto .the iEla:me"ly limit of Fi"'g]al (IliIlProx1mately 6.7 mi1.es) "'" a ;deveropmJent Toad fon Pl1e- En:gineel'ling 'PUI1pasres. SurVleyuJnlg 'WIOTk is presenJtly undE!11W'ay. 10. Hot Mix PavlIJIg, Drain",ge ll!IJ!i! 'Dr,lmming, W,,",k haV'e been oomp~eted lOll> 'Road N"". 3 Nowh olf 'Rodlney in Ald- ,bOlI101Ug1h TownsMp. 11. Gra:dtin-g land' SUm.D81Cle "Dreamm.enlt WOI'lk, €ltc., mlVe been 'completed on Road No. 15 at the en~ance of Pearce Pnovincia) Bark in Dumwch '1.101WOlJSihi.p. 12. 'Hot Mix iAalV'il1lg .and Tr'lrnirnJing wlo~k, etc., have been <loilllPleted on 'Ro~K1 No. 42 'betlween llioIaJds No. 40 and !Higihlway No. 73 in lMalall>ide '])olwtrlSihIip. 196 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 13. Smlf,ace '1'rearoment work, Stlomm 'Se'M<ll''' and Trimming, etc., !have been completed 'O'n Ro"c1 No. 35 1m tire TOIWll>' ISihrilPS lolf YatI'lffiouth l3.IllId Mail.1ahid'e. 14. G~ading ,and GIlanll]a" BaJse, etc., ha'V'e beetlJ ,=pllieted' on 1RJ0'ad N10,. 22, betweeinlRJo'ad! N'o,. 24.and No. 27 in Yarmouth T'O!WU1IShip. 15. Plan,;; 'have beenc~Jeted }or 'replaceme~ of, Kains Bridge -by the St. l'Doomals 'SuJbUJnb!alnJ ROlwd Commission. It is e"'peoted that ItIe'ndoens wi1l be 'oaJ1led ~ true spring IllS solon as the Deparltment 'olf 'Hig1hwa)'ls fJil<lcaJi polliey ~o'r 1970 is WOW". . 16. A. M. Spriet and ASSiOclaJtes Limited ",..ve oom:pleted ~heir Inve!tlJ"ovy '01f the County Ro",c1 Sy&tJe!ll1S 'amJd have 'swbmitted ,the infonlIl!l!tion to'the Depantlllllenit olf, High- 'W1aJYS of Gmario. 'Dhey wmdomplete 1Iheim report next :slPmill1lg laliter a decilwolI1l is made hy. Itlhe Depantmelnt 0[ 100; 'Highway.s ill OnvaJria on .rtlhek. fi&ca,l tpalicy fOT the !I1Ieoct 5 yeaJ1is. 17. A n€!w tlloor thas be'en !placed on the JarrnestOlWmJ Bridge " in YiarttnOUJ1Jh Tow11lslhlip. Replarnrs 1h!arve also beei1 made: ,to the "bubme!1lts. 18. The Wlollden A:pproaooes span to theT'aJits B~idge over the tDhames RiVle/rl d.ilI DUJl1!Wioh TowtnlShJilpr !hla'S 'been re~ blllilt( 50 % olf Itlhe oo,st is pal,] b,y ~hie Ooun~y of Middle- ISlex). 19. A oOmJwact thaiS ,bee" let to ,alITd. oGmpLeted by Wai1rnsley Bros. lJtd., G~ Londloll1J, f,oll1 Hot Mix AJsph'ailt Raving Gn Roods No. 47, NOI. 48, No. 49. (Devel",pmeIllt lRJ~aJc1 No. 972) at a <lOst 0If $42,298.99. 20. F']aJSihimJg Llg'ht 'Signal's (,ReplalcJing the Existing Wig Wag 'Sig1IJals) jbJaJve be,en inSitalled GtlJ ,the C<madialru Na- tliolUlal RaJ1I~o"d, Otio""'i'~g iltru iRJolaJd No. 21 (Warren StreeJtl) ~ Pont StalI]ley. WE:RElCOlVIMEND 1. That", By-lJaw 'be passed prohibiting jpoalrking at Irit€l11Sectlon 'Of iCoUllllty Ro'ad NC1. 8 and No.. 15 in ,ton, (50 feet '0", the NiOll1tl> ,",de o~ Hoad No. 15, and I ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 197 feet on the ElaSit Ilide of BJoad No.8). 2. Thalt!aI By-IJa'W1 'be passed 'WIhd<lh is ef~"ct Amend By- Law, No. 2094 reg,,",:lin.g mllJXlmum w'elgbJti to be '0"1'- ri"d onOoiUllllty t!liDli!;goes .by l'emoyin.g the Wei~ .limit on fJhe PJiaJyeom Br1i<l!g1e 'and Wi:Lleys iBIoidge as It1hie new 'blrlidg1c;s wi'll '''lem ,be c~'leteJd "n,] raising the linlit on the JameslJOIWn BI1lc1ge ,to 15 Ton from 5 Ton as a new f]Oil!r has bee" placed on ~he brlidge. 3. Thalt >the !followillllg' Road BVOIgl11aJ1:nIme be 'adapted, (The lanwunt of work thJalti 'Can be done in any ye"" w!i11 be subject Ita the DepaJ"tment 'of Highiw..~' of, Ontario Fiscal' I10Jlicy tflor 1970-75, wihicih will not be known until tlhe spTing 'of 1970). 1970 A. Development Road. (a) Grade aJ"d Gmm1l1aln Baise (i)Co~ete Road No. 45 =e mile E"st of ROaJd No. 22 to Road, 'N"". 16 at Middle- marchi. (fifi) S~ RC>aJd No. 16, Soutb/W'o1d 'IloWIIJJSlhip, mileage IJf work depends on !fQlllJldsavall"blie. (b) II1aV€iIIlleltlJt - !Rib/aid No. 45 iirom Ro'ad No. 35 to High. way No.4. B. Bridge. (a) Complete Willi"Y1s Brid,ge (b) Complete Playens Bmidge ('c) Klllins Bridge - St. Thomas Swbuvhan ROaJd Cmn- mission. (d) KettlJe Goeek Br1dge - Road No. 45. Paving (a) B10ad No.. 22 dJr;oon Bload NG. 24 to Rioad NG: 27, Yar- mouth Township. D. Grading, GrlanuJar Base, etc. (a) 'RJoadNo. 53, Beecih S1iTeeJt, AylmeT - Stor1m S"W1ers, CUM 'aIlld Gultter, RoIad Base and Paving. ,II II 198 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCI<L (<b) ROta,dJ No. 40 ~ from : 'Road. No. 52 tc> Glencoilin, 'f\p[1iUlgfi!,lJd: and. Ma'all!ide - Gradllng, Ro"c1BlliSe, 'Stom SeV{~ls,. ,etc. (c) .' RO<aJd No. 21, War,reri 'Street.; Port StaJnley, R)(",d Base, D~ainaJge, 'Hot Mix FaJvh'g. (Wolrk 'is depoenJcfil!tlJt on SaIIlitan:y Seweil's being 'Undertaken in ,ea,Iiiy 1970). (d) OOmJsidemtion to Spo,; Improvement - Rooo No.3, Rodney" D[iainage, Curb anrd Guttev, Road Base, ps:'Ving. (SruoThld -be ,de,ayec1 ill, Sa,;;:t,,",Y' Sewem me to be imJst<a~led in [)[ear futultie.). (e) !RQald No. 40~vocrn HighW'a(y No,. 3 to ,Road No. 45 (East), Grading, Gr<","ular BaJse, etc., Malahide ToW!tlJsihip. 1971 A. Development Rpads Oomplete Road No. 16 including Gr",ding, GranulaT ,amJd Paving if I'ossible. ' Complete P,aving Road Nro,. 45. B. Bridges, NL>. C. Paving (It) Road No,. 40 - f<rOlll ROlaJd, No. 52 to Glencoliru. (b) Rio"'c1 No. 40 - flt'lJm Hig.ruway N'O. 3 t/(y Rio'ad No. D. Grading, Granular Base, etc. (a) !!Wad No.2-West Lcme,to< Rodruey> (West Uvban section depends 0;; 'Wbeth"", SaltlWIJalrY1 Sewers are ceed'e& wdth IQI'l ll1lolt iJnt <tIDe near future). P"oglflam may be 'added to ,d\]ving 1970, <lit that tinle fo'l]OIWing .i:rufomnatiOlIll Slho,uJld be ,"^"aJilabllie: (a) CountY' Needs Study should be ,completed aI1id,in!' mationl ravai1able fmom StUid&. (b) Deplalrtment 'oil' Hi!ihlw'aYS 10m OntaJl'io fiscal fi ve yea.ns si\]Oluld be known. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 199 (c) LbloaltJi",,,, of Sf: Thom"s'BY'-Pa~S<aJnd 'Exte!tlJS!ion of HighwaiY N,o. 126 should be kno'wn 'alWc1 wOlI'k the CounJty will need to dio should be imliown. (d) PWainS ~or St.Thomas Resel"VOir should be avaJilab[e, All of which 1. T~spectfull]y .Thbmitted. DOUG'LAJS iR. TODD, ChaiJr'man. ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, .1969 the Wau1den and Membel\'; oj' the Elgin Count)" Council, The Elgin Man"" COmmittee~epo'"ts as fo!]QlWs: 1. We hlaJve autlooil'i~ed. the f.iIr1m of G. Dunoalr> Black Ltd., to €n!gage, 0!t1J Ia! !time raJnd. materiail basiis, EIigin OonsUrlU'cUon Co. Ltd., tf:lolmaketh)e illIecessalriY rejpianTISI to the lagiolon,ars:recom_ Trnended bY' thJe Ontar.io Wa:tel". Resowllc1ers. Com:rni!s:sion. ". 2. The JiinlEU] holdback on the cOIlJstriLVcltion 'O~ the ad'd'ition t,d the Home in ~he am/OIUJ!lI1: 0>$78,650.23 will he ,pla.d shortly to 'amm/Bic Construction 00. Ltd. Alii ,of wh1eh W ll1espectflUltLyBlll'bmitted. V. ne~AW, ChiaJirman. 200 ELGIN COUNTY 'COUNCIL ElLGIN COUNTY COUNlCJ:L 201 PROPERTY AND ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE RiEPORT November Session, 1969 COUNTY GOVER.NMENT COMMITTEE REPOR.T November Sessio,n, 1969 To the W!lJ~den and MembeI1S of the Eight CountY' Council, The CounltY' Govemment Committee rep<JlIits 00 f]ooaws: 1. That the re~ter from Nigel H. Ricll!.mdoon, Director, Study, 'oovismg that recommendati1ons tIID()m the study mi.ghJt"Lfect cOfU'llties ,mher trualn! Nor- ,and Haldtmond, ,be tablOO ,and that MT. RidhaDdson be in- to, meet with i!he Elgin COUIIloty Council as guest speaker at a Marah 1970 SOOWOO1 luclheon. 2. That the copy ,dj' the Thetter WlI'ittel1l to i!he Port Stanley by Mr, W.H. D<illaJr re!l,,~ding ~e .dispoo,,1 of !lar~e, FIRST REPORT To the WaII1den and :Members of the Elgin COIunty Council, The ,B~oper.ty 'and Aissessmenit Committee r,eports as lows: (1) We reoommend thOlt ,,, I1'es~ulllikm be passed making ,glranlt of $458.87 to the Vm"il'" !Of ,~odney,re: 1968 taxes Twin Pines Apar'iimenits Ltd. (2) Subject to tbJe appro,""l of the DllP"rtment of Public Works, we 1hi"V'e ,accepted the tender of Impressions to supply, fifty 1f'o1yetrueT ChaJirOuslhi'oJI1ls 17'12"x16)1,"x2" truck at" price of $199.50, 'FedeDal 'and, ;I1l1ovmcial Sales TaiXes included. (3) SUbject to the la'PpD~V'an, of <the Depalitment of public WIoirks we 'hIave 'acceplVed the tenidJer of Be",vw !;umber COJ'llc pan)" LImited, to 'nsta~ OaDpet!ng ~ true 'CoM 'Room, ,PetIt JUIl DOOlIn, Hiail.lw!81yls. to Judge's Obl3lmbers 'alD.d ,stairw.ay to Jttdge'.s.' Ohambers lamrlJ to ~,;l" ply,wood uIlIderlla,y and 'blsttleship !1m,: lewtnl on flooo. In the east a>nd west IhiaJlJJway!s 00 the s""""'" f~o'OO' 'of ,the Court House, 'llIU at a price lof $2,721.79 including iSa'l'e'stax. (4) We lhlruve !advised ~e Dep,;vtment ,of :MUJt1IiclpaIiJ M[oairs, that 'lihe, OoIulI1Ity of El~gi!tlllWi.hes to sell to i1Jhe !I1rovlince of On,' ibaJrio the ,~mniture 'and equipmen~ presently weidJ ,bY' the CoWIJlty A.sessment Department <lit the 'of!<JDe.d price o. $3,317.00. An "'! wh]ch Ls Q'especttuilly submitted. 3. That the qllestlOll1JIllaliloo fu>oim the Economic Council- Region re: g,ambage disposal, be filed. 4. '11hlalt a ,survey be taken ,of the local munklpaliiVies f'=- ibl>e CountY' of Elgin to detoomine the cast of hulilding per- mits ,n each ill1IUIIlicipality 'a<nd ,anY' other infOl'm8Jtion tblalt may he penbinenit. 5. Tblat the 'request of IVJIn. GiaiIw GlliI'don b perunissiOO1i for CoU!tlJtY' of EIg;i<> :ao8Jd Employees tel use i!he County of Elgin. Crest '001 their windbr,eakers be app,roved. 6. That lI1ec<lgnitioo 'be given 1Jo. OmmtY' Emp1:oY'ees wihio have long smwice .relllliI'ds wuth the 'Cormty of E1gln on ~he fol- lowin!g haws: On ,coma>letiOOl 'of 1 0 Y'ea~s - a certificate. On completion !Of 20 yeams - ,a certifloate land " ]apel pin. On 'comIP1etiOln of 25 yea",s - " cerJtdifficat", a""d an englItlved F.F.MOORE,C~a!tlJ. All ",f wihicl1 is llespectfu:Ny submitted. ,D. M. McKILLOP, Chaimnan. 202 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNC11L FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT November Sessi"o, 1969 To the W..I'den! and Members of VbeElgin OOlUIlty Council, The Finance' Commlittee ",eponts as follfOlWS: 1. That Chlairity :andWelf'aJl'e P..y List No.9 for $732.50 and Ray. List NKlI. 10 fuIr $1,987.05, be approved. 2. That Ohiildrens' Aid SodetyPaiy List No, 9, for $2,547.50 and Payo List No. 10, fotri$ 3,078.32, be approvOOc ' 3. That Itlhe l1esolliut.i,o'n fmom tlhe <JitY1 of Owen Sound', pec titioning ItihJe Ontall'i,oGovel'1l!lIlent to 'WIi~hKjJraw Vbe section of ,Billd 145, which W\OIW]d 'repeal The Chilid Wel:1i~ Bo,aro and re. place it with '" aMid Welf..re Review Committee, he filed. 4. That the, letter iTom Scott, Adyrertismg Semv:ice request- ing infOl'mwon 'reg3l!'ddng. cooo1muction of 401 Highway an,l-thjl placing of ami 'almicle ill! the special isme entitled, "Ontario's Main Street," ,be filed. 5. Th!altthe Financi..l ,Repor>t od'the a1:i.i1diren's Aid Society to <September 30th, 1969, be med. . 6. 'J)h!aIt the, usaa'l ctiull,pag" ,alru be pilaced in Music Fesiiva} Programme. 7. We <recoonmenidto Co,wmy, Q,uncilth!aIt a By-Law be passed designating one thiTd (%) of Ithe ,eombino" salary and mile"ge 'll'11O!wance of, Elgin Coumy OOlllincriillmsand the War. ellen, ialS expenses connected with their position, retJrloactive to' J",nUlamy, 1969. ALl of willich is a1espectflUllil,y mlbmitted!. H. BOo JOHNSON, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY OOUNGDL 203 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1969 FIRST REPORT 110 the Wai11den and Membel'lS of ,the Elgin OOlLlnty Council, The PersonlnJel Committee Detports"s follow,,: YQlW PensonnJeil 'ComimJilttee has held 'a 'l1JUImJber of meetil1lgS since the 'September Session ,of the ElgilnJ C<lIUntY' Oounci,1 to 'study and Il'ewse 'OIUIr fringe 'lreneJiits and Slalaoy sohedJules and we recommend the :following report fon ad~ion by the Elgin ,<Jaunty Caundl. (1) FRINGE BENEFITS , PAID HOLIDAYS - In..CWitionto, the nine hoIid'ays listed ~ By-LaJW No. 2061, it is recommenJded tbat "EASTER MONDAY" be ,aJdded Ills .. pakl ihfc>lid",y. (2) SALARY SCHEDULE A. ROAD DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES (a) !REig;ul<l<r HOUlI'ly Rialted Employ"",s - Overtime to 'be paid at time 'llilJJd: one hallJ.6 fo~ all ~hne lW,orkedJ 0VI€tt' 48 h<lllll1s per< 'Week). CLASS 6 -.Foreman $3.05 per hour CLASS 5 - J'101I1eman and Lead Hmtds Minfumtrm $2.85 <pe~ 1lJ= Maximum $3.00 per hoUll' Experience mti!t)Jg .04c ,po.". h'om ~or complletion of each year's wark <to, a maximum of Jloiwr yea:m. CLA;SS 4 - Part Thne Foreman, StJockkeepeD MinJilllliWm $2.75 per, hour Maxhnum $2.90 PeT hlO'UT Exope,;ienoe Ojalting .04c [len hto",r for compl<'tion of each W<>Dk 'b" a maximum of ~0IlJIi. yealr>s. CLA:SS 3 - Mia<Jhdne Ope'l'atom MiIniimllIm $2.80 per hoUll' Miaxhn'l.lln $2.95 :Pel,:> OOUT ExpiITlience o'alting .040c peD'h"Urr' foil' completion of eaoh W<>Dk <00 a maximum of Jloiwr yealoo. 204 ElLGIN OOUNTY COU'NOl1L CLASS 2 - lJabb[]lrem, Experd.encOO Mimmum $2.55 per ihOUT Maocimum $2.70 pel' ihoUll' Ex.Pernen~e oj9Jting .04c pel' Ihio'u~ for comp!etion of each yearn's work tOO a maximum of folUJl' yealt1S. IOLASS 1 - L3Jboulr<er, Minirrmwn $2.45 per ihOU!f, MaIXiImJUIm $2.60 !per hou", Expernence oja!ting .04c per hiou,r fOOl completion of each ye.JF's work ,to a maxiJnlum of ~0IU1l' y"...... (ih) Seasonal or Casual EmploYees - (overtlime paid: at time land 'O[]le 1Jai\!f 'fa" wI time W'OiI'ked ""Ell' 48 pelr week). >CLASS A _ ElmpJ!o}'lees '00' High Sdhool age M'ith eXlperi.ence. MinIim'UlIIl MaxThm'UlIIl OLASS B _ Cl8Jsual LaJbo[]lr, inexperienced $2.15 per hOOT OLASS C _ Oasu:a~ lia!boU'r, inex:pe'IliencedJ roJ()'W'el' tar $2.30 pe~ ~ CIJASS D _ Ex\pe<!ilenced mower operaVOIl' $2.50 per MUll" (c) Technical Personnel - (Oventime to' ,be paJid <lit 'omd 'QilJle h"Jif ~0Il' al~l time w<lil'ked 'over 48 lhiO\Ulr'll !PeIr week). INSTRUMENT MAN Momum $2.68 per ibJOUIr Maocimum '$3;00 ,p,er ihJOUT .r;ClremerllVs ;08c :I',e1' hOUll' pel' ye"r ".01' foul' yel (d) Office Personnel GRADE 1 - Minlimuan $4,000.00 peiI' ,ann<Nll Ma:ximlltffi $4,800.00 per annUlIIl\ Increments $200.00 per yea", ~00.1 !fIoIUr years f1resent emrplOY'ees~o l'eceive $400.00 "ver 1969 SI ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCl1L 205 GRADE 2 - Minimu'm $3,200.00 per ,,-",DlUm Maximum $4,000.00 per annlUm, Jjr;drlemell!Us $200.00 ,per year fo", foul!' yeail's. GRADE 3 - Minhnwm $2,800.000 per annUlm Maocimum '$3,200.00 per '.UU'Ulm Increments $200.00 per )'I€!ar foUl two ye"r<l. fuesenlt empJo'Y'ee to Tieceive $400.00 .0f\l1er 1969 ..'JarY'. OFFICE OO-ORDINATOR (liVIa;1el) Minimum $6,200.00 peu- an!tlJUm Max!iinmm $7;000.00 pel' .annum linJdrlemer;us $200.00 peT yeaT .for foUD yewrs. 'PIr1eselnt enl/Ployee 'UO' lreceiv,cl $600.00 Olver 1969 salLaTY. (e) Supervisory Statf TECHNICIAN - (.overtime .to be 'P'addo at time aUld one !haJi far all tin;" W10lrked over 48 hOODS per week). Minliiiruum $3.68 pier hour Maximu,m $4.00 .per ibJoor Incr1ements .08e per 'hIOJUlr:Pe\r y,eatr.<f01r ['OUIf' yeaTS. GENERAL FOREMAN - (No p.aymenlt fOlr over- Rate set i:ncllUld€lSl IOlvelrtime Wlolrk). MinJimum $8,700.00 pem aID.!tlJUm MalXimwm $9,500.00 per "n!tlJUm Incr'ements $200.00 pel!' year fOl1 f'oul!' yean:s. ASSISTANT TO THE ENGINEER - (No p'aJyment lorvea:m.1m.e. Rate Stet iucIrudes overtimre wo:rik). MinlimUlm $9,100.00 pEIr 'aIl1num Maxoimuan $9,900.00 pe", annum Incl1em~g $200.00 pel' ye", f"'~ folUm yeaTS. COURT HOUSE STAFF OFFICEPElRSONNEL - Grode 1 Minimum $4,000.00 pelr <l1nnllm Maximu;m $4,800.00 pel', annum In0rmnenns$200.00 per year to maximum 206 ElLGIN COUNTY OOUNCIlL O!FFICE PElRSONNEL - Grade 2 MininmllU $3,200.00 p.'" <lIIlnum M;MdlilllWffi $4,000.00 ![leD ~ Incremenll._$200.00 per year tel maJxlmum. :Aresenit employee to recefuve $3,800.00 p"", annum. OFFICE 'PERSONNEL - Glrwde 3 Minti'IIlIUIm $2,800.00 per an!t1IUro M=imum '$3,200.00 per al1ll1lUllU Incremenns $200.00 per yeaT t" ma'Ximum. CUSTODIAN OF COUNTY BUILDINGS iMintimum $5,600.00 per 'anmmn MaxlII1lUltn $6,400:00 p""annum IncremenJts $200.00 per yEJa" ~~ maxhnum. In the ,alblove sClhedulie fue value of t'lre Bervke<l OJpwrMnent ($650.00) ds to he aonsid""eil ,as palm of the Slaiary. Plresent employee ~o' receive $5,750.00 all1Jd use of tbe apmtment fIlIr loookilr;g allter all buildings on fue C<JIUrl Hous", p:l'O!lel'lty. C. ELGIN MANOR EMPLOYEES NURSING SUPERVISOR ('Registered Nurse) Mlnimuttn $6,400.00 per a'tlillJUm' Maxim<JJlll $7,200.00 peil' annum linJcremeoms $200.00 per ye<lil', to m:a'lcimum. iPresent empJoyee 110 receive $6,800.00 pel' a:nll11Um. REGISTElRED NURSE Minimum $5,600..00 per annum MalXhnum $6,400.00 per annum IDOl'IElmmts $200.00 per Y"llIr' to maIXimllffi. CHARGE NURSE MinilmUl1l1 $4,000.00 peT allllnUm Maximnmn $4,800.00 pel' annum Ill1Jorements $200.00 per yeaJl'tlo, ma!lcimum. PemsQIrul1elll:J.iifood! <PrrU10TI. (to Sept. 1lS\t, 1969, iVo' lJ.1erceive an in- C\rease olf $400.00 O'Ter 1969 SIa,amy. Pensormel !hiired alfter Sept. 1st, 1969, to meceived an ~crease Oil' $200.00 "'Tel' 1969 lIatan:.y. NUlRSmGAID MlnJimum $3,200..00 pel' amnum Maxim<JJlll $4,000.00 per an:ruum Incrementis $200.00 ope", yeai' to marimluJrn. ElLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 207 Personne]) :Irired- prirolV to. Sept. ls,t~ 1969j to \receive an in- orease of $400.00 O\t'\ maximum. Personnel hired after Sept. I.st, 1969, t" ",sceivean iner_s.e olf $200.00 over 1969 salary. CHARGE ,0RDElRLY Minhnum $4,800.00 per an:rrwm Ma",im<JJlll $5,600.00 pett' 'annum Incremenllls $200.00 pell' yeall' to maximum. P~esenit employee to receive $4,800.00 pel' "nnJum f",,, 1970. ORDERLY Minimum $4,000.00 per annum Maxinlum $4,800.00 pel' annum Incremenllls $200.00 per yewr to max:imwm. BersolllIlJe] h~red plr'ilor to Sept. 1st, 1969, to receive an in- crease "f $450..00 ''''''''' 1969 salary. Per.sonnel hdireil aftCll' Sept. 1st, 1969, to receive am i'DJcrease 'o:f $250.00 OVer 1969 €'ail,aJI'Y. ADJUVANT I\1:inimuim $3,600.00 peranDJttm MiMlimwm $4,400.00 per annum Incremenltis $200.00 pell' ;l'eaJr to maxiilJlJUm. Present eIIllPloyee to'r,eceive $4,400:00 :pel' lannum. CRAFT SUl'ElRVISOR Mi!tlJimum '$3,300.00 pel' annum Maximum $4,100.00:per annum IncremenltJs $200.00 '1''''' year to maxim<JJlll. PreseIJJt 8\l>pl"yee to receive $3,500.00 ,per >unnum. II HOUSEKEElPING SUPERVISOR MJlI1limwm $3,500.00 p"" annum Maxhnum $4,300.00 pel" ~nnUJm IncrBmenltis $200.00 opCID ;l'eaJr to maxiilJlJUm. .Bresent emplo:l'<le to 'l1sceive $4,300.00 pCII' annum. HOUSEKEEPING iMAIDS .MiI1lim'Um $2,800.00 per annum MiaocimJum $3,600.00 per ,annum Incremenltls $200.00 ,pe", :l'eal!' to maxillllUm. P""sonne1 ihdired p:rio", to' Se:piI;. 1st, 1969, to mceivean in- crease O'f $400.00 or ffia\Ximum.PerSO!tlJnel hilredafte" Sept. lISt, 1969, to 'receive 'aJt1 ,n""effise 0If $200.00 O'vea:' 1969 ~ala"y. - 11;;,,; ".: ~'I '~; i, 1(.1 208 EiLGIN COUNTY COUNOIIiL LAJU:NDRY MAIDS lMiinilmJum '$2,80'0'.00 peranrn,um MaxiJmUm $3,600:0'0' pel' 'annum liruocements $200;0'0 ,pen year. tc> maximum. Persol1ll>effi Ihfured prior 't" Sept. 1st, 1969, tc> lI'ecenve an i<n- crease 0& $400'.00 or maxImum. Per,sonnel hire.(\ <lifter Sept. 1st, 1969, to !receive Ian inoclc'ase of $200.00 over 1969 Ela1laII'Y. MAINTENANCE AND LAJUN1liRY SUPElRVISOR M1n!lmum $4,800.00 per an!tlJlNIl Miaoclmum $5,60'0.00 p"" 'annum fucrements $20'0'.00 per yeaiI' to! maxi:mum. 'E\t.tese!1lt ,emp]O!Y"e 1101 receive $5,600:00 P!etr anlnutm. MAINTENANCE MAN Minimum $4,0'0'0.00 petr Wl"",m MaJxiJmUm $4,800.0'0" pel' <l!nnum fu1tocements $200.0'0 [l&, yeaJ" to. maximum. Bresent employee >to receive '$4,0'0'0':00 pel' a[liThum !for 1970' FOOD SUPERVISOR 1VIinOirnJ1]m $3,900.00 per 'annum Maxim!1lm $4,70'0'.00 tpetr anmJUllTh lirucrements $20'0.00 per yea'" to maxiJmllm, presetnltl lelilllPlioO'ee to ocecejve $4,700..00 per 'annum. SECOND OOOK Minimum '$3,40'0:00 per anrrJJlltmJ MaxImum $4,20'0'.00 'Per a<nnum I'l>crements $200.0'0' (per. yealr to maximum. Pr.eslent em.plioyees to! uoeceive $40'0'.00 over ,a.nd ",bove lent sa:Jlalf\Y'. KITCIHEN MAIDS Mhritmum $2,900.0'0 pel' annum Ma:sfumutm $3;'700.00' per annum .nocements $200.0'0 per year, to maximUm. Per"o!1ll>el ihir,ed iPriolr tc> Sea>t. 1st, 1969, ~Ol ["eceive atnJ Dr!ease C>~ $50'0.00 or !mlan<ilmlL'm. iPers\)ltliI]e[ IbIilJeld atftteT 1st, 1969, to meceive 'an increalse 0[, '$30'0'.00 over 1969 sa,"'r~. OFF]CE PERSONNEL _Qr,adle 1 MinJimrulm $4,000.00 p,em antnum iiVIaxIDmtum $4,80'0.00 p,etr ai11lll""" ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCl'L 209 lintarements $200.00 \P<l11 yeairo to maximum. Piresent E!IlIl(pJJotyeetc> receli"", $4,800..00 per annum. OFFICE PERSONNElL -Gmde 2 LMintitmtum $3,200.00 'Pell' aJllJllUm Maximum $4,0.00.00 iPen annum lintarements $200.00 1''''' yea!r> Va maxiJmllm. Preserut eilliPJoyee Va receive $3,600.00 .per annum. OFFICE PElRSONNEL - Grooe 3 Minimum $2,800.00 pel' annum Maxhnutm $3,200:00 per 'a<l!!lIUIll lintClrements $200.00 per ~etatt' rto Illlaadmum PART TIME HELP RElGISTElRED NURSES $23.00 per day NURSING AIDS $1.99 pel' hour O!RDERLlES $2.27 [lem 1oo!1ll' KITCHEN MAIDS $1.75 per h10lJlr LAUNDRY MAIDS $1.75 pe[" hioIur IHOUSEKEEPINGMAIDS $1.75 peD houlI1 OVERTIME to be paJ1dJ at ItliJrne 'and =" h.atlii for al~ time worked over 48 :!roUTS per week. D. COUNTY LIBRARY EMPLOYEES CLElRK-D'RIVER Minfumum $3,300.00 pel' annum MaadIn/Ulm $4,100..00 per annum Iooremenits $200.00 per yean Va maximum Rre&eni1; em,p10\Y'<lC'S ti) lI1eceive 'an inol'eaJSe of $500.00 over salary. OE1FICE !PElRSONNEL - >Gnarle 1 MinimiUllll $4,000.00 per annum Maxlmllm $4,800.00 per annll'ill 11lJca:emen>ts $200,00 rperyeaD to max\lIlum OFFIOE PElRSONNEL - Grnde 2 MinImum $3,200:00 per annum Maximum $4,000.00 ,pi€tr annUm Inorements $200.00 per yea" Va maXImum 210 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIIL ELGIN.COUNTY OOUNCIL 211 ASSISTANT LIBRARY SUlPERVrSOR dMinillllUlm $4,200.00 peT atlJDJUm Maximum. .$5,OOO.qo pel' annum Inorements $200.00 pea: ye",nto maximum IPre8em emp]Jo&ee to 'receive $5,000.00 per aJl1InIUlffi. E.DEPARTMENT HEADS OOUNTY ENGiNEElR $16,500.00 pel' annum COUNTY CJ;,ER;K-TRiEASURER - . '$.1,3,750.00 pel' annum DEPUTY CLERK-TREASURER .,,- $10,000.00 'permnurrn '$2,000.00 ,o~ t'he ,ab'o<ve sa1a!ryl tlo be !paid by the County liome'.f'oll".:tfu~'Ag~dl las TleIIlllUiIller:'a1tnP'TI 'ror. bJiIIn acting las Secre:" tary-:fueasUlrev. of l\lhe Home. ADMImSTRATO!R - ELGIN :MANOR $10,000.00 peT 'annum COUNTY LIB!RAlRIAN$U,500,-oO per .annum LrBRARY ,SUP~RVISOR $,5,700.00 ;per, mOOffi WEED INSPECTOR & TREE COMMISSIONElR $2.20 pen hom pms lOc pel' mli,e miieage F. MILEAGE RATES - to be palid '*1 County' pllo\YIees except ~bJe WeEJd Inspecto", & 'I1nee ICtirnrrrii"sioner tJheir I(}\wnpfrivate .cams ,tlu, be !set iIn; .aJCC'olrdialll.ce wlirtJh p[',es!ent pa!l1iment .o~ HighwaJy\S rllJtes: . .0 - 5,000:Mil1es .15c P'CII1 rile 5',000 - 10,000 Miles .086 per mile Oven 10,000 Mlies .06c per mile (3) The ISIall1aries 'and sal'amy sched!U[Ie' ~l'\ecoltn'me.nded in Irep:QIr!tI lamBlto ;belelf:~eotive Decem:belr 27th, 1969, at o'dock iITl'id;n1igfht. (4) We authmize ~hat pre'sent COllnty; of E:'g~ By-Laws ralffietnded or n2!W" By'-Laws pa:ssed "~aJS requiTJed to ment,thie ireconirilIerrudatiOll'SI' con1tlalil]1red in this nePlOirrt:. All 'of 'Wihi1ch ilg iI1espect:fiuli1y, suht':hitltedl. K: .C. EMERSON, Chaimmm. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1969 Second R,eport l10i the Walrideru anld Membe.ns of the ElgiIlJ OOlUnty C",uncil, T:he 'Pemsonnel Cbmmittee repOil"ts CaJS [oJlow.: (1 )'.l1hJaiUhe l'e'titer If~om WobMiam'lVl. 'lVler,cer Lirite& re: 'Sick Leave Plan 'a'ndLol1g TIeQ'fm SaJlJan:y; Contimluance IoIlJSlMance, he tabled 'aIlJd il1vestig~OO alUlriIlJg, 1970. . (2) '.l1hJat the letter 'f~om Don"~d' '!:t. PeaJrSon reo GDOIUip ,Life Il1\SUmnce,be fdled. All. 'Of whieh. Is TlespectfuJl<ly submitted. K. C. EMERSON,C~"'iT\lJlan,. PR,OPER,TY AND ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE REPORT . November' Session, 1969 Second Report 11<>. the Wal11deJlJ and Membensof. t'he ~lgilJjOOlUnty OOlUncil, The Prorp!eTrty lalIll(lii\sses.."1lYllffilt OOlll1Il11:irtteer rreplolnts as 1101- . lows: L .' 1. .'.l1hJaIt <the ',efiteD 1'tom 1he bep'aifitment ",f 'Munliclpal Af- JIa1l1S eJ,"bona.ting OIl1JSeotilon' 29 o~ the pll'oposed 1968-69 As- ~ment Act,. be filed. 2. TbJaIt the (kana JUJl',y's The,pDJI't too. the HonOUII1a!bJ,e Mr. ustice _ DcmJIl'e11y la;t the assize l~titrtimJWS off !t!he SUiPlnemeOolUQ't ~ Onfialrio whioh< coor,menced. Dn October 20th, 1969, be ~alble'd. 'C" '" " " 3. ITibiat we ITJecomJrn'ffi11d th'alt the resigmration 'otfMI!'. W. U. ,:iqiUetr'raJSI 'Eligdn OOlW11Jty Ass:essm'ent OOilTImiss1ioil1Jer be ,accepted '.tb! (t1egr<JtJ Ian>d that :rue 'be 'congmatu~alted on ms app,o;ntmerut the position lorn iReg1ilOtt1.!a[\A.slS'8SS!lllfEmlb COmmissionoo f.OIr t[he I,nties lOIfI Huron 'amId.perth. 4. Thai' - we lneco:mmerm:l t'lJ.at the I'Ie'si@nIBJtion of Mr. Neil 212 JOHN WISE, Waroen. ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIlL ElLGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 213 McOa[lui!IlJ ,as ElgiiOlJ OOlmty Deputy, Assessme'nlt C<li!IlJtnissioner be aocepted! w.tIh regret and, tMJt he be cong.ratulllllte.d 0'" his appointment to Vhe IPosition ,oIf E'aJnm V'al"aIt~on Miam'ager fool' the Region O<f 'Elgin, Midd,esex and Oxi<l1rd. 5. 'Th!aIt the [1e1S1OlIiuitio.n from the Township of Albion re- questing aIIIlendmenit to 'the AJsressment Act, be [;[ed. 6.TI1Jalti th~ letter f..om the Dep'aJrtment of MiuIIlicipall At- f,aims ..e: f'l'inge benef,its tMnsferrable Wlith llespedt ~<> the as- sessments staff be M'enrOO ~o the Pe",sonne] COIIll!lYlllittee with fuJilIJ: pOWell' to settle the m'atUcr >of f['inge benefits w;th tIlW o01Ulnty .of ElgiinAJ's~S1S1ment personmel. 7. 'Dhlalt 'we Dam tire Assessment Buildinig ~" ~h1e Ontario Depa~tment of Public WO[1ks fur 'appoOO,.JmatellW one monllh ,SltaJl1timlg J1altl1Uary 1st, 1970, ,at aJ rent..l Of twO ~nd"OO dollar. ($200.00) peT :month ;nclud~ heat" l!igl:l!ts, walter a1Il1d! can:e- tai!-t.oo's services. 8. ThatCo1u01Jty of Ellgin BY-'I.laJW No. 1430 'be b01011.lg.M the 'ailtentioo of the 'Cit,y of St. Thomas, <tIh1'lOugh MaY'o:r E. Fanjl>'Y'. An ,of wih.ch i& respectfuillly submitted. F.F.MOO!RE,Chainnoo. COUNTY OF, ELGIN BY-LAW No.. 2102 "A By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 69-65, of the Township of Dunwich, Being a By-Law to Stop Up, Close and Sell a,Por- tiOn of the Road Allowance Between Concessions A (B.F.) and 1, in the Township of Dunwich." W1H-E:!VEAJS the CIoua1"U 'of ,the Townslhiip '00; Duniwioh O!ll ~ 6th d,!lIY of Ocitoben, 1969, A:D., did pass By-L"w No. 69-65 ro stop WI>, dose 'and sle,I,,, pOO'it<ion of tlhe ['o"d aUolWIance be- tW1een Ocmcesrsil>ns A (B..F.) and 1, in the 'I1c>wnS!h;p of Dun- ,Wm, 1Il1I0Il'e P3Ttioul1airlY describOO in! the sa!id By-Law, Wue cqpies hElroof 'aJre hereUllltJo annexed. ~ AND WHElREAS pUJr&uant to tire ~tsions 'ad' th1e Mum- cip'a11 Act, the said TownShip By;-Law oO:>a1l not i:la"e ""tr fOT~e until coofirmed .by, ," By-Law of Vhie Counciill of the Counliy in IW1hJidh ItJhe 'I101W1n1<ihiip is situate, plasSled 'aIt an I>rdilliaJry meetil11!l of the Counciill heilrlr not ,lIater thlan one y<E!aIl', a1fIteD, lIhe pass4hg of the By-'Law of ~h1e C,ollillCH of the 'l1o~hip. AND WHEREAS 'application has ,been made 100 tire, Council t'he 'OoIriporation O<f, t'he ClJIUnty of Eigin .ii01D '" B<yo-Law oon- the saJid Thiwoohip By-LaIW. NOW THElREFORE ibhe COItIJnJCillOif: t'he CorpO['ation of t1he County, of EI~ enJaJcts 'als fcillows: THAT By-Law No, 69-65 1011 tlhe To'Wllm!ijp O<f Dunwicll, be- ,,, by-laiw to stop ~, close aI!lId 00lil a ,pOlrlUOll1J o~ the ooad all~ce 'betwleen COll1Joess~O!tlJS A (B.F.) ood 1, in Itlhe Town- 1Od', 'DunwiobJ, be, and, the same is hereby confirmed. READ a .fin'st 1JiI!lle, this 18th 'diaiy of Novemlbel\ 1969. READ a second tinre, <tIMs 18th '~"'Y' of NQVember>, 1969. READ ,,, <tIhir1d t:iJme, amid 'fi.ruaifly Pi""seid this 18th day Oil 1969. SPECIAL COMMITTEE RE URBAN REBATES '110 t'he W,,~den andl iMembel1S of. ~he Elgin County COI\lncil, Y OUT :&peelal! Committee on Urban iR<Jba~" begs to ,,,. ~o1loWis: 1. That !H)Ol'aC<1 Johnson, Reeve o,f Ba;yil1IlJmI, ~as q;y.,en pc>>nlted CfrlaiJrmanl ad' the Icoormittee. 2. Walt the OOl\Nl~y 'Elngiineer h1a\s' been instrocted to (lbtsil ,,,11 infOll1ll:1iat~on possiille on the m'altter of, Urlbao1l Rebalt~ 'am'd "epom to !\Ihe Oommtitee. 3. 'Dhlaltl'" ll11eetin~ ,wllil<l be ~eM in .e'3JclY Decemlboo'to eonsid,'" the info.l'Iillat~01I1I. Al, ,of which ts il'1espectf<ll1l~ submitted. H. B. JOHNSON, ChaIDrtman. L. JOHN,SON, Clenk. 214 ELGIN COUNTY COUNC]L COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2103 '~(ReS!tricting',Parking" THE OOUNCILOF T:!J1E'CPRJPORATION .oF THE COuN~ TY OF ELGIN, en"CIbs as fIOIIIoM's: 1. By~lJaIW NIO. 2020' ,s [helrebY'ametndoo as ~lilioW1b; (a) Section (1) ]s',amerud~d bY' 'aJdding the ~()UOlWitig . dalUse: Caunltyl !Rl>ad' No. 8 is the Rlc;aid klJ.owance kJlllOwn as JioihJllJ Street din. the Vma,ge of DuJtton. (b) 'Sect]on (3) is lamenidedby ..ildilnlg lfJhe ~?iIbvrn,g .clauses: (a) Ro~d No.8 wi1Jhd.ru 50 ~eet 0:6 the Noirlh' LimWt ",f. CountyRdaid! No. '15 on the East s]de of Qom>ty ROald NQ. 8. (b) !Ro'aid! No. 15 wUb.ln.50 feet of Ithe Sooth 'lllnWt IO~ OOlUnty Raad, 'No. 8 on' . ,the NoI'bh side on 'OOUcnlty 'Road NIO. 15. 2: 'DhdsBy-LaIW IsJhaJl ru"t beOOItn;e e1f,fiective uDItiIL 1l!Pil>r><ive<i 'l1y the DepartmeIllt of 'l1r1atn.sport fOl1 .on~a\l'li<>. ENAiCTED AN![) 'PASSED THLS 1&1111< day "f November, 1969. H. L. JOHNSON, Clemk. ElLGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 215 BY-LAW NO. 2104 : OF THE COR.PORATIQN OF TIiE COUNTY OF ELGIN RESTR.ICTING THE WEIGHT OF VE'HICLES PASSING OVER BRIDGES WHEREAS "I\1'bsectlon 8 ,o~ Section 52 of the Highway Aot (R.B.O. 1960) PID"ides t!haJt: The 'Munici,pl!a CO"1P",mtloo or othe'D ault-hoTlit)" IhJavh'g jUlr- i!Si(:Hottotn. loyei: lal Ibrddge Imay 'by By-L'aw lalPpYiorv-ed by thJe DepaJrtment ""ak", lllegu1ations liImiting the weJ.giht o~ 00l\l' Vlehicle or':oomhinlartion iOlf vehicllies lOll' aTI,yl 'OkllSSI thereof pas$irug lOver suoh 'bridge: ANn WHEREAS ,t' is deemed e",ped!ient ~ Ilmit the. weighlt ofvell>i~es p,asslnjg o"e1' certJatin 'bridges in [1he'CountJ' oID Elgin: NOW THEREFORE the COILUnlcn of the O='OIliat:iOtn.<JIIi the C~ ,of Elg.imJ enacts m [JoiJ.]JOM's: ", " 1. No: vEfuidIre 1O'l'I loombinatiotll of vehicles orlamy. cliu5S 'thereof'l ' ~tibJelrr empty Qlr'JioaJded, .shialll be olRerrlaWd' "I()rver. an..v 'bridge delsltgnated in Sdhedule 'Nor. 1, 2,'aJl1Jct 3, fOl:'ming part O<f .tis B;o-Law IwJth la weigfhlt ~ exces~of Weight ljinJiItJ [lIresc11iblecL in rthe Schedulie f'olr such h11ldge. 2. AIi,y PElI"$OO viollating 'any of the provistiJoos of rt!hds By-LaM' .iblliliI b~ sUlljeat to ltJhe 'P€naJlty; Pfl10vlilded ~ SectiOOll 52 of the Highw,a~ 'Tr"fIlilc Aot. Th1s 'By~Law shall "JOlt bec'OUle ef!I'eotive ",Imil appro"ed b)"the D:e;pJaJntmeIllt of 'l1ra01JSflYOmt and rmlt:il 'oJ IlJOltJice of the werigihJt.'pl€ibrn;itted,IElglibl!yo p11lnted, 100.S belen postiJed up inl fa 'doOli.piciioos !!>I"~e at ei1ilileren<'l: "f ealch Ib..wd,giil deslg.- ",altoo ,in 1fu<i attached SdhediullJeS. BY-'LAW NO. 2094 of the 'Coullll:Y 'o~ Elgin ~s l1erebyrre- peialed. ENAiC':(Ej) 'and 'P..ssed 'lhisiHtJb. dlaY' llif NoWtnJber, 1969. Ii. JOHNSON; Cleok. JOHN WISE, WaDden. '" .... '" qjIl\OWlll'ell. j\) ~.:r. S.oo6I P"OIll!"~ ""0~Ti8J 4~ Ol j\)'llII"'W'I!~'!lWI SUO:) ll!l t:9 .. ~ p> ~.:r. ~ ~ 606! &1 '9 'IUKlQ 'II Wl ~ ~ !lg, 'll ~ .~ jlO ~ ("l stlOUl!txmlie! L061 91 '.9 ~ '11'10'1 "'!PO.:) !:It .K' 1') g ~ 'lJlIR0It1IiJIeJ1I. i!O ~ ("l 0 "'l'>J'lIUI<Q IlOO1 !H ~1:I! '00;) '6 pI1l11> g "lIP'] u<li!l.W1llf'l\i OIl Ill: '1' ~ (",j 'lS!U!d u:o!pn.l OUClJ. e6p!Jg 'ON 'oN fl moU -JOUD:) UJ P.1UJ"l JO e1l11!N p1lCl\l e6p!zg [ JO ecUJ, JO .....A. Pl:6!eNl. UO~ e[l\p8q:>S savollA.Llllnoj. 1110 ~11I8 1 .0111 nnmlHas SCHEDULE NO. 2 COUNTY BRIDGES ON TOWNSHIP ROADS Schedule 2 Bridge Name of Location Weight Year of Type of No. Bridge Limit in Const- Floor Tons ruction Finish 1. 23 Robbins E7l Lot 5, Riilver Road, 5 1898 Woodietn Q TowIn&hiip od' SOOJ!ihwolld Z 2. 24 iliUilltlOln Lo<I1s 13 amJd 4, MdiIi! Rood 15 19'12 ('j To<W1n!;ih;p o~ SoUitJruwold' COOcref1e 0 3. 25 Meeks ~ Lot 16, iN. IU. Road, 20 1900 COI11IarE<te TOWlllBIhIip of _wol:d ><: 4. Zl Jamestown ("l Lot 28, COIZlI. 2, 15 1908 Biibumi1n<>us 0 ToW1Ills11lilp o~ Yamrornmt ~ 5. 52 VWeoma Loit 14,CoIlh 3, 210 U,ruklll.o_ ColIlClrel1e fI Ba:ylmrn, row fiIn VIiIIlIai.ge .o~ lVieJI1lllli 'RecolllBtructed 6. 611 Acacia in 1900 Lo~ 21l, am. 10, 2 1908 W.oocle" To~ oW i&l(yIhJam (ROoo !in, ipOO!' corni:iIfii<>ru) .. .... .." 218 ,,;t' g~ ~.r' (.~ .a .;.. f ~ f!I . 6Ji I a ,.. 1'5 '" co P'l i' ......", '" .. ~ f ";>,]1:' !!=9~ ~~ .'~~ r;t- ~ i ~ @: ~..'~ ~q m a EiLGIN COUNTY COUNCl1L ~ III f>" r- ..G- " '" Ill" ... '" !21 ::t. CD P: " 0> lilg' P g. >,] ::;J Illlil ~ t :3. a ",. .!l''' " 0 ~ 5l~ ~~ !-~ !; b .to n bj "J g. i~ o h .", " i. ~. g. g. o-l~::;J .. .. o E! e. '" '" &l "':'!j. S' ~ ~ .. .. -< '" co ~ ~" :j; '" I:t. e: '" g ':" fl. to i '" .. '" ~ nJI III r. ~ iii .. fl. ~i ~i m ~ ~ a ll:t: " ~. ~ 6: 2. 'l! ~. ~lQ tIl > 0 l"' c: In Z o t:l ~ ~ c: tIl - :l:l ::ll "_ l'l t:l t:l > C'l In ;J E !;l @ o 0 ~ l'l rs: !2! - E - >-I.... > Z :I: l"' E C'l 0 l"ll o l'l >-I Z - l"' :I: 0 ~ C'l l"l' 2: - :;:tI w C'l z rs: ~ c: z z - - n n - =; :: > l"' \: :::j ::;! ~ ELGIN COUNTYCOUNCl1L 219 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LAW NO. 2105 "Being a By-Law to Establish. Expense A>l!owances for the Warden and Members of the Elgin !County Council." WHEREAS, :Seatiloltl 408 oill mile MUItlJicipam Act R.S.O. 1960 provildes foO' one ItlbJiO'd 'o~ Illhi<1 remU11elI1ll1tioltl pailel to a. member \>If ,a COU!llcil t" be roO' e~,en.es incident tOI the disch"l'!ge of IbJis duti~:s. NOW THEREFORE, theOoUltlcillOf the COO'!p\>ramon Of the Clowruty of El~ en"ots '''s IfollkJ'W\Sl: 1. THAT on,,-thiDdJ of the II1ellUltl<l11"tion $>Mc1 futhe WaI1dw. ,Of ' the ODlUnltly :oIf Elg~ 'be deemed, 't.\> be roO' :e~eJ1ISes, in- ci<1Jent to the diis'chaIDge Of, IbJis diuties. 2. 'I1HA T 'one-iIlhiJrd! Olf tllJe remuneDaltilon 'aInicl milel\g1eaJl101W_ 'am'ce 'paild to members of the CounICil Olf the COunty of Elgdn be deemed to be fore>q>enses, ilnlClidJeIllIt to t!he dis- c!hiamge of their .duties. 3. THAT Ithis Biy-Law b~ retnoactive 1;" J,a"""",y 1\Sit" 1969. 'RiEAD a filrst ,time, this lath dlaIy> of Novemboo, 1969. 'READ a secOil1d time, 1tIhii. 18th <:l<l(yotf November, 1969. !READ ,,, lIhillric1 time, alllld Ifinlailly P'OO&oe!d thiis 18th day of NIowember, 1969. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. JOHN WISE, Warden. 220 'ElLGIN OOUNTY COUNOIL COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2106 "Being a By-Law to Establish a Salary Schedule for A!l 'Employees of ,the County of Elgin ,,other Than the Heads of Departments." WiHEREAS it -is con~ide"ed lad visable to estaiblik<;h salaJry scihJeldJuQes ~Olr the ennlPlo~"ClSof the v8lI'ious roepartments of the O(ju~UY ,of Elgin. NOW THEREFORE "!!he Councilli <of the 'Ool'p\Omatron of t!h.e Count;\' lO~ IElgiru enact~ fualt ltQ,je following "aJlIlrrlY' sc!h;edJules be, aJ[])d ,rore hereb;\' adopted: 1. SALARY SCHEDULE F'OR ROAD DEPAlR'11MENT EMJPLOYEES. A. REGULAR HQURLY RA:TED EMPLOYEES ~ (.over- time to Ible paid <lit ,tJilme 'and one haij,f fo", ,aililJ ~lme worked OV1CU' 48 1hion.t['S per week). GLASS 6, FOREMAN. In 'chauge ,00' $peciaJUze& con- lstructi,otn. ISluch lalsga-adilnlg'anCL glraulalrl hase :elf ibnidge crmr- stl'1ldtliOlIll. Usuall~' in dJarge 'O~ ihilire'C1 or ,coun~ equipment and one loll'"' mlOIl'le' .county,' 'Wlork' 'crr~s 01'1 alSo llcerrllS'ec1 mechanic. $3.05 [p1e1t1 Ihiom ,CLASS 5, FOREMA:N AND lJEAD HANDS. ReguLar- Jjy Lnr ,chla1Dge of a :war k ClOOW of art; il~a!srt .flive melli, 10m SU1peTVis- inlg loltJherl \Corunty. otr ih!hiedr tl!'lUicks on la rewu1an) .basis, or per- :fiOll1II1;ing w<mk 'WIhioh is .. mecognizOO skillil or trade. CIa"" 3 DParato.'s 'and 'Cla~s 2 lialbourem may he .aJooi;g"oo 'IJoI Itihlis class on ,~ t<lIIl[loo1ar,y !basis w!hlen per1JlolNlling C]ass 5 wo.k. .Exper- ience r,;tting .04c ~er IhiolUir b 'coll1[pletion O<f "81011. y<<an:ls work t" a maximum of foul' yeaTS. Mill1JiltIllUlm '$2.85 pelr hO'lllr M=iIImtm $3:00 per bOlUiD CLASS 4, !PART-TIME ]10REMAN, STOCKKEEPER. WOIl'k<lrs peJ.1f,a1'l1llling the wOlI'k of a ihlig,heD ,0]~ssdj;1caltron 'IihIan Cl1iass 2. E",perileince l1a1ting .04c per ibJo:wD foro CQll1[pQetion of eacihJ oy<eao:',s work to 'a maxilImtm oIf ,loUT ;y:ElaIl'\S. MinilImtm $2.75 per Ihiom' Maximum '$2.90 per hiDlUll' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 221 CLASS 3, 'MAOHINE OPElRATO!RS. LnJcluding tan- delln dump itnucks, llilloat <dis1n:lbu1Jov, ~""der, ,grnadeDS 'and !!hovel, cmwler> tnao1lor, back-ihoes, etc. iCI_ 1 'a.nd 2 [abouI1El11s may be assigned, to t!h.ds 'class ,em 'a t€llIlparalI\Y bSlSis wlhienI O[pera~ing speoi~ied !equipment. E"'perience ..altmg .04c ,per h<>Ulr tor cOllllpletiml od' eacihJ ;\'ea~'s 'wIoirk ~o a maximum oj; fooT :Y1e!ll1rs. MimIimwm $2.80 [ltlll hOlUll', MalXim'll'ill '$2.95 P<'m QjoUJr CLASS 2, LABOURER EXPElRIENC!ED. Some "UiPeD- visOOly' wDirk, ~ht tl1Wck diriv~g, rollIer \:lperafur, "~perienced gratde omen, etc., on regular balms. E~enilef1ce lI'lalting. .04c per IJJawr :f,or COIlliPletiOllJ 'Of each yean:'s IW<lIl'k to 'a IDalXimum of ~ yeM1S. :Minimum $2.55 per hOUirl iMiaoolm'lllln $2.70 per> lhollDn CLASS 1, LABOURER. (AftJe\r oompletion of six mOllll!h's IProbatiol1!llIry <term) [Utle iili aI!liy SUlpervlSOll'fY! wmk. E~e<r:ience rllJting .04,c !paD mu.. foo 'oo'ffilPJieltlion O<f each year's WQrk to a maooimum. of iii""", yoo"". Minimum $2.45 per ihour MaxlmlUiln $2.60 per IhioIuT B. SEASONAL OR 'CASUAL EMPlJOY'EES. . (.overtime to be paid at time and lQi[le rr,a!l(. far ",1] time worked over 48 hours per 'week). GLASS A. Employees of high school allle (~eII1Ierally under 21 Y€!M1S oIf age) with V'amied experience. MinIi:mum $2.05 pel' I1JoIUir Maximum $2.20 per 1hi0lU/11 CLASS B.Qjoo<al Lab"""" ineXlPeme!tlJced $2.15 per h<>UID. 'CLASS C.E~emienJoedl~boull', inexperienced, mower "iPeraJtoTs, $2.30 per :t>(lUr. OLASS D. ExperieallCed mower OIpe~altors, $2.50 per hoUll".. 'C. TECHNICAL !PERSONNEL - (~me t" !be pWl at time 1lll1Jd' leme Ib!alf ~0It1 aIltl time worked over 48 houb:'S per .week) . 222 ElLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL INSTRUMENT MAN. <Qua~ific'altions - Gi-ad" 12 or equivalent. Diwtioo - Surveying' 'alIl1& id>vafltling.. When. ~xpeti" ienced to be !alb1e. tOr woll'lk"lwith,:111JinirnIUm'SIU!pei1Wirsion.', Ill1Jcre;.. Iments sh'ail:, be ,g'o~erned by ability, expemience <mdJ p,assing D. H: O. 'SlPonsoTe" 'caUlrses.'l~ositioltlJ 'comp"'DOJble rIio, D;lL O. TedhnicJ.all1J 3 Surveys. iHatims of, wOTk- 47 l:lIolUlrs plelt' week. Iil1Jcrements lOlL .08c per IbloIUJI'I IPOO yeaI"' ifon::fuwr: yJea.ocs. MinJimutn $2.68 'Per ihrou~. CWDa!Ximum '$3.00 'P"".1hio1Um 'T'ECH!UCIA!N. DiWties to include supeJr"V'is1onofm" l$ltr'1.1ll1i.ent mall1l aJt1!({I ,to' a!stSJi,st the Enginee<fl' in! It:echniClail' SlUiPernvil" .non of <Xll1iltlriUotfun. To as,,;st in "l[ pibJa'sesi o. design! work and tal sUiPervise S'pec~8Jlized 'Wo['k !Such -as ihlot mix paiVinIg, ,dirain1aJge land umbalDl,"coostnu,etion;" QualltLf:i:caitions, mOl be similarr Vo D. H. O.Tec'hniclan Grade 2. H<l'\.!mS' ,ocr wOiI,k 427> l11oul'l'< per ""e'ek. Increments of ,08c 'Pel' bou", .pel' yeaJl' fOT :1)0",11' yea"". Minlimum $3.68 per iJIo",11'I . Maxim!um $4.00 :peO' iJJO~' D. SALA'RIEDEMPLOYEES. GiRAD'E 1 .oF!FICE PElRSONNEL. IMimIlmum $4,000.00. per aJn!tlJum Maximum $4,800,00'peT annum .' IItl:CII'ements $200.00 !pel' ye'ar t,o m!axiIOOJin. GRADE 2 OFFICE PERSONNEL Min'lmum$3,200.00 lPen ,aJDJriimn Maxlnlurrn. $4,000.00 pem annum J(ncr""",nts $200.00per yeaJl' to I!rulllXimulm. . .GRADE 3 OFFICE PERSONNEL Minimum $2,800..00' 'pen MlIll",m MalXimum $3,200.00 peT amnlUm Dnorements $200.000 per yeall'totnwlXim",m. MALE CLERK - Office 'Co-Ordin"-'tIOT to assist willi and'wihen <rUlaIHied to, dlrecrt ,otlool'Ol, in all phases 01, office 1'Wonk ind1udi,rug [pt8.!Yll1011,, accurunrts, jalIlJd 'bookkeejping, e!tlC. Hours IOIfi W1oll'k <per 'Week - 37'12. . MiniIrlJUlffi$6,200.00 per '"nuUlm' M>a!XimJUlrn, $7,000.00 I}eranu",m 1'p.Cil'ements $200.000' per year to maximum.' ELGIN COUNTY COUNC]L 223 GEN'ERALFOREMAlN L- Duties to sll!!l'eIl',vise and con- trlOd aU men: and equfupment.:floc al1Jmaiinterua.l1'ce lall1Jdr con- snrrwctiJolI1l under supar.visioll1l of the ooG;islbant ltJOI 1:Ih.e'Engineer andJ i1Jhe Engl.neel'Ol. H;OIumsof 'Wo.k - 47 hlonrs pen we'ek. M;"imum $8,700.00 lPebarm",m M>a!Ximuni $9,500.00' ,per omnum :rrl):crement~ $200.00 pel' ye<llr to tIllJa!ximullIL. ASSISTANT TO '1'HE ENGIN'EElR - Dulties ~ Gen- anal} s~erv1SlQ\I' of constnUJotion 'arnlcL 'OOntliaJotfolI' fiOlflces, land iXUlrchaJse; 'lamJd. l1fu.e position of iConstlI'iuctiJotn Safet'yl In'Slpedor. HoU!ns lof iWloTk - 47 ihoUII1S per, 'Meek, Minwum.$9,100,00 p<lD an"""",, Maximum $9,900.000 p',," annum InCil'ements.$200.00'pe'r ye<llr to malXimum. E. MILIEAGE. RATElS to. b" paidl..~(' a]1 ooonty" emp]oyees using \their !Orwn .prrtivate' 'oars be set: ,i1l1l ,aICOOI'u:lalllce wdtJhi the presellJlt 'DepaaitlrnenJ1; of fligihlWlaJy ',,"Ites: o - 5,000 miles, .15.0 :peiI1 mile 5,000 - 10,000 miles;, .08c ,pen mile Over. - 10,000 'ffiIl,*" .0Hc per ""me . .' ..,.., 2. SALARY SCHEDULE FOR COUNTY LIBRARY EJ.VliPLOYEES. OLERJK-DRIVER Mlinhnuni $3;300'.00 pell1 annum MalXimJum $4,100.00 'p(jjf"annum InClI'€llIll<lnts $200.00 peryean: to mao<lm",llIL. OFFDCE a:'ERSONN'EL (Ginarle One) Minimum $4,0000.00 per, 'aIIlInIUIm Maxi=rn. '$4,800.00 :per lan!tlJUJm ]narements $200.00 ,per )"ear to ma'xlm",m. OFb'lCE a:'ElRSONNEL (Gma<:1e '11WlO,) i . Mhllimum . $3,200..00 per annum Ma!Ximum$4,000..00 per annum J.lncreilllents $200.00 :per yean: to ma.xlmum. ASSISTANT LIBRARY SUPERVDSOR .. Miltllimurrn $4;200.00 pen annum Maximum $5,000;00 per annum J'n.orements $200.00' pel' )"ean: to malXlm:UilIl. 224 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCJ!L ElLGIN COUNTY COUNCIIL 225 3. SALARY SOHlEDULE roR COUiRT IHOUSE STAFF OFFJlOE PERSONNEL (Grade (000) Minirrnlum, $4,'00'0.00 p.eral11num Maxllnut1ni '$4,800;'0'0 per lalnnum IlnOl."OO1eIlts $2'00.0'0 I>et y~ to llIllaodmum. OFFICE PERSONNEL (Graide Two) Mlndmwm $3,200..00 per annUIIU Maxilmum '$4,000.00 .P"" annum ~norements $200.'0'0 I>er yoe<aIl' 00 malXilmiUm. OFFICE PElRSONNEL (G.'aide Three) Minimum $2,80'0,'0'0 pem 8IIlI11IUm MaxhnlUllIll $3,2'0'0;'00 per. "1!lIIlIUm Iln01'ements $200.'00 1>"" ye.... 00 malXimuIm. CUSTODIAN .oF COUNTY BUILDINGS !Minimwm $5,60'0.'0'0 per =UIlllJ lMIalXhnium $6,400'.00 1>"" an!l1lUJm ~Ol."OO1eIlts $200.00 per yeM' tomalXimum. In the above scihecliuJle ~ V1aIln1e <JIfl the serviced llJpaTtme!1lt ($650.00) ts to 'be CiOrusidened 'a1S pa.m of the sa[arIy\ CHARGE ORDERLY Mlniimiwm $4,800,00 per anllllUim Ma:><imum $5,600.0''0 per 'att1U1IUJm Increments $200.00. per yel!T to maIXhnium. ORDERLY Minlmuim. $4,000..00 pen anruwm l.\1iai:xlimumt '$4,800.'00 p,er annum Increments $200.00 per year 00 m<llXhnium. FOOD SUPERVISOR MinlInlUJIl1 $3,900.00 ,p"" <lIl1n'Ulm M1alXirrnIum, $4,700.00 pel' annum Increments $20'0.00' per year to llllilIXimum, SECOND COOK Mlniill1iUJm $3,400..00 I>er 'annum Maximum $4,200.00 P€lI1 annum Increments $200.00' per yel!T to malXimum. KITCHEN MAIDS MimOnmm $2,900.'00 per "llIIllllm Maximum $3,700.00 per 'al11nuan InCll'ements $200.00 per year to maximum. HOUSEKEElPrNG SUf>ElRVISOR MinIimunn. $3,500.00 pel' annUIm MlllixLmum$4,300.00 !pel' ,annuan fucroements $200.00 per y"",,, to itIlIllximum. HOUSEKEEPING MAIDS Mtnlimuml $2,800..00 per ammm Maximum $3,600.00 pen 'aInnlUlm ~ents $200.0'0 pe~ ye<ur to itIlIllocimum.. LAUNDRY MAIDS Minimum $2,800.00 pem <lnnlUm MialXimum $3,600;0'0 p.,... ani11JUm Increments $200.011 per year 00 malXimum. ADJUVANT MiInilllllUlIl $3,600.000 per <l'11ll1lJm M!aximum $4,400.00 per OOIlllUim Inarements $200.00 per Y"M' to llllilIXimIIlm. 4. SALARY FOR ELGIN MANOR ElMJPILOYEES. NURSING 'SUPElRVrSOR (!Registered Nmse) MinWmwm $6,4000.00 p"" Il1JIlIIliUm Maximum $7,200.00 !pel' llft1IllI\lm JIn<lrements $200.00' pe~ yoe<aIl' to malXimuffi. REGISTERElD NURSE MinhnlUlm $5,600.00 pem 'allllll\lm Ml1Jximum $6,400..00' per '8IIlI11IUm tnaremen.ts $200.00 per yea,,- to malXimum. CIHARG'E NURSE Minllmum. $4,000;00 :pel' anUlUm Maxirrnlum, $4,800.00 pel' 'ann= Inorements $200.00 peD year to llllilIXimum NURSING AJlD Minimulm $3,200.'00 per 'al!llIllUm Maximum $4,000;00 p>eIr 'all:t1l\lm Inorements $200.00' per, yea:r 00 maximum. 226 ElLGIN COUNTY CODNCIIL C!RAFT .sUPERVISOR MinilmJum $3,300.00 per !anmJU!lll U'ifaoclm<mn:$4,100.00 ,per ann"m Inorements $200.00 pen ':1'001' tOo ma\XiilllUlIll. iMAINTENANCE AND LAUNDRY,SUPERVISO!R Mi!llimullw $4,800.00 !per anltlUlIIl iMaximl\1lm '$5,6'00.00 pe'D anlIllUtm InCll'ements $200.00 pen y><lan: to ma\Ximum. MATNTENANCE MAN Minimwm $4,000.00 'per 'aOO"m iMax;mIUlh'1 $4,800.00 pen ,anJl'\IU'tIl lIn<l1'emen.ts $200.00 pet Y€OC to ma\Xml1'lrm. OFFICE iPERSONNEL (G~OJd", One) Mlnimum $4,000.00 pel' ="tm Ma,m1rIllt1lJ'I> $4,800.00 per, anlIllUlIll LhCll'emerits $200.00'per yellT to ma\Xlmum. OFFICE PERSONNEL (Grade TW1C>) MinilmJum $3,200.'00' per. annum Ma'ldimwm '$4,000.00' per annum InCll'ements $200.00' per ,year to ma\Ximum. 'OFFDCE PERSONNEL (Gnade ThTee) 'Minimum $2,800.00 ,pem a[llniUttn Ma\Ximum, $3,200;0'0 per amnum InCll'ements $200.00 pen Y€OC to ma\Xlmum. P ART TIME HEI.;P Regisbe""d Numse $23.'00 'per da~ Nwslimlg Al~s $ 1.99 Pier 'bJal1iI' 011derlie~ $ 2.27 per hou", Kitchen iM!aids $ 1. 7 5 per ~al1iI' LauniIirIY MaJldJs $ 1. 7 5 ,per hOOT !HiolUJsekeepimlg !Maids $ 1.75 pel' ha"", OverlJicrn\e to ,be Ipadd at. time'3!l1d' lott1!e haJlf ,for aliI time eldJ o.ver 48 ihJalUJl'lS pen W€ek. 5. THAT By-Law No. 2084 !be, and the same is !hereby psa1OO. 6. THAT th;s By-Law shal]; 'becomee'Mective 'on December 27th, 1969, art; tw,elve o'clock mJJdlnli,g!hJt.' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIIL 227 READ 'OJ :Iiiil'Ist tirrne, /tIhd's 19th diaJy' of November, 1969. READ a SeciOIl>~ time, 'thli.s 19th dlllJ' Oof NlOIVembeI1, 1969. READ athilro time, and finaLly passedlltlhds .19t1h d~ of No.vember, 1969. H. L. JOHNSON, Clem!<:. JOHN, WISE, Warden. COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2107 "Being a ,By-Law to Amend By-Law Na.2061 (A By-Law tOo Establish Halidays for Emg;>!ayees af the .county afElgin)." W>HEREA!S it is deemed ,,,dvioo;ple tOo, ~cllwdJ", .Easter Mon- daY' lin the iAaliJd Holida~~riaJtllll"d to, emploO'!ees olf the CowrutO' of Elgin. ,NOW 'l1HElREFORE 'the COlUIlcil o:f the O<>rpp;rlatrol1J Oof tihe CoUlIllty of Ellg,in ell1lacts ,as flOlilaw,s: 1. THAT Cl3l11se 1. (Paid Holidays) o:f By>-.Law206l be de- leted:lll1id' the fol~"w1i1rug 'S1UbstLt~ed therefOore. 1. iP,.;~ H!aUiday.s ,- New ;cears" G"old 'I!11.1iday, E'aster Monday, ViotDlri3! DaJyr,. Ju1y ls~, ,C[-\lI.1cH!olLiJdfa{Y', ]jabOlur DaJY', 'l1hJaJIlk9giving, jOhJri,smnas and BoxinJg Dary. Wlhen any,o:f, tihe paid holidatrs dlaililis on a Sialtlwrday 0< IEIl SrumJdl~_ /aJ !Cilaty' .olff IshlaH be IgmM1Jted ea.ch e!mG:>'loYlee in lieu tihereaf and tlhe ,d!aJY sIhlalliU'be 'ap.provee> ,b", 1Ih<; Head 'ad! 'lIhe D<1Partm~nt Inw'hiichJ he Oil' lSIhe ;SelIl1lPrDal}'ed. 'READ 'a fi!nst time, ltIhi'S 19th dlay of Na,v"mber, 1969. READ a seoo[>c> ~lme, '1Jhiis 19,thd!aIY' OofNla~belr1, 1969. READ a thlnd tinle, and finally passedJ thisl9t1h d!ay of 1969. L. JOHNSON; Clerk. JOHN wr.sE, WllIliden. 228 ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNOIlL COUNTY OF ELGIN BY. LAW NO. 2108 "Being a By-Law to Amend lBy-Law No. 1696, Thereby Adjusting the Salary pf the Elgin County Road ISuperintendent." WlHEREAS By"Law No. 1696 dea~s 'I'V1t!l:1 the alplPl!intment land 1l1em"""<lDaltion of, IOJ Road &.JJperintende:rut 'JiOlr, the C\>unIty 0If Ellgan. AND WHElREAS By-LaIW1 No. 1,696 is prre~ly amendOO by: By-Law No. 2054. AIND WHEREAS at is ""OIW de€Uned aIt1visable to olmnge the :pr,,~ sallOJI';}'l oOIfl the Elg~ eoutllty Road SUiPerinltemletllt. NOW THERiEFORE the Municipal OO<1J.>Olr,a1t1icm of the Co~y, of lEl1g~ 'enJacts as foHows: 1. 'l.1HAT Claullki; (4) of By-Lawl No. 1696 ,"s IllIrnended 'by B,y-Liaiw NkY. 2054 be deleteld, land tlhe d'1011i1owing substi- tJuJtOO th""efore: "THAT the SIlIan1y or rem1lIie"~io,, O<f the 'RJoad Stipel'- intendenlt shaiJlJbe tlhe """"" '011 'Sixteen Thou"""nd, Five H"""d~ed' ])ioQ]all1S ($16,500.00) poo annum, payable bi-weekly, aJllIdi 1Ihat .he be paid ,aJnj ,ail1iorwance JiOl1' the use of, his 'C'aU.1 based on the follloiw~g sclltediurre." MILEAGE PER CALIENDAR YEAR .0 - 5,000 .15c !PI"" mfule 5,000 - 10,000 i08e n>er mile O"en - 10,000 ..06c per millle 2. THAT By-lJa'W No. 2054 be, aJllIdi 1!hte Sllllrne lis hereby rOiPeMeclJ. 3. THAT thas B}'1-lJaW'.11IaQJ take e~f"ctonJ December. 2%h, 1969, >.llt 12 o'clock nnWniglhit, subject ~"the <ljpplIlOval of the Minister, O<f Hi,glhlwll(Y'S. PASSED in lopen 'Couneil1lMs 19l1h .daJY oOIf N)avemlbClr, 1969. H. L. JOHNSON, JOHN WISE, Clook. Warden. ELGIN COUNTYCOUNCDL 229 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LAW NO. 2109 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2084 Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Elgin, County Clerk-Treasurer." W'HElRE.AJS By-LOJw No. 2084 deals with .the ""plpoo!1ltl11lent and remrmer>ation of. 'OJ Clenk-TDeasurer for the IOolU,rutly of Elgin. AND WHElREAiS at is deemed ,ajdvisable tc; c:J:jange the pTe- sent sa'lary 'OIf the El1gllilll County Clemk-'11rOOlSll1J1'eD. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the 'lVJiunicipal Oorpora- ti01ll of the OOlUnI1!y of El1g>illJ en/acts .as foUc;w$; 1. '11hat,ClallSe (2) o~ By-lJaJW 1'<0. 2084 be deleted and the :BoJlowmg SlUhstiVuIted thlerefore. "11hOJt 'his 's~aJl'Y as 'OJierk-Treaswrer of the COIUnty of iEJ1gin be '11hliTilJeen TholLlslamK1, Seven HuOlldmed' and Fifty Dollall1s ($13,750.020) pel', ,annum, pay>a1ble bi-weekly." 2. '11l1at 1his By-Law ib<!eolille ef:llective "'" Decemb"" 27th, 1969, all 12 o'clock mldltilight. 'READ 'OJ :fiiIr1st thne, ltih>rs 19th <IJaJY of No,vember, 1969. READ a seocxnd time, 't:hJ1s 19,th dJa~ of Nbvembelt1, 1969. READ a third time, and finallY' passed rtih>is 19th dJa:y 0If November, 1969. H. L. JOHNSON, Clemk. JOHN WISE, Warden. 230 .ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2110 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2085 There\by Adjusting the Salary of the E,lgin County Deputy Clerk-Treasurer." WHElR'EAS ;By-Law 2085 IdeaJls with ,too ,,"ppll.ntment and il'eIlllUltl>elI'ation of !II f[)eputy Olleirk-Treal'llUlrm\ fo1' <hie County of Elg.in. AND WHEREAS. it is dee/med advisabllie ~o chalt>ge the pre- ,sent sala~y ,oil' ltIhe Deputy Cle['k-T~EJasUTer. NOW THEREFORE thle Council 'of the MuniciJpa~Corpo~a- tron ()If the Ooorrrty ill Elllgin enlacts as f,oM",,,",.: 1. THAT Clau!se (2) loiI' By~Law 2085 be dE!lete.d anid the ~o~~",wIin'lg subsituted>tftlJ<!~e'fore. "'THAT lbIis sfa~aJ~Y as DepUlty Olerk-Treas"!Jl'el' of the Coumrt;)'1of Elgin be 'Ei,g\hJt 'l1h(lUsood :00[1",,,, ($8,000.00) perannUlIIlJ ,p"IY"'b]el bi"'wleekly;." 2. THAT iBlY-LaJws 2024 and 2057 ,be ,and the same me lhI<lreby !repealed. 3. THAT this ~-lJalW bedotme eflfedtfive on December 27th, 1969, ,aIt 12 dclock tmd.drrlIi.ght. READ '" flimst time, .Ihors 19t:hJ'dlaJY of November, 1969. READ a second time, 'tibJis 19tJh diary of Nlwembem, 1969. READ a thi.,d time, and finally passed thiis 19tihJ' dlacY oil' N1owembeT, 1969. H. L. JOHNSON, CleDk. JOHN WISE, Warden;. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIIL 231 COUNTY OF, ELGIN BY.LAW NO. 2111 "Being a By-Law to Establish the ,salary of'the Temporary Administrator of the Elgin County Home for the Aged." THE OOUNCIL OF THE ,CORPORATION OF THE COUN- TY OF 'ELGIN lenacts as ~oILJJOW'S: 1. THAT the saJ1an:y of .1Jhe TeUliP'o"llirY Ad:rnJ.nIisbDator of ltIhe El1g!in COIUIllVy HOlUIe '~or the Aged, be Ten Thioursand: Dollars ($10.,0.00.'00) per larrNl'-1lm, pay/alble :bi-weekl!y.. 2. THAT B)'1-Larw No. 20670e '"nd '1Ihie same ;:s, h"~eby re- pealed. 3. THAT thIDs !By-Law sh''''H take effect iOIIlI December 27th, 1969, at 12 oIdJiock mldnig!hrt. 'READ '" :filnst time, Itlhig 19t1h dla\y of Nwember, 1969. READ a seClcme> 'time, 'thIDs 19.th diary of No'VembeD:1, 1969. READ a 1Jh1I1c> time, and tinallY' !passed, rtlhis 19th day of NIoV'ember, 1969. H. L. JOHNSON, CleDk. JOHN WISE, Warden. COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LA,W NO. 2112 "A By-Law (to Increase the Salary of the county Weed Inspector and Tree Commissioner." . THE COUNCIL OF THE CORIPORATliON OF THE COUN- TY OF 'ElLG IN eoocts ,,"s folllow~: 1. THAT the rElIll11IDe~"tion'of ,the COU~i\O of Elgin Weed In_ spector <lIIld Tree C<lIIDIIliss;oner be $2.20. pen 11ro!wr. 2. THAT il" car mlmeage 'allc;w,ance of 10c per <mdle be paid to 1Jhe Weed npectotr 'and, Tree OOOl1lll1'B\Si<:>ner ill,,", e"oh mile Ii II ,I : ~1 232 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCI!L n1elJes:san:dly travellro IWI1ful!e ,engaged in ,the duties of :hiE offices. 3. THAT C",un1Q of Elgin iay-LalWlS No. 1721 and 1777 be 'and llJI'e hereby 'aIIlJ.<lnJded "cco,,~ga.)1. 4. THAT CIOIUnty ofl Elgin By-Laws No. 2018 '.alnidJ 2026 be 'and th" soorue ,ame !hereby r<1P"1llJl!edJ. 5. THAT this By-'LaJW ,becomes 'effecltfrve December. 27th, 1969, at 12 ~'Idl!ock mldndglhit. 'READ 'llJ fdImt time, Itlhls 19th wllIy of November, 1969. READ a seoolt>d time, ItIhll. 19thdJay of N1o'V'embeIC, 1969. . !READ a thWd time, and tfinally :passed ttIhills 19~h dJ~y. of Nio,ven1iber,. 1969. H. L. JOHNiSON, Clerk. JOHN WISE, Warden. COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2113 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the County :of Elgin at the November Session, 1969." WHElREAS by ISection 9 ,(}f the Mumclipal Act, being Ohap- ter 249 of the 'Rev,sed,Statut:e. of OniVar,O\ 1960, thel~OlWerS of .a' lllItIDiciplp.ilJ {~olrlp,oQ'1a1tilolIll 'ame it\o.he exerciSle1d bY' its oo!UmJci1; AND WHElREAS by, Suihlsect;o," 1 of 'Section' 242 of the MunlcipailAcrt,. being Oh"ipter ,249 o:D 'tIl1e Revised Statutes of OntJarU.o, 196'0, (tlhle p!O'WleriS of every' COlUInicful ame tai Ibeexercised by ~y.-Law; AND WHiElREAS it is deemOO exopedienlt Wat the poo- ceedings of .the 'Council ,of, tJhe Cmpo[ja;[;o"" ,oil' the Cownltev of Elg~ attMs ltllIeelting, be confirmed ,md ooopt"dJ by By-LaJw; NOW THElREFORE the Oounci] lolf Itih" 'Coroomtion of, t!he Cownrt;y lolf :EJli.gWnI Ena<Jts llJS 'follows: ElLGIN COUNTY COlJlNCIIL 233 1. 'l1hiat a,ct,0I1J oif rlhe CVlWIlIclil ot the C<Jil1Pl>I1e1tdon of the County ~ EIgfuru in ,respect of ~llIoh l'eOOllllJIlrendJaitiJOI1J dOlllitained in :the Repotl'ts oil' the Comtm!i/tltees laJI]d eaJoh mOltion and "elSolu- tiOlJl p'8ISSedJandJ ofJhielr 'action tlI;ken by ~he OOllmltlil of Ellg~ at its meetings IheIld dlUmlnJg the Novemben 1969 'SesslilOIIlI is ilereb:\" llIdioip~eid, !ann "'OIIltf:ll'Il1UId as if 0JJl:I SIUdi> PI'IOlceed:iJngs were ex- pressly embod,ed 'ill tis ~-LalW. 2. 'l1l>e W""den laIl1d proper of~iciaJs of the CorplOlmtion of t!he OOlUJllt:\" 'olf Elligin ""'" iJereby ,aJuII.1hioIrized 'all1id, ddlvected to do aJ1l. thmg\S IOOCeSsalI1Y' to give ei'Jieol1 ~o tihJe 'aIltiOIIll of 1:IbJ~ C"uncil of the CorpoJ:'altion 'o~ the Countw of Elgin mferred to inl pre_ c~dmg ~tiJon Iheo:eof. 3. The W"",delIll llIIlJd the 'OLeirk are ""fJhJotrli<ZedJ IlIIlidJ ddrected to execute <lIll dkroumlmts neceSlSia!t1y> in that !behalf ~dJ m aflfix ther/e'tiO the 8",,,1 of, the ClorpoICation of fue CounllJ~ oIf Elgin. READ '" :fliIl'ISt time, itlhds 191:1bJ dlaiy of November, 1969. READ a seoond' ,time, tihIis 19th .dia!Y' of NIoivernJboo, 1969. 'READ a thIrritl thne, and finally passedJ t!lJJis 19th d\l:y of November, 1969. H. L. JaHN,SON, Clerk. JOHN WISE, Warden. 234 ElL GIN COUNTY COUNOIIL SEVENTH SESSION - FIRST DAY Wednesday, the 17th Day of December, 1969 The Elgin County Cou,,,cil ffi<lt th.s dial)O at the CdUrt iHlouse, 1St. 'llliomas, In aCdomdJ""de 'WIi1lhJ aJdjlOiUlI1IllIrient. 'l'h<l 'WIaJl'den in ~he ObaJi<I'l., A1Il the "'<lIT1ibern presenit. Mwedby 'Reeve MCKmoIP, :SIaoonded b)" Depn1lby ,.Ree"",. Jo\hmJ&ooinJ: . 'llb~ thle minutes of tile November 1969 Sessltm of, the Elgin ClllUlIlt)" CoitID()i,l be ,oo1rliimmed. . , , . CarTied. . 'llhe ~ol1oWliIl.g Comrrtun1i<latiOlIlJs weI'e ,.e,oo,' andJ' me&e",'ed: to theillvv"l'ious <lOll)lllllit~s. . lfu1qlffi the eanadiiJ~Il'l' ~.atloltlJa:l Ingl;ltulte ,110~ the Blind' 'With 'app~ecialtJion 'O~,gral11lt. - 'Filed. '.- .. '. .,' .., '. . '.:\ 'E1oom ,til>" UruiVlett'sity of WesteDI1J Ontario w,ith '9JP,preciatioo of, 'gmant, .,-- FiledJ. rFmomi ~!he A1SlSDICiart~o1l1 o!f. JCounties~ ,andl r.Regions of; Ontan:io wlith ll1!eW\Sl<ji~er wi1lhJ ~Iepar,t o~ meetil!1Jg of the AJC;R.O. execu- '!Jive and' the 'l'Mnister of, IMlUIIlicip;aiIJ A:DIlalixls altlJdi the 'Minister of iHigIhJWa.Y\S o:ie the inc~ease of roald,s lall'lld S'tJreets, sulbsidiJ" to cities and sepalI1ate& t<>WllllS ,f1I1Om33%% to 500/0. - iReillel1$d to t'he Raad CommiJtJtee. F1rom ltIhe .Rid,getolwn O"llege.oct' Ag'r!icuJ.Wll1aJl Tech'l>Olc>gy iWOtIhi ,alPp;reciatloiDJ of sclhiol"",jlMJp. - Flle.d. F1uom Mr. Reginalld Martin of New Y'ork Life .rnsu~anre OolI11lP:an.y 'WliJt/hl better .tie: Or/GUlp IllISfllo:1811l1ce, SUIPiP~ememl~_alliY' Hos- pitaiL EXlP1elI11Se lall1ld Long TerIII1J DiSlaibiolitYl InSUlrrance; -- Re- 'fem-ed: tb rillre FCIl'~OI!1Inel Comnnnttel<'. FDolm IMr. C. H. KeII'r, AdmlinOsitratOU1 \)If .Bea'tltie :a""en with !liPiPIneclalt~oltlJ o~ ,g<lant .- 'Filed. F1rom ,Mr. ,Eldlwand !Pinel,!>", OOlUnlli)" 'RiecOO1ds Libl1a!I'laIl1, Uni- verSit)" KJIf Western 'Onta~"o, with 1etter "flJielriIllg, to t"kI~ on de- po,s;t, 'any noo-currem ,necoit1ds of the ,COUll'lty of ElgiltlJ whicl> ,... ....l ELGIN COUNTY OOlJlNC]L 235 Jl!l'e of 'hdstOO1ical v:alue. -.iR~ferred ,to the !AnOlI>CIl1l,Y.8I1lId AsSess- ment OOOllilllli<<Jtee\ 'F1mm the. CoUllllty of Slm""e with resoluJtion ,that Simcoe CibiWnlttyJ CtJiUncil wish to' go Onl Deco<id, IBis ,being 'o!lillosed to' the leg,aIi2JaJtion 'Iof. Ma1rlijuamJ31, ........ FEled. F1uollll: MD. D. J. Dalte, MwnJidpM ACCOIUIIJJt[I:\g ,and Fi,ruall1ce Adrvdsor, Department of Munic}vlal} ArDaWl1S .w.tih C'QPies lof \Sltl3/t~e- men". 'hdgl1lliglhtin,g, '1IhJe level of tax.....",""'" "~'1tallJJding.at the 1968 YeIa", end ~ the T'OIWns,VilJla1ges llIl1U 'llClwMhips of ,south Wes1ierltlJ OntaTio. - Refi,mred 10 the Finance COIIIlImIiItttee. 'l'1rom /tihe Depammentt IO~ Munic]p,al A:DIlallins advising that MJn. E.. N..MdOal~Ulm hlliS ,been la SUlll1Cdes"'1fUl! ~pl1i"ant ~OD one Of the Vai!JUJaJtlon Manager positions with the Municipal As- sessment Divlimo"" of the De(pfa"'tmenlb. "'-. 'Filed. ili1110m . the 'Cilty of St. Thoma's 'W>lth resio'lut.""" ~atting "That the C"W'cil Of .~lhJe Crt)" of St. ThO"DJaJS Tesolves thatt It!he s'aid CitY!JJas no. ~ble .merest;iDJ the,CiolU1n1tYlCtJiU11l !H]ouse." ~efen:"d to the 'PTope11ly lall1!dJ Aissessment COm:mitliee. . .Ji1rom /till'e ,Salvation A.nmy, with lappreci<lJtiiIOOlJ olf gr<ant. Filed. Fnom. the Ohild/ren's 'Aid .Society; of !the Cit)'l o,jj St. Thomas and! the Coumy.of Elgin 'Wwtb ,llSll; ,oct' Chihdrven ilriJaane, 'and; Fin- aiDJce !RepoVtto Oobobrer 3lst, 1969. - Refl>rned. to the Finance C'<1mmIi~ee. Foltoan the D"pa~lIn1ent 'O~ MUIIl;c~atl Md1aiiU1S with Newsletter Nlo. . 2 Irelalti "'e to, ~he' Ha:ld'iimJand. N OIl'Ifo1k Stwdy. Referred to the OOlUnty Gov\,>rn.men~ Comm:itmee. ,.' 'l1heRt,pOl11t ,oct' ibh.e iRoa<:L Com[!)ittee was !pmesenJted, b,y Reeve Todd ,amid adopted on motion lolf Reeve 110<'1& 'and! R"Clve Keil- ,.",.. The Rep"n" of the Elgin M8IIliOr OOIIIlmittee Wlas IPresented ,by Reeve DeGraw 'and ad"IPted! 0/tlJ llIlIOItion of Reeve DeGraJW land RJeeve McKill1.DiP. 'llhie Fi~st 'Rt,POlI1tof the .f1nO\Pffi1t)" aIl1Jd! Asse"'rrtenit C"'mmit- tee 'WIa:S presel1JV"d 'by Reeve MdDlDe land ,aJdiopted on' motiOlllJ oct' Reeve Moone 'aIl1d' DelPuty Reeve iRoberlts. 236 ElLGrN COUNTY COUNOllL EiLGIN COUNTY ooWC'lIt.. ''l1he RepOll1t KJIf the \Special COIIIl/Inittee on Ull1boo Rebates was presentedJ 'by ReeV'e J,o~mson and 'll!dJo!pted kln mpl;lotnJ O<! lReieve JiohIl/SOn '1l1nd Reeve T,odd. It ""'" mOlvedJ by DepUJty Reeve McIntyre ,'1fuJaJIJ IMIl1. C~..y- b<>uirtne Gord<m, 'COUtrlroy, Woed InSpeotOll1, be ,nIOMn heli!rrl, 1Mln. GOI1dm prr1eisentoo 'h;,s reporl. !Moved ~ O~ Reeve Misk~, Seconded by Reeve '11000: 'I1hJait BrY"lJaJwNo. 2114, be '!'lead... seCOOldAime. 237 - Carried. Moved ,by !Reeve MdKill<>iP, S~OOnded by !Reeve KjeillJm: That By"Law, No. 2114, be read, a tlhiDd ti:me, and 'fm.ally !passed. . - Carried. Moved Qy Reeve HiodJgsOlll!, Seconded! Qy Reeve Wi!SOIllJ: 'I1hJait iBy-lJaw No. 2115, "A By-Law to Oonf;,rm I1roceed~ dogs O<!the OOWJ:cill O<! the Oooporation KIf 'tIhe CotmItiY <If Elgin at 1il>e December SessiOlll!, 1969," be <read .. ,ilI'lSt tinle. - Call1'ied. MOIV€'dQy 'Re~ IMcAlpillle, Sebondlld b;yDepl!:l~ Reeve McIlnIty1re: 'lllialt the Weed; Inspector's Rep<lO't be aoceplield ~ printOO in the IPIDQiceedul,gs. - Carried. MovedJ by iReeve '1'odd, 'SeQOlIlldOO by: Reeve Ueej,....w: 'llliat we dJOI now adjourn to meet ,..gain am 2 p,m., Wed1!ms- <lia\Y', Decemben 17>t1h, 1969. - Carried. Moved ,~ Reeve Willson, Seconded b(l' Reeve Hod.g&o01J: '1100tBiY-Law No,. 2115, be reM' '.. secOI11Jd time. COUIllJcil ll1e-conVlClllle<i. The Second RePOIrIt of tbie 'Pawerilyand MseSlSllllent C0m- mittee Wills I,lIresell1JtedQy Reev.e MOIOre aIllJd adoiPted' 'OI11J mCltiion of Reeve Moore wdi Ree~, iMcAlIpitnJe. , 'IThte iE1inance. Committee \RieplOlrlt ""as presentedi 'b)n Reeve JIoIhiniscm ,and IaId~d on ,mOltTon KIf R,ee>ve Jdbinlson lall1ldJ Reeve M'irs. Bl'Yith. 'I1lie OClUIlty OOlVernment !RepClDt was ~nted by Reeve McKiJI]OIP am;(! aiOOIpted olll mOOm oiJj !Reeve McKillop and Reeve :mlIll€ll'son. Moved byReev[e McKillOlP, SecondOO bW DeplUltiY' iReeve Mlske1lJy: 'lIhat By-lJaw Nh 2114, "BlJin.g a Bl}"-IJaJw to Appointt " Te\n1iPoriaTlY' Adn'llIDstrallOll1 fa", the EIgilll Oo~ 'lliOllIle fOlI' the AgOO," be OleaJd,'''' i1iItwt ~iiIll>ie'; Carried. Moved by Reeve Kelillor, S'econdOO,.by'Reeve C...venl(y1: Toot Bty-L3IW Nil>. 2115, be read a t'hird ctriJme, and f.Jnally p&SSe<i. M'OiVOObry De:Pui3' Reeve N arnett, Seconded ,by Reeve KeiHlliI': Thiait we <110 IllJOIW adji,l/Ulml me die. R L. JOHNSON, Clet!ik. - Carried. - Carried. - Cal'l'iOO. JOHN WISE, Warden. 2.38 ,E)LGIN COUNTY CQUNCIIL ElLGrn COUNTY COlJNCIIL 239 ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1969 110 the WamdeDJ ,and Meombeus of the Elgin Ooamty Oouncil, Your ROad rCollll!mittee B!elg,sto Repb~t "" iFoililblW'S: 1. OOlnstnulctiJotIll Icontirnrues IOInJ the WliiIJ<eyJs Hridge-and ap- p~o"ches 00. ROIOJd' No. '8 in'DuJIllwidh. It is hoped to' ibJave thiebcr:w,ge open b(Y ClhmistllTIaS. 2. . OOllllSVnuotioll Om] IR\Jlad No. 45 in Y"mnornh 'l'olWlIlship bas been 'crol!n{PJ.etec1 fur the .seasotn all1Jd Itlhe l1013.d il'!e'-'olPenied. Grad~g and Gma!tlJULOJr Base UJi"" beencompletOO flrom JI>ff" lto 'one .mile Ea'st 10~ Road N". 22. Tqp sOI!l amid Trlmmin,g W100'k wlilli1r be ,ooDJtiruuOO next yi8aJr. 3. Constvucti!ottl of rtme !I'laYleivs B['wige 'Ottl 'RiO\ad No. 45 over Oail'fi,sIhr 'Oreek Ilr8JS 'been ccymIP1eted excep{b ~or ~pcrap wQlrk. The 'bDid,ge h!b" been oplettled to Traf~k. . '. 4. Wlarren Street Bridge UJia~ 'be"", opened to, Triad'lric. 'I\rim- lIning -WlO!1"k landl PlaJvingwill be 'cOlI11!Pliffiool next yeaII'. AU of which is ['espectfully 'submitted'. ID. !R.TODD, CQ>OJlirrinlalri. 3., We.recomrrn€ll1Jd! that the Deparrrtment <lIli Sociail amid ];1armily SerrWlces be. Co~actedr Wliltlhi reglliDd t<:> the p~l!!sihle PU['_ dliase '0Jf laJ tr<act 'otf Larud in 'llhe eastelItti, 'Plllnt of 1Ihe 'County fIott a ~uture site ill" laltllother Horn.. rfOT the Aged. AJlJI ,of w1Mdhr i& T<>i\PectDwlll~ oobmitted. V.DEGRAW,Chi~runaJn. PROPERTY AND ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1969 First Report To the War,den 'aIJIdJ Miermbers 'o~ the Ell;gin County Oouncil, The p~~ and Assessment Committee RepolIlts as fol- lO'Ws: 1. .WIeI,lhaveinlstmuetieldl Fr.ank Oow:alrll Insu1.nance Conn,pail1Y ~l> 1OOlll,0,"" t1he Oe>rpo.'aHon of ithe 'Cit)" of St. 'DhoIn<uS as one of thie a1IIlmes of the asswr,edJ '00 the FiTe 1rnsumllJ!lJCe IpOli~ COVer- ing 1ihe CooTlt Hoose 'a"'d, o~her Ooonty BumMing,s. 2. We l1ia"", meaeived I>PIPIliillVlaffi ~rom the DepaJrtill'e~ of Bwbllic Works .~oJn the ]>'U['dhra,se <>f 50 ',dhrair 'cu<Ihil'lJJ!lsanrd, the :insVaJllatlo", of 'carrpetin.g in the 'OOIU!ljtJ !RoOln, J'l1i11Y' Roo'll, etq., ,aJI1!d oIfihattleShlip linOleum in the hall" on ,tlheseaond fIlOOr. 3. We Ireoormmend ItlhIat the County Govelrnanen~ Commit- tee irnrvestiglalte tlhe lad'ViSlllbHitlY ,of "''llalgralll1ating' rthe PrIopeTlty 'alnd Asse1rsSJInent. OOlll1mittee, the PeDSOnnel Committee ~lnd thie EqWallizatilooComrmiittee tn1lo1 tlwo commifttJees, inIaanel,y, lBooperlby and Personnel Oomrmittee, am EqUlaJlizaJtion aJnld! A&sessm€/l1t ODl!IJJm:ittee. AlII ,of 'Wlhrioclhi i" TeSlPectDwl~Y' submittoo. F. F. MOORE, IChainman. ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1969 '110 thie Wal.'ld"", 'ao:iJd Mie'mJbers o~ the Elllgin County C",uncil, 'The EIgri,,, Mano" OOmlmittee'relYOIl'Its ll/S follo'lms: 1. We 'necOUlillend t1lialt 1Ihe necessary By-LaIw be iwt:r.o" ,ducerdJ to ex~end, the 8IPlpo,intlment olf MT. R. B. HirmlPfe[> as jJeom- ipOlrlaIW' Adm.inistrat'orr flolr;a. f:iJjr,them !perilod' of' 12 months daten fu10rrn J1amIWaIi1Y' 20th, 1970. 2. '11hJaIt lVLl1s. Jeattl Pineo'" te= of eIl1lP~o~rneIJltJ at Elgin Miano[' be extettlded ~lbrrouglh; fue y<!aD 1970. o>nlly, 240 ElLGIN COUNTY COUNOi:Jl., i SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON URBAN REBATES December Session, 1969 11<1 the Wal1<1e<ru ,aJIlIdl Members of the Ellgin County> Council, YiOlUm ,~eICi..t OOllllJIIliittee 0"" Ulr~Re1:lalt". Beg" ibo r"IPort as folliliolW\S: 1. YOOIl.1 'Committee "as reviewed b OOlUntY' relhlatoo to U['- blan ttnlUilJiiciJplaJ1itlies and the IrP!aKlJ e~pendlilbu'l'es of the UT- Iban mUilJiicip'alldties fur the last 5 yeal1'W. 2. Y~ Oomnni~tee Ihlas ,reviewecr thi<; presenit ICounty poli- cies ,wifJhJ meg<lll1ci to the ,diivision of. It',e.pOlOOibilities ,between the OolUn~ Md the ult1balIJ! mumci:!>aUty, on County !Ric;OJds ~ ltIhe ourhlaJIlj municipalitY'. 3. The Engineer lhllS bee\l1J iIlJs~eci to oIbro~ aciddlhiOIlJail infurmIatiolDJ to laSsist tIh.i! Oomimittee' in the de1Jibe\r1altiOll1JS. 4. mile mandato'IW IUIse <JIf,' Rnorvinclal Equalization Factors (mde!" tIhie NeiWAssessrnenlt ,Adt') in: d~erminin:g Cotmty I!'iates ,alnd it. 'efif,e<its on UiJ.ib~:aebllltes wiinb<; studied. AllIl O<f wIhJiJcIhi Is Tes\pect[uil~ sabimJitted'. H.' B. ,JOHNSON, Chiainu'ilian. [ WEE:D .INSPECl'O, R,'SRE:POR:t, 1?69 ,",:' .. ,.C":-, .,. . ," , ", .",' . -'.' -"-',':." ......-- '110 theW aI1cieIDJ ,alllldi MJ<;mIQffi'S <if the IDlgin: Co!Uniyl OOIUncil. The froililowingwm~ Repo<t onWeled, Cpntr1o[ ,in Elgin ,O<1UlDJty [O",.t'he~It', 1969. Most ~ul1 time i1aIrme.... in tJl>e CIo"nl;~ diid'.. '~ ,goodjo'b on weed ,oontOOllltlhlt'oulllhoulb IlJhe ..um,m,e".of, 1969. This refers to ~alrmers with 'o~l1iund~ed 'aIctl'ell or. mo!re. '])heIre an; people livdng m> fIaIrons ",f. fo.'om twenlty to 0IIlIe h'U1nlClIt',edaloces, woo WlO~ aWla~ from home IfPr [heiJr livelliillrootd,. '11hiis type O<f per- &on "'" the "'n\EJ 1Jhat seeimS to I1I8Ne the moslt weem, as it is mere- IIiy III !(>JJaJce tOI !live. You can renlt a smalID fllll'lIll dbes\peID !than a Ilwwse lainI<'l J.ot; ElLGIN'COUNTY COUNGlIL 241 The ,sibloiritage of 'he/[> ,a[]]<1 'OJ [ot oill radn iOCJJ the [l'!llSt spring ,aIIliW iiiII.1St LPaIrt o~ the S\UIIl1m<jl' kept fllJl:'\!nenS fvom ,g.etting work done. 'l.1hJeIl'ealI1e IIll,a1Jy 'VllIrIieties of weeds. YeliJIow 1l10cket is the fiJrst >weed to 'S\PlPea.. iOCJJ the spril1>g whiclh i" bad iI1> some alt'eas. 'I1hds 'PM yelair IIlJU,staro 'Weed 'WIaIs plelIlltJfull, IaIs well als gll'at's hea!rd an<i milk weOO wlhJicih ""ems to, be 'on th~ i!]CII'ease. Many 10000elI" rannlUlail weedSl SUldhJ as btu:JJD thistl'es, SIQiW thistITe and wiltd' CalDnot 'Were 'alsKlI i"" abull1cialnce. Most Kl~ Vh<ese weeds can be ,checke'd '"l' killed by s\p'l'Iatyrim,g at tlhe .igJhIt tilime. However, mJo~t fu:rnners .rpn:laiy 'Wihen t~ weecls '"n~ to<> 'Dall' 'adlV.a!tlJcecr or stall'ltiIl;g to get 'rupe. 'I1hds ,allis", ap:pIDies t." ll'IOa<i sfudespaJatying as it a[>\peaJros to", much otIher wOl1k :bias to dome lbefu!r1e weed COln- m,01. EligjilllJ lCoulDJty is a ilKllDJg nIairIrIO>w county witlh Lame Erie on Ihe S101UJt1hJ .fide and the rl!hmee townlSlhiips in 'tIhe west, with the Warnes River <In 'the north,. Tl>ls gives ElgtimJ COnin ty> a lot of ll'1oogdlJ 'hand wdtibJ mt""'\Y' <meekJs 'alnc1ll'1ll1Vines, IWihildb llllIa1kes aJ 101 aID talIlx:li !ima>os,sdblJe to 'Work aOCJJdl", goolci p,ace for 'Weeds to gnolW. There - ~ fielkls wilt!h no . orop ~hils year 'on 'accoUlnt o~ the! wet ~pofilDJg. Ct;r'j!] Jiields, sotybean fields {",om the 1968 cmp and SIOme ~.Jeltds p~olW'ect IiIllJ the ~al~ of 1968 just 'aY'ed idle 1Jhis ye3lI' anrdf!)rew weeclJs. "Les~1 thlan IbemJ pereenrt of these fields >were sP'I1~d. E1a!r1miing' now seems to be, g.eIt llJ1l! yIOU can thw yElalt'\ neveT mii:l'ci wlhlalt ~a'kes place next ;}"ealt'. Rrovin'cila! hi,glhlw"lJ's fiOCJJ tJl>e OOIUnty !haci lots of weeds glIOW- illg 'on ltihem IlJast '~p'ni11lg laJwd: J11O/W1il11lg wafS liaJte starting. In most LPiDaoes jUst one 'slW'allihJ wa's 'Cwt 'WIhhJhJ ,'WI,," ~ lDJamnow, mea- SUJmng ~n SIOtrne, lblcat~ol1JS abloUlf;, thtt-ee' cfe{~t' in 'wiidlth. This &.ad, at'ter the weeds w€!I1e '11ipe, IlIlJOIst 1ailJ. of IlJhe mgh'W1a~ in the <iOIUInIty were fairliY! >well aut Ito the fence. A lot 'OIL mow,;ng 'Was ,dbne 'O!] the coun'\y ",oads. When ~he l/nI()W>elns'i1ill'SIt st8lt11Je<i to out tJl>e i11dad sides Were "o~t and it was I1iard to do a gIO'ol1 j:ob. Some ,00u11lIUy no,adls shloiuilici Ihi"ve had a il,ttlie lffiO'l'e mKlIWi\njg "" 1I11e mowel'lS 'WIe1re tlalken oclli\ ,lhel1ollids a Jiilttle too "",on. There. woo not ~010 IIUUJch spl18(Vmll 'cione on the COiliInty ololac1s 'ane] ~o~ at tJl>e might Itlme. I think !the COIUntiy> sJ1/oU'ld Ihla'l'e thelim ~ ,sPIMYICIl' as most cOUnty IfIolaWs are a lh'llIlldrOO feet widlEl row and lare gimded up i ~~ II S ~i iffi' Ir if! '! I' j, "I !i: r.i ~'I ~ ' I' " ! f! ~! !~ II , 242 'ElLGrN COUNTY COUNOIlL 243 ElLGIN OOUNTYC<OUNCIlL qutite higih jn Ipl~ces w!hich Imakes them IhaDd to mOlW. Q!tlJ these wliidie u1Oaods itlhe ,weeods @JOIW in the ditches <m>d' there "s not much use slPl11aJyirug iW1IeI sihJoulders KJ,f,ihe "clads 'if the ,weeds laJre a;JilKJw-' ,ed V", @Jaw in the dlitc!hes ",><. nexltl ~," the feruce. TOIWn~p 1rK1laidls in "KJ:me aIt'~a. ,of the <:Olinty are fairly clealn! while inlorther, IPlalrlts more 'ooruilid 'be done on weedl 'OO1Ili- trot 'More l$lp'rl8Iyang-l~uIld be done Onl 'some tIolWl1Jslhip ooal(ll8. The ",all'Way. do Vffity Jiittle ,011" w,ee,do dOIl"Vrlo[ 'aJIlJd lit is hamd to get rtlhe statilon y!ams ~ viJilloJg,els 'and' WwI1lS1 mo'W1~ct. Some roaiilJwta.!~ "CJr'OSSimlg.S in the county aTe d1anger.orus 'OlIl 18'ccollmt. of weed ,gtriowitlh. Golden ,void glI'KYWls Ihn(gibl andJ stlOiPs yoWl' view. I TeoeivedJ mJamty cOimpl,aIi!tlJts abowt weeds this yelan: amid, h::>,d a lot of 'Weed,s ,ault 'by Elgdn Weeid 'Con'tlI1oru wi't!h the cos'b 'bemg ,coill1ected dOl' tiaoces. I gave ,ou~ i!limy D:JJO'tices tIo destl'W weeds arriJd :some p:t1OiP'erty owner. 'Were slow imJ obeying these notices resuilting irJ as many as six .daQls. No reporlt ,o~, dlamage done by ,spma.ying lin 19.69 WloJs ",eceh'ed. In C~OSilIllg my ll'eporb, I "'iSh tothlank QOIUIIlILC\' 1BIIlIct 'Dawn- Ship Om:i'cia~s 'l\'hJ0 'do-,operalted: in lhelplilDlg io conrtJI101 the weOOs in the Oountyffiolr 1969 arrJid ,allso VheTowrn, ViI]age"arrJid Town- S/>i,P WeedJ InspeotOlr1. f<lll': thel" .'C<>-GpeDatlo". AlliI 'od'wlhllidh Is "'''Epectd'o.1JJil'Y submitted'. OLAYBOURNE GORDON, County Weed: inspecton. ltIhrough their AsSistant to the Liiba1ami!an nJamelY' Edw,a1'd Plhellps 'be autIhJo~izedJ t" memorve the otd ~oJP""s "'Did books froon thEl COllInI(\' <>t ElgJin O<ffiaels, helOOJlg'ing. to ~he Murnlictpaffi Cor- p!oIDmlon 'of the OOlun*" of, Elg~, and tOo 'deP<lSlilti these records in the Un~versity LH:Xrul\rjy1 floll': pffi1ID'anel1/t. presenvratti'OIl1,'storage, aoo pI>blric <referenlCe, ,subject t" the rfIoihlowOrDlg ,cron<lilltions: Pill OOii,gJi!tlJali rnia1JuI1Ja 'bQoks and by-laws "t thre COUlIllty shi",Jil .be 'retainedi 'by the CoulIliliY'. 'Cler'k-Treal.slUlrer, but tlheUni- vemslty, Libl"aJriY sOOllil lhillve p<lI1Illitssion to, !rnfuCU1o[itlmtheoo bOl<1ks wihrich aIOO Tetained. Any U',eoomdsod<w",sweldJ in 'tIhe UnJivell1sil(\' LibI1aIt'y l<lhJallJi "'e- . (moon. the ~n"penGY "f the Munlcip"~ 'CoJ1PtliI1aItilolIl of lUre C0011lIllty of E~gdn lall"d' mlall' be Il'ecailed wIhen' reqUlin:ed ,bll' tile CQlUlITcil through itlSl 'offioffi1S. N10 !t\iiDlancial dJ]8n'g]e rshial,.,rn, ltlIa'dl> by itlhe Unive'J!sity Lib- 1f'IaIl\Yl JOO 'tlhe County 'OIf EligimJ f:olr tihe stOlra.ge of ilts 1l'€Jco~d1s. Within tihrree 1Inl00lIfJhs 'O~ ~he Temioval <>t .the lOOC,,"dJs Lrom tlhe Go~y Od'ifices, a de~ar;led list 'of the records 'dJepoSi~ed in the ..UnJi'V1e1DSity LibDaIr"y slmH be JiulmiElhed, tOo the Olerk-'Drea- sWoon 'of the County, and, 'to the C"'o.1JnJty Lib1'lall1iarDl. AIll O<f wIhllich i,,<e'IPectJJw~,y sulYmiitted'. F. F. :MOOR,E, iOh"drrmaU1'. PROPERTY AND ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1969 Second Report 'DOl the WardeI1llamJdl Mermibeu.'ls 'Qlf. the Eligin County. Council, The PI~o'Perty and, AsseSlSment Comnndt~~El repOIits as fol- 10'WlS : 1. Th<lt Ithe UinuverrsitW ,Off Westem Onrtlan'iiklr Lihmry FINANCE COMMITTEE REPOR,T December Session, 1969 To the Wanden) iatr:ildJ Mlelmlbers I{)lf theID:LginOQrlJntJY' Coonci1, !The ~nJamJce C:olInmlittee r€lplolI'ftls as'foll1JolWlS!: 1. Tll'ait Ohla~iltlY arDId:,Welti)an:e Pa,y List No. 11 ~O[" $1,446.95, be awIiOvect: 2. That Clhii1dir1etnls Aldi Sl>mety IP,ay Lis,t Nloc ,11 ~Olr $2,547.50, 'be approved. 3. Thalt!tJhe eomlllllUnicatlon fmom l'I.fu1. [I). J. Date, high- lightlrug rt:h,.; level of tax Aurea",s ou~staU1Jdfing,lIt rtJhe 1968 year .€lrud ~ the. TO!WIl1lS, VJ.ll.,ges 'a"d TownsihJips of South Western f II: ~, \, 'Ii; Iii 244 ELGIN COUNTY COUNClIL OriItaJ.'1io, be filled. 4. Tbalt the list elf C1hil&en in Care land [FIimlall1lCe Repoot to ()otol:>ev 31st, '1969, of l1!he Oh.ld1ren's Aid 'Sloctet;)" o~ the Cit~ ll<f St. ThOn'lal'l aItlIeL tIi>e oQoUJIllty, of Elgin, "'" fIiilIelil. 5. 11haIt Vhe 1JJr,ief and resollution !PID"IP'atr1OO1 ,by, an AdHoc Oommlittee oW the Middl1es~x Cou",t" BooJ1ieL of EleLucrotior, re- questing. [e.gUlsiI1aitd1oln making it 1llIandJa,tolI1Y ~o~ Iaill 'sclbioo~ bows 'andJ ~elaJclhers ~ OnltaJri\> tel ",,,,gotialte ,;a~aries fcll'\ a tihlree Y'ea~ period, 'be fned. 6.'l1hIaIt the mlllbten oW a Isdholal1Sh.!p Wo'r, stUldJents rottending tIi>e GuelJp!hJ AgI1icullliull1al Schooil be !fefermedi to the 'EdUloational Oommlitroes. AI1I1 od' w!hJidh is !feSIPectfuilil~ sUbim'itted. H. B. JOHNSON, 0hI"'l1IllOO. COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE R.EPORT December Session, 1969 To the Warden 'andJ :M!elmbers o[ the Ellgin Count" COlUncil, The COUnlty Qolvell'llllIIlenlt '.Collllllllliittee lI1ep\llrts ,as io~loIWS: 1. iDhat 'an eq.m.'Iizatd.\>n and Assessmenlt ICommiJttee be WOIl1mied, ~ed >of Iron reeves. 2. 'l.1hlat the 1P:r0pwty C",mmli'tltee be ,oolllllposed of four members pliuJs the WllIrIden ex OIfficio. 3. 'l1hlait the Bersom"eJ; Ol:rnlllliittee !f.ennJadn asooll1lstituteeL In 1968. 4. That Newslelt~er No.2, Telative to ~he Ha!ldinland Ndl'- folk IStudY', ,b,e tabled. 5. Eleven mult1licipalities have repliedr to ~he questi'OnnadTe re: divlding the County of Elglru into' th['ee Ian:eas far local g""e:t1Ilmem, "ll>d It,,, recommell>dOOl Walt the OolUntY' Gorvern- menlb Oommitt~e be encouroaged ,"0 continue in its smdy of Lo- eM GovernJment conlSltitmioll1J land ~~ ,i<ee:P muniJcipalities in>- ElLGINCOUNTY COUNClJL 245 d'omned ,of its recOlllltnj€ndatlons. AIDl of wIhlcll> Is "e8illectJiwHy sUbm[tted. D. M. McKILLOP, C~. COUNTY OF ELGIN B)"-LAW NO;.!1I4 ((Being a, By-Law;to Appoint 'a Temorary Admini~t~a'tor fOT the Elgin County Horne fOT ,the' Aged." WHEREAS!by Ccunty 'of Elg.;n [By>-[JBlwNe>. 2066, M,r. Ro- beJ.1t Hirnlpfen rw'alS lajpjp'OliJnlDedI TemJp'o~ :Admlniistrato'I1 of the El~ OOll.1lll.tY' Home fcIr, the' Ag,ed ,for, 'Bl .perloKli ,011' up te> one yealr dln<imJ JIlmUaiw20th, 1969. AND WHElREAS the D",partment of Sociall laIreL Fan:nlly Servlces ""'quire ltih1aJt' AJdanilrJistratoo:'S pass the OOlUrse W'hich 1Jhe 1l~nt pDDvides aru<1 serve saltisfaclto~~. AND WHElREAS the mmpiletiOOJ ,~f the COU!f6e refer>reru to, wil~rnlothe possibJie until rornettme in 1970. . .. . . . NOW THElREFOOE the Oouncilor the COOC1P<>rlation of the 6<ii.mJt;y'olf Elgin enacts 'as follolW5. 1. THAT Mr. Rioher1b Hirna:>1'en be !fe-,appo1nte.d' to' act teni,P,:"uatt1iliYo las ada'ninistmWr ~f the Elgin Ooitmby H!omefor 1ihiEl Aged.or a ~UJIith"" peJ.'1itid '00 UIP to on'O Y€falt'i. 2. THAT B,y-IJaIW ,2066 ,be and 1il>e same !is hereb" re- pealed. . 3. THAT this /Biy;-IJaiW becomes effectlve J1anua'lW' 20th, 1970. READ a iliirst time, ihi" 17th d~ 'of. December" 1969. READ a ~"llIIlId time, ltis 17th day ",f 'DelCen'lber, 1969. iRiEAD a thdrd .time, <md, JiiJ:lJaIl~y passed! tlhiis 17th day of DElOOltlJbell', 1969. H. L. JOHNSON, Cilerk. JOHN WISE, Wlan:den. 246 ElLGIN COUNTY COUNCIIL ElLGIN OOUNTY COUNOlL 247 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY -LAW NO. 2115 READ a third time, 'and ffi~ pllSsed tlhris 17t1hi De~bem, 1969. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. day of "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of The c.orpomtion of .the c.ounty of Elgin at the December Session} 1969." JOHN WISE, W\lIrden. WHEREAS hy Selction 9 of the Municipal Act, belilt1Jg Chap- teT 249 ,of Ithe Revised, SlJaltutClS 'of onrt:amo, 1950, t\he p<<WetS of a lJl1IWl1i-cipallJ 'CIO~pO'l'!art:dlon .are to ,be €x-etrIcisedJ :b!Y' its COUIl1C:llJ; AND WHEREAS by, Subsection. 1 oJ' !Section ,242 oIfi the MUlIlIicipal Act, being OhIa;pIter 249 ,of .t'bJe Reviseld Sta<butes of Ontamio, 1960, the 'pOWlell'S lQd) 'ever,y CounciJo are to be exeT,- ,cJlsecl by By-lJaIW; , AiND WHElREAS .t 'is deemed eXiPedienlt 'thalt the 1PI1'0ceed- in!js of the CounCli; of, ltihe Ocmp""",tiJOlIllolf the 'Ooumy of, Elgi'!> aIt tlruis meeltin,g 'be eorufirmed and 'adiopted by By-LalW"; NOW THElREFORE the c.oUlllcil of the COl'jPlOratJio", of the ODlUlIllty of El!jin e'l1actsas f<lllolWS: 1. 'I'bJaIt actilon of, the Council 01 Ibhe Conporation of the 'Coult1Jty o[ Ell,gin in <re6lPect od' eadh recomrrnendatiOIni oomainOO in the Repoirls o~ 1frue Coml!l1littees and eaclh mJOI1;ionalnld, resollU- tion passed ""nd' other llJction tak'€<n by the C",uncil of ~Ihe COIl'- lP'JIIiat.ion ,of the County od' .Elgin ,at i~s meetings beld d\N'ing 'tIhe Decemlber 1969 'SessiOIl! is hereby ladopted """ell <lonlfirmed as if8Jll S1l]cIh IJ<t"OceOOings were eXJpresroy emboidied in \lhis By_Law. 2. The W<ltDd<l!ll alt1Jd ptDOlpelr 'ofd'idallis of the Co"[1pC!I'lation of the County of E1igin "re her,eby ,a<1lDbJOIl'dzeclllnd directed to clo atl tlhrin!js nece.SIa"1)' to' give ef,fleldt Va the action O[ !the Council of, <tIhe OO'1Palialticm of the County ,at! ElJ,gin reflelt'lred to in pTe- ceding sectio", ):"",eof. 3. The W,amdenJ a,llId, the Clerk 'are laurtfublri~"d' 'and Directed IlK> execute .aill documents rueoClSSlaJrIy illll thalt behalf llInd ta'ad'fix the'11<JtO 1il>e He", 'oiE tJl>e Ooo:v,ol11aJtion 'OJf t!he County 0[' ElJigin. READ a iE,iTst ltIi,me, this 17th ',dJaiy 01 [)ecerruber, 1969. READ a ,seoonld, time, 1(,Ms 17th daY' of D"cemb~", 1969. 24B ELGIN .iCOUNTY .COUNCI\L IN D EX MISCELLANEOUS - ELGIN e'OtlNTV ,eoUNC~t. BY-LAWS - 2069.--T<il Appoint" eonnlY' Road! COmmittee '.....'''....h...';..-..,.,,';.',. 2070---To Authorize the Warden and Treasurer to Borrow the Sum<i! TWb MIniM, !tight Htifid!recl Thousand' D.olla.s 1969 Officials, County Council, Standing Committees, Municipal Clerks and Treasurers .."................................ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Communications ............ ,,,........ ....i....... 9, 65, 101, 123, 151, 175, 234 Warden's Election ..... .......... ........",........................................ ............ 8 Warden's Address ......... 22 2071-A By-Law to Authorize the Execution of a Pr:oposal and Estimate,ot Costs and its SubmISsion to the Min:. istet ot ll'ighw#ys fotthe"Pfbvifice bfDfit~rio Pur- 'uant to an AgreCJl1enl wilh lier MaJ~sty 'the Queen In Right of Onl.do .s R~pre'etlted by the Said Minist.. E.nte.e.4 Into, Un.cl<r Seo,tioM 32: 01. lh~ High" way ]mpJ;:ovemellt-At:;:J: ..,,,::,.. ..,,,...'-.,',...~""!"'" ..',." ..";...,.........". 44 Z072-Being Q- By~Law' to' Authorize the~jtecutiOfi -tJf an Ag.re.ernen-t Be.twe.en the, County of Elgin and the~ County of Middlesex for th.e~ _ :D.ivislotJ. Qf\ C,oats. for the Buiiding of the Willys Bridge 2073-A By-Law 10 Set the Total Ag,g<eg:Me V:a\u.atlons for Apportionment (Jt County Rate in the County of El\:in in, 1969 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES AND OFFICIALS - Report of Special Committee to Strike the Standing Committees for 1969 County, Treasurer's Report Finance Committee Road Committet~ Construction Safety Inspector's Report Petitions and Legislations Committee Property and Assessment Committee ..... 25 130, 190 28, 54, 82, 86, 115, 137, 166, 202, 243 35, 77, 11l, 134, 164, 165, 194, 238 43 28, 85, 169 27, 88, 113, 133, 136 162, 200, 211, 239, 242 53, 81 33, 84, 1l6, 138, 167 52, 86, 114, 137, 168 62 60 112, 168, 203, 211 27, 89, 113, 132, 161, 199, 238 ........ 52, 93, 114, 135. 163, 201, 244 192 193 240 212, 240 Equalization Committee Agricultural Committee Education Committee EIght County Library Elgin Agricultural Committee Personnel Committee Elgin Manor Committee County Government Committee Clerk's Report on Licenses Administrator's Report on Elgin Manor Weed Inspector's Report Special Committee re Urban Rebates 2074-A By-Law to Authorize theltxproprlatlort of Land for- the Put'POS'6. of Whl'enit1gi and Im:t5tov'ihg> Cti~ntjr. Roads 2075-A By-Law' ,<> C61,tirltl Fl!ocMdiftgs 01' ,lie Cl>ijncll of The' Cotponj,tion, of l,h<t O;ijfily ot Elgin at lhe January Session, 1969. 207o-Bi!itrg s By<L~wto "to"id, fot ,'he f969 N0l'nra!. Expenditures on R0ads Under, fh~i'i! Higliw-#:y Im- provemen t. Act in the. County of- Elgin 2077-Belng: a By-Law '0. Pr,,"ide fot tile 19M Supple- mentary Ex.penditures on Road.;g' U:hd~t t;he' I,,!'igh- way lmpro:vem,eat Ac.t, in The CQuntycof Elgin> Z07S........Be1:ng a B'Y....Law to: Autlforize' Gra:,ti'ts to iYemade to V atidtis- O'tga:t~:i.zati\jh.s" C6tpota-trofilg',' lfiS'f!1tti~ibnS, €tc., during, 1969- 2079J,.....:.Beirtg a :B.y-U1W to', C01'Ifir-m tn:e EqU:<,i'l'iizati6ri 6{' the AsseSsntenf Rolls, of theCotft'l,ty of EII;th'l fot' the Year 1969 ~\lD 31 31 47 54 55 58 89 91 92 94 250 E'LGIN OOUNTY COUNCllL BY-LAWS - Continued 20BO-To Raise ,Amounts for County Rates During. the Year, 1969 2081-BeiJ?g. a ~y.,.Laiw ,to; Estabtishthe Annual,Remuner- ation to be Paid to the Wa,rden of the County of Elgiu 2082-13cing a By-Law to. Set the Daily Remuneration to he Paid to Members of the Elgin County Council for Attendance at meetings of, the Elgin County Council and Committees Thereof 2083-Being a By-Law' to Confirm Proceedings of the Corporation of the .County of Elgin at the March Session, J969 208~Beirig a By-Law to Appoint a Clerk-Treasurer for the County of- Elgin Z08S-Being ,a By-L3Iw to Appoint a, Deputy Clerk- Tr:eas- ur~Yfor the County of 'Elgin 2086-Being ,a By-Law to Appoint a Secretary- Tf'e~surer for, the Elgin County Home for the Aged Z087-Being, "a By-Law to appoint a Deputy Secretary- Treasurer of the Elgin County Home for the Aged . 2088..,..Beiug a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2061 (A I By-Law" to Establish Holidays 'for Empolyees of the County of Elgin) 2089~Being a By-Law ,to,Appoint an Assessor for the Coun ty of Elgin 2090-A By-Law -to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of:. the Cqrpor:ation of the County of Elgin at the May Session, 1969 Z091-Being a By-Law to Amend By"'Law No. 2070 Thereby Increasing the Interest Rate Paid on Moneys, Borrowed from the Bank of Montreal 2092-Being a By-Law to Amend By-L~w No. 1984 Thereby Increasing, the Interest Rate Paid on Tem- porary Adval1~es Obtained from the _ Bank of Mdntreal ELGIN COUNTY OOUNIC]L 95 BY-LAWS - Continued 2093-Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk of the County of Elgin to Sign and Seal a Consent by Cotporation, with Respect to an' ApplicatiOn for Incorporation Under the Name, "The Art Gallery Foundation of St. Thomas and Elgin 2094'-Restricting the', Weight of Vehicles Passing over Bridges 2095-A By-Law to A,uthQrize the Execution of an Agree~ . ment with the Minister of Highways for Ohtario Relatitig to a Road Under the Jurisdiction of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. 2096--'--A By-Law to Confhm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the June Session, 1969 Z097-Being a By-Law to Repeal By~Law No. 1002 and By-Law No. 1304 for Licensing; Regulating' and Governing Hawkers, Pedlars" Petty Chapmen and Others 2098-Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 545, ,a By- Law Regulating the Amount to be Paid by Auction- eers fo'r a License to' Sell Goods, Wares, and Mer- chandise in the County of Elgin 2099-Being a By-Law to Amend County of Elgin By-Law No. 2060, a By-La'Y to Provide for. Payment by' the County of Elgin of 50% of Employees' Premiums with Respect to Ontario HO'spital Insurance and Ontario Medical Services Insurance 'Plan 2100"'-A Ey.,.Law to Authorize the Expropriation of Land for the Purpose of Widening and ImprO'ving County Roads 2101-A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the September Session, 1969 21OZ--A By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 69-65, of the Township Of Dunwich, Being a By-Law to Stop Up, Close and Sell a Portion of the Road Allowance Be- tween Concessions A (B.F.) and 1, in the Township of Dunwich 251 97 98 99 117 \18 11Y 119 120 121 121 138 139 140 141 146 149 169 170 171 172 173 , 213 252 ELGIN CiOUN!TY COUN!CI'L ., BY-LAWS - Continued 2103:..-Restricting Parkihg- 2104--Restricting,the. Weight of Vehicles. Passing Qver BridKes; 2105-Being a By-Law to Establish Expense Allowance fior "the Warden' and Members of the Elgin- County Council 2106,.......Being a By-Law to. Establish a, Salary Schedule for all Employees of the County of Elgin Other Than the Heads of Departments 210Z-Being a, B~-Law to Amend By-Law No.1 2061 (A By~Law to Establish Holidays. for EmplQye~.~ of the County of Elgin) 2108-Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 1696 Thereby' Adjustiilg' the Salary of the Elgin County Road Superintendent 2109-Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2084 ThieJreby Adjusting the Salary of the Elgin County Clerk-Treasurer 2110-Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law 2085 Theteby Adjusting. the Salary of tbe Elgin County Deputy Clerk- Trea,sure:r 21H-Being. a By-Law to Establish the Salary of; the Temporary Administrator of the Elgin County Home for the Aged 2112'--A By-Law to Increase the Salary of the County Weed Inspector and Tree Commissioner 2113,-A By-Law to Confirm Proc.eed,ings of the Council of the Corporation oJ the County of Elgj'n at the November Session, 1969 2114-Being a By-Law to Appoint a Temporary Admin- istrator for the Elgin County Home f.or the Aged 2115-A By-,Law, to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation, 0:1.1 the County of Elgin at the December Session, 1969 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 253 RESOLUTIONS - 214; Petition to Minister of Highways for subsidy To amend the report of the Special Committee to strike the Standing Committees for 1969 To instruct the County Auditor to transfer $50,000.00 from accumulated surplus to Reserve for Working Funds Requesting the Department of Highways to transfer $42,572.01, "From Construction Bridges and Culverts to Construction Roads and $4,606.00, HFrom Maintenance Roads to Construction Roads" 12 215 70 70 219 71, 106, 70 157 105 220 Exemption from Unemployment Insurance To accept County Auditor's Report Voting delegates at Association of Counties of Ontario and Regions 154, 157 227 228 To rescind resolution passed at First Session 1963 setting the per diem rate to be piad members of the Elgin County Council attending conv~,':1tions ......... 155 Establishing the per diem rate to be paid County Council- lors, etc." attending conventions anywhere in the Province of Ontario ....... 155 To invite a junior boyar girl guest to the first day of the November Session, 1969 155 Requestirig the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board to borrow a sum in excess of 70% and up to 1001% of the uncollected balance of the estimated revenues of the Coun- ty of Elgin for the year 1969 157 229 230 231 231 To amend the resolution passed dealing with the signing officers Trust Account December 17th, of the Elgin 1968, Manor 157 232 To introduce' a by-law to confirm By-Law No. 69-65 of the Township of Dunwich 180 To appoint Granville Gloin to the Elgin, County Farm Safety Council 180 To make a grant to the Village of Rodney re 1968 taxes on Twin Pines Apartment 180 To make the usual grant to the reports 184 245 246