1970 Minutes PROCEEDINGS OF THE Elgin County Coundl During the Sessions held in the COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS in the Months of JANUARY, MARCH, MAY, JUNE, SEPTEMBER (2), NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER 1970 H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk W. R. CAVERLY, Warden County of Elgin Officials, 1970 Elgin County Council, 1970 Name Office Phone No. J. :1". Mdl\!lilWa!ll ..... .................................Oounty Judge ... 631-4810 EU;g1eneP. iRAa;y . ........................... . ...... County Court Clerk and Sheriff 001-0840 J. D. R. WaNtlen." ......................... Clerk of the Peace and County Crown Aittorney 6311-1506 :1". RI. Bamum ....... ....................... ........P1'o_ Judge. . .......... 631-?300 M. R. Goo""t (Or_1 Divlslon) _c;aJ Judge (F1aJmily Division) ....... ......633-2169 R. nlWis P.O. Box 32?, St. 'DIromas County Registrar 631-30.15 R, 8. B!l'own ..... SUperintendent. Provlinclial Jail1 631-33~2 E, D. MOOIle ........ ...... ... . ..,........." ..... Supervising Probation OHicer 631-343G B. Doa,n .......Probaition Officer 631-3480 W. CooDJlilng .......... ."....................... ... Probation Officer 6311-343,[) H. L,., JlOIhtnson ....... .............................COUllity Cl'erk-Tr'easurer. 631-1460 R. G. (Moooe ................ County Engmecr ... ............. 631-5880 N. J. 000p1ow ........................ ............. .CQlWtrootion SllJfel;y Inspector ... ........ ....... ......... 631-5880 R. B. H1imp~oo AJ_t:r",tor, EIg;n Mamior ............. ........631-0620 E. A. Walls ..... .... . . ......................... .... OOWlty L1braria.n 633-0815 (9 Gladstone Ave.) F'Mlijoy, Hennessey, KemJPst'err, JioUmson & GulDin ..............................CoUIllty So~ioitors .... 63i1~07UO W. O. BM'!OlliS ..................DivJsi.on Oour:t Clerk. 631-1241 W. W. Allen. . .... ..............DirectOl' of Edooa,tlon, Elgin Coonty _ 01f E<lucailJlon,400 Sunset Dr. 633-2~00 Dr. A B. :Mic~lwm ... .................... ...Jodl PhYl'licdM1, 616 Tll!lbot st. EIg1n Manor Physician, 39{) 'I1aJI>at st. A. V. LaA1>gton .............................. ........Agricultura1 Representa- tive, 694 'I1MOOt st. ........ 631-4700 County Weed Inspector and 'Dree OonunissiJoner, 764-2674 iIliR. 7, st. 'Ilhon1Ja.o........{She<lden) County Arum""", 136 Cenrbre St. . Elgin-st. Thomas Health UinJit, 2 Woo<l Street WARDEN W. R. CAVERLY Township of Aldhorough Reeve D. M. 'McKillop, R.R. 2, West Lorne (West Lorne) ~6IH646 Deputy Reeve R. N. Johnston, R.R. 1, Wardsville (Rodney) 785-0707 Township of Dunwich Reeve K. J. McAlpine, 'R.:R. 1, Dutton Deputy Reeve C. Morrison, R.R. 3, Dutton (Dutton) 76~300 (Dutton) 762-5l11O Township, of Southwold Reeve J. L. Mcintyre, R.'R. 3, Shedden (Slhedden) 764-2044 Deputy Reeve B. A. Lyle, R.R. 1, St. Thomas (St. Thomas) 631.1890 Township of Yarmouth Reeve T. Y. Roherts, R.R. 1, Sparta Deputy Reeve [). !K. Cook, R.R. 5, St. Thomas (Sparta) 7'75-2508 (Sparta) 77&-2459 Township of Malahide 631-3302 Reeve W. R. Caverly, !R:R. 5, Aylmer Deputy Reeve H. P. MRyk, P.O. Box 323, Aylmer (Aylmer) 773-2008 (Aylmer) 773-3903 Dr. C. A. G_ 633-0030 Township of Bayham Olwylboufne Gordon. Reeve H. B. J,ahnson, P.O. Box 220, Strafford\"ilIe 866-5661 (Straffordville) Deputy Reeve J. L. iDennis, R.'R. 1, Vienna (Straffordville) 866-5601 WIin"l>eIl<, I-ngg,ing" Sre..enS<>Th & D08.lI1:e Dr. F1rlJllllk Aq>pIe1Jon, MO.R. .....,. 631-0050 63,1-0000 Township of South Dorchester (St. Thomas Post Office unless otherwise specified) Reeve J. B. Wilson, R.!R. 1, 'Springfield (Harrietsville) .~ Town of Aylmer Standing Committees, 1970 Reeve F. F. Moore, P.O. 'Box 284, Aylmer .. (Aylmer) 77(1..2021 Deputy Reeve A. T. Miskelly, P.O. Box 874, Aylmer 77(1..34.41'1 (Aylmer) Agricultural Chairmau J. L. MdIntyre; Mc!Killop, McAlpine, 'Wilson, 'Roberts, Johnson and Warden Caverly. Village of Vienna Reeve iK. C. Emerson, 'P.O. Box 120, Vienna ('Port.Burwell) 11744460 Village of Springfield Reeve J. W. Hodgson, 'P.O. Box 84, Springfield (Aylmer) 778-3068 Couuty Roads Chairman .F. F. 'Moore; Wilson, McIntyre, Johnson, MCKillop and Warden Caverly. Advisory !Road Committee - DeGTaw, Roberts, McAlpine. Village of Dutton Reeve M. A. Kahnt, P.O. Box l~, Dutton (Dutton) 762-2223 Elgin Manor Ohairman iII. P. deRyk; Miskelly, Dennis, Todd and Warden Caverly. Adv.isory Elgin Manor Committee - Lyle,. Speers. Village of. Port Stanley Reeve S. G. Speers, P.O. Box 200, Port Stanley . .. '" 782-3553 . (Port Stanley) Deputy Reeve W. 'R. W1ialls, P.O. Box 430, Port Stanley 7~ (Port Stanley) . Educational Chairman Mrs. Mary Blyth; Johnston, Morrison, Lyle, Cook, de'Ry!<, Dennis, Wilson, Miskelly, IEmerson, Hodgson, Kahnt, Whalls, Todd, DeGraw, Lake and Warden Caverly. Village of Rodney Reeve H. V. DeGraw, P.O. Box I, 'Rodney. .... . (Rodney) 785-0200 Equalization and. Assessment Ohairman H. B. Johnsonj McKillop, :McAlpine, 'McIntyre,. Roberts, Wilson, Moore, Emerson, Hodgson, Kahnt, Speers, DeGraw, Todd, Mrs. Blyth, Lake and Warden Caverly. "I Village of West Lorne Reeve D. R. Todd, P.O. .Box 59, West Lorne '(West Lorne) 7~1300 , , ~i ,i 'I Village of Port Burwell Reeve Mrs. 'Mary Blyth, P.O. Box 8, Port Burwell ........ 1174-4191 . (Port Burwell) Finance Chairman H. V. DeGraw; McEjillop, McAlpine, Mc[ntyre, Roberts, Johnson, -Wilson, Moore, Emerson, Hodgson, Kahnt, Speers, Todd, Mrs. 'Blylh, Lake and Warden Caverly. Village of Belmont Reeve R. L. Lake, Belmont ..,. (Belmont) 644-0491 Property Chairman D. M. MCKillop; 'McAlpine, Hodgson, Kahnt and Warden Caverly; io: " ~ " " !l I f;< ",. " to j t" ~ ." ~ ! j ~ ~ " ~ " .. " ~ " & ~ 0 a ~ " " " E!. N l' ~. :s: g ::!. ~ o "' &t <il ~ Municipality ~ ;:;: .. ", " ~. i: ... .. ~ Cd o !l '" I ~ ~ " ~ [I< ... ... o !l " ~ tIl <[ " g> ~ e. ~ 9 ~. !l " " ;-. ~!:D $::;; ~= .;arg " :s::. ~ ~i ]. "" ~ I>> ~ 8.~ Q - ~ ~"'" .. ",'" " "'1 ~ e go a g ,,<< - .. ~." <ills: :1.~ ":<tE:: ~ -=:~~ ,f;! ~. ."1 ",-13 ~~ *-~ ~:;; ~-b:l ." 0 .g>~ ~.~ ~ :..:S: 1.-:; ~::l. 1S " " to. "'-", ;Eig. s:i)-t::I as- m.p c:":ltl " " ~ = .. e. ~sn is: 8 .. ." Treasurer Alidlborollo"lh c. I. Black, Rodney 785-0060 (Rod.) C.I.Blaok =",on ""'....",, ". F"-'lIIay McPherson, Dutton ", 700-22lI4 <DuiIlt.) Mrs. JUille Shipley Southwold ." "".... W. G., Blewett, Fingal 769-2010 (Fing.) W. G. Blewett Yarmouth. L. M. Olde, 1200TMbotSt., st. Thi<lrnM 631-4IlOO L. M. Ol<le' Ma.laJhjde L. M. VOJllJPaJtten-, Box 664, Aylmer, 773-2051 (Ayl.) L. M. VanPatter Bayham J. D. V8Illee, StraffordviUe 866-55-21 (straff.) J. D. Vallee South Dorohester Fred Hide, RoE. :I, SprUngficld ,,773-= (Ayil). l"red Hide Aylmer , J. S. Foy, Aylmer . '773-3164 (~l.) J. S. F10y Belmont W. O. -=s, Belmonrt , 644-1071 (Bel.) W. O. Bll1l1ons, Du.ilIxm Jdhn W. MoNeil, Dutton 700-2200 (DllItt.) Miss~' Leltdh Port Burnell Mrs. Helen Wo1rfe, pt. Burvlell 874-4:M3 (N. BUIl".) Mrs. Helen. Wolfe Port Stanley . """E. L. lIWO&Il, pt. Slllanaey, 782-3383 (pt. stam..) E. L. MCCaill Rod!ney". I>ooo1ld MoDou@all, RJOdney, '1Il5-04i56 (1ROd.) Doml:d ~ Springfield "..........Ralph SmIth, Sprni,g;rield 773-3118 (Ayl.) Ralph SlnOth West Lorne ,. ,Dl>UgOJl C<l1IlIIlitfuaeJ, West Lorne",768-1234 fWiL.) DOllg'aIl aa.m;_ Vienna ""...............Jack Petrie, Vienna. ."" .". . 874-40'12 (Pt. Bur.) Jook Petrie ~ " ... <'l l! ii " ~ f - e. ~ t;;' o ;. " ... ~, s: 'S. - e. :>- "s: I ls:' g ::1. to o .f' 0' " " " '"~. i 8" .f' s: ~ 'E. -. e. ~ p ;: Is: .~ ~ =r ~ E I o '" $ .~ ~ a ~ ~ .. q 8: " 1S .f' 9 o ... ! :!l a ~ o " <il 9" 6l (5: ~ "" " 1S "' ~. e. 1" ::<1" ", ", .@ - 'S' -=- " " '" l".l " .. ::l. " ~. 11 - ~ ~. 13 " " ~ o ,,' 't~ ~~ a" " .. "",- o !:'Ii ~~ ~F ~~ . '" ~ ~ ~ 'Q g" 9 ~. a ., " 1>:: ?> tI~ ~ ~ ,~ e.a ~ D':I'" ~ ~ g' .~ ~ Ul "'-'" ;;IF l5:i _ an ... ,,0 " ,,_~ 'a. ~ <'l is: ;; ~o ~ ttl '"1 g ::q;j. "'0 '.1" "d II ~ g " eo " IS. ~ .$' 8: " to 8" .f' Clerk MUNICIPAL CLERKS AND TREASURERS Pho~e Phone 785-0560 (Rod.) 700-2004 <DuiIlt.) ......... 769-:1010 (Flng.) 631-4IlOO (St. TholDllS) 7'13-2051 (Ayi.) 866-5521 (str"'f.) 773-= (Ayl.) '1'lll-3164 (Ay[.) 644-1071 (:BelL) 763-2'117 (DWlt.) 874-_ (pt. BUIl".) 782-'3883 (Bt. Slm>.) 785-0456 (Rbll.) '1'lll-8118 (Ay[.) 768-1ll34 CW;L.) 874-40'12 (Bt. Bur,) ~; 8 ,EI;GI!U'J aOUINTY OOmClL ELGilIN COUINTY oomclIL 9 PROCEE'DINGS 'OF THE K. C. -Emerson" Reeve, Vienna John !Hodgson, Reeve, Springfield Stanley Speers, Reeve, !Port .Stanley iRoss Whalls, Deputy Reeve, 'Bort stanley Victor DeGraw, Reeve, Rodney Donglas Todd, Reeve, West 1L0rne Albin Kahnt, Reeve, !Dutton Mrs. Mary B1y,t:h, Reeve, Port Burwell Ronald Lake, Reeve, Belmont' Elgin County Council FIRST SEISSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 20th day of Jauuary, 1970 '!'he lillgin County 'Council met tIlis day at tile Court !House, St. Thomasas required 'by Statute. The follow:ing 'mem'bers filed certi~icates and took their seats at theCouncil tahle,' The Clerk announced that any Councillor who was a caudidate for the office of Warden would now be given!he opportunity to speak, however no one availed tIlemselves of tile opportunity and the ~ollow- ing resolution was passed. I , ",' " !Donald M. MclG:Llop, Reeve, Aldborough ,", "-. , Nelson' Johnston, :Deputy Reeve, Al<lborough Kennet!h J. McAlpine, Reeve, Dunwieh Coiin Morrison, Deputy Reeve, Dunwich" Laurence M'clntyre, Reeve, Southwold BrucelLyle, Deputy 'Reeve, Southwold Thomas Y. Rolberts, IReeve, Yarmouth !David Cook, Deputy Reeve, Yarmouth William 'R. Caverly,IReeve, Malahide H. !Paul deRyk, Deputy Reeve, 'Malahide Horace B. Johnson, Reeve, Bayham Jesse L. lOennis, Deputy Reeve, Bayham John H. IWHson, Reeve; ,Soutlh Dorchester !Forrest F. Moore, Reeve, Aylmer Artlmr ''1'. Miskelly, <Deputy Reeve, Aylmer Moved by Reeve Johnson Seconded by Reeve !Kahnt That Wm. R.Caverly, Reeve of the Township of MaJahide be Warden for 1970. till, ~Carried. The resolution. re, The Warden's 'Election was unanimously ap- proved" and the Warden took the Declaration of Office and addressed the Council. WARDEN'S ADDRESS January Session" 1970 'Mrs. Blyth and Council Members, May ,I express _ my deepest appreciati-on Ifor your confidence in acclaiming me as Warden for 1970. I fully realize the responsibilities of this office and intend to carry out !heseduties with sincerity, fair- ness to all and the 'County of Elgin along with the hest of my ahility. 'Elgin has had many good' wardens and this makes my task doubly hard following in the footsteps of two exceptional wardens 10 IELGlN" OOUNTY OOOOmL ElJGIIN OOUNTY OOUNOEL 11 Bruce MOCalIum and Jahn Wise both of whom ,I served on council during their fuli tenureaf office as County Council members. May I at this time congratulate John for n job weli done and wish for him and his family the very best in the future. [ would also like to thaIrk the ratepayers of Malahide and the Malahide Couneil for their loyal support over vhe past nine years. Only because of this support has the ofi)Jce of warden been made available to 'me,ibringing honour to Malahide. Ex-Warden John 'Wise congratulated Warden Caverly and pre- sented ,him wth the Lord 'Elgin Watch and the gavel of office. Warden Caverly .thanked 'Re<lve Jobnson, !Reeve ~almt and !he members of Council for his election by acclamation. II would like to extend welcome to ,the new members and with their good judgment combined with that of veteran councilmen, we will overcome many prolJiems and make many important decisions. We have some projects to c:omplete in the coming year, Willey's Bridge, Player Bddge and the Warren Street Bridge. A large project in 'the near future is the completion of !Road 45 to Middlemarc'h and a pr~b"ble new home for the aged in tbe east end of the county may be started this year. We are enteriug a new decade, a great many changes took place in the 60's which we did not contemplate and many more are likely to take place in the 70's, We must g.overn ourselves .to m8:et these changes, to build a ,better -county for the generations. to come. Moved by Reeve Moore Seconded by Deputy Reeve !Miskeliy That the minutes ofllhe necember 1969 Session C<mnty Council be confirmed. of ,the EJgin -Carried. The foliowing communications were read and referred to their various comniittees: From the nepartment of Mines with !Report of the Mineral Re- sources Committee to .the lMinister of Mines. - Referred to the 'Peti~ tions and Legislation Committee. rn Elgin we have one of the greatest potentials of development anywhere along the north shore of Lake Erie - agriculture, recrea- tion, a newpr,oposed industrial complex, Dofasco, along with Ford's already established, but let us not forget the smaller industries and farms which have always been the haclrbone of our society. Elgin's greatest resource is its people. Not only of British and, F'r,euch de- scent hut those >from other lands who have chosen Canada >for tbeir homc, settling in 'Elgin County - bringing with them their bomeland custlllllS, the ability to work hard and progress to make our couuty a better place in which to live. From the RidgetownCollege of AgricultUral Teehnology advising that Elgin County SClholarship will he presented to Mr. Gilber,t Smith, RiR. 4, St. Thomas, on 'Tuesday evening, J'annary201lh,-iF'iled Fmmt:he Ontario Municipal Association with Tequest for 1970 membership fee. - Referred 'to ilie Finance Committee. From the Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers of On- tario with request for 1970 membership fees. - 'Referred to the Fin- ance Committee. From lIhe Ontario IGood Ro~ds Association advising ,of a Seminar for Councillors on Regional IGovernment to he held Monday, Febru- ary 23rd, 1970, at vhe Royal York Hotel, - Filed. From the 'Association of Counties and 'Regions of Ontario wi!h reqnest for 1970 membership fee. - 'lteferred to !he Finance Com- mittee. Fromllhe Association of Ontario 'Mayors and Reeves with re- qnest for 1970 membership fee. - Referred to ilie Finance Committee. I, We should Coontinue to make our thoughts kuown to keep Elgin as a unit or r,egion, not only the elected personnel but vhe people them- selves. We should work towards this end by participating in joint projeef:'S and close. ,cD-operation between ,the townships, villages and Ille town of Aylmer and the OIty of 'St. Thomas. I i, i" I,,!, ,I Ii!, I": In closing I wish to thank you again and trust with your gnid- ance and cOMo'peration we can look forward to another. year of pro- gress for Elgin County. 12 ElUGliN COUNTY COUNC]L lDLGIliN OOUNTY OOUiN1C]L 13 'From the County of Kent with resolution with respect to Separate School Education. - 'Referred to the Educationai Committee. From the 1. O. D. E. with appointment to the iEllginCounty !Pion- eer iMuseum for 1!170. - Referred to the Finance Committee. iFr()mthe Economic Gouncil.{E.rie !Region, advising of a "ICourse on Local Government" . to ,hoe held for six -conseclitive Tuesday even;.. iugs ,commencing on Tuesday, rFebruary 24th, - Referred.to the County Government Committee. From the West Elgin District Women's Institute with appointment to the Elgin County Pioneer 'Museum for 'If.J70. - Referred to the Fin- ance Committee. From tile Ontario Association .o'fRuraI lVlunicipaUties with re- quest 'for membership. -, Referred to the Finance Committee. From the !East ,Eigin District 'Women's Institute with appoint- ment to the Elgin Connty Pioneer Museum for If.J70. - iReferred to the 'Finance Committee. From the Department of Social and Family Services with en- 'Closure ",Ten Steps in Evaluating Proposals For New or Additional Domiciliary Care Accomodation. - 'Referred to Elgin Manor Com- mittee. From the Muscular Dystrophy Association of Canada with request for a grant. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Region~1 Municipality of OttawaoCarleton with two re- solutions recommending' amen~ments to the General _ Welfare Assist.. ance ACt. - Referred to the 'Petitions and Legislation Committee. From tile Ontario [)epartment of Highways with communication advising that carryover and committed projects must have priority on the Normal Expeuditure By'Law and ad'i'ising that maximum es- timates that may be approved for normal expenditures shall not ex- ceed '$984,000.00 for ,construction and $4~5,000.00 for maintenance. - Referred to the Road Committee. 'From theiEconolI1ic Council"EJr.ie Region. with request for grant. - .Referred to the Finance Cammittee. ,Fram the Art GallerylFoundation of 1St. Thomas and Elgin County requesting that suitable moldings for hanging exhibitions be included in proposed architectural sketches of any new buildings. - Referred to the Property Committee. 'From ihe Canadiau Transport Commission with letter reo, Elgin County No. 21 level crossing mile 22.83 Talbot 'Subd., !Port Stanley, Ont: C.N.'R. - iReferred to the Road Committee. From the SuperV1isingCoroner, Province of Ontario, with ICOpy of Coroner's Inquest Report reo inquest into death of Christine Tomlin- son as result of an accident on Wellington Road. _ Referred to the Road Committee. From the Children's Aid Society of the City of 1St: Thomas and the County of Elgin with Iist of Children in Care and Finance iReport to November 1969. - 'Referred to the Finance Committee. From Four Counties General Hospital with appreciation of grant: -. Filed. From the Bank of Montreal with best wishes for a successful year and invitation to attend dinner at Malloy's 'Restaurant on Janu- ary 22nd, at 6:15 p.m. - Filed. .From the County of 'Prince Edward with resolution requesting ameudment of the Wolf and Bear Bounty Act: - Referred to the !Peti- tions and Legislation Committee. From General Appraisal Company with letter suggesting that ap- praisal made three years ,ag,o. be' revised to reflect current values. ,_ 'Referred to the Property Committee. From the Canadian National institute for the Blind, with request for a grant. - Referred" to the Finance ,Committee. ;From Lerner, Lerner, Bradley, Cherniak and Granger, with let- ter reo error in description of property with respect to Mrs. Nak- wasink and Mr. Van Overloop. - ''Referred to the Road Committee. N iElirnN OOUNTY 0ClU1NQ[[, ElLGIEN COUNTY OOU1N01L 15 IFmm the !Elgin !County PioneerlVLuseum with 1009 lFinancial Re- port. - 'Referred to the lFinauce Committee. FlRST SESSION - SECOND DAY Moved by Reeve 'fodd, Seconded by Reeve McAlpine, That tile Warden and Clerk he authorized to submit to the Min- ister of Highways of Ontario tile petition of the County of iElgin showing that from the 1st day of January, 1969, until the 31st day of [)ecember, 1969,. there has beeu expended on the County iHighway System, the sum of $1,676,800.74. Wednesday, the 21st day of January, 1970 The Eilgiu County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, iu accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Ohair. -Carried. All the members present except lDeputy Reeve Deunis and De- puty Reeve Miskelly. The Warden appointed Reeve lDeGraw, Reeve McIntyre, Reeve Moore aud Reeve Wilson as members of the Committee to strike the Standing Committees for the yearl!l70. ,A delegation from .the University of Western Ontario composed of Mr. E. J. Wright, Mr. R ,I,. 'Baldwin and [)ean R. M. lDillon was present and it was moved by !Reeve Emerson that the delegation from the UIriversity of Western Ontario be now heard. Moved by Reeve Speers, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Whalls, That we do now adjourn to meet again on J'anuary 21st, 1970, at 10 a.m. -Carried. Dean Dillon spoke to council regarding enrolment at the Univer- sity, courses o~fered, finances, growth, etc., and requested contin- ued financial support. Warden Caverly thanked lDean Dillon and referred -.the request to the Finance Committee. H. 'L. JO!HNSON, Clerk W. R. CAVERLY, Warden 'Mr. J. P. Corless and Mr. Tozer from the Canadian National ~n- stitute for ,the Blind were present and. it was moved by !Reeve 'Mrs. Blyth that the delegation from the Canadian National [nstitute for the Blind he now heard. Mr. J. P. Corless addressed council and el<plained the work of the C. N. 1. B. and request that .the County grant be given for 1970. Warden Caverly thanked 'Mr. Corless and referred the matter of a grant to the 'Finance Committee. Mr. !E. M. Kennedy and Major J. 'Barr were present from the Salvation Army and H was moved by 'Reeve ''MCKillop that the dele- gation from the Salvation Army 'be now heard. Mr. Kennedy. arid 'Major Barr spoke to Council and explained plans for the building of a House of Concord to serve the needs of [6 iElLGINOOU!NTY OOUNClL EtlJGillN OOUNTY OOUNillL 17 this area and requested a grant of $5,000.00 towards .the capital costs of this undertaking, the grant could be spaced over a three year per- iod if this were.th?ught to. be desirable.. ~ardenCav~rly thanl<:edMr.Kennedy and Major Barr and re- ferred their request to. the .Finance Com!)littee. The RepQrt of the PrQperty and Assessment CQmmittee was pre- sented by Reeve MCKillop and adQpted Qn motiQn Qf Reeve McKillop and Reeve McAlpine. The Report of the Educational Committee was presented by Reeve Mrs. Blyth and adopted on motiQn of !Reeve Mrs. Blyth and Reeve Lake. The Report of the Equalization and Assessment Committee was presented by Reeve J oI1nson and adopted on !)lotion of !Reeve JQhn- son and !Reeve Speers. Moved by Reeve Todd, Secollded by Reeve McAlpjne, That BY-iLaw lNo. 2116, he read a second time. Moved by Reeve Speers, Seconded by Deputy Reeve deRyk, That we do now adjourn to meet again at 10 a.m. January 22nd, 1970. -Carried. H. L. JOH!NSON, Clerk W. RI CAJ\IIElRJLY, Warden -Carried. Moved by Reeve Todd, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Jobnston, That !BY'Law No. 21'16,. be read a third time, and finally passed. ..........Carried. Council re.,convened. Mr. Normau Chaplow, Mr. Sherman !Dawdy, Mr. Leslie Funnell and Mr. Arthur Gordou were present. Each of these men had com- pleted at least twenty-five years of ,service with the County of !Elgin and Ex'Warden John Wise presentedeachdl them with an engraved watcl;1 and along service certificate. 18 'ElUmN GOUINTY COUNCIL FIRST SESSION - TIDRD DAY Thursday, the 22nd day of January, 1970 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance. with adjournment. The Warden in the Ohair. All members present except Deputy Reeve 'Miskelly. 'Mr. Lorne Small, Assistant Agricultural Representative for Elgin County was present and it was moved by 'Reeve 'McAlpine that 'Mr. Small he now heard. .'Mr. Small addressed Council reporting on.crop conditions in Elgin County for 1969, the activities of the various farm cluhs and requested the usual grant for 1970. Warden Caverly thanked 'Mr. Small and referred :his request to the Agri9ul\ural Committee. Mr. Douald Anderson, 'Mr. William Haight and 'Mrs. R. O. Far- ley were present from the Art Gallery !Foundation of St. Thomas and Elgin and it was moved by Reeve 'Emerson .that the delegation he now heard. 'Mr. Anderson addressed the Council and explained ,the submis- sion that was presented and the aims of the Art Gallery !Foundation and requested a grant <if $2,500.00. Warden Caverly thanked Mr. Anderson and referred the request to the 'Finance Committee. The Report of the Petitions and Legislation Committee was pre- sented by Reeve !Kahnt and adopted on motion of Reeve !Kahnt and Deputy Reeve Lyle. The !Report of the Road Committee was presented by Reeve Moore and adopted on motion of Reeve Moore and 'Reeve Johnson. The Report of the Construction Safety Inspector was presented by Mr. Norman Chapiow. Jill.GIiN COUNTY GOUNOIIL 19 Moved by Reeve Moore, Seconded by 'Reeve 'McAlpine, That the report of the Construction Safety Inspector be adopted and printed in the Proceedings. -CatTied. 'Moved by Reeve Emerson, Seconded by 'Reeve 'Moore, That the County lGovernment Committee conduct a survey among the municipalities oIf Elgin County re: welfare 'costs and stndy the effects of the influx of welfare recipients on member municipalities and prepare a report as to the most effective means of !handling wel- fare. -Carried. Moved by !Deputy Reeve Johnston, Seconded by 'Reeve 'MCKillop, We do now addourn to meet again January 22nd, 1!I70, at 2 p.m. -CalTied. Council re-con'Vened. The Report of the County Government Committee was presented by Reeve Wilson and adopted on motion of Reeve Wilson and Reeve Mrs. Blyth. The 'Report of the !Finance Committee was presented by Reeve DeGraw and it was moved hy Reeve D<lGraw that the report be adopted. Moved by Reeve Emerson, Seconded by Reeve Todd, That theF'inance Committee Report be amended by deleting item 18 from the report. The motion to amend the report was put to Council and Carried. Yea 13, Nay 11. 20 ,ELmN OOlUlNXY (JOUINODL IE[JGI!N iOOUlN1l'Y OOUNCIiL 21 Moved by Reeve Emerson, Seconded by Reeve Todd, That the Finance Committee 'Report as amended be adopted. Moved by Reeve Wilson, Seconded by Reeve Hodgson, That 'By.iLaw No. 2~17, be read a second time. -GalTied. -----Carried. Moved by 'Reeve Hodgson, Seconded by Reeve 'Wilson, That lBy.iLaw No. 2~17, be read a third time, and finally passed. -CalTied. 'J1he \Agricnltnral Committee report was presented by Reeve Mc- Intyre and adopted on motion of Reeve Mdlntyre and Reeve Mc- Alpine. Moved by Reeve Todd, Seconded by Reeve Wilson, That the Education Committee be requested to consider ,student bursary grants in the amount .of $100.00 toO the top girl and boy stu- dents from the C.ounty .of Elgin attendiug the University .of 'Waterloo and Waterloo Lutheran University. -Carried. Moved by Reeve McAlpine, Seconded by Deputy Reeve M.orrison, That 'By-Law No. 2m3, "A iBy-Law '11.0 Set The T.otal Aggregate VaIuations For Apportionment .of County 'Rate In The County of Elgin In 1970,," be read a first time.' -Carried. The Warden appointed the following delegates to attend the vari- ous conventions. Moved by 'Deputy Reeve Morrison, Seconded by Reeve Kahnt, That By.iLaw !No. 21'18, be read a second lime. -Carried. Ontario Good Roads - Md.KilIop, Johnstou, McAlpine, Morrison, McIntyre" Mrs. 'Blyth, Hodgson, deRyk, and the Clerk-Treasurer. Moved by Reeve Kahnt, Seconded by Reeve McAlpine, That By'Law f.l118, be read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. ,ontario Municipal Association - iDe'Graw, Johnson, and iWilson. Association of, Counties and Regions of Ontario - Emerson and the Clerk-Treasurer. Moved by Reeve Wilson, Seconded by Reeve Johnson, That By'Law !No. 2r19, "A By-Law To \Authorize The Expropria- tion of Land for The IPurpose of Widening and Impr.oving County Roads" J be read a first time. -Carried. Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves - 'McAlpine, Wilson, Hodgson, and Mrs. Blyth. Moved by Reeve Johnson, Seconded by Reeve >Lake, That By-Law No. 21117, "'11.0 Authorize The Warden \And The Trea- surer To Borrow The Sum of Two Million, Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars", be read a .first ti'me. Moved by Reeve Johnson, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Dennis, That BYJLaw No. 21119,lbe rea.d a second time. -Carried. -Carried. 22 ELGWIT ooltJl'I'I'Y OOUN1C[L 'ElUGil!N ,OOUNTY OOUNC1L 23 Moved by Deputy Reeve -Dennis, REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO STRIKE THE STANDING COMMITTEES Seconded by Reeve Wilson, That By"Law No. 2N9, be read a third time, and finally passed. January Session, 1970 Moved by !Reeve Kahnt, -Carried. To the Warden, and 'Members of the ,Elgin Oounty Council, The following is the report of the Special Committee ,(0 strike the standing Committees for the year, }970: Seconded by Deputy !Reeve Lyle, I['hat !By-Law No. 2120, "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of tile Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the January Ses!'ion, 1970," Ibe read a first time. AiGRrDUL11URAiL - McIntyre, McKillop, McAlpine, Wilson, Roberis, Johnson and Warden Caverly. OOUNTY I~OADS - 'Moore, Wilson, McIntyre, Johnson, McKillop and Warden Caverly. Advisory Road Committee - DeGraw, Roberts, McAlpine. Moved by Deputy Reeve Lyle, -Carried. Seconded by Reeve Emerson, . EDGIiN MANOR ~ deRyk, Miskelly, Dennis, Todd and Warden Caverly. Advisory Elgin Manor Committee - Lyle, iSpeers. That By,Law No. 21QO, be read a seeond time. Moved by !Deputy !Reeve !Lyle, -Carried. EDUCA'l1J:ON - Johnston, 'Morrison, Lyle, Cook, deRy!<:, Dennis, Wil- son, Miskelly, Emerson, Hodgson, Kahnt, Whalls, DeGraw, Todd, Blyth, Lake and Warden Caverly. Seconded by Reeve Kahnt, That By-iLaw No. 2120, be read a third time, and finally passed. EQU,w,lZATLON & ASSilllSSMENFl' - 'McKillop, McAlpine, MerIniyre, Rdberts, Johnson, rWilson, 'Moore, -Emerson, Hodgson, Kahnt, Speers, !DeGraw, Todd, Blyth, LJ:ke and Warden Caverly. Moved by !Reeve MeAlpiue, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Morrison, -Carded. F'INANOE - 'McKillop, McAlpine, 'McIntyre, ROberts, Johnson, Wil- son, Moore, 'Emerson, Hodgson, Kahnt, 'Speers, DeGraw, Todd, Blyth, Lake, and Warden Caverly. Thai we do now adjourn to meet again at !0:00a.m. Marcb 1'7th, 1970. PROPEIRiTY - MCKillop, lMcAlpine, Hodgson, Kahnt, and Warden Caverly. -Carried. PETITIONS &' lJEmSLA']1HJN\S - Kabnt, WhaIIs, Cook, Morrison, Lyle, Johnston, Dennis, ,and Warden Caverly. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk W. R. CAVERLY, Warden PE!RSONiNiEL - Emerson, deRyk, Johnsou, McAlpine, and Warden Caverly. 24 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNOIIL REJOEiP11IiON & ENTERTA.1NMENT - Hodgson, Morrison" Johnston, Dennis, Moore, deRyk, Lyle, Speers, Lake, and Warden Caverly. OOUNTY GOV<ElRNM!ENT - Wilson, Emerson, McIntyre, MclKillop, Johnson, DeGraw, Moore, and Warden, Caverly. HElkL'I1If UINIDI' - Blyth, Miskelly. ST. THOMAS-ELGIN G!ElNERAL HOSPITAL - D<lGraw, Warden Caverly. / " / TILLSONBURG HIO\SnTAL - Johnson. ];lOUR COUIN'!1I)E\S HOSmAL - Todd. LJjBRiARY OOAJR[) - Kahnt, Johuston, Cook, Warden Caverly. CH1IiJIJffl!ElN'S Ail!D - Morrison, Dennis, Whalls. ElM:EJRiGlENCY MEAStmERlS ORiGMIlillZATION - Lake, BI)'th, and Warden Caverly. MUSEUM - Johnston, Morrison. WE REOOMMElN[) that each Coonmittee meet and appoint a Chairman as soon as possible. All of which is respectfully submitted. V. DEGRAW, Chairman. 'ELrnN COUil'lll'Y OOUNCIL 25 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2116 "To Appoint a ,County Road Committee" As required by Section 46 of the Highway ,Improvement Act, be- ing Ohapter 171 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1960, the !Elgin County Council enacts: THAT llie following five members of VMs Council constitute a Committee for the purp'Ose of directing the work t'O be done on llie County Road System: F.. F. Moore J. R Wilsnu L. McIntyre H. B. Johnson D. M. McKillop for Term of One Year for Term of Two Years for Term of Three Years for Term of lFour Years 'fnr Term of [Five Years THAT By-Law No. Q069 he, and is hereby repealed. ,READ a first time ,this 21st day of January, 1970. BlEAD a second time 'this Qlst day of January, '1!170. '!liEND a third time, and finally passed, this 21st day of J'anuary, 1!170. H. 'L. JOHNSON, Clerk W. R. OAVElUN, Warden PROPERTY AND ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1970 To the Warden and Members .of the Elgiu County Council, The Property and Assessment Committee reports as follows: L Installation of c.arpeting in the Court Room, Jury Room, etc. and battleship linoleum in the halls has been sl.lbstantialy completed. 26 ELmN OOUNTY OomCIiL mOliN COUilIITY OOOO<JrL 27 2. We have given permission to the Road Department to use the building formeriy occupied by the 'Assessmeut Department and also to occupy tlhe South West room on the first floor of the Court House. 3. Authority has been given to the County Engineer to refinish 1ihe floors and do the necessary cleaning and painting in 'the building formerly occupied by the iAssessmentDeparment. All of which is respectfully submitted. D. !Vi. Mc~]lJlJOP, Chairman. Madam Chairman ,and Members of ,fibe ,Education Committee: Nineteen sixty-nine was another exciting year for the Elgin County LIbrary System. Book circulation in the branches increased to 129,618 books and school circulation was 200,676 for a total circu- lation of 330,294 volumes. EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE REPORT 108,017 books were made available to the people of Elgin County by exchanges through the branches. To suppor,tthis system the staff members spend a combined time of 5 months on the road with the two library vehicles. However, as well as time spent on the road, an equivalent amount of time must he spent in the main branch un- packing the books received from other branches, carding the books, assigning them to other libraries and repacking them so they can go out to other branches. The library van goes to half the branches each month and exchanges 200 fictiou and 100 non-fiction books at each stop. The bookmobile is on the road 4 times per year for a per- iod of 4 weeks each .time to exchange school books. January Session, 1970 I To the Warden'{nd Members of tbe Elgin County Council, The Educational Committee reports as follows: 1. 'Ihat a scholarslhip grant of $100.00 each be made to the boy and girl from Elgin County attending the University of 'Western Ontario and attaining the highest academic standing. 'In case a boy or girl does not qualify, the award may be given to the two top students. 2. That a grant of $100.00 be made to the boy from Elgin County at- tending the Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technology and at- tainiug the highest ,academic standing. 3. 'Ihat Mr. ,Donald Leitch be appointed to the County Libra,ry Board for 1970, 1971 and 1972. 4. That the Warden be the County of 'Elgin representative for 1970 on the Assembly of the University of Western Ontario. 5. That the 1969 Budget of the Elgin County Public Library re- quiring one mill or $00,052.00, he approved. 6. 'Ihat ,fibe resolution from. the County of Kent reo Separate School Education, Ibe endorsed. 7. 'Ihat a grant of $100.00 he made to the boy and girl from the County of Elgin attending Guelph University and attaining the high- est academic standing. All of which is respectfully submitted. Circulation of non-book materials also increased. Additional film- strips were purchased last year and circulation increased from 132 to 440 in the last half of ~969 or 333% over 1968. This program has been so successful that we plan to continue it ne"t year and funds for an additional 120 filmstrips have been included in the proposed budget. However, :by far the most spectacular accomplishments of the library for 1968 have been in the non-public areas. The staff of the main library processed 1G,462 books in 1969 as 'compared to 7,3112 volumes in 1968. This is an increase in the output of nearly 100% and WDS achieved while coping with an increase in everything else. MRS. EL YTH, Ohairman. For 1969, in line with the policy of buying as many books as pos- sible before the prices increased again .(average price per volume is now $7.14), the library spent $44,429.00 on books. This is about 40% of our total budget aud must be some sort of ,a record since the av- erage library in Ontario spends "bout 13% of its budget on books. Fourteen thousand ,books were placed in schools in 1959 and $15,- 000.00 was spent on books for the children's collection as compared to $7,500.00 for 1968. The additional funds proved very necessary as the number of elementary schoolrooms in which we placed books were increased from 1968. Southwold Central School for instance, re- 20 EIJG[N OOUiNTY OOUNOlL placed 10 classrooms in smaller schools with 29 classrooms includ- ing kindergarten. We provided 35 books for each classroom in the school. Several new programs were undertaken in 1969. Experimeuts with paperback books were begun iu July with the placing 01 600 as- sorted titles in a rack in the Port Stanley lihrary. These were so well received that 000 mixed titles were placed in the Dutton Lihrary in Novemher. Also, in Novemher, a further 800 paperbacks, both adult and juvenile, were placed in two racks, one for ,adults and one for children, in the Aylmer' Library. They have been well re""ived. The circulation for these ho.oks in Aylmer for November and Decemher was 1,2Q4 volumes. / Elgin Mandl' was the Scene 01 another successlul exp,erimeut by the library in 1900. New groups, consisting of 30 titles each 01 large print.. hooks, 'were. placed in the Manor every 3 months, ,starting in June. These books have printllluch larger than ordinary and allow older people to continue reading their favorite authors long alter they are forced to give up reading ordinary books because of small print. ' All 'branches receive some attention in 1969. IFQf . instance, Springfield Branch received a new clock, IShedden Branch door was repaired and Port Burwell got a mail slot. The number and type 01 reference question which ,the library handled iucreased drastically in 1969 and has ultimately forced the closing 01 the main hranch to allow the stafl to concentrate on their job 01 supporting the hranches. Now all relereuce questions are handled initially hy the county hranches, which are hacked up by the main branch. Two ,of the more unusual 'reference questions an~ swered hy the !lhrary in 1969 were "Was the trial 01 Jesus Christ as narrated in (he Bihle, leg.al according to the Roman law 01 the Ume?" and "IHow many toes has an aardvark?" (The answers are yes 'and 18 respectively,) iln answering another question we. may have helped promote a new iudustry for Elgin County. The gentleman wished to know everything about the possibility of raising Iresh wate-r pearls in. our country. These are the highlights 01 the year; mnch more happened but there is. not time enough to relate it in detail. However, I must say EiDGIN OOUNTY :OOUiNiCIIL 29 ------ -- that in all respect throughout;1 was 'completely supported by the County Council and the Lihrary Board. At this 'time I would like to thank the County Council memhers for their interest and support throughout r969. Both the committees and individual me.mbers have .helped. me run the library and I great- ly appreciate it. Also I wish to thank the memhers 01 the County Library Board. Each individual. memher has contrihuted a great deal to the lihrary and I am gratelul for their help and direction throughout the past year. They have all been e"tremely good and it is in a sense unlair to single out any individual among them. However, [ feel that I must extend a personal thank you to the three retiring Council memhers Irom the Board. They are: Mr. Nemett, the 1969 Board Chairman,_ Mr. Wise, last year's Warden and Mr. Clarke, former reeve 01 Belmont and former Chairman of the Lihrary Board. I will personally miss these gentlemen greatly. I would also like to thank the memhers 01 the local committees, who are our liason with their communities; and the hranch staff wIlo have wovked faithlully during 1969. I would now like to present the financial statement for 1969 and the proposed hndget lor 1970. As you see we are asking for the same amount as last year - one mill. We plan to continue along the same line 01 development as last year and spend as much 01 the budget as possihle on adult and children's hooks. ELGIN COUNTY LIBRARY Financial Statement, 1969 Receipts Surplus Uecemher 31st, t968 County Grant ." "",,""" Provincial IGrant Fines. . ,. $ 1,502.54 . . .. 68,692.00 , " , , , ". 41,002.00 ,..... 1,074.26 30 [E)!JGQUI! OOUINIJ.'Y OOUiNC1L Miscellaneour Revenue Rent - cAyimer cApartment Trust c'\ccount - Branch Libraries Disbursements Salaries - Main ,office - Branch Lihraries - Board. Members 437.76 735.00 517.32 --$~14,960.88 . . . . . .. $32,338.07 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 13,407.57 1,149.80 44,429.36 555.55 207.38 2,378.33 58.13 335.32 34.73 2,238.50 2,457.65 171.50 460.80 564.16 93,60 . . . . . . . . . . . .200.00 213.55' 1,291.43 470.11 44.215 2517.76 358.73 204.34 999.43 9.60 1,636.50 600.00 459.79 20.60 3,.546.66 170.00 4,557.87 ---$1'14,960.88 Books Periodicals Bookbinding Furnitm:e & Fixtures ~ Main Office - Branch Libraries Repairs & Maintenance - Branch Libraries [E)quip~ent Repairs & Maintenance LIbrary ('Supplies .. . . . . . . . . . . . Insu~anQe ....."... Library ~sociation lFees BookmobIle & Van ..... Telephone Unemployment Insurance Auditor .......... Filmstrips Pensions a.M.IE.R.S. ...... ~ C.P.P. .,., O.lS.LP.......... P.D.C. - Main Office Brauch Libraries ,.. . , , , , , .. , . . , , .. Heat - Main mfice - Branch Libraries ...,..... ......... Maintenance Supplies Rent - Branch Libraries Services - Janitorial {Mr. Schuit) Taxes - Aylmer Apartment ('1968 & 69) Interest & Exchange Miscellaneoos Casbon hand <December 31st, 1969 Bank Balance, <December 31st, '1969 EUGlIN OOUiNTY GOUNO]!, 31 ELGIN COUNTY LIBRARY Proposed Budget. 1970 Receipts Elgin County Grant (1 mill) Provincial Grant Fines Rent (Aylmer Apartment) Miscellaneous $ 09,052.00 42,602.00 900.00 780.00 300.00 $113,634.00 Expenditures Salaries - Main Office Branches .......,........ Board Members , $35,900.00 ,. 17,435.00 1,500.00 $' 54,835.00 "".,...., 27,493.00 .. .. .. .. .. . .. ... ... 6,000.00 .. .. . , . .. . .. .. .. . 352.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 Books Processing Filmstrips Periodicals Bookbinding Book Van & Boolmtobile Furniture & Fixtures - Main ,office Branches ........... $ 1,503.00 631.00 ------$ 2,134.00 600.00 Telephone ' , , . . Public utilities - Main Ollice Branches '$ 275.00 400.00 ---$ $ 250.00 975'.00 $ 1,335.00 5,000.00 200.00 2,500.00 200.00 30.00 3,000.00 675.00 Heat - Main Office Branches Air Conditioning Association IFees Insurance Auditor Fees Maintenance Supplies {Main Office) Library Supplies .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. 32 'ElJGiIIN 100lJiNTY COUINiOIL ElJG'lU\I COU\l,TY OOUlNiOIL 33 Repairs & Maintenance - Main ,office Branches .."......""... "". $ 200.00 1,000.00 ------$ 1,200.00 100.00 ELGIN AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE F1I'NANCrAL STATEMENT - Jan. '10tlh, '1969 to Jan. 15th, 1970 Unemployment ~nsurance Pensions - IO.M.KR.S. G.P.P. Receipts Balance fo!'Ward, January 15th, 1969 1969 Grant - !Elgin County Council $ '1,500.00 500.00 $ 2,000.00 280.00 1,740.00 600.00 240.00 600.00 105.00 25.00 700.00 Holstein Black and White Show, Aylmer $ Jersey Parish 'Show, Aylmer Ayrshire Show, Aylmer 'Western Cou'nties Guernsey Club 'l3eef Cattle Show, Wallacetown Beef Cattle Show, Rodney.... ... . . . . . . Middlesex-iE1lgin Hereford Breeders Elgin Beef !Improvement Association is.W.O. Livestock Producers' Assoc. Elgin Horse Breeders' Association F'finge Benefits {'Ont. Hospital & Llbrary Accommodations Janitorial Fees (Brauches) .. Taxes - Aylmer Apwlment W ork.shop Expenses , . . . . . . Gamage' Collection Interest & Exchange Miscellaneous ..""....."""... 'O.S.L,P.) TOTAL RFlOEJJ!PI1S Expenses Livestock Shows: ""...................... $113,834.00 EQUALIZATION AND ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE / ) \, January Session, 1970 To the ~ arden and Members of the ,Elgin County Council, The Equalization and Assessment Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Computation of c'\ggregate Valuations to ,apportion County Rates for 1970 as prepared by Mr. Neil McCallum, County of Elgin Deputy Assessment Commissioner for J969, he approved. 2. That ahy-Iaw to set the . total valuations for apportionment of County Rate in the County of Elgin for 11.170, he prepared. All of which is respectfully suhmitted. 4-H Agricultural Clubs: 'Belmont Dairy Calf Club, 39 completions $ 'East Elgin Dairy Calf 'Club, 32 completions Shedden Dairy Calf Club, 20 completions County Organizations: Elgin Soil and Crop -Improvement Association Drainage Demonstrations: D.. Porter Paid to E.S.C.!LA. - C. Bobier Elgin County !Plowmen's Association Elgin County Farm Safety Council Elgin Fruit Growers' 'Association Elgin Junior !Farmers' and Institute Association H. B. J'OfIiN1SON, Chairman $ 154.96 3,000.00 $3,154.98 100.00 39.00 31.50 25.00 100,00 75.00 25.00 7'5.00 25.00 25.00 $ 520.50. $ 350.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 50.00 25.00 $ 325.00 $ 400.00 58.50 48.00 30.00 34 !EllJGI!N 00UlNTY OOUNCIL Corinth 'Dairy Caif Club, 19 completions Shedden Beef Caif Club, 10 completions Wallacetown Beef Caif Club, 14 completions West Elgin Swine Ciub, -~3 completions Aldborough Swine Club, 9 completions Central Elgin Swine Club, 12 completions Aldborough Field Crop Club, 9 -completions Dunwieh F1ield Crop Club, U completions Southwold if'ield Crop Club, 11 completions "', E'ast Elgin ToIl>acco Club; 4 completions """""..,,,,,, Aldborough Tractor Club, 11 completions Central Elgin Tractor Club, 12 completions Elgin Farm Management Club, 10 completions " " " " " " , 28.50 15.00 21.00 19.50 13.50 18.00 13.50 16.50 16.50 6.00 16.50 13.00 15.00 '$ 354.00 Transportation - 4-H Inter-Glub Shows: Shedden Calves to Aylmer iFair .. .".. $ 16.00 Shedden Calves to Wallacetown Fair 16.00 $ , $ 32.00 300.00 \, 4-H Club Leaders' Association ... Gir~"tH Homemaking Club Work: 5 <MI Club Conf. Delegates, O.'A.C. 47 County Honor pins and exchange 38 4.JH Club Leaders' pins, tax, exchange 4 Club signs and tax " " " " . Picture frames ..................... .. $ 60.00 188.30 54.37 16.46 2.57 '$ $ :m.70 2117.33 11.10 10.00 20.00 '5.34 Recognition Dinner - 4~H Club Leaders 19 Picture frames - Agricultural Clubs Auditing - W68 books - James Galbraith ~969 Royal Judging Team - 2 ,at $10.00 G..F.O. Vote - Meeting expenses TOTAL EXPIElNSE'S "...",. $3,006.97 iEllJGII!N OOUNTY OOUNCl!L 35 Bank Balance, I)ec. 31st, 1969 $ 350.58 Less O/S Oheques . , . . . . , . , , 202.57 Actual Balance, Jan. ~5, 1970 $ '14!8.01 $ 1418.01 $3;154.98 January 20th, ~970 - Approved by Elgin Agricultural Commit- tee: 'Chairman, Ken' McAlpine; Warden, John Wise: iOOeve Albert Orchard. January 16th, '1970 - Audited 'and found to be correct, verified , with bank balance: James Galbraith, Auditor, 64 East Street, SI. Thomas, Ontario. PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION REPORT January Session, 1970 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Petitions and Legislation Committee reports as follows: 1. Report of the Mineral Resources 'Committee to the Minister of Mines, he referred to the Agricultural ~mmittee. 2. That the resolutions from. the Regional Mnnicipality 'of Ottawa- Carleton recommending amendments to the General 'Weifare assist- ance Act, be filed. 3. That the resolution from the County of 'Prince Edward reo ,Amen.dment of the Woifand Bear -Bounty Act, be filed. All of which is respectfully submitted. M. A. ~lI!NT, Ohairman. 36' 'l!lIJG]N OOUNrrY iOOUiNOIL ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1970 St. Thomas, Outario 1'0- the tv arden and Members of the Council of the County of Elgin, YUUR ROkD COMMIT'I1EE begs to reports as follows: THE F10IJUOW[N1G is a summary of costs of Construction aud lWainteuance on County of Elgiu Roads during 1969. CONSTRUCTION: ROADS- 1. Road No. a from Highway No. 4 to Road No. 26 in Township of Soullhwold, 'surface trea.tment, com- pletion of GradIng, etc. Road No. 35 from Highway No. 3 to Road No. 45, in lbe Townships of Yarmouth and Malahide, Sur- face Treatment, Completion of Gr,ading etc., Road Portion of Springwater Dam. Road !No. 42 at Stalter Gully, in Townahip of Malahide, Hot Mix paviug, Clean up etc. Road No.3 from raodney to 1 mile North of Road No.9, in lbe Village of Rodney and Township of Aldborough, Hot Mix Paving, Dralnage,etc. Road No. 15, Entrance to JOhn S. Pearce ProvIn- cial Park in T{)wnship of Dunwich, IPaving, Grad- ing, Granular Base,. etc. Road No. 38 at the Malahide'Bayham Townline, Paving, Clean up et'c. Road No. 42 from Road No. 40 to Highway No. 73 in Townships of Malahide, Paving, Grading, etc. Road !No. 52 (Development Road iNo. 840) in Townships of Yarmouth, Malahide and South Dor- '<!bester, FencIng. '""",., CredIt 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. $ 2,084.57 21,876.36 3,034.[6 72,028.69 24,083.39 2,2\34.49 67;521.50 265.29 !E[JG]N iOOUIN'!'Y Orn.NCIL 37 9. Road No. 20 (Development Road No. (01) in Township of Southwold, Fencing. ,.,.,...... 1,;191.08 10. Roads No. 47, 42, 4!9 (Development Road 'No. 972) in Township of South Dorchester, Fencing. 18,[14.48 'M. Road No. 45 (Developmeut Road No. 980) In Township of Yarmouth,Fencing. 4,918.69 12. Road !No. 40 from Road No. 52 to Glencoliu In Township of Malahide, and Village of Springfield, Surveys, Clearing, Drainage, etc. 4,623.55 13. Road No. 22 from Road No. 24 to Road No. 2fI In Township of Yarmouth,. Grading, Granular Base, etc. ' , , ..'. , H5,746.12 14. Road No. 40 from Road No. 45 to Highway !No. 3 in Township of Malahide, Surveys. Orwell Bridge, Yarmouth-Malahide Townline, Creek Diversion and 'Fencing. Road No. 27, Union to Sparta, Township of Yar- mouth, Movement of Uiilities. ' Road No. 21, Village of Port Stanley, Approaches to Warren Street Bridge. Road No.8, Township of Dunwich, Approaches to WilIeys Bridge. Road No. 21, Village of Port Stauley, Couuty Share of installation of 'FlaShing LIght Protection on Canadian National Railroad Crossing (IInterim Payment) . Road iNo. 42, Village of Port Burwell, Port -Bur- well Bridge Road Portion. Road No. 53, Beech '8t., 1J'0wn of Aylmer, Engin" eering Studies re Drainage, Land Purchase. Drainage ,Assesments {Construction), New Machiuery. 15. 16. 17. 18. 1~. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 1,258.39 1,755.40 5,715.54 2,400.n 5,464.40 1,000.00 500.92 953.44 136,661.33 35,714.01 60,447.62 33 'E:lJGIIN OOUlNTY OOUNCIiL Machinery Ownership cosls charged to Develop- ment Roads and Townline Accounts. .. .. Credit 26. Miscellaneous Grading Construction. 21/. Surveys and Traffic Counts. ......... 28. 25. Needs Study. TOTAL .ROAD CONSTRUCTION by ST. TllOMAS. SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION: 94,238.41 918.03 1,995.34 14,218.13 $512,215.99 1. Road No. 16, in :Fingal, Township of Southwold, Completion of UJ1ban Construction. .......... $ 6,750.83 2. Road No. 25, .Township of Sou1lhwold and Yar- mouth,Drainage. .................... ...... 1,410.74 3. Drainage Assessmel1ls, ............... ..... 2,079.33 4. Land Purchase. ............ .................... 1G,360.417 5. Traffic Count, Surveys etc. ..... .......... $ 53.43 'I1O'MLROAID OONSTRJUC'ITON BY THE COM- MrsSION .. . . . . . . $ 23,654.80 TOTAiL ROAD OONSmUmON BRIDGE AND CULVERT CONSTRUCTION: 1. 'Road No.8, Willeys Bridge, Dunwich Township (Middlesex Portion charged to them). 2. Road No. 21, Port Stanley, Warren St., Bridge. 3. Road No. 45, Players Bridge, Township of Yar- mouth. 4. Road No. 42, Stalter Gully, :Fill, etc., Township of Malahide (Bridge Portion of work). 5, Road No. 4a, Silver Creek Culvert, !Fill, etc., Township of Malahide, (Bridge Portion of work). $535,670.79 $203,404.91 148,632.84 165,G54.25 4,863.23 2,239.25 1mJGIIIN .cOUNTY OOUNOIiL 6. Road No. 35, Springwater Dam, Township of Yarmouth and Malahide (Bridge Portion of work). ............................... ............ 7. Orwell Bridge,. Township of Yarmouth and Mala- hide. .................... . .............. 8. Road No. 43, Cooks Bridge, Completion of Engin- eering Study, Township of Ba}'hamand Mala- hide. .... .. ........ ............ ....... 39 9,063.32 7,608.24 445.88 9. Road !No. 42, !Port Burwell Bridge, Village of . Port Burwell, completion of work (Portion of sub- sidy hy D.H.a.). ... . . . .. ...... . . . . . ...... . . .. 1,880.40 '10. Road No. 42, Culvert Construction in con~unction with grading from Higlhway No. 73 to Road No. 40, in Township of Malahide. ................ 2,214.46 H. Road No. 40 Culverls Construction from Road No. 52 to Glencolin (Materials in Stock) Township of Malahide. .. . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. .. ..... .... ...... 11,557.12 12. Road No. 22, Culvert Construction, in conjunction, with gr.ading Road No. 24 to Road !No. 27 in Township of Yarmouth. ...... . . . . 13,481.34 13. Road No.3, Culvert Construction in conjunction with grading, Township of Aldborough. Credit 14. Road No. 15, Culvert Construction at Pearce Park in conjunction with grading, TownShip of !Dun- wich. 15. Road No. .m, Spring Creek Culvert Construction, Township of South iDorchester, completion of work. 16. Road No. 52, Township of Yarmouth, Miscellan- eous Culvert Installation. ...... . . . . . . . COUNTY BRiJ1DGE AINID OUWElRT OONS'J1RJUC- TroN ......................................... ,191.31 !l72.21 232.11 2,164.80 $5'i13,933.05 40 IElJmN OOUNTY OOUNCIL Bridge Construction by ST. TH!OMAS SUBUR;B~N ROAJD COMMISSION: ,1. Road No. 33 Kains Bridge, Soil Tests and lEugin- eering. ""..",..,... .. . . .. . . .. "..... $ ]1,926.04 'I!OTAL BRJ]jDGiE ANi!) OUIJ\'ERT OONSTRUCT]ON $585,859.09 'DOTAL OONISTRlUOTJ:ON (Roads & Hridges) $1,121,729.88 MAINTENANCE: ROAD&- 1. ;IWinter Control 2. Surface Treatment $ 89,262.44 25,263.82 22,560.12 26,591.35 16,H1.59 7,889.71 19,726.31 13,624.24 22,441.69 8,I58m 2,348.46 14,627.59 13,400.63 3. 4. Gravel Resurfacing Repairs to Pavements Mainteuance of Gravel Roads 5. 6.. Road Maintenance 7. Dust Control 8. Weed Control 9. Brushing and Tree Cutting 10. Pavement Marking ....",......, R Gnide Rails 12. Signs I3. Drainage 14. Seeding.. . , , . .. .. , , . , , .. . . . . , , , .. .. Credit lU.OO 15. Railroad Protection " . , , , .... , , . , .. 7,708.50 ,16. Drainage Assessments {Maintenance only) 1,174.05 ]17. Rebates to Towns and Villages "".....,..... 45,861.09 TOTAL ThOA[) MA]N'JJE)NAiNOE $336,641.30 E[JGUN OOUNTY iOOUlNiOEL 41 BRIDGE AND CULVERT MAINTENANCE: 1. Road No. 4!3 Cook and iPhillmoreBridge, Town- ship of Malahlde and Bay'ham, Replacement of Floor."",...."""......""" ....."",. ...... 2. Jamestown Bridge, Township of Yarmouth, Re- placement of Floor 3. Tait's 'Bridge Repairs, iDnnwich Township (Mid- dlesex 'Portion charged to them). 4. Miscellaneous Bridge 5. Miscellaneons Culverts $ 4,561.30 6,216.07 1,856.34 876.96 13,929.99 TOTAL BRIDGiE A/NlD OmJVERT MAffiNf!1ElNANOE " ,......""..... $ 26,644.6li TOT~L MAJlNI1EJNANOE (Road & ,Bridge) ,.... $363,285.96 COUNTY OVERHEAD: 1. Superintendence (County Engineer, Assistant to the Engineer and Assistant Engineer and General Foreman). . . .... ,...",.... $ 29,736.59 2. Clerical . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,797.24 3. Car Mileage (County Eugineer) ....... 1,03Ul 4. OffiCe ....... '5,211.00 5. Garages 24,143.14 6. Miscellaneous ,Repairs 8,771.95 7. Tools 3,196.08 8. Radio 1,503.40 9. Insurance .... 9,916.79 10. Pensions 23,960.08 11. Unemployment iInsurance Contrihutions 2,273.69 12. Holidays with pay 30,613.35 13. Sick Benefits 6,229.15 42 - 14. 15. 16. 17. ,18. '19. 20. EJIJGIIN CDumY OOlJNlCIL Permits ,ontario Medical Services 'lllSurance Plan ,ontario Hospital Services Commission Insurance Overhead charged to !Development Roads No. 840, 930, 931, 972, 1023 and Townline Accounts. .......... Credits Madhinery ,overhead ... Insurance not subsidized by Department of Highways. .......... Miscellaneous unsubsidized expenditures. TOTAL ......,.............................. 50.55 3,655.00 3,440.617 87,074.85 572.00 668.62 177.85 $133,876.85 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION: Maintenance and ,overhead ......... ',' . . .. .... 39,700.85 TOTAL MAINTENANCE AND OVERHEAD TOTALS- OONSTR!UO'l1JJON MAlIN'I1EINAlNCE AiNiD OI\'IEmHEAD , . .. $1,121,729.66 536,899.16 Sub"Total ............ 1009 Stock Balance Sub-Total............... Less: 1968 Stock Balance GR,AiND 'OOTAIL ............. Expenditure BY ~WS in ,1989 .appropriated and the Road Levy of 10.3 mills raised The Department of Highways approved the By'Laws to a limit of .......................... with a subsidy limit of 11,656,629.04 78,284.29 1,731,916.00 4"1,000.65 .......... $1,004,082.178 $1,650,000.00 709,537.00 1,741,500.00 1,046,250.00 i I ! I I I 'IillJGIIN OOUlNTY OOUl\1Cl!L 46 :D.III.a. SUbsidy on "he expenditure of $1,004,082.118 is estimated at $1,026,004.00, lhe Connty sihare 'at $640,273.00 and .the City of St. Thomas Con1Jribution to Subwban 'Roads at $17,227.00. The Surplus for 1969 'Road Program is esttmated approximately $89,000 or 1 mill. (A) Development 'Road !No. 840 (County Road No. 5Q;) from Road !No. 40 to Road No. 30 in tile Village of ISpringfield 'and tile Township of South Dorchester, Malahide and Yarmoutll $ 31,471<.80 (B) Development Road 1N0. 930 (Road No. 45) from Road No. 35 to Road No. 22 Township of Yarmouth, Grad' ing, Granular \Base, etc. . . . . . .. ...... . . .. 458,6179.38 (C) Development Road No. 931(.Road No. 20) in Township of Sou1!hwold, Clean up work etc. 48,435.70 (iD) Development Road No. 972-1 (Road No. 47) in Town- ship of South Dorchester, Clean up, Paving, etc. .... 69,006.74 (E) Development Road No. 972-2 (Road No. 48 - 49) in Township of South Dorchester and Village of Spring- field, Grading, . Granular Base, Paving, etc. 455,912.45 (F) Development Road No. -1023 in Township of Southwold Pre-Engineering. . . . .. ....... 6,119.38 (G) Port Burwell Bridge, Share of Board of Transport Commissions, Canadian Pacific Railway and D.H.C. Connecting Link. . . . . . .... .. ....................... 7,603.53 (H) County of Middlesex re Willey's Bridge and Road M(jinlenance. 240,647',61 In addition, work was performed for various Municipalities and others, and various materials sold. Payment Vouchers for 1969 totalled '$3,081,820,85 - (1968 total $3,139,300,57). A Summary of Costs of the !Port 'Burwell Bridge and 'Approaches in 1967, 1968, 1969 is as follows: 44 IElJrnN OOUNTY OOUNOIIL Contract by :ConJBridge !Limited 'Reinforcing Steei Engineeri,!g .Costs (A. M. Spriet & ;\ssociates !Ltd., Testing Materials, Weigfhmen, Oheckers, etc.) 108,111.71 Flagging on Canadian Pacific Railway 5,1178.58 Hlumination of Bridge 4,946.31 Day.,J,abour by County on Road to C.P.R. Station 3,193.17 $'I53,G74.91, 29,421.(17 $904,125.75 Contributious Received or Receivable are IEstimated as ,ollows: Canadian Transport CommisSion $321,916.67 Canadian Pacific Railroad , , , . . . . . . , 20,244.80 Ii:ing Highway Connecting Link, Agreement re Highway No. 19 """" .......". ......., Village of Port Burwell re Illumination 64,329.23 2,1*4.13 $409,334.83 The 'Balance of the Cost (1$494,7$0.92) is eligtble for subsidy by the Municipal Roads Branch of the !D.R.O. at 80% and 50%. The Net Cost to the County of Elgin is estimated at approximately $140,000. In addition, a Grant of $24,500.00 is receivable from the Oanadian Transport Commission and Canadian ,Pacific 'Railway toward the pnrchase of Land for the project. Total Cost of the Project including Land Purchase is estimated at approximately $950,000.00. . WE RECOMMElNIl: 1-... That 'the Warden name delegates to the Ontario Good Roads As- sociation Convention ,and to the Canadian <Good Roads Association Convention. 2. That a By~Law be passed authorizing .the Warden and Clerk to Sign Land Plans expropriating land as necessary to widen County Roads in 19'70. rrt is necessary that such By"Laws be passed yearly. All of which is respectfully submitted. F. F. MOORE, Chairman ElIJGIDN OOUNTY OOUiNorrL CONSTRUCTION SAFETY INSPECTOR'S REPORT January Session, 1970 To the Warden and Members of !!he County of Elgin Council, 'I beg to report as ,ollows: 45 That the following Report is presented as required by Section 16 of the Constrnction Safety Act. I have been employed on a part time basis, and have not been assisted by any other inspectors, other than Mr. F. A; C. Trott of the Ontario !Department of LailJour. r have received notices of Construction as required by Section 15 {a) of the Act as follows: Township of ,\ldborough Township of [)unwich Township of South wold . , . . Townsbip of Yarmouth Township of Malahide Township of Bayham ' , , . . Township of IS. Dorchester Town of Aylmer Village of Vienna Village of Springfield Village of Port Stanley Village of Belmont Village of Port Burwell Village of Dutton ,...."".. Village of West ,Lorne Village of Rodney ..... 74 .';'J", .... ........ 3 ......... 7 ......... 14 28 17 90 H5. 46 62 o 2 o 5 20 11 46 !E)IJGi]N OOUlNTY COUiN101iL IElliGIlN COUNTY OOUiN1O]L 47 Notification by Contractors Where permits were not issued, 7. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT Major Construction I1rojects included - Players Bridge, / Fren Street Bridge, ,ontario Water Resources :Filtration Plan, / several schools. War- and JaillUary Session, 1970 First Report [ have m.ade over 4'1 'inspections, .and have issued 65 orders for tile improvement of safety at the work site. To tile Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: II have issued no Stop Work ,orders as such,' but have checked shortlyaJilerwards to see tIIat my orders were carried out. 1. That Charity ,and Welfare. 'Pay List No. 12 for $1,149.85, be ap- proved. . No charges have been laid under the Act, thus there have been no convictions. 2. That Children's Aid Society Pay :List No. 12 for $2,547.50, be ap- proved. There were no fatal injuries in 1969. I 'Would estimate .tllat approximately 20 days time tllrougliout .tlle year have been devoted to Construction Safety. . 3. That the Warden and Treasurer be autllorired to borrow up to $2,800,000.00 from tile :Bank of Montreal as may be required and tIIat a by-law be prepared. NO~MAQ\J J. OHAPiLOW, Construction Safety I1nspector. 4. That the usual grant of $50.00 to the Law Library be paid. COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT 5. That tile memhership fees in the Municipal Clerks'and rI'reasur- ers' Association he paid and tl1e Clerk-Treasurer and Deputy Clerk- Treasurer to attend tile convention with expenses paid. January Session, 1970 6. That K. C. Emerson, D. Todd, H. JoIlnson and V. DeGraw be paid members wages for attendance at hospital meetings during 1969; that C. N. Clarke and Mrs. Mary 'Bly,th he paid an additional $3.00 for each meeting attended on the Health Unit subsequent to April 1st, 1969, and that '1969 Council members on the Children's Aid Society be paid an additioual $3.00 per meeting al1lended to Ap- ril 1st, 1969 and an additional $5.00 per meeting attended subsequent to April 1st, 1969. To tile Warden and Members of the iEllgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That tlle correspondence from the Economic CouncH-lErie Region re: "Course on Local Government," be filed. 2. That the Clerk and Deputy Clerk make a survey of Elgin County Municipalities as to the number of people on welfare and cost of same for 1969. 7. That the following constitute the Board of 'the Elgin Pioneer Museum for 19170 - Mrs, J. R. Futcher, Mrs. Paul Jeffries, Mrs. Alex 'furner, Miss Catharene McDowell, Mr. M. C. Moore and Elgin CO'Uuty Council represeutatives. All of which is respectfully submitted: J. B. WilLSON, Chairman. 8. That a grant of $500.00 be made to the 'Elgin Pioneer Museum. 48 ElLO]N COUNTY OOUNOllL 9. That the membership fee in "he Ontario Municipal ~ssociation be paid and the Warden to appoint delegates to attend tile convention. 10. That a grant of $15,000.00 be made to the TilIsonburg Hospital. 11. That payment of a grant of $9,000.00 to the IFour 'Counties Hos- pital for ~970 beanth~ri""d. 12. That the Treasurer be authorized to continue monthly pay- ments to the Ohildren's Add Society on the basis of the 1969 Budget until the ,1970 Bu<;iget is established. 13. That Reeve Johnson and Depnty 'Reeve Morrison be paid mem- bers wages for atteuding meetings of the Elgin County Pioneer Mu- seUll) during 1969. 14. That a grant of $5,000.00 be made to the BoPier Home. 15. That the request of the Ontario Association of Rural Municipali- ties for a membership, be filed. 16. That the members!b:ip fee in the ,Association of Counties and Re- giOnS of Ontario, be paid. 17. That the membership fee in the Association of 'Ontario Mayors and Ree:ves, be paid. 18, . That a grant of $1,250.00 be made to the Canadian National Institute for the Blind. 19. That a grant of $500.00 be made to the Salvation cr\rmy. 20. That the request of tbe Muscular Dystrophy Association of Can- ada for a grant, be filed. 21. That a grant of '$3,000.00 be made to the University of Western Ontario. 22. That the list of Children in Care and Financial Report to No- vember 30th, 1969, of the Ohildren's Aid Society, be filed. iElIJG]N OOUiNTY COUNOllL 49 23. That the Elgin County iPioneer Musenm 'Financial Report for 1969, I>e filed. 24. That !!he request of the Salvation iArmy for a grant of $5,000.00 towards the cost of building a House of Concord, I>e tabled to the March Session. 25. That the request of the Art Gallery Foundation of St. Thomas and Elgin for a grant of $2,500.00 be tabled to the March Session. All of whiCh is respectfully submitted H. V. D'EOOAW, Ohairman. AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT January. Session, 1970 To the Warden and Members of ihe Elgin County Council, The Agricultural 'Committee reports as follows: 1. That a grant of $3,000.00 be made to the local Agricultural office for farm organizations and junior farmer .and institute groups in the County of Elgin for 1970. 2. That the Warden, !Reeve MCIntyre, Reeve McAlpiue be a com- mittee to allocate the graut. 3. That the members of the above -Committee be paid members wages for their services. 4. That the grants to the Agricultnral and Horticultural Societies be on the same basis as last year; equal to the provincial grants. 5. That the report of the Miueral Resources Committee to the Min- ister of Mines, be filed. All of which is respectfully snbmitted J. 'L. .McIntyre, Ohairman. 50 'ELGIN OOmTY OOUNO]L COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2117 WIJ1ElR'EJAJS the Council of !!he Corporation deems it necessary to borrow the sum of two million, eight hundred thousand dollars to meet, until the taxes are collected, 1fr1e current expenditnres of !!he Corporation for the year; AND WlJ1ERiEAiS the total amount of the estimated revenues of !!he Corporation as set fooo in !!he estimates adopted for ,the year ~969, not including revenues derivable or derived from the sale of as- sets, borrowings or issuance of debentures or from ,a surplus, includ- ing ,arrears of taxes, is f{)urminioll, .two hundred and ninety thou- saud, six hundred and ninety dollars. ANID WIJ1EHIEAB ,the total amount heretofore authorized to be borrowed !!his year for the purposes mentioned in suhsection >(1) of Section 329 of The Municipal Act is nil dollars, of whicb the Corpora- tion has already borrowed a total of nil dollars. TIJ1EiR1EFOHiE the Couucil of 'l1he Corporation of the County of Elgin hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Corporation to borrow from time to time, by way of promissory note, from the Bank of Montreal, a sum. or sums not exceeding in the agg'regate two milllon, eight hundred ,thousand dollars to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of lfue Corpora- tion for the year I including tfueamount required [or the purposes mentioued in subsection ('1) of the said Section 329, and to gtve, on behalf of the Corporation, to -the Bank a promissory note or notes, sealed wilfu the corporate seal and signed by them for 'lfue moneys so borrowed with interest at a rate not exceeding 9 per centum per annum, which may be paid in advance or otherwise. 2. All sums horrowed from the said r&ank, for any or all of the pur- poses ,mentioned in the said ISection 329, shall, with interest there- on, bea charge npon lfue whole of ,the revenues of the Corpor.ation for thecur,rent year and for 'all preceding yea'rs, as and when such revw enues are received. 'EJLGIN OOUNTY OOmOI!L 5>l 3. The Treasurer is hereby au!!horized 'and directed to apply in pay- ment of all sums borrowed purSllant to the autltorlty of this By-law, as well as ail other sums borrowed in !!his year and any previous years, from ,the said Bank ~orany or ail of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 329, together with interest th~eon, 'ail of !!he moneys hereafter collected or received on 'account or realized in respect of lfue taxes levIed for the current year and preceding years and ail of !!he moneys collected or received from any other source, which may lawfully be applied' for suc!h purpose. Passed this 22nd day of January, 19'70. H. iL. JQlHlNSo:N, Clerk W, R. CAVERJ]>, Warden I hereby certify tltat the forgoing is a true 'copy of By-law No. 2117 of fl'he Corporation of the 'County of !Elgin in the Province of Ontario, duly passed -at a meeting of lfue 'Council of tlte said Corpora- tion duly held, and that the said By-law is in full force and effect. Dated this :mnd day of Jauuary, '~970. H. L. JOW'l'SON, Clerk. COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2118 "A By-Law to Set the Total Aggregate Valuations for Apportionment of, County Rate', in the County of Elgin in 1970" The Council of the CorporatIon of .the County of Eigin enacts: THAT the following he the valuations for County Rate purposes in the County of !Elgin for 19'70. 52 iElIJGLN COUNTY OOUiNlJ]L Aylmer Belmont Dulltou Port Burwell Port Stanley Rodney Springfield .. Vienna ........... West Lorne .......... Aldborough Bayl>am <Dorohester South Dunwich Malahide Southwold Yarmonth $ 6,636,MO.00 908,920.00 1,060,895.00 841,500.00 3,~56,310.00 1,288,695.00 3917,450.00 379,135.00 1,371,330.00 5,420,000.00 6,059,1320.00 2,076,308.00 4,508,165.00 8,437,790.00 15,433,982.00 '10,163,531.00 70,442,486.00 ~2.2625<13\% 1.290301 % 1.506044% 1.l9472~% 4.9065~0% 1.829429% .5642,19% .589290% 1.946737% 7.6955917% 8.60011ll8% 2.947589% 6.3991781% 11.978263% 21.910047% 14.428127% 100.000000% READ 'a .first time ,this 22nd day of January, 1970. ThE'AD a second time this 89nd day of J.anuary, 11.170. ThEAiD a tbird time and finally passed, this 22nd day of J'anuafY., 1970. H. L. JOmSON, Clerk COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2119 W. R. CAVERJLY, Warden "A By"Law To Authorize The Expropriation of Land ,For The Purpose of Widening and Improving. County Roads/' WHlERiEAS uuder Section 300 of the Municipal Act" being Ohapter 249, R.iS.O. 1960, the Council of every Corporatiou may pass By-Laws for 'acquiring or expropriating any land required for the purpose of the Corporation. !EllJG!lN CQUIiI'l'Y {)Q:{)IifCIIL 53 ANID WHEJRIElAS the Highway Improvement Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter1fl1, Section 66, provides 41hat where, in the exercise of its powers, or in performance of its obligations under iPiAIRT WI of tlhe said Act, a County finds that it is necess'ary to elOpropriate land fOr the purpose of opening up, widening, improving, protecting i-rom era. .ion, altering or diverting .a County Road, the County may proceed iu the manner provided by P'lllt 1 0{ .the said Act: ,AND WHElRlEAS in .the exercise of its powers and in perform"nce of its obligations, the Corporation of the County of Elgin {,inds, or may find, that it is necessary to expropriate lands for widening, im- proving, etc., the county roads shown on Schedule A as attached: BE IT 'l1H1ERiEJF10RE ,ENA!O'IlEID by the Corporation of the County of Elgin (1) That the W,ardenand Clerk of the County of lImgin be, and are, autillorized to sign any and ,all plans pertaining to land expropriation for County Roads shown on Schedule A, and to ;affix tiIlereto Mle Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin and to regis.ter the same in the County of ElgIn Regis- try Office. (2) That Mle Theasurer be, and Is hereby authorized to pay to the owners of the lands hereby e"propriated, such amounts as may be agreed upon as cOlll[lensatlon for the lands ex- propriated, or sneh compensation as may he determined hy arbitraJtiou under .provisions of the Expropriations Act,. 1968-69. ThEAD .a .Iirst time this 22ud ;<lay of J'anuary, 1970. READ a second time this 2~ud day .of J,anuary, 11.170. 'aElAD a third time and final'ly passed, this 22nd day of J.anuary, 1970. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk W. R. C!lJVERLY, Warden 54 IE[JGDN OOUlNTY OOUNCIL SCHEUULE "A" 1970 1. County Road NO.2 - Lot No. ilI7, No. 18, Concessi<m 'Iff'~I and IX, Township of Aldborough. 2. Oounty !Road No. 16 - Lots No. 19 to No. 45 inclusive, Nocth of T.albot Road, East 'Branch and Lot No. 19 to No. 45 inclu- sive, South of Talbot Road, lEast Branch, Soutllwold Town- ship. 3. County Road No. 26, - Lot No.2, Concession IX, (or Lot, No. 47, Nortlh of Talbot Road), Yarmouth Township. 4. County Road No. 33 - Lot No. land No.2, Concession VI~T, YarmouDh Township. '5. County Road No. 37 -Lot No. 21 and No. 22, Concession V'lI, South Dorchester. 6. County Road No. '38 - Lots No. 112 to No. 114 inclusive, Nor.th .and South of Talbot Road, Bayham Township. 7. Connty Road No. 40 - 'Lots No. 20 and No. 21, Concession wn, Malahide. 8. County Road No. 40 - Lot No. 21 and No. 21, 'Concession IV, V ,and V'I, South side of Talbot Road, Malahide Townslrip. 9. County !Road No. 42 - Lots No. 27 and No. 38, Concession I and mI, Mala'hide Township. '10. 'County .Road No. 45 - Lots No. .1 to 1N0. 28 inclusive, Conces- sion V and V1I, Yarmouth Township. 'K County Road No. 45 - !Lots No. 33 and No .34, South of Tal- bot Road East 'Branch, Southwold Township. 12. Couuty Road No; 45 - Lots No.6 and No.7, Range I and-l[, East of 'River Road, Riange [, IN, mill, West of River !Road; Southwold Township. 13. County Road iNo. 52 - Lort No.6, IConcession XfJiI, South Dor- chester Township, (Village of Springfield). 14. Oounty .Road No. 52 - Lot No. 20, Concession [X,SouDh Dor- chester Township, r(VnIage of Springfield). Orwell Bridge - Lot No. 74, North of Talbot Road, Malabide Township. Orwell Bridge - 'Lot No. 24, Concession IX, Yiarmouth Town- ship. E[JGl!N ICOUNTY OOUlNUJL. 55 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No.. 2120 "A By-Law to Confirm Pr()~eedings of the Council of the Corporation of The County of EJginat the January Session, 1970'." WHEREAS hy Section 9 of the Municipal IAct, being Ohapter 249 of ,the Revised SDatutes of Ontario, 1960, the powers of a municipal corporation ,are to be exercised by its oouncil; AND WBJEiR&\JS by Subsection 1 of Section 242 of the Municipal Act, heing Ohapter 249 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1960, the powers of every rCouncil are to he exercised by By-Law; ~ND WBJERiEAS it is deemed eXiJl€dient Dhat the proceedings of the Council of 'the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this mooting be confirmed aud adopted hy 'By-Law; NOW TIliIillliEFORJE the Council of the 'Col1pOrati<>n of the Oounty of E,lgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Couucil of the ,Corporation of the rCounty of El- gin in respect of each recommendation .contained in the Reports of the Commitl:eesand each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the Jauuary'1970 Session is hereby adopt- ed .and confirmed .as if all such proceedings were expressly embod.- ied in this 'By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of ,the Corporation of the County <>f Elgin are hereby anDhori.ed and directed to do all things nece~- sary to give effect totlheaction of the Council of 'the Corporation of the County of !Elgin referred to in preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and .the Clet'kare authorizedaru:! Directed to exe- cute .ali documents necessary in that behalf and to 'affix thereto the Seal of the .corporation of -the County .olElgin. REND -a first time, this 22nd day of J"nuary, 1970. REA:D 'a seoond time, this 22nd day of J'anuary, 1970. READ a third time, and finally passed this 22nd day of J.anuary, 1970. H. 'L. JOHJNSON, Clerk W. R. CAVERLY, Warden 56 El[jClJIN iOOUlNTY iOaUNG]L IElUGJIN OOUiN'I'Y iOOUN10IL 5~ SECOND 'SESSION - FIRST DAY !From the Department of Highways ,adv,ising ,bhat the Ministerial- Iyadjusted 'assessmeut of ,the city of 8t. Thomas is $33,800,000. pur- suant to ISection 71 (3) of the Highway mmprovement Act. - !Referred to the Road Committee. Tuesday, the 17th day of March, 1970 The Elgiu County 'Council met .this day 'at bhe Court iHouse, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjourment. From W. Ronald Smith with letter re: catch basin cleaning. _ Referred to the Road Committee. The 'Warden in the iOhair. Fr.omthe Art Gallery !Foundation of St. Thomas and Elgin Coun- ty with progress report ,and request that the matter of an operating grant he dealt with 'at the March 8ossion. - Referred to the Finance Committee. , All members present except Deputy Reeve Cook. Moved by 'Reeve iHodgson, Seconded by Reeve 'Wilson, From ,the Elgin;St. ll1homas Health Unit with ~970 budget. - Re- ferred to the Finance Committee. -Carried. From the I!llgin County Board of Education advising that .Jt will not be poosible to have the !Bowd's 1970 levy available to the muni- cipalities in Elgin County by March 1st, 11170. - !Filed. That ,the minutes of the January ,L970 Session of the Elgin Couuty Council be ..dopted. The following commnnications were read and referred to the various committees: !From ,bhe Department of Municipal Affnirs with return of the 1900 tax collection policies of the Townships, TlYWns, Villages and CiUes in 1II1e 'Counties of Ellgin, ,Elssex, iKent, LamMon, Middlesex and Qxford. - Filed. - From the Qntario Good Roads Association, .announcing the 1970 "T. J. ,Mahoney" Road 8chooi and 1II1e 1970 "C. S. Anderson" Road 8chool. - Referred to 'the Road Committee. From bhe Elgin 'County Board of Education with copy of a ,letter written to Mr. R. K. McNeil, M.P.iE'. supporting the request of tl1e staff of 80uthwold Central Public 8chool concerning a stop light"t the junctiou of Highway No.4 and Talbot Road. - !Referred .to. the Road Committee. From the 8t. 'I1homas-ElginEmergency Measures Qrganization with 1970-7I budget. - Referred to the !Fiuance Committee. From 1II1e Children's Aid Society of the iOity of iSt. 'I1homas and the County of Elgin with list of Children in Care to J annary 31st, ~970. - Filed. From ,the Department of Lands and Forests with list of land transactions in tibe County of Elgin for the Y"arl~OO. - Filed. 'From the University of Guelph with letter requesting if there are any qualifications concerning semester or .collegewith respect to scholarships. - Referred to ,the Education Committee. From the.st. Thomas'Elgin Association for Retarded Children with request for a gr'ant. - Referred to the 'Finance Committee. '!From the Ridgetown College of Agricultural Techn<>logy with ap- preciation of scholarship. - 'Flied. From .the Qntario Motor League with request for financial .as- sistance to send 56 School 8aiety Patrollers to the Annual School Pat- rol J'amboree 'at Ottawa. - !Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Ohildren's C'\id Society of the City of 8t. Thomas and the County ofE,lgin with 1970 budget. - Referred to tl1e Finance Committee. 58 ElJGillN COUNII'Y GOUINOJJL From the County of Pet,,"horongh with resolntion requesting libe Department of Municipal Affairs to. amend Section 651 of ilie Assess- ment Act to provide .a peualty in elOcess of the present 6% for late pa~ment of County rates. - !Referred to the Finance Committee. From 4fue iE'conomic Council~Eifie Region with 'l!1969:RegionaI Goals !Report", - Fried. Froon the St. Thomas SurrlU~ban Road Commission with Annual Report of the St. Thomas SlIbuDban !Road Commission Engineer, Satemem of 1969 expenditures and 1970 Estimates. - Referred to the Road Gammittee. :From the iDepartment of Municipal. Affairs with P'ress Release annauncing the establishment ofa planning .advisory service in Southwestern Ontario. - Filed. Froon the Association of Counties and !Regions of Ontario with January Newsleiter. - Filed. From E. P. Ray, SheriJif and Local Registrar withcapy of the Gmnd Jury's Report to Mr. Jnstice Pennell. - Referred to the Pra- perty Committee. IFroon the E,lgin Caunty Baard of Edncation with capy af .a com- municatian ff{}m the Assistant iDeptity Minister of the Department af Ellucation in ,regard ta Arbitration af asseisand Habilities af farmer sohaal bO"l'ds. - Referred to 'the Education Committee. Fmm the County of Grey with resolutian requesting ,the Ontaria Haspital Services ;Commission to extend insu~ serVices to all per- sons who requi're medieal -and/or nu~sing care in nursing homes JiM censed by the Province of Ontario 'and to all persans in chronic or convalescent haspitals. - Referred to the Petitions .and Legislation Cammittee. FrOOl1 Mr. Gilbert Smith with appreciation for scholarship. Filed. From the University of Western Ontario with appreciation for grant and soholarships. - Filed. ,EllJGlIN OOUiNII'Y OOlU:NOJJL 59 !From the County of Bruce with resolution requesting amendment of the Eoqlropriation Act, 191J8.69, - !Referred to uhe Road Committee. Fr<>m the Ontario School Trustees' Association with copy af a Brief presented to the Honorable John P. !Rdbarts. - Referred to the Education Comlmittee. Froon the Elgin Gaunty Board of Education advising of a change in ilie date by which municipalities may request ,arbitration for the year 1970 and enclosing copy of a resolution aoceptingthe request al the majority of the municipalities in the County of 'Elgin to forward their educationa'l tax levy ona two equal payment basis for the year 1970 aniy and that commencing in 1971 municipalities in [E;lgin be re- quired to pay thek educational levies in four installments as provid- ed in Section 'lfI1(~) (lc) of 'Bill :MO. - Filed. From the Department of L,,!l){lUr ,a three-day seminar for Con- struction Safety Inspectors. - Referred to ilie Road Committee. From the Elgin County Board af Educatiou hbitration Commit- tee with theA~bitration Report dealing with the SUl1pluses arid De- ficits af the former school boards of the County of Elgin. - Referred to the Education C<lmmittee. From the Association of Caunties and Regions of Qntarla with March Newsletter and ,tentative program for the Mid-term meeting. -Filed. From the Town of Aylmer with ootice of application to the On- tario Municipal Board for approval ofa By"Law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 30 afthe Planning Act and a capy of Il'own af ,Aylmer 'By-Law No. 21439 <<'A By-Law to Provide [or the Zoning of Certain Lands." - Referred to the Road Committee. From the County of Bruce with resalntion that ,the Minister of Education have his Department euact legislatian requiring Boards of Education to levy and collect their owu taxes 'and failing this that school boards be required to pay to municipalities ;the. cost of levy- ing and collecting taxes etc. - Referred to bhe Educatian C<lmmit- tee. 60 mG:uN OOUNrrY COUNCDL From the Children's Aid Society of the City 01 St. Thomas and 1ihe Connty 01 Elgin wi1ih Financial Statement lor the year 1969. - Relerred to the Finance Committee. From Mr. A. A. Ward, Assistant Municipal Engineer, Depart- ment of Highways, advising that designation 01 Development Road No. 000 has been .revoked and the agreement pertaining thereto be- tween the County of IEIgin and llie Department is terminated. - Re- lerred to the Road Committee. Mr. ,William Whisken 'and fMr. MacGilvary 01 the St. Thome,' Junior Ch.amber of Commerce were present and it, was moved by Reeve Mrs. Blyth that llie delegation Iromthe St. Thomas Junior Chamber 01 Commerce be now heard. Mr. Whisken spoke to Council and requested a grant towards the construction of a swimming pool in the City 01 St. Thomas. 'l1he Wardeu llianked Mr. Whisken and re- ferred tile request to llie Finance Committee. Mr. Robert R:ing and a delegation Irom the National Farmers' Union Elgin County Locals 301 and 306 were present and it was moved by Reeve Emerson tIlat the delegation Irom tile Nation;'] Farmers' Union ibe now' heard. Mr. Kdng :spoke to Council and pre- sented a brief "National [Fal'lmers' UnioOn Recommendations Re: Ed- ucation Tax System." The Warden thanked Mr. King and relerred the briel to ,the County Government Committee. . Mr. Victor Langton, Agricultural Representative was present and it was moved by Reeve Speers that Mr. Langton be now heard. Mr. Langton repoo'ted on crop @d. -farm couditions in Elgin County and the Warden thanked Mr. Langton lor his report Mr. R. A. Jones 01 the St. Thomas"Elgin Associatiou fur Retard- ed Children was present and it was moved hy Reev.e Wilson that Mr. Jones he now heard. Mr. Jones explained to Couucil the proJMlsed program lor retarded .children .and requested a grant 01 $10,000.00 towards the constructiou 01 .a residence lor retarded children. The Warden thanked Mr. Jones and relerred the request to the Finance Committee. The First iReport 01 the ,Finance Committee 'was presentEd by Reeve DeGraw ,and adopted on motion of Reeve Ue:Graw and Reeve Mrs. Blyth. I!lIJGlN .cOUNTY OOUlNOIL 61 The iReport 01 tile Property Committee was. presented by Reeve MdKillop 'and adopted on motion of Reeve fMdKillopand !Reeve Mc- Alpine. The 'Report of the Elgin Manor Committee was presented by De" puty Reeve deRyk .andadopted on motion of Deputy Reeve d<lRyk and Deputy Reeve Miskelly. Moved by Reeve D<lGraw, Seconded by Reeve McKillop, That the County Auditors be instructed to transfer $50,000.00 IromaccumnlatedslIDplus to reserve for worlcing -funds. -Carried. Moved hy Reeve Speer.s, Seconded hy Deputy Reeve deRyk, That we do now adjourn ,to meet again March 17th 'at ~ p.m. -Carried. Council re-convened. iReeve F. Moore, Ohakman 01 the 'Roads Committee made the following -long service presentations to employees 01 the Road De" partment. . Watcbes and CertiFicates to the following eIIl[lloyees !\Villi 25 ye-ars of service: W.iJliam J. Cook 'and John W. Foster. Lapel Pins and Certificates to the lollowing employees with 20 years of service: Curtis V . Gordon; J'ames Arnold Milligan ; Percy ~thur Fun- nell; Russell C. !Ford. Certificates to the following employees with 10 years of service: Cec.iJRoy Dor-an; J'ames M. Ohaplow; Frank J.'\ishleigh; Rohert G. Moore; J'ames McCartney; Ray H. GolIard. 62 IEllJmN OOUINITY COUlNiOIIL The Ilteport of the iEducation Committee was presented hy !Reeve Mrs. 'Blyth 'and adopted on motion of 'Reeve !Mrs. Blythaod !Reeve Todd. The Second !Report of the F'inance Committee was presented by !Reeve iDeGi1awand 'adopted on motion of Reeve iDeGrawaod !Reeve Mc[ntYre. The RejYort of the !Petitions @d Legislation Committee was pre- semed by Reeve lKahnt and adopted on motion of Reeve lKahnt and !Reeve Lake. Moved by Reeve DeGTaw, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Morrison, That By.[JaJW 1N0. 2121, "To !Raise ~mounts For County !Rates !During The Year 1970," be read a ~lrst mme. -Carried. Moved hy !Reeve lKahnt, Seconded by Reeve MoIntyre, That By-Law No. 212:1, be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve !Lyle, Seconded by Reeve 'Emerson, That !By'Law No. 21m., be read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Moore, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Dennis, Thllt we do now .adjourn to meet again at 10:00 a.m. Maroh 18th, 1970. -Carried. H. iL. JOH!N!SO!N, Clerk W. R. CAoVERiLY,. Warden iEILGillN OOUNlJ.'Y OOlJrrllOIlL 63 SECOND SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 18th day of March, 1970 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. TI1oma's, in accordance with !adjoUl'nment. The Warden in the chair. All the members Present. 'l'he !BUrst Report of the Road Committee -was presented by Reeve Moore and 'adopted on motion of Reeve !Moore aod !Reeve !Roberts. . The Second 'Report of the Road Committee was presented . by Reeve Moore ,and adopted on motion of Reeve Moore and Reeve Johnson. Moved by Reeve Emerson, Seconded by Reeve lKahnt The County needs study include all County Roads in the uruan centres and a study be made of the County. resPonsibilities'. therein. The County responsibilities to be included in the three year construc- tion progra1m. -Carried.: Moved by Reeve Todd, Seconded by Reeve Emerson, That the County of Elgin make a gvant of $2,276.3810 the Jilcon- omic ICouncil-Erie Heg~on. . Reeve Wilson requested ,a recorded vote on tlhe above resolution. The results were as follows: Yea - !Reeve RobeI'ts 0(2), >Deputy Reeve Cook (2), Reeve Hodg- son, 'Reeve Johnson, 'Reeve Moore (2), iDeputy Reeve Miskelly,. lRt)eve Emerson, Deputy Reeve Ly'le, !Reeve Kahnt,. !Reeve D<J!}raw, Reeve Todd, !Deputy Reeve Johnston, !Reeve !MclKHlop. Total votes - (16). 64 'EJIjGlllN COUlN1l'Y OOUINCllL Nay - Reeve Speers, Deputy 'Reeve Whalls, Deputy Reeve de- Ry!<, Reeve Wilson, lReeve Lake, Deputy Reeve Dennis, Reeve Mrs. Blyth, !Reeve Mcintyre, Deputy Reeve 'Morrison, lReeve McMp;ne, Warden Caverly (2). Total votes - (12). The Motion Carried. Moved by Reeve Moore, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Miskelly, That we request ,the D 'partment of Highways of Ontario to make the follow;ng transfer in the County's 1009 return: 'Tr:ansfer $33,'575.116 from :construction .roads ,to construction Bridges and Cnlverts. TranSfer $3,238.39 "rom maintenance bridge.., and culverts. to :maintenance roads. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Miskelly, Seconded by Reeve Johnson, 'l1hat we do now adjourn to meet again ,at 2:00 p.m. March 18th, 1970. - ~Carried. Council re-convened. The 'Report of the County !Government Committee was presented by 'iReeve Wilson and adopted on motion of Reeve Wilson .and Reeve DeGraw. Moved by Reeve DeGraw, , Seconded by ,Reeve Emerson, That 'a grant of $326.58 be made to the Village of Rodney 're: 1969 taxes on Twiu Pines Apartment Limited. -Carried. Moved by Reeve [)eGr'3w, Seconded by Reeve l\kA:lpine, That By-ILaw No. 2122, "Being A By"Law To Authori.e Grants T,o Be Made To Various Organizations, iCorpoftations, In8'titution~, Etc. During :Ul70", be read a first time. -Carried. ElJGIlIN COUiNTY OOlJilllCllL 65 Moved by Reeve Mo'Alpine, Seconded by Reeve !Kahnt, That By-lLaw No. 2J.Q2, be read ,a second time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Morrison, Seconded by 'iReeve DeGraw, That By-ILaw No. 2122, he read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve McIntyre, Seconded by 'iRe eve !Kahnt, That 'By-lLa'IV !No. 2123, "Being A By-lLaw To Authorize 'l1he War- den ,And Clerk To Sign A 'Qnit Claim Deed To J. A Harvey [nvest- ments Llmtted, Of The Thwn Of Aylmer," be read a {;rst time. ~Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Miskelly, Seconded by Reeve Moore, That By-lLaw No. 2'123, I>e read a second time. -Carried. Moved by .Reeve Moore, 'Seconded by Deputy Reeve Miskelly, That By-Law No. 2123, be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Moore, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Miskelly, 'l1hat lBy-lLaw No. 2124, "A ByJLaw To Provide For The 19'70 Nor- mal Expenditures on Roads Under The Highway [mprovement Act In The County of 'Elgin," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy ,Reeve Dennis, Seconded by Reeve Moore, That By~Law No. 2124, be read a second time. -Carried. ,66 iEllJGIiN OOUNTY COUiNOIIL Moved by Reeve Johnson Seconded by Deputy iReeve Dennis, That lBy~Law No. 2iI24, be read", ,third time, and finally passed. -,Carried. Moved by Reeve Roberts, Seconded by Deputy lReeve Cook, 'JIhat By-Law No. 2125, "A By-Law To Provide !For The lWO Supplementary Expenditures On 'Roads Under The Highway ~mprove- ment Aot in The County of Filgin," be read ,a first time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve deRyk, Secunded by Deputy Reeve Whalls, That By~Law !No. 2125, be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Speers, seconded by Reeve Roberts, That By<Law No. 2125, he read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve lIIodgson, Seconded by Reeve Wilson, That By-Law No. 2126, "A lBy-Law To Confirm ,Proceedings of The Council of The Corpor,ation of I))he County of Elgin at The March Session, 1970," be read '3 Urst time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Hodgson, Seconded by 'Reeve Wilson, That lBy-Law !No. 2126, be read a second time. -Carried. EJlJGIIN COUNTY COUNCm.. fII Muved by Reeve Wilson, Moved by Reeve Johnsun, That By-Law !No. 2126, be read a third IJime -and finally passed. , . -'Carried. Moved by Reeve Mrs. IBlyth, Seconded by Reeve Emerson, That we do now adjourn to meet again May 20th, lWO at 10:00 a.m. H. L. JOlJlNlSON, Clerk -,Carried. W. R. CAlVEIRLY, W~arden COUNTY RATES, COUNTY OF ELGIN FINANCIAL REPORT March' Session, 1970 First Report To the Warden and Members of the County of Elgin Council, 'I'HiE OOMMITTEE ou 'Finance heg leave to report that having inquired into Finauce.s of ~he Oounty, -and estimates prepared by the County Treasurer, they herewith submit a statement of the expendi- tures required for the lawful purpose of the County during lWO, and showing the amount required to be raised for 1Jhe undermentioned pU11poses : County Ruads (9.3 mills) Oharity and Welfare Child Welfare Elgin Manor Operating 1970 Estimated Expend. $2,800,000.00 25,000.00 46,4'77.00 4139,550.00 1970 Estimated Iteceipts $2,144,005.00 20,000.00 1-,000.00 385,005.00 1970 Tax Levy $ 655,-H5.09 5,,000.00 45,4'77.00 54,545.QO 68 !EllJGi1N OOUNTY ooUNOIiL Elgin Manor Debentnres Hospital Debenture .... Bank [nterest Discount on County 'Rates Matement of Taxes Agricultnre .. County Assessment HeallJh Unit ............. Registry Office Care of Buildings County Pnblic Library Grants Emergency Measures Org1anizatdon Printing, Postage and Stationery .. Municipal Government ... Sundries Elgin County Sick Benefit Account ............... Contingencies .. Recovery of Rentals 78,570.00 43,200.00 78,.000.00 12,000.00 5,500..00 15,000.00 2,600.00 72,630.00 1,600..00 25,000.00 69,052.00 60,000.00 1,700.00 3,.000.00 66,000.00 8,71Q.00 8,000.00 20,.000.00 $3,11701,389.52 $2,594,390.00 $1,:?J76,999.oo :From Surplus 100,610.00 78,570.00 43,200.00 78,000.00 12,000.00 5,500.00 2,000.00 13,000.00 2,500.00 7tl,630.00 ,1,500.00 12,'500.00 12,500.00 69,052.00 50,000.00 1,700.00 3,000.00 66,000.00 8,7'10.52 8,000.00 20,000.00 22,000.00(Cr. )22,000.00 16.7 mills $1,lo76,389.oo YOUR O<>>dIMIIrrI1EE ""ouldrecommend that ,lJhe sum of One Million, One Hnndredand Seventy.$ix Thousand, Three Hundred and Elighty Niue DolIars, and !Fifty-Two cents be mised on all the rate- able proper,ty in the several municipalities of the County of Elgin during the year, 1970, for County purposes, and that 'a rate of 16.7 mills on the d<>llar be levied on ratewble property in the several municipalities in the County to raise sa~d amounts. All of ""hich is respectfully sulJmitted. H. V. DEGRAW, Chairman. !EllJGiI!N COUNIl'Y OOUtNCliL 69 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT Mar-ch Session, 1970 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follo""s: 1. That tlle letter from 'lJhe Art Gallery Foundation of St. Thomas and Elgin County 'lte: provision of suitable moldings for hanging pictnres' in new buildings, be filed. . 2. That the letter from General Appraisal Company re: Revision of appraisal of County of !Elgin buildings and contents, be filed. 3. We have ordered three chairs f"r the Clerk's office at $67.50 each, less 20.%; three tahles36" x 66" at $li15,50 each, less 20%; four straight back chairs for the Crown Attorney's Office at $25.00 each, less 20%; and one stacking table with four stacking chairs for $35.00. Purchase of the above chairs will release enough of the present oak chairs to furnish the room which is being used 'as a committee room. 4. Subject to the approval of the Depar.,ment of Public Works we are purchasing three chairs for the Judge's retiring room. 5. Fire Insurance on the Court House has beeu raised. from $385,- 000.00 to $400,000.00. 6. Fire Insnrance on the Registry Office has been raised from $73,- 500.00 to $80,000.00. 7. Fire !Insurance on the building used by the Road Departme!>t has been raised from $33,0175.00 to $35,000.00. 8. Fire ,Insurance on the furniture and eqnipment in the Court House has been left unchanged at $]10,000.00. 9. The weekiy benefits on Councillors' 'Accident Policy have been increased from $50.00 to $100.0.0. are investigating ,the feasability of installing a partition in hallway on the second floor of the Court House and have one contractor to snbmit a price for building it. All of wtIich is respectfully submitted. D. M. McK~LiLOP, Chairman. 70 IEllimN OOUIN'I'Y COIUN"OrL ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1970 To the Warden and Memhers of the Elgin County Council, The 'Eilgin iMa~or Committee reports as follows: 1. That the insurance coverage on the building and contents was increased by $50,000.00 to bring the total coverage on the Home to $1,300,000.00. 2. That a "Broad Form Money and security" policy in the amount of $1,'500.00 'was taken out with !Frank Cowan Co. Ud. 3. Mr. Nohle Tufford has been appointed to take the annual iDlVen- tory at Elgin Manor. 4. The following persons have been authorized to sign claims for capital and operating suhsidies. Administrator Secrel:ary~Treasurer <Deputy Secretary-Treasurer. Any two signatures ouly are required for a claim. 5. An "Admission Committee" composed of the Warden, the Chair' man and the Admiuistrator has heen appointed to approve applica- tions for :admission to the Home. 6. We have authoriood the reimbursement of one-half of the regis- tration fee lor any .Elgin Manor employees who successfully cam- plete the First Aid course sponsored by the St. John's Ambulance. All of which is respectfully submitted: H. P. iOERYK, Chairman. .IElliGIIiN iOOUNTY COmOIiL 71 EDUCATION COMMITTE.E REPORT March Session, 1970 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Education Committee Teports as follows: 1. That the University of Guelph be advised that the scholarship be awarded to ,the boy 'and girl student from Elgin County acquiring the highest academic standing in any course in Guelph University with no qualifications as to 'semester. - 2. That the communication from the Elgin County 'Board of 'Educa- tion with copy of Communication from the Assistant <Deputy Minis- ter of the <Department of Education Te: 'arhitration of Assets and Liabilities of former School 'Boards, be filed. 3. That the Brief presented to the !Honorllble John P. Robarts by the Ontario Puhlic School Trustees' Associatiou, be filed. 4. That the report of the Elgin County Board of Education Arbitra- tion Committee dealing with the Surpluses and Deficits of the form- er school boards of the County of Elgiu, be filed. 5. That the resolution from the County of Bruce re: Boards of Edu- cation levying and collecting their own taxes or paying the munici- palities the cost of levying and collecting taxes etc., be filed. 6. That the .matter of bursaries to students from Eigin County at- tending Waterloo and Waterloo Lutheran Universities be held in abeyance until the nnmber of students attending these universities from Elgin County is determined. All of which is respectfully submitted. MRS. M!\!RY iBLY'!1H, Chairman. 72 IEllJGilJN OOUNTY ,COU:NClIL FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1970 Second Report To the Warden and Memllers of the Council of the County of Elgin, The Finance Co~mittee reports as foll<JWs: 1. That Charity and Welfare Pay List No. 1 for $1,'548.10 and Pay List No.2 for $1,682.59, be approved. 2. That Childrens' Aid Society Pay List NO.1 for $2,790.38 and Pay ,List NO.2 for $2,6411.50, he approved. 3. Irhat the St. Thomas.Elgin Emergency Measures Organi.ation budget for 1970, be approved. 4. That the request of the Ontario Motor League for financial as- sistance to send 56 School Safety Patrollers to the annual School Pat- rol Jamboree, he filed. 5. That the liJ/70 IBudget of the Children's Aid Society of the City of St. Thomas and the County of Elgin requiring '$45,477.00 to be raised by the County of 'Elgin, be approved. '. 6. That the letter and progress report of the Art Gallery Foundation of St. 'Thomas and Elgin County, be filed. 7., That the 1970 Budget of the 'Elgin-\St. Thomas Health Unit re- q1jiring $72,629.17 to be raised by the County of iElgin, be approved. 8. That the request for a grant from the 1St. Thomas.Elgin Associa- ti@ for Retarded Children, be tabled. 9. That the resolution from the County of Peterborough requesting the <Department of Municipal Alfairs to amend Section 001 of the As- sessment Act to provide a penalty in excess of the present 6% for late payment of County rates, be filed. ElJmN COUNTY ,COUNCIL 73 10. That the !Finance 'Report to December 31st" 1969, of the Child- ren's Aid Society, 'be filed. 11. That the request of the Salvation Army fora grant of $5,000.00 towards the construction of a House of Concord be filed and that the Salvation Army be advised to direct their request to the local muni- cipalities in the Olunty of Elgin. 12. That the request of the 'Art Gallery 'Foundation of St. Thomas and Elgin for an operating grant of '$2,500.00, be filed . 13. That the request of the St. Thomas Junior 'Obamber of Com. merce for a grant towards ,tJhe cost of constructing :3 ,swimming pool, be filed. All of which is respectfully submitted. R V. DEGRAW, Ohairman. PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1970 Ira the W ardenand Members of the iElgin County Council, The ;Petitions and !Legislation Committee reports as follows: 1. That, the resolution from the, County of Grey, requesting the Ontario HOspital Services Commission to extend insured Iservices to all persons who require medical and/or nursing eare in nursing homes licensed by the [>rovince of Ontario aud to all pernons in chronic or convalescent hospitals, he filed. All of which is respectfully sllbmitted. M. ,A. KMJ1NT, Chairman 74 !ELlJGUJN OOUlN'l'Y OOUNCJiL ,ElI1GIIIN OOU:NTY OOUiNCrL 75 Municipality Total Equalized Value Aylmer Belmont Dutton Port Burwell Port Stanley Rodney !Springfield Vienna West Lorne Alllborough ...................... Bayham Dorchester South iDunwich Malahide ......... ISoulthwold Yarmoutlh .......,............,. ill 144,,255.27 '15,11178.96 17,716.95 14,054.64 fII ,7aO.38 21,001.21 6,637.41 6,332.39 22,901.21 90,530.20 101;190.64 34,674.34 75,285.36 140,!lJ.1;JQ9 257jM1.50 169,7'30.97 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2121 "To Raise Amounts For ,County Rates During The Year 1970'" 'WlHiERiElAIS an estimate bas been made showing that the sum of One Million, One Hundred and Seventy.;Six Thousand, 'l1hree Hundred and Eighty-INine Dollars and Fifty.!fwo cents is required to be raised in the several municipalities for the lawful purpose of the County during the year 1970, on the basis of the assessment as determined in By.JLaw 1N0. 21'18, passed J'anuary22nd, 11970. Aylmer Belmont Dutton Port Burwell ........... Port Stanley 'Rodney Springfield Vienna WCIlt Lorne 'Aldborough Bayham Dorc'hester lSouth . . . . . . . . . . Dunwioh Malahide ......... Southwold ....... . . Yarmouth ....... ...... $8,638,040.00 908,920.00 1,000,895.00 641,595.00 3,456,GI0.00 1,288,695.00 397,450.00 379,185.00 1,371,330.00 5,420;970.00 6,059,320.00 2,076,308.00 4,508,,185.00 8,437 ,f790.00 15,433,982.00 10,163,531.00 '$1,175,~89.52 RE~D a first time, this Hth day of March, 1970. -REA!) a second time, this lJ7I:h day of March, 1970. READ a third time, and finally passed this 17th day of March, 1970. H. iL. JOHiNISOIN, Clerk W. R. CANERiLY, Warden ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT NO. 1 March _ Session. 1970 $70,442,486.00 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, THERElFORE, the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the County 0[ Elgin . enacts: Your Road Committee begs to report as follows: 1. Notice has been received from the Department of Highways that ,the Minister of Highways has adjusted the Assessment 0[ the Cit),' 01 1St. Thomas from approximately ~,OOO,OOO to $33,800,000 for Su- burban 'Road purposes for H170. 'Ilhe 1St. Thomas Suburban Road Com- mission has had to amend their budget accordingly. THAT a rate of [6.7 mills on the dollar be levied on 'all rateable property in the several municipalities in .the County of Elgin as above set forth for the year, 1970. ?6 E'IJG~N COUNTY COUNCIL 2. That the Department of lHighways has !>een requested to erect Traffic Signals at the Intersection of IHighway No.4 and Talbot Road (County !Road No. 16 'Extension). Tbe Department is, present- ly, making a study of the intersection. WE RiEOOMMEJNiD: 1. That the following resolution be passed with regard to the County's 1969 Heturn to the Department of Highwa"" "'!'hat we re- quest the Department of Highways of Ontario to make the following Transfer in the County's 1969 R.etnrn: Transfer $33,575.16 from con- struction roads to construction bridges and culverts. Transfer $3,- 238.39 from M'aintenance hridges and culverts to maintenance roads." 2. That we concurr with the resolution of the County of !Brnce witll regard to changes proposed by them in the Expropriation Act 1966- 1969. . 3. That a ,By"Law be, passed authori.ingthe Warden and Clerk to sign a deed to J. A. Harvey ~nvestments Limited removing a portion of the easements obtained on Mr. Harvey's land for the widening of Elm. Street in Aylmer in 1962. These easements were obtained for construction purposes and are no longer required. 4. That the Budget of the St. Thomas SUburban Road Commission for 1970, amounting to $207,000, be approved. 'Iucluded in the !Budget is the sum of $160,000.00 for the coustruction of the Kains Bridge and approacbes on 'Road No. 33. The City of St. Thomas has agreed to contribute the sum of '$6,000.00 (as in 1969) to the Commission over tile ordinary one"half mill levy to help in the building of the bridge. 5. That a Normal Road 'Expenditure By"Law be passed to be a- located as follows: Construction ,Maintenance Total Roads ...",.". ... Bridges and Culverts New Machinery .... .. .. .. .. .. . Superintendence and Overhead $ 361,000 417,000 '52,000 154,000 $ 384,000 25,000 $ 746,000 4-ID,000 52,000 160,000 6,000 'J)OTAlUS .. .. $ 984,000 4> 415,000 $1,300,000 lEiDClIN COUlNTY IOOUlNC)jL 77 (a) ()()IUNTY EXPEI'II)LTUIR1E: Construction Roads .....,.' Construction 'Bridges and Culverts .."",'..... Construction New MaChinery Maintenance Roads , . . , , , , , , , . . Maintenance Bridge and Culverts. Urban R.ehates (tentative) ()verhead ....."""..... ,."" ,$ 303,000 2617,000 52,000 337,000 24,000 60,000 160,000 $1,193,000 (b) ST. 'lJH!OMAiS SOOURBAN RiOADCOMlVITSSION EXlPEI'II)['J)URE Construction Roads '(including iKains Bridge Approach) $ 20,000 Construction 'Bridges (iKains) " , ". 160,000 Maintenance Roads 25,000 Mainteuance Bridges and Culverts ".... . 1,000 Overhead ...., . . . , , .. , .. .. , 10,000 $206,000 ('Items Not for Subsidy $1,000) The Normal By-lLaw provides for the following items of Bridge and Road Construction: (a) Completion of Willey's Bridge, Road No.8, Dunwich Township. (b) Warren Street 'Bridge, Road No. 21, !Port Stanley. (c) Player's Bridge, Road No. 46, Yarmouth Township. (d) Crossing of Kettle Creek, Road No. 45, ,Southwold Township. (e) Culvert Construct,ion, -Road No. 40, between Glencolin arid Springfield. (I) Needs StUdy Payments during 1970. (g) Land Purchased for widening County Roads. (h) Fencing on ,Road No. 4lland 49 (Development Road No. 972) and ,Road No. 46 (Development Road No. 930). (I) Completion of work .aud moving utilities on Road No. -ID hetween Highway No. 73 and Road 1\10. 40, Malabide Township. (j) Clean up work, surface treatment, 'Road No. 22, hetweeu Roads No, 24 -aud 97, Yarmouth Township. 78 IEllJGJlN OaUNrrY oamCIL (k) Erosion Control on Road No. 42, East of rp@t !Burwell in Bay- ham. TOWllShip. (I) Preliminary work 011 'Road No. 40 between Highway No. 8 and Mount Salem in Malahide Townahip. (m) Preliminary work on Road No. 16 between 8t. Thomas and iFin- gal in Soutlllwold Township. (n) !Preliminary work on Road No. 2 between Rodney and West Lorne in Ald-horough Township. (0) Suff,icient money for approximately 60% of the grading work, etc., on Road No. 40 hetween Glencolin and Road No. 52 in Malahide and Springfield. (p) Miscellaneous Surveys. 6. That a Supplementary Road Expenditure !By'Law be passed to be, 'allocated as follows: $227,000 15,000 $242,000 The Supp,lementary :By-Law provides for the following items of COllstruction: Roads Construction Bridges and Culvert COllstruction (a) Completion of grad'ing Road No. 40, Springfield to Glencolin. (h) Storm sewer, Road No. 53, IBeechStreet, Aylmer. (County Share 57% of Total Cost.) (c) Road No. 53, Beech Street, reconstruction, Aylmer. (d) Road No.3, cutb aud gutter, drainage, Nortlll Limits of Rodney. (e) Grading, (culverts, etc.) 'Road No. 40, Mount Salem to Highway No.3, Malahide TOWIIShip. {Total funds estimated to be avail- able, *'6'1,000). It is not known to what extent (if any,) that a Supplementary By-Law will he approved by the Department 01 Highways. Cost to the COUllty oftllle Normal and Supplementary By-Law is estimated at 9.3 mills on the present assessment is approximately $660,000. iEJIJGI!N OaUNrrYOaUN()]L 79 It is expected that sufficient Development Roads will be avail- able to complete gr,ading, granular hase work, etc., on Road No. 45, Westerly to Road No. 16. It is, also, e"pected that funds will be available to surface treat that portion of Road No. 45, east of Highway No.4. ALL OF WHICH 'US ThESBECTFlJ[JLY SUBMITTEiD. F. 'F. MaaRiE, Chairman. To the Chairman and Members of the 8t. Thomas Suburhan Road Commission: ATTAOHlED ToO MY 'ANNUAiL 'REPORT to the Commission is a statement of Expenditures on Commission Roads in 1969 and the estimates of Expenditures for ,!lno. THIE MJiljEAJGE OF IWA[)S UlNDER OONTIbOL of the Commis- sion remain 'as it has in the past few years being 22 miles. AS mE ONlWRllO DEiP~'I\lVlIEiN(!, IOF mOOWAYS did not ap- prove the complete Construction iBy-iLaws of tIlle County of Elgin, it was impossIble to make a start in the Construction of the Kaius Bridge in 1009. However, soil tests and plans have heen completed and approved hy the Department of Highways. Tenders for construc- tion could be called in the early spring pending the outcome of 'a statement of policy on Subsidy by the Ontario Department of High- ways, which is expected shortly. 19&9 OBEIRATIONS BROUlGHTFORTH a surplus to 1970 and coupled with the 'h mill and the special grant of $5,000.00 .from the City of 8l. -Thomas, it should allow the completion of Kains Bridge without difficulty, unless the Subsidy -Rate is changed by 1Ihe Depart- ment of Highways. -LAND PURiOHiASE FUNDS will provide funds for land at the Kains Bridge and purchase of additional property for the Commis- sion's 1971 program. 80 !El!JGlIN COUNTY OOUNGrL THE DOCAIl'ION aF THiE ST. 'l!HQMAS BY"PASS is expected to be settled within the next few months, aud at that time a joint pro- gram for 197,1, and the ensuing year should .be discussed between the Couuty, City of St. Thomas 'and the Commission. 'Funds 'aTe estimate(l to make a start on the necessary surveys. ROAD NO. 16 l"RiOM 'NIlE ST. mOMAS OITY UMIIl' to Road No. 20 in Fingai, should be reverted to the County of Elgin, so that the County can enter into the necessary agreements with the Ontar- io lDepar,tment of Highways to reconstruct the 'Road using lDevelop- ment Road 'Funds. [t is expected that a portion of the Road will be reconstrncted this yeaT. Maintenance on .the Subnrban System in 1970 is likely to be of an ordinary nature, although a bad spring break-up could result in a considerable expenditure on Roads No. 22 and 30. All of which is respectfnlly submitted. R. G. MOORE, St. Thomas 'Suburban ,Road Commission Engineer. ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1970 ESTIMATES OONS'I'RUO'J.1LON: Kains Bridge . . . . . . . . . . .. ., $150,000.00 ROADS: Kains Bridge Approaches, (Beyond 100 feet from bridge) Drainage Assessments Laud Purcbase .,........ Surveys, Traffic :Counts, Misc. Grading, etc. ............ ....... . 'Superintendence & averhead . . . .. $ 10,000.00 2,500.00 6,500.00 '1,000.00 4,000.00 24,000.00 MMN'l'ENANOE: BRIDGES & OUl.JVIERTS 1,000.00 'EUGillN 100U!NTY ICOUiNCJjL 81 ROA!DS: Winter Maintenance .. .. .. .. .. .... $ Surface Treatment .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. Repairs to Pavements Weeds & Brushing Grading, Roadside Maintenance, lDust Control" etc. Pavement Marking, Signs, Railroad Protection, Guide Rail ........... Drainage Superintendence & Overhead I'llEMS Nail' FOR SUBSIDY ....... 9,000.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 1,000.00 6,000.00 31,000.00 1,000.00 $207,000.00 TOTALS Kains Bridge ................... ........... Roads Construction ............ Bridge & Culvert Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . Road Maintenance .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Items Not !For Suhsidy ....... .. . . . . . . .. . .. $150,000.00 24,000.00 1,000.00 31,000.00 1,000.00 $207,000.00 AMOUNT PAYABLE BY THE CITY O!F ST. THOMAS Kains Bridge . . . . . . . . . .. 10% of $160,000.00 - $16,000.00 'Road Construction . . . .. 25% of 24,000.00 -' 6,000.00 Bridge & Culvert Maintenance . . .. 10% of 1,000.00 - 100.00 Road Maintenance ..... 25% of 31,000.00 - 7,750.00 Items Not For Subsidy . . . . .50% of .1,000.00 - 500.00 'h Mill for the City of St. Thomas will provide on the assessment of apprOlcimately $42,000,000.00 Extra ;Grant from City re: !Kains Bridge Surplus from 1969 . . . . . . . . . Less: iEstimated cost of ,1970 work ,to city Surplus to 1971 $21,000.00 5,000.00 ... 7,696.15 $29,350.00 33,69M5 29,350.00 .. $ 4,346.15 82 iElUG1JN OO{]';'l1Y 0ffiJ\NI0IIL ST. THOMAS SUBURBi\N ROAD COMMISSION STATEMENT OF 1969 EXPENDITURES OON\S'I1J:lJUCII1ION: BRIDGOO A!NID OUm'ElRTS !ElUGII!N OOUlNTY OOUlNCDL 83 Share of Payments re: Ontario Hospital Services Commission """""""""""""""""',',," 161.08 '$ 856,~7 TO'I1AL E~EN[)I'l1URlE iF10R 1969 ON ST, THOMAS SUiBUBlBA!N OOA!DS """",,'" . " '" """ '$ 75,317.69 Road No. 83, [{ains Bridge, soil tests and engineering '$ 11,926.04 ROADS ,1. Road No. 16, Fingal, completion of construction 2. Land Purchase 3. Prainage Road No, 25 (Wellington Road) ""," 4. Drainage Assessments ' , , ' , , , . , , , , , , , '" , 5. Surveys and T.raJ!f.ic Couuts ""',"""',',"" MMN'l1ENA!NOE Bridge and Culvert Maintenance OOi\[) MAINTENANOE A!N[) OVERlHiEAD ",'"'''''' $ Winter Control " " " " " " " Surface Treatment """"""""""" """""" Repairs to 'Pavements """',' Roadside Maintenance ' , , , ,. ""'" ,(;Tavel Resurfacing, Grading, !Dust 'Goutrol Weed Control ' " , " " " . Brushing and Tree Outting , , , , . Pavement Marking signs "",,"" '''' Guide Rail Drainage Railroad Protection Superintendence, Clerical and Overhead lTEJMS NOT l'10R SU8SIDY 'Committee Member Fees and 'Expenses "" , , , , , $ Ontario G~od Roads Association Membership ",. " Suburban R~ad Commission ,Association Membership Weed 5prayand Road Liability Insurance """"",' i\MOUNT PAYABLE BY THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS CON'STRJUC'l'lON: Bridges and Culverts """" 10% of $11,926,04 - $ Road Construction 25% of 23,654,80 - Bridge and Culvert Maintenance ' 10% of 182.69 - Road Maintenance and Overl1ead 26% of 38,697,69 - Items not Subsidized ',,"." "'" 50% of .856.217 - 6,750.83 13,360.47 1,410.74 2,079.33 53.43 1,192.60 5,913.70 18.27 9,674.47 4I.!8.13 '$ 23,654.60 '$ 17,'J:lIl.17 182.69 PAlID BY 1IHE OIrfY OF ST. THOMAS: '12 Mill Provided Special Contribution Less: Deficit for 1969 . .. '$ 20,567.23 5,000.00 663.91 '$ 24,923.32 8,41.!3.75 7,,1&2.62 4,151.09 656,26 947.59 1,118.11 1,699.69 1,790.99 1,639,98 267.85 363.46 1,041.63 9,437.68 Less: Amount Payable by City of St. Thomas Surplus to 1970 """ , , , , " 17,227,~7 Surplus to 1970 '$ 7,696.15 ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT NO..2 March Session~ 1970 ,,!he Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, ,Your Road Committee begs to report as follows: ;!'~MM!EN[),: ~ i ,: ['bat with exception of the Town of Aylmer, the Rebate to Urban ',ipalities remain at 26% of their Road Levy for 11170. 'at !Rebate for the Town of Aylmer be 35% of their Road Levy '0. .lch is respectfully submitted. F. F. MOOiRIE, Chairman. 84 Jill.JmN OOUN'l'Y OOUNCIL COUN'l'Y GOVERMENT COMMITTEE RE,PORT March Session, 1970 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That the recommendattons of the !National Farmers' Union reo education tax system, be tabled. 2. That Mr. Claybourne iGordon, be ,given a "Certificate of Merit" for long service. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. B. WlIISON, Chairman. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2122 "-Being a By~Law to Authorize Grants to be made to Various Organizations, Corporations, Institutions, etc., During 1970;" WHERE,AS the Council of the COl'j>oration of the County of Elgin deems it advis'ahle to make grants to certain organiz'ations, corpora- tions, institutions, etc. NOW 'J1HElRiElF1OR!E the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT the following grants be, and 'are hereby authorized for the year 1970: Elgin Law Library Canadian National ,Institute for the Blind . .. .. Salvation Army Elgiu County !Pioneer Museum Scholarship, Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technology................. $ 50.00 1,250.00 500.00 500.00 100.00 ,EilJGiJIN OOUfNlrY OOUNOIL 85 Scholarsl1ips at University of Western Ontario . . . . . . . . . Scholarships at IGuelph University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . University of Western Ontario . . . . . .. ........ The TilIsonburg lDistrict Memorial HOllpital ..... Four Counties Hospital.................................. Bobier Home ....... ............... The Locai AgriculturalOffice for farm organizations and Junior !Farmers and Institute Groups The Agricultural and Horticultural &lcieties in the County of Elgin - Equal to the 'Province of Ontario Grants to these Societies Economic Council-lErie Region 200.00 200.00 3,000.00 15,000.00 9,000.00 5,000.00 3,000.00 2,275.38 REAiD a first time, this lllth day of March, 1970. RElAD a second time, this 18th day of March, 1970. REAID a third time and finally paosed, ,this ,18th day of March, 1970. H. L. JOffi\ISON, Clerk W.R. CAViEiRiLY, Warden COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2123 "Being a By-Law to Anthorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign a Qnit Claim Deed to J. A. Harvey Investments Limited, of the Town of Aylmer" WiHElRiEAS, 1Ihe Corporation of the County of Elgin has agreed to release certain Easements that were granted by J. A.. Harvey to the G<>rporation to facilitate the Construction of Elm Street (GlIunty Road !No. 00) in the Town of 'Aylmer, and, whereas, .the Construc- tion is complete and the Easements are no longer needed. NOW 'l1HElR'ElFORiE, the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 86 mGEN OOUN'fY OOUNCLL l1HAT the Warden and Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are, hereby, 'authorized to sign a IQuit Claim Deed releasing the ,gasements on the following parcel of land heing part of Lot No. 82. North on Talbot Road East in the 'f<YWn of Aylmer, whiCh are more particularly described as follows: F1IRSlDLY - Commencing at a point in the northerly limit of Park !Lot "iZ" Plan No. N5 distant Sevent~n feet (17') measured westerly thereon from the ,westerly limit of glm Street; TH'ENCg Northerly parallel with the Westerly limit of Elm Street a distance of 344.26 feet which point is the point of commence- ment. THiElNOE continuing northerly parallel to the westerly limit of glm Street and distant '17 feet measured westerly therefrom a dis- Jance of 521 feet to the southerly limit of the westerly production of Spruce Street; THENCg Westerly along the westerly production of the souther- ly limit of Spruce Street a distance of 200 f~t; THENCE Southerly parallel with the westerly limit of Elm Street a distance of five hundred and twenty-one f~t (52'1'); THENOE lEasterly parallel with the westerly production of Spruce Street a distance of two hundred f~t (200') more or less to the point of commencement. SEOQINDLY - Being composed of the Easterly 49 feet of Lot No. 45 and all of lots 46 to 52 inclusive south on Spruce Street as sh<YWn on registered Plan No. 166. Containing by admeasurement an area of three and ten one..lhundredths 'acres !be the same more or less. 1RJE1M) a first, second, 'and third time, and passed this ,'16th day of March, 1970. !II. IL. JOHNSON, Clerk W. R. CNVEIRiLY, Wroxlen IEILGIlIN OOUNTY OOUiNCIIL 67 BY-LAW NO. 2124 - NORMAL HA By-Law to Provide for the 1970 Expenditures on Roads ,Undel' the Highway' Improvement Act in the' County' of' Elgin. ", WHEIR>gAS The Highway Improvement Act requires that the to- tal expenditure on roads be provided for annually by county by-law and that the by-law he submitted to the Minister of Highways for ap- proval. THlElRiElFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said County enacts as follows: (1) The sum of $1,399,000.00 is hereby estimated as the expendi- ture upon the construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the year 1970 as follows: Construction Maintenance Total Roads ..." $ 361,1000 $ 384,000 $ 745;600 Bridges and Culverts .... $ 41.7,060 $ 25,006 $ 442,000 New Machinery 52,000 52,600 Superintendence and Overheads 154,606 6,006 166,609 T<YJ1ALS , , , . . , . , $ 984,.000 $ 415,006 $ 1,399,000 (2) The said monies shall be e"Pended under the supervision of the duly appointed county road superintendent and on work per- formed in accordance with 'The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk Shall transmit triplicate copies of .this by"law to the, district office of the Department of Highways Ontario, not later than March 31st, oflhe said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be ob- ta,ined before any expenditure is authorized or work commencec.I which will he financed hythe issue of debentures or monies raised in -a subsequent year. Passed at st. Thomas this 1:8th day of March A.ID. 1970. H. L. JOHNSON, W. R. CAVERJLY, Clerk Warden [, Harley L. Johnson, Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-Law No. 2124 passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the 16th day of March, 1970. HARlIJEY L. JOHNSON, County Clerk. 88 Ewm OOUNTY OOlWeIL BY-LAW NO. 2125 - SUPPLEMENTARY "A By-Law to Provide far the 1970 Expenditures on Roads Under The Highway Improvement Act in. the Cou~ty 'Of. Elgin" WHERElAS The Highway 'Improvement Act requires that the to- tal expenditure on roads he provided [or annually hy county hy-law and bhat the by-law be submitted to the Minister of 'Highways for ap- proval. 'I1HEiRlEFORiE the Council of the Corporation of the said County enacts as follows: (1) The sum of $242,000.~0 is hereby estimated as the expendi- ture upon the construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jlll'isdiction during the year 1<.l70 as follows: Construction $227,~00.00 15,000.00 Maintenance Total '$ $227,000.00 15,000.00 Roads Bridges and Culverts New Machinery Superintendence and ,overhead T()'l1A!JS $242,000.00 $ $242,000.00 (2) The said monies 'shall be expended uuder the supervision of the duly appointed county road superintendent and on work per- formed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit triplicate copies of ,this hy-law to the district office of the Department of Highways ,ontario, not later than March 31st, of the said year. (4) The approval of the ,ontario Municipal Board shall be <lb- tained before any expenditure is .authorized or work commenced which will 'be financed hy the issue of debentures or monies raised in a subsequent year. ,Passed at st. Thomas this 18th day of March A.D. '1000. H. L. J'OIHNSON, W. R. CAVERiLY, Clerk Warden I, Harley L. Johnson, Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By.,J,aw No. 2125 passed 'by the Council of the said Corporation on the 18th day of March, 1000. iHkRJlJElY L. JOHNSOIN, County Clerk. ElJGm OOUINTY OOUNCThL 89 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2126 "A By~Law to Confirm Proceedings 'Of The Council 'Of The Corporation of The County of Elgin at the March Session, 1970" WHElREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, 'being Chapter 249 of the Revised Statutes of ,ontario, 1900, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised rby its council; AN[) WrHEiRlEArS by Subsection 1 of Section 242 of the Municipal Act, ,being Chapter 249 of the 'Revised Statutes of 'Ontario, 1960, the powers 'Of every Council are to he exercised by By-Law; AND W!HElRiEArS it is deemed expedient thatbhe proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By.,J,aw; NOW 'l'HElRilllFORiE the Council of the Corporation of the County of ,Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of -E.lgin in respect of eaeh recommendation 'contained in the 'Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken hy the Comicll of the Corporation'of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the March ~970 Session is hereby adopted and ,confirmed as ,if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By;Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Eigin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect totheaetion of tihe Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin referred to in preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the Couuty of <Elgin. REM> a first time, tihis 18th day of Mareh, 1000. REAl) a second time, <this 18th day of March, 1000. RilllAI) a third time, and finally passed this 18th day of March, 1970. H. 'L. JO!IJjNSON, Clerk W. R. CAVERLY, Warden 90 ElIJrnN OOUNTY COUNCIL THIRD SESSION - FIRST DAY Wednesday, the 20th day of May, 1970 The Elgin County Council met lIbis day at the Court ,House, St. Thomas, in accordance with .ad1ournment. The Warden in the Ohair. All members present except - Reeve Wilson" Reeve Speers and Reeve Todd. Moved by Reeve McKillop, SeC<lnded by Deputy Reeve Johnston, That the minutes of the March 1970 Session of the Elgin County Council, be confwmed. . -Carried. The following communications were read and referred to the various committees. From Four Counties General Hospital with Financial Statement for the year ended December 31st, 1969. - Referred to the Financ!, Committee. -From the Depao:tment of Highways with Audit Report on Road Expenditures for the year 1969. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the Department of Social and Family Services with ap- proval of '1970 budget of the Children's Aid ISociety of the City of St. Thomas and the County of Elgin. - 'Filed. From Mr. \Robert King with letter of claxification of points made in hrief "National .Farmers' Union -Recommendations Re: Education Tax System" which was presented to the Elgin County Council 'at its Maxch Session. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From Mr. G. C. Leverton with request that he be allowed to cwry on lihe pao:t time position of Secretary-Treasurer of .lIbe Elgin- St. Thomas Health Unit on a permanent basis. - Referred to the Personnel Committee. ElWlU'! COUiNTY OOUNCIIL 91 From the Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves with state- ment on proposed structure for effecting liaison between Councils and SchoollBoard. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the !Department of Municipal Mfairs with Newsletter No. 3 'reiative to the Haldimand Norfolk Study. - Referred to the County Government Com.mittee. From the Town of ,Aylmer 'with Notice of Application to tbe On- tar-io Municipal Board for approval of By-Law IHO to regulate lanj:! use pursuant to ISedion 30 of the Planning Act ,and copy of By-Law 13-70. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the County of Wentworth with resolution re: Long Distauce Telephone Charges 'Between Adjacent Telephone 'Exchauges. - Re- ferred to the Finance Committee. From the Children's Aid Society of the City of St. Thomas and the County of Elgin with lists of children in care to Marcb 31st, 1970, and Finance Report to February 28th, ,1970. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From tbe Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit with copy of Financial Statement for the year ended December 31st, 1969. - 'Referred to the Finance Committee. iFrom the Canada Departmeut of Agriculture, Health of Animals Branch, with letter re: the advisablility of holding rabies clinics througbout the County of Elgin. ~ Referred to ,the Agricultural Committee; From the Township of Southwold 'With resolution asking the Min- ister of Municipal Mfairs to remove farm land used for agricultural purposes from the taxation system insofar as taxes for education pur- poses are concerned. - 'Referred to the Oounty Government COffiR mittee. iFrom the Township of Aldborough with resolution requesting the county to reconsider its decisiou with respect to a grant to theSal- vation Army Capital 'appeal. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the County of lLanrbton with resolution opposing the elim- ination of corporal punishment in our schools. ~ Referred to the Education Committee. 92 ELGIN OOUNTY COU!NOIiL From the Sl. Thomas'Elgin Emergency Measures Organization with reference to Financial Assistance Program Policy reo Natural (Peacetime) Emergencies. - Referred 10 the Finance Committee. F-rom Miss Ruth E. Stephens -with letter re: a commercial sign near the intersection of Ontario Highway No.n and Elgin Road No. 24 in the village of Port Bruce. - Referred to the -Road Committee, From the 'Residential Care Committee-$t.Thomas-Elgin Associ~- tion for Retarded Children with copy of minutes of meeting held on March 18th, 1\110. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From tihe County of Oxford with resolution encouragiug the Government of ,ontario to ban the Manufacture -and eventually the use of studded tires. - Referred to the 'Road Committee. From the County of iLambton with resolution petitioniug the At- torney General 10 amend the EJ<propriations Act 1968-69. - Referred to the Road Committee. From Mr. James J. Talman, Chief 'Librarian, University of Western Ontario with letter thanking cmmcil for the action taken in depositing the non'current records of Elgin County for safekeeping in the University Library. - Filed. From the United Counties of -Prescott and Russell with resolution petitioning the Minister of Social and !Family Services to consider the sum of $1,000.00 as a reasonable amount that a resident of a Home for the Aged may set -aside for his burial expenses. - Referred to the Elgin Manor Committee. !From the Townsbip of Dunwicb 'with resolution asking the Min- ister of Municipal Mfairs to remove farm land and buildings used for agricultural purposes from the taxation system insofar as taxes for education purposes are concerned. - Referred to the County Government Oommittee. From the Ontario !Department of Mines with "A Guide to Site Development and Rehabilitation of Pits and Quarries." - !Referred to the Road Committee. From the Youth and .Recreation Branch of the Department of Education with April 1970 Newsletter. - Referred to the Education Committee. ,EJLGII!N oaumy IOOUNCN.. 93 From Mr. Edward Phelps, County Records Librarian, Univer- sity of Western Ontario, with request to remove the first two County of Elgin By'Law 'Books for filming. - Referred 10 the Property Committee. From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with May Newsletter, Preliminary bulletin on 1970 Annual Convention and Interim Report 10 Mid.Jferm meeting by the A.C.RO. President. _ Referred to tbe County Government Committee. .From the Department of Highways advising that advance pay- ment of subsidy in the amount of $256,400.00 will be made to the County of -Elgin. - Filed. From the Ontario Municipal Association with 1970 Convention Registration Kit. - !Filed. The Auditor's Report for the year ended December 31st, 1969, was presented and the following resolution was passed. Moved by Reeve McAlpine, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Morrison, That the Audit",,'s Report for!l1e year ended December 31st, 1969, be accepted by the Elgin County Council. -Carried. The Report of the Road Committee was presented by Reeve Moore and adopted on motion of Reeve Moore and Reeve DeGraw. Moved by Deputy Reeve iLyle, Seconded by Reeve Moore, Thattihe Clerk.Jfreasurer of the County of Elgin be and is here- by instrncted to make available to the Elgin Planning Board through its ;Planning Director, the records of the former County of Elgin Planning; Board. ~Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Whalis, Seconded by Deputy Reeve deRyk, That we do now adjourn to meet again at 2:00 p.m., May 20th, 1970. -Carded. 94 EIJGlIN COUNrY COUNlOliL Council re-convened. Reeve Todd present. The Report of the Edncation Committee was presented hy 'Reeve Mrs. Blyth and adopted on motion of Reeve Mrs. Bly,th and Reeve Hodgson. The 'Report of the Property Committee was presented hy Reeve Mc!Killop and adopted on motion of Reeve McKillop and Reeve McAlpine. The Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted. on motion of iReeve "Emerson and DeM puty Reeve Dennis. The Report of the County Government Committee was presented hy Reeve J'Uhnson and adopted on motion of Reeve Johnson and Reeve Mc:lntyre. The Report of the !Finance Committee was presented hy Reeve DeGraw and adopted on motion of 'Reeve DeGraw and -Reeve John- son. The Report of the Agricultnral Committee was presented by Reeve M<lIntyreand adopted on motion of Reeve Mc'lntyre and Reeve McAlpine. Moved hy Deputy Reeve Lyle, Seconded by Reeve Emerson, That Mr. Howard Gib.son, Director of the Central Elg,in Planning Board, be 'authorized to receive from Mr. Carl Altenburg, former Planning Director of the -Elgin County Planuing Board, all docu- ments, -maps and records pertaining to ,any of the municipalities in Elgin County or to the former 'Elgin County Planning Board. This shall be sufficient -authority for Mr. Carl Altenburg to de- liver allt!he above mentioned material io Mr. Howard Gibson. ----Carried. IE1JmN OOUNTY 001JNClL 95 Moved by Deputy 'Reeve Morrison, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Johnston, That County Council Authorize 'Elgin County Pioneer Museum to move a barn on property at 32 Talbot Street. St. Thomas. ----Carried. Moved by Reeve McAlpine, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Whalls, That By-iLaw No. 2127, "'Designating Through Highways," be read a first time. - ----Carried. Moved by Reeve Moore, Seconded by Reeve McAlpine, That By"Law No. 2127, be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Cook, Seconded by Reeve Moore, That By.J.,aw No. 2127, 'be read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Mc!Killop, Seconded by Deputy 'Reeve Lyle, That By-iLaw No. 2126, "Being a By"Law Authorizing the De- struction of Certain iDocuments, Hecordsand Papers," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve McAlpine, Seconded by Reeve Mc!Killop, That By-Law No. 2126, he read a second time. ----Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Dennis, _ Seconded by Reeve McAlpine, That By-iLaw No. 2128, be read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. 95 iElIJGlIN OOUNTY COUNC]L Moved by neputy Reeve MONison, Seconded by Reeve McKillop, 'Dhat IBy'Law No. 2129, "A By-iLaw to Confirm Proceedings of The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at. the May Session, 1970,') he read a first -time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve MclKillop, Seconded by Reeve Todd, That By"Law No. 2129, be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Todd, Seconded by Reeve MclKillop, That By-Law !No. 2129, be read a third time, 'and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve ,Mrs. Blyth, Seconded by Reeve Emerson, That.we do now adjourn to meet again at 10:00 a.m., June 16th, 1970. -Carried. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk W. R. CAJVElRLY, Warden ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1970 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, Your Road Committee begs to report as follows: 1. That a Tender for Construction of the lKains Bridge ,and ap- proac'hes on 1St. Thomas Suburban !Road Commission, Road No. 33, has heen let to MCLean-iFoster 'Limited of St. Marys,. 'at $126,- 806.10. The work is underway. Ii i 'I ;:1 'EDGIN COUNTY eOUNOIiL 97 2. A Tender for Hot Mix Asphalt and Asphalt Curb and Gutter, on Road No. 45, on the 'Players Bridge Hill, (approximately 1 mile), has been let to Walmsley Bros., Limited of 'London at $12,060.00. 3. The !Following Machinery has .been purchased: {1.) An Etnyre Stone Spreader. {used) (2.) Two John Deere Tractors and Side-Mounted Mowers. (3.) A Chevrolet Car. (4.) A Chevrolet Pickup /!'ruck. (5.) A 'Ford nouble~Cab Pick-Up Truck. {5.) A John neere Bulldozer. {used) Used County equipment was traded in on items No.3, 4, and 5. ;1; !'~ ;Iq i;;'!1 ,I :.1 ;'ii 4. 'Th.e Engineer has been instructed to proceed with iEngineering' Surveys on the following roads: (1.) Road No. 36, from Highway No.3 to 1 mile South of Sparta, in Yarmouth Township. (2.) Road No. 40, from Mount Salem to Road iNo; 42, in Mala- hide Township. ca.) Road No.3, from Highway No.3, '\Southerly, in Aldborough Township. (4.) Road No. 16, from Road No. 20 to Road No. 14, in South. wold Township. )1 ~ i:1 I: ,Ii rl I: ~ J1i i.,i I:' I~ "." ,I.! 1 itf! i~! D o N ,I, 1~1 [lit ~II 1111 "I ~ ~i I~ ~ WE REOOMM'ElN!)- 1. That the resolution of the County of Oxford requesting that studded tires 'he hanned by the Province of Ontario be endorsed. 2. That the resolution of fue County of ILambton requesting chang- es in the E"propriations Act 1968-69 be endoraed. 3. That a new Through Highway By-Law be passed to replace ,the present By-Law whic'h is over five years oid. A number of minor changes have been made necessary by the .Road improvements of the past few years. F. iF. MOORE, Chairman. All of whic'h is respectfully submitted: 98 .EllJGiIIN COUNTY COUiNOI'L EDUCATION COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1970 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Conncil, The fEducationCommittee reports as follows: 1. That the April 1970 iNewsletter from the Youth and <Recreation Branch of the <Department of Education, be filed. 2. That the resolntion from the County of Lambton opposing the elimination of corporal punishment in OUr schools, be endorsed. All of which is respectfully submitted. MI~S. MARY BLY11H, Chairman. PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1970 To the Warden and Members of the 'Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That Mr. Edward Fhelps he permitted to take the original minute books of the Elgin County ,Council for microfilming. 2. That the matter of a partition across the west hallway on the second floor of the Court Honse be tabled. 3. That a By-Law be prepared ,and submitted to ,County Council authorizing the de&truction of the following records, subject to the ap. proval of the <Department of Municipal Affairs; Cancelled cheques 1960 and prior Cheque stnhs ,W60 and prior Bank Statements and IPass books 1000 and prior Paid Accounts 1960 and prior Payment vouchers 1960 and pdor Hospital Notice of Admission of an indigent Person 4. That Mr. 'Edward Phelps, County Records Lihrarian, Univer- sity of Western ontario, he permitted to remove the first two By- Law Books of the Couuty of Elgin for miorofUming. All of which is respectfully snhmitted, !D. M. McKI,IJLffi>, Chairman. ElLGJIN COUNTY. OOUINCIiL 99 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1970 To the Warden and Memhers of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. We recommend that Mr. G. C. Leverton, Deputy Clerk-Trea- snrer of the County of Elgin, he permitted to accept the part time position of Secretary-Treasurer of the 'Elgin"St. Thomas Health Unit on 'a permanent hasis. All of which is respectfully suhmitted. !K. C. 'EMElRSON, Chairman. COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1970 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: That in the absence of Reeve J. B. Wilson, Reeve Johnson be appointed chairman of this committee. 1. That the letter from Mr. Rohert !King with clarification of points made in brief "iNational irtarmers' Union Recommendations Re: Education Tax System," be filed. 2. That Newsletter No. 3 relative to the Haldimand Norfolk Study, be filed. 3. That the resolution from the Township of Southwold asking the Minister of Municipal Affairs to remove farm land used for agri- cultural purposes from the taxation system insofar as taxes for edu- cation purposes are concerned, he endorsed, and that this action he reported to the two M.P:P.'s representing ,Elgin County. 4. Tbat the resolution from the Township of Dunwich asking the 100 EUlllJN GOUNTY GOUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 101 Minister of Municipal Affairs to remove farm land and buildings used for agricultural purposes from .the taxation system insofar as taxes for education purposes are concerned, h<l filed. 6. That the list of children in care and the finance report as at Fehruary 28th, 1970, of the Ohildren',s Aid Society, he filed. 5. That May Newsletter, Preliminary hulletin on 1970 Annual Can- vention and President's Interim Report to the Mid-Term meeting from the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario, be filed. 7. That the Financial Repart of the Elgin"St. Thomas Health Unit for the year ended Decemher 31st, 1969, be filed. 6, That a delegation of the County Covernment Committee be ,authorized to meet with the Minister of Municipal Affairs re: the equali.ation factor. 8. That the resalution from the Tawnship 'Of Aldborough request- ing the County to reconsider its dec,isian with respect to a grant ta the Salvatian Army Capital Appeal, be filed. 7. That the County Government COIIfmittee investigate the fea- s"bility of having one meeting 'Of Connty Council per month. 9. That the Financial Assistance Program Policy Re: Natural (Peacetime) ,Emergencies, suhmitted by the St. Thomas-iElgin Emergency Measures Qrganizatian, he med. All of which is respectfully snbmitted. H. B. JOHiNSO!N, Chairman. 10. That the Minutes 'Of the March 18th, 1970 meeting of the Resi- dential Care Committee of the St. Thomas'Elgin Assaciation for Re- tarded Children, be filed. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT All of which is respectfully submitted, May Session, 1970 H. V. -DEGRAW, Ohairman. Tathe Warden and Members 'Of the Elgin Connty Conncil, The !Finance Committee reports as fall(}ws: 1. That Oharity and Welfare Pay List No.3 far $1,314.45 and Pay List No.4 for $841.00, be approved. 2. That Children's Aid Saciety Pay List Na. 3 far $2,'547.50 and Pay List No. 4 for $2,'547.50, he approved. 3. That the Faur C(}unties General Hospital !Financial Statement f(}r the year euded iDecember '31st, 1969, be filed. 4. That the statement on "Proposed Structnre for Effecting Lias(}n Between Councils and School Boards" submitted by the Assaciation of Ontario Mayors and Reeves, be filed. 5. That tile resolution framthe County of Wentworth reo Long iDistance Telephone Charges Between Adjacent Teleph(}ne Ex- change, be endorsed. AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1970 To the Warden and Members of the ,E,lgin C(}unty Cauucil, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That, the Canada Department 'Of Agriculture, Health 'Of Anima!l< Branch, he advised to proceed with r,abiesclinicsthroughout the County with the Connty 'Of ,E,lgin paying for the required advertising. All of which is respectfully submitted, J. IL. McIiNTY~E, Ohairman. 102 I'lDGIN OOUNIl'Y COUNCIL II i EDGIN COUNTY OOUNmL 10$ MUNICIPALITY OF ELGIN 5 BY-LAW NO. 2127 DESIGNATING. THROUGH HIGHWAYS 6 W!IJlE:IlJEAS clause 26 of subsectian 1 of section 1 of the Highway Traffic Act m.s.o. 11160, Cbapter 172) provides that: . "through highway" means any highway or part of a highway designated as snch by the Minister or by ,By-Law afa munici- pality approved by the Department, and every such highway shall be marked by a stop sign or yield right-of-way sign in compliance with the regulations of tile Department; 7 8 (a) NOW THEREFORJE the Council of tile Corporation of the Munici- .pality of Elgin enacts .as follows: 1. The following highways or parts of highways under the juris- diction of the Municipality of Elgin are designated as through highways: 8 (b) Rom NO. DESORm'IJ.'ION 9 {a) 2 From the east side of County Road No. 3 to the west side of County Road No.8. 9 (b) The intersection of !King's Highway No. 76 is a through highway from County Road No.2, and Highway No. 76 is not 'a through highway at this point. 9 (c) 3 11 From the gate of the Memorial Park iu the Hamlet of Port Glasgow to the County Boundary, whicll is the centre of the Thames River. ,13 4 (a) On the Aldbor-ongh Orford Townline from apposite the North side of the road between Concession IV and V; Tawnship 01 Orford to apposite the soutil side of tile road between 'Concession WI and V~II, Aldboraugh. On Road between Concession WI and WI Aklborough from the west side 01 the Orlord"Aldhorough Townline to the west side 01 Connty Road No. 3. 15 (a) 14 4 (b) From the soutlh side of the road between Cancessions n and JilII, Township .01 Dunwich (County Raad No.9) to the Caunty Boundary, ,which is the centre .of tile Thames River. From the east sids of County 'Raad No. 7 to the West side .01 'County Road No. 3. ,From the south side of the road between Concessions X and XI, TDwnship 01 Orford, to the County Boundary which is tile centre of the Thames River. John Street, in the village 01 Duttan, fram the north side .01 County Road, ND. 15, being Main Street, to the south side of Currie IStreet {County Road No. 8). New Currie Road, from the soutil side of John Street, in tlhe Village of Dutton, to tile County Boundary, which is tile centre of the Thames River. From the east side of County Road No. 3 to the west side of County Road No. 5. From tile east side of County Road No. 5 to ,the west side of County Road No. 8; From the east side of County 'Road No.8 to the West side of County Road No. 14. From the east side of !Kings Highway No. 4 to the west side of County Road No. 26. From the east side .of County Road No. 15' ,to the west side .of County Road No. 14. From the North side of County 'Road No. 16 to the Coun- ty !Boundary, which is the centre of Thames River. From the South side of County Road No. 2 totlhe north side .of Road No. 15 ('Lake Road) in Lot No. 10, Conces- sion X, iDunwich. 104 ~5 (b) El.JmN COUNTY COUNC~L 16 17 . 18 19 20 (a) 20 (b) 20 (c) 21 22 (a) 22 (b) 23 (a) Lake Road fmm the West side of 'Road No. ~5 in Lot No. 10, Concession X, tllunwich, 00 the East side of Pearce Provincial Park, (Lot No. 12, Concession X, Township 'of tllunwiCh.) From the south-east side of County 'Road No. 15 to the west boundary of the City of St. Thomas. From the east side of County Road No. 19 to the east side of the road between Concessions II and U,Town- ship of Westminster. From the west side of County !Road No. 20 to the west side of County Road No. 19. From the north side of King's Highway No. 3 to the north side of County Road No. 17. From the north side of the road between the Townships of Southwold and Delaware to the north side of County iRoad No. 18. From the south side of County !Road No. 18 to the north side of County Road No. 16. From the south side of County 'Road No. 16 to the north side of !King's Highway No. 4, in the Village of Port Stanley. 'Fmm the east side of County Road No. 20 to ,the west side of !King's Highway No. 4. From the boundary of the City of Sl. Thomas to the norlJh side of County iRoad No. 27. From the south side of County Road No. 27 to the north side of County Road No. 24. From the east side of !King's Highway No. 4 .in Lot 2, Concession iI!I, Township of Yarmouth, to .the north side of Joseph Street, in the V11lage of Port Stanley. ELGIN COUNTY OOUNmL 105 23 (b) 24 25 26 (a) 26 (b) 27 28 (a) 28 (b) 29 (a) 29 (b) 30 (a) 30 (b) .on Joseph Street, in the Village of Port Stanley from the east side of !King's Highway No. 4 to the east side of 'East Street, in the Village of Port Stanley. From the east side of County Road No. 23 to the west side of King's Highway No. 73 at Port Bruce. From lIbe north side of !King's Highway No. 3 to the north side of the road between the Townships of South- wold, Yarmouth and Westminster. ,From the east side of County 'Road No. 25 to the north boundary of the City of Sl. Thomas. Fromllhe north side of the r<lad between Townships of Westminster and Southwold to the west side of County Road No. 25. From the east side of King's Highway No. 4 to the east side of County Road No. 36. ' From the south side of !King's Highway No. 3 to the norlJh side of the road between Concessions VHand VH'l, Townslhip of Yarmouth. From the east boundary of the City of Sl. Thomas to the east side of the mad between Lots No. 10 and 11, Con- cession VHI, Township of Yarmouth. From the east side of County !Road 1N0. 25 to the west side of County Road No. 31. From the east side of Road No. :i.6 to ,the west side of County 'Road No. 25. From the norllh boundary of the City of 81. Thomas to the south side of the road hetween Concessions XJI[l and XJIN, Township of Yarmouth. From opposite the west side of Lot No. 8, Concession Xnrl to the east side of mad between ,Lots No. 8 and 9 in Concession XiII!I!, Yarmouth. 106 31 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 32 33 34 (aJ 34 (b) 35 36 (a) 36 (b) 37 36 39 From the north boundary of the City of St. Thomas to the north side of the road between Concessions X and Range ii, North of Edgeware Road, in the Township of Yarmouth. !From the east side of King's Highway No. 73 to the Main ,Entrance of the OntarIo Provincial Police College. '!From the west houndary ,of the City of St. Thomas to the south side of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway right- of-way on the Townline 'Road hetween Yarmouth aud Southwold Townships. From the west side of the road between Lots No. 10 and '11.1 ConceSsion vmm, Township of Westminster to the west side of Lot No.8, Concession RI'lI, Township of Yarmouth. From the west side of 'KIng's Highway No. 74 to the County iBoundary ,being Kettle Creek. From the sou1lh ,side of King's Higbway No.3 to the north side of County 'Road No. 45. -From the south side of King's ffighway No. 3 to the north side of County Road No. 27. From the south side of County 'Road No. 27 to the north side of County 'Road No. 24. - !From the east side of King's Higlhway No. 74 to ,the east limit of the road between the Township of North and South Dorchester and the Township of lDereham. !From the north-west side of King's Higlhway No. 3 to the east limit of the road hetween the Townships of ;Raybam and Houghton. From the south side of County Road No. 42 to the north side of Lake IErie. 40 EuG]N COUlNTY OOUNCIL 107 41 (a) 41 (b) 42 (a) 42 (b) 43 (a) 43 (b) 44 45 (a) 45 (b) 45 (c) 45 '(d) 46 !From 1Ihe south side of County Road No. 52 to the north side of County 'Road No. 42. On !Fulton Street, in the Village of Vienna, from the west side of Union Street to the west side of Main Street. On Main Street, from the north side of King's Highway No. 19 to the north side of 'Fulton Street. From the east side of King's Highway No. 73 to the west side of King's Highway 1N0. 19, in tJhe Village of Port BUl'Well. ,From the east sIde of King's Highway No. 19 in the Vil- lage of Port Burwell to the east limit of the road between the Townsbips of Bayhamand Hougbton. From the south side of Coonty Road No. 38 to the north side of County Road iNo. 45. From the \SOuth side of County 'Road No. 45 to the north side of County 'Road iNo. 42. From the east side of King's Highway No. 3 to the west side of King's Highway No. 19. From the south side of Road No. 16 to the west sIde of County Road No. 22. From the east side of County Road iNo. 22 to the west side of County Road No. 36. From the east side of County 'Road No. 36 to the west side of County Road 1N0. 40. 'From tI1e east side of Connty Road No. 40 to the east side of County Road No. 55. From tI1e nor,th side of King's Highway No. 3 to the north side of the Road between the Townships of Bay- ham and Dereham. 108 47 'EDGIN OOUNII'Y OOUNCIL 48 49 52 (a) 52 (b) 52 (c) .52 (d) 53 (a) 53 (b) 54 55 2. 3. 'Fram 'vhe narth side .of County 'Raad Na. 48 ta the narth side of Cannty Road Na. 37. From the east side of King's Highway Na. 73 ta the west side .of County Raad Na. 54. Fram the ,sauth side .of County Raad Na. 48 ta the. narth atde .of Caunty Raad Na. 52. From the east side .of 'Raad Na. 26 in .the lI'awnship of Santhwald,..ta the west side of County Raad No. 25. !Fram the east side of Caunty Road Na. 25 ta Ule west side of Caunty Raad Na. 31. From the east side .of County !Road Na. 31 to the west side .of Caunty Raad No. 30. Fram the east side .of 'Caunty Raad Na. 30 ta the east side of County Raad Na. 40. ,Elm Street, in the Tawn of Aylmer, framthe narth side .of King's Highway No.3 ta the sauth side of Beech St., in the lI'awn .of Aylmer. Beech Street, framthe west side of Elm Street, ta the west side .of King"s Highway Na. 7'3. From the narth side .of Caunty Road 'No. 48 to the south side .of the raad be~een Caucessians X and XlI, lI'awn- ship of Dereham. iFrom the narth side ,of Caunty Road Na. 42 to the sauth side .of Caunty Raad Na. 45. The designatian in section 1 .of this By-iLaw .of a high- way or part of a highway as a ,thraugh highway sh'!ll not include any intersectioD,thereoD,. where the road intersected isa King's Highway .or where traffic control signals are installed. The penalties provIded in sectian as .of the Highway Traffic Act shall apply ta .offences against this By-Law. iE[JGJIN OOUNTY OOUNorL 109 4. By.Law Numbers 1897 and 1938 are, hereby, repealed. '5. This By-Law shall nat become effective until appraved by the Department of Transport. ENAOTEID AND PASSEID this20tb day of May, ,1970. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk W. R. OAiVERLY, Warden COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law Na. 2128 "Being a By-Law Authorizing the Destruction of Certain Documents, Records and Papers.'" WHE'RE,AS the Council, pursuant ta Sectian 24!8B of the Munici- pal Act KS.O. 1960 as amended, is authorized to destroy certain dacuments, records and papers with the appraval of the Department .of Municipal Affairs. AND WHEREAS Winspear, Higgins, Stevenson & Doaue, Caunty Auditars,. have certified in writing that in their .opinion it is no lang- er..necessary t.o retain the.documents, records. and p,apers'ihereinafter set farth. AiND WiHlERiEAS certain dacuments, records and papers of .the Caunty .of Elgin prior to the 1st day of January, 1961 are of.no further use, and naw occupy space which is required far other purpases. NOW II'HEREFORJE the Cauncil of the Corporation .of the Caunty .of Elgin enacts as fallows: 1. '!'lIAT the fallawing documents, recards .and papers .of ,the Caunty of Elgin; .all .of Which relate ta transactions completed an or befare the 31st day of December 1960, shan bedestrayed. 110 E!JmN COUNTY COUNCIL Cancelled cheques 1960 and pdor Cheque stubs 1960 and prior Bank Statements and Pass bOOks 1960 and prior Paid Accounts 1960 and prior Payment vonchers 1960 and prior Hospital Notice of Admission of an Indigent Person 2. THAT this By-Law comes into force on the day it receives the approval of the [)epartment of Municipal Affairs. RElAD a first time, this 20th day of May, 1970. REA[) a second time, this 20th day <If May, 1970. READ a third time, and finally passed this 20th day of May, 1970. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk W. R. CAVERLY, Warden COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2129 H A By';'Law to Confirm Proceedings of The Council of The Corporation of the County of Elgin at the May Session. 1970." WHEREU\S by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Ohapter 249 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1960, the powers of a munici- pal corporation are to he exercised by its council; AND WHERJEAS by Subsection I of Section 242 of <be Municipal Act, being Chapter 249 of the Revised Statutes <If Ontario, [960,. the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By"Law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be conIirmedand .adopted by By-Law; NOW 'l'HE'RElFORE the Oouncil of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: ElLGIN COUNTY COUNOIL HI 1. That action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in .the Reports 01 the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council ofVhe Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the May 1970 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if allsnch proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the Coun- ty of Elgin ,are hereby authorized and directed to do all things neces- sary to give effect to tl1e action of the Couucil of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to exe- cute all documents necessary in that behall and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of 'the C<lunty of Elgin. 'RIDAD a first time, this 20th day of May, 1970. 'REA[) a second time, this 20th day of May, 1970. RIDAD a third time,. and finally passed this 20th day of May, [970. H. iL. JOIl!NSON, Clerk W. R. CAV'ERLY, Warden 112 'ELG]N COUNTY OOUN'mL ElWlIN COUNTY COmOlL 113 FOURTH SESSION - FIRST DAY !From the County of Lennox and Addington, with resolution peti- tioning the Onbario Government to ,amend fue Wolf ,and Bear Bounty Act and Regulations in order ro' classify fue different spedes of wolves @d 'bhat the compulsory bounty on coyotes and hyllr,ds be discontinued. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. Tuesday, the 16th D~ of June, 1970 The Elgin County Council met t!his day at Dbe Court House, Sl. 'Vhomas, in -accordance' with ,adjournment. The Warden in the .ohair. From 'bhe Department of Highways advising fuat ,the 1967 sched- ule of fees for consulting engineedng serv,ces will govern fue sub- sidy on all by-law work or development roads Wlhereconsulting en- gineers ""re emp,loyed for design or superv,,,ion of constructiou. - Referred to 'Dbe Road 'Committee. All the members p,resent except 'Deputy Reeve Miskelly. Moved by Reeve Mrs. Blybh, Se.conded by Reeve Moore, That 'the minutes of bhe May 1970 Session of the Elgin County Council, be confirmed. ' From the County of Halton with resolution petitioning .he Prime Minister of Ontario to 'appoint a body ro co-ordinate Provincial Stud- ies with respect to a 'l1onrism ,and .outdoor Recreatiou Plan. - Re- ferred to .he 'County Government 'Committee. -Carded. The followiug communications were read and referred to me var- ious 'committees: From the Town of Aylmer ,wioh Notice of Application to lihe On- tado Muuicipal Board for appro",,1 of By-Law 5.70 ,to regulate land use pursuant to Section 30 of,the Planning Act and a copy of By'Law 5-70. - Referred to the Road Committee. From tlhe University of Western Ontario with reminder of County Council Day ,ittthe University, on Wednesday, June 17t1h, 1970. , - !Filed. From IM-r. 'W. iG. Gow, Vice-OhairID,an, Assessment Review Court, willi request for County CouncH to submit tlhe names of persons avail- able to ,serve as members of thecour.t. - 'Referred to the .oounty GoV- ernment Committee. Fmm Mr. iR. K. McNeil, M.P.P., wiohacknowledgement of en- dorsation by the County of Elgin or resolution passed bytlhe Town- ship of Ilouflhwold re: tlhe removal of fa11lll 'land from libe taxatiou system insofar as taxes [or education purposes aTe concerned. - ,Filed. F'rom Mr. Johu Spence, M.P.P., witlh ,acknowledgement of en- dorsaDion hy the Couuty of -Elgiu of resolntion p.assed by the Town- ship. of Southwold re: ,the removal of farm laud from tlhe taxation system. i'nsofar. 'as !taxes for educaHon purposes are concerned. - Filed. F1rom the Ohildren's Aid Society of the City of St. Thomas ,aud tI1e County of Elgin with list of children ,n care 'and !Finaucial Report to AprH 300h, 1970. - Refeued to libe Finauce Committee. From G. Duncan -Black Limited, witlh copy of lebter directed to the Elgin County Llbr,ary re: Air Conditioniug iu the Elgin County Library and p.ointing out that 1Ihere will be no cha~ges by their firm for services reudered iu counectiou wilibthis project. - [<1iled. From tlhe Ilt. Thoma&'ElginGeneral Hospital School of nursing, witlh invitation 'to atteud libe commencement exercises on Wedues- day, Jnue l~Dh, 1970, at 3 p.m. - Filed. From the DepWDment of Highways fe: Assumption of Highway, City of St. ll1homas, Connty of Elgin, Higlhway 4, Plan P-1783-38. _ Referred to ,the Road Committee. Fromtlhe DeparDment of Municipal Aii.Iiairs witlh Special News- leDter, May 1970, re: <Haldimand Norfolk Study. - Referred ro tlhe County Goverument Committee. 114 ,EDGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Fromllhe County of Essex with resolution petitioning ~he Provin- cial Government to consider Ithe providing of the same pravincialaict to ,those counties ,and lo~al governments fuat are providing the ,same services being subsidized in the Regional Municipal Grants Bill. _ Referred to the County Government CommiUee. F1r-om Norman Chaplow, Construction Saf<1ty"Inspector, with fatal accident report re: Johann N achtnebel. - ,Filed. From Robert King, an behalf of Locals 301 & 306, National :blarmers' . Union, re: ,action 'Of Couneil in tabling orig'inaI brief recom- mending removal of education taxes from 'arm land and bulldings. - Referred tollbe County Government Committee. The Treasurer's Repor:t was presented. Moved by Reeve DeGraw. Seconded by Reeve McAlpine, That the Treasurer's Report be accepted 'and printed in the Pro- ceedings. -Carried. , The first report of the Road Committee was presented by Reeve Moore and adopted on motion .of Reeve Moore and Reeve McAlpine. The repoN of the Elgin Manor Committee was presented by De- puty Reeve d<1Ryk and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve deRyk and Deputy !Reeve cDenrns. Reeve McAlpine expressed his views on the impossible job of the Arbitration !Board,composed of all tile Treasurers in dealing willb the appeals against the ,app@tianment of the education taxes. Con- siderable discussion took place and the matter ,was referred to the County Government Cmnm;Uee. Moved by Reeve Lake, Seconded by Reeve Hodgson, That we da now .adjourn to meet ,again at 2:00 p.m., Jnne 16fJh, 1970. -Carried. EJlJGJiN COUNTY COUNCIL 115 Council re-convened. The report afllbe Finance Committee was presented 'by Reeve De- GTawand adopted an motion of Reeve 'DeGT,awand Reeve McIntyre. '!'he repoN of the EducationalCommittee was presented by Reeve Mrs. Hlyth and adopted .on moti.on of Reeve Mrs. Blyllb aud Deputy Reeve Whalls. The -report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Mcintyre 'and 'adopted on motion of Reeve McInty,re and Reeve MdKillop. The second report of ,the Road Committee was presented by Reeve Moore and adopted on motion of Reeve Moore 'and Reeve De- Graw. The third report of fue Road Committee was presented by Reeve Moore and ,adopted on motion <If -Reeve Moore and Reeve Lake. The report of the County Government 'Committee was presented by iReeve Wilson .and ,adopted on motion of Reeve Wlison and Reeve Speers. Moved by Reeve DeGraw, Seconded by Reeve Johnson, That ,we recommend lIhatthe Minister 01 Energy and Resources be requested to have 1II1e necessary legislation passed to prahibit all noxiaus and dangerons materials being kept or stored within 11/2 miles of any bnilt"up area, due to "he situation caused in Rodney. on June 15th, 1970. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve d<1Ryk, Seconded by Deputy ,Reeve Dennis, We recommend that ,an option, in toile ,amount 01 $2,500.00, be made to purchase parts of lots 86 ,and 87, {appr-oximately 12 acres), North Talbot Road, Township of Malahide, from Mr. Don Waltter- worth, el<piry date to he J,anuary 31st, 1971. Total price of "he laud to be $40,000.00, if the option is taken up. .......Carried. 116 'EDGIN OOUNTY COUNOIL Moved by Reeve Todd, Seconded by Reeve Moore, That 'By-Law No. 2130, "Being a By-Law to Antborize tbe Warden and Clerk to Sign a Deed to aha,,]es Futcber Begg and John 'Futcher Begg, olvhe Townsllip 01 Southwold," be read a .first time. --Carried. Moved by Reeve Roherts, Seconded by Reeve Todd, That By'Law No. 2130, be read .a second time. ~Carried. Moved by Reeve 'Lake, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Johnston, That By,Law No. 2130, be read a third time, and .finally passed. --Carried. Moved by Reeve McKillop, Seconded by !Deputy Reeve Johnston, That By4;aw No. 2131, "'A 'By-Law ,to Authorize the Execntion 01 an Agreement with .the Minister 01 Highways for Ontario Relating to a Road Under !he JurJsdjction 01 1ihe Corporation 01 the County 01 Elgin,'" be read a lirst ibime. --Carried. Moved by Reeve R<iherts, Seconded by Reeve MdKiIlop, That By"Law IND. 2131, he read a second time. --Carried. Moved by ,Reeve Moore, Seconded by Reeve Speers, That By'Law No. 2131, he read 'a ,third time, and finally passed. --Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Whalls, Seconded by Reeve Mrs. Blyth, That By-Law No. 2132, "Regulating Barking," 'he read a first time. --Carried. EllimN COUNTY COUNOIL U7 ,.._.,e;,__. Moved by Deputy Reeve W!halls; Seconded by Reeve Mrs. ,Blyth" That By-Law No. 2132, be read a second time. ..:..carried. . Moved by Deputy 'Reeve Whalls, . Seconded by Reeve Mrs. Blyth, That IBy'Law No. 2132, be read a third time, and ,finally passed. -'Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson, Seconded hyReeve Speers, That By-Law No. 2133, "A By'Law to Comi11lll p;oceootngs 01 the Council 01 ,the Cwporation 01 the County 01 'Elgiu'atUleJune SeSSion, 1970," be read '..a fiTst time. -Carried, Moved by ReeveMClKillop, Seconded by Reeve Emerson, That By"Law No. 2133, be read a ,second time. --Carried. Moved by Reeve Speers, Seconded by ,Reeve McKillop, That By-Law No. 2133, be read a third time,and finally passed. ~.Carried, Moved by Reeve Todd, Seconded by Reeve MdKillop, That we do now, adjourn to meet again at 10;00 a.m., September 15th, 1970. ~Carried. H. L. JOm<\SON,. Clerk W. R. GAlV'ERLY, . Warden U8 iEJIJGIN OOUNTY OOOOClL COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT June Session, 1970 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, 'I ;beg to submit the fullowing statements of Receipts and Expendi- tures from J'anuary 1st, 1970 to May 31st, 1970. Receipts Balance in Bank, and on hand, J.anuary 1st, 1970 $32,745.16 Notes Payable . . . . .. $225,000.00 County Rates collected under Section 53 ....... 6,444.43 Licences and Permi.1s ... . . . . .... . . . . ... 123.15 lnterest ... ................................... 410.21 County Roads..... ..................... 949,031.93 Charity and Welfare .. ....... ................. 15,2'70.56 Children's Aid Societies .................... 742.56 AgriC1llttEoe ..................................... 1,901,73 Miscellaneous Revenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156.14 County Assessment Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,268.24 Recovery of Rentals . . . . . . . . . . .. 17,268.17 Care of BlIildings {Adm. of Justice) .... . .. . .. 9,205.80 Registry Office .......................... ..... 763.44 Museum ........................................ 250.00 $1,232,006.41 $1,265,531.57 Expenditures Members' Wages .............................. $ 10,637.99 Officers' Salaries ............. .... .. . .. . . .. ... 12,739.54 Printing, Postage and Stationery ............... 1,423.35 Care of Buildings . .. . .. .. . .. .. .... 14,435.69 Gr.ants, Associations, Sclholar9hips, etc. . . . . . . . 2,657,80 Miscellaneous Expense................. ..... 3;305.96 County Roads .............................. 439,469.67 Charity 'and Welfare . .. . .. .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . . .. .. 5,816.64 Children's Aid Societies........................ 19,191.63 Tr.ansferred to .Elgin Manor .............. 25,000.00 Inlerest ........................................ 7,801.76 Abatement of Taxes (Section 207) .. ........ 4;141.45 ELGillN OOUNTY COUNCIL I II; \, ~'i ll~ ,:~ i~ 'j r:'f 'I. , liM 1~ I L 'I' ,P 119 AgriC1lltnre ............... ................ Registry Office .... ..... County Assessment Department Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . County!Jibrary .......... ......... Noles J:1ayable County Rales collected under Section 53 Licences .and Permits . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . Transfer.red w Hospital Account ......... Balance in 'Bank, May 81st, 1970 2,664.30 825.79 3,642Jl2 18,000.00 30,000.00 655,000.00 955.39 4.15 191.08 $1,258,104.41 7,477.16 ~I , , " , i. I ! $1,265,001.57 ELGIN MANOR Balance in Bank, and on hand, J'Suuary 1st, 1970 ...... $ Receipts ... ............ ......................... 1,7'15.55 184,573.31 Expenditnres 166,288.86 178,009.80 Balance in Bank, .and on h'and, May 31st, ,1970 12,399.06 All of which is respectfully submitted. RL. JOHNSOiN, Cannty Clerk and Treasurer. ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT st. Thomas. Ontario June Session, 1970 - First Report To the Warden and Members of ,the Elgin 'County Council, Your Road Gommittee begs to report .as follows: 1. That an official opening of the Willeys Bridge is planned for July 15th, 1970. !l is expecled iliat fue Hon. Wm. Slewart, Minister of AgriC1llture will officially open fue structure. 120 EDGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL WE RJECOMMiEND: . .' .. . 1. That a By,Law be passed autborizingUle Warden. a,ndClerk t~ signa Deed to ClIarles Futcher Begg andJohnE1ttlcher Begg for a portion ot Lot No.7, Range HI, West of'River ROad, Towoohip of Southwold. This will',give t!he Begg's a dear Deed to a portion of Lot' No.7; cut off by'Road No. 45 from the rest of the land owned by Ulem and was'acondition of purchase'of the' Rigl>t of Way for Road , NO.' 45 lrom them. All of' which is respectfully submitted. F. F. MOORE, Ohairman. ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE ' REPORT .June Session, 1970 :To,th<UVarden and Members of tile Elgin County Council, The Elgin Manor (;qmmittee repor,ts as follows: 1. That the resolution from iJl)eVnited(;oullties of iPr,escott, and Russell, suggesting that the sum of $1,000:00 be cOllSiderW asa rea- sonable a1Ilount ..that a resident of a Home may set aside lor his bur- ial expenses, ,be' filed. I;' ," '., 2. The Chairman and Warden !have been authorized to contact Mr. Don Watterworth and negotiate terms of an option to a"'luire lots 86 and 87, North TalhotRoad, TdWliship6f'Malllhide. 3. ThatUle per diem rate for ,Elgin Manor be set at $9.45 per day effective June 1st, 1970. The Department of Social and Family Services, Homes for 4lhe Aged Branch,. has informed the Committee .Ulat .the minimum rat" to be charged ,in 1970 will be $9.41 per day, based on ,resident days, expenditures, and revenue .for ,the year 1969. MainlyJor ease of bookkeeping, the Manor Committee has, set the rate at $9.45per day, effective June 1st, 1970. ,ElIJGIN COUNTY GOUNOllL 121 The rise from $7.55 per day to $9.45 per day was made up mainly in an increase in staff and salaries. There has been an overall in- crease in costs of operatillg - especially in food and drugs. OUt of the 126 JYopulation in 4lhe Manor, 78 of tlIese persolls are partial pay and bave to be subsidized. 4. WitlJa total reside lit c.apacity of 143 Elgin Manor as of June 12t1I, 1970, bas 126 resident persons. With applications already being pro- cessed, it is anticipated the Bed Care facility will be fHied to capaci- ty by the end of June. Normal care is filled to capacity, leaviug un- usedbeds in 4lhe Special Care, ,or Senile wing. 5. The Manor is planning a picllic for residents, stalfand their families, on Manor grounds. The picnic will be held July 19th, 1970 from 2-4 p.m. The Manor Committee would like to take this oppor- tunity to invite County Council and their families to the first Manor picnic. 6, We recommend 'that convention and meeting expenses for the Administrator be in accordance with the normal practice of otl1er departments, that is $50.00 per day plus regiswation, reimbursed af- ter the convention. Accounts are to be turned in, for subsidy Pll1"Poses only. All of which is respectfully submitted. H. P. deRJYK, Chailman. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1970 To ,the Warden and Members of 1I:1e 'Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That Children's Aid Societies Pay List' NO.5 for $8,758.75 be ap; proved. 2. That Oharityand Welfare Pay List No.5 for $430:50, be approved. 3. That the list of children in care and financial report as at April 30th, 1970, of the Ohildren's Aid Society, be filed. All of which is respectfully submitted. H. V. DEGRiAW, Ohait'man. 122 ,ElLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL EOUCATIONAL COMMITTEE REPORT June. Session. 1970 To ,the Warden and Members of the 'Elgin County Council, The. Educational Committee reports as follows: 1. That a grant of $100.00 be made to tille boy .and girl from the County of Elgin attending tihe University. of Waterloo or Waterloo Lutiheran University attaill!ing iIle highest academic standing. . All of wbich is respectfully submitted. MRS. M~RY BLY'J1H, Ohairman. AGRICULTURAL 'COMMITTE.E REPORT June Session. 1970 To ,the Warden and Members of iIle Elgin County Council, The Agricultnral Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from the ,County of Lennox and Addington, petitioning the 'Ontario Government to amend the Wolf and Bear Bounty Act and Regulations in order to classify the different species of wolves .and tillat tille compulsory bounty on coyotes and h~brids be discontinued, be filed. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. L. MclNTYRiE, Chairman. ,ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNOlL 123 ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT St. Thomas. Ontario June Session, 1970 - Second Report To ,the Warden and Members of iIleElgin County Council, Your Road Committee begs to report as follows: WE REOOMMEND: 1. That .aBy-Law be passed consolidating all By.Laws prohibiting parking on County Roads and in tille same By.Law parking be prdhibited on the .following roads: '(a) 'Overnight Parking on Road No.3 in Rodney. (b) Road No. 21 near Road No. 20 in Port stanley, (c) Road No. 35 near Springwater. Cd) Road No. 42 East of Highway No. 19 in .tihe Village of Port Burwell. (e) At ,tihe intersection of Roads No. 47 and No. 48 in South Dor- chester. .(of) Road No. 49 in the Village of Springfield. All of which is respectfully submitted. F. F. MOORE, Ohairman. ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT St. Thomas, Ontario June Session, 1970 - Third Report To ,1II1e Warden and Members of ,the Elgin County Council, Your Road Committee begs to report as follows: 124 E:DGIN COUNTY COUNCIL WE /ljEOOMMElND: L That a By-Law he passed .authorizing (lIe Warden and Clerk (0 sign an agreement with the Minister of Highways for the con- struction of Road No. 16 from St. Thomas to .Fingalas a Develop- ment Road. This .agreement will permit the Dep'artment of Highways to set up funds for construction of Road No, 16 in 1970 and 1971. A portion of the work will be done tbis year. Ml. of which is respectfully s.ubmitted. F. 'F. MOORE, Chairman. COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT June Sess1ion, 1970 To the Warden and Members of the ,Elgin County Council, T)le,Co\lnty <rl>vernment Committee reports as follows: L That fue resolution from the County of Halton, petitioning the Prime Minister of Ontario to ,app'oint. a body to co-ordinate Provincial Studies with respect to a Tourism and Outdoor Recreation Plan, be endorsed. 2: Thaf,Mr, "W." ,ct IGOW, vice~crhairman, Assessment Review Court, be .advised that tbe following persons maybe available to serve as members of the Court: Mr. Philip Schleihauf, IR.R. 2, Rodney, Ontario Mr. Noble Tufford, RR. I, St. Thomas, Ontario Mr. Kenneth Williamson, Aylmer, Ontario. 3. That SpecilllNews'letter, May 1970, from the Department of Muni- cipal Mfairs, R.e:, Haldimand Norfolk Study, be filed. ,Ell;mN OOUNTY COUNCl[, 125 4. That fue .resolution from the Coonty of Essex petitioning -tbe Pro- "incial Government to consider the providing of tlhe same provincial aid to those counties and local governments ,tlhat are' providing the same services being snbsidized in the Regional Municipal Grants Bill, be filed. 5. That in light of ,the brief presented by tbe National Farmers' Un- ion and subsequent correspondence tha!t this council endnrse the re~ moval of education tax from all urban and farm land. 6. That we recommend that the Warden's banquet be held in fue same form as last year, on October 16th, 1970. Arrangements to be left witb the Recreation and 'Entertainment Committee. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. B. Wilson, Ohairman. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2130 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the. Warden and Clerk to Sign a Deed To Charles Futcher Begg and John Futcher Begg, of The Township". of Southwold" WRE/ljE.AS, The Corporation of the County of Elgin has agreed to sell certain lands that were expropriated from Charles 'Futcher Begg and J<lhn Futcher 'Begg back to the said Charles Futcher Begg and J"hn Fntcher Begg. NOW THERJEFORE, The Council of the Corporation of the County of 'E.lgin enacts as follows: THAT the Warden and Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are, hereby, 'authorized to sign a deed for the following parcel of Lot No.7, Range HI, West of the River 'Road, in the Township of Southwold. 126 EI;G]N COUNTY COUNCIL 'ElLmN COUNTY COUNCEL 127 ALL AND SINGULAR lfuat cer,tain parcel or tract of land and premises situated, lying, and being in the Township of Southwold, in the County of ,Elgin, Province of Ontario, and being composed of part of Lot No.7, Range HI, West of lfue River Road, In the said Township, designated as Part No. 1 on a Plan of Survey regIstered in lfue Registry Office for the Registry >Division of the County of Elgin as No. D.I012. SCHEDULE "A" THIS AGR!EEMlElNT BE'm'EEiN HER MA'.JElSTY THE QUEEN in right of the Province of Ontario, as ,represented by the Minister of Highways, hereinafter called READ a first, second, and ,third time, ,and passed this 16th day of June, 1970. the Department, and H. L. JOIII!NlSON, Clerk W. R. CAIVElRLY, Warden THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ,EWIN hereinafter called the Corporation, CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN WlrI'NESSETH THAT: By-Law No. 2131 the Minister of Highways for Ontario bas designated as a devel- opment road on ,lfue ,Third day of July, 1970, the road described as follows: U A By-Law to Authorize the Execution of an Agreement with the Minister of Highways for Ontario Relating to a Road under the Jurisdiction of the Corporation of the County of Elgin." Designated as Development Road No. 1023. Designated Development Road Number It is bereby enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin: 1023 Description 1. That tl1e Warden and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an agreement between the MInister of' Highways for Ontario and Cor- poration of the County of Elgin attached hereto and marked Schedule HA". That part of \Elgin County !Road No. 16 from the west limits of the City of S1. Thomas westerly to the east limits of the Hamlet of FingaI. Read a fioot, second and third time and passed this 16th day of June, .1970. AND, WHEREAS the said road or part thereof is under the juris- diction of tl1e Council of the C01l'oration. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk W. R. CAVERLY, Warden NOW THERElFORiE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that, in consideration of the premises and the covenants hereinafter contain- ed, 'the par,ties hereto, for. themselves and their respective successors and assigns, do hereby mutually covenant and agree as follows: 128 IDLGnN COUiNTYOOUNOIL 1. The Department agrees aud herehy undertakes while this 'agree- ment remains in for,ce to construct or improve the said road either by itself or by a contractor or by {he CorporatiGll to a standard which in the opinion of the Department is satisfactory for ,the type and intensity of traffic using ,the said road and which may be possibie Olaving regard to the funds available for tOle pur- pOse but the Department does not assume any liability for the said road. 2. The Corporation agrees and hereby undertakes to 'acquire any land within tOle boundaries ,thereof which may be required for widening or deviating the. said ,ro.ad or which may be otherwise required in connection wEth the construction, improvement or maintenance of the said road and to bear the cos,t ,thereof includ- ing ,any necessary fencing. 3, ~t is understood and agreed that the Corporation is and will con- tinue to be responsible for the maintenance and repair of the said road and the Corporation covenants and ,agrees .that aRerthe de- signation of the said road asa Development Road has been re- voked Vhe Corporation will maintain it 'and keep it ina state of repair satisfactory to the Department and in default .thereof l'he Department may, pursuant to section 88 of The Highway Im- provement Act, 1960, itself repair the road .and charge the cost to the Corporation. 4. The Corporation agrees and hereby undel'takes to indemnify and save harmless the Department f.rom and against all loss, costs, expense or damage which the -Department or its officers or the public may incur, suffer or be put to by reason of any work being done on the said road or part thereof over which the Council of the Corporation has jurisdiction or,byreason of any accident, damage or injury which may be sustained on account of such 'Work 'being done -or the -s'ame being maintained or on account of the condition of the said road or part thereof at any time. 5, This agreement shall ,remain .and continue in force until the de- signation of the said road as a Development Road has been re- voked excepting paragraph 3 thereof which shall remain and con- tinue in force. 6. This .agreement shall be effective on the date it. is executed by the Minister of Highways .for Ontario. 'IDLGIN OOUNTY COUNOIL 129 IN WITNESS WHEREOF HER MAJ'ESTY 'NIE 'QUEEN in the right of 1II1e Province o.f Ont.ario This 27th day of July, 1970. G. E. GOMME Minister of Highways for OntarIo (SeaD Signed and sealed this 15th day of July, 1970. . CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF IDLGIN W. R. CAVERLY, Warden H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk (SeaD CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NUMBER 2132 REGULATING PARKING The Council of 1II1e Corporation of the Municipality of 'Elgin en- act.s as .follows: 1. -DEFINIUONS For the purpose o.f this By.Law:- 'Park or Parking, when prOhibited, means the standing ofa ve" hicle whether occupied or not except when standing temporarily for .the purpose of and whileadually engaged in the loading or unloading of merchandise or passengers. Street or Highway includes a common or public highway, street, 'avenue, pa'J:'1kway, driveway, square, place, hridge, via- duct or treStle, designed and intended .for, or nsed hy, the gen- eral public for the passage of vehicles. 130 'ELGIiN COUNTY OOUNCIL Vehicle includes a motor vehicle, trailer, traction . engine; farm ,tractor, ,roadbuHding machine and any vehicle drawn, propel- led or driven by any kind of power, including muscular power, hut does not include motorized snow vehicles, oars of electric or steam railways' running only 'Upon rails. 2. ME'l1HOD OF PARIK!~NG No person shall park a vehicle on any .street as designated on Schedule "A" as attaChed unless on ,the right hand side of the street proceeding and nnless the right fronland right rear wheels or runners of the vehicle 'are parallel to and distant ,re- spectively not more than six inches from the edge of the road- way. 3. MRlKIiNiGRJEG<ULA'l'IONS When properly worded signs have heen erected and are on dis- play no person shall park a vehicle on ,the highways or parts of highways hereinafter set on Schedule "B" attached hereto. 4. PAJRJKING R:EGIULA'l'IONS Willen properly worded signs have been erected 'and are on dis- play no person shall park a vehicle on ,the bighway or parts of blghway hereinaIter set on Schedule "C" as attached hereto for a longer period tih,an three bours between the hours of 12: 00 o'clock midnight and 7:00 o'clock A.M. {local time). 5. PENAL'l'IES Any person violating any of the provisions of this By"Law shall be subject to a penalty of not more than Ten Dollars for the first offence and not more than FiIty Dollars for every subse- quent offence, exclusive of costs, and all such penalties shall be recoverable under the Ontario Summary Convictions Act. This By-Law shall not become effective until 'approved by the Department of Transport. 6. 7. By-Laws No. 2020, No. 2030, No. 2103, are hereby repealed. ElNAJC'J.1ElD AND PASSED the 16th day of Juue, 1970. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk W. IR.CAlVElRiLY, Warden ElLGFN COUNTY OOUNCIL ,131 SCHEDULE "A" OOUNIl'Y ROM:> iNO. 15 is the Road Allowance known as Main Street in the Village of ,Dutton. OOUNIl'Y IlJOAD NO. 16 is the Road Allowance known as the Talbot Road East iBranch opposite Lots No. 13 and 19 in the Townahip of Southwold. OOUNTY ROAD NO. 20 is the Road Allowance between Lots No. 18 and 19 Nol'1:hand South of Talbot Road East Branch. COUNTY lRiOAJD NO. 42 is the Road Allowance known as Wellington Street in the Village of Port Burwell. 2. ME'l1HOD OF P A!RJKJJNG (a) A restriction on County Road No. 15 in the Village of Dutton: NO PERSON shall park 'a vehicle on County 'Road No. 15 in the Village of Dutton unless the right side of the street hav- ing regard for tbe direction in which the vehicle bas been proceeding and unless the right front and right rear wheels or runners of ,the vehicle are parallel to and distant respective- ly not more than six inches trom the edge of the roadway. (b) A restriction on County Road No, 16 and Couuty Road No. 20, in the Hamlet of Fingal: NO PERSON shall park a vehicle on County Road No. 16 within 1,000 feet of the limit of County Road No. 20 or on County Road No. 20 within 1,000 feet of the limit of County Road No. 16 unless on the right side of the street having re- gard for the direction in which the vehicle bas been pro- ceedingand unless the right front and right rear wheels or runners of the vehicle are parallel to and distant respective- ly not more than six inches from the edge of the roadway. (c) A restriction on County Road iNo. 42 in the Village of Port Burwell: NO PERSON shaH park a vehicle on the portion of County Road iNo. 42 known as 'Wellington Street unless on tihe right side of ,the street haviug regard for the direction in which the vehicle has heen proceeding and unless the right front and right rear wheels or runners of the vehicle are p'arallel to and distant respectively not more than six inches from the edge of the roadway. 1. (a) (b) (c) (d) 132 ELGl!N OOUNTY COUNCIL ELGnN COUNTY COUNC~L 133 SCHEDULE "R" (]) OOUNTY ROAD NO. 4ll is the Road Allowance and the Road Allowance as widened hetween Concession X and XiI, oppo- site Lots No.3 and 4, in the Township of South Dorchester. 1. (a) COUNTY ROAD NO.2 is the Road Allowance known as Main Street in the Village of West Lorne. (b) ODUNTY RO~D NO.8 is the Road Allowance known 'as John Street in 'the Village of Dutton. (m) COUNTY ROAD NO. 49 is the Road Allowauce between Lots No. 6 and 7 in Concession XiII, in 'the Village of Springfield, (Iormerly the Township 01 Soutlh Dorchester). (c) OOUNTY ROAD NO.. 15 is the Road Allowance known as Main Street in the Village of Dntton. (n) COUNTY RO~D NO. 52 is {!;e Road Allowance between the Township of South Dorchester and 'Malahide now in the Vil- lage of Springfield known as Main Street. (d) COUNTY '~OAD NO. 16 is the Road Allowance known as Tal- bot Road ,East 'Branch opposite Lots No. 18 and 19 in the TownShip of Southwold. 2. When properly worded signs have been erected and are on dis- play no person shall park a vehicle on the higllway or part of the highway known as: (e) COUNTY ROAD NO. 20 is the Road Allowance between Lots No. 18 and 19, North and South of Talbot Road East Branch and North of Talbot Road North Branch in the Township of Sonthwold. (a) OOUNTY RO~D NO.2 from East limit of Wood Street, Westerly 800 feet to the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Spur on the North side of County Road No.2. (f) CDUNTY ROAD iNO. 21 is the Road Allowance known as Warren Street in the Village of Port Stanley. (b) COUNTY ROAD NO.8 within 'so feet of the North limit of County Road No. 15 on the 'East side of County Road No.8. (g) OOUNTY RO~ NO. 27 is the Road Allowance and the Road Allowance as widened between Concession HI and IV in 'the Township of Yarmouth. (c) OOUNTY~O~ NO. 15 within 50 feet of the South limit of County Road NO.8 on lhe Nor,th side of Road No. 15. (h) OOUNTY RO~ NO. 35 is the Road Allowance and .the Road Allowance as widened hetween the Township of Yarmouth and Maiahide opposite Concession V, Malahide. COUNTY ROAD NO. 15 within 25 feet of the North limit 01 Mary street, in the Village of Dutton on the West side of County Road No. 15. (e) COUNTY RO~D NO. 15 within 25 feet of the North limit of Shackleton Street, in the Village of Dutton on the West side of County Road No. 15. (d) (I) OOUNTY RO~D NO. 40 is the Road Allowance between Lots No. 20 and 21 in Concession IX and X in the Village of Springfield, '(formerly the Township of Malshide). (j) COUNTY ROm NO. 42 is .the Road Allowance known as Wellington Street in the Village of Port Burwell. (k) OOUNTY ROAD NO. 47 is 'the Road Allowance and the Road Allowance as widened between Lots No. 3 'and 4 in Conces- sion X, in the Township of South Dorchester. (f) OOUNTY 'ROAD NO. 16 within 30 feet of ,the East limit of County Road No. 20 on 'the North side of County Road No. 16. (g) OOUNTY ROAD NO. 16 within 15 feet of the East limit of County Road No. 20 on the South side of County Road No. 16. (h) COUNTY ROAD NO. 16 within 25 feet of the West limit of County Road No. 20 on the Nortll side of County Road No. 16. 134 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL (i) COUNTY RO~D NO. 16 within 30 feet of the West limit of County 'Road No. 20 on the Soufu side of County Road No. 16. (j) COUNTY RO~D NO. 20 witbin 30 feet from the North limit of County Road No. 16 on ,the East side of County Road No. 20. (k) COUNTY RO~ NO. 20 within 15 feet from the Norfulimit of County Road No. 16 on the West side of County Road NG. 20. '(I) OOUNTY ROAD NO. 20 within 100 feet of the North limit of K;ing's Highway NO.3 on the West side of County Road No. 20. (m) COUNTY ~OAD NO. 21 within 50 feet of the East limit of County Road No. 20 on ,the Nor,h side of County Road NO.2!. (n) COUNTY ROND NO. 21 within 50 feet of the East limit of County Road No. 20 on tbe South side of County Road No. 21. (0) COUNTY ROAD NO. 27 opposite the Westerly One Thousand (1,000) feet of Lot No. 18,Concession HoI. (p) COUNTY~OAD NO. 35 from "he South limit of the ,Road Allowance between Concession V, (the Gore Soufu of Tal- bot 'Road), Malahide, Southerly for 2,640 feet on the Eoast side of County Road No. 35. '< q) COUNTY RJO~ NO. 35 opposite the South limit of the Road Allowance hetween Concession V, (the Gore South of Talbot Road), Malshide Southerly for 2,640 feet on the West side of County Road No. 35. (r) COUNTY ROAD NO. 40 within 30 feet of the South limit of County Road No. 52 on fue East and West sides of County Road No. 40. (s) COUNTY~O~D NO. 42 (Weilington Street) within 25 feet of the E'ast limit of Robinson Street on the 'North side of Wellington 'Street. (t) COUNTY ROAD NO. 411 within 95 feet of fue North limit of County Road No. 48 on the West side of County Road No. 411. ELGIN COUNTY OOUNOlL 135 (u) OOUNTY RO~ NO. 411 within 60 feet of the North limit of County Road No. ~8 on the 'East side of County Road No. 47. (v) COUNTY ROAD NO. 48 within 60 feet offue East limit of County Road No. 47 on the Nor,h and South sides of County Road No. 48. (w) OOUNTY ROAD NO. 48 within 65 feet offue West limit of County Road No. 47 on the North and South sides of County Road No. 48. (x) OOUNTY ROAD NO. 49 within 50 feet of the North limit of County Road No. 52 on the West side of County Road No. 49. (y) COUNTY ROAD NO. 52 within 34 feet of ,the West limit of County Road No. 49 on the North side of County Road No. 52. (z) COUNTY RO~D NO. 53 (Elm Street) within 250 feet of the South limit of rneecb Street, on the East and West sides of 'Elm Street. (aa) COUNTY ~OAD NO. 53 (BeeCh Street) from the West limit of John Street to the East limit of ,Elm street, Oll the South side of Beech Street. OOUNTYRO~D NO. 53 (Beech Street) within 40 feet of the West limit of John Street, on the North side of Beech Street. COUNTY ,ROAD NO. 53 (lBeech Street) wi,hin the distance of 1'15 feet and 325 feet of the West limit of J'ohn street, on the Nor,h side of Beech Street. '<hb) (cc) SCHEDULE "C" (a) COUNTY RO~ 'NO.3 is ,he Road Allowance known as ,Furnivai Road in ,the Village of Rodney. (h) When properly worded signs have heen erected and are on display, no person shall park a vehicle on the highway or parts of 'the highway known as County Road No. 3 in the Village of Rodney for a longer period than three hours be- tween the hours of 12: 00 0' clock midnight and 7: 00 0' ciock a.m., (local time). I I 136 ElLGJIN COUNTY OOUNCIL ElLGIN COUNTY COUNOIL 137 THE COUN'l'Y OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2133 "1\ By.;Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of. the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the June Session, 1970;" .FIFTH SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 15th day of September, 1970 WHEiREAS by sec,tion 9 of the Municipal Act, heing chapter 249 of the iRevised Statutes of Ontario, W60, the powers of a municipal corporation are to he exercised by ibs council; AND WHEREAS by subsection 1 of section 242 of the Municipal Act, being chapter 249 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1860, the powers of every council are to be exercised by By-Law; AND WE'EREAS it is deemed expOctient that the proceedings of the Council offue Corporation of the County of Elgin at "his meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law; NOW THEREFORE 'the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as foUows: 1. Th'at action of the Council of the Corporation of ,the County of Ei- giu in respect of each recommeudation contained in the. reports of the committees and each motion and resolution passed and other ac- tion taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the June, HnO Session is hereby adopted and confi,rmed as if ,all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. 'The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of "he County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do aU things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Eiginreferred to in preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to exe- cute aU documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of ,the County of Elgin. The Elgin County Coundl met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in .accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. AU members present except Deputy Reeve deRyk and Deputy Reeve Dennis. .. Moved by Reeve Hodgson, Seconded by Reeve Wilson, That the minutes of the Council,. he confirmed. June 1970 Session of the Elgin County -Carried. The following communications were read and referred to ,fue various Committees: From the Children's Aid Society of the Oity of Si. Thomas and the County of ;Elgin with list of Children in Care to July 31, 1970. - Filed. From the Department of Municipal Affairs with Newsletter No. 4 Re: Haldtmand Norfoik study. - Referred to the County Govern- ment Committee. From Fanshawe CoUege of Applied Mts and Technology with resoiution re: site for a satellite campus and list of interested citi- zens who might be w;Iling to act on .an Mea Advisory Committee. - Referred to the Education Committee. RE.m a first time, .this 16th day of June, 1970. ~EADa second time, this 16th day of June, 1970. READ a 'ubird time,and finaUy passed this 16th day of June, 1970. H. L. JOHNSON, Cierk W. R. C~VERLY, Warden From the Township of Westminster with copy of By,Law 6!HlS respecting the use of lands and the erection or use of buildings in the said Township and notice of appointment of Hearing by the Ontario Municipal Board. - !Filed. From the County of Peel wifu 'copy of letters from Terra Cotta and District Preservation Committee requesting the establishment 138 iELWN OOUNTY OOUNCIL of a Historic and Scenic IRoads nivision under the Ontario Depart- ment of Highways. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the County of Victoria with resolution requesting the Bro- vince of Ontario to increase their Wolf :Bounty Payments by $5.00 per wolf. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. F1rom the County of Hastings witb resolution requesting Amend- ments to the. General Welfare Assistance Act re: welfare payments made to Claimants for Unemployment Insurance Benefits. - Refer- red to theF1inance Committee. F,romthe County of Lambton with ,resolution r,equesting bottlers to increase .the deposit on returnable bottles in order to assure that such will be returned. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the Town of Tillsonhurg with notice of Public ,Information meeting, notice of a piebiscite to be held by the Township of Dere- ham and notice of Municipal Board Hearing, all with respect to the proposed amalgamation of fue Town of Tillsonburgand the Township of Dereham. - Filed. From the County of Perth with resolution that the County Board of Education Ihe abolished and return to the former School Board Area System as existed prior to W69. - Referred to the Education Committee. . 'From the University of Waterloo with appreciation of Scholar- ship and requesting ciarification as to which students are eligible to receive the award. - Referred to the Education Comurittee. IF,rom John Spence, M.P.'P., acknowledging receipt of letter re: decision of Coonty Council on the Brief presented hy the National F'armers Union on education taxes. - Filed. .From the Department of Municipal Mfairs with Notice re: Sub- division 'Control. - Referred to the County Government Commiitee. From the Bank of MontrealadVlising ,that interest rates decrea,sl}d by %% to 8% effective June ~5lh, 1970. - Filed. 'ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 139 F)-om the Town of Ayimer with memorandum re: Request for re- consideration of arbitrators report on deficits and surpluses of ,o))lller School Boards - Referred to the Educational Committee. From the Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves with copy of "Pits and Quarries" brief. - Referred to the Road Committee. 'From the Honourable iGeorge. A. Kerr, 'Q.C."Minister 'of Energy and Resources Management with 'acknowledgement of resolution passed by Elgin County 'Council dealing with noxious and dangerous materiais. - F1iled. 'From the Town of Ayimer with notice of application to the Ontar- io Municipal Board for approval ofa By.Law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 30 of :the Planning Act and also a copy of By-Law 12-70. - -Referred to the Road Committee. From the County of Bruce with resolution requesting the Mill!ister of the Department of Transport to consider setting a, uniform speed of 60 miles per hour on all two"iane highways in Ontario bunt to D.H.G. standards. - Referred to the Road Committee. From IG. Duncan Black Limited with request for' consideration for design ,and supervision of new Home .For The ~ged. - Referred to the Eigin Manor Committee. From Waterioo ,Lutheran University with appreciation of Scholar- ship. - Filed. From F,rank Cowan Company Limited with list of 1969 Commis- sion Distribution. - Referred to 'the :F-inance Committee. 'From the County of Hastings with resolution requesting ,that the Assesment Equalization Factor he ,averaged with the factor that was determined for the two years immediately preceding. - Referred to the Equalization and Assessment ,Committee. From Mr. J. R. McCarthy, Deputy Minister of Education ack- nowledging receipt of letter advising that oEllgin County CooncH en- dorses the National ,Farmers' Union Brief .regarding the removal' of education tax from all urban and larm land. - Filed, NO ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL ,From R. K. McNeil, M:P.P., acknowledging receipt of 'letter ad- vising that Elgin 'County Council endorses the removal of education tax from aU urban and farlll 'land. - Filed. From the Elgin County 'Board of Education with letter re: ~m- proved liaison 'between Schooi Boards and Municipal Councils. - Re- ferred to the Education Committee. From the County of Norfolk with copy of map showing the bound- aries of the H~ldimand~Norfolk Environmental Study Area. ~ Re- ferred to the County Government Committee. From the V,ictorian Order of Nurses with letter advising that the London Branch and the St. Thomas :Branch have amalgamated. _ Referred ,to the Finance Committee. From Vicki Collard with appreciation of grant towards 4-H Club Confereuce. - Filed. From <Darlene .Murray with appreciation of grant towards 4-H Olub Conference. - Filed. From Catherine Faulds with appreciation of grant towards ~H Club Conference. - Filed. From Heather MoLean with appreciation of grant towards 4-H Olub Conference. - Filed. From. Shirley VandenDries with appreciation of grant towards 4.H Club Conference. - 'Filed. F-rom tbe Town of Aylmer with notices of application to the On- tario Municipal Board for approval of :By-Laws to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 30 of the Planning Act and aJsoa copy of By"Law 26-70 and By-iLaw 27-70. - Referred to the Road Commit- tee. From iR. K. McNeil, M.,p!,p., with copy of a letter he received from the Honorable John Yaremko, Minister of Social and Family Services, relative to the supply of water to local residents from the watermain running to Elgin Manor. - Referred to the Elgin .Manor Committee. From the Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves with 'letter re: Donations to Sudbury Area :Disaster Relief Fund. - Referred to the Finance Committee. The Report of 'fue Road Committee was presented by Reeve Moore and adopted un motion of Reeve Moore and Reeve Willson. .EluGnN COUNTY COUNGrL 141 The Report of ,the Elgin Manor Committee was presented by De- puty Reeve Miskelly and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Mis- keHy and Reeve Todd. Moved by Reeve MCKiliop, Seconded by Deputy 'Reeve Johnston, That .the Treasurer he authorized to request approval of the On- tario Municipal Board to horrow by way of promissory note, a sum in excess of 7Q% and up to 100% of the uncoUected balance of the es- timated revenues of ,the Corporatoin of the County of Elgin for fue year 1970. -Carried. Moved by Reeve McAlpine, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Morrison, That we follow the usual procedure of each Council member bringing a junior boy or giri guest to County Council on the first day of the November Session. -Carried. Moved by <Deputy Reeve Whalls, Seconded by Reeve Roberts, That we do now adjourn to 15th, 1970. meet again at 2:00 p.m., September -Carried. Council re-convened. The Report of the iF'inance CommiUee was presented by Reeve DeGraw and adopted on motion of Reeve ,DeGraw and Reeve Mc- Intyre. The Report of the Educatioual CommiUe was presented by Reeve Mrs. Blyth and .adopted on motion of Reeve Mrs. Blyth and Reeve Lake. The Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve McIntyre and adopted on motion of Reeve MclIntyre and Reeve Roberts. The Report of ,the Equalization and '\ssessment Committee was presented by Reeve Johnson and adopted on motion of Reeve Johnson and Reeve McKillop. 142 ELG]N OOUNTY COUNOIL The Report of the County Government Committee was presented by Reeve WHsonand adopted on motion of Reeve Wilson and Reeve Moore. Moved by Reeve Johnson Seconded by Reeve Wilson, That any member of the iE,lgin County Council, or County Omcials attending a convention be paid '$50.00 per day, registration fee plus 10c per mile hoth ways and same must be proven to the Olerk hy the hotel biU and registration receipt or reasonable facsimile. Also they shall be paid the same per diem rate for attending executive meet- ings of municipal organizations when they are members of the said executive. This is to he effective September 15th, 1970. -Carried. Moved hy Reeve Todd, Seconded by 'Reeve MCKillop, That iBy"Law No. 21134, "A 'By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of The Council of the Corporation of ,the County of Elgin at the Septem- ber Ses'Sion~ 1970," be read a first time. ~Carried. Moved by 'Reeve M<lKillop, Seconded hy Reeve Todd, That By-Law No. 2134, be read a second time. ~Carried. Moved by Reeve MC!Imlop, Seconded by [Deputy Reeve Johnston, That By-Law No. 21134, be read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve iMcKiUop, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lyle, That we do now adjourn ,to meet again at 10:00 a.m., September 29th, 1<.)70. -Carried. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk W. ilL CAlVERJIN, Warden ,ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 143 ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT September Session" 1970 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, Your Road Committee begs to report as follows: 1. The Department .of Highways have approved all the 'County's Nonmal and Supplementary Road IE"Penditure By-Laws and it is anticipated that all work programmed for the year wiU be com- pIeted this year. 2. The Department of Highways has set forth their 1970-N Program of County Road Subsidies and Direct Aid. This Program is pre- sently under study hy your committee. 'It appears that the Dire<>t Aid entiVlement will he approximately $100,000 per year under the new program compared to approximateiy $1,000,000 per year for the 1965-69 Program. Maximum Subsidies, also, declined from a maximum of $1,050,000 available for 1971 to approximately $750,- 000 in 1974. The committee hopes to present a proposed :J>. Year Road Program at the November Session. 3. That the ,tender of Walmsiey Bros. Limited of London, at $57,230.- 00 has been .accepted for ,the Hot Mix ~sphalt ,paving of approxi- mately 3.'5 miles of Road No. 16 (oevelopment Road No. 1023). 4. That the tender of Waimsley 'Bros. Limited, of London, at $26,- 835.00 has been accepted for Hot Mix Asphalt Paving on Road No. 3 in RJodney, Road No. 4Q in Springfield, and Road No. 53 (Beech Street) in Aylmer. 5. That the tender of D. !R. Ryckman Limited at '$39,.735.50 for the Road No. 53, Beech Street sw"m drain bas been accepted and work is underway. A portion of the ,cost of the drain will be paid hy the Town of Aylmer. WE RECOMMEND- 1. That ,the resolution from the County of ,peel reqnestingthe De- partment of Highways of Ontar,io to set up a Historic and Scenic Reads Division be filed. 144 ELGIN COUIiI1'Y COUNCIL 2. That ,the resolution from the County of Lambton requesting a higher deposit on returnable hotties in order to hEJip reduce the littering of the countryside with broken botties be endorsed. 3. That the resoiution from the County of ,Bruoe regarding uniform speed limit of 60 miles per hour on -all two lane highways be flied. 4. 'That County Council road inspection dates be set as flIIlows: October 21st, 1970 - East Elgin October 28th, 1970 - West Elgin iLeave the Court House at 9:00 a.m, on both days. ~Il of which is respectfuIly submitted, F. F. MOOOO, Chairman. ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT September Session,. 1970 To .the Warden and Members of ,the Elgin County Council, The Elgin Manor Committee reports as foIlows: 1. The foIlowing tenders were submitted for supplying fuel oil re- quirements for the 1970-71 heating season: Firm Imperial Oil Limited SheIl Canada Limited BP Oil Limited {Bell Gulf 0;1 Canada Ltd. Lacey 'Fuels Price Per Gallon 14.30c 1'5.00c .15.85c ........... 16.90c 14.~5c (Wilcox Fuels) Bros.) The tender of fmperiallOil Limited to supply fuel oil at a price of 14.30c per gallon bas been accepted. 2. The Chairman ;s to be reimbursed for travelling eJ<jlenses, up to the cost of air fare, to ,the ,ontario Association of Homes for ,the Aged convention, September 13th-18th,at Thunder Bay, in addi- tion to the per diem rate. ELGnN COUNTY COUNCIL 145 3. We recommend .that the County Government Committee reconsid- er the reimbursing of travelling eJ<jlenses for conventions. 4. We recommend that the rDepartment of Social and Family Ser- vices be contacted to conditionally approve the site optione<1 for a home in east Elgin. 5. We recommend fuat the Warden and Clerk sign and place the County Seal on the release re : the Estate of Mary AJberta King, to allow the proceeds to he paid to Ellgin Manor. 6. An estimate of $1,150.00 to pave the parking lot has heen accept'ed. 7. That the letter from Mr. R. K. McNeil, M.P.,p., with copy of let- ter from the Honourable John Yaremko, Minister of Social and Family Services, relative to the snpply of water to local residents ,from the watermain running to IElgin M.anor, be 'tabled. All of which is respectfully submitted. A. T. MISKiELLY, Acting Chairman, ,FINANCE 'COMMITTEE REPORT September Session,. 1970 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That Children's Aid Societies ,,pay List NO.6 for $4,267.59, Pay List No.7 !or$3,789.75 and Pay oList NO.8 for $3,789.75, be ap- proved. 2. That Oharityand Welfare Pay List No. 6 for $3,792.50, Pay oList No.7 for $1,850.80 and 'Pay List NO.8 for '$170.75, he approved. 3. That the resolution from the County of Hastings requesting amendments to the General Welfare Assistance Act, be fiied. 4. That the list of insurance commissions paid hy 'Frank Cowan Company Limited to various insurance agents, be filed. 146 EJUG]N COUNTY OOUNCIL EDGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 147 5.' That Ietter from Victarian Order af Nurses advising that the Lon- don Branch and 'the St. Thomas Brancb have amalgamated, be filed. AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT September Session,. 1970 6. That the Ietter from the Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves re: Donations ta Sudbury Area Disaster Relief Fund, be flied. To the Warden and Members of .the iEigin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as .follows: H. V. DEGRAW, Chairman. 1. That the resolution from the County of Victoria reques;ting the ,p,rovince of Ontario to increase their Wolf Bounty ,payments by '$5.00 per wolf, be filed. All of which is respec.tfully submitted. EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE REPORT All of whiCh is respectfully submitted. September Session.. 1970 J. 'L. McUNTY'RE,. Chairman. To the Warden and Members of ,the Elgin County Council, The Educational Cammittee repQrts as follows: 1. That theres<!iution from Fanshawe College re: a satellite cam- pus, he t~bled until further information is obtained. EQUALIZATION AND ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE REPORT SeptJemb:er Session,. 1970 2. That the resolution from the County of Perfu that the County Board of Education be abolished and ,return to the former Schoo'! Board Area System as existed prior to 1969, be filed. TQ the Warden and Members of the IElgin Caunty Council, The Equalization and Assessment Committee reports as follows: 3. That University af Waterloo be advised that tlwse students pre- sently in caurse be the only ones eligible to receive the County of Elgin Schalarship. 1. That the matter of apportionment for 1971 County Rate be t~bled and that the County Government Committee meet with the Minis- ter of Municipal Affairs to discuss fue factor and that a meeting of County Council he called to set the County Rate apportionment before October 1st, 1970. 4. That memorandum from ,the Town of. Aylmer re: reCOnsideration of Arbitr,ators' report on deficits and surpluses of former School Boards, he flied. 2. That the resolution from the County of Hastings requesting that 'the Assessment Equalization 'Factor be averaged wiih the factor that was determined for .fue two years immediateiy preceding, be tabled. 5. That ,fue letter from 'the Elgin County Hoard of Education re: im- proved liaison between school boards and municipal cauneils, be filed, All, of which is respectfully submitted. All of which is respectfully submitted. 'MRS. M. BL Ylli, Ohairman. H. H. JOHNSON, Chai"man. 1411 !ELGINOOUNTY OOUNCIL COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT September Session~ 1970 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as foilows: 1. That Newsletter No.4 reo Haldimand Norfolk Study, he filed. 2. That the notice fr,om the 'Department of Municipai Affairs Subdivision Control, be filed. 3. That copy of map showing the boundaries of the Norfolk-Haldi_ mand Environmental Study Area be medand a copy of ,the study be requested. 4. That the ,cut off period for complimentary invitations to the War- den's !banquet for 'Ex-CounciJilors be four years. ' 5. That any member of the IDlgin 'County Council, or County Officials attending a convention be paid $50.00 per day, registration fee plus 10c per miie both ways and same must be proven to the Clerk ,by the hotel bill and registration receipt or reasonable facsimiie. AJlso they shail be paid the same per diem rate for attending exe- cutive meetings of municipal organizations when they are mem- bers offue said executive. This is to be effective September 15fu, 1970. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. B. WlJLSON, Chairman. COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2134 "A By-Law To Confirm Proceedings Of The Council Of The Corporation Of The County Of Elgin At The September Session, 1970." WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being 'Chapter 249 of the ,Revised 'Statutes of Ontario, 1960, the powers of a municipal ra: ,ElIJGnN COUNTY COUNCIL 149 corporation are to he. exercised hy its council; hND WHERE,AS by Subsection 1 of Section 242 ,of the Munictpal Act, heing Ohapter 249 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1960, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient ,(hat the proceedings of the 'Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and 'adopted by By'Law; NOW THiERElFORE the Couucil of the Corporation of the County of Eigin enacts as foilows: 1. That action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Re- ports of the 'Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other .action taken by the Council of the Corporation of fu!, County of !Elgin ,at its meetings held during the September 1970 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if ,all such proceeq- iugs were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officiais of the Corporation of the Coun- ty of Elgin 'are hereby authorized and directed to do ail things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council 'If the Co>:.- poration of the 'County of Elgin referred to in preceding sectiun hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are aufuorized and directed to exe- cute all'documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the seal of ,the Corporation of the County of Elgin. REW a first time, this ,15th day of September, 1970. RE~Da second time, fuis 15th day of September, 1970. RE~D a third time, and finally passed this 15th day of Septem- ,ber, 1970. H. IL. JOHiNSON, Clerk W. R. CAIV'ERLY, Warden 150 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL SIXTH SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday,. the 29th day of September, 1970 The ,Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the chair. All members present except, Deputy Reeve Miskelly, Reeve Kahntand Deputy Reeve Whalls. Moved by Reeve Johnson, Seconded by Reeve 'Lake, That the minutes of the 'Fifbh Session, 1970, of 'the Elgin County Council, held on September 15th, '197.0, be confirmed. -Carried. The following communications were read and referred to the various committees: 'From the Minister of Highways with anouncement -that .the De- pa~tment will conduct five courses for Municipal empioyees in .1971. - Referred to the Road Committee. FTom Mr. lD. J. Date, Financi:al,Management Advisor, Depart- ment of Municipal Affairs with statement of tax arrears outstanding at the 1969 year end in the Towns, Villages and Townships, situated in Soubh Western Ontario. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the County of Middlesex with resolution re: the discontin- uance of passenger service through Western Ontario on the !Penn Central Railway. - Ref.erred to the County Government Committee. From fue Ohildren's Aid Society of the City of St. Thomas and the County of 'Elgin with list of children in care and financial report to August 31st, 1970. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the ,Elgin Connty Pioneer Museum with request for grant of $5,000.00 towards the cost of constructing an ,Exhibition Building. - 'Referred to .the I"inance Committee. ELGnN COUNTY COUNCIL 151 F~om Mr. T. S. Caldwell, District Municipai 'Engineer with letter regarding protection of survey -monuments whencar:rying out road improvements. - Refer,red to the Road Committee. From the Honorable W. Darcy McKeough, with letter concerning Elgin County Council's resolution that education tax should he re- moved from all urban and farm lands. - Filed. From fue Ontario Municipal Board with ,appointment for hearing of appeal by John ,Ankersmitagainst decision of Township of Yar- mouth Committee of Adjustment. - Referred to bhe Road Committee. From Fanshawe College of AppUed Arts and Technology wifu in: vitatiou to attend the ,,pollution Teach-In on Saturday, October 17th at 9:30 a.m. - Flied. A deiegation composed of Mr. J. RFutcher, Mr. Robert Lyle and Mr. N. J. Tufford were present and it was moved by Deputy Reeve Lyle that the deiegation he heard. Mr. :JJ1utcher outiined the steps that had been followed in requesting permission to tap into the watermain serving .,Elgin Manor and requested permission of Council ,to do so. The Warden thanked the delegation for their presentation and re- ferred it to the Elgin Manor Committee. Moved by Reeve Roberts, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Cook, That we do now adjourn to meet again at 2:00 p.m., September 29th, 1970. ~arried. Council re-convened. A letter was presented from ,the Department of Justice, Emer- gency Measures Branch, announciug a conference to be held at Arn- prior, November 2ud to November 5th, 1970. The lebter was filed. The report of the Finance Committee was presented by Reeve DeGTaw and adopted on motion of Reeve DeGraw and Reeve Mc- Killop. 152 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL The report .of the 'Equalization and Assessment Committee was presented by Reeve Johnson and adopted on motion of Reeve John son and Reeve Lake. The report of the County Government Committee was presented by Reeve Wilson and adopted on motion of -Reeve Wi1sonand Reeve Emerson. The report of the Elgin Manor Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve deRykand adopted on motion 01 Deputy Reeve de- Rykand Reeve Todd. Moved by Reeve 'McInty're, Seconded by Reeve Roberts, That Elgin County Council grant permission to the TownshIp 0.1 Southwold to allow residents whose property abutts the water main leading to Elgin Manor on County Road No. 16 to connect water service lines. subject to theapprovai of the Department of Family and SocIal Services. -Carried. -Reeve McIntyre requested a recorded vote on the above resolu- tion. 'J.1he results were as follows: \1EA - 'Reeve MCKillop, iDeputyReeve Johnston, iDeputy Reev:e Morrison, Reeve McIntyre, Deputy Reeve 'Lyle, -Reeve Roberts (2), Warden Oaverly (2), Deputy Reeve deRyk, -Reeve Johnson, Reeve Wilson, Reeve Moore (2), Reeve IEmerson, Reeve Hodgson, Reeve Speers, Reeve DeGraw, Reeve Todd, Reeve Mrs. Blyth,. -Reeve Lake. Total votes (21). . N~Y - Nil. Deputy Reeve Dennis abstained from voting on the resolution. ThemoHon carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL .153 Moved by Reeve Lake, Seconded by Reeve Speers, That By-Law No. 2135, "Being a By-Law ,to ,Establish the Appor- tioument of County Rate for the County of Elgin for the Year 1971," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve McIntyre, Seconded by Reeve Lake, That By~Law No. 2135, be read a second time. Moved by Reeve Speers, -'Carried. Seconded by Reeve. McIntyre, That By-Law No. 2135, he read a third time and finally passed. Reeve Johnson reqnested a recorded vote on the third reading of ,this By"Law. The results were as follows: YEA - Deputy Reeve Morrison, Reeve McIntyre, Deputy Reeve Lyle, Reeve Roberts (2), Warden Oaverly (,2), Deputy Reeve deRyk, -Reeve Wilson, Reeve Moore ;(2), Reeve Emerson, Heeve Hodgson, Reeve Speers, Reeve -DeGraw, ,Reeve Todd, Reeve Lake. - Total votes (17). NAY - Reeve 'McKillop, >Deputy Reeve J'ohnston, Reeve Johnson, Deputy Reeve >DennIs, Reeve Mrs. Blyth. - Total votes (5). The third reading of By-Law 2135 was car,ried. Moved by Reeve Mcilntyre, Seconded by Reeve Roberts, That ByJLaw No. 2136, "A BYJLaw to Confirm 'Proceedings of the Council .of the Corporation of the County of ,ElgIn at the Sil<th Session held Sep'tember 29th, 1970," he read a first time. -Carried. 154 ELGlIN COUNTY COiUNCIL 'E'LGlN COUNTY COUNCIL 155 Moved by Reeve -Roberts, Seconded by 'Reeve Wilson, 'l1hat By'Law No. 2136, be read a second time. 5. That a grant of $5,000.00 be made to ,the Elgin County ,,pioneer Museum for construction of 'au exhibition building. All of which is respectfully submitted. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson, Seconded by Reeve McInty<e, That By-Law No. 2136, be read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. H. V. DEGRAW, Chairman. EQUALIZATION AND ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE REPORT Sixth Session, September 29th, 1970 Moved by Reeve Todd, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Johnston, That we do now adjourn to meet ag.ain at 10:00 a.m., November 17th, 1970. --Carried. To the Warden @d Members of the ,Eigin County Council, The Equalization and Assessment 'Committee Reports as follows: 1. That the 'following be the apportionment of County Rate for the County of Elgin for the year 1971. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk W. R. CAVE~Y, Warden Aylmer . . . . . . . . .. 11.408% Belmont . . . . . . . . . . . 1.~84% Dutton ............ .... 1.441% Port ;Burwell . . . . . . .. 1.175% ,port Stanley ..... 4.784% -Rodney . . . . .' 1.746% Springfield . .. .. .. .. .. . .500% Vienna ........ .4113% West Lorne ...... 1.866% Aldborough .. . . 8.266% Bayham . . .. 9.497% Dorchester South 3.028% Dunwich . . . . . 6.007% Maiahide 12.040% Southwold 21.820% Yarmouth . . . . . . . . . . il4.616% FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT Sixth Session, September 29th. 1970 To the Warden and Member of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1,. That Children's Aid Societies Pay List No.9 for $3,789.75 be ap- proved. 2. That Charity and Welfare Pay List No. 9 for $2,411.75,. be ap- proved. 3. That the statement f<om Mr. D. J. Date, Department of Munici- pal Affairs, reo T""arrears outstanding at the 1969 year end in the Towns, Villages and Townships situated in Soufu Western Outario, be filed. 4, That ,the communication from the Children's Aid Society wifu list of child'ren in care and' financiai report to August ~lst, 1070, be filed. 100.000% 2. That a By-Law he prepared adopting the above apportionment of County 'Rate for the year 197'1. All of which is respectfully submitted. H. ,B. JOHNSON, Chairman. 156 EDGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE RE,pORT Sixth Session, September 29th, 1970 To the Warden and Members of the ,Elgin Oounty Council, The County Government Committee .Reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from 'the County of Middlesex re: .the discon- continuance of passenger 'Service. through Western Ontario on the Penn CentrallRailroad, be filed. All of which isrespectfuily submitted. J. .n. WILSON, Ohairman. ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT Sixth Session, September 29th, 1970 To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Elgin Manor Committee -Reports as follows: 1. That the water pipe line to Elgin Manor be sold to the Township of Southwold fora nominal fee, subject to the approval oftlle De- partment of Social and F'amily Services and the assurance to the County that an adequate supply of water for services and fire protection be guaranteedtobhe Couuty for Elgin Manor. ~ll of which is ,respectfully submitted. iH. ,po deRYlK, Chairman. 'ElLGlN COUNTY COUNGrL 157 BY-LAW NO. 2135 "Being 'I By-Law to Establisb the Apportionment of Connty Rate for the County of Elgin for the Year 1971." The 'Council of .the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: THAT the following be the apportionment of the County Rate for the County of Elgin for the year 11)11. Aylmer .. Belmont . . <Dutton Port Burwell Port Stanley -Rodney Springfield ........... Vienna" ..... West Lorn" Aldborough Bay!lam Dorchester South <Dunwich Malabide Southwold Yarmouth ..............., 11.408% 1.284% 1.441% U75% 4.784% 1.746% .500% .408% ......... 1.006% 8.266% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9.497% 3.028% . .. .. . .... ..... 6.007% . . . . . . .. .. . ... 12.040% ....... 21.620% . !4.616% 100.000% ~EAD a first time ,this 29th day of September, 1970. REm a second time tllis 20th day of September, 1970. READ a third time and finally passed this 29tll day of September, 1970. H. .L. JOHNSON, Clerk W. IR. CAVERJDY, Warden 1'00 ElLGnN COUNTY OOUNCIL BY-LAW NO. 2136 HA By~Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the COllnty of Elgin at the Sixth Session heldSeptemher 29, 1970." WHEREAS by Section 9 of .the Municipal Act, being Chapter 249 of the Revised statutes of Ontario, 1960; ,the powers of a municipal corporation are to he exercised hy its 'councIl; AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 242 of the Municipal Act, heing chapter 249 of the -Revised statutes of Ontario, 1960, the powers of every Council are ,to be exercised by By~Law; AND W,HE~AS it is deemed e"pedient that the proceedings of the Council .of the Corporation of tlle County ,of Elgin at this meeting be confil'lIled and adopted by By.Law.; . NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of -Elgin in respect of each recO'mmendation contained in the reports of the committees and each motion and -resolution passed and other ac- tion taken hythe Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held on the 29th of September, 1970 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all sucih proceedings were expressly embodied in this By"Law. 2. The Warden and prop'er officials .of 'the Corporation of ,the County of Elgin are hffi'eby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in preceding section hereof. 3, The Warden ,and the Clerk ar,e authoriood and directed to execute all documents necessary in that 'behalland to affix thereto the Scai of .he Corpor,ation of the County of 'Elgin. RE~D a first time, this 29th day of September, 01970. REM) a second time" this 29th day of September, 1970. ~EAna third time, and finally passed this 29th day of September, 1970. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk W. fR. C~VE,RL~, Warden 'ii" I:' "" !'! 'ElLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL I'! I' , I , ! 100 SEVENTH SESSION ~ FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 17th day of Novemher, 1970 The Elgin County Council met ,this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in tlle chair. All the members present except, Reeve DeGraw The Warden addressed tlle council and welcomed ,the boys and girls who came ,as guests of the councillors. Moved by Deputy fReeve Cook, Seconded by Reeve -Roberts, That the minutes of the sixth session 1970, of me Elgin County Council held .on September 29th, 1970, be confirmed. -Carried. The ,following communications were read' and referred to their v:arious committees. 'From the Department of Municipai Affairs with booklet, "The Maintenance -of Property - a program for Ontario." - Referred to the County Government Committee. .From tlle Ontario Good Roads Association with request for reso- lutions and proposal of names for recognition of iong service in the cause of good roads. ~ Referred to the Road Committee. From the Town of Goderich witll resoiution requesting the Pro- vincial !Government to remove the administration of GenerallWelfare Assistance, Supplementary Assistance and Special Assistance from individual municipalities and counties ,and place the same under its own Department of Social and Family Scrvices IRegional Offices. - Referred to the County Government 'Committee. From the United Counties of Prescott and 'Russell with resolution opposing the resolution from the Town of Goderich re: General Wel- 160 E'IJGEN COUNTY COUNCIL fare Assistance, etc., being placed completely under the jurisdiction of the Provincial oDepartment of Social and Family Services. - Re- ferred totlleCounty Government Committee. From the Rotary Club of St. Thomas requesting County of Elgin ad ,in ,the Rotary Music Festival ,program. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From Joseph W. Storey, Mchitect, requesting consideration of their firm for architectmal services with respect to any future County of E,lginBuildings. - 'Filed. 'From the Children's ,Aid Society of tlle City of St. Thomas and the 'County of Elgin with list .of children in care and finance report as at September 30th, 1970. - Referred to the 'Finance Committee. 'From the Borough of North York with letter and report support- ing the ban on the use of studded tires in Ontario. - Referred to the Road Committee. .From the Township of Bayham with Notice of Appeal against By-iLaw 2135 of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. - iReferred to the Equalization and Assessment Committee. From the Township of Aldborough with Notic,e of Appeal against By-\Law 2135 of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. - Referred to the Equalization and Assessment Committee. From the Elgin County 'Board of Education with letter and copy of minutes of a meeting held on October 1st, 1970, between the Elgin County Board of Education and representatives of the municipal councils of the 'County of Elgin. - 'Referred to the 'Educational Com- mittee. From 'the Executive of the Elgin County Pioneer Museum with appreciation of grant towards the cost of. constructing an exhibition building. ~ Filed. 'From the University of Guelph with list of top students from El- gin County attending the university. - Referred to the Educational Committee. cBJLGnN COUNTY COUNCIL 161 From ,the University of Waterloo advising that Mr. Edgar E. Kerstan has qualified for the Elgin County Scholarship, for 1970 and recommending the method 'Of award for future scholars-hips. _ Re- ferred to the Educational Committee. From Waterloo Lutheran University advising that Miss iPatricia Parachoniak has quaiified for the Elgin County Scholarship for 1970 and recommending 'the method of award for future scholarships. Referred to the Educ,ational Committee. From the Association of Counties and Regions .of Ontario with letter re: recommendations reg.arding "Guidelines for Action. _ 19~0." - 'Referred to the County Government Committee. ,From the oDepartment of Social and Family Services with letter re: approval of site for future Home for the Aged. - Referred to the Elgin Manor Committee. From the Town of Aylmer with notices of application to the On- tario Municipal Board for ,approval of 'By-\Laws to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 30 of the Planning Act and also a copy of By-Law 44.170 and By-Law 47-70. - Referred to the iaoad Commlttee. From the Township of Southwoid witll notice of ,application to the Ontario Municipal B.oard for approval of a 'By~Law to regulate land use .passed pursuant to Section 30 of the Planning Act. - Re- ferred to the Road Committee. From the Bank of Montreai advising that interest rates decreas- ed by '12% to 7'12% effective November 1st, r970. -Filed. From Johnston, Mandryk and Doyle, with arrangements re: set- tlement of the County's account with respect to the late George Wil- liams estate. - Referred to the Finance Committee. The County Treasurer's Report was presented. Moved by Reeve Johnson, Seconded, by Reeve Lake, That tlle Treasurer's Report be accepted and printed in the Pro- ceedings. -Carried. 162 E:IJGIiN OOUN1:Y COUNCIL The County Clerk's ~port on Licences was presented. Moved by Reeve Todd, Seconded by Reeve McAlpine, That the Clerk's Report on Licences be accepted and printed in the Proceedings. ~Carried. The Administrator's Report on Elgin M,anor was presented. Moved by Deputy Reeve deRyk, Seconded by Reeve Roberts, That the Administrator's Report on Elgin Manor be accepted and printed in the Proceedings. -Carried. It was moved by Reeve Emerson, that Mr. Claybourne Gordon, County Weed Inspector, be now heard. Mr. Gordon presented his report. Moved hy Reeve McAlpine, Seconded hy Reeve McIntyre, That ,the Weed 'Inspector's Report be accepted and printed in the Proceedings. -Carried. The first and second reports of the Road Committee were pre- sented by Reeve Moore and adopted on motion of Reeve Moore and Reeve McIntyre. . The report oftbe Elgin Manor Committee was presented by De- puty Reeve deRyk and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve deiRyk and Reeve Speers. The mutter of financing ,the ElgincSt. Thomas neaith Unit 'and the possibility, of amalgamation with anotber unit was presented hy Reeve Mrs. Blyth and referred to the County Government Commit- tee. ELGIN COUNTYOOUNGIL 163 Miss Cindy Moore and Miss Susan Moore presented Warden Cav- erly with a memento book of his year in office and Warden Caverly thanked ,those responsible for the preparation of the book. Moved by Reeve Speers, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Whalls, That we do now adjourn to meet again ,at 2:00 p.m., November 17th,. 1970. -Carried. Council re-convened. The Report of the 'Finance Committee was presented by iaeeve Johnson and adopted on motion of Reeve Jahnson and Reeve Moore. The Report of the Equalization ,and Assessment Committee was presented hy Reeve Jahnson and adopted on motion of Reeve Johnc son ,and Reeve Emerson. The Report of the County Government Committee was presented by Reeve Wilson ,and adopted on motion of Reeve Wilson ,and Reeve MdKiliop. Moved hyReeve Moore, Seconded by Deputy -Reeve MiskeHy, That tlle usual grant of '$25.00 he paid to the St. Thomas-Times Journal and to Mr. Steve Traichevich of the ,London Free ,press for reporting the proceedings of County Council during the year 1970. -Carried. Moved hy Reeve Roberts, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Cook, That Mr. Granvilie Gloin he appointed to the Elgin County Farm Safety 'Council for 1971. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Whalls, Seconded by Deputy Reeve deiR)"k, That By-Law No. 2137, "-Restricting the Weight of Vehicles Pass- ing over Bridges," be read a first Hme. -Carried. 164 EWl!N COUNTY comOIL Moved by >Deputy Reeve Cook, Seconded by Reeve Roberts, That By-Law No. 2137, be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Speers, Seconded by Deputy Reeve deRyk, That By-iLaw No. 2137, be read a third time and finaUy passed. -Carried. Moved by neputy Reeve Morrison, Seconded by Reeve Kahilt That iBy-iLaw No. 2138, "Restricting the Weight of Velhicles pass- ing over Bridges," be read ,a. first time. ~Carried. Moved by iDeputy Reeve Lyle, Seconded by Reeve Mc[ntyre, That By'Law No. 2138, be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Kahnt, Seconded by .Reeve Emerson, That By-iLaw No. 2138, be read a tllird time and finaUy passed. -CarrIed. Moved by Reeve M<l!{iIlop, Seconded by Reeve Todd, That By-Law No. 2139, "Regulating Parking," he read a first time. -Carried. Moved by 'Reeve Todd, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Johnston That By.JLaw No. 2139, be read a second .time. -Carried. ElDGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 165 Moved by <Deputy Reeve Johnston, Seconded by Deputy Reeve MiskeUy, That By-Law No. 2139, be read a third time, and finaUy passed. ,....Carried. Mr. Arthur Gordon was present and received a certifioate for completion of the C. S. Anderson Road School. The foUowing were present and received certificates for comple- tion of the T. J. Mahony Road school. Curtis V. Gordon, Leslie 'F'unneU, Arnoid..MiIligal1, C. Roy Doran. Mr. Claybourne Gordon was present and received a twenty year employment ce~tificate and lapel pin and the following received ten year empioyment certificates: Mr. Eric McKenzie, Mr. Roy La 'Forge and Mr. Ted Schuit. Moved by Deputy Reeve Miskelly, Seconded by Reeve Moore, That we do now adjourn to meet again at 10:00 a.m. November 18, 1970. -Ca~ried. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk W. R. C~VERJLY, Warden SEVENTH SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 18th day of November, 1970 The EoJgin County Council met ,this day at the .Court House, St. 'l'homas, in ,accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Ohair. All the members present except Reeve iDeGraw. 166 'EDGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL The Report of the Personnel Committee was presented hy Reeve Emerson :and adopted 'on motion of Reeve Emefson and :Reeve Mc- Alpine. Mr. Peter Weston and Mrs. >iii ancy Mitcheli from tlle Subdivision Section of the Community Planning Branch of the DepaDtment of Municip,al Affairs were present. Reeve ,Emerson moved that the representatives from :the Depart- ment of Municipal Affairs he now heard. Mr. Weston addressed Oouncil and explained the purpose and functions of a County Land Division Committee. Foliowing his pre- sentation Mr., Weston answered questions from members of County Council. Consider,able discussion took place foliowing which Warden Caverly .thanked Mr. Weston and Mrs. Mitcheli for their visit to County Council. Moved hy Reeve Roberts, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Cook, That we do now .adjourn to meet again at 2:00 p.m., November 18th, 1970. ~Carried. Council He-Convened. The Report of the Educational Committee was presented by Reeve Mrs. Blyth and adopted on motion of Re,eve Mrs. Blyth and Deputy Reeve Cook. Moved by Reeve Speers, Seconded by Reeve Emerson, That the matter of ,a County 'Land Division Committee be refer- red totlle County Government Committee. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Lyle, Seconded by Deputy 'Reeve Dennis, That By-Law No. 2.J40, "Being a By-Law to EJstablisha Salary Schedule foraH Employees of tlle County of Elgin other ,than the Heads of Departments," he read a first time. -Carried. 'ElLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 167 Moved by Reeve McIntyre, Seconded by Reeve Kahnt, That 'By-Law No. 2140, be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Moore, Seconded by Reeve McIntyre, That By-Law No. 2140, be read a third time and finaliy passed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Moore, Seconded by Reeve Hodgson, That By-Law No. 2141, "Being a By-Law to amend By-L,aw No. 1696, Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Elgin County Road Super- intendent," be read ,a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Hodgson, Seconded by Reeve MdKiHop, That By-Law No. 2141, be read a second time. -Caxried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Dennis, Seconded by Reeve Moore, That By"Law No. 2141, he read a third .time and finaliy passed. -Car,ried. Moved by Reeve Todd, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Whalls, That 'By-Law No. 2142, "'Being a By-Law to ,amend By'Law No. 2084, ,Thereby Adjusting the Salary of "he Elgin County Clerk-Trea- surer," be read ;3 first ,time. -Carried, Moved by oOeputy Reeve Morrison, Seconded by Reeve Todd, That By'Law No. 2142, be read a second time. -Carried. 168 iEImN COUNTY OOUNCIL Moved by Deputy Reeve Whalls, Seconded by Deputy 'Reeve Lyle, That 'By-Law No. 2142, be read a ,third time and finally passed. ~Carried. Moved by ,Reeve MClKillop, Seconded by Reeve Roberts, That By-lLaw liIo. 2143, "Being a By-Law to amend By-Law No. 2G85, Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the -Elgin County Deputy Clerk. Treasurer," be read ,3 first time. ~CaITied. Moved by Reeve Roberts, Seconded by Reeve MeKillop, That By'Law No. 21411, be read a second time. ~Carried. Moved by Reeve Todd, Seconded by Reeve MdKiIlop, That By-Law No. 2143, be read a ,third time and finally passed. --'Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Dennis, Seconded hy Reeve Moore, That By-Law No., 2144, "Being a iBy'Law to amend By-iLaw No. 2086, Thereby Adjusting the Salary of tlle Secretary-Treasurer for the Elgin 'County Home for the Aged," be read a first time. ~CaITied. Moved hy !Reeve IKshnt, Seconded by Reeve Moore, That By-Law No. 2144, be read a second time. --'Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Morrison, Seconded, by Deputy Reeve Dennis, That By-lLaw No. 2144, be read a third time and finally passed. --'Carried. !ElLGIN ,COUNTY COUNCIL 169 Moved by oDeputy Reeve deRyk, Seconded by Reeve Mrs. Blyth, That By-Law No. 2145, "Being a 'By-Law to Establish ,tlle Salary of the Temporary Administrator of the Elgin County Home fur the Aged," be read a ,first time. Moved by Depnty Reeve Cook, Seconded hy Deputy 'Reeve Johnston, That By-Law No. 2145, he read .a second time. -Carried. -JCarried. Moved by Reeve Mrs. Blyth, Seconded by Deputy Reeve deRyk, That By-lLaw No. 2145, be read a ,third time and finally passed, -Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson, Seconded by Reeve Hodgson, That By-Law No. 2146, "A By~Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of tlle County of ,Elgin at the November Session, IH70,' J he read a first time. Moved by 'Reeve Hodgson, Seconded by Reeve Wilson, That By-lLaw No. 2146, be read a seeond time. ~CaITied. --'Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve oDennis, Seconded by Reeve Moore, That By'Law No. 2146, be read a third time and finally passed. -JCarried. Moved by Reeve Moore, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Miskelly, That we do now adjourn to meet again at 10:00 a.m., December 16th, 1970. H.L. JOHNSON, Clerk --'Carried. W. oR. C~VERLY, Warden 170 iEllJGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT November Session, 1970 To the Warden and Members of .the Eigin County Council: II beg to submit the foliowing statements of receipts and ex- penditures from January 1st, WiO to October 31st, 1970. Receipts Balance in bank and on hand January 1st, 1970 Notes payable """~~n """n~""".nn n..m~""" n $ County rates County rates coliected under Seciion 53 ~ Licences and permits Interest County roads Oharityand Welfare Children's Aid societies Agriculture ~m uV.usool1aneous Revenue County Assessment !Department Recovery of rentals Care .of Buildings (Adm. of Justice) Registry Office Museum Printing, postage and stationCTY Expenses $ 32,745.16 935,000.00 315,109.17 6,444.411 183.15 966.58 1,629,162.98 15,943.31 1,113.84 1,901.73 1,461.51 6,276.69 23,207.56 13,068.05 1,318.02 250.00 72.92 .$2,951,4'79.98 $2,984,225.15 Members" wages Officers' salaries Printtng, postage and stationery Care of huildings Grants, 'associations, sClholarships, etc. Miscel1aneous expense County roads Charity and Welfare Ohildren's Aid Societies TransfCTred. to Elgin Manor n """"""~ $ 19,469.98 24,799.80 1,761.'13 19,383.60 2,857.80 11,768.96 2,002,714.85 15,293.41.) 38,946.30 25,000.00 ELGIN'COUNTY COUNCIL lq1 Interest Abatement of taxes (Section 207) Agriculture Registry Office County Assessment Department Elgin<St. Thomas Health Unit County Library Notes payable County rates coliected under Section 53 ~ Licences 'and permits Transferred to Hospital Account 25,837.04 4,141.45 12,144.57 l,I94.09 3,642.22 54,000.00 50,000.00 655,000.00 955.3<.) 4.15 191.08 $2,969,105.90 15,119.25 Balance in bank, October 31st, I970 $2,984,225.15 ELGIN MANOR Balance in bank and on hand January 1st, I970 ~ $ 1,~15.55 Receipts _n ________nnn __________.________ ___.."'"___________ ____...__n _______."... __________ '369,850.02 - $ 371,555.57 - Expenditures 37M90.54 - Balance in bank and on hand OctobCT 31st, 1970 """ nn$ 775.03 Ali of which is Tespectfuliy submitted H. L. JOHNSON, County Clerk ,and Treasurer. CLERI':'S REPORT ON LICENSES November Session. 1970 To the Warden and Members of the 'Elgin County Council: I have to report the following licences in force on the first day of November, 1970. 172 ELGl!N OOUNTY COUNCIL Auctioneers Donald L. Cosens, R.R. 3, St. Thomas K. J. McAlpine, R.R. 1, Dutton ,Larry Gardiner,. R.oB. 2, Staffa Ken Johnson, R..R. 3, Rodney Leslie J. Shackleton, H.R. 1, Springfield Don Watterworth, Aylmer Arthur Long, Vienna Waldie Allen, R.R. 1, Lambeth David (P,age, 267 Furnivai >Road, Rodney William Hawltins, 285 Oxford St., Ingersoll William H. Carter, 406 Platt's Lane, London William ,po Bragg, Box 91, Sombra Norman 'Ripley, 24 Sinclair Ave., Sl. Thomas Salvage Dealers Jules 'Vandenbusscl1e, Box 182, Str.affordville IGerald Shepherd, R.R. oj, St. Thomas A. Kirschener & Sons, R.oB. 3, West Lorne Ross 'Locey, 991 ':Dalbot St., st. Thomas Salvage Y lIl'd Jack Streib, 'Rodney All of which is Tespectfully submitted, H. L. JOHNSON, County Clerk-11reasurer. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 173 ADMINISTRATOR'S RE,pORT - ELGIN MANOR November Session, 1970 To the Warden and Members of the Elgiu County Council, The following is my report on 'Elgin Manor for the year ending October 31st, 19'10: 1. Number of residents at last Teport 2. Number admitted during year 3. Number discharged 4. 'Number deaths 5. Number. of residents n()w in the Home 6. Total days residence ","n" n ""'.nm..n'.mn,mnn""n"'.nn 7. Aver.age number of residents during year 8. Receipts Province of Ontario subsidy 'n,.., "'m Old age pensions and Tesidents maintenance Arrears of maintenance and estates of deceased residents Sundries mn m", n,m"",,,n,,, 'n"n"''''''''''''''m"m"" ""'''''''''''' Government of Canada sales tax refund 109 4ll 20 9 123 ",,,.,43623 120 n .n $138,041.40 204,722.34 25,98M6 3,818.00 1,501.28 $374,063.817 9. Expenditures Food and PTovisions Medi<lal, dental and drugs Clothing and welfare Household supplies Furnishings "m""",,, Repairs to building and grounds Fuel, hydro, telephone,water, garbage Travel expense ,and office expense Salaries and wages Insurance, fire, comprehensive .and boiler Pension- fund, convention expense ,and"sundries $ 49,499.37 9,445.27 5,885.99 10,461.06 5,235"10 9,710.g3 2O,1Q3.12 2,733.817 228"127.22 4,045.61 16,734m $422,851.85 Deductions 10. Cost of operating. "",.m"",.", m...",,,,,..,,,,,.,,,,,,........ H. Aver.age expenses per day of each person .""",$422,851.65 9.00 174 EDGIN OOUNTY COUNC1L ELmN COUNTY COUNOIL 175 12. Average expenses per week of e-achperson 13. Average expenses per year of eaCh person 14. Actual eost to County 'after deductions of all receipts 15. ~ctual cost to County alter deductions of all receipts per day 67.83 3,536.85 4ll,787.98 The good crops grown in the county were f~irly free from weeds. In some areas the spr,aying did not work for the lack of rain after- wards. A long dry period caused the weeds to grow in some bean fieids. 1.11 16. Capital Expenditurcs Cost of capital expenditures Province of Ontario subsidy 993.91 496.96 The few men that are on the farms, did a good job on weed con- trol. There is a -lot of vacant iand in the county. A few farms are not being cultivated and many fields, large and small,. ,are not being lil- led, ,causing weeds :to grow. There is ,also .a lot of rough laud con- sisting of hills and gulliesaiong thl' lake and 'fiver. There were some dirty or weedy pasture fields, with wild carrot being the worst weed along with milk weed .and bull thistles. 'Provinciai highways 'had plenty of weeds in .Elgin. Mowing was iate starting and the first mowing consisted of just one swath hut highways looked pretty good hy eariy fail. Count roads were well mowed. The first cutting on some roads was a little late but by !.all they iooked better. The county roads in some ,townships were sprayed. Some townships had mowing and spraying done; others did very little. In some townships there-was improvement in weed control, while in others, weeds continued to grow along the road sides. Highway 401 ,through the west of Elgin County was well mowed and fall spraying has been done. The railways do very little on weed control. About fifty feet each side of road crossings ,are cut, while a few station yards are cared for. Actual cost to County $ 496.95 17. There were, 150 residents in the Home during 1970 - 69 male, 81 female. .of theW3 residents in the Home on ,the first day of November, 1970 - 60 are male and 63 are female. 18. These figures are for the period November 1st, le69 to October 31st, 1970. All of which is respectfully submitted. -ROBERT HIMPHEN, Administrator, Elgin County Home for the Aged. November Session, 1970 I received quite a few complaints about weeds throughout the county regarding vacant property, lots, sub--divisions .and ev,en where people lived. WEED INSPECTOR'S RE,pORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, H was necessary -to' have-some propel'ities mowed and the cost collected in taxes. Quite a few property owners paid at the time of cutting. The weed inspectors in the towns and villages did a good job on weed control. The towns and villages did not give me much trouble. There is one village that does not have a weed inspector. In closing my report, 'I wish to thank 'all 'County and Township Officials who co-<>perated.in helping to control ,the weeds in the coun- ty for 1970 and also the Town, Village and Township Weed Inspectors for their co-operation. All of which is respectfully submitted. OL~YIBOU~NE GORDON, County Weed Inspector. I wish to report on weed control in the County of ,Elgin for the year, 1970. There was a large acreage of different crops grown in the ,Coun- ty this year. Over a hundred thousand .acres of corn were planted and produced a bumper yield. I would say that seventy per cent of .tl1e corn was sprayed, lIhe greater part with Atmzine. A la~ge acreage of soy1heans and white beans were grown in the County along with wheat, oats, tomatoes and tobacco. Ail these crops you might say were bumper crops. 176 EDGIN OOUNTY COUNC~L ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT November Session.. 1970 - First Report To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, YOUR ROAoD COMMITTElE begs to report as foliows: 1. Willeys Bridge on Road No. '8 in Dunwich Township has been completed as have been the Warren Street Bridge on ,Road No. 21 in Port Stanley and Players 'Bridge on 'Road No. 45 in Yar- mouth Township. 2. Kains Bridge and approaches have been completed on Sl. Thom- as Suburban Road Commission's Road No. 33 by MeLean'Fost- er Limited. Guide Rail on Road No. 33 on the Horseshoe Hill has been replaced using County forces. 3, The erection of structnral plate culverts on Road No. 45 at Ket- tle Creek has been completed. Concrete thrust beams and end protection has been completcd as has granular backfill. Place- ment of fill over the culverts is underway. 4. Grading, Granular Base and Surface Treatment work has been completed on Road No. 45 (Dev. Road No. 930) between Jaffa and Centennial Avenue in Yarmouth Township. Minor Trimming work remains. to be completed. 5. Grading and Granular Base has heen completed on Road No. 45 from 'CDev. -Road No...930) Centennial Avenue to Highway No.4 and Westerly from Highway iNo. 4 for approximately a mile ,in the Township of Yarmouth. Considerable Trimming work and Surface Treatment work remains to he completed. 6. Most of the Grading and a portion of ,the Granular Base on Road No. 45 (Dev. 'Road No. 930) has been completed from Eaat River Road to Middlemarch intlle Township of Southwold. Grad- ing continues East of the East River Road and Granular Base will continue after Grading has been completed. 7. Grading and Granular 'Base and Culvert work has been com- pleted on approximately ,three miles of Road No. 16 (iDev. 'Road ElDGIN 'OOUNTY 'COUNCIL 177 No. 1023). 'Laying of Hot Mix Asphalt Paving continues as wea- iher permits. Trimming and Topsoil work will be completed next year. 8. Grading, Granular Base and Culvert work has been completed on Road No. 40 'between Glencolin and Road No. 52 in ,the Village of Springfield and the Township of Malahide. Curb, Gutter" Storm Drain and Asphalt Paving work have been done in the Vil- lage of Springfield. 9. Grading and Granular Base work is nearly completed on Road No. 40 between Highway No. 3 and Mount Salem in the Town- ship of Malshide. 10. Curb, Gutter, Storm Dr,ain work and Asphalt Paving have been completed on Road No. 3at the North limit of the \'illage of 'Rod- ney. n. The 'Beech Street (Road No. 53) storm Sewer in Aylmer has been compieted and Grading and Granular Base has been come pleted. 'Ou"band Gutter work and ,paving are proceeding as weather permits. . 12. Surface Treatment and Trimming work have been compl,eted on Road No. 22 between Road No. 24 and No. 27 in Y..mouth Town- ship. 13. 'It is hoped to present a proposed 3-Year Road Progr,amme at the December Session of County Council. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That the Resolution from the Borough of Nor,th York regarding Studded Tires be filed. 2. That By-Laws be passed Which will, in effect, amend the Coun- ty's present By-iLaw regarding Load Limits on County Bridges, by removing the Load Limit on iKains Bridge (which has been replaced) . ~Il of which is respecifuliy submitted, F.F. MOORE, Chairman. 178 ELGDN OOUNTY COUNCIL ROAD .cOMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1970 Second Report To 'the Warden and Members of ,the Eigin County Council: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE begs to report as faIlows: WE REOOMM'END: 1. That a By~Law be passed amending the County's ,parking Re- strictions with regard to Road No. 53 ,(Beech Street) in Aylmer. We recommend that ,parki.ng be prohibited on the North side of Beech Street from Elm Street to John Street, (Highway No. 73), and on the South side of Beech Street near the intersections of John and Elm Streets and in front of the 'Elgin Co-aperative Services Building. AIl af which is respectfuIly submitted. F. F. MOORE, Chairman EJ"GIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1970 Ta the Warden and Members of ,tlle 'Eigin County Council: . The Eigin Manor Committee repor,ls as foIlows: 1. A Committee, composed of the Warden, Chairman, [)eputy Reeve A. T. Miskelly and the iAdministrator, has heen appointed to contaet the Department of Social and Family Services in order to obtain con- ditional approval of the proposed site of a new home in East Elgin. 2. The foIlowing rates have hoon adopted for part time staff effec- tive Decemher 27,th, 1!1170: Students .mmnn.mm.. Office help .nnnmm Greenhouse man Barber m.n.' .. Hairdresser onm....__n___n .nnnn...m.. $1.75 per hour ....'$2.00 per hour .$2.15 per hour "00...$50.00 per month n.._mmmnn'.$15.00 per day 3. Effective December 15th, 1970, the .rate chargeable for employ- ees living in Elgin Manor will be increased to $50.00 per month. AIl of which ,is respectfuIly submitted. H. P. deRYiK, Ohairman. ELGIN COUNTY OOUNOIL FINANCE CO~UT~EE RE,p~RT 1-79 November Session, 1970 To the Warden and Members af ,the Elgin County Council: The 'Finance Committee Teports as follows: 1. That 'Reeve Johnson be chairman of the Finance Committee in the absence of Reeve DeGraw. 2. That Ohildren's ~id Society Pay List No. 10 for $4,r.r7.83, be ap- proved. 3. That Oharity and Welfare ,pay List No. 10 for $1,251.05, be ap- proved. 4. That ,the usual fuli page ad be placed in the Rotary Music Festi- val ,program. 5. That the communication from the Ohildren's Aid Society with list of children in care and financial report to September 30tll, 1970, be filed. 6. That the proposal from Johnston, Mandryk and [)oyle re: settle- ment of the County's account witll George Williams Estate be 'a.c- ceptedand the Warden and Clerk be autllorized to sign the required releases. All of which is respectfully submitted. H. B. JOll1NSON, Acting Chairman. EQUALIZATION AND ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1970 To the Warden and Members of .the Elgin County .council: The Equalization and Assessment Cammittee reparts as fallaws: 1. That 'the appeal by ,the Township of Ba)"ham against By-Law No. 2135 of the Corporation of -the Caunty of Elgin be referred toa com- 180 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL mittee of, Reeve ,Emerson, Reeve Moor,e, Reeve Wilson, Reeve Mc- Alpine, Warden Caverly and ,the Olerk of the County. 2, That the appeal ofbhe Township of Aldborough against By~Law No. 2135 of the Corporation of the County of Elgin be referred to a committee of, Reeve Emerson, Reeve Moore, Reeve Wilson, Heeve McAlpine, Warden Caverly ,and the Clerk of the County. AU of which is respectfuUy submitted. H. B. JOHNSON, Ohairman. COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1970 To ,the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That the hookiet from the Department of Municipal Affairs en- titled "The Maintenance of Property - a pr.ogram for Ontario,," be tabled. 2. That 'tlle resolution from the Town of Goderich requesting the Provincial Government to remov,s the Administration 'Of General Welfare Assistance, Suppiementary Assistance and Special Assist- ance from individual municipalities and counties -and place the same under Us own Department of Social and 'Family Services Regional Offices, be tabied. 3. That the resolution from ,the United Counties of Prescott and RusseU opposing the resolution from the Town of Goderich re: Gen- eral Welfare Assistance, etc., heing placed completely under the jurisdiction of tlle Provincial Department of Sociai and Family Ser- vices be tabied. ,4. That the letter from the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario requesting recommendations with respect to "Guidelines for Action - 1970" he tabled to a future meeting of Chis committee. 5. That the feasibility of a County Welfare System, be investigated. AU of which is respectfuUy submitted. J. B. WILSON, Chairman. lllii! ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 181, BY-LAW NO. 2137 liThe Corporation of the County of Elgin Restricting the Weight of VlcWcles Passing over Bridges" WHEREAS subsection 8 .of Section 52 of the Highway Traffic Act m.s.o. 1960) provides that: The Municipai Corporation or other aubhority having jurisdiction over a bridge may hy By-Law approved hy ,the Department make regulations limiting the weight of any vehicle or combination of ve- hicles or any class tlhereof passing over such hridge: AND WHEREAJS it is deemed expedient to limit ,the weight of vehicIes passing over certain bridges in the County of Eigin: NOW THE'REFOREthe Council of the Corporation of the County of 'Elgin enacts as follows: 1. No vehicle or combination. of vehicles or any class thereof; whether empty or loaded, shall be operated over any hridge desig- nated in Schedule No. 1 forming part of this By~Law with a weight in excess of weight limit prescribed in the Schedule for such bridge. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of .this oBy~Law shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 52 of the Highway 'J1raf- fie Act. 3. This By-Law shall not hecome effective until approved by the Department of Transport and until a notice of ,the weight permitted, legibly printed, has heen posted up in a conspIcuous place at either end of each bridge designated in the attached Schedules. 4. 'By,Law No. 2104 of the County of Elgin is hereby repealed. ElNAC1'ElD ,and passed this 17th day of November, 1970. H. L. JOHNSON, CI<\rk W. R. CAiVERLY, Warden 182 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNOIL .. ~ !" %: ~ t" ~. OF: 8 g;, OF: 15'881:<:11:"' tJ8t;j1:"' C1~tdtooi =o~~~ Eioi;J~ !3~~g. S'~Z~~ ;S. ~ >.'" ;S. . 0r '" e:' tn. t":) e:-= g. .,.. ~o-d' td s: .,.. 6' " '" '" o~ S, 0 - - s: ... ::; '" ~ ~ 8 '" 0 :a 1:10 0 1:10 0 [,*0 ~. " ~ 1l E" !l m .;i S '" S' 1t " '" ~ ffi- ~i Sii i5::? 8: @;! @'q 1fq ill '" ~:a ~s. ~a C' ~ ....a " " ..-, t;j tJ~" ::tIoo.; O. OQ. ~ '" 1:10 zSJ 0 ~ ?~ ~ t;j~ >< ::l.!1i 0; ~'" i:!l '" 0 tJ - F:l '" i I:"' ~ " " !1\. g' ~ ~ ~ "'~:a <"J z is ~ (ll. g ~ "'''''~ z .... ='~ ..., >< o:to>< ~ 00", "iillll ;.: 2s, ~ '1 ~~g 1:<:1 [fj ",8", C''' ~ S, ;.:~ a~' .~. .s' . ~&il q ~ '" :a '" '" !'l ELmN COUNTYCOUNOIL 183 BY-LAW NO. 2138 "The Corporation of the County of Elgin Restrieting the Weight of Vehicles Passing over Bridges'" WHEREAS subsection 8 of Section 52 of the Highway Traffic ACt tR.S.O. 1960) provides that: The Municipal Corporation or other authority having jurisdiction over a bridge may by By-Law ,approved by the Department make regulations limiting ,the weight of any vehicle or combination of ve- hicles or any class thereof passing over such bridge. AND WHERiEAS it is deemed eJ<pedient to limit the weight of vebicles passing over certain bridges in the County of ,Eigin: NOW ''!1HEREF'ORE ,tlle Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as foilows: 1. No vehicle or combination of vehicles or any class thereof, whetller empty or loaded, shail he operated over ,any bridge desig- nated in Schednle No. 'l,and 2, forming part of this By-Law with a weight in excess of weight limit prescribed in 'the Schedule for such bridge. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this By-Law shail be subject to the penalty provided ,in Section 52 of the Highway Traf- fic Act. 3. This By-lLaw shail not become effective until ,approved by the Department of Transport .and until a notice of the weight permitted, legibly printed, has been posted up in a conspicuous place at eitller end of each bridge designated in the attached schedules. 4. By'Law No. 2104 of the County of Eigin is hereby repealed. ENACTED and passed this 17th day of November, 1970. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk W. R. C~VER!LY, Warden ..,~. .~, .~....o, ,'--'0" :O-c,."~~,:"",..'_'~' SCHEDULE NO. 1 ~ :i1: BRIDGES ON COUNTY ROADS Schedule Bridge Road Name of Location Weight Year of Type of 1 No. No. Bridge Limit in Construc- Floor (l)HO) Tons tion Finish 1. 5-15 30 ,patterson Lots 8 and 9 t'I Con. II, S Township of 1.1! Yarmouth 15 1908 Concrete 0 0 c: 2. 5-144 43 Coaks Lot 1, Con. V, ~ "3 Township of ><: Bayham 15 1907 Bituminous n 0 C 3. 5-146 43 ,phi1lmore ,Lot 3, Con. VI, ~ - Township of "" Bayhaffi 15 1909 Bituminous 4. 5--14 52 Carrs Lot 5, Range ~I, North of Edgeware Road Township of Early Yarmouth 10 1900's Bituminous ~~jt:.:~:::""C' ,,', "~:,;.~;<".,,;, .'<'. ".iw"'O-" ,",.b.< ,. 'M:; "'~_)h,~"~';A" , , . .. . "... ".,""" ,.., ;:.-__.___,:.,<y,;;,,,,;;;.,c;""~::.;,~;,v.,,,,e~.;;j:,';j-,,;:~:j",,;S,;\,.(,h' :"', '+;;,::.,..i,;cc;',^.,-~::,;;_,.';i;:.:;;--.~~.>,.' ~. .':~-.~'""~S ;~'~o4 - J ",;' .0<:.''j"~";,,,,,''"..~i,',:c.,f,-,~~'i" ;.~ ..... II." . .'. .,11., .... ..1....., ,-:,~,~,,~!,:,,~',~_,:.',.~,Jl1lII_' ~III,.. }J., II. SCH:EDULE' NO~'2 COUNTY BRIDGES ON TOWNSHIP ROADS Schedule 2 Bridge No. (!)HO) Name of Bridge Location Weight Limit in Tons Year of Construotion Type of Floor Finish 1. 5-59 Robbins Lot 5 . , River Road Township of Southwold 5 1898 Wooden 2. 5-50 Fulton Lots 3 and 4, Mill Road Township of Southwold 15 1912 Concrete ~ ~ (") 8 ~ 8 ~ ~ 3. 5-133 Meeks Lot 16, N.U. Road, Township of Soutllwold 4. 5-138 Jamestown Lot 28, Con. II Township of Yarmouth 5. 5-158 Vienna Lot 14, Con. III Bayham, Now in Village of Vienna 6. 2147 Acaoia Lot 22, Con. X" Township of Bayham (Road in poor Condition) 20 1900 Concrete 15 1908 Bituminous Unknown Reconstructed 20 in 1933 Concrete ~ 2 1908 Wooden 186 ELGrN OOUNTY COUNC~L COR,pORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2139 REGULATING PARKING The Council of the Corporatton of the Municipality of Elgin en- acts .as follows: 1. DE'FINITIONS Fortlle purpose of this By-Law: Park 'Or Parking, when prohibited, means the standing of a ve- hicle whether occupied or not except when standing temporarily for the purpose of and while actually engaged in the loading or unioad- ing of merchandise or passengers. Street or Highway includes a common or public highway, street, ,avenue, parkway, driveway, square, place, bridge, viaduct or trestle, designed and intended for, or used by,the general public for ~he passage of vehicles. Vehicle includes a motor vehicle, trailer, traction engine, farm tractor, roadbuilding machine and any vehicle drawn, propelled or driven by any kind of power, including muscuiar power, but does not include motorized snow vehicles, Coal'S 'Of electric or steam railways running only upon rails. 2. PARKl!NGREGULATIONS When properly worded signs have been erected and are on dis- play no pers.onshall parka vehicle on the highways or parts of high- ways hereinafter set on Schedule "A" attached hereto. 3. I>EN~LTIES Any person violating any of the provisions of this By-Law shall be subject to a penalty 'Of not more than Ten Dollars for the first of- fence and not more than 'Fifty Dollars for every subsequent offence, exclusive of costs,. and all. such penalties shaU he recoverable under the Ontario Summary Convictions Act. ELGrN COUNTY COUNCIL 187 4. This By.fLaw shaU not become effective until approved by the Department of Transport. 5. Subsections aa, bb, cc, of Schedule B-2 of By-Law No, 2132 are hereby repealed. ENACTEoD AND ,p,ASSElD the 17th day of November, 1970. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk W. R. CANERLY, Warden SCHEDULE "A" 1. County Road No. '53 is the Road Allowance known as Beech Street in the Town of Aylmer. 2. When properly worded signs have been erected and are on dis- play no person shaU park a vehicle on the highway or part of the highway known as: (a) County Road No. 5'3 (Beech Street) from the west limit of. John street to tlle east limit of Elm Street on the north side of Beech Street. (b) 'County Road No. 53 (Beech Street) from the west limit of John Street westerly for 46 feet on the south side of Beech Street. (c) ,County Road No. 53 (Beech Street) within the distance of 96 feet and 406 feet from west limit of Jolm Street on the south side of Beech street. Cd County 'Road No. 53 (Beech street) from the east limit of Eim Street easterly for 70 feet on the south side of Beech Street. i88 ELGnN OOUNTY COUNC.L PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1970 To the Wamen and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: Your Personnel Committee has met once since the September Session of the Elgin County Council to study and revIse our salary sChe<julesand we recommend ,the following report for adoption by the EIgin County Council. 1. SALARY SCHEDULE A. ROAD DEPAR'l1MEN'f EM,pLOYEES (a) RegUlar Hourly Rated Employees-(Overtime to he paid at time and one half fur all time worked over 4ll hours per week.) OLASS 6 - 'Foreman $3.30 per hour CLASS '5 - ,Foreman and 'Lead Hands Minimum Maximum ElOperience rating .04c per hour work to a maximum of 4 years. $3.05 per hour $3.20 per hour for completion of each year's CLASS 4 ~ Part Time ,Foreman, Stockkeeper Minimum $2.95 per hour Maximum $3.10 per hour Experience rating .00c per hour for completion of eaCh year's work to' a maximum of four years. CLASS 3 - Machine Oper,ator Minimnm $3.00 per hour M""imum $3.15 per hour Experience rating .00c per hour for completion of eaCh year's work to a maximum of four years. EIJmN COUNTY COUNOIL 189 OLASS 2 - Labourer Experienced Minimum Maximum $2.75 per hour $2.90 per hour Experience rating .04e per hour for completion of eacth year's work to' a maximum of four years. CLASS 1 - Labourer Mini'mum Maximum Experience rating .040 per hour for work to' a maximum of four years. $2.65 per hour $2.80 per hour completion of eadh year's (b) Seasonal or Casnal Employees - (Overtime to he paid at time and one half for all time worked over 4ll hours per week.) CLASS A - Employees of High School age with varied ex- perience. Minimum iM.aximum '$2.15 per hour '$2.30 per' hour CLASS B _ Casual Labour, inexperienced $2.35 per hour OLASS C - Experienced Labour, inexperienced mower operator $2.45 per hour eLMS [) -'Experienced mower operator $2.70 per hour (c) 'I1echnlcal ,personnel - ",Overtime to he paid at time and one half for all tme worked over 48 hours per week.) INSTRUMENT M~ $2.00 per hour '$3.20 per hour Minimum Maximum Increments .08c per hour, per year, for four years. 1.90 ELGrN OOUNTY .cOUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNOfL 1.91 (d) Office Personnel GRADE 1 - Minimum -$4,300,00 per annum Maximum $5,100.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year for four years. Present employee to receive $5,100.00. ASSIST~T 110 '!'HE ,ENG1NEER time. Rate set includes oyertime work.) Minimum $9,750.00 per annum Maximum $10,'550.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year for four years. Present employee to receive $10,550.00. I(No payment for over- GRADE 2 - Minimum $3,500.00 per annum Maximum $4,300.00 per annum Increments '$200.00 per year for four years. B. COURT HOUSE STAFF OFFfOE ,pERSONlilIEL - GRADE 1 GR~DE 3 - Minimum $3,100.00 per annum Maximum $3,500.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year for two years. Present empioyee to receive $3,500.00. Minimum .Maximum Increments $200.00 per $4,300.00 per annum $5,100.00 per annum year to maximum. OF'FIOE I~ERSOIiI!NiEL - GRADE 2 OFFfCE OO"OOOINNJ10R (Male) Minimum $6,550.00 per annum Maximum $7,350.00 per annum Increments. $200.00 per year for four years. Present employee to receive $7,350.00. Minimum 'Maximum $3,500.00 per annum $4,300.00 per annum Incremeuts $200.00 per year to maximum. p.resent employee to receive $4,300.00. OFFLCE PERSONNEL - GR~DE 3 (e) Supervisory Staff TECHNfC~ - (Overtime to be paid at time and one half fur all time worked over 4ll ,hours per week.) Minimum '$3.93 per hour Maximum $4.25 per hour Increments8c per hour, per year, for .four years. Minimum Maximum $3,100.00 per annum $3,500.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. CUSTODIAcN OFCOUN'l'Y BlJIWINGS Minimum M,aximum $6,100.00 per annum $6,900.00 per annum OONER~L lF1ORJEM~N set includes overtime work.) Minimum $9,250.00 per annum Maximum $10,150.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year for four years. P,resent employee to receive $10,150.00. {No payment for overtime. Rate ,Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. In 'the ,above schedule the valUe of the serviced apartment ($650.- 00) is to be considered as part of the salary . Present employee to re- ceive $6,250.00 and use, of the apartment for looking after all build- ings on the Court House property. Hl2 ELmN OOUNTY COUNCIL C. ELGIN MANOR EM,pLOYEES NURSING SU,pERVISOR (Registered Nurse \ Minimum $6,900.00 per annum Maximum $7,700.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Present employee to receive $7,300,00. RElGISl1ERED NURSE Mini'mum Maximum $2.97 per hour $3.37 per hour Increments IDe perhaur, per yea-r,. to maximum. 'Present employee to receive $3.t7 per hour. OHARGE ORDElRLY and OHA~GE NURSE iMinimum Maximum '$2.46 per hour $2.86 per hour 'Increments IOc per hour, per year ~ to maximum. Chavge Orderiy to receive $2.61 per hour. 'Oharge Nurses to receive an increase of SIc per hour over 1970 rate or $2.86 per hour, whichever is the lesser. . ORJDElRLYand NURSJNG MD Minimum Maximum $2.05 per hour $2.45 per hour Increments IOc per hour, per year" to maximum. Orderlies, hired prior to September 1st, 1970, to receive an increase of 16c per hour over 1970, rate. Nursing Aids to receive an increase of 5le per hour over '1970 rate or $2.45 per hour, whichever is the lesser, Nurs- ing Aids hired subsequent to September 1st, 1970 to receive $2.05 per hour. EU}JN COUNTY COUNCl'L 193 IDJUVANT Minimum $1.85 per hour Maximum $2.25 per hour Increments lOcper hour, per year,. to maximum. Present employee to receive $2.25 per hour. CRAFT SUPE'~VISOR Minimum '$1.74 per hour Maximum $2.14 per hour Increments IOc per hour, per year, to maximum. Present employee to receive $1.94 per hour. HOUSElKEEPING SUPiElRWSOR Minimum $4,100.00 per annum Maximum $4,900.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year, to m.aximum. Present employee to receive $4,900.00. HOUSElKEEP]NG MAID Minimum $1.65 per hour Maximum $1.90 per hour Increments IOc per hour, per ,year,. to maximum. Present employees to receive an increase of 15c per hour over 1970 rate or $1.65 per hour, whichever is the greater. LAJUNDRY MAID Minimum $1.65 per hour Maximum ~1.90 per hour Increments lOc per hour, per yea'r, to maximum. Present employees to receive an mcrease or 15c per hour over ~970 or ~1.65 per hour, whIChever IS the greater. MMNTElNANOE and LAUNDRY SUPER:ViSOR Minimum Maximum $5,100.00 per annum $5,900.00 per annum ~ncrements $200.00 per year to maximum. Present ernpioyee to receive $5,900.00. 194 ELGrN OOUNTY COUNCIL E),IJGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 195 MAINTEN~NCE MAIN Minimum $2.10 per hour Maximum $2.50 per hour Increments.l0c per.hour, per year, to maximum. Present employees to receive an increase of 15c per hour over IH70 rate. OF\FICE PERSONNEL - Grade 3 Minimum Maximum Increments '$200.00 per $3,100.00 per anuum $3,500.00 per annum year to maximum. PART TWE HELP F'OOD SUP'ERVISOR Minimum $4,200.00 per annum Maximum $5tOOO.OO per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. ,present employee to receive $5,000.00. REGISTERED NURSES NURSING AIDS ORDERLJlES KITOHElN MMDS LAUNDRY MMDS HOUSE!KEElP~NG MAIDS '$3.20 per hour $2.40 per hour $2.40 per hour $1.85 per hour $1.85 per hoUr $1.85 per hour j j:, SElOONiD COOlK Minimum $1.80 per hour Maximum $2.30 per hour 'Increments IOc per hour, per year, to maximum. ,present empioyees to receive an increase of 25c per hour over 1970 rate or '$2.30 per hour, whichever is the lesser. OVERTIME to be paid at time and one half for aU .time worked over' 48 hours per week. KITOH!ElN MAID Minhnum $1.70 per hour Maximum $1,95 per hour Increments lOc per hour, per year, to m,aximuIll. Present employees to reooivean increase of 15c per hour over 1970 mte or $1.70 per hour, whichever is .tl1e .greater. OF\F\ICE ,pERSONNElL - Grade 1 Minimum $4,300.00 per annum Maxhnum $5,100.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Present employee to receive $5,100.00. OFFIOE RE'RSONNEL - Grade 2 Minhnum $3,500.00 per annum Maximum $4,300.00 per annum 'Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Present employee to receive $4,100.00. D. COUNTY LIBRARY EMPLOYEES OI;E~K~DRIiVER Minimum $31600.00 per annum Maximum $4,400.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year ,to maximum. Present employee to receive $4,100.00. OF'F'ICE PElRSONNEIL - Grade 1 Minimum $4,300.00 per annum Maximum $5,100.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. ,,present employee to receive $4,800.00. OIFF\ICE PERSONNlElL - Grade 2 Minimum MaJ<bnum $3,'500.00 per annum $4,300.00 ,per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. W6 ELGFN COUNTYGOUNC~L ----~---_. ---~-_._-~- ASS.IST~NTLIBR~RY SlmERVISOR Minimum $4,700.00 per annum Maximum $5,500.00 p"rannum Increments '$200.00 per year to maximum. Present employee to receive $5,500.00. E. DEPARTMENT HEADS COUNTY ElNGDNEER $18,000.00 per annum COUNTY CLERIK-TREASURElR $14,750.00 per annum DEl'UTYOLE~K-TREASURElR $11,000.00 per annum $2,500.00 of the above salary to be paid by the County Home for the Aged as remuneration for him acting as Secretary-Treasurer of the Home. ~MINISTRATOR - E!.JOEN M~NOR OOUNTY 'LIBRA~IAN L~BR~~Y SUHElRVISOR WElED INSl'ECTOR and TREE COMMISSmNER $11,500.00 per annum $12,000.00 per annum $.6,700.00 p"r annum $2.20 per hour plus lOc pe.r mile mileage. F. MILE~GE RATES - to he paid ,all County employees except the Weed Inspector and Tree Commissioner using their own private cars to be set in accordance with present Department of Highways rates : . 0 = 5,000 miles 15c per mile 5,000 - 10,000 miles 8c per miie Over 10,000 miies 6c per mUe 2. Regardless of individual recommendations for increases lor hourly rated employees, no employee shall be paid in excess of the maximum rate specified in his or her category. 3. The salaries and salary schedule recommended in this report are to he effective December 26th, 1970, at 12:00 o'clock midnight. 4. We authorize that present County of Elgin By~Laws he ,amended or new By"Laws passed as required to implement the recommenda- tions contained in this report. All of which is respectfully submitted. IK. C.EMERSON, Chairman. 'El!.JGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 197 EOUCATIONAL COMMITTEE RE,pORT November Session, 1970 Totlle Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Educational Committee reports as follows: 1. Letter from Elgin County Board of ,Education re: ,appointment of representatives to a iLiasion Committee be tabled. 2. We recommend that Mr. Arthur Milton, Dutton, Ontario and Miss Margaret Hevenor, Springfield, Ontario be the winners of the Eigin County Sclholarships fur students attending the University of Guelph and th.at the University be advised to notify these students accord- ingly. 3. We recommend that in future when scholarships are given a student attending 'Waterloo and Waterloo Lutheran Universities, one scholarship he given to the top student from ,Elgin County attending eaclh University. 4. We recommend that a letter he sent to ,the Elgin County Board of Education advising that the Elgin County Council favours the pay- ment of two instalments to the !Board each year. 5. That the Elgin County Council's relationship with regard to the Elgin County Board of Education be referred to 'the County Solicitor for his opinion. All of which is respectfully submitted. MRS. .M~Y BLYTH, Chairman. ,98 ELGl!N OOUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2140 "Being a By~Law to Establish a Salary. Schedule for all Employees of the County of Elgin other thim the Heads of Departments:" _ WHEREAS it is considered advisabie to establish saiary schedul- es for the employees of the various Departments of the County of Elgin. NOW THERE'FOOO the 'Councii of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts that the following salary schedules be, and are hereby adopted: 1.. Salary ,Schedule for' Road Department Employees. A. Regular Honrly Rated Employees - (Overtime to be paid at ;;me and one half for ,all time worked over 4ll hours per week.) Class 6, Foreman. In oharge of specialized construction such as grading and granular base or bridge construction. Usually in Charge of hired or county e<juipment ,and one or more County work crews -or also licensed, mechanic. $3.30 per hour Class 5, Foreman and Lead Hands. Regularly in charge of a work crew of at least five men, or supervising other County or hired trucks ona regular basis, or performing work which isa recognized skill or trade. Class 3 operators and Ciass 2 labourers may be assign- ed to this class on a temporary basis when performing Class 5 work. Experience ,rating 4c per hour for completion of each year's work to a ,maximum of four years. Minimum $3.05 per hour Maximum $3.20 per hour Class 4, Part~Time Foreman, Stockkeeper. Workers perform- ing the work of a higher classification than Glass 2. Experience rating 4c per hour for completion of each year's work to a m,aximum of four years. Minimum $2.95 per hour Maximum $3.10 per hour 'EILmN OOUNTY OOUNOrL 199 Class 3, Machine Operators. 'Including tandem dump trucks, float distributor, loader, graders and shovel, crawler tractor, back- hoes, etc. Class 1 and 2 labourers may be assigned to ,this class on a temporary basis when operating specified e<juipment. Experience rat. ing 4c per hour for completion of each year's' work to a maximum of f.our years. Minimum '$3.00 per hour Maximum $3.15 per hour Class 2. Labourer Experienced. Some supervisory work, light truck driving, roller operator, experienced grade men etc., on regu- lar basis. ,Experience rating 4c per hour for completion of each year's work to a :mammum of four years. Minimum $2.75 per hour Maximum $2.190 per hour Class 1, Labourer. (,After completion of six month's proba' tionary term) little if any supervisory work. Experience rating 4c per hour for completion of each year's work to a maximum of four years. Minimum$2.tl5 per hour Maximum $2.80 per hour B. Seasonal or Casual EmployeeS. (Overtime to be paid at time and one half for ali time worked over 4llhours per week.) Class A. Employees of high school age (gen€raliy under 21 years of age) with varied experience. Minimum $2.15 per hour Maximum $2.30 per hour Class B. Casual Labour, inexperienced $2.35 per hour. Class C. 'Experienced labour, inexperienced mower operators, $2.45 per hour. Class D. Experienced mower operators, $2.70 per hour. C. Technical ,personnel. (Overtime to be paid at time and one half for ali time worked over 4ll hours per week.) 200 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCEL iE'WIN COUNTY COUNCIL 201 Instrument Man - Qualifications, Grade 12 or equivalent. Duties - Surveying and drafting. When experienced to be abie to work with minimum supervision. Increments shall he governed hy ability, experience and passing D.H.O. sp,?nsored courses. Position comparable to D.H.O. Technician 3 Surveys. Hours of work - 47 hours per week. Increments of 8c per hour per year for four years. Minimum $2.88 per hour Maximum '$3.20 per hour M~le Clerk - Office Co-Ordinator to ,assist with and when qualified to direct others, in all phases 'Of office work including pay- roll,accounts, .and bookkeeping, etc. Hours of work per week 371% Minimum $6,550.00 per annum 'Mmdmum '$7,350.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Technician - Duties to include supervision of instrument men and to assist the gngineer in technical supervision of construction. To assist in all phases of design work and to supervise specialized work such as hot mix paving, drainage and urban construction. Qualifications, to be similar to D.H.O. Technician Grade 2. Hours of work 42'h hours per week. Increments of 8c per hour per year for four years. General Foreman - Duties to supervise ;and control all men and equipment for all 'maintanence and construction und-er supervi~ sion of the ,assistant to the Engineer and the ,Engineers. Hours of work 47 hours per week. Minimum Maximum Increments $200.00 per $9,350.00 per annum $10,150.00 per annum year to maximum. Minimum $3.93 per hour 'Maximum '$4.25 per hour Assistant to the Engineer - Duties, general supervisor of construction and contractor forces, land purchase, and the position of Construction Safety Inspector. Hours 'Of work 47 hours per week. Minimum $9,750.00 per annum Maximum $10,550.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. D. Salaried Employees. Grade 1 Office ,personnel Minimum Maximum $4,300.00 per annum $5,100.00 per annum E. Mileage Rates to he paid to all county employees using their own private c.ars be set in accordance with the present Department of Highway rates: o - 5,000 :miles 5,000 - 10,000 miles, Over - 10,000 miles, 15c per mile 8c per mile 6c per miie Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Grade 2 Office Personnel Minimum Maximum $3,500.00 per annum $4,300.00 per annum 2. Salary Schedule for County Lihrary Employees. Clerk-Driver Minimum Maximum ,Increments $200.00 per $3,600.00 per -annum $4,400.00 per annum year to maximum. Increments ,$200.00 per year to maximum. Grade 3 Office Personnel Minimum $3,100.00 per annum Maximum '$3,500.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Office ,personnel (Grade One) Minimum $4,300.00 per annum Mmdmum $5,100.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. ii ~ ~ II ~ II Ii J ~ I: [1 ~ Ii I' ~ I:, " 202 ELGrNCOUNTY COUNCIL E'LGEN COUNTY COUNCIL 203 Office Personnel (Grade Two) Minimum $3,500.00 per annum Maximum $4,300.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. 4. Salary Schedule for Elgin Manor Employees. Nursing Snpervisor (Registered Nurse) Minimum Maximum Increments $200.00 per :$6,900.00 per annum $7,700.00 per annum year to maximum. il L, Ii , II III ~:! ,11 Assistant Library Supervisor Minimum Maximum $4,700.00 per annum $5,500.00 per annum Registered Nurse Minimum $2.097 per hour Maximum $3.37 per hour 'Increments lDc per hour, per year, to maximum. Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. 3. Salary Schedule for Court House Staff I,' '.1 I, II I'il II ,I, il~ Office Personnel (Grade One) Minimum $4,300.00 per annum Maximum $5,100.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Charge Orderly and Charge Nurse 'Minimum $2.46 per hour Maximum $2.86 per hour 'Increments lDc per hour, per year, to maximum. ~,~ ~ ' ~ " Ii;' :1 'I Ii OIfice ,personnel (Gradc Two) Minimum $3,500.00 per annum Maximum ,$4,300.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Orderly and Nnrsing Aid Minimum $2.05 per hour Maximum '$2.45 per hour Increments IOc per hour, per year, to maximum. l': i, , , Minimum Maximum Increments $3,100.00 per annum $3,500.00 per annum $200.00 per year to maximum. Food Supervisor Minimum Maximum IIncrements $4,200.00 per annum $5,000.00 per annum $200.00 per year, to maximum. Iii In tl' Office ,personnel (Grade Three) P 11'1' il ! li Custodian of County Buildings Minimum '$6,100.00 per annum Maximum $6,900.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. In tlle above scheduleihe value of the serviced apartment ($650.- 00) is to he considered as part of the salary. Second Cook Minimum $1.90 per hour Maximum $2.30 per hour . Increments IOc per hour, per year, to maximum. '!(, Kitchen Maid Minimum $1.70 per hour Maximum $1.095 per hour ~Inc-rements IOc per hour, per year I to maximum. Ii:! ',I 204 ELGl!N OOUNTY COUNCIL IELmN COUNTY COUNCIL 205 Housekeeping Supervisor 'Minimum Maximum '$4,100;00 per annum $4,.900.00 per annum Office Personnel (Grade One) Minimum $4,300.00 per ,annum Maximum '$5,100.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Housekeeping Maid Minimum Maximum ,$1.65 per hour $1.90 per hour Office Personnel (Grade Two) Minimum Maximum -Increments '$200.00 per $3,500.00 per annum $4,300.00 per allOum year to maximum. Increments IOc per hour I. per year I to 'maximum. Laundry Maid Minimum Maximum $1.65 per hour $1.90 per hour Office Personnel (Grade Three) Minimum Maximum Increments '$200.00 per $3,100.00 per annum $3,.500.00 per annum year to. ,maximum. Increments tOe per hour, per year, to maximum. Craft Supervisor Minimum Maximum $1.74 per hour $2.'14 per hour ,patrt Time Help Registered Nurse $3.,20 per hour Nursing Aids '$2.40 per hour Orderlies $2.40 per hour Kitchen Maids $1.85 per hour Laundry Maids$U15 per hour Housekeeping Maids $U15 per hour Overtime to be paid at time and one half for all time worked over 48 hours per week. Adjuvant Mini'mum Maximum $1.35 per hour '$2.25 per hour Increments TOe per hour, per year I to maximum. Increments lOe per hour, per year, to maximum. Maintenence and Laun~ry Supervisor Minimum Mrocimum $5,100.00 per -annum $5,900.00 per annum 5. THAT ,By-Law No. 2106 be, and the Same is hereby repealed. 6. 'J.1HAT this By-Law Shall become effective on December 26th. 1970, at 102 o'clock midnight. Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. REAiD a first time this -13th day of !November, 1970. READ a second time ,this 18th day of November, 1970. Rg~ a third time and finally passed this 18th day of November, 1970. Maintenance Man Minimum $2.10 per hour Maximum $2.50 per hour Increments .10c per hour, per year, to maximum H. L. JQHNSON, Clerk W. R. CAVERLY, Warden 206 ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNC~L 'ElLG~N COUNTY OOUNCIL 207 COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2141 By-Law No. 2142 "Being A By-Law To Amend By-Law No. 1696, Thereby Adjusting The Salary Of The Elgin Connty Road Superintendent." "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2684 Thereby Adjnsting the Salary of the Elgin ICounty Clerk-Treasurer," WHE~EAS By-Law No. 1696 deals with the .appoinbment ,and re- muneration of a Road Superintendent for the County of Elgin. AND ,WHiElREAS By-Law No. Hl96 is presently amended by By- Law No. 2108. AND WHEiRiEAS it is now deemed advisable to change the pre- sent salary of the Elgin County Road Superintendent. NOW 'J1HEREFORE the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts'as follows: WHEREAS By-Law No. 2064 deals with the appoiru,ment and re- , munemtion of a Clerk-Treasurer for tlhe County of Elgin. AND WHEREAS By-Law No. 2084 is presently amended by By- Law No. 2109. ~D WHEREAS it is deemed advisabie to change the present salary of the Elgin County Clerk-Treasurer. L 'I'HAT Ciause (4) of By-Law No. 1696 as amended by By.Law No. 2108 be deleted, and the following substituted therefore: "That the salary or remuneration of ,the Road Superintend- ent shall be the sum of 'Eighteen Thousand Dollars ($18,000.00) per annum, payable bi-weekly, and tll.at he be paid an allowance for the use of his ear hased on the follow- ing schedule." NOW THEREFORE the Council of ,the Municipal Corporation of the County of Eigin enacts as follows: Mileage Per Calendar Year o - 5,060 5,000 - 10,000 over - 10,000 1. THAT Clause (2) of By"Law No. 2084, as amended hy By-Law No. 2109, be deleted, and the following substituted therefore: "That his saiary as Clerk-Treasurer of Ule County of Elgin be Fourteen Thousand, Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($14,750.00) per ,annum, payable hi- weekly. " .15c per mile .08c per mile .06c per mile 2. THAT By-Law No. 2109 be and the same is hereby repealed. 2. THAT By-Law No. 2108 he, and the same is hereby repealed. 3. THAT this By.[,aw become effective on December 26bh, 1970, at 12 o'clock midnight. iR'E~D a first time this 13bh day of November, 1970. 3. THAT ,this By-Law shall take effect on -December 26th, 1970, at 12 o'clock midnight, subject to the approval of the Minister of Highways. READ a second time ,this 18th day of November, 1970. P~SSED in open Council this 18th day of November, 1970. READ ,a third time and finally passed this 18th day of Novem- ber, 1970. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk W. R. C~VERLY, Warden H. L. J()Ill!NSON, Clerk W. R. C~V,ElRLY, W.arden 208 ELGIN CO{JINTY COUNC~L 1!lLmN COUNTY COUNCIL 209 COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2143 "Being a By-L'aw to Amend By-Law No. 2085 Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Elgin County Deputy Clerk-Treasurer." By-Law No. 2144 WHEREAS By-Law No. 2085 deals with the appointment and reo muneration of a Deputy Clerk-Treasurer for the County of Elgin. "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2086, Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Secretary-Treasurer for the Elgin Connty Home for the Aged." AND WHEREAS By-Law No. 2085 is prC$ently amended by By- Law No. 2110. WHEREAS By-Law NO. 2086 deals with the appointment and re- muneration of a Secretary-Treasurer for the Elgin County Home for the Aged. AND WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to change .the pr,esent salary of the Deputy Clerk-Treasurer. AND WMREAS it is deemed advisable to change ~he present saiary of the Secretary-Treasurer for the Elgin County Home for .the Aged. NOW. THERJE!J!10RE the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the County of 'Elgin enacts as follows: NOW THElRElF10RE the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT Clause (2) of 'By<Law No. 2005, as amended by tBy-Law No. 2110, be deleted, and the following substituted therefore: "That his salary as Deputy Cierk-Treasurer of the County of Elgin be Eight Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ('$8,500.00) per annum payable bi-weekly." 1. That Clause (.2) of By.Law No. 2086 be deleted and the following substituted therefore: '''DHAT his salary as Secretary-Treasurer of the Elgin County Home for the Aged be Two Thousand, Five Hundred [)ollars ($2;500.00) per annum, payable hi-weekly." 2. THAT By.Law No. 2110 be and the same is hereby repealed. 3. THAT this By.Law become effective on December 26th, 1970, at 12 o'clock midnight. 2. THAT this 'By'Law become effective on December 26th, 1970, at 12 o'clock midnight. ~E~D a first time this 18th day of November, 01970. REm a first time this 18th day of November, 01970. RE~D a second time this 18th day of November, 1970. READ a second time this 18th day of November, 1970. RE~a ,third time and finally passed this 18th day of Novem-. ber, 1970. REl~ 'a third time and finally passed this 18th day of Novem- ber, 1970. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk W.R. CAVERLY, Warden H. .L. JOHNSON, Clerk W. R. CkVERLY, Warden 210 ELGl!N OOUNTY COUNOIL !E'LGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 211 By-Law No. 2145 AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 242 of the Municipal Act, being Ohapter 249 of the Revised statutes of .ontario, 1960, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; COUNTY 'OF !ELGIN HBeing a By-Law to Esta,blish. the Salary .of. the Temporary Administrator .of the Elgin County Home fDr the Aged." AND WHEREAS it ,is deemed expedient that the proCeedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of ,Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law; The Council of the Corporation of the Oounty of Eigin enacts as follows; L THAT the ,salary ofbhe Temporary Administrator of the Elgin County Home for the Aged be Eleven Thousand, Five Hundred Dol- lars ($11,500.00) per annum, payable bi-weekly. 2. THAT By-Law No. 2111 be and the same is hereby repealed. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of tbe County of Elgin enacts ,as follows: R:E~D a first time this 18th day of November, 1970. 1. That action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the reports 01 the committees and each motion and resoiwtion passed ,and other action talren by the Council of ,the Gorporation of the County of Ei- gin at its meetings held during the November 1970 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were e"pressly embodied in this By-Law. 3. THAT this By-Law shall take effect on December 26th, 1970, at 12 o'clock midnight. REm a second time this 18tl1 day 01 November, 1970. RElm 'a third time .and finally passed this 18th day of Novem- ber, 1970. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the Coun- ty of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things neces- sary to give effect to the action 'Of the Council of the 'Corporation Of the County of iElgin referred to in preceding section hereof. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk W. R. CAVERLY, Warden 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. C'OUNTY 'OF ELGIN R:E~D a first time this 18th day of November, 1970. By-Law No. 2146 RE~D a second time this 18th day of November, 1970. HA Hy~Law to Confirm-Proceedings .of the Council of the Corporation .of the County .of Elgin at the November Session. 1970." ,REl~D a third time and finally passed this 18th day of Noveni-' ber, 1970. WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipai Act, being Ohapter 249 01 the Revised Statutes of .ontario, 1960, the powers of a municipal corporation ,are to be exercised by its council; H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk W. R. CAVERLY, Warden 212 EDGIN COUNTY COUNC~L E'DGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 213 EIGHTH SESSION - FIRST DAY -Carried. From the St. Lawrence College of Applied ktsalld Technology wioh request for support. - Referred to the Finance COllNllittee. From the Ohildren's Aid Society of the City of St. Thomas and the County of Elgin with list of children in care ,and ,Finance Report -to October 31st, 1970. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Waterloo Lutlleran University with appreciation of soholarship. - 'Filed. From lIhe University of Western 'Ontario with appreciation of scholarship. - Filed. From the University of Western Ontario advising that Miss Margaret M. Mitchell, RR 1, Eden, Ontario, 'is the winner of the Elgin County Scholarship. - Filed. From the Township of Southwold with resolution 'a,.king for re- construction of County Road >No. 16 in tbe VUlage of Fingal. Refer- red to the Road Committee. Wednesday; tbe 16th Day of December, 1970 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas,.in..accordance with adjournment. The Warden i'n the chair. All the members present except Reeve DeGraw. Moved by Deputy Reeve deRyk, Seconded by Reeve Wilson, That ,the minutes of the November 197D Session of the Elgin County Council he confirmed. The following communications were read and referred to. their various committees: From the Salvation Army witb appreciation of grant. -Filed. From the OntaJ:'io Good 'Roads Association with notice of Long Service Certificate Award to be presented to Mr. >Norman J. Chap- low at -the annual convention. - Referred to tlhe Road Committee. From tlle Canadian National Institute Tor the BHnd with appre- ciation of grant. - Filed. 'From the University of Waterloo witllappreciation of scholar- ship. - Filed. From the Township of soutllwold with notices of application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of a 'B".JLaw to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 30 of 'tlle ,planning Act. - Re- ferred to the Road Committee. From the Township of Yarmouth with resolution re: the forma- tion of a liaison committee to meet periodically with the Elgin Coun- ty 'Board of Education. - Referred to the :Education Committee. The Report of the County Government Committee was presented by Heave Wilson and adopted on motion of Reeve Wilson and Reeve Emerson. . The Report of the Elgin Manor Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve deRyk and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve deRyk and Deputy Reeve Miskelly. 'From, the Ontario Good Roads Association with preliminary Pro- gram for IH71 convention. - Filed. From the Department of Municipal Affairs witb newsletter No. 5 'relative to the Haldimand Norfolk Study. - Referred to the Coun- ty Government Committee. From Miss Margaret E. Hevenor with appreciation of bursary. - Filed. From Ridgetown -College of Agricultural Technology with ap- preciation of scholarship. - Filed. From Four Connties General Hospital with appreciation of grant. - 'Filed. From the University of Western Ontario with appreciation of grant. - Filed. Ii: II' III il III 'I " I ~ ,II, 214 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCfL The first repODt of the Road Committee was presented by Reeve Moore and adopted on motion of Reeve 'Moore and Reeve McIntyre. 1'1 11 lil II i: III' l II' Moved by Reeve Speers, Seconded by <Deputy Reeve Whalls, That we do now adjourn to meet again 16th, 1970. -Carried. at 2:00 p.m., Deeember Council re-convened. Reeve iDeGpaw present. The Report of tlle Educational Committee was presented by Reeve Mrs. BiyDhand adopted on motion of Reeve Mrs. :Blyth and Deputy Reeve Cook. The Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by ReeV0 Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Eunerson and <Deputy Reeve Dennis. The Report of the l"inance Committee was presented by Reeve Johnson and adopted on motion of Reeve Johnson and Reeve McKil- lop. The chairman of the Property Committee, Reeve MclKillop, re- ported verbally on the repair of the metal work on the dome of lI1e Court House, d"maged by high winds. A wriiten report on the condi- tion of the balance of the metal work is to be forwarded by Bennett and Wright Contractors Ltd. Moved hy Reeve Todd, Seconded by <Deputy Reeve Miskelly, ThaJt Southwold Council be requested to engage an independent engineer to make the necessary report on the .adequacey of lI1e water- main to serve additional residences and still -maintain an adequate supply and pressure for Elgin Manor,as well as, suggesting an agreement to prorate .futuremaintenance costs on the line. ~Carried. I I IiI! i' '1 , \: j' Ii 'I I II ~ 'I: , Moved hy Deputy Reeve deRyk, Seconded by Reeve Moore, WHEREAS lI1ere have been many municipalities asking for the ,province. to .establish the Ontario Police College in their municipali- ty. :ELGfN COUNTY COUNCIL 215 WHEREAS there is no reason to move the College from one slow growth area to another in the Province. WHEREAS the Ontario Police College is centrally iocated in re- lation to population to best serve the ,Province at the present site. WHEREAS the facilities of higher education is ,avaHabie from Fanshawe 'Community College or the University of. Western Ontario when required. WHERE~S the present College is located on a iarge .tract of land already owned by the Province and suitable for expansion of per- manent buildings over '3 period of years, with no coots of landaI' services. WHEREAS permanent buildings can be erected at staggered stages on .the present site without interruption to the College facili: ties by utilizing tlle present buildings during the building program. WHEREAS the Ontario ,police College is -located in county sur- roundings best suited for training of policemen away from ~hc bright lights of .the larger areas. WHEREAS the Ontario Police College connects with ail forms of travel such as roads, hus and air. THEREFORE he it resolved that the Elgin County Council re- quest the Ontario ,provincial Government to take positive action and erect permanent bnildings at the present location situated in tlle Township of Malahide, in the County of Elgin. Copies sent to: Ron McNeil J'ack Spence John White Ken Bolton And all Ministers in the Mru' :Elgin MPP Kent M,pp London M,p,p London Robarts Administration. -Carried. 216 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNC]L ElLGnN OOUNTY COUNCIL 217 Moved by 'Deputy Heeve Lyle, Seconded by Reeve Wilson, That B~-Law No. 2147, "Being a By~Law to Appoint an Adminis- trator for tlhe Eigin County Home for the Aged," be read a first time. -Carried. COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE RE,pORT December Session, 1970 Moved by Reeve Wilson, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lyle, That By.{Law No. 2147, be read a second time. 1'0 the Warden and Members of the Eigin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: -Carried. 1. That Newsletter No.5 Re: Haldimand Norfolk Study, he filed. , I Ii !I Ii I I I I I Moved >by Deputy 'Reeve Miskelly, Secotided by Reeve Mrs. IBlyfu, That By-Law No. 2147, he read a third time, and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve ROberts, Seconded by Reeve ILake, Th"t By'Law No. 21411, "A By.{Law to Confirm ,proceedings of the Council ofllhe Corporation of the County of Eigin at the December Session, 1970/' be read a first time. 2. Having studied "Guidelines for Action ~970" we are of the opin- ion that a number 'Of the recommendations contained Itherein ,ar'8 de- batable and we recommend that the County of Elgin send strong rep- resentation to file mid-term meeting of tlhe ~ssociation of Counties and Regions of Ontario in order to take an active part in the finali. z.ation of "Guidelines for Action 1970." -Carried. 3. We recommend .that the Oounty of Elgin Land Division Commit- tee be composed of five members and, thattlle 1971 County Govern- ment 'Committee proceed with the appointment of a Land Division Committee after getting more information regarding fees, duties, etc. r ~ ~ I I Moved by Reeve Kahnt, Seconded by Deputy 'Reeve Whalls, That By-Law No. 21411, be read a second time. -Carried. 4. That any member of the Elgin County Council, or County Offic- 1'a18 attending a convention, wi,thin a radius of 400 miles of St. Thom~ as, be paid $60.00 per day pius registration fee and same must be proven to the Clerk by the hotel bill and registration receipt or rea- sonable facsimile. Single air fare rates from the London airport will be paid in addition, for conventions attended beyond the 400 mile radius. The same per diem rate wiIibe paid for attending executive meetings of municipal organi.ations when they are members of the said executive. This is to be effective December 16th, 1970. ~! Moved 'by Deputy Reeve deRyk, Seconded >by Reeve 'Roberts, That By'Law iNo. 21411, he read a third time, ,and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve :McAlpine, Seconded hy Reeve 'DeGraw, That we do now adjourn sine die. -Carried. All of which is respectfully submitted. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk W. R. CAVERLY, Warden J. lB. WILSON, Chairman. 218 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL :illLGINCOUlNTY 'COUN,CIL 219 ._~ ---.. ,--- December Session, 1970 2. That the foilowing Road Program he adopted: The program is presented in line with the Department of Highways of Ontario financial policy announced last summer. The committee is of the opinion that ail possible advantage should be taken of Department of Highways subsidies and direct aid and that e"PenditJures by the County in 1971, 1972, and 1973 should be approximately the same as in IH70. ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT To the Warden and Members of tlleElgin County Council, The Elgin Manor Committee reports as foilows: 1. We recommend that Mr. R. B. Himpfen's positiou as Administra- tor of ;E.lgin Manor be made permanent and that the necessary by- law be prepared. Some changes in the proposed program may be necessitated hy the timing of the Ontario Water Resources Commission work in urban municipalities. Z. Miss Kay Moriartey has been appointed temporary Assistant Ad- ministrator during the period when Mr. Himpfen will be on vaca- tion. It is quite possible that some projects may have to be ad- vanced or delayed for a year from 'the recommended program:' Ail of which is respectfuily submitted. H. P. deRYK, Chairman. 1971 (a) BRIDGES: ROAD COMMITTEE RE,pORT 1. Patterson Bridge >CSt. Thomas Suburban Road Commission) Road No. 30, Yanmouth Township. 2. Misceilaneous cuivertreplacement - Road No.9, Dunwich Township; December Session, 1970 - First Report Totlle Warden and Members of ,the Elgin County Council, Your Road Committee begs 'to report as foilows: 1. That gnading work has heen completed on ,Road No. 45 at Kettle Creek Culvert. Trimming and topsoil work will not he done until next summer. Place of granular base continues as weather per- mits. It is not known whether or not the road can be opened to traffic before next spring. (b) P~V'ING 1. Road No. 40, Springfield to Glencolin in Malahide Township. 2. Road No. 40, Highway 3 to Mount Salem, Malahide Township. 1. That ,tlle 1971 County Road Committee examine 'tlle improvement of roads in .tlle ,area of the Ayimer .,police Coilege in view of the f,act that a branch of Fanshawe Ooilege may be established in conjunction with the ,police Coilege. (e) G~ING: granular base,culver,ts, etc. 1. Road No.2, West iLorne to Rodney (Highway 76 to County Road iNo. 3) in villages of Rodney, West Lorne and Township of Aldborough. 2. Approaches - ,patterson Bridge, Road 30. 3. Road No. 16, Urhan Section in Fingal, West of Road No. 20. Township of Sowtllwold. 4. Start garage Iacilities. WE RillOOMMEND: 220 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 'ELmN COUNTY COUNCIL 221 (d) DEVELOPMENT ROWS (b) PANING: Roads graded in 1972. 1. Complete Road No. 45, Centennial Avc. to Road No. 16, Townships of Yarmouth and Southwoid. (c) GR~DING: Granular base, culverts, etc. (including Develop- ment Roads if any.) 2. Complete Road No. 16, St. Thomas to West limit of Fingal, Township of Southwold. - Road No. 52, from Road No. 25 (Wellington Road) to Road No. 30 (Radio Road) Yarmoutll Township. 1972 - Road No. 31 from Road No. '52 to City of St. 'I1homas limits, Yarmouth Township. (a) BRIDGES: Talbot Creek Bridge -- Dunwich Township. - Road No. 13, Shackleton Street - urban section, Village of Dutton. (h) PNV~NG: Roads graded in 1971. - Road No.3, 'Highway No.3, southerly - Township of Al<l- borough. (c) GR~ING: Granular base, culverts, etc., including Develop- ment Roads. All of which is respeetfuily submitted, - Road No. 16 - Talbot Creek Bridge Approaches . - Road No. 21 - Warren Street, Port Stanley. - Road No. 30 - St. Thomas City Limits to Road No. 52. (~pproximately 1 mile) Yarmouth Township - (St. Thom- as Suburban Road Commission). F. F.MOOm, Chairman. - Road No. 36 - (1) Sparta urban section southerly for approximately 1 mile. (2) Road No. 27 (Sparta) northerly to Highway No. 3 including urban sec- tion in Sparta, Yarmouth Township. EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE RE,pOR1' December Session. 1970 To the Warden ,and Members of the ,Elgin County Council, The Educational Committee reports as foilows: (d) Complete garage facilities. 1973 1. lliat the resolution from the Township of Yarmoulih requesting the Educational Committee to consider ,the formation of a liaison committee to meet perlodicaily with the Elgin County Board of Education, be tabled. (a) BRIDGES: Road No. 52 - Kettle Creek Structure (to replace present Carr's Bridge, Yarmouth Township.) Ail of which is respectfuily submitted. MRS. MA~Y BLYTH, Chairman. 222 ELGnN COUNTY OOUNCLL ElLGLN COUNTY COUNCIL 223 December Session, 1970 work is available he shall be deemed to he no longer in the employment of the County, and if re-employed by the County he shall he subject to the regular probation per- iod (uuless leave of absence is given by the Head of the Depa"tment). ,pERSONNEL COMMITTEE RE,pORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: (vi) No sick time or annual holiday time shall be accumu- lated during period of lay-off. 1. We recommend that the following policy re: Lay-off of regular employees be ,adopted. This policy shall apply only to regular empioyees (not casual) i.e. employees that have worked continuousiy for the County of El- gin for over six months and have heen certified as regular employ- ees by the Committee of County Council which employs them. (vii) Holiday time ,accumuiated prior to lay-oil may be used ,after date of lay-off at lIhe option of .the empioyee. (I) Notice of Lay-off shall he at least seven calendar days. (viii) liIo pay:ment shall be made for Statuatory holidays after date of lay-o!f. (Ii) Lay-off "hall be on the hasis of ,seniority as far as pos- sible with the J>erson with ieast seniority being laid off first, it being understood tllat if 'the type of work avail. .able cannot he performed by an employee with more seniority. An employee with less seniority who is able to perform the work shall be retained and the man with greater seniority but unable to perform the work s!:tall be laid off. (;x) No sick time shaH he paid after day of lay."f/ except as in Article 10. (Iii) 'Recall s!:tall he ona seniority hasis with preference giv- en to the empioyee with most seniority that is capl:1ble of doing the work av,ailable. (x) One half day per pay period of accumulated sick time may be used by the employee (if he wishes) to pay his share of Health and (or) Hospital Insurance. The Coun- ty will pay any money over and above that needed to pay the employee's share of Heaith Hospital Insurance and Pensions to the employee. (iv) Seniority of the employee laid off shall continue if the employee works eight or more months of a calendar year. If the employee works less tllan eight months in a calendar year seniority Shall only be accumulated for that time actually worked. IIf any employee is laid off for a continuous period in excess of 12 months he shall lose all his seniority. 2. We recommend that a policy of compulsory annuai medical ex- aminations be instituted for all County employees, the cost of which to be paid by the Connty. 3. We recommend that Drs. Mary and Grant Webster be authorized to perform the annual medical examinations, arrangements to be made by the Personnel Committee. ~ll of which is respectfully submitted. (v) If an employee does not return to work within seven calendar days of being notified by registered mail that I({. C. EMERSON, Chairman. 224 ELGIN COUIiITY COUNCIL FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1970 To ,the Warden ,and Members of the Elgin County Council, The IFinance Committee reports as. follows: 1. That Reeve Johnson be chai~man of the Finance Committee in the absence of Reeve iDeGraw. 2. That Children's Aid Society Pay List No. 11 for $3,789.75, be approved. 3. That Oharity and Welfare ,,pay -List No. 11 for $1,947.35, be approved. 4. That ,the letter from the St. Lawrence CoUege of Applied Arts and Technology, be filed. 5. That the communication from the Ohildren's Aid Society with list of dhildren in care and financial repo"t to October 31st, 1970, be /Hed. AU of which is respeetfuUy submitted, H. B. .)OHNSON, Acting Ohairman. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2147 HBeing a By-Law to Appoint an Administrator for the Elgin County Home for the Aged." WHEREAS Section 8 (1) of the Homes for the Aged and Rest Homes Act provides that a Council :may appoint, as administrator of a Home for ,the Aged, a person who has in the opinion of the Minister served satisfactorily as an administrator for ,a period of at least six months and has successfuUy completed a course of instruction that is approved by the Minister. m.GEN COUNTY OOUNCIL 225 AND WHEREAS, Mr. Robert iHimpfen has complied wilih the above mentioned requirements as provided by Order-in-Council No.: 00-3368/70. NOW 'I1HElREJFORE, the Council of 'tlle Corporation of the Coun- tyof Elgin enacts as foUows: THAT Mr. Robert Himpfen be and is hereby appointed Administrator of the ;Elgin County Home for the Aged. READ a first ,time ,tllis 16fuday of IJecember, 1970. READ a second time this 16tll day of December, 1970. REm a third time ,and finaUy passed,tllis 16th day of Decem- her, 1970. H. iL. JOHNSOIi[, Clerk W, R.CANERLY, Warden COUNTY OF EI.GIN By-Law No. 2148 "A By-Law to Confirm ,proce!edings of theCoullcil of the COrJloration of the Couuty of Elgin at the December Session, 1970." WHElREAS by Section 9 of the Muoicipal Act, being Ohapter 249 of 'tlle Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1960, the powers of a municipal corporation ;aTe to be exercised by its council; , AND WiHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 242 of the Muoicipal Act, being Ohapter 249 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1960, the powers of every Council are to he exercised by By'Law; AND WJIEIREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Council of tl1e 'Corporation of the County of Elgin at tllis meeting be confirmed and adopted by By"Law; . NOW THERElFORE ,the Council of the Corporation of ,tlle County of ,Elgin enacts as foUows: 226 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL !ElLOIN COUiNTY COUNCIL 22~ L Thilt action of theCourtcil of the Corporation of ,tlle County of ~lgin . in' respe,ct ofea~h recommendation contained in the' reports of the commUtees ,and each 'motion and resolution passed and' other action taken hy tlle Council of the Corporation of the County of ,Elgin at its meetings held during the necember 1970 Session is hereby ad- opted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were eJ<pressly em- bodied in this By.Law. 2. . The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of 'tlle County of Elgin are hereby autllorized and directed. to do all things neces- sary 00 give effect to theaetion of the Council of the Corporation of !he County of Elgin referred to in preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to exe- cute.I1 documents nccessaryin 'bhat behalf and to .affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. INDEX MISCELLANEOUS - 1970 Of.fiic:i'al,s, Oounty OauTIoil, Standing OO'mmibtees, Munici- pal Clerks land Treasurers" "_______ ___ _mm___ ___ __ __ _..._m" 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Communications Warden's Ellection WaTden's: Address 11, 56, 90, 112, 137,. 150, 159, 212 9 9 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES AND OFFICIALS _ .R;EAD' a .first time this 16th day of December, 1970. H. L. JOtHNSON, Clerk W. iR. CAVERLY, Warden Report of SpeciaiCommibtee. to Strike lIhe. Stanciing Oommit- tees for 1970 mmuum ._ mum...mmmum______ ._.____ __mm_ __.m...muuuu__mm 23 County T.reasurer's Report m_ ._. mmm_uu _m.__ mmmm_mm_. ____ 118, 170 ,wnance Oomnn:ttee ______mm.n 47,67, 72, 100, 12,1, 145" 154, 179, 2:24 Road Oommittee_u_m 36, 75, 83,96, 119, 123,. '123, 143, 176, 178, 218 OonsOruction Safety Inspector's iRepo"t uu __um___ mm_umm.____u_ 45 ,petitions and 'Legisl"tions Oommittee ____mmu_mmuuu__._ 35, 73 RE~D a second time this 16th day of 'December, 1970. ~Em a third time ,and finally passed,this 16th day of Decem- ber, 1970. PropeT'ty and Asses'S!meIllt Oomm~ttee Pwperiy Committee EquaHZiation and Assessment Commi!btee 25 69,98 32, 147, 155, 179 Agric"ltu~ai Oommillttee Educationa,l 'Committee Elgin County Uh"ary Elgin Agmllultuval Committee Personnel Committee Elgin Manor Comm"ttee County Government Committee 49,. 101, 122, 147 26, 71, 98, 122, 146, 197, 221 27, 29 33 99, 188, 222 70, 120, 144, 156, 178, 218 ._., 46, 084, 99, 124; 148, 156, 180, 217 228 ELGIN COUNTY COUNmL Clerk's Report on 'Licenses Adminis,tr8Jtor's Report on Elgin Manor Weed Inspector's Report Suburban ,Road Omnmisslon Report """ 171 W3 174 79 BY-LAWS - 2116 - To Appoint ,a County 'Road Committee 25 211~ - 110 Authorize the Warden ,and Treasurer 00 Bocrrow the Sum of Two Million, Eight Hundr€<! Thousand Dollars 50 2118 - A By"Law !oo set <;he Total Aggre!jate V'aluailions fo< ~PPcTbionment of County Rate in the COUllty of Elgin ,in 1970 .m"uummmmmumuuuuummmmuu"u 51 2U9 .~ A By-iLaw 00 Aulfrmrtze the Expropriation of Land for the Purp<>se of Widening and 'Improving Oounty Roads 52 2120 - A By~Law '00 ,Conf.irm Proceedings of the Council of rtJheOorporatJion of the Oounty III Elgin oat ohe J'anu- an:')' Session, 1970uum." .. UU""UmUM 55 2121 - To RJaise Ampunls for 'Oonnty ltates dulling the Year, 11.l70 mu" m mumum mum""""uUU 74 2122 - Being 'a By-Law 00 Authorire Grallls 00 be made '00 Vadous Orgawat'lous., COfpOJ'lations, Insrtllrtutions, etc., during 11.l70 ",,"U "m"uu mu"mmumummummm""" 84 2123 - Being 'a By,Law to AuthOl1ioo the W8Jl'den 'and Clerk 00 Sign a 'Quit Olaim Deed 00 J. A. Harvey Investments, 'Limit€<!, of the Town of Aylmer ".u"m""'""""""" """" """"""""mmmu 85 2124 - A By"Law 00 Provide >or the Normal Elopendiiures on Roads Under the iIDg1hway Improvement Act in the County of ~n "U" mu""mmuum_"m" mU""""" "mmmmmmmmm" fYl 2125 - A By-Law ,to Provide for <;he 1970 Supplementary Ex- penditures on Roads Under .tlle mghway lmprovement Act on tlle 'County of Elgin m"u"mmmu mm"""""mm"m"um"" 88 ELGIN COUiNTY COUNCIL 229 2126 - A By-Law to Oonfmm Pl'<J,ceedin@s of ,the OouncH of the Oorporation i)f the Oounty of Elgin at .the 'March Ses" sion, 1970 _"""'m"""_mm ""mm"""mmm""""m""" mum"""mm"""mu" """"m 89 2127 - Designamng Throng1h Highways uu mmm ""n""mum """"."m" 102 2128 - Being ,a By-iLaw., Autllori2Jing ,the Des,trucVion of Cer- tain Documents, Recordrs 'and Papers m'"""n"""""""m"""""m"" 109 2129 - A By-Law '00 Oonliirm Proceedings of 'tlle 'CouncIl of the Oorporamon of .tlhe Oounty of Elgin 'at 'the May Ses- sion, 1970 m"mm"""m""UU""n""UUU"""m"""""""mm"""""""UUU""""""mm"""""""m mo 2130 - Being ,a By'Law to Authorize ohe Warden and Clerk to Sign a DC€d 110 Charles 'Futcher Begg and John F1utch- er IJlegg, of the Towoohip of Southwold mm"""""""m"""""" """u [25 2131 ~ A By-Law to Authorize the :Execution of ,an Ag,reement witlJ the Minlsfur of mghw,ays '0< Ontario Relamng to " Road Under the Jurisdiction 'of the Oorporation of the Oounty of E,lgin mm ""m"mumm" mmmmmm""""mm"""m""""". 126 2132 - Regulating Parking 129 2133 - A By-Law to ,Confirm ,proceedings of the Oouncil of the OorpOTailiOO of the Oountyof iillg!in 'at the June Ses!Olon, 1970 mumuu ""mm mmmmn ""m'""" .mummm"m"muuu""' 136 2134 - A By'Law to Oonf;,.m Proceedings of the ,Council of the Corporartlon of ,the County of Elgin at the Septem- ber Session, 1970 mum, "nmm,mumu "n""'m,muum ,"mnumum 1411 2135 - A By-!Law to 'Elst!jblish the Apportionment of 'County 'aate fo< .the County of ,E[gin ,or ,tlle Year 1971 mmmm 157 2136 - A By~Law .to Oonfirm Proceedings of the Oouncil of the Corporation of the 'Oonnty of Elgin 'at the Sixth Session held September 29bh, 1970 ""'n m" ,,""""U ",," 158 2137 - Restricting the Weight of Vehicles Pass~ng over Bridges """",,,,,,",,,,,UU,,,, """,,,"mU""',,,,',',,,,,.m,,u",u"",,,,mm,,,,,,,,, 181 2138 - Rest:r:iciingbhe Weight 'Of Veh~cles P.ass'ing over Bridges "".""""m,,,,,",C",,',,u,m""".""',m,m,,,'m'.',,m,,'mm'u,"m"",,,, 183 '230 ELGIN COUNTY COUNC]L 2139 - 'Regui<lting Barking . .n.m n m _. n m n 186 2140 - !Being 'a ,By"Law to Establish 'a Salary Schedule for !leI Employees of 'the Oounty 'Of Elgin other than the Heads of Departments . ... nm 198 2141 - Being 'a By-Law to Amend By'Law No. ~696, There- by Adjusting the SlJlary of the Elg,inCounty Road Su- pe"iniendent __.... um _ _ _no ....m__n m__mn....mm ___m._nmm__ .. 206 2142 - Beingia ByeLaw .to Aimend By.Law No. 2084, Thereby AdjusrtJing the Salary 'Of 'tlle Elgin 'County Clerk-Torea- tsmer "mmn "numm uu _m' ~W 2143 - Being a B;yeLaw ,to ~mend By.Law No. 2085, Thereby Adjusb.ing "the Salary of ,tlle E,lgin 'County Deputy 'Clerkfl1reasu<m-.m _nn _ _ mnnnn.mm. _m nnnmmn nnn 200 2144 - Being ,a By-Law to Amend ByeLaw 1110. 2006, Thereby Adjusb.ing the S3IIaryof 'the Secretary-Treasu<er for tlheElgin County Home ~OT jfue ~ged nnnnn.mn n . 209 2145 - Being !l By-lLaw to 'Elstabldsh the, Salary of the Tem- porary ~dministraOOr of the Elgin County Home for the ~ged _m _mmnmnnnm_ _mnnnnmmmmnmn mnnnnmn.mn 210 2146 - A By"Law to Confirm P~oceedings, of the Gouncil of jfue 'Corpo"lll>ion of the Ooonty of Ellginat the Novem- oer Session, 1970 nnnmmmu_ nnn.nnnm.mmm_nn_ nnnnn nun 210 2147 - !Being ,a B!\,'Law ,to Appoint ,an Administmtor for the Elgin CoouJty H'ome fur tile' Aged _ nm __um.n_mn . 224 21411 - A By-lLaw to 'Confu,m Proceedings of the Council of the COTjloration 'Of the 'County of Ellgin 'at the Decem- ber Session, 1970 mm nnnnm' nnunnmm_mn mmnnnnnnmnnn 225 RESOLUTIONS - Petition to M.nistm- of H.ghways for 'Subsidy nnnnmmnnnumm. 14 That 'the Oounty Government :Commivteeconduct!l survey re: WeUare casis nnn _n_n_umn.m.mnn nnn_nnmunu.unnn nnmmmmm_nm 19 Requesting the IEducationai Cmnmlttee ,to consider student bursary ,gra!]ts for students oWtending ,tlle Umversity of W~r- ,100 and Woater,ioo LutheNln University nn_nn.m.mnnunnn_n_ mnm 20 iElLGlN COUNTY 'COUNCIL 231 To instruct the OOU!]ty Auclitor to .ransler$50,000.00 'rom ac- cumulated surplus to Reserve fOIl' Working Funds 61 To include County Roads in Urban Centres -in County Needs' Study mnmnn m_mmnmmm 'mmmnmm.mmnmnmnmnm. 'n_n_mm. 63 To :make la gl'lanrt -to robe gClonomic CouncH - ETlie Regtion 63 Requesting .he Deparbment of Highways ,to 'transler $33,575.16 ",From 'Construction Roads ,to Construction Bridges 'and Ctll- ver.ts" land $3,238.39 "IFIDomMaintelliance Bridges and OuJ.. ve"ts to M-alintenanceRoads" mmnmnm _nn_nm.mnnn_nmmn'mnnn'm 64 110 make a gll'ant .0 'tlle ViID!age of ~odney re: 1969 taxes on Twin Pines Apartm<mt mnnmmnnmnn_ . . nnm _mn_nmnn nnn_m 64 To accept County Au<litor's Report m m nmnmnnm _nnnnm".n !l3 To make 'av,a:ikJJble 'to ,the Elgin ,planning Board the records of the IDrmer 'Connty of iElllin Planning Board nn nnnnmnn.n 93 Authort.J!]g'Mr. H'oward Gibson :to receive from Mr. Carl Al1Jenberg documents, maps ffild recoros pertaining to ffilY 'Of -tlle Municipallties inElg1in County or 'tlle former Elgin Count!\' Planning Board n_mnnmnnmnnn_nnnn nnnm.mnnmnnn nnnnnmmnmmm 94 Authort.Jng the Elgin County Pioneer iMuseumto move" barn on property ,at 32 'fulbot ,Street, St. Thomas n________m____m______m______. 95 Requesting the Minister of Energy 'and Resources to have leg- Js,lation passed Ire: Slwing of N"'<liousand >D"ngerous Mia- tari3ll. _ m m________mmmnnm__________ __m .n____m____m_mn________ __nnmm____m__m__ U5 To take an option on parts of ,lots 86 'and 87, No~tll 'l1albot Road, Tow'nslhdp of Moalshdde m___n___mm.mm__m____ ___m_______.__m__mmn. J.15 RequesrtJing the approval of the Ontario Municipal Bo,ard to, borrow ,a snm in eJreess of 70% and up to 100% of 'tlle uncol- lected balance of /he estimated revenues of the Oounty of El- gin for /he year 1970 mm__m_________mmmnm________________ ___________mm__mnnm 141 To invite a junior hoy or 'gml -guest -to ,the first day of /he No- _ vember Ses,.ion, '1970 mmmm _________m_________mnnn__m__n_____________ _ _ n.m. 141 232 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL E$bablishing lIheper diem pate to he paid County Councillors, etc., 'aJttending oonventions __m__ __.. ..._.m.____m ._. __'._mmm.m.__._m__m 142 G"awng perunrission to the Townslbiip of Southwold to ,,!low ceDbalin ,residents ~o connect water ""..wee lines .to ,the waoor- main running toEI~n Manor, 'Subject to lIhe ,approv,al of lIhe Dep,al'imeJ]t of Social 'and F,amllily Services _________.___m._._. ___._ _._._. 152 To make ,tlle USU!lJi gDants 10 reporters Toapp'Oint Granville GIOOil .to the Elgin 'County Fapm Safety Council ______.m__m______m ___m.m..m....__ __m_'_mmmm.__.___ ._____.... ._m__m_____ 163 Referr:ing the matter 'Of ,a Oounty 'Land Division Comm>ttee to the 'County GwerlIDlentCommlli1Jt:ee .__mm.____ ___.____ _"_m.__m ..__._. 166 Requesmng Soullh,wold Council to engage an independant en- ~neer to repoDt on llire adequacy of ,(he Elgin Man"" water- main to serve ,addi1:iollal residences _______m_.___.__________.m._._.m_.m_.______ 214 Requesbing lIhe Ontario Prowncial Government to dJake post- tiveaction ,and erect permanent buildings 'at the present 1000- 'moo of the Ontario Police. College, situated in the T<!W.nahip of MllJlahide _._.____.____._._._.__.m._._.____._._._____.._._..___._._.___._._.___._._.__._.__.___..__ 2111 163