1971 Minutes PROCEEDINGS OF THE. Elgin (ounfy (ouncil During the Sessions held in the COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS in the Months of I I , JANUARY, MARCH, APRIL, MAY, JUNE, SEPTEMBER, OCTOBER, NOVEMBER and DECEMBER 1971 H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk D. R. TODD, Warden 2 !'I'IPIPf' ;- I@,e:,i/i" j (ounly of Elgin Officials, 1911 Phone No. 3 Name Office Elgin. (ounly (ouncil, 1911 J. F. McMiUan ................,.."............"'.........,.............;County Judge ................. 631-4810 E. P. Ray _____........_____.....:....______..:...__...........County Court Clerk and Sheri,ff ..........n..__.. . ........_ 631-0840 J. D. R. Walker .__n.........................................C1:erk o.f the Peace and County Crown Attorney__ 631-1506 F. R. Barnum h"'" ....,,,....,.......,,,...,.........,,...........,Provincial Judge ........... (Criminal Divis-lou) P. O. Box 267, St. Thomas ____ 633-1230 M H. 'Genest, """ ............._...."................... ..........Provinciail Judge, (Family Division) ......... 633-2169 P.O. Box 327, St. Thomas R. Davis ................ ........".............."..........'" .........County Registrar. ...n'" .... 631-3015 R. S. Brown ....... ..._0.. ............._......_...._nn......SuperintJendent, Provincial Jail .......... 631-3372 E. D.. Moore ......................"............."'.."........"............Supervising Pcr:'obation Officer .. .631-3430 B. 'Doan ... ...................__."."..........".............."............ProbaUon Officer ........ 631-3430 W: Canning ............................".... ...................".........Probation Officer ............... .631-3430 H. L. Johnson ......nn........_n............._...........County Clerk-Treasurer ... 631-1460 R. G. Moore ... ..........................."............"...........".....County Engineer '.........n... .. 631-5880 N. J. Chaplow ..........."........._.......... ..._.............Construction Safety Inspe,ctor ____. ...m.. ........00.. .... 631-5880 ............."......AdministrrutQ-r , Elgin Manor . E. A. Wells ........._m................ ....m......n...County :Librarian ....... (9 Gladstone Ave.). Fanjoy, Hennessey, Kempster, Johnson & Gunn .............. .........................._.County SOUdtOTS .... ......... . .... 631-0700 W. O. Barons .......00............. .._n.................;".....Division Court Clerk .. .......... 631..1241 W. W. Allen ..................................................................DirectOT of Education, Elgin County Board of Education, 400 Sunset Dr. 633-2700 Dr. C. A. Graham .....___........,................~...Elgin Man-or Physician, 390 Talbot st. ........n....n..... 633-0030 .....................Agricultural Representa- tive', 594 Talbot St. ......00...... 631-4700 ........,,,......County '""leed Inspector and Tr'ee Commissioner, 764-2674 R.R. 7, St. Thomas............(Shedden) Winspea;r, Higgins, Stevenson & County Auditors, Doane . "....... .............. ........ ................ ........00_. 136 Centre st. ............ ................ 631-8250 Dr. Frank Appleton, M.O.H. ............ ..Elgin-St. ThomasHealth Unit, 2 Wo'od Stre,et....."..... 631-9900 WARDEN D. R. TODD R. B. Himpfen 631-0620 633-0815 TOWNSHIP OF ALDBOROUGH . Reeve,R. N. JOhnston, aa 1, WardsvUle .....__m._______....__..... (Rodn,ey) 785,-0707 Deputy ReeveR G. Wa.lker, 'RR 2, West Lorne (West'Lorne) 768-'1095 TOWNSHIP OF DtrNWICli Reeve C. Morrison, RR 3, Dutton _._.._____.._.....__......__ _.____.m (Dutton) 762-5840 Deputy Reeve D. K. McKUloPi RR 2, WallacetO'Wn ...0.______ (Dutton) 762~2877 TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD Reeve J. L. McIntyre, ,RR 3, Shedden ,_.__._.m.m....._'____.. (Shedden) 764~2044 Deputy Reeve B. A. Lyle, RR 1, St. Thomas .__________. (St. Thomas) 631~1890 TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH Reeve T. X. Roberts; HR 1, Sparta -----..-.------_..._._..,...____m (Sparta) 775~250a: Deputy Reeve D. K. Oook; RR 5, St. Thomas.___....._._,__.....___.,(Sparta) 775~2459 TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE Reeve W., R. Caverly, R~ ,5, . Aylmer __m_.___.....___....__.-___,___ (AYlmer) '7'1'3-2998 Deputy Reeve H. P. deRYk, P. O. Box 323, 'Ayliner ____.._.m (Aylmer) 'I73~3903 TOWNSIDP OF BAYHAM Reeve J.L. Dennis, RR .11 Vienna'm......____.____.._ (Stra.ffordv1l1e) 866-5601 Deputy Reeve T. Csinos, RR 2; Vienna _ ____m______. (Port Bu'rwell)" 874-4148 TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH DORCHESTER Reeve J. ,B. . Wilson, RR 1, Springfield ____m.__.'_'- (Harrietsv~lle) 269~3995 TOWN OF AYLMER Reeve A. T. Miskelly, P. Q. Box ,874, Aylmer ______.._....m_ (Aylmer) 773-3447 Deputy Reeve E. E. Randall, P. O. Bo.x 731, Aylmer _m.__. (Aylmer) 773-2950 VILLAGE OF VIENNA Reeve K. O. Emerson, P. O. Box 120, Vienna _'_ (Port Burwell) 874-4460 VllLAGE OF SPRINGFIELD Reeve J. W. Hodgson, P. O. Box 84, Springfield _m"'h___ (AYlmer) 773-3068 VILLAGE OF DUTTON ReeVe M. A. Kahnt, P. O. Box 148, Dutton '__,'m_mm'_"'m_ (Dutton) 762-2223 "VILllAGE OF PORT STANLEY Reeve S. G.. Speers, P. O. Box 299, Port Stanley ___' (Port. Stanley) 782-3553 Deputy Reeve W. R. Whalls, P. O. Box 460, Port Stanley (Port Stanley) 782-3942 A. V. Langton ... (St. Thomas Post Office unless otherwise specified) VILLAGE OF RODNEY Reeve A. H. Liebner, P. O. Box 244, Rodney _m______.... (Rodney) 785-0380 VILLAGE OF WEST LORNE Reeve D. Hi. Todd, P. o. Bbx 59, West Lorne __m_ (West Lorne) 768~1300 VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL Reeve Mrs. Mary Blyth, P. O. Box 8, Port Bmwell (Port Burwell) 874-4191 VILLAGE OF BELMONT Reeve R. L. Lake, Belmont --_________.;..:,.___._____________ (Belmont) 644-0491 Claybourne Gordon ., I, [i Ii I 4 5 Standing Committees, 1971 Petitions. & Legislation Chairman W. R. Caverly; Ral]d~lI, Lyle, Mrs. Blyth, Csinos, Roberts, Liebner and Warden Todd Personnel Chairman K. C. Emerson; Walker, Dennis, Morrison and Warden Todd neceptlon & EntertaInment Chairman S. G. Speers; Lake, Miskelly,. Walker, Lyle, Csinos, Hodgson, Liebner, Dennis and Warden Todd Health Unit Lake, MCKillop St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital Emerson and Warden Todd Tillsonburg Hospital Csinos Agricultural Chainnan T. Y. Roberts; Johnston, Morrison, McIntyre, Caverly, Wilson, Dennis and Warden Todd County Government Chairman J. B. Wilson; Emerson, Kahnt, Johnston, Whalls, Caverly, Cook and Warden Todd ~uuty Roads Chairman J. L. McIntyre; Johnston, Morrison, Roberts, Dennis, and Warden Todd Ii II I' ! Advisory Road Commiite.e - Wilson, Caverly, Miskelly Elgin Manor Chairman A. T. Miskelly; Lyle, Speers, Dennis and Warden Todd Advisory Elgin Manor Committee - deRyk, Mrs. Blyth F10ur Counties Hospital Liebner Educational ChaInnan Mrs. Mary Blyth; Walker, McKillop, Lyle, Cook, deRyk, Csinos, Wilson, Randall, Emerson, Hodgson, Khant, Whalls, Liebner, Lake and Warden Todd Equalization & Assessment Chainnan R. N. Johnston; Morrison, McIntyre, Roberts, Caverly, Dennis, Wilson, Miskelly, Emerson, Hodgson, Kahnt, Speers, Liebner, Mrs. Blyth, Lake and! Warden Todd Library Board Cook, Kahnt, Johnston and Warden Todd Children's Aid Morrison, Whalls and Randall Emergency Measnres Organization Speers, Cook and Warden Todd Finance Chainnan M. A. Kahnt; Johnston, Morrison, McIntyre, Roberts, Caverly, Dennis, Wilson, Miskelly, Emerson, Hodgson, Speers, Liebner, Mrs. Blyth, Lake and Warden Todd Property Chairman J. W. Hodgson; LiebneT, Walker, Caverly and Warden Todd Museum Lake, McKillop --~----- ---..--. --~--- - -'.'-' -...- MUNICIPAL CLERKS AND TREASURERS '" Municipality Clerk Phone Treasurer Phone Aldborough .__..._.C. I. Black, Rodney........ ..785-0560 (Red.) C. I. Black...... .............,.......................785-0560 (Rod.) Dunwich ..............._.._...F. D. McPherson, Dutton_ 762-2204 (Dutt.) Mrs. June Shipley_.._........_._._762-2204 (Dutt.) Southwold ___._......___E. A. Pow, Fingal _..____._~ 769-2010 (Fingal) E. - A. Pow, ___-'-;-----__.._ 769--2010. (Fingal) Yarmouth ...._......._.~~.._.L. M. Olde, 1229 Talbot St., St. Thomas 631-4860 L. M. Olde......_..... ,..__......6S1-4860 (St. Thomas) Maiahide ._......._...._........._.L. M. VaIllBatter, Box 664,Aylmer, 773-2051 (AyD L. M. VamPatt.er....... .............M......773-2051 (Ay1.) Bayham.. ................._.~....__J. A. Petrie, Straffordville m_._"__ 866-5521 (Straff.) J. A. Petriel_____ ...- 866-5521 (Straff.) South Dorchester_..._.q~ G. Soper, BR 2, Sp:ri.ngfieldm.___m.773-2186 (Aylmer) O. G. Soper ----:___c----..___773-2186 (Aylmer) Belmont .......M........_........_ W. O. Ba:rons, Belmont...........M ........644-1071 (BeL) W. O. Ba-r.ons ...773-3164 (Ayl.) ........644-1071 (Bel.) Aylmer. ...................................J. S._ Fay, Aylmer........ .................773-3164 (Ayl.) J. S. Foy.......... Dutton ............................~~.._J. W. McNeil, Dutton _-'-.___n_ 762-2209 (Dutt.) Miss Margaret Leitch.. ........762-2717 (Dutt.) Port Burwell. ................_Mrs. Helen Wolfe; Ft. BuT'Well 874-4343 cPt. Bur.) Mrs. Helen Walfe ...874-4343 (Pt. Bur.) Port Stanley .. .............~.....E. L. McCall, pt. Stanley..:.........782-3383 (pt. Stan.) E. L. McCall .......__......782-3383 (pt, Stan.) Rodney .......................~...........D. McDougall, Rodney m.___m.m 785-0456 (Rod.) D. McDougall m__"'__ 785-0456 (Rod.) Springfield ........._.~.___..R. M. Smith, Springfield ....n__m 773-3118 (Ayl.) R. M. Smith, __.c_,....._..___... 773-3118 (.-\yl.) West Lorne ......_._~.~...._D. Carmichael, West Larne ___~__ 768-1234 (WL.) D. Cannichael ---....---...----- 768.-1234 (WL.) Vienna ........ ...............~..~....._Mrs. Pauline McCUrdy, R 1, Vienna 874-4500 (Ft, Bur.) Mrs. Pauline McC~dy__:- 874-4500 (Ft. Bur.) '" '" - ,.... - go..., ~..., lo;! :>- i;' ..., C':l'" 0'" M"1 '-< ;:t: ::;; tj ~ to 0'" S '" =: ::l. 0 '" :-< tj C':l ::tl ~ r- '" ~ ~ S '" " " g. ,,"" "'lo;! ~ '" " ~ 'tj :S. 0 " &;' 0 "g. ~ - G) 0 " '" '" 0;' s '" " S' 0' Z ",- . oq " " 9' '" '" '" '" ~.O '" ~. C':l >' e. s '" " '" " '" :;5. ~ " ..., !'J ~ ~ ?1 '" ?> " " is: - - " - S' '" '" ~ '" " "C':l Z ~ tj p 0 '" ::tl '" ~ C':l ~ " ?1 0 " g:oq '" 0 ~ "J is: 0 '" ~ € '" s. "'" '" '" - .'" S. 0 '" ~s S.=:! 53 ~. ~ C':l ::tl ~ i;' ~ ""0 lo;! " ~ 0 0 ~ '" ,,- '" '" .P tj '" .'" 0 .'" ~ 0 '" '" "'.... '" () t" '" -'" .." 0' S ..., ;;U '" - '" '" .P J;i' " "'C':l S' !;:l F' .g "" tj tj '" tj ..... 0' 0 ::tl ::tl " ::l. " S '" '" 0'0 '" '" 0 Z " '" g '" .g ::tl ." - '" lo;! tj '" - '" "" "" -'" ~ 0 0 " """ ::tl ~ .... '" " '" .P '" "''' ..... '" .g .." ::tl a " :::> '" tj '"' '" C () C':l '" q ::tl q .i' .." i:!'! -'" S' '" .'" ::tl .'" '" .... '" .i' '" ::tl - '" ~. .... 0 @ " .." '" ::tl ~ '" ~ tj "" '" '" -- 0 Z "J q .'" '" '" to ::tl .." ::tl '" a '" '" as "" z M"1 0 .." '" .'" '" '" "" tj '" ~ .'" .... .." C':l '" '" ~ M"1 ::tl ~ " .'" '" '" '" '" " " -'" - .... I --f - .." ~ .." .." .." q " '" 0 ><: '" '" to .i' .'" ~ .'" .'" ::tl " - 0 '" '" :;; '" :>- c: 1:: ..., ~ -< .." S tj '" s ~ - " '" ::tl ~. '" - ..., '-< - C':l .'" So '" ~ '" '" "" ~. '" '" 0 '" s 0 0 '" '" .." '" '" Z 0 " " '" ~. 0 " " '" .'" 0' " '" " '" () ~ ~ '" " '" s " - - .." 0 - " " ..., '" s '" '" - i '" .'" :>- <5 '" .... " G) '" ~. 0 '" :;; - '" 9 ~ 0 s ~ '" " 14- - '" " 0 tj '" oq " t=l '" '" s: s: - " 0' '" " c.n " " "" 0 '" - ..... C " " - '" <C :;; 0 0 '" .. ~. " 0 C':l ..... Z '" oq '" '" '" 0 - " () '" ::l. '" l:j' :r: - '" 0 r- '" " " '" - .i' '" .., i 8 I: II 'I! I~ , ' , :;, ij: I' , ' " I ~ , ii , , I I, t ~ , ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY' COUNCIL 9 Kenneth C. Emerson, Reeve, Vienna John W. Hodgson, Reeve, Springfield M. Albin Kahnt, Reeve, Dutton stanley G. Speers, Reeve, Port Stanley . w.. Ross Whalls, Deputy R&eve, Port sfanley Albert H. Liebner, Reeve, Rodney Douglas R. Todd, Reeve, West Lorne Mrs. Mary Blyth, Reeve,Port Burwell Ronald L. Lake, Reeve, Belmont The Clerk announced that any Councillor who was a candi- date for the office of Warden would now be given the opportun- ity to speak and Reeve Todd spoke to the Council. Moved by Reeve Wilson seconded by Reeve Emerson Resolved that Reeve Douglas R. Todd be Warden for 1971. -Carried. The resolution re: The Warden's Election was unanimously approved and the Warden took the Declaration of Office. Ex'Warden William Caverly congratulated Warden Todd and presented him with the Lord Elgin watch and the gavel of office. Warden Todd addressed the Council and thanked the mem- bers for electing him to the office of Warden. Moved by Deputy Reeve Cook seconded by Reeve Roberts That the minutes of the December 1970 session of the Elgin County Council be confirmed. -Carried. The following Communications were read and referred to their various Committees: From the Department of Labour with notice of seminar for construction safety inspectors. - Referred to the Road Commit- tee. From the Salvation Army with request for continued finan- cial SUPPODt. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From Bennett and Wright Contractors Limited with report on condition of roof on the .dome of the Court House and with quotation for doing the repairs. -Referred to the Property Com- 'mittee. From the Department of Highways with Ministerially Ad- justed Assessment re the City of st. Thomas. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the Economic Council-Erie Region with request for membership grant. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities with request for membership. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Ontario Good Roads Association with announce- ment of a One Day Seminar for Councillors. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the Department 01 Social and Family Services with letter re: sale to the Township of Southwold of the Water pipe' line running to Elgin Manor. :..- Referred to the Elgin Manor Committee. From the Economic Council-Erie Region with resolution requesting thO' Ontario Government to construct permanent buildings at the. present location of the Ontario Police College in Malahide Township, Elgin County. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From Sheriff E. P. Ray with copy of Grand Jury Report made to His Honour Judge J. F. McMillan. - Referred to the Property Committee. From the City of Kitchener with resolution asking the On- tario Department of Highways to do research to discover an alternative to the use of salt on highways. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the County of Oxford with resolution passed by the Village of Beachville resolving that all municipalities having Fire Fighting Equipment, which are called upon to answer fire calls in vehicles on Provincial Highways, be reimbursed for their ex- penses by the Province of Ontario. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislation Committee. 10 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 11 I !' From Mr. George C. Walker with letter re: west floodlight at the Court House and its effect on traffic going west on Wel- lington street. - Referred to the Property Committee. From the County of Victoria with resolution requesting the Province of Ontario to levy 25c upon each admission to Provin- cial Parks and that each municipality be paid the amount so collected at the park situated in their respective area.-Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. From Miss Pat Parachonjak with appreciation of scholarship. ~Filed. From the Township of southwold with notice of application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of a By-Law to regu- late lind use passed pursuant to Section 30 of the Planning Act. -Referred to the Road Committee. From the Canadian National Institute for the Blind with request for a grant. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Ontario Municipal Association with request for membership. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the West Elgin District Women's Institute with appoint- ment to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum for 1971. - Refer- red to the Finance Committee. From the East Elgin District Women's Institute with appoint- ment to the Elgin County Pioneer Musenm for 1971. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the I. O. D. E. with appointment to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum for 1971. - Referred to the Finance Commit- tee. From the City of st. Thomas with appointment to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum for 1971. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From Mr. Edgar Kerstan with appreciation of scholarship.- Filed. From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with request for membership.-Referred to the Finance Com- mittee. From the County of Dufferin with resolntion passed by Dufferin South District Women's Institute re: Public Liability Car Insurance. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the Muscular Dystrophy Association of Canada with request for financial support. - Referred to the Finance Com- mittee. From the St. Thomas-Elgin Association for Retarded Child. ren with request for a grant.-Referred to the Finance Com- mittee. From Miss Margaret Mitchell with appreciation of scholar- ship. - Filed. From the Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves with request for membership.. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From Fanshawe College with letter re: retention of the On- tario ,police College in the Aylmer area. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Bank of Montreal advising that as of January 15, 1971, the interest rate on loans will be reduced to 7%. - Filed. From the Bank of Montreal with invitation to attend dinner at the Riviera Restaurant on 'I1hursday, January 21st at 6:15 p.m. - Filed. Moved by Reeve Miskelly Seconded by Reeve Dennis That the Warden and Clerk be authorized to submit to the Minister of Highways of Ontario the petition of the County of Elgin showing that from the 1st day of January 1970 until the 31st day of December 1970, there has been expended on the County Highway System the sum of $1,637,704.51. -Carried. The Warden appointed Reeve A. Kahnt, Reeve L. McIntyre, Reeve A. Miskelly and Reeve J. Dennis as members of the Com- mittee to strike the Standing Committees for the year 1971. Moved by Reeve McIntyre Seconded by Deputy Reeve McKillop That we do now adjourn to meet again on January 20th, 1971, at 10:00 a.m. I II II :1 ,I i I I I H. L. JOHNSON Clerk -Carried; DOUGLAs R. TODD Warden Ii I, 1 i I I I i; I I 12 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 13 FIRsT SESsION - SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 20th day of January, 1971 The Elgin Couuty Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in acco~dance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members present. A delegation from the Salvation Army composed of Major J. Barr and Captain Sharegan was present and it was moved by Reeve Caverly that the delegation from the Salvation Army be now heard. Major Barr addressed council and presented a brief with res. pect to the construction of a House of Concord and requested a grant towards the cost of the project. Warden Todd thanked Major Batt and referred the request to the Finance Committee. A delegation from the University of Western Ontario com- posed of Mr. B. I. Baldwin, President D. C. Williams and Mr. E. J. Wright was present and it was moved by Reeve Emerson that the delegation from the University of Western Ontario be now heard. President D. C. Williams ,spoke to council regarding enrol, ment at the University, courses offered, the activities taking place, etc. and requested continued financial support. Warden Todd thanked President Williams and referred the request to the Finance' Committee. A delegation from the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospi- tal composed of Mr. G. W. stevens, Mr. L. J. Bennett, Mr. R. W. Careew and Dr. McDermitt was present and it was moved by Reeve Emerson that the delegation from the Tillsonburg Hospi- tal be now heard. Mr. Bennett, Mr. Stevens and Dr. McDermitt spoke to coun- cil explaining the need for an Intensive Care and Cardiae Unit as well as upgrading the X-Ray Department at the hospital and requested a grant of $12,020.00 towards the cost of providing these facilities. Reeve Emerson reported that Doctors Mary and Grant Web- ster were prepared to do the medical examinations for Elgin County employees with Road Department employees being com' pleted prior to May 1st, 1971. The Report of the Special Committee to name the standing Committees for the year 1971. was presented by Reeve McIntyre and adopted on motion of Reeve McIntyre and Reeve Roberts. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Roberts That By-Law No. 2149, "To Appoint A County Road Com- mittee," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Cook Seconded by Deputy Reeve deRyk That By-Law No. 2149 be read a second ,time. -Carried; Moved by Deputy Reeve deRyk Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 2149 be read a third time and finaJly pass- ed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Speers Seconded by Deputy Reeve Whalls That we do not adjourn to meet again at 2:00 p.m. Wednes- day, January 20, 1971. -Carried. Council Re-Convened. The Report of the Elgin Manor Committee was presented by Reeve Miskelly and adopted on motion of Reeve Miskelly and Deputy Reeve deRyk. Moved by Reeve Liebner Seconded by Deputy Reeve Randall That we do now adjourn to meet again on Thursday, Jan. uary 21, 1971, at 10:00 a.m. -Carried. The Warden thanked the delegation and referred the request for a grant to the Finance Committee. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk DOUGLAs R. TODD Warden I 14 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL , I' " FIRsT SESSION - THIRD DAY Thursday the 21st day of JailUary, 1971 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members present. A resolution was received from the County of Lennox and Addington resolving that the Ontario Government pay a grant in lieu of taxes to any municipality having a Provincial Park situat- ed within its boundaries. - Referred to the Petitions and Legis- lation Committee. Mr. A. V. Langton, Agricultural Representative for Elgin County, was present and it was moved by Reeve Johnston that Mr. Langton be now heard. Mr. Langton addressed Council, reporting on crop condi- tions in Elgin County, the activities of the various farm clubs and requested the usual grant for 1971. The Warden thanked Mr. Langton and referred his request to the Agricultural Committee. Mr. J. P. Corless, of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind, was present and it was moved by Reeve Roberts that Mr. Corless be now heard. Mr. Corless addressed Council and explained the work of the C.N.I.B. and requested that the County grant be given for 1971. Warden Todd thanked Mr. Corless and referred the matter of a grant to the Finance Committee. Mr. R. A. Jones, President of the St. Thomas-Elgin Associa- tion for Retarded Children, was present and it was moved by Reeve Wilson that Mr. Jones be now heard. Mr. Jones addressed Council and explained the need for a Community Residence for Retardates and requested a grant $10,- 000.00 to be paid at the rate of $2,500.00 per year, towards the cost of constructing a Residence. The Warden thanked Mr. Jones and referred the request to. the Finance Committee. :i Ii I I' I I ,I " I, " :1 I I j;; 'I: II d! i'~i I' 1\;' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 15 The Report of the County Government Committee was presented by Reeve Wilson and adopted on motion of Reeve Wilson and Deputy Reeve WhaUs. The Report of the Petitions and Legislations Committee was presented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caverly and Reeve Liebner. The Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Roberts and adopted on motion of Reeve Roberts and Reeve Johnston. The Report of the Road Committee was presented by Reeve McIntyre and adopted on motion of Reeve McIntyre and Reeve Roberts. The Report of the Construction Safety Inspector was present- ed by Reeve McIntyre. Moved by Deputy Reeve Cook Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That the report of the Construction Safety Inspector be adopt- ed and printed in the Proceedings. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve WhaUs Seconded by Reeve Caverly That we do now adjourn to meet again on Thursday, January 21, 1971, at 2:00 p.m. -Carried. Council re-convened. The Report of the Educational Committee was presented by Reeve Mrs. Blyth and adopted on motion of Reeve Mrs. Blyth and Reeve Lake. The Report of the Equalization and Assessment Committee was presented by Reeve Johnston and adopted on motion of Reeve Johnston and Reeve MiskeUy. The Report of the Finance Committee was presented by Reeve Kahnt and adopted on motion of Reeve Kahnt and Reeve Morrison. The Warden appointed the foUowing delegates to attend the various conventions. I I , 16 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 17 Ontario Good Roads - Johnston, Morrison, McKillop, McIntyre, Mrs. Blyth, Miskelly, Hodgs01l, deRyk, Caverly and the Clerk- Treasurer. . Ontario .Municipal Associati01l - Lake, Wilson and Liebner. Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario - Emerson and the Clerk-Treasurer. Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves - Mrs. Blyth, Kahnt, Hodgson and Speers. Moved by Reeve Caverly seconded by Deputy Reeve Cook That By-Law No. 2150, "A By-Law To Authoribe The Expro- priation Of Land For The ,purpose Of Widening And Improving County Roads," be read a first time. -Carried. seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 2151 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McKillop Seconded by Reeve Liebner That By-Law No. 2152, "To Authorize The Warden And Treasurer To Borrow The Sum Of Two Million, six Hundred Thousand Dollars," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McKillop Seconded by Reeve Liebner That By-Law No. 2152 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve deRyk seconded by Deputy Reeve Randall That By-Law No. 2150 be read a second time. Moved by Deputy Reeve McKillop sec01lded by Reeve Liebner That By-Law No. 2152 be read a third time and finally pass- -Carried. ed. Moved by Reeve Emerson seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 2150, be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeye Randall Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By-Law No. 2153, "A By.Law To Confirm Proceedings Of The Council Of The Corporation Of The Coun1y Of Elgin At The January Session, 1971," be read a first time. Moved by Reeve Lake Seconded by Reeve Wilson That By-Law No. 2151, "Being A By-Law To Authorize The Warden And Clerk To Sign A Deed To Leslie McQuiggan Of The Town Of Aylmer," be read a first time. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Randall Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By'Law No. 2153 be read a second time. . Moved by Reeve speers Seconded by Deputy Reeve Csinos That By-Law No. 2151, he read a second time. -Carried, Moved by Deputy Reeve Randall Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By' Law No. 2153 be read a third time and finally pass- -Carried. ed. Moved by Deputy Reeve deRyk -Carried. 18 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 19 Moved by Reeve Morrison seconded by Reeve Liebner That we do now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, March 16, 1971 at 10:00 a.m. -Carried. WARDEN'S ADDREsS TO THE MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: H. L. JOHNSON Clerk DOUGLAS R. TODD Warden MRS. BLYTH and GENTLEMEN: I would like to thank you for the Honour you have granted the Village of West Lorne and myself as Reeve to be the Warden of The County of Elgin for 1971. I pledge to fill this office with diligence and devotion for the betterment of the County and its citizens. Congratulations are extended to Past Warden William Cav' erly for a very successful year in 1970 under his guidance. Remaining on County Council, he will be looked to for assistance and guidance during the coming year. I would like to extend a warm welcome to the former War- dens, Councillors and the guests who are with us today. Your attendance confirms the interest which you hold in the affairs of Elgin County, With a new year, there is always a sad note in ,that some members will not be returning. Reeves Victor DeGraw of Rod- ney, Donald M. McKillop of Aldborough, Ken McAlpine of Dun- wich, Forrest Moore of Aylmer and Horace Johnson of Bayham served their tenure well. Their municipalities should be proud and grateful that men of this calibre saw fit to give of their time and energies on their behalf. Albert Liebner, Robert Walker, Duncan K. McKillop, Elli- son Randall and Anthony Csinos have seen fit to allow themselves of their time to represent their municipalities. We welcome them to County Council knowing they will serve their respective muni- cipalities and the County well. I complimellit the County officials, Department Heads, and employees in the various Departments for their services in the past and trust they will continue with their usual co'operation in the future. I would request that all members co. ordinate their plans in an effort of progress for the betterment of the citizens of today and in the future. Roads, Senior Citizens, Pollution Control, Planning, Zoning and Recreational facilities are high on the list 20 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 21 of many problems we face. Municipalities concerning the needs of their neighbours as well as their own for the future will make for a better County, Province and Country in which we and fu- ture generations may live. Keeping abreast of future developments with an opened and unselfish mind so that Elgin County can determine its own des- tiny and not have it imposed upon them by Senior Governments is required. This can only be done by discussions, meetings and co-operation with each other so that changes can be implemented as required. Central Elgin has shown initiative in co-ordinating their thinking with the City of St. Thomas and their problems, and I feel confident that the East and West are doing the same in their respective areas. I look forward to Elgin County prog- ressing with harmony and good judgement. This month's Civic A,dministration outlined emphatically the progress of the County with concern for the Ontario Police College at Aylmer and the installation of the Kettie Creek Culverts on Road 45. The Provincial Government will be presenting a Design for Development for the Erie-Economic Region shortly. Your con- sideration, comments and views will. be heard and considered. I trust you will give the same your earnest indulgence. Tradition has played a great part in our Country's progress, and I hope the same will be retained to a point. Changes in pro- cedure are often necessary though to carry out the business in these changing times. It is with this in mind that all members are requested to come forth with ideas and suggestions that would improve our operation in order that business may be ear' ried out with dispatch and efficiency. Thanking you again for the Honour you have given me, I trust that we can go forward together with understanding and co-operation for the betterment of the County of Elgin. REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO sTRIKE STANDING COMMITTEES January Session, 1971 ro the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, The following is the report of the special Committee to strike the Standing Committees for the year 1971: AGRICULTURAL - Roberts, Johnston, Morrison, McIntyre, Cav- erly, Wilson, DennIs and Warden Todd. COUNTY ROADS - McIntyre, Johnston, Morrison, Roberts, Den- nis, and Warden Todd. Advisory Road Committee - Wilson, Caverly, Miskelly. ELGIN MANOR - Miskelly, Lyle, Speers, Dennis and Warden Todd. Advisory Elgin Manor Committee - deRyk, Mrs. Blyth. EDUCATIONAL - Walker, McKillop, Lyle, Cook, deRyk, Csinos, Wilson, Randall, Emerson, Hodgson, Kahnt, Whalls, Liebner, Mrs. Blyth, Lake and Warden Todd. EQUALIZATION & ASSESSMENT - Johnston, Morrison, Mc- Intyre, Roberts, Caverly, Dennis, Wilson, Miskelly, Emerson, Hodgson, Kahnt, Speers, Liebner, Mrs. Blyth, Lake and War- den Todd. FINANCE - Johnston, Morrison, McIntyre, Roberts, Caverly, Dennis, Wilson, Miskelly, Emerson, Hodgson, Kahnt, Speers, Liebner, Mrs. Blyth, Lake and Warden Todd. PROPERTY - Hodgson, Liebner, Walker, Caverly, and Warden Todd. PETITIONS & LEGISLATIONS - Caverly, Randall, Lyle, Mrs. Blyth, Csinos, Roberts, Liebner and Warden Todd. PERSONNEL - Emerson, Walker, Dennis, Morrison, and Warden Todd. RECEPTION & ENTERTAINMENT - Speers, Lake, Miskelly, Walker, Lyle, Csinos, Hodgson, Liebner, Dennis, and Warden Todd. 22 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 23 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY GOVERNMENT - Wilson, Emerson, Kahnt, Johnston, Whalls, Caverly, Cook and Warden Todd. HEALTH UNIT - Lake, McKillop. ST. THOMAS'ELGIN GENERAL HOSPITAL - Emerson and Warden Todd. TILLsONBURG HOSPITAL - Csinos. FOUR COUNTIES HOSPITAL - Liebner. LIBRARY BOARD - Cook, Kahnt, Johnston and Warden Todd. CHILDREN'S AID - Morrison, Whalls and Randall. EMERGENCY MEAsURES ORGANIZATION - Speers. Cook and Warden Todd. MUSEUM - Lake, McKillop. WE RECOMMEND that each Committtee meettand appoint a Chairman a1s soon as possible. ",,_ All of which is respectfnlly submitted. --'J J. L. McINTYRE, Chairman. COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW No. 2149 "To Appoint A County Road Committee" As reqntred by Section 46 ofthe Highway Improvement Act, being Chapter 171 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1960, The Elgin Coilnty Council enacts: THAT ,the following five members of this Council constitute a Committee for the purpose of directing the work to be done on the County Road System: J.L. McIntyre R. N. Johnston C. Morrison T. Y. Roberts J. L. Dennis for Term of One Year for Term of Two Years for Term of Three Years for Term of Four Years for Term of Five Years THAT By-Law No. 2116 be and. is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 20th day of January, 1971. READ a second time this 20th day of January, 1971. READ a third time and finally passed, this 20th day of Jan- uary, 1971. H. L. JOHNSON DOUGLAs R. TODD Clerk Warden 24 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 25 4.H Agricnltural Clubs Belmont Dairy Calf Club - 39 completIons ................... ...".$ 58.50 East Elgin Dairy Calf Club - 31 completions ...."".". .."... "." 46.50 Shedden Dairy Calf Club -12 completlons ""......"". ..."""". 18.00 CorInth Dairy Calf Club -11 completions ..".......".".".. """ 16.50 'Shedden Beef Calf Club -13 completions .."......... "....""" 19.50 *Wallacetown Beef Calf Club -16 completlons ..""........."." ....". 24.00 * Aldborough Swine Club - 8 completlons .......""......"".""" 12.00 *Central Elgin Swine Club -11 completions ""..,,". """".".,,.. 16.50 *Dunwich Swine Club -16 completions ...".....".........."" 24.00 East Elgin Swine Club -12 completlons .... "......"..... ""... 18.00 Aldborough Field Crop Club -13 completlons ""........ ,,"........ 19.50 *Dunwich Field Crop Club ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Elgin Manor Committee reports as follows: 1. We recommend that the optlon to purchase parts of Ms 86 & 87 north of Talbot Road in the Township of Malahide, be exer- cised; that the Warden and Clerk be authorized to sign the neces- sary documents to effect this purchase; and that the Treasurer be authorized to issue a cheque for the balance of the purchase price in the amount of $37,500.00. All of which is respectfully submitted. "- , . Ai,T. MISKELLY, ChaIrman. Association S. W. O. Livestock Producers' Associatlon Elgin Horse Breeders' Assoc- iatlon County Organizations Elgin soil & Crop Improvement Associatlon ......"""......",,".... """ Drainage Demonstrations-paid to E.S.C.LA.: Drained vs. Undrained Land.... Plastic Tubing vs. Clay Tile...... Elgin County Plowman's Assoc-.. tion Elgin County Farm Safety Council Elgin Fruit Growers' Association FINANCIAL STATEMENT ELGIN AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE January 15, 1970 - January 13, 1971 RECEIPTS Balance forward, Jan. 15. 1970..............$ 148.01 1970 Grant~Elgin County Council...". ...... 3,000.00 'TOTAL RECEIPTS $3,148.01 EXPENSES Livestock Associations & Shows Holstein Black & White Show, Aylmer Jersey Parish Show, Aylmer.." Ayrshire Show, Aylmer Western Counties Guernsey Club.. Beef Cattle Show, Wallacetown".. Beef Cattle Show, Rodney Elgin Beef Improvement 91.50 57.00 43.50 25.00 ." 100.00 75.00 75.00 25.00 25.00 $ 517.00 350.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 50.00 25.00 825.00 '1' i 26 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 5 completions. ...... ...... ....... 7.50 'Southwold Field Crop Club -13 completions.. ................ ........ 19.50 Aldborough Tractor Club _ 9 co~pletions ........ ............... 13.50 *100% Completion 4-H Club Leaders' Association Elgin Junior Farmers' & Junior Institute.. Girls' 4.H Homemaking Club Work 6 4.H Club Conference Delegates- Guelph 60 County Honour pins @ $4.00, exchange ....... ..... Frames for Leaders' Certificates.... Flip Charts for Leaders 7 Club Signs + Tax 72.00 240.15 5.48 18.64 8.23 Recognition Dinner-4-H Club Leaders Programme Planning Meeting- Y.W.C.A.-Sept. 10/70 Picture Frames (11)- 4-H leaders and members Auditing - 1969 books James Galbraith 313.50 600.00 150.00 344.50 202.50 9.00 6.44 10.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $2,977.94 Bank Balance, Jan. 5/71 ........$ 204.57 Less O/S Cheques.. ......... ....... 34.50 Actual Balance, Jan. 13/71......$ 170.Q7 170.07 $3,148.01 Jan. 14/71-Audited and found to be correct. Verified with bank balance. James Galbraith, Auditor, 64 East Street, St. Thomas, Ontario. Jan. 19/71-Approved by Elgin Agricultural Committee. Chairman-Laurence McIntyre Warden-W. R. Caverly Reeve-K. J. McAlpine ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 27 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from the Economic Council-Erie Region re: the construction of permanent buildings at the present loca- tion of the Ontario Police College be filed. 2. That the letter from Dr. Calvin, President of Fanshawe Col- lege re: retention of the Ontario Police College in the Aylmer Area be filed. 3. That we invite a representative from the Oxford County Welfare Department to meet the Elgin County Council at the March 1971 Session to explain the operation of a County Wel- fare Unit. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. B. WILSON, Chairman. PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Petitions and Legislation Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from the County of Oxford, passed by the Village of Beachville re: payment for fighting fires in vehic' les on Provincial Highways be endorsed. 2. That the resolution from the County of Victoria re: levy of .25c upon each admission to a Provincial Park and that each municipality be paid the amount so collected at the park situat- ed in their respective area, be filed. 28 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 3. That the resolution from the County of Lennox and Adding. ton re: grant in lieu of taxes with respect to Provincial Parks, be endorsed. All of which is respectfully submitted. W. R. CAVERLY, Chairman. AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That a grant of $3,000.00 be made to the local Agricultural office for farm organizations and junior farmer and institute groups in the County of Elgin for 1971. 2. That the Warden, Reeve Roberts, Reeve McIntyre be a com. mittee to allocate the grant. 3. That the members of the above Committee be paid members wages for their services. 4. That the grants to the Agricultural and Horticultural Socie' ties be on the same basis as last year, equai to the provincial grants. All of which is respectfully submitted. T. Y. ROBERTS, Chairman. St. Thomas, Ontario ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 29 January session, 1971- To the Warden and Members of the Couucil of the County of Elgin. YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE begs .to report as follows: THE FOLLOWING is a summary of costs of Construction and Maintenance on County of Elgin Roads during 1970. CONSTRUCTION: ROADS- 1. Road No. 22 from Road No. 24 to Road No. 27, in the Township of Yarmouth" Sur. face Treatment, Grading, etc. .................. ....... - $15,483.51 2. Road No. 40 from Road No. 52 to Glencoiiu, in .the Vil. lage of Springfield and Township of Malahide, Grad. ing, Granular Base, Urban Work, Paving, etc. ....... ........ - 153,265.75 .. 3. Road No. 40 from Highway No. 3 to Mount Salem in the Township of Malahide, Grad- ing, Granular Base, etc. ...... - 159,541.91 4. Road No. 47, No. 48, No. 49 (Development Road No. 972) in the Township of South Dorchester, Fencing . .... - 3,084.89- 5. Road No. 45 (Development Road No. 930) in the Town. s hip s of Yarmouth and Southwold, Fencing ....... ........ - 15,823.21 6. Road No. 16 (Development Road No. 1023) in the Town- ship of southwold, Fencing.. - 12,344.34 7. Road No. 8 approaches to Willeys Bridge in the Town- ship of Dunwich ....... ............ - 2,793.91 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 31 30 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 8. Road No. 21, approaches to Warren Street Bridge in the Village of Port Stanley ... 9. Road No. 53, Beech Street, in the Town of Aylmer, Storm Sewer, Grading, Gran- ular Base, Cnrb and Gutter.. - 10. Road No.2, from Road No. 3, to Highway No. 76, in the Villages of Rodney, West Lorne and the Township of Aldborough, Survey 11. Road No. 42, from Road No. 40 to Highway No. 73 in the Township of Malahide, Move utilities, etc. 12. Road No.3, North limit of Rodney, in the Village of Rodney and the Township of Aldborough, Storm Sewers, Curb and Gutter, Paving, etc. 13. Road No. 42, east of Port Burwell, in the Township of Bayham, Erosion Control 14. Road No. 15, entrance to John S. ,pearce, Provincial Park in the Township of Dun- wich, Surface Treatment, Clean' up, etc. 15. Road No. 11 from Road No. 26 to Highway No. 4 in the Township of southwold, con- tribution by Ford Motor Co. to Construction of Road No. 11. (Offset by Purchase of Land from the Ford Motor Company to widen Road No. 11 and Road No. 26). .......... - 16. Road No. 21, Warren st. Vil- lage of Port Stanley, Installa' 1,810.31 tion of Railroad Protection. ($1,000.00 paid in 1969). .... ... - 418.76 17. Plan Method of County Road Consolidation By-Laws ...... ... - 2,831.54 53,909.93 18. Needs Study (75% Subsidy by Department of Highways of Ontario) ........... .......... - 3,250.37 19. Land Purchase . - 133,154.54 2,836.54 20. New Machinery. ................ - 60,368.03 21. Drainage Assessments (Con- struction) ........... .......... - 35,881.85 1,618.68 22. Surveys and Traffic Counts - 11,413.42 23. Miscellaneous Grading Con. struction. .............. 480.00 24. Machinery Ownership costs charged to Development Road and Townline accounts - 81,135.31 Credit 30,598.41 TOTAL $ 615,717.94 ROAD CONSTRUCTION by the ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN 516.23 ROAD COMMISSION 1. Road No. 33, Approaches to Kains Bridge (Contract) by McLean Foster Limited. ...... - 13,560.95 2. Road No. 33, Grading Con- 827.12 struction, Work by County beyond Contract. ............ ....... - 5,345.64 3. Drainage Assessments (Con- struction . ............. .... ............. - 341.00 4. Land Purchase ....... .......... ... - 692.08 Credit 5. Surveys and Traffic Counts.. - 348.58 TOTAL ROAD CONSTRUCTION BY THE COMMISSION ................... ................... 18,904.09 5,400.00 Credit f TOTAL ROAD CONSTRUCTION ........ ....... 634,622.03 32 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BRIDGE AND CULVERT CONSTRUCTION 1. Complete WiIIeys Bridge, Road No.8, Dunwich Town- ship 2. Complete Warren Si. Bridge, Road No. 21, VilIage of Port stanley. 3. Complete Players Bridge, Road No. 45, Yarmouth Township 4. Kettle Creek Culverts, Road No. 45, Southwold Township (a) Excavation, BackfiII, etc. "'"'''''' - $ 35,065.43 (b) Material.... - 114,992.00 (e) Erection .... - 25,737.58 (d) Concrete End Approaches, etc. (e) Soil Tests and Engineering TOTAL 12,917.08 16,166.70 4,081.22 6,749.12 9,051.24 197,763.33 5. Road No. 40, Pipe Culvert Construction, etc., from Road No. 52 to GIencolin in con- junction with grading, Town' ship of Malahide Road No. 40,. Pipe Culvert Construction, etc. from High- way No.3 to Mount Salem in conjunction with grading, Township of Malahide 6. COUNTY BRIDGE AND CULVERT CONSTRUCTION Bridge Construction by ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1. Kains Bridge 10,154.42 16,811.93 TOTAL BRIDGE AND CULVERT CONsTRUCTION ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 33 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION (ROADS & BRIDGES)............ 1,018,958.93 MAINTENANCE ROADS 1. Winter Control............... ...... - 77,463.08 2. Surface Treatment . ................ _ 54,532.08 3. Gravel Resurfacing ......... .... _ 65,269.98 4. Repairs to Pavements ............ _ 27,812.97 5. Maintenance of Gravel Roads ~ 10,513.00 6. Roadside Maintenance ""'''''' - 7,327.27 7. Dust Control.......................... _ 18,520.14 8. Weed Control....................... _ 12,897.52 9. Brushing and tree cutting... - 12,595.56 10. Pavement Marking .......... ..... - 8,664.26 11. Guide Rail Maintenance. ...... _ 10,115.78 12. Signs ........................................ _ 16,442.97 13. Drainage .................................. _ 4,746.80 14. Railroad Protection ......... ...... _ 8,491.06 15. Drainage Assessments (Maintenance Only) ............... - 309.57 16. Rebates to Towns and Villages .............. ............. ....... _ 50,679.50 TOTAL ROAD MAINTENANCE ... $ 386,381.54 BRIDGE AND CULVERT MAINTENANCE 1. MisceIIaneous Bridge Main- tenance. ......................... ........ - '1,781.25 2. MisceIIaneous Culvert Main- tenance. 10,365.58 $ 251,726.72 TOTAL BRIDGE AND CUL- VERT MAINTENANCE TOTAL MAINTENANCE (ROADS AND BRIDGES)......... $ 398,528.37 12,146.83 132,610.18 COUNTY OVERHEAD Superintendence (County En- gineer, Assistant to the En- gineer and General Foreman) - 30,647.16 384,336.90 34 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Clerical Car Mileage (County Engin- eer). Office Garages Miscellaneous Repairs . Tools Radio Insurance Pensions Unemployment Insurance Contributions Holidays with Pay Sick Benefits Ontario Medical Services In- surance Plan Ontario Hospital Services Commission Insurance . Overhead Charged to Devel- opment Roads No. 840, No. 930, No. 931, No. 972, No. 1023 and Townline Accounts... .... - Machinery Overhead Insurance not Subsidized by De- ment of Highways ................ Expense re Opening of Wil1eys Bridge ........................ ............ 'Miscellaneous unsubsidized expen- ditures TOTAl. 13,456.44 1,068.01 7,216.70 24,796.92 10,175.06 5,176.89 2,348.69 8,326.40 25,544.16 2,392.48 32,419.32 18,219.06 3,465.27 3,431.28 29,985.64 Credit 3,421. 73 Credit $1,132.81 690.29 558.28 $ 157,657.85 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION Maintenance and Overhead .... ....... - 40,053.67 TOTAL MAINTENANCE AND OVERHEAD .......................... - 596,239.89 SUMMARY CONSTRUCTION .................... 1,018,958.93 MAINTENANCE & OVER- HEAD ..... .............. , ................. 596,239.89 Sub-Total ......................................................... 1,615,198.82 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 35 1970 Stock Balance Sub-Total Less: 1969 Stock Balance 99,036.98 1,714,235.80 GRAND TOTAL $ 1,640,951.51 (Total By-Law expenditure in 1960 roads $1,684,082.72) Expenditure By-Laws in 1970 appropriated $1,641,000.00 which were approved by the Department of Highways with a maximum SUbsidy of $959,600.00 and a Road Levy of 9.3 mills raised $655,115.00. The DHO SUbsidy is estimated at $938,800.00, the Contribu: tion of the City of St. Thomas to the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission is $28,099.65 and the County share is estimated at $674,115.00. The deficit for the 1970 Road Program is estimated at approximately $19,000.00 or .27 mills. (This compares with a surplus of $69,000.00 for 1969). In addition the following work was done under the Develop' ment Road Program. (a) Development Road No. 840 (County Road No. 52) from Road No. 40 to Road No. 30 in the Vil. lage of Springfield and the Townships of South Dorchester, Malahide and Yarmouth... $ 444.22 (Work Completed - Total Cost $1,217,445.04) (b) Development Road No. 930 (Road No. 45) from Road No. 35 to Highway No.4 in the Township of Yarmouth .............................................. 292,926.69 (e) Development Road No. 930 (Road No. 45) from Highway No.4 to Road No. 16 (Middlemarch) in the Township of Yarmouth and Southwold 295,863.39 (Total Cost of Work to date on Development Road No. 930 (b) & (c). ($1,052,368.58). (d) Development Road No. 931 (Road No. 20) in the Township of Southwold .. .......... ...................... 3,141.24 (Total Cost of Work to date $641,504.31). (e) Development Road No. 972 (Roads No. 47, No. 36 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 37 48, No. 49) in Townships of South Dorchester and the Village of Springfield ... 11,427.81 (Total Cost of Work to date $752,025.92) (f) Development Road No. 1023 (Road No. 16) in the Township of Southwold ......... 335,705.06 (Total Cost of Work to Date $341,824.44) Work was also done on Boundary Roads and Bridges and on the Willeys Bridge and billed to the County of Middlesex. In addition work was done for local municipalities and others and various materials sold. Payment Vouchers for 1970 Totalled - $2,711,580.77. (Payment Vouchers for 1969 Totalled $3,081,820.85 and in 1968 totalled $3,139,336.57). WE RECOMMEND 1. That the Warden name delegates to the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention and to the Roads and Transportation Association (formerly the Canadian Good Roads Association) Convention. 2. That a By'law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign Land Plans expropriating land as necessary to widen County Roads in 1971. It is necessary that such By-laws be passed yearly. 3. That a By-law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to Sign a Deed to Leslie McQuiggan of Aylmer for a small portion of land at the intersection of Beech and Elm Street, County Road No. 53, in Aylmer, not needed for Road Allow- ance purposes. All of which is respectfully submitted. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 5, 1971. To the Warden and Members of The County of Elgin Council. I beg to report as follows: That as required by section 16 of the Construction Safety Act 1961-62 as amended, I hereby submit the following report:- (a) Number of inspectors employed.... 1 (b) Number of inspections made dur- ~wm ..... w (c) Number of informations laid for offences under the Act... None (d) Nature of offences ... ........ N/ A (e) Number of persons fatally injured on projects and causes. (John Nachtnebel - Struck on head by load' of Plywood). See report May 20, 1970 . ....... .......... 1 (f) Number of orders made under Sec- tion 17 of the Act ........... 43 (g) Number of work stoppages order- ed 12 (h) Other matters .......... ........ ................ None Notifications received from local municipalities as required by section 15 (a) sub-section (1) is as follows: Township of Aldborough - 0 Township of Dunwich - 12 Township of Southwold - 172 Township of Yarmouth - 99 Township of Malahide - 33 Township of Bayham - 59 Township of S. Dorchester - 0 Town of Aylmer - 56 Village of Vienna - 0 Village of Springfield - 0 Village of Port Stanley - 61 J. L. McINTYRE Chairman 38 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Village of Belmont - 13 Village of Port Burwell - 20 Village of Dutton - 0 Village of West Lorne - 0 Village of Rodney - 0 Notifications received from Contractors as required by Sec- tion 15 (a) subsection (2). 3. Fwish to record inspections made under the Construction Safety Act have been on a parHime basis and it is estimated a total of 21 working days has been devoted to this task. That I have been assisted with these inspections by Mr. F. A. C. Trott of the Construction Safety Branch, Department of Labour. Respectfully submitted. N. J. CHAPLOW, Construction Safety Inspector. EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Educational Committe'e reports as follows: 1. That a scholarship grant of $100.00 each be made to the boy and girl from Elgin County attending the University of Western Ontario and attaining the highest academic standing. In case a boy or girl does not qualify the award may be given to the two top students. 2. That a grant of $100.00 be made to the boy from Elgin Coun- ty attending the Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technology and attaining the highest academic standing. 3. That a grant of $100.00 be made to the boy and girl from Elgin County attending Guelph University and attaining the high- est academic standing. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 39 4. That a scholarship grant of $100.00 be made to the student from Elgin County attending Waterloo University and attaining the highest academic standing. 5. That a scholarship grant of $100.00 be made to the student from Elgin County attending Waterloo Lutheran University and attaining the highest academic standing. 6. That Mrs. Fred Barnum be appointed to the County Library Board for 1971, 1972, and 1973. 7. That the Warden be the County of Elgin representative for 1971 on the Assembly of the University of Western Ontario. 8. That the 1971 Budget of the Elgin County Library requir- ing $83,000.00 from the County of Elgin be approved. 9. We recommend that the Warden, Reeve Dennis, Deputy Reeve McKillop, Deputy Reeve Randall, Deputy Reeve Whalls be the County of Elgin representatives on the Elgin County Board of Education Liaison Committee for 1971. 10. That the matter of the surpluses and deficits of former school boards be left in the hands of the Liaison Committee. All of which is respectfully submitted. MRS. MARY BLYTH, Chairman. Madam Chairman, Warden Todd and Members of the Education Committee. 1970 was an exciting year for the Elgin County Library sys- tem. Book circulation was 135,624, filmstrip circulation was 1,- 044, an increase of 68%, and periodical circulation was 2453. There was a 30% increase in brand new books delivered to the Branch Libraries. Technical services was up with 22,364 books processed, for an increase of 50% and 156 filmstrips processed for increase of 46%. Branch development continues with the re-organizing of Aylmer Branch where 800 dollars worth of renovations were undertaken and 6000 new hard cover books were placed in the 40 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 41 building. .Dutton was partially re-organized and 2812 new fiction books were placed in the building. In the paperback collection, Port Stanley, Rodney, Vienna, ,Straffordville, Aylmer, Belmont, Port Burwell, West Lorne and Dutton received new adult or juvenile paperbacks. The paper- back collection now totals 14,311 adult and 1384 juvenile books. One new project undertaken in 1970 was the collection of printed material relating to the history of the townships, villages and towns of the county of Elgin. Rather than start a central col- lection of one of a kind item which would have to be housed in the main branch and therefore require county residents to travel long distances to use it, the library has concentrated on multiple copies of basic documents so that each branch can have its own "local history" collection. Three examples of this type of material are, the books, "The Talbot Regime" by Judge Ermatinger, "Court Houses of a Century", and "Historical Sketches of the County of Elgin" by K. W. McKay. These are all available at your local branch library. Also, in co-operation with the Dutton Advance and the Uni- versity of Western Ontario the newspapers, The Dutton Enter- prise, and the Dutton Advance were microfilmed from 1881 on. This gives us an incredibly detailed history of events in the vil- lage of Dutton from 1881 on. A project which really took off this year was providing books for the retirement homes in the County. In 1969 we began plac- ing large print books in Elgin Manor. This year, in co-operation with the Women's Auxiliary we began a regular exchange and deposit program. There is, in effect, a branch library in the manor now staffed by the Women's Auxiliary. Circulation for the first 5 months was 1,080. The Bobier Home in Dutton also has a similar deposit which is also working out well. Books by mail-the library service to shut-ins-continued to boom. Special reference requests for material by county residents was 1060. 32,256 books were placed in schools and Elgin County stud- ents read 193,536 books in 1970. Unfortunately, the collection of books going to the schools , still needs work on it and additional funds will have to be spent on replacement books in 1971. These are the highlights of 1970. Much more was accomplish' ed but there is not, time enough to relate it in detail. I must say that in all respects throughout I was completely supported by the County Council and the Library Board. At this time I would like to thank the County Council Mem- bers for their interest and support through 1970. Both commit- tees and county councillors have contributed greatly to the lib' rary and I am grateful for their help throughout 1970. At this time I would like to thank personally the Board Chairman Mr. Cook for his help and direction, and Mr. Caverly, last years War- den. I would also like to thank the members of the local commit- tees who are our liaison with their communities and the Branch staff who have worked faithfully during 1970. You have before you the financial statement for 1970 and the proposed budget for 1971. As you can see there is an increase in expenditures for salaries. While dealing with this handicap we have. still attempted to spend the maximum of the budget on adult and childrens books, because books are the reaSon for the library's existance. ELGIN COUNTY LIBRARY Financial statement of Receipts and Disbursements 1970 Receipts Operating budget January 1970 County Grant... Provincial Grant Fines Rent-Aylmer Apartment Miscellaneous .....,.$ 4,357.78 69,052.00 41,802.00 1,004.99 780.00 719.00 $117,715.77 42 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Disbursements ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 43 salaries - Main Branches Board Members Books Processing Periodicals Bookbinding Air Conditioner Furniture & Fixtures - Main Branches Repairs & Maintenance - Main Branches ........ Equipment repairs Insurance Library supplies Association Fees Book Van Telephone Unemployment Insurance Auditor Filmstrips O.M.E.R.S. Pension Canada Pension P. U. C. - Main Branches Heat - Main Branches Library Accommodation - Branches...... Taxes - Aylmer apartment Interest & Exchange services - Mr. schult OSIP Miscellaueous 36,513.06 15,107.89 1,351.40 36,696.61 2,251.26 619.36 511.93 4,260.00 1,187.30 830.77 27.44 1,510.27 76.19 2,640.54 2,596.37 177.47 412.12 713.87 77.70 225.00 622.38 1,336.23 506.60 333.60 379.37 225.96 1,037.60 2,060.60 257.92 8.03 600.00 138.65 1,952.51 117,245.40 ELGIN COUNTY LIBRARY Proposed Budget 1971 Receipts Cash brought forward-1970 County Grant Provincial Grant Fines Rent - Aylmer Apartment Miscellaneous Disbursements Salaries Main Branches Board Members Books Processing Filmstrips Periodicals Bookbinding Book Van - operating Book Van Furniture & Fixtures Repairs & Maintenance - Main Branch development fund - Dutton Aylmer Belmont ........ Telephone ,pUC - Main Branches Heat - Main Branches Association Fees Insurance Auditor fees Library supplies Unemployment Insurance Pensions OMERS CPP Fringe Benefits (OSIP & Onto Hos.). Balance December 31, 1970 $ 470.37 .........$ 470.37 83,000.00 41,802.00 900.00 780.00 300.00 $127,252.37 40,000.00 20,000.00 1,900.00 35,000.00 3,000.00 700.00 900.00 500.00 500.00 3,000.00 2,500.00 500.00 .....1,200.00 800.00 200.00 2,200.00 900.00 400.00 425.00 250.00 1,200.00 300.00 2,640.00 225.00 2,500.00 125.00 1,800.00 600.00 300.00 44 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 45 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council. The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That Charity and Welfare Pay List No. 12 for $1,521.50, be approved. 2. That Children's Aid Society ,pay List No. 12 for $3,789.75, be approved. 3. That the Warden and TreaSUrer be authorized. to borrow up to $2,600,000.00 from the Bank of Montreal as may be required and that a by-law be prepared. 4. That the usual grant of $50.00 to the Law Library be paid. 5. That the membership fees in the Municipal Clerks' and Treasurers' Association be paid and the Clerk-Treasurer and Deputy Clerk-Treasurer to attend the' convention with expenses paid. 6. That V. DeGraw, H. Johnson and D. Todd be paid members wages for attendance at hospital meetings during 1970. That Mrs. Mary Blyth and A. Miskelly be paid an additional $3.00 for each meeting attended on the Health Unit prior to April 1st, 1970 and that 1970 Council members on the Children's Aid Soc- iety be paid an additional $6.00 per meeting attended during 1970. 7. Tbat the following constitute the Board of the Elgin Pioneer Museum for 1971-Mrs. J. R. Futcher, Mrs. Morley Adams, Mrs. C. D. Phillips, Mrs. P. G. Jeffries, Mr. M. C. Moore and Elgin County Council Representatives. 8. That a grant of $500.00 be made to the Elgin Pioneer Mus- eum. 9. That the membership fee in the Ontario Municipal Ass(\cia- tion be paid. 10. That a grant of $15,000.00 be made to the Tillsonburg Hos- pital. 11. That payment of a grant of $9,000.00 to the Four Counties Hospital for 1971 be authorized. Library Accommodations - Branches Janitor Taxes, Aylmer apartment Workshops - BrancheS Garbage Collection Equipment, repairs & maintenance Conference and workshops Miscellaneous 2,250.00 600.00 240.00 500.00 50.00 100.00 900.00 247.37 $127,252.37 EQUALIZATION AND ASSESsMENT COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council. The Equalization and Assessment Committee reports as fol- lows: 1. That Reeve Emerson, Reeve Miskelly, Reeve Wilson, Reeve Morrison, Warden Todd and the Clerk of the County be a com- mittee to deal with the appeal of the Township of Bayham and the Township of Aldborough against By-Law 2135 of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin and that Reeve Wilson be chairman of this special committee. All of which is respectfully submitted. R. N. JOHNSTON, Chairman. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT January session, 1971 46 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 47 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 12. That the Treasurer be authorized to continue monthly pay- ments to the Children's Aid Society on the basis of the 1970 Budget until the 1971 Budget is established. 13. That Reeve Johnston and Reeve Morrison be paid members wages for attending meetings of the Elgin County Pioneer Mus- eum during 1970. 14. That a grant of $5,000.00 be made to the Bobier Home. 15. That the request of the Ontario Association of Rural Muni- cipalities for membership, be filed. 16. That the membership fee in the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario, be paid. 17. That the membership fee in the Association of Ontario May, ors and Reeves, be paid. 18. That a grant of $1,250.00 be made to the Canadian National Institute for the Blind. 19. That a grant of $500.00 be made to the Salvation Army. 20. That the request of the Muscular Dystrophy Association of Canada for a grant, be filed. 21. That a grant of $3,000.00 be made to the University of Wes- tern Ontario. 22. That a grant of $2,500.00 be made to the Salvation Army towards the cost of constructing a House of Concord. 23. We recommend that the 1972 Council make a grant of $12,- 000.00 to the Tillsonburg Hospital towards the cost of an inten- sive care and cardiae unit. 24. That a grant of $2,275.38 be made to the Economic Council- Erie Region. 25. That the St. Thomas-Elgin AssoCiation for Retarded Children be given a grant of $2,500.00 for 1971 and we recommend to fu- ture councils that this grant be continued in 1972, 1973 and 1974. This grant is towards the cost of constructing a Community Resi- dence for Retardates. 26. That the Chairman of the Educational Committee be the County of Elgin representative on the Residential Care Commit- tee of ,the St. Thomas-Elgin Association for Retarded Children with usual committee pay for attending meetings. All of which is respectfully submitted. M. A. KAHNT, Chairman. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2150 "A By-Law To Authorize The Expropriation Of Land For The ,purpose Of Widening And Improving County Roads." WHEREAS under Section 333 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 249, R.S.O. 1960, the Council of every Corporation may pass By-Laws for acquiring or expropriating any land required for the purpose of the Corporation. AND WHEREAS the Highway Improvement Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 171, Section 66, provides that where, in the exer- cise of its powers, or in performance of its obligations under Part VII of the said Act, a County finds that it is necessary to expropriate land for the purpose of opening up, widening, im- proving, protecting from erosion, altering or diverting a County Road, the County may proceed in the manner provided by Part 1 of the said Act: AND WHEREAS in the exercise of its powers and in per- formance of its obligations, the Corporation of the County of Elgin finds, or may find, that it is necessary to expropriate lands for widening, improving, etc., the county roads shown on sche- dule A as attached: BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Corporation of the County of Elgin: (1) That the Warden and Clerk of the County of Elgin be, and are, authorized to sign any and all plans pertaining to land expropriation for County Roads shown on Sche- 48 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 49 dule A, and to affix thereto the seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin and to register the same in the County of Elgin Registry Office. (2) That the Treasurer be, and is hereby authorized to pay to the owners of the lands hereby expropriated, such amounts as may be agreed upon as compensation for the lands expropriated, or such compensation as may be determined by arbitration under provisions of the Expropriations Act, 1968-69. READ a first time this 21st day of January, 1971. READ a second time this 21st day of January, 1971. READ a third time and finally passed, this 21st day of January, 1971. . H. L. JOHNsON Clerk 7. County Road No. 36-Lots No. 21 and No. 22, Concession III, IV, V, VI, VII. Lots No. 19 and No. 20, Concession VII, Lots No. 63, No. 64, No. 65 South Talbot Road (Concession VIII), Township of Yarmouth. 8. County Road No. 38-Lots No. 112 to No. 114 inclusive, North and South of Talbot Road, Township of Bayham. 9. County Road No. 40~Lots No. 93 and No. 94, South of Tal, bot Road, Township of Malahide. 10. County Road No. 40-Lots No. 20 and No. 21, Concession IV, Township of Malahide. 11. County Road No. 45-Lots No. 1 to No. 3 inclusive, Con. V and VI, Township of Yarmouth. 12. County Road No. 45-Lots No.6 and No.7, Range I and II, East of River Road, Township of Southwold. DOUGLAS R. TODD Warden SCHEDULE "A" 1971 COUNTY OF ELGIN By.Law No. 2151 "Being A By-Law To Authorize The Warden and Clerk To Sign A Deed To Leslie McQuiggan Of The Town Of Aylmer" WHEREAS, The Corporation of the County of Elgin has agreed to sell certain lands to Leslie McQuiggan. NOW THEREFORE, The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: THAT the Warden and Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are, hereby, authorized to sign a Deed for the following parcel of Lot No. 82, North Talbot Road, in the Town of Aylmer. ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the Town of Aylmer, in the County of Elgin and Province of Ontario, being composed of Part of Lot Eighty-Two (82), North of Talbot Road in the said 1. County Road NO.2-Lots No. 7 to No. 18 inclusive. Con- cession VIII and IX, Township of Aldborough, Village of Rodney and Village of West Lorne. County Road No. 16-Lots 23 to 25, Concession XI, Town- ship of Dunwich. County Road No. 16 - Lots No. 19 to No. 23 inclusive, North of Talbot Road East Branch and Lots No. 19 to No. 23 inclusive, South of Talbot Road East Branch, Township of Southwold. County Road No. 26-Lot No.2, Con. IX (or Lot No. 47 North of Talbot Road) Township of Yarmouth. County Road No. 30-Lots No.8 and No.9, Range I and II, North of Edgeware Road and Concession X, XI, XII and XIII, Township of Yarmouth. County Road No. 33-Lots No. 1 and No.2, Concession VIII, Township of Yarmouth. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 50 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Town, being that part of County of Elgin Road Number Fifty- Three, (53), more particularly described as follows: PREMISING that the bearings given herein are referred to those shown on Deposited Plan No. D751, registered in the Registry Office for the County of Elgin. COMMENCING at a point in the Southerly limit of the Westerly extension of Beech Street as established by By-Law Number 1483 registered in the Registry Office for the County of Elgin as In- strument Number 17115 distant Four Hundred and Fifty and Thirty-Seven One-Hundredths Feet (450.37') measured on a bear- ing of North Eighty-Eight Degrees, Fifty-Seven Minutes West .(N88057'W) thereon from its intersection with the Easterly limit of said Lot Eighty-two (82) said point of commencement being the intersection of the said Southerly limit of the Westerly exten- sion of Beech Street with the Easterly limit of said County Road Number Fifty-Three (53); THENCE North Eighty-Eight Degrees, Fifty-Seven Minutes West (N88057'W), Sixty. One and Sixty-Nine One-Hundredths Feet (61.69'); THENCE south One Degree, Ten Minutes West (SIOI0'W), Nine- ty-Five and Twenty.Four One'Hundredths Feet (95.24') to its intersection with the Northerly limit of the lands of the Cana' dian National Railways; THENCE south Eighty-Five Degrees, Forty-Nine Minutes East (S85049'E) along the Northerly limit of said Railway lands Sixty- One and Eighty-six One-Hundredths Feet (61.86') to its intersec- tion with the Easterly limit of said County Road Number Fifty- . Three (53); THENCE North One Degree, Seven Feet East (NI007'E) along the Easterly limit of said County Road Number Fifty-Three (53), Ninety-Eight and Sixty-Two One-Hundredths Feet (98.62') to the point of commencement. CONTAINING by admeasurement an area of 0.137 acres be the same more or less. READ a first, second, and third time, and passed this 21st day of January, 1971. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk DOUGLAS R. TODD, Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 51 MUNICIPALITY OF .COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2152 WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation deems it necessary to borrow the sum of Two Million, Six Hundred Thousand.. xx/IOO dollars to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Corporation for the year; AND WHEREAS the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Corporation as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 1970, not including revenues derivable or derived from the sale of assets, borrowings or issuance of debentures or from a surplus, including arrears of taxes, is Three Million, seven Hund- red and Seventy Thousand, Seven Hundred and Seventy-nine xx/IOO dollars. AND WHEREAS the total amount heretofore authorized to be borrowed this year for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of section 329 of The Municipal Act is Nil dollars, of which the Corporation has already borrowed a total of Nil dollars. THEREFORE the Council of The Corporaltion of the County of.Elgin hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Corporation to borrow from time to time, by way of promissory note, from the Bank of Montreal, a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate Two Million, six Hundred Thous- and-xx/l00 dollars to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the' Corporation for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentIoned in subsection (1) of the said Section 329, and to give, on behalf of the Corpora- tion, to the Bank a promissory note or notes, sealed with the cor- porate seal and signed by them for the moneys so borrowed with interest at a rate not exceeding 8 per centum per annum, which may be paid in advance or otherwise. 2. All sums borrowed from the said Bank, for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 329, shall, with in- terest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Corporation for the current year and for all preceding years, as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borowed pursuant to the authority of this By-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in ,this year 52 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 53 and any previous years, from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said section 329, together with inter- est thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received on account or realized in respect of the taxes levied for the current year and preceding years and all of the moneys collected or re- ceived from any other source, which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this 21st day of January 1971. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2153 "A By-Law To Confirm Proceedings Of The Council Of The Corporation Of The County Of Elgin At The January session, 1971." CORPORATE SEAL WHEREAS by section 9 of the Municipal Act. being Chap- ter 249 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1960, the pOwers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; DOUGLAs R. TODD (The Head of the Corporation.) H. L. JOHNsON Clerk. AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 242 of the Muni- cipal Act, being Chapter 249 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1960, the powers of eVery Council are to be exercised by By- Law; AND WHEREAs it is deemed expedient that the proceed- ings of the Council of tbe Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law; NOW THEREFORE the Council of. the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Re- ports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the January 1971 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceed' ings were expressly embodied in this By'Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in preceding sec- tion hereof. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By- Law No. 2152 of The Corporation of the County of Elgin in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Corporation duly held, and that the said By-law is in full force and effect. Dated this 21st day of January 1971. As witness the Seal of the Corporation. H. L.JOHNsON, Clerk. CORPORATE SEAL 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to II: I 'I ,II Ii 54 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 55 execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix there- to the seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 21st day of January, 1971. READ a second time this 21st day of January, 1971. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of January, 1971. MARCH SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 16th day of March, 1971 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All members present except Deputy Reeve Walker. Moved by Reeve Mrs. Blyth Seconded by Reeve Emerson That the minutes of the January 1971 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk DOUGLAS R. TODD, Warden -Carried. The following communications were read and referred to the various Committees: From the Bank of Montreal advising that effective March 1st, 1971, the interest rate on current borrowings will be 6% %. -Filed. From the Children's Aid Society of the City of st. Thomas and the County of Elgin with 1971 budget.-Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Department of Municipal Mfairs with Newsletter No. 6 ,relative to the Haldimand Norfolk Study.-Referred to the County Government Committee. From Gloin and Little, Barristers and Solicitors, with request for increased payment for land purchased from Mr. & Mrs. Durward H. Siple.-Referred to the Road Committee. From the County of Peel with resolution requesting the Minister of Municipal Affairs ,to amend Section 214 of The Municipal Act to permit a municipality to appoint by by-law a member of Council to act in place of a County Council represen- tative.-Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Ontario Good Roads Association announcing the 1971 "T. J. Mahoney" Road School and the 1971 "C. S. Ander- son" Road schoo1.-Referred to the Road Committee. From the Children's Aid Society of the City of St. Thomas 56 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL and the Connty of Elgin with list of Children in Care to January 31, 1971.-Filed. From the University of Guelph with letter explaining method of selecting winners of Elgin County Scholarships.-Referred to the Education Committee. From the University of Waterloo with letter of appreciation of scholarship.-Filed. From the University of Western Ontario with appreciation of grant and scholarships.-Filed. From the Salvation Army with appreciation of grants.- Filed. From the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit with 1971 budget. -Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Department of Municipal Affairs with pamphlet on Land Division Committees.-Referred to the County Govern- ment Committee. From Waterloo Lutheran University with appreciation, of Scholarship.-Filed. From the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority with Regula- tions dealing with Fill, Construction and Alteration to Water- ways in the Kettle Creek watershed.-Referred to the Road Committee. From the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit with Financial State- ments for the year ended December 31, 1970.-Referred to the Finance Committee. ' From the County of ,perth with resolution requesting the Federal Minister of AgricultUre to impose immediately restrict- ing quotas on importations of beef from overseas countries.- Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham with resolution requesting the Canadian National Railways and Canadian Pacific Railways to convey back, where possible, pro- perties not under tracks to the present owners of the properties from which the lands were originally separated.-Referred to the Petitions and Legislation Committee. From the City of Kitchener with resolution urging the Gov- ernment of Ontario to enact legislation with respect to Motorized ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 57 Snow Vehicles.-Referred to the Petitions and Legislation Com- mittee. From the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission with An- ual Report of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission En- gineer, Statement of 1970 expenditures and 1971 Estimates.- Referred to the Road Committee. From Mrs. Charlotte Michalson with' request that a scholar- ship be awarded to the top student from Elgin County attending the, Centralia College of Agricultural Technology.-Referred to the Educatiomil Committee. From the Department of Lands and Forests with list of land transactions in the County of Elgin for the year 1970.-Filed. From the Town of Aylmer with resolution re: County of El- gin By-Law No. 2132 respecting parking restrictions on Elm Street and Beech Street in the Town of Aylmer.-Referred to the Road Committee. From the Art Gallery Foundation of St. Thomas and Elgin County with request for a grant.-Referred to the Finance Com- mittee. From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with January and March Newsletters and advising that mid-term meeting will be held at the King Edward Sheraton Hotel, Tor- onto, from April 6 to April 8, 1971.-Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Department of Municipal Affairs with letter re: Provincial-Municipal Employment Incentive Program and Fed- eral-Provincial special Development Loans Program.-Referred to the Finance Committee. From The No. 3 Highway Association with request for sup- port of the Association in its drive to establish a Parkway Auth- ority from Windsor to Niagara.-Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. The Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Hodgson and adopted on motion of Reeve Hodgson and Reeve Liebner. The First Report of the Finance Committee was presented by, Reeve Kahnt and adopted on motion of Reeve Kahnt and Reeve Caverly. The Report of the Elgin Manor Committee was presented 58 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL by Reeve Miskelly and adopted on motion of Reeve Miskelly and Deputy Reeve Lyle. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Reeve WIlson That the Warden and the Clerk of the County of Elgin be and are hereby authorized to sign certificate regarding the fol- lowing permanent employee of the Corporation for exemption of contributions as provided under the Regulations of the Unem- ployment Insurance Act. Effective March 6, 1971 Clerk-Treasurer's Office-Rose Marie Daniel. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Kahnt Seconded by Reeve McIntyre That By-Law No. 2154, "To Raise Amounts For County Rates During The Year 1971," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve McIntyre seconded by Deputy Reeve McKillop That By-Law No. 2154 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Liebner Seconded by Reeve Kahnt That By-Law No. 2154 be read a third time and finally pass- ed. -Carried. Mrs. Nancy Mitchell, Miss Nancy Keillor and Mr. John Long- worth from the Department of Municipal Affairs met with Coun- cil and Mr. Longworth spoke to Council regarding the appoint. ment and duties of a Land and Division Committee after which Mr. Longworth and Mrs. Mitchell answered questions asked by members of the. Council. The Warden thanked Mrs. Mitchell, Miss Keillor. and Mr. Longworth and invited them to join with the members of Coun- cil for dinner. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 59 H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk DOUGLAS R. TODD, Warden MARCH SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 17th day of March, 1971 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members present except Deputy Reeve Walker. The Report of the Road Committee was presented by Reeve McIntyre and adopted on motion of Reeve McIntyre and Reeve Miskelly. 60 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 61 The Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Robe11l;s and adopted on motion of Reeve Roberts and Reeve Morrison. The Report of the Education Committee was presented by Reeve Mrs. Blyth and adopted on motion of Reeve Mrs. Blyth and Reeve Liebner. The.Second Report of the Finance Committee was presented by Reeve Kahnt and adopted on motion of Reeve Kahnt and Reeve Lake. Moved by Reeve Mrs. Blyth Seconded by Reeve Miskelly That By-Law No. 2155, "A By-Law To Provide For The 1971 Expenditures On Roads Under The Highway Improvement Act In The Connty Of Elgin," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Cook That By-Law No. 2156 be read a third time and finally pass- ed. -Carried. Council recessed for 30 minutes and then resumed. The following people from the County of Oxford, Warden William Ducklow, Mr. G. H. McKay, Social Services Administra- tor and Mr. G. R. Staples, County Clerk-Treasurer having been invited to meet with the Elgin County Council, were present and explained how the Oxford County Department of Social ServiceS operates. They also answered questions asked by members of the Elgin County Council. The Warden thanked the people from Oxford for meeting with the Elgin County Council and invited them to dinner. Moved by Reeve Liebner Seconded by Reeve. Johnston That we do now adjourn to meet again at 2:00 p.m. Wed- nesday, March 17, 1971. Moved by Reeve Miskelly seconded by Reeve Mrs. Blyth That By-Law No. 2155 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Csinos Seconded by Reeve Dennis That By-Law No. 2155 be read a third time and finally pass- ed. -Carried. _Carried. Council Re-Convened. The Report of the Petitions and Legislation Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Lyle and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Lyle and Deputy Reeve Csinos. The Report of the County Government Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Wilson and it was, Moved by Reeve Wilson seconded by Reeve Dennis That the Report of the County Government Committee be adopted. It was, Moved by Reeve Speers Seconded by Deputy Reeve Cook An amendment to the report of County Goyernment, clause No.5, that any costs in excess of the revenue received by the Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Reeve Lake That By-Law No. 2156, "Being A By-Law To Authorize Grants To Be Made To Various Organizations, Corporations, Institutions, Etc. During 1971," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Lake Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That By-Law No. 2156 be read a second time. -Carried. 62 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 63 Land Division Committee be assessed to the municipality in which the costs occurred, subject to the approval of Minister, Department of Municipal Affairs. The amendment motion was voted on and defeated. The motion to adopt the County Government Committee Report was then voted on and Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Kahnt Resolved that the per capita allowance to Elgin County re: The Ontario Employees Incentive Program be redistributed to the local municipalities for their use. Any allocation not taken up by a local municipality on or before April 15, 1971, may be used by the Elgin County Road Committee. PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT March session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council. The Property Committee reports as follows: L That the Grand Jury Report to his Honour Judge J. F. Mc- Millan dated December 7, 1970, be tabled. 2. That the letter from Bennett and Wright Contractors Ltd. with quotation to repair the copper on the court house dome' roof be tabled. 3. That the letter from Mr. George C. Walker re: floodlights be filed. 4. Authorization has been received from the Department of Public Works to; (i) Paint certain Administration of Justice areas in the Court House. (il) Paint the interior of the Registry office, renew and relocate several fluorescent fixtures. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. W. HODGsON, Chairman. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Mrs. Blyth Seconded by Deputy Reeve Randall That By-Law No. 2157, "A By-Law To Confirm Proceedings of the Council Of The. Corporation Of The County Of Elgin At The March Session, 1971," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Randall Seconded by Reeve Mrs. Blyth That By-Law No. 2157 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Mrs. Blyth Seconded by Reeve Miskelly That By-Law No. 2157 be read a third time and finally pass- COUNTY RATES, COUNTY OF ELGIN FINANCIAL REPORT March Session, 1971 ed. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Cook Seconded by Reeve Roberts That we do now adjourn to meet again April 21, 1971, at 10:00 a.m. First Report To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council. THE COMMITTEE on Finance beg leave to report that hav- ing inquired into Finances of the County, and estimates prepar- ed by the County Treasurer, they herewith submit a statement of the expenditures required for the lawful purpose of the Coun- during 1971, and showing the amount required to he raised for the undermentioned purposes: -Carried. H.. L. JOHNSON, Clerk DOUGLAs R. TODD, Warden 64 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 65 YOUR COMMITTEE would recommend that the sum of One Million, Two Hundred and Forty-Two Thousand, and Thirty-Five Dollars be raised on all rateable property in the several muni- cipalities of the County of Elgin during the year 1971, for County purposes, and that this amount be levied on the several munici- palities in the County of Elgin on the basis of the apportionment as determined in By-Law No. 2135, passed September 29th, 1970. All of which is respectf~ly submitted. County Roads ........____................ Charity and 'Welfare ................ Child Welfare ........n......___.__.....__. EDgin Manor Operating ____._.__. Elgin Manor, Debentures ...... Hospital Debenture ..._........__.... Bank Interest .___.._.._~_____m___....__.. Discount on County Rates____n Abatement of Taxes __nmn___..___. Agriculture ......n.._._______.____m."..... Health Unit .__._____m..____.."............. Registry Office nmO.O___n'....._________ Care of Buildings ____u________________ County Public Library __n.m.m.. Grants .".".___.__.___....___._____."u____..____.__ Eme'rgency Measures Organization ....m.............._.. Printing, Postage & Stationery __nunm____....__________ Municipal Government ._.m_..... Sundries ..._._..____........_._.....__..._........ Elgin County Sick Benefit Account n___nn..hn_nnn_________n_ Property Purchase __00............__00 Contingencies .__..._hm.........._....... Recovery of Rentals m_.m....___. 1971 1971 1971 Estimated Estimated Tax Expend. Receipts Levy $ 2,280,000.00 $1,620,000.00 $ 660,000.00 25,000.00 20,000.00 5,000.00 47,000.00 500.00 46,500.00 562,650.00 485,245.00 77,405.00 75,440.00 18,300.00 57,140.00 41,600.00 6,090.00 35.510.00 55,000.00 65,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 5,500.00 5,500.00 15,000.00 2,000.00 13,000.00 84,097.00 84,097.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 35,000.00 18,000.00 17.000.00 83,000.00 83,000.00 46,000.00 46,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 63,000.00 63,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 . 15,000.00 (Cr.)15,000.00 -- $ 3,515,787.00 $ 2,192,135.00 $ 1,323,652.00 From Surplus 81,617.00 NET LEVY $1,242,035.00 ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Elgin Manor Committee reports as follows:. 1. That County Council be invited to have lunch at the Manor during the May Session. .2. That the per diem rate to be charged for paying residents of Elgin Manor be $9.95 per day, effective April 1st, 1971. All of which is respectfully submitted. A. T. MISKELLY, Chairman. COUNTY OF ELGIN' BY-LAW No. 2154 "To Raise Amounts For County Rates During The Year 1971" WHEREAS an estimate has been. made showing that the sum of One Million, Two Hundred and Forty-Two Thousand, and Thirty-Five Dollars is required to be raised in the several muni- cipalities for the lawful purpose of the County during the year, 1971, on the basis of the apportionment as determined in By- Law No. 2135, passed September 29th, 1970. M. A. KAHNT, Chairman. Municipality Aylmer Belmont Dutton Port Burwell Port Stanley Rodney springfield Vienna West Lorne Aldborough Apportionment 11.408% 1.284% 1.441 % 1.175% 4.784% 1.746% .539% .483 % 1.866 % 8.266% 66 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Bayham Dorchester South Dunwich Malahide South wold . Yarmouth 9.497% 3.028% 6.007% 12.040% 21.820% 14.616% 100.000% THEREFORE the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts: THAT the amounts, as set forth below, be levied on al! rate- able property by the several municipalities in the County of Elgin for the year 1971. Aylmer Belmont Dutton Port Burwel! Port Stanley Rodney Springfield Vienna West Lorne Aldborough Bayham Dorchester South Dunwich Malahide Southwold Yarmouth 141,691.35 15,947.73 17,897.72 14,593.91 59,418.96 21,685.93 6,694.57 5,999.03 23,176.37 102,666.61 117,956.06 37,608.82 74,609.04 149,541.02 271,012.04 181,535.84 $1,242,035.00 READ a first time this 16th day of March, 1971. READ a second time ,this 16th day of March, 1971. READ a third time and final!y passed this 16th day of March, 1971. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk DOUGLAS R. TODD, Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 67 MARCH SESSION, 1971 ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT No.1 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, Your Road Committee begs to report as fol!ows: WE RECOMMEND: 1. That the Resolution of the County of Dufferin regarding notification by Insurance Companies to the Ontario Depart- ment of Transport of lapse of Liability Insurance be filed. 2. That the ReSOlution of the City of Kitchener requesting the Ontario Department of Highways find a cheap substitute for Salt for Winter Control.,.purposes be filed. 3. That the Rebate to the Urban Municipalities for 1971 be 35% of their Road Levy. . 4. That the, Budget of the St. Thomas Suburban RO,adCommis- sion in the amount of $188,000 be approved. Included in the Budget is replacement of Patterson Bridge over Kettle Creek on Road No. 30 (Radio Road). 5. That a Road Expenditure 'By-Law be passed to be al!ocated . as fol!ows: Construction Maintenance Total Roads . ............. 705,000 316,000 1,021,000 Bridges & Culverts ......... ........... 218,000 25,000 243,000. New Machinery & Garage........ 75,000 Nil 75,000 superintendence & Overhead.. 124,000 51,000 175,000 Totals ...................... 1,122,000 392,000 1,514,000 68 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL (a) County Expenditure Construction Roads $ Construction-Bridges & Culverts.. Construction - New Machinery & Garage.. Maintenance Roads ... Maintenance-Bridges & Culverts Urban Rebates Overhead: -Reduction in Stock Balance.. ............. 665,000 78,000 75,000 320,000 24,000 57,000 165,000 . 57,000 Credit $ 1,327,000 (b) St. Thomas snburban Roads Commission Expenditure Construction Roads ....................... ........ $ 13,000 Construction Bridges & Culverts . (Patterson). ,...c.. .... ...... ............... ...... 140,000 Maintenance Roads.. .................... .......... 23,000 Maintenance Bridges & Culverts ....... 1,000 Overhead ..... ............... 10,000 $ 187,000 . (Items Not for Subsidy $1,000) The Road By-Law provides for the following items of Bridge and Road Construction. Bridges and Culverts (a) St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Patterson Bridge, Road No. 30. (b) County (1) Road No. 40 between Road No. 52 and Glencolin and between Highway No. 3 and Mount Salem. (2) Culvert Replacement Road No.9, Dunwich. (3) Culverts in conjunction with grading Road No.2, West Lome to Rodney. (4) Surveys, Engineering work, Port Talbot Bridge, Road No. 16. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 69 County Roads Construction (a) Needs Study (1970 Study) (75% Subsidy) (b) 50% Items 1- Needs Study (1971 Update). 2 - Land Purchase for widening County Roads. 3 - Drainage Assessments. 4 - Fencing Development Roads No. 930 & $1023 (Roads. No. 45 & No. 16). 5 - Completion of Wo,rk Road No. 22, Surface Treatment and Cleanup. 6 - Continuance of Erosion Control, Road No. 42, East of Port Burwell. 7 - Completion of Work, Road No. 53, Beech St., Aylmer. 8 - Completion of Work, Road No. 40, Springfield to Glen- colin including Double Surface Treatment. 9 - Completion of Work-Road No. 40, Highway No.3 to Mount salem including Double Surface Treatmeut. 10 - start on a new Garage at White's Station, 11- Grading, Granular Base, Paving, etc. Road No. 16, Fingal urban Section, Road No. 20 westerly. 12. _ Grading, Granular Base, Paving, etc. Road No. 21 (War.. ren Street) Port Stanley. 13 - Grading, Granular Base, (Base Course Paving) Road No.2, Rodney to West Lome. 14 - Grading, Granular Base, Drainage, Paving, Road No. 2, West Lome, Urban. 15 - Surveys, Clearing, Fencing, etc. Road No. 36, Sparta to Highway No.3 and south of Highway No.3. 16 - Miscellaneous Surveys, Traffic Counts,. etc. The Cost to the County of the Road Program is estimated at $660,000. (This compares with approximately $656,000 raised by taxation in 1970). It is expected that sufficient Development Road Fund wilL I;.! i;' 70 ;: II [: Ii ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 71 be available to complete Road No. 45 between Jaffa and Middle- march and to complete Road No. 16 between St Thomas and Fingal. . Total expenditure on Roads is estimated at $2,280,000 which includes By-Law expenditures, Development Roads, Boundary Line Accounts and other Accounts Receivable. Total expenditure in 1970 was $2,711,000 and in 1969 was $3,082,000). All of which is respectfully SUbmitted. Council. This Program integrated Works on County and subur- ban Roads. , I ~: THE PROGRAM as it affects Suburban Roads is as follows: 1971 - Reconstruction of Patterson Bridge, Road No. 30. 1972 - Reconstruction of Road No. 30 from St. Thomas City Limits to Road No. 52 approximately 1 mile. 1973 - Paving Road No. 30 from st. Thomas City Limits to . Road No. 30. THE ACCUMULATED DEFICIT by the end of 1973 is estim- ated to be approximately $10,000.00 which will not be an undue burden to carry into 1974. HOT MIX RESURFACING will likely be necessary by 1974 on Road No. 25 (Wellington Road). RECONSTRUCTION OF ROAD No. 22 (Fairview Ave.) will be necessary by 1975 and it may be necessary for the County to assume the Road so that it may be reconstructed. PRELIMINARY SURVEYS on Road No.3 have been started and it is expected that an early decision on the location of the Bridge could be made. MAINTENANCE on the Suburban System in 1970 will like- ly be of an ordinary nature although a severe spring breakup could adversely affect Roads No. 22 and No. 30. All of which is respectfully submitted. R. G. MOORE, Engineer to the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission. I::: 1]: ii.J it.):! ii;!i Ij, J. L. McINTYRE Chairman ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 1971. i~ "I 1"1. I~ t1 ~]I. 'M ~ rl (~ t1 .h tJ ~J ~ ';1 t~ l~ TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION: ATTACHED TO MY ANNUAL REPORT to the Commission, is a statement of Expenditures on Commission Roads in 1970 and the estimates for expenditures for 1971. APPROXIMATELY 15 miles of Road are nnder Control of the Commission at the present time. . THE REVERSION of 7 miles of Road No. 16 between the St. Thomas City Limits and Fingal to the County of Elgin was approved. by the Minister of Highways last summer. This was designated a Development Road and reconstruction by the Coun- ty is now underway and will continue through 1971. KAINs BRIDGE RECONSTRUCTION and approach work has been completed. Minor trimming work and seeding remain to be completed. After a great deal of Study a 3-year Program was developed by the Elgin County Road Committee and approved by County :1 :1: I il ;1;: :'!!i :i~ 'I" iiO: !:\i '72 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY. COUNCIL 73 sT. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMIsSION STATEMENT OF 1970 EXPENDITURES CONSTRUCTION: Chargeable to Bridges Kains Bridge: . Contract .................... Materials Engineering CONsTRUCTION: ROADS Kains Bridge Approaches (Contract & Engineering) Road No. 33, Construction, Guiderail and other work by County forces beyond Contract limits ............ Surveys and Traffic Counts . Land Purchase Drainage Assessments TOTAL CONSTRUCTION .........$118,098.61 8,965.06 5,546.51 $132,610.18 MAINTENANCE Bridge and Culvert Maintenance. .............. ROAD MAINTENANCE AND OVERHEAD Winter Control surface Treatment Repairs to Pavements Roadside Maintenance Gravel Resurfacing, Grading, Dust Control Weed Control Brushing and Tree Cutting Pavement Marking Signs Guide Rails Drainage Railroad Protection Superintendence, Clerical & Overhead...... 13,560.95 5,345.64 348.58 692.08 Credit 341.00 18,904.09 779.78 11,479.68 2,400.19 5,621. 76 1,249.75 876.61 794.99 1,418.28 1,782.90 576.66 422.60 557.36 351.58 10,875.91 38,408.27 74 00"" 00'" ~oo:i """"." ,.. ~ ~ ffi = . "" '.~ I"< ,.q o~~ ~tIl.c ~&S ~~~ ~",,, l:l'S c;d~ j.>l tIl e.l . P=lc1l~~ c1l tf).pooj ~I"<<$ !"l..."'''' ~<ll't:lOO El'Sgr:: OOQ.)~""" 1l'I;;;:",~ ~ 00 OOCl)O$:l ,,<:!l " ~:tj t.l O'S.S g ZS~'" tI:l 0 +-> ~ :;:Q8.:1 ~ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL "" '" .,; '" "" """" "" 00 0> ~d t..: "''''' ,.. "",.. ~f~;' "'" "'" ""0> .....0 d.qi .....0 "'0> C'fo:f ""..... ..... "'" '" ~ o is E-i '" ~ '" .... '" ..... ~~ 0'" ....."" "" ..... "" "" ,....j C'i o "" '" ... "," "" ,.. 0; ,.. ,.. ,.. "" eO o ... eO "" ~ o ..... 'S ~ ." "" ." ." 0 ..... '" ." d o:i cO 0> 0> 0> ." 0 ... 0} cO ,...f "" "" "'" "'" l!':l OOl!:! co oo~ 0:) odeD ~ oom o mOco co~ co~ .l.!:I~ t'--~ "" ..... "'" "" '" .,; '" "" ~ ~ o ." " bJJ '" .~ '" '" ~ Il'I o is '" " '0; ~ t ~ '" ,., ~ ~ ~ O.S Q >"O~o:. ~O),.cco E _ '0...... 0:. O,~.jj 1"'"1 (I) !i3~8~ ~ E-!I"""l_r.f.l ro po.'" '" '" il.. 1l'I;;;:'~e in El;:1!~bl 3 ~ i o ,.. 0> ..... ... o ..... ..... ,.. 0> ..... ~ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISsION 1971 ESTIMATES CONSTRUCTION: BRIDGEs & CULVERTS Patterson Bridge ROADS Patterson Bridge Approaches (Beyond 10.0. feet from Bridge) Cieanup Seeding, etc. Rd. No. 33 at Kains Bridge Land Purchase .... Drainage Assessments Surveys, Traffic Counts, Misc. Grading, etc. ...... Superintendence & Overhead.... MAINTENANCE BRIDGES AND CULVERTS ROADS Winter Maintenance Surface Treatment Repairs to Pavements Weeds and Brushing Grading Roadside Maintenance Dust Control, etc. Pavement Marking signs, Rail- road Protection, Guide Rail Drainage ...... .............. ......... Superintendence & Overhead.. SUB-TOTAL 7,0.0.0..0.0. 50.0..0.0. 4,0.0.0..0.0. 50.0..0.0. 1,0.0.0..0.0. 4,0.0.0..0.0. 8,0.0.0..0.0. 1,50.0..0.0. 5,0.0.0..0.0. 2,0.0.0..0.0. 2,20.0..0.0. 3,30.0..0.0. 1,0.0.0..0.0. 6,0.0.0..0.0. 75 '" ~ o is E-i '" ~ t>l <H q...j <H ~ 00 0 .... Q r.1 is ~ po. o 1"1 '" I"< ",r.1 t g... r.1 ~..:i " "1:: " ~...I"I ~ 0" " .~ ):)"'""<L1 =~ ~ ~ :'S E-i o~ U 0:.1:; ctS l'r.I .... ~<.. EQ " ~ ~ 1-7...: 2;,,=_ c1l c1l ~" Z~-o l7.l,,=~_ ".. 1>'1~!; ~g~gg.~...~ ~~SU~Uc1l~~~=~ 1"1 PoP bJJ... bJJS'" 'fi '" ~ ~ ~~ ~~ g=8'c= ~ ~~ < "'< "'!l:I~!l:I:;:~o;::;E E-< Z o 0 E-< Q $140.,0.0.0..0.0. $ 17,0.0.0..0.0. 1,0.0.0..0.0. 29,0.0.0..0.0. 76 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ITEMS NOT FOR SUBSIDY TOTALS Patterson Bridge Road Construction Bridge & Culvert Maintenance.. Road Maintenance Items not for Subsidy 140,000.00 17,000.00 1,000.00 29,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 188,000.00 AMOUNT PAYABLE BY THE CITY OF sT. THOMAs Patterson Bridge. .... ....... 10% of $140,000.00 = $ 14,000.00 Road Construction ....... 25% of 17,000.00 = 4,250.00 Bridge & Cnlvert Maintenance Road Maintenance Items Not for Subsidy.... 10% of 25% of 50% of 1,000.00 29,000.00 1,000.00 = % Mill from the City of St. Thomas on ,the assessment of $36,800,000.00 <adjusted by the Minister of Highways) will provide Add Snrplus from 1970 Less: Estimated Cost of 1971 Work to City.... Deficit to 1972 100.00 7,250.00 500.00 26,100.00 $ 18,400.00 1,496.50 26,100.00 6,203.50 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 7,7 AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT March session, 1971 To The Warden and Members ,of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resoiution from the CoullJty of ,perth requesting the Federal Minister of Agriculture to impose immediately re- stricting quotas on importations of beef from overseas countries be filed. All of which is respectfully submitted. T. Y. ROBERTS, Chairman. EDUCATION COMMITTEE REPORT March session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Education Committee reports as follows: 1. That the letter from the University of Guelph explaining the method of selecting winners of Elgin County scholarships be filed. ' 2. That the letter from Mrs. Charlotte Michalson re: a scholar- ship to the top student from Elgin County attending the Cen- tralia College of Agricultural Technology be filed. All of which is respectfully submitted. MRS. M. BLYTH, Chairman. 78 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 79 FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1971 BY-LAW No. 2155 A By-Law to Provide for the 1971 Expenditures on Roads Under The Highway Improvement Act in the County of Elgiu. WHEREAS, The Highway Improvement Act requires that the total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by county by-law and that the by-law be submitted ,to the Minister of Highways for approval. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said County enacts as follows: (1) The sum of $1,514,000 is hereby estimated as the ex- penditure upon the construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction duting the year 1971 as fol- lows:- Second Report To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That Chatity and Welfare, Pay List No. 1 for $954.95 and Pay List No.2 for $2,928.95 be approved. 2. That Childrens' Aid Society Pay List No. 1 for $4,051.03 and Pay List No.2 for $3,789.75 be approved. 3. That the 1971 Budget of the Children's Aid Society of the City of St. Thomas and the County of Elgin requiring $45,949.00 to be raised by the County of Elgin, be approved. 4. That the 1971 Budget of the Elgin-st. Thomas Health Unit requiring $84,096.51 to be raised by the County of Elgin be ap- proved. 5. That the Financial Statements of the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit for the year ended December 31, 1970, be filed. 6. That the letter from the Department of Municipal Affairs re: Provincial-Municipal Employment Incentive Program and Federal-Provincial Special Development Loans Program be tab- led. 7. That the letter and submission from the Art Gallery Foun- dation requesting an operating grant of $2,500.00 be filed. 8. That a letter be sent to the Elgin County Board of Education to obtain clarification on the costs of educating or purchasing education for retarded children, as well as the operation of the Frenco Workshop in relation to the Board. 9. We recommend that the Chairman of the Entertainment and Reception Committee be paid $75.00 per year for his services. All of which is respectfully submitted. M. A. KAHNT, Chairman. Construction Maintenance Total Roads . . .,,$ 705,000 $ 316,000 $ 1,021,000 Bridges and Culverts" "".$ 218,000 $ 25,000 $ 243,000 New Machinery "..",,$' 75,000 nil $ 75,000 Superintendance and Overhead". ,,,,,,,,,,.$ 124,000 $ 51,000 $ 175,000 TOTALs $ 1,122,000 $ 392,000 $ 1,514,000 (2) The said, monies, shall be expended nnder the super- vision of the duly appointed county road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. ' (3) The clerk shall transmit triplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the Department of Highways Ontario, not later than March 31st, of the said year. (4) The approval of 'the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any expenditure is authorized or work com- menced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or monies raised in a subsequent year. Passed at St. Thomas this 17th day of March A.D. 1971. (SEAL) H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk DOUGLAs R. TODD, Warden 80 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL I, H. L. Johnson, Clerk of tile Corporation of the County of Elgin, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By- Law No. 2155 passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the 17th day of March 1971. H. L. JOHNSON, County Clerk. I COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LAW No. 2156 "Being A By-Law To Authorize Grants To Be Made To Various Organizations, Corporations, Institutions, Etc., During 1971." WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin deems it advisable to make grants to certain organiza- tions, corporations, institutions, etc. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT the following grants be, and are hereby author- ized for the year 1971: Elgin Law Library............................ ......... ..........$ 50.00 Canadian National Institute for the. Blind................ 1,250.00 Salvation Army............................ ................. 500.00 Salvation Army (House of Concord) . ........................ 2,500.00 Elgin County Pioneer Museum ........ ........................... 500.00 Scholarship, Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technology. ................................................ ........... 100.00 Scholarships at University of Western Ontario...... 200.00 Scholarship at Waterloo Lutheran University....... 100.00 Scholarships at Guelph University..................... ........ 200.00 Scholarship at University of Waterloo.. 100.00 University of Western Ontario .................................... 3,000.00 The TilIsonburg District Memorial HospitaL...........15,000.00 Four Counties Hospital............................. ........... ...... 9,000.00 Bobier Home ........................ .................... ............ ....... 5,000.00 The Local Agricultural Office for farm organiza- tions and Junior Farmers and Institute Groups 3,000.00 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 81 The Agricultural and Horticultural Societies in the CounJty of Elgin~Equal to the Province of On- tario Grants to these Societies Erie Economic Council 2,275.38 Si. Thomas_Elgin Association for Retarded Children 2,500.00 READ a first time this 17th day of March, 1971. READ a second time this 17th day of March, 1971. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of March, 1971. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk DOUGLAs R. TODD, Warden PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT March session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Petitions and Legislations Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from the United Counties of Northum- berland and Durham requesting the Canadian National Rail- ways and. Canadian Pacific Railways ,to convey back, where pos- sible, properties not under tracks to the present owners of the properties from which the lands were originally separated be filed. .2. That the resolution from the City of Kitchener urging the Government of Ontario to enact legislation with respect to Motorized snow Vehieles be endorsed. 3. That the letter from No.3 Highway Association requesting a resolution supporting a parkway from Windsor to Niagara along No.3 Highway be filed. All of which is respectfully submitted. B. A. LYLE, Acting Chairman. 82 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That Newsletter No.6, relative to the Haldimand-Norfolk study be filed. 2. That the resolution from the County of Peel requesting the Minister of Municipal Affairs to amend Section 214 of thl;' Muni- cipal Act to permit a municipality to appoint a member of Coun- cil to act in place of a County Council representative be endors- ed. 3. That the pamphlet from the Department of Municipal Af- fairs re: Land Division Committees be tabled. 4. That the Warden, Reeve Emerson, Reeve Wilson, Reeve Speers and H. L. Johnson be voting delegates to meetings of the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario for 1971. 5. That the County Government Committee appoint members to a Land Division Committee and that the fee for a severance be set at $50.00 subject to the approval of the Minister of Muni- cipal Affairs and tbat the committee be established as of July 1st, 1971. 6. That County Council be held one day each month, the Third Wednesday of each month with the exception of January, except during the months of July and August and that this be effective April 1971. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. B. WILSON, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 83 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2157 "A By-Law To Confirm Proceedings Of The Conncil Of The Corporation Of The County Of Elgin At Thc March Session, 1971." WHEREAs by section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chap- ter 249 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1960, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 242 of the Muni- cipal Act, being Chapter 249 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1960 the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; AND WHEREAs it is deemed expedient that the proceed- ings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin Enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution pass- ed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the March 1971 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceed- ings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all, things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of ;the County of Elgin referred to in preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first .time this 17th day of March,' 1971. READ a second time this 17th day of March, 1971. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of March, 1971. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk DOUGLAs R. TODD, Warden 84 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL APRIL SESSION - FIRST DAY Wednesday, the 21st day of April, 1971 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All members present except Reeve Miskelly. Moved by Reeve Mrs. Blyth Seconded by Reeve Lake That the minutes of the March 1971 Session of the Elgin County Council be confirmed. -Carried. The following communications were read and referred to the various Committees: From the University of Western Ontario with letter re: County Council Day at theUniversity.-Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Woodstock and District Association for the Men- tally Retarded with request for endorsement of proclamation, proclaiming May 31st-June 5th as "Hire the Handicapped Week."-Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Elgin County Board of Education with letter re: Elgin students attending school for the retarded outside of Elgin County.-Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Department of Agriculture and Food with com- munication re: Alternate Crops that may be grown on tobacco land.-Filed. From the Department of the Prime Minister, The Depart- ment of Municipal Affairs and the Minister of Financial and Com- mercial Affairs and the Department of Transport with acknow- ledgments of receipt of a resolution endorsing the resolution of the City of Kitchener relating to the use of snowmobiles.-Filed. From the Department of Municipal Affairs with notice ,that the Minister has defined all of the Township of Houghton as the "Houghton Planning Area."-Filed. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 85 From the County of Oxford with resolution requesting that the Department of Municipal Affairs, Assessment Branch, restore the breakdown of land and buildings as separate values on the Assessment Roll and Assessment Notices. - Referred to the Equalization and Assessment Committee. From the st. Thomas-Eigin Emergency Measures Organiza- tion with 1971-72 Financial Assistance Project.-Referred to the Finance Committee. From Mr. Oharles Sweet with appreciation of scholarship.- Filed. From Tripp Construction Limited with notice of proposed trench excavation on County Road No. 24 and Highway No. 73. between Port Burwell and Water Plant 3 miles east of Port Stanley.-Filed. From the County of Lambton with request for a grant to- wards the hosting of. the fall convention of the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario.-Referred to the Finance Com- mittee. From the Four Counties Hospitai with copy of Financial Statement for the year 1970.-Referred to the Finance Com- mittee. From the Department of Highways with Audit Report on Road Expenditures for the year 1970.-Referred to the Road Committee. From the Township of Malahide with resolution endorsing a resolution by the County of Norfolk requesting the Minister of Social and Family Services to inaugurate a method of work for able-bodied Welfare Recipients whereby all Municipalities will receive 80% subsidy for work performed.-Filed. From the Township of Yarmouth with notice of application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of By-Law 2124 to regulate land use pursuant to Section 30 of the Pianning Act and a copy of By-Law 2124.-Referred to the Road Committee. From the Town of Aylmer with notice of application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of By-Law 52-70 to regu- late land use pursuant to Section 30 of the Planning Act and a copy of By-Law 52-70.-Referred to the Road Committee. From Borden, Elliot, Kelly and Palmer with application by International Utilities Petroleum Corporation and five other 86 ELGIN COUNTY. COUNCIL working interest owners and twenty-eight individual royalty interest owners for an order requiring and regulating the join- ing of the various inte-rest within the lands comprising the area of the Willey Field in the Township of Dunwich for the pur- pose of drilling and operating wells and the initiating and carry- ing out of secondary recovery operations in the said field, the designation of the International Utilities Petroleum Corporation to manage such operations and the apportioning of the costs and benefits therefrom.-Referred to the Agricultural Commit- tee. The Auditor's Report for ,the year ended December 31st,' 1970, .was presented and the following resolution was passed. Moved by Reeve Hodgson seconded by Reeve Wilson That the Auditor's Report for the year ended December 31st, 1970, be accepted by the Elgin County Council. -Carried. The Report of the Road Committee was presented by Reeve McIntyre and adopted on motion of Reeve McIntyre and Reeve Johnston. The Report of the Elgin Manor Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Lyle and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Lyle and Reeve Speers. A letter, addressed to Mr. Claybourne Gordon, from Mr. W. D. Taylor, District Weed Inspector, Department of Agriculture, advising of a meeting for County Weed Inspectors at the Uni- versity of Guelph, on Tuesday, April 27th was read by Warden Todd. An invitation was extended to any member of council or any local weed inspector to attend. Reeve McIntyre read a preliminary engineer's report ad- dressed to Southwold Township Council from Graham, Berman & Associates Ltd. on the watermain serving Elgin Manor. A delegation, composed of Mrs. Betty Simpson and Mr. Don- ald Nesbit, from the Quad County Association for the Mentally Retarded was present and it was - Moved by Deputy Reeve Whalls Seconded by Reeve Mrs. Blyth That the delegation from the Quad County Association for ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 87 the Mentally Retarded be now heard. Mr. Nesbit addressed Council and explained the work of the Association with emphasis on the Work Shop Program which accommodates persons 18 years and over. They requested an operating grant of $2,000.00 for 1971. . Warden Todd thanked the delegation and referred their request to the Finance Committee. Moved by Deputy Reeve Whalls Seconded by Deputy Reeve. deRYk . That we do now adjourn to meet again at 2:00 p.m., Wed- nesday, April 21, 1971. -Carried. Council. re-convened. A letter was received from the Department of Municipal Affairs, Community Planning Branch, outlining the schedule .for the Elgin County Land Division Committee. This letter was re- ferred to the County Government Committee. The Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Roberts and adopted on motion of Reeve Roberts and Deputy Reeve Csinos. The Report of the Equalization and Assessment Committee was presented by Reeve Johnston and adopted on motion of Reeve Johnston and Reeve Liebner. The Report of the Finance Committee was presented by Reeve Kahnt and adopted on motion of Reeve Kahnt and Reeve Caverly. The Report of the County Government Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Wilson and it was moved by Reeve Wilson and seconded by Deputy Reeve Cook that the report be adopted. An amendment to the report to delete clause 2 and sub- stitute the following was - Moved by Reeve Morrison seconded by Reeve Dennis 88 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL That the Elgin County Land Division Committee be: Walter Nelson for 1 year . Donald McKillop for 2 years H. G. Charlton for 3 years A. B. McCallum for 4 years Eugene Dopp for 5 years The motion to amend the report was put to Council and Carried. The motion to adopt the County Government Report, as amended, was put to Council and Carried. Moved by Reeve Mrs. Blyth Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By-Law No. 2158, "Restricting The Weight Of Vehicles Passing Over Bridges," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson seconded by Reeve Mrs. Blyth That By,Law No. 2158, be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded byReeve Mrs. Blyth That By-Law No. 2158, be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Reeve Roberts That By-Law No. 2159, "A By-Law To Confirm Proceedings Of The Council Of The Corporation Of The County Of Elgin At The April Session, 1971," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Liebner Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That By-Law No. 2159, be read a second time. -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 89 .Moved by Reeve Roberts Seconded by Reeve Liebner That By-Law No. 2159, be read a third time and finally pass- ed. -Carried. The Warden appointed the following persons to act on a Committee to bring back a recommendation to County Council at the May Session, concerning the watermain serving Elgin Manor. Reeve J. B. Wilson Reeve C. Morrison Reeve K. C. Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve McKillop seconded by Reeve Kahnt That we do now adjourn to meet again on Wednesday, May 19, 1971, at 10:00 a.m. -Carried. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk DOUGLAs R. TODD Warden ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1971 Si. Thomas, Ontario To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council. Your Road Committee begs to report as follows: 1. The following new machinery has been purchased: (a) 2 Dodge Pickup Trucks with 2 County trucks as Trade- . ins. 90 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL (b) 2 Jahn Deere Tractors and MoWers with 2CauntyTrac- tors and Mowers as Trade-ins. . (c) 1 Wabca (Adams) Model 660-B Grader & Snaw Plow & Whlg with a County Grader & SnoW Plaw &: Wing as a Trade-in. (d) 1 M-B pull type mator driven sweeper for surface treat- ment work. 2. Tenders have been called for Hot Mix Asphalt Paving. (a) For completion of Road No. 16 (Develapment Road Na. 1023). (b) Road No. 16 in Fingal from Road No. 20 westerly (ur- ban sectian only). (c) Raad Na. 21 (Warren Street) in Part Stanley. (d) Appraximately 10 miles .of resurfacing over thin lifts of Asphalt (l'12 ta 2 inches) laid in the past few years on the following: I - Road 47, 48, 49 in South Dorchester. 1I - Road 52 between Highway 74 & Springfield in Townships .of Sauth Dorchester and Malahide' (ap- proximately 1 1/3 miles). III - Road 45, east of Highway 19, in Bayham Town- ship (Approx. 1 mile). IV - Road 2, west of Road 15, for approximately 1 mile in Dunwich. V - Road 3, appraximately .2,000 north of Road 9, in Aldborough Township. Of the above raads, only Road 47, is to be completely resurfaced. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a By-Law be passed restricting the weight of vehic- les passing aver the Van Order Bridge to 8 Tons. The bridge is located on the Little Otter Creek on Road 42, cast of Part Burwell. The west abutment has detcrior- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 91 ated badly and temparary repairs will be made shortly in an effart to keep the bridge in service for the time being. All .of which is respectfully submitted. J. L. McINTYRE, Chairman. ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1971 Ta the Warden and Members .of the Elgin County C.ouncil, The Elgin Manor Committee reports as follows: 1. Mr. N. Tufford has been engaged ta take the annual inven- tory at the Manar. 2. An application in the amount of $18,024.60 has been made in the opportunities for Youth Program, administered through the Canada Manpower Department, far various work in and around the Home. 3. Fire insurance on the Home and Greenh.ouse, including contents, has been increased by $75,000.00 to bring the coverage ta $1,375,000.00. 4. The Broad Form Money and securities Palicy has been increased to $2,000.00 from $1,500.00. 5. The Administrator and Nursing supervisor have been auth- orized to attend the Ontario Association of Homes far the Aged convention in Windsar, September 12th t.o 15th. All of which is respectfully submitted. B. A. LYLE, Acting Chairman. 92 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That the application by the International Utilities Petroleum Corporation and five other working interest owners and Twen- ty-eight individual royalty interest owners for an order requir- ing and regulating the joining of various interests within the lands comprising the area of the Willey Field in the Township of Dunwich for the purpose of drilling and operating wells and the initiating and carrying out of secondary recovery operations in the said field, the designation of the International utilities Pet- roleum Corporation to manage such operations and the appor- tioning of the costs and benefits therefrom, be filed. Al! of which is respectfully submitted. T. Y. ROBERTS, Chairman. EQUALIZATION AND ASSESsMENT COMMITTEE REPORT April session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Equalization and Assessment Committee reports as fol- lows: 1. That the resolution from the County of Oxford requesting that the Department of Municipal Affairs, Assessment Branch, restore the breakdown of land and buildings as separate values on the Assessment Roll and Assessment Notices, be endorsed. All of which is respectfully submitted. R. N. JOHNSTON, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 93 FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee Reports as follows: 1. That Charity and Welfare Pay List No. 3 for $2,208.00 be approved. 2. That Children's Aid Society Pay List No.3 for $3,789.75 be approved. 3. That the letter from the Woodstock and District Association' for the Mentally Retarded requesting that May 31st to June 5th be proclaimed as "Hire the Handicapped Week" be filed. 4. That letter from the Elgin County Board of Education re: Elgin students attending schools for the retarded outside of Elgin County be filed. 5. That the Financial Assistance Project of the St. Thomas- Elgin Emergency Measures Organization be approved. 6. That a grant of $300.00 be made to the County of Lambton with respect to hosting the 1971 annual convention of the Assoc- iation of Counties and Regions of Ontario. 7. That the Financial Statement of the Four Counties Hospital for the year 1970 be filed. 8. That the request from the. Quad County Association for the Mentally Retarded for a grant of $2,000.00 for the operation of their workshop be tabled and more information be obtained as per the 1970 expenses and also areas from which persons at- tending actually reside. All of which is respectfully submitted. M. A. KAHNT, Chairman. 94 ELGIN' COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council. The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That the June meeting of the Elgin County Council be held on Tuesday; June 15th, 1971 because of County Council day at the University of Western Ontario being held on June 16th, 1971. 2. That a land division committee composed of the following people be appointed by the Elgin County Council: Walter Nelson Donald McKillop H. G.Charlton A. B. McCallum Eugene Dopp for 1 year for 2 years for 3 years for 4 years for 5 years 3. That the County Government Committee be in attendance at the meeting between the Department. of Municipal Mfairs and the Elgin County Land Division Committee. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. B. WILsON, Chairman. . ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 95 BY-LAW No. 2158 OF .. TIj:E CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN REsTRICTING THE WEIGHT OF VEHICLES PASSING OVER BRIDGES WHEREAS subsection 8 of Section 52 of'the Highway Traf- fic Act (RS.O. 1960) provides that: The Municipal Corporation or other authority having juris- diction over a bridge may by By-Law approved by the De- partment make regulations limiting the weight of any ve- hicle or combination of vehicles or any class thereof pass- ing over such a bridge: AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to limit the weight of vehicles passing over certain bridges in the County of Elgin: NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. No vehicle or combination of vehicles or arty class thereof, whether empty or loaded, shall be operated over any bridge designated in Schedule No. .1, forming part of this By-Law with a weight in excess of weight limit prescribed in the Schedule for such bridge. . 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this By-Law shall be subject to the penalty provided in section 52 of the Highway Traffic Act. 3. This By-Law shall not become effective until approved by the. Department of Transport and until a notice of the weight permitted, legiby printed, has been posted up in a conspicuous place at either end of each bridge designated in the attached Schedules. ENACTED and passed this 21st day of April, 1971. H. L. JOHNSON DOUGLAS R. TODD . Clerk Warden 96 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 97 SCHEDULE No. 1 1971 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed '..s if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first ,time this 21st day of April, 1971. READ a second time this 21st day of April, 1971. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of April, 1971. H. L. JOHNSON DOUGLAS R. TODD Clerk Warden Brid~e Num er Road Schedule DHO Number 1 5 .. Weight Location in Tons Ldt. S Oon. Twp. of Bayham Name of .Bridge VanOrder COUNTY OF ELGIN By.Law No. 2159 "A By-Law To Confirm Proceedings Of The Conncil Of The Corporation Of The County Of Elgin At The April Session, 1971." WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chap- ter 249 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1960, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 242 of the Muni- cipal Act, being Chapter 249 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1960, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By- Law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceed- ings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin Enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the April 98 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 99 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL MAY SESSION - FIRST DAY Wednesday, the 19th day of May, 1971 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. ThomaS, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All members present. Moved by Reeve McIutyre Se.conded by Reeve Kahnt That the minutes of April 1971 Session of the Elgin County Council be confirmed. -Carried. The following Communications were read and referred to the various Committees: From the City of St. Catharines with resolution petitioning the Provincial Government to withhold further implementation of regional government until existing ones provide essential information to assist in planning of future local government reform.-Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement Board advising of a 10% improvement in the basic pension benefits earned by the members prior to January 1, 1971.-Filed. From the Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves with "Prop0sed Principles of the Amalgamation of the Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves and the Ontario Municipal Associa- tion to be presented at the convention in North Bay on May 31st.-Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Ontario Energy Board with Notice of Hearing on the application of International Utilities Petroleum Corporation re: Willey Field in the Township of Dunwich, set for May 13th, 1971 in London.-Filed. From The Tillsonburg and District Association for the Men- tally Retarded with. request for a grant.-Referred to the Fin- ance Committee. From the Regional Municipality of York recommending changes with regard to legislation affecting the use of flashing lights by school buses.-R.eferred to the Road Committee. From the Department of Municipal Affairs advising of the correct term of office for members of a Land Division' Commit- tee.-Referred to the County Government Committee. From th€ ASsociation of Counties and R.egions of Ontario with April Newsletter.-Filed. From the Quad County Association for the Mentally Re- tarded with financial statement for 1970 and list of trainees attending.-Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Township of Yarmouth with notice of application' to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of By-Law 2145 to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 30 of the Planning Act and copy of By-Law 2145.-Referred to the Road Commit- tee. From ,the Ontario Municipal Association with convention registration kit for 1971 convention.-Filed. From A. M. Spriet and Associates Limited announcing that Mr. Carl Altenberg has joined their staff and will direct their Planning Department.-Filed. From the Association of Ontario Mayors and R€eves with copy of Program of ,the convention being held May 30th to June 2nd, 1971.-Filed. From Frank Cowan Company Limited with announcement of a special Ministerial Committee which has been set up to conduct public hearings on the existing system of handling in- surance claims and the date and places of these hearings.-Re-. ferred to the Road Committee. From the Department of Highways with advice that an ad- vance payment of 1971 subsidy in the amount of $218,850.00 is to be made to the County of Elgin.-Filed. The Report of the Road Committee was presented by Reeve McIntyre and adopted on motion of Reeve McIntyre and Reeve Roberts. The Report of the Elgin Manor Committee waS presented .bY Reeve Miskelly and adopted on motion of Reeve Miskelly and Deputy Reeve Lyle. The Report of the Property Committee was presented by 100 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Reeve Hodgson and adopted on motion of Reeve Hodgson and Reeve Liebner. Moved by Deputy Reeve Csinos Seconded by Reeve Dennis That we do now adjourn to meet again at 2:00 p.m. Wedn€s- day, May 19, 1971. -Carried. Council Re-Convened. The Report of the County Government Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Wilson and adopted on motion of Reeve Wilson and Deputy Reeve Cook. The Report of the Finance Committee was presented by Reeve Kahnt and adopted on motion of Reeve Kahnt and Reeve Lake. Moved by Reeve Liebner Seconded by Deputy Reeve McKillop That By-Law No. 2160, "A By-Law To Confirm Proceedings Of The Council Of The Corporation Of The County At The May Session, 1971," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McKillop Seconded by Reeve Liebner That By-Law No. 2160 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Liebner Seconded by Reeve Johnston That By-Law No. 2160 be read a third time and finally pass" ed. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McKillop Seconded by Reeve Johnston That we do now adj ourn to 15th, 1971, at 10 a.m. meet again on Tuesday, June H. L. JOHNSON Clerk -Carried. DOUGLAS R. TODD Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 101 ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT MAY SESSION, 1971 St. Thomas, Ontario To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council. YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE begs to Report as follows: 1. A contract has been let to Walmsley Brothers Limited at $117,659.50 for Asphalt Paving on County Roads. The bid of Walmsley Brothers was the lowest of two bids received. Work includes Asphalt Resurfacing on Road No. 47 and a portion of Roads No. 48 and No. 49 in South Dorchester Townships; a portion of Road No. 45, east of Highway 19 in Bayham; a portion of Road No. 52, in Yarmouth, Mala- hide and South Dorchester Townships, Road No.2, west of Road No. 15 for 1 mile in Dunwich and a portion of Road No.3 north of Road No.9 in Aldborough. The resurfacing is over 1'h inch and 2 inch thicknesses of Hot Mix Asphalt which was damaged by the spring breakup. Also included in the Contract is Asphalt Paving on the por- tion of Road No. 16 in Fingal and between St. Thomas and Fingal to be reconstructed this year. 2. In order to provide sufficient funds for the Asphalt Resur- facing an application has been made to the Minister of High- ways to designate as Development Roads, the urban section of Road No. 16 in Fingal and Warren Street, Road No. 21 in Port Stanley. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. L. McINTYRE, Chairman. 102 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council. The Elgin Manor Committee reports as follows: 1. We recommend that Elgin Industrial Consultants Limited be authorized to prepare detailed plans and specifications and call tenders for the supply and installation of an oil fired boiler for supplying additional hot water for Elgin Manor, estimated cost to be $8,000.00. 2. The comfort allowance paid to residents has been raised from $15.00 to $25.00 per month, effective April 1, 1971, in accordance with Provincial requirements. 3. The Broad Form Money and Securities Policy has been in- creased to $3,500.00 from $2,000.00. 4. The Administrator has been authorized to hold a Senior Citizens' Day at Elgin Manor on Wednesday, June 23rd, 1971. Invitations will be extended to all persons residiug in the County and City over the age of 60 years. All of which is respectfully submitted. A. T. MISKELLY, Chairman. PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council. The Property Coommittee reports as follows: 1. Mr. J. R. McLaughlin of the Frank Cowan Company Limited met with committee and reviewed the insurance coverage on the buildings, contents, etc. No recommendation for increasing the insurance on the buildings due to a rise in building costs was suggested and as a result all insurance was left the same ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 103 as in the previous year. 2. We have purchased two new lawn mowers for use on the Court House grounds at a cost of $71.95 each plus federal sales tax. 3. We recommend that the quotation of Houston Canada be accepted in the amount of $10,800.00 to replace copper dome covering ou the Court House subject to the approval of the De- partment of Public Works. All of which is respectfully submitted. . J. W. HODGSON, Chairman. COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resohition from the City of St. Catharines petition- ing the Provincial Government to withhold further implementa- tion of regional government until existing ones provide essential information to assist in planning of future local government reform be endorsed. 2. Whereas it. has been pointed. out by the Department of Municipal Affairs that appointments to the Land Division Com- :mittee be for a term of three years and the first appointment to be in such a way so that as nearly as possible one third of the members shall retire each year, we therefore recommend that clause (2) of the County Government Report to the April Ses- sion 1971 be amended to read as follows: "That a Land Division Committee composed of the following people be appointed by the Elgin County Council: 104 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Walter Nelson for 1971 Donald McKillop for 1971, 1972 H. G. Charlton for 1971, 1972 A. B. McCallum for 1971, 1972, 1973 Eugene Dopp for 1971, 1972, 1973. 3. That the members of the Land Division Committee be paid $25.00 per meeting plus 10c per mile both ways, to the meetmg. 4. That the Land Division Committee be authorized to US€ either the Council Chambers or the Committee Room for their m€etings. 5. That Mr. George C. Leverton be appointed Secretary-Treas- urer of the Land Division Committee for a trial period of six months at a rate of $150.00 per month. 6. That we recommend that a budget of $2,500.00 be authoriz- ed for the use of the Land Division Committee. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. B. WILSON, Chairman. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That Charity and Welfare Pay List No.4 for $2,718.74 be approved. 2. That Children's Aid Society Pay List No.4 for $4,045.35 be approved. 3. That the communication from the Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves with "Proposed Principles of the Amalgama- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 105 tion of the Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves and the Ontario Municipal Association" pe filed. 4. That Reeve Johnston, Reeve MiskClly and Reevc Dennis be a cQmroitt€e to contact The Tillsonpurg anc\ District Association for ,the Mentally Retarded, The Quad County Association for the Mcntaliy Retarded and Thc St. ThomaS and District Association for the Mentally Retarded with respect to the necds of thesc associations and report back to this committee. All of which is respectfully supJ;lIittec\. M. A. KAHNT, Chairman. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2160 "A By-Law To Confirm Proceedings Of The Council Of The Corporation Of The County Of Elgin At The May Session, 1971." WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chap- ter 249 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1960, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 242 of the Muni- cipal Act, being Chapter 249 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1960, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By- Law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceed- ings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin Enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution pass- ed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the May 1971 106 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceed- ings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2: The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto ,the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 19th day of May, 1971. READ a second time this 19th day of May, 1971. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of May, 1971. H. L. JOHNSON DOUGLAS R. TODD Clerk VVarden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 107 JUNE SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 15th day of June, 1971 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, st. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All members present except Deputy Reeve deRyk, Reeve Hodgson, and Deputy Reeve Whalls. Moved by Deputy Reeve Cook Seconded by Reeve Roberts That the minutes of the May Session 1971 of the Elgin County Council be confirm€d. -Carried. The following communications were read and ref€rred to the various Committees: Fro.m the Children's Aid Society of the City of st. Thomas and the County of Elgin with Finance Reports for March and April 1971.-Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Department of Municipal Affairs with NeWsletter No. 7 re: Haldimand Norfolk Study 3Illd schedule of Public Meetings to be held.-Referred to the County Government Com- mittee. From the County of Peel with resolution that school buses and other traffic be subject to the same regulations in thirty mile zones in built up areas as in fifty mile per hour zones.-Refer- red to the Road Committee. From the St. Thomas Elgin School of Nursing with invita- tion to attend Commencement Exercises on Wednesday, June 16th at 3 p.m.-Filed. From the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital with letter advising that approval has been received to commence work on the Intensive Care/Coronary Cardiac Unit and appreciation of Elgin County Grant, towards this project.-Filed. From the City of St. Thomas with letter reo parking on the day the Warden is elected.-Filed. 108 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL From the Department of Municipal Affairs with draft plan of subdivision on Lot 4 Concession 4, Township of Yarmouth.- Filed. From the Minister of Municipal Affairs advising the Elgin County Council to constitute and appoint a land division com- mittee, to become effective July 1st, 1971, as provided by sec- ,tion 26(2) of the Planning Act.-Filed. Reeve Emerson verbally reported on the progress of the Special Committee set up to deal with the wate.rmain to Elgin Manor. A letter from the Minister of Social and Family Services was read which outlined the results of the meeting held in Tor- onto. The Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caverly and De- puty Reeve Wialker. The Treasurer's Report was presented. Moved by Reeve Mrs. Blyth Seconded by Deputy Reeve Randall That the Treasurer's Report be accepted and printed in the Proceedings. -Carried. The Report of the Road Committee was presented by Reeve McIntyre and adopted on motion of Reeve McIntyre and Reeve Caverly. Moved by Reeve Liebner Seconded by Reeve Johnston That a grant of $233.09 be made to the Village of Rodney re: 1970 taxes on Twin Pines Apartment Limited. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Kahnt Seconded by Reeve McIntyre 1. That all cheques of the Corporation drawn on its General Account and Debenture Account be signed on its behalf by H. L. Johnson, Clerk-Treasurer or G. C. Leverton, Deputy Clerk- Treasurer. 2. That H. L. Johnson, Clerk-Treasurer or G. C. Leverton, De" ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 109 puty Clerk-Treasurer, of the Corporation be and are hereby auth" orized for and on behalf of the Corporation to negotiate with, deposit with o'r transfer to the Bank of Montreal (but for credit of the Said Corporation account only) all or any Bills of Ex- change, Promissory Notes, Cheques and Orders for the payment of money and other negotiable paper, and for the said purpose to endorse the same or any of them on behalf of the said Cor' poration, either in writing or by rubber stamp. 3. That H. L. Johnson, Clerk-Treasurer or G. C. Leverton, Deputy Clerk"Treasurer, be and are hereby authorized for and on behalf of the said Corporation from time. to time to arrange, settle, balance and certify all books and accounts between the said Corporation and the Bank; and to receive all paid cheques and vouchers, unpaid and unaccepted bills of exchange aud other negotiable instrumewts. 4. That H. L. Johnson, Clerk-Treasurer or G. C. Leverton, De- puty Clerk-Treasurer, be and are hereby authorized for and on behalf of th€ said Corporation to obtain delivery from the said Bank of all or any stocks, bonds, and other securities held by the said Bank in safekeeping or otherwise for the account of the Corporation and to give valid and binding receipts therefor. 5. That this resolution be communicated to the said Bank and remain in force until written notice to the contrary shall have been given to the Manager for the time being at the Branch of the Bank at which the account of the said Corporation is kept and receipt of such notice duly acknowledged in writing. -Carried. Moved by Reeve McIntyre Seconded by Deputy Reeve McKillop That By-Law No. 2161, "Being a By-Law To Authorize The Warden and Clerk to Sign A Deed To Convey Land To The Corporation Of The Village Of Rodney, In The Township Of Aldborough," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Lyl€ Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By-LaW No. 2161 be read a second time. -Carried. 110 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Reeve Kahnt Seconded by Reeve McIntyre That By-Law No. 2161 be read a third time and finally pass- ed. -Carried. Moved by.Reeve Wilson Seconded by Deputy Re€ve Cook That By-Law No. 2162, "Being A By-Law To Constitute And Appoint A Land Division Committee," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Lake Seconded by Reeve Dennis That By-Law No. 2162 be read a second time. ~Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Csinos Seconded by Deputy Reeve Cook That By-Law No. 2162 be read a third time ,and finally pass- ed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Morrison Seconded by Reeve Liebner That By-Law No. 2163, "Authorizing Speed Limits," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Walker Seconded by Reeve Johnston That By-Law No. 2163 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Liebner Seconded by Reeve Morrison That By-Law No. 2163 be read a third time and finally pass- ed. -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 111 Moved by Deputy Reeve Walker Seconded by Reeve Johnston That we do now adjourn ,to meet again at 2:00 p.m., Tues- day, June 15, 1971. -Carried. Council re-convened. The Report of the County Government was presented by Reeve Wilson and adopted on motion of Reeve Wilson and Reeve Emerson. The Report of the Elgin Manor Committee was presented by Reeve Miskelly and adopted on motion of Reeve Miskelly and Deputy Reeve Lyle. The Report of the Finance Committee was presented by Reeve Kahnt and adopted on motion of Reeve Kahnt and Reeve Speers. Moved by Reeve Miskelly Seconded by Reeve Roberts That By-Law No. 2164, "A By-Law To Confirm Proceedings Of The Council Of The Corporation Of The County Of Elgin At Th€ June Session, 1971," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Lake Seconded by Reeve Miskelly That By-Law No. 2164 be read a second tjme. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Reeve Lake That By-Law No. 2164 be read a third time and finally pass- ed. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Randall Seconded by Reeve Mrs. Blyth 112 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL That we do now adjourn to meet again at 10:00 a.m., Wed- nesday, September 22, 1971. -Carried. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk DOUGLAS R TODD Warden PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. We recommend to County Council that the arrangements set forth by Mr. E. E. Bond to Mr. D. A. Switzer in his let- ter of May 10th, 1971, for re-allocation of office space on the first floor of the Court House formerly used by Judge Bar- num and the Crown Attorney, be accepted and that any renovations required in the present Sheriff's office be car- ried out by the Department of Public Works. 2. We recommend that in future the County of Elgin Property Committee meet on County Council Day if necessary, with the privilege of calling a special meeting if it is considered advisable, and in future the Clerk-Treasurer be authorized to. pay ordinary accounts for printing, postage, miscellan- eous, care of buildings, registry office and staff salaries when they are presented. All of which is respectfully submitted. W. R. CAVERLY, Acting Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT 113 June Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: I beg to submit the following statements of Receipts and Expenditures from January 1st, 1971 to May 31st, 1971. RECEIPTS Balance in Bank and on hand January 1st, 1971... $ Notes Pay.rble ...$205,000.00 County Rates... 55,000.00 County Rates collected under Section 43 Licences and Permits Interest County Roads Charity and Welfare Children's Aid Society Agriculture Miscellaneous Revenue Recovery of Rentals Care of Buildings (Adm. of Justice).. Registry Office 9,371.99 77.00 445.83 895,317.99 381.63 745.65 1,754.00 202.00 11,603.78 5,087.57 1,886.89 Members' Wages Officers' Salaries Printing, Postage and Stationery.. Care of Buildings Grants, Associations, Scholarships, etc. Miscellaneous Expense County Roads Charity and Welfare Children's Aid Societies Transferred to Elgin Manor Interest Abatement of Taxes Agricultwre Registry Office Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit EXPENDITURES 12,382.71 13,584.95 1,524.13 8,077.69 4,035.19 42,171.26 456,833.94 9,938.24 19,465.63 32,500.00 6,276.56 2,715.53 277.15 2,127.26 21,000.00 33,328.86 $ 1,186,874.33 $ 1,220,203.19 114 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 40,000.00 210.49 360,000.00 Sec- County Library Transferred to Hospital Account . Notes Payable County Rate,s Collected under tion 43 1,693.89 $ 1,034,814.62 Balance in Bank May 31st, 1971 ..................... 185,388.57 ELGIN MANOR Balance in Bank and on hand January 1, 1971.. Receipts Expenditures Balance in Bank and on hand May 31st, 1971.. All of which is respectfully submitted. $ 1,220,203.19 $ 6,355.15 209,809.19 216,164.34 216,108.75 $ 55.59 H. L. JOHNSON County Clerk and Treasurer. ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council Your Road Committee begs to report as follows: 1. The Minister of Transportation and Communications has agreed to designate Road No. 16 (Fingal urban section) and Road No. 21, (Warren Street in Port Stanley) as Develop- ment Roads. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 115 WE RECOMMEND: 1. That the Resolution of Regional Municipality of York requesting the Province of Ontario amend the Highway Traffic Act to allow school buses to use flashing lights to indicate stops in areas where the legal speed is 35 miles per hour or less, be endorsed. 2. That a By-Law be passed restricting the speed of vehic- les on County Road No. 15, through Wallacetown to 35 miles per hour. 3. That a By-Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign a Deed to the Village of Rodney for ap- proximately 8 acres and a right of way thereto in Lot B, Concession VII, Aldborough. The property was origin' ally used as a gravel pit by the County and is nearly depleted. Purchase price is to be $600.00 and the Village is to pay any legal expenses involved. 4. That the following roads be deleted from the County Road System. (a) County Road No. 26, from the north limit of Road No. 11 to the Middlesex County boundary, a dis- tance of approximately 1.0 miles. This road does not meet any of the Department of Transport and Communications criteria for a desirable County Road. (b) County Road No. 42A in the Village of Port Bur- well being approximately 1,200 feet of Ullion and Robinson Streets. This portion of road was used to facilitate the building of the Port Burwell Bridge. As the bridge is now compl'eted the. Road should be deleted from the County Road System. This will allow the Village of Port Burwell to enter into a 100% connecting link agreement with the Depart- ment of Transport and Communications. 5. That the following roads be added to the county Road System. (a) Coyne Road (Road between Lots 6 and 7) Dunwich Township hetween the Lake Road (Road between Concession IX and X) and King's Highway No.3, a distance of approximately 1.7 mile's. (Criteria-service to a resort area). 116 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL (b) The extension of County Road No. 20 (Carlow Road) in the Village of Port Stanley, south of Bridge Street to Lake Erie, a distance of approximately 0.35 miles. (The Village' of PODt Stanley is presently acquiring the majority of the right of way from the Canadian National Railroad). (Criteria-special industry service). (c) Road from Highway 3 and 4 at Talbotville €asterly to County Road No. 26, Southwold Town~hip, a dis- tance of approximately 1.3 miles. The Department of Transportation and Communications under whose jurisdiction this road is now under has indicated that it will revert the road to the county or local municipality very shortly. (Criteria-area service). (d) Road between Lots 15 and 16, Concession VIII and IX, Malahide Township from County Road No. 32 to County Road No. 52, a distance of approximately 1.4 miles. (Criteria-special industry service). (e) Road between Concession VIII and IX, Bayham Township from Road No. 46 to Highway No.3, a distance of approximately 0.7 miles. (Criteria-inter-centre connection). (f) Victoria Street, in the Village' of Port Burwell from Highway 19 to County Road No. 42, a distance of 0.3 miles. (Criteria-inter-centre connection). (g) (1) Road between Lots 10 and 11, Bayham Town- ship in Concession II from County Road No. 42 ,to the Road between Concession II and III. (2) Road between Concession II and III from the Road between Lots 10 and 11, easterly to High- way 19, (Village of Vienna) a total distance of approximately 2.1 miles. (Criteria-crossing of a topographical barrier and resort service). ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 117 (h) The connection of County Road No. 41 in the Vil- lage of Vienna to the Road between Concession II and III, Bayham, a distance of approximately 0.4 miles. (Criteria-crossing of a topographical barrier and resort service). The assumption of this road will provide a con- nection between the item (g) and Highway 19 until the hill on the road between Concession II and III near Highway 19 is improved. 6. That the approval of the Department of Transport and Communications be requested for the deletions and ad- ditions to the County Roads System in recommenda- tions 4 and 5. The additions and deletions would in- crease the County Road System from its present 300.65 miles to approximately 308 miles. 7. That a By-Law for the deletions and additions recom- mended in Items 4 and 5 be passed at the next session of County Council. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. L. McINTYRE, Chairman. 118 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW No. 2161 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerl< to Sign a Deed to Convey Land to the Corporation of the Village of Rodney, in the Township of Aldborough." WHEREAS the Corporation of th€ County of Elgin has agreed to sell to the Corporation of the Village of Rodney ap- proximately eight (8) acres and a right-of-way thereto in Lot B, Concession VII, Township of Aid borough for the sum of $600.00 and legal costs; said lands no longer required for County pur- poses. NOW THEREFORE th€ Council of the Corporation of th€ County of Elgin enacts as follows: THAT the- Warden and Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized to sign a deed for the following parcel of Lot B, Concession VII, Township of Aldbor- ough. ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises. situate lying and being in the Township of Ald- borough, in the County of Elgin, and Province of Ontario, being composed of part of the- North half of Lot B in the 7th Conces- sion of the said Township of Aldborough and which may be more particularly described as follows:- Parcel No. l.-Commencing at a point in the intersection of the East Limit of said Lot B with the line between the North and South halves of said Lot; Thence Westerly along the line between the north and south halves of said Lot, Six Hundred and Sixty feet (660'.0"); Thence north parallel to the East limit of said Lot, Five Hundred and Twenty-eight feet (528'.00'); Thence east par- allel with the line between the north and south halves of said lot, Six Hundred and Sixty-feet (660'.0"); to a point in the East limit of said lot; Thence South along the east limit of said lot, Five Hundred and Twenty-eight feet (528'.0") to the place of be-ginning. Containing by admeasurement 8 acres. Parce-l No.2 - Commencing at a point in the North east angle of said Lot B; Thence South along the east limit of said Lot One Thousand Six Hundred and Seventy-two feet (1672'0") more or less to a point distant Five Hundred and Twenty-eight fee-t (528'.0") measured northerly thereon from its intersection ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 119 viith the line between the north and south halves of said Lot; Thence west parallel with the line between the North and South halves of said Lot, Twenty-four (24'.0"); Thence north parallel with the east limit of said Lot, One Thousand Six Hundred and Seventy-two feet (1672'.0") more or less to a point in the north limit of said lot; Thence- east along the north limit of said Lot, Twenty-four feeil (24'.0") to the place of beginning, Containing by admeasurement .92 acres be ,the same more or less. Read a first time this 15th day of June, 1971. R.ead a second time this 15th day of June, 1971. Read a third time and finally passed this 15th day of June, 1971. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk DOUGLAS R. TODD Warden COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW No. 2162 "Being A By-Law To Constitute And Appoint A Land Division Committee." WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to constitute and appoint a Land Division Committee- as provided by Section 26a of the Planning Act. NOW THEREFORE, The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. A Land Division Committee is hereby constituted. 2. The following persons are hereby appointed to membership on the Land Division Committee: Walter Nelson to hold office until January 1, 1972 Donald M. McKillop to hold office until January 1, 1973 Harold G. Charlton to hold office until January 1, 1973 A. Bruce McCallum to hold office until January 1, 1974 Eugene Dopp to hold office until January 1, 1974 120 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 3. That the members of the Land Division Committee be paid $25.00 per meeting. 4. In addition to the above remuneration each member shall be p.aid 15c for each mile necessarily travelled in attending such meetings. 5. That this By-Law become effective July 1st, 1971. READ a first time this 15th day of June, 1971. READ a second time this 15th day of June, 1971. READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of June, 1971. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk DOUGLAS R. TODD Warden MUNICIPALITY OF ELGIN BY-LAW No. 2163 AUTHORIZING SPEED LIMITS WHEREAS Subsection 6a of Section 59 of the Highway Traf- fic Act (R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 172) as amended, authoriz€s the .Council of a Township or County by By-Law to prescribe a lower or higher rate of speed for motor vehicles on a Highway or por- tion of Highway under its jurisdiction that is not within a built- up area, urban area, or suburban district than is prescribed in Clause "a" of Subsection 1 of Section 59, but such rate of speed shall not be less than 35 miles per hour or more than 60 miles per hour; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the speed limit for motor vehicles upon certain Highways in the Municipality of Elgin be either decreased or increased or both; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. No person shall drive a motor vehicle upon the High- ways or portions of Highways designated in Schedules ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 121 "A" and "B" appended hereto, at greater rates of speed than the rates of speed prescribed in the schedules. 2. This By-Law shall not become effective until approved by the Department of Transport. ENACTED AND PASSED this 15th day of June, 1971. H. L. JOHNSON DOUGLAS R. TODD Clerk Warden SCHEDULE "A" MAXIMUM RATE OF SPEED - 35 MILES PER HOUR 1. County Road No. 15, BEING the Road Allowance between Lots 12 and 13 in Concession VIII, Township of Dunwich, from the south easterly limit of King's Highway No.3, BEING the Road Allowance between Concession VII and VIII, Township of Dunwich, south easterly, a distance of eight hundred and thirty-one feet. 2. County Road No. 15, BEING the Road Allowance between Lots 12 and 13, in Concession VII, Township of Dunwich, from the north westerly limit of King's Highway 3, BEING the Road Allowance between Concession VII and VIII, Township. of Dunwich, north westerly for a distance of one thousand two hundred and fourteen feet. COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That Newsletter No. 7 re: Haldimand Norfolk Study and schedule of Public Meetings to be held be filed. 122 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL '2. We recommend that the Warden's banquet be held in the same form as last year, on October 15th, 1971, or October 22. ,Arrangements to be left with the Reception and Entertainment . Committee. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. B. WILSON, Chairman. ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: The Elgin Manor Committee reports as follows: 1. The tender of Snowsell Sheet Metal Company in the amount of $8,335.00 was accepted for the supply and installation of a new boiler, as per specifications, and for insulating the existing breechings. 2. Dr. Graham has been authorized to attend the annual meet- ing of home physicians to be held in Toronto, October 22, 1971, with all expenses paid. 3. The firm of Graham and Associates Ltd. be engaged to pre- pare preliminary plans for the storage of water for fire pro- tection, an auxiliary supply for Elgin Manor. All of which is respectfully submitted. A. T. MISKELLY, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 123 FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That Charity and Welfare Pay List No. 5 for $1,127.60 be approved. 2. That Children's Aid Society Pay List No.5 for $3,789.75 be approved. 3. That Finance Reports of the Children's Aid Society for the months of March and April be filed. 4. Mr. Arthur Jordan and Mr. Lawrence Morley were present from the YMCA Board and explained the operation of the Day Camps in the County. It is recommended that the request for a grant for the operation of Day Camps by the YMCA be left in abeyance pending word from the Federal Government on their policy re 1971 grants. All of which is respectfully submitted. M. A. KAHNT, Chairman. COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW No. 2164 "A By-Law To Confirm Proceedings Of The Council Of The Corporation Of The County Of Elgin At The June Session, 1971." WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chap- ter 249 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1960, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 242 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 249 of the Revised Statutes of On- tario, 1960, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; 124 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceed- ings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin Enacts a~ foIlows: 1. That action of ,the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution pass- ed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin wt its m€etings held during the June 1971 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceed- ings were expres'sely embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and prope'r officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in preced- ing section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 15th day of June, 1971. READ a second time this 15th day of June, 1971. READ a third time and finaIly pass€d this 15th day of June, 1971. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk DOUGLAS R. TODD Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 125 SEPTEMBER SESSION - FIRST DAY Wednesday, the 22nd day of September, 1971 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The W~rden in the chair. All members present. Moved by Reeve Lake Seconded by Reeve Miskelly That the minutes of the June Session, 1971 of the Elgin County Council be confirmed. -Carried. The following communic",tions were read and referred to the various Committees: From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with Convention Kit for 1971 Annual Conference.-Referred to the County Government Committee.. From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with copy of a letter sent by ACRO to the. Honourable George Kerr, Minister of Environment, expressing dissatisfaction with Bill 94, Part VII.-Ref€rred to the County Government Com- mittee. From the Minister of Transportaltion and Communications with summary of major changes in The Highway Improvement Act.-Referred to the Road Committee. From the Department of Mun<i.cipal Affairs with tax arreaTS data for Towns, Villages and Townships in South Western On- tario.-Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Department of Transportation and Communica- tions with letter reo Winter Control 1971 Supplementary Ap- proval and Additional Subsidies for Road and Street Mainten- ance.-Referred to the Road Committee. From the United Counties of Prescott arrd RusseIl with reso- lution re: the registration, tatooing and disposal of dogs.-R€- ferrod to the Agricultural Committee. From the County of Halton with resolution requesting the I , "f I II , I.' "i: i"': 126 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL I 1';1 II Department of the Attorney Gene'ral anJd the Department of Transport~tion and Communications to provide, at regular inter- vals, summaries of motor vehicle l>ccidents which have been reported by the Ontario Provincial Police and alll loca" police deparlments.-Referred to the Road Committee. From the Mimster of TrMrsportation and Communications with letter re: interim petitions for subsidy.-Referred to the Road Committe€. From the Minister of Transportation and Communications with letter ~dvising that a second advance payment of subsidy. in the amount of $280,000.00 will be made to the County of Elgin.-Filed. From the Art Galle,ry Foundation of St. Thomas and Elgin with copy of letter sent .to Warden Todd re: the pre'servation of the Dan Patterson property in North Yarmouth.-Referred to the Road Committee. From the Township of Southwold with copy of a petition presented to the Southwold Council regarding the sale of fire. crackers.-Referred to the County Government Committee. From Mr. Edgar Kerstan with appreciation of scholarship.- Filed. From the Dep~rtment of Municipal AffaiTs with dmft plan of sub-division on Registered Plan 270 and 209.-Filed. From Dorothy Mitts with letter reo dust conditions on the road from North Hall to Culloden, (9th Concession of Bayham). -Refened to the Road Committee. From Fanshawe CoUege with PlacemelJlt Report to Fan- shawe Area Employers.-Filed. From the Simcoe County Council with rffolution that land under Hydro tower lines be used for s'anitary land fill sites.- Referred to the County Agricultural Committe'e. From the Department of the Prime Ministe'r with letter acknowledging the receipt of letter endorsing the resolution from the City of St. Catharines with regard to the delaying of local Government Reform.-Referred to the County Govern- ment Committee. From the County of Kent with resolution that Section 52 of the Public Libraries Act be amended so that levies may be ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 127 made by Counties to the loca" mUJllicipalities on a pe,r capita b~sis rather than on an assessment basis.-Referred to the Edu- cational Committee. From the Depalrtment of Transportation and Communica- tions with Ie!!e,. re: views of the Elgin CoulJlty Council with res- pect to Section 94 of the Highway Traffic Act.-Filed. From the Town of Whitby with request for a contribution towards the Whitby Storm Damage Relief Fund.-Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Canada Department of Agriculture with recom- mendation that a free rabies clinic be initiated similar to the one of 1970.-Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From ,the Minister of TmusPOTtation 'and Communications announcing that the Deparlmenf will conduct five courses for Municipal employees in 1972.-Refelrred to the Road Commit- tee. From Acting Sheriff James A. McBain with Grand Jury report made to Mr. Justice Addy.-Referred to th€ Property Committee. From the Township of Southwold with resolution for the Township of Southwold to establish a P.U.C. and take over the distribution of water on the water line on County Road No. 16 serving private residences plus Elgin Manor and the Board of Education and that all costs be pro rated as to usage.-Referred to Elgin Manor Committee and Special Committee set up to deal with the watermain. Moved by Reeve Speers Seconded by Reeve Caverly That we do now adjourn to meet again at 2:00 p.m. Septem- ber 22, 1971. -Carried. Council re-convened. Reeve McIntyre, Chairman of the Road Committee present- ed a twenty year certificate and lapel pin to Mr. Roy Doran. Reeve McIntyre also presented certificates re: the C. S. Anderson Road School Human Relations Course to Mr. Cecil Roy Doran, Mr. Leslie J. Funnell, Mr. Arthur Gordon, Mr. Cur- 128 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL tis Gordon and Mr. AJrnold J. Milligan, all of whom werre present. The Personnel Committee Report w"s presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Reeve Morrison. The Educational Committee Report was presented by Reeve Mrs. Blyth and adopted on motion of Reeve Mrs. Blyth arnd Deputy Reeve Whalls. The County Government Committee Report was presented by Reeve Wilson and adopted on motion of Reeve Wilson and Reeve Emerson. The Road Committee Reports, Nos. 1 and 2 were presented by Reeve McIntyre and adopted on motion of Reeve McIntyre and Reeve Speers. The Finance Committe€ Report was presented by Reeve K"hnt and "dopted on motion of Reeve Kahnt and Reeve Mrs. Blyth. The Equalization and Assessment Committee Report was presented by Reeve Johnston and adopted on motion of Reeve Johnston and Reeve Liebner. The Elgin Manor Report was presented by Reeve Miskelly and adopted on motion of Reeve Miskelly "nd Deputy Reeve Lyle. The Joint repo'rt of the Elgin Manor Committee and the Special Committee "ppointed by the Warden re: the Watermain to Elgin Manor was presented by Reeve Miskelly and adopted on motion of Reeve Miskelly "nd Reeve Dennis. The Agricultural Committee Report was presented by Reeve Caverly and "dvpted on motion of Reeve Caverly and Reeve Johnston. The Warden named a Committee composed of Reeve Mrs. Blyth, Reeve, Klthnt "nd Re'eve Lake, to investigate the feasa- bility of the County initiating '3 program of recre-"tion. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lyle That a program of "ssistance to municipalities be instituted w'hereby employable weU"re recipients may be employed by local munioipalities to help alle-viate the unemployment and ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 129 weU"re situation during the winter months. This should be jointly subsidized by the Ontario Government and the Federal Govetnment. A copy of this resolution to be sent to all counties within Ontario, The Prime Minister .of Calnada, The Minister of Health and Welfare, Ottawa, The Prime Minister of Ontltrio, The Minister of Social and Family Services and John Spence and R. K. McNeil, members of the Ontario Legislature and H. E. Stafford, M.P. A oopy to be sent to the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario. -C"rried. Moved by Re€ve ,Johruston Seconded by Reeve Liebner Thst By-Law No. 2165, "Being A By-Law To Establish The Appattianment of County Rate For The County Of Elgin For The Year 1972." be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Liebner Secanded by Reeve Johnston 'Dhat By,Law No. 2165 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Morrison Seconded by Deputy Reeve McKillop That By-Law No. 2165 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve McIntyre Seconded by Deputy Reeve McKillop That By-Law No. 2166, "A By-Law To Adopt A Plan Of County Road Improvement And Establish A County Road System In The County Of Elgin Under The Highway Improvement Act", be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McKillop Seconded by Reeve Kahnt That By-Law No. 2166 be read a second time. -Carried. 130 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Reeve Morrison Seconded by Reeve McIntyre That By-Law No. 2166 be re'ad a third time and finally pass- ed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lyle That By-Law No. 2167, "A By-Law To Provide for The 1971 Expenditures on Roads Under The Highway Improvement Act In The County Of Elgin", be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Lyle Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By-Law No. 2167 be re'ad a second time. -Carried. Moved by Re€ve Emerson SHconded by Deputy Reeve Lyle That By.'Law No.' 2167 be read a third time and finaIIy passed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Dennis Seconded by Reeve Lake That By-Law No. 2168, "A By-Law To Confirm Proceedings Of The Council Of The Corporation Of The County. Of Elgin At The September Session, 1971", be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Re€ve Hodgson That By-Law No. 2168 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Reeve Wilson That By.Law No. 2168 be read a third time and finally pass- ed. -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 131 Moved by Deputy Reeve Whalls Seconded by Deputy Reeve deRyk That we do now adjourn to m€et a,gatin at 10:00 a.m. Octo- ber 20, 1971. -Carried. H. L. JOHNSON D. R. TODD Clerk Warden PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1971 To !the Warden and Membell"s of the Elgin County Council, The PersoUll€l COmmitte€ reports .as folIows: 1. That Mrs. Rose Maa'ie Daniel be re-classifi€d to Office Per- sonnel, Grade One at a salary of $4,700.00 per annum effec- tive September 20th, 1971. All of which is respectfUlly submitted. K. C. EMERSON, Chairman. EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, Tile Educational Committee reports as folIows: 1. That the resolution from the County of Kent reo Amend- ment of Section 52 of the Public Libraries Act so that levies may be made by counties to the local muruicipalities on a pe,r 132 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL capita basis rather than on an '3lSsessmentbasis be filed. All of which is 'respectfully submitted. . MRS.M. BLYTH, Chairman. COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1971 To ,the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committe€ repo.rts as follows: 1. That the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario convention kit for 1971 annual co'nference be filed. 2. That the letter sent by ACRO to the Honourable George Kerr, Minister of Environment, expeTsing dissatisfaetion with. Bill 94, Part VII be endorsed. 3. That the lette'r from the Township of Southwold with copy of a petition regarding tile sale of firecrackers be filed. 4. That the letter from the Department of the Prime Minister aCknowledging receipt of our letter endorsing the resolution from the City of St. Catharin€s with regard to the delaying of local government reform be filed. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. B. WILSON, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 133 ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT September Session FIRST REPORT To the Warden and M€mbers of the Elgin County Council: Your Ro"d Committee be@s to report 'lliS follows: We recommend: 1. Thllit the resolution of the County of Halton reque,sting the Department of Transportation and Communications to pro- vide a summary of accidents on County Roads to the County at ,regular inte.rvals be endorse. 2. Thllita road re""stab1ishing By-Law (plllin method) bepa.ssed incorporating the p,resent County Road System with the fol- lowing changes: A~Deletions: (1) County Road No. 26 from the north limit of Road No. 11 to the Middlesex County boundary, a dis- tance of approximately 1.0 miles. (2) County Road No. 42A in the Village of Port Bur- well, being approximately 1,200 feet of Union and Robinson Street. B-Additions (1) EJ<telJ!sion of County Road No. 20 south of Bridge Street to Lake Erie, in the Village of Port Stanley. (2) road from Highway 3 and 4 at Talbotville easterly to County Road No. 26. (3) road between Lots 15 and 16, Concession VIII and IX, Malllihide Township, from County Road No. 32 to County Road No. 52. (4) road between Concession VIII llind IX Bayham from Highway 3 to Road No. 46. (5) Victoria Street in the Village of Port Burwell from Highway 19 to County Road No. 42. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. L. McINTYRE, Chairman. 134 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1971 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgien County Council; WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a .road expenditure By-Law be passed to be allocated as follows: Maintenance (Winter Control) $20,000. The Department of Transportation and Communications lias agreed to accept additional maintenance by-laws from municipalities which had large eJ<traordinary. expenditures for Winte.r Mainten" ance expenditures in the past winter season. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. L. McINTYRE, Chalirman. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: The Finance Committee reports as foHows: 1. That Children's Aid Society Pay List No.6 for $3,789.75, Pay List No.7 for $4,048.19 and Pay List No.8 for $3,789.75, be approved. 2. That Charity and Welfare Pay List No.6 for $1,257.65, Pay List No.7 for $1,175,35 3illd Pay List No.8 for $895.40 be approv- ed. 3. That the communication from ,the Department of Municipal Affairs with tax arrears data for Towns, Villages and Townships in South Western Ontario be filed. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 135 4. That the request from the Town of Whitby for a contribution towards the Whitby Storm Damage Relief Fund be filed. 5. That 1,000 pens, the same as the previous ones, be pur- chased. 6. That. the Elgin Manor Committe.e be instructed to pay the account fOr $1,500.00 f'rom A. J. Graham Engineering Consultants Limited which was billed to the Township of Southwold for work done ontJhe watermain running to Elgin Manor. 7. That $10,000.00 be alloted to cover the county poortion of a road maiUJtenance by-law in the total amount of $20,000.00. 8. That the $25,000.00 in the contingency fund be placed at the disposal of the Road Committe€ to be used for County Roads. Mr. Arthur Jordan and Mr. Laurence Morley of the St. Thomas YMCA were pres€nt and reported on the Day Camps operated at Port Burwell, Port Stanley, Dutton and Belmont during the summer of 1971. The total cost of these camps was $3,443.80. Mr. Thomas Rankin of the Youth and Recreation Branch of the Department of Education was also present and explained the grants that were available from the Provincial Government if a County recreational program was instituted. After considerable discussion it was moved by Reeve Emerson and Seconded by Reeve Miskelly, "That the Warden appoint a Committee to investigate the feasability of the County initiating a program of recreation." -Carried. All of which is respectfully submitted. M. A. KAHNT, Chairman. 136 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL EQUALIZATION AND ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Equalization .and Assessment Committee Reports as follows: 1. That the following be the apportionment of County Rate for the County of Elgin for the ye.ar 1972. Aylmer Belmont Dutton Port Burwell Port Stanley Rodney Springfield Vienna West Lome Aldborough Bayham Dorchester South Dunwich Malahide Southwold Yarmouth 11.408% 1.284 % 1.441% 1.175% 4.784% 1.746% .539% .483% 1.866 % 8.266% 9.497% 3.028% 6.007% 12.040% 21.820% 14.616% 100.000% 2. That a By-Law be prepared adopting the above apportion- ment of County Rate' for the year 1972. All of which is respectfully submitted. R. N. JOHNSTON, Chairman. . ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 137 ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of ,the Elgin County Council, The Elgin Manor Committee Teports as follows: 1. The following tenders were submitted for supplying fuel oil requirements for the 1971'72 heating season: FIRM Imperial Oil Limited Lacey Fuels BP Oil Limited Gulf Oil Canada Limited Shell Canada Limited Price Per Gallon 15.80c 17.05c 16.35c 16.75c 16.50c The tender of Impedal Oil Limited to supply fuel oil at a price of 15.80c per gallon has been accepted. 2. The Administrator has been authorized to complete applica- tion forms for admission to Elgin Manor. 3. The firm of Barnes Security Services Ltd. 'has been engaged for night work at the Manor. All of which is respectfully submitted. A. T. MISKELLY, Chairman. 138 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE AND SPECIAL COMMITTEE APPOINTED BY WARDEN RE: WATERMAIN September Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Elgin Manor Commftt~e and Spe'cial Committee ap- poiruted by the Warden wishes to recommend as follows: 1. That the County's interest in the watermain to Elgin Manor be sold to The Township of Southwold at a nominal fee of $1.00 and that the re,sridents along Fingal Road be 'allowed to connect to the main. 2. That the letter from the Township of Southwold advising that theyestablis'h a P.U.C. and take over the distribution of water on the water line on County Road No. 16 serving private residence plus Elgin Manor and Board of Education and that all costs be prorated as to useage be filed. All of which is respectfully submitted. A. T. MISKELLY, Chairman. AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from the United Counties of Prescott and Russell re: The xegistration, tatooing and disposal of dogs be filed. 2. That the 'resolution from the County of Simcoe that land ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 139 und€T Hydro Tower Lines be used for sanita;ry land fill sites be filed. 3. That the CrnUllda Department of Agriculture, Health of Ani- mals Branch, be advised to proceed with rabies clinics through- out the County with the County of Elgin paying for the required advertising. All of which is respectfully submftted. W. R. CAVERLY, Acting Chairman. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2165 "Being a By-Law to Establish the Apportionment of County Rate For the County of Elgin for the Year 1972." The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: THAT the following be the apportionment of the County Rate for the County of Elgin fOT the year 1972. 11.408% 1.284% 1.441 % 1.175% 4.784% 1.746% .539% .483% 1.866% 8.266% 9.497% 3.028% 6.007% 12.040% 21.820% 14.616% Aylmer Belmorut Dutton Port Burwell Pol11; Stanley Rodney Springfield Vienna West Lorne Aldborough Bayham Dorchester South Dunwich Malahide Southwold Yarmouth 100.000% 140 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL READ a first time ,this 22nd day of September, 1971. READ a second time this 22nd day of Sel'tembe'r, 1971. READ a third time 'and finally passed this 22nd day of September, 1971. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk DOUGLAS R. TODD Warden COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2166 "A By-Law to Adopt a Plan of 'County Road Improvement and Establish a County Road System in The County of Elgin Under The Highway Improvement Act." WHEREAS the By-Law adopting a plan of county road im- provement and estahlishing a county road system in the County of Elgin has been amended from time to time by adding roads or portions of roads to and removing ,roads or portions of roads from the county road system; AND WHEREAS certain roads formerly included in the county road system have been assumed by the Province of On- tario,and certain roads or portions of roads so assumed have been reverted to the municipality previously liable for their maintenance and repair or transfe'rred to ,the municipality within which ,the s.ame are ,situate as ,the case may be; AND WHEREAS the descriptions of certain roads included in the county road system and the recorded mileage thereof as emablished by by-laws heretofore passed have been affected by alterations to or diversions of the said roads or by alterations to the boundaries of certain local municipaIlties; AND WHEREAS certain roads or portions or roads hereto- fore added to or ,removed from the county road system have not been described sufficiently in the ,relevant by-laws to permit them to be identified with certainty or to make clear the true intent of the Council in :re,spect thereof; ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 141 AND WHEREAS it is deemed in the public interest that the locations of all roads or portions of roads included in the county road system be described in a manne,r sufficient to permit ready identification; AND WHEREAS in order to attain greate.r efficiency in the administration of ,the county road system it is deemed expedient to adopt a plan of countyl'o,ad improvement and estahlish a county road system in the County of Elgin. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as By-Law Number 2166 as follows: 1. The roads shown 'as county roads on the several plans num- bered 2-~ 2-~ 3-~ 3-~ 4-~ 5-~ 6-~ 7'~ 8 - 1, 9 - 1, 9 - 2. 11- 1, 13 - 1, 14 - 1, 15 - 1, 16 - 1, 16 . 2, 17 - 1, 18 - 1, 19 - 1, 20 - 1, 20 - 2, 21 - 1, 22 - 1, 23 - 1, 24 - 1, 24 - 2, 25 - 1, 26 - 1, 27 - 1, 28 - 1, 29 - 1, 30 - 1, 31 - 1, 32 - 1, 33 - 1, 34 - 1, 35 - 1, 36 - 1, 37 - 1, 38 - 1, 39 - 1, 40 - 1, 41 - 1, 42 - 1, 43 - 1, 44 - 1, 45. 1, 45 - 2, 45 - 3, 46 - 1, 47 - 1, 48 - 1, 49 - 1, 50 - 1, 52 - 1, 52 - 2, 53 - 1, 54 - 1, 55.1, comprising Schedule "A" to this hy-law ,are designated the county road system of the' Oountyof Elgin. 2. The roads shown as county Toads on the ,several plans num- bered as in paragraph 1 comprising Schedule "A" to this by-law shall be known by the numbers shown on the' said plans arnd such numbers shall be nsed for all purpose's of administration and accounting. 3. The cost of constructing and maintainicng the county road system ,shall be met from: ~a) monies raised by the levying of a general annual rate upon .all municipalirties in the county not separated therefrom for municipal purposes and, (b) provincial grants-in-aid and, (c) the proceeds of debentures issued for purposes of road construction and, (d) any special cont,ributions made by a person or peTSons, public or private corporate bodies, the Federal or I'ro- vincial Governments, their ,agencies or boards, or from any other source. I' 142 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 4. By-Law Number 897, be.ingthe original. by-law adopting a plan of cOUJnty road improvement and €stabIishing a county road system in the County of Elgin, as amended by subse- quent am~nding by-laws and consolidated by subsequent consolidating by-laws, and all other by-laws adding or pur- porting to add roads or portions of roads to the county road system are he.reby repealed. 5. This by-law shall come into force UpOl1 and to the exte1nt of the approval thereof by the Lietuenant Governor in Coun- ill '. . PASSED .at the City of St. Thomas in the County of Elgin this 22nd day of September, 1971. . H. L. JOHNSON DOUGLAS R. TODD Clerk Warden BY-LAW NO. 2167 A By-Law to Provide for the 1971 Expenditures on Roads Under The Highway Improvement Act in The County of Elgin. WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act requires that the total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by county by-law and that the by-law be submitted to the Minister of High- ways for approval. THEREFORE the Council of ,the Corporation of the said Oounty enacts as foUows: (1) The sum of $20,000.00 is hereby estimated as the €x- penditures upon the construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the year 1971 as fol- lows:- Construction Maintenance Total Roads ........... ............ $.. $ 20,000 $ 20,000 Bridges 'and Culverts .... . $.. ............... $.... $.. New Machinery ....... $... ........ $ nil $ Superintendence and Overhead .................. $........ ......... $.... $ TOTALS $........... $ 20,000 $ 20,000 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 143 (2) The said monies shall be expended under the supe'r- vision of the duly appointed County road supeorintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit triplicate copies of this by' law to the district office of the Department of Highways Ontario, not later .than March 31st, of the said yeaT. (4) The approval of the OntaTio Municipal Board shall be obtained before any expenditure is authorized or work com- menced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or mon[es raised in a subsequent year. Passed at St. Thomas this 22nd day of September, A.D. 1971. (SEAL) H. L. JOHNSON Clerk DOUGLAS R. TODD Warden I, H. L. Johnson, Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By- Law No. 2167 passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the 22nd day of September, 1971. H. L. JOHNSON, County Clerk. 144 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2168 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of The Council of The Corporation of The County of Elgin at the September Session, 1971." WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chap- ter 249 of the Revised St3Jtutes of Ontario, 1960, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Seotion 242 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 249 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1960, the powe!t's of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceed- ings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Co,rporation of the County of Elgin enacts as foIlows: 1. That action of the Council of the Corpo!t'ation of the County of Elgin in respeet. of each recommendation contained in ,th.e Reports of the Committees and each motion and reso. lution passed and othe.r action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the' County of Elgin at its me'etings held during the September 1971 Session is hereby' adOpted and confirmed as if all such ptoceedings were expre'ssly embod. ied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Coun- cil of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk 311'e authorized and direeted to execute all documents necessa.ry in that behalf and to affix ,thereto the ,seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 22nd day of September, 1971. READ a second time this 22nd day of September, 1971. READ a third time and finally passed this 22nd day of Septem- ber, 1971. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk DOUGLAS R. TODD Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 145 OCTOBER SESSION - FIRST DAY Wednesday the 20th day of October, 1971 The Elgin County Council met ,this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All members present except Reeve A. T. MiskeUy'and Deputy Reeve R. G. Walker. Moved by Deputy Reeve deRyk Seconded by Reeve Caverly That the minutes 'of the September Session 1971 of the El- gin County Council be confirmed. -Carried. The foIlowing communications. were read and referred to the vario.us committees: From Mr. E. E. Bond, Regional Superintendent, Department of Public Works, Property Branch, with letter requesting per- mission to move v'arious offices of the Department of Justice to offices recently vacated by the Provincial Courts and to have deCOrating done as necessary and certain renovations! carried out in Sheriff Ray's present office.-Referred to the Property Committee. ' From the County of Halton, Social and Family Services De- partment, with letter re: resolution pa:assed by the Elgin County Council regarding the employment of welfare recipient's.-Re- ferred to the County Government Committee. From the Department of Municipal Affairs with Newsletter No.8 regarding the Haldimand Norfolk Study.-Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Minister of Transportation and Communications with letter advising that a special maintenance subsidy of $10,- 000.00 has been allotted to Elgin County.-Referred to the Road Committee. From the Honourable George A. Kerr, Q.C., with copy of a letter which was sent to the Association of Counties and Regions 146 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL reo Bill 94, Part VII.-Referred to the County Government Com- mittee. From Canada Safety Council Construction Safety Associa- tion of Ontario with notice of a Construction Cra:ne Safety Con- ference in Toronto on November 22, 23, and 24th.-Referred to the Road Committee. From the Village of Dutton with resolution requesting the County Road Committee to consider the prepar.ation of the n€ces- sary By-Law to prohibit parking along the North and South sides of County Road No. 15 from John Streets to the Westerly limits of the SOl1s.of-Scotland Park.-Referred to the Road Commutee. From the Department of Transportation and Communica- tions with copy of Circular 71-041 Re: Subsidy for Municipal Management System.-Referred to the Road Committee. From the Depadment of Transportation allld Communications with copy of Circular 71-040 Re: Subsidy on Storm Sewer Con- struction and Maintenance.-Referred to the Road Committ€e. From the United Counties of Le€ds and Grenville with reso- lution requesting the Feder.a! .and Provincial Departments of Food and Drugs to prevent th€ legalization of the sale of (Soft Drugs) in Canada.-Referred to the --Petitions and Legislation Committee. From the Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves with copy of an Agreement between the Province of Ontario and the Government of Canada relative to the abatement of pollution in the lower Great Lakes and also a copy of a resolution passed by the Association with respect to this agreement.-Referred to the Petitions and Legislation Committee. From Mr. R. W. Hipgrave, Co'ordinator, St. Thomas-Elgin Emergency Measures Organization with copy of a lette:r received from the Department of the Attorney General regarding the use of Snowmobile Operators.-Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Town of Aylmer with notice of Application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of By-Law 35-71 to regu- late land use pursuant to Section 30 of the Planning Act and a copy of By-Law 35-71 of the Town of Aylmer.-Referred to the Road Committee. From the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital advising ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 147 that the new X-Ray Unit and Intensive Care Unit at the hospital are almost fully completed and advising that actual costs will be very close to the estimate.-Filed. From the Erie Economic Council advising of an Industrial Development Training Course to be held at Holiday Inn, High- way 401, London, on November 17th, 18th and 19th.-Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Office of the Prime Minister of Canada with let- ter acknowledging receipt of the resolution passed by the Elgin Oounty Council at its September Session relative to employment of welfare recipients.-Filed. Mr. Mr. Harold E. Stafford, Q.C., M.P., for Elgin a letter acknowledging receipt of the resolution passed by the Elgin County Council at its September Session relative to employment of welfarerecipients.-FiIed. From Mr. Stewart Fyfe, acting Director, Institute of Local Government, with County Council Survey.-Referred to County Government Oommittee. From Mr. G. C. Leverton, Secretary-Treasurer of the County of Elgin Land Division Committee with request that he be replac- ed as Secretary Tre'asurer of the Committee at your earliest con- venience.-Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Art Gallery of Ontario with request for permission to aUow Lottery tickets to be sold in this area.-Referred to the County Government Committee. Doctor D. A. Monteith was present at th€ meeting. Moved by Reeve Mrs. Blyth Seconded by Reeve Emerson That Doctor Monteith be now heard. Doctor Monteith addressed Council and requested that County Council investigate means of supplying emergency snow polwing during the winter months. The Warden thanked Doctor Monteith and referred the mat- t€r to the Road Committee. The Report of the Road Committee was presented by Reeve McIntyre and adopted on motion of Reeve McIntyre and Reeve Roberts, 148 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL The Report of the Elgin Manor Committee was presented by Reeve Dennis and adopted on motio.n of Reeve Dennis and Reeve Speers. Moved by Deputy Reeve Cook Seconded by Reeve Roberts That we follow the usual procedure of each Council mem- ber bringing a junior boy or girl guest to County Council on the first day of the November Session. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve deDyk Seconded by Reeve Caverly That the Treasurer be authorized to ,request approval of the Ontario Municipal Board to borrow by way of promissory note a ,sum in excess of 70% and up to 100% of the uncollected bal- ance of the estimated revenues of the Corporation of the County of Elgin for the year 1971. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Cslnos Seconded by Reeve Dennis That we do now adjourn to meet again at 2:00 p.m. Wednes- day, October 20, 1971. -Carried. . Council re-convened. The Report of the Elgin Manor Committ€e and the Special Committee .appointed by the Warden Re: Watermain to Elgin Manor was presented by Reeve' Dennis and adopted on motion of Reeve Dennis and Reeve Speers. The Report 'Of the Petitions and Legislation Committee was presented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caverly and Reeve Mrs. Blyth. The Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Hodgson and adopted on motion of Reeve Hodgson and Reeve Liebner. The Report of the Finance Oommittee was presented by Reeve Kahnt and adopted ,on motion of Reeve Kahnt and Reeve Johnston. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 149 The Report of the County Government Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caver- ly and Deputy Reeve Cook. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Kahnt That the St. Thomas Public utilities Commission be notified that all instructions from the County of Elgin regarding the sup' plying of wate'r to re'sidents of Southwold Township abutting the watermain to Elgin Manor on County Road 16 be disregarded. The St. Thomas Public Utilities oare hereby authorized and in- structed to supply water to those persons requesting water on said County Road 16 for relsidential purposes. '. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Lake Seconded by Reeve Dennis That By-Law No. 2169, "Regulating Parking" be read a first time. -Carried.. Moved by Reeve Dennins Seconded by Reeve Lake That By-Law No. 2169 be Tead a second time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Csinos Seconded by Reeve Speers That By-Law No. 2169 be Teada third time and finally pass- ed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Speers Seconded by Deputy Reeve Randall That By-Law No. 2170, "Authorizing Speed Limits" be read a first time; -Carried. Moved by Reeve Liebner Seconded by Deputy Reeve McKillop 150 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL That I1y-Law No. 2170 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Randall Seconded by Reeve Speers That By-Law No. 2170 be read a third time 'and finally pass- ed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve McIntyre Seconded by Reeve Kahnt That By-Law No. 2171, "Designating Through Highways," be read a first time. -CM'ried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve McKillop That By-Law No. 2171 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Lyle Seconded by R€eve Kahnt That By-Law No. 2171 be re'ad a third time and finally pass- ed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve McIntyre Seconded by Reeve Dennis That By-Law No. 2172, "A By-Law To Confirm Proceedings .Of The Council Of Th€ Corporation Of The County Of Elgin At The October Session, 1971," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Lyle Seconded by Deputy Reeve McKillop That By-Law No. 2172 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Dennis Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lyle ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 151 ed. That By-Law No. 2172 be read a third time and finally pass- -Carried. Moved by Reev€ Roberts Seconded by Deputy Reeve Cook That we do now adjourn to meet again at 10:00 a.m. Wed- nesday, November 17, 1971. -Carried. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk DOUGLAS R. TODD Warden ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT st. Thomas, Ontario October Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of The Elgin County Council: WE RECOMMEND: 1. That County Council Road Inspection be. held on October 28th, East Elgin area and on November 4, 1971, West El- gin area, leaving the Court House both days at 9:00 a.m. 2. That a By-Law be passed designating through highways for the County Road System. As a number of miles of road were assumed by the County in September, a new By-Law designating through highways is needed. 3. That a By-Law be passed limiting the speed to 40 miles per hour on County Road No. 15, in Dunwich Twp. and between County Road No.2, the north limit of the Vil- lage of Dutton. 4. That a By-Law be passed prohibiting parking on County Road No. 15, in the Village of Dutton from the west limit 152 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL of John Street (County Road No.8) westerly for 667 feet. The By-Law will prohibit parking in front of the Dunwich- Dutton Public School and the Sons of Scotland Park. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. L. McINTYRE, Chairman. ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE IREPORT October Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of The Elgin County Council: The Elgin Manor Committee wishes to report as follows: . 1. A course in first aid sponsored by the St. John Ambulance Association has been authorized for the employees and upon succl?!ssful completion of the course one-half of the cost is to be reimbursed to each employee. 2. The Administrator has been authorized to attend a Geronto- logical conference on October 22nd, 1971 in Toronto, with ex- penses paid. 3. The installation of the boiler to supply domestic hot water has now been completed and 85% of the contract price has been authorized for payment. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. L. DENNIS, for Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 153 ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE AND SPECIAL COMMITTEE APPOINTED BY THE WARDEN RE: WATERMAIN REPORT October Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members lYI The Elgin Oounty Council: The Elgin Manor Committee and the Special Committee ap- pointed by the Warden Re: Elgin Manor Watermain reports as follows: 1. That a resolution be passed by the Elgin County Council instructing the St. Thomas P.U.C. to supply water to the resi- dences along the County Road No. 16, which abut the water- main running to Elgin Manor. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. L. DENNIS, Acting Chairman. PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE REPORT October Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of The Elgin County Council: The Petitions and Legisla!tion Committee reports as follows:\ 1. That the resolution from the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville requesting the Federal and Provincial Department of Food and Drugs to prevent the legalization of the sale of (Soft Drugs) in Canada be filed. 2. That the resolution from the Association of Mayors and Reeves with respect to an agreement between the Province of Ontario and the Government of Canada relative to the abate- ment of pollution in the lower Great Lakes be filed. All of which is respectfully submitted. W. R. CAVERLY, Chairman. I l II II :'Ii: "I. 154 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT October Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. :Repairs to the dome and \aves 1>f the Elgin County Court House have been completed at the tendered cost. 2. We recommend to County Council that a copy of the Grand Jury Report to Mr. Justice Addy, dated September 8th, 1971, be sent to Mr. E. E. Bond, Regional Superintendent, Department of Public Works, Property Branch, and that he be asked to ad- vise the County of Elgin what recommendations in the Report, the Department of Public Works wishes carried out with respect to the Provincial Jail, Registry Office, and the Court Room, Judge's Washroom and Jury Room in the Court House as we understand that the cost of doing the work required by these recommendations would be borne 100 per cent by the Depart- ment of Public Works. 3. We recommend to County Council that the request of Mr. E. E. Bond, Regional Superintendent, Department of Public Works, Property Branch, to move various offices of the Depart- ment of Justice to offices recently vacllited by the Provincial Courts, as 'Outlined in his letter of October 7th, 1971, be granted and that the Mr. Bond be given permission to have painting and decorating done to these areas whenever it is convenient. How- ever, the matter of removing the partition of the wall between the private 'Office and general offices of Sheriff Ray be left in abeyance until the County Engineer has assured himself that the wall in question is a non bearing wall. 4. That Engineer R. G. Moore be directed to proceed with an investigation of the wall which the Department of Public Works wishes to remove between the private office and general office of Sheriff Ray and report to the County Cle,rk on his findings so that Mr. E. E. Bond may be advised accordingly. The work of making a hole in this wall should be carried out as nearly as. pos- sible at the convenience of Sheriff Ray. 5. We recommend to County Council that Engineer R. G. Moore be authorized to remove the verandah on his office building and place pre-fabricated steps in front of the doors, the cost of the steps to be borne by the County. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 155 6. That the sign erected with respect to the Provincia[ Jail be approved. 7. That we accept the tender of Gillard Plumbing and He'ating to replace sink, tap, pipe and fittings in the caretaker's apart- ment for the sum of $175.00. 8. That window shutters stored in the attic of the Engineer's office be given to Mrs. Somervil1€ and that they be removed at her expense. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. W. HODGSON, Chairman. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT October Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That Children's Aid Society Pay List No. 9 for $3,789.75 be approved. 2. That Charity and Welfare Pay List No. 9 for $463.75 be ap. proved. 3. That the notice from the Erie Economic Council advising of an Industrial Development Training Course on November 17th, 18th and 19th be filed. All of which is respectfully submitted. M. A. KAHNT, Chairman. 156 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT October Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Oounty Government Committee Repo.rts as follows: 1. That Newsletteor No, 8 Re: Haldimand No>rfolk Study be filed. 2. That the lette'r from the Honourable George A. Kerr, Q.C. with copy of letter which was se!nt to the Association of Coun- ties and Regions re: Bill 94, Part VII be filed. 3. That the copy of the letter received by Mr. R. W. Hipgrave. Co-ordinator, St. Thomas-Elgin E.M.O. from the Department of the Attorney Geneml regarding the use of Snowmobile Opera- tors be filed. 4. That the County Council Survey received from Mr. Stewart Fyf€, Acting Director, Institute of Local Govermnent be filed. 5. That Mr. J. D. Gray, Director, Halton County Social and Family Services be advised that the County of Elgin resolution regarding the employment of Welfare Recipients will be on the agenda of the Annual meeting of the Association of Counties and Regions and will be discussedll!t that tinie. 6. That the Land Division Committee be requested to meet with the County Government Committee to discuss the matter of a Secretary-Treasurer for the Land Division Committee and other matters. and that the Chairman of the County Government Committee arrange the meeting with the Land Division Com- mittee. 7. That the request from the Art Gallery of Ontario to sell Lottery tickets in this area be filed. All of which is respectfully submitted. W. R. CAVERLY, for Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 157, CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NUMBER 2169 REGULATING PARKING The Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Elgin. enacts as follows: . 1. DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this By-Law: Park or Parking, when prohibited, mea;rrs the standing of a vehicle whether occupied or not except when standing tem- porarily for the purpose of and while actually engaged in the loading or uniloading of merchandise. or passengers. Street or Highway includes a common or pubLic highway, street, avenue, pa.rkway, driveway, square, place, bridge, via- duct or trestle, designed and intended for, OT used by, the general public for the passage of vehicles. Vehicle include's a motor vehicle, trailer, traction engine, farm tractor, roadbuilding machine and amy vehicle drawn, propelled or driven by any kind of power, including mus- cular power, but does not include motorized snow vehicles, cars of electric or steam railways running only upon mils'. 2. PARKING REGULATIONS When properly worded signs have been erected and are on display no person shall park a vehicle on the highways or parts of highways hereinatfer set on Schedule '.' A" attached hereto. 3. PENALTIES Any person violating any of the provisions of this By-Law shall be subject toa penalty of not more than Ten Dollars for the first offence and not more than Fifty Dollars for every subsequent offence, exclusive of costs, and all such penalties shall be recoverable under .the Ontario Summary Oonvictions Act. 4. This By-Law shall not become effective until approved by the Department of Transportation and Communications. ENACTED AND PASSED the 20th day of October, 1971. H. L. JOHNSON DOUGLAS. R. TODD Clerk Warden . 158 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL SCHEDULE "A" 1. County Road No. 15, is ro~d allowance known as Main Street in the Village of Dutton. 2. When properly worded signs have been erected and are on display no person shan parka vehicle on the highway or part of the highway known as: (a) County Road No. 15, within 667 feet of the north westerly limit of John Street, (County Road No.8) on the north side of County Road No. 15. (b) County Road No.. 15, within 667 feet on north wes- terly limit of John Street (County Road No.8) on the south side of County Road No. 15. MUNICIPALITY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2170 AUTHORIZING SPEED LIMITS WHEREAS Subsection 6a of Section 59 of the Highway Traf- fic Act (RS.O. 1960, Chapter 172) as amended, authorizes the Council of a Township or County by By-Law to prescribe a lower or higher rate of speed for motor vehicles on a Highway or por- tion of Highway under its jurisdiction that is no.t within a built-up area, urban area, or suburban district than is prescribed in Clause "a" of Subsection 1 of Section 59, but such rate of speed shall not be less than 35 miles per hour or move than 60 miles per hour; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the speed limit for motor vehicles upon certain Highways in the Municipality of Elgin be either decreased or increased or both; NOW THEREFORE the Council of theCo.rporation of the Municipality of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. No person shall drive a motor vehicle upon the High' ways or portions of Highways designated in Schedules ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 159 "A" appended hereto, at great"" rates of speed than the rates of speed prescribed in the Schedule,s. . 2. This ByLaw shall not become effective until approved by the Department of Transportation and Communica- tionS. ENACTED AND PASSED this 20th day of October, 1971. H. L. JOHNSON DOUGLAS R TODD Clerk Warden SCHEDULE "A" Maximum Rate of Speed - 40 miles per hour. 1. County Road No. 15 being the Road Allowance through Lot XI, Concession "A", Township of Dunwich from the south easterly limit of County Road No.2, being the road allow- ance betwe€n Concession A and V, North of "A" Township of Dunwich, south easterly, a distance of 1240 feet to the north westerly limit of the Village of Dutton. MUNICIPALITY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NUMBER 2171 DESIGNATING THROUGH HIGHWAYS WHEREAS clause 26 of subsection 1 of se'Ction 1 of the Highway Traffic Act (RS.O. 1960, Chapter 172) provides that:- "through highway" means any highway or part of a high- way designated as such by the Minister or by By-Law of a municipality approved by the Department, and every such highway shall be marked by a stop sign or yield right-of-way .sign in compliance with the regulations of the Department: NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Muni- cipality of Elgin enacts as follows:- 1. The following highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the Municipality of Elgin are designated as through highways: 160 ROAD NO. 2. 3. 4. (a) 5. 6. 7. 8. (a) (b) 9. (a) 9. (b) 9. (c) ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL DESCRIPTION From the east side of County Road No. 3 td the west side of County Road No.8. The intersection of King's Highway No. 76 is a through highway for County Road No.2, and Highway No. 76 is not a through highway at this point. From the gate of the Memorial Park in the hamlet of Port Glasgow to the County Boundary, Which is the centre of the Thames River. On the Aldborough Orford Townline from opposite the North side of the road between Concession IV and V, Township of Orford to opposite the south side of the road between Concession VII and VIII, Aldborough. (b) On Road between Concession VII and VIII Aldborough from the west side of the Orford-Aldborough Townline to the west side of County Road No.3. From the south side of the road between Concessions II and III, Township of Dunwich (County Road No.9) to the County boundary which is the centre of Thames River. From the east side of County Road No. 7 to the west side of County Road No.3. From the south side of the road between Concessions X and XI, Township of Orford, to the County Boundary which is the centre of the Thames River. John Street, in the Village of Dutton, from the north side of County Road No. 15, being Main Street, to the south side of Currie Street (County Road No.8). New Currie Road, from the south side of John Street, in the Village of Dutton, to the County Boundary, which is the centre of the Thames River. From the east side of County Road No.3 to the west side of County Road No.5. From the east side of County Road No. 5 to the west side of County Road NO.8. From the east side of County Road No. 8 to the west side of County Road No. 14. 11. 13. 14. 15. (a) 15. (b) 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. (a) 20. (b) 20. (c) 21. 22. (a) 22. (b) 23. (a) ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 161 From the east side of Kings, Highway No. 4 to the west side of County Road No. 26. From the east side of County Road No. 15 to the west side of County Road No. 14. From the north side of County Road No. 16 to the County Boundary, which is the centre of Thames River. From the south side of County Road No.2 to the north side of Road No. 15 (Lake Rroad) in Lot No. 10, Con- cession X, DUllwich Township. Lake Road, from the west side of Road No. 15 in Lot No. 10, Concession X, Dunwich, to the east side of Pearce Provincial Park, (Lot No. 12, Concession X, Township of Dunwich). From the south-east side of Countv Road No. 15 to the west boundary of the City of St. Thomas. From the east side of County Road No. 19 to the east side of the road between Conces;sions I and II, Township of Westminster. From the west side, of County Road No. 20 to the west side of County Road No. 19. From the north side of King's Highway No. 3 to the north side of County Road No. 17. From the north side of the road between the Town- ships of Southwold and Delaware to the north .side of County Road No. 18. From the south side 'of County Road No. 18 to the north side .of County Road No. 16. From the south side of County Road No. 16 to the north side of Lake Erie, in the Village of Port Stanley. From the east side of County Road No. 20 to the west side of King's Highway No.4. From the boundary of the City of St. Thomas to the north side of County Road No. 27. From the south side of County Road No. 27 to the north side of County Road No. 24. From the e'ast side of King's Highway No.4 in Lot No. 1:, "~'I 1'.:'1 ,!I " 162 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 23. (b) 24. 25. 26. (a) 26. (b) 27. 28. (a) 28. (b) 29. (a) 29. (b) 30. (a) 30. (b) 31. 2, COllJcessiQn II, Township of Yarmouth, to. the north ,side of Joseph Street, in the Village of Port Stanley. On Joseph Street, in the Village of Port Stanley from the east side of King's Highway No. 4 to the east side of East Street, in the Village of Port Stanley. From the east side of County Road No. 23 to the west side of King's Highway No. 73 at Port Bruce. From the north side of King's Highway No. 3 to the north side of the road between the Townships of Southwold, Yarmouth and Westminster. From the e'ast side of County Road No. 25 to the north boundary of the City of St. Thomas. From the north side of County Road No. 11 to the west side of County Road No. 25. From the .east side of King's Highway No. 4 to the east side of County Road No. 36. From the south side of King's Highway No. 3 to the north side of the road between Concessions VII and VIII, Township of Yarmouth. From the east boundary of the City of St. Thomas to the east side of the road between Lots No. 10 and No. 11, Concession VIII, Township of Yarmouth. From the east side of County Road No. 25 to the west side of County Road No. 31. From the east side of Road No. 26 to the west side of County Road No. 25. From the north boundary of the City of St. Thomas to the south side of the road between Concessions XIII and XIV, Township of Yarmouth. From opposite the we'st side of Lot No.8, Concession XIII to the ea,st side of road between Lots No. 8 and No.9 in Concession XIII, Township of Yarmouth. From the north boundary of the City of St. Thomas to the north side of the road between Concessions X and Range II, North of EdgewaTe Road, in the Township of Yarmouth. 32. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 163 33. 34. (a) 34. (b) 35. 36. (a) 36. (b) 37. (a) (b) 38. 39. 40. 41- (a) 41. (b) 42. (a) From the east side of King's Highway No. 73 to th€ south side of County Road No. 52. From the west boundaTY of the City of St. Thomas to the south side of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway right-of-way on the Townline Road between Y3I1'mouth and Southwold Townships. From the west side of the road between Lots No. 10 and No. 11, Concession VIII, Township of Westminster to the west side of Lot No.8, ConcessiQn XIII, Township of Yarmouth. From the west side of King's Highway No. 74 to the County Boundary, being Kettle Creek. From the south side of King's Highway No. 3 to the north side of County Road No. 45. From the south side of KillJg's Highway No.. 3 to the north side of County Road No. 27. From the south side of County Road No. 27 to the north side of County Road No. 24. From the east side of King's Highway No.. 74 to the west side of Road No. 47. From the east side of Road No. 47 to the east side of the road between the Townships of North and South Dorchester and the Township of Dereham. From the north-west side of KillJg's Highway No. 3 to the east limit of the road between the Townships of Bayham and Houghton Townships. From the south side of County Road No. 42 to the north side of Lake Erie. From the south side of County Road No. 52 to the north side of County Road No. 42. on Fulton Street, in the Village of Vienna, from the west side of Union Street to the west side of Main Street. On Main Street, from the north side of King's High- way No. 19 to the north side of Fulton Street. From the east side of King's Highway No. 73 to the 164 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL west side of King's Highway No. 19, in the Village of Port Burwell. 42. (b) From the east side of King's Highway No. 19 in tile Village of Port Burwell to the east limit of the road between the Townships of Bayham and Houghton. 43. (a) From the south side of County Road No. 38 to the north side 'Of County Road No. 45. 43. (b) From the south side of County Road No. 45 to the north side of County Road No. 42. From the east side of County Road No. 46 to the west side of King's Highway No. 19. 45. (a) From the south side of Road No. 16 to the west side of County Road No. 22. 45. (b) From the east side of Coml!ty Road No. 22 to the west side of County Road No. 36. . From the east side of County Road No. 36 to the west side of County Road No. 40. From the east side of County Road No. 40 to the. <last side of County Road No. 55. From the north side of King's Highway No. 3 to the north side of the road between the Townships of Bay- ham and Dereham. From the north side of County Road No. 48 to the north side of County Road No. 37. From the east side of King's Highway No. 73 to the west side of County Road No. 54. From the south side of County R08!d No. 48 to the north side of County Road No. 52. From the north side of Road No. 42 to the south side of Highway 19. From the east side of Highway 4 to the west side of County Road No. 26. From the east side of County Road No. 26 in the Town- , ship of Southwold, to the west side of County Road No. 25. 44. 45. (c) 45. (d) 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 52. (a) 52. (b) ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 165 52. (c) From the east side of County Road No. 25 to the west side of County Road No. 31. 52. (d) From the east side of County Road No. 31 to the west side of County Road No.. 30. 52. (e) From the east side of Oounty Road No. 30 to east side of County Road No. 40. 53. (a) Elm Street, in Town of Aylmer, from the north side of King's Highway No.3 to the 'South side of Beech Street, in Town of Aylmer. 53. (b) Beech Street, from the west side of Elm Street to the west side of King's Highway No. 73. 54. From the north side of County Road No. 48 to the south side of the road between Concessions X and XI, Town- ship of Dereham. 55. From the north side of County Road No. 42 to the south side of County Road No. 45. 2. The designation in Section I of this By-Law of a highway or part of a Qjighwayas a through highwalY shall not include any intersection, thereon, where the road intersected is a King's Highway or where traffic control signals are install- ed. 3. The penalties provided in section 85 of the Highway Traf- fic Act shall apply to offence,s against this By-Law. 4. By-Law Number 2127 is hereby repealed. 5. This By-Law shall not become effective until approved by the Department of Transportation & Communications. ENACTED AND PASSED TillS 20th day of October, 1971. H. L. JOHNSON DOUGLAS R. TODD Clerk Warden 166 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2172 "A By-Law To Confirm Proceedings Of The 'Council Of The Corporation Of The County of Elgio At The October Session, 1971." WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipa~ Act, being Chap- ter 249 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1960, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 'of Section 242 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 249 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1960, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceed- ings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Engin enacts as follows: 1. Thait action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of e'lJJch recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees 'and each motion and resolution pass- ed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the October 1971 Session is heoreby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceed- ings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officiails of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Cleork are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 20th day of October, 1971. READ a second time this 20th day of October, 1971. READ 'a third time and finally passed this 20th day of October, 1971. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk DOUGLAS R. TODD Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 167 NOVEMBER SESSION - FIRST DAY Wednesday, the 17th day of November, 1971 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournme>nt. The Wardeon in the Ohair. All the members present. The Warden addressed the Council and welcomed the boys 'and girls who 'came as guests of the councillors. Moved by Reeve Roberts Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That the minutes of the Octoher Session 1971 of the Elgin County Council be confirmed. -Carried. The following communications were read and referred to their various committees. From the County of Victoria with resolution requesting the Minister of the Department of Lands and Forest to review the Provincial Camp site rates at Provincia~ Parks.-Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. From the Erie Economic Council with resolution from the Town of Port Dover requesting the Attorney-General to assume the responsibility of educating young police officers and to estab- lish a uniform sala;ry schedule for police work according to the various size of Towns.-Referred to the Petitions and Legislations Committee. From the Department of Social and Family Services with letter re: "Proposed Extended Care Program" .-Referred to the Elgin Manor Committee. From the Department of Social and Family Services with letter re: "Financial Forecasts 1971-72 Operating and Mainten- ance".-Referred to the Elgin Manor Committee. From the Department of Transportation and Communications with memorandums Re: (1) Excess Loading of Motor Vehicles, (2) Temporary closing of Highways, (3) Consulting Engineer's Services.-Referred to the Road Committee. 168 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL From the Town of Aylmer with Notice of Application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of a by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 30 of the Planning Act and a copy of By-Law 37-71 of the Town of Aylmer.~Referred to the Road Committee. From the County of Peel with copy of a report from Dr. R. C. Williams, Veterinarian, with respect to the recent resolution from the United Counties of Prescott and Ru~seIl re: the Ta- tooing and registration of dogs.-Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the Ontario Humane Society with letter re: Municipal Dog Pounds in Ontario.-Referred to the Agricultural Commit- tee. From the Bank of Montreal advising of a reduction of loan interest 'rate to 6% effective November 1st, 1971.-Filed. From the Department of Transportation and Communica- tions with Memo No. 71-16A-Instructions for completing County Road System By-Laws.-Referred to the Road Committee. From the County of Perth with resolution petitioning the Minister of Municipal Affairs tv lrutroduce legislation whereby any person that wishes to sever adjoining land which is de'eded separately and that such Iseverance would not change the present land use, that it not be necessary to make application to the Land Division Committee for consent to sever.-Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Rotary Club of St. Thomas requesting County of Elgin Ad in the Rotary Music Festival Program.-Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Ontario Good Roads Association with request for resolutions and proposal of names for recognition of long service in the cause of good roads.-Referred to the Road Committee. From the North Yarmouth District Historical Association with letter expressing its desire to resto're and preserve the log cabin located on the former Dan PatterSOn farm on Radio Road at Lot 9, Concession 11, Yarmouth Town'ship.-Refe-rred to the Finance Committee. From the University of Guelph with list of top students from Elgin County attending the University and requesting the names of the winners of the Elgin County 'awards.-Referred to the Educational Committee. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 169 From Waterloo Lutheraru Unive~sity advis.ing that Miss Pat- ricia Pa!raehoniak, 194 Elk St., Aylmer, was the winner of the Elgin County Scholarship.-Flled. From the Univers;ty of Western Ontarto advising that Ha- Iina Therese Kier'l'szewicz, R.R. 2, Aylmer and Albert Annen, 94 Caverly Road, Aylmer, . were the winn€rs of the Elgin County Scholarships.-Filed. From Burgess Graham Securities Limited with letter re: purchase of Canada Savings Bonds 1971/72 series.-Referred to the Finance Committee. , From Dr. John C. Dancey, Sub-District Veterinarian advis- ing .that anti-rabies vacctn~tion clinics within the County will commence on November 15, 1971.-Filed. From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with .appreciation of assistance give'" to the County of Lambton in hosting the 12th Annual Me'eting of the Association.-Filed. From Mr. R. K. McNeil, M.P.P. with letter .acknowledging receipt of resolution passed by the Conncil of the County of Elgin relative to employment of welfare recipients.-Filed. From .the Honoumble Thomas L. Wells, Minister of Social and Family SeTvices with letter acknowledging receipt of reso- lution passed by the Council of the County of Elgin relative to employment of Welfare recipients and enclosing a copy of the statement recently made by the Prime Minister of Ontario out- lining the plans of the Provincial Govemment to combat unem- ployment during the coming winter months.-Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Ontario Municipal Association with minute legis- lative bulletin re: Provincial Propo~als for direct winter employ- ment programs.-Referred to the Road Committee. From the Department of Municipal Affairs with letter re: Provincial Municipal Employment Incentive Program.-Referred to the Road Committee. From the Department of Municipal Affairs with letter and forms re: The Provincial Municipal Employment Incentive Pro- gram and the Federa[ Local Initiatives Program.-Referred to the Road OOm!mittee. From the Department of Municipal Affairs with letter and draft plan of subdivision with respect to the Town of Aylmer, 170 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Lot 82, Con. S.T.R. (Twp.of Malallide) Registered Plan 164, Lots 52.-Referred to tile Road Committ€e. From the Department of Municipal Affairs with announce- ment of meetings to be held in various areas with respect to the conduct of Municipal elections. The meeting in the Ctty Hall, London, Onto to be held on Dec. 2, 1971 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Members of Municipal Councils and st<aff invited to attend.- Filed. From the Department of Transportation and Communica- tions with letter re: Transfer of portion of Highway 3, Township of Southwold to the County of Elgin and copy of an Order-in- Council approved by His Honour the Lieutenant Governor and a copy of Plan P-1450-82.-Referred to the Road Committee. From Mr. Claybourne Gordon with resignation as County of Elgin Weed Inspector and Tree CommissionlW.-Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From Mr. Fred CaugheIl with complaint against a decision of the Elgin County Land Division Committee.-Referred to the County Government Committee. From Mary 1. Vandewyngaerde and John Vandewyngaerde with complaint against a decision of the Elgin County Land Division Committee.-Referred to the County Government Com- mittee. From Mrs. Lome Brisseau with complaint against a decision of the Elgin County Land Division Committee.-Referred to the County Government Committee. From Jack 3il1d Marion Smith with complaint against a de- cision of the Elgin County Land Division Committe e.-Referred to the County Government Committee. The County Treasurer's Report was presented. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That the Treasurer's Report be 'accepted and printed in the Proceedings. -Carried. The County Clerk's Report on Licenses was presented. Moved by Reeve Kahnt Seconded by Deputy Reeve McKillop ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 171 'l1hat the Clerk's Report on Licenses be accepted and print- ed in the Proceedings. -Carried. The Administrator's Report on Elgin Manor was presented. Moved by Reeve Liebner Seconded by Reeve Morrison That the Administrator's Report on Elgin Manor be accepted and printed in the Proceedings. -Carri€d. The Report of the Road Committee was presented by Reeve McIntyre and adopted on motion of Reeve McIntyre and Reeve Caverly. The Report of the Elgin Manor Committee was presented by Reeve Miskelly and adopted on motion <of Reeve Miskelly and Reeve SpeerS. The First Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Deputy Reeve Randall. Mr. A. Bruce McCallum, Chairmaltl of the Elgin County Land Division Committee was present 3Itld the Warden invited Mr. McCallum to address the Council. Mr. McCallum .spoke to Council and gave a verbal report regarding the work of the Committee and explained some of the problems that had been encountered by the Committee. He re- commended to the Council that <if possible Mr. G.C. Leverton be retained as Secretary-Treasurer as he had done an excellent job and reported that 59 applications had been dealt with requiring 8 meetings of the Committee. Mr. McCallum suggest€d that a meeting of The County of Elgin Land Division Committee and the Committees of Adjustment that are operating within the County might be helpful in co-ordinating the policy that was being followed. In conclusion Mr. McCallum reported the following resolu- tion which had been passed by the Elgin County Land Division Committee: (1) An investigation fee per application in addition to present remuneration. (2) Provide the Committee with guidelines with regard to 172 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL future growth of each munlcip3l1ity when and if adopt. ed by Councils. The Warden thanked Mr. McCallum for hiB report and con- gratulated the Committee nn the work it had done. Moved by Deputy Reeve Cook Seconded by Reeve Roberts That Mr. Granville Gloin be appointed to the Elgin Farm Safety Councn fo~ 1972. -Carried. Moved hy Reeve Dennis Seconded by Reeve Lake That the usual grant of $25.00 be paid to Mr. Ron Levett of the St. Thomas Times-Jouvnal and Mr. Steve Traichevich of the London Free Press fm' reporting the proceedings of County Council during the' year 1971. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Speers Seconded by Reeve Caverly That we do now adjourn to meet again at 2:00 p.m. Novem- ber 17, 1971. -Canied. Council re-convened. The Report of the County Government Committee' was presented by Reeve Wilson and adopted on motion of Reeve Wilson and Reeve Dennis. The Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Roberts and adopted on motion of Re€ve Roberts' and Deputy Reeve Randall. The Report of the Petitions and Legislations Committee was presented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caverly and Deputy Reeve Csinos. The Report of the Educatiorrual Committee was presented by Reeve Mrs. Blyth and adopted on motion of Reeve Mrs. Blyth and Reeve Emerson. The Second Repo.rt of the Personnel Committee was pre- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 173 sented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Deputy Reeve Walker. The Report of the Finance Committee was pTesented by Reeve Kahnt and adopted on motion of Reeve Kahnt and Reeve Li€bner. Moved by Reeve McIntyre Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That the Special Committee appointed by the Warden to make recommendations concerning the watermain se~ving Elgin Manor, composed of Reeve J. B. Wilson, Reeve C. Morrison "'nd Reeve K. C. Emergon, be now dissolved as a slatisfaetory solution appears to have been found. -Carried. Moved by Reeve McIntyre Seconded by Re€ve Kahnt That the Unemployment Insurance Commission be request- ed to speed up the payment of Unemploymen,t Insurance claims and that welfare payments made to welfare recipients be a charge against Unemployment Insurance Claim payments. A copy of this resolution be sent to the Federal Minister of Manpower and Immigration, Harold Stafford, M.P. for Elgin and the Fed. €ral Minister of He'31th and Welfare. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Speers Seconded by Deputy Reeve WalkeT That By-Law No. 2173, "Being a By-Law to EstllbIisih a Salary Schedule for all Employees fo~ the County of Elgin other than the Heads of Departments," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Re'eve Randwll Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By-Law No. 2173 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Randall 174 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ed. That By-Law No. 2173 be read a third time and finaHy pa.ss- -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Walke.- Seconded by Reeve Wilson That By-Law No. 2174, "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 1900, A By-Law to Establish a Plan of Sick Leave Credit Gratuities for employees", be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Csinos Seconded by Reeve Dennis That By-Law No. 2174 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Del1Jllis Seconded by Deputy Reeve Csinos That By-Law No. 2174 be read a third time and finally pass- ed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Walker That By-Law No. 2175, "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 1696, Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Elgin County Road Superintendent," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Speers Seconded by Reeve Dennis That By-Law No. 2175 be read a second time. --Carried. Moved by Reeve Dennis Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That By-Law No. 2175 be read a third time and finally pass- ed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Johnston Seconded by Reeve Roberts ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 175 That By-Law No. 2176, "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2084 Thereby Adjusting the Sawry of the Elgin County Clerk-Treasurer," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Roberts Seconded by Reeve Johnston That By-Law No. 2176 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Walker Seconded by Reeve Wilson That By-Law No. 2176 be read a third time and finally pas,s- ed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Roberts Seconded ,by Reeve Johnston That By-Law No. 2177, "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2085 Thereby adjusting the Salary of The Elgin County Deputy Clerk-Treasurer," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Dennis Seconded by Deputy Reeve Csinos That By-Law No. 2177 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Csinos Seconded by Reeve Roberts That By-Law No. 2177 be T€ad a third time and finally pass- ed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Reeve Lake That By-Law No. 2178, "B€ing a By-Law to establish the Salary of the Administrator of the Elgin County Home for the Aged," be read a first time. -Carried. ,176 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL MOved by Reeve L&ke Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That By-Law No. 2178 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Speers Seconded by Deputy Reeve Walker That By-Law No. 2178 be re&d a third time and finally pass- ed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Mrs. Blyth Seconded by Deputy Reeve deRyk That By-Law No. 2179, "Being a By-Law to Provide for Payment by the County of Elgin of 66 2/3% of Employees' Premiums with respect to the Ontario Health Insurance Plan," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve d€Ryk Seconded by Re'eve Mrs. Blyth That By-Law No. 2179 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Mrs. Blyth Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lyle That By-Law No. 2179 be read passed. a third time and finally -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve deRyk Seconded by Reeve Miskelly That By-Law No. 2180, "Being a By-Law to Reimburse County of Elgin Employees Who are Summoned for Jury Duty," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve deRyk Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lyle ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 177 That By-Law No. 2180 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Cook Seconded by Reeve Liebner That By-Law No. 2180 be read a third time and finally pass- ed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Miskelly That By-Law No. 2181, "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2061, A By-Law to Establish Holidays for Employees of the County of Elgin," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Miskelly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lyle That By-Law No. 2181 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lyle That By-Law No. 2181 be read a third time and finally pass- ed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve E:ahnt Seconded by Deputy Re€ve McKillop That By-Law No. 2182, "Being a By-Law to Establish the An- nual Remuneration and other Benefits to be Paid to the Warden of the County of Elgin," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Liebner Seconded by Deputy Reeve Walker That By-Law No. 2182 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Morrison Seconded by Reeve Kahnt 178 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL That By-Law No. 2182 be read a third time and finally pass- ed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Morrison Seconded by Reeve Miskelly That By-Law No. 2183, "A By-Law to Amend the By-Law Adopting a Plan of County Road Improvement and Establish a County Road System in the County of Elgin Under the Highway Improvement Act," be read a first time. Moved by Reeve Miskelly Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 2183 be read a second time. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Lyle Seconded by Reeve Mrs. Blyth That By-Law No. 2183 be read a third time and finally pass- ed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Morrison Seconded by Reeve Mrs. Blyth That By-Law No. 2184, "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the November Session, 1971," be read a first time. . Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by R€eve Miskelly That By-Law No. 2184 be read a second time. -Carried. -Canied. Moved by Reeve Mrs. Blyth Seconded by Reeve Miskelly That By-Law No. 2184 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 179 Moved by Deputy Reeve McKillop Seconded by Reeve Kahnt That the Cl€rk-Treasurer be instructed to send a letter of appreciation to the Port Stanley Lions Club for donating their bus to transport the children attending the November Sessi~n of County Council. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Csinos Seconded by Reeve Miskelly That we do now adjourn to meet again at 10 a.m. Wednes- day, December 15, 1971. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk -Carried. DOUGLAS R. TODD Warden 180 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT November Session, 1971 To the 'Wardell alia Members Of the Elgin County Council: I beg to submit the following statements of Re'ceipts and, Expenditures from January 1st 1971 to October 31st. 1971. RECEIPTS Balance in Bank and on hand January tat, 1971.......$ 33,328.86 Notes Payable . ........... ... .....................$ 730,000.00 County Rates ... 229,144.97 County Rates collected under SectiOOl 43 .................................... ............ 9,371.99 Licenses & Permits .................. ........... 149.00 Interest ................. 1.424.34 County Roads ................... 1,715,365.38 Charity & Welfare 15,024.87 Children's Aid Societies ............ 1,142.76 Agriculture ... .............................. 1,754.00 Miscellaneous Revenue 1,255.97 Recovery of Rentals ....... .................... 17,543.17 Care of Buildings (Adm. of Justice)... 8,943.03 Registry Office ..................... 2,506.53 Land Division Committee 3,200.00 EXPENDITURES Members' Wages Officers' Salaries Printing, Postage & Stationery ... Care of Buildings.. ................. Grants, Associations, Scholarships Etc. ....... Miscellaneous County Roads Oharity & Welfare Ohildren's Aid Societies Transferred to Elgin Manor 24,407.31 26,343.76 1,798.50 26,940.32 6,668.28 45,738.75 1,688,619.83 15,618.74 38,885.22 66,500.00 2,736,826.01 2,770,154.87 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 181 Expenditures Balanee in Bank and 'On hand October 31, 1971 All of which is respectfully submitted. H. L. JOHNSON, County Clerk and Treasurer. Interest Abatement of Taxes Agriculture Registry Office Elgin-St. Thomas HeaUh Unit County Library Land Division Committee Transferred to Hospital Account . Notes Payable County Rates collected under Section 43 Balance in Bank October 31st, 1971.. ELGIN MANOR Balance in Bank and on hand January 1, 1971 Receipts 20,673.65 5,818.39 2,411.50 2,590.09 63,000.00 70,000.00 2,174.36 210.49 360,000.00 . 3,291.14 2,471,690.33 298,464.54 2,770,154.87 6,355.15 453;165.40 .459,520.55 456,068.73 3,451.82 182 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL CLERK'S REPORT ON LICENSES November Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: I have to report the following licenses in force on the first day of November, 1971. AUCTIONEERS Donald L. Cosens, R. R. 3, St. Thomas Ralph C. Neely, R. R. 8, London William Carnegie, R. R. 1, Muirkirk K. J. McAlpine, R. R., 1, Dutton Norman Ripley, 24 Sinclair Ave., St. Thomas Henry D. Brock, 24 Beconsfieldone, London 16 Gordon H. Meeko, 11 Woodworth Ave., St. Thomas Waldie Allen, R. R. 3, Lambeth Arthur Long, Vienna Leslie J. Shackleton, R. R. 1, Springfield John Leslie Shackleton, R. R. 1, Springfield Homer Stephens Auotion Ltd., Cooksville Harry Lntchin; Wardsville SALVAGE DEALERS Jules Vandenbussche, Box 182, Straffordvi11e A. Kirschner & Sons, R. R. 3, West Lorne SALVAGE YARD Jack Streib, Rodney All of which is respectfully submitted. H. L. JOHNSON, County Clerk-Treasurer. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 183 ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT ELGIN MANOR November Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: The following is my report on Elgin Manor for the year end- ing October 31, 1971. 1. Number of Residents at last report 2. Number admitted during year ..... ....................... 3. Number discharged 4. Number of deaths 5. Number of Residents now in the Home 6. Total days residence ..................... 7. Average number of Residents during year.. 8. RECEIPTS: 123 48 31 10 130 ..45565 125 Province of Ontario Subsidy.............. ........... ....$156,743.90 Old Age Pensions and Residents Maintenance.... 255,296.10 Arrears of Maintenance and Estates of Deceased Residents Sundries Govemunent of Canada Sales Tax Refund 9. EXPENDITURES: Food and Provisions Medical, Dental and Drugs Clovhing and Welfare Household Supplies Furnishings Repairs to Building and Ground..... ...................... Fuel, Hydro, Telephone, Water, Garbage............ Travel Expense and Office Expense. .................. Salaries and Wages Insurance, Fire, Comprehensive, Boiler Pension Funds, Medical, and Sundries 6,301.60 3,563.53 1,882.58 $423,787.71 51,046.76 12,067.61 6,377.25 13,089.17 5,718.22 7,823.82 21,593.79 4,083.20 343,335.18 5,511.37 ...... 24,986.56 $495,632.93 184 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL DEDUCTIONS 10. Cost of Operating ............ ............. .........................$495,632.93 11. Average expenses per day of each person........ 10.87 12. Average Expenses per week of each person..... 76.09 13. Average Expenses per year of each pe'l'son.... . 3,967.55 14. Actual cost to County after deductions of all receipts . ................. ....... 71,845.22 15. Actual cost to County after deductions of all receipts per day...... ................ ........ ................. 1.57 16. CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: Cost of Capital Expenditures Province of Ontario Subsidy 10,165.68 5,082.84 Actual cost to County. ...........$ 5,082.84 17. There were 171 Residents in the Home during 1970-82 male, 89 female. Of the 130 Residents in the home on the first days of November, 1971-65 are male and 65 are fe- male. 18. These figures are for the period November 1, 1970 to Octo- ber 31, 1971. All of which is respectfully submitted. ROBERT HIMPFEN, Administrator, ELGIN COUNTY HOME FOR THE AGED. ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO November Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: Your Road Committee begs to Report as follows: 1. Erection of Structural Plate Steel Culverts on Road No. 30 . (Radio Road) have been completed. Backfilling and Ap- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 185 proach Work hws also been completed .1Vnd traffic js using the comple~ed structur.e. The Concrete End Treatment work IS corutinuing and Guiderail is yet to be erected. ThiS work is under the juris- diction of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commis.s.ion. 2. Two Struclural Plate St€el Culverts have been erected on County Road No. 9 between Road No.8 and Road No.. 14 in Dunwich Township replacing two old concrete culverts. 3. A Struclural Plate Steel Culvel't is be'ing erected on the Southwold-Delaware Townline, west of Southwold Station. This will replace an old concrete bridge over Turl,<ey C<eek. 4. A Surface Treatment Pavement has bee", placed on Road No. '40 in Malahide Township between Glencolin and Spring- field. Trimming and Top Soil work ihave also been complet- ed. 5. A Surface Treatment 'Pavement has also been ,PlaGed on Road No. 40 in Malwhide Township from Highway No.3 to Mount Salem. Trimming and Top work have also been CO.m- pleted. '6. Grading, Granular B.ase,Paving and Top Soil work have been completed on Road No. 16 (Development Road No. 1023) in Southwold Township, betwe.en Fingal and St. Thomas. It is expected that .the Bell Canada overhe'ad cable will be buried early next ye.ar, while .a nlUmber of Ontario Hydro poles will be moved from the side of the roadway this fall. 7. A Surface Treatment 'Pavement has be-en placed on Road No. 45, (Development Road No. 930) in Southwold and Yar- mouth Township from Road No. 16 (Middlemarch) easterly to Centenninal Avenue (Yarmouth Township.) Top Soil and Placement of Guide Rail at the Kettle Creek Culvert have also been completed. 8. Storm Drains, Excavation, Granular Base, Curb and Gutter, and Paving have been completed on Road No. 16 in Fingal, from Road No. 20 to the westerly limit of the hamlet. 9. Storm Drains, Excavation, Granular Base, Curb and Gutters and Paving have been completed on Road No. 21 (Warren Street) in Port Stanley, after the installation of Sanitary Sewers by the Ontario Water Resources Commission. 186 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 10. Grading, Granular Base, Paving and Top Soil work is underway on Road NO.2 between Rodney and West Lorne. Work is proceeding as weather permits and it is hoped to have most of the work completed this fall. 11. Grading, Granular Base, Storm Sewers and Curb and Gut- ter work is underway on Road No.2, in the Village of West Lorne. Substantial completion of this work will depend on favourable weather in the nel<t month. . 12. Paving and Trimming work has been completed on Road No. 53 (Beech Street) in the Town of Aylmer. 13. Surveys and Land Purchase have been nearly completed on Road No. 36, in Yarmouth Township between Sparta and Highway No.3. Some culverts and Fencing may yet be done this year. 14. Soil tests have been completed at the Van Order Bridge on Road No. 42, east of Port Burwell, in Bayham Township and at Talbot Creek Bridge, on Road No. 16 in Dunwich Township. 15. That the Engineer has submitted a report to your Commit- tee with a number of recommendations concerning WiTh- ter Maintenance. A number of recommendations are being implemented this winter including (a) better liaison with other public bodies regarding the responsibilities of the County and the name's and telephone numbers of persons to contact regarding winter maintenance problems, (b) notices to London and St. Thomas radio sta.tions regarding road conditions, (c) equipping an winter Maintenance Ve- hicles, whether owned by the County or privately, with 2-way radio equipment, and (d) purchase of some new equip- ment. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That the following Construction Programme for 1972, 1973 and 1974 be adopted: 1972 I. Completion of wo",k and Paving-Road No.2-West Lorne to Rodney. Road NO.2-West Lorne urban. II. Grading, Granular B3Jse, etc. (1) Road No. 36-Township of Yarmouth-Highway ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 187 No.3 to Road No. 27 (including urban section in Spa~ta.) (2) Road No. 36-Township of Yarmouth - Sparta South % mile. (3) Road No. 13-VilIage of Dutton from Road No. 15 easterly, urban section after installation of Sanitary Sewers by OWRC. (4) Road No. 42-Bayham Township-'-Village of Port Burwell easterly-approximately 1'12 miles. (5) Road No. 20-Carlow Road__extension l\rban sec- tion in Port Stanley. III. Structures-Van Order Bridge-Road Nb. 42-Bayham Township. IV. Asphalt Resurfacing-Road No. 25-Wellington. Road (St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission). V. County Garage-White's Station. 1973 I. Completion of Work 'and Paving (1) Road No. 36 from 1972. (2) Road No. 42 from 1972. II. Grading, Granular Base, etc. (1) Road No. 52 from Road No. 25 to Road No. 30- Yarmouth Township. (2) Road No. 31 from Road No. 29 to Road No. 52- Yarmouth Township. (3) Road No.3 f'rom Highwa~ No.. 3 to Lake Erie, Ald- borough Twp. (4) Road No.4-Queen Street West, Village of Rod- ney, urban section. (5) Road No.3 from Road No.2, northerly to end of curb and gutter, storm drains, etc. (Village of Rodney.) (6) Road No. 30-Cilty of St. Thomas limits to Road iilS ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL No: 52, St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission). III. Structure-Road No. 52-Kettle Creek - to replace Carr's Bridge (Yarmouth Township). IV. Drainage Assessmen.t-Straffnrdville (Bayham Town- Ship). 1974 I. Pavin.g and Completion M work. (1) RO'ad No. 52 from Road No. 25 to Road No. 30. (2) ROllJd No. 31 from Road No. 29 to Road No. 52. (3) Road No.3-Highway No.3 to Lake Erie. (4) Roald No. 30-St. Thomas limits to Road No. 52. II. Grading, Granular Base, etc. (1) Road No: 44-Highway No.3 to Road No. 46, Bay- ham Township. (2) Road No. 14-Ion<:l Station to Road No. 13-0.7 mile's Dunwich and Southwold Township. (3) Road No. 40-Mount Salem (Road No. 45) to Road No. 42, MalaMde Township. (4) Urban section to join Road No.8 and Road No. 15, Village of Dutton. III. Structure-Road No. 16- Talbot Creek Bridge and ap- proaches, Township of Dunwich. 2. That a By-Law be passed assuming as County Roads (a) Road between Lots 10 and 11 im Concession II, Bayham Township, from County Road No. 42, to the road be- tween Concession II and III. (b) Road between Concession II and III, Bayham Town- Ship, from the road between Lots 10 and 11, easterly to Highway No. 19, in the Village of Vienna. Total distance of (a) and (b) approximately 2.40 miles (c) 'Oonnection 'of County Road No. 41, in the Village of Vienna to the road between Concession II and III, Bayham Township, a distance of approximately 0.35 miles. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 189 (criteria for assumption (a,b,c) crossing of a topographi- cal barrier and resort service). All of which is r~spectfully submitted. J. L. McINTYRE, Chairman. ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: The Elgin Manor Committee wishes ,to report as follows: 1. The following tenders have been accepted for supplying the 1972requirement for th€ Home- . BREAD Weston Bakeries Limited .17c per 24 ounce loaf MILK Glover's Dairy, Aylmer 2 % Dispenser can SKIM HOMO .96'14C per gallon .24 c per quart .28c per quart 2. We re.commend to the PersoJlJnel Committee that II "Main- tenance Engineer and Supervisor" category and wage sche- dule be established for Elgin Manor. . All of which is respectfully .submitted. A. T. MISKELLY, Ohairman. 190 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1971 First Report To the Warden and Membe~s of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports a~ follows: Your Pe.rsonnel Committee has met twice since the October Session 'Of the Elgin County Council to study and revise salary schedules and fringe benefits and we recommend the following report for adoption by the Elgin County Council. 1. MEDICALS That a compulsory medic'al by either Dr. Mary or Grant Webster be instituted.for all new employees, prior to being taken. on permanent staff, at the end of their six months probationary period. 2. JURY PAY That where an employee who would otherwise be employed. is called for jury duty, he shall be reimbursed for any loss of income sustained as a re~ult of the difference between court fees and his normal rate of pay. 3. VACATION That the "Annual Holidays" section of By-Law No. 2061 he amended by: (i) deleting paragraph 3 (c) & (d) and substituting- (c) Regular employees for the sixth through the fif- teenth calendar year of employment-3 weeks per year. (d) Regular employees for the sixteenth and subse- quent calendar years of employme'l1t-4 weeks per year. (it) adding the following al'l paragraph 3 (e)- (e) Where the value of the vacation time to which an employee is entitled does not equal 2% of his earn- ings in the first calendar year 'and 4% of his earn- ings in the second and ensuing calendar years, the difference shall be paid to the employee at a time convenient in the new year. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 191 4. SICK PAY That Paragraph 3, section (d~ 'Of By-Law 1900, be deleted and the following substituted: Where an employee is absen!.from his employment for a period in excess of three working days in a cal<mdar month, the sick leave credit referred to in section 3 (a) shall be as follows: Working Days Absent Monthly Sick Leave Credit o - 3 1'1.. days 3'1.. - 10 1 day 10'1.. - 17'1.. 'I.. day 18 or more 0 The above shall not apply to an employee: tal who does not work his regular shift because of emer- gency or other conditions and has been requested by his Department Head or the Department Head's representa- tive, to work different hours. (b) who is absent with pay. (c) who is on vacati'On. (d) who is on a paid holiday. The above shall apply to an employee: (a) who is absent because of illness. (b) who is absent without leave. (c) who is absent without pay. (d) who is absent as 'a result of an injury suffered during the course of employment. 5. HOSPITAL & MEDICAL PLAN That the County of Elgin co'ntribute sixty-six and two-thirds per cent (66 2/3%) towards the employee's premiums for the Ontario Health Insurance Plan. 6. That an Administrator Trainee be hired for Elgin Manor to commence in January 1972, at a. salary not to exceed $7,000.00 per annum. 7. SALARY SCHEDULE A. ROAD DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES (a) Regular Hourly Rated Employees-(Overtime' to be paid 192 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL at time and one-half for aU time worked over 48 hours per week). CLASS 6 - Foreman $3.50 per hour CLASS 5~ Foreman & Lead Hands Minimum $3.25 per hour Maximum $3.40 per hour Experience rating .04c peOC' hour for cOmpletion 'Of -each year's work to a maximum of 4 Y€IlrS. CLASS 4- Part time Foreman, Stockkeeper Minimum $3.15 per hour Maximum $3.30 per hour Experience rating .04c per hour for completion of each year's work to a maximum of four years. CLASS 3~ Machine Operator Mindmum Maximum $3:20 per hour $3,35 ,per hour completion of each Experience rating .04c per hour for year's work to a maximum of four years. CLASS 2 - Labourer 'ExpeOC'ienced Minimum Maximum Experienced rating .04cper hour for year's work to a maximum <if four years. CLASS 1 - Labourer Minimum Maximum $2.90 per hour $3.05 per hour completion of each $2.80 ,per h'Qur $2.95 per hour Experience rating .04cper hour for completion. of each year's work to a maximum of four years. (b) Seasonal or Casual Employees-(Overtime lobe ,paid at time and one-half for all time wOrked over 48 hours pet week). CLASS A-Employees of High School age with varied experience. Minimum $2.20 per hour Maximum $2.35 per hour CLASS B -,Casual Labour-Inexperienced- $2.45 pe'r hour ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 193 CLASS C - Experienced L3Ibour, inexperienced mow- er operator $2.55 pe,r hour CLASS D - Experienced mower operator- $2.80 per hour (c) Technical Personnel-""-(Overtime to be paid 31t time and one-half for all tim€ worked over 48 hours per week). INSTRUMENT MAN Minimum Maximum Increments .08c per fout years. $3,08 pet hOut $3.40 per hour hour, per yeaT, for (d) Office Personnel GRADE 1 - Minimum $4,600.00 per annum Maximum $5,400.00 pe'r annum Increments $200.00 per year fo,r four years. Present employee to receive $4,600.00. GRADE 2 - Minimum $3,800.00 per annum Maximum $4,600.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per ye"r for four years. Present employee to receive $4,200.00. GRADE 3 - Minimum $3,400.00 per annum Maximum $3,800.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year for two years. OFFICE CO-ORDINATOR (Male) Minimum $6,950.00 per annum Maximum . $7,750.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year for four years. Present employee to receive $7,750.00. (e) SupetvisOry Staff TECHNICIAN-(Overtime to be paid at time and one- half for all time worked over 48 hours per week). Minimum $4.13 per hour Maximum $4.45 per hour Increments .08c per hour, per year, for four years. 194 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ASSISTANT GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT-(No pay- ment for ove.rtime. R'ate set includes overtime work). Minimum $9,900 per annum Maximum $10,700.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year for four years. Employee to be assigned to receive $10,300.00. . GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT-(No payment for over- time. Rate set includes overtime work.) Minimum $10,300.00 per annum Maximum $11,100.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year for four years. Employee to be assigned to receive $10,900.00. B. COURT HOUSE STAFF OFFICE PERSONNEL - Grade 1 Minimum $4,600.00 per annum Maximum $5,400.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Present employee to receive $5,000.00. OFFICE PERSONNEL - Grade 2 Minimum $3,800.00 per annum Maximum $4,600.00 per annum Increme\IJJts $200.00 pe'r year to maximum. OFFICE PERSONNEL - Grade 3 Minimum $3,400.00 per annum Maximum $3,800.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. CUSTODIAN OF COUNTY BUILDINGS Minimum $6,500.00 per annum Maximum $7,300.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. In the above schedule. the value of the serviced apartm€nt ($650.00) is to be considered as paTt of the salary. Present em- ployee to receive $6,650.00 and use of the apartment for looking after all buildings on the Court House property. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 195 C. ELGIN MANOR EMPLOYEES NURSING SUPERVISOR (Registered Nurse) Minimum $7,200.00 per annum Maximum $8,000.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per y€a'r to maximum. Present ell1\Ployee .to receive $8,000.00 REGISTERED NURSE Minimum Maximum Increments .1Oc per maximum. Present employee to $3.02 per hour $3.42 per hour hour, per year, to receive $3.42 per hour CHARGE ORDERLY & CHARGE NURSE Minimum $2.46 per hour Maximum $2.86 per hour Increments .10c per hour, per year, to maximum. Present employees to receive $2.86 perhour ORDERLY & NURSING AID Minimum Maximum Increments .10c per maximum. Present 'employees to receive an increase of .15c per hour over 1971 rate or if hired 'after September 1, 1971, .05c per hour. $2.10 per hour $2.50 per hour hour, per yea1r, to $2.05 per hour $2.45 per hour hour, tier year, to receive $2.45 per hour 1~6 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL CRAFT SUPERVISOR Minimum Maximum In:cremen~s .10c per maximum. Presentemploy<;e to receive $2.24 per hour HOUSEKEEPING AND LAUNDRY SUPERVISOR Minimum $4,800.00 per 'annum Maximum $5,600.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Present employee to receive $5,600.00. HQUSEKEEPING MAID Minimum i\'I!aximum Increments .1Oc per maximum. $1.84 per hour $2.24 per hour hour, per year, to $1. 70 per hour $1.95. pe~ hour hour, per year, to Present employees to receive an increase of .15c per hour over 1971 rate or if hired after September 1, 1971 .05c per hour. LAUNDRY MAID Minimum $1.70 pe~ hour Maximum $1.95 per hour Increments .10c per hour, to maximum. Present employees to receive an increase of .15c per hour over 1971 'rate or if hir<;d after September 1, 19.71 .05c per hour. MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR Minimum $5,100.00 per annum Maximum $5.,~OQ.QO per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Present employee to received $5,900.00. MAINTENANCE MAN Minimum Maximum Increments .10c per maximum. $2.50 per hour $2.90 per hour hour, per year, to Present employees to receive an increase of .50c per hour over 1971 rate or if hired after September 1, 1971, .40c per hour. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 197 FOOD SUPERVISOR Minimum $4,600.00 peranl!lum Maximum $5,400.00 per '3I!lnum Increments $200.00 per ye.ar to maximum. Present employee ,to receive $5,400.00. SECOND COOK Minimum Mm.;:!imum Incremenbs maximum. $2.10 per hour $2.40 per hour .10c per hour, per year, to Present employees to re'ceive an increase of .30c per hour over 1971 rate or $2.40 per hour, whichever is the lesser. KITCHEN MAID Minimum Maximum Increments maximum. Present employees to receive an increase of .15c per hour over 1971 rate or if hired after September 1, 1971 .05c per hour. OFFICE PERSONNEL - Grade 1 Mintmum $4,600.00 per annum Maximum $5,400.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Present employee to receive $5,400.00. $1.75 per hour $2.00 per hour .10c per hour, per year, to OFFICE PERSONNEL - Grade 2 Minimum $3,800.00 per annum Maximum $4,600.00 per annum Increme'nt $200.00 per year, to maximum. Present employee to receive $4,600.00. OFFICE PERSONNEL - Grade 3 Minimum $3,400.00 pe.r annum Maximum $3,800.00 per annum Increme'nt $200.00 per year, to maximum. PART TIME HELP REGISTERED NURSES NURSING AIDS ORDERLIES KITCHEN MAIDS $ 3.30 per hour $ 2.45 per hour $ 2.45 per hour $ 1.90 per hour 198 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL LAUNDRY MAIDS HOUSEKEEPING MAIDS STUDENTS OFFICE HELP GREENHOUSE MAN BARBER HAIRDRESSER $ 1.90 per hour $ 1.90 per hour $ 1.75 per hour $ 2.00 per hour $ 2.15 per hour $50.00 per month $15.00 per day D. COUNTY LIBRARY EMPLOYEES CLERK-DRIVER Minimum $3,900.00 per annum Maximum $4,700.00 per aJlnum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. OFFICE PERSONNEL - Grade 1 Minimum $4,600.00 per annum Maximum $5,400.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. OFFICE PERSONNEL - Grade 2 Minimum $3,800.00 per annum Maximum $4,600.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. ASSISTANT LIBRARY SUPERVISOR Minimum $5,200.00 per annum Maximum $6,000.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Present employee to receive $6,000.00. E. DEPARTMENT HEADS COUNTY ENGINEER $18,900.00 per annum COUNTY CLERK-TREASURER $15,625.00 per 'annum DEPUTY CLERK-TREASURER $11,660.00 per annum $2,500.00 of the above salary to be paid by the County Home for the Aged as remuneration for him acting as Secretary- Treasurer of the Home. ADMINISTRATOR - ELGIN MANOR- $12,200.00 per annum $12,720.00 per annum $ 7,400.00 per annum COUNTY LIBRARIAN LIBRARY SUPERVISOR WEED INSPECTOR AND TREE COMMISSIONER $2.20 per hour + .10c per mile mileage. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 199 F. MILEAGE RATES-to be paida:ll County employees ex- cept ,the Weed Inspector & Tree Commissioner using their own private cars to be set in accordance with present Department of Transportation .and Communications rates: o - 5,000 miles .15c per mile 5,000 - 15,000 miles .08c per mile Over 15,000 miles .07c per mile G. Regardless of individual recommendations for increases for hourly rated employees, no employee shall be paid in excess of the maximum rate specified in his or her category. H. The 'salaries and salary schedule recommended in this report are to be effective December 25th, 1971, at 12:00 o'clock midnight. 8. We authorize that present County of Elgin By-Laws be amended or new By-Laws passed as required to implement the recommendations contained in th"s 'report. All of which is respe'ctfully submitted. K. C. EMERSON, Chairman. COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. We recommend to the Personnel Committee that Mr. G. C. Leverton be employed as Secretary-Treasurer of the Elgin County Land Division Committee at a salary of $3,600.00 per annum effective January 1st, 1972. 2. We recommend to County Council that Mr. Walter Nelson be re-appointed as a member of the Elgin County Land Division Committee for the years 1972, 1973 and 1974. 3. We recommend that in future a reply C'ard be sent out with 200 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL the complimentary invitlltions to the Warden's banquet. 4. We recommend that effective January 1st, 1972, the Warden of the County of Elgin be paid an llnnlUaI remuneration of $4, 200.00 plus a te'lephone credit card and a mileage rate of 10c per mile for attending council meetings and committee meetings of County Council or local boards. 5. That the resolution from the County of Perth petitioning the Minister of Municipail Affairs to introduce legislation whereby any person that wisibes to sever adjoining land which is deeded separately and that such severance would not change the present land use, that it not be necessary to make application to the Land Division Committee for consent to sever be filed. 6. That the County Clerk be instructed to advise Mr. Fred Caughell, Mary and John Vwndewyn,gaerde, Jack and Marion Smith 'and Mrs. Lorne Brisseau thllt the Elgin County Council has no authority to alter or influence decisions made by th€ Elgin County Land Division Committee but that the Plllnning Act provides for an appe'al of the decision of the Land Division Com- mittee to be made by registered mail to the Ontario Municipal Board provided the appeal is made within fourteen days of the sending of the notice of the decision of the Land Division Com- mittee. Also there is no provision for return of the Land Division application fee of $50.00 per severance when the application is not granted. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. B. WILSON, Chairman. AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That the letter from the County of Peel with copy of a re- port from Dr. R. C. Williams, Veterinarian, with respect to the recent resolution from the United Counties of Prescott and RUB- ELGJN COUNTY COUWG!L 201 sell re: rl1he tatooing ll!nd regi,strailion of dogs be filed. 2. That rl1he letter from .tl).e Ontario Humal1e Society witjJletter re: Municipal Dog Pounds in Ontario be filed. 3. We recommend to Cpull'ty Council .that the resignation of Mr. Claybourne Gordon as CounJty Weed Inspector and Tree Commissiol1er be a.ccepte4 with regret effective Decembe,r 31, 1971. 4. That the Clerk of the County of Norfolk be requested to supply the County of Elgin with a copy of ew~h of their by-laws affecting the cutting of trees, the appooi<l!tment of .a tree com- missioner 'and his authority for issuing permits for the cutting of trees and also a copy of their by-law with respect to weed control and the appointment of a weed iruspector. 5. That we advertise fOr a weed inspector and tree Commis- sioner to commence his duties on January 1st, 1972. The ad to be placed in The Aylme,r Express, The Rodney Mercury, The West Lome Sun, The Dutton Advance an.d The St. Thomas Times- Journal. Applications to be directed to the Clerk-Treasurer of the County of Elgin prinr to December 14th, 1971. All of which is respectfu!lysu1;>mitted. T. Y. RO)3ERTS, Chairman. PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION COMMIT'1'EE REPORT November Session, 1971 To the Warden wnd Members of tibe Elgin County Council, The Petitions rend Legislation Committee reports .as follows: 1. That the resolution from the County of Victori;t with res- pect to site rates at Provincial Parks be filed. 2. That the resolution passed by the Town of Port Dover and 'referred to Elgin County by the Erie Economic Council request- :1 :'1 202 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ing the Attorney-General to wssume the responsibility of educat- ;ngyoung police officers and eostablishing .a uniform salary sche- dule for police work according to the various size of to.wns be endorsed. All of which is respectfuliy submitted. W. R. CAVERLY, Chairman. EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Educational Committee reports as f'Ollows: 1. That Miss Margaret E. Hevenor, RRl, Springfield and Mr. Paul A. Roovers, RR 2, Aylmer be named the winners of the County of Elgin awards for studeonts from Elgin County attend- . ing the University of Guelph. All of which is respectfully submitted. MRS. M. BLYTH, Chairman. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1971 Second Report To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. We recommend that Mr. G. C. Leverton be paid $3,600.00 per annum for acting as Secretary-Treasurer of the Elgin County Land Division Committe€. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 203 2. We recommend that a category of Maintenll!Uce Engineer llJnd Supervisor be established for Elgin Mll!nor. . 3. That the County of Elgin .employees be given the. foHowing as holidays- Friday, December 24th, 1971 in lieu of Christmas Day Monday, December 27th, 1971 in lieu of Boxing Day Friday, December 31st, 1971 in lieu of New Yea;r's Day 4. We recommend to next year's County Government Com- mittee that the various wa;ge echedules from all Departments be approved by their Committee prior to coming to the Per- sonn€l Committee. All of which is respectfully submitted. K. C. EMERSON, Chairman. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That Children's Aid Society Pay List No. 10 for $3,789.75 be approved. 2. That Charity and Welfare Pay List No. 10 for $1,888.35 be approved. 3. That the usual full page ad be placed in the Rotary Music Festival Program. 4. That the letter from Burgess Graham Securities Limited re: purchase of Canada Savings Bonds 1971-72 series be filed. 5. That the letteor from the Honourable Thomas L. Wells with copy of statement recently made by the Prime Minister of On- tario 'Outlining plllns of the Provindal Government to combat unemployment during the coming winter months be filed. 6. That the letter from the North Yarmouth District Historical 2114 i ELGIN COUNT" COUNCIL Association re: the restoration and preservwlJion of the log cabin located on .the former Dan Patterson farm be filed, All of which is reSpectfulIy submif.ted. wi. A. KAHNT, Chairman. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2173 "Being a By-Law to Establish a Salary Schedule for all Employees of The County of Elgin other than the Heads of Departments." WHEREAS it is considered advisable to establish salary schedules for the employees of the various Departments of the County of Elgin. NOW THEREFORE the Council of ,the Corporation of the County Of Elgin en.acts tthat ,the following salary schedule be, and are hereby adopted: 1. Salary Schedule for Road Department Employees. A. Regular Hourly Rated Employees-(Overtime to be Paid at time and .one"half for aU time worked 'over 48 hours per week.) Class 6, Foreman. In charge of specialized construction such as gradingllnd granular base or bridge construction. Usual- ly in charge of !hired or county equipment and one or more County work crews or 'also licensed mechanic. $3.50 per hour Class 5, Foreman and Lead Hands. Regularly in charge of a work creW of at least five man, or 'supervising other County or hired ttucks on a regular basis, or performing work which is a recognized skill or trade. Class 3 operatol's and Class 2 LabOUrers may be assigned to this class on a temporary. basis When performing Class fr work. Experience rating .04c per hour ,. __.J;;LclJ~.QQVlttt.Q()_1J.l'{(jI1___ 205 ._~,,"".'-"'._-'-"', for completion Of eaCh year's Work to a maximum of four years. Minimum $3.25 per hour Maximum $3AO per Mur ClaSs 4, Part-Time Forelllan, Stockkeeper. Workers per- forming the work of a higher Clas'Sification than Class Z. Expel'" ience rating .040 per hour for completion of each ye.ar's work to a maximum of four yearn. li1:irrimum $3.15 per hour Maximum $3.30 per hour Class 3; Machine Operators, Including tandem dump trucIos, float distributor, loader, graders and Shovel, crawler trac. tor, backhoes etc. Class 1 and 2 labourers may be assigned to this class on a temporary basis when operating specified equip- ment. Experience rating. .04c pe,r hour for completion of each year's work to a maximum Of four years. Minimum $3.20 per hour Maximum $3.35 pe'r hour Class 2, Labourer Experienced. Some 'supervisory work, light truck driving, roHer operator, experienced grade men etc. on regular basis. Expe,rience r.ating .04c per hour for completion of Bach year',s work to a maximum of four years. Minimum $2.90 per hour Maximum $3.05 per hour Class 1, Labourer. (After completion of six month's pro- bationary term) little if any supeTvisory work. Experience rating .04c per hour for completion of each year's work to a maximum of four years. Minimum $2.80 per hour Maximum $2.95 per hOur B. Seasonal or Casual Employees. (Overtime to be paid at time and one-half for all ,time worked over 48 hours per week.) Class A. Employees of high school age (generally under Zl years of age) with varied experience. Minimum $2.20 per hour Maximum $2.35 per hour Class B. Casual Labour, inexperienced $2A5 per !hour. 206 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Class C, <Experienced labour, inexperienced mower operato~s, $2.55 per hour. Class D. Experienced mower operators, $2.80 per hour. C. Technical Personnel. (Overtime to be paid at time and one'half for all time worked over 48 hOUl1S per week). Instrument Man. QualiJiications-Grade 12 or equivalent. Duties-Surveying and drnfting. When expe'rienced to be able to work with minimum supervision. Incrementsshrol be govern- ed by ability, experience .and passiJJJg Department of Transp'Orta- tion and Communications sP'Onsored courses. Position comparable to Department of TDansportation and Communications Techni- cian 3 Surveys. Hours of work-47 hours pe.r week. In'crements of .08c per honr per year for four years. Minimum $3.08 per hour Maximum $3.40 per hour Technician. puties to iJJJclude supervision of instrument men and to assist the Engineer in ,technical supervision of con- struction. To assist in all pihases of design work and to 'supe,rvise specialized work ,such as hot mix paving, drainage and urban construction. Qualifications, to be similar to Department of Transportation and Communications, TechllJician Grade 2. Hours of work 42'1.. hours per we'ek. Increments of .08c per hour per year for four years. Minimum $4.13 per hour Maximum $4.45 per hour D. Salaried Employees. Grade 1 Office Personnel Minimum $4,600.00 per annum Maximum $5,400.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Grade 2 Office Pers'Onnel Minimum $3,800.00 per annum Maximum $4,600.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Grade 3 Office Personnel Minimum $3,400.00 per annum Maximum $3,800.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 207 Male 'Cler1<-Office Co-Ordinat'Or to assist with and when qualifi€d to direct othE>rs, in all phases of 'Office work including payroll, accounts, and b'Ookkeeping, etc. H'Ours of work per week -37'1... Minimum $6,950.00 per annum Maximum $7,750.00 pe'r 'annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. General S\lperintendent-Duties - Supervisor 'Of all construction and maintE>ll'ance work - Control over all County 3llld outside personnel and equipment - Responsible to the Engineer for day to day schedul- ing and planning - Respons,ible for hiring outside equipment ne€ded - Responsible fo[' investigations of an complaints and inqniries etc. by the public Minimum $10,300.00 per 'annum Maximum $11,100.00 per .annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Assistant General Superintendent-Duties "" - To act for General Superintendent when he is absent (holidays, sickness, etc.) - To assist the Superintendent with all phases of con- struction and maintenance and to have direct control of certain specific phas,es (mosHy construction) as from time to time determined, - To act liS constructiOill Safety Inspector for the County Minimum $9,900.00 per annum Maximum $10,700.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. E. Mileage Rates to b€ paid to all county employees using their own private car's be set in accordance with the present Department of TransP'Ortation and Communications r.ates: o - 5,000 miles .15c per mile 5.000 - 15.000 miles .08c per mile Over - 15,000 miles .07c per mile 208 I\1I,QIN COVN'l'Y CPIJNOIL 2. Salary Schedule for County J,il>rary .E;mpLo;yell~. Clerk-Driver Minimum $3,900.00 per ;l!lnum Maximum $4,700.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Office Personnel (Grade One) Minimum Maximum $4,600.00 per annum $5,400.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Office Personnel (Grade Two) Minimum $3,800.00 per annum Maximum $4,600.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per ye'ar to maximum. Assistant Library Supervisor Minimum $5,200.00 per annum Maximum $6,000.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. 3. Salary Schedule for Court House Staff Office Personnel ((iralie One) Min.ium $4,600.00 per annum Maximum $5,400.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Office Personnel (Grade Two) Minimum $3,800.00 per annum Maximum $4,600.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maxinljlm. Office personnel (Grade Three) Minimum $3,400.00 per annum Maximum $3,800.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 209 Cn.stodian of County Bn.ildings Minimum Maximum $6,500.00 per annum $7,300.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. In the .above schedule the value 'Of the serviced apartment ($650.00) is to be considered as part of the salary. . 4. Salary Schedule for Elgin Manor Employees. Nursing SuperVisor (Registereli Nurse) Minimum $7,200.00 per annum Maximum $8,000.00 per annum In.crements $200.00 per year to maximum. Registered Nurse Minimum $3.02 per hour Maximum $3.42 Per hour Increments .1Oc per hour, per year to maxi- mum. Charge OrderlY & Chaf:ge Nurse Minimum $2.46 per hour Maximum $2.86 per hour Increments .1Oc per hour, per year, to maxi- mum. Orderly & Nursh1g Aid Minimum $2.10 per hour Maximum $2.50 per hour Increments .10c per hour, per year, to maxi- mum. Food Supervisor Minimum $4,600.00 per annum Maximum $5,400.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. 210 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Second Cook Minimum $2.10 per hour Maximum $2.40 per hour Increments .10c per hour, per ye'ar, to maxi- mum. Kitchen Maid Minimum $1.75 per hour Maximum $2.00 pet hOur Increments .10c per hour, per year, to maxi- mum. Housekeeping & Lanndry Supervisor Minimum $4,800.00 per annum Maximum $5,600.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Housekeeping Maid Minimum $1.70 per hour Maximum $1.95 per hour Increments .10cper hour,pef year, to maxi- mum. Laundry Maid Minimum $1.70 per hour Maximum $1.95 per hour Increments .100 per hour, per year, to maxi- mum. Adjuvant Minimum $2.05 per hour Maximum $2.45 per hour Increments .10c per hour, per year, to maxi- mum. ELGIN.. COUNTY COUNCIL 211 Craft Supervisor Minimum $1.84 per hour Maximum $2.2* per hour Increments .1Oc per hour, per yellJr, to maxi- mum. Maintenance Supervisor MillJ]ffiUm Maximum Increments $5,100.00 per annum $5,900.00 per a!nllum $200.00 per year to maximum. Maintenance Man Minimum $2.50 per hour Maximum $2.90 per hour Increments .10c per hour, per year, to maxi- mum. Office Personnel ((Grade One) Minimum $4,600.00 per annum Maximum $5,400.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Office Personnel (Grade Two) Minimum $3,800.00 per annum Maximum $4,600.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Office Personnel (Grade Three) Minimum Maximum Increments $3,400.00 per annum $3,800.00 per annum $200.00 per year to maximum. Part Time Help Registered Nurse Nursing Aids Orderlies $ 3.30 per hour $ 2.45 per hour $ 2.45 per hour 212 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCiL Kitchen Maids Laundry Maids Housekeeping Mllids Students Office Help Greenhouse Man Barber HairdresseT $ L90pe!1) hour $ 1.90 per hour $ 1.90 per hour $ 1.75 per hour $ 2.00 per hour $ 2.15 per hour $50.00 per month $15.00 per day Overtime to be paid at time and one-half for all time worked 'over 48 hours per week. 5. THAT By-Law No. 2140 be, and the same is hereby repealed. 6. THAT This By-Law shall become effective on December 25th, 1971, at 12 o'clock midnight. READ a first time this 17th day of November, 1971. READ a second time'this 17th day of November, 1971. READ a third time and finally pas.sedtllis 17th day of Nov- ember, 1971. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk DOUGLAS R. TODD Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 213 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2174 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 1900, a By-Law to Establish a Plan of Sick Leave Credit Gratuities for Emplayees." WHEREAS By-Law No. 1900 deals with the establishment of a plan of sick leave credit graituities far the County of Elgin employees. AND WHEREAS By-Law No. 1900 is presently amenqed by By-Law No. 1940 and By"Law No. 1988. AND WHEREAS it is now deemed advisable to alter the provisions of the sick le'ave p~a'll with respect to employees ab- sent from his employment. NOW THEREFORE the Munlcipal Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT paragraph 3, Section (d), of By-Law No. 1900, be de- leted and the followin'g substituted therefore: (<I) Where an employee is absent from his employment for a pe:riod in excess of three worklng days in " calendar month, the sick le"ve credit referred to in section 3 (a) shall be as follows: Working Days Absent o - 3 3'1.. - 10 10'1.. - 17'1.. 18 or more Monthly Sick Leave Credit 1'1.. days 1 day 'I.. day o The above shalllJ>ot apply to an employee: (i) who does not work his regular shift because of emer- gency or other conditions and has been requested by his Department Head or the Department Head's repre- sentative, to work different hours. ~ii) who is absent with pay. (iii) who is on vacation. 214' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL (iv) who is on pllid holiday. The above shaJ1apply to an employee: (i) who iSllbsent because of illness. (ii) who is absent without leoave. (iii) who is absent without pay. (iv) who is 'absent as a result of an in1ury suffered during the course of employment. 2. THAT this by-law shall take effect on December 31st, 1971 at 12 'o'clock midnight. READ ,. firs~ time this 17th day of November, 1971. READll second time this 17th day of Novembeor, 1971. READ II third time and fimally pllssed this 17th day of No-' vember, 1971. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk DOUGLAS R. TODD Warden COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2175 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 1696, Thereby Adjusting The Salary of The Elgin County Road Superintendent." WHEREAS By-Law No. 1696 deals with the appointment llud remuneration of a Road Superintendent for the County of Elgin. AND WHEREAS By:,Law No. 1696 is presently amended by By,Law No. 2141. AND WHEREAS it is now deemed lldvisllble to change the present salary of the Elgin County Road Superintendent. , ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 215 NOW THEREFORE the Municipal! CODporamon of the County of Elgin enaots as follows: 1. THAT Clause (4) 'Of By-Law No. 1696 as amended by By-Law No. 2141 be deleted, and the followingsub.tituted therefore: "That the sldary or remuneration of the Road Superin- tendent shall be the sum of Eighteen Thousand, Nine Hundred Dol131rs, ($18,900.00) per annum, paYllible bi- weekly, a!nd that he be paid a'll aUowauce for the use of his car based on the following schedule." Mileage Per Calendar Year o - 5,000 .15c per mile 5,000 - 15,000 .08c per mile over - 15,000 .07c per mile 2. THAT By-Law No. 2141 be, and the same is hereby repealed. 3. THAT this By-Law shall take effect on December 25th, 1971, at 12 o'clock midnight, subject to the approval of the Minis" tar 'Of Transportation and Communications. PASSED in open Council this 17th day of November, 1971. H. L. JOHNSON DOUGLAS R. TODD Clerk Warden ',",' ":1: 1::,1(: !' COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2176 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2084 Thereby Adjusting The Salary of The Elgin County ClerI{-Treasurer." WHEREAS By-Law No. 2084 deals with the appointment and remuneration of a Clerk-Tre.asurer for the County of Elgin. AND WHEREAS By-Law No. 2084 is presently amended by By-Law No. 2142. AND WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to change the pres- ent salary of the Elgin County Clerk-Treasurer. 216 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL NOW THEREFORE the COUJlJcil of the Municipal Corpora- tion of the COUJlJty .of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT Clause (2) of By-Law No. 2084, as "'lllendedby By-Law No. 2142, be de[eted, and the following substituted there- fore: . "That his salary as Cle.rk-Treasure.r of the County of Elgtn be Fifteen ThousaJlJd, Six Hundred and Twenty-Five' DolIairs ($15,625.00) per .annum, payable bi-weekly." 2. THAT By-Law No. 2142 be and the same is hereby repe'aled. 3. THAT this By-Law become effective on December 25th, 1971, at 12 o'clock midnight. READ a first time this 17th day of November, 1971. READ a second time' <this 17th day of November, 1971. READ a third time and nnally passed this 17th day of No- vember, 1971. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk DOUGLAS R. TODD Wll>rdel) COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2177 "Being a By-Law to Amend By"Law No. '2085 Thereby Adjusting The Salary of The Elgin County Deputy Clerk-Treasurer." WHEREAS By-Law No. 2085 deals with the appointment and remuneration of 3! Deputy Clerk-Treasure,r for the County of Elgin. AND WHEREAS By-Law No. 2085 is presently amended by By"Law No. 2143. . AND WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to chaJlJge the present salary of the Deputy Clerk-Trell>surer. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Municipal Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enads as follows: ELGIN COUN'l'Y COUNCIL 217 11 :111 ,I I';' ii I 1. THAT' Claus.e (2) of By-Law No. 2085, as amended by By-Law No. 2143, be deleted, and the following substituted therefore: "That his salary as Deputy Clerk,Treasurer. of the Coun. ty of Elgin be Niue Thousand One Hundred and Sixty Dollal's ($9,160'.00) per annum payable bi-weekly." 2. THAT By-Law No. 2143 be and the same is he'\'e\l;)J repealed. ;I. THAT this By-Law become effectiv€ on pece'1lber ?5th, 1971, at 12 o'clock midnight. READ a first time this 17th day of November, 1971. READ a second time this 17th day of November, 1971. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of No. vember, 1971. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk DOUGLAS R. TODD Waxden COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2178 "Being a By-Law to Establish The Salary of The Administrator of The Elgin County Home For The Aged." . The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT the salary of the Administrator of the Elgin County Home for the Aged be Twelve Thous3!nd, Two Hundred Dollars ($12,200.00) per annum, payable bi-weekly. 2. THAT By-Law No. 2145 be and the same is hereby repealed. 218 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL . 3. THAT this By-Law shall take effect on December 25th 1971, at 12 o'clock midnight. READ a first time this 17th day of November, 1971. READ a second time this 17th day of November, 1971. READ a thixd time arnd finally passed this 17th day of No- vember, 1971. H. L. JOHNSON DOUGLAS R. TODD Clerk Wwrden COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2179 "Being a By-Law to Provide for Payment by The County of Elgin of 66 2/3% of Employees' Premiums with Respect to The Ontario Health 1nsurance Plan." The County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the County of Elgin contribute sixty-six and two-thirds per cent (66 2/3%) towards the employees' premiums for the Ontario Heoalth Insur3<nce Plan. 2. These contributiolJis shall only apply to permane'rut employees who have completed their six months probatiornary period of employment. 3. That By-Laws No. 2060 and 2099 be and the same are hereby repealed. 4. That this by-law shall become effective Decemper31st, 1971, at 12 o'clock midnight. READ 'a first time this 17th day of November, 1971. READ'a second time this 17th day of November, 1971. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of No- vember, 1971. H. L. JOHNSON DOUGLAS R. TODD Clerk Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 219 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2180 "Being a By-Law to Reimburse County of Elgin Employees Who Are Summoned For Jury Duty." The Oouncil 'Of the Corporati'On of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: THAT where an empl'Oyee' of the COUlllty 'Of Elgin, who would otherwise be employed, is summoned for jury duty, he or she shall be reimburs€d for any lo.ss of in<lome sustained as a result of the difference between cou!\t fees arnd his or her norma< r'ate of pay. READ a first time this 171:1h day of November, 1971. READ a second time this 17th day of November, 1971. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of N 0- vember, 1971. H. L. JOHNSON DOUGLAS R. TODD Clerk Wwrden COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2181 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2061, a By-Law to Estab- lish Holidays for Employees of The County of Elgin." WHEREAS By-Law No. 2061 deals with the i\nnual Holidays to which County of Elgin employees wreentitled. AND WHEREAS By-Law No. 2061 is presently amended by By-Law No. 2088 and By-Law No. 2107. AND WHEREAS it is now deemed advisable to ch3!nge the "Annual Holidays" for County of Elgin employees. ~~o EMiNCbtlN"l''Y cbU'NCTL NOW THEREFORE the '1VIunicipallCorpb,ratJon of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT paragraph 3 of the "Annual Holidays" section of By- Law No. 2061, be amended by deleting parts (c) & (d) and sub- stituting therefore: '(c) ReguHur 'employees for the ,sixth through 'the :fifteenth calendar year of employment.-3 weeks per year. (d) :Regula~ employi!es for the sixteenth a'nd subsequent calendar yeats of €mployment-4 weeks per year. '(e) Where ,tlle villue of 1Ihe va'cation time to whicha'n employee is entitled does not equal 2% of his earnings In the first calendar year8Jnd 4% of his €arnings in the secol1Jd and ensuingcalend8Jr years, the difference ,shall be paid to the em- ployee, at a time convenient in the new year. 2. THAT .parts (c) & (d) of this by-law sh8JIl take 'effect on De- cember 31st, 1971, at 12 o'clock midnight. 3. THAT Plitt '(e) 'of this by-law shall be eHe'c,tive for thecalen. dar ye8Jr 1971- READ a first ,this this 17th day of November, 1971. READ a second time this 17th day of November, 1971. READ 'a third timeallJd finally passed this 17th day of No- vember, 1971. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk DOUGLAS R. TODD Warden ELGiN CDUNTY COUNCIL 221 COUNTY OF EIJGIN By-Law No. 2182 "Being a By-Law to Establish The Annual Remuneration and {lther Benefits to ,be Paid to 'l\he Warden .of The County of Elgin." WHEREAS it is deemed lIdvlsable to est'ablish .the annual remuneration and other benefits to be paid to the Warden of the Oounty of Elgin. NOW THEREFORE the Council of .the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts 'lIS foUows: 1. THAT 'the 8Jnnual remuner,;tlo'nof the Wll!rden of the Coun- ty of Elgin for attending meetings of the Council, meetings of the vll!rious Committees ll!ntd Local Boards aaJ!d performing all other dulle's applicable to his officeshaU be Four ThoUS'311d Two Hundred Dollars ($4,200:00) per annum, payable in twelve equal installments. 2. THAT the 'Warden 'be pood .10c per mile for eaCh milen€ces- sarily travelled in attending meetings of County 'Council, County Council Committee meetings 8Jnd meelingsof Local B08Jros in which the County of ;Elgin ,isinvol ved. 3. THAT the Wllirden be provided with 'a teMphonecredit 'card upon which to charge long distance telephone calls made ,on behalf of !he County of Elgin. 4. THAT County of Elgin By-Law No. 2081 be and the same is hereby repealed. 5. THAT this By-Law become effective January 1, 1972. READ a first time this 17th day of November, 1971. READ a second time this 17th da~ of November, 1971. READ a third time and finally p8Jssed this 17th day of No- vember, 1971. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk DOUGLAS R. TODD Warden 222 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2183 A By-Law to 'Amend the By-Law Adopting a Plan of County' Road Improvement and Establishing a County Road System in the County of Elgin under the Highway Improvement Act. The Council of ,the Corporation or' the County of Elgin enacts as foIJows: 1. The schedule to the Establishing By-law Number 2166 is amended- (a) <l'emov.ing therefrom the road o'n Plan Number 41-1 attached hereto and kno'wn as COUNTY ROAD NUM- BER 41 and (b) ,adding thereto the road shown on Pla.n Number 41-1-R- 71 and 41A-1-71 attached herr-eto to be known as COUN- TY ROAD NUMBER 41 and 41A respectively. 2. This By-law shall come ,into force and effect upon and to the extent. of the approval thereof by th€ Lieutenant Gov- ernor in Council. PASSED at ,the City of St. Thomas in the County of Elgin this 17th day of November, 1971. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk DOUGLAS R. TODD Wa..den ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 223 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2184 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of The Council of The Corporation of The County of Elgin at the November Session, 1971." WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipoo Act, being Chap- ter 249 ,of the Revised Statutes of Onitario, 1960, the powers of a municipal corpo,ration are to be e""rcised by its council; AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 242 of the MUlllicipal Act, being Chapter 249 of the Revised Statutes of On- tario, 1960, the powers of every Council are to be exercls.ed by By-Law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient tlhat the proceed- ings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this mee>ting be confirmed aitld adopted by By-Law; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts ,a~ follows: 1. That action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin .in respect of each recomm€ndation contained in the Reports 'of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of the. Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the November 1971 Session is . hereby adopted' and confirmed as if all such . proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of . the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in pre'ceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk ,are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessa'ry inthat behalf and to affix there- to the Seal of the Cor{loration of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 17th day.of November, 1971. READ a second time this 17th day of November, 1971. READ a third .time and finally passed this 17th day of No- vember, 1971. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk DOUGLAS R. TODD Warden 224 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL DECEMBER SESSION - FIRST DAY Wednesday, December 15, 197-1 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members present. Moved by Deputy Reeve CsinOos Seconded by Reeve- Wilson That the minutes of the November 1971 Session of the Elgin County Council be confirmed. ~Carried. The following communications were read and referred to their various Committees: From the Ontario Good Roads Association with dates for 78th Annive'rsary Convention, .February 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 1972 Programme Highlights etc. - Filed. From the Honourable Allan F. LaWU'ence, Minister of Justice and Attorney General with copy of a letter which he directed to Mr. D. A. Fisher, General Manager of the Economic Council concerning the resolution of th€ Erie Economic Council reo Mulllicipal Police Force EducatiOon and Salaries. - Filed. From Mr. K. G. Hessel, Secretary-Treasurer, London COm- mittee of Adjustment with letter Re: The formation of an As. sociation of Committees of Adjustment in Ontario. - Referred to the- County Government Committee. From the Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves with letter re: opposition by the Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves and the Ontario Municipal Association to the applicat- ion of Bell Canada for a rate increase. ~ Referred to the Fin- ance Committee. From the Child!ren's Aid Society of the City of St. Thomas and the County of Elgin with Finance Report to November 24. 1971. - Referred to. the- Finance Committee. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 225 From the Ontario Depaltm€nt of Labour with letter re: the structural adequaey of municipal arenas and oth€r buildings to withstand snow load accumulations on roofs. - Filed. From the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham with resolution reque.sting amendment tOo the regulations under the General Welfare Assistance- Act and the Ohild We.Jfare Act, SO that applications for welfare assistance by teenagers, be- tween the .ages of sixte'en toeighte,en would be processedl by the Children's Aid Society rather than the Counties' Weolf'are Department - R€ferred to the Petitioins and Legislations Com- mittee. From the University of Guelph with appreciation of scholar. ships. - Filed. From the Canadian National Institute for the Blind with appreciation of grant. - Filed. From the Salvation Army with appreciatlon' of annual and Capital grants. - Filed', From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with letter ,re: Fiscal Study ProgralU. - Referred to the County Govetnment Committee. From the Association of Counties,"nd Regions Of Ontario with November Newsletter. - Filed; From the Unemploym€nt Insurance Oommission with let- ter re: Application for Premium Reduction. - Referred! to the p.ersonnel Committee. From the United Counties of Prescott and Russell with res- olution with re,spect to studded tires being used by visitors from other provinces. - Referred to the Road Committ€e'. From the Department of Municipal Affairs with draft plan of subdivision with respect to the Village Oof Port Burwell, Lot 13, Concession 1, Township of Bayham, owner Anthony Lama and Grave Olive Lama. - Referred to the- Road Oommitte.e. From Mr. C. A. Pearson, Executive Assistant to the Minist- er of National Health and We.Jfare with letter re: the resolution passed by the Elgin County Council with respect to employing Welfare recipients. - Referred to the County Government Com- mittee. 226 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL From ,the'Art Gallery Foundation of St. Thomas anru Elgin . with report on the Creative Art Craft WOrI<:shop operated by the GaIlery this summ€r with the help of an Opportunity fo,' Youth grant. - Filed. From Mr. Harold E. Stafford, M.P. with two letters re: res- olution passed by the Elgin County Council with re'sped to pay- ment of benefits by the Unemployment Insurance Commission. - Filed. From the Oountyof Lambton with 'appreciation of donation given towards Lambton's expenses at the A.C.R.O. Convention. - Filed. From the Township of Dunwich with resolution regaroing unpaid drainage assessments by the Penn Central Railway. _ Referred to the Finance Committee. From the County of Middlesex with resolution from the . Township of Caradoc regardong the sale of Tobacco Marketing Board Rights. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From Mr. and Mrs. Claybourne Gordon with appr€ciation of card and flowers. - Filed. From the AssociaUon 'of Oounties and Regions of Ontario with appreciation of donation made to A.C.R.O. Convention. _ Filed. From the Four Counties General Hospital with appreciation of grant. - Filed. From a group of residents of the Shedden Community mak- . ing application to have a water line brought into the Shedruen Community. - Filed. From Dr. John C. Dancey advising that a total of 6,234 dogs and cats were vaccinated at the 1971 Elgin County anti-rabies vaccination clinics. - Filed. Fro1)1 the County of Norfolk with resolution re: Salary of new. Private Sewag€ Disposal System Inspectors. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From Mr. Peter C. ConnoIly, Special Assistant to the Min- ister of Labour with letter regarding the resolution passed by ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 227 the County of Elgin at .its NoV'ember, 1971 Session re: the de- lays in payments of unemployment insurance benefits. - Filed. From the Department of Municipal Affairs with Memoran- dum No.1, Federal-Provincial-Municipal Employment Loans Pr'Ogram 1971. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the County of Peterborough with resolution request- ing that Section 93 of the Assessment Act be removed from Bill 127 and! that all alterations and additions be added! to the RoIl each year. - Referred to th€ Equalizlltion and Assessment Com- mittee. From Mr. Michael J. Johnson with letter re: recent Federal- Provincial Conference. - Filed. From the Ontario Water Resources Commission with letter. and report re: Deoicing Salt and Snow Disposal. - Referred to the Road Committee. The County We'ed Inspeotor's Report for 1971 was presented and read by Deputy Clerk-Treasurer G. C. Leverton. Moved by Deputy Reeve Lyle Seconded by Deputy Reev€ WhaIls That the County Weed Inspector's Report be printed in the Proceedings. accepteru and -Carried. The Report of the Road Committee was prese.nted by Reeve McIntyre and adopted on motion of Reeve McIntyre and Reeve Lake. The Report of the Elgin Manor Committee was presented by Reeve MiskeIly and adopted 'On motion of Reeve MiskeIly and Deputy Reeve Lyle. Reeve Hodgson announced that he would! be a candidate for the office of Warden in 1972. The Warden appointed the Reception and Entertainment Committee to make arrangements for the reception to be held following the Election of Warden. The Warden reported that it had been announced thata,new regional jail would be erected on provincial property situated North West 'Of the. intersection 'Of ,Highway No. 401 and Welling- 228 ELQIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 229 ton Road and! that the name of the institutio'n would be the Lon- don Regional Detention Centre. He questioned whether or not this name wOllld meet with the approval of Oouncil and he was also concerned as to what would happen to the pmsent County of Elgin jail. Some discussion took place regarding these matters and the following resolution was passed. Moved by Deputy Ree\'e Walker Seconded by Reeve Emerson That the question of the propos'ed nam€ for the new Pro- vincial Jail andl other aspects be referred to the County Govern- ment Committe,e and the disposition of the Elgin County jail building be referred to the Property Committ€e. Reeve Kahnt and adopted on motion of Reeve Kahnt and Reeve McIntyre. The Report 00' the Agricultural Committee was pre,sented by Reeve Morrison and adopted on motion of Reeve Morrison and Reeve Dennis. MovedJ by Reeve EmeTson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Cook Whereas the Ontario Water Resources Commiss,ion is en- gaged in the business of supplying p'Otable water to municipalit. ies and areas which have water shortages. These water systems are subsidized up to 50% down to a minimum charge of $100 per household per year. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Mrs. Blyth Seconded by Reeve Emerson That we do now adjourn to meet again at 2:00 p.m. Wed- nesday, De'cembeor 15, 1971. WheTeas the Ontario Hydro ha\'e established a rate for hydro service which is the same all over Ontado. Wh€reas $100 per year per household for water pe.r year is considered .a reasonable charge and to treat 'all hotlseholde,rs in water shortage 'areas equally. Therefore be it resolved that all water systems installed! by the O.W.R.C. be subsidized to bring the cost of water to a mil'lhnlj" " mum rate of $100 per year per household. A copy of this resolu- Hon be sent to R. K. McNeil, M.L.A., Hon. G€o. Keorr, Minister of Energy and Resources, Hon. John Root, Chairman of the O.W. R.C. and the Hon. Wm. Davis, Pl'ime Minister of Ontario. -Carried. ~Carried. Council Re-Convened. The Repnrt of the County Government Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Wilson and adopted on motion 'Of Reeve Wilson and Deputy Reeve Cook. The Report of the Pro~lerty Committe'e was presented by Reeve Hodgson and adopted on motion of Reeve Hodgson and Reeve Liebner. The Report of the Petitions and Legislation Committee was presented by Re'eve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caverly and Reeve Kaihnt. The Report of the R€ception and Entertainment Comm;t!ee was pres,ented! by Reeve Speers and adopted on motion of Reeve Speers and Deputy Reeve Lyle. . The Report of the Equaliz~tion, and, Assessm€nt Committee Was presented by Reeve Mrs. Blyth and adopted on motion of Reeve Mrs. Blyth and Reeve Emerson. . 'l)he i;)!epOl't l)~ thy Finan,ce Committe€ was presented by Moved by Deputy Reeve Cook Seconded by Deputy Reeve WalIoer That By-Law No. 2185, "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2162, a By-Law to Oonstitute and Appoint a Land Division Oommittee," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reev€ Speers Seconded! by Reeve Wilson That By-Law No. 2185 be read a second time. -Carried. 230 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Deputy Reeve Walker Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That By-Law No. 2185 be ~ead a third time and finally pas- sed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Reeve Caverly That. By-Law No. 2186, "Being a By-Law to Appoint an In- spector under the' Construction Safety Act," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Speers Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That By-Law No. 2186 be read a second time. ~Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Cook That By-Law No. 2186 be read a third time and finally pas- sed. -Ca'rried. Moved by Reeve Kahnt Seconded by Reeve Emer80n That By-Law No. 2187, "Being a By-Law ,to Appoint a Tree Commissioner for the County of Elgin," be r€ad a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Kahnt That By-Law No. 2187 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Re€ve Cook That By-Law No. 2187 be read 'a third time and finally passed. -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 231 Moved by Reeve Liebner Seconded by Deputy Reeve McKillop That By-Law No. 2188, "Being a By-Law to appoint a County Weed Inspector for the County of Elgin," be read a first time. -Carri€d. Moved by Deputy Reeve McKillop Seeonded by Reeve Liebner That By-Law No. 2188 be read a second time. Moved by Reeve Liebner Seconded by Deputy Reeve McKillop -Carried. That By-Law No. 2188 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Second€dJ by Reeve Wilson That By-Law No. 2189, "Being a By-Law to Amend County of Elgin By-Law No. 1776, a By-Law to Empower the Elgin County Tre,e Commissioner to issue permits for Removal of Trees, where in his Opinion it is De€med Advisable," be r€ad a first time. Moved by Reeve Lake Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By-Law No. 2189 be read a second time. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Speers -Carried. -Carried. That By-Law No. 2189 be read a third limB and finally passed. -Carried 232 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 233 Moved by Reeve. Wilson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Walker That By-Law No. 2190, "A By"Law ,to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the December Session, 1971," be read a first time. WEED INSPECTOR'S REPORT j)eceml;J,er Sessjon, l~n -Carried. 110 the W 3Tden and Me.rnberS .of the Elgin Goun;ty COllncjl, I wish to report on weed control in the County of Elgin for tl;Je year 1971. Most farmers who make farming a full time job did a very good job of keeping the weeds under control in their crop.s by cutting 'Or spraying. The~re ""ere a few fields that had spray which I would say had weeds, which because of ,the dry weather, the spray did not take <lIfect. Moved by Reeve Speers Seconded by Deputy Reeve Walker That By-Law No. 2190 be r€ad a second time. .-Carried. Moved by Deputy Reev€' Walker Secondled by Reeve Lake That By-Law No. 2190 'be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. There are some vacant farms in the Oounty which are not worked and! these are the on€s with a weed problem. The,re are also some large fields lying idle 'and small pieces of property upon which nothing is done €xcept growing weeds. The subdivisions have many lots that are not built upon and these gave me a lot of work, having them cut and collect- ing the cost of cutting in taxes. Many of these lots are owned by people living outside of the County. Provincial Highways in the County were well mowed al- though some were late in cutting, however they can't cut them all the same day and the ,Department of Highways do not have enough mowers on the job. County roads were well mowed except the roads under con- struction. The County seemed to call the mowers ,in a little early and the,re were some county roads that should have been cut once more. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Miskelly Seconded by Deputy' Reeve' edoIc That we do now adjourn sine die. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk DOUGLAS R. TODD Warden Township roads were about the same as other years although some of the Township roads did show 'improvement on weed control. The railways in the County do very little on we,ed control. TIle Penn Central ,and! the .Ches~peake and Ohio railroads which are both American Roads, I was able to ,prevail upon to 234 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL cut the weeds through th€ villages and 'at some road cross- ings. The North Western, a.N.R. and the C.P.R. did some cut- ting but too late. They all say no money for w€ed cutting. . I gave twenty official notices to destroy weeds but in some cases the owners didn't cut their weeds and I had them cut and collected the cost in taxes. I also hadl some small pieces cut with- out giving the owner notice as the Weed Inspeetor can cut a piece of property up to nine acres without 'contacting the owner if he doesn't know where he lives. I would like to thank all County Officials who helped me in weed control and I would also like to thank th€ municipal clerks in the Oounty who helped me to get Lot Numbers and Concessions. ALL of which is respectfully submitt€d. CLAYBOURNE GORDON County Weed Inspector ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT December Session To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: Your Road Committee begs to report as follows: 1. The Department of Transportation and Communications has approved the County of Elgin By-Law No. 2166 passec! in September re-establishing the County Road System, and the reversions and assumptions of Roads un,der that By-Law have been made. 2. Excavation, Placement of StO'rm Drains, and Granular Base is continuing on Road No.2 in West Lome. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 235 Gravel Resurfacing has been compl€ted on: (a) Raad No. 43 (Malahide Bayham Townline) between Richmond and Road No. 42. (b) RO'ad NO'. 32 from Ontario Police OO'llege to Road No. 52. 4. The following new machinery has been purchased!: (a) Three (3) Double Cab Pickup Trucks (1 Ton) with thl'ee (3) County Vehicles as Trad€-ins. (b) A Double Cab Stake Rack Truck with a County V chicle as a Trade-in. (c) Two (2) Tandem Dump Trucks with diesel motors. (d) A Tractor-Loader Backhoe combination. 5. A Resolution requesting the installation of traffic signals in Talbotville at the Junction of Highway No.3, Highway No.4, and Oounty Road No. 52, has be€n forwarded to the Depal'tment of Transportation and Communications. We Recommend: (1) That th€ Resolution of the united countie,s of Pres- cott and RusseU regarding the use of studded tires by out-of-province vehicles O'n Ontario roads be filed. (2) That '3 By-Law be passed appO'inting Mr. C. Roy Doran of ,the Oounty Road Department as Con- struction Safety Inspector to be effective January 1, 1972, 'and that $1,000 per annum of his salary as Assistant Superintendent be charged to Construc- tion Safety. All of Which is respectfully submitt€d. J. L. McINTYRE Chairman 3. 236 ELGIN COUNTY \COUNCIL ELGiN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1971 To the Warden 'and Members of the Elgin County Oouncil, The Elgin Manor Committee wishes to report as follows: 1. That Mr. Robert Parkins has be,en hired as Maintenance Engineer and Supervisor, .effectiv€ November 29, 1971 '3tan annual 'salary of $8,000.00. 2. That Mr. Donald Forth has been hire'cl as Assistant Ad- ministrator at a salary of $7,000.00 per annum, duties to commence January 3, 1972. All of which is respectfuIly submitted. A. T. MISKELLY Chairman COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1971 To ihe Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee repOl!ts as foIlo,ws: 1. That the letter from Mr. K. G. Hessel re: the matter of .the formation of .an association of Committees of Adjustment in Ontario he tabled. 2. That the letter from the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario re: Fiscal Study Program be filed. 3. That.a member of the Elgin County Land Division Committee be paid $5.00 for each 'application which he investigates. This sum to cover the cost of the investi- gation regardless of how many visits are necessary. All 'Of which is respectfuIlysubmitted. J. B. WILSON Chairman ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 237 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, Th€ Property Committe,e reports as follows: 1. That we recommend' to County Council that Mr. E. E. Bone!, Regional Superintendent, Department of Public Works, Property Branch, be sent a copy of Engineer R. G. Moore's investigation'3nd report regarding the partitions in the Sheriff's office and that he be adviSed that the Department Of Public Works are herehy author- ized to proceed wHh the removal of these partitions providing that the Department carries out whate"er sugge,stions made in Engineer Moore's Report dated December 14, 1971, are necessary in order to maintain .the floor of the law library which is overhead in a safe satisfactory condition. 2. That the tender of Worthington Electric Ltd. in the amount of $130.00 per year be accepted for the maint- enance of continual lighting in the Registry Office for the year 1972. 3. That we recommend to the 1972 Property Committe€ that they inv€Stigate, the disposition of and possible use for. the jail when the Province vacates it in favou.r of a new Regional jail. 4. That the Clerk and Warden be authorized to enter into an agreement with Pitney-Bowes of Canada, Limited for the supply of a postage meter for the use of the Clerk-Treasurer's Office and Land Division Committee. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. J. W. HODGSON Chairman 238 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 239 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL . EQUALIZATION AND ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1971 PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1971 To the Warden 'and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Petitions and Legislation CommHtee reports as follows: 1. That the resolumon from the United Counties of North- umberland and Durham requesting amendiment to the regulations under the General Welfare assistance act and the Child Welfare Act be filed. ALL of which is re.spectfully submitted. To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Equalization 'and Assessment Committee reports as follows: 1. That the .resolution from the County of Peterborough requesting that Section 93 of the Assessment Act be removed from Bill 127 be filed. ALL of which is respeotfully submitted. MRS. M. BLYTH Acting Chairman W. R. CAVERLY Chairman RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE December Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members of th€ Elgin County Council, The Reception and En~ertainment Committee reports as follows: 1. We recommend that the Elgin County Council make a donation of $100.00 towards the reception of the new Warden and that the Reception and Entertainment Committee be in charge ,of arranging for the accom- modation, 2 bartenders, etc., for the occasion. 2. That the question of the printing of a program for the Warden's banquet and distribution of tickets be re- ferred to the 1972 Reception and Entertainment Com- mittee. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1971 To the Warden and Members Of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee r€ports as follows: 1. That Children's Aid Society Pay List No. 11 for $3,789.- 75 be approved. 2. That Charity and Welf"re Pay List No. 11 for $1,094.75 be approved. 3. That the letter from the. Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves re: opposition by the Association of Ont- ario Mayors and Reeves and the Ontario Municipal Association to the application of Bell Canada for a rate increase be filed. 4. That the Finance Report .of the Children's Aid Society to November 24, 1971, be filed. 5. That the resolution from the County of Norfolk re: S. G. SPEERS Chairman 240 ELGIN COU.NTYCOu.WC~L Salary of new Private, Sewage Disp!lsa:1 System lUsp.e~t- ors be filed. 6. That in reply ,to the msolution from the Tawnship of Dunwich reo drainage asseSsments against the Pen.n Central Railway, each localmunicjpality be requested to send to the County Clerk a statement of the assess- ments owing to them by the Penn Oentral Railway and that these accounts and the resolution fram Dunwich be presented to .the County Solicitor for his advice as to what actionsho'uld be taken in Order to collect these assessments. 7. ThllJt memorandum No.1, Federal-Provincial-Municipal EmploymHnt Loans Program 1971 receiv€d from the Department of Municipal Affairs be referred to the Road Committee. 8. That bank interest rate be paid to municipalities an prepayment of County Rate up to November 30th in any year. On 'and after December 1st no interest will be paid. ALL of which is respeotfuIly submitted. M. A. KAHNT Chairman AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT Decemher Sllssion, 1971 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: The Agricultural Committee reports asfoIlaws: 1. That the resalution from the County 'Of Middlesex pas- se.!] by the .Township of Caradac regarding the sale of Tobacco Board Marketing Rights be endorsed. 2. That we re'commend that Mr. Jackson :Bal<er, 164 Tal- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 241 bot Street, Aylmer, be hired as Tree Commissioner and Weed Inspector for the County of Elgin at a rate of $2.20 per hour and .10c per mile mileage effective January 1, 1972. ALL of wmchis respectfully submitted. C. MORRISON Acting Chairman COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2185 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2162, A By-Law to Constitute and Appoint a Land Division Committee." WHEREAS By-Law No. 2162 deals with the constitution and appointment ofa Land, Division 'Committee. AND WHEREAS tbeterm of membership of one of the members of the committee will expire January 1st, 1972 and his reappointment has been recommende!]. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Municipal Corpor- ation of the Oounty of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That Clause (2) of By-Law No. 2162 be deleted and the following subsitituted therefore: "The following persons< aVe hereby appointe'd to' mem- bership on the Land Division Committee. Donald, M. M~Ki:Ilop' - t.. hold office' until! January 1, 19.73. Ifarold G. Charlton - to hold office until January 1, 1973. A. Bruce McCallum - to'< hold office' until January 1, 1974. i., 242 ELGIN COUNTY CODNCiL Eugene .L. Dopp - to hold office until January 1, 1974. Walter D. Nelson - to hold office until January 1, 1975." READ a first time this 15th day of December, '1971. READ a second time this 15th day of December, 1971. READ a third; time and finally passed this 15th day of December, 1971. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk DOUGLAS R. TODD Warden COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law ~o. 2186 "Being a By-Law to Appoint an Inspector under .the Construction Safety Act." . WHEREAS the Construction Saf.ety Act requims .that the. Council of a Oounty shall appoint one or more Oounty Inspect- ors. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1, That C. Roy Doran of the Township ,of Malahide, he and is hereby appointed Inspector under the Construct- ion Safety Act, to perform all the duties as prescribed in the Act and Regulations, in the County of. Elgin. 2. That the salary shall be $1,000.00 per annum. 3. That County of Elgin By-Law No. 1893 be and the same is hereby repealed. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL '243 4. That this By-Law become effective on the 1st day of January, 1972. READ a first time this 15th day of December, 1971. READ a second time this 15th day of December, 1971. READ a third time and finally passed; this 15th day of. December, 1971. H. L. JOHNSON 'Clerk DOUGLASR. TODD Warden COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2187 "Being a By-Law to Appoint a Tree Commissioner for the County of Elgin" WHEREAS By-Law No. 1752 of the County of Elgin provides for the appointment of officers to €nforce the By"Law. THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN enacts as follows: 1. That Mr. Jac)<son Baker, Aylmer, Ontario, is. hereby appointed Tree Commissioner for the County of Elgin. 2. That his remuneration shall be $2.20 per hour while engaged in his duties and ten cents per mile for the use of his car. 3. That By-Law No. 1721 be and the same is hereby repealed. 4. That this By-Law shall become effective on December 31st, 1971, at twelve o'clock midnight. READ a first time this 15th day of December, 1971. READ a second time this 15th day of December, 1971. READ a third time and finally passed this 15th <lay of December, 1971. H. L. JOHNSON DOUGLAS R. TODD Clerk Warden 244 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 245 .. ..-.-.-.---_.. ELGIN OOUNTY, COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2188 COUNTY OF ELGIN By"taw No, 218~ "Being a By-Law to Amend County of Elgin By-Law No. 1776, a By-LaW to Einpower the Elgin County Tree Commissioner to issue Permits for Removal of Trees, where in his Opinioff it is Deemed Advisable'." WHEREAS differeflt persons frorn time to time are appoint- ed to the office of Tree Commissioner for the County of Elgin. AND WHEREAS it is the intention of .the Elgin C01jnty Coundl that it shall be the duly appointed Elgin County Tree Commissioner who shall have the authority to' issue p'errnits for the removal of trees. NOW THEREFORE the C01:uidl of tIle Corporation' of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That By-Law No. 1776 of the County of Elgin be amend- ed by deleting the flame. Claybourne Gordon where it appeal's in line two of paragraph Olle' and in line ofle of paragraph three and inserting in place thereof the word "The" in each deletion. READ a first time this 15th'day of tiec'eiriber, i971. READ a second time this 15thday of December, 1971. READ a third time alldfirially pa'ssed this 15.m day of December, 1971. "Being a By-Law to Appoint a County Weed Inspector for the County of Elgin" WHEREAS under Section 6 (1) of The Weed Control Act, being Chapter 493 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario 1970; the Council of a County is required to appoint one or more persons as County Weed Inspectors. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That Mr. Jackson Baker, Aylmer, Ontario, be and is hereby appointed Weed Inspector for the County of Elgin. 2. That the salary of the County Weed Inspector shall be $2.20 per hour and .ten cents per mile for the use of his car when engaged in the duties of his office. 3. That County of Elgin By-Law No; 1777 be and] the same is hereby repealed. 4. That this By-Law shall become' effective' on December 31st, 1971, at twelve o'clock midnight. READ a first time this 15th day of December, 1971. READ a second. time this 15th day of December, 1971. READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of December, 1971. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk H. L. JOHNSON Clerk DOUGLAS R. TODD Warden DOUGLAS, R. TODD Warden Ii! 246 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 247 COUNTY OF ELGIN and to affix there~o the S€al of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 15th day of December, 1971. READ a second time this 15th day of December, 1971. READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of December, 1971. By-Law No. 2190. "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the December Session, 1971" H. L. JOHNSON Clerk DOUGLAS R. TODD Warden WHEREAS by.section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chapt- er 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to beexcercised by its council; AND WHEREAS by subsection 1 of section 241 of the Municipal Act, being chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every council are to b€ exercised by By-Law; AND WHEREAS it is d€emed expedient that the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by BY-Law; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Oorporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows; 1. That action 'Of the Council of the Corporation of the 'County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the reports of the committees and each motion and resolution pasood and othe.r action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the December, 1971 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were. expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation 'Of the County of Elgin referred to in prece.eding section hereof. The Warden and' the Clerk are authorized and direct- ed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf , , , :;1 ''I 3. ! ;! 248 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL. ELGINCOUN';l'1lCOUNCIL INDEX Road Oommittee29,67, 89, 101, 11-'1, 133, 134, 151, W-'I,234 Special Committee tosvrike the Standing .C.o:mm\ttee's for 1971 .......... ...... 21 MISCELLANEOUS ~ Appointment of SpeciaJ Committee to investigate the . feasibility of ,the County initiating a program o;r. recrea-. tion ..... .......... 128 Appointment of Special Committee re: Elgin Manor wa- termain 89 Communications....8, 14, 55, 84, 87, 98, 107, 125, 145, 167, 224 1971 Officials, County Council, Standing Committees, Municipal Clerks and Treasurers. ...........2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Warden's Address 19 Warden's Election 8 REPOR',I'S OF OYFJCIALS AND OTHERS -. Administrator's Report on Elgin Manor.. Clerk!s Report on Licenses County Treasurer's RepoI't Construction SMety Inspector's Report Elgin County Library Suburban Road Commission Report Weed Inspector's RepQJ;t 183 :182 .. .......113, 180 37 39 70 233 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Agricultural Committee .....................28, 77, 92, 138, 200, 240 County Government Committee- 27, 82, 94, 103, 121, 132, 156, 199, 236 Elgin Agricultural Committee 24 Elgin Manor Oommittee 24, 65, 91, 102, 122. 137, 152, 189, 236 Elgin Manor Committee and Special Committee appointed by Warden re; watermain .... . ..................................138, 153 Educational Committee... .................................38, 77, 131, 202 Equalization and Assessment Committee... ....44, 92, 136, 239 Finance Committee....45, 63, 78, 93, 104, 123, 134, 155, 203, 239 Personnel Committee ........................ ...................131, 190, 202 Petitions and Legislation Committee.. ...27, 81, 153, 201, 238 Property Committee. ..........63, 102, 112, 154, 237 Reception and Entertainment Committee... 238 'Page.No. 23 BY-LAWS - 2149 - To Appoint A County R.oad Committee... 2150 - A By-Law To Authorize The Expropriation Of Land For The Purpose Of Widening And Improv- ingCounty Roads. .. . ........ 47 2151-Being A BY-L.aw To Authorize The Warden And Clerk To Sign A Deed To Leslie McQuiggan .Of The Town Of Aylmer ... 49 2152 - To Authorize The WaI'den And Treasurer To Borrow The Sum of Two Million, Six Hundred Thousand Dollars. .......... 51 2153 - A By-Law To Confirm Proceedings. Of The Coun- cil Of the Corporation Of The County of Elgiu At The January Session, 1971 . 53 2154 - To Raise Amounts For County Rates During The Year 1971 65 2155-A By-Law To Provide For The 1971 Expenditures On Roads Under The Highway Improvement Act In The Oounty Of Elgin . 79 ,24V ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 251 250 ELGIN COUNTY .COUNCIL r)li 2156 - Being A By-Law To Authorize' Grants To Be Made To Various Organizations, Institutions, Etc., Dur, ing 1971 .................... ..................................... 80 2157 - A By-Law To Confirm Proceedings Of The Coun- cil Of The Corporation Of The County of Elgin At The March Session, 1971 ................................ 83 2158 - Restricting the Weight of Vehicles Passing over . Bridges .......................................... 95 2159 - A By-Law To Confirm Proceedings of the Council <>f the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the April Session, 1971 . 96 2160 - A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at. the May Session, 1971 . 105 2161-Being a By-Law To Authorize. the Warden and Clerk to Sign A Deed to Convey Land. to the 'Cor- poration of the Village of Rodney, in the Town- ship of Aldborough 118 2162- Being a By-Law to Constitute and Appoint a Land Division Committee . 119 2163 - Authorizing Speed Limits . 120 2164 ___ A BY-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of .the Corporation of the County <>f Elgin at the June Session, 1971 123 2165 - Being a By-Law To Establish the Apportionment of County Rate For The County Of Elgin For The Year 1972 ....................................... 139 2166 - A By-Law To Adopt A Plan Of County Road Im-' ment And Establish A County Road System In The County Of Elgin Under The Highway Im- provement Act 140 2167 - A By-Law 'ro Provide For The 1971 Expenditures On Roads Under The Highway Improvement Act In The County Of Elgin ............. .... .............. 142 2168 - A By-Law To Confirm Proceedings Of The Coun- cil Of The Corporation Of The County of Elgin At The September Session, 1971 ........ 144 157 2169 - Regulating Parking 2170 - Authorizing Speed Limits 2171- Designating Thrrough Highways 2172 _ A By-Law To Confirm Proceedings Of The Coun- cil Of The County Of Elgin At The October Ses- sion, 1971 166 2173 _ Being a By-La;y to est~b1ish a Salary Schedule for All Employees of the County of Elgin other than the Heads of Departments . . 204 158 159 2174-B'einga By-Law t<> amend By-Law No. 1900, A By-Law to establish a plan of sick leave credit gra- tuities for employees ... 213.. 2175-Being a By-LaW to amend By-Law No. 1696, Thereby adjusting the salary of the Elgin County Road Superintendent ... 214 2176 _ Being a By-LaW to amend By-Law No. 2084 there- by adjusting the salary of the .Elgin County Clerk- Treasurer . ........ ...... ... 215 2177 _ Being a.By-Law to amend By-Law No. 2085 there- by adjusting the salary of the Elgin County De- puty Clerk-Treasurer ... 216 . 2178- Being a By-Law to establish the salary of the Ad- ministrator of the Elgin County Home 'for the Aged .......... 217 2179 _ Being a By-Law to provide for Payment by the County of Elgin of 66 2/3% of employees' prem- iums with re,spect to the Ontario Health Insurance Plan ...... 218 2180 _ Being a By-Law to reimburse County of Elgin Em- ployees who are summoned for Jury Duty............ 219 2181- Being a By-Law to amend By-Law No. 2061,.a By-Law to establish Holidays for employees of the County of Elgin ......... ... 219 i" II *~.2 . ...]';LG.Ij\f. COlJl':lJ!': COUNCIL ELGl!N C:OUNn CQT:mC1L 2&3 2182 - Being a By-Law ,to estabIlsh the annual Remuw eration and other Benefits to be paid to the War- den of the County of Elgin 221 2183 - A By-law to amend the By"Lawadopting a pl3!il Of County Road Improvement and establishing a County Road system in the County of Elgin uTh' det The Highway Improvement Act . 222 2184 - A By-Law to Confirm proceedings of the Co.uncil of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the November Sessio.n, 1971 . 223 2185 - Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2162, a By"Law to Constitute and appoint 'a Land Division Committee. 241 2186 -Being a By-Law to Appoint an Inspector under the Construction Safety Act . 242 2187 ~ Being a By-Law to Appoint .a Tree Commissioner for the County of Elgin 243 2188'"- Being a By-Law to Appoint a County Weed In. spector for the County of Elgin. 244 2189 - Being a By-Law to. Amend County of Elgin By. Law No. 1176, a By"Law to Empower the Elgin County Tree Commissioner to issue permits for Removal of Trees, where in his opinion it is deem- ed advisable ...... ................. .................. 245 2190 ~ A By.Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council . or the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the December Session, 1971 ............. 246 Redistribution of the per Gllpita allowance to. E)gin co.uuty re: The. OllJbario Employees Incentive program ..... 62 To ,accept County Auditor's Report 86 To make a graM to tM Village 0;( RQd(ney re~ 1\\7Q t.a1(es on. TWili; Pines Apartment Ltd.......... 108 Naming signing officers re: cheques 31nd other documents required by Bank of Montreal 108 Requesting that a program of assistance to municipalities be instituted whereby employable welfllre recipients may be employed by local municipalities . 128 To invite a junior boy or girl guest to the first day of the November Session 1971 148 Requesting the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board to borrow a sum in excess of 70% and up to 100% of the uncollected balance of the estimated revenues of the County of Elgin fo.r the year 1971 .......... ............. 148 Instructing the St. Thomas PUC to supply water to. those persons requesttng water on County Road 16 for re'siden- tial purposes 149 To. appoint Granville Gloin to the Elgin County Farm Safety Council... ... ...... .......................... 172 To make the usual grants to reporters 172 To dissolve the Special Committee appointed by the War- den to make recommendations concerning the watermain serving Elgin Manor. .... ..... ......... .. ...... 173 To speed up payment of Unemployment Insurance Claims and make welfare payments a charge against Unemploy- ment Insurance Payments .... .... ..................... 173 Instruction th€ Clerk-Treasurer to send ,a letter of ap- preciation to the Port Stanley Lion's Club for the use of their bus ... .. ........ .................................. 179 RESOLUTIONs -' Petition to Minister of Highways for subsidy.... Exemption from Unemployment Insurance 11 58 ![ I) I I II! I I i Ii I I , 254 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Referring the question of the name of the new provincial jail to the County Government Committee and the disposi- tion of the Elgin County Jail building to the Property Committee .............. 228 Requesting that all water systems installed by the OWRC be subsidized to bring the cost of water to a mfllHa.Hm "'-9" '" <1M rate of $100.00 per year per household ........ ............. 229 .