1972 Minutes PROCEEDINGS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL During the Sessions held in the COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS in the Months of January, February, March, April, May, June, September, October, November, December 1972 H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk J. W. HODGSON, Warden County of Elgin Officials, 1972 NAME J. A. Winter E. P. Ray J. D. R. Walker F. R. Barnum M. H. Genest R. Davis R. S. Brown E. D. Moore 8. Doan W. Canning H. L. Johnson R; G. Moore C. R. Doran R. B. Hlmpfen E. A. Wells Hennessey, Kemp- ster and Gunn W. O. Barons C. R. Prosser Clerk of the Peace and County County Crowt"'l Attorney 631-1506 Provincial Judge (Criminal Di- vision) PO Box 267, St. Thomas 633-1230 Provincial Judge (Family Divi- sion) PO Box 327, St. Thomas OFFtcE County Judge County Court Clerk & Sheriff County Registrar Superintendent, Provincial Jail Supervising Probation Officer PO Box 277 I St. Thomas Probation Officer Probation Officer County Clerk-Treasurer County Engineer Construction Safety Inspector Administrator, Elgin Manor County Librarian (9 Gladstone Ave.) County Solicitors Small Claims Court Clerk PHONE 631-4810 631-3530 633-1730 Elgin County Council, 1972 WARDEN J. W. Hodgson 633-2169 -TOWNSHIP OF ALDBOROUGH Reeve R. N. Johnston, R.R.I, Wardsville Deputy Reeve L. R. Carroll, R. R.l, West Lorne TOWNSHIP OF DUNWICH Reeve C. MorrIson, R.R.3, Dutton Deputy Reeve D. K. McKillop, R.R.2, Wallacelown TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD Reeve J. L. McIntyre, R. R. 3, Shedden Deputy Reeve B. A. Lyle, R. R. I, St. Thomas TOWNSHIP OF YARtvlOUTH Reeve T. Y. Roberts, R. R.1, Sparta Deputy ReeveD. K. Cook, R.R.5, St. Thomas TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE Reeve W. R. Caverly, R.R.5, Aylmer Deputy Reeve H. B. deRyk, PO Box 323, Aylmer TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM Reeve J. L. Dennis, R. R. I, VIenna Deputy Reeve T. Cslnos, R. R. 2, Vienna TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH DORCHESTER Reeve J. B. Wilson, R. R. I, SpringfIeld TOWN OF AYLMER Reeve A. T. Miskelly, PO Box 674, Aylmer Deputy ReeveE. E. Randall, PO Box 73!, Aylmer VILLAGE OF VIENNA Reeve K. C. Emerson, PO Box 120, VIenna VILLAGE OF SPRINGFIELD Reeve J. W. Hodgson, PO Box 64, SprIngfIeld VJLLAGE OF DUTTCX\l Reeve M. A. Kahnt, PO Box 146, DUllon VILLAGE OF PORT STANLEY Reeve S. G. Speers, PO Box 299, Port Stanley Deputy Reeve W. R. WhaJls, PO Box 460, Pori Stanley 631-3015 631-3372 631-'-3430 631-3430 631-3430 631-1460 631-5880 631-5880 631-0620 633-0815 631-0700 631-1241 Director of Education, Elgin County Board of Educa- tion, 400 Sunset Dr." St. Thomas 633-2700 Dr. C. A. Graham Elgin Manor Physician 390 Talbot St. 633-0030 H. W. Buck AgricuMural Representative 594 Talbot St. 631-4700 Jacl<::son Baker County Weed Inspector and Tree Commissioner, 164, Talbot St. W., Aylmer 773-8392 Winspear, Higgins, County Auditors, Stevenson Cd Co. 136 Centre St. 631-8250 Dr. F. Appleton ElgIn St. Thomas Health Unit, M.O.H. 2 Wood St. 631-9900 VILLAGE OF RODNEY Reeve A. H. Llebner, PO Box 244, Rodney VILLAGE OF WEST LORNE Reeve D. R. Todd, PO Box 59, West Lorne VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL Reeve Mrs. Mary Blyth, PO Box 6, Port Burwell VILLAGE OF BELMONT Reeve R. L. Lake, Belmont (St. Thomas Post Office unless otherwise specified) (Rodney) (West Lorne) (Dullon) (Dullon) (Shedden) (St. Thomas) (Sparla) (SI. Thomas) (Aylmer) (Aylmer) (Straffordvllle) (Port Burwell) (HarrlestvlJle) (Aylmer) (Aylmer) (Port Burwell) (Aylmer) (Dullon) (Port Stanley) (Port Stanl ey) (Rodney) (West Lorne) (Port Burwell) (Belmont) 765-0707 768-1016 762_5840 762_2877 764_2044 631-1890 775-2508 775_2459 773-2998 773-3903 866_5601 874-4148 269-3995 773_3447 773~2950 874-4460 773-3068 762-2223 782-3553 782-3942 785-0380 768-1300 874-4191 644~0491 Standing Committees, 1972 RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT AGRICULTURAL Chairman A. T. Miskelly; Speers, Cook, Carroll, Lyle, Csinos, Liebner, Todd, Kahnt and Warden Hodgson. HEALTH UNIT Chairman J. L. Dennis; Roberts, Mcintyre, Wilson, Caverly, Mor- rison, Johnston and Warden Hodgson. COUNTY GOVERNMENT Lake, Randal I. ST. THOMAS-ELGIN GENERAL HOSPITAL Chairman J. B. Wilsonj Todd, Emerson, Caverly, Kahnt, Whalls, Johnston and Warden Hodgson. COUNTY ROADS Emerson and Todd TILLSONBURG DISTRICT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL CnairmanC. Morrisonj Dennis, Wil son, Caverly, Johnston and War- den Hodgson. Advisory Road Committee --- Mcintyre, Roberts, Miskelly, ELGIN MANOR Csinos. FOUR COUNTIES GENERAL HOSPITAL Johnston. LIBRARY BOARD ChairmanB. A. Lyle;Mrs. Blyth, deRyk, Speers and Warden Hod- gson. Advisory Elgin Manor Committee --- Liebner, McKillop. EDUCATIONAL ,KCihnt, Mcintyre, Cook and Warden Hodgson. CHILDRENtS AID Morrison, Whalls, deRyk. EMERGENCY MEASURES ORGANIZATION Chairman Mrs. Blyth; deRyk, Csinos, Carroll, Randall, McKillop, Whalls, Cook, Lyle, Todd, Emerson, Kahnt, Wilson, Liebner, Lake, and Warden Hodgson. EQUALIZATION AND ASSESSMENT Carroll, Roberts and Warden Hodgson. MUSEUM Lake, McKillop. Chairman T. y, Robertsj Johnston, Morrison, Mcintyre, Caverly, Dennis, Wilson, Miskelly, Emerson, Todd, Kahnt, Speers, Lake, Liebner, Mrs. Blyth and Warden Hodgson. FINANCE ChairmanR. L. Lakej Kahnt, Johnston, Morrison, Mcintyre, Spe- ers, Roberts, Caverly, Miskelly, Wilson, Dennis, Emerson, Lieb- ner, Todd, Mrs. BI yth and Warden Hodgson. PERSONNEL Chairman S. G. Speers; Emerson, Miskelly, Carroll and Warden Hodgson. PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION Chairman A. H. Liebnerj Kahnt, McKillop, Lyle, Whalls, Csinos, Mrs. Blyth and Warden Hodgson. PROPERTY ChalrmanW. R. CaverlYjCarrorl, Randall, KahntandWarden Hodg- son. Municipality AI dborough Dunwich Southwol d Yarmouth Malahide Bayham Municipal Clerks and Treasurers Clerk C. I. Black, Rodney (Rod.) F. D. McPhe rson, Dutton (Out. ) R. A. Pow, Fingal (Fin.) L. M. Olde, 1229 Talbot St. St. Thomas L. M. VanPatter, 87 John St. 5., Aylmer (Ayl.) J. A. Petrie, Straffordvifle (Straf.) S. Dorchester C. G. Soper, R. R. 2, Springfield Aylmer J. S. Foy, 38 John St. 5., Aylmer Belmont W. O. Barons, Belmont Dutton J. W. McNe ii, Dutton Port Burwell Mrs. Helen Wolfe, Pt. Burwell Port Stanley E. L. McCall, P9rt Stanley Rodney O. McDougall, Rodney Springfield R. M. Smith, Springfield West Lorne D. Carm iChael, West Lorne Vienna Mrs. Paul ine McCurdy, R. R. 1, Vienna Jl o , . '" ~ -, 00 o o c '" ~ . . 00 , -, '< J;; OJ " '< o 5' Jl o o < Q Jl o o < o OJ o 3 o , 1) o -, OJ c -, ~ o l> :;; :s: 6- ~ )> c... -I )>~~~~~ cr ~"ro ~ CD 0 5" ~ -I Ul o :;; 6 ~ Ul Ul 00 0 " , o (f) ;;; , o '< Gl fu- 'I 00 00 o , 0- o -, Jl o 00 00 :;; ;y . ii> o o Jl l' m -< Jl < ~ ~(f) < o . 3 o g- ?J o Jl , '< , " 00 o Jl 0 ro '0 o C < " o Jl I ^ I . 0 ;y '" =. 1fi o , -j o '" '" , o 0- , o -, '< (f) '0 o o -, 00 [1l 3 . -, 00 g Jl o . Jl < o .. o < ~ ~(f) o < o Jl o o < o o Jl 11 o c ~ -< o o C (f) "08'1:1 o , -, -, , '" " o '" ~ . . ;y '" o Jl o o < o Jl o o Jl ~ ~ CD m C . < )> ~ ED '3- ~(f) ~ '< 0 . . (f) 3" 0 '3- 3 :J ro "1 OJ ~ "1 g. 3 o 00 " -, Jl o o < o :;; o 00 Jl o '" , ~ o '< -, , o ;p (f) -, ;;; , (f) . " '< , o '< Phone Treasurer 785-0560 C. I. Black 762-2204 Mrs. June Shipley 769-2010 R. A. Pow 631-4860 L. M. Olde 773-2051 L. M. VanPatter 866-5521 J. A. Petrie (Ayl.) 773-2186 C. G. Soper (Ayl.) 773-3164 J. S. Fay (Bel. ) 644-1071 W. O. Barons (Out.) 762-2209 Miss Margaret Leitch (Pt. Bur.) 874-4343 Mrs. Helen Wolfe (Pt. Stan) 782-3383 E. L. McCall (Rod. ) 785-0456 O. McDougal I (Ayl.) 773-3118 R. M. Smith (W. L.) 768-1234 O. Carmichael (Pt. Bur.) 874-4500 Mrs. Paul ine McCurdy :;; o -j OJ . ;y -, < 0 C ii ~ g ^ 00 1) . C o . < o -, '< o o o " -< , Jl '< g. ro :s: o n o "1 0 :J ~ Iii ~ ~ .g c c ~ro ;tl -< ~ -< o Jl 0 < 0 < 000 < s: ~ro -< . . . -< -, ;y . 3 ii 3 g (f) 0 ~ C 5' Jl o o < o (f) (f) o 0 C C ~ ~ ~ ~ o 0 '" '" '" o C , n . , o o Jl o 0- J ~ ~ ~ 00 ^ 0 (j) 0 ~ ' in" ~ c... o OJ g. , " ' o 00 -, 0 , , . C 'f" ~ , n o ~ n ^ o Jl 11 o C ~ -< . Jl o ro < o o o '0 C :? -< , ~ Jl o n 0 ;y ~ Jl o o < o l> '" 0- o l> ci '" C 0- '" o ;y -, o C '" ;y o C , ~ n ;y Jl Jl . . < o !'; -j ;y o 3 . -j 00 ;y o !'; [1l ,,'" (; 5" 00 '0 0 C 3 , " . 0 00 0 -, C o , .0 n C -, 3 00 '" ~~ (f) 00 @" g- E'< " . 5' o o o C -, :r o O-j o ;y C 0 , ~ n 0 :0- . ~ ~ 5' 0'" . 3 . 3 0- o -, 00 " o '" o o -, " n . " 00 . , '" o o " :r . -, 00 . . 00 I o C 00 .. (f) Phone (Rod.) 785-0560 (Out.) 762-2204 (Fin.) 769-2010 (St. T.) 631-4860 fAyl.) 773-2051 (Straf.) 866-5521 (AYI.) 773-2186 (Ayl.) 773-3164 (Bel.) 644-1071 (Out.) 762-2717 (P. Bur) 874-4343 (P. Stan) 782-3383 (Rod.) 785-0456 (Ayl.) 773-3118 (W.L.) 768-1_234 (P. Bur) 874-4500 -j ~ '- Ul ?- '" Z . C '< l> :r Jl o -< '" (f) [1l :r (f) '" (f) ~ (5 8. z ] &- 1] E jj . (f) ~ -j ~ ~ -< " ~ C'":l !Z e""> ~~ ....... '" 8 ~ e""> - t"'"' '""0 ::0::: o e""> = = l::I - :z ~ [1l , Gl Z o o c z -j -< o o c z Q , .., e ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 9 TheClerk announced that any Councillor who was a candidate for the office of Warden would now be given the opportunity to speak. 1972 membership. - Referred to the Finance Committee. Reeve John W. Hodgson, Reeve Thomas Y. Roberts and ReeVe Albert H. Liebner each spoke briefly advising that they were a can- didate for the office of Warden and would appreciate any support given to them. From theOntario Association of Rural Municipalities with re- quest for membership. -Referred to the Finance Commi ttee. . The election of Warden was proceeded with and on the first bal lot Reeve John Hodgson was declared Warden for the year 1972. From Mr. C. A. Pearson, E;<ecutive Assistant to the Minis- ter of National Health and Welfare with reply to Elgin County Res- olutionre: Unemployment Im;urance Payments.- Referred to the County Government CommitJee. The Warden thanked the members ofCounci I for the honour con- ferred upon him and took the Declaration of Office. From theAssociationof Municipalities of Ontario wi,th request fOr membership. - Referred to the Finance Committee. Ex-Warden Douglas R. Todd congratulated Warden Hodgson onhiselection and presented htm with the Lord Elgin watch and the gavel of office. F"rot:n_the,Erie Economic Counci I with request for a grant. _ Referred,to the, Finance Commi,ttee. Warden Hodgson addressed the Counci I thanking the members for electing him to the office of Warden for 1972 and outlining some of the projects that he thought might require the attention of the 1972 Council. From the Department of Municipal Affairs, Municipal Subsid- ies8ranch"with,Memorandums,No. 2 andl~o. 3 re: Provincial-Mu- nicIpal ,Employment Incentive Program 1971-7~. - Referred to tf:ie Road Committee. Reeve Roberts and Reeve Liebner both congratulated Warden Hodgson on his election and pledged him their support. From the Ontario Good Roads Association, with notice,of Sem- inarfor Councillors, February 21st, 1972. - Referred to the Road Committee. Moved by Deputy Reeve Whe I Is Seconded by Reeve Caver Iy From the St. Thomas-Elgin Association for Retarded Chi Id..... ren with request for grant towards the cost of the Residence for Re- ,'tarded Children. - Referred to_the Finance Committee. That the minutes of the December 1971 Session of the Elgin. County Council be confirmed. - Carried. From the Department of Municipal Affairswith draft plan. of subdivision in the Town of Aylmer, owner Frisch and Pol Develop- ment Ltd., Location-.l;.ot83 Con. S.T .R. (Twp. of Malahi,de) R. P. 1 G4 Lots 26 and 2-7 W of JohnStr,e,et,. - Referred to.the Road Com- mittee. The following Communications were read and referred to their various Committees. From the Quad County Association for the Mentally Retarded wi th 1972 budget and request for a grant. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Department of Transportation.and Communications advising"that the Ministerially Adjusted Assessment of the City of 51. Thomas is $37,600, OOp. 00. - Re:ft::rred to~he Road Committee. From the Ontario Department of Education with invitation to send a representative to the Western Ontario Summer Sports Con- ference. - Referred to the Educational Committee. From the Erie Economic Councilwithr_~sQIt.Jtion re: .the Name of the New Provincial Detention Centre. - Referred to the County Goyernment .CQmmi ttee. From the Department of Municipal Affairs with statistics re- garding collection pol icies adopted by Municipal Counci Is for the year 1971 and the arrears position of the various municipalities at Dec- ember 31, 1970. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Ontario Maple Syrup _Pr.oducer,st.Assoc,lation:wlth resolution re: the planting of sugar maples on rural road' allowanc- es. - Re,ferred to the Road_ Committee. From the Association of Counties and Regions with request for From Mr. Peter C. Connolly, SpeCial Ass'istarit'ro' the Minis- ter of Labour with r'eply to ~Igin County Resolut.'oll re: Unemploy- ment Insurance Payments. - Referred to th~ County ~oyernment Com- 10 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 11 mittee. From the Township of Yarmouth with resolution re: the name of the new Provincial Detention Centre. - Referred to the County Government Committee. i:j I! From General Appraisal of Canada Limited pointing out that it is five years since the last appraisal survey was carried out and of- fering to submit a firm quotation for a revision. - Referred to the Property Committee. From theUniverslty of Western Ontario with request for a grant - Referred to the Finance Committee. FromMr. J. K. Reynolds, Deputy Minister, Department of the Prime Minister with reply to the resolution passed by the Town of Port Dover and endorsed by the County of El;lin re: the education and salaries of pol lee officers. - Referred to the Petit'lons and Leg- islation Committee. From the Honourable WilliamDavis, Prime Minister of Ontario with letter acknowledging receipt of the resolution passed by the EI:"'" gin CountyCouncl1 regarding an annual maximum rate of $100.00 per household for water systems installed by the Ontario Water Resour- ces Commission. - Fi led. From the Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario wi th request for membership fee. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the St. Thomas Young Men1s Christian Association with request for a grant re: Recreation Program in the County of Elgin. - Referred to the Finance Committee. FromMr. John H. Root, Chairman, .Ontario.Water Resources Commission with letter acknowledging receipt of the resolution pas- sed by the Elgin County' Council regarding an annual maximum rate of$100.00per household for water systems installed by the Ontario Water Resources Commission. - Fired. FromMr. Harold E. Stafford, Q.C., M.P. with letter advis- ing that he has received copies of the letters sent to Elgin County Council by 1\1r. Pearson and Mr. Connolly with regard to the reso- lution passed by Elgin County Council re: unemployment Insurance payments. - Fi led. From the Department of Transportation and Communications advising that the designation of Development Road No. 931 (Part of County Road No. 20) has been revoked and that the agreement per- taining thereto between the County of Elgin and the Department is terminated. - Filed. From M. R. K. McNeil, M.P.P. atl,;;;nowledging receipt of resolution passed by the Elgin County Council re: subsidization of water s~'stenls installed by theO.W.R.C. - Filed. From the Department of TransportatIon and Communications advising that the designation of Development Road No. 972 (County Roads Nos. 47, Part of 48 and 49) has been revoked and that the agreement pertaining thereto between the County of Elgin and the Department is terminated. - Fi led. From the Muscular Dystrophy AssoCiation of Canadawith re- quest for a grant. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From Mr. Norman Chaplow with thank you note with respect to banquet and gift tendered to him by the County of Elgin on his re- tirement. - Filed From theCar1adlanNationallnstitutefor the Glind with request for grant. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From Mr. E. P. Ray, Local Registrar, S.C.O. with report of the Grand Jury as presented to His Lordship, The Honourable Mr. Justice Keith dated January 12th, 1972. - Referred to the Pro- perty Committee. From the West Efgin District Womenrs Institute with appoint- mentto the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board for 1972. - Refer- red to the Finance Commi ttee. From the East Elgin District Women1s Institute with appolnt- mentto.the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board for 1972. _ Refer- red to the Finance Committee. From the 8ank of Montreal with best wishes for a successful year and invitation to attend dinner at the Grand Central Hotel on January 20th, at 13:15 p.m.- Filed. From the I.O.D.E. with appointment to the Elgin County Pi- oneerMuseum Board for 1972. -Referred to the Finance Committee. From the HonourableWilliamDavis, Prime Minister of Ontario with acknowledgement of receipt of resolution passed by the Elgin County Counci I regarding employment of welfare recipients and en- closing two statements which he has Issued concerning this matter and a copy of the Honourable Darcy McKeough's Introduction to Sup- plementary Estimates and Tax Legislation along with three news re- leases. - Referred to the County Government Committee. FromtheSalvatlonArmy with request for a grant. -Referred to the Finance Comml ttee. 12 ELGIN COUNTYCQUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 13 From Mr. Gen,e DoPP with letter regarding a survey of East Elgin housing needs for senior citizens from the Ontario Housing Corporation. - Referred to the Finance Committee. JANUARY SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday the 19th. day of January 1972 , I From the Department of Transportation and Communications with letter re: County subsidy policy for 1972 and advising, that it has been necessary to amend the previous announcement by replac- ing'1/3 reduction witha! reduction resulting in the following sub- sidy funds for the County of Elgin, $641-,000.00 for Construction and $ 227, 000. 00 for. Maintenance. - Referred to the Road C,ommit- The Elgin County Counci I met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas in accordance with adjournment. !' ;J , II, I I , Ii I'j, The Warden in the Chair. All the members present. Moved by Reeve Rober ts Seconded'by Deputy, Reeve deRyk Mr. Jack Clements and Mr. R. Tozer were present from the Canadian National Institute for the Blind and it was moved by Reeve Mrs. Blyth that the delegation from the C. N. I. B. be now heard. Thatthe War:'den and Clerk be authorized,to submit to the Min- ister,ofTransportation andCommunicatlons the petition of tbe C.oun- tyofElginshowing that from the 1st day JC,muary1971 until the 31.st day of December 1971 there was expended on the County Highway Sys,.tem the sum, of $1,530, 33G. 84. - Carried. Mr. Clements addressed council explaining the history and the wcrkoftheCanadlanNational Institute for the Blind. Mr. Clements thanked Council for the passed assistance they had given the C. N. I. B. and requested continued financial support. Tile Warden appointed Reeve Morr ison" ReeveMi'sk~lly ,l3eeve Caverly and Reeve Lake as members of the Committee to strike the Standing Committees for the year 1972. The Warden thanked Mr. Clements and referred his request to the Finance Committee. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk J. W. HODGSON Wardeh Mr. 8. I. Baldwin, Mr. E. J. R. Wright and Dr. O. H. War- wick from the University of Western Ontario were present and it was moved by Reeve Todd that the delegation from the University of Wes- ternOntariobenowheard. Mr. Baldwin introduced Mr. Wright and Dr. Warwick to Council. Dr. Warwick addressed Council report..;. ing on the activities of the UniversitYI its growth, the number of graduates and explained where some of the graduates are serving throughout the world. He thanked Counci I for their past support and requested that Council continue and If possible increase its fIn- ancial support. Mr. Wright spoke briefly and advis'ed that County Council dayat the University would be held on Wednesday June 14th, 1972, and issued an invitation for all Counc; liars and officials to attend. Moved by Deputy Reeve Csinos S,econded by.Reeve MiskellY That' we do now adjourn..tQ meet again on January 19th, J 972 at 10:00 a. m. -Carried. Warden Hodgson thanked Dr. Warwick and Mr. Wright and re- ferred the request for financial support to the Finance Committee. The Report of the Special Committee to strike the Standing Committees for 1972 was presented by Reeve Miskelly and adopted on motion of Reeve Miskelly and Reeve Lake. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lyle That By-Law No. 2191 liTo Appoint a County Road Committee be read a first time. _ Carried. 14 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COuNCIL 15 Moved by Deputy Reeve Ly Ie Seconded by Reeve Emerson JANUARY SESSION - THIRD DAy That By-Law No. 2191 be read a second time. Thursday the 20th day of January 1972 - Carried. Moved by Ree;ye Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lyle The Elgin County Caunei I met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournm.ent. That Oy-Law No. 2191 beread a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Major BarroftheSalvation Army was present and it was mov- ed by Deputy Reeve Lyle that Major Barr be now heard. Major Barr expressed th~ appreciation of the Salvation Army for past support and .for tht;! capital grant. given last year. He also reported on the pro~ress of construction of the House of Concord which has almost reached completion and upon which there will still be a small cons- truction deficit. He requested that consideration be given to a further capital grant of $2,500.00 towards the cost of the building and a continuation of the usual $500. OOper,year maintenance'grant. The Warden in the Chair. All the members present except Reeve J. 8. Wi Ison. Mr. A. V. Langton, Agricultural Representative for ~Igin County was present and it was moved by Reeve Johnston that Mr. Langton be now heard. Warden Hodgson thanked- Major Darr and referred his request to the Finance Committee. Mr. Langton addressed Council reporting on crop conditions in Elgin County and the activities of the various farm clubs and re- quested the usua I grant for 1 972. Mr. Langton a I so reported on far- mers who had applied for capital grants through the Capital Grants program) on applications for removal of dead elm trees and advised that July 13) 1972 would be Farm and Home management day in the St. Thomas-Ay Imer area. I-Ie then presented the 1971 Financia I Statement of the Elgin Agricultural Committee. Moved by Reeve Morrison Seconded by Reeve Liebner That we do now adjourn to meet again at 2:00 p. m. January 19, 1972. _ Carried. Warden f--1odgson thanked Mr. Langton and referred his re- quest to the Agricultural Committee. Counc i Ire-convened. The Report of the Road Committee was presented by Reeve Morrison and adopted on motion of Reeve Morr ison and Reeve Dennis. The Report of,the Equal ization and Assessment Commi tt,?e was presented by Reeve Roberts and adopted on motion of Reeve Roberts and Reeve Speers. The Report of the Construction Safety Inspector was present- ed by Reeve Morrison. The Report of the Peti tionsand L'egisla tion Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Liebner and adopted on motion of Reeve Liebner and Deputy Reeve Csinos.' Moved by Deputy Reeve Csinos Seconded by Reeve Denn i s That the Report of the Construction Safety Inspector be adopt- ed and printed in the Proceedings. _ Carried. The Report of the County Government Commi ttee was presented byReeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Reeve Todd. The Report of the Finance Committee was presented by Reeve Lake and adopted on motion of Reeve Lake and Reeve Llebner. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve McKi I lop Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lyle. That we do now adjourn to meet again January 20th at 10:00 a. m. _ Carried. That a local Government Study Committee be set up and the Warden to name members to the Committee with power to add. The aim of the Commi.ttee is to establisn liason relations with the City ofSt. Thomas and provide material and evidence to Indicate wheth..;. er the City of St. Thomas and the County of Elgin combined could H. L. 'JOHNSON Clerk J. W. HODGSON Warden 16 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL be a viable regional unl t. - Carried. Moved by -Reeve L i ebner Seconded by Reeve Johnston The members of Elgin County Council propose that the partt- cipatlonoftheProvince of Ontario by way of grants to the Associa- tion of Municipalities of Ontario be limited to 15% of expenditures. We further feel that the 40% participation by the Province of Ont- ario, as proposed at the a.M.A. Convention will tend to limit the effectiveness of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, in its dealings with the Government of the Province of Ontario. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Whalls That the resolution moved by Reeve Liebner and Seconded by Reeve Johnston re: Ontario Grants to the Association of Municipali- ties of Ontario be referred to the County Government Committee. - Carried. The Warden named the following members to the Local Govern- mentStudy Committee with Reeve Todd as Chairman - Reeve Emer- son, Reeve Todd, Reeve Miskelly, and Deputy Reeve Cook. Moved by Reeve Mrs. Blyth Seconded by Reeve Emerson That we do now adjourn to meet again on January 20th; 1972 at 2:00 p. m. - Carried. Counc i Ire-convened. The Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Dennis and adopted on motion of Reeve Dennis and Deputy Reeve Randall. The Report of the Educational Committee was presented by Reeve Mrs. Blyth and adopted onmbtion of Reeve Mrs. Blyth and Depu ty Reeve Cook. The Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Caverly and adOPted on motion of Reeve Caverly and Deputy Reeve Walker. The Warden appointed the following delegates to attend the var- Ious conventions. Ontario Good Roads.. - Johnston, Morrison, McKi Ilop, Mcintyre, Randall, Miskelly, Roberts, deRyk, Caverly, Dennis, Todd and the Clerk..:.. Treasurer. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 17 AssoCiation of Municipalities of Ontario. - Emerson, Lake, Speers, Liebner, Mrs. Blyth, Wilson and Csinos. Association of Counties and Reqlons of Ontario. - Emerson, Wilson, and the Clerk-Treasurer. Moved by Reeve Todd Seconded by Reeve Liebner That By-Law No. 2192 "ToAuthorlze the Warden and the Trea- surer to Borrow the Sum of Two MIll ion, Four Hundred Thousand Dollars, II be read a first time. _ Carried. Moved by Reeve Llebner Seconded by Reeve Todd That BY-L.aw No. 2192 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy ;-'~ccvo VValker Seconded by Reeve Johnston That By-Law No. 2192 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Cook Seconded by Reeve Rober ts That By-Law No. 2193 IIA By-Law to Authorize the Expropri- ation of Land for the Purpose of Widening and Improving County Roads,H be read a first time. _ Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Deputy Reeve deRyk That By-Law No. 2193 be read a second time. Moved by Reeve Todd Seconded by Reeve Lake - Carried. That By-Law No. 2193 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Randall Seconded by Reeve Miskelly That By-Law No. 2194 lIA By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the January session 1972, II be read a first time. Moved by Deputy Reeve Csinos Seconded by Reeve Denn i s - Carried. 18 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 19 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL That By-Law No. 2194 be read a second time. - Carried. WARDEN'S ADDRESS tyloved by Reeve Lake Seconded by Reeve Emerson January Session, 1972 That By-Law No. 2194be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Members of County Council, Ladies and Gentlemen. Moved by Reeve Lake Seconded by Deputy Reeve Cook Just a few short years ago I became a member of this County Council. Little did I then realize that to-day I would be your War- den of Elgin County for 1972. That we do now adjourn to meet 'again February t 6th, 1972, at 10:00 a. m. I am most grateful of the honour and confidence you have shown and given, electing me Warden. It is with pride and honour that I accept this Office. - Carried. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk J. W. HODGSON Warden I would like to thank my municipal counci I and many friends that have glvenme courage, confidence and support to seek this Of~ flee. Support really starts at home when elected to Council, Office of Reeve, County Council and finally to the Wardenship. This of- fice is sought by many good men of Elgin but held by very few through- out the years. I consider myself very fortunate to be able to serve this Council and Elgin this year. It not only honours me but also I believe the Village of Springfield. On behalf of County Council, I 'would like to thank each and everyone of you here to-day by your presence and attendance. I believe that by your attendance and interest shown that a keen int- erest still does exist in Municipal Government. In 1971 this County was blessed with a very popular and cap- abJeWarden in the person of Doug Todd. I would like to congratu- late you Doug for a job well done. You carried out the duties of Warden in a way that this County should be proud. This year 1972 is going to be a year that many, many import- ant decisions and policies will come before this Council. I believe that all committees and departments particularly County Govern- ment will have to be strong in recommendations and jUdgement, for the betterment of this county. I am sure that all municipalities will have to co-operate in the interests of this County and Area, as has been the case in years past. I believe that a strong united front is possible from County Councilanc;ltheCounciJofthe,City of 51. Thomas to keep this Coun- ty of Elgin a strong and viable unit. The potential is here, lets wiselyuseitto the fullest. We the elected of all municipalities are put here to manage, and direct the affairs put before us. Lets do it while we have that opportunity as I think it is later than we like to think. We must have strong leadership in all Departments to make this a reality. . 20 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL With four ex-Wardens, a dedicated council and a very capable staff to help guide and direct the affairs of Elgin, I can only see a a bright future ahead. In closing m,ay I once again express my deepest appreciation for the confidence given me to head this Caune! I as your Warden. With your respected and whole support, I humbly pledge mine. J. W. Hodgson. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 21 REPORT OF. SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO STRIKE THE STANDING COMMITTEE January Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council. The following is the report of the Special Committee to strike the Standing Committees for the, year 1972: AGRICULTURAL - Dennis, Roberts, Mcintyre, Wilson, Ca'verly, Morrison, Johnston and Warden Hodgson. COUNTY GOVERNMENT - Wilson, Todd, Emerson, Caverl,y, Kahnt, Whalfs, Johnston and Warden Hodgson. COUNTY ROADS - Morrison" Dennis, Wil,son" Caverly, Johnston and Warden Hodgson. Advisory Road Committee - Mcintyre, Roberts, Miskelly. ELGINMANOR - Lyle, Mrs. 8lyth, deRyk, Speers and Warden Hodg- son. Advisory Elgin Manor Committee - Liebner, McKillop. EDUCATIONAL-Mrs. Blyth, deRyk, Csinos, Walker, Randall, Mc- Killop, Whalls, Cook, Lyle, Todd, Emerson, Kahnt, Wilson, Lieb- ner, Lake and Warden Hodgson. EQUALIZATION & ASSESSMENT - Roberts, Johnston, Morrison, Mcintyre, Caverly, Dennis, Wilson, Miskelly, Emerson, Todd, Kahnt Speers, Lake, Liebner, Mrs. Blyth and Warden Hodgson. FINANCE - Lake, Kahnt, Johnston, Morrison, Mcintyre, Speers, Roberts, Caverly, Miskelly, Wilson, Dennis, Emerson, Liebner, Todd, Mrs. Blyth and Warden Hodgson. PERSONNEL - Emerson, Miskelly, Walker, Speers and Warden Hodgson. PETITJONS&LEGISLATION_Kahnt, McKillop, Lyle, Whalls, CsI- nos, Liebner, Mrs. Blyth and Warden Hodgson. PROPERTY-Caverly, Walker, Randall, Kahntand Warden Hodgson. RECEPTION &ENTERTAINMENT - Miskelly, Speers, Cook, Walk- er, Lyle, Csinos, Liebner, Todd, Kahnt and Warden Hodgson. HEALTH UNIT - Lake, Randall. ST. THOMAS-ELGIN GENERAL HOSPITAL- Emerson, Todd. Todd to represent the Warden. 22 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 23 TILLSONBURG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - Csihos. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2191 FOUR COUNTIES' HOSPITAL - Johnston. LIBRARY BOARD - Kahnt, Mcintyre, Cook and Warden Hodgson. liTO APPOINT A COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE II CHILDREN'S AID - Morrison, Whalls, deRyk. As required by Section 42 of the Highway Improvement Act, beihgChapter201 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, The El- gin County Counci I enacts: EMERGENCY MEASURES ORGANIZATION _ Walker, Roberts and Warden Hodgson. A. T. Miskelly Chairman. THAT the following five members of this Counci I constitute a Committee for the purpose of ,directing the work to be done on the County Road System: C. Morrison, for term of one year. J. L. Dennis, for term of two years. J. 8. Wi lson. for term of three years. W. R. Caverly. for term of four years. R. N. Johnston. for term of five years. MUSEUM - Lake, McKillop. WE RECOMMEND thateai::h Committee meet and appoint a Chair- man as soon as possible. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk J. W. HODGSON Warden ALL of which is respectf~d Iy submi'tted. THAT By-Law No. 2149 be and is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 19th day of January, 1972. READ a second time this 19th day of January. 1972. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th of January, 1972. 24 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL EQUALiZATION AND ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council. The Equal jzation and Assessment Commi ttee reports as follows: 1. That Warden Hodgson, ReeveEmerson, ReeveMiskelly, Reeve Wilson, Reeve Morrison, Reeve Todd and the Clerk of the Coun- ty be a committee' to deal wi th the appeals of the Township of Bayham and the Township of Aldborough against By-Law 2135 of the Corpor- ation of the County of Elgin and that Reeve Miskelly be chairman of this special committee. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. T. Y. Roberts Chairman. PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, J 972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council. The Petitions and Legislation Committee reports as follows: 1. That the letter from Mr. J. K. Reynolds, Deputy Minister, Department of the Prime Minister with reply to the resolution passed by the Town of Port Dover and endorsed by the County of Elgin re: the education and salaries of police officers be filed. ALL of wr.ich is respectfully submitted. A. H. Liebner Chairman ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as fol lows: 1. That the letter from Mr. C. A. Pearson, Executive As- sistant to the Minister of National Health and Welfare re: resolution passed by the Council of the County of Elgin re- garding the employment of welfare recipients be filed. 2. That the letter from Mr. C. A. Pearson, Executive As- sistant to the Minister of National Health and WeHare re: the resolution passed by the Council of the County of Elgin regarding Unemployment Insurance payments be filed. 3. That the resolution 'from the Erie Economic Council re- questing the Ontario-Government to name the new Provincial Detention Centre, the Elgin Middlesex area Detention Centre rather than the London Regional Detention Centre be filed. 4. That the letter from Mr. Peter C. Connolly, Special As- si,stant to the Minister of Labour with reply to Elgin County Council resolution Re: Unemployment Insurance Payrnents be filed. S. That the resolution from the Township of Yarmouth re- questing the Ontario Government to name the new Provincial DetentionCentre, the Elgin Middlesex Area Detention Centre rather than the London Regional Detention Centre be filed. 6. That the I etter and enc I osures from the Honourabl e WIl- 1iam Davis, Prime Minister of Ontario with acknowledgement of resolution passed by the Elgin County Council regarding emplo~lment of welfare recipients be filed. All of which Is respectfully submitted. K. C. Emerson - Acting Chairman. 25 26 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FINANCIAL STATEMENT East Elgin DairyCalfClub --23 completions.......... *Corinth Dairy Calf Club --15 completions.......... *Shedden Dairy Calf Club --13 completions.......... *West Elgin Beef Calf Club --23 completions.......... Shedden Beef Calf Club --16 completions.......... Aylmer Horse Club --8 completions........... Southwold Horse Club --12 completions.......... *Aldborough Swine Club --9 completions...... ...... *Central Elgin Swine Club -_8 completions........... *Dunwich Swine Club --17 completions.......... f.'East Elgin Swine Club --10 completions.......... Elgin Farm Management Club --10 completions........... *Aldborough Field Crop Club --14 completions........... *Dunwich Field Crop Club --7 completions............ *Southwold Field Crop Club --9 completions............ ELGIN AGRICUL TURAL COMMITTEE January 13, 1971 - January 13, 1972 RECEIPTS Balance.forwardJ Jan. 13, 1971......$ 1971 Grant - Elgin County Council.... TOTAL RECEIPTS 170.07 3,000.00 $3,170.07 EXPENSES Livestock Associations &I Shows Holstein Black & WhiteShow, Aylmer.. ............... ....$ 96.00 Jersey Parish Show, Aylmer 36.00 Western Counties Guernsey Club. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25. 00 Ayrshire Show, Aylmer...... 16.50 Beef Cattle Show, Wallacetown. 100.00 BeefCattleShow, Rodney.... 75.00 F.:lgin Beef Improvement Association...... .. ... ..... 75.00 s. W. O. Livestock Producers' Association................ 25.00 Elgin Horse Breedersl Association................ 25.00 473.50 County Organizations Elgin Soil &I Crop Improve- ment Association........... Dra Inage Demonstrations__ paldto S.C.I.A. Drained vs. Undrained land.................... . PlasticTubingvs. Clay Tile Elgin County Plowmenls Association.............. . $ 350.00 >:~ 00% completion - 11 34.50 22.50 19.50 34.50 24.00 12.00 18.00 13.50 12.00 25.50 15.00 15.00 21. 00 10.50 ~ 346.50 100.00 75.00 4-H Club Leadersl Association....... 600.00 Elgin Junior Farmersl & Junior Institute..................... 150.00 200.00 Girls' 4-H Homemaking Cltlb Work 5 4-H Club Conference Delegates - Guelph..........$ 43 County Honour p.ins @ $4. Frames for Leaders r Certificates................ . FI ip Charts for Leaders.... .. 9 Club signs + Tax........... ,12 binders @ $2.16 for leaders 21 leadersl pins + tax......... Recognition Dinner - 4-H Club Leaders: Speaker 102 dinners@$2.25......... Elgin County Fal"'m Safety Council................. . Elgin Fruit Growers! Association............. . 50.00 25. 00 800. 00 4-H Agl"'lcultul"'al Clubs Belmont Dall"'Y Calf Club... --37 completions.......... 55.50 50.00 172.00 6.55 18.64 25.87 25.92 35.28 334.26 15.00 229.50 244.50 27 28 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN Ca...JNTY COUNCIL Delegate - Livestock Man- agement Tour - Ray Burgess......... 10.00 Auditing - 1970 books - James Galbraith 10.00 Bank Service charges................ 3.00 TOTAL EXPENSES 2,971.76 RoAD COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Council,of the County of Elgin, Batik Balance, Dec. 31/71 Less O/S cheques 485.45 287.14 198.31 3,170.07 YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE begs to report as follows: 1. The following is a summary of costs of Construction and Maintenance on County of Elgin roads during 1971. Jan. 14/72 - Audited and found to be' correct. Verified with bank balance. James Galbraith, Auditor, 64 East St.; St. Thomas, Ontario. CONSTRUCTION ROADS -- Jan. 18/72 - Approved by Elgin Agricultural Committee: Chairman - Tom Roberts Warden - D. R. Todd Reeve - Laurence Mcln tyre o. D. A. F., St. Thomas. 1. Road #22, from Road #24 to Road#27, in the Township of Yarmouth - Surface Treat- ment, Grading, etc........ $3, 804. 83 2. Road #40, from Road #52 to Glencolin, in the Village of Springfield and Township of MalahIde -. Grading, Gran- ular Base, Surface Treat- ment, etc................ 29,439.00 3. Road#40, from Highway No. 3, to Mount Salem, in the Township of Mala hide_ Gra- ding, Granular Base, Sur- face Treatment, etc....;,.. 53,803.60 4. Road #45 (Development Road #930) in the Townships of Yarmouth and Southwold - Fencing........ ........ .. 4,525.91 5. Road #16 (Development Road #1023) in the Township of 50uthwold - Fencing. ..... 2,201.95 6. Road #21, Warren Street inthe Village of Port Stan- ley - Grading, Granular Base, Paving, etc........ 21,862.13 7. Road#53, Beech Street, in the Town of Aylmer _ Grad- ing, Granular Base, Curb 29 30 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL and Gutter Paving........ 16,898.21 17. Land Purchase........... 46, t 40.11 8. Road #2, from Road #3, to west limit of th'e Village of West Lorne'in the Township of Aldborough - Grading, Granular Base, Pavlng,etc.. 257, 857. 21 19. DrainageAssessments (Con- struction}............... 28,884.40 18. New Machinery........... 110,196.90 9. 20. Surveys and Traffic Counts. 10,996.51 Road #2, in the Village of West Lorne- Storm sewers, Grading, granular base,curb and gutter, etc............ 90,120.79 21. Miscellaneous GradingCon_ st:"uction......... ........ 688. 25 10. 22. Machinery Ownership costs charged to Development Roads andTownlineaccounts...o.. ~J_E?~.l 0 TOTAL... . Road #16, in the hamlet of Fingal (Township of South- wold) from Road #20 to the west limit - Storm se......ers, Grading, Granular BaseJ Curb and Gutter, etc..... 57J 430. 98 Credit 773,465.99 11. Road #16, Dunwich Town- ship - Surveys, etc., Road Approaches, Talbot Creek ROAD CONSTRUCTION by the ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROm COMMISSION 1. Road#33, Approaches to Ka- ins Bridge, Cleanup, etc.. 1,696.11 Bridge.... .............. 80.87 12. Road #36J from Highway No. 3toRoad #27 (Sparta) Yar- mouth Township - Surveys, 2. Road #30 - Approaches to Patterson Bridge Culverts, Grading, Granular Base, etc. 15, 80B. 05 etc..................... . Lf, 002. 89 3. DrainageAssessments (Con- struction)................. . 40.50 13. Aspha It Resurfacing _ Por- tions of Road #47, 48, 49, South Dorchester Township. Road #52 - Yarmouth, Mal- ahideand South Dorchester Townships. Road#45_ BayhamTownship. 4. Land Purchase............ 4,869.47 5. Surveys and Traffic Counts 1,838.74 Total Road Construction by the Commission...................... ~ Road .#2 - Dunwich Township Road #3 - A I dborough T own- ship...................... 77,305.95 Total Road Construction by the County & The St. Tho:" mas Suburban Roads Com- mission.......................... ..... 14. Plan method of County Road Consolidation By-Laws.... 2J 470. 35 BRIDGE AND CULVERT CONSTRUCTION 15. 1970 Needs Study (75 % Sub- sidy by DTC)............. 1. Complete Kettle Creek Cul- vert - Road #45J Southwold Township................ 1,204.00 6,768.11 16. 1971 Needs Study Update (50% Subsidy by DTC)... 2. Culvert Replacements_ Road #9, Dunwich Township.... 16,333.43 350.14 24,252.87 797,718.86 31 32 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 3. Culvert Construction In con- junction with grading in Mal- ahideTownshlponRoad #40, from Road #52 to GI encol in. 331.75 4. Culvert Construction in con- junction with grading In Ma- lahide Township on Road #40 from Highway #3 to Mourit Sa- lem... ... ...... .......... 46.49 5. Culvert Construction in con- junction with grading on Road #2 in Aldborough Township. 14,834.65 6. Culvert Construction in con- junction with Grading on Road #16, in Fingal............. 451.62 7. Surveys, 5011 tests, etc., Road #16, Talbot Creek Bridge, Dunwich Township. 2, 091.15 8. CulvertConstructJon- Road #36 from Highway No.3 to Sparta - Multiplate culverts and Pipe Culverts to be used during grading............ 22.758.09 Total County Bridge &Cul- vert Construction................ ..... BRIDGE AND CULVERT CONSTRUCTION by the ST. THorvtA.S SUBURBAN ROAD .COtv\MISSION (A) Patterson Bridge Culvert: (a) Engineering and Soil Tests.............. ...... (b) Cleaning, Excavation, Granular BackfIll, etc......... (c) Material.................. (d) Erection.................. (e) Concrete End Approaches, 2,414.27 25,096.88 41,309.15 8, 126.27 9,031.21 1,230.23 etc..................... . (f) Guide Rails............... (9) Removal of old Bridge and Abutment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total of Patterson Culvert.... 1,216.68 88, 424. 69 33 Total Bridge &'Culvert Con- struction (by County &' St. Thomas Suburban Road Com- mission............................ . Total Construction (Roads &' Bridges) by County &' St. Thomas Suburban Road Com- M.o.INTENANCE mission............................ . 58,051.18 ROADS 1. Winter Control........... $ 2. Surface Treatment.. .. ... . 3. Gravel Resurfacing.. .. ... 4. Repairs to Pavements.. ... 5. Maintenance of Gravel Roads 6. Roadside Maintenance...... 7. Dust Control.............. 8. Weed Control............. 9. Brushing and tree cutting... 10. Pavement Marking. .. .. .. ... 11. Guide Rail Maintenance..... 12. Signs..................... 13. Drainage.................. 14. Seeding and Tree planting.. 15. Railroad Protection........ 16. Drainage Assessments - (Maintenance Only)......... 17. Rebates to Towns and Villages................. . 111,591.97 32,218.49 46,825.66 28,686.50 11,108.29 10,433. 92 19,955.07 13, 61 8. 84 23,104.08 7,192.78 2,787.72 13,533.44 10,812.57 82.95 9,557.54 363.37 57,117.06 146,475.87 944, 194. 73 BRIDGE AND CULVERT MAINTENANCE TOTAL ROAD MAINTENANCE........... 398,990.25 1. Miscellaneous Bridge Main- tenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. Miscellaneous Culvert Main- tenance.................. . 3. Replacement of Turkey Creek Br ldge on the Southwo Id-Del- aware Townl ine (after Coun- ty of Middlesex share charg- ed to them). .. .. ..... .. .... 4. RepaIrs andSoil Tests- Van Order Bridge, Road#42, Bay- ham Township. ............. 88, 424. 69 3, 970. 28 9,698.76 2,912.81 2, 635. 37 , 34 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 35 ST. THOMA..s SUBURBAN RoAD COMMISSION TOTAL BRIDGE AND CUL- VERT MA..INTENl\NCE................. $19,217.22 Maintenance and Overhead.... ... 28,234.78 TOTAL MAINTENANCE- (ROADS AND BRIDGES}............... 418,207.47 COUNTY OVERHEAD 1. Superintendence (County Engineer, Assistant to the Engineer and General Foreman).............. .' 2. Clerical.................. 3. Car Mileage_ County Engineer.. .. . ..... 4. Office.... ...... .... ...... 5. Garages.. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. 6. Miscellaneous Repairs..... 7. Tools.................... 8. Radio.................... 9. Insurance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10. Pensions.................. 11. Permits................... 12. County1sShareofUnemploy'- ment Insurance Contributions 13. Holidays with pay.......... 14. Sick Benefits.............. 15. Employee Medicals'......... 16. County Share of Ontario Me- dical Services Insurance Plan...... ............... 17~ County Share of Ontario Hospital Services Commis- sion Insurance Plan.. . ..... 18. Overhead Charged to Dev- elopment Roads #930. . .. .. . 19. #931, #972, #1 023 and Town- I ine Accounts.. .. .......... 20. Overhead Charge to Provin- cia I Winterworks Incentive Programme. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. 21. Machinery Overhead....... 22. Insurance not subsidized by DTC...................... 23. Unsubsidized expenditures.. TOTAL MAINTEN'\NCE AND OVER- HEAD _ COUNTY & ST. THOMl\S SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION SUMMARY 630,487.91 '34,423.00 15,923.40 Construction........... . Maintenance & Overhead.. Sub-Total.............. . 1971 Stock Balance....... Sub-Total.............. . Less - 1970 Stock Balance 944,194.73 630, 487. 91 1 {574, 682. 64 57,667.79 1,632,350.43 99,036.98 1,191.56 4,815.45 28, 200. 35 1 0, 1 60. 38 3, 939. 02 1,756.49 8,504.45 27,341.85 36.00 GRAND TOTAL... 1,533,313.45 Expenditure By-Law in 1971 appropriated $1,534,000 which was approved by the Department of Transportation &Communicatiohs, with a maximum subsidy of $841,400.00. Anexpenditureof$695, OOOinCounty funds Was approved. 2,582.16 36,443,27 18, 169.70 2,491.16 The Department of Transportation and Communications subsidy is estimated at $816,738, the contribution of the City of St. Thomas to the Suburban Roads Commission is estimated at $22,063 and the County's share is estimat- ed at,$694,511. 4,185.36 In addition the fol lowing work Was done under the De- velopment Road program: 3,160.08 (a) Development Road #930-1 (Road #45) from Road #35 to Highway No.4, in the Township of Yar- 67,908.06 .mouth..... .................. (b) Development Road #930-2 (Road #45) from Hi ghway #4 to Road #16 (Middlemarch) In the Town- ship of Yarmouth and Southwold. 187,816.78 (Total Cost of Work to date on Development Road #930-1 and #930-2 - $1,308,093.42). (0) Development Road #931 (Road #20) in the Township of South- wold... .................... 1,534.71 (Work Completed_ total cost- $643,039.02). tal Development Road #972 (Roads #47, #48, #49) in Townships 19,379.14 Credit 610.32 Credit 1,528.68 Credit 1,019.74 1, 220. 38 TOTAL................ 184,045.66 36 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL of South Dorchester and the Village of Springfield....... (Work completed_ total cost _ $ 760,440. 34. ) 8,414.42 (e) Development Road #1 023 (Road #16) in the Township of South- wold....................... 349,711.35 (Total cost of work to d,ate- $691,535.79). Work was also done on Boundary Roads and Bridges and bil- led to the County of Oxford, County of Norfolk and the County of Middlesex. In addition, wQr'k was done for local municipalities and others and various materials sold. The total expenditures for 1971 were$2, 285, 296.S9, compared with $2,711,580.77 in 1970, $3,- 081 J 820. 85 in 1969, and $3,139,336.57 in 1968. II We have received notice that the Minister of Transportation and Communications has allocated subsidy funds in the amounts of $641,000 fo.... Const....uction and $227,000 fa.... Maintenance (total $868,000). A wo....k p....og....amme must be filed with the Depa....tment ofT....anspo....tation &Communicationsp....io.... to Ma....ch 31 st. WE RECOMMEND 1. That theWa....den name delegates to the Onta....io Good Roads As- sociationConvention and to the Roads and T....anspo....tation As- sociation (fo....me....ly the Canadian Good Roads Association Con- vention). 2. That a By-law be passed autho....izing the Wa....den and Cle....k to sign Land Plans exp....op....iating land as necesSa....y to widen Coun- ty Roads in 1972. It is necessa....y that such By-laws be passed yea....ly. All of which is ....espectfully submitted. Colin Mo........lson - Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL CONSTRUCTION SAFETY REPORT St. Thomas, Ontario - December 31 J 1971. To the Wa....den and Members of the Council of the County of Elgin: I beg to repo....t as follows: 37 That as required by Section 16 of the Construction Safety Act 1961 - 62, as amended. I he....eby submit the followhg ....eport: (a) Numbe.... of inspectors emplo~/ed........ (b) Number of inspections made during 1971 (c) Number oT informations laid for offences under the Act ...................... (d) Natu....e of offences................... (e) Fatal injuries occur....ed during 1971.... (f) Number of work stoppages ordered..... (g) Othe.... matters.. ...... ........... ..... 1 30 None N/A None 8 None Notifications ....eceived f....om local municipal ities as ....equi....ed by Section 15 (a) sub-section (1) is as follows: Township of Aldborough Township of Dunwich Township of Southwold Township of Ya....mouth Township of Malahide Township of Bayham Township of S. Dorchester Town of Ay I me.... Village of Vienna Village of Sp....ingfield Vi [Iage of Port Stan I ey Village of Belmont Village of Po....t Bu....well Village of Dutton Village of West Lo....ne Village of Rodney 8 23 141 109 38 59 o 70 o o 120 8 24 15 8 o Notifications received from Cont....actors as required by Sec;" tion 15, (a) sub-section (2)...............0......0. ". ....... ..4. Inspections madoe unde.... the Construction Safety Act have been on a part-time basis and it is estimated a total of 15 working days have been devoted to this work in 1971. Majo.... Projects ins~ected in 1971 include additions to Imperial Tobacco Warehouse, Elgin Co- operative G....ain Storage Buildings, andDavenport Publ ic School ad- dition -- all in Aylmer and a Public School in Port Stanley. 38 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL I have been assisted with these inspections by Mr. F. A. C. Trott, Construction Safety Branch, of the Department of Labour. All of which is respectfully submitted: N. J. Chaplow, Construction Safety Inspector. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 39 FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1972. To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That Charity and Welfare Pay List No. 12 for $707.15 be ap- proved. 2. ThatChildrenlsAidSciciety Pay List No. 12 for $4,261.7Sbe approved. 3. That the Warden and Treasurer be authorized to borrow up to $2,400,000.00 from the Bank of Montreal as may be required and that a by-law be prepared. 4. That the usual grant of $50.00 to the Law Library be paid. 5. That the membership fees in the Municipal Clerks' and Trea- surers' Association be paid and the Clerk-Treasurer and Deputy Clerk-Treasurer to attend the convention with expenses paid. 6. ThatA. Llebner) T. Csinos and K. C. Emerson be paid mem- "bers wages for attendance at hospital meetings during 1971. That. Mrs. Mary Blyth be paid the usual Committee pay for attending meet- ingsofTheResidential CareCommitteeof the St. Thomas-Elgin As- sociation for Retarded Children and that 1971 Council members on the Children1sAidSociety be Raid an additional $6.00 per meeting at- tended during 1971. 7. That thefollowingcC'/1stitute the Board of the Elgin County Pi- oneer Museum for 1972 - Mrs. J. R. Futcher, Mrs. Morley Adams, Mrs. Wilfred Harper, Mrs. P. G. Jefferies, Mr. M. C. Moore and' Elgin County Council representatives. 8. That a grant of $500.00 be made to the Elgin Pioneer Museum. 9. That a grant of $12,000.00 be made to the Tillsonburg Hosp- ital towards the cost of an intensive care and cardiac unit. 10. That payment ofa grant of $9) 000. 00 to the Four Counties Hos- pital for 1972 be authorized. 11. That membership fee of $50.00 be paid to the Assoc1atlonof Munkipal ities of Ontario. 12. That the Treasurer. be authorized to continue monthly payments to the Children's Aid Society on the basis of the 1971 budget until the 1972 budget is establ I shed. 40 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 13. That Reeve Lake and Deputy Reeve McKi Ilop be paid members wages for attending meetings of the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board during 1971. 14. Thattherequestof the Ontario Association of Rural Municipa- lities for membership be filed. t 5. That the membership fee in the Association of Counties and Re- gions of Ontario be paid. 16. That a grant of $1,250.00 be made to the Canadian National Institute for the Blind. 17. That a grant of $500.00 be made to the Salvation Army. 18. That the request of the Muscular Dystrophy Association of Ca- nada for a grant be fj led. 19. That a grant of $3,000.00 be made to the University of Wes- tern Ontario. 20. That a grant of $2,330.94 be made to the Erie Economic Coun- cil. 21. That the St. Thomas-Elgin Association for Retarded Children be given a grant of $2,500.00 towards the cost of the Residence for Retarded Children. 22. That the Chairman of the Educational Committee be the Coun- ty of Elgin representative on the Residential Care Committee of the St. Thomas-Elgin Association for Retarded Children with usual committee pay for attending meetings. 23. That the communication from the Department of Municipai Af- fairs with statistics regarding collection policies of municipalities and arrears position of the various municipalities at December 31, 1970, be fi led. 24. That the request of the Quad County Association for the Men- tally Retarded for a grant of $2,000.00 be tabled to the February 1972 meeting. 25. That the St. Thomas Young Men1s Christian Association be gi- ven a grant of $ 3,000.00 for 1972 to operate a Recreation Pr09ram intheCountyofElgin. That no further request for a grant be made to any of the local municipalities in Elgin County. 26. That we request the Ontario HousingCorporation to made a sur- veyoftheneeds for accommodation for senior citizens in the Coun- ty of Elgin. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 41 27. That a grant of $2,500.00 be made for 1972 to the Salvation Army towards the cost of constructing a House of Concord. All of which is respectfully submitted. R. L. Lake _ Chairman. AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1972. To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That a grant of $3, ODD. 00 be made to the local Agricultural of- fice for farm organizations and Junior Farmer and Institute groups in the County of Elgin for 1972. 2. That the Warden, Reeve Roberts and Reeve Dennis be a com...; mittee to al locate the grant. 3. That themembers of the above Committee be paid members wa- ges for their services. 4. That the grants to the Agricultural and Horticultural Societies be on the same basis as last year, equal to the provincial grants. 5. That County CounciJ donate up to $25. 00 to purchase a suit- able plaque or other item to be presented to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Willson in recognition of their having won first prize in the world competition for soya beans and that Reeve Roberts and Deputy Reeve Cook be a committee to take care of the matter. AIJ of which Is respectfully submitted. J. L. Dennis - Chairman. J 42 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL EDUCATiONAL COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1972. To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County_Council, The Educational Committee reports as follows: 1. That a scholarship grant of $100.00 each be made to the boy and girl from Elgin County atending the University of Western Ont- ario and attaining the highest academic standing. In,case a boy or girl doesnotqualifytheaward may be given to the two top students. 2. That a grant of $100.00 be made to the boy from Elgin County attendingRidgetownCol lege of Agricultural Technology and attain- ing the highest academic standing. 3. That a grant of $100.00 be made to the boy and girl from El_ gin County attending Guelph University and attaining the highest ac- ademic standing. 4. That a scholarship grant of $100.00 be made to the student from Elgin County attending Waterloo University and attaining the high- est academic standing. 5. That a scholarship grant of $1 00.00 be made to the student from Elgin County attending Waterloo Lutheran University and attaining the highest academic standing. 6. That Mrs. Wi II iam Lyons be appointed to the County Library Board for 1972, 1973 and 1974. 7. That the Warden bethe County of Elgin representative for 1972 on the Assembly of the University of Western Ontario. 8. We recommend that the Warden, Reeve Dennis, Deputy Reeve McKillop, Deputy Reeve Randall and Deputy Reeve Whalls, be the CountyofElgin representatives on the Elgin County Board of Edu- cation Liason Committee for 1972. 9. Letter from the Ontario Department of Education re: Ontario Summer Sports Conference fll ed. 10. That the EI gin County Library Report as presented by Mr. Well s be approved. 11. That the 1972 budget of the Elgin County Library requiring $83,000.00 from the County of Elgin be approved. 12. That we recommend to the Finance Committee that they give serious consideration to making a grant of $2,500.00 to the Quad ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 43 County Association for the Mentally Retarded at the February 1972 Session. All of which is respectfully submitted. Mrs. M. Blyth - Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY LIBRARY REPORT 1971 Madam Chairman, Warden Hodgson and Members of the Education Committee: 1971 was another successful year at the Elgin County Library. Everything Increased. Branch circulation was up with, Bayham Township Library leading the way with an increase of 38%J followed by Vienna with an Increase In circulation of 36.9%. Total circulation Was up to 143, 342 books. Special serviceswerealso up. Elgin Manor servicesJ staffed by two volunteers from the Woman1s Auxiliary, is up 76%. This includes regular as well as large print books for patients with fail- Ing eyesight. Mail bag service to shut-ins, and people unable to come to branch libraries is up 60%. Special reference requests were up as were inter-library loans. Under the Branch development program Dutton Library was completely cleaned out and reorganized. 4,728 hardcover books and 1,705 paperback books were placed in the building along with new shelving, new tables and a new circulation desk. The entire room Was repainted. Springfield Branch Library also cameunder.the Branch dev- elopment program for 1971, and was repainted, reorganized and re- ceived new furniture. It also received anew collection of 3J563 hardcover and 1, 465 paperback books. Considerable interest has been shown in the local history col- lections In the branches which were begun in 1970. During the courseof1971 a Historical Association was formed at the East End of Elgin County and one was also formed at the West End -of Elgin County. Membersofthese societies are beginning to make good use 44 ELGINCQUNTY COUNCIL of the material available. Also at the West End Fanshawe College held a course on early Canadiana. Students from this course used the 10ea'J history collection. As I stated last year each branch has a collection of material so that everyone is close to a soui"'ce of lo- cal history material. "APioneer Historyof Elgin County II, ltSmlthls Canadian Gaz- etter for 184611, "East Elgin Place Names", and llMahlon Burwell 1783-184611 are a few of the titles added to the collections in the branches this last year. 1971 was a banner year for puppets. During the course of the year the puppet group gave 16 shows to 1,212 county children. The most exciting presentation was in Vienna where 53 children, 4 ad- ultsandonedog saw, Brer Rabbit and Red Riding Hood performed. All thiswas in a room 20 x 30. Even the Board got a chance to see Rumpelstiltskin on the night of October 14, 1971. These are the highlights of 1971. Much more was accomplished but there is not time enough to relate it in detail. 1 must say that in all respects throughout I was completely supported by the County Council and the Library Board. At this time I would like to thank the County Council Members for their interest and support through 1971. Both Committees and County Councillors have contributed greatly to the library and I am grateful for their help through 1971. At this time-I would like to thank personally the Board Chairman, Mr. Cook, for his help and direction, and also personally thank Mr. Todd, last years Warden for their support in 1971. I would also like to thank the members of the local committees who are our liason with their communities and branch staff who have worked faithfully during 1971. You have before you the financial statement for 1971 and the budget for 1972. Thank you. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 45 ELGIN COUNTY LIBRARY PROPOSED BUDGET 1972 RECEIPTS Cash broUght forward - 1971. . . . County Grant.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Provincial Grant............... Fines......................... Miscellaneous................. . DISBURSEMENTS *Salaries - Mair... ............ Branches........... Board Members...... Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Processing.................. . Periodicals.................. . Filmstrips............. ... .0... Library Supplies.............. Bookbinding.................. . Book Van (operating)........... * Furniture & Fixtures - Main.... Branches Telephone.................... . P.U.C. & Heat - Main.......... Association Fees............... Insurance...................... 1,137.00 83, 000. 00 41,802.00 900. 00 ~ 127,139.00 44, 420. 00 20, 000. 00 1,500.00 27, 862. 00 3, 000. 00 900.00 700.00 2,500.00 700. 00 500.00 2,850.00 1, 627. 00 900. 00 500.00 200.'00 2, 725. 00 275.00 700. 00 2,500.00 35 O. 00 Auditor (Legal Fees)............ * Repairs & Maintenance - Main.... 1;< Branch Development Fund........ Unemployment Insurance......... Pen-sions - O. M. E. R. S. 1 J 800. 00 Canada Pension... ..... 650.00 2,450.00 Fringe Benefits (OHSIP & Ont. Hospital ization)................. Library Accommodations - Branches... 4,050.00 Services - Janitor.............. 600.00 Workshops - Branches.......... 600.00 Garbage Collection.............. 100.00 Equipment, repairs & maintenance 100.00 Conference - Workshops......... 900.00 Miscellaneous................... 200.00 Deficit - Book Accounts 1971.... 3.130.00 $ 127. 1 39. 00 300. 00 46 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY LIBRARY FINANCIAL STATEMENT of RECEIPTS & DISBURSEMENTS 1971 RECEIPTS Operating Budget January 1971.. County Grant. . . . . . . . . . . .'. . . . . . Provincial Grant.......... ~.... Fines........................ . Rent (Ay. Apt. 5 months)........ Miscellaneous.... ,',............ DISBURSEMENTS Salaries - Mafn............... Branches.......... . Board Members.-.."'" Books.................... .-... Processing....... ............ Periodical's...... ............. Bookbinding.... .'........... 0'0. Furniture &' Fixtures... ........ Main.............. . Branches.......... . Rep. &> Main. - Main.. .; .'....... Branches........ Equipment & Rep. . . .. .. .. .. .. ... Insurance.......... 0'.... 0"..... Library Supplices............. ..... Library Assln. Fees............. Book Van....... .'............... Telephone.".... ~................ Unemployment Insurance.......... Legal Fees (auditor).. .. .. . .'. . .. . Filmstrips..................... . O. M. E. R. S... . . . .. .... .. .. .. ... Canada Pension.................. P.U.C. - Main............... Branches........... Main.......... ......... Branches........... Rent - Branches. . .. .. .. . . . O. H. S. I. P.... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . Services - Janitor. ... .... .. .. Conference Expenses. . . . . . . . . . Workshops - Branches.. .. . . . . . New Del Ivery Van. ... .. .. .. ... Miscellaneous................ . Heat - 470.37 83,000.00 41,602.00 940.15 325.00 264.31 38,542.91 17, -371. 67 1,560.60 37,096.03 4J 870. 76 953.46 313.41 373.30 2,084.69 79.63 -2)138.82 66.00 2,744.45 2,514.58 99.00 239.10 795.27 76.00 250.00 320~28 1, 398.44 542.53 282.99 285.04 224.59 671.82 2,970.00 129.80 600.00 821. 73 283.70 2,967.50 1 . 996.97 126,801.83 125,665.27 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 47 Balance December 31 J 1971.... $ 1 J 136.56 O/S Accounts Lake E. Regional Mi sc. Book Acc ItS. Misc. Expenditures 3,972.19 163.63 131.10 4. 266. 92 Deficit December 31, 1971........... 3, 130. 36 .PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT Ja,nuary Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the EI gin County Counci I, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That the letter from General Appraisal of Canada Limited re: revision of appraisal survey be filed. 2. We recommend that a copy of the Grand Jury Report present- ed to His Lordship, The Honourable Mr. Justice Keith and dated January 12, 1972, be sent to Mr. E. E. Bond, Regional Superin- tendent, Department of Public Works,. Property Branch and that he be requested to advise the County of Elgin what recommendations in the Report the Department of Public Works wishes carried out with respect to that portion of the Court House and Registry Office that is leased to the Department and that Mr. Bond be asked to ad- vise us if any renovations are contemplated to the present Elgin County Ja i I. 3. We recommend Temperature Control System Service Agree- ment Re: Jail Building submitted by Johnson Controls Limited at a cost of $70.00 per year be accepted and that the Clerk be author- ized to sign the said agreement on behalf of the County of Elgin. 4. We recommend that hot water be installed in the men's wash- room on the first floor. 5. We recommend that Wilson and Somerville, Rite-Temp and St. ThomasAir Conditioning be requested to submit an estimated price for installing air conditioning units in the Council Chambers and Clerk-Treasurer IS office. All of which is respectfully submitted. W. R. Caverly _ Chairman. 48 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2192 Municipal By-Law for Current Expenditures WHEREAS the Caunei I of the Corporation deems it necessary to borrow the sum of Two Million, Four Hundred Thousand dollars to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Corporation for the yearj AND WHEREAS the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Corporation as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 1971, not including revenues derivable or derived from the sale of assets, borrowings or issuance of debentures or from a surplus, (including arrears of taxes, Is Three Million, Four Hundred and ThirtY-Four Thousand, One Hundred and Seventy dollars. AND WHEREAS the total amount heretofore authorized to be borrowed this year for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 329 of The Municipal Act is Nil dollars, of which the Cor- poration has already borrowed a total of Nil dollars. THEREFORE the Counci I of The Corporation of the County of Elgin hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Corporation to borrow from time to time, by way of promis- sorynote, from the Bank of Montreal, a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate Two Mi II ion, Four Hundred Thousand dollars to meet, until thetaxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Corporation for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of the said Section 329, and to give, on behalfofttw Corporation, to the Bank a promissory note or notes, sealed with the corporate seal and signed by them for the moneys so borrowed with interest at a rate not exceeding 8 per cen- tum per annum, which may be paid in advance or otherwise. 2. All sums borrowed /from the said Bank, for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 329, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Corp- oration for the current year and for all preceding years, as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer Is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this By- law, as well as all other sums borrowed In this year and any pre- viousyears, fromthesaidBank for any or all of the purposes men- tioned in the said Section 329, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received on account or reallz- ELGIN COUNTY COJNCIL ed in respect of the taxes levied for the current year and preceding years and all of the moneys collected or received from any other source, which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this 20th day of January, 1972. J. W. Hodgson - Warden H. L. Johnson _ Clerk. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. 2192 of The Corporation of the County of Elgin in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Cor- porationdulyheld, and that the said By-law is In full force and ef- fect. Dated this 2.4th day of January 1972. H. L. Johnson - Clerk. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2193 A By-Law to authorize the Expropriation of Land for the Purpose of Widening and Improving County Roads. WHEREAS under Section 3360fthe Municipal Act, being Chap- ter Z84,,'R.S.O. 1970, the Council of every Corporation may pass By-Laws for acquiring or expropriating any land required for the purpose of the Corporation. AND WHEREAS In the exercise of its powers and in perform- ance of its obligations under The Public Transportation and High- way Improvement Acts and other statutes, the Corporation of the County of Elgin finds, OP may find, that it Is necessary to expro- priate lands for widening, improving, protecting from el"osion, al- teringordivertlng the County Roads shown on schedul'e "AIl as at- tached: BE IT THEREFORE E~CTED by the Corporation of the Coun- ty of Elgin 1. That the Warden and Clerk of the County of Elgin be, and are, authorized to sign any and all plans pertaining to land expro- priation for County Roads shown on Schedule "A", and to af- fix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of EIg- in and to register the same in the County of Elgin Registry Of- fice. 49 50 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 2. That the Treasurer be, and is hereby authorized to pay to the owners ofthe lands hereby expropriated, such amounts as may beagreed upon as compensation for the lands expropriated, or such compensation as may be determined by arbitration under provisions of the Expropriations Act, being Chapter 15'4, R. S. o. 1970. READ a first time this 20th day of January, 1972. READ a second time this 20th day of January, 1972. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of January 1972. H. L. Johnson - Clerk J. W. Hodgson - Warden. SCHEDULE HAll of BY-LAW NO, 2193 1972 1. CountyRoad#2_Lots #9, 10, 11 and 12, Concession VIII and IX, Township of Aldborough~ 2. County Road #3 - Lots #6 and 7, Concession XIII, and XIV, Township of Aldborough. 3.' CountyRoad#14_ Lot IICII, Concession V, South of A, Town- ship of Dunwich. 4. County Road #14 - Lot 1, 2, 3, 4, Concession V, Township of Southwol d. 5. County Road #16 - Lots #23 to 25, Concession XI, Township ofDunwich. 6. County Road #20 - Lots #20 and Lot #1, South East of Bridge Street, and north of George Street in the Village of Port Stan- ley. 7. County Road #26 - Lot #2, Concession IX (or Lot #47, north of Talbot Road) Township of Yarmouth. 8. County Road #30- Lots#8and9, Range I and II, north of Edge- ware Road, and Concession I, )(1, XII and XIII, Township of ~armouth. 9. County Road #31 - Lots 4 and 5, Range I and II, north of the Edgeware Road, Township of Yarmouth. 10. County Road #33 - Lots 1 and 2, Concession VIII, Township of Yarmouth. 11. County Road #36 - Lots #21 and #22, Concessions III, IV, V, VI, VII, Township, of Yarmouth. Lots #19 and #20, Conces- sion VII, Township of Yarmouth. Lots #63, 64 and 65, south of Talbot Road, Township of Yar- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 51 mouth. 12. County Road #40 - Lots #20 and #21, Concession II and III, Township of Malahide. 13. CountyRoad#42- Lots #13, .14, 15, 16, Concession I, Town- ship of Bayham and Village of Port Burwell. 14. County Road #44 - Lots #6, #7, #8, Concession VIII and IX, Township of Bayham. 15. County Road #52- Lots #1 to 8 inclusive, Range II, north of the Edgeware Road and Concession X, Township of Yarmouth. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2194 ABy-Lawtoconfirm proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of The County of Elgin at the January Session, 1972. WHEREAS by section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a mu- nicipal corporation are to be exercised by its councilj AND WHEREAS by ~u ::!tion 1 of section 241 of the Munici- pal Act, being chapter 284 f the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every coun il ar, to be exercised by By-Lawj AND WHEREAS It is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meet- ing be confirmed and adopted by By-Law; NOW THEREFORE theCounci I of the Corporation of the Cou'n- ty of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained In the reports of the committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of El_ gin at Its meetings held during the January 1972 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied In this By-Law. .2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the Coun- tyofElglnare hereby authorized and directed to do all things nec- essary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and tlie Clerk are author-ized and directed to exe- cute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. 52 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL READ a fi....st time this 20th day of January, 1972. READ a second time this 20th day of January, 1972. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of January, 1972. H. L. Johnson- Clerk J. W. Hodgson - Warden. ELGIN COLlNTY COUNCIL 53 II11 FEBRUARY SESSION - FIRST DAY Wednesday the 16th day of February, 1972. TheElginCountyCouncil met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, In accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members present except, Reeve J. L. Dennis, Dep- uty Reeve T. Cslnos, Reeve J. B. Wilson, Reeve S. G. Speers and Reeve R. L. Lake. Moved by Deputy Reeve Walker Seconded by Deputy Reeve Cook That the minutes of the January 1972 Session of the EI gin Coun- ty Counci Ibe adopted. Carr i ed. The following Communications were read and referred to the various Committees: From the Association of Municipalities of Ontario with Applica- tion for Accommodation for 1972 Convention. _ Filed. From the 0 arl Municipal Employees Retirement Board with letterre: Suppl mentary Benefits on the Updating Basis. _ Refer- red to the Pers nnel Committee. From the University of Waterloo with appreciation of Elgin County Bursary. - Fi led. From the Town of Aylmer with Notice of Public HearingRe: an appl ication for a Minor Variance from the provisions of Restrict- edArea By-Law 21-69 (as amended) with res'pect to Part of Lot 16, Block 6, Registered Plan164._ Referred to the Road Committee. From Mr. E. J. Whaley, Corporate Secretary, Ontario Hous- ing Corporation, acknowledging receipt of letter re: a survey of housing needs for senior citizens In the whole of the County of El_ gin. - Filed. From the United Counties of Prescott and Russell with resolu- tion opposing adoption of Schedule 1 of the Fourth Report of the Se- lect Committee on Election Laws unless certain amendments are made to the said Schedule. _ Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Rldgetpwn College of Agricultural Technology with appreciation of scholarship. - Filed. 54 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL From Waterloo Lutheran University with appreciation of scho- larship grant. - Filed. From the Township of Yarmouth with request to borrow cer- tain documents from the former Elgin County Planning Board File. Referred to the County Government Committee,. From the Vi lIage of Port Stanl ey with Notice of Appl leation to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of by_law No. 1609 to re- gu late land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of the Planning Act and a copy of By-Law 1609. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the Association of Municipalities of Ontario with appre- ciation of membership. - Filed. From Reeve Arthur T. Miskelly with copy of letter to Mr. R. A. Jones, President, St. Thomas-Elgin Association for the tv.en- tally Retarded from Mr. R. A. McCaig~ Chairman, Adult Services Committee, givinga breakdown of transportation problems as it re- lates to Friendco Workshop. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the University of Western Ontario with appreciation of grant. - Fi led. From the St. Thomas Young Men's Christian Association with appreCiation of grant. - Filed. From the Salvation Army with appreciation of. Capital grant and maintenance grant. - Filed. From the Tillsonburg and District Association.for the I\A,ental_ lyRetardedwithrequest for a grant towards the cost of construct- ing a 16 bed residence for mentally retarded adults. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Ontario Municipal RecreationAssociation with request for membership. - Referred to the Educational Committee. From the Department of Lands and Forestsj Legal Services Branch, with listof land transactions in the County of Elgin for the calendar year 1971. - Filed. From the Department of Transportation and Communications with copy of Memo No. 72-1, 72-2~ 72-3 and MemorandalndeX~ - Referred to the Road Committee. From the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission with Annual Report of the St. Thomas Road Commission Engineer, Statement of 1972 Estimates and Statement of 1971 Expenditures. - Referred to the Road Committee. ELGIN COUNTY Co.JNCIL r; II' II Iii I 55 From the Township of Malahide with resolution endorsing a re- solution from theVillage of Springfield suggesting that former Coun- ty Road No. 52 from County Road No. 40 East to the Dereham TOVvn- lirie be returned to the County from the Municipalities presently in- volved; namely, TheVillage of Springfield, The Township of South Dorchester and the Township of Malahide. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the Erie Economic Council with noti.ce that the annual El- gin Economic Zone Meeting will be held March 1st, 1972, 8 p.m. intheTudorRoomofthe5heridanlnn, St. Thomas, Omario. Filed. From the Department of Municipal Affairs with Newsletter No. 9Re: Haldimand Norfolk Study. - Referred to the County Govern_ ment Committee. Fr.-om the St. Thomas Young Women1s Christian Association with request for a capital grant. - Referred to the Finance Commit- tee. From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with newsletter announcing various workshops and the date and place of the Mid-Term and Annual Meetings. _ Filed. From the Erie Economic Council with copy of an address to the 8oardofDirectors~-Hhe Erie Economic Council by Mr. Ken V"Jeb- ster Chairman O>:<fordArea Local Government Study Committee. Referred to the pounty Government Committee. From theAr~\Gallery Foundation of St. Thomas and Elgin Coun- ty with submission requesting a grant for the current year. _ Re- ferred to the Finance Committee. From the Town of Aylmer with Notice, of Application to the On- tario Municipal Board for approval of By-Law 1 ~72 to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 30 of The Planning Act and a copy of By:"'Law 1~72. - Referred to the Road Committee. 'From the Department of Municipal Affairs with an Interim Re- on Phase 2 (Local Government) of the Haldimand-Norfolk Stu- - Referred to the County Government Committee. Monteith was present and it Was moved by ReeVe Monteith be now heard. ot? Monteith spoke to Council on the subject of Regional G<;>- advising that it seemed to be the general opinion that Coun- takeactionwith respect to the formation of regional government would. He suggested that private individuals be to form part of a committee to look Into the matter. Dr. 56 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Monteith saidherealizedthe problems that were facing council and that he appreciated CounciPs position. The Warden thanked Dr. Monteith and pointed out that a Spe- cial Committee had been appointed to look into regional government. Mrs. L. E. Nichols and Mrs. W. O. Herold of the St. Thom- as Young Women's Christian Association were present and it was moved by Reeve Roberts that they be now heard. Mrs. Nichols spoke to Council explaining why they needed a ca- pital grant to renovate the present building and outlined the work oftheY.W.C.A. Mrs. Herold also spoke to Council regarding the need for the renovations. Warden Hodgson thanked Mrs. NicholsandMrs. Herold and re- ferred their request for a capital grant of $5,000.00 to the Finance Committee. TheReportoftheElgin Manor Committee was presented by De- puty Reeve Lyle and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Lyle and Reeve Liebner. TheReportoftheRoadCommitteewas presented by Reeve Mor- rison and adopted on motion of Reeve Morrison and Reeve Caverly. Reeve Todd reported that the Mayor of St. Thomas had request- edameetingwith the special committee appointed to investigate lo- cal government and at the meeting they were advised that the City Council wi 11 also appoint a special committee to work with the Coun- ty Committee. Moved by Deputy Reeve Walker Seconded by Reeve Caverly That we do now adjourn to meet again at 2:00 p. m. Wednes- day, February 16, 1972. Carr i ed. Counci Ire-convened. The Report of the County Government Committee was present- ed by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Reeve Liebner. TheReportofthe Property Committee was presented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caverly and Deputy Reeve Randall. The Report of the Educational Committee was presented by Reeve Mrs. Blyth and adopted on motion of Reeve Mrs. Blyth and'Deputy u ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 57 ' Reeve McKi Ilop. The Report of the Finance Committee was presented by Reeve Todd and adopted on motion of Reeve Todd and Reeve Miskelly. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Mrs. Blyth i i I I i :11: "ili That the Treasurer include $2, 000. 00 in the budget for the Lo- cal Government Study Committee for 1972. Carr i ed. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lyle That the Council of the County of Elgin concur with the find- ings of the Barry Swadon Report on Welfare and the Honourable Rene Brunelle, Minister of Social and Family Services be sent a c,?py of this resolution. Carried. Moved by Reeve Liebner Seconded by Deputy Reeve Walker That By-Law No. 2195, ltBeing a By-Law to Repeal By-Law No. 2183, Being a By-Law to Amend the By-Law Adopting a Plan of Count;t-_8oad Improvement and Establishing a County Road Syst- emiin theCou nty of Elgin, Under the Highway Improvement Act, II be r ad a first time. Carr i ed. M ved by Deputy Reeve Whalls Seconded by Reeve L i ebner i I p 111"1 !I "I ill 11,1 That By-Law No. 2195 be read a second time. Carr i ed. Moved by Deputy Reeve Walker Seconded by Deputy Reeve Whalls That By-Law No. 2195 be read a third time and finally passed. Carl" i ed. MoVed by Deputy Reeve Randall Seconded by Reeve Emerson III 1'1 i II That By-Law No. 2196, "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the Febru- ary Session 1972, II be read a first time. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Ly I e Seconded by Deputy Reeve Randa I ( ~ That By-Law No. 2196 be read a second time. Carried. ;j I 'I' I!" I' 1: 58 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ly I e That By-Law No. 2196 be read a third time and finally passed. Carr i ed. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Liebller That we do now adjourn to meet again on March 15, 1972, at 1 0:00 a. m. Carried. H. L. Johnson - CierI< J. W. Hodgson - Warden. ~ ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Elgin Manor Committee wishes to report as follows: 1. The firm of Robert Young Interiors have been authorized to con- struct an octagonal seat in the main entrance at a maximum cost of $400.00. Z. Mr. ReginaldSmith has been hired as Assistant Admin,istrator at a salary of $7, 000.00 per annum, effective February 14, 1972. 3. Theinsuranceon the building and contents has been increased by $75,000.00 to bring the total insurance to. $11 452, 000. 00. 4. Extra expense coverage, in the amount of $50,000.00 has been added to the fire policy. 5. Two members of the nursing staff have been authorized to at- tend the Geriatric Nursing Conference to be held at Valleyview Home for the Aged, March 20 - 21, 1972 with expenses paid. All of which is respectfully submitted. B. A. Lyle - Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 59 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of The Elgin County Council, Your Hoad Committee Begs to Report as follows: WE RECOMMEND THAT: 1. Theresolutionofthe Ontario Maple Syrup Producers' Associ- ation regard.ing the pfanting of sugar maple trees on road allowan- ces be fil ed. 2. A" By-Law be passed repealing County of Elgin By-Law #2183 which was passed at November Session of Council (1971). By.:...Law #2183 assumed asCoun,ty Roads,. subject to the approv~ I. of the De- partment of Transportation and Communications: (a) The road be- tween Concession II and 111, Bayham and. the Vi Ilage of Vienna 'from Highway #19, westerly to the road between Lots 10 and 11. (b) The road between Lots 1 d and 11, in Concession II, Bayham TownShip, (c) Centre and Fulton Streets in Vienna from Union Street to the road between Concession II and III. The Department has notified your Committee that the roads in By-Law #2183 do not meet the cri- teria as desirabl eCounty roads and the Department does not recom- mend that they be added to the County Road System as local roads. 3. When the roads referred to' in Recommendation #2 met the cri- teria for desirable County roads, they be added to the system. 4. TheCounty Road Levy be $685,000 for 1972. Approval of this amount will allow your Committee to take full advantage of the De- partment of Transportation and Communications allocation of $ 868,- 000 insubsidy for 1972. From the information available to us at the present time we feel that the subsidy available in 1973 and subse- quent years wi 11 be approximately $720,000. .1'1 Ii ~! ~i "I I ! j I ji II ;1 .11 ,I !'I: ;1. 'I!;! II All of which is respectfully submitted, c. Morrison - Chairman. to! '1Iil !ill I' Ii! 60 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That Reeve Emerson be Acting Chairman in the absence of Reeve Wilson. 2. That the resolution from the United Counties of Prescott and Russell opposing adoption of Schedule 1 of the Fourth Report of the Select Committee on Election Laws unless certain amendments are made to the said schedule be filed. 3. That Newsletter No.9 Re: Haldimand Norfoll.:; Study be filed. 4. That the Communication from the Erie Economic Council with copy of address by Mr.\t<en Webster, Chairman of th'e Oxford Area Local Government Stud~ ommittee be fl led. 5. That the request of th Township of Yarmouth to borrow cer- tain documents from the forme Elgin County Planning Board File be granted and that theCountyClerk be directed to make them avail- able to the Township of Yarmouth. 6. That the Interim Report on Phase 2 (Local Government) re: the Hatdimand-Norfolk Study be filed. 7. That the resolution moved by Reeve Liebner and Seconded by Reeve ..Johnston at the ..January Session of the Elgin County Coun- cil dealing with the percentage of participation by the Province of Ontario in theAssociation of Municipalities of Ontario and referred to this Committee for consideration be endorsed and a copy of the resolution be sent to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario. All of which is respectfully submitted. K. C. Emerson - Acting ChaIrman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 61 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT February Session 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin CountyCouncilt The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That we purchase one new model 209 photo copying machine withstand from 3M Business' Communications, Division at ,a net price of $t,245.00after trade in of $150.00 on a 3MThel"'mo-Fax mach- ine. 2. Thatwecall fOl"'tenders advertised in the St. Thomas Tim- es ..Journal for scraping and painting the outside woodwork of the En- gineer'sbutlding and the Hegistry Office, two coats of'No. 1 paintj separate tenders to be submitted on each building. 3. That Gillard Plumbing and Heating be engaged to Install one lICascade1l40Water Heater including piping and faucets to the pub- licwashroom and new basins wlth 411 mechanical centre set taps and necessary plumbing at a price of $415.40. . ALL of which is r'espectively submitted.: W. R. Caverly - Chairman. EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council', The Educational Committee reports as follows: 1. That therequestofthe Ontario Municipal Recreation Asso- ciation for membership be filed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. Mrs. M. Blyth - Chairman. 62 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1972 To the Warden and Member's of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee .....eports as follows: 1. Thatin the absence of ReeveR. L. Lake, Reeve D. R. Todd be appointed ActlngChaJrman of the Finance Committee for. this. meet- \ Ing. ~. That Charity and Welfare Pay List No.1 for $618.45 be approved. 3. ThatChlldren'sAld Society Pay List No.1 for $3,829.00 be approved. 4. ThatQuadCountyAssociation for' the Mentally Retarded be given a grant of $2,000.00 and that local municipalities In Elgin County be not sol icited for further financial assistance. 5. ThattheTillsonburg and District Association for the Men- tally Retarded be given a grant of $2,000.00 and that local muni- cipal Jtles in ElginCounty be not sol iclted for further financial assis- tance. 6. Thattll€ matter of a grant to the Friendco Adult Workshop and Training Centre be held in abeyance until further Information as to actual transportation costs of Elgin County pupils is defined. 7. That the St. Thomas Young Women's Christian Association be given a grant of $2, 500. 00 for 1972 and that we recommend that the County of Elgin continue the grant for 1973 and 1974. This grant and recommendation Is made wIth the understanding that the Y. W.C. A. does not solicit any further grant from any of the local munici- palities In Elgin County. 8. That the letter from theAr-t Gallery Foundation of St. Tho- mas and ElglnCounty requesting a grant of $2,500.00 from the Coun- cil of the County of Elgin be filed. ALL of Which is respectfully submitted, D. R. Todd - Acting Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Illi' II II 63 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2195 I1Beinga by-law to repeal By-Law No. 2183, being a by-law t6 a- mend the by-law adopting a plan of county road improvement andes- tabllshing a county road system in the County of Elgin, under the Highway Improvement Act. II WHEREAS By_Law No. 2183 amends the schedule. to the EstablishingBy-LawNumber 2166, by removing therefrom the road on Plan Number 41-1 and known as County Road Number 41 and ad- ding thereto the road shownon Plan Number 41-1-R-71 and41A-l- 71 to be known as County Road Number 41 &I 41A respectfully. AND WHEREAS the said By-Law shall come into force and effect upon and to the extent of the approval thereof by the Lieuten- ant Governor in Council. AND WHEREAS the said'approval has not been given and it is no longer the County1s wish to obtain approval for the said By- Law No. 2183. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. TI-tAT By-Law No. 2183 be and the same is hereby repeal- ed. 'Ii' Iii READ a first time this 16th day of February, 1972. READ a second time this 16th day of February, 1972. READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day. of February, 1972. H. L. Johnson - Clerk. J. W. Hodgson- Warden. ~ 64 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. ,2196 "A By_Law to confirm proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the February session, 1972.-" WHEREAS by section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chap- ter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; AND WHEREAS by sub,section 1 of section 241 of the Mu- nicipal Act, being chapter 284 of the Revised Stat,utes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of evel"ycouncil are to be exercised by By-Law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceed- ingsof the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Lawj NOW THEREFCRE the Counci I of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as folloWs: 1. That action of the Council of the Cor-par-at ion of the County 6fElgln in r-espect of each r-ecommendation contained in the r-epor-ts of the committees and each motion and r-esolution passed and other- action taken by theCouncil of the Cor-por-ation of the County of Elgin meetings held dur-ing the Febr-uar-y 1972 Session is her-eby adopted and confJr-med as if all such pr-oceedings wer-e expr-essly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The War-den and pr-oper- officials of the Cor-por-atien of the County of EI3in are her-eby author-ized and directed to do all things necessar-y to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin referred to in pr-eceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all docLlt'nents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Cor-poration of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 16th day of February, 1972. READ a second time this 16th day of February, 1972. READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day of February, 1972. H. L. ~ohnson - C I er-k. ~. W. Hodgson - Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 65 illl, )1; MARCH. SESSION - FIRST DAY Wednesday, the 15th day of March, 1972 TheElginCeunty Council met this day at the Cour-t House, St. Thomas, in accor-dance with adjour-nment. " 'I" iI' II II " The Warden In the Cha ir. All members pr-esent except Deputy Reeve deRyk. Moved by Reeve Kahnt Seconded by Reeve Emerson ii' III" That the minutes of the Febr-uary 1972 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. Car-ried. The Following communications were read and refer-r-ed to the various Committees: - Fr-om theCountyofElgin Land Division Committee with re- quest for expenses of member-s and the Secr-etary- Treasurer- to at- tend a conference to be held at London, Ontal"'io, on Mar-ch 28, 1972. _ Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with MId-Term Newslettel'" and Pr-ogr-amme ..for 1972 Mld-Ter-m meet- ing. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From.the'Department of Transportation and Communications with Memo No. 72-4, 72-05 and Circular 72-010. ... Referred t6 the Road Committee. From the Minister of Social and Family Sel"'vices with let- ter acknowledging receipt of Elgin County resolution supporting the Repor-t of the Task Force on employment Opportunities for Welfal"'e Recipients. - Flied. , From the Children's Aid Society of the City of St. Thom- as and the County of Elgin with Financial Statements for- the year ended December 31, 1971, and Estimate of Expenditures for the year 1972. - Referr-ed to the Finance Committee. From the Department of Municipal Affair'S with Memor-an- dum No.4, Provincial-Municipal Employment Incentive Pi"ogr'am 1971-1972, Appl lcatlon for- anAdditlohalAdvance Payment and Claim for'Relmbursement. - Referred to the Road Committee. From McKay, McKay...andVedova with. copy of Townshtp of IIII I" III :11 [: I 66 __/JGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 5outhwold By-Law No. 71-42 and request that the County of Elgin pass a confirming By-Law. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the Department of Municipal Affairs with excerpts from an address'by the Honourable W. Darcy McKeough to the 1972 Convent ion of the Ontar To Good Roads Convention. _ Fi led. From the Department of Agriculture and Food with letter re: Warble Fly Control. - Filed. From the Department of Public Works, Property Br>anch, with letter re: Grand ..Jury Report, File: S..300o-A. _ Filed. From Mr. R. A. Barrett, City Clerk, City of St. Thom- as, with I'etter announcing the' personnel of the Local Government Committee appointed by the City of St. Thomas to work with the lo- cal Government Committee appointed by the County of Elgin. - Filed. FromMr. Robert King, Director, District 6, Ontario Re- gion National Farmers Union with letter re: 'National Farmers Un- ion Grains Hearings. _ Filed. From the St. Thomas-Elgin Emergency Measure,s Organ- )zation with 1972-73 budget estimates. - Referred to the Finance Committee. FromtheTillsonburg and District Association for the Men- tally Retarded with appreciation of grant. - Filed. From Mr. Peter Lepik, Manager, Surveys, Corporate Plan- ning and Research, Ontario Housing Corporation with letter re: request for a survey of hoUsing needs for Senior Citizens in the whole of Elgin County. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Ontario Good Roads Association with application fortheT. ..I. Mahony Road School. - Referred to the Road Commit- tee. From the Ontario Good Roads Association with appl icatlon for the C. S. Anderson Road School. - Referred to the Road Com- mittee. From the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit with budget for 1972 and Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 1971. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the County of Norfolk with resolution requesting that the Provincial Legislature amend all existing legislation to transfer Chlldren1s Aid Socleities services directly under the authority of County and Regional Councils. - Referred to, the County Government Committee. Moved by Reeve Morrison Seconded by Reeve Dennis j ~ ii' I' I, ~ il I II 11 1:,1, I il 1 ]1; II n 'I' II i, 'I " I, i: ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 67 From ..IerrySeghers, insurance agent with letter re: par- ticipating J ist of Elgin County agencies. _ Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Township of Southwold with Notice of Application to the Ontario Municipal Board for' approval of By-Law 71-37 of 1971, a by-law to I"'egulatelanduse passed pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act and a copy of BY",:,Law 71-37.- Referl"'ed to the Road Committee. From the Township of Southwold with Notice of application to the Ontal"'io Municipal Board for approval of By-Law 71-38 of 1971, as amended by By-Law 73-8 of 1972, a By-Law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 3S of The Planning Act and a copy of each by-law. - Refel"'red to the Road Committee. From the Township of Southwold wIth Notice of Appl ication tc? the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of By-Law 71-45 of 1971, a bY-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of the Planning Act and a copy of By-Law 71-45. _ Refel"'red to the Road Committee. Mr. and Mrs. Robel"'t Willson wel"'e pl"'esent and Deputy ReeveCookpresentedMr. and Mr>s. Willson with a silver tl"'ay from the County of Elgin in recognition of their having won first prize In the world competition for soya beans and Warden Hodgson congrat-. uJated Mr'. and Mrs. Willson on their' achievement. The First Report of the Finance Committee was presented by Reeve Lake and adopted on motion of Reeve Lake and Reeve Ml"'s. Blyth. The First Report of the Road Committee was Pl"'esented by Reeve Morl"'ison and it Was That the First Report of the Road Committee to the Mal"'ch Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. The following amendment to the Fil'"'st Report of the Road Committee Was pl"'oposed. Moved by Reeve Miskelly Seconded by Reeve Todd That item 2 of the First Road Committee Report, Mal'"'ch Session, be amended to I"'ead as followS:: That the I"'ebate to urban municipal lties be 35% of their road levy fol'" 1972. 68 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Themotionto amend the First Report of the Road Commit- tee Was voted upon and lost. The motion to adopt the original First Report of the Road Committee was then voted upon and carried. TheSecondReport.oftheRoad CommIttee was presented by Reeve MOr'r-ison and adopted: on motion of Reeve Morrison and Reeve Caverly. Moved by Reeve Dennis Seconded by Reeve Wilson That the proposed statement of work and expenditures for 1972 on roads under the control of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission as detailed in Item 3-A, and on County of Elgin Roads as detailed in Item 3-8 of the First Report of the County of Elgin Road Committee to the Co unci I of the County of Elgin at its March Session, be and the same is hereby adopted. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Whalls Seconded by Reeve Caverly That we do now adjourn to meet again on March 15, 1972, at 2:00 p. m. Carried. Council Re-Convened. The Report of the County Goverriment COmmittee was pre- sented by Reeve Wilson and adopted on motion of Reeve Wilson and Deputy Reeve Whall s. The Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion o'f Reeve Caverly and Deputy Reeve Walker. -, TheSecondReportof the Finance Committee Was present- ed by Reeve Mrs. Blyth and adopted on motion of Reeve Mrs. Blyth and Reeve Llebner. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ly I e That By-Law No. 2197, itA By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 71-420ftheTownship of Southwold, Being a By"'Law to Stop up part of the Road in Lieu of the Lake Road, It be read a first time. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McKillop Seconded by Reeve Emerson ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 69 I!I ,'I II!I I' I il ill, That By-Law No. 2197 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Kahnt sed. That By-Law No. 2197 be read a third time and finally pas- Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McKillop Seconded by Reeve Speers That By-Law No. 219B, liTo RaiseAmounts for County Rates During the year, 1972, II be read a first time. Carried. , , ! " ii, 'In Moved by Reeve Mrs. Blyth Seconded. by Deputy Reeve McKillop That By-Law No. 2198 be read a second time. Moved by Reeve Speers Seconded by Reeve Mrs. Blyth Carried. sed. That By-Law No. 21geberead a third time and finally pas- Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Reeve Dennis That By-Law No. 2199, tlBelng a By-Law to Authorize Grantstobemade to Various Organlz'atlons, Corporations, Institu- tions, Etc., During 1972,11 be read a first time. lill II Moved by Deputy Reeve Cook Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 2199 be read a second time. Moved by Reeve Dennis Seconded by Reeve Wilson Carried. , ill' II,!! I Iii II III Carried. sed. That By-Law No. 2t 99 be read a third time and fInally pas- Carried. Moved by Reeve Dennis Seconded by Reeve Wilson IF' That By-Law No. 2200, "A By-Law to Confirm Proceed- Ings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the March Session, 1972, II be read a first time. Carried. III 70 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Deputy Reeve Cook Seconded by Reeve Wilson That By-Law No. 2200 be read a second time. Carried. Moved' by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Dennis That By-Law No. 2200 be read a third time and finally pas- sed. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Csinos Seconded by Reeve Dennis That we do now adjourn to meet again on Apri I 19th, 1972, at 10:00 a. m. Carried. H. L. Johnson - Clerk. J. W. Hodgson -, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 71 COUNTY RATES, COUNTY OF ELGIN FINANCIAL REPORT March Session, 1972 First Report To the Warden, and Members of the Elgin County Council, THE COMMITTEE on Finance beg leave to report that hav- ing Inquired into Finances of the County, and estimates prepared by the County Treasurer, they herewith submit a statement of the ex- penditures required for the lawful purpose oftheCounty during 1972, and showing the amount required to be raised for the undermention- ed purposes: 1972 1972 1972 Estimated Estimated TaX Expenditures Receipts Levy County Roads $ 2, 1 DO, 000.. 00 $1,415,000.00 $ 685,000.00 Charity &' Welfare 25, 000.. 00 20,000.00 5,000.00 Child Welfare 57,164.00 700. 00 56,464.00 Elgin Manor Oper- ating 633, 900. 00 528, 720. 00 105,180.00 Elgin Manor Debenture 72,310.00 72,310.00 Bank Interest 40, 000. 00 40, 000. 00 Discount on County Rates 1 0, 000. 00 10, 000. 00 Abatement of Taxes 6, 000. 00 6, 000. 00 Agriculture 15, ODD.. 00 2, 000.00 13, 000. 00 Health Unit 92,471.00 6,857.00 85,614.00 Registry Office 3, 000. 00 3, 000. 00 Care of Buildings 21,000.00 11,000.00 1 0, 000. 00 County Public Library 83, 000.00 83, 000. 00 Grants 47, 000. 00 47, 000. 00 Emergency Measures Organization 2,500.00 2,500.00 Printing, Postage & Stationery 5, 000. 00 5, 000.00 Municipal Government 70, 000. 00 70, 000. 00 Sundr I es 15,000.00 15, 000. 00 Elgin County Sick Bene- fit Account 2,500.00 2,500.00 Land Division Committee 9,455.00 S, 750. 00 705.00 Contingencies 25, 000. 00 25, 000. 00 Recovery of Rentals 18. 000. 00 Cr. 18.000.00 3, 335, 300. 00 2, 020, 027.00 1,315,273.00 From Surplus 27.444.00 NET LEVY 1 , 287, 829. 00 'I :,il illll III:III 72 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Your COMMITTEE would I"ecommend that the sum of One Mil- l ion, Two Hundred and Eighty-Seven Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty-NineDollars be raised on all rateable property in the sev- eral municipalities of the County of Elgin during the year' 1972, for County purposes, and that this amount be levied on the several mu- nicipalities in the County of Elgin on the basis of the apportionment as determined in By-Law No. 2165, passed September 22nd, 1971. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. R. Lo Lake - Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY CQUNCIL 73 cOUNTY OF ELGIN Roo.D COMMITTEE REPORT FIRST REPORT March Session -'1'972 To the Warden and Members of E'19i,n County CoLIne'll, Your Road Committee begs to rep;or't a~ follows: WE RECOMMEND: 1" That the budget of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commis- sion for 1972 amounting to,$l 05,800 be approved.' Included ,In the Cammissian1s budget is the (a) Campletian 'Of wark on Hoad #30, near the<Patterson,Culvert including Surface ;r:r.eatment 'Of the portion.of raad graded in,1971, (b) the As- phalt Resurfacing 'Of Well Jngtan Raad (#25) including minar a- ssociated grading and gravel1 lng. 2. That the rebate ta urban municipalities beJ,O% 'Of their raad levy far 1972. 3. That a resalutian be pasi?ed adapting the follawing prapas- ed statement 'Of work and expendltur-esfor-1972 and that state- ment be farwarded ta the Department 'Of Transparta'tlan and Cammunicatians. A Prapased expendltur.esan the raads under the cantral - 'Of the St. Thamas Suburban Raad Cammisslon (1) CONSTRUCTION ~(a) Raads Completion 'Of appraaches - Patterson Culverts #Road 30 Land Purchase Drainage Assessments Surveys on new' warkt. etc. Asphalt resurfacing and assoCIated work - Road #25 $ 6, 000. 00 4,000. 00 300.00 1 t 2000 00 6 O. 000. 00 $ 71.500.00 (b) Brldqes Campletlon afwork at Pattersan Culverts . $ 4, 000. 00 4.500.00 $ 8'0, 000. 00 (c) 74 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL (2) MAINTENANCE (a) ~ Roadside MaIntenance Hard Top Maintenance Loose Top MaIntenance WInter Control Safety Device (b) Bridge and Culvert Maintenance (e) OVerhead Total Malntena.nce Total Constructton and Maintenance Items not for Subsidy Total St. Thomas Suburban Road Com- mission Budget l!. Proposed expendItures on County Roads. (1) CONSTRUCTION (a) ~ Surveys on new work, Misc. Grading Construct ton Traffic Counts, Needs Study Update, etc. Land Purchase Drainage Assessments Asphal t Resurfacing Road #21 - Warren St., Porf Stanley, Clean-up, etc. Road #40 - Malahide Twp., Surface' Treatment, Cleanup, etc. Road #2 - AldboroughTownshlp, West Larne to Rodney, Completion of work Ro,a,~ #2 - West Larne Urban Section, Completion of work Road #13 - Dutton, Shackleton Street, Urban Section Road #16 - Dunwich Township - approa- ches to Port Talbot Bridge Road #20 - Carlow Road ExtensIon, Port Stanley - Urban Section Road #42 - Bayham TownshIp, Port Bur- well easterly approximately 1 mile in conjunction with VanOrder Bridge re- placement $ 2,500.00 5,000. 00 2, 000. 00 6, 000. 00 2.. 500. 00 18.. 000..00 1,000.00 6. 000. 00 25. 000. 00 $105.000.00 800..00 $ 1 OS, 800. 00 15, 000. 00 40,000.00 20, 000. 00 50,000.00 1 , 000. 00 1 0, 000. 00 60, 000. 00 90, 000. 00 55, 000. 00 4, 400. 00 40, 000. 00 85,000. 00 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 75 Road #36 - Yarmouth Township, Sparta Urban Section, north of Road #27 Road #36 - Yarmouth TownShip, High- way #3 to Sparta and approximately 0.8 of a mile south of Sparta 40, 000. 00 (Remainder of Cost from Development Road Funds) 1 03, 000. 00 Road #3, south of Hlghway 3, Aldbor- ough Twp. Road #14 - tona Station to Road #13, Dunwlch and Southwold Road #44 - Road #46 to Highway #3, Bayham Township Road #52 - Road #25 to Road #30, Yarmouth Township Surveys, Tree Cuttlns, Fencing, etc. Machinery Ownership credits on Dev- elopment Roads TOTAL (b) Bridqes and Culverts Road #16 - Dunwich Twp. Replace- ment of Talbot Creek Bridge Road #42 - Bayham Township, Re- placement of VanOrder Bridge Road #36 - Yarmouth Township, Culvert Construction in conjunction with grading Road #2 - West Lorne to Rodney, Culvert Construction In conjunction with grading. Road #9 - Dunwich TownShip, Com- pletion of work from 1971 Road #42 - Bayham Township, Cul- vert Construction In conjunction with grading Road #52 - Yarmouth TownShip, Soil tests, etc. for replacement of Carris Bridge Culvert Construction on Road #3, south of Highway #3, Road #14, Road #13 to lona Station, Road #44 - High- way 3 to Road #46, Road #52 - Road #25 to Road #30 TOTAL 3. Rebates to Urban Municipalities - 15,000.00 28.000.00Cr. $ 600,400.00 $ 90, 000. 00 90, 000. 00 30, 000. 00 3, 000. 00 3, 000. 00 6,000.00 6,000.00 5.000.00 $ 233.000.00 76 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 42, 000. 00 (See Maintenance also) 4.. New Machinery '& Machine Sheds 5.. Overhead (2) M"-INTENANCE (1) ~ Roadside Hard Top Maintenance Loose Top Maintenance Winter Control Safety Devices Reduction' in Stock Balance (2) Bridge ($ Culvert Maintenance (3) Rebates to Urban Municipalities (4) Overhead Total Maintenance Total Maintenance & Construction Items not for Subsidy TOTAL FOR COU NTY ROADS TOTAL ESTIM"-TES ESTIMA.TE SUBSIDY from DepaN- ment of Transpol"'tation and Comm'u- nications COUNTY LEVY 39, 000. 00 145.400. 00 1 ~059~ 800. 00 66,000.00 72, 000. 00 60, 000. 00 86, 000. 00 41,000.00 15.000.00 Cr. 310, 000. 00 28,000. 00 9, 000. 00 64. 600. 00 411,600.00 1,471,400. 00 1. 700. 00 1.473.100.00 1,578,900.00 868. 000. 00 685.000.00 In addition Development Road expenditures are estimated at $ 384,- 000.00 to compl ete Road #16 and #45 (Oevelopment Roads #1023 and #930) Townships of Yarmouth and Southwold 44,000.00 Partial Construction of Road #36 (Remainder: of cost from subsidized Expenditures) 340, 000. 00 Total expenditures for 1972 Including subsidl,zed exp,enditures, De- velopment Roads, Work for other Municipalities, etc. approx. _ $ 2,:100, 000. 00 ALL:. of which is respectfully submitted. C. Morrison - Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL i:: I!! , 77 RO'>.D COMMITTEE REPORT SECOND REPORT March Session - 1972 To the Warden and Members of the County of Elgin Council, Your Road Committee begs to report as follows: WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a By-Law be passed confirming By-Law Number 71- 42 of the Township of Southwold, to close a portion of the road used in lieu of the Lake Road. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. i,' j:! "i i' II ;'1 :~I C. Morrison - Chairman. COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT ':1 "I jj! 1':1: 'Iiii Ii !~i "ii' ii March Session - 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, "~! d, ~m 1'! j:11 'il li'j ,i" II 'I ~! : ii'I' i~i,; 1,1 ii!i 11'1 [I ~, ~;I i,! The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Mid-Term Newsletter from the Association of Coun- ties and Regions of Ontario and Programme for 1972 Mid-Term meet- ing be filed. 2. ThattheWarden, Reeve Emerson, Reeve Wilson, the Clerk- Treasurer and Reeve Liebner be the voting delegates to the Associa- tion of Counties and Regions of Ontario meetings for 1972. 3. That the resolution from the County of Norfolk requesting necessary amendments to all existing legislation in order to trans- fer Children's Aid Societies services directly under the authority of County and Regional Councils be filed. 4. That a I imlt of three be placed on the number of conventions that each member of County Council can attend In any calender year and have the County pay his or her expenses and that he or she can attend theconventlonof their choice. The Warden is excluded from this ruling and may attend all conventions. [ Ii I, IJ 78 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 5. That a letter' be sent to the Minister of Municipal Affairs ad- vlsinghtm that the County of Elgin and the City of St. Thomas have set up committees to work together to pr'ovide material and evidence to indicate that the City of St. Thomas and the County of Elgin com- bined could be a viable regional unit and that he be advised of the names and addresses of the members of these two committees. That acopyofthisitem, No.5, of the County Government Committee Re- port be sent to Mr. R.K. McNeil, M. P. P., Mr. Jack Spence, M. P. P. .and to the City of St. Thomas. ALL of which Is respectfully submitted. J. B. Wilson - Chairman. PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT March Session - 1972 To the Warden and Member'S of the Elgin County Council, The Propel"'ty Committee repor-ts as follows: 1. Thatthe following tenders for painting and scraping the fol- lowing buildings be accepted subject to the approval of the Depart- ment of Pub I Ic Works for the Registry Office. Engineer's Building- A. F. Be....t Ma....sha II Regi st....y Office - W. G. P....ice $ 440.60 414.00 2. That the tender of St. Thomas Glass Co. to install chipped obscu....e glass In 3 doo....s at a price of $40.00 be accepted. 3. That the Clerk-Treasurer be autho....ized to have an addition- al telephone installed In his office and anothe.... telephone line at an additional monthly cost of $23.35 plus installation of $37.50. ALL of which Is respectfully submitted. W. R. Cave....ly - Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 79 FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT March Session - 1972 Second Report To the Wa....den and Membe....s of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee repo....ts as follows: 1. That Cha....ity and Welfare Pay List No.2 for $1,462.40 be app....oved. 2. That Children's Aid Soceity Pay List No.2 fo.... $3,829.. 00 be approved. 3. That the 1972 Budget of the Childrenls Aid Society of the City of St. Thomas and the County of Elgin ....equi....ing $55,764.00 to be ....aised by the County of Elgin be approved. 4. That the Financial Statements of the Children1s Aid Society ofthe City of Sto Thomas and the County of Elgin fo.... the yea.... end- ed December 31, 1971, be filed. 5. That the St. Thomas-Elgin Eme....gency Measures O....ganiza- tionbudget fo.... 1972 ....equi....ing slightly in excess of $2,000.00 from the County of Elgin be approved. 6. That the I~tter from M..... Pete.... Lepik of the Onta....io Hous- ing Co....po....ation rega....ding County Counci lis request for a housing survey in ElginCounty to dete....mine the requirement fo.... senior citi- zen housing be filed andthatacopy of this letter be sent to Mr. Dopp and Deputy Reeve Randall. 7. That the 1971 Budget of the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit ....equiring $92, 471. 28tobe raised by the County of Elgin be approv- ed. 8. That the Financial Statements of the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit for the year ended December 31; 1971 be fi led. 9. That F....ankCowanCompany be advised to add Jerry Seghers name to the list of insurance agents receiving commission on our in- su....ance business with respect to the Fire Business and that Frank Cowan Company be requested to send a representative, p....efer-ably J. R. McLaughlin, to the April Session of the Elgin County,Coun- cU. 10. That the membe....s of the Land Division Committee be paid $25.00 each plus mileage and registration fee for attending a con- ference at London, on Ma....ch 28th, 1972, and the Secretary- Troeas- 80 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL urer be paid mileage and registration fee. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. Mrs. M. Blyth - Acting Cha irman. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2197 "ABy-Lawtoconflrm By-Law No. 71-42 of the Township of South- wold, being a by-law to stop up part of the road in lieu of the Lake Road. II WHEREAS the Council of the Township of SouthwoJd on the 7th day of February, 1972, A.D. did pass By-Law 71-42 to stop up part of the road in lieu of the Lake Road in the Township of South- wold more particularly described in Schedule A to By-Law No. 71- 42 of the Township of Southwold, a true copy of which is hereunto annexed. AND WHEREAS pursuant to provisions of the Municipal Act the said Township By-Law shall not have any force until confirmed by a By-Law of the Council of the County in which the Township is Situated, passed at an ordinary meeting of the Council held not lat- er than one year after the passing of the By-Law of the Counci I of the Township. AND WHEREAS application has been made to the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin for a By-Law confirming the said Township By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: THA.T By-Law No. 71-42of the Township of Southwold, be- ing a by-law to stop up part of the road in lieu of the Lake Road be and the same Is hereby confirmed. READ a first time this 15th day of March 1972. READ a second time this 15th day of March 1972. READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of March 1972. H. L. Johnson - Clerk. J. W. Hodgson - Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 81 TOWNSHIP OF SOLlTI-WOLD By-Law No. 71-42 "A By-Law to stop up part of the road in I ieu of the Lake Road. II WHEREAS the Council deems it expedient to stop up a por- tlonof the road in lieu of the Lake Road. NOW T~EFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Southwold enacts as follows: 1. The lands described In Schedule "All attached hereto and formlngpartof this by-law be and the same are hereby stopped-up. READ A FIRST AND SECONJ TIME this 23rd day of November, 1971. READATHIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 7th day of Feb- ruary, 1972. J. L. Mcintyre - Reeve R. A. Pow - CI erk 82 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD This is Schedule IIA" to By-Law No. 71-42 All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and pre- mises situate lying and being In the Township of Southwold, in the County of Elgin and Province of Ontario being composed of all that part of the Road in Lieu of the Lake Road in Lot 12 South of Lake Road as widened and as travelled lying between line A- Band C - D which lines are mope pal""ticularly descl"'ibed as follows:- LINE A - B Commencing at said pointA in the NOl"'th Easterly limit of Lot 40~ Plan 229 which is the South Westerly limit of the poad in Lieu of the Lake Road distant 24_? feet measured South Easterly thereon from its intersection with the Easter> ly I imit of Cleveland View as shownonsaid Plan 229 thence North Easterly at l"ight angles to the South Westerly limit of the Road in Lieu of the Lake Road across said road a distance of 49.5 feet to its intersection with the North Easterly limit of said road at said Point B. LINE C - D Commencing at said Point C in the North/Westerly limit of the Road in Lieu of the LakeRoad at a point distant 80 feet measur- ed South Wester Iy thereon from its intersection with the Easterly limit of said Lot 12. TI-ENCESoutherlyparallel tothe Easterly limit of said Lot 12 a distance of 51.50 feet more or less to its intersection with the South Easterly limit of said Road at said Point D. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 83 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2198 liTo Raise amounts fol" County Rates during the Year, 1972. II WHEREAS an estimate has been made showing that the sum of One Million, Two Hundred and Eighty-Seven Thousand, Eight Hundred and Twenty-Nine Dollars is requir-ed to be raised in the several municipalitles'for- the lawful purpose of the County'durlng the year, 1972, on the basis of the apportionment a5 determined in By-Law No. 2165, passed September 22nd, 1971. Municioalltv Aooortionment Aylmer Be I moot Dutton Port Burwel t Port Stanley Rodney Springfield Vierina West Lorne Aldborough 8ayham Dorchester South Dunwich Malahlde . Southwo I d Yarmouth 11.408% 1.284% 1.441% 1.175% 4.784% 1.746% .539% .483% 1.866% 8.266% 9.947 % 3.028% 6.007% 12.040% 21.820% 14.616% 1 00. 000% THEREFORE theCouncil of the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts: TI-{ll."Ttheamounts, as set forth below, be levied on all rate- able property by the several municipalities in the County of Elgin for the year 1972. Ayl mer Bel mont Dutton Port BLll"'well Port Stanley Rodney Springfield Vi enna West LOl"ne $ 146,915.53 16,535.72 18,557.62 15,131.99 61,609.74 22, 485. 49 6J941.40 6,220.21 24, 030. 89 84 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Aldborough Bayham Dorchester South Dunwlch Malahide Southwold Yarmouth 106,451.95 122,305012 38,995.46 77, 359. 89 155,054.61 281,004.29 . 188. 229. 09 $ 1, 287, 829. 00 READ a first time this 15th day of March, 1972. READ a second time this 15th day of March, 1972. H. L. Johnson - Clerk READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of March, 1972. J. W. Hodgson - Warden. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2199 "Beinga By-Law to Authorize Grants to be made to various organiz- ations, Corporations, Institutions, Etc., During 1972. II WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the County of ElgIn deems It advisable to make grants to certain organizations, cor- porations, Institutions, etc. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. Tl--\A..T the following grants be and are hereby authoriz- ed for the year 1972: Rotary Music Festival Association of Clerks Ed Treasurers Association of Municipalities of Ontario Elgin Law Library AssocIation of Counties Ed Regions of Ontario Canadian National Institute for the Blind Salvation Army - Maintenance - House of Concord ElgIn 'County Pioneer Museum 25.00 40.00 50.00 50.00 97.12 1,250.00 500.00 2,500.00 500.00 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 85 Scholarships - Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technology University of Western Ontario University of Guelph Waterloo Lutheran'University University of Waterloo University of Western Ontario Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital Four Counties I General Hospital Reporters Erie Economic Council St. Thomas-Elgin Association for Retarded Children St. Thomas Young Men's Christian Association Quad County Association for the Mentally Retarded Tillsonburg &' DistrIct Association for the Mentally Retarded St. Thomas Young Women's Christian Association The Local Agricultural Office for farm Organizations and Junior Farmers and Institute Groups Agricultural Representatives Act The Agl""icultural and Horticultural Societies in the County of Elgin - Equal to the Province of Ontario Grants to these Societies. READ :a first time this 15th day of Mal""ch, 1972. READ' a second time this 15th day of March, 1972. 100.00 200.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 3, 000. 00 12,000.00 9,000.00 50.00 2,330.94 2,500.00 3, 000. 00 2,000. 00 2, 000. 00 2,500. 00 3,00011 00 500.00 READ a third time ard finally passed this 15th day of March, 1972. H. L. Johnson - Clerk J. W" Hodgson - Warden. 86 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2200 ITA By-Law to confirm proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the March Session, 1972. II WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a muni- cipal corporation are to be exercised by Its council; AND WHEREAS by subsection 1 of section 241 of the Munic- IpalAct, being chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every council are to be exercised by By-Lawj AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedJentthat the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meet- ing be confirmed and adopted by By-Law; NOW THEREFOR;E the Council of the Corporation of the Coun- ty of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action cif the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin In respect of each recommendation contained in the reports of the committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporaticin of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the March 1972 Session is hereby adopted and confIrmed as If al] such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law.. 2. The Warden and propel'" officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to ,in preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to ex- ecute all documents necessary In that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin.. READ a first time this 15th day of March, 1972. READ a second time this 15th day of March, 1972. READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of March, 1972. H.. L. Johnson - Clerk ~. W. Hodgson - Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 87 APRIL SESSION - FIRST DAy Wednesday, the 19th day of April, 1972 The Elgin County Council met this day, at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All members present except Deputy Reeve R. G. Walker. Moved by Reeve Liebner Seconded by Deputy Reeve Csinos That the minutes of the Mar-ch 1972 Session of the Elgin County Councl] be confirmed. Carr-ied. The fol lowing communications were read and refer-red to the various committees: From the Department of Agr-icultur-e and Food with notice of spring meeting of County Weed Inspectors. _ Referr-ed to the Agricultura] Committee. From the Depar-tment of Municipal Affairs with dr-aft plan of subdivision In the Village of Belmont, Owner- _ Helen M. A. Sprfet, location, Lot 24, Concession VI, S. T. R. (Township of Nor-th Dorchester-). - Refer-red to the Road Ccimmittee. Fr-omtheVillageofPor-tStanleywith notice of Public Hear-- ingofApplication for Minor Var-iance fr-om By-Law 1507~ _ Refer-_ red to the Road Comm i ttee. From Mr. Read S. Br-own, Superintendent, St. Thomas Jail with letter re: Care of Court House gr-ounds. _ Referred to the Property Comm ittee. Fr-om the Department of Labour- with letter- re: The Con- struction Safety Act and The Trench Excavators' Protection Act and proposed legislation to consolidate the present three statutes and tr-ansfer the responsibility for enfo7'cement and inspection to the Department of Labour. _ Filed. From theAssociationof Municipa]ities of Ontario with 11M i- nute Legislative Bulletin. II - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Honourable W. Darcy McKeough with letter of thanks for informing him that the Council of the County of Elgin has established ,a Local Government Study Committee. _ Flied. 88 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL From Mrs. A. K. J. Smith with letter J"'e: the disposal of wood from trees cut by the County and also that parts of hel'" land was expropriated, trees and shrubs cut down, other damage done and no seWement has yet been made. - Referred to the Road Com- mittee. From Mr. R. A. Barrett, Clerk, City of St. Thomas with letter Re Bomb Threats - Operating Procedures and copy of the minutes of The Executive Committee of the St. Thomas-Elgin E. M. O. held on March 21, 1972. - Referred to the Finance Commit- tee. From the Association of Municipalities of Ontario with vot- ing delegates official registration form. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Ontario Energy Board with application by Union Gas Company of Canada, Limited, for I eave to construct a natural gas pipe line from the Company's existing facilities located on Lot 34, Concession South of the North Talbot Road to the Company IS existing facilities located on Lot 41, Concession East of the North Talbot Road, all in the Township of Southwold and the County of Elgin. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the Department of Municipal Affairs with letter re: Union Gas Company of Canada, Limited - application for leave to construct pipeline - Township of Southwold and a copy of the Com- munity Planning Branch Department of Municipal Affairs article ','Plpe Lines and Plannlng". _ Filed. FromtheErie Economic Council with resolution requesting the Government of Ontario to name the Department that will be deal- Ingwith Public Libraries, Colleges of Applied Arts and Technolo- gyandUniversities 'IThe Department of Libraries, Colleges and U- nlversitlesl1. - Referred to the Educational Committee. From Local 314, Dover, Raleigh, National Farmers Union with letter re: A National Sugar Policy and the growing and proc- essing of sugar beets in South Western Ontario. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the Tlllsonburg District Memorial Hospital with an- nual Statement for the year ended December 31, 1971. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Erie Economic Council with two resolutions. _ 1. That the Ontario Government be requested to establish im- mediately a "Lake Erie - North Shoreline Authorlty". 2. That the Government of Ontario be requested to give con- sideration to establishing immediately a llGreat Lakes - St. Law- renceShorellneAuthorityl1 using the I1Conservatlon Authorltyll ap- ~ ELGIN COUN rY CCUNCIL 89 proach - similar to that of Metropolitan Toronto and Region Con- servation Authority1s shoreline activities. - Referred to the Peti- tions and Legislation Committee. From the Ontario Deer Preservation Committee with a pe- tition to the Ontario Government to- 1. Increase the Bounty of Wolves, unless a better predator control m~ethod Is devised. 2. To bring the Deer and Wolves Ratio in Ontario (Including Parks}to an ecological balance as stated by Dr. Pimlott In the ec- ology of the timber wolf, one wolf per 100 deer. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislation Committee. From the Town of Aylmer with notice of Public Hearing with respect to an application for a minor variance from the provisions of Restricted area By-Law No. 21-69. - Referred to the Road Co- mmittee. From the Elgin-St. Thomas United Way Services with ap- pI ication for grant. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Ontario TrafflcConfp.l""encewlth registration card. - Referred to the Road Comm lttee. From the Township of Malahide with notice of request for abandonment of the proposed Branton Municipal Drain. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the Treasurer of Ontario with letter and copy of the Ontario Budget Statement. - Filed. From Frank Cowan Company Limited with letter re: Insur- ance on buildings, furniShings. Land Division Committee members and Suburban Road Commission Members. - Referred to the FIn- ance Committee. From the Department of Municipal Affairs with letter re: summer employment for students. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the County of Lennox and Addington advising that the resolution presented by the Ontario Deer Preservation Committee was endorsed by the said County. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislation Committee. From the Ontario Municipal Recreational Committee, advis- ingofthe time. place and pl'"'ogramme of the Ontario Municipal Rec- reation Committee Annual Meeting and Conference. _ Flied, From the Community Plaming Association of Canada, On- tario Division, with announcement and programme re: spring con- 90 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ference on Recreational Land Use Planning. - Referred to the Coun- ty Government Committee. From Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement Board with new Supplementary Benefit Memol""andum. - Referred to the Person- nel Committee. From Mrs. Sharon Little, President, The University Wo- men's Club of St. Thomas with letter re:' attendance at Council, CommltteeandBoard meetings open to the'general public. - Refer- red to the CZ:ounty Government committee. The Auditor's Report for the year ended December 31st, 1971, was presented and the fol lowing resolution was passed. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Lake That theAuditol"lsReport for the year ended December 31st, be accepted by the Elgin County Council. Carried.. Reeve Dennis suggested that Council give consideration to meeting either more often or for- two days when the work load war- ranted it and the Warden r-eferr-ed the matter to the County Govern- ment CommIttee. The Repor-t of the Road Committee was presented by Reeve Morrison and adopted on motion of Reeve Morrison and Reeve .Johns- ton. TheReport of the Elgin Manor Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Lyle and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Lyle and Reeve Llebner.. Moved by Reeve Speers Seconded by Deputy Reeve Whalls That we do now adjourn to meet again April 19th, 1972, at 2:00 po mo Carried. Council re-convened. TheReport of the Finance Committee was presented by Reeve Kahntandadopted on motion of Reeve Kahnt and Reeve Mrs. Blyth. The Report of the County Government Committee was pre- sent,eq by Reeve Wilson and adopted on motion of Reeve Wilson and Reevl Johnston. \ The Report of the Petitions and Legislation Committee was ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL I. I' :1 11 Ii' 91 presented by Reeve Liebner and adopted on motion of Reeve Lieb- ner and Deputy Reeve Csinos. ',1',1 :1 ~ I ~ ,.' ~~ II' " ~ " Ii! 1 ','Ii 'I \11 Iii J ~j il! 'I' "1,'1'1, I" ",,': '!I~,I d m '..."1'1', :'! l' I~, f, II',. ii, lilt ;~ l~ M '1' 'I\,~I ~ 1','1,' 'I . 10 'I',' :'1 !~ 1"""11,1 " rl~ !f~l '1111 ~, , I,~ The Report of the Pr-operty Committee Was presented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caverly and Reeve Morrison. The Report of the Educational Committee Was presented by Reeve Mrs. Blyth and adopted on motion of Reeve Mrs. Blyth and Deputy Reeve Cook. The Report of the Agricultur-al Committee Was presented by Reeve DennIs and adopted on motion of Reeve Dennis and Reeve Mc- IntYl"'e.. Deputy Reeve Cook addressed Council outlining his thoughts with respect to regional government.. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Deputy Reeve deRyk That By-Law No. 2201 J "A By-Law t6 Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the Ap- _ ril SeSSion, 1972, It be read a first time. Moved by Reeve .Johnston Seconded by Reeve Wilson Carried. That By-Law No. 2201 be read a second time. Moved by Deputy Reeve deRyk Seconded by Reeve Caverly Carr-led. sed. That By-Law No. 2201 be read a third time and finall*,pas_ Moved by Reeve Kahnt Seconded by Reeve .Johnston Carr- i ed. That we do now adjourn to meet again on May 17th, 1972, at 10:00 a. m. H. L. Johnson - C I epk Carried. .J. W.. Hodgson - War-den 92 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT April Session - 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council Your Road Committee begs to report as follows: 1. That we have accepted the tender of Armco Canada Ltd. at $27,664 for structural Plate Culvert to pepJace the VanOrder Bridge on County Road #42.. Included in the tender Is the supervision of Countypel"'sonnel in erecting and backfilling the structul"'e. The to- tal estimated cost of the work is $90,000. 2. Tenders have been ca II ed for 22, 300 tons of Hot Mix As- phalt Paving. Included in the work is the resurfacing of Road #25 (Wellington Road), resurfacing on portions of Road #20, in South- woldTownshipandonRoad #48 and #52, in Yarmouth, Malahide and South DorchesterTownships. Also included is paving'on Road #36 in Sparta and Road #13 In Dutton after reconstruction. ALL of which is respectfully SUbmitted, C. Marl'" ison - Chal..man ELGIN rw\NOR COMMITTEE REPORT Apri I Session - 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Elgin Manor Committee wishes to report as follows: 1. That the Interim per diem rates to be ch.arged to Elgin Ma- nor residents as of April 1st, 1972be as follows: Extended Care Rate Intermediary Care Rate $12.35 per diem $ 9.90 per diem 2. That the Adminls'trator has been authorized toC attend the FoodservlceandHospitalityShowin Toronto, April 24 &- 25, 1972, with expenses paid. 3. That 6 students have been hired at a rate of $2.25 per> hour>, to undertake time studies on all phases of the Home for a per>tod of 14 days, in order to establish costs for Extended Car>e. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 93 4. That the Personnel Committee be advised that in order> that a budget be prepared in October, for> 1973, that salaries should be reviewed and set by S'eptember. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. B. A. Lyle - Chairman. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Fiffi."'fi\'",J.;:,ce Committee reportsas'follows: W/,/I' 10 That Ch"ctrityand Welfare Pay List No.3 for $633.15 be approved. 2. That Children1sAid Society Pay List No.3 for $4,047.40 be approved. 3. That theAnnual Statement from the Tillsonburg District Me- morial Hospital for the year ended December 31, 1971, be filed. 4. That the Elgin-St. Thomas United Way Services request for a grant be fi led. 5. That the CI.erk-Treasurer be instructed to inform the firm of Hennessey, Kempster and Gunn that a number of the concerned local municipalities are arranging to pay the account in connection with the matter of the Railway Assessment (Drainage Act) and the Penn Central Railway. 6. That the letter drafted by the Clerk-Treasurer re: Oper_ ating Procedures with respect to Bomb Threats be sent to the Heads of each County Department, the Clerk of each local M.micipality In the County, The Elgin County Board of Education and the Elgin County Separate School Board. 7. That the matter of Insurance for E. M. O. volunteers be re- turned to the E. M. O. Executive Committee for consideration of ac- cident insurance coverage for volunteers. 8. That the members of the Land Division Committee and the Suburban Road Commission be added to the Councillors1 accident policy. 94 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 9. That the matter of Insurance on the County of Elgin Cou.....t House property buildings and contents be referred to the Property Committee. 10. That the matter of destribution of Insurance Commissions be referred to the County Govet"nment Committee for study and a recommendation. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. M. A. Kahnt - Acting Chairman. COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT April Session - 1972 To the Warden and Members of the El-gin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That the "Minute Legislative Bulletin'1 received from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario be filed. 2. That Reeve Mrs, M. Blyth and Reeve J. B. Wilson be the Elgin County voting delegates at the 1972 convention of the Asso- ciationof Municipal ities of Ontapio. 3. That the communication fpom the Community Planning As- sociation of Canada, Onta.....io Division with p.....og.....amme pe: sp.....ing confepence on Rec.....eational Land Use Planning be filed. 4. That Mps.' Sha.....on Little, P.....esident of the Unive.....sity Wo- men's Club be advised that all meetings of the Elgin County Coun- cil a.....e open to the public; that committee meetings of County Coun- cil ape not open to the p.....ess 0..... public but that copies of each com- mittee .....epo.....t, as adopted by County Council, a.....e available. With pespect to Local Boa.....ds such as The Boa.....d of Education, The Li- bpa.....y Boapd, The Health Unit Boa.....d, The Child.....en's Aid Society etc., they would have to be asked individually what theip policy is as this council does not set public attendance policy fo..... them. 5. That we recommend that the Wapden call special meetings of Council and/o..... Committees, if In his judgement he feels they are pequiped, to ease the wopk load at the regula..... County Council meet- Ing. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 95 6. ThattheChaipmanoftheCounty Govepnment Committee con- tact Mr. .J. RalphMcLaughlin, of the F.....ank Cowan Co. Ltd., to a.....- range fop the fupnishing of Infopmation.....e the payment of insu.....ance commissions to the agents in the County of Elgin. ALL of which Is pespectfully submitted. .J. B. Wilson - Chai.....man. PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE REPORT Ap.....il Session. 1972 To the Wa.....den and Membeps of the Elgin County Council, The Petitions and LegislationCommittee .....eports as follows: 1. That thefollowlngpesolutions from the Epie Economic Coun- cil be dealt with as follows: (1) "That the Onta.....io Gove.....nment be .....equested to establish immediately a "Lake Epie - Nopth Shoreline Authorityll, be endo.....sed. (2) "That the Government of Ontario be .....equested to give consideration to establishing immediately a 11Great Lakes_ St. LawrenceSho.....el ineAutho.....ityll using\the "Consepvatlon Autho.....ity11approach simllap to that of MetPopolitan Toponto and Region Consepvation Authority1s shoreline ActivIties" be filed. 2. That the petition of the Ontapio Deep Prese.....vatlon Commit- teetothe Ontapio Gove.....nment to increase the bounty on wolves and to bping the Deep - Wolves Ration in Ontapio to,an ecological bal- ance be fil ed. 3. That the Jette..... worn the County of Lennox and Addington advising that they had endopsed the resolution f.....om the Onta.....lo Deer preservation Cornmitteebe filed. ALL of which is .....espectfully submitted. A. H. Llebner - Chairman. 96 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT Apt"il Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That Frank CoWan Company Limited be advised to increase the fire insurance on the County buildings located on the Court House lot in the City of St. Thomas from $641,000.00 to $680,000.00. 2. That we advertise for tenders in the St. Thomas Times Journal to mow and trim the grass when needed on the Court House block from May 18th to October 31st, 1972, and that the tenderer supply his own equipment and tender to be on a per cutting basis. Tenders to be submitted on or before May 12, 1972. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. W. R. Caverly - Chairman. EDUCATION.l\L COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Educational Committee reports as follows: t. That theresolutlon from theErleEconomlc Council request- ing the Government of Ontario to name the Department that will be dealingwith PubJlc Libraries, Colleges of Applied Arts and Tech- nology and Universities liThe Department of Libraries, Colleges and Universities" be endorsed. ALL of which Is respectfully submitted. Mrs. M. Blyth - Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 97 AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, t 972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That the letter from the Department of Agriculture and Food with notice of spring meeting of County Weed Inspectors be fllede 2. That the letter from, Local 314, Dover, Raleigh, National Farmers Union re: a National Sugar Policy and the growIng and processing of sugar beets In South Western Ontario be approved In principle. 3. That the County Weed Inspector be reimbursed for his out of pocket expenses for necessar-y postage and long distance tele- calls requir-ed for the pr-oper performance of his duties. ALL of which Is respectfully submitted. J. L. Dennis - Chairman" COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2201 By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corpora_ of The County of Elgin at the April Session, 1972. II ' WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal ACt, being Chap- ter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporatton are t6 be exercised by its council; AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 of the Mu- nicipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970 the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; Al'O WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceed- ingsofthe Council of the Corporation of the County of ElgIn at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Lawj NOW THEREF~E the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin Enacts as follows: 98 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 1. That action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion arx:l resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of El- gin at its meetings held during the April 1972 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and propel'" officials of the Corporation of the CountyofElgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corpor- ationoftheCountyofElgin referred to in preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessal"'Y in that behalf and to affix thel"'eto the Seal of the COl"'poration of the County of Elgin. READ a fil"'st time this 19th day of Apl"'i1, 1972. READ a second time this 19th day of April, 1972. READ a thil"'d time and finally passed this 19th day of Apl"'il, 1972. H. L. Johnson - Clel"'k J. W. Hodgson - Wal"'den. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 99 MAy SESSION - FIRST DAy Wednesday, the 17th day of May, 1972 The Elgin County Council met this day at the COUl"'t House in accol"'dance with adjoul"'nment. The Warden in the Chair. All members pl"'esent except Deputy Reeve deRyk, Reeve A. T. Miskelly and Reeve S. G. Speel"'s,. The Wardenwelcomed Deputy Reeve L. R. Carroll who had been appointed Deputy Reeve of Aldborough Township to replace Deputy ReeveR. G. Walker who had l"'esigned. Deputy Reeve Car,:", roll filed the necessary Clerk's Certificate before taking his seat at the counci I tab I e. Moved by Reeve Todd Seconded by Reeve Caverly That theminutes oflheApril1972Sessionof the Elgin Coun- ty Counci I be con firmed. Carl"'ied. The following Communications Wel"'e .read and referred to the various Committees: From the Ministry of Tl"'anspol"'tationand Communications witl) Memo No. 72-6. - Refel"'red to the Road Committee. From the Erie Economic Council with copy of Design fol'" Development, Prospects for the Lake Erie Region and letter with Individual Opinion Poll. _ Referred to the County Government Com- mittee. From the Honourable William Davis, Prime Minister of On- tario, acknowledging receipt of lettel'" advising that the Council of the County of Elgin had endorsed the l"'esolution of the El"'le Econ- omic Council regarding the establ,ishment of a Lake Erle-Nol"'th Shoreline Authority. - Filed. From the Honoul"'able William Davis, Pl"'ime Mlnistel'" of On- tal"'lo acknowledging receipt of lettel'" advising that the Council of the County of Elgin had endol"'sed the resolution of the Erie Econ- omic Council l"'egal"'ding pl"'ovincial Iibf'af'Y sef'vices.. - Flied. Fl"'om the Town of Aylmer with request of the Aylmer Cen- tennial Committee that the Council of the County of Elgin make a grant of $1,000000 to assist in financing the celebrations of the 100 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Town's Centennial for this year. - Referred to the Finance Com- mittee. From Mr. GeneDoppwithcopyofletterwrltten to Mr. Br'uce McCallum, Chairmanofthe Elgin Land Division Committee, submit- ting his resignation as a member of the Committee effective May 31, 1972. - Referred to the County GoveJ"'nment Committee. From the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carlton with re- solution petitioning the Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs to per- mit municipalities to hold municipal elections not more frequently than once every three years. - Referred to the County Government Committee. Fl"orn the Clerk-Treasurer of the County of Norfolk with letter advising that the Warden's banquet in the County of NOJ"'folk will be held on November 24th, 1972, at the Belgian Hall, Delhi, at 6:30 p.m. - Filed. From the Clerk-Treasurer of the County of Oxfo.....d Nith letter advising that the Oxford County1s Warden1s Dinner will be held at Ingersoll 'on November 24th, 1972, at 7 p.m. _ Filed. FromMiss Ellen H. Eff, Society Secretary of the Tillson- burg Historical Museum Society with request for a' grant. _ Refer- red to the Finance Committee. From Dr. .J. Dolan, Director, case findings subcommittee of the Elgin-St. Thomas United Ways with Jetter outlining a plan for helpIng problem families and requesting fInancial aid for the project. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the United Counttes of Leeds and Grenville withre- solution passed by the Township of Elizabeth town, requesting the On- tario Hospital Services Commission to provide by regulation under the Ontario Hospital Services Commission Act that all persons re- gistered under Manpower RetrainIng Program or employed under an Incentive Work Program be designated as a collector1s group etc. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislation Committee. From the County of Norfolk with resolution resolving that authority for maintenance work on Municipal drains be vested with the DraInage Commissioner and the Municipal CouncIl and that an Engineer1s report not be required for this segment of the operation. Referred to the Agricultural Committee. _ Filed. From the HonourableGordonCarton Q. C., Minister ofTran- spol"tationandCommunicatlonswith letter advising that he has dir- ected an advance payment of subsidy in the amount of $260,400.00 to be made to the County of EI'gin. _ Filed. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 101 From the County of Oxford with resolution objecting to the removal of the responsibility for the enforcement of the Construc- tlonSafety Act from the County. - Referred to the County Govern- ment Committee. From the Township of Southwold with resolution proposing a regiona_1 area within the confines of Elgin County, that all muni- cipalities incL.lding the City of St. Thomas be consolidated under one Local Government and that consideration be given t9 a lower tier of representation closer to local ratepayers. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the County of Kent with letter re: the promoting of a #3 Highway Parkway. _ Filed. From theSt. ThomaS-Elgin -School of Nursing with invita- tion to the Commencement Exercises being held on Tuesday, .June 13th, and Wednesday, .June 14th, 1972, in the Alma College Amphi- theatre. _ Filed. From the Chairman of the Committee of Management of El- gin Manor and the Administrator of Elgin Manor with a letter re: setting up information centres for senior citizens of St. Thomas and Elgin and a proposal for financing the same. - Referred to the Fi- nance Committee. From Mrs. Olive H. Evans with letter re: drainage tile installed across County of Elgin property in front of her property on County Road No. 20. - Referred to the Road Committeeo The Report of the Personnel Committee Was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Dep- uty Reeve McKillop. The Report of the Road Committee was presented by Reeve Morrison and adopted on motion of Reeve Morrison and Reeve Cav- erly. TheReport of the Elgin Manor Committee was presented by DeputyReeveLyle and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Lyle and Reeve Mrs. Blyth. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by ReeVe Wi I son That By-Law No. 2202, lIBelng a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2173, a By-Law to Establish a Salary Schedule for all Em- ployees oftheCounty of Elgin Other Than the Heads of Departments, 1/ be read a first time. Carried. 102 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Reeve Todd Seconded by Reeve Lake That By-Law No. 2202 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Reeve Todd Seconded by Reeve Wi I son That By-Law No. 2202 be read a third time and finally pas- sed. Carried. Moved by Reeve Johnston Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll That we do now adjourn to meet again on May 17th, 1972, at 2 p.m. Carried. Council re-Convened. The Report of the Petitions and Legislation Committee was presented by Reeve Liebner and adopted on motion of Reeve Lieb":' ner and Deputy Reeve Lyle. The Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Dennis and adopted on motion of Reeve Dennis and Reeve Ro- berts. The Report of the Finance Commi'ttee was presented by Reeve Lake and adopted on motion of Reeve Lake and Reeve Caver- ly. The Report of the County Government Committee was pre- sentedby Reeve Wilson and adopted on motion of Reeve Wllson and Deputy Reeve Whalls. The Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caverly and Deputy Reeve Randall. Moved by Reeve L iebnel"' Seconded by Reeve Kahnt. That Deputy Reeve L. R. Carroll be appointed to all the Committees that former Deputy Reeve Walker served on and that the Personnel Committee appoint a Chairman at th~lr next meeting. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McKillop Seconded by Reeve Liebner That By-Law No. 2203, llA By-Law to Confirm Proceed- Ings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the \ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 103 May Session, 1972", be read a,first time. Carried. Moved by Reeve Kahnt Seconded by Reeve Liebner That By-Law No. 2203 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Wilson That By-Law No. 2203 be read a third time .and finally pas- sed. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Whalls Seconded by Reeve Caverly That we do now adjourn to meet again on ..June 28th, 1972, at 1 0;00 a. m. Carr i ed. H. L. ..Johnson - Clerk ..J. W. Hodgson - Warden. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That the I etter dated November 24, 1971, from the Unem- ployment Insurance Commission advising that our sick leave credit plan does not qualify for a premium reduction be filed. 2. That the letter from Mrs. Anne H. Jones, Chairman of the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement Board, dated Febpuary 2, 1972, re: supplementary benefits on the updating basis, and mem- orandum to explain supplementary pension benefits, be tabled. 3. That the following revised wage schedule is recommended for adoption by County Council for Elgin Manor employees, effect- ive May 14, .1972 and that By-Law No. 2173 be amended accord- ingly: Registered Nurse Full time Part t lme $ 3. 55 pep hour $ 3, 43 pel'" hour 104 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Orderly &' Nursing Aid Minimum Maximum $2.30 per hour $2.50 per hour Nursing Supervisor (Registered Nurse) Minimum $7,700.00 per annum Maximum $8,500.00 per annum Present employee to receive a rate of $ 8, 500. 00. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. K. C. Emerson - Acting Chairman COUNTY ROAD REPORT May Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, Your Road Committee begs to report as follows: 1. TheTender of Walmsley Brothers Limited, of London, On- tario, at $150,637.15 has been accepted for supplying and laying approximately 22,345 ton of Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement on Road #36 in Sparta, Road #13 In Dutton, Road #25 (Wellington Road), Road #20 south of Fingal and Roads #48 and #52. 2. TheCountyhasagreed to install a pedestrian underpass on County Road #35 at the Springwater Conservation Area of the Cat- fishCreekConservationAuthority. All costs are to be paid by the Authority. 3. TheMil")istry of Transportation and Communications has been requested to designate a portion. of the constrllction on County Road #36 from Highway #3 to one mile south of Sparta as Development Road work. ALL of which Is respectfully submitted. C. Morrison - Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 105 ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Elgin Manor Committee wishes to report as follows: 1. That the Administrator is authorized to attend the Ontario Association of Homes for the Aged Convention in Toronto for 4 days and the Assistant Administrator for 2 days in September 1972. 2. That the Administrator, Assistant Administrator and other Supervisors are authorized to attend the Regional Conference, Zone 1, of the Ontario Association of Homes for the Aged in Lon- don, May 24th, 1972, with registration fee of $2.50 and mileage paid. 3. ThatMr. Hector McGri gor and Mr. Noble Tufford have been hired to conduct the annual inventory at the 'Manor, at a rate of $20.00 per day. 4. Thatwerecommend to County Council that the week of .June 18 - 24, 1972, be proclaimed Senior Citizen1s Week and that an advertisement be inserted in all the County newspapers to this ef- fect. ALL of which "is respectfully submitted. B. A. Lyle - Chairman. 106 ELGIN CQUNTYCOUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2202 flBeing a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2173, 'a By-Law to Esta- blish a Salary Schedule for all Employees of The County of El- gin other than the Heads of Departments. II WHEREAS By-Law No. 2173 establ ishes -a salary sche- dule for the employees of the various Departments of the County. AND WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend the pre- sent schedule for certain categories at Elgin Manor. NbW THEREFORE the Council of the Municipal Corpor~- tien of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: (1) That paragraph 4 of By-Law No. 2173 be amended by delet- ing the rates in the present categories and substituting the follow.:.. ing: (Registered Nurse) $ 7 J 700. 00 per annum $8,500.00 per annum $200.00 per year to maximum. Nursing Supervisor Minimum Maximum Increments RegisterOed Nurse $ 3. 55 per hour. Orderly Ed Nursing Aid Minimum Maximum Increments $ 2. 30 per hour $2.50 per hour .109 per hour, per year to maximum. Part Time Help Registered Nurse $3.43 per hour. (2) That this By-Law become effective on May 13th, 1972 at 12 olclock midnight. READ a first time this 17th day of May, 1972. READ a second time this 17th day of May, 1972. READ a third time and f.I'1ally passed this 17th day of May, 1972. H. L. ..Johnson - Clerk ..J. W. Hodgson - Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 107 PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Petitions and LegislationCommitteereports as follows: 1. That the communication from the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville with resolution passed by the Township of Elizabeth_ town requesting the Ontario Hospital Services Commission to pro- videbyreguJatlon under the Ontario Hospital Services Commission Act that al I persons registered under Manpower Retraining Program or employed under an Incentive Work Program be designated as 'a collectorls Group, etc., be filed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. A. H. Li ebner - Cha irman. AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: That a copy of the resolution from the County of Norfolk re- that authority for maintenance on Municipal drains be vest- with the Drainage Commissioner and the Municipal Council and an Engineer's report not be required for this segment of the op- eration besent to the Clerk of each local MuniCipality inElgln County The County of Norfolk advised of this action. of which is respectfully submitted. .... L. Dennis - Chairman. \ 108 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ICIN"-NCE COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That Charity and Welfare Pay List No.4 for $1,427,05 be approved. 2. That Childrenls Aid Society Pay List No.4 for $3,829.00 be approved. 3. Since other municipalities in the County of Elgin have held Centennial Celebrations and have not requested financial aid from theCountyofElgin, therequest from Aylmer for a Centennial Grant be filed. 4. That the request of the Tillsonburg Historical Museum So- ciety for a grant be filed. S. That the letter from J. Dolan M.D., Director of the sub- committee of the Elgin-St. Thomas United Ways re: helping prbb- lemfamllies be filed. 6. That the letter from Mr. Bruce Lyle, Chairman of Manage- ment, Elgin Manor and Mr. Robert Himpfen, Administrator, Elgin Manor re:Aid to the senior citizens of St. Thomas and Elgin Coun... ty be referred to the Elgin Manor Committee. ALL of which Is respectfully submitted. R. L. Lake - Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 109 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Gounty Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That the communicatlon from theErie Economic Council with Design for Development, Prospects for the Lake Erie Program and letter with Individual Opinion Poll be filed. 2. That the resignation of Mr. Gene Dopp as a member of the Elgin County Land Division Committee effective May 31, 1972, be accepted with regret. 3. That the replacement of Mr. Gene Dopp as a member of the ElginCountyLandDivislonCommitteebe tabled to the June Session. 4. That the resolution from the Regional Municipality of Ot- tawa-Carlton petitioning the Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs to permit municipalities to hold municipal elections not more fre- quently than once every three years be filed. 5. That the resolution from the County of Oxford objecting to the removal of the responsibil ity for the enforcement of the Con.i strucHon Safety Act from the County be filed. 6. That the resolution from the Township of Southwold propos- ingaregional area within the confines of Elgin County, that all mu- nicipalities including the City of St. Thomas be consolidated under one Local Government and that consideration be given to a lower tier of representation closer to the local ratepayers be referred to the Special Committee appointed to study Local Government in the County of Elgin. 7. That Frank Cowan Company be advised that all licensed In- sbrance agents in the County of Elgin be given an equal share of the premiums accruing from the County of Elgin Fire, Liability and other insurance pol icies. 8. That the County of Elgin make a token presentation to Judge McMillan and Victor Langton to a total of $50.00 each arx:l that the Warden and Clerk-Treasurer be a committee to select the gift. ALL of which Is respectfully SUbmitted. J. B. Wilson - ChaIrman. 110 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. ThatthetenderofW. H. Taylor be accepted for the follow- ingservicesfor the CouN House grounds: Mowing and Trimming the grass - $75.00 per cutting. Other work - $3.50 per man hour. 2. That2air conditioning units be leased from Rite~Temp Re- fr'igeration Limited for use in theClerk- Treasurer's Office at a quo- ted price of. $11 0.00 each, subject to an additional cost for instal- lation in the upper pol"'tion of the'windows. 3. That the, Registry Office be authorized to have a trailer parked on the Court House grounds for the purpose of binding books. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. W. R. Caverly - Chairman. ELGIN CQUNTYCOUNCIL 111 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2203 IIA By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corpora- tion of The County of Elgin at the May Session, 1972. WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chap- ter 284 of the Revised,Statutes of Ontario, 1970, ':"the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council. AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section241 of the Mu- nicipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970 the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; AND WHEREAS it Is deemed expedient that the proceed- ingsofthe Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Lawj NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin Enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Co unci I of the Corporation of the Coun- ty of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Re- ports of the Committees and each motion and resolution ,passed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the Coun- tyofElginat itsmeetingsheld during the May 1972 Session is herew- by adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were express- ly embodied In this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elginare hereby authorized and directed todo all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corpor- ationoftheCountyofElgin referred to in pl"'eceding section hereof. 3. The Wal"'den and the Clerk al"'e authol"'ized anddll"'ectedto execute, all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the COl"'poration of the County of Elgin. READ a fll"'st time this 17th day of May, 1972. READ a second time this 17th day of May, 1972. READ A thil"'d time and finally passed this 17th day of May, 1972. H. L. Johnson - Cler-k J. W. Hodgson - War-den. 112 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL JUNE SESSION - FIRST DAy Wednesday, the 28th day of June 1972 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, 5to Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All members present except Deputy Reeve Randall. Moved by Deputy Reeve deRyk Seconded by Reeve L j ebner That the minutes of the May Session, 1972, of the Elgin County Counci I be confirmed. Carried. The following communications were read and referred to the Various committees. FromtheTownshipsofAnson, Hindon and Minden with res- olution requesting the Province of Ontario to re-adopt the Uncon- ditional Per Capita Grant Program to include seasonal resident's in recognized cottage areas on a fair and equitable basis. - Refer- red'to the County Government Committee. From the Ministry of Community and Social Services with memorandum re: 1972 Summer Youth Programs. - Referred to the Educational Committee. From the Elgin County Board of Education requesting that school bus turn signs be placed on County Road 45 one and a half miles west of Highway 19. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the Ministry of Community and Social Services with letter advising that 1972 Estimate of the Children's AldSociety of the County of Elgin has been approved by the Ministry. - Filed. From the Town of Aylmer re: refusal of the County of El- gin to make a grant to the Town of Aylmer Centennial. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Pilot Club of St. Thomas with appreciation for matches donated to the Club. - Flied. From Mr. A. V. Langton, Agricultural Representative with letter ofappreclati6n for the co-operation of County Council through- out the years that he has been Agricultural Representative and also to the Warden and Mrs. Hodgson for attending party on his behalf. - Flied. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 113 From Union Gas Qompany of Canada with application to the Ontario Energy Board for proposed Pipe Line in the Township of Southwold, County of Elgin. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the Ministry of Natural Resources with copy of Ox- ford County tree cutting by-law and also a letter from Hennessey, Kempster and Gunn with suggested tree cutting .by-Iaw. ...; Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From Hennessey, Kempster and Gunn with letter re: Sec- tion 1970f the Municipal Act. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Ontar-io Plumbing Inspector-s Association with No- tlceof the Associatlon1s Annual Conference. - Referred to the Fi- nance Committee. From theMinistry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovern- mental Affairs with letter acknowledging receipt of Councills en- dorsement of the Erie Economic Council's resolution re: a Lake Erie North Shoreline Authority. - Filed. From the Southwold School and Community Association with letter extending an invitation for councillors, to attend a meeting of the association on ..June 8, 1972. - Filed. From the Honourable W. Darcy McKeough with letter re- garding the establishment of a Lake Erie Shoreline Authority. - Filed. From the Deparfment of Transportation and Communications with copy of the Audit Report on Road Expenditures for- the year 1971. - Refer-r-ed to the Road Committee. From the Erie Economic Council with request for a rese- lutlonre: tlproposals of Development" Erie Economic Area. - Ref- erred to the County Government Committee. From the Ministry of Community and Social Services with list of the Youth in Action Projects recommended for approval In Western Ontario. - Referred to the Educational Committee. Fr-om the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with revised Red Booklet re: (1) Items eligible for Subsidy under the Publ ic Transportation and Highway Improvement Act for Rural Municipalities, (2) Indication of Federal Sales Tax on Equipment Purchases and (3) Manual of Model Traffic By-Laws. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the Township of Southwold with notice of application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of a By";'Law to regu- 114 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL late land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of the Planning Act and acopyofTownship of South wold By-Law No. 71-36. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the Ministry of Government Services, Property Man- agement Branch requesting estimate of 1973-74 budget respecting shared costs of proposed work. - Referred to the Property Com- mittee. From the Ministry of the Environment with copy of booklet "Environment Ontario" the New MinistryoftheEnvironment. - Filed. From the Minister of Colleges and Universities with letter acknowledging receipt correspondence respecting a possible change in the name of this Ministry_ - Filed. From the Quad County Association fol'" the Mentally Retard- ed with app...eciation of g...ant. - Filed. F...om the Minist...y of T...easu...y, Economics and Inte...gov- e...nmental Affai...s with Memo...andum No.6, P...ovincial-Municipal Employment Incentive P...og...am 1971-72 advising that the P...og...am has been extended f...om May 315t, 1972, to June 17th, 1972. - Re- fe...red to the Road Committee. F...om the Child...en1s Aid Society of the City of St. Thomas and the County of Elgin with Finance Repo...t to Ma...ch 31 st, 1972. _ Refe......ed lothe Finance Committee. F...om theTillsonbu...g Dist...ict Memorial Hospital with letter ,re: Home Care Plans. - Refer...ed to the Finance Committee. From the Ontario Department of Labour with pamphlet lIEn_ try Into Tanks and Other Confined Spacest1. - Referred to the Road Committee. FromtheOntarloMinistryofAgriculture and Food with bul- letin "Munlcipal Pounds Assistance Program ". - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the Elgin County Library Board with resolution that County Council, through the Property Committee, give considera- tion to a joint- purchase of a Gestlfax Machine. - Referred to the Property Committee. From the Ministry of Treasury, Economlcs.and Inter-gov- er-nrne:ntal Affair-swlth list of Public Meetings to be held with r-es- pecttotherecent r-eport entitled ltProspects for the Lake Erie Re- gion". _ Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Ontario Energy Board with notice of hear-ing to ELGIN COUNTY COLlf'.JCIL 115 be held on July 5th, 1972, at 10 olclock A. M. in the County Coun- cil chamber-s of the CouN House, Woodstock, with r-espectto the application by Union Gas Company of Canada, Limited, for leave toconstr-uctagasTransmlssion line to a valve station in the Town- ship of Southwold in Elgin County. - Filed.. 'From the Ontario Municipal Boar-d with copy of the Report totheBoard of the Ontario Municipal Board with respect -to the'ap- peals against County of Elgin By-Law 2135,appo...tloning County Rates for- the year- 1971 and also othe... appeals against the Equal- izedAssessment and Equalization Factor- of th...ee local municipali- ties in the County of Elgin, the decision of the a...bitrators, dated the 25th of June 1971, relative to the p...opor-tionof l'iabillty which each municipality intheElgin County School Division shall bear and an application by the Department of Municipal Affairs now the Min- istry of Revenue, for a va...iation of the Equalized Assessment and theEqual ization Factor of the Corpo...ation of the City of St. Thom- as. - Flied. F...om the Depa...tment of Transportation and Communications with designation of Development Road No. 1122, County Road No. 36 (pa...t) County of Elgin, as a developmmt road for construction. - Refe...red to the Road Committee. From the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital with pre- liminary submission of expansion needs. - Referred to the Finance Comm ittee. Fr-om Mr. Ca...l Altenburg, Cons.ultant, with letter- ...e: His position as County of Elgin Planning Director and copies of docu- ments relating to this matter. - Tabled. The Treasur-er-Is Report was pr-esented. Moved by Reeve Wi I son Seconded by Deputy Reeve deRyk That the Treasurer Is Report be accepted and pI" inted in the proceedings. Carried. TheReport of the Elgin Manor Committee was presented by DeputyReeveLyle and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Lyle and Reeve Speers. The Report of the Road Committee was presented by Reeve Morrison and it was Moved by Reeve Morplson Seconded by Reeve Mcintyre That consideration of the Report of the Road Committee be 116 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL left until the afternoon Session on June 28th, 1972, at which time the Elgin County Road Engineer will be present. Carried. Moved. by Reeve Speers Seconded by Deputy Reeve WhaJls Thatwedonow adjourn to meet again at 2:00 p.m. Wednes- day, June 28, 1972. Counci Ire-Convened. Mr. ..JamesAl"'nold Mi I ligan and Mr., C. Roy Doran were pre.- sent and theChairmanoftheCounty Road Committee, Reeve C. Mor- risonpresentedMr. Milliganwith a Certificate of Merit and a watch for having been a valued employee of the County of Elgin for Twen- ty-Fiveyears and he presented Mr. Doran with a certiflcatefol'" ha- ving successfully completed the Course at the C. S. Anderson Road School. The Report of the Road Committee was presented by Reeve Morrison. Moved by Reeve Morrison Seconded by Reeve Miskelly That the Road Committee be adopted. Reeve Mcintyre requested a recorded vote on the above mo- tion and the result was as follows; ~ _ Dennis, Csinos, Wilson, Miskelly (2) Emerson, Hodgson, Speers, Whalls, LJebner, Mrs. Blyth, Lake. - Total 12. ~_ Johnston, Carroll, Morrison, McKillop, Mcintyre, Lyle, Ro- berts (2) Cook (2), Caverly (2), deRyk, Kahnt. - Total 14. The motion was defeated. TheReportof the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Dennis and adopted on motion of Reeve Dennis and Reeve Llebner. The Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caverly and Reeve Dennis. The Report of the Finance Committee was presented by Ree- veLake and adopted on motion of Reeve Lake and Reeve Mrs. Blyth. The Report of the Educational Committee was presented by Reeve Mrs. Blyth and adopted on motion of Reeve Mrs. Blyth and ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 117 Deputy Reeve Csinos. TheCounty Government Committee Report was presented by Reeve Wilson and adopted on motion of Reeve Wilson and Deputy Reeve Whalls. Moved by Reeve Caver-Iy Seconded by Deputy Reeve Csinos That the action of County CouncJ I in tabling the communi- cation fr-om Mr. Carl Altenber-g at the Council Session held this A. M. June 28, 1972, be rescinded and that the said communication be or-dered filed. Carr i ed. Moved by Reeve Wi I son Seconded by Reeve Lake That By-Law No. 2204, llBeing a By-Law to Deter-mine the County of Elgin Municipality or Municipalities to be Repr-esented by each Member- to be Elected in the School Division of the County of Elgin by the Public School Electors of the County of Elgin, II be r-ead a first time. Carr led. Moved by Reeve Lake Seconded by Reeve Wilson That By-Law No. 2204 be read a second time. Car-r-led. Moved by Reeve Dennis Seconded by Deputy Reeve Csinos That By-Law No. 2204 be read a third time and finally pas- sed. Carr-led. Moved by Reeve Miskelly Seconded by Reeve Lake That By-Law No. 2205, ltBeing a By-Law to Appoint a Land Division Committee, II be read a first time. Carr! ed. Moved by Reeve Lake Seconded by Reeve Miskelly That By-Law No. 2205 be read a second time. Car-rled. Moved by Deputy Reeve Csinos Seconded by Reeve Dennis Tbat By-Law No. 2205 be read a third time ahd finally pas- sed. Car-rled. 118 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Reeve Lake Seconded by Reeve Wilson That By-Law No. 2206, _IIA By-Law to Confirm P....oceedings ofthe Council of the Co.....poration of the 'county of Elgin at the .June Session, 1972, II be read a first time. Moved by 'Deputy Reeve deRyk Seconded by Reeve Caver Iy That By-Law No. 2206 be read a second time. Moved by Deputy Reeve deRyk Seconded by Reeve Wilson Carried. Cal"'ried. sed. That By-Law No. 2206 be read a third time and finally pas- Carried. Moved by Reeve Miskelly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Csinos That we do-now adjourn to meet again at 10:00 A.M. Sept- ember 20, 1972. Carried. H. L. Johnson - Clerk J. W. Hodgson - Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 119 COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT June Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: I beg to submit the following statements of Receipts and Ex- penditur'es from January 1 st, 1972 to May 31 st, ,1972. Balance In Bank and on hand January 1 st, 1972 $ Notes Payable County Rates County Rates colI ected under' Section 43 Licences and Permits Interest County Roads Charity Ed Welfare Childr'en1sAid Society Agriculture Miscellaneous Revenue Recover'Y of Rentals Car'e of Buildings (Adm. of Justice) Registry Office Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit Printing, Postage Ed Stationery Land Division Committee RECEIPTS 340" 000. 00 42,485.49 2, 1 84. 20 136.00 1, 049. 54 665,710.28 664.40 843.07 1,327.98 185.87 10, 286. 50 6,451.81 380.84 6,857.79 105.12 3.780.00 EXPEN::>ITURES Member'sl Wages Officersl Salar'ies Pr'inting, Postage Ed Stationery Care of Buildings Gr'ants, AssociatIons, Scholarships etc. Miscellaneous Expense County Roads Char'ity & Welfar'e Childr'en1s Aid Societies Transferred to ElglnManor Interest Abatement of Taxes Agricultur'e Registry Office Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit 11, 047.00 14,378.27 2, 076. 07 9,760.50 5, 068. 06 4, 878. 88 460,139.39 5, 172. 85 20,287.16 67, 000. 00 5,658.90 1,984.58 1,273.42 923.08 23,117.00 $ 79,610.61 $ 1. 082. 448. 89 120 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL County Library Notes Payable County Rates Collected under Section 43 Licences and Permits Land Division Committee Balance in Bank May 31st, 1972 41,500.00 300,000. 00 841.00 3.00 3,489.78 ELGIN fvlll.NOR Sa I ance in Bank and on hand January 1st, 1972 (Overdraft) Receipts Expenditures Balance in Bank and on hand May 31st, 1972 ALL of which is respectfully submitted. 978,598.94 183.460.56 $ ~_059.50 $ 2,891.47 275. 828. 03 272,936.56 267. 029. 06 $ 5.907_.50 H. L. Johnson - County Clerk &' Treasurer. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 1:41 ELGIN fvlll.NOR COMMITTEE'REPORT JuneSession, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Elgin Manor Committee wishes to report as follows: 1. The tender of Wiltsie Truck Bodies Ltd. in the amount of $539.23 for the supply and installation of a 600 lb. Venco tailgate loader for the Ford Club wagon has been accepted. 2. The Administrator was requested to prepare an estimate of the amount of overdraft that will be necessary fo'r the County to advance over and above the 1972 Elgin Manor estimated net levy. This amount has been estimated at $901000.00 and is brought about by the delay in the receipt of subsidy cheques from the Ministry of Social and Community Services. It is recommended that County Counci I authorize the Treasurer to adVance this money as required by Elgin Manor. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. B. A. Lyle - Chairman. Motion to Adopt Report lost by Recorded Vote. 122 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT ..June Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, Your Road Committee begs to report as follows: 1. That the Minister of TranspoJ"'tation and Communications of Ontario has designated a portion of County Road #361n Yarmouth Township from Highway No.3 to one (1) mile south of Sparta as a Development Road for construction. The work is underway. 2. The pedestr ian underpass on County Road #35 at the Spring- water Conservation area of the Catfish Creek Conservation Auth- ority has been completed. 3. Work is underway on the replacement ofthe VanOrder Bridge with a large culvert and proposals have been requested from cul- vert companies for material to replace thePort Talbot Bridge with two (2) large culverts. WE RECOMMENJ 1. ThataBy-Lawbe passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sIgn an agreement with the Minister of Transportation and Com- munications for Ontario for the construction of County Road #36 as a Development Road. 2. That By-Laws be passed adopting the attached recommen- dations for maximum speeds on various county roads. 3. That a By-Law be passed that would In effect amend and up- date the County1s through highway (Stop Sign) By-Law. The only major change would be to make County Road #45 a through road at County Road #36. (Presently County Road #36 is a through road at County Road #45). 4. That a By-Law be passed assuming the following roads as County Roads. (a) Road between Lots #10 and #11, Bayham Township, northerly from County Road #42 to the road between Concession II and 111, Bayham Township. (b) Road between Concession II and III, 8ayham Town- ship and the road used In lieu thereof easterly from the road between Lots #10 and #11, 8ayham to High- way No. 19 in Vienna. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 123 (c) Road known as Centre and Fulton streets in the Vil- lageofVienna from Concession II and III, Bayham Town- ship to County Road #41. ALL of which Is respectfully submitted. C. Morrison - Chairman. Motion to adopt Report lost by Recorded Vote. Recommendations reqardinq Maximum Soeeds on County Roads As amended and approved by County Road Committee on .June 15, 1972 ALDBOROUGH TOWNSHIP Road #2 - ~ (a) 30 miles per hour near Road #3 (illegal as the Vil- lage of Rodney boundary is north of the travel I ed road). (b) 50 mph Rodney to West Lorne. (c) 30 mph in West Lorne. 50 mph east of West Lorne to Road #8. RECOMMENDATIONS (a) 40 mph zone from Road #3 easterly to three or four houses east of Rodney Car Wash. (b) 60 mph -easterly to approximately 1000 feet west of West Lorne. (c) 40 mph zone (Transition). (d) 30 mph at West Lorne. (e) 40 mph zone to east of Penn. Central Tracks~ (f) 60 mph zone to Road #8. Road #3 - ~ (a) 35 O1ph zone at New Glasgow. (b) 50 mph zone to Rodney.: 124 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL {e} 30 mph zone at Rodney. (d) 50 mph zone to Wardsville Bridge. RECOMMENJATIONS (a) 40 mph zone at New Glasgow. (b) 50 mph zone - New Glasgow to Highway #3. (e) 60 mph zone - Highway #3 to south of Aldborough School. (d) 40 mph zone - Aldborough School to Rodney limits (Rd. #2). (e) Rodney - 30 mph. (f) 40 mph north limit of Rodney to north of Aldborough Township Garage. (g) 60 mph area to Concession I (South of Wardsvil Ie Bridge). (h) 40 mph - Conce.ssion I 'to Wardsvi I] e. ~ - MTC approval necessary at intersection of Highway No. 401. Road #4 - ~ (a) 50 mph - Kent TownJine to Rodney west limits. (b) 30 mph - Rodney. RECOMMENDATIONS No change. Road #5 - ~ (aJ 50 mph (gravel). RECOMMEND<\ TION No change. ,-Road#6- ~ (aJ 50 mph. ". ELGIN COUNTY CQUNC IL 125 RECOMMENDATIONS 60 mph. Road #7 - (a) Kent Townline under- Kent County jur-isdiction. Road #9 - ~ (a) 50 mph (gr-avel). RECOMMENDATION No change. DUNWICH TOWNSHIP Road #2-~ (aJ 50 mph. RECOMMENDA TI ONS 60 mph fr-om Road #8 wester-Iy. Road #5 - ~ (a) 50 mph (gravel). RECOMMENDATIONS No change. Road #8 ... ~ (a) 30 mph in Village of Dutton. (b) 50 mph - Village limits nor-ther-Iy to Thames River. RECOMMENDA TI ONS No change. Road #9 - ~ (a) 50 mph (gr-avel). RECOMMENDATIONS 126 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL No change. Road #13 - ~ (a) 30 mph in Village of Dutton. (b) 50 mph east of Village. RECOMMENDA TION (1) 30 mph in built up al;ea of Village. (2) 40 mph from built-up are~ to village limit. (3) 60 mph east of village limit to Road #14. Road#lA - ~ (a) 50 mph - Road #16 to lena. (b) 40 mph in lana. (e) 50mph fromHighway No.3 to lena Station. (d) 30 mph in lana Station. (e) 50 mph from lona Station to Thames River. RECOMMENDATIONS (a) (b) (c) - No change. (d) 40 mph in lana Station. (e) SO mph fromlona Station to Road #13. (f) 60 mph from Road #13 to Thames River. Road .#J_5 - ~ (a) 40 mph from Road #2 to Dutton north limits. (b) 30 mph In Dutton. (e) 50 mph - Dutton to Wallacetown. (d) 35 'rnph In Wallacetown. (e) 50 mph - south of Wallacetown. RECOMMEND"- TIONS ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL (a) (b) - no change. (c) 60 mph - Dutton to Wall~cetown. (d) 40 mph in Wallacetown. (e) No change. Road #16 - ~ (a) 50 mph RECOMMENDA nONS (a) 60 mph. 127 SOUTHWOLD TOWNSHIP Road#11-~ (a) 50 mph. RECOMMENDATIONS - No change. Road #14 See Township of Dunwlch. Road #16 - ~ (a) 50 mph - St. Thomas to Fingal. {b} 35 mph in Fingal. (c) 50 mph Fingal to Road #14. RECOMMENDATIONS (1) 50 mph St. Thomas to sideroad west of Elgin Manor. (2) 60mph - sideroad west of Elgin Manor' to Flngal. {3} '40 mph In Fingal. (4) 60 mph Fingal to Road #14. RECOMfvEt'-DATION - No change. 128 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Road #17 - ~ (a) 50 mph (gravel). RECOMMENDATIONI- No change. Road #18 - ~ (a) 50 mph (gravel). RECOMMENDA TION - No change. Road #19 - ~ (a) 50 mph. RECOMMENDATION. - No change. Road #20 .... ~ (a) 50 mph Middlesex County Line to Road #18 (gravel). (b) 50 mph Road #18 to Shedden. (e) 40 mph in Shedden. (d) 50 mph Shedden to Fingal. (e) 40 mph - Fingal. (f) 50 mph Fingal to Port Stanley (just no.....th of Warren St.) (9) 30 mph in Village of Port Stanley. RECOMMENDATIONS - No change. Road #21 - (Village of Port Stanley - 30 mph). Road #25 - (Wellington Road) - Now (a) -so mph. RECOMMENDATIONS (1) 60 mph- Road #29 to Middlesex County Line. 50 mph - Highway No. 3 and 4 to Road #29. Road #26 - ~ 50 mph - (gravel). ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 129 RECOMMEl'DATION - No change. Road #29 - ~ 50 mph (gl"'ave]). RECOMMENDATION - No change. Road #45 - ~ 60 mph. RECOMMENDA TION - No change. Road #52 - t:!2rf SO mph (gravel) RECOMMENJATION - No change. YARMOUTH TOWNSHIP Road #22' t:!2rf SO mph. RECpMMENDA TIONS (1) SO mph St. Thomas city limits to Road #27. (2) 40 mph - Rd. #27 to 1/3 mile south (25 residences). ~3) 60 mph - from 1/3 mile south of Road #27 to Road #24. Road #23 - t::l2!Y (a) SO mph - Highway 4 to Village of Port Stanley limits. (b) 30 mph in Village of Port Stanley. RECOtvtMENDATIONS - No change. Road #24'- ~- SO mph. RECOMMENDATIONs (1) 60 mph - Road #23 to top of Port Bruce Hill. 130 ELGIN C9UNTY COUNCIL (2) 40 mph - top of Port Bruce Hi II to Highway No. 731 (Malahide Township). Road #25 - See Southwold Road #26 _ ~- 40 mph (St. George St. ) RECOMMENDATION - No change. Road #27 - ~ (a) 30 mph built up zone in Union. (b) 40 mph zone to east of Union School. (c) 50 mph zone easterly to Quaker Cemetery in Sparta. (d) 40 mph zone to built up area in Sparta. (e) 30 mph in built up area in Sparta. RECOMMENDATIONS (a) Ed (b) 40 mph in Union. (e) 60 mph from 50 mph. (d) &- (e) 40 mph in Sparta. Road _#_'/.JJ - ~ - 40 mph (Centennial and Elm Streets). RECOMMENDATIONS - No change. Road .#_'2/J. - ~ - 50 mph (gravel) RECOMMENDATIONS - No change. Road #_~O -..t::!mY - 50 mph. RECOMMENDATION - No change. Roa,<titll - ~ - 50 mph (gravel). RECOMMENDATION - No change. Roae:! _#3_~ - ~- 50 mph (Kains Hill, etc.). RECOMMENDATION - 40 mph. RQad #_3A - Now ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 131 (a) 50 mph (gravel) west of Road #30 (b) 50 mph (mulch) west of Belmont. (c) 30 mph in the Village of Belmont. RECOMMENDATIONS -'No change. Road #35 - ~ - 50 mph. RECOI'v\MENDATIONS - No change. Road #36 - ~ (a) 50 mph Highway #3 to Sparta. (b) 35 mph in Sparta to Road #27. (c) 30 mph In built up area. (d) Transition zone of 40 mph. (e) 50 mph south to Road #24. RECOMMENDATION - (a) ,- No change. (b) f1 (c) f1 (d) _ 40 mph in Sparta. (e) No change. RECOMMENDATIONS Road #45 - ~ - 50 mph. RECOMMENDATIONS (a) 60 mph Southwold Townllne to John Wise. (b) 40 mph John Wise to Highway #4. (c) 60 mph Highway #4 to Jaffa. Road #52 - ~- 50 mph. (a) Road #25 to Road #30 - 50 mph (gravel). (b) Road #30 to Highway #74 - 60 mph. 132 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Road #24 - See Yarmouth. M"-LAHIDE TONNSHIP Road #_3.1>. - ~ - 50 mph. RECOMMENDATIONS - No change. Road #35 - See Yarmouth Road #38 - See Bayham. Road #40 _ ~- 30 mph in Springfield. Rest - 50 mph. RECOMMENDATIONS (a) 30 mph in Springfield. (b) 60 mph Springfield to Glencolin. (e) 40 mph at Glencolin Curve. (d) 60 mph Glencolin to Highway No.3. (e) 40 mph Highway No.3 south 1/3 mile. (f) 60 mph to north limit of Mount Salem. (9) 40 mph in Mount Salem. (h) 50 mph south of Mount Salem to Road #42. Road #/f..:L -..!::::!m:Y. ... 50 mph. RECOMMENDED - 60 mph. Road#'t:L- t::!2YL- 50 mph. RECOMMENDATIONS (a) 40 mph zone in Richmond. (b) 50 mph Richmond to Calton. (e) 40 mph zone in Calton. (d) 50 mph Calton to Road #42. RoacL#_45 - Now - 50 mph throughout. ELG IN COUNTY COUNC IL 133 RECOMMENDA TIONS (a) 60 mph Jaffa to Highway #73. (b) 60 mph Highway 73 to Road #40 (el 40 mph from Road #40 east for 1/3:!: miles. (d) 60 mph to Calton. Road #52 - See South Dorchester. BAYHAM TOWNSHIP Road #38 - ~ (a) 50 mph Highway 3 to Richmond. (b) 40 mph through Richmond. (el 50 mph Richmond to Straffordville. (d) 40 mph limit west of Straffor-dville. (e) 30 mph in Straffordvil1e. (f) 40mph limit CPR track toroad between Lots 126 & 127. (9) 50 mph to Norfolk boundary. (60 mph in Norfolk). , RECOMMENDATIONS (a), (b), (c), (d), (I) - No change. (e) 40 mph in Straffordville. (g) SOmph from road between Lots 126 and 127 to I"oad be- tween Lots 128 and '129. (h) 60 mph from road between lots 128 and 129 to Norfolk County Line. Road #39 - 30 mph in Village of Port Burwell. Road #41 - 30 mph in Village of VIenna. Road #42 - ~ (a) 50 mph from Road #43 to Port Burwell. (b) 30 mph In Port Burwell. 134 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL (e) 50 mph Port Burwell to Norfolk County Line. RECOl'v1MENDED (a) 60 mph from Road #43 to Port Burwell. (b) 30 mph in Port Burwell. {e} 50 mph from Port Burwell to Norfolk County Line. Road #43 - See Malahide Township. Road #44 - ~ -'SOmph. RECOMMENDATION (a) 50 mph - Road #46 to Highway No.3 (gravel). (b) 60 mph from Highway No.3 to west limit of Cemeter~ in E;.den. (e) 40 mph - west limit of Eden to Highway No. 19. Road #45 - b!2..'li - 50 mph (60 mph in Norfolk). RECOMMENDATION (a) 50 mph Road #43 to Highway #19. (b) 60 mph Highway #19 to Norfolk County Line. (e) 60 mph from Corinth to Oxford County Line. Road #46 - ~ - 50 mph. RECOMME!'\DA TI ONS (aj 60 mph Highway 3 to Corinth. (b) (c) 40 mph through Corinth. 60 mph from Corinth to Oxford County Line. Road #55 - (Norfolk County Line) under jurisdiction of County of Nor- folk. I I I ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 135 SOUTH O~CHESTER II I': ,: , 'I:: Road #37 - ~ (a) 30 mph in Village of Belmont. (b) 50 mph - rest of road. RECOMMENDA TI ONS ,i !I II 1;: I (a) 30 mph in Vi Ilage of Belmont. (b) 40 mph in hamlet of Avon. (c) 50 mph - remainder of road. Road #47 -..D!mY. - 50 mph. RECOMMENDA T10N (a) 40 mph in hamlet of Avon. (b) 60 mph - remainder of the road. Road #48 - ~ - SO mph. RECOMMENJA nON (a) 40 mph in ham! et of Lyons (east of Community Centre). (b) 60 mph - remainder of the road. Road #49 - ~ (a) 30 mph in Village of Springfield. (b) SO mph Springfield to Road #48. RECO'v1MENOATION (a) 30 mph in Village of Springfield. (b) 60 mph Springfield to Road #48. Road #52 - ~ (a) SO mph Highway 74 to Village of Springfield. (b) 30 mph in Village of Springfield. RECOMMENDA TI ONS 136 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL (a) 60 mph Highway #74 to Village of Springfield. (b) 30 mph in Village, of Springfield. Road 1154 - ~ - SO mph. RECOMMENDATION - No change. TOWN OF AYLMER Road #53 - Now - 30 mph on Elm and Beech Street. RECOMMEl'DATIONS - No change. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 137 AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT June Sess ion) 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That the bulletin received from the Ontario Ministry ofAg- ricultureand Food "Munlcipal Pounds Assistance Program" be filed. 2. That the Draft by-law torestrict and regulate the destruction of trees by cutting, burning or other means be returned to our Sol- icitor for consideration of amendments suggested by the Ministry of Natural Resources. ALL of which is-respectfully submitted, J. L. Dennis - Chairman. PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That if The Library Board is of the opinion that a Gestifax Machine would be of sufficient use to their operation to warrent the expenditure involved, then they be given permission to purchase It out of their 1972 budget but that other departments of the County of Elgin would not be interested In sharing the expense. 2. That Mr. TedSchuitbe paid the equivalent of four weeks sa- lary to provide for supply help during his vacation. 3. That the question of a ir conditioning in the Clerk- Treasurepts Office be tabled. 4. That the letter from Mr. E. E. Bond re: the estimates fop the 1973-74 Budget ofthe Ministry of Government Services, Proper- ty:Management Branch be tabled and that the Clerk-Treasurer make recommendations as to proposed work to the next meeting of the Prop- erty Committee. ALL of whIch is respectfully submitted. w. R. Caverly - Chairman. 138 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FINl\NCE COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1972 To the Waraen and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That Charity and Welfare Pay List No.5 for $1,031.80 be approved. 2,. That Children's Aid Society Pay List No.5 for $3,938.20 be approved. 3. That the matter of a grant'to the Aylmer Centennial Celebra- tions be re-considered and that a grant of $500.00 be made to the Council of the Town of Aylmer. 4. That the letter from the Ontario Plumbing Inspectors Asso- ciation re: the Association's Annual Conference be fi led. 5. That the Financial Report of the Childr-enls Aid Society of TheCityofSt. Thomas and the County of Elgin to March 31st, 1972, be flied. 6. That the letter from the TillsonburgDlstrict Memorial Hos- pital re: Home Care Plans be filed. 7. That the preliminary submission of expansion needs submit- ted by the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital be filed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. R. L. Lake - Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 139 EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council. The Educational Committee reports as follows: l. That memorandum from the Ministry of Community and Social Services re: 1972 Summer Youth Programs be filed. 2. That the letter from the Ministry of Community and Social Services wIth] ist of Youth in Action projects recommended for ap- proval in Western Ontario be filed. ALL of which is respectfully submi~ted. Mrs. M. Blyth - Chairman. 140 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as fo!'lows: 1. That the resolution from the Township of Anson, Hindon and Minden re: re-adoption of the Unconditional Pet" Capita Grant Pro- gram be fi led. 2. That the letter from the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs with list of Public Meetings to be held with respect to recent report entitled IIProspects for the Lake Erie Regionll be filed. 3. That the communication from the Erie Economic Council re- questingaresolution r-e: Proposals of Development II Erie Economic area be filed. 4. That a by-law be prepared combining municipalities and allot- ing members with respect to the Elgin'County Board of Education in accordance with the following; (a) Aldborough, Dunwich, Southwold, Rodney, West Lorne, Dutton and Port Stanley - 4 members. (b) Yarmouth - 2 members (c) Malahide, Dorchester South, Bayham, Aylmer, Bel- mont, Springfield, Vienna and Port Burwell - 4 mem- bers. 5. That Mr. Frank STUBBS be appointed to the Land Division Committee for a term expiring .January 1, 1974, and that a by-law be prepared accordingly. 6. That we recommend that the Warden1s banquet be held in the same form as last year, with arrangements to be left with the Recep- tion and Entertainment Committee and that they advise the Clerk- Treasurerls Office by .July 15, 1972 of the arrangements. A R.S. V. P. card is to be inserted in the compl imentary banquet Invitations. ALL of which is respectfully submItted. .J. B. Wilson - Chairman. ELG IN COUNTY COUNC lL 141 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2204 IlBeing a By-Law to Determine the County of Elgin Municipality or Municipal ities to be represented by each member to be elected in the School Divisionofthe County of Elgin by the Public School Electors of the County of Elgin. II The Council of the Corporation of The County of Elgin en- acts as follows: 1. TI--{.A..T the municipalities of Aid borough, Dunwich, Southwold, Rodney, West Lorne, Dutton, and Port Stanley be combined and al- loted four (4) members on the Elgin County Board of Education. 2. THAT the municipality of Yarmouth be alloted two (2) mem- bers on the Elgin County Board of Education. 3. THAT the municipalities of Mal aha ide, DorchesterSouth, Bay- ham, Aylmer, Belmont, Springfield, Vienna, and Port Burwell be combined and alloted four (4) members on the Elgin County Board of Education. READ a first time this 28th day of .June, 1972. READ a second time this 28th day of .June, 1972. READ a third time and finally passed this 28th day of ,June, 1972. H. L. ,Johnson - Clerk .J. W. Hodgson - Warden. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2205 "Beinga By-Law to appoint a Land Division Committee II WHEREAS Section 30 of The Planning Act provides fol'" the constitution and appointment of a Land Division Committee. NOW THEREFORE, The Counci I of the COl"'pol"'ation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. TriA.T a Land Division Committee is hereby constituted and thefollowingpersons are hereby appointed to membership on the said Committee. Donald M. McKillop - to hold office until Janual"'Y 1, 1973. 142 COUNCIL Harold G. Charlton - to hold office until January 1, 1973. AD Bruce McCallum - to hold offIce until January 1, 1974. Frank Stubbs- to hold office until January 1, 1974. Walter D. Nelson - to hold office until January 1, 1975. 2. THAT the members of the Land Division Committee be paid $25.00 per meeting and lS~ for each mile necessarily travelled attending such meetings, 3. In addition to the above a member of the l...and Division Com- mittee be paid $5.00 for each application which he investigates. 4. TJ-I.b.. T By-Law. 2162 and 21 85 be. and the same are hereby repealed. READ a first time this 28th day of June, 1972. READ a second time this 28th day of June, 1972. READ a third time and finally passed this 28th day of June, 1972. H. L. Johnson - Clerk J. W. Hodgson - Warden. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2206 IlA By-Law to Confirm proceedings of the Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin at the June Session, 1972. II WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chap- ter 284 of the Revised Statutes of OntarIo, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by Its council j AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1. of Section 241 of the Mu- nicipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the ReVised Statutes of Ontario, 1970 the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Lawj AND WI-EREAS It is deemed expedient that the proceedings oftheCouncll of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meet- ing be confirmed and adopted by By-Lawj NOW THEREFORE theCouncil of the CorporationoftheCoun- ty of Elgin Enacts as follows: 1'. That action of the Council of the Corporation of the County ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 143, of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of EI gin at Its meetings held -during the June 1972 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of EI gin referred to in preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authoriied and directed to execute al I documents necessary in that behal f and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 28th day of June, 1972. READ a second time this 28th day of June, 1972. READ a third time and finally passed this 28th day of June, 1972. H. L. Johnson - Clerk J. W. Hodgson - Warden. 144 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER SESSION - FIRST DAY Wednesday, the 20th day of Septembe...., 1972 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. ThomasJ in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the 'Chair. All members present except Reeve Emerson. Moved by Deputy Reeve Randall Seconded by Reeve Miskelly That the minutes ofthe ..June Session, 1972 of the Elgin Coun- ty Council be confirmed. Carried. The followingCommunlcations were read and referred to the various Committees: From the St. Thomas-Elgin County Local Government Study CommitteeandtheElgin Planning Board with minutes of meeting held onAugust 1 OJ 1972. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Elgin County Planning Board with copy of a let'ter drafted to be sent to the Honourable W. Darcy McKeough, outlining what has been done with respect to Phase 1 Report on the Lake Erie Region. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From Hennessey, Kempster and Gunn with letter re: Town- ship of Aldborough re: appeal of County Levy. _ Fi led. From the office of the Attorney General, with memorandum and Copy of Bill 214, an Act respecting Conflict of Interest of mem- bers of Municipal Councils and Local Boards. _ Referred to the County Government Committee. From Mrs. W. H. Evans with letter outlining various prob- lems she is having with respect to her property. - Referred to Road Committee. From the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement Board with communication advising that Councillors ofa municipality may become members of O. M. E. R. S. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Town of Aylmer with Notice of Application to the Ontario Municipal B.oard for approval of a by-law to regulate usepurusanttoSectlon 30 of the Planning Act and a copy of Town of Aylmer By-Law No. 47-72. - Referred to the Road Committee. From Mr. Arnold Milligan with appreciation of watch~ - FiI..; ELGIN COUNTY COLNCIL 145 ed. From theTownofAylmerwith letter of !3ppreciation. for grant toward the Aylmer Centennial Celebrations. _ Filed. From the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham w.ith reSolution to make it possible that the best Canadian Hockey Players berecruited for the forthcoming Canadian-Russian matches. _ Filed. From the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement Board with letter re: Recent Amendments to the O..MoE.R.S. Act and Regula- tions.. - Referred to the Personnel Committee. From Sheriff E. P. Ray with copy of letter which he wrote to Mr. G. B. McLeod, Director of Office Services, Ministry of the Attorney General re: Fire Equipment in the Elgin County Court Hou- se. - Referred to the Property Committee. From Mr. Gordon H. Dean, Reeve of the Township of Salt- fleetwith summary of replies to Questionnaire on Local Government Reform in Ontario. - Filed. From the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovern- mental Affairs with appreciation of resolution re: A North Shoreline Authority for Lake Erie. - Filed. From the Department of Transportation anc:J Communications with request for information regarding expenditures for winter con- trol In the first. months of 1972. - Referred to the.Road Committee. From the Township of Yarmouth with Notice of Application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of a by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant toSection 3S 'of t,he Planning Act and a copy ofTownshipofYarmouthBy_Law No. 214SA. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the Ontario Energy Board with copy of Board Order in the matter of an appl ication by Union Gas Company of Canada Limited for leave to construct a natural gas pipe line from Lot 34 Conces- sion South of the North Talbot Road.to Lot 41, Concession East of the North Talbot Road, all In the Township of Southwold. _ Refer_ red to the Road Committee. From the Canada Depar.tment of Agricult':lre with recornmen- that a free rabies clinic be initiated similar to the ones held 1970 and 1971. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the Erie Economic Council with resolution requesting theGovernment of Ontario to continue_to pay the annual grant of $34,- 000. OOa year to each of the ten Economic Development Council pro- vided that at least $10,000.00 is raised locally by each of the ten 146 Councils. - Referred to the Finance Committee. FromtheSelectCommitteeon Land Drainage with letter out- I ining its terms of reference and advising that It is the Committee1s intention to hold public hearings throughout the province. _ red to the Agricultural Committee. From the Township of Malahide with resolution recommend- ing Plan B in regard to the Plan for the Town of Aylmer North By..,Pass. - Referred to the Road Committee. From theAssociationofCounties and Regions of Ontario with 1972 Convention Newsletter. _ Filed. From the Township of Southwold with Notice of Application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of a By-Law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of the Planning Act and a of Township of Southwold by-law No. 72-17. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the Township of Houghton_ with copy of Township Houghton Restr ictedArea By-Law No. 1058. - Referred to the Road Committee. From Hennessey, Kempster and Gunn w ith..letters Re: County of Elgin vs Abbott and Townsend Ltd. - Prosecution under By-Law No. 1752. - Filed. From Hennessey, Kempster and Gunn with letter advising that the Municipality of the Township of Bayham and the Municipality oftheTownship of Aldborough have both appealed the decision of the Ontario Municipal Board, re: County Levy, and enclosing copies of the appeal. - Referred to the Equal ization and Assessment Commit- tee. From Mr. Robert Cartier, Sugar Beet Committee, with ap- preciation of support given by Counci I for the sugar beet industry. - Flied. From Mr. A. V. Langton with appreciation to Council for having him to .June luncheon and for the certificate and razor given to him. - Filed. From theMinister of Transportation and Communications ad- vising that a second adva'nce payment of subsidy in the amount of $ 260,400. 00 has been author ized for payment to the County of E I gin. - Filed. From the Children1s Aid Society of the City of St. Thomas and the County of Elgin with Programme and BUdget Forecast for 1973. - Referred to the Finance Committee. 147 Fromthe,OntarioMunicipal.Boardwith.amended Report of the Municipal Board Re: File Nos. R.3691, R.4610, R.6590 R.7637. - Filed. From theMinistry of Transportation and Communications with No. 72-8Re: Submission of Monthly Balance Sheet and Expen- Report. _ Referred to the Road Committee. From the Treasurer of Ontario, The Department of Labour and the President of A.C.R.O. with documents relative to theap- polntmentofConstrUctionSafety Inspectors. - Referred to the Coun- ty Government Committee. From the County of Wentworth with two resolutions re: grants to County Libraries. - Referred to the Educational Committee. From Sheriff E. P. Ray with copy of Grand.Jury Report to Justice VanCamp presiding at the Sittings of the Supreme Court of Ontario for the County of Elgin. - Referred to the Property Committee. From the Department of Municipal Affairs with application for approval of a draft plan of subdivision in the Village of West Lorne Lot 87 R. P.199 owned by Peter Civiero Investments. - Referred to the Road Committee. From Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association with notice of Land Use Conference to be held on December 12th and 13th, 1972. _ Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the Townships ofDenbigh, Abinger and Ashby with re-. solution requesting that all Crown Lands be assessed and a system of grants in lieu of taxes be established. - Referred to the Equal-: ization and Assessment Committee. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with Memo No..1 0 re: .(1) Expiration date for val idity of Speed Signs worded llMaximum Speedll. (2) Reflective and non-reflective signs and Memo No. 11 re: Prime and Surface Treatment - cut-off date. _ Referred to the Road Committee. The Report of the Road Committee was presented by Reeve MOrrison and adopted on motion of Reeve Morrison and Reeve Johrt'"', ston. The Report of the Elgin Manor Committee was pr,esented by Deputy Reeve Lyle and adopte8:'on motion of Deputy Reeve Lyle and Reeve Liebner. Moved by Reeve Todd Seconded by Reeve Liebner I i: l48 ELGIN we da naw adjaurn ta meet again at 2:00P.M. day, September 20, 1972. Carried. Counci I Re-Canvened. Mr. LeslieSawyer and Mr. Rabert Glaver, emplayees .of Caunty Raads Department were present and were presented cates far having successfully completed the twa-year T. J. Raad Schoal Caurse by Reeve C. Marris.on, Chairman .of the County Raad Cammittee. The Repart .of the Educational Cammftt.ee was Presented Reeve Mrs. Blyth and adapted an matian of Reeve Mrs. Blyth Deputy Reeve Randall. The First Repart .of the Equalizatian and Assessment mitteewas presented by Reeve Roberts e.nd adapted an motian of Raberts and Reeve Wilsan. TheSecandRepartof the Equalizatian and Assessment mitteewas presented bYReeve Raberts and adopted an matian .of Raberts and Reeve Mrs. Blyth. The Report .of the Praperty Cammittee Was presented by Caverly and adapted an motian .of Reeve Caverly and Deputy Reeve Carral f. The Repart .of the Persannel Cammlttee was presented ReeveSpeers and adapted an motion afReeveSpeers and Reeve ner. The Repart of the Agricultural Cammittee Was presented by Reeve Johnston and adopted on mati on of Reeve Johnstan and Reeve Caverly. TheReportoftheFinanceCammittee was presented by Reeve Lake and adopted on matian of Reeve Lake and Reeve Tadd. The Report of the Caunty Gavernment Committee was pres- ented by Reeve Wilson and adopted on matian of Reeve Wilson and Reeve Marrisan. Moved by Reeve Mcintyre Seconded by Deputy Reeve Caak ThattheCaunty lnvestlgatethefeasabllty .of creating a land- fill site fOf' thedispasal .of hausehald garbage. Thefallawlngmationwaspassed befare the above motion Was put t.o C.ouncll. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 149 by Reeve Liebner by Deputy Reeve Lyle ThattheresalutionofReeveMclntyre and Deputy Reeve Coak tabled to the next meeting of County Cauncil. Carried. Blyth WHEREAS-Themunicipalitiesborqeringan East Elgifl have suggesting their desiretahave a window an the Lake Erie shore and WHEREAS _ The wishes of the Gavernment of Ontario' is to input by local residents, and WHEREAS - The Township of Bayham in their recent sur- shows beyand any doubt the wishes .of their residents is to rem- with the County .of Elgin~ THEREFORE be it resalved that the Caunty .of Elgin wants boundaries to remain in tact and a capy of this resalution be ta the following: 1. Ministry .of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs. 2. County of Oxford. 3. Caunty of Narfolk. 4. Ran K. McNeil, M. P. P. Elgin. 5. Dr. Parratt, M. P. P. Oxford. 6. James Allan, M. P. P. Haldimand Norfalk. Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilsan by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 2207, IIBeing a By-Law ta Establish the of County Rate for the County of Elgin far the Year 973, 11 be read a first time. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve deRyk by Deputy Reeve Whalls That By-Law Na. 2207 be read a second time. Carried. That By-Law No. 2207 be read a third time and finally pas- sed. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Randall Seconded by Reeve Wilson 150 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Deputy Reeve Randa I [ Seconded by Reeve Miskelly That By-Law No. 2208 be read a second time. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Randall ELGIN. COUNTY COUNCIL 151 Moved by Reeve Johnston Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll Cal'"'l"'ied. That By-Law No. 2211 t lIRestricting the Weight of Vehicles Passing over Bridges, 11 be read a first thne. Carried. Carried. sed. That By-Law No. 2208 be read a third time and finally pas- Carried. That By-Law No. 2208, "Being a By-Law to Restrict Regulatethe Destruction of Trees by Cutting, Burning or other ans, II be read a first time. Moved by Reeve Kahnt Seconded by Deputy Reeve. McKil lop That By-Law No. 2209, IIAuthorizingSpeed Limits, 11 be a first time. Moved by Reeve L i ebner Seconded by Reeve Johnston That By-Law No. 2209 be read a second time. Moved by Reeve Todd Seconded by Reeve L1ebner Carried. Carried. sed. That By-Law No. 2209 be read a third time and finally Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McKillop Seconded by Reeve Kahnt That By-Law No. 2210, IIPrescribing a Higher Rate of Spe- ed, II be read a first time. Moved by Reeve Morrison Seconded by Reeve Llebner That By-Law No. 2210 be read a second time. Moved by Reeve Caver I y Seconded by Reeve Todd Carried. Carried. sed. That By...Law No. 2210 be read a third time and finally pas- Carried. Moved by Reeve Liebn'er Secorided by Reeve Johnston That By-Law No. 2211 be read a second time. Moved by Reeve L iebner Seconded by Reeve Morrison Carried. sed. That By-Law No. 2211 be read athird time and finally pas- Carried. Moved by Reeve Liebner Seconded by Reeve Morr ison That By-Law No. 2212, "Restricting the Weight of Vehicles Passing over Bridges, II be read a first time. Moved by Reeve Morrison Seconded by Reeve Liebner That By-Law No. 2212 be read a second time. Moved by Reeve Todd Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll Carried. Carried. sed. That By-Law No. 2212 be read a third time and finally pas- Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Lyle Seconded by Deputy Reeve McKillop That By-Law Nc)'. 2213, "Designating Through Highways, II be read a first time. Moved by Reeve Speers Seconded by Reeve Kahnt That By-Law No. 2213 be read a second time. Moved by Reeve Llebner Seconded by Reeve Morr ison Carried. Carried. ,I 152 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL sed. That By-Law No. 2213 be read a third time and finally pas- Carried. Moved by Reeve Speers Seconded by Reeve Caverly ThatBy-LawNo. 2214, llA By-Law to Authorize the Execu- tion of an Agreement with the Minister of Transportation and Com- municationsfor Ontario Relating to a Road under the Jurisdiction of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, II be read a first time. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Whatls Secon,ded by Deputy Reeve deRyk That By-Law No. 2214 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve deRyk Seconded by Reeve Speers sed. That By-Law No. 2214 be read a third time and finally pas- Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve What I 5 Seconded by Deputy Reeve Randall That By-Law No. 2215, llBeing a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk to sign a Deed to Convey Land in the Township of Yarmouth to the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority, II be read a first time. Carried. Moved by Reeve Miskelly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Whalls That By-Law No. 2215 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Reeve Speers Seconded by Deputy Reeve Csinos sed. That By-Law No. 2215 be read a third time and finally pas- Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McKillop Seconded by Reeve Morrison That By-Law No. 2216, irA By-Law to Confirm Proceedings ofthe Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the Sept- ember Session 1972, II be read a first time. Carried. Moved by Reeve Kahnt Seconded by Reeve Morrison ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL That By-Law No. 2216 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve deRyk Seconded by Reeve Todd That By-Law No. 2216 be read a third time and finally pas- sed. Carried. Moved by Reeve Johnston Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll That we do now adjourn to meet again at 10:00 A. M. on Wed- nesday, October 18, 1972. H. L. Johnson - Clerk Carried. J.W. Hodgson - Warden. 153 154 COMMITTEE REPORT September Session - 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: Your Road Committee begs to report as follows: 1. Walmsley Brothers Limited are nearly completed their Mix Asphalt Resurfacing Contract. 2. The Two(2) Steel Plate Culverts repJac1ngthe Port Talbot Bridge have been erected and backfilling Is underway. 3. Grading Construction is underway on- Road #14 (Dunwlch_ SouthwoJd Townline) from lana Station to Road #13. WE RECOMMEND (1 )That a By-Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign an agreement with the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for the construction of Road #36 as a Dev_ elopment Road. (Z)That By-Laws be passed setting maximum speeds on Coun- ty Roads as attached. (3) That a By-Law be passed designating thpough Highways (to update the ppesent County Road System and to make Road liAS a through poad at County Road #36). (4) That By-Laws be passed which will in effect amend the County's By-Laws limitingtheweight of vehicles passing ov.. er bpidges by removing thepefpom the load limit on the Pat- terson BpidgeonRoad #30and the Van Order Bridge on Road #42 east of Port Burwell. (5) That a By-Law be passed authorizIng the Warden and Clerk to sign a Deed to the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority fortheportionofthesouthonehalf of Lot #9, Concession XI, Yarmouth Township (Daniel Patterson Property) not needed for road allowancepurposes. TheSt. ThomasSuburban Road Commission purchased the entire property and has agreed to sell the portion not needed for road allowance purposes to the Authority for $26,500.00. ALL of which is respectfully submitted, C. Morrison - Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COLNCIL 155 Recommendations regarding Maximum Speeds on Amended and Approved by County Road Committee September 14, 1972 ALDBOROUGH TOWNSH1P Road .'-2 - Now (a) 30 miles per hour near Road #3 (illegal as the village of Rodney boundary is north of the travelled road). (b) 50 mph Rodney to West Lorne. (c) 30 mph in West l,or-n-e.' 50 mph east 07:est Lorne to Road #8. RECOMMENDATIONS .'- (a> 40 mph zone from Road #3 easterly to three or four houses east of Rodney Car Wash. 60 mph ...; easterly to approximately 1,000 feet west of West Lorne. (b) (e) (d) (e) 40 mph zone (Transition). 30 mph at West Lorne. 40 mphzone to east of 'Penn. Central Tracks. (f) 60'mph zone to Road #8. Road .#_3 - ~ (a) 35 mph zone at New GlasgoW. (b) 50 mph zone to Rodney. (e) 30 mph zone at Rodney. (d) 50 mph zone to Wardsville Bridge. RECc:>VlMENDATIONS (a) 40 mph zone at New GlasgoW. (b) 50 mph zone _ New Glasgow to Highway No.3. 60 mph zone - Highway No. ,3 to south of Aldbol"'ough School. (e) 156 ELG IN COUNTY CQUNC IL (d) 40mphzone-AldboroughSchool to Rodney limits (Road #2) (e) Rodney - 30 mph. (f) 40 mph north- limit of Rodney to north of AJdborough Township Garage. (9) 60mph area to Concession I (South of WardsvilJe Bri- dge). (h) 40 mph - Concession I to Wardsville. Note- MTC approval necessary at lnteresection of High ~No. 401. Road #4 - ~ (a) 50 mph - Kent Townline to Rodney west limits. (b) 30 mph - Rodney. RECOMMENDATIONS - No change. Road #5 - ~ (a) 50 mph (gravel). RECOMMENDATIONS - No change. Road #6 - .D!9:!:L (a) 50 mph RECOMMEt'-DATION 60 mph Road #7 (a) ~ent Townline under Kent County jurisdictiotJ. Road #9 - ~ (a) 50 mph (gravel). RECotvtMEI\DATION - No change. DUNWICH TOWNSHIP Road #2 - ~ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL (a) 50 mph. RECOMMENDATIONS 60 mph from Road #8 westerly. Road #S - l:::!2Y!. 50 mph (gravel). RECOMMENDATIONS - No change. Road Ii~-~ (a) 30 mph in Village of Dutton. (b) 50 mph - Village limits no....therly to Thames. RECOMMENDATIONS - No change. Road #9 - ~ RECOMMENDATIONS - No change. (a) 50 mph (gravel). Road#l':}..- t::!2.Yt (a) 30 mph in Village of Dutton. (b) 50 mph east of Village. RECOMMEt-DATION (1) 30 mph in built up area of Village. (2) 40 mph from built up a....ea to village limit. (3) 60 mph east of village limit to Road #14. Road #t4 - ~ (a) 50 mph - Road #16 to lona. (b) 40 mph in lona. (c) 50 mph from Highway No. 3 to lona Statton. (d) 30 mph in lona Station. (e) 50 mph from lona Station to Thames River. 157 158 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL RECOMMENDATIONS (a) (b) (c) - no change. (d) 40 mph in lena Station. (e) 60 mph from lana Station to Thames River. Road #15 - ~ (a) 40 mph from Road #2 to Dutton north limits. (b) 30 mph in Dutton. (e) 50 mph. - Dutton to Wallacetown. (d) 35 mph in Wallacetown. {e} 50 mph - south of wat lacetown. RECOMMENDATIONS (a) (b) - no change. (c) 60 mph - Dutton to Wallacetown. (d) 40 mph In Wallacetown. {e} No change. Road #16 - ~ (a) 50 mph RECOMMENDATIONS - 60 mph. SOLITHWOLD TONNSHIP Road #11-~ (a) 50 mph RECOMMENDATIONS - No change. Road #14 See TownshIp of Dunwich. Road #16 - ~ (a) '50 mph - St.. Thomas to Fingal. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 159 (b) 35 mph In Flngal. (el 50 mph Fingal to Road #14. RECOMMENDATIONS (1) 50 mph St. Thomas to sideroad west of Elgin Manor. (2) 60 mph - sideroad wes,t of Elgin Manor to Fingal. (3) 40 mph in Fingal. (4) 60 mph Fingal to Roa,d #14. Road #1 7 - Now (a) 50 mph (gravel). RECOMMENDATION - No change. Road #18 - ~ (a) 50 mph (gravel). RECOMMENDATION - No change. Road #19 - ~ SO mph RECOMMENDATION - No change. Road #2Q - .~ (a) 50 mph Middl esex County Line .to Rpad .#18 (Gravel). (b) 50 mph Road #18 to Shedden. (c) 40 mph in Shedden. (d) 50 mph Shedden to Fingal. (e) 40 mph - Fingal. (f) SO mph Fingal to Port Stanley (just north of Warren Street). (g) 30 mph In Village of Port Stanley. RECOMME!'\DA TIONS - No change. ili; "I' I! II 160 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Road #21 - (Village of Port Stanley - 30 mph). Road '#25 - Wellington Road ~- 50 mph RECOMMENDATION (1) I 60 mph Road #29 to Middlesex County Line. 50 mph Highway No.3 and 4 to Road #29. Road #26 - ~ - 50 mph (gravel). RECOMMENDATION - No change. Road #29 - ~- 50 mph (gravel). RECOMMENDATION - No change. Road #45 - ~ - 50 mph RECOMMENDATION - 60 mph. Road #52 - ~- SO mph (gravel). RI;::COMMENDATION _ No change. YARMOUTH TOWNSHIP Road #22 - ~ - 50 mph. RECOMMENDATIONS (I) 50 mph St. Thomas city limits to Road #27. (2) 40 mph -Rd. #27 to 1/3 mile south (25 residences). (3) 60 mph - fro'll 1/3 mile south of Road #27 to Road 24. Road #23 - ~ (a) 50 mph - Highway 4 to Village of Port Stanley limits. (b) 30 mph In Village of Port Stanley. RECOMMENDATIONS - No change. Road #24 - D!2lti - 50 mph RECOMMENDATIONS ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL (1) 60 mph - Road #23 to top of Port Bruce Hill. 161 (2) 40 mph - top of Port Bruce Hill to Highway No. 73, (Malahide Township). Road #25 - See Southwold Township. Road #26 - Now - 40 mph (St. George St. ) RECOMMENDATION - No change. Road #27 _ ~ (a) 30 mph built up zone in Union. (b) 40 mph zone to east ofUnion School. (c) 50 mph zone easterly to Quaker Cemetery in Sparta. (d) 40 mph zone to built up area in Sparta. (e) 30 mph in built up area in Sparta. RECOMMENDATIONS (a)& (b) - 40 mph in Union. (c) 60 mph from 50 mph. (d) & (e) - 40 mph in Sparta. Road #28 - Now - 40 mph (Centennial and Elm Streets). RECotv1MENDATIONS - No change. Road #2~ - ~ - 50 mph (gravel). RECOMMENDATIONS - No change. Road #30 - ~ - 50 mph. RECOMMENDA TION - No change. Road #31 - ~- 50 mph (gravel). RECOMMEl\OA TION - No change. Road #33 - ~ - 50 mph'(Kains Hili, etc). RECOMMENDATIONS - 40 mph. 162 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Road #34 - .b!2Y!. (a) 50 mph (gravel) west of Road #30. (b) 50 mph (mulch) west of Belmont. (c) 30 mph in the Village of Belmont. RECO'vlMENDATIONS - No change. Road #35 - t::!2Yf - SO mph. RECOMMENDA TIONS - No change. Road #36 - ~ (a) SO mphHlghway #3 to Sparta. (b) 3'5 mph in Sparta to Road #27. (e) '30 mph in built up area. (d) Transition zone of 40 mph. (e) 50 mph south to Road #24. RECOMMENDATION - (-a) No change. (b) (0) & (d) - 40 mph in Sparta. (e) No change. Road #45 - ~ - 50 mph RECOMMENDA TIONS (a) 60 mph Southwold Townline to John Wise. (b) 40 mph John Wise to Highway #4. (e) 60 mph Highway #4 to Jaffa. RECOMMENDATIONS Road #52 - ~- SO mph (a) Road #25 to Road #30 - 50 mph (gpaveJ). (b) Road #30 to Highway #74 - 60 mph. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 163 Ml'.LAHIDE TOWNSHIP Road #24 - See Yarmouth Roa<:l_#~~_- Now - 50 mph RECOMMENDATIONS - No change. ROq.q _:i35 - See Yarmouth Road #~8.- See Bayham Road #40 - Now - 30 mph in Springfield. Rest - 50 mph. REC OMMENDA TI ON (a) 30 mph in Springfield. (b) 60 mph Springfield toGI€mcblin. (c) 40 mph at Glencolin Curve. (d) 60 mph Glencolin to Highway No.3 (e) 40 mph Highway No.3 south 1/3 mile. (f) 60 mph to north limit of Mount Salem. (g) 40 mph in Mount Salem. (h) 50 mph south of Mount Salem to Road #42. Road #42 _ ~ - 50 mph. RECOMMEl'DED - 60 mph. Road #43 - Now - 50 mph. RECOMMENDATIONS (a) 40 mph zone in Richmond. (b) 50 mph Richmond to Calton. (c) 40 mph zone In Calton. (d) 50 mph Calton to Road #42. Road #45 - Now - 50 mph throughout. 164 RECOMMENDATION (a) 60 mph Jaffa to Highway #73. (b) 60 mph Highway 73 to Road #40. (e) 40 mph from Road #40 east for 1/3:!: mile. (~) 60 mph hour to Calton. Road #52 - See South Dorchester BAYHAM TOWNSHIP Road #38 - ~ (a) 50 mph Highway 3 to Richmond. (b) 40 mph through Richmond. (e) 50 mph Richmond to Straffor-dville. (d) 40 mph limit west of Straffordville. (e) 30 mph in Straffordville. (f) 40 mph limit CPR track to road between Lots 126 and 127. (g) 50 mph to Norfolk boundary (60 mph in Norfolk). RECOMMENDATION (a) (b) (c) (d) & (f) - No change. (e) 40 mph in Straffordville. (9) SOmph from road between Lots 126 and 127 to road be- tween Lots 128 and 129. (h) 60 mph from road between Lots 128 and 129 to Norf- olk County Line. Road #39 - 30 mph In VlIlage of Port Burwell. Road #41 - 30 mph In Vlllage of VIenna. Road #42 - ~ (a) 50 mph from Road #43 to Port Burwell. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 166 (b) 30 mph in Port Burwell. (c) 50 mph Port Burwell to Norfolk County Line. RECOMMENDED (a) 60 mph fr'om Road #43 to POr't BUr'well. (b) 30 mph in PCir't Burwell. (c) 50 mph fr'om Port Burwell to NOr"folkCoLIl1ty-'Line. Road #43- See Malahide Township Road #44 - ~ - 50 mph. RECOMMENDATION (a) 50mph - Road #46 to Highway No. 3 H:wavel). (b) 60 mph worn Highway No.3 to west limit o'f Cem'etery in Eden. (c) 40 mph - west limit of Eden to Highway No. 19. Road #45 - t::!2Y:f - SO rriph (60 mph in NOr'fcilk). RECOMMENDATION (a) SO mph Road #43 to Highway #19. (b) 60 mph Highway #19 to Norfolk County Line. Road #46 - ~ - SO mph RECOMMENDATION (a) 60 mph Highway No.3 to COr'inth. (b) 40 mph through Corinth. (c) 60 mph from Corinth to Oxford County Line. Road #55 - (Norfolk County Line) under jurisdiction of Norfolk County. SOUTH DORCHESTER Road #37 - ~ (a) 30 mph In Village of Belmont. 166 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL (b) 50 mph - rest of road. RECOMMENDATION (a) 30 mph in Village of Belmont. (b) 40 mph in hamlet of Avon. (e) 50 mph - remainder of road. Road #47- ~- .sO mph. RECOMMENDATION (a) 40 mph in hamlet of Avon. (b) 60 mph - remainder of the road. Road #48 - ~- 50 mph RECOMMENDATION (a) 40 mph inhamlet of Lyons (east of Community Centre). (b) 60 mph - remainder of the road. Road #49 - ~ (a) 30 mph in Village of Springfield. (b) 50 mph Springfield to Road #48. RECOMMENDATION (a) 30 mph In Village of Springfield. (b) 60 mph Springfield t6 Road #48. Road #52 - ~ (a) 50 mph Highway 74 to Village of Springfield. (b) 30 mph in Village of Springfield. RECOMMENDATIONS (a) 60 mph Highway 74 to Village of Springfield. (b) 30 mph in Village of Springfield. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 167 - ~ - 50 mph RECOMMENDATIONI- No change. TOWN OF AYLMER Road #53 - ~ - 30 mph on Elm and Beech Street. RECOv1MENDATIONS - No change. 168 ~LGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Elgin Manor Committee wishes to r:'epor-t as fOllows: 1. The fol lowing tenders were submitted. for supplying fuel.oil requirements for the 1972-73 heating season: FIRM PRICE PER GALLON Lacey Fuels Shell Canada Limited Gulf 011 Canada Limited B P Oil Limited Imperial Oil Limited 17.809 16.509 17.809 17.309 15.809 The tender of Imperial Oil Llmltedto supply fuel oil at a price of 15.809 per gallon has been accepted. 2. The Administrator has been authorized to attend a Labour Relations Course through Fanshawe College, the cost of $37.00 to bepaJd by the County. 3. We recommend that the tender of T. W. Lee Plumbing and Heating Ltd., In the amount of $24,890.00, for the installation of new overhead piping for the heating system in the original building of Elgin Manor be accepted, and that the Warden and Clerk be auth- oriz&d to sign the contract. ." 4. Dr. Graham has been authorized to attend the Annual Con- ference of the Homes for the Aged Physicians, in Toronto, on Oc- tober 20, 1972, with expenses paid. 5. We recommend to next year's Committee that serious con- sideration be given to the purchase of a new dishwasher. 6. The petty cash has been increased from $100.00 to $150.00. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. B. A. Lyle - Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 169 EDUCATIONt\L COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Educational Committee reports as follows: 1. That the two resolutions from the County of Wentworth re: Provincial grants to public libraries be endorsed. ALL of which Is respectfully submitted. Mrs. M. Blyth - Chairman. EQUALIZATION AND ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1972 First Report To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, TheEqualizationandAssessment Committee Reports as fol- lows: 1. That the letter from Hennessey, Kempster and Gunn, advis- ing that the Municipal ity of the Township of Bayham, and the Munlcl- palltyoftheTownshipofAldborough have both appealed the decision of the Ontario Municipal Board Re: County Levy be flied. 2. That the resolution from the Townships of Denblgh, AbTn- ger and Ashby r~questing that 'all Crown Lands be assessed and a system of grants in lieu of taxes be established be filed. ALL of which is'respectfully submitted. T. Y. Roberts - Chairman. 170 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL EQUALIZATION AND ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1972 Second Report To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, lows: TheEqualizationandAssessment Committee Reports as fol- 1. That the following be the apportionment of County Rate for the County of EI gin for the year 1973. Ay,lmer 11.638% Belmont 1.293% Dutton 1.451 % Port Burwell 1.154% Port Stanley 4.699% R odn ey 1.735% Springfield .529% Vi enna .473% West Lorne 1.861 % Aldborough 8.186% Bayham 9.466% Dorchester South 3.003% Dunwich 5.977% Malahide 11.974% Southwold 21.635% Yarmouth 14.926% 100.000% 2. That a By-Law be prepared adopting the above apportion- ment of County Rate for the year 1973. ALL of whIch Is respectfully submitted. T. Y. Roberts - Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 171 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That beginning November 1 st, 1972, and carrying through until April 1st, 1973, thejail inmates will remove snow and ice 'from the sidewalks on the Elgin county Court I-'Iouse grounds at no cost to the County. The situation will be reviewed early in 1973 to de- termine if a similar arrangement can be carried out for the grounds maintenance for the summer months. 2. We have si gned a maintenance agreement with Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing of Canada on "3M11 copying machine at a cost of $175.00 annually. 3. That the copy of the letter written by Sheriff E. P. Ray to Mr~ G. B. McLeod be fll ed. 4. We recommend that a copy of the Grand Jury Report to Ma- dam Justice VanCamp presiding at the Sittings of the SLlpreme Court of Ontar io for the County of E I gin be sent to Mr. E. E. Bond, Re- gional Superintendent, Property Management Branch, Ministry of GovernmentServices, and that he be requested to advise the Coun- ty of Elgin what recommendations in the Report, with respect to the RegistryOffice, the Department of Public Works wishes carried out as the building is leased to the Department and they are responsible for 100% of the cost incurred. 5. That the Publ ic Ladies Wash Room be painted in accordance with the Grand Jury Report. 6. We recommend that the tender of A. Doan Roofing for rep- airs to the roof of the Registry Office in the amount of $742.00 be accepted, subject to the approval of the Ministry of Government Ser- vices. ALL of which Is respectfully submitted. W. R. Caverly.- Chairman. 172 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That Reeve Speers be Chairman_.of the Personnel Committee for the balance of 1972. 2. That the letter from the Ontario Municipal Employees Retire- ment Board re: recent amendments to the O. M. E. R. S. Act and Reg- ulations be filed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted, s. G. Speers - Chairman. AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: t. That Reeve R. N.' Johnston be Chairman in the absence of Reeve Dennis. 2. That the Canada Department of Agriculture, Health of Ani- mals Branch, be advised to proceed with rabies clinics throughout the County with the County of Elgin paying for the required adver- tising. 3. That the letter from the Select Committee on Land Drainage and advising that public hearings will be held throughout the prov- ince be fil ed. 4. Thattheletterfrom Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement As- soclatlon with notice of Land Use Conference to be held on Decem- ber 12th and 13th, 1972, be fll ed. 5. That the by-law to restrict and regulate the destruction of trees by cutting, burning or other means, as approved by our soli- citor, bepassed by Council, subject to the approval of the Minister of Natural Resources. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. R. N. Johnston - Acting Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 173 FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT September SessIon, 1972 To the Warderi and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. ThatCharity andWelfare Pay List No. 6 for $18.00 and Pay Li st No. 7 for $ 294. 45 be approved. 2. That Children's Aid Society Pay List No.6 for $8,737.00 Pay List No.7 for $4,647.00 and Pay List No.8 for $4,647.00 be approved. 3. That the letter from the Ontario Municipal Retirement Board advising that Councillors of a municipality may become members of O.M.E.R.S. be filed. 4. That the-resolution from the Eri e Economic Council request- ingtheGovernment of Ontario to continue to pay the annual grant of $34,000.00 a year to each of the ten Economic Development Coun- cils provided that at least $10,000.00 is raised locally be each of the t_en councils be endorsed. 5. ThattheChildren'sAidSociety Programme and Budget Fore- cast for 1973 be tabled. 6. That we reserve a two bedroom suite for the next Ontario Good Roads Convention. 7. That for accounts subsequent to January 1, 1972 for Indig- ent hospitalization, they be dealt with in ':lccordance with the Public Hospitals Act and that accounts prior to that date be dealt with in accordance with local councils' wishes. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. R. L. Lake - Cha Irman. 174 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That we adopt. the recommendation of the 1971 Personnel Committee that the various wage schedules from all Departments be approved by their respective committee before being presented to the Personnel Committee. 2. That the minutes of the Joint meeting of the St. Thomas and Elgin County Local Government Study Committee and the Elgin Plan- ning Board held on August 10, 1972 be filed. 3. That the letter from the Elgin County Planning Board to the Honourable W. Darcy McKeough outl ining what has been done with respect to Phase 1 Report on the Lake Er-ie Region be filed. 4. That the copy .of Bi II 214 received from the office of the At- torney General be filed. 5. That the correspondence relative to the appointment of Con- struction Safety Inspectors be filed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. J. B. Wilson - Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 175 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2207 IlBeing a By-Law to Establ ish the Apportionment of County Rate for the County of Elgin for the year 197311 The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin en- acts as follows: THl\ T the following be the apportionment of the county Rate for the County of Elgin for the year 1973. Ayl mer 11.638% Bel mont 1.293% Dutton 1.451 % Port Burwell 1.154% Port Stanley 4. 699 % Rodney 1.735% Springfield .529% Vi enna .473% West Lorne 1.861 % Aldborough 8.186% Bayham 9.466% Dorchester South 3.003% Dunwich 5.977% Malahide 11.974% Southwold 21.635% Yarmouth 14.926% 100.000% READ a first time this 20th day of SeptemberJ 1972. READ a second time this 20th day of SeptemberJ 1972. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of September, 1972. H. L. Johnson - Clerk J. W. Hodgson - Warden. 176 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2208 ItBeinga By-Law to Restrict and Regulate the Destructiol") of Trees by Cutting, Burning, or Other Means. It WHEREAS it has become expedient for the seneral welfare oftheCountyofElginto maintain and improve the forest, soil, game and fish resources of the County by preserving and improving the woodlands of the County; and ell ofa WHEREAS, under Section 4 of The Trees Act, County is empowered to pass by-laws th e Coun- (a) restricting and regulating the destruction of trees by cutting, burning, or other means; and (b) providing for the appointment of officers to enforce the provisions of any by-law passed under this sec- tion; THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Coun- ty of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. (1) Except as hereinafter provided, no I iving tree of the spe- cies listed below that shall not have attained to the measurements specified below shall be destroyed by cutting, burning, bulldozing, application of chemicals, or other means: 57" in Circumference Maple Oak Walnut Ash Tul ip (Whitewood) Basswood Pine - hard, red, silver, black - red, white - white (butternut), black - white - white 4411 in Cjrcumferenc~ Hemlock Pine Birch Hickory - red - yellow - shagbark, bitternut, pignut, mockernut - black, red, blue, green Ash ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 177 Popl ar Cherry Sycamore Chestnut Hackberry Cucumber Kentucky Coffee tree Black Gum Oak - cottonwood - black - tree - black, swampJ burr, chestnut 2511 in Circumference Beach Birch Larch Cedar Locust Pop I ar - American - white _ Eastern (tamarach), European - white - black, honey balsam, tembling aspen, large- toothed (2) Measurements referred to in subsection (1) above shall be outside the bark and taken at a point at the base of the tree 1 e" above the highest point of the ground. 2. This by-law shall not apply to (a) trees that are to be cut for useor sale as Christmas treesj (b) diseased or insect infested trees that should be cut or removed to prevent disease or insects from spreading to oth- er treesj (c) trees that have been damaged by disease, Insects, wind, ice, fire, lightning, or other natural causes to an extent that the content of merchantable timber in such trees is not likely to increasej (d) trees of poor. form and quality that should be cut to im- prove the health and development of the remaining trees In the standj (e)trees growing on location for fireguards, skid-ways, or I oggl ng tra i I s. 3. This by-law shall not (a) interfere with the right ofa person who has been the reg- istered owner of land for at least two years to cut trees there- on for hi sown usej (b) interferewithany rlghtsor powers confel"'red upon a mu- 178 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL nicipality by The Municipal Act: (c) interferewith the rights or powers of the Hydro ElectrIC Power Commission of Ontario or any other-Board or Com- mission which is performing its functions for or on behalf of the Government of Ontar lOj (d)apply to trees growing upon any highway or upon any op- ened road alJowancej (e) apply to trees growing ina woodlot having an area not exceeding two acres. 4. Every person who contravenes the provisions of this by-law is guilty. of an offence and'onsummary conviction is liable to a fine of not more than $500.00 or to imprisonment for a term of not more than tl-ree months. 5. That officers to enforce the provisions of this by-law may be appointed by by-law of the council and an officer so appointed shall (a) not be a member of the Counci I for the County of EJ gin. (b) hold office at the pleasure of the said Council; and (c)bepaid an hourly rate and also a rate per mile travell- ed, both to be determined from time to time by County Coun- ,ci I, for his duti es In enfOrcing the provisions of this by-law. 6. ThatBy-LaWNo. 1752 be and the same is hereby repealed. 7. That this By-Law shall not become effective until approved by the Minister of Natural Resources. READ a first time this 20th day of September, 1972. READ a second time this 20th day of September, 1972. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of September, 1972. H. L. .Johnson - Clerk .J. W. Hodgson - Warden ELGIN"COUNTY COUNCIL 179 COUNTY OFELGI-N By-Law No. 2209 AUTHORIZING SPEED LIMITS WHEREAS subsection 70Tsectlon 82 of the HighWay Traffic Act(R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 202) au'thoriiesthe Councn of'a'Tdwn- ship or County by by-Law to prescribe a ,lower or higher rate'of speed for motor vehicles on a highway or portion of highway' under its jurisdiction that i's not within a bu'ilt,..;.up area or suburban' dis- trict than is prescribed in clause (a) of subsection 1 of section El2, but such rate of speed $hall not be less than 35 miles per hour or more than 60 miles p'erhourj AND WHEREASitis deemed expedient that the speed lim.. it for motor vehicles'on certain highways in the County of Elgin be either decreased or increased or both; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgineneacts as follows: 1. Whenanyhighway or portion of highway' set out in Schedule A_and B, appended'hereto is marked in "compliance with the regulations under The Highway TrafficActthe maximum rate of speed thereon shal I be the rate of speed prescribed in the schedu I e. 2. Thepenalties provided in subsection 16 Of section 82 of the Highway TrafficAct shall apply to offences against this by- law. 3. That By-Laws #2064, 2163, 2170 and any other 'by-taws in- consistent with this by,..;. law be and the same are hereby re- pealed. 4. This by-Ia'w shall not become effective until approved by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. SCHEDULE HAll tv'AXIMUM RATE OF SPEED - 40 MILES PER HOUR 1. County Road #2 being, the-road allowance between Conces- sion VIII and IX, Township of Aldborough, from the easterly limit ofCQunty Road #3., being the roadall.owance between Lots 6 and 7, north easterly to east limit of Lot 7, Concess.ion VIII, Township of Aldborough, being a distance of 1,988 feet. 180 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 2. County Road #Z, being the road allowance between Conces- sion XliII and IX, Township of Aldborough, f.....om 256 feet west of the w.est limit of Lot 1 7, Concession VIII, Aldborough Township, north- easterly to the wester Iy I imit of the Vii lage of West Lorne, being a distance of 1,568 feet. 3. County Road #2, being the road allowance,between Conces- slonVlllandlX, Township of Aid borough, and the road used in lieu thereof from the easterly limit of the Village of West Lorne horth- easterly to the east limit of Lot #20, Concession \/111, Township of Aldborough, being a distance of approximately 2,140 feet. 4. County Road #3, being the road allowance through Lots 14 and 15 in Broken Front Concession of the Western Division of the Township of Aldborough from the south limit of the road allowance between the Broken Front and Concession I (Western Division) north- westerly to the boundary of the County of Elgin, being the middle of the River Thames, being a distance of approximately 1,070 feet. 5. County Road #3, being the road allowance between Lots #6 and #7 in Concession VII and the Gore Concession in the Township of Aldborough, from the northerly I imit of the Village of Rodney northwesterly to 314 feet north of the north limit of the road allow- ance between the Gore Concession and Concession VII, being a dis- tance of approximately 2,600 feet. 6. County Road #3, being the road allowance between Lots #6 and #7 in Concession IX, Township of Aldborough from the northerly limit of the road between Concession VIII and IX south easterly a distance of 1,546 feet. 7. County Road #3, being the road allowance between Lots #6 and #7 in Concession XIV of the Township of AJdborough, from the~ south limit of the road allowance between Concession XIII and Con- cession XIV southerly for a distance of sixteen hundred feet. 8. County Road #14, being the Southwold-Dunwich Townl ine from the south limit of the North Branch of the Talbot Road in the Township of Southwol d, to 2,500 feet south of the south I imit of the North Branch of the Talbot Road. 9. County Road #14 being the Southwold-Dunwich Townline from a point 2,807 feet southeasterly of the south limit of the road allowance between Concession A and Concession V, south of A, Dunwlch Township, southeasterly a distance of 456 feet. 10. CountyRoad#14beingtheSouthwold-DunwichToWnllne from a point opposite the north I imit of the road allowance between Con- cession V, South of A and'Concession VI, Dunwich Township south- easterly a distance of 340 feet. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 181 11. County Road #15, being the road allowance through Lot XI, Concession "A" Township of Dunwich from the southeasterly limit of County Road #2, being the road allowance between Concession A andV, North of A, Township of Dunwich, southeasterly, a distance of 1,240 feet to the northwesterly limit of the Village of Dutton. 12. County Road #15, being the road allowance between Lots #12 and #13 in Concession VII, Township of Dunwich, from the north- westerly limit of Kingls HighwayNo. 3, being the road allowance between Concession VII" and VIII, Township of Dunwlch, northwest- erly for a distance of 1,214 feet. 13. County Road #15, being the road allowance between Lots 12 and 13 in Concession VIII, Township of Dunwlch, from the south- easterly Jlmit of King's Highway No.3, being the road allowance between Concession VII and VIII, Township ofDunwich, southeast- erly a distance of 831 feet. 14. CountyRoad#16, being the road allowance known as Talbot Road East Branch, SouthwoldTownship, from the west limit of road allowance between Lot #18 and #19westerly for 2,780 feet, and from thewest limit of the road allowance between Lots #18 and #19 east- erly for 1,142 feet, a total distance of 3.922 feet (Fin gal ). 15. County Road #20 being the road allowance between Lots #15 and #16, South of the North Branch of the Talbot Road, Township ofSouthwoldfrom apoint591 feet south of the south limit of the road al lowanceknownas Talbot Road North Branch, southerly for a dis- tance of 409 feet. (Shedden). 16. County Road #20, being the road allowance between Lots #18 and #19, north of the Talbot Road East Branch, Township of Southwold, from the north limit of the Talbot Road East Branch, northerly for 1,457 feet. (Flngal). 17. County Road #20, being the road allowance between Lots #18 and #19, south of the Talbot Road East Branch, Township of Southwold, from the south limit of the Talbot Road East Branch, southerly for 1,432 feet (Fingal). 18. County Road #22, being the road allowance between Lots #7 and #8, in Concession III, Township of Yarmouth fl"'om the south limit of the road allowance between Concession III and IV, southerly a distance of 2,528 feet. 19. County Road #24 being the road known as the Lake Road through Lots #3 and #4, Concession I, Township of Malahide, from thewest limltof King's Highway No. 73westel"ly to 247 feet west of the West I imit of Lot #1. Registered Plan #227. (Township of Mal- ahide), a distance of 0.5 miles. 182 ELGIN COUNTY CQUNC IL 20. County Road#26, being the rQad allowance known asSt, GeorgeStreet, in Lots #1 and #2; Concession IX, Township of Var- mouth, from the east limit of the Southwold-Yarmouth Townl ine .ea5t- erlyandsoutherly to the St. Thomas city limit, a distance of 4,517 feet. 21. County.Road #27, being the road allowance between Con.. cessions'll I and IV, Townshipof Yarmouth, from 230 feet east of-the east limit of Colborne Street in the hamlet of Union in- Concession IV, Yarmouth Township, to 1,730 feet east of the east limit of Col- borne Street in the hamlet of Union, a distance of 1,500 feet. 22. County Road #27, being the road allowance between Conces- sions [11 and IV, Township of Yarmouth, from 1, 020 feet west of the west,limitofthe road allowance between Lots #21 and #22, Conces- sion IV, Yarmouth Township to 1,0'0'3 feet east of the west limit of Lot #19, Concession IV, Yarmouth Township, a distance of 3, 0'47 feet. 23. County Road #28, being the road allowance between Con..;. cession VII and Concession VII, Townshi'p of Yarmouth, from the east limit of the road between Lots #10' and #11, westerly to the St. Thomas city limits, a distance of 0'.60 miles. 24. County Road #28, being the road allowance between' Lots #1 a and #11 in Concession VIII, Township of Yarmouth from the north Iimitoftheroad allowance between Concession VII and VII northel"'~ Iy to the south limit of the road allowance between Concession VIII and IX (Highway No.3), a distance of,approximately 1.0' miles., 25. County Road #33 as designated by County of Elgin By-Law #2166, throughout its entire length of O'. 7 miles. 26. County Road #36, being the road allowance between Lots #21 and #22 in Concession IV, Township of Yarmouth, from the north limit of County Road #27, being the road allowance betweenConces- sions III and IV, Township of Yarmouth, tot, 0'40' feet north of the north limit of County Road #27. (Hamlet of Sparta). 27. County Road #36, being the road allowance between Lots #21 and #22, ,Concession III, Township of Yarmouth, from 620 feet south of the south limit of the road allowance between Concessions III and IV, Yarmouth Townsh ip to 1,283 feet south of the south limit of the I"oad allowance between Concessions III and IV, Yarmouth TownShip, a distance of 663 feet. (Hamlet of Sparta). 28. Road #37 being the road allowance between the Township of North and South Dorchester from the west limit of the road allow- ancebetween Lots 3and4, Concession VII, South Dorchester east- erly 1, lID feet. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 183 29. Road #37 being the road allowance between the Township of North ar:\d South Dorchester from the west limit,of the road a 1.1 ow- ancebetweenLots, #3 and #A, Concession VII, Township of South Dorchester, wester Iy, 60'3, feet. 30. County Road #38, being the Talbot Road East, in the Town- ship of Bayham, from 420' feet southeast of the south limit ofMi,l! Street, in the hamlet of Richmond, as shown on a Plan registered asNo. 22intheCountyofElgin Registry office, to 1,330' feet north.... west of the south limit of Mi II Street, a distance of '1,750' feet. 31. County Road #38, being the Talbot Road East in the Town... ship of Bayham, from 60'0' feet west of the west limit of the Plank Road (King's Highway No. 19), in the hamlet of Straffordville, as shown on a Plan registered as No. 20'S, in the County of ElginRe- gistryOfficeto 2,80'0' feet west of the west limit of the Plank Road, G distgnce of 2,.20'0' feet-. 32. County Road#38, being the Talbot Road East in the Town- shipofBayham, from the east limit of the Canadian Pacific Railway right-of-way (approximately 1,30'0. feet east of the east I imit of the PlankRoad in the hamlet ofStraffordvill,e as shown on a Plan reg- istered as No. 20'S in the County of El gin Registry Office) to the west limit of the road allowance between Lots #126 and #127, in Con- cession VI, Township of Bayham, being a distance of,l, 30'0' feet. 33. County Road #40', being the road allowance between Lots #20' and #21 and the road used in lieu thereof in Concession VIII and IX, Township of Malahlde from point 6,0'83 feet south of the south limit of the road allowance between Concession VIII and IX, south- erly and easterly to a point 2,761 feet north of the line between Lot #21 in the Gore, North Talbot Road East and Lot #94 l";orthTalbot Road East (Registered Plan D-719) being a total distance of approx- imately 0'.35 miles. 34. County Road #40' being the road allowance between Lot #20 and 21 south of Talbot Road east in the Township of Malahide, from the south limit ofTa!bot Road east southerly a distance of 1950' feet. 35. County Road #40' being the road allowance between Lots #20' and #21 in Concession III and IV, Township of Malahide from 1670' feet north of the north lImit of the road allowance between Conces- sion III and IV southerly to 2246 feet south of the north limit of the road allowance between Concession III and IV being a distance of 3916 feet. 36. County Road #43 being a road allowance known as Mill Street RegisteredPlan#22, (Township of Bayham) south westerly from the south limltofCountyRoad #38 (Talbot Road East) a distance of 1420 feet. 18[1 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 37. County Road #43 being the Bayham-Malahide Townline posite Concession III and IV, Malahide from a point 1690 feet of the north I imit of the road allowance between Concession III IV southerly to the north limit of the Road Allowance between Con- cession III and IV. 38. County Road #44 being the road allowance between slon VIII and IX BayhamTownship from the west limit of King's High- way in the hamlet of Eden westerly to the west limit of Lot 22 in Concession VIII a distance of 0.2 miles. 39. County Road #45 being the road allowance between Conces- sionVandVl, Township of 'Yarmouth from 225 feet West of the west limit of Lot 3,. easterly to the West Limit of Highway No'. 4, a dis- tance of 0.35 mil es. 40. County Road #45 being the road allowance between Conces- sion 111 and IV Malahide Township from the east limit of the road al- lowancebetween Lots #20 and #21 easterly a distance of 2320 feet. '41. County Road #45 being the road allowance between Conces- sion III and IVI Mal ahide from the east I imit of the Mal ahide-Bayham Tbwnline westerly for a distance of 653 feet. 42. County Road #45 being the road allowance between Conces- sion III and IV, Bayham Township from the east limit of the Mala- hide-Bayham Townline easterly for a distance of 340 feet. 43. County Road #46 being the road allowance between Lots 5 and 6 in Bayham Township from the north limit of the road allow_ ance between Concession IX and X, northerly a distance of 203 feet and from the south limit of the road allowance between Concession IXand X southerly a distance of 141 g feetj being a total distance of 1700 feet. 44. Cq_Llhty Road #47 being the road allowance between Lots #3 and #4, Concession VII, South Dorchester from the north limit of the road allowance between the Townships of North and South Dor- chester southerly a distance of 672 feet. 45. County Road #48 being the road allowance between Conces- sionX and Xl, Township of South Dorchester from the east limit of King1sHighwayNo. 73, easterlytoa point 1122 feet west of the east limit of Lot 12, Concession XI, a total distance of 90S feet. READ a first time this 20th day of September, 1972. READ a second time this 20th day of September, 1972. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of September, 1972. H. L. Johnson - Clerk J. W. Hodgson- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 185 COUNTY OF ELGIN SCH EDU L E lIB II ~XIMUM RATE OF SPEED - 60 MILES PER HOUR 1. County Road #2 being the road allowance between Concesw. sian VIII and IX, Township of Aldborough, from a point 1,988 feet east of the east limit of the road allowance between Lots #6 and #7 easterly to a point 256 feet west of the west limit of Lot #17, Con- cession VIII, a total distance of approximately 3.3 miles. 2. County Road #2 being the road allowance between Conces- sion VIII and IX, Township of AId borough and the road allowance between Concession V, north of A and Concession A In the Town- ship ofDunwich and the road used in lieu thereof from the east limit of Lot #20, Concession VIII, Aldborough, easterly to the west limit ofthe road allowance between Lots 12and 13, Concession V, north of A, Dunwich Township, a total distance of 6. 05 miles. 3. County Road #3 being the road aUowance between Lots #6 and#7 in the Township of Aldborough from the north limit of King1s Highway No. 3 northerly to a point 1546 feet south of the south limit of the road allowance between Concession VIII and IX, a total dis- tance of 3.1 miles. 4. County Road #3 being (a) the road allowance between Lots 6 f:t 7 in Concessions III, IV, V, VI, and the Gore, (b) the road al- lowance between Concession II and III opposite Lots #9, #10, #11 and #12, Concession Ill, (c) Road allowance between Lots #14 and #15 in Concession I and II and (d) the road used in lieu thereofj All in the western division of the Township of Aldborough from a point 314feetnorth of the north limit of road allowance between Conces- sion VII and the Gore, thence northerly and easterly to the south limit of the road allowance between Concession I and the Broken Front Concession, a total distance of 6. 8 miles. 5. County Road #6 being the road allowance between Conces- sion II and III, Western Division of the Township of Aldborough from the east limit of the road allowance between the Township of Ald- borough and Orford easterly to the west I imit of County Road #3 in Lot 9, Concession 111, AI dborough Township, a total distance of 4.1 miles. 6. County Road #13 being the road allowance between Conces- sionAandConcesslonV, south of A, Township of Dunwlch, from the east limit of the Village of Dutton easterly to the West limit of the road allowance between the Townships of Dunwich and Southwold, a distance of 4.8 miles. 7. County Road #14 being the road allowance between the Town- 186 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ship of Dunwich and Southwoldfrom the south limit of the road tween Concession A and V, south of At Dunwlch Township, north..; erly to the county boundary which Is the cente.... of the Thames River a distance of 3.75 mi les. 8. County Road #14 being the road allowance between the Town- ships ofDunwlch and Southwol d from the south limit of the road be- tween Concession A and V, south of A, Dunwlch Township south- easterly for a distance of 2, 807 feet. 9. CountyRoad#15 on the road allowance between Lot #12 and #13, ConcessionVtoVIII, Township of Dunwich from the south limit of the Village of Dutton In Concession V to 1,214 feet north of the north limit of the road allowance between Concession VII and VIII; (Highway No.3), a total distance of 2.2 miles. 10. County Road #16 on the road a] lowance known as Talbot Road East through Concessions VIII toXI in the Township of Dunwich from the southeast IlmltofCounty Road #15 In Lot #12, Concession VIII, southeasterly to the westerly] imTt of the road allowance between the Townships of Dunwich and Southwold (County Road #14) In Lot C, Conces_sion X, Dunwich, a total distance of 7.2 miles. 11. County Road #16 on the road allowance known as the Talbot Road East Branch, Southwold Township from the westerly limit of theroadallowance between the Township of 50uthwold and Dunwich easterly to 2,760 feet west of the easterly limit of Lot #16, a total distance of 3.4 miles. 12. County Road #16 on the road allowance known as Talbot Road East Branch, SouthwoldTownship, from 1,142 feet east of the west Ilmitoftheroad allowance between Lots #16 and #19 easterly to the west limit of the road allowance between Lots #38 and #39, NTRE, a total distance of 5. 0 miles. 13. County Road #22 on the road allowance between Lots #7 and #6, Concession II, and III, Yarmouth Township, from the north limit of the road allowance between Concession I and II, northerly to 2,528 feet south of the south ] Imlt of the road allowance between Concession III and IV, a total distance of 1. 5 miles. 14. County Road #24 on the road allowance between Concession I and II, Township of Yarmouth and the Lake Road through Lot #23- 28, Concession I, Yarmouth Township and the Lake Road through Lots #1 and #3, Concession I, Malahlde Township, from the west IImTtofCounty Road #23 In Lot #2, Concession II, Yarmouth Town- Ship, easterly to 247 feet west of the west limit of Lot #1, Register_ ed Plan 227, In Lot #3, Concession I, Malahlde Township, a total distance of 9.75 miles. 15. County Road #25 on the road allowance between the Town- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 107 ships of Yarmouth andSouthwoldTownshlp from the north I imit of the EdgewareRoad (County Road #29) northerly to the north limit of the road allowance between the Township of Yarmouth, Southwold and Westminister,a total distance of 3.30 miles. 16. County Road #27 on the road allowance between Concession III and IV, Yarmouth Townships from 1,730 feet east of the east lim- itofColborneStreet in the hamlet of Union to 1,003 feet east of the west limit of Lot #19, Concession IV, Yarmouth Township, a total distance of 4.8 miles. 17. County Road #36 on the road allowance known as the Talbot Road, BayhamTownship through Lots #129 to #136 from the east_I Un- It of the road between Lots #128 and #i 29 easterly to the east I imit of the road a]lowance between the Township of Eayham and Hough- ton, a total distance of 2.20 miles. 18. County Road #40 on the road allowance between Lots #20 and #21 , Concession VIII and IX, Malahide Township from the south limit of the Village of Springfield in Concession IX southerly to 6,083 feet south of the south limit of-the road allowance between VIII and IX, a total distance of 1.85 miles. 19. county Road #40 on the road allowance between Lots' #20 and #21, Concession VII-and Lots #93 and #94, north side of Talbot Road, MalahideTownship southerly from a point 2, 761 feet north of the line between Lot #21 fn the Gore North Talbot Road East and Lot #94 North Talbot Road East (Registered Plan D':"'710), southerly to the north limit of Talbot Road East a total distance of 1.80 miles. 20. County Road #40 on the road allowance between Lots #93 and #94 south side of Talbot Road and Lots #20 and #21 In Conc- ession V and IV, Malahide Township from 1,950 feet south of the south limit of the Talbot Road southerly to 1,670 feet north of the north limit of road allowance between Concessions 111 and IV, Mal- ahide TownshipJ a total distance of 2.9 miles. 21. County Road #42 on the road al ]owance between Concession land II and the road used in lieu thereofJ Malahide Township, from the east I imit of road allowance between Lots #10 and #11 (High- way#73) easterly tothe east limit of'the road allowance between the Township of Malahide and Bayham, a total distance of 6.4 miles. 22. County Road #42 on the road allowance between Concession I and II and the road throu.gh Lot #10, Concession I and the road al- lowance between Lots #1 0 and #11, Concession I, all in the Town- ship of Bay ham from the east I imit of the road allowance between the Township of Malahide and Bay ham easterly and southerly to the north ] imlt. of the Village of Port Burwell, a total distance of .3.2 miles. 188 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 23. County Road #44 on the road allowance between Concession VIII and IX, Bayham Township from the east limit of King1s Highway #19 in Lot #8 easterly to the west limit of Lot #22, Concession VIII, a distance of 4.1 miles. 24. County Road #45 on the road allowance between Lots #33 and tj34 South Side Talbot Road East Branch, Southwold Township and the road through Lots #6 and #7. .Ranges I. II, and III. west of the River Road and Ranges I and II, east of the River Road, all in the Township of SouthWold and the road aJ lowance between Conces..- sian V and VI, Yarmouth Township from the south limit of the Tal- botRoadEast Branch southerly and easterly to 225 feet west of the west limitofLot#3, Concession VI, Concession VJ Yarmouth Town- shiPJ a distance of 3. 85 miles. 25. County Road #45 on the road allowance between Concession V and VI and the road used in lieu thereof in Yarmouth Townships fromthe east side of King1s Highway #4 easterly to the east limit of the road allowance between the Township of Yarmouth and Mal- ahide, a total distance of 8.05 miles. 26. County Road #45 on the road allowance between Concession IVandV, Malahide Township fr'om the east limit of the road allow- ance between the Township of Yarmouth and Malahide easterly to the west limit of King1sHighway No. 73, a total distance of 2.55 miles. 27. County Road #45 on the road allowance between Concession IV and V, Malahide Township from the east limit of King's Highway No. 73, easterly to the west limit of the road allowance between Lot #20 and #21, Malahide Township, a distance of 2.60 miles. 28. CQunty Road #45 on the road allowance between Concession III and IVJ Malahide Township from 2,320 feet east of the east limit of road between Lots #20 and #21 to 653 feet west of the east limit of the road allowancebetween theTownship of Bayham and Malahide, a distance of 3.25 miles. 29. County Road #45 on the road allowance between Concession IV and V, Bayham Township from the east limit of King's Highway No. 19, easterly to the east limit of the road allowance between the Townships of Bayham and Houghton, a distance of 3.5 miles. 30. County Road #46 being the road allowance betwe,en Lots #5 and#6 in Concession VIII and IX, Bayham Township from the north- erly limit of King1s Highway No.3 northerly to 1,419 feet south of the south limit of the road allowance between Concession IX and X, Bayham TownshiPJ a total distance of 1.65 miles. 31. County Road #46 being the road allowance between Lots #5 and #6 In Concession X, Bayham Township from 203 feet north of the ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 189 north limit of the road allowance between Concession IX and X, northerly to the north limit of the road allowance between the Town- ship of Bayham and Dereham, 'a total distance of 0.95 miles. 32. County Road #47 being the road allowance between Lot #3 and #4, South Dorchester from the north limit of the road allowance between Concession IX and North Dorchester, a total distance of 3.35 miles. 33. County Road #48 being the road allowance between Conces- sion X and -XI, South Dorchester from 1, t 22 feet west of the east limit of Lot #12, Concession XI, easterly to the west t imil of the road allowance between the Township of South Dorchester and Dereham a total distance of 5.00 miles. 34. County Road #49 being the road allowance between Lots #6 and#7, South Dorchester Township from the north I imit of the Vil- lageofSpringfieldnortherlyto the south limit of the road allowance between Concession X and XI, a total distance of 1.55 miles. 35. County Road #52, being the road allowance between Con- cession X and Range II, North of the Edgeware Road, Yarmouth Township from the east limit of road allowance between Lots #8 and #9 easterly to the west limit of King1sHighway No. 74 in Lot #18, a total distance of 3.5 mites. 36. County Road #52, being the road allowance between Conces- sion X and Range II, north of Edgeware Road and the road through Lot #20, Concession X, Yarmouth Township and the road allowance between the Townships of Malahide and South Dorchester from the east limit of King1s Highway No. 74 in Lot #18 easterly to the west limit of King1s Highway No. 73, a total distance of 4.95 miles. 37. County Road #52being the road allowance between.the Town- shipofSouth Dorchester and Malahide Township from the east limit of King1s Highway No. 73J easterly to the west limit of the Village of Springfi eld, a total distance of 1.9 mi I es. 190 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 221 0 PRESCRIBING A HIGHER.RATE OF SPEED WHEREAS Subsection 6 of Section 82 of the. Highway ficAct (R. S. O. 1970, Chapter 202) authorizes the Council of a Town- ship or County by by-law to prescribe a higher rate of speed motor vehicles driven on any highway or portion of highway under Itsjurisdictionwlthin a built-up area than is prescribed in subsec- tion 10f section 82 providing that such increased rate of speed shall not be more than 50 miles per hourj AND WHEREAS each of the highways or portions of high- ways described in section 1 of this by-law is within a built-up area as defined In clause 1 of subsection 1 of section 1 of The Traffic Actj AND WHEREAS it Is deemed expedient that the speed limit for motor vehicles on the said highways or portions of highways be Increased; NOW THEFEFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. Whenanyhighwayor portion of highway set out on Schedule A appended hereto is marked in compliance with the regula- trons under ,the Highway TrafficAct the maximum rate of thereonshaJI betherateofspeedprescribed in the schedule. 2. Thepenalties provided in subsection 16. of section 82 of The HighwayTrafficAct shall apply to offences against this by- law. 3. Thatany by-laws inconsistent with this by-law be and same are hereby repealed. 4. Thi s by-law sha II not become effective unt il approved by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. COUNTY OF ELGI N SCHEDULE itA II MAXIMUM RATE OF SPEED - 40 MILES PER HOUR 1. Road #13 being the road allowance known as Shackleton Street In the Village of Dutton from the east limit of the Village of ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 191 Dutton westerly to 156 feet east of the Lot Line between Lots #13 and #14 in Concession A (Township of Dunwich) now the Village of Dutton, as shown on Registered Plan 0-6'03, a total distance of 1,875 feet. 2. Road #14 being the road allowance between the Townships ofDunwich and Southwold south from opposite the north Jimit of the road allowance between Concession V, South of A and Concession VI, northerly for a distance of 900 feet. 3. Road #20 being the road allowance between Lots #15 and #16 south of the North Branch of the Talbot Road, Southwold Town- ship, from the south limit of the North Branch of the Talbot Road southerly for a distance of 591 feet. 4. Road #20 being the road allowance between Lots #15 and #16 North of the North Branch of the Talbot Road from the North limit of the North Branch of the Talbot Road northerly to the north limit of the Pol ice Village of Shedden being a di stance of 1,980 feet. 5. County Road #27 being the road allowance between Conces- sion III and IV, Township of Yarmouth from the easterly limit of King'sHighway#4 easterly to 230 feet east of the east limit of Co 1- borne Street in the Hamlet of Union, a total distance of 887 feet (Union). 6. Road #27 being the road allowance between Concession III and IV, TownshipofYarmouth from 1, 020 feet west of the West limit of the road allowance between Lots #21 and #22, Concession IV, Yarmouth Township easterly to the west limit of the road allowance between Lots #21 and #22, Concession IV, Yarmouth Township, a total distance of 1,020 feet (Sparta). 7. Road #36 being the road allowance between Lots #21 and #22, Concession 111, Township of Yarmouth, from the south limIt of the road allowance between Concession III and IV, Township ofYar- mouth southerly for a distance of 620 feet. (Sparta). 8. County Road #38 being the Talbot Road East in the Town- ship of Bayham from the East limit of the Plank Road (King1s High- waY#19)inthehamletofStraffordviIJe, as shown o'n Plan Register- edas#205 intheCountyof Elgin Registry office easterly to the west limit of theCanadian Pacific Railway Company right of way, being a distance of approximately 1,234 feet. 9., . Road #38 being the Talbot Road east in the Township of Bay- ham from the west limit of Plank Road (King's Highway No. 19) In thehamletofStraffordvilleas shown on a,Plan Registered as #205 In the County of Elgin Registry Office westerly for a distance of 600 feet. 192 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL READ a first time this 20th day of Septembe~, 1972. READ a second time th is 20th day of September, 1972. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of September, 1972. H. L. Johnson - Clerk J. W. Hodgson - Warden. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2211 "Restricting the Weight of Vehicles Passing Over Bridges. II WHEREAS Subsection 8 of Section 64 of the Highway Traf- fic Act (R. S. O. 1970) provi des tha t: The Municipal Corporation or other-authority having juris- diction over a bridge may by By-Law approved by the Ministry make regulations limiting the gross weight of any vehicle Of" combination of vehicles or any class thereof passing over such bridge: AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to limit the weight of vehicles passing over certain bridges in the County of Elgin: NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. No vehicle or combination of vehicles or any class thereof whether empty or loaded, shall be operated over any bridge desig- nated inSchedule No.1, forming part of this By-Law with a weight inexcessofweight limit prescribed intheSchedule for such bridge. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this By-Law shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 152 of the High- way Traffic Act. 3. This By-Law shall not become effective until approved by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and until a not- ice of the weight permitted, legibly printed, has been posted up in a conspicuous place at either end of each bridge designated in the attached Schedules. 4. BY-LAW No. 21370ftheCountyofEIgin is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 20th day of September, 1972. READ a second time this 20th day of September, 1972. ELGIN COUNTY COUNC IL H. L. Johnson - Clerk READ a third time and finally passed thlsZOth day of September, 1972. ~ W ...J :J o W I o {f) OJ, C._ >. 'c u.~ 'o'c <<i ......':J a. "::E <( x W {f) W ...J o o :E 11. o )- I- Z :J o o W I l- I t: ;: {f) W l'l o "iX Ol )- a: ~ z :J o Ol '0 t.-fii ~ g'2 g;iLLL I- '0 ~ 5 t. c'';:; . 0 u ~()~ ~ c ..c'- 00 OJ ~ C '~'E 0 ;:jl- c .2 .. u o ...J ~ 0 o OJ 0" E .- . c zOl " . . o~ a: ~ .0 :2-"1- cL.::E Ol - o , " o- J: U {f) ~ X o 0 . " 0 Cu '" o ._ O::E . , o c 'E .'! Oi '" o OJ o J: o.u ::c .~ ..() tIl c ... . C :J _ 11. ~ 0 o . 0...... .J [) f-- 0 c o " . ;: '" OJ '" I '" 193 J. W. Hodgson - Warden ~ X o 0 a~ c'<; '" o ._ O::E .. ", 20 o c C t.'- ~ u E" c , 0 o.~ 0 00l;: " ;;; '" J: ... a..~ .,:.c 3: ...<( tIl C t'- . C :J _11. ~ 0 o . 0...... .J [) I- 0 -oo - . I- '" " , '" '" ~ X o 0 a~ cij '" o .- O::E o 0; c u c o o ". o OJ '" " .~ c 0 ~ m a.~ "0 .- 0 ...'- ...c > adO Z lIl.t: .::t.... . C .... .... 00 a: 3::J o fll . 0 0 ...JWI-I-{f) . -OJ C j '" , '" '" 194 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2212 "Restricting the Weight of Vehicles Passing-Over Bridges. 11 WHEREAS Subsection 8 of Section 64 of the Highway Traf- fic Act (R.S.a. 1970) provides that: The Municipar Corporation or other authority having juris- dictionoverabridge may by By-Law approved-by the Ministry make regulations limiting the gross weight of any vehicle or combination of vehicles or any class thereof passing over such bridge: AND WHEREAs it is deemed expedient to limit the weight of vehicles passing over certain bridges,in the County of Elgin: NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. No vehicle or combination of vehicles or any class thereof whether empty or loaded, shal I be operated over any bridge desig- nated in Schedule No. 1 and Schedule No.2, forming part of this By-Law with a weight in excess of weight limit prescribed in the Schedule for such bridge. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this By-Law shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 152 of the High- way Traffic Act. 3. This By-Law shall not become effective until approved by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and until a not- iceoftheweight permitted, legibly printed, has been posted up in a conspicuous place at either end of each bridge designated in the at- tached Schedules. 4. By-Laws No. 2138 and 21 58 of the County of [:;::1 gin are here- by repeal ed. READ a first time this 20th day of September, 1972. READ a second time this 20th day of September, 1972. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of September, 1972. H. L. Johnson - CI erk J. W. Hodgson - Warden ~ ~ a: . >- o ~ Z :J W 0 .J 0 :J Z @ 0 I 1Il o W 1Il l'> o n: CO ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ~ o C .c Q) g,~ "-_ c >-lL ,- I- lL ~IC o W 0 '- c '';:; o 0 u wOo >- b _ C .c ,- 01 W ,_ ... c Q) ,_ 0 ;;: ,S I- .J C ,2 ;; u o .J '0. w 01 E:2 o C zCO '0 . o 0 F ~ . U 'O.QI- 't: Z ~ CO - . o '0 w_ .c u 1Il W o o C 'E ,~ CO t- o o. "' "- c:C E o W () C ill ~ .c .0 >> -1-0 _ CO o "'+- .J> 0 W " o o o "' <t <t <t I "' W o o C E 3 in o. o o. "' "- .:c eWE o C 0 O~.c f')"~ ~ _ .CO o_~ .J> 0 w C o E :;: (L "' <t '" <t 1 "' '" W o o C E 3 in W >>- -0 Co 0", w_ o . -0 O)'+-[('+- coo ro.r: ~ Cl..r: [( rill:C:i .. 0 ::: If) 0 It) Z Q) C E ..... 0) ::: L o .. -0 0 ill .J=WI->- W C C o o '" "' <t I "' "' 195 196 '" ci z W -l ::J o W I U If) ()) 2; -ijj 0. 0 ,- >.;;: c I- :;: c ,~ ~ - o u o " " ro ;; " c >- 0 U If) o ~ 0: 0- j' If) Z ;: o I- Z o If) w (!) o iY III >- ~ ::J o U _ c .c ,- 01 . ._ ..... c (1) .- 0 ;:,~ I- -l c ,~ " u o -l . 01 '0 " III ~ o " E ro Z o Z_ " U 011- ~::2 "- III o o '0 o .c'" u If) ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 0> '" , '" c o '0 o o ;: ro 0> ro '" 0. ~ I- '0 0: L-o 0- > 0 ,- ~ O:.c "5 '" 0 _If) o~ -l 0 . ,S .D .D o 0: c .9 o IL o <D " '" '" o ;; " u c o U '" 0> '" ",; '0- ro 0 o ~ o:.c _5 := 0 :Elf) ~ "," 0 ~ ,9- .c '" . . c - ~ o 0 -ll- '" '" , '" '" " ;; " u c o U o o 0> o '" ,; '0 " ~ ~.c 0- 0: 1; . If) ::J~ . 0 Z ,9- ".c <D . - c - ~ o 0 -ll- . -" o o :E ro '" , '" '" . o o .S E il in " ;; " u c o U ro o 01 r c 0'- 0:'0 " c~ U ~ 0 o 1::; . . C (/) l"') -" c '" coo> ::Ju_ '" o '" .c 5 o E " " = ro >- c~ o 0 U ,9- ".c ro . '" c - ~ o 0 -ll- r~ >- 0 ro 0 a:~ .> c c o .- U ~ " 0 '" c ro _ c " c - e 0 o Ii}.- -l.c> c ~ o ;; o E ro .., ro c c " :> ro '" r '" '" c o '0 o o ;: ro o 0> '" 0- .c " . 0 c 0 ~ 0- o c I- ,- "'0 X ~ .0: c- o . . UE- ro c ~~-s.~ NIO:O - III c SoB .~ u ro u <t '" '" r '" <D ELG IN COUNTY CQUNC IL 197 MUNICIPALITY OF ELGIN By-Law Number 2213 DESIGNATING THROUGH HIGHWAYS WHEREAS clause 33 of subsection 1 of section 1 of the High- Traffic Act (R. s. O. J 1970, Chapter 202) provides that: - highwayll means any highway or part of a highway desig- nated as such by the Minister or by By-Law of a municipality ap- proved by the Ministry, and every such highway sheill be marked by a'stop sign or yield right-ot-way sign in compliance with the regu- lations of the Ministry. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the ity of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. The following highways or parts of highways under the jur- isdictionoftheMunicipalityofElgin are designated as through high- ways: 2 3 4 5. 6. DESCRIPTION Fromtheeastsideof County Road #3 to the west side of County Road #8. The intersect'ion of King1s Highway #76 is a through highway for County Road #2, and Highway #76 is not a through highway at this point. From the gate of the Memorial Park in the hamlet of Port Glasgow to the county boundary~ which is the centre of the Thames River. (a) On theA Idborough-Orford Townl ine from opposite the north side of the road between Concession IV and V, Township of Orford to opposite the south side of the road between Concession VII and Villi Aldborough Township. (b) On road between Concession VII and VIII Aldborough Township from thewest side of the Orford-Aldborough Townline to the west side of County Road #3. From the'south side of the road between Concessions II and III, Township of Dunwlch (county Road #9) to the county boundary which is the centre of the Tham" es River. From the east sldebfCountyRoad #7i to the west side 198 7. 8. (a) (b) 9. (a) (b) (0) 11. 13. 14. 15. (a) (b) 16. 17. 18. of County Road #3. From the south side of the road between Concessions XandXI, Township of Orford, to the county boundary which is the centre of the Thames River. Being JohnStreet, in the Village of Dutton, from the north side of County Road #15, being Main Street, to the south side of Currie Street (County Road #8). Bei n9 Curr j e Road, from the south side of John Street, intheVillageofDutton, tothecounty boundary, which is the centre of the Thames River. From the east side of County Road #3 to the west side of County Road #5. From the east side of County Road #5 to the west side of'County Road #8. From the east side of County Road #8 to the west side of County Road #14. From the east sideofKingls Highway No.4 to the west side of County Road #26. From the east side of County Road #15 to the west side of County Road #14. From the north side of County Road #16 to the county boundary which is the centre of the Thames River. From the south side of County Road #2, to the north sideofRoad #15 (Lake Road) in Lot #10, Concession X, Dunwich Township. Lake Road, fromthe west side of Road #15, in Lot #10, Concession X, Dunwich Township, to the east side of Pearce Provincial Park, (Lot #12, Conces- sion X, Township of Dunwich). Fromthe south-east side of County Road #15 to the west boundary of the City of St. Thomas. From the east side of County Road #19, to the east side of the road between Concessions I and II, Township of Westminster. Fromthe west side of County Road #20 to the west side of County Road #19. ELGiIN COUNTY COUNCIL 199 19. 20. (a) (b) (c) 21. 22. (a) (b) 23 (a) (b) 24. 25. 26. (a) (b) 27. 28. (a) (b) From the north side of King's Highway No. 3 to the north side of County Road #17. From the. north side of the road between the Town- ships of Southwold and Delaware to the north side of County Road #18. Ff'om the south side of County Road #18 to the north side of County Road #16. From the south side of County Road #16 to the shore of Lake Erie, in the Village of Port Stanley. From the east side of County Road #20 to the west side- of King1s Highway No.4. Fromthe boundary of the City of St. Thomas to the north side of County Road #27. From the;south side of County Road 1127 to the north side of County Road #24. From the east side of King's Highway J'..:o. 4 in Lot #2, Concession 11, Township of Yarmouth, to the north sideofJosephStreet, in the Village of Port Stanley. On Joseph Street, in the Village of Port Stanley, from the east side of King1s Highway #4 to the east side of East Street, in the Village of Port Stanley. From the east side of County Road #23 to the west side of Kingls Highway No. 73 at Port Bruce. From the north side of King's Highway No.3 to the north side of the road between the Townships of South- wold, Yarmbuth and Westminster. From the east side of County Road #25 to the north boundary of the City of St. Thomas. From the north side of County Road #11 to the west side of County Road #25. From the east side of King IS Highway No. 4 to the east side of County Road #36. From the south side of King's Highway No. 3 to the north side of the road between Concessions VII and VIII, Township of Yarmouth. From the east boundary of the City of St. Thomas to 200 29. (a) 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. (a) 35. 36. (a) 37. (a) ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL the east side of the ....oad between Lots #10 and #1" Concession VIIIJ Township of Yarmouth. From the east side of County Road #25 to the west side of County Road #31. (b) From the east side of Road #26 to the west side of County Road #25. (a) From the north boundary of the City of St. Thomas to the south side of the road between Concessions XIII and XIVJ Township of Yarmouth. (b) From opposite the west side of Lot #8, Concession XIII, to the east side of road between Lots #8 and # 9 in Concession XIII, Township of Yarmouth. . Fromthe north boundat"Y of the City of St. Thomas to the north side of the road between Concessions X and Range II, north of Edgeware Road, in the Town- ship of Yarmouth. From the east side of King's Highway #73 to the south side of County Road #52. From the west boundary of the City of St. Thomas to the south side of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway rightof way on the Townline Road between Yarmouth and Southwold Townships. From the west side of the road between Lots #10 and #11, Concession VIII, Township of Westminster to the west side of Lot #8, Concession XIII, Township of Yarmouth. (b) Fromthewest sideofKing's Highway #74 to the Coun- ty Boundary, being Kettle Creek. From the south side of King1s Hi,ghway No. 3 to the north side of County Road #45. From the south side of King1s Highway No.3 to the north side of County Road #45. (b) From the south side of County Road #45 to the north side of County Road #27. (e) From the south side of County Road #27 to the north side of County Road #24. From the east side of Klng1s Highway No. 74 to the 38. 39. 40. 41. (a) 42. (a) 43. (a) 44. 45. (a) 46. ELGIN,COl;JNTY COUNCIL 201 west side of Road #47. (b) From the east side: of Road #47 to the east side of the road between the Townships of North and South Dor- chester and the Township of Dereham. From the north-west side of King1s Highway No.3 to the east limit of the road between the Townships of Bayham and Houghton Townships. From the south sideof County Road #42 to the north sho....e of Lake Erie. From the south side of County Road #52 to the north side of County Road #42. On Fulton Street in the Village of Vienna from the west side of Union Street to the west side of Main Street. (b) On Main Street fromthe north side of King1s High _ way No. 19 to the north side of Fulton Street. From the east side of King's Highway No. 73 to the west side of King1s Highway No. 19, in the Village of Port Burwell. (b) From the east side of King1s Highway No. 19 in the Village of Port Burwell to the east limit of the road between the Townships of Bayham and Houghton. From the south side of County Road #38 to the north side of County Road #45. (b) From the south sideofCountyRoad #45 to the north s ide of County Road #42. From the east side of County Road #46 to the west side of King1s Highway No. 19. Fror:nthe south side of Road #16 to, the west side of County Road #22. (b) From the east side of County Rl?ad#22 to the west side of County Road #40. (e) From the east side of County Road #40 to the east side of County Road #55. From the north side of King's Highway No. 3 t~ th~ north sldeofthe road between the Townships of Bay-' 202 47. 48. 49. 50. 52:. (a) (b) (e) (d) (e) 53. (a) (b) 54. 55. ELGIN CQUNTYCOUNCIL ham and Dereham. From the north side of County Road #48 to the north side of County Road #37. From the east side of King's Highway No. 73 to the west side of County Road #54. From the south side of County Road #48 to the north side of County Road #52. From the north side of Road #42 to the south side of Highway No. 19. From the east side of Highway No.4 to the west side of County Road #26. From the east side of County Road #26 in the Town;" ship of South wold to thewest sldeof County Road #25. From the east side of County Road #25 to the west side of County Road #31. From the east sideofCountyRoad #31 to the west side of County Road #30. From the east side of County Road #30 to the east side of County Road #40. ElmStreet inTown of Aylmer, from the north side of King1s Highway No.3 to the south side of Beech St., in Town of Aylmer. BeechStreet from the west side of Elm Street to the west side of Kingls Highway No. 73. From the north side of County Road #48 to the south sldeofthe road between Concessions X and XI, Town- sh ip of Dereham. From the north side of County Road #42 to the south side of County Road #45. 2. The designation in Section I of this By-law of a highway or part of a highway as a through highwayshall not include any inter- section thereon, where the road intersected is a King's Highway, or where traffic control signals are installed. 3. Thepenaltles provided inSectlon 152 of the Highway Traffic act shall apply to offences against this By-law. i, I ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 203 4. By-law Number 2171 Is hereby repealed. 5. This By-law shall not become effective until approved by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. ENA.CTED AND PASSED THIS 20TH DAy OF SEPTEMBER,1972. J. W. Hodgson - Warden H. L. Johnson - Clerk. ., 204 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF' ELGIN By-Law No. 2214 "A By-Law toAuthorize the Execution of an Agreement with the Min":' istl3,t" of Transportation and Communications for Ontario Relating to a Road under the Jurisdiction ofthe Corporation of the County of El- gin. II Designated as development road number 1122. It is,hereby enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin: 1. THAT the Warden and Clerk are hereby authorized to exe- cute an agreement between the Minister of Transportation and Com- munications for Ontario and the Corporation of the County of Elgin attached hereto and marked Schedule IIA". READ a first time this 20th day of September, 1972. READ a second time this 20th day of September, 1972. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of September, 1972. H. L. Johnson - Clerk J. W. Hodgson - Warden SCHEDULE "AU THIS AGREEMENT BETWEEN HERM.l\JESTYTHEQUEEN in right of the Province of On- tario,. as represented by the Minister of Transportation and Commllnications, hereinafter called the Department, and The Corporation of the County of Elgin hereinafter called the Corporation, WITNESSETH TH<\T: TheMlnlsterofTransportatlon and Communications for On- tario has designated as a development road on the 12th day ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 205 of June", 1972, ,the road described as follows: Designated Development Road Number Description 1122 BEING that part of Elgin County Road Number 36, COMMENCING at the south limit of King1s Highway Number 3, THENCE southerly to the road allowance between Con- cession lIand Concession III Township of Yarmouth. A distance of approximately 6.7 miles. AND WHEREAs the said road or part thereof is under the jurisdiction of the Council of the Corporation. NOWTHEREFORETHISAGREEMENT WITNESSETH that, in consideration of the premises and the covenants hereinafter con- tained, the parties hereto, for themselves and their respective suc- cessors and assigns, do hereby mutually covenant and agree as fol- lows: 1. The Corporation agrees and hereby undertakes to improve the said road to a standard which in the opinion of the Dep- artment is satisfactory for the type and intensity of traffic using the said road and the Department hereby undertakes to pay to the Corporation the lesser of the cost of the im- provement or THREE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOL- LARS ($ 325, OOO} excluding the items designated in paragraph 2. 2. The Corporation agrees and hereby undertakes to acquire any land within the boundaries thereof wh ich may be requir- ed for widening or deviating the said road or which may be otherwise required in connection with the construction, im- provement or ma intenanceofthe said road and to bear the cost thereof. including any necessary fencing. 3. It is understood and agreed that the. Corporation is and will continue to be responsible for the maintenance and repair of the said road and the Corporation covenants and agrees that after the designation of the said road as a Development Road has been revoked the Corporation wi I r maintain It and keep it in a state of repair satisfactory to the Department and in default thereof the Department may, pursuant to sec- 206 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL tion 95 of The Public Transportation and Highway Improve- mentAct, R.S.O. 1970 Chapter 201, itself repair the road and charge the cost to the Corporation. 4. TheCorporation agrees and hereby undertakes to indemnify and save harmless the Department from and against all loss, costs, expense or damage which the Department or its offi- cers or the public may incur, suffer or be put to by reason of any wcirk being done on the said road or part thereof over which the council of the Corporation has jurisdiction or by reason'ofanyaccident, damage or injury which may be sus- tainedonaccount of such work being done or the same being maintained or on account of the condition of the said road or part thereof at any time. 5. This agreement shall remain and continue in force until the designationofthesaidroadas a Development Road has been revoked excepting paragraph 3 thereoTwhich shall remain and continue in force. 6. This agreement shall be effective on the date it is executed by the Minister of Transportation and Communications for On";' tarlo. IN WITNESS WHEREOF HER tytt..JESTY THE QUEEN in right of the Province of Ontario This 19 day of (Seal) Minister of Transportation and Communications (Seal) Signed and sealed this 20th day September, 1972. Corporation of the County of J. W. Hodgson - Warden H. L. Johnson - Clerk ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 207 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2215 lIBeinga By-Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign a 'need to Convey Land In the Township of Yarmouth to the Kettle Cr'eek Conservation Authority. II WHEREAStheCor-porationoftheCounty of Elgin has agr-eed to sell to the Kettle Cr-eek Conser-vatlon Authority lands not needed for- r-oad allowance purposes in the south half of Lot #9, Concession Xl, Township of Yarmouth, for- the sum of $26,500.00 NOW THEREFORE the Council of theCorpor-ation of the Coun- ty of Elgin enacts as follows: That the War-den and Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are her-eby authorized to sign a deed for the fOllowing par-- cel of Lot #9, Concession XI, Township of Yarmouth. ALL AND Sl NGULAR that cer-tain par-cel or tract of land and premises situtate lying and being in the Township of Yarmouth in the County ofEI gin and Province of Ontar-io being 70mposed of the south half of Lot #9, Concession XI, of the said Township of Yar- mouth which may be more particularly described as follows: ALL OF THE SOUTH I-l.A.LF OF LOT #9, Concession XI, Township of Yarmouth save and except lands used for road allow- ance purposes and those lands described in instruments registered in the County of Elgin Registry Office. READ a first time thi s 20th day of September, 1972. READ a second time this 20th day of September, 1972. -READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of September, L. Johnson- Clerk J. W. Hodgson - Warden 208 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2216 IIA By-Law to Confirm Proceedil1gs of the Council of the Corpora- tion of The County of Elgin at the September Session, 1972. H WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 2840ftheRevised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a muni- cipal corporation are to be exercised by its councllj AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 of the Muni- cipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970 the powers of every Counci I are to be exercised by By-Law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Caune! I of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meet- ing be confirmed and adopte"d by By-Law; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by theCouncil of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the September 1972 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin.are hereby authorized and directed to do all.things necessary to give effect to the action of the Counc'il of the Corpora- tionof the County of Elgin referred to in preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of EI gin. READ a first time this 20th day of September, 1972. READ a second time this 20th day of September, 1972. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of September, 1972. H. L. Johnson - C I el"'k J. W. Hodgson - Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 209 OCTOBER SESSION.,... FIRST DAy Wednesday, the 18th day of October, 1972 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All members pl"'esent. Moved by Deputy Reeve Cook Seconded by Reeve Dennis That the minutes of the September Session, 1972, of the Elgin County Council be confirmed. Carried. The Following communications were read and referred to the various committees; From the Town of Whitby with resolution re: Bill 90 - Prov- inciallncentive Programme Construction of New Arenas. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the City of Pembroke with resolution re:censorship of motion pictures, television and book publications. - Referred to the' Educational Committee. From the County of Kent with letter Re: Number 3 Highway Parkway and announcing a meeting at the Kent County Municipal BuildingonNovember 1st, 1972, at 8:00 p.m. - Referred to the Fi- nance Committee. From the Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association with letter re: Land Use Conference to be held December 12th, &' 13th, 1972. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From Mr. G. S. Posen, Director, Intergovernmental Af- fairs Secretariat, with letter acknOWledging receipt of letter re: (1) provincial grants to economic councils and(2) county boundar- ies. - Filed. From Doctor Harry Parrott, M. P. P. with letter acknow- ledging receipt of resolution re: county boundaries. - Filed. From Mr. James N. Allan, M. P. P. with letter acknowledg- Ing receipt of resolution re: county boundaries. - Flied. 210 ELGIN COUNTY COUNC IL From the Township of Southwold with Notice of appl ication to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of a by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of the Planning Act and a copy of Township of Southwold By-Law No. 72-21. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the City of St. Thomas with notice of appl ication to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of a by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of the Planning Act and a copy of City of St. Thomas By-Law No. 116-72. - Filed. From Pitney Bowes with suggested postage meter Holiday Greetings plates. - Referred to the- Finance Committee. From Mr. Murray H. McNea, Fire Prevention Officer, St. Thomas FireDepartment with report on fire fighting equipment pres- ently in the Elgin County Court House. - Referred to the Property Committee. From the Township of Malahide with letter re: Provincial Water Works Program # 5-0169-71 and requesting to make connec- tions on and across Elgin County Roads No. 24 and No. 42. - Ref- erred to the Road Committee. From the University of Western Ontario announcing a Sem- inar on EdUcation for Municipal Administration. -Referred to the County Government Committee. From Hennessey, Kempster and Gunn with letter, County of Elgin vs Russ Patton and Mervin Moore -- presecution under By- Law No. 1752 re: destruction of trees under the legal limit. _ Fi led. From the University of Waterloo advising that Mr. Edgar Kerstan of R. R. 7, St. Thomas is again the recipient of the Elgin County Council award. _ Filed. From theMinistry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovern- mental Affairs, Subdivisions Sections, with letter and map of prop- osed subdivision in theCity of St. Thomas - Lot 8, Con. VIII, R. P. 8, Lots 114 &115,165 and 167, R.P. 270 Our File 34T-23188.- Filed. From the Regional Municipality of York with resolution re: grants under the Community Centres Act. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Aylmer Ministerial Association with letter request- ing information regarding the proposed new County of Elgin Home for theAgedontheoutskirtsofAylmer. - Referred to Mr. Robert Himp- fen, Administrator of Elgin Manor for reply to the Association. ELGIN COUNTY.COUNCIL 211 From the Rotary Clubof St. Thomas requesting County' of Elgin Ad in the Rotary Music Festival Program. - Referred to the Finance Com.mittee. From the Township of Bay ham with copy of By-Law No. 1772, being a by-law to stop up and close and sell a portion of Second Street, in the Hamlet of Eden. - Referred to the Road Committee. From Johnston, Mandryk and Doyle, Barristers and Solic- itors, with letter re: sale by Mr. Henry DeVries of 12 acres of tim- ber on his property being Lot 16, Concession 3, Yarmouth Town- ship. _ Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From Fanshawe Coi lege with invitation to visit its annual Open Houseandthe opening of the new addition to the college. The Open House will be from 9:00A.M. to 10:00 P.M. Friday October 27th, 1972. - Fil ed. From the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergov- ernmental Affairs with statement of selected statistics taken from the 1971 Financial reports of the Municipalities in the County of El- gin. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with October Newsletter. - Referred to the County Government Com- mittee. From Voice in Government Conference announcing that the conference wi II be held November 9th and 10th at the Hol iday Inn, 970 DixonRd., Rexdale. - Referred to the County Government.Com- mittee. The Report of the Road Committee was presented by Reeve Morrison and adopted on motion of Reeve Morrison and Reeve Rob- erts. Moved by Deputy Reeve Csinos Seconded by Deputy Reeve Cook Thatwe follow the usual procedure of each Council member bringinga junior boy or girl guest to County Council on the first day of the November Session. Carried. Moved by Reeve Dennis Seconded by Deputy Reeve Csinos That the Treasurer be authorized to request approval of The Ontario Municipal Board to borrow by way of promissory note a sum In excess of 70% and up to 100% of the uncollected balance of the estimated revenues of the COrporation of 'the County of Elgin for the' 212 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL year 1972. Carried. Moved by Reeve Speers Seconded by Deputy Reeve Whalls That we do now adjourn to meet again at 2:00 P.M. f Wed- nesday, October 18, 1972. Carried. Counci IRe-Convened. The Report of the Local Government Study Committee was presented by Reeve Todd and adopted on motion of Reeve Todd and Deputy Reeve Randall. The Report of the Educational Committee was presented by Reeve Mrs. Blyth and adopted on motion of Reeve Mrs. Blyth and Deputy Reeve Lyle. TheReport of the Agricultural Committee was presented by ReeveDennisandadopted on motion of Reeve Dennis and Reeve Ro- ber-ts. TheReport ofthe Finance Committee was presented by Reeve Lake and adopted on motion of Reeve Lake and Reeve Uebner. The Report of the County Government Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Wilson and adopted on motion of Reeve Wilson and Reeve Speers. The Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caverly and Deputy Reeve Whalls. Moved by Reeve Speers Seconded by Reeve Todd That the resolution moved by Reeve Mcintyre and seconded by Deputy Reeve Cook re: IIThat the County investigate the feasa- blllty of creating a land-fill site for the disposal of household gar- bagel! which was tabled at the September Session) 1972) be filed. Carried. Moved by Reeve Miskelly Seconded by Reeve Speers That this Council go into a Committee of the Whole. Carried. The Warden appointed Reeve Miskelly as Chairman of the ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Committee of the Who I e. Thesubject of the Warden Is Banquet Was discussed at con- siderabl e length by the Committee. Moved by Reeve Liebner Seconded by Reeve Mrs. Blyth That this Committee of the Whole rise without reporting. Carr i ed. Warden Hodgson resumed the Chair. Moved byDeputy Reeve Cook Seconded by Reeve Mcintyre That Elgin County investigate the feasabj I ity of operating their own disposal site for household garbage. The following motion was passed before the above motion Was put to Council. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Cook That the resolution re: Elgin County investigating County waste disposal sites be referred to the Local Government Study Committee. Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Reeve MIskelly That By-Law No. 2217, "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings oftheCouncil of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the Octo- ber Session) 1972, II be read a first time. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Cook Seconded by Reeve MIskelly That By-Law No. 2217 be read a second time. Carri ed. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Cook That By-Law No. 2217 be read a third time and finally pas- sed. Carri ed. Moved by Reeve Johnston 213 214 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Seconded by Reeve Todd That we do now adjourn to meet again November 15th, 1972, at 10:00 A. M. H. L. Johnson - Clerk J. W. Hodgson - Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 215 ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT October, 1972 .,.. St. Thomas, Ontario To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council: you.... Road Committee begs to report as follows: 1. Walmsley Brothers Limited have completed .their- Contract with,the County of Elgin except for Road #13 in Dutton which Is not yet ready. 2. SUl"'face Treatment work has been campi eted for the season. Over 535,000 gallons of prime and surface treatment material have been sprayed by the County on various municipal roads in the Coun- ty and the City of St. Thomas. 3. Work will start shortly on the extension of Road #20 (Car- low Road) in Port Stanley. 4. TheMtnistryof Transportation and Communications has ad- vised your Committee that there were approximately 200,000 vehi- c1e:niles of travel on County roads dai Iy in 1971. Approximately 12% ofthistravellson Road #25 (Wellington Road). Approximately 65% of all travel Is over mileage of road that Is not considered to need improvement in the next ten-year period. Inasmuch as Wellington Roa9 has been improved in 1972, we expect.next year's figure to show that between 75% and 80% of all travel is over roads not need- improvement. , WE RECOMMEND; that Inspection of county roads be made on November 3, East Elgin, and November 10, West Elgin, leavirg the Court House each day at 9;00 A. M. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. C. Morrison - Chairman. 216 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL LocAL GOVERNMENT STUDY COMMITTEE REPORT October Session, 1972 To the Warden and Member's of the Elgin County.Council, The Local Government Study Committee .....eper-ts as follows: 1. That theSecond Draft Response to the Treasurer of Ontario re: Prospects for the Lake Erie Region, aeapy of which is attach- ed hereto, be endorsed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. D. R. Todd - Chairman. SECOND DRAFT RESPONSE To the Treasurer of Ontario re: Prospects for The Lake Erie Region INTRODUCTION The response has been divided into five sections which at- tempt to answer the following questions - (A) What is happening to Elgin County and local munici- palitIes under present trends? (B) What is the reaction to these trends? (c) What are the Elgin-St. Thomas objectives for the future? (D) What isthealternative proposed by the County ofEI- gin and City of St. Thomas? (E) What Action is proposed at the County - City level? (A) ASSESSMENT OF TODAY'S SITUATION 0) Activity Patterns - Becauseof very accessible high speed traffic routes and a relatively unbuilt up rural area the entire pop- ulation is extremely mobile. People travel substant- ial' distances in short periods of time. - Many people migrate from St. Thomas and the County to outside areas for work, shopping, recreation q,nd ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 217 to a lesser extent, education. _ Retail establishments and recreation facilities (en- tertainment type) have not grown with increased pop- ulationand higher incomes -quality, range and ser- vice all have suffered. As an exampleJ St. Thomas' share of potential department store dollar sales from the City and surroundings has declined at least 25 percent from 19'61 to 1971 and the leakage or drift exceeds $23J 000. 00. A similar situation exists in smaller communities particularly, those in the west end of the County. _ London therefore dbrhi'nates the entir'earea as a focal point for shopping (mainly non-perishables) recrea- tion, work and higher education. (ij) Present Trends Within the County _ evidence suggests that the trend towards London is increasing. London is steadily growing southward and road I inkages to the north and to Highway 401 are improving. _ Long-range trends are still not clear but as an ex- ample: Wellingt6nRoad just north of county Road 52 experi- enced the following 24 hour traffic counts in 1972: Tuesday, April 4 - 5255 Tuesday, July 16 - 5646 WednesdaYJ Sept. 6 - 6206 Friday noon to Saturday noon volumes have exceed- ed 9,000 vehiCles per day. It is estimated that the 'work travel' portion of this flow is 70% northbound to London and 30% south to St. Thomas. Comparative shopping, recreation and edu- cation flows are considered to be at least 95% north- bound with 5 % southbound. _ communities inWest Elgin and Central Elgin Including St. Thomas are becoming more of a dormitory for peoplewho work aWay from their 'home1 municipality. ThesecommunltiesJ particularly the small hamlets are reti"ement oriented due to the lack of work possibili- ties and the absenceofsocial opportunities for young- er people. 218 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Becauseofthe decline In commercial activity and the slow collapse of community life) the nature of villages and towns becomes less well defined and more imper- sonal - people just live there. The average housing stock in small urban communi_ ties is aging rapidly making these communities less attractive to new people. 1. labour intensive industries are not being attracted to small communities in Elgin County because: LondonandSt. Thomas offer more attractive, better serviced facilities which are often closer to major transportation corridors and accessible to a larger labour force. 2. small centres do not field aggressive business and proportion-oriented citizen groups who can attract economic development. 3. the size of these dormitory centres is insufficient to provide the tax base for the broad municipal services needed by Industry, Its employees, and their depend- ents. Provision of these services places the small community in an unfavourable taxation position to at- tract new industrial, retail, and residential growth. the dormitory-retirement function of most small cen- tres emphasizes a static or status quo condition which is not attractive to Industry and does not provide the flexibility necessary for new development. lack of consistent polley regarding rural non-farm development permits many rural areas to be In direct competition for industrial growth with small urban centres. 4. 5. Pressures seem to be Increasing on rural lands be- cause of the decline in valid reasons for town living In both largeandsmarlcommunlties. Demand for small non-farm holdings for estate purposes appears to be Increasing. .(111) Broad Reqlonal Trends Two economic trends exist which have dramatic po- tential for the County and City alike namely - the proposed large scale industrial complexes de- ELG IN COUNTY CQUNC IL 219 velopingalongthe Lake Erie Shore (Nanticoke - Do- fasco ). _ .thepossible large scale manufacturing or assembly complexes locating between London and St. Thomas close to energy and transportation corridors (Ford, Northern Electric). The first trend will probably result Inextraordinari ly high demands for urban growth along the Highway 3 cOr't"'idor east of St. Thomas and could result in an alternatives to the London pul I. However, dormitory pressures will Increase with parallel retail service growth. Pressure for non-farm rural development will" also accelerate. The second trend Is already in evidence and is a con- tributing factor to the London-St. Thomas corridor. Industrial growth lnthis general area will result In a greater dormitory role for small urban communities within 35 minute driving range. Consequently, pres- sure for this type of development will exist mainly in the more accessible west and central sections of the County with the trend lessening towards the east. (B) CITIZEN REACTION TO THESE TRENDS People are concerned that decline in hamlets, towns and vil- lages will directly affect their property values. Retail- service business declines will lower income returns, and In some cases eliminate employment entirely in these smaller communities. Peoplewantthesmallercommunity to remain but with a cer- tainamountofgrowthbelngdirected towards them to.support and strengthen the tax base and to create more viable commu- nities. Long established and incorporated communities such as Dut- ton, West Lorne and Rodney are all r'ecognlzed as having Ideal populations of2, 000- approximately 800 to' 1, ,000 above CUr'r'ent levels. TheCity is concerned with the work and non-work orienta- tion towards London and the tendency for governmental es- tabl i shments wh ich are more proper I y of a local concern being Increasingly located in London. St. Thomas wants to be able to provide a full range of work opportunities, retail services, educational and recreational 220 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL fad I ities, and residential choices for it~ citizens. The City does not wish to be regarded as a subut'--b of a larger urban I area. The County and City support the position that the agricultur- al industry must continue to be the dominant acitivity in ru- ral areas. Peop] eare concerned that major economic decisions ar-e made without any prior] iaison with local officials) and in some in- stances contrary to the long-range objectives of local gov- ernments. They are concerned with the remoteness of de- cision-making bodies and their personal and col Jective ina- bility to guide and influence senior government in matters affecting the County. (c) ELGIN-ST. THOMAS OBJECTIVES FOR THE FUTURE Elgin County and St. Thomas do not want further central iz- zation. of industrY -and90vernment in the London area. Al- though redistribution of assessment over a broader area may I essen the taxation impact upon residential land, especially dormitory communities, it is local opinion that employment opportunities must exist in scattered but selected growth communities, if these areas are to continue as viable units. The Provincial Government must therefore establish a poli- cy which directs employment generators into selected com- munities thus permitting control led dispersal of growth. Theconsiderationwhichdetermine the location of industrial residential and other non-farm development in rural areas do not necessarily take into account good agricultural lands nor do they take into account operating farm establ ishments. Future planninq of the County will therefore recoanize that the countryside must be planned for aqr-icultura] Operations and non-farm establ ishments wi II be located mainly in urban areas where necessarY services exist. Rural non-farm de- velopment, which does occur should be compatibl e with farm- ing_and, when permitted in agricultural areas, development policies must identify and control potential sites. Transportation Iinkaqes between urban areas identified for growth will be kept free 0" strip develooment so that the ac- cessibility of these communities is maintained. Considerable speculation has existed, mostly created by outside municipalities, that the eastern part of Elgin Coun- ty, in particular BayhamTownship, actively wished to leave the County unit. This l,11ove is strongly opposed by other members of the County, and also by the Township Council ELGIN COUNTY CQUNC IL 221 and area residents, who have recently indicated an almost unanimous wish to remain with Elgin County. (0) AL TERNATIVEPROPOSEO FOR THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS. _ the alternative preferred by the County and the City is Example 1IIIlDecentralized Developmentll with modifications. _ growth occurs only _-in communities_ capable of providing basic servicing standards,l. e. water and sewage faci lities. _ industrial growth be permi'tted in controlled and fully ser- viced strategic locations between St. Thomas and London and along the Lake Erie Shore so that large-scale employ- ment generators are accessible for a maxImum num,ber of citizens. _ smaller scale secondary industries be encouraged to lo- cate in selected growth communities. (E) PROPOSED ACTION AT THE COUNTY-CITY LEVEL Widespread agreement exists that lower tier governments must be strengthened. This process, via the route of local initiative is often slow, but it is felt that extreme develop- ment pressures do not currently exist In Elgin County and for this reason local communities should be allowed an op- portunityto demonstrate this ability. Three area relation- ships at the lower tier are recognized which may serve as future area municipalities: West EI gin Aldborough Dunwich Dutton Rodney West Lorne Central Elgin Belmont Port Stanley Southwold St. Thomas Yarmouth East Elgin Aylmer Bayham Malahide Port Burwell South Dorchester Springfield Vienna 222 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL The first two areas are now gathered together into an area planningrelationshipand it is hoped the latter will be with- in the next month. Of these three units, it is felt that West Elgin is the farthest advanced in achieving agreement on ser- vice sharing and in all probability could look. forward to, un-. ion within five years. Central Elgin, because of growth pressures about the City, and the Lake Erie Water Supply System, is. equally advanced ih the field of service sharing but due to differences in opinion over development priorities is less' likely to see an early union. A more probably de- velopment will be the establishment of service-areas about the City and the achieving of agreement on future growth points. East Elgin currently is composed of historically separate communities and identification as an area unit results from deduction of the West and Central portions of the County. However, it is well recognized that if Lakeshore develop- ment on the Dofasco site advances, an area municipality wouldbe the only basis upon whIch local people could exert InTluenCe ana Tor [nlS rea~on support I~ wluespreaa. LocAL FUNCTIONS Reinforced and expanded local municipalities should be con- cerned with the following functions: - Water supply and distribution - sewage collection and treatment drainage housing standards local roads &- streets, sidewalks, lighting recreation - community centres and arenas pol ice and fire local planning and zoning LOCAL - COUNTY FUNCTIONS Atahigherlevel, functions exist which can best be perform- ed by a combination of the local municipal ity and the County. These are as follows: - welfare - health - waste collection and disposal ELG IN. COUNTY COUNC IL 223 LOCAL PROVINCE FUNCTIONS Two functions exist which require a combination of local and a much broader regional or provincial planning namely: environmental controls industrial - commercial growth PROVINCIAL FUNCTIONS Widespread agreement exists that the upper tier-provincial or broad region should be. concerned with a series of func- tions for which pol itical representations from the County and City is essential. - economic development - broad transportation planning - assessment - employment - housing supply - Regional Parks and Recreation - Lake Erie Shoreline Development Control 224 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL EDUCATIONl\.L COMMITTEE REPORT October Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Educational Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from theCity of Pembroke re: censorship of motion pictures, television and book publications be filed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. Mrs. M. Blyth - Chairman. AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT October Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That the letter from the Ontario Soil and Crops Improve- mentAssociation re: Land Use Conference to be held Decer.tber 12th and 13th, 1972, be filed. 2. That the letter from Johnson, Mandryk and Doyle re: clear- Ing 12 acres of timber on property owned by Mr. Henry DeVries be referred to our Sol icitor for an opinion on whether or not the County can canctll the permit that was issued by the former County Tree Commissioner. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. J. L. Dennis - Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 225 FIN-:\NCE COMMITTEE REPORT October Session, 1972 To the,Ward'enand Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That Charity and Welfare Pay List No.8 for $90.00 be ap- proved. 2. That Children's Aid Society Pay List No.9 for $4,647.00 be approved. 3. That the resolution from the Town of Whitby re: Bill 90- Provincial Incentive Programme Construction of New Arenas be fil- ed. 4. That the letter from the County of Kent, advising of a meet- ing to be held at the Kent County Municipal BUi Iding on November 1st, 1972, Re: Number 3 Highway Parkway be acknowledged and iNe authorize Reeve Johnston and Reeve Morrison to attend the above meeting with expenses paid. 5. That the usual futlpage ad be placed in the Rotary Music Festival Program. 6. That the letter from the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs with statement of selected statistics taken from the 1971 financial reports of the municipalities in the County of Elgin be filed. 7. That we purchase a Season Greeting plate- from Pitney Bow- es at a cost of $15.00 plus tax. A.LL of which is respectfully submitted. R. L. Lake - Chairman. H. L. Johnson - Clerk. J. W. Hodgson - Warden. ELG IN COUNTY COUNC IL 227 226 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT By-Law No. 2217 October SeSSion, 1972 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Councl I of the Corpor'_a_ tion of The County of Elgin at the October Session, 19'7"2. II'" To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chap- ter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. The fol lowing renovations have been made to the Ladles Pub- lic washroom: AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 of the Mu- nicipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised StatUtes of Ontario, 1970 the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Lawj (a) (b) (c) Painted with two coats: of paint. One new toilet installed. One new light installed. AND WHEREAS itis deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meet- Ing be confirmed and adopted by By-Law; 2. TheMinistry of Gavernment Services has decided to install a new roof an the County Registry Office with no cost to the County. W. R. Caverly - Chairman. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of EI gin Enacts as follows: 3. That the Clerk-Treasurer obtain prices to replace the 6 fire hose nozzles with a fog type and that he be authorized to purchase the lowest priced ones, provided that the price does not exceed $35.00 each in accordance with the recommendation of the St. Thom- as Fire Department. 1. That action of the Counci I of the Corporation of the County of Elgin In respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of El- gin at Its meetings held during the October 1972 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. Is respectfully submitted. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corpora- tlonof the County of Elgin referred to in preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 18th day of October, 1972. READ a second time this 18th day of October, 1972. READ a third time and finally passed this 18th day of October, 1972. 228 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT October Session. 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The county Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from the Regional Municipal ity of York re: grants under the Community Centres Act be filed. 2. That the October Newsletter from theAssociatlonof Counties and Regions o,f Ontario be filed. 3. That the notice of conference from the Voice in Government Conference be flied. 4. That the notice of the seminar on Education for Municipal Administration to be held at the University of Western Ontario be flied. ALL of which Is respectfully submitted. J. B. Wilson - Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY,COUNCIL 229 NOVEMBER SESSION Wednesday the 15Jh day of November, 1972 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All membe rs present. The Warden addressed the Council and welcomed the boys and girls who came as guests of the councillors. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Kahnt That the minutes of the October Session, 1972, of the.EI,.. gin County Council be confirmed. Carried. The following communications were read and referred to thei r various comm ittees. From the Children1s Aid SocIety of ,the City of S1. Thomas and the County of Elgin with Finance Report as at September 30} 1972. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From Mr. R. K. McNeil, M. P. P., acknowledging receipt of resolution passed at the September Session of County Council. - Filed. From the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority advising that theyaretakinguptheir purchase option on the Dan Patterson'prop- erty at the purchase price of $26,500.00. - Filed. From Mr. H. S. Gibson, with copy of letter sent to the' Hon- ourable Charles McNaughton along with the Second Draft Response to the Province1s Design for Developme{l.1. - Filed. From the Minister of Transportation and Communications with letter advising that no funds are available within the Ministry to approve a further subsidy a! lotmentfor winter control during the period January 1st .toApril 30th, 1972. - Referred to the Road Comm ittee. From Central Ontario Regional Development Council with notice of Voice In Government conference to be held November 9th and 10th, 1972. ~Filed. From Mr. E. F. Johnston, Timber Supervisor, Ministry of Natural Res;ources, with letter advising of a meeting of Counties 230 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL in Southwestern Ontario who have effective tree control legislation at Woodstock, Ontario, November 29th at 9:30 AM. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From Ontario Good RoadsAssociation with request for res"'" olutions and proposal of names for recognitions of long service the cause of good roads. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the University of Western Ontario, announcing that John Alexander Paton, 136 Furnival Avenue, Rodney, Ontario and MaryTeresaNoga, R. R. #1, West Lorne, Ontario were the winners of the Elgin County SCholarships. - Filed. From Shepherd, McKenzie, Plaxton, Little and Jenkins, Barristers and Sol icitars with letter re: Arrow Petroleums Lim- ited sales to Corporation of the Village of Port Stanley and Corp;" oration of the County of Elgin and advising that Arrow Petroleums Limitedwill no longer be responsible for anything in connection with this property. - Referred to the Road Committee. From theMinistryofTreasury, Economics and Intergovern- mentalAffairswithletterre: Bill No. 231 which repealed the right ofmunicipalltiesto limit the number of service stations where gas- 01 ine is stored or kept for sale. - Filed. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with Memo 72-12 re: 1. Subsidy Land for Road Purposes and 2. Interim Subsidy' payments and copy of circul ar72-1 04 re: Subsidy Land'for Road Purposes. - Referred to the Road Committee; From the St. Thomas Young Menls Christian Association with survey conducted this year regarding recreation in EI gin Coun- ty and the financial and statistical figures covering the day camps that were operating in Elgin County this summer. - Referred to the- Finance Committee. From'theCounty of Huron with recommendation from com- mittee to Huron County Council that County Council Day at the Un.;. Iverslty of Western Ontario be held once every two years rather than annually. - Referred to the Finance Committee. FromMr. Jackson Bakerwith copy of letter written to Reeve Jesse Dennis, Chairman of the Agricultural Committee re: hourly rate of pay and car allowance with respect to the position of Weed Inspector and Tree Commissioner. - Referred to the Agricultural Comm IUee. From Mr. Edgar Kerstan with appreciation of schOlarship grant. - Filed. ELGIN'COUNTY COUNCIL 231 From the Department of Municipal Affairs with draft plan of subdivision in the Township of Yarmouth. Owner - Mid Erie Dev. Ltd., Lot 9, Concession 8. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the Village of Springfield, The Township of South- wold, The Village of Port Burwell and the Village of West Lorne with a copy of the resolution which the council s of the above men- tioned municipalities have passed supporting the draft of the Elgin Planning Board regarding lIprospects for Lake Erie Region..11 - Fil- ed. The Treasurerls Report was presented. Moved by Reeve Kahnt Seconded by Reeve Mcintyre ,That the Treasurer's Report be accepted and- printed in the Proceedings. Carried. The County Clerkts Report on Licenses was presented. Moved by Reeve Mcintyre Seconded by Reeve Caverl y That theClerktsReport on Licenses be accepted and print- ed in the Proceedings. Carried. TheAdministrator'sReport on Elgin Manor was presented. Moved by Deputy Reeve Lyle Seconded by Deput y Reeve McK i II op That the Administratorls Report on Elgin Manor be accept- ed and printed In the Proceedings. Carried. The Report of the Road Committee was presented by Reeve Morrlsonand adopted on motion of Reeve Morrison and Reeve Cav- erly. Moved by Reeve Roberts Seconded by Deputy Reeve deRyk That we do now adjourn to meet again at 2 p.m. Wednes- day, November 15, 1972. Carried. Counc il re-convened. 232 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL The Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Dennis and. adopted on motion of Reeve Dennis and Reeve .Ro- berts. The Report of the Finance Comm itteewas presented by Reeve Lake and adopted on motion of Reeve Lake and Reeve Mcintyre. Moved by Deputy Reeve Csinos Seconded by Reeve L iebner The Report of. the County Government Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Wilson and adopted on motion of Reeve Wilson and Reeve Lake. The Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Reeve Speers and adopted on motion of Reeve Speers and Reeve Liebner. Reeve Miskelly,Chairmanof the Reception and Entertain- ment Committee announced that a Warden's dance would be held at the Stork Club, Port Stanley, Ontario, on Saturday, November 25th from 9 olclock P.M. until 1 olclock A.M. Thatall peoplewhowereglventickets for the October dance which was postponed, be invited to attend the dance on November 25th, 1972. Carried. Moved by Reeve Roberts Seconded by Deputy Re,eve deRyk That the usual grant of $25.00 be 'paid to Mr. Ron Levett of the St. Thomas Times Journal and Mr. Steve Traichevich of the London Free Press for report ing the proceedings of the County Council during the year 1972. Carried. Moved by Reeve Lake Seconded by Reeve Denn i s That Mr. Granville Gloin be appointed to the Elgin Farm Safety Council for the year 1973. Carried. Moved by Reeve Todd Seconded by Reeve Morr I son That By-Law No. 2218, "A By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 1772 of the Township of Bay ham, I?eing a By-Law to Stop Up and Close and Sell a Portion of Second Street, In the Hamlet of Ed- en, II be read a first time. Moved by Reeve Morr j son Seconded by Reeve Todd Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 233 That BY-Law No. 2218 be read a second time. Moved by Reeve Kahnt Seconded by Reeve Morrison Carried. sed. That BY-Law No. 2218 be read a third time and finally pas- Moved by Deputy Reeve Cook Seconded by Reeve Caverly Carried. That By-Law No. 2219, "A BY-Law to Confirm Proceed_ ings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the November Session 1972, II be read a first time. Moved by Reeve Speers Seconded by Deputy Reeve Cook Carried. That BY-Law No. 2219 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Deputy Reeve deRyk sed. That By-Law No. 2219 be read a third time and finally pas- Moved by Deputy Reeve Randal t Seconded by Reeve Morrison Carried. That we do now adjourn to meet again December 20th, 1972, at 10 o'clock A.M. Carried. H. L. Johns.on _ Clerk J. W. Hodgson - Warden. COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT November Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: I beg to submit the fallowing statements of Receipts and Ex- penditures from January 1st, 1972 to October 31st, 1972. ' 2,34 RECEIPTS ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Balance in Bank and on hand Jan. 1st, 1972 Notes Payable County Rates County Rates collected under Section 43 Licences and Permits Inte rest County Roads Charity and Welfare Children1s Aid Society Agriculture Miscellaneous Revenue Recovery of Rental s Care of Sui I ding (Adm. of Just ice) Registry Office Land Division Committee Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit Printt~g, Postage &I Stationary EXPENDITURES Membersl Wages Officers I Salaries Printing, Postage & Stationary Care of BUildings Grants, Associations, Scholarships etc Miscellaneous Expense County Roads Charity and Welfare Children1s Aid Societies Transferred to Elgin Manor Inte re st Abatement of Taxes Agriculture Registry Office Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit County Library Land Division Committee County Rates - overpayment Notes Payable County Rates collected _under Section 43 Licences and Permits Bal ance in bank October 31, 1972 $ 79,610. 61 $ 840,000.00 341,741.72 2,184.20 184.00 2,073.,99 1,078,635.66 14,104.53 1,540. 83 1,677.98 1,229.45 16,577.70 10,325.98 1,506.66 6,815.00 6,857.79 105.12~,325,560.61 2.405.171.22 22,487.60 28,294.79 4,320.75 17,486.77 6,868.06 8,410.67 1,711,140.32 5,575.30 42,965.16 93,500.00 17,357.37 6,242.72 10,048.69 1,871.93 69,351.00 56,500.00 6,668.84 1. 28 300,000.00 841.00 3.007.,409,935.25 (4.764.03) 2.405.171.22 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 235 ELGIN MANOR Sal anc'e in Bank and on hand January 1, 1972 Receipts (2.891.47) 529.375.63 526, L~84. 16 552,747.62 Expenditures Balance in Bank and on hand October 31, 1972 (26,263.46) ALL of which is respectfully submitted. H. L. Johnson - County Clerk-Treasurer. 236 IiLGIN COUNTY Ca..JNCIL CLERK1S REPORT ON LICENSES November Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: I have to report the fOllowing licenses in force on the first day of November, 1972. AUCT IONEERS Norman Ripley, 2lf Sinclair Ave. I St. Thomas. Donald L. Cosens, R. R. 3, St~ Thomas. K. J. McAlpine, ~. R. 1, Dutton. Hector McNeil, R. R. 7, Alvinston. John Duncan Johnson, R. R 1, Rodney. Lesl ie J. Shackelton, R. R. 1, Springfield. Walter Swidrovich, 135 Mechanic St., Waterford. Will iam Carnegie, R. R. 1, Muirkirk. Jad: Dyl<xhorn, R. R. 4, Aylmer. Hugh Filson, R. R. 4, Denfield. John Donald Monroe, Box 113, Union. W. R. Harvey, Mount Elgin. John Wayne, Tillsonburg, Dave Page, Rodney. SAL VAGE 'DEALERS A. Kirschner...U Sons, R. R. 3, West Lorne. Jules Vandenbussche, Box 182, Straffordville. Ross Locey, 2 Elgin St., St. Tllomas. SALVAGE yARD Jack Streib, Rodney. ALL of which Is respectfully submitted. H. L. Johnson - County Clerk-Treasurer ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ADMINISTRATORIS REPORT ELGIN MANOR November Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council , 237 Thefollowing ismyreport on Elgin Manor for the year end- ing October 31st, 1972: I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Number of Residents at last report -....-----.........,...;. 130 Number admitted during year --------------- 75 Number discharged ------------------------ 61 Number deaths ---------------------------- 4 Number of Residents now In the Home ---_____ 140 Total days residence --------------____:...____ 50,413 Average numbep of Residents during year ----- 140 8. RECEIPTS Province of Ontario Subsidy Old Age Pensions and' Residents Ma intenance Arrears of Malntenarice and Estates of Deceased Residents Sundries Government of Canada Sales Tax Refund 9. EXPENDITURES Food and Provisions Medical, Dental and Drugs Clothing and Welfare Househol d Suppl ies Replacements - Furnishings u Equipment Repairs to Buildings, Equipment & Grounds Fuel, Hydro, Telephone, Water, Garbage Travel Expense and Office Expense Salaries & Wages Insurance, Fire, Comprehensive &' Boiler Pension Fund, Sundries 195,039.03 237,936.15 1,439.95 7,086.04 3.075.20 444,576.37 62,941.80 18,894.99 8,238.02 12,420.87 18,031.87 13,726.78 25,846.16 5,868.75 404,960.85 6,172.81 34.276.04 611) 378. 94 Ii Ii ii 1 f 'I' Ii. ;1.' ]fl 1:1 I:' ~! . I "1 I), I~i 1 I r f I, , I 1 , 238 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL , 1 I, I' I, I: !' i: I 1 1 DEDUCTIONS 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Cost of Operating Average Expenses per day of each person Average Expenses per week of each person Average Expenses per year of each person Actual Cost to County after deductions of all receipts Actual Cost to County after deductions of all receipts per day 15. 16. CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Cost of Capital Expenditures Province of Ontario Subsidy Actual Cost to County 17. 611,378.94 12.12 84.84 4,423.80 166,802.57 3.30 5,397.55 2,698.78 2,698.77 There were 205 Residents in the Home during 1971 - 99 Male and 106 Female. Of the 140 Residents In the home on the first day of November, 1972 - 66 are Male and 74 are Fe- male. 18. These figures are for the period November 1; 1971 to Octo- bel" 31, 1972. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. :i! Ii 1 'I ROBERT HIMPFEN, Administrator, Elgin County Home for the Aged. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 239 ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, Your Road Committee begs-to report as follows: 1. That the following new machinery has been purchased with County Vehicles as trade-ins: 3 Pick-up Trucks, 2 Double Cab Pick-up Trucks, 2 Auto- mobiles, and a Van. 2. That the request bytheCounty for an additional Maintenance Subsidy allotment for Winter Control during the period from Janu- ary 1 -April 30, 1972 has been turned down by the Minister of Trans- portationand Communications for lack of funds. We understand all other such requests were also denied. WE RECOMMEND 1. That a By-Law be passed confirming By-Law #1772, Town- ship of Bay ham, tostopup, closeandsell a portion of Second Street in the Hamlet of Eden. 2. That the following Construction Programme for 1973, 1974 and 1975 be adopted. 12ll Completion of Work, Paving, Trimming, etc. (a) Road36-FromHighway #3 to 1 Mile South of Sparta in the Township of Yarmouth. (b) Road42-FromVictoriaStreet in Port'Burwell east- erlyapproximately 1 mile In the Village.of Port Bur- well and T.ownshlp of Bayham. (c) Road 16 - Approaches t.o the Port Talbot Culverts In the Township .of Dunwlch. (d) Road 14- From l.ona Station to Road 13 In the Tawn- ships of Dunwlch and Sauthwold. (e) Road 13 -Shackletan Street in the Village .of Duttan. (f) Raad 20 - Carlaw Raad extensian in the Village .of Part Stanley. 240 ELGIN COUNTY II Grading, Granul ar Base etc. (a) Road 44 - from Highway #3 to Road 46 of Bayham. (b) Road40- from the north limit of Mount Salem to 42 in the Township of Malahide. (c) RO<;id 3 - fr.om Highway #3 to L.ake Erie in' the T0Wn..;, ship of Aldborough. (d) Road3-fromRoad2northerlyapproxlmately 1/3 mile (urban section including paving and-'channel ization at Road,,2 and 3) in the Village of Rodney, This to be done after Sanitary Sewers are placed by Ministry of the Environment (O.W.R.C.). (e) Road4 -from Road'3 to West limit of Rodney (Urban Section including paving) In the Village of Rodney, This work \ is to be done after Sanitary Sewers are placed by the Ministry of the Environment. III Complete County Garage. IV Drainage Asses?ment -.Road 38 Straffordville, Township of Bayham. .l2Z1 II III Completion of Work, Paving, Trimming etc. those Roads Graded in 1973. Structure CarrIs Bridge - Road S2 in the Township of Yarmouth. Grade, Granular Base, etc; (a) By the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Road 30fromtheSt. Thomas City Limits to Road S2 in the Township of Yarmouth. (b) Road S2 from Road 2S (Well ington Road) to Road 30 in the Township of Yarmouth. (c) Road 31 from Road 29 to Road S2 in the Township of Yarmouth. (d) Road'S and 15 from the north, I im its of Dutton on Road 8toMary Street on Road lS In the Village of Dutton. New AI ignment. (Urban section including Storm drains Curb and Gutter and Paving.) ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 241 l27d Completion of Work, Paving, Trimming etc. those Roads graded in 1971~. II Grade, Granular Base etc. (a) Road S2 _ Talbotvllle to Road 25 (Wellington Road) (except at S1. Thomas Expressway) in the Township of Southwold. (b) Road 32 - Highway 73 to Entrance to Ontario police College in the Township of Malahide. Road 16 _ West limits of Fingal to Road 14 in the Township of Southwold. (e) ALL of which is respectfully submitted, C. MORRISON - CHAIRMAN. AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Warden, Reeve Dennis, Jack Baker and Reeve Caverly be delegates to attend a meeting on Tree Cutting By-Laws to be held at the Oxford County Administrative Centre, Woodstock, Ontario, on Wednesday, November '29th, at 9:30 A.M. 2. We recommend to the Personnel Committee that the sal- aryof the County Weed Inspector and Tree Commissioner be $3.00 perhbur and that he be paid a car allowance of .129 per mile trav- elled in carrying out his duties and that hebe required to provide his own meals beginning January 1st, 1973. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. J. L. DENNIS - CHAIRMAN. 242 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The.Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. ThatChildrenlsAidSocietyPayList No. 10 for $4,647.- 00 be approved. 2. That Childrents Aid Society Finance Report as at Sept- ember 30,1972 be flied. 3. That the communication from the St. Thomas Young Menls Christian Association with survey conducted this year regarding recreation inEfg,inCounty and financial and statistical figures cov- ering the day camps that were operated in Elgin County this sum- mer be filed. 4. That the recommendation from Huron County that County Council day at the University of Western Ontario be held once every two years rather than annual I y be endorsed. 5. That we Invite a representative of Professional Sales Taxconsultantstomeetwlth the Finance Committee of County Coun- cil at Its December meeting preferably at 1 t olclock A.M. ALL of which Is respectfully submitted. R. L. LAKE - CHAIRMAN. COUNTY GOVERNMENT CO'v1MITTEE REPORT November Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That Mr. D. M. McKillop and Mr. H. G. Charlton be ap- polntedmembersoftheElglnCountyLand Division Committee for the years 1973, 1974 and 1975. ALL of which Is respectfully submitted. J. B. WILSON - CHAIRMAN ELGIN.COUNTY COUNCIL 24.3 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1972 Tp the Warden and Members of the EI'gln Cdunty Council, The Personnel Committee .reports as'follows: 1. Thatwe recommend that theElgin Manor Committee be em- powered to advertise, interview andhire an Assistant Administrator and that his position be confirmed:by by-"'Iaw. ALL of which is respectfuJl y submitted. S. G. SPEERS _ CHAIRMAN. 24A ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-Law No. 2218 IIA By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 1772 of the Townshlp.of Bayham being a By-Law to stop. up and close and sell a portion of Second Street, in the Hamlet of Eden. II WHEREAS the Council of the Township of. Bayham on the 11 th day of October} 1972, A. D. did pass By-Law 1772 to stop up and close and sell a portion of Second Street, in the Hamlet of Eden} in the Tm"1nship of Bayham more particularly described in By-Law No. 1772',of the Township of Bayham, a true copy of which is hereunto annexed. AND WHEREAS pursuant to provIsions of the Municipal Act, the said Township By-Law shall not have any force until confirmed by a By-Law of the Council of the County in which the Township is sit- uate, passed at an ordinary meet ing of the Council held not I ater than one year after the passingbf the By-Law of the Council of the Town- ship. AND WHEREAS appl icationhas been made to the Council of the Cor- poration of the County of Elgin for a By-Law confirming the said Township By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: THAT By-Law No. 1772 of the Township of Bayham, being a by-law tostopupandcloseandseJI a portion of Second Street, in the Ham- let of Eden, be and the same is hereby confirmed. READ a first time this 15th day of November, 1972. READ a second time this 15th day of November, 1972. READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of November, 1972. H. L. Johnson - Clerk J. W. Hodgson - V'Jarden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 245 BY-LAW NO. 1772 TOWNSHIP OF. SA YHAM BEING a bY-law to stop up and close and sell a portion of Second Street in the Hamlet of Eden in the Township of Bayham. WHEREAStheMunicipaIActR.S.O. 1970} Section 443 (1) (C) gives authority for municipalities to stop up any highway or part of a high- way. ANDWHEREAStheMuniclpaIActR.S.O. 1970Section 461 (1) gives authority for municipalities to sell that portion of a highway which is so stopped up. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Cor- poration of the Township of Bayham. 1. That, that portion of Second Street in the Hamlet of Ed- en according to Plan No. 113 more part icularly described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the northerly boundary of the said Second Street with the westerly boundary of Township of Bayham Lot No. 23, Concession 9, Thence proceeding south-easterlY along the norther I y boundary of the said Second Street a distance of 252.78 feet to thewesterlyboundaryofProvincial Highway No. 19. Thence south-westerly along the westerly boundary of Provincial Highway No. 19 a distance of 51 feet. Thence north-westerly parallel with the southerl y boundary of the said Second Street as Closed by Town- ship of Bayham By-LaW No. 1158 to the westerly boundary of Town- ship of Bayham Lot No. 23. Thence northerly a!ong the westerly boundarybfsaidLotNo. 23 to the pi ace of beginning; be and the same is hereby stopped up and closed. 2. That the above portion of Second Street be offered up and sold to the abutting land owner or owners. 3. That the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to exe- cute and del iver conveyance of the said lands under the Corporate Seal of the Municipality to the said abutting I and owner or owners forthe sum of $75.00 and expenses of by-law, notices and convey- ances in connect ion therew ith. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 6th day of September, 1972. READA THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 11th day of Oc- tober, 1972. Jesse Dennis - Reeve Jack Petrie - Clerk. 246 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL I, JackPetrie, elerkef the Township of Bayham hereby certify the foregoingtobe a true and correct copy of By-Law No. 1772 passed by the Council of the Township of Bayham onOctoher 11th, 1972. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 247 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2219 , IlA By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin at the November Session, 1972. II WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Sect ion 241 of the Municipal Act, beingChapter2840fthe Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970 the pow- ers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-LaW; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That actionofthe Council of the Corporation of the Coun- ty of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Re- ports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of,theCounty of Elgin pt itsmeetings held during the November 1972 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By....Law. 2. The Warden and proper official s of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the act ion of the Council, of the Corpora- tionof the County of Elgin referred to in preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 15th day of November, 1972. READ a second time this 15th day of November, 1972. READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of November, 1972. H. L. Johnson - Clerk J. W. Hodgson - Warden. 248 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING OF. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL December 12, 1972 ASpecialmeetingof the Elgin County Council was held at the call of the Warden on.the above date. The Warden In the Chair. All members present except Reeve Caverl y, Reeve Kahnt, Reeve Liebner and Deputy Reeve Whalls. The Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Reeve Speers and adopted on motion of Reeve Speers and Reeve Mis- kelly. Moved by Reeve Speerq Seconded by Reeve Roberts . That By-Law No. 2220, IIBeinga By-Law to Establ ish a Salary Schedule forAl1 Employees of the County of Elgin other than the heads of departments, II be read a first time. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Cool< Seconded by Reeve Roberts That By-Law No. 2220 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Cook Seconded by Reeve Speers That By-Law No. 2220 be read a third,tlme and finally passed. Carried. Moved by Reeve Morr.ison Seconded by Reeve Todd That By-Law No. 2221, ITBeing a By-Law to Amend By- Law No. 1696, Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Elgin County Road Superintendent, II be read a first time. Carried. Moved by Reeve Johnston Seconded by Reeve Morrison ELGIN'COUNTY COUNCIL 249 That BY-Law No. 2221 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Reeve Todd Seconded by Reeve Johnston passed. That BY-Law No. 2221 be read a third time and finally Carried. Moved by Reeve Johnston Seconded by Reeve Todd That By-Law No. 2222, "Being a BY-Law to Amend By- Law No. 2084, Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Elgin County Clerk-Treasurer, II be read a first time. Carried. Moved by Reeve Todd Seconded by Reeve Johnston That By-Law No. 2222 be read a second time. Carried. Moved (by Reeve Johnston Seconded by Reeve Todd passed. That BY-Law No. 2222 be read a third time and finally Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McKillop Seconded by Reeve Mcintyre That By-Law No. 2223, "Belng a By-Law to Amend By- Law No. 2085, Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Elgin County Deputy Clerk-Treasurer, II be read a first time. Carried. Moved by Reeve Mcintyre Seconded by Deputy Reeve McKillop That BY-Law No. 2223 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McKillop 250 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTYCQUNCIL 251 Seconded by Reeve Morrison passed. That By-Law No. 2223 be read a third time and finally Moved by Deputy Reeve Randal I Seconded by Reeve Miske II y Carried. That BY-Law No. 2226, "Belng a BY"":Law to Amend By- Law No. 2188, Thereby Adjusting the Remuneration of the County of Elgin Weed Inspector, II be read a first time. Moved by Deputy Reeve Lyle Seconded by Reeve Mrs. Blyth Carried. That By-Law No. 222L~, IlBeing a By-Law to Establ ish the SaJaryoftheAdministratorof the Elgin County Home for the Aged,lI be read a first time. Moved by Reeve Miskelly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Randall Carried. That BY-Law No. 2226 be read a-second time. Moved by Reeve Mrs. BI yth Seconded by Heeve Emerson Carried. That By-Law No. 2224 be read a second time. Moved by Deputy Reeve Randall Seconded by Reeve Miskelly Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lyle That'Sy-Law No. '2224 be read a third time and finally passed. That BY-Law No. 2226 be read a third time and fina/.ly Carried. Carried. pa'ssed. Moved by Reeve Dennis Seconded by Deputy Reeve Csinos Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by' Deputy Reeve Lyle That By-Law No. 2227, IIBe ing a BY-Law to Amend By- Law No. 2061, (A BY-Law to Establish- Hol idaysfor Employees of the County of Elgin.)1I be read a first time. That By-Law No. 2225, IIBeing a By-Law to Amend By- Law No. 2187, Thereby Adjusting the Remuneration of the County of Elgin Tree Commissioner, II be read a first time. Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Reeve Lake Carried. That BY-Law No. 2227 be read a second time. Moved by Deputy Reeve Lyle Seconded by Reeve Emerson Carried. That By-Law No. 2225 be read a second time. Moved by Reeve Lake Seconded by Deputy Reeve Cook Carried. That BY-Law No. 2227 be read a third time and f.inally Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Me Int yre Carried. Carried. That BY-Law No. 2228, "Being a BY-Law to Provide for That By-Law No. 2225 be read a third time and by Reeve Wilson by Reeve Dennis passed. 252 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Payment by the County of Elgin of 75% of Employees' Premiums with Respect to the Ontario Health Insurance Plan, II be read a first time. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Csinos Seconded by Reeve Dennis That By-Law No. 2228 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Randall Seconded by Reeve MiskelLy passed. That By-Law No. 2228 be read a third time and finally Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Cook Seconded by Reeve ~Roberts That By-Law No. 2229, "Belng a BY-Law to Appoint a Land Division Committee, It be read a first time. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve deRyk Seconded by Reeve Roberts That By-Law No. 2229 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Reeve Speers Seconded by Deputy Reeve Cook passed. That By-Law No. 2229 be read a third time and finally Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve C&inos Seconded by Reeve Dennis Thatwedonowadjournto meet again December 12th, 1972 at 3:15 PM. Carried. Counc II re-convened. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 253 Moved by Reeve Speers Seconded by Deputy Reeve deRyk That By-Law No. 2230, "A By-Law to Confirm Proceed- ings of theCOl!ncil of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at-the December 12th Session, 1972, II be read a first time. Carried. . Moved by Reeve Roberts Seconded by Reeve Speers That By-Law No. 2230 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Reeve Roberts Seconded by Deputy Reeve deRyk That By-Law No. 2230 be read a third time and finally passed. Carried. Moved by Reeve Morrison Seconded by Reeve Mcintyre That we do now adjourn. Carried. H. L. Johnson - Clerk J. W. Hodgson - Warden. 254 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: Your Personnel Committee has met on two occasions to study and r,evise salary schedules and fringe benefits and. we rec- ommendthe following report for adoption by the Elgin County Coun- cil. 1. HOSPITAL & MEDICAL PLAN That paragraph 1 of BY-Law No. 2179 be deleted and the following be substituted: That the County of Elgin contribute seventy-five percent (75%) towards the employee IS premiums for the Ontario Health .Ins- urance Plan. 2. BEREAVEMENT LEAVE That the IISpecial Leavell (Paragraph 2) clause of By-Law No. 2061 be amended to include grandparents and in-Jaws for a peri- od of one day so that it would now read- BEREAVEMENT LEAVE - up to three (3) days in the ev- entofadeath inthe immediate family (i.e. father, mother, husband, wife, child, brother or sister.) - for one (1) day In the event of the death of a grandparent or an in-law (mother, father, sister or brother). 3. SALARY SCHEDULE A. ROAD DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES (a) Regular Hourly Rated Employees - (Overtime to be paid at time and one-half for all time worked over 48 hours per week). CLASS 6 - Foreman & Licensed Mechanic - $3.83 per hour. CLASS 5 - Foreman & Lead Hands Minimum - $3.58 per hour Maximum - $3.73 per hour Experience rating .049 per hour for 3 years & .039 per hour for 1 year. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 255 CLASS 4 - Part Time Foreman, Stockkeeper Minimum- $3.38 per hour', Maximum - $3.53 per hour Experience rating .04f per hour for 3 years & ,.039 per hour for 1 year. CLASS 3 - Machine Operator Minimum - $3.43 per hour Maximum - $3.58 per hour Experience rating. 049 per hour for 3 years &- .039 per hour for 1 year. CLASS 2 - Labourer ExperienCed Minimum - $3.13 per hour Maximum - $3.28 per hour Experience rating. 04f per hour for 3 years &- .039 per hour for 1 year. CLASS 1 - Labourer Minimum - $3.03 per hour Maximum - $3. 18 per hour Experience rating .049,per hour for 3 years &- .039 per hour for 1 year. (b) Seasonal or Casual Emolovees - (Overtime to be paid at time and one-half for all time worked over 48 tlours per week.) CLASSA- Employ,ees of High School age with varied ex- perience. Minimum _ $2.25 per. hour Maximum- $2.40 per hour CLASS B - Casual Labour - inexperienced - $2.55 per hour. CLASS C - Experienced Labour,inexperienced mower operator - $2.72 per hour. CLASS D-Experiencedmoweroperator- $2. 90 per hour. (c) Technical Personnel - (Overtime to be paid at time and one-half for all time worked over-48 hours per week.) 256 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL INSTRUMENT MAN Minimum - $3.41 per hour Maximum - $3.73 per hour Increments .08<: per hour, per year, for four .years. DESIGN TECHNICIAN Minimum - $4.46 per hour Maximum - $4.78 per hour Increments.08<: per hour', per year, for four years. (d) Office Personnel GRADE 1 Minimum - $5,000.00 per annum Maximum - $5,800. aD per annum Increments $200.00 per year for four years. Present employee to receive $5,200.00. GRADE 2 Minimum - $4,200.00 per annum Maximum - $5,000.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year for four years. Present employees to receive $4,800.00 & $4, '!QO. 00. GRADE 3 Minimum - $3,800.00 per annum Maximum - $4,200.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year for two years. OFFICE CO-ORDINATOR (Male) Minimum - $7,500.00 per annum Maximum - $8,300.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year for four years. Present-employee to receive $8,300.00 (e) Supervisory Staff GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT --(No payment for over- time. Rate set Includes overtime work.) Minimum - $10,850.00 per annum Maximum - $11,650.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year for four years. Present employee to receive $11, 650. 00 plus use of Coun- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 257 ty Car. ASSISTANT GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT _ (No pay- ment for overtime. Rate set includes overtime work.) Minimum - $10,450.00 per annum Maximum - $11,250.00 per annum ty Car. Increments $200.00 per year for four years. Present employee to receive $11,050.00 plus use of Coun- B. COURT HOUSE STAFF OFFICE PERSONNEL - Grade Minimum ., $5,000.00 per annum Ma>dmum - $5,800.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Present employee to receive $5,600.00. OFFICE PERSONNEL - Grade 2 Minimum - $4,200.00 per annum Maximum - $5,000.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. OFF ICE PERSONNEL - Grade 3 '\ Minimum - $3,800.00 per annum Maximum - $4,200.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. CUSTODIAN OF COUNTY BUILDINGS Minimum - $6,900.00 per annum Maximum - $7,700.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year'to maximum. In the above schedule the value of the serviced apartment $650; 00) is to be considered as part of the salary. Present employ- .e to receive $7,050.00 and use of the apartment for looking after ill buildings on the Court House property. 258 ELGIN CQUNTY,CQUNCIL C. ELGIN MANOR EMPLOYEES NURSING SUPERVISOR (R~gistered Nurse) Starting - $7,920.00 per annum After 6 mos. _ $8,710.00 1I It After 18 mos.- $9,500.00 11 II REGISTERED NURSE Starting - $3.55 per hour After 6 mos. _ $3.70 11 II After 18 mos. - $3.90 tI II CHARGE NURSE &> CHARGE ORDERLY Starting - $2.63 per. hour After 6 mos. - $2.75 II 11 After 18mos.-$2.91 II I! NURSES AID.&- ORDERLY Starting - $2.55 per hour After 6 mos. - $2.65 \I II After 18 mos. - $2.75 II 11 DIETARY SUPERVISOR Starting - $5,184.00 per annum After 6 mos. - $5,508.00 II II After 18 mos. _ $5,832.00 Il II FIRST COOK Starting - $2.45 per hour After 6 mos. _ $2.55 II II After 18 mos. - $2.65 II 11 SECOND COOK Starting - $2.15 per hour After 6 mos. _ $2.25 II It After lemos. _ $2.40 1I 11 KITCHEN MAID Starting After 6 mos. After 18 mos. - $2.00 per hour _ $2.15 II II _ $2. 30 11 11 KITCHEN MAINTENANCE ELG IN COUNTY COUNC IL 259 Starting After 6 mos. After' 18 mos. - $2.60 per hour _ $2.75 11 II _ $2.95' II 'II LAUNDRY & HOUSEKEEPING SUPERVISOR Start ing After 6 mos. After 18 mos. - $5,184.00 per annum - $5,508.00 II II $5,832.00 II 11 CHARGE LAUNDRY & HOUSEKEEPING MAID Startjng After 6 mos. After l8 mos. LAUNDRY MAID Starting After 6 mos. After 18 mos. HOUSEKEEPING MAID Start ing After 6 mos. After 18 mos. MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR Starting After 6 mos. After 18 mos. MAINTENANCE MAN Present rate CRAFT SUPERVISOR Starting After 6 mos. After 18 mos. ADJUVANT SUPERVISOR Starting After 6 mos. After 18 mos. - $2.10 per hour _ $2.20 1I It - $2.35 !I Il - $1.95 per hour _ $2.10 11 11 -$2.25,11 II - $1. 95 per hour _ $2.10 II If -$2.2511 - $8,000.00 - $8,400.00 - $8,800.00 pe r annum II 11 II II - $3.02 per hour - $1.95 per hour _ $2.17 II 11 _ $ 2.39 11 1I - $2.25 per hour _ $2.51 II 11 _ $ 2. 77 II II 260 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PART TIME HELP Registered Nurses Nursing Aids &- Orderl ies Kitchen Maids Laundry & Housekeeping Maids Office Hel P $3.77 per hour $2.65 per hour $2.10 per hour $2.10 per hour $2. 10 per hour $2.28 per hour $1.85 per hour $55.00 per month $16.00 per day $2.75 per hour Gardener Summer Students Barber Beautician Charge Nurses & Charge Order! ies OFFICE PERSONNEL - Grade 1 Minimum - $5,000.00 per annum Maximum - $5,800.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Present employee to receive $5,800.00. OFFICE PERSONNEL - Grade 2 Minimum- $4,200.00 j.er annum Maximum - $5,000.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Present employee to receive $5,000.00. OFFICE PERSONNEL - Grade 3 Minimum - $3,800.00 per annum Maximum - $4,200.00 per annum Increment $200.00 per year to maximum. D. COUNTY LIBRARY EMPLOYEES LIBRARY PERSONNEL - Grade 1 Minimum - $4,800.00 per annum Maximum - $5,600.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Present employee to receive $5,600.00. [I I: [, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 261 LIBRARY PERSONNEL - Grade 2 Minimum - $4,000.00 per annum Maximum - $4,800.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum; Present employee to receive $4,800.00. ASSISTANT LIBRARY SUPERVISOR Minimum - $5,400.00 per annum Maximum - $6,200.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Present employee to receive $6,200.00. E. DEPARTMENT I-EADS COUNTY ENGINEER $20,400.00 per annum Plus the use of a Coun- ty car. COUNTY CLERK-TREASURER $16,500.00 per annum DEPUTY CLERK-TREASURER $12,500.00 per annum $2,500.00 of the above salar,y to be paid by the County Home for the Aged as remuneration for him acting as Secretary- Treasurer of the Home. ADMIN1sTRATOR - ELGIN MANOR $13,300.00 per annum COUNTY LlBRAR1AN $13,200.00 per annum LIBRARY sUPERV1s0R $ 7,900.00 per annum WEED INSPECTOR &' TREE COMMISSIONER $3.00 per hour + . 12<; per mile mileage, and he provide his own meals. F. MILEAGE RATES - to be paid all County employees ex- cept the Weed Inspector and Tree Commissioner using their own private cars to be set in accordance with Department of Transpor- tation and Communications rates which are currently - o- 5,000 - Over 5,000 miles 15,000 miles 15,000 miles .159 per mile .089 per: mile .07<; per mile 262 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL G. When an Elgin Manor employee is promoted or reclassi- fiedand is presently receiving a rate of pay higher than the starting rate for the new category, heor she will remain at the same rate for a period of six months, following the date of promotion or l"'eclas- sification. At the end of this period he or she will advance to the ne>,t rate of pay (either the 6 or 18 month rate). H. report are The salaries and salary schedules recommended to be effective December 24th, 1972. in this il 4. We authorize that present County of Elgin By-Laws be amendedor new 8y-Laws passed as required to implement the rec- ommendations contained in this report. ALL of which is respectfUlly submitted, S. G. Speers - Chairman. " ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 263 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2220 lIBeing a By-Law to Establ ish a Salary Schedule for all Employees of the County of Elgin other than the Heads of Departments. It WHEREAS it is considered advisable to establ ish salary schedules for the employees of the various Departments of the County of Elgin. NOW THEREFORE the CO,unci I of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts that the following salary schedules be, and are hereby adopted. 1. Salary Schedule for Road Department Employees. A. Reqular Hourly Rated Employees - (Overtime to be paid at time and one-half for all dme worked over 48 hours per week). Class 6 _ Construction Foreman or Mechanic - either. (a) Mechanic I icensed by Ontario Department of La- bour, OR (b) Construction Foreman in charge of special ized 'Nork such as grading and granular base or bridge construction and in charge of hired trucks, or grad- ing equipment and County equipment and one or more county work crews. $3.83 per hour Class 5 - Foreman and Lead Hands - regularly. (a) in charge of a work crew of at least 5 men and county or hired equipment on aspecific project. (b) Supervising other county (or hired) truck and equipment on a regular basis. (c) Performing work which is a recognized skill or trade. Experience rating - .049 per hour for com- pletionofeach yearls work to a maximum of 4 years. Minimum- $3.58 per,hour Maximum - $3.73 per hour Class 4 _ Stockkeeper & Part time Foreman - either. (a) "Stockkeeper 264 B. at time ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL (b) Workers perform ing work of a higher cl assifica- tion than Class 2 or acting as a foreman or lead head of a work crew for a portion of the year only, Ex- perience rating. 049 per hour for completion of each yearls work to a ma><imum of four years. Minimum - $3.38 per hour Maximum - $3.53 per hour Class 3 - Machine Operators Regular Operators on tandem dump truck, distribu- tor, float, grader, shovel" loader, backhoe, dozer, etc., amajorityofthe time. The rest of time-skilled or special work such as machine repair, sign con- struct ion, some supervisory work is usually required. Experience rating - .04<;: per hour for completion of each yearls work to a maximum of four years. Minimum $3.43 per hour Maximum $3.58 per hour Class 2 - Labourer Premium Some Supervisory work such as I ight truck driving, rolleroperation,etc., is usually required on a reg- ular or part-time basis, classification includes exper- ienced grademen. Experience rating .04'i per hour for completion of each year's work to a maximum of four years. Minimum - $3.13 per hour Ma>dmum - $3.28 per hour Class 1 - Labourer (After completion of 6 months probationary period). 501118 I i9ht truck driving, etc., may be required. Ca- tegory to includemower operators but I ittle if any su- pervisorywork is required. Experience rating. 04'i perhourforcompletionofeach year IS work to a max- imum of four years. Minimum - $3.03 per hour Maximum - $3. 18 per hour Seasonal or Casual Emolovees. (Overtime to be paid and one-half for al I time worked over 48 hours per \\'eek). Class A. Employees of high school age (generally under ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 265 21 years of age) with varied experience. Minimum - $2.25 per hour rV1aximum - $2.40 per hour ClassS. Casual Labour, inexperienced $2.55 per hour. Class C. Experienced labour, inexperienced mower op- erators, $2.72 per hour. CI ass D. Experienced mower operators, $2.90 per hour. C. Technical Personnel. (Overtime to be paid at time and one-half for all time worked over 48 hours per week.) Instrument Man. - Education - Grade 12 or equivalent. Work includes drafting, surveying and when experi- enced to be able to work with a minimum of supervi- sion. Increments shall be governed by ability, experience, the passing of Ministry of Transportation &. Commun- icat ions spcinsored courses on surveying and inspec- tion. Position comparable to Ministry of Transportation & Communications Technician 3 Surveys. Increments of . OB'iper hour for four years. Minimum - $3.41 per hour Maximum - $3.73 per hour Technician Shal I supervise instrument men, surveying crew-and draft ing. Shall assist the Engineer in the design, supervision and construction of such projects as hot-mix asphalt paving, drainage, urban construction, etc. Qualificatlonsto be similar to Ministry of Transpor- tation and Communication Technician - Grade II. Increments of .OB'i per hour for four years. Minimum - $4.46 per hour Maximum - $4.78 per hour 266 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL o Salaried Employees Grade 1 Office Personnel Minimum - $5,000.00 per annum Maximum - $5,800.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Grade 2 Office Personnel Minimum - $41200.00 per annum Maximum - $51000.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Grade 3 Office Personnel Minimum - $31800. 00 per annum Maximum - $4,200.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Office Co-ordinator - (Male) To assist with and supervise others in all phases of office work such as payrol I 1 accounts, bookkeeping, etc. To receive inquiries from and provide information to the general public as may from time to time be re- quired. Minimum - $71500.00 per annum Maximum - $8,300.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. General Superintendent General supervision of all county work1 both maint- enance and construct ion. Control of all county and hired equipment and person- nel. Responsible to the Engineer for the pi anning and sche- dUllng of the wOrk. Responsible fOr the hiring of outside equipment and personnel when required. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 267 Responsible for investigations of inquiries and com- plaints by the general publ ic. Minimum - $10,850.00 per annum Maximum - $11,650.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Assistant General Superintendent To act for and to assume all duties of the General Superintendent when the General Superintendent is absent (sickness, hol idaysl etc.). To assist the Superintendent with all phases of con- struction and maintenance and to have direct control of any particular operation as from time to time re- qu ired. To act as Construction Safety Inspector for the Coun- ty. Minimum - $10,450.00 per annum Maximum - $11,250.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. E. Mileage Rates to be paid to all county employees us- ing their own private cars be set in accordance with the Depart- ment of Transportation and Communications rates which are pres- ently: 0- 51000 miles 5,0'00 - 15,000 miles Over - 15,000 miles . 15e;: per mile .08e;: per mile .07~ per mile 2. Salary Schedule for County Librarv Employees. Librarv Personnel (Grade One) Minimum - $4,800.00 per annum Maximum - $5,600.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Library Personnel (Grade Two) Minimum - $4,000.00 per annum Maximum - $4,800.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. 268 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Assistant Librarv Supervisor Minimum - $5,400.00 per annum Maximum - $6,200.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. 3. Salary Schedule for Court House Staff Office Personnel (Grade One) Minimum - $5,000.00 per annum Maximum - $5,800.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Office Personnel (Grade Two) Minimum - $4,200.00 per annum Maximum - $5.000.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Office Personnel - (Grade Three) Minimum - $3,800.00 per annum Maxitnwm - $4,200.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Custodian of County Buildjn~s Minimum - $6,900.00 per annum Maximum - $7,700.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. In the above schedule the value of the serviced apartment ($650.00) Is to be considered as part of the salary. 4. Salary Schedule for Elgin Manor Employees Nursinq Supervisor (Reqistered Nurse) Start ing After 6 months After 18 months $7,920.00 $8,710.00 $9,500.00 per annum per annum pe r annum Registered Nurse Starting $3.55 per hour ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 269 After 6 months After 18 months $3.70 per hour $3.90 per hour Charge Orderl y and Charge Nurse Start ing After 6 months After 18 months Orderlv and Nursinq Aid Starting After 6 months After 18 months Dietary Supervisor Starting After 6 months After 18 months First Cook Starting After 6 months After 18 months Second Cook Starting After 6 months After 18 months Kitchen Maid Start ing After 6 months After 18 months Kitchen Maintenance Starting After 6 months After 18 months $2.63 per hour $2.75 per hour $2.91 per hour $2.55 per hour $2.65 per hour $2.75 per hour $5,184.00 per annum $5,508.00 per annum $5,832.00 per annum $2.45 per hour $2; 55 per hour $2.65 per hour $2.15 per hour $2.25 per hour $2.40 per hour $2.00 per hour $'2.l5perhour $2.30 per hour $2.60 per hour $2.75 per hour $2.95 per hour Laundry and Housekeeping Supervisor Starting After 6 months After 18 months $5,184.00 per annum $5,508.00 pe r annum $5,832.00 per annum 270 I , i'j I I I I ~ 1 i, II I! ,I ;1 I, [I I II; 1,1 'I' I,: 1\, " 'I' " ELGIN COUNTY COUNClw Charqe Laundrv and Housekeepinq Maid Starting After 6 months After 18 months Housekeeping Maid Starting After 6 months Affer 18 months Laundry Maid Starting After 6 months After 18 months Ad juvant Starting After 6 months After 18 months Craft. Supervisor Start ing After 6 months After 18 months Maintenance Supervisor Starting After 6 months After 18 months Maintenance'Man Present Rate Office Personnel (Grade One) $2.10 per hour $ 2 .20 pe}" hour $2.:'5 per hour $1.95 per hour $2.10 per hour $2.25 per hour $1.95 per hour $2.10 per hour $2. 2Sper hour $2.25 per hour $2.51 per hour $2.77 per hour $1.95 per hour $2. 17,pE!r hour $2.39 per hour $8,000.00 per annum $8,400.00 per annum $8,800.00 per annum $3.02 per nour Minimum - $5,000.00 per annum Maximum - $5,800.00 per annum Office Personnel (Grade Two) Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Minimum $4,200.00 per annum MaxImum $5,000.00 per annum ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 271 Office Personnel (Grade Three) Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Minimum - $3,800.00 per annum Maximum - $4,200.00 per annum Part-Time Help Increments $200.00 per year to maximum.' Registered Nurses Nursing Aids & Orderl ies Charge NUrses and Charge Orderl ies. Kitchen Maids Laundry & Housekeeping Maids Students Office Help Gardener Ba rbe r Hairdresser $3.77 per hour $2.65 per hour $2~ 75 per hour $2. 10 per hour $2. 10per hour $1.85 per. hour $2.10 per hour $2.28 per hour $55.00 per month $16.00 per day Overtimetobepaldattime and one-half for all time.work- ed over 48 hours per week. 5. THAT By-Law No. 2173 be,and the same Is hereby re- pealed. 6. THAT this By-Law shall become effective on December 24th, 1972. READ a first time this 12th day of December, 1972. READ a second time this 12th day of December, 1972. READathirdtlmeandfinallypassedthis 12th day of December, 1972. H. L. Johnson - Clerk J. W. Hodgson - Warden. 272 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2221 IlBeing a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 1696, Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Elgin County Road Superintendent. II WHEREAs By-Law No. 1696 deals with the appointment and remuneration of a Road Superintendent for the County of Elgin, AND WHEREAS By-Law No. 1696 is presentl y amended by By-Law No. 2175. AND WHEREAS it is now deemed advisable to change the present salary of the Elgin County Road Superintendent. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Municipal Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT Clause (4) of By-Law No. 1696, as .amended by By- Law No. 2175, be deleted, and the following substituted therefore: "That the sal ary or remuneration of the Road Superintend- ent shall be the sum of Twenty Thousand, Four Hundred Dollars, ($20,400.00) per annum, payable bi-weekly.1I 2. pealed. THAT By-Law No. 2175 be, and the same is hereby re- 3. 1972. THAT this By-Law shall take effect on December 24th, READ a first time this 12th day of December, 1972. READ a second time this 12th day of December, 1972 READ a third time and finally passed this 12th day of December, 1972. H. L. Johnson - Clerk J. W. Hodgson - Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN 273 By-Law No. 2222 IIBeing a By-Law to Amend BY-Law No. ~084 Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the EI gin County Clerk-Treasurer. .11 WHEREAs BY-Law No. 2084de,als with the appointment and remuneration of a Clerk-Treasurer for the County of Elgin. AND WHEREAS By-Law No. 2084 is presentl y amend- ed by: By-Law No. 2176. AND WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to change the pres- ent salary of the Elgin County Clerk-Treasurer. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Municipal Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THATClause (2) of By-Law No. 2084, as amended by By- Law No. 2176, be deleted, and the following substituted therefore: lIThathissalaryas Clerk-Treasurer of the County ofEI- gin be Sixteen Thousan'd, Five Hundred Dollars ($16,- 500.00) per annum, payable bi-weekIY. II 2. pealed. THAT By-Law No. 2176 be and the same is hereby re- 3. 1972. THAT this By-Law become effective on December 24th, READ a first time this 12th day of December, 1972. READ a second time this 12th day of December, 1972. READ a third time and finally passed this 12th day of December, 1972. H. L. Johnson - Clerk J. VII. Hodgson - Warden. 274 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2223 lIBeingaBy-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2085 Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Elgin County Deputy Clerk-Treasurer. 11 WHEREAS By-Law No. 2085 deals with the appointment and remuneration of a Deputy Clerk-Treasurer for the County of Elgin. AND WHEREAS By-Law No. 2085 Is presently amended by By-Law No. 2177. AND WHEREAS it is deemed'advisable to change the pre- sent salary of the Deputy Clerk-Treasurer. NOW THEREFORE the Councll of the Municipal Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: THATClause (2) of By.;..Law No. 2085, as amended by By- Law No. 2177, be deleted, and the following substituted therefore: "Thathissalaryas Deputy Clerk-Treasurer of the Coun- tyofElginbeTen Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) per annum payable bi-weel<ly. 2. pealed. THAT By-Law No. 2177 be and the same is hereby re- 3. 1972. THAT this By-Law become effective on December 24th, READ a first time this 12th day of December" 1972. READ a second time this 12th day of December, 1972. READ a third time and finally passed this 12th day of December, 1972. H. L. Johnson - Clerk J. W. Hodgson - Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 275 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2224 I1Being a By-Law to Establ ish the Salary of the Administrator of ' the Elgin County Home for the Aged. 11 The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin en- acts as follows: 1. THAT the salary of the Administrator of the Elgin County Home for the Aged be Thirteen Thousand, Three Hundred Dollars ($13,300.00) per annum, payable bi-weekly. 2. ed. THAT By-Law No. 2178 be andlhe same 'Is hereby ,repeal- 3. 1972. THAT this By-Law shall take effect on December 24th, READ a first time this 12th day of December, 1972. READ a second time this 12th day of December, 1972. READ a third time and finally passed this 12th day of December, 1972. H. L. Johnson - Clerk J. W. Hodgson - Warden. 1:1 1'(' I I I ,I 276 ELGIN CQUNTYCOUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2225 I!Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2187, Thereby Adjusting the Remuneration of the County of Elgin Tree Commissioner. II WHEREAs By-Law No. 2187 deals with the appointment and remuneration of the Tree Commissioner for the County of Elgin. AND WHEREAS it is now deemed advisable to change the present rate of remuneration of the said Tree Commissioner. NOW THEREFORE the1'Council of the Municipal Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows; 1. THAT Clause (2) of BY-Law No. 2187 be deleted and the following substituted therefore: "Th at his remuneration shal f be $3.00 per hour while en- gaged in his duties and twelve cents (. 12<:) per mile for the Use of his car. It THAT this By-Law shall become effective on December 24th, 1972. READ a first time this 12th day of December, 1972. READ a second time this 12th day of December, 1972. READ a third time and finally passed this 12th day of December, 1972. H. L. Johnson - CierI.. J. W. Hodgson - Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 277 COUNTY.OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2226 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2188, Thereby Adjusting the Remuneration of the County of ElginVVeedlnspector. II WHEREAS By"";'Law No. -2188 deal s with the appointment and remuneration of the Weed Inspector for the County of Elgin. AND WHEREAS it is now deemed advisable to change the present rate of remuneration of the said Weed Inspector. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Municipal Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT Clause (2).of By-Law No. 2188 be deleted and the follow ing substituted therefore:' IIThathisremunerationshal1 be $3.00 per hour while en- gaged in his duties and twelve cents (.12<,':) per mile for the use of his car. II 2. THAT this By-Law shall become effective on December 24th, 1972. READ a first time this 12th day of December, 1972. READ a second time this 12th day of December, 1972. READ a third time and finally passed this 12th day of December, 1972. H. L. Johnson - Clerk J. W. Hoqgson - Warden. 270 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF. ELGIN By-Law No. 2227 IIBcing a By-LaW to Amend By-Law No. '2061 (A By-Law tci Estab- I ish Hol idays for Employees of the County of Elgin.)1I WHEREAS By-Law No. 2061, establ ishes hol idays for employees of. the County of Elgin and includes, Special Leave. AND WHEREAS By-Law No. ZaGl is presently amended by By-Law No. 2088. AND WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to include addi- tional relatives in defining Special Leave. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT Clause 2 (Special Leave:) of By-Law No. 2061 be deleted and the following substituted therefore: 2. BEREAVEMENT LEAVE (a) L1pto three (3) days, with pay, in the event of the death in the immediate family (i. e. father, mother, husband, wife, child, broth,er or sister.) (b) For one (1) day, with pay, in the event of the death of a grandparent or an in-law (mother, father, sister or bro- ther). 2. pealed. THAT By-Law No. 2088 be, and the same is hereby re- READ a first time this 12th day of December, 1972. READ a second time this 12th day of December, 1972. READ a third time and finally passed this 12th day of December, 1972. H. L. Johnson - Clerk J. W. Hodgson - Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 279 COLlNTY OF ELGIN By-Law Np. 2228 "Being a By~Law to Provide for P9yment by the County of Elgin of 75% of Employeesl Premiums with Respect to the Ontario Health In- surance P I an. II The County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT the County of Elgin contribute seventy-five percent (75%) towards the employees I premiums for the Ontario Health Ins- urance Plan. 2. THESE contributions shall only apply to permanent em- ployeeswhohave completed their six months probationary period of employment. 3. ed. THAT By-Law No. 2179 be and the same is hereby repeal- 4. 1972. THAT this by-law shall become effective December 24th, READ a first time this 12th day of December, 1972~ READ a second time this 12th day of December, 1972. READ a third time and finally passed this 12th day of December, 1972. H. L. Johnson - Clerk J. W. Hodgson - Warden. 280 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 281 COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2229 By-Law No. 2230 "Being a By-Law to'Appoint a Land Division Committeell "A By-Law to Confirm. Proceedings of the Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin at the December 12th Session, 1972. II WHEREAS Section 30 of The Planning Act p'rovidesfor the constitution and appointment of a Land Division Committee. WHEREASbySection9of the Municipal Act, being Chap- ter 284 at the Revised Statutes of Ontario 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; NOW THEREFORE, TheCounciJ of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as fo'llows. 1. THAT a Land Division Committee is hereby constituted and the following persons are hereby appointed to membership on the said Committee. ANDWHEREASbySubsection1 of Section 241 of the Mu- nicipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes cifOntario, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Lawj A. Bruce McCall um - to hold office until January 1, 1974. Frank Stubbs - to hold office until January 1, 1974. Walter D. Nelson - to hold office until January 1, 1975. Donald M. McKillop - to hold office until January 1, 1976. Harold G. Charlton - to hold office until January 1, 1976 AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceed- ings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Lawj 2. THAT themembers of the Land Division Committee be paid $25.00 per meeting and 15~ for each mile necessarily travel- led in attending such meetings. 1. THAT action of the Council of the Corporation of the Coun- ty of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Re- ports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at Its meetings held during the December 12th, 1972 Ses- sion is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. I I' Ii 1 I I' .'.; ii', i" , NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of tht'! County of Elgin Enacts as follows: ": iY i I READ a second time this 12th day of December, 1972. 3. THE Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents ,necessary. in that behalf and to affix there- to the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. . 3. IN addition to the above a member of the Land Division Committee be paid $5. 00 for each appl icatlon which he investigates. 4. pealed. THAT By-Law No. 2205 be and the same is hereby re- 2. THE Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to doalt things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to In precedi,ng section hereof. READ a first time this 12th day of December, 1972. READ a third time and finally passed this 12th day of December, 1972. READ a first time this 12th day of December, 1972. H. L. Johnson - Clerk J. W. Hodgson - Warden READ a second time this 12th day of December, 1972. H. L. Johnson - Clerk J. W. Hodgson - Warden. , READ a third time and finally passed this 12th day of December, 1972. Ii "I II I: 282 ELG IN COUNTY COUNC IL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 283 Wednesday, December 20, 1972 tary-General of the Canadian Federation of Mayors andMunicipali- ties regarding Winter Works Programs. - Referred to the Road Com- mittee. DECEMBER SESSION - FIRST DAy The Warden in the Chair. From the Township of Bayham requesting County,confir- mationofTownship By-Law 1775 being a by-law' to -stop up and close andsell a street or alley in the Hamlet of Richmond in the Township' of Bayham. - Referred to the Road Committee. St. TheElginCountyCouncilmetthis day at the Court House, Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. All the members present except Reeve Caverly. From the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergov- ernmental Affairs with application for participation in the Employ- ment Incentive Program 1972-73. -Referred to the Road Committee. A number of the newly elected Councillors for 1973 were present as observers and the Warden welcomed them to the meeting. From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with November - December Newsletter. - Filed. Moved by Reeve Lal<e Seconded by Deputy Reeve Randall That theminutes of the November 1972 Session of the El- gin County Council and the minutes of the Special Session held on December 12th, 1972 be confirmed. From the Ontario Municipal Board with Board order to borrow in excess of 70% of outstanding receipts. ...; Filed. Carried. From the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham with resolution requesting legislation so'that it would be mandatory formunicipalitiestopay the county levy on a quarterlY basis. - Re- ferred to the County Government Committee. 'I" II, p i\ J i: I'I( 11, ,I' ,I iil 1',1' "I ' , ' The following communications were read and referred to their various Committees. - Filed. From Mr. JohnA. Patonwith appreciation of scholarsl'lip. From Mrs. O. H. Evans with letter citing certain con.,.. ditions intheCounty of Elgin. - Referred to the County Government Comm ittee. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with Memo No. 72-13. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority advising that the deed from the County of Elgin to the Kettle Creek Conser- vation Authority dated November 2nd, 1972 has been registered in the Registry Office (No. 11) on the 27th day of November, 1972 as No. 160184. - Filed. [,[I , From the Vil,lage of Rodney and the Village of Belmont both advising that their respective Councils endorses the submisk' slon made by the Local Government Study Committee to the Ministry of Treasury , E:conomics and Intergovernmental Affairs re: the De- Sign for Development - Lake Erie Region. _ Filed. From the Chairman of Task Force on Pol icing in Ontario with letter and Terms of Reference. - Referred to the County Gov- ernment Committee. From the St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital with letter re: Mrs. Viola Blancherls Hospital Account. -Referred to the Fi- nance Comm ittee. From Mrs. E. A. R. McKillop with letter of appreciation for assistance given in preparing a tape on County Government for the University Women1s Club, St. Thomas. - Filed. From the University of Guelph with January Conference listofO.A.C. with detailed programs for a few of the conferences. - Referred to the AgriCUltural Committee. From the Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technology advising that awards night will be November 28th and that the win- nerofthe County of Elgin Scholarship was Mr. Ian McMillan, R.R. #2} Dutton. - Filed. I" I ,I Ji, 'I', ill: I' U 1'" Ii "TI From the Association of Municipal ities of Ontario with letter re: Bell Canada application for rate increase. _ Referred to the Finance Comm ittee. From the County of Peel with resolution requesting the Province of Ontario 'to adopt a policy of providing pathways along main roads and subSidizing same, if ,the road building authority de- cides that such a bicycle path is desired. - Referred to the Road From the President of the Assoclat ion of Counties and Re- glonsof Ontario with copy of telegram he received from the Secre- 284 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 285 Committee. From Mr. R. G~ Moore, County Engineer with data rel- ative to Federal and Provincial Sales Tax. - Referred to the FIn- ance Committee. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with letter advising that the assessment of rateable property on which 1972 rate of ta)<ation was levied by the City of St. Thomas has been adjusted by the Minister at $38, OQO, 000. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergov- ernmental Affairs with report on Hal dlmand-Norfolk Study. - Ref- erred to the County Government Cornm ittee. From the United Automobile, Aerospace Agricultural Im- plement Workers of America with two resolutions, (1) Regarding Strikebreaking, (2) Regarding Sal t Imports. - Referred to the Coun- ty Government Committee. From the Department of Municipal Affairs with draft plan of Subdivision, Municipality - City of St. Thomas; Owner _Stebco Development Ltd., Location - Lot 7, Con. 8, R.P. #305; Lots 12.,.. 125, 142-146, BlksA.B.C. E. J. & L. and Maxwell Drive (Township of Yarmouth). - Referred to the Road Comm ittee. FromMr. Frank Wansbrough, Mayor of the City of Wind- sor, with letter re: Essex County Flood Relief Fund. _ Referred to the Finance Comm ittee. The County Weed Inspector IS and Tree Commissioner:-Is Report was presented by Mr. Jackson Baker. From the Town of Aylmer with notice of an appl ication by Frisch & Pol Developments Limited for a Minor Variance from the Prov! s Ions of Restr icted Area By-Law 21-69 (as amended by By-Law 42-72). - Referred to 'the Road Committee. Moved by Deputy Reeve Randall Seconded by Deputy Reeve Whalls That the County Weed Inspectorls and Tree Commisslon- erls Report be accepted and printed In the Proceedings. From the County of Kent with minutes of meeting held in KentCounty Municipal Building on November 1 st, 1972, concerning thefeasabilityof the formation of a Lake Erie Parkway Commission - Referr,ed to the County Government Committee. Carried. From the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovern- mental Affairs with correspondence re: the Ontario Property Tax Credit Plan. - Referred to the County Government Committee. The Report of the RoadComm Ittee WaS presented by Reeve Morrison and adopted on motion of Reeve Morrison and Reeve Johns- ton. From Hennessey, KempsterandGunnwith letter re: Tree Cutting By-Law and Henry DeVries. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. The Report of the Elgin Manor Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Lyle and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Lyle and Reeve Speers. From the County of Norfolk with resolution re: Amend_ ments to the Trees Act. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. Deputy Reeve Randal] presented a brief o~ County Coun- cil offering some suggestions on the procedure of County Council and the matters that should receive council IS attention in tne-future. From the Salvation Army with, apprecIation of operational and capital grants. - Filed. Moved by Reeve Speers Seconded by Deputy Reeve Whal I s FromtheCountyof Huron with letter from the Honourable C. S. McNaughton re: apportionment of County Rate. _ Referred to the Equal Izat ion and Assessment Comm lttee. Thatwe do now adjourn to meet again at 2:00 p. m., Wed- nesday, December 20, 1972. Carried. From the Til I sonburg and District Association for the Men- tally Retarded with appreciation of grant. _ Filed. Council Re-Convened. From the County of Brant with resolution that the Ministry qfNatural Resources provide and reserve enough trees for munIci- pal requirements. - Referred to the AgricUltural Committee. The Report of the Equal Izat ion and Assessment Comm Ittee was presented by Reeve Roberts and adopted on motion of Reeve Roberts and Reeve Liebner. 286 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 287 The Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Dennis and adopted on motion of Reeve Dennis and Reeve Mcintyre, That By-Law No. 2232 be read asecbnd time. Carried. The Report of the Finance Comm ittee was presented by Reeve Lake and adopted on motion of Reeve Lake and Reeve Morri- son. Moved by Reeve Speers Seconded by Deputy Reeve McKillop That By-Law No. 2232 be read a third time and finally The Report of the County Government Comm ittee was pre- sented by Reeve Wilson and adopted on motion of Reeve Wilson and Reeve Speers. passed. Carried. The Report of the Property Comm ittee was presented by Reeve Kahnt and adopted on motion of Reeve Kahnt and Deputy Reeve Carroll. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Miskelly Moved by Reeve Mrs. Blyth Seconded by Reeve L iebner That By-Law No. 22331 IlA By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 1775 of the Township of Bayham1 Being a By-Law to Stop up and Close and Sell a Street or AlleYl in the Hamlet of Richmond, II be read a first time. That By-Law No. 22311 I1Being a By-Law to Appoint an Assistant Administrator for the Elgin County Home for the Aged111 be read a first time. Carried. Carried. Moved by Reeve Miskelly Seconded by Reeve Emerson Moved by Deputy Reeve Lyle Seconded by Reeve Dennis That By-Law No. 2233 be read a second time. Carried. That By-Law No. 2231 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Miskelly Moved by Reeve L lenber Seconded by Reeve Mrs. BI yth That By-Law No. 2233 be read a third time -and finally passed. Carried. That By-Law No. 2231 be read a third time and finally passed. Moved by Reeve Lake Seconded by Reeve Wilson Carried. That By-Law No. 2234, IIRegul ating Parkingll be read a first time. Moved by Reeve Todd Seconded by Reeve Kahnt Carried. Carried. Carried. That By-Law No. 2232, 11A By-Law to Confirm BY-Law No. 1772 of the Township of Bayham, Being a By-Law to Stop up andCloseandSel1 a portion of Second Street, in the Hamlet of Ed- en, II be read a first time. Moved by Reeve Roberts Seconded by Reeve Wilson That By-Law No. 2234 be read a second time. Moved by Reeve Kahnt Seconded by Deputy Reeve McKillop Moved by Reeve Roberts Seconded by Reeve Emerson 288 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL That By-Law No. 2234 be read a third time and finally passed. Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Reeve Lake That By-Law No. 2235, "A By-Law to Authorize the Cor- poration of the Township of Bayham (her-Inafter called I'the Granteell and which term shall Include its successors and assigns) To Con- struct, use and Operate Works Required for the Transmission of Water in the County of Elgin(herelnafter called lithe MuniclpalltyH), be read a first time. Carried. Moved by Reeve Lake Seconded by Reeve Kahnt That By-Law No. 2235 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Reeve Kahnt Seconded by Reeve L lebner That By-Law No. 2235 be read a third time and finally passed. Carried. Moved by Reeve Wi I son Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll That By-Law No. 2236, t1A By-Law to Confirm Proceed- ings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the December 20th Session, 1972, II be read a first time. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll Seconded by Reeve John.ston That By-Law No. 2236 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Reeve Johnston Seconded by Reeve WI I son That By-Law No. 2236 be read a third time and finally passed. Carried. ELGiN COUNTY COUNCIL 289 Warden Hodgson thanked all County Counci I members and county employees for the co-operation they had given him over the past year and asked that all local municipalities co-operate so that the County of Elgin can continue to grow and progress in k~eping with the Changing times. Warden Hodgson gave the other members of Council the opportunity to speak if they so wished and Reeve Johnston annoUnc- ed to Council that he would be a contestant for the Wardenship. of I Elgin in 1973. Moved by Reeve Mrs. 81 yth Seconded by Reeve Emerson That we do now adjourn sine die. Carried. H. L. Johnson - Clerk J. W. Hodgson - Warden. WEED INSPECTOR AND TREE COMMISSIONERIS REPORT December Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, I wish to report on weed control and forest protectIon in the County of Elgin for the year 1972. With respect to weeds it was a very trying year for many farmers in the County due to the late spring and then the killing frost in June. Manyof the crops had to be repl anted especially beans and tobacco, corn Crops were severely damaged in some districts. Most crops were sprayed for weeds and grass but on some farms the results were poor due to adverse weather conditions. 290 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 291 Wild carrot, sow thistles and ragweed were widespread throughout the County and caused a problem for farmers and al so for the crews cutting the weeds on the roadsides. ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1972 All road departments were kept busy mowing to keep these weeds under control especial I y in areas where they coul d not spray because certain crops would be endangered and I am of the opinion that the Provincial, County andTownship crewsshouJ d be ccimmend- edfortheirefforts in trying to control the weeds on our' road allow- ances. To the Warden and Members of,the Elgin County Council, 1. That construction of the new garage is underway by coun- ty personnel. 2. The Engineer has been authoriz'ed io makeappl icationf6r Winterworks Projects to the Provincial Government to utilize the $19,200 allocated by the Province to the County. Thereweremanycomplaints from people regarding weeds on neighboring property but most of these were vacant lots or farms that were idle. It was necessary tocut the weeds on several of these properties but most of the accounts were paid by the' owners when they were presented to them and very few had to be paid for by the municipality. In general 1 found the people very nice to get along with. WE RECOMMEND: (1) That a By-Law be passed confirming By-Law 1775 of the Township of Bayhamto stop up, close and sell a road allowance be- tween Lots #12 and #13 Registered Plan Number 22 in the hamlet of Richmond. As most of the Towns and Villages have their own weed inspectors I had very few carls to make to these municipalities but 1 am sure they had no particular problems. (2) That a By-Law be passed prohibiting parking on County Road #21 (Warren Street) ,in the Village of Port Stanley on the north side of the street within eighty seven (87) feet of the west limit of King1s-HighwayNo. 4, and on the south side of the street within two hundred and forty-three (243) feet of the west I imit of K ing1s High- way No.4. I'll r III I' II' In closing my report on weed control I wish to thank all CountyandTownshipofficialsand also all weed inspectors for their co-operation in helping to control the weeds in our County. AsCountyofElginTree Commissioner 1 wish to report on some of the activities carried out during the past year. (3) That a By-Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign an agreement with the Township of Bayham for the laying of water pipe I ines on county roads. !III There were nine permits issued for a total of thirteen acres of land to be cleared, one permit for two acres was renewed and two others for twenty five acres were refused. One perm it to clear five acres and replant the same amount in a different area was issu- ed. There were also many requests to clear land which were re- fused. There were two convictions for cutting timber below legal size contrary to the Elgin County Tree by-law and al so several warn- ings were issued. C. Morrison - Chairman. (This agreement w ill be sim il ar to the agreements between the County and a number of other local municipalIties). ALL of which is respectfully submitted. I waul d like to thank the officials and staff of the Depart- ment of Lands and Forests In Aylmer who have been so helpful and co-operative to me and with whom I have worked very closely in trying to improve and preserve the woodlots in our County for fut- ure generations. ALL of which Isrespectfu\\y submitted. Jackson Baker Elgin County Weed Inspector and Tree Commissioner. 292 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members. of the Elgin County Council, The Elgin Manor Committee-wishes to report as follows: 1. That the tender of Weston Bakeries Ltd. for supplying bread at a price of 17.0ri_per 24 ounce for the year 1973 has been accepted. 2. accepted 1973. That the tender of Seal test Purity Dai ries L im ited has been for supplying the following dairy products for the year 2% Mill, - Dispenser Can Skim . 975{; per gal. .2009 per quart. .2559 per quart. Homo 3. We recommend that Mr. Robert Hines be hired as Assist- ant Administrator for Elgin Manor at a salary of $7,000.00 per an- num, effective January 2, 1973, and that the necessary by-law be prepared for presentation to Council. 4. The Adm inistrator has been authorized to purchase a Rem- ington Electric typewriter from Elgin Business Machines, at a price of $616.50 less trade-in. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. B. A. Lyle - Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 293 EQUALIZATION AND ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, follows: The Equal ization and Assessment Committee reports as 1. That the correspondence fromthe. County of Huron with letter from the Honourable C. S. MacNaughton re: the apportion- ment of County Rate be filed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. T. Y. Roberts - Chairman 294 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT 295 AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1972 December Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That the letter from the University of Guelph with January conference list for a.A.C. conferences be filed. 1. ThatChildrenlsAidSocletyPay List No. 11 for $4,647.00 be approved. 2. That the letter from Hennessey, Kempster and Gunn re: Tree cutting BY-Law and Henry DeVries be filed. 2. That the indigent hospital account of Mrs. Viola Blancher be accepted and paid. 3. That the resolution from the County of Norfolk re: Amend- ments.to the Trees act be tabled to January 1973 session. 3. That the letter from the Association of Municipal ities of Ontario re: Bell Canada appJ icat ion for a rate increase be endors- ed and that we agree to pay our fair share of the cost on a per cap- ita basis. 4. That the resolution from the County of Brant that the Min- istry of Natural Resources provide and reserve enough trees for municipal requirements be endorsed. 4. That the letter from Mayor Frank \fvansbrough of the City of Windsor re: Essex County Flood rei ief fund be filed. 5. That Jackson Baker1s request for a salary of $3.25 per hour and .139 per mile as Weed Inspector and Tree Commissioner be referred to the Personnel Comm ittee. Mr. Hobbs and Mrs. Bartholomew of Professional Sales Tax were present and Mr. Hobbs addressed the Comm ittee re: sales tax refunds. 6. Thatanotice be put in the papers printed in Elgin County advising that copies of the new county tree by-law are available at the office of the Clerk of the local municipal ity. J. L. Dennis - Chairman. 5. That Mr. John H. Hobbs of Professional Sales Tax Con- sultants be requested to submit a proposal for doing an audit on Sales Tax refunds for the County of Elgin including the Road Department, Home for the Aged and General. County expenditures for considera- tion of Council and that R. J. Teel and Associates be also requested to submit a similar proposal. ALL of which Is respectfully submitted. ALL of which is respectfully submitted, R. L. Lake - Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 296 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 297 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT - $20.00 for a i-day or evening Committee meet ing. December Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, .12lj';permileforeachmiletravelledtoacouncil or Committee meeting ing including the Warden and that this schedule be reviewed each year. The County Government Committee reports as follows: 9. That the necessary by-laws be prepared for the January 1973 Session. 1. That the resolution from the United Counties of Northum- berland and'Durham requesting legislation so that it would be man- datoryfor municipal ities to pay the County levy on a quarterly basis be filed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. 2. That the letter from Mrs. O. A. Evans with letter citing certain conditions in the County of Elgin be referred to the Road Committee. J. B,. Wilson - Chairman. 3. That the letter from the Chairman of the Task Force on Policing and its Terms of Reference be filed. 4. That the two resolut ions from the United Automobile, Aero- space, Agricultural Implement Workers of America (U.A. W.) be dealt with as follows: (I) (2) Regarding Strikebreaking - filed. Regarding Salt Imports - filed. 5. That the letter from the County of Kent with minutes of meetingheldintheKentCounty Municipal Building on November 1st, 1972, concerning the feasability of the formation of a Lake Erie Parkway Commission be tabled. PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1972 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, 6. That the correspondence from the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs re: the Ontario Tax Cred- it Plan be filed. The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That in view of the fact that the request for removal of iron bars from the South East Window of the County Registry Office has been carried out, the letter from Mr. Robert H. Davis, Registrar of Deeds, be filed. 7. That the report on the Haldimand-Norfolk Study received from the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs be tabled. 2. That we conCUr with the action taken with regard to the repairofthe stained glass windows and request the Ministry of Gov- ernment Services to accept their share of the cost. 8. We recommend to County Council that as of January 1st, 1973, the following salaries be set for the Warden and County Coun- cillors. 3. That the fee for caretaking services for the Registry Of- fice, Library and Englneer1s Office be increased to $720.00 per year effective January 1, 1973. Warden - $6,000.00 per annum. Councillors - $35.00 per day for Council meeting. - $35.00 per day for a full day Committee meeting. ALL of which Is respectfully submitted, M. A. Kahnt - Acting Chairman. :]1 'I' ,I I' rJi;! , 298 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN 299 BY-Law No. 2231 By.,..Law No. 2232 IIBeing a By-Law to 'Appoint an Assistant Adm inistrator for the El- gin County Home for the Aged. II lIABy-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 1772 of the Township of Bayham, being a By-Law to Stop up and Clo,se and Sell a portion of Second Street, in the Hamlet of Eden. 11 WHE.REAS it is deemed advisable to appoint an Assistant Administrator for Elgin Manor. WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham on the 11th day of October, 1972, A.D. did pass by-law 1772 to stop up andcloseandsell aportionofSecond Street, in the Hamlet of Eden, in the Township of Bayham more particularly described in Schedule lIAtI which is hereunto annexed. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT Robert E. Hines be and is hereby appointed Assist- ant Administrator for the Elgin County Home for the Aged, subject to the usual six month IS probationary period. AND WHEREAs pursuant to P~ovisions of the Municipal Act, the said Township By-Law shall not have any force until con- firmedbyaBy-Law of the Council of the Co,unty in which the Town- ship is situate, passed at an ordinary meeting of the Council held not I ater than one year after the passing of the By-Law of the Coun- cil of the Township. 2. THAT his salary as' Assistant Administrator be Seven Thousand Dollars ($7,000.00) per annum, payable bi-weekly. 3. THAT this By-Law become effective January 2, 1973. READ a first time this 20th day of December, 1972. AND WHEREAS application has been made to the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin for a By-Law confirming the said Township By-Law. READ a second time this 20th day of December, 1972. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of December, 1972. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: H. L. Johnson - Clerk J. W. Hodgson - Warden. 1. THAT By-Law No. 1772 of the Township of Bayham, be- ing a by-law to stop up and close and sell a portion of Second Street, in the Hamlet of Eden, be and the same is hereby confirmed. 2. THAT By-Law No. 2218 be and the same is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 20th day of December, 1972. READ a second time this 20th day of December, 1972. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of December, 1972. H. L. Johnson - Clerk J. W. Hodgson - Warden. SCHEDULE "A" THAT portion of Second Street in the Hamlet of Eden ac- cording to Plan No. 113 more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the norther I y boundary of the said Second Street with the westerly boundary of Township 'i't, II I j' I , 300 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 301 I( of Bayham, Lot No. 23, Concession 9, thence proceeding south- easterly along the northerly boundary of the said Second Street a distance of 252. 78 feet to the westerly boundary of Provincial High- way No. 19. Thence south-westerly along the westerly boundary of Provincial Highway No. 19 a distance of 51 feet. Thence north- westerly parallel with the southerly boundary of the said Second Street as Closed by Township of Bayham By-Law No. 1158 to the ~'/esterl y boundary of Township of Bayham Lot No. 23. Thence nor- therly along the westerly boundary of said Lot No. 23 to the place of beginning. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2233 "ABy-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 1775 of the Township of Bayham being a By-Law to Stop up and Close and Sell a Street or Alley, in the Hamlet of Richmond. 11 !I! WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham on the 6th day of December, 1972, A. D. did pass by-law 1775 to stop up and close and sel I a street or alley in the Hamlet of Richmond, in the Township of Bayham more particularly described In Schedule 11AIl which Is hereunto annexed. AND WHEREAS pursuant to provisions of the Mun- icipal Act, the said Township By-Law shall not have any force un- til confirmed by a By-Law of the Council of the County In which the Township is situate, passed at an ordinary meeting of the Council held not later than one year after the passing of the By-Law of the Council of the Township. II; I, r AND WHEREAS application has been made to the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin for a By-Law confirming the said Township By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Council of- the Corporation of the County of EI gin enacts as follows; 1. THAT By-Law No. 1775 ofthe Township of Bayham, being a by-law to stop up and close and sell a street or alley in the Ham- let of Richmond, be and the same Is hereby confirmed. READ a first time this 20th day of December, 1972. READ a second time this 20th day of December, 1972. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of December, 1972. H. L. Johnson - Clerk J. W. Hodgson - Warden. SCHEDULE IIAIl .I!I ill / The street or alley lying and being situate In the Hamlet of Richmond according to Plan No. 22 more particularly described as follows: I ill III III Commencing at the north east corrier of Lot No. I J on the south side of Talbot Road; Thence south easterly along the southerly limit of said Talbot Road a distance of 61.38 feet to the north west 302 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 303 corner of Lot No. 12; Thence south easterl y along the westerl y boun- daryofsaldLotNo. 12 a distance of 132.0 feetj Thence north west- erly a distance of 61.38 feet to the southeast corner of Lot No. 13; Thence north easterly a distance of 132 feet more or Jess along the easterly boundary of said LatNo. 13 to the place of beginning. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2234 REGULATING PARKING The Council of the Corporation of tI~e Muriicipallty of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. DEFINITION For the purpose of this By-Law. Park or Parkinq, when prohibited, means the standing of avehiclewhether occupied or not except when standing temporarily for the purpose of and while actually engaged In the loading or un- loading of merchandise or passengers. Street or Highway includes a common or public highway, street, avenues, parkway, driveway, square, place, bridge, via- duct or trestl,e, designed and intended for, or used by, the general public for the passage of vehicles. Vehicle includes a motor vehicle, trailer, traction en- gine, farm tractor, roadbuildlngmachine and any vehicle drawn, pro- pelled or driven by any kind of power, including muscular power, but does not Include motorized snow vehicles, cars of electric or steam railways running only upon rails. 2. PARKING REGULATIONS When properly worded signs have been erected and are on display no person shall park a vehicle on the highways or parts of highways hereinafter set on Schedule "AII attached hereto. 3. PENALTIES Any person violating any of the provisions of this By-Law shall be subject to penalty of not more than Ten Dollars for the first offence and not more than FiftyDollars for every subsequent offence, exclusive of costs, and all such penalties shall be recoverable un- der the Ontario Summary Convictions Act. 4. This By-Law shall not become. effective until approved by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. READ a first time this 20th day of December, 1972. READ a second time this 20th day of December, 1972. 304 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of December, 1972. H. L. Johnson - Clerk J. W. Hodgson - Warden. SCHEDULE 11AlI 1- Street in County Road #21 is the road the Village of Port Stanley, allowance known as Warren 2. When properly worded signs have been erected and are on display, no person shall park a vehicle on the highway or part of highway known as (a) County Road #21 within 87 feet of the westerly limit of King's Highway No.4 on the north side of County Road #21. (b) County Road #21 within 243 feet of the westerly limit of Kingls Highway No.4 on the south side of County Road #21. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 305 COUNTY OF.ELGIN By-Law No. 2235 lIA By-Law to Authorize the Corporation of the Township of Bayham (hereinafter called lithe Granteelt and which term shall include its successors and assigns) to Construct, Use and Operate Works re- qUired for the Transmission of Water in the County of Elgin (here- inafter called lithe Munlcipalityll). WHEREAS the Grantee has requested The Corporat ion of the CountyofEfgin to grant it a franchise or right of passing through the Municipality for' the purpose of constructing, using and operat- ing a line or lines and works for the transmission through the Mu- nicipal ity of water' not intended to be distributed from the said line or I ines in the Municipal ity other than to persons whose land abuts onahighwayalongoracrosswhichthe same is carried or ,conveyed. AND WHEREASJ subject to the terms and condit ions here- inafter set forthJ the Council of The Corporation of the County of Elgin has agreed to grant the said franchise. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Counci I of The Cor- poration of the County,of Elgin AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED as follows: 1. Full right, power, permission and consent are hereby grantedJ conferred and assured unto The Corporation of the Town- ship of Bayham, its successors and assigns to enter upon, 'use and occupy the highways of or under the jurisdiction of the Municipality to surveYJ construct, lay, maintain, Inspect, alter, repair, renew, removeJ replace, reconstruct, use and operate in, through, upon, under, along and across the same,or any of them a,pipe line or pipe lines with any and all connectionsJ apparatus, appliances and at- tachments, including attachments for cathodic prot€1ctlonJ necessary or Incidental thereto and to a system for the purpose of passing through the Municipal ity and transm itt ing water which is not intend- edtobedistributedfromthe said line or lines in the said Municipal- ity other than to persons whose land abuts on a highway along or across which the same is carried or conveyed. 2. Such right or franchise shall be subject to all the terms and conditions set out in an Agreement to be entered into between the Municipal ity and the Grantee in pursuance of this By-Law, which Agreement shal t be In the form hereunto attached. 3. The Warden and Clerk of the said Municipality are here- by authorized and empowered to enter into and to execute on behalf of the Municipal itYJ the Agreement aforesaId and to affix the corp- orate seal thereto. 306 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN Ca..JNTY COJNCIL 307 4. THIS BY-Law shall come into force and take effect im- mediately after an Agreement in the form hereunto annexed shalf have been executed by all the parties thereto. mission and consent to enter upon, use and occupy the highways of or under the jurisdiction of ,the Municipal ity to survey,construct, lay, maintain, inspect, alter, repair, renew, remove, replace, re- construct, use and operate in, through, upon, under, along and acr- ossthe same or any of them, apipe line or pipe lines with anyand,all connections, -apparatus, appliances and attachments, including at- tachments for cathodic protection, necessary or incidental thereto andtoa system for the purpose of distributing water within the Mu- nicipality. READ a first time this 20th day of December, 1972. READ a second time this 20th day of December, 1972. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of December, 1972. H. L. Johnson - Clerk 2. AI I new (or renewal) mains, pipes, I ines and works instal- led by Grantee under this Agreement shalt be constructed and laid in accordarice with good engineering and construction practices. Except in case of emergency. J. W. Hodgson - Warden. AGREEMENT made in dupl icate this 20th day of December, A. D., 1972. (a) no excavation, opening or work which will disturb or interfere with the travelled surface of any highway shall be undertaken or commenced by Grantee with- out written notice to such officer of the Municipal ity as may from time to time be appointed by the Coun- cil oftheMunlcipalityfor the purpose of general sup- ervisionover its highways (hereinafter referred to as lithe said officer of the Municipal ityll, which term shall include the person acting in his stead in the event of his absence from duty), such not ice to be given at least 24hours in advance of commencing such work unless otherwise agreed to by the said officer of the Muni- cipality, and BETWEEN THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN hereinafter called lithe Municipal ityll OF THE FIRST PART - and - THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM hereinafter called lithe Granteell (b) before I aying or Install ing any new (or renewal) mains, pipes, lines and works, the Grantee shall first file with the said officer of the Municipal ity a prel iminary maporplan showing what it proposes to lay or Install and the proposed locat Ion thereof and shallal so check with and obtain the written approval of the sai9 offi- cer of the Municipal ity as to such proposed lor.ation. OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAs the Grantee has requested the Municipal ity to Grant to it and its successors and assigns, a franchise or right of passing through the Municipal ity for the purpose of constructing, uSingandoperating a line or fines and works for the distrfbution of water within the Municipal ity. AND WHEREAS the Municipal ity has by By-Law passed on the 20th day of December, A. D., 1972', granted the said fran- chise from and after the execution of this Agreement and has auth- orized and empowered the Warden and Clerk of the said Municipal- ity to execute this Agreement and to affix'the corporate seal, thereto. Not I ater than three months after the close of each of its fi s,cal years the Grantee shall file with the Clerk of the Municipality, maps or plans showing the location and size of all mains, pipes, lines and works laidor installed by the Grantee in the highways during its pre- vious fiscal year. NOW THEREFORE THIS INDENTURE made in consider- ation of the premises and of the performance of the covenants and obi Ig.3.t Ion hereinafter contained on the part of the Grantee WITNES- SETH as follows: 3. The said line or lines shall be placed underground so far as ispractical and if required by the Warden or other officer of the Municipality above mentioned shall be located along the sides of the said highways except where it shall be necessary to cross a high- wayandshall be so constructed as not to obstruct or interfere with the use of the highway or with any drains, ditches, bridges, cul- verts or other works or improvements thereon or therein. 1. The Municipal ity does hereby grant, confer and assure unto the Grantee its successors and assigns, full right, power, per- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 309 II 308 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 4. In the event that the Municipality shall die em it expedient to alter the construction of any highway or of any municipal drain, ditch, bridge, culvert or other works or improvements thereon or therein and in the course thereof it shal I become necessary to hq\le the Grantee make changes in its I ine or I ines or works in order to facilitatethework of the MuniCipality, then upon receipt of reason- able notice in writing from the Warden or other officer of the Muni- c ipal ity above ment ioned specifying the change desired, the Grantee shall at its own expense Change its r ine or r ines or works at the point specifi.ed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have hereunto affix- ed their respective corporate seals duly attested by the hands of their proper signing officers in that behalf. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF .BAYHAM J. A. Petrie - Clerk J. Dennis - Reeve 5. The Grantee shall construct, repair ano replace any such line or lines or works with all reasonable expedi.tion so that the highways shall not be torn up or obstructed for any unnecessary length of time and upon the construction, repairing and replacing of any such I ine or) ines or works or the taking up of any of the same or the moving of any of the same from place to place in a highway, the highway shall, with all reasonable expedition, be restored to its proper level and graded and left in as safe anc;:l good a state of repair as it was before it was entered upon or opened, and to the satisfaction of the said Warden or other officer of the Municipality above ment ioned. J. W. Hodgson - Warden THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN H. L. Johnson - Clerk :iii , , , , IJ ,I Ii 'II: j' , I 6. The Grantee shall and does hereby at all times indemnify and save harmless the Municipal ity from and against al I loss, dam- age, injury or expense which the Municipal ity may bear, suffer or be put to by reason of any damage to property or injury to persons caused by the construction, repair, maintenance, removal or oper- atlon by the Grantee of any of its mains, pipes, 'ines or works in the Municipality unless such loss, damage, injury or expense is occa- sioned by Act of God or by the act, neglect or default of some per- son, flrmorcorporatiotrj other than the Grantee, its servants, con- tractors, sub-contractors, agents or employees. i 1:li' :11 7. The rights and priVileges hereby granted shall continue and remain In force for a period of twenty years from the date here- of. 8. In this Agreement and in the BY-Law above referred to, (a) the word IIhighwayll shall mean a common or pUblic highway and include a road, bridge and any other structure Incidental thereto, now or at any time dUr- Ing the term of this Agreement under the jurisdiction of the MuniCipal ity. (b) the word "Municipality" shall mean the County of EI- glnaspresentry constituted or as it may from time to time be constituted during the term of this Agreement. 9. THIS AGREEMENT shar I enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto, their successors and aSsigns. '[ I; .1 ili III ii d i'i II ii' .i! WardentsElectlon 8 310 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELG IN. COUNTYCOUNC IL 311 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2236 INDEX "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin at the December 20th Session, 1972. II MISCELLANEOUS - WHEREASbySection90f the Municipal Act, being Chap- ter 284 of the Revised Statues of OntarIo, 1970, the powers of a munici'pal corporation are to be exercised by its councilj Appointment of Local Government Study Committee by the Warden. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Communications 8, 53, 65, 87, 99, 112,144, 209,229, 282. AND WHEREAs by SubsectIon 1 of Section 241 of the Mu- nicipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by BY-Lawj 1972 Offici al s, County Council, Standing Committees, Municipal Clerks and Treasurers. . . . . . . 2, 3,4, 5, 6. AND WHEREAs it is deemed expedient that the proceed- ings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by BY-Lawj Warden IS Address 19 NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin Enacts as follows: REPORTS OF OFFICIALS AND OTHERS 1. THAT action of the Council of the Corporation of the Coun- ty of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Re- ports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of EI gin at its meetings hel d during the December 20th, 1972 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this BY-Law. Administrator1s Report on Elgin Manor 2. THE Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things neces- sary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in preceding section hereof. Elgin County Library. .. . . . . . 237 236 .1 '9, 233 37 43 31 289 Clerkts Report on Licenses. County Treasurer1s Report. Construction Safety Inspectorts Report. . .. Suburban Road Comm'lssion Report. 3. THE Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix there- to the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. Weed Inspector & Tree Commissioner1s Report. . . READ a first time this 20th day of December, 1972. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES READ a second time this 20th day of December, 1972. AgriculturalCommittee41, 97,107,137,172,224,241,294. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of December, 1972. County Government Committee - 25, 60, 77, 94, 109, 140, 174, 228, 242, 296 H. L. Johnson - Clerk Elgin Agricultural Committee. 26 J. W. Hodgson - Warden. Elgin Manor Committee . .58, 92, 105, 121, 292 Educational ,Committee. 42,61,96,139,169,224 312 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Equalization &J Assessment Committee .24, 169, 170, 293 Finance Committee - 39,62,71,79,93, 108, 138, 173, 225, 242, 295 Local Government Study Committee. . . . . . Personnel Comm ittee . . . . . . . 103, t 72, 243, 254 Petitions &I Legislation Committee . 24, 95, 107 Property Committee 47,61,78,96,110,137,171,227, 297 Road Comm ittee - 29, 59, 73, 77, 92, 104, 122, 154, 215, 239, > (' Special Committee to Strike the Standing Committees for 1972 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RESOLUTIONS Petition to MInister of Transportation &; Communica- tions for sUbsidy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To establ ish a Local Government Study Committee Proposing that the participation of the Province of On- tariobyway of grants to the Association of Municipal- ities of Ontario be limited to 15% of expenditures. . Referring the resolut ion re: Ontario grants to the As- sociation of MunIcipal ities of Ontario to the County Government Comm Ittee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tolnclude $2,000.00 in the 1972 budget for the Local Government Study Comm ittee . . . . . . . . . . . . . Toconcur with the findings of the Barry Swadon rep- ort on welfare. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To adopt the proposed statement of work and expendi- tures for 1972 on roads under the control of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission and on County of Elgiri roads. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To accept the Audltorls Report for (he year ending De- cember 31 st, 197'1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To appoint DeputyHeeve L. R. Carroll to all the Com- mittees that former Deputy Reeve Walker serve;d on . ELG IN COUNTY COUNC IL 313 117 To file the communications from Mr. :Carl Altenburg. That the County investigate the feasibil ity of creating a landfill site re: garbage. . .. . 216 Tabl ing resolution re: Landfill site That the County of Elgin wants. their boundaries to re- main intact. . . . . . . . . . . ........... . . To invite ajuniorboyor girl to thefir,st day of the No- vember Session) 1972. . . . . . .. . . . . . . '. . 291 Request ing the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board to borrow a sum in excess of 70% and up to 100% of the uncollected balance of the estimated revenues of-the County of Elgin for the year 1972 . 21 Filing resolution re: landfill site. 12 Referring the question of County investigating County waste disposal sites to the Local Government Study Comm ittee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15 To make the usual grant to reporters. . . . . . . . . To appoint Granville Gloin to the Elgin County Farm Safety. Council. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 BY - LAWS 16 2191 To Appoint a County Road Committee 57 2192 To Authorize the Warden and the Treasurer to Bor- row the sum of Two Mill ion, Four Hundred Thousand Dollars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 2193 A By-Law to Authorize the Expropriation of Land for the purpose of Widening and Improving County Roads. 68 2194 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of-the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the January SessIon) 1'972. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 2195 Being a By-Law to Repeal By-Law No. 2183) Being a By-Law to Amend the By-Law Adopting a Plan of County Road Improvement and Establishinga County Road System in the County of Elgin Under the High~ way ImPr:'ovement Act. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. '. 102 148 149 149 211 211 212 213 232 232 23 '18 49 51 63 314 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 2196 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the Febru- ary Session, 1972. . . . . . . . . . . 0.-' 2210 Prescribing a Higher Rate of Speed. 64 2211 Restricting the Weight of Vehicles Passing oVer Brid- ges. 2197 A By-Law to Confirm BY-Law No. 71-42 of the Town- ship of Southwold, Being a By-Law to Stop up Part of the Road in I leu of the Lake Road. 80 2212 RestrictlhgtheWeightofVehiclesPassing over Brid- ges. 2198 To Raise Amounts for County Rates During the Year, 1972 . 83 2213 Designating Through Highways . 2199 Being a By-Law to Authorize Grants to be made to Various Organizations, Corporations, Insfltutions, Etc., During 1972 . 2214 A By-Law toAuthorize the Execution of an Agreement with the Minister of Transportation and Communica- tionsforOntarioRelatlng to a Road Under the Juris- diction of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. 84 2200 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the March Session, 1972. . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . 86 2215 Being- a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk t6 Sign a Deed to Convey Land in the Township of Yar- mouth to the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority. 2201 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the CouncIl of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the April Session, 1972. 97 2216 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the Septem- ber Session, 1972. 2202 Being a By-Law to amend By-Law No. 2173, a By- Law toEstabllsha Salary Schedule for all employees oftheCountyof Elgin other than the heads of Depart- ments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 2217 A By":'Lawto Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the October Session, 1972. 2203 A Sy-Law to confirm Proceedings of the Council of theCorporationoftheCountyof Elgin at the May Ses- sion, 1972. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 111 2218 A8y-Law to'Confirm BY-Law No. 1772 of the Town- ship of Bay ham, BeingaBY-Law to Stop Up and Close andSel1 a portion of Second Street, in the Hamlet of Eden. 2204 Being aBy-Law to Determine the County of Elgin Mu- niclpalltyorMunlclpalltlesto be represented by each Member to be Elected in the School Division of the County of Elgin by the publ Ie School Electors of the County of Elgin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 2219 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Cou'ncil of the Corporatiori of the County of Elglri at the Novem- ber Session, 1972. 2220 Being a BY-Law to Establisha Salary Schedule for all Employees of the County of Elgin other than the Heads'of'Departments . 2205 Being a By-Law to Appoint a Land Division Committee 141 2206 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the June Ses- sion, 1972. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .-, . ,'. 142 2221 BeingaBY":Law to Amend By-Law No. 1696, There- byAdjustlng the salary of the Elgin County Road Su- perintendent . 2207 Being a By-Law to Establish the Apportionment of CountyRateforthe County of Elgin for the Year 1973 175 2222 Being a BY-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2064, There- by Adjusting the salary of the Elgin County Clerk- Treasurer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2206 Belnga By-Law to Restrict and Regulate the Destruc- tion of trees by Cutting, Burning or othermeans.. 176 2223 Belnga By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2065, There- by Adjusting the Salary of the Elgin County Deputy Clerk-Treasurer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2209 Authorizing Speed Limits. . . . . . . . .'. . . . .,.. 179 315 190 192 194 197 204 207 208 226 244 247 263 272 273 274 316 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 2224 Being a By-Law toEstabl ish the Salary of the Admin- istrator of the ElginCounty Home for the Aged. . . . 2225 Beinga By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2187, There- byAdjusting the Remuneration of the County of Elgin Tree Commissioner. .. " . . . . . . . . . .. . 2226 Being a By-Law to Amend BY-Law 2188, There by Adjusting the Remuneration of the County of Elgin We- ed Inspector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276 2226 Being a By-Law to Amend BY.....Law No. 2188, There- by Adjusting the Remuneration of the County of Elgin Weed Inspector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 277 2227 Being a BY-Law. toAmend By-Law No. 2061 (A By- Law to Establ ish Hal idays for Employees of the' Coun- ty of Elgin) . .', . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 278 2228 Being a By-Law to Provide for Payment by the County ofElginof75% of Employeesl Premiums with Respect to the Ontario Health Insurance Plan. . . . . . . .. 279 2229 Being a By.,...Law to Appoint a Land Division Commit- tee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . .. 280 2230 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the Dec- ember 12th Session, 1972. . .. . . . . . . . . .. 281 2231 Be ing aBY-Law to Appoint an Assistant Adm inistrator for the Elgin County Home for the Aged. . . . . . . 298 2232 A BY-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 1772 of the Town- ship ('If Bayham, Beinga By-Law to Stop Up and Close and Sell a Portion of Second Street, in the Hamlet of Eden . . .. . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . '.. 299 2233 ABY-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 1775 of'the Town- ship of Bayham, Being a By-Law to Stop Up and Close and Sell ':l Street or Alley in the' Hamlet of Richmond 301 2234 Regulating Parking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 303 2235 A By-Law to Authorize the Corporation of the ToViln- ship of Bayham (hereinafter called lithe Granteell and which term shall include its successors and assigns) To Construct, Use and Operate Works required for the Transmission of Water inthe County ofEJgin (here- inafter called lithe Municipal ityll) . . . . . . . . . .. 305 275 276 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 2236 A By-Law tb Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the Decem- ber 20th Sesion, 1972 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317 309