1973 Minutes PROCEEDINGS OF THE Elgin County Council During the Sessions held in the COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS in the Months of JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MARCH, APRIL, MAY, JUNE, SEPTEMBER, OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, DECEMBER 1973 H., L. JOHNSON, Clerk "'R q'7l. 3 'JiI- R. N. JOHNSTON D\~M\u{n". bj('.:i;~'J C'" ," j,):...'I,h'U';r <,,', ,'1,_1\', (.cunty of Elgin Officials, 1973 Hennessey, Kempster and Gunn nnn......nn___.....______...___.............___n County Solicitors 631-0700 W. O. B'arons 00 ...Small Claims Court Clerk 631-1241 Name Office Phone No. J. A. Winter __nCounty Judge 631-4810 Elgin County Board (}f Education nnnmnn.__..n____.__.400 Sunset Drive nn___nnm. 633-2700 E. !P. Ray .n___nC(}Unty Court Clerk 633-1720 Dr. C. A. Graham __________Elgin Manor !Physician, 390 Talbot Street ______00___ 633-0030 Sheriff 631-3530 H. W. Buck n___nn.,________n___Agricultural Representative '594 Talbot Street ____0000___ 631-4700 J. D. R. Walker _______00 Clerk of t!he !Peace and County Crown Attorney 631-1506 F. R. Barnum .__. nProvincial Jndge (Criminal Division) !p.,o. Box 267 633-1230 Jackson 'Baker n.______n___nn.___nnn__________County Weed Inspector and J Tree Commissioner, 164 Talbot S1. W., Aylmer __ ________nm__nnnm..__. 773.6392 M. H. Genest_____.__nm__m______mn ________Provincial Judge ('Family Division) p.,o. Box 327 Winspear, Higgins, Stevenson and Company County Auditors, 136 Centre Street nm____m 631 8250 633.2169 Dr. 'F. Appleton,. M.'o.H. ______n______nElgin-S1.Thomas Health Unit, 2 Wood Street ______ 631-9900 R. Davis 'nm.-- _m___n__,._.County Registrar 631-3015 R. W. Hipgrave __ . ____.Emergency Measures CO..JOrdinator, P.O. Box 262 631 1680 R. S. Brown ..mm. Superintendent, Provincial Jail 631-3372 Probation ,office mm_____nn__________m._n__.P.O. Box 277 631~3430 (St. Thomas Post Office unless otherwise specified) H. L. Johnson. ____________n___________________County Clerk-Treasurer n 631-1460 G. C. Leverton ._______m"" ____._____________nDeputy Clerk-Treasurer ____ 631-1460 R. G. Moore m__________ m_________________.__._____County Engineer ......m_________ 631-5880 C. R. Doran . ___________.._...___ Construction Safety Inspector 631-6880 R.B. Himpfen .m.m______... ..m.n_______..__.Administrator, Elgin Manor 631-0620 E. A. Wells...... .__...."....__.,."....__--.-...,.County Librarian : ,,' . ':. '" 1'" 633-0815 Elgin County Council, 1973 WARDEN R. N. JOHNSTON Township of Aldhorongh Reeve R. N. Johnston, RR I, Wardsville, NOL2NO . ........"'.. 785-0707 Deputy Reeve L. .R. Carroll, RR I, West Lorne, NOP 2PO .... 76lH016 Township' of Dunwich Reeve D. K. McKillop, RR 2, Wallacetown, NOL 2MO ..."'..'" 762-2877 Deputy Reeve G. D. Simpson, RRl, Wallacetown, NOL 2MO 762-5710 Township of Southwold Reeve B. A. Lyle, RR 1, St. Thomas, N5P 3S5 . . ...."'''''''.'''.. 631-1890 Deputy Reeve G. W. Monteith, RR 3, Shedden, NOL 2EO . . '" 764-2859 Towns,hip. of Yarmouth Reeve D. K Cook, RR 5, St. Thomas, N5P 3S9 .."'."'........"'''' .... 775 2459 Deputy Reeve C. Young, RR2, St. Thomas, N4P 3S6 "'..........'" 631-9735 Township' of Ma~ahide Reeve. W. R. Caverly, RR 5, Aylmer, N5H 2R4 ..........."'.... ..... 773 2998 Deputy Reeve H. P. deRyk, 147 Sydenham St. E., Aylmer .... 773-3903 N5H lL4 Township of Bayham Reeve J. L. Dennis, RR 1, Vienna, NOJ lZ0 ..... ''''.....' ...."'..'" 86~5601 Deputy Reeve M. A. Schafer, P.O. Box 254, Straffordville .... 866.3525 NOJ !YO Township of South Dorchester Reeve J. B. Wilson, RR 1, Springfield, NOL 2JO "''''....... ....'" 269-3995 Deputy Reeve G.R. Pettit, RR 2, Springfield, NOL 210 "'..'" 773-3625 c, o o Town of Aylmer Reeve A. T. Miskelly, 264 John St. S., Aylmer, N5H 2E2' ...."" 773-34417 DeputY'Reeve S. R. McBrien, 23 li)1k St., Aylmer, N5H IS5 .... 773-9172 o , , Village of Vienna Reeve K. C. Emerson, P.O. BoXl20, Vienna, NOJ 12J0 "'...."". 874-4460 "iIIage of Springfie~d Reeve J. W. Hodgson, P.O. Box 84,.Springfield, NOL 2JO "" 773-3068 Village of Dutton Reeve M. A. Kahnt, P.O. 'Box 148, Dutton, NOL IJO , 762-2223 'Village of Port. Stanley Reeve J. P. Nemett, P.O. -Box 326, PortStimley, NOL 2AO 782-3120 Deputy Reeve W. R. Whalls, p.6. Box 460, Port Stanley.....". 782-3942 NOL 2AO r', Village of Rodney Reeve A. H. Llebner, P.O. ,Box 244, Rodney, NOL 200 ""'''..", 785-0380 Village of West Lorne Reeve D. R. Todd, P.O. Box 59, West Lorne, NOL 2PO . ..."" 788-1300 Village of Port BnrwelI Reeve C. W. Bates, P.O. Box 134, Port 'Burwell, NOJ ITO "" 874 4458 Village '. of Belmont Reeve R. L. Lake, Belmont, NOL 100 644-0491 Standing Committees, 1973 Personnel Ohairman K. C. 'Emerson, Miskelly, Lake, Hodgson and Warden .Johnston. Agricultural Chairman R A. Lyle, McKillop, Caverly, Dennis, Cook, Wilson and Warden Johnston. Petitions and Legislation Chairman G. D. Simpson, Kahnt, Whalls,' Monteilfu,. Schafer, Pettit, deRyk and Warden Johnston. County Government Ohairman J. B. Wilson, Emerson, Caverly, Monteith, Whalls, Miskelly, HodgsOn and Warden Johnston. Property Chairman J. P. Nemett, Caverly, Young, Lake .and Warden Johnston. County Roads Chairman J.L. Dennis,. Cook, Lyle, Wilson, Miskelly and Warden Johnston. Advisory Road Committee -Caverly, Todd, McKillop. Reception a,nd Entertainment Chairman D. K. Cook, Schafer, Miskelly, Monteith, Simpson, Pettit, Bates, Hehner, McBrien and Warden Johnston. Health Unit Lake, McKillop. Elgin Manor Chairman A. H. Liebner, Dennis, Carroll, Hodgson and Warden Johnston. . Advisory Elgin Manor Committee - McBrien, Young. St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital - 'Emerson, Todd TiIl~onburg District Memori~l Hospital - Schafer. Educational Ohairman H. P. deR)'k, Pettit, Simpson, Carroll, Schafer, Young, . McBrien, Monteith'", Whalls,' Liebner; Bates, Emerson, Kahnt, Hodgson, Todd, Lake and Warden Johnston. Four Counties General HoSpital - Liebner Libra,1;Y Bqard Kahnt, Whalls, Cook and Warden Johnston. Equalization & Assessment Chairman W. R. Caverly, Bates, Emerson, Dennis, Wilson, Miskelly, l,yle, Cook, Nemett, Todd, KaIlnt, Liebner, Hodgson, McKillop, Lake and Warden Johnston. Children's Aid - Simpson, deRyk, Monteith. Emergency ,Measures, Organization Bates, Nemett. Finance Museum - Pettit, Nemett. Chairman R. L. Lake, Wilson, Caverly, Miskelly, Dennis, Emerson, Bates, Lyle, McKillop, Hodgson, Liehner, Kahnt, Todd, Nemett, Cook and Warden Johnston. Local Government Study Committee ChairmanD. R. Todd, Cook, Miskelly, Dennis and Warden Johnston. , , I I Municipal Clerks and Treasurers Village of Dutton Clerk - J. W. McNeil, Dutton Treasurer - Mrs. Alice Menard, Dutton Township of Aldborough Clerk-Treasurer - C. 1. Black, Rodney 785-0560 Village of Port Burwell Clerk-Treasurer - Mrs. Helen Wolfe, Port Burwell Township of Dunwich Clerk - F, D, McPherson, Dutton Treasurer - Mrs. Juue Shipley, Dutton Village "f Port Stauley Clerk-Treasurer - E. L. McCall, Port Stanley 762-2204 762-2204 Township ~f Southwold Clerk-Treasurer - R. A. Pow, Fingal Village of Rodney Clerk-Treasurer - D. McDougall, Rodney 769-2010 Township of Yarmouth Village of Springfield Clerk-Treasurer - R. M. Smith, Springfield Clerk-Treasurer - L. M. Olde, 1229 Talbot Street, St. Thomas 631-4860 Township of Malahide Clerk-Treasurer - L. M. VanPatter, 87 John St. S., Aylmer 773-2051 Village of West Lorne Clerk-Treasurer - D. CarmIchael, West Lorne 762-2209 762-2717 874-4343 782-3383 73&-0456 773-3118 768-1234 Township of Bayham Clerk-Treasurer - J. A. Petrie, Straffordville .__'____m____ ___________ 866-5521 Village of Vienna Clerk-Treasurer - Mrs. Pauliue McCurdy, R.R. 1, Vienna 874-4500 T<>wnship of South Dorchester Clerk-Treasurer - C. G. Soper, R.R. 2, Springfield __m___________ 7'73-2186 Town of Aylmer Clerk-Treasurer - J. S. Foy, 38 John St. S., Aylmer ______________ 773>-3164 Village of Belmont Clerk-Treasurer - W. O. Barons, Belmont ___m_m______m_____m_____ 644-1071 10 -ELGlN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL 11 OF THE Arthur T. .Miskelly, Reeve, Aylmer Stewart R. McBrieu, Deputy Reeve, Aylmer Kenneth C. ,Emerson, Reeve, Vienna John W. Hodgson, Reeve, Springfield M. Albin Kahnt, Reeve, Dutton John P. Nemett, Reeve, Port Stanley W. Ross Whalls, Deputy Reeve, Port Stanley Albert H. Liebner, Reeve, Rodney Douglas R. Todd, Reeve, West -Lorne Charles W. Bates, Reeve, Port Burwell Ronald L. Lake, Reeve, Belmont PROCEEDINGS Elgin County Council JANUARY SESSION - ,FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 16th day of Janullry,1973 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, as required by Statutes. The following members filed certificates and took their seats at the Council table: R. Nelson Johnston, Reeve, Aldborough Lorne R. Carroll, Deputy Reeve, Aldborough Duncan K. McKillop, Reeve, Dunwich G. Douglas Simpson, Deputy Reeve, Dunwich Bruce A. Lyle, Reeve, Southwold Gary W. Monteith, Deputy Reeve, Southwold David oK. Cook, Reeve, Yarmouth Clifton Young, Deputy Reeve, Yarmouth William R. Caverly, Reeve, Malahide H. Paul deRyk, Deputy Reeve, Malahide Jesse L. Dennis, -Reeve, Bayham Mathew A. Schafer, Deputy Reeve, Hayham Jobn B. Wilson, Reeve, South Dorchester Gordon R. Pettit, Deputy Reeve, South D'lfchester Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Reeve Dennis That we do adjourn to the main Court Room for the election of Warden. -Carried. The Council assembled in the Court Room and the Clerk announc- ed lhat any Councillor who was a -candidate for office of Warden would now be given the opportunity to speak and Reeve Johnston ad- dressed those assembled. None of the other Councillors availed them- selves of the opportunity to speak and the following resolution was passed. Moved by Reeve Cook Seconded by Reeve Dennis Resolved -that Reeve R. Nelson Johnston be Warden of Elgin County for 1973. -Carried. The resolution re: The Warden's IElection was unanimously ap- proved and the Warden took the Declaration of .office. 12 EDGEN COUNTY COUNCIL EDGlIN COUNTY COUNeLL 13 Ex Warden John Hodgson congratulated Warden Johnston and presented him with the gavel of office and the Lord Elgin watch. Warden Johnston addressed the Council and thanked Reeve Cook and Reeve Dennis and the members of council for his election to the Office of Warden by acclamation. Frdm the Township of Chingu'acousy, with resolution that the Ministry of Treasury, 'Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs'be requested to amend the Statutes to permit Counties to enact By-Laws for the regulation and prohibition of heavy traffic on County Roads during specified hours. --:Iteferr~tp. the Road Committee. , , Following the Warden's address it was; From the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernment- al Mfairs wittlapproval for A4vance Payment on Employment In- centive Prograin ,1972-73. ~ 'Filed: " Moved by Reeve Liebner Seconded by Reeve Todd That we do now re-convene to the Council Chambers. From the Association of Mllnicipalities of Ontario with request for 1973 membership fees. ~'Referred.'tiJ the 'Finance Committee. -Carried. From the Ontario Labo,,? Relations Board with copy of B?afd~ de-- cision with respect to Certification of London arid District BuJlding Service Union, Local 220, S.E.I.U. - A.F. of L. - C.I.O. _ C.L.C. as hargaimng unW for, employees at Elgin Manor other than supervi- sors and persons above the 'rank of 'supervisor, Registered,Nurses, etc. - Filed. Council re--assembled in the Council Chambers and transacted the following business. Moved by Reeve Dennis Seconded by Deputy Reeve Schafer That the minutes of the December 20th Session 1972, of the Elgin County Council he confirmed. ~Carried. ,From the"Canadian National3nstitute.for the 'Blind witlj./lppre-- ciation of grant. - Filed. " From the ,on.tario Good Roads Association with letter re:. Semin- ar for Councillors. _' 'Filed. The following communications were read and referred to their various committees: 'From the Erie, Economic Council with request for a memberShip grant of $2;351.16 for 1973, - Referred to the Finance Committee. From R. K. McNeil, M.P.P. with letter reo County of Elgin Tree Cutting ,By-Law No. 2208. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the St. Thomas-Elgin Association for Retarded Children, requesting a grant of $2,500.00 toward the building of a residence for Retarded Children. - Referred to the Finance Committee. l!'rom the Honorable Rene Brunelle, with announcement that Mr. Thomas M. .Eberlee has been appointed Deputy Minister of the Min- istry of Community and Social Services and that Mr. Merian Bor- czak has become Chairman of the Board of -Review. - Filed. From Ian MCMillan' with. appreciation for scholarship. _ Filed. From Waterloo Lutheran University with appreciation of bUrsary: -!Filed. .':! :.r' "-';'(',.,r.. j-: '1,_ .. "_,j,' .'....." _""":"" ,_,_,,\ From the Association of Rural Municipalities with r~\lest ,fot membership. - Referred to the Finance Committee. ',' ,. " From the University of Western Ontari!), with.appreciation ,of grant. -Filed. 14 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL ElLGiliN OOU!NTY OOUNCIL 15 From the St. Thomas Young Men's Christian Association with appreciation for grant and application for 1973 grant.- Referred to the Finance Committee. From R J. Teel and Associates with proposal for doing an audit re: Proviucial aud/or Federal Sales Tax. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the 'Four Counties General Hospital with appreciation of grant. - 'Filed. From 'Qnad County Association for the Mentally Retarded with re- quest for a grant. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Task Force on policing in Ontario with extension of the time for hriefs. - Filed. From Sheriff E. P. Ray, with copy of Grand Jury Report to Mr. Justice Donnelly, dated January 9th, 1973. - Referred to the Property Committee. From Ontario Planning with Decemher, 1972, Newsletter. - Filed. From the Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers of On- tario with request for membership for the Clerk-Treasurer and De- puty Clerk-Treasurer. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the ,Salvation Army with request for a grant. - Referred to the Finance 'Committee. ,From the Canadian iNational Institute for the Blind with request for a grant. _ Referred to the ,Finance Committee. From Professional Sales Tax Consultants with proposal iior doing an audit re: Provincial and/or Federal Sales Tax. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From a number of people in the timber business with petitiou re: Tree Cuttiug By-Law No. 2208 and how it affects timber that was pur- chased before the passing of the said by-law. - Referred to the Agri- cultural Committee. From the Bank of Montreal with invitation to attend dinner at the Grand Central Hotel at '6:15 p.m. on Thursday, January 18th. - Filed. "From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with re- quest for membership fees. - Referred to the 'Finance Committee. From the Honorable Charles MacNaughton, with copy of letter to Mayor Eber Rice in reply to local government committee brief on phase one report on Lake Erie Region. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Township of Malahide with 'resolution supporting the brief prepared by representatives from Elgin County and the City of St. Thomas after consultation with the Elgin Planning Board re- questing that the, Provincial Government consider Elgin County and the City of St. Thomas as a regional area for planning and develop- ment. - ,Filed. 'From Mayor 'Jane Bigelow of London and London City Clerk W. S. Ross re: regional study. - Referred to the County Government Committee. 'From the East Elgin District Women's Institute with appointment to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum for 1973. - Referred to the Fin- ance Committee. 'From G. Duncan Black, Hegional Engineer, Construction Safety Branch, Departmeut of 'L>lbor re:continued co-operation of their De- partment with the County of Elgin. -Filed. From the West Elgin District Women's Institute with appoint- ment to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum for 1973. - Referred to the Finance Committee. Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll Seconded by Reeve MoKillop That the Warden and Clerk be authorized to submit to the Minist- er of Transportation and Communications of 'Ontario the petition of the 'County of Elgin showing that from the 1st day of January, 1972 16 ELGJiN COUNTY OOUNC1L ElJG!TiI COUNTY COUNCIL 1,7 until the 31st day of December, ,1972, tbere has been expended on the County Highway System the sum of ,'$1;597,827.55. FIRST SESSION - SECOND DAY ,-cll1'ried. Wednesday, January 17th, 1973 The Warden appointed Reeve Todd, Reeve,c;oo~"Reeye Miskelly and Reeve Dennis as members of the Gommitteeto stri)<:e ,the Stand- ing Committees for the year 1973. The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. f.: . ^. ., _iu'<'~ Moved by Reeve Todd Seconded by Reeve Liebner That we do now adjourn to meet again on,J\lUuary 17th, 1973, at 10:00 a.m. The Warden in the Chair. All the members present except Deputy Heeve M. A. Schafer and Reeve K. C. Emerson. -Carried. A letter from Mrs. Betty Main, Director, Information Centre,. ac- companied rby a Directory of Social and Commnnity Services E;lgin Connty'St. Thomas, was read and ordered filed. H. L.JOHiNSQN, . Clerk' .R. N."J~STON, War<!en The Report of the Special Committee to strike the Standing Com- mittees for 1973 was presented rby Reeve Cook and adopted on motion of Reeve Cook al)d Reeve Miskelly. The Report of the 'Eigin Manor Committee was presented by Reeve Lyle and adopted on motton of Reeve Lyle and Reeve McKil- lop. Moved by Reeve Lake Seconded by Heeve'Dennis That By"Law 'No. 2237, "To Appoint a County Road Committee," be read a first time. Moved by Depnty Reeve Pettit Seconded by Reeve Wilson That By-Law No. 2237 be read a second time. -..,Carried. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Young That By-Law No. 2237 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. ~Carried. 18. ELGrN COUNTY OOUNCIL ;ELGrN COUNTY OOUNCIL 19 A delegation b'am the University of Western ,ontario composed of Dr. W. S. Turner, Dr. Stew""t Ward, Mr. F. ,o. Kime and Mr. E. J. Wright was present. . Moved .by Reeve Lyle ~ That the delegation from the University of Western ,ontario be now heard. Moved by Roove Miskelly Seconded by Deputy Reeve McBrien That By-Law No. 2238, "'Being a By"Law to Establish the Annnal Remuneration to be Paid to the Warden of the County of Elgiu," be read a first time. Dr. Turuer addressed Council explaining the growth of the uni- versity and advising tltat the rapid growth in enrolment is now level- ling off. Dr. Turner. explained the method of financing universities and requested continued financial support. He also advised that Council Day at the University will be June 13th, 1973. Moved by Reeve Miskelly Seconded by Deputy Reeve McBrien That By-Law iNo. 2238 be read a second time. -Carried. The Warden thanked Dr. Turner and referred request for a grant to the Finance Committee. Moved by .Reeve Miskelly Seconded by Deputy Reeve McBrien That By-LawiNo. 2238 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll Seconded by Reeve Todd That we do now adjourn to meet again January 17th, 1973, at 2:00 p.m. -Carried. l\'Ioved by Reeve Lyle Seconded by Deputy Reeve Monteith That By'Law No. 2239, "Being a By-Law to Set the Daily Remnn- eration to be Paid to Members of the Elgin County Council for At- tendance at Meetings of the 'Elgin County Council and Committees Thereof/' be read a first time. Council Re-Convened. -Carried. A letter was received from the Honorable Leo Bernier, Minister of Natural Resources re: the resolution eudorsing the Brant County resolution regarding nursery stock for roadside planting and same was ordered filed. Moved by Deputy Reeve Monteith Seconded by Reeve Kahnt That By.Law No. 2239 be read a second time. -Carried. Reeve Caverly advised that Mr. R. K. McNeil, M.P.P. had ""- ranged a meeting with the Minister of Community and Social Ser. vices to be held on February 1st, 1973, in the afternoon with respect to a Home for the Aged in East Elgin. Moved by Deputy Reeve Simpson Seconded by Reeve Lyle That By-Law No. 2239 ,be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. The Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Lyle and adopted on motion of Reeve Lyle and Reeve ~averly. Warden Johnston then named the following Committee to meet with the Minister: Moved by Reeve iNemett Seconded by Deputy Reeve Whalls That we do now adjourn to meet again 1973, at lO:fjO a.m. Thursday, January 18th, Reeve Caverly, Reeve Liebner, Reeve 'Lyle and the Warden. H. 'L. J,oHNSON, Clerk -Carried. R. N. JOlHNSTON, Warden 20 ,ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL .JANUARY SESSION - THIRD DAY Thursday, the 18th day of January, 1973 The Elgin County Council met this day at the CourtII!,use, St. Thomas, in accordance with -adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All members present except Deputy Reeve Schafer, Reeve Emer- son and Reeve Miskelly. Mr. H. W. Buck, ,Eigin County Agricuiturai Representative was present. It was moved by Reeve Conk that Mr. Buck be now heard. Mr. Buck addressed Council reporting on Agricultural matters in Elgin County during 1972 and presented a financial statement for the year. He also reported on the work of the boys and girls organizations in the County and gave a resume of the land use program in Ontario as it effects the Agricultur.al Commumty and which had been discuss- ed ata recent conference which he had .attended. The Warden thanked Mr. Buck for his presentation. The Report of the Road Committee was presented by Reeve Den- nis and adopted on motion of Reeve Dennis and Reeve Cook. The Report of the Construction Safety Inspector was presented by Reeve Dennis. Moved by Reeve Nemett Seconded by Deputy Reeve deRyk That the Report of the Construction Safety Inspeetorbe adopted and printed in the Proceedings. - Carried. The Second Report of the ,Elgin Manor Committee was presented by Reeve Liebner and adopted on motion of Reeve Liebner and De- puty Reeve Carroll. The Report 01 the ~'inance Committee was presented by Reeve Lake and adopted on motion of Reeve Lake and ReeVe Liebner. ELGrN COUNTY: COUNOIL 21 Moved by Reeve Cook Seconded by Deputy Reeve Young That we do now adjourn to meet again at 2 p..m., Thursday, January 18th, r973. - Carried. Council re...convened~ The Report of the. County Government Committee was presented by Reeve Wilson. Moved by'Reeve Wilson Seconded by ReeVe Caveriy That the County Government Committee report be adopted.. Moved by Deputy Reeve Whalls Seconded' by Reeve Hodgson That 'Item (3) on the COunty Government Committee report be amended by adding) "and that Mayor Bigelow be advised that if a nie\!ting of London and surrounding municipalities is held re: region- al government beLOI'e we meet with the Minister' of Treasury; Econo- mics and Intergovernmental Affairs we will send two memhers as observers. - Carried. The amendment. was voted on and carried. . The amended report was then put to Council and carried. The Report of the Personnel Committee was presented hy Reeve Hodgson and adopted on motion of Reeve Hodgson and' Reeve Lllke. The Report of the Educational Committee was presented hy De- puty Reeve deRyk. Moved by Deputy Reeve deRyk Seconded'by Reeve Liehner That the Educational Committee Report he adopted. 22 ElLmN OOUNTY OOUNG1L ELGIN COUNTY COUNC~L 23 Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Reeve Cook That sections 1-5 be deleted and tabled to the February meeting of the iEducatloual Committee Report. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lake Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit That By"Law No. 2241, "To Authorize the 'Warden and Treasurer to Borrow the Sum of Two Million, Three Hundred Thousand Dol~ lars/' be read a first time. The amendmeut was voted on and carried. - Carried. The Reporiof the Educational Committee, as amended, was then put to Council and carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Reeve Lake That By-Law No. 2241 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Liebner Seconded by Reeve McKillop Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by Reeve Wilson That By-Law No. 2241 be read a third time and. finally passed. - Carried. The Report of the 'Pmperty Committee was presented by Reeve Nemett and adopted on motion of 'Reeve Nemett and Reeve Lake. That Deputy Reeve Whalls and Reeve Todd be members lrom Count)' Council to attend the meeting c.alled by City of London re: regional: govermnent, as observers only. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Deputy .Reeve' Pettit That By-Law No. 2242, "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the .Corporation of the County of Elgin at the January Session, 1973," he read a first time. MClVed by. Reeve Dennis Seconded by Reeve Lake That By-Law No. 2240, "A By-Law to Authorize the Expmpriation of Land for the Purpose of Widening and Impmving County Roads," be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Monteith seconded by Reeve Cook That By-Law No. 2242 be read a second time. - Carried. - Carried. M9ved by Reeve McKillop Seconded by Reeve Cook That By'Law No. 2242 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lake Seconded by Reeve Dennis That By.Law No. 2240 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Young That By-Law No. 2240 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. H. L. JOIJ1NSON, Clerk 24' EJJGINbOUN'l'Y COUNCIL WARDEN'S ADDRESS To the Members of Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: I am humbly grateful for the honor you have given me in choos, ing me as your Warden for 1973 and I know the people of AIdborough are both pleased and proud th'lt you saw fit to .recognize our township. I intend to do my very best to 'fulfil the heavy duties of this office and to' Work for the best interests of our county and all its citizens. I congratulate Past Warden Hodgson for having led uS through 1972 in a very successful way and I extend the thanks of this council to him for his diligent and thoughtful attention to the county's busi- ness. To all past wardens, members of councils and guests who are with us to-day, I extend a war:m welcome. I am sure the council ap- preciates your cOntinuing interest in the affairs of the county. 1972 being a year for municipal elections, we have a number of changes in the personnel of County Council. Regretfully, we note that Reeves Mary Blyth, Colin Morrison,. . LaWrence. McIntyre; .Tom Ro~ berts and Stan Speers and Deputy Reeves Tony Csinos and Elison Randall are no longer with us. However, we realize change is a part of the nature .of government and (he thanks of this council are extend- ed to these past members for their contribution and service to Elgin. As we say farewell to some, we welcome ail:r' new members in the persons of Reeves Charlie Bates and John Nelnett and Deputy Reeves Gary Monteith, Gordon Pettit, Mat Schafer, Douglas Simpson, Stuart MoB"i'm and Cliff Young. The iProvincial Government program- for re-structurfng mmiicipal governments is of concern to all of us and while we realize changes need to occur, these changes. Inost be carefully examined so that they benefit everyone bnt do not lose some of the historical and traditional assets. we have enjoyed over the years in our county. The contribu- tion made by the City-County Committee on local government and its thoughtfUI and' well prepared response to the provincial paper on pros- pects, fOr the Erie region has been very helpfUl. I am sure the city 'ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIl, 25 and the county will continue to work together so that whatever changes do occur will be of real benefit to our people. Land has been purchased by the county for another "Manor" at Aylmer and I hope this project can move ahead in 1973 so that the needs of citizens for this type of care in the eastern part of the county can be fairly met. No doubt we will !have our problems in 1973 as we have had in the past - rising costs, inflation and the constant hattle to keep. taxation in line with incomes in rural areas is a real challenge to all of us. However, with your help and a uulted approach to the issues I feel confident we can carryon the business of the county in a way which will benefit all citizens. Again,'1 thank you. for the honor you have given me and the con' fidence you have placed in me. Together, we can go forward to meet the challenges of 1973. 26' ELGLN COuNTY OOUNCIL RE)PORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO STRIKE THE STANDING COll'llVnTTEES January Session; 1973 To the Warden and Members 01 tile Elgin Connty Council, The fbllowing is ilie report olthe Special Committee to strike tlieShuidirig'Coml11ilfeesfor the year 1973: ~dRIObLTURkL - Lyle, McKillop, Caverly; Dennis, Cook, Wilson and Warden Johnston. COUNTY.GO\'ERNMElNT - Wilson, Emerson, Caverly, Monteith, Whalls,.Miskelly, Hodgson and Warden Johnston. COUNTY ROADS - Dennis, Cook, Lyle, Wilson, Miskelly and War- den Johnston. Advisory Road Committee - Caverly, Todd, MoKillop. EDGIN MANOR - .Liebner, Dennis, Carroll, Hodgson and Warden Johnston. Advisory Elgin Manor Committee - M~Brien, Young. EDUCATIONAL - deRyk, Pettit, Simpson, Carroll, Schaler, Young, McBrien, ,Monteith~ Whal1s, Liebner, Bates, :Emerson, Kahnt, Hodgson, Todd, Lake and Warden Johnston. EQUALIZATION & ASSESSMENT - Bates, Emerson, Dennis, Wil- son, Caverly, Miskelly, Lyle, Cook, Nemett, Todd, Kahnt, Lieb- ner, Hodgson, McKillop, 'Lake and Warden Johnston. FINANCE - Lake, Wilson, Caverly, Miskelly, Dennis, Emerson, Bates, Lyle, McKillop, Hodgson, Liebner,. Kahnt, Todd, lNemett, Cook and Warden Johnston. PElRSONNEL - .Emerson, Miskelly, Lake, Hodgson and Warden Johnston. ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 27 PETITIONS & 'LElGISLATION - Kahnt, Simpson; Whalls, Monteith, S~haler, Pettit, deRyk and Warden Johnston. PROPERTY - Nemett, Caverly, Young, Lake aud Warden Johnston. REOEPTION & EN'l1ERTAFNMENT - Cook, Schafer, Miskelly, Mon- teith, Simpson, Pettit, Bates; Liebner, Mc;Brien and Warden Johnston. HEALTH UNIT - Lake, MoKillop. ST. THOMAS-ELGIN GENERAL HOSPITAL - Emerson, Todd. Todd to represent the Warden. TILLSONBURG MEMORIkL HOSPITAL - Schaler. FOUR COUNTI'ES HOSPITAL - Liebner. LIBRARY BOARD - Kailnt, Whalls, Cook; and Warden Johnsto.n. OHILDREN'S AID +- Simpson,. deRyk, Monteith. I EMERGENOY MEASURES ORGANIZATION - Bates, Nemett. MUSEUM. - Pettit, Nemet!. LOCAL GOVERNMiElNT STUDY COMMITTEE - Todd, Cook, Mis- kelly, Dennis and Warden Johnston. WE RECOMMEND that each Committee meet and appoint a Chairman as s'Oon as possible. All 01 which is respectfully submitted. D. K. OOOK, Chairman. 28 ELmN OOUNTY OOUNCIL ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1973 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin Connty cauncil, The Elgin Manor Committee wishes to report as fallows: 1. That we recommend that Mr. Lawrence Morley be engaged as Chairman .of the Negatiating Cammittee to meet with the Londan and District Bnilding Service Warkers' Union, Local 220. 2. Frank Cawan Company Limited has heen instructed to add "All Risks" coverage fOr the contents of Elgin Manar, at a cast .of $105.52 per year. 3. The tender .of Restaurant Equipment and Supply Company has been accepted far supplying. one Hobart Model CRS66 dishwasher and 13 feet 6 inch 'soiled dish t~bling, at a price of $6,293.00, less trade-in .of $600.00, plus pravincial sales tax. Installation far plumbing and electrical wark to be provided by the Manar, supervised by the sup- plier. 4. The Administrator has been authorized to attend the First Ap- palachian Conference an 'Physical Activity and Aging in ,Charleston, W. Va., March 2, 3, and 4, 1973, with expenses paid. All .of which is respectfully submitted. B. A. Lyle, Chairman. E'lJGlJIJ COUNTY OOUNCLL 29 ,COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2237 "To Appoint a Co-1tnty Road Committee" Ai3 required by Section 42 of the Highway 'Impravement Act, be- ing Chapter 201 of the Revised Statutes of .ontario, 1970, The Elgin County Conncil enacts: TlIAT the follawing five members of this Cauncil constitute a Committee far the pnrpase .of directing the work to be done an the County Road System: J. L. Dennis far term of one year D. K. Cook far term of two years B. A. Lyle far term .of three years' J. B. Wilson for term .of four years A. T. Miskelly for term .of five ~e.ars THAT. By-Law No. 2191 be and is bereby repealed. READ a first time this 17th day of January, 1973. READ a second. time this 17th day .of January, 1973. RiEAD a third time and finally passed this 17th day .of January, 197'3. H. L. J.oHNSON, Clerk R. N. JOHNSTON, Warden 30 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL AGRICULTURAL Co.MMITTEE REPo.RT J aUllary Session, 1973 To the Warden and Memhers of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural ,Committee reports as follows: 1, That a grant of $3,000.00 he made to the local Agricultural Office for farm organizations and Junior .Farmers and Institute groups in the County of Elgin for 1973. 2. That the Warden" Reeve Lyle and Reeve Cook he a committee to allocate the grant. 3. That the members of the above Committee be paid members wages for ll)ek services. 4. That the grants to the Agricultural and Horticultural Societies he on the same basis as last year, equal to the provincial grants. 5. That Mr. R. K. McNeil be advised in reply to his letter to Mr. 'J. W. Hodgson reo County of Elgin ,By-Law No.2208 that the said By-Law has received'the approval of the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Council of the County of Elgin does not deem it advisable to de- viate from it. Also that ,a copy of this letter he forwarded to Mr. Roy Manary. 6. That Mr. Willis Weaver be advised that the petition he presented dated January the 3rd, 1973, was presented to Council and that the J<;lgin County Council does not deem it advisable to deviate !.rom By- Law 2208, wbi,ch has been approved by tbe Ministry of Natural Re- s'OUrces. All of which is respectfully submitted. B. A. LYLE, Chairman. ELGLNCOI\'JNTY COUNCIL 31 Co.UNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO.. 2238 "Being a By~Law to Establish the Annual -Remuneration to be Paid to the Warden' of the County of Elgin" WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to establish the annual remun- eration to be paid to the Warden of the County of Elgin. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the annuahemuneration of the Warden of the County of El- gin for attending meetings of the Council, meetings of the various committees and performing all other duties applicable to his, office shall be Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00) per annum, payable in twelve equal installments. 2. In addition to the annual remuneration established in Clause (1), the Warden shall be paid the usnal convention expenses allowed by Council for attending conventions outside the municipality plus (.12c) per mile for each mile travelled to a council or committee meeting. 3. That By-Law No. 2081 be and is hereby repealed. 4. That this By-Law become effective retroactive to January 1st, 1973. RiEAD a first time this 17th day of January, 1973. READ a second time this 17th day of Jaunary, 19073. RiEAD a third time and finally passed tbis 17th day of Jannary, 1973. H.iL. JOHNSON, Clerk. R. N. JOONSTON, Warden 32 'ELJrnN OOUNTY aOUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2239 "Being a By-Law to set the Daily Remuneration to be Paid to Members of tbe ElginConnty ,Conncil for Attendance at Meetings of the Elgin County Council and Committees Thereof" The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts.as follows: 1. That the following remuneration he paid to each memher of the Elgin County Council, with the exception of the Warden, for attending meetings of the Council and Committees thereof. (a) For attending meetings of the Elgin County Council $35.00 per day. (h) For attending a meeting of a Committee wheu the said Com- mittee holds both a forenoon and an afternoon or evening meeting ou the same day $35.00. ' (c) For attending a meeting of a Committee when the Committee holds a meeting in .either the forenoon, afternoou or the even- iug '$20.00. (d) In addition to the ahove remuneration each memher shall he paid .12c lor each mile necessarily travelled in attending such meetings. (e) That IBy-Law No. 20'32 he and the same is hereby repealed. (f) That this By-Law be retroactive to January .lst, 1973. READ a first time this 17th day of January, 1973. READ a second time this 17th day of January, 1973. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day 01 January, 1973. H. L. JOIH'NSON, Clerk R. N. JOHNSTON, Warden ELJGLN OOUNTY COUNCIL ( 33 REPORT TO ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL - JAN. 18th, 1973 (H. W. Buck, Elgin County Agricultural Representative) I am pleased to have the opportunity to meet wIth you formally for the first time siuce commenciug W<lrk here on June 1st, 1972. Duriug my years of employmeut with the O.M.A.F., ,I had ofteu heard Vie Laugtou expouud ou the great couuty of Elgiu aud the con- tribution made to the agricultural economy of Ontario hy the 2,500 farms iu thecouuty. It is my impressiou that Vie Langton had .much to hoast ahout and that he was rightfully proud of the people and the agricultural production of the farmlands of Elgin. So that you might he up to date on agricultural facts and figures for 'Elgin Couuty, I have provided each of you with the information updated from the census of Cauada, 1971. There are a few items which I would draw to your atteution. These items are part of a long term trend. 1. A slight increase iu the size of farms. 2. A higher nurhher of farms reporting agricultural sales of $25,000 per year and over. 3. The acreage of ,corn continues to increase; oat acreage is de'. creasing. Acres of other crops tend to fluctuate up aud dowu WIth the market. 4. The uumber of dairy farms contiuues to decrease, although dairy cattle numbers are relatively static. A copy of the financial statement for the Elgin Agricultural Com- mittee is hefore you. This statemeut has been audited, and reviewed by a sub-committee of your couucil on Tuesday morning of this week. I am impressed aud pleased with the great finaucial support you give to agriculturalorgauizations and activities in Elgin County. One of the things which is particularly pleasiug is the work of the 4-H Agricultural Cluh Leaders. These men, 45 in uumber, with a little help and directiou from our .office, and financial help from County Council, carry much of the respousibility .of a strong 4-H Club pro- gram,. The involvement of local. people goes a long way to insuring the success .01 a community pr.ogram like 4-H. 34 -EW'IN OOUNTY OOUNCIL ELGIN OOtlNTYCOUiNOIL 35 ELGIN AGRICULTUMLCOMMITTEE You will be interes.ted to k.now that approximately 200 young people are participating in the 4-H Agricultural Club program, and nearly 500 in '4"H Homemaking Clubs. The girls continue to show great interest in the Homemaking projects. An increasing number of tllese girls c.ome from no.n-farm homes. .FINANCIAL STA'lJEMENT - J'an. 13th, ,1972 to Dec. 31st, 1972 County Organizations: Elgin Soil and Cvop Improvement Assoc. $ 350.00 Drainage Demonstration - Plastic Tubing - Clay Tile. .. ....m.m.m. 50.00 Elgin County Plowmen's Association mm.. 200.00 ,Elgin Fruit Growers' Association ....m.m..m 25.00 $ 625.00 Receipts Balance forward, January 14th, 1972 1972 Grant - Elgin County Council Last week at the hearing of the Oni.ario Select Committee o.n L~nd Drain~ge I w~s pleased to see three of the townships represent- ed. Elgin County has come in for well <jeserved praise for its policy on farm drains as affected by township and county roads. I suspect your' policy could well be the pattern for other cou!)ties in Ontario and I congratulate you for being the leader. Expenses Livestock Associations and Shows: Holstein Black and White Show, Aylmer $ Jersey Parish Show,' Aylmer Ayrshire Show, Aylmer Westerll Counties 'Guernsey ,Club Beef Cattle Show, Wallace.tow!) ......__..m....... Beef Cattle Show, Rodney Elgip. Beef Improvement Associatio!! .....m S.W.O. Livestock Producers' Association Elgin Horse B~eeders' Association ____________ 110TAL REOEIPTS ;qne of ~lle events of 197.2 Which may h.ave s.ome influence on the fural comll)u!)ities of Qntario .took pla"e in Deceml)er. I refer t.o the Ontario I;and Use 'Conf~r~nce whicb was sponsored by th~ Ontario Soil arid Cvop Improvement Association. This very significant a!)d high level conference was attended by delegates from all over Ontar- io. I called this Conference significant because it was the first con- ference on Land Use called by a farm organization which is active in every coul)ty and district in Ontario. To me t)lis sig!)ifies an awaking of fsrm people to the re.alization of what surely will be one of the major issues fa,eing them in the next ten years, and an issue which will have a profound effect on the lives of all of us for decades to COlp.e. Here are some of the -questions discussed at the conference. (See .attached). 4.H Agricultural Clubs: *Belmont Dairy Calf Club, 32 camp. m.....$ Corinth Dairy Calf Club, 10 camp. m....m.... East Elgin Dairy Calf club, 21 camp. .....m .Shedden Dairy Calf Club, 11 camp. Bayham Beef Calf Club, 6 camp. "Shedden Beef Calf Club, 19 camp. West Elgin Beef Calf Club, 37 camp. . East 'Elgin Horsemanship Club, 24 camp. Southwold Horsemanship Club, 14 camp. * Aldborough Swine Club, 11comp. ..m..___. It was a ~qod conference, with gOO? speakers, lots of discussion, and a timely one in view -of what lies ahead in the way of regional government ,and the needs of tile ,jay for official plans and zoning bY,laws. I regret that your couucil was not represe~ted. Tl;tgrrk you for the opportunity to appear before you. I lOok for- ward to my \york in Elgin County a!)d I want to assure you of my co- operation with you and your \york. .________......__. $198.31 3,000.00 ........m..33,I98.31. 97.50 33.00 15.00 25.00 100.00 75.00 75.00 25.00 25.00 $470.50 ~8.00 15.00 31.50 16.50 9.00 28.50 55.50 36.00 21.00 16.50 36 ELGIN COUU\!TY COUNCIL ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT *Central Elgin Swine Club, 8 compo _u Dunwich Swine Club, 16 compo Aldborough Field Crop Club, 11 compo Dunwich Field Crop Club, 8 compo _m Southwold Field Crop Club, 7 compo _____ *100% Completion - 5 clubs 4-H Club Le-aders' Association Elgin Junior ,Farmers' and Junior Institute Girls' 4-H Homemaking Club Work: 5 ,,",H Club ConI. Delegates, Guelph ____m____$ 65 County Honor pins at $4.00 Frames for leaders' certificates (19) 3 Club Signs _,____ ___________m__ __________m_ ' 32 binders at $1:99 for binders 35 leaders' pins at $1:60 plus tax Delegates - Livestock Management Tour Picture frames (16) - 4'H Agricultural Clubs Auditing 1971 books - James Galbraith Bank service charges EUGlN OOUNTY COUNOIL 37 12.00 24.00 16.50 12.00 10.50 $ 352.50 _m_m_$ 700.00 200.00 January Session, 1973 To the Warden and Members of the Council of the County of Elgin, YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE begs to report as follows: The following is a summary of costs of Construction and Main- tenance on County of Elgin Roads during 1972. 50.00 260.00 16.20 7.94 6368 58.80 ,$ CONSTRUCTION: ROADS- 1: Road No. :3 from Highway No.3 to Lake Erie in the Township of Aldborough, surveying, fencing, stump removal _ _m_m_.m ____ ______________ _m______ ______________m_____ m____m__$ 456.62 30.00 10.87 10.00 2.60 3',240.06 2. Road No. 40 from Road No. 52 to Glencolin in the Village of Springfield and the Township of Malahide, surface treatment and cleanup 3,764.26 TOTAL EXPElNSES ______________000_____ _____m________m_m______m_$2,856.09 Bank balance, Dec. 31st, 1972$ 380.02 Less D/S cheques ____..,____._.__m. 39.80 3. Road No. 40 from Highway No.3 to Mount Salem in the Township of Malahide, surIace treatment and cleanup .___ _______m___mm m___mm.._. _____________._.___.__._mm_+ 4,706.77 340.22 .$3,198.31 4. Road No. 36 from Highway No.3 to 1 mile south of Sparta in the Township of Yarmouth, Grading, Granular Base, Surface Treatment, Urban Construc- tion, etc. (An ,additional amount of $324,200.00 was charged to this Project under 'Developme'!t Road No. 1122) _ _____m_m_m._.._ ..____mmm_m ..__m________.____ __._______.__ 169,298.40 January 9th, 1!113 - Audited and found to be correct - James Galbraith, Auditor. - Verified with bank. 5. Road No.2 from Road No, 3 to the west limit of the Village of West Lorne in the Township of Aldbor- ough, Paving, Shouldering and cleanup ._____._____ __m_m 65,175.92 6. Road No.2 in the Village of West Lorne, Urban Con- struction and Paving m_m_____m__ ___.___________m_mm.__...____. 96,003.01 7. Road No. 21 (Warren Street) in tile Village of Port Stanley, Cleanup ______m__m_.... ._________.m__m_m._..._..-.____m___ 1,059.12 38 Ell/GIiN COUNTY OOUNCIL ELGIN' ,COUNTY OOUNCIL. 39 8. Road No. 42 kom Road No. 50 ('Victoria Street) easterly approximateiy 1 mile in the Village of Port Burwell and Township of Bayham, Grading, Gran- ular Base, etc. __... ....__........ . .m__._... _._______...______ ______________ 59,418.64 ROAD CONSTRUCTION BY ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION: 9. Road No. 13 - Shackleton Street in the Village of Dutton, Urban Construction m________._____________________ ______m__ 52,414.79 1. Road No. 30 - Approaches to the Patterson Cui, verts, Township of Yarmouth, Cleanup, etc. ______________$ 3,344.46 2. Land Purchase 82.12 10. Road No. 44 from ,Road No. 46 to Highway No.3 in the Township of ,Bayham, Clearing and Survey- ing ________..._____ ___________________ _____________.... ______________________ mm_____m_ 2,127.99 3. Surveys on New Work 225.14 11. Road No. 14 from Road No. 13 to -Iona Station in the Township o'f South wold and Dunwich, Grading, Granular Base, etc. ________._,__..._____________m__________________ ___________ 33,956.30 110TAL 'ROAD CONSTRUCTION BY THE QOM- MISSION ---------------.----------_______________________________________..------_________$ 3,651.72 12. .Road No. 20, Carlow Road Extension in the Village of Po'rt Stanley, Urban Construction _______. _________m___... 9,072.44 TOTAL ROAD OONSTRUCTWN BY 'I1HE COUNTY AND 'llliE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COM- MISSION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------________$559,706.27 13. Road No. 16 - Approaches to T'libot Creek Culvert, Township of Dunwich, Grading, Grannlar Base. _____... 14;569.74 BRIDGE ANI> CULVERT CONSTRUCTION <County): 14. Surveys for New Work on Various Roads 10,32-1.86 L Road No. 40 from HiglJ,way No. 3 to Mount Salem, Culvert Construction in conjunction with Grading Credit 114.90 15. Garage Construction (White Station) 18,359.46 2. Road No. 86 from Highway No.3 to 1 mile south of Sparta, Culvert Construction in conjunction wit!) Grading ---------------...---- --__...____________________...________________ 36,596.69 16. Larid Purchase 42,605.64 17. New Machinery 31,107.03 3. Road No. 42 from Port Burwell easterly, Culvert Construction in conjunction with Grading _______...__________ 2,892.55 18. Miscellaneous Grading Construction 1,332.32 Hj, Machinery OwnerShip costs charged to Receivable, Development Roads, and Accounts Accounts Townline Credit 62,479.20 120.96 5. Road No. 14 from Iona Station to Road No. 13, Cul- vert Construction in conjunction with Grading ____..__ 1178.38 TOTAL ______$556,054.55 6. Road No. 9 - Culvert Constrnction between Roads NO.8 and No. 14, Cleanup from 1971 _________________"...________ 336.14 40 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNOIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 41 7. Road No. 42 - Van Order Bridge Replacement with culverts including Engineering, Supply Materials, Excavation, Backfill,. Earth and Granular Grade ,ov- er the Culvert subsidized at 80% (per cent) by the Millistry 01 Transportation and Communications 76,176.70 11. Pavement Marking 12. Guide Rail 13. Signs 14. Drainage 15. Tree Planting 16. Railroad Protection 17. Drainage Assessments 18. Rebates to Towns and Villages 14,797.03 1,165.97 28,409.28 10,433.13 1,027.02 11,325.U 16,131.99 50,811.95 8. Road No. 16 - Talbot Bridge replacement with Cul- verts including 'Engineering, Supply Materials, Ex- cavation, Backfill and Earth and Granular Grade over the Culvert subsidized at 80% (per cent) by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications 92,246.91 TOTAL BRIDGE AND OULVERT CONSTRUCTION 'BY THE OOUNTY _ ________________ _ $208,891.51 TOTkL ____,______________ _________$522.959.00 BRIDGE AND CULVERT CONSTRUCTION BY THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION: MAINTENANCE - BRIDGE AND CULVERTS: 1. Complete Fatterson Culverts - Road No. 30 ____ __ __ $ 4,008_52 TOTAL BRIDGE AND CULVERT OONSTRUCTlON 212,900.03 TOTAL CONSTRUC11ION ROADS AND BRIDGES BY THE COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISS~ON m________ ______________ __ ______________ _______ __ 772,606.30 1. Silver Creek - Road No. 42 _____________________________ ___ $ 6,811.16 2. . Miscellaneous Bridge Maintenance ________ 3. Miscellaneous Culvert Maintenanee 372.,17 10,836.91 TOTAL ------------$ 18,020.24 MAINTENANCE - ROADS: 1. Winter, Control (in $111,591) . 2. Asphalt Resurfacing (Roads No. 48, No. 52, No. 20) 3. Burface Treatment 1971 the expenditure was $122,466.96 111,175.35 19,437.14 OVERHEAD: 16,120.56 30,992.12 11,520.09 6,136.40 26,096.67 19,859.77 25,052.46 1. Superintendence (CoulltyEngineer, General ~uper- intendentand Assistant Superintendent) ___________________$ 27,429.37 2. Clerical _________________________________ ______________________________ _______________________ 19,129.00 3. Car Mileage I(County Engineer) _______ ______________ ______________ 1,352.83 4. Office --..- _n_n____________~________,.____ ______.__.______ .____________ n_"_._______ ._n 7,207.73 5. 'Garages ------------------- ------------------- --------, ------------- --__________________ 24,563.05 6. White Station Gravel Pit Rehabilitation ________________________ 6,854.50 4. Gravel Resurfacing 5. Repairs to Pavements '6. Grading Maintenance 7. Roadside. Maintenance K' Dust Control 9. Weed Control 10: Brushing and Tree. Cutting 7. Miscellaneons Repairs 8. Tools ____________________________________ 7,196.65 2,876.88 2,540.60 9. Radio 42' Ei:JGIN OOUNTY OOUNC1L 10:, Ihsurance I:f. PensionS !li: Permits 13. (jonnty Share of Unemployment Insurance ConlrlhutiQl]s 14: Holiday with Pay 15: Sick Benefits IS. County's Share of 'Ontario Heaith Insurahce pran Credit 17. Empl~yees Medicals 18. Needs Study Update 19. Traffic Counts 9,364.03 28,378.52 24.00 4,289.~6 39,990,60 15,748.96 9,321.46 1,849.47 686.87 2,228.35 20. 'Overhead Charged to Development Roads No, 930, No. 1023, No. 1122 and Townline Accounts.n Credit 12,927.19 21. ,overhead Charged to Provincial Winterworks In- centive Program m.mnm. ..nnn ... nnnnmnmnmnn Credit 1,374.79 22. 'OVerhead Charged to Accounts Receiveable nn Credit 9,056.44 23. Machinery 'Overhead ._.m__m__. .m__________.m__.. 4,059.57 24. Insurance not Subsidized by the Ministry of Trans- portation and Communications mumm____.mmm________.m__ 956.84 25. Unsubsidized ElOpenditures . nnn____n____________m____m____________ 125.00 TOTAL __________m.m..__.____..________....____m____. __'__nnnnn__m __m__$192,767 .62 TOTAL OOUNTY ROAiD MAINTENANCE (BRIDGE' and CUi:JVERT) ,oVERiHEAD ____________ ......$733,746.86 ST. THOMAS StJBURBkN ROAD ()OMMISSION MArNT.ENANCE and ,oVERHEAD n...n.................__... 91,661.75 TOTAL MALNTENhNGE and aVERiHEAD (COUNTY and SUBURBAN) ____nm.mn____m____m.mn__.....__$825,408.61 'Ei:JGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ~. SUMMARY: Construction __mm .__.... .____m__..m__.__. Maintenance and 'Overhead __________$ 772,606.30 325,408.61 ISub- Total 1972' Stock Balance 1,008,014.91 59,333,22 Sub-Total Less 1971 Stock Balance $ 1,657,348.13 57.;667,79, GRAND TOTAL , $1,599,680.34 The MTC Subsidy on 1972 work is estimated at $868,000.00. The Cost to the City of St. Thom"" of the .suburban Road Com- mission is esti1llated at $24,413 and the. County share. of the tota,! ex' penditure is approximately $707,262.00. The MTCapproved Subsidy in tile amount of $866,000.00 and the estimated County rate was $685,000. In Addition the Following Work was Done Under the Development Road Program: (A) Development Roads No. 930 being' the County Road No. 45 from Road No. 35 to Road No. 16 .... n ...__nm$ 22,635.03 (B) Development R<>ad No. 1023 being County Road No. 16 from FingaI to St. Thomas ______.____..____mm______.____m.m.. 4,540.17 (C) Development Road No. 1122 being County Road No. 36 from Highway NO.3 to I mile south of Sparta __ 324,200.00 Work was also performed on various county bound- ary roads and bridges and hilled to the Counties of Mid- dlesex and ,oxford (Their Share) _______m____.____mm__mm__m.____.m. 19,356.61 In addition work was perf<>rmed for local munici- palities, the Provincial Government and others with var- ions materials sold. These accounts totalled nn_____n_____._______ 215,630.81 44 :ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL Expenditures Under the Provincial Municipal Incentive (Winterworks) Program totalled 19,250.00 Total Expenditure for 1972 was 2,205,292.96 This compares with $2,285,296 in 1971, $2,7U,580 in 1970, $3,081,820 in 1969 and $3,,139,336 in 1968. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That the Warden name delegates to the Ontario Good Roads As- sociation Convention and to the Roads and Transportation'. Asso- ciation Convention (formerly the Canadian Good Roads Associa- tion). 2. That aB~"Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign Land Plans expropriating land as necessary to widen county roads in 1973. It is necessary that such a By-Law be passed yearly. All of which is respectfully submitted. J.L. DENNIS, Chairman. " 'ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 45 CONSTRUCTION SAFETY REPORT JanU3jry Session, 1973 To the W ardenand Members of tbe Elgin County Council, I beg to report as follows: That as required by Section 15 of the Construction Safety Act RSO 1970, I hereby make the following report: 1. That because of the announcement by the Provincial Govern- ment early last Ye"'", that the Pmvincial Government would assume inspections under the Construction Safety Act, very little of my time was spent on Inspections under the Act, as it appeared that the Government would assume this work at any time. 2. Very little construction that is required to be inspected under the Act was in progress by Iast fall and early winter. 3. (a) Number of Inspectors employed _____________m_______ 1 (b) Number of Inspections made duringI972___ 15 (c) Nnmber of charges laid under the Act _____ _____ 0 (d) :Fatal ,accidents ___,.m.u_ ,1 (e) Number ilf work stoppages ordered ____m_________ 0 (f) Other matters ____m____ ____m____ 0 I have been assisted with the Inspections by Mr. F. A. C. Trott of the Department of Labor. All of which is respectfully submitted. C. ROY DORAN, Construction Safety Inspector. 4.6 ELGI'N OOUNTY OOUNCIL ELGJN MANO~ COMMITTEE REPORT January Se5;sion, 1973 Second Report To the Warden and Members of the Elgin county Council, The Elgin Manor Committee wishes to report as follows: 1. That the following persons be named as the Negotiating Gommit- tee to deal with the London and District _Building Service Workers' Union, Local 220 re: the Elgin Manor empioyees: 1. Ghair!llan of Personnei Committee 2. Chairman of Elgin Manor Committee 3. Reeve Hodgson 4. Administr-ator 5. Secretary-Treasurer 6. County Solicitor All of which is respectfully submitted. A. H. LIEBNER, Chairman. ,ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 47 FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1973 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finauce Committee Reports as follows: 1. That Children's Aid Society Pay List No. 12 for -$4,647.00 be ap- proved. 2. Th~t Charity and Welfare Pay List No.9 for $710.50 be approved. 3. That the Warden and Treasurer be authorized to borrow up to $2,300,000.00 from the Bank of Montreal as may be required and that a By-Law be prepared. 4. That the usual grant of $50.00 to the Law Library be paid. 5. That the membersbip fees in fue Municipal Clerks' and Treasllr- ers' Association be paid and the Clerk-Treasurer and Oeputy Clerk- Treasurer to attend the convention with expenses paid. 6. That R. N. Johnston, T. Csiuos, O. R Todd and K. C, Emerson be paid members wages for atteudance at hospitai meetings during 1!172; that Mrs. Mary Blyth be paid the usual Committee pay for at- tending meetings of the Residential Care Committee of the St. Thom- as'Elgin Association for Retarded Children and that 1972 Council Members on the Chlldren's Aid Society be paid .an additional $6.00 per meeting attended during 1972. 7. That the following constitute the Board of the Elgin County Pion- eer Museum for 1!173 - Mrs. J. R. ,Futcher, Mrs, Herbert Jackson, Mrs. Wilfred Harper, the LO.D.E. representative, Mrs. p, G. Jef- fries and Elgin County Council representatives, 8. That a grant of $500.00 be made to the Elgin Pioneer Museum. 9. That payment 'of ,a grant of $9,000.00 to the 'Four Counties Hos- pital for 1973 be authorized. 10. That membership fee $50.00 be paid to the Association of MlIrti- cipalities of Ontario. 48 ElDGliN COUNTY OOUNOIL 11. That the Treasurer he authorized to continue monthly payments to tile Children's Aid Society on the hasis of the 1972 hudget until the 1973 hudget is estahlished. 12. That Reeve Lake and Reeve !McKillop be paid members wages for attending meetings of the Elgin County Pioneer c\!luseum Board during 1972. 13. That the request of the Ontario Association .of Rural Municipalit- ies for membership he filed. 14. That the membership fee in the Association of Counties and Re- gions of Ontario be paid. 1[i. That a grant of $1,250.UO be made to the Canadian National Insti- tute for the Blind. 16. That a grant of $5O{).00 be made to the Salvation Army. 17. That a gr@tof $3,000.00 be made to the University of Western Ontario. 18. That a grant of $2,351.16 be made to the Erie Economic Council subject to the Erie Economic Council still being in operation as at March 31st, 1973. 19. That payment of a gr,ant of $2,500.00 to St. Thomas.Elgin Asso- ciation for Retarded Children be authorized. 20. That the Chairman of the Educational Committee he the Coun- ty of Elgin representative on the Residential Care Committee of the St. 11l0mas-Elgin Association for Retarded Children with usual com- mittee pay for attending meetings. 21. That the St. Thomas Young !Men's Christian Association be given a grant of $3,000.00 for 19'/3 to operate a Recreation Program in the County of Elgin and that no further request for a grant he made to any of the local municipalities in Elgin County. 22. 11lat the St. lhomas Young Women's Christian Association be given a grant of '$2,50U.00 for 1973 with the understanding that the Y.W.C.A. does not solicit any further grant from .any of the local municip,alities in Elgin County. ,ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 49 23. That 'Quad County Association for tile !Mentally 'Retarded be given a grant of $2,000.00 and that local municipalities in Elgin Coun- ty be not solicited for further financial ,assistanoe and 'that the re- quest for a capital grant be tabled until 'February meeting. 24; That Professional Sales Tax Consultants be engaged to carry out an audit with respect to Sales Tax for the County of Elgin in accord- ance with their proposal dated January 5th, 1973. This proposal to include all Departments of the County of Elgin. AU of which is respectfully submitted. R. ,L. LAlKE, Chairman. COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1973 To the Warden and !Members of the Elgin Connty CounCil, The County lJovernment Committee reports as follows: 1. That the letter from tile County of Kent re: the establishment of a Lake Erie Parkway Commission be tabled until further informa- tion is obtained. 2. That the letter from the Honourable Charles !MacNaughton In reply to Local Government Committee Brief on phase one report on Lake Erie Region be filed. 3. .' 11lat the letter from !Mayor Bigelow and the London City Clerk be, tabled until our local government committee has had a meeting with the !Minister of Treasury, Economics and ,Intergovernmental Af- fairs and that !Mayor Bigelow be so advised, and that Mayor Bigelow be advised that if a meeting of London and the surrounding munici- palities is held re regional government hefore we meet with the Min- ister 'of Treasury, E.conomics and Intergovernmental Affairs, we will send two mernbersas observers. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. B. WILSON, Chairman. 50 ,ElLmN OOUNTY OOUNCIL PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT J annary Session, 1973 To the Warde,n and Member~ of the ,Elgin County Couucil, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That we recommeud that t'he remuneration for Mr. Jackson Baker, Tree Commissioner and Weed Inspector be $3.00 per hour plus.13c per mile travelled and that the necessary by-laws be amend- ed and presented to County Council at the 'February meeting. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. W. HODGSON, ActIng C'hairman EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE REPORT J auuary . Session, 1973 To the Warden and Members of the ,Ellgin County Council, The Educational Committee report~ ,as follows: '" 1. That a scholarship grant of $200.00 each be made to the boy and girl from Elgin County attending t'he University of Western Ontario and attaIning the highest academic standing. Incase a boy or girl does not qualify 'iheaward may be given to the two top students. '" 2. That, a graut of $200.00 be made to the boy from Elgin County attending Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technology and attain- iug the 'highest academic standing. '" 3. That a grant of $200.00 each be made to ,the boy and girl from Elgin County attending Guelph University and attaining the highest academic standing. ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNOlL 51 '" 4. That a scholarship grant of '$200.00 be made to the student from Elgin County attending Waterloo University and ,attaining the high- est academic standing. '" 5. That a scholarship grant of $200.00 pe made to the student from Elgin County attending Waterloo Lutheran University and attaining t'he highest academic standiug. 6. That Mr. Colin Morrison be appointed to the County Liprary Board for 1973, 1974 and 1975. ' 7. That the Warden be the County of ,Elgin representative for 1973 on the Assembly of the University of Western Ontario. 8. We recommend that t'he Warden, Reeve .Dennis, Reeve McKil- lop, Reeve Hodgson and .Deputy Reeve Whalls be the County of Elgin representatives on the Elgin ,County Board of Education Liason Com- mittee for ,1973. 09. That the Ellgin County Library Report as presented by Mr. Wells be approved. 10. That the 1978 pudget of t'he Elgin County Library requiring $83,- 000.00 from the County of Elgin be approved. All of which is respectfully submitted. H. P. DERYK, Chairman. '" Items - 1'5 were deleted and tabled to the February meet- ing of the Education Committee. 52 ,ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT J anuary Session~ 1973 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Grand Jury Re!"lrt to Mr. Justice Donnelly dated January 9th, 1973, be filed. 2. That the tender of Worthington Electric Limited for a continual supply of light in the registry office and deaning lamps, .fixtures twice yearly for One Hundred and Thirty Dollars ($130.00) annually be accepted. 3. That the County of Elgin retain the desk in the basement which Mr. Gary Gordon requested to purchase. An of which is respectfully submitted. J. P. NEMETT, Chairman. 'ELmN COUNTY OOUNOIL 53 ELGIN COUNTY LIBRARY REPORT - 1972 Mr. Chairman, Warden Johnston and Members of the Education Committee: in 1972 the County Library circulated 141,355 books, 3,824 maga- zines and 717 filmstrips. We made 72 stops to branch libraries on the regular delivery schedule and delivered 17,175 books. In addition to this we did 1,702 reference questions, 700 telephone calls and 122 interlibrary loans. These ,statistics !"lint up, a basic change which is occurlng in the system. The Library is no longer concerned mainly in buying and lending books. Even though we purchased and processed 15,000 books In 1972 the majority of the work involved locating aud mailing books and in- formation requested by individU!l!1 people at the branches. Because the total collection is now 104,000 volumes, which is up from 50,000 in 1968, and the average branch has under 10,000 volumes, the chances of a specific book which ,a person in Bort Burwell re- quests being in Port Burwell library are low. Therefore, the branch librarian sends a request for the material into the main bmnch. If it is a book, it is probably in the Rodney Library. We contact Rodney and they send the book to us,. and we send it to Port Burwell. If the material is needed in a hurry we do all this by telephone. Most requests are not for specific books by title. They come in the form ofa question about the Expropriation Act, or for a drawing of how the locks on the Weiland Canal System work, or a ,consumer comparison of electric outboard motors versus, gas. This is different from ten years -ago when the average person go- ing into a library just wanted a good book to read. In ,the branch development area, Vienna was supplied with new furniture, new shelving, both hardcover and paperback, and a cOm- plete new collection of 1,377 hardcover and 3,809 paperback. Port 54 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Stanley got a new desk, new taJbleand new chairs. WestLorne got new desk and cbairs. Shedden, Rodney, Port Burwell, Belmont and Straffordville' got more paperback racks. Springfield got a new table and chairs. The library deposits in the senior citizens home are going well with healthy increases. fn addition to Elgin IManor and the Bobier Home we have received .a request for service from the Sunnyside Nursing Home in Aylmer and began giving, them material in J anu- ary. The local history project continued with the reprinting of Biogra- phical Sketches of some of the Residents of Elgin County and a His- tory of the Lindsay .Family. This is a very popular program and the library has received considerable praise for it. Those are tbe highlights of 1972. At this time I would like, to thank the County Council Members for their interest and support in 1972. Both Committees and individ- ual C01jnty Councillors have contributed, greatly to the library and I appreciate their support. At ,this time I would like to thank personally last y~ars Board Chairman, Mr. Cook, and last years Warden, Mr. ijodgson. 1 would also like to thank the members of the locai committees who are our liaison witb their communities and our branch staff who worked faithfully during 1972. You have before you the financIal statement for 1972 and the bud- get for 1973. Thank you. IELGEN OOUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY LIBRARY 55 Financial Statement of Receipts and Disbursements - 1972 Receipts COUlIty Grant 1972 _______ Provincial Grant 1972 Fines Miscellaneous Revenue ---___________,$ 83,000.00 41,802.00 1,039.76 11,371.58 $137,213.33 - Main ---___________________________________________________________.$ 42,154.10 - Branches ________________,__ _______________________ 19,861.19 - Board Members ______ _________________________ 1,505.40 35,533.10 3,098.10 690.63 89.75 1,8Il2.96 1,432.97 1,284.50 290.92 209.14 2,149.62 1,985.02 166.60 310.15 968.02 261.54 425.00 312.43 1,694.88 613.89 300.19 92.85 212..17 87.01 5,229.03 600.00 23.30 Disbursements Salaries Books Processing Periodicals Bookbinding Furniture ,and Fixtures - Main _________________________ - Branches _______,___________,,______________________ Repairs and Maintenance - Maia _________________________ - Branches Elquipment - Repairs and Maintenance ____________ Insurance Library Supplies Library Association Fees Book Van Telepbone Unemployment Jnsurance Legal ,Fees {Auditor) Filmstrips O.M.E.RS. Canada Pension P.U.C. - Main - Brancb _ Heat' - Main - Branch Rent - - Branches Services - Janitor Taxes - Rebate - Branch 56 mliGl!N COUNTY COUNCIL Conference Expenses Workshops - Branches Miscellaneous El<penses Accounts Payable 1971 230.82 372.95 3,210,06 2,278.04 '$129,546.33 Balance, December 31st, 1972 $ 7,667.00 ELGIN COUNTY LIBRARY Proposed Budget - 1973 Estimated Receipts Cash brought forward, County Grant Provincial Grant Miscellaneous Revenue Fines 1972 nn__mm_ ____:__$ 7,667.00 83,000.00 41,000.00 300.00 900.00 $132,867.00 Salaries Estimated Expenditures - Main Branch ___n____m______n_______nm__________n_$ 47,000.00 - Branches _ ___________mn_______n _______nm_m_________ 21,000.00 - Board Members ___mnm_____ _____n_m___n_m____ 1,500.00 $ 69,600.00 32,817.00 3,000.00 900.00 700.00 2,000.00 500.00 500.00 Books Processing Periodicais and Newspapers Filmstrips Library Supplies Book Van Bookbinding Furniture and Fixtures - Main Branches _____nmm__________$ 2,000.00 1,000.00 $ 3,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 300,00 2,000.00 300.00 Telephone Public utilities and iHeat - Main Branch Association Fees Insurance Auditor _________m_____________ _________________________________00_________ IELGINOOUNTY OOUlllCIL 57 Repairs and Maintenance ~ Main mn________________.___m__$ 500.00 - Branches ___m______ _____m_mm_______________m_________ 2,000.00 $ Unemployment Insurance Pensious (O.M.IE.R.S.) _m_______n__m_nm_mm__nm _____ _m__nm______________ (Canada Peusion) ______________________________________________00______00________ Fringe Benefits '(OHIiP) __________00____________________________________________________________ Rent - Branch Libraries _m______m__________________________________m____________m___ Services - J anitor _____________________________________________________________00___________________ Branch Workshops ________________________00_______________________________________________________ Conferences and Workshops _____________________________________________________________ Garbage Collection ________________________________________________________________m_______________ Equipment - Hepairs and Maintenance ___________n__mm________m______ Auxiliary Patron Services ____ ____m_m_________________________________n____n___m__ Mailing Services (Machine rental and postage) ____mm______mmn Miscellaneous ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 2,500.00 400.00 1,800.00 650.00 300.00 6,000.00 7120.00 500.00 600.00 50.00 200.00 1,000.00 700.00 430.00 $132,867.00 58 ELmN COUNTY OOUNCIL COUNTY aF ELGIN BY-LAW NO'. 2240 '~ABy~Law to Authorize the Expropriation of Land for the Purpose of Widening and Improving County Roads" WHElREAS under Section 336 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284, R.S.O., 1970, the Council of every Corporation may pass [By-Laws for acquiring or expropriating any land required for the purpose of the Corporation. ,AiND WHiEREAS in ,the exercise of its powers and in performance of its obligations under The Public Transportatiou and Highway Im- provement Acts and other statutes, tile Corporation of the County of Elgin finds, or may find, that it is necessary to e"Jlropriate lands for widening, improving, protecting from erosion, altering or diverting the County Roads shown on schedule "A" as ,attached: BE IT 'l'HERElF'ORE ENACTED by the Corporation of the County of Elgin 1. That the Warden and Clerk of the County of Elgin be, and are, authorized to sign any and all plans pertaining to land expropriation for County Roads shown on Schedule "A", and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin and to register the same in the County of Elgin Registry Ollice. 2. That the Treasurer be, and is bereby authorized to pay to the owners of the lands hereby eXJ>ropriated, such amounts as may be agreed upon as compensation for the lands expropriated, or such compensation as may be determined by arbitr,ation under provisions of the Expropriations Act, being Chapter 154, R.S.O." 1970. READ a first time this 18th day of January, 1973. READ a second time this 18th day of January, 1973. READ a third time .and finally passed this 18t11 day of January, 1973. H. L. JOHiNSO'N, Clerk NELSON JOHNSTON, Warden 'ELmN OOUNTY OOUNC1L 59 SCHE.nULE "A" - 1973 1. County Road !lITo. 3 - Lots No. 6 and No.7, Concession XJjJj and XIV, Township of Aldborongh. 2. County Road No. 14 - Lot C, Concession V, South of "A", Township of Dunwich. 3. County Road No. 14 - Lots NO.1, No.2, No.3, No.4, Con- cession V, Township of South wold. 4. County Road No. 16 - Lots No. 23 to No. 25, Concession XI, Township of Dunwich. 5. County Road No. 16 - Lots No.4 to No. 17 inclusive, North and South of Talbot Road, ,East Branch, Township of South- wold. 6. Gounty Road No. 26 - Lot No: 2, Goncession IX (or Lot No. 47) north of Talbot Road, Township of Yarmouth. 7. County Road No. 30 - Lots No. 8 and No.9, Range I and II, north 9f Edgeware Road and Concession X, Xl, XII and XirH, Township of Yarmouth. 8. County Road No. :11 - Lots No.4 and No.5, Range land II, north of Edgeware Road, Townsllip of Yarmouth. 9. County Road No. 36 - Lots No. 20, No. 21 and No. 22, Conces- sion VII, Township of Yarmouth. 10. Gounty .Road No. 40 - Lots No. 20 and No. 21, Concession II and UI, Township of Malahide. 11. County Road No. 42 -Lots No. 13, No. 14, No. 15, No: 16, Goncession I, Township of Bayham and Village of Port Bur- well. 12. County Road No. 44 - Lots No.6, No.7, No.8, Concession VlHand IX, Township of Bayham. 13. County Road No. 52 - Lots No. 1 to NO.8 inclusive, Range II, north of Edgeware Road, aM Concession X, Township of Yarmouth. 14. County Road No. 52 - Lots No.1, No.2, No.3, Concession C and D, Township of Southwold. 15, County Road No. 52 - Lot No, 41 and Lot A, East of Talbot Road, North Branch, Township of Southwold. I M Ii il i I I II, I~"i J III, ~ II , Ii! ~r II 'I d I~ ~ J 11 'I' ,I:,' I~I l~ m ~ !~ "'I I~ 11 f 1',1 I 1:li ,\ d' M,:I ~ f Il i p 60 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2241 WHEREAJS the Council of the Covporation deems it necessmy to horrow the sum of two, million, three hundred thousand dollars to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Corporation for the year; , AND WHEREAS the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Corporation as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 1972, not inclnding reveunes derivable or derived from the sale of assets, bo-rrowings or issuance of debentures or from'. a surplus, in- cluding .arrears of taxes, is three .million, three hundred ,and seven thousand, eight hundred and fifty six dollars. AND WHEREAS the total amount heretofore authorized to be borrowed this year for the purpose mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 329 of The Municipal Act is nil dollars, of which the Corpora- tion has already horrowed a total of nil dollars. THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the County of Elgin hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on hehalf of the Corporation to borrow from time to time, by way of promissory note, from the Bank of Montreal, a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate two miNion, three hundred thousand dollars to meet, un- til the taxes are 'collected, the current expenditures of the Corpoation for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mention- ed in subsection (1) of the said Section 329, and to give, on behalf of the Corporation, to the Bank a promissory note or notes, sealed with the corporate seal and signed by them for the moneys so horrowed with interest at a rate not exceeding 8 per centum per annum, which may be paid in advance or otherwise. 2. All sums borrowed from the said Bank, for any or all of the pur- poses mentioned in the said Section 329, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Corporation for the current year and for all preceding years, as and when such revenues are received. 'ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 61 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in pay- ment of all sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this By"Law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and any previous years, from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 329, together with interest thereon, all of the mon- eys hereafter collected or received on account or realized in respe~t of the taxes levied for the current year and preceding years and ,all of the moneys collected or received from any other source,. which may lawfnlly be applied for such purpose. Passed this 18th day of J,anuary, 1973. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk NELSON JOHNSTOIN, Warden I hereby certify that the foregoing Is a true copy of By-Law No. 2241 01 The Corporation 01 the County of 'Elgin in the Province of On- tario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Corporation duly held, and that the said By-Law is in filll force and effect. Dated this~9th day of January, 1973. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. 62 (EDmN COUNTY COUNCfL 'ELGIN COUNTY OOUNGfL 63 Co.UNTY o.F ELGIN BY-LAW NO.. 2242 FEBRUARY SESSION ~ FIRST DAY Wednesday, the ,21st day of February, 1973 HA By-Law to 'COnfirJll Proceedings of the Council.of the Corporation of the County. of Elgin at the January Session, 1973H WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284, of tbe Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 ,of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers ,of every Council are. to be exercised by By"Law: AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County ,of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By.Law; , NOW THEREFORE the. COuncil of the Corporation of tile Connty of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Council of the Corporation ,of the County of Eh gin in respect of each ,recDmmendatiDn contained in the Reports 01 the Committees and each motion and resolntion passed and other ac- tion taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the January 1973 Session is hereby adopted and coolirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of ,Elgin are hereby 'authori...:! and directed to do all thiugs necessary to give effect to the action of tJ:Je COuucil of the CorporatiDn of the County of Elgin referred to in preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 16th day of January, 1973. READ a second time this 16th day of January, 1973. READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day of January, 1973. The Elgin ,County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in tJ:Je chair. All the members present except Deputy Reeve W. R. Whalls. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That the minutes of the J'8nuary 1973 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. -. Carried. The following communications were read and referred to the var- ious' committees: From the Committee on Municipal and Regional lolormation Management with 'letter regarding a one-day seminar entitled "The Province of Ontario Standard Assessment System, and its Impact on Municipalities." - Referred to the CountyG<lvernment Committee. From the County of Elgin Land Division Committee with letter and, resolution reo the inaugural meeting of the Ontario Association of Committees of Adjustment and ,Land Division Committees. - Refer- red to tJ:Je County Government Committee. ,From the Advisory Task iForce on Housing Policy with dates and places of meetings to be held. - Referred to ,the County Government Committee. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk NELSON JOHNSTOIN, Warden From the St. Thomas Young Men's Ohristian Association with appreciation of grant. - ,Filed. From the Canadian Transport Commission witJ:J letter reo Oross- ing protectiDn, County Road No. 45, County of Elgin, Ontario, mile 123.0, No. 1 Subdivision. - Referred tD the Road Committee. 64 EjjmN OOUNTY OOUNCIL ,From the City of St. Thomas with Local Government Study Com- mltt~e Appointments. - Filed. From St. Thomas-Eigin Emergency Measures Organizati@ with budget estimate for 1973-74 Fiscal Year. - Referred to the Finance Committee. ,From Mrs. P. G. Jefferies with appreciation of appointment to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board. - Filed. From the University of Western Ontario with appreciation of grant. - Filed. From the Honourahle 'Leo Bernier, Minister of the Ministry of Natural Resources with letter re: Tree Cutting By-Law 'and a resolu- tion from the County of Norfolk requesting extensive changes to the Trees Act. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee." From the Township of Bayham with resolution re: the building of a Home for the Aged in East Eigin and requesting that the Hom~ be constructed in or around the Hamlet of Straffordville. - Referred to the 'Elgin Manor Committee. From the Town of Thorold with resoiution re: Ontario Hydro he- ing designated as a Crown Corporation. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From Professional Sales Tax Consultants with letter as to when they will be able to commence an audit of our .accounts for 'sales tax refunds. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Salvation Army with 'appreciation of grant. - Filed. From the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission with annual ,Report of the St. Thomas, Suburban Road Commission, Road Engin- eer's Statement of 1973 Estimates and Statement of 1972 Expendi- tures. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the University of Western Ontario with appreciation of hearing given to their, delegation at the January Session. - 'Filed. ELmN OOUNTY OOmOLL 65 From the City of London with resolution re: the establishment of a Oapital Aid Program for the purpose of buying municipal deben- tures issued for urban transportation and pollution control purposes. - Referred to the County Government Committee. ,From the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham with resolution with appeal to the Soiicitor-General to adopt more string- ent measures in the parole and discipiine system at penitentiaries. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislation Committee. From the County of Haldimand with resolution re: The protection of roads and property adjacent to the Great Lakes due to the unusu- ally high water levels and severe storms. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislation Committee. From the County of Essex with resolution re: high water levels in Lakes Huron, St. Clair and Erie. - Referred to the Petitions and Legislation Committee. From the Ontario Good Roads Association with ladies program for the 1973 convention. - Filed. From the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital with letter out- lining expansion plans for the hospital and methods of obtaining the necessary funds. - Referred to the 'Finance Committee. From the Art Gallery Foundation of St. Thomas and Elgin with submission and request for a grant. - Referred to the Finance Com- mittee. 'From the Sou!!!-Western Livestock Producers' Association with Financial Statement for 1!172 and request for a grant in 1973. - Re- ferred to the Agricultural Committee. From Miss Gwen Van Bruwaene with appreciation of scholar- ship. - Filed. From Mr. David Milton with appreciation of scholarship. - Filed. From the Canadian National Institute for the Blind wi!!! appreci- ation of grant. - .Filed. 66 'ELGlN COUNTY OOUNCIL FI'om the ,Elgin Planning Board wit)! letter reo Waste Disposal Sites and the formation of a Committee to investigate the problem. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From D. C. McKillop, Solicitor, with request to close the 'Elgin )!alf of the madaliowance between t)!e County of Elgin' 'and the County of Middlesex north of Lots 8, 9, 10 and 11,. ConcMsion 14, Township of Yarmouth. - Referred to the Road Committee. 'From Erie 'Economic Council with resolution proposing boundary lines for the South-Western .ontario Sub.Provincial Planning Area. -- ,Refened to the Connty Government Committee. From tile Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with February Newsletter giving dates and piaces of Mid-Term and An- nual Meetings and list of .officers for }972-73 term. - Referred to the Colinty Government Committee. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with Memo 73-01, Memo 73-02 and Memo 73-03. - Referred to the Road Committee. From Mr. Doug Powers with letter reo Salvage Yard. - Referred to the County Government Committee. ,J<1rom 'Frank Cowan Company Limited with letter reo Insurance Premiums apportionment. - Referred to the Finance Committee. Mrs. Betty. Main, Oirector, Information Centre was present and it was moved by Reeve Nemett that Mrs. Main be now heard. Mrs, Main addressed Council and e"Piained the work being car- ried out by the Information Centre which is to advise people where they can get the information they desire. Mrs. Main presented the 1973 budget of the Information Centre and requested financial as- sistance. The Warden thanked ,Mrs. Main and referred her request to the Fi'Da~ce Committee. Mr. Frank Sanders and Miss Bone were present as a delegation fu-om Alma College and it was moved by Reeve Emerson that the delegation from Alma College be now heard. 'ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNOIL 67 Mr. Sanders addressed Council giving a short resnme of the his- tory of tile College. He advised Council that the College received ,no financial assistance from the Province and that the College operated on fees from 'the slndents and donations. There are at present only 130 plipils and the College is equipped to accommodate 160. As a result of this reduced enrolment ,the College is in financial difficulty and he requested that tile County of Elgin Council make a grant of $5,000.00 to Alma College. The Warden thanked Mr. Sanders for his presentation and refer- red his request to the Finance Committee. The Report of the Road Committee was presented hy Reeve Wil- son and adopted on motion of Reeve Wilson and Reeve Cook. Moved by Reeve 'Emerson Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That the Warden be .Elgin's representative on tile Elgin-Middle- sex, Detention Centre Committee. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Schafer Seconded by Reeve Lake That we do now adjourn to meet again at 2:00 p.m., Wednesday, February 21st, 1973. -Carried. Council re-eonvened. The Report of the 'Finance Committee was presented by Reeve Todd and adopted on motion of Reeve Todd and Reeve Liebner. The Report of the Elgin Manor Gommittee was presented by Reeve Liebner and adopted on motion of Reeve Liebner and Deputy Reeve Carroll. The Report of the Petitions and Legislation Committee was pre- sented by Deputy Reeve Simpson and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Simpson 'and Deputy Reeve Schafer. The Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Lyle and adopted on motinn of Reeve Lyle and Reeve Caverly. 68 ElLGJiN OOlJlNTY OOUNCIL H Iii 'i I'" I: , I' The Report of the Reception and Entertainment Committoo was presented by Reeve Cook and adopted on motion of Reeve Cook and Reeve Miskelly. The Report of tbe County Government Committee was presented by Reeve Caverly , and adopted on motion of Reeve Cavedy and Reeve Liebner. The Report of the Property Committee was presented by 'Reeve Nemett and adopted on motion of Reeve Nemett and Reeve Caverly. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Todd That the COmmittee autborized by County Council to negotiate salaries . and conditions of employment for Elgin Manor employees with the Building Service Trade Union be empowered to engage an agent experienced in Trade Union negotiation.' , -Carried. Moved by Reeve Cook Seconded by Deputy Reeve Young That we recommend to Elgin County Council to approach some- one knowledgeable on the ,Land Titles Act to come and explain same to Council before implementation on April 1st, 1!173. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Miskeily Seconded by Deputy Reeve Schafer That By-Law No. 2243, "Being a By-Law to Establish the Annual Remuneration to be Paid to the Warden of the County of Elgin," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Schafer Seconded by Reeve Miskelly That By-Law No. 2243 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McBrien Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law iNo. 2243 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. IELGJiN OOlJlNTY OOUNCIL 00 Moved by Deputy Reeve Simpson Seconded by Reeve iKa!mt That By-Law No. 2244, "Being ,a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2188, Thereby Adjusting the Remuneration of the County of Ellgin Weed Inspector," be read a first time. -ClWried. Moved by Reeve iKailnt Seconded by Deputy Reeve McBrien That By-Law No. 2244 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve, .Lyle Seconded by Deputy Reeve Simpson That By-Law No. 2244 be read a third time and finally passed. _ Carried. Moved by Reeve Cook Seconded by Deputy Reeve McBrien That By,Law No. 2245, "Being a By-Law to Amend By'Law No. 2187, Thereby Adjusting tlie Remuneration of the County of Elgin Tree Commissioner' 1 be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Todd That By-Law No. 2245 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Cook That By-Law No. 2245 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lyle Seconded by Deputy Reeve Simpson That By-Law No. 2246, "A By-Law to Authorize the Corporation of the Thwnship of Malahide (hereinafter called "the Grantee" and which term shaH include its successors and assigns) to Construct, 70 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNOIL Use and Operate Works Reqnired for the Transmission of Water in the County of Elgin {hereinafter ealled "the Municipality"), be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Cook Seconded by Reeve Lyle That By-Law No. 2246 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Simpson Seconded by Reeve Cook 'I'l1at By-Law No. 2246 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Kahnt Seconded by Reeve Cook That By-Law No. 2247, "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the February Session, 197'3", be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Monteitb Secollded by Reeve Cook That By-Law No. 2247 be read a seeond time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Monteith Seconded by Reeve Kahnt That By~Law No. 2247 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by 'iDeputy .Reeve Sim!,son Seconded by Reeve Kahnt That we do now adjourn to meet again Mareh 21st, 1973, at 10: 00 a.m. - Carried. H. L. JQHNSON, Cle~k R. N.JOHNSTON. Warden ,ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL ii'i II' I I 71 ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1973 To the Warden. and Members of the Elgin County CouncH: Your Road Committee begs to report as follows: Good progress is being made on the eonstruetion of the County Garage at White Station. The structure is eJ<peeted to be ready for roofing by mid April. WE REOOMMEND: 1. That the resolution uf ,the County of Peel requesting the Min- istry of Transportation and Communications adopt and subsidize a policy of providng bicycle pathways along main roads be filed. 2. That the resolution of the Township of Chinguaeousy request- ing that the ,Counties of Ontario be given. ,the power to regulate heavy traffic on County roads at certain times of the day be filed. 3. That a -By-Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign an agreement with the Township of Malahide for the laying of water pipe lines on County roads. {This agreement will be similar to the agreements between the County and a number of the local muni- cipalities). AlII of which is respectfully submitted. J. B. WILSON, Acting Ohairman. 7lf ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1973 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin Gounty Council, The iFinance Committee. reports as' follows: ,1. That Ohildren's Aid Society Pay Lis-tiNo. I for $4,647.00 be approved and in future these accounts be paid by the Clerk-Treasur~ er without reference to this committee. 2. That the St. Thomas-Elgin Emergency Measures Organiza- tion budget for 1973 requiring approximately $2,300.00 from the Oounty of Elgin be approved. 3. That the letter froni Professional Sales Tax Consultants be filed. 4. That the submission of the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital outlining expansion plans for the hospital and methods of ob. taining necessary funds be filed. 5. Tbat the request of tbe Art ,u"llery IFoundation of Si. Thomas and Elgin for a gr,ant be filed. 6. That 'Frank Cowan Jnsurance Company be advised to pay In- sur'ance :Commission to only those persons who operate generaL agen- cies and provide a Multi-Company service as suggested in their let- ter of February 20th, 1973. 7. That the request of Mrs. Betty Main for a grant for "Infor- mation Centre" be t"bled. 8. That the request of the delegation requesting a grant to Alma Oollege be tabled. All of which is respectfully submitted. D. R. TODD, Acting Chairman. 'EDGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 73 ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT February, Session, 1973 the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Elgin Manor Committee wishes to report' as follows: The following persons were authorized to ,attend a Craft and ACtivities workshop in London with expenses paid. Administrator and iNursing Supervisor - February 13th, 1973 Adjuvant - 'February 13th, 14th and 15th, 1973 Assistant Administrator and Craft Supervisor - February 15th, 1973 ) 2. The per man hour rate for Barnes Security Services has been iu- creased from $2.64 to $2.84 effective February 1st, 1973, pl\ls time and one-balf for 7 statutory holidays. 3. The Administrator and Nursing Supervisor have been authorized to attend a conference on aging at Geneva Park, March 25th to 28th, 1973, with expenses paid. 4. The following insurance coverage thro\lg\:l Frank O<iwan Company Limited has been changed. (a) Building and contents increased by $432,000.00 to a total of $1,882,000.00. (b) Engineering insurance limit increased from $50,000.00 to $500,000.00 per accident and extra expense insurance cover- age added in the amount of $50,000.00. (c) 'Fidelity Bond increased from $25,000.00 to $50,000.00. 5. We recommend that the firm of J;ack Rice Caterers Ltd. be en- gaged for the Dietary Service at a quoted annual prIce $138,316.75 arid Modern Building Cleaning for Laundry and Housekeeping Services at a quoted annual price of $53,748.00, commencing March 15th, 1973, in accordance with the terms of the successful applicants' contraets. All of which is respectfully submitted. A. H. LlEBNER, Ohairman. 74' ELGINOOlJlNTY OOlJlNClL PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1973 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Petitions ,and Legislation Committee reports as follows: 1. That the ,resolution from ,the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham appealing to, the Solicitor.General to adopt more strin- gent measures in the parole and discipline system at penitentiaries be endorsed. 2. That the resolution from the County of Haldimandre: the pro- tection of roads and property adjacent to the Great Lakes due to the unusually high water levels alld severe storms be filed. 3. That the res.olution from the County of Essex re: l1igh water levels in Lakes Huron, St. Clair and Erie be filed. All of which is respectfully ,submitted. G. D. SIMPSON, Chairman. ,AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1973 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, 'I'he Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That the letter from the South-Western Livestock Producers' As- sociation be acknowledged' and advised that a grant may be received from the County of Elgin Agricultural Committee. 2. That we advise Lhe Honorable Leo Bernier that we endorse the amendments ,to the Trees Act as proposed by the County of Norfolk. However we can give no instances where our by-law !has been inade~ quate \lDd~r the provisions of the Trees Act as it is presently written but that the penalties have not been sufficient to deter people from clearing land if -they so desired. All of which is respectfully submitted. B. A. LYLE, Chairman. ,ELGIN OOlJlNTY OOOOOI!L 75 RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1973 To the Warden ,and Members of the Elgin County Oouncil, The Recepti.on and 'Entertainment Committee wishes to report as follows: 1. That we recommend to the 'Finance Committee ,that they allow $1,200.00 in the 1973 bndget to cover the costs .of supplying meals and entertainment for council meetings. 2. That we recommend that a $50.00 petty cash account be establish- edand turned over to the Chairman of the Reception and Entertain- ment Committee to cover expenses in regard to the meals and enter- ment. All of which is respectfully submitted. D. K. COOK, Chairman. COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1973 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from the County of Elgin Land Division Com- mittee recommending that we not join the Ontario Association of Committees of Adjustment and Land Division Committees for 1973 be endorsed. 2. That the letters from the ,advisory Task Force on Housing Policy with dates and places of meetings to he held be filed. 3. That the resolution from the Town of Thorold re: Ontario Hydro being designated as a Crown ,Corporation be filed. 76 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 4. That the resolution from the City of London re: the 'estahlishment of a Capital Aid Program for the purpose of buying municipal de- bentures issued for urban transportation and pollution control pur- poses be filed. 5. Letter from Committee of Municipal and Regional Information Maliagement filed. 6. That the letter from Elgin Planning Board be acknowledged and that Reeve Douglas Todd be ,the .County representative on the com" mittee for disposal sites in the Elgin Planning Area. 7. That the resolution from Erie Economic Council re: boundary lines for the South'Western Ontario Sub-Provincial Planning Area be tabled. 8. That Febrnary News Letter etc. from the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario be filed. 9. Tbat By-Laws 1476 and 1001 be rescinded and the local munici- palities be adVised that if they wish to control salvage collection policies in their municipalities they be advised that they should pass by"laws protecting their municipality. All 'of which is respectfully submitted. W. R. CAVERiLY, Acting Ohairman. PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1973 110 the Warden and Members of the ,EJgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That we purchase 12 chrome chairs with arms at $17.96 each and 12 ,chrome chairs without ..ms at $14.96 each for use in the Council Chambers, all green in color . All of Which isrespectfnily submitted. J. P. NEMETT, Ohairman. ELGrN OOUN11Y OOUNCIL 77 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2243 "Being a By-LlIiW to Establish the Annual Remuneration to be Paid to The Warden of the County of Elgin" WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to establish the annual remun- erativn to be paid ,to the Warden of the County of Elgin. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of 'Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the annual remunemtion of ,the Warden of the County of El- gin for attending meetings of the Council, meetings of the various committees and Local Boards and performing all other duties appli- cable to his office shall be Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00) per an- num, payable in twelve equal installments. 2. In addition to the annual remuneration established in Clause (1) the Warden shall he paid' the usual convention expenses allowed by Council for attending conventions outside the municipality plus ,( J2c) . per mile for each mile travelled in attending meetings of County Council, County Council Committee meetings @d meetings of Local Boards in which the County of Elgin is involved. 3. That the Warden be provided with a telephone credit card upon which to charge long distance telephone calls made on behalf of the County of Elgin. 4. That 'County of Elgin By-Law No. 2182, By-Law No. 2238 and any other By-Law contrary to this By-Law be and the same is hereby re:- pealed. 5. That Ulis By-Law become effective retroactive to January 1st, 1973. READ a first time this 21st day of February, 1973. READ a second time this 21st day of February, 1973. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of ,February, 1973. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk R. N. JOHNSTON, Warden 78 ELGlN OOUNTY OOUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2244 "Being A By-Law to Amend .By-Law No. 2188, Thereby Adjnsting the Remuneration of the County of Elgin Weed Inspector" . WHEREAS By-Law No. 2188 deals willi the appointment and re- muneration of the Weed 'Inspector for the County of Elgin. AND WHEREAS it is now deemed advisable to change the pre- sent rate of remuneration of the said Weed Inspector. NOW THE~EJ!10~E the Council of the Municipal. Corpor.ation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. 'l1HAT Clause {2) .of By-Law No.' 2188 be deleted and the following substituted therefore: "That his remuneration shall be $3.00 per hour while engaged in his duties and thirteen cents (.1Sc) per mile for' the use of his car," 2. THAT this By-Law shall become effective on December 24th, 1972. 3. THAT By-Law No. 2226 be ,and the same is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 21st day of February, 1973. ~EAD a second time this 21st day of February, 1973. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of February, 1973. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk R. N. JOHNS'I'ON, Warden . , ;1"1 'I :'1 'ii' "', CElLGlN OOUNTY COUNCIL 79 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2245 "Being A By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2187, Thereby Adjusting the Remuneration of the County of Elgin Tree Commissioner'" WHEREAS By-Law No. 2187 deals with the appointment and re- muneration of the Tree Commissioner for the County of Elgin. !i 'Ii,' AND WHEREAS it Is now deemed advisable to change the pre- sent rate .of remuneration of the said Tree Commissioner. u ,'" 1,' i,! i" I' ! i I i , I NOW 'NIERElFORE the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the County of ,Elgin enacts as follows: L THAT Clause (2) of By-Law No. 2197 be deleted and the following snbstituted therefore: "That his remuneration shall be $3.00 per l10ur while engaged In his duties and thirteen cents (.1Sc) per mile for the use of this car." 2. THAT this By-Law shall become effective on December 24th, 1972. 3. THAT By-Law No. 2225 be and is hereby repealed. ReAD a first time this 21st day of February, 1973. READ a second time this 21st day of February, 1973. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of February, 1973. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk R. N. JOHNS'I'ON, Warden 80 EWIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2246 "A BywLa1w to Authorize the Corporation of the Township of Malahide (hereinafter called "the Grantee" and which term shaU'include its successors and assigns) toO Construct, Use and Operate Works Re- quired for the Transmission o~ Water ,in the County of Elgin (hereinafter called "the Municipality")" WHEREAS the Grantee has requested The Corporation. of th~ Couuty of Elgin to grant it a franchise or right 'Of passing through the Municipality for tihe purpose of constructing, using and operating a line 'Or lines and works for the transmission throngh the Mnnicipality of water not intended to be distributed from the said line or lines in the Municipality 'ODher than to persons whose land abuts on a highway along or across which the same is carried .of conveyed. AND WHEREAS, subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, the Council of The Corporation of the County of Elgin has agreed to grant the said franchise. BE IT THEREFORE ,ENACTED by the Council of The Corpora- tionof the County of Elgin AND IT IS HEREBY 'ENACTED as fol- lows: 1. Full right, power, permlSS1Qn -and consent are hereby granted, conferred and assured unto The Corporation of the Township of Mala- hide, its successors and assigns to enter upon, use and occupy the highways of or under the jurisdiction of the Municipality to survey, construct, lay, maintain, inspect, ,alter, repair, renew, remove, re- place, reconstruct, use and operate in, through, upon, under, along and across the same or any of them' a pipe line or pipe lines with any and all connections, ,apparatus, appliances and attachments, in- cluding attachments for cathodic protection, necessary or incidental thereto ,and to a system fnr the purpose of passing through the Muni- cipality and transmitting water which is not intended to be distribut- ed from the said line or lines iu the said Municipality other than to persons whose laud abuts on a highway along or across which the same is cHuied or conveyed. IDLGIN OOUNTY OOUNOIL 81 2. Such right or franchise shall be subject to all the terms and con- ditions set out in an Agreement to be entered into between ilie Muni- cipality and the G~antee in pursuance of ,this By-Law, which Agree- ment shall be in the form hereunto attached. 3. The Warden ,and Clerk of ilie said Municipality are hereby author- ized and empowered to enter into and to execute on behalf of the Municipality, ,the Agreement ,aforesaid and to affix tihe ,corporate Seal thereto. 4. THIS By-Law shall come into force and take effect immediately after an Agreement in the form hereunto annexed. mall have been executed by all the parties thereto. READ a first time this 21st day 'Of February, 1973. READ a second time this 21st day of February, 1973. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of February, 1918. H; L. JOHNSON, Clerk R. N. JOHNSTON, Warden 82 cE,w.J'N COUNTY COUNCIL AGREEMENT made in dnplicate this 21st day of February A.D., 1973 BRTWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN , hereinafter called. "the Muni4:~ipality" OF THE FIRST PART - and- THE CORPORATION OF THE. TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE "herein-~ftercailed. "the- Grantee" OF THE SEOOND PART WHEREASlhe Grantee has requested the Municipality to grant to it and its successors ,and assigns, a franchise or Tight of passing through the Municipality for the purpose of constructing, using and operating a 1ine..Qr:Iines,,~nd:\Vorks forthe distribution of water with- in' the Municipality. ' .. , AND WllEREASthe Municipality has by By-La\Vpassedon the 21st dayJ)f February, A.D., 1973, granted the said franchise ,.from' arid after the execution of this Agreement and has authorized and em- powered the Warden and Clerk of the said Municipality to execute this Agreement and to affix tile corporate seal thereto. NOW THERE'FORE THIS INDENTURE made in consideration of the premises and of the performance of the convenantsand obliga- tion hereinafter contained on the part of the Grantee WITNESSETH as follows: L The Municipality does hereby gr.ant, confer andassnre unto the Grantee its successors and ,assigns, full right, power, permission and consent to enter upon, use and occupy the highways of or under ,the jurisdiction .of the Municipality to survey, construct, lay, maintain, inspect, alter, repair, renew, remove, replace, reconstruct, use and operate in, through, upon, under, .along and across the same or any of them, a pipe line or pipe lines with any and all connections, ap. paratus, appliances ana attacnmems, including att.achments fp'" cath'Odic pr'Otecti'On, necessary or incidental thereto and t'O a sys- tem for the purpose of distributing water within the Municipality. E'LGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 83 2. All new (or renewal) mains, pipes, lines and works installed liy Grantee under this Agreement shall be constructed and laid in accor- dance with good engineering and construction practices. Except in cases. of emergency. (a) No excavation, opening Or work which will disturb or inter- fere with the travelled surface '01 any highway shall be un- dertaken or commenced by <Grantee without written notice to such officer of the Municipality as may from time to time be appointed by the Council of the' Municipality for the pur_ pose of general supervision 'Over its highways (hereinafter referred to as "the said officer of the Municipality", which term shall include the person acting in his stead in the event of his absence Irom duty), such notice to be given at least 24 h'Ours in advance. 'Of c'Ommencing such work unless other- wise agreed to by the said officer of the Municipality, and (b) before laying or installing any new (or renewal) mains, pipes, linlls and works, the Grantee shall first file with . the , said officer of the Municipality a preliminary map or plan showing what it proposes.to lay or install and the proposed, location thereof and sI1all also check with. and obtain the written approval of the ,said officer of the Municipality as to such proposed location. Not later thanihrccmonths after the close of each of its fiscal years the Grantee shall file with the Clerk 'Of the Municipality, map's or plans showing the I'Ocationand size of all. mains, pipes, lines and works laid or installed by the Grantee in the highways during its pre- vious. fise-al. year. 3. 'Ihe said line or lines shall be placed underground so far as is practical.and if required by the Warden or other ,officer of tile Muni' cipality above mentioned shall be located along the sides of the said highways except where it shall be necessary to cross a highway and shall be so constructed as ,not toobstmct or interlerewith the use 01 tilie highway or with any drains. dikhes, bridges, culverts or other works 'Or improvements' thereon.or therein. 4. In the event that the Municipality shall deem it expedient,to al- ter.the canstruction: 'Of any highway, 'Or 'Of any ,municipal. drain, ditch, bridge, culvert or .other works. ,.or. improvemeI1ts thereon. or therein 84 ELmN OOUNTY OOUNCIL and in bhe e'Ourse there'Of it shali bec'Ome necessary t'O have the Gran- tee make -changes in its line or ,lines or works in order, to facilitate the w'Ork 'Of th~ Municipality, then ilp'On receipt 'Of reasonable n'Otice in writing fr'Om the Warden 'Or 'Obher 'Officer 'Of the Municipality above menti'Oned specifying the change desired, the Grantee shali at its 'Own expense change its line 'Or lines 'Or w'Orks at the p'Oint specified. 5. The Grantee shali c'Onstrnct, repair and replaee any snch line 'Or lines Dr w'Orks with ali reas'Onable expediti'On S'O tltat ,the highways shali n'Ot be t'Orn up Dr 'Obstructed f'Or any unnecessary length 'Of tilll.e and up'On thec'Onstrudi'On, repairing and replacing 'Of any such line Dr lines 'Or w'Orks Dr the taking up 'Of any 'Of the same 'Or the m'Oving 'Of any 'Of the same fr'Om place to plaee in a highway, the highway &hali, with ali reas'Onable expediti'On, he rest'Ored t'O its pr'Oper level and graded and left in as safe and g'O'Od a state 'Of repair. as it was bef'Ore it was entered up'On Dr 'Opened, and t'O the satisfadi'On 'Of the said Warden Dr 'Other 'Officer 'Ofbhe Municipality ab'Ove menti'Oned. 6. The Grantee shali and d'Oes hereby at ali times, indemnify and save harmless the Municipality fr'Om and ,against alll'Oss, damage, in- jury Dr expense whieh the Municipality may hear, suffer 'Or be put t'O by reas'On 'Of any damage t'O pr'Operty Dr injury t'O pers'Ons caused by the ,construction, repair, maintenance,remoV'al .or operation by the Grantee 'Of any 'Of its malns, pipes, lines Dr w'Orks in the Municipality unless such loss, damage, injury Dr expense is 'Occasi'Oned by Act 'Of G'Od 'Or by the act, neglect 'Or default 'Of s'Ome person, firm 'Or c'Orpora- tion other than the Grantee, its servants, contractors, sub-contrac- tors, agents or employees. 7. The rights and privileges hereby granted shali c'Ontinue and re- main in f'Orce f'Or a peri'Od 'Of twenty years fr'Om the date here'Of. 8. In this Agreement and in the By-Law ab'Ove referred t'O, (a) tlte w'Ord "highway" shali mean a c'Omm'On 'Or public high- way and include a r'Oad, hridge and any 'Other structure in- cidental,thereto, n'Ow 'Or at any time during the term 'Of this Agreement under the jur isdicti'On 'Of the Municipality. (b) the w'Ord "MunicIpality" shali mean the C'Ounty 'Of Elgin as presentiy c'Onstituted 'Or as it may fr'Om time t'O time be c'On- stituted during tlte term 'Of this Agreement. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 85 9. THIS 1\JGREEMElNT shali enure t'O the henefit 'Of and be binding up'On bhe parties heret'O, their success'Ors and assigns. IN WI'J1NESS WHEREOF the parties have hereunt'O affixed ,their respective c'Orp'Orate seals duly attested bytlte hands 'Of their pr'Oper signing 'Officers in that behalf. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MALMIIDE Reeve Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN H. L. JOHNSON, R. N. JOHNSTON, Clerk Warden 86 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LA'W NO. 2247 "A BYMLawto Confirm Proceedings of the Council ()If the Corporation of the County of Elgiu at the Fehru'll"Y Sessiou, 1973" WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to he exercised by its council; AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 of the MuncipaI Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; kND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by ,By"Law; NOW THERElF10RE the Council of the Corporation of the Connty of Eigin enacts as follows: 1. That action of tlle 'Council of the Corporation of the County of El- gin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other ac- tion taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings Ileld during the 'February, 1973 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of tbe County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of tile Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of tlle ,Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time ,this 21st day of February, 1973. READ a second time this 21st day of ,February , 1973. READ a third Hme and fiaally passed this 21st day of ,February, 1973. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk R. N. JOHNSTON, Warden ,.. ';';1 II it ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL 1 'Ii !,:! I' I :il " !if 87 MARCH SESSION - FIRST DAY Wednesd~, the 21st day of March, 1973 The Elgin County Council met this day at tlle Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. ,I The Warden in the chair. I 1'- ,I! All the members present except Reeve D. K. McKillop and Reeve J. W. Hodgson. Moved by Deputy Reeve Schafer Seconded by Reeve Todd That the minutes of the February 1973 Session of the Elgin Coun- ty Council be adopted. -Carried. The following communications were read and referred to the var- iouscommittees: ,: ~ ilt I ,. From Mrs. W. H. Evans with letter re:a drain emptying into a small water course on County of Elgin property. - Referred to the Road Committee. Fr.om lhe Ministry of Community and Sodal Services with copy of letter written to G. C. Leverton reo the meeting of Warden John- sto.n, Reeve Liebner and olher members of County of Elgin Council with the Honourable Rene Brunelle. - Filed. F,rom Arcwood Acres with p,ogress report, bank reconciliation, etc. - Referred to tlle Finance Committee. From the County of Peel with resolution to amend the formula used for sharing costs of Child,en's Aid Societies so that the cost sharing between Province and Municipality is fixed 'at 80% and 20% respectively. - Referred to the Finance Committoo. 'From.he Regional Municipality of York with letter reo Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System pension plan for Councillors 88 Eil/GIN ODUNTY CDUNCIL and copy of By-Laws No. '1"-1-72-107, No. '1"-2-72-108, No. '1"-1 (a)-73-10 and No. '1"-2 {a)-73-11. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Association of Municipalities of iOntario with notice of annual conference, information sheet and application for ,accommoda- tion. - Tabled. .From the City of St. Catbarines with resolution requesting the Ministry of Treasury, 'Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs to give consideration to amending legislation with respect to municipal elections. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Association of Counties oand Regions of iOntario with March Newsletter, Voting Delegates Registration Form and Bulletin on 1973 Mid-Term meeting. - Referred to the County Gov" ernment Committee. From the County of Huron advising that they have accepted the invitation .of the University of Western Qntario to attend County Council Day on Wednesday, June 13th, 1973. - Filed. From the Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities with letter re: the Community of the Year Award program. - Referred to County Government Committee. From Mr. R. K. McNeil, M.P.P. with acknowledgement of reo ceipt of County of Elgin endorsement of resolution passed by the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham. - Filed. ,From the City of St. Catharines with resolution requesting the Dntario Government and the Government of Canada to investigate water levels in the Great Lakes system and determine steps to reo duce and control such levels. - Referred to the County Government Committee. ,From Mr. John Wise, M.P. with acknowledgement of receipt of County of Elgin endorsement of resolution passed by the Unitea Counties of Northumherland and Durham. _ Filed. , ,From the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit with summary of 1973 budget and copy of ,auditor's statement for 1972. - Referred to the Finance Committee. ;:; "[I il E'l/GIN CDUNTY ODUNCLL I ! 89 "": ;;1,'; 'i' ,! Ij From the Bothwell Area Sports Centre with request for a grant - Referred to the Finance Committee. I-!I ':;Ii From Mr. E. F. S. Sanders with letter of appreciation for the time and hearing given to Miss M. E. Bone and himself at the Feb. ruary Council Session. - Filed. ,From the Ontario Good Roads Association with announcement etc., of the 1973 "C. S. Anderson" Road School and the 1973 "T. J. Mahony" Road School. - Referred to the Road Committee. i I From Mr. Arnold Stansell with request to rent, on behalf of the Aylmer Optimist Club, the property east of Aylmer, Qntario, which is owned by the County of Elgin. - Referred to the ,Elgin Manor Committee. From the Ministry of Agricuiture and Food with letter re: warble Fly Control. - Referred to the Agricultural Oommittee. From the St. Thomas-Elgin Children's Aid Society with 1973 bud. get .andaudited financial statement for 1972. - Referred to the Fin- ance Committee. Fr,om the Ministry of Treasury, F...cono-mics and Intergovernment- al Affairs with notice defining the 'East Elgin Planning Area. -Filed. From the Ministry of Natural Resources with report of Tree Cutting By.Law meeting held in Woodstock on November 29th, 1972. - Referred to ,the Agricultur,al 'Committee. From John Spence, M.P.P. with .acknowledgement of receipt of County of Elgin endorsement of resolution passed by the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham. - Filed. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with Memo 13-()4 and D.H.iO. Circular 71-010. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the Township of Yarmouth with notice of application to the iOntario Municipal ,Board for approval ofa by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of the Planning Act and a 90 ELGID'iI OOUNTY OOUNCIL copy of Township of Yarmoutl1 By-Law No. 2198. - Referred to the Road CommIttee. Mr. Donald Cosens of the ElgIn Land Registry Office was pre- sent and it was moved by Reeve Wilson iliat Mr. Cosens he now heard. Mr. Cosens addressed the council regarding ilie use of the Land Titles ISystem in the Registry Office and advised them tI1at it would not present any problems in ilie Connty of Elgin and explained bow the new system will work. The Warden thanked Mr. Cosens for bis address to Council and the eJ<planation of tI1e Land Titles Act. The report of the Road Committee was presented by Reeve Den- nis and adopted on motion of Reeve Dennis and Reeve Cook. The first report of the Finance Committee was presented by Reeve Lake and adopted on motion of Reeve Lake and Reeve Lyle. . The report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Nemettand adopted on motion of Reeve Nemett and Depnty Reeve Young. Moved by Reeve Dennis Seconded by Reeve WIlson That the Statement of Proposed Work and Expenditure on the Connty Road System and St. Thomas SubuDban Road System as re- commended in the report of County of Elgin Road Committee, March Session 197e, Recommendation No. 5as detailed and totalling $1,616,- 000.00 be adopted and forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for approval. - Carried. Moved by Reeve. Miskelly Seconded by Deputy Reeve McBrien That we do now adjourn to meet again on MarclJ 21st, 197e, at 2 p.m. - Carried. ElLGIN COIUNTY OOUNCIL 91 Council re-convened. A letter was received, signed by Mrs. John Hasson, Mr. Jack In- gram ,and Donna Brooks, ,coocerning, a drain running ;aoross property owned by the County of Elgin, east of Aylmer, and which is plugged up and causing water to back up and flood their property and base- ments. The letter was referred to tI1e .Finance 'Committee. The report of the ;Elgin Manor ,Committee was presented by Reeve Liebner and adopted on motion of Reeve Liebner and Reeve Dennis. The report of the Agricultnral Committee was presented by Reeve Lyle and adopted on motion of Reeve Lyle and Reeve Caverly. The second report of the Finance Committee was presented by Reeve Lake and adopted on motion of Reeve Lake and Reeve Cook. The report of the .County Government Committee was presented by Reeve Wilson and adopted on motion of Reeve Wilson and Reeve Liebner. The report of the Educational Committee was presented by De- puty Reeve deRykand adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve deRyk and Deputy Reeve. Whalls. Moved by Reeve Dennis Seconded by Reeve Bates Whereas a committee has .been' formed to protect the Lake iEJrie Shoreline from Port Burwell harbour to the Eastern Boundary of Houghton Township and is petitioningtl1e Provincial and Federal governments for assistance to ,combat the erosion caused by Lake Erie in that area. Now the committee hereby request that the Council of the County of Elgin endorse the appeal for .assistance by the Houghton and Bay- ham, Lake Erie Erosion Control Committee to protect the Lake Erie shoreline from Port Burwell harbour to the Eastern Boundary of Honghton Township. -Carried. 92 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit That By-Law No. 2248, "Being a ,By-Law to Repeal By-Law No. 1416 and By-Law No. 1961 for Licensing, Regulating and Governing Salvage Shops, Salvage Yards, Second.Hand Shops and Dealers ill Second"Hand Goods," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit That By-Law No. 2248 be read .a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by Reeve Miskelly That By-Law No. 2248 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Miskelly That By-Law No. 2249, "To Raise hnounts for County Rates Dur- ing the Year 1973," be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Reeve. Miskelly That By-Law No. 2249 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Miskelly Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 2249 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Simpson Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By-Law No. 2250, "A By-Law to Authorize the Corporation of the Village of Vienna (hereinafter called "the Grantee" and which term shall include its successors and assigns) to Construct, Use and Operate Works Required for the Transmission of Water in the Coun- tyof 'Elgin (hereinafter called "the Municipality"), be read a first time. -Carried. ELGFNCOUNTY COUNCIL 93 Moved by Reeve 'Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll That By-Law No. 2250 be ,read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Simpson That By-Law No. 2250 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 2251, "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the March Ses- sion, 1973" be read a first timEt . - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit, Seconded by Reeve Wilson That By-Law 1N0. 2251 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 2251 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Dennis Seconded by Deputy Reeve Schafer That we do now adjourn to meet again on April 18th, 1973, at 10 a.m. -Carried. G. C. LE<VER'])ON, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer R. N. JOHNSTON, Warden 94 ElLGJN COUN'l'Y COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD CO~fMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1973 To the Warden and Memhers of the Elgin County Council, Your Road Committee begs to report as follows: 1. That the surface treatment, surface on Road No. 40 between High- way No. 3 and Mount Salem has failed for about 2/3 of the total dis- tance and it will be necessary to place a hot mix asphait surface over the eutire distance from Highway No. 3 to Mount Salem. Spring breakup appears to be more extensive than for a number of years. 2. The County By.Law passed in September of 1972 to Regulate the Speed of Vehicles on County Roads has beeu appr.oved hythe Minis- try of Tmnsportationand Communications, and the erection of the necessary signs is underway. 3. We have received notice from the Ministry of Transp.ortation and Communications tJhat the expenditure level subsidizable by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications in 1973 will be $1,- 616,000. The Ministry of Tr.ansportation and Communications has in- troduceda single suhsidy rate to cover Roads, Bridges and Direct (Development Roads). '(.Except for Urban Rebates which remain at 50%). On the expenditure level of $1,616,VOO, tJhe Ministry of Trans- portationand Oommunications will pravide subsidy of $1,077,000. Al- though the subsidy is on a sliding scaletJhe effective subsidy rate is approximately 66.6%. Any expenditure over $1,616,000 must be met entirely with County funds. WE REOOMMEND: 1. That a By-Law be passed, authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign an agreement with the Village of Vienna for tJhe laying of Water Pipe Lines on County Roads. This agreement will be similar to the agreements hetween the County and a number of local municipalities. ElLGrN COUNTY -COUNCIL 95 2. That the budget of the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission for 1973 amounting to $40,0300 be approved. Included in the C.ommis- sion's budget is $7,000 for land purchase, surveying and fencing on Road No. 30 for construction work in future years. The remainder of the budget is for maintenauce of the system (1S miles). The Commis- siou proposed to use 1973 as the year to reduce its deficit with regard to the contribution from the City of Sl. Thomas and enter 1974 with a small surplus so that some construction. may be undertaken. 3. That the rebate to urban municipalities be 25% of their Road Levy for 1973. 4. That the levy for Couuty Roads for 1973 be '$540,000. This com- pares to a road levy of $685,000 iu 1972 and an .aciual expenditure of approximately $707,250. 5. That a resolution be passed adopting the following proposed statement of work and expenditures for 1973 and that tJhe statement be forwarded to ,the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. Construction St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Budget. .............. ......$ Surveys on new work, .miscellaneous grading cost, etc. Land purchase New machinery Construction - White Station Garage and Equipment ............ Completion of Work in Progress Road No. 16 '(Old Development Road No. 1023) move utilities, Southwold Township ..................................................................$ Road NO.2 - West Lorne to Rodney, Aldborough 'l'ownship Road No. 13 - Shackleton Street, Dutton Road No. 14 - Iona Station to Road No. 13, Southwold ,and Dunwich Townships Road No. 16 - Talbot Creek culverts and approaches, Dunwich Township .................................................................... Road No. 20 - Carlow Road Extension - Port Stanley, Highway No. 4 to Erie Street Road No. 36 - Highway No. 3 to 1 mile south of Sparta,. Yarmouth Township Road No. 42 - Port Burwell easterly, Bayham Township ...no 7,000 8,0{){) 3S,000 38,000 17S,000 S,OOO 14,060 7,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 SO,OOO 30,000 96 ELGlN OOUNTY COUNCIL New Work Road No. 44 - From Road No. 46 to Highway No.3,. Bayham Township ............nn.............. ........00.......................... 00 $ Road No. 40 - Mount Salem to Road No. 42, Malahide Township Road No.3 - Highway NO.3 to Lake 'Erie, Aldborough Township Road No. 3 - Road No.2 northerly .5 miles, Rodney Road iNo..4 - Queen Street West, Rodney Credits Rebate on Sales Tax ....n ........................ Machine rentals re: Accounts receivable and Townline accounts Reduction in stock balance .._............$ 1.0,000 ,10,000 20,000 5.0,000 200,000 75,000 70,000 65,000 Credit 4.0,.00.0 $ 829,.000 Maintenance Bridges and Culverts ......n'n' ............00...........00...$ Winter Control Road No. 4.0, asphalt resurfacing (Highway No. 3 to Mount Salem) Hot Mix Asphalt Resurfacing . .......................... Surface ,Treatment ..000000...0000...._ 0000..0000.....000000..00 Gravel Resurfacing Repairs to Pavements. ___________ ___________________________________ J.\II:aintenance -of Gravel Roads _mmum___m_m__________ Roadside Maintenance Dust Control Weed Control Tree Cutting Pavement Marking Guiderails Signs 00',,'00.......00..00...00...00.... .........00..0000..0000.... Drainage Tree Planting Railroad Protection Drainage Assessment 15,00.0 90,.000 9.0,00.0 62,00.0 25,00.0 23,.0.0.0 3.0,.00.0 13,.0.0.0 1.0,00.0 28,.0.0.0 21,.0.0.0 15,.00.0 12,.00.0 1.0,.0.0.0 2.0,.000 10,.000 2,.00.0 13,.0.0.0 8;.0.0.0 $497,.0.0.0 Total Cl'penditures for 1973 including subsidized expenditures, de- velopment roads (prior to March 31st, 1973), work for other munici- palities,etc., are estimated at approximately $1,900,.0.0.0. mE OOMMITTEE on Finance beg leave to report that having into finances of the County, and estimates prepared by the treasurer, they herewith submit a statement of the expendi- required for the lawfni purpose of the County during 1973, and showing the amount required to be raised for the undermentioned ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL fYl St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission Maintenance and Overhead .... 00000000 ..00......$ 33,00.0 County Overhead . 0000000000. 000000..00_00........... .....00.. 223,00.0 Urban Rebates (25%) noon .......00...... 00"00' ....00. 34,.00.0 Summary GOl\struc1Jion ...00 Maintenance - County Maintenance - St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission County ,overhead Urban Rebates . $ 829,000 497,000 33,000 223,00.0 34,.000 $1,616,.00.0 All of which is respectfully submitted. J. L. DENNIS, Ohairman. COUNTY RATES - COUNTY OF ELGIN FINANCIAL REPORT March Session, 1973 - First Report the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, 98 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL $1,900,000.00 $1,360,000.00 '5,000.00 3,000.00 69,792.00 789,700.00 69,180.00 35,000.00 12,000.00 6;000.00 1'5,000.00 102,927.00 3,000.00 22,000.00 83,000.00 35,000.00 County Roads Charity and Welfare Child Welfare Elgin Manor ,operating Elgin Manor Debenture Bank Interest Discount on County Rates Abatement of Taxes Agriculture Health Unit Registry ,office nmnm.mmmn.nnm Care of Buildings mnnnm.mmnm County Public Library n______m__m Grants __________.______________m__m____________m Emergency, Measures Organization Printing, Postage and Stationery ______mmmn____.m. Municipal IGovernment __m_________ Sundries Land Division Committee Contingencies Recovery of Rentals 1973 Estimated Expenditures 2,500.00 '5,000.00 80,000.'00 1'5,000.00 8;800.00 '50,000.00 1973 ,Estimated Receipts 725,200.00 6,000.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 11,500.00 7,'5CO.00 20,000.00 1973 Tax Levy $ 540,000.00 2,000.00 69,792.00 64,500.00 69,180.00 35,000.00 12,000.00 13,000.00 102,927.00 10,500.00 83,000.CO 35,000.00 2,500.00 5,000.00 80,000.00 1'5,000.00 1,300.00 50,000.00 Cr. 20,000.00 From Surplus '$3,308,899.00 $2,138,200.00 $1,170,699.00 117,854.00 ______.__..__$1,052,845.00 NET DElVY ____m.m__m________ YOUR COMMITTEE would recommend that the sum of ,one Mil- lion,Fifty-Two Thousand, Eight Hundred and Forty"Five Dollars be raised on all rateable property in the several municipalities of the County of Elgin during the year 1973, for County purposes and that this amount be levied on the several municipalities in the Gounty of Elgin on tile basis of the apportionment as determined in By-Law No. 2207, passed September 20fu, W72, and that a by-law be prepared. All of whicll is respectfully submitted. R. L. LAKE, Chairman. . , I I' " ! ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL 'I' I,n! I' i,.li 'I' I iV 1" 'I: I, 99 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1973 "i , To the W ard~n and Members of the Elgin County Council, Tile Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That Superintendent R. S. Brown be authorized 10 purchase needed tools, gasoline, oil, etc. to carry ,out the maintenance of the grounds on the Court House Block to ,a limit of $200.00 per year ex- cluding fertilizer, which he is aufuorized 10 apply . , 2. That ,Engineering Polley No. 233161, General Accident Assur- ance Company of Canada be increased from $50,000.00 10$200,000.00 at an 'additional cost of $20.00 per year. 3, Thai iFire Insurance Subscription Policy No. F.C. -70'15 be aller- ed from the present insurance to the following insurance. Court House from $424,000.00 to $562,000.00 Jail from 134,000.00 10 192,000.00 Registry Office ' from 85,000.00 to 112,000.00 County Engineer's Office from 37,000.00 10 64,000.00 - $680,000.00 $930,000.00 ';:1 i'11 I.:.jf at, 'an increase iu premium of $381.30 per annum from $1,023.50 to '$1,404.80 and thai Exlra Expense Protection be added 10 Engineering aud Fire Policies in Ihe amount of $25,000.00 each at an extra pre- mium of $97.'50 per annum. 4. Thai ContenlsFloaler Subscription Policy F.C. -6847 as il ap- plies to Court House property buildings, with the exception of the , Eugiueer'sOlflce, be reduced from '$110,000.00 10 $35,000.00. All of which is respeclfully submilted. J. P. NEMETT, Ohairman. laO ,ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1973 To the Warden and iMemhers of the Elgin County Council, The Eigin Manor Committee reports as foilows: 1. That libe resolution from the TownShip of Bayham re: considera- tion of llheconstruction of a Home for the Aged in or 'around the Hamiet of Straffordviile, be tabied. 2. The Adjuvant bas been authorized to attend a workshop in Tor- onto from April 24th to 27th, 1973 with expenses paid. 3. That llhe request from Mr. Arnoid R. Stanseil to rent the County property east of Ayimer on behalf of libe Aylmer Optimist Ciub be granted for the year 1973 .at $1.00 per year, plus taxes and any legal expenses involved, and libat the County Solicitor be requested to draw up libe necessary lease. 4. That libe contracts he held in abeyance as received and that the employees be re-instated as of Marcil 13th, 1973, pending the final detel'iIllination and review. All of Which is respectfully submitted. A. H.LIEBNER, Ohakman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 101 AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1973 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as foilows: 1 That the letter from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food re: Warble Fly Control he filed. 2. That libe letter from libe Ministry of Natural Resources willi re- port of Tree Cutting lBy-Law meeting held in Woodstock on November 29th, 1972, be filed. 3. That the matter of Mr. DeVries being able to clear timber from his property heing part of Lot 16, ConcessiQU 3, in the Township of Yarmouth be tabled. 4. That the Clerk of the County of Elgin advise by registerOO mail, ail persons holding pel1lllits to clear timber, whiCh were issued by Mr. Claybourne Gordon, that these permits are now revoked. All of which is respectfully submitted. B. A.LYLE, ChalTillan. 102 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1973 Second Report To the W ardenand Members of the Elgin Connty Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That. the statement from Arcwood Acres be tabled pending ex- planation. 2. That tbe resolution from the County of Peel re: method of shar- ing! costs of Children's Aid Societies be endorsed. 3. That the commnnication from the Regional Municipality of York re: Ontario Municipal 'Employees Retirement System pension plan for councillors he filed. . 4. That, the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit hudget for 1973 requir- ing $102,927.00 from the County of Elgin be approved and the audi- tor's statement for 1972 be filed. 5: . That tbe request of Bothwell Area Sports Centre fora grant be filed. 6. That the St. Thomas-Elgin Children's Aid Society budget for 1973 requiring $69,792.00 from the County of Elgin he approved. 7. That the request of Alma College for a grant be filed. 8. That the request for a grant for "Information Centre" be filed. 9. That 'Quad 'County Association for the Mentally Retarded be giv- en a capital grant of $1,000.00. 10. That a grant of $2,351.16 be paid to the Erie E:conomic Council for 1973. 11. That the Township of Malahide be requested to have their drain- age inspector investigate the drain that erosses County of Elgin pro- perty east of Aylmer and report his findings to the Elgin County Oouncil. All of which Is respectfnlly submitted. R. L. LAKE, Ohairman. I!lLJGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL 103 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1973 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin Connty Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from the City of St. Catharines re: amend- ments to the legislation with respect to municipal elections he filed. 2. That Reeve Liebner, Reeve Emerson, Warden Jdhnston, Reeve Wilson and H. L. Johnson be the voting delegates for 'Elgin at the mid-term and annual meetings of the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario and that the March Newsletter, etc., be filed. 3. That the letter from the Canadian 'Federation of Mayors and Municipalities re: The 'Community of the Year Award be filed. 4 That tile resolutions from the City of St. Catharines requesting the Ontario Governrnentand the Government of Canada to investi- gate water levels in the Great Lakes system and determine 'steps to reduce and ,control such levels ,pe filed. All of. which is respectfully submitted. J. B. WILSON, Ohairman. 104 ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE REPORT March SessiO'll, 1973 To the Warden and Members of tbe Elgin County Council, The 'Educational Committee ,reports ,as foUows: 1. That a scholarship graut of $100.00 each be made to the two boys and two girls from ,Elgin County attending the Uuiversity of West- ern Ontario aud attaiuing the highest 'academic standiug. Iu case two boys or two girls do uot qualify the award may be given to the four top 'Students. 2. That" grant of $100.00 be made to the two students from Elgin Couutyattending Ridgetown CoUege of Agricultural Techuology aud attaining the highest academic standing. 3. That a grant of $100.00 each be made to the two boys and two girls from 'Eigin County attending Guelph University ,and attaining the highest academic standing. 4. That a scholarship grant of $100.00 be made, to the two students from Elgin County attending Waterloo University and attaining the highest academic standing. 5. 'Th'ata scholarsbip g'rant of $100.00 be made to the two 'students from Elgin County attending Waterloo ,Lutheran University and at- tainingthe highest academic standing. AU of which is respectfuUy submitted. H. P. deRYK, Chairman. ELGrN COUNTY COUNCIL 105 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2248 "Being "I By-Law to Repeal By-Law No. 1476 and By-Law No. 1.961 for Licensing, Regulating aud Gove.Diug Salvage Shops, Salvage Yards, Second-Hand Shops and Dealers. in SecondMHand Goods," WHEREAS County of Elgin By-Law No. 1476 and No. 1961 provide for the Licensing, Regnlatingand 'Governing Salvage Shops, Salvage Yards, Second"Hand Shops and nealers in Second-Hand Goods. AND WHEREAS it is the opinion of the Elgin County Council that the Licensing, Regulating ,and Governing Salvage Shops, Sal- vage Yards, Second"Hand Shops and nealers in Second-iHand Goods, 'Shouid be at the discretion of the Council of each local municipality forming the County of 'Elgin. 'NOW '!1HEREF1ORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: THAT By"Law No. 1476 and By-Law No. 1961 of .the County of Elgin be and the same are hereby repeall:<!. REAn a first time this 21st day of March, 1973. READ a second time this 21st day of March, 197'3. READ a third time ,and finaUy passed tIlis 21st day of March, 1973. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk NELSON JOHNSTON, Warden 106 EDGrN COUNTY OOUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2249 "To Raise Amounts for County Rates During the Year 1973" WHEREAS an estimate l1as been made sI10wing that the stun of .one Million, Fifty-Two Thousand, Eight Hundred and Forty~Five Doliars is requked to be raised in the several municipalities for the lawful purpose of the County during the year, 1973, on the basis of the apportionment as determined in By-Law No. 2207, passed Septem- ber 20th, 1972. Municipality Aylmer Belmont Dutton Port Burweli 'Port Stanley Rodney Springfield Vienna West Lorne Aldborough Bayham Dorchester South DunwiCh Malahide Southwold Yarmouth Apportionment u______ __ 11.636% 1.293% 1.451% 1.154% 4.699% 1.735% .529% .473% 1.661% __u______ nouuu____ 8.186% 9.466% 3.~03% 5.977% 11-.974% 21.635% 14.926% 100.~00% THEREJFDRE the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts: THAT the amounts, as set forth below, be levied on ali rateable property by the several municipalities in the County of Elgin for the year 1973. ElJGEN COUNTY COUNCIL 107 Aylmer ______________________________________________$ Belmont Dutton Port Burweli Port Stanley ___________m_uu________m_m__ Rodney ________-<________________m______________. Springfield Vienna West Lome Aldborough Bayham Dorchester South Dunwich MaIahide ______u__m_mU ____________u________ Southwold _______mum_m _____m__u___________ Y'al'mouth _________m______ _______m_____m_m-< 122,530.10 13,613.29 15,276.78 12,149.83 49,473.19 18,266.86 5,569.'55 4,979.96 19,593.44 86,185.89 99,662.31 31,616.93 62,928.55 126,067.66 227 ,783.~2 157,147.1>4 READ a fkst time this 21st day of March, 1973. $1,~52,845.00 READ a second time this 21st day of March, 1973. READ a third time and finaliy ,passed this 21st day of March, 1973. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk NELSON JDHNSTON, Warden 108 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNOIL COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2250 HA BywLaw to.Auth()rize the Corporation of the Village of Vienna (hereinafter called "the Grantee" and which term shall include its successors and assigns) t6' IConstruct, Use .and Opcl"ateWorks Rew quired for the Transmission of Water in the County of Elgin (herein. after called "the' -Municipality" . ~ WHEREAS the Grantee has requested The Corporation of the Oounty of Elgin to grant it a franchise or right of passing through the Municipality for the purpose of constructing, using and operating a line or lines and works for the transmission through the Municipality of water not intended to be distributed from ,the said line or lines in the Municipality other than to persons w!hose land abuts on a high- way along or across which the same is carried or conveyed. AND WHEREAS, subject to the terms ,and conditions hereinafter set forth, the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin has agreed to gr@t the said franchise. BE IT THEREi<10RE 'ENACTED by the Council of the Corpora- t!on of ,the County of Elgin ANi) IT IS HEREBY ENACTED as foliows: 1. Fuli right, power, permIssIOn and consent are hereby grant- ed, ,conferred and assured unto The Gorpor,ation of the Village of Vienna, its successors ,and assigns to enter upon, use and occupy the highways of or under the jurisdiction of the Municipality to survey, construct, lay, maintain, inspect, ,alter, repair, renew, remove, re- place, reconstruct, use and ,operate in, through,. upon, under, -along and across the same or any of them a pipe line or pipe lines with any nndali connections,apparatus, appliances ,and attachments, incIud. ingattachments for cathodic protection, necessary or inctdentaI thereto and to a system for the purpose of passing 1Jb.roughthe Muni. cipality and transmitting water which is not intended ,to be distribut- ed from the said line or lines in the said Municipality other than to persons whose land abuts on a highway along or across whIch the same is carried or conveyed. .EWIN COUNTY COUNCIL 109 2. . Such right or franellise ohall be subject to ,all the terms and conditions set out in an agreement to be entered' into hetween the Municipality and the Grantee in pursuance of this By-Law, which Agreement shall be in .the form hereunto attached. 3. The Warden and Clerk of 1Jhe said !Municipality are hereby aut:hotizedand empowered to enter into ,and to execute on behalf of the Municipality, the Agreementaforesaldand to affix the corporate seal thereto. 4. THIS By-Law shall come into force and take effect immedi- ately after ,an Agreement in the form hereunto annexed shall have been executed by all the parties 1Jhereto. RiEAD a first time this 21st day of March, 1973. RiEADa second time thIs 21st day of March, 1973. READ a third time and finally passed t'his 21st day of March, 1973. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk NELSON JOHNSTOIN, Warden 110 ELGrN COUNTY OOUNCIL A G R E E ME N '11 made in duplicate ,this 21st day of' March A.n., 1973. BETWEEN: THE OORBORATLON ,oF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN hereinafter ,called "the 'Municipality" OF THE FIRST PART land THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA hereinafter -called "the Grantee" OF THE SECOND PART WHER.EAS the Grantee has requested !he Municipality to Grant to it and its ,successors and assigns, a franchise or right of passing through the Municipality for the purpose of constructing, using and operating ,a line or lines ,anqworks for the distrihution of water wi!h- in the Municipality. AND WHEREAS the Municipality has hy By-Law passed on the 21st day of March, A.n., 1973, granted the said franchise from and after the execution of !his Ag,reement and has authorized and em- powered the Warden and Cierk of the said Municipality to execute this Agreement and to affix the corporate seal thereto. NOW THEREFORE THIS INnENTURE made in consideration of the premises ,and of the performance of the 'covenants and Dbliga- tion hereinafter contained on the part of the Grantee WITNESSE11H as follows: 1. The Municipality does herehy grant, confer and assure unto the Grantee, its succeSSOTS ,and assigns, fuIl right, p.ower, per:mission and consent to enter upon, use and occupy ,the highways of or under the jurisdiction of the Municipality to survey, construct, lay, main- tain, inspect, alter, repair, renew, remove, replace, reconstruct, use and operate in, through, upon, under ,along and ,across the same or any of them, :3 pipe line or pipe lines with any and all connections, ap- paratus, appliances @d 'attachments, including attachments for catho- dic protection, necessary or incidental thereto and to ,3 system for the purpose of distributing water within !he Municipaiity. EDGIN COUNTY COUNCIL III 2. All new ( or renewal) mains, pipes, lines and w.orks installed hy Grantee under !his Agreement shall he constructed and laid in ac. cordance with good engineering and construction practices. Except in. case of emergency;. (a) No excavation, .opening or work which will disturb or inter. fere with the travelled surEace of any highway shall be under- taken .or commenced by Grantee without written notice to such officer of the iMunicipality as may from time to time he appointed hy the Council of the Municipality for the pnrpose of general supervision over its highways (bereinafter referred to as "The said .officer .of the Municipality," which term shall include ,the per,son acting in his stead in the event of his ah- sence from duty), such notice to he given at least 24 hours in advance of commencing such work unless .otherwise agreed t(! hy (he said officer of the Municipality, and (b) beEore laying .or installing ,any new (.or renewal) mains, pipes, lines and works, the Grantee shall first file with the said of. ficer of the Municipality ,a preliminary map or plan showing what it proposes to lay or install and the proposed . location thereof and shall also check with and obtain the written ap- proval of the said officer of the Municipality ,as to such pro- posed locatiOn. Not later than three months after the clooe of each of its fiscal years ihe Grantee shall me with ,the Clerk of tlie Municipality, maps O'!' plans showing the location .and size of .all ;mains; pipes, lines and works laid or installed by the Grantee in ,the highways during its pre- vious fiscal-year. 3. The said line or lines shall be placed nndergronnd so far ,as is practical and if required hy the Warden or .oiher officer .of the Muni. cipality above mentioned shall he located along !he sides of ,the said highways except where it Shall he necessary to cross a highway and shall be so constructed as not to obstruct or interfere with the use of tbe highway or with any drains, ditches, bridges, culverts or other works or improvements thereon or therein. 4. In the event that the Municipality shall deem it expedient to .al- tel' the construction of ;any highway or of any municipal drain; ditch, bridge, cnlver! or o!her worl<s .or improvements thereon or therei)! 112 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL ,and in the eonrse ;Dhereof it shail hecome necessary to have the G<'an' tee makecbanges in its Une .of lines 'Of works in order to facilitate. the work of the Municipality, then upon receipt of reasonahIe notice in WTiting from the Warden or' other officer of the Municipality ahove mentioned specifying the change desired, the Grantee shail at its own expense change its line Or lines or works at Dhe point specified. 5. The Grantee shail construct, repair and replace any such line or lines or works with ail reasonahle el<pedition so that the highways shail not he torn up or ohstrncted for ,any unnecessary length of time and upon the construction, repairing and replacing of any such line or lines or wOTks or the taking up of any of the same or Dhe moving of ,any of the same fmm place to place in 'a highway, the highway "hall, with all reasonahle expedition, he restored 10 its proper level and gr,aded and left in as safe and good a state of repair as it was befoce it was entered upon or opened, and to tbe satisfaction of the said Warden or other officer of the Municipality ahove mentioned. 6. The GTantee shall and does herehyat all times indemnify and save harmless the Municipality from and against ail loss, damage, injury or expense which the Municipality may hear, suffer or be put to hy reason of any damage to properly or injury to persons caused by the construction, repairr, maintenance, removal. or operation hy- the Grantee of -any of its -mains, pipes, lines or works .in the Munici- pality unless such loss, damage, injury or expense is occasioned by Act of God or hy Dhe act, neglect or default of some person, firm oc corporation other, than the Grantee, its servants, contractors; sub- contractors; agents, or employees. 7. The rights ,and privileges hereby granted shall continue and re- main in force for a period of twenty years fTom the date hereof. 8. In this Agreement and in the By-Law above referred to, (a) the word "highway" shail mean a common or puhlic highway and include a mad, bridge and any other structure incidental thereto, now Drat any time during the term of this Agreemellt under the jurisdiction of the Municipality. (b) the word "Municipality" shall mean the County of Elgin as presently constituted or as it may from time to time he con- stituted during the term of ,this Agreement. ,EDGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 113 9. THIS 1\JGREEMENT shaIl enure to the henefit of and be binding upon Uhe parties hereto, their successors ,and lassigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the ,parties have hereunto ,affixed their re.spective corpor,ate seals duly attested by the hands of .their proper signing officers in that behalf. THE CORPORATION OF 'l1HE VILLAGE OF V'IENNA Reeve Clerk THE OORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGJN H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk NELSON JOHNSTON, Warden 114' ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2251 "A BYMLaw to Confil"m Proceedings o-f the Council of the Corporatio-n of the County of Elgin . ~t the MMCh Sesshvn. 1973" WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act. being Chapter 284 of the RevIsed Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its oouncil; AND WHEREAs by subsection 1 of section 241 of the Municipal Act, beIng Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes .of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every council are to be exercised by By-Law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the ,Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law; NOW THERiEFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of ,the Council of the Corporation of the County of El- gin in respect of each recommendation contained in the reports of the committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the 'Council of the 'Corporation of the County of 'Elgin at its meetings held during the March ~973 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warnen and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby ,authoriw:! and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of !!he County of Elgin referred to in preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and tbe Clerk are anthorizedand directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 21st day of March, 1973. READ a second time this 21st day of March, 1973. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of March, 1973. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk NELSON JOHNSTON, Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 115 APRIL SESSION - FIRST DAY Wednesday, the 18th day of April. 1973 The Elgin County Conncil met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in ,accordance with -adjournment. The Warden in !!he Chair. All the members present. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Secon.ded by Reeve Wilson. That the mtnutesof the March, 1973 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. -Carried. The following commnnications were read and referred to the var- ious committ,ees: From Mr. Roy Doran, Construction Safety Inspector, with fatal accident report re: Armindo Ferreira. - Filed. From the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Soils and Crops Branch wilh a copy of a notice sent to county and regional weed. in- spectors advising of a meeting April 30th, 1973, in Guelph ,and ex- tending an invitation to council representatives. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Soils and C~ops Branch, with a copy of the revised Weed Control Act and Regula- tions. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From Mr. G. R. Staples, Clerk-Treasurer, County of Oxford, ad- vising the Oxford COJlnty Warden's Dinner will be held on Friday, November 23, 1973. - Filed. From :Mr. W. W. Snow, Principal 'of the Ridgetown Gollege of Ag- ricultural Technology e"pressing appreciation for scholarships pre_ sented by the County ,and requesting guidance re: number granted. - Jreferred to the Educational Committee. 116 ELGIN ,C.oU'NTY 'COU'NCIL 'From Mr. Jessie G. Baxter, Director, Arcwood Acres Residence, expressing appreciation for 1972 snpport ,and requesting a $3,000.00 grant for 1973. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Township of 'Essa with resolution reqnesting that 1ihe MinistrY of TransportatiDn ,and C.ommunicatiDns allDcate, .all ro.ad subsidy funds tD each Municipality ina lump snm. - Referred tD the RDad Committee. From the TDWnship .of Y,armDuth with notice of application to the .ontariD Municipal Board for ,apprDval .of ,a by-law tD regnlate land use passed pursuant to Section 35, of the Planning Act, and a CDPy .of Township .of Y.arm.outh By-Law N.o. 2216. - Referred to ,the Road CDmmittee. From tile Ministry of Treasury, Economics ,and Iutergovernment- al Affairs with details of "Experience 73" - Involvement in Muni- cipal Administration. - Referred to the Road Committee. From Canadian Federation of Mayors ,and Municipalities an- nouncing that tile Third Aunual 'Conference of the Committee on Municipal and Regional Information Management will be held in ot- tawa,May 13, 14 ,and 15, 11l73. - ,Filed. Fr.om the University of Waterloo expressing appreciation for El- gin CDunty Awards for the 1973"74 academic year. - Filed. From Mr. R. A. Barrett, secretary ,Local Government Study Committee, wilh copy of notice sent re: meeting wi1ihthe Honourahle John White, Minister of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs, Aprillllh, 1973. - Filed. FrDm Mr. John F. M. Wood, conductor of the Sl. Nicolas Chorist- ers .of Sl. Thomas, with a request for financi.alassistance for Master Frederick Raymond Taylor, who has been chosen to tour Europe in the Americas Boychoir. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the office of the Prime Minister acknowledging receipt of the endorsation of the resolution passed by the CDuncil of 1ihe United Counties of iN orthumber land and Durham re Oanadian penal system. -Filed. ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 117 FrDm Team PromDtiDns Limited .offering their services hi assist- ing Drgauizationsand church groups in our - ,area to r,aise funds. Referred tD tbe Finance Committee. FrDm the County .of Perth with a resDlution requesting the At- torney-Genera!'s office to initiate ,a review of fees for petit and grand jurors. - Referred to the PetitiDns ,and Legislation CDmmittee. , From theHDnDurahle A, B: R. LaWrence, Q.C., Provincial Sec- retary for ResDurces DevelDpment with statement he made to'Legis- lature, March 21, 1973 reo damages caused by high levels .of water in the Great Lakes. - Referred to the Finance CDmmittee. From the .office .of the Deputy Minister, Ministry of Treasury, EconDmics and IntergDvernmental Affairs advising that copies of the Budget ,are being fDrwarded to head .of Council and ofullrs and point~ ing out changes. - Referred to the Finance,CDmmittee. FrDm the Y:Dung Women's Christian AssDciation with apprecia- tiDn .of '$2,500.00 grant to the capital fund drive. - Filed. From tile University of Western Ontario with appreciatiDn fDr grants made available to the two bDYS and girls frDm ,Elgin County. - Filed. ' From the Ministry .of iNatural ResDurces witb memDrandum .out- lining procedures reo provincial assistance ,reo fWDd damage. - Re- ferred tD the Finance Committee. From His HOllOur Judge J. A. Winter with request tD have a r.ad- iator at tile north-east windDw remDvedand tile pipe capped. - Re- ferred to the PrDperty Committee. From Mr. R. Himpfen requesting to appear before the regular session of Elgin 'County Council on April 18tb, 11l73. - Referred to the Elgin Manor Committee. The report of the Road Committee was presented hy Reeve Den- nis -and adopted on motion of Reeve Dennis and Reeve CODk. 118 'ElLGFN OOUNTY OOUNCIL Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded 'by Reeve TDdd That the AuditDr's Report for 1ihe year ended December 31, 1972, be accepted hy the Elgin GDunty Council. - Carried. MDVed by Reeve Cook SecDnded by Reeve Lyle That !Elgin County Council petitiDn tile Department .of Tr-anspDr- tation .and CommunicatiDns to install t~affic ,lights at the intersectiDn .of County Road ND. 45 'and No.4 Highway. TheabDve-mentioned resDlution was referred to the RDad CDm- mittee by tile Warden instead of voting upon it. Moved by -Reeve HDdgsDn Seconded by Reeve - Liehner That this Council gD intD a Committee of the WI1Dle. - Carried. The Warden appDinted Reeve Liehneras Chairman .of the CDm- mittee of tile _ WhDle. The subject of the suspension of Mr. R. B. Himpfen, Administm- tDr of 'Elgin ManDr Was discussed. Moved by Reeve Emerson SecDnded by Reeve HDdgsDn That this CDmmittee of the Whole rise WithDut repDrting. - Carried. Warden JDhustDn resumed fue chair. Moved by Reeve Liebner SecDnded by Deputy Reeve Carroll That we do nDW adjDurn to meet again .on April 18, 1973, at 2:00 p.m. - Carried. ElJGrN COUNTY ,COUNCIL 119 Council re-cDnvened. The report .of the NegDtiating CDmmittee was presented by Reeve EmersDnand adopted .on motion of Reeve Emerson -and Reeve Lieh- nero The repDrt of the Petitions and LegislatiDn ,Committee was pre- sented by Deputy Reeve ShnpsDnand adDpted .on motiDn .of Deputy Reeve Si~pson and Deputy Reeve Monteith. The repDrt of the Agricnltural CDmmittee was presented by Reeve Lyle and adopted on motiDn .of Reeve Lyle and Reeve McKil- lop. TIle repDrt of the Finance Cornmittee was presented by Reeve Lake and ,adopted on motiDn of Reeve Lake ,and Reeve Todd. The repDrt of the EJducatiDnal Committee w.as presented by De- puty Reeve deRykand adDpted on mDtion of Deputy Reeve deRyk .and Deputy Reeve Simpson. The report .of the PrDperty ,Committee was presented by Reeve Nemett and adDpted .on mDtion .of Reeve Nemett and Deputy Reeve YDung. MDVed by Reeve 'KaI1nt SecDnded by Reeve Todd That By-Law No. 2252, "'Being ,a By-Law to AuthDrize Grants to be m,ade to Various Organizations, 'Col1lorations, Institutions; etc., during 1973," be read a first time. -Carried. MDVed by Reeve TDdd Seconded by Reeve Gaverly TIlat By-Law ND. 2252 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Kalmt That By-Law No. 2252 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. TIle report .of the Elgin Manor 'Committee was presented by Reeve Liebner -and adopted .on mDtiDn of Reeve Liebner and Deputy Reeve CarrDll. 120 ELGIN OOUiNTY COUNCIL MDved hy Reeve 'Emerson Sec~nded by Reeve Qook That this CDuncil go into ,a Committee .of tile Whole. -Oarried. The Warden appointed. Reeve Liebneras Cllairman of the .Com- mittee .of the Whole. The suhject of fue contents of a joint press release reo the ,re- signatiDn of Mr. R. B. Himpfen ,as Administrator ,of -Elgin ManDr was discussed. MDved by Reeve EmersDn Seconded py Reeve iKaput That this Committee of. the WhDle rise without reporting. -Oarried. WaITlen J ahnstDn resumed the Chair. Moved by, Reeve McKil!QP " Seconded hy . Deputy Reeve Simpson That By.J,aw ND. 2253, "A BY-Law to Confirm Proceedings .of the CDuncil -of the CorporatiDn .of the County .of Elgin at the April Se& sion, 1973," he read a first time. -Oarried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit SecDnded by Reeve McKillop That iBy.Law ND. 2253 be read .a secDnd time. MDVed by Deputy Reeve Simpson SecDnded by Reeve Kahnt That By.Law No. 2253 he read a third time ,and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve 'iNemett Seconded hy Deputy Reeve Whalls . That we do uD)VadjDurntD meet again May 16,\973, at 10:00 a.m. -Oarried. -Carried. G..C. Leverton, Deputy Clerk R. N. JOHNSTON, Warden .EllJGIN COUiNTY COUNCIL 121 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1973 To tile Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: Your RDad Committee begs tD repDrt as fDllows: 1. Good progress cDntlnues to he made .on the cDnstruction .of the County Garage at White's Station. A portiDn .of the. rDofing will be dDne next week. 2. TWD tractors .and mDwers (JoI1n Deere Model 301) have been pur- chased with tWD (2) CDunty tractDrs ,as trade-ins. TwD tractor-back- hoes (John Deere MDde1310) have been purcllased with two (2) C<>nnty traciDr backl1Desas trade-ins. TIle tractDrs were purchased from the low bidder, Renash Tractor and -Equipment Limited .of Lambeth. 3. Tenders have been called for 'approximately 28,000 tons of Il-ot mix asphait paving. Major items include the resurfacing of RDad No. 40 between Highway No. 3 ,and MDunt Salem in Malal1ide TDwnship and Road No. 45, hetween Highway ND. 19 and Calton in Bayham Township. AlsD included is wDrk on Road No. 3 in Aldborough Town- ship, RDad No. 11 in SouthwDld Townsbip, Road ND. 20 ,and RDad No. 23 in Port Stanley, and Road No. 49 and Road No. 52 in South DDr- chester Township. WE REOOMlVJjE)ND: 1. That the letter from Mrs. W. H. Evans regarding the SDUthWDld zoning By-Law be filed. 2. That the resolutiDn .of the TDwnship of Essa regarding the lump sum allDtment .of PrDvinclal RDad Subsidies be filed. All of wI1ich is respectfully submitted. J. L. DENNIS, Ohairman. 122 <ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE REPORT April SessiDu, 1973 TD the W ardenand Members .of tile Elgin County CDuncil, The Negotiating CDmmittee wishes to report as follDWS: 1. That the necessaryautl10rity to conclude a collective agreement with fue London and District Building Service WDrkers' Union, Local 220, in relation tD the hargaining unit employees at the Elgin ManDr be given tD the Negotiating CDmmittee and that the Chairman of the CDmmittee he autl1Drized to execute binding minutes of settlement, sllould .a settlement be .obtained at the conciliatiDn level Dr thereafter with Union Representatives. 2. That .once a settlement 'has been ohtained, a by-law be intrDduc- ed authDrizing the Warden ,and Clerk tD sign the necessary agree- ment. 3. That Mr. 'George Phillips, sDlicitor, has been engaged to act for the County in the labDur negotiatiDns. All of which is respectfnily submitted. K. C. 'EMERSON, Ohairman. PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1973 TD the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The PetitiDns and LegislatiDn 'Committee repDris .as >ollows: 1. That the resolutiDn from the County of Pertll requesting the At- torney~General's Office tD initiate a review .of fees for petit .and grand jurDrs he endDrsed. All .of which is respectfully submitted. G. D. SIMPSON, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 123 AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT April SessiDn, 1973 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee repDrts as fDllows: 1. That the letter from tile Ministry .of Agriculture ,and FDDd, Soils and Crops Brauch, with a copy of 'a notice sent to county and regiDnal weed inspectors reo meeting of April 30, 1973, in Guelph be. filed. 2. That the letter frDm the Ministry of Agriculture and 'Food, Soils and CrDps Branch, with a CDPy of fue revised Weed CDntrDl Act and RegulatiDn be filed. All of which is respectfully submitted. B. A. LYLE, Chairman. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT April :Session, 1973 TD the W ardenand Members ,of the Elgin CDunty CDuncil, The Finance 'Committee repDrts as fDIlDWS: 1. That a grant of $2,500.00 be aulhorized for Arcwood Acres Resi- dence. 2. That the request frDm Mr. John F. M. WDDd, Conductor .of the St. Nieolas Ohoresters, for financial assistance for Master Frederick Raymond Taylor be filed. 3. That the letter from Team PrDmotiDlls Limited offering their services for fund raising to organizations and church groups in our area be filed. 4. That tile CDPy of .a statement made hy the HonDurable A. B. R. Lawrence, Q.C.~ Provincial 'secretary for Resources Development, to the Legislature reo damage caused by high levels of waters in the Great Lakes be filed. 5 That the letter from the 'Minist,y .of Treasury, <EcDnomics and In- tergDvernmental Affairs re: Budget ,and pointing .out ohanges be filed. 6. That the letter from the 'Ministry .of Natural Resources with me- mDr.andum reo provincial assistance reo flODd damage he filed. All .of whicll is respeotfully submitted. R. -L. LAKE, Ohairman. 124 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCLL EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE REPORT April Session" 1973 To tile Warden and Members of the 'Elgin CDunty Council, The Educational Committee repDrts as fDllDWS: 1. That Mr. W. W. SJ)ow, 'Principal .of the RidgetDwn CDllege of Ag_ ricultural TechnDlDgy be ,advised that the County of Elgin wish to make two '$100.00 a}Vards to ,tWD students for the year 1973, subjecUo review for the year 11174 and 1ihat he supply the number of students at- tending from Elgin Oounty for infDrmation pUrpDSes .only. All of which is respectfully submitted. H. P. deRYK, 'Chairmau. PROPERTY COMMITTEE RE'PORT April Session, 1973 TD the Warden and Members of the Elgin County CDuncil, TIle 'PrDperty Committee reports as fDllDWS: 1. That His Honour Judge J. A. Winter's request tD have ,a radiator .at the nDrth-east window remDved, be granted .and that he beauthDr- ized to proceed with the necessary work. All .of which is respectfully submitted. J. P. NEMETT, Ohairman. ELGINOOUNTY OOUNCIL 125 ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1973 TD the Warden and Members .of the Elgin Oounty CDuncil, The ,Elgin Manor ,Committee repDrts as follows: 1. The resignatiDn of Mr. R. E. Hines, Assistant Administrator, ef- fective April 27, 1973, has been accepted with regret. 2. That Mr. Robert HimpfeU, AdministratDr, has been suspended with pay, effective Friday, April 6, 1973, fDr an indefinite periDd. 3; That the resignatiDn .of Mr. R. B. Himpfen, effective April 18, 1973, as Admillistrator of Elgin ManDr be ,accepted and fuat Ile be paid a severance ,allowance .of 3'h mDnths pay, plus benefits, ,and that a joint press release be made. 4. TIlat we recommend tD County CDuncilfuat the Elgin ManDr Oom- mittee be empDwered to advertise, interview and hire au Administra- tor. All of which is respectfullY submitted. A. H. LIEBNER, Chairman. 126 ELGlN C.oUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No>. 2252 "Being a By~Lalw. to Authorize Grants to be Made. to .Various Organizations, COl"p()ll"ations, Institutions, Etc., During 1973" WHEREAS 'the Council of the CDrporation of tbe County of ,Elgin deems it advisable to make grants to certain .organizations, cDrpDra- tions, institutions, etc. NOW THEREFORE the 'Council of the GDrpDratiDn .of the County of Elgin enacts.. ,as follDWS: 1. THAT the following grants Ibeand are hereby authorized fDr the year 11l73: RDtary Music Festival __m____m_____m_n_nm____nm nnnn_mnn_mnnn______n'n$ 25.00 AssociatiDn of Clerks and Treasurers m_ nnnnmnn____nnmnnn_____m 40.00 ASSDciatiDn of Municipalities .of OntariD _-'__n_mnnnnm_..n____mnmnn__ 50.00 ,Elg,inLaw Libr,ary ____nm_nmmm___m__mm___nm ____nmn___m___nn__nn__mn 50.00 Association of Counties and Regions of OntariD ___mmm ______noon 150.00 Canadian National Institute for the Blind __n___mn______mn____________m 1,250.00 Salvation Army - Maintenance m_-m--,,--"'n m_____mmnnm_nm_____nn 500.00 Elgin 'County PiDneer Museum __mmmn____mmn____nm_m___mnmm__mm 500.00 SchDlarships~RidgetDwn CDllege of Agricultural TechnDJDgy 200.00 -University .of Western Ontario nn____nnnn__________mn 400.00 -University of Guelph mmmm_ ____m___ ____mm__nn_mnn 400.00 -WaterloD Lutheran University nnn__m__mmnn_nnn 200.00 -University of Waterloo nnnm__n n_mnnn__mmmm____ 200.00 University of Western OntariD ____mnnnn__n_mnm n__nmn__n___m_____mm.3,000.00 FDur GDunties General HDspital mm___n_ ______mm mnnmm____nnmm___ 1l,000.00 RepDrters m -n--nnm----__nmnnn__m_mnnnm___mn_____m_____nnn_______nnmn__nnn 50.00 Erie EC<>DDmic CDuncil n___nn______mnnnn_____mm_m____nmn__mmm_n_m_m 2,35L.16 St. ThDmas-Elgin Association for Retarded Children m____n__nn 2,500.00 St. ThDmas Young Men's Christian AssDciation n____mmm____mmn 3,000.00 Quad County AssDciatiDn fDr the Mentally Retarded _ - OperaNng nnm__n__m___nmnnm_____mnnm___m_m_ 2,000.00 - capital --n__n_nnm__nnmnn_____mmn___nnmn____nn 1,000.00 TilIsDnburgand District AssociatiDn fDr the Mentally Retarded ___mnm_nnnn_nmnnnn_mnmm___nnmm_nnnmm___m_mm__ 2,500.00 ,ElDGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 127 "St. ThDmas Young Women's Christian AssociatiDn nn____nmn__m 2,500.00 . The Local Agricultural Office for F,arm Organizations and JumDr iFarmersand Institute Groups nn_n_nnm__nn_____nn 3,000.00 Agricultural Representatives Act mnnn__nn_mnmn-mnn----n-mn----m 500.00 The Agriculturlliaud HDrticnltural Societies in the CDunty of Elgin _ ];)qual to the Province .of OntariD Grants tD 1ihese Societies. RiEADa first -time this 18th day of April, 1973. READ ,a second time this 16th day of April, 1973. READ a third time and finally passed fuis 18th day of April, 1973. G. G. LEVERTON, Deputy Clerk NELSON JOHNSTON, Warden 128 ElLGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL COUNTY OF :ELGIN By-Law No. 2253 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings. of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the April Session, 1~73" WHEREAS hy Sgction9 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of OntariD, 1970, the pDwers of .a municiplll co~poration Hre to be exercised by itl;l' ;c'Quncil; AND WHEREAS hy Subsection 1 of SectiDn 241 .of tile Municipal Act, being Cllapter 234 .of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers .of every ,Council are to be exercised by By-Law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings .of tile Council of the Oorporation .of the .county of Elgin at 'this meeting he cDnfirmed.and ,adopted by By-Law; NOW TREREi"ORE the GDuncil of the ,CorpDratiDn .of the CDunty IYf Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That actiDn .of the 'Council of tbe CorpDratiDn of The County .of Elgin in respect of eacll recDmmendatiDn contained in the Reports of the CDmmittees and each mDtion and resDlution passed ,and .other ac- tion taken by the Gouncil of tile CorpDration of the County of 'Eigin at its meetings held during tile April 1973 SessiDn is llerehyadDpted and confirmed as if all sucll proceedings were expressly embDdied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials .of fue CDrporation of the CDunty of Elgin are Ilerebyauthorizedand directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action .of the CDuncil .of the .corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in preceding sectiDn hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are ,authorized and directed tD exe- cute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of lhe GorpDratiDn .of 'the County .of Elgin. READ a first time this 18th day of April, 1973. READ a secDnd time this 18th day of April, 1973. READ a fuird time and finally passed tills 18th day of April, 1973. G. C. LElVER'.l1ON, Deputy Clerk NELSON JOHNSTON, Warden 'ElJGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 129 MAY SESSION - FIRST DAY Wednesday, the 16th day .of May, 1973 TIle Elgin ,County .council met this day at the CDurt Hoose, St. ThDmas, lnaccDrdance with 'adjournment. The Warden in the ch.air. All the members present except Reeve Bates. MDVed by Reeve CDDk Seconded by Deputy Reeve Y Dung That 1ihe minutes .of the April, 1973 SessiDn of the Elgin County Council be adDpted. -Carried. The fDllDwing communications were read .aud referred to the various 'committees: FrDm the Minister of TtanspDrtatiDnand CDmmunications advis- ing that ,an ,advance payment of subsidy in the amount .of $213,600.00 is to be paid. ~ .Filed. From Mr. G. W. Lawso-n, :manager, Municipal Finance Branch, Ministry of Treasury, E,conomics and IntergDvemmental Affairs, will1 informatiDn cDncerning the disposition of wDrking fund reserves whenlDcal govenment units are restrnctured. - Referred to the Fin- ance CDmmittee. FrDm the OntariD Labour Relations BDard with. copy of the Board's decisiDn with regard .to the LondDnand District Building Service WDrkers' UniDn, Local 220, and the CDrpDmtion of the Coun- ty .of Elgin '(SectiDn 79 reo Gail Millman .and Mary Richter). - Re- ferred tD the Elgin ManDr CDmmlttee. 'From Mr. R. G. Moore, secretary, St. TIlDmas SUburban Road CDmmission .advising that the term .of Mr. Alhert Aucklaud, as the CDunty representative on the . St. ThDmas Suburban RDaa Commis- siDn, e"llires .on July 1st, 1973. -Referred tD the RDad Committee. 130 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL From Mr. F. S. Sanders, Chairman .of the Board, Alma CDllege, inquiring if it would be possible tllat GDuncil CDuld re-consider the re- quest fDr a grant. ~ Referred tol!he 'Finance CDmmittee. FrDm Mr. J. M. Lounsbnryand a CDPy ofa letter frDm Mr. L. M. VanPatter, Clerk-Treasurer of the 'I1ownship .of Malahide, dealing wilh a ,request tD erect .a road name sign .on County Road No. 42 at LDts 17 and 18, ,ConcessiDn 1, Township of Malal1lde. - Referred tD the RDadCommittee. FrDm the 'l1ownship of Ba;nham with resolutiDn requesting the Minister of Treasmy ,Economics ,and Intergovermnental Affairs to ignore the sectiDn of the Oxford Regional Study pertaining tD the in- clusion of tile Township of Bayham in ,an .oxford RegiDnal Munici- pality. - Referred to the CDunty GDvernment CDmmittee. From ,fue Ministry of CDlleges aud Universities with bDDklet prepared to inform municipalities .of the potential Of gr,aduates from the community colleges in Public <(Municipal) AdmlnistratiDn CDurs- es. - Referred tD the EJducatiDnal 'Committee. From the AssDciation .of Municipalities of Ontario with comments .on the OntariD Budget for 1973 aud reviewing the rDle played by tl1is AssDciationand its predecessor in bringing us to this pDint in time. - Referred to the Oounty GDvernment CDmmittee. .from, the Elg.in,GountyPioneer Museum :advising,that theirexe- cutive passed a motiDn tllat they apply for the yearly increased grant and ,alsD ,apply fDr a money grant to assist with Betting up the se, cDnd new exhibition building. - Referred to "he Finance 'Committee. From Mr. W. W. Snow,. Principal .of the RidgetDwn GDllege of Agricultur-al Technology with the number of students attending frDm Elgin CDunty. - Referred to ,the EducatiDnai Committee. FrDm . the Ministry .of TransportatiDnand CDmmunicatiDns with MemD No. 73-4A. - Referred to the Road Committee. FrDm the Association .of Municipalities of Ontario with Voting Delegates Official Registration IFDrm fDr 1973 Annual CDnference at the Royal York HDtel, TorontD, August 19th - 22nd. - Referred tD the GDunty Government CDmmittee. " I:; I:' ElJGIN OOUNTY OOUNC}L I:!' , , 11:1 ':' 131 From the Town .of iNewmarket with a ,resDlution endDrsing the recDmmendations of fue "Provincially appointed committee on Suu- . day Retail Selling", the "OntariD Law Reform CommissiDn" , and the "PrDvincial Uniform Store Hours AssDciatiDn". - Referred tD the 'PetitiDnsand Legislation ,Committee. From the CDunty of iNorfDlk 'advising that the Warden's Dinner will be held .on 'Friday, NDvember 30th, 1973. - Filed. i ': From Mr. Ronald R. Laing requesting information re:the com- pensatiDn paid .on property expropriated from DDnald M. McGregDr. ~ Referred tD fue Road Committee. I. Ii FrDm the Ministry .of Treasury, Economics and Intergoverrnnent- AffairsannDuncing .that Mr. Douglas A. Taylor, B. 'Comm., G.A., heen assigned to the London RegiDnal office, as SeniDr Munici- Financial Management Advisor for Western Ontario, effective 24th. - Filed. FrDm tile Bank .of MDntreal advising that interest rates have been increased tD 6'12% effective Aprilllth, 1973. - Filed. From Erie ECDnomic CDuncil with April newsletter. - Filed. From the Ministry of Natural ReSDurces with MemDrandum ND. 2to Municipal Clerks .along tile Great Lakes ShDrelines, re: FlDDd Damage. - Referred tD the Finance CDmmittee. From the Attorney Generalacknow ledging receipt of our endor- satiDn of the resolution frDm the United Counties of Northumberland llI1d Durham, recDmmending mDrestringent measures in tile parDle and discipline system at penitentiaries. - Filed. FrDm the Ministry of Natural Resources with cDpies .of letters tD and frDm Mr. J. Crane, RR 1, Springfield, reo planting trees ,alDng County Road 47. - Referred to lhe Road CDmmittee. From the TDWnshlp of YarmDuth with nDtice ofapplicatiDn to the Ontario Municipal BDard for approval .of .a by-law tD regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 .of The Planning Aet,and a copy .of TDWnsllip of YarmDuth -By-Law No. 2214. -Referred to the RDad Committee. 132 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL From ,the Ministry .of Treasury, ECDnomics ,and IntergDvernment- al Affairs with Interim Claim Form, under The PrDperty Tax Stabili-, zatiDn Act, (,and letter of explanation. - Referred tD the Finauce CDmmittee. ,From Freddy Taylor with .appreciatiDn fDr CDunty crest, pens and matohes. ~ Filed. The repDd of tile RDad CDmmittee was presented by Reeve Den- nis and adopted on motiDn of Reeve Dennis and Reeve Lyle. The first report of the Finance Committee was presented by Reeve ,Lake ,and ,adDpted .on motion .of Reeve Lake ,and Reeve CDDk. The first report of the 'Elgin Manor 'Committee was presented by Reeve Liebner and adopted on mDtion of Reeve <Liebneraud De- puty Reeve Oarroll. The secDnd report of the Elgin ManDr CDmmittee was presented by Reeve Liebner ,audadDpted .on mDtion of. Reeve Liebner and Reeve Dennis. Mrs. Jessie Baxter, Director, Arcwood Acres Residence, .of The TilIsc<1burg .and Disl;riot AssDciatiDn for the Mentally Retarded, was present, and it was moved hy Reeve Hodgson tI1at Mrs. Baxter be now heard. Mrs. >Baxter thanked 'Council for their past financial suppDrt advised tIlat there is ,a very gDDd possibility that prDvincial ance may he for.thooming ;n the near future. She eJ<plained the fin- .ancing mid .operation .of the residence, SChDOl and wDrkshop. Ceramic aslltraysand a heer. stein were shDwn to the members of Council as items made hy tile AssociatiDn. These were left as gifts fDr tile use of Council. It was eJ<plained. t!hat these cDuld be made including the County crest .on them if Council SD deSired. The Warden thanked Mrs. Baxter for coming .and ,also for the ceramic gifts. .ElLGIN OOUNTY OOUNC~L 133 Reeve Wilson .advised Council fuat a fatality had occured at the .of County RDads No. 37 .and ND. .47, at AVDn on the pre- day. He pointed ont that it was a had intersection ,and asked something he dDne by the County Engineer. The County Engineer present and indicated he would 10Dk into it. by Deputy Reeve Schafer by Reeve Dennis That we do nDW adjDurn tD meet again .on May 16th, 11l73, ,at 2 p.m. -Carried. Council re-eonvened. The CDunty Engineer reported on his 'CDnVel'lSatlDn with the in- vestigation O.P.P. officer with regard tD the fatal accident at the in- of 'County Road ND. 37 ,and iND. 47, 'at AVDn. He advised he is going to have a member .of 1ihe staff of the Ministry of and 'Communications visit the site .and offer sug- to improve it. The repDrt of the Petitions and Legislation ODmmittee was pre- senied by Deputy Reeve SimpsDn and adopted on motiDn .of Deputy Simpson and Reeve Liebner. The secDnd repDrt .of the Finance CDmmittee was presented by Lake and 'adDpted on mDtiDn .of Reeve Lake and Reeve Den- The report of the Property CDmmittee was presented hy Reeve andadDpted .on mDtion .of Reeve Nemett ,and Deputy Reeve The report .of the County GDvernment ,Committee was .presented Reeve Wilson .and .adopted on mDtiDn of Reeve WilsDn and Deputy Whalls. The repDrt of .the Educ.ational Committee was presented by De- puty Reeve deRyk ,and 'adDpted .on mDtion .of Deputy Reeve deRyk and Deputy Reeve Monteith. 134 E'LGIN COUNTY C.oUNClL MDved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Miskelly That 1ihe CDuncil of the 'County .of Elgin prDtest tile removal .of the Department of Lands and Forests RegiDnal .office frDm Aylmer tD LDndDn and tIlat ,a delegatiDn from Elgin County 'Council meet with the Minister of Natural Resources to discuss tile matter. -Carried. The Warden ,appointed Reeve Caverly, Reeve Miskelly and Reeve Dennis as a committee tD meet with the Minister of Natural Re- sources. MDVed by Reeve Dennis Seconded by Reeve Lyle That By"Law No. 2254, "To Appoint ,a Member to the St. ThDmas Subu1'1ban Road Commission," be read a first tj'me. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Miskelly Seconded by Reeve Dennis That By-Law ND. 2254 be read H secDnd time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Miskelly Seconded by Reeve Lyle That >By-Law No. 2254 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. MDVed by Reeve Lyle SecDnded by Deputy Reeve Carroll 'That By"Law ND. 2255, "Being a By-Law tD AppDint an Acting AdministratDr fDr the 'Elgin CDunty Home forfue Aged," be read H first trme. . MDved by Reeve Dennis Seconded by Reeve CDok' That By-Law No. 2255 be read ,a second time. -Carried. - Carried. ElLGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL 125 by Deputy Reeve Young by Reeve Dennis That 'By"Law ND. 2255 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. by Reeve Todd by Reeve Liebner That By-Law 1'1.0. 2256, "Being a 'By.,Law to Amend By"Law No. 2231, Thereby Adjusting the Salary .of 1ihe Assistant Adminislra. for the Elgin CDunty Home fDr fue Aged," be read a first trme. - Carried. by Reeve Liebner Seconded by Reeve TDdd By-Law ND. 2256 be read ,a secDnd time. -Carried. by Reeve Cook by Reeve Liehner That By-Law ND. 2256 be read a third trme .and finally passed. -C_ied. by Deputy Reeve Whalls Reeve CoDk That By-Law ND. 2257 "Being a By-Law tD Amend By-Law No. 2241, A 'By-Law Authorizing fue Warden and Treasurer to Borrow by Way .of PrDmissory Notes," be read a first time. - Carried. by Reeve Nemett by Reeve CDak That By-Law ND. 2257 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Hodgs,"n by Deputy Reeve WI1alls That By"Law ND. 2257 be read a third time aud finally passed. -Carried. R. N. Warden 136' ELGIN ,OOUNTY 'OOU'NCIL ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 137 MDVed by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by Deputy Reeve Whalls That By"LawND. 2258, "A By-Law tD Confirm PrDceedings .of tbe O.ounci! of tile CDrpDraliDn .of the CDunty .of Elgin at the May Session 1Il73," be read a first time. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD REPORT May Session, 1973 To the Warden and Members .of ,the Elgin 'County Council: - J. L. DENNIS, Ohairman. Moved by Deputy Reeve, Young Seconded by Reeve HodgsDn That 'By-Law No. 2258 be read .a second time. Your Road Committee begs tD repDrt as fDlIDWS: Moved by Reeve HodgsDn Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit That By-Law 'No. 2258 be .reada third time and finally passed. 1. llhat fue tender of W.almsley BrDthers Limited .of LDndDn, On- tario, fDr Asphalt Paving on various roads, in the amount .of $218,574 has, heen accepted. The only other tender r""eived was from TDW- l~nd"H~witsDn" of London, QntariD,at$261,616.60. "Alsoin,cluded in tile tender is wDrk for the TDwnships .of South :Dorchester and Malshide $10,950). The work is expected tD start shortly. Moved by Deputy Reeve CarrDll SecDnded by Reeve TDdd That we dDnDw ,adjDurn tD meet again on June 20th, 1973, 10 a.m. 2. The Ministry .of TranspDrtation ,and CommunicatiDns has been petltiDned tD erect traffic signals at lhe IntersectiDn .of Highway'No. '4 and Gqunty Road No. 45. We expect that the Ministry will cDnduct alraffic ~tudy on the intersection tD determine the nature of iinpr9ve- ,menls ,and cDntrols needed. H. L. JOIHNSO'N, Clerk WE RE;OOMlMEND: 1. That a By-Law be passed re"appointing Albert Auckland as .county's representative on the Sl. Thomas Suburban Road CDm- for a five-year term starting July 1st, 1973. All of which is respectfully submitted. 138 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1973 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin CDunty CDuncil, The Finance 'Committee repDrts ,as follows: 1. That tile grant receiV1lble by ,the 'County, under The PrDperty Tax Stabilization Act, in the .amount .of $77,423.46, be distributed back tD tile local municipalities in ,the fDrm .of a rebate. The rebate tD each municip.ality shall be in accordance with tIleapPDrtiDnment .as established by By-Law No. 2207 aud shall be inacoordauce with the fDllDwing table and paid on ;l)ecember 20th, 1973. Municipality % of Rebate Aylmer "'--""""""'m'___",m, 11.636% ___ Belmont ""___""_______'m___'"" 1.21l3% Dutton "___'m__'__m',_____"""" 1.451% Port Burwell __"___"m,_______ 1.154% Port stauley m',______m',___, 4.699% Rodney ______"'___""',________"",'. 1.135% Springfield m_____m"'__"__"m .529% Vienna "___m""'___m'm_____"', .473% West Lorne "',m,___ mm___ 1.861% AldborDugl1 ""'",___m"m__m 8.186% Bayham ,"""m"'m____m'm__ 9.466% IDDrchester SDuth m____m" 3.003% ;l)unwich 'm"',___.___",""_____m 5.977% Malahide "m'm______m""__",, 11.974% Southwold mon"m",m"'m___ 21.635% Y:armDuth _____mm,"m.mm" 14.1l26% 100.000% All of which is respectfully submitted. Amount of Rebate "m_____$ 9,010.54 '1,001.00 1,123.41 8Il3.46 3,638.13 1,342.30 409.57 266.21 1,440.85 6,337.88 7,328.90 2,325.03 4,627.60 9,270.61l 16,750.57 11,556.23 $77,423.46 R. L. LAKE, Cbairm.an. ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1973 FIRST REPORT the Warden and Members .of the Elgin CDunty CDuncil, The. Elgin Manor Committee reports as follDWS: 1. Mr. R. E. Hines has witlldrawn his resignation as Assistant Ad- ministrator. 2. It is recDmmended that effective April 30th, 11l73, the salary .of Mr. R. E. Hines, Assistaut AdministmWr be increased frDm $7,000.- VOID $8,500.00 per annum ,aud that By-Law No. 2231 be ,amended ac- cordingly. 3. Mr. F. J. 'BDYes, Assistant Administrator, Sunset Haven, Wei- land, has ,been hired ,as Acting AdministratDr of Elgin ManDl', ,at a salary of $14,000.00 per annum, duties to cDmmence June 4th, 1973, .' It is recommended ,tIlat tile necessary By-Law be prepared for pre- ,sent.tiDn to Council fDr his appDinlment. 4. We recommend that the Secretary-Treasurer be given;> day off, with pay, fDr each meeting he attends of the ,Elgin ManDr ;Commit- tee, held during other than normal working hours. AIl of which is respectfully submitted. A. H. UEBiNElR, Chairman. 139 , 140' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1973 SECOND REPORT TD llie Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Elgin ManDr CDmmittee reports as fDllows: 1. That in ,accordance willi the decision Dfthe Ontario LabDurRela" tiDns Board, the emplDymentof Mrs. Gall Milhuan and Miss Mary Richter has been reinstated effective May' 8th, 1973. ,Loss .of earnings in the amount of $1,317.20 and $1,220.08 respectively have been .aU" thori~ed fDr payment. 2. An invitatiDn has been extended to CDunty Councll to . attend a dinner function with the residents 01 theHDme on Toesday, June 19th,. 1973, 'at 4 p.m., in celebration .of SeniDr Citizens' Week. AIl <if which is respectfully submitted. , A. H. ffiElBNER, Chairman. ....." ,," 1/,': ' .." .' .. '. ,.' ..', .. ., ,PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION <:;OMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1973 TD the Warden and Members .of the ElginCDllnty CDUllCil; The Petitions and Ugislation ,Committee reports ,as follDWS: 1. That the resDlution from the TDwn of Newmarket endorsing re- cDmmendations .of the "PrDvincially appointed cDmmittee on Sunday Retail Selling", the "Ontario Law Reform Commission" and the 'I,Provincial Uniform Store Hours Associ,ation" be filed. All .of which is respectfully submitted. G. D. SIMPSON, Ohairman. Ei:JGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL 141 FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT May SessiDn, 1973 . SECOND REPORT To fue Warden and Members .of the 'Elgin CDunty CDunci], The 'Finance 'Committee reports as fDllows: 1. That the letter from Mr. G. W. Lawson, Manager, Municipal Fin- ance Branch, Ministry of Treasury Economics ,and Intergovernmental Af.flairs, ,concerning .. the disposition -of working fund reserves when local government units are restructured be filed. 2. That the request from Mr. 'F. S. Sanders, Chairman .of the Board, Alma Oollege, requesting Council to re-consider the request for a grant be filed. 3. That we recomll1,md tI1at an applicatioll he made tothePrD~ vince fDr a money grant tD assist wifu setting up the second new exl1ibitiDn bullding of the Elgin GDunty Pioneer Museum andalsD au increased yearly grant, in accordance with the motion passed by Museum executive and that a copy ,of the request be sent to Mr. R. K. McNeil, M.P.P. 4. That Memorandum NO.2. to Municipal Clerks along the Great Lakes Shorelines reo FlDOd Damage from the Ministry .of Natural ResDurces he filed. 5. That letter .of explanation ,and Interim ,Claim Forms, under The Property Tax Stabilization Act, from the Ministry of Treasury ECDn- omicsand Intergovernmental Affairs, he tllbled, and that the Deputy Clerk-Treasurer be authDrizedto write and request guidance as to the 'County's rDlejn regard tD the application of the resDurce equali- zation payment .on cilllnty levy fDr 1973. 6. That ,the necessary authority be given tD fue Deputy Treasurer to sign promissory notes .along with the Warden in the absence .of the Treasurer, and that necessary by-law he introduced to CDuncil. R. L.LAKE, Chairman. ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL 143 142 'ELGIN COUNTY ,COUNCIL 7. That we recommend that the Erie Economic Council be dis- solved and tbe 11173 membersllip fees be returned and alSD .any sur- plus be returned to the participating municipalities in accordance with the % .of cDntributiDn. COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT May SessiDn, 1973 8. That the -Deputy Clerk-Treasurer be authorized to purchase six dDzen clip-Dn County ties .of ,a wider style. the Warden and Memhers of the Elgin County Council, All .of which is respectfully submitted. The County GDvernment CDmmittee repDrtsas foIlDWS: PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT 1. That the resDlutiDn from fue Township of Sayham requesting the !.iinister of Treasury ECDnDmicsand IntergDvernmental Affairs to ignDrethe section of the Oxford RegiDnal Study pertatinng to the inclusion of the TDwnship of Hayham in .an OxfDr<;i Regional Munici- pality be endorsed ,and that the endDrsation be distributed tD the Minister of Treasury, ECDnomics and Intergovernmental MJ:airs and .Mr. R. K. McNeil, M:P.P. May Session, 1973 To the Warden and Members .of the Elgin CDunty Council, 2. That the letter from the Association of Municipalities .of Ontario 'ith comments on the Ontario Budget for 1973.and reviewing the 'ole played by the Association and its predecessDr in this regard be 'iled, TIle Property Committee repDrts as follows: 1. That the firm of A. M. Spriet and AssDciates be eng.aged to .as- certain wbich "".alls cDuld be relocated in connection with renovatiDns tD the CDuncil Ohambers and repDrt back tD the June SessiDn. , That the follDwing be named voting delegates for the 1973 Annual :~nference of the AssDciation of Municipalities .of Ontario, to be held TorDnto, August 19th - 22nd: Warden R. N. JohnsDnand Reeve A. Liebner. 2. That the County Library Board, thrDugh the County Engineer, beauthDrized to pave the laneway .off Gladstone Ave., and provide IDr the payment .out of their budget. That during the June Session we invite representatives IrOl\l ,e London Office of tile Ministry of .Communityand SDcial Services 'explain ,the operation and adv,antages .of .a County Welfare system. J. P. NEMETT, Chairman. A'. &i. That a letter be sent tD each of the three Planning Areas asking illeir recDmmendatiDnas to the possibility .of setting up garbage col- :tion and disposal Dna cDunty basis. All .of wIrlch is respectfully submitted. .01 which is respectfully submitted. J. B. WILSON, Chairman. 144 ELGIiN OOUNTY OOUNCIL ,EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE REPORT May Ses,sion, 1973 To the Warden and Members 01 the Elgin CDunty CDuncil, The EducatiDnal 'Committee reports. as follows: . 1. That the bDoklet, prepared by the Ministry .of ODlleges 'and Uni- versities, to inform municipalities of the pDtentiai .of graduates ,rDm the cDmmunity colleges in P.ublic (Municipal) Adminis-lr,atiDn CDurses be filed. 2.' That -Ihe letter from Mr. W. W. SnDw, P.rincipal, .of the Ridge- town College of Agricultural Technology with the number of studen-ls attending from Elgin CDunty be filed. All of wI1ich is respectfully submitted. H. P. deRYK, Chairman. COUNTY OF ELGIN By,Law No. 2254 "To ,Appoint a'Member to the, St. 'Thomas S~burba;n. Road Commission". The Elgin County. Council. enacts: THAT Albert W. Auckland he, and is hereby,appDinted -10 the St. Thomas Suburban Road CDmmission fDr .a term of five years, ef- fecti"e from July 1st, 1973, to June 30tll, 1978. READ a first time this 16th day .of May, 1973. READ a second time this 16fu day of May, 1973. READ a third time, 'and finally passed this 16th day of May, 11l73. G. C. LElViER'I'ON, Depuly Clerk NELSON JOHNSTON, Warden ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 145 " '1'1 I:! ", COUNTY OF ELGIN Ii I, By-Law ND. 2255 a By-Law tD Appoint an Acting AdministratDr for the Elgin County Harne for the Aged". WHEREAS Section 11, SubsectiDn 2 .of the Homes ,Dr the. Aged Rest Homes Act p1'ovidesfuatthe ODuncil .of a municipality that establishes ,and maintains ,a home, may ',appoint"a perSoll't'o';act tem- asadministratDr .of the home for 'a periDd nDt exceeding .one NOW 'I1HERElF'ORE the .Council 01 the CDrporatiDn of the County 01 Elgin enacts as follows: THAT Mr. Fred J. Boyes be and is herebyapp()inted tD 'act tem- por.arily asadministratDr .of the 'Elgin 'County Home [Dr the Aged. THAT fue saida<lministratDr shall carry out an diltiesasrequir- by the RegnlatiDns of the Homes fDr the Aged and Rest H(Jmes :,and such .other duties as directed by the Elgin Manor Com- mittee. 3. THAT Mr. :Boyes shall CDmmence his duties .on June 4th, 1973. 4. THAT his salary, ,as Acting AdministratDr be FDurteen Thousand DDlIars ($14,000.00) per .annum, payable hiweekly. 5. THAT all 'By-Laws inconsistent with fuis By-Law be and the same ,are hereby repealed. READ a first time this 16th day of May, 1973. READ a secDnd time this 16th day of May, 1973. READ a third time, ,and finally passed this 16th day of May, 1973. R. N. J.oHN'STON, Warden G. C. LEV,ERTON, iDeputy Clerk 146 ,E'LGIN OOUNTY OOUiNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law ND. 2256 "Being a, By-Law tD Amend By-Law No. 2231, Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Assistllillt Administrator for tbe Elgin County Home for the Aged". WHEREAS By-Law ND. 2231 deals with IheappDintment .and re- muneratiDn .of au Assistaut Administrator for the Elgin GDunty HDme forfue Aged. AND WHEREAS it ill deemed advisable to change the present salary .of the Assistant Administrator. NOW THEREFORE ,the Council of the CDrporation .of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That Clause (2) .of By-Law ND. 2231, be deleted 'and the following substituted therefDre: "That Ilis salary as Assistant Administrator be 'Eight Thousand Five Hundred dollars ('$8,500.00) per .annum, payable bi-weekly." 2. That this By-Law become effective April 30th, 1973. READ a first time this 16th day .of May, 1973. READ a second .time this 16th day of May, 1973. READ a fuird time, 'and finally passed this 16th day .of May, 1973. G. G. LEVER'I1ON, Deputy Clerk NELSON JOHNSTON, Warden EDGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL 147 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2257 "Being a By~Law to Amend By~Larw No. 2241, a By-Law Authorizing the Warden and Treasurer to Borrow Moneys, by Way of Promissory Notes". WHEREAS By-Law No. 2241, authDrJ.es the Head (Warden) and Treasurer on behalf of the 'CorporatiDn to borrow moneys, from time to time, by way of promissory note, frDm the Bank .of Montreal, tD meet, until the taxes ,are cDilected, the current expenditures of the CorpDmtion for tile year. AND WHERiEAS it has been determined that the Treasurer may not always be availahle tD sign such promissory nDtes; NOW THEREFORE the CDuncil of the CDrpDration of the County .of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That clauses 0) and (3) .of By-Law ND. 2241 be deleted and the fDllowing substituted therefore. (1) The Head 'and the Treasurer Dr Deputy Treasurer are here- by authDrized .on behalf of fue CDrpDation to 'borrow from time to time, by way of promissory note, from the Bank .of Montreal, a sum 01' sums not exceeding in the ,aggregate TWD MilliDn, Three Hundred ThDusand dDilars tD meet, until the taxes are cDllected, the current expenditures of the Corporation for tile year, including theamonnts required for the purpDses mentiDned in subsection ;( 1) of the said Section 329, aud to ,give, on behalf .of the 'CorpDratiDn, to the Bank a promissory note Dr nDtes, sealed with the cDrporate seal and signed by ,tIlem fDr the mDneys so borrDwed with interest at 'a rate nDt ex- ceeding 8 per centum per annum, which may be paid inadvauce or otherwise. ;(3) The Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer is hereby authDrized and directed to apply in payment of all sums bDrrDwed pursuant tD the authDrity .of tllis By-Law, as well as ail .other sums bDrrDwed in this year 'and any previDus years, from fue said Bank fDr any Dr all 148 EWIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL Dt the pUrpDses mentioned in the said Section 329, tDgether with in- terest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received on aCcDunt or realized in respect .of lhe taxes levied fDr the current year and preceding years ,and all of the mDneys coll.ected or received from any .other sDurce, which may lawfully he ,applied fDr such pur- pose. 2. That this by-law be made effective retroactive to April 15th, 1973. READ a first time this 16tih day of May,. 1973. ~EAD ,a second ,time this 16th day of May, 1973. READ a third time, ,and finally passed this 16th day of May, 1973. G. C. LEVER'l'ON, Deputy Clerk NElLSON JOHiNSTON, Warden ELGIN OOUNTYOOUNCfL 149 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2258 "A By-Law to eonfirm Proceedings of the Council of the CorporaUon <vI tihe County of Elgin at the May Session, 1973'-'. WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Ohapter 284 of the Revised Statutes .of Ontario, 1970, tihe powers of a municipal corpDratiDn are to be exercise.d hy its cDuncil. AND WHEREAS hy SubsectiDn 1 of Section 241 of the Municipal Act, being Ohapter 284 .of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every GDuncil are ,to be exercised by By-Law; AND WfiER~:;AS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Council of 'the CorpDratiDn .of tbe County of Elgin 'at tllis meeting be confirmed and ,adopted by By-Law; NOW 'l'HEREFORE the GDunci! of the CorporatiDn of the CDunty .of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That .actlDn .of the Counci! .of the CDrpDration of the CDunty .of Elgin in respect of eacll recommendation cDntained 'in the Reports of ' the Oommittees and 'each motion 'and resolution p.assed and other "ctiDn taken by tile CDunci! of the CDrp@atiDn .of the County .of ,Elgin at iis meetings held during the May 11173 SessiDn is hereby adopted and cDnfirmed ,as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in tI1is By-Law. 2. The Warden and prDper officials .of the CDrporatiDn .of the CDun- ty .of Elgin 'are herebyauthDrized and directed tD do all things neces- sary to give effect to theactiDn .of the Council of the CDrporatiDn .of the GDunty of 'Elgin referred to in preceding sectiDn hereDf. 3. 'l'he Wardeuaud the Clerk are ,authorized and directed tD exe- cute .all dDcuments necessary intihat behalf and tDaffixtheretD the Seal of the Gorporation .of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 16th day .of May, 1973. READ a second time this 16th day of May, 1973. REWa third time, ,and finally passed this 16th day .of May, 1973. G. a.LEVERTON, Deputy Clerk NElLSON JOHiNST.oN, Warden 150" ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL JUNE SESSION -FIRST DAY Wednesday, the 20th day .of June. 1973 The Elgin CDunty CDuncil met this day at the Court HDuse, St. Thomas, in accordance with ,adjDurnment. The Warden in the Chair. All members present except Reeve Todd. Moved hy Deputy Reeve Whalls Seconded by Reeve Caverly That the minutes of the May 1973 Session of the -Elgin County Council be confirmed. -Carried. The fDllDwing CDmmunicatiDns were read and referred to the variouS' 'committees: FrDm the OntariD Hydro with letter re: SOONV TransmissiDn Line Study NanticDke - LOndon with invitation tDattend a meeting tD he held at Ontario HydrD Western Regional Office, 1075 Welling- tDn Avenue, LDndDn,.on June 25th, 1973. - Referred to the RDad Committee. From M. M. I)jllDn Limited with letter reo Planning Services. - Referred to the County GDvernment Committe". From the City ',of St. Gatharines witll resolution to petitiDn the Department .of CDnsumer and CDmmercial Relations to enact legis- latiDn to permit municipalities to issue licenses tD lDcal cI1aritable and religious organizatiDns .and grDups tD manage and conduct lDt- tery operatiDDS where tihe total .of all prizes to be awarded witllin ,a single operatiDn dDes not exceed $5,000.00. - Referred to the County GDvernment CDmmittee. From the Ministry of Treasury, ECDnomics and Inte"govern~ mental Affairs with ,acknowledgement of letter of May 17, 1973, tD the HDnourable John White regarding the preference .of Bayham ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 151 Township tD remain in the 'County .of Elgin in any local government reorganiz.ation. - Filed. ,From Sheriff and Local Registrar, Mr.E. P. Ray witll lett~r advising that paint .or plaster is falling frDma spot in the ceiling .of the main Court Room and in tile Judge's retiring rODm: - Referred to the Property CDmmittee. From the Ministry .of LabDur with -copy .of tbe CDnstruction Safe- ty Act, 1973. -Referred to the RDad 'Committee. From the Ministry .of Treasury, EconDmics and IntergDverl!- mental Affairs advising that the 1972-73 Provincial-Municipal Em- ployment Incentive Program has been extended to June 30th, 1973. - Filed. From the Ministry .of Treasury , ECDnomics and Intergovern- mental Affairs with letter and CDPy .of tihe Shoreline PrDperty Assist- ance Act, 1973. - Filed. From the University of Guelph witll letter re: services it prD- vides to the .agrlcultural industry .and the 'CDuses available in Agri- culture at the University. - Referred to the Agricultural Com- mittee. FDm the Ministry .of Natural Resources with letteracknDw- ledging receipt of letter and resDlution concerning the remDval of the Department .of Lands and 'FDrests Office from Aylmer tD LOn- don explaining the reaSDn for the change in Dper,ation .of the new Ministry. - Filed. FrDm the Township .of SoutbWDld witih Notice of Application tD the OntariD Municipal Board by the OorpDratiDn of tile Township of Southwold fDr apprDval .of a by-law to regulate land use passed pur- suant to Section 35 of the Planning Act ,aud a CDPy .of Township of SOUthWDld by-law No. 73-11. - Referred tD the Road Committee. FrDm the Archives of .ontario, Historical and Museums Bmnch with letter acknowlegging receipt .of letters dated May 17th and 18th cDncerning the Museum ,grant programme .aud 'advising that tile revised regulatiDns governing museum grants are pending final ap- provalaud authDrizatiDn. - 'Filed. 152 ELGFNOOUNTY COUNCIL FrDm the AssDciation .of Counties ,and Regions of Ontario with letter re: Construction Safety InspectiDn. - Referred to the Road Committee. 'FrDm. the Ministry of Labour with letter re: the introdoction .of a <New CDnstruction Safety Act. -- Referred to the RDad Committee. f<'rom the Ministry of Community and Social Services witb letter reo SeniDr Citizens' Week, le73. -Filed. FrDm Mr. E. ,F. S. Sanders, Chairman .of the Board of Alma CDllege, with letter .of .appreciatiDn fDr CDuncil giving its cDnsider- ation to the Board's request for re-consideration .of a grant tD Alma ,College. - 'Filed. FrDm WaterlDD Lutheran University with appreciation of SchDl- arships. - Filed. 'From the Ministry of TransportatiDn and Communications with Memo ND. 73-05 ,circulars 73-047, 73-043, and Memo No. 73-05A. .:. Referred tD the RDad Committee. From the Elgin 'County R.C.s.S. BDard with letter .advising that the !Board has gone on record supporting the resolution of the TDwn- ship of Bayharn, dated April 3Q, 1973, concerning the inclusion .of the said municipality in the Oxford Regional Municipality. - Filed. !From the Townsllip of Yarmouth with Notice of Appliction to the Ontario Municipal BDard for ,apprDval of a by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of the Planning Act and a copy of Township of Yarmouth by-law No. 2217. - Referred to the RDad Committee. Fmm the TDwnship of Bayham, a letter advising that the Bay- ham TDwnship CDuncil had endorsed the resDlution from the Town, ship ,of Essa requesting tihat road subsidy allocati<>lls be made in a lump sum. - ,Filed. From the St. ThDmas-Elgin Children's Aid Society with copy .01 letter from the Ministry of Community and SDcJai Services to Mr. John Wight ,apprDving the 1973 Estimate of EJ<penditures of the Chil- dren's Aid Society. - Filed. 153 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL ,From the Bank of MDntreal with letters dated May 25th and June 7th, advising of increases in the rate of interest charged on current borrDwings. The letter of June 7th 'advising that. tbe interes't as ,.of May 28th has increased '14% tD 7'4 per cent. - Filed. FrDm Ontario Hydro with informatiDn reo meetings ,being held with respect to ,the Nanticoke - London TransmissiDn Line. - Re- lerred tD the RDad Committee. the Ministry of Labour witih letter reo ResPDnslbility fDr Safety InspectiDns. - Referred tD .the Road Com- From the Association of Oounties ,and Regions of Ontario with June Newsletter and the Opening Statement and the Closing State- ment to the Ontario 'l'ri-Level Conference by Mayor D. G. Newman, Chairman of the Municipal DelegatiDn. - Referred to tile County ,<Government Committee. From Mac's Milk Limited with letter reo the resolutiDn from the Town of N ewmarket regarding certain types of stores being per- mitted tocDnduct business on Sunday and a CDPy 01 the submission 01 Mac's Milk Limited tD tbe Department of Labour and ,a 'Brief Outlining the pDsitiDn 01 Mac's Milk Limited on Sunday StDre Open- Jngs. - Filed. From .the Ontario Munic.ip'al ReCreatiDn Associations with tWD resolutions: (1) Requesting the Government .of Ontario to make funds avail- 'able to snowmDbile clubs IDr the prDvisiDn of facilities tD snowmD- bile enthusiasts, .aud - (2) That the Ontario Municipal Recreation Association study Ie avail.ability .of unused or propDsed disoontinued railway line for ,e purpDse .of recreatiDn. - Referred tD the 'County GDvernment mmittee. Frolllthe Ministry of the Environment with letteraud copy of :11lDrmation BrDchure for the Thames River Basin Stndy - Referre(i ;o'!he County Government CDmmittee. . 154 -ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCfL A letter from Nick Vandenburg, H. T. Carter, Gerald D. LInd- say, Earl Douglas, Jlack Johnston, J'ames F. J,ohnston mid D. !E. Parkins propDsing that a service rDad he hnilt alDng the nDrtllern alignment of the prDposed St. ThDmas -Expressway aud tD exit .at WellingtDn RDadanda couy ofa letter to the iMinistry of Transport- ation and CDmmunications outlining the I;Casons why the service road is needed. - Referred tD the Road Committee. ,From the Elgin Oounty Lihrary BDard with two resDlutiDns, re- garding an amalgamation of the St. Thomas Libl'ary Board and the Elgin CDunty Library Board. - Tabled. Mr. DriscDIl, Mr. HamiltDnand Mr. Teather of the Ministry .of Community and Social Services were present ,and it was moved hy Reeve -EmersDn and Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit, "That' the delegation frDm the Ministry of Community and SDcial Serv:ices be now heard." -Carried. Mr. HamiltDn spoke tD CDuncil and explained the advantages .of a CDunty Welfare Unit .and Mr. Driscoll ,answered questiDns and ad" vised what counties presently have a welfare unit. They reported tihat the CDSt .of welfare, including nursing homes, in Elgin 'County in 1972 was $353,369.00 of which the municipalities were required tD pay $73,438.00. In the opinion -of 'the delegatiDn, the County would need, fDr ,administrative purposes, an 'administrator, two office clerks ;and three field wDrkersa at an estimated cost .of $43,'000.00 per annum and the P~ovincial GDvernment would pay 50% ,of this expenditure. The cDunty would he required to provide office "pace, furniture and equipment for the unit. The W.arden thanked the members of the delegatiDn fDr visiting council and prDviding information regarding a (,ounty welfare unit. The Treasurer's RepDrt w.as presented. MDved by Reeve Lake SecDnded by Reeve HDdgsDn That the Treasurer's 'RepDrt be accepted and printed in the pro- ceedings. -Carried. ElIJGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 155 The Report of the Road Committee was presented by Reeve Dennis and adDpted on motion of Reeve Dennis ,and Reeve Caverly. MDVed by Reeve Schafer SecDnded by Reeve Lake That a by-law be passed setting the maximum weight that cau be carried on the RDloson hridge .on County RDad ND. 38 at 5 tDns. - Carried. At the request of Reeve Wilson, 'Engineer R. G. Moore gave ,a vel'bal report of wI1at had been done, up to the present time, to im- pr,ove the safety .of the intersection of CDunty Road No. 37 and ND. 47 at A VDn. The Report .of the Elgin Manor Committee was presented by Reeve Liebner and adopted on motiDn .of Reeve Liebner and Reeve Hodgson. Moved by Reeve Dennis Seconded by Reeve Liebner 1. That all dheques .of the CorporatiDn drawn .on its Elgin 'Coun- ty Home for tbe Aged Trust AccDunt be signed on its behalf by The Administrator, SecretarY-TrMsurer, Deputy Secretary-TTeasurer (Any TWD). 2. That The Administator -or the Secretary-Treasurer of the CDrpomtion be and is hereby autihDrized fDr and .on behalf .of the Corporation tD .negDtiate witl!, depDsit with or transfer to the Bank .of MDntreal {hut for credit .of the said 'CorporatiDn account only) all Dr any Bills of Exchange, PromissDry Notes, Cheques and Orders for tihe payment of money and other negDtiahle paper, ,and for the said purpose tD endDrse the same or any of them .on behalf of the said Corporation, either in writing or by ruhber stamp. 3. That The Administator or Secretary-TTeasurer be.and isvare hereby authorized fDrand .on behalf of the said Corporation frDm time to time to .arrange, settle, balance .and certify all books and accounts between the said CorpDraitonand the Bank; and to receive all paid chequesaud vouchers, unp,aid ,and unaccepted bills of ex- and Dthel' negDtiable instruments. 156 ELGIN' COUNTY COUNCIL 4. That The Administrator or Secretary-Treasurer be ,and is/are hereby autl10rized fDr and on behalf of the said Corporation to .obtain delivery frDm the said Bank .of ,all Dr any stocks, bDnds and other securities held by the said Bank in safekeeping or otherwise for tile account of the Corporation and to give valid .and binding receipts tihere~or . 5. That this resDlutiDn be cDmmunicated tD tbe said Bank and remain in force until written notice tD the contrary shall have been giVen to the Manager ~or the time being at the 'Branch of the Bank at which tihe ,acCDunt .of said ODrpDration is kept ,and receipt of such notice duly acknDwledged in writing. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Liebner Seconded by Reeve Dennis 1. That all cheques .of the 'CorpDration drawn .on its Elgin CDunty HDme ~or the AgedaccDunt be signed on its behalf by The Administrator , Secretary-Treasurer and Deputy Secretary-Treasurer (Any TwD). 2. That The AdministratDr or the Secretary-Treasurer of the CorpDratiDn be and is hereby autho'rized ~Dr and on behalf .of tbe Corporation tD negotiate with, deposit with or transfer tD tile Bank .of MDntreal (but fDr credit of the said Corpor,ation ,acc,ount .only) all or any Bins of Exchange, Promissory --N-otes, Cheques and Orders fOol' the payment of mDneyand other negotiable paper ,and for the said purpose to endorse the same Dr any of tIlem on behalf of the said CorpDr,ation, either in writing or by rubber stamp. 3. That The Administrator or Secretary-Tr"asurer be 'and is/ are hereby authorized for and on behalf of the said CorpDratiDn from time tD time toarange, settle, balance ,and cel'my ,all bDOks and aCcDunts between the said ODrporatiDn ,and the Bank; and to receive' all paid cheques and vDuchers, unpaid and una,ocepted bills of ex- change and otber negotiable instruments. 4. That The Administrator or Secretary-Treasurer be and is/are hereby authorized ~Drand on behalf .of the said CDrporation ,to ob. tain delivery from the said Bank .of ,all or 'any stDcks, bonds and other securities held by the s'aid bank in 's'afekeeping or .otherwise for tbe account of theCorpor.ationand to give valid and binding re- ceipts therefor. - ELGIN COUNTY COUNC1L 157. 5. That this resolutiDn becDmmunicated to the said 'Bank aud remain in force until written nDtice to the contr,ary shall have been .given tD tbe Manager for the time being at the Branch of the Bank at which the account .of the said CDrporatiDn is kept and receipt of such nDtice duly acknDwledged in writing. -Oarried. Moved by Reeve Miskelly SecDnded by Deputy Reeve McBrien That we do nDW ,adjourn to meet again on June 20, 11l73, at 2:00 p.m. - Carried'. ,Council Re-Convened. A letter from the Bank of Montreal advising tIlatas of June 12, 1973, the interest rate on bank bor,rDwings will be 7% % was pre- sented. Moved by Deputy Reeve Whalls Seconded by Reeve Cook That the letter frDm the Bank of Montreal reo interest rates be filed. -Carried. The Warden and Reeve Dennis, Chairmau of the Road 'Commit- tee, made the following presentations. TD Mr. Russell C. FDro - a watch .and certificate .of Merit fDr having been a valued emplDyee of the County .of Elgin fDr twenty- five years. And tD Mr. Glenn R.OrDSS, Mr. Roher! J. Glover and Mr. James L. R. Watters, a certificate of Merit for having been valued em- plDyees of the County of Elgin fDr ten years. Reeve K. C. EmersDn, Chairman .of the NegDtiatingCommittee, gave a verbal report explaining majDr points in the CDllective Agree- ment between tihe CDrpDratiDn of the Oounty of Elginaud LDndon and District Bui.1ding Service Workers' UniDn, Local 220, S.E.LU. A.F. .of L., .0.1.0., C.l..C., with respect tD the 'Corpor,ations' Em- plDyees at tile Elgin Manor. 158 ElLGlN COUNTY OOUNCIL Mr. George Pbillips, solicitor for tbe Couny .of Elgin negotiat- ing committee, spoke hriefly with respect tD the 'uegDtiations. The Report of the County GDvernment Committee was present- ed hy Reeve WilsDn. Moved hy Reeve Wilson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Whalls That the Report of the CDunty GDvernment Committee be ,ad- opted. Moved by Reeve <Emerson Seconded hy Reeve Lyle That we vote .on each clause in the County GDvernment CDm- mittee repDrt separately. The VDte was as fDllows: -Carried. Clause Clause Clause Clause Clause Clause Clause Clause 1 Carried 2 Carried 3 Carried 4 Carried 5 CaTried 6 Carried 7 Carried 8 Carried Reeve HodgsDn requested a recorded vote .on Clause 9, the re- sult being as ~OllDWS: Yea - R. N. Jollnston (2),L. R. OarrDll, D. K. CDok (2), C. Young '(2), W. R. Caverly (2), H. P. deRyk (2), J. L. Dennis (2), M. A. Schafer, J. B. Wilson, G. R. Pettit, A. T. Miskelly (2), S. R. McBrien (2), K. C. ElmersDn, J. W. HodgsDn, M. A. KaI1nt, J. P. Nemett, W. R. WI1alls, A. H. Liebner, C. W. Bates, R. L. 'Lake. - Total 28. . Nay - D. K. McKillop, G. D. Simpson, <E. A. Lyle (2), G. W. MDn- teith. Total 5. Clause 9 Carried Clause 10 Carried ElLGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 159 The Report of the 'County GDvernment ,Committee was 'adopted as presented. After the re'Port of the Committee w,asadopted, the Warden named lhe Local Government study Committee plus Deputy Reeve Whalls .as the CDmmittee tD meet with the St. Thomas City CoulICil and the St. ThDmas Libvary Board with respect to joint develDpment of County ,and City Library Services. The Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Nemett ,and ,adDpted .on motion of Reeve Nemett and Deputy Reeve YDung. The Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Lyle ,and ad.opted on mDtiDn .of Reeve Lyle and Reeve McKillop. Moved by Reeve EmerSDn SecDnded by Reeve Liebner ResDlved that Mr. George Phillips of the firm .of HerDld and Phillips, Sl. Thomas, be 'appointed legal ,cDunsel in matters relating to lahour velatiDns. - Carried. MDVed by Reeve Wilson SecDnded by Reeve Liebner That By-Law No. 2259, "Restricting the Weight of Vehicles l'ass- ing over Bridges," be read a first time. -Carried. MDVed by Reeve Lyle Seconded by Reeve Wilson That By-Law No. 2259 be read a secDnd time. ---Carried. MDved by Deputy Reeve SimpsDn Seconded by Reeve Lyle That ,By-Law No. 2259 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Schafer Seconded by Deputy Reeve SimpsDn That By-Law No. 2260, "Being ,a By-Law to AuthDrize the Ex,," 160 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL cution of a Collective Agreement Between the Corp .oration of the County of Elgin and LondDn .and District -Building Service Workers' Union, ,LDcal 220, S.E.LU., A.F. of L., C.LO., C.L.G., witb respect to the CDrpDration's ElmplDyees at the Elgin Manor, be read ,a first time. -Carried. MDved by Deputy Reeve SimpsDn Seconded hy Reeve Liebner That By-Law ND. 2260 be read ,a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Uebner SecDnded by Reeve Lyle That By-Law -iND. 2260 he read a tllird time ,and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McBrien Seconded by Deputy Reeve Schafer That By-Law No. 2261, "A By,Law to CDnfkm PrDceedings .of the CDuncil of the Corporation .of the GDunty .of Elgin at the June Session, 1973" be read a first time. -Carried. MDVed by Reeve McKiIlDP Seconded by Reeve Lyle That ,By-Law ND. 2261 ,be read a secDnd time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lyle SecDnded by Reeve McKiIlDp That By-Law -iND. 2261 be read a third time and finally passed. -Garried. MDVed by Deputy Reeve GarrDll SecDnded by Reeve Liebner That we do nDW 'adjourn to meet ,again .on S"iptember Ill, 1973, at 10 ,a.m. H. L. JOHNS.oN,. Clerk -Caxried. R. N. JOHNSTON, Warden ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 161 COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT June Session. 1973 TD tile Warden and Members .of the Elgin CDunty CDuncil, I beg to submit the ~oilowing statement .of Receipts aud Expend- itures from January 1st, 1973, to May 31, 1973. Receipts Balance in Bank aud on hand J.auuary 1st, 1973 __'" ,______,$ 57,719.79 Notes Payable __"',,"'''''''____ ,__________,,,__"'____ __________,"''''$335,000.00 County Rates "'__,____"''''____,''' __"',________ ____'" 31,880.15 County Rates 'collected under SectiDn 43 ,______ 6,637.85 Licenses and Permits __"'.."',"'''' m__m""'''''''____ __, .__" 94.00 Interest ,,"'''''''''____''m ________,,"'''''''__ m____""''''''__m''''' __"''''" 285.15 Oounty Roads____"",__ m______ __"',,""'__ ,,____"''''______,,__ __"'__ 745,850.95 Charity and Welfare __""', ________"'''''' ____,,____"'''',,''''''' ____ 976.40 GI1ildren's Aid SDcietY""",m __ ,,__"''''''__ ____""'__"__,,,,____,, 660.12 Agricnlture ,,____""'_____ ______"'____ ______________"'__ 1,430.77 Miscellaneous Revenue "'''''' "'________"'____ "__,,,,__ ' 37.25 RecDvery of Rentals ________"'" ,,__ m__"''''''______'''__'''____''' 10,845.52 Care of !Buildings (Adm. .of Justice) __,,__"'__________ 5,803.05 Registry Office m____"'______m __"'''''''___________"",________ __ __" 115.00 Laud DivisiDn ,Committee _____"",,,"'__ ____"'''''''__________''' 3,660.00 $1,143,676.21 $1,201,386.00 ExpendItures Members' wages Officers Salaries Printing, Postage and StatiDnery Care .of Buildings Grants, Associations, Scholarships, Miscellaneous Expense County Roads Children's Aid SDcieties Interest Aibatement of Taxes ~icU\ltme Registry Office Elgin-St. ThDmas Health Unit County Library Land Division Committee Notes Payable ""'____.$ 17,67'1.45 14,953.57 2,963.21 10,256.83 2,641.16 5,990.56 ,__",504,661.04 23,235.00 3,1-98.33 2,725.88 4,1~5.00 1,027.14 25,731.00 30,000.00 2,656.65 335,000.00 etc. , 986,854.20 214,541.80 Balance in Bank May 31, 1973 $1,201,396.00 1162 :ELGEN COUNTY OOUNCfL ELGIN MANOR Balance in Bank and .on hand January 1st, 1973nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.$ 32,364.66 Receipts nnnnn.m nnnnnnnnnnnnmnnmmnmn_nmn nmnnn nnnnnmn_nmmnnmmmmmm 323,714.53 El<penditures 356,071l.19 311,065.1l6 Balance in 'Bank ,and on haud May 31, 1973 n nnnmn$ 45,013.23 All of which is respectfully submitted. G. C. LEV,ERTON, Deputy CDunty Clerk and Treasurer ROAD CONrnUTTEE REPORT June Session, 1973 TD the Warden and Members of the Elgin CDunty Council, YDur RDad Committee repDrts as follDWS: 1. Wet weather has delayed new grading wDrk ,and tile cDmpletiDn of wDrk .rom last year. 2. Paving by Walmsley Brothers Limited is underway on County Road No. 40. 3. The new Garage 'at White Station is expected tD he in use by the end of the mDnth. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. L. DENNIS, Charimau ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 183 ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1973 TD the Warden and Members .of the Elgin CDunty CDuncil, The Elgin ManDr CDmmittee repDrts ,as follDWS: 1. The tender .of Black & McDonald Ltd., in the amount .of $3,791.00 has been accepted 'Dr supplying aud installing the fol- lowing: (a) sewage pump (b/ circulating pnmp (c) line feeder Cd) re-arrange emergency power distribution. 2. The per diem rate to be cI1fWged full pay residential care will be $10.60 effective July ,}st, 1973. 3. We recommendlhat Oounty CDuncil pass a resolution nam- ing the Administrator, Secretary-Treasurer, Deputy Secretary-Treas- urer, (any tw.o )as signing authorities for the Trust AccDunt. 4. The AdminislratDr, Assistant Administrator and Nursing Supervisor have been authorized to attend the HDmes fDr the Aged CDnvention, in TDrDnto, September 16 tD 19, 1973, willi expenses paidn All of which is respectfully submitted. A. H. LIElBiNER, Ohairman 164 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1973 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin CDunty Council, The County Government 'Committee reports as follDWS: 1. That the letter from M. M. Dillon Limited reo Planning Ser- vices be filed. 2. That the resDlution frDm the City ,of St. Catharines petitiDning tihe Department .of Consumer and CDmmercial Relations to enact legislation to permit municipalities to issue licenses to local chari- table and Religious .organizations and gronps to manage and conduct lottery operations where the tDtal .of all prizes to he awarded with- ina single oper,atiDn does nDt exceed $5,000 be filed. 3. That the cDrrespondence from the AssDciation .of Counties and RegiDns .of OntariD including the June Newsletter and the Opening Statement and the Closing Statement t.o the Ontario Tri-Level 'Col)- ference by Mayor G. D. Newman, Chairman .of the lVlunicipal Dele- gatiDn be filed. 4. That the Resolutions from The Ontario Municipal RecreatiDn AssDciatiDn reo SnDwmobile Clubs and unused railway lines be filed. 5. That the gentleman wI10 calls at the County Clerk's .office with respect to the Thames River Basin Study, hew referred to the lo- cal municipalities within the watershed. 6. That we recDmmend that the arrangements fDr the Warden's banquet be left with the ReceptiDnand Entertainment Committee and that they advise the Clerk-Treasurer's Office by July 15th, 1973, of the arrangements. The list of guests tD be all members ,and offi- cials .of County CDuncil, aud the perSDns on the cDmplimentary list. Each of the 'ahove named persDns to bring their wife or busband. The Reception and Entertainment 'Committee be given power to ,add to tbe list of guests if adequate accommodation is available. ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 165 7. That the Secretary-Treasurer of the Land DivisiDn ODmmittee be empDwered to hire part time help ,as required. 8. That the CDunty pay $3.00 per hour fDr part time .office help. 9. That the 'County gD intD a CDunty Welfare Unit as of January 1st, 1974. 10. We recommend that the Warden name .a committee from Coun- ty CDuncil to ,apprDach the St. ThDmas City Council and the St. ThDmas Library Board as requested by a jDint meeting .of the Sl. ThDmas Library BDard and the Elgin County Library B(}ad held on June Illth, 1973. All of wI1ich is ,respectfully submitted. J. B. WILSON, Chairman PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1973 TD the Warden and Members .of the Elgin CDunty Council, The Property 'Committee repDrts ,as fDllows: 1. That the matter of renovating the Council Chambers be tabled tD the September meeting of Council. 2. That the Clerk-Treasurer be authorized to have a plastering CDn- tractor examine the plaster in the Cornt RODm aud Judge's retiring room and give a report on the cDnditiDn ,and possible remedy. 3. That the County Engineer's staff be authDrized to supervise the assembling .of items that are stored in the hasement and elsewl1ere in the CDurt House, for prepar,ation for offering fDr tender to the public, ,after ,any items that the Museum may wish to obtain for dis- play purpDses. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. P. NElMETT, Chairman '166 ELGlN OOUNTY OOUNCIL AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1973 To tihe Warden and Members .of the Elgin CDunty Council, The Agricultural Committee repDrts ,as fDllDWS: 1. That the letter frDm the University of Guelph regarding the ser- vices it provides to the agricultural industry and the CDurses be filed. All of which is respectfully submitted. B. A. LYLE, Chairman COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2259 "Restricting the Weight of Vehicles P3issing Over Bridges'" WHEREAS SuhsectiDn8 of Section 64 of the Highway Traffic Act <a.S.O. 1970) provides that: The Municipal GDrpDratiDn Dr other authority having jurisdictiDn .over a bridge may by By-Law approved by the Ministry make re- gulations limiting the gross weight of any vehicle or comhinatiDn .of vehicles or ,any ,class thereDf passing .over such bridge: AND W!HEREAS it is deemed expedient tD limit the weight .of vehicles passing .over certain bridges in the GDunty of tl!Jlgin: NOW THERFORE the Oouncil of the 'CorporatiDn .of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. No vehicle Dr CDnlbinatiDn .of vehicles or any class thereof whe- ther empty .or loaded, shall be operated .over any bridge designated in Schedule No.1, forming part of this By-Law with a weight in ex- cess of weight limit prescribed in the Scfuedule fDr such bridge. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 1~ 2. Any person viDlating ,auy of the prDvisions of this By-Law shall be subject to the penalty provided in SectiDn 152 .of the Highway Traffic Act. 3. This By-Law shall nDt become effective until approved by lIhe Ministry .of Transportation and GDmmunications 'and until .a notice of the weight permitted, legibly printed, has been pDSted up in a cDnspicuous place at either end of each bridge designated in the attached Schedules. READ ,a first Umethis 20th day .of June, 1973. READ a second time this 20th day of June, 1973. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of June, 1973. H. L. J.oHNSON, Clerk R. N. JOHNSTON, Warden 168 ELGIN COUNTY. COUNCIL '<i ,."" "g~ ~~. " .S -~ o e 1;1~ ~i!l 8 ~ := .S .~P-l-> tI.l 0 "'s" '" Il:i fS:;:1~ ~ i>< E-< Z ~ ., .~ 0 '"' "' Q Z " ~ 0 0 H 1;l eLl ~ '<i el " " iil 1'1;& ~ ".;:: z~ 'g S~ Wo .~ ~z~ " '3'" ll- iJZ eLl ~ !:l " o '"' ~ '" ~ "' fii o _ ;:l~ ~~ ~~ " 38 g! "' .Sl S ~ o ~ .Q ... ElLGIN OOUNTY' OOUNCIL 169 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2260 "Being a By~Law to Authorize the Execution of a 'Collective Agree.. ment Between the CorpOTation of the CDunty of Elgin and London and District Building Service Workers' Union. Local 220, S.E.I.U., A.F. of L., C.I.O., C.L.C. With Respect to the Cmporation's Employees at the Elgin Manor." WHEREAS the LondDn ,and District 'Building Service WDrkers' Union, Local 220, by certificate dated Decemher 20th, 1972, is the certified bargaining ,agent for theemplDyees of El~in Manor, save and except Supervisors, persons above tme rank 'Of Supervisor, Reg~ istered Nurses, Office Staff, persons regularly employed fDr not more than twenty-four hours per week, ,and students emplDyed dur- ing the school vacation periDd. ~ND WHEREAS negotiatiDns have taken place over .a period of time, between the CDunty and the Union, tDwards establishing .or- derly collective bargaining relatiDnsand providing an orderly pro- cedure for the disPDsition .of 'griev,ances and defining working cDndi- tions and terms of emplDyment for ,all employees wftlDare repre- sented by tihe UniDn, in the form of ,a Collective Agreement. ANI) WHEREAS agreement has now been reached by bDth par- ties .on the said prDcedure, conditiDns and terms .of emplDyment to 'be included in .an agreement. NOW THERElF'ORE it is hereby enacted that the Warden and Clerk of the Oounty .01 Elgin be and ,are Ilereby empowered to sign the Collective Agreement ,cheretD attached as Schednle A) between the County of Elgin and the LondDn and District Bnilding Service Workers' Union, LDcal 220, S.E.I.U., A.F. of L., .0.1.0., C.L,C" set- ting forth collective bargaining relations, dispDsition .of grievanes and to define wDrking conditions and terms .of employment for all employees of Elgin ManDr, represented by fue said Union. READ a first time this 20th day of June, 1973. READ a 'second time this 20th day of June, 1973. READ .a third time and finally passed this 20th day of June, 1973. H. L. JOHNSON, R. N. JOHNSTON, Clerk Warden 170 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL SCHEDULE A COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT THIS AJGREEMENT made the 29th day of JUNE, 1973. - BETWEEN - THE CORPORATION OF THE OOUNTY OF ELGIN (hereinafter called "The EmpIDyer") with respect tD the CorpDmtion's employelljS at The Elgin ManDr, St. Thomas, - and - LONDON AND DISTRICT BUILDING SERVICE WO~KERS' UNrON, LOCAL 220, S.E.I.U., A.F. .of L., c.I.a., C.L.C. (hereinafter called "The Union") WHE~EA:S the Union by certificate dated December 20th, 1972, is the 'certified hargainingagMt for the emplDyees .01 the Corpom- tion of the County 01 Elgin at its Elgin Mauor at St. ThDmas, save and except Supervisors, persons of above the rank of Supervisor, Registered Nurses, Office Staff, persons regularlyemplDyed for not mDre than twenty-four hours per week, and students employed during the school vacatiDn periDd. . NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH: ARTICLE 1 - GENERAL PURPOSE 1.01 The general purpose of this agreement is to establish orderly collective bargaining relations hetween the Employer and its employees at The Elgin ManDr and to prDvidean orderly prD- 'cedure fDr the dispDstion of grievances and to !iefine wOPking conditiDns audterms .of employment for ,all emplDyees WhD are covered by the provisions of tihis agreement. ARTIOLE 2 - UNION RECOGNITION 2.01 The Elmployer recognizes the Union as the sDle Oollective Bar- gaining Agent fDr: All full time employees of the Employer WilD ,are employed at ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL the Elgin Manor at St. Thomas, save and except Supervisors, persons ,above the rank of Supervisor, Registered Nurses, Office Staff, persons regularly employed for not more than twenty- fDur hours per week, and students emplDyed during the school vacation period. 2.02 This Agreement shall not apply to residents .of the Elgin ManDr who perform services as therapy, provided, however, that the nse of residents as outlined above shall nDt be used to reduce the number of staff. 2.03(a) The EmplDyer .agrees that there shall be no discriminatiDn, in- timidation, interference, restr,aint or ,coercion exereisedi or practised hy the employer or hyauy of its representatives, with respect to any person (s) because of membership ornDn~mem_ bership in the UniDn, and that memhership in the UniDn by em- ployees who are eligible tD join will not be discouraged. (b) The Union agrees tlhat there shall he nD discrimination, intimi- dation, interference, restraint;Or ooerci011 exercised or pr,ac- tised upon management representatives of the EmplDyer by .any of its ,members .or representatives, because of membership 'or non""memhership in the Union, and that there shall be no Union activlty, solicitatiDn of membersbipor cDllectiDn of dues 'and 'assessments on the Employer's time :and no meetings on the Employer's premises except with the permissiDn of the Em- ployer Dr except as otherwise hereinafter provlded. 2.04 The ElmplDyer agrees tD hargain only with the Union CDncern- ing emplDyees in the hargaining unit described in Clause 2.01 and the Employer undertakestihat it will not enter into any Dth- eragreement with the said employees either individually Dr col- lectively, which will conflict with any of the prDvisiDns .of this Agreement. ARTICLE 3 - MANAGEMENT RIGHTS The Union acknowledges that it is the exclusive functiDn tD the Employer to : 3.01 Maintain .order, disciplineaud efficiency: 171 w Ii; ,;, '.1:" 1.72 Ewm COUNTY COUNCIL 3.02 Establish llnd enforce rules and regulations ne<:essaTY to main- tain order, discipline and efficiency and generaily gDverning the cDnduct of <the employees, provided these rules and regula- tiDns Shall nDt be incDnsistent with the provisions of this .agree- ment. It is agreed that prior to introducing new rules and regu- lations the Employer will infDrm the Union Committee .of such rules and regulatiDns. 3.03 Hire, discharge, promote, demote, transier, classify or disci~ pline emplDyees, provided that II claim Dfa discriminatDry , transfer, promotion, demotion or classification 'Or ,3 claim that an emplDyee has been discharged or disciplined without reaSDn- ,able cause may be tile subject .of a grievance and dealt with as hereinafter provided. 3.04 Exercise any of the rights, pDwers, functions or authority which the Employer had prior tD the signing of this Agreement except. as those rights, powers, functions 'Or authorities are specific-ally abridged 'Or mDdified by this Agreement,aud without restricting the generality .of the fDregDing, !!he ,Employer retains the right 1JO generally .operate the hDme in a manner cDnsistent with the obligations of the hDme to the gener.al public in tlie community served. 3.05 Refuse to carry out any term of 1ihis agreement in case .of any labDur dispute Dr condition arising beyond the cDntrol .of the EmplDyer. 3.06 Reserve the right to limit, prohibit, prevent 'or otherwise contrDl political activity on the Employer's premises and, in particu- lar, to prDtect the political neutrality of a.ny employee Dr 'grDUP of emplDyees. ARTICLE 4 - STRmES ANlD LOCKOU~S 4.01 In view .of the orderly procedure established herein for the disposition of complaints and grie'l'ances, the Empioyeragrees that it shail not cause or direct a lockout .of the employees cov- ered by this Agreement or any extension thereof and the UniDn agrees that theresl1all be nD strikes Dr other cDilective .action whi<lh will StDp or iuterfere with the operatiDn of the Home fDr the duratiDn of this Agreement or any extension thereDf. ELmN . COUNTY OOUNCIL 173 4.02 Strike includes a cessation of work, a refusal tD wDrk or to CDn- tinue to work hy employees in combination 'Or in concert. or in accDrdance with a cDmmon understanding or a SIDW dDwn, st.op- page, lahour hDliday, ,continuous meeting or other concerted ac- tivity on the part of 'lhe emplDyees designed to restrict, limit Dr Dtberwise interfere with tihe operation .of the HDme or entry to the Elmployer's property. 4.03 In the event ofa strike in breach .of this agreement the parties shall not discuss the grievance llilegedly causing such a strike Drauy other grievance until such strike is terminated. ARTICLE 5 - UNWN REPRESENTATION 5.01 The Employer acknowledges the right of the Union to appDint or otherwise select a Union Committee composed of not mDre tihan three (3) members and the ElmplDyer will recognize the said ODmmittee in all matters properly arising from time tD time under the terms ,and during tihecontinuance of this Agree- ment, including the negotiations far l 'Or renewal 'Of, this agree:- ment. 5.02 The Employer acknowledges the right of the Union tD ,appDint Dr .otherwise select fDur (4) stewards. 5.03 It is agreed that the business agent of Local 220 Dr the Interna- tional representative .of the ,area or bDth may be present with the Committee at the request .of eitiher the Union or tiheEm- ployer. The UniDnacknowledges audagrees that members of the Union Committee and Stewards have regular duties ,to perfDrm in CDn- nectiDn with their. employment and all ,activities of members of the Committee and Stewards will be carried on ,outside regu- lar wDrking hours unless otherwise mutually agreed Dr .as oth- erwise provided fDr under this Agreement. . Employees shall nDt be eligible tD serve as Stewards or mem- bers of the Union Committee unless they Ilave been in the Em- plDyer's cDntinuous employ fDr at least six (6) mDntl1s. 5.04 5.05 174 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 5.06 The Union Committee and the EmplDyer shall meet once ea$ mDnthat times mutually agreed upon, provldiug there is husi- ness for their joint cDnsideration. iNecessity for a meeting will he indicated by letter frDm either party to theo~her party, con- taining 'an agenda 'Of the subjects to be discussed. 5.07 The UniDn agrees to supply the EmplDyer with the names of the stewards and UniDn Committee members and will keep such list up tD date at all times. ARTWLE 6 - COMPLAINT PROCEDURE 6.01 It is the mutual desire of the parties hereto that complaints .01 employees will be .adjusted as quickly as pDssible, and it is UTh- derstood Ithat an employee h.as no gr,ievance unless .the ,com~ plaint has been referred to his immediate Supervisor witbin three I( 3) 'WDI'king days of ,the ,commencement of the .occur- rence causing the <complaint. In making the complaint to !lis ,Supervisor, the empJoyee m'ay, jf he so requests, be :accom~ panied by his Steward. 6.02 It is understoDd that an employee has no grievance until he has first given his immediate Supervisor an .opportunity .of :ad- justing his complaint. 6.03 The employee's Supervisor shall give an .oral decisiDn to the cDml'laint 'Within three (3 'Working days. ARTfCLE 7 - GRIE,VANCE PROCEDURE 7.01 DEF1INITION: 'For ilie purp.ose of this Agreement "Griev:ance" is defined as a dispute, claim, or complaint involving tile interpretation, ,appli- cation, administratiDn or ,alleged violation of the Agreement in- cluding any question as t'O whether a matter is arbitmble. 7.02. PROCEDURE: The griev,ance prDcedure shall be as fDllows: lfan employee believes that ,a ,complaint has not been satisf.ac- torily adjusted, the cDmplaint shall be reduced tD writing Dna form ,approved by the EmplDyer and shall be deemed to be a grievance. ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL 175 STEP 1. The written grievance signed by the employee shall be presented to his immediate Supervisor 'Wi~hin tihree (3) wDrk- ing days .of the Supervisor's reply to the complaint. TIle Steward of ~he aggrieved employee may, at the request of the grieVDr, he present when the grievance is presented tD the immediate Supervisor. The SupervisDr shall give his anSWer in writiJ;lg within three (3) working days following receipt of suchgriev- anee. STEP 2. In the event tihe employee is not satisfied, the ag- grieved employee, Hccompanied by ,a Union business agent, within three (3 working days .of lhe Supervisor's reply may re- fer the grievance tD the Administrator or his designated repre- sentative. Should no settlement satisfactory tD the employee be reached within ,three (3) working days, ,the next step in the grievance prDcedure may be taken at any time within three (3) wDrking days thereafter. STEP 3. Failing a satisfactory settlement in Seep 2, the ag- grieved emplDyee may submit his grievauce to the EmplDyer fDr discussion at 'a speciai meeting .of the Union and the Man- agement CDmmittees.The special meeting shall take place within ten (10) calendar days following the submission of the grievance tD the Employer or ata time mutually agreed upon in writing. The reply 'Of the Employer shall be given witWn three (3) wDrking days following such meeting. STEP. 4. If the grievauce is not settled to the satisfaction .of .the emplDyee, rtben the grievance may be referred tDarbitratiDn providing any such notice of 'appeal must be filed with the Ad- ministrato[', or his designated representative, within ten (10) calendar days .of the reply of the Employer under Step 3. No grievance may ,be submitted tD arbitratiDn which has nDt been properly carried thrDugh all previous steps of the griev- ance procedure within tile specified time limits. Any time limits referred to as wDrking days in the Complaint or :Grievance Procedure, or any subsection thereof, within which any procedure is required to he taken or notice is re- quired .to be given shall he calculated exclusive .of ,any calendar Sunday, Paid Holiday within the meaning of this agreement and any day on which tbe employee concerned is nDt working as the result of .a regularly scheduled day off. 17,6 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ARTICLE 8 - ARBITRATION 8,01 If either party ~eque.ts that a grievance be submitted to ,arbi- Itration, the request shall be in writing .addressed tD tI1eDther party and shall cDntain the name of such party's nominee to the BDard .of ArhitratiDn. The other party shall within ten (10) days thereafter nDminate its member to the Board of A~bitratiDn and the tWD so nDminated shall endeavour within ten (10) daysaf- ter their appointment to 'agree upon ra third person tD act as Chairman of the BDard of Arbitration. If the parties .are unable tD agree upon a third person within ten ( 10) days ,after their ,apPDintment then a third perSDn sball beappDinted by the Chair- man, Ontario LabDur Management ArbitratiDrt CDmmission. 8.02 'ND matter may be submitted to arbitration which has not been properly carried througl1 ,all previDus steps .of the Grievance Procedure within the time limit in the manner prDvided. 8.00 No person shall ,be selected as an arbitr.atDr who has been di- rectly involved in attempts to negotiate or settle the grievance. 8.04EJach of the parties heretD shall pay the expense .of their own nominee 'and Dne.half of the fees .and the expenses, if .any, .of the CI1airmau. 8.05 The Board of Arbitration shall not have jurisdiction to alter Dr change any of the provisiDns of this Agreement nDr tD substitute any new provisions thereof, nor to give .any decisions inconsist- ent with the terms .and prDvIsions .of this Agreement, nDr tD deal with any matter nDt covered hy this Agreement, and shall 'make la decision 10 confor:mity with the terms of the submission tDarbitr.ation, whicll means tihat the Board shall interpret the actual rights of the parties to the Agreement. 8.06 PrDceedlngs rbefDre lbe 'arbitrators shall be expedited by the parties hereto. The decisiDn .of tihe Board .of ArtJitration shall ,be final and binding on bDth parties to this agreement. 8.07 Any grievauce involving the interpretatiDn or .application of thiS agreement which has been disPDSed .of hereunder shall not be made the subject .of 'another grievance. ElLGIN C.oUNTY COUNCIL 177 Nothing in this agreement shall prevent the parties to this agreement from agreeing .on a single ,arhitrator tD Ilearand de- cide any matter which may be referred tD arbitration. If the parties agree tDtI1e use .of ,a singlea"bitrator then the cost Of such arbitrator shall be sllared equally by the parties. At .any stage .of the complaint or Grievance Procedure, includ' ing arbitration, the parties may have the assistance of the em- plDyee or the employees cDncernedas witnesses: ARTICLE ~GRIEVANCES BY EMPLOYER OR UNION (POLICY GRIEVANCE) Any difference .arising directly between the Employer and the Union involving the interpretation or .alleged viDlatiDn of this Agreement may be submitted in writing hy either party and dealt with ,as a grievance intihe fDllowing manner. In the case of such grievance by the Union it is tD be submit- ted to the Administrator .or his designated representative who ,shall pr.ovidea written answer within .five (5) wDrking days af- ter its presentatiDn. Within five (5) working days after receipt (if the decisiDnof the Administrator or his designated repre- sentative, lhe grievance may be prDcessed tihrougb Step 3 of the Grievance Procedure and may be submitted to .arbitr.atiqn in .accordance with the 'arbitration provisions of thirs Agree- ment. ' In the case of such. grievance by the Employer, it shall be presented in writing to the UniDn and the parties shall within five (5) working days thereafter meet tD discuss such griev- ance. Tbe Union shall provide its 'answer to the Employer- in 'writing stating reaSDUS within five (5) working days of such meeting. Failing settlement, ,the EmplDyer may submit the gdevance to ;a.rbitr,ation in accord.ance with the ,arbitr,ation prDvisiDns of this agreement. . It Is understDod that no party has ,a Policy Grievance unless the PDlicy Grievance has been referred to the .other party as he,rein prDvided within fourteen {14)' calendar days .of the commencement' of the occurrence causing the Policy' Griev- ance. 178 ELGIN COUNTY eOUNCIL 1l.05 It is nnderstoDd that no complaint may be treated"s .a Grie"ance which is properly the complaint of .an employee which complaint shall be processed under the CDmplaint (kievance PrDcedure as provided in Articles 6 and 7. ARTICLE 10 - DISCHARGE CASES 10.01 A claim bya permanent emplvyee that he or she ha.been unjustly discharged shall be treated .as .a special grievance, if a written statement of suchlspecial grie"ance is lodged by the employee. 10.02 Such special griev,ance to be cDnsidered, must be presented to the Administrator or ilis designated representative by a member .of the UniDn CDrnmittee within five calendar (5) days ,after the emplDyee ceased to wDrk for the Home Dr re- ceipt of discharge nDtice, whichever first occtm's, Dtherwi$e tI1esame will .not be conSidered. 10.03 A "ilecial meeting between the UniDn 'Committee and the Em- ployer's Management Committee wHl be held within five (5) wD~king days of receipt of such special grievance or at 'ally time mutually .agreed upDn <and cDnfirmed in writing by the parties. 10.04 Such special grievance may be settled bycDnfirming the Em- ployer's ,action ill dismissing the. employee or by. reinstating the employee with or withDut cDmpensatiOTl, or with Dr with- out loss .of semDrity, Dr in such other manner as is deemed just and equitable in the' opimDn of the cDnferring parti"". Back pay ,awards shall not, hDwever, exceed Ihe 'amonnt which the emplDyee wDuld normally have earned, calcul.ated on straight time during his uDrmal wDrk schedule, less ,auy money earned in .other employment. . 10.05 Failing settlement of such special grievance under the ~oreg~- ing procedure, the grievance maybe referred to m'hitratiDn within seven (7) calendar da~s .of the reply: of .the EmplDyer fDr final ,aud binding settlement upon the parties. - ELG1N COUNTY OOUNCIL 11 - UNlON SEOURITY All present employees who .are members .Df the UniDn sh.aU remain memhers . in gODd stauding for the duratiDn. oflheir em- ploymentas ,a condition of emplDyment during the term. of this Collective Agreement. 11.02 Each new emplDyee shall be reqnired to sign the dues dedu~- tiDn authorization fDrm set forth in this Article, prDvided, however, that such 'authDrizatiDn with respect to new emp'lIly- ees .shall hecDme effective up.on the first regular dues dedu~- tion date follDwing the first thirty (30) calendar days after the employee's last date of cDmmeucement of em pi Dyment. - All new employees cDvered bylibis Agreement, on. cDmpletiDn of their probationary periDd, may vDluntarily becDme mem- bers of the Union and. upon becDming members of the U niDn shall remain members in gOOd standing for the duratiDD. 9f their employment as a conditiDn of emplDyment during the term vf the Collective Agreement.. . The .Employeragrees that a UniDn repreisentative shall be g.iven the opportunity of intel'V'iewing each new .emplDyee once upon the completiDn .of ninety days' employment for the pur- PDse of informing such emplDyee .of the existence .of the. Union in the Home and of ascertaining whether the emplDyee desires to become a member. TIle EmplDyer shall advise the Unioii .rom time to time. as tD the names <>I' the persDns to be inter- viewed ,and the Umeand place of such interview, the dur,atioD. .of which shai! nDt exceed (10) minutes. The interview "hall take place on the Elmp!oyer's premises, in a rDom deaignateil by the Employer, and the emplDyee shall ~eport to this room for interview, during the .interview periDd. Tbe Elmployer wm deduct union dues monthly fDrtihe term of this Agreement upon receipt of written ,authorizatiDn for union dues deduction from all present employees. . The ,abDve-mentionedauthorizatiDn for union dues deductiDn ,shall be as follows: - 180 ELGIN COUNTY C.oUNCIL Authorization Card for UniDn Dues Oheck"off: THE LONDON AND DISTRICT BUILDING SERVICE WOThRiERS' UNION, LOCAL 220, S!E.I!U. DA'l1E__________ NAME m.____mmmmmm__m._______m_m_______________mm_m____ ADDRESS _______m______m______mmmmm_m______m____m._____m___m_mmmm I herehy .authorize and direct The CDrporatiDn of 'I1he CDunty of Elgin to deduct frDm my first pay in each month from ,any e:wfiingsaccumulated to my credit the.amount of the UniDn mDntllly membersllip duestbatare unifDrmly levied upDn ,ap members in ,accordance with the ConstitutiDn ,and By.laws of the Union, or :any minutes' authorizing changes in dues. Such 'amDuntsare to becerlified to the Employer hy the Fiuancial ii> Secretary of the UniDn by A:ffidavit frDm time tD time. I fur- i! ther .>authorize YDU to remit the money so deducted to the Lon- dDn & District 'Building . Service WDrkers' UniDn, Local 220, wilose receipt tiherefor shall 'constitute a gDlld ,and sufficient discharge of The CorporatiDn of The County of Elgin fDr the .amount.so deducted from my e:wnings. . ThisauthDrization shallcDntinue in full force and effect fDr the duration of my employment In ,a positiDn CDVered by the Collective Agreement between the EmplDyer and .the LDndDn ,and District Building Service WDrkers' Union, Local 220. . Witness _..m__m____mmmm_m Signature___m_mmm______ 11.07 The EmplDyer agrees during the lifetime of tbis Agreement to deduct whatever Sum may beautl10rized and tD remit same. to tihe Financial Secretary .of the London and I)jstrict Building Service Workers's UniDn, LDcal 220, S.,E.I.U. prior tD the 20th day of the mDnth fDllowing deductions, furnishing therewitb a statement sbDwing frDm whom the deductions have heen mad~. ReaSDnable care will be exercised by the Employer, but the. EmplDyer will not be responsible fDr errors made. The Finan- '.,. cial Secret:wy of the UniDn will prDvide receipts eacll mDnth .&, to the EmplDyer for the total amounts remitted to the Union pursuant tD this provision. - I~ ElLGINCOUNTY COUNCIL 181 12 - SEN]ORITY Seniority is defined as lengtll of cDntinuDus service with the employer .and wiH be acquired when an eroplDyeeh!llScDm- pleted ninety 0(90) c.aiendar days .of service. Employees will be regarded as prohatiDnary emplDyees until they have .a~quir.i;l. seniority as above provided and shall have nD right tD grieve by reaSDn .of dismissal or otllerwise. In the case of promDtion, demotion, transfer, laY-Dff and re- call the employees' <relative efficiency, merit and. ability "hall be taken into .account in order to prDvide for an efficient staff of employees. In cases where the .ahove cDnsideratlDns are deemed by the 'Employer to be equaias between two employ- ees >and bDth employees are deemed by the ElmplDyer to he capable of performing the wDrk, seniority shall he the deter- mining factor. 12.03 The EmplDyer and the UniDn recognize that the' ahility and ef- ficiency of the individual employees 'govern to a large extent the safety and CDmfort .of the residents. Seniority .lists will be posted on. the UniDn bulletin board an<J will, be revised 'at least semi-annually according to therecDrds .of the Employer. Seniority as posted will be deemed to be final and not subject to complaint unless such complaint is made within thirty (30) days frDm the first date .of posting. 12.05' The.Elmployer will supply copies of tbe Seniority List to the OI1airman of tile Union Committee and the LDcal Union Office. EmplDyees wI10 .are laid .off will be ~etained on the seniority lists fDr,a period of twelve (12) mDnths. If during that periDd, they are recalled to work, they. must signify their intentlDn tD do so within three days (excluding Sundays' 'aud holidays) of the date .of the notice of ~ecall, aud shall;. in fact, return to wDrk within a further five days, or tbey shall fDrfeit. their claim of emplDyment. Temporary employees may be taken on to fill emergencies. Notice .of recall'lshall be.given,by.the em- ployerby :sending.nDtice tD the employee's last knoWlJ; ,address .on the. recDrdS of the . Employer . 182 ELGIN eOUNTY COUNCIL ARTICLE 13 -LOSS OF SEN~ORITY An employee's seniDrity .andall rights may be cancelled and his name removed frDm the seniority 'lists fDrany of the fol- 'lowing reaSDns: 13.0j'Elmployment is terminated for,any reason. 13.02 An employee overstays a leave of absence granted hy the EmplDyer without securing an exIensiDn of leave. 13.03 An employee utilizes.a leave of absence for pu"poses .other than those for which the leave ofahsence was gr'auted. 13.0<1 An employee is ,ahsent for t!hreeconsecutive, working days without advising ,the Employer and securing leave of ,ahsence. 13.05 An emplDyee is discharged fDr cause and the discharge is nDt reversed throughlhe Grievance Procedure. 13.06 An emplDyee is laid 'Off for a period in excess .of twelve CDn- tinuDus mDnths. ,', , 13.07 Au employee flJ;i]s tD ,notify .the Employer within three days .of notice of recall following a lay-off (excluding Sundays and hDliday~) or fails to return tD wDrk within a further five days. ARmCLE 14 - HOURS OF WORK 14.01 Tbe normal wDrk day, shall consist .of eight(8) hDurs with twenty (20) minutes allowed on each eight (8) hour shift fDr lunch without lDSS .of pay. 14.02 It is understoDd that emplDyees may be required to work up to, 'and including, seven (7) consecutive days to provide fDr consecutive days off. ona 'fotationbasis. iFor purposes >of com- puting time, Sunday shall be considered the first day of the calendar week. 14.03 Employees will he given an equitable number .of week-end. off, provided, hDwever, that all emplDyees shall be given at least one weekend off In any five (5) week scheduled periDd. ELGLN COUNTY OOUNCIL 183 14.04 TbeEmplDyer wiil post schedules one week in ,advance cover- ing .a five (5) week Period and sucll schedules shall remain posted for the duration ,of the schedule. Subject to Clause 14.07, there will be no chauges without the consent, of the .Employer .and the employees WhD may be affected by any changes in 'a posted schedule. 14.05 Tampering or cllanging .of .a posted schedule by anyemplDyee will entitle the ElmplDyer to take disciplinary action.ag,ainst the 'EmpIDyee. 14.06 Punching in or cut ofanolher employee's time card is prDhib- ited .and so doing by an employee shall be the subject of im- mediate disciplinary ,actiDnagainst the, employee. If.an em- ployee .accidentally punches a time card .of anDther emplDyee, ,the Supervisor shall be notified immediately, .otherwise it shall he deemed that such timecard was not 'punched ,accldentally. 14.07 The EmplDyer dDes not guarantee to prDvidework for arty employee for regularly .assigned hDurs or for anY;Dther.hours. IMS There will be a mmlmum of sixteen U6) hDurS .off when changing shifts. ARTICLE 15 c- OVERTIME 15.01 Overtime authDrized by the Employer shall he paid ,at the rate of time ,and one-ahaif of the employee's basic straight time hDurly rate for all hours worked in excess of the.nDrmab scheduled .Ilift. 1M2 Elllployeelishall nDt be permitted tD take time .off in lieu of . pay fcr overtime wo"k. 16 - PAID HOLIDAYS All regular employees will be credited with ,pay cpmp~ted at straight time for each .of the following paid holidays:. ' IMBI ELGIN"COUNTY 'OOUNCIL Labour Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day ,Boxing. nay -Easter Monday January 1st, 1974, the secDnd New'Ye"",'sDay Good Friday Victoria Day' Dominion Day "Civic HDliday ,and, effective I!'ebrnary. MDnday of provided that: (a) The employee is nDt 'absent .on the days he is scl1ednled to wD~k immediately preceding and following tile holiday, or the' day granted' in lieu. thereof, unless excused hecause' of illness or other reasonable excuse. . '(Ii) The' employee is. nDtilbsent on iibe paid holiday.after be- ing. scheduled' to wDrk. 16.02 Elmployees required tD wDrk on .a Paid HDliday sl>all.at the . ,option of-.the Elmployer receive either: . . (a) Pay.at the. rate .of time and .one-half .the emplDyee's regu, lar rate for work perfDrmed .on such Holiday, il1additiDn to the' emplDyee's oogul"", pay, or (b) Pay .at the rate of time .and one-l1alf the employee's regu- lar rate for work perfDrmed on such Holiday, .andean clterna, tive day .off either thirty (30) days befDre or thirty days fDl- lDwing the holiday. 16;03 JNotwitbStauding. 'auything herein cDntained tDthe contrHry, if one of the Paid Holidays .occurs on an empIDYlle'Sregul"1" day off or during .an emplDyee',s vacatiDn periDd .and the emplDyee iueqqired .tD 'work, the employee will receive CreditfDr the. said Holiday .at straight time and ill.sdditionwiil ,eceive twO' ,and one-l1alf (21)) times his regular ~ate of pay for ,all hDurS wDrked on the Paid Holiday. 16.04 If one of the paid hDlidays occurs on.au employee's regular day oN, theeIl)plDYce will receive an extra day .off within thirty '(3~jda!S\fOllowingtheMliday,audata time that is mutuallY' agreed 'upDn . hetween. 'tile ElmplDyer .and. the employee. EliJGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 185 16.05 Uone of the paid hDlidays .occurs duringanemplDyee's veaca- tion; the employee will receive an additiDnal day off which may be added to his Dr her "ac.ation. 16.06 Elmployees shall be permitted olD ,accumulate up to five (5) ip.aid HDlidays in .a calendar year, .provided the Elmployer is given six (6) months prior notice in writing, such-,accumula- tion may he ,added to .a "acatiDn periDd or fDr use by an em- ployee under extenuating circumstances. 16.<17 .u is understoDd 'and ,agreed that <an emplDyee is 'entitled tD receive the benefits provided in 'illis Article for work perfDrm- ed on .a P,aid Holiday only where the majority .of tile hour~ worked by the employee .on his shift fall on the Baid Holiday. ARTIOLE 17 ~ V AJCATIONS 17.01 The vacation year shall begin on J'aunary lstand end .on the follDwing December 31st. 17.02 EmplDyees hired after January 1st of the vacatiDn year who have cDmpleted less than six (6) mDntlls' cDntinuDus service 'Ill! of December 31st shall not he entitled to <a vaceatiDn with pay during the vacatiDn year but shall receive vacation pay com- puted on the basis of two (2%) per cent of tDtal pay for CDn- tinuous service during the vaceatiDnY"ar for all work perform- ed up tD December 31st. 17.03 FIRST VACATION: An employee becomes eligible for vaca- t1Dn fDr the first time when tihe emplDyment recDros show iibat either of tile following requirements have heen met: (,a) The completion of six (6) months' cDntinuDus service witll the 'Elmployer priDr W December 31st .of the employee's firSt year .of employment, or (b) The completion of. six (6) mDntlls' cDntinuDus serivce with the ,Employer, including .all continuous \Service priDr to pecem- her 31st of the emplDyee's first year of emplDyment. 186' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 17.04 SUBSEQUENT VACATLONS: FDr the purpose of ,applyinglhe vacation eligibility reqnirements hereinafter referred to, CDn- tinuous service prior tD December 31st of ,an employee's first year of emplDyment shall be deemed toconslitute .an emplDY- ee's. first calendar year of service, whether he is entitled toa vacation 'under Cl.ause 17.03 '(a) or not. The intent .of 'th]S pro- vision is tI1at 'a.n emplDyee who rommences his employment priDr tD December 31st ,of .any year shall be deemed to have cDmmenced ,his second. c.alendar year of service on January 1st of the fDllDwing year. 17.05 Employees with more tI1an six '(6) >illDnths' cDntinuous service dUring the first calendar year of their employment will he granted one (1) weeks' vacation with pay if they "Dmplete (12) months' continuous service during the calendar ye",,; prD- vided tI1at emplDYees who have completed more than six (6) mDnths' cDnUnuous service but less than twelve (J.2) mDnths' continuDus service during tile first calendar year .of their em- ploymnt will be granted a vacation with pay !'alcuJated on the basis of one week pror,ated in ,accDroance with the ,number of months of tIleir continuous service during that year. Va!'ation p.ay shall bec.alculated on the basis of the employees' normal earnings or tWD (2%) per cent of tDtal pay ,as determined .at the end of the calendar year, whichever is the greater. 17.06 An employee in !the second, up to .and including the fifth, ca!- end"" year .of cDnUnuous service with the Employer will be granted two (2) weeks' v.acatiDn With pay. V,acation pay. shall he cllicnlated on the basis .of two 1(2) week's nDrmal earnings or four (4%) per cent of total pay .as determined 'at the end .of the 'calendar year for which the vacation. is taken, Wlhichever is the greater. 17.07 An emwoyee in the sixtl1, up to 'and including the f,ifteenth, c,alendaryear .of cDntinuous service with the Empoyer will be granted three (3) weeks "acation w.ith pay. V,acatiDn pay shall he calculated on thehasis of 1ihree (3) weeks' noruna! earnings. 17.08 An employee in the sixteenth and suhsequent calendar years of rontinuDus service wi1ih the Employ"," will be granted four (4) weeks' "acatiDn with pay.V:acation pay shall he calculated on tbe hasis of fDur (4) weeks' normal earnings. EllJmN OOUNTYOOUNCIL 187 17.09 In .order to receive vacation pay in advance, ,an emplDyee shffil make ,a request in writing to bis supervisornDt less tI1an tWD weeks in ,advance of the date his vecatiDn is to commence. Such ,au ,advance shall CDV"," only the pay period or pay periods failing within the. emplDyee's v,acation. 17.10 An employee wI10 has received his vacatiDn with p.ay prior to the cDmpletiDn .of the v,acation year fDr whicl1 the said v.ac.a- tiDn is earned .and whDse emplDyment is terminated .lor any reaSDn, shall he liable tD the EmplDyer for the vac.ation pay received by.him in excess of that to which he is entitled. The Employer is entitled tD take all necessary !action to recover the ,amount So .overpaid' directly >rDm ,the employee:' 17.11 The v,acationand v.acatiDn pay entitlement .of ,an emplDyee who isahsent from wDrk withDUt pay for a period in e"cess .of one month shall be calculated on the basis of actual time .on the payroll during. which he is in receipt .of remuoor.atiDD. fr(lll1 the Elmployer. ARTWLE 18 - SICK LEAVE 18.01 Each emplDyee will be credited . with one, . andoIle-half (1'f.!) days of sick ieave'at 'the end .of each month of service. An employee shall not be granted ,any sick leave credits until hehas completed six (6) months' cDntinuous service with the EmplDyer; hDwever, upDn completiDn of six 1(6) mDnths' ser- vice, the emplDyee shall, subject to Olause 18.03, be credited wlth nine (9) daYlS' sick leave. 18.03 'Where a regular full-time emplDyeeis ,absent from work for a period in excess of three (3) working days in a calendar mDnth, the sick Ieaye c.redit referred to 11) ,Clause 18.01 sb,alI he .as follDWS: 18.02 WORKJjNG DAYS ABSENT o - 3 3'f.! - 10 IOV2 - 17'f.! 18 or ffiDre MON'I1HLY SIOK.LEAVE CREDlT 1 % days 1 day % day o 188 ,ELGIN COUNTY OOUNC1L :Provided, hDwever, that the ,above provision shall nDt apply to an emplDyee: (,a) WhD does not work Iris ,regular shift hecause .of emergency or other ,conditions heyond tihe 'control of the emplDyee, Dr has been requested by his Supervisor .to work different hours; (b) WhD is on v.acatlDn; (c) wibo is on ,a paid hDliday. The ,abDve provisiDnsshall, hDwever, .apply tD ,an emplDyee: (a) wibo is ,absent because of illness Dr injury; (b) WhD is ,absent withDut leave; (c) who i~ .absent witbDut pay. 18.04 The unused portion .of sick -leave credits in ,anyone year shall be allowed to ,accumulate without limitation. 18.05 When ,an emplDyee is 'absent ,as ,a result <>fan 'accident while at work, or illness inherent 'to .occupation, .and ,as a re- sult is receiving Worl<men's CDmpensation, ,as awarded hythe Worl<men's ,CompensatiDn BDard, he may receive the difference between bis regular pay 'and the BDard's award if unused sick leave credits ,are ,available for the purpose. If such employee is' not' eligible for ,Workmen's Compensation, he m,ay receive sick pay to the eJ<tent that sick pay credits, if auy, ,are ,avail- ,able. 18.06 Any emplDyee discharged for cause, whose discharge is not reversed through subsequent proceedings,. shall lose ,and for- feit ,all sick leave credits. 18.07 Toqualify 'and be paid sick leave from credits 'accumul.ated, .au employee must give two hours' notice of his inability to he on ,any shift cDmmencing .after 12:30 p.m. ,and 'before 4:30 p.m. .and "any shift cDmmencingafter 10:30 p.m. ,and before 12:30 a.m. ,and in respect of any other shift 'at least one hour's notice shall be giyen provided, hDwever, that if .1ihere be ,an emer- gency and notice, by reason of the said emergency, is not giv- en, this requirement will nDt he enforced. ELGlN OOUNTY OOUNCIL W9 After ,an employee has had three periods of sick leave of three 'days or less within a calendar year, the Employer may refuse tD pay fDr the fDurth or suhsequent period of sick leave, not- , witihstanding that the emplDyee has accumulated sick leave tD his oredit. It is understood 1ihat this prDvisiDn is ,an endeav- our to eliminate ,abuses .of sick -leave aud is in additiDn to ,auy other disciplinary action which the Employer may deem fit tD 'invoke. Tbe refusal <>f the EmplDyer tD pay fDr the fourth or subsequent period of sick leave may be the subject of a grievanc'e. Where sick leave ,a:bsence has beeninex:cess of three (3) consecutive days the employee shall not he paid sick leave credits unless he furnishes the Administrator witb a Doctor's certificate or .other explanations satisfactory tD the EmplDyer. Effective the date .of receipt hythe Eti:1ployer of written nDtice Dr ,ratificatiDn of this .agreemeent, where ,au employee having 'mote than five (5) years' consecutive service ceases to be emplDyed by the HDme, there shall he paid to him or tD his persDnal representative, or failing ,a persDnal representative to ,such other person ,as the Employer may detemine, ,an am- ount cDmputed .on the basis .of his rate of pay at the date .of leaving the employ of the Home fDr ,a period equal to fifty (50%) per cent .of the value of Ilis sick leave credits, but the amDunt shall nDt exceed six (6) months' pay. 18.G9 18.10 Regular full-time employees on the payrDllon the date .of re- ceipt by the EmplDyer of written nDtice of ratificatiDn of this Agreement WhD have completed three (3) years' cDntinuDus service with the Employer ,as .of May 15th, 1973, shall CDn- tinue to becDvered by the' Elmployer's present policy inrela- to sick pay benefits on termination of emplDyment. ARnCLE 19 _ COMPASSmNATELEAiVE OF ABSENCE 19.01 In the event of the death of a member .of an employee's im- mediate family, the immediate family being restricted to mother, father, sister, brother, 'spouse, child, where the" said employee is attending the funeral or ,assisting in ,arrangements for' the funeral, the &nplDyer shall arrange' leave with 'pay not to exceed three (3) days. The three (3) days' shall, liowever, 190 ELGLN .COUNTY COUNCIL include nDrmal days off 'and shailconclude on the day .of the funeral. The 'E)mployer will. give fullcDnsid<)ratiDn tD ,granting additional time off without pay upon 'applicatiDn 'by the em- ployee. The benefit of this clause shall be available .only to thnse employees who have cDmpleted six (6) months' continu- nus service with .the ElmplDyer. 19.02 i!1or those employees who have completed six (6) 'ffiDnths' CDn- tinuous service with the EmplDyer, in the case of the death 'Of .the employee's mother-i'll-law, father-:in-law, brother-in-I1aw, sister-In-law, .g'l'andf'lther Dr g'l'andmother, up to .one d'lY may he granted without lDSS of regular pay wI1ere necessary tD en- .able the emplDyee tDattend 'the funeral. ARTICLE 20 ~ PERSONALLEAV'E OF ABSENCE 20.01 The ElmplDyer may grant le'lveof .absence withDut .pay tD 'auy employee for legitimate personal reasons. 20.02 Elmployees who 'are on leave of ,absence will not 'be cDnsidered to he laid off 'and their sernDrity shall cDutiuue tD .aCcumu- late during such ,absence. 20.03 Employees WhD are on leave of ,absence will not engage in gainful employment while on such leave, or utilize a leave of ,ahsence for Pll!l'poses other thau 1ihose for which the leave .of ,absence was granted, ,and if 'an employee does engage in gain- ful emplo)nment while on such leave of .absence Dr utilize the leave of ,ahsence ]or purposes other thau those for which the leave of labsence was gr1anted, Imay, 'at the di'scretion of the ElmplDyer ,be cDnsidered "sa voluntary quit. This clause shall not ,apply tD employees .on Union Leave .of ~bsence in ,accordance with the p'l'ovisiDns of Article 21 of this agreement. ARTIClJE 21- UNION LEAVE OF ABSENCE 21.01 Urnon Leave will be granted fDr seminars 'andcDnventions, subject to the following conditions: !. E[jGLN..OOUNTY COUNCIL 191 (1) A maximum of tWD employees only will he gr,auted sucb leave"atnnetime; (II) No employee sh'lll ,be given such leave .on more than tWD .occasions in ,a e.alendar year; (III) Such leave of ,ahsence shall be for .a maximum of four- teen (14) days; crV) ~pplication for such leave of.absence silall be made to the Administr.ator 'at least 'thirty (30) days in ,adv.ance .of such leave; (V) Such leave of ,absence shall 'be granted. without pay ,and the Urnon shall be responsible for 1ihe payment of wages dur- ing the period .of absence. 21.02 EmplDyees '.on leave of ,absence under this Article shall CDn- linue tD ,accumul.ate 'all rights ,and privileges under this Agreement. ARTICLE 22 - UNION BULLETIN BOARD 22.01 The Employer agrees to establish a notice board for the use of the UniDn for posting .of official notices. All such notices must be signed 'by the prDper officer of the Union and'ffiust be submitted to the Administrator Dr his designated repro- sent'ltive for his 'approval ,as to cDntents. ARTICLE 23 - UNIJi10RMS 23.01 Where fue Employer requires employees to wearnniforlJls, such uniforms will be supplied by the Employer on behalf of .fue said employees, ,accDrding tD the EmpIDye<'S specifica- tions. PrDvided, hDwever, tbat female nursing persDnnel will ,not be required to wear such unlfDrms. 23.02 All uniforms shall remain the property of the EmplDyer and uni~orms Which, in ithe opinion of theEmployer, ;3re ~(}rn out shall be returned to the Elmployer hefDre 'beiug replaced; ~92 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 23.03 Upon termination of empID)'ment, ,ail clothing prDvided by the ,EmplDyer shall be returned to the EmplDyer. Clothing which is not returned 'as herein provided shall be paid for by the em- ployee 'and tile EmplDyer may deduct the cost tIlereDf from the employee's pay on termination. ARTICLE 24 - HEALTH AND WElJFARE 24.01'The Elmployer ,agrees tD pay seventy-five (75%) per cent of the billing rate of the Ontario HeaUh Insurance Plan (O:H.I.P.l fDr ,all emplDyees eligible under the piau 'as cDvered under this ,agreement. Billing rate shall mean the .amount .of premium in effect on the date of receipt by the ElmplDyer of written notice of r.atification .of this agreement. Effective Jan- uary 1st, 1\Y/4, the Employer agrees to p,ay one hundred (100%) per cent of the billing ~ate referred tD in tbis Clause. 24.02 The EmplDyeragrees to pay fifty <(50%) per cent of tile O.M.E.R.S. plan in respect .of pension. ARTICLE 25 - BOSTING INITIAL VACANCIES 25.01 The Employer will PDst ,ail initial vacancies Dr new jobs .on the Union bulletin board ,aud such nDtices shall remain pDsted for ,a periDd of five 1(5) working days, unless in the .opinion .of the Employer ,an emergency exists ,that does nDt ,allow snffi- dent time for the ,ahDve-mentioned procedure to be followed. The nDtices shall be PDSted .on the first day 'after the vacancy or new job occurs. 25.02 An emplDyee WhD wishes to apply fDr 'any PDsted vacan"l' shall ,make application in writing on forms supplied by the Employer fortihe purpose during the periDd .of five (5) work- ing days mentioned in Article 25.01 ,and shall set out his qual- ificatlDns in his 'applic'ation. ApplicMts wiU be selected on the basis of relative efficiency, merit .and ability. In cases where the 'Ilboye' ,cDnsiderationsare deemed by the Employer tD be equal 'as 'between the 'applicants .and the .applicants ,are cap- >lble of performing the work, seniority shall be the determin- ingfactor. ElLGINOOUNTY COUNCIL ~93 AOy successful ,applicant will be selected within .a reasDnable time ,after such posting and ,tihe Employer will, as ,soon as the successfnl applicant has been ,advised of his selectiDn, notify the unsuccessful .applicant or applicants that the position has been HUed. 25.04 If no applications to fill such v,acanlces ,are received frDm employees or, if the applicant or 'applications are not, in the opinion .of the Employer, considered tD be suitable for such vaoancies, then the Employer may fill Itfue- v,ac,ancy in any 'manner it sees fit. . 25.05 .!fan emplDyee is transferred by the EmplDyer from one de- partment to anDther on ,a permanent basis, the departmental seniority the employee had accumulated in his former depart- ment shall be credited to his departmental ,seniority in his new department. 25.06 An employee who is transferred in ,accordance with the prD- ,cedure set fortih in tihis Ariicle will be placed in the permau- ent v,aeancy Lor a trial period nDt exceeding forty-five (~) working days ,and if he prDves satisfactDry he, will then be ,confirmed in his new classificatiDn. If the emplDyee proves un- satisfactory during that time, or If he is unable to penform his new duties, he wlll be returned to his former position at his former salary .or rate .of pay, ,as well ,as ,any .other employee in the bargaining unit WhD was prDmoted or transferred by reason of such placing. ARTIClJE 26 ~ REST PERIODS 26.01 ElmplDyeesshall be granted one ten (10) minute rest periDd in each half sllift with such time to be considered as time worked. Employees exceeding theaUotted ten 00) minute periDd may be subject to disciplinary action. AR'I1LOLE 'XI - JURY DUTY 27.01 An emplDyee who is .actually .at wDi'k for the Employer Md has 'completed his probatiDnary period ,aud isealled for ser- i ~ i I!:: 194 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL vice on Jury Duty shall he entitled to receive frDm the Em- ployer 1ihe difference in p.ay between the Jury Duty pay ,aud what he would have received frDm the Employer, oDmputed at straight time from the time necessarily and 'actually spent on Jury Duty duriugthe hours seheduled to work during.a nDrmai work week. Tbe emplDyee shail provide proof of I1Durs engag- ed on Jury Duty and proof of payment therefor. ARTICLE 28 - MEALS 28.01 The present practice with respect tD payment for meals shall remani in effect during the currency .of this Agreement, sub- ject, to the Employer's right to review and, if necessary, ad- just the CDSt thereof to the emplDYees ,as .of December 31st, 1973. ARTWLE 29 - REPORT]NG PAY 29.01 Employees 'WhD repDrt for work on any sllift fDr WI1ieh they ,are scheduled ,and fDr which they have not heen notified uot ro repDrt will be gUaranteed 'at least four (4) hours pay except in case .of ,acts .of GDd or 'any l.abDur dispute Dr 'any oonditiDn heyond the contrDl of the Employer. ARTIOLE 30 - J.oB CLASSIFJjCATIONS AND RATES 30.01 Attached hereto ,and forming part of this Agreement is Sche- dule "A" relating to job classificaUons land :J:'Iates for aU em- ployees subject ,to the terms of this agreement. ARTIOLE 31 - GENERAL 31.01 NDthing in 1ihis Agreement shall require the 'Employer or the UuiDn to take 'auy ,actiDn which shall be unlawful ihy reason .of 'appUoahle present or future DomiuiDn andlor P'rovincial laws, rulesand/or regul.atiDns. 31.02 The pa-ohatiDIlary periDd .outlined iu this .agreement may be extended in the case of indiVid",ai employees by agreement be- tween the Elmployer ,aud the UniDn. ElLGlN COUNTY C.oUNGIL II I'" I. I I I 195 31.03 It is 'agreed that any 'appeal by an employee to any elected representative or ,any other representative of 1ihe Elmployer save ,as expressly provided in this Agreement shall eDustitute ,a breacb of this Agreement. ViolatiDn of this clause shall ren- der 'an employee liable to discipline. 31.04 Wherever the singular or masculine is used in this Agreement, it shall he eonstruedas if the plural or feminine has heen Ulied, where the cDntext SD requires. ARTICLE 32 - DURA'I1I.oN 32.01 Except 'as otherwise prDvided, this Agreement shall become effective on the 1st day .of May, ,1973, and shail continue in force until the 3~st day of December' 11l74, andfrDm year tD year thereafter, unless either party notifies the other, in . writ- ing, nDt lessthau thirty (30) days 'and nDt iIIlore than ninety (90) days priDr to the expiry date of thisagreelllent that it desires to amend or terminate this agreement. 32.02 In the event of .such nDtification being given within the time prescribed in clause 32.01, negDtiations between the parties shall begin 'Within (15) days fDllowing such nDtification. DATED AND ElliEOUTEDat St. ThDmas, OntariD, .on behalf of the parties hereto by their duly .authDrized representatives, this 28th day of June 1973. THE OO~FORATION OF THE COUNTY .oF ELG~N NelsDn JohnstDn H. L. Johnson LONDON AND DISTRJjCT,BUILDING SERVWE WORKERS UNION, LOCAL 220 Richard Stafford Fmnk White Monica Smith TI1Dmas J. Mitchell 196 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL SOHEDULE "A" WAGE SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE MAY 1st, 1Il73 CLASS1FICATION Start One Year Two Years Three Years Attendant 2.95 3.00 3.10 3.15 Charge Nurse 2.80 2.85 2.1l5 3.00 Nursing Aid 2.60 2.65 2.75 2 80 Cmft SupervisDr 2.50 2.55 2.65 2.70 Adjuvant 2.80 2.85 2.1l5 3.00 OhargeLaundry and Oharge HDusekeeping Maid 2.70 2.75 2.80 2.85 Housekeeping Maid 2.55 2.60 2.65 2.70 Laundry Maid 2.55 2.60 2.65 2.70 Kitchen Maid 2.55 2.60 2.65 2.70 Kitchen Maintenance 2,80 2 85 2.90 2.95 First CDok 2.80 2.85 2.95 3.00 SecDnd CODk 2.60 2.65 2.75 2.80 Maintenance 2.95 3.00 3.05 3.10 EFFECTINE MAY 1st, 1974 CLASSInCATmN Star; One Year Two Years Three Years Attendant 3.15 3.20 3.30 3.35 Charge Nurse 3.00 3.05 3.15 3.20 Nursing Aid 2.80 2.85 2.95 3.00 Craft SupervisDr 2.70 2.75 2.85 2.1l0 Adjwant 3.00 3.05 3.15 3.20 Char,ge Laundry and Oharge HOUSekeeping Maid 2.1l0 2.95 3.00 3.05 Housekeeping Maid 2.75 2.80 2.85 2.00 Laundry Maid 2.~5 2.80 2.85 2.90 Kitchen Maid 2.75 2.,80 2.85 2.1l0 Kitchen Maintenance 2.95 3.00 3.05 3.10 First Cook 3.00 3.05 3.15 3.20 SecDnd Cook 2.80 2.85 2.95 3.00 Maintenance 3.10 3.15 3.20 3.25 ELGIN OOUNTYCOUNCIL 197 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2261 "A By~Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of theCorpol"ation of the County of Elgin a't the June Session, 1973u WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Cbapter 284 .of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, tihe powers ,.of a municipal corporation 'are to he exercised by its council; AND WHEREAS hy Subsection 1 of SectiDn 241 .of the Municip.al Act, being Chapter 284 .of the Revised Statutes .of OntariD, 1970 the powers of every Council ,are to be exercised by By-Law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the prDceedings of the Council of the CDrporatiDn .of the CDunty of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed ,and 'adDpted by By-Law; NOW THERE,F10RE the CDuncil of the Co~pDration of the Coun- ty of Elgin Enacts ,as fDllows: 1. That ,action of the 'Council .of the Corporation .of the CDunty of Elgin in respect to each recommendation contained in the Reports of the CDmmittees ,'and each motion .and resDlution passed and other actiDn taken by the Council .of the CorporatiDn of the 'County of El- gin at its. meetings held during the June 1973 Session is hereby .ad- .opted ,and cDnfimled ,as if all such proceedings were expressly em- bodied in this By-Law. 2. The W,arden 'and proper .officials of the Corporation .of the County of Elgin are herebyauthori:red 'aIld directed tD do all things necessary tD give effect tD the ,actIDn. .of the Council of the Corporll- tionDf tile Connty of Elgin referred tD in preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are ,authDrized and directed to exe- cute all dDcuments Ilecess,ary in that behaif .and to affix thereto the Seal of the ODunty of Ellgin. READ ,a first time this 20th day of June, 1973. READ .a second time this 20th day .of June, 1973. READ ,a third time ,and finally passed this 20th day .of Jnne, 1973. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk NELS.oN JOHNSTON, Warden 198 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL SEPTEMBER SESSION -"- FIRST DAY Wednesday, the 19th day of Septemher, 1973 The Elgin .county CDuncil met this. day at the 'Court Honse, St. Thomas, in lacooroance with 'adjournment. The Warden in the chair. All members present except Reeve EmersDn and Deputy Reeve Schafer. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by. Reeve WilsDn That the minutes of the June 1973 Session of the .Ellgin County Council 'be ,adopted. ~Carried. The following CDmmunicatiDns were read ,and referred to the various Committees: From the Ministry .of Treasury, Economics .and Intergoverllr mental Affairs with report entitled "Subject to Approval - A Re- view of Municipai Plauning in OntariD". - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the TDWnship of Bayham with request for an ,arujustment of their County ApPDrtionment for 11171 'and ,any subsequent years that theincDrrect factDr .of 14.1 was used in their apportiDument. - Referred tD the Equalization .and Assessment Committee. From the Ontario Association of Rur.al Municipalities with Mem- bership Application Form. - Referred to 1ihe Finance Committee. FrDm the Ministry of Treasw'y, EconDmics and Intergovern. mental Affairs 'with letter re: Report suhmitted by Mr. Paul Hickey on municipal. government. - Referred to the CDunty GDvernment Committee. From the County .of ND.rfolk witih resDlutiDn reo gvant .on indi- gent hospital patients' 'accounts fDr 1972. - Referred to the Finance Committee. ELGIN GOUNTYCOUNCIL 199 ,From "he University .of Western Ontario with invitation tD attend its .open HDuse on 19th, 20th .and 21st .of October 1973. - Filed. From the Ministry of Treasury, ECDnomics .and Intergovern- mental Affairs with Notice .of Participation in Special Emergency Assistance Program. - Referred tD the Road CDmmittee. IFrom Miss Brenda Boyd, Mtss Brenda VanPatter, lVHss Sus,an .Flemingand Miss Susan Camphell with .appreciatiDn .of County of Elgin SUPPDrt to them for 'attending HI girls' conference. _ Flied. ,From the Association of Counties '3lld RegiDns of OntariD with August Newsletter. .-- Referred to the CDunty Government CDmmit- tee. .From the Ministry of Natuval Resources with copies of the new regional ,and district bDundaries for Southwestern .ontario. - Filed. From the Library Building ,Committee with CDPY .of the ,minutes of the meetings held on July 30, July m .aud August 8, 1973.-"- Refer- red to the Educational Committee. From the Ministry .of TranspDrtatiDn 'andCDmmunications. with letter advising that the designatiDns .of the IDllDwing Development RDads have been revoked ,and the agreements pertaining . thereto D. R. No. OOUNTY ROAD MILES 930 1023 1122 No. ~5 (Part) No. 16 (Part) ND. 36 (Part) 12.3 6.7 6.7 - Referred to the RDad Committee. IFrom Miss Laur.a A. Miller withappreciatiDn for County of EI- gill scholarship award. - Filed. FrDm' the AssDclation of Municipalities of Ontario with ,legisla- tivebuIletin. - Referred to the ODunty Governlllent 'Committee. 200 ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL From the AssDciatiDn of Counties 'and Regions of OntarlD with 1973 CDnventiDn Newsletter ,and accommodation requests fDr .annual meeting. - Heferred to the County GDvernment Committee. FrDm the Ministry of Transportation -and Communications with MemD iND. 73-07 re: Suhsidy FDrecast Requirements for 11l73. _ Re- ferred tD the Road CDmmittee. 'From Sheriff E. P. Ray with copy of Graud Jury's report to the HDnDur.able Mr. Justice Grant, Dated September 4th. 1973. - Refer- red to the Property CDmmittee. FrDm the Minister .of the Ministry of Tnansportation ,and GDm- municationsadvising that a secDndadv,ance pa)'ment of subsidy in the ,amount of $213,000.00 has been authorized. - Filed. ,FrDm ,Mr. C. J. Williams, DirectDr, Municipal Welfare Adminis, tr.ation, Ministry of Community and Social Services with letter CDn- gratulating the Elgin County Council for deciding to form ,a Welliare Unit 'and offering ,any help required frDm the Ministry.- ,Filed. FrDm the Chairman, Task Force CDmmittee, Southwestern On- tario Regional Rehabilitation Centre with copy of ,a Brief by a Task F10rce .of -an 'ad hac ,advisDry cDmmittee .of .the London Hospital Plan- ning Council and requesting CDunty 'Council to .aPPDint ,a member to .a Board of DirectDrs - Referred to the CDunty GDvernment Com- mittee. FrDm Mr. JoI1n Wise M.P., with CDPy of 'a repDrt on federai as- sistance progams. - Filed. FrDm the T.ownship of South wold with resDlution 'apprDving ,a fee of $100.00 for services perfDrmed by the Townsl1ip Fire Department when calls ,are received from the Ministry of Tnansportation and Gommunic'atiDns. - Filed. ,From the University .of Waterloo advising that MT. V. Henry J,asinskas 'aud Miss Laura Anne Miller are winners of CDunty Awards ,and thanking us fDr the County's cheque cDvering these awards. - 'Filed. 'From the County of Hastings with resDlution to petition the Federal andPrDvincial Governments tDallocate ,a greater percent- I ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL , I ! i-i 291 .age (35%) ,of Work Incentive Prognams for the purp.osesDf purchas- ing materials 'and renting equipment. - Referred to the Road CDm- mittee. From the County of Huron with resolution re: residents of Homes for .the Aged receiving incDme in excess of tlhe tDtal mDnthly cost ,of Extended Care ,and 'ComfDrt AllDwance. - Refer,red to the Elgin Manor Committee. From the TDwnship of Bayham with resolution requesting the Elgin CDunty Road CDmmittee tD consider ,County Road ,ND.38 from ND. 3 Highway Elast to No. 19 Highway be advanced, .on priority .of County Road Needs Study. - Referred tD the Road 'Committee. ,From ,InfDrmatiDn Centre with list .of ,calls received' at the St. Thomas-Elgin Information 'Centre ,and VDlunteer Bureau for the month of June 1973. - FlIed. From the Ontario Ministry .of Agriculture and 'FODd ,aud OntariD Soil ,and Croup Impr.ovement AssDciatiDn with copy of OntariD ,Land Use Conference. - ,FlIed. 'FrDm Mr. R. A. B""rett, Clerk, City .of St. Thomas with copy of .a letter to Reeve D. Todd, ,re : Public Library Services ,and CDPY of the Twenty-second meeting .of the Ninety-third CDuncil of the City .of St. Thomas. - Referred to the Edueational Committee. FrDm "he Ministry of TranspDrtatiDn ,and CDmmunicatlons with Memo No. 73-{)0 rei 1. Tenders fDr Equipment" 2. Vertical 'Curves, and 3. Maximum Speed Signs. - Referred to the RDad Committee. FrDm the ,East Elgin Planning BDard with resDlutiDn "That this Board concur _ - with the members of County Council in .recommend- ingthe study of the feasibility .of garbage ,collection ,and dispDsal .on a county basis." - FHed. FrDm tiheMinistry 'Of Labour with letter Re: Bill 127, The CDn- struction Safety Aet, 1973. - Refer,red to the RDad CDmmittee. From the County of Lambton with resDlution passed by the Lamboon County Libr.aryrequesting amendment tD tlhe Public Lib- raries Act. - Refer,red tD the Educational Committee. 202 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL FrDmthe Elgin Plauning Board with "The RepDrt .of the Feas- ibility of Developing Selected Sites for ~rpDses .of Refuse DisPDSal". - Referred to the County Government ,Committee. ,From Mr. M. R.' 'Driscoll, ConsDlidation Officer, Municip.al Wel- fare Administration with letter .of appreciation tD tile Warden'aud' the Members .of CDunty Council for the hearing granted to Mr. J. M. Hamilton 'and himself 'attlbe June SessiDn. _ Filed. 'From the City of St. ThDmas with 'CDPY .of a letter fmm the Min- istry of Tt,anspDrtationand Communications re: St. ThDmas Ex- pressway, County Road ND. 29. -Referred to the RDad CDmmittee. Frqrn the Bank .of Montreai ,advising that effective August 8th, 1973, the r,ate of interest on county loans has increased tD 8\<< %. - Filed. Fxomthe Ministry .of the .Environment with cepy of 'a repDrt "The l'rDvince of Ontario Contingency Plan fDr Spills of Oil and Otiher iHazardDus Materials; Status RepDrt May 1973. _ Filed. From the Ministry of the Environment with Notice of Hearing reo. approval fDr estahlishing ,and operatiDn .of 'II waste disposal site In tile Township of SouthwDld. - Referred to the CDunty GDvern- meiltCommittee. From the T.ownshlp of SDuthwold with NDtice of Ap.plicatiDn tD ,the. Ontario Municipal BDard for 'approval of .a 'By-Law to regulate land use passed pursuant. tD SectiDn 35 of the Planning Act .and a CDPy of TDWIlShip .of Southwold By-Law ND. 73-19. _ Referred to the Road CDmmittee. Fxom Mr. R. A. Barrett, Clerk, City .of St. ThDmas, with letter reo New Public Library. - Referred tD tile EducatiDnal Committee. The First Report of the PerseunelCommittee was presented by Reeve . Lake .and OODpted on lnDti.on .of Reeve Lake 'and Reeve HDdgson. The Second Report of the PersDune! CDmmittee was, presented by' Reeve Lake aud 'adDpted .on motion of Reeve Lake and Reeve Miskelly. ElLGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 203 Moved by Reeve Dennis Seconded by Reeve Miskelly That By-Law ND. 2262, "Being a 'By-Law to Appoint a. Social Services Director fDr the CDunty of Elgin," he read a first time. - Carried. MDVed by Reeve Miskelly SecDnded by Deputy Reeve McBrien That By-Law No. 2262 be read a second time. - Carried. MDVed by Deputy Reeve McBrien Seconded by Reeve Dennis That By.Law No. 2262 be read 'a third time .and finally passed. - Carried. MDVed by Reeve Hodgson SecDnded by Reeve Lske That By-Law ND. 2263, "Being ,a By-Law to Establish the Salary of the Elgin County Secial Services Director,' be read a first time. - Carried. MDVed hy Reeve Dennis SecDnded by Reeve Miskelly That By.Law ND.' 2263 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Miskelly SecDnded by.Reeve Hodgson That By.Law ND. 2263 be read' a tmrd time and finally passed; -<Jmried A delegatiDn fr.om Ontario HYdro compDsed of.' Mr. Geoi1ge Wortman, PrDject Engin_ Right of Way Plauning, Mr. Jacl< Bois- ton, Public RelatiDns, Mr. Albert Zwart, Forestry and Mr. Dave Tyrrell, TtausmissiDn ,and Distribution I)jvisiDn, were present ,aud it was, 204 ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL MDVedhy Reeve Cook SecDnded by Reeve Thdd That the delegation frDm >OntariD Hydro he nDW heard. -Oarried Mr. WDrtmanspoke tD Council -and elOplained the study 1ihat is being made to determine the 10catiDn of the 500 K,V. tmnsmissiDn Nantiroke-London. iMr. Wortman and .other members of the delega- tionanswered questiDns from members of the council ,with respect to the pDllcy they will try .to follow ,in locating the line. 'Following the discus.sion, the Warden thanked tlhe delegation for ,appearing !before Council and elOplaining the plans" etc. Mr. Kenneth Juck of the Ministry of Natura!' ResDurces was present. Meved !by Deputy Reeve WI1alls Seconded hy Reeve Liebner That Mr. Juck be nDW heard. -'Oar,ried Mr. Juck spoke to Council .and prOpDSed that .a 'Committee be fDvrned 'similar to the one in O"ford CDtmty, compDsed .of 1ihe clerk of each Township .and 'a number of memhers frDm the public to deal with the releasing, etc., of pheasants in the CDunty. If 'a cDmmittee is formed the Ministry would try tD prDvide 200 hirds fDr each town- ship the first year. ,There would be ,six townships ,as the Township .of ,South Dorchester is not issuing licences. Following discussion .on the suhject, the Warden thanked Mr. Juek for his presentatiDn. The Report of the Elgin Mano r Committee w.as presented by Reeve Liebner ,and ,adDpted on motion of Reeve Liebner. 'and Reeve Hodgson. The RePort of tlhe RDadCommittee . was. presented by Reeve Denpis aud 'adOpted on ,motiDn of Reeve Dennis ,and Reeve CDDk. M6ved liy aeeve Dennis Seconded by Reeve Wilson ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ;,! 205 That the Statement of Proposed Work 'and ElOpenditure on the County Road System 'and St. ThDm-as Suburban RDad System as Recommended in the First Report of 'County of Elgin Road Com- SessiDn, 1973, RecDmmendatiDn No. 1 ,as detailed $1,612,000.00 he .adopted 'and ,forwarded tDthe Ministry aud 'C\>mmunieatiDns for 'llPprDv.a1. --Carried Deputy Reeve Whalls, Chairman of the Library BDard, present- ed each member of ,Council with ,a Lihr,ary BDard Report fDr their information. ilVLr. Lane, Reeve of North Dorchester, was present 'at the CDun- eil meeting ,as 'a spectator ,and was invited by the Warden tD have diuner witlh the Council Members. I Moved by Reeve Miskelly Seconded by Deputy Reeve McBrien That we do now 'adjDurn to meet 'again .on September 19th, 1973, ,at 2:00 p,m. -.carried Council re-convened. The RepDrt of the EquaIi~ation and Assessment CDmmittee was 'presented by Reeve Caverly 'and .adopted .on motion of Reeve Cav- erly 'and Reeve .Lyle. The RePDrt of the 'County Government Committee was presented by Reeve WilsDn 'and .adDpted .on motion of Reeve Wi!sDn 'and Reeve Bates. The Report .of the Educational 'Committee was presented by De.' put;' Reeve deRyk .and ,adDpted .on mDtion of Deputy Reeve deRyk ,and Deputy Reeve Pettit. The RePDrt of tlhe Finance Committee was presented by Reeve HDdgson and .adDpted .on motiDn .of Reeve Hodgson and Reeve Neinett. 206 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL MDVed by Reeve HodgsDn SecDnded by Deputy Reeve Y Dung . That ,the Canada Department :of Agriculture, Heaith of Animals B~anch, be ,advised' tD prDceed with ['abies clinics throUghDut the ODunty with the 'County of Elgin paying for tihe required 'advertising. -;()arried MDVed by Deputy Reeve Y Dung SecDnded by Deputy Reeve Pettit That ,By.Law No. 2264, "Being ,a By-Law to Amend By-Law ND. 2241, Thereby Increasing the Interest Rate f\aidon MDneys BDrrow- ed lirom tbe Bank of MDnlreal," be read ,a fiiI'st time. -;()arried Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by Deputy Reeve Y Dung That By.Law ND. 2264 be read ,a second time. -;()arried MDVed by Reeve Liebner Seconded by Reeve lHodgson That By-Law ND. 2264 be ~ead a tI1ird time ,and finally p'assed. -;()arried Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by Reeve lHDdgsoo That By-Law ND. 2265, "Regnlating Parking,' be read 'a first time. -;()arried Moved -by Deputy Reeve Young SecDnded by Deputy Reeve Pettit That By-Law No. 2265 be read" second time. -;()arried ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 207 Moved by Reeve Liebner Seconded by Reeve lHodgson That By-Law No. 2265 be read" third time ,and finally passed. -Carried: MDVed by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Reeve TDdd That By-Law ND. 2266, "Regulating P,arking," be read ,a first time. -Carried MDVed by Reeve Todd Seconded by Reeve HDdgson That By-Law No. 2266 be read 'a secDnd time. -;()arried Moved by Deputy Reeve Whalls Seconded by Reeve KaI1nt That By-Law iND. 2266 be read ,a third time 'and finally passed. ~Oarried MDVed by Deputy Reeve WI1alls SecDnded by Deputy Reeve CarrDll That By-Law No. 2267, "Being 'a By-Law to Elstablish ,a. Salary Schedule for Ml -Employees .of 'the GDunty of Elgin who <we not Cov- ered by ,a CDllective Agreement, Other than the Heads. of Depart- menifls," -bere'ad <a: first time. . -;()arried. l\[DVed by Reeve Todd Seconded by Reeve IHDdgsDn That By-Law No. 2267 be read asecDnd time. -;()arried. MDVed by Deputy Reeve Carroll Seconded by Deputy Reeve WI1alls That By-Law iNo. 2267 be read ,a third time ,and finally passed; - Carried. 20'S' ELG}N COUNTYOOUNCIL Moved by Deputy Reeve McBrien SecDnded by Reeve Bates That By'Law No. 2268, "BeiIig 'a By"Law tD Provide Fringe Bene- fits ,19. All EmplDyees .of the County .of Elgin WhD .are Not Covered by a (jDllective Agreement," be read a first time. . -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve M<lBrien SecOnded by Reeve 'Bates .'!'hat By-Law ND. 2268 be read a secDnd time. ~Carried. MDVed by Deputy Reeve McBrien Seconded by Reeve Bates Tbat 'By-Law No. 2268 be read ." third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Bates Seconded by Deputy Reeve .McBrien . , . .That By-.Law iND. 2268, "Being 'a By"Law tD Aimend By-Law No. 1600; Thereby Adjusting ,the Salary of the Elgin CDunty Road Super- intendent," be read la first time. -Carried. Move(j by Reeve \Bates Sec6nded by Deputy Reeve McBa-ien That ,By-Law N(i. 2261l be read ,a second time. ~Carried: J.VIwed hy Reeve Bates SecDnded by Deputy Reeve McBa-ien Tbat By"Law No. 2269 be read ,a ,third time >and finally passed. -"Carried. M(jv~if by Reeve iKaI1nt Seconded by Deputy Reeve SimpsDn That By-Law iND. 2270, "Being .a By-Law to Amend By-Law ND.; 2084, Th\lfeIJY Adjllsting the BalMY of the Elgin 'County Clerk- Treas- up~r,';' ',be ~eact ';a ,first time. ' ~Carried. ELGIN OOUNTY C.oUNCIL 209 MDVed by Deputy Reeve Simpson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Whalls That By"Law iNo. 2270 be read ,a secDnd .time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wballs Seconded by Reeve Kahnt That By-Law No. 2270 be 'read 'a third time .and finally passed. ~Carried. MDved by Deputy Reeve Simpson SecDnded by Reeve iKahnt That By-Law No. 2271, "Being ,a 'By-Law TD Amend By"Law No. 2085, Thereby Adjusting the Salary of tile Elgin CDunty Deputy Clerk- 'I1reasurer," be 'read. a f.irst time. ~Carried. MDved by neputy Reeve McBrien SecDnded by neputy Reeve Wballs That By'Law No. 227,1 be read ,a secDnd time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Simpson SecDnded by Reeve 'Kahnt That By-Law ND. 2271 be read a third time ,and finally passed. ~Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve deRyk Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 2272 "Being a By-Law ,to Amend By"Law No. 2086, Thereby Adjusting the Salary .of the Secretry- Treasurer for the Elgin County HDme for tile Aged," be read 'a first time. ~Carried. Moved hy Reeve Caverly SecDnded by Deputy Reeve YDung Tbat 'By-Law iND. 2272 be read a second time. ~Carried. 210 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll SecDndedbyDeputy Reeve deRyk That By-Law ND. 2272 be read ;a third time ,and finally passed. ~Carried. MDved by Deputy Reeve McBrien Seconded by Deputy Reeve Whalls That By-Law ND. 2273, heing ,a BY'Law to ,amend By-Law No. 2255, thereby 'adjusting the remuner,ation of the acting administr,atDr fDr the Elgin 'County Home for the Aged, be read a first time. --Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Whalls SecDnded by Deputy Reeve McBrien That By-Law No. 2273 be read .a second time. ~Cal'ried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McBrien SecDnded by Reeve Bates That By-Law No. 2273 be read a (~ird Ume 'aud finally passed. -Carried. MDVed by Reeve Wilson SecDnded by Reeve Caverly 'That By-Law No. 2274, "'Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law ND. 2231, Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Assistant AdministratDr for ,the 'Elgin County HDme for the Aged," be read ,a first time. -Carried. Moved hy Reeve 'Caverly Seconded by Reeve Nemett That By-Law iND. 2274 be read a secDnd time. -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 211 Moved by Reeve Lyle Seconded by Reeve Wilson That By-Law No. 2274 be read ,a third time and finally passed. ~Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve W,iJson That By-Law No. 2275, "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of ll1e Council of the CorpDration .of the CDunty of ,Elgin at the Sep.tem- Iber Session 1973 "be read a first time. ~Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve MDnteith Seconded by Reeve Wilson That By-Law ND. 2275 be read .a secDnd time. ~Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve MDnteith Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law 1'1.0. 2275 be read 'a third time 'and finally passed. -'Carried. Moved by Reeve Kahnt Seconded by Deputy Reeve SimpsDn That we do now ,adjDurn olD meet .ag.ain on Friday, September 28, 1,973, at 10:00 .a.m. -Oarried. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk NELSON JOHNSTON, Warden ~12 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT September SessiOOl, 1973 FIRST REPORT TD the Warden and Members .of the Elgin CDunty CDuncil, The PersDnnel CDmmitteerepDrts ,as follows: Your Personnel Committee has met on four oceasions to study land revises'al'aa:'Y schedules .and~rtnge benefits land we recommend ,the following repDrt fOT adDption by the Elgin 'County Council. 1. HOSPITAL AND MEDICAL PLAN That effective Jmmary 1, 1974, the County .of Elgincontrlbute one bundred per cent (100%) of the billng r.ate .of ,the OntariD Health Insm,ance Plan (O.H.I.P.). 2. PAID HOLIDAYS That effective J@uary 1, 1974, tile second MDnday of February be lidded ,as a paid hDliday, &naddition to the present ten allowed. 3. OVERTIME .overtime, ,authDrized by the County for hourly r,ated emplDyees, shall be paid 'at the rate of time ,aud one'half of the emplDyee's basic straight time hDurly mte for all hDurs wDrked in excess of the nDrmal scheduled shift. 4. SICK LEAVE .ca) ND employee shall be '.gr.anted allY sick leaveoredits until he has completed six (6) months' cantinuous service with the CDunty; however,. upon completion of six (6) 'months' servi'ce, the emp'loyee, subject tD a reduotion for lost lime, shall be credited with Il days siok leave credit. (b) Where .an employee having mDre than ('5) years' consecu- tive service Ceases to be employed by the 'County, there shall be paid to him Dr ,to his persDnalrepresentative, ,an ,amount computed .on ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 213 the basis .of his "ate of pay 'at the date of ,leaving the employ of the County, tor ,a piJTiod equal to '50%, <If ihe v,alue of his sick leave cred- its, but the ,,,,mount shall not exceed six (6) mDnths' pay. (c) Regular full time emplDyees on ,the pay'roll on the effective date named in 'a new by-law cDvering sick leave credits who have completed three years' but les's than five years' cDntinuDus service with the County, shall cDntinue to be ,cDvered by the County's pre- sent pDlicy in relati@ to sick pay benefits .on termination .of em- plDyment. 5. PROBATIONARY PERIOD . 'E,ach new full time employee ,shall complete 'a probationary period .of ninety days before being eligible ~Dr perm",nent staff. 6. SALARY SCHEDULE A ROAD DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES (a) Regular HDurly Rated Employees CLASS 6 - 'Foreman and Licensed Mechamc $4.20 per hDur CLASS 5 -Foreman ""d Lead Hands Minimum Mmdmum $3.1l5 per hour $4.10 per hDur Experience mUng .04c per hour fDr 3 years and .03c per hDur fDr 1 year. OLASS 4 -Pari TimeFDreman Minimum $3.75 per hDur Maximum $3.90 per hour EJ<perience rating .04c per hDur for 3 years .and .03c per hDur fDr 1 year. OLASS 3 - Machine Operator, StDckkeeper Minimum $3.80 per bour il\IIaximum$3.95 per hDur ExperienceJl)ating .04c per hour fDr 3 years and .03c per hDur for 1 year. 214 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL CLASS 2 - LahDurer Experienced Minimum M'aximum $3.50 per hDur $3.65 per bour Experience r.atlng .04c pm hDur fDr 3 years and .03c per hDur for 1 year. GLASS 1 - Labourer Minimum Maximum $3.40 per hDur $3.55 per hour E"perience r.ating .04c per hour fDr 3 years and .03c pm hDur for 1 year. (b) Seasonal or Casual EmplDyees CLASS A - EmplDyees of High SchDolage with v.aried e"peri- ence (Under 21). .M,inimum Mmcimum $2.40 per hour $2.55 per hDur GLASS B - Ine"perienced Labour CLASS C - Experienced L'abour $2.75 per hDur $3.00 per hour CLASS n - Experienced Opemtors or Thade $3.20 per hour (c) Teclhnical Personnel INSTRUMENT MAN il\tLini1rnum Maximum $3.78 per hDur $4.10 per IlDur Increments .08e per hour, per year,f()r four years. 'I1ECHNICIAN Minimum $11,250.00 per ,annum 'Maximum $12,050.00 per .annum Increments '$200.00 per year fDr fDur years. Present employee to receive $12,050.00. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 215 GRADE 1 (d) Office PersDnnel GRADE 2 GRADE ,3 Minimum Maxi-mum $5,700.00 per annum $6,500.00 per 'annum Increments $200.00 per year fDr fDur years. :Minimum $4,900.00 per 'annum Maximum $5,700.00 per anllum Increments $200.00 per year fDr four years. ,Minimum M,aximum $4,500.00 per annum $4,1l00.00 per annum OFnCE CO-ORDINATOR (Maie) Increments '$200.eO per year fDr ,.our years. Mini'mum lVI,aximum $8,300.00 per 'annum $9,100.00 per ,annum per year 'Dr fDur years. ,Increments $200.00 'Present emplDyee ,to receive $9,100.00. (e) Supervisory Staff GENElRAL SUPERINTENDENT - (ND pa:l'ment fDr ovmtlme. Rate set includes overtime work). Mini:murn Maximum $11,650.00 per annum $12,450.00 per 'annum Increments '$200.00 per year fDr four years: Present emplDyee tD receive $12,450.00 plus use .of CDunty Oar. 216 ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL ASSISTANT GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT - (No p,ayment for overtime. Rate set includes overtime work). . Minimum $11,250.00 per annum Maximum $12,050.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year fDr four years. Present emplDyee to receive $12,050.00 plus use of Oounty Oar. B. COURT HOUSE STAF\F OF\FICE PERSONNEL-..Gr,ade 1 Mhrimum $5,700.00 per annum ilI'[,aximum $6,500.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Present employee ,to receive $6,500.00. OFFICE PERSONNEL - GRADE 2 Minimum $4,900.00 per 'annum !Maximum $5,700.00 per annum Incremellts $200.00 per year to maximum. OF\FICE PERSONNEL - Gvade 3 ilY.llnimum $4,500.00 per 'annum MaJ<iimUm$4,900.00 per ,aunum Increments $200.00 per year tD maximum. CUSTODIAN OF COUNTY BUlLDLiNGS Minimum $7,600.00 per 'annum Maximum $8,400.00 per ,annum Incremems $200.00 per year to maJ<Oimum. ,In the "bDve schedule the v,alue of the serviced ,apar,tment ($650.00) is to be considered part .of the salary. Present emplDyee tD receive $7,750.00 and use of mile apartment fDr IDoking .after all buildings on the Court House prDperty. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 217 C. ELGIN MANOR EMPLOYEES DIRECll0R OF NURSING Minimum $8,710.00 per ,anllum M'aximum $9,500.00 per annum 'Incremell~s $200.00 per year tD maximum. Present emplDyee ds receiv.ing $8,710.00 which is tD be increased tD $9,500.00 effective January 1, 1974. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR .oF NURSLiNG Minimum M1ax:.imum $8,340.00 per ,annum $9,140.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year tD maximum. Present employee (Mrs. 1. NichDlsDn) tD receive $8,740.00. 'REGISTERED NURSE Minimum $3.55 per h,our Mrocimum $3.95 !per hour mcrements .10c per hDUf, per year tD maximum. DIETARY SUPERVISOR Minimum 'Maximum $6,532.00 per annum $7,332.00 per aunum Increments $200.{)O per year to m'8){limum. Present emplDyee to reccive $7,332.00. LAUNDRY 'and HOUSEKElEPING SUP,ERWSOR lVUin;imum Maximum $6,532.00 per annum $7,332.00 perannnm 'Increments $200.00 per year tD maJ<Oimum. Present emplDyee to reccive$7,332.00. 218 ,ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL MAINTElNAiNCE SUPERVISOR Minimum M.aximum $8,560.00 per ,annum $9,360.00 per .annum Increments $200.00 per year to imax.imum. Present employee ,is Teceiving$8,800.00 which is to be increased tD $8,960.00 effeotive J:anuary 1, 1974. PART TIME Effective Sept. 2, 1973 Registered Nmses - MInimum $3.55 per hour Mal<lmum $3.95 .per hDur Nursing Aids ,and Attendants $2.65 per hDur Kitchen, Laundry ,and HDusekeeping Maids Office Help Gardener Summer Students Barber Beautic1an Oharge Nurses ,and Charge Attendants Effective May 1, 1974 $2.80 per !lour $2.55 per hour $2.75 per hDur $2:55 per hDllr $2.75 per hDur $2.55 per hDur $2.75 per hour $2.30 per hour $2.50 per !lour $60.'00 per mDnth $18.00 per day $2.80 ,per hour $3.00 per IlDur .oFFICE PERSONNEL - Grade 1 Minilmum $5,700.00 per annum Maximum $6,500.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to mal<imum. Present emplDyee :to receive $6,.500.00 OFFICE PERSONNEL - Grade 2 Maximum $4,900.00 per a;nnum Maximum $5,700.00 .per annum Increments $200.00 per year to max,imum. Present emplDyee to receive $5,700.00. ElLGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 219 OF'FICE PERSONNEL - Goade 3 Minimum $4,500.00 per aunum Maximum $4,900.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year ,to maximum. D. COUNTY LIBRARY EMPLOYEES LIBRARY PERSONNEL - Gr,ade 1 Minimum $5,700.00 per ,annum Maxilmum $6,500.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year tD max.imilm. Present employee tD receive $6,500.00. LIBRARY PERSONEL - Goade 2 Minimum :Maximu'ffi $4,900.00 per annum $5,700.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year tD mal<imum. Present emplDyee to receive $5,700.00. ASSISTANT LIBRARY SUPERVISOR Minimum $6,200.00 per ,annum M,aximum $7,000.00 per lannum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Present employee tD receive $7,000.00. E. DEPARTMENT HEAnS - All mtes in this category tD he effec- J,anuary 1, 1974. COUNTY ENGINEER $22,000.00 per annum Plus the use .of ,a QDunty Car. COUNTY OLERK-TREASURER $17,300.00 per -annum DElPUTY CLERK-TREASURER $13,300.60 per 'annum $3,000.00 .of :bhe ",bove salary to be paid by 'the CDunty Home for the Aged 'as remunemtion for him acting .as Secretary-Treasurer of the Home. 220 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL ADMINSTRAT.oR - ElLGIN MANOR ASSISTANT ADMINISTRAT.oR - ELmN MANOR OOUNTY -LIBRARIAN LIBRARY SUPERN1SOR WEED ]NSPECll0R 'and TREE COMlITlSS]ONER $14,500.00 .per annum '$9,000.00 per .annum $14,400.00 per annum $8,800.00 per annum $3.00 per hour .plus .13'c per :mile mileage, and he provide his .own meals. F. Tbe s,alaries ,and salary schedules recommended in this repDrt 'are to be effecltive September 2, 1973, unless .otherwise stipnlated,. 7. We 'authorize that il"esent Oounty of Elgin By"Laws he ,amended Dr new 'By-Laws .passed .as required to implement the recommenda- ';;Dns contained in this repDrt. All .of which is respectfully submitted. R. L. LAEiE, Acting Chairman PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1973 Second Report To the W ardenand Members .of the Elgin CDunty Council, The PersDnnelComrillttee reports 'as fDllows: 1. We recDmmend ,that -a Cent"al P,ayroll Department for the 'OierJ,'s Office, Road Department 'and Elgin Manor personnel be set up '.and implemented fDr JanUary 1, 1<.)'74, and that the necessary equipment, supplies 'and' help be obtained by the Clerk-T,reasurer's Office. 2. We recDmmend that Mr. Robem E. Bell he :appDinted Sociai Ser, vices Director fOT the County 'Of Elgin, effective November 1, 1973, ,at ,an ,annu.alsalary .of $12,500.00 'and ,that the necessary by-law be prepared for .presentation to County CDunci! .and forwarded to tlie Ministry of Community and SDciai Services for 'approval. All 'Of which is respectfully submitted. R. L. LAKE, Acting Chairman ELGIN OOUNTY COUNC~ 2n COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2262 "Being. a By-Law to appoint a Social Services Director for the County of Elgin. ", WHElThEAS under SectiDn 4 (3) .of the General Welfare Assist- 'ance Act, the CDuncil of ,a CDunty may, with the ,apprDval of the ,Minister of Social and F.amily Serl'ices, ,appDint ,a municipal welfare ladministvaJtor to ladministeraissistance in fall of the municipalities lhatare within .a county for municipal purposes; AND WHEREAS the Council of the County of Elgin has decided tD gD into a County Welfare Unit; , AND WHEREAS in order to .administer the prDVlSlDns .of the General WelOare Assistance Act 'and other reiated sDeial services, it is nec,ess,ary tD appoint ,a Social Services Director for the CDunty .of Elgin. NOW THERE,FORE the CDuncil of the CDunty .of Eigin enacts as fDllows: 1. That Mr. Robert E. Bell be and is hereby appointed Social Ser- vices nirector for the ODunty of Elgin effective November 1st,. 1973. 2 Thfl!t his duties shall be thDse set out for ,a Welfare Adminstra- tDr 'in the Geneml Welfare Assistance Act 'and the RegulatiDns made hy the Lieutenaut GovernDr in Oouncil under this Act .aswell as other Social Services required hy the Elgin Oounty Council. 3. That this By"Law shall become effective when 'approved by the Minister of Social and Famlly Services. READ 'a first time this 19t!h day of September, 1973; READ 'a second time this Illth day of September, 1973. ThEAD ,a third time and finally passed this 19th day .of S,ptember, 1973. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk NELSON JOHNSTON, Warden 222 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ,COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2263 "Being a By-Law to Establish the Salary .of tbe Elgin CDunty Social Services Director" The CDuncil of the County of Elflln enacts as follows: 1. T1ratthe ,salary .of the SDclal Services Director of the 'County 01 .E1gin sha:ll he Twelve Thousand Five Hundred DDllars ($12,500.00) per ,annum, pay,ahle bi-weekl.y. 2. That this By-Law shall hecome effective when 'apprDved by the Minister .of SDcial and lF1amily Services. READ a first time this 191ih day of Septemher, 1973. READ 'a second time this 19th day of September, 1973. READ 'a third time ,and finally passed this 11lth day .of September, 1973. H. "L. JOHNSON, Clerk NIDLSON JOHNSTON, Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 223 ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT September Sessiou, 1973 TD the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Elgin ManDr Committee repDrts as follDWS: 1. That the resDlution from the County .of HurDn requestIng legisla- tion to ,alIDW any excess income .of Extended Care Residents to be applied .amainst 'any ;arrears' of :maintenallce he endorsed. 2. The tender of ~mperial .oil Limited 'at 'a price .of 19.95c per flal- lon has heenaccepted .for the following lDcatiDns .for the 1973-74 heat- ing season, subject to ,adjustment in the tank wagon price 'at date .of delivery: Elflin Manor County Llbr.ary Registry Of!ice Engilleer's Office 3. In ~rder to obtain better interest rates fDr the Residents' Trust Accounts, excess funds have been invested in Bank Term [)eposit Certificates. 4. Mrs. Theresa L. 8.wachau, R.N., has been hired as RecreatiDnal Director ,at ,an 'annual salary of $5,VOV.00 and it is recommended that the Personnel 'Committee be requested tD 'create a salary schedule .fDr this pDsitiDll. 5. 'l1he Elgin ManDr ,are paying $220.VO tDwards, the cDst of the Ad- ministrator's CDllrSe, spollsDred 1ihrough McMaster University, fDr M,.. R. E. Hines, Assistant Administrator. 6. The AdministratDr and [)jrectDr .oj Nursing have been .authDrized tD .attend ,a tWD-day seminar to be held November 7. and 8, 11l73, at Ba.ycrest Centre, TorDnto, with e"Penses paid. All of Whicb is respeetfully submitted. A. H. LIEBNER, Chail'mau 224 ElLGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD REPORT Fu,st RepDrt September Session, 1973 To the Warden and Members .of the Elgin County CDuncil, Your Road Committee hegs to report 'as follDWS: 1. That due to the lateness in the seasDn .of 'a Tender Gall by the Minisfu:y of the Envwoument fur Sanitary Sewers in the Vill.age .of Rodney, it will not be possible tD complete the eonstructiDn planned on RDad No. 3 'and No. 4, and .on RDad ND. 3, between Lake .Erie 'and Highway No.3 in Aldborough Township. YDur Road CDmmittee has replaced this prDposed work wit!! gr,anular base ,and paving work on RDad ND. 3 from Wardsville southerly toward Rodney fDrapprDximately four (4) mHes. Granular base W<J1'k has been completed ,and ,a cDntract let tD Walmsley 'Bro1ihers Limited of LDndDnat $88,434 .fDr Hot Mix Asphalt Bavtllg. The paving is underway. WE RECOMMEND: : 1. That ,a resolutiDn be passed ,adDpting the fDllDwing propDsed stafument .of work .and expenditures for L973 ,and that the state- ment he f<J1'warded tD the MTC tDgether with a resolution re- questing ,a supplementary application of subsidy money ill the 'amount of $360,000. This statement is necess'ary hecause of Jegisl.ation passed by the Province since the ,statement of work was adopted by tIle March SessiDn of County CDuncil which chauged the Suhsidy System 'and 'the change in the CDunty Work Program ,as nDted above. The tmal subsidy 'amount of $1,072,000 ,is unchanged .rom March. ElLGINOOUNTY COUNCIL 225 CONSTRUCTION St. Thomas lSuhurban Road 'Commission BudgeL_________$ 7,000 Surveys on New WDrk, MiscellaneDus Grading .Cost, etc. _____________________________________________________ ________________________ 10,000 Land Purchase ___ ____ ________________________________________ _________________ 40,000 New Machinery ,and Machinery Garages ________________________ 238,000 Completion of Work in Progres,s Road NO.2-West Lorneto Rodney, AldhDroUgh Township Road No. I~Shackleton Street, Dutton Road iNo. 14-Iona Station to Road 1'1.0. 13, SoothwDld ,and Dunwich TDwnships _______________________,,________ RDad ND. 16-'l1albot Creek 'Culverts ,aud ApprDaches, Dunwich TDwnship ______________________________________,____ Road No. 2~Garlow Road Extension" Port Stanley,. Highway No. 4 tD Erie StreeL_____.______".___ RDad ND. 36-Highway ND. 3 tD 1 mile south of Sparta, YarmoUJth TDWnsbip ________ _____________ RDad No. 42-<Port !Burwell easterly, Bayham Town- ship 15,000 7,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 42,000 25,000 New Work Road ND. 44--from RDad No. 46 to Hlgl1way No.3, Bayham TDwnship ________________________________________ 50,000 Road No. 4~MDunt Salem to RDad No. 42, Malal1ide TDwnship ___________ _ ____ ____________________________________ 185,000 Road No. 3 ~Highway No. 3 to iLake Erie, Aldbor- ough Township _ ___ ___________________________________________ 6,000 Road 1'1.0. 3 ~oad ND. 2 nDrtherly 0.5 ,miles - RDd- ney _______________________. ______ _____________________________________: RDad ND. 4 ~Queen Street West, RDdney______________________..) 6,000 Road No. 3 -Wardsville soutl1erly _________________ ______________..) 142,000 Credits Rebate .on Sales T.ax ____________________________________________________ 10,000 Machine Rentals re Accounts Receivable ,and Townline Accounts ___________________________________________ 10,000 ReductiDn in StDck BalancR____________________________________ 20,000 40,000 Credit 773,000 226 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL MAINTENANCE Bridges and Culverts ________mm_______________ ______________$ 15,000 Winter ,Control -_________________________________ _______________________ 70,000 Road No. 40 Asphalt Resurfacing) Highway No.3 to Mount Salem)____ __________________ 225,000 HDt Mix Asphalt Resnrfacing) Surface Treatment Gravel Resurfacing Repairs to Pavements Maintenance .of Gravel RDads ____ _________________________ RDadside Maintenauce Dust Control Weed CDntrDl Tree Cuttin P,avement Marking Guiderails Signs ________________________ ______ _________________________________________ Drainage Tree Planting ________________ ___________________________________________ Railroad Protection Drainage Assessment St. ThDmas Suburban Roads Commission Maintenance and Overhead County Overhead ____________ _____________________________________ Uvban Rehates (25%) SUMMARY GDnstruction ________________________________________________________$ Maintenance. - 'County ___________________________________ Maintenance - St. ThDmas Suburban Roads ,Comm.ission _______"______"________________________._________________ County Overhead _________---__________________________________ Urban Rebates ____________________________________________________ 25,000 20,000 30,000 14,000 16,000 26,000 21,000 15,000 12,000 10,000 15,000 15,000 1,000 13,000 6,000 549,000 33,000 223,000 34,000 7173,000 549,00l) 33,000 223,000 34,000 $1,612,000 r ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 227 WE RECOMMEND: 2. That n by-law be passed prohibiting parking on the west side of Road No_ 47 in AI'on from Road ND. 37 southerly .one hundred and. thirty.seven (137) feet. 3. That. by-law be pas,sed prahibiting .overnight parking .on county roads. 4. Th,at the resDlutiDnDf the CDunty of Hastings requesting that Provincial~Federal Incentive Programs allDw 35% for materiaisand equipment rentals instead of the present 12'h% to 20% be filed. - All of which is respectfully submitted. J. L. DENNIS, Chairmau I I. EQUALIZATION AND ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE REPORT September SessiGu, 1973 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin CDunty CouncU, T'.-;c Equali~ation and Assessment CDmmittee reports ,as fDllows: 1. That Bayham's .apportiDnment f(]1' county purpDses fDr tile year 1971 be reduced by $4,396.80 'aud ,that this 'amount he p.aid tD Bayham Township frDm the general funds .of the Gounty. 2. That tile ,appoltionment of 'County rate for 1974 be the same as that used fDr 11173 with 'an 'adjustment made to Baybam's 'appDl'IJiDn- ment tocompens,ate for the change in their factor .and that the dif- ference in assessment between 1972 and 1973 be ,taken into consider- ,atiDn as well ,as 'any .other iriformation pertaining to 'assessment that is av.ailable. All Of Which is 'respectfully submitted. W. R. CAVERLY, Chakman 228 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY GOVERMNENT COMMITTEE REPORT September SessiOOl, 1973 TD the Warden 'and Members of the E1gin CDunty CDuncil, The CDunty Goverrnnent CDmmittee reports >as fDllDWS: 1. That the report entitled "Snbject to ApprDv>al-A Review of Municipal Planning in Ontario." be filed. 2. That ,the letter frDm the Ministry .01 Treasury, EconDmics and Intergovernmental Afl.airs re: RJeport submitted by Mr. Paul Hickey on municipal governments be t~bled. 3. 'That the August Newsletter from the AssDciation of Counties ,and Regions 01 Onta~io he flied. 4. That .the Associ'ation .01 Municipalities of OntariD - legislative bulletin be tabled. 5. Association of CDunties .and Regions 'Of .ontariD 1973 ConventiDn Newsletter, etc., be filed aud that Reeve HDdgson replace the Clerk- TreaSUTeil' ras '3 voting deleg,ate :to the A.C.R.O. ,convention. 6. That the Notice .of Hearing ;[mm the iMinistry of the ,EnviTDn- ment ,re: ,appro"al for establishing ,and Dpe<atiDn of .a waste disposal site in the TDwnship of Southwold be ref<Jl'Ted tD the Road Com- mittee. 7. That Reeve Lake be tile Elgin GDunty CDuncil member on the Board .of Directors .of the SDuthwes,tern OntariD RegiDnal Rehabili- tatiDn Centre. 8. Thattbe report .of the Ellgin Planning .BDard Re: The feasibil- ity .of developing selected sites for the purpDse of refuse disposal he filed. 9. That the Clerk-Treasurer write ,the Ministry 01 Treasury, Ec- onomics land Intergovernmental Mfairs to inquire. what is the pres- ellt status of 'apprDv.al .of plans .of subdivisiDn .and planning in, gen- eral in so far as the County is concerned. ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 2~9 10. That the County Government Committee review 'and np date the County CDuncil Procedure by.law. II. That the Social Services Director be under the directlDn 'Of the Personnel Committee until .a Welfare Committee is ,appointed. All 'Of which is respectfnlly submitted. J.B. WILSON, Chairman EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE, REPORT September Session, 1973 TD the Warden and Members of the Ellgin County Council, The EducatiDal Committee reports 'as foll'Ows: 1. That millutes .of meetings held by the Lib<ary Building Oom- mittee .on July 30, July 31 ,and August 8 be filed. 2. That the copy of a ,letter sent to 'Reeve D. R. TDdd, by Mr. R. A. <Barrett, Clerk of the City .of St. Thomas reo pnblic Llbr.ary Ser- vices 'aud the copy .of the Twenty-second meeting of the Ninety-Thiid CDuncH of tbe City of St. Thomas be filed. 3. That the resolutiDn p.assed by the LambtDn ,Coullty Llb<~ 'and endorsed by .the iLamhton County CDuncil reo 'amendment to the Public Lib<aries Act be filed. 4. Letter frDm Mr. R. A. Barrett dated Septemher 18, 1973, reo a new .lib,ary huilding he tahled. All of which is respectfully submitted. H. P. deRyk, Chairmau 230 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1973 To the Warden and Members of the Ellgin 'County CDuncil, The ,Finance Committee reports as foll.oW\S: 1. That the ,application for memhersbip ill the Ontario Associa- {ion of Rural MunMp.alities he flled. 2. That the resDlutiDIl .rom the County of iN<>rfDlk re: .grant on 111- digent hDsp;tal patients accDunts for 1972 ,he endorsed. 3. That in future the 10",,1 municipalities pU1'Cbase their own building permits. 4. That we pu"chasean ,additional 30,000 'County matches. 5. That the Clerk-Treasurer's office lease ia XerDx photo copier ,and sell the present 3M copier, with the supplies that are on hand, tDElgill M.anor for the sum of '$1,.000.00. 6. That anadv,ance of $50.00 be .given to the Chairman of.the Re- ception ,and Elntertainment 'Committee. All of which jg respectfully submitted. J. W. HODGSON, Acting Chairman ELGIN OOUNTY COUiNC~ 231 'COUNTY OF ELGIN IlY-LAW NO. 2264 "Being a. By~Law to Amend By-L3[W. No. 2241, Thereby Increasing the Interest Rate Paid on MDneys 1l0rrDwed FrDm the Bank of Montreal" WHEREAS Clause (1) of By-Law ND. 2241 authorizes an interest !'late not exeeecUng 18 per -cent per annum on moneysbmrowed ,from the Bank of MDntreal. AND WHEREAS interest rates have increased since ,the passing of 'By-Law No. 2241. NOW THEREFORE the CDuncil of the CorpDr,ation .of the County .of EI.gin enacts as follows: ' THAT By.Law No. 2241 he ,abmended Iby deleting Clause (1) 'as !amended by By.JJaw No. 2257 and the following be substituted there- .Iore. 1. The Head .and the Treasurer or Deputy-Treasurer are hereby 'authorized .on behalf of the CorporatiDn to borrow from time tD time, hy way of promissory note, from the Bank of Montreal, a sum Dr sums not exceedlllg in the ia.gg<regate Two Million, Three Hundred Thousaud dollars tD meet, until the taxes are colladed, the cur.rent eJOpenditures of the 'Corporation for the year, including the ,amounts required far the purposes :mentiDned in subsection (1.) of the said Section 329, ,and tOg[ve, .on behalf of the CorporatiDn, tD the Bank a promissory nDte or notes, ,sealed with the ,corpDrate seal 'and signed hy them 'Dr the moneys so. bDl'It"OWed with ,interestal a rate not ex- ceeding 10 per 'centum per annum, which may be paid in advance Dr otherwise. READ 'a fu'st time this Illtih day of September, 1973. READ 'a second time this 19th day of September, 1973. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of Septemher, 1973. H. L. JOHNSON, Olerk NELSON JOHINSTON, Warden 232 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL ,COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2265 "REGULATING PARKING" The Oouncil of the CDrpomtion .of 'the Municipality .of Elgin en- acts ,as foIlDWS: 1. DElFINITWN For the purpDse .of this By"Law. Park or Parking, willen prohibited, means the standing of ra ve- hicle whether occupied Dr nDt except when standing temporarily fDr the purpose of 'and while .actually engaged in the lDading or unload- ing of ,mer,ehandise or passengers. Street or Highway includes ra commDn Dr public highway, street, 'avenues, parkway, driveway, square, p}ace, hridge, vi,aduct or rtres~ tie, designed and intended for, or used by, the general public for the passage of vehicles. Vehicle includes ,a Iffiotor vebiicle, trailer 1 traction -engine, [.arm tractor, rDadbuilding machine 'and ,any vehicle drawn, propelled Dr driven by any kind of pDwer, including muscular pDwer, but does nDt include motorized snow vehicles, CaT'S of eleckJ:c 'Or steam r,ailways 'funning 'Only upon flails. 2. PARKING REGULATI.oNS No perSDn shall park a vehicle on the Highways Dr p'arts .of Highways hereinafter set on Schedule A, for 'au unreasDnabletim~ having regard for the tralfic requirements of sucll Roadway raud in no case for .a longer period than three hDurS between the hours of 12:00 midnight ,and 7:00 a.m. 3. PENALTIES Any persDn viDlating 'any of the provisiDns of this By4.aw sihall be snhject to penalty .of nDt more than Ten Dollars for the first .of- fence 'and not mDre than Fi;fty DDllars fDr every suhsequent offence, ~f; 'ELGIN OOUNTY COUNOIL 233 exclusive of costs, '8.I1d ,all such pelllalties shall be recDverable under tbe OntariD Summary OonwctiDns Act. 4. THIS iBy-Law ,shall not become effective until approved by the Ministry of TranspDrtatiDn rand Commupnieations. . READ 'a first time this Illtih day .of September, 1973. READ 'a second time this 19th day of September, 1973. READ 'a third time ,and finally passed this 19th day of September, 1973. H. L. .JOHNSON, Olerk NElLSON JOHNSTON, / WlU'den SCHEDULE A 1. All CDnnty Roads in the County of Elgin By-Law No. 2166; By- Law ND. 2166 being a By-Law establisbing.a CDunty Road System. COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2266 "REGULATING PARKING" The Couneil of the OorpDratiDn of the Municipality of Elgin en- 'acts ,as foIlDWS: .. 1. DEFINITWN For the purpose of this By.Law. Park or Parking, when prohibited, meausthe standing of a ve- hicle whether occupied or nDt except when standing temporarily fur the .purpose of 'and while ,actually engaged in 1ihe loading Dr unload- ing of merchadise or passengers. 234 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Street or Highway Includes ,a commoo or public highway, street, 'avenues, !pwkway, driveway, square, pl<ace, bridge, 'Vi'aduot or tres~ tie, designed 'and Iutended 'Dr, .or used by, the gener.al public fDr the passage of vehicles. . Vehicle includes la motor ve!hicle, waller, tJr:action engine, :Earm tractor, roabdnilding machine ,aud vemcle dr,awn, prDpelled Dr driv- en by 'any kind of power, including muscular pDwer, but does nDt include motorized snow vehicles, cars of electrIc or steam railways running .only upon r,ails. " 2. P~RKllNG REGULATIONS When properly worded signs have been erected ,and ,are .on dis- pl.ay nopersDn shall pax!< .a vemcle .on the higl1ways Dr paris .of highways hereinafter set on Schedule "A" attached hereto. 3. PENALTIES Any person violating any .of the prDvisions of this By-Law shall be subject tD penalty .of nDt more than Ten Dollars fDr the first ~f- fence 'aud nDt mDre than 'Fifty [)Dllars 'Dr every suhsequent offence, eJ<clusive .of CDSts, .and 'all such penalties shall be recDverable under the .ontario Summary ODnvictiDns Act. - 4. This By-Law shall uot become effective until approved by the Ministry of Tr.ansportation and CommunicatiDns. - READ 'a first time this 19t!h day of September, 1973. READ ,a second time tms 19th day of Septemher, 1973. READ ,a third time 'and finally passed this 19th day .of September, 1973. H. ,L. JOHNSON, Clerk NiElLSON JOHNSTON, Warden ElLOIN COUNTY COUNCIL 235 SCHEDULE "A" 1. County Road ND. 37 is the road ,allowance known 'as the TDwn- line Road, bebween the TDWnsmpS of South DDrchester 'and N(It'th Do1'Cb.ester. 2. CDunty Road No. 47 is the road allDwance between Lots ND. 3 'and No. 4 in CDncessiDn VIiI, South Dorchester. 3. When prDperly-wDrded 's,igns have' been erected ,and 'are .on dis- play, nD person shall p,ark ,a vehicle on the highway, or part of the higl1way known 'as CDunty RDad ND. 47, within one hundred ,aud thirty-seven (137) feet of the south limit of County RDad ND. 37, .on tile west ,side of CDunty Road No. 47. - COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2267 "Being a By-Law 'to Elstablisb a Salary Sohednle for All EmplDyees of tbe County .of Elgin 'W!tD Are Not Covered by a CDllective .. Agreement, Other 'l'han the Heads of .Departmentsn. WHEREAS it is considered advisable to ,establish salary sche- dules f(lt' the emplDYees of tbe v,arious Departments .of the CDunty of Elgin. NOW THEREOllJE tile 'Council of the 'CorpDratiDn of the CDun~y .of Elgin enacts that the ~Dllowing salary schedules be, and ,are here- by 'adopted: 1. SALARY SCHEDULE ,FOR ROAD DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES A. Regular Hourly Rated EmplDyees CLASS 6 - ConstruooDn Foreman (It' Mechanic - either. ('a) Mechanic licensed by OntarID Department of Labour, OR (b) 'Construction Foreman in charge of specialized work such ,as grading ,and ,gtIauular base or bridge CDnstrnC- 236 ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL tion @d in charge of hired trucks, or grading equip- ment .and County equipment 'and one or more cDunty work crews. $4.20 per hDur GLASS 5 - Foreman 'and Lead Hands - regularly. (,a) ln charge .of 'a wo~k crew of at leaslt 5 men and county or hired equipment on a specific prDject. Supervising other county (or hired) truck and eqmp- ment .on la ~egular basis. . PerfDrming wDrk whicl1 is a recogniood skill Dr trade. Experience rating - .04e per hour fur 3 years .03c per hour for 1 year. Minimum $3.95 per hour Maximum $4.10 per hour CLASS 4 - Part time Foremau. Workers performing wDrk of ,a higher classifiootiDn than Class 2 or acting as la foreman or 'lead head of a work crew fora portion of the year only. E"peri- ence r,ating .04e per hour ~or 3 years 'aud .03c per hour for one year. Minimum $3.7'5 per hour Ma"imum $3.95 per hDur (11) (c) CLASS 3 - Machine Oper,atDrs ,and StDekkeeper. (a) Stockkeeper (b) Regular Oper.ators .on tandem dump Itruck, distrihu- tor, float, gflader, shovel loader, :backhoe, dozer, etC., a majDrJtYDfthe time. The rest ,of time-skilled or speda'l work such ,as Imac!hine repair, ;sign cQnstruc~ Hon, some supervisDry wDrk is usually required. Ex- perience rating - .04cper hDur for 3 years and .03c per hour oor 1 year. .Minimum '$3.80 per hour Maximum $3.95 per hDW' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 237 CLASS 2 - LabDurer Premium - Some Supervisory work sucll as Iigbt Itruek driving, rDller operation, etc., is usually required on a regular or part-time hasis:. c1assifica- tiDn includes e"perienced gmdemen. Experience rat- ,rating .04c per hour for 3 years 'and .03e per hour fDr 1 year. . Minimum $3.50 per hDW' Maximum $3.65 per hour GLASS 1 - LabDurer - <(After completion of ninety day p~ bationery periDd). SDme light truck driving, etc., may be required. Category Ito include mower .operators put littlelf ,any supervisory work is required. .E"perience mUng .04c per hDm for 3 years .and .03c per year fDr 1 year. Minimum $3.40 per bour Maximum $3.55 per hDur B,. Seasonal or easual Employees. OLASS A - Employees of high school 'age <(gener,ally under 21 years of ,age) with varied e"perience. Minimum $2.40 per hour MaJOimum $2.55 per hDur CLASS 'B - Casual Labour, inexperieneed$2.75 per hDur. 'GLASS C - Experienced IllboW', ine"perienced mower operators. $3.00 per hour CLASS D _ 'Experienced ope"ators or tr.ade $3.20 per hDur. C. Technical Persoomel. Instrument Man. - 'Educlltion - Grade 12 orequiva- lent. WDrk includes dr~ting, surveying ,aud when ex- perienced to be .llhle to work with a miniroum .of sup- erv,ision. . 238 ELGIN GOUNTY OOUNCIL Increments shall be gDverned by ,ability, experience, the passing of Ministry of Tr.ansportatiDn & 'Commun- ioations sponsoiI'ed courses on surveying 'and inspecH tion. . P.ositiDn comparahle to Ministry of TransportatiDn & GDmmunioatiDns Technician 3 Surveys. Minimum '$3.78 per hour Maximum $4.10 per l1oW' Increments of .08c per l1oW' fDr fDur yeaTs. Technician. Shall supervise ins,trument men, surveying crew and drafting. Shall assist the Engineer in the design, supervisiDn ,aud construction 0{ ,suoh pmjects ,as hDt-mix 'asphalt paving, drainage, urban construction, etc. 'QuaJifk!ltions tD be similar to Ministry of Transport.- 'atiDn 'and C",mnunication Technician - ~ade II. Minimum $11,250.00 per 'aunum Maximum $12,050.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year for fDW' yeaTs. D. Salaried Employees. GRADE 1 OFF1ICE PERSONiNElL Minimnm $5,700.00 per ,annum Maximum '$6,500.00 per 'aunum Increments $200.00 per yeaT to maximum. GRkDE 2 .oF'FIOE PERSONNEL Mmlmum $4.800.00 per annum ' Mro<1mum $5,700.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year tD maximum. ElLGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 239 GRADE 3 OFFICE PElRSONNElL Minimum $4,500.00 per 'annum Maximum $4,800.00 per ,annum Increments $200.00 per year tD maximum. .oF1F1ICE GO-ORmNATOR -(MALE) To assist with and 'supervise .others in all phases .of office work such ,as payroll, accounts, bookkeeping, etc. To receive inquiries l'Tomand provide infDrmatiDn to tile general public as may from time tD time be requJred. Minimum $8,300.00 per 'annum Maximum $9,100.00 per ,aunum Increments $200.00 per year tD maximum. GENERAL SUPERINTElNDENT General supervisiDn .of "II county work, both mainten- iance ,and 'construction. ContrDI of ,all cDnnty ,aud hired equipment and personnel. I Responsible tG ,the Engineer for the planning and scheduling .of the work. RespDnslble fDr the hiring .of outside equipment and persDnnel when required. Responsible ,or investigations of inquiries and COlIl" plaints by the general public. Minimum $11,650.00 per annrnn Maximum $12,450.00 per mIDum Increments $200.00 per year tD maJ<limum. 240 ELGIN COUNTY C.oUNCIL ASSiSTANT GENERAL SUPElRiIN11ENDENT To .act frnr ,and olD assume ,all dumies .of the 'General Superintendent when the 'General Superintendent is 'absent (sickness, holidays, etc.). . To ,assist the Superintendent withal! phases .of CDn- structionand maintenance "nd tD have direct control .of ,any particular operation as from time to time required. TD act as GDnstruction Safety Inspector fDr the 'County. Minimum $11,250.00 per ,annum Maximum $12;050.00 per ,aunum Increments $200.00 per year tD maximum. E. Mileage Rates tD he paid olD all cDunty emplDyees using their own private. cars be 'Set in ae,coroance with the Ministry of 'J;ransportatiDn and Communications rates which ,are presently: o - 5,000 miles 5,000 - 15,000 miles Over - 15,000 miles .15c per mile .0Se per mile .07c per mile 2. SALARY SCHEDULE FOR COUNTY LIBRARY EMPLOYEES LIBRARY PERSONNEL (GRADE ONE) Minimum $5,700.00 per aunum ,M'aJci!mum $6,500.00 per ,annUim Increments $200.00 per year to ma"imum. UBRARY PERSONNEL (GRADE TWO) Minimum $4,900.00 per ,annum Maximum $5,700.00 per ,annum Iucrements $200.00 per year tD maximum. ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 241 ASSISTANT LIBRARY SUPElRVISOR Minimum $6,200.00 per ,aunum Max-imum $7,{}OO.()O per rannum Increments $200.00 per year tD malcimum. 3. SALARY SCHEnULE 'FOR COURT HOUSE STAFF OFFICE PERSONNEL (GRADE ONE) Minimum $5,700.00 per ,annum iMaxiiIIlrum $6,500.00 per :annum Increments $200.00 per year tD'maximum. OF1F1lCE PERSONNEL <(GRADE TWO) Minimum '$4,900.00 per aunum Maximum $5,700.00 per ,annum Increments $200.00 per year tD maximum OF1FIOE PElRSONNEL (GRADE THREE) Minimum '$4,500.00 per ,annum Maximum $4,900.00 ,per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. CUSTOD'lAN OF OOUNTY BUliLDIiNGS Milllmum $7,600.00 per 'annum M1aximum $8,400.00 per ,annum Increments $200.00 per year tD maximum. In the ,,,bDve schedule the ""lue of the serviced .apart- ment ($650.00) is to ibecDnsidered as part of tile salary. 4.. SALARY SCHEDULE FOR ELGIN MANOR EMPLOYEES DIR'I!lCll0R OF NURSIl'lG Minimum$8,nO.00 per annum Maximum $9,500.00 per 'annum Increments $200.00 per year tD maximum. 242 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL ASSISTANT DiRECTOR .oF NURSING Minimum $8,340.00 per 'annum M1axi'ffiU'ffi $9,140.tIO per launum Increments $200.00 per year tD maximum. REGISTERED iNURSE Minlmum *3.55 per hour Maximum $3.95 per I:tDur Increments .10c per hDur per year. DIETARY SUPERWSOR Minimum $6,532.00 per a,nnum Maximum $7,332.00 per ;annum Increments $200.00 per year tD maxlmum. LAUNDRY ,and :HOUSEKiEElPING ,SUPERWSOR Minimum '$6,532.00 per -annum Maximum $7,332.00 per ,annum Increments $200.00 per year tD maximum. MAIiNTENANCE SUPERVISOR Minimum $8,560.00 per annum Maximum $9,360.00 per ,annum Increments $200.00 per year tD maximum. OFFICE PERSONNElL (GRADE ONE) Minimum $5,700.00 per annum iMaximum $6,500.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to m.aximum. OFFWE PERSONNEL (GRADE TW.o) Minimum $4,900.00 per annum Maximum $5,700.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maxd,mum. ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 243 OFFICE PERSONNEL (GRADE THREEl) Minimum $4,500.00 per lannum Maximum $4,900.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year tD maxlmum. PART TIME HELP Registered Nurses Minimum M'aximum Nursing Aids and Attendants Charge Nurses aud Charge Attendants Kitchen, Laundry and HDusekeeping Maids Students Office Help Gardener Barber Hairdresser Effective Sept. 2, 1973 E~fec,tive May 1, 1974 $3:55 per hDur '$3.95 per hour $2.65 per hour $2.80 per hDur $2.80 per hDur $3.00 per hour $2.66 per hour $2.75 per hDur $2.30 per nDur :$2.50 per hour $2.55 per hour $2.75 per hDur $2.'55 per hDur $2.75 per hDur $60.00 per mDnth $18.00 per day 5. THAT By-Law ND. 2220 be, ,and 1Ihesame is hereby repealed. 6. THAT this By.La", shall become effective on September 2, 1973. READ 'a first tlme this 19t!h day of September, 1973. READ 'a seoond time this 19th day of September, 11l73. RJEAD 'a third time :and finally p9JSsed this IIlth day of September, 1973. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk NElLSON JOHNSTON, Warden 244 'ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCEL COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2268 HBeing a ,By-Law to Provide Fringe Benefits to All Employees of the County of Elgin Who Are Not Covered by a Collective Agreement" WHEREAS some emplDyees of the County O<f Elgin ,are working under a CDllective Agreement which includes certain fringe benefits: AND WHEREAS the CorpDratiDn of tihe County .of Elgin wishes to provide ,similar fringe benefits for the remainder of its emplDyees who ,are not includedina CDllective Agreement. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the GorpDration of ,the County of Elgin enacts that all emplDyees wDrking for the County of Elgin without ,a cDllective ag'reement be 'and lare herehy entitled tD the fol- lowing fringe benefits. 1. PAID HOLIDAYS 1.01 All regular employees will be credited with pay computed at stnalght time for each .of the fDllDwing paid holidays: New-Year's Day Labour Day GDDd Friday Thanksgiving Day VictDria Day Christmas Day Dominion Day Boxing Day Oivic iHDliday Easter Monday and, effective Jlalluary 1st, 1974, the secDnd MDnday of February. prDvided that: (a) The emplDyee is not ,absent on the day he is scheduled to wDrk immediately precedingaud fDllowing the holi- day, Dr tihe day granted In lieu thereof, unless excused beoause of INness or other :reasonable excuse. (b) The employee ,is nDtabsent on the paid holiday efter being scheduled tD work. . ELGIN OOUNTY GOUNClL 2115 1.02 ElmplDyees required to wDrk on a '!laid 'Ilioliday shall ,at the option of the ElmplDyer receive either: (,a) Pay at the rate 'Of time ,and one-ha1fthe employee's regular r-altefor work performed on such Holiday,. in addition tD the employee's regular pay, or (b) Pay ,at the rate .of time ,aud one-ha1f the employee's regular rate fDr wDrk per~ormed on such Holiday, and an 'alternative day off either1lb1l'ly (30) days before or thirty '(30) days fDIIDwing the holiday. 1.03 No1ihwithstanding 'anything herein contained tD the contrary, if one .of the Paid HDldays occurs .on 'an emplDyee'sregular day off or during 'au emplDyee's vacatiDn periDd ,and the em- plDyee <is ,required to wDrk, the employee will receive credit for the said Holiday ,at straight :time .and in addition will re" ceive two ,and one-!lalf ;(2,",) times !his regular rate of pay fDr hours wDrked on the P,aid HDliday. 1.04 ]f .one .of the paid hDlidays occurs on .an emplDyee's regular day off, the employee wlll receive ,an extr,a day ,off within (30) days fDllowing the hDliday ,and 'at a time that ,is muJtu- ally 'agreed upDn hetween the Elmp,loyer ,and the employee. l,{l5 'If .one of the paid holidays occurs during an employee's va- ,c,ation, the employee will receive ,an ,additional day .off which may be ,added tD his or Iler vacatiDn. 1.06 It is nnderstoDd 'and ,agreed thalt <an emplDyee lIS entitled. tD receive the benefits pmvided in this Article fDr work per- formad 'On .a Paid Holiday .only where the majority O<f the hDurS 'Worked by the employee on his shift fall on the Paid HDliday. 2. VACATIONS 2.01 The vacatiDn year shall begin on J,auuary 1st &1d end .on the following December 31st. 2.02 Elmployees hiredaiter J,anuary 1st .of the vacatiDn year WhD have completed less th,an six (6) mDutihs' continuDus service .as .of December 31st shall not he entitled to 'a vaca- 246 ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL tiDn with pay during tI1e"acation year but sh"ll receive va- cation pay cDmputed on the basis of tWD (2%) per cent .of total pay ,~or conthU.lOiUS service dUl1ing the vracation year for ,all \l'Drk performed up to December 31st. 2.03 First Vacation: An employee becDmes eligible fDr vacatiDn for the first time when the emplDy;mellt records ShDW that either of the fDllDwing requirements have been met: (a) The completion \ .of ,six (6) mDnths" cDntinuDus service with tihe EmplDyer prior to December 31st .of the em- ployee's first year of emplDyment, or (h) The completiDll of six (6) mDnths' conUnuous service witll the EmplDyer , including ,ail continuous service priDr tD December 31st of the employee's first year of emp,IDyment. 2.04 Subsequent VacatiDns: For the pU"PDse .of' ,applying the va- 'cation eligibility requirements hereinafter referred to, CDn- tinuDuS service prior tD Decemher 31st .of an employee's first year .of emplDyment shall be deemed to constitute ,an em- ployee's first" calendar year of service, whether he is entit~ led tDa v,ac.ation under Clause 2.03 (a) Dr not. TIle intent of this provision is tb.'at laD employee who commences his eInN ploy;ment prior to December 31st .of auy year sball he deem- ed tDhavecommenced his second calendar year .of service on January 1st .of ~hefollowing year. 2.05 EmplDyees with mDre thau six (6) months' continuDus ser- vice during the first calendar of their employ;ment will be gr.anted one (1) weeks' vac.ation with pay if they complete. twelve (12) months' continuous service during the calendar year; prDvided that employees who have completed mDre thau (6) months' continuous service hut less ihan twelve (12) mnnths'continuous service during the first c'alendar year .of ~heir emplDyment will be gr,anted 'a vacation with pay crocn: Iated on the basis .of .one week pro"ated in accDrdauce with the number of months of their continuous service during that year. V'acation pay shall he calculated on the basis of th~ emplDyees' nDrmal earnings or two (2%) percent. of tDtal pay as determined at tihe end of the calendar year, whichever is ,the greater. /2.08 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 217 2.06 An empiDyee in the second, up tD and including the fillth, c,alendar year of cDntinuous service with the Employ"" will be granted two (2) weeks' "acation wiih pay. Va<latiDn pay ,shall ibecalculated on the basis of two (2) weeks' nD"mal earnings or fDur (4%) per cent oftotai pay as determined at the end -of the c"lendar year for which tbe vaeation is taken, wbiebever is the ,greater. 2.W An emplDyee in the sixth, up to and ,including the fifteenth, <lalendar year .of cDntinuDus service with the Employer will be granted three (3) weeks' "acatiOOl with pay. Vaeation pay shall be caculated on the basis .of three (3) weeks' normal earnings. An employee in the sixteenth and subscqueYlt calendar years ofcDntinuous service witl1 the EmplDyer wilI be gTanted four (4) weeks' Va<latiDn with pay. '\'acatiDn pay shall be calculated on the basis of fDur (4) weeks' nDrmal earnings. 2.09 In Dr'der to receive v,acation pay in advance, laD employee shall make 'a request in writing to his sunervisor nDt less than two weeks in advance of the date his vacatiDn is to commence. Sucb an advance shaill CDver only the pay period Dr periods .alling witbin [the emplDyee's vacatiDll. An employee WhD has received his vacation with pay prillT to the completion .of the "acation year for which the said va. cation is earned land whose.. employ,.t1;1~nrt is tel'lminated. for ,any reason, sbaN be Hable to the ElmplDyer fDr the 'V'acatiDIl pay received by him in excess of that to which he is entit- led. The 'EmpIDyer is entitled to t~ke ,all necessary 'action t<> recover tile amount SD Ilverpaid directly from the employee. 2.10 2.11 The vacatiDn and vacatlDn pay entitlement .of .an employee WhD is absent from work without pay fDr a period in eJreess of one month shall be ,eaklnlated on the basis of ,actual time .on the payroll during whieb he is in receipt .of remunemtiDn frDm the Employer. 248 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 3. SICK LEAVE 3.01 E,ach employee will be oredMed with .one and Dnooalf (1'h) days of sick leave ,at the end of each month of service. 3.02 An emplDyee shall not be grallitedany sick leave credits un- til he has completed six '(6) montihs' ,continuous service with the ElmplDyer; hDwever, uponcompletiDn of six (6) months' ,service, the employee shall, 'subject to Olause 3.03, be cred- ited with nine (9) days' sick leave. 3.03 Where '.a regular full-time employee is ,ahsent ftDm wDrk fDr ,a period in excess .of three (3) 'wo~king days in ,a calendar month, the sick 'leave credit referred to in Clause 3.m shall be ,as fDHows: Working Days Absent o - 3 3'h - ,10 1O'h - 17'h 18 or more Monthly Sick Leave Credit 1'h days 1 day % day o , Provided, however, that the !Ubove prDvision shall not ,apply tD 'au emplDyee 3.04 (,a) WI:lD does not work !his regular shift because of emer- gency or other ,conditions beyond tbe control of the em- ployee, or has been requested .by his supervisor tD wDrk different hDurs. C.b) Who is .on v,ac,ation; (c) WhD is .on a paid IlQljday. The ,above prDvisiDns shall, hDwever, apply tD .an employee: ('a) who is absent ibecause af illness or injury; C.b) who is ,absent withDUt .leave; (c) WhD is ,absent 'without pay. The unused porUDn .of sick leave credits in anyone year .slbi~1! he ,allowed tD accumulate withDut 'limitation. 3.05 ELGIN .OOUNTY COUNCIL 249 WIlen an emplDyee is ,absent as 'a result Df,au accident while .at work, or illness inherent to occupation, land .as a re- sult is receiving Workmen's Oompensation, as awarded by the WDrk;men's CDmpens'ation Board, he may .receive the differnce between his regular pay ,and the Board's .award if unused sick leave oredits are available fDr the purpDse. If such emplDyee is not eligible fDr Worl<men'sCompensation, he may receive sick pay to the eJlltent that sick pay credits, if 'any, ,are av,ail"ble. 3.06 Any employee discharged fDr cause, whose disCharge isnDt reversed thrDugh subsequent prDceedings, shall Iose and fDr- feit ,all sick .leave 'credits. 3.07 To qualify ,and be paid sick leave from creditsaccumulat' ed, an employee must give tWD hDllrS' notice of his inability to be .on 'any shift provided, however, that if there' be 'au emergency and notice, .by reasDn .of the said emergency, is nDt given, this requirement will nDt be enforced. 3:08 Mter an emplDyee has had three periods .of sick ,leave af three days .or less willllin ,a oalendar year, the EmplDyer may refuse to pay ,or the fourth or subsequent periDd af sick leave, notihwithstanding that the emplDyee has accumulated sici<;leave to his credit. .It is understood that this provision is an endeavour to eUmiuate 'abuses of sick leave ,and is in addition to any .other disciplinary action wmch the E,mpIDyer may deem fit tD inV'oke. Where sick leave ",bsence has been in excess .of three (3) consecutive days the employee shall not he p,aid sick leave credits unless he furnishes the Head of his or her nepartment with ,a noctor's certificate or .other explauatiDnssatisfactDryto the Employer. 3.09 Wllere ,an emplDyee having m.ore than five (5) years' conse- ,cutive service ceases to be emplDyed by the County, there shall he paid .to him Dr to his personal representative, Dr f'ffiling a personal representative to such '.other person as the Elmployer may determine, an amDunt CDmpUted .on the basis of his "ate .of pay at the date af leaving the emplDY .of the County for a period equal to fifty {50%) per cent af the "alue .of his ,sick leave credits, hut the amDunt sh<lll nDt exceed six (6) months' pay. 250 ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL 3.10 Regular fulHime emplDyees on the pay-.rDll .oil Septemher 1, 1973, who have completed three (3) years' but less than five '(5) years' contlnuDus service with the Employer .as of Sept. tember 1, 1973, shall cDntinue to be covered by the Employ- er's present policy in irelationoo ,sick pray benefits on term- illation of emplDyment. 4.01 4. COMPASSIONATE LEAVE OF ABSENCE 4.02 III the event of the death ofa member .of an employee's im- mediate family, the immediate ,family being restricted to mother, ~ather, sister, brother, spouse, child, where the said employee is attending the funer,al Dr 'assisting in arrange- mellts fDr the funeml, the Employer ooail arrange leave with pay not tD exceed three '(3) days. The three (3) days however, include normal days off and shall cOllClude on the day of the funeral. The Employer will .give full consider. ation to gDanting 'additional time olf without pay upDn appli- c.atiDn by the emplDyee. In the ,c<ase of the death .of the employee's mother.,in.law, father-in-law, brDther-4n"law, sister-in"law, grandf,ather Dr grandmother, up ,to one day may be .gmnted withDut loss .of regular pay where necessary to enable the employee tD .at- tend the .funeral. 5.01 5. PERSONAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE 5.02 5.03 The Employer may ,grant leave of ,absence without pay to .any employee fQ[' legitim-ate !person~I 'reasons. Employees 'wholare on leave of labsence will not be consid- ered to be laid olf .and their seniority .si>all cDlltinue tD ac- cumulate during such ,absence. Employees who .are on leave of iabsence' wHl not eng'age, in gainful employment while .on such leave, or utilize ,a leave .of ,absence for purposes .other than tihDse for wI1ich the leave of ,absence Was granted, ,and if an employee dDes engage in gainful emploY'ment 'While .on such leave .of 'absence Dr utildze the leave .of ,absence for purpDses .other than those 'Dr which the leave of absence w,as granted, may ,at the discretion .of the Employer be 'cDnsidered ,as .a voluntary quit. ELGIN OOUNTY GOUNCIL 251 6. HEALTH AND WELFARE 6.01 The EmplDyer agrees to pay seventy.;five (76%) per cent of the billing rate of the Ontario Health InsuDauce !Plain CO.H.LP.) [or all employees eligible under the plan, ,aud e!f- fective January 1st, 1974, the .Employer 'agrees to pay one hundred 000%) per 'cent of the billing rate; referred tD in this Clause. 6.02 The ElmplDyer agrees to pay fifty ('50%) per cent of the O.M.E.R.S. plan in respect of pension, in ,accDrdance witb CDunty of Elgin By-:Law No. 1838 'as ,amended 'by By-Law No. 2059. 7. JURY nUTY 7.01 An cmplDyee WhD is aetuany 'at 'Work fDr the Elmployer and has 'completed his probatiollary period. ,and is called fDr ser- vice .on Jury Duty shall be entitled tD receive from the Em- ployer the diiference in pay between the Jury Duty pay mid what he wDuld have received [rom the EmpWyer, computed at straight time for the time necessarily ,and actually spent on Jury Duly during the hDurs scheduled tD wDrk during a nomal work week. The employee shall provide prDof of hours engaged .on Jury Duty and proof .of payment therefor. 8. EMPLOYEES 8.01 In this by~law, emplDyees means 'any salaried .officer, clel'k, workman, 'servant or 'any 'Other person >in the emplDY' of the County of Elgin, 'Who has completed his Dr her nillety day p'rDhatiDnary period, unless stated .otherwise in this or some related ;by-Jaw. 8.02 Employee dDes not include ,any casual, seasonal.or part time employee unless stated Dtllerwise. . 9. RETIREMENT 9.01 Retirement in this hy.law, means having attained the .age of 65 years or earlier if substantiated ;by 'a Medica!DDelor's CertirHcate, stating that retirement is necessary because of permal1ent disability. 252 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 9.02 The NDrmal Retirement age for employees cDyered hy this by"law shall be sixty,five (65) years. 9.03 An EmplDyee having reached the Normal Retirement Age may, ,at the pleasure of the Elgin GDunty CDuncil, continue his or her employment on ;a' yearly basis. 10. ANNUAL INCREMENT ( 10.01 EmplDyees s,tarting empio~ment with the 'County of Eigin p1'iDr to September 1st, in any year will receive their first .annual increment .on the first pay .after J annary 1st .of tlie .fDllowing year. - 10,02 Employees starting employment with the CDunty .of Ellgin '00 or ,after Sepltember 1st, in :any year will receive their first annual increment 'On the first pay 'after' J'a'lluary 1st of tile seoond .fDllowing year. 11. CASUAL OR SEASONAL ElMPLOYE,ES Vacation pay shall he calculated 001 the follDwing basis for oasual or seasDnal emplDYees: (a) 2% .of. gross wages during the firstoalendar year .of employment. (h) 4% ofgmss wages during the second ,and subsequent years .of emplo)1ment. 12.01 The following by-laws of 'the CDunty .of Elgin he aud are are herehyrepealed: NDS. 1765, 1900; 190.1" 1940, 1941, 1988, 1939, 2060, 2061, 2088, 2099, 2107, 2174, 2179, 2180, 2181, 2227, 2228, and ,any other County of Elgin by-law that is contradictory tD this By-Law 12.02 This by-lawsl1alI hecome etfective September 1st, 1973. READ a first time this 19t!h dayoJ' September, 1973. READ 'a secDnd time this 19th day of September, 11l73. READ ,a third 'lime .and finaily passed this 19th. day of September, 1973. H. L. JOHNSON, Olerk NELSON JOHNSTON, Warden ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 253 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2269 "Being a By-Law to Amend !By-Law ND. 1696, Thereby Ad(jujsting tbe Salary of tbe Elgin County Road Superintendent." WHE'REAS ;By-Law No. 1696 deais witll the ,appointment and re- muneratiDn .of a Road Superintendent for the County of Ellgin. AND WHERE-AS By-Law ND. 1693 is presently ,amended by By-Law No. 2221. ANI\) WHEREAS it is nDW deemed 'advis>lble tD change the p1'esent salary of .he Elgin County Road Superintendent. NOW THEREFORE the GDuncH of the Munioi[lal CDrpDmtiDn of the CDunty 'Of Ellgin enacts 'as follows: 1. THAT Olause (4) .of By-Law No. 1006, as amended by By- Law No. 2221, :he deleted, and the follDwing substituted there. {.ore: "That the salary or remuneratiDn of the Road Superintend- ent; shall be the sum of Twenty-Two ThDusaud D.ollars, ('$22,000.00) per 'annum, payable hi"'Weel<ly. 2. THAT By-Law ND. 2221 be, ,and the 'same is hereby repealed 3. THAT this By"Law .hall take effect on January 1, 1974. READ 'a .liirsttlme this 19t!h day .of September, 1973. READ ,a second time this 19th day of September, 1973. READ 'a third time <md finally passed this lllth day of September, 1973. H. L. JOHNSON, Olerk NElLS.oN J.oHNSTON, Warden 254 ELGIN COUNTY C.oUNCIL ,COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAiW NO. 2270 "Being a By-Law tD Ameud By-Law NO'. 2084 Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Elgin County Clerk~Treasurer." WHEiREAJS By-Law No. 2084 deals with the .appoinbment ,aud remuner,ationofa Olerk-Treasurer for the ICounty af E'lgin. AiND WJfEREAS By-Law No. 2084 is presently amended by By-iLaw NO'. 2222. AND WHEREAS it is deemed 'advis1lble to change the pre- sent slalary of the EIgin 'County Ole~k- Treasurer. NOW l1HERElFORE the CDUIlCil of the Municipal Corporation of the County .of Elgin enacts .as follDWS: 1. l1HAT Clause (2) of ,.By-Law No. 2084, ,as amended by By- Law No. 2222,. be deleted, 'and the follDwing substituted there~Dre: "That his salary as Clerk'Treasurer .of the CDunty of Elgin be Seventeen Thousand, Three Hundred Dallars ($17,300.00) per 'annum, payable hi"Weekly. 2. THAT By-Law No. 2222 be .aud the ,s,ame is hereby repealed. 3. THAT this By-iLaw became effective January 1, 1974. READ a first time this 19th day .of September, 1973. READ a second time this Illth day .of September, 1973. READ 'a third time 'and finally passed this 11lth day .of September, 11l73. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk NELSON JOHNSTON, Warden ELGrN OOUNTY COUNCIL 255 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2271 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law NO'. 2085 'Thereby Adjusting tlte Salary .of the Elgin County -Deputy Clerk-Treasurer WHEiREAS By-Law ND. 2085 deals with the ,appointment and remuneratian .of a Deputy Clerk-TreMurer for the 'County of E'lgin. AND WHEREAS By"Law iND. 2085 is presently amended by By'Law ND. 2223. ANI) WHEREA:S it ,is deemed advisable to change fue pres- ent'salary .of the Deputy Olerk-Treasurer. NOW THEREFORE the Council af the Municipal CDrpora- tion .of the Connty' .of Elgin enacts as fallows: 1. THAT Olause (2) .of By-Law iNo. 2085, ,as .amended by By- Law ND. 2223, be deleted, 'and the fDllowing substituted there- fDre: . "That his s'alary 'as Deputy Glerk-T,reasurer .of !he CDunty of Elgin he Ten ThDusand, Three Hundred Dollars ($10,300.00) per annum payahle bi-weekly." 2. l1HAT By"Law No. 2223 be and the s,ame is Ilereby repealed. 3. THAT this By"Law becDme effective .on January 1, 1974. READ .a first time this 19t!h day .of September, 1973. READ 'a second tlme this 19th day .of September, 1973. READ 'a third time and finally passed this 19th day of September, 11l73. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk NELSON JOHNSTON, Warden 256 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. ~272 "Being a <By-Law tD Amend ,By-Law ND. 2086, Thereby Adjnsting tbe Salary .of the Secretary-Treasurer for Ithe Elgin C'Ounty HDme f'Or lIhe Aged." WHEREAS By.Law ND. 2086 deals with the appointment and remuneratiDn of la Secretary-Treasurer fDr the Elgin GDunty HDme fDr the Aged. AND WHEREAS By-iLaw No. 2686 is presenyly amended by By-Law No. 2144. AND WiHE,REAS it is deemed advis'able tD change the pre- sent salary .of the Secretary-Treasurer for the Ellil1n County HDme fDr th~ Aged NOW THEREF10RIE tile Council of the Municipal CorpDra- tion 'Of the CDunty of Elgin enacts ,as follDWS: 1. THAT Clause (2) of By.Law No. 2686, ,as ,amended by By- Law No. 2144, be deleted, and the follDwing substituted therefDre: "Tihat his salary ,as Secretary-Treasurer .of the El!Jin Goun- ty HDme fDr the Aged be Three ThDusand D'OlIars {$3,OOO.00) per ,annum, pay;able bi~weekl'Y." 2. THAT By-Law iNo. 2144 be and the same is hereby repealed. 3. THAT this By.Law :become effective on J'anuary 1, 1974. READ 'a first time this 10t!h day of September, 1973. READ ,a second time this 19th day '.of September, 1973. READ la third 'lime land finally passed this 19t11 day .of September, 11l73. H. ,L. JOHNSON, Olerk NELSON JOHNSTON, Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 257 COUNTY OF ELGIN <BY-LAiW NO. 2273 "Being a By-Lawto Amend By-Law N'O. 2255, Tbereby Adjl\sting the RemuneratiDu 'Of the Acting AdministratDr f'Or the Elgin C'Ounty Home for -the Aged." WHEREAS By.Law iND. 2255 deals with the 'apPDlnlment and re- muneration of an Acting Administrator for the E'lgin County !Home for the Aged. AND WHEREAS ,t is deemed advisable tDchange the pre- sent salary of the Acting Administr,ator. NOW T.HEREF10RE the CDuncil .of the Municipal CDrpDmtiDn of the County .of 'Elgin enacts as foll'Ows: 1. THAT Clause (4) 'Of By'Law No. 2255 he deleted, and the fol- lowing substituted therefDre: "THAT his salary as Acting Administr,ator, be F1Durteen ThDusand, Five Hundred nDlIars ($14,500.00) per annum, paY'able bi-weekly." 3. THAT this By.Law become effective .on J'anuary 1, 1974: READ 'a first time this 19t!h day of September, 1973. READ a second time this Illth day 'Of September, 11l73. READ a third time land finally passed this 19th day .of September, 1973. H. L. JOHNSON, Olerk NELSON JOHNSTON, Warden 258 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2274 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2231, Thereby Adjusting the Satlary .of the Assistant Administrator ,Dr 'the Elgin CDunty Home for the Aged." WHEREAS By-Law No. 2231 deals with tihe appDinlment .and remunemtion of 'au Assistant Administmtor for the Elgin CDunty HDme 'Dr the Aged. AND WHEREAS By-Law No. 2231 is presently ,amended by By-Law ND. 2256. AND WHEREJ\JS it is deemed advisable to change the pre- sent salary of the Assistant Administmtor. NOW THERE'F10RE the COUllcil .of the Municipal CD~pD~atiDn .of the CDunty .of Elgin enacts .as foIlDWS: 1. THAT Clause (2) .of By-Law ND. 2231, .as .amended by By- Law iND. 2256, he deleted .and the fDllowing substituted there- fDre: "That his salary ,as Assistant Administrator !be Nine ThDUS- and Dollars {$9,000.00) per 'aunnm, pay,..ble hi-weekly." THA'r By-Law ND. 2256 be and the same is Ilereby 2. 3. THAT this By-Law become effective .on J'auuary 1, 1974. REA[) ,a filrst time this 19th day .of September, 1973. READ 'a second time this 11lth day of September, 1973. READ ,a tIlird time ,and finally passed this 19th day September, 1973. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk NElLSON JOHNSTON, Warden - ElLGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 251l ICOUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2275 itA IBy-Law 100 Confirm Proceedings of the leouneil of tale Corporatiou of the couuty .of Elgin lat the September Session, 1973.'" WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, heing Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of OntariD, 1970, the pDwers of a munici- pal clli!'Pomtion .are to he exercised by its council; AM) WHEREAS hy Subsection 1 of SectiDn 241 of <1fue Muni- eipai Act, being Chapter 284 .of the Revised Statutes .of OntariD, 1970 the pDwers .of every CDuncil are to be exercised by 'By-Law; AND WilfEREAS it is deemed e"pedient that the proceed- ings of the 'Council .of the CDrporation of the County .of Elgin at this meeting be cDnfirmedand adopted by By-Law; NOW THEREIF10RE tile Council .of the CorporatiDn of tile County of Elgin enacts 'as follows: 1. That 'action of the CDuncll of the 'CorpDr,aUDn .of the County .of Elgin in respect of each recDmmendatiDn contained in the RepDds of the Committees .and each motion landresolutiDn passed ,and Dtller action taken by the CDuncil of the CO'1loration of the County of Elgin at ,its meetings held during the September 11173 SessiDn is hereby ad- opted 'and confirmed 'as if ,all such proceedings were e"pressly em- bodied in this By~Law. 2. The Warden ,aud proper offic;als of tile CorpDratiDn of the .of Eilgin are hereby ,authorized ,and directed to dDall things necessary to give effect to 'the actiDn of t!he Council of the Corpor,a- lion .of the CDunty .of Elgin referred tD in the preceding sectiDn hereDf. 3. The Wlarden ,and the Clerk 'are ,authorized ,and dJrected to execute all dDouments necessary in that Ibehalf ,and to .alifix thereto the Seai of the CorpDrntiDn .of tile County of Elgin. READ 'a first time tl1is 19th day of September, 1973. REWa secDnd time this 19th day of September, 1973. READ 'a tI1ird lime 'and fi"ally p,assed ffl}is 19th d.ay .of 1973. 1" JOHNSON,. Clerk R. N. JOHNSTON, Warden 260 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL SEPTEMBER 28tb SESSION- FIRST DAY Fridai!', the 28th day of September, 1973 The Elgin County CDuncil met this day at lhe Court House, St. 'I1homas, in accordance with ,adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All members present except Reeve HodgsDnand Reeve Nemett. Moved by Reeve 'Cook SecDnded by Deputy Reeve 'Pettit l'hat the minutes of the First September Session of the Elgin CDunty CouncH, held .on September 19th, 1973, be adopted. - Carried. The .fDllowing Communieations were read and referred tD the various Committees - rF,rom the ,Ministry of Treasury, IEconomics 'and Int.er:govern- mental Affairs with Statement' to ,a IQueen's Park' news conference hy the Honour,able JDhn White, September 13, 1973. - Referred tD the CDunty GDvernment CDmmlttee. From the Seereta'ry of the Library Building CDmmittee witb minutes of meeting held .on September 20, 1973, and CDPy of letter from tBrDok, Carruthers, Shaw, Ar,chitects reo estimated -cost of the libmry hullding ,and furnisrnngs. - Referred tDthe Educational CDmlllittee. F1rDm the Bank of Montreal with Jetter 'advising that .as of Sep- tember 17th, 1973, ,the interest r.ate on ,current !borrowings will he 9% perannnm. - Filed. FrDm the Lihr,ary Bullding CDmmittee with minutes .of meeting 'held .on August 27, 1973. - Referred to the Educational CDmmittee. ,I " i; Ii: ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 261 MDVed by Deputy Reeve McBrien Seconded !by Reeve Hates . That we dD now ,adjourn to meet again .on September 28, 1973, at 2:00 p.m. ---Carried. Following radjournmenrt of Ithe lmorning session tlhe members of ,council retired 10 the Committee RDDm where Mr. BrDDk 'and Mr. Hackett of the firm of BrDok, Carruthers, Shaw, Architects, show- ed slides .of the propDsed new library tD he built in St. ThDmas .and answered questiDns from the cDuncillors. CDuncil Re-Convened. The RepO\l't of the Special CommitteeappDinted hy tbe Wardep. tD meet with the St. ThDmas City Council <and Library Board with respect tD jDint development of County 'and Oity Library Services was presented by Reeve Todd ,and adopted .on mDtiDn of Reeve TDdd and Reeve CODk. I " I The RepDrt of the Property CDmmittee was presented by De- puty Reeve Y Dung 'and 'adopted .on mDtiDnDf Deputy Reeve Y DUng and Reeve Liehner. The RepDrt of the Equali.atiDn and, AssessmentCDmmittee was presented by Reeve Caverly ,and 'adopted on motlDn of Reeve Oaver ly and Reeve Miskelly. The Report of the PersDnnel Committee was presented by Reeve Emerson and ,adopted .on motiDn of Reeve 'EmersDn 'and Reeve Lake. The RepDrt of the County Government Committee was p'resented hy Reeve WHsDn and 'adDpted on motiOOl of Reeve WilsDn and Reeve Caverly. Moved hy Reeve Lake SecDnded hy Reeve WilsDn 1. That 'all cheques of the CorporatlDn dmwn .on its General, ,oebentureand P.ayrDIl 'account(s) be signed on its behalf hy H. L. Johnson, Cle~k-Treasurer or G. G. Leverton, >Deputy Cle~k- TTeasurer. 262 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 2. That H. L. JohnsDIl,. Clerk'Treasurer or G. C. Leverton,- Deputy Olerk-Treasurer of the GorpDratiDn be ,and is hereby authDr- ized for ,and on. behalf .of the CorporatiDn to negDtiate witll, deposit with or .tmnsfer tD the Bank of Montreal (but for 'credit of the said CorpDmtion account only) all or 'any Bi'lls .of Exchauge, PromissDry Notes, Cbeques,and Orders fDr the pa)'ment 'of 'ffiDney ,and .other ne- gotiable paper, and fDrtihe said purpose tD endorse the same Dr anw .of them .on behalf .of the said CorpomtiDn, either in writing Dr by rubber stamp. 3. That H. L. J'Ohnson, Clerk-Treasurer Dr G. C. LevertDn, Deputy Olerk-Treasure be and is/are hereby ,authorized for and .on behalf of the said CorpomtiDn from time to time to mr.ange, settle, balance ,and certify 'all bODks and accDunts between the said CDrpDr- lationand the .Bank; laud .to 'receive an paid. cheques. and vouchers, unp,aidand unaccepted bills of eJ<change ,and .other negDtlable in- struments. 4; That H. L. JDhnson, Clerk-Treasurer Dr G. C. LevertDn, De- puty Olerk-Treaswrer be -and isiare hereby authDrized fDr ,and on be- half of the said CDrporatiDn to -obtain delivery from the said Bank of ,all Dr any stDcks, bDnds ,and other secur,ities held by tile said Bank in safekeeping Dr otherwise for theaccDunt of the CDrpDration and to give "alid and binding receipts therefDr. 5. That this resDlutiDn be communicated to the said Bank and remain in fo~ce until written notice tD thecDntr,aryshall have been ,given to the Manager for the time being at tile Branch of the BaTIk 'at which tile 'account of the said Corpomtion is kepI' ,and receipt .of such notice duly ,aclonDwledged in writing. -Carried. MDved by Reeve Caverly SecDnded by Reeve McKillDp That By-Law iNo. 2276, "Being ,a By~Law to Establish the AppDr- tionment of County RJate fDr the 'CoUllty of Elgin ,for fue Year, 1974:' be read ,a first time. - Carried. ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 263 Moved by Reeve M~illop Seconded by Reeve Ly;le That By-Law iNo. 2276 be read ,a second time. -Carried. MDVed by Reeve Lyle Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law ND. 2276 be read a third time 'and finailly passed. ~Oarried. Moved by Reeve Kahnt Seconded by Deputy Reeve SimpsDn That By~Law ND.2277, "A By-iLaw to ,Confirm 'Proceedings .of the GDuncil of the CD~pDratiDn of the GDunty of E-lgin 'at the September 28th lSession, 1973," be read .a first time. -Oarried. Moved by Deputy Reeve SimpsDn Seconded by Reeve Liebner That By~Law ND. 2277 be read ,a secDnd time. -Oarried. Moved by Reeve Liebner Seconded by Reeve Ka!hnt That 'By-Law No. 2277 be read a third time ,aud finaily passed. -Darried. Moved by Deputy Reeve CarrDil Seconded by Reeve Liebner That we dD now ,adjDum tD meet 'again on October 24th, 1973, 'at 10:00 a.m. - Carried. H. L. JOHNSON, (JJerk NELSON JOHNSTON, Warden 264 ElLGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL REPORT OF THE. SPE,CIAL COMMITTEE APPOINTEO BY THE WARDEN TO MEET WITH THE ST. THOMAS CITY COUNCIL ANn LIBRARY BOARD WITH RESPECT TO JOINT DEVELOPMENT OF COUNTY AND CITY L1BRARY SERVICES September 28bh Session, 1973 TD ,Ilhe Warden ,and 'Members of the Elgin County Council, ""our Spec-ial CDmmittee named to meet with the St. ThDmas Oity Council ,and Llbr.ary BDard with respect tD joint develDpment .of County ,and City Library Services, reports 'as! fDllows: That the County Solicitor, Mr. Murr.ay Hennessey he directed tD draft an ,agreement with the City of Sl. 11hDmas with regards tD the huilding of ,a libr,ary to serve lhe City andCDunty lib~ary systems ,and prepare the necess,ary hy-law. The ,agreement and hy-Iaw to be prepared for the ,october 24th meeting .of County Oounc-il ,and tbat this Special Library Committee he consulted when the agreement and hy"law ,are being prepared. All of which is respectfully submitted. D. R. TODD, Ch.ail1!nan ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 265 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT September 28~h Session, 1973 TD ,the Warden .and Memhers of the Elgin CDunty CDuncil, The Property Committee repDrts .as follows: 1. That 'a copy of the Grand Jury'," repDrt to the HonDurable Mr. Justice Grant, <Bated September 4th, 11l73, he sent ,to Mr. IR. S. Brown, Supe~intendent of the PrDvlncial Jail and tD Mr. E. E. 1B0nd, Regional SupeJOintendent, Property Management lB"anch, Ministry of GDvernment Serv;ces ,and that they be requested to ,advise the County .of Ellgin .as to which of the recommendations ,their depart- ments wish tD have carried out as most of the ['ecommendations are in .areas .occupied for the administration .of justice ..nd consequently chargeable ,to their depar,bmenl. Also 1Ihat they he ,advised that the' CDunty would prefer that 1Ihey carry .out the recDmmendations that they decide tD do, so 1Ihat they will he dDne to ,their satisfactiDn. 2. That we install 'a XerDx photo ,copying machine in the Clerk- Treasurer's office ,,,. a mimmum ,charge of $60.00 per mDnth ,and sell the present 3M copier to Elgin iManor,along willi the supplies' .on hand fDr $1,000.00. 3. That we permit the desk, formerly used hy the l.ate Edward Ermatinger, to be taken hy the Elgin Historical Society. All .of which ,is respectfully submitted. , C. Y:OUiNG, Acting Ohairman 266 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL September 28th Session, 1973 EQUALIZATION AND ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE REPORT TD fue Warden ,and Members .of the Elgin CDunty CDuncil, The Equali.ation and Assessment CDmmittee repDrts. ,as fDllDWS: 1. That fue fDIlDwing be tihe ,,"pllortiDnment .of CDunty Rate for the CDunty .of ,E)lg.Jn for the year 1974. Aylmer BelmDnt Dutton Port Burwell Port Stauley RDdney Springfield Vienna West LDrne AldbDrough Bayham DDr,chester SDuth Dunwicll Malahide SDuthwold Y'armouth 11.517% 1.281% 1.442% 1.146% 4.681.% 1.725% .526% .461% 1.856% 8.184% 9.078% 3.010% 6.091% 12.058% 21.718% 15.226% 100.000% 2. That 'a By-Law be prepared .adopting the abDVe appDrtion- ment ,.of CDunty Rate for the year 1974. All of which is respectfully submitted. W. R. CAVERLY, Chairman ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 267 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT September 28th SessiDn, 1973 To ,the Warden ,and Members .of the Elgin CDunty CDuncil, Tbe PersDnnel C.ommittee repDrts .as follows: 1. That we recDmmend that advertisements be inserted in the follDwing newspapers on October 12, 1973, Sot. ThDmas Times-J Durnal, London Free Press ,and .other newspapers 'witbin the CDUIlty fDr the positiDns oi 3 field wDrkers ,and one clerk-stenDgrapher for the Social Services Department and that 'applications clDse .on Oc- tober 27th, 1973. 2. That tile request .of the ,Elgin ilVLanDr CDmmittee to create a salary schedule for the pDsition oi RecreatiDnal Director he tabled All .of which is respectfully submitted. K. C. EMERSON, Chairman COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT September 28th Session, 1973 To the Warden and Members of the ElginCDunty CDuncil, The CDunty Government Committee repDrts as follows: 1. That the statement to a 'Queen's P,ark news cDnference by the H.onour,able JDhn White, Treasurer of Ontario, on September 13, 1973, be filed. All .of which is respectfully submitted. J. B. WILSON, Chairman 268 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL "Being ,a By-Law to Establish the Apportionment of County Rate for ,the County of .Elgin for 'lihe Year 1974" WHEREAS under Section 72('5) 'Of The Assessment Act, the Council .of ,a CDunty may by by-law passed befDre the 1st day .01 October, make <an: apportionment for cDuntyrates lor the next year that is just ,and equit~hle; AND WiHEREAS the CDuncil .of the County .of Elgin wishes to make such an ,apportionment; NOW 'I'HEREFORE the Council .of the' CDrpomtiDn .of the County nf Elgin enacts as fDllDWS: THAT the loll<>wi,ng be the 'apportionment .of the CDunty Rate for the CDunty <>f Elgin fDr the year 1974: Aylmer Belmont DuttDn Port Burwell PDrt Stanley Rodney Springfield Vienna West Lorne Aldborough Bayham South DDrchester Dunwich Malal1ide SDuthwold Y,armDuth ,COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAJW NO. 2276 1.1.517% 1.281% 1.442% 1.146% 4.681% 1.725% .526% .461% 1.856% 8.184% 9.078% 3.010% 6.091% 12.058% 21.718% 15.226% 100.000% RElAD ,a first time this 28t!h day .of September, 11l73. READ ,a secDnd time this 28th day of September, 1978. READ ,a third time and fmaily passed ibis 28th September, 1973. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk day .of NELSON JOHNSTON, Warden ELGIN COUNTY C.oUNCIL 269 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-L1\JW NO. 2277 "ABy~Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the COllJol'lation <>f the CDnnty <>f Elgin at the September 28th Sessi<>n, 1973" WHEREAS by SectiDn Il .of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 .of the Revised Statutes of Ontari<>, 1970, the pDwers ofa munid- pal corporation ,are to be exel"cised by its council; AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 .of Section 241 of the Muni- cipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes 'Of Ontario, 1970 the pDwers of every Council ;are to be exercised by By..Law; ANI) WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the j>l'Dceedings 01 the Council .of the CDrjlDration of the County .of Elgin ,at this meet- ing be cDnfirmedand .adopted by By.Law; NOW 'I'HElREfJJ10REthe Council of the CD"pOration .of the CDunty of Elgin enacts 'as fDlIows: 1. That ,actioo .of the CDuncil of the CDrpDration of the CDunty of Elgin in respect .of eacll recommendation ,contained in the Re- ports of the Committees ,and each motiDn ,and resolution passed and other actiDn taken by the 'Council .of the CDrpDration of the CDunty .of Elgin at its meetings held during the September 28th, 1973 SessiDn is hereby .adopted ,and mnficmed ,as if ,ail such proceedings were ellOpressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden .and prDper 'Officials .of the CDrp<>r,ation of the County .of Elgin ,are hereby ,authorized <and directed to do all things necessary tD give effect to theactiDn of the Council .of ,the CorpDra- tion Of the 'County of Elgin referred to in preceding section hereDf. 3. The Warden <and the Clerk ,are authDrized ,and directed tD execute ,all dDcuments necessary In lhat behalf and to 'affix theretD the Seaiof the 'CorpDratiDn of the CDunty .of Elgin. READ a first time this 28th day .of September, 1973. READ .a secDnd time this 28th day .of September, 1973. READ a third time and finally passed this 28th d.ay of September, 1973. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk NELSON JOHNSTON, Warden 270 ELGIN COUNTYOOUNCIL OCTOBER SESSION - FIRST DAY Wednesday, 'the 24th day of October, 1973 TIle Elgin CDunty Council met this day ,at the. CDurt House, St. Thomas,. ,in 'ac1cordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All membCirs present. Moved by Reeve HodgsDn Seconded by Deputy Reeve CarrDll That the minutes' of the meeting of the Elgin held .on September 28th, 1973, be confirmed. CDunty Council -Carri,,\!. TIle follDwing Communications were read and referred tD the various COill1mittees: FrDm the Ministry .of the 'EnvirDnment WithCDPY of Green Paper .on EnvirDnmental Assesssment.. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the CDunty of Lanark with questiDnnaire reo by-law con- firming ,cDunci! prDceedings. - Referred to tihe CDunty GDver,ument Committee. From tile Ontario Municipai ElmplDyees Retifement BDard with :letter I'e: '5% increase in basic pensions ,at December 31, 1972. - Filed. From the Ministry ,.of the Environment with questiounaire fDr updating "The Province .of OntariD Contingency Plan for Spills .of Oil .and .other HazardDus Materials". - Referred tD the County Gov- ernment CDmmittee. ,FrDm WateriDo Lutheran University with letteradv,ising that tihe winners of the Eigin County Scholarships ,are Miss Maria Hesch, Ay'lmer,and Miss Mary J'ane JoI1nstDn, West Lorne,aud thalllcing the CDuntyfor its support. - Filed. ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 271 'From the Association of ,Couuties ,and Regions of OntariD with propDsed ,amendments to the CDnstitution ,and ,Fee Structure. _ Re- ferred tD the County Government 'Committee. FrDm the St. Thomas Young Men's Ohristian Association with RepDrtto Elgin County CDunCi! re: CDunty Progr.am _ lI!1iled. iFrom tile Ministry of Government Services with letter from Mr. E. E. BDnd, Leasellold AclminnistatDr reo Grand Jury RepDrt. _ Re- ferred tD the PrDperty CDmmittee. From F1anshawe College with notice .of three day CDurse in Muni- cipal Management. - li'iled. From tile Ministry .of 'Community ,and fSocial Services wiill letter ra: resolution on ,arrears of Imaintenance .and surplus income for Ex- tended Gare Residents in Homes fDr the Aged. - Referred tD the El- gin Manor 'Committee. ,From the Township .of Bayham with resDIution passed by the Township CDunci! requesting ,a prDgram .of the .raising .of pheasants. in Elgin CDunty. - Referred tD the Agricultural Committee, FrDm the Ontario Good Roads Association with nDtice of ,a new award tD be known as the "Award of Merit". - Referred to the Road Committee. From the Port Stauley iMuseum Board and Centennial Commit- tee with request fDra cDunty ,ad in the program. - Referred to the Finance. CDmmittee. 'From the Ministry .of Treasury, 'EcDnomics ,and IntergDvern- mental Mf"irs with letter ,e: CDnsents Policy Rural Areas. - Re- ferred to the CDunt)' Government Committee. 'From the Ministry .of Treasury, E,conomics and IntergDvern- mental Aff.airs with memorandum re: PrDpDsed Legislative kmend- ments. - Referred tD the CDunty GDvernment Committee. From rthe ,Ministry of Treasury, Economics ,and Intergovern- mental Affairs with letter reo Federal.Local Initi'atives Progmm, 1973-74. - Referred to the RDad CDmmittee. 272 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL From Mr. Read S. Hrown, Superintendent .of the Ptovnicial J,ail with letter reo Grand Jury Report. - Referred to the Property Com- mittee. From Lewis Bus Line !Limited with .Jetter 'seeking apprDvcl and suppDrt fDr .anapplicatiDn tD the OntariD Trausport Hoard "For the carri?ge of pa\Ssengers in chartered trips, ,a ,chartered tr~p being one specific trip for which .a public vehicle is eng.aged, hired Dr char- tered for the tr.ansportation exclusively "fa grDup of persons and for 'which one f.are 'Or charge' only .is 'collected, from points in the CDunty of Elgin tD pDints In OntariD ,and return". - Referred t(} the CDunty ,GDvernment Committee. 'From the Province of .ontario with Statement by the Honour"ble Aillan GrDssman re: The PrDvincial PrDperty Assessment Program. _ Referred to the Equalizationaud Assessment CDmmittee. FrDm Mr. R. A. Barrett, Clerk, City .of St. Thomas with CDPY of a letter sent to Mr. K. W. A. McKay reo 'agreement between the El- gin' CDunty Library Board and the St. Thomas Library Board.-- Referred to lhe Special Library .committee. FrDm the Ministry of TransportatiDn ,and CDmmunicatiDns with letter reo 1973 ISupplementary Suhsidy AillocatiDn. - Referred tD the Road Oommittee. From Gibson, Linton, 'Toth and 'Odorj,an with letter re: Town- ship .of Bayham 1972 ,and 1973 County Aipportionment. - Referred to the EqualizatiDn 'and Assessment CDmmittee. From the Ministry of 'Transportation land Communications, with MemD No. 73-09. - Referred tDthe Road Committee. FrDm the Township of Bayham with notice of appeal against 'County .of Elgin By-Law iND. 2276. - Referred tDthe EqualizatiDn and Assessment CDmmittee. 'The Report .of the Elgin ManDrCommittee W<lS presented by Reeve Liehner and .adDpted .on mDtion of Ree"ie Liebnerand Deputy Reeve GarrolI. The Report of the RDad Committee was presented by Reeve [}ennis .ar.d adopted on motion of Reeve' Dennis and Reeve Miskelly. ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL 273 Moved by Reeve Lake SecDnded hy Deputy Reeve Pettit That we do nDW ,adjorn to meet ,again 2:00 p.m. .on OctDher 24, 1973, at ~CaJ:'1ried Council Re-CDnvened. The RepDrt .of the Special GDmmitteeapPDinted Iby the Warden tD meet with the St. ThDmas City Council .and Lihrary Hoard with respect tD joint develDpmentDf Couutyand City Ubrary Services was presented by Reeve TDdd ,and adopted .on mDtiDn .of Reeve TDdd ,and Deputy Reeve WI1aIls. The Repnrt oftihe Personnel Committee was presented hy Reeve EmersDn and adopted on motion of Reeve EmersDn .and Reeve Lake. Tile Report .of the Agriculturai CDmmittee was presented by Reeve Lyle 'and adDpted on motiDn of Reeve Lyle and Reeve Dennis. The Repmt .of the PrDperty Committee was presented by Reeve Nemettand ,adDpted .on motion of Reeve Nemett 'and Reeve Caverly. The Report of the Finance Committee was presented hy Reeve Lake and .adopted .on motiDn of Reeve Lake and Reeve CDok 'J1he Report of the Reception and Entertainment Committee was presented by Reeve Cook and adopted .on motion of Reeve CDok and Deputy Reeve SimpsDn. ' The Report of the Equalization and Assessment Committee was presented by Reeve Caverly ,and adopted .on mDtiDn .of Reeve Oaverl~- and Reeve Liebner. The Report .of The CDunty Government CDmmittee was present- ed by Reeve Caverly ,andadDpted on mDtion .of Reeve Oaverly and Reeve Hodgson. Moved by Deputy Reeve Schafer SecDnded by Reeve Dennis That we fDllow the usual prDcedure .of each GDunci! member bringing a juniDr ibDY Dr girl guest tD County CDunci! on the first day .of the NDvernber sessiDn. _ Carried. 274 ELGIN COUNTY COUNClL Moved hy Reeve Caverly SecDnded by Deputy Reeve Y Dung That >By.Law No. 2278, "Being a By.Law tD Repeal By-Law NQ. 2259 for Restricting the Weight of V chicles P.asslng Over Bridges," be read a first time. -{larried Moved by Deputy Reeve Young SecDnded hy Reeve Oaverly That By,Law ND. 2278 be read 'a secDnd time. -Carried Moved by Deputy Reeve WI1alls Seconded by Reeve Nemett That By-Law ND. 2278 he read ,atihird time and finally passed. -Carried MDVed by Reeve CDok SecDnded by Reeve Hodgson That !By-Law ND. 2279, "Being a By-Law tD CDnfirm PrDceed- ings of the ,Council of IheConporation .of the GDunty .of Elgin at the October Session, 1973," be read a first time. _Oarried MDVed by Reeve HodgsDn SecDnded by Reeve Lake That >By-Law ND. 2279 be read a second time. -Carried MDVed by Reeve Lake Seconded by Reeve CDDk That !By-Law ND. 2279 be read a third tlme and finally p.assed. -Carried Moved hy Deputy Reeve Y OUllg Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That we dD nowadjourll to meet again on November 21, 1973, at 10: 00 ,a.m. - Carried. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk R. N. JOHNSTON, Warden ElJmN COUNTY COUtNCLL 275 ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT October Session, 1973 To the Warden and Memhers .of tihe Elgin County Council, Tbe Elgin Manor Committee reports ,as fDllDWS: 1. That the Jetter from the Minister .of Community and SOCifll Services ,acknDwledging endorsation of the County .of HurDn resolu- tion on arrea,rs of rlnaintenance ,and 'Surplus income for- Extended Care Residents 'and copy ofa rep.ly tD the County of HurDn, be filed. 2. The AdministratDr and Secretary-Treasurer have been auth- orized to pay ,ae-counts priQrto ,a iCommUtee meeting, where a dis- count or savings can be had by such payment. 3. The AdministnatDr has ,been authorized to advertise fDr private home foster 'care. for senior ctHzens ,and to c1arry 'Out :a new survey rar ,a new pr<l!posed Home in Ay,}mer. All .of which is respectfully submitted. A. H. LIEIBNER, Chairmau ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT October Session, 1973 TD the Warden and Members .of the Elgin County CDuncil, YDurRoad Committee begs tD repDrt as follows: 1. We recDmmend that By-Law ND. 2259 be rescinded. This By-Law placed a IDad Umit on Wards Bridge .on CDunty RDad 38. As the bridge has been repaired the load Hmit is nDt necessary. 2. That a ,County CDuncil Road TDur be held on NDvember 7, 1973, to leave the 'Court House 'at Il:oo a.m. "Jl of which is respectfully submitted. J. L. DElNlNIS, Ohairman 276 ELGrN COUNTY COUNCIL REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE APPOINTED BY THE WARiDEN TO MEET WITH THE ST. THOMAS CITY COUNCIL AND LIBRARY BOARD WITH RESPECT TO JOINT DEVELOPMENT OF COUNTY AND CITY LIBRARY SERVICES October Session, 1973 TD the Warden and Members of the Elgin CDunty Councll, YDur Special ICommittee named to meet with the St. Thomas Oity, CDunci! and Library BDard with respect tD joint development of County and City Library Services repDrts ,as fDllDWS: 1. That the copy .of letter written by Mr. R. A. B'arrett, Clerk, City 'Of St. ThDmas, to Mr. W. A. McKay reo .agreement between the Elgin County Library Board and the St. Thomas Library BDard, be filed. 2. We .concur with the Library BDard that it enter into @ agree- ment with the Oity !Library Board to rent 5,000 square feet .of space fDr a period of time nDt less than 20 years with the right .of renewal on the same te~ms and conditlDns. All of which is respectfully submitted. D. R. TODD, Ghairmau PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT October Session. 1973 TD tihe Warden and Members of the Elgin County CDuncll, The PersDnnel Committee repDrts ,as fDllDWS: 1. That we recommend the purchase of of.fice supplies, equipment, f.urnishings, bODkkeeping equipment and ,any ather items required by Mr. Bell for the new CDunty Wellare Unit. 2. That Mrs. Rose ,M.aT,ie Daniel he transferred to the centr,al pay office and that the Clerk-Treasurer's Office be ,authDrized to hire a gr'ade tWD .office Clerk-Typist to heglnemplDyment .on December 1st, 1973. All .of which is respectfully submitted. K. C. ElMERSON, Chairmau " !:1 EDGIN COUNTY OOUNCLL 277 AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT October Session, 1973 TD the W ardenand Members of the E'lgin CDunty Council, The Agricultural Committee reports ,as follows: 1. That the resalutiDn from the Township of Bayham, requesting a prDgram .of the raising of pheasauts in Elgin CDunty, be .filed. 2. That we request the Honour,able Leo Bernier, Minister of Nat- ural Resources to ,amend the Trees Act tD incDrpomte the sugges- tions made in tihe resDIution of the County .of NorfDIk dated Decem- ber 5th, 1972, and that a CDpy of this motion be sent tD Mr. R. K. McNeil, M.P.P., Mr. J,ack Spence, M.P.p., the iIIonDurable William G. Davis, Premier of Ontario 'aDd the HDnDur,able W. A. Stewart, Minister 'Of Agriculture 'and Food. All of which is respectfully submitted. B. A. LYLE, Chairman PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT October Session, 1973 TD the WaTden and Members of the Elgin CDunty ICouncll" The PrDperty CDmmittee reports as follDWS: 1. Th.at Mr. E. E. BDnd, LeasehDld Administrator, Ministry .of Government Servlces, ,he advised that it Is the CDunty's desire that the Province carry out the recDrnmendatiDns made in the Grand Jury RepDrt of Septeml>er 4th, 1973, in the priDrity 1ihat suits the Ministry's hudget 2. That the letter .from Mr. Read S. BrDWD, Superintendent, PrD- vinciai J1ail, St. Thomas, re: 'jail prDposals in tihe Grand Jury Re- pDrt of Septemher 4th, 1973, he filed. 3. That Mr. R. G. MDore he requested tD have the dDDr .on the Committee room repaired so that it will close. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. P. NElMETT, Chairman 278 ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNOIL FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT October SessiDn, 1973 To the Warden ,and Members .of the Elgin County Council, TIle 'Finance Committee reports as fDllDWS: 1. That we place ,a one page ad in the PDrt Stanley Centennial program 'at a cost .of $120.00. 2. That we give the ,office .of tile Agriculturai Representative, 225 county pens fDr clistributiDn tD 4H Club members. All of which is respectfuily submitted. R. L. LAKE, Chairman RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENTH ,COMMITTEE REPORT October Session, 1973 TD tile Warden 'and Members of the Elgin CDunty CDuncil" Tbe ReceptiDn and Entertainment ODmmittee repDrtsas fDllows: 1. TIlat each 'Councillor pay for his bDY or .girl .guest's meal that he hrings tD the November Session" 1973. Ail of Which is respectfully submitted. D. K. COOK, Chariman ElJG1N OOUNTY OOUiNCLL 279 EQUALIZATION AND ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE REPORT October Session, 1973 TD the Warden and iMembers of the Elgin CDunty Council" The Equali.atiDn and Assessment Committee repDrts ,a fDllows: 1. That the Statement hy the Honourable Allan Grossman reo TIle PrDvinclal Property AssessmentProgmm, he .filed. 2. That the letter from GlbsDn, [Linton, Toth & Odorjan reo Town- ship .of Bayham 11172 and 1973 CDunty ApportiDnment, be tabled. 3. That the TDwnship of Bayham's 'appeal 'against CDunty By-Law No. 2276, be t~bled. 4. That the County SolicitDr be ,asked tD give -an opinioo ,as to whe- ther or nDt there is 'auy way that tile CDunty of Elgin can Ie'!laily re- imburse the Township of iBayham for tile 'Over-payment of their 1972 .and 1973 county rate. All .of which is respectfully submitted. W. R. CAlVERLY, Ohairmau COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT October Session, 1973 TD the Warden and iMembers 'Of the Elgin County CDuncil, The County Government Committee repDrts .as follows: 1. That the AssociatiDn .of Municip'alitles of Ontario 'Legislative Bulletin, be filed. 2. That the letter frDm the Ministry of Treasury, ECDnDmics and IntergDverumental Affairsaud the Report submitted by Mr. P,aul Hickey on municipal governments, ,be filed. 280 ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCfL EWIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 281 3. That a CDPy .of the Green .paper .on EnvirDnmental Assessment received from the Ministry of the Environment be referred to the three planning mea~, if they dD nDt ,alTeady have a capy and that the Ministry .of the EnvirDument be ,advised that there is nDt suffi- cient time for tllis council tD reply before NDvernber 1st, 1973. COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2278 5. That ,a ,copy .of the letter fr'Om the Ministry .of Treasury, ECDn- omicsand .Intergovernmental Affairs re: CDllsents PDlicy - Rur.al Areas, be filed. . ",Being a <By-Law tD Repeal By-Law No. 2259 fDr Restricting the Weight .of Vehicles Passing Over Bridges" WHEREAS CDunty .of EIglin By-Law No. 2251l prDvides fDr Re- stricting the WeigiJ.t of Vehicles Passing Over Bridges. / AND WHEREAS it istl1e .opinion af the Elgin County CDuncil that the limit of weight set in this BY-Law is nD JDnger reqnired. NOW THERElFORE the CDUUCi! of ,the Corp.oratiDn of the County .of EIg.in enacts .as fDHows: THAT By'Law ND. 2259 of the County .of Elgin be .and the same os hereby repealed. READ 'a first time this 24th day .of iOctDber, 1973. READ ,a second time this 24th day of .october, 1973. READ ,a third time and ,finally passed .this 24th day .of OllWber) 1973. 4. That the questionnaire from the Ministry of the Environment reo updating "The PrDvince of OntarlD CDntingency Plan for Spills .of Oil and otiher Hazardous Materials he returned to the Ministry as completed by the Clerk's .office. 6. That the Memorandum frDm the Ministry .of Treasury, ECDn- Dmies 'and Interg'Overnmental Affairs reo Proposed Legislative Am' endments, he filed. 7. That we endorse the rep'ly made hy the clerk tD the County .of Lanark reo by-lawconlirming cDuncil prDceedings and cDntinue tD pass a confir:ming by-law. 8. That the kssociation of Counties ,and RegiDns prDposed amend- -meut to the 'constitution and fee structme of the lassoci1ation, be filed. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk NELSON JOHNSTON, Warden 9. We recOllDmend that the E'lginCounty CDuncil .apprDve .of and lend Its Supp'Ort t'O the .appllc.atiDn of Lewis Bus Line Limited t'O the Ontario TrauspDrt Board "FDr the carriage .of passengers in cI1ar- tered trips, a chartered trip heing one specific trip fDr which a pub- lic '!ebicle Is engaged, hired 'Or chartered fDr transpDrtatiDn exclu- sively af ,a g.roup .of persons ,and for which .one fare or charge .only is coHected, frDm points in the CDunty of Elgin to points in OntariD land return". kil .of which is respectliully s1.lbmitted. W. R. CAVERLY, Acting Chairman 282 ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 283 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2279 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation .of t!le CDnnty of Elgin at the Octoher Session, 1973" NOVEMBER SESSION - FIRST DAY Wednesday. the 21st day of November, 1973 The Elgin CDunty CDuncil met this day ,at the Court House, St. Thorn'as, in ,accorda'nce with ,adjournment. WHEREAS by SectiDn llol the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 .of the Revised IStatutes of Qntario, 1970, the powers .of a municipal corpovation ,are to be exerdsed by its council; AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 .of Section 241 of the Municipal Act, !being Chapter 284 .of the Rewsed Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every Council ,are to he exer,cised hy By-Law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings .of the CDuncil of tile Conpor.atiDn 'Of the CDunty .of Elgin at this meet- ing be confirmed and adDpted by By-Law; NOW l'HEREFORE the CDuncil .of the ,CorpDr.at.iDn of the CDunty of Elgin enacts ,as IDllDWS: 1. Tilat ,action .of the Council of the CorpDration .of the CDunty .of Elgin in respect .of each recommenationcDntained in the RepDrts .of tile Committees .and each mDtiDn ,aud resolutiDn passed and .other action taken by the CDuncil of the Corpor,atiDn of the County .of Elgin ,at its meetings held during the October 1973 SessiDn is hereby adDpted ,and confirmed 'as if all such prDceedings were expressly enlbDdied in this By.Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the CorpDnatioll of the County of Elgin ,are herebyauthorlzedand <lirected to dD 'all tllings necessary to give effect to the ,actiDn .of the CDunci! .of the OorpDffi- tion .of the 'County .of Elgin referred tD in preceding sectiDn hereof. 3. The Warden ,and the Clerk ,areauth<>rized ,and directed tD exe- cute ,all documents necessary in that behalf 'and toalfix theretD the Seal of the 'ConpDratiDnof the CDuuty .of Elgin. READ 'a fiTst time this 24th day .of iOctDber, 1973. REA[) ,a second .time this 24th day of October, W73. READ 'a third time and finally passed .tlhis 24th day .of 'October, 1973. The Warden in the chair. All members present e"cep Reeve Lake. The W ardenaddreSlSed the CDunciland welcomed the boysaud gir.ls who 'came as guests of the councillors. Moved hy Deputy Reeve Schafer Seconded by Reeve Bates That the minutes .of the October 1973 Session .of the Elgin County Council be adopted. ~Carried. The following Communications were read .and referred tD their varlious Committees:- FnDm the Vlllage of Port IStanley with copy of letter sent tD CierI.< E. McCall by the Eigin-St. ThDmas Health Unit re: Plumbing In- spectiDns 'at Port Stauley.-Referred tD the 'Finance CDmmittee. From -Brown, Proudfoot .and Hol,mes, Bardsters and Solicitors, .advising that they Ilave heen retained :by our insurance company, to defend us in tile actiDn brDugl1t ,against the County by the Gordons and requesting a representative .of the CDuntywith sufficient authDr- ity to bind tile CorporatiDn ,and with knDwledge of the facts at issue to be present ,at 9:15 ,a.m. .at the Court House on J,anuary 4th, 1974. -Referred to the RDad CDmmittee. 'From the Canadian FederatiDn .of MaYDrs and Municipalities with memorandum re: Results - 1973 Tr.i-Level Conference. - Re- ferred tD the County GDvernment CDmmittee. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk NELSON JOHNSTON, Warden FrDm the Association .of Municipalities .of Ontario with News- letter. - Referred to the County GDvernment Committee. 284 ELmN OOUNTY OOUNCfL ,From Miss Maria Hesch witih ,,,ppreciatiDn for the Elgin County Scholarship - Filed From the Honour,able :Leo Bernier, Minister of Natm,al Resour- ces with 'letter ,acknDwledging receipt .of resDlutiDn requesting am- endments tD the Trees Act - Filed IF-Dom the Mini;stry of Treasury, Economics ,and Intergovern- mental Mfairs with letter reo Delegation of Subdivision ApprDval Powers and Review .of Committee .of Adjustment DecisiDn. - Re- ferred to the CountyGDvernment Committee. FrDm the St. ThDmas Rotary Music Festival ,with request for an adl in the oHicial prDgram. - Referred to the Finance CDmmittee. From the Ministry of Treasury, EconDmics and IntergDvern- mental Ai!,~airs with news release of the text of a speech. by the HDn- Durable J Dhn White to the AssociatiDn .of CDuntiesaud Regions .of OntariD on OctDber 29, 1973, Re: "Restructuring .our Counties". - Refered to the County Goverllment CDmmittee. ,From ISheriff E. P. 'Ray with copy .of Grand Jury RepDrt, dated NDveinber 6, 1973, to His Honour Judge J. A. Winter. - Referred tD the PrDperty CDmmittee. FrDm Mr. R. K. McNeil, M.P.P. with ,appreciatiDn fDr sending him .a CDPy of the letter sent tD the HonDurable LeD Bernier support- ing .a resolutiDn passed hy the County of NDrfDlk. - !FHed. 'From Mr. Ron:ald G. Clark, Adminrstftative Officer, Ministry of the Environment 'acknDwledging receipt .of letter with respect to "GreenF:aper on Bnviromnent Assessment" ,and enclosing a news release by the HDnour able J~mes Auld with respect to this matter. _ Referred to the County GDvernment CDmmittee. 'From the Municipal Liaison Committee with letter re: the sec- Dnd N atiDnal Tri.Level Conference held 'in ,EJdmontDn on October 22- 23, 1973. - Referred to the CDunty GDvernment CDmmittee. From the University .of Western Ontario with letter .advising that Uldis Bite, BelmDnt and Mary Teresa Noga, R.R. 1, West LDrne, were wiuners of the CDunty .of Elgin Scholarsmp. - ,Filed. ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL 285 FrDm Miss Mary J.ane JDhnston, withappreci.ation .of Elgin County Scholarship. - Filed. ,From Mr. Bud Berma, M.P.P. Sudbury, New Democratic Barty, with letter ,and ,copy of resDlution which he introduced into the Pmv>- ince .of Ontario Legislature pertaining tD the reinvestment of OMERS funds which come due -December 31st, 1973. - Filed. From the Ministry of Treasury, EC<>DDmics ,and Intergovernment- ai Mfairs witih the text of a statement hy 1ihe HDnourable John White to the Legislature .on October 25th, 1973,cDncerningthe investment of $154 milliDn in debenture\S issued to OMElRS maturing December 31, 11l73. - FHed. ,FrDm the Ontario GDDd RDads AssociatiDn with request for reSD" lutions ,and proposal of names for recognition of IDng service in the c-ause of gODd rDads. - Referred to the RDad Commlittee. FrDm HellOessey, Kempster ,and Gunn with letter reo TDwnship of .Bayl1am';s CDunty ,apportionment for 1972 ,aud 1973 ,and alsD a CDPY of a letter they received frDm Gibson, LintDn, TDth ,and Odorjan re- garding this matter. - Referred tD the Equali.ation and Assessment 'Committee. 'FrDm tbe Ministry of Transportation ,aud Communications with letter, CDPy of order-in-cDuncil .and Ministry Pl.an P-2205-24 with re- ference to Transfer of part .of Highway 76 to the Village of West LDrne. - Referred to the Road Committee. From ,the University .of Guelph with list .of n~mes ,and aoademic standing of pupils from Elgin 'County. - !Filed. FrDm Canadian Mobile Home and Travel Trailer AssDoiatiDn with notice of tWD-day workshop seminar an mDhile hDme 'commun- ities. - Filed. The Treasurer's RepDrt was presented. Moved by Reeve EmersDn SecDnded hy Reeve WilsDn That the Treasurer's RepDrt he 'accepted 'and printed in the PrDceedings. ~Carried. 286 ELGIN C.oUNTY OOUNmL 287 EDG}N OOUNTY OOUNcrL TheCDunty Clerk's Report on Licenses was presented. MDved by Deputy Reeve Schafer SecDnded hy Reeve EmersDn 'That the Clerk',s RepDrt on Licenses 'be accepted and printed in tihe PrDceedings. -Carried. The County Weed InspeclDr's Report was presented by Mr. J,aokson Baker. Moved by Reeve WilsDn SecDnded hy Reeve Bates That the County Weed Inspector's Report be ,adDpted ,and print- ed in the Proceedings. -Oarried. The AdministratDr's Report .on Elgin ManDr was presented by Reeve Li<lbner. Movcid by Reeve HDdgson SecDnded by Reeve Miskelly That the Administrator's RepDrt .on Ellgin ManDr be accepted and printed in the PrDceedings. -Carried. The RepDrtof the Elgin Manor Committee was presented bey Reeve Liebner and adopted on motion of Reeve Liebner ,aud Reeve Emerson. The Report of the RDad CDmmittee was presented hy Reeve Uennisand ,adDpted .on mDtion .of Reeve Uennisand Reeve Cook. The First RepDrt of the PersDnnel Committee was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Reeve Miskelly. Moved by Reeve !HDdgsDn, SecDnded by Reeve Wi!sDn That the by-law concerning AuctiDneers, etc. be brDught up to date by the County Government ,Committee. -Carried. MDVed by Ueputy Reeve Monteith SecDnded by Reeve Hodgson, That Mr. Gr,anville GIDin be appDinted tD the Elgin Farm Safety Councll for the year 1974. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve MDnteitll That the usualgr,ant .of $25.00 be paid tD Mr. Jeff Maguire of the St. ThDmas Times-Journal and Mr. Steve Thaichevich of the LDndDn Free Press for repDrt.ing the prDceedings of the 'County GDuncil dur- ing the year 1973. -Carried. Warden JohnstDn appDinted Reeve TDdd to attend at the St. ThDll1alS City Hall 'at 3 p.m. fDr the opening of tenders reo the new llb~arybuilding. -Car~ied. MDVed by Reeve iHDdgsDn SecDnded by Reeve Miskelly That we dD nDW 'adjourn to meet ,again on November 21, 1Il73, at 2:00 p.m. -Carried. Council re-convened. The Report of the 'County GDvernment Committee was present- ed by Reeve WllsDn ,and adDpted on mDtiDn .of Reeve Wilson and Reeve Dennis. The RepDrt .of the PrDperty ,Committee was presented hy Reeve Nemett and 'adDpted on motion of Reeve Nemett and Reeve Caverly. The Second Report of the Personnel CDmmittee was presented by Reeve Emerson 'and adDpted on mDtion .of Reeve ElmersDn and Reeve Hodgson. The Report .of the ,Equalization and Assessment GDmmittee was presented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion .of Reeve Cav- erly ,and Reeve Emerson. The Report of the Finance Committee was presented by Reeve Kal1utaud ,adDpted .on motion of Reeve Kahntand Reeve Miskelly. Moved hy Reeve Miskelly SecDnded by Reeve CODk That IBy-Law ND. 2280, "A 'By-Law tD Amend the By"Law Adopt- iuga Plan .of 'County RDad Improvement ,and Establishing ,a County Road System in the County .of Elgin Under the Public Transporta- tiDn ,and Highway Improvement Act." be read a first time. -Carried. 288 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL MDVed by Reeve Hodgson SecDnded by Reeve Miskelly That By.[,aw No. 2280 be read ,a secDnd time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Miskelly SecDnded by Reeve Cook That By,Law No. 2280 be read a ,lihird time and finally passed. -Car.ried. Moved by Reeve CODk Seconded by Reeve McKillop That By~Low No. 2281, "A By-Law to CDnfirm PrDceedings of the 'Council 'Of the CDrpDratiDn .of the CDunty of Elgin at the Novem- ber Session, 1973'" be read 'a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Nemett Seconded ,by Deputy Reeve McBrien That By_Law No. 2281 be read ,a secDnd time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve McKillop SecDnded by Reeve CDok That By-iLaw No. 2281 be read a third time .and finally passed. -Carried. Reeve 'l'odd ,advised Council that four tenders were received for ronstructiDn of the new library buHding. Mr. Kevin PearsDn thanked council on behalf of the bDYS and gJrls fDr the plea.ant day they had enjDyedas, guests .of County CounCllI. MDved by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by Deputy Reeve Schafer That we dD now adjourn to meet again on December 19, 1973, at 10:00 a.m. -Carried H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk R. N. JOHNSTON, Warden I ELGIN COUNTY OOUiNC:u. 289 COUNTY TREASURERS REPORT November Session, 1973 To the Warden and Memhers of the Elgin County Council, I beg to suhmit the follDwing statement of Receipts 'and Expend- itures from J anllary 1st, 1973 to October 31, 1973. Receipts Salance in hank .and on hand Jan. 1st, 1973 NDtes FaY';:jble m__ _______________m__________________________ County Rates County Rates collected under SectiDn 43 __ Licenses ;and Pennit'S Interest County Roads Charity ,and WelJiare Children'. Aid Societies Agriculture MisceUanoousRe-venue ________ _______________________"___________ RecDvery of Rentals Care of Buildings '(Adm. of Justice) __________________ Registry Office Land Division Committee Printing, Postage and Stationery ____ --________$ 57,719.71l $ 765,000.00 274,449.71 6,.637.65 94.00 887.27 1,194,400.10 1,015.65 1,320.70 1,430.77 7,102.61l 16,268.28 9,670..76 1,400.3'1 7,315.00 ----------________ 117.79 $2,287,115.88 $2,344,835.67 290 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNClL Expenditures Members' Wages OHicers' Sroaries Printing, PDstage ,and Stationery Oare .of Buildings ,Gl'iants, Associations, ScholarshLps, illd~sceRaneous IG~pense County Roads Charity and Welf,are Children's Aid SDcieties Interest AJbatement of T.axes AgTiculture Registry OWce Elgin'St. Thomas Health Unit 'County Library Land Division GDmmittee Welf.are Notes P,ayable etc. Balance in BaIlk OctDber 31, 1973 36,130.78 30,013.64 3,752.14 16,IlI0.87 '890.00 16,604.57 1,631,623.75 39.25 58,160.00 18,512.35 3,699.50 15,467.11'1 1,601.1l1 77,11l3.00 50,000.00 6,428.33 302.66 335,000.00 $2,302,330.:W __________________________ 42,505.38 $2,344,835.67 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 291 ELGIN MANOR Balance in 'Bank and .on hand January 1st, 1973 ._____,,_________$ Receipts 32,364.66 661l,241.76 Expenditures $ 701,606.42 662,185.57 --___$ 39,420.85 Balance in Bani< ,and on hand October 3hst, 1973 All of which is respectfully suhmitted. H. L. JOHNSON, 'County Clerk-Treasurer CLERK'S REPORT ON LICENSES November Session, 1973 To the Warden ,and Memhers .of Ellgin CDunty GDuncil, [ have to report tile fDllowing licenses in d'orce on the first day .of NDvember, 1973. Auctio.n.eers GordDn ill. MeekD, 11 Wondworth Ave_, St. Thomas Donald L. CDsens, It.R 3, St. ThDmas Waldie Allen, R.R. 3, Lambeth Normau Ripley 24 Sinclair Ave., St. Thomas K. J. McAlpine, R.R. 1, Dutton Ronald Shelley, R.R. 1, UmDn WIil1iam Carnegie, R.It. 1, Mudrkirk Ar1ihur Long, BDX 57, Vienna Dave Page, 267 Furniv,al Road, Rodney Salvage Dealers A. ~rschner & Sons, 'R.R. 3, West lJorne Kenneth A. Forbes, 7 Arthur Ave., St. Thomas All of which is respectfully submitted. H.L. JOHNSON, CDunty Clerk-Treasurer 292 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL WEED INSPECTOR'S REPORT To the Warden and Members .of Elgin Oounty CDuncil, .r wish tD repDrt .on weed control in tihe County 'Of Elgin for the year 11l73. It was 13 !ffiost rewarding year for 'most ifar,mers within the CDunty. GODd results were obtained frDm most spr.aying prDgrams and fields .of 'CDrn, gr,ain and beans 10Dked very gDDd. TobaccD I,ar- mers ,alsDenjDyed a gDod year and grew a large crDp which appear- ed very gDDd throughout the Couuty. There was very :!tittle vacant ,land compmed tD the previDus year ,and this eliminated many weed problems. The Ministry .of Tr.anS[>ortatiDn and Communieatons kept thedT roadsides we'll spr,ayed land mowed land were; in excellent' condition throughout the summer. The S8Jme 'applies to 'ffi'ost County roads but there were areas where no spT3ying, was done ,and 'fuese roads, had a very pDDrappearance until later in tihe season when they were mDwed. All townsnrips that ,carried .out a spraying prDgram this spring had excellent results and were rnble to keep the weeds and I>Tush .on the rDadgides well under cDntrD1. Tbe most improved townsnrips were Malal1ide 'and Bayham as this was the first year they carried .out a serious spraying progr.am and lam sure ,that the resnlt has been most encDuraging to tihem. There were mauycomplaints regarding weeds .on neighbDring prDperties but these disputes were settled without .any problem; some 'IDtS had tD be ordered cut but most paid ,Dr tihis wODk wilen <their bilJ was presented tD them aud very few had tD be ,cDHected through the munie1p'alities. In closing my report I would like to thank all CDunty ,and tDwn- ship officials, the rDad crews ,and otiher weed inspectDrs IDr their help and eD-operatiDn dur,ing the year. All of which is respectfully submitted, JA.CKSON BAKER, CDunty of Elg;n Weed Inspector ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT 293 ELGIN MANOR November Session, 1973 'I'D the Warden ,and Members of ,Elgin County Oouncil, The follDwing is my repDrt on Elgin Manor for 'the year ending October 31st, 1973: 1. Number of Residents ,at last report 2. Number admitted during year 3. Number discharged 4. Number .of deaths 5. Number of Residents nDW in HDme 6. Total Resident Days ___ nn___m__...........____ _________m.................. 7. Aver.age number of Residents during year 8. RECEIPTS PrDvince .of Ontario Subsidy Maintenance from All Residents Arrears of Maintenance .and Estates .of Deceased Residents Sundry Revenue-Federai SalesT.ax Refunds, etc. Donations 9 EXPENmTURES Residents Social Services Salaries ...... _____.............. __________.._..__..........____..____. _____:$ 14,826.01 Elmployee Bene~its ..___________._............. __........__...nm. 1,004.01 Clothing _____.............._.._______..................___......................... 588.06 ReCreatiDn ,and Entertainment .................... _._...._ 2,137.20 Hobby Crafts _______.................. _ __ _____...................__ 1,269.14 Comfort Money _____....................___..______................___ 785.00 'Equipment OperatiDn ,and Maintenance _______n. 37.55 Equipment Replacements ._.____.... __..................._. 1,123.98 Other _........................._._ ______......................_......._....___..... 3,451.44 140 82 77 9 136 .. ____50308 138 $502,494.12 235,855.42 11,331.24 9,051.19 20.00 $758,751.97 $ 25,222.39 284 ELGIN COUNTY COUNmL Dietary Services Salaries ____________ __ __ _________.___.___ _________________________ Employee Benefits -Raw Food CDSts Repiacements,-Dl&hes, Cutlery, etc. MiscellaneDus Supplies Equipment Operation ,and IMaintenance _________ Equipment Replacements Other Residents Medical Services ______$131,526.01 7,674.33 70,161.42 2,297.28 4,869.56 544.14 6,925.33 302.07 Salaries __, m______ Employee Benefits HDme Physician Fees Medic'al~Nursing Supplies Equipment Operation and Maintenance _ Other ____ _ ________________$207,346.03 _______ _ _____m__ 12,681.71 2,251.60 2,215.60 100.34 2,142.93 Approved Drugs Housekeeping Services Salarues 'Elmployee iBeneHts Miscellaneous iSupp1ies ,Equipment Operation and Maintenance ____ Ofuer ____________________________________________________________---- LaWldry Services Salaries EmplDyee Benefits Repiacements~Bedding, Linen _______ Replacements~Other __________-{-__________________________________ Misce1JaueDus Supplies Equipment Operation and M,a;intenance ___________ otI1er ____________ ______________________._________._______________________________ 224,300.19 $226,744.21 15,255.31 15,255.3-1 59,838.46 5,032.28 4,014.53 23.10 80.12 14,665.65 1,071l.48 419.35 16.63 1,1l60.14 161.82 3.51 63,988.48 18,306.58 - EDGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL Funeral and. Burial Building and 'Property Salaries _________________________ ___________________________________________ ElmplDyee Benefits Purchased Services Heating Other Utilities Garbage Collection Insur,anoo, Boiler, Etc. Rent Repairs and Mtce.~Buildings 'and 'Grounds____ Equipment OperatiDnand Maintenance Equipment Replacements other General and Administrative Salaries EmplDyee !Benefits Adverfiising Insurance--oPL.&PD., etc. Legai Postage Printing ,and StatiDnery Telephone l1ravellingand Conventions Equipment Oper,amDn -and Maintenance Equipment Re]:ilacements other TDtai Expenditures -------------.--------..------ -------,----------------- 295 325.00 325.00 18,153.36 1,332.64 8,1.12.88 13,057.60 10,099.71 978.00 2,289.02 28.50 6,841.25 426.04 21,1;;1.17 85.78 82,615.95 37,913 71 3,168.65 353.21 5,720.75 3,350.95 548.79 2,062.85 1,877.78 3,227.56 252.00 61lO.54 n,646.23 Ii, 71,-913.02 --------------$73,3,671.J4 10. H. 12. Deductions Coot .of Oper.ating -- -----------_______________________________________________________$733,671.14 Average Expenses per day of each persDn_________________..__ 14.58 Average Expenses per week each persDu______________.__________ 102.06 There 'were 222 Residents in the Home duxlil1g 1973-103 Male and 119 Female. Of 'tihe 136 Residents in the HDme on the first day .of NDvember, 1973,59 are Male .and 77 .are Female. These figures .are for the period November 1, 1972 to October 31, 11l73. 296 ElLmN COUNTY COUNCIL 13. Average Expenses per year of each person 14. Actual 'CDst tD Gountyafter deductiDn .of All Receipts 15. Actual cost tDCounty 'after deductiDn ofal~ receipts per day 16. Capital Expenditures CDst of Capital El<pendlturesn____.... PrDvince .of Ontario Subsidy Actual CDstto CDunty 17. 18. All .of which is respectfully submitted. FRED J. BOYES, EuGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL 297 5,321.70 ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT Nil November Session, 1973 Nil To the Warden ,and Members .of Elgin County CouncIl, The EI@In 'Manor CDmmittee reports as fol11ows: ------$ '5,485.47 2,742.74 2,742.73 1. That the tender of Purity Dairies Limited for supply,ing milk reqmrements fDr 1974 has been ,accepted at the follDwing prices: 2% milk _________n_____________ .89 per ,gal. ,skim milk _____n_,,_ ____n_ .64 per 3 qt. jug plus .40 depDsit Buttermilk.____..___......___ _____ .31 per qt. Cottage Cheese_ .79 per 2 lb. .and .41 per 1 lb. Butter__________________ .78 per lb. Creamers____ __ _________ 1.35 per 100 Butter P,atties ______________. 12.50 per 13 lb. bDX 2. That the tender of Canada Bread for supplying bread at 'a price of 26.8c per 24 oz. lDaf for 1974 has been accepted. 3. The CDmmittee have endDrsed tbe resolutiDn frDm the 'Il<>ard .of Management, Spruce Lodge, i(GDunty of Perth), petitiDning the MIn- ister of Health to ,assume the responsihHity and provide chest X-rays fDr emplDyees and residents .of Homes fDr tlhe Aged, ,and 'a~so to per- mit clhest X-rays to be claimed .on O.H.I.P. Administrator, E,lgin CDunty HDme for the Aged 4. That the date, the ,application for admissiDn tD the Home was taken, be the .order for accepting residents and that this metbod be 'adhered tD. 5. The Administ"ator has heenauthorized tD have tWD members .of the Nursing Staff attend a tWD week cDurse lu TorDntD .on recreation .and ,:,ursing for he Special Oare Residents, with ,all expenses paiid. 6. The tender of John E. Duffy in tlhe .amDunt .of $930.00 bas heen 'accepted ,Dr 'cDnstructing a new name sign 'Dr Elgin Manor 'and re- locating the existing .one. All of which is respectiully submitted. A. H. LIEBNER, Chairman 298 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL 299 November Session, 1973 CONSTRUCTION P~OJECTS: '(L) Road 3 - 'Higbway 3 to Lake Erie, AldborDugh Township. (2) Road 3 - ,From CDunty Road 2 intersectlDn to King Street, VHlage .of RDdney. (3) RDad 4 - FrDm 'County. Road 3 to west ,limit of Rodney, Vil- lage of RDdney. (4) Road 3 - From Road !between CDncessiDn IV ,and V to F1leming Cre<!k culvert in CDncessiDn HI AldbDrDugh, Md" horDugh Townsilip. (5) Rnad 13 - FrDm east limit .of ourb ,and 'gutter in DuttDU easterly apprDximately 400 feet, Village of DuttDn. (6) Road 8 - and RDad 15 - ExtensiDn to RDad 15 frDm south .limit of E'lgin Oo,Operative 'to Mary Street, VHlage of DuttDn. (7) StrmfDrdville nralnage Assessment, Road 38, !Bayham Township. ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT YDur RDad Committee hegs to repDrt ,as fDllows: 1. Tenders have heen accepted for the fallowing new equipment tD he delivered next spring. (a) Champion D6DO Grader and SnDw Piow. (II) Hough 3 ,cubic yard 'F'ront End 1.oader. (c) International Farm TractDr .and FrDnt 'End LDader. Present County equipment will be traded in .on the new equipment. 2. Tenders have heen requested fora Street Sweeper ,aud tWD tenders received. A decision as to which tender will he accepted will be made shDrUy. 3. The CDmmittee has requested the Ministry .of TransportatiDn ,and Communi,cations to erect nluminatiion 'at the intersection of Highway 4 and ,County RDad 45. ThecDst of erectlDn of illumin- ,atiDn will be shared equally hetween the County .and the Minis- try .of TranspDrtation & Communications and the County wIll pay the .cost of maintenance and energy. 4. 'fhe Ministry of Transportation & CDmmunicatiDns has requested a meeting with the CDunty RnadCommittee to review proposals for @ update of the 1.DnaDn Area 'Highway Planning Study which was puhlished in 1967. 1975 CDmp,letiDn of 'any work from 1974 and prior. , (I) RDad 52 - ,From Road' 25 Wellington ~oad tD RDad 30 in- cluwng Carr"s Bridge, Y,armDutih Township. '(2) RDad 31 - From RDad 29 tD RDad 52, Y.armouth TDwnship. (3) RDad 30 - From RDad 52 to St. Thomas dtylimits, Yar- mDuth TDwnship. 1974 Cleanup from 1973 ,and priDr years. 1(1) RDad 40 .from Mount Salem to Road 42, Ma1ahide Townslrip. (2) RDad 3 from Thames River southerly .apprDJcimately 4 ""les, AldbDrDugh Township. (3) Road 36 from Highway 3 tD Sparta, Y'armDuth TDwnship. (4) Road 42 PDrt iBurw<!ll easterly ,apprDJl)imately 1 mile, !Bay- ham Township. 1976 CompletionD.f any w<>rk frDm 1975 laud prior. (1) RDad 52 - From Road 25 W<!lIingtDn Road tD TalJbotvtlle, SDuthwold TDwnship. (2) RDad 32 - FrDm Highway n tD OntariD PDlIee GDllege el)- trance, Malahide Townsliip. (3) RDad 16 - From west limits .of Fingal tD RDad 14, Burwell GDruers, SDuthwald TDwnship. 2. That 'a By-Law be p,assed '''''Sliming the road between Conces- s,ion IV ,and V Yarmouth frDm Highway 4 to Yarmouth"South- wDld TDwnline, (a distance of ,apprDximately 0.9 miles) ,as, a County RDad. The Ministry of TranspDrtatiDn ,and CDmmunica- tions has indicated .that this road will be ,approved ,as " CDunty Road ,as, it serv.iees the County Garage. All of which is respectfully sllbmitted. WE ~ECOMMEND: 1. That the fallowing 3 year CDnstruction Programme be ad<>pted. J. L. DENNIS, Ohairman 300 ELGIN COUNTY COUNffiL EDGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 301 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1973 November Session, 1973 FIRST REPORT To the Wamen @d Members of Elgin County 'Council, TD the Warden ,and Members of Ellgin County Council, The County Government Committee >reports laS' follows: The Personnel Committee reports as fDllowll: 1. Mrs. Carol NichDls has been hired ,as Clerk-Typist fDr the SDclal SerVlices <Deparlment ,at a salary of $5,.100.00 per 'annum. 2. Mrs. Jeanne .Gagnon land :Mrs. J'ane M. iSelbie have been hir~d as Field Worl<ers fDr the Social Services Department 'at an ,annual salary of $7,400.00. 1. That the memorandum from the Canadian 'Federation .of May- Drs ,and Municipalities re: 1973 Tri-Level Conference he fHed. 2. That the Newsletter from the AssDclatiDn of Municipalities .of OntariD be filed. 3. We recommend that the fDllDwing -categories, ,and salary scbe- dules be esta!bllshed ,and the necessary by-law be intrDduoed at the December Session to amend the present s,a1lary iby-}aw. 3. That the letter from the MinJslty of Treasury, EconDmics and IntergDvernmental Affairs. re: DelegatiDn of SubdivisiDn ApprDval FDwersand Review of Committee of Adjustment DecisiDns he filed. 4. That the news release .of the text .of a speecb by the HonDurable John White re: "Restructuring .our CDunties" he flied. SOOIA:L SERlVICES F1l'ELD WO~ER Minimum $7,200.00 !per 'annum Maximum $8,000.00 per 'aunum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. 5. That the letter from Mr. Ronald G. Clark, Admlpistrative Offi- cer, Mdnistry of the Environment, with respect .to "Green Paper on Environmental Assessment" and news release by the HDnDurable J.ames Auld be filed. ElLGIN MA:NOR RECREATION DIRElCTOR Minimum $5,000.00 per annum IVLaximum $5,1800.00 per ..annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. 6. That the letter from the Municipal Liaison Committee re: the secDnd NatiDnal Tri,Level Conference held in Edmonton be flied. 7. That this CDuuty Government Committee meet 'again on ND- vember 29th ,at 1:30 p.m. All of wWch is respectfully submitted. AIl of which .is respectfully submitted. K. C. ElMERSON, Chariman J. B. WiLSON, Chairman 302 ElLGlN COUNTY GOUNCIL PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1973 To the Warden ,and Members of Elgin GDunty ,Council, The PrDperly CDmmittee reports 'as fDllows. 1. That 'a CDPy .of the Grand Jurys Report to His HDnour Judge J. A. W<nter, dated NDvernber 61h, 1973, he sent to Mr.E. E. BDnd, Lease!hold Administr,atDr, Ministry .of Government Services, for bis cDnsideration .of thDse items in the repDrt which pertaiu to the Ad" ,ministr-ation of Justice. 2. That Engineer R. G. MDore he ,asked tD have fDur s,igns painted ,and erected at the four corners of the Court HDuse property stating "No Dogs Allowed". All .of which is respectfully submitted. J. P. NE,METT, Chwrman PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORTS November Session. 1973 SECOND REPORT TD the Warden and MemhersDf Elgin ODunty Council, ThePersDnnel Committee reports as fDllDWS: 1. That the mileage rates paid all County employees using their own prlv,ate cars be cDntinued ,as set .out in By-'Law ND. 22ff7 for the balance .of 1973 and reviewed fDr 1974 ,and that the Treasurer he in- structed to pay these rates .only. 2. That the Engineer :be authorized to Institute .a prDgramme of standhy for Winter ,Maintenance PrDcedures of two (2) hours per day that standby is required fDr. 3. That effective J'anuary 1, 1974, the hourly r,ate fDr Mr. J'acksDn Baker, Tree Comniiss,iDner ,and Weed Inspector he raised tD $3.50 per hour ,and mileage rate remain 'at .13c per mile and the necessary hy.law be ,amended ,acCordingly. 4. 'l1hat ,,11 GDunty Council members have t!J.e oPPDrtunity to tal<e advantage of the CDunty medicals ,and that they rei!mhurse the County for expenses incurred. All of which is respectfully submitted. K. C. EMElRSON, EuGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL 303 EQUALIZATION AND ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1973 To the Warden ,and Members of Ellgin County 'Council, The EqualizatiDn ,aud Assessment 'Committee reports ,as fDIlDWS: 1. We recDmmend that the TDWnshlp .of Bayham he given a grant of $8,233.34 tD .offset their 1972 and 1973 appDrtionment brDught abDut :by a cI1ange In their equaiizatiDn factor ,and iliat pa;oment of this amDunt he made ,after Bayham's ,appeal 'agalust Gounty of Elgin By- Law No. 2276 Is withdrawn. 2. That the letter from Hennessey, Kempster and Guunre: Bay- ham's county appDrtiDnment fDr 1972 ,and 1973 be filed. 3. That the letter frDm Gibson, Linton, TDth ,and Odorjan re: Town- ship .of Bayham 1972 ,and 1973 County ,apPDrtionment tabled at the October SessiDn be filed. ( 4. That the Township of Bayham's ,appeal ag,ainst CDunty .of Elgin By.Law No. 2276 tahled at the Octoher SessiDn be filed. All of wI1lch is respectfUlly suhmitted. W. R. CAVElRLY, 'CI1airman FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1973 TD the Warden ,and Members of Ellgin Oounty 'Council, The Finance Committee repDrts ,as follows: 1. That the usual full page ad. ,be placed in t!J.e RDtary Music Fes" tival Program. 2. That t!J.e letter from the Municipality .of Port Stanley ~e: Plumb- ing 'InspectiDD'S by the Elgln-St. ThDmas Healfu Unit be filed. All of wWch is respectfully sllhmitted. M. A. KAHNT, Acting Ohairman 304 ElLGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2280 "A -By-Law to Amend the By-Law Adopting a Plan of CDunty Road ImprDvement aud Establishing a COUtlty RDad System in the CO'llnty of Elgin Under the Public TranspDrtationand ffighway Improvement Act" The CDuncil of the CorpomtiDn of the CDunty of Ellgin enacts as fDllows: 1. The 'Schedule tD the Establishing By"Law ND. 2166 is am- ended by adding ,tihereto Plan Number 51-73 attached heretD .of Road to be known as CDunty RDad Number 51. This By-Law shall CDme into fDrceand effect upon ,and tD the extent of the .apprD"al thereof by the IJieutenant GDver- nDr in Counoil. 2. READ .a first time this 21st day .of iNovember, 1973. READ ,a second time this 21st day 'Of November, 1973. READ 'a third time ,and ~inailily passed tihis 21st day of Novemher; 1973. H. L. J.oHNSON, Clerk R. N. JOHNSTON, Warden EDGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 305 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO.,2281 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corpor'\tion 01 the CDunty .of Elgin at the November Sessionj 1973" WHEREAS by SectiDn 9 of 1ihe Municipal Act, heing Chapter 284 .of the Revised Statutes .of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation ,are to be exerei'Sed by its 'council. AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 of tile Municipai Act, being Chapter 284 .of the Revised Statutes .of 'Ontario, 1970 the powers of every Councillare to heexe:reised by By-Law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the prDceedings of tile Council of the CO"pDrat1Dn~f the County of Elgin ,at this meeting be confirmed ,and .adDpted by By.Law; NOW THEREFORE the CDunci! .of the CDrporation 'Of the Coullly of Elgin enacts ,as folIDWS: 1. That actiDn .of the CDuncil .of the Corp'Or.ation 'Of the County of Elgin in respeci .of eacl1 recDmmendatiDn contained in the Reports .of tile Committees 'and each mDtion ,and resolutiDn p'assed ,and .other acuiDn taken iby the CDuncl! .of the 'CorpDration of the County .of of 'Elgin at itsmeetirigs held during the Novembe,r 1973 SesslDn is herebyadoptExl ,and confirmed as if all such proceedings were ex- pressly emhodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper Df~icials of the CDrporatiDn .of the County .of Elgin ,are hereby .authorized ,and directed to do ,all things necessary to giive effect to the ,action of the Council of the Corpora~ tion .of the County 'Of Ellgin referred to in preceding sectiDn hereof. 3. Tbe Warden ,and the Clerk are authDrized and directed tD exe- cute all dDcuments necess.ary in that hehalf 'and ,to .aifix tllereto the Seal of the CDrporatiDn .of tile CDunty .of Elgin. READ a first time this 21st day of November, 1973. READ a 'SecDnd time this 21st day of November" 1973. READ 'a third time .and iiinally passed this 21st day of NDvember, 1973. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk R. N. JOHNS'I10N, Warden ElLG1N COUNTY OOUNCIL DECEMBER SESSION - FIRST DAY Wednesday, the 19th day of December, 1973 The Ellgin County CDuncil met this day <at the Court HDuse, St. Thomas, in :accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. , All members present except Reeve Oaverly. Moved by Reeve Miskelly SecDnded by Reeve CDDk That the minutes of the November CDunty Council be adopted. 1973, Ses.iDn of the Elgin ....()arried. 'l'he fDllowing cDmmunicatiDns were read aud referred tD their 'l'ariDUS Commlttees:- From Herold and Plli1lips, Barristersaud SDlicitDrs, with letter .and copies of Recognition Agreement ~e: Roads Department. Referred to the Personnel Committee. FrDm the County of LambtDn with .resDlution that farmers in areas designated ,as primarily ,agricultural land receive exemptlDn frDm prDperty taxes and au aunual compensatiDn for the mainten- ance of 'a wODdlot for the entire .acreage of tile WDDdIDt. - Referred tD the Agriculturai Committee. 'FrDm the Ministry of the EnlVironment with letter' .of apprecia- tiDn for the -time 'and effDrt given tD the Thames River Basin Study Pub1ic CDllSultation PrDgram ,and ,advising that a preliminary re- pDrt will be released 'in Jauuary 1974. - Filed. From the Ministry .of Treasury, ElcDnDmiCS . .and IntergDvern- mental Affairs, P.lans Administration -Brauch, with copies of letters sent to the Secretary-Treasurers .of the Committees of Adjustment lDr Port Stanley, YarmDuth ,and SDuthwold reo CDnsent - Granting Powers. _ Referred tD the CDunty GDvernment Committee. ELGIN 'OOUNTY 'OOUNCIL 307 From the County Registrar with letter received >by him from Mr. L. D. House, City Engineer, ,advising that the rODfwater leader at the Registry Office has nDt :been disconnected from the sanitary sewer. - Referred to the PrDperty 'Committee. From the OntariD Agricultural College, University .of Guelph, with invitatlDn tD tile OAC Agricultural CDnference 1974, J'anuary 2, 3 .and 4. - Filed. ,From tile OntariD GODd Roads Association with 1974 ConventiDn Brogramme lniDrmatiDn. - FHed. FrDm Mr. Bud Germa, M.P:P. Sudbury, New Democratic Barty with record .of tile d<!bate tbat ensued ,as the result of a MotiDn re- garding the invesllment of .o.M.E.R.S. funds. - Filed. From the University .of Western OntariD ,advising that TDny Vysniauskas, R.R. 1, Eden and ,John Alexauder PatDn, 136 Furnival Street, Rodney, were rec'ipients of Elgin CDunty SchDlarships.- Filed. 'FrDm the Ubrary Building Committee with minutes .of the meet- ing held .on NDvemher 26, 1973. - Filed. From tile County .of OxfDrd with resolutiDn re: deer hunt1ng witll bows and ,arrDWS - Referred tD the ,AgricultUral Committee. From the CDunty of Lanark wit'h resDlution requestingtihe Pro- vincial ,and !Federal GDvernment tD intervene to ,guar-antee adequate supplies .of newspllint tD 'all weekly newsp.apers thrDughoot OntariD. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the CDunty .of Lanark advising that they have endorsed the resolutiDn frDm the 'County .of Perth petitioning tile Ministry .of Healtll to assume tile respDnsibility and prov,ide chest x-ray cJj.nics fDr emplDyees and residents of Homes for the Aged Dr if necessary legislatiDn he ,amended permitting the ,cfuarges fDr chest x-rays to be .on .o.H:I.P. - Flied. From the City .of St. Cathallines with resolutiDn requesting 1ihe Millistry .of TranspDrt of the Government .of Oanada tD provide the municipalities bordering on the shores.of Lakes Erie and OntariD with up"to-date reports .from ,an ,authDrillative sDurce .on water levels ,and 4!ullure trends ,and to make such repDrts .availahleat ,regular In- ervals. - Referred to the CDunty Government CDmmlttee. 308 ELGrN COUNTY COUNCIL ,FrDm tile TDwnship of Bayham 'with copy ofa ,letter tD the On- tadD Municip,al Board requesting that the Township's .appeal against County of ,E:lgin 'By-Law No. 2276 be withdrawn. - Filed. 'From Ontario Hydro with progress report reo NanticDke-LDndDn Transmission Line Project. - Filled. 'FrDm the Ridgetown. <CDllege of Agrictlltur,al TechnolDgy advising that TDm Marks, R.R. 8, St. ThDmasand 'Brian ShackletDn, R.R. 1, Springfield, were the recipients of the Elgin CDunty SchDlarsl1ips. - Filed. 'Fmm the CDunty of Perth with resolution requesting the Minis- ter of NaturHI} Resources io engage 'more conservlation offi,cers.. to en- .fDce our :g,ame ,laws: - Referred to the <CDunty GDvernment CDm- mittee. From the Oounty .of Perlh with resDlutiDn requesting the Minister .of Natural Resources tD delete section 47, subsectiDn 2 of the Game end Fish Act. - Referred to the County GoverumentCommittee. FrDm Mr. C. R. Doran, CDnstructiDn Safety Inspector, with An' nual Report fDr 1973. - ,Filed. FrDm the Township of y,armouth with NDtice .of Application to the Ontario Municipal Bo:ard fDrapprDv,al of ,a by-law to regulate land use passed p\lrsuant to Section 35 .of the Planning Act @d " CDPy of Township of Yarmouh By-Law ND. 2227. - Referred to the Road Committee. ' From the 'l1ownship .of Y;armouth wilh NDtice .of Applioation tD the OntariD Mnnicipal Board for ,apprDval .of a by.law tD regulate ,land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of the Planning Act aud a copy of Township of y,armouth By.Law IND. 2238. - Referred tD the Road 'Committee. From ilie Ministry of Tr:ansport'ation ,and. Communic,ations adyis;.: ing that tihe ministerially ,adjusted assessment of the City .of St. Thomas is $39,400,000. - Referred tD the RDad Committee. - ELGIN OOUNTy OOUNCIL 309 'From 'the Ministry .of TrausportatiDn ,and <CDmmunlcations with Memo No. 73-10 ,reo (I) RevisiDn tD the Maintenance Slheet fDr the Monthly El<penditure/Subsidy Report. '(2) Submission of the Sup- plementary Request for Subsidy. - Referred tD the Road Com- mittee. Fmm the AirpDrt Inquiry CDmmission 'with ,a oopy of the fDI- lDwing: 1. The Order in CDuncil. 2. The Comm~'ssi{)n'& Practice .and Procedure. A CDPy of the newspaper ,advertisement. A list of lhe persons and places tD WIDell this materi.al has been delivered. - Referred tD the <CDunty Government Committee. From Mr. R. G. Moore with oopy of memorandum from tile Ministry of Tr,ansportatiDn 'and ODmmtmic'ations re: OntariD Green Paper on Environmental Assessment Review Systems. _ Referred to the County Government 'Committee. 3. 4. iFrom the Town ,of Oakville with resolution to ,amend the M\lnl- cip,alElectiDus Act. - Referred tD the County Government CDm- mittee. From Mr. G. Doocan Black, P. Eng., Regional Engineer, Con- struction Safety Branch, Ministry of Labour, with letter adcvising that ,a municipality and/Dr.a Public Utilities GDmmission may be- co-me ~a "Constructor" under the ,Act land offerIng his ,assistance if and when it is required. - Referred to the RDad Ooonmittee. FrDm the County of Victoria with ,resolution that tile Minister of Natural Resouroes be requested to reinstate a bounty paY'ahle fDr killing wDlves. - Referred 0 the Agricnltur,al Committee. 'Fmm Mr. R. G. MODre, CDunty Engineer, 'with letter advising that tile Ministry of TransportatiDU and Communications' will not ap- prove By'Law ND. 2265 prohibiting overnight parking in its, present form. - Filed. 310 ELGIN COUNTY COUNC]L ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 311 The First Report of the County Government Committee was pre- sented by iReeve WilsDn, and it was mDved by Reeve Wilson; and sec. Dnded by Reeve Hodgson that the F'irst RepDrt of the County Gov- ernment Committee be adDpted. The RepDrt of the Personnel CDmmittee was presented by Reeve Elmerson ,and .adDpted on motion .of Reeve Emerson and Reeye Hodgson. The motion presented by Deputy Reeve C.arroll and Reeve M~. Ki1!(Jp was voted "pDn .and .lost. MDVed by Reeve McKillop Seconded by Deputy Reeve Schafer That By-Law No. 2282, "Being ,a By-Law to AuthDrize the War- den and tile Olerk of the County to Sign ,a Recognition Agreement be- tween the CorpDrationof the County of Elgin ,and the Elgin CDunfy Elmployees. AssociatiDn," be read ,a first time. . -Carried Moved by Deputy Reeve CarrDll SeoDnded by Reeve MciKillDP That County Government report be dealt with one item at a time. Warden JohnstDn thanked Deputy ,Reeve Schafer for his repDrt. Moved hy Deputy Reeve Schafer SecDnded by Reeve Lake That By-Law No. 2282 be read a second time. Moved ,by Reeve Lake SecDnded by Deputy >Reeve Pettit That By.Law ND. 2282 be read ,a third time and finally passed. The motiDn by Reeve Wilson ,aud Reeve IDJdgsDn to adopt the First iReport of the ,County Government CDmmittee was then vDted upon and carried. Deputy Reeve 'SClhafer g,ave an oral report on tihe propDsed 'extension to the Tillsonburg Hospital. -Oarried Moved by Reeve Lake ,secDnded by Reeve Miakelly That we do now 'adjourn to meet 'again on December lllt!h at 2:00 ".m. ~Carried Moved by Reeve Lake Seconded by -Deputy Reeve Pettit That By-Law iND. 2283, ".Being ,a By-Law to Provide fDr the Lic- encing, Regul1at-ing -and Governing Auctioneers," be read 'a first time. OounclH re-convened. -Garried. The Second Report .of the CDunty Government Committee was "resented by Reeve WilsDn and ,adopted on motion of Reeve WilsOn and Reeve Misl<elly. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit SecDnded hy Reeve Lake That By-Law No. 2283 be read a second !Jme. The Report .of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Nemettand adopted on motiDn of Reeve Nemett ,and Deputy Heeve Young. -Garried The Report of t!be Agricultur,al Oommittee was presented hy Reeve Lyle and adopted on motion .of Reeve Lyle and Reeve Cook. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit SecDnded hy Reeve Lake That 'By-Law ND. 2283 be read a tI1ird time .and finally passed" -Carried. 312 ElLG]N COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 31;l Moved by Reeve Cook SecDnded hy Reeve WilsDII That By-Law No. 2284, "Beillg ,a ,By"Law to Amend By,Law No. 2188, Thereby Adjusting the iRffilluneratlDn .of the CDunty .of Elgin Weed Inspector," be read :a first time. Moved hy Deputy Reeve Pettit SecDnded by Reeve WilsDn That By-Law No. 2286 ,be read ,a second time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded ,by Reeve Miskelly That By-Law iNo. 2286 he read a third time and finally p,assed. -Carried -Oarried MDved by Reeve Lake Seconded by !Deputy Reeve Pettit That By-Law No. 2284 he read ,a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit That By"Law No. 2287, "Being a By-Law tD Est~blish the Re- muneratiDn to be Paid to the Warden, Council Mffillbers ,and CDunty Officials fDr Attending Conventions," he read a first time. -Cwried MDved by Reeve Wilson SecDnded by Reeve CoDk That By"Law No. 2284 be read ,a third time ,and finally passed. -Carried. MDVed by Deputy Reeve Monteith Seconded hy Deputy Reeve Oarroll That By-Law No. 2285, "Being 'a By"Law to Amend By-Law ND. 2187 Thereby Adjusting the RemuneratiDn .of the CDunty of Elgin , "flree Commissioner," be read :a first time. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit SecDnded by '!Deputy Reeve Monteith That By"Law ND. 2287 be read -a 'second time. MDVed by Deputy Reeve Simpson Seoonded by Reeve Wilson Tllat By"Law No. 2285 he read ,a second time, -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by Reeve Liebner That By-Law No. 2287 he read a third time 'and finally passed. -Carried. \ -CarTIed -Carried. MDVed by Reeve Miskelly Seconded by Reeve Wilson That By-Law ND. 2286, "Being ,a By,Law to kmend By"Law ND. 2243 'Establishing ,the Remuneration to be paid tD the Wardell of the Oounty .of 'Elgdn," be read a first time. Moved by Reeve Todd Seconded by Reeve Liebner That 'By-Law No. 2288, "Being a By"Law to' 'Set tile Dally Remun- eratiDn to he paid tD Members of the Elgin CDunty Oouncil fDr At- tendance at Meetings of tile Ellgin 'County CDuncil and Committees Thereof, ". be read .a firrst time. Moved by Reeve Kahnt SecDnded by Deputy Reeve Simpson 'I~at 'By-Law iNo. 2285 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried _Carried Moved hy Reeve Liebner Seconded by Reeve Thdd That By-Law No. 2288 he read a secDnd time. -Carried. -Carried 314 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNmL 315 Moved by Reeve Kabnt Seconded by Deputy Reeve Monteith That By-Law No. 2233 be read a third time ,and finally passed. -Carried Moved by Deputy Reeve Schafer Seconded ;by Reeve McKillop That By.Law No. 2291, "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin ,at the December Session, 'W73,'" be read ra first time. Moved by Reeve Kahnt Seconded by Deputy Reeve Simpson That 'By-Law No. 2289, "Being a By-Law to ,appaint ,a Land Divi- 'sion Committee," be read a fisrt ti1me. -Carried Moved by Deputy Reeve Simpson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Garroll That By-Law No. 2289 be read a second time. Moved by Reeve McKillop Seconded by Reeve Lake That By-Law No. 2291 be read a third time ,and finally passed. ~Oarried -Cavried Moved by Reeve Lake ~Carried Seconded by Deputy Reeve Schafer. That By-Law No. 2291 be read a third time and finally passed. ~Carried Warden Johnston g,ave the members of Council the opportunity to speak if they so wished ,after which Warden Johnston thanked all County 'Council members 'and County employees for the co-opera- tion they had given him over the past year and wished themal! !' Merry Christmas @d a !Happy New Year in which the County of El- gin would cont~nue to gifow 'and prosper. Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll Seconded by Reeve Kahnt That By-Law No. 2239 he read ,,,third time ,and finally passed. ~Carried Moved bY Reeve Liebner Secanded by Reeve Tadd That By-Law No. 2290, "To Regulate the Proceedings in the Murrieipal Oouncil of the Corporation of the County of Elgin and the OHicers Hurl Committees Thereof," be read ,a first t1me. -Carried Moved hy Reeve Todd Seconded hy Reeve Uebner That we do now ,adjourn sine die. -C8Xir\ied Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Reeve Liebner That 'By-Law No. 2290 be read a second time. H. L. JOHNSON, Olerk NELSON JOHNSTON, Wavden ~Carried. Moved by Reeve Todd Seconded by Reeve Lake That By-Law No. 2290 be ,read a third time .and [in"lIy passed. ~Carried. 316 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNOIL 317 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT December Ses~ion, 1973 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Ellgin County Council, The County Government Committee repod<; .as follows: 1. That ,a hy"law be prepared and presented to Council to regulate the proceedings in the Municipal Council of the Corporation 'Of the County of Elgin, and the Officers and C'Ommittees thereof. 2. We recommend that as of J'anuary 1, 1974, the foll'Owing remnp. eraUon,ibe set for members of County Council: - $40.00 per day for Council meeting _ $40.00 per day for .a full day Committee meeting -- $25.00!or a Il"j[ day 'Or evening Committee meeting .15 per mile for each mile tmvelIed to and from ,a Council or Com- mittee meeting including the Warden. 3. Th"t any member of the 'Elg;n C'Ounty Council or County Offi- cial ,attending aconventilln, withIn.. r,adius 'Of 400 miles of St. Thomas, be paid $70.00 per day, pius registration f<Je and same must be proven to the Olerk by the hotei bill ,and registration receipt or reasonable .f,acsimile. Single ,air fare -raws from the: London,lairport will he paid in ,addifion, for conventions attended heyond the 400 mile radius. The same per diem 'rate win he paid ,for lattending executive meetings of iMunicipal ol'1g.anizJations ,when they ,are members 'Of the said executive. 4. That in .addition to the $70.00 per day, the Warden receive up to '$25.00 per :day, for additional expenses 'at eonventions, upon [pTesenr 'tation 'Of receipts. 5. That the Warden he authorized to 'Obtain ,a County RJoom at con- ventions ,and that he be reimbursed upon presentation of receipts. 6. That the necessary by-laws be ,prepared for presentation t'O Council. COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1973 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The C'Ounty Government Cammittee reports as fuIlows: 1. That the copies of letters sent to the Secretary-Treasurers of the Committees of Adjustment far Port Stanley, Yarmouth and Southwald from the Plans, Administration Branch of the Ministry of Treasury, Economics .and Interg'Overnmental Affairs re: consent _ Granting Powers he filed. 2. That the resolution from !!he County of Lanark requesting the Provincial @d Federal Governments to intervene in guarantee ade- quate supplies of newsprint to all weekly newspapers throughout On- tar,i'O be filed. 3. That the resolution Nom the Oity of Sl. Catharines requesting the Federai Gover,mnent to provide municipalities bordeving Qn Lakes Erie ,and Ontario with up4o-date reports on water levels and future trends 'at regular intervais be filed. 4. That the resolution from the Caunty 'of Pert!! requesting the Minister of Natur,a}. Resources to engage more conservation officerS to enfo,ce our game laws he filed. 5. That the resolution from the COunty 0 f Perth requesting the Minister of Natural Resources to delete sectian 47, subsection 2 of the Game ,and Fish Act be filed,. 7. illata byelaw be prepared to regulate and license auctioneers selling goods, waresaoo merchandise in the County of Elgin,. and ,setting a fee of $50.00 per calendar year, effective J,anuary 1, 1974. All of which is respectfully submitted. 6. That the c'Ommunic'ation from the Amport Inquii"y Coonmission be filed. J. B. W.ILSON, Chairman 7. 'J.1hat the copy 'Of memorandum from the Ministry of Transport. ation -and Communiclations re: Ontario Green Paper on EnViiron- mental Aissessrnent Review Systems Ibe filed. 313 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL 8. That the resolution fram the Town of OakvilIe requesting am- endment of the Municipal Elections Act be filed. 9. That A. Bruce MeCaIlum and ,Fr,ank Stubbs be reappointed to the Elgin County Land Division Committee for 1974, 1975 and 1976. That each memher of the Committee be p,aid $10.00 for each ~pplica- tion which he investigates and that the necessary by-bw be pre- pared. 10. That he Reeves 9f Yarmo)lth, ISouhwold ,and Bort Stanley be a Oammittee to recommend two persons to be ,added to the Elgdn County Laud Division Committee from the Central Area. All of Which is respec.tlully submitted. J. B. WILSON, Choorman AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT December SeSSi6'll, 1973 To the Warden ,and Members of Elgin County Council, 'The AgrlcuJtuml Committee reports ,as follows: 1. That the resolution from the County of Lambton re: exemption from property taXes and an annual compensation far the mainten- .ance of the entire acreage of 'a woodlot be endorsed. 2. That the res<>lution [rom the County of Oxford re: deer hunting with bows land 'ar-rows Ibe endorsed. 3. That the resolution from the County of Victoria re: reinstating a bounty on wolves be flIed. 4. That Mr.R. 'K. McNeil, M.P.P., he requested to arrange an ap- pointment with the ,Minister of Natural Resources to meet with a committee from fue Elgin County Council re: preservation of wood. lots. All of which is respectfully submitted. B. A. LYLE, Chairman E,LGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL 319 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT December Sessian, 1973 To the Warden ,and Members of Elgin County 'Council, The PrQperty Committee reports as follows: 1. That Engineer R. G. !Moore he requested ta have the down- spouts on the Registry Office cut off 'llhove tile ground ,and -an elhow installed so .that ""of water wiill run out onta the ground ,and a ..mt- ,aOle flagstone Or other material he plaeed beneath ,it so that the water wiJ.! not dig a hole. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. P. NEMETT, Chaimnan PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1973 To the Warden ,and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports ,as [oJ.!ows: 1. That dn order to even out the work load of the new Central Pay Office, the payroll ending date for the Road Employees. he altered so that it ends on the opposite week to ,that of the Elgin Manor and the first pay period he for one week ending December 29th, 1973. 2. T!l.ata hy'law he prepared 'authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign a Recogniti"n Agreement with regard to employees of the Road Department represented by the EJlgin County Employees Association. 3. That the mileage rates to be paid to .all county emp,loyees using their own private oars :be as foJ.!ows effective JiMluary 1st, 1974, and that this he reviewed at any time if drcumstances war.mnt it. o - 5,000 .,15c .per mdle over 5,000 .12c per mile 4. That the Department Head he given the ,oothority to ,allow time off on the afternoon of the last working day before Chrustmas (or ,alternative half day off) for all staff not covered by a collective -agreement, 'Save and except anyone involved in emergency work. All of whieh is respectfully submitted. 'K. C. EMERSON, Ohail'lUan 320 I%GIN OOUNTY COUNCIL E'!JGI'N OOUNTY OOUNOIL 321 the IBETW';EJ!EJN: THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN, (hereinafter caNed tihe HCmpoTia:tion") OF THE !FIRST PAiRT RECOGNITION AGREEMENT COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2282 "Being a ny-Law to Auth'Orize the Warden and the Clerk of County to Sign a Recognition Agreement Between the Corp'Ol'ati'On of the C'Ounty 'Of Elgin and the Elgin County Employees Associati6-n" WHERlEAS 'a majority of tile Road Department employees of the Corpol'ation of the County of Elgin have become members of tbe Elgin County Employees Associatian, which is ,a Union unaffiliated with MY other trade union ,and have requested the Corporation of the County of Elgin to ba~,gain wIth the Elgin County Employees Association as the exolusive barflaining ,agent for the emp,loyees, in the harflaimng unit. AND WHEREAS ,a Recognition Agreement dated, December 19th, 1973, has been prepared for the purpose of recognizing the Elgin Oaunty Employees Association as the ba~gOOning 'agent for tbe Elgin ComIty Road Department employees and signed on behalf of the El- gin County 'Employees Association by its duly ,authorized off.icers. NOW T!HERl!lFORE the Council of the Corpor,ation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: THAT the Warden ,and the Cle~k of the County of Elgin be and are hereby authorized to sign the said Recognition Agreement for and on behalf of the County ofElgln. ,READ .a fh'st time this 19th day 'Of Decemher, 1973. READ .a second time this 19th day of -December, 1973. REoAD ,a third time >IUd finally p,assed this 19th day of Decem- ber, 1-973. -aOO-'- ELGIN COUNTY EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION (hereinafter called the "Union"') OF WE SECOND PART NELSON JOHNSTON, Warden WHEREAS 'n majority of the Road Department employeeS of the Corpor,ation have become members of ,the Elgin Couuty Employees Association, which isa Union unaffillntetl with any other labour or- .,ganization, ,be It NationaI or Local, ,and have requested the Corpora- tion to bargain with the EIgln Oounty Employees Association ,as the elrelnsive hargaining "gent for the empIo)'ees in the bavgnirring unit herelnafter defined; AND WHEREAS the Elgin County Employees Association is de_ sirous of being recognized .by the Corp'Oration ,as ,the exc,lusive bar- gaining ,ageut for ,all hourly paid Road Deparlmentemployees of the .Oorporation, save and except SlUtpefintendents, assistant superintendr 'cnts, pOOSOllS above the rank of 'aslS'istant superintendent, te1chni- -dans, -a'S'sistant tecbnidans) .office ,and ,clerical staff; 1. 'THE OORPORATION doth !hereby voluntarily agree to recog. nize the Union as tile soie hargainingagent for all hourly paid Road Dep'artmentemployees -of the C01'pO:l'Iamon, save land ex: cept superintendenls,. 'assistant supemntendents, persons above the rank of ,assistant 'superintendent, teC!hndcians, ass1st'ant tech- nLcians, office land clerical staff. DATED at St. Thomas, Ontario, this 191h day of Decemher, 1973. Signed on heihaJf of The Corporation of the Oountyof E'lgin by: NELSON JOHNSTON H. 'L. JOHNSON Signed ou behalf of the Elgin County Employees Assooiation by: JAOK HOF1F1MAN NORMAN GLOVER "" 1:1 , H. L. JOHNSON, OIerIt 322 ELGIN ,COUNTY ,OOUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2283 "Being 'a By-Law t" Pravide for the Licencing, Regulating and Governing Auctioneers" WHEREAS Section 331, Subsection 7, afthe Municipal Act pro- vides that the Council ofa County is empowered to passu By-Law for Iicencing,regulating and governing auciioneers and otlher per- sons, selling or putting iUip :tor Slate, goods, wares and uwrchandise or effects for public 'auction. THI!lRE!F10RE the Council of the Corpor,ation of the County of Elgin enacts ,a~ follows: ' 1. FromllUd after the p,assing ,of this By'Law, it shall not be law- ful for 'any 'auctioneer or other person to sell or put up for sale, goods, wares, merchandise or effects, :by pubHc auction witihout ,first haviling obtained a licence. 2. The 'licence herein shall be issued by the Cierk under tlhe seal of tlhe Corporation. 3. The sum to be paid for the licence shall be $50.00. 4. TIle said ,Ilcence shall be In force unbil iDecember 31st in the year of issuance. 5. No licence issued under this By-Law ~hall be transferr"ble and no person e"cept the person named in the licence shall canduct " public ,auction. PBOWDED HOWElVER that prior to the issuance of ,a licence under tlhis by-law, Council shall, by whatever means it considers just ,and equit"ble, satisfy itself that: (,a) The '''Pplicant is of good Cll>ar,acter; (b) The premises to be used by the applicant is .sultable to conduct the business of a public auction, ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL 323 PR;OVf:DED FURT!HER 1;h"t ,Council, subsequent to the issuance of said lkence may, upon being satisfied that: Co,,) The ,ap.plicant is not of gOodCll>aracter; The premises ,are not .snitable to conduct the business, of 'a public .aUction; (b) revoke the said licence. Any person who viaIatesthe provisions of this By-Law shall be '/lUilty of 'In ofi'ence punishable on summary conviction, and is ltiahle to 'a fine of not more than $1,000.00, exclusive of cost, or to impris' onment to 'a term of not more than Three (3) months. ,By'Law Nmnber 545anrl By-lJaw iNm:nher 2098 are hereby repealed. This By-Law shall come into force and take effect immediately upan the passing thereof. R;EA[) a first time this 19th day of December, 1973. READ a second time this 19th <lay of necember, 1973. REA[) ,a third time and finally p'assed this 19th day of Decem- Iber, I973. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk NELSON JOHNSTON, Warden 324 "EiWIiN COmTY OOUNOIL COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2284 "Being a By-Law ta AllUJI1d 'By-Law No. 2188, Thereby Adjusting the Remuneratioll of tlhe County .of. Elgin Weed Inspector" WHER;EAS By-Law No. 2188 deals with the .appointment and re- muneration of the Weed Inspec1xJr far the County of Eilgin. AND WHEREAS it llis now deemed 'advisable to change the pre- !sent rate of remuneration of the said Weed Inspector. NOW THERE[<10RE the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the County ofEIglIII enacts liS! follows 1. 'l1fl1ATOlOOl;~ 0(2) of By'Law No. 2188 be deleted ,and the 101- lowingslllhstituted therefOTe: "That 1m remuneration sh~I1 be $3.50 per hour whiIe eng'aged in his duties and thilteen cents (.13c) per mile for the use of Iris ,car." THAT this By'Law shaJlbecOTlle effective on J,anuary 1, 1974. 3. THAT By-LaW No. 2244 be 'and the same is herebY repealed. 2. !REA[) a first time this 19th day of December, 1973. READ a second time this 19th day of December, 1973. REA[) ,a third time and finally passed this 19th day of Decem- her, 1973. H. L. JOHiNSON, Clerk R. N. JOHNSTON, Warden ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNOlL 325 COUNTY OF ELGIN 'BY-LAW NO. 2285 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2187, Thereby Adjusting the Remuneration .of the County .of Elgin Tree Commissionel"~ W!HER;EAS By"Law No. 2187 deals 'with the '''PPointment ,and re. muneration of the Tree Commissioner for the County of Elgin. AND W!HEREAS it is now deemed 'advis"ble to change the PTe- sent rate: of remunel'lartion 'Of the said T,ree Commissioner. NOW THER;Efo10RE the Council of the Murrioipal Gonporatioll of the County ,of ,Elgin enacts 'as follows: 1. THAT 'Clause (2) of By-Law No. 2137 be deleted and the follow- swhstituted therefore: "That his remuner,ation shall he $3.50 per hour wihile engaged in his duties 'and thirteen cents (.13c) per mile for the use of hils car." 2. THAT this By-L>lW shall become eHective on January 1, 1974. 3. THAT By-uaw No. 2245 ,be ,and rls herehy repealed. !REA[) 'a first time this 19th day of December, 1973. READ a second time this 19th day of Decemher, 1973. READ ,a third time and finally passed this 19th day of Dec<l!Il- ber, 1973. f{. L. JOHiNSON, OIerk NELSON JOHNSTON, Warden 326 ElLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2286 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2243 EstabliShing the Remune['lation to Be Paid to the Warden of the County of Elgin" WHEREAS By-Law No. 2243 provides for the remuneration to be paid1lhe Warden of the Cotmty of Elgin. AND WE'ERJEAS the Council deems that the mileage rate should be changed. NOW THERE,J;10RE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as [o]'lows: 1. T1j:AT By-Law No. 2243 be amended by deleting lllause (2) and substituting therefore the following: "That in addition to the annual remunerabion est"bIished in Cloose (1) the Warden shaillle p,aid the usnaI llonvention ex- penses allowed hy ,Council for attending ,conventions outside 1Ihe municlp'ality plus (.15c) per mile for eaCh mile tmvelled in at- tending meetJings of County Council, County ,Council Commttiee meetings 'and meetings of Local Boards in which the 'County of :Elgin is irw-olrved." 2. THAT this By-Law become effective J'anuary 1st, 1974. iREA!D a first mme this 19th day of December, 1973. READ .a second time this 19th day of December, 1973. READ ,a third time and finaily passed this 19th day of Decem- ,her, 1973. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk NELSON JOHNSTON, Warden ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 327 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2287 "Being a By-Law to EstabliOh t.he Remuue~ation to Be P.aid to the Warden, Council Membe~s and County Officials for Attending Conventions" The Cotmcil of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacls as fallows: 1. THAT the Warden, Members of the Elgin County Council and Elgin County OUicials he paid the following rates for 'attending, conventions: (A) For 'a eonvention within 'amdiUllof 400 miles of St. Thomas, Seventy Dollars ($70.00) per <lay plus registration fee. (B) Fora COIlVentlon outside a r,adius of 400 miles of St. Thomas, Seventy Dollars ($70.00) !jler day plus registration fee !jllus single air fare rates from the London 'aixport to the site of the coovention. (C) In ,addition to the $70.00 per day the Warden may receive up to $25.00 per day for additional expenses upon presentation of receipts. (D) That the Warden be authorized to obtain '" County Room at conventioIlS when he deems it desirable and that he be reim- bUl'Sed upon presentation of receipts. (E) That in order to obtain p,ayment for attending conventions the member or oUida! must present the hotel bill 'and registra- tion receipt or reason"ble facsimile of same to the Clerk of the County. 2. T!HAT -all previoIlS by-laws or resolutions pertaining to the !jlay- ment of convention expeIlSes be and the slIme are hereby r... pe"led. READ a first ftmethis 19th day of December, 1973. READ a second time this 19th day of Deeemher, 1973. READ a third time and 'finally passed this 19th day of Decem- her, 1-973. H. L. JOHNSON, Olerk NELSON JOHNSTON, W..roen 328 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 329 COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2288 BY-LAW NO. 2289 "Being a By~Law to Set the Daily Remuner,ation to' Be Paid to Members of the Elgin ,County Council for Attendance at Meetings of the Elgin County Council and Committees Theroof" "Being a By-Law to. Appoint RLand .Division CommitteeU WHERJEAS Section 30 of The Planning Act p~ovides for the con. stituhion ,and appointment of a Land Div1sion Committee. The Council of the Corporation of the Oounty of EIglin enacts as follows: NOW 'I1HERfEiF10RJE, the Council of the Corpor'ation of the Coun, ty 'of E.lgin enacts as follows: 1. That the fOllowing remuneration he p'aid to each member of the EIglin County Council, with the elfception of the Warden, for attend- ing meetings of the Couucil and Committees thereof. 1. THAT ,a Land Dlvision Committee is hereby C{Jnstituted and the following persons ,are hereby appointed to membership on the said Cammittee. (c) 'For attending 'meetings 'of the 'Elgin County Council $40.00 per day. ,For attending a meeting of 'a Committee when the said Committee holds hoth 'a forenoon 'and an ,Mternoon or even- ing meeting on the same day $40.00. For attending a meeting ofa Committee when the Com- ,mittee haldsa mooting in either the forenoon, afternoon or the evening $25.00. in ,addition to the 'above remuneration each member shall be paid ;15c for each mile necess,,,,ily travelled in ,attendiing such meetings. (e) That By.Law No. 2289 he ,and the ,same is hereby repealed. Walter D. Neison 'Donald M. McKiIlop Harold G. Charlton A. Bruce McC"llum Fr,ank StUbbs to hold office unhil J@uary 1, 197'5. to 110M offfice auntil January 1, 1976. to hold office until J'anuary 1, 1976. to hold office until January 1,. 1977. to hold office until January 1, 1977. I('~)' (b) 2. THAT the members of the Land DiVlision Committee be p,aid $25.00 per meeting ,and 15clor each ,mile necessarily travelled in 'attendmg such meetings. (d) 3. In 'addiitIion to theaJbove ,a member of the Land Division Com- mittee he paid $10.00 for each application which he investigates, 4 TlHAT ByeLaw No. 2229 he ,and the same ,is hereby repealed. {f)That this By-Law he effective January 1st, 1974. RJEAD " first time this 19th day of December, 1973. READ 'a first time this 19th day of December, 1973. READ a second time this 19th day of 'December, 1973. RE~D ,a third time and finally passed this 19th day of Decem- lher, 1973. READ a second time this 19th day of December, 1973. READ ,a third time and finally ,passed this 19th day of Decem- ,her, ll/73. H. ,L. JOHNSON, Clerk NELSON JOHNSTON, Warden H. L. JOHNSON Clerk NElJSON JOHNSTON Warden 330 ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNOIL ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 331 BY-LAW NO. 2290 4. The Council s!>all always ,adjourn at the hours of 12 o'clock, noon, and 6 0' clocik, afternoon, if in session at these hoursl, runless otherwise determined bya vote of 'a majority of the memhers present. COUNTY OF ELGIN "To Regulate the Proeeedingis in 'the Municip,al Council of the Corporation (}If Mle County of Elgin and the Officers and Committees Thereof" 5. The Council shaJIi always adjourn 'at the hour of 11 o'clock p.'m., :tf in sessrion ,at that hour ,', unless otherwise deteImJined by a vote of two--th:irds of the members present. WHEREAS, it ;s expedient to regulate tile proceedings in Coun- clland in Committees of the same, and the Officers of the Corpora- tion of tile County of Elgin, 'and to ,amend and ,oonsolidate ,all other By-Laws relating to the proceedings in Council, THEREFORE, the JllLumicipal Council of tbe Co~por.ation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 6. The members of the Oouncil sl1aIl not leave their places, on adjournment, until tile Warden or other presiding omcer leaves the chair. H. ORJDER OF PRJOCEEDlNGS IN COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS IN COUNCIL 1. As soon after the hour of meeting 'as there sl1a11 be " quorum present, the Warden 'sh"l! t~ke the ,chair and members present shaIl be called to order. I. , ME,ETINGS AND ADJOURNMENT OF COUNCIL 2. In case the Warden shaIl not be in 'attendance, the Clerk or Deputy Cierk s!>all ,call the meeting to order, until a Chairman sha[! be chosen, and t'he me,mber so ,chosen to preside shall take the chair during the ,absence of the Warden, but at the meeting only at which the member has been.o chosen. 1. In .all the proceedings hall or taken in the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Oountyof Elgin, the following rules and regulations shall he observed, and shaIl he the rules ,and regula- mons for the order .and despatch of hus,iness in the said Council, and of the' Committees of the s'rod Council. 2. The hour of meeting on the first day of the first session shall be 2 o'dock in the 'afternoon of the third Tuesday in January, and for every other day or sitting in the session, such hour shal! be reg- ulated 'at the previous adjoumment. 3. Uniess there sl1aJ11 ibe a quorum present in half 'an hour after the time .appointed for the meeting of CounclI, the Oouncil shall then stand 'absolutely ,adjourned until the next regular hour of meeting, and the Clerk or Deputy Cierk shaJIl, if required iby two members, take down the names of the members present at the eJ<piration of such half hour. 3. Immediately after the Warden or other Presiding Officer shaH have taken his seat 'at the first day of each session, then the minutes <>f the preceding ,session 'as mailed to each member shall he confirmed as read or ,amended 'alld Shall :be signed by the W llrden and Clerk or Deputy Clerk. 4. Every member, previous to his speaIcing to any question or motion, shall rise from bis seat 'and 'address himself to the Warden or other Presiding Officer. 5. When two or more members rise at once, the Warden shoJI name the member wl10 is to speak first, but his decision shall be s"bject to an appeal by Council 'and may be overruled by .a majority vote thereof. 332 E'LGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 333 6. Every member present When 'a question is put shall vote thereon, unless. the Council shall excuse mm, or he 'be rper.sonali1y in- terested in the question, hut such interest must he resolvable into a personal pecuniary [H'ofit, or such ,as 1,8 peculiar to that -member .and not in ,common with the ,interests of the County at lavge. 8. Any member called to order shall at once sit down, unleas permitted to explain, and the rruing of the Warden or other Presid- ing Of!fiicer shall be .finai, unless atherwise deemed by the Council on .an 'appeal from such ruWing. 14. After a motion is passed, ,00- a report adopted, no motion to alter or amend 'the same shall he oonsideroo during the same session of CounciU, unless the motion to ,alter or amend is moved 'and see> onded by two members from 'among those who voted with the major- ity that carJ'ied s'aid motion or report. 15. Upan a division of .any questian berore the CounciU or any Committee thereof, except Committee-of-the"Whole, and if required by any member of Council Or the Committee, the names of those voting on the mattei' hefore the Councilor the Committee shall be ~ecorded YEA ,and NA Yas the members V'ote on the question. 16. ;Questions under the proper order of the day may ,be put to the Warden or other P.residing mficer, or through him to 'any mem- ber of the Oouncil, relating to any motion, or other matter connected with the husiness of the Council or the a!fifairs of the County, but no .argument ar opinion is to be offered, nor any ~acts stated, el<cept so faT .as may he necessaTY to eJCP~ain the same; and in answerdng any such questions 'a memher is not to debate the matter to which the same refers. 7. When the Warden or oliher Presiding Officer is putting the question, no 'member shalll walk ,across or out of the room, nor inter- rupt tJhe speaker, except to a question of order, nor pass between the speaker ,and the 'chair, and no councillor shall leave his plaee during the sitting of the Council without turning to thec!lraIr 'as he retires, -and -making ,3 'bow in such '3 ;manner '3:S that .any memher prresent may have an ,opportunity to object to the ,absence of such retiring member. III. 9. No member shall speak disrespectfully of TIle Reigning Monarch, nor :any of the Royal '@amily" nor of the Governor.,General, Lieutenant..GO'Verno:r"o,f other person administering the Government orf the Dominion, '.or of this Province; nor shan he use .offensive words against this Council, or ,against any '~ember thereof. 10. No member shail smoke in the Council Chamber while CouncH is in session. 17. [t S"!1lI be law~ul ~or the Warden or other PTesid>ng Officer, subject to -an appeal to the Council, to order the doors of the Council Chamber to be .closed; and when the doors 'shall he directed to be closed, ,all persons, except the members, the Clerk, and the Deputy Clerk shan retire, and,. or, expel or exclude from 'any -meeting any person who is ,gultly of improper conduct. 11. No menJJber shall spe~k beside the question in debate. 13. No member shat! speak :more than once an the same ques- tion, without leave of the 'CouncH, except in, e~~anation of a materM ial part of his speecht whiclh .may have been misconstrued; but then he is not to 'introduce new 'matter. The .moverand seconder may 'speak a secand time. ORDERS OF THE DAY 1. The Clerk or Deputy Clerk shall have prepared for of the members the general order of the day, ,containing: 1st. Roll Call. the use 12. Any memher may requiTe the question or motion under dis" cussion to he read 'atauy time during tile debate, but not so as to inter,rupt 'a member while speaking. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. Gonftrmation of Minutes. Reading Commu1rications. 'Presenting 'PetitiOl1sand Deputations: 334 gLGIN OOUNTY COUNOIL ELGIN COUNTY 'OOUNOIL 335 5th. Enquiries by Members. 6th. Giving Nomce. 7th. Reports .of Committees. 6th. Unfinished Husiness. 9th. New -Business. 10th. Consideration of 'By-Laws. 9. Only one amendment snail be allowed to 'an amendment, and any amendment more th>lll one must 'be to the main question. IV. 10. When the question uuderconsiderationoontains distinct pro- positions, upon the request of -any member the \Iota upon each pro- position shall be t~ken separately. 2. The huslness shall, in .all cases, be taken up in the way in willch it st~nds upon the orders of the day, unless otherwise deter- mined hy -a vote ofa majority of ilie members present t~ken without debate thereon. 3. No resolrution, aSIDng for or making a gTant of rooney, shall be 'Voted upon until 'One day's notice has been given that such reso- lution will be offered. The one day's notice may be waived hy a two- thirds vote of ilie County CouncIl. 4. Awl motions shall he in writing, el<cept to dispose of reports or 'cO'mmru~ications, Or' to refer to Comnnittees, .and shall be second... ed hefore heing debated or put to vote; and all motions shall be read and shall then be conveyed to -the Warden, who may agalin read the same. H. Mterany question is finaIly !>Ut to vote by the W""den or oilier Presiding Officer, no member shall speak ,to the question, nor shall any other motion be made untlI after the result is declared; -and tile decision of ilie Warden or other Presiding Officer as to whe- ther the question has been finally put shall be coucIusive. 12. Whenevffi' the Warden or other Presiding OffIcer is of opinion t"ata motion offered to the Council is contrary to laW, or the rules and privileg", of the Council, he shall apprize the mem- bers thereof immeooately before putting the question thereon, and quote the law ocr rule of authority applicable to the case, wlithout ar- gument or comment. 13. Members sl>al:!always take their ;places when any division is call1ed for. 5. After -a motion has been received by the Wamen or oilier Presiding Officer, it sh,,11 be deemed to be in possession of the Council, but may he withdrawn at any time by consent of a majority of lihe members. present. 14. When the Warden or other Presiding Officer i. called on to decide a point of order or practice, he shall state rule or 'authority 'appMcalble to tJhe case, without arrgument or comment, when reqnired. 6. A motion to refer the main motion to a Committee shall pre. clude all amendment of the main question until decided. 7. A motion to adjourn shall always be in order unless", vote is being taIren, but no second motion to adjourn sha[! be made until af- ter some intermediate proceedings shall have heen laid. 3. All .amendments shall he put in the reverse order in wI1ich they 'are moved; and every amendment submitted sh"lI be reduced to writing,and be decided upon or wit!hdrawu before the main ques- tion is put to vote. 15. The Warden 0, other P,residing ;Officer may ,"ote with the other members on ,,,II 'questions, and any question on which there is >Ill equality of\lotes shall be deemed to have been negatived, if the Warden has voted. ORDiER OF PROCEEnINGS IN COMMITTEE OF THE WlHOLE 1. Whenever it ahall he moved 'andcamed that the 'Council. go into ,a 'Committee of the whale, the Warden or other Presiding Off!- ,cer shall leave the chair,and 'sha;jjappoint a Chairman of Commit- tee of the Whoile, who shall maintain ordffi' in the Committee, and who shal! report the proceedings of the Committee. 336 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 337 4. On motion in Committee of the Whole to rise and report, the questoin shall be decided without d"bate. ' 5. A motion in Committee of the Whale to rise without report- ,ing, or that tile chairman leave the chair, shall always ipe inocder, and shaH take precedence of ,any other motion. On such motion de- bate shall be 'allowed, and on an afJ:irmative ,"ote the subject refer- red to the Committee shall he considered disposed of in the negative, and the Warden or other Presiding Officer shall resume the chair 'and proceed with other business. 4. Any by-iaw for the App~oprlation of money, brought in on the repart of a Committee of the Whole, shalli pass through all its stages without ,being 'again referred to the Committee of the Whole,. unless upon special illlotion in writing. 5. All amendments made in Committee of the Wllole shall be ported by the chairman to the Council, through the Warden or other Presiding .officer, who 'Shalll receive forthwith. After report, the by- law shall be open to debate aud ..mendment before it is ordered for a third reading. When a bj'-'Iaw is reported without llffiendment, it is forthwith ordered to be read a third time ,at such time as may be appointed by the Council. 6. All by"laws adopted shalll be printed in ,the proceedings of the Council. 2. Tbe rules 001 the Council shall be observed in Oommittee of the Whole, so far as m"y he 'applicable, except that no motion shall require to be seconded, but no motion [or the previous question, or [or an adjournment, 'sh~1I be 'allowed ; and in taking the yeas and nays the names ,of the members shall not he recorded, nor shall the ' number 01 times of speal<ing on any question be limited. 3. 'Questions .of order 'arising in Committee of the Whole shall be decided by the ,cfuairman, subject to..n 'appeall to the Council,and "f any sudden'disorder shQuld ..rise In the Committee, the warden or other Presiding .officer willi resume the ,chaiir, without any ques- tion heing put. v. VI. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS 1. Every petition, remonstr,aruee, .or .other written :application intended to be presented to the Council, must be fairly written or printed on paper or parcbment,and signed by at least one person. 2. Every ,member p;resenting any petition, remonstrance, or other written application to the CounciJl, shall e"'amine the sllffie, and shall be answerable that they do not ,contain any fmpertinent or improper matter, and ,that 'the same is respectfJw'and temperate in its i1anguage; he shall 'also endorse thereon the name of the applic'ant ,and the .substance of such ,aprp;Jd,l)atimli, and sign his name thereto, Which endorsement only shall he read hy the Olerk, unless a mem- ber shall require the reamng of the p'aper, in which case the whole shall be read. ~EADlNG OF BY-LAWS AJNDP~OCElEDINGS THE~EON 1. Every iby-Iaw shall he introduced by the Cle:tik or D<1!lllty Clerk and shaN be authorized by a Committee of Council. 3. The question: _ "That .this iby"law be now read 'a first time," shall he decided without 'amendent or dehate, >IUd shall be read a second time belore it is committed, and ,read ,a third time before it is signed by the Warden. 3. AU petitions or other wr.itten ,communic'ations on.. any sub- ject within the 'c(lgni~ance <of any Standing Committee shall, on pre.. sentation, he referred to 'the p~oper Committee by the Wamen with- out any motion; and no member shall speak upon, nor shall any de- bate be allowed on the presentation of ,any , petition or other com- mun~eation to ,the Counci'l; but al~Y -member may Ilnove that in re- ferring said petition or other ,communication certain iootructions may he given by the Council, or that the said petition or con>muui- -cation c'{)mpliain of :Siome present personal ,griev-ance, requiring im- mediate remedy, the matter contained therein may be brought into immediate discussion and disposed of fortllwith. 2. When 'a by-law is ,read in the Oouncil, the <Clerk or Deputy Clerk shall cerlMy the ~eadings, 'and the time, on the hack ,thereof. After by-laws have passed he sballlbe responsllJle [or tiheir correc- tions ,should they be amended. 338 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNOIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 339 V1I. 5. The members of eachStaoding Committee shall, at their .irst meeting, elect a chairman from among themsel'Ves, ,and as soon as such ,chairman has been elected, the time of the future regu- lar meetings of the COiIl1mittee .1>.11 ,be determined by the membe,s thereof, and "iso the hour at which each of sllch meetings shall he held. 0~GAN1ZATION OF COMMITTEES 1. The Warden shall appoint ,a Committee of four members> of CO!lnciI to strike the Standing Committees for the year and appoint representatives to various hoards. The Warden sbaQi he, ex-officio, a memher of all the Standing 'Comornttees. 2. A majority of the number of members 'composing any Stand- ing :or Select Committee, 'Shan bea quorum to do business. 3. There shall 'be annually appointed, at the ;f,irst meeting of each Oouncil, the .foJJlowing Committees, whl1Cth shall- compose the Standing Committees of the Council for the year: 6. The time and place of meetings of Committees during s,es- "ions of Council shall he arranged with the Clerk or Deputy OIwk by the chairman, and in Ilisabsence hy the Clerk or Deputy Clerk. 7. Special meetings of Cammittees may he called by the "hair- m,an whenever he' shall consider it necessary to do so, and lit sihaJ[ he the duty of the Chairman, Dr 'in his a1bsenoe the Cierk or Deputy Clerk of the Council, to summon a speciai meeting of Committee whenever requested in writing to do so by a Imajority of the mem).., hers of the Committee. 1st. Finance ,and Apportionment. 2nd. Agricultur"l. 3ro. Property. 4th. County GoverIlment. '5th. EdIlIcational. 6th. ISoc'ial Services. 7th. Elgiri Manor. 8th. County Roads. 9th. Personnel. 10th. Local Government Study. 11th. Reception and Entertainment. 3. Members of the Counc,fJ may attend the meetings of any of the Committees, but s>"all not be allowed to vote nor take any part in the dise,us'sion or dehate. 4. Each Standing Committee of the Council, elOcept where otll- erwlise spec.iallly provided, sbaU consist of such members of the Council, not elOceeding one member from each Munioipality, exclud- ing the Municipality represented by the Warden as the Counoil shaR name .as aforresHlid. ' VIII. OOMMITl1E'E MEET]NGS 1. The business of th,e respective Standing ,and Select Commit- tees shall he oonducted under the following regulations: ;tA) The chaiDman shall preside at every meeting and sha!lI vote on all questions submitted, and in ,case ,of an equal division the question shail be passed in the negative. (B) Hesh-all sigu all such -orders ,and documents as the COiIl1- mittee may legally order. (C) In his absence, one of the other members shall be elected to preside, who sbaU discharge the duties of the chaJiTman for the meeting until the 'arrival of the chail'man. (D) No order or authority to do ,aily matter or thing shall be recognized as emanating !from- any Committee unless it is: in writing, {)!l' ,unle.s!Si ,it is signed by rffue chairman, or acting chair- Iman, or secretary thereof. 34Q ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL EDGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 341 IX. DUTIES OF .cOMMITTEES 1. The general duties of all the IStanding and Seled Committees of the Council sball be as follows: (A) To report to the Councll from time to time, whenever de- sired by the Council, Hnd as often .as the ,interests of .the County may require, on all matters connected with the duties imposed on them respectively, and 10 recommend such actOOn hy the Coun- cil in reQation thereto as may he deemed necessary. (oR) To cause to he prepmedand introduce into the Council, all such by-laws ,as may he necessary to give effect to the reports or :recommel1ldations of the il'espective Committees that. ,are ad.. opted by the ,Council. (C) To consider ,and report respectively 011 any ,and all mat- ters referred to them by the Gouncil ar Warden, the chairman signing such report and bringing up the same. Xl. AGRrOULTURAL COMMITTEE 1. The Agricultural Committee shali hecamposed of all the rural reeves ,and Warden ex...offieio. 2. To supervise ,and instruct work 'carried on hy the Weed In. spector and TTee Oommissi!oner. 3. Consider all ,grants pertaining to agrlouIture. X. FINANCE A!ND APPORTIONMENT COMMITTEE XII. P~OPERTY COMMITTEoE 1. The Property Committee shall be composed of faur (4) members -and Warden ex-ofilicio. 2. It shall he the duty of the Property ,Committee to consider and report on 'al'l aHadrs in Iconnection with the repairing, !p1UJr- chasing, leasing or selling of County property, elOcluslve of properly bougllt for road purposes. 3. To regulate and have sup,ervision of 'all matters connected with the Jail, Court House,Reigis'try Of [ice, -Law Lihrary -and all grounds ,and bwildings belonging to the County elOcept oElgin Man"" ,and the property ,and buildingjs used hy the Road Department. The Committee to be ,au~hor'ized ,to lappr,ove and pass aU ;3CCountSi in ,connection with above' and lis sue orders on the County Treasmer for payment of accounts. 1. The Finance and Apportionment Committee sha!il be com- posed of aU the Reeves ,and the Warden, ex officio. 2. It shall he the duty of the -Finance .committee to present to the Councll not later than June in each year a full and particular exhibit of the financial affairs of the Council at the termination of the preceding financial year, together with an estimate of the am" ount required to he raisedlby ,assessmellt during tile current year. 3. To report to the Oouncil not later than the June Session, in each year, as to the manner in which the revenue required for tIie current year should be raised. 4. To see that all duties ,and services which ought to be per- fo.rmed by the Treasurer, and tile ofiicers in his department, are fully exoouted. 5, To determine a fair and equitable -apportionment of County Rate for' each year. JruI. COUNTY GOVoERNMoENT OOMMIT'I'EE 1. The County Government Committee shali be composed of seven (7) members and the Warden ex,off&cio. It shaIl be their duly to ,consider ,and make recommendations, to the Oounty Coullcil of all ,proposed ,changes effecting the present functions of County Counci[. 3. To ffilake recommendations with r,egard to remuneration and mileage rates of ,County Councillors, Committee 'Members .and the Warden. 342 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL EDGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 343 XiV. EDUCATIONAL OOMMITTEE 1.' 'The Educational Committee shall be composed of ",n the Deputy Reeves and the Theeves who have lID Depu1Jies. 2. ,It shall be their duty to review '!9rants for schoJarsh\Ps. 3. To provide ~iatison wi~h the County Board of Educ",tion in the form of ,a four 1(4) member Committee and 'the Wardeu. 4. To report and ,advise on Lihr ary activities. 1WlI. .cOUNTY ROADS COMJMITTEE ,1. The ROoads .committee shall :be eomposed of the following: five 1(5) rural voting members two '(2) ruralad~isory members one I( 1) urhan voting member f one I( 1) urban advisory member The Warden ahal! be ,considered as one of the voting members. ' ,"! XV. SOOJAL SEIWICES COMMITTEE 1. The Social Services Committee ",hall be com:posed of four (4) members and the Warden, ex-officio. 2. It shall be their duty to re!9ulate ,and have supervision of all matters ,connected with bhe Department of County Welf.are and other related ,social ,services. 3. To hire be!lp when needed, e"cept the Administrator or De- puty Administrator. 4. To report to the Elgin County CouIlOiI from time to time or whenever requested by the Council, on all matters connected with the duties imposed on them. 2. It shall ,be the duty of the 'County Roads Committee to co-op- erate with ,and direct the County Road Superintendent in the con- structian ,and maintenance of ,county roads and bridges,.and tbat the said Committee he authorized to 'approve and pass 'all accounts flQr work ousad.d roads land t.o issue 'orders on the .coonty 'lTeas!urer fo payment of same. XViII. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE ILl XVI. EDGIN MANOR COMMITl'EE 1. The E,lgin Manor Committee shall he cOIIl[losed of four (4) members and the Warden ex-offioia, all 'of wbom shall he entitled to vote on .,.11 matters, and two 1(2) 'ad'Visory members who shall have no voting privileges. 2. It shall he the duty of the 'ElgtnManor Committee to re!lU- late and have supervision of all matters connected with Elgin 'Manor and he authorozed to ,approve aud pass ,ail accounts and issue orders on the Treasurer for payment of same. 1. The Personnel Committee shall he composed. of four (4) members .and the Warden, ex-officio. 2. It shall ,be their duty to review from time to time and at least once each year the salaries, salary SK:hedules and fringe bene- fits 'related rtoempl~ees who -are not fC.wered by-a Union or Associ~ ation agreement. 3. To set "p a s"lary schedule for new positions when they are created land not covered by "8 Union or Association agreement. 4. To be the negotiating committee, with power to add ad~ioory peopJe, when negotiating an ,agreement with a Union or ,Assocd,ation representing eIuployees of tile County of Elgin. 5. To advertise for, and interview ,applicants fur the position of Head of a Dep.artment or his/heras,sistant or deputy. 6. To study and recommend to County CouncN all re-classiiica- Hons .of personnel, changes in fringe ibenedJits, mileage r:ates, etc. . . of non Union or non Association e'tnpfoyees. 7. To m"ke recommendations to the ,Elgin County Council wIith respect to allY of the ."bove duties. i(!! 1::':1 , :'1 ii 'il :"1 '.'1' ',' ,'I 344 ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL 345 :1 Iii :;i:1 I" ,I! lill I " >ili I::! ; Ui! ii: :",1 i,'i! XIX. LOCAL ,GOVERNMENT STUDoY COMD.VLITTEE 1. The Local Government Study Committee shail he composed .of four .(4) members alia the Warden, ex-oificio. 2. It silallbe their dnty to study and make reoommendations with respect to "iI prcposed restructuring ofloca:! government w~th- 'in the County. XXII. TREASURER AND/OR DEPUTY TREAiSURER 1. The Treasurer shall ,be the head of tJlJe F1inallcdal Department of the Ocrjlor,aticn, alld shall be the i"'incipal officer and adViser of the Corporation, through tihe iF1il1!ance .committee, in all mattersl re- lating to tU:le ,monetary and finallcial .operations of the County, and eSlpecially with regard tc its debt, and the estimates to be prepared annu"lly for jlrovid,ng the ways 'and means for protecting tile same, and meetillg theanIlUal expenditure, with .a careful regard to the maintenance of the County credit. I,,: :!;; :,1 I"~: " i:;I! XX. RECEPnON kND EN'J1ERTAINMENT COMMITTEE 1. 'The RecepuioI> ,and Entertllinment Committee shall be ccm- posed of nine .(9) memheDs ,and the Wardell, ex-{)fficio. 2. The Ohairmall shail be p'ald auanIlUal remuneration of $100.00 lor performillg the duties nf th'is office. 3. To he responsible for and to make all the necess.ary armnge- ments for the annual Warden's Banquet. 4. ''11.0 he responsible for ,arranging for meals, etc. . . for each mee1!ing of County Coullcil. 5. TO :arrallge,' when required, -any function 'inv<l!ving enter- taillment, etc. . . . for the Goonty. :':11 ,,'" ., , 1:1:1.1 ;:1' 2. The seeurity .of the Treasurer, as required by law, shall be hy ,guaDantee oond of any good and sufficient Comp,any or Associa- tion duly incorporated for granting bonds .of suretyship for parties h~lding l'osiUions of tJ:ust, and as to the -amount of the &ame and an other parDioulars, shall be subject tc the aPllroV1al of the coullKlil. ,I, "I ! ~ ! . 1/', ,II 3. The 'J1reasurer shail keep .or Cailse to be kept, according to the mcst .apprcl'ed system 01 bool<keeping, SlUch bcoksof ,account as may be necessary to show distinctly the receipts' and disbursements, and aJil other I'leCikonilIllgs and ,aecountings '(}If what nature or kind, soever, ,connected wJth the monetary transactions of the Corporation. Ii!! I' i) 4. He sh..11 also keep .Slpecial books and registers ~or recording the debenture debt of the Ccrporation, the retiremeut of the coupons or interest warrants 'Of the Blame, and'aU other changes in the slame. i:ll I" I:';! " 5. He shall use all diligellce in ellforcing the prcll1[lt collection of aliI rates, il1lterest, TentaJs, or other d1ues of the CorpoTiation,and where necesSia'ry, enifoTce pay-ment of the same by a prompt recourse to lega!! process. XX;1. APPORi!'J1MENT AND DUTIES OF OF,FICERS OF 'J1IIE CORIBORA1;~ON 6. He shaill be the custodian of all titles and evidence .of titles, deeds, insurance !policies, mortgages" leases, honds, a.greements, or other instruments re'latiThg to the prcperty and rentals of the County, And shall only 'aliow the same to be taken from his offwe Oil the order of the Council or on the requlsitionand receipt of the County Clerk, or the Deputy Clerk, or the County Sclicitor, for use .in any legal prccedure, or .on the I>rder 'to prnd\lce of any Ccurt of law .or equity. I 1'; " , I!; 'J1he duties of the various 'olticers of the Corporation, in additicn to those prescribed by law, or by ,a1l(Y 'By-Law or Resolutioll of the Council,sh"Il he as foliows: :i:' ii' ,~I ;"" ~ 346 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL 347 7. He shall ~urther he the custodian of all bonds and secrn'ities al ~idelity given for the faithluI disclial1ge 'Of 1Jhe duties of officials ,and serv>IUts of the Corporation, save his 'OWl!, wI1ich shall be de- poSllted with the County Olerk, or Deputy Clerk or otherwise as the Council ,!)lay direct. 3. To give notice to the members of the Counbil of all special meetiings thereof; said notice to he mailed to each member"t his resldellCe or place of bl!slness. 8. He shail be 19uided in the payments >IUd disbursements of his office hy the By~Laws, Riuies and Regulabions, of the CaTPoration with regard to the passi"g >IUd verification ofaooounts by the several Committees, or by ,stalilltory or other authority, and 'by the ap{lro- pdatioll\S made for their Ii'lUJidation, advisi"g with the Committee of -Finance or the Coullcll when requisite. 4. To have charge of the County se,,1 ,and ollly to attach the same on -any ao'cumentconuected with the Corporation. 5. To Chairman, thereof. attend ail meetings of Committees when Acting Chairman or Warden, and act requested hy as Secretary 9. He shalil, as early as may he after the dose of the financial y.ear, cause to he pr;ep,aredi[{)r publication any statements of assets. and liabiliities, and such other info~matioll regarding the County debt, ,aud allY other special "ccounts 'Of the Corporamon, ,as may be required hy the Counci,1. 6. He shall he ,gene~aIly responsible for the care and proper maintenance ,of the Court House property, inclu<ling minor repairs. XXIV 10. He shall generally sup<lrintend the transactions of his de- p>ll'lment, and the o'fficer of the same, and duly compare, check, and verily tihe entries of receipts ,anddlsbllrsements with the accounts alld vouchers of the s'ame, and with the boal<s of the office. ENGINEER ,1. It shall he the duty of the County Engineer: To ,report to the CounCID., at eaclh session .tf necessary, as to. the improvements and repairs which, in his 'Opinion, should be undertaken by the Corpora- ti'On; ,and ,also to present to the said C'Ommittee ,a supplementary report as .to ,any .additdonal i.mprovemelllts and- rapaJirs to -he under- taken during the year, and whioh were not inc,uded ; n the last pre- cedillg report. 11. The accOUIlts and transactions of his dspartment shail he sub- ject to an 3l!ldit by the County 1\udiitors as the Council ma~ direCt, and these shall prepare the Annual !Detailed 1\u<lit and 1\bs.tract Re- port of Receipts and Expenditures. 2. To have the general superilltendallce ,and control of all em- ployees of the !Department in 'carryillg out afail works of eonstroo- ti'On and repair of buil<lings ordered by the Council (Property Com!lll;ttee). XXUI COUNTY CLERK AND/OR; DEPUTY ClJEJRK 3. To ,he responsible to the 'Council fur the due performanCe of all SlUch work, ullless by the resolution, .byelaw, or cOlltract fOO' the same, sudh works have been entrusted to, slame other engineer or architect. .1. It "hall be, the duty of the County Olerk 00' Deputy Clerk to perform -the duties reqrrired of him by statutory or other authority. 2. To notify each member 'Of the Committees to which they are appointed IUnder this ~-Law, a" soon ,as the a!llP"intment has heen made, of the .time ,and piace at wbiich the first meeting of the Com. mittee will be held. 4. To decide Ilpon, select ,and employ such personnel 'as may he required from time to time far >lUY 'Corporation work under Iris, con- trol whioh has n'Ot heen let by contract; ..and such employees' smIV be paid hy the county upon the Engineer's certificate, reported to the Treasurer, and shall be subject to dismissal. 'at any time by him or 348 ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL ELGIN OOUNTY COUNOIL 349 II Iii i'; II II 'Ii ,!I r :1 j!;, I! ;'i the Council, and all such "PPointments and ddsmissals shall be reported to the County Rioad Committee. 5. To examine and certify all hills ~or material and labour a~ainst the Corporation for wo~ks in his cha~ge, and to make or cause to be made, tbe survey.s and examinations necessary for the purpose. 14. ;fIe shall kOOp proper record of the cIasslliflicatlOn of all employees of his Department and .any reclassification or nel'V clas",- ification must be done in consultation With the petsonniil Committee. .11 :lOW. ME COUNTY SOIJICf110k 6. To have general 'SUI>erintelldence ,and ,control of alil persoIlll\>1 in jjis depavtment, ,and of all Corporatioll contractors, subject tOo the .te~ms of their respective contracts. 1. Thellerson "PPolnted lls Solicitor shall attend to such duties arid give SU<lh legal opiIli<Jll\Sas may he required by the Council, the chairman of 'any Committee thereof, Clerk or Deputy Clerk, such opinions to he in writing ilf requested. III I I' I I 7. To report from time to time to the County Road Committee, or to the Council, as the case may require, ,an\\, obstrucliion he may meet with ill the course of his duties 'or an\\, other matter upon which he may require 'a<wice or instruction. 3. 'j10 fulrnish ,all nec.essary ,plans and S!leci~ications for all engineering works under the control of the COIUUty Road Committee. 2. That;t shall be the duty of all other OfJiicers of this Corpor- ation to ~urIlish the 'County Solicitor, .upon request, with any <locu,. ments, hooks, or 'Papers" or copies ,of the same, in the custtldy or possession of suCh Ofdiicers, and to give to the said Soooitor_h other aid and 'assistance ,as he may require in the performance of the duties of the said of1iice. 9. To cause a uotice of any special meeting of tile County Road Committee to be mailed to each member of said Committee. 10. Toconducl the correspondence of the said Committee and keep copies of llll letters wr'itten by lIim on office business. 11. To collll1lunicate a copy of ,any order or minute of the said Committee mad:eat such meeting, to such officials of the Corpora- tion 'Or other persons as may be affected thereby, or to whom the 'Committee may order the same to be commurricated. 12. To preserve and fiIeaIl communications and tenders addressed to or read before the said Committee, and to fw-nish them when required, a cop\\, of any account, letter, report, specifica- tion, or other document in the possession of the said Depavtment. '13. To prepare 'and ha'1e the custody of, .and be reslJOnslble for, all such plans and estimates as may fu'om time ,to time he prepared for the use (jf the County. XXVI. LABOUR RELATIONS OFFICER i:!1 i 1. The person appointed as Labour Relations Officer shall mtend to SlUCh duties and give such legal opinions as may be required by the Council, the chairman of ,any Committee thereof, COtillty Olerk or Deputy CIeri<, such opinions to be in writing if requested'. XXVII. MONEY APffiOPRIAT]ONS, ACCOUNT,S, EXPENDITURES, .cONTRACTS AN[) IMiPRJOVllVLENTS 1. That 110 tenders he accepted an behalf of the 'Corporation of tile COU11ItJy of Elgin for any PU'1POse unless streh tender be aceOIIll- panied hya certified cheque forsucb .amount as the Comntittee l1av:ingto do With the matter may determine. !"i .. 350 ELGIN OOUN'TY OOUNOIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL 351 , 2. No member of the Council shall ha"e power to. direct or ,interfere with the pCl'formance of any W"rk for the Corporation, and the o.licer mchar,ge shali he subject to his sUV€rior oIiicer, if any, and to the C"uncil, or to any Committee (while acting in that capa- city, ,and not otherwise), to which the CouocU may, in any case, ,give authority in that behalf. 3. No. eontract"r or other person found by the County Engineer, or ,persol] 'incillar,ge en hehaM of the Council, or by any Committee of Itlhe Cooncil, or declared hy a Resolrutton of the COiUncill, or ascer- tained by a jul1icial decision, to have been ,guilty of d",lrauding, or attempting to defraud the County , 's!>allagain be eIU!Jloyed in any capacity on hehalf of or recei'Ve any ,contract from the County, with- out the express sanction of the Council. It s!>al:! be the dluty of the varieus officers of the .Corporation to forthwith report all sum frauds, or attempted frands, wf 'w!:lich they may become cwgnizant, to their superiors" and for such superiors to report too s'ame to the Com- mittee to whose department the subject of the fraud helongs. 5. Every By-Law which has passed the Council shall, immedii- ately after heil]g signed by the Warden, and sealed with the seal of the Col1porati"n, he dep'Osited ily the Clerk, or 'Deputy Clerk for seeW'ity in th'e ;'Viault oonnected with hisoDfice. !;ii ili XXIX. ELECTroN OF WARDEN 1. The Clerk or Deputy CleI'k of the C"unty sha11 take the eiIlair at two o'clock in the afternoon of the third Tuesday of the mOnth of J aooary .in each year, or at ,SlWch hour and on such daythereaftor as he ,sha'l! find the ffiajoriy .of the members .of the Counc'il present ,in the Goul]cil Chamber. 2. That the Clerk or Deputy Clerk sh1Jll prep,are lists of the names of the members in perpendicular and horiz"ntal lines, and a card for each member with the name of the member written or PTinted thereon. n1WH. 3. That the Clerk er Deputy Clerk ,announce that. any person .aspiring to the p'Osition nf Warden shall be ,granted an owortunity, not exceeding five (5) m'iootes, to. address County ConnoiI. 4. That the Clerk or Deputy Clerk shall inform the members, that he is r,eady to proceed 'With the election "f one "f their nnmber to be Warden. GENERAL CLAUSES 1. No. person, ,except Members and Ofificers of the Council, shall be aIlo'wed to ,come within the bar dluring the sittings of the Oounctl without the permission od' the Warden or other presiddng Of.ficer. 2. No standing l'UI!e w order of the C"uncil shall be suspended" el<!cept hy a v"te of two-thirds of the members present 3. [!l all unprovided cases .n the Proceedings of Conncil or in C"mmittee, the ,Law of P'arliament shaH be followed, and in such cases the decisdo!l .of the Warden or other Rresiding Officer shall be final, and acquiesced without debate. 4. Any Officer who shal!l refuse, or wlld:uJIy fall "r neglect to perform any dutyenjo'ined upon him by any By-LaIW or Resolution ,of the Council, or who ..hall in the discharge of Iris official duty be Igwmy of any fraud, extortton, o!ppression, .f1aviQuritism, !partiality, or wilful wrong or injustice, shall ile subject to removal from "ffice. 5. That he shall ther,eupon take from a receptacle in which the cards have been pl,aced, one Icard at a time, as it comes to his hand, and call up'On the member wh"se name appears thereon to say for whom he eas'ts Ilis V"te, and the Olerk or Deputy Clerk shall place the figme under the !lame of the member for whom the vote was cast. When all the members h>lVe voted, the Clerk "r Deputy Clerk shall forthwith inform the members .of ,the ~esult, and the Clerk or Deputy Clerk sh,,1I continue the same p,rocedure until he .mall find that 50% Jllus ane "f the votes have heen cast f"r one member, and shall thereon declare the elecbion of such member. S' 6. That the Wardencelect shall forthwith sign and declare and ,and read alooo the declaration of ,"Mice, and "n the 'completion thereod' he 'Shali take the ,chair. 352 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 353 xxx. OOUNCIL PAY lJISTIl COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2291 "A By-Law to Canfil\m P~oc""dings of the Council of the COrpol'atiG'll of the County 'of Elgin at 1ilte December Session, 1973" 1. That all pay lists for meetings of Council or Committees' be ,certified by the County Clerk or Deputy Olerk or Warden before be1ng paid 'by the County Treasurer. '1\hat By'Law 1894 and aU other By-Laws.and resolutions COI1fo wary to this By"Lawhe and the same are hereby repealed. ThiisBy'Law to become effective January 1st, A.D. 1974. READ ,a first time this 19th day of December, AD. 1973 . RJEADa second time this ,19th day of December, A.D. 1973. REM! a third time and finaUy Ipassed this, 19th day of Decem- ber, A.D. 1973. I: I: H.L. JOHNSoN, 'Clevk R. N. JOHNS'])ON, Warden WHER:E.AS hy Section 9 of the Municipal Act, Being Chapter 234 of the Revised Stabutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a murricip,al corporation -are to be exerdsed by its 'CoullIcil; AND WHEREAS by subsection 1 of secman 241 nf the Munie.pal Aot, being cha[lter 234 of tile Revised Satutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; AND WHERJEAS it is deemed eXiPedient tbat the proceedingsl of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and' adopted 'by By-Law; NOW'])HERJEFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as folloW\S: 1. THAT action of the Council of the Corporation of Ilhe County of Elgin in respect nf each recammendation contained in the Reports of Ilhe Commttteesand each motion and reso'lution passed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held dhring the Decembet 1973 Session is hereby ,adopted and conliirmedas if all such proceedJings were expTClSsly embodied in this By-Law. 2. THE Warden and proper officials. of the Corporation of the County of E.J,g,in are here'by authori.oo and direoted to do aU things necessary to .give effect to the action of the Council <If the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin referred to in preceding section hereof. 3. THE Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to exeoute al! documents necessary in that behalf and to ,,[fix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of E.1gi'll, REM! a first time Ilhis 19th day of Decemher, 1973. READ a second time this 19th day of Decemher, 1973. REA]) a third time and finaily passed this 19th day of Decem- ber, 1973. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk NELSON JOHNSTON, Warden 354 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNOIL E,uGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 355 INDEX Negotiating Committee _______________m_____ ___________________________~________________________ 122 Personnel .committee ____________________ 50, 212, 220, 267, 276, 300, 302" 319 Petitions and Legis~ation Comm[ttee _____________________________ 74, 122, 140 Property Committee ________ 52, 76, 89,. 124, 142, 165, 265, 277, 302, 319 Reception and Entertainment Committee_______________________,______ 75, 278 Road Committee _______________________ 37, 71, 94, 121, ,137, 162-, 224, 275, 293 special Commite~ to Skike the Standiing Committees for 1973 26 Special Committee re: joint development of City and County Llbrary Services --_______ _________ _________________m__ 264, 276 MISCELLANEOUS - Appointment of Committee to meet with the SI. Thomas City Counell and the 51. Thomas Library Board with respect to joint development of City and County Library Services__________ 159 Commund.catiorus "___ 12, 63, 87, 115, 129, 150, 198, 260, 270,.283, 30,6 1973 Officials, ,County Council, Stand'l1Ig Committees, M!unicip,al Clwksand Treasurers _______,_ ______________ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Wardell's Address _________________________,____________ _________m_____________________ -------------- 24 Warden'-s Election ------ 11 RESOLUTIONS - REPORTS OF OIFFlCIALS AND OTHERS - Administrator's Report on Elgin Manor Clerk's Report on Licellces County Treasurer's Report Const~uctioll Safety Inspector's Report Elgin- C(}unty Library Elgiin County J\grieultural Representative's Report.__________________ 33 Subul'ban Road Commission Report Weed ~nspector & Tree Commissioner's Report Petition to Minister of Transportation ,and Communications for Subsidy To engage .an .agent, experienCed' ,in tradleuuion negotiatioll __. 68 To request someone to explain Land Titles Act ___ _ _ _____________________ 66 To adopt the proposed statement of W<lrk and expendiitures for 1973 on roads under the control of !!he 51. Thomas SuhurlJ. all Road Commission and on Oounty of Elgin roads ___ . ______ 90, 205 To protect Lake Ede Shoreline from Port Bnnwell ha~bourto the eastern boundary of Houghton Township __ ___________________________ 91 To accept the Auditar's Report for the year ending Decem!Jer 31st, 1972 ------------:----_____________ ________________ ______ ______ ___ ________ _________________. _______ 1~8 Protesting the removal of the Department of Lands @<'! 'F1orests Regional Office from Aylmer to London ________________________ 134 Re: Signing cheques on Elgin Oounty Home for the Aged Trust Account - ---_________.________ ______________________________ __________________________________ __ 155 To appoint Mr. Ge@ge Phillips legal counsel in matters dealing with labour relations ___ ___________________ _________________________________________. 159 Re: rabies dinic _____________________ ________________________ _____________________________m.._____. 206 Re: Signatures on cl1eCjues and documents ____________________________________ 261 To iIlVite a junior boy or girl to the first day of the November Session ,1973 ___.___._____________________________________________________________________ 273 To 'appoint Gran"iIIe Gloin to the E1~1l .county Farm Safety __ Council _______.__________________________________________._._________________________________.________.___________ 286 263 15 291 161, 289 45 53 39 292 REPORTS- OF COMMITTEES - Agricultural Committee __________________ _______ 30, 74, 101, 123, 166, 277, 318 Cannty Government Committee 49, 75, 103, 143, 164, 228, 267, 279,_ 301, 316, 317 Elgin AgricUltural Committee ___________._________________________________..__________-- 35 Elgin !Manor Committee _____._____________________________________28, 46, 73, 100, 125, 139, 140, 163, 223, 275, m Educational Committee ________.____________________________ 50, 104, 124, 144, 2~ Equalization ,and Assessment Oommittee ______________ 227, 266, 279, 303 Firiance Committee ____________ 47, 72, 97, 102, 123, 138, 141, 230, 278, 303 356 ELG,IN COUNTY COUNCIL Re: By-Law cOllJcerning Auctioneers To make the usual grant to reporters 286 287 BY.,LAWS - 29 2237 - To Appoint a County Road Committee 2238 - Betnga By-Law to -Establish the AImUal Remuneration to be p,aid to 'the Warden of the County of ElgiIl______________________ 31 2239 - Being ,a ByeLaw to Set the Daily Remuueration to be paid to Members of the Elgin County Council for AttendaIlllCe at MeelJings of the ElgillJ County Council and Committees Thereof ----------------- 32 2240 _ A By-Law to Aiuthorize the iE""ropr&ation of Land for the Purpose of Widening and 'Improving Oaunty Roads._,_________ 58 2241 _ To Authorize the Warden and Treasurer to Borrow the Sum of Two Million, Three !Hundred Thousand Dollars____________ 60 2242 _ A By"Law to ConfJrm Proceedings of the Council of tI1e Corporation of tI1e Couuty <if Elgin at the Jmluary Session, 1973 ___________________________ __.____________________________________.______ ____---------------------_-------- 62 2243 - Being a 'By-Law to Establish the Annuai Remunera- tion to he P aid to the Wardlen of the County of Elgin _____ -------- 77 2244 - Being a By-LllW to Amend 'By-Law No. 2188 Thereby Adjusting. the Remuneration of the County of Elgin Weed __ 'Inspector _______ _________.____ ________________________________________________________________________ 78 2245 - Being a By-Law to Amend ByeLaw No. 2137, Thereby AdjustillJg the Remuneration of be Conny of Elgin Tree Commissioner ______________._______________________________________.______________________________. 79 2246 - A By-Law to Authorize the Corptll'ation of the TOWl>- shilp of Malal1tde (hereinaHercalled "the Gr.antee" and which term shall include its -successors and assigns) To Construct Use and Operate Works Required for the Transmission of Water 6.n the County of Elgin (bereillJatl'ter called "the Municipality") _____.___________________________.________________._________________.____------ 80 i - ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 357 2247 - A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elg&n ,at the February ,Ses'sian, 1973 m________m_..____ 86 2248 - A By-Law to Repeal By-Law 'No. 1476 and BiY'-Law No. 1961 for licensing, regulating and governing salVlnge shops, salvage yards, second~hand shops and dealers in secandLhand goods ___________m_____________________________________________--------------------._______105 2249 - A By-Law to Raise amounts for County Rates during the year 1973 ------------------ 106 2250 - A By-Law to authorize the Corporation of the Village of Vienna I(hereinafter c'aI1ed "the Grantee" .and 'Wlhtch term shall .include its successors and assigns) to construct, use ,and aperate worlts required for the Transmission of Water in the Caunty aif Elgin (hereinafter called "the Mulllicipoality"')____________ 108 2249 - A By-Law to Raise amounts for County Rates during the year ,1973 --------------------------------.-------___________________________._______________.______.__ 10{1 2250 - A By-Law to authorize the Corporation of the VIllage of Vienna {hereinafter ,caned "the Grantee" .and whLcib, term shall inclnde Its successors and 'assigns) to construct, use @d operate works required [or the Transmission of Water in the County ot Elgin (hereinafter ,"alled "the Milnlcipal1ty") ___.____ 108 2251 - A By-Law to Confirm proceedings af the GoullJciI of the Corporation of the County of Elgin .at the iMarch Session, 1973 --------- 114 2252 - A By-Law to Autharize grants to he made to variaus organizations, Corporations, Institutions, etc.,.. ., during 1973 --------- 126 2253 - A By-Law to Confirm PTocee<lings, of the 'Council of the Oarporatian of the County a[ Elgin at the April Session, 1973 --------------------------------------------________________._________________.______________________.____.. 128 2254 - A By-Law to ,appoint .a member to the St. Thomas SUburban Road Oommission ------_______________________________________________________.__ 144 2255 - A By-Law to appaint an Acting Administrator far the Elgin County Home for the Aged -________________________________________._____.____ 145 368 ELGIN COUNTY COUNmL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 359 2256 _ A By"Law to amend By-Lww No. 2231, thereby .adijust- ing the salary of the Assistant Administrator for the Elgin County Home for the Aged ~~ n__m~~ 146 2268 - 'Being a By-Law to Provide FrJnge Benefits to.aIl employees of the Coutnyof ,Elgin 'will> are not covered by a Collective Agreement ~ ~~ __ n__mn~ ~"'~~n~m~~__ 244 2241, a By-Law :<u- borrow moneys by __ ~n~ __~nn~n~~~~~~~~~ 147 2269 - ,Being a By"Law to kmend By-Law No. 1696, Thereby Adjusting the Salary of theEIgin County Road Superintendent 253 2270 - Being a By,L:<w to Amend By-Law No. 2034, Thereby Adjusting the SaIary of the Elgin County Clerk-Treasurer ~ ~ 254 2271 - Being a By"Law to Amend By-Law No. 2085, Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Elgin County Deputy Clerk- Treasurer 'n~~~.. 255 2272 - Being a By-Law to Amend By-,Law No. 2086, Th""eby Adjusting the Salary df the SecretarY-Treasurer for the Elgi,n County Home far the Aged m~m~ nn" ~nmnmn~'mm'__ 256 2273 - Being a ByeLaw to Amend By-<Law No. 2256, Thereby Adjusting the Remuneratioll of the Acting Administrator for Elgin County Home for the Aged ~~n'~ 257 2274 - Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2231, Tb""ehy Adjusting the Salary of the Assistant Administrator for the Elgin County Home for the A,ged n ~~ .n __ n __~~'nm~~mnn 258 2275 - A By'Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of EIgin at the September Session, 1973 n~~m ~ nm~um unm,__ 259 2276 - ,Being a By-Law to Est~bl\sh the A,pportionment of County Rate for the County of Elgin for the Year 1974.~~~nmn'm 268 2265 - Regulating Parking 232 2277 - A By-Law to Confirm Proceeclings of the CounciI of the Corporation of the County of EIgin' at the September 28th, Session, 1973 n ~~~~mm'__~'m '~~~nm' __mmn 269 2266 - Regulating P ark!ing 2267 _ Being a By-Law to Establish :< Salary Schedule for a11 Employees of the Oounty of Elgin who ,are not Covered hy ,a . Collective Agreement, Other than the Heads of Depart- . " n menls ,'m __nnmn 'm,~~~~mm,nm'm,~~~n nnnnm~,_'~mn 235 233 2278 - Being a By-Law to Repeal 'By"Law No, 2259 for Re- stricting the W,eightof Vehicles Passing Over Bridgesmnn'__~ 281 2279 - A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings. of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the October Session, 1973 m'n~nmn~_nmn'~__~mm'n~nmn~ 262 360 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 2280 _ A B~-Law to Amend the By-Law Adopting a Plan of County Road Improvement and Establishing a County Road S)'stem in lihe County of EIg,n Under the Public Transporta- tion and Hlghway Improvement Act nnm~m~~_~~~~~~~~~~ 304 2231 - A iBy.Law to Con~irm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation df the County of Elgil1 at the November. Sesswn, 1973 nnm_~~......~~~~~~mm_~~ 305 2282 _ ,Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and lihe Clerk of the County to Sign a Recognition Agreement he- tween the :Corpor ation of the County of Elgin and the Elgin County Employees Associatiol1mmm...m.~_. 320 2283 _ :Being a By-Law to :Provide for the Licencing, Regu- . latil1g and Governing Auctioneers ~......._~.~......~~~~.m..._~mm~~~~....m~~_.. 322 2234 - Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2188, thereby adjusting the Remuneration of the :County of IElgin Weed Weed Inspector ~~~~~~.mmm~. 324 2285 _ Being a iBy'Law to Amend By-Law No. 2187, Thereby adjusting the Remuneraton of the ,County of Elgin Tree Commissioner _____________.~____h_ 325 2266 - Being a By-Law to Amend 'iBy-iLaw No. 2243 Estab- fishing the Remuneration to be Paid to the Warden of the County of Elgin ~ ~~..mm~~...m.m~m..~_~.......m~~~m.__.m~-.~~.~_m.~~~.m.m~_nm~ 326 2287 - Being a By-Law to Establish the Remuneration to be paid to the Warden, Council Members and Couoty Off:iclals for Attending Conventions .~~~~...~~~~_..mm~~~.m~m~.._..~~~~~mnm.......~_.....~~~ 327 2288 _ Being a B'y"Law to Set the Daily Remuneration to be Pald to Members of lihe Elgin County Council for Attendnace at Meetings of the .Elgin County Council and Committees Thereof .....~~....m.~~.m...~~~.m....~~~..nnm~.........~~~~~~.....__~m....~...mm~~_......~.~mm. 328 2239 _ Being .a iBy-Law to Appoint a Land Division CoIJl>o mittee ........~~......__~........~~......._~~~......_......._.~~......_..~........m~........_~~_.......~~~.. 329 2290 - To Regulate lihe Proceedillgs in the :Municipal Oouncil of the ,Corporati<>n of the County of Elgin and the Officers and Committe.es Thereof ~....m~~~.....~~~.~......~~~mnm~.~m..~~........ 330 2291 -A By-Law to Confirm 'Proceedings of the Councii of Corporation of the County of Elgin at the Decem:ber Session, 1973 ..nmm~.........___...m..nmm...~~......~~.........m..-.....___....m~......__........__m. 353 nLG~!i~~,C~QJ(;i~~11 ,;'\",~.