1974 Minutes +"-",-,,,-,,,,-,,,,-,,,-,,,,-,,,,-,,,-,,,-,,,,-,,,,-,,,,-,,,,-,,,,-,,,,-,,,,-,,,,-""-""-''''-''''-''''-'+ ! I f PROCEEDINGS i . r ! OF THE i I , ' I ! ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL I I , ' I I , ' I I For the Sessions Held in the I ' I ! COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS ! I . . I I During the Year i i , . I I 1974 I r , . I r , . I i , . I j , - I i i ' I ! , . I I . , r I , ' I I . , j I . , r I , ' I I . , i I . , i I . i H. L. JOHNSON, R. L. LAKE, I , i ! County Clerk. Warden. I I . , j ! , . I I . . , +,-""-"._""-,,,-,,,,-"'-,,,,-,,,,-,,,,-,,,,-,,,,-,,,,-,,,,-,,,,-,,,,-,,,,-""-""-."-",,-,,,,-,,,,-,,+ Counly of Elgin Officials, 1914 Elgin Counly Council, 1914 Name Office Phone No. WARDEN R. L. LAKE Township of AIdboro-ugh Re'eve R. N. Johnston, R.R. 1, WardsviHe, NOL 2ND DepuJty Reeve L. R. Carrol'I, R.R. 1, West LOTne.m.n ......0000785-0707 ."'000000768-1016 NOL 2PO J. A. Wi'wter.___._____....:.Coun:ty Judge__n______...___,....___.___........____.__...__________ 631-4810 ,J. A. McBain___n____.__....County Court Olerk__________________.__________________......... 633-1720 Sheriff ______.......__.__.._..__._,._.____.__.... .___.___._____..__.__..__. 631-3530 J. D. R. Walker_______.Cl,erk of the Peace' and County Crown Attorney___m__nnnnn___m..______ 631-1506 F. R. BarnmIL..........Provincial Judge (Criminal Division) P.O. Box 267_________________...._.._________________......_._____ 633-1230 M. H. G6IllIest............,nPr,ovinci'3JI .Jud'ge-P.O. Box 327, (Family Division) ___..n.n...n.........~mmn...mm 633-2169 R. Davis..._......_..__....... County Registrar...........__..__..__....____..........__..__... 631-301.5 R. S. Brown........onn...Sup'erontend'ent, Provincial JaiL.......nnnn___ 631-3372 Probati:on Of\ficenm'nP.O. BoX. 277n___.___.........nnnnm...._____nnon.~._____n__n. 631-3430 H. L. Johnson.nn.......COunty Clerk-Treasurer ....onnn___nn__n________.... 631-1460 G. C. Leverbon.":~..~..;..Deputy C1erk-Tr€asu!'e.l' nn...m__nnnm_____nm___ 631-14(}0 H. G. Mo'o,l'ennnn___.~___ County Engineer ..__.........___onn...__monn___.._....... 631-5880 R. E. B.elLm....n.........Director, 8'oc18.11 Services n__m__nmnnnnnnm___ 631-1570 ,;F. J. Boyes____nn....nn..Administrator, Elgin Manornn___..nnnm__n.... 631-Q620 E. A.WeliISmn...on.......County Librarian mnm___..n...__....___.....nnnnnmm 633-0815 Hennessey, Kemrpster & Gunn....CountySoilicito1l's .mnnnnnm___....;'........n......._____ 631-0700 W. O. Barons...........___Smalll OlaimsClYurt Clerk................nnn......_. 631-1241 Eilgin County Board of Educati'onn............400 SunlS'et Drive n....m___..._________.....___....____......n 633-2700 Dr., c. A. ,C*raham....ElJgin Manor PhysiciaJn, 390 TaiJJho.t" St. ,. ....n..__...___........__.......__n..nnnm__ 6'33-0030 H. W. Buckmnm........Agricul'tural Representative, 594 Talbot Stre,et ..._........00..___0000000000....00...... 631-470.0 Jackson Bak,er.._...nnCountyWeed InspectJorand Tl1ee..commissio-:ruer,'\ 164 Ttalbot St. vi., AYlmer.___n__n..n.....__...__.___ 773-8392 Winspear, Higgins, County Audito!l's, Stevenson & CO'__n 136 Oentre Str'eet n_n___._..n..........._____nnnmn... 631-8250 Dr. F. Appl,etonn..."..Elgin..St. 'Dhomas Health Undtt, . Mi.O.H. ............00...... 2 Wand Street ....nn...n.......n......................n.. 631-9900 R. W. Hipgl'lave........Emergency Measures Oo-OrdinaJtor, P.O. Box 262 00..................._..00......................_... 631-1680 (st. ~homas Post OffioOe un.less othexwise s'peei." fied). Township o,f Dunwich Re'eve D. K. McKiUo.p, R.R.2, WaJ:1acetow.n, NOL 2MO...u...........762w2877 Deputy Reeve G. D. Siimpson, R.R. 1, WaUac'8towll.m_ mmm. ....762w5710 NOL 2MO Township of Southwold Reeve B. A. LyJ.e, R.R. 1, St. Thomas, N5P 3S5........nn......................631-1890 Deputy Reev,e G. W. Monteith, R.R. 3, Shedden.___.....nm. u" "'00......764-2859 NOlL 2illO Township o,f Yarmouth Reev;e D. K. Co:ok, R.R. 5, St. 'Thomas, N5P 3S9nnnnnnm.......____......775-2459 Deputy Reeve C. .s. --Y6rung, R.R. 2, St. Thcima:s..........___._..unn..nn....631_9735 N5P 386 Township of Malahide Reeve W. R. Caverly, R.R. 5, Aylmer, N5H 2R4_.._m.........u.......m.___773-2998 Deputy Reeve H. P. deRyk, 147 Sydenharn st., E....m..nnnnnm.......773-3903 Aylmer N5H lL4 Township of Bayham Ree've J. L. Dennis, R.R. 1, Vienna, NOJ l'ZOnnnmn......n..m..mmn..86'6-5601 Deputy Reeve M. A. Schafer, P.O. Box 254nnnn...m__........m.___nm.onn866-3525 straf1fordviHe NOJ 1 YO Township o,f South Dorchestel' Reeve J. B. WHson, R.R. 1, SprIngfielld, NOL 2JOn......m..........n'....269:..3995 Deputy Reeve G. R. Pettit, R.R. 2, Springfie~d........mnnnm...m-unnn773-3625 NOL 2JO Town of Aybner Reeve A. T. Miskel,ly, 264 John St. S., Aylmerr, N5H 2E2................773-3447 Deputy Reeve S. R. McBrien, 23 IDlk St., Aylmer......m....,.........~......773-9172 N5H 185 Village of Vimma Reeve K. C. Eme,rson, P.O. Bo{C. 120, Vienna, NOJ lZ00n ..........m.874-4460 Village of Spl'ingfield Reeve J. W. Hodgs'oll, P.O. Box 84, Springfieldon..... m...nn...mm...773-3068 NOL 2J0 Village of Dutton Reeve M., A. Ka:hnt, P.O. Box 148, Dutton, NOL lJO ...._..."........".".762-2223 Village o,f Po,rt Stanley Rieeve J, P. Nemett, P.O. Box 326, Port Sta.nleY..m"''''_.".h.......mmu782-3120 NOL 2AO Deputy Reeve W. R. Whalls, P.O. Box 460, Port S'tanleYnn......nn782-3942 NOL 2AO Village of Rodney Reeve A. H. Liebner, P.O. Box 244, Rodney, NOL 2CO..... ..mnmn785-0380 Village of West Lorne Reeve D. R. Todd, P.O. -Box 59, West Lorne....'....mnnmnmn '.._...nnn768-1300 NOL 2PO Village of Po,d Burwell Reeve C. W. iBates, P.O. Box 134, Port BurwelL.. ........874-4458 NOJ 1TO Village of B'ebnont Reeve R. L.. Lake, Belmonrt, NOL 1BO..nnnnn.n.......monn....m..........m644-0491 Standing Committees, 1974 TilIsonburg DistJ'iQt Memorial Hospital _ Schafer, Four Counties General Hospital _ Li'ebner AgIicultul'al Chairman W. R. Caverly, Dennis, Ly.Le, McKillop, Cook, Wilson, Johnston and Warden t.ake. Library Board - WhaHs, Kahn-t, J ohnstan County Government Chairman J. B. Wilson, Emersotn, Caverly, Monteith, Wha1~s, Miskelly, Hodgson and Warden Lake. Children's Aid - Sim,pso;n, Yowng, CarroiH Emergency Measures Ol'ganization _ Batbes, N eme.tt Museum - Simpson, ,Miskelly County Roads Chairman D. K. McKiliIop, Lyle, Cav;e'rly, Cook, Wilson and Warden Lake. Advisory Road Commi:t'bee -- Dennis, Johnston, Neme.tt. ;%1 ;, Elgin Manor Ohairman J. W. Hodgs'on, MO!nt'eiith, McBrien, CalTOn and Warden Lake. Advisory ElgIn Manor Committee - deRyk, Liehner ::.] Educational Chairman M. A. K'ahnt, deRyk, Pettit, Simpson, Cafll'oU, ,Schaf.er, Young, MeBden, M,onteith, WhaHs, Lie!bner, B,ates, Emerson, Todd, Hodgson and Warden Lake. FINANCE ANn APPORTIONMENT Ohairmam B. A. Lyle, MoKil'lup, Caverly, Dennis, Cook, Wilson, Bates, Johnston, Emerson, Hodgson, Neme,1;It, Kahnt, Todd) Li,ebner, MislpeUy and Warden Lake. LOCAL GOVERNMENT STUDY COMWnTTEE Chairman D. R. Todd, Cook, MiskeiLly, Dennis and Warden Lake,. Personnel Chairman K. C. Emell'SOill, MiskeUy, Hodgs'on, Johnston and WaTden Lake. Property Chakman C. S. Young, Caverly, Nem€ltt, Garroll and Warden Lake. Reception and Entertaimnent Chairma,n A. H. Liebner, Schafer, MOtn,tJeith, 'Simpson, ~almt, Pettit, MeBrd.en, CarroH, Whalls and Warden !Lake. Social Services Chairman M. A. Schafer, Bwues, Lyle, deRyk and Warden Lake. Health Unit - MeKinop, Pettit St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital Emerson, Todd MUNICIPAL CLERKS' AND TREASURERS ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 7 Township of. Aldborough Oleirk-Treasure'r - C. I. Black, Rodney, NOL 2CO.....mnnmnmn__ 785-0560 "iJ'ownship of Dwnvich Clerk - F, D'"Mct'herSiQfi, Dutkot;" NO~ IJO.__nmn______nmmn__nmm 762-2204 Treasul1er - Mrs, June Shipley, Dutton, NOL 130.m____......____________ 762-220.4 P R O( E E DIN G S :.,.~, OF THE Elgin (ounly (ouncil JANUARY SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 15th ,day of January, 1974 The Elgin County Couneil met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, as required by Statutes. The following members filed Certificates and took their seats at the Council table. R. Nelson Johnston Lome R. Carroll Duncan K. McKillop G. Douglas Simpson Bruce A.Lyle Gary W. Monteith David K. Cook Clifton S. Young William R. Caverly H. Paul deRyk Jesse L. Dennis Mathew A. Schafer John B. Wilson Gordon R. Pettit Arthur T. Miskelly Stewart R. McBrien Kelllleth C. Emerson John W. Hodgson M. Alhin Kahnt John P. Nemett W. Ross Whalls Albert H. Liebner Douglas R. Todd Charles W. Bates Ronald L. Lake Moved by Reeve Todd Seconded by Reeve Miskelly Township of Southwol{l CIerk-Treasul'\e'r - R. A.': R:,ow, F\.ing~, NOL lKO..______. 'mn'__"_____;; 769-2010 Township of Yarmouth Clerk-T,reasurer - L. M. OM,e, 1229 Talbot St..m.. ..__h__mmmmm____ 631-4860 St. Thomas N5P 1G8 Township of Malahide Clerk-TreaJ3urer - L. M, VanPatter, 87 John St. SOom____..._______..___ 773-2051 Aylme~, N5H 203 Township of Ba.yham Cl,erk-Treasure'r - J. A. Petrie, StrafforrdviUe____________________._______________ 866-5521 NOJ1YO Township of South Dorchester Ol'erk-Treasurer - Mrs. Marie Wilson________.___._______....____m____....___..______. 773-2186 R.R. 2, Springfield, NOL 2JO Town of Aylmer Clerk-TreasuI'Ier-J. S. Foy, 38 John St" S" Aylmer..____..____________ 773-3164 N5H 202 Village of Belmont Olerk-T.reasurer- W. O. Barons, Belmon.t, NOL lBO__m.____________ 644-1071 Village of Dutton CI'erk-O. A, Milton, Box 36, Dutton, NOL lJO.______________..........._ ....762-2717 Trealsurer - Mrs. Alice Menard, Dutton, NOlL lJO_....__..______________. 762-2717 Village of Port Burwell Olerk-Treasurer-Mrs. He'l'en W()II:fe, Port BurweU.___.___________________ 874-4343 NOJ iTO Village of Port Stanley Olerk-Treasurer - E. L, McOall, Port StanJ1ey........_______________...__...... 782-3383 NOL 2AO Village of Rodney Clerk-Treasurer - D. McDougall, Rodney, NOL 200__..____.........___ 785-0456 Village of .springfield Clerk~Treasurer - Mrs. Joan McClin-tolck, Box 29, Springfield.__. 773-8555 NOL 2JO Village of West Lorne Clerk-Treasurer-David, Moran, Box 30, W-est Lorn-e'........ ...._.____ 768-1234 NOL 2PO Village of VielUla Clel1k-Treasul"er - Mrs. Viol'et VanBelois..__ ..............._..............__................ 866-5521 StraffordviIle NOJ-1YO III"""~" Reeve Deputy Reeve Deputy Reeve Deputy Reeve Deputy Reeve Deputy Reeve Deputy Reeve Deputy Reeve Deputy Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Deputy Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Ree,ve Reeve Reeve Reeve Re,eve Aldborough Aldborough Dunwich Dunwich Southwold Southwold Yarmouth Yarmouth Malahide Malahide Bayham Bayham South DOrchester South Dorchester Aylmer Aylmer Vienna Springfield Dutton Port Stanley Port Stanley Rodney West Lome Port BurweIl Belmont 8 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 9 That we adjourn to the main Court Room fOT the election of Warden. -Carried. From the Provincial Secretary for Justice with letter and a copy of Green Paper on Sunday as a Common Day of Rest and Uniform store hours.~Referred to the County Government Com- mittee. From the Association of Rural Municipalities with request for membership.-Referred to thH Fiin"nce Committe'e. From the Bank of Montreal with letter ad'vising that the interest on bank loans has increased to 9'f.l pe,r cent.-Filed. Fmm the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with December, 1973, Newsletter.-Referred to the County Gov- ernment. Gnmmittee. From the City of Windsor with copy of resolution from the Essex Oounty Emergency Me'asures Committee re: "Civil Emer- gHUCY Measure,s Financial AssistancH Program" and which was e'lldo,rsed by the Windsor City CounciL-Referred to the Finance Committee. From Mr.. R. W. Hipgrave, Emergency Measures Planning Office with F. A. P. Preliminary Project No. 103 for the 1974/75 Fiscal Year.-Referred to the Finance Committee,. From thH St. Thomas Young Men's chrisUan Association with 1973 final report on Elgin County Program and request for 1974 .grant.-Referred to the Finance Committee. Fmm the Leve'rton family with note of appreciation.-Filed. From the Canadian National Institute for the BUnd with ap- preciation for 1973 and request for continued financial support for 1974.-Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Salvation Army with request for a grant.-Refer- red to the Finance Committee. From the University of Western Ontario with letter and minutes of meeting held with County Cle,rks and Treasurers on Novemher 24, 1973.-Referred to the County Government Com- mittee. From the East Elgin District Women's Institute with ap- pointment to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board for 1974. -Referred to the Finance Committee. From the West Elgin District Women's Institute with ap- pointment to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board for 1974. -Referred to the Finlrnce Committee. -Carried The Clerk announced that any Councillor who was a candi- date for the office of Warden would now be given the opportun- ity to speak. Reeve Lake and Reeve Cook, each spoke briefly advising that they were a candidate for the office of Warden and would appr,eciate any SUPPOTt given to them. Ree've NemeH spoke and advised the members, .that though he had intended to seek the position of Warde'll, pressure of business now made it impossible for bim to. carry out the duties of Warden and he would not now be a candidate for the office. The. eleetion of Warden was. proceeded with and Reeve Cook and Reeve Lake each received 17 votes. Reeve Lyle oJ the Town- ship of Southwold was called upon to cast the tie breaking vote and he cast his vote' for Reeve Lake. The Warden took the Declaration of Office and Ex-Warden R. N. Johnston. congratulated the Warden on his election and presented him. with the Lord Elgin watch and the gavel of office. Warden Lake ilddresse(i the Council, thanking t,l1e members for electing him to. the office of Warden for 1974 and outlining some Of the projects that he thought might require the attention of the 1974 Council.. . Moved by Reeve Cavedy Seconded hy Reeve Liebner That we do uowreturn to the Council Chamber. Moved by Reeve Dennis Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit T!)at the minutes of the December 1973 Session of the Elgin County Council 'he confirmed. -Carried. The following Communications were read and referred to their various committees:- From the Ontario Good Roads Association with notice of "Seminar for Councillors" to he held on February 25th, 1974- Filed. 10 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 11 From the Art Gallery, St. Thomas-Elgin with request for a grant.-Refe,rred to the Finance Committee. From the Association of Municipal C1O'rks and Treasurers of Ontario with request f.or member,ship.-Referred to the Fin- ance Committee. From Mr. R. K. McNeil, M.P.P. with two letters: ' 1. Acknowledging receipt of lette,r advising that Elgin County Cauncil endorsed a resolution passed by the County of Lambton.-Filed. 2. Letter advising that he will attempt to arrange an ap- pointment foOr Elgin County Council re: the preservation of woodlots and as soon as he has a time set he will advise me.- Filed. From the AssociatioOn of MunicipalitIes of Ontario with Presi- dent',sMessage and reque,st foOr membership.-Referred to' the Finance CoOmmittee. Jtrom the County of Lambton with resolution re: responsi- hiIltyfor the, enforcement of the Construction Safety Act return- ed to Countie.s, Regions and Restructured Counties.-Referred to the County GoOvernment Committee. From the Ministry of Transportation and ,Communications with Memo No. 73-11 re: 1974 Revisions to MRA-36, monthly Expenditure ,and Subsidy Report.-Re.ferred to the Road Com- mittee. From the. Association of coOuntie,s and Regions of Ontario with request for membership feO'.-Referred ,to the Finance Com- mittee. From the Til:Isonburg District Memorial Hospital with let- ter re: Planned Hospital Expansion.-Refe.rred to the Finance Comrmttee. F,rom McKay, McKay, VO'dova and Cameron with letter rO': Sale of West Lome Public SChooOl, Pl. Lot 98, Plan 199.-Ref-erred to the Road Committee. From the Township of Bayham with resolution recommend- ing that the County of Elgin give consideration to a system of garbage collection and disposal which would permit there"cycling of salvageable mate,rials.-Refermd to the County Government Committee. From the Ministry of CoOnsumer and Commercial Relations with copy of Draft of an Ontario Building Code.-Referred to the County Government Committ,ee. 'From the City of St. Thomas with list of peit1sons appointed to the New Public Library Committee.-Referred to the Educa- tional 'Comm1ttee. From the City of S1. Thomas with list of members appointed to the Local Gov'ernmeot Study Commrttee.-Filed. From the City oOf St. Thomas with list of members appointed to the Executive Committee of the St. Thomas-Elgin Emergency ,Measures Organization foOr 1974.-Filed. From the City of S1. Thomas with appointment to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board foOr 1974.-Referred to the Fin- ance Committee. FroOm the County of Elgin Land Division Committee with two rO'solutionlS: 1. Recommenda,tibn that membership in the Provincial (OntariO) Association of coOmmittees of Adjustment and Land Division Committees be taken for the Secretary-Treasurer and two membe,rS oOf the coOmmittee; 2. Recommendation that Counrty Council consider the re- muneration rate per member for full day meetings if the Com- mittee deems it necessoary to do sO.-Refened to the County Government Committee. From Mr. R. K. McNeil, M.P.P. with letter advising that the Honoumble Leo Bernier, Minister of Natural Resources' will he able to meet representatives of Elgin County Council on Mondoay, January 21st at 3:00 p.m. in his office, Room 6327 of the Whit- ney B1ock.-Refe'rred to the Agricultural Committee'. From the Township of S01.lthwold with copy of letter sent to Mr. Jackson Baker, County Weed Inspector, advising him that the Township of Southwold has not appointed a WO'ed Inspector foOr the year 1974.-Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the Ministry oOf Community and Social Services with memorandumre: Community Centres Ac1.-Referr,ed toO the Fin- ance Committee. F'rom the Ministry of Transportation "nd Communications 12 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY. COUNCIL 13 advising that subsidy funds in the f'OlIowing amounts have heen aUocated to the County 'Of Elgin: Constvuction - $676,000.00 Maintenance - 447,000.00 -Refea-ved toO the Road Committee. From the Quad County Association for the MeJUtally Retard- ed with vequest for a grant.-Referred to the Finance Commit- tee. FIRST SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday, January 16th, 1974 The Elgin County C'Ouncil met this day at the Court House, St Thomas, in accol1dance with adjournment The Warden in the Chair. All the members present. 'J1he Report of the Special Committee .1.0 strike the standing committe,e. for the. year 1974 was pve,seIlted by Reeve McKillop and adopted on motion of Ree.ve McKlI[op and Re,eve Hodgson. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Reeve Cook That By-Law No. 2292 "To Appoint a County Road Commit- tee he read Ii first time. -Carried. From the Bank of Montreal wtth invitation to dinner at the Grand Central Hotel on Thursd'ay, January 17th, 1974, at 6 o'clock p.m.-Filed. From the Ministry of T'ransportationand Communieations with Memo No. 74-2 re: Form OB-MR-222 and equipment charg- es to a project.-Referred to the Road Committee. Moved by Deputy Reeve Whalls Seeonded by Reeve Nemett That the. Warden and Clerk be authorized to submit to the Minister of Tvansportation and Communications of Ontario. the petition of the County 'Of Ugin sho'wing that from the 1st day of January 1973 until the 31st day of December 1973, there has been expended on the County Highway System the sum of $1,- 610,980.68. Moved by Reeve Cook Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wh"lIs That By-Law No. 2292 be l1ead a second time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve WhalIs Seconded hy Reeve H'Odgson That By-Law No. 2292 be l1ead a thlrd time and finally pass- ed. ~Carried. _Carried. The Warden appointed Reeve MeKillop, Reeve Caverly, Re,eve Hodgson and Ree,ve Emerson as membel1s of the Commit- tee to strike the Standing Committees fO'r'the year 1974. Reeve Cook eongratuIated WardenLakoe on his elee>tion and said he feU sure that with the co-operation 'of all members the P1'ogram ,of the Elgin County Council for 1974 eouId be carried out successfully. Moved by Reeve Lyle Seconded by Deputy Reeve Monteith That we do now adjourn to' meet again J.anuary 16th, 1974, at 10:00 a.m. H. L. JOHNSTON, Clerk Moved by Reeve Bates Seeonded by Deputy Reeve McBrien That By-Law No. 2293 "To Authorize the Warden and the Treasuver to Borrow the Sum of Two Million Dollars", be read a. first time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Monteith SecOOlded by Reeve Lyle That By-Law No. 2293 be read a secO'nd time. RONALD L. LAKE, Warden -Carried. 14 ELGIN COUN'l'YCOUNCIL Moved hy Reeve Kahnt ' Seconded by Reeve Lyle T.h,~t.l)Y-l,J~w No. 2293 he read a third time and finally pass- ed. . I ~Carried. A delegation from the Art Gallery 'Foundation of St. Thom- as and Elgin composed of Mr. C. Stewart Lare,; President, Mrs. .R. J. Ketchum, Secretary and Mr. .J. R. Hanzaiek, Director, were present and it was moved I1Y Deputy Reeve Whalis that the dele- 'gation froln the Art Gallery FOUndation of St. Thomas and .Eigin be now heoard. . Mr. Lare spoke to Council explaining the operation of the Art Gallery, the ideal budget and ,the proposed 'hudget requesting ~2,000.OO.from the County of Elgin. The Warden thanked Mr. Lare and referred the, request to .ti1e Finance and Apportionment Committee. A de.Jegation from the University of Western Ontario com- posed of Dr. W. S. Turner, Dr. C" S. Ware!, Mr. is. Baldwin and Mr. L. Moore were present and it was moved by Deputy Reeve Whalls that thedel~gatlon fTwnthe University of Western On- tario b~ .now heard. . Doctor Turner addre&sed Council ;td~s,ing of the grants received last ye,ar and explaining why the grants are important to the University. He also advised Council regarding the student ~nroIlme!nt of ,which approxim"tely 5% are from outside of Can- ada. The University Board of Governors approved $300,000.00 for.. admission scho.Jarships and it is hoped that this policy will be continued. The University supplies correspondence cour'ses Wlhere lit is practical. Incre'ased costs, largely due to inflation will have to be met ,and Dr. Turner requested continued fil1!ancial support fmm the County of E!lgin. C.ounty Council Day at the University will be June 12, 1974, and he invited ali C.ouncil mem- bers to attend. The Warden thanked DT. Turner and r,ef,erred the mquest for a grant to the Finance and Apportionment C.ommittee. A de,legation from the Elgin Plowmen's Associa'tion compos- ed of Mr. J. McKinlay, Mr. A. Auckland, Mr. R. Clinton and Mr. K. Bowden we,re present and it was moved by Reeve Caverly that the delegation from the Elgin Plowmen's Association be now heard. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 15 Mr. Clinton spoke to Council and reported that the Associa- tion are interested in holding the International Plowing Match in Elgin in 1980 and requested that the Elgin County Council give moral support to this undertaking. The Warden thanked Mr. C1ihton f()This presentation and referred the request to the AgrlcuItural Committee. Mr. H. W. Buck, Agricultuml Representative and Mr. Jim Allen, Assistant Agricultural Representative' were present and it was moved hy Reeve Lyle that Mr. Buck be n.ow heard. Mr. Buck addressed Council reporting on fa,rm conditions during the past Y'ear, the prospec,ts f{}T the current y,earand the long term outlook. He eocpressed the opinion that land use planning wiN be necessary. Mr. Buck presented the financial statement of the Elgin County grant administered by the Elgin Agricultural Committee .for 1973 showing.a bal'ance of $382.3,2 at December 31, 1973, and reviewed the work of the various AgricultuTal Clubs during 1973. The Warden thanked Mr. Buck for his report. Moved by Reeve Nemett Seconded by Reeve Oaverly That we do now adjourn to meet again ,at 2:00 p.m. Wednes- day, January' 16, 1974. -Carried. Council Re-Convened. The First Report of the Finance and Apportionment Com- mittee was presented by Reeve Lyle and aclopted on motion of Reeve Lyle and Reeve MiskeHy. The Report of the Reception and Entertainment Committee was presented hy Reeve Llebner. Moved by Reeve LiebneT Seconded by Deputy Reeve WhalIs That the report of the Reception and Entertainment C.om- mittee be adopted. 16 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 17 Maved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Miskelly That the repart of the Receptian and Entertainment Cam- mittee be refe,rred to the Finance Committee. ~CaITied. FIRST SESSION -~ THIRD DAY Thursday, January 17th, 1974 The Elgin Caunty Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accard"nce with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. AU the members present. The Report 'Of the Raad Committee was presented by Reeve McKillop and adopted on motian of Re.e"e McKillop and Reeve Lyle. The Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented hy Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Re,eve Caverly and Reeve Cook. Moved hy Deputy Reeve Schafer (leconded. hyReeve Dennis That .we da now adjourn 10 meet again on January 17th, 1974 at 2:00 p.m. . The motion 'Of Reeve Emersan and Reeve Miskelly to refer the report of the Reoeption and Entertainment Committee to the Finance Committee was voted upon and carried. Movedhy Reeve Cook Seconded by Ree,ve Bates That we do now adjourn to meet again January 17th, 1974, at 10:00 ,a.m. H. L. JOHNSTON, Clerk -Carried. RONALD L. LAKE, Warden -Carried. CouncllRe-Convened. TJ>e Second Report of the Finance and Apportionment Com- l)1itte,e)vas presented by Reeve Lyle and adopted an motion of Reeve Lyle and Reeve Cook. The Report of the Personnel Committee' was pres,ented by Reeve Emerson and ,adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Reeve Hodgson: The Report 'Of the County Govemment Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Wilson and adopted on motion of Re,eve Wilsan and Reeve Caverly. The Report of the Property Committee was presented by Deputy Eieeve, Young arid . a.d<lpted on motion of Deputy Reeve Youngiind Deputy Reeve Carroll. The Report of the Edueational Committee was presented by Reeve Kahnt and adopted an motion of Reeve Kahnt and Deputy Reeve Yaung. Warden Lake appointed Deputy Ree"e McBrien, Reeve Nem- IB ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 19 ett ,and Reeve Liebner as the Special Committee to inve,stigate garbage collection"nd dispos,,1. Moved by Re,e~e WillSon Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit That By-Law No. 2294 "Being a By-Law.to Appoint a Land Division OommHtee", be re'ad a Hrst time. Moved by Deputy Reeve McBrien Seconded by Reeve Ly[e That By-Law No. 2296. "A By-Law to Confi1'lll Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the January Session, 1974", be ,read a first time. ~Carried. -Oarried. Moved by Deputy Re'eve McBrien Seconded by Reeve Todd That By-Law No. 2296 be read a se,cbnd time. Moved by Deputy Ree\'e Pettit Seconded by Ree,ve Wilson That By-Law No. 2294 be read a second time. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McBrien Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carrcll That By-Law No. 2296 be read a third time and finally pass- ed. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit Se,conded by Reeve Dennis That By-Law No. 2294 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. -Carried 'Moved by Reeve McKiIiliop Seconded by -Reeve Todd That By-Law No. 2295 "A By"Law ,to Authorize the EJ<pro- priation of Land for the Purpose of Widening and Improving County Roads", be read a first time. Moved by Reeve Todd Seconded by Reeve McKillop That we do now adjourn to meet again on February 20th, 1974, at 10;00 a.m. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by Depnty Reeve Carroll Seconded by Reeve Todd That By-Law No. 2295 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Kahnt Seconded by Deputy Reeve CarroN That By-Law No. 2295 be rood a third time and finally passed. -Carried. ~ ,11 20 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 21 WARDEN'S ADDRESS Memhers of Council, Ladies and Gentlemen, it is indeed a gre-at honor to he elected Warden of Elgin County and I .;muld like to pay tribute to aJ.lmembe,rs of cOllncil who participated in the democratic process today and a speda'! thanks to those who supported me. I would also like to thank the people of Belmont, because if it were not fo,r them, I would not he here to-day. I would also like to thank all you peopl~ outside of Council who have given me moral support. I know the task that lies before me is not an easy one, its a long road from January to December. Howe,ver, ram prepared to :makf the, necessary personal sacrifices, in order to execute the oHice of Warden to the bemof Iny ability, and to the benefit of ',all people in the County of Elgin. As -of Jan. 1 we have entered into a County-wide Welfare Program. unde'r the guidance of. our New Administrator, Mr. Robert Bell, who will report directly to our New Social Servic.e Committ~.e. This program will bea,r watching through its first year of' operation. We are still faced with the problem of Local Gove,nment Re~orm, which is at present in the capable hands of the Local GO'lernm~nt Study. Committee. I know most peoPle are reluc- tant to chimge "nd tr,adition dies hard, however I believe t~is is the year we should sta'rt thinkiing "We" as the miilisteJ" has made' itqliite clea,r, that the City of Sl. Thomas must be' includ- ed in any study. We will also try to maintain good Labor Management rela- tionship with aU our employe.es, and there iSo no doubt we will find ourselves at the n.egotiating table with variouSo departments before the years end. We will continue ,to endeavour ,to streamline ouradminis- tration procedures, beginning with our new central pay office, and the,re is many other are'as where studies can be made. We ,as a council have pmven in the past that we are capable of handling the affail\S of this great county, and with the co- operation of an memhe,rs of council we shall continue to serve the people of Elgin County to best of our ability. In closing I would like to say in my own humhle way thank you. REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO STRIKE THE STANDING COMMITTEE January Session, 1974 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The f'ollowing is the report of the Special Committee to strike the Standing Committees for the year 1974: FINANCE & APPORTIONMENT Lyle, McKillop, Cave'rly, Dennis, Cook, Wilson, Bates, Johnston, Emerson, Hodgson, Nemett, Kahnt, Todd, Liebner,Miskelly, and W"rden Lake. AGRICULTURAL Caverly, Dennis, Lyle, McKtnop, Oook, Wilson, Johnston and Warden Lake,. PROPERTY Youllg, Cave.rly, Nemett, Car'roll and Warden Lake COUNTY GOVERNMENT Wilson, Emerson, O&verly, Monteith, Whalls, Miskelly, Hodgson, &nd Warden L&ke. EDUCATIONAL Hiahnt, deRyk, .Pettit, Simpson, Oarro11, Schafer, Y'oung, McBrien, Monteith, Whalls, Liebner, Bates" EmeTson, Todd, Hodgson, and Warden Lake. SOCIAL SERVICES Schafer, Bates, Lyle, deRyk and Warden Lake ELGIN MANOR Hodgson, Mont-eith, McBrien, CarroH, and Warden Lake Advisory Elgin Manor Committee - deHyk, Liehner PERSONNEL Emerson, Miskelly, Hodgson, Johnston "nd Warden Lake LOCAL GOVERNMENT STUDY Todd, Conk, MiakeIIy, Dennis and Warden Lake COUNTY ROADS McKillop, Lyle, Caverly, Oook, Wilson, and Warden Lake. Advisory Road Committee - Dennis, Johnston, Nemett " 22 ELGIN COuNTY COUNCIL RECEPTION & ENTERTAINMENT Liebner, Schafer, Monteith, Simpson, Kahnt, ~ettit, McBrien, CarrOH, Whalls, ll!nd Wwden Lake. HEALTH UNIT McKiHop, Pettit ST. THOMAS-ELGIN GENERAL HOSPITAL Em<lrson, Todd Emerson to represent the Warden TILLSONBURG DISTRICT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Schafer FOUR COUNTIES GENERAL HOSPITAL Liebner LIBRARY BOARD Whalls, Kahnt, Johnston CHILDREN'S AID Simpson, Young, Carroll EMERGENCY MEASURES ORGANIZATION Bates, N emett MUSEUM Simpson, Miskelly WE RECOMMEND that <l'ach Oommittee meetll!nd appoint a Chairman ,as soon 'as possible. MI of which is respectfully submitted. DUNCAN K. McKILLOP, Chairman. RONAiLD L. LAKE, Wlarden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 23 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2292 "TO APPOINT A COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE" As required by Section 42 of the Highway Improvement Act, being Chapter 201 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, The Elgin County Council enacts: .THAT the folIowing five members of this Council constitute a Committee for the purpose ()f direciing the work to be done on the, County Road System: D. K. McKillop B. A. Lyle W. R. Caverly D. K. Cook J. B. Wilson for term of one year for term of two yeM's for term of three years "or term of:f1our years for term of five years THAT By-Law No. 2237 be and. is hereby repealed. BEAD a first time this l6th day of January, 1974. READ a second time this 16th day of January, 1974. REA:D a third time and finally passed this 16th day of January, 1974. H. L. JOHNSTON, . Clerk RONALD L.LAKE, Warden i: I:,: 22 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL RECEPTION & ENTERTAINMENT Liebner, Schafer, Monteit!\, Simpsorn, K1\hnt, ~ettit, McBrien, CarroN, Whalls, and Warden Lake. HEALTH UNIT McKillop, Pettit ST. THOMAS"ELGIN GENERAL HOSPITAL Emerson, Todd Emerson to represernt the Warden TILLSONBURG DISTRICT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Schafer FOUR COUNTIES GENERAL HOSPITAL Liooner LIBRARY BOARD Whalls" Kahnt, Johnston CHILDREN'S AID Simpson, Young, Carroll EMERGENCY MEASURES ORGANIZATION Bates, N emett MUSEUM Simpson, Miskelly WE RECOMMEND that ,each Committee meet and appoint a Chairman as soon 'as .possible. Ml of which is respectfully submitted. DUNCAN K. McKILLOP, Chairman. RONA!LD L. LAKE, Warden. ;,'. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 23 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2292 "TO APPOINT A COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE" As required by Section 42 of the Highway Improvement Act, being Chapter 201 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, The Elgin County Council enacts: .THA T the following five members of this Council constitute a Committee for the purpose Of directing the work t(} be done on the County Road System: D. K. McKillop is. A. Lyle W. R. CaveTly D. K. Cook J. is. Wilson for term of 'One year f(}r term of two years For term of three years f,or term of Tour years for term 'Of five years THAT By-Law No. 2237 be and is hereby repealed. R;EAD a first time this 16th day of January, 1974. READ a second time this 16th day of January, 1974. REA:D a third time 'and finally passed tills 16th day of January, 1974. H. L. JOHNSTON, . CleTk RONALD L.LAKE, Warden ". ~' 24 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 25 MUNICIPALITY OF COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW No. 2293 thereon, all 'Of the m'Oneys her-eafte,r. collected or received 'On accounrt or realized in respect 'Of the -taxes levied for the current year and preceding years and all of the, m'Oneys collected or re- ceived from any other source, which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this 16th day of January, 1974. CORPORATE SEAL WHEREAS the Council of the, Oorpomtion deems it nece's- sary to b'Or.row the sum of Two Million 00/100 doHars to meet, until the taxes are coHeoted, the current expenditures of the Corporation fo!t the ye'ar; AND WHEREAS the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Corpomtion as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 1973, not including revenue,s derivaJbIe or derived from the sale of assets, borrowing or issuance of debentures or from a surplus, including arrears of taxes, is Three Mmion, One Hund- red and Ninety-One Thous,and,and Forty-Five 00/100 d'Ollars. AND WHEREAS the, total amount heret'Ofore authorized to be borrowed this' year for the purpose mentioned in subsecti'On (1) 'Of Section 329 'Of The ,Municipal Act is Nil d'OlIars, of which the O'Orporati'On has aliready bo,rrowed a total of Nil dollars. THEREFORE the C'Ouncil of The C'Orporation of the County of Elgin hereby enacts as f'OIIows: 1. The Head and the Tre.asurer or Deputy Treasurer are hereby auth'Orized 'On behalf of the Corp'Orati'On to borr'Ow from time to time, by 'May of pr'Omissory note, from the Bank. of Mon- treal,a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate Two Mil- lion 00/100 dollars to mi'et, until the taxes are c'Ollected, the current expenditures of the Corporation for the year, including tbe amounts required fer the purposes menti'Oned in swbsection (1) of the said Section 329, and to give, on bebalf of the Oorp'Ora- tion, to the Hank a promissory note or n'Otes, sealed with the cor- porate seal and signed by them for the moneys so bOTr'Owed with Interest at a rate not exceeding 10 pe'r centum per annum, which may be paid in advanoe 'Or otherwise. 2. All sums b'Orrowed from the said Bank, for any or all of the purp'Ose,s mentioned in the said Section 329, shall, with interest thereon, be a chaTge UP'On the' whole of the -r'e'venues of the Corporation for the current year and for all p'receding years, as 'and when such revenues are received. 3. The Tre.asurer is herehy authorized and dtre,cted to apply in payment 'Of all sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this By'.law, as well as all othe,r sums borrowed in this year and any previous ye"rs, from the said Hank for a:ny or all of the pur- poses mentioned in the said Section 329, together with interest R. L. LAKjE, Warden (The Head 'Of the. C'Orporati'On) H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk I hereby certify that the foreg'Oing is a true C'OPy of By-law No. 2293 of The Corp'Oration of the County. of Elgin in the Pro- vince of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said C'Orporati'On duly <heM, -and tha:t the s'aid By-law is in full f'Oroe and effect. Dated this ......day of... ....19.. As witness the Seal of the Corporation. CORPORATE SEAL Clerk. FINANCIAL STATEMENT ELGIN AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE January 1, 1973 - December 31, 1973 RECEIPTS Balance forward, Dece-mb~ 3:1, 1972 ._...m_______......... $ 340.22 1973 Grant - Elgin County CounoiL.........___nm_....... 3,000.00 TOTAL RECEIP'I.'S $3,340.Q2 EXPENSES Livestock..AssociationS & Shows Holstein Black &. Whdte Show, Aylmer $ 78.00 Jersey Parish S-how, Aylm:erm____n___...__.. 31.50 Ayrshire Show, Aylmer un.._.__....______..__..._ 15.00 26 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 27 Western Counties Guernsey Club.._____... Beef Cattle Show, Wallace-town ___,_m.,." Belef. Cattle Show,. R:odney ___nm,:'~_,____'~"" Elgin Beef Illl.provement Asso:eiation.. S. W; O. Lives,toc'k Producers' As.sociation .._.._.___....___.____.___.___.__.............. Elgin Horrse Bve.eders' Associ'a't'i<lllL__m. COlUlty Ol'ganizations Elgin 'Boil & Crap Improvement Assoc. Drain~ge, Demonstrati;on- " Plastic vs~ 'Clay ___::.:.____mm.._________n________ Elgin County Plowmen's Asso,ciation Elgin Fruit _ G:rO'W'ers' Associ'ation.__..... 4:..11 Agricultural Clubs . EHg;i'n4-:H Club Leadel"s' Association.... 225 4-:H members o6rnpl'ertJing @ $~.od (silve1r. dollars) ....___~...m;._C_~_~n'm_n_m Pictnt,e' frames (28) for cem'ft'cates.... 4-H Homemaking Clubs County Honour' Pins' (55) _______________________ Milk for 8 Achi-evemeIit Days __m___________ 6 4-H Olub COiDJference Delegates- Guelph '...._'~._.__.....__________.___._________.______..______. 19,Ie-ad1ers,' Pins ____...___.___._.___.___.___________________ ,16 ,fpames for, certificates ..._.__________________ Recognition Dinner 110 plates @, $2.50' ._._.....___.__.________"______._______. Guest Speaker - hono'uraTi:um ....________ Planltl;ing Meeting - ddnD'e:r and room :rentall _._._________.........._..._.._______._..____ IDI,gin Junior Farmers' and Junior Institu:l:ie' _.._________,___.....__._.____._________"_.,_..__,.._'...._ Delegates - Livest'Ock Managem'ent Tour - 2 !??i. $10.00 ___...____________________,__.._...._. AudiltJing 1972 books -.James Ga'1braiith Bank Services, Char.ges ..........__........_.__..._... 25,00 100.00 75.00 75.QO 25.00 25.00 $ 350.00 50.00 200.00 25.00 $ 449.50 625.00 303.75 150.00 20.00 10.00 2.20 FINANCE AND APPORTIONMENT COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1974 FIRST REPORT To the War,den and Members of the EIgin County Council, The Finance and Apportionment Committee reports as fol. lows: TOTAL EXPENSE,s $2,957.90 Ba,nk Bal;:t.nce Dec. 31, 1973 .___.___._______....________,___ 382.32 $3,341T.22 1. That the, Warden and T'reasurer be authorized to bor- row up to $2,000,000.00 from the Bank of Montre,al as may be required and that ,a by-law be preparefl. 2. That the usual g,rmlt of $50.00 to the Law Lihrary be paid. 3. That the membership fees in the Municipal CIerk's and Tre'asurer's Association be, paM and the Clerk-Treasurer and Deputy Clerk-Treasurer to attend the oonvention with expenses paid. 4. That A. Liehner, M, Scha~er, K. C. Emerson and D. Todd .be paid members wages for attendance at hospital meet- ings during 1973. That H. P. deRyk be paid the usual CQmmit- tee pay for attending meetings Qf the ResidentlalCare Com- mittee of the, St. Thomas-Elgin Association fQr Ret'arded Children and that 1973 CQuncil memhe,rs on the Children's Aid Society be paid an additional $11.00 per meeting attended during, 1973. 5. That the following constitute the B,oard of the' Elgin County Pioneer Museum for 1974: Mrs. J. R. Futcher, Mrs. Ke,ith HiepIeh, Mrs. Herb Jackson, Mrs. P. G. Jeffries, Mrs. A. H. McGrigor; audElgin County Councilrepre,sentatives. 6. '!1hat a grant of $500.00 be made 10 the Elgin Pioneer Museum. 7. That payment of a grant of $8,000.00 .to the Foul' Counties Hospital for 1974 be authorized. 8., That membership fee of $50.00 ,be p'aid to the Associa- tion ,of Municipalities of Orutario. ' 9. That the Treasurer be authorized to corutinue monthly payments to the Children's Aid Society on .the basis of Ihe 1973 budgllt until the 1974 budget is established. Jan. 11, 1974 - Audited and found to be correct. Verified wibh bank !balance. JAM'ES GALBRAITH, Auditor. 28 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 29 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 10. That Deputy Reeve Pettit and Reeve Nemett be paid members wages for attending meetings 'Of the Elgin County Pione,er Museum Board during 1973. 11. That the request of the Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities for membership be fiIe'd. 12. That the Membership fee in the Asso.cratfon 'Of C'Oun- ties and Regions 'Of Ontaria be paid. 13. That a gmnt of $1,250.00 be made to the Canadian National Institute for the Blind. 14. That a grant 'Of $500.00 be made to the Salvatian Army. 15. That a grant 'Of $3,000.00 be made to ~he UniveTsity of Western OntllTio. 16. That the Sl. Thomas-Elgin Assaciation faT Retarded Children be !jive'll a gTm1t of $2,500.00 towards the cost of the Resideince :fjar Retarded, Children. 16. That the Sl. Thomas Associatian far Retarded Children be given a grant 'Of $2,500.00 towards the cast 'Of the Residence :fjar Retarded Children. 17. That the Chairman of the Education..l Cammittee be the County 'Of Elgin repres'entative on the Residential Care Com- mittee 'Of the St. Thomas-Elgin Associat~on far Ret"rded Chitd- ren with usual cammittee pay f'Or attending meeltlngs. 18. That the Sl. 'Dhamas Young Men's Christi~n Assacia- tion be given a grant of $3,000.00 ta operate a recreation prog- ram in the Oounty of Elgin and tlrat no further request for a grant be made to any of the lacal municipalities in Elgin Caunty. 19. That.the Sl. Thamas Young Women's Christian Associa- tionbe given a grant of $2,500.00 for 1974 with the understand- illg that the, Y.W.C.A. does not solicit any furthe'r grant from any of the local municipalities in Elgin County. 20. That the resolution passed hy the Essex County Re: "Emergency Measures Committee Re: Civil Emergency Measures Financial Assistance Programs" whi<lh was endarsed by the City of Wiindsor and farwarded to the C'Ounty 'Of Elgin be endorsed. 21. That the F. A. P. PreUminary Project No. 103 for the 1974/75 F'iscal Year received from Mr. R. W. Hipgmve Emer, gency Measures Planning Officer be tabled. 22. That the requHst for a gmnt hy the Art Gallery Foun. dation of st. Thomas and Elgin be filed. 23. That the Wardeu and Deputy Ree,ve Schafer be a Com- mitbee to visit the TilIsonburg District Memorial Hospital reo expansian plans. 24. That a grant 'Of $2,300.00 be given to the Quad County Assaciation for the Mentally Retarded. 25. That the Memamndnm from the Ministry of Community and Social Services reo Community Centres Act be filed. 26. That the letter from the Minister 'Of the Mi:nistry of Tre,asury, Economics and Inte,rgavernmental Affairs addressed ta Mr. Douglas l1add be tabled. All of which is respectfully submitted. B. A. LYLE, Chairman. ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT St. Thomas, Ontario Jan!1ary Sessian, 1974 Ta the Warden and Members 'Of the Council of The Oaunty of Elgin: Your Road Committee begs to repart as foIIows: The foIIowing isa Summary of Costs of C'Onstruction and Maintenance on County and Sl. Thamas Suburban Road Com- missian Raads during 1973. CONSTRUCTION - COUNTY ROADS 1. Road Na. 2 from Road Na. 3 to High- way No. 76-Vi1lages of Rodney and West Lome and Tawnship of Aid- borough-Drainage, Seeding, etc... 15,152.83 I !I 30 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 2. Road No.3 fmmHighway No. 3uo Port Glasgow, Aldborough Township . -Surveys, Storm Drains, etc. 3. Road No; 3 from Thames River south- erly for approximately 4 miles, AId- borough Township-Granubar Base, Hot Mix Aspha1t Paving, Snouldering and Guide Rails 4. Road NO.3 from 1 mile noTlh of Road No.9, noTlherly for 1 mile, Aldbor- ough Township-Surv,eys, etc. . 5. Road No.3 in the Village of Rodney- Surve,ys, Engineering, etc. '6. Road No.4 in the VH1age of Rodney- Surveys, Engineering" etc. 7. Road No. 13-Shackleton Street, Vil- lage od' Dutton-Hot Mix Paving, etc... 8. Road No. 14 from Jona Station to Road No. 13, Townships of Southwold 'and Dunwich~Surface Tr€'atmenrt, Seed- ing, etc. 9. Road No. 16-vicinity of Port Talbot CuI~eTls,TownsmpofDunwich-Sur- face Treatment, Guide Rails, Seeding, etc. 10. Road No. 20-Carlow Road Extension -Village of PoTl Stamey-Curb, Gut- ter, Paving, etc. 11. Road No. 36-Highway No.3 to Spar- ta, Township of Yarmouth, Suri'ace Treartment, Seeding, etc. 9,019.87 163,780.05 1,175.11 587.53 301.74 6,717.36 10,884.20 19,302.41 19,094.10 42,434.65 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 12. Road No. 40 from Mount Salem to Road No. 42, Township of Malahide,- Grading, Granular Base, Surface Treatment, etc. 13.' Road No. 42 from Road No. 50 (Chat- ham Street) easterly 1 mile in the Vil- lage of Port Burwell 'and Township of Bayham - Gnading, Surface Treat- ment, etc. 14. Road No. 44 from Road No. 46 to Highway No. 3 in Township of Bay- ham-Grading, Granul,ar Base, and Surfoace Tr€'atment 15. Surveys ~or New Work on various roads 16. Garag€' Construction (White Station) 17. Land Purchase 18. New Madhinery 19. MisceUaneous Grading Construction.. Credit 20. Sales Tax Refund (Net After Commis- mission Deducted) Ministry of Trans- portationand Communications will claim nearly all of this amount as a Receivable as the Commission is not recognized as a subsidizable expendi- ture. 21. Machinery Ownership Costs charged to Accounts Receivable', Development Roads and Townline Accounts . . Credit TOTAL 31 172,129.40 15,335.70 45,282.55 5,900.36 229,969.04 21,331.16 28,846.30 1,635.82 3,279.88 48,196.70 757,403.60 32 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL TOTAL CONSTRUCTION FOR THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 765,445.69 MAINTENANCE - COUNTY ROADS 1. Bridges 2. Flngal Bridge 3. WardsvilIe Hrldge (50% "Iready charged to County of Middlesex) . 4. Culverts 5. Winter Control (1972 Expenditure $122,466 & (1971 Expenditure $111,591).. 6. Hot Mix Asphalt Resurfacing (County Road No. 40 Malahide, Township) Road No. 45 Bayahm Township, Road No.3 north.of Road No.9 Aldborough 'I1ownship, Road No. 11, Southwold 'I1ownship 7. Shouldering, Ditching, etc. Road No. 45 between Highway No. 19 and Cal- ton, Bayham Township ROAD CONSTRUCTION BY THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION L Road No. 30 (Radio Road) Surveys, Surface Treatment at Patter,son Cul- verts, etc. 2. Rnad No. 22 (Fairvie,w Ave.) Surveys, Fencing 3. Land Purchase TOTAL 4,014.19 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 33 8. Shouldering, etc. Road No. 40, after Hot Mix Resurfacing ...................... 1,584.89 9. Surface Treatment . 28,135.75 10. Gravel Resurfac1ng .... 14,206.03 11. Repairs to p.avements . 23,375.27 12. Grading Maintenance ........................... 14,395.47 13. Roadside Maintenance .............. 14,723.94 14. Dust Control....... ................ ................... 22,307.86 15. Weed Control 23,925.76 16. Tree Cutting .................................. 11,242.29 17. Pavement Marking ........ 14,743.28 18. Guide Rails ................................. ...... ... 2,661.43 19. Signs 20,383.34 20. Drainage .... .................... 19,406.18 21. Tree Planting ..... ......... ............... 642.20 22. Railroad Protection .................. ........... 12,817.29 23. Drainage Assessments ......................... 5,022.75 24. Rebates to Towns '>IUd Vmages . 33,524.55 TOTAL 603,609.89 Credit 4,757.69 729.79 8,042.09 8,115.15 12,359.81 5,423.97 8,953.56 72,825.07 216,434.91 OVERHEAD (COUNTY) 1. Superintendence- (County Engineer- General Superintendent-- Assistant Superintendent) 29,542.54 16,399.14 34 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 2. Clerical.................... ........... ....... ........... 21,461.27 3. Office . . . .. .......... ................. ............ 4,508.50 4. Garage .............. ....... ........ ............ 32,937.14 5. White Station Gravel Pit Rehabilita- tion ............................................. 358.22 6. MisceLlaneous Repairs. ....... .. .... ........ 7,548.54 7. Tools ........ .................,...................... 8,283.40 8. Radio ...... ....... ........ ....... ..... ....... ......... 2,949.03 9. Insurance. .......... .. ... .... ...... ........ ....... 10,504.39 10. Pensions (Canada & OMERS) .......... 29,757.94 11. Permits ......................... .................... ..... 40.00 12. County Shar.e of U.I.C. Contributions 5,832.60 13. Holidays with Pay.................... ..... 47,746.92 14. Sick Benefits ..... ........ ........... ..... ......... 21,054.91 15. County Share of Ontario He,alth In- surance Plan .......... ........ ....... ................ 10,281.60 16. Employees' Medicals ..... .............. 801.86 17. Needs Study Update ..... ........ ......... 111.72 18. T,raffic Counts .... ......................... 2,728.47 19. Training Courses .......... .................... 469.12 20. MachiUCory Overhead ...... ......... ........ 4,607.41 21. Overhead charged to 'l'ownline and Development Road Accounts ... ............ Credit 2,136.24 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 22. Overhead oharged to Provincial Muni- cipal Incentive Progr8JllUIle (Winter Works) . .......... ........... ................ Credit 35 1,393.12 23. Overhead charged to Accounts Re- ceivable .................................. ......... Credit 24. Insurance - Not Subsidized by Min- istry of Transportation and Communi- cations 8,289.15 1,048.33 25. Miscellaneous Unsuhsidized Expendi- tures Total of Overhead Maintenance & Overhead, St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Total Maintenance & Overhead For County and Suhurban Roads SUMMARY Construction Maintenance & Overhead Sub-Total Add 1973 Stock Balance Sub-Total ............. .... ................. Less 1972 Stock Balance GRAND TOTAL Subsidy from the MTC ~or 1973 was $1,072.- 000.00. 'I.1he Cost to the City of SI. Thomas of St. SI. Thomas Suburban Road Commission ex- penditures is 6,883.21 AND THE COUNTY of Elgin share cf the total expenditures is 534,045.00. The County Road Levy for 1973 was $540,000.00. In addition, the following work was done for others. 273.76 231,029.16 31,577.35 866,216.40 765,445.69 866,216.40 1,631,662.09 40,599.34 1,672,261.43 59,333.22 1,612,928.21 36 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 1. Under the Development RO'ad Programme from January 1st. to' Mar,ch 31st 1973, . (a) Development Road No. 930, being CO'un- ty Road No. 45 from Highway No.. 4 to RO'ad No. 16 in Township O'f YarmO'uth Southwold . . (b) DevelO'pment Road NO'. 1023 being County RO'ad No. 16 from Fingal to' St. ThO'mas in ,the Township of SouthwO'Id 2. Pr<>vinoial Municipal Inc-entive Progr,amme. (Winte,r Work) . 3. WO'rk O'n County.Boundary RO'ads & .Br'idges -and billed to. CO'untie,s of Middlesex & Oxford .4.. WO'rk for local Municipalities, Provincial Government City O'f st. Thomas and var'ious Material SO'ld.. 5,482.25 11,162.73 19,250.00 26,167.61 202,011.47 264,074.06 TOTAL TOTAL EXPENDITURES FOR 1973- $1,877,002.27 2,205,292 in 1972 2,285,296 in 1971 2,711,580 in 1970 3,081,820 in 1969 3,139,336 in 1968 This compares with WE RECOMMEND 1. That the Warden name delegates to the Ontario Good Roads AssO'ciation Convention and to .the RO'ads and Transportation Associati<m ConventiO'n formerly the Oanadian Good RO'ads Association) and to the member- ship fee for both organizations to' be. p-aid. 2. That ,a By-Law be passed authorizing the Wiarden and Clerk to sign Land Plans expropriating Land as nece's- sarytO' widen CO'unty Road~ in 1974. It is necessary that such By-Laws be passed ye-arIy. 3. That we notify McKay, McKay, Vedova and Oameron, SolicitO'rs for the 'Elgin County Board of EducatiO'n that the Coulllty of Elgin as one of the abutting 'O,wners of the West LO'me PUhlic SchO'ol grO'unds is not intere,sted in the purchase of the. property for road purposes. All of whic-h is respectfully submitted. D. K. Mc-KILLOP, Chairman ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 37 AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1973 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultuml CO'mm.tt€oe reports as f.ollows: 1. That a grant of $3,000.00 he, made to the local Agricul- tmal Office for farm organizations and Junior Farmers and In- stitute groups in the Oounty of EIg.in for 1974. 2. That the Warden, Re.eve Caverly, and Reeve Cook be a committee to allocate the grant. 3. That the memhers of the above Committee be paid, mem- hers wages fO'r their se'rvioes. 4. That the grants to the Agricultural and Horticultural Societies be on the same hasisas last year, equal to the provin- cial grants. 5. That the CO'Py of latter 'sent to Mr. Jackson Baker, County Weed Inspector, advising him that the Township of Southwold has not appointed a Weed Inspeator for the ye'ar 1974 'he. filed. 6. That the Warden, Re,eve Cav,er1y, Reeve Dennis, Mr. Jackson Baker and Mr. M. Thompson Of the Ministry O'f Natural Resources, be a Cllminlttee to' meet with the Minister of Natural Resources on Tuesday, January 22nd at 3:00 p.m. at his office in the parliament Buildings,TorO'ntO'. 7. That mO'ral SUPPO'rt be given to the Elgin Plowmens AssociatiO'n in ,their efforts to have the InternMional PIO')'I'ing Match held in Elgin County .n 1980 and we recommend that the 1975 CO'uncil endO'rse this resolution. All .of which is respectfully submitted. W. R. CAVERLY, Chairm~n. 38 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FINANCE AND APPORTIONMENT COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1974 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Membern of the E~gin County Council, The Finance and Apportionment Committee reports as fol- IQws: 1. That the Reception and Entertainment Committee Re- port referred to this Committee be filed. All of whi~h is respectfully submitted. B. A. LYLE, Chairman. PERSONNEL COMMITTEES REPORT January Session, 1974 To the Warden and Memhers of the Elgin County Council, , The Personnel Committee reports as fol1ows: 1. . That the request of Mr. W. L. McCallum to carry on his employment past normal retirement to December 27, 1974, he recomlUended to CQunty Council and that his category be chang- ed to I.:abourer Grade II from F1oreman, and that any fringe bene- fits accruhig to him as of January 31, 1974, be settled at the rate of pay earned at that time. All of which is respectfully sulhmitted. K. C. EMERSON, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 3!,1 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE January Session, 1974 To the Warden and MemheTs of the Elgin County Council, The County Govemment Committee repoTts as follows: 1. That the letter from the' Provincial Se'cretary for Justice Re: Green Pape,r 'On Sunday as a Common Da(\' of Rest and Uni. form Store Hours be filed. 2. That the A.C.R.O. December Newsletter be filed. 3. That the lette,r from the University of Weste11n Ontario and minutes od' the meeting held with County Clerks and Treas- urers 'on NovembeT 24, 1973 be filed. 4. That the resolution from the C'Ounty of LamMon reo responsibility for the enforcement of the Construction Safety Act 'be filed. 5. That the Draft of .an Ontario Building Code received from the Ministry of Consume'r and Commercial Relations he tabled and the three Elgin Planning Boards be asked if they received a copy. 6. That we accept the recommendations contained in the resolution from the Township of Bayham reo garbage coUection and disposal and that the Warden name a committee to investi- gate these re,commendations. 7. That we authorize the Elgin County Land Division COJ:l:Jr mittee to take out membership in the Provin~ial Association of Committees of Adjustmentaud Land Division Committees for the Secretary-Treasure'r ,and two members. 8. That the Land Division Committee members be paid the same ,remuneration as councilJors fora full day meeting if they find it necessary to hold a full day meeting. 9. We recommend that Mr. J. McKinlay of Y'armouth and Mr. N. Tufford of Southwold be added to the Land Division Committee. . All of. which' is. respectfully submitted. J. B. WILSON, Chairman. 40 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROPERTY COMNUTTEE REPORT January Session, 1974 T-o the Warden and Members 'Of the Elgin County Council, The Praperty Cammittee reports as foHo,ws: 1. That the Property Ooml!1ittee investigate the passibility 'Of converting the pmsent Oounty of Elgin Library Buildlng into a Caunty of Elgin Municip"l Building -ta house, the Council Cham- ber and Cle'rk-Tre"S1Ur-8'r'S office and they be given pawer to engage a consultant to prepare plans far this canversion if they deem it ,advis'abl8'. 2. That Warden Lal<e and Reeve Oaverly approach the Min- istry -of Justice to enquire into their . plans for accommodat1on in the future. All of which is respectfvIly submitted. C. S. YOUNG, Chairman. EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1974 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin C'Ounty Council, The Educational Cammlttee reports as f'rulows: 1. That 'a scholar,ship gmnt of $100.00 each be made to the two boys ,and twa girls frOm Elgin County attending the Unive,r- sity of Wemenn Ontaria and attaining the highest academic ,stand- ing. ln case tw'O boys or two girl\Sdo not qualify the award may be gi\'en t'O the "our top students. 2. Thata gmnt of $100.00 each 'he made to the two students from E,lgin County attending Ridgetown College of Agricultural Te'chnalogy and 'attaining the highest academic standing, 3. That a grant of $100.00 each be made to the two hays and two girls from Elgin County attending Guelph University and attaining the highest academic st"nding. 4. That 'a scholarship grant of $100.00 each be made to the two students fram Elgin County attending Waterla'O Univer- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 41 sity and attaining the highest academic standing. 5. That a scholarship gr.ant 'Of $100.00 each be made to the twa students from Elgin County attending Wilfred Laurier Uni- versity and attaining the highest academic standing. 6. That Mrs. Fr8'd Barnum bearppointed to the County Lih- rary Board fur 1974, 1975 and 1976. 7. That the Warden be the County of Elgin representative for 1974 'On the Assembly 'Of the University 'Of Western Ontario. 8. We recommend that the Warden, Reev,e Dennis, Reeve Kahnt and Reeve Cook he the County ,of Elgin representatives an the Elgin County Baard 'Of Education Liaison Committee for 1974. 9. That the County members 'On the New Public Library Committee be appointed by 1I11e County Library Baard. 10. Mr. E. Wells, C'Ounty Libmrian presented the Elgin Oounty Library Report and the proposed Ubrary Board 'Operating budget fO'r 1974. That the 1974 budget of the Elgin County Library Board requiring a net levy of $185,700.00 hy the Caunty 'Of Elgin be approved. 11. That j)uture use 'Of the present library huilding be refe,rr- ed t'O the Pr'Operty Committee. All of which is respectfully submitted. M. A. KAHN'!', Chairman. 42 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN, By.Law No. 2294 "Being a By-Law to Appoint a Land Division Committee" WHEREAS Section 30 'Of The. Planning Act p1'Ovides ful' the constitution and app'Ointment ofa Land DivisionComm1ttee. NOW THEREFORE, The Council of the Corporation of the County 'Of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT a Land Division Committee is herehy constituted and the following persons are herehy appointed to mem- her,ship 'On the said Committee. Walter D. Nelson - to hold office until January 1, 1975. Jahn V. McKinlay - to hold office until January 1, 1975. Donald M. McKillop - to hold office unti1 Janua'ry 1, 1976. Nohle G. Tufford - to hold office until January 1, 1976. Harold G. Charlton - to hold office ll'ntil January 1, 1976. A. Bruce McCallum - to hold office until January 1, 191'7. Frank P. Stwhhs - to hald office until January 1, 1977. 2. THAT the members 'Of the Land Divisi'On Committee he paid the followlt;g' remuneration for attending meetings of the said Committee: (a) In attending a meeting of the C'Ommittee when it is held in.boththe farenoon and 'afternoon or oevening of the same daY-$40.00 (b) F'o'r attending a meeting of the Committee when it is held in either the forenoon, afternoon or the evening-$25.00 (c) In ,addition to the above remune,ration each member shaH be paid .15c for each mile necessarily travelled in attend- ing sU<Jh meetings. 3. Each member shall be paid, in "ddition to the above re- muneration, $10.00 for each applicatian which hoe investi- gates. 4. THAT By.Law No. 2289 'he and the same is herehy repeal- ed. READ a first time this 17th day 'Of January, 1974. READ a second time this 17th day of January, 1974 READ 'a third time and f.naHy passed this 17th day of January, 1974. H. L. JOHNSTON, RONALD L. LAKE, Clerk Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 43 COUN'I'YOF ELGIN , By-Law No. 2295 "A By-Law to Authorize The Expropriation of Land for The Purpose of Widening and Improving County Roads." WHEREAS under Seetion 336 'Of the Municipal Act, being Ohapte'r 284, R.S.O.1970, the COll'ncil of every Corparatian may pass By-Laws f'Or acquiring or expropriating any land required far the purpose of,the Corp'Oration. AND WHEREAS in the eJ<emise of its powel's and in pedQr- mance of its obligations under The Pu1blic Transportation and Highway Improvement Acts and other statutes, the COl'poratian of the 'County of Elgin finds, or may find, that it is nece,ssary to expropriate lands for widening, improving, protecting from ero- sion, altering or divel'ting the County Roads shown on schedUle "A" as ,attached: BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED hy the Corporation of the County of Elgin: 1. That the Warden and Clerk of the County of Elgin be, and are, "uthorized to sign any and all pll'ns pertaining to land expl'opl'iation for County Roads shown on Sclhedule "A", and to affix thereto the. Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin and to register the same in the Conntyoi Elgin Registry Ofiice. 2. That the T,'easure'r be,,,nd is herehyauthorized to pay to the owners of the lands hereby expropriated, such amoll'nts as may be agmed upon as comvensati'On for the l"nds exprapriated, or such compension as may be determined by arbitration under provisions of the EJ<propriations Act, being Chapter 154, R.S.O. 1970. READ a first time this 17th day 'Of January, 1974. READ 'a second time this 17th day of January, 1974. READ a third tilne and finally passed this 17th day 'Of January, 1974. H. L. JOHNSTON, Clerk RONALD L. LAKE, Warden 44 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 45 COUNTY OF ELGIN SCHEDULE A OF BY-LAW No. 2295 1974 10. County Road 33 Lots 1 & 2, Concession VIII, Township of Yarmouth. Lots 20 & 21, Conce,ssion II & III, Township of Malahide. Lots 6, 7, & 8, Concession VIII & Conoession IX, Township of Bay!ham. Lots 1 to 15, inclusive, Conces- sion IV & V, Township of Bay- ham. Lots 1 to 8 inclusive, R"nge II North of Edgeware Road and Oonce,ssion X, Y'armouth Town- ship. Lots 1, 2, & 3, Concessions C & D, Township of Southwold. Lot 41 and Lot A, East of Talbot Road, NOJ,th Branch, SouthwoId Township. 11. County Road 40 1. Oounty Road 3 2. County Roads 8 & 15 - Lots 8 & 9 Conceseions III & IV, Aldborough Township. Lo'ts 18, 19, 20, & 21, East of Main Street, Registe'red PIan No. 63 and that part of unsub- divided lot in the rear of Lots 19, 20, 21, 22, & 23 West of Cur. rie Street. (Part of Lot 12 Oon. "A") Registered Plan No. 63, all in the Village of Dutton. Lots 23 to 25 Concession XI Township of Dunwich. Lots 4 to 17 inclusi'i'e, north and south of Talbot Ro"d E'ast Branch, Township of Southwold. Lots 7 & 8, Concessions IV, V, VI & VII, Township of Yarmouth. Lot 2, Oonce,ssion IX (or Lot 47 North of Talbot Road) Township of Yarmouth. Lots 8 & 9, Range I & II North of Edgeware Road and Conces- sions X, XI, XII, XIII, & XIV, Township Of Yarmouth. Lots 4 & 5, Range I and II, North Of Edgeware Road, Township of Yarmouth. Lots 13, 14 & 15 Concession VII. Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, & 16, Con- cessions VIII. Lots 15 & 16, Concession IX. Lots 84, 85, & 86, North of Tal- bot Road. All in the Township Of Malahide. 16. County Road 52 12. County Road 44 13. County Road 45 14. County Road 52 3. County Road 16 15. Oounty Road 52 4. County Road 16 5. County Road 22 6. County Road 26 7. Oounty Road 30 8. County Road 31 9. County Road 32 46 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2296 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of The Council of The Corporation of The County of Elgin at the January Session, 1974." WJIEREAS by section 9, of the Municipal Act, being Chap- ter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; AND WHEREAS by subse'ction 1 of section 241 of the Muni- cipal Act, being chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powe,rs of every Council are to be exercised by By- Law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceed- ings of the Council of the Corporation 'Of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed "nd adopted by By-Law; , NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Oounty of Elgin Enacts as foHows: 1. THAT action of the Council of the Corporation of the Oounty of Elgin in respect of each re,commendation contained in the Repovts of the Committees and eoach motion and resolution passed and 'Other action taken by the Council 'Of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the January 1974 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such pvoceedings were eJ<pressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. THE Warden l'nd proper officials of the Corporation of the Oounty of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessa,ry to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corp'oration of the County of Elgin referred to in preceding section he,reof. 3. THE Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in lihat 'behalf and to affix there- to the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. RiEAD a first time this 17th day of January 1974. READ a second time this 17th day of January 1974. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of January 1974. H. L. JOHNSTON, Clerk RONALD L. LAKE, Warden ELGIN COUNTY, COUNCIL ,~ :i~ '~ , .Ii !i 1.1 !I I,' 11 il II I !~; i:i! II' I'! ,", 'f' il Ji )1 47 FEBRUARY SESSION - FIRST DAY Wednesday, the 20th day of February, 1974 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjourrumeut. The Warden in the chair. All the member,S present except Deputy Reeve Schafer. Moved by Reeve Denmis Seconded by Deputy Reeve McBrien That the minute,s of the January 1974 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. -Carried. i:R The following communie>liions were read and refe'rred to the various com,mittees: From the Ridgetown CoHege of Agricultural TechnOlogy with 'appreciation of scholarships.~Filed. From Mr. R. K. McNeil, M.P.P. with copy of a letter he re- ceived from the Honourablie Leo Bernier ,regarding the resolu. tion passed hy Lambton County amd endorsed by Elgin re: tax el!emptions on wooillotsand payment of an annual woodlot main- tenance fee.-Rieferred to the Agrli:culturaI Committee. From the University of Waterloo with appreciation of schol- arships.-Filed. Fmm the St. Thomas Young Men's Christian Aissociation with appreciation of grant.-Filed. From the Ministry of Housing with lietter re': Validation of :I'itje, Section 29A of ,the Planning Act.-Filed. From the Bothwel1 Area Sports Centre with request for a , grant.~Referred to the Fin'ance and Apportionment Committee. ?; Fmm the University pf Guelph with appreciation of scholar- Shl,'p, ,s.-Filed. ",.'c .. .. From the Ontario Good Roods Association with resume of llilvities planned for ladies a~tending the 1974 Good Roads Cone 'CJj\ion.-Fdlied. 11.11 I '1 Iii !i I" ~i "i' r:1 II il 48 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN CaUNTYCOUNCIL 49 From the Mh1ffistry of the Solicitor G€IIleral with copy of the Verdict of Coroner's Jury rega'l'.d,ng the f,~t~l MVA 1.1 miles West of King's Highway No. 19 on Elgin CO'Unty Road No. 45.- Referred to the Road Committee. From the City Of SI. Oatharines with resolutiDn re:inform- iug the Minds!e,r of the Environment for Canada that the City of st. CAltharine's deplore's the recent decision of the Government of United States in withdr,awing funds which were budgeted f'Or pollution abatement work unde'r its Great Lakes Water Control Agreement with Canada.-Referred to the County Government Committee. .From. the Honourable Leo Bernier, Mlniste'r of Natural Re- sourCes with letter in reply to res'Olution reo Woodlot taxatio') and maintenance fee.-Referred to the Agricultural Oommittee. From the Ministry 'Of Transportation and Communications with Memo No. 74-2A Re.: M.T.C. Equipment Specifications and Meillo No. 74-3 The: Dispos'al of Surplus Land, Change in PoHcy Theg;ardingRate of Recovery.~Referred to the Road Oommittee. F1rom the United Coun1Jies of Prescott and RlUsse!l with reso- lution Re: The Provincial Government establishing a fee system .or IDt inspections and septic tll)nk in\<lpection.~Referred to the County Government Oommittee. From the Norfolk Field Naturalists CJJub with letter cOm- m,endillJg Council on the approach beding made to the waste dis- posal problem.-Filed. From Mr. Moidey Learn with l€'tter re: drainage problem on hils property, Lot 13, Concession 7, Township of Malahideadjoln- ing property owned by the County of Elgin.-Referred to the Property Committee. From the St. Thomas-Elgin Generlrl Hospital with "Break- down of Admissions for the Year 1973".-Filed. From the University of Western Ontario with appreciation of g;rant.-:F\iled. From Johnson Controls Limited with letter advising that they have completed temperature comro~ system~ inspections for 1973 advising of 'se'rvices for aooual maintenance of heating boller .and otherequipment.-Refevred to the Property Commit- tee. From the Ministry ,of Tre'~snry, Economics, and Int€'rgovem- mental AfJJairs with copy of "Background" permanent schedule set .or legislation affecting mUllJjclp'a]ities.~Filed. From the County of Victoria with resolution Re: Increlased Welfare Benefits.~R€'JJerred to the Social Se,rvice,s Oommittee. From the City of Bmntford with resrolution Re: portion of remuneration p"idto an €'Iected offiC~r t'O he aLlowed as expens'es incident ,to the discharge of his duties.-Referred to the Finance allJd Apportionment Committere. From the University of Western OntaI1io with copy of letter sent to Warden Lake conveying the. appreciation of the Univer- sity Delegation for the courteous and sympathetic reception given ~o their presentation at the January Session of Connty Council.-Filed. From the County of Lanark with resolution received from the Township 'Of North Elmsley Re': proposed increase in Ontario Hydvorate~.~Referred to the Finllince .and Apportionment Com- mittee. From Mr. 'John Spence, M.P.P. with letter of appreciation f'Or sending him a <lopy of the resolution poassed by Lamhton County wnd €IIldorsed by Elgiu County Council,' on the destruc- tion .of woodlots.-Filed. From Mr. John A. Pa.tl}n with appreciation of scholarship.~ Filed. From Herold and Phi1lips, Solicitors, with letter advising that a copy 'Of the Recognition Agreemernt rbetwe'en the Corpora- tianallJd the Elgin Oounty Employees ASsociation has he,en filed with the Ministry of Labour and that the Agreeme'lt haS been received in the CoHective Agreeme.nts Library, Re!search Branch. -F1iled. Fvom Mr. J. A. McBain, Acting Sheriff, wIth c'OPy of Grand Jury report to His Lordship Justice Mayer Lerne'r.-Refe'rred to the Prop'Elrty Committee. From the Youth Grl}up Against POH'IltiOIll and o~her people, with letter commooding Counci1 fDr its cons'ide'ration of a system Ofgarbag;e collection, disposal and recyclillJg of salvageahle mater- ials.~Filed. From the TiIisonb'l1rg and Dislirict Association for the Men- valley Retarded with appreciation of 1973 graut and request for a 50 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL gr'ant in 1974.-Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From Wilfrid Laurier University with appreciation of schol- arships.-FlIed. From the County of Gre:}' with resoIutlon re': i"vying for re- se'rves hy County B'Oards of Education.-Referred to the Finance "nd Apportionment Committee. From the Quad County Association for the Mentally Retard- ed with appreciation for gmnt.-Filed. ' Fi'om Mr. and Mrs. John VanBruwaooe with appreciation of schoiarships.-Flled. From the Airport Inquiry Coonmission with notice of the first Organi.ational and Public Hearings of the Commission at M"lton, Picl<e,ring '>IUd Toronto.-Referred to tl;1e County Govern- m~nt Committee. From the UniveTsity 'Of Weste:rn Ontario with appreciation of scholarships.--Filed. From the Ministry of Natural Resources with memorandum reo Flood Damage along the Great Lakies Shorelines.-Referred to the County Governmeni Committee. From the Ministry 'of Tre'asury, Economics and Intergo'v"rn' mental Mfairs with letter reo 1974 Mill Rates ill> relation to Ems 154 and 168.-Referred to the FillJance and Apportionment Com- mittee. Fi'om Mr. L. Va'nPatter, CI"rk of the Township of Ma'hahid" with letteT reo the tile dmin which is creating water probl"ms for Mr. Morley L"arn.-Refe,rred to the Property Committee. F'rom the '!1ownship of Dunwich with copy of Township By- Law No. 74-2 to authorize the stopping up 00' dos,ing and selling of a portion of the Road Allow"nce between Lots 18 and 19, Concession 6 in the Township of Dunwich and a letter requesting the County of Elgin to pass a by-law confirimrung Township By- Law No. 74-2.-Referr"d to,the Road Committee. From GenelTal Appraisal 'Of Oanada Limited with estimate for updating the appraisal done.in 1966 of the County Court Hous,e, J"il, Registry Office and Engineer's Office.-Referred to the Property Committe'e, , ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 51 From the Sele'ct Committee on MotolTized Snow Vehicles and A1I-Tervain Vehicles with statistics compiled by The Ontario Safety Le'ague.-Filed. Fi'om,the Township of Y"Imouth with application to the Ontario Municip,al Board for approv,,1 of a By-Law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section, 35 of, the Pla!ll!ning Act, Explanatory Note to Township of Yarmouth By'Law No. 2240 and a copy of By-Law No. 2240.-Refewed to the Road Commit- tee. From the Township of Southwold with application to the Ontario Municipal Board for appro'i'alof a By-Law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of the Planning Act, Explanatory Note to Township of Southwold By-Law No. 74-4 and a copy of By-Law 74-4.-Refe.nred to the Road Committee. From Mr. G. C. Leverto'n with resignatiou as Secre.tary- Treasure,r of the Elgin County Land Division Committe'e.-Re- "erred ,to the Persoonel Committee. From Ontario Hydro with lettelT giving dates and places of meetings reo 500KV Transmission Line Study Nanticoke-,-Lon- don.-Refe,med to the Road Committee. From Mr. K. J.McAipine with letter reo increase in rate's for Auctioneer's Liceuse.-Referred to the County Govemment Com- mittee. A delegation from The Elgin Regiment composed of Lt. Col. V. A. BaJJrie, Major Herb Warren llILd Major Shaw met with Council and it was moved by Re'eve Todd that the delegatio'll from the Elgin Regirnenilbe now heard. . MajOr Wal1l:en spoke' to Council advising that the Elgin Regiment (R.C.A.C.) has been invited to vilSit Scotland in the late summer of 1974 to coincide with festivitie's surmunding the 700th Ann<iversary of the birth of Robert the Bruce and request- ing a grant of $5,000.00 .over a two ye'alT period to help finance the trip. Warden Lake thanl<ed Major Waa-ren for his presentation .andreferred the matteT to th8' Finamce Committee. Mr. Joom Wise, M.P. was pr,esent and it was moved by Reeve Lyile that Mr. Wise be now heard. Mr. Wise 'addre,ss~d Council I<nd presented each Reeve with a Oanadian Flag for his municipality. 52 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCiL ELGIN COUNTY COUNClL 53 He alsQ re.quested that he and eX-Wll'rden Albert Auckland be peTmitted to meet with the Property CQmmittee reo the plant- ing ofa tree Bind placing of a plaque on the Court House grounds in appreciation of the ye'ars of service rendered to the CQunty of Elgin by the formeT W~rden amd CleTk-Treasurer, Mr. . J. D. Thomsolll. The Warden thanked MT. Wis.e and assured him that he and Mr. Auckland would be wel00me to meet with the Property CQm- mittee. The Report ,of the Road Committee was presented by Reeve McKJiIlop and adQpted 01.0 motion Qf Reeve McKillop and Reeve Lyle. The Repo1't of. the Elgin ManQr Committee was presented IlY Reeve HodgsQn and adopted on motion of Reeve HodgsQn and Reeve. Liebner. Reeve Winans advmed that the,re had been .a fatality in Port Stanley during the past month llind requested to meet with the RQad Committee. The request was granted. Reeve HQdgson advised that the HQnourable Rene Brunelle, Minister of Community and Social Services, will be meettng at the Malahide TQwnship O#iceat 2 o'clock p.m. on February 25th reo the site purchased for a se,cQnd Home For the Aged and ask- ed that as many cQuncillQrs as PQss.hle 'attend. Moved by Deputy Reeve McBrien Seconded by Reeve Dennis That we do now adjourn to moot again on February 20, 1974, at 2:00 p.m. '!1he Report cf the County Government .Com:mittee was pTe- sented hy Reeve Wilson and .adopted Qn motion of Reeve .WilsQn arud Deputy Reeve Whalils. , The Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Oaverly and adQpted Qn motion of Reeve Caverly and Reeve Lyle. The RepQrt of the Property Committee' was presented" by Deputy Reeve YQung aoo adopted on motion of Deputy Ree've Young arud Reeve Oavedy. . TheReport Q( theSQcial Se'ryices Committee W<lS presented by Reeve llates, and adopted on motion Qf Reeve Bates and De- puty Reeve deRyk. Moved by Reeve Eme'TSon Seconded by Deputy Reeve WhaIls That we cQntinue heyond 6 o'clock p.m. in Qrder to complete tQday's business. . -Oa'l'ifiied. ,Reeve Todd gave a verbal repmt of a mee,jj\ng he had at-. tended with respect to the pro pOised regi(}J;lIal jail and advised that he did nO\! approve of the proposed name-Lolndon District Regional Jail. ' ReeYe .Liebner gave a veTbal report{)f the OO'lnmitte'enamed tQ study the collectiQn and re-cycting cf gllTbage. It would bea veTY expensive operation to re-cycle garbage and YQU would need a continuQus ma\l'ket fQr the re-cycled mate,ria1. Ree,ve LiebneT proposed that if the County is gohtg -tQ get mvolved in the CQI- lectiQn and disposal of garbage it should start with a land fill system. \ MQved by.ReeveCav"rly Second"d bY Reeve. ])e~nis That By-Law No. 2297 "Be,ing a By-Law to Appoint a Secre. tary-T'reasurer of the County of ElglnLamd DivisiQn CQmmittee" be ;mad" first time. -Carried. CoonciI Re-Convened. The Report Qf the Finance and Apportionment CQmmittee woo presented by Reeve Lyle Bind adopted on mQtion Qf Reeve Lyle and Reeve Emerson. The RepQrt of the Personnel Committee was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Reeve MiskeIl;y. ~Carried. Moved by Reeve Lie'bner Seconded by Reeve Kahnt That By-Law No. 2297 be read a second time. -Carded. 54 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Reeve Ca"erly Seconded by Ree"e Dennis That By-Law No. 2297 be read a third time and finally pass- ed. ~Carried. Moved by Reeve Dennis Seconded by Reeve Johnston That By-Law No. 2298 "A By-Law to' Confirm By-Law NO'. 74-2 of the TOWlllShip of Dwnwich, Being a By-Law to Stop up O'r Close and Sell a Portlon of the RO'ad AllO'wooce Between Lots 18 and 19, Concession 6, in the Township O'f Dwnwich", be read a first time. Moved by Reeve Johnston Seconded hy Reeve Caver.]y . That By-Law No. 2298 be read a second time. MO'ved by Reeve WilsCln Seconded by Reeve Denms Th<at 'By-LaJw No. 2298 passed. -Carried. ~Carried. be re'ad a third timeood finally -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve deRyk SecClnded. by Reeve Dennis That By-Law NO'. 2299 "Being a By-Law to' Authorize the W'llO'den and the Olerk of the OO'unty O'f EIgrn to Sign an Agree- mclllt Between the Canadian Red Cross Society (SI. ThO'mas Er!lJOch) ,and the CO'unty O'f Elgin for Homemakers Services to be Supplied by the Canadian Red Cross Society (St. ThO'mas Branch)", be read 'a first. time. MO'ved by Reeve Dennis Seconded by Deputy Reeve deRyk That By-Law NO'. 2299 be read a second time. -Carried. -Cllrried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 55 MO'ved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve JO'hnstO'n That By-Law No. 2299 be read a third time and finally pass- ed.. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Simp,sO'n SecClnded by Reeve Todd That By-Law NO'. 2300 "Being a By"Law to Amend By-Law No. 2085 Ther.eby Adjusting the Salary of the Elgin County De- puty Clerk-Tre'asurer", be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Todd SecO'nded by Deputy Reeve Bepson That By-Lam No.' 2300 be read a second time. ~Carried. Moved 'by Reeve Liebnex Seconded by Reeve' Ka:hnt That By,Law NO'. 2300. be read a third time and finally pass- ed. -Carried. . MO'ved by Reeve Todd Seconded by Reeve LiebnO'r That By-Law NO'. 2301 "A By-Law to C!)rufirm Proceedings O'f the Council of. The Corporation of.the County of Elgin at the Febl'Wry Session, 1974", be re'ad a f'irst time. -Carried. MO'ved by Ree"e Kahnt SecO'nded by Reeve Tod\! That By-Law NO'. 2301 be read a secO'nd time. -Oarried. Moved by Reeve Liebner Seconded -by ReevO' Kahlllt That By-Law No. 2301 bO' read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. 56 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Ree've Todd Seconded by Re,eve Liebner That we d0' now adj0'urn to meet again on March 27, 1974, at 10:00 'a.m. . -Carried. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk R. hLake Warden FIRST'MAD COMMITTEE REPORT St. Thomas, Ontario February Se~sion, 1974 To the Warden and Membe,rs of The C0'urwil of 1.'he Oountyof Elgin, Your Road Committee 'begs t0' Report as follows: We have been nmified by the Ministry of Transpqrtati0'n and Communicati0'ns that the Subsidy AThocatton f0'r the year will be $1,123,000, This compares. with Provinctal Assistance of approxi- mately $1,108,000. for 1973 0'r an increase of approxim>>tely 1.35%. As inflat>onc0'sts are much g<relller the result will be a reduced pmgDamme of work in 1974. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a By-Law be p'assed c0'nfirming By,Law IE. 74-2 of the Township0'f Dunwich closing a portion 0'f the road all0'wance 'between Lots 18 and 19 in Concession VI of Dunwich T0'WlUship; All of whiCh is respe~tfully submitted. D. K. McKILLOP . Ohairman ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ~ [" I 1,1 ,1 II 1'1 ,I 57 ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT February Sessi0'n, 1974 To the Warden Ilnd Membe<rs of the Elgin County Council, The Elgin Manor Oommittee rep0'rts as fodlows: 1. The Administrator has beenauthOlrized to have the rose garden enclos'ed at a co"t 0'f $4,678.00 t0' en"arge the croa1Jt ro0'm, subject to the appro'val 0'f the Ministry of Community >>nd Soc- ial Services. 2. An Elgin Man0'r Donation Acc0'unt is to he opened, separate from the general balnk 'aceounts, with the Administ<rator and Assist"nt Administrator .as signing authorities. ALL of which i" re"pectfully submitted. J. W. HODGSON Cha'irman FINANCE AND APPORTIONMENT COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1974 To the Warden and Memhers of the Elgin County Council, The Finance and Apporti0'nment Committee reports as fol- low-s: 1. That the request 0'f the B0'thwell Area Sports Centre for a grant 'be filed. 2. Tha,t the resolution fr0'm the City of Brantford re: allowable expenses to an eleded officer be filed. 3. That the res0'lution from ,the Township of North Elmsley for- warded to us hy ,the County of Lanllrkre: p1roposed increas8' in Ontario Hydro rates he endorsed. 4. That the resolution from the CQunty of Grey re: levying for res ewes by County Boards of Education he filed. 5. That the letter from. the Ministry of Treasury, EC0'nomics and Jnte'rgovemmentlll Affairs Te: 1974 Mill Thates in relation to BiNs 154 'and 168 be filed. 58 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 6. That a grant of $2,5110.00 be made ~o the Tillsonburg and District Association for the Mentally Retarded. 7. 'I'hat the St. Thomas-E1gin Emergency Measures Organi~ation F.A.P. PreUminary Project No. 103 f.or the 1974/75 Fiscal Year be approved but that we meet with City Council and assess the v,alue we are receiving fifOm E.M.O. in the St. Thomas-Elgin area. 8. That we include $40,000.00 in the 1974 budget to provide for 'renovations to the County Library BuiIdtl]g. 9. That we make a grant of $2,500.001iothe Elgin Regiment to help defnay its expenses to Scotland this year and we recommend that the 1975 Council consider 'a further grant if one is needed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. is. A. LYLE Chairman PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1974 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin Connty Council, The Personnel Committee reports as foUows: 1. We have ,accepted, with regret, the resignation of Mr. G. C. Leverton as Secretary-Treasurer of the Elgin County Land Divis- ion Committee. 2. That the sala'ry of Deputy Clerk-Treasurer G. C. Leverton be $15,000.00 per annum with $3,000.00 of thiss'alary to be paid by the County Home. foo- the Aged and that the ne'w Secretary- Treasure.- of the Land Division Committee' be under his super- vision. 3. Tbat th!is Committee recommends to the County Govern- ment Committee that it 'approach the Provincial Gove.-nment with 'a view to having the fee for land severance applic'ations raised to a sum that will result in the land Division Committee being self.suppoTling fin"ruci"lIy. 4. That Mrs. Barbara Dixon be appolnted Secretary-Treasurer of the Elgin County Land Division Committee effective March 4, 1974, at a salary of $5,300.00 per annum payable bi-weekly ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 5rl and that a hy-Iaw be prepared for presentation to Council. 5. That the First Cook at Elgin Manor be pa,id a .15c pe.- hour . differential when she acts for the Food Supervisor effective for the year 1974. 6. Thatthe salary of Mr, Robert Parlcins, Maintenallce Super- visaT, Elgin Manor, he increllJsed to $9,360,00, effedive January 1st, 1974. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. K. C. EMERSON Chairman COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1974 To the Warden al]d Membe'rs of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as. foHows: 1. That the resolution from the City of St. Oatharines deploring the decision of the Government of the United States in with- drawing funds which were budgeted for pollution abatement work under its Gre'at Lakes Water Control Agreement with Can- ada be endorsed. 2. That the. resolution from. the United Counties of Prescott and Russell re: The Provincial G'oveJrnment est"blishing a fe,e system for lot inJspectiol]s and septic tank ,j'l>Spections be, elldors- ed and that a copy of this resolution be sent to our two I'rovin, cial Goverment members. 3.' That the notice of the first. organi~ational and public hear- ings of the Airport Inqulry Commission to be held at Malton, Pickering and Toronto be filed. 4.. That thememo""ndum .from the Mi:ni8try of Natural R.e- sources re: Flood Damage along the. Great Lakes Shorelines be filed. . . 5. That.Mr. K. J. .McAlpine be advised that the ElgIn County C"uncil considered oorefuHywhat the price of an. Auctioneer's license should be 'before passlngBy-Law No. 2283 and believes 60 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL that tbe price set is an equitable amount with respect to, other licenses .0'1' doing business and hope that it wrn protect the eslJab- lishedauctioneers from itinerant auctioneers. 6. That By-LllW No, 2283 be,refe-rred to our solicitor along with a copy of Mr. McAilpine's letter and that he amend the by- 1aw if be deems 11 necessary and offeraIll)' suggestions he might have, as to how the hy- IllW c,,-n be enforced. 7. That the Ministry of the Attorney Gene-ral be advised that the Elgiu County C.ouncil is opposed to the moving of the Sup- reme Court from St. Thomas to London as recommended in the Law Reform CommissIon Report. 8. That the Provinci31l Government be asked to increase the ma"imum that can he charged for Land severance applications to a ma"imum of $75.00 so that the Land Division Committee can be self-supporting financiaUy. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. J. B. WILSON Chaimlan AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1974 To the Warden and Membe'rs of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That the by-1aw to Restrict "nd Re,gulate the Destruction of tme!s by Cutting, Burruing or Other Mean~ as prepared by the Clerk m,d amended by tills Committee be sent to the Ministry of Natural Resources with a request that permissive legisJation to make the provisions in thisby-Jww enforceable, be provided .01' ill the Trees Act. That copies of this resolution be sent to the Minister, Parliamentary Assista,nt to ,the Minister, to Mr. Ron McNeil, M.P.P. and Mr. Jack Spence, M.P.P. and Mr. Fred Jack- son, Ministry of Natural Resources. 2. That the letter from Mr. R. K. McNeil, M.P.P. with copy of letter from the H.onourable Leo Bernier and the letter from Mr. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL '1'1 if I l'" ;1:, ;I :1 ii, ,~, II );'! )ll 5 :i [if 61 Bernier himself regarding tax exemption on w.oodlots and pay. ment of an annual woodlot maintenance fee be fHed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. W. R. CAVERLY Chairman PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1974 To the Watdenand Members of the Elgin County C()undl, The Property Committee reports as foll()ws: 1. That a copy of the Grand Jury Report to Mr. Justice Lerner, dated J'anuary 7th, 1974, be sent to Mr. E. E. Bond, Leasehold Administrator, Ministry of Government Services, for his infor- mation. 2. That General Appraisal Company of Canada be engaged to' re.appraise the Court House, Jail, Registry Office and Old Gov- ern.or's Residence at a cost .of $2,300.00 plus out of town expenses and that we attempt to have the Ministry of Government Services pay their portion .of this undertaking. 3. That the letter from Johnson Controls, January 22, 1974 be tabled. 4. That the County of Elgin purchase the plaque and the ex- waroens Association plant the tree in honour of Mr. J. D. Thom- son and that the CoUnty replace the present tree that was plant_ ed in honour of Mr. Mc~ay. 5. That the Councillors' Accident Potlicy be amended to inclUde 25,CouncilIors and 7 members of the County Land Division Com- ini1!tee >Iud that the Fire Insmance. poacy be increased to $995, 000.00, an addition of $65,000.00 for the buildings located on the Court House block, exclusive of theo Llbrar<y. 6. That the County Engineer be requested to investigate the problem of drainage with respect to the County's property east of Aylmer which abuts Mr. Morley Le'a'rn's prope,rty and report back to the Committee'. 62 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL I III .~ I II II ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 63 7. That we recommend to the Finanoe and Apportionment Committee that an amount of $40,000.00 be inserted in the 1974 budget FOr alte,mtions to the Library buiMing. ALL of which is respectful,ly submitted. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2297 "Being a By-Law to Appoint a Secretary.Treasurer of The County of Elgin Land Division Committee." WHEREAS it is deemed ,advisable to appoint a Seoretary- Treasumr of the Elgin County Land Division Committee. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Oonnty of Elgin enacts .as follows: 1. That Mrs. Barbara Dixon be and is hereby appointed Seoretary-Treasurer of the E.lgin County Land Division Commit- tee. . C. S. YOUNG Chairman SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1974 To the Warden and Memb€Ts of the' Elgin County Council, The Soci"l Servioes Committee reports as follows: 1. We reoommend that a student be accepted on field placement fT()m F1anshawe College. 2. We reoommend that the Policy Proposals reo Permissive Legislation Under The General Welfare Assistance Act be ape proved. 3. We reoommend that the Soeiwl Services Budget for 19.74 as presented by Administrator Robert BeB, requiring $98,- 245.33 to be raised by the County of Elgin, be apprcved. 4. We 'recommend thlll the res01ution from the County of Victoria Welfare Committee reo increase in welfare assistance be filed. 5. We recommend that the Agreement between the Cana- dillU Red Cross Society (St. Thomas Branch) and the County of Elgin reo Homemake.rs Services, be approved and that a By-Law authorizing the Wavden and Clerk to sign the agreement he prepared and pres'ented to Council. 6. That we advise The Canadian Red Cross Society (St. Thomas Branch) that we waive preparation of a new agreement for rate change,s only and that a letter advising of a proposed rate change will suffice for County Council oonsideration. ALL ,of which is respectfully submitted. 2. That the salary of the Secretary-Tmasurer of the County of Elgin Land Division Committee shall he Fifty-Three Hundred Dollars ($5,300.00) per annum, payable bi-weekly. 3. That this By-Law shall beoome effe'ctive on the 4th day of March, 1974. READ a first time this 20th day of February, 1974. READ a seoond time this 20th day of February, 1974. READ a third time and finaUy passed this 20th day of Feb, mary, 1974. H. 'L. JOHNSON Clerk Hil R. L. LAKE Wa1rden 1'1 I!I C. W. BATES Acting Chairman COUNTY OF ELGIN By.Law No. 2298 "A By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 74-2 of The Township of Dunwich, being a By.Law to Stop Up or Close and Sell a Portion of the Road Allowauce between Lots 18 and 19, Concession 6, in The Township of Dunwich". WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Dunwich oln the 4IVh day of February, 1974, A.D. did pass By-Law No. 74-2 to dose and dispose of a portion of the Road Allowance between Lots 18 'and 19, Concession 6, in the Township of Dunwich more par- i" III 64 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 65 ticularly described in By"L"w 74-2 of the, 'Do_ship of Dunwich, a true copy of which is hemunto anneJ<ed. AND WHEREAS pursuant to the pravlsians of the Munici- p,,1 Act the said Township By- La,w shall not have any force until confirmed by a By-Law of the Council of the County in which the Township is situated, passed at an ordinary meeting of the Oouncil held not later than one ye"r afte'r the pas~ing of the By-Law of the Council of the Township. AND WHEREAS applic"tion has been made to the Council of the Corpo!ratlon of the County af Elgin for a By-Law confirm- ing the said Tawnship of Dunwich By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corpo<ration of the County of Elgin enacts 'as follows: THAT By-Law No. 74-2 of the Township of Dunwich, being a By-Law to oloseand dispose of a portion of the Road Allow- ance between 'Lots 18 and 19, Concession 6, ilr> the Township of Dunwich be and the s'ame is here'by conf'iI'llled. READ a first time this 20th day of February, 1974. READ a 'second time this 20th day of February, 1974. READ a third time and final'lw p"ssed this 20th day of Feb- ruary, 1974. H. L. JOHNSON R. L. LAKE Clerk Warden AND WHEREAS the O(}uncil olf this Municipality feels that this power should be exe:roised as re'g1ards a portian of the Ra'ad Allowance betwooln Lots 18 and 19, Conces~"on 6, in the Town- ship;of Dunwich. AND WHEREAS the Mun[cipal Cmpomtion of the Town- ship of Dunwich has complied with SectiO'!> 446 of the Municipal Act as to advertising ,their intention of closing ,md dispO'sing of a portion of the Road Allawance between Lats 18 and 19, Con. ce,ssion 6, inuhe To'wnship of Dunwi,ch. THEREFORE the Municipal Oouncil of the Township of Duu- wich enacts as follows: LTHAT a portion of the Road Allowance betwe..nLots 18 ,and 19, Concession 6, In the Township of Dunwich, shall he closed, and which ,said pO'rtiO'n is mom particularly descrihed asf,a[lows: ALL AND SINGULAR that centain parcel O'r tract of land and premises situate lying "nd being [n the Township af Dun- wich, in the Count,y of Elgin and Prov1m<Je of Ontario, being com- posed of all tlhat part of the Ra"d Allowance between LOots 18 and 19, CQIIlcession 6 in the said Township ly[ng nlO'nth-westerly of a line which may be more particularly descmhed as ~o'llaws:- PREMISING that the bearing of the north"e'aste'fly limit of LOot 18, Concession 6 is north 44'02' west, all beaorings he're;n being related there'to. COMMENGINGat " point in the nmth-c'asterly limit af s'aid Lot 18, COll'cess,ion 6 distant 623.88 feet measured O'n ll,bearing of south 44'02' east therean fmm the normherly angletheu-eof. THENCE north 45058' east, a distance of 66.00 feet to its intersectian with the south-we,ste!rJJy limfut of said Lot 19, Con- cession 6. 2. THAT the Reeve and Treoasurer be au!Jhorized to dispose of and convey title to the Pur,chase'r of the a'hove portion of land. 3. THIS By-law shald come intO' :l'orce and !Jake .effect on and af.ter its confjpmation by the Cauncil of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, 'wnd its regist['!(tion in the Registry Offlice of the Registry Divisi:on of the Cannty of Elgin. READ a first and seco:nd time and FINALLY PASSED this 4th day of F.ebruary, 1974. DUNCAN K. McKILLOP F. D. McPHERSON Reeve Clerk By-Law Number 74-2 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF DUNWICH Beiug a By-Law 'to authorize the stopping up or closing and selling of a portion of thc Road Allowance between Lots 18 and 19, Concession 6, in the Township of Dunwich. WHEREAS under Chapte.r 284, Section 443 of the Municipal Act, the Council of 'any Municipality is given the power to pass by"laws :l'or stc>ppirug up and disposing of an~ highway 0'< pa'rt thereof within !Jhe Mun,cipaHty. 66 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By.Law No. 2299 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk of The County of Elgin to Sign an Agreement between the Cana- dian Red Cross Society (St. Thomas Branch) ;md the Connty ofElgl.. for Homemakers Services to be supplied by the Canadian Red Cross Society (St. Thomas Branch)." WHEREAS it is deemed advisable for the County 0If E'lgin to enter i..to an 'agreement wilth the Canadian Red Cross Society (St. Thomas Branch) to have the SoCiety providl' Homemakl'rs Services to residents 0If the County of Elgin when such service is deemed necessary by the County of Elgin Social Services Di- rector. NOW THEREFORE thir Council of the Corporation of 'the County 0If Elgin enacts asfolIows. That the W"rden and Clerk of the County Of Elgin be and are hereby <lruthorized to sign an agreement between. the Cana- dian Red Cross Society (St. Thomas Branch) and the County <>f Elgin for Homemake,rg Se,rvices a copy of said agreement is attached hereto and marked Annex "A". READ a first time this 20th day of February, 1974. READ a second time this 20th day of February, 1974. READ ,a thil'd time and finlllllypassed this 20th day of Feb- ruary, 1974. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk' R. L. .LAKE Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 67 ANNEX' "A" THIS AGREEMENT made the 20th day .of February, 1974 .BETWEEN: THE CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY (ST. THOMAS BRANCH) he'reinafter called the Society OF THE FIRST PART TilE COUNTY OYELGIN hereinafter called the C.ounty OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Society has undertaken to supply homemak- ers pursuant to the provisions of The Homemakers and NurSes Services Act, R.S.O. 1970, "nd is an organization approved by the Minister under the said Act; NOW THEREFORiE THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH that in .consideration of the premises the parties hereto mrutualIycov- enant and agree e'ach with the other as folll1ows: 1. . The Society shall furnish the services Of a homemaker upon the terms and condiltions hereinaf.ter set forth, subject to the pro- visionsiof The Homemakers and Nurses Services Act, R.S.O. 1970, and. amendments the'reto and subje'ct to the regulations thereunder, namely: (a) for households in which there is a <lhiId who might (lthe'r- wise 'he cared for in'other than his own home during the temporary absence, illness or convale'scence of his moth- er or other person in whose charge he'. is, where an adult is avai1abIe to furnish' any care that the chiildmay require when the homemaker is not on duty; or (])) 'for a'pe'rsohwho is eMerly, handic'apped, mOl' convales- cent and who requ1r'll' such services on a part"time 0'" visi-' tation basis, inOO1der that hema;y remain in his own home w)1ere 'an adult is avaiI"ble to furnish any care that he may require when the homelllaker is not on duty. (c) for househoIds in which the standJa.rd")f' housekeeping requires improveme!tlt to. av'oid.. faill'l.iIia!! or financial diffi- culties whiCh a"e JikJeIy t~ cause 0'\: contribute to depeud- ency on pUblic 'assistance: 68 ELGJN COUNTY COUNCIL 2. The're shall he noohligatioru upon the Couruty to pay for the said services so long as, arud to the el[tent that, the fiooncial circumstances 'of the pHrson applying fot such se~vices shall pe~- mit him to pay for the same as determiued by bhe, Regulations; arud if sons Or daughte'J'S of the said pe~sonare able to pmvide paymerut for the service the County may not accept financial responslhility. 3. Where the pe,rsons's firuancia~ c;rcumstances as dete,rmined by the Regulati,)U!s do not permiihim Iio pay in full the fees for such se1rvice's, thery may, with the app~o'V'al of .the County Wel- f'are Administrator, be paid in whole 01' in part by the County. 4. Subject to compliance with the Homemakers arud Nurses Services Act, R.S:O. 1970, and, amendment's the,reto, and to the Regulations thereunde1', the County agrees to pay for the ser- "ices furnished by the Society under this agreement at the rate of $18.50 per e'ight hour day or $2.35 per howr with a minimum charge of four hours, suhject to an overtime rate of time and one-half for services furnished on Saturdays, Sundays or statu- tory 'or declwed hoHdays; p'rovided that furnishirug of services on such daysai 'overtime rates sha1I first he approved by the County. 5. The Society undert"kes to execute, if requested, such forms and documemts as may be required by the Act or the Regulations to enable the County to receive reilllJbul'sement for such services or as may be otherwise required by the Act or the Regu}ations, but such ~orms and documents shaJll be p!t'epa.red by the County. 6. This agreement .shall come intQ force and take effect as and from the 1st day of Janua,ry 1974, and shaM remain in furce until terminated hy either party by sixty (60) days' prior notice in writ- ing addTessed to the other paTty IInd deposited in Her Majesty's !lost Office at St. Thomas, Ontario, postage prepaid and register- ed. 7. All other agreements betwe'en the parties are cancelled as of the effective date of this Agreem,ent. ~ IN WITNESS WHEoREOF the Society has executed, by the hands of its President and Executive SecretaTY, and the County has oaused to be affixed its Corporate Seal attested by the hands of its Warden and CleTk. THE CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY (ST. THOMAS BRANCH) fl' ,\ , Ii Ii ,i\l li:1 ~'t I', 1~ i~~ I': r, 1\ III I\~i 1;1 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 69 SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED in the presence of D. J. KLEIN President Position Vacant Exe<lutive Secretary THE COUNTY OF ELGIN . R. L. LAKE WllTden H. L. JOHNSON me'l'k COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW No. 2300 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2085 Thereby Adjusting The Salary of the Elgin Countty Deputy Clerk'Treasurer." WHEREAS By-Law No. 2085 deals with the 'appointment and remuneration of a Deputy C[erk-Treasure,r for the County of Elgin. AND WHEREAS By-Law No. 2085 is p'resoentIy amended by By-Law No. 2271 AND WHEREAS it is deemed advis"ble to change the present salary 'Of the Deputy Clerk-Tre"surer. NOW THEREFOR:E the Coun\:iI of the 'Municipal COTjlora- tion of the Oounty of Elgin enacts as foH'Ows: 1. THAT mause (2) of By-Law ,No. 2085, as ,amended by BY" Law No. 2271, be deleted, and the following substituted therefoTe: . "That his saJilryas Deputy Cle,rk-TteasuDer of the County of ELgin be Twelve Thousand Doliars ($12,000.00) per an- num p'a~able bi-weekly." THAT By-Law No. 2271 be llnd ,the salOO is hereby 1'epealed. THAT this By-Law become effective on March 4th, 1974. 2. 3. 70 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL READ a first time this 20th day of Febmaory, 1974. READ a second time this 20th day of February, 1974. READ 'a third time and finally passed this 20th day of Feb- ruary, 1974. H. L. JOHNSON R. L. LAKE Clerk Waorden . COUNTY OF ELGIN' BY-LAW NOi. 2301 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of The Council of The Cor- pOiratiOin of The County of Elgin at the February Sessiou, 1974." WHEREAS by section 9 of the MunJicipll!1 Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised statutes of Omario, 1970, the powers of a muntcipal' corport'ation lire 00 be exercised by its council; , AND WHEREAS by subsection1 of sectiOJ] 241 of the Muni- cipal Act, being chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontado, 1970, ,the powers of every council are to be exercised by By-L>lW; AND WHEREAS it is deemed el<jledient that the proceed- ings ,of the Council of the Corporation of the County (}f Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law; NOW: THEREFORE the Conncil of the Corporation Of the Oounty ,of Elgin ,enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Council of the CorpoTation of the Oounty of Elgin in respect of each recommendation <lontained in the l!ej>oris of the committees and each motion and resolu- tion passed Bind other action taken by the Oounct1 of the Cor- poration of lIhe OClunty of Elgin meetings heId during the Feb- ruary 1974 !)ess1on is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied ill this By"Law. 2. ,The Warden and poropeT (}fficials of the Corporation of the Oounty of Elgin 'are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council Of the Corporation ,(}f the Oounty of Elgin refei:'red to in preceding section hereof. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 71 3. The Warden IUnd the Clerk are authorized 'and diTected to execute aM documents necessary in that behailif and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the Coumy of Elghi. READ a :liirst time this 20th d~ of Februa,ry 1974. READ ,a second time this 20th day of February 1974. READ a third time and fiOOl1y passed this 20th day of Feb- l'Uary 1974. . H. L. JOHNSONR.L. LAKE Clerk Warrden 72 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL MARCH SESSION - FIRST DAY Wednesday, the 27th day of March, 1974 The I'lgln Gounty Council met this day ail the Court House, St. Thomas, In accordamce with adjournment. The W'lI~den in the chair. At! the members present. Moved by Reeve Todd Se,conded 'by Deputy Reeve G"rroU That the minutes of the February 1974 Session of the Elgin Gounty Council be adopted. ~Carried. The following communications were read and referred to the various committees: From Lt; 0.01. V. A. Barrie with appr,eciation of grant and courtesy ~iven during presentation.-Filed. From the Ministry .of Treasury, Economics and InteTgovern- mental Mfalrs with a copy of the speech given by H. Ian Mac- donald, Deputy Minister to the Ontario Good Roads Association meeting, Tuesday, February 26, 1974.~Filed. From David C. Stevens & Associate, A<rehitect, offering their services a1nd references for consideration in se[ecting a jj]rm for a new Home for the Aged.-Referred to the Elgin Manor Committee. From Miss Marianne E. Barrie, Chairman, Y.W.C.A. Project Renewal expl'essing apprecia;tion for the 1974 grant 'Of $2,500.00. -Filed. Fmm the County of Middlesex ,advising toot the 1974 Mid- dlesex County Warden's Banqnet willlbe heM 'at Thomdale, On- tario 'On Friday November 15th, 1974.-Fi1ed, From Mrs. Barbara Dixon, SecJ'etary-TreOOllrer, Land Di- vision Committee, willi a .request for 'alJ,th.oIl'ization for Commit- tee membe~s t'O attend a C'Onference in Hamilton.-Referred to the County Government Committee. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 73 From the EI~in-st. Thomas Health Unit with 1974 budget and audited Financial Statement for 1973,-Referred to the Fin- anceand Apportionment Committee. From the Children's Aid Society with 1974 Estimates of Ex- pendituves, Explanatory Notes and copy of Auditor's Report for year ending 1973.-Refel!\Ted to the Finance 'and Apportionment Committee. .From McK'ay, McKay and Vedo\"a, with a copy of Township .0[ . Yarmouth By-Law No. 2244 to stop-up 'and seH aU the ro'ad allowanoe between Lots 8 & 9, C();ncession 14, in the Township of Y"vmouth, requesting the County of Elgin to pass a by-law confirming Township By-Law No. 2244.-Referred to the Ro'ad Committee. . From McKay, McKay and Vedova, with a copy of Township of Yarmouth By-Law No. 2237 to stop"llp and sell the road aHow- ance composed ,0[ pal'! of Lots 20 & 21,Concession 7, in the Township of Yarmouth, 'requesting the County 0[ Elgin to pass a by-law confirming Township By-La'w No. 2237.-Refe'rred tc the Road Committe'e. F1rom Lorne Smith, Gmton, with 'request for support of his protest to the showing of obscene fiJims on mohal 'and any otheT OlJltano television station consideTing such p,mgramme'S.~Refer- red to the County Government Committee. From the Association of Municipaliities of Onta:rio with News- letter dated March 7, 1974.-RefeTred to the Gounty Government Committee. From the Ministry of 'JIreasury, Ec<momics and Intelfgovern- mental Mf'airs with "Background" on Central Ont'"rio Lakesho,re Urban Complex Task Force Refining TCR Concept.-Filed. From the Association of Mwnicipa1itiels of Ontario requClSUng SUPPOllt to the Association's action to date, in opposIng Bell Can- ada's request fOil' a rate increase.-Refel'red to the Finance and Apportionm~nt Committee. Fmm the Regional Municipality 0[ Ottawa-Clldeton request- ing enclorsation of pmposedlegisiation to amend legislation to permit incre"sed tax revenue from mohille homes.~Referred to tJhe County Go\"etnment Committee. 74 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL From the Ontooio Hy;dTO with ootke of canceHation of meet- ing, .re:.. 500 KV Transmission Une. Study Nanticoke-London, scheduled for March ll-Ma<rch 14 in~lusive.-Filed. From the Onlta<rio Conferenoo on Local Government re- que1sting a grant in the l'llnge -o( $50.00-$100.00.--Referred to the Finance >IUd Apportionment Committee. From the Ministry of Housing with copy of proposed official Plan for the E'Igin Planning Area and reque,st .or comments.- Referred to the Road Committee. From the Counrty of Oxford advising that the 1974 Oxford Oounty Warden's Dinner will be held on Friday, November 22, 1974.-Filed. From the Honourable Leo Bernier, Minister of Natural Re- sources, acknowledging d[\afttree by-law and pointing out that thety tare. proce'ssing amendmC!nts to The Trees Act.-Refe[\red to the AgricuIturail Committee. . Fmmthe Honourable Jack Davis, Minister, Environment Canada, in reply to tire County's endorsement of the resolution fmm the City of Sl. Catharines protesting the GoV'ernmentof the United States in withdrr'awing fullds budgeted for pollution abatemC!nt in the Great Lakes.-Refe1rred to the County Govern- ment Oommitt€'e. From Mr. R. G, Moore, Enginew and' Secretary to the SI. Thomas Suburban Road Commission, wlth Rep'Ort, Summary of E"penditures for 1973 and the budget fm 1974.--Referred to the Road Committee. From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with 1974 Mid-Term Meeting BwIJetin.--Relferred to the County Government Committee. From the Ontario GMd Roads Association, announcing the 1974 "C. S. Anderson" Road School, May 5th to 8th.-Referred to the Road Oommittee. From the Honourable John White, Treasure.r of Ontario, re- viewing the function and meemng schedule for futme meetings of the Provincial.Municipal Liawon Committee.-Refe!t"red to the Oounty Govemment Committee. From the Ontario Good Roads Association, ann'Ouncing the 1974 "T. J. Mahony" Ro"d School, May 5th to 8th.-Refened to the Road Committee. F1rom the E'lgin County Board ocr Education requesting school warning .signs be placed on Oarlow Road, Port Stanley, in vie,w of 1ibie recent fatal acc,dent of a student.-Re(e'l'red to the Road Committee. From the Gener,,1 Appraisa'l of Camda Limited with apprais- ail of Court House, Jail, Registry Office and ElllIginee'r's Office.- Re.erred to the Property Committee. From the Ministry of Transport"tton llind Communication. with: (1) Memo 74-4 fe: surface type starndards for ru~al roads and >also diesel powered trucks. (2) Memo 74-4A re: subsidy on trMfic signals. (3) Memo 74-5 re: road subsidy on Municipal Drains.-Re- ferred to the Ro'ad Committee. From the Ministry of Agriculture and Food announcing Wa:rble Fly Schools f'Or mu,nicipaIities with by-laws under the Warble Fly Control Act.....:.Filed. F1rom Mr. A. A. Russe"', Assistant Deputy Attorney General with reply to the letter opposing the transferring of COu.rts from st. Thomas to London.-Referred to the County Government Committee. Fmm Mr. John Spence, M.P.P., Kent, acknowledging receipt of copies of the endorsation of the resolJutioo from the Counttes of Prescott 'and Russe}l re: fee s)"stem for lot inspecti'Ons and septic tank ,inspection and eopy 'Of propoSed tree by-law.-Filed. From the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Live Stock Branch, requesting Council revie,w of dog control program and s)"stem of deailiing with claims for compe>rmation unde'T the Dog LicenS'lng and Live Stock and Poultry Protection Act.-Filed. From the HonourabIe J'Ohn White, Treasu.rer of Ontario out- Iimng a program to provide 'employmelllt at the municipal gov.ern- menrt level Iora lim1ted number of students e'ITrolled in public or business 'administration and urban or region~l plauning pro- gmms.-Referred to the County Government Committe'e. 75 76 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL F,vom the T'askForce on Policing in Ontario with a copy of the .report to the Solicitor General.-Filed. From the Ministry ,of Consume.r and Commercial Relations advising of a new standard for, the f'abriclltion of und€'rground stovage tanks for fI"mmable liquids and also requirements for the registrartion of contractors engaged within the jurusdiction of the Ontario Gasoline H"ndling Act & Code.-Refe'rroo to the Road Oommi'ttele. tailed and totalling $1,669,000.00 be adopted and forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for approv- al. -Carried. A lette,r from Wa:rden Lake regarding the estaNishment of Peacetime Eme'rgency Planning Committees was, given to each membe'r for stJudyand the Warden advised that he would bring the matter up later in the session. Moved by Deputy Reeve McBrien SecOnded by Reeve BateS That we do now adjourn to me-et aga;n on March 27, 1974, at 2:00 p.m. ,From the Canadian AIlsociation of HouSiing and Renewal Officials with announcement of Annual Conference to be h€,]d May 1st, 2nd and 3rd, 1974 at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto.- Filed. From the C'Ounty of Lanark with resolution requesting the Child Welfare Act, R.S.O. 1970 be amended, by repe'll:ling Sec- tion 8, subsection 3(a).-RefeTred to the County Govemm€'nt Committee. From the City of Brampton with res'Olution to amend The Municipal and School Tax Credit Assist"nce Act.-Re<jjerred to the County Governme,llit Commi1itee. From the Ooulllly of Huron with res'Olution protesting any mov-e to transfer jurisdiction 'Over private se'wage disposal from the Medical Officers of Health, to the Ministry of the En~iron- ment.'--Referred to the. County Goverlll1llent Committee. The First Report of the Finance and Apportionment Com- mittee w"s, presented by Reeve Lyle and adopted on motion of Reeve Lyle and Reeve Denn"s. The First Report of the Road CommIttee was presented by Reeve McKi1lop and "d()jlted on motion of Re.eve McKillop and Reeve Cook. The Report of the Elgin Manor Committee was presented by Reeve Hodgson and adopted on motion of Reeve Hodgson and Deputy Reeve Pettit. Moved by Re'eve McKillop Secanded by Ree've Cook That the Statement of Pr:oposed Work and Expenditure on the County Road System and St. Thomas Suburb'll:n Road System, as recommended in the First Repoort of the County of Elgin Road Committee, March Session, 1974, Recommendation No.4 as de" -Carried. Council re-convened. A !lette'r from the University of Western Ontario advising of an 'open discussion with the Honoumhle John White, M.P.P. In the Council Chamber, City Hall, London, on Monda!}'; April 1, at 2 p.m. Subject: "The Restructuring oJ' Pro~incial and Local Government In Ollllario", was presented to Council and ordered filed. The Seoond Report oftl1e Finance a'l1d Apportiomnent Com- mittee was prElseUJted by Reeve Lyle and adopted on motion of Reeve Lyle and Reeve Oook. The Report of the County Goverlll1llent Committee was pre- selllled by Rele\"e Wilson and adopted on motion of Reeve Wilson and Reeve Dennis. The Rep'Ort of the Agnicultural Committee was presented by Reeve Oaverly and ad'Opted on motion 'Of Reeve Caverly and Reeve McKi'l1!op. The Report of the Property Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Y'Oung IInd adopted on motion 'Of ,Deputy Reeve Y;'Oung and Deputy Reeve WhaIIs. The Report of the Personnel C'Ommittee was pre.sented by Reeve Emenson anldadopted on motion of Reeve Eme'rson and Reeve Miskelly. 77 78 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Warden Lake eJ<]Ylained the reason for 'his writing each Council memhro' a letter regarding Peacetime Emergency Plan- ning Committees, and 'advised, that foOr the year 1974, the Provin- cial Gavemme<nt had agreed toO provide the dOfference in subsidy b~aught about hy the cut back in expenditures by the Fede~al Government. Maved by Reeve Lyle Seconded by Ree-ve Emro'son That By-Law No. 2302 "ToO Raise Amounts for County Rates During the Year 1974", be re'ad a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Ree've- Kiahnt That By-Law No. 2302 be read a seconJd time. -Carried. Move-d by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve- Lyle Thart By-Law NO'. 2302 be read a third time and finlllly pass- e-d. -Carried. Moved by Re-eve McKiilIop Seconded 'by Re-eve TOldd Thart By-Law NO'. 2303 "Be-ing a By-Law to Authorize Grants to be Made to Va-riOlls Organizations, CarpoOmtions, Institutians, etc., During 1974", be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Todd Selconded 'by Re-eV'e McKiillop That By-Law No. 2303 be read a second time. -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 79 Maved by Ree-ve- Nemett Seconded by Reeve Cavecrly That By-Law No. 2303 he read a third time and finally pass- ed. -Carried. Move-d by Deputy Reeve Schafe-r Seconded ,by Reeve Dennis Thart By-Law No. 2304 "A By-Law to' Canfirm By-Law No. 2244 of the Township -of Yarmouth, Being a By-Law to Stop-up and Sell All ,the Road Allowance Between Lots 8 and 9, Conces- sion 14, in the Township 'Of Yarmouth," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve W[1san Secanded by Deputy Reeve Schafer That By-Law No. 2304 be read a second time. -Carried. Maved by Deputy Ree've Pettit SeconJded 'by Reeve Dennis That By-Law No. 2304 be read a third time and finally pass- ed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Wiilison Seconded by Reev,e Johnston That By-Law No. 2305 "A By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 2237 af the Tawnship of Yarmauth, Being a BYeLaw to Stap-'llp a'l1ld Seli1 RO'ad Allowances Composed of Part of Lots 20 and 21, Concession 7, in the Tawnship of Y'armooth", be re'ad a first time. -Oarried. Maved by Deputy Reeve Pettit SecOIlJded by Reeve Dennis That By-Law No. 2305 be read a secand time. -Carried. COUNTY RATES - COUNTY OF ELGIN FINANCIAL REPORT March Session, 1974 FIRST REPORT To fhe Ward"n and Members of the Etgin County Counoil, 1. The COMMITTEE 'on Finance and Apportionment beg leave to report that having inquired into Finances of the County, and estimaltes prevared by the DClputy Oounty. Treasurer, theiy here- wifh ,submit a statement offhe expenditures required for the law- ful purpose of the County during 197 4,,,nd showing the amount required to be mised for the undemne,ntioned purpose\S: 80 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by DClpu~ Reeve Pettit Seconded by Deputy Reeve Schafer Thalt By-Law No. 2305 be read a third time and finally pass- ed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Todd Seoo,rrded by Deputy Reeve McBrien That By-Law No. 2306 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the March Session, 1974", be read a first time. ~ -Carried. M<lVed by Reeve Cavedy Seconded by Reeve Todd That By-Law No. 2306 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Nemett Seconded by Reeve Caverly Thalt By-Law No. 2306 'be read a third time .and fin"lIy pass- ed. -Oarried. Moved by Reeve Nemett Seconded by Reeve Caverly That we do now adjourn to meet again on Wednesday, April 17th, 1974 at 10:00 a;m. ~Oarried. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk R. L. LAKE WaTden. 81 82 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL oooogo g~ ogoooooooooog 00 0 0000 0 0 00000000000 00 0 o~~dod d~ ddddod~dddddo e-1~ ,..; o~~~oo O~ ooo~oo~oogooo '" <0 '" ;!~~O~r:--",C'-10",O",o", 1 OCT.I", I ~t-",O",:<d'l",O""O",C'l..t--..O... "0",0",0,, ~'O:>' <0 ~&ot~O(J;lCOtOOC"l ~o Nrr.lU':)C'l~lt":lCOCV:>I.Cl~l!':lU":lO ~~ t ~lt":lCO~,U':)~ ~~ ~co~ CT.IO:> ~ C"!rr.lC'l 0<0 '" '" '" ... oo ~'Z;' ,..; ,..; "'" "'" "'", QQ ~~ g 0 00 oog 00 ~~ 0 0 00 00 00 ~:lg c..; od ddd ..cid 0 00 ~ 00 00 000 C'-l'" 00 "",~p<O", I:- 00' O":'IO",Co':I,,, "'C'-l 00 '" ""' CO"'C'l" O"'tD tn"'O oo ~lt~ ,CQ C'l-.::tl ""' I:- "'''' ~l""I "'C'-l t:O!oo I:- oo <0 .. ,..; <0 c.f "'" "'" '" ~8g8gggg8ggg8ggg8ggggg .E [;: ge- i~d~~dddod~ddddddd~dddd ." f:l oJ:-rr.lU':>OOOOrr.lOOOOC'l Ot--rr.lOOO g;oo 1Iq~qqqqqq~qqqq~~q~~qqq t; I=lgO;l'<:j'iCOOC'lo:.ClCOOC'fJlt":lOrr.lC'l<:Ol1':lcoO':lU?Orr.l ~s Eo< ~'~ rr.l<:oo:.orr.l~ l""Il""I C'l~~ O:>~l""Il""I'<:j'iC'l <00 ~ ~&~.. 00 l""I q,~ ... ... ... '" . ' 0' . :~ .>-1 '~ ..... : ~ .~ ,., (5 ",iii _ ~ ro l=l ~ : s::l tn . 000 _ Q)cD : 0 ~ : !;,t:a:~ ell ....... ~ ~ Cd ~ 0 ~ +.,) ~ :~ '" '" ~ OJ "'oo fil 8 :.~.!lI . ,os 1!l >>~ .... e oll ~ "''' !!J.' ~ "" '" ~ '" ...,-~ """. '"" <:> _ "" -e i:jj.o ~ tI.:l:1 lZld>~A8 :.0 :~a:I '" '" 8 '" -~~ g "" '" ... .. "" ~ c1l0A....., u~~ ~I>~~ ~~ J~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ e;g~'S~ ~~~.~:~~.~~'S ~~Cd~~~S~ ~~ ~~CdOO......tI.:l m~~ ~::: ~ ~.!:1 ~ s ~.,:; fl'S >>'" t.'" .8'.... A ~'" ~ gj'~ '" -' 'C;I.l t>~ ~~ ~~. co. ......:;.- ~i&l~e.~~I~I~~~I~i J!~B "..cl...... r-l S.~..o tiJ) d) Q) 'J:I 0 ~ l=i $-I ~ 0 co :::1..-.1 0 .f-i ~ QQ~~~A<<~~OQ~~~~OOHOOHO~~ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 83 Y9tlr COMMITTEE would recommend that the sum of One Million, Three Hunldred and Thirty-Four Thousand, Six Hundred a'l1Jd FiHr-One Dollars be raised on3J1I rate"i)le property in the several municipalities of the County '01' E~gin during the year 1974, for Coun1ypurpose'SMlJd that this amount be levied on the several mun[cipalities in the Oounty of Elgin on the basis of the apportionment as determined in By-Law No. 2276, passed Sep- tembe'r 28th, 1973, ,and that a by-law be prepared. 2. We re,commend to the' Boord of the Elgin-S\. Th(}illas Health Unit thala working reserve of. $35,000.00 he established and anw surplus over this be reuurnedannnally, ,t(} the County and the City, commencing with the 1973 operati(}ns. Aill of which is re,speetfuIly submitted. is. A. LYLE, Chairman. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT FIRST REPORT March Session, 1974 To the Wllrde'll .and Memhers '01' The Elgin County Council: Your Road Committee begs to rep<>rt as foll",ws: 1. That the Min[s1ry of Transportation and Communications has aPl>ro,ved By-Law No. 2280 whe,reby the County of EIgrin assumed the road allowanoe hetween Ooncess,ions IV and V, Y'arm(}uth Township fmm llighwaJy 4 to Southwold.TownUne liS 'a C(}unty Ro~d (Number 51). This road le,ads t(} the' County Garage at Wihite Station. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a Bw"Law he passed oonfimlng By-Laws 2237 and. 2244 of the TownshipOf Yarmouth., closing (a) the road allowance between Lots 8' & 9, Concession XIV, (b) portion of a "By- Law" road in Lots 20 and 21, C(}ncession VII of Y'arunouth Township. . 84 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 2. That the Budget 'Of. the Sl. Th'Omas Suburhan R'Oad Commis- si'Onamounting to $44,000 for 1974 be approved. Mainten" ance 'On the 14.4 mile system is estimated at $36,000. The ,sum of $8,000 is re'SJerved for construction (surve,ys, land 'purch"ses etc.) The CommissIon's construction plans for RQad 30 are being held up pending further discus1sions between Counties of Middlesex and Elgin on a Hubrey-Thadio Road lJ1nk between Highway 40111nd Sl. Thomas. 3. That the Le'vy "or County Roads for 1974 be $560,000. This compares with $540,000 Levy in 1973 and a Lery of $707,- 250 in 1972. 4. That a resolutiQn be pass,ed adopting the follow<ng p'rQPosed Statemenrt of Work and Expenditur,es for 1974 and that the Statement be forwarded tQ the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for approval. Road No. 42 - Port BUrWe'lI e'a\S1ierlyapproJci- mllllely Qne mile (Bayham TOwn- ship) surface treatmenrt, guide rail, tQPsoil, seeding, cleanup".. Road No. 44 - Road No. 46 to Highway No. 3 (Bayham Township) ,surf'ace treat- m,ent, deanup Thoad No. 45 - Highway No, 19 to Catlton (Bay- ham ToOwnship) ditching, seeding, guide ran, de,a'Thup New Work: Land Purchases Surveys, miscellaneQus .c'Onstruction etc." R'Oad No. 38 - StraffordvH'Ie (Bayham TowOO!hip) drainage aSisessment Road No. 3 - Highway No.3 to Lake Erie (AId" bor'Ough Township) Road No. 3 - Road No. 2 to King street (RQd- ney) Road NQ. 3 - In Conce&sion HI & IV south of Flemin;g Creek Bridge (Aldbor- ough Township)" """"""". Rood No. 4 - Que'en Street, Road NO.3 to Vil- lage limits Rod>:lJey R'Oads No. 8 - Ma'ry Street (RQadI5) to John & No. 15 Street (Road 8) Dutton. (parrtial comp1etlon Qf work only R.'Oad No. 51 - Highway No. 4 to White Station Garl!!ge New Macbinery and completion of White Stati'On Garages. CONSTRUCTION Completion of work in progress. R'Oad No. 2 - West Lome to Rodney (AIdbor- ough Township)' move utilities, cIeal)JUp "'''" ".".".".." $ 22,000. Road No. 3 - Waxdsville southedy 4 miles (AId- borough Township) move utilities, cleanup 7,000. Road No. 14 - Iona Stati'On toO Road 13 (Dunwlch and SouthwoM Township) sur- face treatmenrt, cleanup 4,000. Road No. 16 - At Port Talbot (Dunwich Town- ship) surface treatment, cleanup 3,000. Road, No. 20 - CarloOw Road south of Highway 4 (Port St"nley) cleanup"."""". 1,000. Rood No. 36-Highway No.3 t" Sparta (Yar- mouth Township) .topsoil, SJeeding, guide rail, cleanup, move utilities 8,000. Road. No. 40 ~ North oltmits of Mount Salem to Road No. 42 (IVIalahide T'Owmhip) (hot-mix paving n'Orth of Road No. 45, surface treatment, c1eal!JUp" 23,000. 85 7,000. 3,000, 15,000. 40,000. 12,000. 35,000. 95,000. 95,000. 108,000. 90,000. 75,000. 12,000. 90,000. $745,000. 86 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL MAINTENANCE Bridges &. Culverts Wilnter Control. Surface Treatment Gravel Relsurf'acing' Repairs to. Pavements Maintenance of Gm"lel Roads Roadside MainteiITance Dust Control .1... Weed Cuttirig , Weed Spraying Tree Cutting ... Pavemenil Marking Guide Rails . Signs l:i'rainage SweepiIlig Tree PlianUng Railroad Protection Dra.lnage Assessments SUMMARY county RoadCo'lllstroction ...... ...... ........ St. Thomas Suburlban Road Commission Construction Counily Road Maintenance St. Thomas Suburban Road Maintena'lllceMlJd over- head..: .:... ... .................... ................... County Road Overhe'"d . . ........ .......... . ..... . Rebates ro Towns & Vil1ages (25% of their Road Rllle). Asplmlt Resurfacing (roads to be designated lat- er). Less Credits: Reduction in stock bal"nce Sales Tax Rebate Maohinery Rentals ~ T<lwnline Aocounts ...$ 10,000. 4,000. 35,000. $ 1,669,000. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCiL 87 $ 24,000. 130,000. 34,000. 35,000. 30,000. 15,000. 11,000. 26,500. 18,500. 5,500. 36,000. 19,500. 9,000. 15,000. 10,000. 6,000. 1,000. 14,500. 13,500. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications Subsidy on the above work is set. at $1,123,000. The share of the City of St. Thomas towards the work is estimated at $7,000. and the County share at $539,000. To the Couffiy's share of $539,000 (sub- sidized eo<pendtitures) must be added non-sl.lb&idized e'xpenditures including the netcostaft'er rentals of a sWB'eper (delivery ex- pected shortly). (Rentals of the sweeper hut n(}t the origin",l cost are subsidized by the' Ministry of Transportation and Communi- cations. It is e'''lleded ,that the original cost win he- recovered in a 6 year period through the ,rentals). Tot'al County Levy $560,000. Rate of Min"stry of Transportation ;lnd Commuruications Subsidiy is approximatelly 67.64% for operations and 50% for Rebates to Town andVmages. Tolal Expendilures for the year including Accounts Rece,iv" able are estimated at $1,900,000. All of which is respedulIy submitted. DUNCAN K. McKILLOP, Chairman. $454,000. $745,000. ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT March Session 1974 To the Warden and Members of the' Elgin Cooruiy OouncN, The Ellgin Manor Oommittee rep(}rts as follows: 1. The following ~hanges Were lIl~de in the insurance coverage: (i) Fire insurance increased from $1,884,000.00 to $1,995,- 000.00. (i1) Broad Form Money and Securities Policy, Burglary Section, increased fTOm $3,500.00 to $5,000.00. (ill) Liability SOO1Jionfor lnalipmctice increased from $200,- 000.00 to $1,000,000.00. 2. The Assistant Adminlstrator 00is been authorized to attend McMaster University fo,r a one-week seminar, with e'''pe:nses paid, in conne,ction with hils cOil'Tespondence: course. All of which is respectully submitted. J. W. HODGSON,Chairman. 8,000. 454,000. 36,000. 255,000. 34,000. 186,000. 49,000. Credit 88 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FINANCE AND APPORTIONMENT COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, '1974 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance and ApportJionment Commi~tee reports as' fol- lows: L That the Elgill"St. Thomas Health Unit Budget for 1974 requiring $110,953.75 from the' County of Elgin be approved 'and the ,auditor's statement for 1973 he filed. 2. That the- Children's Aid Society l!\]dget for IgH requiting $59,773.00 from the County of Elgin be approved and the audl- tot's statement for 1973 be filed. ' , 3. That the 'aotion taken by the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, in its opposition to BeUl Oanada's request forrate increas~ es, !ls outlined in their lette-r dated MllT'ch 1st, 1974, be filed as localmunicip'aIitiesare paying their portion on an individual basis. 4. That the request by the Ontario Corufe,rence on Local Gov- ernme,nt for a. gmnt be' filed. All of which is roope'c~ulJJy submil1Jted. B. A. LyLE, Chairman. COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1974; To the Warden and MembeTs ,of the Elgin Oounty CouncU, The County Govevument. Commiutee report~. as follows: 1. That we recommend1Jhat the Secrooary-Treasurer and mem- bers of the Lll!nd Division Committee be authorized to attend the conllerence to he held in Hamilliton and that they be paid In accordance with mtes paid County Councllh:ms attend1Jng eonve')~ lions. ' 2. Thll!t the requelll cf Mr. Lome Smith to support his protest to the showing of obscene films on television be endorsed, 3. That the AMO March Newsletter be filed. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 89 4. That the AceRO 1974 Mid-Term meeting bulletin be filed and that the folrowlng be ,named voting delegate,s at the mid- teTm and annual meetings of the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario: Reeve Wilson Reeve gmer-son Reeve Hodgson Re'eve Liebner Warden Lal<e 5. That the resolution from the Regional Municipality of Ot- tawa-Oarleton requesting amendment to se,ction 3 of the Assess- ment Act to deem mobile homes ,to be part of the real property for the purposes -of municipal assessme,nt and taxation he en- do,rsed. 6. That the letter from the Ho'nourallYle Jack Daws, Minister EnvIronment Canada, in reply to the County's endorsation of the resooutlon from the City of St. Catharlnes protesting the U.S. Govemment withdrawirug funds hlll1geted fot pollution abate- ment in the Great Lakes be filed. 7. That the letter from the Honourable John White 'reo func- tion and meeting schedule for the Provincial-Municipal Liaison Committee be flied. 8. That the lette,r from Mr. A. A. Russe'lil, Assistant Deputy Attorney Geneml in reply to the County's 'Opposition to the trans- ferring ,of courts from St. Thorna:s to London be filed. 9. That the letter from the Honoumhle John Wlhite reo program to provide rnunicipalemployment for sltudents enrolled in pub- lic or husiness lldminis,tration 'and urban or regional plr.mning programs be filed. 10. That the reso1ution from the COlln~y of Lanalrk requesting that Section 8, Suhsecti01l 3(a) of the ChiJd We!fare Act be re- pealed, he filed. 11. That the ,resolutIon from the City of B~llJmpton requesting all! .amendment to The Municipal aDJd School Tax Credit Assist- QDJce Act be filed. 90 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 12. That the resolution from the Gcuuty 'Of Huron protesting any move to trnnsfer jurisdict.on, over private sewage' disrpo'S'al fmm ,the Medical Officers of Health to the Mirris4Jry of the Envi,... onmelJJt be end'Orsed. All of which is respectuUy submiltted. J. B. WILSON, Chairman. AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1974 To the Wardell and Members 'Of the Elgin County Council" The' Agricultural Committee report!! as fallows: 1., That the le,tter from the H'Onourable Leo Bernier, Minister of' Natural Resources, acl<no,wledging receipt of draft tree by- law m>dadvislng of pending ameudments t'O The Trees Act be iOOd. AI! of which is respeotulLy submitted. W. R. CAVERLY, Chairman. PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1974 To the W8Jl'den and Members of ,the Elgin Oounty O'Ouncil, The Pr'Operty Committee reports as foll'Ows: 1. That the "Ppralsal, prepared by General Apprai!!al 'Of Can. ada for the Court House, 'Registry Office, JaM and Engineer's bundings be i'Orwarded to the Frank Cowan Company Limited with ins1TU!ctions t'O adjust covwage in line wlith appraisal. 2. That the County EngineCIT be authomtzed to make the nec...- savy repairs to the downsp'Outs of the Oourt House and that the Ministry of G'Overnment Services approval be requested. ELGIN COUNTY OOUNcn 91 3. That the County Engiue.er be 'authorized to make the neces- sary mpail1s to the drain serving the property 'Owned by the County e,ast of Aylmer, as cheaply liS possible,. 4. That the sidewalk to the EngineCIT's building be replaced, with the heJv of priS'Oners in removing the' old sidewalk. All 'Of which is mspectfuI'ly submitted. C. S. YOUNG, Chairman. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1974 To the Warden 'and Membe'Ts of the Elgin Oounty C'Ouncil, The Personnel Committee rep'Orts as follows: 1. That the ,account of Herold aud Phil!Iips in the amount 'Of $750.00 he paid. All of W'hdch is respectfully swhmitted. K. C. EMERSON, Ohairman. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2302 "To Raise Amounts For County Rates During The Year, 1974" WHEREAS ,an estimate has been made showing that the sum of One Million, Three Hundred and Thirty-Four Th'Ousand, Six HUlJJdredand Fifty One Dollars is 'required to be raised in the ,several municipalities f'Or the 1aJwful purpose of the County during the year, 1974, 'On the hasls of the appoi1Dionment as dotC'r- mined in By-Law No. 2276, passed Sept<lmber 28th, 1973. 92 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ,Municipality Aylmer Belmont Dutton Port Burwell Port Stml!ley Rodne,y SpringfieId Vienna West Lorne AldboPOugh Ba)'lham Dorchester South Dunwich Malahide Somhwold Yarmouth Apportionment 11.517% 1.281 % 1.442 % 1.146 % 4.681 % 1.725% .526% .461% 1.856% 8.184% 9.078% 3.010% 6.091 % 12.058% 21.718% 15.226% 100.000% THEREFORE the Council of the Municipwl Co~poTatlon of the -County of Elgin ena01s: 'IlHAT the amo.unts, as set forth below, be levied on ll!H rate- able property by the ,several municipwlities in the Coolllly of El- gin for the year 1974: Aylmer Belmo'UJt Dutton Fort Burwell Port Staniey Rodney . Springfield Vienn~ West Lome Aldboro'Ugh Bayham Do~chester South Dunwich Malahide Southwold Yarmouth $ 153,711.76 17,096.88 19,245.67 15,295.10 62,475.01 23,022.73 7,020.26 6,152.74 24,771.12 109,227.84 121,159.62 40,173.00 81,293.59 160,932.22 289,859.50 203,213.96 $ 1,334,651.00 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 93 READ a first time this 27th dllY of MaTch, 1974. READ a second time this 27th day M Mar.ch, 1974. READ a third time and finaH(Y pass<Jd this 27th day of M"rch, 1974. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk R.L. LAKE Warnen COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2303 "Being a By-Law.to Authorize Grants to be made to Various Organizations, Corporations, Institutions, etc., During 1974." WHEREAS the Oouncil M the CorpomUon of the County of Elgin, deems it advisable to m"k'e grants to ce'rtail\ organizations, corporations, institutions, eitc. NOW THEREFORE, the Council' of the, Gorjloralion M the Coullllyof Elgin enacts as fllllows: 1. THAT the following grants be and are herebyautho'rized for the yeaT 1974: Rotary Music Festival Association of Clerros '"nd T,reasumrs Association of MumcipaHties of Ollltsrio Elgin Law LibrllrY ...... ................ .................... Association of Counties and Regions ,M Ontario.. Can"dlan National Institutefo,r the B];nd.... Salvation Army - Maintenance Elgin Coulllly Pioneer Museum Scholarships - I\ldgeto,wn College of Agrioultural Technology....................... - University of Western Ontario.. - University M GMlph - Wiillf\rid Lauri"r Un.iversity - University of Waterloo University 'M Western Ontario Four Ooullllies Gene'ra! Hospital Roporters 25.00 40.00 50.00 50.00 391.00 1,250.00 500.00 500.00 200.00 400.00 400.00 200.00 200.00 3,000.00 8,000.00 50.00 94 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL St. Thomas-Elgin Association f,oT Retarded Ohildren St. Thomas Young Men's ChriSilian Assoclailion.. QuadCouTIJty Ass-ociation fur the Memally Retard- ed TiIlsonbwrg and Dist'rlet As'sociation for the Men- tally Retarded St. Thomas Young W-omen's Christian Association Elgin Regiment The Local Agricultural OIficO' f.or ~arm Organiza- tions and JurnoT FarmeTs and Institute Groups Agricultural Representatives Act The Agricultural "nd Horticultural Societies in the County of Elgin ~ Equal to the P.rovince of OIttado Grants to these Societie,s. READ a first time this 27th day of. March, 1974. READ a sO'cond time this 27th day.of. Marich, 1974. .~EADa third time. and finally passed this 27th March, 1974. . 2,500.00 3,000.00 2,300.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 3,000.00 500.00 day of H. L. JOHNSON Cle':dr R.o L. LAKE Warden COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2304 "A By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 2244 of The Township of. Yar. . mouth, Being a By-Law to Stop-np and Sell All The Road Allowance Between Lots' 8 and 9, Concession 14, in The Township of Yarmouth." WHEREAS the Counci[ of. the Torwnshilp of Yarmouth on the 22nd day of January, 1974, A.D. did pass By-Law No. 2244 to stop-up 'and sell aH the road aThowance between Lots 8 and 9, Concession 14, in thO' Township of Yarmouth more pllJrticularly described in By-Law No. 2244 of the Township of Yarnlouth, a true copy of w[J,ieh is hereumo annexed. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 95 AND WHEREAS pursnantto the provisions of the Municipal Act the said Township By-Law shall not have any force until con- firmed bya By-Law of the Conncil of the Oounty in which the TCiwnship is situatO'd, passed .atan ordinary meeting of the Coun,. cll held not later than one yeaT after the pas,sing of thO' By-Law of the Counci'! of. ,the Township. AND WHEREAS application hllJs been made to the Council .of the Corporation -of the COUl,ty of Elgin for a By-Law confiTm- illJg the said Township of Yarmouth By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Cmporation of the County .of Elgin enacts as foll\)ws: THAT By-Law No. 2244 of. the Township of. Yarmouth b€ling a By-Law to stop-up"nd sell all thO' road aiI~owance between Lots 8 and 9, Concession 14, in ,the Township of Yarmouth be and the same <is hereby confirmed. READ a f.irst time this 27th day of Mareh 1974. READ a second time th<is 27th day of March 1974. READ a third time and finally passed this 27th day of March 1974. G. C. LEVERTON R. L. LAKE Deputy Clerk WllTden TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH By-Law No. 2244 A By-Law to stop-up and sell certain road allowance in the' Township of. Yarmouth. The Council of. The Corporation of The Township of. Yar- mouth enacts as follows: 1. That the following described road allowance in the Tow1lr ship of Y"rmouth shaH be aud the same is herehy stopped- up: ALL AND SINGULAR that oertain pareel or tract of. land and premises situaile', [ying and being in the Township of Yarmontb, in the 96 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL County of Elgin, Province of Ontario' heing all the road ,a~lowance between Lots 8 and 9, Con- oession 14. 2. That the road allowance so stopped-up shaR be offered for sale to those ownel'S whose lands ,ah:ut such a.Ro,wance up to the middle line there'Of. The purchase price to be paid by eaoh of the 'Owners shall be $1.00. If any such owne,r does not exercise his right to purooase within 15 day\!, the Coun- cill may seR the part which he had ~he. right to purchase to any other person at ,the s..d price. 3. That a meeting of the Gouooiil ocf the Corporatiou pf the Township of Yarmouth to he',," in person or by hiscounse~, 'solicitor or agent any pe'rson who appMes to be heaTd and whooIaims that bis'land wiN be prejudicially affected by this by.law shal~ be held in ~he CouncN Chambers at 1229 Talbot Street, St. ThlJlllla's, on Monday, the, 14th day of January, 1974 at the hour of 7:30 o'clock in the evening. READ a first time this 22nd day of January, 1974. READ a second time, this 22nd day of January, 1974. READ a third time and finally passed this 22nd day of J an- nary, 1974. L. M. OLDE Clerk DAVID COOK Reeve I, L. M. O1de, Clerk of the Township of Yarmouth, certify lhis to be a true copy of by-,law 2244 passed the 22nd day of Jan- uary, 1974. L. M. OLDE, Clerk. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 97 COUNTY OF ELGIN By'Law No. 2305 "A By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 2237 of The Township of Yar- mouth Being a By-Law to Stop-up and Sell Road Allowances Composed of Part of Lots 20 and 21, Concession 7, in The Township Of Yarmouth." WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Yarmouth on the 10th day 'of December, 1973 A.D. did pass By-Law No. 2237 to stop-up and sell road ,alilowances composed of p'a,rt of Lots 20 and 21, Concession 7, in the Township of Yarmouth more, par- Hou~arl\y described in By-Law No. 2237 of the Township of Yar- mourth, a true copy of which is he,reunto a'nnexed, AND WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of the Munici- pal Act the s'aid Township By-Law shall not have any force until oonfirmed by. a By-Law of the Council of th", County in which the Township is situated, passed at an Ordiuary meeting of the Council held not later than one. year ad)ter the' passing of the By- Law 'Of the Council of the Township. AND WHEREAS application has been made to the Council of ,the Corporation of the County of Elgin ~or a By-Law confirm- ing the ,said Township of Yllrmouth By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Coonciil of the Corporation of the OouUJty nf Elgin enacts 'as follows: THAT By-Law No. 2237 of the Township of Yarmouth,heing a By-Law to stOlp-up and seIl road. aRowances composed of part of Lots 20anJd 21, Concession 7, in the TOVl"UlShip of Yarmouth be ,and .the same Is he,reby contfirmedc READ a first time this 27th day of March 1974. READ ,a second time this 27th day of March 1974. READ a third time and finally pa~'sed this 27th day of March 1974. G. C. LEVERTON Deputy Cle:vk R. L. LAKE Warden 98 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 99 TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH By-Law No. 2237 A By~Law toO Stop-up and Sell Certain Road Allowances in The Township of YarmoOuth. The Council of The Corpo-ration of The To,wnship of Yar- mouth Enacts as F'ollows: 1. That ,the f.ciHowin,g de-scribed road aHo>wances in the Town" ship of Yarmouth shall be and the same are hereby stopped- 'READ a third time and finaHw passed tbls 10th day Decem- he'r, 1973. L. M. .OLDE DAVID COOK Clerk Reeve I, L. M. Olde, Clerk of the Township of Yarmouth certify this to be a true copy nf by'iaw 2237 passed the 10th day of December, 1973. L. M. OLDE, Clerk. up: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of Iand and premise,s situate', lying and being in the Township .of YaTlnouth, in the County of Elgin, a1td Province, of Ontario being composed of Part of Lots 20 'and 21, Concession 7, in the said Township of Yarmouth, designat- ed as P,arts 8, 9, 13, 15 "nd 16 on a Plan .of Sur- veymgistered in the Registry Office- for the Registry Division .of the County of Elg>in as No. D-1067. 2. That the road allowance-s so stoppoo-up shall be offered for sale .to those owners who>se lands- abut such allowances up to the middle- !line thereof. The purchase p-rice is to be paid hy each of the oWncl'S shall be $1.00. If any such owner does not exercise his right to purchase within 15 days, the Council may sell the part Which he ham the right to pur- chase to any other person at the said price. 3. That a me€iling of the Council of the COTporation of the T.ownship of Yarmouth to hear in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent .any person who appUe's to be heard and who Claims that his land wlII he prejudIcially aff'ected by -those by~law shall be- held in the> Councll chambers at 1229 Ta!lbot street, Sl. Thomas on Monday, the' 10th day of De- cember, 1973 at the hour of 7:30 o'clock in the evening. READ a first time this 5th day of November, 1973, READ a seoond time this 5th day of November, 1973. L. M. OWE DAVID COOK Clerk Reeve COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2306 "A By-Law to Confirm PrOceedings of The CoOuncil of The CoOr- poration of The County of Elgin at the March SessioOn, 1974." WHEREAS by sHction 9 of the Municip"l Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutoo of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corpomtion am to he eXHI'eised by its council; AND WHEREAS by subsection 1 ,of seetion 241 of the Muni- cipal Act, beingehapter 284 'Of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of eve,ry couneil are to be exerelsed by By"Law; AND WHEREAS it is de,emed expedient that the proceed- ings .of the Council of the Corporooon of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and 'adopted by By"Law; NOW THE>REFORE the Council of the Oorpomtion of the Oountyaf Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Council of the cOI'p,oration of the County of Elgin in re>spect .of each recommendatinn ,conrtained in the' re- ports of theeommittees and each motion and resolution pass,ed anti other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin mee,ungs held during the March 1974 Session is herehy adopted ,and cO'nf,irmedas if 'aM such pTO'c''''edin,gs were expre>ssly embodied in this By-LaiW. 2. '!1he Warden and proper officials of the CorpomtiO'n of the County of Elgin lIre here'by autholrized and directed to do all .thillgs necessary to give eff",ct to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of ELgin referred to in p,receding section hereof. 100 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 3. The W~rden and the merk are authorized and directed to eJ<ecute ,ailiI doocuments necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto ,the Seal of the Corporation .of the County of EIgtn. READ a fil'St time this 27th day of March 1974. READ a second time ,this 27th d>ay of March 1974. READ a third time and' finahIy passed this 27th day of March 1974. H. L. JOHNSON, O1erk R. L. LAKE Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 101 APRIL SESSION - FIRST DAY Wednesday, the 17th \lay of April, 1974 The EIg]n County Council met this day ,at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The W"rden in the' chadJ'. All the m~mbe'rs present except Deputy Reeve deRyk and Deputy Reeve Pettit. Moved by Deputy Reeve Young Seconded by Deputy Reeve Monteith That the minutes of the March 1974 Session of the Elgin Oounty Council be adopted. -Carried. The f"Howing communrneations were read and referred to the various committees: FroOm the Ministry of the Environment with Thames River Basin Study Bu"'etin oas oOf AprH 1,st, 1974, and advising thoat pUh- lic meetings will he held May 6 - 9 and May 13, 1974.-Fi1ed. From Mr. R. K. McNeiI:, M.P.P. ad'Vising that he ,is contact- ing Mr. Arthur Wishart, special Assistant to the Premier toO deter- mine if ,any granTS are av~i1ahle with respect to the proposed TeonoOvatioOns toO the Oounty Uhrary.-Filed, From the Optimist Club of Aylmer requesting permission toO plant the poropHrty owned by the County of Elgin east of Aylme,r illito corn 'as 'a proOj<:lct to raiSe moOney for the C1ub.~Referred to the Elgin Manor Commdttee. From Hennessey, Kempster "nd Gwnn with letter re': By- Law No. 2283, Auotioneers.-RefHrred to the County Government Committee. From the County of Frontenac with reso~utioOn requesting the Departme'nt of Natural Reso'Umes toO return the authority to all Municipa1ltities to compensate farmers foO'r aU animoal IciUs and sha,re on some basis the cost of compensation and evaluatoOrs wages.-Referred toO the AgricultUJral Committee. From the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovern- mental Affairs with copy of "Background".-Filed. ' 102 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL From the Association of Mu!]icipa:IU.es of Ontario with 1974 Convention Irufom:nati<m.-Tabled. Fmm R. K. MeNeH, M.P.P. with statement made hy the Honouv~ble WilHam G. Newman, MinJster of the Environment reo ultifovm provIncial standards for private sewage dispOSal systems 'al~d placi!]g ,the Te'sponsibiIity for inspection and control Wiith the Mimstry.-Filed. From the Ministry of Agriculture and Food advising of meet- Ing of Ama Weed In&pectors at the UllIiversity of Guelph on Alpril 25, 1974.-Referred to the Agricultural Committee. Fmm the Milnistry of Community and Social Services with copy of lettHr forW'ail'ded to Presidents and Local Directors of Children"s Aid Societies reo 1974/75 budgets.-Refened to the Finance Committee. F,rom the Ministry of TransportatIon and Communications with letter re: av,ailability and price of petroleum products, Muni- oipal Hot Mix PavIng and Surface TrHatment Contracts arrd Memo No. 74-6.-Refermd to the Road COmllllittee. Fmm Mr. A. A. Wishart, Special Adviser to the Premier, with copy of letter to Mr. R. K. McNeil, M.P.P. reo g.ranvs towards renovations ,to the Oo<unty LIbrary BuHding.-Filed. From Mr. R. M. Warren, Deputy MInister of Housing with letterre: Fee for Land Sevel1a<nce Applications.-Filed. From the County of Bruce with resolution reo apportion- ment of mainven:mce costs of railway crossing protection.- Referred to the Road Committee. From the Township of Yarmouth with notice of Application to the Ontario Municip'al Board for appmval of a by-Ia:w to regu- late 'land use pas,&ed pursuant to Secmon 35 of the Planning Act, and a copy of Township of Yarmouth By-Law No. 2249.-Refer- red to the Road Committee. From the Township of Southwold with notice of Application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of a by-law to regu- late land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of the Planning Act and a copy of Townllhip of Southwold BW-Law No. 74-1O.-Refer- red to the Road Committee. From the TOWTII'lhip of Southwold with notice of Application to the Ontario .Municiplrl Board.for approval of a by-Ia:w to regu- late land use passed pursuant to Se'ction 35 of the Pla:J]nin,g. Act ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 103 and a copy of Township of Southwold By-Law No. 74-9.-Refer- red to the Road Committee. From Sheriff James A. McBain with letter re: Testimonial dinner and presentation to Mr. E. P. Ray, retired Sheriff of EI- gin.-Referred to the Fiuance Committee. Mr. John Chambe'fS, Manager of the Main Branch of the Bank of Montreal, in St. Thomas, was present and it was moved by Reeve J'ohnston that Mr. Chambers he now heard. Mr. Chambens spoke to Council melTing to the County of Elgin ties that had been given to hims'el<f and other members of the Bank of Montreal at the bank dinner in January 1974, and preseted the Warden and the Clerk-Treasurer with Barrk of Mon- tmal ties. The Warden th"JUk Mr. Chambers for the ties and Reeve Liebner invited him to join Council fO'r the noon dinner at 12 o'clock. Moved by Reeve Lyle Seconded by Reeve McKHlop That the Auditor's RepO'rt for the ye,ar ended December 31, 1973, be accepted by the Elgin County Council. -Carried. The Report of the Road Committee was presented by Reeve McKillop and adopted on motion of Reeve McKii10p and Reeve Lyle. The RepO'rt of the Elgin Manor Committee was presented by Reeve Hodgson >IUd adopted on motiO'n of Reeve Hodgson and Deputy Reeve MolI!teith. Reeve Liebner advised Council that the' Elgin County Pioneer Museum BO'ard had invited the members of County Council and their wives to v;,sit the mllseum and have luncheon on a date to be determined by the Committee. Mo\'ed by Reeve Lyle SecOOllded by Reeve McKillop That we accept the invitation of the Elgin Pioneer Museum Board and that the Reception llind Entertainment Committee set a suit"ble date. -Carried. 104 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved 'hy Reeve Whalls Seconded by Reeve Caverly That we do now adjourn to meet again on April 17, 1974, at 2:00 p.m. -Carried. Council re-convened. Mrs. Bernice L. Lunn ,and Mrs. Violet Cla't"kson of .the Elgin Manor staff were present; W,arden Lake thanked them for hav- ing served the County of Elgin for ten years and Reeve Hodgson presentedelach of them with a ten year Certificate of Merit. Mr. Frank S. Joneos, Mr. RegilUlld A. Hutchings" Mr. Wilfred Smith anJd Mr. Keith PIayer of the Road D""artment staff, were present; Warden Lake thanked them for having se't"ved the Coun- ty od' Elgin for ten years and Reeve McKillop presented each of them with a ten year Certificate of Merit. Mr. Wilfred Fawcett and Mr. Wilfred McCallum, retired employees of the Rood Department, andaolthough neither had been employed Iby the County for ten years, the WaTden thanked them 'fur their service to the County and wished them well on thei't" retirement. The Report od' the Finance and Apportionment Committee was presented hy Reeve Lyle and adopted on motion of Reeve Lyle and Reeve Liebner. The Report of the Agricultural Oommittee was presented by Reeve Dennis and 'adopted on motion od' Reeve Dennis and Reeve Johnston. The Report of the County Government Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Wilson and adopted on motion of Reeve Wilson and Reeve Dennis. The Report of the Property Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Young and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Young and Reeve Nemett. The Report od' the Social Services Oommittee was presented by Deputy Reeve SChafer and adopted 'On motion of Deputy Reeve Schafer and Reeve L:y'le. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 105 The Report of the Personnel Oommitte;e was presented by Reeve Eme1rson and adootedon motion 'Of Reeve Eme'l"son and Reeve Johnston. - Reeve Kahnt submitted a Report of the Library Bo"rd for the iuformation of the Members ,of Council. Reeve Uehner, Chairman of the Reception and Ente.rtain- ment CQ;IIJJmittee provided Council with the information that the Committee had gathered with respe'Ct to the Warden's Banquet and reque.sted direction from Council with resped to what ar- range~ents the Committee should make. Moved by Reev,e Dennis Seconded by Reeve Todd That the 1974 Wll:rden's Banquet be held at the Stork Club, PoD! Stanley, Ontario, on Frid,ay, Octoher 18th. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Eme'l\Son Seconded Reeve Bates WHEREAS the public Municipal Beach at Port Burwell serves residents in Elgin, Oxford, Norfolk and Middlesex, Coun- tie,s ll:nd has been under constant erosion by Lake Erie and is in danger 'Of disappearing completely. WHEREAS the Government of Canada has offered to con- tribute 1/3 of the cost of erosion control and the Province of Ontario has agre'ed to contribute 80'70 of the remaining 2/3 of the oost prowding that the Vmage of Port Burwell pay the re- maining 13.4%. The estimated total cost heing $300,000.00. WHEREAS Port Burwell is a dormitory municipality with no industrial bas,e, a population of 680 peTsons and an assess- ment od' $771,530.00. The Village of Po't'l; BurweH has requested a once only grant of $20,000.00 be made available from the Min- istry of ,the E-nvironment to help the Village of Port Burwell finance it's estimated share of $40,000.00. The payme'ntof $40,- 000.00 puts an undue hurden on the rartepaye,rs of Port BurweH "nd it appears the proj eel will not be undertaken. The Oorporation of the County of Elgin endorses the request 011' the ViUage of Port BurweH to ensure the preservation of this very essential municipal pubUc beach. 106 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL A copy of this resolution be sent to Premier WiLliam Davis, The Hon. Leo .Bernier 'and Mr. R. K. McNeil, M.P.P. -Carried. Mov,ed by Reeve Kahnt Seconded by Deputy Reeve McBrien That By-Law No. 2307 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk of the Oounty to Sign Agreements for Day Nursery Services", be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Kahnt Seconded by Deputy Reeve McBrien That By-Law No. 2307 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Todd Seconded by Deputy Reeve McBrien That By-Law No. 2307 be re'ad a third time and finally pass- ed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Cook Seconded by Reeve Liebner 'l1hat By-Law No. 2308 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Oouucil of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the April Session, 1974", 00 read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Liebner Seconded hy Reeve Cook That By-Law No. 2308 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Cook Seconded by Reeve Todd That By-Law No. 2308 be read a third tLme and finaHy pass- ed. -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 107 Moved by Deputy Reeve Schafer Seconded by Reeve Cook That we do now adjourn to meet again on Wednesday, May 15th, 1974, at 10:00 a.m. -Carried. H. L; JOHNSON Clerk R. L. LAKE Warden COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1974 1\0 the WllJrden and Members of 'l'he Elgin County Council. WE RECOMMEND: That in a reply to a reque'st from the County Lalld Division Oommlttee for a statement of poIilicy, the Land Division Commit- tee be informed that it is the policy of the County Road Commit- tee in certain cases, to request widening of County Roads as il condition for ,the approval 'of seve'rances. The County is willing to pay its standard Road Widemng Rate for this widening. Ail of whdch is respectfully submitted. D. K. McKILLOP, Chairlman. 108 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1974 To the Warden and Members of The Elgin County Council, The Elgin Manor Committee reports as foIWws: 1. T<hat the letters from David C. Ste'vens & Associate, Archi' teet, and Elgin Industrial Consu~tants be tabled and that the names be kept on file for future refe'l'en<:e. 2. That we recommend to County Council thfrt the Optimist Club of Aylmer Inc. be permitted to use the property e'ast of Aylmer for their 1974 corn project, subjeot to the same terms as last year, with the proviso that prellminGry enginee'ring work may be ne,cessary for the new home p'l'ior to the eiKpimtion of an agreement, and that the Warden aiUd Clerk be authorized to sign 'an 'agreement to this effect. 3. The Administrator and semor staff have heen authorized to attend ,a ,(me-day confe.rence at the Dr. MGrshaN-Gowland Manor, Sa01nia, April 24th, 1974, with e"Penses paid. 4. The Admimstrator has be,enauth",,,izedto attend a course in Toronto from April 21st to 26th, with el<pe.nses paid. 5. The Administrato'r, Assistant Administrator, Dietary Super- visor 'and Housekeeping and Laundry Supervisor have been giv- en pe,rmisSion to attend the Hospital Show in Toronto. 6. Counrty Council is invited to have a dinner at Elgin Manor and a tentative date of May 15th, 1974 has been set. All of which is respectfuHy submitted. J. W. HODGSON, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 109 FINANCE AND APPORTIONMENT COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1974 'I'o the Warden and Members of The Elgin County Council, The Finance and Apportionment Committee reports as follows: 1. ThilJt the copy of the letter reo 1974/75 budgets forwarded to PresidentsanJd LoooJ. Dil'ectors of Children's Aid Societies by the Ministry of Community and Social Service,s be filed. 2. That a dOlllation of $75.00 be given towards the cost ofa presentation to he. given to former Counrty Sheriff Mr. E. P. Ray. All of which is respectfully submitted. is. A. LYLE, Chairman. AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1974 To the Warden and Members of The Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as fo~lows: 1. That the. resolution from the County of Frontenac request- ing the Department of Natural Resources to return the authority to ,all ,mun.cipaldties to compensate farme.rs for all animal kills and share same on OOllle basis the cost of oompensation and eval- nators wages be tabled. 2. 'l1hatthe letter from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food advising of meeting of Area Weed IllSpeotors at the U nive'rsity of Guelph on Aprll 25, 1974, he filed. Al! of which is respectfully submitted. JESSE DENNIS, Acting Chail'man. 110 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT April Sessio!', 1974 To the. Warden and Members of The Elgin. C'Ounty Council. The C'Ounty G'Ovemme,rut Committee reports as foll'Ows: 1. That a C'OPy .of the letter from Hennessey" Kempster and Gunill reo County of Elgin By-Law No. 2283 be sent to Mr. K. McAlpine f'Or ibis Information and aIso requesting his assistance if he Is aware o:f "ny violati'Ons 'Of this By.Law. 2. That we request from l1he Mini.try o:f Envir'Onment if tl:le responsibillty f'Or septic tank inspeotions etc., woold be returned to ,a restructured County government similar t'O that proposed fur Regional Gove.rnments. 3. That the que'stion of e.ruforcement 'Of Oounty By-Laws be referred to the Road Committee and Ag11icuItural Committee for their opinion. Ml o:f which is re,spectfully submitted. J. B. W~LSON, Ohairmllill. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 111 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1974 T'O the WaMen and Me.mbere or the. Elgin County Council, The Pmpe.rty Committee reports as follows: .1. That the Ex-Wardens be authorized to purchase tW'O trees, one in appreciation of Mr. J. D. Thomson and one to replace. the tree planted in h'Onour o:f Mr. K. W. McKay with Council to pay iIor the replaceme.nt tree. 2. That the Warden llndClerk purchase asmtahle plaque tc place beside the tree .planted in appreciation of Mr. J. D. Thom- son. 3. That the Clerk c'Ontact Mr. A. N. Spriet to see if May 1st, at 7:30 p.m. would he a convenient date for the Property Com- mittee to meet with him at the Elgin County Lihrary to go over the plans for renovating the. C'Ounty Library. All of which is respectfuI1y submitted. C. S. YOUNG, Chairman. SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1974 To the. Warden and Members of the EIgin County Council, The Sociw Service.s Committee reports as follows: 1. That we recommend to County C'Ouncil that agreements be erutered into witlh the opeorators of Day Nurseries when and as appr'Oved by the Committee and that a by-liaw be prepared and pre.sented to Council aruthorizing the. Warden and Clerk to sign suchappmveid agreements. 2. That membership in the Ontado Municip,,1 Social Services Association be t"ken for tlhe Director o:f Social Services at an annual cost o:f $10.00 amid that he be authovtzed to attend the c'OnverutiOll in Oshawa May 26th - 29th with eJ<[lenses paid. All of which is respectfuI1y submitted. M. A. SCHAFER, Chairman. 112 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1974. To the Warden and Membens of the E~gin COUillty Council, The Pe,rsonnel Committee reports as foHaws: 1. That the Persorunetl Committee, the Chairman of the Road Oommittee 'and Engineer, R. G. Moore meet with represerrutatives ~r(}m the Elgin County Emp1oy,ees' Association and that the County Engineer he requested to set np the. meeting. All .of which is respectfully submitted. K. C.EMERiSON, Ohai'l'man. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 113 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2307 "Being a By-Law to Authorize The Warden and the Clerk of The County to Sign Agreements Jor Day Nursery Services." WHEREAS "The Day Nuroories Act", R.S.O. 1970, autlwrizes the County to enter into an agreement, with any pel1son opel1at- lng .a.licensed day nursery, for the furnlshing of such day nur- sery services for such children as is agreed upon, and for mak- ing such expenditures as are neceossary for the purpose. AND WHERiEAS from timeto .time ,jj may become necessary to enter into agreements with operators of licensed day nurser- ies for such seTVices and for the payment of services provided. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corpomtion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: THAT the Warden and the Clerkof the County of Elgin he and 'are hereby authorized to sign the necessary agre'ements when 'apprOVed by the Social Services Committee. READ a first time this 17th day of April, 1974. READ a second time this 17.th day of April, 1974. READ a third time and fimllIy passed this 17th day of April, 1974. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk R. L. LAKE Warden 114 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2308 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of The.Council of The Corporation of The County of Elgin at the April Session, 1974." Wl:IEREAS by section 9 of the. Municipal Act, heing chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, .1970, the powers of a fuunJcipal corporotionare to he exe,rcised by its council; AND WHEREAS <by subsection 1 o~ section 241 of the Muni- eipalAcl, being chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of e,very COUncil "'" to he exercised by By-Law; AND WHEREAS &t is deemed expedaent that the pTOceed- illgs of .the Council of the Corporation of the County of ,Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law; ,NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Co'rporation of the Coulltyof Elgin enacts as f,oHorws: 1. Th~tactionof -the Council of the Oo-rporation o-f the County of Elgin in respect o-f C'ach reco-mmendation co-ntained in the repo-rts of the committees and each motion and reso-lution passed and othe'r ,action t'aken by the C'Ouncil of the Co-rporation of the Oo-unty o-f Elgin meetings held during .the April 1974 Session is hC'reby ado-ptedand confirmed as if ,,,II such pro-ceedings were expressly embo-died in tills By-Law. 2. ,The Warden and properofficia]s of ,the Co-rporatio-nof the County' Of Etgin ,are hemby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corp'Omtion of the Co-unty of Elgin ref"rred to in preceding section hereof. 3. 'l1he Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to exeeule all documents necess3!ry in that behalf and to affix there- to the Seal of the Corporation o-f the County of Elgin. READ a first tlme this 17th day of April, 1974. READ 'a seco-nd time this 17th day of April, 1974. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of April, 1974. H. L.JOHNSON R. L. LAKE CIe,rk Warden ELGIN COUNTy COUNCIL 115 MAY SESSION -FIRST DAY Wednesday, the 15th day of May, 1974 The Elgin. County Council meJt this day at the Court House, st. 'l1ho-nlas, in accordance with adjo-urnrment. The WarQen in the chair. All the members prC'sent except Reeve MiskC'lIy and Deputy Reeve Whalls. Moved by Re,eve HodJgson Sec<mded by Deputy Reeve Car,roN Thlll the minutes of the April 1974, Sess,ioll of the Elgin County Council .beadopted. -Oamied. The follorwing communications were read and referred to the various commilttees: Fro-muheBauk of Montreal with letter adevising that effec- tive April 16th, 1974, the InterC'eJt rate 'On 10,ans has beeu inclCeas- ed to 10% % per '3!nnum.-Fn~d. " From the MinMrw of Transportation ,and Oommunications with le<tter re: Highway 3-Feas3!brlit:y Stud)C, New Sarum to TiII- sonburg.-Refe'rmd to the Roads COlnIlUittee. Fr(lm the Mwnicipalltyof Port S~anle!y with notice of Appli- cation to the Ontario Mwnicipal Bo-ard ~or 'ap:p,rovlll of a By-LllW to regulate land use paooed pursuant to Seotion 35 of the Plan- ning Act and a copy of Port stanley By-Law No. 1677.-Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Oounty of Perth with request for percentage pay- "ble by Elgin Coooty to the urban municipalJiitiles w;thiin Elgin Ooonty.---Referred to Engineer R. G. Moore. From the Ministry of He,alth wilth notiee that Onmo Regu- lation 129/74 will come into fome 'On May 1, 1974, on which day the current Onrtario Regulation 113/71 as 'amended by O. Reg. 323/71 and O. Reg. 1172. will ce1ase to be 'llJppIicable.-FHed. F'rorn Mr. R. 'K. McNea~l, M.P.P. with eopyof leJtter he receiv- ed from the Honourable, James W. Snow reo grant on library bmlding renovllli<ms.~Filed. . 116 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL From Mr. E. P.Ray, former she-nHfof tJhe County of Elgin, with appreciation for .the County's participation in the Testi. monial D1n:ne,' ~ven in h~s honour.-Filed. From the TownShip 'Of North Dumf'rles withre'solutioill re- questingame,ndment of seotion 304 of the MWnieipai Act to pro- vide for a "Tax in lieu" provision fOT IDeal mUT:lJicd.ipa~Ltlies. having Unive'rsity lands assesse1d as exempt from tal<atlon 1Jo pass by- laws levying an -"nnua!l tax 'On the 'lM>d".-Relfe-rred to the Fin" ance and Apportionme,nt Committee. From the Ministry 0[ Transpoi't-atiou and CommunicaUons with Memo No. 74 - 07 .and Memo No, 74 - 08.~Referred to the Roads Oommittee. From the Township of Yarmouth with Application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of'a by-law to regulate ja!]d use passed pursuant to Section 35 of the P'lann.ng Act \lind a copy -0[ Township of Yarmouth By-Law N>a. 2252.-Refer.red to the Roads Committee. From the Ministry' of Tnansportatiou' ood Communications with letter advisiThg that run advance payme'l!t of $336;900.00 wllI be made to the County of Elgin on 'Our U'OlmM sUhsidy -a-Iloc"" ti'On.-Fi1ed. From the Ministry of Tre'3'sury, Eoonomri,cs and l!nte1'lgovevnr mental AfjJairs with 'oopy of "Background" .-Ref,e.rred to the Fin;>noeand kppomonment Committe,e. From Johnson ContTo'ls Limited W1ith. price quotation for repairs "nd renowtio'ns to the boiler ro\,m.-Referred to the Pro- perty Oommittee. From the Elgin-St. Thomas Health. Unit with jetter reo 1973 Surplus.-Referred to the Finance and Apportionment C'Ommit- tee. From Mr. Ronald G. Glarrk, AJdmlruis1lI'atlve. Officer, Minis- try of the Environment with letter -aolmowledging our letter regardillig private sewage iThspe,ctioitLS oil> the County of Elgim and 'assuring us ,that the correspondence has been brought to th.e Minister's wttElntion.-FHed. From the Honoumble John WMte, Minister of Treasury, E.conomics "nd Intergovernmenital Affairs with lietter re: County Restructuring Studies Program.~ItefElrred to the Local Go"ern- mem study Committe'e. Ii 1.'1 i} I ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 117 From ,the City of Mississauga with resolution requesting the Provincial Govemment to ,institute a per Capita grant struc- ture to municipalities to aid munioipalities f,jnanc>any in the pmvision of fire servioes.-Refemed to the Counily Government CommitJIJee. From Mr. Eugene Dopp requE,sting a grant to the Commun- ity 1nformationand Help Celntre and e'nclosing a brief which has recently beelTh presenved to the Proviridall Govemment.-Referred to the Finance and, Apportionmem Oommittee. From the Township of Southwo!Ld with n~tice of Application to the Onvario Munioipal Board for "Pp'ro",al of a By_Law to regu- late land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of the Pla'llIUOeng Act and a copy of Township of Southwo~d By-Law No. 74 - 15.--Re- re'rred to the Roads Committe'e. F'rom the TownsMp of Southwold with noilice of "PpIication to the Ontario Municipal iBo.ard f'Or arppmv1aIof a By-Law to regu- l>lte land use p'assed pursuant to Section 35 of the Plannwng Act and a copy of Township of SouthwooM By-Law No.. 74 - 14.-Re" f,erred to the Roads Committee. From tire Regional Municipality of Pee\l with resolution p~o' testing to the Ontario Hockiey Association the apparent lajck of control 'and physioal violence at the ORA. Junior B. Final first game hetween the Bramailea Blues 'and the Hamilton Red Wings. -Referred to the County Govennment Committee,. Fmm the Honour!JJble John White with copy of a letter to Mr. A. A. Wishart re': gram towards 1II1e reulOvatioins to the County Library BuiIding.-Referred to ,the Finance and Appor- tiomnent Committee. From the Towll1Ship of Bayham withoopy of Township of Bayham By-Law 1&19 to stop 1.11' 'a street or Mley iu the Hamlet of Riclrmond find reque'stlng the Counity of ELgrn to p'ass a con- firming by-Iaw.~Refe1'red to the Ro"ds Committee. From the Ministry of the Environment with letter m: Re- quirements under Part VII of the Environmeutail Protection Act. -Filed. From 1II1e Elgin County Board' 'Of Education with letter and resolutionre: crossw"lks in various areas ,0[ tire County.-Refer. red to the Roads Committee. 118 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Fmm Marshall MackIin Monaghan Limited with copy of "The Ne'ed for Contr<Y1 Surveys for Municipalities".-Flled. From Hickllng-Johnstom with 'le.tter /rdvising O'f their inter- €Ist ,in p'!lovi'djmg cOllJsuUing -assisrba'II!ee if we are consideT'i'llrg a oounty restructuring study.-Referred to the Lacal Government Study Committee. F~om Enviroll1llThent OanMlida ad!vi.~ng that two publications llIT'eavai1able: (1) What youaIways wllJUted to know about Great Lakes levels. (2) Share Erosion-Cause and Cure. -Referred to the Counrty Government Committee. From the Ministry of Revenue with letter in reply to our IeilJter of March 29, 1974, endo,rslng resolution f,rom the Regioulll Municipality of Otta wa-Oadetan re: Ame\11Jd\nent of the Munici- pal Act.-Referred to the County Government Oommittee. 'I'he Report of the Road Committee was' presenrted by Reeve McKillop and adopted on motion of Roove McKiUop a'nd Reeve Lyle. The Report of tbe Elgin ManJOr Cammittee was presented by Reeve Hodgsom ,and 'adopted on motion of Reeve Ifodgsonand Reeve Lielmer. The Report ad' the Property Oomm~ttee WIlS presented hy Deputy Reeve Y;oung ,and "dopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Y;<mng '"nd Deputy Ree~e OarroU. Reeve Emerson reported that ag'reemenrt hiad beem reached with the Sl. Thomas-Elgin Haspital Emp~yees. Moved by Reeve Todd Se'conded by Reeve Hod!gson That we do now adjourn to' meet again OI1J lVLay 15th, 1974, at 2:00 P.M. -Carried. Council re-convooed The Report 'af the Finance "RIl!d Appo'rtionmoot Committee was presented by Reeve Lyle and adopted on motian of Re'eve Lyle and Re'eve Caok. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 119 'I'he Report of the Social Services Oommitte'e was presented by Deputy Ree\'e Schafer and adopted on motian of Deputy Reeve Schafer and Reeve Lyle. 11he Report of the County Government Committee was pre- sented by Reeve WliIson and adopted 0IIl motian ,of Re'eve Wilson and Reeve Hodgson. The Repo.rt of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Oaverly ,and adopted on motion of Reeve Oa\'erly 'and Deputy Re,eve Pettill. The Repo.rtof the Local Go\'ernment Study Committee was presented by Reev'e Todd and adopted on motion of Re'eve Todd "nJd Reeve Liebner. The Report of the Personnel Committee WIlS presented by Reeve Emerson Mlid adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Reeve JO'hnstOO1. Moved by Reeve Jahnston Seconded by Reeve Kahnt 'J1hat By-Law NO'. 2309 "Being a By-Law to AmelJl!d By"Law NO'. 2293 Thereby Incre'a.iIng the IntE....,'St Rate Pa&d on Moneys Borrowed f'rom the Bank", be read a ,~irst time. -Oa'rried. Moved by Deputy Reeve deRyk SeeO;J]ded by Reeve Johllilton That By-Law No. 2309 be read a second time. -CaTried. . Moved 'by Reeve Kahint SecOIl1ded by Reeve Cavevly That By-Law No. 2309 be re,ad a third time and finally pass- ed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve McKillap Seconded by Reeve Lyle That By-Law No. 2310 "Be&ng a By"Larw to Appoint a Tree Oommlssioner f'Ol! the County ,ad' Elgin", be read a first time. -Ollrried. 120 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Re'eveJ ohruston Seconded by Reeve K"hnt That By-Law No. 2310 be read a s.econd time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Lyle Seconded by Ree,ve Johnston That By-Law No. 2310 be read a third ttme and finally pass- ed. -Camed. Moved by Deputy Reeve Schafer Seconded by Reeve Hodgson Thllt By-Law No. 2311 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Counciil of the CODp'Olmtion of the County of ELgin at the May Session, 1974", be ,read a fi"llt time. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit That By-Law No. 2311 be road a secon>d time. -Carried. -Carried. Moved hy Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by Deputy Reeve Schafer That By-La'w No. 2311 be r,ead a thil'd time ,and finally pass- ed. . -Carried. Moved by Reeve Oook S""onded hy Reeve Neme1Jt That we do now adjoum to meEj( again on Wednesday, June 26, 1974, at 10:00 a.m. H. L, JOHNSON merk -Carried. R. L.LAKE Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 121 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT MAY SESSION - 1974 St. Thomas, Ontario To the Warden and Members of The Ellgin Cownty Council Y'our Road Committee Begs to Repom liS Follows. WE RECOMMEND: That the Re'solution of the County of Bruce, reque'sting that Federal Legislation be changed so thllt the "PPOlrtionment of the Orossing Protection Costs which IlJre 'now bOTlne 80% 'by the Rail- way Grade Crossing Fund, 12% % by the Municipality aud 7% % by ,the Railway be changed to ,increase the cost to the Railway and reduce the co,st to the Municipa11ty, be endoTsed. All of which is respectful:ly submitted. D. K. McKILLOP, Chairman. ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1974 To the Warden a!l1Jd Members of The Elgiln Oounty Council The Elgin Mllnor Committee :repOl'tsas f'ollJoW\S.: 1. ThetendeT of A. N. Marnn Limited.n the amoun~ of $3,675.- 00 has been accepted for pailntirugthe exterior of Elgin Manor. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. W. HODGSON, Chairman. 122 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1974 To the Warden and Members of The Elgin Cownty Council The Property Committee reports as folil!oM's: 1. That 'We recommemd to County Oouncil that we enga:ge A. M. Spriet ,a:nd Assoda:tes Limited to prepare working dmwings for c(lllventlng the Elgin Oow11ily Library Building to provide accom- modation for the E'lgin County Oouncil, lihe Glerk-TreaSlUrer's Offioes 'and the Land Division Office. 2. That Johnson, Controls Limited be eng1a:ged to do, the reno- V'ations to tihe boilers etc. in the CO'lN:1t House ,,,s specified In their letter of April 22, 1974, at the, quoted price of $2,145.00. All of whi<lh isrespectfuHy submitted. C. S. YOUNG, ChaIrman. FINANCE AND APPORTIONMENT COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1974 To the Warden ,and Members of The Elgin OoulllIly Council The Flnanoe '>IUd Apportionment Comnrlttee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from the TO\Wlship of North Dullllfries requesting ,amendment of Section 304 ,of the Municipal Act be filed. 2. That the copy of "Bacloground" received from the Minis- try of Treasury, Economics "nd lntergovell'llmental Mfairs be filed. 3. 'I1hat the letter fmm the ElgiJn-St. Thomas Health Unit re: 1973 suvplJus be filed. 4. That tihe letter frlJlll] Mr. Eugene Dopp reo a gmnt to Com- ,mulllity Information a:nd He[p Cenilr,e be :l'lled. 5. That the copy ,of ,the letter sent to Mr. A. A. Wishart hy the Honourable John White m: Library BuildiJng gr,a11il be filed. AU of whioh is respectfully slIbmitbed. is. A. LYLE, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 123 SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1974 To the Warden "nd Members ,of The' E'lgln County Oouncil 'I1he Social Services Committee reports as follows: 1. That the qnestion of establishing a domiciliary hostel in Dutton for patients fvomthe psychiatric hospitwl be' not recom- mended 'a:t this tIlme. 2. That we reoommend to the Ministry of Health and the Miuistry of Social a!ll!d Community Service's that agr,eement be reaChed with reg1ard to aocepting the full cost of patients dis- charged from psychiatdc hospitia1s who may be eli!jibIe to Live in privately run domiciliary ho'Stels'. AU of which is 'Tespectfully snbmitted. M.A SCHAFER, Chairman. COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1974 To the Wa'Tdena:nd Members of The Elgin Oounty Council 'I1he County Government Committe,e repom '!liS fo[[ows: 1. That the 'Tesolution f'rom the City of Mis&issauga requesting the ProV'incial Government to dnst!itute a pe~ C"P',ita gra11ilstruc- tore to municipalities to ,aid mulllicip'aliities financiGlIw in the p'Tovision of fire services be foiled. 2. That the resolution from the Regio'nal Municdpalit~ of Pee[ reo lack of cCl11il'TOI a!ll!d physical vlolelJ!ce 'at tilJe O.H.A. Junior B. Finlll first ga:me between iBramalea Blues 'and lihe Hamilton Red Wings be filed. 3. That the letter fmm Environment Oooada reo puhlications rela:tive to Grellt Lakes Water Leve,ls be filed. 4. That the letter f'TOm ,the Ministry of Revenue reo Amend- ment ,of the Municiplll Act be f[led. AU of which is respectftrlly submitted. J. is. WILSON, Oha:irman. 124 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 125 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1974 To the W~rden anJd Membe.rs of the' Elgin County COuncil, The Agrioultural Committee reports as fol[ows: 1. That the 'copy of the l<Jtter to Mr. Jackson Baker from Mr. Rohe'rl J. UpsdeH be filed. All of which is respectJ01rlly submitted. W. R. CAVERLY, Chairman. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1974 To the WaTden and Members ,of the'Elg1ln Counrty Council, The Personne,1 Oommittee reports as follows: 1. That the Committee aJgree that tlhe p'l1incip~e of Ire,eping the rates for the category of Registe,red NUil'se~ In line with those paid ,at the Sl. Thomas-ElgIn General Hospital will be used, onCe new mtes are established for the Hospital!, 'and tiJ;at the differ- en~aJl between the nurses ,and supervisors be maintained. 2. That the hourly !'ate f'OT road department employe'es be in- creased bY .20c per hour ,effecti"e May 5th, 1974. All of which is respectfuHiy oobmitted. K. C. EMERSON, Chairman. LOCAL GOVERNMENT STUDY COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1974 To the WaJrdeh mid Members of the Elg1ln Oounty Council, The Local Government Study Committee veports as foHows: 1. A le'tter from the Honoumble John White ,to Warden Lake re: Counrty Res'trlloturing Studies progmm was re'm and: tile OhaIrman adivised Oouncil ,that . a . meeting of the St. Thomas Looal Govemm:ent Study CommIttee ood the Elgin County Loca[ GoveMment Study Committee will be held at the Court House, St. Thomas, on Wednesday, May 22, 1974, at 7:30 p.m. 2. That ,the letter from HlckJJing-Johnston Limited advising that they are ~IlilJe,rested in providIng (Joooulting ~silistan(Je if we aTe c(msIcle,ring 'a Cwnty restructudng stUdy be filed. AIl of which Is respectfully 'submitted. D. R. TODD, ChaIrman. COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW No. 2309 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-LaW No. 2293 Thereby Increasing the Interest Rate Paid o,n Moneys Borrowed from The BanI, of Montreal." ' WHEREAS Clause (1) of By-Law No. 2293 'authorizes an inter, est rate not exceeding 10 per cent per oonum 0'11 moneys bor- rowed from the Hank of Montreal. AND WHEREAS intel'est rates have increased 'since the passing of By-Law No. 2293. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the COl'jlomtion of the County of Elgin enacts as foUows: THAT By-Law No. 2293 be amended by deleting Clause (1) and substituting the'r,efore the following: 1. The Head and the Treasurer or Deputy Tma5urecr am hereby authorized on behalf of the' Corporation to bormw' from time to time, by way of pmmissory note, from the Hank of. Montre'al, a sum or sumS not exceeding in the aggregate Two Million dollars to meet, until Vhe taxes aTe' collected, the' current experri.dltures 126 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL of the Corp'Orati'On fm ,the- ye-ar, including the amournts required for .the pnrposes mentioned in subsect.on (1) of .the said Section 329, and to give, on behalf of the CorpomUon, .to the Bank a promiss'Ory note 'Or n'Otes, se-aled with ,the'corpQwt€' se'al and signed by ,them f'Or the moneys so bo,rrowed with interest at a rate not ,exceeding 12 per cOOJtum per annum, Which may b€ paid in ,advance 'Or otherwise. READ ,a first time ,this 15tih way of May, 1974. READ ,a secollJd time this 15th daY of May, 1974. READ a third time, and finally passed fuis 15th day of May, 1974. H.L.JOHNSON R. L.LAKE merk W,arden COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2310 "Being a By-Law t'O ApP'Oint a Tree Commissioner f'Or the C'Ounty 'Of Elgin. WHEREAS By-LawN'O. 2187 'Of the OOil1nVy of Elgm pro,vides f'Or the 'appointment of 'Officers to "nrforce <the By-Law. THE CORPORATION OF THE OOUNTY OF ELGIN enacts as follows: 1. 'l1bJat Mo. Jackson Baker, Ay,lmer, Ontario is hereby appoint- ed Tree Coonmissione'r for the County of Elgin. 2. That his remunemti,m shaH be- $3.50 per hour while engag- ed in <his dutiesllindthirteen cents (.13c) per mile for the use of his car. 3; That By-Laws No. 2187, 2225, 2245,2285 'b€ aoo the same are hereby rep,ealed. READ 'a first .time thls 15th day of May, 1974. READ a second time this 15th day of May, 1974. READ 'a ,third time and nnallly passed this 15th day 'Of May, 1974. ' H. L. JOHNSON R. L. LAKE Clerk ' Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 127 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2311 "A By-Law t'O Confirm Proceeding~ 'Of The Council 'Of Thc C6r. poratiou of Thc C'Ounty 'Of Elgin at the May Session, 1974." W(HEREAS by Section 9 of the Mundcl~ Act, I>eling Chap- ter 234 ,of the ,Revised Statutes of OUltari'O, 1970, the powers 'Of a municipal corPQmtion are to be exerolsedby its council; AND WHEREAS by subse,ction 1 of Seictlon 241 of the Muni- cipal Act, heing ohapter 234 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the p'Owers of every cQunoilaire to be exercised by By- Law; AND WHEREAS it is delemed e'xpedient that the proce,ed-- ings of the Council of the O'OnpomtiOil1 Qf the C'Ounty of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed a,ndadopted by By-Law: , NOW THEREFORE tihe Council of the Corporation of the CQurrtyof E'lgm enacts 'as f'OHows: 1. That acti'On of the Council of the OorpoTation 'Of the C'Ounty of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the reports of the committees ,and €"ach motioo '>IUd re.s'Oiliution passed and other actidn taken by the Council ,of the Oomporation of the County of Elgin meetings held durllJJgthe May 1974 Sessi'On is hereby adopted and .c'Onfirmed as if al[ such proceedings were expressly embodied in this 'By-lJaw. 2. The Warden and pmper officials of the Corpomtion of the County of Elgin am heTeby authontzed ,and dimcted to do a'll things neCessary ,to give effe,ci to the 'action of the Council of the C'Orponation of the County of ElginrefleiJ.'red to in preceding section here'Of. 3; The Warden and theCle,rkare 'awllhoN"ed ,and directed to execute all docume,nJts ne,cessary in that behallf and toMfix themto the Seal of the Corporation 'Of theOounty 'Of Elgin. READ a first time this l~th clay of Ma,y, 1974. READ a second time this 15th day of May, 1974. READ a third time allJd finally passed this 15th day of May, 1974. H. L. JOHNSON merk R. L. LAKE Warden 128 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL JUNE SESSION - FIRST DAY Thursday, the 27th day of June, 1974 The Elgin County Council met this day at the, Court House, St. Thomas. The Warden in the chair.. All members present except Deputy Reeve Schafer. Moved hy Reeve Dennis Seconded hy Reeve Hodgson That the m.nutels of the May 1974 Ses,sion of the Elgin County Council be adopted. -Carried. The following Communications were mad and referred to the various committees: From the Ministry of Manp'Owe,r and Immigration, "Oppor- tunities, for Youth" with letter and 11m of projects that will be functioning 'in ourarea.-Filed. From Mr. John Wise, M.P. with let1Jer'acknow!ledging that he has received our endorsement of the resolution from the Oounty 'Of Bruce r,equesting that the existing apportionment he modified w,ith ,refe,rence to the cost of maitJItenance of railway crossing prote'Ction f'aciIities and advising that he will support the resooution.-Filed. ,From Mr., K. E. FaIIis, Ddrector, Soils and Crops Brauch, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, with ie1Jter re: granrts under the Weed, Oontrol Act.-Refex.red to the Agricultur,,1 Commit- tee. From Mr. R. M. Ross, Deparimental AssiSltant, Office of the Minister, Transpori Canada, with letter ,acknowledging reeeipt of our letter endorsing the resolution f'rom the CQuntyof Brnee regarding the apportionment of the cost of In~ta1iI!atlon of rail- way crossing proteotive equipmenrt.-Ftled. From the Bank of Montreal with Ielter advising that the interest ,on loans has increase,d to 11% e:fu1ective May 10th, 1974. -Filed. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 129 From Imperial Oil Limited with letter advising that as of May 16, 1974, ImperiaI Oil's posted tank wagon prices have been increased as follows: AN GaJsooines Diesel Fuel KerOisene StOVIC Oil Furnace Oil Esso CommerciaI Fuel 9.2c per galllon 8.9c per gaIlon ) ) ) 8.6c p'e'r gailo'll ) -Filed. From the Honourable Leo Bernier, Minis,ler of Natural Re: sources .ad'i1ising that there is .no provision in the term of refer- ence for the Shoretline Property Assistance programs for the granting ofadditlonal funds to a municipality for projects under- taken undelT the pmgram, beyond the lJOlTmal 80/20 division of costs.-Filed. From the Municip,,1 Enginee'rs Association with two resoLu- ti(lns lTe: inspection and control Of sewage inst~latioUlS and pro- tection Of receiving waters.-Referred to the County Government Oommittee. From MIT. K. E. Fallis, Director, SoilS and Crops Braneh Ministry of Agriculture "nd Food with Letter re< Grants UudelT the Weed Control Act.-Referred to the Agricultural Commit- tee. From Di~triot 17, of Pilot mub International with lett'eT of appreciaffiion for our contribution of matehes fOIT 26th Distxiot Convention April 26 - 28, 1974.-FiIed. From the Ministry of Tmnspol'tlllion. and Communieations with copy of Audit Report on the Road Expenditures of Elgin County :l'or the year 1973.-Refetred tc ,the Ro"d Oommittee. From the .Ministry Of Tre3sury, Economics aud Iutergovevn- menial Mrairs with copy of "Background" .-Refevred to the County Government Oommittee. Fmm the Southwestern Ont"vio Travel Association with request ror jJjnanciaI ~uppovt.'-Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. 130 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL From Doctor W. Gmrut Webster ,and Doctor Mary F.Weh- ster with letter advisirug thatefie'cN\'e May 1, 1974, the charge for medical ex"minations bas heeru ,increased' from fifte'en to twenty dollars.-Referred to the PersollJll,,1 Committee. From the Honoumble William G. Davis, Premie'r of Ontario, with letter acknowledging reeeipt of our letile<r endorsing the request of the village of Poct BurweH fm a once only grant of $20,000.00 from the Ministry of the Environment.-Filed. From the Town of Aylmer with copy of. applications by William He'my Taylor requestirug 'a varianee "l1!d application by Ralpharud Patricia L"ur requesting a v"rianee and giving the date and ,time of the meetjng of the OO'ffimittee of Adjustment at which these "PP!ieations wiill he heard.-Refer<red to the Road Committee. From ,the Association of Municipalities Oof Ontario with infor- mation re:'The Annual Conference, of the Association.-Referred to the County Government Committee. . From Mr..R. A. Barrett, merk,Oity of Sl. Thomas with resc' lution passed hy the Local Government Study Committee of ,the Oounty of Elgin and City of Sl. Thom"s requesting The Ron- ourable John White to as'sist in the mitiation of a. County Re- strjlcturing study for the COounty of Elgin and the City of St. Thomas.-Referred to the Local Govemmoot study Commit- tee. From Mr. R. A. Barrett, merk, Clly of Sl. Thomas with resolution passed by the Local Government Study Oommittee of ,ihe County Oof Elgin and City of st. Thomas th>li subjeet to the approval Oof The RonoljlrabIeJohn Wbite and subject to accept"nee of StephBU Janes that he he appointed as Commis- sioner for a County Restructudng Study for the Counily of Elgin and City of Sl. Thomas.-'-Referred to the Local Government Study Committee. From Mr. John Wise, M.P. with 'copy ,of a lertter he re.ceived from the Office Oof the Minister of TranspOort Canada reo the resolution from the County of Bruce regarding apportionment of ,the cost of maintenance of railway croosing protection facili- tles.-Filed. From the Regional Municipality Oof Peel with resOolution reo the drafting of leglsl~ti()n which would defirue the POowers and ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIl, 131 dulJiesof a crossing guard and delegating the authorIty regarding crossingguards...-Refe,rred to the Educational Committee. From the Township of Pittsburgh. with. re,solution reo in. creasing ,the Pe.iH"lity for non payme1lil of'taxes.-Referred to the Cou1lily Gove~nme\1!t Oommittee. Prom the Ministry of Treas'ury, Economics and lnte'rgov- ernmental Affairls with letter 're: purchasing Canadian goods and services whereve'r possible.~Referred 'to the Road. Commit- tee. . From Mr. William G. Newman, Ministry of the Environment with ,letter reo responsibility "or private waste disPOosal systems. -'-Filed. ' From Mr.R. K. McNe.n, M.P.P. with copy of a leUerl:1e re: ceived from Tl:1e Honourable Rene Brunelle reo the c()nstruc- tion of a HOome for the Aged in Aytimer.-Referred to the Elgin Manor Committee. From the Ontario Association of Rural 'Municipalities with requem for membership.-FiJJed. ' Fromlhe City of Nanticol<e with Teisolution requestirug the GD\'ernment of Ontario tD illlstitute a provincial lottery tD prD- vide a fund to le,ssen the. unexpeded financial burden thrust upon tl:1ose municipalities visited by natural di&asters.-Referred to the County Government Committee. . From the Ministry of Tmnsportationand Communications with letter advising that a presentation reo Highway 3 Feasibility Study St. Thomas to TilIsonburg, wi~~ be made on JU"y 10th, 1974, at 8:00 P.M., in the Aylmer Arena.-Filed. From Mr. S. H. J'anes, P. Eng., M.T.P.I.C. with letter.advis- ing 'Of his availability for the position of Commissioner for the County Restruoturing Study fDr the County of Elgin and City of st. ThDmas.-Referred to the Local Gov,ernme1lil Study Commit- tee. From Hennessey, Kempster and Gunnwith le,tterre: Coun- ty of Elgin vi;. Graham imd vs. Fel'Tlll:1 Guneyler and with .sug- gestion for amendment of Section 1 (1) of County 'Of Elgin ,By, Law No. 2208.-Referred to the AgricuiItural Committee. 132 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL From Mr. William G. Newman of the Ministry of the Envi- ronme'nt with letter in reply to Coumy of Elgin request for Eunds for erosion control at the municipal p'1.Vhlic heach.-Filed. From the Honoumble Rene BruneJNe, Minister of Commun- ity ,llnd SiodaJ Service's with letter re: Elgin County Social Ser- vices Committee - Plans far Hostel ro", Patients from the St. st. Thomas Psychiatric Hospital in the VilLage of Dutton.-Filed. From His Honour Judge J. A. Winter with letter setting forth the need for furtheJr administration of Justice. space in the Court House if same be.comes availlable.-Re.ferred to the Property Commltte.e. From the Council of the Township of \':anmouth with reso- lution re: the banning of 1JI000-re,tumable bo.ttIes and a minimum deposit on all glwss bottles sold in OlJltaxio.-Referred to the County Gove.mme'm Commltte'e. 'From the Elgin County Pionee,r Mus,eum with request for an llidditional grant of $200.00 per year to cove", the cost of in- cTellised insuTaollce premiums.-Refe,rred to the Finance and Ap. portionment Committee. From the Ministry of Treasury, Econ()mics and Intergovern- mentail Af:,airs with letter and questionn8Jlre re: employment of students.-Referred to the County Govemment Committee. From the Ministry of Housing with letter llidvising that ef- fective July 2nd, 1974, the PI8Jns and Administration Division is establishing a Field Office in London to serve southwestern On- tario.-Referred to the Coumy Governmem Committee. The Tre.llsurer's Report WllS p",e.sented. Moved by Reeve Lyle Seconded by Reeve Dennis Thllit the Treasurer's Report he accepted "nd printed in the proceedings. -Oarried. The personnel Committee Report was presenteJd by Reeve Emerson ,and adopted on motion of Releve Emerson and Reeve Johnston. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 133 'l'he Road Committee Report was presented by Reeve Mc- KilJlop m,d llidopted on motion of Reeve McKillop and Reeve Liebner. The Property Committee Repol't WlliS presented by Deputy Reeve Young and adopted OIl motion of De.puty Reeve Y'oung and Deputy Reeve Carroll. The Elgin Manor. Committee Report was prese,med by Reeve Hodgson and adopted on motion of Reeve Hodgson and Reeve Liebner. At the request of Reeve Hodgson, Mr. Fred Boyes, Adminis- tmtor of the Elgin County Home for the Aged, read to Council a report which he had prepared fm Re'eve Hodgson, Chairman of the Elgin Manor Committee, setting out the procedures to be taken with respect to the bulMing of 'lli second Home for the kged, adjacent to .the Town of Aylmer. The report indicated that the new Home will ,be a 100,bed Home at a cost per bed of approximately $14,000.00 and the Home wiilil consist of all resi- dential care. Deputy Reeve Whalls reported to Council concerning the washroom facilities at Port Stanley a'nd advised the present Vil- lage Council would not be constructing any new washrooms. Reeve Oaverly requested that special books for children with leaming disabilities, be placed in the Elgin County Lib- , rary. Reeve Liebner advised that the Elgin County Golf day has beena<ranged to take phace at Pleasllim Vau,ey Golf Course on July 11th, 1974, with te.e-off starting at 12:30 P.M. Moved by Reeve Todd Seconded by Reeve Johnston That the Elgin Connty Council p<esenta submission to the appropriate provincial authorities considering the redistribu- tion ,of ProvillJCial Ridings, that cons1demtion be given to re.mov- ing the Townships 'Of Al!dborough and DUlliWiCh and Villages of Rodney, We.st Larue and Dutton from the Kent Riding, and plac. e.d in the Elgin Riding. -Carried. 134 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL Moved 'by Re'eve Hodgson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Monteith Thall we do now adjourn to meet ag'a,n on June 27th, 1974, at 2:00 p.m. -Carried. Council Re-Convened. The Report of the Local 'GovemmenJt Study Committee was presented by Reeve Todd "nd adopted on moHon of Reeve Todd and Re'eve Cook. Th Report of the F'inance and Apportionment Committee was presented by Reeve Lyle "nd adopted on motiOJl of Reeve Lyle,and Reeve MiskeIiliy. The Raport of the Educational Gcmmittee was presented by Reeve Ejahnt m~d 'adopted on motion of Reeve Kahnt and Deputy Reeve WhaIIs. The Raport of the County Government Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Wilson 'and adopted on motion of Reeve Wilson and Deputy Reeve' Mollileith. The Report of the A~riculJtU['al Committee was presented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Cav€Tly and Deputy Re,eve Pettit. :Moved by Ree"e Liebner Seconded hy Reoeve Lyle That we go into 'a Committee of Wlhole. -Carried. The Waroen appointed Reeve Liebner to be Ohairman of the Committee of the Whole. l1he Committe'e discussed the matter of the Warden's Ban- quet at some length. Moved by Warden Laroe Seconded by Deputy Reeve Oarroll That this Committee rise wUhout reportill1g. ~OarriHQ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 135 Tile Warden resumed the Chair. Moved by Re,eve Kahnt Seconded by Deputy Reeve Simpson That By-Law No. 2312 "Being ,a By~Law to Amend By-Law No. 2290 A By-Law "To Regulate the fuoceedings in the Muni- cipal Oonncil of the Co:rporation of the COlNl:ty of Elgin and the Officers and Committees thereof", be read a fkst time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Simpoon Seconded by Reeve Johnston That By-Law No. 2312 be read a second time. -Oarried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll Seconded by Reeve K"hnt That By-Law No. 2312 be read a third time and fluaNy pass- ed. -Oarried. Moved by Reeve Todd Seconded by Reeve Uehner l1hat By-Law No. 2313 "A By-La", to Confirm By-Law No. 1819 of the TownShip of Bayham, Being 'a By-Law to Stop up and Close and Sell ,a Street or Alley in the Hamlet of R,chmond in the Townahipof Bayham", be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by ReeV'e Lyle Seconded by Reeve 110dd That By-Law No. 2313 be read a second, tiJme. -Carried. Mo"ed by Reeve Liehner Seconded hy Reeve Lyle That By-Law No. 2313 be read a thiJrd time and finally pass' ed. ' -Carried. ' 136 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit That By-Law No. 2314 "Being a By-Law to Rl'strict the Weight of Vehicles Passing over Bridges", he read a first time. --Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by Reeve Wilson That By-Law No. 2314 he rood a se'cond time. -Carried. Moved 'hy Reeve Wilson Seconded by Reeve Cavedy That By-Law No. 2314 be read a third mme and fmaIIy pass- ed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Deputy Reeve WhalLs That By-Law No. 2315 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the June Session, 1974", be read a first time. -Carried. Moved ,by Reeve Willson Se<!onded by Re,eve Hodgson 'l1hat By-Law No. 2315 be re3Jd a se,cond twe. -Carried. Moved 'by Deputy Reeve W!halls Seconded ,by Reeve Wilson That By-Law No. 2315 be read a third time and finally pass- ed. -Carried. Reeve Todd read a letter wltich he had received regarding Pre-QuJalification of T'eIlde,rers for the London Regional Deien- tion Centre. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 137 Moved by Reeve Miskelly Seconded by Reeve Dennis That we do now adjourn to meet again on September 18th, 1974, at 10:00 a.m. -Carried. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk R. L. LAKE Warden 138 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT June Session, 1974 To thewarile;nand Me'lnbers of the 'E,lgtn County Council; . I beg to submit the foIlo<wing statements of Receipts and Expenditureos from January 1st, 1974 to May 31st, 1974. RECEIPTS &llance in Bank ~nd on hand January 1st, 1974 Notes Payable . County Rate's County Ratels coIDJeded undeT Section 43 LIcenses ,and Permits Interest Oounty Roads ... Ohildren's Aid Society Agriculture MisceIlane,ous Revenue Recovery of Renta,ls WeUare - Adrninistmtion - Benefits Oare of Buildings (Adm. of Justice) Registry Office . Land Division Oommittee Printing, Postage & StationeTY Accounts Receivable 525,0.00.00 163,504.65 $ 162,755.38 933.63 500.00 551.28 654,299.33 490.12 1,896.00 41,531.16 10,845.52 5,614.12 68,942.26 7,106.14 1,221.92 7,810.00 122.55 100.00 $ 1,490,468.68 $ 1,653,224.06 EXPENDITURES 17,987.90 19,448.01 4,897.36 12,836.09 Members' Wages Officers' Salaries Printing, Postage & Stationery.. O"re of Buildings Grants, Associations, Scholarships, etc. Miscellaneous Expense Oounty Roads . Ohildren's Aid Societies Transfe,rred to Elgin ManQr Intere,st 3,031.20 14,966.30 625,613.66 24,905.00 38,000.00 7,880.91 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Abatment of 'I1axes Agriculture Registry mfice Elgin-St. Thomas Helllth DllIit . County Library . Land Division Committe'e Welfare - Administmtion - Benefits Transferred to Payroll Account. . Notes Pay'able Balance in Bank May 31, 1974 879.45 4,257.35 1,620.98 27,738.00 117,737.51 7,465.23 17,244.89 138,527.13 5,000.00 450,000.00 ELGIN MANOR Balance in Bank and on hand January Ist, 1974 $ Receipts . Expenditures Balance in Bank and on hand May 31st, 1974- ALL of which is respectd'ully submittlid. 139 $ 1,540,036.97 . 113,187.09 $1,653,224.06 61,690.80 282,130.78 $ 343,821.58 . 342,379.39 $ 1,442.19 H. L. JOHNSON O<>unty Clerk and Treasurer PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1974 'fu the Warden aud Members 'of the Elgin County Council; The Pers<>nnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That we accept the increase in rates for County medical. from $15.00 to $20.00 effective May 1st, 1974. 2. That we rec()lnmend to County Council that ailil salaried employee's, not covered by a working agreement, he incre'ased by $9.00 per week ($468.00 per annum), effective May 5th, 1974. All of which is respectfully submitted. K. C. EMERSON, Chairman. 140 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1974 St. Thomas, Ontario To the Warden and Members ,of the E1gtn CoucU~ Council; \lour Road COlffimittee begs to report liS fol[mvs: 1. That a Contract for Hot Mix Asphalt work on Roads 14, 42, 45 and Roads 3 and 4 in Rodney, and a number of small patching locations, was awarded to Walmsley Bros. Limited at $170,618.75 ~he lowest of two bidders. The County supplied the asphalt cel1nent. All work other than R08Jds 3 and 4 in Rodney have been completed. Also included in the same Contract was work for several other municipalities. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a By-Law be passed confirming By-Law No. 1819 of the Township of Bayham closing a portion of Centre Street, Registered Plan 22 in the Hamlet of Richmo'oo. 2. That a By-Law he pallsed which in effect willaanend By-Law No. 2212 of the Conllity by lowering the weight I,mit on Walkers Bridge on Road 15 (Dunwich-Aldborough Townline) across the Thame,s River from 10 ton to 5 ton. The Ministry of Transportation and Oommunications re'commends the reduced weight until extensive repaius are mad~ to the main steel truss. All of which is respectfully sublll!itted. D. K. McKILLOP, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 141 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1974 To the Warden and Menjbers of thE> E,lgin County Council; The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. We recommend that Enginee'r Moo!I'e proceed with repair- ing the roof ,at the East entrance to the COUTt House and that Mr. Ernie Bond be advised that this work is being undertaken. 2.. We recommend that we proceed with alteratious to. the present library building suggeSlted by A. M. Spriet at the estim- ated cost of $36,500.00. All of which is respectfully submitted. C. S. YOUNG, Chairman. ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1974 To the Warden and Me'mbers of the Elgtn COi<nty Council; The Elgin Manor Committee reports 'as foillows: 1. The tender of H.I.R.A. Limited in the amount of $7,165,00 has been accepted Tor convertiug the rose garden into additional craft room spacE>, sUbjed to the a!>prova'l of the Ministry of Community and Social Services. 2. The Administrator has been authoo:ized to proceed with step 3 in evaluating proposals for additional domiciliary care aocommodation, with regard to initial cost and economic' f,easi- bilitystudy and detailed budgetary fore'casts. (capital and opera- ting). 3. We recommend to County Counci'l that the Elgin Manor Committee be the Building Committee for the propos,ed new Home for the Aged, and that tlhe, Committee he authorized to engage an architect, and a,ligo to consult with the staff or the auxiliary, if they wish their. opinion. 4. The Admin1strator, Assistant Admilllistra,tor and Director of Nursing have beenauthori.ed 10 attend the Ontario Associa- 142 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL tion Qf the HQmes fQr the Aged convention, September 22nd to 25th, in '!1omntQ, with e,<penses paid. 5. '!1he cOost of pre-employment medieals .and x-rays are to he assumed by the Elgin ManQr. ' All,of which is respectfully submitted. J. W. HODGSON, Chairman. LOCAL GOVERNMENT STUDY COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1974 To. the W"rden and Membe,rs of the Elgin County Council, The Lo'cal GQveT,ilment Study Committe'e repQrts as follows: 1. We recQmmend that '!1he Honoumhle John White, Treasurer of Ontario, he reque'sted to. assist in the initiation of a. County Restructuring Study fQr the County of Elgin and City of St. ThQmas, at his earIioot cQnvenience. 2. We recommend that subject to the approval of The Honour- 8!b1e JQhn White, Treasurer ofOntaIio, and subject to the accept- ance of Mr. Stephen. Janes, tbat he be appQinted as CommissiQn- er for a County Restructuring Study for the County Qf Elgin and City Qf Sl. ThQmas. 3. That the letter frQm Mr; S. W.Janes ad"ising of his availa- bility for the pOSition of Commissioner for the County Restruc~ luring Study for the Oounty Qf Elgin and City of Sl. Thomas be fi~ed. 4. That the letter and Submission to LQca!! Government Study CQmmittee fQr the Oity Qf Sl. Thomas and County of Elgin re' ceived from Winspear, Higgins, Ste\'€1lJsQn and Company be giv- en to. the CommissiQner appointed fOol' a County Restructuring Study fQr the County of Elgin and City of Sl. Thomas. 5. That a copy Qf this report be sent to Mr. R. A. Barrett, Clerk, City of St.Thomas, and that he bemquested to provide the County of Elgin with a copy of any correspO'l]dence he sends or rec.eives in connectlon with this undert",k1ing. All of which is respedfulltY submitted. D. R. TODD, Ohairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 143 FINANCE AND APPORTIONMENT COMMITTEE REPORT June .session, 1974 To the W",rden and Members of the Elgin CQunty Council, The Finance and ApportiQnment Committee reports as follQws: 1. Tbata grant of $50.00 he giv.en to the Southwestern Ontario Travel ASlsocia:tion. 2. That the request for ",n additional grant of $200.00 for the Elgin County Pioneer Museum for 1974 be granted. All of which is respedfully submitted. B. A. LYLE, Chairman. EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1974 To. the Warden and Members of the Elgin CQunty Council, The Educational Committee reports as folilOows: 1. That the resolution from the RegiQnal Municipality of Peel reo the drafting Qf legislatiQn which would define the powe,rs and duties of a crQssing guard and delegating the authority re- garding crQssing guards be endorse,.d. All of which is respecbfuJJly submitted. M. A. KAHNT; Chairman. COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1974 To. the W"rden and Memhe'l's of the Elgin CQunty Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That the reso1utiQn from. the Municipal Engineers Assccia- tion petitioning the Ministeor of the ElliV'i'l'omment to sponsor legislation to enable. the Ministry Qf the en"iroment persQnnel and appropriate mnnicipal stalff to enter on pri\'ate prQperty to inspect and either accept or reject the oonstmction of s",nitary sewers, sewage tre'atment plants etc. . . . and also to require 144 ELGlN COUNTY COUNCIL the property owner to in"tltute and continuously enf'Orce accept- llhle maintenance and operating practices be' tabled. 2. That the resolution from the Municipal Engineers Assoda- tion petitioning the Minister of the Environment to sponsor leg- islation t'0 require industrial and comm'Hrcial busineslses to seek enrvJmnmental approval of the de,s,jgn and fahrication of equip- ment from (aJ the Ministry of the Environmenrl in cases where receiving wate'r would be affected by the re!lwUant discharge fmm such equipment and (h) from munic1paIities in those cases where municipal se'wer systems would be affected be tabled. 3. That the copy of "Background" received from the Ministry of Tre"sury, Eeonomics and Inteflgo'v,ernmental Affairs be filed. 4. That Reeve Wilson and Warden u,ke be the voting dele- gates from the County of Elgin 'ail the Associatiou of Municipali- ties of Ontario Annual Conference for 1974. 5. That the r,esolution f'rom the Township of Pitteburg reo increasing the penallty for non payment of taxes. be filed. 6. That Clause 5 of Section XXIX of By-Law No. 2290 be amended by deleting "50% plus one" and inserting in lieu the1'leof "more than 50%". 7. That the resolution from the City of Nanticoke requesting the Government of Ontario to institute' a provindaI lottery to provide a fUl1ld to lessen the unexpected financial hurden thrust upon those municipaJdties visited by natural disasters be fHed. 8. That the re,scylution from the Township of Yarmouth request- ing the hanning CYf non-returnable glass hotUes from all future sale and that a minimum deposit (jf .50c be p~aced on all glass botlJIes sold in Ontario he endorsed. 9. That the Clerk reply to the questionnaire sent out by the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergov,ernmental Affairs advIsing that we have no positdons ope'n for slmdents. 10. That the lette'r fmm the Ministry of Housing advising that the Plans administration Division is establishing a Field Office in London to serve southwestern Orutaruo be filed. All of which is re,spectfuJily submitted. J. B. WILSON, Chairman. ELGlN COUNTY COUNCIL 145 AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1974 To the W3!rden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports 'as follows: 1. That the two letters from Mr. K. E. Fallis, Direct",r, Soils and Crops Branch, Ministry of AgrillU1ture "nd Food, reo grants under the Weed Control Ad be filed and Mr. Jackson Baker, County Weed Inspector be advised to continue to carry 'Out his dutiest as he has in the past. 2. That the letter fmm Hennessey, Kempster and Gunn sug- gesting amendment of Section 1 (1) of County of Elgin By-Law No. 2208 be filed. All of which is respedfully submitted. W: R. CAVERLY, Chairman. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2312 "Being a By-Law to Amend By.Law Nil. 2290 a By-Law to Regu- late The Proceedings in The Municipal Conncil of The Corpor- ation of The Connty of Elgin and The Officers and Commit- tees Thereof." WHEREAS By-Law No.. 2290 of the County of Elgin regu- ~ates the proceedings in the Municipal Council of the Corpora" -lion of the County of Elgin and the Off1icers and Committees therenf : AND WHEREAS the Council ,of the Corporation of the County of Elgin deems it advisable.to amend By-Law No. 2290. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County ,of IDgin enacts as foLlows: THAT Clause 5 of Sedion XXIX of By-Law No. 2290 be amended 'hy deletirug "50% plus one" fmm the 10th line of Clause 5 and inserting in lieu thereof "more than 50%" so that the satid CI3!use .5 of Sedion XXIX of By-u,w No. 2290 sha1l now read as foUows: 146 . ELG1N COUNTY COUNClL 5. That he shall thereupou. take from a receptacle in which the cards have been placed, one card at a time, as it comes to his hand, and can upon the memhe'r whose name appears themon to say for whom he casts his vote, and the Olerk or Deputy Clerk shall place the ~igure under the name of the memher for whom the vote was cast. When aH the members have voted, the Clerk or Deputy Clerk shall forthwith inform the members 'of the result, and the Clerk or Deputy Clerk shall continue ,the same procedure until he shall find that more than 50% of the votes have be,en cast for one member, and shall thereon declare the e,lection of such member. READ a first time this 27th day of June, 1974. READ a second time this 27th day of June, 1974. READ a third time and f'inally passed this 27th day of June, 1974. H. L.JOHNSON R. L. LAKE Clerk Warde'll COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2313 "A By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 1819 of The Township of Bayham, being a By-Law to Stop Up and Close and Sell a Street or Alley in the Hamlet of Richmond in The Towll' ship of Bayham." WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham on the 6th day of May, 1974, A.D. did pass By-Law No. 1819 to stop'up "nd olose and sell a street or al[ey In. the Hamlet of Richmond in the Township of Bayham more pa,rticularly described in Bye LlliW No. 1819 of the Township of Bayham, a true copy of which is hereunto annexed. AND WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions 'Of the Municipal Act the said Township By-Law shall. not have any force until conf;,rmed by a By-Law of the Council of the County in which the Township is situated, pas,sed at an ordina,ry meeting of the Council held not ,later than one year after the pass~ng of the By-Law of the Cou11!cil of the Township. AND WHEREAS applicatiou has be'en made to the .Council of the Corporation of the County of EIlgin for a ByeLaw'confirm- ing the said Townsh1rp of Bayham By-Law. ELG1N COUNTY COUNCIL 147 NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: THAT By-Law No. 1819 ,of the Township of Bayham heing a By-Law to stop-up and close aJnd sell a street or alley in the Haml0t .of Richmond in the Township of Bayham, be and the same is hereby confirmed. READ a first time this 27th day (Yf June, 1974. READ a second time this 27th day of June, 1974 READ a third time and finally passed this 27th day of June, 1974. H. L. JOHNSON R.L. LAKE Clerk Warden BY-LAW No. 1819 CORPORATION OF' THE .TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BEING A BY-LAW to st~p up and close and sell a street or alley <11 in the Hamlet of Richmond in the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1970, Section 443 (1) (c) gives authority for municipalities to stop up any highway or part of 'a highway. AND WHEREAS the Municipal Act R.S:O. 1970, Section 461 (1) gives.authority for municipalities to sell that portion of a highway which is so stopped up. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Cor:poration of the Township of Ba:Y'ham; 1. That portiQn of the street or alley koown as Centre Street lying and being situ!tte. in the Hantlet of Richmond accord- ing to Plan No. 22 more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the north east angle of S. Moore Block on the south side of Church Street; Then south westerly along the easterly limit of S. Moore Block a distance of 264 feet; Thence south easterly perpendicUlar to the so,,-,th easterly boundary of S. Moore Block a distance <Yf 66 feet; Thence north easterly alOng the north westerly limit of E. Cross Block and W. Methodist Church Block a distance of 264 feet; Thence north westeTIyalol!]jg the southerly limit of 148 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ChuDch StDeet a distanoe of 66 feet mo",e o~ less to the place of beginning, be 'stopped up aud closed. 2, That the above stmet o~ alley be .offered up and sold to the abutting land owue'~ or owners. 3. That the Reeve and Clerk are he'reby authorized to execute and deUver conve'yance of the said lands under the Cor- porate Seal of the Municipality to the said abutt1ng land owner or owners for the slim of $100.00 and expenses of by-law, notioe,s and conveyances in connection therewith. READ 'a fiDst andsecorud time this 6th day of May, 1974. READ a third time arud finally passed this 6th day of May, 1974. J. L. DENNIS J. A. PETRIE Reeve Clerk COUNTY OF ELGIN I'l> By-Law No. 2314 "Being a By-Law to Restrict the Weight of Vehicles Passing Over Bridges." WHEREAS Subsection 8 of Section 64 of the Highway Traf- fic Act (R.S.O. 1970) provides that: The Municipal Corpomtion or otheT authority having juris- diction over a bridge, may by By-Law approved by thO' Min- istry, make regulations limitirug the gross weight of any vehicle or combinat1on of vehicles, or any class thereof, passing over such bridge: AND WHEREAS it is deemed ",,<pedient to limit the weight of vehicles passing ove,r certain bridges in the Cannily of Elgin: NOW THEREFORE the Conncil of the Corpo'fation of the Oounty ofElllin enacts as follows: 1. No vehicle or combination of vehicles or any class thereof, whether empty 01' loaded, shan be operated over any bridge designated in Schedule No.1, forming part of this By-Law with a weight iu exce'ss of weight limit prescribed in the Schedule for such bridge. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 149 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this By-Law shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 64, Sub- 'section (7) of the Highway Traffic Ad. 3. 'I'his By-LllW shaLl not become effective until appmved by the Ministry of Traruspol'iation and Communications and until a notice of the weight permitted, legibly printed, has been posted up in a conspicuous place at either end of each bridge designated in the attached Schedule. 4. BY-LAW No. 2211 of the County of Elgin is hereby repealed. READ a first time ,this 27th day of June, 1974. READ a second time this 27th day of June, 1974. READ a third time and finally passed this 27th day of June, 1974. R. L. LilliE Warden H. L. JOHNSON Clerk ,150 ELGIN COUNTYOOUNClL ~ i" .~ 0'- '2~ .,:;: I><: ~ 'S ;:s .. .~H ~ ~S' .~ ~ 0 ~ 'SE !i a ~ ..8 '"' ~ ~.$ o 0 -a~ z t;;> 's'~ a ~ ~ Ii:' 0 "'... ~ ~ 0 ,a ~ '" ~ 'S ~ ~ !l ,1l ~ z<il ~ ~. 0 OlZ = '~i -a ... .~ .. 0 '" ~ 'SM il~ o~ . ..- t'~ U ~ . oil oil H D" B~ 8'.:g g a J ~.s g I ~h " ill 8~~ 0 0 8l ~ !; m !'l m ~ ~ '" '" '" ~ ~ 'S il 'S d:h -"'.. ID ~ P,g "r<ljO ..t'p . .;j~ ~ni.l. ~ ~"' 8 "." ~z ~ 3,"~8 ~gj~ :::l s'"~ .31:.t8gc\3 ~ .- ," ~ ~ J '" m il "1 '? '" '" '" ..; ,.; ,; ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 151 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2315 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of The Conncil of The Cor- poration of The County of Elgin at the June Session, 1974." WHEREAcS by Seoetion 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chap- ter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontaria, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to. be eJ<e,rcisO'd 'by its council; AND WHEREAS by subsection 1 of section 241 of the Mu- niCipal Act, being chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of. On- tario" 1970, lhe powers of every council are to be exercised by By-Law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expediC'llt that the proceed- ings Qf the CQuncil of the CorporatiQn of the Cout;ty of Elgin 'iltthis meeting be confirmed 'and adopted by By-Law; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the CorpQration of the County of Elgin enacts as ~oJ!lows: 1. That action of the Council Qf the CorpomtionQf the County of Elgin in respect of each recommEmdation contained in the reports of the committees aud each motion 'and resolution pass( d and other actiQn taken by the Council of the CorpQration of the County of E')gin meetings held during ,the June 1974 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if aN such proc8'edings wer' expmssly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Ward8'nand proper officials of the Corporation of the County Qf Elgin are hereby authori.ed and diTected to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the CQrporation of the COUt;ty of, Elgin referred to in prec8'ding section hereQf. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the CQunty of Elgin. READ a first time this 27th day of June, 1974. READ a second time this 27th day of Jnne, 1974. READ a third time and finally passed this 27th day of June, 1974. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk R. L. LAKE Warden 152 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER SESSION - FIRST DAY Wednesday, the 18th of Septemher, 1974 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas. The Warden iu the Ohair. All members present eJ<cept Reeve Dennis and Deputy Reeve Schafer. Moved by Reeve Pettit Seconded by Ree,ve Todd That the minutes of the June 1974 Session of the Elgin County Counell be adopted. -Carried. The folIowing Communications were- read and referred to the various committees. , . From Mr. F. H. Ellingham, M.D., Medical Consultant and Chief Advisor, Extended Care Program, Ministry of Health, with letter ~e: placement of residents flt'om psychiatric institutions into community f'acilities.-Referred to the Sociao] Services Com. mittee. F~om the Bank of Montreal with thre'e letters advising of change in inte'~est rate on current bormwings.-The present rate is 11'1, per cent.-Filed. From Mrs. Florence TO'nge', Port Stanley, with letter re; damage caused 'by heavy machinery working near he~ home.- Referred to the Roads Committee. FDO'm the CO'unty O'f Grey with twO' ~esO'lutions: (1) Requesting the Provincial Government to re-instate the grants for Weed Inspection andcont~o[ of Buckthorn, Bar- berry and ,Leafy SpurgO'.-Refevred to the Agricultural Committee. (2) Requesting the Provincial Government to rescind Section 636 (b) (1) of the Municipal Act and re'enact in different wording.-ReferrO'd to the Oounty Governmemrt Committee. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 153 From the County of Frontenac with resO'lution requesting the Provincial Government to en'act permissive lellislation for Municipalities to p...... By.Laws and pay bounties for the killing of wolves.-Refened to the Agricultural Ooommittee. From Giffels Associates Limited advising that a presenta- tion re: Highway 3 Feasibility Study will be held in the Aylmer Arena July 10, 1974, and enclosing an Information Review of Feasibility Study of Highway 3 St. Thomas to Tillsonburg.- Filed. From the Township of Southwold with Notice of Applica- tion to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of a By-Law to ~egulate land use passed pursoUant to SHction 35 of the Planning Act and a copy of Township of Southwold By-Law No. 74-19.- Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Honourable Rene Brunelle, Minister of Commun- ity and Social Services with letter re,: development of Municipal day nursery facilities.-Referred to the Social Services Com- mittee. From Ontario HJ"dro with letter re: 500 KV Transmission Line Study, Nanticol<e to London Frojoect.-Referred to the Agricultural Oommittee. From the Ontario Economiic' Council with 'letter announc- ing the establishment of a three-membe'r Task Force on Local and RHgional Government Data.-Re,f'erred to the Local Govern- ment Study Committee. From the Township of Westminster with r,esolution request. ing that the Drainage Act be amended to provide for the con- struction of a grass or sod watO'rway over new municipal tile drains.-Ref,ermd to thO' Agricultural Committee. From the County of Kent advising that the Kent County Warden's Banquet will be held om Friday, November 1st, 1974. -Filed. From Wilfrid Laurier University advising that the Elgin County Scholarships were won by Abram Harms, R.R. 1, Ayl- mCJl', Ontario and David B. Sapelak, 1 McGr.egor Avenue, Ayl- IDO'r, Onta~io.-FlIed. From the Township of Southwold with Notice of Public Hearing of Application No. A 1/74 for Minor Variance from By'Law No. 1677.~Referred to the Roads Committee. ,I i,1 154 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL From the Town.ship of Southwold with Notice of Public He'aring ,of Application No. A 2/74 for Minor Variance .from B~-Law No. 1677.-RefierDed to the Roads Committee. F'rom Mr. Brian S. McCool,. Secretary, OntariOo Electoral Boundaries Commission with letter 'acknowleding receipt Oof the resolution pa'ssed by ~he ElIgin County Council with respect to the, proposed new eolectoral boundaries.-Filed. From Mr. R. K. McNeil, M.P.P, with appreciatimHor send- ,ing him a copy Oof the letter and re'solution sent to Mr. Brill'll McCool reo propos,ed new electoral boundaries.-FHed. From Mr. John Spence, M,P.P. with appreciation fOor send- jng him a copy Oof the letter ,and resolution sent to Mr. .Brian McCool reo prOoPosed new electoral boundaries.-Filed. From the Children's Aid Society of the City of St. Thomas and the Oounty ,of Elgin with financial statement for the pe,l'io,d ended June 30, 1974.--Refe'rred to the Finance and Apportion- ment Committee. From Read, VOOorhees and AssOociates Limited with request for copje~ ,of mil1Jutesof County Council meetiugs.-Referred to the Coun1y Government Committee. From the Ministry Oof Treasury, Economics and IntergOovern- mental Affoairs with letter reo Winter Oapital PrOoje'cts Fund.- Filed. From the Townships Oof Dwnwich and Aldborough and the Villages of West Lome and Dutton with copy Oof resOolutions sup- poriing the E'lgin County Resolution requesting that the Town- ships of Aldborough and DUl1Jwich and the Villages. of Rodney, West Lorne aud Dutton 'be placed in the Eigin Riding.-Filed. From the Miruistry of Housing with summary OofHOousing POolicyand Housing Incenlive and Planning Study Grants.-Filed. Firom the, Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Lntergovern- mental Affairs acknowledging receipt Oof our letter endorsing the resolution from the Regional Municipality of Pe,el with Despect to Crossing Guards.-Filed. From the County Oof Middlesex-City Oof London with letter m: Area Solid Waste Management Study.-Ref'etred to the' Local Govemment Study COommittee. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 155 From the TOown of Whitby with resolution petitioning the Ministry 'of Consumer and Corporate Relations to review the pro- ceduresand Degulations respecting "Special Permits" to permit the sale of alcohoUc beverages ,at special functions.-Referred to the Reception and Entertainment Committeoe. F'rom the City of BeHevine with questionnai're re: Profes- sional Sales Tax Consultants.-Referred to the Finance and Ap- portionment Committee. From the University of Waterloo advising that Bruce N. McWilliam of R.R. No.1, Dutton and Glen M. Hoglund of 168 Nancy Stre'et, Dutton, were the winne,rs of the Elgin County Schoiarships.-Filed. From the Township of Y'armouth af,king the Oouncil of the County of Elgin to support its r,e,solution protesting the govern- ment's intention tOo amend the Muulcipal Act, Section 354 (1) paragraph 87 ,and Section 383 paragraph 15, r,e: power to license mobile homes.-Referred to the County Government Commit- tee. From the Ministry of TransPOortation and Communications with Memo No. 74-10 re: Consulting Engineer's Agreements.- ReferDed to the Roads Committee. From the On1ario Good Roads Association advising that Mr. John Garfield Hoffman has successfully completed the two year "'I'. J. Mahoney" Road Schoo'! Course and enclosing his Cedifi- oate.-Referred to the Roads COommittee,. From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with notice of appointment of a "Shadow Cabinet", Voting Dele- gate,s, Registration FOorm, 1974 Convention Ne'wsletter, PreUm- inary Bulletin . . . 15th Annual Meeting and Cons'ent Forms for persons wishing to be considered for serving on the A.C.R.O. Board ,of Directors.-Referred to the COounty Govemment Com- mittee. From the Ontario Conference 'On Loeal Government with pre-confO'r,ence r,egistration form.-$iled. From the Ministry of Treasury, EconOomics and Intergovern- mental Mf,airs with letter re': forgiveness loan Oon library 'build- ing renovations.-Referred to the FInance and Apportionment Committee. 156 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL From the County of Essex with reqwe,st for financial assist- ance t'owards the cost of hosting the A.C.R.O. Annual Confer- ence.-Refer~ed to the Finance and Apportionment Gommitt'eee. From Jim and Heleln Waite with letterre: erosion of their property along Kettle Creek.-Referred to the Agricultural Com- rnittee. From the Ontario Municipal Employees Retir,ement Board with a oopy of the Board's Annual Report to the Minister of T~easury, Economics and Inte'rgovernmental Mfairs for the year 1973.-Filed. From the Ministry of Tmnsportation and Communications re: The Consent of the Committee of Adjustment or Land Divi- sion Oommitte'e to the conveyance of lands abutting a Provincial Highway pursuant to Section 29, 30, 31, 41 and 42 of The PlaiU- ning Act.-FHed. From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with the presentation by Anne Levac at the Seminar on the Mus- tard Report.-Ref'e'rred to the Cownty Gov,ernment Committee. From the 'I'ownship of Yarmouth with thTee Notices of Ap- plication to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of by-laws to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of the Plan- ning Act and a copy of By-Laws 2262, 2263, and 2264.-Referred to the Roads Committee. From the St. Thomas Civic Employ,ees Credit Union Limited with letter offering the facilities of the said Cr,edit Union to the employees of the Elgin Oownty CownciL-Referred to the Per- sonnel Committee. From the Ministry of Howsing adv,ising of a Municipal Hous- ing Worl<shop to be held in London on September 19th, 1974. -Filed. From the Township of Gloucester with resolution requesting the Government of Ontario to pass legislation implementing a deposit and refund system for glass containers.-Referred to the County Govlemment Committee. From the County of Oxford with resolution re: deer hunt- lng.-Referred to the County Govemment Committee. From the City of Mississauga with msolution requesting the Attorney Geneml of Ontario to originate a system whereby a ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 157 body of professional arbitrators be established for the purpose of handling fire and police negotiations where negotiations have failed to produce a collective agreement at the local municipal jurisl1iction.-Filed. From the County of HUmn with a copy of a pr,esentation forwarded to the Minister of Health re: the Health Planning Task Force fMustard Report).-Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Association of Counties and Regions of OntaTio wtith notice of meeting of A.C.R.O. 1974 Nominations Ciommit- tee.-ReferrO'd to the County Government Committee. From the Ministry of Housing with letter etc. . . re: Federal and Provincial aid to municipalities to improve neighbourhoods. ~Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with letter advising of a me,eting to be held on October 24, 1974. with respect to Highway 3, Feasibility Stwd~, Sl. Thomas to Till- sonburg.-Refe,rred to the Roads Committee. From the County of ElgWn Land Division Committee request- ing that a permanent map with cork backing (I" to a mile mini- mum) be imtalled in the new Committee room.-Referred to the Property Committee. From Sheriff J. A. MoBain with copy of Grand Jury Report to His Lordship Mr. Jwstice Gr'ant, dated September 3rd, 1974. -Referred to the P,roperty Committe'e. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with letter advising of six courses for municipal construction Employees and applications and l'eservlations for same.-Referr,ed to the Roads Committee. From the Municipal Liaison Committee with letter advising that $20,000,000.00 of federal finflncing is available to Ontario Municipalities for land banking in 1974.-Filed. The Report of the Road CommittHe was presented by Reeve McKillop 'and adopted on motion of Re,eve McKillop and Reeve Cook. The First Report of the E,lgin Manor Oommitte,e was pre- sented by Reeve Hodgson and adopted on motion of Reeve Hodg- son and Reeve Liebner. 158 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL The Report of the Elgin Manor Bunding Committe'e was presented by Reeve Hodgson and adopt'ed an motion of Ree~e Hodgson ,and Deputy, Reel~e' Carroll. I Deputy Reevre Rdss WhaHs requersted the Road Committele to investigrat'e the drain along County Road' No. 20 in the, Village of Port Stanley as it is not working propedy. Moved by Reeve Nemeltt Seconded by Deputy Ree,ve WhraHs That we do now ,adjourn to me'et agadn on September 18, --JCarried. 1974, art 2:00 P.M. C.ouncil Re-Conve~ned. The Fd:rst Report 'Of the Finance and Apportionment Com- mittee was p'resenrted 'by Reeve Ly~e and adopted on motion of Rele,ve Lyle ,and Reeve Cook. ' The Second Report of the FinranCieand App.ortionment Com- mittee was pre,sented :by Re,eve Lyle and adopted .on motion of Reev,e LyLe, and Reeve Liehner. The' Report, 'Of the Social Services Gommitte'e- wars presented by Rereve Lyle and ,adapted on motion of Ree,ve, LyLe and Deputy Reeve deRyk. The Rep.ort .of the, Personnel Co'm'mittee was presented by Rele'v,e Emerson and adopted an motion .of Reeve Emerrson and Rele~e' Johnston. The Report 'Of the Caunty Government Committe1e was pre- sented by Re-eVie Wilson and adopted on motion 'Of Reeve WHson and Rerevre Hodgson. The Second Report of the Elgin Man.or Oommitte,e was pre- sentied by Re'e've Hodgson and adopted on motion 'Of Re,eve Hodg- son land Reev,e Liebne'r. The, Report of the Agricultura'l Committee was presented by Re'eve Caverly and adopted 'On motion of Rereve Oaverly and Re'eve Johnston. The Report of the Ree,eption and Ente'rtainment Committee was pre,s,enterd by Re'e,ve' Liebner land adopted oln 'motion of Reeve Liehne,r and Deputy Re,eve Simp'son. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 159 The Report of the Local Government Study Committee was pre,sent,ed by ReeVie Todd and adopted 'On motion of Re,e've Todd and Deputy Re,eVie Wha118. Moved by Deputy Reev!e McBri'en Seconded by R8>HV,e Emlerson That By-Law No. 2316 "Being a By-Law to Erstabl\ish the Apportionment of County R:ate for the Caunty of Elgin For the Year 1975," he I1e,ad a first time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve, MeBden Se'c.onded by Re,erve Emlerson That By-Law No. 2316 be I1ead a s'econd time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Re,eve McBden Se,oonded by ReeVie Emerson That By-Law No. 2316 be read a third time and finaUy pass- ad. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Todd Seconded by Deputy Re'ev,e GarroH That By-Law Na. 2317 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the ob- taining .of TeInlpor:a'r'y A:dvancres t'O melet the Cost of Construct- ing ,an ELgin County Home f'Or the Agled, Piending the Comple- tion Thereof," be r,ead a fivst td'me. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Simpson Secronded by Re,eve Todd That By-Law No. 2317 be read a second time'. ----Carried. Moved by Deputy Re1ev,e Carroll Seconded by Deputy Relev'e, Simpson That By-Law No. 2317 be I'lelad a thi'rd time and filnal1y pass- ed. -Carried. 161 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 160. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL of Yarmouth to' Mrs. Kathle'en Garnham," be read a first tim~e. -Carried. Moved 'by Delputy Reeve Simpson Seeanded by Deputy Re1eVie McBrien That By-Law No. 2318 "Authorizing Sp,e,ed Limits," be read a first time. ~Carried. Maved by Re:elve Hodgson Seconded by Re,eve Lielbne,r That By-Law NO'. 2320 be J:1ead a secand time. -Carried. Mavedby Reeve Kahnt Seconded by Ree,ve Elme,rsO'n That By-Lam NO'. 2318 be re'ad a second timle. MO'v.ed by Ree've Liehner Se,c'Onded by Re'eve WHson That By-La'w NO'. 2320 be re,ad a third time land finally pass- -Carried. Mov,ed by Re'eve Kabnt Se,conded by Deputy Reev,e Simpson That By-Law NO'. 2318 be J:1e,ad a thi'rd time and finally pass- ed. -Carried. ed. -----Carried. Maved by Reev,e Ca:veTly Se,canded by Ree'Vle HQdgsan That By-Law NO'. 2321 "A By-Law to' Confirm Praceedings of the Counoil af the Gorpor'atianaf the CO'unty af Erlgin at the Sep- tember Se'Sision, 1974," be read a first time. Moved by Deputy Reeve Garrall Seiconded by Reev,e Todd That By-Law NO'. 2319 "Regul1ating P1a'rking," be read a fir'st time. -Carried. -Carried. MaV'ed by Reev,e Hodgson SecQnded by Re,eVle, Wilson That By~La'W NO'. 23,21 be read a secand time. Moved 'by Re,e've Todd Seconded by Ree'Vle LiJeibner That By-Law NO'. 2i319 be re'ad a secand time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reev,e Whalls Secanded by Reteve Gave:r1y 'That By-Law NO'. 2321 be !'Ielad a third time' and finally p'ass- --Carried. ed. Mov'ed by Ree've Lierbner Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carr-all That By.:Law No. 23,19 be re'ad a third time and finally pa'ss- ed. -Carried. -ICarried. Maved by Deputy Re,eve WhaUs Secandedby Re'eV'e' Bate's That we do naw adjourn to' m'eet aga'in an October 16th, 19i74, a,t' 10:00 A.M. Moved by Ree~e Wilson Se'conded by Re,e,vls Hodgson That By-Law No. 2320 "Being a By-,Law to' Autharize the W'ar- den land 01erk to' Sign a De,ed to' Ganv'~ Land in the Township -Car~i'ed. R.L. LAKE Warden H. L. JOHNSON C1!erk 162 ELGIN COUNTY COUNC1L COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1974 St. Thomas, Ontario To the Warden ,and Memibers of The Elgin County C'OuncH: Your Road Oommitte1e begs t'O Report as F'Oll'Ows: 1. The County Road Dep'artment has belen 'engaged by the Min- istry of Transp'Ort'ati'On alnd Communications t'O mjake im- prove,ments to Highway 73 at the (intersection of Caunty Road 45, at the ,expensle of the Minist.ry. The hill t'O the north of Road 45 is toO he out down to impro~e visian at Road 45. The work will start shortly and is expected ta be substan- tially compLeted this fall. 2. Y'Our Committee has m1ade representations to the Solicitor General 'Of Ontaria, Mr. Georgie A. Kerr, regarding the en- forcing 'Of s'P~ed limrits on County Roads in Elgin. Mr. Kerr ,has ,orde:red, an an interim basis, a doU!bling of, fram 2 t'O 4 'Of the radar units 'avaHa1bl>e' to the 10 detachments of the Onta'fio Provincial Police that comprise the London District. He ho'plels ta budglet for these units on a pe1rmanent basis next year. Cl'Oser liajjson with the Trafflic Section .of the Ontario Provinciall Polioe wiH be maintained in an attempt ta im- prove the enf'Orcement of speed limits and saflety on the Caunty R'Oads. 3. A new tande'ffi dump truck has been purchas1ed along with a used snow plow,ena1bling the County to Snow plow the Caunty Roads this winter without hiring outside forces. Pri- vate trucks .ha~e be,en hired f.or s'anding work. 4. AnappHcation has been made to the Canada Transport C.om- mission for fla,shing light signals at the Canadian Pacific RaHway crossing on County Road 30 (Radia Road). We reocommend: 1. That a By-Law be passed prornbiting parking 'On the north side of County Road 2 in We,st Lo~ne from thee'ast limit of Wood Stre,et to. the, Cbes1apeake' and Ohio RaHway Spur. 2. That a By-Law be passed ~edrucing the sp,e!ed limit on County Road 20 in Southiwold Township fi~om 50 miles p'er hour ta 40 'miles pier hour from the Port Stanley Vil'}ag,e limits at ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 163 3. Warren 8trelet, northerly approximately 1,445 felet to Fingal 8tv81et (road ne,xt to Floyd GiHa~d prop,evty). That la By-Law be passed authorizling the Warden and C1e'rk t'O sign a Quit Claim De,edJ conveying a part of Park Lot J, RegistevedJ Plan 174, Yarmouth Township, ta Mrs. Kathle1en Garnham. The property is !~pproximately 15 f,e,et wide by 82 feet in depth and facingo;n the W,ellington Road. This will compl>ete a commitment made when W'ellington Road was widened some y;ea:vs ago. All of. which is resp'ectfuNy submitted. D. K. McKILLOP, Chairmalll. 164 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1974 FIRST REPORT Ta the Wravden land Members of The Elgin County Council: The Ellglin Manor Committee reports as faHows: 1. The tender 'Of Lacey Fuels has been accepted for supplying fuell oir! to Elgin Manor, Registry Office, Ltbrary, and En- gineer's Offke, at a pr'ioe 'Of 31.35c. p!e:r gaUon, subject to adjustment in the tank wagon price at the time .of delivery. 2. The Registered Nurses' hourly rate' has been tncreaiS'ed to $4.20 p,e'r hOUlr, effecthne May 5th, 1974. 3. The Broad Farm Money and Se,curittes Policy, Burglary Se,c- tian, has been inccre:ased from $5,000.00 to $10,000.00. 4. The ,emplo)l1ment 'Of Mr. F. J. B'Oyesas Administratar is con- . firmed as permanent' and the Ministry .of Cammunity and Social Servicels be,advis-ed. 5. Ef:6edive September 1st, 1974, the p!e'f diem rate to be charg- 'ed futI pay vesidential caire resident wHl be $14.00. 6. Effiedive Sep1Jemlber 1st, 1974, the rate to be paid for Private HiQme Gave Prog:ramme be increlased toO $180.0'0 per month. 7. The E,lgin Man'Or are paying $220.00 for the secand year 'Of the Administration 'Of Homes far the Aged caurse for R. E. Hine,s:, Assistant Administrator. All 'Of which is vesp'ectful'ly submitt.ed. J. W. HODGSON, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 165 ELGIN MANOR BUILDING COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1974 Ta the Wa,rden land Members 'Of The Elgin County Council: The Elgin Manor Building Committee reports as follaws: 1. The fivm 'Of Schul1er alnd Ma:rtin, S1. Thomas, has ,be'en seIed- ed as R,rchited for the IlJew Home fO"r the Aged, east of AyI- me:r. 2. Oonfirrnamon has be,en re,cleiv'ed fTom the ':Down of Aylmer ,that they will unde,rtalm to 'supp~y the neclessary sanitation land water to the new Homie' for the Aged, property line, and that the! Home will be, !exlped,ed to pay all charges to connect the,se service's. All of which is res![lectfull:y srubIlli:tted. J. W. HODGSON, Chairman. 166 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FINANCE AND APPORTIONMENT C'OMMITT1EE, REPORT FIRST REPORT September Session, 1974 T'O the Wm'den,and Members of The Elgin County Council: The FiJnanee and Apportionment Committe'e Reports as fol- lows: 1. That the foHowing be the apportionment of County Rate for the County .of Elgin f'Or the year 1975. AyLme'r .............. Belmont ..... ...................... Dutton .. .. .. .. .. ... .............. Port Burwell Port Stanley . .. Rodney . .. .. .... .................. Springfie1ld . Vienna West Lorue Aldibol}ough Bayha:m ....... Dorchester South ............ Dunwich .. .. ... .................. Malahide Sou1'hwold Y,a1rmouth ........................ 11.646% 1.276% 1.456% 1.128% 4.568% 1.706% .517% .464% 1.838% 8.10'0% 8.882% 3.057% 5.994% 12.050% 21.352% 15.966% 100.000% 2. That a By-Law be prepared adopting the abov,e apportion- ment of C.ounty Rate for the, year 1975. All of which is l1e,slpectfuNy submiUed. B. A. LYLE, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 167 FINANCE AND APPORTIONMENT 'COMMITTEE REPORT SECOND REPORT September Ses1sion, 1974 To the WaI1den and Members of The Elgin County Council: The Finanoe and Apportionment Gommitte'e reports 'as fol- lows: 1. That the financial statement f'Or the peifiod ended June 30th, 1974, received from the ChildI1en's Aid Society of the City .of S1. Thomas and the County of Elgin be. filed. 2. Thalt the leUe'retc. . . from the Minist1ry of Tre,asury, Econo- mies and Inte1rgovernmental Aff:a-irs re: forgiveness loan on the renovations to the county libr1ary building be filed. 3. That the C.ounty 'Of Elgin eontdbut,e $3.00.00 to he,lp defray expenses for the Annual GonfeI1enoe of the Association of C'Oun- ties and Regions. 'Of Ontari.o. 4. That the City of Bel1e'vHLe he advised that Professional Salels Tax Consultants Limited' 'ane continuing tlQ process County of El- gin sales tax claims and that it is impossible to complete inteni- gently thelir que,stionnaire at thils time. 5. That:a By-Law be p!repa'I1ed t'O authorilJe the obtaining of tem- porary advances in the amount of $1,400,000.00 from the Bank of Montveal to me,et the cost of constructing a County of Elgin Home ~or the Ag1ed pending comlpletion thereof. 6. That the County of Elgin invite the Ass'Oci>ation of Clerks and Treasul1e:rs 'Of Countie,s 'and Regions in Ontario t'O hold 'One of their semi-an'llua~ meeting,s in Elgin with the C'Ounty providing a meetiJng place, a hospitalitYl}oom and hosting the noon dinne.r. All of which is relspectful[y subnrltted. B. A. LYLE, Chairman. 168 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1974 TO' the Wiarden and Members af the Elgin County Cauncil, The Social Se,rvices Committee reports as fol1ows: 1. That the letter from Mr. F. H. EUingham, M.D., Ministry of Health r,e': p'lacemient of residents f!rom psychiatric institutians into. community facilities be filed. 2. That the letter frOom Honaura'ble' Rene Brune~He r'e: develop- ment af Municipal day Nurs1eiry faciLities he filed. 3. That in view of the re'signation of Mrs. Nichals, the Directar b~authoriZJed taadVieirtise for ,al'ieplaeem1ent and arrange, fOT interviews. 4. That we r,elcommend that a student he aecepted an field placelment frOom FansihaJwe Oalleige, fl'iOlm Septermbe'r 1974 t'O May 1975" and that miLe,a'ge expense be paid in accordancie with the scheduLe. Al!1 of which is relsp1ectful1y submitted. B. A. LYLE, Acting Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 169 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1974 To. the W1a-rden and Members af the Elgin County Cauncil, The Personnel CommiHee r1epartls ,as follows: 1. That the request fram the 81. Thomas Civic Employees Credit Unian Limited r,e: County employee participatian be filed. 2. That the requelst f'Or payroll deductians fOf Caniad:a Savings Bonds be granted pr'Ovided 30% of an County fuH time staff indicate they wish to partieipate. 3. 'That the rate for the Regist1eved NUfses categary be increas- ,ed to $4.90 per haur effecti'fe July 1, 1974 and the DirectOorand Assistant Director 'Of Nursling be incre'ased .70c pier h'Oureffec- tive Ju.ly 1, 1974. 4. That a category for part-time attendant beestahlished at $3.15 per haurefflective May 1, 1974. K. C. EMERSON, Chairman. COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1974 To. the W:arden and Members af the, Elgin Caunty Council, The County GO'fe'rnment Committe'e rleports as follaws: 1. That the Telsolution from the County af Grey requesting the Provincial Government taresdnd Sectian 636 (B) (1) of the Muncipa'l Act and re-enact in different wording be endorsied. 2. That Re1ad, Voorhees and Associates Limited be advised that cOopiels of Elgin County COouncil Minutles and Committee Reports are available at the Caurt Hause-at a cost of .50c per phota- copied page (1 side) but they have to. he picked up pe'DsonaUy at the County OffiCle. 3. That the resolutian frOom the- Township of Yarmauth pr'O- testing the Ontario. Gavernment's intention t'O amend the Muni- cipal Act, Section 354 (1) paif1agraph 87 ,and Section 383 para- 170 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL graph 15 :ve: power to license mobiLe homes, be .endorsed and cop ie,s rsent to' ELgin members 'Of thel Pvovincial Gavernment and A.M.O. 4. Tha,t the prelsentation by Anne Levac at the Se,minar on the Musta:vd Report be, filed. 5. That the :ve1soLuti.on f,vam the Township of GLouoe,st'e,r re~ questing the G.orvternment 'Of Ontario to p'ass legislation imp,l'e- menting a dep.osit and refUlnd system for glass containers be en- dovsed. 6. That the re,solutian from the County of Oxfo:vd :ve: deelr hunt- ing he fiLed. 7. That we reoommend to' the Ministry 'Of Naturra'l Resou:voes that all deer hunting he banned in Elgin County. 8. That Ree'V1e Todd, Releve Cook alnd Deputy Re,eve deRyk be addlitilOll'al voting delegates at A.C.R.O. if the, County is entitled to' ,eight voting membeirs. 9. That the piveslentationby HUDon County t'O the Minister 'Of Health rei: the Musta:vd Report be supported by the Elgin County Oouncil. 10. 'That the Letteir from the Ministry of Housing r'e: Federal and P:voviJncia'l laid to' municipaHtie,s to' impvov'e nelighbourh.o'Ods be filed. 11. 'That the tw.o resoLut'ions from the Municipal Engineers As'sociation which we're tabLed at the June Se1ssion be fiLed. AN. of which is rerspectfuMy submitted. J. B. WILSON, Ohadrm'an. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 171 ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT SECOND REPORT September Session, 1974 TO' the Warden and Members: of the E'lgin County Council, The ELgin Manor Oomlmittee wish!es to' report as foHows: 1. That Mr. Georgie' Phiilips be authorized tlO attend the' he1aring in TorantO' of the LabO'ur Re!Lations BO'a'I'Id, on Septe:mber 26th, 1974 to' l1epl1e'sent the County .of Ellgin tn the reque,st for certifi- oation by the London .and District BuiLding Se;rvice Workers Union, LO'oal 220, to rep!relS'enrt part-time, staff at Elgin Manor. All of wh~ch is resp1erCtfulily submUt:ed. J. W. HODGSON, Cha'irman. 172 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE'REPORT September Session, 1974 To the Wa,rden and Members of the Elgin County Council, 'Thel Agricultural Committee, reports as follows: 1. That the reiso:1utiO'n from the County of Grey requesting the PI10vincial Government to re-instate the gr:ants for Weed Inspec- tion a,nd control' of Bucrothiorn, Ba'I1berry and Leafy Spurge, be filed. 2. That the relsolution frO'm the County 'Of FTontenac request- ing the Provinciall Govlernment to enact l'egislation for munici- palitie,s to pass by-Laws ,and pay bounties for the killing of wolves be elndJOirsed. 3; That,the I1esolution from the Township of Westminste'r re,- questing that the Drainage Act be :amended tIQ provide for the oonstI1U!ction of a grass 'Or sod waterway OVier new municipal tile dra1ins be fiLed. 4. 'rhat the letter from OntariIQ Hydro rei: 500 ~V Transmission Line Study, Nailltico~m to London Proj,ect, be filed. 5. 'that Jim and He,Len Waite' be advised to approach the Kettle Cre'ek Conservation Authority with res[)ect tiQ the erosion of their property !as the Conservation Authority is the only body that can givle the1m financial ass~lstance with respect to their problem. All of which is rlespectfuHy submitted. W. R. CAVERLY, Chairm'an. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL '173 RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1974 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Reoeption and Entertainment Oommitte,e' reports as fol- lows: 1.. That the resoLution {!fOm the Town .of. Whitby re: review of the pr:ocedures and rregul,ations r'especting "Special Permits" to permit the. stale of alcoholic beverages at special functions be en- dorsed. 2. That the ,ex-wardens and their wives be invited to join with County. Cauncil for dinne1r on Wednesday, October 16th, after compleHon of the unveHing 'of the p1ague in honour of Mr. J. D. Thomson, former Clerk"'TDeasuf'er of the County .of Elgin. All of which is respedfuHy submitted. A. H. LIEBNER, Chairman. LOCAL GOVERNMENT STUDY COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1974 To the W\arden and Miembers of the' Elgin County Council, The Local. Gov'ernment Study Oomrnitteer rep,orts as follows: 1. That the letter from the Ontario Economic Council announc- ing the Hstablishment of a thre,e-memher Tarsk Foree on Local and Regional Government Data be fHed. 2. Tha1t the leUer from Middlesex-London re: ArelaSolid Waste Manage1ment Study ,be filed and Londoll' and MiddLesex be, advis- ed that we, expect this matter win flolrm part 'Of the r:eport on the I1estructurilng of Iooal government that is being carried out by the City 'Of St. Thoma's and the County of Elgin. ALl of which is resrpectfuHy submitted. D. R. TODD, Chairman. ,174 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW No. 2316 "Being a By-Law to ,Es,tablish The Apportionment of County Rate For The County of Elgin For the Year 1975." WHERE,AS under Sedian 72{5) 'Of The Assessment Act, the Council ofa County may by by-l'aw passed before the 1st day of Octobe,r,malm an apportinnment for county raties far the next yealf that is just and equitable; AND WHEREAS the C'Ouncil of the Caunty of Elgin wishes ta m,ak:e such aln ,apportionment; NOW THEREFORE the Counetl of the Gorp'O:r;atinn of the Caunty 'Of Ellgin enacts as f'DHows: THAT the, following he the apportionment of the Caunty Rat,e f.or the C'Ounty 'Of Elgin for the ye,ar 1975: Aylmer ........................ 11.646% Belmont .................. .... 1.276:% Dutton ..... . ............ ....... 1.456% Port Burwelll ................ 1.128 % Port Stanley . .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. 4.568 % Rodne'y .......................... 1.706% Spdngfie,ld ..................... .517% Vienna ........ ..................... .464% West Lorne ...................... 1.838% A;Ldbovough ................... 8.100% Baylha1m .......................... 8.8812% South Dorcheste'r ............ 3.057% Dunwich ................. 5.994% Malahide ......................... 12.050% Southwo:ld ................. ...... 21.352 % Ya'rmouth ...................... 15.966% 100.000% READ a first time, this 18th day 'Of September, 1974. READ ,a sie'cond time, this 18th day af Sepitember, 1974. READ a third time ,and finally p1as:sed thi's 18th day 'Of Sep- tembe1r, 1974. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk R. L. LAKE Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 175 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW No. 2317 "Being a By-Law to Authorize The Obtaining of Temporary Advances to Meet The Cost of 'Constructing an Elgin County Home For The Aged, Pending The. {;ompletion Thereof." WHEREAS, subj.ect to the approval of the' Ontado Ministry of Community and Social Sie-rvices and the Ontario Municipal Board, :it is the intention of the Corporation of the County of' Elgin to construct an Elgin County Home far the Aged, the estimated cost '0f whkh is $1,400,000.00 including fu~nishings. AND WHEREAS it is desirable to' agr'ee with a bank far temporary advances to' meet the cost .of the said works pending the completion therieaf; NOW THEREFORE -the Council of the Oorpor;ation 'Of the Oounty of Elgin ena:cts .as foll'0ws: 1. The Head and Trea,sur,e,r of the Oorparation 'Of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized to obtain from the Bank of Mon- treal temparary ad-v,anoe,s at avate .or rates not exceeding 12 per cent pe:r annum, represented bya p'romissory note or promissory notes .or by way 'Of overdrlaft or otherwise not exceeding one million four hundred thousand daHars to meet the cost of the said works pending the completion ther1e'Of. 2. A promissory note 'Or notes or other vouchers, sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed on behalf 'Of the C'Orparatian by the Head and T'reasure:f the1r,eof, far the advance,s flrom time to time obtained under.. the authority here'Ofand intevest there'On, may he giv1en to' the slaid Bank providing for the repaymelll't of or representing the slaid advances with interest thereon as afor1e- said. 3. The TrleasUirer of the COl'poration is hereby authorized and directed to apply first tn paYlment of such adv;anees with interest thereon as 'aforesaid, aU moneys bovrowed on the 'cred'it of the Cor.poI'lation to repay ,such ad-vanceisand to defray the cost of the said works and aU moneys from othe'r sources propHr1ly applicable ta the- cost af the said works. 176 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL READ a f!lvst time this 18th day of Septe'mber, 1974. READ a second time this 18th day of Septemhe1r, 1974. READ a third time and finaHy pass'ed this 18th day of Sep- teroober, 1974. H. L. JOHNSON Cle'rk R. L. LAKE Warden COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW No. 2318 "Authorizing Speed Limits" WHEREAS subsedion 7 of sedton 82 of the' Highway Traf- fic Act (R.'8.0. 1970, Chapter 202) authorizes the Council of a Township or C'OUinty by By-Law to presc1ribe a 10wer or higher rate of speed f'or motor vehicles OIna high'way orportton of high- way under its jurisdiction that is not within a huilt"'up are'a or suburban district than iSI prescribed in e1aus'e (a) of subsection 1 of section 82, but such rate' of speed slhall not be less than 35 mi,le,s per hour 'Or morle' than 60 miles pelr hour; AND WHERE,AS it is deemed c1xpedient that the spe,ed limit frOr motor vehides 0111 certain highway;s in the County of Elgin be e,ithe,r -ae,crea:sed or increased or both; NOW THEREFORE the, Council of the, Corporation of the County .of Elgin enads as foHows: 1. When any highway 'Or portion of highway set out in Sehe- diule A, appended hereto is mlalrked in compliance with the regul1atiolns under The Highwa~ Trraffic Act the, maxi- mum rate of speed the,reon shall be the rate of speed prescribediJn the scheduLe. 2. The penalties prrovided in subsection 16 of section 82 of the Highway Traffic Act shall apply to' offenees against ,this By-Law. 3. This By-La1w shall not become 'effective until approv,ed by the Mini,stry of Transportation and Communic,ations. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 177 READ a first time this 18th da~ of September, 1974. READ 'a se,c'O!nd time this 18th day of Septemiber, 1974. READ a third time, and ftnal1y p1ass1ed this 18th day of Sep- te,mber, 1974. H. L. JOHNSON Cle,rk R. L.LAKE Warden COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW No. 2318 SCHEDULE A Maximum Rate of Speed - 40 M.P.H. 1. County Road 20 heing Cradow Road or Mill StT1eet as shown on Registered Plan D755, from the northerly Umit of War- ren Street (County Road 21) northerly a distance of 1,450 relet (to the southerly limit of Fingal Street als travellled). COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW No. 2319 "Regulating Parking" The Ooumcil of the Corporation of the Municipality of Elgin enacts 'a,s follows: 1. DEFINITION For the purpose of this By-Law. Park or Parking, when p'rohibited, means the standing of ,a ve- hicle whether 'OCicupied or not €'x:cept when standting t1emporarily f.or the purpose of and whi:lealctuaHy -engaged in the loading 'Or unloading of merchandise or passengers. Street or Highway ine1udesa common .or public highway, stre1et, avenue1s, parkJway, drivelWlay, square, plaee', bridge, viaduct or t!:restle, designed and intended for, or used by, the general pub- lic for the, passage of vehtdes. 178 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Vehicle includes a motor vehicle" tr'aHecr:", tra,cHon engine, farm tractar, r'OadbuHding ma1chine aind vehicle dr1awn, pr'OpeLled or driven by any kind 'Of pO'we'r, inciludtng muscular p'Ower, but daes not include motarized snaw Vlehicle.s, cars 'Of 'electric or steam fJailwaY1s running only upon rails. 2. PARKING RJEGULATIONS When properly worded signs have been e'r'ected and ,are on dis- p~ay no pe:rs'On shaLl park a v,ehicle 'On the highways 'Or parts af highways hereinafte,r Is!et 'On ScheduLe "A" alttached hefleta. 3. PENALTlrES Any pelrs'Oln vi'OLating any 'Of the provisions 'Of this By-Law shall be subject tn penalty of not more than Ten Dol1ars for the first oHenoe iand nat more than Fifty D'Olrlars for every subsequent offenoe, eX!clusive of costs, and aliI such penaUies shall be reoav- elrable under the Ontario Summary Oonvictians Act. 4. THIS By-'Law shaH not hecome effective until approved by the Ministry 'Of Tr'anspartation and Communications. READ a first time this 18th day of September, 1974. READ a second time this 18th day 'Of Sept'embeor, 1974. REAiD a third time ,and finally pass1ed this 18th day of Sep- t,embHr, 1974. H. L. JOHNSON Cle,rk R. L. LAKE W,arden COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW No. 2319 SCHEDULE A 1. County Raad 2 is the road knoWln 'as Main Street in the Vil- lage 'Of West Lorne. 2. WhenprlOpel:I'I1y waO'rded signs have been erected and are an dispLay, nO' person shaLl pa'rk ,a vehicle an the highway known as County Road 2 flrom the east limit 'Of Wood Stre'et welsterly far 640 feet on the narth stde 'Of Caunty Road 2. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 179 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW No. 2320 "Being a By-Law to Authorize The, Warden and Clerk to Sign a Deed to Convey Land in T4e Township of Yarmouth to Mrs. Kathleen Garnham." WHEREAS the Oorporation 'Of the County of Elgin has agreed taconv,ey to Mrs. Kathle,en Ga'rnha:m lands nat needed for rO!3!dal1owaIlloe purposes in part of Park Lot ,J, Registered PLan 174 in the Township of Yarmouth. NOW THERlEFORE the' Council of the Carpor'ation of the County 'Of Elgin enacts as f'Ollows: That the Warden and Cl'8'f1k of the Oorporati'On 'Of the Oounty of Elgin ,are hereby authori21ed to sign a deed for the fallowing parcel of part of Park Lat J, Regis1te:r:ed Plan 174, Tawnship of Yarmouth. ALL AND SINGULAR that oelrtain parcel 'Or trlact 'Of land and prl'lemises situate lying and being in the' Township 'Of Yar- mouth in the Caunty of Elgin arnd Pravince 'Of Ontario being compased of part of Park Lot J, Regiser1ed Plan 174 in the said TO'wnsh1p, mOl'le particul,ady described as faJilows:- PREMISING that the' bearing of the Weste<rly limit of said Park Lot J is North 0038'30" East aistr'O'llomic as shown on Plan D506 registered in the Registry Offioe for the Regist,ry Division of the Oaunty 'Of Elgin ,aU bearings helrein being related thereto. COMMENCING lat a point in the W'esterly Hmit 'Of said Park Lot J distant 458.00 f,eet measur,ed Southerly there'On from the Northe,rly angLe thereaf. THENOE South 79019'55" E1as:t a di'stanoe .of 15.23 f'e,et to a point which is the plac'e of beginning of the fol1awing deseribed pa:rcel:- THENCE South 79019'55" East a distance ,of 82.82 fe,e,t THENCE North 0038'30" Elasta dist1anoe of 18.05 feet THENCE North 83003'38" Wle,st a dist'ance of 82.05 feet THENCE South 0038'30" W'8'st a distance 'Of 12.65 feet ta the plaoe of beginning 180 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL The, :above de,scribed parcel being a part af Parcel NO'. 1 as shown on sa:td Plan NO'. D506 and cont1a!intng by admeasure- mentan aDea 'Of O.029aerle:s be the, slame mare ar less. READ a fiDst time, this IHth da~ of Sept/ember, 1974. READ a second time this 18th day of Sept'e1mber, 1974. READ ,a third time ,and finally passed this 18th day of Sep- tember., 1974.. H. L. JOHNSON Cle,rk R. L. LAKE Warden COUNTY OF ELGIN BY.LA W No. 2321 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of The Council of The 'Cor. poration of The County of Elgin at The September Session, 1974." WHEREAS by Seetian 9 'Of the 'Municipall Act, being Chap- te,r 284 of the Relvised Statutes 'Of Onta!rio, 1970, the pawers 'Of a municipall corpoDation 'are to he 'eX'ercis!ed by itsc'Ounci1; AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 'Of Sedion 241 af the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revt8'ed Statutes 'Of OntariO', 1970, the pOWe!DS af ,everycauncilare to' be eX'ercis,ed by By-Law; AND WHEREAS it is de,emed eX'predilent that the pDaceed- iJugs 'Of the Council 'Of the Oarparation af the County af Elgin at this me'eting becO'nfir1med and !adapted by By-Law; NOW 'THERE.FORE the Cauncil 'Of the Corporatian 'Of the CO'unty 0'f Elgin 'enaets as fol1aws: 1. That action 'Of the 'Cauncil of the GarpoDatian of the County af Elgin iJnvesrpect O'f ea:ch recommendation ,contained in the veports of the committee!s and ,e,ach matian and resolution pass- ed and other action taken by the COUJncil of the Carporatian af the County of E'lgin meetings held ,duning the Septembe'r 1974 Se'S'slon is heveby ,adapted .arnd cnnnrm.ed ,as if all such praeeed- tngs weveexp:ress~y embadied in thi,s By-Law. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 181 2. The Wia,rdenand prop,e'r 'Officials 'Of the Corporation af the County of Elgin ave hereby authorized and directed tlO dO' all things ne.cesS'ary to give ,effed t'O the actian af the Council af the C'OrpO'ration of the County 'Of E.lgiJnref'erred to' in p'rec:eding seetlan helreof. 3. The WaDden and the Clerk are authoriz'ed and directed to' ex:elcute ,all documents ne1eess1ary :Un that behalf and to' affix the'net,O' the Selal af the CO'rporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time thlls 18th day 'Of September, 1974. READ a second time this 18th day of Sept1ember, 1974. READ a thivd time and finally passed this 18th day nf September, 1974. H. L. JOHNSON CleTk R. L. LAKE Warden 182 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL OCTOBER SESSION - FIRST DAY Wednesday, the 16th day of October, 1974 The Elgin Count,y COUlncil met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas. The Warden in the Chair. ALl me,mbe,rs present. Moved by Ree-Vie Wilson Se1conded hy Deputy Reeve' deRyk That the minutels of the Sept,e'mber 1974 Session of the Elgin County Council be 'adopted. -Carded. The 1f01llowing Communications were read and refJe,rred t.o 1Jhe vafl10us committee's: From the Minisrtry of Revenue with lert,te,r, information cir- cuLar, and bu11ertins re: The Land Speculation Tax Act, 1974, and The Land Transfer Tax Act, 1974.-Filed. F1vom the Ontario Munitcipal Employ;e'es Retirement Board with letrt:er advising th!at aU hask pensions at Deoember 31, 1973, have been increased by 5%.-FHed. From the Unive1rsity of W,elstern Ontario with request to renew the liea'se on the property known as "the east half of Lot . 23 and the west haLf of Lot 24 lying south of the, old Lake Road as shown on registered Plan D 769, Concession I, in the Town- sh!ip of Yarmouth, approximately 10 acre'S."-Referred to the Road Oommi,tte,e. Fvom the Ministry of l1ransport'at:ion and Communications with Melmo No. 74. l1.-Referred to the Road Committee. From the Ministry .of Community and Social Services with letter fie: New Funding p.voP.osals.-Day Care Centres.-Referred to the Social Servioes Commit'tee. From the Township 'Of SouthwoLd with Notice of AppHcation to ,the Onta'r1o Municip'al Boafid for apPDoval of a By-Law to regu- late~and use passed pursuant to Section 35 of the Planning Act and a oopy of Township of Southwold By-La1w No. 74 - 22.-Re- ferred to the Road Committ'ee. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL .183 From the Regional Municipality of O1tawa - Carleton with letter r.e: IUegal Severance's~The Regi1s1try and Land Titles Act and: ,a re'commendration that the }aiW af Ontario be changed to require that in conveyancing t'ransactions the grantee of the conveyanoe execute the conveya1nce as wel1.-Heferred to the County Government CommiHe'e. From Mr. J'Ohn Wise, M.P. with letter acknowledging receipt of oopy ,af aur letter to' the Township of Gloucester reg'a'rding their resalution to implement a deposiitand refund system for glass oonta:i!nevs.-FHed. From Envi'Danment Canada wi'tih letter advising that the film mentioned in Mrs. E. CaUaghan's recent lett,er concerning information an Great Lakes leve}s is now available for free pub- lic scree:ning.-Filed. From the County of Ess'ex with appr,edat'lon far our contri- bution to help defroay expenses .of the A.C.R.O. Annual Confer- ence.-Filed. Ffiom the Ministry of Trea'sury, Economics and Inte'rgove,rn- mental Affairs with copy af a Nelwslertter re: local gOVleDnment in Southwestern Ontairio.--FHed. FDom John C. Danoey, D.V.M., District Veterinarian, Can- ada Depafitment 'Of Agriculture with lett,e,r :requesting . the County of Elgin to' pay f'Or the required advertising with respect to County rabie:s clinics.-HefeIired to the hgricultural Committee. From the Tarwnship of Y'a,rmouth with copy of By-Law NO'. 2268 to provide dDainage work in the Township af Yarmauth.- Refefived to the Road Committee. From the Association af Caunties and Hegions of Onta:rio with pvoposed amendments to the oonstiltuNon .of the Associa- tiiOlns.-Re,f,erred to the County Gove'rnment Committee. Ffiam R. K. McNeil, M.P.P. with Letter acknowleging re,ceipt of our letter indiea,ting that the Council af the County af Elgin have supporrted resolutions f.vom the Townsihip af GloucesteT, Township of Yarmouth and the Town 'Of Whit'by.-Fi[ed FDom the Minist,er of Re;venue with letter in reply to our support of the resolution from Grey County Oauncil r,elating to sectian 636 B (1) of the Municipal Act.-Ref'e'rred to the Caunty GoveDnment Conl,mittee. 184 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL From the Young Men's Christian Association of Elgin-St. Thomas with 1'ep'0l1t on the County Pragr!am in 1974.-FHed. F:vom the Ministry af Community and Saeial Services ,advis- ing that $305,377.00 has been appraved for 1974 Estimait;,€ of Expenditure fiO'r tihe Children's Aid Societyaf the City of St. Thamas and the, County af Elgin.-FHed. Fvom the E!lglin W'eiSrt District Women's Institute asking sup- part 'Of their appeal to. the Federal' Gav,eTnmen;t for deve1lapment af the SouthwoldJ Earrthwork,s, the Site .of the Dauble Paltsaded Indian Village and Fort.-Refer1red to. the County Gavernment OommiMee. From HeroLda(nd PhHlips with lettelr advising that they have :served Notice of Negotiatian upan the Baa,rd 'Of Negatia- tian Chaivman re: County of Elgin Expropriation by. Plan regis- teil1ed August 23rd, 1971, as No.. D1042.-Ref.eiI"red t.o the, Road Committee. From Mr. C. L. Knapp, ASlsistant Clerk-Treasurer, Town af Aylme!r with acklnow~edgment 'Of r<eoe1ipt 'Of our letter regarding a pr<opose-d annexlatian by the Town af Aylmer.-Filed. From the St. Thomas-Elgin Emergency MeasU'r'es Organiza- t'iO'o with capy of a letter l1eceived by Mr. R. W. Hipgrave" 00.. Ordinator :f:1rom the Ministry .of the SoHcitor General advising that ,e'xpendi!tures for the nine-manth p8'l~iad Apri:l 1st, 1974 t'O DecembeT 31st, 1974, ,tn the amaunt af $12,000.00 has been ap- prlOvedand confirming theal1acat:ion of an additionlal amount of $4,000.00 to. meet furthelr PI10jed r'equirements t'O March 31st, 1975.-Filed. ,From Mr. G. M. Fanrow:, M.T.PJ.C., Executive Director, P~ans AdimrIliisltiratio.n Drvisilan, Ministry af Housing, with guide- -lines for ,official pllan plQ'licie!s on park~a:nd.-Ftled. Fvom the HonouIialbl,e J'Ohn White with lette-r advising that he approves in principl1e the 're,c;QImmenda,uan received fram El- gin County and the City 'Of 81. Thamas that Mr. Steve Janes be the Oommis1slio.ne,r far aJllJ E:lgin County Restructuring Study.- Flled. Flvom the Assaciation of Municip,aJlit'ies of Ontario. with 1"e-- que,st flOr ,grant f'Or the cost it incurred in 'Opposing the appUea- , tiJan af Bell Oanada for a Iiate incI1ease,.-Ref'e'rred to the F'in- anoe a!nd ApportiJQinment Committe-e,. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 185 From Mrs. Ida L. Barnum with resignation from the Oounty af Elgin Library Baa,rd eff,eotive n'O late'r than December 31, 1974.-Referred to. the Eduoatianal Committee. FDom the 81. Thoma's Chamber of Commeroe with invita- tionta the meimbers afthe Elgin Caunty Council and their spouses t'O attl~nd the dinne,r t'O be held on No.vemher 8, 19'74, at Which Mr. Jahn Kenneth GaLbraith will be special guest.- Filed. Moved by Reeve Todd .Se,conded.by Reeve Dennis That the Cauncil of the Caunty .of Elgin agre-es to. partici- pate! with the Ministry .of Treasury, Economtcs and Intergov€'rn- mental Affai:r~s and the, City af St. . Thamas in a lo.oal go.vern- ment restlI'iucturing study for the Oournlty of Elgin and City of S1. Thomas. -Cairried. The, First Repo.rt of the' Raad Co.mmittee was presented by Reeve McKillap and adapted on motian 'Of RHeve, McKillop land Rele,ve Lyle. The Report of the Pielrsannel CommittHe was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on mation of Reeve Eme:rsan and Reeve Miskelly. The Repo.rt of the Lo.cal Gove!rnment Study C'Ommittee was presented hy Re,e've Todd! and adapted 'On 'motion of Re,eve, Todd alllJd Deputy Reev'e Whans. The Report of the PI10perty CommiifJtee was p:re'sented by Deputy Reeve Young and adopted on motion 'Of Deputy Ree,ve Young and Deputy Reeve Gal1raH. Moved by Reeve MicKi1:lap Seconded by Deputy He,eve Pettit That we do. now adjaurn to. me,et agatn on OCitaber 16th, 1974, at 2:00 p.'ffi. -Carried. Council Re-Convened. The Se,cond Report af the Road Committee wa's presented 186 ELGIN .COUNTY COUNCIL by Re,eve McKilLop and adopted on motion 'Of Reeve McKillap and Reeve Lyle. The Report of th'e Social Sel'vices Cammittee was presented by Deputy Re,eve Schafe'r ,and adJoptied 'On motion of Deputy Reeve Schafer and Deputy Reeve deRyk. The Report of the Finance and Apporti'Onment Committe,e was presented !by Reeve Lylle and adopted 'On motian of Reeve Lyle and Ree~\ne McEiflilop. The Report of the County GO\liernment Oommittee was presented by Reeve W;Uson and adopted on m'Otion of Reeve Wi!- ,son and Reelve Misken~. The Report of the' Educational COommittee was presented by Reeve Kahntand adopted on motion Oof Re.eve Kahnt and Deputy Reeve WhaILs.. The RepOlt of the Agrie:ul1tural Cammittee was presented by Reeve Caverly and adopted 'On 'motion of Reeve Cav,eifly land Reeve C.ook. Moved by Re,e,ve Lyrle Seconded by Deputy Reeve Monteith That a suppleme1ntaryappIicartian for suibsidy mOoney in the. amount of $25,000.00 be made t'O the Ministry of Transporta- tion and Cammunications for Municipal Drainage Asse'ssments fror 1974. -Carried. Moved by Re'e,ve Oa've~rly Seconded! 'by Re,eve Cook That we f.olLow the UislUial procedure 'of each COouncil mem- be!r bringing a junior boy or girl guest to County Council on the first day of the NOove,mber SessiO'n. -Carried. Discuss!iontook pllace a,s ta theadvisa'biIity of the County taking ove~r the coUedionand disposal .of garbag,e and the fOol- lowing Te,solution was p'assed. Moved hy Reeve Dennds Seoonded by Reeve Wilson ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 187 That ,the Road Committe,e be the Committee of County Council with the approval .of County Council from time ta time ta inve;stigate 'methods of g'arbage, disposal ind.uding site and t'O be the Cammittee to negotiate for garbage dispasal contracts. -Carried. MO'v,ed by Ree'\lie Cook Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 2322 "A Highways", be read a f:irst time. By-Law Designating Through -Carried. Moved 'by Deputy Reeve Schafe'r Seoonded by Reev,e Caverly r:Dhat By-Law Na. 2322 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved ,by Reeve Dennis Seconded by Reeve Coak That By.;Law No. 2322 be :veada third time and finally pass- ed. -Ca1rried. Ma\lied by Reeve Caverly Seoonded by Reeve Caok That By-Law NO'. 23213 "A By..uarw Ita Amend the By-La'w Adopting a PLan 'Of County Road Imp:vovement aiIld gstabliisihing a County Road System in the County of Elgin Under the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act," be read a Hr'st time'. --Carried. Moved by Re,eve Liebner Seconded by Ree,ve Cave1rly That By-Law N 0'.23123 be read a se'cond time. -Oarried. Moved by Reeve Dennis Seconded iby Reeve Cook 188 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL That By-Law NO'. 2323 be read a third a third time and fin,. ally passed. -Carried. Mav:ed by Reeve De'llJuis Se,cO'nded by Deputy Ree/va Schafer That By-La'w NO'. 2324 "Being A By-Law to' Authorize the Warden ,anJd Clerk to' Sign a Letter Renewing the Lease Present- ly HeLd By the Unive/rsity .of Western OntariO' aill Appraximately Ten Aere,s af Land in the TO'wnship af Yar'm'Outh", be read a first time; -Carried. MO'ved hy Ree1ve Liehnelr SecO'nded iby Reev,e Coak 'That By-La,w NO'. 2324 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Ree,ve Schafer Seconded by Reeve LiehneT That By-Law NO'. 2324 be read a thivd time and finally ,passed. -Carried. MO'ved by Re'e,ve Todd SeoO'nded 'by. Reev,e Kahnt That By..Law NO'. 2325 "Being a By-Law t'O Autharize the Warden :and ,the Clerk of the Caunty t'O Sign an AgreJem.ent Be- tween Jthe Ministry of Treasury, Ecanom~os and Inte'rgovernmtal Affairs, the County of Elgin and the City af S1. Thomas and Mr. Stephen H. Janes Respeding an Elgin County Relst'ructuring Study," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reev:e Wha!Hs Seconded by Reeve Todd That BYwLaw NO'. 2325 be re'ad a secO'nd time. -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 189 Moved by Deputy ReeVle WhalLs Se,conded by Re,eve Kahnt That By-Law NO'. 2325 be read a third time and finally pa'ss- ed. -Carried. MO'ved by Deputy Reeve' Whans Secanded by Reeve Todd That By-Law NO'. 232,6 "A By-La,w to' Confirm Proceedings of the Council 'Of the Corporation of the CO'untyof Elgin at the October Session,. 1974", he read a first time. MO'v:ed ,by Reeve Todd Seconded 'by Reeve McKiLLap That By-Law NO'. 2326 be read a se!cond time. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by ReeJveMcKillop Seconded by Deputy Reeve Whallls That By-Law NO'. 2326 be read a third timeandfinaHy pass- ed. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McBrien Seconded by Re1eve McKillop 'That we dO' now adjourn to meet again on November 20th, 1974, at '10:00 a.m. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk -Carried. R. L. LAKE Warden 190 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT FIRST REPORT OCTOBER SESSION 1974 St. Thomas, Ontario To the 'Wia:rden and Memibeirs of The Elgin County Council Your Road Committee Begis to Report as Follows: 1. Our-band gutt.er work has been completed on Road 4 (Queen Street Wiest) in Rodney and is underway on ROlad 3 (Furn,ival Road South) in Rodney. A'srphalt paving will start shortly. 2. Construction alt the intersection of Highway 73 and County Road 45 f10r the Ministry -of Transportation and Communi~ cations will be started next week. 3. PUI1ch'ase of land f'Or road widening is unde:rway on Road 30 (Radio Road!) in Yarmouth. Const,ruction work will be start- ed next ye:a1r. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a County Council Road Inspedion nQit be held this fall. 2. That the present lease of UniveiI'sity of Western Ontario on approxim;ately ten (10) ,aCDes of land owned by the Counlty of Elgtn in Lots 23 ,and 24 Conce,sSiion I, Yarmouth, lying south of the old Lake Road be renewed f.or. a five (5) year period and that the Warden and Clerk be authorized to renew this le'ase. 'The prop1e1rty on the 'banks of Lake Elrie has. been used for the past ten (10) years by the Unirversity's Geography De~ partment for research andte'aching on wind and water ero- sion. 3. That a By~Law be passeda:ssum,ing Currie Street in Dutton from Mary Street to John Street a's County Road 8. The assumption of ,this portion of Currie Street (approximately 1180 feet in length) is legally necessary for the connedion betwe'en County Roads 8 and 15. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 4. That a By-Law be passed designating Currie Street in Dut- ton between MaTY Strlset and J'Ohn Sitreiet as a "thr'Ough highway" . WE RECOMMEND: 5. That the fiollowing Consh''Uctiro,n Rriority Programme be ap- proved. 1975 Completion of work from 1974 including- Paving of (a) Road 3 from Highway 3 to Lake Erie, Aldborough Township. Paving of (b) Road 3 from CO'nce,Sislon IV-Aldborough, northerly to Fleming Greek Bridge, Ald- borough Township. (c) Trimming and cleanup work on Roads 3 and 4 in Rodney. (d) Completion 'Of Roads 8 and 15 connec- tion in Dutton. NEW WORK -In conjunction with sanitary se,wer work by the Ministry of the Environment. (a,) Road 15-south 'Of Penn Oentral tracks in Dutton. (b) Road 15-near Dutton-Dunwich Public School in Dutton. (c) Road 13-east of McArthur Street in Dutton. (d) Road 20-( Gadow Road) at the inter- section of County Road 21 (Wa1rren Stre1et) in Port Stanley. (e) Road 20-ne'~r Highway. 4 in POort Stan- ley~curb, gutter and drainage. (f) Road 34 in Be1mont from Highway 74 to the we,st limits of Belmont. RURAL PROJECTS (a) Road 51-from Highway 4 to County Garage, Yarmouth Township. 191 192 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL (b) Road 30-fnom St. Thaill:as City limits to' mjd~p'a~nt af Concession XIII, Yar- mQiuth Township, and Raad 52, we1sterly, approxima1tely % mile fram Raad 30. (Bath raads as funds will pe'rmit.) 1976 CompLetian of work in conne.ction with the Ministry 'Of the Environm,ent af above sanitary sewer prajects that 'are' not CQimipleted in 1975. Continuation af wQirk an-- (a) Road. 30-between St. Thamas city lim- its and mid-point af Concessian XIII, YarmQiuth Township. (b) Road 52.--Jbe-tween Raad 30 and Road 25 (WellingtQin Raad) Yarmouth Town- ship. (c) Road 31-fram St. Thamas limits to' RO'ad 52, Yarmouth Tawnship. WE RECOMMEND: 1977 AND FOLLOWING YEARS Completion of any wark scheduled far 1975 ar 1976 .and nQit camp'leted. ' AND (a) Raad 52-f'l'lOm. Raad 25 to' T'albotville, Sauth- wold Township. (b) Raad 16-Fingal west limit,s to' RQiad 14, Sauth- Wiald TownShip. (c) Raad 32-from Hi~hiWay 73 to' the OntariO' Palice College, Ma1ahide Township. (d) 'Start wark. 'On Road 38 fram Highway 3 to' HighwaJy 19, Bayham Tawnship. The above PnagraJmme is dependent an ade'quate :funds be,ing allocated by the PrO'vincial GO've'rnment for canstruction purposes. If inflationary trends con- tinue, without addJitional Garve'rnmenlt 'allocatians, NOTE: ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 193 maintenance af the pre/senlt Raad System will requir1e most of the ]unds ,aHocated. All 'Of which is re1spectfully submitted. o. K.. MciK1ILlLOIP, Chairman. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPOR1' October Session, 1974 TO' the Warden and Memlbe'rs of The Elgin Caunty Council The Pe'Tsannel Committee reports as froHaiWs: 1. That the category af Recreation Directar 'be' changed to' al- law for a sa1ary af $6,50,0.00 with nO' minimum ar m,aximum. 2. That we recomm,end to County Council that Drs. Mary and Grant Webste,r be authorized to' confirm s[d~ness 'Of any emplaye,e when requested to' ,dO' so by 'a he,ad of a diep,aiftment. 3. That the foUowting persons be added toO the' Neg.otiating Committee t'0 deal wirth the Elgin ManiO'r Union: (1) Mr. George PhHlips (2) Mr. F. J. Bay,es, Administrator (3) Mr.G. C. Leve!l'iton, Se1cretary-Treasurer. All of which is respedfuily submitted. K. C. EMERSON, Chairman. 194 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL LOCAL GOVERNMENT STUDY 'COMMITTEE REPORT October Session, 1974 110. the Wjarden and Memibers Df The Elgin CDunt(Y CDuncil The LDcal Gov~Imment Study Com,mittee reports as fDHQws: 1. We re'coonJmend to. the' Council 'Of the County 'Of Elgin that ,the Agire:e,ment between the Ministry Df Tre1alsury, Economics and ]jnte,rgoV1e,rnmental AffaiI1s, the CQunty 'Of Elglinand the City of St. Thomlas land Mr. St'ephen. H. Jane!s respeding the prQPosed Elgin CDunty Restructuring Study be' 'app'roved. 2. That a By-Law be prepavedJ aUJthom~ing the W1a'rden and Clerk Qf the County 'Of 'ELgin to. sign the'above-mentioned Agree~ ment. All of which is I\elspect~uny submitted. D. R. TODD, Chair,man. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 195 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT October Session, 1974 To. the Warden and Members 'Of ,the Elgin CDunty COIuncil, The PrQperty CQmmittee T'epQrts as follows: 1. That a copy Qf the Grand Jury Report to His Lordship Mr. Justice Grant, dated Septembe,r 3rd, 1'974, ha:s been forwarded .toMr. E. E. Bond, Le:asehO'ld AdministratO!r, Mvnistry Qf GQve'rn- menlt Se1rvices. 2. We 'have signed a service contract with J Qhnson OQntrots limited with re'spect tlO the Court House heating system at a cost 'Of $175.00 per y,e!ar. 3. We have accepted the tende,r submitt:ed by Van Gurp COIn- struotion Limited for renQv:ations to. the, County Library Building at a cost of $38,740.00.. 4. We have been 'approached by the Minisrtl~y 'Of Governm,ent Selrvices withre:spe'Ct to. their . acquiring the County Registry Office and a tQrta:lland aire'a of 6,500 s:qua:re fe,et. All of which is re'spe'Ctful1y 'SuJbmitted. C. S. YOUNG, Chairman. 196 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT SECOND REPORT October Session, 1974 St. Thomas, Ontario TO' the Warden ,and Members of :the Elgin Caunty Council, Yaur Rnad Cammittee Begs to. Report as Follows: '1. That .a Re'salutian he passed . requesting the Ministry af TranspOltatian and GommunicaUons t'O :app'ropriate the sum 'Of $25,000. in Suhsidymaney far Drainag'e Assessments an County Roads in 1974.The Ministry 'Of Transportatian and Communicatians has indtic:ated that ,additianal funds are available at a 50% Subsidy Rate to' cave'r Municipal Drain- age. This will allnw. funds. that weTe to' have been used far dtI1ainage 'costs to' be used for other constructian purposes including the purchase of culve'rts for St. Thamas Suburban Raad 30 (RadiO' Rnad). All of which is relspectfully suhmitted. D. K.McKJ[;LOlP, Chairman. SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT October Session, 1974 TO' the Warden ,and Me,mbers 'Of ,the Elgin Caunty Council, The Social Se,rvices Omnmittee, reports as fallaws: 1. That ,the 1e,tter fr'Om the Minister af Community and Sacial Sie'rwces re': new funding praposals-day caire centres be, filed. All 'Of which is re1spedfully submitted. M. A. SCHAFER, Chalirnlan. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 197 THE FINANCE AND APPORTIONMENT 'COMMITTEE REPORT October Session, 1974 TO' the, Warden .and Members 'Of the Elgin County CO'uncil, The Finance and Apportionment Committee rep'Orts a's follows: 1. That the letter from the Association ,af MunicipHlities af OntariO' re': Bell Telephone rate increase be filled Hndthe Assacia- tion be advised that the local munteipalities are paying their portion an an individual basis. All af which is respectfully submlitted. B. A. LYLE, Chairman. COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT October Session, 1974 TO' the Warden ,and Members 'Of. ,the Elgin County Council, The Caunty Gove,rnment Committee reports as falloW's: 1. Tha,t the recommendatian f~ram the Re'g1ional Munkipality of Ottawa-Carletan that the law of Ontario ,be changed to' requil"e that in canveyancing transactions the gDantee of the,conveya:nc.e eX!8cute the conveyance as well as the grantar be endorsed. /2. That the proposed amendments t'O the constitutian 'Of ,the Assnciatian of Counties and Regians of OntariO' be filed. 3. That the letter from the Minister af Revenue relating to' the Council af :the County of Elgin suppO'r1:ing the re's'Olution af the County af GrelY request,ing ame1ndment of Sectian 636 b (1) af the Municipal Act be filed. 4. That we support the lappeal af the Elgin West District Women's Institute to' the F,ederral Government asking for devel- opment O'f ,the Sauthwold Earthwarks, the site of the Dauble Palisaded Indian Village and Fort. All af which is respedfuUy submitted. J. B. WILSON, Chairman. 198 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL THE EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE REPORT ) October Session, 1974 To the Warden and Membe~s 'Of the Elgin County Council, The Educational ComlmUtee reports as follows': 1. That. the re1sign,ation of Mr's. Ida L. Barnum from the ELgin County LiJbra1ry Board effective Deee,mber 31, 1974, be :accepted with regret. All of whioh is respectfully submitted. M. A. KAHNT, Chairman. AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT October Session, 1974 To rthe Warden and Members 'Of :the Elgin C'Ounty Council, The Agrioultu~al Committele reports as follows: 1. Thad; John C. Dance'y, D.V.M., District Veteifinarian, Canada Department of Agriculture, be advised to proceed with rabies cUnics throughout the County with the County of Elgin paying for the required adve'msing. All of which is re,spedfully submitted. W. R. OAVERLY, Chairman.' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2322 "A BY-LAW DESIGNATING THROUGH HIGHWAYS" WHEREAS Clause 33 of Subs'ection 1 of Section 1 of the Highway Traffic Act (R.S.O., 1970, Chapter 202) provides that:- "Thr'Oughhighw,ay" means la!lliY highway or part of a highway desiiglllated as such . by the Mini'ste'r or by By-Law of ,amunicipalit\Y approved by the Ministry, and every such highw;ay shaH be. mark'ed by a stop sign or yieLd right..of--way sign in comp:lian:ce with the regu- lations of the Ministry. NOW THEREFORE tQ1e Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. The following highways or pa'rts of highways unde,r the jurisdiction of the Municipality of Elgin are designated as through highways: ROAD NO. DESCRIPTION 8. (b) Being Currie Road f'rom the north side of Ma'ry Street in the VilLage .of Dutton to the County Boundary which is the centre of the Thames River. The designations in Section 1 of this By-Law of a Highway or part of a Highway as a through High~ way shall not include any intersection thereon where the Road inte'rseded is a King's Highway or where traffic ,control signals are ~nstalled. The pena1tie,s as provided . in Section 152 of the Highway T:r.affic Act, R.S.O., 1970, shaUapply t'O offences against this By-Law. Description (b) of County Road 8 of By-Law 2213 is here1by rep.ealed. This By-Law shall not become effective until ap- provedhy the Ministry of Transportation and Com- munieations. READ a first time this 16th day of Octobe'r, 1974. READ a secollld time this 16th day of Octoher, 1974. READ ia third time and finaHy passed this 16th day of October, 1974. 2. 3. 4. 5. H. L. JOHNSON Clerk R.L~ LAKE W1arden 199 200 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2323 "A By-Law to Amend the By-Law Adopting a Plan of County Road Improvement and Establishing a County Road System in The County of Elgin under the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act." The Council of the Corp'Oration 'Of the County 'Of Elgin enacts as folLows: 1. The schedule to the gst,31blishing By-Law No. 2166 is :amend- ed by adding thereto .Plan Number 8-1-R-74 aittached her'et'O of Hoad to be known as C'Ounty R'Oad Number 8. 2. This By-Law shaH cnme into force and effect up'On and t'O the 'extent 'Of the apPDoval thereof by the Lieutenant Governor in Council. READ a first time tbis 16th day 'of Oetoiber, 1974. READ a second time this 16th day 'Of OCltober, 1974. READ 'a third time and finally passed this 16th day of Octo'ber, 1974. H. L.JOHNSON R. L. LAKE Clerk Warden COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2324 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and 'Clerk to Sign a Letter Renewing the Lease Presently Held by The University of Western Ontario on Approximately Ten Acres of Land in The Township of Yarmouth." WHEREAS the Corporation 'Of the County 'Of Elgin has leas- ed to 'the University of We,ste,rn Ontado Part 'Of the East Half of Lort 23 ,and Pavt of the Wiest Half of Lot 24, lying south of the old Lake Road as rshown OIn Reg.ister'ed Plan D769, all in Con- cession I, in the T'Ownship of Yarmowflh. AND WHEREAS the said lease expired on September 30th, 1974. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 201 AND WHEREAS the Unive'rS'ity of Western Ontario de1si'r1es to rene'w the said lease for a furthe'r five year te'rm. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County 'Of -Elgin enacts as follows: THAT the Warden alnd the Clerk of the CorpoTlation of the County of Elgin be and are herehy authorized toO sign a letter renewing the above mentioned l'ease for a f1urther five year term to be computed from the l,st day of Octo:ber, 1974. READ a first time this 16th day af October, 1974. READ a se1cond time this 16th dalY of Octobe!r, 1974. READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day of October, 1974. H.L.JOHNSON R.L. LAKE Clerk Warden COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2325 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk of Th.e County to Sign an Agreement Between The Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs, The County of Elgin and The City of. 81. Thomas and Mr. step- hen H. Janes, Respecting an Elgin County Restructuring Study. " WHEREAS it is dee'med advisable that a Restructuring Study be c1arried out for the City of S1. Thomas and the County of Elgin; AND WHEREAS an Agreement between the Ministry of Tre1a1sury, Economios and Int'ergovernmental Affairs, the County of Elgin and the City of 81. Thomas and Mr. Stephen H. Janes, is required in order to p3!rticip'alte in ,a Local government re1struc- luring study. . NOW THEREFORE the COIuncil of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as .folLows: THAT the Warden and the Clerk of the County of E1gin be and are 'heire1by iauthorized to' sign! for and Din behalf of the County 202 ELGIN COUNTY CQUNOIL of Elgin, the Caunty Restructuring Study Agreement, a capy of which is attached he're'to and marked! "Anne'x A". READ a fi~st time this 16th day of October, 1974. READ a se1cond time this 16th da~ of Octabe'r, 1974. READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day of Octobe,r, 1974. H. L. JOHNSON Olerk R. L. LAKE Warden "ANNEX A" COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNTY RESTRUCTURING STUDY AGREEMENT Memorandum af Agre,ement made in quadruplicate this day of 19 , A.D. Betwe{m Her Majesty The Queen in right of the P,rovince af OntariO' as repreisented by the Treasurer af .ontariO' ,and Minister of Economics and Intergavernmenta[ Mfairs hereinaft,er ref'erred to' as the "Province" OF THE FIRST PART and The Cilty of Sf. 'Dhomas, The County of Elgi1n, hereinafter refeI'Ted tlO las the "PanticipatingMunicipalities" OF THE SECOND PAR,T Stephen H. Janes, hereinafter referred to' as the "Commissianer" OF THE THIRJD PART Whe!reas the Participating MUIlJicipa[ities have by resalution af their res,pe,CJtivemunicipal cauncils, certified capies af which res'Olutians 'are attached he,reta land labelled Schedule A to' this Agre'ement, agreed :to pa'rti:cipatle in a local gave:rument restruc- turing study. and ELGIN CQUNTY COUNCIL 203 And whe:re'8Js the Province is desirous af assd.,sting in the implementation of ,the ,aforementianed study. Now therefore this Agreement witnesselth that in conside,ra- tian of the premises .and cavenants the ParUes heretO', far them- selves, their respeetive successors, and as,signees hereby agree as follows; 1. That the study area where referred toO herein shall be defin- ed as that area lying witMn and ad!jace1nt to' the Particip:ating Municipalities. 2. And that the study prospecrtus where ref'erred to herein shall include but nat be limited to': (a) an autline af the study p'roeediure t'O be f'0llowed by the Commissianer, (b) a detaiLed hudget for the re'structuriJng study said bud- get to' incLude but not be limited to' the, total estimated cost of the p:repa'ration and comp'letian' of all study documents andmatedals related thererto, staff fee scheduI'e,s and other expenditures considered by the Commissioner to' be necessary in the peTfO'rmance of his duties pUDsiUant to this Agreement, (c) a list of the proposed staff, induding .consultanrts whkh the Commissioner prapose's to retain incl'uding their duties and flemrunelration, (d) a schedule of P'Doposed he,adngs and public meetings and formal meetings with electedrep,resentative,s within the study area, (e) the number and qua1ntity of document,s tlO be made aV1aila:ble by the Commissianer to' the Partie's to' this Agre'e'ment and the public, and (f) ather matte'rs neoe,ss,ary, in the apinian af the Com'mis- sioner, to' the re'structuring study. 3. And that the study documents where refe,rred to' herein shall include tib'e study p'rospectus, the study report and any other matetfials ar documents prepared ar d.esignat,ed by the Oommis- sioner. 4. And that the Province and Participating Municipalitie,s shall hire the se'rvioes af Stephen H. Jane,s as Gommis1sioner. 204 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 5. And ,tha,t the' Commiss:roner shalL: ('a) examine, e'valuateand make reeommendations con- ce,rningall facets of the structure, organization, and 'operation of local government:s within the study area, including hut nat to be limited t'O, municipal gove.rn- ments, hoa'lds and commissions with specific r'efe:rence being made t'O: (i) populaJtionp're'SsU'res and 'constraints an grawth; (ii) anticipated future develiapme:nt, papulation and economic growth patterns of the study area and with 'PaI'ltiJouffiar reference t'O the' servicing reo' quirements of the municipalitiels; (iii) 'existing communities 'Of inte,re1st; (iv) boundaries of bath 1oca'l and county municipal,i- ties within the studyare'a; (v) one ar two level county government; (vi) 'ama1gama1tions, ,annexa,tions and consalidatians; (vii) relationships amongst the . municip'alities in the studya1rea; (viii) operatians 'Of special purpose bodie's and their relationship,s to arthe1r Ioeal governments in the stud~ are,a; (ix) a division of responsibilitiJe,s between the local andcoufllJty municipalities; (x) the resouroeand ,assessment base; (xi) the financial ,a,rrangem,ent1s of local governments in the study area,; (xii) a planning f'DamewaTk; (xiii) the organization 'Of. council and its committees wit'h partieula,rl'ieference. to roles and systems of policy-making and implement,atian; (xiv) the role ,and selection af the, heads of council; (xv) responsive' local g,o've'rnment decisian-m1aking and ,the accountaJbHity 'Of ele'cted and appaint'ed af- ficials, and ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 205 (xvi) any athe'r matters which in the opinion of the Commissioner are r,elated to the lo:cal gavern- meiIllt wi1tJhin the Study Area. 5. (b) enoaurage public awarene,s,s of and participatian in the issue,s assodat,ed with the restructuring study through, but nat limited to., the holding af public m,eetings throughoU't the .study area and by pl'ioviding copies af ,the study's findings and reoO'mrnendatianl) to' the pub- lic in the study are.a, (c) maintain a local office av;aUable to' the public staffed during the life 'Of the study progr;am at a lacaHan within the study areaa:gre1ed to frOom tim'e to' time by the parties to this Agreement, (d) ,eixeTcTse his discretian in rec'eiving and analyzing briefls, submis'8ians,studie's, plans, data, drlRwings and documents .from..interest'ed pa,rtires 'and 'in including all orportionsafs:uch m:ateria,ls in the study document's, (e) make r,epresientaUon and warranty of any financial 'Or otJherinte'rest pe'!lsonally. or by contract dired1y or indiDectly he,Ld by. him or his immediate fiamily in or reLated to the study 'area, (f) nat use 'Or permit the use of any mate'fials prepared pursuant to. .this Agree.ment withaut the . autharized writtencons1ents af bath the Pravinc,e and .the Partici- pating Municipalities other than those materials used by . the Commissianeri:n the preparation of the study documents, (g) prepare, complete and submit by the 6ith day af Navem- ber, 1974, ,a ,study, p'rospectus to.boththe Proavince and the Participating Municipalities, (h~ prepare, com!plelte and submit 'by the 31st day of March, 1976, a final study report to both the. Pravince and the Participating Municipalities, (i) maintain a liaison with the Pravince .and the Particip'a.t- ing Municipalities thraughout the study, (j) neithercammit nar ,authoriZle the commitment 'Of: (1) any sum of maney exc'eeding' $5,000 not ac- counted for in the study p'rospectus without the 206 ELGIN. COUNTY COUNC[L authorized written consents of both the Pro- vince.and the Participating Municipalities, (2) any sum of money · ex'ceeding $5,000 until re- ceiying the authorized. w!,itt1en approvals t'O the study prospe'ctus..'Ofboth .the. Province and the ParHcip1ating Municipalities, (k) b~. discharged of. all his obTigaiUons . related to this Agree'men't upron the' receipt by ,the, Pl10yince and the Particpating MunicipaUties of the . c'Ompleted study re- port. 6. Andtb:atJorthe purpose. ofnre,pafingthe study:iprospedus and the study report and any. other r,elarted dqcll.meIJ,>ts the Pro~ vince and the Pa1rticipating MunicipaHties shall, where in the Qpinio!llof the P~ovince..iand/or the Participating Municipalities !there is no breach of confidentiality, make aU relevant mat'erials :available ,to ,the Oommis,sioner said materials.!to include but not be .limited t,o re1eviant data, drawings, plans, 'studies and docu- ments. 7: . And that. within 30 drays. of re'c.eiptof the completed study prosp'ectus the Pirlovince a'nd the Pal1tici!patingMunieipalittes wHl review same and either approve or s'e'ek a1tEwations,additrons, {)'r amendments to the studyprospe-o'bus. 8. And that . any aLt'e:ration, . addition, or a,mendm'ent to the S'tud~' prospectus, including hut not limited. to, matters of cost, procedure. or service's to be perfrorm.ed by the Com,missioner, must have the iauthorized writtenap~)r0'Va'~s of the Province, the Commissione:r,and the Participating 'Munieipalities, 9. .And tha,t. approrval of the. study prospe<ctu:s wivh or without amendments shall be give\n before the Oon1Jmissioner may con- tinue with the ,study. 10. .And that all materials. compl1ed 'Or purchased .by the Com- missioner pursuant to .:this Agree,ment, .including but not to be limited to equipment, data, dr:awings, plians, studieis and docu- ments 'Shall be and remain the. pDoperty of the' Province and the Participating Municipalities. . , 11. And ,that upon: completion of the study 'l'leport thePr,qvince and the Particip,ating Municipalities shal'l det,ermine, the' dispolsi- tion, posse1ssion, 'and use of ail matedalscomrpi1e:d ,or purchased in -relation to the study by theCOJ:nmi:ssioner. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 207 12. And that. fueCommissioner shaH, . suba'ed . to clause .13' of .this Agre'ement, causeall,expenditure,s incurred in thepe'Horm- anceof his duties pursuant toO this ag,r1element tpbe billed to: The Manager Str,uotul1e Policy Section Local Gov'ernment. Organization Branch The Ministry of .Trelasury, Ec'Onomics and IntergoV1e:rnment1al Affai'Ds 4t.hFl0'or,Fr'Ost Building North Queen's P3il1k, Toron1to. 13. And that, where impracticall to comply with c:lausel2 of ,this Agre~'ment, .theComruissioner~ihan pres,ent re,ceip!ts,. in a form aoceptable .,to the Ministry of. Treasury,. Econoll1ic'S. and In,.- telrgoV1ernmentaI. Affairs, for expernditures,. .... incurred by the, Commissione,r in the performance 'Of hils dJU!ttes pursuant. to this Agre'e!ment, f'Or the. puvpose1s of reimburs.ehlent, 14. Andtha:t the. Pl1ovi~ce shaH piay the. O0'st,. as dete'rUlinei<lby the Province, whose dedsions. shall .be. final,. of the res~r'Uctur- Ing study las p1r(:)"vided for by the Oommissiol1JJe1r in the studYP'ros- pectus. \ 15. Ahdthat thePr6vinc'e~ha][ forward to the Tre~sure'r 'of each. of the. Participating Municipa1itieis a" re,cord 'Of the l11:o'ni.'es expended by the Province pU.'fsua,rit to clause 14' of . ,this Agre~- ment. 16. Andthat( within. one. (1) calendar ye,ar' of receivlng the re,. cord ref.e'l~red to in clause 15 'Of this Agre'e!DJ.ent,. the. Piarticipat- ing Municipalrtties.. 'shall reimbuDs,e the' Provinoe to the extent of one.:half of arll. . monies expended by"the Province pursuant . tlo clause 14 of this Agree'ment 'On the fo~lowin,g percentag,e basis: (a) +h~Qollnty 'of Elgi~ 60% (b) The City of St. Thomas 40% which is ,based on per capita as dete,rmined by the 1973 Provin- cial Census. 17. And that the Commissioner shaH be paid a salary of $2,75 per diem commencing the daJte of signature asbilil:ed for actual days worked. 18. And that, in addition to the amount set OUlt in clause, 17 of this Agreement, effeotive during the period set out the'rein, the Oommissione'r ,shall, in accordance with the Regulations of the 208 ELGIN COUNTY COUNC[L Province pertaining. ,to a p'rovincialemployee,be reimbursed f,or traveL ~xpensesneces:s'arily, in the opinion of the Pravince, incul'reddn ,the,pe,rformance oLhisdJuiiesas CommissianeT. 19. And that the Commissioner sh~Hindemnify.. and save, harm- Lesls the Province and the.. Participating Municipalities from and ,against any clarffi, ia'ctian, cause' 'Of ,action, suit,drem:and and; 'Or liability for losS, exp,ense,. cost or .d!a:mage. ofeve,ry nature and kin~W1hatsoelvera'mo<ng, due ta, 'Out Of, froIli, or inc'Onnectian with :the work undert:aken and performed by the Commissioner, his agen1J(s), employee(s), or offiee:r(s,) pursuant ta this Agre,e- m~nt. 20. And that nope:rson 'Or curporation ather than the Commis- Isroner or,persans designated by the Commissianer shall be en- tiUed ,ta re'ceive iany rei1nbursementor olliel! call1pensat,an fram the Pvovinceor the Participating Municipiail.itie's far any mater- ials or pveparatton 'Or anymateria1s, including but not ttO be, limit- ed ,t'O. dacume:nts,submissions, . briefs, -data,. drawings"studies, and. plans a:uthoriZ'ed.b~ the Provineear theParticip,ating Muni;. . cipaliti:e's intended for the use of the Ba1rties . ta this Agree'ment for the purpose's olf the restlruc:turing study. 21.. And that na pa:rti'On .of. this Ag're:e,ment shall be assigned withouttheauthoriz,ed writ,ten consents of bath the Provinc.e, and tlhe Partieipatinrg Municipalittes. 22. And that notwithstanding <this Agre'ement, neither the Pra- vince. narthe Pa,rticipa,ung Munieip'aliti:esar~. bound 01'0 act upon, 'Obey, imple'me:nt, or discharge any sugge:st'ions '0[' re,c'Ommenda- tlians ,ex:plressed in the stud~ praosp1ectus 'Or the study report. In WitneslS' Wihe,re'Of. the Treiasurer 'Of Ontaria ,and Minister of E1conomies and InteTgovernm,ermal Aff:ains an behalf 'Of the! Party o~ ithe First Part has hereunto subscribed his signature, the Pavtiels of theSecand Part have heTeuntoaffix:ed their corporate ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL seals under the hands 'Of their proper officerls duly authoriz'ed in that behalf, and. the Party 'Of the Third Bart has helreunta sub- scribed his signature. Signed and Delivered this In the Presence 'Of: 1974. da~ 'Of TvealsU'relr and Minister. 'Of Economies and Inte1rgav,ern:mental Affairs. The OOI1>oratian 'Of The C'Ounty of Elgin: R. L. LAKE, Warden. H. L. JOHNSON, GLe'rk. The Corporation of The Cit~ of St. Thomas: Mayor CLerk-Administratar Commissiane'r 209 210 ELGIN.COUNTY COUNCIL This is Schedule A to. Agreement dated October 16th, 1974 respecting the County of Elgin Restructuring Study. I, H. L. Johnson, Clerk 'Of the OarpoD.artian 'Of the Caunty 'Of Elgin, da he're'bycertify that the fallawing is a true copy 'Of a resa}ution adapted by the, Elgin Caunty Council on Octaber 16th, 1974. "'THAT: The Council 'Of the Caunty ,'Of Elgin agree,s ta participa:te with the, Ministry 'Of Treasury, Eoanomics and Inte1rgovernm1ental Mfairsand the City of St. Tham- as., in a local gav,ernmenlt restructurtng s:tudy far the County 'Of Elgin and City 'Of St. Thamas." .Se,al H. L. Jahnsan Coulllty C}erk I, ROIbert A. Barrett, Clerk-Adm~ntsilrator 'Of the Oarpara- tion 'Of. the City 'Of S1. Thomas, do herebyeertify that the fal- lowing is a true c'Opy afa 'resolwtion adapted by the City Coun- cil 'On October 21st, 1974. "THAT: The, Cauncil. 'Of the City of St. Thomas agrees ta participate with the Ministry 'Of Treasury, Econa- mics and Intergovernmential Affairs ,and the Caunty 'Of Elgin, ina lacai ,government restruetwring study far the County of Elgin and CHy of S1. Tham:a!s." . R. A. Barrett City Clerk-Administrator ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2326 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of The Council of The Cor. poration of The County of Elgin at the October Session, 1974." WHEREAS by Se.ctian 9 the Muuicipal Act, . be~ng Chapter 284 'Of the Re'vised Statutes of Ontaria, 1970, the pawe,rs 'Of a municipal corpar,atian are ta be exercised by its c'Ouncil; AND WHEREAS by SUJbsecUon 1 of Se,cti!an 241 'Of the Mu- nicipal Aot, being Chapte,r 284 'Of the Re'vlsed Statute!s 'Of On- tario, 1970, the powe'rs ofevm-y council are t'O be exercised by By-Law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient tha1t the praeeed- ings .of the Council 'Of the- Corporatian 'Of. the. Caunty. of Elgin at this meeting be canfirmed and adapted by By-Law; NOW THEREFORE the Cauncil of the Carporation 'Of the County 'Of Elgin enacts as fallaws: L That action 'Of the Council 'Of the Corporatian 'Of the County of Elgin in respect 'Of each necammendatian contained in the reparts 'af the committees and each matiana:nd res'Olutian pass- edand other actian ta:~en by the Council 'Of the Oorporation 'Of the County 'Of Elgin meetings held during the Octohe,r 1974 Se'ssian .is he1rehy adopted 'and eo:nfirmed as . if . all sucih proceed- ings were express~y emb'Odied in this By--LaNV. 2. The Warden and praper 'Officials 'Of the OorpO'ratian 'Of the County of Elgin ane he,reby autharized ,and directed! ta da all things neoessary to' give eff'ect ta the ,actian of the Council 'Of the Carparatian of the County 'Of Elgin referred tlO in preceding se,ction hereaf. 3. The Warden and the Clelrk a'reaUJthanized and di'fect,ed ta execute all documents necessary in that behalf and ta affix thereto the Selalof the Oarpor:ation'Of the County 'Of Elgin. READ a fil'1srt time this 16th day af Ootober, 1974. READ a secand Hme this 16th day of October, 1974. READ a third time and finally paslsed this 16th day 'Of Octaber, 1974. H..L. JOHNSON Olerk R.L.LAKE Warden 211 212 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL NOVEMBER SESSION - FIRST DAY Wednesday, the 20th day of November, 1974 The>:mlginCounty Oouncil met this day at the' Court House, St. Thomas, tnaccovdanee wilth 'adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All m'ermbe'Ds prelsent. One minute of silence was ae~d out of respe'Ct for the late Da:Vlld Go,rdoIli, a Cournty employe'e who was kiiUed in a c'Ounty acoident on the 19th of November, 1974. The Warden ,addressed ,the, Gou]1IoH and we[eomed the' boys and.. gir'1s who ca'ma as guest,s .of the councilloT'S. Moved by <Deputy Re,elve Simpson Seconded by Reeve Willson That the minUJtes of the, Oetobe,r 1974 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. ,-Carried. The foE.owtngCommunicatirons we,ve re1ad and referred to the various commit,tees: ,From John Sp,enoe" M.P.P. with lette,r acknorw'ledgtngveceipt of our lelttere'l1Jdovsling the resolution from the Regional Muni- cipality 1M .ottawa-Carleton re: H~ega'l 'Selve!f!ances.-Filed. Fl10m R. K. MoNHi'l, M.P.P. with let1Je,r 'acknowledging receipt of 'Ourle1tter endorsing the resolution. from the Regionall Muni- cipalityof Ot'tJawa"'Oa'rlet.on re,: Hleg1a~ SeVieraneels.-FHed. ,From the UniiveDsity of W'es~errn Ontario with letter advis- ing that Sandiva Jane MoLnar, R.R. 3, Shedden, Ma~ Teirelsa Noga, R.R. 1, Welsrt; Lorne" Uldis Bite, Be,lmont and James D. McKishrnie, Weist Lorne, we,ve the winners 'Of the Eilgi1n County Scholarships. -F,iJled. From the Ministry of Tl1ansportation and Oommunications with Me'IDo 74-12 and le1tte1r re: 'Municipal Tl1ansp.ortlation Branch Organizartion.-Rerfe1rr'ed to the Road COmInitte,e,. From the Retitle CrelekCoIl!se!I'V'at~on AuthoTity with letter ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL re: e'f'oston caused by K!etHe Creek .on part of Lot 16, S.U.H. 1R., TOIw:nlSihip of SrouthiwoJd.--.,ReTerr'ed toO the Road Oommitte'e. Fvom the Sr1. Thomas-Elgin Emer'grency Melasurle,s Organiza- tion with plr.oposed bUdg,et for the 1975-76 Fiscal Ye'a'r.-Ref:er- red to the Finance land App.oTiionmsUit Oommitltee'. Fl10m the S1. Thomas-Elgin Gelnerlall Hospital with leHer re: a Distl1iot Health OoU'nC'H.-Refer'red to the Finance and Appor- tionmenJt Oommitif;'ee. I Fl10mthe Onrtanio Good Roads AS1soei-aiion with request for Re-solutions and Prop.os1al 'Of Names for Recog'Ulint1on 0'[ Long Se1rvice in the Cause of Good Roads.-Reif,elrred to the Road Com- mittee. From the County of Oxford with reso~ution r,eeommend1ng tlO the Mdnister of Naturla[ Resources that Section 4(5) orf The Trees Act be -ameinJded to p,roVide for a m'in;imum fine- of $1,000.00 and a maximum frine of $5,000.00 and t!hrat the Judge be, given authority to 'Orderr a pe'r,soIlJ rfJo eist'ablrish a woodl'Ot of equal a;rea in size to that dest'foyed.--Re'ferred to the AgricuLtural Com- mit,te'e. From the Ministry of Transportation andCommuniCiatioJIls with letter rer: Highway 3 Fe'aisibHifty Study 81. Tholl11las to THIson- burg.-Filed. Fvom the Honourable Leo Bernielr with letrte'r re: Elgin Oounty Council's ,vercommenrdation to han aU deer hunting in E,lgin OountY.~Filed. From Mr. Bruce . McWil'liam with let>telr 'Or app'reciati'On for Elgin County Bur:sary.-.,Fi1led. Fvom the Oounty.of VicitoI'lia wiithnesolution prertirtion!ing the Minister of Oommunity a1nid Soeial Se1rvicels to amernd the fO'r- mula for sharing the cost of Children's Aid Societies S'O tha,t the ClOst sharing between 'the province, and mun:icipali,ty is fixed -a't 80% .and 20% vespe,eUve1:y.-Ref,e1rved tlO :the Finanee' and Ap- plO'vtionment Committee. From Mr. Peter H. Ben1nrett, Se1cret3lry, Histor:ic Site,s and Monuments Board of Canada, Wlith letterr 1'>e: The Southwold E,arthworkis.-Filed. Fvom tlhe IMinist:ry of Treasury, EconomiCis and Inite'r-govern- enmen1;al Affiail1s with Remarks by The' Honnurab1e' JorhnWhite to :a meeting of the Counci~ of the Regionajl Municipality of 213 214 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Halton.--Re:fervetd toO, the LOCla'l Goverrnment Study Oom'mitt-ee. From tJhe Boald of Negotliatiofll wilth copy of a letter to Melss/fs. He:r1old and PhiUiips with r:t"sped to ia Board of NeglOtia- tiJonmeeting fie': William Oorlllwa,!Q T'rucldng Lim'ited and the County lof Elgin, Lot '15, Oonee's'Silolfi 8, Township 'of Aldborough. --Referred to the Road Committe1e. F1fiom the Board IOf NegOlti'atlion with notice that the Board wHl meet on Thursday, NO'Vlelmbe'r 28, 1974, at 11:00 A.'M. in the Oom,mittele Room at ,the Court Ho'Usle', S1. Thomlas, with re:spe'Ct tIQ undetermined mla,ttefl.s 'Of 'compe!nsat!ion betwe1en William' Corn~ walll Tirucking Limited and the County of ,EJgin.~Referred to the Road Commitlt,ee. From the Miniistry of Treaisury, Economics and Inlt'er-gove'fn- mental Affairs, wit:h Ne,ws ReiLelase of St,aJ1:ement to' the, Legisla- ture by The'HonoU'I'Iable John Wh~t'e on the e,stabiLishm'ent of the' OntaI'lio Land Gorporation.-RefeTI'ied to the Oounty Govern- ment Committ.ee. From the1'ownship 'Of Hi'nJchinbI'iooke with re'So~utlion re- que1sting le.gilsbll1:ilOn' tlO 'amend! the preslen:t 'P'I'iovii'ncial statute,s re~ gaveling we,lf'a,re payments in mUlnicip,alittes.-Ref'8'rfied to the Soc:ia[ Selrvicels Gommirtt1ee. Fvom the Ministry of Hou:8ling with Pl'1op'Osed Official Plan for the IPl'anning Area of West Elgin.--Referred t'O the- Road Committee aud the. Loca~ Goveir1nme!nt Study Oommitt,e'e. Fflom the Ministry of Transportlation and Communications with lette'T authovizing an additdonlal subs:idyaUocation for the Oounty 'Of El,gin :in ~he amounlt of $25,000.00 for COfiist'rucUo'n.- Referred to the Road Committee. From the Township 'of Mavch wi'th l'1eisolut.ion r,e.ga,rdi:ng the , re-Ulse .of glass co:ntaine'Tls.-Ref'erl'1e1d to the County Gove'l'1nment Committ'e-e. Fnom Mayor Jane Big,elOlw 'Of the- City of London with request for. the names of obser,ve'rs appoint'eid by the County of Elgin re.: A:rea Solid Wa's~el Malllag)e1ment Study.-Refe'rr,ed to the Road OomITl!itte'e. ReleVle Johns,ton, Re'8've Miskelly anld Deputy Re,eve- W'ha!lls were ,excused to aecompany the b'Oys and girl!s on a t'0ur of the various County bUii1diimgls ',and the' On:tar'io Wate'r Res'Ources Lake Erie Pipernine. Pumping Station. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Mr. S. H. Jane,s, Commissioner, Mr. R. W. Warner, Senior Regional Study Off,ieer and Mr. L. Fie~d of Jame,s F. MacLa'f1en Limited. we'l'1e pre1sent and it was Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded. by Reeve Hodgson That we do now adjourn for the presentation of the pro- pos1ed Prospectus fOor a Local Governlmenlt RestruCituring Study of Elg,in County by OommiSlsilonJ8'r S. H. J'alfiieiS. -Carried. Following the preS!eutaition 'Of the Pl'1O'sped;us and queistions by the Council memheI'is, OQlunc:il'l'1e~convleIIlied. The Treasurer's Report was p'f,es'enlted. Moved hy Deputy R'e,eve Simpson SeconidJed by Deputy Reev,e McBDieln That the TreasuDsr's Report be acoepltedanid ,printed in the Proceedingls. -Carried. The 01erk's Reiport on Licenses Wlas presented. MOVied by Re-e,ve . Wilson Seconded by Re'eve Eme'l'lsOIn That the' CLerk's Report on Licelfiises be, acoepted and print- ed in 1Jhe Pvooe,edliJng,s. -Oarried. The Administlrator's Report 'Oill Ellgin ManlOr was p-re.s1ent'ed. Moved by Re,eive Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve McBn,en That ,the AJdminisrtr1ator's Report on Elgin Manor be, laccept- ed ,and printed in ,tibe Proce.e1d:iJngs. -Oarried. Deputy ReeVie MonJteith adviSied Council that he' wouLd be a candidate f'Of Wiarden in 1975. The Report 'of the Road Oommittele, was p'relsented by Re,eve McKiIl~op ,and adopted on motion of ReeVlel McKitUop ana!d Re,eve Lyle. 215 2'16 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCrL The F1irst Rep'OT't of the Local Gove;rnment Study Commit- te,e was pvesented by Reev,e' Todd aJnd adopted on motion of Re,e,ve' 'T'OddanJd Releve Dennis. The Report 'Of ithe ElgiilIl Manor Committe,e was pr,eSiented by Reeve Hodgson 'a:nd adopt1ed on mlot-ion of Reev,e Hodgson anJd Reeve Lielbnelr. The Repor1t of the Property Gommittee wa,s p're'8ent'ed by Deputy Reeve Y'Oung alnd ladopted on motion 'of Deputy Reeve Young and Deputy Reeve CarroH. Moved by Re'eve Emeirson Se,conded. by Deputy He'eve Simpson That we do now adj'Ourn t!O me,et again on November 20th, 1974, at 2:00 P.M. ~Oarried. OouncH re-convened. The RepoI'lt of the F'inanoe and ApportJtolnment Committee- was pre:sent1ed by Re,eve Lyile anld adopted on motion of Reeve Lyie lain!d ReeV1e Cook. The Report of the' County Government Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Wiilison 'and adopted an motion of Heleve Wilson and Reeve' Eme'rsoIl. The Report orf the Agricultural Committee was p're,senited by Reeve Oavedy and adopted on motion 'Of Reeve Caverly and Deputy Re,e'V1e' Pelttirt. Tlhe Seoond RepoDt of the Locall G!Ove'rn~neIlit Study Com- m/iitee waiS pve,sented by Ree'Vie Tadd and :adopted on motian of Reeve Todd and Re,eve Cook. Moved by Delpwty Re,e,ve Carroll Se,oonJded by Reelve Todd 'That the Port St,anley Lions O~ub be given tiJOIlJ in :aPP[[1eciation 'Of the use' of their bus. a $20.00 dona- -Garried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Reeve Kahnit Seconded by Deputy Rem71e Simpson That By-Law No. 2327 "Being a By-Law to Approve- the Prospectus f.or a Looal GOVie'r:nment R'8's't:ruClturing Study 'Of EIg~n County," be re1ad a fi'rst time. ~Garried. Moved by Deput,y R'eeve Simpison See>ondJed by Ree,ve Lie bner That By~Law No. 2327 be rread a second time,. -->Carried. Moved by Reeve Liehnelr Se'C1olnded by Reeve Kahnrt That By-Law No. 2327 be read a third time and finally p'a1ss- ed. ~Oa:rded. Mov,ed by Deputy Heeve Plel~t\it Seoonded by Deputy Reeve Oarirol1 . That By-Law No. 2328 "A By-LaM/' to Confirm Proee,edings 'Of lthe Ooundl of rbhe Corporation 'Of the County of Elgin at the November SeslsilOn, 1974," be r,erad a f,ir:slt t~me. ~Oarried. Mov-ed hy Deputy Reeve Pelttit Seoonded by Reeve Caverly 'Dhat By-Law No. 2328 be read a ,se,cond time. --Garded. Moved by Deputy Re,eve Pe1ttit Se'C101Il!ded by Derputy ReiHve Garroll ThaJt By-Law No. 2328 be relaid a third time and finally palssed. -Oarded. Moved by Deputy Reeve McBrien Seconded .by Reelve Wilson That we do now adjourn tlO meiet again on Decemher 18, 1974 at 10:00 A.M. ---,Oarried. H. L. JOHNSON Olierk R. L. LAKE Wa-rden 217 2:18 ELGIN COUNTY COUNGLL COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT November Session; 1974 110 the Wavdelll and Membe:ris of the Elgin County Council: I beg to :submit the folLowing stat,eulienrts of Receipts and Expe'Il\d~turels frOlm Janua,ry 1st, 1974 to Ocltobe'r 31st, 1974. RECEIPTS Balance in Bank and on hand JianuaTY list., 1974. $ 162,755.38 N otesPaYiabLe ................................ 1,205,000.00 Oounty Rate's '"'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 463,412.05 County Ratels cotlJed,ed Uinde'r Section 43 ................................. 1,373.23 Licenses ,and Permits ........................ 500.00 lnt,e're'Slt .. ........ .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ...... .. ... "'"'''' 691.81 County Roads ....................... ............. 1,3'51,080.15 Children's Aid Society ...................... 940.30 Agl1iouIturre ............................... ........... 1,896.00 MisdeUaJneoUJs Heve'nJue, . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 41,733.16 Re1cove'ry 'of RentaLs .......................... 18.,949.15 Wellf:alrel - Administl1ation............ . 15,524.98 __Benefits ...... "'''''''''''' 180,647.66 Gare .of Buildings (Admin. 'Of Justioel) '" ......... ...... 12,,011.46 Registry Offioe .....:.................... """'" 2,019.311 Land Division Commiihtee- '''''''''''''' 13,925.00 PDinuing, Postage & Station:ery........ 1,089.13 Accounts Reoe1iVialblle ................... 100.00 3,310,8'93.39 $ 3,473,648. 77 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 219 EXPENDITURES 32,,468. 78 39,694.69 6,5'36.95 2!1,606.41 Membe'fS' Wages OUiceIis' SalanLes PriinJting, Bostage & Sta1tionery.. Caire, of Buildings ............ ..... ............. Grants, Associations, Soh01aDships, 'e1Jc. .................. MisoeiJlaneous eXipe!ll!Se .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . County Roads Children's Aid Sodetie1s .... ............ Transfelrr,ed to Elgin Manor............... InteJ:1€st Abat'emeIlJt of Taxes ... ...... .... ...... Agriculture Registry Off~ce .. . .. .... ......... . ..... ...... Elgin~St. Thomas Health Unit ..... County Library .... ............. Land Divis~on COImmitte'e ... WeHare - Administration ............. - Belnefits ....... TDansfe:rI'ied to PayriOl[ Account Note:s Payable............... Balance in Bank Oc1Jober 31, 1974 ... 5,281.20 19,249.64 1,706.,060.88 44,829.00 53,500.00 2,7,288.88 2,82,1. 75 8,972.'34 2:,129.88 83,,214.00 2,13,595.59 14,824.38 36,683.94 2'70,071.21 5,000.000 850,000.00 3,443,829.52 20,819.25 $ 3,473,648.77 ELGIN MANOR Balance in Bank 'and on hand January list, 1974 $ 61,6900.80 Receipts ExpenJdilturels 690,999.08 $ 752,689.88 752,676.19 Balooce'in Bank and on 'hand Octobe1r31st, 1974 $ 13.69 ALL of wh!ich ,is respectfully'SubmirfJted. H. L. JO'rrnsorn, Oounty. Gleirk,,:,Tfle'asnrelf. 220 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL CLERK'S REPORT ON LICENSES To the Walvden and MembeTs 'Of Elgdn County Council, I have 1Jo 'report Ithe following licens'e's in fl()TCe 'On the first diaiYof Novembe'r 1974. Auctioneers Waldie Allen, R. R. 3, Lambelth Gordon H. MHeroo, 23 Young Stre'et, S1. Thomas Amthur Long, Box 57, Vienna Wi1JUam Oarnegie, R. R. 1, Muirkirk N ormlan RipLey, FiJngall Donald L. Cosens, R. R. 3, St. Thomals K. J. McAlrpine, R. R. 1, Dutlvon Harry Lutchtiin, Wia::rd:sv~l1e Leslie J. Sih:ackeLtlo~, R. R. 1, Sp,ringf'ieild Dave Pagle, 267 :F.urnival Road, Rodine,y ALL of which is respe'ctvully submitted. H. L. Johnson, Oounty CLe1rk-Tveasurer. THE ELGIN MANOR Report of Budget as of October 31, 1974 ..... $ Estimate Actual 1974 October 31/74 Residents' Social Services Relsidents Dry CLeaning Beauty Padour Suppl:ies '" ......... Barbering .. ... ........... .......... C101thing-Re'sidential Care' OLothing-Extended Care' Footwear-Helsli:dielnlti'a[ Oare ~oortwear-EXJtended Ca,re He'cre!artion aJnd Enterltainmernt Hobby Crafts Adjuvant ....... ...... ClOmfort Money .. .. . .... ............................ RepaJirs and Maintellll3lnce of Equipment RepLacemen'ts ...... .......... .............. Misce'llane'O'Us .... Salaries .. . .. .. ... ..... 125.0'0 $ 5'0.00 50.00 500.00 400.0.0 100.00 50.00 2,0.00..0'0 300.00 8.00.00 600.00 20'0.00 325.0.0 3,00.0.00 2.0,748..00 15.25 -196.87 76.84 49.01 116.74 173.63 2,751.38 -194.74 -159.86 678.00 72.35 406.25 -.83 18,614.70 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Employee. Benefits . . . . 1,3'2'1.0.0 1,2:81.42 SUB TOTAL $ 30,569.00 $ 23,683.27 Dietary Services R'aw Food Costs ....... Replaceiments-Dishe,s, Cutle;ry, etc. Misce[lanelQius Suppiies- Foil, Dish Soap, Paper ,...... ...... Repairs and Maintenance tlO Equipme1nt Heplace,ment's Other Salaries Empl1oye'e Benefits $ .93,000.0.0 $ 67,546.43 3,68.2.0'0 2,294.71 5,50.0.00 3000.00 4,192.0'0 30'0.00 ....,... 122,198.00 8,000.0.0 4,787.99 269.83 337.03 354.56 88,042.16 7,407.16 SUB TOTAL $237,172.00 $171,0'39.87 Residents' Medical-Nursing Services HOlme Physd!cian ...... ............ ........ $ 2,600.00 $ Approved Drugs .... ..... ......... 16,0'.00.00 Mediea:l~Nursing SuppUels and Medications . . .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. RepaiI'ls and MaiJntellllance to Equipment Replace'menrts . .......... ............ ............. Dentists .. .. . .. . . .. . .. ... ..... ..... ............ . Eye Oar,e . ..... .............................................. FoOot Oare Ambulance ....... Other Salaries Employee Benefits 3,0'00.00 500.00 2,370.00 1,5.00.00 10.0.00 1,000.00 2,,400.00 249,556.00 16,366..00 1,743.30 8,144.73 2,756.59 752.87 7,672.02 115.00 297.50 180.00 802.60 714.53 229,908.31 17,646.38 SUB TOTAL $295,392.0'0 $270,733.83 Housekeeping Services 'I1issue, Kleenex, Soap . ...... ................. .,...$ Mops, Pails, 'elk. .,. W,ax Cleallleirs, etc. Pest Control ... .. .. .... .................... RepraiI'ls land Maintenance to Equiplment RepLacements ... . . . . . . . . .. . ... . . . . .., .................. MiscellaneoUis .. ................................. ......... Salaries .. .. .. .... ..... 2,0'00.0'0 1,000.00 1,500.00 500..00' 300.0.0 4,0'5'0.00 300.00 80,312.00 $ 2,557.01 425.81 1,795.54 437.18 15.83 1,175.53 85.99 60,136.49 221 222 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Employee Benefits ..... 6,520.00 SUB TOTAL $ 96,482.00 $ 72,455.34 5,825.96 Laundry and Linen Services Rep'Laoetm~:mtrS of Bedding and Dinen RepLacements 'Of U nifolrms ..... . ....... MiseeHa:neous .. . . . . . . . . . . . Soap, hleach,etc. . .. ... Thread, 'ThermO' p,atch,etc. ..... .............. RepaiI'ls and Ma:inteu!ance ,t,o Equtp1menit Replacements ..... ........... ... Sa1aties .. . .. .. ... .. ..... ..... . ................. Employee Benefits ..... $ 4,000.00 $ 2,355.05 1,20'0.00 754.30 15'0.00 1.73 2,3'00.00 2,494.57 100.00 22.56 322.00 347.58 4,490.00 17,784.00 15,249.73 1,422.00 1,245.65 SUB TOTAL $ 31,768.00 $ 22,471.17 200.'00 2,544.50 138.72 338.13 12,786.08 12,601.34 1,071.82 SUB TOTAL $ 70,617.00 $ 57,687.77 General and Administrative Adv:e'rtiJS'ing ...................,:. ........................ .. $ Audtt . .. . . . .. .................... Legal ...................................... ........... Postage . .. .. . . .. , . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. Printing 'and St'ationevy .......... ................. 900.0.0 $ 900.00 3,000.00 70.0.00 2,000.00 174.19 900..00 941.20 448.15 2,662.21 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL T'e~ephone . ..... Tr:aveilUngand Oonvent'i:a!I1!s Home Ve'hicle .... .. ... ..... . .. ... ....... Iusur:ance-P IC, P IL, etc., WO'rkmen',s Compensatian Otihelr- Misce'Llan81auls Repairs and Maintenance af Equipment Replaoements Freight and E~prlelss Staff Development .. ..... Membership Dues Sa1arie,s Employee Benefits 2,0010.00 4,000.0.0 800.'0'0 6,0.00.'00 2,5'00.00 50.00 840.00 50.00 5,00.0.00 100.00 38,40.0.00 3,871.00 1,736.55 3,089.62 279.37 6,572.98 2,197.47 200.00 31.99 149.60 220.00 83.80. 32,945.88 2,796.20 SUB TOTAL $ 71,111.00 $ 55,429.21 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $834,611.00 $673,500.46 T'Ot,al Exp8lIlJditur,els . . ......... $834,611.00 $673,500.46 Expe'uditure Re'coveries. ................. 3,597.00 2,917.29 $83'1,014.010 $670,583.17 25'0,739.00 228,151.97 75,221.70 68,445.59 Op6lI~ating Deficit . . . ..... .. . .. . .. . County Share 30% . .... ....... 'Capital Expenditures Purchase af Additional' FurIlJislhingls . T:ractar . ... Purchase 'Of Additional Equipment . 3 Ele'ctrJc Falns ... . . . . . . $ 8,00.0.00 $ 3,760.99 4,50'0.00 5,,485.0'0 5,753.77 150.00 63.70 223 Funeral and Burial Funeral and BUDial .. ...... ............. ........ $ 1,500.00 $ Building and Property-Operation and Maintenance Elec1Jriciity and Water """ .............. .. $ 13,000.00 $ 9,574.95 Fuell ........... ............................ ...... ..."..... 18,500..00 17,671.23 Garbage, OOl]lectilon .... ................ .............. 1,200..00. 961.00 TaX!els "'''''''' .".... .......... .............. ....... ...... Insnrance>-Boile'r, Land, Equipment..... 3,500.0.0 Hent ........... "'''. ....................................... 350.00 Purchased Selrviees . Equipment Replace:men1t!s Building---Barule1r . . . . . . . . . . BuiLding---Lighrt; Bulbs BuHding-JOthe:r ..... G:rounds>-Se'eds, plants, 81alt Re'pairs and MaintelIlJance Equipmelllit... 10,530.00 Salamies ...................................................... 21,632.00 Employ'ee Benefits .................................... 1,705.00 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES $ 18,225.00 $ 9,578.46 Capital Alterations .. ..". 6,500.00 $ 24,725.0.0 $ 9,578.46 .... $ 12,362.50 $ 4,789.23 500..0.0 County Share 50% Non-Shareable E~elUditJUires OOUIlity Share 'in All ..... ...................... ...., $ 88,'084.20 $ 73,234.82 TOTAL COST TO COUNTY $ 88,084.20 $ 73,234.82 224 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL REVENUE Revenue f,rom ReiS1idientis,:-, Extended Care ............................. .... $118,260.00. $ 80,898.01 Revenue frOlm Pvovinc:i:a[ SubS'idy- Extended Oa:re .............................. ..... 236,52.0.00 175,083.86 ReVlelIliue :f)rom Re'stdent:s- . ReSliJde>ll~ial OaT,e ... ".."................... 223,895-.00 173,6.09.10 E'st'ate1s IOf Deceased Re!sidents ............ 1,000..00 12,340.23 Employee,s ROIom 'and Boa1rd ........ ........... 600.00 500.00 TOTAL REVENUE $580,275.00 $442,431.2.0 Private Home Care Horrne Physician . . . . . . . .. . . Drugs and Medications. Dentists ... .. . . . . . . .. Eye Gave, Foot Care' lJaborratory Te'st:s X -<RJays Sp:e'ciaUsts AmbuLance Reibat:e to NOll!"'Pelllsioners OLothing F100twear Dry CIle1aning T,ranspom'31tion Residents Maintenanee Miscellane'oruJs ... $ 300.0.0 20.0.00 100.00 50,.00. 3'0..00 20..0'0 40.0..0 5.0.00 $ 10'0..00 5'0.0.0 175..00 48.05 14.43 25.00 3, 15'0.00 3,068.48 66.0.0 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 225 ADMINIST'RA TOR'S REPORT ELGIN MANOR November Session, 1974 'Il0I the Warden and Members OIf the Elgin County Council: l1he fOlllJiOlwing lis my l1eport on Elgin Manor for ten months ending Octobe1r 31, 1974: 1. Numbe!rof Residents as of Delaember 31, 1973"..." 136 2. Numbe1r admitted dUlring the year. ..... .............. 100 3. Number discharged during tlhe Y1ear ...... ............. 85 4. Number.of deaths during the ye1ar........ ....".......... 10 5. Number of Residents now in the HOlme ..... .............. 14,1 6. l10tal days rle's!idenee ...... ..... ..".. ... .."....................... 43328 7. A verag,e, \llIUlffi ber of Riersiden:t1s during y'ea'f... .............. 142 8. RECEIPTS Pro~il11oe of OntaTio Subs~dy . ................ ........ . $291,534.14 Old! Ag1e Pensions and Resideult1s Mtaffinltle~J.lanee'... 256,192.14 Arreafls of Maintenanoe and Esl1;'ates of . Deceased Residents................... .. 0... ....... 12,,340.23 Sundries ...... . ....... .. ..... . .. .. .................. .... 556.70 GOIV'eIlmment 'Of Ca,n:adla Sale,s Tax Refund......... 2,860..59 $563,483.80 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 4,215.0'0 $ 3,371.96 10. Revenue 11. Pensions 'and Othreir Revenue .................. $ 3,60.0.00 $ 1,685.03 12. $ 615.00. $ 1,686.93 13. LEVY TO COUNTY OF ELGIN $ 184.50. $ 5.06.08 14. 15. DEDUCTIONS - Cost of Ope'l'ati!ng .............................................. $676,872.42 AVeiflag'eExpe'llises per dayof each person. ... ...... 15.62 Average Expenses per welek of e1ach p'eiflson........ 109.34 Average ExpelIlises per J71e1ar of each pe'fison . ..... 5,701.30 Aotual Cost toO County afrt,eir d:ed'll'CIt:ions ofaH 'fleoedprts .......................................".. 113,388.62 Actual Cost to County ,af,ter deductions of 3111 reeeiptJs pelr day .............................. 2.62 226 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 16. CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Cast of Capital Exp1enditturre1s . ..............................$ 9,578.46 Brav:inc:e of Ontario. Subsidy.. ....... .... ... ... .......... ... 4,789.23 Actual Ga81tta Coun/ty ............ ............................. 4,789.23 17. There were 230 Re,stidie1nlts in the Home, during 1973-107 Mallei, 123 FemlaWe. Of the 141 ReslidJe'ruts in the HOome on the first day of NOVielmbe'r 1974-63 are MalJe,alIl:d 78 are F'e'male. 18. Theise figures' are for the pe'r:iod January 1, 1974 tOo Octo- ber 31, 1974. ALL Oof which is re,spec.tfiully submit,ted. Fr,ed J; Boye!s, .AdmiIl!istratOor, Elgin County Home for SeniO'r Citizens. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT FIRST REPORT November Session 1974 St. Thomas, Ontario 110' the Warde'll and Membe,Iis af the Elgin County Council: Your Road Oammi1Jtlee begs to. R1epoI'lt as foHaws. 1. That W1ith the exc:eptionJof tlfli;mm1iJng work, c:oIlistruction induding pla1ving has beenc'Omplet1ed 'On Highway 73 at the IIlJt8!I~se'Ct:ion of County Road 45. 2. That HalroJid Fawc:eltrt (a OLasls V Foremia'll!) has retired f1ram the CaUJnty RJoad DepaJrtment becaus1e .of in health. WE RECOMMEND 11hat we pm~ticipiate in !a!n Arela SolJid Waste Manage,ment Study with the Cilty lof Londoln, 'On aJn observer basis and that the Wa:vde,nand the County EngiJnee1r be ,appoinlt1ed as' ohs1e\l'vers. ALL of which is respe1ct:fullysubmitted. D. K. McIaLLOlP, Ohainnan. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 227 LOCAL GOVERNMENT STUDY COMMITTEE REPORT FIRST REPPRT November Session, 1974 ~a the Wardl8'll and Members Oof the Elgin C.ounty Cauncil: The Local GaVlern:menit Study OarnmilVt1ee, l"erports las folLows: 1. We rec:omme'nd that the Prospectus for a Lacal G01Vern- ment Restructuring Study 'Of Eig.in Co'U!nlty submitted by Mr. Stephen H. Janes, Study Oommissione'r, be lapproved. 2. That a By-Law be preipared approviIllgof the above men- tioned Pifospedus. ALL af which is respectfully slubm~tted. D.. R. TODD, Chairman. ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1974 ~a the Warden and Membm'is af the ,Elgin Oounty Council: The Elgin Manor Committee repOlrts as fo~lOows: 1. We recommend that the account f,rom the Township of Southwo1d, in the amoUlnt 'Of $116.51, be paid iIlJto the 1"epiair fund re: the wa1Jelrmain serving Elg~n Manar, from the City limits to' \theltop .of ,the! hill. ALL of wbich is resp1edful1y submitted. J. W. HODGSON, Cbairman. 228 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FINANCE AND APPORTIONMENT COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1974 1'10' the Warden and Me<mbmis of the Elgin Oounty Council: TlbJeFina'Ilice and Appartionment Committee rep/oris as foI:lnws: 1. That the St. TbJomas-EIgiin E'melfgeTIic~ Measures Organiza- tion's proposed hudge1t fOT the 1975/76 Fis1cal Y,e'ar r1equiring apPl10ximatety $2,,620.00 from the County .of Elgin be t<ab1ed. 2. That the l1esolutinn frnm the COUlnty 'Of Victor:ia petitioning the Minist'e'r of OommuniJtYalnd Soci:a[ Se'rvicels to amend the 'fior:rwula flOor s'haring the cnslt 'Of Ohiildr,en's Aid Soci~lties so thalt the 'ClOst sbJairing betwelen rthe p,rovince and munidpality is fixed at 80% 'and 20% IrelspediveJy be endorsed. 3. 'That HeeVle Todd, be the Onunty of Elgin repr'es1e:ntative on the St. ThOlmas-ELgrn CO'mmittee ta de'ai with the matter of a Districlt HeaLth Ooundl for the County of Elgin and the City of St. 'TIhomas. 4. Thatbhe Tre,asurielr beaUithorized to deduct $5.00 frlom ,e,ac'h oouncillor':s pay for Nove'robe'r tlO pay for the dinnelf provided for the . guests who attended! ,t'he Novem!be:r Sessinn. ALL of which is r1esrp<ectfully submitted. B. A. LYLE, Ohairman. COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1974 110 the Warden and Melmbers of the Elgiln CaUJnty Oouncil, The County G'Ovelrnmenrt Com!mittee repor1;s'as :fJnl1nws: 1. That the resolut'l:on from the TOWlnship of March r1egardiing the re-use of gLass 'cOillltrcuine1r,s be f,i1ed. 2. That the News Re,lea:se of Sta1tlement to the Legislature by The HOIIlJnurable John White on the eiSttaibi.lishment 'Of the Onrta'fio LanJd Corporation be fHed. ALL of wihich is resp1ectfuUy suhmitted.. J. B. WILSON, Cha[irman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1974 1'10 the Walldelllcund Membelfls of the Elgin County Council: The Prope'rty CO'mmit~eie l1eports as foLLows: 1. We Ihave pUflchiaised from Rtiehard OncihriN Limiirted the fol- lowing off:ke equipment 'and furnishings for the new Council Chamb8'r 'and munidpal offic'els. . A. Th:irteeln a'slstOlIted filing cabinets and thT'ele clQiuntler ,tops ata n1etcost of $2,583.20 pius provinc1al salles tax. B. One hat and coat fiack 'at a 'llIeit cost of $28.76 plus pro- Vincial Blales tax. C. Twenty-e,igJJ.lt counciH cha,irs and one Warden's Chair at 'a .net C'Ost 'Of $2,834.25 plus p!I'ovineial saI,ers tax. 2. We have :autholfized! the OLe'rk-TflelasulIe'r alnid Deputy C~e'rk- 11l1e1a!surer to purchas'e paper 'cup dispelllSelf1S, soapalIld towe[ dls- preillrsersand othelr washrlOom ne'ceslslities anld to have them install- ,ed by ,the contractor where nelcesls'a,ry. 3. W,e recommelnd t'ha1t, !Subject t'O tlbie ,aP'P1fioval of the C:iJty of St Thomas, Superintiernldent R. S. Brown be permitted to put a mobile .off1lce on the gardellll spot betJwe'elll the OoU'nty En1ginreer's bui1dingalllJd the County ,ga1rage. 4. We recommelnd !that the preslelllt G1e'r}Q.Treasur8lr's suit,e of orf;f:ke!s be painted prior to heling occupied by the Dep1artmenrt of Sodal Servioes. ' 5. RenoV1ationsto the County Library buiLdling are p1fiogress- rug satisfactorily aind it is expected that it wtll be, ready for nccup.ancy before ,the 'end of 1974. ALL of which is f1espedfully submitted. C. S. Y()UNG, Chairman. 229 230 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1974 ~a the W'all1den and Membe,rs af the- Elgin County C'Ouncil, r:Dhe Agricultural Commttte,e rlepolrts as falLows: 1. 'I1hat the 'veso~u:tian frOom the Caullity of Oxford requesting that SecmJOin 4 (5) 'O[f The TTe'eis Act be amended to' pravide fora miJnimum. fline of $1,000.00 and a maximum fine 'Of $5,0.00.00 and thaJt ,the Judtg'e be ,given authaTlity to' order a peirson to' est'alblish a woodlot af le,qual 'ave,a in size to. thalt destrayed he en.dorsed. ALL af which is r€,spectfiully submitt<erd. W. R. CAVERLY, Chairman. LOCAL GOVERNMENT STUDY COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT November Session, 1974 TO' the Warden and Membe,rs 'Of the ElgiJn Cauruty Council, The Lo.oal GOVlerfln:menlt Study Cammitteie'report:s as follows: 1. That ,the 'letter from the Ministry IOf Tre'3!sury, Econrorrmos 'and liniflergov'e'rnmenltal Affairs wirth Remarks by The Hanour- able Jahn Whilte tiO . a meeting of The CoU!nc.iJ. of the Regianal MU'nicipa~ity of Hatton be :filed. 2. That the Proposed Official Plan f'Or tJhe Pl'annrung Are'a of Weist ELgin received f'rom Ithe Millliisttry of Hous:ing he filed. ALL of which is re,sp'edfully submitted. D. R. TODD, Ch1ainnan. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 2,31 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2327 "Being a By-Law to Ap,prove the Prospectuls For a Local Government Restructuring Study of Elgin County." WHEREAS Mr. Stephen H. Jianle!s has belen hired la's a Com- mtssiJone!r fo:r a Dacal Gavelr.nmelnt Res'tvueitu:ring Study of Elgin County. AND WHEREAS Mr. Stephen H. JaJnes ha,s prepared a Pros- pe1ctus for thesaJid Study. NOW THEREFORE the Council of. the Oorp~)ratiQln of the Couruty of Elgin enacts a,s fiatlows: THA Tthe Prospectus fOlr ,a Lacal GO'VIernmelrut R,estlructur- ing Study 'Of Elgtn CowIllty subm!itt,ed hy Mr. Stephen! H. Janes, Study Gommissione~, 'and dated NO'VIe:rnJber 6:, 1974, be approved. READ a first time this 20th day of NOVlember, 1974. READ a second time this 20th day of NovemJbe,r, 1974. READ 'a third time and finaUy pasS/ed this 20th d'ay of NOViember, 1974. H. L. JOHNSON C]elrk R. L. LAKE Wa'rden 2,32 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2328 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of The Council of The Cor- poration of The County of Elgin at the November Se,ssion, 1974." WHEREAS by SeetimrlJ 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chap- telr .284 of the Revisled StatutlBs .of Ont-ado, 197Q, the- powers of a municipal corporation ,ar'e tlO he ex:elf'C'ised by it's council; AND WHEREAS by Siubsl€!cttion 1 .of Sect.ion 241 .of the Munioipal Act, beling Chapter 284 of the Revis1ed St!atut'es of Ontario, 1970, 'the powers of e,v8,ry C'ouncH aTe t'O be e.x:erdsed by By-Law; AND WHEREAS it is de,eimed. e.x:p1edlie1nt that the p'fooeJed- ings..of the Council ,of the CorpoT!at:io:n of the County of Elgin at t:hiis meelting beconrf'lrmed amd! adopted by By- La1w; NOW THEREFORE the' Council of the OorporaNon 'O'f the County of E,1gin enacts as foHows: 1. . That a'cltion of the Council of the OOlI1P.oration .of the CO'unty of Elgin in re1sp'eet .of each ntcom'mendationcontained in the reports of the, C'ommmittees: and each motion and resolution passed and other a'c:tiontakJen by the C.ouncill of the' .Oorpora- tion of ilheCounty of ElLgi1n meetings Iheld dJuringthe November 1974 {Session is hereby adopted !andconfirmed als if all such proceedings welre 'e'xpreSlsly embodied in thiS' By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper IOfficialLs of !the COI1poratioll: of the County of E[gin are hereby a uthO'rized: and directed to' dio all things necessary to give 'ef1fed to ithe' actiO'n of the CO'uncil .of :the Corporation of the 'County of EI'glin referred to in preceding se'ction hereof. 3. The W ardenaJIlJd the Clerk are 'authorized and direct'ed tlO 'execute 13111 documents ne1c1essary in that be'balf and to affix thereto rthe Se1al of the Corpor'altion of the! County of Elgin. RJEAD a first ,vime, this 20thdtay .of Novembe'r, 1974. READ a ,se'collld ,time thiJs 20th day of November, 1974. ,READ la ,thiJ:vd time and finally passed this 20th day of NOViembe'r, 1974. H. L. JOHNSON OlJelrk R. L. LAKE Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 233 DECEMBER .SESSION - . FIRST DAY Wednesday, the 18th day of December, 1974 The E~gin County Council met thi!s day in the new County Council Chambers, 9 Gladstone Avenue, 81. Thomas, in accord- ance with adij'ouI':nmen:t. The Warden in the! Ohair. All membe'f's. pr'esent 'except Reeve Bat:es. A number of the newly elected Coun!C'illors for 1975 we,re present as observ€,rsand the Wrar~den welcomed them to the meeting. Moved by Ree1ve H.odgs.on Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit That the minutes of the November 1974, Session of the Elgin OOUlnty Council be adopited. -Carried. The :fiollowing ,oommunications werre read and rlefeTTed to the various. Ciommittees: From the Ontario Good Roads Assodation Wlilth Convention Programme information.~Fii1ed. Fi110m Mr. Elgin Wells, County Librarian, with .copry of a let- ter. here1ceived from Mr. John Wise, M.P. regarding the hold' up in rece'ipt iOf reibate due on the Elgin-St. 'Thomas Liibralfyand a copy of the 1eltter whic'hMir. Wise received frlOm Mr. Andr1eSt.- Pierre, Departmental Assistant, Regional Economic Exp'ansion with respect to thismatte,r .~Fned. From the S1. Thomas Rotary Cllub with re'quest for an ad in the St. Thomas Rotary MusicF,esthnalp:rogram.-Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee'. From Mr. James A. McHa,in, County Court Clerk, with copy of the Grand Jury Report to' Hts Honour Judge J. A. W,inter, dated November 12, 1974.~Referred to' the Property Committee. From Mr. James D. MeKiiShnie with iappredation of scholar- ship.-Filed. From The Canadian Red 011o.ss, Sit. Thomas Branch, with letter advising that effective January 1, 1975, the rates for Home- 234 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL maker Service, will be $26.00 pe,r day; $3.25 per hour; anld $39.00 fiOr live in service'.-Heferred tu the Soda,l Servicles C.ommiUee. Fr.om the 'Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Inter-govern- ment'all Affairs with letter advising that a refund .of $1,879.43 is due to the province with respect tn the 1972-73 Employment In- centive Program.-Referred to the R.oad Committee. From the Ministry .of Housing witJha rev,tsed Schedule "A" fnr the Prorposed Official Plan for the Wiest Elgin Planning Areas.-Referred to the Road Committee. From the RidgetowIlJ C.ollege of Agricultural Te,chnology with lelHer 'advising that Ross Simpson, R.R. No. 1, West Lorne and Robert Mo.lnar, R.R. No.3, Shedden we're the winners of the Elgin CouIllty Scholarships.-Filed. lFvom Hennessey, Ke'ffilpster and Gunn wtth lettier re: the pro- Po.sed Agreement b€ltween the Count~ of Elgin and the VictoTian Order .of Nurses, London-St. Thomas Br'anch.-Recferred to the Soda'! SeTvices Commitlte1e. From the Ministry 'Of Natural Resouvces with letter acknow- ledging receipt,of a copy of our letter endorsing th'e resiQ~'lltion fvom the County of Oxfovd reiga:rding amendments to The Trees Act and advising that amendments are fe1ady to 'be taken to the leg,islature in the nefar future for co IliS'iderati!Oin.-----'FiJied. Fvom the Bank .of Mo.ntr'eal advising that ,effective Nove,mber 21st, 1974, the Bal~k's Prime Municip,all interest rate has been reduced by 1h % to. 11 %.-Fi1ed. From the On:tarto Association .of Rural Municipalities with Bre-Oonf,e'rence Regisilr'ationForms and Notice of Amendment to the Go.IlJstitution.-Referred to. the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From the Young Men's Christian ASislOciation 'Of Elgin-St. Thomas w~th Final Report ,on Elgin Oounrty Pl.'ogram and request for 1975 grant.-Refe'rred to the Finance and Apportionment CommUtele. From . Mr. Abram Harms with app'relc~atioIll of scholarships. -Filed. :Ftrom McKa'y ,McKay and V,edova, Barristers and Solicitors with letter re: Road C~osing-Town Line Be,tween Yarmouth and W'es1Jm~nster.-Re'ferred to the Road COlmmiJttee. ELGIN. COUNTY COUNCIL 'From the Associatio.n of Counties and Regions .of Ont'arrio with copies .of reports presented 'at the County Work1shop Session 11 at A.C.R.O.'s 15th Anrnual Oonfelrence.-<Heferred to the Local Go.vernment Study Comm~ttee. Fro.m Browne -and Burgard, BairristeTs and S.oiJ.d:citors., with LeUe,r re,: Agree'ment betweeiri Vicrtodan Order of Nurses Lon- don-St. Thomas Branch alno the C.ounty of EJgin.-Rerferred t1 the Social Services Committee'. From the Regional Municipality of Haldimand\.Norf.olk with Notice 'o.f Applicatio.n to. The' Onta.fio Munictpal Boa'rd fOT approv- al of a By-Law t'O ~egulate land use palssed pursuant to Section 35 of the planning Act and a 'c'Opy .of Ha~dimand-NO!rfolk By-Law No. 60-74.-Refe'rred to the Road Committee. Fro.m the Co.unty of Grey wUh resolu.tion petitioning the Pvo.vincial Go.vernment to provide a 50% subsidlY for fa'rme'rs who hire hefLp in their farm operations so that farmers will be in a position to. pay wages that wiLl attract oo.mpet'ent help t'O the Farming Industry,-Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the Unive1rsity of Weste,rn Ontario with 'app'reC'iation o.f grant.-Filed. From the Ministry of Governme'Illt Service's with letter re: aoquisitio.n of the Registry Office.-Referred to the Property Committee. From Mr. R. A. BaifI'Ieltt, C'le:rk-Adiminist'fatlOr, City 'Of St. Thomas with lette'r and a copy of fa letter to His W OI'lS!hip Mayor E. J. Rice re: Wintetf Capital Loan Fund Brogra'm.-JNew Public Libl'1ary.-Referred t'O the Finance and Apportionment C'Om!mit- tee. From the St. Thomas Y.W.C.A. with aprp'l'1edatiJOn .of grant to their capitaL fund ca1mpaign.-Filed. :F.rom t~he Regional Municipality .of Halton with resolution peHtioning the Pro.vince to amend legislation to require traffic in both diretctions tlO stop when a school bus llig;htls ar'e. flashing, in all speed ~ones.-Refe'rred t'O the OouIllty Government Com- miJttee. From the Ontario Building Off'ici:a!ls Association with letter re: Bill 62, "An Act to provide' for an Ontario Building Code."- Filed. 235 2a'6 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL , From Mr. Ross Simpson withappredat,ion of Schalarship.- Filed. 'The Raad C'Ommittee Report was presented by Reeve McKil~ Lop land: adapted on motian of Reeve McNi1J1apand Reeve, N emett. Maved1by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by ReeiVe Ooak Mr. Mr. Granville Gloin be appointed to' the ELgin Farm Safety Cauncil f'Or the year 1975. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seoonded by Deputy Reeve Young That.. we dO' naw adjourn to' meet again 'On De,cemher 18th, 1974,,~t 2:,00 P.M. -Carried. Goundl re-convened. Certificates af 'Mertt were presented by Warden Lake and Reev\eMcKiI10p, Chairmah! af the RJoad Committee, to the fallaw~ ing ,emplayees of the Raad Departlmenit:-WilUam Small, Gary C. Gordon and EdgarE. McLeod, Mr. John C. Hoffman was also p1lesente(iwith a Ce:rtif:iClate far tJhe success['ul ,compQetion of the ,course at the T. J~ Mahony Raad Schaol. Certificates o[iMerit welre presented by W'a:rden Lake and Reeve Hodigson, Ohairman of the Elgin Manor . Committee, to the fallawing empLayees of Elgin ManO'r:----Ida D'Amour, Marie Lealln, 'and H. Allan Magee. The Caunty Weed InspeiC'tJor's Report was pre,sented by Mre Ja~kson Baker. Moved by Reeve ClOak Se'condedby Reeve Hodgson 'That ,the County Weed Inspector's Report be adapted' ana pll1inlted in the Proce1etdings. -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 237 The Report of the Social Services Cammittee was ,presented by De'puty Reeve Schwer land adopted on matian 'Of Deputy Reeve Schafer and ReevelJyle. The Report O[ the Agricultural Committee was presented by Heeve Denll1is and adopted an motion 'Of Reeve Dennis and Reeve Johnston. The Report 'Of ihe COUIlItiY Government Oalffilmittee was presented by Reeve Wilson and adopted on motion 'Of Reeve Wilson and Deptwty Reeve Whallis. . The, Report of the Property COimmitit,ee wa,s presented by Deputy Reeve Young and adapted an motion 'Of Deputy Reeve Young and Reeve Nemett. The Report of the Local Gave'rnment Situd~Committee was presented by Reeve Todd.and adopted on mation of Ree,ve . Tadd and Reeve Cook. The Report 'Of the Finance, and App'Ortionment Committee was present;ed by Reeve Lyle and adaprted on mat'ion of He,eve Lyle ,and Ree've Liebner. The Repartof the Persannel Oommitltee was presented by Reeve Emerson. Moved by Reeve Emerson Secanded by Reeve Miskelly That we go into a cammittee of the whale. -Carried, Reeve Emerson !advised the Committee 'Of the priog-ress being made in setting wages and fringe benefits far the emplayees af the Caunty 'Of Elgin. The Committee ,1Iase with nO' report. Moved hy Reeve Emersan Secanded by. Reeve MisKelly That the Repart of the Personnel Cammittee be adopted. -Carried. 238 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by .Deputy Reev:eMonteith Secol1ded by Deputy Re'eve Ca:rro[l 'J1hat By-Law No. 2329 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden ',and Cle'rk of tihe County 'Of Elgin to Sign the "Standard Form of Agreemenlt Between Client and Ar'chitect" with Respect to the Construction 'Of a Hame f'Or the Aged", be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Ree,ve McKillop Se'conded by Deputy Reeve Monteith That By-Law No. 2329 be read a secand time. -Carried. Maved by Deputy Reeve Car-roB Secanded by Reeve Tadd That By..Law No.. 2329 be read a thtrd time and finally pass- ed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve McKillap Secanded by Reeve Hadgson That By-Law No. 2330 "Being a By-Law to. Appoint a Land Division Oommittee,," be re'ad a first time. -Carried. Maved by Deputy Reeve deRyk Seconded by Reev:e McKillop That By-La1w No.. 2330 he read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Hadgson Se,conded by Deputy Reeve deRyk That By-Law No.. 2330 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carrie'd. Morved . by Deputy Reeve Garroll Seconded by Re,eve 'McKillop That By-Law No.. 233,1 "A By-Law Designating Through Highway's," be read a first t~me. -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL , 239 Maved by Reeve McKilLop Se'conded by Reeve Miskelly That By-Law No.. 2331 be read a second time. -Carried. Mo.ved by Deputy Reeve McBrien Seconded by Deputy Reeve CarDoll ThaJt By-Law No. 233'1 be read a thir:d time and final[y passed. -CarriC' " Moved by Deputy Reeve Schafer Seco.nded by Reeve'Miskelly That By-Law No. 2332 "Being a By-Law ta Authorize the, Warden and the Clerk. of the Caunty af Elgin to. Sign An Agree- ment Between the OaullIty of Elgin la1nd the Victorian Order af Nurse's, London-St. Thomas Branch," be read a first time'. -Carried. Mo.ved by Re,eve Misik,elly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Schafer That By-Law No. 2332 be read a secand time. -Carried. Maved by Deputy Reeve' McBrien Secanded by Reeve Hadgson That By-Law No. 2332 be re~ad a third time and finally pass-:- ed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve, Todd Seconded by Reeve 'Liebneir That By-Law No. 2333 "A By-La'w to Confirm PDaceedings of the Oouncil 'Of the Corporation of <the County of Elgin at the December Sessian, 1974", be rea1d a f~rst time,. -Carried. Moved by Ree,ve Liebner Seconded hy Re,eve Todd That By-Law No. 2333 be read a second time. -Carried. 240 ELGIN COUNTY COUNC[L Moved by Deputy Ree,ve Pettit Secanded by Deputy Reeve Schafer That By-Law NO'. 2333 be read a third time and finally passed. ~Carried . The' Warden gave elach member .of Council the appartunity to speak, ,and all the members present ava]Jed themlselves af this apportunity. Ree,ve Liebner annaunced that he wauld be a c!andidate for Wiarden in 1975. Warden J...Iake thanked all the members 'of Cauncil and the administrative staff for their ca-aperation and he[p :during the past year and wished eve;ryane the camrpliments. af the season. On behalf of Mrs. Larke and himself, he presented each me:mber and .staff with a plresent. Moved by Reeve J ahnston S~oonded by Reeve Liehner That we do now adjourn sine die. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk ~Carried. R. L. LAIffi, Wlarrden ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT St. Thomas, Ontario DECEMBER SESSION, 1974 TO' the Warde'll and Me mlbe rs af 'TIhe Elgin County Council: Your Road Gommitltee ,begs tlO Report as :fallaws: WE RECOMMEND 1. That a By-Law be passed making the Road AllO'wance between Concessions VII and VIII, TO'wnship of Mala- hide, a th:pough Hilghway 81t the Road Alilowance between Larbs 15 land 16. This Intersection near the OntariO' PO'lice Callege on County Road 32 is paDt of the Oaunrty Road System and is presently withaut Traffic CO'ntrols. AU of which is resp,ectfully submitted. DUNCAN K. McKILLOP, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 241 WEED INSPECTOR'S REPORT December Session, 1974 TO' the Warden and Members of the Elgin Caunty Council, I wish to' rep'ort on weed cantrol in the County of Elgin far the year 1974. As mast farrneris malintaina gaod spray progralm, and 'all wO'rkable land is unde'rcnLtiv-atiian, we,edsand grass 'aire wen controlled throughaut the Caunty. FieLds of spring grain, tobaeco,corn, and beans. Looked reasanably good throughout the summer, and I am sure most favmers were satisfied with the results of thesecropls. Each Township within the County shauld be commended for the good elff10rt they made in controlling weeds and brush on the roadsides. Most roads were sprayed and mowed and look- ed very gaod .throughout the summer. This applies also to' the Caunty and Highway De,partment ;raad allawances. Many complaints Olver noxiO'us weeds growing on neiigih!baur- ing property ,had to' he settled hut these were looked after wirth- out any prO'ble:m. As f'o!l' lots thart: had tlO be O'rdm:~ed -cut, the bill was paid by t:he awn6lI"iS when it was presented to' them. In closing my report, I Wiould like to' thank all County and Township oflf'iJCials, road 'crews, and ort:heir weed inspectors. A special thanks also to' the offiee staff at the County GanTt House for their help and co-operation during the year. All of which is respedfully submitt'ed. JACKSON BAKER, County Weed Inspedor. 242 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL SOCIAL. SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1974 Ta the Wavden and Me1mbers of the Elgin Caunty Council, The Social Services Committtee reports ,as follaws: 1. ':Dhat t~he letlter's from the Canadian Red Crass, S1. Thomas Branch and Victorian Order of NUlrses advis1ing of rate increases eff'edive January 1, 1975 'beaccerpted. sUJbject tO'the appraval 'Of the Ministry of Community and Sadal Servic.es. 2. That the proposed Agreement between the County af Elgin and the. Victorian Order od: Nurses, London-St. Thomlas Branch, for nursing serv:ices pursuant to the provtsioiUlS of the Home- makerls and Nurse,s Services Act, 1970, be approved and that a by-law be presented ta Council authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign the Agreement on behalf of the Counrty. 3. 'That the resolution from the T.ownship of Hinchinbroake re: employable welfare re-eip,ienrts . be fiiled. 4. That we recommend that a p1art-tiJme field worker be em- ployed for apedod of,app,raximately five (5) days and that she be paid at the same rate as the starting categ'OTY far fi,eid work- e'I'Is. All of which is respedfully submitted. M. A. SCHAFER, Ohairm!an. AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1974 Ta the Warden and Members of the Elgin Caunty Council, The Agricultuval Gommit:tee. reports as faHows: 1. That rbhe res:o}ut1on f,:mm the County of Grey petitioning the Provincial Government ta provide a 50.% subsidy for farmers wha hire help in their fa:rming 'Op'eratio'IlJs be carried. All 'Of which is re's'P'ectfully submitted. JEISSE. DENNliS, Ac~ing Ghaimlan ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 243 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1974 Ta the Warden and ,Me1mbers of the Elgin Caunlt~ Council, The GouJ1Jty Gavernment Oommittee rep'orts as folLows: 1. That the resolution from the Regional 'Municipality of Halton peltitioni:ng the PrQl~ince ta amend legislation re: traffic stopping for schoal buses be endorsed. 2. We recommend that Walter Nelson and Jahn V. McKinlay be re1arppointed ta the Land Division Committee f.or the ye,ars 1975, 1976 and 1977, subject ta their acceptance'. 3. We -recommend that By-law No.. 2294 be rescinded and that a new by-law be presented appointing an Ellgin County Land Division Cammittee composed af the fallowing people: (a) DonaLd M. McKjHlop, NobLe G. Tufford and Harald G. Charltan ta hold off~ce until January 1, 1976; (b) A.. Bruce 'McCallum and Fred Shively to hold office until January 1, 1977; (c) Walter NeLson and John V. McKinlay ta hald office until January 1, 1978; (di)Thalt Clause 2 and 3 of By-Law 2'294 be re-enacted in the new by-law. 4. That By-Law Na. 2294 be and the same is he,reby repe'aled. 5. That the by-law become effective J:anuary 1, 1975. All 'Of which is respectfully submitted. J. B. WILSON, Chairman. 24:'4 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROPERTY COMMITTEE RE,PORT December Session, 1974 To the Wavden and Me1mbers: atE the Elgin County Council, 11he P~operty Commlittee reports as foHow:s: 1. That a copy 'Of thel Gr:and Jury RepO'rt to His HonoiUr Judge J. A. Winter, dated November 12, 1974, he sent to Mr.E. E. Bond, Leasehold. Administrator, Minis/try of Government Ser- vices,. for hiis iJnf,ormatiou <and. instructions. 2. 'That the letter from the Ministry of Government Services ve: the Regi'sltry Offi(l(3,he filed. 3. ThatwepurchaJse two dozen wooden coat hangers and necessary tools for the County Building. 4. We :recommend that pe~mission be given to purchase a vacuum cleaner up to a price of $300.0'0 including pDovincial sales tax. '5. That we relcommend the purchase of 2 -3' x 6' 'and 1 - 3' x 4' walk off mats at a total :price of $98.40 pLus provincial sa~e:s tax, from Johnson Salllitation Supplies. All of which is respectfully submitted. C. S. YOUNG, Chairman. LOCAL GOVERNMENT STUDY COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1974 To the Warden and Mentbers of the Elgin COUIl1It~. Council, The LQcal Government Study Committee rep'Orts as follows: 1. That the 'reports presented at the Oounty Workshop, Ses- sion 11 at A.C.R.O.'s 15th Annual Contfe'I"ence be filed. 2. That the Department of Treasury, Eeonomks and Inter- governmental Affairs and Oommis:sioner S. H. Janes be request- ed to send a copy .of aLl 'C'orrespondence pertraining to the re- structuring of Elgin CouJn[IY to the Cle,rik .of the County of Elgin, 9 Gladstone A venue, S1. Thomas, OntariO', and the Chairman of the County of Elgin Local Go~elrnmennt Study Committee. AU of which is respeiCtfully submitted. D. R. TODD, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 245 FINANCE AND APPORTIONMENT COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1974 To the Warden and Members od: the Elgin COU1nlt~ Council, The Finance a1nd Appo:rtliQnment Committee Reports as follows: 1. That we pla,ce a fuH page ad, the same as laslt year, in the S1. Thomas Rotary Music Festiv:al program at a cost of $25.00. 2. That the correspondence from the Ontario As'SociaUon .of Rural Municipalities be filed. 3. That the final report of the Young Men's Christian Associa- tion on the Elgin County Progr,am be f~led and their request for a grant fOil' 1975 be tahled to the January Sesslion. 4. That the S1. Thomas Oity Council be requested to invite the Elgin County LIbDary Building Committee and Ithe County War- den to be present at the meettfilg which they are arran:g'ing with the, Architect ,of the ne'w Public Library. All of which is respect[iull~ suhmitted. B. A. LYLE, Chairman. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE RE.PORT December Session, 1974 TO' the Warden and. Members of the Elgin CO'unty Council, The PersO'nnel Committee report's ,as follows.: Your Peflsonnel Committee has met 'On numerouS' QeCaSiOn8 ta negoNate wages and fringe benefits for Road Department and Elgin Manor empLoyees. In !addlition reviews for salaries for the -balance of1Jhe employe'es were made but final recommenda- tions will be made at a la1ter date. We recom/mend the f'Olliowing report f'Or adoption by the Elgin County Oou:nJCil. 1. That the Personnel Committee be authorized to finalize negotiations with all Elgin County 'employees and that the W,ar- den and Clerk be authorized to sign the Agreement with the London and District Building Se3:''Vice W'Orkers' Union re: Elgin Manor empLoyees when prepared by the labour relations solici- t'Or. 24'6 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 24,7 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 2. We re,commend that the :cates be paid upon acceptance by the various e'mp~{)yee' groups and the neces'sary autho:rizingby- ~aws be presented to the January 1975 Session of County Council, and it i!s undeTlsltood that :final settlemenltmay be~ made after January 1st, 1975. All of whioh is re:spectLfuUy submitted. K. C. EM~RSON, Chairman. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2330 "BEING A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE." WHEREAS Section 30 ,of The Planning Act provides f.or the constitution and ,appointment of a Land Division Committee. NOW THEREFORE, The OouniCil of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as folLows: 1. THAT a Land Division Committee is hereby constituted .and the followingpers'Ons are herehyappointed to memlbershilp on the said Committee. Donald M. McKiUop - to hold office until Janua,ry 1, 1976. Noble G. Tufford - to hold offi]!ce until January 1, 1976. Haro~d G. Charlton - to hold offi'ce untH JanlUary 1, 1976. A. Bruce McCaUum -to hold office until January 1, 1977. Fred S. Shively - to hold office until January 1, 1977. Walter D. Nelson - t'O hold office until Jianuary 1, 1978. John V. McKinlay - to hold office until J1anuary 1, 1978. 2. THAT the me,mbers of the Land Divls<i!On Committee be, paid the following remuneration fOlr 'attending meetings 'Of the said Committee': (a) In attending a me'eting of the C.ommittee when it is held in both the forenoon and afternoon or evening of the same day-$40.00. (b) For attending a me,eting of the Committee when it is held in either the forenoon, afternoon or the evening- $25.00. (c) In addtion to the above remlUneration each member shall be paid .15,c for each mHe necessarily travelled in attending such meetings. 3. Each member shall be p'aid, in addition to the abov,e re muneration, $10.00 :for each application which he investi- gates. 4. THAT By-Law No. 2294 be and the same is he'r.e1by repealed. READ a fi:cst time this 18th day of Deoember, 1974. READ a second time this 18th day of De'ce1miber, 1974. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2329 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and 'Clerk of The County of Elgin to Sign the "Standard Form of Agreement Between Client and Architect" with Respect to the Construc- tion of a lIome For The Aged." WHEREAS The Council of the Cor'P'Orat'lon .of the C.ounty of Elgin has decided to 'build a Home for the A:ged, e,ast of Aylm,er in Malahide Township. AND WHEREAS the Council of the County of Elgin has se,lected the firm of Schuller and Martin as Architeets f'Or the said building. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporati.on of the County 'Of Elgin enacts as foRoWls:: THAT the Warden ,and Clerk .of the Oounrty of Elgin be and aire hereby authorized to sign the "Standard Form 'Of Agree- m'enlt between C~ient and Archite:ct", ,with respe1ct to this under- t.aking. READ a first time this 18th day ad: December, 1974. READ ,a se,cond time this 18th day of De,ce,mlber, 1974. READ a third time and final[y p!assed this 18th day of Decem. be,r, 1974. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. R. L. LAKE, Warden. 248 ErLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL READ a third time a:iidfinally passed this 18th day of Decem- ber, 1974. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. R. L. LAKE, W'arden. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2331 "A BY-LAW DESIGNATING THROUGH HIGHWAYS." WHEREAS Clause 33 'O[ Srubsec:tifOln.. 1- of Section 1 .of the Highway Traffic AClt (R.IS.O., 1970, Ohapter202) pr.ovides that:- "through highway" means. any highway or part of a highway designated as sU'chby tihe M'iniste,r or by By- Law ,of a municipality appr6ved by the, Ministry, and ev:ery such highway. shall be. marked by a stop sign or yield right-ai-way sign in compliance with the regula- tionsof the Ministry. NOWTHEREFOREt'he Council of the Corporation .of the Municipality of Elgin enacts as fo]lows,: 1. The. following .. highways Dr parts of highways under the jurisdiction Df the Municipality of Elgin are designated as through highways: Road No. Description 32 Being County Road 32 (the Road Allowance between Concession VII and Concession VIII Township O'f Malahide) at. the Road Allowance betweellls Lots 15 and 16. '(Road Allowance between Concession VII and Concession VIU is the through highway). 2.. The designatiDns in Sectton 1 of this By-Law of a Highway O'r part of a Highway as a through Highway shall not include an:yi:ntersedion thereon where the Road intersected is a King's .. Hig:hWlay or where traffic cont:ro~ signals are install- ed. 3. The penalties as provided in Section 152 'Of the Highway Traffic Act, R,S.O., 1970, shall apply to Dffences against this By-Law. 4. This By-Law shaH not be'eome effective until approved by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. EiLGJ!N COUNTY OOUNCIL 249 READ a first time this 18th day O'f December, 1974. READ a secO'nd time this 18th day of December, 1974. ThEAD a third time and finally. passed thi,s 18th day O'f Deeem- ber, 1974. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. R. L. LAKE, W!arden. COUNTY OF ELGIN By~Law No. 2332 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk of The County of Elgin to Sign an Agreement between The County of Elgin and The Victorian Order of Nu~ses, London-St. Thomas Branch." WHEREAS the Victorian Order of Nurses, London-St. Thom- as Branch, ha:s undertaken to fur:nish nlUrses pursuant to' the provisions Df the HomemaJ\jers and Nurses Services Act, 1970;. AND WHEREAS the County .of Elgin de,ems it advisa'ble to enter into an Agreement with the SiaM Order to provide nursing services to residentls of the County of E:lgin when, in the. opintion of the County 'Of Elgin Social Services Director, these services are required; AND WHEREAS an Agreeiment has been drawn up to' prD- vide these services; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County orf Elgin enacts as foNows: THAT the Warden and Clerk of the CDunty of Elgin be and are heireby authoriZied to' s'ign the Agreement between the' County O'f Elgin and the Victorian Order of Nurses, London-St. ThO'mas Branch, a true c.opy 'Of said Agreement be.ingaUached her,eto and marked "Annex A". READ a first time ,this 18th day of Dece,mber, 1974. READ a se,cond time this 18th day of De,cember" 1974. READ. a third time and finally passed this 18th day of Dece'm- bel', 1974. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. R. L. LAKE, Warden. 2:50 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL "ANNE4A" THIS AGREEMENT made the 1974. BETWEEN: ..THE COUNTY OF ELGIN he,reinafte:r called the "MUNfCIP ALITY" OF THE FIRST PART .day of -and - VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES. LONDON-ST. THOMAS BRANCH hereinafter ealled the "ORDER" OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS. ..the Order has. unde'rtaken to' furnish nurses pur.suant to' the pravis'ians 'Of The HamemakeTls and Nurses Ser~ vice,s Aot, 1970, and represents that it is an O'r,ganization apprO' v- . edunde,r the said Act; NOW THEREFORE .. THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH that in ca'lll8ideratian of ,the premises the parties heret'O MUTUALLY COVENANT AND AGREE each with the ather as follows: 1. Approved cost af visit shall be such 'cost 'as approved fram time to' time under the said Act and Regulations being at. thLs time SEVEN DOLLARS and TWENTY-FIVE OENTS ($7.25). .2. The Orde'r wiUfurnish in a,ccardance with the said Act and Reglulations the'reunder, services .of a nurse ana visitationhasis to' residents of the. Muntcipality in the hame .of such resident whO' is. elder1y, handieapped, HI or convaleseent where the phy- sician certifies that such :services are necessary ta enable the persan to remain in his harne, or t'O make possible his return to' his awn home. fram a hospital ar other institution. :3. . NO' almount is pa,yable by the Municipality t'O the Order for the furnishing of services of a nurse e~cept where the financial civcumstanoes of the person applying far :such services, as deter- mined by the regulatians, do nat permit hiimta pay in :full the. fees for such services (approved oo<st O'f visiit), in which case the Municipality will pay the Order f'Or e,a'ch visit by a nurse, the then prevailing apprO'ved cost af vis:it, hut nO' such payment shan 'be made or demanded until; (a) tJhe payment 'Of such fees has been approved an behalf O'f EILGIiN COUNTY COUNCIL 251 the Municipal'ity as cantempiated by the Act and Regula- tians; and (b) the Order has campHed with ,all p~avisians af the Staid Act and Regula.tions SIO that the Municipality is entitled to' be reimbursed in respect of such payment as pravided by the said Act and Regulations. 4. In the event that f'Ollowing the expiratian O'f each twelv,e manth periad the approved cost 'Of visit is increased or de,creased such increase ar de'crease.. be'ing apprarved. by the Ministry, the Municip!ality,after receiving the approval 'Of the Minist1ry, shall pay to' . the Order asa thirteenth payment for the applicable calender year the. aggregate af the. increa.s~ in app,raved cast of visit aver the original approved cost of visit for the total num- ber 'Of visits made during the tweilve' mlOnth period, provided fur- ther that shO'uld such revisian result in a decre.ase in the ap- p'raved .oast af visit the Order shall reiimbur:se the Municipality f'Or any surplus funds,pvovided hawever that the payments made pursuant he'reta by the Municipality entitle the Municipality t'O be reimbursed in respect of such p'ayment under the provisions or the said Act and Regulatians. 5. The Order undertakes t'O execut,e' such farms and documents as may be required by the Act or. the, Regulatians ta '~mable the Municipality to' receive reimbursements an accaunt af such ser- vicesaras. may be otheT1wise required by the Act or the Regula- tians. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereiohave he,reunto caused to' be affixed their respective carporate Seals attested by the hands af their respective prape,r 'Officers. VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES, LONDON - ST. THOMAS BRANCH President Treasurer THE COUNTY OF ELGIN R. L. Lake H. L. Johnson 2052 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2333 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of The 'Council of The Cor- poration of The County of Elgin at the December Session, 1974." WHEREAS by Se,ctian 9 af the, Munieip:al Act, being Chapter 284 'Of the Revised Statutes 'Of Ontario, 1970, the powers af a municipal c'OI1pDratian are to' beexe'flctS'ed by its cauncil; AND WHEREAS by Subsectian 1 'Of Section 241 'Of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 af the Revised Statutes of ~ OntariO', 1970, the' p'Owers of every council are to' be exercised by By-Law; AND WHEREAS it is' deemed expedient that the proceedings 'Of the CouncH 'OtE the Corparatian af the County 'Of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adapted by By-Law; NOW THEREFORE the Council af the Carparatian 'Of the County of Elgin enacts ,as fallows: 1. That actian of the Council od: the Carporation af the County af Elgin in respect 'Of each reeorm,mendatian contained in the reports af the committees and 'each matian and resDlutian passed . and other actian taken by the C'Ouncilof the Corporatian of the County of Elgin meetings held during the Decem\ber 1974 Ses- sian is hereby adopted and .c'Onfirmed as if all such p,roceedings wereeXipre'ssl1y embodied .in this By-Law. 2. The Wia'rden anld pI1aper afficiaLs of the CorpaTatian of the Countyaf Elgin are hereby authariZied 'anld directed to' do all things ne'ceSSlaTY to'. give effect to the action af the C'Ouncil 'Of the GaI1paI1ation 'Of the County of Elgin referred! tD in preceding selction he'reaf. 3. The Warden and the Gle~k are authorized and directed t'O execute aU documents necessary in that behalf and to' affix theretO' the Seal of the CO:I1poratianof the C'Ounty af Elgin. RJEAD a first time this 18th day of Dece!mber, 1974. READ a second time this 18tJh day of De'cemlber, 1974. READ a third time and finally pasS'ed this 18th day 'Of Decem- ber, 1974. H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk. R. L. LAKE, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 253 - INDEX - MISCELLANEOlJS - Appointment of Spe'CialCommittee to ,investigate garbage coI- tion and disposal .............._..._..............______..............._._.__.___.._._..........._._..._.......__.______... 17 Communications ......___.___......._.............8, 47, 72, 101, 115, 128, 152, 182, 212 1974 Officials, County Council, Standing Committees, Muni- cipal Clerks and Tr,easurers ............._____...,___......._......................_.......2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Ward,en's Address Warden's Election REPORTS OF OFFICIALS AND . OTHERS Administrator's Report. on. Elgin Ma:nor.............................................._......... 220 Cle'rk's Report on Licencles County Treasurer's Report __............__._._......................___...................................138, 218 Elgin County Agricultural Representative's Report We'ed Inspe'ctor and Tree Commissioner's Report................................ 241 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Agricultural Committee..._......37, 60, 90, 109, 124, 145, 172, 198, 230, 242 County Governm,ent Committee ._....._.........___._..........___...39, 59, 88, 110, 123, 143, 169, 197, 228, 243 Elgin Manor Committele.......__..........~._._..,.57, 87, 108, 121, 141, 164, 171, 227 Elgin. Manor Building Committee Educa:tional Committee ...........................__...............................__............40, 143, 198 Finance and Apportionment Gommitte'e .......__.....27, 38, 57, 81, 88, 109, 122, 143, 166, 167, 197, 228, 245 Local Government Study CommiUee...........m........_......................m......___...124, 142, 173, 194, 227, 230, 244 Personnel Commi-tte,e............................38,. 58, 91, 112, 125, 139, 169, 193, 245 20 8 220 25 165 254 ~}uG]iN OOUNTY COUNCIL REPORTS OF COMMITTEES - Continued PropertyCommiUe:e___________m__......___AO, 61, 90, 111, 122, 141, 195, 229, 244 Reception and Enter,tainment Committee ____________......m_.............................. 173 Road Oommittee______________29, 56, 83, 107, 121, 140, 162, 190, 196, 226, 240 Social Services Committee____________......__________............62, 111, 123, 168, 196, 242 SpecialOommitte'e to Strike the Standing Committees for 1974 21 RESOLUTIONS - Pe1tition to Minister of Transportation and Communications for Subsidy To adopt the proposed statement of 'York and expenditures for 1974 on roads und,er the control of the st. Thomas Suburban Road Commission and on County of Elgin Roads____.__.________...________. 76 12 To accept the Audit'or's Repor,t for the year enddng De,cember 31st, 1973 103 To accept an invitation from the Elgin County Museum Board to vis'i:t the Museum and have lunch......___.......___m__________________......________...... 103 Re: erosion control grant at Port Burwell......___________________________............. 105 Re: redistdbution of Provincial Ridings 133 To participaJte in a local government restl'ucturing study for the County of Elgin and the City of St. Thomas____......__._____________.___ 185 Supplementary application for subsidy money in the amount of $25,000.00 186 To inv,ite a junior boy 0'1' girl to the first day of the NoV'embe'r Se,ssi on 1974 __ _ ._.. ___ _ __ _ _ .._ _ ...... .____.......... ........___ _ ......__ __ ____._ ._.'c.c._ __.._____ _;____......c___............_.. _ 186 To :investigate methods of garbage disposal ineluding site and to negotiate for garbage dispasal contracts......._________._____......,______________. 187 To make a danation of $20.00 to the PaIlt Stanley Lions Club______ 216 To appoint Granville Gloin to Elgin Farm Saf'ety Council fior 1975 ._... ............................................................-__......__ ...- ----. -.....---............ ..-- - -............... ...--. .......--. --.- .-. -. 236 To go in:to a Committee of the Whol,e______._____......_..___.......____..._c______......____ 237 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 255 BY-LAWS- 2292-To Appoint a County Road Commi't!tee___.......________________.._........___ 23 2293-To Autharize the Warden and the Treasure'r to Borrow the Sum of Two Million Dollars ________________..................____.......m.___.___ 24 2294-Being a By-Law to Appoint a Land Divisian Committee__._ 42 2295-A By-'Law to Authorize the Expropriwtion of Land for the Purpase of Widening and Improving County Raads......._______ 43 2296-A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Cauncil of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the January Ses- sion, 197 4 ----------.-......-_____._________......._._............__......._._____.._.________.. 46 2297-Being a By-Law ta, Appoint a Slecretary-Treasurer of the County of Elgin Land Division Committte__"___________......____________ 63 2298-A By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 74-2 of the Township af Dunwich, Being a By-Law. to Stop up 0'1' Close and Sell a Portion af the Raad Allowance Betwe'en Lots 18 and 19, Cancessian 6, in the Township of Dunwj,ch,_____............ 63 2299-Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk o.f the County of Elgin to. Sign an Agreement Between the Canadian Red Cross Sodety (st. Thomas Branch) and .the Co.unty of Elgin for Homemak'ers 8ervices to Be Supplied by the Canadian Red Cross Society (St, Thomas Branch) ......---_.......______________........_______________________............___________............................... 66 2300-Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law Na. 2085 Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Elgin County Deputy CJoerk- Treasure'!' ......____......___________.......________.____"_____hn___ 69 230l-A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings O'f the Council of the Corporation of the Caunty of Elgin at the February Ses- sian, 197 4 ......---.-__________.____..............._............._.___..........................................__............... ___ 70 2302-To Raise Amounts fo.r County Rates Durimg the Year 1974 91 2303-Being a By-Law DO Authorize Grants to be Made to Val"- io.us Organizations, Corporations, InstUtutions, 'etc., DUr- ing 197 4 ......---..------.----.......--.-..._____________._........__._____.___.........__......____............____...... 93 2304-A By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 2244 of the Township of Yarmouth, Being a By-Law to stop-Up and Hen all the Road Allowanoe Between Lots 8 and 9, Conees'8lil()n 14, in the Township of Yarmouth..........................____......._......____m..... 94 EILGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 257 ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNOIL 256 BY-LAWS - Cantinued BY-LAWS - Cantinued 2305-A By-Law to. Canfirm By-Law NO'. 2237 af the Tawnship af Yarmouth Being a By-Law to. stop-Up and Sell Road Allawance. Composed of Part af Lats 20 and 21, Conces- sion 7, in the Township af Yarmouth____________......_____________n_......____ 97 2306-A By-Law to Confirm Praceedings af the Council of th'e Oorporatian af the Caunty af Elgin at the' March Ses- si an, 1974 __ _ ___ _ _.. ...._ __ _____ ____......_ ___......__ _ _ ..... .______ _ _......----_ ---......... ..... ........ ........... ...- - --. ..... 99 23-D7-Being a By-Law liO Authorize the Warden and the Clerk af the County to. Sign Agre,ements far Day Nlirse1ry Ser- vi c es _ __ _......_ _ _ _.. _ _.__ __ '___' __......__ _ .____......__ __......... ...- ---............-- --......----- - m -. ---- --- - ............. .113 2308-A By-Law to. Confirm Proc1e1edings af the Cauncil of the Corparatian of the Caunty of Elgin at the April Ses- sion, 197 4 __._......___________.......________......__________......________............----.................................... 114 2309-Being A By-Law to. Amend By-Law No. 2293 Thereby Increasing the Int,ere,st Ra;te Paid an Maneys Barrawed fram the Bank 'Of Montreal ___m___m___.......____......._________.......___._._......____ 125 2310-Being a By-Law to. Appoint A Tree Cammissianer far the Caunty af Elgin ............______._____________......____............____.........................................----- 126 2311-A By-Law to. Canfirm Proce'edings of the Counci:1 af the Corparatian 'Of the Caunty of Elgin at the May Sessian, 1974 uu____uuum_m____. 127 2324-Being a By-Law to. Authorizie the Warden and Clerk to Sign a Letter Renewing the Lease Pres'ently Held by the University af Western Ontario an Approximately Ten Acres af Land in the Tawnship of Yarmouth_n.m_......_.n___.____ 200 2317--13eing a By-Law to. Autharize the Obtaining af Tempor- aryAdvance,s to Meet the Cost af Construc,ting an Elgin County Harne for the' Aged, Pending the' Completian Thereof-------m-......m.......m- 175 2318---,-Autharizing Speed Limits 2319_Regulating Parking 176 178 2320~Being a By-Law to Autharize thei Warden and Clerk to Sign a Deed to. Canvey 'Land in the Tawnship of Yar- mauthta Mrs. Kathle\en Garnham .......n_'"__......__"_,_______......'_____mm 179 2321-A By-Law to. Confirm. Prace'edings of the Council of the -Carporation of the Caunty af Elgin at1Jhe Sepetember Session, 1974 .m..Uu.__m............... 180 2322':"::':'ABy''':Law.Desigllwting ThrOugh. Highways 2323-A By-Law to. Amend the By-Law Adopting a Plan af County Raad Improvement and Establishing a County Road System in the Caunty of Elgin Unde,r the Public Transportatian and Highway Improvement AcL..__________......200 2312-Be:ing a By-Law to. Amelntd By-Law Na. 2290 a By-Law "To. Regulate the Proceedings in the Municipal CDuncil of the Carporation of the County af Ellgin and the Office:rs and Cammittees Thereaf." _____muUu__m.....m_m._m 145 2325-Being a By-Law to. Authorize the Warden and the Cle'rk of the Caunty to. Sign an Agreement Betwe'en The Min- istry of Treasury, Ecanomics and Intergovernmental Affairs, the Caunty af Elgin and the City af st. Thamas and Mr. Stephen H. Janes ReSlpecting an Elgin County Restructuring Study _._____mmnu......n___________.. 201 2313-A By-Law to Canfirm By-Law Na. 1819 af the Tawnship of Bayham, Being a By-Law to Stop-Up and Clos:e and Sell a Str'ee1t or AUey. in the Hamlet 'Of Richmand in the Township of , Bay ham ._.____.______........_______._____..___......__.........m___........_____._ 146 2314-Being a By-Law to Restrict the Weight af V'ehides Pas's>- iong aver B,ridges .......__.._........__..__........__..__........._..____......____..__._.__.__......--...-.- 148 2315-A By-Law to Can firm Praceedings af the Cauncil of the Carporation af the County of Elgrn at the' JUllIe Sessian, 1974 _ _ __..... .__......__. ___. .._. '._ ..... ...______ ........__n_____. _.__....... .--- _n......_ _n_ _................ ----..---- 151 2326-A By-Law to. Confirm Proce!eding,s af the Oouncil of the Oarporatian of the County of Elgin at tih'e October Ses- sion, 1974 .......m..___...... 211 2327-Being a By-Law to. Approve the Praspectus for a Local Government Restructuring Study of Elgin CountY_n.m_.___ 231 2328-A By-Law to Confirm Pracee'di,ngs af the CouncH of the Corparation af the County of Elgin at the November Sessian, 1974. um_U" ..........u_____..___.__. 232 2316--Being a By-Law to Establish the Apportionment of County Rate for the County of Elgin far the' Year 1975...... 174 199 258 E:IJGliN COUNTY COUNCIL BY-LAWS - Continued 2329-Being a By-Law to Authoriz'e' the Warden and CLerk of the . County of Elgin to Sign the "Standa'l'd Form of Agreement Be,twe,en Client and Architect" with re,spect to the Construction of a Home for the Aged............................. 246 2330-Being a By-Law to Appoint a Land Division Commi,tte,e.... 247 2331-A By-Law Designating Through Highways ...............,.;.....___........ 248 2332-,-Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk of the County of Elgin to Sign an Agre'ement Be,tween the County of Elgin and the Victorian Order of Nurses, London-St. Thomas Branch ..___.......___.........___..___._____.......................... 249 2333--A By~Law to Confirm Proce,edings of the' Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the December Sassi on, 1974 ......... .... ... .................................................__.... ................. ..... ..--...-- 252