1975 Minutes I I PROCEEDINGS OF THE Elgin County Council During the Sessions held in the COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS in the 110nths of JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MARCH, APRIL, MAY, JUNE, SEPTEMBER, OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, DECEMBER 1975 H. L. JOHNSON, Clerk A. H. LIEBNER, Warden OFFICE PHONE NO. Elgin County Council, 1975 WARDEN A. H. LIEBNER Elgin County Officials, 1975 2 Wood Street 631-9900 Emergency Measures Co-ordinator, P.O. Box 262 631-1680 (S1. Thomas Post Office unless otherwise specified) NAME J. A. Winter J. A. McBain J. D. R. Walker G. A. Phillips M. H. Genest R. Davis R. S. Brown Probation Office H. L. Johnson G. C. Leverton Secretary-Treasurer R. G. Moore R.E.Bell F. J. Boyes E. A. Wells Hennessey, Kempster & Gunn Small Claims Court Clerk Elgin County Board of Education Dr. C. A. Graham H. W. Buck Jackson Baker Winspear, Higgins, Stevenson & Co. Elgin-S1. Thomas Health Unit R. W. Hipgrave County Judge County Court Clerk Sheriff Clerk of the Peace County Crown Attorney 631-1506 Provincial Judge (Criminal Division) P.O. Box 267 633-1230 Provincial Judge (Family Division) 633-2169 County Registrar 631-3015 S u perintendent.Provincial Jail 631-3372 P.O. Box 277 631-3430 County Clerk-Treasurer 631-1460 Deputy Clerk-Treasurer 631-1460 Land Division Committee 631-1460 County Engineer 631-5880 Director, Social Services 631-1570 Administrator, Elgin Manor 631-0620 County Librarian 633-0815 Township of Aldborough Reeve L. R. Carroll, R.R. 1 , West Lorne, NOL 2PO Deputy Reeve K. M. Kelly, R.R. 2, Rodney, NOL 2CO 631-4810 633-1720 631-3530 Township of Dunwich Reeve G.D. Simpson, R.R. 1, Wallacetown, NOL2MO Deputy Reeve J. W. Campbell, R.R. 3, Dutton, NOL 110 Township of Southwold Reeve G. W. Monteith, R.R. 3, Shedden, NOL 2EO Deputy ReeveD. K. McLean, R.R.1, Port Stanley, NOL2AO Township of Yarmouth Reeve D.K. Cook, R.R. 5, St. Thomas, N5P 3$9 Deputy Reeve D. R. Ferguson, R.R. 6, St. Thomas, N5P 3T1 Township of Malahide Reeve W. R. Caverly, R.R. 5, Aylmer, N5H2R4 Deputy Reeve II. P. DeRyk, 147 Sydenham St., E. Aylmer, County Solicitors Court House 631-0700 631-1241 Township of Bayham Reeve M. A. Schafer, P.O. Box 254, Straffordville, NOJ 1 YO Deputy Reeve R. A. Green, R.R. 3, Tillsonburg, N4G 4G8 400 Sunset Drive Elgin Manor Physician Agricultural Representative 594 Talbot S1. County Weed Inspector and Tree Commissioner, 164 Talbot S1. W., Aylmer 633-2700 633-0030 Township of South Dorchester ReeveJ. B. Wilson, R.R.1, Springfield, NOL2JO Deputy Reeve G. R. Pettit, R.R. 2, Springfield, NOL 2JO 631-4700 773-8392 Town of Aylmer Reeve S.R. McBrien, 23 Elk St., Aylmer, N5H 155 Deputy Reeve S.J. Glover, 72 Oak Street, Aylmer, N5H 1G6 County Auditors, 136 Centre S1. 631-8250 Village of Vienna Reeve K. C. Emerson, P.O. Box 120, Vienna, NOJ 1Z0 Village of Springfield ReeveJ. W. Hodgson, P.O. Box 84, Springfield, NOL2JO 768-1016 785-0247 762-5710 762-5571 764-2859 769-2884 775-2459 631-7265 773-2998 773-3903 866-3525 877-2735 269-3995 773-3625 773-9172 773-8323 874-4460 773-3068 Village of Dutton Reeve M.A. Kahnt, P.O. Box 148, Dutton, NOL 110 Village of Port Stanley ReeveJ. P. Nemett, P.O. Box 326, Port Stanley, NOL2AO Deputy Reeve H. A. Rayner, P.O. Box 356, Port Stanley, Village of Rodney Reeve A. H. Liebner, P.O. Box 244, Rodney, NOL 2CO Village of West Lorne Reeve D.R. Todd, P.O. Box 59, West Lorne, NOL 2PO Village of Port Burwell Reeve R.T. Bradfield, P.O. Box 93, Port Burwell, NOJ 1 TO Village of Belmont Reeve R.L. Lake, 203 Union Street, Belmont, NOL 1BO 762-2223 Standing Committees, 1975 782-3120 782-3169 Agricultural Chairman W.R. Caverly. Carroll. Simpson. Monteith, Cook. Schafer, Wilson, and Warden Liebner 785-0380 County Government Chairman J. B. Wilson, Emerson, Caverly, Monteith, Carroll, Kahnt, Hodgson, and Warden Liebner 768-1300 County Roads Chairman M A. Schafer, Carroll, Caverly, Cook, Wilson, and Warden Liebner 874-4135 Advisory Road Committee - Simpson, Monteith, Nemett 644-0491 Elgin Manor Chairman H. P. deRyk, Hodgson, McBrien, Simpson, and Warden Liebner Advisory Elgin Manor Committee - Cook, Lake Educational Chairman M. A. Kahnt, Glover, Emerson, Hodgson, Todd, Bradfield, Lake, Rayner, Pettit, Green, deRyk, Ferguson, McLean, Campbell, Kelly, and Warden Liebner Finance and Apportionment Chairman R.L.Lake. Carroll, Simpson, Monteith, Cook, Caverly, Schafer, Wilson. McBrien, Emerson, Hodgson, Kahnt, Nemett, Todd, Bradfield, and Warden Liebner Local Government Study Chairman D. R. Todd, Cook, McBrien, Schafer, and Warden Liebner Personnel Chairman K.C. Emerson, Glover, Hodgson, Lake, and Warden Liebner Property Chairman J. P. Nemett, Campbell, Green, Ferguson, and Warden Liebner Reception and Entertainment Chairman G.R. Pettit, Campbell, Ferguson, Bradfield, Kahnt, Rayner, Glover. Green, McLean, and Warden Liebner Social Services Chairman L. I{. Carroll. Bradfield. McLean. deRyk. and Warden Liebner Municipal Clerks and Treasurers Health Unit - Pettit. Monteith Township of Aldborough Clerk- Treasurer - C. 1. Black. Rodney, NOL 2CO 785-0560 St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital Emerson, Todd Township of Dunwich Clerk~F.D. McPherson, Dutton, NOL UO Tre~surer - Mrs. June Shipley, Dutton, NOL UO 762-2204 762-2204 Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital - Green Four Counties General Hospital- Kelly Township of Southwold Clerk- Treasurer - R. A. Pow, Fingal, NOL 1KO 769-2010 Libral)' Board - Kahnt. Ferguson, Kelly, and Warden Liebner Children's Aid - Carroll. Green Bradfield Township of Yarmouth Clerk- Treasurer - L. M. Olde, 1229 Talbot St. 631-4860 St. Thomas N5P 1G8 Museum - Campbell. Rayner Township of Malahide Clerk-R.R. Millard, 87 John St. Aylmer N5H 2C3 Treasurer - L. M. VanPatter, 87 John St. S. Aylmer N5H 2C3 773-5344 773-5344 Emcl'gcnc)' Mcasures Organization - Rayner, McLean Township of Bayham Clerk- Treasurer - J .A. Petrie, Straffordville, NOJ 1 YO 866-5521 Township of South Dorchester 773-2186 Clerk- Treasurer - Mrs. Marie Wilson, R.R. 2, Springfield, NOL 2JO Town of Aylmer Clerk-Treasurer-J .5. Foy. 38 John St., S. Aylmer. N5H 2C2 773-3164 Village of Belmont Clerk- Treasurer - Mrs. Kae Barons, Belmont, NOL 1 BO 644-1071 Village of Dutton Clerk ---' C. A. Milton. Dutton, NOL lJO Treasurer-Mrs. Alice Menard, Dutton, NOL UO 762-2717 762-2717 Village of Part Burwell Clerk~Treasurer - Mrs. Gwendolyn Foster, 874-4343 Port Burwell, NOJ 1TO Village of Port Stanley Clerk-Treasurer - E. L. McCall, Port Stanley, NOL 2AO 782-3383 Village of Rodney Clerk-Treasurer- D. McDougall. Rodney, NOL2CO 785-0456 Village of Springfield 773-8555 ~Ierk-Trea$urer-- Mrs. Joan McClintock, Box 29, Springfield, NOL 2JO ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 9 JANUARY SESSION - FIRST DAY Village of West Lorne Clerk-Treasurer- D.T. Moran, Box 30, West Lome, NOL 2PO 768-1234 Tu~sda)-, the 21st da)' of Januar.l, 1975 Village of Vienna Clerk-Treasurer - Mrs. Violet Van Belois, 866-5521 Straffordville, NOJ 1 YO The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municipal Building. 9 Gladstone A\'enue. St. Thomas. as required by statutes. The following members filed Certificates and took their seats at the Council table. LorneR. Carroll K. M. Kelly G. Douglas Simpson John W. Campbell Gary W. Monteith D. K. McLean David K. Cook D. R. Ferguson William R. Caverly H. Paul deRyk Mathew A. Schafer Ronald A. Green John B. Wilson Gordon R. Pettit Stewart R. McBrien Sydney J. Glover Kenneth C. Emerson John W. Hodgson M. Alvin Kahnt John P. Nemett H. A. Rayner Albert H. Liebner Douglas R. Todd Ronald Bradfield Ronald L. Lake Reeve Deputy Reeve Reeve Deputy Reeve Reeve Deputy Reeve Reeve Deputy Reeve Reeve Deputy Reeve Reeve Deputy Reeve Reeve Deputy Reeve Reeve Deputy Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Deputy Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Aldborough ;\ldborough Dunwich Dunwich Southwold Southwold Yarmouth Yarmouth Malahide Malahide Bayham Bayham South Dorchester South Dorchester Aylmer Aylmer Vienna Springfield Dutton Port Stanley Port Stanley Rodney West Lome Po Ii Burwell Belmont 10 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 11 The Clerk announced that any Councillor who was a candidate for the office of Warden would now be given the opportunity to speak. Committee. Reeve Monteith addressed Council and advised the members that although he had intended to seek the position of warden for 1975, cit'cumstances beyond his control made it impossible for him to carry out the duties of Warden and he would not now be a candidate for the office. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with Program, Expenditure and Subsidy Report Revised Forms OB - MR - 28 and MRA - 36. - Referred to the Road Committee. Reeve Liebner spoke briefly advising that he would be a candidate for Wardcn and would appreciate any support given to him. From the Honourable William A. Stewart, Minister of Agriculture and Food with reply to our endorsation of the Grey County Resolution re: 50% subsidy on the cost of farm labour. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. Resolved that Reeve Albert Liebner beW arden for 1975. Carried Unanimously. Ft()m the Ministry of Treqsury, Economics and Iptergovernmental Affairs with letter and agenda regarding an Information Seminar to be held on February 4, 1975, at the Elgin-St. Thomas Library at 9:00 A.M. - Referred to the County Government Committee. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Nemett The Warden took the Declaration of Office and the Oath of allegiance and Ex-Warden R. L. Lake congratulated Warden Liebner on his election and presented him with the Lord Elgin watch and the gavel of Office. From the Township of Yarmouth with Notice of Application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of a by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of the Planning Act and a copy of Township of Yarmouth By-Law No. 2273. - Referred to the Road Committee. Warden Liebner addressed the Council, thanking the members for electing him to the office of Warden for 1975 and outlining some of the projects which he thought might require the attention ofthe 1975 Council. From the Municipality of Dutton with request for the Elgin County Council to pass confirming by-laws to close certain roads in the municipality. - Referred to the Road Committee. Moved by Reeve Cook Seconded by Reeve Hodgson From the Township of Bayham with request for the Elgin County Council to pass a confirming by-law to close a road allowance in the municipality. - Referred to the Road Committee. That the minutes of the December. 1974 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. From the Ontario Good Roads Association advising of a Seminar for Councillors to be held on Monday, February 24th, 1975, the first day ofthe 1975 Ontario Good Roads Convention. - Filed. The following Communications were read and referred to their various Committees: From the Association of Municipalities of Ontario with letter re: Applications before the Ontario Energy Board. -Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Association of Municipalities of Ontario with request for membership. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs with letter advising that the Province of Ontario has approved both the Elgin Count\' Restructuring Study Agreement and the Study Prospectus dated November 6, 1974. - Filed. From the Ministry of Colleges and Universities - Historical and Museums Branch with letter and Ontario Regulation No. 837/74 re: Grants for Museums. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment 12 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 13 From the Southwestern Ontario Travel Association with letter with request for a grant. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From the Unh'ersity of Western Ontario with letter re: the new Diploma Program in Public Administration being offered at the University of Western Ontario. - Referred to the Educational Committee. From the Ministry of Industry and Tourism with letter in support of the Southwestern Ontario Travel Association request. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From the Ministry of Treasury. Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs with copy of Southwestern Affairs. - Referred to the County Go\"ernment Committee. From the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs with letter re: 1972-73 Employment Incentive Program account. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the Young Men' s Christian Association of Elgin-St. Thomas ".ith request for a grant. - Referred to the Finance and AppOliionment Committee. From the Salvation Army with request for continued financial support. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From R. K. McNeil, M.P.P. with letter re: Halton resolution requesting legislation to require traffic in both directions to stop when school bus lights are flashing. - Filed. From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with request for membership fee for 1975. ~ Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From the Canadian National Institutefor the Blind with request for a grant. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From Mr. George H. Pleasance, President, A.C.R.O. with appreciation of grant made to the 15th Annual A.C.R.O. Conference. Filed. From the Aylmer and District Museum Board with letter requesting a grant. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From the County of Northumberland with resolution requesting the Minister of Community and Social Services to allow Homes for the Aged to continue the original method of handling. prescribing and paying for cjrugs used for the residents in Homes for the Aged. - Referred to the Elgin Manor Committee. From John Spence. M.P.P. with letter acknowledging receipt of our endorsement of the resolution from the Municipality of Halton re: traffic stopping when school bus lights are flashing. - Filed. From the Ministry of Treasury. Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs with letter re: Municipal Administration Course. - Referred to the Educational Committee. From the County of Renfrew with resolution objecting to the new Ontario Drug Plan being made mandatory in homes for the aged. - Referred to the Elgin Manor Committee. From the Four Counties General Hospital with appreciation .of grant. - Filed. From the Village of Watford with resolution re: ptocedures. policies and attitudes of Judges of the Provincial Courts, Criminal Division, with respecttn the imposition of fines. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with letter advising that the Ministerially Adjusted Assessment of the City of St. Thomas to be used to arrive at the contribution of St. Thomas to Suburban J{oads in 1975 is $41.500.000.00. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the City of St. Thomas with list of members appointed to the Executive Committee of the S1. Thomas- Elgin Emergency Measurers Organization for 1975. and appointments to the Peacetime Emergency Planning Committee. - Filed. From the City of St. Thomas advising that Mrs. Carmine Jefferies has 14 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 15 becn appointed City representative on the Elgin Pioneer Museum Board for 1975. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. Application for Minor Variance from By-Law No. 1677 of the Township of Southwold. - Referred to the Road Committee. From Mr. S. H. Janes, Study Commissioner, with letter re: a meeting with thc County-City steering Committee and the Provincial representa- tive Mr. Roger Warner and enclosing a copy of a letter which Mr. Janes had writ ten to Mr. C. P. Honey, Assistant Deputy Minister, UrbalJ and Regional Afffairs. Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernment- al,\fI'airs. Hdcrrecl to the Local Government Study' Committee. From the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital advising that the Ministry of Health will make no capital grants for Community Hospitals for 1974 and therefore the hospital will not be requesting financial assistance from the County of Elgin during this calendar year. - Filed. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications advising that the Minister has allocated to the County of Elgin subsidy funds for 1975 in the amounts of $968,000.00 for construction and $633,000.00 for maintenance. a total of $1.601,000.00. - Referred to the Road Committee. From Aylmer and East Elgin Agricultural Society with appreciation of grant. - Filed. From the Bank of Montreal with letter advising that as of January 15, 1975, the interest rate on county loans is reduced to 101/2. - Filed. From the Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities with request for membcrship. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From the Elgin Land Division Committee with resolution that Membership in the Provincial (Ontario) Association of Committees of Adjustment and Land Division Committees be taken for the Secretary- Treasurer and three members of the Land Division Committee at a total cost of $55.00. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Art Gallery, St. Thomas-Elgin, with request for a grant. - Hcfcrred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From the Elgin County Board of Education with letter concerning the adequacy of water in case of fire at the Southwold Public School. - Referred to the Elgin Manor Committee. From the City of S1. Thomas with letter advising of the members appointed to the Local Government Study Committee. - Filed. From the S1. Thomas Day Nursery with letter requesting the following changes in rates for 1975. -Full day Care (over 5 hours with hot meal) $7.00 per day - Half Day (under 5 hours) $5.00 per day. - Referred to the Social Services Committee. From Mr. Frank P. Stubbs with letter of appreciation for the opportunity of serving on the Land Division Committee for the past two and one half years. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Canada Ministry of Agriculture re: our endorsation of the resolution passed by the County of Grey concerning subsidizing farm labour. - Referred to the Agricultrual Committee. From Mr. Roger W. L. Warner. Senior Regional Studies Officer, Local Government Organization with letter re: Correspondence regarding the Elgin County Restructuring Study. - Referred to the Local GO\'l'rnment Stud~' Committee. From the Bank of Montreal with best wishes for a happy session, a successful and prosperous year and an invitation to dinner at the Elgin Labour Centre, 18 Princess Avenue, St. Thomas, on Thurdsay, January 23rd. at 6 o'clock P.M. - Filed. From the Honourable John P. MacBeth. Q.c. Minister of Labour. with letter re: resolution passed by the County of Grey proposing pnn-incial subsidization of farm labour. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the Town of Markham with resolution requesting the Government of Ontario to set the first Monday in October for civic elections in Ontario and to change the fiscal year end for municipalities to October 31 st. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Township of Southwold \"ith Notice of Public Hearing of 16 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL From the St. Thomas Civic Employees Credit Union Limited with letter enquiring if County Council has any objections to its employees becoming members ofthe said Credit Union. - Referred to the Personnel Committee. From Mr. R. A. Barrett, Clerk-Administrator, City of St. Thomas with copy of letter sent to Mr. Earl McMaster, Supervisor, Buildings and Maintenance, Elgin County Board of Education re: Water Supply Services, Fingal Road. - Referred to the Elgin Manor Committee. From Mr. James A. McBain, Sheriff, County of Elgin with copy of Grand Jury Report, dated January 7, 1975, to His Lordship Justice Pennell. - Referred to the Property Committee. From Quad County Association for the Mentally Retarded with request for a grant. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. Moved by, Heeve Cook Secon,ded by Heeve Monteith That the Warden and Clerk be authorized to submit to the Minister of Transportation and Communications the Petition of the County of Elgin showing that from January 1, I 1.J'f,-l to December 31, 1974, there wa~ expended on the County of Elgin Highway System the sum of $1,71 H,4Hl.33. - Carried. The Warden appointed Reeve Todd, Reeve Wilson, Reeve Schafer and Reeve McBrien as members of the Committee to strike the Standing Committees for the year 1975. Moved by Reeve Simpson Seconded by Reeve Kahnt That we do now adjourn to meet again on January 22nd, 1975, at 10:00 A. M. - Carried. H. L. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner, Warden ELQNCOUNTYCOUNCli I 17 JANUARY SESSION - SECOND DAY WednesdaJ, January 22nd, 1975 The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municipal Building in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the Members present. The Report of the Special Committee to strike the Standing Committees for the year 1975 was presented by Reeve Tood and adopted on motion of Reeve Tood and Reeve Schafer. Moved by Reeve Carroll Seconded by Deputy Reeve Kell'y That By-Law No. 2334 "To Authorize the Warden and the Treasurer to Borrow the SUll1 of Two Million Dollars," beread a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Todd Seconded by Deputy Reeve Campbell That By-Law No. 2334 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Simpson Seconded by Reeve Todd That By-Law No. 2334 be read a third time and finally passed. '- Carried. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law 2335 "To Appoint a County Road Committee," be read a first time. - Carried. 18 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Deputy Reeve Rayner Seconded by Deputy Reevt:; Green That By-Law No. 2335 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve deRyk Seconded by Reeve Nemett That By-Law No. 2335 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. A delegation from the University of Western Ontario composed of Doctor W. S. Turner and Mr. F.O. Kime was present and it was moved by Reeve Cook that the delegation from the University of Western Ontario be now heard. Doctor Turner addressed Council mentioning the increase in enrolment which n ow numbered 17,201 of which 90% were Canadians. He advised Council that Western University has never had a good scholarship program but that a scholarship program was established two years ago and was working satisfactorily. Grants from the Provincial Government were not keeping up with inflationary costs and the University expected a substantial deficit budget for 1975. County grants \\'ct'c uscd almost entirely for extension services and he requested that the County of Elgin continue its financial assistance to the University. Doctor Turner advised the members that County Council Day at the Univcrsity would be June 11.1975. The Warden thanked Doctor Turner for his presentation and referred thc request to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. A delegation from the Victorian Order of Nurses composed of Maurice Dillon. Ruth Mellor. Dan Peterson. John Fryer and Marion Penhale was present and it was moved by Reeve Lake that the delegation froll1 the Victorian Order of Nurses be now heard. Mr. Dillon presented a submission to Council and asked that Council consider appointing a member to the Board of the London-St. Thomas Branch of the Victorian Order of Nurses. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 19 Miss Mellor spoke to Council pointing out the growth of the caseload since 1972 and the funding of the services. Mr. Fryer presented the St. Thomas-Elgin budget for 1975 and requested financial support for the Organization. The Warden thanked the delegation for its presentation and referred the request to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. I Moved by R~eve Nemett Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit That we do now adjourn to meet again January 22,1975, at 2:00 P.M. - Carried. Council Re-Convened. The Report of the Finance and Apportionment Committee was presented by Reeve Lake and adopted on motion of Reeve Lake and Reeve Cook. The Report of the Local Government Study Committee was presented by Reeve Todd and adopted on motion of Reeve Todd and Reeve Schafer. The Report of the Elgin Manor Committee was presented by,Deputy Reeve deRyk and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve deRyk and Re~ve Simpson. The Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caverly and Reeve Monteith. Moved by Reeve McBrien Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That a County of Elgin Home for the Aged Building Account be opened at the Bank of Montreal and that the signing officers for the said account be any two of the following: Administrator, Secretary-Treasurer or Deputy Secretary-Treasurer, and that the Bank of Montreal, St. Thomas Branch, be authorized to credit proceeds of loans made under By-La\\' No. 2317, borrowed by the County of Elgin for the building of a County Home for the Aged, be deposited directly to the account of Elgin Count~' Home for the Aged Building Account and that interest on said loan 20 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 21 be charged directly to this account. - Carried. JANUARY SESSION - TIDRD DAY Moved by Reeve Wils0n Seconded by Reeve Emerson Thursday, January 23rd, 1975 That yve do now adjourn to meet again January 23rd, 1975, at 10:00 A.M. The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municipal Building in accordance with adjournment. - Carried. The Warden in the Chair. H. L. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner, Warden All the members present except Reeve Caverly. The following communication was read and referred to the Road Committee. From the T6wnship of Malahide with resolution requesting that the road between concessions 8 and 9 from Highway No. 73 east a distance of one mile and a quarter to County Road No. 32, be added to the County Road System. The First Report of the Road Committee was presented by Reeve Carroll and adopted on motion of Reeve Carroll and Reeve Cook. The Second Report of the Road Committee was presented by R..:eve Carroll and adopted on motion of Reeve Carroll and Reeve Monteith. Noved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Monteith That we do now adjourn to meet again on January 23rd, 1975, at 2:00 P.M. - Carried. Council Re-Convened. The First Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Reeve Lake. The Second Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Reeve Hodgson. 22 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 23 The Report of the County Government Committee was presented by Reeve Wilson and adopted on motion of Reeve Wilson and Reeve Hodgson. That By-Law No. 2336 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2084 Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Elgin County Clerk-Treasurer," be read a first time. - Carried. The Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Nemett and adopted on motion of Reeve Nemett and Deputy Reeve Campbell. Moved by Reeve Lake Seconded by Reeve Cook The Report of the Social Services Commmittee was presented by Reeve Carroll and adopted on motion of Reeve Carroll and Deputy Reeve deRyk. That By-Law No. 2336 be read a second time. - Carried. The Report of the Educational Committee was presented by Reeve Kahnt and adopted on motion of Reeve Kahnt and Deputy Reeve Kelly. Moved by Reeve Lake Seconded by Reeve Cook Reeve Emerson presented. for consideration. the following resolution that was passed by The Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit. That By-Law No. 2336 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. .. Resolved that The Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit recommends to the Elgin COllnty COllncil and the St. Thomas City Council that we join with Middlesex-London District Health Unit in order to obtain the seventy-five percent grant. Considerable discussion took place with respect to The )Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit resolution and the following resolution was passed. Moved by Reeve Lake Seconded by Reeve Cook That By-Law No. 2337 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2085 Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Elgin County Deputy Clerk- Treasurer," be read a first time. - Carried. MO\Td b~' Reeve Emerson Seconded by ReC\T Todd Moved by Reeve Cook Seconded by Reeve Lake That By-Law No. 2337 be read a second time. . Resolved that the resolution from The St. Thomas-Elgin Health Unit re: AmalgamatiOll be tabled until the February session of County Council. - Carried. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lake Seconded by Reeve Cook Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Lake That By-Law No. 2337 be read a third' time and finally passed. - Carried. That Mr. Larry Smith be appointed solicitor for labour negotiations for the County of Elgin as recommended by the Personnel Committee. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Kelly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ferguson Mm'cd by Reeve Cook Seconded by Reeve Lake That By-Law No. 2338 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2086, Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Secretary-Treasurer for the Elgin County Home for the Aged," be read a first time. 24 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 2S - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lake Seconded by Deputy Reeve Rayner Moved by Deputy Reeve Ferguson Seconded by Reeve Carroll That By-Law No. 2340 be read a second time. - Carried. That By-Law No. 2338 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lake Seconded by Reeve Cook Moved by Reeve Carroll Seconded by Deputy Reeve Green That By-Law No. 2340 be read a third tin1e and finally passed. - Carried. That By-Law No. 2338 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Kahnt Moved by Reeve Kahnt Seconded by Deputy Reeve Kelly ThatBy-Law No. 2341 "Being a By-Law to Establish the Salary ofthe Administrator of the Elgin County Home for the Aged, be read a first time. That By-Law No. 2339 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 1696, Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Elgin CountyRoad Superintendent," be read a first time. - Carried. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Carroll Seconded by Reeve Emerson Moved By Reeve Lake Seconded by Reeve Kahnt That By-Law No. 2341 be read a second time. - Carried. That By-Law No. 2339 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Kahnt Moved by Reeve Lake Seconded by Reeve Cook That By-Law No. 2341 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. That By-Law No. 2339 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Kahnt Seconded by Reeve Emerson Moved by Deputy Reeve Rayner Seconded by Reeve Lake That By-Law No. 2340 "Being a By-Law to appoint an Administrator for the Elgin County Home for the Aged," be read a first time. That By-Law No. 2342 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2231, Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Assistant Administrator for the Elgin County Home for the aged," be read a first time. - Carried. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Kahnt 26 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 27 -Carried. Moved by D.:;puty Reeve Ferguson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Green That By-Law No. 2342 be read a second time. Moved by Reeve Emerson Sccondcd by Reeve Kahnt That By-Law No. 2344 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. That By-Law No. 2342 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Kelly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ferguson Moved by Reeve Carroll Seconded by Reeve Kahnt That By-Law No. 2345 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2288, Thereby A.djusting Mileage Rates Paid to Members of the Elgin County Council," be read a first time. That By-Law No. 2343 "Being a By-Law to Establish the Salary of the Elgin County Social Services Director," be read a first time. - Carried. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Green Seconded by Reeve Lake That By-Law No. 2345 be read a second time. Moved by Deputy Reeve Kelly Scconded by Reeve Carroll - Carried. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Ferguson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Green That By-La\\' No. 2341 be read a second time. Moved by Reeve Kahnt Seconded by Deputy Reeve Green That By-Law No. 2345 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. That By-La\\' No. 2343 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McLean Seconded by Reeve Todd Moved by Deputy Reeve Green Seconded b~' Deputy Reeve Ferguson That By-Law No. 2346 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2243 Establishing the Remuneration to be Paid to the Warden of the County of Elgin." be read a first time. That B~.-La\\' No. 2344 "Being a By-La\\' to Amend By-La\\- No. 2297. Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Secretary-Treasurer of the County of Elgin Land Division Committee." be read a first time. -Carried. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Todd Seconded by Reeve Hodgson Moved by Reeve Carroll Seconded by Reeve Cook That By-Law No. 2346 be read a second time. -Carried. That By-Lm. No. 2344 be read a second time. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Deputy Reeve McLean - Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 29 28 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL That By-Law No. 2346 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. That By-Law No. 2348 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Deputy Reeve McLean Moved by Deputy Reeve deRyk Seconded by Reeve Wilson That By-Law No. 2347 "Being a By-Law to Establish a Salary Schedule for all Employees of the County of Elgin who are not Covered by a Collective Agreement, other than the Heads of Department," be read a first time. That By-La\\' No. 2349 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the January Session. 1975." be read a first time. - Carried. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Glover Moved by Deputy Reeve McLean Seconded by Deputy Reeve Glover That By-La\\' No. 2349 be reada second time. - Carried. That By-Law No. 2347 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McLean Seconded by Deputy Reeve Glover Moved by Deputy Reeve Glover Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That By-Law No. 2349 be re9d a third time and finaily passed. - Carried. That By-Law No. 2347 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Nemett Seconded by Deputy Reeve Rayner Moved by Reeve Todd Seconded by Reeve HodgsQ.p That we do now adjourn to meet again on February 19, 1975, at 10:00 A.M. Carried. That By-Law No. 2348 "Being a By-Law to 'Provide Fringe Benefits to all Employees of the County of Elgin who are not Covered by A Collective Agreement, " be read a first time. H.L.Joh"nson, Clerk A. H Liebner, Warden - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve deRyk Seconded by Reeve Wilson That By-Law No. 2348 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Glover Seconded by Reeve Todd ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 31 30 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL WARDEN'S ADDRESS Home for the Aged in Aylmer which is badly needed, and which will add a new dimension in residential Home care for Elgin County. A great amount of time was spent by individuals, and the Elgin Manor committee of management over the past three years in meeting with Government officials, to keep this project alive. That this is now in the process of final planning, with construction to start in the spring of 1975 is a matter of personal satisfaction to me, in being a member of the Elgin Manor board of Management during this time. Various programmes for the benefit of the area Senior citizens are being carried out under the management of the Elgin Manor Administration. The future establishment of a Municipal Home for the Aged for those requiring complete bed care should be considered, so that the same excellent level of County Home care at the residential level could be continued to serve those who need it most - those who require complete bed care. Members of County Council, Ladies and Gentlemen. On behalf of the Village of Rodney, and myself as Reeve, I wish to convey to you my most sincere thanks for being elected Warden of Elgin Cou nty. for 1975. In being so honoured, and acknowledging the responsibilities of this office, it is my intention to carry out the duties of the office to the very best of my ability, for the benefit of the County and its residents. I would, at this time like to extend to past Warden Ron. Lake for his devotion to the duties of his office, our thanks for his leadership and guidance for the past year of 1974. His continuance on County Council ensures that his capabilities will assist us during this coming year. Weare gratified at the presence of the former Wardens, Councillors, and guests who are with us to-day . Your presence reflects your interest in Municipal politics both at the County and local levels. The Restructuring Study for Elgin County will require approximately eight months to complete, and during this time meetings will be held with groups of municipal councile, County Council, and public meetings to have as wide participation both by elected representatives, and the public as possible. Briefs by aH interested. groups should be prepared for consideration at these meetings so that as much information as possible will be available on this very important subject. Two years of meetings between the County St. Thomas and the Provincial Government in which Elgin County and the City of St. Thomas have stated their preference to stay together as a governing unit have resulted in the Restructuring Study being proposed, and the meetings will commence early in 1975. Future development must be considered in relation to our very favourable quality of life in Elgin County, to keep as much good farm land in production as possible, preservation of our recreation areas, and the balance of City, Town. and Villages, where industry may locate, and provide residential accommodation for people moving in to the area. An election year always produces some changes. Many good men have left, for various reasons. but are replaced by those who have in equal measure the best interest of their municipalities, and the County at heart. Past Warden and Reeve of Aldborough Township. Nelson Johnston D.K. McKillop of Dunwich. B.A. Lyle of Southwold. J.L. Dennis of Bayham, A.T. Miskelly of Aylmer. C.W. Bates of Port Burwell, and Deputy Reeves C.S. Young of Yarmouth, and W.R. Whalls of Port Stanley, served their municipalities and the County well during their terms of office. They gave freely of their time and talents to municipal politics, and did their jobs well. I knew, and admired them all. Reeve R. Bradfield, and Deputy Reeves K. Kelley, J.W. Campbell, K. McLean. R. Ferguson. R. Green, S. Glover. and H. Rayner. are new comers to County Council. We welcome them, and know that they will represent their municipalities, and the County in the same capable manner as those who have gone before them. The year 1975 will see a start in the building of the new Elgin County A solid waste managment study is being carried out between County of Middlesex, County of Elgin as Observers only, City of St. Thomas, City of London, and the Ministry of the Environment. A provincial program is being developed to provide facilities for the reclamation of solid waste materials, in three five year stages, which will hopefully eliminate the need for land fill sites, and add through reclamation to our stock of metals, glass. and paper. to name a few. New industries may need to be developed to refine waste reclaimed products to usable materials, and then to finished products for consumer use. We can only hope that this We appreciate the continuing efforts of oLlr County Officials, Heads of Departments, and County employees, in their work to keep the day to day business of the County running smoothly. 32 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL program will be successful and the cost not more than municipalities can bear. Many problems already face us for 1975, in the area of unemployment, recessionary trends, coupled with inflation, and rising ~ prices. An example must be set by governments of all levels to keep taxation in line with incomes of people in all walks of life. - I wish to thank you for electing me your warden, and call on all members of the Elgin County Council for your help and guidance to make 1975 a very good year for all of us. A. H. Liebner , ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 33 REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO STRIKE THE STANDING COMMITTEES Januar)- Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members ofthe Elgin County Council. The following is the report of the Special Committee to strike the Standing Committees for the year 1975: AGRICULTURAL Caverly, Carroll. Simpson, Monteith, Cook, Schafer, Wilson, and Warden Liebner COUNTY GOVERNMENT \\'ih\)l1. Emerson. C~1\'erly, Monteith. Carroll. Kahnt. Hodgson, and Warden Liebner COUNTY ROADS Schafer, Carroll, Caverly. Cook. Wilson, and Warden Liebner Advisory Road Committee - Simpson, Monteith, Nemett ELGIN MANOR deRyk. Hodgson. McBrien. Simpson, and Warden Liebner Advisory Elgin Manor Committee - Cook, Lake EDUCATIONAL Kahnt, Glover, Emerson, Hodgson, Kelly, Tqdd, Bradfield, Lake, Rayner, Pettit, Green, deRyk, Ferguson, McLean, Campbell, and Warden Liebner FINANCE AND APPORTIONMENT Lake, Carroll, Simpson, Monteith, Cook, Caverly, Schafer, Wilson, McBrien, Emerson, Hodgson. Kahnt, Nemett, Todd. Bradfield, and Warden Liebller. LOCAL GOVERNMENT STUDY Tood, Cook, McBrien, Schafer, and Warden Liebner PERSONNEL Emerson, Glover, Hodgson, Lake, and Warden Liebner SOCIAL SERVICES Carroll. Bradfield. McLean. deRyk. and Warden Liebner . \ j ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROPERTY Nemett. Campbell. Green. Ferguson. and Warden tiebner RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT Pettit. Campbell. Ferguson. Bradfield. Kahnt. Rayner, Glover. Green. McLean. and Warden Liebner HEALTH UNIT Pettit. Monteith ST. THOMAS-ELGIN GENERAL HOSPITAL Emerson. Todd Emers()J1 to represent the Warden TILLSON BURG DISTRICT MEMORI~L He S}>ITAL Green FOUR COUNTIES GENERAL HOSPITAL Kelly LIBRARY BOARD Kahn!. Ferguson. Kelly. and Warden Liebner CHILDREN'S AID Carroll. Green. Bradfield EMERGENCY MEASURES ORGANIZATION Rayner. McLean MUSEUM Campbell. Rayner WE RECOMMEND that each Committee meet and appoint a Chairman as SOt)Jl as possible. All uh\'hich is respectfull~' submitted. D. R. Todd. Chairman IUd\ ( OL'\ I) COUNCIl 3~ COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2334 WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation deems it necessary to borrow the sum of TWO MILLION dollars to meet. until the taxes are collected. the current expenditures ofthe Corporation for the year; AND WHEREAs the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Corporation as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 1974, not including revenues derivable or derived from the sale of assets, borrO\\'ings or issuance of debentures or from a surplus, including arrears of taxes. is FOUR MILLION AND EIGHT dollars. AND WHEREAS the total amount heretofore authorized to be borrowed this year for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 329 of The Municipal Act is NIL dollars, of which the Corporation has already borrowed a total of NIL dollars. Therefore-the Council of The Corporation of the COUNTY OF ELGIN hereby enacts as1'ollows: I. The Head and the Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Corporation to borrow from time to time, by \\a~' of promissory note. from the Bank of Montreal, a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate TWO MILLION dollars to meet, until the taxes a~e collected. the current expenditures of the Corporation for the year, Including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of the said Section 329. and to give, on behalf of the Corporation, to the Bank a promissory note or notes, sealed with the corporate seal and signed by them for the moneys so borrowed with interest at a rate not exceeding - 12 -- per centum per annum, which may be paidin advance ur ot her\\'ise. 2. All sums borrowed from the said Bank, for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 329. shall, with interest thereon, lw a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Corporation for the current year and for all preceding years. as and when such revenues are 1'("'(';\'(,0. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in 36 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL payment of all sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this By-Law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and any previous years, from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 329, together with interest thereon, aIJ of the moneys hereafter coIJected or received on account or realized in respect of the taxes levied for the current year and preceding years arid aIJ of the moneys collected or received from any other source, which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed the 22nd day of January 1975 . H.L. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner, Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 37 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2335 "TO APPOINT A COUNTYROAD COMMITTEE" As required by Section 42 of the Highway Improvement Act, being Chapter 201 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, The Elgin County Council enacts: 1. THA T the following five members of this Council constitute a Committee for the purpose of directing the work to be done on the County Road System: M. A. Schafer for term of one year L. R. Carroll for term of two years W. R. Caverly for term of three years D.K. Cook for term of four years J.B. Wilson for term of five years 2. THAT By-Law No. 2292 be and is hereby repealed. \ READ a first time this 22nd day of January, 1975. READ a second time this 22nd day of January 1975. READ a third time and finally passed this 22nd day of January, 1975. H.L. JOHNSON, Clerk A.H.LIEBNER Warden 38 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FINANCE AND APPORTIONMENT COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members ofthe Elgin County Council, The Finance and Apportionment Committee reports as follows: 1. That theW arden and Treasurer be authorized to borrow up to $2,000,000.00 from the Bank of Montreal as may be required and that a py-Iaw be prepared. 2. That the usual grant of $50.00 to the Law Library be paid. 3. That the Membership fees in the Municipal Clerks' and Treasurers' Association be paid and that the Clerk-Treasurer and Deputy Clerk-Treasurer be authorized to attend the annual convention with expenses paid. 4. That A. Liebner, M. Schafer, K.C. Emerson and D. Todd be paid members wages for attendance at hospital meetings during 1974. That M.A. Kahnt be paid the usual Committee pay for attending of the Residential Care Committee of the St. Thomas-Elgin Association for Retarded Children and that 1974 Council members on the Children's Aid Society be paid an additional $16.00 per meeting attended during 1974. \ 5. That the following constitute the Board of the Elgin County Pioneer Museum for 1975: Mrs. l.R. Futcher, Mrs. Keith Hiepleh, Mrs. P.G. Jeffries, Mrs. A.H. McGregor, Mrs. H: Jackson, and Elgin County Council representatives. . 6. That a grant of $500.00 be made to the Elgin Pioneer Museum. 7. That the 1975 membership fee of $50.00 be paid to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario. 8. That the Treasurer be authorized to continue monthly payments to the Children's Aid Society on the basis of the 1974 budget until the 1975 budget is established. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 39 9. That G.D. Simpson and A.T. Mis~elly be paid members wages for attending meetings ofthe Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board during 1974. 10. That the 1975 membership fee of $392.30 be paid to the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario. 11. That a grant of $1,250.00 be made to the Canadian National Institute for the Blind. 12. That a grant of $500.00 be made to the Salvation Army. 13. That a grant of $3,000.00 be made to the University of Western Ontario. 14. That the Chairman of the Educational Committee be the County of Elgin representative on the Residential Care Committee of the St. Thomas- Elgin Association for Retarded Children with the usual commitee pay for attending meetings. 15. That the St. Thomas Young Men's Christian Association be given a grant of $3,000.00 to operate a recreation program in the County of Elgin during 1975. 16. That the letter from the Ministry of Colleges and Universities, Historical and Museums Branch re: Ontario Regulation No. 837/74 be filed and a copy given to Mrs. Gowan Young, Secretary-Treasurer of the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board. 17. That the letter from the Southwestern Ontario Travel Association requesting a grant -of .05 per capita and the supporting letter frum the IioH0Ulabk Claude Bennett, Minister of Inuustry and Tourbm be tabled. 18. That the St. Thomas-Elgin Emergency Measures Organization's 1975/76 fiscal budget requiring $2,620.00 from the County of Elgin be tabled and request the E.M.O. Co-Ordinator to attend the February Session of County Council. 19. That the Aylmer and District Museum Board be given a loan of $1,000.00; the loan to be interest free and repaid at the rate of $200.00 per 40 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL year for five years, repayments to begin in 1976. 20. That the request for membership from the Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities be filed.. 21. That the request for a grant to The Art GalIery, St. Thomas-Elgin be filed. 22. That the Land Division Committee be authorized to take out membership in the Provincial (Ontario) Association of Committees of Adjustment and Land Division Committees for the Secretary-Treasurer and three Committee members. 23. That a grant of $2,300.00 he given to the Quad County Association for the Mentally Retarded. 24. That the request of the Victorian Order of Nurses for a grant be tabled and that a meeting be set up between the Victorian Order of Nurses and the County of Elgin Social Services Committee in order to obtain information as to why this grant is required. 25. That the County Solicitor be instructed to prepare a By-Law for the issu'ance of debentures in an amount sufficient to finance the County's portion of the cost of constructing and furnishing a Home for the Aged east of Aylmer and to obtain Municipal Board approval of the said by-law. The debentures to be repaid over a period of 10 years and bear interest at a . rate to be determined by the Chairman of the Finance and Apportionment Committee, the Warden and the County Clerk-Treasurer. All of which is respectfully submitted. R. L. LAKE, Chairman ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 41 LOCAL GOVERNMENT STUDY COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members fo the Elgin County Council. The Local Government Study Committee reports as follows: 1. That the letter fro~l S.H. Janes. Study Commissioner and the copy of his letter to Mr. c.P. Honey. Assistant Deputy Minister Urban and Regional Affairs. Ministry of Treasury. Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs be filed. 2. That the letter from Mr. Roger W.L. Warner, Senior Regional Studies Officer. Local Government Organization re: correspondence regarding the Elgin County Restructuring Study be filed. All of which is respectfully submitted. D.R. TODD. Chairman ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members ofthe Elgin County Council, The Elgin Manor Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolutions from the Counties of Renfrew and Northumberland objecting to the new Ontario Prug Plan being made mandatory in Homes for the Aged be filed. 2. That we recommend that a Building Account be opened in connection with the construction of the Home for the Aged at Aylmer. All of which is respectfully submitted. H.P. deRyk, Chairman 42 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members ofthe Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: I. That a grant of $3,000.00 be made to the local Agricultural Office for farm organizations and Junior Farmers and Institute groups in the County of Elgin for 1975. 2. That the Warden, Reeve Caverly and Reeve Monteith be a Committee to allocate the grant. 3. That the menlbers of the above Committee be paid members \\'ages for their services. 4. That the grants to the Agricultural and Horticultural Societies be on the same basis as last year, equal to the provincial grants. 5. That the letter from The Honourable William A. Stewart, Minister of Agriculture and Food re: our endorsation of the Grey County Resolution requesting a 500/0 subsidy on the cost of farm labour be filed. 6. That the letter from the Honourable John P. MacBeth, Q.c., Minister of Labour re: resolution passed by the County of Grey proposing pnwincial subsidization of farm labour be filed. 7. That the letter from the Canada Ministry of Agriculture with respect to the resolution passed by the County of Grey re: subsidy on farm labour be filed. All of \\'hich is respectfully submitted. W.R. CAVERLY. Chairman ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 43 The following -is a Summary of Costs of Construction and Maintenance on County and St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Roads during 1974. ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT St. Thomas, Ontario January Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members of the County of Elgin Council Your Road Committee begs to report as follows: CONSTRUCTION - COUNTY ROADS 1. Road # 2 from Road # 3 to Highway # '76 - Villages of Rodney and West Lorne and Township of Aldborough - Drain- age, Seeding, Moving Utilities etc. Road # 3 from Highway # 3 to Lake Erie - Township of Aldborough - Grading, Granular Base etc. Road # 3 Furnival Road South, Village of Rodney, Urban Construction. Road # 3 South Fleming Creek Bridge southerly approx. 1 mile, Township of Aldborough - Grading, Gravelling etc. Road # 3 Wardsville to South Fleming Creek Bridge, Township of Aldborough - Movement of Utilities, Ditching etc. Road # 4 Queen Street West, Village of Rodney, Urban Construction. Roads # 8 and 15 Main Street Diversion to Currie Street, Village of Dutton - Urban Construction. Road # 14 Highway # 3 to Road # 13, 2. 20.465.00 67,747.35 82,013.85 72,957.66 5,007.58 93,441.31 2,168.70 44 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 9. Dunwich-Southwold Townline- Asphalt Resurfacing, Ditching etc. Road # 20 Carlow Road Extension, ViIlage of Port Stanley - Seeding and Trimming. Road # 36 Highway # 3 to Sparts, Township of Yarmouth - Topsoil, Trimming and Seeding etc. Road # 40 Mount Salem to Road 42, Township of Malahide - Surface Treatment, Hot Mix Pavement, Trim- ming, Seeding, etc. Road # 42 Port Burwell easterly approx- imately 1 mile, Township of Bayham - Surface Treatment, Seeding, etc. Road # 44 Road # 46 to Highway # J, Township of Bayham - Surface Treat- ment, Seeding, etc. Road # 45 Mount Salem to Calton, Township of Malahide - Asphalt Resurfacing, Ditching, etc. Road # 45 Calton to Highway # 19, Township of Bayham - Shouldering, Ditching, Guide Rails, etc. Road # 38 Straffordville Municipal Drainage Assessment, Township of Bayhani. Completion of New Garage White Station and Renovations to Old Gar- ages, White Station and Equipment. Surveys for New Work on Various Roads Land Purchase. New Machinery. Machinery Ownership Costs etc.., Charged To Accounts Receivable and Townline Accounts. CREDIT l'OT AL 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. IS. 16. 17. lK. 1l) . 20. 21. 66,272.29 874.05 3,102.45 9,307.37 8,123.68 1,090.16 121,827.98 40,268.97 39,324.09 41,076.13 5,360.1.)7 --- 53,257.27 85,971.68 42,854.82 $776,803.72 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL CONSTRUCTION UY THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1. Road # 30 Radio Road from St. Thomas City Limits northerly, Township of Yarmouth - Surveys, Clearing Culverts, Materiai In Stock for Construction. 2. Road # 22 Fairview Avenue from St. Thomas City Limits to Road 27, Town- ship of Yarmouth - Surveys etc. 3. Land Purchase. TOTAL TOTAL CONSTRUCTION - COUNTY OF ELGIN AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION MAINTENANCE - COUNTY ROADS 1. Bridges 2. Culverts 3. Winter Control (1972 Expenditure $122,466. and 1973 Expenditure $ 72,825) 4. Hot Mix Asphalt Resurfacing, - Misc. Locations (Road # 42,45, etc.) 5. Surface Treatment 6. Gravel Resurfacing 7. Repairs To Pavements 8. Grading Maintenance 9. Roadside Maintenance 10. Dust Control 11. Weed Control 12. Tree Cutting 13. Pavement Marking 14. Guide Rails 15. Signs 45 41.629.47 256.09 12,9::'2.12 $ 54,837.68 $831. 641. 40 3,345.53 2,053.99 175,688.53 12,901.22 35,489.74 15,095.13 48,170.71 12,266.33 13,338.51 30,183.73 -- 22,383.58 39,229.70 15,932.12 2,408.75 13,889.78 46 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 16. Drainage 17. Sweeping 18. Tree Planting 19. Railroad Protection 20. Drainage Assessments (Miscellaneous) 21. Rebates To Town Of Aylmer and Villages TOTAL OVERHEAD - COUNTY 1. Superintendent. 2. 3. 4. 5. Clerical Office Garages, Stock and Timekeepers etc. White Station Gravel Pit and Pleasant Valley Pit Rehabilitation h. Miscellaneous Repairs Tools 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Radio Insurance Pensions - Canada & OMERS Permits County Share ofU.l.C. Contributions Holidays with Pay Sick Benefits County Share of Ontario Health Insurance Plan Employees Medicals Needs Study Update Traffic Counts Training Courses Machinery Overhead 17,565.91 3,975.61 403.89 16,832.82 11,045.95 34,489.00 $526,690.35 1,501.59 7,385.06 5,973.89 2.207.40 23,825.27 31 ,731. 72 144.00 8,750.72 56,731.93 20,336.35 13.043.52 76 T. 80 840.59 2,141.91 941. 63 15,694.25 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 47 21. 22. Overhead Charged to Townline Accounts Overhead Charged to Accounts Receivable TOTAL OF OVERHEAD Superintendence - County Engineer - General Superintendent, Assistant 32,739.91 21,078.14 -- 5,705.95 44,196.63 MAINTENANCE AND OVERHEAD, ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION TOTAL MAINTENANCE AND OVERHEAD FOR COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS MISCELLANEOUS (Not Subsidized by M.T.C. Elgin Sweeper Purchase and Repairs Elgin Sweeper Rentals CREDIT Insurance (Road Liability etc.) Miscellaneous TOTAL SUMMARY Construction Maintenance and Overhead Miscellaneous SUB-TOTAL ADD: 1974 Stock Balance SUB- TOTAL LESS: 1973 Stock Balance TOTAL EXPENDITURES CREDIT CREDIT 492.36 32,856.64 262,389.26 $ 38,916.47 $827,996.08 26,955.03 5,020.00 1,010.42 1,170.31 $24,115.76 , $ 831.641.40 827,996.08 24,115.76 ' 1,683,753.24 100,155.29 1,783,908.53 40,599.34 $1,743,309.19 Subsidy from the Ministry of Trasnportation and Communications in 1974 was in two allocations. (a) A subsidy of $1,123,000 on general expenditures and (b) a subsidy of $25,000 on Municipal Drainage Assessments. (50% Subsidy on expenditure of $50,000.) 48 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL The cost of St. Thomas Suburban Road CommIssion expenditures to the City of St. Thomas is 15,382. and the Net Cost to the County for the 1974 Road Programme (including the County share ofthe St. Thomas Suburban Road System) is estimated at $580,000. The County Road Levy for 1973 was $560,000. (The overexpenditure was a result of the County taking advantage of the Municipal Drain Subsidy which only became available in the fall of 1974.) In addition to the above Expenditures, a considerable amount of work was done and invoiced to others and including the following: 1. Work on County boundary Roads and Bridges and invoiced to the Counties of Middlesex and Oxford. 2. Construction at the Intersection of High- 'Yay # 73 and County Road # 45 and Invoiced to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. 3. Pav:ing and other work in the Village of Rodney and invoiced to Carlinghill Construction Company Limited (in con- J unction with their Ministry of the Environment Contract for Sanitary Sewers). 4. Priming and Surface Treatment Work for various Municipalities, Companies and Agencies. 5. Work done for, and Materials sold to local Municipalities, Government Agen- cies and Commissions, the City of St. Thomas, various Ministries of the Pro- vincial Government. TOTAL TOTAL EXPENDITURES FOR 1974 $2,305,026.47 $ 11,073.80 62,762.10 46,626.86 144,512.~8 296,742.14 $561,717.28 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 49 This Expenditure compares to a Total Expenditure of $1.877.002. in 1973 and $2.205,292. in 1972. and $2.285.296. in 1971 and $2.711 ,580. in 1970. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED. L. R. CARROLL, Acting Chairman ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT #2 St. Thomas, Ontario January 22, 1975 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 1. We have received notice from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications that subsidizable spending levels for Construction and Maintenance on County and Suburban Roads in 1975 will be $2,169,000 and that the Subsidy Allocation will be $1,601,000. This compares with a spending level for 1974 of $1,669.000 and a Subsidy Allocation of $1,123,000. These increases are a direct result of information supplied by the County of Elgin Road Department in the 1974 Needs Study Update. WE RECOMMEND 1. That the Warden name delegates to the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention and to the Roads and Transportation Association Convention (formerly the Canadian Good Roads Association) and the membership fee. for both organizations be paid. All of which is respectfully submitted. L. R. Carroll Acting Chairman 50 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PERSONEL COMMITfEE REPORT FIRST REPORT January Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members ofthe Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: The following salaries and fringe benefits have been adopted by the Committee for County employees as shown in the following report, for the year 1975. I - ALL EMPLOYEES 1. HEALTH AND WELFARE Effective as soon as possible after January 1st, 1975, Blue Cross Extended Health Care cover:;tge($1O:00 - $20.00 deductible) be made available to all County employees,w-itfi a fifty percent contribution by the County. 2. VACATION Effective January 1 st. 1975 the vacation year will be altered to make it necessary for all employees to earn holidays prior to having them off. No employee \vill receive less time off in 1975 by reason of the conversion. Present policy is to allow employees to receive holidays for the current year. 3. GROUP LIFE INSURANCE The County will make available sometime in' 1975 group life insurance for any employees of the County. The employee will pay 100<% of the premiums. 4. SICK CREDITS Period for granting has been reduced from 6 to 3 months. S. COMPASSIONATE LEAVE OF ABSENCE Addition of grandchild has been added to the list of relatives for up to 3 days leave of absence in case of bereavement. o. MILEAGE RATES ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 51 Mileage rates to be paid county employees for using their own private cars - 0-5,000 over - 5,000 .18c. per mile .15c. per mile II - ROAD DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES (A) ASSOCIATION EMPLOYEES 1. fhe following hourly rates are recommended for 1975 for employees who are members of the Road Department Employees Association. EFFECTIVE Dec. 29 May4 Sept. 7 1974 1975 1975 Class 6 $4.95 $5.10 $5.25 Class 5 $4.70 to $4.85 to $5.00 to $4.85 $5.00 $5.15 Class 4 $4.50 to $4.60 to $4.75 tc $4.65 $4.75 $4.90 Class 3 $4.25 to $4.35 to $4.50 tc $4.40 $4.50 $4.65 Class 2 $4.15 to $4.25 to $4.35 tc $4.30 $4.40 ' $4.50 Class 1 $4.05 to $4.15 to $4.25 t( $4.20 $4.30 $4.40 Experience rating .05c. per hour, per year for 3 years. INSTRUMENT MAN $4.50 to $4.65 to $4.70 t< $4.85 $5.00 $5.15 Experience rating .12c. per hour, per year for 3 years. 52 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL CASUAL Class D $4.00 $4.10 $4.20 Trade or experi- enced operators Class C $3.60 $3.70 $3.80 Class B $3.35 $3.45 $3.55 Class A High School $2.80 to $2.90 to $3.00 to $2.95 $3.05 $3.15 2. A reclassification of the employees has been completed and the experience rating has been reduced from 4 to 3 years. 3. Hours of work has been reduced from 45 to 44 hours per week and a night shift premium of 10c. per hour will be introduced. 4. ST A TUTORY HOLIDAY The 2nd Monday in February has been traded for Remembrance Day (November 11 th) 5. The County will pay 50% of the cost of a long term disability insurance scheme satisfactory to both County and employees. InROAD DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES (8) NON ASSOCIA nON EMPLOYEES General Superintendent - (No payment for overtime. Rate set includes overtime work). January 1 May 1 September 1 1975 1975 1975 Minimum $14,000.00 $14,300.00 $14,600.00 Maximum $14,600.00 $14,900.00 $15,200.00 Present employee to receive $14,600.00, plus use of County Car. Assistant General Superintendent - (No payment of overtime. Rate set ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 53 Minimum Maximum includes overtime work.) Jan. 1/75 $13,600.00 May 1/75 $13,900.00 Sept. 1/75 $14,200.00 Present employee to receive $14,200.00 plus use of County Car. $14,800.00 Technician Minimum Maximum $14,200.00 $14,500.00 Jan. 1/75 May 175 $13,900.00 $13.600.00 $14,200.00 $14,500.00 Present employee to receive $14.200.00. Minimum Office Personnel -- Grade 1 $5,400.00 per annum Maximum $5.800.00 per annum Minimum Office Personnel- Grade 2 $6,000.00 per annum Maximum $6,600.00 per annum Minimum Office Personnel -- Grade 3 $6;800.00 per annum Maximum Office Co-Ordinator Minimum $7,400.00 per annum $10.100.00 per annum Sept. 1/75 $14,200.00 $14,800.00 $5,900.00 per annum $6,300.00 per annum $6,500.00 per annum $7,100.00 per annum $7,300.00 per annum $7,900.00 per annum $10,600.00 per annum Maximum $10,700.00 per annum $11 ,200.00 per annum Present employee to receive $10,700.00. Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. :;4 IV - CLERK-TREASURER'S STAFF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL $5,900.00 per annum $6,300.00 per anum $6,500.00 per annum Maximum Present employees to receive $6,200.00 and $6,400.00. $7,100.00 per annum Minimum Office Personnel - Grade 1 $5,400.00 per annum Minimum Maximum Payroll Supervisor Minimum Maximum $5,800.00 per annum Maximum Office Personnel- Grade 2 $6,000.00 per annum $7,300.00 per.annum $7,900.00 per annum $7,700.00 per annum Present employee to receive $7,800.00. $8,300.00 per annum $6,600.00 per annum Office Personnel - Grade 3 $6,800.00 per annum Minimum Maxin~um Minimum $7,400.00 per annum $7,200.00 per annum $7,800.00 per annum Custodian of County Buildings $8,900.00 per annum $9,500.00 per annum $9,400.00 per annum $10,000.00 per annum In the above schedule the value of the serviced apartment ($650.00) is to be consideted as part ofthe salary. Present employee to receive $8,850.00 and use ofthe apartment for looking afterall buildings on the Court House property. Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. V ELGIN MANOR EMPLOYEES (Non Union) ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 55 $13,098.00 per annum Director of Nursing Assistant Director of Nursing Registered Nurses Recreation Director Dietary Supervisor Minimum Maximum $7,000.00 per annum $8,700.00 per annum $9,300.00 per annum Present employee to receive $9,300.00. Laundry & Housekeeping Supervisor Minimum Maximum Maintenance Supervisor PART TIME Gardener Beautician Barber Students $8,700.00 per annum $9,300.00 per annum Present employee to receive $9,300.00 Minimum Maximum $3.00 per hour $21.00 per day $65.00 per month Office Personnel - Grade 1 $2.50 per hour $12,338.00 per annum $5.28 per hour $7,500.00 pet annum $9,200.00 per annum $9,800.00 per annum $9,200.00 per annum $9,800.00 per annum $8,560.00 per annum $9,360.00 per annum 56 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Minimum $5,4UO.00 per annum $5,900.00 per annum Maximum $5,800.00 per annum Office Personnel - Grade 2 Minimum $6,000.00 per annum Maximum $6,600.00 per annum Present employee to receive $6,000.00 $7,100.00 per annum Office Personnel - Grade 3 Minimum $6,800.00 per annum Maximum $7,400.00per annum $6,300.00 per annum $6,500.00 per annum $7,300.00 per annum $7,900.00 pet annum Commencing January 1 st, 1975, ali non-union employees of the manor will be required to pay for their meals. VI COUNTY LIBRARY EMPLOYEES Increments $200.0r per year to maximum. Library Personnel - Grade 1 Minimum $6,787.00 per annum Maximum $7,387.00 per annum Present employee to receive $7,387.00 $7,887.00 per annum Library Personnel- Grade 2 Minimum $5,987.00 per annum Maximum $6,587.00 per annum Present employee to receive $6,187.00 $7,087.00 per annum Assistant Library Supervisor $7,287.00 per annum $6,487.00 per annum ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 57 Minimum $7,287.00 per annum $7,787.00 per annum Maximum $7,887,QO per annum $8,387.00 per annum Present employee to receive $7,887.00 Increments $200.00 per year to maximum VII SOCIAL SERVICES Field Workers Minimum $8,200.00 per annum $8,700.00 per annum Maximum $8,800.00 per annum $9,300.00 per annum Present employees to receive $8,400.00 Office Per50nnel - Grade 2 Minimum $6,000.00 per annum $6,500.00 per annum Maximum $6,600.00 per annum $7,100.00 per annum Present employee to receive $6,000.00 Increments $200.00 per year to maximum VIII DEPARTMENT HEADS Jan. 1/75 May1/75 Sept. 1/75 County Engineer $25,200.00 $25,600.00 Plus the use of a County Car. $26,000.00 County Clerk- Treasurer $19,500.00 per annum $20,000.00 per annum Deputy Clerk- Treasurer $17,500.00 per annum $18,000.00 per annum $4,000.00 of the above salary to be paid by the County Home for the Aged as remuneration for him acting as Secretary- Treasurer of the Home. ~;-., U.CdN COU!\TY COl'~CIl Administrator - Elgin Manor $17,500.00 per annum $18,000.00 per annum Assistant Administrator- Elgin Manor $12,500.00 per annum $13,000.00 per annum Director - Social Services $14,500.00 per annum $15,000.00 per annum County Librarian $16,287.00 per annum $16,787.00 per annum Library Supervisor $10,187.00 per annum $10,687.00 per annum Weed Inspector & Tree 'Commissioner $3.50 per hour $4.00 per hour + .15c per mile mileage and he provide his own meals. IX Except as noted, all salaries and salry schedules adopted in this report are to be effective January 1st, 1975. for the first rate shown and where a second rate is indicated it is to be effective July 1st. 1975. X We recommend that present County of Elgin By-Laws be amended or IlCW B~'-Laws passed as required to implement the changes contained in this rcport. XI We recommend that the nlembers of County Council be paid the following mileage rate for attending meetings of County Council and Committees thereof 0- 5.000 miles over 5.000 miles .18c. per mile .15c. per mile XII In nrder to fulfil the recommendations of the Personnel Committee it \"ill be necessary to pay all salaried personnel who received an increase July I. 1975. an additional lump sum payment of $250.00 on the first pay pcriod ending in Debember. 1975. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. K.C. Emerson. Chairman A.H. Liebner. Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL S9 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT SECOND REPORT January Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Clerk-Treasurer' s Office be authorized to provide the St. Thomas Civic Emolovees Credit Union Ltd. with a list of the names and addresses of the County Employees as per their request. 2. That the rate per hour for the Weed Inspector and Tree Commissioner be the same as a Class One Labourer and be as follows: Jan. 1/75 May 1/75 Sept. 1/75 $4.20 per hour $4.30 $4.40 Plus the same mileage rate for the use of his car, as paid all County Employees. 3. That we recommend that the' Agricultural Committee appoint someone in. the County Administration with whom the County Weed Inspector and Tree Commissioner may have liason with. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED. K.C. Emerson, Chairman 60 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members ofthe Elgin County Coun~il, The County government Committee reports as follows: 1. That the letter from the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs re: Information Seminar to be held on February 4th, 1975, be filed. 2. That the letter from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario re: applications before the Ontario Energy Board be filed. ) 3. That the copy of Southwestern Affairs received from the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs be filed. 4. That the resolution from the Village of Watford re: procedures, policies and attitudes of Judges of the Provincial Courts, Criminal Division, with respect to the imposition of fines be endorsed. 5. That the letter of appreciation from Mr. Frank Stubbs be filed. 6. That the resolution from the Town of Markham re: Changing the date for municipal elections and to change the fiscill year for municipalities to October 31 st, be filed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. J.B. Wilson, Chairman ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 61 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members ofthe Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That a copy ofthe Grand JuryReport, dated January 7, 1975, to His Lordship Justice Pennell be sent to Mr. E.E. Bond, Leasehold Administrator. Ministry of Government Services for his information and instructions. 2. That Worthington Electric be requested to submit a price for installing an exhaust fan in the Council Chambers and the Committee room and installing an electric clock in the Council Chambers. 3. That the Clerk-Treasurer and the Deputy Clerk-Treasurer obtain price~ for installing lined drapes at all windows, where needed in the County Municipal Building from two firms. 4. That a gavel block be purchased for the Warden's desk. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. J.P. Nemett, Chairman SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members ofthe Elgin County Council, The Social Services Committee reports as follows: 1. That the following changes in rates for Day Nursery Care in St. Thomas be accepted, subject to the approval of the Ministry of Community and Social Services - Full Day Care (Over 5 hours with hot meal) $7.00 per day - Half Day (under 5 hours) $5.00 per day 62 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ALL of which is respectfully submitted. L.R. Carroll, C~airman EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members ofthe Elgin County Council, The Educational Committee reports as follows: 1. That a scholarship grant of $100.00 each be made to the two boys and two girls from Elgin County attending the University of Western Ontario and attaining the highest academic standing. In case two boys: or two girls do not qualify the 'award my be given to ,he four top students. 2. That a grant of $100.00 each be made to the two students from Elgin County attending Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technology and attaining the highest academic standing. 3. That a grant of $100.00 each be made to the two boys and two girls from Elgin County attending Guelph University and attaining the highest adacemic standing. 4. That a scholarship grant of $100.00 each be made to the two students from Elgin County attending Waterloo University and attaining the highest academic standing. 5. That a scholarship grant of $100.00 each be made to the two students from Elgin County attending Wilfrid Laurier University and attaining the highest academic standing. 6. That Mrs. William Lyons be appointed to the County Library Board for 1975. 1976. and 1977. and that Mr. Arthur Miskelly be appointed to the County Library Board for 1975 and 1976 to complete the term of office of Mrs. Fred Barnum. 7. That the Warden be the County of Elgin representative for 1975 on the Assembly of the University of Western Ontario. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 63 8. We recommend that the Warden, Reeve Schafer, Reeve Kahnt and Reeve Cook, be the County of Elgin representatives on the Elgin County Board of Education Liason Committeefor 1975. 9. That the letter from the University of Western Ontario re: the new Diploma Program in Public Administration being offered at the Universi~y be filed. 10. That the letter. from the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs re: Municipal Administration Course be filed. 11. That the County memhers on the New Public Library Committee be appointed by the County Library Board. 12. That the Elgin. County Library Report as presented by Mr. E. Wens, County Librarian be accepted and printed in the proceedings. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. M.A. Kahnt, Chairman 64 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2336 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2084 Thereby Adjusting the Salary of The Elgin County Clerk-Treasurer." WHEREAS By-Law No. 2084 deals with the appointment and remuneration of a Clerk- Treasurer for the County of Elgin. AND WHEREAS By-Law No. 2084 is presently amended by By-Law No. 2270. AND WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to change the present salar) of the Elgin County Clerk- Treasurer. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Municipal Corporation of thE County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT Clause (2) of By-Law No. 2084, as amended by By-Law No 2270, be deleted, and thefollowing substituted therefore: "That his salary as Clerk-Treasurer of the County of Elgin bE Twenty Thousand, Dollars ($20,000.00) per annum, payabl( bi-weekly at the following rates: Jan. 1/75 $19,500.00 July 1/75 $20,000.00' , 2. THA T By-Law No. 2270 be and the same is hereby repealed. 3. THAT this By-Law become effective January 1, 1975. READ a first time this 23rd day of January, 1975. READ a second time this 23rd day of January, 1975. READ a third time and finally passed this 23rd day of January, 1975. H. L. Johnson Clerk A. H. Liebner War<ien ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 65 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2337 "Being a By-Law to amend By-Law No. 2085 Thereby Adjusting The SalarJ of The Elgin Count)' Deput)' Clerk-Treasurer." WHEREAS By-La\v No. 2085 deals with the appointment and remuneration of a Deputy Clerk- Treasurer for the County of Elgin. AND WHEREAS By-Law No. 2085 is presently amended by By-Law No. 2300. AND WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to change the present salary of the Deputy Clerk- Treasurer. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT Clause (2) of By-Law No. 2085. as amended by By-Law No. 2300. be deleted. and the following substituted therefore: "That his salary as Deputy Clerk-Treasurer of the County of Elgin be Fourteen Thousand Dollars ($14.000.00) per annum payablE bi-weekJ~' at the following rates: Jan. 1/75 $13,500.00 July 1/75 $14,000.00 2. THAT By-Law No. 2300 be and the same is hereby repeated. 3. THAT this B~'-Law become effective January 1.1975. READ a first time this 23rd day of January, 1975. READ a second time this 23rd day of January, 1975. READ a third time and finally passed this 23rd of January, 1975. H.L. Johnson, Clerk A.H. Liebner, Warden 66 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2338 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2086, Thereby Adjusting The Salary of The. Secretary- Treasurer for the Elgin County Home For The Aged." WHEREAS By-Law No. 2086 deals with the appointment and remuneration of a Secretay-Treasurer for the Elgin County Home for the Aged. AND WHEREAS By-Law No. 2086 is presently amended by By..Law No. 2272. AND WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to change the present salary of the Secretary-Treasurer for the Elgin County Home for the Aged. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THA T Clause (2) of By-La\\' No. 2086. as amended by By-La\\' No. 2272. be deleted. and the follo\\'ing substituted therefore: "That his salary as SL>'crctary- Treasurer of the Elgin County Home for the Aged be Four Thousand dollars )$4.000.00) per annum. payable bi-\\'eekly. .. 2. THAT By-La\\' No. 2272 be and the same is hereby' repealed. THAT this By'-La\\' become effecti\'e january I. 1975. 3. READ a first time this 23rd day of January. 1975. READ a second time this 23rd day of January. 1975. READ a third time and finally p<Jssed this 23rd da~' of January. 1975. H.L. Johnson. Clerk A.H. Liebner. Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN 67 By-Law No. 2339 HBeing a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 1696, Thereby Adjusting The Salary of The Elgin County Road Superintendent." WHEREAS By-Law No. 1696 deals with the appointment and remuneration of a Road Superintendent for the County of Elgin. AND WHEREAS By-Law No. 1696 is presently amended by By-Law No. 2269. AND WHEREAS it is now deemed advisable to change the present ~;alary of the Elgin County Road Superintendent. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT Clause (4) of By-Law No. 1696, as amended by By-Law No. 2269. be deleted. and the following substituted therefore: "That the salary or remuneration of the Road Superintendent shall be as follows and be payable bi-weekly: Effective Jan. 1/75 May 1/75 Sept. 1/75 $26,000.00 Rate Per Annum $25,200.00 $25,600.00 Plus the use of a County car." 2. THAT By-La\\' No. 2269 be. and the same is hereby repealed. J. THAT this By-Law shall take effect on January 1, 1975. READ a first time this 23rd day of January, 1975. READ a second time this 23rd day of January, 1975. READ a third time and finally passed this 23rd day of January, 1975. H.L. Johnson, Clerk A.H. Liebner, Warden 68 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2340 "Being a By-Law to Appoint An Administrator for The Elgin County Home for the Aged." WHEREAS Section 11 (1) of the Homes for the Aged and Rest Homes Act provides that a Council may appoint, as administrator of a Home for the Aged, a person who has in the opinion of the Minister served satisfactorily as an administrator for a period of at least six months and has successfully completed a course of instruction that is approved by the Minister. AND WHEREAS, Mr. Fred J. Boyes has complied with the above mentioned reguirements as provided by Order-in.~Council O.C.-2755/74. dated October 23, 1974. NOW THEREFORE* the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: THA T Mr. Fred J. Boyes be and is hereby appointed Administrator of the Elgin County Home for the Aged. READ a first time this 23rd day of January, 1975. READ a second time this 23rd day of January, 1975. HEAD a third time and finally passed this 23rd day of January, 1975. H.L. Johnson, Clerk A.H. Liebner, Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 61.) COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2341 "Being a By-Law to Establish The Salary of The Administrator of the Elgin County Home for the Aged. " The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follo\\'s: 1. NOW THEREFORE. the Council of the Corporation of the County of Tl-lA T the salary of the Administrator of the Elgin County Home for Aged be Eighteen Thousand Dollars ($18.000.00) per annum. payable hi-\\'eekl\' at the follo\\'in.g rates: Jan. 1175 July 1175 $17.500.00 $18,000.00 2. THA T By-La\\' No. 2255 and 2273 be and the same are hereby repealed. 3. THAT this By-La\\' become effective January 1.1975. READ a first time this 23rd day of January. 1975. READ a second time this 23rd day of January, 1975. READ a third time and finally passed this 23rd day of January. 1975. H.L. Johnson, Clerk A.H. Liebner. Warden ~ 70 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2342 HRcing a Ry-taw to Amend Ry-law N~ ?2~1 Thel'f'hy;\tJjustl!'1g the Salary of The Assistant Administrator for The Elgin County Home for the Aged." WHEREAS By-Law No. 2231 deals with the appointment and remuneration of an Assistant Administrator for the Elgin. County Home for the Aged. AND WHEREAS By-Lmv No. 2231 is presently amended by ByeLaw No. 2274. AND WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to change the present salary of I he Assistant Administrator. NOW THEREFORE the Council orthe Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT Clause (2) of By-La\\' No. 2231. as amended by By-Law No. 2274. hc deleted and the folhm'ing substituted therefore: . 'That his salary as Sssistant Administrator be Thirteen Thousand Dl1llars ($13.000.00) per annUIll. payable bi-\\'eekl~' at the fl1IlO\\'ing ratcs: Jan. 1/75 July 1/75 $13.000.00 $12.500.00 ") THAT By-LI\\ Nl1. 2274 he and the same is hereby repealed. 3. THAT this B~'-La\\' hecl1mc effective January 1. llF5. READ a first time this 23rd day of January. 1975. READ a second time this 23rd day of January. 1975. READ a third time al1d finally passed this 23rd day of January. 1975, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 71 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2343 By-Law to Establish the Salary of The Elgin County Social Services Director." The Council of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: THAT the salary of the Social Services Director of the County of Elgin shall be Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000.00) per annum, payable bi-weekly at the following rates: Jan. 1/75 July 1/75 $14,500.00 $15,000.00 THAT this By-Law shall become effective january 1, 1975, subject to the approval of the Minster of Community and Social Services. THA T By-Law No. 2263, be and the same is hereby repealed. a first time this 23rd day of January, 1975. a second time this 23rd day of January, 1975. a third time and finally passed this 23rd day of January, 1975. A.H. Liebner, Warden 72 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2344 . "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2297, Thereby Adjusting the Salary of The Secretary-Treasurer of the County of Elgin Land Division Committee." WHEREAS By-Law No. 2297 deals with the appointment and remuneration of a Secretary-Treasurer of the County of Elgin Land Division Committee. AND WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to change the present salary of the Secretary-Treasurer. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THA T Clause (2) of By-Law No. 2297 be deleted. and the fQllowing Substituted therefore: "That the salary of the Secretary-Treasurer of the County of Elgin Land Division Committee shall be Six Thousand and Nine Hundred Dollars ($6,900.00) per annum. paid bi-weekly at the following rates: Jan. 1/75 July 1,/75 $6,400.00 $6.900.00" 2. THAT this By-Law become effect ivc anuary I. 1975. READ a first time this 23rd day of January, 1975. READ a second time this 23rd day of January, 1975. READ a third time and finally passed this 23rd day of January, 1975. H.L. Johnson, Clerk A.H. Liebner. Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 73 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2345 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2288, Thereby Adjusting Mileage Rates Paid to Members of The Elgin County Councll. " WHEREAS By-Law No. 2288 deals with the remuneration paid to each member of the Elgin County Council, with the exception of the Warden, for attending meetings of the Council and Committees thereof. AND WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to change mileage rates paid to members of Council. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THA T Clause }. (d) of By- Lay No. 2288 be deleted and the following substituted therefore: "In addition to the above remuneration each member shall be paid the following rates for each mile necessarily travelled in attending such meetings: 0- 5,000 miles over 5,000 miles .18c. per mile .15c. per mile" 2. THAT this By-Law be effective january 1st, 1975. READ a first time this 23rd day of January, 1975. READ a second time this 23rd day of January, 1975. READ a third time and finally passed this 23rd day of January, 1975. H.L. Johnson, Clerk A.H. Liebner, Warden 74 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2346 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2243 Establishing the Remuneration To be paid to The Warden of The County of.Elgin." WHEREAS By-Law No. 2243 provides for the remuneration to be paid the Warden ofthe County of Elgin. AND WHEREAS By-Law No. 2243 is presently amended by By-Law No. 2286. AND WHEREAS the Council deems that the mileage rate should be changed. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT Clause (2) of By-Law No. 2243, as amended by By-Law No. 2286, be deleted arid the following substituted therefore: "That in addition to the annual remuneration established in clause (1), the Warden shall be paid the usual convention expenses allowed by Council for attending conventions outside the municipality, plus the following rates for each mile travelled in attending meetings of County Council. County Council Committee meetings. and meetings of Local Boards in which the County of Elgin is involved: 2. THAT By-La\\' No. 2286 be and the same is hereby repealed. 3. THAT this By-La\\' become effective January 1 st. 1975. 0-5.000 miles .18c. per mile over 5.000 miles .15c. per mile" READ a f'irst time this 23rd day of January, 1975. READ a second time this 23rd day of January, 1975. READ a third time and finally passed this 23rd day of January. 1975. H.L. Johnson. Clerk A.H. Liebner. Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 75 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2347 "Being a By-Law to Establish a Salary Schedule for all Employees of the County of Elgin who are not covered by a Collective Agreement, Other than The Heads of Departments" . WHEREAS it is considered advisable to establish salary schedules for the employees of the various Departments of the County of Elgin., NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts that the following salary schedules be, and are hereby adopted: 1. Salary Schedule for Road Depaliment Employees. A. Regular Hourly Rated Employees Class 6 - Construction Foreman or Mechanic. (a) Mechanic licensed by Ontario Ministry of Labour, OR (b) Construction Foreman in charge of specialized work such as grading. and granular base or bridge constructi.on and in charge of hired trucks, or grading equipment and County equipment and one or more County work crews. Dec. 29/74 $4.95 per hour May 4/75 $5.10 Sept. 7/75 $5.25 Class 5-Foreman and Lead Hands - Regularly (a) In charge of a work crew of at least five (5) men with County and/or hired equipment on a specific project. (b) Supervising other County (or hired) trucks and equipment on a regular basis. OR (c) Performing work which is a recognized skill or trade. 76 ELGIN COUNTY COUNTY - May be assigned as Snow Plow Operator, Sander Operator, Wingmen, or Night Duty in Winter. - Experience Rate 5 cents per hour for 3 years. Dec. 29/74 May 4/75 Sept. 7/75 Minimum Maximum $4.70 per hour $4.85 per hour $4.85 $5.00 $5.00 $5.15 Class 4 -- Machine Operators and Stockkeeper. (a) Stockkeeper. (b) Regular Operators on tandem dump truck, distribu- tor, float, grader, shovel loader, backhoe, dozer, etc., a majority of the time. The rest of time-skilled or special work such as machine repair, sign construction. Usually assigned as Snow Plow Operator, Sander Operator, Wingman or Night Dutyin Winter. Some Supervisory work is usually required. - Experience Rate 5 cents per hour for 3 years. Dec. 29/74 May 4/75 Sept. 7/75 Minimum Maximum $4.50 per hour $4.65 per hour $4.60 $4.75 $4.75 $4.90 Class 3- Part Time Foremen and Grademen. (a) Employee performing work of a higher classification than Class 2 or acting as a foreman and/or Lead Hand of a work crew for a portion of the year. includes experience Grademen; unually able to be assigned as Wingmen, Sander Operator or Night Duty in the Winter. - Experience Rate 5 cents per hour for 3 years. Dec. 29/74 May 4/75 Sept. 7175 Minimum $4.25 per hour $4.35 $4.50 Maximum $4.40 per hour $4.50 $4.65 Class 2 - Labour Premium. (a) Shall be able to operate light truck. tradur, roller. Minimum Maximum ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 77 etc.. on a part time basis. May be employed as a \\'eighman, checker or mower operator (summer). Usually able to be assigned as a Wingman, Sander Operator (part time) or Night Duty in the Winter. - Experience Rate 5 cents per hour for 3 years. Dec. 29/74 , May 4/75 Sept. 7/75 $4.15 per hour $4.30 per hour $4.25 $4.50 $4.35 $4.50 Class 1 - Labour. (a) Must be capable of performing physical labour under supervision. Some light truck or tractor driving may be required on occasion. - Experience Rate 5 cents per hour for 3 years. Minimum Maximum Dec. 29/74 May 4/75 Sept. 7/75 $4.05 per hour $4.20 $4.15 $4.30 $4.25 $4.40 B. Scasnnal t)r Casual Employees. C:;hS A. - Employees of high school age (generally under 21 years of age) with varied experience. - Experiepce Rate 5 cents per hour fat 3 years. Minimum Maximum Dec. 29/74 May 4/75 Sept. 7/75 $2.80 per hour $2.95 per hour $2.90 $3.05 $3.00 $3.15 C1as~ B. - Casual Labour, inexperienced Dec. 29/74 May 4/75 Sept. 7/75 $3.35 per hour $3.45 $3.55 7K ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Class C. - Experience labour, inexperienced mower operators. Dec. 29/74 May 4/75 Sept. 7/75 $3.70 $3.60 per hour $3.80 Class D.- Experience operators or trade May 4/75 Sept. 7/75 Dec. 29/74 $4.00 per hour $4.10 $4.20 C. Technical Personnel. Instrument Man - Education, Grade 12 or equivalent. - Work includes- drafting, surveying and when experienced to be able to work with a minimum of su pervision. Increments shall be governed by ability, experience. the passing of Ministry of Transporta- tion and Cummunications sponsored courses on surveying and inspection. - Position comparable to Ministry of Transporta- tion and Communications Technician III surveys. Dec. 29/74 May 4/75 Sept. 7/75 Minimum $4.50 per hour $4.65 Maximum $4.85 per hour $5.00 Increments of .12 cents per hour for three years. $4.70 55.15 -Shall supervise Instrument Men, Surveying ere\\' and drafting. - Shall assist the Engineer in the design, supervision and construction of such projects as hot-mix asphalt paving. drainage, urban con- struction, etc. - Qualifications to be similar to Ministry of Transportation and Communication Technician - Grade Il. - Experience Rate $200. per year for 3 years. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 79 Jan. 1/75 May 1/75 Minimum $13,600.00 per annum $13,900.00 Maximum $14,200.00 per annum $14,500.00 Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Salaried Employees. Grade I Office Personnel Jan. 1/75 July 1/75 Minimum $5,400.00 per annum $5,900.00 Maximum $5.800.00 per annum $6,300.00 Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Grade 2 Office Personnel Jan. 1/75 July 1/75 Minimum $6,000.00 per annum $6,500.00 Maximum $6,600.00 per annum $7,100.00 Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Grade 3 Office Personnel Jan. 1/75 , July 1/75 Minimum $6.800.00 per annum $7,300.00 Maximum $7,400.00 per annum $7,900.00 Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Sept. 1/75 $14,200.00 $14,800.00 Office Co-Ordinator To assist \\'ith and supervise others in all phases of office \vork such as payroll. accounts, bookkeeping, etc. To receive inquiries from and provide information to the general public as may from time to time be required. Jan. 1 i 75 July 1/75 Minimum 510,100.00 per annum 510,600.00 Maximum 510.700.00 per annum $11,200.00 Increments 5200.00 per year to maximum. 80 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL General Superintendent - General supervision of all county work, both maintenance and construction. - Control of all county and hired equipment ,and personnel. - Responsible to the Engineer for the planning and scheduling of the work. - Responsible for the hiring of outside equipment and personnel when required. - Responsible for investigations of inquiries and complaints by the general public. Jan. 1/75 May 1/75 Sept. 1175 Minimum $14,000.00 per annum $14,300.00 Maximum $14,600.00 per annum $14,900.00 Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Plus use of County Car $14,600.00 $15,200.00 Assistant General Superintendent To act for and to assume all duties of the General Superintendent when the General Superinten- dent is absent (sichness, holidays, etc.). - To assist the Superintendent with all phases of construction and maintenance and to have direct control of any particular operation as from time to time required. - To act as Construction Safety Inspector for the County. Jan. 1/75 May 1/75 Sept. 1175 Minimum $13,600.00 per annum $13,900.00 Maximum $14,200.00 per annum $14,500.00 Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Plus use of County car. $14,200.00 $14,800.00 E. Mileage Rates to be paid to all county employees using their own private cars be: ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 81 0- 5.000 miles Oyer - 5.000 miles .18 cents per mile .15 cents per mile Salary Schedule for County Library Employees. Library Personnel (Grade One) Jan.l "'5 July 1/75 Minimum 56.787.00 per annum $7.287.00 Maximum 57.387.00 per annum $7.887.00 Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Library Pcrsonnell (Grade T\\'o) Minimum $5,987.00 per annum $6.487.00 Maximum $6,587.00 per annum $7.087.00 Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Assistant Library Supervisor Jan. 1/75 July 1/75 Minimum $7.287.00 per annum $7,787.00 Maximum $7,887.00 per annum $8,387.00 Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Salary Schedule for Clerk- Treflsurer' s Staff. Office Personnel (Grade One) Jan.'l/75 July 1/75 Minimum $5.400.00 per annum $5.900.00 Maximum $5,800.00 per annum $6,300.00 Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Office Personnel (Grade Two) Jan. 1/15 July 1/75 Minimum $6,000.00 per annum $6,500.00 Maximum $6,600.00 per annum $7,100.00 Increments $200.00 per year to maximum 1-1.) LI IdI\ C()l\;lYC()l~NCII Office Personnel (Grade Three) Jan. 1/75 July 1/75 Minimum Maximum $6,800.00 per annum $7.400.00 per ann'um $ 7,300.00 $7.900.00 Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Payroll Supervisor \ Jan. 1/75 July 1/75 Minimum $7.200.00 per annum $7,700.00 Maximum $7.800.00 per annum $8.300.00 Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Custodian of Count~' Buildings Jan. I 75 J u I y 1 /75 M in imu m $8,900.00 per a nnu m $9.400.00 Maximu m $9.500.00 per annu m $10.000.00 Increments $200.00 per year.to maximum. In the ab()\'e schedule the \'alue of the ser\'iced apa11ment ($650.00) is to be considered as part of the salary. 4. Salary Schedule for Social Scn'iccs EmpJo~'ees. Field Wnrkcrs Jan. 1 -:'5 Jul~' 1 75 Minimum $8.)00.00 per annum 58:700.00 Maximum $8.800.00 per annum 59.300.00 Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Jan. 1 "'5 Jul~' 1 ~5 Minimum 56.000.00 per annum 56,500.00 Maximum S6.600.00 per annum 5-.100.00 Increments S200.00 per year to maximum ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Salary Schedule for Elgin Manor Employees Director of Nursing Jan. 1/75 $13,098.00 per annum Assistant Director of Nursing Jan. 1/75 $12.338.00 pel' annum. Registered Nurse Jan. 1/75 $5.28 per hour. Recreation Director Jan. 1/75 $7.000.00 per annum Dietary Supervisor Jan. 1/75' July 1/75 $7.500.00 July 1/75 Minimum 58.700.00 per annum $9,200.00 Maximum $9.300.00 Increments S200.00 per year to maximum. Laundry & Housekeeping Supervisor Jan. 1/75 July 1/75 Minimum 58. 700.QO per annum $9,200.00 Maximum S9.300.00 per annum $9,800.00 Increments S200.00 per year to maximum. 83 84 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Maintenance Supervisor Jan. 1/75 Minimum $8,560.00 per annum Maximum $9,360.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Office Personnel (Grade One) Jan. Ins July 1/75 Minimum $5,400.00 per annum $5,900.00 Maximum $5,800.00 per annum $6.300.00 Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Office Personnel (Grade Two) Jan. 1/75 July 1/75 Minimum $6,000.00 per annum $6,500.00 Maximum $6,600.00 per annum $7,100.00 Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Office Personnel (Grade Three) Jan. 1/75 July 1/75 Minimum $6,800.00 per annum $7,300.00 Maximum $7,400.00 per annum $7,900.00 Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Part Time Help Students Office Help Gardener Barber Hairdresser Jan. 1/75 $2.50 per hour $2.75 per hour $3.00 per hour $65.00 per month $21.00 per day 6. THAT By-Law No. 2267 be, and the same is hereby repealed. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 85 i Ti-IAT this By-Law shall become effective on the dates indicated in the \'arious schedules. READ a first time this 23rd day of January, 1975. READ a second time this 23rd day of january, 1975. READ a third time and finally;passed this 23rd day of January. 1975. H. 1... Johnson. Clerk A.H. Liebner. Warden Hh ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2348 HBeing a By-Law to provide Fringe Benefits to all Employees of the County of Elgin who are not covered by a Collective Agreement." WHEREAS some employees of the County of Elgin are working under a Collect ive Agreement which includes certain fringe benefits: AND WHEREAS the Corporationofthe County of Elgin wishes to provide similar fringe benefits for the remainder of its employees who are not included in a Collective Agreement. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts that all employees working for the County of Elgin without a collective agreement be and are hereby entitled to the following fringe benefits. I. PAID HOLIDAYS- 1.0 I All regular employees will be credited with pay computed at straight time for each of the following paid holidays: New Year's Day *Second Monday of February Good Friday Easter Monday Victoria Day Dominion Day *For all employees. exclusive of Elgin Manor. November 11th will be substituted for the "Second Monday in February." Civic Holiday Labour Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Boxing Day prn\'ided that: (a) The employee is not absent on the days he is scheduled to work immediately preceding and following the holiday. or the day granted in lieu thereof. unless excused because of illness or other reasonable excuse. (b) The employee is not absent on the paid holiday after being scheduled to work. 87 COUNCIL Employees required to work on a Paid Holiday shall at the option of the Employer receive either: (a) Pay at the rate of time anq one-half th~ employee's regular rate for work performed on such Holiday, in addition to the employee's regular pay, or (b) Pay at the rate of time and one-half the employee's regular rate for work performed on such Holiday, and on alternative day off either thirty (30) days before or thirty (30) days following the holiday. Notwithstanding anything herein contained to the contrary, if one of the Paid Holidays occurs on an employee's regular day off or during an employee's vacation period and the employee is required to work, the employee will receiv~ credit for the said Holiday at straight time and in addition will receive two and one-half (21/2) times his regular rate of pay for all hours worked on the paid Holiday. 1.04 If one of the paid holidays occurs on an employee'l regularda) off. the employee w111 receive an extra day off within thirty (30) days following the holiday, and at a time that is mutualy agreed upon between the Employer and the employee. 1.05 If one of the paid holidays occurs during an employee's vacation, the employee ~:ill receive an additional day off which may be added to his or her vacation. 1.06 Ilis understood and agreed that an employee is entitled to receive the benefits provided in this Article for work performed on a Paid Holiday only where the majority of the hours worked by the employee on his shift fall on the Paid Holiday. 2. V ACA nONS - 2.01 For the purpose 0f computing vacation entitlement, the vacation year shall begin on January 1st and end on the following December'31 st. 2.02 Every employee shall be granted an annual vacation with pay according to his credited service as follows: 88 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL (a) Where at December 31st, in any year, an employee has completed more than six (6) months of continuous service but less than one year, he shall receive one (1) weeks vacation in thefollowing vacation year. Vacation pay shall be calculated at four (4 %) per cent of total earnings during the twelve months immediately preceding December 31st, or one week's regular rate of pay, whichever is the greater. (b) Where at December 31st in any year, an employee has completed one year continuous service, he shall receive two (2) weeks vacation in the following vacation year. Vacation pay shall be calculated at four (4%) per cent of total earnings" during the twelve months immediately preceding December 31 st or two week's regular rate of pay, whichever is the greater. (c) Where at December 31st, an employee has completed five (5) years of continuous service, he shall receive three (3) weeks vacation in the following vacation year. (d) Where at December 31st, an employee has completed fifteen (5) years of continuous service, he shall receive four (4) weeks vacation, in the following vacation year. Vacation pay for (c) & (d) shall be based on his normal work week and his regular rate of pay, but shall not include ovcrtime or other increments. (e) Every employee who does not otherwise qualify under the provisions of this section shall be paid in accordance with "The Employment Standards Act. " 2.03 The vacation and vacation pay entitlement of an employee who is abscnt from work without pay for a period in excess of one month shall be calculated on the basis of actual time on the payroll during which hc is in receipt of remuneration from the employer. 2.04 For the purpose of converting the vacation year, holidays taken in 1975 shall be deemed to have been earned by virtue of work pcrformcd in 1974. Subsequent year's vacation entitlement shall be earned in the year prior to it being taken - e.g. 1975 will be for ELGIN COUNTYCOUNCIL 89 1976's vacation. Notwithstanding the above provisions, no person who normally would have qualified for an additional week's vacation for 1975, as provided in the prior vacation schedule. shall lose the additional week or weeks. Subsequent years shall be in accordance with the above schedules. SICK LEAVE - Each employee will be credited with one and one-half (J1/2) days of sick leave at the end of each month of service. 3.02 An employee shall not be granted any sick leave credits until he has completed three (3) months' continuous service with the Employer; however. upon completion of three (3) months' service, the employee shall, subject to Clause 3.03. be credited with four and one-half (41/2) days' sick leave. ' 3.03 Where a regular full-time employee is absent from work for a period in excess ofthree (3) working days in a calendar month. the sick leave credit referred to in Clause 3.01 shall be as follows: WORKINGDA YS ABSENT MONTHLY SICK LEAVE CREDIT o - 3 JI/2 days 31/2 _ 10 1 day 101/2 _ 171/2 1/2 day 18 or more 0 Provided, however, that the above provision shall not apply to an employee: (a) Who does not work his regular shift because of emergency or other conditions beyond the control of the employee, or has been requested by his Supervisor to work different hours; (b) Who is on vacation; (c) Who is on a paid holiday. The above provisions shall, however, apply to an employee: (a) Who is absent because of illness or injury; (b) Who is absent without leave; (c) Who is absent without pay. 90 EUjlN CUe'-!) (,(H:~C!I 3.04 The unused portion of sick leave credits in anyone year shall be allowcd to accumulate without limitation. 3.05 When an cmployee is absent as a result of an accident whilc at work. or illncss inherent to occupation, and as a result is receiving Workmen's Compensation, as awarded by the Workmen's Compensation Board, he may receive the difference between his regular pay and the oard's a\vard if unused sick leave credits are available for the purpose. If such employee is not eligible for Workmen's Compensation, he may receive sick pay to the extent t hat sick pay credits, if any, are available. 3.06 Any employee discharged for cause. whose discharge is not reversed through subsequent proceedings, shall lose and forfeit all sick leave credits. 3.07 To qualify and be paid sick leave from credits accumul'rlted, an el11plo~'Ce must give two hours' notice of his inability to be on any shift provided. however, that if there be an emergency and notice. b~'reason of the said emergency. is not given. this requirement will not be enforced. 3.08 After an employee has had three periods of sick leave of three days or less within a calendar ~'ear. the Employer may refuse to pay for fourth or subsequent period of sick leave. notswthstanding that the cmployee has accumulated sick leave to his credit. It is understood that this provision is an endea\'our to eliminate abuses of sick le~\\'C and is in addition to any other disciplinary action \\'hich the Employer may deem fit to invoke. Where sick leave ahsence has been in excess of three (3) consecutive days the cmplo~'ee shall not be paid sick leave credits unless he furnishes the Head of his or her Department with a Doctor's certificate or other explanations satisfactory to the Employer. 3.09 Where an el11plo~'Ce having more than five (S) years' consecutive service ceases to he employed by the County. there shall be paid to him or to his personal representative. or failing a personal representative to such other person as the Employer may determine. an amount computed on the basis of hi5 rate of pay at the date of leaving the employ of the County for a period equal to fifty (SOOt)) per cent of the value of his sick leave credits. but the amount shall not exceed six (6) months' pay. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 91 3.10 Regular full-time employees on the payroll on September 1, 1973 who have completed three (3) years' but less than five (5) years' continuous service with the Employer as of September 1, 1973, shall continue to be. covered by the Employer's present policy in relation to sick pay ben~fits on termination of employment. 4. COMPASSIONATE LEAVE OF ABSENCE 4.01 In the event ofthe death of a member of an employee's immediate family, the immediate family being restricted to mother, father, sister, brother, spouse, child, grandchild, where the said employee is attending the funeral, or assisting in arrangements for the funeral, the Employer shall arrange leave with pay not to exceed three (3) days. The three (3) days shall, however, include normal days off and shall conclude on the day of the funeral. The Employer will give full consideration to granting additional time off without pay upon application by the employee. 4.02 In the case of the death of the employee's mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, grandfather or grandmother, up to one day may be granted without loss of regular pay where necessary to enable the employee to attend the funeral. s. PERSONAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE 5.01 The Employer may grant leave of absence without pay to any employee for le,gitimate personal reasons. Employees who are on leave of absence will not be considered to be laid off and their seniority shall continue to accumulate during such absence. 5.02 5.03 Employees\vho are on leave of absence will not engage in gainful employment while on such leave, or utilize a leave of ahsen_c~2r purposes other than those for which the leave of absence was granted. and if an employee does engage in gainful employment while on such leav~ of absence or utilize the leave of absence for purposes other than those for which the leave of absenee was granted. may. at the discretion of the Employer be considered as a voluntary quit. 92 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 6, HEALTH AND WELFARE " 6,01 The Employer agrees to pay one hundred (100%) per cent of the billing rate of the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (O.H.I.P.) for all employees eligible under the plan. 6.02 E.H.C. The Employer agrees to pay fifty (50%)) per cent of the billing rate of Blue Cross Extended Health Care coverage ($10.00 -$20.00 deductible). This plan will be effective as soon as possible in 1975. 6.03 O.M.E.R.S. The Employer agrees to pay fifty (50%) per cent of the O.M.E.R.S. plan in respect of pension, in accordance with County of Elgin By-Law No. 1838, as amended by By-Law No 2059, 7. JURY DUTY 7.01 An employee who is actually at work for the Employer and has completed his probationary period and is called for service on Jury Duty shall be en,titled to receive from the Employer the difference in pay between the Jury Duty pay and what he would have received from the Employer, computed at straight time for the time necessarily and actually spent on Jury Duty during the hours scheduled to work during a normal work week. The employee shall provide proof of hours engaged on Jury Duty and pr09f of payment therefor. 8. EMPLOYEES 8.01 In this by-law, employees means any salaried officer, clerk, workman, servant or any other person in the employ of the County of Elgin, who has completed his or her ninety day probationary period, unless stated otherwise in this or some related by-law. 8.02 Employee does not include any casual, seasonal or part time employee unless stated otherwise. 9. RETIREMENT ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 93 Retirement in this by-law, means having attained the age of 65 years or earlier if substantiated by a Medical Doctor's Certifieate, stating that retirement is necessary because of permanent disability., The Normal Retirement age for employees covered by this by-law shall be sixty-five (65) years. 9.03 An Employee having reached the Normal Retirement Age may, at the pleasure of the Elgin County Council, continue his or her employment ona yearly basis. 10. ANNUAL INCREMENT 10.01 Employees starting employment with the County of Elgin prior to September 1 st, in any year will receive their first annual increment on the first pay after January 1st ofthe following year. 10.02 Employees starting employment with the County of Elgin on or after September 1st, in any year will receive their first annual increment on the first pay after January 1st of the second following year. 11. CASUAL OR SEASONAL EMPLOYEES Vacation pay for casual or seasonal employees shall be paid in accordance with the Employment Standards Act. That By-Law No. 2268 be, and the same is hereby repealed. This by-Law shall become effective January 1st, 1975. READ a first ,time this 23rd day of January, 1975. READ a second time this 23rd day of January, 1975. I~EAD a third time and finally passed this 23rd of January, 1975. H.L. Johnson, Clerk A.H. Liebner, W:.uden 94 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2349 H A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the January Session, 1975." WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being ~hapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation ~lre to be exercised by its council; AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 ofthe Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every council are to be exercised by By-Law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and ad9pted by By-Law; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action ofthe Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the reports of the committees. and each motion and resolution passed, and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin meetings, held during the January 1975 Session, is hereby adopted and confirmed, as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and properofficials of the Corporation ofthe County of Elgin are hereby/authorized and directed to do all things necessary, to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, referred to in preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf, and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 23rd day of January, 1975. READ a second time this 23rd day of January, 1975. READ a third time and fmally passed this 23rd day of January. 1975. H.L. Johnson, Clerk A.H. Liebner, Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 95 FEBRUARY SESSION - FIRST DAY Wednesday, the 19th day of February, 1975. The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municipal Building. St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members present. Moved by Reeve Todd Seconded by Reeve Cook That the minutes of the January 1975 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. The following Communications were read and referred to the various C\ 1m m ittees: From the University of Waterloo with appreciation of scholarships. - Filed. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with (1) Index of Active District Memoranda and (2) District Memos Listed by Topic; - Referred to the Road Committee. From Mr. R. G. Moore, County Engineer and Road Superintendent \\ith Engineer's Annual Report to the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission. Statement of 1975 Expenditures and a tentative Budget for 1975. and a copy of letter to the City of St. Thomas which advises them of The need for their 1/2 mill contribution in 1975. - Referred to the Road (',l1lllll ittee. From the Tillsonburg and District Association for the Mentally Retarded with request for a grant. - Referred to the Finance and App(1rtionment Committee. From the Minister of Agriculture Canada with copy of letter from the Honourable Eugene Whelan, Minister of Agriculture to Mr. J. J. Henderson. Administrator - Clerk-Treasurer of the County of Grey re: 96 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL the County of Grey resolution to subsidize farm labour. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with letter from the Ministry of thie Solicitor General in response to the resolutions which were endorsed at the 1975 Annual Meeting of A.e.R.O. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Association of Municipalities of Ontario with questionnaire rc: Municipal Elections and Municipal Fiscal Year-end. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Elgin County Pipneer Museum Board with 1974 Financial Statcmcnts. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From the, Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technology with appreciation of scholarships. - Filed. From the Regional Municipality of Durham with resolution regarding the date for municipal and school elections. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From Wilfrid LaurieI' University with appreciation of scholarships. __ Filed. From the University qf Western Ontario with appreciation of grant and scholarships. - Filed. From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with copy of letter received from the Ministry of, National Resources with Provincial response to resolutions endorsed at A.C.R.O. 's Annual Meeting. _ Hcferred to the County Government Committee. Frol1i the Young Men's Christian Associati()n of Elgin St. Thomas with appreciation of grant. - Filed. From the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs with letter re: assessing and licensing mobile homes. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Ontario Good Roads Association with resume of activities planned by thc Ladies' Convention Committee for ladies attending the ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 97 Good Roads Convention. - Filed. From the University of Western Ontario with copy of letter sent to A. tt. Liebner expressing appreCIation for the hearing granted to University delegation at the January Session of the Elgin County From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with Ne\vsletter. revised constitution and 1974 Resolution Book. - to the Count~. Government Committee. From the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental \vith remarks by The Honourable W. Darcy McKeough to a special of the new Council of Oxford County. Referred to the Local Study Committee. From the Bothwell Area Sports Centre with request for a grant. - to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with letter a public information and education program with respect to the of seat belts. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the St. Thomas Chamber of Commerce with request for a grant. Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From Minister of Labour Canada with letter re: the resolution from County of Grey concerning the subsidization of farm labour. - to the Agricultural Committee. From the Municipal Liaison Committee with 1974 year-end report. to the County Government Committee. From Ontario Hydro with letter re: KV Transmission Line Study to London advising that a review of the system plan for the of Southern Ontario has been undertaken and the specific Nanticoke project has been suspended for the present. - Piled. Prom the Elgin County Farm Safety Council with request for a grant. Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with 98 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Memo 75 - 2 (Consulting Engineers), Memo 75 - 2A (approval), Memo 75 - 2B (Traffic Signals), Memo 75 - 2n (signs and subsidy) and Memorandum 0 D - 74 - 98 (snowmobile, crossings, signs and maintenance) - Referred to the Road Committee. From the Ministry of the Attorney General with letter re: the Expropriations Act and a copy of the said Act. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the Bank of Montreal with letter advising that effective February 1st, 1975, the interest on our loans is 9 % per cent. - Filed. From John Spence, M.P.P. with letter acknowledging receipt of our endorsation of the resolution fro the Village of Watford re: the imposition of fines. - Filed, From R. K, McNeil, M.P.P. with letter acknowledging receipt of our endorsation of the resolution from the Village of Watford re: the imposition of fines. - Filed. From the Village of Dutton with request that the County of Elgin pass confirming by-laws in support of the Village of Dutton by-laws No, 823 and 824, - Referred to the Road Committee. From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with February Newsletter, Remarks presented to A,C.R.O, 15th Annual conference by the Honourable George Kerr, Q.C., Solicitor General, on the subject of "Task Force on Policing," report on "Task Force on Policing" prepared by Anne Levac and initial statement by E.B, Hale, Special Consultant, Ontario Police Commission, - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Aylmer and District Museum Board with appreciation of interest free loan. - Filed. From the Minister of Culture and Recreation with letter re: establishment of the Ontario Lottery Corporations. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee, From Mr. Peter Laing, Chairman ofthe Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit with letter re: the Annual Convention of the Association of Ontario Boards of Health to be held in London on April 20, 21 and 22, 1975, and ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 99 requesting some suitable memento to present to the delegates and guests, _ Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs with letter advising that the program known as Involvement in Municipal Administration will be implemented again. - Referred to the -Personnel Committee, From Elgin Co-Operative Services advising that additional bonds of the Co-Operative are for sale if the County wishes to purchase any. - Referred to the Finance Committee. Mr. Donald McCallum and Mrs. Robert Ward from the Elgin County Federation of AgricUlture were present and it was moved by Deputy Reeve Kelly that the delegation from the Federation of Agriculture be now heard. Mr. McCallum pres~nted a brief on the history of the Federation. of Agriculture, its present activities and requested a grant for the Federation. Mr. MeCallum also answered several questions asked by members of Council. The Warden thanked Mr. McCallum for his presentation and referred the request to the Agricultural Committee. Mr.R. W, Hipgrave, Planning Officer for the St. Thomas-Elgin Emergency Measures Organization was present. Moved by Reeve lake Seconded by Reeve Cook That we go into a Committee of the Whole. - Carried. Mr. Hip~rav~ explained the present role of the Emergency Measures Organization, the present method of funding for the Organization and -answered questions asked by the members of the Council. The Warden thanked Mr. Hipgrave for eoming to the Council meeting and the -Committee rose with no report. 100 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL The Report of the Road Committee was presented by Reeve Schafer and adopted on motion of Reeve Schafer and Reeve Caverly. The Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Nemett and adopted on motion of Reeve Nemett and Deputy Reeve Green. The Report of the Social Services Committee was presented by Reeve Carroll and adopted on motion of Reeve Carroll and Deputy Reeve deRyk. The Report of the Elgin Manor Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve deRyk and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve deRyk and Reeve Hodgson. Moved by Hecve Hodgson Seconded by Reeve Carroll That Deputy Reeve Glover be the Elgin County representative on the Victorian Order of Nurses Board of the London-St. Thomas Branch. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Schafer Seconded by Reeve Wilson That we do now adjourn to meet again February 19, 1975, at 2:00 P.M. - Carried. Council I{e-Convened. Doctor D. A. Monteith was present and it was moved by Reeve Cook that Doctor Monteith be now heard. (\) Doctor Monteith spoke to Council on the following matters: The Amalgamation of the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit with the Middlesex-London Unit. (2) The pipe line to Elgin Manor, (3) The Library Board deficit. (4) The proposed new Home forthe Aged in East Elgin. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 101 The Warden thanked Doctor Monteith for his interest in these matters and advised him that the County of Elgin is offering to purchase that portion of the pipe line to Elgin Manor that is owned by the Township of Southwold and that the proper committees have the other matters under consideration. Mr. Jack Oldham ofthe Southwestern Ontario Travel Association was present and it was moved by Reeve Nemett that Mr. Oldham be now heard. Mr. Oldham spoke to Council, advised how the Southwestern Ontario Travel Association was formed by Amalgamating numerous local associations operating in southwestern Ontario, explained the aim of the Association. which is to attract people to the Southwestern Ontario Area and how they would proceed to do this by advertising etc. Mr. Oldham also advised how the Association would be financed and requested a grant of five cents per capita from the County of Elgin. The Warden thanked Mr. Oldham and referred the matter to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. Warden Liebner explained to Council the situation which exists regarding the Health Unit and gave an estimate of what it might cost to operate the present Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit for 1975. Under the present set-up the Ontario Government pays 50% of the cost but if amalgamated with the Middlesex-London Unit the Government would pay 750/0 ofthe cost. The pros and cons of operating the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit i1llder the present arragnement or of amalgamating with the Middlesex-London Unit were discussed at some length and it was Moved by Reeve Cook Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That the resolution from the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit resolving that the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit recommends to the Elgin County Council and the St. Thomas City Council that we join with Middlesex-London District Health Unit in order to obtain the seventy-five percent grant be filed. - Carried 102 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Reeve Nemett Seconded by Deputy Reeve Rayner That we do now adjourn to meet again at 4:00 P.M., February 19, 1975. - Carriea. Council Re-Convened. The' Report of the Educational Committee was presented by Reeve Kahnt and adopted on motion of Reeve Kahnt and Deputy Reeve Kelly. The Report of the Finance and Apportionment Committee was presented by Reeve Lake and adopted on motion of Reeve Lake and Deputy Reeve Rayner. The Report of the County Government Committee was presented by Reeve Wilson and adopted on motion of Reeve Wilson and Re~ve Lake. The Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caverly and Reeve Cook. Moved by Reeve Cook Seconded by Reeve Kahnt That the Provincial Government of Ontario, owing to the fact that Elgin' County is. in fact attempting to do' a restructuring, be asked to contribute 75% of The Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit budget. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve McBrien That By-Law No. 2350 "Being a By-Law to A1l1endBy-Law No. 2188, Thereby Adjusting the Remuneration of the County of Elgin Weed Inspector," be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Glover Seconded by Deputy Reeve deRyk That By-Law No. 2350 be read a second time. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 103 - Carried. by Reeve Caverly by Deputy Reeve Glover That By- Law No. 2350 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. by Reeve McBrien by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 2351 "Being a By-Law to Appoint a Tree Commissioner for the County-of Elgin," be read a first time. - Carried. by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Deputy Reeve deRyk That By-Law No. 2351 be read a second time. ~ Carried. \ Moved by Deputy Reeve Rayner Seconded by Reeve Nemett That By-Law No, 2351 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Fergus.on Seconded by Reeve Cook That By-Law No. 2352 "A By-Law to Authorize the Expropriation of Land for the Purpose of Widening and Improving County Roads," be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Ferguson Seconded by Reeve Cook That By-Law No. 2352 be read a second time. - Carried. 104 ELGIN Moved by Reeve Cook Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ferguson That By-Law No, 2352 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried, Moved by l<.eeve Simpson Seconded by Reeve Kahnt That By-Law No. 2353 "Being a By-Law to Restrict the Weight of Vehicles Passing over Bridges," be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Todd Seconded by Reeve Simpson That By-Law No. 2353 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Campbell Seconded by Reeve Kahnt That By-Law No. 2353 be read a third time and finalIy passed, - Carried. Moved by Reeve Cook Seconded by Reeve Kahnt I That By-Law No. 2354 "Being a By-Law to Restrict the Weight of Vehicles Passing Over Bridges," be read a first time. -Carried, Moved by Reeve Todd Seconded by Reeve Cook That By-Law No. 2354 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Cook Seconded by Reeve Todd That By-Law No. 2354 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 105 Moved by Reeve Cook Seconded by Reeve Todd That By-Law No. 2355 .. Being a By-Law to Confirm By-Law No, 824 of the Village of Dutton, A By-Law to Authorize the Stopping Up or Closing and Disposing of a Portion of the oad Allowance of Allen Street in the Village of Dutton, " be read a first time. - Carried. by Reeve Simpson by Reeve Cook That By-Law No. 2355 be read a second time. - Carried. by Reeve Cook by Reeve Todd That By-Law No. 2355 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Todd Seconded by Reeve Simpson That By-Law No. 2356 "Being a By-Law to Confirm By-Law No, 820 of the Village of Dutton, A By-Law to Stop Up the Eastern Six Feet of King Street as Shown on Plan 153, Village of Dutton," be read a first time, - Carried. Moved by Reeve Kahnt Seconded by Reeve Todd That By-Law No. 2356 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Simpson Seconded by Reeve Kahnt That By-Law No. 2356 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried 106 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Reeve Nemett Seconded by Deputy Reeve Rayner That By-Law No. 2357 "being a By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 1831 of the Township of Bayham; a By-Law to Stop Up and close and sell a Road Allowance in the Township of Bayham, " be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rayner Seconded by Reeve Nemett That By-Law No. 2357 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve deRyk Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 2357 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Schafer Seconded by Deputy Reeve Green That By-Law No. 2358 "Being a By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 819 of the Village of Dutton, A By-Law to Stop Up Part of Peter Street Road Allowance as Shown on Plan 104, Village of Dutton and to Enter Into an Agreement with Mrs. Hilda Crawford of the Vmage of Dutton to sell Said Parcel of Land, "be read a first time. . - Carried. Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Reeve Schafer That By-Law No. 2358 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Deputy Reeve Green That By-Law No. 2358 be read a third time and finally passed. - r!'lrr;prl ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 107 Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Deputy Reeve McLean That By-Law No, 2359 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council ofthe Corporation ofthe County of Elgin at the February Session, 1975," be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McLean Seconded by Reeve Wilson That By-Law No. 2359 be read a second time. - Carried, Moved by Reeve Nemett Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 2359 be read a third time and finally passed, - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Campbell Seconded by Deputy Reeve Green That we do now adjourn to meet again on March 19, 1975, at 10:00 A.M. - Carried. H.L. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner, Warden 108 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ROAD COMMITTEE February Session 1975 To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council Your Road Committee begs to report as follows: We recommend 1 . That a By- Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign Land Plans expropriating Land as necessary to widen County Roads in 1975. It is necessary that such by-Laws be passed yearly. 2. That a By-Law be passed that limits the weight of vehicles on bridges on the Middlesex County Line as follows: (a) Walkers Bridge on County Road 5 over Thames River - 5 Ton. (b) Taits Bridge over Thames River - lS1'on. (c) Lings Bridge on Dodds Creek - 15 Ton. The present By-Law which carries the same restrictions has been only approved to March 5, 1975 by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and a new By-Law is required for further Ministry of Transportation and Communications approval. (The usual approval period is two years.) (A similar By-Law is required from the County of Middlesex.) 3. That a By-Law be passed that limits the weight of vehicles on certain County Bridges as follows. (a) Cooks and Phillmore Bridges on County Road 43 over Otter Creek to 15 ton each. (b) Carrs Bridge on County Road 52 over Kettle Creek to 10 Ton, (c) Robbins Bridge over Kettle Creek to 5 Ton. (d) Fulton Bridge over Kettle Creek to 15 Ton. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 109 (e) Meeks Bridge over Kettle Creek to 20 Ton. (f) Jamestown Bridge over Catfish Creek to 15 Ton. (g) Vienna Bridge over Otter Creek to 20 Ton. Again the present By-Law which carries the same restrictions has been only approved to March 5, 1975 by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and a new By-Law is required for approval by the Ministry of Tran'sportation and Communica- tions. That a By-Law be passed confirming By-Law #1831 of the Township of Bayham to close and sell a portion of the Road Allowance between Lots 113 and 114 North Talbot Road that is shown as Part #3 on Reference Plan 11 R5S2. That By-Laws be passed confirming By-Laws #819, 820 and 824 of the Village of Dutton to close portions of Peter Street, King Street and Allen Street in the Village of Dutton. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, M. A. Schafer, Chairman. 110 EUjl~ COUNTY COt'Nt)1 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members ofthe Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: I. We have accepted the tender of Worthington Electric Ltd. to install an electric clock in the Council Chamber at a total cost of $85.80. 2. We have accepted the tender of Phillips Dry Goods to provide and install lined drapes at all windows in the County Building, with the exception of the windows in the side door and furnace room, at a total cost of $1.777 .17. 3. Wc have made the follO\'.'ing changes in the County insurance policics \\'hichare ~he responsibility of the Property Committee. (a) Municipal Liability Policy No. M 10327 has been increased from $4,000,000.00 to $5,000,000.00. (b) Contents and Equipment floater Policy No. F C - 6847 has becnchanged to read - $100.000.00 on Court House Contents $55,000.00 on County Administration Building Contents $20.000.00 on County Engineer's Of ice Contents. (c) $25;000.00 extra expense rider has been added to Fire Insurance Policy No. F C - 7015 to cover the new County Muncipal Building. 4. We rccommend to County Council that we advise the Ministry of Go\'c1'l1ment Sen'ices that they may lease those portions of the County Court Housc that are not being used for County purposes at the rate pro\'ided for in the MacNaughton formula. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. J, P. N cmett. Chairman 111 SOCIAL SERViCES COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1975 Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Social Services Committee reports as follpws: We recommend to County Council that a grant of $2,000.00 be to the Victorian Order of Nurses towards their 1974 deficit. We recommend to County Council that an appointment be made to Board of the London-St. Thomas Branch of the Victorian Order of We have adopted a budget of $443,600.00 for the 1975 operations of Social Services' Department with the County requiring to provide The Warden and Clerk have been authorized to sign an agreement Day Nursery care with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Newman, to be effective 1. 1974. of \\'hich is respectfully submitted. L. R. Carroll, Chairman 112 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Elgin Manor Committee reports as follows; 1. The Collective Agreemcnt between the County and the London and District Building Service Workers' Union Local 220 has been signed attached arc thc rates and basic changes. 2. That we recommend that an offer of $1.00 be made to the Township of Southwold, for the purchase of the watermain from the City of St. Thomas limits to the top of the Fingal Hill, where .the line joins to the one owned by the County. 3. Mr. Wayne Gray has been hired as Maintenance Supervisor at a' salary of $9,375.00 per annum, effective February 17, 1975. 4; We have adopted a budget of $1 ,019,753.00 for operations of Elgin Manor for 1975, with $106,439.32 to be raised by the County, exclusive of debenture payments. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. H. P. deRyk, Chairman ELGIN MANOR EMPLOYEES (UNION) The following hourly rates pave been adopted for 1975: EFF.DATE START lYEA~ 2YEARS 3YEARS Attendant Jan. 1175 $3.55 July 1175 3.80 Sept. 1/75 4.30 Jan. 1/75 3.25 July 1/75 3.65 Sept. 1/75 3.95 Jan. 1175 3.55 July 1175 3.80 Sept. 1175 4.30 Laundry, Jan. 1175 3.10 Kitchen, and July 1/75 3.45 Housekeeping Maids Sept. 1/75 3.70 Charge Housekeeper First Cook Second Cook Craft Supervisor Adjavant Jan. 1175 3.40 July 1/75 3.65 Sept. 1175 4.15 Jan. 1175 3.40 July 1/75 3.60 Sept. 1175 4.20 Jan. 1175 3.20 July 1/75 3.55 Sept. 1/75 4.00 Jan. 1/75 3.10 July 1/75 3.45 Sept. 1/75 4.15 Jan. 1/75 3.45 July 1/75 3.70 Sept. 1/75 4.15 113 $3.60 $3.70 $3,80 3.90 4.00 4.10 4.40 4.50 4.60 3.30 3.40 3.50 3.75 .3.85 3.95 4.05 4.15 4.25 3.60 3.70 3.80 3.90 4.00 4.10 4.40 4.50 4.60 3.15 3.20 3.25 3.50 3.55 3.60 3.80 3.90 4.00 3.45 3.50 3.55 3.75 3,85 4.00 4.25 4.35 4,50 3.45 3.50 3,55 3.70 3.80 3.85 4.30 4.40 4.50 3.25 3.30 3.35 3.60 3.65 3.70 4.10 4.20 4.30 3.15 3.20 3.25 3.50 3.55 3.60 4.25 4.35 4.45 3.50 3.60 3.70 3.80 3.90 4.00 4.25 4,35 4.45 A uniform allowance of $20.00 per year will be paid all employees. 3. MEALS Meals will he purchased at $1.00 per day and coffee supplied for breaks. EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members of the Elgiri County Council. The Educational Committee reports as follows: 1. That proposed operating budget for 1975 and the proposed Capital budget for 1975 presented by the Elgin County Library Board requiring a total levy of $137.885.50 by the County of Elgin be adopted. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. M. A. Kahnt, Chairman ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 115 FINANCE AND APPORTIONMENT COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance and Apportionment Committee reports as follows: 1. That a grant of $2,500.00 be made to the Tillsonburg and District Association for the Mentally Retarded. 2. That the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board Financial Statement for 1974 be filed. 3. That the request of the Bothwell Area Sports Centre for a grant be filed. 4. That the St. Thomas Chamber of Commerce request for a grant be filed. S. That the correspondence from the Minister of Culture and Recreation re; ystablishment of the Ontario Lottery Corporation be filed. 6. That the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit be given 200 County pens to be distributed to delegates and guests at the Annual Convention of the Association of Ontario Boards of Health to be held in London in April, 1975, or as an alternative, cash in the amount of $120.00 to provide a memento to be given jointly by the County and City of St. Thomas. 7. That the County participate to the extent of 50% of the cost of providing for a reunion marking the 60th Anniversary of the 91 st Battalion from St. Thomas and Elgin. 8. That Reeve Lake and Reeve Hodgson be named members to serve on the committee arranging the reunion for the 91 st Battalion. 9. That the offer from the Elgin Co-Operative Services to purchase ne\\' issue bonds be filed, 10. That the request from the Southwestern Ontario Travel Association 116 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL for a grant be filed. 11. That we pre-levy $15,000.00 in the 1975 budget towards the cost of the restructuring study of the County of Elgin. 12. That the St. Thomas-Elgin Emergency Measurer Organization Financial Assistance Program for 1975/76 Fiscal Year requiring $2.620.00 from the County of Elgin be approved. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. R.L. Lake, Chairman ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 117 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1975 the Warden and Members ofthe Elgin County Council. The County government Committee reports as follows: That the letter from the Ministry of the Solicitor General in response to the resolutions which were endorsed at the 1974 Annual Meeting of the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario be filed. 2. That the resolution from the Regional Municipality of Durham regarding the date for municipal and school elections be filed. That the letter from the Ministry of Natural Resources in response resolutions endorsed at the 1974 Annual Meeting of the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario be filed. 4. That the letter from the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs re: assessing and licensing mobile homes be filed. That the January Newsletter, revised constitution and 1974 resolutions book received from the Association of Counties and Regions 01 Ontario be filed. 6. That the questionnaire from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario be filed. 7. That the year end report of the Municipal Liaison Committee be filed. ' 8. That the correspondence from the Association of Counties and of Ontario consisting of February Newsletter remarks by the George Kerr, Q.c. on "Task Force on Policing" prepared by Anne Levac and the initial statement by E.B. Hale, Special Consultant, Ontario Police Commission, be filed. IIH ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 9. That wc rceommend that a policy of scnding flowcrs in thc event bercavement for ex-councillors who had served on Council within the four years and all past Wardens be adopted. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. J. B. Wilson, AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members ofthe Elgin County Council. The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That the copy of the letter from The Honourable Eugene Whelan, Minister of Agriculture, Canada, to the County of Grey re: the County of Grey resolution to subsidize farm labour be filed. 2. That the letter from Minister Labour Canada re: the resolution from the County of Grey concerning the subsidization of farm labour be filed. 3. That a grant of $150.00 be given to the Elgin Farm Safetv Council for 1975. 4. That a grant of $100.00 be given to the Elgin County Federation of Agriculture. ALL of which is respectfully submited. W. R. Caverly. Chairman ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 119 COUNTYOF ELGIN BY-LAW No. 2350 "Being a By-Law to amend By-Law No. 2188, Thereby Adjusting the Remuneration of the County of Elgin Weed Inspector." WHEREAS By-Law No. 2188 deals with the appointment and remuneration of the Weed Inspector for the County of Elgin. AND WHEREAS By-Law No, 2188 is presently amended by By-Law No. 2284. AND WHEREAS it is now deemed advisable to change the present rate of remuneration of the said Weed Inspector. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THA T Clause (2) of By-Law No. 2188, as amended by By-Law No. 2284, be deleted, and the following substituted therefore: "That his remuneration shall be as follows while engaged in his duties: Jan. 1175 May 1175 Sept. 1175 $4,20 per hour $4.30 $4.40 And he be paid the following rates for the use of his car: 0- 5,000 miles over 5,000 miles .18 cents per mile .15 cents per mile." 2. THAT this By-Law shall become effective on January 1, 1975. 3. THAT By-Law No. 2284 be, and the same is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 19th day of February, 1975. READ a second time this 19th day of February, 1975. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of February, 1975. H. L. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner, Warden 120 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2351 "Being a By-Law to Appoint a Tree Commissioner for The County of Elgin." WHEREAS By- Law No. 2208 of the County of Elgin provides for the appointment of officers to enforce the By-Law. THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN enacts as follows: 1. THAT Mr. Jackson Baker, Aylmer, Ontario, is hereby appointed Tree Commissioner for the County of Elgin. 2. THA T his remuneration shall be as follows: Jan. 1/75 May 1/75 Sept. 1/75 $4.20 per hour $4.30 $4.40 3. THAT he be paid the following rates for the use of his car: o to 5,000 miles over 5,000 miles .18 cents per mile .15 cents per mile. 4. THAT this By-Law become effective January 1, 1975. 5. THAT By-Law No. 2310 be and the same is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 19th day of February, 1975. I~EAD a second time this 19th day of February, 1975. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of February, 1975. H. L. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner, Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 121 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2352 "A By-Law to Authorize the Expropriation of Land for the Purpose of Widening and Improving County Roads." WHEREAS under Section 336 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284, R.S.O. 1970, the Council of every Corporation may pass By-Laws for acquiring or expropriating any land required for the purpose of the Corporation. AND WHEREAS in, the exercise of its powers and in performance of its obligations under The Public, Transportation and Highway Improvement Acts and other statutes, the Corporation of the County of Elgin finds, or may find, that it is necessary to expropriate lands' for widening, improvings. protecting from erosion, altering or diverting the County Roads shown on schedule" A" as attached: BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Corporation of the County of Elgin 1. That the Warden and Clerk of the County of Elgin be, and are, authorized to sign any and all plans pertaining to land expropriation for County Roads shown on Schedule" A" , and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin and to register the same in the County of Elgin Registry Office. ' 2. That the Treasurer be, and is hereby authorized to pay to the owners of the lands hereby expropriated, such amounts as may be agreed upon as compensation as may be dtermined by arbitration under provisions ofthe Expropriations Act, being Chapter 154, R.S.O, 1970. READ a first time this 19th day of February 1975. READ a second time this 19th day of February 1975. READ a third time andfinally passed this 19th day of February 1975. H.L. Johnson, Clerk A, H. Liebner, Warden 122 I. County Road 3 2. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN SCHEDULE A OF BY.LA W # 2352 1975 - Lots 8 & 9 Concessions III & IV, Township of Aldborough. County Roads 8 & 15 - Lots 18, 19, 20, & 2J, East of Main Street, Registered Plan #63 and that part of unsubdivided lot in the rear of Lots 19.20,21. 22, & 23 West of Currie Street. (Part of Lot 12 Con. "A") Registered Plan #63, all in the Village of Dutton, J. County Road 16 4. County Road 16 S. County Road 22 o. County Road 26 7. County Road 30 8. County Road 31 9. County Road 32 - Lots 23 to 2S Concession XI Township of Dunwich. - Lots 4 to 17 inclusive, north and south of Talbot Road East Branch, Township of South wold. - Lots 7 & 8, Concessions IV, V, VI, & VII, Township of Yarmouth. - Lot 2, Concession IX (or Lot 47 North of Talbot Road) Township of Yarmouth. - Lots 8 & 9, Range I & II North of Edgeware Road and Concessions X, XI. XII, XIII, & XIV, Township of Yarmouth. - Lots 4 & S, Range I & II, North of Edgeware Road, Township of Yarmouth. - Lots 13, 14, & IS Concession VII. Lots 11. 12, 13, 14. IS, & 16. Concession VIII. Lots 15& 16, Concession IX. Lots 84,85, & 86, North of Talbot Road. All in the Township of Malahide. 10. County Road 45 11. County Road 51 12. County Road 52 13. County Road 52 14. County Road 52 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 123 - Lots 10 & 11, Concession V, Township of Bayham. - Lots 2 & 3, Concessions V & VI, Township of Yarmouth. - Lots 1 to 8 inclusive, Range II North of Edgeware Road and Concession X, Township of Yarmouth. - Lots 1,2, & 3 Concessions C & D, Township of Southwold. - Lot 41 and Lot A, East of Talbot Road, North Branch, Township of Southwold, 124 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2353 "Being a By-Law to rstrict the weight of VehiclesPassin:g Over Bridges." WHEREAS Subsection 8 of Section 64 of the Highway Traffic Act (R.S.O. 1970) provides that: The Municipal corporation or other authority having jurisdiction over a bridge, may byBy-Law approved by the Ministry, make regulations limiting the gross weight of any vehicle or combination of vehicles, or any class thereof, passing over such bridge: AND WHEREAS it is deemed. expedient to limit the weight of vehicles passing over certain bridges in the County of Elgin: NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. No vehicle or combination of vehicles or any class thereof, whether empty or loaded, shall be operated over any bridge designated in Schedule No.1 and 2, forming part of this By-Law with a weight in excess of weight limited prescribed in the Schedule for su.ch bridge. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this By-Law shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 64, Subsection (7) of the Highway Traffic Act. ~ o z es p ~ ~ == U ~ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL e.;... r./l o ;.....c: :l & 8 .:!l g >, - ::: .- ~~~E B 05 e.;... I o .... ,.... rJ'J. .:::: ;... ::: ....... ~ 0 ;:: >- U ;:: .... I: ..c: .- r./l .~.t: g ~ E ,- ~~r' ~ ~ o ~ ~ H ~ o u Z o ~ ~ \.:) ~ ; ~ I: o '-g u o ~ e.;... o ~ ~ OJ) E:-9 C':l ;... z~ r- o 0' - ~ r./l :l o I: 'E B 05 0' o 0' - If) .-. 0.. =:EE o ~ C':l u ::: ..c:, .....:- 0 >, ....E-<~ o . ~:>'O 0.. .:E !:: I: r./l ~ o I: C':l U :::..c: . 0 >, ("'jE-<C':l .... .~ O-e.;... ~:>o 125 r./l ..;.=: o o U ~ ;... o ~ :E 0.. r./l :l o I: 'E :l .... 05 r./l -28 C':l0' u.:l- o -de.;... ~ 0 ~ o....c: ='O~:E:; .~..c::::~g ~~"t~:::E oC':lO"OoC':l ~~Zu.:lE-<>- r./l ;... ;... C':l U 3. This By-Law shall not become effective until approved by the "0 . ("'j ("'j ("'j C':l 0 ~ ~ If) oZ Ministry of Transportation and Communications and until a notice of the ~ weight permitted, legibly printed, has been posted up in a conspicuous place at either end of each bridge designated in the attached Schedule. ~ - ~ ..0 4. By-Law No. 2212 of the County of Elgin is hereby repealed. OJ) . U ~ ~ ~ "0 0 E-< - .- .- 'C Z~ th th th V~=', ~ - READ a first time this 19th day of February 1975. READ a second time this 19th day of February 1975. ~ READ a third time and finally pased this19th day of February 1975. .c .-. N M ::; - ,.... ~ H.L. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner, ,^,,,..rla... ii_*?f:i'i VJ 126 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL C/J .- = C) ti;..,-BJ 0; 0; 0 t) Q) ...... ...... .5 "0 0; 0; ~ 0; 0 ._ ;.., ;.., 0.. 0 l:: 0 u u 5 ~fi:ti: 0 ;::: ;::: = ~ 0 0 ...... j u u S 4-; , l:: o tJ 0 00 N 0 00 ;.., C/J'- ~ 0 0 C';! l:: tl ~ ~ ~ ~ 0; 0 = ~u;.., N o z ~ ~ ;:J ~ ~ == U en en ~ -< o ~ S ~ o ~ z o ('-l ~ C ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o u -+-> l:: ...t:: .- C/J b.O.t= c:: 'a) 5 3 ~~ If) If) l:: .S ..... C';! u o ~ 4-; "0 0 "0 C';! 0.._ o .- 0 ~ ~ ~ . ;.., ;::: ..!:: ~ ~ ~ '5 o -- 0 0 ~O::E-Vl 4-; '<1" -0 ~:9 ^'" C';! .- 0 '"'Qo..!::~ MO::~..!:: ~:;: ~ '5 .3~~S5 4-; o 0; iJ) b.O 5:9 C';! ;.., Zo:l C/J ;::: :.0 ..0 o 0:: ;::: ,g =: u... o N . 4-; "00"0 C';! 0.._ o .- 0 . ~ ~ ~ ...0 . ;::: ..!:: ::;:J~'5 o . 0 0 ......lZE-Vl C/J ~ C,) C,) ~ ~ .- .- . 4-; ;::: 0 o o.....t:: U.- ...... ..!:: =: . C/J 0 00 .- .- N - ;::: ...... ~ ;.., o 0 C';l ......lE->- ;::: ~ .8 C/J iJ) E C';l ~ o N C';l ;::: ;::: iJ) ;; iJ) ---. M 00 00 tJJ) . U ~ 0 M M If) "0 0 E- If) ...0 - - .;: Z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ co ~ ~ ::l "0 -.i vi C) N - N r") ..!:: U Vl ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 127 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2354 "Being a By-Law to restrict the weight of vehicles Passing Over Bridges." WHEREAS Subsection 8 of Section 64 of the Highway Traffic Act (R.S.O. 1970) provides that: The Municipal corporation or other authority having jurisdiction over a bridge, may by By-Law approved by the Ministry, make regulations limiting the gross weight of any vehicle or combination of vehicles, or any class thereof, passing over sueh bridge: AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to limit the weight of vehicles passing over certain bridges in the County of Elgin: I NOW THEREFORf "; Council of the Corporation of the County of enacts as follows: No vehicle or combination of vehicles or any class thereof, whether or loaded, shall be operated over any bridge designated in No.1, forming part of this By-Law with a weight in excess of weight limit prescribed in the Schedule for such bridge. Any person violating any of the provisions of this By-Law shall be to the penalty provided in Section 64, Subsection (7) of the Act. This By-Law shall not beeome effective until approved by the Minstry of Transportation and Communications and until a notice of the weight permitted, legibly printed, has been posted up in a conspicuous place at either end of each bridge designated in the attached Schedule. 4. By-Law No. 2314 ofthe County of Elgin is hereby repealed, READ a first time this 19th day of February 1975. READ a second time this 19th day of February 1975. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of February 1975. H. L. Johnson, Clerk A.H. Liebner'i Warden 128 ELGIN COUNTY ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 129 ~ o z ~ ~ ;J ~ ~ =: u CI'.l >, 01).i:: =- .- ~ = 0.. '0 'u tr'E < ::l ~. '+< o ;.....r::: v 0 C/J 0.. 0 .- >, G: .5 r-. ~ ~ CI'.l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ o u ~ H ~ ~ CI'.l ~ ~ ~ sa = ~ ~ -< ~ ~ o = '+< U o ::l ;... ;... = ~ ..... 0 v C/J.- ~ g -+-- U ..... = ..r::: .- C/J .~.;= g v = L. ~~r-' = .sa ..... ~ u o .....l '+< V ;... 0 v v 01) .:.:: ....."c:l '; = ..... ~ ;... ~ Zo:l "0 . ~ 0 oZ If) ~ v ,.-.., 01) 'u Q'\ "0 0 r-. M 'C Z ~ th cc '-' v "a "c:l .... ,....; v ..r::: u V) '+< ;.<: o v C/J o~ ="0 ::l"c:l o .- u~ C/J ::l o = 's B co N o Q'\ - If) '+< o . .&..r::: '..r::: u U C/J .- . . = ::: :: ~ ::: = o . 0 ::l .....lo:lr-.O '+< ;.<: '+< ;.<: o ~ 0 ~ o~ o~ ::::'0 ::::'0 ;='0 ;='0 8 ~ 8 ~ C/J ::l 2 g = 2 ~ .;:: v ~ u = "0 u = B g :::: 8co~ 8 "'T r--- o 0' 0' If) - If) '+< o . .&..r::: . ..... u < Vi .- r-.." . = ::: ..... ~ ::: = o . 0 ::l .....lo:lr-.o '+< J ~:9 ~ o:l..- 0 .'- . ~ ::: O'V)Z =..r:::. :: ti~ ::: :3 .0 (';l . 0 0 .....lUJr-.r-.V) C/J ..... 'c; r-. C/J 01) = ~ N "'T th If) th N M COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2355 "Being a By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 824 of the Village of Dutton, a B)'-Law to Authorize the Stopping up or Closing and Disposing of a Portion of the Road Allowance of Allen Street in The Village of Dutton. " WHEREAS the Council of the Village of Dutton on the 3rd Day of. , 1975, did pass By-Law No. 824 to stop up or close and dispose of portion of Allen Street in the Village of Dutton more particularly in By-Law No. 824 bfthe Village of Dutton, a true copy of which annexed. AND WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act the Village By-Law shall not have any force until confirmed by a By-Law the Council of the County in which the Village is situated, passed at an meeting of the Council held not later than one year after the ofthe By-Law of the Council ofthe Village. AND WHEREAS application has been made to the Council of the of the County of Elgin for a By-Law confirming the said of Dutton By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the corporation of the County of enacts as follows: THAT By-Law No. 824 of the Village of Dutton, being a By-Law to up or close and dispose of a portion of Allen Street in the Village of be and the same is hereby confirmed. a first time this 19th day of February, 1975. a second time this 19th day of February, 1975. a third time and finally passed this 19th day of February, 1975. L. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner, Warden ~ J.\u Ll.<;jl'~ Cut'.;!Y ('O['\CII By-Law No. 824 Being a by-law to authorize the stopping up or closing and disposing of a portion of the road alJowance of AlJen Street in the VilJage of Dutton. Whereas under R.S.O.1970 Chapt. 284443 Sub sec. (c) the Council of the Village of Dutton is given the power to pass by-laws for stopping and disposing of any highway or part thereof within the municipality. And whereas the council of this municipality feels that this power should be exercised as regards a portion of the road allowance of AlJen Street from the Brown Drain in a Northwesterly direction a distance of approximatel~' 396 feet to the Southwesterly boundry of lot 64 plan] 7]. And whereas the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the Village of Dutton has complied with R.S.O. 1970 Chpt. 284 Sect. 445 Sub Sec. 2 and Section446 Sec. 1 sub sec. (a) as to advertising their intention of closing and disposing of a portionofthe said road allowance. Therefore the Council of the Village of Dutton enacts as folJows: 1. That the portion of the road alJowance of AlJen Street from the Brown Drain 'in a Northwesterly direction a distance of approximately 396 fect to the Southeasterly boundry of Lot 64 Plan 171 shall be closed and which portion is more particularly described as folJows: Starting at the Southeasterly corner of Lot 64 plan 171 proceeding in a Southeasterly direction to the Brown Drain a distance of approximately 396 fect. Thcn in a southwesterly direction a distance offourty feet. Then ill a North\\'('sterly direction a distance of 396 feet. Then in a Northeasterly direction a distance of fourty feet to the point of beginning. 2. That the Reeve Treasurer and Clerk be authorized to dispose of the convey title of the above portion of land to Glen Palmateer Opal Palmateei'. Dorother Milton and Clarence Milton in exchange for the completed portion of road in the authorized planned subdivision. 3. That this by-law shall come into effect on and after its confirmation by the council of the corporation of the County of Elgin and upon approval of the Lieutenant Governor in CounFil and its registration inthe Registry Office of the Registration Division of the County of Elgin. Read a First, a Second, a Third time and finalJy passed this 3rd day of 131 C. Milton, Clerk declare this to be a true and exact copy of the original document. , Milton. Clerk. Village of Dutton COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW No. 2356 HBeing a By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 820 of the Village of Dutton, A B)'-Law to Stop up the Eastern Six Feet of King Street as shown on Plan 153, Village of Dutton." WHEREAS the Council of the Village of Dutton on the 4th day of 1974, did pass By-Law No. 820, to stop up the easterly six feet King Street as shown on Plan 153, Village of Dutton and more described in By-Law No. 820 of the Village of Dutton, a true of which is hereunto annexed. AND WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act the Village By-Law shall not have any force until confirmed by a By-Law the Council of the County in which the Village is situated, passed at an meeting of the Council held not later than one year after the ofthe By-Law ofthe Council ofthe Village. AND WHEREAS application has been made to the Council of the of the County of Elgin for a By:Law confirming the said: of Dutton By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of enacts as follows: 132 A.H. Liebner, Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELtdN COUNTY COUNCIL 133 THAT By-Law No. 820 of the Village of Dutton, 'being a By-Law to stop up the easterly six feet of King Street as shown on Plan 153, of Dutton be and the same is hereby confirmed. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2357 R~AD a first time this 19th day of February, 1975. "Being a.By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 1831 of the Township of Bayham; A By-Law to Stop up and Close and Sell a Road Allowance in The Township of Bayham." READ a second time this 19th day of February, 1975. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of February, 1975. WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham on the 6th Day of 1974, A.D. did pass By-Law No. 1831 to stop up and close and sell a road allowance between Lots 113-114 N. T. R. lying and being situated in the Township of Bayham more particularly described in By-Law No. 1831 of the Township of Bayham, a true copy of which is hereunto annexed. AND WHEREAS, yursuant to the _provisions of the Municipal Act the said Township By-Law shall not have any force until confirmed by a By-Law of the Council of the County in which the Township is situated, passed at an ordinary meeting,.of the Council held not later than one yea after the passing of the By-Law by the ,Council of the Township. AND WHEREAS application has been made to the Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin for a By-Law confirming the sai< Township of Bayham By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of enacts as follows: . THAT By-Law No. 1831 of the Township of Bayham, being a by-law stop up and close and sell a road allowance in the township of Bayham and the same is hereby confirmed: H.L. Johnson, Clerk A.H. Liebner, Warden VILLAGE OF DUTTON By-Law No. 820 A By-Law to stop up the eastern six feet of King Street as shown Plan 153, Village of Dutton. WHEREAS this Council desires to and is empowered to provide for stopping up' that part of King Street to allow for an orderly flow of traffic on Main Street, R.S.O. ]970, Chapt. 284, Sec. 443, Sec. C. AND WHEREAS notices of this intended By-Law have been published and posted as required by the Municipal act. R.S.O. 1970 Chapt. 284, Sub. sec. (a) and no person having claimed that their lands would be predudicially affccted by the By-Law nor applied to be heard as providcd by said Section 446 1 (b). NOW THEREFORE this Council enacts as follows: I. That the easterly six feet of King Street as shown on Plan 153 registcred in the Registry Division of the County of Elgin be stopped up. READ a first time this 19th day of February, 1975 a second time this 19th day of February, 1975. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of February, 1975. READ a first time and passed this 4th day of November 1974. READ a second time and passed this 4th day of November 1974. H.L. Johnson, Clerk READ a third time and finall~' passed this 4th day of November 1974. M.A. Kahnt, Reeve C. MiItun, Clerk 134 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL By-Law No. 1831 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM Being a By-Law to stop up and close and sell a road allowance in township of Bayham. WHEREAS the Municipal Act R,S.O. 1970, Section 443 (1) (c) authority for municipalities to sell that portion of a highway which is stopped up. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of Corporation of the Township of Bayham; 1. That portion of the road allowance (unopened) between Lots 113-114 N. T.R. lying and being situated in the Township of Bayham partieularily described as part 3 on Reference Plan of Survey 11 R 552 file in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin, be stopped up and closed. 2. That the obove road allowance be offered up and sold to the abutting land owner or owners. 3. That the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute and deli- "er eonveyance of the said lands under the Corporate Seal of the Municipality to the said abutting land owner or owners for the sum of $100,00 and expenses of By-Law, notices and conveyances in conneetion therewith. READ a First, Second and Third Time and Finaly Passed this 6th day of August, 1974. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN 135 By-Law No. 2358 "Being a By-Law to Commn By-Law No. 819 of the Village of Dutton, a By-Law to Stop up part of Peter Street Road Allowance as shown on Plan 104, Village of Dutton and to enter into an agreement with Mrs. Hilda Crawford of the Village of Dutton to sell said Parcel of Land." WHEREAS the Council of the Village of Dutton on the 1st Day of 1974, did pass By-law No. 819 to stop up and enter into an with Mrs. Hilda Crawford, to sell part of Peter Street road as shown on Plan 104, Village of Dutton more particularly in By-Law No, 819 ofthe Village of Dutton, a true copy of which annexed. AND WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act the Village By-Law shall not have any force until confirmed by a By-Law Council of the County in which the Village is situated, passed at an meeting of the Council held not later than one year after the of the By-Law of the Council of the Village. AND WHEREAS application has been made to the Council of the of the County of Elgin for a By-Law confirming the said of Dutton By-Law. " NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of enacts as follows: Jesse Dennis, Reeve THAT By-Law No. 819 of the Village of Dutton, being a By-Law to stop up and enter into an agreement to sell part of Peter Street be and the same is hereby confirmed. J.A, Petrie, Clerk Certified to be a true and correct copy. READa first time this 19th day of February, 1975. J. A. Petrie, Clerk of Bayham Township. READ a second time this 19th day of February, 1975. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of February, 1975. H.L.Johnson,Clerk A.H. Liebner, Warden l.1h ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL VILLAGE OF DUTTON'BY-LA W No. 819 A By-Law to stop up part of Peter Street road allowance as shown on Plan 104, Village of Dutton and to enter into an agreement with Mrs. Hilda Crawford of the Village of Dutton to sell said parcel of land, WHEREAS this Council desires to and is empowered to provide for stopping up that part of Peter Street road allowance which is hereinafter described under the provisions of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1970 Chpt. 284 Sec. 443 Sub sec. 1 (c) & (d) and to enter into an agreement with Mrs, Hilda Crawford for the sale of the said lands. AND WHEREAS notices of this intended By-Law have been published and posted as required by the Municipal Act. R.S.O. 1970 Chpt. 284 Sec. 446, Sub sec. (a) and no person having claimed that their lands would be predudicially affected by the By-Law nor applied to be heard as provided by said section 446 - 1 (b). NOW THEREFORE this Council enacts as follows: / 1. That the portion of Peter Street as shown on Plan 104, registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the County of Elgin and which may be more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a .point in the Northwest angle of Lot 1 in Block M as shown on Plan 104, Thence southwest along the Southwest limit of Shackleton Street, a distance pf Thirty-three feet (33); Thence Southeast 'along the Easterly limit of Lot 1 in Block B, Plan 57. a distance'of Sixty-six feet (66) Thence Northwest parallel to the Southwest limit of Shackleton Street Thirty-three feet (33); thence NOl1hwest along the Southwest Limit of Lot 1 in Block M, Plan 104 a distance of Sixty-six feet (66) to the place of beginning be stopped up. 2. That the village of Dutton enter into an agreement with said Mrs. Hilda Crawford to sell the said land for her use as she may see fit and that thereupon the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to execute such agreements and documents as may be necessary. READ a first time and passed this 1st day of October 1974. READ a second time and passed this 1 st day of October 1974. READ a third time and finally passed this 1 st day of October 1974. M. A. Kahnt. Reeve C. Milton. Clerk ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 137 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2359 "A B)"-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the February Session, 1975." WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of Revised Statutes of Ontario. 1970, the powers of a municipal are to be exercised by its council; AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, tIle powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Council of tpe Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be cOllfirm~d and adopted by By-Law; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetipgs held during the February 1975 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings wer€ expressly embodied in this By-Law. The Wacrden and properofficials'ofthe Corporation ofthe County of are hereby authorized and directed to do all things'necessary to give effect tothe action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of.the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 19th day of February, 1975. READ a second time this 19t,h day of February, 1975 READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of February, 1975, H. L. Johnson, clerk A. H. Liebner, Warden 138 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL MARCH SESSION - FIRST DAY Wednesday, the 19th Day of March, 1975. The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Bulding, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment, The Warden in the Chair. All the members present, Moved by Deputy Reeve Glover Seconded by Reeve Nemett That the minutes of the February 1975 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. The following communications were read and referred to the various Committees: From the Township of Yarmouth with Notice of Application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of two/by-laws to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of the Planning Act and a copy of Township of Yarmouth By-Law No. 2275 and By-Law No. 2276. - Referred to the Road Committee, From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with letter re: Highway 3 Feasability Study St. Thomas to TiIlsonburg, a 'copy of a report outlining the proposed location of new Highway 3; reasons for selecting that route and requesting a resolution from Council approving the new highway. Referred to the Road Committee. From the County of Simeoe with resolution requesting the Minister of Community and Social Services to revise the formula for funding extended care costs to allow a resident, with assets, to pay any portion of the excess of the perdiem rate above the current $17.00 per day ceiling. - Referred to the Elgin Manor Committee. From the Ontario Good Roads Association with letter advising that the 1975 "T.J .Mahony" Road School will be held from May 4th to May ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 139 inclusive and Application from for enrolment. - Referred to the Road From the Ontario Good Roads Association with letter advising that 1975 "C.S. Anderson" Road School will be held from May 4th to May inclusive and Application form for enrolment. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital with Annual Report of the Board of Governors, Annual Report of the Executive Director, Annual Report of the Chief of Staff, Annual Report of Nursing Service, 1975 financial Report and Notice of Annual Meeting of the Members of the Corporation of the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From the Township of Yarmouth with Notice of Application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of a By-Law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of the Planning Act and a copy of Township of Yarmouth By-Law No. 2282. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the Bank of Montreal with letter advising that as of March 3rd, 1975, the interest on loans hasbeen reduced to 9 percent. - Filed. From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with 1975 Mid-Term Meeting Newsletter and Program. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Ministry of the' Attorney General with letter re: the resolution from the Corporation of Watford regarding the procedures, policies and attitudes with respect to the imposition of fines. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From Mrs. Jean Schleihauf with letter re: Arrears of rent and broken windows at property being 192 Monroe Street, West Lorne, - Referred to the Social Services Committee. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with Memo 75 - 2E, Revised Forms FB-MRA-36 - Rural and FB-MRA-36A - Urban. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental 140 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Affairs with letter advising that an early instalment payment will be made at 1975 Property Tax Stabilization grant. - Filed. From the Victorian Order of Nurses with invitation to attend the sixty-ninth Annual Meeting on Thursday. March 20th at 7:45 P.M. at 150 Simcoc Strcet. London, Ontario. - Filed. From the Elgin - St. Thomas Health Unit with 1975 budget audited Financial Statement for 1974. - Referred to the Finance Apportionment Committee. From the Children's Aid Societv of the Citv of St. Thomas and the \ " County of Elgin with Estimate of Expenditures for the year 1975, _ Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From the Elgin Federation of Agriculture with appreciation of grant. -- Filed. From the Ministry of Agriculture and Food with letter advising that Warble Fly Schools have been arranged for municipal representatives; the one in London is on "thursday. March 20th at I :30 P.M.. in the Board r~oom of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, 195 Dufferin Avenue, 4th Floor. - Filed. From the Township of Yarmouth advising that the Yarmouth Committee of Adjustment will meet on the 20th at 8:00 P.M. in the Township Council Chambers to hear requests by the Estate of Lena Gertrude Axford and Mr. Claude Van Velzer for minor variances with respect to B~'-Lm No. 1998. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the Young Women's Christian Association with invitation to attend the 71nd Annual Board Meeting on March 20th. 1975; at 8:00 P.M. - Filed. From Mr, RG. Moore, Secretary, St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission with Report of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission and Amended Budget for 1975. - Referred to the Road Committee. Mr. H. W. Buck, Agricultural Representative for the County of Elgin and the Assistant Agriculture Representative were present and it was moved by Reeve Simpson and seconded by Reeve Caverly that the Agricultural Representative be now heard. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 141 Mr.. Buck spoke to Council and presented the audited Financial Statement for the year 1974 and the proposed budget for 1975. He reviewed the yields of various crops in 1974, the dairy and beef industry and other aspects of agriculture in the County including the various Agricultural Societies. Mr. Buck reported that membership in the Federation of Agriculture is increasing. The Warden thanked Mr. Buck and his Assistant for attending the County Council meeting and reporting on the Agricultural industry in the County. Mr. E.A. Wells, County Librarian, presented the Library Board Report and was thanked by the Warden. The Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Schafer ana adopted on motion of Reeve Schafer and Reeve Cook. The First Report of the Finance and Apportionment Committee was presented by Reeve Lake and adopted on motion of Reeve Lake and Reeve Todd. The Report of the Elgin Manor Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve deRyk and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve deRyk and Reeve Hodgson. Moved by Reeve Schafer Seconded by Reeve Cook That the Statement of Proposed Work and Expenditures on the County of Elgin Road System and the St. Thomas Suburban Road System as recommended in the First Report of the County of Elgin Road Committee March Session 1975 Recommendation #6 as detailed and totaling $2,205,000 be adopted and forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for approval. - Carried Moved by Reeve Monteith Seconded by Reeve Schafer That we approve the proposed Route of New Highway #3 from St. Thomas easterly to County road 40 as outlined and recommended by the 142 Ministry of TransportatIon and Communications and that we suggest that the Route fo1\ow the proposed northern Boundary of the Town of Aylmer with Ma]ahide Township. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Monteith Seconded by Reeve Cook That a supplementary application for Subsidy money in the amount $6.000 for Municipa] Drainage Assessments be made to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. - Carried Moved by Reeve Schafer Seconded by Reeve Monteith That we go into Committee of the Whole and that the County Engineer, Mr. Moore, be asked to remain. - Carried, Warden Liebner appointed Reeve Schafer to be Chairman of the Committee of the Whole. After considerable diseusion it was Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Lake That this Committee of the Whole rise with no report. - Carried. The Warden resumed the Chair. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Deputy Reeve deRyk That we do now adjourn to meet again March 19, 1975, at 2:00 P.M. - Carried. Council Re-Convened. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 143 The Report of the Social Services Committee wa presented by Reeve and adopted on motion of Reeve Carroll and Reeve Bradfield. The Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Reeve Lak~, The Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Nemett and adopted on motion of Reeve Nemett and Deputy Reeve Ferguson. The Second Report of the Finance and Apportionment Committee was presented by Reeve Lake and adopted on motion of Reeve Lake and Reeve Carroll. The Report of the County Government Committee was presented by Reeve Wilson and adopted on motion of Reeve Wilson andReeve Hodgson. Moved by Reeve Lake Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ferguson That By-Law No. 2360, "To Raise Amounts for County Rates During the Year 1975," be read a first time. - Carried. by Reeve Cook by Reeve Lake That By-Law No. 2360 be read a second time. - Carried, Moved by Reeve Cook Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ferguson That By-Law No. 2360 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried Moved by Deputy Reeve Green Seconded by Reeve Bradfield That By-Law No. 2361 "Being a By-Law to Restrict the Weight of Vehicles Passing Over Bridges," be read a first time. - Carried. 144 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Deputy Reeve Green That By-Law No. 2361 be read a second time, - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Green Seconded by Reeve Bradfield That By-Law No. 2361 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By-Law No. 2362 "Being a By-Law to Authorize Grants to be Made to Various Organizations, Corporations, Institutions, etc.... During 1975, " be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit That By-Law No. 2362 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By-Law No. 2362 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seeonded by Reeve Hodgson That By-Law No. 2363 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Execution of a Collective Agreement Between the Corporation of the County of Elgin and London and District Building Service Workers' Union, Local 200, S.E.I.U., A.F. of L., C.1.0., e.L.e. with Respect to the Corporation's Part-Time Employees at the Elgin Manor," be read a first time. - Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 145 Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By-Law No. 2363 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Glover Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By-Law No. 2363 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Todd Seconded by Reeve Simpson That By-Law No. 2364 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the March Session, 1975," be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Campbell Seconded biReeve Todd That By-Law No. 2364 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Simpson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Campbell That By-Law No. 2364 be read a third time and finally passed. - earned. Moved by Deputy Reeve Glover Seconded by Deputy Reeve Rayner That we do now adjourn to meet again on April 16th, 1975, at 10:00 A.M. - Carried. H. L. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner, Warden We have been notified by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications that the Subsidy Allocation for 1975 will be $1,601,000 and that the Spending Level (other than Drainage Assessments and Urban Rebates) for this Allocation is calculated at $2,169,000. This compares with a Subsidy Allocation of $1,123,000 in 1974. The Subsidy allocation and Spending Levels have been increased because of the incrased Construction and Maintenance Needs on the County Road System as indicated by the 1974 Study Update, WE RECOMMEND: I. That a By-Law be passed limiting the weight to 30 tons on the Middlemiss (McIntosh) Bridge over the Thames River on Road 14 (Dunwich-Southwold Townline). This recommendation follows a recommendation of the Ministry of Transportation Communications whose Bridge Personnel have made a Report on the Bridge's condition at the request of the County. That a Resolution be passed approving the proposed route of new Highway 3 from St. Thomas easterly to County Road 40 as by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and we Suggest that the route follow the proposed northern boundry of the Town of Aylmer with Malahide Township. The Committee feels that the route of the proposed Highway 3 should be slightly altered so that it does not split the lands the Town of Aylmer proposes to annex from Malahide Township. That the Resolution of the Township of Malahide requesting the County of Elgin assume the road between Concession VIII and Concession IX Malahide behveen Highway 73 and County Road 32 146 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITH~';E REPORT FIRST REPORT March Session 1975 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council . Your Road Committee begs to report as follows: 1. 2. 3. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 147 be filed. That the Amended Budget of March 11. 1975 of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission in the amount of $214,000 be approved. Maintenance and Overhead Costs are estimated at $61,000 on the Suburban Road System. Construction and Land Purchase Costs are estimated at 5153,000. The Commission proposes to construct Road 30 (Radio Road) from the St. Thomas City Limits northerly to the area of the Salt Creek Cemetery (north of Road 52) this year. The Commission does not have sufficient funds in 1975 for work on Road 30 north of the Salt Creek Cemetery and they have reverted the remainder of Road 30 (3.45 miles) to the County. The County's programme provides for additional work north of the Salt Creek Cemetery area and in Concession XII. That the County Levy for County and Suburban Roads in 1975 be $581,000. This compares with a Levy in 1974 of $560,000 plus an expenditure from "contingencies" of approximately $20,000. In 1973 the Levy was $540,000 and in 1972 the Levy was $707,000. That a Resolution be passed adopting the following proposed Statement of Work and Expenditures for 1975 and that the Statement be forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for approval. CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION OF WORK FROM PRIOR YEARS Road #2 - West Lorne to Rodney (Aldborough Township) cleanup. $ 3,000 Road #3 - New Glasgow southerly (Aldborough Township double surface treatment and cleanup. 22,000 Road #3 - Urban Section Rodney (Rodney) sidewalk and cleanup. 17,000 Road #3 - Fleming Creek southerly (AId borough Township) asphalt paving and cleanup. 80,000 148 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Road #4 - Queen Street West Rodney (Rodney) sidewalk and cleanup. Road #36 - Sparta to Highway #3 (Yarmouth Township) cleanup Road #40 - Mount Salem to Road #42 (Malahide Township) cleanup. Road #45 - Calton to Highway 19 (Bayham Township) guide rail and cleanup. B. NEW WORK Engineering and Surveys on New Work Land Purchase Village of Dutton (a) Road 13 Shackleton Street east of McArthur Street. (b) Road #8 Main Street South of Penn Central Tracks. (c) Road #8 and #15 Diversion from Mary Street to Elgin Co-op. Village of Port Stanley (a) Road #20 Intersection of Warren Street (b) Intersection of Highway #4, Drainage and Urban Section. Road #51, Township of Yarmouth, Highway #4 to County Garage County Road #30 from Road 52 northerly, 10,000 $146,000 $ 15,000 62,000 22,000 24,000 152,000 35,000 10,000 46,000 6,000 5,000 3,000 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 149 Township of Yarmouth, as far as funds will permit. 267,000 $633,000 CREDITS Reduction in Stock Balance $60,000 Sales Tax Refund 6,000 Credits on Outside Work 24,000 $90,000 NEW MACHINERY, AND EQUIPMENT HOUSING, GRAVEL PITS $110,000 SUMMARY COUNTY CONSTRUCTION A. Completion of Work from Prior Years $146,000 B. New Work 633,000 C. Less Credits 90,000 D. New Machinery 110,000 TOTAL $799,000 MAINTENANCE Bridges & Culverts $ 18,000 Winter Control 130,000 Surface Treatment so ,000 Gravel Resurfacing 96,000 Repairs to Pavements so ,000 150 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Maintenance of Gravel Roads Roadside Maintenance Dust Control Grass Cutting Weed Spraying Tree Cutting Pavement Marking Guide Rail Signs Drainage Sweeping Tree Planting Railroad Protection Drainage Assessments TOTAL SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES County road Construction St. Thomas Suburban Road Construction County Road Maintenance Count~ Road Overhead ,\....pl1;111 J<l'sllrt';ll'lIlg ('Ollllt\ J<'),llh (H'I;I(J.., tll he dC''''I,~llatl'd Llh 1'.) $570,000 $ 799,000 153,000 570,000 286,000 300,000 20,000 10,000 2,000 19,000 2,000 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Maintenance and Oven'head Urban Rebates (250-'0 oftheir Road Levy) Supplementary Request to Ministry of Transportation and Communications for Funds for Drainage Assessments. TOTAL SUMMARY OF RECEIPTS County Road Levy 1975 Contribution City of St. Thomas and 1974 Surplus Re: St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Ministry of Transportation and Communications Subsidy Allocation Ministry of Transportation and Communications Subsidy Allocation on Drainage Assessments (SO % ) 151 61.000 36,000 $2,205,000 12,000 $2,217,000 $ 581,000 29,000 1,601,000 . 6,000 $2,217,000 The Ministry of Transportation and Communications Subsidy rate for is approximately 73% for 1975 compared to 67.7% in 1974. Rate for Urban Rebates and Drainage Assessments is 50%). Non-Subsidizable items are expected to be offset by rentals from the 152 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL sweeper which was purchased in 1974. (Rental Rates are subsidized bU the original cost was not.) ,Total expenditures including Accounts Reeeivable are estimated a $2,800,000 in 1975. 7. That a Resolution be passed requesting the Ministry 0 Transportation and Communications appropriate the sum of $6,000 in Subsidy money for Drainage Assessments on County Roads i 1975. This sum represents a 50% Subsidy on estimated Drainag Assessments of $12,000 on County Roads in 1975. (The expenditure is detailed in Recommendation 9/above.) ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 153 COUNTY RATES - COUNTY OF ELGIN FINANCIAL REPORT March Session, 1975 FIRST REPORT 1975 Estimated Espenditures County Roads Children's Aid Society $2,800,000 87,380 To the Warden and Members ofthe Elgin County Council, 1. The COMMITTEE on Finance and Apportionment beg leave to report that having inquired into Finances of the County, and estimates prepared by the County Treasurer, they herewith submit a statement of the expenditures required for the lawful purpose of the County during 1975, and showing the amount required to be raised for the undermentioned purposes: Elgin Manor - Operating - Debenture 1,020,253 62,920 Interest Di:-'l'ount 011 County Rates 45,000 25,000 Abatement of Taxes Su pplementary Taxes 5,000 Agriculture Health Unit 20,000 166,462 3,000 34,000 Registry Office Court House Mtce. Administration Offices Mtce. County Library 10,500 137,885 1975 Estimated Receipts 1975 Tax Levy $ 581,000 87,380 106,439 62,920 $2,219,000 913,814 45,000 25,000 5,000 7,500 (cr.) 7,500 20,000 166,462 3,000 17,000 17,000 ' 10,500 137,885 154 ELlJlN COUNTY COUNCIL 1975 Grants Fl1lcrgcllL'~' Measures 20,000 2,620 Printing, Postage & Stationer Council Members 7,500 55,000 Administration Salaries Social Services 60,000 443,600 Land Division Library Renovations 22,300 2,500 Property Tax Stabilization Grant Rentals Restructuring Study Sundries Contingencies 15,000 25,000 35,000 $5,105,920 1975 1975 20,000 2.620 7,500 55,000 333,750 60,000 109,850 15,000 55,000 (cr.) 55,000 22,000 (cr.) 22,000 15,000 25,000 35,000 -- - $3,586,064 $1,519,856 From Surplus 11 0, 706 - Net Levy $1 A09,150 Your COMMITTEE would recommend that the sum of One Million, Four Hundred and Nine Thousand, One Hundred and Fifty Dollars be raised on all rateable property in the several municipalities of the County of Elgin during the year 1975, for County purposes and that this amount be levied on the several municipalities in the County of Elgin on the basis of the apportionment as determined in By-Law No. 2316, passed September 18th, 1974, and that a by-law be prepared. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. R. L. Lake, Chairman 7,300 2,500 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FINANCIAL STATEMENT ELGIN AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE JANUARY 1,1974. DECEMBER 31,1974 RECEIPTS Balance Forward, December 31,1973 1974 Grant - Elgin County Council TOT AL RECEIPTS Livestock Association and Shows Holstein Blaek and White Show, Aylmer$ 76.50 Jersey Parish Show, Aylmer 46,50 Ayshire Show, Aylmer 27.00 Western Counties Guernsey Club 25.00 Beef Cattle Show, Wallacetown 100.00 Beef Cattle Show, Rodney 75.00 Elgin Beef Improvement Assoication ?5.00 S.W.O. Livestock Producers' Association 25.00 Elgin Horse Breeders' Association 25.00 485.00 County Organizations Elgin Soil & Crop Improvements Assoc. $350.00 Elgip County Plowmen's Association 200,00 Elgin Fruit Growers' Association 25,00 575.00 4-H Agricultural Clubs Elgin 4-H Club Leaders' Association 195 4-H members completing at $1.00 Picture frames for certificates 650.00 195.00 14.00 859.00 4-H Homemaking Clubs County Honour Pins (41) 192.00 Milk for 7 Achievement Days 120.50 6 4-H Club Conference Delegates-guelph 60.00 27 leaders' pins 65.01 9 frames for certificates 11.36 448.87 $ 382,32 3,000.00 155 $3,382.3 156 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Recognition Dinner - 4-H Leaders 110 plates at $3.00 Guest Speaker - honourarium Elgin Junior Farmers' and Junior Institute Auditing 1973 books - James Galbraith TOTAL EXPENSES Bank balance, De,c. 31, 1974 330.00 20.00 J an. 13, 1975 - Audited and found to be correct. balance. 1975 BUDGET 350.00 150.00 10.00 $2,867.87 514.45 James 64 East Street, St. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ORGANIZATIONS Elgin Soil & Crop Improvement Association Elgin County Plowmen's Association Elgin Fruit Growers' Association AGRICULTURAL CLUBS Elgin 4-H Club Leaders' Association 4-H members completing at $1.00 (silver dollars) Picture frames for certificates HOMEMAKING CLUBS County Honour Pins Milk for Achievement Days 4-H Club Conference Delegates - Guelph Leaders' Pins Frames for certificates ELGIN AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE OF COUNTY COUNCIL Balance, Dec. 31, 1974 Grant, County Council, 1975 LIVESTOCK ASSOCIATIONS AND SHOWS Holstein Black and White Show, Aylmer Jersey Parish Show, Aylmer Ayrshire Show, Aylmer Western Counties Guernsey Club Beef Cattle Show, Wallacetown Beef Cattle Show, Rodney Elgin Beef Improvement Association S. W.O, Livestock Producers' Association Elgin Horse Breeders' Association $ 514.45 3,000.00 RECOGNITION DINNER - 4-H LEADERS Meal Guest Speaker - honourarium Junior Farmers' and Junior Institute _ Livestock Management Tour - 2 at $15.00 $ TOTAL 157 - $ 350.00 200.00 25.00 - $ 575.00 $ 650.00 250.00 20.00 - $ 920.00 250.00 1 50.00 60.00 65.00 25.00 $ 550.00 $ 375.00 1 50.00 30.00 10.00 3.00 416.45 $3,514.45 H P. DeRyk, Chairman ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 154 I~H ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT PERSONNEL COMMITTEE R~PORT March Session, 1975 March Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members ofthe Elgin county Council, the Warden and Members ofthe Elgin County Council, The Elgin Manor committee reports as follows: The Pesonnel Committee reports as follows: I. That the resolution from the County of Simcoe requesting Minister of Community and Social Services to revise the formula residents, with assets, on extended care to allow the payment of the excess of the per diem rate above the current $17.00 per day ceiling, filed. 1. That we recommend to County Council that the employment of Mr. Jack Millard be extended past normal retirement to Decembe 26h, 1975. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. That as settlement has been made for a Collective Agreement with the London and District Building Service Workers' Union, Local 220, representing part-time employees at Elgin Manor, a By-Law be introduced authorizing the Warden and Clerk to ,sign the necessay agreement. SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITEE REPORT 3. That the Warden and clerk be authorized to sign an amendment to Article 12 - Seniority in the present collective agreement between the County and the London and District Building Service Workers' Union, Local 220. alh)\\ing part-time employees to carry seniority over to full time work. March Session, 1975 of which is respectfully submitted. To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, K. C. Emerson, Chairman The Social Services Committee reports as follows: I. That the clerk reply to the letter from Mrs. Jean Schleihauf re: rent arrears on behalf of the Jeffery Family. outlining the circumstancL's a.., III why rent cannot be paid in this instance. PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1975 2. That the Director be authorized to advertise, open and screen applications for the position of Field Workers and arrange for interviews for April 8. 1975. commencing at 1 :00 P. M. the Warden and Members ofthe Elgin County Council, ALL of which is respectfully submitted. The Property Committee reports as follows: L. R. Carroll. Chairman That we purchase 2,500 pens from Richard Cochrill Limited at a of 542.00 per hundred plus Ontario Sales Tax. Colour to be barrel with gold lettering. 160 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 2. That we purchase a new Model 420 Gestetner Stencil Duplicator a a net price of $936.50 plus Provincial Sales Tax. 3. That we purchase a Large Arms Plaque Conquistador Shop at a price of 5200.00 installed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. FINANCE AND APPORTIONMENT COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1975 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members ofthe Elgin County Council, The Finance and Apportionment Committee reports as follows: I. That the 1975 Financial Report and Notice of Annual Meeting of members of the Corporation of the St. Thomas-Elgin General togcthcr with report of the Board of Governors, the Executive the Chidof' Staff and Nursing Service be filed. 2. That the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit Budget for 1975 $166,462.00 from the County of Elgin be aproved and the statement for 1974 be filed. 3. That the Children's Aid Society Estimate of Expenditures for year 1975 requiring $87,380.00 from the County of Elgin be approved. 4. That Reeve Todd be appointed as County of Elgin representative the Tri-Collnty District Health Council. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. R. L. Lake Chairman ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 161 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1975 the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County government committee reports as follows: That the correspondence received from the Association of Counties Regions of Ontario being the 1975 Mid-Term Meeting Newsletter and be filed. That the letter from the Ministry of the Attorney General re: the from the corporation of Watford regarding the procedures, and attitudes with respect to the imposition of fines be filed. of which is respectfully submitted. J. B. Wilson, Chairman 162 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2360 "To Raise Amounts for County Rates During the Year, 1975." WHEREAS an estimate has been made showing that the sum of One Million, Four Hundred and Nine Thousand, One Hundred and Dollars is required to be raised in the several municipalities for the lawful purpose of the County during the year, 1975, on the basis of the apportionment as determined in By-Law No. 2316, passed September lRth,1974. Municipality Apportionment Aylmer Belmont Dutton Port BurwelI Port Stanley Rodney Springfield Vienna West Lorne Aldborough Bayham Dorchester South Dunwich Malahide Southwold Yarmouth ll. 646 % 1.276% 1. 456 % 1.128% 4.568% 1. 706 % .517% .464 % 1.838% 8.100% 8,882 % 3.057% 5,994 % 12.050% 21.352 % 15,966% 100.000% THEREFORE the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the County . of Elgin enacts: THAT the amounts, as set forth below, be levied on all rateable property by the several municipalities in the County of Elgin for the year 1975: ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Aylmer Belmont Dutton Port Burwell Port Stanley Rodney Springfield Vienna West Lorne Aldborough Bayham Dorchester South Dunwich Malahide Southwold Yarmouth READ a first time this 19th day of March, 1975. READ a second time this! 9th day of March, 1975 163 $ 164,109.61 17,980.75 20,517.22 15,895.21 64,369.97 24,040.10 7,285.30 6,538.46 25,900.18 114,141,15 125,160.70 43,077.72 84,464 AS 169,802.58 300,881. 71 224,984,89 $1,409,150.00 READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of March, 1975. A.H. Liebner Warden 164 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 165 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Bridge Road Name of Location Weight Year of Type of Adjoining No. No. Bridge Limit Construc- Floor Municipality (MTC) in Tons tion Finish COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2361 "Being a By-Law to restrict the weight of vehicles passing over 1935 Concrete County of Middlesex 5-45 14 MiddlemissLot C 30 (McIntosh) Con. III Twp. of Dunwich 1. WHEREAS Subsection 8 of Section 64 of the Highway Traffic (R.S.O. 1970) provides that: The Municipal Corporation or other authority having jurisdiction a bridge, may by By-Law approved by the Ministry, make limiting the gross weight of any vehicle or combination of any class thereof, passing over such bridge: AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to limit the vehicles passing over certain bridges in the County of Elgin: NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County Elgin enacts as follows: 1. No vehicle or combination of vehicles or any class thereof, empty of loaded, shall be operated over any bridge designated Schedule No.1, forming part of this By-Law with a weight in of weight limit prescribed in the Schedule for such bridge. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this By-Law subject to the penalty provided in Section 64, Subseetion (7) of Highway Traffic Act. 3. This By-Law shall not become effective until approved by Ministry of Tnlnsportation and Communications and until a of the weight permitted, legibly printed, has been posted up in conspicuous place at either end of each bridge designated in attached Schedule. READ a first time this 19th day of March 1975. READ a second time this 19th day of March 1975. \ READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of March 1975. H. L. Johnson, Clerk A.H. Liebner, Warden lhh ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2362 "Being a By-Law to authorize Grants to be made to Various Ol'gunizutions, Corpol'ations, Institutions, Etc., During 1975." 01 Elgin - Equal to the Province of Ontario to these Societies. Order of Nurses Farm Safety Coun cil County Federation of Agriculture a first time this 19th day of March 1975. WHEREAS the Council <;>f the Corporation of the County of Elgin deems it advisable to make grants to certain organizations, corporations, institutions, etc. a second time this 19th day of March, 1975. a third time/and finally passed this 19th day of March, 1975. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: I. THAT the following grants be and are hereby authorized for the ~Tar 1975: Rotary Music Festival Association of Clerks and Treasurers Association of Municipalities of Ontario Elgin Law Library Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario Canadian National Institute for the Blind Salvation Army - Maintenance Elgin County Pioneer Museum Sdwlarships - Ridgeto\\"n College of Agricultural Technology - University of Western Ontario - University of Guelph Wilfrid Laurier University University of Waterloo University of Western Ontario Reporters St. Thomas Young Men's Christian Association Quad County Association for the Mentally Retarded Tillsonburg and District Association for the Mentally Retarded The Local Agricultural Office for farm Organizations & Junior Farmers and Institute Groups Agricultural Representatives Act The Agricultural and Horticultural Societies in the Johnson, Clerk 25.00 40.00 50.00 50.00 392.00 1,250.00 500.00 500.00 200.00 50.00 3,000.00 2,300.00 2,500.00 3,000.00 500.00 167 2,000.00 150.00 100.00 A,H. Liebner, Warden A. H. Liebner, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 169 168 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2363 By-Law No. 2364 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Execution of a Collective Agreement between the Corporation of the County fo Elgin and London and District Building Service Workers' Union, Local 220, S. E. I. U., A. F. ofL., C. I. 0., C. L. C. with Respect to the Corporation's Part-Time Employees at the Elgin Manor." ., A B~' - Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the March Session, 1975." WHEREAS the London and District Building Service Workers' Union, Local 220, by certificate dated September 30th, 1974, is the certified bargaining agent for the emplyees of Elgin Manor, who are regularly employed for not more than twenty-four hours per week, save and except Supervisors, persons above the rank of Supervisor, Registered Nurses, Office Staff, and students employed during the school vacation period. AND WHEREAS negotiations have taken place over a period of time, between the County and the Union, towards establishing orderly collective bargaining relations and providing an orderly procedure for the disposition of grievances and defining working conditions and terms of employment for all part-time employees who are represented by the Union, in the form of a Collective Agreement. WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario. 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 ofthe Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law; AND WHEREAS agreement has now been reached by both parties on the said procedure, conditions and terms of employment to be included in an agreement. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: That action of the Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken the council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings during the March 1975 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. NOW THEREFORE it is hereby enacted that the Warden and of the County of Elgin be and are hereby empowered to sign the Collective Agreement (hereto attached as Schedule A( between the County of Elgin and the London and District Building Service Workers' Union, Local 220, S.E.I.U., A.F. of L., C.LO., C,L.c., setting forth collective relations, disposition of gri~vances and to define working conditions and terms of employment for all part-time employees of Elgin Manor, represented by the said Union. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of are hereby authorized and direeted to do all things necessary to give to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin to in preceding section hereof. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the of the County of Elgin. READ a first tin)e this 19th day of March, 1975. READ a second time this 19th day of March, 1975, READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of March, 1975. I H. L. Johnson. Clerk a first time this 19th day of March, 1975. a second time this 19th day of March, 1975. a third time and finally passed thi,s 19th day of March, 1975. .Iol1n....\)Il. Clerk A,H. Liebner, Warden 170 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL APRIL SESSION.....,... FIRST DAY Wednesday, the 16th day of April, 1975 The Elgin County. Council met this day at the County Municipal Building, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members present. Moved by Deputy Reeve Ferguson Seconded by Reeve Cook That the minutes of the March 1975 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. The following communications were read and referred to the various Committees: From the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs with news release of a government pilot project to help small in'dependent retailers improve their operations and profits. - Filed. From the Ministry of Agriculture and Food with letter regarding the development of a 92 acre "Ontario Agricultural Museum" near Milton, Ontario. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the Ontario Conference on Local Government with request for a grant. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From the Ministry of Housing with letter re: Exemptions from the Provisions 9fthe Condominium Act, ( Filed. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with Memo 75-3 re: General Conditions of Contract Form M-100. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the Ministry of Culture and Recreation with letter re: new Heritage legislation, a copy of Bill 176, The Ontario Heritage Act and a ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 171 of a handbook for Municipal Councillors' 'Guidelines for Designation of Buildings of Architectural and Historic Importance," - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Township of Southwold with letter and resolution regarding the purchase by the County of the watermain from the City of St. Thomas limits to the top of the'Fingal Hill. - Referred to the Elgin ~anor From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with letter re: Amendments to various sections of The Highway Traffic Act. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the County of Perth with resolution requesting Amendment of Section 65 of the Game and Fish Act and that a season for coons be established. ~ Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs with remarks by the Honourable W. Darcy McKeough, Treasurer of Ontario, to the Canadian Club, March 10, 1975, on the topic "Planning Ontario Budget". - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From the Honourable F.S, Miller, Minister of Health, with letter in reply to the Elgin County resolution requesting a 75 per cent government subsidy with respect to the operation ofthe Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit. - Referred to the Finanee and Apportionment Committee. From Mr. Peter Laing, Chairman of the St. Thomas Health Unit with appreciation for 200 County pens to be distributed to delegates and guests at the Annual Conventionof the Association of Ontario Boards of Health. - Filed. From the Association of Municipalities of Ontario with convention information sheet and pre-conference registration and application for accommodation form. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Minister of Government Services advising of the recommendations for future use of the vacant areas of the Court House which have been made to the Ministry of the Attorney General. - Referred to the Property Committee. 172 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL From the County of Frontenac with resolution recommending to the Minister of Agriculture of Canada and the Minister of Agriculture of Ontario to institute a joint federal-provincial crash pr.o,gram to eliminate Bruscellosis or Bang's disease. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the Minister of Energy with Statement and Report on the "Restructuring of Public Utilities." - Filed, From the Industrial Research Institute of the University of Windsor advising of a one day seminar on economic and technical implications of O.M.E. Model Municipal Noise Control By-Law. Filed. From the Township of Yarmouth with notice of application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of a by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of the Planning Act and a copy of Township of Yarmouth By-Law No. 2283. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the Ministry of the Environment with draft copy of a Model Municipal Noise Control By-Law and advice as to dates and places of workshops on same. - Filed. From the Village of Dutton with copy of Village of Dutton By-Law No. 836 authorizing the stopping up or closing of a portion of the road allowance of Allan Street in the Village of Dutton, and requesting the County of Elgin to pass a confirming by-law. - Referred to the road Committee. From the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Soils and Crops Branch, with notice of meeting for county and regional weed inspectors. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee, From the St. Thomas Branch of The Canadian Red Cross Society advising of an increase in the rates for the Homemaker Service, - Referred to the Social Services Committee. Moved by Reeve Cook Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ferguson That the auditor's Report for the year ended December 31st, 1974, be accepted by the Elgin County Council. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 173 Mr. Peter LaJng, Alderman, City of St. Thomas, was present and was in\"ited to speek by Warden Liebner. Alderman Laing congratulated Council on its new council Chambers and advised the members of the Annual Convention of the Association of Ontario Boards of Health which is to be held in London, Ontario. April 19. 20 and 21. 1975. Warden Liebner thanked Alderman Laing for his remarks. The Report of the Social Services Committee was presented by Reeve Carroll and adopted on motion of Reeve Carroll and Deputy Reeve McLean. The Report of the Road Committee was presented by Reeve Carroll Mo\"ed by Reeve Carroll Seconded by Reeve Monteith That we go into a Committee ofthe Whole. - Carried. The Warden named Reeve Carroll to be chairman of the Con)mittee of the Whole. The Report of the road. Committee was discussed at considerable length and it was by Reeve Emerson by Reeve Simpson That this Committee ofthe Whole rise without reporting, - Carried. The Warden assumed the Chair. Moved by reeve Carroll b~' Reeve Simpson That the Report ofthe road Committee be adopted. - Carried. 174 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Resolved that all garbage disposal and/or garbage pick-up contracts between the Local Municipalities in Elgin County and the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd. and/or Advance Containers Ltd. be presented to the County Solicitors for interpretation and/or action as may be deemed necessary. Moved by Deputy Reeve Campbell Seconded by Reeve Lake - Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL That By-Law No. 2365 be read a second time. by Reeve Emerson by Deputy Reeve McLean 175 - Carried, That we do now adjourn to meet again Apri116th, 1975, at 2:00 P.M, - Carried. That By-Law No. 2365 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Council Re-Convened. by Reeve Lake by Deputy Reeve Campbell That we do now adjourn to meet again on May 21, 1975, at 10:00 The Report of the Finance and. Apportionment Committee was presented by Reeve Lake and adopted on motion of Reeve Lake and Reeve Todd. The Rep0l1 of the County Government Committee was presented by Reeve Wilson and adopted on motion of Reeve Wilson and Reeve Emerson. The Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Nemett and adopted on motion of Reeve Nemett and Deputy Reeve Green; The Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reev Caverly and adopted on motion of reeve Caverly and Reeve Cook. The Report of the Elgin Manor Building Committee was presented b Reeve Hodgson and adopted on motion of Reeve Hodgson and Deput Reeve Glover. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Carroll That by-law No. 2365 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of t Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the April Sesso 1975," be read a first time. .Jnhnslln. Clerk - Carried~ A. H. Liebner, Warden 1. That the following persons have been hired for the positions of field workers at .the rate of $8,200.00 per annum and have commenced employment onApri114, 1975: Mrs. Evelyn Poulton Mrs. Susan Clemas 176 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members ofthe Elgin County Council, The Social Services Committee reports as follows: ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1975 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council Y our Road Committee Begs to Report as follows: 1. We have purchased a Tandem Truck (Diesel) International Truck which has been scrapped. L.R. Carroll, Chairman 2. Tenders have been called for Hot Mix Asphalt Resurfacing on the following roads: (a) Road 2from Road 8 to Road 15 in Dunwich Township. (11) Road,b from Road 3 to Black's Lane in Aldborough Township. (c) Road 40 from south limits of Springfield to Gleneolinin Malahide Township. (d) Road 44 from Highway 3 to Highway 19 in Bayham Township, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 177 3. Tenders have been called for Hot Mix Asphalt Pavements in conjunction with the County's Construction Programme on the following Roads: (a) Road 3 approximately one mile north of Road 9 to Fleming Creek in Aldborough Township. (b) Portions of Roads 8. 13 and 15 in Dutton after installation of sanitary sewers by the Ministry of the Environment. (c) Portions of Road 20 in Port Stanley after installation of sanitary sewers by the Minstry ofthe Environment. (dl Road 51 from the County Garage at White Station to Hwy. 4 in the Township of Yarmouth and the entrance to the Garage and a portion in from of the Garage at White Station. (e) Portions of Road 30 (Radio Road) in Yarmouth Township. RECOMMEND That the County of Elgin have an appraisal made of the property owned by St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Limited in Concession III Southwold Township. That we participate in an Area Solid Waste Management Study with the City of St. Thomas, County of Middlesex and the City of London. That the County's Representatives on the Technical Committee of the '>tlld~' be the Warden and the County Engineer. That the County's Representatives on the Steering Committee of the Study be the Warden and the Chairman ofthe Road Committee. of which is respectfully submitted. L.R. Carroll Chairman 178 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FINANCE AND APPORTIONMENT COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance and Apportionment Committee reports as f()lh\\\,,: 1. That the Ontario Conference on Local Government reljuest 1'111' a grant be filed. 2. That the remarks by the honourable W. Darcy McKeough, Treasurer of Ontario, to the Canadian Club, March 10, 1975, on the topic "Planning the Ontario Buclget" be filed. 3. That the letter from the Honourable F.S. Miller, Minister of Health, in reply to the County of Elgin resolution requesting a 75% government subsidy with respect to the operation of the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit be filed. 4. That we recommend that the members of County Council, who attended the A.C. R.O. Convention in Mississagua, be paid an additional day's convention expense allowance, where they were required to stay over due to adverse weather conditions. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. R. L. Lake, Chairman COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council. The County government Committee reports as follows: 1. That the letter from the Ministry of Culture and Recreation re: new ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 179 Heritage legislation, a copy of the Ontario Heritage Act and "Guidlines for Designation of Buildings of Architectural and Historic Importance" be filed. That the correspondence from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario re: 1975 Convention be filed. ALL of which fs respectfully submitted. J. B. Wilson, Chairman PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1975 the Warden and Members ofthe Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: That the letter from the Honourable James W. Snow, Minister of overnment Services re: space required in the court House by the Provincial Government be filed. That we accept the tender of Clinton's Flowers and Gifts to omplete the planter in the entrance hall of the County Municipal Building t a cost of $129.00 plus Provincial Sales Tax. That the Deputy Clerk-Treasurer and Clerk-Treasurer be author- led to open tenders on old furniture from the Court House and award ach item to the sucessful bidder in accordance with the Terms of Sale. That we purchase a lectern from Richard Cochrill Ltd. at a cost of 45.00 less 15% plus Provincial Sales Tax. LL of which is respectfully submitted. J. P. Nemett, Chairman 180 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1975 To The Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That a copy of the letter from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food regarding the development of a a 92 acre" Ontario Agricultural Museum" be given to Mr. Elgin Wells, County Librarian and that he be requested to provide the Ministry with any information and books which he feel<, \\'ould be of value to the Ontario Agricultural Museum. 2. That the resolution from the County of Perth requesting Amendment of Section 65 of the Game and Fish Act be endorsed. 3. That the resolution from the County of Fronenac recommending the Federal and Provincial governments to institute a joint crash program to eliminate Bruscellosis or Bang's disease be filed. 4 That the notice from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Soils and Crops Branch, advising of a meeting fOf County and fegional weed inspectors be filed, ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 181 ELGIN MANOR BUILDING COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1975 To the Watden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Elgin Manor Building Committee reports as follows: 1. That we feeommend to County Council that the cost of the drop-in centre for the new Home, to be constructed east of Aylmer, be assumed 100% by the County of Elgin, subject to the approval of the Minstry of Community and Social Services. 2. That the County of Elgin assume 50% of the cost of construeting a bowling alley in the new Home, in the event the Ministry of Community and Social Services Services will subsidize this cost. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. J,1. Hodgson, Chairman 182 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2365 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings fo the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the April Session, 1975." WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every Coun cil are to be exercised by By-Law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the April 1975 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials ofthe Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 16th day of April, 1975. READ a second time this 16th day of April, 1975 READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day of april, 1975. H. L. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner, Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 183 MAY SESSION - FIRST DAY Wednesday, the 21st day of May, 1975 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Elgin County Municipal Building in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members present except Reeve Caverly and Deputy Reeve Rayner. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Lake That the minutes of the April 1975 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. The following communications were read and referred to the various committees: From the Minstry of Transportation and Communications with Memo 75 _ 4 re: changes to A.P.E.O. scale of fees. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Town of Aurora with resolution requesting legislation which would impose a ban on the sale and use of non-reusable, non-refillable beverage cans and glass bottles, Referred to the County Government Committee, From the Count~ of Lanark with resolution requesting amendment to the Child Welfare Act so that ' 'the cost of all services be in the proportion that the population of the municipality bears to the total population of the area in the jurisdiction of the society". - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From the Ontario Municipal board with letter re: Proposed Capital .Expenditure Projects in view of the steadily rising trend in unemployment and the increasing burden on the general tax levy caused by debt charges as a result of high interest rates. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. 184 From the Town~hip of Yarmouth with notice of a meeting of Committee of Adjustment on April 17th, 1975, to deal with a variance to Township by-Law No. 2124. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with advising of an advance payment of $480,300.00 on 1975 road subsidy, _ Filed. From the Honourable W. Darcy McKeough, Treasurer of Ontario, with letter relative to the 1975, Ontario Budget. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee, From Mr. WaIter M. Tovell, Director, Royal Ontario Museum, with letter re: the physical expansion of the Museum. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the St. Thomas-Elgin Association for the mentally Retarded with request for a donation. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee, From the Township of Yarmouth with letter advising that the Committee of Adjustment will meet on May 15, 1975 to consider a request for a minor variance from Township of Yarmouth By-Law No. 1998. _ Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Village of Dutton with copy of Village of Dutton By-Law No. 838 authorizing the Stoppmg up and Selling Part of Allan Street as shown on registered Plan No. 171 and requesting the County of Elgin to pass a confirming By-Law. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs with Remarks by The Honourable W. Darcy McKeough to the Annual Conference pf the Organization of Small Urban Municipalities. _ Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Ministry of Natural Resources with a list of townships that are designate, effective May 1, 1975, under the Pits and Quarries Control Act, 1971. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs with Remarks by the Honourable W. Darcy McKeough to the Second Conference of the Simcoe-Georgian Area Task Force. - Filed. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 185 From the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board with invitation to County Council members and their wives to a Social Get Acquainted to be held at the Museum on Tuesday, June 17, 1975, at 8:00 - Filed. From Mr. J. B. McWilliams, Solicitor, Union Gas Limited with copy Application and Notice of Application and Hearing re: Leave to Application Dominion Line Replacement - Ridgetown to Paynes - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the University of Western Ontario advising that the Annual Council Day at the University will be held on June 11, 1975. - From Mr. R.A. Barrett, A,M.C.T., C.M,C., Secretary, Local Study Committee, with letter requesting County council to with resolution adopted by the Local Government Study Committee the modification of the research outline and timetable for the County of Restructuring Study. - Tabled. From the Association of Municipalities of Ontario with registration for vofing delegates. - Tabled. Warden Liebner read a letter which he had received from Controller M. Ferris, Chairman, London - Middlesex Disaster and Emergency Committee inviting the Chairman of the other Zone 1 groups to join with London-Middlesex in a joint representation the Solicitor General of Ontario concerning the Province's decision to withdraw its financial support from the Emergency Measures program the end of 1975. Moved by Reeve Todd Seconded by Reeve Lake That the Warden be a member of the delegation to meet with the Attorney General with regards to funding E.M.O. - Carried. Warden Liebner also presented a letter he had received from Doctor C. A. Graham regarding young people congregating on the Court House property and requesting the assistance of the County Council in curbing the practice. The matter was left for the Warden to deal with, 186 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Mr. S.H. Janes, Commissioner, Elgin County Local Government Study was present and it was Moved by Deputy Reeve Glover Seconded by Reeve McBrien That Mr. Janes be now heard. - Carried. Mr. Janes addressed Council and presented Research Report No. 1 and advised that he would be meeting. with the council of the local municipalities in the near future to discuss the Report. Mr. Janes explained the future schedule of the Study and offered to answer any questions which the members of Council might wish to ask. After a question and answer period the Warden thanked Mr. Janes for his Report and visit to Council. Moved by Reeve Todd Seconded by Reeve Cook That the Elgin County Council concurs in the modification of the re- search outline and timetable for the County of Elgin Restructuring Study as se t out in the letter from the Study Comissioner dated April 30th, 1975. - Carried. The Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Schafer and adopted on motion of Reeve Schafer and Reeve Simpson. Moved by Reeve Schafer Seconded by Reeve Carroll That we go into a Committee of the Whole and that Engineer Moore and Mr. S. H. Janes remain for the Committee meeting. - Carried. The Warden appointed Reeve Schafer as Chairman of the Committee of the Whole. Considerable discussion took place regarding solid waste disposal in the County of Elgin. Moved by Reeve Carroll ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 187 Seconded by Reeve Simpson That this Committee of the Whole rise with no report. - Carried, The Warden resumed the Chair. Moved by Reeve Todd Seconded by Reeve Wilson That the Warden and Reeve Hodgson be the voting delegates from the County of Elgin at the 1975 annual Conference of the Assoication of Municipalities of Ontario to be held on August 3,4,5, and 6, 1975. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Kahnt Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ferguson That we go into a Committee of the Whole, - Carried. The Warden appointed Reeve Kahnt as Chairman of the Committee of the Whole. Matters concerning the completion of the new library building were discussed. Moved by Reeve Monteith Seconded by Deputy Reeve Kelly That this Committee of the Whole rise with no report. - Carried, The Warden resumed the Chair. Moved by Reeve Lake Seconded by Reeve Emerson That we do now adjourn to meet again May 21st, 1975, at 2:00 P,M, - Carried. Council Re-Convened 188 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL The Report of the Social Services Committee was presented by Reeve Carroll and adopted on motion of Reeve Carroll and Reeve Bradfield. The Report of the Finance and Apportionment Committee presented by Reeve Lake and adopted on motion of Reeve Lake and Emerson. The Report of the Reception and Entertainment Committee presented by Deputy Reeve Pettit and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Pettit and Deputy Reeve Glover. The Report of the County Government Commitee was presented by Reeve Wilson and adopted on motion of Reeve Wilson and Reeve Monteith. The Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Nemett and adopted on motion of Reeve Nemett and Deputy Reeve Campbell. The Report of the Elgin Manor Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve deRyk and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve deRyk and Reeve Hodgson. The Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Deputy Reeve Pettit. Engineer R. G. Moore reported that he hoped to have information on the solid waste contracts ofthe local municipalities in the near future. Moved by Deputy Reeve Kelly Seconded by Reeve Kahnt That By-Law No. 2366 "Being a By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 836 of the village of Dutton, A By-Law to Authorize the Stopping up or Closing of a Portion of the Road Allowance of Allan Street in the Village of Dutton," be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Carroll Seconded by Deputy Reeve Kelly that By-Law No. 2366 be read a second time. - Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 189 by Reeve Todd by Reeve Carroll That By- Law No. 2366 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried, oved by Deputy Reeve McLean by Reeve Kahnt That By-Law No. 2367 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the of the corporation of the County of Elgin at the May Session, " be read a first time. - Carried. by Reeve Monteith by Deputy Reeve McLean That By-Law No. 2367 be read a second time. - Carried. by Reeve Kahnt by Reeve Monteith That By-Law No. 2367 be read a third time and finally passed, - Carried. by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Lake That we do now adjourn to meet again on June 18,1975 at 10:00 A,M. - Carried. L. Johnson, Clerk. A. H. Liebner, Warden 190 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT FIRST REPORT May Session - 1975 To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council Your Road Committee reports as follows: 1. Contracts for Hot Mix Asphalt Paving have been let to Walmsley Bros. Limited as follows. Contract' A' County Road 3 and 6 Aldborough Township - $76,140. Contract 'B' Roads in Dutton Area - $37,318. Contract 'C' County Road 51 Area (White Station), Yarmouth Township - $12,900. Contract 'E' Bayham Township - $19,320. Contract 'P' County Road 44 - Bayham Township - $74,250. Contract 'G' County Road 40, Springfield and South Dorchester - $37,630. Contract 'H' Road 30, Yarmouth Township - $53,212. 2. A Contract for Hot Mix Asphalt Paving has been let to Towland (London) 1970 Limited for Asphalt Paving in the Port Stanley Area (Contract D) at $16,950.50. In addition to these Contracts the County of Elgin will supply the Asphalt Cement for the Asphalt Mix. The total cost of all Contracts and the Asphalt Cement is estimated at: $397,970.55 to the County of Elgin. 12,783.77 to the Ministry of the Environ.ment (Ontario). 51,579.26 to local Municipalities in Elgin County. $462,333.58 3. We have purchased the following new vehicles and machinery with County of Elgin vehicles and machinery as trade-ins. (a) 3 Dodge Automobiles. (b) 1 Ton Pick-Up Truck. (c) Tractor and Side Mounted Mower. (d) Tractor and Front End Loader. COUNCIL 191 RECOMMEND: That a By-Law be passed confirming By-Law 836 clthe Village of Dutton to close a portion of Allan Street. 2. That the appointment of the firm of Jas. F. MacLaren Limited as consultants for the London Area Solid Waste Study by the Steering Committee for the Study, be endorsed. (Warden Liebner and Reeve Schafer are the County of Elgin Representatives on the Committee. ) A formal agreement to enter into the Study will be ready for presentation to the June Session of County Council. The County of Elgin share of the Study is estimated at approximately $3,400 after a 50% Subsidy by the Ministry of the Environment. ALL of which is respectfully submitted, M. A. Schafer, CHAIRMAN. SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Social Services Committee reports as follows: 1. That we approve the new rates for Canadian Red Cross Society Homemaker Services: 27.50 per day 3.45 per hour 39.00 for live in service. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. 1. R. Carroll, Chairman, 192 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FINANCE AND APPORTIONMENT COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance and Apportionment Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from the County of Lanark amendment of the Child Welfare Act so that' 'the cost of all services be the proportion that the population of the municipality bears to the population of the area in the jurisdiction of the society", be filed, 2. That the letter from The Ontario Municipal Board re: Proposed CapitafExpenditure Projects be filed. 3. That the letter from The Honourable W. Darcy McKeough relative to the 1975 Ontario Budget be filed. 4. That the request from the St, Thomas-Elgin Association for the Mentally Retarded be filed, ALL of which is respectfully submitted. R.L. Lake, Chairman. RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Reception and Entertainment Committee reports as follows: 1 . That the Elgin County golf day be held at Pleasant Valley Golf Course on Thurdsay, July 10th, 1975 and that the usual invitations be sent out, and that County Councillors be allowed to bring a guest. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. G.R. Pettit, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 193 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1975 othe Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from the Town of Aurora requesting legislation to impose a ban on the sale and use of non-reusable, non-refillable beverage cans and glass bottles be endorsed. 2. That the letter from Mr. WaIter M, Tovell, Director, Royal Ontrio Museum, re: the physical expansion ofthe Museum, be filed. 3. That the Remarks by the Honourable W. Darcy McKeough to the Annual Conference of the Organization of Small Urban Municipalities be filed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. J, B, Wilson, Chairman. 194 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Clerk-Treasurer's Office be authorized to dispose of the balance ofthe furniture to the highest bidder. 2. That Mr. C. Annen be authorized to carry out painting of the east entrance of the Court House at a price of $144,00 and grain convectors in the Council Chambers at a price of $42.00 3. That the Clerk-Treasurer's Office obtain three tenders for the instalation of both and oil and gas furnace and also two tenders for electric h.eat for the Engineer's Building. 4. That an oil burner service agreement to taken out with Murray Dadson Heating Service for the Registry Office and Municipal Building at a eost of $24.95 per annum each. ' S. That we reeommend to County Council that negotiations be undertaken with the Ministry of Government Services for the sale of the County Court House, to be maintained in its present state, for the Administration of Justice for Elgin County. 6, That the Clerk-Treasurer's Office be requested to obtain opinions on making the air-conditioning system quieter, ALL of which is respectfully submitted. J, P. Nemett, Chairman, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 195 ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Elgin Manor Committee reports as follows: Effective May 1st, 1975, the per diem rate to be charged full pay care residents will be $16.40. 2. Approval has been given to Mr. Irwin Phoenix to connect an existing house to the watermain serving Elgin Manor, of which is respectfully submitted. H. P. deRyk, Chairman PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members ofthe Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That a probationary rate be established for each of the categories of the Road Department and that it be 25 cents per hour less than the starting rate. 2. That the firm of Stevenson and Hunt Insurance Agencies Limited be authorized to obtain rates for life insurance and long term disability coverage for the employees indicating a desire for it, ALL of which is respectfully submitted. K. C. Emerson, Chairman. 196 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2366 "Being a By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 836 of the Village of Dutton, A By-Law to Authorize the Stopping up or closing of a Portion of the Road Allowance of Allan Street in the Village of Dutton." WHEREAS the Council of the Village of Dutton on the 7th day of April, 1975, did pass By-Law No. 836 to authorize the stopping up or closing of a portion of the road allowance of Allan Street in the Village of Dutton, more particularly described in By-Law No. 836 of the Village of Dutton, a true copy of which is hereunto annexed. AND WHEREAS ,pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act, the said Village By-Law shall not have any force until confirmed by a By-Law of the Council of the County in which the Village is situated, passed at an ordinary meeting of the Council held not later than one year after the passing of the By-Law ofthe Council ofthe Villafle. AND WHEREAS application has been made to the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin for a By-Law confirming the said Village of Dutton By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: THAT By-Law No. 836 of the Village of Dutton, being a By-Law to stop up or close a portion of the road allowance of Allan Street in the Village of Dutton, be and the same is hereby confirmed. READ a first time this 21st day of May, 1975. READ a second time this 21st day of May, 1975. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of May, 1975. H. L. Johnson, Clerk A.H. Liebncr Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 197 By-Law # 836 Corporation Village of Dutton Being a by-law to authorize the stopping up or closing of a portion of road allowance of Allan Street in the Village of Dutton. Whereas under R.S.O. 1970 Chpt. 284 Sect. 443 Sub. see (c) the Council of the Village of Dutton is given the power to pass by-laws for up and disposing of any highway or part thereof in the And whereas the Council of this Municipality feels that this power be exercised as regards a portion ofthe road allowance. And whereas the Council of the Village of Dutton has complied with Chapt. 284 Sect. 445 Sub. Sec. 2 and Sec. 446 Set. 1 Sub, Sec. (a) to advertsing their intention of closing and disposing a portion of Allan 1. That the portion of Allan Street being ALL AND SINGULAR that parcel of land and premises, situate lying and being in the Village Dutton, in the County of Elgin and the Province of Ontario being of all that part of Allan Street as shown on Registered Plan 171 the said Village lying to the North-West of a straight line drawn from most Easterly angle of Lot 52 Registered Plan 171 to the most angle of Lot 51 Registered Plan 171. 2. That the Reeve and Treasurer and clerk be authorized to dispose of convey title of the above portion of land to Glen Palmateer, Opal Clarence Milton and Dorothy Milton in exchange for the portion of the road in the authorized planned subdivision. That this by-law shall come into effect on and after it's by the Council of the County of Elgin and upon approval of Lieutenant Governor in Council and it's registration in the Registry of till' Registry Division of the County of Elgin. Read a First, a Second, a Third Time and finally passed this 7th day of 1975. Reeve C. R. Milton, Clerk I hereby declare this to be a true and exact copy ofthe original document. C. Milton, Clerk, Village of Dutton. 198 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2367 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings ofthe Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the May Session, 1975." WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 ofthe Municipal Act. being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario. 1970, the powers of every council are to be exercixed by By-Law: AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By- Law: ' NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the May 1975 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if al such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials ofthe Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation ofthe County of Elgin. READ a first time this 21st day of May, 1975. READ a second time this 21st day of May, 1975. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of May, 1975. H. L. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner, Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 199 JUNE SESSION - FIRST DAY Wednesday, the 18th day of June 1975 The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municipal Building, St. Thomas, in aecordanee with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair, All members present except Reeve McBrien and Deputy Reeve Ferguson. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Reeve Wilson That the minutes of the May 1975 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. The following Communications were read and referred to the various committees: From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with Mid-Term Questionnaire and 1975 Interim Report by Reeve Dick Thompson, A.C.R.O. President. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs with letter re: 1972-73 Employment Incentive Program advising that refund request of $1,879.43 ha.s been cancelled. - Filed. From the Regional Municipality of Durham with three resolutions: (1) To require employable recipients of public assistance to contribute such effort and/or expertise of which they may be possessed to effect or compensate the taxpaying public for any assistance extended to them. - Referred to the Social Services Committee, (2) Requesting changes in legislation with respect to the dispensing of medications in provincially supervised, municipally owned and operated Homes for the Aged. - Referred to the Elgin Manor Committee. (3) Petitioning the Province of Ontario and the Government of Canada 200 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL to amend sections of the General Welfare Assistance Act and the Canada Assistance Act respectively so as to provide that the parent <?r guardian of any person under the age of eighteen years shall be assumed to be legally responsible for the care and maintenance of any such person until he or she reaches the age of eighteen years. - Referred to the Social Services Committee. From Mr. James McBain Clerk of the Court, with a copy of the 5th Grand Jury Report and the May 20th Grand Jury Report. _ to the Property Committee. From the County of Sincoe with two resolutions: (1) Requesting that a section be added to the General Welfare Assistance Act to provide that any unit administering general assistance shall receive subsidy on the full cost of maintenance for persons in homes for delinquent juveniles, - Referred to the Social Services Committee. (2) Requesting that a section be added to the General Assistance Act so that any unit administering general welfare assistance shall receive subsidy on (a) telephone services, (b) postage services and (c) office rental and office expenses but not necessarily on the purchase of equipment. Referred to the Social Services Committee. From the County of Victoria with resolution requesting that The Minister of Agriculture and Food to consider reinstating a subsidy on. warble fly control materials. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs with letter re: an interim draft of the plan for the Parkway Belt West, a multi-use corridor stretching from the City of Hamilton on the west to the Town of Markham on the east. - Filed. From Mr. E. F. Johnston, Regional Forester, Southwestern Region, with letter re: the letter sent to the Ministry of Natural Resources regarding the County of Elgin Tree Cutting By-Law and the reply from Mr. Dixon. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From Mr. Stephen Harris with Questionnaire on attitudes of Canadian Government Officials Towards Federalism and Intergovern- mental Relations in Canada. - Referred to the County Government ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 201 From Doris J. McNaughton, Secretary, Elgin County Women 'reachers' Association with appreciation for the donation of County pens to the Elgin County Women Teachers' Association. - Filed. From the Elgin Manor Auxiliary with request for permission to use the Elgin County Crest on a small booklet the auxiliary is having printed of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Elgin Manor Auxiliary. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From Mr, J. E. Janse with copy of a letter sent to Mr. Fred Boyes, Administrator, Elgin Manor Home for the Aged Re: Sewage Treatment Facilities, Elgin Manor Home. - Referred to the Elgin Manor Committee. From the Regional Municipality of Niagara with a copy of a letter and brief which they are sending to The Honourable William G. Davis, Q.C., Premier of Ontario re: the announced withdrawl of financial support for the Emergency Measures Organization Program and the phasing cut of the Emergency Measures Branch. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with request for Reeve R. L. ~ake to serve on the Resolutions Committee of A,C.R,O. - Referred to the County Government Committee, From the County of Oxford with resolution requesting the Province of Ontario to provide legislation to protect livestock or poultry operators from the objections of residential land owners to the odour emitted from farm operations that existed prior to the residential use. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the Ministry of Housing, Community Planning Branch, with letter and Guidelines for Land Division Committees on the Preparation of Interim Land Serverance Policy. - Referred to the County Committee. From the Township of Yarmouth with Notice of Application to the Municipal Board for approval of a by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to section 3S of the Planning Act and a copy of Township of Yarmouth By-Law 2283. - Referred to the Road Committee. 202 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL From Wilfrid Laurier University advising that Mr. Abram Harms, R.R, #1, Aylmer, Ontario and Miss Marlene Louise Schneider, R.R. #2, Port Burwell, Ontario, are the winners of the County of Elgin Scholarships, - Filed. From the Township of Southwold with notices of Public Hearing of two applications for Minor Variances from By-Law No, 1677. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the Township of Yarmouth with Notice of Public Hearing Application for Minor Variance from By-Law 1998. - Referred to Road Committee. From the Ministry of Government Services with letter immediate and projected 20-year requirements for the St. Registry Office. - Referred to the Property Committee. Reeve Caverly introduced the matter of a resident living in who is in need of assistance but is not receiving it and enquired as to steps were necessary in order to assure that the necessary assistance made available. Council discussed the matter and Mr. F. Boyes, Administrator Elgin Manor advised that her application for admission to the County. Home For the Aged would have to be sent to Toronto as approval of the Ministry of Family and Social Services was required cases where the applicant is under sixty years of age. Mr, Boyes that he will pursue thematter further and Mr. Robert Bell, Director Social Services volunteered to be the clearing office for similar cases. Reeve Cook enquired regarding the procedure for decision of the Land Pivision Committee and the Deputy explained the procedure that has been followed in the past, The Report of the Elgin Manor Committee was presented by Reeve deRyk and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve deRyk and Simpson. The Treasurer's Report was presented. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Reeve Hodgson ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 203 That the Treasurer's Report be accepted and printed in the proceedings. - Carried. The Warden introdueed Ex-Warden John Wise, present M,P. of Elgin and Mr. Wise addressed Council complimenting the members on the renovation of the former County Library into the present County Municipal Building. Warden Liebner called for a minute of silence in tribute to the late Mr. Teunis Schuit, former caretaker ofthe County buildings, Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That we do now adjourn to meet again on June 18th, 1975, at 2:00P.M. - Carried Council re-convened, Moved by Reeve Lake Seconded by Reeve Bradfield As it is now 6:00 P.M. that Council proceed with Council business. - C-arrled. Mr. Donald McMillan, a retired employee of the County Road Department, was present and Warden Liebner thinked Mr. McMillan for the years of service he had given to the County of Elgin and presented him with a cheque, The Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of reeve Emerson and Reeve Hodgson. The First Report of the Road Committee was presented by Reeve and Adopted on motion of Reeve Schafer and Reeve Simpson. The Second Report of the Road Committee was presented by Reeve and adopted on motion of Reeve Schafer and Reeve Nemett. The Report of the County Government Committee was presented by 204 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Reeve Hodgson and adopted on motion of Reeve Hodgson and Reeve Kelly. The Report of the Finance and Apportionment Committee was presented by Reeve Lake and adopted on motion of Reeve Lake and Reeve Caverly. The Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caverly and Reeve Lake. The Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Nemctt and adopted on motion of Reeve Nemett and Deputy Reeve Green. The Report of the Social Services Committee was presented by Reeve Carroll and adopted on motion of Reeve Carroll and Reeve Bradfield. Moved by Reeve Todd Seconded by Deputy Reeve Campbell That by-Law No. 2368 "Being a ByeLaw to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk of the County of Elgin to Sign an Agreement Between the Corporation of the County of Elgin, the Corporation of the County of Middlesex, the Corporation of the Cityof London and the Corporation of the City of St. Thomas to Undertake an Area Solid Wastc Management Study," be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Simpson Seconded by Reeve Todd That By-Law No. 2368 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Campbell Seconded by Reeve Simpson That By-Law No. 2368 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Carroll Seconded by Deputy Reeve Kelly ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 205 That By-Law No. 2369 "Being a By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 838 Village of Dutton, A By-Law for Stopping Up and Selling Part of Street as Shown on Registered Plan 171," be read a firsttime. -Carried. by Deputy Reeve Kelly by Reeve Carroll That By-Law No, 2369 be read a second time. - Carried, by Reeve Todd by Reeve Simpson That By-Law No. 2369 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. by Deputy Reeve Kelly by Reeve Carroll That By-Law No. 2370 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the June Session, " be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McLean by Deputy Reeve Kelly That By-Law No. 2370 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Carroll Seconded by Reeve Kahnt That By-Law No. 2370 be read a third time and finally passed, - Carried. Moved by Reeve Simpson Seconded by Reeve Todd That we do now adjourn to meet again on September 17, 10:00 A.M. 1975, at 206 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL - Carried. H. L. Johnson, Clerk A. H, Liebner, Warden ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Elgin Manor committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from the Regional Municipality of Durham proposing changes in legislation re: dispensing of drugs in Homes for the Aged be filed. 2, The Administrator has been authorized to have an automatic door installed at an estimated cost of $3,500.00. ALL of which is respectfully submitted, H.P. Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT June Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council; 207 I beg to submit the following statements of Receipts and Expenditures from January 1st, 1975 to May 31st, 1975. RECEIPTS Balance in Bank and On Hand January 1 st, 1975 Notes Payable $ 500,000.00 County Rates 98,559.31 County Rates Collected under Section 43 8,078.95 Licenses and Permits 650,00 Interest 388.44 County Roads 1,023,770.31 Children's Aid Society 1,897.52 Miscellaneous Revenue 182.95 Recovery of Rentals 11 ,095.52 Welfare - Administration 9,952.47 _ Benefits 175,392,95 Property Tax Stabilization Grant 38,921.00 Accounts Receivable - Museum 500.00 Administration Salaries 3,513.00 Printing, Postage and Stationery 177.04 Court House Maintenance (Adm. of Justice) 11,208.04 Agriculture 200.00 Registry Office 1,646.02 Land Division Committee 6,020.00 Municipal Building Renovations 1,211.23 EXPENDITURES Council Members Administration Salaries Printing, Postage & Stationery Court House Maintenance Administration Office Maintenance Grants, Associations, Scholarships, etc... 23,467.48 22,566.69 4,020.66 15,125.39 4,698.60 532.30 $ 97,650.90 $1,893,364.75 $1,991,015.65 208 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Miscellaneous Expense County Roads Children's Aid Societies Transferred to Elgin Manor Interest Abatement of Taxes Agriculture Registry Office Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit County Library Land Division Committee Welfare - Administration - Benefits Municipal Building Renovations Emergency Measures Organization Notes Payable Aylmer and District Museum board Balance in Bank May 31, 1975 4,575.35 515,975.14 21,970.00 22,000.00 10,122.30 5,584.08 4,699.17 1,717.58 41,615.50 54,000.00 5,868.44 22,627.58 218,198.69 7,669.12 776.08 935,000.00 1,000.00 $1,943,810,15 47,205,50 $1,991,015,65 ELGIN MANOR Balance in Bank and On Hand January 1 st, 1975 Receipts $ 67,089.99 273,095.12 $ J40,IMS.11 307,471.99 $ 32,713.12 Expenditures Balance in Bank and On Hand May 31st, 1975 ALL of which is respectfully submitted. H. 1. Johnson, County Clerk and Treasurer ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 209 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1975 the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That the category of Maintenance Supervisor for Elgin Manor be increase by $500.00 per annum effective July 1st, 1975 and be as follows: Minimum $9,060.00 per annum Maximum $9,860.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. 2. That the present Maintenance Supervisor be paid $9,860.00 per annum effective July 1st, 1975 and that he receive the lump sum payment of $250,00 in December similar to the amount to be paid other receiving the increase July 1 st. 3. That Mr. Prank Jones be paid at the full experience rating for Class 5 Foreman Category. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. K. C. Emerson, Chairman. M. A. Schafer, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 211 210 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT FIRST REPORT SECOND REPORT June Session, 1975 June Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members of County of Elgin Council o the Warden and Members of County of Elgin Council Your Road Committee reports as follows: Your Road Committee reports as follows: WE RECOMMEND RECOMMEND 1. That a By-Law be passed confirming By-Law # 838 of the Village Dutton to close a portion of Allen Street. (This is a different portion Allen Street than was confirmed at the May Session,) That the County of Elgin Road Committee be authorized to proceed to a site or sites for Solid Waste Disposal on both a temporary and basis. 2. That a By-Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to an Agreement to enter a Study on solid Waste disposal with the County Middlesex and Cities of London and St. Thomas. of which is respectfully submitted. M, A. Schafer, CHAIRMAN (A copy of the Proposed Agreement and the Terms Of under which the Consultant James F. MacLaren Limited is the Study, was forwarded to Council Members last week.( ALL of which is respectfully submitted. 212 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Elgin Manor auxiliary be permitted to use the County Crest on the small booklet they are having printed containing Constitution and By-Laws of the Auxiliary. 2. Moved by Warden Liebner That the brief from the Regional Municipality of Niagara to Honourable William Davis, Q.C., Premier of Ontario re: . withdrawl of financial support for the Emergency Measures Organization program and the phasing out of the Emergency Measures branch be endorsed and given our support. A recorded vote was requested. Yea - Liebner, Kahnt, Emerson, (3) Nay - Caverly, Hodgson, Monteith, Wilson, (4) - The Motion lost. 3. That Reeve R. 1. Lake be authorized to serve on the Resolutions Committee of the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario and have his expenses paid if the said expenses are not paid by the Association. 4. That the Elgin County Land Division Committee be requested to prepare an Interim Land Severance Policy for the County of Elgin and to submit it to the Elgin County Council for consideration and eventual adoption. S. That the questionnaire on Attitudes of Canadian Government Officials Towards Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations in Canada as requested by Mr. Stephen Harris, be given to ex-warden J. W. Hodgson for completion. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. J. W. Hodgson, Acting Chairman ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 213 FINANCE AND APPORTIONMENT COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance and Apportionment Committee reports as follows: A.C,R.O. 1975 Mid-Term Questionnaire was presented to the and the questions answered by majority vote. That the County of Elgin insert a welcoming ad in the St, Thomas Journal for the 91lst Battalion reunion at a cost of $110.00, of which is respectfully submitted. R.L. Lake, Chairman, AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from the County of Victoria requesting that the Minister of Agriculture and Food to consider reinstating a subsidy on warble fly control materials be filed. 2. That the letter from Mr, E. F, Johnston, Regional Forester, Southwestern Region re: County of Elgin Tree Cutting By-Law be filed. That the resolution from the County of Oxford re: legislation to livestock or poultry operators from objections of residential land owners to the odour emitted from farm operations that existed prior to the residential use be endorsed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. W. R. Caverly, Chairman. June Session, 1975 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 215 214 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Social Services Committee reports as follows: The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That Mrs. Carol Nichols be engaged for the position of Office Clerk Grade 2 at a salary of $6,500.00 per year effective July 7,1975. 2. That we recommend that a student be accepted on field placement from Fanshawe College, from September 1975 at April 1976, and that mileage expense be paid in accordance with the schedule. 3. That the resolution from the Regional Municipality of Durham to require employable recipients of public assistance to contribute such effort and/or expertise of which they may be possessed to effect or compensate the taxpaying public for any assistance extended to them be endorsed. 4A. That the resolution from the Regional Municipality of Durham requesting amendments to the General Welfare Assistance Act and the Canada Assistance Act respectively, so as to provide that the p3rent or guardian of any person under the age of eighteen years shall be assumed to be legally responsible for the care and maintenance of any such person until he or she reaches the age of eighteen years be endorsed. 4B That the resolution from the County of Simcoe requesting that a section be added to The General Welfare Assistance Act to provide that any unit administering general welfare assistance shall receive subsidy on the full cost of maintenance for persons in homes for delinquent juveniles be endorsed. 5. That the resolution from the County of Simcoe requesting that a section be added to the General Welfare Assistance Act so that any unit administering general welfare Assistance shall receive subsidy on (a) elephone services, (b) postage and (c) office rental and office expenses but not necessarily on the purchase of equipment be endorsed after deleting "But not necessarily on the purchase of equipment". 6. That the request from The Canadian Red Cross Society, Ontario Division for a payment of $1,166.00 to assist in the deficit for the 1974 Homemaker Service operations be tabled to the September meeting. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. 1. That a copy of the May 5th Grand Jury Report and the May 20th Grand Jury Report be forwarded to Mr. E. E, Bond, Leasehold Administrator, Ministry of Government Services for his information. 2. That the tender of Murray Dadson Heating Service in the amount $705.50 for the supply and installation of 1 furnace and power humidifier be accepted. 3. That the tender of Scott Studio in the amount of $623.00 plus the cost of material for background and centre space, for the supply and installation of 40 black metal frames and necessary hardware to provide a display for Council pictures be aceepted. 4. That as the County of Elgin is not in a position to determine their own future needs until the results of the Local Government Restructuring Study are known, they would recommend that the present quarters for the Registry Office be utilized until the possible disposal of the Court House is completed. S. That Mr. Alan Sehuit be engaged to carryon caretaking duties at hourly rate of$3.2S. 6. That the Clerk- Treasurer's Office be authorized to engage a firm clean the windows of the Registry Office, Municipal Building and the 1st and 2nd floors of the Court House, 7. That the tender of Medway Paving Co. for paving the laneway between the jail and municipal building in the amount of $688.00 be accepted. ALL of which is respectfully submitted, J, p, Nemett, Chairman. 1. R. Carroll, Chairman. H. L. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebne) Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 217 216 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN "ANNEX A" By-Law No. 2368 THIS AGREEMENT made, in quadruplicate, as of the 10th day of une, 1975. "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk of the County of Elgin to sign an A2reement between the Corporation of the County of Elgin, the Corporation of the County of 'Middlesex, the Corporation of the City of London and the Corporation of the City of St. Thomas to undertake an area Solid Waste Management Study." THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN, WHEREAS The County of Elgin, The County of Middlesex, The of London and The City of St, Thomas are desirous of undertaking an Area Solid Waste Management Study to serve as a possible master plan for the management of solid waste, hereinafter called ELGIN OF THE FIRST PART THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX, NOW THEREFORE The Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: hereinafter called MIDDLESEX OF THE SECOND PART That the Warden and the Clerk of the County of Elgin be and are hereby authorized to sign an agreement between the County of Elgin, The County of Middlesex, The City of London and The City of St. Thomas for an area Solid Waste Management Study a copy of said Agreement is attached hereto and marked Annex" A". THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF LONDON, READ a first time this 18th day of June, 1975. hereinafter called LONDON OF THE THIRD PART READ a second time this 18th day of June, 1975. THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS, READ a third time and finally passed this 18th day of June, 1975, hereinafter called ST. THOMAS OF THE FOURTH PART WHEREAS Elgin, Middlesex, London and St. Thotpas (hereinafter collectively called the "participating municipalities") are desirous of undertaking an Area Solid Waste Management Study (hereinafter called the" Study") to serve as a possible master plan for the management of solid waste. AND WHEREAS the scope of the Study is intended to consist generally of a consideration and determination of (1) the most efticient and economic system of management, that is to say, of handling, transporting, treating (including reeovering) and 218 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL disposing, of solid waste generated within the participating municipalities, and (2) the most suitable geographic area in respect of which to manage waste. AND WHEREAS the participating municipalities have agreed that the study should be carried out in accordance with the terms hereinafter set out. AND WHEREAS the Minister of the Environment has advised that the Province of Ontario will pay a subsidy of one half. of the actual cost of the Study up to a maximum subsidy of $30,000.00. AREA SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT STUDY AGREEMENT NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of the premises and the mutual agreements, eovenants and provisions hereinafter contained, the participating municipalities each agree, covenant and provide jointly and severally with the others as follows: STEERING COMMITTEE 1. The Steering Committee heretofore established is continued and shall as originally constituted be composed of (a) eight voting members, being two council members from each of the participating municipalities, and (b) ten non-voting members (who shall also constitute the Technical Co-ordinating Committee), being two technical officials from each of the participating municipalities and two representatives from the Ministry of the Environment (hereinafter called the "Ministry' '). 2, The functions of the Steering Committee shall be (a) to generally supervise and manage the Study, (b) to approve the Terms of Reference of the Study, (c) to appoint the counsulting engineer to undertake the Study, and (d) to make su~h reports and recommendations either directly or through its voting members to the participating municipalities and to the Ministry at sueh times as the Steering Committee considers appropriate. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 219 TECHNICAL CO-ORDINATING COMMITTEE The functions of the Technical Co-ordinating Committee shall be (a) to prepare the Terms of Reference of the Study for approval by the Steering Committee and inclusion in the contract with the consulting engineer, (b) to give technical direction and supervision to the Conduct of the Study, (c) to receive and consider reports from the consulting engineer and to report to and advise the Steering Committee thereon, (d) to make sueh other reports and recommendations to the Steering Committee at such times as the Technical Co-ordinating Committee considers appropriate or at the direction of the Steering Committee, and (e) to carry out from time to time such other functions of a teehnical nature related to the Study as the Technical Co-ordinating Committee considers advisable or as may be assigned to it by the Steering Committee, ADMINISTERING MUNICIPALITY The Administering Municipality shall be London. The functions of the Administering Municipality shall be (a) to prepare the terms (except the Terms of Reference) of and to enter into a contract on behalf of the participating municipalities.with the consulting engineer to undertake the Study, (b) to receive, keep and payout all money related to the Study, (c) to make applications to the Ministry for the. subsidy payable by the Province of Ontario, (d) to receive, approve and process payment certificates related to the Study, and (e) to render accounts to the participating municipalities at such times as it considers advisable for the share of each of the cost of the Study. COST -SHARING 6. The cost of undertaking the Study shall not exceed the estimated maximum cost of $60;000.00 without the authorization of the participating municipalities. 220 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 7. The Minister of the Environment having advised that the Province of Ontario will pay a subsidy of one half of the actual eost of the Study, up to a maximum subsidy of $30,000.00, the remainder of such cost shall be apportioned amongst and borne by the participating municipalities in ratio to the 1974 population of each according to the Regional Assessment Commissioner of the Ministry of Revenue, expressed in the following per centages: Elgin Middlesex London St. Thomas 11.376% 16.312 65.099 7.213 100.000 8. Payment of the share of each participating municipality shall be made within sixty days of the date on which the aceount therefor is rendered. GENERAL 9. Each of the participating municipalities if so requested shall render free and reasonable assistance in the conduct of the Study, including but not restricted to, providing technical or other information through muniCipal officials or documentation. 10. Elgin and Middlesex will use their best efforts to secure if so requested, the free and reasonable assistance of the local municipalities other than S. Thomas and London within the Counties of Elgin and Middlesex itf the conduct of the Study including but not restricted to providing technical or other information through local municipal officials or documentation, 11. Progress reports and the final report of the Study shall be provided to the participating municipalities in such form and quantities as the Steering Committee may decide. 12. Each of the participating municipalities and the Ministry shall obtain approval of the Steering Committee for access to information and material gathered and compiled for the Study, subject however to the Steering Committee deciding whether in those instances the cost of providing such information and material should be ..it the expense of the participating municipality or the Ministry as the case may be, in addition to its normal share of the cost ofthe Study. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 221 13. This agreement shall not become effective until by-laws have been passed by each of the participating municipalities authorizing the execution of this agreement but upon such by-laws being passed this agreement shall be taken and construed as having been made on the date hereinbefore set forth. 14. This agreement shall subsist and continue in full force and effect until the completion of all aspects of the Study but is not intended and not be so taken or construed to relate to any implementation of the IN WITNESS WHEREOF the participating municipalities have hereunto caused to be affixed their respective corporate seals duly attested by the hands of their respective proper signing officers. THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELLGIN WARDEN CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX WARDEN CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF LONDON MAYOR CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF ST, THOMAS MAYOR CLERK 222 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2369 "Being a By-Law to Conf*Irm By-Law No. 838 of The Village of Dutton, A By-Law for Stopping Up and Selling part of Allan Street as Shown on Registered Plan 171." WHEREAS the Council of the Village of Dutton on the 29th day of April, 1975, did pass By-Law No. 838 for stopping up and selling part of Allan Street in the Village of Dutton, more particularly described By-Law No. 838 of the Village of Dutton, a true copy of which is hereunto annexed. AND WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act, the said Village By-Law shall not have any force until confirmed by a By-Law of the Council of the County in which the Village is situated, passed at an ordinary meeting of the Council held not later than one year after the passing oUhe By-Law of the Council of the Village. AND WHEREAS applieation has been made to the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin for a By-Law confirming the said Village of Dutton By- Law. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: THA T By-Law No. 838 of the Village of Dutton, being a By-Law for stopping up and selling part of Allan Street in the Village of Dutton, be and the same is hereby confirmed. READ a first time this 18th day of June, 1975. READ a second time this 18th day of June, 1975, READ a third time and finally passed this 18th day of June, 1975. H. 1. Johnson, clerk A. H. Liebner, Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 223 THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF DUTTON By-Law No. 838 A By-Law for Stopping up and Selling Part of Allan Street as shown on Registered Plan 171. The Municipal act empowers the Council to pass by-laws for the stopping up and selling of any Highway or part of a Highway, AND WHEREAS Part of Allan Street as shown on Plan 171 is no longer required for Public Use, THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Dutton Enacts as follows: 1. That the following described part of Allan Street be stopped up: eomposed of Part of Allan Street as shown on registered Plan No. 171 more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Northwest angle of Lot 33 as shown on Plan 171; THENCE Southeasterly along the North East limit of Allan Street a distance of Three Hundred and Ninety-six Feet, to Southwest angle of Lot 22 as shown on the said Plan: THENCE Southwest parallel to the Southerly limit of Ridge Street, Sixty-six Feet to the southeast angle of Lot 23 onthe said Plan~ THENCE Northwesterly along the Southwest limit of Allan Street to the Northeast angle of Lot 38; THENCE Northeasterly along the southerly limit of Ridge Street 66 feet to plaee of Beginning. " 2. It is further Enacted that the said lands so described herein be sold to the present registered owner of the lands abutting the stopped up part of Allan Street in consideration of the payment of Two dollars. 3. That the Reeve and the Clerk be empowered to execute the document and/or documents necessary to carry out the intention of this By-Law. Read a first and second time this 29th day of April, 1975. M. A. Kahnt. Reeve C. Milton, Clerk Read a third time and finally passed this 29th day of April, 1975. C. Milton, Clerk M. A. Kahnt, Reeve 224 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2370 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the-County of Elgin at the June Session, 1975" WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the June 1975 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials ofthe Corporation ofthe County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 18th day of June, 1975. READ a second time this 18th day of June, 1975. READ, A THIRD TIME and finally passed this 18th Day of June, 1975. H. L. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner, Warden, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 225 JULY SESSION - FmST DAY Wednesday, the 9th day of July, 1975 The Elgin County Council met this day in Special Session at the County Municipal Building, St. Thomas. The Warden in the Chair, All members present except Reeve J,P. Nemett and Deputy Reeve H. P. deRyk, Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by Reeve Kahnt That the minutes of the June 1975 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. The following Communications were read and referred to the various committees: From the Board of Directors of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario with resolution resolving that the municipalities of Ontario register their concern with Ontario Hydro and the Provincial Government regarding the excessive rates projected for hydro consumers in the Province. - Referred to the Countv Government Committee. From the Ministry of Housing with letter re: New Rules of Procedure - Consent Applications Regulation Made Under The Planning Act. - Referred to the Land Division Committee. From the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs with letter re: Municipal Sign Control By-Laws, - Referred to Mr. R. G. Moore for reply. From the County of Bruce with resolution requesting the Province of Ontario to amend the regulation and/or legislation so that description by Reference Plan is not necessary for acquiring land for widening a road allowance. ( Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with 226 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Memo No. 75 - 4 B re: The Ontario Retail Sales Tax Act and The Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Act and Memo 75 - 5 re: Municipal Paving Contracts. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Provincial Municipal Liaison Committee with questionnaire to determine which municipalities are interested in participating in the housing, planning and budgeting exercise being coordinated by the Municipal Liaison Committee. - Filed. The Report of the Elgin Manor Building Committee was presented by Reeve Hodgson, Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Reeve Cook That the Elgin Manor Building Committee Report be adopted, - Carried. Architects Schuller and Martin were present, Moved by Reeve' Hodgson Seconded by Reeve McBrien That the Architects be now heard. - Carried. The Arehitects presented and explained the concept and site plans of the proposed new Home for the Aged and answered questions from the members of Council. Considerable discussion took place with respect to the extension of present Town of Aylmer sewage and water lines to the property line of the proposed home, County Solicitor, Murray Hennessey was present and advised Council with respect to various approvals ete... that would be necessary with respect to the construction and financing of the new Home for the Aged. Moved by Reeve Lake Seconded by Reeve Wilson That we do now adjourn to meet again on July 9, 1975, at 2:00 P.M. - Carried, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 227 Council Re-Convened. The Report of the County Government Committee was presented by Reeve Hodgson and adopted on motion of Reeve Hodgson and Reeve Caverly. The Report of the Finance and Apportionment Committee was presented by Reeve Lake and adopted on motion of Reeve Lake and Reeve Todd. Engineer C. J. Demeyer was present and it was Moved by Reeve Schafer Seconded by Deputy Reeve Glover That Engineer Demeyer be now heard. - Carried. Mr, Demeyer advised Council regarding the estimated cost of extending the Aylmer sewage and water lines to the new County Home property, Moved by Reeve Schafer Seconded by Reeve Carroll That we go into a Committee of the Whole. - Carried. The Warden appointed Reeve Schafer to be Chairman of the Committee ofthe Whole. Engineer R. G. Moore reviewed the work done by the Road Committee in searching for a solution to the matter of solid waste disposal and the various sites which had been examined. Considerable discussion took place concerning solid waste disposal. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Glover That this Committee of the Whole rise without reporting, - Carried. 228 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL The Warden resumed the Chair. The Report of the Road Committee was presented by Reeve Schafer and adopted on motion of Reeve Schafer and Reeve Caverly, Reeve Monteith invited any members of Council, who so desired, attend a meeting to be held at the Southwold Pulbic School at 8 P.M. 9th, with respect to an application by St. Thomas. Sanitary Collection Services Limited for a solid waste disposal site in Southwold Township, Moved by Deputy Reeve Ferguson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Campbell WHEREAS the caretaking duties at the County Buildings in St. Thomas. are presently being carried out on a part time basis; AND WHEREAS it may be necessary to appoint a full time caretaker before the September Session of the Elgin County Council THEREFORE be it resolved that the Property Committee be empowered to hire a full time caretaker at a salary not exceeding the salary set out for the Custodian of County Buildings in By-Law No. 2347 or to make other arrangements which the Committee believes desirable for the maintenance of the said buildings. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lake Seconded by Reeve Cook That By-Law No, 2371 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2317, a By-Law to Authorize the Obtaining of Temporary Advances to Meet the Cost of Constructing An Elgin County Home for the Aged, Pending the eompletion Thereof;" be read a first time. - Carried, Moved by Reeve Cook Seconded by Reeve Lake That By-Law No. 2371 be read a second time, - Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 229 That By-Law No. 2371 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Green Seconded by Reeve Bradfield That By-Law No. 2372 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the July Session, 1975", be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Deputy Reeve Green That By-Law No. 2372 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Schafer Seconded by Reeve Bradfield That By-Law No. 2372 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried, Moved by Reeve Hodgson by Deputy Reeve Ferguson That we do now adjourn to meet again on September 17, 1975, at A.M. - Carried. H. L. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner, Warden 230 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN MANOR BUILDING COMMITTEE REPORT July Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members ofthe Elgin County Council, The Elgin Manor Building Committee reports as follows: 1. We recommend to County Council that upon approval of the Ministry of Community and Social Services and the Ontario Municpal Board, if necessary, that tenders be called for the construction of the new Home for the Aged, east of Aylmer, estimated cost to be $2,041,556.00, in accordance with plans submitted. 2. That the matter of term, interest rate, etc". for the sale of debentures, to finance the construction of the new Home, be referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee for their recommendation to County Council 3. That the Architects be authorized to proceed with working drawings once County Council has approved the new estimate of $2,041,556.00. 4. That we recommend to County Council that the County accept the total cost of supplying the sanitary sewer and watermain to the property line at an estimated cost of $10,000,00. S. That the Architects be authorized to proceed with survey of the topography and soil tests upon acceptance by County Council of the new estimate for the construction ofthe Home. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ELGIN COUNTY COUN CIL 231 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT July Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from the Board of Directors ofthe Assoication of Municipalities of Ontario resolving that the municipalities of Ontario register their concern with Ontario Hydro and the Provincial Government regarding the excessive rates projected for hydro consumers in the Provinee be endorsed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. /' J. W, Hodgson, Acting Chairman. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT July Session 1975 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, Your Road Committee begs to report as follows: 1. That we proceed to acquire a site for solid waste disposal as rapidly as possible and are prepared to enter into the disposal of solid waste on an emergency basis if necessary, ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED. M. A. Schafer, CHAIRMAN July Session, 1975 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 233 232 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FINANCE AND APPORTIONMENT COMMITTEE REPORT COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2371 The Finance and Apportionment Committee reports as follows: "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2317, a By-Law to Authorize the Obtaining of Temporary Advances to meet the Cost of Constructing Elgin County Home for the Aged, Pending the Completion Thereof." To the Warden and Members ofthe Elgin County Council, 1. Whereas it is apparent that the cost of constructing an Elgin Home for the Aged will exceed $1,400,000.00, we recommend that Elgin County Council pass a by-law amending By-Law 2317 ~o temporary advances to meet the cost of constructing an Elgin Home for the Aged, pending the completion thereof, by increasing amount from $1,400,000.00 to $2,103,000.00. WHEREAS By-Law No. 2317 of the County of Elgin authorizes the of temporary advances in the amount of $1,400,000.00 to meet cost of constructing an Elgin County Home for the Aged, pending the thereof; AND WHEREAS it is apparent that the cost of constructing an Elgin Home for the Aged will exceed $1,400,000.00. 2. That the Finance Committee approves an expenditure $2,103,000.00 for the purpose of building a Home for the Aged, east Aylmer, subject to written approval from the Ministry of Community Social Services and the Ontario Municipal Board. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of enacts as follows: 3. That the County Solicitor be instructed to prepare at the time a By-Law for the issuance of debentures in an amount sufficient finance the County's portion of the cost of constructing and Home for the Aged east of Aylmer and to obtain Municipal Board of the said'by-law. The debentures to be repaid over a period of 15 and bear interest at a rate to be determined by the Chairman of Finance and Apportionment Committee, the Warden and the Clerk- Treasurer. That By-Law No. 2317 be amended by deleting the figure of wherever it appears in the said By-Law whether shown in or written in full and substituting therefore the amount of Two One Hundred and Three Thousand Dollars ($2,103,000,00). a first time this 9th day of July, 1975. a second time this 9th day of July, 1975. a third time and finally passed this 9th day of July, 1975. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. L. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner, Warden From the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement Board with copy Annual Report. - Filed. From Mr. W. E, Raney, Q.C., Secretary and General Counsel for Hydro with letter acknowledging receipt of our letter concerning proposed increase in hydro rates. - Filed. From the Minister of Transportation and Communications with letter that a second advance payment of subsidy in the amount of $480,300.00 has been authorized for Elgin County. - Filed. From the Minister of Government Services with letter in reply to our letter re: Registry Office extension. - Filed, From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with July and August Newsletters. - Referred to the County Government Committee From the Ministry of Natural Resourees with letter, application forms and terms of reference for qualifying for assistance. - Referred to the 234 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2372 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation the County of Elgin at the July Session, 1975" WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a Corporation are to be exercised by its council; AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 ofthe Municipal being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting confirmed and adopted by By-Law; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the July 1975 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly emb,odied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give affect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 9th day of July, 1975. READ a second time this 9th day of July, 1975. READ a third time and finally passed this 9th day of July, 1975. H. L. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER SESSION - FIRST DAY 235 Wednesday, the 17th day of September, 1975 The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municipal St, Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair, All members present except Reeve Lake, Reeve Kahnt, Reeve and Deputy Reeve McLean. by Reeve Cook by Deputy Reeve Pettit That the minutes of the July Session of the Elgin County Council be .forl - Carried. The following Communications were read and referred to the various 236 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL County Government Committee. From the County of Hastings with resolution from the Village Madoc, endorsed by the Council of the County of Hastings opposing the increase in the price of oil and gasoline, - Referred to the County Govern- ment Committee. From Mr. R. K. McNeil, M.P.P., with letter acknowledging receipt of copy of letter sent to the President of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario re: increase in hydro rates. - Filed. From the Minister of Culture and Recreation with letter and a copy of Guidelines to Part 5 of The Ontario Heritage Act on the Designation of Heritage Conservation Districts. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Ministry of the Environment with Memorandum re: Status of Applications for Approval of Municipal and Private Water and Sewerage Facilities under Sections 41 and 42, Ontario Water Resources Act. - Referred to Engineer R. G. Moore. From the Ministry of the Environment with letter and a copy of the report on the findings of The Thames River Basin Water Management Study. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From Union Gas Limited with copy of Ontario Energy Board Order with Schedules "A" and "B" re: Payne's Mills Line - E.B.L.O.-176 - Referred to the Road Committee, From the Regional Municipality of Halton with copy of Joint Dental and Nutrition Education Policy in Relation to Schools. - Referred to the Educational Committee. From the Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities advising that a Handbook on Federal-Municipal Cost-Sharing Programs is now available. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From the Minister of Energy with letter of appreciation for letter advising him of Elgin County Council's endorsement of the Association of Municipalities resolution expressing concern over the proposed Hydro rate increase and explaining what action has been taken to control Hydro rate increase. - Filed. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 237 From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with Memo 75-6 re: Revised Federal Weights Regulations, - Referred to the Committee. From the City of St. Thomas with resolution urging the Government of Ontario to reconsider its recent decision to withdraw its financial support for the Emergency Measures Program and to develop, in consultation with the municipalities, a positive aggressive program for financial and policy support for Emergency Planning in the Province of Ontario. - Referred to the County Government Committee, From Mrs. W. H, Evans with letter re: weed cutting on County Road No. 20 in front of her home. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with copy of the Remarks of the MLC Chairman for the Annual Joint Presentation to the Executive Council of The Province of Ontario. - Referred to the Coun- ty Government Committee. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with letter re: Bill 127 - An Act to amend the Highway Traffic Act which authorizes the Council of a municipality to designate by By-Law school bus loading zones on highways under its jurisdiction. - Referred to the Road Commit- tee. From the London Regional Children's Museum with copy of their Report to The Social and Community Services Committee of the London City Council and with covering letter requesting endorsement without commitment. - Referred to the Educational Committee, From Mr. John Spence, M.P,P. with letter acknowledging receipt of copy of letter sent to the President of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario re: increase in hydro rates. - Filed. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with Memo 75-7 re: Change of Address and mileage rates for municipalities. - Referred to the Road Committee. From Warden A. H, Liebner with copy of a letter sent to the Ministry of the Environment re: Application for a Certification of Approval for 'a Waste Disposal Site on the property of the Old Fingal Airport. - Filed. 238 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL From the County of Elgin Land Division Committee with proposed Interim Land Severance Policy for the Elgin County Land Division Committee. - Referred to the County Government Committee. Fram the Ministry of the Solicitor General re: implementation, ar otherwise, of the Recommendations made by the Coroner's Jury at the inquest of the accident on Elgin County Road #45, 1.1 miles west of King's High way No. 19, October 13, 1973. - Referred to County Engineer R. G. Moore. From the Sheriff J, A. McBain with copy af Grand Jury report of His Lordship Justice Goodman, dated September 3rd, 1975. - Referred to the Property Committee. From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with Consent Forms for those elected and/ar appointed officials who wish to submit their names for serving on the A.C.R.O. Board of Directors, - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Caunty of Elgin Land Division Committee with recommendation that Caunty Council authorize the Secretary-Treasurer of the Land Division Committee to attend the one day seminar in Toronto. on October 24, 1975. - Referred to the County Gavernment Committee. From the Association af Counties and Regions of Ontario with 16th Annual Conference Preliminary Program and Voting Delegates Registra- tion Form. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Township of Southwold with. resolution advising that the Council is vialently opposed to the possibility of two Landfill sites in the Township and advising that the Council expects to approve the application of the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection .Services as soon as a satisfactory agreement is reached. - Referred to the Road Committee. From the Ministry of Transportation and Cammunications with letter advising that the Ministry will conduct six courses for Municipal Construction Emplayees commencing January 26, 1976 and carrying an through March 25, 1976. - Referred to the Road Committee. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 239 From the Ministry of Culture and Recreatian with booklet "How to share in Wintario" and application form. - Referred to the County Gavernment Committee. From the County of Perth with resolution re: The Right to Strike in Essential Services." - Referred to the County Government Committee Warden Liebner read a letter he had received from The Royal Canadian Legion requesting County Council to proclaim November 2 - 11, 1975, as "Legion Week." The letter was referred to the Finance Committee. Reeve M. A. Schafer presented a flyer which was directed to the attention of Southwold and posing the question' 'Do you want to become the Cesspool of Southern Ontario?" The flyer was ordered filed. The Report of the Elgin Manor Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve deRyk and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve deRyk and Reeve Simpson. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by Reeve Caverly That we do now adjourn to meet again an September 17, 1975 at 2:00 p.m. - Carried. Council Re-Convened. The following employees of Elgin Manor were present and were presented by Warden Liebner and Deputy Reeve H. P. deRyk, Chairman of the Elgin Manor Committee, with "Certificates of Merit" for having completed ten years of service with the County of Elgin. Marjorie J. Graves, Anna D' Arcangelo, Irva M. Nicholson, Olive M. Doan Warden Liebner and Reeve M. A. Schafer, Chairman of the County Roads Committee, presented "Certificates of Merit" to the following 240 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL employees of the Roads Department: James Cha,plow, - Twenty Years service, Reginald EsseItine and Millard B. McKenzie, - Ten Years service. T. J. Mahoney Road School Certificates were also presented to James M. Chaplow and James L. R, Watters. The First Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Schafer and adopted on motion of Reeve Schafer and Reeve Caverly. The Second Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Schafer and adopted on motion of Reeve Sehafer and Reeve Cook, The Report of the Finance and Apportionment Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Glover and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Glover and Deputy Reeve Pettit. The report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Glover and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Glover and Deputy Reeve Kelly. The Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Nemett and adopted on motion of Reeve Nemett and Deputy Reeve Green. The Report of the Educational Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Ferguson and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Ferguson and Deputy Reeve Bradfield. The Report of the County Government Committee was presented by Reeve Wilson and adopted on motion of Reeve Wilson and Reeve Monteith. Warden Liebner reviewed for Council the various committee meetings and other meetings attended including meetings with Government Ministries, with respect to Land Fill Sites, including the Fingal Airport Site and explained the present status ofthe negotiations, Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Deputy Reeve deRyk That By-Law No. 2373 "A By-Law to Amend the By~Law Adopting a ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 241 Plan of. County Road Improvement and Establishing a County Road System in the County of Elgin Under the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act," be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Glover Seconded by Reeve McBrien That By-Law No. 2373 be read a second time. - Carried, Moved by Deputy Reeve Glover Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 2373 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve McBrien Seconded by Deputy Reeve Glover That By-Law No. 2374 "A By-Law Designating Through Highways," be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Glover Seconded by Reeve McBrien That By-Law No. 2374 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve McBrien Seconded by Deputy Reeve Glover That By-Law No. 2374 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Cook Seconded by Reeve Todd That By-Law No. 2375 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the September Session, 1975," be read a first time. - Carried, 242 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved b:r Reeve Todd Seconded by Deputy Reeve Kelly That By-Law No. 2375 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Kelly Seconded by Reeve Cook That By-Law No. 2375 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried, Moved by Reeve Schafer Seconded by Reeve Simpson That we do now adjourn to meet again on October 15, 1975, at 10:00 a.m. - Carried. H. L. Johnson, Clerk A. H, Liebner, Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 243 ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1975 the Warden and Members ofthe Elgin County Council, Elgin Manor Committee reports as follows: 1. Gulf Oil Canada Ltd, has been awarded the tender for supplying fuel oil for the 1975-76 heating season, at a price of 29.65 cents per gallon, subject to adjustment in the tank wagon price at the time of deliver, to the locations: Elgin Manor Municipal Building Registry Offiee Engineer's Office 2. The Administrator has been authorized to proceed with the necessary procedure to have the Elgin Manor property declared a baited area for hunting purposes. 3. Dr. C. A. Graham has been authorized to attend the Home Physicians 3-day meeting in Toronto, October 22, 23, and 24, with expenses paid. 4. Mr. R. E. Hines, Assistant Administrator, has been authorized to attend a three-day course at McMaster University, August 17th to 20th at a cost of $117.00 S. Ministry approval has been received to operate Whitehall Residence of Roscove near Port Bruce, owned by Mr. Wayne Underhill, as a Satellite Home for the Aged, effective October 1st, 1975. 6. The Elgin Manor is paying $220.00 for the third year of the Administration Course of the Home for the Aged for R, E.Hines, Assistant Administrator. 7. The Administrator has been authorized to attend a two-day course, inToronto, in October, with expenses paid. 8. Members of the Manor Committee will be paid for four days while attending the Ontario Homes for the Aged convention, 244 ELGIN ALL of which is respectfully submitted. H. P. deRyk, Chairman. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT SECOND REPORT - SEPTEMBER SESSION 1975 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE BEGS TO REPORT AS FOLLOWS: 1. Contracts for Hot Mix Asphalt Resurfacing have been let to the bidders as follows: (a) County Road 35 (Yarmouth-Malahide Townline) from Jaffa to Orwell - to Walmsley Bros. Ltd., of London at $56,392. (b) County Road 45 easterly from Highway 19 to Haldimand Norfolk Regional Boundary - to Towland (London) 1970 Limited at $41,803.50. In both cases the County of Elgin will supply the asphalt cement. WE RECOMMEND 1. That County Council Road Inspection be held as follows: East Elgin - October 23, 1975 West Elgin - October 29,1975 Transportation to be by bus and leave the County Buildings each day at 9:00 a.m. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED M. A. Schafer CHAIRMAN. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 245 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT FIRST REPORT - SEPTEMBER SESSION 1975 THE W ARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE BEGS TO REPORT AS FOLLOWS We have purchased the following equipment. (a) Freuhauf 35 Ton Low Bed Float with the County's 1959 Float as a Trade-In. (b) Two (2) only King Seagrave 10 Cubic Yard Tandem Power Sanders. (This purchase will enable the County to use power sanders on all their sanding routes this coming winter). (c) A Used John Deere 450C Bulldozer with the County's 1969 John Deere 350 Bulldozer as a Trade-In. (d) New 14 Cubic Yard Dump Boxes for County Dump Trucks #64. (The present hoists will be utilized,) 2. As Construction has been delayed by recent heavy rains, some topsoil and trimming work will not be completed this Fall on County projects. Some work in Dutton and Port Stanley Urban Projects will be delayed until next year as well because of the delay in the award of Sanitary Sewer Contracts by the Ministry of the Environment. The Committee has decided to proceed with Construction on Road 52 westerly from Road 30 to utilize the available funds and to call Tenders for additional Hot Mix Asphalt Resurfacing work. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That the Resolution of the County of Bruce regarding the necessity for Reference Plans for Road Allowance Plans be filed. 2. That By-Laws be passed which will in effect assume Centennial Avenue (Road between Lots 10 and 11) as a County Road from Elm Street (County Road 28) to Road 45 a distance of 2.0 miles. 246 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Centennial A venue will be known as County Road 28 and Elm Street will be known as County Road 56. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications has stated that Centennial Avenue meets the criteria for a County Road and will approve the By-Law. 3. That a By-Law be passed to make Centennial Avenue (County Road 28) a through Highway from Elm Street to Road 45. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. M. A. Schafer, CHAIRMAN. FINANCE AND APPORTIONMENT COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance and Apportionment Committee reports as follows: 1. That the correspondence from the Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities re: Handbook on Federal-Municipal Cost-Sharing Programs, be filed. 2. That County Council proclaim the week of November 2 - 11, 1975 as "Legion Week" and place a proclamation ad in all County papers. ALLof which is respectfully submitted. S.G. Glover, Acting Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 247 PERSONNEL COMMITIEE REPORT September Session, 1975 To theW arden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That the following categories and salary schedules be established for Elgin Manor: Recreation Director II Minimum.............. ,$5,800.00 Maximum ..,........... $6,400,00 Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Present employee to receive $6,000.00 Driver- Maintenance Start .............. $4.10 per hour 1 Year .............$4.20 per hour 2 Years ............ $4,30 per hour 3 Years.. .... .... ..$4.40 per hour Present employee to receive $4.30 per hour. ALL of which is respectfully submitted, S, G. Glover, Acting Chairman, 248 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members ofthe Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: I. We have installed air conditioning in the Engineer's Building at a cost of $1,194.00. 2. We have engaged Mr. J. E. Freeman as Caretaker of County Buildings at a salary of $9,400.00 per annum. 3. That a copy of the Grand Jury Report to His Lordship Justice Goodman, dated September 3rd, 1975, be forwarded to Mr. E. E. Bond, Leasehold Administrator, Ministry of Government Services, for his information. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. J. P. Nemett, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 249 THE EDUCATIONAL CO:MMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1975 the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, Educational Committee reports as follows: That the "Application of Joint Dental and Nutrition Education in Relation to Schools" received from the Regional Municipality of Halton be filed. 2, That the letter and report from The London Regional Children's Museum be referred to the County of Elgin Museum Board for consideration and recommendation. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. D. R. Ferguson, Acting Chairman. 250 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTYGOVERNMENTCO~TTEEREPORT September Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That the following persons be designated as voting delegates to the 1975 Annual Meeting of the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario; Reeve McBrien, Reeve Wilson, Reeve Emerson, Reeve Todd, Reeve Caverly, Warden Liebner, G. e. Leverton, and H, L. Johnson, and that Deputy Reeve Pettit and Reeve Hodgson be alternate voting delegates. 2. That the letter, application forms and terms of reference received from the Ministry of Natural Resources eoncerning the Great Lakes Access Program be filed. 3. That the resolution ofthe Village of Madoc opposing the increase in the price of oil and gasoline which was endorsed by the County Hastings and forwarded to the Council of the County of Elgin for. its consideration be filed. 4. That the letter and Guidelines to Part 5 of The Ontario Heritage Act on the Designation of Heritage Conservation Districts, received from the Minister of Culture and Recreation be filed. S. That the copy of the report on the findings of the Thames River Basin Water Management Study received from the Ministry of the Environment be filed. 6. That the resolution from the City of St. Thomas urging the Government of Ontario to reconsider its recent decision to withdraw its financial support for the Emergency Measures Program and to develop, in consultation with the municipalities, a positive, aggressive program for financial and policy support for Emergency Planning in the Province of Ontario, be filed. 7. That the copy of the Remarks of the M.L.e. Chairman for the Annual Joint Presentation to the Executive Council of The Province of Ontario which was received from the Association of Counties and Regions ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 251 of Ontario be filed. 8. That the proposed Interim Land Severance Policy prepared by the Elgin County Land Division Committee be tabled and a meeting be held between the Land Division Committee and the County Government Committee to finalize the Interim Policy. 9. We reeommend that Warden A. H, Liebner, put in a consent form for consideration of the A.e.R.O. Nominating Committee and if he is elected the County of Elgin will meet the cost of him attending meetings of the Board of Directors. to. That the Land Division Secretary-Treasurer be authorized to attend the one day Seminar in Toronto, October 24, 1975, with out of pocket expenses paid. 11. That the booklet "How to share in Wintario" received from the Ministry of Culture and Recreation be filed. 12. That the resolution from the County of Perth re: "The Right to Strike in Essential Services" be endorsed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. J. B. Wilson, Chairman, 252 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2373 "A BY-LAW TO AMEND THE BY-LAW ADOPTING A PLAN OF COUNTY ROAD IMPROVEMENT AND ESTABLISIDNG A COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN UNDER THE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT." The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. The schedule to the Establishing By-Law No. 2166 is amended by: (a) Removing therefrom the Road on Plan Number 28-1 attached hereto and known as County Road No. 28 and (b) Adding thereto the Road on Plan Number 28-1-R-7S to be known as County Road No. 28. (c) Adding thereto the Road on Plan Number 56-1-75 to be known as County Road No. 56. READ a first time this 17th day of September, 1975. READ a second time this 17th day of September, 1975. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of September, 1975, H. L. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner, Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 253 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2374 "A BY -LAW DESIGNATING THROUGH HIGHWAYS." WHEREAS Clause 33 of Subsection 1 of Section 1 of the Highway Act (R. S. 0., 1970, Chapter 202) provides that: "through highway" means any highway or part of a highway designated as such by the Minister or by By-Law of a municipality approved by the Ministry, and every such highway shall be marked by a stop sign in eompliance with the regulations of the Ministry. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. The following highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the County of Elgin are designated as through highways: ROAD NO. 28 DESCRIPTION (b) From the south side of the Road between Concessions VII and VIII Township of Yar- mouth being County Road 56 to the north side of County Road 45. 56 From the east boundary of the City of St. Thomas Limits to the east side of the Road between Lots 10 and' 11, Concession VIII Yarmouth Township. 2. The designations in Section 1 ofthis By-Law of a Highway or part of a Highway as a through Highway shall not include any intersection thereon where the Road intersected is a King's Highway or where traffic control si,gnals are installed. 3. The penalties as provided in Section 152 of the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O., 1970, shall apply to offences against this By-Law. -4. Description (b) of County Road 28 of By-Law 2213 is hereby repealed. 254 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL S. This By-Law shall not become effective until approved by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. READ a first time this 17th day of September, 1975. READ a second time this 17th day of September, 1975. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of September, 1975, H, 1. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 255 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2375 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE SEPTEMBER SESSION, 1975". WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. Th at action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of eaeh recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the September 1975 Session is hereby adopted and eonfirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin -referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 17th day of September, 1975. READ a second time this 17th day of September, 1975. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of September, 1975. H. L. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner, Warden 256 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL OCTOBER SESSION - FIRST DAY Wednesday, the 15th day of October, 1975 The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Building, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair, All members present except Deputy Reeve Pettit, Deputy Ferguson and Deputy Reeve Green. Moved by Reeve Lake Seconded by Reeve Todd That the minutes of the September Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. The following Communications were read and referred to the various committees: From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with Memo 75-7 A Re: Estimate of Subsidy Acquired for 1975. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Town of Aylmer with resolution "That the Council of the Town of Aylmer supports the Council ofthe County of Elgin in their efforts to obtain a temporary solid waste disposal site or sites and a permanent site at the old Fingal Airport. " - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with Memo 75- 7C re: The Ontario Retail Sales Tax Act, Memo 75-7D Survey of Road Oil used in 1975 and Memo 7S-7E re: King's Highway Five Year Connecting Link Program. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From Mr. R. K. McNeil, MPP with letter acknowledging receipt of our endorsement of the County of Perth resolution re: "Right to Strike in Essential Services. " - Filed. Mr. John Wise, MP with letter acknowledging receipt of our ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 257 endorsement of the County of Perth resolution re: "Right to Strike in Essential Services." - Filed. From the Ontario Municipal Board with copy of the Decision of The Board re: Ministry of Transportation and Communications - Road Closing _ City of St. Thomas. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with Mem07S-E re: King's Highway Five Year Connecting Link Program - Amendment. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Service Limited with Letter and the text of a telegram sent to the Honourable William Newman, Minister, Ministry of the Environment re: the proposed emergency land fill site in Dunwich Township. - Referred to the Roads Committee From the Office of The Prime Minister with letter signed by Mr. Claude Desjardins, Correspondence Secretary, acknowledging receipt of our endorsement of the County of Perth resolution re: "Right to Strike in Essential Services, " - Filed. From the Regional Municipality of York with resolution re: the development of an Agricultural Land Use Policy, - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the Ministry of Housing with letter advising that The Official Plan for the Central Planning Area has been approved on September 25, 1975, pursuant toseetion 14 of The Planning Act. - Filed. From the Township of Yarmouth with Notice of Application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of a by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of the Planning Act and a copy of Township of Yarmouth By-Law No. 2304. - Referred to the Roads Committee. A delegation composed of Mr. Wayne Kentner and five people from the former Fingal Airport area of Southwold Township were present and it was Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Kelly That the delegation from Southwold Township be now heard. 258 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Mr. Kentner addressed Council and presented a brief and petition pointing out the disadvantages of developing a land fill site at the old Fingal Airport. Copies of the brief were distributed to all members of Council and read by Mr. Kentner. The Warden thanked the delegation for presenting the brief and advised them that it would be considered by the appropriate committee. The Road Committee Report was presented by Reeve Schafer adopted on motion of Reeve Schafer and Reeve Cook, The Report of the County Government Committee was presented Reeve Wilson and adopted on motion of Reeve Wilson and Hodgson. Moved by Deputy Reeve deRyk Seconded by Reeve Lake That we follow the usual procedure of each Council member a junior boy or girl guest to County Council on the first day of the November Session. - Carried. Mr. Jackson Baker was present and advised Council that he did wish to be appointed County of Elgin By-Law enforcement officer with respect to enforcing the licensing of Auctioneers, Warden Liebner mentioned that he had been approached by a member or members of Norfolk Township Council with respect to the Township joining with Elgin County and the Clerk read the following statement by the Norfolk Township Council which he had received by telephone at 10:20 a.m. October 15, 1975 from Mr. R. A. Loncke, Clerk- Treasurer of Township of Norfolk, "The matter which has recently received a considerable amount of coverage by the news media being the possible secession from the Region of Haldimand-Norfolk by the Township of Norfolk is a matter which has not been fully discussed at length or to any conclusion by the Norfolk Township Council, but was a matter that was only put forth as a point of information and for discussion as a result of private discussions. Norfolk Township Council feel that the problems encountered in so far as the ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 259 Region and the Planning Department in particular, are not insurmount- able and this Council will make every effort to work hand in hand with the Region to resolve these problems." No further discussion took place regarding the matter. by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That the brief presented by the delegation from Southwold Township referred to the Roads Committee. - Carried, Moved by Reeve Todd Seconded by Reeve Caverly That we do now adjourn to meet again on October 15, 1975, at 2:00 p.m. - Carried. Council Re-Convened, The Report of the Social Services Committee was presented by Reeve Carroll and adopted on motion of Reeve Carroll and Reeve Bradfield. The Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caverly and Reeve Cook. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Nemett That By-Law No. 2376 "Being a By-Law to. Adopt an Interim Land Severance Policy for the County of Elgin," be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Nemett Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 2376be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rayner Seconded by Reeve Wilson That By-Law No. 2376 be read a third time and finally passed. 260 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL - Carried. Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Reeve Schafer That By-Law No. 2377 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the October Session, 1975, " be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Cook Seconded by Reeve Bradfield That By-Law No. 2377 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Schafer Seconded by Reeve Cook That By-Law No, 2377 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried, Moved by Deputy Reeve Rayner Seconded by Reeve Cook That we do now adjourn to meet again on November 19, 1975, at 10:00 a.m. - Carried. H, L. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner, Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 261 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT FIRST REPORT OCTOBER SESSION - 1975 THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 3. Walmsley Bros. Limited have completed their contract for paving on Road 35 (Jaffa to Orwell). Towland (London) 1970 Limited are expected to complete their contract for paving on Road 4S today. Paving will start shortly on Road 20 in Port Stanley and in ap- proximately 10 days on Road 30 (Radio Road) in Yarmouth Township. Tenders have been called for two vans and two pickup trucks with County vehicles as trade-ins, 4. All of Which is Respectfully Submitted, M, A, Schafer, CHAIRMAN, 262 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMNUTTEEREPORT October Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: Your County Government Committee has held a meeting with the County of Elgin Land Division Committee had reviewed with them the Proposed Interim Land Severance Policy submitted by the Land Division Committee at the September Session of the Elgin County Council. After studying and considering the Proposed Interim Land Severance Policy we have made the following two amendments to the original policy as submitted, (1) That the last sentence under Residential Uses heading "Mobile Homes are discouraged in rural areas but are permitted in mobile home parks, zoned as such," be deleted. (2) That the last sentence under Monitoring heading be amended by inserting the words' 'not more than" between the word for and 25 percent in the first line so that the last sentence under Monitoring shall read as follows: "We suggest that the County of Elgin be responsible for not more than 25 percent of the cost of the operation of the Land Division Committee.' , We recommend that the Proposed Interim Land Severance Policy, as amended, a copy of which is hereunto attached, be approved and that by-law establishing the Interim Land Severance Policy be prepared, ALL of which is respectfully submitted. J. B. Wilson, Please see By-Law No. 2376 for Proposed Interim Land Severance Policy. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 263 SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT October Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Social Services Committee reports as follows: 1. That the request from the canadian Red Cross Society, Ontario Division, for a payment of $1,166.00 to assist in the deficit for the 1974 Homemaker Service operations be paid subject to the Province paying a subsidy on this amount. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. 1. R. Carroll, Chairman. AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT October Session, 1975 . To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from the Regional Municipality of York re: the development of an Agricultural Land Use Policy be filed, ALL of which is respectfully submitted. W. R. Caverly, Chairman 264 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2376 "BEING A BY-LAW TO ADOPT AN INTERIM LAND POLICY FOR THE COUNTY OF ELGIN." WHEREAS Areas which are covered by Land Division Committee, but which are not totally covered by an approved Official Plan, the County, District or Regional Council is required to prepare and adopt an Interim Land Severance Policy before November 1, 1975. AND WHEREAS the County of Elgin is not totally covered by an approved Official Plan. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the Interim Land Severance Policy prepared by the Council of the County of Elgin in conjunction with the Elgin County Land Division Committee, a true copy of which (Annex A) is attached to and forms part of this by-law be and the same is hereby adopted as the official Interim Land Severance Policy for the County of Elgin. 2. That this By-Law becomes effective when endorsed by The Minister of Housing for the Province of Ontario. READ a first time this 15th day of October, 1975. READ a second time this 15th day of October, 1975 READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of October, 1975. H. L. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner, Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 269 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2377 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORA TION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE OCTOBER SESSION, 1975 WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 ofthe Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the October 1975 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 15th day of October, 1975. READ a second time this 15th day of October, 1975, READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of October, 1975, H. L. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner, Warden. 264 ELGIN COUNTY COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2376 "BEING A BY-LAW TO ADOPT AN INTERIM LAND POLICY FOR THE COUNTY OF ELGIN." WHEREAS Areas which are covered by Land Division but which are not totally covered by an approved Official Plan, the District or Regional Council is required to prepare and adopt an Land Severance Policy before November 1, 1975. AND WHEREAS the County of Elgin is not totally covered by approved Official Plan. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the Interim Land Severance Policy prepared by the Council the County of Elgin in conjunction with the Elgin County Land Division Committee, a true copy of which (Annex A) is attached to and forms part of this by-law be and the same is hereby adopted as the official Interim Land Severance Policy for the County of Elgin. 2. That this By-Law becomes effective when endorsed by The Minister of Housing for the Province of Ontario. READ a first time this 15th day of October, 1975. READ a second time this 15th day of October, 1975 READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of October, 1975. H. L. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner, Warden / ) ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 269 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2377 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE OCTOBER SESSION, 1975 WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 ofthe Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: That action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the October 1975 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2, The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof, 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 15th day of October, 1975. READ a second time this 15th day of October, 1975. READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of October, 1975. H. L. Johnson, Clerk A, H, Liebner, Warden. 270 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL NOVEMBER SESSION - FIRST DAY Wednesday, the 19th day of November. 1975 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Elgin County Municipal Building, St, Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All members present. The Warden addressed the Council and welcomed the boys and girls who came as guests of the councillors, He explained the composition of County Council and the committee system used by the County of Elgin, Moved by Reeve Emerson, Seconded by Reeve Kahnt. That the minutes of the October 1975 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. The following communications were read and referred to the committees: From the Association of Municipalities of Ontario with Special Bulletin re: Ontario Energy Board's report to the Honourable Dennis Tim brell, Minister of Energy. - Referred to the County Government Committee, From the Lake Erie Regional Library System with an invitation to Trustees and Librarians to the fall workshop to be held on November 1975, at 9:30 a,m. at the Ramada Inn, London, Ontario, - Filed, From the County\of Elgin Land Division Committee with resolution That the Secretary-Treasurer be authorized to write to County Council inquiring about a possible courier service for the delivery of concerning the applications," Referred to the County Government Committee. From Mr, A. Bruce McCallum with resignation from the Elgin County Land Division Committee, effective December 31,1975. - Referred to the County Government Committee. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 271 From Mr. Donald M. McKillop with letter advising that he does not wish to be re-appointed. to the Elgin County Land Division Committee when his term as a member expires on December 31,1975. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the University of Western Ontario with letter advising that the winners ofthe Elgin County Scholarships were: Uldis Bite, 152 Copeland Street, Belmont, Ontario. Joanne Marie Vermey, 23 Warren Street, Aylmer, Ontario. Herta Evelyn Krumm, R.R.#3, Rodney, Ontario. Mary Teresa Noga, R.R.#l, West Lorne, Ontario. - Filed. From Mr. C. Deane Kent, Director, Lake Erie Regional Library System with letter on behalf of the Board of the Lake Erie Regional Library System thanking the Elgin County Council for the hospitality and reception tendered on the occasion of the presentation of a slide story of library services in the Lake Erie Region, - Filed. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with Memo 75-8 re: Consulting Engineers; Mileage Rates and Memo 7S-8.A. re: Subsidizable Road and Bridge Items - Year End Cut-Off Date, - Referred to the Roads Committe. From the Town of Aylmer with notice of a Committee of Adjustment hearing to be held on November 18, 1975, with respect to an applieation for a variance from the provisions of Section 9,2.1. 7.1. of By-Law No. 21 - 69. - Referred to the Roads Committee, From the Township of Southwold with Notice of a Public Hearing of an Application for a Minor Variance from By-Law 1677, The Hearing to be held on November 13,1975 at 1:00 p,m. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Township of Southwold with Notice of a Public Hearing of an Application for a Minor Variance from By-Law 1677. The Hearing to be held on December 11,1975, at 1:30 p.m, - Referred to the Roads Committee, Mr. S. H. Janes, Commissioner of the Elgin County Local Government Study, was present and it was 272 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Reeve Todd Seconded by Reeve Sehafer That Mr. Janes be now heard. - Carried. Mr, Janes addllessed the Council and the visitors explaining the purpose of the Study and presented a progress report and a schedule of future meetings with Local Councils and the Publie. Mr. Janes requested permission to diseuss, for approximately one hour at the December Session of County Council, a review of the Study up to that point and answered questions from the councillors on his findings to this date, The Warden advised Mr. Janes that he would be welcome at December Session and thanked him for his presentation. The Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Sehafer and adopted on motion of Reeve Schafer and Reeve Caverly. Deputy Reeve Pettit, a recent patient at the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital, thanked the Council and individual members for the 'Cards, visits, etc. . . which he received from them while he hospitalized. Moved by Deputy Reeve Glover Seeonded by Reeve Wilson That we do no adjourn to meet again on November 19th, 1975, at p.m. Council Re-Convened. The Administrator's Report on Elgin Manor was presented, Moved by Deputy Reeve deRyk Seconded by Reeve McBrien That the Administrator's Report on Elgin Manor be accepted printed in the proceedings, - Carried, The Treasurer's Report to October 31st, 1975, was presented, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 273 Moved by Reeve Kahnt Seconded by Reeve Simpson That the Treasurer's Report be accepted and printed in the Proceedings. - Carried. The Clerk's Report on Licenses was presented, Moved by Reeve Cook Seconded by Reeve Todd That the Clerk's Report on Licenses be accepted and printed in the Proceedings, - Carried. The Report of the Finance and Apportionment Committee was presented by Reeve Lake and adopted on motion of Reeve Lake and Deputy Reeve Glover. The Report of the County Government Committee was presented by Reeve Wilson and adopted on motion of Reeve Wilson and Reeve Caverly. Miss Barbara Cowan thanked the Council, on behalf of the boys and girls, for their day at County Council and the visits made to the various county buildings. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Carroll That a donation of $25.00 be made to the Port Stanley Lions Club in appreciation of the use of their bus to transport the boys and girls on their tour and that special thanks be expressed to Mr. Ross Whalls for donating his time and driving the bus, - Carried, Moved by Reeve Carroll Seconded by Deputy Reeve Kelly That By-Law No. 2378 "To Authorize the Warden and the Treasuret to Borrow the Sum of Three Million Dollars," be read a first time. - Carried. 274 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Deputy Reeve Kelly Seconded by Reeve Todd That By-Law No, 2378 be read a second time. Moved by Reeve Todd Seconded by Reeve Carroll That By-Law No. 2378 be read a third time and finally passed. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Reeve Schafer That By-Law No. 2379 "A By-Law to Amend the By-Law Adopting Plan of County Road Improvement and Establishing a County System in the County of Elgin Under the Public Transportation Highway Improvement Act," be read a first time. Moved by Reeve Schafer Seconded by Reeve Wilson That By-Law No. 2379 be read a second time, - Carried. Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seeonded by Deputy Reeve Green That By-Law No, 2379 be read a third time and finally passed, Moved by Deputy Reeve Green Seeonded by Reeve Schafer That By-Law No, 2380 "A By-Law Designating Through Highways," be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Deputy Reeve Green That By-Law No. 2380 be read a secontftime. - Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 275 Moved by Reeve Schafer Seconded by Reeve Bradfield That By-Law No. 2380 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried, 276 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Reeve Cook Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ferguson That By-Law No. 2381 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the November Session, 1975," be read a first time, - Carried, Moved by Deputy Reeve Ferguson Seconded by Reeve Cook That By-Law No. 2381 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Cook Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ferguson That By-Law No. 2381 be read a third time and finally passed. Moved by Deputy Reeve Kelly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Glover That we do now adjourn to meet again on December 17, 1975, at 10:00 a.m. - Carried, H. L.Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT NOVEMBER SESSION - 1975 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council Your Road Committee reports as follows: 1. We have purchased two new pickup trucks and two vans with four County vehicles as trade-ins. Delivery is expected by the year end, 2. Approximately 1/2 mile of Road 52 has been completed west of Road 30 to the point where a base coat of asphalt has been placed by Walmsley Brothers Limited as an extension oftheir contract for paving Road 30, 3. A base coat of asphalt will be placed in Dutton on those areas of County Roads 8, 13 and 15 now under construction. WE RECOMMEND 1. That a By-Law be passed that will amend the County's Road Consolidation By-Law as follows: (a) Assume the present diversion between Main Street and Currie Street in Dutton as a portion of County Road, (b) Change the number on present Road 15 in Dutton and Dunwieh to Road 8 except for that portion of Road 15 between Road 2 and diversion between Main Street and Currie Street in Dutton. (c) Revert John Street and that portion of Currie Street south of the diversion to the Village of Dutton, These ehanges will in effect give a continuous County Road from the Road in Dunwich Township to the Thames River which will be known County Road 8. That a By-Law be passed making (1) County Road 8 a through Road (except at Highway 3) from the 277 278 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Lake Road in Dunwich Township to the Thames River, (2) County Road 15 a through Road from Road 8 to Road 2. ALL of which is respectfully submitted, M. A. Schafer, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 279 ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT ELGIN MANOR NOVEMBER SESSION - 1975 To the Warden and Members ofthe Elgin County Council, The following is my report on Elgin Manor for ten months ending October 31,1975: 1. Number of Residents as of December 31,1974 2. Number admitted during the year 3. Number discharged during the year 4. Number of deaths during the year S. Number of residents now in the Home *N.B. -14 residents in Private Home Care 6. Total days residence 7. A verage number of residents during the year 8. RECEIPTS Province of Ontario Subsidy Old Age Pensions and Residents' Maintenance Arrears of Maintenance and Estates of Deceased Residents Sundries Government of Canada Sales Tax Refund DEDUCTIONS 10. Cost of Operating 11. A verage Expenses per day of each person 12. A verage Expenses per week of each person 13 . Average Expenses per year of each person 14. Actual Cost to County after deduction of all receipts 15. Actual Cost to County after deduction of all receipts per day 146 107 89 6 158 44,677 147 $261,068.39 $362,402.51 17,634.70 900.00 2.738.07 $644,743.67 $786,981.67 17,62 123.34 6,431.30 84,000.00 1.88 16. CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Cost of Capital Expenditures 909.57 Province of Ontario Subsidy 454.79 Actual Cost to County 454.78 17. There were 204 residents in the Home during 1974 - 95 male, 109 female. Of the 158* residents in the Home on the first day of November 280 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 1975, 72 are male and 86 are female. *N,B. ofthe 158 residents, 14 are in Private Home Care. 18. These figures are for the period Jan. 1, 1975 to October 31,1975 I am pleased to eonfirm that during 1975 we have participated in a new programme which was recommended by the Senior Citizens' Bureau in Toronto to operate Satellite Homes to assist us with our long waiting lists, and at the same time, be able to place Senior Citizens in the area in which they have resided rather than moving them out of the community in which they lived, into Homes for the Aged which are several miles away from their original residence, We are now operating a Satellite Home at Fingal, which will house 14 Senior citizens and at the present time, we have placed nine senior citizens in this type of setting, We also operate a Satellite Home at Port Bruce, which again, is large enough to hold 14 senior citizens. At the present time we have placed six senior citizens in this setting. These two homes are operated and subsidized by the County of Elgin and the Province of Ontario and the policies operating these Homes are governed by the Committee of Management of Elgin Manor. We have found that by operating these types of facilities we are able to accommodate a number of senior citizens who were on the waiting list for Elgin Manor, and have now found living in this type of setting very beneficial to them. We bring these residents into the Home three days week for recreation and entertainment and to join in our craft programmes, and then we return them in the evening. Weare very fortunate in finding these two Homes to come under our care as they both operate on a 24-hour day basis with nursing care available. Weare still operating our Private Home Care programme and at present time, we have two residents in this type of programme, where they are living in a house as part of the family environment. This report is respectfully submitted. F. J, Boyes, Administrator. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT NOVEMBER SESSION - 1975 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council; 281 I. beg to submit the following statements of Receipts and Expenditures from January 1st, 1975 to October 31st, 1975. RECEIPTS Balance in Bank and on Hand Jan. 1/75 Notes Payable County Rates County Rates Collected under Section 43 Licences and Permits Interest County Roads Children's Aid Society Miscellaneous Revenue Recovery of Rentals Welfare - Administration Welfare - Benefits Property Tax Stabilization Grant Accounts Receivable - Museum Administration Salaries Printing, Postage and Stationery Court House Maintenance (Adm. of Justice) Agriculture Registry Office County Library Land Division Committee Municipal Building Renovations $1,295,000.00 491,966.42 8,078.95 800,00 649.01 1,781,225.43 2,427.70 183.95 18,699.15 18,338.44 323,987.31 38,921.00 500,00 5,173.00 372.24 16,513,32 200.00 2,806.44 42,382,55 13,005.00 1,903.23 $ 97,650.90 $4,063,133.14 $4,160,784.04 282 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL EXPENDITURES Council Members Administration Salaries Printing, Postage and Stationery Court House Maintenance Administration Offices Maintenance Grants, Associations, Scholarships, etc. Miscellaneous Expense County Roads Children's Aid Society Transferred to Elgin Manor Interest Abatement of Taxes Agriculture Registry Office Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit County Library Land Division Committee Welfare - Administration Welfare - Benefits Municipal Building Renovations Emergency Measures Organization Notes Payable Aylmer & District Museum Board Balance in Bank October 31, 1975 ELGIN MANOR Balance in Bank and on Hand Jan. 1/75 Receipts Expenditures Balance in Bank October 31, 1975 ALL of which is respectfully submitted, H. L. Johnson, County Clerk and Treasurer. 50,110.50 45,404.97 5,594.65 24,887.62 10,887.43 732.30 7,862.59 1,901,088.50 39,945.00 84,000.00 21,782.25 8,531.67 17,772.47 2,854.12 124,846.50 64,000.00 16,328,21 42,862.39 396,427.27 8,567.12 776,08 1,260,000.00 1,000.00 $4,136,261.64 24,522.40 $4,160,784.04 67,089.99 823,571. 71 890,661. 70 886,163.59 $ 4,498.11 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 283 CLERK'S REPORT ON LICENSES NOVEMBER SESSION - 1975 To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, I have to report the following licenses in force on the sixth day of November, 1975: AUCTIONEERS Gordon H. Meeko, 23 Y ong Street, St. Thomas Norman Ripley, Fingal Donald L. Cosens, 13 Margaret S1., St. Thomas. Ron Clark, R.R.#4, St. Thomas. K. J. McAlpine, R.R.#I, Dutton, Arthur Long, Box 57, Vienna. William Carnegie, R,R.#l, Muirkirk. Leslie J, Shackelton, R.R.#l, Springfield. Albert Blundell, R.R,#6, Aylmer. Harry Lutchin, 227 Main Street, Wardsville. Waldie Allen, R.R.#3, Lambeth. Dave Page, 267 Furnival Rd., Rodney, Gerald H. Cryderman, Thamesville. John L. Shackelton, R.R.#l, Springfield. Robert Hobson, P.O. Box 645, Blenheim. K. W. Hawkins, 59 King St. W., Ingersoll. Jake Kikkert, R.R.#2, Aylmer. Bill Holden, 61 Erie St., Box 912, Ridgetown. ALL of which is respectfully submitted, H. L. Johnson, County Clerk-Treasurer. 284 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FINANCE AND APPORTIONMENT COMMITTEE REPORT NOVEMBER SESSION - 1975 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance and Apportionment Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Warden and Treasurer be authorized to borrow up to $3,000,000.00 from the Bank of Montreal as may be required and that a by-law be prepared. 2. That a by-law be prepared to require the Local Municipalities to pay their county rate in two installments. The first installment to be due July 20th and the second installment to be due on December 20th, providing that statutory regulations permit this legislation. That the said by-law be effective for 1976. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. R. L. Lake, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 285 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMmDTTEE REPORT NOVEMBER SESSION - 1975 To the Warden and Members ofthe Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Special Bulletin from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario re: Ontario Energy Board's report to the Honourable Dennis Timbrell, Minister of Energy be filed. 2. That the resolution from the Land Division Committee re: courier service for delivery of mail concerning applications be filed since there is no apparent way to engage a courier service to deliver all the notices required by the Act. 3. That the resignation of Mr. A. Bruce McCallum from the Elgin County Land Division Committee, effective December 31st, 1975, be accepted with regret. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. J. B. Wilson, Chairman. 286 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL MUNICIPALITY OF ELGIN BY.LAW2378 WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation deems it necessary to borrow the sum of THREE MILLION DOLLARS to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Corporation for the year; AND WHEREAS the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Corporation as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 1975, not including revenues derivable or derived from the sale of assets, borrowings., or issuance of debentures or from a surplus, including arrears of taxes is FOUR MILLION, nine hundred and ninety five thousand, TWO HUNDRED AND FOURTEEN DOLLARS. AND WHEREAS the total amount heretofore authorized to be borrowed this year for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 329 of The Municipal Act is TWO MILLION DOLLARS, of which the Corporation has already borrowed a total of ONE MILLION, FIVE HUNDRED AND NINETY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer/or Deputy Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Corporation to borrow from time to time, by way of promissory note, from the Bank of Montreal, a sum or sums . exceeding in the aggregate THREE MILLION DOLLARS to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Corporation for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of the said Section 329, and to give, on behalf of the Corporation, to the Bank a promissory note or notes, sealed with the corporate seal and signed by them for the moneys so borrowed interest at a rate not exceeding 12 per centum per annum, which may be paid in advance or otherwise. 2. All sums borrowed from the said Bank, for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 329, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Corporation for the current year and for all preceding years, as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 287 payment of all sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this By-Law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and any previous years, from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 329, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received on account or realized in respect of the taxes levied for the current year and preceding years and all of the moneys collected or received from any other source, which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. H. 1. Johnson, Clerk Passed this 19th day of November, 1975. A. H. Liebner , Warden 288 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2379 "A BY-LAW TO AMEND THE BY-LAW ADOPTING A PLAN OF COUNTY ROAD IMPROVEMENT AND ESTABLISHING A ROAD SYSTEM IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN UNDER THE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT." The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. The schedule to the Establishing By-Law No. 2166 is amended by: (a) Removing there from the Road on Plan Number 8-1-R-74 attached hereto and known as County Road No.8. (b) Removing therefrom the Road on Plan Number 8-1 attached hereto and known as County Road No.8. (c) Removing therefrom the Road on Plan Number 15-1 attached hereto and known as County Road No. 15. (d) Adding thereto the Road on Plan Number 8-1-R-75 attached hereto ofthe Road to be known as County Road No.8. (e) Adding thereto the Road on Plan Number 15-1-R-75 attached hereto of the Road to be known as County Road No. 15. READ a first time this 19th day of November, 1975. READ a second time this 19th day of November, 1975. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of November, 1975. H. L. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 289 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2380 "A BY -LAW DESIGNATING THROUGH HIGHWAYS." WHEREAS Clause 33 of Subsection 1 of Section 1 of the Highway Traffic Act (R.S.O., 1970, Chapter 202) provides that: "through highway" means any highway or part of a highway designated as sueh by the Minister or by By-Law of a municipality approved by the Ministry, and every such highway shall be marked by a stop sign or yield right-of-way sign in compliance with the regulations of the Ministry. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. The following highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the Municipality of Elgin are designated as through highways: ROAD NO. DESCRIPTION 8 (a) Lake Road from the west side of Road 8 in Lot 10 Concession X Dunwich Township to the east side of Pearce Provincial Park in Lot 12 Concession X Dunwich Township. (b) From the County of Elgin Boundary which is the centre of the Thames River to the north side of Road 8 (Lake Road) in Lot 10 Concession X Dunwich Township. From the south side of County Road 2 to the north side of County Road 8. 2. The designations in Section 1 ofthis By-Law of a Highway or part of a Highway as a through Highway shall not include any intersection thereon where the Road intersected is a King's Highway or where traffic control signals are installed. 15. 3. The penalties as provided in Section 152 of the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O., 1970, shall apply to offences againstthisBy-Law. 4. By-Law #2322 is hereby repealed and Description (a) and (b) of 290 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL County Road 8 of By-Law #2213 are hereby repealed and Description (a) and (b) of County Road 15 of By-Law #2213 are hereby repealed. READ a first time this 19th day of November, 1975. READ a second time this 19th day of November, 1975. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of November, 1975. H. L. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner , Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 291 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2381 "A BY -LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE NOVEMBER SESSION, 1975" WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970" the powers of a municipal are to be exercised by its council; AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 ofthe Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action ofthe Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the November 1975 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 19th day of November, 1975. READ a second time this 19th day of November, 1975. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of November, 1975. H. L. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner , Warden. 292 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL DECEMBER SESSION - FIRST DAY Wednesday, the 17th day of December, 1975 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Elgin County Municipal Building, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All members present. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That the minutes of the November, 1975, Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. The following communications were read and referred to the various committees: From the Township of Yarmouth with Notices of Applications to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of two by-laws to regulate land passed pursuant to Section 35 of the Planning Act and a copy of Township of Yarmouth by-laws 2311 and 2312. - Referred to the Roads Committee From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with October and November Newsletters. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Minish'v of Transportation and Communications with letter Re: 1975 Supplementary Subsidy Allocation, Drainage Assessments Against County Roads. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Boxall Women's Institute with letter and resolution opposing the establishment of a sanitary land fill site at the former No. Bombing School at Fingal. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the County of Elgin Land Division Committee with resolution and copy of letter from Hennessey, Kempster and Gunn regarding strike dealing with applications. - Referred to the County Government Committee. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 293 From the County of Elgin Land Division Committee with resolution: "That when Mrs. Dixon is not available for stamping the deeds, that an alternate be appointed for doing same." - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the St. Thomas-Elgin Children's Aid Society with Financial Statement for October 1975. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations with letter and copy of questions and answers arising from seminars conducted on Bill 62, "An Act to provide for an Ontario Building Code. " - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the County of Simcoe with copy of brief sent to the Honourable Robert Andras, Minister of Manpower and Immigration Re: Program "Opportunities for Youth." - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Regional Municipality of Durham with resolution requesting legislation to be passed ensuring that the cost of care of unmanageable children who might previously have been dealt with under the provisions of Section 8 of the Ontario Training Schools Act, will be subsidized at the rate of 100 percent by Ontario. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Village of Port Burwell with resolution requesting Elgin County Council to pass a By-Law to enforce 15 minute parking in the Village of Port Burwell being on the North side of Wellington Street, commencing on the West entrance of Erieus Street and then Westerly 120 feet in the Post Office Area. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the County of Oxford with resolution requesting the Government of Ontario to apply the principle of Market Value Assessment to the most recent selling price of agricultural and open space land that is purchased for purposes other than existing use. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with letter that the Ministerially adjusted Assessment of the City of St. is $42,900,000.00. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 294 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL From the Regional Municipality of Waterloo with four resolutions: ( 1 ) Advising the Province that the proposed amendment to the Pits and Quarries Control Act to have licensed pits and quarries take precedence over local Tree Cutting By-Laws is not in the public interest. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. (2) Requesting the Ministry of Community and Social Services to increase the shelter allowance to the recipients of general welfare assistance and family benefits. - Referred to the Social Services Committee. (3) Requesting that no Provincial or Federal Ministry or Agency undertake any project, construction or works, nor permit any such works t() be undertaken by any government agency in or through any environmentally sensitive areas in the Province of Ontario. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee (4) Urging the Ontario Government to immediately pass legislation amending the Police Act and/or its regulations defining working conditions to exclude mangerial functions. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the County of Elgin Land Division Committee with copy resolution passed by the Village of Dutton endorsing Mr. Alistair Littlejohn as a member of the County of Elgin Land Division Committee. - Referred to the County Government Committee. Mr. R. W. Warner. Senior Study Officer T.E.I.G.A. and Mr. S. H. Janes, Local Government Restructuring Study Commissioner were present and it was Moved by Reeve Todd Seconded by Reeve Schafer That Mr. Janes be now heard. - Carried. Mr. Janes gave a progress report on the meetings which have been held with the local municipalities. The public in general has not attended as well as it was hoped they would, however, Mr. Janes found meetings valuable to him in preparing his interim report. Some concern was expressed by people at the meetings as to the value of governments because of how regional government has worked where it ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 295 has been introduced. Local municipalities are quite satisified with efficiency of their own operations. Mr. Janes mentioned the functions which he thought the County might become involved with, advised Council of tentative future meetings he would be having with various organizations and answered questions from the members of Council. The Warden thanked Mr. Janes for his report to County Council. The First report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Schafer and adopted on motion of Reeve Schafer and Reeve Caverly. The Second Report of the Roads Committee (Solid Waste Disposal) was presented by Reeve Schafer and after considerable discussion it was adopted on motion of Reeve Schafer and Reeve Simpson. Reeve Hodgson, Chairman of the Building Committee for the construction of a Home for the Aged, gave a verbal report of the progress being made by the Committee and advised that plans are 75 percent completed and are in Toronto for approval. Final plans are to be completed and tenders called in January 1976 with construction to start by March 1 st, 1976. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Glover That we go into a Committee of the Whole - Carried. The Warden appointed Re.eve Emerson as Chairman of the Committee of the Whole. Reeve Emerson gave a report on the discussions that have taken place with the Building Service Workers Union with respect to union employees at Elgin Manor. Moved by Reeve Nemett Seconded by Reeve Caverly That this Committee of the Whole rise without reporting. 296 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL - Carded. The Warden resumed the Chair. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Reeve Pettit That we do now adjourn to meet again on December 17th, 1975, at 2:00 p.m. - Carried. Council Re-Convened. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Lake That we carryon the business of the day beyond six o'clock P.M. - Carried. The Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Deputy Reeve Glover. The Report of the County Government Committee was presented by Reeve Wilson and adopted on motion of Reeve Wilson and Reeve Hodgson. The Report of the Finance and Apportionment Committee was presented by Reeve Lake and adopted on motion of Reeve Lake and Reeve Simpson. The Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caverly and Reeve Schafer. The Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Nemett and adopted on motion of Reeve Nemett and Deputy Reeve Green. The Report of the Elgin Manor Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve deRyk and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve deRyk and Reeve. Lake. Moved by Reeve Carroll Seconded by Reeve Todd ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 297 That the Elgin County Council goes on record as supporting the Federal Government Anti-Inflation Price and Wage Control Guidelines and copies of this resolution be sent to the Elgin County School Boards, Prime Minister Trudeau, Federal Finance Minister, Premier Davis, the Minister of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs and The Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Green Seconded by Reeve Bradfield That the County Weed Inspector's Report be adopted and printed in the Proceedings. ----' Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Green That Mr. Granville Gloin be appointed to the Elgin Farm Safety Council for the year 1976. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Todd Seconded by Reeve Simpson That By-Law No. 2382 "Being a By-Law to Provide That the Annual County Rate Be Paid in Two Instalments by Each Local Municipality in the County of Elgin," be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Kahnt Seconded by Reeve Todd That By-Law No. 2382 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Simpson Seconded by Deputy Reeve McLean That By-Law No. 2382 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Simpson Seconded by Reeve Todd That By-Law No. 2383 "Being a By-Law to Appoint a Land Division Committee," be read a first time. - Carried. 298 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by Reeve Carroll Seconded by Reeve Simpson That By-Law No. 2383 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Todd Seconded by Reeve Carroll That By-Law No. 2383 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Todd That By-Law No. 2384 "Being a By-Law to Appoint a Person to out the Duties of the Secretary-Treasurer of the Elgin County Division Committee when the Said Secretary-Treasurer is Unable, for any Reason, to Carry out His or Her Duties," be read a first time. - Carried Moved by Reeve Carroll Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By-Law No. 2384 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Carroll That By-Law No. 2384 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McLean Scconded by Reevc Kahnt That By-Law No. 2385 "Being a By-Law to Establish a Schedulc for All Employees of the County of Elgin Who Are Not Covered by A Collective Agreement, Other than the Heads of Departments," rcad a first time. - Carried. Moved by Recve Simpson Seconded by Deputy Reeve McLean That By-Law No. 2385 be read a second time. - Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 299 Moved by Reeve Kahnt Seconded by Reeve Simpson That By-Law No. 2385 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Kahnt seconded by Deputy Reeve McLean That By-Law No. 2386 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 1696, Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Elgin County Road Superintendent," be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McLean Seconded by Reeve Simpson That By-Law No. 2386 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Simpson Seconded by Reeve Kahnt That By-Law No. 2386 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve deRyk Seconded by Reeve McBrien That By-Law No. 2387 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2084 Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Elgin County Clerk-Treasurer," be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve McBrien Seconded by Deputy Reeve deRyk That By-Law No. 2387 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve deRyk Seconded by Reeve McBrien That By-Law No. 2387 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. 300 ELGIN COUNTY ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 301 Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Reeve Caverly Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Reeve Kahnt That By-Law No. 2388 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Elgin County Deputy er" be read a first time. That By-Law No. 2390 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Deputy Reeve deRyk Moved by Reeve Kahnt Seconded by Deputy Reeve Kelly That By-Law No. 2388 be read a second time. That By-Law No. 2390 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Wilson Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Deputy Reeve Kelly That By-Law No. 2388 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. That By-Law No. 2391 "Being a By-Law to Establish the Salary of the Elgin County Social Services Director, " be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Wilson Moved by Deputy Reeve Campbell Seconded by Deputy Reeve Green That By-Law No. 2389 "Being a By-Law to Establish the Salary of Administrator of the Elgin County Home for the Aged," be read a time. _ Carried. That By-Law No. 2391 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve deRyk Seconded by Deputy Reeve Green Moved by Deputy Reeve Kelly Seconded by Reeve Bradfield That By-Law No. 2389 be read a second time. That By-Law No. 2391 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Wilson Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Reeve Cook That By-Law No. 2389 be read a third time and finally passed That By-Law No. 2392 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2297, Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Secretary-Treasurer of the County of Elgin Land Division Committee," be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Kelly Seconded by Reeve Bradfield Moved by Reeve Cook Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That By-Law No. 2390 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Assistant Administrator for the County Home for the Aged, " be read a first time. - Carried. That By-Law No. 2392 be read a second time. - Carried. by Reeve Hodgson 302 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Seconded by Reeve Cook That By-Law No. 2392 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Cook Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That By-Law No. 2393 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2188, Thereby Adjusting the Remuneration of the County of Elgin Weed Inspector," be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Reeve Cook That By-Law No. 2393 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Cook Seconded by Reeve Kahnt That By-Law No. 2393 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve McBrien Seconded by Deputy Reeve Green That By-Law No. 2394 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2351, Thereby Adjusting the Remuneration of the County of Elgin Tree Commissioner," be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve McBrien Seconded by Reeve Wilson That By-Law No. 2394 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve McBrien Seconded by Deputy Reeve Green That By-Law No. 2394 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 303 Seconded by Reeve Cook That By-Law No. 2395 "Regulating Parking" , be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Cook Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By-Law No. 2395 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Cook That By-Law No. 2395 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Reeve Wilson That By-Law No. 2396 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the December Session, 1975," be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That By-Law No. 2396 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Reeve Schafer That By-Law No. 2396 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Deputy Reeve Green That we do now adjourn sine die. - Carried. H. 1. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner, Warden 304 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT FIRST REPORT - DECEMBER SESSION, 1975 To The Warden and Members of The Elgin County Council. Your Road Committee reports as follows: 1. Most construction work has been substantially completed for the Winter. IRoad 8 In Dutton has been opened although all curb and gutter work was not completed. The delay in the completion of this work was caused the several months delay in the award by the Ministry of the Environment of the Sanitary Contract from the time originally planned by the Ministry of the En vimnment. WE nECOMMEND That a By-Law be passed limiting the period of parking in front of the Port Burwell Post Office on County Road 42 to a 15 minute period at any one time. ALL of which is respectfully submitted, M. A. Schafer, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 305 ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT SECOND REPORT - DECEMBER SESSION, 1975 REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON SOLID WASTE To The Warden and Members of Elgin County Council. Your Committee on Solid Waste Reports as Follows: In the past few months your Committee on Solid Waste has extensively inquired into the problems of Solid Waste in the County of Elgin. Numerous Committee meetings have been held and the Warden, Chairman and the Engineer have attended many more including various Technical and Steering Committee meetings of the London Area Solid Waste Study. The purpose of the London Area Solid Waste Study (which includes the Counties of Middlesex and Elgin and the Cities of London and St. Thomas) is to develop a master plan for the Disposal of Solid Wast~ for the area for the next 20 years. The Consultants, James F. MacLaren Limited are just completing a draft report of their findings. Among their findings are: 1. That solid waste (garbage) from rural residents is approximately two (2) lbs. per person per day or approximately .365 tons per year. This is considerably below the amount that your Committee were lead initially to believe was generated by rural residents and has led to further investigations by your Committee to determine the amounts generated by a portion of the County. The amount of solid waste generated by urban residents such as St. Thomas (including commercial establishments picked up by regular municipal collectors) is estimated at 2.45 lbs daily or approximately .48 tons per year. 2. That Superior Sanitation Limited has offered their Watford (Brooke Township, Lambton County) Disposal Site for the disposal of municipal waste at a price of $3.00 per ton. 3. That the charges by other municipalities and organizations are 306 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL $3.00 per ton for the City of London's Clarke Road Site and $2.00 per ton charge to the City of Windsor by the County of Essex at their Maidstone Township Site. 4. That Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Sites are able to compete with private Waste Disposal Sites and usually their cost per ton is less than $3.00 per ton if the volume is sufficient (minimum of approximately 40,000 persons). 5. That the most economical site for the whole area(Elgin and Middlesex) in terms of transportation and disposal is the proposed W -12A Site of the City of London in Westminster Township. 6. That be~ause ofthe terms ofthe Municipal Board Order in rezoning the property restricting the use of the site to solid waste from the Township of Westminster and the City of London and the possibility that use of the site by all municipalities would fill the site in approximately 15 years another site or sites to serve St. Thomas and Elgin County is desirable. 7. Although the site should be located as close to the City of St. Thomas as possible to minimize the total transportation cost, a site on a good road network within 10 - 12 miles of St. Thomas would not increase transportation costs too unduly if the site disposal cost is in the $3.00 per ton range or less. 8. Very little difference in transportation cost is evident between the four sites looked at by the Consultants in the Elgin area namely Fingal Airport, Aylmer Airport (Police College), a site south of St. Thomas, and the proposed St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Site in northern Southwold Township. 9. That if disposal costs are in excess of $3.00 per ton because of development costs on a Municipal Site or the operators charges on a Privately owned Site, additional t~ansportation costs (i.e. longer distances) can be paid to a site providing cheaper disposal costs. 10. The Consultant is presently evaluating the cost to the various municipalities (or groups of municipalities) in the entire Study to determine the possible cost to them at any of the major selected sites. 11. Any reports forthcoming frd'blb'bther Studies now being undertaken ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 307 by the Ministry of the Environment indicate that any practical method of recycling of more than cardboard cartons etc., is quite a number of years away and although the volume of waste might be somewhat reduced, .landfill sites will still be necessary for a good many years. Your Committee have also investigated a number of other matters. A meeting was held with the Representatives of the Elgin County Federation of Agriculture at which the Representatives requested the Committee to avoid the use of good farm land for any landfill site. This policy agrees with the general policy of the Provincial Federation of Agriculture and a policy of the Provincial Ministry of Agriculture and Food. the local Federation Delegation also indicated their preferance for a County or Municipally owned site over a privately owned site. A number of overtures have been made to the Minister of the Environment and the Minister of Government Services for the use of a portion of the old Fingal Airport as a Waste Disposal Site. Some misunderstandings have occurred that have caused some residents of the area to believe that the County was proposing to use the total 600 acres plus, including the land under agricultural production as a site while actually the County proposed to use some 30 acres that could not be used for agricultural purposes where the old Airport Buildings and Hangars were once located. The Ministry of the Environment and our M.P.P. Mr. McNeil have made overtures to the Ministry of Natural Resources who leased the Airport lands from the Ministry of Government Services. About 10 days ago Warden Liebner received a letter from the Honourable Margaret Scrivener, Minister of Government Services that the Honourable Leo Bernier, Minister of Natural Resources stated that his Ministry of Natural Resources did not feel the proposed use of a portion of the property by the County would be compatible with programmes the Ministry is attempting to undertake on the property. Last week Mr. McNeil received a copy ofthe report upon which the decision was based, a copy of which is attached. As our Consultant James F. MacLaren Limited have stated that the total cost package of waste disposal would vary very little at another site in the same general radius of St. Thomas if the costs of land acquisition and development were reasonably equal, your Commitee has approached the 308 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Ministry of the Environment to approach the Ministry of Government Services and the Ministry of Natural Resources to ascertain if a site would be available at the old Aylmer Airport (police college) on a short or long term basis. We have also instructed a portion of our Committee to meet with representatives of the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Limited to enquire as to their proposed tonnage price and conditions for disposal at the proposed South wold Township Site and to discuss other matters they may feel relevant. One meeting was held and more are planned. Our further investigations in the past two months in Malahide and South Dorchester Townships on the amount of Solid Waste produced have led us to believe that the estimate used by MacLarens (.365 ton per person per year) is quite high and that a figure one half of this amount is closer. Using Malahide Township with a population of 4,814 persons as an example. we find that approximately 878 tons per year or 17 tons weekly might be produced. (Our actual figures show that 10.4 tons were collected on the week of November 24th and 12.3 tons collected on the week of December 1 st.) At 17 tons per week the yearly rate is .182 tons per person. The Township of Malahide' s private collector is picking up and transporting the Township solid waste to the St. Thomas Site of the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Limited where disposal takes place. The Township is presently paying $2.00 per capita per annum or approximately $185 per week for disposal only. At an estimated weekly amount of 17 ton the cost of this disposal per ton is approximately $11.00. (Actually it is more per ton as less than 17 ton per week is generated.) Last Spring in discussion with your Committee, representatives of the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Limited indicated that their disposal cost at their South wold Site would be in the order of $2.86 per capita. (This would work out to approximately $15.50 per ton using Malahide Township solid waste amounts). Your Committee feels that disposal costs should be in line with those suggested by MacLarens(i.e. less than $3.00 per ton) and that costs above that figure are excessive. Your Committee has made application to the Ministry of the Environment for the right to have solid waste from any other Municipality ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 309 in Elgin disposed of at the Dunwich Disposal Site if the need arises. Your Committee feels that the best system for the County of Elgin is a municipally owned Disposal Site and a privately owned and operated pickup service. This would allow Municipalities to tender pickup service and allow industries to choose a carrier suitable to them. The Disposal Site would be open to all on a "user pay basis. " ALL of which is respectfully submitted, M. A. Schafer, Chairman. 1106 Dearness Drive, LONDON, Ontario, N6E IN9 MEMORANDUM TO: Dr. J. K. Reynolds, Deputy Minister, F. 631 9 Sixth Floor, Whitney Block. SUBJECT: Elgin County's Desire to Utilize Fingal as a Land Fill Disposal Site. You will recall at our meeting in Springwater last Friday, you requested that I review the situation relative to the County's request and that I inform your office ofthe Region's feelings in this regard. I received a report from the Aylmer District on the subject and also, J. F. Gage and I visited the site with Paul Davidson and Gary Austin on July 14th. I also discussed the County's proposal with representatives of the Ministry of the Environment in London. The former Fingal airport was acquired to demonstrate the compatibility of agriculture and wildlife management practice. This ob jective has been accomplished over the years since the property was transferred to the provincial government, and the results of wildlife management work are now beginning to show. Because the M.N.R.'s mandate is in terms of providing recreation and managing wildlife resources, we are not willing to accept this proposal 310 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL without some resistance. We feel that the County should be asked to pursue other alternatives, perhaps with the understanding that if nothing can be resolved, we would be prepared to discuss the subject with them at a later date. There are a number of points that have bothered us in our review of this subject in addition to our mentioned psychological reaction against land fill sites. We feel that the Ministry's mandate relative to land and resources management, and to high quality recreational opportunities gives us little choice but to oppose this proposal. The area in question was acquired for approximately $125,000 and in addition, several thousands have been spent to improve the wildlife cover on the area. These expenditures were made with a specific purpose in mind and the recent proposal appears to us to be inconsistent with previous actions. Fingal is one of the few upland game hunting and dog trial areas in Southern Ontario. It is in close proximity to London and St. Thomas and its use by sportsmen and naturalists has been increasing dramatically during the last two or three years. We would anticipate that these users would not be happy with the proposal and may even feel that they should be consulted regarding a decision. A detailed wildlife management plan for the Fingal area is being prepared. Fish and Wildlife staff in 'the Aylmer District do have a clear indication of what they are trying to accomplish and how to go about achieving these desired ends. Not having a detailed proposal regarding the land site. it is difficult at this point in time to appreciate just exactly what impact twenty or thirty trucks a day moving in and out of the area would have on the wildlife and on the land base and perhaps even on hunting activities if it is deemed necessary to establish a buffer area around the site. There are a number of questions that need to be answered before part of Fingal could be considered as a land fill site: - How would we inform the users and should they be involved in the decision relative to this area? - Would there be a need to go through normal approval procedures ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 311 perhaps including O.M.B. as would be the case on a private site? - What sort of precedent would this be setting in terms of the needs of other municipalities? - What sort of remuneration should the Province receive in return for providing this assistance? - Is there any way that the return from the municipality could be directed into benfitting the local sportsmen? - What sort of assurance would we have that the landfill site would be operated as suggested verbally by the County? - What planning would be required by the County so that we would have a proposal that we would be able to approve and make sure that the municipality work within? We do not know the answers to these questions and, unfortunately, it is unlikely that we could go through a meaningful planning exercise to arrive at the sort of conclusions we require in time to satisfy the County. It may be desirable, however, that we do some immediate inventory and site planning work so that we are at least in a position to arrive at some concensus within the Ministry. Fingal is important as part of a system of provincial wildlife areas across the province. If one area buckles under a land use pressure opposite to what we are trying to achieve, then a precedent has been set and all provincial wildlife areas are threatened. RECOMMENDATIONS: I feel that because of the Ministry's mandate to provide recreational opportunities and due to the fact that we have spent public funds allocated for this purpose, we should resist the suggestion that the Fingal area be used as a landfill site. Recognizing, however, that there may be insurmountable problems with the altnerative areas, and that in the interest of the citizens of Elgin County, the Government may decide that this is a logical step, I would recommend that M.N.R. immediately carry out a site survey and develop a conceptual plan, and that a potential land fill site be designated within the concept plan. 312 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL I would further recommend that the municipality then prepare plans outlining the details of their proposal, and that their recommendations should include a phased program whereby M.N.R. would have an opportunity to review the activities of one period before granting approval to continue into the subsequent stages. This would provide the Ministry with an opportunity to make certain that the municipality is, in fact, complying with operating conditions. I further recommend that the Ministry should not supply the municipality with this service free of charge and, as one alternative to a financial transaction, the Ministry draw up a list of development needs or conditions which the municipality would agree to provide to improve the remainder of the Wildlife Management Area. W. H. Charlton, Regional Director, Southwestern Region WHC/p cc: - W. T. Foster, Assistant Deputy Minister - K. K. Irizawa, Executive Director, Division of Fish and Wildlife - P. R. Davidson, District Manager: AyJ'l1er. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 313 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: Your Personnel Committee has met for the purpose of reviewing salary schedules and fringe benefits and the following report is recommended for the adoption by the Elgin County Council. I ALL EMPLOYEES 1. LONG TERM DISABILITY BENEFITS Effective as soon as possible after January 1st, 1976, coverage in the form of long term disability insurance will be made available to permanent County employees on the basis of 2/3's of the employee's annual earnings, to a maximum of $1,000.00 per month. This is to be effective upon the expiration of the employee's sick credits or after 120 days, whichever is the longer. The County will contribute SO percent of the monthly premium. Participation requires at least 75 percent of the employees. 2. MILEAGE RATES Mileage rates to be paid County employees for using their own private cars: - 0- 5,000 miles - .20cents per mile over 5,000 miles - .17 cents per mile II ROAD DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION EMPLOYEES (a) Regular Hourly Rated Employees CLASS 6 - Construction Foreman & Licensed Mechanic $5.70 per hr. CLASS 5 - Foreman & Lead Hands - Regularly Minimum - $5.45 per hour 314 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Maximum - $5.60 per hour Experience rate .05 cents per hour for completion of each year's work to a maximum of 3 years. CLASS 4 - Machine Operators and Stockkeepers Minimum - $5.20 per hour Maximum - $5.35 per hour Experience rate .05 cents per hour for completion of each year's work to a maximum of 3 years. CLASS 3 - Part Time Foreman and Grademan Minimum - $4.95 per hour Maximum - $5.10 per hour Experience rate .05 cents per hour for completion of each year's work to a maximum of3 years. CLASS 2 - Labour Premium Minimum -$4.80 per hour Maximum $4.95 per hour Experience rate .05 cents per hour for completion of each year's work to a maximum of 3 years. CLASS 1 - Labour Minimum $4.70 per hour Maximum - $4.85 per hour Experience rate .05 cents per hour for completion of each year's work to a maximum of 3 years. (b) Seasonal or Casual Employees CLASS A - Employees of High School age with varied experience ( Under 21 ). Minimum - $3.10 per hour Maximum - $3.25 per hour Experience rate .05 cents per hour for 3 years. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 315 CLASS B - Inexperienced Labour $3.75 per hour CLASS C - Experienced Labour) -Inexperienced Mower Operator) $4.10 per hour CLASS D - Experienced Operators or Trade $4.55 per hour (c) Technical Personnel INSTRUMENT MAN Minimum - $5.25 per hour Maximum -$5.60 per hour Experience rate .12 cents per hour for completion of each year's work to a maximum of 3 years. (d) Office Personnel GRADEl Minimum -$6,475.00 per annum Maximum - $6,875.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year for two years. GRADE 2 Minimum - $7,075.00 per annum Maximum -$7,675.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year for three years. GRADE 3 Minimum - $7,875.00 per annum Maximum - $8,475.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year for three years. Present employee to receive $8,475.00 OFFICE CO-ORDINATOR Minimum - $11,500.00 per annum Maximum -$12,100.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. New Appointee to receive $11,500.00 316 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL (e) Supervisory Staff GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT - (No payment for overtime. Rate set includes overtime work.) Minimum - $16,225.00 per annum Maximum -$16,825.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum Present employee to receive $16,825.00 plus use of County Car. ASSISTANT GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT - (No payment for overtime. Rate set includes overtime work). Minimum - $15,825.00 per annum Maximum -$16,425.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Present employee to receive $16,425.00 plus use of County Car. TECHNICIAN Minimum - $15,825.00 per annum._ Maximum - $16,425.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum Present employee to receive $16,425.00 III CLERK-TREASURER'S STAFF Office Personnel - Grade 1 . Minimum $6,475.00 per annum Maximum - $6,875.00 per annum Office Personnel - Grade 2 Minimum - $7,075.00 per annum Maximum - $7,675.00 per annum Present employees to receive $7,675.00 and $7,475.00. Office Personnel - Grade 3 Minimum -$7,875.00 per annum Maximum -$8,475.00 per annum Payroll Supervisor Minimum $8,275.00 per annum Maximum -$8,875.00 per annum Present employee to receive $8,875.00 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 317 Custodian of County Buildings Minimum -$10,300.00 per annum Maximum -$10,900.00 per annum Present employee to receive $10,500.00 for looking after all buildings on the Court House property. Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Office Personnel - Part Time Experienced -$4.00 per hour Inexperienced - $3.50 per hour IV ELGIN MANOR EMPLOYEES (Non Union) *Director of Nursing * Assistant Director of Nursing *Registered Nurses Recreation Director Recreation Director II $13,098.00 per annum $12,338.00 per annum $5.28 per hour $8,400.00 per annum Minimum - $6,400.00 per annum Maximum -$7,000.00 per annum Present employee to receive $6,600.00. Dietary Supervisor Minimum - $10,100.00 per annum Maximum - $10,700.00 per annum Present employee to receive $10,700. Laundry & Housekeeping Supervisor Minimum - $10,100.00 per annum Maximum - $10,700.00 per annum Present employee to receive $10,700.00. Maintenance Supervisor Minimum -$9,960.00 per annum Maximum -$10,760.00 per annum Present employee to receive $10,760.00. * Rates set previously. P ART TIME Office Personnel - Experienced - Inexperienced $4.00 per hour $3.50 per hour 318 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Minimum - $7,875.00 per annum Maximum - $8,475.00 per annum Present empl9yee to receive $8,475.00. Increments $200 per year to maximum Beautician Barber Students Office Personnel - Grade 1 Office Personnel - Grade 2 Present employee to receive $7,275.00. Office Personnel - Grade 3 V. County Library Employees Library Personnel- Grade 1 Present employee to receive $8,462.00 Library Personnel - Grade 2 $25.00 per day $75.00 per month $3.00 per hour Minimum - $6,475.00 per annum Maximum -$6,875.00 per annum Minimum -$7,075.00 per annum Maximum -$7,675.00 per annum Minimum - $7,862.00 per annum Maximum -$8,462.00 per annum Minimum -$7,062.00 per annum Maximum - $7,662.00 per annum Present employee to receive $7,462.00. Assistant Library Supervisor Present employee to receive $8,962.00. Increments $200.00 per year to maximum VI SOCIAL SERVICES Field Workers Minimum -$8,362.00 per annum Maximum -$8,962.00 per annum Minimum -$9,275.00 per annum Maximum -$9,875.00 per annum ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 319 Present employees to receive $9,475.00 Office Personnel- Grade 2 Minimum - $7,075.00 per annum Maximum - $7,675.00 per annum Present employee to receive $7,275.00. Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. VII DEPARTMENT HEADS County Engineer $27,625.00 per annum Plus the use of a County Car. County Clerk-Treasurer $21,625.00 per annum Deputy Clerk-Treasurer $19,625.00 per annum $4,000.00 of the above salary to be paid by the County Home for the Aged as remuneration for him acting as Secretary-Treasurer of the Home. Adminstrator - Elgin Manor $19,625.00 per annum Assistant Administrator - Elgin Manor $13,900.00 per annum Director - Social Services $t6,625.00 per annum County Librarian $18,412.00 per annum Library Supervisor $11,587.00 per annum Weed Inspector & Tree Commissioner $4.85 per hour Plus mileage rates as per schedule for all County employees and he provide his own meals. VIII Hourly rates for Road Department shall be effective December 28, 1975 and all others January 1st, 1976. IX We recommend that present County of Elgin By-Laws be amended or new By-Laws passed as required to implement the changes contained in this report. ALL of which is respectfully submitted, K. C. Emerson, Chairman. 320 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members ofthe Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That, since mail service has returned to normal, the resolution from the County of Elgin Land Division Committee and copy of letter from Hennessey, Kempster and Gunn regarding the mail strike, dealing with applications, be filed. 2. That, in response to the resolution from the County of Elgin Land Division Committee requesting that an alternate be appointed to stamp deeds when Mrs. Dixon is not available, we recommend that a by-law be prepared to appoint Mr. George C. Leverton, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer of rhe County of Elgin to carry out the duties of the Secretary-Treasurer of the Elgin County Land Division Committee when, for any reason, the said Secretary- Treasurer is unable to carry out his or her duties. 3. That the correspondence received from the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations with respect to seminars conducted on Bill 62, be filed. 4. That the brief which the County of Simcoe sent to the Minister of Manpower and Immigration Re: "Opportunities for Youth" program, be filed. 5. That the resolution from the Regional Municipality of Durham requesting that the cost of the care of unmanageable children who might previously have been dealt with under the provisions of Section 8 of the Ontario Training Schools Act, be subsidized 100 percent by the Province of Ontario be endorsed. 6. That the resolution from the County of Oxford requesting that the principle of Market Value Assessment be applied to agricultural and open space land that is purchased for purposes other than existing use be filed. 7. That the resolution from the Regional Municipality of Waterloo urging the Ontario Government to immediately pass legislation amending the Police Act and/ or its regulations, be filed. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 321 8. That the members of the Land Division Committee be paid .15 cents per mile for delivering Land Division documents during the recent mail strile. 9. That the matter of notifying owners within 200 feet of a parcel of land which is being considered for a severance be tabled. 10. That the October and November newsletters from A.C.R.O. be filed. 11. That a by-law be prepared appointing the following members to the County of Elgin land Division Committee: Fred S. Shively to hold office until Jan. 1, 1977 Alistair Littlejohn to hold office until Jan. 1, 1977 Walter D. Nelson to hold office until Jan. 1, 1978 John V. McKinlay old office until Jan. 1, 1978 Harold G. Charlton to hol ntil Jan. 1, 1 Noble G. Tufford to hold office until Jan. , 1979 Philip Schleihauf to hold office until Jan. 1, 1979 12. That the per diem rate for County Councillors attending meetings of County Councilor County Committees by $44.00 for a full day session, a full day being a meeting in the morning and afternoon or afternoon and evening, and $27.00 for a half day session being one morning, afternoon or evening. 13. That the Warden of the County of Elgin be paid $6,500.00 per annum for attending Council meetings, Committee meetings and other duties related to his office. 14. Thatthe necessary by-laws to implement sections 12 and 13 of the report be prepared for the January Session. 15. That the mileage rates for County Councillors be the same as for County employees. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. J. B. Wilson, Chairman. 322 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FINANCE AND APPORTIONMENT REPORT December Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance and Apportionment Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Financial Statement of the St. Thomas-Elgin Children's Aid Society be filed. 2. When a local municipality prepays a payment of its County Rate we pay the municipality its discount as soon as it is computed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. R. 1. Lake, Chairman. AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from the Regional Municipality of Waterloo re: proposed amendment to the Pits and Quarries Control Act be filed. 2. That the resolution from the Regional Municipality of Waterloo requesting that no Provincial or Federal Ministry or Agency Undertake any project, construction or works, nor permit any such works to be undertaken by any government agency in or through any environment- ally sensitive areas in the Province of Ontario be filed. 3. That the Federal Ministry of Agriculture be requested to hold a free rabies clinic in the County of Elgin early in 1976. That a copy of this resolution be sent to the local Federal Agricultural office and to Mr. John Wise, M.P. ALL of which is respectfully submitted, W. R. Caverly, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 323 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That we accept the revised service contract with Johnson Controls for the control system and heating system at the Court H.ouse at a price of $245.00 per annum payable $122.50 twice yearly. 2. That we approve of the proposed changes in the Registry Office as shown on the plan received December 12, 1975, from the Ministry of Government Services. The said Ministry to pay 100 percent of the cost of the alterations. 3. That Mr. Jerry Freeman be permitted to store two motorcycles in the Court House garage providing that the space is not required by any department of the County of Elgin. 4. That the Court House flag be permitted to fly 24 hours per day and that the rope tie-bar be raised beyond the reac h of anyone standing on the ground to prevent vandalism. It is understood that the flag is permitted to be flown at night if a light shines upon it. 5. That Mr. Allan Schuit be advised to give the keys to the caretaker's apartment in the Court House and the keys to other County Buildings to the County Clerk or Deputy County Clerk on or before December 31,1975. 6. That Sheriff James A. McBain be advised that the Administration of Justice will be permitted to use all of the west portion of the second storey of the County of Elgin Court House with the understanding that the Province of Ontario will pay rent on this floor space based on the MacNaughton formula on and after Januaryl, lY"/b, and that he obtain written approval for this arrangement from the Ministry of Government Services prior to using the said area. ALL of which is respectfully submitted, J. P. Nemett, Chairman. 324 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN MANOR COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Elgin Manor Committee reports as follows: 1. The Administrator has been authorized to send four (4) employees on a dietary course at the St. Thomas Physchiatric Hospital at a cost of $8.00 per person. 2. The tender of Dominion Dairies Ltd. has been accepted for supplying milk requirements for 1976 and the tender of Weston Bakeries Ltd. for supplying bread at a price of .331/2 cents per loaf has also been accepted. 3. A request from Mr. Bob Butler to connect to the Elgin Manor watermain for use in his new barn was not granted, and notification to this effect has been forwarded to the Township of Southwold and St. Thomas Public Utilities Commission, in accordance with the resolution passed by County Council at its October 1971 Session. ALL of which is respectfully submitted, H. P. deRyk, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 325 WEED INSPECTOR'S REPORT December Session, 1975 To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, I wish to report on weed control in the County of Elgin for the year 1975. Some areas in the County suffered heavy rainfalls during the spring and summer and made planting crops difficult. Nevertheless most workable land was planted, and the growing season was excellent; thus wonderful crops of alfalfa and wheat were harvested. Early white bean growers had good crops but the heavy rains delayed the harvest, and many fields of beans were lost. Soya bean and corn growers have had a good fall with most of the crop harvested with a good yield. Some tobacco farmers had severe damage from hail storms in several areas of the County, however, the crop did turn out reasonably good. All the Townships in the County had excellent results from their spraying program this spring. Work crews in each Township put a good effort in spraying the roadsides and I congratulate them for a job well done. The Township and County road allowances had a very good appearance throughout the summer and this also includes the Ministry of Transportation and Communications road allowances. I am pleased to report the Railroads have also been active in mowing the weeds and brush on their property in many locations. Complaints over noxious weeds growing on neighbouring property has been about normal and the usual number of lots had to be ordered cut; however, the bills were paid by the owners when presented to them. In closing my report I would like to thank all County and Township officials, road crews and other weed inspectors and special thanks to the office staff at the County Municipal Building for their help and co-operation during the year. ALL of which is respectfully submitted, Jackson Baker, County Weed Inspector. 326 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2382 "BEING A BY -LAW TO PROVIDE THAT THE ANNUAL COUNTY RATE BE PAID IN TWO INSTALMENTS BY EACH LOCAL MUNICIPALITY IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN. WHEREAS Section 507, Subsection 12 ofthe Municipal Act provides: "The Council of a county may, by agreement with a majority of the municipalities representing at least two-thirds of the equalized assessment in the county, provide by by-law for any number of instalments and the amounts and due dates thereof other than those provided in Subsection 11". AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin deems it advisable to have the annual County Rate paid in two instalments. AND WHEREAS a majority of the Local Municipalities in the County of Elgin representing more than two-thirds of the equalized assessment in the County have agreed to having their portion of the annual County Rate made payable in two instalments. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the amount of County Rate to be provided by each Local Municipality in the County of Elgin shall be paid in two equal instalments. 2. That, in each year, the due date of the First instalment shall be the 20th day of July and the due date of the Second instalment shall be the 20th day of December. 3. That in the case of non-payment of any instalment or any portion thereof on the due dates, the municipality so in default shall pay to the county interest thereon from the day of default to the date that payment is made at the minimum lending rate of the majority of chartered banks on the day of default. 4. That, where any instalment or portion thereof is paid before the ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 327 15th of the month in which it is due the county shall allow to the municipality a discount thereon from the date of payment to the date upon which payment is due at the minimum lending rate of the majority of chartered banks on the date of payment. 5. Where payment of any instalment is made from the 15th to the 20th inclusive of the month in which it is due it shall be considered to have been paid on the due date and no discount shall be allowed, nor will the County deposit the money until the 20th ofthe month. 6. When, in any year, the 20th of July or December falls on a Saturday, Sunday or statutory holiday the due date shall be the fir~t working day following the 20th of the said month. 7. This by-law shall become effective on the 1st day of January, 1976. READ a first time this 17th day of December, 1975. READ a second time this 17th day of December, 1975. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of December, 1975. H. 1. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner, Warden. 328 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2383 "BEING A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE." WHEREAS Section 30 of The Planning Act provides for the constitution and appointment of a Land Division Committee. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT a Land Division Committee is hereby constituted and the following persons are hereby appointed to membership on the said Committee. Fred S. Shively Alistair Littlejohn Walter D. Nelson John V. McKinlay Harold G. Charlton Noble G. Tufford Philip W. Schleihauf to hold office until January 1,1977. to hold office until January 1,1977. to hold office until January 1,1978. to hold office until January 1,1978. to hold office until January 1,1979. to hold office until January 1,1979. to hold office until January 1,1979. 2. THAT the members of the Land Division Committee be paid the following remuneration for attending meetings of the said Committee: (a) In attending a meeting of the Committee when it is held in both the forenoon and afternoon or evening ofthe same day - $40.00. (b) For attending a meeting of the Committee when it is held in either the forenoon, afternoon or the evening - $25.00. (c) In addition to the above remuneration each member shall be paid .15 cents for each mile necessarily travelled in attending such meetings. 3. Each member shall be paid, in addition to the above remuneration, $10.00 for each application which he investigates. 4. THAT By-Law No. 2330 be and the same is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 17th day of December, 1975 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 329 READ a second time this 17th day of December, 1975. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of December, 1975. H. L. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner, Warden. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2384 "BEING A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A PERSON TO CARRY OUT THE DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY-TREASURER OF THE ELGIN COUNTY LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE WHEN THE SAID SECRETARY- TREASURER IS UNABLE, FOR ANY REASON, TO CARRY OUT IDS OR HER DUTIES." WHEREAS the Elgin County Land Division has requested that an alternate person be appointed to stamp deeds when the Secretary- Treas- urer ofthe Elgin County Land Division Committee is not available. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That Mr. George C. Leverton, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer of the County of Elgin be and is hereby appointed to carry out the duties of the Secretary- Treasurer of the Elgin County Land Division Committee when, for any reason, the said Secretary-Treasurer is unable to carry out his or her duties. READ a first time this 17th day of December, 1975. READ a second time this 17th day of December, 1975. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of December, 1975. H. L. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner, Warden. 330 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2385 "BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH A SALARY SCHEDULE FOR ALL EMPLOYEES OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN WHO ARE NOT COV ERED BY A COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT, OTHER THAN THE HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS. WHEREAS it is considered advisable to establish salary schedules for the employees of the various Departments of the County of Elgin. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts that the following salary schedules be, and are hereby adopted: 1. Salary Schedule for Road Department Employees. A. Regular Hourly Rated Employees CLASS 6 (a) Construction Foreman or Mechanic. Mechanic licensed by Ontario Ministry of Labour, OR (b) Construction Foreman in charge of specialized work such as grading and granular base or bridge construction and in charge of hired trucks, or grading equipment and County equipment and one or more County work crews. $5.70 per hour CLASS 5 - Foreman and Lead Hands - Regularly (a) In charge of a work crew of at least five (5) men with County and/or hired equipment on a specific project. (b) Supervising other County (or hired) trucks and equipment on a regular basis. OR (c) Performing work which is a recognized skill or trade. - May be assigned as Snow Plow Operator, Sander Operator, Wingmen, or Night Duty in Winter. - Experience Rate 5 cents per hour for completion of each year's work to a maximum ofthree years. Minimum $5.45 per hour Maximum $5.60 per hour ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 331 CLASS 4 - Machine Operators and Stockkeeper. (a) Stockkeeper. (b) Regular Operators on tandem dump trucks, distributor, float, grader, shovel loader, backhoe, dozer, etc., a majority of the time. The rest of time-skilled or special work such as machine repair, sign construction etc., Usually assigned as Snow Plow Operator, Sander Operator, Wingman or Night Duty in Winter. Some Supervisory work is usually required. - Experience Rate 5 cents per hour for completion of each year's work to a maximum of three years. Minimum $5.20 per hour Maximum $5.35 per hour CLASS 3 - Part Time Foremen and Grademen. (a) Employee performing work of a higher classification than Class 2 or acting as a Foreman and/or Lead Hand of a work crew for a portion of the year, includes experienced Grademen; usually able to be assigned as Wingmen, Sander Operator or Night Duty in the Winter. - Experience Rate 5 cents per hour for completion of each year's work to a maximum of three years. Minimum $4.95 per hour Maximum $5.10 per hour. CLASS 2 - Labour Premium. (a) Shall have chauffer's license and shall be able to operate light truck, tractor, roller, etc., on a part time basis. May be employed as a weighman, checker or mower operater (summer). Usually able to be assigned as a Wingman, Sander Operator (part time) or Night Duty in the Winter. - Experience Rate 5 cents per hour for completion of each year's work to a maximum of three years. Minimum $4.80 per hour Maximum $4.95 per hour CLASS 1 - Labour. (a) Must be capable of performing physical labour under supervision. Some light truck or tractor driving may be required on occasion. - Experience Rate 5 cents per hour for completion of each year's work to a maximum of three years. Minimum $4.70 per hour JJ2 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Maximum $4.85 per hour NOTE - An employee hired to fill a particular vacancy in Classification 3, 4.5, and 6 shall have a probationary starting rate of .25 cents per hour less than the rate of the category with no experience assigned. B. Seasonal or Casual Employees. CLASS A - Employees of high school age (generally under 21 years of age) with varied experience. - Experience rate 5 cents per hour for three years. Minimum $3.10 per hour Maximum $3.25 per hour CLASS B - Casual Labour, inexperienced (University students, etc.) $3.75 per hour CLASS C - Experience labour, inexperienced mower operators, $4.10 per hour. CLASS D - Experience operators or tradesmen, $4.55 per hour. PREMIUM NIGHT DUTY Those persons appointed to Regular Night Duty (Winter Maintenance Shift) are eligible for a 10 cents per hour shift premium over their regular hourly rate of pay for such time as they are on night duty. FRIDAY PAY In the event of a Statutory Holiday, Sick Benefit, Annual Holiday, Compassionate Leave. etc., falling on Friday, the Employee shall be paid at his regular rate of pay for 8 hours and the time shall count as one full day. C. Technical Personnel. Instrument Man - Education, Grade 12 or equivalent. Work inc1udces drafting, surveying and when experienced to be able to work with a minimum of supervision. Increments shall be governed by ability, experience, the passing of Ministry of Transportion and Communications sponsored courses on ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 333 surveying and inspection. Position comparable to Ministry of Transportation and Communi- cations Technician III Surveys. Minimum $5.25 per hour Maximum $5.60 per hour Increments of .12 cents per hour for three years. TECHNICIAN Shall supervise Instrument Men, Surveying Crew and drafting. Shall assist the Engineer in the design, supervision and construction of such projects as hot-mix asphalt paving, drainage, urban construction, etc. Qualifications to be similar to Ministry of Transportation and Communication Technician - Grade II. Experience Rate $200.00 per year for three years. Minimum $15,825.00 per annum Maximum $16,425.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum D. Salaried employees. Grade I Office Personnel Minimum $6,475.00 per annum Maximum $6,875.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum Grade 2 Office Personnel Minimum $7,075.00 per annum Maximum $7,675.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Grade 3 Office Personnel Minimum $7,875.00 per annum Maximum $8,475.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Office Co-Ordinator To assist with and supervise others in all phases of office work such as payroll, accounts, bookkeeping, etc. 334 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL To receive inquiries from and provide information to the general public as may from time to time be required. Minimum $11,500.00 per annum Maximum $12,100.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. General Superintendent General supervision of all county work, both maintenance and construction. Control of all county and hired equipment and personnel. Responsible to the Engineer for the planning and scheduling of the work. Responsible for the hiring of outside equipment and personnel when required. Responsible for investigations of inquiries and complaints by the general public. Minimum $16,225.00 per annum Maximum $16,825.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum, plus use of County car. Assistant General Superintendent To act for and to assume all duties of the General Superintendent when the General Superintendent is absent (sickness, holidays, etc.) To assist the Superintendent with all phases of construction and maintenance and to have direct control of any particular operation as from time to time required. To act as Construction Safety Inspector for the County. Minimum $15,825.00 per annum. Maximum $16,425.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum, plus use of County car. E. Mileage Rates to be paid to all county employees using their own private cars be: 0- 5,000 miles - .20 cents per mile Over 5,000 miles - .17 cents per mile. 2. Salary Schedule for County Library Employees. Library Personnel (Grade One) Minimum $7,862.00 per annum Maximum $8,462.00 per annum ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 335 Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Library Personnel (Grade Two) Minimum $7,062.00 per annum Maximum $7,662.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Assistant Library Supervisor Minimum $8,362.00 per annum Maximum $8,962.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. 3. Salary Schedule for Clerk-Treasurer's Staff. Office Personnel (Grade One) Minimum $6,475.00 per annum Maximum $6,875.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Office Personnel (Grade Two) Minimum $7,075.00 per annum Maximum $7,675.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Office Personnel (Grade Three) Minimum $7,875.00 per annum Maximum $8,475.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Payroll Supervisor Minimum $8,275.00 per annum Maximum $8,875.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Custodian of County Buildings. Minimum $10,300.00 per annum Maximum $10,900.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. 4. Office Personnel - Part Time Experienced $4.00 per hour Inexperienced $3.50 per hour Salary Schedule for Social Services Employees. 336 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Field Workers. Minimum $9,275.00 per annum Maximum $9,875.00 per annum. Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Office Personnel (Grade Two) Minimum $7,075.00 per annum Maximum $7,675.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. 5. Salary Schedule for Elgin Manor Employees. Director of Nursing $13,098.00 per annum Assistant Director of Nursing $12,338.00 per annum Registered Nurse $5.28 per hour Recreation Director $8,400.00 per annum Recreation Director II Minimum $6,400.00 per annum Maximum $7,000.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Dietary Supervisor Minimum $10,100.00 per annum Maximum $10,700.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Laundry & Housekeeping Supervisor Minimum $10,100.00 per annum Maximum $10,700.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Maintenance Supervisor Minimum $9,960.00 per annum Maximum $10,760.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Office Personnel (Grade One) Minimum $6,475.00 per annum ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 337 Maximum $6,875.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Office Personnel (Grade Two) Minimum $7,075.00 per annum Maximum $7,675.00 per annum. Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Office Personnel (Grade Three) Minimum $7,875.00 per annum Maximum $8,475.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Part Time Help Student Office Personnel - Experienced - Inexperienced Barber Beautician $3.00 per hour $4.00 per hour $3.50 per hour $75.00 per month $25.00 per day 6. THAT By-Law No. 2347 be, and the same is hereby repealed. 7. 2348. For annual increment eligibility see Fringe Benefits By-Law No. ~ 8. THAT this By-Law shall become effective December 28th, 1975 for hourly rated Road Department employees and all other January 1st, 1976. READ a first time this 17th day of December, 1975. READ a second time this 17th day of December, 1975 READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of December, 1975.. H. 1. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner, Warden. 338 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 339 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2386 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2387 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 1696, THEREBY ADJUSTING THE SALARY OF THE ELGIN COUNTY ROAD SUPERIN- TENDENT." WHEREAS By-Law No. 1696 deals with the appointment and remuneration of a Road Superintendent for the County of Elgin. "BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 2084 THEREBY ADJUSTING THE SALARY OF THE ELGIN COUNTY CLERK-TREAS- URER. " WHEREAS By-Law No. 2084 deals with the appointment and remuneration of a Clerk-Treasurer for the County of Elgin. AND WHEREAS By-Law No. 1696 is presently amended by By-Law No. 2339. AND WHEREAS By-Law No. 2084 is presently amended by By-Law No. 2336. AND WHEREAS it is now deemed advisable to change the present salary of the Elgin County Road Superintendent. AND WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to change the present salary of the Elgin County Clerk-Treasurer. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT Clause (4) of By-Law No. 1696, as amended by By-Law No. 2339, be deleted, and the following substituted therefore: 1. THAT Clause (2) of By-Law No. 2084, as amended by By-Law No. 2336, be deleted, and the following substituted therefore: Plus the use of a County Car. " "That his salary as Clerk-Treasurer of the County of Elgin be Twenty-One Thousand, Six Hundred and Twenty-Five DoIIars($21,625.00) per annum, payable bi-weekly." 2. TrUY-LaW No. 2336 be and the same is hereby repealed. 3. THAT this By-Law become effective January 1,1976. "That the salary or remuneration of the Road Superintendent shall be Twenty-Seven Thousand, Six Hundred and Twenty-Five Dollars, ($27,625.00) per annum, payable bi-weekly. 2. THAT By-Law No. 2339 be, and the same is hereby repealed. 3. THAT this By-Law shall take effect on January 1,1976. READ a first time this 17th day of December, 1975. READ a first time this 17th day of December, 1975. READ a second time this 17th day of December, 1975. READ a second time this 17th day of December, 1975. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of December, 1975. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of December, 1975. H. 1. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner, Warden. H. 1. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner, Warden. 340 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2388 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BYLAW NO. 2085 THEREBY ADJUSTING THE SALARY OF THE ELGIN COUNTY DEPUTY CLERK- TREASURER." WHEREAS By-Law No. 2085 deals with the appointment and remuneration of a Deputy Clerk- Treasurer for the County of Elgin. AND WHEREAS By-Law No. 2085 is presently amended by By-Law No. 2337. AND WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to change the present salary of the Deputy Clerk- Treasurer. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT Clause (2) of By-Law No. 2085, as amended by By-Law No. 2337, be deleted, and the following substituted therefore: "That his salary as Deputy Clerk-Treasurer of the County of Elgin be Fifteen Thousand, Six Hundred and Twenty-Five Dollars ($15,625.00) per annum, payable bi-weekly." 2. THAT By-Law No. 2337 be and the same is hereby repealed. 3. THAT this By-Law become effective January 1, 1976. READ a first time this 17th day of December, 1975. READ a second time this 17th day of December, 1975 READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of December, 1975. H. 1. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 341 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2389 "BEING A BY -LAW TO ESTABLISH THE SALARY OF THE ADMINISTRATOR OF THE ELGIN COUNTY HOME FOR THE AGED." The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT the salary of the Administrator of the Elgin County Home for the Aged be Nineteen Thousand Six Hundred and Twenty-Five Dollars ($19,625.00) per annum, payable bi-weekly. 2. THAT By-Law No. 2341 be and the same is hereby repealed. 3. THAT this By-Law become effective January 1,1976. READ a first time this 17th day of December, 1975. READ a second time this 17th day of December, 1975. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of December, 1975. H. 1. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner, Warden 342 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2390 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 2231, THEREBY ADJUSTING THE SALARY OF THE ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATOR FOR THE ELGIN COUNTY HOME FOR THE AGED." WHEREAS By-Law No. 2231 deals with the appointment and remuneration of an Assistant Administrator for the Elgin County Home for the Aged. AND WHEREAS By-Law No. 2231 is presently amended by By-Law No. 2342. AND WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to change the present salary of the Assistant Administrator. NOW THEREFORE the Council-Gfthe Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT Clause (2) of By-Law No. 2231, as amended by By-Law No. 2342, be deleted and the following substituted therefore: "That his salary as Assistant Administrator be Thirteen Thousand, Nine Hundred Dollars ($13,900.00) per annum, payable bi-weekly. 2. THAT By-Law No. 2342 be and the same is hereby repealed. 3. THAT this By-Law become effective January 1,1976. READ a first time this 17th day of December, 1975. READ a second time this 17th day of December, 1975. READ third time and finally passed this 17th day of December, 1975. H. 1. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner, Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 343 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2391 "BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH THE SALARY OF THE ELGIN COUNTY SOCIAL SERVICES DIRECTOR." The Council of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THA T the salary of the Social Services Director of the County of Elgin shall be Sixteen Thousand, Six Hundred and Twenty-Five Dollars($16,625.00) per annum, payable bi-weekly. 2. THAT this By-Law shall become effective January 1, 1976, subject to the approval of the Minister of Community and Social Services. 3. THAT By-Law No. 2343, be and the same is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 17th day of December, 1975. READ a second time this 17th day of December, 1975. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of December, 1975. H. 1. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner, Warden. 344 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2392 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 2297, THEREBY ADJUSTING THE SALARY OF THE SECRETARY-TREASURER OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE." WHEREAS By-Law No. 2297 deals with the appointment and remuneration of a Secretary-Treasurer of the County of Elgin Land Division Committee. AND WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to change the present salary of the Secretary-Treasurer. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT Clause (2) of By-Law No. 2297 as amended by By-Law No. 2344, be deleted, and the following substituted therefore: "That the salary of the Secretary-Treasurer of the County of Elgin Land Division Committee shall be Seven Thousand, Six Hundred and Seventy-Five Dollars ($7,675.00) per annum, payable bi-weekly. 2. THA T By-Law No. 2344 be and the same is hereby repealed. 3. THAT this By-Law become effective January 1,1976. READ a first time this 17th day of December, 1975. READ a second time this 17th day of December, 1975. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of December, 1975. H. 1. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 345 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2393 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 2188, THEREBY ADJUSTING THE REMUNERATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN WEED INSPECTOR." WHEREAS By-Law No. 2188 deals with the appointment and remuneration of the Weed Inspector for the County of Elgin. AND WHEREAS By-Law No. 2188 is presently amended by By-Law No. 2350. ' AND WHEREAS it is now deemed advisable to change the present rate of remuneration of the said Weed Inspector. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT Clause (2) of By-Law No. 2188, as amended by By-Law No. 2350 be deleted, and the following substituted therefore: "That his remuneration shall be as follows while engaged in his duties: - $4.85 per hour and he be paid the following rates for the use of his car: 0- 5,000 miles - .20 cents per mile Over 5,000 miles - .17 cents per mile." 2. THAT this By- Law shall become effective on January 1, 1976. 3. THAT By-Law No. 2350 be, and the same is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 17th day of December, 1975. READ a second time this 17th day of December, 1975. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of December, 1975. H. 1. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner, Warden. 346 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 347 COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2394 By-Law No. 2395 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 2351, THEREBY ADJUSTING TlIE REMUNERATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN TREE COMMISSIONER." "REGULATING PARKING" The Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Elgin enacts as follows: WHEREAS By-Law No. 2351 deals with the appointment and remuneration of the Tree Commissioner for the County of Elgin. 1. DEFINITION AND WHEREAS it is now deemed advisable to change the present rate of remuneration ofthe said Tree Commissioner. For the purpose ofthis By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: Park or Parking, when prohibited, means the standing of a vehicle whether occupied or not except when standing temporarily for the purpose of and while actually engaged in the loading or unloading of merchandise or passengers. 1. THAT Clauses (2), (3), and (4) of By-Law No. 2351 be deleted, and the following substituted therefore: (2) THAT his remuneration shall be $4.85 per hour. Street or Highway includes a common or public highway, street, avenues, parkway, driveway, square, place, bridge, viaduct or trestle, designed and intended for, or used by, the general public for the passage of vehicles. Vehicle includes a motor vehicle, trailer, traction engine, farm tractor, roadbuilding machine and vehicle drawn, propelled or driven by any kind of power, including muscular power, but does not include motorized snow vehicles, cars of electric or steam railways running only upon rails. (3) THAT he be paid the following rates for the use of his car; 0- 5,000 miles - .20 cents per mile Over 5,000 miles - .17 cents per mile. (4) THAT this By-Law become effective January 1st, 1976. 2. PARKING REGULATIONS READ a first time this 17th day of December, 1975. READ a second time this 17th day of December, 1975. When properly worded signs have been erected and are on display no person shall park a vehicle on the highways or parts of highways hereinafter set on Schedule" A" attached hereto. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of December, 1975. 3. PENALTIES H. 1. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner, Warden. Any person violating any of the provisions of this By-Law shall be subject to penalty of not more than Ten Dollars for the first offence and not more than Fifty Dollars for every subsequent offence, exclusive of costs, and all such penalties shall be recoverable under the Ontario Summary Convictions Act. READ a first time this 17th day of December, 1975. 348 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL READ a second time this 17th day of December, 1975. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of December, 1975. H. L. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner, Warden SCHEDULE "A" 1. County Road 42 is the road known as Wellington Street in the Village of Port Burwell. 2. When properly worded signs have been erected and are on display, no person shall park a vehicle on the highway known as County Road 42 from the west limit of Erieus Street westerly for 120 feet on the north side of County Road 42 for a period greater than 15 minutes at anyone time, day or night. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 349 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2396 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNOL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE DECEMBER SESSION, 1975 WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedi~nt that the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation .of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the December 1975 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 17th day of December, 1975. READ a second time this 17th day of December, 1975. 350 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL READ a third time and finallY~P~$sed;thi:s';l~thday of December, 1975. H. 1. Johnson, Clerk A. H. Liebner, Warden. ELGINCOUNTYCOUNCIL 351 INDE'){' MISCELLANEOUS - 1 ':> I,: j (,.1"~:' "<~ Communications -10,21,95, 138, 170, 183, 199,225,235,256,270,392. 1975 Officials, County Council, Standing Committees, Municipal Clerks andiTrdasIll:ers:,-:-L 2 :-,J,(4i,:$, (6~ (1, 8'; Warden's Address - 30. Warden's Election -10. REPORTS OF OFFICIALS AND OTHERS Administrator's Report on Elgin Manor - 279. County Treasurer's Repott=--12QiZ:,'_:2Sh\ ElginCoun(y AgriculturaLRepresentative's;Report+ 155. W eedlns:~e:Qt()r'~) Reportth-:325., I, (ii, ,. . REPGBt5'lOF C,~lMMITTEES Agricultural Committee - 42, 118, 180, 213, 263, 322. County Government Committee c:t+-60:,'}11,7i,!ilp1i JL78,'1:93'iU2,'.231;;; -2~9,.\ 262,285,320. ....;-,,:~,l>.,:'..,~ Elgin,Ma:nQt'Cpmmitteeri"71:41:, 112, ;J,$8, 19S~. 206.~~43;fa14'.i r i Elgin Manor Building Committee - 181, 230. Finance an4FApportionment, Committee 17:--.38" ellS, ,t53, 160, 17(~", ~Q2" 213,232,246,284,322. 352 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Local Government Study Committee - 41. Personnel Committee-50, 59,159,195,209,247,313. Property Committee - 61,110,159,179, 194,214,248,323. Reception and Entertainment Committee - 192. Road Committee - 43, 49, 108,~146, 176, 190,210,211,231,244,245, 261,277,304,305. Social Services Committee- 61,111,158,176,191,215,263. \ Special Committee to Strike the Standing C6mmittees for 1975 - 33. ( RESOLUTIONS Petition to Minister of Transportation and Communications for Subsidy- 16. To Open Home for the Aged Building Account - 19. Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit Resolution re: Amalgamation -22, 101. Appointing Solicitor for Labour Negotiations for the County of Elgin - 22. To Appoint a Representative to the Board of Victorian Order of Nurses- 100. Requesting Provincial Government to Contribute 75 percent of the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit Budget -102. To Adopt the Proposed Statement of Work and Expenditure for 1975 on Roads under the control of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission and on County of Elgin Roads - 141. To Approve the Proposed Route of New Highway #3 from St. Thomas Easterly to County Road 40 - 141. Application for Supplementary Subsidy for Municipal Drainage Assess- ments -142. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 353 To Accept the Auditor's Report for the Year 1974 -172. Re: Garbage Disposal and Pickup Contracts - 174. Re: Funding Emergency Measures Organization - 185. Modification of Research Outline and Timetable for the County of Elgin Restructuring Study - 186. To Appoint Voting Delegates at the 1975 Conference of the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario - 187. To Extend Council Beyond 6:00 p.m. - 203,296. To Empower the Property Committee to Hire a Full Time Caretaker. _ 228. To Invite a Junior Boy or Girl to the First Day of the November Session, 1975. - 258. To Make a Donation of $25.00 to the Port Stanley Lions Club - 273. " Elgin County Council goes on Record Supporting Federal Government Anti-Inflation Price and Wage Control Guidelines. - 297. To Appoint Granville Gloin to Elgin Farm Safety Council for 1976. - 297. BY-LA WS 2334 - To Authorize the Warden and the Treasurer to Borrow the Sum of Two Million Dollars. ..................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 35 2335 - To Appoint a County Road Committee. .................... 37 2336 - Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2084 Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Elgin County Clerk-Treasurer. . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... ... 64 2337 - Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2985 Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Elgin County Deputy Clerk-Treasurer. . . . . .. . . . . . .. 65 2338 - Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2086, Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Secretary-Treasurer for the Elgin County 354 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Home for the Aged. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 66 2339 - Being a By-Law to amend By-Law No. 1696, Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Elgin County Road Superintendent. . . . . .. 67 2340 - Being a By-Law to Appoint an Administrator for the Elgin County Home for the Aged. .................................... 68 2341 - Being a By-Law to Establish the Salary of the Administrator of the Elgin County Home for the Aged. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 69 234,2 - Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2231, Thereby (JAdjusting the Salary of the Assistant Administrator for the Elgin County Home for the Aged. .................................... 70 2343 - Being a By-Law to Establish the Salary of the Elgin County Social Services Director. ....................................... 71 2344 - Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2297, Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Secretary-Treasurer of the County of Elgin Land Division Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 72 2345 - Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2288, Thereby Adjusting Mileage Rates Paid to Members of the Elgin County Council. ..................................................... 73 2346 - Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2243, Establishing the Remuneration to be Paid to the Warden of the County of Elgin. ............................................................. 74 2347 - Being a By-Law to Establish a Salary Schedule for All Employees of the County of Elgin who are not Covered by a Collective Agreement, Other than the Heads of Department. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 75 2348 - Being a By-Law to Provide Fringe Benefits to all Employees of the County of Elgin who are not Covered by a Collective Agreement. 86 2349 - A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the January Session, 1975. 94 2350 - Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2188, Thereby Adjusting the Remuneration of the County of Elgin Weed Inspector. 119 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 355 2351 - Being a By-Law to Appoint a Tree Commissioner for the County of Elgin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 2352 - A By-Law to Authorize the Expropriation of Land for the Purpose of Widening and Improving County Roads. ................ 121 2353 - Being a By-Law to Restrict the Weight of Vehicles Passing Over Bridges. ............................................... .124 2354 - Being a By-Law to Restrict the Weight of Vehicles Passing Over Bridges. ............................................... .127 2355 - Being a By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 824 of the Village of Dutton, A By-Law to Authorize the Stopping Up or Closing and Disposing of a Portion of the Road Allowance of Allen Street in the Village of Dutton. ............................................ .129 2356 - Being a By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 820 of the Village of Dutton, a By-Law to Stop up the Eastern Six Feet of King Street as Shown on Plan 153, Village of Dutton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .131 2357 - Being a By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 1831 of the Township of Bayham; a By-Law to Stop up and Close and Sell a Road Allowance in the Township of Bayham. ..................... ............. .133 2358 - Being a By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 819 of the Village of Dutton, a By-Law to Stop up Part of Peter Street Road Allowance as Shown on Plan 104, Village of Dutton and to Enter into an Agreement with Mrs. Hilda Crawford ofthe Village of Dutton to Sell Said Parcel of Land. .................................~... '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .135 2359 - A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the February Session, 1975.137 2360 - To Raise Amounts for County Rates During the Year, 1975.162 2361 - Being a By-Law to Restrict the Weight of Vehicles Passing Over Bridges. ................................................ 104 2362 - Being a By-Law to Authorize Grants to be Made to Various Organizations, Corpo!ations, Institutions, etc. . . , During 1975.166 356 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 2363 - Being a By-Law to Authorize the Execution of a Collective Agreement Between the Corporation of the County of Elgin and London and District Building Service Workers' Union, Local 220, S.E.I. U., A.F. of L., C.LO., C.1.C. with Respect to the Corporation's Part-Time Employees at the Elgin Manor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .168 2364 - A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the March Session, 1975. ..................... .169 2365 - A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the April Session, 1975.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .182 2366 - Being a By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 836 of the Village of Dutton, a By-Law to Authorize the Stopping up or Closing of a Portion of the Road Allowance of Allan Street in the Village of Dutton.196 23~7 - A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the May Session, 1975.198 2368 - Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk of the County of Elgin to Sign an Agreement Between the Corporation of the County of Elgin, the Corporation of the County of Middlesex, the Corporation of the City of London and the Corporation of the City of St. Thomas to undertake an Area Solid Waste Management Study.. . . . . .216 2369 - Being a By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 838 of the Village of Dutton, a By-Law for stopping up and Selling Part of Allan Street as Shown on Registered Plan 171. .................................222 2370 - A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the June Session, 1975.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .224 2371 - Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2317, a By-Law to Authorize the Obtaining of Temporary Advances to Meet the Cost of Constructing an Elgin County Home for the Aged, Pending the Completion Thereof. ..........................................233 2372 - A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the July Session, 1975. 234 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 357 2373 - A By-Law to Amend the By-Law Adopting a Plan of County Road Improvement and Establishing a County Road System in the County of Elgin Under the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act. ............................................252 2374 -A By-Law Designating Through Highways. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .253 2375 - A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Corporation of the County of Elgin atthe September Session, 1975. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .255 2376 - Being a By-Law to Adopt an Interim Land Severance Policy for the County of Elgin. ..........................................264 2377 - A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the October Session, 1975.269 2378 - To Authorize the Warden and the Treasurer to Borrow the Sum of Three Million Dollars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .286 2379 - A By-Law to Amend the By-Law Adopting a Plan of County Road Improvement and Establishing a County Road System in. the County of Elgin Under the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act. ............................................288 2380 - A By-Law Designating Through Highways. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .289 2381 - A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the November Session, 1975,291 2382 - Being a By-Law to Provide That the Annual County Rate be Paid in Two Instalments By Each Local Municipality in the County of Elgin. ....................................................... 326 2383 - Being a By-Law to Appoint a Land Division Committee. 328 2384 - Being a By-Law to Appoint a Person to Carry Out the Duties of the Secretary- Treasurer of the Elgin County Land Division Committee When the Said Secretary-Treasurer is Unable, for Any Reason, To carry Out His or Her Duties. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .329 2385 - Being a By- Law to Establish a Salary Schedule for All Employees of the County of Elgin Who Are Not Covered By a 358 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Collective Agreement, Other than the Heads of Departments. 330 2386 - Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 1696, Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Elgin County Road Superintendent. 338 2387 - Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2084 Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Elgin County Clerk- Treasurer. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .339 , I \ 2388 - Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2085 Thereby Adjusting the Salary of Elgin County Deputy Clerk -Treasurer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .340 2389 - Being a By- Law to Establish the Salary of the Administrator of the Elgin County Home for the Aged. ............................341 2390 - Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2231, Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Assistant Administrator for the Elgin County Home for the Aged.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 342 2391 - Being a By-Law to Establish the Salary of the Elgin County Social Services Director.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .343 2392 - Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2297, Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Secretary- Treasurer of the County of Elgin Land Division Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .344 2393 - Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2188, Thereby Adjusting the Remuneration of the County of Elgin Weed Inspector. .. . . .. . . . . .. ... .. .... .... . .. ..... ... ..... .... .. . .... ......... .345 2394 - Being a By-law to Amend By-Law No. 2351, Thereby Adjusting the Remuneration of the County of Elgin Tree Commis- sioner. ...................................................... 346 2395 - Regulating Parking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .347 2396 - A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of The County of Elgin at the December Session, 1975.349