1978 Minutes Clerk Warden ................................................ PROCEEDINGS OF THE Elgin (ounly · (ouncjl DURING THE SESSIONS HELD IN THE COUNTY MUNICIPAL BUILDING 9 Gladstone Avenue, St. Thomas 1978 G. C. LEVERTON LORNECARROLL ................. .... ........ ................ ...... County of Elgin Offic'ials D. n. McDermid ......... County Judge S. G. Eggleston .......... County Court Clerk Sheriff J. D. R. Walker.......,.. Clerk ofthe Peace and County Crown Attorney G. A. Phillips ............ Provincial Judge (Criminal Division) P.O. Box 267 J. F. Bennett ....,....... Provincial Judge (Family Division) R. Davis ....,....,...... County Registrar Probation Office ......... P.O. Box 277 G. C. Leverton ..,.,...... * County Clerk-Treasurer Mrs. R. M. Daniel ........ * Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Secretary-Treasurer ....... * Land Division Committee R. G. Moore .............. County Engineer R. E. Bell ..,...,...,.... Director. Social Services F. .T. Boyes ....,.....,.., Administrator. Elgin Manor E. A. Wells .............. COllnty Librarian M. J. Hennessey Associates ........... County Solicitors J. L. Jones ,....,........ Small Claims Court Clerk Elgin County Board of Education ........, 400 Sunset Drive Dr. C. A. Graham ....,... Elgin Manor Physician Dr. D. L. Wright ....,..,. Terrace Lodge Physician H. W. Buck....,.,...... Agricultural Representative, 594 Talbot St. Jackson Baker ....,...... County Weed Inspector and Tree Commissioner, t 64 Talbot St. W., Aylmer Winspear, Higgins, Stevenson & Co. ..... ,County Auditors, Dr. M. F. Webster, 136 Centre St. M.O.H. ............. ,Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit. 2 Wood Street * Municipal Office - 9 Gladstone Ave. Elgin County Council, 1978 631-4810 633-1720 631-3530 WARDEN L. R. CARROLL 631-1506 Township of Aldborough Reeve L. R. Ca~f!oll, R.R. 1, West Locrne, NOL 2PO............768-1016 D~purty Reeve K. M. ~e(Jlly, R.R. 2, Rodney, NOL 2CO........785-o247 633-1230 Township of Dunwich Reev!e J. W. Campbell, R.R. 3, Dutton, NOL 1JO................762-5571 Deputy Re1erve W. F. Cowan, R.R. 1, WaUace1own.....,......76,2-56,36 NOL 2MO 633-2169 631-3015 631-3430 631-1460 631-1460 631-1460 631-5880 631-1570 631-0620 633-0815 Township of Southwold Re,eve D. K. McLean, R.R. 1, Port Stanley, NOL 2AO....,...769-2884 Deputy ReeVie' L. A. Longhurst, R.R. 7, St Thomas...... 633-0199 N5P 3T2 631-0700 . 631-1241 Township of Yarmouth Reeve D. K. Cook, R.R. 5, St. Thom,as, N5P 3S9 ..............775-2459 Deputy Reeve L. J. Shaw, R.R. 5, St. Thomas, N5P 3S9... 631-8314 633-2700 633-0030 773~3135 Township of Malahide Re:eve W R. Caverly, R.R. 5, Aylmer, N5H 2R4.................773-5445 Deputy Reeve D. R. Shackleton, R.R. 4, Aylmer.....,......... 773-5'189 N5H 2R3 631-4700 773-8392 Township of Bayham Reeve R A. Green, R.R. 3, TillS'onburg, N4G 4G8 .."..,... 877-2735 Deputy Reeve M H. Stewart, R.R. 1, Eden, NOJ 1HO......,,866-5838 631-8250 63 t -9900 Township of South Dorchester Reeve J. B. Wilson, R.R. 1, Sp,rifilgfield, NOL 2JO....,......269-3995 Deputy Re'eve G. R. Pettit, R.R. 2" Sp'riIlJgiie~d................ 773-3625 NOiL 2JO Town of Aylmer ReeV1e S. R. McBrien, 23 Elk St., Aylmer, N5H 185........773-9172 Deputy Rie1eiVie S. J. GLo'V1e'r, 72 Oak Street, Aylmer........ 773-8323 N5H 1G6 Standing Committees, 1978 Village of Vienna Reeve K. C. Emerson, P.O. Box 12'0, Vienna, No.J 1Z0" 874-4460 AGRICULTURAL Chairman D. K. Cook, Campbell, McLean, Caverly, Green Wilson and Warden Carroll Village of Springfield Ree1ve J. W. Hodgson, P.O. Box 84, Springfield"..........,.. 773-3068 NOL 2JO COUNTY GOVERNMENT Chairman R. T. Bradfield, Lake, Cook, Caverly, Green, Wilson, Liebner and Warden Carroll COUNTY ROADS Village of Dutton Re'ev,e'M. E. Binks, 233 Main St., Dutton, NOL 1JO..........,,762-2044 Chairman R. A. Green, Campbell, Bradfield, Cook, McLean and Warden Carroll Advisory Road Committee - Caverly, Glover, Wilson Village of Port Stanley .Remne J. p, Neme'tt, P,O, Box 326, BOLrt Sibanley................782-3120 NOL 2AO Deputy Ree've E. P. Lotus, P.O, Box 235, Port S:tan1ery........782-3421 NOL 2AO EDUCATIONAL Chairman W. F. Cowan, Lashbrook, Glover, Emerson, Liebner, Hodgson, Rinks, Bradfield. Lake, Stewart, Pettit, Longhurst, Shaw, Lotus, Shackleton, Kelly and Warden Carroll Village of Rodney ReeV1e A. H. Lie1bner, P.O. Box 244, Rod[l'e~y, NOlL 200, ..785-0.380 FINANCE AND APPORTIONMENT Chairman M. E. Binks, Bradfield, Lake, Emerson, Caverly, Wilson, McLean, McBrien, Green, Hodgson, Campbell, Nemett, Lashbrook, Liebner, Cook and Warden Carroll Village of West Lome Relerve H. T. Lashbrook, P.O. Box 234, Weist Lor.I1Ie..........785-0310 NOL 2PO HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS Chairman L. J. Shmv. McBrien, Cowan, Shackleton and Warden Carroll Advisory - Hodgson, Binks Village of Port Burwell Rele~e R. T. Bradfield., P.O. Box 93, Port BurweU..........,,874-4135 No.J 1 TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT STUDY Chairman A. H. Liebner, Cook, McBrien, Lotus and Warden Carroll Village of Belmont Relwe R. L. La~e, Belmont, No.L 1BO... . . . .. . .. . .. , .. .. . .. . . .. .. . . . .644-0491 PERSONNEL Chairman K. C. Emerson, Lake, Glover, Longhurst and Warden Carroll PROPERTY Chairman M. H. Stewart, Nemett, Cowan, Bradfield and Warden Carroll Municipal Clerks and Treasurers RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT Chairman E. P. Lotus, Campbell, Pettit, Lashbrook, Shaw, Shackelton, Kelly, Hodgson, Glover and Warden Carroll TOWNSHIP OF ALDBOROUGH Clerk-Treasurer - C. 1. Black, Rodney, NOL 2CO 785-0560 SOCIAL SERVICES Chairman G. R. Pettit, Nemett, Binks, McLean and Warden Carroll TOWNSHIP OF DUNWICH Clerk - F. D. McPherson, Dutton, NOL 110 Treasurer - Mrs. June Shipley, Dutton, NOL 110 762-2204 762-2204 HEALTH UNIT - fettit, Nemett TOWNSHIP OFSOUTHWOLD Clerk-Treasurer - R. A. Pow ,Fingal, NOt 1 KO 769-2010 ST. THOMASm.ELGIN GENERAL HOSPITAL Emerson, Liebner TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH Clerk-Treasurer - K. G. Sloan, 1229 Talbot Street 631-4860 St. Thomas, N5P 1 G8 TILLSONBURG DISTRICT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - Stewart FOUR COUNTIES GENERAL HOSPITAL - Kelly LIBRARY BOARD Kelly, Lashbrook, Stewart and Warden Carroll TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE Clerk - R. R. Millard, 87 John S1. S., Aylmer 773-5344 N5H 2C3 773-5344 N5H 2C3 Treasurer - L. M. VanPatter, 87 John S1. S., Aylmer CHILDREN'S AID - Longhurst, Campbell, Binks TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM Clerk-Treasurer - J. A. Petrie, Straffordville 866-5521 NOJ 1 YO MUSEUM - Lotus, Shackleton TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH DORCHESTER Clerk- Treasurer - Mrs. Marie Wilson 773-2186 R.R.2, Springfield, NOL 2JO TOWN OF AYLMER Clerk- Treasurer - C. L. Knapp 773-3164 46 Talbot St. W., Aylmer, N5H 117 VILLAGE OF BELMONT Clerk-Treasurer - Mrs. Kae Barons, Belmont 644-1071 NOL IBO VILLAGE. OF DUTTON Clerk-Treasurer - D. T. Moran, Dutton, NOL 110 762-2736 Ja:1uary Session - First Day VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL Tuesday, the 17th day of January, 1978. Clerk-Treasurer- Mrs. Gwendolyn Foster 874-4343 Port Burwell, NOJ 1 TO The Elgin County Council met this day at the County 1'~llnicipal Building, 9 Gladstone Avenue, St. Thomas at 2:00 P.I::. as required by statutes. The following membersj having previously filed Certif- icates, took their seats at the Council table. VaLAGEOFPORTSTANLEY Clerk-Treasurer - D. J. LaCroix 782-3383 Box 70, Port Stanley, NOL 2AO VILLAGE OF RODNEY Clcrk-Treasurer- D. McDougall, Rodney, N0l2CO 785-0456 Lorne R. Carroll Reeve Aldborough Kei th rr.. Kelly Deputy Reeve Aldborough John vi. Campbell Reeve Dunwich Wilfred F. Cowan Deputy Reeve Dunwich D. Keith McLean Reeve Southwold Lester A. Longhurst Deputy I(eeve Southwold David K. Cook Reeve Yarmouth Larry J. Shaw Deputy Reeve Yarmouth William R. Caverly Reeve l.:alahide Donald R. Shackleton Deputy Reeve Malahide Ronald A. Green Reeve Bayham r";ax B. Stewart Deputy Reeve Bayham John B. Vlilson Reeve South Dorchester Gordon R. Fettit Deputy Reeve South DOTchestGr ,Stewart R. ~cBrien Reeve Aylmer Sydney J. Glover Deputy I(eeve Aylmer J:enneth C. Emerson Reeve Vienna John \1. Hodgson Reeve Springfield Morley E. Binks Reeve Dutton John P. Nemett Reeve Port Stanley Edwin P. Lotus Deputy I(eeve Port Stanley Albert H. Liebner Reeve Rodney Harley T. Lashbrook Reeve \','est Lorne Ronald T. Bradfield Reeve Port Burwell Ronald L. Lake Reeve Belmont VILLAGE OF SPRINGFIELD Clerk-Treasurer -- Mrs. Catherine Bearss 773-8555 Box 29, Springfield, NOL2JO VILLAGE OF WESTLORNE Clerk-Treasurer-Mrs. J. M. Kobler, 768-1234 Box 30, West Lome NOL 2PO VILLAGE OF VIENNA Clerk -Treasurer - Mrs. Violet Van Belois 866-5521 Straffordville, NOJ 1 YO The Clerk announced that any Councillor who was a can- didate for the office of Harden would now be given the opportu- nity to speak. Reeve L. R. Carroll spoke to Council announcing that he was a candidate and solicited support. I~eeve D. r.:. McLean outlined some of the highlights of his tr.ip to Japan during the past summer commenting on \-Torld economics, and concluded by withdrawing from the election for It!arden. Moved by Reeve McLean Seconded by Reeve Caverly Resolved that Reeve Lorne R. Carroll be ~arden of Elgin County for 1978. - Carried. The \'Iarden elect took the Declaration of Office and the Oath of Allegiance. Past \':arden D. K. Cook, gO\-lned v,'arden Carroll, congratulated him and presented him with the Lord Elgin ',:a.tch and the Gavel of Office. ~~rden Carroll addressed the Council, expressing his upprcciat ion at being elected ',:arden for 1978. He reviewed accoiuplishments in 1977 and areas to be dealt with during 1978. j,:oved by Deputy Reeve Longhurst Seconded by Deputy I(eeve Shaw That the minutes of the December, 1977, Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. 10 The following Communications were read and referred to the various Committees: From the Canadian National Institute for the Blind with request for a grant. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From the Salvation Army with request for a grant for 1978. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From the Tillsonburg and District Association for the Mentally Retarded with request for a grant. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From the Young Men's Christian Association of Elgin-St. Thomas with 1977 report on Elgin County Program and request for a 1978 grant. -Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From the lliinistry of Transportation and COllt.'nunications advising that the ministerially adjusted assessment for the City of st. Thomas is $61,600,000.00. - Filed. From the County of Hastings with resolution to establish uniform license fees for all of Ontario. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario \dth November/December NevlSletter. -Referred to the County Gov- ernment Corr~ittee. From the Rural Ontario ll.unicipal Association with request for membership. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Com- mittee. From Mr. John Wise, M.P., with copies of letters from Dr. McGowan, Assistant Deputy Minister, Agriculture Canada re: rabies clinics. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with membership renewa~ form. - Referred to the Finance and Appor- tionment Committee. From the East Elgin District ~omen's Institute with let- ter naming a representative to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board for 1978. - ](eferred to the Finance and f.pportionment Committee. From the West Elgin District ~omen's Institute with let- ter ;.,.:....,lng a representative to the Elgin County Pioneer l:'useum Board fnr i978. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Co~~ittee. From the City of Waterloo with resolution suggesting the pl,.H'ing of the postal service out to public tender. - l<eferred to the County Government Committee. From the Association of Municipalities of Ontario with request for membership. - Referred to the Finance and Apportion- ment Committee. From Mt. R.A. Barrett, City Clerk-Ad~inistrator with a copy of a letter to Mr. \'l. F. l.:organ, l<anager, Southwestern On- tario Travel Association re: Travel Brochure. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Co~~ittee. From ll.r. 1;:. F. l.~organ, l.:anager, Southwestern Ontario Travel Association acknowledging the County's participation in rro- ducing "Travel Guide". - Referr.ed to the Finance and Ap~ortionment Committee. From the Ministry of Transportation and CO;lli~unications with Memo 77-5 re: subsidy on relocation of illumination. - Re- ferred to Roads Committee. 11 From Mr. George R. McCague, M.P.P. for Dufferin-Simcoe, acknowledging receipt of our endorsation of the Town of Col- lingwood's resolution re: ~he death penalty, gun controls and abolishment of ps.sses from prison for convicted crimi'nals. - Filed. From the Ontario Good Roads Association with topics for 1978 convention and request for the number attending. - Tabled. From the Association of Municipalities of Ontario with dates and places for labour relations seminars. - Referred to the Personnel Committee. From the Association of Municipalities of Ontario with a copy of the "Response to the Report of the Planning Act Review Committee". - Filed. From the County of Bruce with resolution urging the Provincial Government to retain the present calendar year term of Municipal Councils. - R~fer~ed to the County Government Committce. From Dr. Gus Mitges, M.P., Grey-Simcoe, acknowledging receipt of our endorsement of the TO"lII of Colling\'lood' s resolution re: death penalty, gun contrel and prison passes. - Filed. From the 11inistry of Transportation and Communications re: procedures for submissions for grade separation projects. .. Referred to the Roads Committee. Frem the Ministry of f1.griculture and Food, Livestock Branch, with instructions re: . grant information required for wolf damage applications. - Filed. From Mr., Steven Johnson with appreciation for scholar- ship at Ridgeto"Tn College of Agricultural Technology. - Filed. From the University of vtestern Ontario advising that a special section of The London F~ee Press is being prepared, to celebrate the 100th Anniversary, and suggesting the County con- sider purchasing advertising. " Referred to the Finance and Apport i orunent Commi t tee. From The London Free Press with proposed layout for an advertisement re: the University of Western Ontario's 100th Anniversary. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment COllUllitte<:,. From the Minister of Consumer and Commercial Relations with a copy of the Report of the Ontario Residential Condominium Study Group. - Filed. Frem the Elgin County Federation of Agriculture wi th a copy of a brief. - Referred to the Agriculture Committee. From the Ontario Municipal Recreation Association with request for membership.' - Referred to the Finance and Apportion- ment Committee. From the University of Guelph advising that the fol- lOvling were the winners of the Elgin County scholarships. Allan House, R. R. #1, Fingal David King, R. R. #2, Rodney Susan Charlton, R. R. #2, Springfield Ani ta 1,1cEwen,-]1.ylmer - Filed. From the Office of The Prime Minister acknowledging receipt of the County's endorsation of the resolution from the Town of Collingwood. - Filed. From the Treasurer of Ontario with a copy of Bill 119, "An Act to Provide for the Licensing of Businesses by 1.:unic1I.\'.':.1" ities" and requesting views on the proposed bill. - I~eferred to the County Government Committee. 12 13 From the Indian and Northern Affairs Dep~rtment with a request to replace the two plaques presently in the Court House hall with two larger ones. - Referred to the Property Committee. From the Township of Yarmouth Committee of Adjustment with notice of public hearing of an application for a minor var- iance from By-Law No. 1998, to be held Thursday, January 19th, 1978 at 8:00 P.M. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From Gunn, Upsdell & Dick, advising that a fine of $203.00 or 20 days in jail was imposed on Mr. F. Guneylar for conviction under the Tree By-Law. - Filed. From Mr. J. S. Chambers, Manager, Bank of Montreal, 408 Talbot street, ST. TIiO~~S, with letter extending best wishes for a happy session and a sucessful prosperous year, and inviting the Council Members and County Officials, to be guests of the Bank, at a dinner to be held on February 15th, 1978, at the Elgin Labour Centre, 18 Princess Avenue, at 6:00 P.M. - Filed. From Gunn, Upsdell & Dick with a copy of a letter to W~. Jackson Baker, advising that the trial of Mr. McPhail, prosecuted under the Tree By-Law, has been set for v;ednesday, April 5, 1978. - Filed. Moved by Reeve Campbell Seconded by Reeve McLean That the Warden and Clerk be authorized to submit to the Ministry of Transportation and Co~~unications the petition of the County of Elgin showing the road expenditures on the County of Elgin Road System for January 1, 1977 to December 31, 1977. From Gunn, Upsdell & Dick advising that a fine of $203.00 or 30 days had been registered against Mr. Howard Jackson, under the Tree By-Law. - Referred to the Agricultural Corr~nittee. From Mr. P. J. Leack, Deputy City Clerk, City of St. 'I.'homas, advising that the following had been appointed to the Local ':overnment Study Committee for 1978: - Carried. Alderman D. Stokes Alderman G. Baker Alderman J. Golding Mayor C. H. Barwick The \-larden appointed T?eeve Green, F~eeve Bradfield, Reeve Cook and Reeve Liebner to be members of the Committee to strike the Standing Cornmi t tees for the year 1978. - Filed. Moved by Deputy Reeve Shaw Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit That we do now adjourn to meet again on January 18th, 1978, at 10:00 A.J-f._. ' From Mr. P. J. Leack, Deputy City Clerk, City of St- Thomas, with appointment to Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Comn\ittee. From the City of v:indsor with resolution requesting the Provincial Government to increase the municipal share of marriage license fees and increase fees for non-residents. - Referred to the County Government Committee. - Carried. From the Qual.; County Association For The Mentally Retarded with request for a grant. - Referred to the Finance and Apportion- ment Committee. From the Ministry of Housing bringing to Council's atten- tion Section 35c of the Planning Act re: l-iobile Home Developments. - Referred to the County Government Comnli t tee. G. C. Leverton, Clerk L. R. Carroll, "larden From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications advising that the following allocation has been made for 1978 - January Session - Second Day Construction Maintenance TOTAL - Referred to the Roads Committee. $1,108,000.00 922,000.00 $2,030,000.00 Wednesday, January 18th, 1978 From the Anti-Inflation Board with approval for increases for the Elgin Manor part time employees for the years 1976 and 1977. - Filed. The Elgin County Council met this day at the County l\iunicipal Bui Iding in accordance with adjournment. The "Jarden in the Chair. From the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Can- ada acknowledging receipt of the County.s endorsement of the Borough of Etoticoke's resolution re: pornography and a copy of a reply to them. - Referred to the County Government COlr~ittee. All merr~ers present. The Report of the Special Committee to strike the Standing Committees for the year 1978 was presented by Reeve Green, and adopted on motion of Reeve Green and Reeve Bradfield. Moved by Reeve Nernett Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lotus That By-Law No. 2499 "To Appoint a County T?oad COllunittee", be read a first time. From the Ontario Good Roads Association with a resume of activities planned for the ladies attending the 1978 Good Roads Convention. - Filed. From the LO.D.E., Municipal Chapter, with letter naming a representative to the Elgin County Pioneer j.iuseum Board for 1978. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Corr~ittee. - Carried. 14 Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Nemett That By-Law No. 2499 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Longhurst Seconded by I<eeve Emerson passed. .That By-Law No. 2499 be read a third time and finally - Carried. 1.;oved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Shackleton That ,.,e do now adjourn to meet again at 10:30 A.I>-:. - Carried. Council Re-Convened. A delegation from the University of \'estern Ont:;rio, CI.:' posed of },;iss J. j";. Ii:acFar1ane, Dr. David '..'alden, Department of Plant Sciences and !,r.iss Lori Lukash, fourth :rear zoology student and ,-.'inner of the Helen Battle scholarship in 19'77, was present. It \'Ias moved by I<eeve Cook that the delegation be nO\.! heard. !-~iss kacFarlane addressed Council and introduced the other members of the delegation. Dr. \'lalden rev iewed the work carried on in his depcnt- .ment with regard to ref3earch with corn. He thanked Council for thelr past support and pointed out that this was the University's 100th Anniversary. A special municipal council project is being proposed with a goal of $30,000.00 to be invested and the income to finance work on municipal records. Soutln-lestern Ontario Day for councils will be held 1;!ednesday, June 14th, 1978. Miss MacFarlane presented the County with one of three books to be prepared on the history of U.W.O. The one presented \Vas e.ntitled "A Century of l!.edicine at \';estern" by r,jurray L. Barr. The \'iarden thanked the delegation and invited them to dinner with Council. r~r. Hovmrd Jackson, owner of the Red Oaks Trailer Park, located on Highway #4, between Aylmer and Tillsonburg, WdS present. It was moved by Reeve Green that 1.;1'. Jackson be heard. li';r. Jack- son reviewed the acquisition of his property in 1959 and approvals obtained to commence developnent of his trailer park in 1970. He requires an additional 12 lots to make the business profitable and would like permission to remove the trees to service these lots. Reeve Green stated that Bayham was interested from a tax standpoint. Presently some $8,390.00 are received and with addi- tional lots it could increase to $15,000.00. He requested the same consideration be given, as was extended to 1~r. i':eaver across the road. The Warden referred the matter to the Agricultural Comrr.ittee. Kovedby Deputy Reeve Longhurst Seconded by Reeve Binks TIlat we do now adjourn to meet again January 18th, 1978, at 2:00 P.M. - Carried. 15 Council Re-Convened. The Report of the Personnel Co~nittee was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Deputy Reeve Shackleton. The Report of the Educational Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Cowan, and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Cowan and Reeve Emerson. Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Deputy Reeve Stewart That prior to the closing of each Session of County Council, the roll call be taken and anyone absent be paid for one-half day, unless excused by the V!arden. -"Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit That we do now adjourn to meet again on January 19th, 1978, at 10:00 A.M. - Carried. G. C. Leverton, Clerk L. R. Carroll, Illarden January Session - Third Day TIlursday, the 19th day of January, 1978 The Elgin County Council met this day at the County j,;unicipal Building in accordance with adjournment. The Varden in the Chair. All members present. A delegation from the Elgin Federation of Agriculture. composed of Mr. Thomas Cha:rlton and Vir. Steve Nolan, vias present and it was moved by I~eeve l,kLean that the delegation be now heard. Mr. Charlton :read his brief, which '-las forwarded to all members of County Council prior to the meeting. He outlined the various activ::.ties either sponsored by or in which the Fed- eration was involved. A financial stateI:lent for 1977 and pro- posed budget for 1978 was presented. Tne Warden thanked the delegation for coming and re- ferred their request to the Agricultural Cor;unittee. The Report of the Finance and Apportionffient Committee was presented by Reeve Binks and adopted on motion 'of Reeve Binks and Reeve Campbell. The First Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Green and adopted on motion of Reeve Green and Reeve Cook. 16 The Second Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Green and adopted on motion of Reeve Green and Reeve Bradfield. The Third Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Green and adopted on motion of Reeve Green and Deputy Reeve Lotus. The Fourth Report of the Roads Committee ",as presented by Reeve Green and adopted on motion of Reeve Green and Reeve JkLean. A delegation from the Elgin Plowmen's Association, composed of Les Armstrong, John Andrews, Reg Clinton and Ken Bawden, was pre- sent and it was moved by Reeve Caverly that they be nO\-l heard. Mr. Armstrong advised that it was proposed to send a small delegation to the convention thfs year and a larger one next year. He expressed the wish that Members of Council would attend on Feb- ruary 13th and 14th. They were not in a position to know what mon- ies would be involved. TIley will let Council know costs when available after the convention. The v.'arden referred the matter to the Agricultural Committee. Reeve Liebner reported on the status of the interim Local Government Restructuring F:eport, which was mailed to all members of Co~nty Council for their information and comments. It was suggested that the subject ~as too time consuming to deal with at a regular meeting of Council, and vlarranted a special one. It was left to the February Session to discuss a special meeting. Moved by Reeve McBrien Seconded by Deputy Reeve Shaw That we do now adjourn to meet again on January 19th, 1978, at 2:00 P.M. - Carried. Council Re-Convened. The Report or the County Government Committee was presented by Reeve Bradfield and it was moved by Reeve Bradfield and seconded by Reeve Caverly that it be adopted. ~6ved bv Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Glover That item 4 of the County Goverrunent Committee Report be amended by deleting the word "filed" and be replaced by "tabled and that the right of the County to issue Auctioneer's Licences, at the County Level, be retained in the Municipal Act". - Carried. The amended Report was then voted upon and it was carried. The Report of the Property Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Stewart and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Stewart and Reeve Nemett. The Report of the Social Services Co~~ittee was presented by Deputy Reeve Pettit and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Pettit and Deputy Reeve Shackleton. The Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Cook and adopted on motion of Reeve Cook and Deputy Reeve Stewart~ . The Report of the Reception and Entertainment Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Lotus and adopted on motion of Deputy I':eeve Lotus and Deputy Reeve Pett it. 17 Moved by Reeve Lake Seconded by Reeve Cook If a second day is required to complete the' February Session of the Elgin County Council, that the members of County Council forego their Pel- Diem for that day and sit in the name of Charity. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lake Seconded by Reeve Cook That By-La\-l No. 2500 "To AuU,orize the \'{arden and the Treasurer to Borro\-, the Sum of Two Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars", be Tead a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Cook Seconded by Reeve Lake TIlat By-Law No. 2500 be read a second time. - Carried. Koved by Reeve Lake Seconded by Reeve Cook That By-La\-/ Ho. 2500 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by I(eeve Cook Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit That By-Law No. 2501 "A By-Law to Authorize the Exprc.priation of Land for the Purpose of \lidening and Improving County Roads", be read a first time. - Carried. J,:oved by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by Reeve Cook That By-Law No. 2501 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Liebner Seconded by Deputy Reeve Shaw That By-Law No. 2501 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Cook Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit That By-Law No. 2502 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the January Session, 1978", be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Shaw Seconded by Reeve Liebner That By-Law No. 2502 be read a second time. - Carried. 18 Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by Reeve Cook passed. That By-Law No. 2502 be read a third time and finally - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Lake That we do now adjourn to meet again on February 15th, 1978, at 10:00 A.M. - Carried. G. C. Leverton, Clerk L. R. Carroll, 'darden 19 \iARDBi~ ' S ADDRESS Members of Elgin County Council and Guests: You have just made me a very happy man. ~ consider it a great honour and privilege to be elected Warden of Elgin County for 1978. On behalf of the Township of Aldborough and myself, I thank you, the County Council l.:embers, for your support, and the confidence you have placed in me. I also want to thank the many people, throughout the county, who have given me encouragement and moral support. I express special appreciation, to the loyal supporters, who stayed with me, through the past month. I hope I will not disappoint you, as I will do my utmost to fill the Office of Warden, for the betterment of Elgin County. On behalf.of County Cou~cil, I extend a warm welco~e, to past Wardens, Council Members, and friends, who have come here to-day. Your presence here shows your interest, and con- cern for affairs of the county. I want to pay tribute, to the many good vJardens, ".'e have had over the years, including Reeve Dave Cook, who has given us excellent leadership, during 1977. I hope in some way. I am able to measure up to the standard of leadership, which you have had in the past. I will try find co-operate, with all County Council Kembers, to vlOrk in t}le best interest of Elgin County as a ",hole, adInitt.i.:q there may b.:; S01ne difference of opinion, from time to time. I trust that all Council lilembers ",ill "rork to- gether, on the various committees, and in County Council Sessions, so that ive will have another good year of moving for- ward in Elgin County. No doubt, there will be a great deal of discussion, and contraversy, over our Local Government Study and recom~en- dations. It is a big :tssue, and deserves a lot of thought, and consideration. Hopefully, we ",ill at least, be able to find some recommenoati<..ns, in the report, that we can use. Probftbly we will be faced with other problems tlnough- cut the year and 'we will need to keep a sharp eye on finances, in this time of inflation, on one hand, and government restraint on the other. I feel, our grant structure needs revip-wing, and each request given careful consideration. Terrace Lodge was completed in 1977, and has been operating about seven months, and is certainly a great addition to our county faciliti~s for senior citizens. A long contempJ.ated, rebuilding and relocation of County Road 52, north of st. Thomas, has been nearly completed and will greatly imp!0v~ the East-West flow of traffic in that area. Elgin County is very fortunate, in having devoted departlliE:nt hends, and other staff, ",ho often Hork beyond the normal call of duty, for our citizens. I ",i sh to make honourabJ e mention of Harley Johnson who served faithfull~ and well, as County Clerk-Treasurer for years. He retired at the end of )977 and we wish he and Alice many years of good health and enjoyment. I congratulate George Leverton al'1d l?ose Daniel on their new positions of Clerk-Treasurer and Deputy Clerk-Treas- urer. "le are indeed fortunate to have these people on staff, who understand the work, to fill the vacancies. 20 Once again, I than!: 1'0'1 for {,Jiving me the rlt'cJsure, of being \:arr.en, and I tn:st, thc'it by \-;ol-l:ing to(.lethf:r, \-Ie can !:lake this a wo:rtb..,hile yeitr, in Ulin C!H".t County of Elgin. . Thar:y. you. 21 REPORT OF SPECIAL COj,~v1ITTEE TO STRIKE THE STANDING COr,!lHT'l'EES January Session. 1978 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The following is the report of the Special Committee to strike the Standing Committees for the year 1978: AGRICULTURAL Cook, Campbell, McLean, Caverly. Green. Wilson. and Warden Carroll COUNTY GOVERNrw>ENT Bradfield, Lake, Cook. Caverly, Green, Wilson. Liebner and \varden Carroll COUNTY ROADS Green. Campbell, Bradfield, Cook. McLean and Warden Carroll Advisory Road Committee - Caverly, Glover, Wilson HO~~S FOR SENIOR CITIZENS Shaw, McBrien, Cowan, Shackleton and Warden Carroll Advisory - Hodgson, Binks EDUCATIONAL Cowan. Lashbrook, Glover, Emerson. Liebner, Hodgson. Binks, Bradfield, Lake, Stewart, Pettit, Longhurst, Shaw, Lotus, Shackleton, Kelly and Warden Carroll FINANCE AND APPOI<TIONlI'.ENT Binks, Bradfield. Lake, Emerson, Caverly, Wilson, KcLean, McBrien, Green. Hodgson. Campbell, Nemett, Lashbrook. Liebner, Cook and Warden Carroll LOCAL GOVERNJ"'lENT STUDY Liebner, Cook, McBrien, Lotus, and Warden Carroll PERSONNEL Emerson. Lake, Glover. Longhurst and Warden Carroll PROPERTY Stewart, Nemett. Cowan, Bradfield and Warden Carroll RECEPTION ANDENTERTAINJ~NT Lotus, Campbell, Pet'ut, Lashbrook, Shaw. Shackleton. Kelly, Hodgson. Glover and \'ia:rden Carroll SOCIAL SERVICES Pettit. Harnett, Binks, McLean and llarden Carroll HEALTH UNIT Pettit. Nemett ST. THOIv'JAS-ELGIN GENERAL HOSPITAL Emerson, Liebner Emerson to represent the Warden TILLSONBURG DISTRICT MEMORIAL HO'.3PITAL !=;t PWrlTi' 22 FOUR COUNTIES GENERAL HOSPITAL 23 Kelly COUl!'l'Y or ELGIN By-La1l1 No ~ 2499 LIBRAAY BOARD Kelly, Lashbrook, St'ewart a.nd Ward~n Carroll "'fQ...}\:PEQI. t..~_A_QO],IITY RQ!iILQ.Qj~ITT~lh'.: CHI LDTlEN'S AID Longhurst, Campbell, Binks As required by Section 42 of the HignHay Improvement Act, being Chapter'20l of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the Elgin County Council enacts: j,illSEUM 1. T:i.;T the follo1l1ing five members of this Council constitute a Committee for the purpose of directing the \-Fork to be done on the County Road System: Lotus, Shackleton \iE RECOJ.1'i,;END that each Committee meet and appoint a Chai.rman as SOOl') as possibl,e. R. 1,. Grel~n for term of one year J. \.;. CcmpbeJ.l for term of two years R.,T. Bradfield for term of three yea.rs D. ~~. Cook for term of four yean, !). K. ;\":cLean for ter~ of fi.ve yearn. 2. r:r:W.'l' By-La,,, No. 2440 be and is lv::reby l"C~:)G"led. llLL of which is'respectfullysubmitted~ I "'7, . ,/:c!.!..:::..&.:/ ('l , _:;~/:;_~.~ R. ,', A,., Green, Chairman P.EhD a first tir:\e thi.s 18th day of January, 1978. l<EAD a second time this 18th day of January, 1978. READ a third time and fil"ally passed this 18th day of January, 1978. __.~:t:'~~:-.;-:: _~.~~.:..._____ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. -) "~-"'\ '.' ~_..._. ---- ~- ~_....._._-.. ""arden. '- r;',./,,/,.' --.'- / 25 24 PERSONI.JEL C01";i,:1':'Ta: KEP0RT EDUCATIONAL COI'J'I11T'l'EE REPORT January Session, 1978 January Session, 1978 To the \:arden and Il.embers of the Elgin CO\lIlty CO'JncH, The Educational CC;nJ'1ittee reports as fallOlvs: To the \'/arden and l:'embers of the Elgin COU!I-:Y Council, 1. THi~T the followina be authorized to attend the J...I':..O. Labour Relations Seminar in~London on r.-:arch 2nd and 3rd, 1978 in London 1. That a scholarship :]ror,t of $150.00 each, be made to the two boys and two girls from tlgin Cocnty attending Hee Lniversity of \:estern Ontario and attaining U.e highest acaoemicstclnding. In case two boysort\-'O girls do not qualify the a\-.'ard may be given to tt.e fo'u top students,. 2. That a sd.olarsIdp 'grant of $150.00 each, be made to the h-lO students from Elgin County attending }(idgetown College of r.gY1Ct:Jtl)T<3l 'I'E:chnology and attaining tt,e highest academic standing. The Personnel Cornnittee reports as follows: Deputy Reeve L. A. Longhurst. 3. That a scholarship grant of $150.00 each, be miide to the hlOboys and twogirlsfrorn Elgin County attending Guelph ljnivcIsity and attaining the highest academic standing. 4. That a ~cholilrship <]rant of $150.00 ei3ch, be l1l,ide to the two studentsfroD Elgin County attendjng ~aterloo Cniversity and attaining the hig:.est ['cC'1<:lemic standing. Reeve K. C. Emerson j\LL of which is respectfully submitted. 5. That a scholarship grantoLS150.CO'each, be mc.de to tlw two students from Elgin GouritYiittendinr: 1:,'iJfrid Laurier Ur.iversity and (,ttaining H:e hio:,:,ItCRt aCf;de:~ic stanc.iing. , ./ i /!//"f-' (7 ". / " . . . -'.~""-- .. (~/->"~'/.(r-~~.,__"._.__ - .. '-.;. ..-.-'---'-:'::- _.-- - - - --- K ('1' Ei"erson, Chai;ma~. li. 'I'llat ;,jn,. ',.i 11 iam LyoTl-c be af'Pointc~dtb the Elgin County Library Board for 1978, 1979 and 1980. 7. Th5.t the '::arden be the County of Elgin re}.-'Yf'sent- ative for H'7E' or. H:e j~s"f'r:b]y of the University of V:e"tEn-n Ontario. 8. vIe recommend that the follmdng be the County' of . Elain r~presentatives on the Elgin County B09rd of Educat~on Lifdson CommittE:e for 1978: -^ . lie rden Ca rroll D~puty Reeve Shaw Deputy }~f'eve Snackleton Pc-ruty }.:eeve Glover 9. \:e reC('SH:End thlt the propoced 1978 Dud\Tet for tIle Elgin Count.y Libra! y h: t"bled. until the Fl=bruary Session. 10. \'.e rH:c-.:a,,,end that the tl'.,ree books to be donated fr0m tLe t1niveHi1tyof ~:ostern Cr.tario be turned over to the Elgin C(,1jnty liJ,r;-;?y. J\LL of "hid, is req:(lctfully subnittf,d. '1 ..' /," ___/): t,c~_:~~~_'. ___ vi. F. Co....an, Cha i rn:an. / C ,/ -,// 26 FINhNCE 1\:;0 jll:PUR'l'lOl\j.,El:T CCj,:;.jIT'i'EE REPOnT January Session, 1978 To the Warden and ~embers of the Elgin County Council, The Fin,:lnce and i\pport ionment COr.lmit tee reports as follows: 1. That the \:arden and 'l'reasurer be authorized to borto..... tIP to S2,5CJO,OlJO.00 from the Bank of I.:ontreal, as !:lay be required,6:1d that a by-law be prepared. 2. That K. C. Emerson, A. H. Liebner, K. K. Kelly ard hi. H. Ste\-:art be pnid r.l~~mbers waq'2S for attendance at hospital meet inos dud no 1977. Tha t Council f,jembers on the Children's hid bo~ietybe~paid an additional amount to bring their per di.em and mileage ra~es equal 10 Council Committee pa)'. 3. 'rhat the following constitute the BOord of the Elgin County Pioneer huseum for 1978: ~rs. J.R. Futcher, Mrs. A. V. Langton, Mrs. Herbert Jackson, j':rs. Carmen Jefferi8s, ll;rs. C. D. ;.:cAlpine and the Elgin County Council representatives. 4. 'rhat a grant of $500.00 bernade to the Elgin County Pioneer l',:us€um. 5. 'Ellat tl\o 1978 me:nbenhip ref'! of $lOO.GO be pdid to ",:'te ,\saociat:on of l'junJcipalities of Ontario. 6. That t::-te Treasurer be authorized to continue monthly la;,r::J0nts to the Children's hid Society on the basis of the 197'7 approved bud':Jet until t'te 1978 bud(Jet is est,'lbl ish(!d lind ap!.:.roved by the j',jinistry of Corrmunity and Social Services. 7. That mem.l:1en-;hip fees in the r.:unicipalClerk's and rrrei1surer's hssociatjoll be naid for the Clerk-TTeasuT<c!' ,-;lnr.i Deputy CloTJ~-Trea:mrer ,"jnd that they be authorhed to at tend the annual convention with the usual convention "llm"i1nce rate of reimburoeJll(~nt . s. That E. P. Lotus and J. i'l. Campbell be paid members wa0es for attending meetings of the Elgin County Pioneer ;.;useum fiocud ell) ring 1977. ';'hat a 'Ju>nt of ",,500.DO be made to the Salvation 9. Jt.rmy. 10. That d grant of $?,OJil.00 be !:wde to the 'l'illsonbuT(J and District Association for the ~ental1y Retarded. 11. Thil.t the request for r.,E'::-Jx~I ship in the Rural Cntario ~unicipal Association be filed. l:~. 'l'hat the 1978 j:1(~:r,bcr:;}dp fee of SG84.50 b", paid to the hssociation of Counties and negions of Gntdrio. 13. That the Special Co)r.:nith~e set up to brina in a reco:r.:nenc.la.tion re: a County-City Travel Erndl\lre, be aut:l<:>r- ized to ar-:'rove of t::e proposed brochure on teholf of the County, once sub:n.itteri by the 3()ut}~.tl"'Jtern Cnt,,!,lo Trevel l.s:;ociati0n. 14. That the request by t~e ILn~on Free PrPls, for the County tc purchase an adverti:;e:::nent in a SF(~.-.:i",l ~.>~ction, to celebrate the lOOt]1 J,nni vr;:rsary of the 1.:ni'.'prs i ty of '.:estern Cntario, at a cost of $7S0.00, he fi18i. 15. ~hdt the request from the Ontario ~uniciral Recreation Association for mel!lbf'?IsJtip be filed. 27 16. That a grant of $1,500.00 bema.de to the Quad County Association for the Mentally Retarded. 17. That Council members on theElgin-St. ThoIn'-'l.s Health Unit be paid an additional amount to bring their per diem equal to Council Committee pay. 18. That the request for a grant from the Canadian lla- tionalInstitute for the Blind be tabled ~nd they he reluasted to attend the February Session of Council. 19. That the request .for a grant from.theYoung r:'en's Christian Association be tabled and that they be asked to send a letter outlining their plans for 1978 and explaining their need for the grant. 20. That ",e recommend that Reeve Bradfield be the County's representative to the Southwestern Ontario Travel Association B06rd of Directors replacing Reeve Uemett. 21. T:lat \\'e recommend that an amount of $71,000.00 be p~ovided in the 1978 Budget for the Tillsonburg District :,;emorial Hcspitcll and that..,e recommend that an equal amount be prcvidf~d J.>y slJbseguent COllflGils in t::te next fOUT years, towards the proposed expansion, and that it be paid only upon request, and in no case earlier than Dece;;:ber of each year. 2~.L' T~a.t_a.0rant of $3,000.00 be paid to the University of .Iestern rJnt"rlo. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. /' Ii ,.-. - ~,-' . ,/ '/ ' -,-"'-" ..:..- ," M: E. Binb, , Cha i .rma n . t t',?: ).: l t r:/ "~"l./.~ ../);: /'" Yr" /: .Z r.'''''C ,..?c . t 28 ~:!'..Y OF ELGIN ROAD ,COHMITIEE TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS qr ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMI1~EE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: ~~ St. Thomas, Ontario, January Session, 1978. The following isa Summary of Expenditures on Elgin County and St. Thomas Suburban Road Commissioh Roads in 1977. As 1n 1977, ;11\<1 1,n,un.:ord:mce with Ministry of Tram;portatiun and COlTUnunications practil:c, Payroll Burden, such as Holidays with Pay, Sick Time, etc., has been distributed to various projects and does not appear as a separate item. CONSTRUCTION - ,COUNTY ROAIlS PART # 1 Asphal t rc!;urfacing. associated ditching, shouldc>ring, etc. (a) Road 16 in Dunwich Township, westerly from Road 8 (b) Road 20 in Southwold Township - Stacey Hill, etc. (Approximately 1.5 miles north of Port StanleY.) (c) Road 34 - Westminster-Yarmouth Townline, . completion of wl>rk from 1976. From West Limit of Belmont, westerly to Kettle Cn'ek. (5rt'/. of '7"St of project has been billed to Middle!H'x.) (d) Road 45 in Y.1rmouth Township from Road 36 Westerly to Cook Corner s and in Southwol d and Yarmouth on the Kettle Creek Hill. TOTAL PART # I PART # 2 - CONSTRUCTION ROADS AND CULVERTS (a)' Road 3 in Aldborough Township from Highway 3 to Lake Erie, cleanup and movement of Utilities. (b) Road 2 in Aldborough Township from West Lorne to Rodney, completion of drainage. (c) Road 4 in Rodney (Queen St. West), completion of project [rom 1975 - 76. (d) Road 8 & 13, Dutton, completion of project from 1975 - 76. (e) Road 16, Southwol d Tnwnship, clearing, fencing, Engineering, etc. from Fingal to Road 14. _____~~~.!2~~.:~~_ ______.~.1 ,!!~~.:~:_ 2,575.37 163,427.80 ---------------- 328,662.42 _$______:.!::2.:~2_ 556.25 _______~.!:~2.:~!_ 711.35 23,889.16 ---------------- 29 PAGE 2. PART # 2 - Continued (f) Road 31 (Dalewood Drive), Yarmouth Township, including entrance on to Road 29. Grading, granular base, paving, etc. (g) Road 34, Burden Ave., Belmont, completion of project [rom 1976. (h) Road 38, Bayham & Malahide Townships from Highway 3 to Highway 19 - clearing, fencing, Engineering, etc. (i) Road 52, Yarmouth Township from Road 25 (Wellington Road) to Road 30 (R~dio Road). Grading, granular base, paving, etc. (j) Road 52, Slluthwold Township, Road 25 Westerly, grading, granular base, paving, etc. (k) Ni SCI' 1 Lmeous Grading Project s and Surveys on J)('W work. TOTAL PAin II PART # 3 Ni see 11 ,meou s (a) Rebate of Provincial Sales Tax paid in previous years. (b) Purchase of land for road widening and diversions, etc. (c) New and USl'd Machinery. (d) Machilwry Owll<,rship Cost s, etc., charged to Accounts Receivable and Townline Accounts. TOTAL PART # 3 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION BY THE S1'. TlIQNAS SUBURBAN ROAD CQ}lMISSION (a) Road 30 (Radi;., Road) in Yarmouth Township, grading, granular base, paving, etc. (b) Land Purchase (c) Rl'duction in StlCk Balance from previous years TOTAL SUBURBAN ROAD CONSTRUCTION TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COUNTY AND 5T. THmlAS SUBURBAN ROA() CmlMlSSION $ 253,753.42 ---------------- 8,990.44 -----------.---- 8,260.97 ----_::.:.~:.~~:.~~- ______?~t.?~~':.~?_ 1,167.89 ---------------- $ 894.512.26 _________l21!&LCR. ______~~!.2~~:.~~_ -----~~~!.~~~:.~~- ______~~!.~~~:.~~_ CR. -9.J..,=:;~:.:. 08 .L.!." 3 20, 7}~ $ 143,238.84 ---------------- -------~~~~~:~~- _______Z!~2~~~9_CR. 136,789.83 1,457,526'.59 30 PAGE 3. MAINTENANCE - COUNTY ROADS ~ Letters and numbers correspond to Ministry of Transportation and Communications Account Numbers. A - Culverts & Bridges Bridges Culverts B - Roadside Maint<'nance Crass Cutting Tree Cutting 4 Drainage Roadside Maintenance, Washouts, etc. Drainage Assessments Repairs C - HardTop Maintenance Repairs to Puvpments Sweeping Shoul der Maintenance 4 Surface Treatment D - Loose Top Mainl:",nance Grading Gravel Roads Dust Control (Calcium Chloride) 4 Dust Control (Prime) Gravel Resurfacing E - Winter Control Snow PI owi ng Salting & Sanding Snow Fence 4 Standby (Total Winter Control $ 329,129.84. St. Thomas Subul:"ban Road Commission $ 29,965 additional. In 1976 it was $ 257,332 County and $ 22,149 for Suburban Rouds.) ~---_:~!~:~.:~~-- 7,619.47 --_._-_..~..._........._- 24,103.12 ---------------- -----~~!!!~:!~-- _____~~!2~~:!~__ ______~!2~2.:~!!__ -----_!!]~~.:~~-- ____!21.!7~.}.:~1._ _____}3.!22~.:JL_ _____}}!J.:~.:~]__ _____2].!32~.:n__ _____!J.!~3J.:~~__ _____]].!~J2.:!J__ ______~.!}~1.:33__ _____~_2.!]]_2.:~L_ 126,731.97 169,175'.16 _____}~.!_1!!~.:~~__ ___ __]'J.}_OJ)_.~]__ 31 MAINTENANCE - COUNTY ROADS (continued) F - SafPty Opvices Pavcment M<lrking Signs C:u i <If' H ails 4 Rail rO<ld Protection Metric Signs TOTAL mSCEI.I..ANEOUS Rpbilte t 'j To\~n of Aylmer and ViII ages of port ions of their Road Lllvy. OVER1l!~AD - COUNTY 1. Sup<'rintcndl'nt, including County Engineer, General Supcrintl'ndcnt, AS5i stant Superintendent, etc. 2. Clcrical 3. Office 4. C,uages (Whi te Station & Rodney), Stock & 'I'irnpkl'cpers, Milintpnance, etc. ~. Tools ill1d Misl'l'l];Jnpous Repairs {,. Ralti 0 7. Traffic Cou'..,t.s & Nceds Study Update 8. Training Courscs 9. Pc l'In its 10. Misccll ancous YnSUr11nCC 11. Rl'hilbilitation of ,Shite Station Gravel Pit and gcneral cleanup of Garage grounds 12. Machillcry Overhcad Costs TOTAl. OVERIIEA[I $ ----~~!~!?:~!_--- ____~~!~2!.:~9____ _____~l1!!?.:~L___ ____!~l229.:32____ _____!l23!.:32____ $-1!?,,596.04 .,_ $ _____~3!.292.=23___ $ ----_?~!.~~~.=~~--- :3~!.9n.:2~___ _____,1~!.2~Z.:~? ~__ ___.,_~9l33~.:ZL__ _____3!!!32.:~9___ __h__3!.~2Z.:n___ ------~!~~~.:~~--- _T____3!~3~.:~Z___ ________!~~.:9~ _~~. ______~!Z!~.:2~___ -----~~~~~~::~--- ------~~~~~:~~--- $__?~6, 9~.~ 32 PAGE 5. OVERHEAD - COUNTY (continu('d) (TOTAL OF PAYROLL BURDEN charged to op('rations was $ 235,991.22). ST. THOMAS StJlltJRI\AN ROAll COMMISSION MAINTENANCE & OVERHI~AD (i ncluding i l<,ms not subsidi zed by Mini stry :lC Transportation and Communications) TOTAL MAl NTENANCE, MI SCELLANEOUS, OVERHEAD, ETC. FOR COUNTY & ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMl SSION lTI~MS NOT SUflSIDIZED BY M.T.C. Rental ov('r Expl'nditur<,s - ~:lgin Swe('per l1,,'ur;lnl'(' (Iload Li abi I i ty) Miscl'llanl'nus, including Ml'mberships, etc. TOTAL .~ CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE & OVERHEAD ITEMS NOT FOR SUBSIDY SUB TOTAL ADD: '19'17 STOCK BALANCE SUB TOTAL LI':S~;: 1'l7b STOCK BALANCE Slm TOTAL AIlD IlRA1NAGE ASSI':~;SMENTS (~1r7o StllISl DY) COUNTY ROADS ST. THOMAS SUBURllAN ROAD CONMISSION ROADS TOTAL EXPENlll'l'lJRES ON COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM TOTAL EXPENDITURES ON COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM NOT INCLUDING ANOUNTS NOT FOR NlNISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND CONMUNICATlONS SUBSIDY ON COUNTY It, StlfllmBAN SYSTEMS 74,601.11 1,253,649.70 (.,841.80 ---------------- Cl"l'dit 585.1}() --------~!.~~~:~~ 2,625.97 CR. !_--~!.~~~!.~~~:~~- ____L~~2~~2~2~Z2_ ________~ !.~~~:~ ~_ CIl. ____~!.z~~!.~~~:~~_ - --- ---~~! ~ ~~: ~~- ~__ _~!.Z~~!.~~~:~2_ ------~~~!~~~;~!- !_--~!~~~!~~~:~~- !______~?!9:].:~~_ !~------~!?~~.:~~- 2,114,319.6/, 2,716,177.78 33 The Mini stry of Transportation and Communications Subsidy Al location in 1977 wa saga in in 3 Parts, a General Allocation oC $ l, 945, .00.0 and a subsidy of 50% on Drainag<, Assessment in 2 allocations which totaled $ 27,.0.00 (subsidy) and an allocation oC $ 37,5.0.0 on extra Winter Control Expenditures of' $ 50,000. The County ,;old various parcels oC land in Dutton Cor a total net amount after expcnditur(>s of $ 17,770. Normally the Ministry of Transportation and Communications woul d r('ccive 50% of this amount, but total expenditures were increased to us(' the m"fI('Y th"l rpv<>rt(>d to tll(' Ministry, of Transportation and Communicatlons. The CO<;l ,)1' th<> St. TlIOII,as Suburhan R(l:Id Commission Expenditures to the County of Elgin (and th(> City of St. Thomas) was $ 29,1.00.86. The Net Cost to the County of Elgin Cor 1977 (including the County's share of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission) is estimated at $ 657,948.78 after deducting the County's share of land sales. The Road L<,vy for 1977 was $ 645,.0.00 leaving an estimated deficit of $ 12,948.78. The reason is an additional Winter Maintenance Allocation ata net cost of $ 12,,')()(1 and Drainag<> AS<;f'sslnl'nt Allocation at a n<,t cost oC $ 7,.0.0.0 and which was rI,duc(>d in part by an over {'xpenditure of approximately $ 8,500 oC the City of St. Thomas contribution to Suburban Roads. In addition to above expenditures. the following work was performed and billed to othl'rs and includes the follOWing. 1. Exp('nditure on County Roads & Bridges under Rural Employment Incentives Programme ~--~~~~?~.:~~---- 2. Work on Boundary Roads & Bridges and invoiced to CountiC'sof MiddlC'sex and Ox Cord ___~9~~?Z:.Z~____ 3. Priming and Surface Treatment for the City of St. Thomas, other Hunicipali tie s and others 72,10.0.93 4. Work done and mat<,ria1s sold to other Municipalities, F<,dcl'<ll and Provincial Agenci,es, COnservation Authorities and Ind i v i du:t! <; __~Z~~~~~.:9~____ TOTAL $ 495,6.~2l,,,,,,=- In 1977 t hI" County Ill1ad Departm('nt a Iso admini ster<,d the foIl owi ng other progranunes. Acted as a Billing Agency to the Province Cor the various Municipalities under the Rura 1 Employml'nt Incentives Programme. Thes<, Billings amount to $ 32,868.52. Administered the Mosquito Control Programme. Total Expenditure was $ 7,,747.71. (Se(' sC'parate r('port.) Admini stered costs incurred on helli'llf of the County of Elgin in regard to the Sol id Wa ste p,'ogramme _ -\\ 3,816.5.0. (See separate report.) TOTAL PAYMENT VOUCHERS FOil 1977 amounted to $ 3,236,612.08 compared to $ 2,741,000 in lQ76, $ 2,774,00.0 in 1975 and $ 2,3.05,0.0.0 in 1974. AI.L OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITIED. " ~ I.) ,:,) . . / /.-./7~ fl \ . t", ,'(',UJ (( .,/.J 1.('(7.-; ,.'__ I CHA 1 IHIAN /"J ..: i. 1 ~ " (.J \.... <.... ~I / / ,.) I ... ~.. /l 1 ""< \. '(":( 'i Z ,. 34 COUNTY OF ELq~.~_~~ITTEE SECOND REPORT St. Thomas, Ontario, January Session 1978. TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMI1TEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: In 1977 your Road Committee acted as the Committee on Mosquito Control. The following is a'Summary of expenses incurred in 1971 by the Committee for Mosquito Abatement Programme to control encephalitis. (a) . Wages and Sal.:lries' including fringe benefit s, Workmen's Compensation, etc. $ u...._..~!~~~.:,~L_ (b) Vehicle charges __u__l...obB..B,IL_ 240.00 (c) Liability Insurance (d) Supplies, employee expenses for Training Courses, I7tc. ________d2~:29__ TOTAL EXPENDITURES ==-::-;.:.;:,' 7 'Z~:.I~- Items billed to the Elgin-St. Thomas lIeiJlth Unit, including liability insurance, casual employees' wages, etc., and vehicle charges in connecti, n with the Summer Programme $____ _..~!~~~.:~2__ $=-:::: -:-)-,.Q~~~2..1 NET EXPENDITURES In 1976 the. County's Gross Expenditures were $ 7,490 and Net Expenditures $ 6,935. The 1971 County Levy for Mosquito Control was $ 5,000 which gives a surplus of $ 3,946.79. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. /) " e- II (' ...,:.t~ 1" I J/ .< /1J~' >'~ CHAIRMAN ~ ' (~?:~/~t.v .r:-:/' / /(' ~ (/ , it.//., J '-( .; . ',// (c(-/Z'l.~ ~- - 35 COUNTY OF. ELGIN ROAD COMMITIEE THIRD REPORT St. Thomas, Ontario, January Session 1978. TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMITIEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: In 1971 your Road Committee al so acted as your Committee on Solid Waste Disposal. The only expenses incurred were~for Solicitor's fees for the years 1976 and 1977, and amounted to $ 3.816.50. Of this amount the sum of $ 3,016.50 was charged ag'ainst 1976 by the County Auditors. leaving a net charge against 1977 of $ 800. The County Ll'vy for Solid Waste Disposal in 1971 was $ 3,000 leaving a surplus of $ 2,200. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. ~) ;(/ <' ;' , ("Her V/ (I CHAIRMAN 1 :J :;.l.~~~'l..;;' (J // '; t _ (.~// ,/ ,~ /l -i "'1.., ,....' I <..l"2_Z'''/{ // 36 CO\JNTY OF ELGIN ROAD CONMITIEE REPORT FCUR'm REPORT JANUARY SESSION 1978 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN CO\JNTY CO\JNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMITIEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. WE RECOMMEND - 1. That the Warden name delegates to the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention and to the Roads and Transportation Association Convention and that the membership fee for both organizations 'be paid. 2. That a By-Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign Land Plans to expropriate land as necessary to widen County Roads in 1978. It is necessary that such By-Laws be passed yearly. 3. That the Road CCllnmittee act as the (A) Committee on Solid Waste Disposal, the (B) Committee on Mosquito Control for Encephalitis Control and (C) The Committee on Rural Employment Incentives Programme in 1978. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. ) ,.' I) (' ",,,;, .t,<:~ f,.1 (? (/ ,/ ( I" '-> ..../ CHAIRMAN "6 J [~.////..{- .) /; -fJ~, ~",~. /" ,. ~~.//A",,/ 37 COUNTY GOVEkNI~~ENT CC1.tlonTTEE REFOP.T January Session, 1978 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resoluqoI1 from t},e County of Hastin9s pet it ionin<] the Government of the Province of Onta r:i (), to rescind the two levels of licence fees for the operation of motor vehicles, and establish uniform licence fees for all of Ontario be endorsed. 2. filed. 'Tho. t the F.CRO November IDee-ember news let t er be 3. That the resolution from the County of Bruce urging the Provincial Government to retain the present cafendar term of Municipctl Councils be endorsed. 4. That the letter from the Treasurer of Ontario ,.Ti th copy of statement to the Legislature and copy of Bill 189, "An Act to Provide for the Licensing of Busine:=;s<,s by ji:unici- pal j ties" be filed. 5. That the resolution from the City of 1:laterloo peti- tionina the Federal Government to oive immediate consideration to the" placina of the postal servi~f' out to public hmder be filed. 6. That the resolution from the City of Windsor request- ing the Provincial Government to increase the municipal shore of mardaae licence fees ond increase fees for non-n~sidents be fi led. - 7. That the letter from the Ministry of Housing re: MobiJe Home Developments be filed. 8. That the letter from the Minister of Justice and Attorney Generol of Canada and copy of reply to the Borough of Etobicoke re: pornography be filed. 9. 'J'hat the AC!W position on the Report of the Planning Act Review Committee be tabled to the February Session ann that any new members of this Committee be provided with copies. ALL of which is respectfully ,submitted. * Item 4 was amended by deleting the word "filed" and replaced with "tabled and that the right of the County, to issue Auction- eers' Licences at the County Level, be retained in the Municipal Act." -1ft&~ it~.tJ___ R. T. Bradfi~~~J Cha i rman. e~!./'-, ':~I ,vJ 'I " 7)' /"'l .. C" / " /e .....,~ ,-/. /7 . /. /' I__~ .(,..... " - '-'"' ... .. .' ,'" >~ 38 Pl<OEhTY CCI;.;..Tl"J'EE b~P( l~T January Session, 1978 To the \.'iHden and l\;embprs or the Elgin CCP):,t:' CO'J:lc:; 1, 'l'h(' Property CommitteE' Tf'!pnrts as fo110\o15: 1. ThB.t \ole n'1COl~lmenct that tr.e requl~st from the ~eri('"ral DepArtment of Indian and Northern hffair5, to rf.'place two p1aquep nresent1y in the Court House hall with two 1~r~e7 onns, re: George j\;ad:i nnc-n \1rC:lg and James Henry Coyne he c;!'nnted. J'.LL of which is respectfully sur.mitted. , . ~.:..L_. ___~ _,_~.. M. H. S'te;;art', eha. i nnan. // /. / , (~ /, / '\ \ .... I. \.. I. I .~ / 39 SCCIAL SEINICES CU:'"iIT'l'EE REPOkT January Session, 1978 To the Warden and Uembers of the Elgin County Council, The Social Services Committee reports as follows: 1. That the request from the St. Thomas Day Nursery and the Ostrander Nursery School to increase the per diem rdte for day care services as follows: Full day from $8.00 to $8.50 Part day from $4.00 to $4.50 be accepted subject to the approval of the Hinictry of Co~~unity and Social Services. 2. That we approve of the new rates for Ctmi'idian [(ed Cross. Society Homemaker Services effective January 1st, 19'78, sul:- ject to tIle approval of the iliini d ry of COJununi ty and Soci.al Services for suhsidy purposes. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. In..~ . / -<!1 ()2!.:!.:.--=--'~__.J. ':....!-E.-L __ ___ _ G. R. Pettit, , Cha irman. $ . " / c..t'V l '( 1.,-1 !,-,. . ('/~ I,t"i., { /I ({Z /i '2 :.,,---t>/ (~ /( /.~ ~l ( . / , -' ., [ 41 ~ECEPTION AND ENTEP.TAIW,lENT COJ.:;r.JTl'EE REPCPT 40 A(~}-(]CUl.Tl t",l C\;,;;"lTTEE kEHI':T . .. - January Session, 1978 January Session, 1978 To the viarden and r.;embers of the Eloin County Council, The Aqric\lltural Coml1ittee reports a.s fo110../5: 1. \'Ie recommend that the \iarden and keeve Caverly attEnd the Plov.'J7Ien's i-'.ssociation Convention on Februarv 13th and 14th jn To:rortc ...ritL usual convention allowances. - To the ~'iarden and j\;embers of the Elgin County Council, The Reception and EntertaiJU:lent Committee reports as follows: 2. 'l'hat the letters hem I\;r. John \,'ise 1';:.1., "-lith copies ef letters frem the h.ssistdnt Deruty ;.;inister- J..nriculture Cflni'.da - llealth of hnimi'lls Branch - re: rabies clinics be fi led. 3. ',;')(i'it the letter from Gunn, Upsdell& Dick advising of the T(,Sll] ts of the prosecut ion of BO\-lard Jackson, under the Tree I:y-I.Rw he filed. 4. ','1-"t the '.ia rdc~n, r:eeye Cook ilna ]!ee'lE' j.;cLean 'he a COI"mlttc'E: 1(' allocate tri'o; cr'ricultura1 OTf,nt and tLey be raid rr,(!!!hpr:; ....,..es for their sel'vices. 1. We recommend that a ban~uet and dance be held in early Karch at St. Anne's Paris). C;ommunity Centre to honour !.:r. Harley L. .Johnson who retired on December 31st, 1977, after fourteen yeari as County Clerk-Treasurer. I\L1. of wh i ch is respE'ct.f111Iy suhmitted. 5. 'l'hiit tLe nrants to n.€: i\orlcultura1 and LorticultuTal '~.;OC1f 1 .oc, h- on the - f'd'!if; basil: as Iast year; eqUal to the pro- v .i r~ (' i Ii 1 (1 r:' n t 5 . b. Tliid d qrdnt of ~)J,Urw.ou be- TIli,c:e tn tLe Elain Co\\nty Fecieu,1jon of j,qrlcu]tlne for H,78. )~' (i .~- ___~___l. 1 ~&~_ E. P. Lotus, Chairman. 7. Thi.lt thE' TC.,ClUE,;St frop.! l.:r. lln1<lrrl Ji'crsor. to be allo\\'pd to C'.lt s\lfficif':nt tll?es tf:' (~stdhljdt elTl i'ddjtjcmil hlelve 101:5 for the R(:'d ()q}: Travel Parr: he not grdnt E;',d. 8. That f.?e.cve Ciwerly be re-appointEd to the A.C.R.C). J'iir;~l'-iTH~ Fno'sclvaiion (>inHliittE,e and be rnid r.lfHnbE,rs Wi-!qes and T'iil"iJ(,e for <.dtendinq. 9. Tivd th' tree Lril?f frc'In Deputy F:CCVE Yelly be tfjhled lllitil t],0. Fcl'Tllf,ry PH,etinq imd rhc.tocopies be mC::Ge for all the )'i<!!/':-(' n; of t Ii i s COJrirni t tee. C>II//> A. / -, L. l' L /<.A>t" (, /' /---~/ ," .1 -' ,,/'/ V..-"" r.'-~ !- "-':';L<.: t (. fJL of \'Jhich is :r:e::r,(,ctful1y submitted. ( ~~// ~".~.. /, C .,; ./~ L..::_..-"-:.-:~_,_ .'--_ .._ _'__._ ';; ___,_____ 'D. Y:. Cony" Cna i TI;a n . "l" /' f: //' .;; !/'/ ,,' Vi " {C'~-"'1/[. -(:_.....-t:'~ 42 CORPORATE SEAL 43 L.r.l0 Rev. May 1960. Onto Municipal By-law for Current Expenditures. 67395 Printed In Canada. 2. All sums borrowed from the said Bank, for any or all of the purposes mentionod in the "liaid Section 329, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Corporation for the current year and for all preceding years, as and when such revenues are received. M un icipal ity of........,.....E.L!?J.!\I................................................................. .... BY-LAW No.................Z.5.Q.Q...........,........... ,..............,...,...,...................:..,. 3. The Treasure'r is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of' all sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this By-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and any previous years, from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 329, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received on account or realized in respect of the taxes levied for the current year and preceding years and all of the moneys collected or received from any other source, which may lawfully be applied for such pu rpose. Passed this............. .l.~).th.................... ......,............ ...d~y pf. .....J.g.n:tJ~;~. ....... ...........:19.~.~.. ...4:,..:.).,.::".!(Tj,~'~~;d.~j~~.~;~;~ii;~:i!'.:\d~'-Dt!~. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation deems it necessary to borrow the sum of .J~\'!.Q..!!!.nu,r,~!~,A...f..lYft..J.111NPR!~-;.P....'J'.Li.Ql!~~!.\~m....::.7..":'.::.::,::.::.:.:~,::,:::::,:-....9.QLLQ.Q.dollars to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Corporation for the year; CORPORATE SEAL AND WHEREAS the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Corporation as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 197.,7...., not including revenues derivable or derived . <,.f.c~~~ ~ '--<, , Y-" ...j .........................................................................Ci;k:.. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No.....................of The Corpora- tion of the.................._...........................of.........,,,.,,...... .............................,hi the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Corporation duly hold, and that the said By-law is in full force and effect. from the sale of assets, borrowi.ngs or issuance of debentures or from a surplus, including arrears ~~~T~i In.~~::":t~d of taxes, is *.. ,SIX. .1'iI.LLIo.N'r,.,TiW...1l1lNDRED..AN.D...EIG.H.T.Y..,..IWUR..THOIJSi'~ND. r.... rovonU9n for tho ~r\~~t;(.v.~t, Ifth~~; ....AND...E.I.Gjj'TY.::m~E...::.....^..."'....n,...,...M....."...."...."'.n........."',n,".".".M,".~......OO.t.l'OO..dollars NOTE: Insort am- ount of provious Oy..law(a) passod tllIe yoar. Dated this.................,...... ....,......."....,..................... ....day of............"... ..,.... ...... ,..... ....,......,19,... ..... AND WHEREAS the total amount heretofore authorized to be borrowed this year for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 329 of The Municipal Act is..........Ju.~......... As witness the Seal of the Corporation. ..........................................................,.......,.......................dollars, of which the Corporation has already borrowed a total of...............,......................,.k!ll."............................,...........................,........... ......dollars. THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the...........J;.Q]).l:J!.'.(.......,........................... of.,...................J;:.~g.lN.....,...............,....,......................hereby enacts as follows: or Deputy Treasurer 1. The Head and the Treasurer/are hereby authorized on behalf of the Corporation to borrow from' time to time, by way of promissory note, from the Bank of Montreal, a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate......Til.Q.J)Jl1LlO.N.,....f.n~E...HlJ.HDmm..THDl1SIU'iD.... ..::,::.,:,..:-.::";:,::.::.":',::-.;:.::.:,:,.::,.:-:.:-:.,:,,..,:,.:-:.:-:.:,:,:,:..,O,O./.1.Qa.dollars to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Corporation for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes montioned in subsection (1) of the said Section 329, and to give, on behalf of the Cor- poration, to the Bank a promissory note or notes, sealed with the corporate seal and signed by them for the moneys so borrowed with interest at a rate not exceeding...:::...liL:::....per centum per annum, which may be paid in advance or otherwise. 44 COllNT':' OF ELGIN By-La\-, No. 25tH .: A.._ BJ::.Id11:L,!:Q.. AU'lliQK!..~E.. TI !L~~P..RQI:lt!.1'I.:l <2li.QE l.AJiILEl2.IL 'J.1il~_I:llEeQ~ OF J:L!12pl)NG .AIi!L.Ilf.P~O..'L!.!iQ _C292I'!'~'Y ROiln.~:.: ",r}lElmi-'.S under Section 336 of the l,:unicipal F_et; being Chapter 284, R.S.O. 1970, the Council of every Corporution may pass By-Laws for acquiring or expropriating any land required for the purpose of the Corporation. AND \i:iErmi\.0 in the exercise of its pO\-lersand in pf':rformance of its obligations under The Public Transportation and Highway Improve:nent .Acts and other stdtutes, the Corpcration of the County of Elgi~ finds, or may find, that it is neccs3ary to expropriate lands for \-lidening, improving, protecting from erosion, altering or diverting the County Roads shown on SC~'ledule "A", as a.tt\'1ched: BE IT rrHEl~EFORE ENACTED by the Corporation of the County of Elgin 1. That the VJarden and Clerk of the County of Elgin be, and are, a~thorized to sign any and all plans perta~ning 10 land expropriation for County Roads shown on Scl\!i'du] e "A", and to affix thereto the 3eal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin and to register the same in the County of Elgin Registry Office. 2. That the TrRHsurar be, and is hereby authorized to pay ,to the owners of the lands hereby expropriated, such anOllnts as may be agreed upon as compensation as may be determined by arbitration under provisions of the Expropriations Act, being Chapter 154, R.S.O. 1970. J?Ej'.D a first ti)~e this 19th day of January, 1978. :<EAD a second time th is ] 9th day of Janua ry, 1978. 1?Er.D a third t:i.r,w '1H.i finally passed this J9th day of JamldTY, 1978. -- -~:: ~-,_-,:,~:.:?..:':_---,.- G. C. Leverton, Clerk. __~.___<_~-.!_~'____~':'~' -.:i. ::i.. .:~{__ \':a rd'2!'1. 1. County Road 16 2. County Road 22 3. County Road 30 4. County Road 31 5. County Road 32 6. County Road 38 7. County Road 38 8. County Road 52 45 COUNTY OF ELGIN SCHEDULE A OF BY.LAW #2501 1978 Lots 4 to 8 inclUSive, north and south of Talbot Road East Branch, Township of Southwold. Lots 7 & 8, Concessions IV, V, VI& VII, Township of Yarmouth. Lots 8 & 9, Concessions X, XI, XIII, & XIV, Township of Yarmouth. . Lots 4 & 5, Range I & II, North of Edgeware Road, Township of Yarmouth. Lots p, ,14, & 15, Concession VII. Lots 11, i12, 13, 14, 15 & 16, Concession VIII. Lots 15 & 16, Concession IX. Lots 84, 85, & 86, North of Talbot Road. All in the Township of Malahide. I.ots 107 & 108, North and South of Talbot Road, Township of Malahide. ' Lots 109 to 124 inclusive, North and South of Talbot Road, Township of Bayham. Lots 4 to 7 inclusive, Range II North of Edgeware Road and Concession X, Township of Yarmouth. 46 47 };ebruary ::iession - First Day CI--!ll\'J'Y l:}' EJf~:;J; By-La,,, No. 2502 Wednesday, the 15th day of February, 1978. ::..~~ BY - J~\i.J':<":'!:.(..:J~[T i(j,; ..J:.1i(~(l}i:":;..121.JY2:L.U.. T!il'~~(~!dJ~; J I~..0-1Jili f~.JQ~~jiilT1..lli_~~E)'!ilU~~:lili~~!:._ (}: JJPJ .;. ::1' ~;Ji~,_.~:~!lll'Y~-,-~::~;.~~U::~,._l~~< The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municipal Building. st. Thomas, in act:'ordance with adjournment. The \iarden in the Chair. \iiIEI<F:.\S by Sect ion 9 of the :,.unid rill ,.ct, being Chapter 2e4 of the Revised btatutes of lntario, 1~7n. the pm'lers of a municipal cnrpor"tion are to be exerC'j serl by its council; t\ll members present except heeve Hodgson. koved by l<eeve Nemett f)econded by Deputy l~eeve Lotus i,in) ":HEkr;j,S by StlhfH~ction 1 of ~(~ct ion 241 of the ),:unicipc1l hct, being Chapter 284 of the J<evised Statutes o~ Ontado, lCl70; the pm-rers of every Council are to he e':erc;;r:ed hy By-La1r'; That the minutes of the January 1978 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. -Carried. j,:<D \'iEEki::AS it .is deemed exnedient thi't the rr('C'p.erlin"~ of the Cnun,cU of the C'o.rpoH.,tion of the Cf)u!"!t~, of Elr';;' at t.~is men:::!.:!::! ;)1" co)',firrnp.c1 and c!d0[)ted by p~!-I.:')\-l; The follmrinc Communications were read and refern'!d to the varIOUS Committees: L 0\/ r,":EL l~~'('jd;. the COUl'C ~ 1 0f + he (;0i1"0:rat, i on of t.he C01mt.y of E101n e:wct.s as T.8.l10\'!I:': ' From Ontario hydro advising that the preferred route c:.nd sHe, to improve pO\"er supply to the St. Thomas are&.. wiD be on public display at the St. Thomas Public .i.ibrary, i\Jond<iY, F<2bruary 13th, 1970. - Filed. 1. '1'h,,-I: f,ction of tlif.' C(}iJ!dl of the CQ'!"~"o~'c;tion of +he Count" 0.-: BIrd n i 11 repr,'!("t of e:'ich :n'?C'o;':":'endet i on conti'! :'",d in the l~ei~orts of tb': Comr::}tt-::,.:-~s ann Pcch ':!oi'i.on iH'C1 TP.S'O)'j inn T:r3ss'"d ond o1');(,r (l(~-:';()n t-'1h"n hy ti"!? Counr:il of t]:€ COTI'lOYi3 ;""1'1 ()f the Conn"'.:v of Elnin ,.t Hs m~,etin"'s held rh:ril1'1 ihr. )"nurv 1978 Seseinn"is hAr~tN adonted and c;nfjr~Rd as if Hl, such ' T:rocecdinns were exr-:r;!ssly' E'l~bodied jn this f<y-1..:'11o.'. From the ~inistry of Transportation and Communj~Rtions .,ith notice of SllTf'JUS l,mris for sale, on both sid<:!s of Hiq}l\'!;'I)' 4 at Union.- I{eferred to the Roeds Committee. 2. '}'he \'.i1rrJ(~n (;nd f'Toper offidf:lls of the Corr',ori1tion of the Cour\~y of F:l(yin C!U; lwreby authori~~ed ann diH!ct",d to dQ all things necessary to give effect to the act~on of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elnin referred to in th~ preceding sectirn hereof. . J From the r,;inistry of 'l'ransportation and Comn,uni('at'ions .dth booklet entitled "kunicipal TenderinG' Pyocedures". - l(efened to the Roads Committee. From the Ministry of Treasury Economics and Int.eT<]Overn- mental Affairs, acknowledging receipt of Qur endorsat:ion of the :resolution of the County of Bruce :re: calendar term of municipal councils. - Filed. 3. The ":ardan and the Clerk are authori:>:ed and dheded to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporr.ltion of the County of Elgin. From \iilfrid Laurier University requesting the County to consideI' hiring students from their School of Business and Economic, for the summer, through the Prov ince' s Involvement in r,iunicipal Aruninistration Program. - ~eferred to the County Government Committ From The Art Gallery, St: Thornas..Elgin,. ,dth a request for a grant. - !-:eferred to the Fi nance and i~pportion:nent Commi tt.ee. Jd~;,D a first time this 19th day of January, 1978. ~Eld) a second time this 19th day of .January, 1978. J<Ed) a third time and finally passp.d this 19th day of Jc:nu<uy, lon. From !"r. l~. G. !v:oore,County Engineer and Road Super- indendent with 1978 heport to the St. Thomas ::iurburban Road Com- mission, Statement of Expenditures on Commission Roads in 1977 and a 1978 Proposed Budget. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From Joyc.~e CharI ton "lith appreciati.on for C01:nty of E1gi n Sc~olarship. - Filed. -- .~~~_:::~- --- _.,-- -_.~{(' .!:_?.,-,_ ,_i~_C~~:~ _~.(,___.~L .'_ From the Treasurer of Ontario with list of Uinistries \.,.h ich are responsible ft'r co-ordinatinq various areas in th..; event of el;lergency situations. - Filed. From the City of Stratford ..lith resolution p'2titioning the J.;inistry of Transportation and Communications to enact ) egis- lation to require municipal and provincial owned vehicles to have head1ichts illuninated beh,een November 1st and r';arch 1st. - Eeferr to the -Loads Corrm:ittee. G. C. Lr.:vertnn, Clerk. '1,'Ej rrlE"!1. From Wilfrid laurieI' University acknowledging the Scholar ship grant recently awarded for 1978. - Filed. From the Aylmer Committee of I.djustment with not ice of Public Hearing for a minor variance from the restricted area by-law to be held, I'r.onday, February 13th, 1978 at 8:00 P.li.. - J{efe]'red to the ~oads Ccr.~ittee. 48 From Vas. Barbara Dixon, Secretary-Treasurer, Land Divi- sion Committee with request to have membership in Provincial (Ont.) Association of Committees of Adjustment and Land Division Committees and permission to attend a one-day Seminar. - keferred to the County Government Committee. From the ACRO President, acknowledging renewal of the County's membership, and welcoming any suggestions or con~ents. - Filed. From the Anti-Inflation Board with approval for the ROcd Department Employees rates for 1978. - Filed. From the University of \festern Ontario acknowledging ad- vice concerning the 1978 grant and scholarships. _ Filed. From Mr. R. K. j.'jcHeil acknowledging receipt of the County's endorsation of Bruce County's resolution re: licencing. _ Filed. From Mr. Wayne Underh ill, \:hiteh6.11 l(es idence Sr. Care Centre, Port Bruce, requesting a meeting to discuss assistance available to enable citizens to have resident care at a rest room. - :h:eferred to the Social Services Committee. From the Lower Thames Valley Conservation j~uthority "lith copy of Flood Contingency Plan. - Filed. From the i'.ylmer and East Elgin Agr i cultural Sod ety ",ith apprec io tion for r:.J.r;"t 9nmts Cl nd hop:i nq for coni: inued Sll!.!";rt. - Filed. From the City of St. Thomas, with a copy of a letter to Reeve A. H. Liebner, Chairman, Local Government Study Com::1i ttee, with the City of St. Thonas recommendation on the draft interim report. - Referred to the Local Government Study Co~~ittee. From the Young ~en's Christian Association of Elgin-St. 'l'homas Hi th financial statements for 1977, rlans and estimates, for 1973, and the cost of the County program for the last five yeArs. - Referred to the Finance and j,pportionrnent CCJ:l!~i th,e. Frol':1 the TO\'lIIRhip of Yarmouth Conuni ttee of lidjustment, v.rith potice of public he<'lring for a minor vdriance from By-Law No. 1998 set fO.r Thursday, February 16th, 1978 at 8:00 P.:.~. _ l?e- ferred to the l(oads COr.t!1ittel? From the University of \:aterloo ,.,ith appreci,3tion for 19/8 scholarship grant provision. - Filed. Frol':1 the Village of Vienna with request for a grant to- wards the 125th Anniversary Celebrations. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From the County of Grey with resolution requesting the h:inister of Education to restructure the present system of local Boards of Education. - Referred to the County Government Committee. FrOM David King with appreciation for receiving the schol- arship grant at the University of Guelph. _ Filed. Frol':1 the Treasurer of Ontario announcing for the sixth year, the "Involvenent in r.:unicipal ji(:lrn:i.nistration" program to em- ploy University and Conmunity College Students in municipal work. - Fil ed. From the County of Frontenac advising they had endorsed the County of Hastings resolution re: autol':1obile registration fees. - Filed. From the Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technology with appreciation for the 1978 scholarship grants. _ Filed. 49 From the St. Thomas-Elgin Debt Counselling Service with request for a grant. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Co~~ittee. From the Office of the Minister of Justice ackno",ledging receipt of our endorsation of the Town of Collingwood's resolution. - Filed. Fro~ the County of Frontenac with resolution requlrlnq Public and 0eparate School BOnrds to be made fully accountable by Provincial legislation. - Referred to the Courtty Government Com- mittee. Fro~ the University of ~estern Ontario, with a copy of a letter to \,<uden Carroll expressing their appreciation for the reception of their delegation on January 18th, 1978. - Filed. From the Eloin-St. rh()I'\as Health Unit with 1978 budoet. - Referred to the Finance and };pportionment Co~mittee. . From the Treasurer of Ontario acknowledging Elgin's views on Ri)) 119, hn Act to Provide For the Licensing of Businesses by ,':l1n icipal it ies. - Filed. from the Regional j'lunicip..,lity of Durham with .resolution op!,osing the repeal of 5f.!ction 9 (2) of The Coroner's [,ct, 1972 i<.~j.O. Chaph,r 98. - Eefen'ed to the Bot~es for 0enior Citi70enR Com- m ittee. From the Royal CO;funission of Inquiry :into the Confiden- tiality of Health l?ecords in Ontario ",ith request for submiRsions. - Filed. From the Township of Yarmouth with request to defer pay- ment on County Rate, due for grants received for the St. Thomas Psychiatric Hospital, until an O.~.B. decision is rendered. - Rt~ferred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From the Ministry of 'fransportation and Conununications with to:01no No. 78-lA re: Minimum Vertical Structure Clearances for signs. - E'eferred to the Roads Committee. j, deleaation from the Canadian Ilational Institute for Ule Blind, compo~ed of l.;r. FranK '"",ston, Chairman of the C.N.I.B. London-SL 'l.'ho!11as j,dviso:ry Board Devel.opment Co::!mittE'e and jilr. 1<. V;. Kennedy, District i-.ctllinistrator, was present, at the request of Council. It was moved by Deputy Eeeve Shaw that t;he delegation be now heard. kr. Weston addressed Council and explained the services available through the C.IJ.I.B. Be reviewed the financing of the C.I~.I.H. and how an}' deficits are assumed by the Divisional funds. I.;embers of Council asked various questions of both l.;r. ;'ieston and kr. Kennedy. The \:arden thanKt,d the deleaation and referred their re- quest for a 0,rant t<> the Finance and Apportionment Committee. The First l~eport of :the Roads COlluuittee was presented by h:eeve Green and adopted on motion of :h:eeve Green and l,eeve Cook. The Second Report of the Roads Committee was prese~ted by Reeve Green and adopted on motion of Heeve Green and Reeve Bradfield. The First Report of the HOl':1es for f3enior Cith':ens Com- mittee was presented by Deputy Reeve Shaw and adopted on IwtiC'n of ;:loputy Reeve Sh a \01 and Deputy Reeve Shack] eton. TI1e Report of the Property Cor.~ittee was presented by Deputy Heeve Ste\'lart and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve St('\~art and Deputy }~eeve CO\-lan. - Carried. 51 50 The Warden and Reeve Caverly reported on the results of attending the Ontario Plo"'Illen's Association Convention and the Elgin County bid for the International Plowing Match for ~984. It was pointed out that much work will be involved as well as County financial investment. The Report of the Finance and Apportionment Comm:ittee was presented by ~eeve Binks and adopted on motion of keeve Binks and J{eeve Green. . "lest Lorne Rodney Aldborough TCThL COST $ 198.30 203.80 1,-9_~ . ?~ $1,435.00 The Report of the Agric~ltural Committee was presented by l~eeve Cook and adopt ed on mot i on of heeve Cook and Reeve Green. The ~econd J-<eport of the Horre s for Senior Citizens Com- mittee was presented by Deputy keeve Shaw and adopted 01' met ion of Deputy heeve Sha\-1 and Deputy heave Shackleton. The keport of the County Government CommitteE" was pre- sented by Reeve Bradfield and adopted on motion of k€'€,v€ Bradf ield and Reeve Liebner. The \1arden gave the followino report on the rabies cl inic for "iest Elgin. It was held on January 19th c?nrJ 20th, 1978 \-liU. 308 dogs and 213 cats being vaccinated. '1'he total cost \"as bon.s as fellows: Reeve Liebner reported that copies of the Interim Restruc- turing Report had originally been mailed to all merr~ers of Council and subsequently to all Clerks, with a letter reqm:sting opinions on the proposals. He pointed out only a fe..: submissions had been received and would u:l'ge all municipalities tc rE,\'ie\,.' the rq"c..rt and send in responses. TIle Third Report of the Roads Committee was presented by J?eeve Green and adopted on motion of Reeve Green and Deputy Reeve Shaw. Loved bv J{(lCVC' Cook Seconded. by Deputy lI~p.cve Shaw The Report of the Social ;jervices Committee ,,,as presented by Deputy !<eeve Pettit and adopted or. motion of Deputy h'eeve Petti t and Deputy l~eeve Stewart. The f.;eport of the Educational Committee was pH:SEnlE:a by Deputy F,f'eve CO\'Jan and adopted on moti on of Deputy P.eeve CO\'.'6.11 and Deputy l?eeve Uhci\ol. That a supplementary application for subsidy monC!)' in amount of $2~,OOO fer municipal drainage as~essmcntB on St. Thomas ~;t:burl.an 110ad Commission roads and County rOods be made to the il:ini.stry of Transportation and Communications. Deputy !(eeve Lotus reminded all members of COl:nty CouncU to have the number of tickets sold for the night hono1!.ring ~iarl!."y Johnson, former Clerk-Treasurer, in to the Clerk-Treasurer's Office by February 24th. The \'Iarden appoint ed the merr.bers of the County Government Cow~ittee to review Council procedures and submit suggested changes. j":oved by Reeve Binks Seconded by Deputy Reeve Longhurst 'I'hat the Statement of Proposed \':ork and Expenditures on the County of Elgin Road System and theSt. Thomas 0uburban F~oad System as recomr.tended in the First Report of the County of Elgin Jload Comr~ittee at the },~)bruary 1978 Session as de:,tailed in Resolu- tion #5 and totaling $~,728,OOO be adopted and for~arded to the l':inistry of Transportation and Communications for approval. Eoved by Deputy Reeve CO\o1an Seconded by Reeve Nemett That By-Law No. 2503 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the tarden and Clerk to Sian Offers to Lease the Couit House and Reois- try Office, to the l!iinistry of Government Services", be read a J first time. - Carried. - Carr ied. The CJ er}:-Treaf:Ul'er revie\'!ed the prccedun.. involved \-lith convent ons. Any Councillor mc:y attend three (3) conventions of his cho ce and to receive reimbursement must submit his hotel bill and reg stration receipt or reasonable facsimile. ;,:oved by Reeve Emflr son beconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit !.';cved by J?eeve Nemett Seconded by Reeve McBrien That By-LclW No. 2503 be read a second time. - Carried. That we do new adjourn to meet again on February 15, 1978, at 2:00 P.I,:. r.;oved by Reeve rr.cBrien Seconded by Reeve Nemett - Carried. passed. That By-Lu;" No. 2503 be read a third time and finally Council Re-Convened. - Carried. Mr. l':illard :':cKenzie, a Roc:ds DepG.rtr.~ent Employee, who retired in January 1978, WaS present. He was pres€nted with a cer- tificate of merit for twelve years service and a cbeque by the Chairman of the Road COITunittee, Reeve Green. Warden Carroll ex- tended appreciation on behalf of the County for his years of service The Report of the Local Government Restructuring Committee was presented by Reeve Liebner and adopted on motion of Reeve Liebne and Deputy Reeve Lotus. ~cved'by Reeve Cook Seconded by keeve Binks That By-L-aw No. 2504 "Being a By-Law to Conf irm By-Law No. 1931 of the Township of Bayham; a By-Law to St.op Up and Close and Sell the Portion of Road Allowance Through Lot 21, Concession 8", be read a first time. - Carried. 52 Moved by Deputy Reeve Cowan Seconded by Reeve Cook That By-Law No. 2504 be read a second time. .., Carried. 53 Moved by Deputy Reeve Cowan Seconded by l,eeve Nemett 'l'hat By-Law No. 2507 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Binks Seconded by Reeve Cook That By-Law No. 2504 be read a third time and finally Moved by keeve I,jcBr ien Seconded by ~eeve Binks That By-Law No. 2507 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. passed. Moved by keeve Wilson Seconded by Deputy }(eeve Pett it - Carried. That By-La.., No. 2505 "Being a By-Law to Ccnfirm By-La", No. 1932 of the Tm.;nship of Bayham; a By-Law to Stop Up and Clof'e and Sell a Road Allowance '.j:'hrough Lot 114 N.T.I<.", be read a first time. I,joved by Eeeve Nemett Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lotus That we do no.., adjourn to meet again on jijarch 22, 1978 at 10:00 ii.i.i. - Carried. - Carried. Moved by D(~puty l;~eeve Pett it Seconded hy Reeve tilson That Ry-L<n'i' No. 2~J()5 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit That By-Law No. 2505 be read a third time and finally passed. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 1. l~. Carroll, Vlarden. - Carried. Moved by R~eve McLean Seconded by Reeve Binks That By-Law No. 2506 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the iiarden and Clerk to Sign a Deed to Convey Land in the> To\omsh i p of Southwold to Durward hurce Siple and Jean Dai sy Siple", be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Cook Seconded by f<eeve McLean That By-Law No. 2506 be read a second time. - Carried. ~oved by Reeve Cook Seconded by Reeve Binks passed. That By-Law No. 2506 be read a third time and finally - Carried. Moved by }(eeve Nemett Seconded by Deputy Reeve Cowan That By-Law No. 2507 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the February Session, 1978", be read a first time. - Carried. 54 55 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT FIRST REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION 1978 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: WE RECO~~END YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That By-Laws be passed confirming Township of Bayham By-Laws # 1931 and 1912 to close portions of road allowance through Lot 21, Concession 1. The severe blizzard and high wind conditions of the storm of January VllI, Bayham, and a portion of the road allowance through Lot 114 North 26 resulted in a high cost to open and shove back snow on County Roads Ta 1 bot Road, Bayham. as it required nearly a week's work to complete the work using Snow Plows and Front End Loaders. As in last year's storm we have found 2. That tht' Budgt't of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Cormni.ssion in the amount that our 2 1/2 cu. yd. Hough Front End Loader was not equal to the ..I $ lll"lIllll I", ,fpprnv.'r1. r;nlOpl..t f,," "I' o'tlllsl.rU('1 lOll nil HO;lrI '\0 (Radio task an~ the Engineer has been authorized to purchase a low hourly 1<'''ld) I",two','" lilt, ~a.. '1'111111101'; City Lillilt,; alld C"II'(":';!"" Xll!., Y.,rll111uth used machine in the 4 to 5 cu. yd. r'Rnge. This machine would also be i,; ('stimat!;'d at $ 65,000 and Land Purchase on Road 30 and Road 22 used for construction loadi.ng in tho SUllUncr and to stockpile gravel for Fairvicw Ave., is estimated at $ 15,000. Maintenance and Overhead Costs crushing in the County Pleasant Valley Pit. of the System are estimated at $ 88,000 and include repairs to the deck of Dodds Cr('ek Bridge on Road 25 (Wellington Road). Many traffic signs were destroyed in the storm al so and it will be into the early Surraner before all signs can be replaced. Roadsides were 3. That the County Levy for County and St. Thomas Suburban Roads be $ 700,000 littered with tree limbs and building debris. Your Corranittec has made in 1978. overtures to Mr. McNe:!', MPP for Elgin requesting that the Rural Employment 4. Thill. the rdl:ltp to Url>:lll Municipal ities be 25% of their Road Levy as in Incentives Program instituted last Summer by the Provincial Government past yr'i.lrs. be continued this season. We would hope that this Program would be available assist in the clearing of the road allowances. 5. That a Resolution be passed adopting the following Proposed Statement .of Work and Expenditures for 1978 and the Statement be forwarded to the 2. That tenders have been called for 2 Backhoe Loaders in the 55 HP range Ministry of Transpnrtation and Corranunications for approval. with 2 County Backhoe Loaders as trade-ins. 3. That we have received notice from the Ministry of Transportation and Corranunications that the Subsidizable Spending Level for Construction and Maintenance including Urban Rebates on County and St. Thomas Suburban Roads in 1978 will be $ 2,728,000 and that the Subsidy Allocation be $ 2,030,000. This compares with a Spending Allocation in 1977 (including Supplementary Winter Control) of $ 2,652,000 and a Subsidy Allocation of $ 1,982,500. 56 COUNTY CONSTRUCTION NOTE: Labour Payroll Burden is included in estimates. 1. Miscellaneous Surveys & Grading Construction 3, 000 40,000 20,000 CI 10,000 C 518,000 120,000 2, 000 20,000 135,000 22,000 - $ 830,000 - 2. Land Purchase 3. Ownership Costs, etc., on Accounts Receivable 4. Reduction in Stock Balance 5. Construction Road 16 - 'Fingal to Burwell Corners, Southwold Township 6. Construction Road 31 - Yarmouth Township 7. Construction Road 32 - Police College Road, Malahide Township 8. Construction Road 38 - IIighway 3 to Highway 19, Malahide & Bayham Townships 9. Construction Road 52 - East of Wellington Road, Yarmouth Township 10. Construction Road S2 - West of Wellington Road, Southwold Township TOTAL 57 COUNTY MAINTENANCE NOTE: Labour Payroll Burden is included in the estimate. OPERATION ~ - 1 & 2 Bridge and Culvert Maintenance n - Roadside Mainten:mcC' -1 Grass Cutting -lA Weed Spraying -2 Tree Cutting -4 Drainage -5 Roadside Maintenance -6 Tree Planting -7 Drainage Assessments (Maintenance) c: - RI'pairs to liard Top Roads -1 Repairs to Pavement -2 S\olCeping -3 Shoulder Maintenance -4 Surface Treatment D - Gravel Road Maintenance -2 Grading Gravel Roads -3 Dust COntrol (Calcium Chloride) -4 Dust Control (Prime) -5 Gravel Resurfacing E - Winter Control TOTAL -1 Snow Plowing -2 Sanding & Salting -3 Snow Fence -4 Standby and Night Crew (In 1977 Total of \1ir.ter Control was $ 329,000 on County Roads and on County and St. Thomas Suburban Roads was $ 359,000.) ... continued ... ~. ESTIMATE ~ 34,000 25,000 10,000 50,000 50,000 10,000 1,000 2,000 140,000 14,000 13,000 70,000 16,000 41,000 5,000 55,000 324,000 112,000 170,000 20,000 22, 000 OPERATION F - Safety Devices -1 Pavement Marking -2 Signs -3 Guide Rail -4 Railroad Protection TOTAL 58 COUNTY MAINTENANCE 1'MlU.:. ESTIMATE ---1:.22L 59 COUNTY OVERHEAD OPERATION NOTE: Payroll Ilurdcn is included in estimates. ESTIMATE ---1:.22L 24, 000 Superintendence 28,000 Garages (Stockkecpers, etc.) 1 2,.000 Tools 26,000 Miscellaneous Repairs $ 950,000 Radio Needs Study Update Traffic Count Training Courses Clerical Permits Miscellaneous Insurance Office Machinery Overhead IVhite Station Rehabil Hation TOTAL 60,000 66,000 6,500 16,500 2,500 7, 000 4,000 3,500 38,000 Nil 2, 000 14,000 5,000 10,000 $ 235,000 60 1978 MACHINERY BUDGET 1. 2 Dodge Pickup Trucks purchased from St. Thomas Plymouth Chrysler (#77 & #78) 9,139.94 2. 4 Pickup Trucks purchased from Fearn Ford Sales Ltd. 23,689.80 (#79, #80, #81 & 1182) 3. Used Galion Rubber Tired Roller 19,795.00 4. Trade Backhoes (Tractors #24 & #25) 30,000.00 5. 4 or 5 Cubic Yard Loader 87,400.00 $ 170,000.00 ....."-,, .- ..~_. oa._ 61 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES County Road Construction St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Roads Construction County Asphalt Resurfacing (roads to be designated after Spring break up) New and Used Machinery County Maintenance County Overhead St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Maintenance & Overhead Drainage Assessments (s('e recommendation 6) Urban Rebates TOTAL SUMMARY OF RECEIPTS Ministry of Transportation and Communications General Subsidy Allocation Ministry of Transportation and Communications Drainage Assessment Allocation Contribution of City of St. Thomas to St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission (effective) approximately County Levy TOTAL . $ 830,000 85,000 325,000 170,000 950,000 235,000 38,000 50,000 45, 000 $ 2,778,000 2,030,000 25,000 23, 000 700,000 2,778,000 6. That a Resolution be passed requesting the Ministry of Transportation and Communications to approve the sum of $ 25,000 in subsidy money for in 1978. (Subsidy Rate for Drainage Assessments is 5erl..) Drainage Assessments on County and St. Thomas Suburban Commission Roads All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. rQ .//;/ {;; .I } /r7t.-("(~ f ~lef2-:"~ CHAIRMAN' / ~ (.-:~. -'2 "2 Le' {'-.J ,7 P /' {/ ' . ')'''; ,(L /}'I.-{_ li(_/)/l :-/ . v 62 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMI~TEE SECOND REPORT TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: WE RECOMMEND: 63 HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS Cmw.ITTEE ]~EPOI(T February Session, 1978 FIRST REPORT To the Harden and Members of the Elgin County Council, FEllRUAI<Y SESSION 1978 The Homes For Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. '~Je recommend that up to $300.00 be provided towards the cost of a barbe~le, ~o be held at Terrace Lodge, for del- egates and their spouses attending the Homes for the Aged Convention, to be held in London during September. 2. The Director has been authorized to call tenders on supplying a new van for Elgin Manor, to be paid from the special interest account. (1) That a Budget for the Mosquito Abatement Programme for the control of encephalitis be set at $ 1,000 for 1978. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. ~);/ '"t..,'.... ""'/~"(/ L- ?'(..~_'....-C.I ~~ ,/,,/ dr1.'j \...( c v~~0?<~ ALL of which is respectfully submitted. CllAYMAN / f ('t ~. L l ,'. /j // &1-/2 ,"(, (L--' C / , -~:-~ ...... .., L. J. ~a~../ ,. eha i rman C ~ / ./}/rL'l,-( .'7 / c-' ,/-"..,,- ')"1"" / ~;' .~L c'." {:(( t';! llV( /' 64 65 PRCH:Yl'Y CO;,;l.j1 T7EE IrEPUI:'l' LO :i.L GOVEidJj.EJ;T kE~)TP.LC'2.'I;Fi] iJG COj.:j,,] TTE~ Ie EH.'}.,'T February Session, 1978 February Session; 1978 To the v:arden and Members of the Elgin County Council, To th~ Warden and Merr~ers of the Elgin County Council, The Local Government Restrllctur ing Corr,mi ttee reports as follows: The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. A new fluorescent fixture has been autl'orized for the Social Services vault. 1. ~e ~ecommend that all bri~f~ received from each of the local Ir'unicipalities on restructurinq be forwarded to the joint County-City Committee for consideration and consolidation for ultimate presentdtion to County and City Council::;,. 2. The Clerk-Treasurer has been authorizul to pm'chase a hookcaseat a cost of ~;151. 00 plus sales tax. 3. The Clerk-Treu~llrer's Office has been authorized to sell the used Olivetti D24 Calculator to the Elgin r.;anor at a cost of $50.00, as it is surplus to requirements. 4. We recommend that the viarden and Clerk be authorized, by by-law,to sign the "Offers to Lease" for the Court House and Registry Office, as amended, and forWard them to the Min- istry of Government Services for their acceptance. The leases are for a five-year period, with an option to renew for a fur- ther fiv~ years. 5. We recommend that the 1978 rental receipts for the Court House and Registry Office, from the Ministry of GovRrn- ment Services, be set a~id€ in a R~serve Fu~d for replacement and/or repairs to the buildings and equipment on the COUl'1. Bouse Block. 6. Provision is to be made in the 1978 budget for the following items: (a) painting the exterior of the COt1rt Hcu~e (b) installing carpet in the Social Services Depart- ment cl~~ical and Director's offices. hLL of which is respectfully pubmitted. --;./ .".. ~-~ ,_-"'~~~'~"-~,, <......-:/~ -:" </ "-<--1.' ,~~ <.. <,,'-i.,_ - <.' A. H. Liebner, Chairme.n. 7. We recommend that a coffee urn be purchased for use on Council Days, and that it be provided for the afternoon and confined to the Committee Room ONLY. (.(( / /- ( (. / ) .:-'~ / '<. (~l' , ) - . , ( /- ALL of which is respectfully submitted. M. HO. Stewart, Chairman. , . /. .j.... / J,. ( I) 1 /.;' I ,.-. f I ;'~' t:";, ..- , . / C.'Al t2.L-c .I' ,':7)-' L 7 '-\ /: (- / . .. ~ 1. ,--../. / ,l \... .. ...." 66 67 FB:.:;CE 1\;;1) f,PF01\TlCd;;.;Em' Cu;.,...JTTJ::E id:FCi\1' I~Gr:ICULTU1-:I~L CCLU'l"l'E]-; REPCmT February Session, 1978 February Session, 1978 To the Warden and l.iembers of the Elgin County Counci,l, The Finance and Apportionment Committee reports as follows: To the Harden and r.:ernbers of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as fellows: 1. That a grant of $1,000.00 be given to The Art Gallery, St. Thomas-Elgin. 2. That the request from the Young Men's Christian Asso- ciation of Elgin-St. Thomas for a grant, to operate a recreation program in the County of Elgin during 1978, be recommended, in the amount of $3,000.00. 3. That a grant of $500.00 ,be given to the Village of Vi enna, to help with the expenses towdrds the ce1ebrat.Lons of the 11' 125th 1.nn i v ersary. 4. That thE: request from the St.. ThorluF~Elc;ir Debt COW1- selling Servi~0 for a grant of $500.00 be apJaoved. 5. That a grant of $3,000.00 be made tc.: the Can'.:td1i:n National.Institute for ttA Blind. 1. That the trEe brief fre,m Deputy F~eeve Kelly be tabled until the proposed legislation to amend the Trees Act is knovm. 2. That the County of Elgin initiate a program to supply farrEers \-lith trees, when available, for the purpose of planting wincllireaks etc. and that the charge be at cost. 3. That we recommend that }2eeVE:' \'Ii.lse>n, }~eeve Caverly and Jackson Baker be authorized to investigate- the aVailability of the said tre-Ds for resale. b. That Ue p:rcposcci budget fre,m the Elqin~St. ThoJ':"Cls Health Unit in the amount of $641,218.00 be accepted, requirjn9 the County tc raise $187,595.00. idJL of ,,!t,jch 1,s respectfully submitted. 7. The t. the. 'l'ownsh ip of Yarnlou U, be requ j red to subm5. t figure:s fOT 1978 apportionment, including the St. ThomCls Psychi- atric Hospital grant, and that the underpaYlnent for the years 1976 and 1977 be deferred until the Ontario j,;uni.c::pal bo<,rd nnd- ers its decis ion on the facts presently before U:mn, or tJnti 1 1979, "lhichever occurs first. r \ /;/1// ~~) , J(J: .j;/-- D. K. Cook Chairman. ' ALL of which is respectfully submitted. L /,Z ~,l ~.. ../ / ...... t:.. / ! (\ "" ,/,. I, ,\ j~-- 1,;. E.Birtks, Chairman. I l. c: ..C( /! L <' ,;, (~/ //- (;; (; '7) ...1../ ~ </ ,.' . ' ,,-~ / /' / ." .... ..(".." . 68 THE HOI.iES }'U!,: SEIHOF~ CITIZENS Cl;.Ll'l"j.'1~E l-:EPOI.:T February Session, 1978 SECOND P.EPo:r~T To the Warden and ~embers of the Elgin County Council, The Homes For Senior Citizens Committee reports as fo11O\'15: 1. That we adopt a budget of $1,296,240.00 for the operations of Elgin Manor for 1978, with $]]2,798.25 to be raised by the County, exclusive of debentun~ raymer,t. 2. That we adopt a budget of $583,79S.17 for the or-er- ations of Terrace Lodge for 1978, \-lith $6&,080.59 to be raised by the County, exclusive of debentul'e payment. J;LL of which is respectfully submi tied. .' , /7 ~),(~ , ' - - .- ./ . L. -J. Sha,\-!, / Chairman. "-'- ( " ,.... ,/ / ,'-' ~\I" 1/ . I. ,~.- { / L 'l-." ~ ~; \,. <.. 69 COU!,jTY_ GOVEh'J\J.:EL'l' CG,..;] '1"1'1E hEFC'i<,], February Session, 1978 To the \:arden and Kembers of the Elgin County Council, 11,e County Government Committep reports as follows: 1. That thE' letter f~OI~ V:ilfdd Laurier Univendty re- questing the County to consider hiring students from their School of Bus i ness and Econozrd.c:::for the. summer, th:ro\1gh the t'ro\'incf"'s Involverr,ent in Municipel Administration Program bE' f iJ ed. 2. 'tie recommend.that the Land DivisionComJ'llittp.e be authorized to take out men:bership in the Provincial (Ont.) Asscciationof C(.'rnmittees of !\diustment and Land Division Com- roi ttne.s, for four members and 5ecretary-'l'rec:sul'er, at a cost of $10C.00. 3. \.e recommend that the reQuest for the Land Division Secretary-Treasurer to attecd a se~inar in Toronto on~arch lOth, 1978, be granted, with expenses paid. 4. 'J'hc.t th(~ n~so}ution frow the COllnty of Gre~y Teql:E'st~ in',; tit€: ,j,iini~~ter of Education 'to re::-trueture th<!. pTf~sE'nt ~ystem c: Jocul Ecc:.rds o.f Education be endorsed. 5. That the re5olutio~ from the Cou~~y of Frontenac pro- rosing that Beards of Education be required to levy for deben- ture and other funds directly upon the taxpayers end o.1so that the 1978 increase allo\oPed,bf: limited to 4. 79ci~ be filed. 6. \'ie recol'!'.mel"d that a policy be set so that CO\:nty Crests and Ties, supplied to Councillors and Officja]~ should be eXJ:'ected to last at least five yeaTs~ ,.,i thout hav j fll to be replaced. Anyone requiring a replacement prior to the end of the five years will be required to 'pul"cl:ase it at aetuel cost. 7. J'hat the A.C.R.O. position paper on the P.epcrt of tlw P]a~ning ilct T<eview Committee be filed.. 8. ;,ie recommer.d that a letter be sent to !.ir. F:cbf~rt Enton, l'l.P.P., j\'i:iddlesex Scuth, asl:inghim to outline his pro- posa ls to amend the Petty Trespa5s l~ct. f~LL of which is respectfully submitted. :;(..,.,"1. ' :... ./ ......,./ I' '/" I I ". .1 /, ./1 . C../, I .' ,'" , R. T~ Bradfield,/ Cha irme:.n. \ l_ t'~ ~.'--t I ", ~; :~ ,,: L ~ ~... ;/// ~ {.o. 70 71 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE COUNTY OF ELGIN. ROAD COMMITTEE TIIIRD REPORT TIIIRD REPOkT FEBRUARY SESSION 19.78 FEBRUARY SESSION 1978 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: PAGE 2. YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: (e) that the Corporation of the County of Elgin shall have the right 1. We have purcha s,ed a Michigan Model 125B l1sed4 Cubic Yard Front End Loader from Capital Equipment Limited for $ 76,500 plus Provincial Sales Tax. The machine has had approxi~ately 800 hours of time and carries 1 Year New Machine Warranty. to. free access to and removal of present existing stock pile of top soil upon the aforesaid Part 3, until January 1st, 1988. Under the Expropriations Procedures Act, the person(s) from whom the property was expropriated have the first right to purchase any property back that is not required by the Expropriating Authority at the best WE RECOMMEND: offC'r n.cciv('d lJyExpropriating' Authority. Mr. & Mrs. SiplC! have 1. That the Road Committee Agreement to sell Part #3 Plan 01018 being Part of Lot 7, Range II, West of River Road, Southwold, to Durward II. Siple and Jean D. Siple for the sum of $ 10,441 be endorsed. Your Road C'xcrci5~d this option. 2. That a By-Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign a Committee has received an offer of property required for future road deed to Durward Hume Siple and Jean Daisy Siple for Part #3, Registered widening in exchange for Part 3 (area 2.46 acres being a cut off corner in the construction of Road 45). The Road Committee has had the property offered in exchanges appraised by a qualified Appraiser at $ 10,441. In addition the following conditions were offered: Plan 01018 being Part of Lot 7, Range II, West of River Road, Southwold. The closing date to be March 30, 1978 or sooner. The consideration to be $ 10,441 and the deed is to contain the following. conditions: (a) that the purchasers or their successors in title covenant not to (a) that tht' I'url'lta:;el"s or th~lr SUt~CesSor5 in title covpnant not to convey anything less than the whole of the aforesaid Part 3; (b) that the lands to be conveyed will not be used by the purchasers in title for residential purposes, nor shall they apply to any municipal authority for the right to erect any residential building thereon prior to July 1st, 1984; convC'y .mything less than the whole of the aforesaid Part 3; (b) that the lands to be conveyed will not be used by the purchasers in title tor residential purposes, nor shall they apply to any municipal authority for the right to erect any residential building thereon prior to July 1st, 1984; (c) that any entrance to the property from Elgin County Road 45 will not be constructed without the written approval of the County of Elgin Roads Committe.' liS tll locatfon; (c) that any entrance to the property from Elgin County Road 45 will not be constructed without the written approval of the County of Elgin Roads Committee as to location; (d) that an l'ntrance to the aforesaid Part 3 from the road allowance (d) that an entrance to the aforesaid Part 3 from the road allowance between between the 2nd and 3rd Ranges of the River Road under the the 2nd and 3rd Ranges of the River Road under the jurisdiction of the jurisdiction of the Township of Southwold may be used or constructed with the wrrh'en approval of the Township of Southwold as to location; Township of Southwold may be used or constructed with the written approval of the Township of Southwold as to location; PAGE 3. 73 72 COUNTY OF ELGIN. ROAD COMMITTEE ~3()C ltd.. SEl<V ICLS Cui:1,l.I'.:"1'Ei r::::;j'l..jJ:J.' February Session, 1978 THHlIh RBPORT FEBRUARY SESSION 1978 To the i'la.rden and IlJernbers of the Elgin Count:.' Council, (e) That the COrporation of the County of Elgin shall have the right to The Socidl ServicesCollilittee reports as fO~lOWS: free access to and re'moval of present existing stock pile of top soil upon the aforesaid Part 3, until January 1st, 1988. 1. That th,= l("ttnr fr;,;m j!ir. Wayne Underhill re: the General ~elfare ftssistunce Act and residential care in Whitehall kesidcnce be filed. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. 2. That the Director be authorized to pay his membershlP in O.W.S.S.rl. through his Social Service Budget. ,f)" ~/! 01) 4r . / ~~.:Ci../ /f _' .~1./ 3. ~hat we adopt a budget of S528,250~OO for the 1978 operation or the Social Services Department, with the County requiring to provide $128,750.00. GllAlHMAN /! ./:' ..'~ . . ;, L ,'->t L ' c' "..i__k> /' ;(., 1 .-' .~ / /. ,:'/~ /....- c 1"" , ((, ~;. :----.... ' aLL or \-thich is respectfully submitted. ''-.f ("'7,).n , ).~ . , 1"'<-7;7- '.I . G. h:. Fett it, Chaiman. C'A<-/ l . l ' l ~ --t j y . ";~":/~ (.--'1. ~.~ '-L /I ' (((.: ii/('/ 74 EDlTW'IClfAL CUJ,:!UTTEE j,?EP(lE'l' February Session, 1978 To the viarden and Members of the Elgin County Coune il, The Educational Committee reports as follows: 1. vie recommend that the Elgin County Librery Report and the 1978 amended budget requiring $188,559.00 fror~ the COlHlt)r of Elgin, as presented by Mr. E. A. Wells, County Libraria~be accepted and printed in the proceedings. ALL of which is respectful]y submitted. I f , . . .;, .....__ 1---------..-- \r.J. F. Co,.,an, Chairman. (~C'( </ (" . , / ,,// '(' -' 75 Ele;in County Library Report 1977 Mr. Chairman, Warden Carroll, Members of the Education Committee. In 1977 the County Library circulateri 147,$$9 books, 4,632 magi\\'.Lnes, 296 filmstrips, 3,079 cassettes, 217 16 mm films, 1,515 records and 9 microfilms. In addition to, this_the Main Branch filled 1,631 reference questions, sent out 189 interlibrary loans and borrowed .201 books from other libraries for Count;y residents. We purchased 11,9:5$ volucneG in 1977. Hegular f(~atures such a~3 puppet shows, the traveling publicity group, interlibrary loans, and children's programs continued as usua One unique program this year was the County Archives Project fc orc;anizing and typing Elgin County Documents dating from before the turn of the centur-y. The project is currently employing ten people and has produced hundreds of pounds of typed documents. The documents which are the most immediately useful form the Elgin County Road Book. Thif3 book is a compilation of all the road by-laws and surveys pertaining to Elgin County which were passed in the London Di:3tri ct before ln53. ,The Library has produced this docwnent as .our annual report and you will all be receiving a copy shorLJy. The entire County Archives Project has been funded by a Canada Works Grant from the ..Tob Creation Branch of the Employnlent and Immigration C8.nada Department. Nineteen SeventY-iH"ven' s major construction project was the cow;l,ruction of ,.1 Children':'; Libra,ry at Port Stanley. With the an:Ji :;t.ance of a I'rLntario Grant the lower area of the Port Stanley LLbrnry was inmdated, panelc~d, carpeted, and a drop ceiling was ilwl:llled. Also, new shelving and new lighting WDS added. The grand opemin/'.: ce] ()bration was helqon June 18th, ",'hen Warden Dave Cook, Hon. Hon McNeU, MPP, Heave John Nemett and Board Chairman Hon '.lreen cut the: ribbon and declared the Children's Section open. As n result, the over-all circulation in the Port Stanley Library incr,:ased 87% 11'1-197'1. As YOll can :If'e, 1977 wa:3 a busy year, nnd it took a great deal of' time f'r'olll tho Board Mumb,!t':::' ^t LIlL:" LLnw I wnuld liko to thank thern personally 1'01' their a~i~Li.~3tance, parti cularly the Board Chairma Mru Green. Also I would like to thank all the County Councillors for their tim.. Lind ansist.aJlce in :197'/, all of you have been a great de'3-1 01' 11(-1)1, both DS .i neli vidual Cc:mc:Lllors Dnd as members of Cc...mty Com- ud, t LOt's. Tn parti.cul:ir I would 1 jke to thank 1:1St year's Warden, Mr. Dav(: Cook for his ]ea,hH'ship and direction. ' r would aJ so like to thank thl') ltIember~l of the Local Committoes who :H'nour liajson with tl;(~it. Cottllnurtit:ies, and our Branch Staff who wcwLed faithfuJl y during 1. "'1'1. You have before you the fjn;:lt1cial st:ltement for 19'17 and the pro posed budget for 1.9?iL Thank you. i';i n' >.. \1:1 l. ~I Lit'!'" ['Y Fil1,'-l,r:;' ::;t:;lt"t!1l:nt' 1977 ~:~~ !\!Ini~ !J:l.l,. ~:, 'r'(trIY\)c:I' 1.,1 'nf, l'I'uvi I :r';dd~ . :'./(:~;~,~-;~:i(l (;1':-IIL (C;lwI'Li:lli:') ';~!liLal"l,() Gr':,d'l't. (Brr'l1(;!J n."novnl.i,)ns) j'll1(:n "\i,:'col1an~'()un H"v"nlW !';x pl'r)(l~ DtJlnr:!.es - S'f'PL (cost Elool,s PeriodicdJ,; Boo k Pro (!o s~;J ng Iiookbinding Furn. & nx. -Main 13rf.lllchC's H(~p. & MainL. - lViain Br'anchCf3 F:(IU:J pment.; Hep. & Maint. In3uranco Library Supplios Library Association Pees L,t] ga 1 Te" s Cassettes, Records, etc. Ik)oJ.; Van Irnc1mp1oymtmt Irmurnnl;f" n .M.E.R.~J.' (':,nnda Pen:';:) on "\'],(mhorH.: - iJ:;,dn . Branches I"l:nt. - Br::mcllC1c; ;:'iI'v.i (;(",::; - - Br;,lnch(~:; ;';"/'V:iCf;S '- ~1::d.n r,(,) Cr.<I) f'fn'(',ncu f'.:xpew3Cs \'/111'\: ~11:)PF;~:~;:;~;:.1:;~13 :-;CJ'ViCClf;; fVI.a'in Branch(~:; Board Member:', sharing) Expt!ns(~ - ::~Lilf.f fJ lu(, ]V!ld,LI:d, Li. ';. 'I'. P. L - fvl.:; 1.n t,. J'),/(, 1I1,'vCI'u:11. (,nLrius 76 ()i):;:{;~:; :66 176 ,!():, .00 G,OQO.OO 'i, 11 To; .00 1,697.2(,) 66)' " I0: ~~:~~: ii;~i 3,131.72 31,.273.6'; ''I 'r(~ '~(' ) .. ,4. j. U ) ~ ' ~ )3.9\ '+,000. b\._' e/j.7.03 1,926.21 7,903.09 ------- 6,640.07 317047 6,] It 1. 4 Ii 3,730.06 336.90 (tOO. 00 7,911+ . 5 (~ 295.03 1,h77.Mj 2,Shl+.71 1,105.30 1, ('ol. 99 ')55.03 5,2$0.00 1,/,90.00 9,093005 193.'10 667.hJ. I,J 67 .f,7 j98.37 ';.69.2d 2,T'59.96 93.[W JAO.ljO 8Li.99 1,496.'19 i.lecclmboJ' 31, 1977 DaJ.ance 19'1'/ Account::; Outstandin~~ lie cCI!lllur) .!, 197'7 Est. Balancc,; 2.87,727. <1'1 Expenditures Salaries - Main Branches Board Members Expense STPL (cost sharing) Books Periodicals Book " Processing Bookbinding Furn. & Fix. - Main Branches Rep. & Maint. - Main Branches Equipment Repairs & Maint. Workman's Compensation Insurance Library Supplies Library Association Fees Legal Fees Cassettes, Records & Filmstrips Book Van Unemployment Insurance O.M.E.R.S. Canada Pension Telephone - Main & Branches Rent - Branches Services - Janitor - Branches Services - Main (23%) Conference Expenses Workshop Expenses Mailing Expenses Aux. Patron Services Miscellaneous Expenses Mileage - staff Ontario Blue Cross Mutual of Canada LTD 77 Elgin County Library Proposed Budget 1978 ~ Bank Balance December 31, 1977 (est.) Provincial Grant County Grant Miscellaneous Fines 278,3[32.71 9,34'5.26 I" )00.00 $4, <3 It 5 .26 5,500000 M,OOO.OO 188,559.00 500.00 1,700000 $283,259.00 . 77 ,682.00 41,000.00 3,000000 3$,000000 55,000.00 2,500.00 5,000000 200000 1,000000 3,000000 1,000.00 6,000.00 250.00 500.00 7,817000 3,500000 300.00 800000 700000 1,000.00 1,$00.00 3,000000 1,500.00 2,700000 5,280000 1,600000 n,ooooOO 1,000000 2,000000 1,500.00 400.00 500000 2,500.00 100.00 130.00 $283,259.00 78 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2503 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE "[ARDEN AND CLENK '1'0 SIGN OFFERS TO LEASE THE COURT HOUSE AND REGISTRY OFFICE, TO' THE I.uNJSTNY' OF GOVERNr,jENT . SJ::RY Jl'::ES:' tBEREAS the Ministry of Government Services for the Province of Ontario, wish to lease the Court House and Registry Office accomodations, presently occupied, for a period of five years, with an option to renew for a further five years. AND t~EREAS calculations have been determined by both the Ministry and the County, as to areas occupied, and suggested rental and operating expense rates per square foot. AND \'i1-IEREAS the County is now prepared to forward signed "Offers to Lease" for both the Court House and Registry Office, with rates and conditions as determined by the Property Committee, to the Ministry of Government Services for acceptance. NO~ THEREFORE the Warden and Clerk are hereby author- ized to sign the said "Offers to Lease" for the Court House and Registry Office. READ a first time this 15th day of February, 1978. READ a second time this 15th day of February, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of February, 1978. ": ,k.~ <, "--' ,( )/'-" 'oj G. C. Leverton, Clerk (;. /;>2.._ ,,- L. J? Carroll, \':arden 79 COmiTY UF i:.LC1h By-La"l No. 2504 "BEING A BY-LJl.\': 'l'O COiJFUm BY-LJlX NO. 1931 OF TIlE TC\JhSHIP OF 8J,YHJ;.M; A BY-LA''! TCJ STOP UP J..ND CLOSE At\D SELL THE POF:TION OF I<UAD ALLOVU,NCE THROUGH LCfI' 21, CONCESSION 8." VJ~E~EAS the Council of the Township of Eayham on the 5th day of December, 1977, did pass 8y-La"l No. 1931, to stop up and close and sell the portion of the road allo\-lance through Lot 21, Concession 8, lying and being situate in the TO"tnship of Bayharr., more particularly described as Part 3, on Reference Plan llR993, on file in the I<egistry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin. [,ND 'dIE}{EAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Mu- nicipal Act, the said TO"tnship By-LOl'" shall not have any force until confirmed by a By-La"l of the Council of the County in ,,:hich the TO".'nr.;hip is situated, passed at an ordinary meeting of the Council, held not later than one year after the passing of the By-La\-" by the Counci1 of the TO"Tnship. J:.J,D \.iiEr:EAS application has been made to the Council of the Corporat ion of the Cour.ty of Elgin for a By-L-a.., conf irm~ ing the said Tmmsh:ip of Be.yham By-Law. NO\: THEh:EFORE the Council of the Corporat ion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: TIlJl.T By-La", No. 1931 of the TO\-Tnship of Bayhem, being a by-law to stop up and close and sell the portion of the road alJowance through Lot 21, Concession 8, in the TOHnsh:ip of Bayham, be and the same is hereby confirmed. 1tE[~D a first time this 15th day of February, 1978. READ a second time this 15th day of February, 1978. kEI.D a third time and finally passed this 15th day of FE!bn~ary, j~ ./:-(..-~ ._~-.... ~ ,.--' , ,. ~ L. l~. Carroll, i'!arden G. C. Leverton, Clerk 80 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 1931 BEING A BY-LAW~. to stop up and close and sell a road allowance in the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1970, Section 443 (1) (c) gives authority for municipalities to sell that portion of a highway, which is so stopped up~ THEREPO~E BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of, the Township of Bayhamj 1. That portion of the road allowance throuf,h Lot 21, Concession 8, lying and being situate in the Township of Bayham more particularily described as Part 1 'on Refer- ence Plan of, Survey 11 R 993 on file in the Hegistry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin, be stopped up and closed. That the above road allowancelJe offered up and sold to 2. the abutting landowner or owners. 3. That the ~eeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute and deliver conveyance of the said lands under the Corporate Seal of the Municipality to the said abutting land owner or owners. READ a First, Second and Third Time and Finally Pa$sed this 5th. day of December, 1977. ,"") ," " --- f '4" ",/" (,/ t<:'."",/'/'" ,.' .'"'' ~,',~ ... a~( ( .... ': !{eeve -- '--~~ I, . ,', r -----7-'-- Clerk I, J.A.Petrifi,Clerk Qf: tJlG ,.Corporation or the 'rownsh~p of Bayham, hel"6by cert:i.t'y tho torgo1ne; to be a true and correc.t copy QfJ3)"-law No. 19.32. as being passed by 'the Council or t,h. Township at ,Bayham.on,DeCelIiber ,'th., 1977. "'/~A.(:->c:a,('-:' ' J. A. 'et . e, 'Clel"k-- 81 COUliTY OF ELGlh By-Law No. 2505 "BEING A BY-LA\'i TU CUNFIkl!i BY-LAVI HO. 1932 UF' THE- TO\','I~SHIP OF BAYHJ,M; A BY-LA\! TO STOP UP AND CLOSE AND SELL A ROAD hLLO\'ij~I;CE TiiROUGE LOT 114 Ii. T.k." \'.'IIEREAS the Counci1 of the Township of Bayham on the 5th day of December, 1977, did pass By-Law No. 1932, to stop up and close and Eell a road allowance through Lot 1] 4 N. T .It., lying and being situate in the Township of Bayham, more pr,r- ticularly described as Parts 3, 5, 8, 11, 18, 19 and 21 on Reference Plan llR768, on file in the Reqistry Office for the Registry ~ivision of Elgin. Arm "il1EEEAS, pursuant to the prOVISIons of the l,~unic- i~al hct the said To,mship By-La., shall not have any force until confirmed by a By-Law of the Council of the County in which the Townshir is situated, passed at an ordinary meetinglof the Council held not later than one year after' the pc:,ssing of the By-Law by the Council of the Township. M;D t1iEREE.S application has been made to the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin for a By-Law con- findng the said Tm-mship of Bayham Ey-Law. NL\. THEI;:EFCEE the Counc::,l of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: THAT By-L.aw No. 1932 of the Tm.,nship of Bayham, being a by-law tc stop up and close and sell a road a110\lCi,nce through Lot 114 N. T .h~., in the Townsh ip of Bayham,be and the same is hereby confirrried. REi,D a first time this 15th day of February, 1978. READ a second time this 15th day of Februc.ry, 1978. EEI,D a third time and finally pEossed this 15th day of P0.bruary, 1(1'/ ,.,J-"::::, --<- '_ __ _,-, ~._,_ J .. ..../,'-' 1--<' G. c. LeveI'ton, Clerk L. R. Carroll, \':arden , -, ~ r-Clerk 83 82 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY - LAW NO. 1932 COUIiTY OF ELGI I~ By-Law No. 2506 BEING A BY-LAW to stop up and close and sell a road allowance in the Township of Bayham. "BEING A BY-LAYI TO f.U'l'HORIZE TEE \fIJWl:.]; MiD CLERK TO SIGl~ !I. DEED TO Cut:VEY UJ\ IJ IN THE TO\.I;SHIP OF ;,)UUTE\'iOLD TO DUk\iARD HU!~E SlPLl:. MiD JEU, _Dl\2SY SlPLE." THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Corporati of the Township of ~ayham; \'!HEkEAS the Corporation of the County of Elgin has cJgreed to sell to Durward Hume Siple and Jean Daisy Siple, lands not needed for road allowance purposes, being composed of Part of Lot 7, Range II, West of the River Road, ln the Township of Southwold, for the sum of $10,441.00. NO'.': TIiEl~EFCRE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THA'l'the \!arden and Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized to sign a deed for the following parcel: WHEREAS the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1970, Section 443 (1) (e) gives authority for m~cipalities to se11fuat portion of a highway which is so stopped up. L That portion f\f' the road allowance through Lot 114 N. T .Ii. lying and being situate in the Township of Bayham more part- icularily described as Parts 3, 5, 8, 11, 18, 19 and 21 on Heference Plan of Survey 11 R 768 on file in the Hegistry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin, be stopped up and closed. Description of Property ALL AND SINGUUJ( that certain parcel or tract of land ano premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Southwold in the County of Elgin and being composed of Part of Lot 7, Nange II, \'lest of the P.iver I(OCid in said To..:nship, more particularly described as Part #3, P.egistered Plan 01018. The Deed to contain the following conditions: 2. 'rhat the above road allowance be offered up and sold to the abutting land owner or owners. 3. That the Reel'e md Clerk are hereby authorized to execute and deliver'conveyance of the said lands under the Corporate Seal of the Municipality to the said abutting land owner or (a) That the purchasers or their successors in title covenant not to convey anything less than the whole of the aforesaid Part 3; /y) ~ ' ,.' / ), (..' . "'!. _<1 /~., ,..' .' ~'.r' " ~"~.". ~'"' ,. . (,. .: ("e/;., (/.::/ l!;{",.A -- lieeve (b) That the lands to be conveyed will not be used by the purchasers in title for residential purposes, nor shall they apply to any municipal authority for the right to erect any residential building thereon prior to July 1st, 1984; (c) 'That any entrance to the property from Elgin County Road 45 will not be constructed without the written approval of the County of Elgin P.oads Committee as to location; (d) That an entrance to the aforesaid Part 3 from the road allowance between the 2nd and 3rd Ranaes of the River Road under the jurisdiction of the Tovmsh,ip of Southwold may be used or constructed with the written a~proval of the Town- ship of Southwold as to location; (e) That the Corporation of the County of Elgin shall have the right to free access to and removal of present exist- ing stock pile of top soil upon the aforesaid Part J, until January 1st, 1988. owners. READ a First, Second'ancl Third Time and Finally Passed this 5th. day of December,' 1977. 1.J. A. Petrie. Cl(JI'l~ or the Corporation oJ..' the 'l'ownahlp of bayharn, hOl!'Mty certitY the.forcoing tio be a ~l"'l.le and COn'9C't copy of b)'..l.trd tio. 1932 as passed by the I.:ouricil of, tns 'l'O\'Inshtp oJ:.' I!llyham on December lth.. 1977. ~ ,~ . .... ..~ .A:?O~i , J .A.P~trl0, c1er};. ~ KEAD a first time this 15th day of February, 1978. READ a second time this 15th day of February, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day or February, 1~78. '--- ~/~_"--<---< ~.J ) (-1/ 2. t." ((\-..-1 " / G. C. Leverton, Clerk L. R. Carroll, Viarden 84 CCmi'l'Y OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2507 "A BY-LA'll TO CONFIRM PI?OCEEDIllGS OF THE COUNCIL OF TIlE CORl'ORf>.TIOH OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT 'l'HE FEBIWARY SESSION, 1978." \~IEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; AND ~iEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; AND ViHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceed- ings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law; NO\': THEh'EFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Co~ncil of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of thE: Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taKen by the Council of the Corporation ot the County of Elgin at 'its meetings held during the February 1978 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Harden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding sectfon hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County ofE]gin. READ a first time this 15th day of February, 1978. READ a second time this 15th day of February, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of February, ]978. ,h/,', ;/"'~ v ,-' L G. C. Leverton, Clerk L. R. Carroll, Viarden 85 ioiarch Session - First Day viednesday, the 22nd day of l"arch, 1978 The Elgin County Council met this day' at the County I~junicipal Building, st. ThomaS, in accordance withadjoul'nment. 'l'he \;arden in the Chair. All members present except h'eeve Binks. koved by l{eeve l,icLean Seconded by Deputy Reeve Longhurst That the minutes of the February 1978 Session, of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. The following Communications were read and referred to the various Committees: From the :Township of Yarmouth with notice of application to the Ontarioi'l.unicipal Board for approval of a by-l a....' toreCl\~late land use passed pnrsuant to Sect ion 35 of ThePlann.i fl(~ Act.- E'e- ferred to the Hoads Committee. From St.evenson ('; Kellog, ;,lanagement Consul tant s, ,,,j th a memo describin'} the. Tanqe of their services to municipa.lbodies. - Filed. From j.;r. Ler. Oboki'it.a, Special As::istant to I<ohert Eaton, l':.P.P., '\-dth copy of PrJvat.e].:errlt1er.'s Bill 101, to amF.,nd the FF.,tty '.I'rp.sp;ls:: Act. - Referred to the .r:()l:rity 'Government Committee. From the TO'\-Tnshir of Yarmouth Comrriitteeof Adjustment with notice of public hearing for a mi nor variance from By-Law No. 1998, set for Thursday, March 16th, 1978, at 8:00 P.w. - keferred to the I{oads Committee. From the Minister of Just'ice and Attorney General of Cimada, with reply to Elgin's endorsement of the Resolution passed hy the Town of Collingwood. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the St. Thomas-Elgin Debt Counselling Service with appreciation of $500.00 grant. - Filed. From the Anti-Inflation Board with approval of 1978 rates for the executive, supervisory and clerical groups. - Filed. From the County of Simcoe with :resolution r,equesting the ,provincial government to retain the calendar year as the term of office of municipal councils. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From Mr. Jerry Van de Hoefwith appreciation for Elgin County Scholarship. - Filed. From the Town of h\arkham wi th resolution request inQ that Bill 119, retain the right for municipalities to, charge license fees to cover administrative and enforcement costs. - Referred to the County Government' Committee. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with J",emo No. 78-2 re: Metric Vertical Curve Table. - Referred t.o the Roads Committee. From The Tillsonburo and District Association for the !I;entally Retarded with copy of 1977 Financial Statement and ex- pressing appreciation for support. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Commit.tee. 86 From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with tentative pr00ram outline for the spring forum. - Referrerl to the County Government ~ommittee. From Johnston, Mandryk & Doyle, Barristers and Solici- tors requesting the Countv to pay for tile along the frontage of Andre Cosyns, R. R. #1, Sparta. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Ministry of Culture and Recreation with appli- cation forms and description for summer youth employment programs. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From the Township of Yarmouth with copy of a letter to The HonourAble V:illiam G. Nev.'lllan, Minister of JIgriculture and Food asking that consideration be given to providing financial aid, to persons suffering damage in the January 26th, 1978 storm. - Filed. From Daniel P. HermRns with appreciation for the Elgin County Scholarship. - Filed. From the Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority with Bullet in If 1 re: runoff adv isory. - Referred to the Roads Commi Uee. From. the Borough of Scarborough with resolution requesting the l,;inistry of'I'ransportation and Communications to investigate loss of revenues re: licensing enf6rcement for vehicles entering the Province. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications acknowledging receipt of our endorsation of the resolution from the County of Hastings re: uniform licence fees, and explaining the Province's position. - Filed. From Mr. Jim McGuigan, M.P.P., acknowledging the County's cOIl'Jllents on Bill 119, re: the licencing of auctioneers. - Filed. From The Art Gallery, St. Thomas-Elgin, with appreciation for grant. - Filed. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: requirements on ri~velopment of properties adjacent to The King's Highway System. - I~eferred to the Roads Commit tee. From Judge John F . Bennett , Provincial Court, (Family Division) with procedures re: Bill 59, Family Law Reform Act. - Referred to the Social Services Committee. From the Township of Malahide with resolution re: R.C.M.P. Security Branch and National Security. - l~eferred to the County Government Committee. From The Regiona 1 Municipality of Hamilton-1;fentworth with resolution endorsing the continued use of non-returnable metal bev- erage containers. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Ministry of Transportation and COIl'Jllunications with position on proposed severances along Provincial highways re- quiring accesses. - Filed. From Mr. Jim McGuigan, M.P.P.j acknowledging receipt of the County's support to retain the calendar year term of office for municipalities. - Filed. From YJ. Allan J. House with appreciation of the Elgin County Scholarship. - Filed. From the If.inistry of Transportation and Communications with Memo No. 78-1 with updated indexes. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 87 From the Family & Children's Services with proposed budget for 1978. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Com mittee. From the If.inistry of Housing advising that "jviobile Horn Project - Site Planning Guidelines" have been prepared and are available from the Ontario Government Bookstore. - Filed. From the l{'inistry of Transportation and Communiccd,ions offering surplus land in Lot 1, Concession 5, Township of ~Inwic Highway 401, for sale. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the University of Vaterloo advising that the foIl ing were the winners of the Elgin County Scholarships - Mr. Daniel P. Hermans, R. R. #1, Belmont Mr. Jerry Van de Hoef, R. R. 112, Springfield - Filed. From the Association of Counties and Regions of. Ontari with ACRO position on The Green Paper on Planning for Agricultur Food Land Guidelines. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the Attorney General of Ontario with acknowledgme of the County's endorsation of the resolution from the Town of Collingvlood, and copy of response to the Town and also the new amendments to the Criminal Code. - Filed. From the Ministry of Housing with revised rules of pr( cedure and minor variance applications. - Filed. From the following local municipalities with comments the interim report on the restructuring study: Township of Aldborough Town of Aylmer Township of Southwold Village of Port Stanley Village of Dutton - Referred to the Local Government Study Committee. From the Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority w invitation to attend an information evening to be held at the Longwoods Road Conservation Area, Thllr sday, j.;arch 30th, from 7: to 10:00 P.M. - Filed. from the Township of Yarmouth Committee of Adjustment with notice of public hearing for a minor variance from By-Law 1998, set for Thursday, April 6th, 1978, at 8:00 P.M. - Referre to the Roads Committee. From G. Duncan Black Limited announcing the opening c his Consulting Engineering practice in Byron and offering their services to the County. - Filed. From trr. R. A. Barrett, City Clerk-Administrator witl copy of a letter to Mr. R. G. Moore, County Engineer, requestiz' the County to petition Middlesex County to complete the reconsi tion of Road 34 and Elgin to rebuild remaining portion of Elgil Road 30. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas ( Elain with a list of Children in Care and financial statement i February 28th, 1978. - I?eferred to the Finance and ApportionmeJ Committee. Fr()m the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Live Stocl Branch, with Memo$. re: War~le Fly Control Act and Pounds Act. - Filed. 88 From the Town of Aylmer Committee of Adjustment with notice of public hearing for a minor variance from By-Law No. 21-69 set for Tuesday, March 28th, 1978 at 8:00 P.M. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Bank of Montreal advising that effective jV;arch 15th, 1978, current expenditure borrowings increased by t% to 8%%. - Filed. From the Elgin County Pioneer Museum requesting reimburse- ment for local improvements paid by the Board. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From the Township of Dum-.rich with request for adjustment on 1977 County Levy due to a reduction in assessment. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From the Ministry of Natural Resources with advice that the proposed amendments to The Tree By-Law No. 2208 are not accept- able for approval by the Minister. - J.~eferred to the Agricultural Committee. Mr. Harold Buck, Elgin County Agricultural Representative, ..,as pres~nt and it was moved by Reeve Caverly that he be now heard. He reviewed the youth exte.nsion programs and other 4-H activities for the year 1977. Crop yields were discussed with em- phasis on the disaster for the ",hi te bean industry, caused by the large amount of rain in the fall. As a result fall wheat planting was down by 10,000 .acres ..and will be replaced by corn and soya beans Soil erosion was also commented on during Mr. Buck's presentation. \'Jarden Carroll thanked Mr. Buck. A large delegation from the Ontario l?est Home Association was present and it was moved by Reeve Liebner that the Association be no", heard. Mr. M. Gillespie, President qf the Association presented their views on the lack: of health care for persons qualified for ass istance under the General \'ielfare Act. This was a formal reauest for lhe County to extend the health care program for its citizens for custodial care. He. presently has some twenty documented cases of persons .who h~ve been denied assistance. In the event the County does not 'choose to enter into this program, it is the Association's intention to take the matter to court. Nr. Gillespie answered ques- tions asked by members pf Council. \'iarden Carroll referred the mat- ter to t~eSoc:ia.l .Services Committee. The Repdrt of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Green and adopted on motion of Reeve Green and Reeve Liebner. The I?eport of the Property Committee was presented by Def'uty I?eeve stewart and adopted on motion of Deputy R.eeve Stewart and Deputy l?eeve Cowan. . The First Report of the Finance and Apportionment Committee was presented by Reeve ~averly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caverly and keeve ;.lcLean. The Second Report of the Finance and Apportionment Com- mittee waspr~sented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caverly and ReeVe Green. The Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee was presented.by Deputy Reeve Shaw and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Shaw 3.nd Deputy Reeve.Shackleton. 89 Moved by heeve Cook Secor led by b'.~eve Caverly That we hold a special Elgin County Council in the fu- ture to discuss the restructurinq report before any briefs are submitted to the c(')lOmittee fro:n the participating municipalities awl the briefs be considered at this meetinn. - Carried. Each municipality was alloHed to hrina a ,?\l("st to the karcl1 ~;ession. The j(eeves introduced themself, their Deputy and nuest for the benefit of the visitors. j',ioved by Deputy },eeve Shaw :'..>econded by keeve Cook- Thi'lt we do now arl,iourn to meet again Larch 22, 1978, at ? : 0 UP. ).1. - Carried. Council he-Convened. The heDort of the Anricultural Committee was presented h" h~eve Cook cHId adopted on motion of l<eeve Cook and Reeve Caverly The Th i:rd J<eport of the Fi na nce and Appor t ionment Com- mittee was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of r:eeve Emerson and ]<eeve Cook. The Report of the Soc:ial ~ervices Committee was presentee by Deputy Reeve Pettit and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Pettit and Reeve McLean. The Report of the County Government Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Bradf ield and adopted on motion of l<eeve Brddfield and Deputy Reeve Sh~w. The l':eport of the J<eception and Entertainment Committee WdS presented by Deputy Reeve Lotus and adopted on motion of Dep- uty ].:eeve Lotus and Deputy I<eeve Shaw. Loved by Reeve Li ebner :Jeconded by Reeve Emerson That Elqin County Council support the Thames Valley l~alth Council in its effort to oet the Provincial Grant to the Elain-St. Thomas Health Unit raised from 50% to 75%; and further that Elqin County Council reguest the Ministry of Health, send a representative to the April Session of Elgin County Council to discuss \-laYS and means by which the Elgin-St. Thomas Health t!nit can be given the increase in its grant from 50'10 to 75")'0 and that a copy of th s resolution be sent to the Thames Valley District Health Counc 1, the Honourable Dennis Timbrell, Ron f.:cNeil ji..P.P., and Jim J,jcGu ("Ian M.P.P. - Carried. J.:oved by Deputy Reeve Lotus ~econded by Deputy Reeve Shackleton That By-Law No. 2508 "Being a By-La.., to Establ ish the Percentage Share of Each Il.unicipality \iithin the County of Elgin and Mount Required for County Purposes for the Year 1978" be read a first time. - Carried. 90 91 Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lotus That By-Law No. 2508 be read a second time. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD CO~~ FIRST REPORT - Carried. MARCH SESSION 1978 ~oved by Deputy Reeve Lotus Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit That By-Law No. 2508 be read a third time and finally TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF COUNTY COUNCIL: passed. YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: - Carried. WE RECOMMEND: Moved by Deputy Heeve Shaw Seconded by Deputy Reeve Shackleton That By-Law No. 2509 "/.. By-Lavr to Conf irm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the j'larch Session, 1978" be read a first time. 1. That the resolution from the Borough of Scarborough requesting the Ministry of Transportation and Connnunications to investigate the loss of Provincial Revenues resulting from the lack of adequate enforcements - Carried. of its regulations relating to the licencing of vehicles entering the hioved by Deputy Heeve Shackleton Seconded by Deputy l~eeve Shaw Province from other locations be filed. That By-Law No. 2509 be read a second time. 2. That the resolution from the City of Stratford requesting the Ministry - Carried. of Transportntion and c.,m1lTlUnl.c:ltl.onfi to <,nact l<'f\ifil:ltfon to rcquf.r<> Jljoved by Deputy l'(eeve Shackleton Seconded by Deputy Reeve Shaw That By-Law .No. 2509 be read a third time and finally all Municipal and Province owned vehicles to have their headlights illuminated while in motion between November 1 and March 31 be filed. pa ssed. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. - Carr ied. j,;oved by Heeve V/ilson Seconded by Reeve McBlien ,...::'} //j /:~ (l// >Yr/-;:;;cee.'J [( .1!lf..-t!r.?:~l-/ I That we do now adjourn to meot again on April 19, 1978, at 1 0 : 00 A .l,l. CIIAIRMAN - Carried. (~.-c::.. /1.1.. v' .,,/ c.~-"'l.-,.)-,.....-(, /'; , /' .- \.".1' 'vl...{-'i.... .,/ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 1. 1<' Carroll, \'/arden. 92 } ;.:. :J!':~:TY CC\j,TI'':;'EE !.:EHit:' 97 I,:arc:h Session, 1978 FTJJ:r':E [,::D i\IH'}"Tl, ~.,.f"j'1 CC'; ::,:1TTEE r~E]C:.J_ March Session, 1978 T}{lj: D J-:EH ET '1'0 the \'iarden and /.iernbers of the };1c::in County Council, The Property Committee rerorts as follows: '1'0 thF; 1;,r.Yden and L0rr;hers of tl,p F.lgi n C());~ty Ccnr:c:; 1, 1. The ;-;'ir.t.:"c"" and Aprc::rticmpf'l"-I- CC:!1r.1ittee rerorts as fallovls: That Uw P:rop~_'rty Insurance be al tend as f011 0\-15 : Jail J3tlild:nq - reduced to $15,OOO.()U fr<.11 SlOG,OOO.l'O. G"rage - increased frcl", $5,OOO.UO tc: $lC,ODU.C!O. 2. That thE! fcllm'J.!ng Expenditures, ~;eceirts ar:d Tay. L(>\'y be incorporated into the 1978 Budget of the County of Elnin: 1. ThEt the list of c:,i1drer in caye a,^"rl Fir:,:,nsiaJ Stct,,:ment to Febn:iH)' ?Eth, 197fJ fr0!'" the F2r<:j]:r c!"ci (')-,ildrey','E' ~:eryi('E"S of st. Thomas and Elgin be filed. EXl'E:m ITU!~ES !-:E(:E ]1'::.'8 rllr~.-: L~:V~ 2. 'l'::at the grant to tr,p Elgin Com,ty P~oner.::r 1,\::::Cll!1' be jpcrcc-'se:i by 'ii237.15 to :reimbc!'fip then' for locel j,:c1:-'revem0nts re~de to sideweJks en Talbot Street. :';!X] shy ('-f f i Cf' ('ou t ::ClI!'E' kaint€r,ecnce Ld~ nistration Euildinas ~tce. 5,]00.UU ~5,OOO.UO 14,000.00 5, ]CIO. ()O 2R,5('C.OO ?'G,500.( 14 , 0[10. I 3. We rpconmen~ that any revision il" the 1077 C0~~ty I e..,:'], ref'."] t:i n() freT:' an error in rerort in<;; of th", e.'7~E!] i:?:0d c.f'~C>~~!r'~:1t. fer n(~ ':'n!~~~r.ip of Dum;ich, be left ,:; ;i::'Gyance ~~;~:I~~i~U~~~(S(;;~h:'~~~u~~~~ ~~.~~i ~h l:~'i~~t~~n::::r~:~ i ~Ti ~~: nic:pJl:ities, 0y.oert those listpd in Here 3, req"E~:j,^,,; -them ~~ ()~~,~;\~':J r~;;';':p; 9~: ~:~~g Z~~f'~'-~~~~'!1';,:;/~~~~:~~. f0T e.PfO:r- ~ecovery of rentals ~esprve fer Capita] EXfenJitures 3~', 27~. ('0 3~', 27 ~. ['U (cr) 39,275.! :JCl,27~.1 :.LL of vUch is refpe(:tfu~]y submitted. id,J O,f: wr,ic:: iG n~!::r-ectftlJly sUDm~tted. . ~~LmD 2}~f/i:;!:'.~; ~:i: rt, ~~'1'~ /- ' (g.,/J.'t.--.--C/ ' /~~ ,) ~'J(.i>Jd-<'7J K. C. Ereerscl", Acting Chairman. tv ~:: /L~~: ~/ e.A/!/L'~/ ~" / ., t . .. c/'1 .. ,," f-'/ / .(/< '~~ &/;,. (/ 98 sue Il,L tiEiN ICES Ct.) :1-.l'l'TEE h:EI-'ORT 99 COt:I~TY GOVEI:!:i.E!:T CO;(l,:ITTEE I?i;r (:'1' March Session, 1978 ~arch Session, 1978 To the \Varden and l'[,embers of the Elgin County Council, To the v:arden and tJ:eI:\berE: of the Elg::'n County Council, The Social Services Committee reports as follows: The County Government Cormni ttee reports as fol] O'\-!s: 1. That the letter from Judg(' Jo1:.. F. P"'1nett, Pro- vincial Court (Family Divis:ion) -.-l::.f,l }:'I::,c:ed'..lHS 1'e: Bil] ~9, Fard 1:,/ La\-l l'~ef('rn; [\ct, t'e referred t c I.Ir. tr-. J. He~ncssey, County Solicitor, for his opinion. 1. That we recommend that 1'1;1'. Robert rotten, I'r..F.P., be advised that this Council endorses his Privute ;,:e::u:er's Bill 101, to amend the Petty Trespass Act. 2. That He recommend that rr.e::1bershir be taken out in thE< Ontaric 1\'!lInic::'pal Social Services iissociation for the County of Elgin ~t a cost of $130.CO~ 2. That the reply frc'm the l/Jini ster of _Tustice and i.ttoTr1ey General of Canada ackno..lledging t[,e endon,er.-Ient of the 'l'c\m of Col] ing\-iOod's resolution be f:i.led. 3. Thut U.e Director be autr.or:!zed to attend tr.e Cn- tenia Municipe:l ~;ocial Services Assoc:io.tion Conventicn :in June, in \'iindsor, \-1i t:r, tb^" usual convention e:>:pense5 p::, i::J. 4. Thnt ;'!~> recor:mwnd that He do not pClrticipcte, i:.t t1:is time, in a program of subsidizing persons under tte Ceneral Welfare Act residing in a do~iciliary hostel. :3. That the resoluti on from the County 0':: Simcoe re- questi!1g the F:rovince to r0ta~!1 the pref:ent C",lcrC:2Y ye<':'.r i:'.R E term of office for municir~! councils be endorsed. 4. That the reE:('.'Jutio:'1 from the ':'0..[:" 0:: :::. l:hf..m re- que t ng the Kini.stry cf Treasury Econonics R~~ ~ ~sTGov~rn- ~~~ e~c~f~~:i ~~'Ci ;~/n~~~s~,r: f;~~ 1 t ~l ;~v:;'~ a~;r~~ l' ~"-7:.:~i ~;d enf e~ent costs for all li~o~sing progra~s h~ ]nd. 5. T!~[..t the F/:hC -:rnt~-~-::VE. pro~ram ou!.Jir_~1 ~!~.~1 yeqib.. tTr'itic~; fOTTI'S fer the h.rriJ ?r:':l - 4th srring fCY1JT:! j~ Tcrc:::d:c }-.~, f j led. ldJ., of ..,hich is respectfully submitted. 6. That the rE'solutiec' :=rcm the To',;nsLi. of l::llt,hjde requesting immurdty for th~ r:.C.I,:.P. Secllri.ty ri':lc!-; h.'T rest trFf'r'~SSeF in the interest c! I!c:.tlone:l ~;ecuTit and to helve a;!'!erd.'n~.'nts mi".de to the law 'tc a] 10..7 for effert YS' i:"vesti:--o.- tions ~.:i thout such trespe.sses be endorsed. ~ 7. That. tr~e resolution from The J<egioncl l'>J!ddf'ilJ:i.ty of F:'l'1il ton-\:e:1h:crth support ine:! the cont :i_nu,,'d use of ncn- returncblp metal beverage containers be filed. ""/ 1 .'-., )/1, /' i )"'-:'2~7-7' . , .1\1,1. of which b :'espcctfully submitted. G. R. Pettit, Chairman. ~/~/vi.t~ _,:/ ,~l/l~ 6~~/1A'~{/ .----..-;/ -') ..--; / f - , ". / i / - ) 1/-;/ ({,/. ~ ,:I R. T. Bradfiel~, Chairn~an . {.....<<./l/V'L<---el ,~~ t:1AA---</ / ./ ) I--Z" ','\ ('- h"1 93 FIJJ~;(':: ,'f) ;,rJ-'C}.:T IOIJl,:EJ "2.' CU,;;, ri'l';,;:,. }~EF( ET 100 PEe'E!'':': 1,13 il.J"ID El!TERTJ,JJ!j,,::::::':' r:('",;:lTTEE RFr\ ,],'i' March Session, 1978 if-arch Session, 1978 FIRST REP(:J~T To the \'Iarden ar.d ~';E'mbers of the Elgin County Council, Thp RRcertio~ Rnd Entertainment ('om~jttee rerorts as follows: To the \!arden and J,;",!~hers of the Elgin C01.:nty Council, The Finance and Apfcrtionment Committee reports as follows: 1. Th&t the Elgin County :;01 day !)€ held at Flec~:'lnt VaIl ey Golf ('()1.~rse on Thursday,.!:' J 11th, 1978, and +hAt th" llzUEl invitatif'r.F be sent out, and hat COl:nty C011nf'il1ors De "l1m'Ted to hrir~ a Guest,w:ith tef' 0: time 1:00 P.:;. 2. Thct the Warden's EanquFt be held on FridfY, Nc~c~bcr ?rd, 197P at +hp Tntern~tional Club ~n hldDornugh Tcwrshi~. 1. That the 1978 Budget of the FaTT'ily and Children'5 Services of St. Tho~RS and Elgin req1.:iring $55,n62.0n from the County of Elgin he approved. 2. That the letter and 1977 financial statement froIT the Ti Ilsonbura a;1(' District i\ssociation for the hientall v Retarded be filed. . l~LL of which if.:' :rel"r)€ctf-ul1y s-uh!"it:t:>s. 3. That omips of the af'plicAtion forms and rlescr~r- tinn for SUmmf>T ;'r'uth emf'loymEmt programs from the j\';inistry of Culture and ~e~T~0tjon he forwarded to all County Depart- ments for their inf(}n~f;tion. 4. \ie recorr.Jri€?W' that anv revisio!" in the 1977 Count" Levy, rf'lsultinq fron An error in the reportinQ of the equai- i7.ed assessment for +he '['o\<'nsl1ir' of South1'101d, he left in 8beyance and cRlcul~te~ in conjunction with the adjustment required for the Tm:nshi!" of Yarmouth. (( ~ '':.. ~. i.LL of which is respectfully submitted. E. f. Lotus, Chairrr>an. C-a/Y1AJ:--f.! / 4~,,- t:/tt~V >~ // ,'/ / . (/~/1 // I { (;/ 'f---- '-'vI. ~. Caverly, Acb,ng Chairma,n. ' U /Y!A-C--r../ 5/' ~ / A,,/'vJ ---.:. & /v/.'-- V .V 94 COUNTY RATES - COmITY OF ELGIN FIN:1NCE AND APP02TIONI,iENl' C:O:.j].;IT'rEE REPORT ;,iarch Session, 1978 SECOND REPORT '.20 the ":arden and !,]embers of the Elgin County Council; 1. The CO;\'iMITTEE on Finance and Apportionment beg leave to report that having inquired into Finances of the County, and estimates prepared by the County Treasurer, they herewith submit a statement of the expen- ditures required for the lawful purposes of the County during 1978 and showing the amount required to be raised fOI the undermentioned purposes: Your CO.\.iJ'.,I'ITEE would recommend that the sum of One j,';illion, :~ix Hundred and Ninety Thousand, Nine Hundred and Thirty Dollars be raised on all rateable property in the several municipalities of the County of Elgin cluring the year 1978, for County purposes and this amount be levied on the several municipalities in the County of Elgi~ on the basis of the appor- tion!':lent as determined under Section 507 of 'l'he ;,:unicipal Act and that a by-law adopting this budget and apportionment be prepared. :\.11 of which is respec:tfully submitted. 1978 Estimated Expenditures ~-)upplelaentary Taxes :v Recovery of ~entals Property Tax dtabilization Grant Council l.;embers 75,000. ''ld.':linistration oalaries 76,000. lidministra tion oupplies /}, Services 20,008. I\.dr:>.inistration Buildings ;,;tce. 14,000. Court house ~tce. 55,000. (,rants .iiscellaneous J-.xDenses County Roads . Children's Aid ciociety 91,500. 2,000. 2,778,000. 55,062. Elc:in J..Ianor - Operating - Debenture Terrace Lodge - Operating - Debenture 1,29F,?4r:. 53,530. 583,793. 157,740. 30,000. 20,000. 8,000. 27,000. 5,100. 187,595. 188,559. 30,000. 528,250. 62,953. 1,000. nank Interest Discount on County Rates Taxes "uTi tten Off ,\gricul ture i(egistry Office Heal th Unit County LirJrary Land Division Social ...iervices Continqencies ]';,osqui to Control Reserve for Capital Expe~ditures 39,275. Reserve for Working Capital 15,000. ~eserve for Sick Leave Benefits 11,643. ~6,418,240. 1978 Estimated Receipts 15,000. 39,275. 90,000. cr ..;; ("r. ("r. J(178 Tax Levy 15,000. 39,275. 90,000. 75,000. 7,500. 613,500. 20,00LJ. 14,000. 25,500. 28,500 2,078,000. 91,500. 2,000. 700,OUO. 55,D62. 1,183,442. 112,79[,. 53,530. 66, U ~1O . 157,74D. 517,713. 30,000. 20,000. 8,000. 27,000. 5,100. 15,000. 399,500. 187,595. 183,559. 15,000. 128,75&. 68,953. 1,000. 39,275. 15,000. 11,643. ';2,039,210. 348,280. ,;>1, 69U. 93U. $4,379.030. From Surplus Net Levy /? IfJ , ~ ()~~ /1, / ~',?/ //-: 'h ' / 0 ~e,J::,) <./" f I {;'C~1.---c...~c:/ k",~ <"/; . // &-2~"., .....t~;/ 95 HGJ.:E:" FOh ~ii:'::; H;r.: CITIZE1JS C(jj;j.;I'l"l'EE hLl 'l;!'~T March Session, 1978 To the \larden and I>;ember s of tne Elg in County Counc il, The Homes for oenior Cit izens Comrnittee reports as follows: 1. The follo\-Ting changes were made in the insurance coverage for the Homes for ::-,enior Citizens: Automobile Fleet - increused from $l,OOO,OOU to $S,ODO,OOO ilddi ticm.::--.l of thf~ tnictor at Terrace Lodae to the Equir'1lfOnt Floc, tel'. - 2. That the resolution from the Regional iviunici:pali ty of Durham, opposing the repeal of certain sections of the l-!omes for the Aged and EestEomes Act and The Coroners Act, w~th regard to reporting the death of a resident be endorsed. 3. A m{~eting has been requested ,dth U,e To'.mshipof Southv,cld Council to attempt to resolve the watermain issue at Elqin i.,anor. 4.. Tr,e Director and J\ssistant Administrator have bE~en authorized to visit a drop-in centre in Toronto and Cv.en Sound to rcvie,-J the operations and bookkeeping systems in use. 5. \':e rE'corfJ:1end that the expenditurE' for the r:r::.ving at, Terrace Lod(;e be paid through the Building Account and the an:re.priat.ion made in the 1978 operating budget of Terrace Lodge be tranFferrcd to the Building Account for subsidy pur- poses. b. The Director, Ass istant Administrator and the Dieta'ry S':.1l'erv isor hilve been author ized to attend the Hotel and Res- taurant Show, in Toronto during Arr il,. wi th expenses paid. ' ALL of wl~ich is respectfully submitted. ,.-'7 <.~ " .~;..L '."-- '\ ,r'e~'.~r,' /-" {., \.~ . / L. J. S ", ~ Chairman. ...--., C::---a, ./ J.,'c.. .t~C /' h1-~ C~/' / By-1.'1'.-1 No. 2508 "BEIlJG Ii BY -LA\'[ TO EST1..~LJS)j TilE PEI?CENTAGE S:-JJlliE OF Ei\CH ll;UNlCIPh \:ITiJIN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND AMOUNT REOUIRED FOR COUNTY PURPOSES THE YEf,R 1978." vrnEREAS under Section 507(4) of The ~unicipal Act, the C of a County shall, in each year, on or before the 1st day of April by-law, determine the percentage share that each municipality shal tribute for County purposes and also the amount each shall provide County purposes in that year. AND WHEREAS in accordance with the above Section the fol ing rercentages have been established: gUNICIPALITY EQUALIZED ASSESS1~E1IT PEJ~CEN'l'AGE Aylmer $ 45,303,530 10.57 Belmont 6,397,315 1.49 Dutton 8,156,501 1.90 Port Burwell 5,566,251 1.30 Port Stanley 19,663,474 4.59 Rodney 8,962,221 2.10 Springfield 2,629,577 .61 Vienna 1,546,306 .36 \'!est Lorne 11,150,459 2.60 Aldborough 34,132,282 7.96 Bayham 37,412,455 8.73 South Dorchester 16,196,~52 3.78 ThJn~ich 20,629,654 4.81 J,;alahide 53,781,303 12.55 Southwold 84,757,433 19.78 Yarmouth 72,313,007 ~ $428,598,120 100.00% AND ViEEREJi.S an estimate has been made shO\-.'inathe sum of !'f.illion, Six Hundred [. Ninety Thousand, Nine Hundred 8-Thirty Dol] is re~uired to be raised in the several municipalities for the law purpose of the County during the year 1978, on the basis of the ab percentages. ' Nav! THEREFOI~E the Council of the Municipal Corporation 0 County of Elgin enacts: THAT the amounts as set forth belO\-l property by the several municipalities in the year 1978: 1.:1..1 N IC I PI'.L ITY DUE TOTAL AMOUNT JULY 20/78 $ 178,731.30 $ 89,365.65 25,194.86 12,597.43 32,127.07 16,063.84 21,982.09 10,991.05 77,613.69 38,806.85 35,509.53 17,754.77 10,314.67 5,157.34 6,087.35 3,043.68 43,964.18 21,982.09 134,598.03 67,299.02 147,618.19 73,809.10 63,917.15 31,958.58 81,333.73 40,666.87 212,211.72 106,105.86 334,465.95 167,232.98 285,259.89 142,629.95 $1~690,930.00 $845,465.06 ~E~D a first time this 22nd day of March, 1978. READ a second time this 22nd day of March, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 22nd day 96 l\CP}C!"l'~"Jr)iJ~ CC!~lT~"I'E~~ )~E! (;''1' J.:ElrCn ~~ess] on, 1978 To the ~arden and Merebers of the Elgin County Council, T),0 Agricu1tura.l Cor.unHtee reports as fo]]o~..'n: 1. That the H~l~O [ocition on The Gn'cn Fape! C!" na.n- r,::,nc; for h::;rict:1ture: F(.'~'d Ln:d G'..:ideliJ'1es ~-p f't1r'r'ortE::l. 2. That the repJy ~rom t~e l:i:dstr;.' f r-':etural k(,f'Cl:r~'(; To: By-l.a\'.' ):0.2208-, tc c:me!'.d the '1'1'('(' :3::-::',.' :,0. :'497, b~~ n?ferred to Ih. 1"J. J. )7cr,nessey, COl:nty ::"01 .::i:or, for hifi cc:".~:ents . 3. \;e recommend thet a grant of $4,3flC'.('I() be made to tne loca) Aaricultural office for farm orccnizaticn~ ard J~nior Farm~rs and Institute groups in th~ County of Elgin fer 1978 2nd f~r a 4-H hanquet in the fall. J.~y the El~A:tr~~~~:~l~n~]~:,~~~r~~~ r~~~~Lo~;o~= ~;,:(,;Ct~\;E'r'~~~V~~~~ E'.E1 re~t~ i !"P-:l.. .r'.Ll, of ,.,)-- ic~, is n!ST'E'ct:llJ 1;: :S'J~:'~!d tted. -----' ///. L // ,.>1 / " ' c_. (~. - -, /~..Lv , D. L Ceo):, Chairm<'ln. Aylmer Belmont Dutton Port BUT\-lell Po:d Stanley kod:tey Springfield Vienna \'jest Lorne f11 dborough Bayham South Dorchester Dum-rich !.:a lahi de Southwo1d Yarmouth . --11 " c..<.::/l/lA.~ .'/ ~~ t~~/ .------=::=i:;:-/~- '-L .'-- c.... /~;> \./' 101 Cf_':;'::Y OF ELGIN ~'1~ v L. R. Carroll, Harden &~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk be levied on all rat County of Elgin for DUE DECEJv:BER 20/78 8!l,3b5.b5 12,5!l7.43 16,063.83 10,991.04 38,800.84 17,754.76 5,157.33 3,043.67 21,982.09 67,299.01 73,809.09 31,958.57 40,666.86 106,105.86 167,232.97 142,629.94 $845,464.94 of J.)arch, 1978. 102 C()l1NTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2509 "A BY-LAy! TO CONFII~M PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNCIL OF ThE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE WJARCH SESSION, 1978." ''I1IErmAS b~l Section 9 of the r.:unicipal Act, being Chap- tel' 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 of the Mu- nicipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ont:nio, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; AND WHEl>!EAS it is deemed expedient that the proceed- ings of the Council of the Corporation of the County 01 Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law; NO\'i TrlE}~EFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recomnendation contained in the keports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the March 1978 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such pro- ceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The ,,,'arden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the pre- ceeding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all docume~ts necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 22nd day of March, 1978. READ a second time this 22nd day of March, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 22nd day of r.~arch, 1978. ~-/'L-<~'~ 'r~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. .~~ Ca~~' v L. R. Carroll, "iarden. 103 ii.pri 1 ~;eSSlon - First Day tednesday, the 19th day of April, 1978 The Elgin County Council met this day at the County I.',unicipal building, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All members present except Reeve Emerson and Reeve Lashbrook. !.;oved by I?ceve Nemett ~.>econded by I?eeve Lake Thilt the minutes of the March 1978 Session of the Elain County Council be adopted. - - Carried. The follo-..;:inq Cor:ununications were read and referred to the various Committees: From the TO\-lDship of South\-Jold with notice of application to The Ontario Iilunicipal Board for apPl'oval of a by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. _ r<efened to the !(Qads Committee. From the E,'mk of 1i;ontreal advising that effective F.pril ~;th, 1978 the Bank's Prime Municipal rate was increased by l% to 94~;~" - Filed. From the followinQ local municipalities with comments on the interim report on the restructuring study: Township of Bayham Township of Yarmouth Township of Dunwich _ kef erred to the Local Government Study Cooonittee. From The Icegional Municipality of Durham with resolution petitioning the Government of the Province of Ontario to finance the incleased cost of llealth Care from the general revenue. _ li'eferred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From the Office of the Solicitor General of Canadaac- knovlledgina receipt of the resolut ion concerning the R. C. lij. P. - Filed. From I\~r. John \Vise, i.1. F., acknm-:ledging receipt of the resolution concerning the R. C. M. P. - Filed. FroIn Gunn, Upsdell 8 Dick, Barristers and Solicitors, o with results of prosecution of Mr. McPhail, under the Tree By-Law. - h:eferred to the Agricultural Co:mnittee. From Mr. Jim ~;cGuigan, If.. P. P.,acknowledging receipt of the resolution re: the Elain-St. Thomas Health Unit's rate of subsidy. - Filed. - From the International Joint Commission, International li'eference Group On Great Lakes Pollution From Land Use Activities, advising that they have materials available for public distributior and display purposes for fairs and also announcing a public consul. tation panel to be held April 17th at the Holiday Inn, Wellington Road, London. - Filed. From the County of Grey with resolution concerning SUPPOl for Bob McKessock's l'rivate l..;ember's Bill re: reducing the plannir area of the Niagara Escarpment. - Ii'eferred to the County Government Committee. 104 From the Ministry of Transportation and Co~~unications with memo re: Municipal Roads Seminar. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From Mr. Murray J. Hennessey, County Solicitor, with a copy of a reply to the Ministry of Natural kesources on By-Law No. 2497 to amend Tree By-Law No. 2208. - Referred to the A<tricul- tural Committee. From the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovern- mental Affairs, Local Government DiviFicn, with Bulletin No. 2 re: Conflict of Inten:st in Municipal Government. - Filed. From the Treasurer of Ontario with remarks made to the P.M.L.C. by the Provincial Auditor on the Audit Act, 1977. - Filed. From the Ministry of Agriculh:.re and Food advi~inCJ that the Rural Employment Incentive Program will not be reneHed for 1978. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Ministry of the Attorney General witt com~Ants by the IVIinistry of Government Services on the Public Insi.i t.utions Inspection Panel recommendat ions re: the Court House. - ](eferred to the Property Committee. From Mr. R. K. McNeil, M.P.P., acknowledging receipt of the letter to the Honouranle D. R. Timbrel] re: increased sl.1bsidy for the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit. - Filed. }'rom the County of Kent advising tl:eir liaHten's Banqm~t to honour \'/arden Glenn Miller wi.ll be held Saturday' evening, IJovemr.ej 4th, 1978, in Chatham. - Filed. From A.C.R.G. with Spring Forum Newsletter. - Filed. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Surveys and Plans Section, with ~otice of Assumption P-1917-51B, re: Highway 19, TO\.rnship of Bayham. - Referred to the Roads Com- mittee. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with memo re: subsidy for municipal drainage assessments - Counties and Regions. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Ministry of Natural Resources with submission made to the Royal Commission on Electric Power Planning (Porter Commission). - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the County of Lambton with resolution requesting existing legislation to be amended to provide that Property Tax Rebates may be used for arrears of maintenance. - Referred to the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee. From the Ministry of Agriculture and Food announcing a ...reed inspector's meeting in Guelph on Thursday, May 4th, 1978. - Referred to the Agricultural Corr~ittee. From A.C.R.O. with reservation forms for the A.C.R.O. convention to be held in Sudbury, October 15th - October 18th. - Filed. A delegation from the Elgin and St. Thomas Housing Author- ity composed of the following persons were present: Mr. J~oss Harrison, Chairman Mr. Buck Eggenberger, l;.anager Mr. Vince Cook, Branch Manager, Ontario Housing Corporatio Mrs. Susan McCormick, Area Wnnager, O. H. C. It was moved by Reeve Caverly that they be now heard. 105 kr. Ross Harrison read a brief, previously forwarded to members of Council, offerin('l three alternative proposals regardinq f;enior ci,ti.zen assisted housin<} for Elqin County. Mr. Harrison and other DP.C"sons in the delecwt'ion ansvlered questions asked by members o( counci.l. \\drden Carroll referTE!d the matter to the Finance iind J,pportionment Committee. Dr. Stanley R. Li'iD(], j'.,.D., C.!',I., D.P.H., Area tliedical Cffi.cEr, Corrrr,unHy Health l'rotect1on Branch, Mi.nistry of Health was pref;crn <It the request of Couf\cil and it W"S moved by Deputy l<eevE; Glove}' tl1at he be no,,' hearo. lh. Lang revie'.:ed the criteria estRblished in the mid 1960's for HaRlth Units to receive the 75~ suhsidv. . i'(T';~l,ldtl,?ns 0; lO~.'OUL t.? l~O,OOC,wHe, set. iJsa,d~sir- hLle level. .he 1101n-Jt. ~h0m6~ 'ea~th UnIt sunsIay of JO~ we,dd he ;]1 "'! iblp tor the additional 25% if amalClct',i3t ior, wfth another ("C'lJ!,tv unit or i1S a result (:;f restructurina. It was rerDrteri th0t" there were only a total of six units reCeiVIng a ~()o/ su'h"vly. Dr. L"w~ askan many C!~esti.ons frow members of council. ,( i'H'vised tbat if council wished to -nUIsue it fur- ther jn 0n ~:fC'rt to conVInce the iinister tte ~resent rate of subsidv \:i',f' 1.[:',,)1. <, mE€tInn could he arranf1ed. '['lip. \'Iarden thanked ~T. I -p~ ~nd referre~ th~ matler to the Finance and i'lPT,ort 1 O!ll>"li t (;()'~,mi 1: 1: ee. The, j:er:ort ::,f tile 1'('1'(:0 .for ~enior Ci t i7.ens Committee \'/dlc; r,re,;E,n+(,:' hy Der:;uty ReeVf~ ~,hi'J\" "nr) ado!=,ted on motion of Dep- uty Leeve ";hi,\: and .!:1erut.y heeve ;,nc;cYleton. 'i'jiP First kep0r1' of tlLe Count v G0vernment Comntittpe 11/85 r're~:',j,t ed r:v 1':E'P.VE: "Tndf ield And adonted on motion of }':eeeve j--Ti:l(jfH~l(j ;ind r.;,eve (~TE-en. ' TU" j((,POl't of the l€Isnnnel Committee ,{as presented by l':eeve I.aye ond doopted on motion of J(eeve Lake fine! Deputy l-~(:eve GJ over. The First h'eport of the l'oads Committee ..!as presented by Reeve ~Teen and adorted on motion of Reeve Green and Reeve Hradfield. Moved bv h'peve ~ilson ~:>eccndE,;j hy Der:uty !-:FE:Ve Pet tj t Tnat we do nov,' adjourn to meet aOi1in Apri.l l~, 1978, at 2: D (j l-. ;. . - Can ied. Council Re-Convened. The E'eport of the Finance and Apportionment Committee was presented hy Reeve Rinks and adopted on motion of Reeve HInks and Reeve nradfie~d. The J<eport of the ilgr icultural Commi tteee was presented by l<eeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caverly and l<eeve rr een. 'l'he h'eport of the Property Committee \-las presented by Deputy l':eeve ~)te\-lalt. ;i;oved by Dq:uty r:eeVE Ste,,'art beconded by lJef'uty Reeve :'::>hackleton That the Report of the Property Committee be adopted. r.;oved by Deputy Eeeve Glover Seconded by j;'eeve Bradfield That item 3 of the Property Report be amended by de- letinq everything after "1978". - Carried. - Carried. 1(,)] 106 The amended Report \-Ias then voted upon and it was i'loved by l{eeve Lake 0econded by Deputy Reeve Longhurst That By-Law No. 2511 ":deinq a By-LaH to Establish the 5eJlary of the El(1in County Social Services Director" be read a first time. carried. The Second Report of the County Government Committee was presented by Reeve Bradfield and adopted on motion of ~eeve Bradfield and Reeve Liebner. fuoved by Deputy Reeve Stewart Seconded by Deputy l<eeve CO\viJn - Carried. That we go into a Commi tteE~ of the \'!hole. !:;oved bv j':eeve \iilson 0ccondcd by j,eeve Lake - Carried. TrVlt Ry-Lmrl No. 2511 he read a second time. - Carried. '['he \,,'orden appointed Reeve (~reen as Cha irmun cf' the Committee of the Whole. A discussion took place on the removal of the Jail l'l;oved bv !:pf>ve Lake Seconded by ~eputy keeve Lonc;hurst ~hAt By-Law No. 2511 be read a third time and finally l,ml1. L'oved bv I.:eeve Liebner :,"'("!onde~l by Deputy tceeve Stewart passed. - Carried. That the Comnittec of the \'Ihole rise and rer'ort. - Carried. koved by Peeve Car.tpbel1 .::Jeconded bv ])f~puty l<eeve Cowan That 3y-La\>1 No. E;512 "Beina a By-La\-1 to Establish the Si:lli"rv of the Director of the Elain County Homes for Senior Citi~~ns" be read a first time. - ' ]I,oved by Deputy REwve Lotus ~econded hy ~eeve Liebner That the Joil wall be torn do\Vfl to make way for" pa rki nq lot. - Carried. Ii. recorded vote was requested by Deputy }(eeve C}C)V8r. j';.o'led by }(eeve Ai nks Seconded by j-ceeve Camphell YEh~ - Carroll (2), Kelly, Campbell, Cowan, Lonqhurst (2), Shaw (:~), Caverly (2), Shackleton (2), Green (2), Stewart, Wilson, McBrien (2), Glover (2), Hodgson, Binks, Nemett, Lotus, Liebner, Bradfield, Lake. That By-Law No. 2512 be read a second time. - Carried. Total Votes - 28. hoved bv l!eeve Campbell ~')econded bv }(eeve P.inks lYlY:~ - O. 1~at Ry-Law No. 2512 be read a third time and finally }!;otion Carried. pilssed. - Carried. l..;oved by Deputy l{eeve Lon(Jhurst Seconded by Reeve Lake ].;oved by Deputy I<eeve COvlan Seconded by Reeve Binks That By-LCI\-l No. 2513 "Being a By-La\-! to Amend By-Law No. 2467, Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Assistant Arunin- istrator for the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens" be read a first time. That By-Law No. 2510 "Being a By-Lml to Amend By-La", No. 1696, Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the EIQin County Road ~uperintendent" he read a first time. Moved by Deputy Reeve Longhurst Seconded by l<eeve Lake - Carr ied. - Carried. ];;oved by ](eeve Lake Seconded by Deputy Reeve Cowan That By-Law No. 2513 be read a second time. - Carried. That By-Law No. 2510 be read a second time. J';oved by I-(eeve Lake Seconded by Reeve Binks passed. That By-Law No. 2510 be read a third time and finally Moved bv heeve Campbell Seconded by Deputy keeve CO\-lan That By-Law No. 2513 be read a third time and finally - Carried. passed. - Carried. 108 Moved by ~eeve Caverly Seconded by l~eeve Bradfield That Bv-Law l~o. 2514 "Beina a Bv-Law to Ar:lend Bv-Law No. 2351, Thereby Adjusting the Remuneration of the County of'E1ain Tree Commissioner" be read a first ti:ne. - Carried. Moved by Deputy }~eeve Glover Seconded by l(eeve Caverly That By-Law No. 2514 be read a second time. - Carried. jv;oved by !<'pp.ve Bradfield Seconded by Deputy keeve Glover pi.Jssed. That By-Law No. 2514 be read a third t imp. and finally - Carried. koved by Deputy h~eeve Lonahurst. Soconded by Reeve Wilson Thnt Bv-La'\-, No. 2515 "Being a By-La'\-l to Amend Bv-Law ]':0. 2188, 'J.'hereby hdjustinn the Remuneration of the County of E10in '.'E'ed Insr~ect()r" be read a first time. - CarriEd. Moved hy I~'eeve Lake Seconded by Deputy I?eeve Lonnhurst That By-Law No. 2515 he read a second time. - Carried. J:;oved by }(eeve 1;iilson Seconded hy Reeve Caverly 1~at By-Law No. 2515 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by }(eeve Bradfield Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 251b "Beinq a By-Law to Establish a Salary Schedule for All Employees of the County of Elgin V:ho Are Not Covered By a Collective Agreement, Other Than the Heads of Departments" be read a first time. - Carried. koved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Bradfield That By-Law No. 2516 be read a second time. - Carried. h;oved by Up.eve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Wilson passed. That By-Law No. 2516 be read a third time and finally - Co. rr ied. 109 li;oved by keeve lv]cBrien Seconded by Deputy Reeve Glover That By-Law No. 2517 "Beinq a By-Law to Authorize Grants to be Made to Various Organizations, Corporations, Institutions Etc., During 1978" be read a first time. - Carried. ]!;oved bv l?eeve Bradfield Seconrled by Reeve McBrien That By-Law No. 2517 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved bv Reeve McBrien Seconded hy Reeve Bradfield That By-Law No. 2517 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve McBrien Seconded by Deputy }?eeve Glover That Ey-Law Ho. 2.518 "Beina 6. B,...-Lavl to p.llthoriz~ the v:arden a,nei Clerk to Sinn }\.rueements to Lease the Court jiouse and Registrv Office to the-Ministry of Government Services~ be read a first time. - Carried. j>'loved by Deputy I?eeve Glover Seconded by Reeve McBrien That By-Law No. 2518 be read a second time. - Carr ied. Moved by Reeve McBrien Seconded by Deputy Reeve Glover That By-Law No. 2518 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Kelly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Longhurst That By-Law No. 2519 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Offering of a I?eward and Paying Thereof" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Kelly That By-Law No. 2519 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by keeve Wilson Seconded by Reeve Green That By-Law No. 2519 be read a third time and finally passe'd. - Carried. 110 111 liloved by Deputy Reeve Cowan Seconded by Reeve Lake I :O~"_~ oJ ~. ~_;;.~ ...~IT'r~;-~ l(~~Oi{i.l That By-Law No. 2520 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the April Session, 1978" be read a first time. j\jril "';essLm, 1378 - Carried. J/,oved by Deputy Reeve Cowan Seconded by Reeve BinKS To the ';:arc.ien anu :,;e;:~.xns or the ,:-:l(;an County Council, That By-Law No. 2520 be read a second time. TIlC Homes for J2nior Citiz2ns CO~~lttee reports as follows: - Carried. 1. The request of thet:x-'"arden' s r,ssociation to hold a dinner at 'l'err<1ce Lod<Jc on June 13th has been granted. Moved by keeve Lake Seconded by Deputy Reeve Cowan passed. 'I'hat By-Law No. 2520 be read a thiTe ti.;ne and finally 2. The tender or SL Tho!llas }-lymouth Chrysler Ltci. ror tLe su;)ply or a 15-pa.ssenger Dodge Van, in ,the a;;lount of ~J,U74.l1 has Deen accepted. - Carried. ~Q~~__~~h~ - All present except ](eeve Emerson and Reeve Lashbrook. Excused by Warden Carroll, Reeve Cooj, Deputy Reeve Pettit, and Reeve McLean. 3. Thc Director has been authorized to allow twelve mel':!.':Jers f the staff to attend the one-day conference or the J)ut~l';;~S ;rn iie'"ion or I-lomes for the ;,qed at a registration cost or '.t.00 ,.er pE:rs::m. Moved by Deputy Reeve Shackleton Seconded by Reeve Liebncr 4. 'l':,e =lcs n-:..;t. Tiio:r,as Feal th Unit has' oeen granted !,<ni::ission to hay a nurse at Terrace Lodge ror the purpose or Lo;~e Care Serv cas, ror one uay d month. That we do nO'.',' adjourn to meet again on i'ilay 17, 1975, en 10:00 A.M. 5. The Slq in-Jt. Thomas Health Unit has been gran ted I"cL::iGsion to hold ",eekly ,-,renatal classes at Terrace LO:~0c in tile :JTOp- In Cent rc. - Carried. G. ';:e reco,.unend to County Council that the County sell their interest in the v:ater:nain along County l{oad 16 serving ilqin ;,:anor to the TO\'fnship or Jouthwo1d, for the no:r.inal sum of ",1. UO ana tLC County Solicitor De instructe0. to prepan~ an d<Jr_Ei"L!lt or sci1c \-:iti t:l(-; provision for maintenance for the SUil~ linl;: to ;';'.} 3~:(~Jred as follo~is: :::l_lin :':6nOy 50,0 ..:ai,:nce of ::Strs 5C,~ l~Uio ~~~~(~~~;' ,~r,(~i'~ 1 ~;~ - ~~(J ~rq~Yt::1r; n~~8~~~~~,' y ~~~~ e~~.~lr'l~r~~i ~~ l~'-'~~ red .,.. .. ciq.r'.:Cl.l(~i~t. :or Hldlntenance. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. L. R. Carroll, ~arden. .,LL. of I,hich is respectfully st;bmit'_"J. ~d ~)L L. '-.. J~ '; Cl ~. ::>ho.tC1 ..-, u r-- lB 1 rIT.a n. 1.....,; L''!C !/l-/(.L ~./ :_/{-, /p, {f~-i,'t. ;,~ ~/ 112 113 April Session, 1978 FIRST REPOI~T PEf:SCi:!,.EL CO!.'i1.aTTEE REPOHT April Session, 1978 COUNTY GO\'EENi..El\'l' CU;,;;,:l TTEE. h'EPOI{T To the Warden and r~embers of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: To the vlarden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That a policy be adopted allowing the ""arden, when requested, to sign and issue proclamations on behalf of the County, provided that the wording of such proclamation is submitted to the Clerk for the Warden's approval, prior to publication and that there be no cost to the County. 1. That Mrs. Rose Daniel, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer, be authorized to have time off with pay, for the purpose of writing the examinations for the A.pI.C.T. Course, to be held at the University of \'lestern Ontario, on Friday, April 21st, 1978, and that she be reimbursed for the necessary mileage travelled from the place of employment. 2. tlettlemcnt has been reached \-lith the London and Distrjct Building Service \'Jorkers' Union, Local 220, repre- sent inr"l full and part time employees at Elgin J.;anor for a 20t peT hour across thE Board increase, effective January 1st, 1978. The settlement is within guidelines set by the h.l.B. for the third year. ALL of which is respE,ctfully submitted. 1'.LL of which is res'pectfully submitted. /\/.'-) .-:!:):Lf// I,',' R. T. Bradfield!,' Chairman. /// // /' , /' / K. C. Emerson, Chairman. r ed'u2-1--<-<-t:Y j// / b" c/'l t,/L.v,",,- 0:--'1-- 1.-<,...-1..';/ t.."- I /,,! /' / I,} ",' . /l" .....-"'t,..<.' -" ;.,..;(..(.. ~ ,/, ~,"'L-v,-< ~ // C.;:3:.1/lA--/C' 114 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT APRIL SESSION 1978 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF COUNTY COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The abutment bearings on the Eden Bridge over the Big Otter Creek on Road 44 in Bayham Township have been replaced. We have also' replaced the bearing on both abutments and one pier of the Calton Bridge over the Big Otter Creek on Road 45 in Bayham Township. Both jobs were recormnended by the Ministry of Transportation and Connnunications when it was found that the old bearings had corroded and were not working. 2. Asphalt Resurfacing Costs will be heavy as will Repair to Pavement Costs. Your Connnittee hopes .to advertise a contract for asphalt resurfacing shortly. 3. It is hoped to have an early meeting with Representatives of the County of Middlesex t:o discuss the building of the Highbury - Huhrey - Radio Road Link between London and St. Thomas. 4. Your Cormnittee will have their Spring Road Inspection on April 26. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. f(;r7Ul~ C ~~~ , CHAIRMAN {!--d/Vv~/ ct~~ C~ 115 FIliJJ'ICE. j.~:D :-.pPOj~TEL.;r~:;T CL:,:' .11".t'J::r: :(EPOl--:T April Session, 1978 To the \larden and ]'~emb€rs of the Elgin County Council, Th8 Finance and Apportionment Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from the l<egional I-!'unicipality of Durham requesting the Province of Ontario to finance the incredsed cost of Health Care out of the qeneral revenue be filed. 2. vie recommend that a by-law be prepared authorizing the offering and advertisinq of a reward of $500.00 and pay- ment of same to any person who supplies information leading to t ne appreher.sion and conviction of the person or persons '.>Tho c;-lused the destruction of the "Bee House" at the Elgin Cou~:y 1v~useum. 3. \'ie recommend that the local municipalities advise tilt, Cr,1;;1ty Treasurer at lei'Jst ten days in c.dvance of a pre- ~)",,-;:'r-:'+ of Count v I~ate in order to assist in the borrowina 0: n:ndS froI:l th~ Bi'-lnk-. ~ 4. T'nat we recommend that the question of the County partirLp'itinq in the Ontario Housing Corporation system be deferred for one month to allow time to consider it. 5. \'Ie recommend that the County and City of St. Thomas send representation to see the Minister of Heaith to discuss tilt, ouestion of raisino the rate of subsidy from 500/0 to 750jo for the El'Jin-St. Thomas Tieal th Unit and the deleGation be cOl!lpof;ed 01' V:arden Cilrroll, l~eeve Liebner, l<eeve ihlson, heeve ETn"rson and. representc1tives from the City. fILL of which is respectfully submitted. \1 .,,'. K. --,.... '" , f I' I /7.' j/ -\' /" .u7/I:,//_\ ,:- , M. K:Binks, - Cha irman. , j, // /), 'l/LL. / /' <_C'-- ..... o ./7(~.~~~ /7 / &:'/2-'1.~ -,{/ 116 j,C;:, ICULTUkAL COj,~j.;I'l'TEE lti::r ":~T April Session, 1978 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follOivs: 1. That the letter from Gunn, Upsdell & Dick with results of prosecution aaainst Iv.r. McPhail be filed. 2. That the reply by Ivir. M. J. Ilennessey to the J\linistry of Natural Resources on the proposed amendment to the Tree By- Law No. 2208 be tabled. 3. That the submission made by the l:.inistry of Natural kesources to the Royal Commission on Electric Power Planning (Porter Commission) be filed. 4. That the notice from the ~linistrv of Aoriculture and Food, advising of a Weed Inspector's m~eting-in Guelph, Thursday, May 4th, 1978 be filed. };.LL of which is respectfully submitted. /~i (/ - ,,/~// / /_//. ';//':/! i -: l"y, 'V F'~ D. K. Cook, Cha innan. U/)/v4' "~" C-~ lA-"(/ * See amendment below. D7 PRGHRTY Cl;j,jj.:I'l'TEE kHG:T April Session, 1978 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That thE! copy of the Public Inst i tutions Inspection Panel reco~endations re: the Court House and comments bv the Ministry of Government Services be filed. - 2. That two quotations be requested for the supply and installation of carpet in the Social Services Clerical and Director's Office and that the quality be similar to that in- stalled in the Sherlff's Office. 3. That the Clerk-Treasurer's Office be authorized to call tenders for the painting of the exterior of the Court House, \-lith a closino date of May 12th, 1978, from the following: A. N. Ii:urtin D. A. Ross H. G. I,:edlyn 4. That a by-law be prepared, authorizing the \;'arden and Clerk to sian an aareement with the Ministrv of Government Services for the leasing of the Court House and-Registry Office fora period of five years and with the option of an additional five years. * Item 3 was amended to delete everything after "1978". ALL of which is respectfully submitted. {~ J--d~ tUl ;tJ <</ry~''7~~/ .,' A ~~ C/1-~-C:r 118 119 COUNTY GOVERhkENT COj,J,~IT'L'1::E NEFOI<T cc:m;'l'Y OF 1::LC:1.;; April Session, 1978 SECOND REPORT To the ~'iarden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: By-Law No. 2510 "BEING l\.BY-LA\'1 T0 AlFiEND BY-LA"I NO. 1696, THEHBY ADJUSTING TEE SALJIJ<Y OF THE ELGIN COUNTY ROAD SUPEIHNTENDENT." 1. That the resolution from the County of Grey supporting the Private Member's Bill of Mr. Bob McKessock re: reducinQ the planning area of the Niagara Escarpnent be filed. " WHEREAS By-Law No. 1696 deals with the appointment and remuneration of a Road SuperintelLoent for the County of Elgin. AND WHEkEAS By-Law No. 1696 is presently amended by By-Law No. 2463. AND IIHEREAS it is now deemed advisable to change thE f-H)f;ent salary of the Elgin County Road Superintendent. Nq'i THEREFOr:E the Council of the r,:unicipal Corpora- or the County or EJ.gin enacts as follows: 2. That the Conflict of Interest Bulletin from the Minis- try of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs be filed. -~ . TEAT Clause (4) or By-Law No. 1696, as amended by By-La\-I No. 24b3, be deleted, and the following sub- stituted thererore: "That the salary or remuneration of the Road Super- intendent shall be One Thousand, Two Hundred and Eight Dollars and Eighty Cents (':j)l, 208.80) biweekly, plus the use of a County Car." TllliT By-Law No. 2463 be, and the same is hereby re- pealed. Tlli\T this By-Law shall take effect on January 1st, 1978. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. 3. ;j../<,_ j( .I ,I J t l / ;,/-'-L..~.JJjL---_ R. T. Bradfield, Chairman. t' f -e-(/vv...:---/' ~~ t::~l/~-f/ READ a first time this 19t~ day of April, 1978. READ a second time this 19th day of April, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of April, 1978. ~-/---<--c "--< c Y.C7~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. Jfk~ &~~/~ L. F~. Carroll, Harden. 120 COUNTY OF ELG}:. By-Law No. ~:ill "BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTfiliLISH TIlE SALI~Y OF THE ELGIN COUNTY SOCIAL SERVICES DIRECTOR." The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT the salary of the Social Services Director of the County of Elgin shall be Seven Hundred and Twenty-Seven Dollars and Fifty-Three Cents ($727.53) biweekly. 2. THAT this By-Law shall become effective January 1, 1978, subject to the approval of the Minister of Community and Social Services. 3. THAT By-Law No. 2464, be and the same is hereby re- pealed. READ a first time this 19th day of April, 1978. READ a second time this 19th day of April, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of April, 1:97-8. _~,-/C,<. , -, < ,>c.'-,- G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~ 1/ . /Pl,'~ C'7' ,./~' 1. R.Carroll, Harden. 121 COUNTY OF l::LGIN By-Law No. 2512 "BEn~G A BY -LAVJ TO ESTABLISH THE SJUJ,RY OF THE DIRECTOl~ OF THE ELGIN COUNTY HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS." The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT the salary of the Director of the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens shall be One Thousand and Twenty-One Dollars and Eighty-Eight Cents ($1,021.88) bivleekly TEhT By-Law No. 2466 be and the same is heH;by re- pealed TIL~T this By-Law become effective January 1st, 1978. 2. 3. I-~EAD a first time this 19th day of April, 1978. READ a second time this 19th day of J\.pril, 1978. rm1'..D a third time and finally passed this 1.9th day of April, 1978. ~---^-<..-.---.(.~~-~ .~~ ~~t J,< ;;.~/? to' --(/ L. R. Carroll, Vlarden. G. C. Leverton, Clerk 122 COUNTY OF ELGIN 123 COU:;'l': OF ELGli; By-Law No. 2513 By-Law No. 2514 "BEING A BY-LAW TO' AMEND BY -LAW NO. 2467, THEREBY ADJUSTING THE SALARY OF THE A...SSISTANT ADMINISTRATOR FOR THE ELGIN COUNTY HOMES FOR SEN IOR CITIZENS." "BEING A BY-LA"': TO AI,,Elm BY-LA\J NO. 2351. THEREBY ADJUSTING THE REMUNERATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN Tl-CEE COji,jf;lSSIONER." 1. TrillT Clause (2) of By-Law No. 24G7 be deleted, and the following substituted therefore: "That his salary as Assistant A~~inistrator be Seven Hundred and Twenty-Seven Dollars and Twenty- Nine Cents ($727.29) biweekly." WHERE.4S By-Law No. 2351 deals with the appointment and remuneration of the Tree Commissioner for the County of Elgin. AND \'fHEREAS By-Law No. 2351 is presently amended by By-Law No. 2471. AIm '.iift:REAS it is now deemed advisable to change the present rate of remuneration of the said Tree Commissioner. Na: ~:EREFORE the Council of the Municipal Corpora- the County of Elgin enacts as follows: TI~.T Clauses (2), (3), and (4) of By-Law No. 2351, as a~ended by By-Law No. 2471, be deleted, and the following substituted therefore: tion of VIIEREAS By-Law No. 2467 deals with the appointment and remuneration of an Assistant Administrator for the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens. AND \-lHEREAS it is no",' deemed advisable to change the present salary of the said Assistant Administrator " NOVl THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. 2. TrU\T this By-Law become effective January 1st, 1978. (2) TI-L.~T his remuneration shall be $5.51 per hour. (3) T1L;T he be paid the following rates for the use of his car: o - 5,000 miles Over 5,000 miles 201: per mile 171: per mile. (4) THhT this By-Law become effective January 1, 1978. I<EiID a first time this 19th day of April, 1978. READ a second time this 19th day of Apr il, 1978. REl~D a third time and finally passed this 19th day of April, 1978. 2. TI-ii'lT By-Law No. 2471 be, and the same is hereby re- pealed. READ a first time this 19th day of April, 1978. READ a second time this 19th day of April, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of April, 1978. ..-::::;1;., -/.::"", ,_ ,'.' ,< I~' ", ___/ ~/~''-< ~~~0/ G. C. L(-:verton, Clerk. 1. R. Carroll, Harden. ~/"_<A__~ ~4r--/' G. C. Leverton, Clerk. /J ;: ~-t/l.-'1-'-<. " '/1,,-IA~/ L. R. Carroll, \'-larden. 124 125 '';"LjI';1'Y OF ELGH COUl:'.i.Y OF ELG.i.i, By-Law No. 2515 o - 5,000 miles Over 5,000 miles 20<1: per :r..ile l7cp per ,lli1<.;." By-Law No. 251b "BEING h. BY-LA\'1 TO ESTABLISH A SALARY SCHEDULE FOR ALL EMPLOYEES OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN WHO ARE Nor COVERED BY A COLLECTIVE AGREEt~NT. OTHER THAN THE HEF.DS OF DEPART1I1E NTS. " ~HEREAS it is considered advisable to establish salary sched- ules for the employees of the various Departments of the County of Elgin. NOw THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts that the following salary schedules be, and are hereby adopted: 1. Salary Schedule for Road Department Employees. A. Regular Hourly Rated Employees Class 6 - Construction Foreman or Mechanic. (a) Mechanic licensed by Ontario Ministry of Labour, OR (b) Construction Foreman in charge of specialized work such as grading and granular base or bridge con- struction and in charge of hired trucks, or grading equipment and County equipment and one or more County '\'Jork Crews. Motor Vehicle Licence Requirement (c) Ministry of Transportation and Sommunications licence Class "0" required, Class "A" preferred. Rate - $6.55 per hour Foreman and Lead Hands - Regularly. (a) In charge of a work crew of at least five (5) men with County and/or hired equipment on a specific project. (b) Supervising other County (or hired) trucks and equipment OR Class 5 - "l)2lNG 1, BY -LA'.': TO l,i.:LNiJ 3Y -Lh.'" NO. 2188. '1'l,;;::::iBY ADJUSTING Tilt; LEt,;Ul~Er~hTlON OF TIli:; COUNTY OF i::LGll, 1..r:;';:;D Ili;:;'j-iCTOl~." 'I.'JiERBii.S By-Len: 1;0. 2188 deals Hi th the appointment and reI:lUneration of the \-;cced Inspcctor for the County of Elgin. j~I:D ",,'LiRi'::j;;:) Jy-Lav' No. 2183 is presently amended by L'y-Law 1'0. 2472. hhD \:JiEk2j,:::'; it is now deemed advisable to change the j",rcGunt rate of remuneri:li:ion of the said 1;;eed Inspector. 1,0',: '1':;::~l:a'()"~::: tile Council of the kunicipal Corpora- tion of thc County of 2lgin enacts as follo~s: 1. Tl~iiT Clause ( ) of i3y-Lml 1;0. as ,), a:3 amencieci by ;3y-Lavl No. 2';' ~;, be deleteci, ane:. be :::ollO\-Ting sub- stituted ther rorc: "That his rGr:luneration shalt be as folloVl v;hile engaged in his duties: - ~5.51 per hour nel he be paid the following rates for the use of h scar: 'l'IL,'l' this By-La\! shall become ef.fE:~~Live on Jonucry 1, 1978. 3. Tii'lT i3y-LaVl No. 2472 be, and the same is here!.)y repealed. ..----:::r--<--/'-<-<---'-< --< ;-L '-r:;yJ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~ ~~t-'-< ;;;:/?/lA'-C:/ L. R. Carroll, Viarden. (c) Performing work which is a recognized skill or trade. _ ~ be assigned as Snow Plow Operator, Sander Operator, Wingman or Night Duty in Winter. - Experience Rate 5 cents per hour for completion of each year's work to a maximum of 3 years. Motor Vehicle Licence Re irement d . Ministry of Transportation and Communications licence Class "D" required, Class "A" preferred. Classification Range - $6.30 - $6.45 per hour Class 4 - Machine Operators and Stockkeepers (a) Stockkeepers - Licence Requirement - Class "A" or "0" licence preferred. Valid Ministry of Transportation and Communications operator's licence required. (b) Regular Operators on tandem dump truck, distributor, float, grader, shovel, loader, backhoe, dozer etc., a majority of the time. The remainder of time - skilled or special work such as machine repair, sign construction, etc. Usually assigned as Snow Plow Operator, Sander Operator, Wingman or Night Duty in Winter. Some supervisory work is usually required. Ministry of Transportation and Communications Class "AN licence required for some positions; Class "A" licence preferred for all other positions; Class "DN required for any position. - Experience Rate 5 cents per hour for completion of each year's work to a maximum of 3 years. Classification Range - $5.96 - $6.11 per hour h11lD a first time this 19th day of f,pril, 1978. l-:.:c:hD a seconQ time this 19th day of April, 1978. I~A0 a third time and finally passed this 19th day of ;~lril, 1973. 126 Class 3 - Part Time Foremen and Grademen. (a) Employee perfonning work of a higher classification than Class 2 or acting as a Foreman and/or Lead Hand of a work crew for a portion of the year, includes experienced Grademen; usually able to be assigned as Wingman, Sander Operator or Night Duty in the Winter. Experience Rate 5 cents per hour for completion of each year's work toa maximum of 3 years. Motor Vehicle Licence Requirement (b) Ministry of Transportation and Communications Class "D" licence required. Classification Range - $5.69 - $5.84 per hour Class 2 - Labour Premium. (a) Shall be able to operate light truck, tractor, roller etc. on a part time basis. May be employed as a weighman, checker or mower operator (Summer). Able to be assigned as a Hingman, Sander Operator (part time) or Night Duty in the Winter. - Experience Rate 5 cents per hour for completion of each year's work to a maximum of 3 years. Motor Vehicle Licence ~equirement (1)) Ninistry of Transportation and Communications Class "D" licence required. Classification Range - $5.46 - $5.61 per hour Class 1 - Labour (a) Must be capable of performing physical labour under supervision. Some light truck or tractor driving may be required on occasion. - Experience Rate 5 cents per hour for completion of each year's work to a maximum of 3 years. Motor Vehicle Licence Requirement (b) Ministry of Transportation and Communications Class "G" licence will be required for employees engaged after January 1, 1978. Classification Range - $5.36 - $5.51 per hour An employee h; red to f ill a part icular vacancy in Class- ifications 3, 4, 5 or 6 shall have a probationary starting rate of 25~ per hour less than the rate of the category with no experience assigned for their probationary period of 90 days. The requirements for Ministry of Transportation and Com- munications drivers licences will not result in the down grading of. anyone presently in a category, but will very likely be a requirement for anyone entering a new category. B. Seasonal or Casual Employees NarE - Those employees who are not engaqed to fill a particular vacancy - maximum service without layoff 6 months. Class A - Employees of high school age (generally under 20 years of age with varied experience). - Experience Rate 5 cents per hour depending on age and experience. Classif ication Class B - Casual Labour, years of age . ) Rate - $3.80 per hour Class C - Experienced lab(:mr, inexperienced mower operators. University students with prior experience. Rate - $4.25 per hour Class D - Experienced Operators or Tradesmen. Ministry of Trans- portation and Communications Class "D" licence usually required. NarE - Range - $3.15 - $3.30 per hour inexperienced. (University students 20-21 Rate - $4.75 per hour 127 Annual Increment An employee is eligible for any annual increment (toa maximum of 3 years) on January 1 of any year provided he has been in that particular category since September 1 or prior of the previous year. Premium Niqht Duty Those persons appointed to Regular Night Duty (Winter Maintenance Shift) are eligible for a .premium over their regular hourly rate of pay for such time as they are on night duty. _ Premium - 10~ per hour for a shift beginning before 8:00 P.M. _ l5~ per hour for a shift beginning from 8:30 P.M. to midnight. Friday Pay In the event of a Statutory Holiday, Sick Benefit, Annual Holiday, Compassio~ate Leave etc., falling on Friday, the employee shall be paid at his regular rate of pay for 8 hours and the time shall count as 1 full day. Standby Time - for designated employees (1) If the time designated for standby is from 7:00 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. - 3 hours at their regular rate. (2) If the designated time for standby is from 7:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. - 4 hours at their regular rate. (3) If standby is required on a calendar statutory hol- iday, standby will be paid at It times the regular rate. In the event of a call-out, minimum pay ",ill be 4 hours (regular rate). Footwear Allowance -(Regular Employees Only) To be accumulative from year to year. To be credited at January 1st of each year and as of January 1st, 1977 to be as follows: $2.00 per week for each week that the employee has worked in the preceeding year to a maximum of $100.00 for any year. Any balance in account to be paid to employee upon retire- ment. C. Technical Personnel Instrument Man - Education - Grade 12 or equivalent. _ viork includes drafting, surveying and when experienced to be able to work with a minimum of supervision. - Increments shall be governed by ability, experience, the passing of Ministry of Transportation and Communi- cations sponsored courses on surveying and inspection. - Position comparable to Ministry of Transportation and Communications Technician III Surveys. . Ifrinimum $6.10 per hour Yaximurn $6.45 per hour Increments of l2~ per hour for 3 years. Technician -'Shall supervise Instrument Men, Surveying crew and drafting. - Shall assist the Engineer in the design, supervision and construction of such projects as hot-mix asphalt paving, drainage, urban construction etc. - Qualifications to be similar to Ministry of Transpor- tation and Communications Technician - Grade II. - Experience Rate $200.00 per year for 3 years. $718.76 biweekly 128 129 D. Salaried Employees Grade 1 Office Personnel $29L.55 biweekly Grade 2 Office Personnel $331.25 - $338.94 biweekly Grade 3 Office Personnel $378.18 biweekly Office Co-Ordinator To assist with and supervise others in all phases of office work such as payroll, accounts, bookkeeping etc. To receive inquiries from and provide information to the general public as may from time to time be required. $516.55 - $524.24 biweekly Office Personnel - Part Time Experienced $4.30 per hour 4. Salary Schedule for Social Services Employees. Field Workers General Superintendent - General supervision of all county work, both maintenance and construction - Control of all county and hired equipment and personnel. - Responsible to the Engineer for the planning and sched- uling of the work. - Responsible for the hiring of outside equipment and personnel when required. - Responsible for investigations of inquiries and com- plaints by the general public. $736.30 biweekly plus use of County car Assistant General Superintendent - To act for and to assume all duties of the General Superintendent when the General Superintendent is absent (sickness, holidays etc.). - To assist the Superintendent with all phases of con- struction and maintenance and to have direct control of any particular operation as from time to time required. - To act as Construction Safety Inspector for the County. $718.76 biweekly plus use of County car E. Mileage Rates to be paid to all county employees using their own private cars be: o - 5,000 miles Over 5,000 miles 20f/: per mile 17f/: per mile $438.70 biweekly Office Personnel (Grade Two) $340.14 biweekly 5. Salary Schedule for Elgin Manor Employees. Director of Nursing $672.69 biweekly effective June 1/77 Assistant Director of Nursing $566.54 biweekly effective Jan. 4/76 Registered Nurse $6.43 per hour effective Jan. 4/76 Recreation Director $345.69 biweekly Dietary Supervisor $547.27 biweekly Laundry and Housekeeping Supervisor $547.27 bi~eekly Maintenance Supervisor $570.2Z biweekly Office Personnel (Grade One) $296.55 biweekly Office Personnel (Grade Two) $323.56 biweekly Office Personnel (Grade Three) $356.79 biweekly Office Personnel (Grade Four) $394.61 biweekly Part Time Help Office Personnel - Experienced $4.30 per hour Barber $85.86 per month Beautician $28.62 per day 6. That By-Law No. 2459 be, and the same is hereby repealed. 7. Hourly rates for Road Department shall be effective December 25th, 1977 and all others January 1st, 1978, unless otherwise noted. 8. Where more than one biweekly salary rate appears in a category, this applies to persons who were employed under the increment sys- tem and for annual increment eligibility see Fringe Benefit By-Law. Salary Schedule for County Library Employees. Library Personnel (Grade One) $296.55 biweekly Library Per sonnel (Grade Two) $340.77 biweekly Assistant Library Supervisor $400.17 biweekly Salary Schedule for Clerk-Treasurer's Staff. Office Personnel (Grade One) $296.55 biweekly Office Personnel (Grade Two) $306.69 - $323.56 - $342.35 biweekly Office Personnel (Grade Three) $378.18 biweekly Payroll Supervisor $369.90 - $396.40 biweekly Custodian of County Buildings $473.01 biweekly Assistant Custodian of County Buildings and Grounds $386.57 biweekly READ a first time this 19th day of April, 1978. READ a second time this 19th day of April, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of April, 1978. ~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. l'~~ ~/~~, L. R. Carroll, \varden. 130 COUNTY C? l::LGIN 131 CCUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2518 By-Law No. 2517 "BEIIJG A BY-LAvl TO AU'[!;ui(IZE GRANTS '1'0 BE MADE TO VAAIOUS OkGANIZATIONS, CORPOli.ATICJ;~S. I NSTI'1'UTIONS , ETC., DURI NG 1978. II WHEkEAS the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin deems it advisable to mare grants to certain organizations, corporations, institutions, etc.; "BEING A BY-LA\'! TO AUTHOrnZE THE \iJilliDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN AGREEMENTS TO LEASE THE COURT HOUSE AND REGISTh'Y OFFICE TO TEE IUJdSTRY OF GOVERNlV:ENT SERV ICES. " NOW THEl<EFORE the Council of the Corroration of the County of El'Ji n enacts as follo\\'s: . 100.00 100.00 684.50 3,000.00 ;100.00 737.15 300.00 600.00 bOO.OO 300.00 300.00 vfrlEREAS the Ministry of Government Services for the Province of Ontario, wish to lease the Court House and Ii'eqistry Office accomodations presently occupied, for a period of five years, with an option to renew for a further five years. AND VniERE1~ calculations as to areas occupied, sug- gested rental ahd operating expense ,rates per square foot, as well as other conditions, as detailed in Offers To Lease, have been accepted by the said Ministry. NGJ THEREFORE the Viarden and Clerk are hereby author- ized to sign the said "Agreements To Lease" for the Court Bouse and Registry Office. 1. THAT the follO'....inn ~rants be and are herebv authorized for the year 1978:' " - Association of Clerks and Treasurers Association of Munici~ilities of Ontario Association of Counties and keg ions of Ontario Co. ~aJan National Institute for the Blind S':l vation Army - Maintendnce El in County Pioneer ).'Juf,eun, So1101f1 rships - Ridqeto..m College of Agricultural Technology - University of Western Ontario - Universitv of Guelph - Wilfrid L~urier University - Universitv of taterloo University of 1ries+ern Ontario st. 1~omas Younn Men's Christian hssociation UUcid County Association for the ;"lentally ]~etarded The l~cal Agricultural Office for - Farm Oraanizations, Junior Farmers and Institute Groups and Fall Banquet for 4-H Clubs j,qri c1l1 tural Representat i ves Act The J-'.qricultural and Horticultural Societies in the County of Elain - Eaual to the Province of Ontario Grants to these Societies. Elain Federation of Aar culture Elain Countv Plowmen's ssociation Tiilsonburq"& District ssociation for the ~entally Retarded Pr0vincial (Ontario) A.ssociation of Conunittees of Adjustment and IBnd Division Committees Tillsonburg District ~emorial Hospital The Art Gallery, St. Thomas-Elgin Villaae of Vienna St. Thomas-Eloin Debt Counsellin~ Service Southwestern Ontario Travel Association On~ario Municipal Social Services Association h'EAD a first time this 19th day of April, 1978. READ a second time this 19th day of April, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of April, 1978. .-<k.~--<, ~"-/ ctM-~~ 3,000.00 3,000.00 1,500.00 READ a first time this 19th day of April, 1978. READ a second time this 19th day of April, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of April, 1978. 4,300.00 500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 /.,000.00 ~-/L"<-</-<" y:::c--.,,- G. C. Leverton, Clerk. L~ &:~,u~/(/ L. R. Carroll, 1:iarden. 100.00 71,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 1,750.00 130.00 G. C. Leverton, Clerk. L. R. Carroll, Warden. a~o--t/ 132 133 CUL;;',;,'Y l'} i:;LGTi; By-Law No .2519 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2520 "HEINe A BY-LAvl TU AUTHURIZE THE OFFERING OF A REvJARD AND PAYING THEREOF." "A BY-LE~: TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPCRhTION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE APRIL SESSION, 1978." WHEREAS on or about the 1st day of April, 1978 the "Bee House", maintained by and located at the Elgin County j.';useum, was destroyed by fire, caused by person or persons unknown. vlliEREfiB by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chap- ter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; AND WHEREAS it is deemed advisable that the offer- fIg and paying of a reward, might act as an incentive, to d8ntify the person or persons, who caused the destruction of ne "Bee House". AND \'[HEI~EAS by Subsed ion 1 of Sect ion 241 of the l,:u- nicipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Lm,; NO\J 1~EREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the ';"jnty of Elgin hereby authorizes the offering and paying of u reward of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), to any person who [;upplies information leading to the apprehension and convic- tion of the person or persons, who caused the destruction of the said "Bee House". AND WHEREi~S it is deemed expedient that the proceed- ings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law; hEhD a first time this 19th day of April, 1978. 1m.!".]) 'a second time this 19th day of April, 1978. REhD a third time and finally passed this 19th day of April, 1978. NOvl THEREFOF~E the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follo\olS: 1. That action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution p~ssed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the April 1978 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such rroceedings were expressly embodied in this By-La\o,. 2. ~he \iarden and proper officials of the Corporation of tte County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all ttings necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of ttp Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the pre- ceding section hereof. ,'}. The V:arden and the r'::lerk are authoriz.ed and directed tc p.xecute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thnreto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. .~:,-.,-;::-<-< ..'---<.'.. y'<.,? ~, G. C. Leverton, Clerk. .~--L-;.~ ~~~.u--L/- L. R. Carroll, 1;iarden. t. ;:' ~ .:: first time this 19th day of April, 1978. 1<::::,;; ," second time tl:L 19th day of April, 1973. LE::]') a third time ar,d ~ir:al]y passed this 19th day of Ji.prJ 1, 1,978. .......----fc--~_c.....c ../;'--" -_ G. C. Levertcn, Clerk. _L1.--'l- '-< ~'te-~ /' L. R. Carroll, Warden. 134 135 May Session - First Day From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications advising that a portion of Highway 19 has been transferred to the jurisdiction and control of the Township of Bayham. - Referred to the Roads Committee. Wednesday, the 17th day of May, 1978 The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municipal Building, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. From the County of Huron with resolution requesting a change in the appointment of County Road Committee membership. _ Referred to the Roads Committee. All members present except Deruty Reeve Cowan, Reeve Caverly and Reeve Bradfield. From Brockenhurst Investments Limited offering bowling equipment from Cy Kelly Bowling Lanes for sale. - Referred to the Ilomes for Senior Citizens Committee. Moved by Deputy Reeve Longhurst Seconded by Reeve McLean From the City of Stratford with resolution requesting the banninq of the sale of soft drinks in any non-refillable con- tainer. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Elgin Historical Society opposing the demolition of the Jail \'Iall. - Referred to the Property Committee. From the Village of Port Stanley with copy of Notice of Application to the Ontario Municipal Board to rezone land for Phase 1 of the Hazelwood Subdivision. - Referred to the Roads Committee. That the minutes of the April 1978 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. The followina Communications were read and referred to the various Committees~ From Mr. R. K. McNeil, ~.P.P., acknowledging receipt of a copy of the letter to the Minister .of Health requesting a meet- ing re: Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit subsidy. - Filed. From The North Yarmouth and District Historical Associ- ation suggesting the Jail Wall not be removed but used fordher purposes. - Referred to the Property Committee. From Bates, ThotJdrd and Tierney offering their services to save money on fringe benefits. - Referred to the Personnel Committee. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with Notice of Assumption P-4099-69B with respect to property within the City of St. Thomas. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Eric Hardv Consultino Limited with a statement on zero-base budgeting. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From Mr. R. G. Moore, Secretary, St. Thomas Sunurban Road Commission, advising that the five year term of Mr. Albert Auckland as a member of the Commission expires on June 30, 1978 and another appointment by Council is required. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovern- mental Affairs with a copy of Bulletin No.3, Amendments to the Municipal Elections Act, 1977. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Minister of Transportation and COffiQunications advising that an advance pa~nent of subsidy in the amount of $609,000 is to be made. - Filed. From the City of St. Thomas with a copy of a 'letter to Dr. S. R. Lang, of the Ministry of Health re: review of Elgin- St. Thomas Health Unit budget and meeting with City and County Councils. - Filed. From the Village of Port Stanley with notice of public hearing of the Committee of Adjustment for a minor variance from the provisions of By-Law No. 1507, as amended, set for Thursday, May 25th, 1978 at 8:00 P.M. - Referred to the Roads Committee. F'rom the Ministry of Housing advising of a workshop to be held at the Holiday Inn, City Centre Tower, London on May 16th, 1978. - Filed. From the Borough of North York with resolution requesting exemption from Federal and Provincial sales tax on the sale of smoke detectors. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Ministry of Community and Social Services with cheque in the amount of $26,961.50, representing the final claim re: T~rrace Lodge. - Filed. From the Ministry of Housing reminding that as of July 1st, 1978, only metric units will be used in all new planning documents. - Filed. From the County of Middlesex advising that their Warden's Banquet will be held Saturday, November 18, 1978 in Delaware. - Filed. From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario requesting that Reeve Emerson be reappointed on the ACRO Resolu- tions Committee. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with instructions and bill forms for Fire Departments responding to emergencies on. the King's Highways. - Filed. From the Solicitor General of Canada with reply to County's endorsement of the Town of Colling\-lood's resolution re: capital punishment. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit with copy of Auditor's Report for 1977. - Referred to the Finance and Apportion- ment Committee. From the Town of Aylmer Committee of Adjustment with no- tice of hearing, for a minor variance from the provisions of By-Law No. 21-69 set for May 2nd, 1978 at 8:00 P.M. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the County of Oxford advising that the 1978 Oxford County vlarden's Dinner will be held Saturday, November 25th at the Norwich Community Centre, Norwich. - Filed. From the Township of Yarmouth with Notice of Application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of a by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. - Re- ferred to the Roads Committee. From the Tmmship of YaTIllouth Ccmmi ttee of Adjustment with notice of hearing, fora minor variance from the provisions of By-Law No. 1998, set for May 4th, 1978 at 8:00 P.M. -Referred to the Roads Committee. 136 '.d7 From the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit with copies of revised 1978 Budget and Apportionment Schedule. - Referred to the Finance anq Apportionment Committee. The First Report of the Property Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Stewart and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Stewart and Deputy Reeve Shaw. The First Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Reeve Lake. From the City of St. Thomas advising that Acting Mayor Donald R. Stokes and Alderman Peter Laing will represent the City, at the meeting with the Ministry of Health, re: Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit's rate of subsidy. - Filed. From the Family and Children's Services with list of Children in Care and Financial statement for the month of/April 1978.- Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From the Ministry of the Environment with the following documents re: the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Service Limited Waste Disposal Site in the Township of Southwold: (1) Copy of letter to the Township with copy of Provi- sional Certificate of Approval. (2) Copy of letter to St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Service Limited with copy of Minister's Order. The Renort of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Shaw and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Shaw and Deputy Reeve Shackleton. The First }?eport of the Roads Committee v!as presented by Reeve Green and adopted on motion of }(eeve Green and Reeve Cook. The \'Jarden reviewed the chan0es that will be recommended i 11 the procedure By-Law No. 2290, by the County Government Commit- tee. The final recommendations will be forwarded to all members of County Council, prior to presentation to Council, once the l";u- nicipal Act has been amended to provide for election and term of Warden. - Filed. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by Reeve Nemett That the Auditor's Report for the year ended December 31stp 1977 be accepted by the Elgin County Council. - Carried. From the Ministries of Natural Resources and Housing with information on Great Lakes FloodinG and Erosion. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with Memo re: acceptable subsidizeable salaries for County Engi- neer and Township Road Superintendent. - I?eferred to the Roads Committee. From the Association of Municipalities of Ontario advis- ing of a labour relations seminar on "Sensible Bargaining". - Re- ferred to the Personnel Committee. Moved by Reeve Lashhrook Seconded by Reeve Binks That we do nov, adjourn to meet <'gain on May 17, 1978, at 2:00P.M. - Carried. From the East Elgin District Women's Institute advisinq that they wish to have the walls of the Elgin County Jail retained. - Referred to the Property Committee. From the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Advisory Committee requesting that Council preserve the Court House Wall for it's historical value. - Referred to the Property Committee. Council Re-Convened. The Second Report of the Property Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Stewart and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Stewart and Reeve Nemett. The Second Report of the Ro~ds Committee was presented by Reeve Green and adopted on motion of Reeve Green and Reeve Cook. The Report of the Sqcial Services Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Pettit and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Pettit and Reeve Nemett. The Report of the County Government Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Wilson and adopted on motion of Reeve Wilson and Deputy Reeve Shaw. The Second Report of the Personnel Committee was presente by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Deputy Reeve Shackleton. The Report of the Finance and Apportionment Committee was presented by Reeve Binks and adopted on motion of Reeve Binks and Deputy Reeve Kelly. A Ten Year Certificate of Merit was presented by the War- den to Mr. G. C. Leverton, Clerk-Treasurer. From the Elgin County Pioneer ~lseum with Financial Statement for the year 1977. - Referred to the Finance and Appor- tionment Committee. From the ratepayers and residents of South Dorchester, Elgin County and North Dorchester, Middlesex County with petition to have County Road No. 37 hard surfaced. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the residents of County Road No. 37, Elgin County, between Highway 74 and Highway 73, with petition to upgrade and resurface t,he said Road No. 37. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the ratepayers and residents of Elgin County Road No. 37, between South-West Oxford Townline and Highway No. 73 with resolution advising that the proposed gravel solution is not per- manent and they request a concrete commitment within ten days. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the members of the Rotary Club of St. Thomas express- ing regret with the decision to destroy the Jail Wall to make way for a parking area. - Referred to the Property Committee. From the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovern- mental Affairs with Memo re: the Anti-InfJ&tion Program. - Referred to the Personnel Committee. 138 139 Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Cook Whereas a resolution passed at the April 1978 Session of Elgin County Council approved the demolition of the Elgin County jail exercise yard wall to make way for a parking lot. Therefore be it resolved that the Property Committee of Elgin County con- sider and sugoest alternatives to the complete demolition of the said wall to provide parking space and at the same time preserve the wall because of it's historical nature and architectural design. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Stewart Seconded by Deputy Reeve Glover That By-Law No. 2522 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. ~oved by Reeve Cook Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lotus That Elgin County Council look at the possibility of meeting every other Wednesday at 2:00 P.M., starting with the 2nd 10iednesday of the month. ~oved by Reeve Binks Seconded by Reeve Liebner That By-Law No. 2523 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the ~jarden and Clerk to Sign an Agreement to Sell to the Township of Southwold the County's Interest in the Water Pipeline Serving Elqin Manor" be read a first time. - Carried. It was moved by Reeve Emerson and Seconded by Deputy Reeve Kelly that the resolution be tabled until the June 1978, Session. Moved by Reeve Liebner Seconded by Reeve Binks That By-Law No. 2523 be read a second time. - Carried. ~oved by Deputy Reeve Longhurst Seconded by ~?eeve Binks !/Joved by Reeve Liebner Seconded by J(eeve Binks That By-Law No. 2523 be read a third time and finally That a snecial meetjnq of Count v Council be held on 'vied., Sept. 6, 1978, to deal ,-lith the Cou~ty Restructurinq and that all Munjdpalities that have not responded be notified. passed. - Carried. - Carried. Moved by h~eeve Liebner Seconded by J(eeve Binks That By-Law No. 2521 "To Anpoint a Member to the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission" be :read'a first time. - Carried. ~oved by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by Reeve McBrien That By-Law No. 2524 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Execution of a Memorandurnof Agreement Between the Corporation of the County of Elgin and the Terrace Lodge Employee Association" be read a first time. l'f,ovedby Deputy I(eeve Pettit Seconded by Reeve McBrien - Carried. - Carried. Noved by Deputy Reeve Glover ~econded by Deputy Reeve Stewart That By-Law No. 2524 be read a second time. - Carried. That By-Law No. 2521 be read a second time. Mmrp.d by Reeve vlilson Se~onded by Deputy Reeve Pettit - Carried. Moveu Ly Deputy Reeve Stewart See"",lud by Deputy Reeve Lotus That By-Law No. 2524 be read a third time and finally passed. That By-Law No. 2521 be read a third time and finally passed. Moved by Reeve Liebner Seconded by Reeve Binks That By-Law No. 2522 "Authorizing Speed Limits" be read a first time. - Carried. - Carried. ;';oved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit That By-Law No. 2525 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign an Agreement to Lease Agricultural Land at Terrace Lodge" be read a first time. Moved by Reeve Binks Seconded by Reeve Liebner - Carried. That By-Law No. 2522 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Lotus Seconded by Deputy Reeve Stewart That By-Law No. 2525 be read a second time. - Carried. Ca:rrj p" . 141 140 j';oved by Deputy }(eeve Stewart Seconded by Deputy J(eeve Lotus Y!WPEkTY C()/~,;} '''! '. ". h: H)]<'I' That By-La'-l No. 2525 be read a third ti:ne and finally Mo.)' Session, 1978 F IR~T RE!-'Oltr To the Vlarden and j;;embers of the Elgin County Council, passed. - Carried. T!iat By-La..., No. 2526 "j';. By-LaI\' to Con!' ~ YIl Froceedinos of the Council o.f the Corporation of the Coun":V of Dni n at the May SeAsion, 1978" be read a first time. The F'roperty Committee reports as -follows: 1. The te~der of Elain FloorCoverina Ltd. in the amount of $751.QO has beenJaccepted for the"supp1y an'; in- stallation of nendant nylon car~et bv n~ite, in the ~n~jhl Sp.rvi(:es Clerit:al dnd D-irector's Offices. Moved by Reeve McBrien Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit Moved bv Denutv Reeve l~tus Seconded by' Deputy Reeve Glover 2. The tender of H. G. Medlvn T~aintina and DecoH.ti nn Un. in the amount of $7,925.00 has heen accepted for t~e naintin(J of the ('ourt House and Jail nuildings. ~. A Quotation is to be obtained for the reoair of the metal WOrK on the Court House dome soffits. . 'I':lat By-Law No. 2;)2li he read a secon(: i.i~::c. - Carried. 4. The Cl rcrj~-Treasurer has been authorized to ruv2, the thermostat in the j.;unicinal h)il::~::nn relocateci from t:,': first floor to the basement,' to co::nrol the heat from H;(' stdff worrinq area. 5. 'l'HII'l'-I:he letters from the El"in historical Society anr:J'l'he r<o'!"th Yarmouth and District l:istorical i'.ssoriution. onposin0 the removal ()~ the jail ,.mll he tabled. ;,;oved bv DeT'utv l?eeve Lotus S~conde~ hv' De~]ty Reeve Glover ThaT By-La", No. 2,',~G be read a third tiw.' i'l1'\d fin21ly passed. - Carr:i ""d. Moved by Reeve Bin~s Seconded by }(eeve Nemett That we do nOl" adjourn to meet aga in on June 2], 1978, at 10:00 A.l>;. /\LL of which is resp'?ctfullv'subnHted. - Carried. "0 .. "./ :.- /?'<>;,. v,.' /1;:-, ~-.~ 1~:-~~_~~:~...~~~~_~~Y':c,,~,c~~'~:~~L/L' . Ch'llrm",n. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. L. IL Carroll, ';,arden. C :C/L.1A..C(';/ 0' -(.~~. L {(/ (./ 2 ,1'--( '// 142 n~;;ul ,,;rE) c. '...., r:''!''EE l<E?ORT ~ay Session, 1978 FmST }{EPORT To the \'Iarden and h:emhers of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. The Director has been a'.lthorized to advertise for a position of }(elief Cook Supervisor for Terrace Lodge and the position will be outside the membership in the Employee flssocii'ltion, ~'lith the follo1>Tinq rates: m.'!~RT ). ST YEf.B. $5.10 .?~ND YEAR 31m YE.f.R $5.30 $5.00 per hr. $5.20 2. That w~ recommend to County Council that the hourly Tates paid at Terrace Lodge be increased 20<1: per hour, effec- tive January 1st, 1978 and the duration of the agreement be extended from AUJust 1st, to October 18th, 1978, and that a by-law be prepar('d, authorizing the Warden and the Clerk to Si0n a Memorandum of j~qreement, to amend the current collec- tive aqreement, hetween the County il.nd the Terrace Lo~qe Em- ployee A~sociat~on. ML of which j ~n'!spectfully submitted. PLJ-l~:~l-<.../ K. C. Emerson, Chairman. <- C___r~.'~/ /;.~ , ."7 ,-_.../:~ '-( . ./:~/ {{L-~..t---{/. . 143 !Jf;j,:ES Fuk ~Ji';'; 1 Ch l'l 'J' llr~ I~:j C01!'j,jIT'rEE REP01~T May Session, 1978 To the warden and Memhers of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follm'ls: 1. That the resolution from the County of Lambton requesting that existing legislation be amended to provide that Property Til.x Rebates be used for arrears of maintenance be filed. 2. That the letter from Brcckenhurst Investments Ltd. re: purchase of howling alleys be tabled. 3. We recooonend to the Personnel Committee that a podtion of Res i dent Co-Ordinator be establi shed for the two Homes with a salary of $14,000.00 and that the Director be available for any ouest ions concernin(' the position. 4. The Director has been authorized to allow the Y.l'i,.C.A. to carrv out a swinunina nrooram for tinv tots un to 10 years of age," at Terrace Lodge'. .. .. ' 5. }\ policy has been established to !,ermit admission to the Homes, on a short term basis, to allow family members, who are carino for persons recently dischar~ed from hospitals, a neriod of recuperat;on. 6. A nolicy hi'lS been established to care for senior citizens on ~ limited basis to allow families to take a vaca- tion. 7. Dr. C. A. Graham is to be aiven an honorarium of $300.00 to help defray his expenses, 'while attending a course in Geriatrics at Oxfoyd University in England. 8. The laundry from Terrace Lodge is to be sent out to the London Hospital Linen Service-on a trial basis for six months. 9. The Director has been authorized to hire another adjuvant for Elgin Manor from his present staff. 10. The person hired as adjuvant is to have his expenses p~id by the Home while taking an adjuvant's course in Toronto. 11. A steak barbecue is to be held at Elain Manor for County Council and residents during the Senior~Citizens \'leek: in June. 12. We recommend that a by-law be presented to Council authorizing the Warden and Clerk: to sign an agreement with Mr. Doug Brown, R. R. #1, AYLMER, to rent the agricultural land at Terrace Lodge for 1978. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. J~-<C<jSLr- Chairma~~ ' J ~~,.. /.( /' , .1~~V( ~~,/ 144 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COHHITTEE FIRST REPORT HAY SESSION 1978 Page 1. TO THE WARDEN AND HE~lBERS OF COUNTY COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COHMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Honourable James Snow, Hinister of Transportation and Communications has been petiti.oned by the Committee to call an early contract for that portion of the St. Thoma s Expre ssway between Road 25 (Well ington Road) and Talbotville. The work would include a connection from the Expressway to County Rand">:> in; now <:on~tructl'rl n('ar thl' Andrew~ and Doelrnan propertil's. WI' lllldl'r:lti\l1d tllill :d J I "p,ill Oh:;tilcl"s to till' hul1(llng nf thi:-; p""tion of the Expressway h;lve been resolved by the Hinistry of Transportation and Communications. It is hoped that construction could advance to the point that asphalt could be laid by this fall connecting Talbotville to Road 52 as now constructed. 2. Hot Mix Asphalt Contracts have been let to Walmsley Bros. Ltd. of London (the lowest of 2 bidders) as follows: Contract "A" _ including resurfacing Road 16 in Dunwich Township from ilurwell Corners (Road 14) west~rly to connect up with work completed last year, approximately 4.2 miles; Road 8, patching south of Road 16; Road 20 in Southwold Township 0.4 miles, patching north of Fingal and north of Highway 401; Road 19 in Southwold Township approximately 1.35 miles southerly from Southwold Station and 0.85 miles of Road 11 which runs south of Ford Plant in Southwold Township. Total cost of contract with asphalt cement to be paid for by the County is estimated at $ 302,196.82. Contract "B" - Ba se coat of paving on Road 16 from Fingal to Burwell' 5 corners after grading and granular base this summer. Estimated cost $ 80,342.40. 145 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COHMITTEE FIRST REPORT HAY SESSION 1978 TO THE WARDEN AND HEMBERS OF COUNTY COUNCIL: PAGE 2. Contract "C" - resurfacing on Road 41 in Vienna estimated at $ 22,853.54 and paving on behalf of the Township of Bayham in Eden and Straffordville estimated at $ 21,781.78. 3. Stumps from Road 16 between Fingal and Road 8 and broken concrete, wood blocks, etc. have been hauled to three washouts on Road 24 in Yarmouth and Malahide Townships between Port Stanley and Port Bruce. The few remaining stumps on Road 16 will complete the filling of these washouts. Stumps from Road 38 in Bayham Township and a considerable number of old greenhouse and kiln foundations have been hauled to two washouts on Road 42 east of Port Burwell. Although considerable amounts of these materials were hauled; little impression was made on the washouts. The washouts are being monitored for further erosion. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That the resolution of the County of Huron requesting that the Province of Ontario to amend the Public Transportation & Highway Improvement Act (1971) to provide for the retirement each year of at least one member of a County Road Connnittee be filed. 2. That a By-Law be passed appointing Albert Auckland as the County Representative on the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission for a 5 year period starting July 1, 1978. Mr. Auckland is the County Representative at the present time and his current 5 year term expires on June 30, 1978. 3. That a By-Law be passed limiting the speed on a portion of County Road 20 in Southwold Township to 60 kilometres per hour. The 60 kilometre speed zone would extend northerly and westerly from Warren Street in Port Stanley approximately 2 kilometres to lot line between Lots 15 & 16 146 147 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE PkOPEkTY CUi,;i.;ITTEE REPO}(T May Session, 1978 FIRST REPORT SECOND REPORT MAY SESSION 1978 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, TO TilE WARDEN ANI> m:MllERS Oli' COUNTY COUNCIL: PACE 3. The Property Committee reports as follows: Union Road, Southwo1d Township. The zone would include the area . known as the Waite Curve, Gillard Curve and the Turville Curves. The zone 1. That the letters from the East Elgin District Women's Institute, the E10in County Pioneer Museum Advisory Committee, and the Rotary Club of St. Thomas, opposing the removal of the jail wall be tahled. hilS Iwem thC'!l(,r'/H' "f " nurnhr'r of 11('CJ r1l'nts in rr'c.cnt months. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. ALL of which :is respectfully suhmitted. Yc/J//;'lf!/ c;; A'feu/../ CHAIRMAN ~,c~/ ~~ ~/ . ." ;'1"_--7 . /" -... //~ . !,~/ /._".//./ _C' / (.-<--r? ~./ _; ;~--t~:;>-(/..,e._:_~~!.~-~ M. H. Stewart Chai rman. ' ,;.. -) (>"1. -1- .....' & 2//t {- (//' " 148 149 see IAL SE}(V ICl::~ eCh.,ITTEE l<EFCltr COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE May Session, 1978 SECOND REPORT MAY SESSION 1978 To the viarden and Members of the Eloin Coun~::,r C(1)J)cil, The Social Services Comnittee reports as fol)ows: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That we approve of tJ-. !"lev' rates for thp. Vi ctorian Order of Nurses of $13.30 per y sit effective January 1st, 1978, subject to the approval 0 the [;;inistry of Conr..\lnity and Social Services for subs idy pmToses. TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: 1. That the Minister of the Environment has issued a certificate to the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd. that will allow ~he St. Thoma s Sanitary Collect ion Service s Ltd. tIle right to use a port ion of Lots 21, 22 & 23, Concession III, Southwold, as a Solid Waste Disposal Site by (,x(,lTIptin~ the land InvoLv('d from tilt:' condition of the Township of ALL of which is respectful)y suhmitted. Southwold Zoning By-Law. One of the Minister of the Environment condition's in the issuing of a certificate is the payment by the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd. of $ 10,000 per year to the Road Authoriti('s having jurisdiction over the Southwold _ Delaware _ Westminster Townli.ne Road between the Site and Highway 4. 2. That the Engineer has been instructed to gravel resurface County Road 37 .r '<.._ "!.::::;:..~~.-==~~ between Avon and Oxford County Townline and gravel patch Road 37 between G. }(. Pettit, Cha :i.rman. Avon and Belmont. The road was originally scheduled by your Committee to be grnvell('d this fall between Highway 74. and the Oxford County Line. ,.. / 0.. (1./ 1..1. U:.....t" appearing on all County gravel roads. (..../. -'j <(v1---7 L( . t - Cc:/ l./2.t<-~('// The seven.' frost d('pth of last winter IlIIs resulted in many s')ft spots Your Committee will consider a Revised Maintenance Budget at th('ir next meeting because of increased e"'Penditures in a number of categories caused by the heavy winter control and spring breakup costs along with h,':'VY sign replacement costs due to the blizzard of January 26. All Of Which Is R<,sp<,ctfully Submitt,.,I. ,() , // a/ / )- IY--M,-cZb/ 0 ~AJ.U!..e/ l~ CHAIRMAN L:'.:2'/2 /2. L~/' ;7 ('./2 -; lA Cz"7 , / I 150 COUN'l'Y GClVEl?I!J.:ENT CU!.;MI'l'TEE REPORT May Session, 1978 To the Warden and Memhers of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Conuni ttee reports as follows: 1. We rec0mmend that Reeve Emerson be appointed to the Jl..C .J< .0. Resolutions Committee. 2. That the acknowledament from the Solicitor General of Canada re: Elgin's endorsement of the Town of CollinQwood's resolution re: c?nital nunishment and aovernment's reasons for not reinstatin~ it i~ CanadB be fil;d. 3. Thflt the resolution frcm the City of Stratford re- 011estina the Prnvi nCf> of Ontario to ban the sale of soft drinks i:n f:lny ;on-refil1Rhle container, effective Df>cember 31st, 1978, be endorsed. 4. That the B\llletin No.3 from the Ministry of Treasury, Economics find JnteTmwernmental Affairs on Amendments to the hhmicipnl Elections-Act, 1977, be filed. 5. That the resolution from the BorOUGh of North Y0rK re(1)E'stina the Fw1eral ann Provincial Governments to ev€'rl'nt the f'lJrchase ;:'f smokp detectors from the 1 ?,':7G Rnd 4% sales tax'r:ro- v'pions be endorsed. ALL of whicl1 is respectfully submitted. .' ,'...7 I. _~/ ':) - ) 1"- </ J;2:;~--'--;-. ^ t...:L:.-<...:....::0;;-'-f:;.;-. t!- . \nlson -- C airman. ' -..:.-~ -L- '1-~- ~-::/ i;;i &~(~:/- ./>2 c-'l--? "-'-- 151 Hh::;ONhEL cc.;..J.:lJ:"i.'EE ;(r.h..;{[' May Session, 1978 SECOND REPCjJa To the Warden and Members of the Elain County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That the letter from Bates, Thouard and Tj.erney with offer to review fringe benefits with a view to possibly self-insurinn he filed. 2. That as July 1st, falls on a Saturday this year, we recommend that Monday, July 3rd be designated as the al- ternate dav to celebrate Dominion Day. 3. That the follov'ing 'persons be authorized to attend the labour rel;,tions seminar on "Sensible Barqaininq", spon- sored by the j,t;sociation of r";unicipalities of Ontario, to be held in Toronto on September 14th, 1978 at a cost of $75.00 per person: Deputy }(eeve Glover Reeve K. C. Emerson ~. C. Leverton, Clerk-Treasurer 4. That vie recommend that the vacation Drovision in R~r-Law No. ?4G(l he amenrled, effective January 1st, 1978 and that p~raqraph 2.02 Ca) read as follows: "\ihere at December 31st, in any year, an em- ployee has completed less than one year of conti n- uous service, he shall receive two ''leeks vacation in the following vacation year. Vacation pay shall be calculated at four (4%) per aent of total wages during the twelve months immediately preceding December 31st." 5. That this vacation provision apply to employees at Terrace Lodge. 6. That effectivekay 1st, 1978 the rates to be paid County employees for usinq their own private cars be: o - 3,000 miles Over 3,000 miles 22.5r,t per mile 20.01. per mile 7. That a position of Resident Co-Ordinator be estab- lished for the two Homes for Senior Citizens at a salary of up to $14,000.00 per annum payable biweekly. 8. That the letter from the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs re: the Anti-Inflation Proaram be filed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. A4::~~~// . C. Emerson Chairman. ". .' / --.:.._ .-,~ 1-1.1:..<.- c'- l.--/ .... i " "') '--'( 7 ''- \. ( 1 1 r-----( 152 FIWtNCE AHD APPORTJONMEN'1' COWG'I'TEE REPORT May Session, 1978 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance and Apportionment Committee reports as follows: 1. ThRt the Auditor's Report and Financial Statement for the year ending December 31st, 1977 from the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit be filed. 2. That the statement on zero-base budgeting from the firm of Eric Hardy Consulting Limited be filed. 3. That the revised 1978 Budaet of the Elqin-St. Thomas Health Unit, requiring $169,020.00 horn the County of EIC'::!n he accepted. 4. That the list of Children in Care and Financial Statement for the month of F.pril 1978 from the Family and Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin be filed. 5. That the Financial Statempnt from the Elgin County Pioneer M\lseum Board for the year ]977 be filed. 6. Vie recommend tha t the quest i on of the Coupt~r P'J Tt j - cip01tinr} in the Ontario Housing CorpoTction system be tahled. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. '-, I ',.( j" I /1. ../ \ dill. . If.'- t/ /,E,,/~ /'. '/':::~./.;~, M. E.' B{nks, Chairman. ~u1./l.---~c:?/ U L/ '7)' tYl--'7'--(. l(~' ~ 153 COUI~TY UF ELGIN By-Lav' No. 2521 ''TO APPOINT A 1/;:2MBEii: TO THE ST. THOlfJ~S SUBURBI,N RO[~D COI',TI.iISSION." The Elgin County Council enacts: TlffiT Albert ~. Auckland be; and is hereby appointed to the St. Thomas Suburban I(oad Commission for a term of five years, effective from July 1st, 1978, to June 30th, 1983. F:EAD a first time this 17th day of lI;ay, 1978. Pi.:j,D a second time this 17th day of lv;ay, 1978. P~j~D a third time and finally passed this 11th day of f~ay, 1978. ~,<-.-<",-..e__( yr-;h.J G. C. Leverton, Clerk v ' '"') -t-/[/} \.( <' / "'-,/vtp...... ' c// 1. R. Carroll, Viarden 154 COUNTY OF ELGIN By..Law No. 2522 AUTHORIZING SPEED LIMITS WHEREAS subsection 7 of section 82 of the Highway Traffic Act (R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 202 as amended by the Highway Traffic Amendment Act 1977) authorizes the Council of a Township or County by by-law to prescribe a lower rate of speed for motor vehicles on a highway or portion of highway under its jurisdiction that is not within a built-up area or suburban district than is prescribed in clause (a) of subsection 1 of section 82, but such rate of speed shall not be less than 60 kilometres per hour. AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the speed limit for motor vehicles on certain highways in the County of Elgin be decreased. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. When any highway or portion of highway Set out in Schedule A, appended hereto is marked in compliance with the regulations under The Highway Traffic Act the maximum rate of speed thereon shall be the rate of speed prescribed in the schedule. 2. The penalties provided in subsection 16 of section 82 of The Highway Traffic Act shall apply to offences against this by-law. 3. That section 18 of Schedule A of By-Law 2477 inconsistent with this by-law be and the same are hereby repealed. READ a first time this 17th day of May, 1978. READ a second time this 17th day of May, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of May, 1978. ~~/---<-<- >4--rJ G. C. LEVERTON, Clerk. /~~ //: //' /7) 04'--1.--... '-<. [' (~L/VL-t....-{ L. R. CARROLL, Warden. 155 COUNTY OF ELGIN SCHEDULE "A" Maximum Rate Of Speed - 60 Kilometres Per Hour 1. County Road 20 being Carlow Road or Mill Street as shown on Registered Plans D261, D755 and D959 from the northerly limit of Warren Street (County -Road 21 ) northerly and westerly to the lot line between Lots 15 & 16 Range I North of Union Road and Range I South of Union Road Southwold Township a distance of approximately 2,057 metres. 156 157 COUNTY OF StGIN CnUIlTY (iF ELGIN By-Law No. 2~23 Bv-La'" No. 2524 "BEING A BY -LAv! TC AUTP.ORIZE THE HARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT TO SELL TC THE TOWNSHIP OF SOUTII\'IOLD TEE COUNTY'5 INTERES'l' IN THE vlATER PIPELINE SERVING ELGIN IvUtNm~." "BEINS A BY -LP,\'! 'l'C AU11,miJ :Gr. THE EXECUTION (\F A ME1,;ORJ..IWUJvj Clf AGREEMENT m:T,:EEl~ THE COl-'j:-'ORJ,TION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND 'I'm: TERfU..CE LODGE EMPLOYEE A5S0CI1\TION." WHElmAS the Corporation of the County of Elgin inRta11ed a water pipeline on County Road No. 16, commencing from a point on the said road distant Two Thousand and Forty- Seven Feet (2,047') more or less West from the bounoary line beh.reen the Ci. t Y of St. Thomas and the Township of Snl1t};1tlold, then Westerly along said County Road to a point in t}e said road abutting the South limit of Lot Thirty-Nine (39) North Talbot Road East in the said Township of Southwold. AND l,iHE},E,c.S the said pipeline was installed to provide water fOT the Elgin County Home for the .I\.I]ed (El-::in IV;anor), located on Lot 39 N.T.R.E., in the Township of ~30Uth- "I-!old. VffiEREAS the Cornoration of the CO\lntv of Elnin and the Terrcwe Lnrl0e Employe~ ?ssociation are parties to"the collective anreement dated Oct0ber 26th, 1977, expiring AUGust 1st, 1978. AND WHEREAS the County and the Association have met t00ether to amend the said col1~ctive agreement. WF THE}(};FOPE it iF hereby enacted that the Warden and Clerk of the County be and are hereby empowered to sign the Memorandum of Agreement (to be attached as Sched,lJe 1\.), bflhleen the County of Elgin and the Terrace Lodge Employee ARsociation, amendina the rates of pay and duration of the c0l1ective i'lC'lreement, dated Octc'ber 26th, 1977. AND VlHEREAS the Corporation of the Tm-rnship of Southwold nOi,' vli.shes to purchase the said wf'.ter pipeline. NOv.' TEEREFORE the Council of the Corroration of" the County of Elg:i.n hereby authorizes the b'lTder: and Clarr- to sign an Agreement (attached as Schedule 11.) tc se)) to tl-.e 'l'o\Vnship of Soutl:wold the water pipel ine serving Elgin j.;''.nor, along CO\lnty Road 16. kE~D a first time this 17th day of May, 1978. READ a second time this 17th day of Msy, 1978. READ a third time and finally p~ssed this 17th day of ~ay, 1978. READ a first time this 17th day of May, 1978. READ a second time this 17th day of ~ay, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of May, 1978. Jt/ /}- - _~~-~y;.~ __ ____.,,;-')-1.~~ .JJ.~4_ G. C. Leverton, L. R. Carroll, Clerk. ~arden. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~ / /// ,?) {~ (c~JV ~ L. R. Carroll, "':arden. .~-/'-<-<.,>-<-<. ~rJ 158 "Schedule A" 159 CUUiiTY OF ELGIN MEMORANDUM OF AGl-?EEi'iiENT BETVJEEN: By-Law No. 2525 The Corporation of the County of Elgin (Employer) - and - .-' The Terrace Lodqe Employee Association (Association) 1:JllEJ~EAS, the Employer and the Association are parties to the collective agreement dated October 26th, 1977 expiring Aug\lst 1st, 1978, and vlHE}<EAS, the Employer and the Association have met together to amend the said collective agreement. NOVr THEREFORE the Employer and the Association agree to recommend to their respective principals as follows: ARTICLE 30 - JOB CLASSIFICATION A~D RATES The hourly rates shown on Sched\lle "A" shall be increased by.20~ per hour effective January 1st, 1978 for all employees, full-time and part-time and full retroactivity for all paid hours of employment for past employees who have terminated employment during the interim, January 1st, 1978 to implementation. The rates shall be in effect until December 31st, 1978 in accordance with the A.I.H. approval. ~TICLE 3? .. DURATION Amended to read as follows: 32.01 Except as otherwise provided this Agreement shall become effec- tive on the 1st day of August, 1977 and shall continue in force \lntil the 18th day of October, 1978, from year to year thereafter, unless either party notifies the other in writing not less than thirty (30) days and not more than ninety (90) days prior to the expiry date of this agreement that it desires to amend or terminate this agreement. 32.02 In the event of such notification beina aiven within the time prescribed in Clause 32.01, negotiations hetw~e~ the parties shall begin within fifteen (15) days following such notification. Dated at ST. THOMAS, Ontario this 17th day of May, 1978. "BEING A BY -LAv: TO AU'l'HOl-?IZE THE t'A}(DEH AND CLERK TO SIGN AN AGREEti!ENT TO LEi'.5E AGRICULTURAL LhiW AT 'l'E}(R;-:'CE LODGE." \JHEREAS there is located at Terrace Lodae Home for Senior Citizens, agricultural lands not required for the purpose of the said Home at the present time. AND \iHEkEAS a Mr. Doug Brown of R. R. #1, Aylmer has indicated an interest in leasinq the said lands for the purpose of growing a crop or crops. AND ViHEREhS the Home for Senior Citizens Committee I~ve reconwended that the said lands be leeRed to Mr. ~Tm1n. NO\! THEld~F(I:F the '\:hnner> and Clerk are herebv au- thorized to sign an ~greement to lease the said lands,' located i.n f'nrt of Lot No. 86 and 87 N.T.R., 'l'm.,rnship of J\~alahide. d':;'.D a first time this 17th day of May, 1978. In:rD a second time this 17th day of May, 1978. h'EI,D a third time and finflly passed this l7th day of ]";ay, 1978. 'l'HE CORPORA'l'ION OF THE TE}?RACE LODGE TEE COUN'l'Y OF ELGIN EMPLOYEE ASSOCIATION ,L.'i ~) P/' V'~ .~' >;.1'--'2/71-<' (-L?~ -L7.// , ZZC4? ~ -- 7.fL Warden -r: /. -->--/. /:.1 . ~.:...~ i"; ?'J_J:..~'::7.L______ ~/~/-<-< >4-~J G. C. l.pverton Clerk ' o ,I"~ ~~ 1-./1--:. x ( r:lcA-1. b~'C. / 1. R. Carroll V,'arden ' Clerk -J-:JM Q- ;4:J!?YiL' ~7 ) ,~---~-'-~ 160 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2526 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF' THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPOI<A'l'TUN OF' THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE JV'JAY SESSION, 1978." vlliEREAS by Section 9 of the M\lnicipal Act, being Chnpter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; AND \VHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 of the h:ur,J dpal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercisf-:d by By-Law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceed- incs of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meetinq be confirmed and adopted by Bv-Law; NO"! THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: J.. That act ion of the Council of the Cor'poration of the County of Elgin in resnect of each recommendation containpd in the F'(~t)orts of the COnUni.ttees and each motion and resolution passed' and other action ta~en by the Council of the Corpnration of the County of Elgin a.t its meetinQs held durinn the I.,ny 1Q78 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as i~ a)l such proceed- iO(1s were expressly embodied in this By-L;n'l. 2. The tarden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all thi nos IH,r.essarv to oive effect to the acti on of the Council of the C~rporation ~f the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section heroof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorIzed and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corroration of the County of Elgin. HEAD a first time this 17th day of Mey, 1978. READ a second time this 17th day of May, 1978. REliD a third time and finally passed this 17th day of May, 1<.)78. ~-<-<-<...-~ .>4-~ /,y' ./,.z / . . '~f../t'7~ ( c-<../2/?/t----{,/ ;/ L. R. Carroll, vIa rden. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 161 June Session - First Day Wednesday the 21st day of June, 1978 The .Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municipal Building, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All members present except Deputy Reeve Cowan and Deputy Reeve Glover. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by Deputy Reeve Shaw That the minutes of the May 1978 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. The following Communications were read and referred to the various Committees: From the Township of Southwold Committee of Adjustment with notice of public hearing for a minor variance from zoning By-Law No. 1677, set for June 7th, 1978, at 8:00 P.M. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Town of Aylmer Committee of Adjustment with notice of public hearing for a minor variance from By-Law No. 21-69, set for May 30th, 1978, at 8:00 P.M.- Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Borough of Scarborough with information re: their endorsement and promotion in their municipality of the use of smoke detectors in residential units. - Filed. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with memo 78-3 re: Consultants Agreements and Mileage Rates. _ Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with memo 78-3A re: Subsidy, Land for Road Purposes. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Town of Geraldton with resolution petitioning the Government of Ontario to alter district school board borrowing procedures. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Anti-Inflation Board with approval for increases for 1978 for the Elgin h~nor Full Time Employees. - Filed. From the Township of vJestminister with copy of appeal re: the It.adter Drain No.2. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarr requesting support to exclude, from the provisions of Bill 70, An Act Relating to Occupational Health and Safety, the farm operations _ Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the Anti-Inflation Board with approval for increases for 1978 for the Elgin Wnnor Part Time Employees. - Filed. From the Treasurer of Ontario with copy of Bill 80, An Act to Amend the Municipal Act. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Association of Municipalities of Ontario with Convention Information Sheet and Accomodation Application Form. - Filed. 162 163 From the Ministry of Community and Social Services with copy of letter to the Children's Aid Society advising that they have accepted a revised budget of $504,946.00. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From the Township of Yarmouth Committee of Adjustment ~ith two notices of public hearings for minor variances from zoning By-Law No. 1998, set for June 15Lh, 1978, at 8:CO P.M. and 8:1 - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk with a copy of "The Draft Regional Plan and Schedule of Public Meetings". - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Township of Hamilton with resolution requesting the Province to establish a Royal Commission to investigate all aspects of education. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From the Ontario Ministry of Labour advising that no infractions were observed during an inspection of the gravel pit, located in Lot 14, Concession V, Township of Southwold. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From E. Fearnley Limited, Transportation Planning Con- sultant with copies of brochure outlining the services offered by the firm. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the City of St. Thomas with request to participate in the programs set up to celebrate Canada Week June 25th to July 1st. - Filed. A large delegation of ratepayers and residents along County Road No. 37 were present and it was moved by Reeve Wilson that they be now heard. A written brief was forwarded previously and distributed by mail to all members of CO\lnty Council prior to the meeting. Mr. J. J.Goble was spokesman for the group and ex- plained that the facts in the brief clearly outlined the problem. Questions were asked of the Roads Committee Chairman and County Engineer concerning priority etc. The Warden referred the matter to the Roads Committee and advised the delegation that a reply should be forwarded within a month, but that County Council does not meet again \lntil September. The First Report of the Property Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Stewart. Moved by Deputy Reeve stewart Seconded by Reeve Nemett That the First Report of the Property Committee be adopte The members of Council were polled on each of the para- graphs separately. An amended motion was - Moved by Deputy Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Bradfield That items 1 and 2 of the First Report be adopted with item 3 deleted. From the Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with revised 1978 final estimates of expenditures. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From the Municipalities of Ancaster, Dundas, Stoney Creek, Glanbrook and Flamborough with resolution rejecting the Commission's proposal re: the review made on the Government of the Regional Municipality of Hamilton-Wentworth. - Referred to the County Govern- ment Committee. From the 0 M E Insurance Agency Limited with proposal for "Municipal Errors and Omissions Insurance". - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Association of Municipalities of Ontario with voting delegates official registration form. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From Scarborough College, University of Toronto, out- lining their four-year Specialist's B. A. Degree requirements in Public Administration and requesting consideration be given to hiring their students. - Filed. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications advising that a $25,000.00 supplementary subsidy allocation has been authorized for drainage assessments against county roads. - Referred to the Roads Committee. - Carried. From the Ministry of Natural Resources advising of the approval of a primitive-weapons season for deer in Elgin County - November 6-8, 1978. - Filed. From the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit with request for funds for mosquito-borne encephalitis prevention programme. - Re- ferred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From the Advisory Committee of Municipal Treasurers (A.M.C.T.O.) with announcement of a "Municipal Finance Seminar" at Holiday Inn - City Centre, London - September 28th and 29th, 1978. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment COmmittee. The Roads Committee Report was presented by Reeve Green and adopted on motion of Reeve Green and Deputy Reeve Shaw. The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee Report was pre- sented by Deputy Reeve Shaw and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Shaw and Reeve Hodgson. . Warden Carroll advised those members of Council, who did not attend the Southwestern Ontario Day at the University of Wester Ontario, that a second book to commemorate the centennial entitled "They Passed This Way" had been given the County. It will be place in the County Library at year end. Moved by Deputy Reeve Shaw 3p-conded by Reeve Campbell That the Treasurer's Report be accepted and printed in t~e Proceedings. From the ratepayers and residents of South Dorchester and North Dorchester with petition and resolution re: County Road No. 37 and copy of letter from the Kettle Creek Conservation Au- thoritysupporting improvement to the said road. - Referred to the Roads Committee. - Carried. From the Elgin Law Association with request to hang framed photographs of former judges in the Court House. - Referred to the Property Committee. Moved by Reeve Lake Seconded by Deputy Reeve Longhurst That we do now adjourn to meet again June 21, 1978, at 2:00 P.M. - Carried. 164 165 Council Re-Convened. Moved by Deputy Reeve Kelly Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 2528 be read a second time. ROLL CALL - All present except Deputy Reeve Cowan, Deputy Reeve Glover and Reeve Lashbrook. The Second Report of the Property Committee was pre- sented by Deputy Reeve Stewart and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Stewart and Deputy }(eeve Shaw. The Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Deputy Reeve Pettit. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Kelly That By-Law No. 2528 be read a third time and finally passed. The Report of the Agricultural Co~~ittee was presented by Reeve Cook and adopted on motion of Reeve Cook and Reeve Caverly. The Report of the Finance and Apportionment Committee was presented by Reeve Binks and adopted on mot.ion of Reeve Binks and Reeve Cook. - Carried. The Report of the County Government Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Bradfield and adopted on motion of Reeve Bradfield and Deputy Reeve Longhurst. . . Moved by Deputy Reeve Shaw Seconded by Deputy Reeve Kelly That By-Law No. 2529 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the June Session, 1978" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Green Seconded by Reeve Emerson That the Elgin County jail a~d yard be made available for visitation by the public on July 14th and July 15th and the time of visitation be made public with ~eml)ers of'the Property Committee to be on hand for visitor information. Moved by Reeve Binks Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 2529 be read a second time. - Carried. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Kelly Seconded by Reeve Binks That By-Law No. 2529 be read a third time and finally Reeve Cook suggested that the motion tabled in May to the June Session, re: Council meeting every other Wednesday, be further tabled to the September 6th Session. Moved by Deputy Reeve Shaw Seconded by Reeve Bin~s That By-Law No. 2527'''Being'a':By-Lq,w to Amend By-Law No. 2297, Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the,:Secretary-Treasuler of the County of Elgin Land Division Committee" be read a first time. passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Binks Seconded by Deputy Reeve Longhurst That we do now adjourn to meet again on September 6th, 1978, at 10:00 A.M. - Carried. - Carr ied. Moved by Reeve McLean Seconded by Deputy Reeve Kelly That By-Law No. 2527 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Reeve McLean That By-Law No. 2527 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. L. R. Carroll, \Jarden. Moved by Reeve McLean Seconded by Deputy Reeve Shaw That By-Law No. 2528 "Being a By-Law to Provide Fringe Benefits to All Employees of the County of Elgin Who Are Not Coverec by a Collective Agreement" be read a first time. - Carried. 166 PIWI'F.lnV COmll TTEE REPOln .Jlln~ Session, 1978 FIRST REPORT To thp. 'I'arden and ,\Ir~mhers of the E1::d n COllnt~- C01lnci 1, Th~ Property CommitteI'! reports as fo110",s: 1. ~Ir. J. G. Huston of Hllston Canad;! has hc~n authori7pd to rC'pair the soffits on the COllrt. 1I01Jsp. dome on a titTle and nwtcrial hasis. 2. We reco::Jr,pnd t,o Count. COl!nr.i 1 that fJ'IOt.-!t ion:" hf' oht<Ji ned to repair thp present ili 1 ",all; rpmo,:e the cr>.nt,rp wall het,,'''''''n the ex~rcise yarns make anotho.r ent,ranc'" in t.hr> "'pst ,,'all; ann SlIpply ~"ffi ient ~ra"pl to pro"iri'" for rilr~in~ cilr~ within. 3. ..\n 3t t",,"pt. is h~i n!:! mane to nptp.r"l1i ne if t,hprf' arf' .-my hoelie~ hllrip.ct in t,hr: s01.lt.h-cast corn",r 01' el~,..,,-hf'rp in th", men's cxprci Fe yilrd of t,hc jai 1, ann t.hat. ~Ir. J ar.k EJ )",y of th". EIC';;n-St;. Thomas Ilea]th lJr,;t hl? rp.CJllest"'n to offer his a!"f-istance. ALL of ,,'h:i ch is respectfully SlIhmitt,erl. &6 / /,?......., /" A ./. ,/ /)1/1,/ / ___ "/ ,L./1. C , ...'::;;= -' M. H. Stpwfrt, Chairman. ,'A:,"j//L- "':-. -/ ,~~~/~ /~ . /- ~/" ,'- /~-'7~ :1 v(.,-Ld.:-o-<' /-.J .#' U</2/J-f---L. / Report was adopteel with the deletion of item #3. 167 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT JUNE SESSION 1978 PAGE 1. TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Top Soil work and general cleanup continues. on Roads 30, 31 & 52 in North YUl-mouth and Southwold TowlIship. MOHt 01 this work will. ue completed in the next 2 weeks If wl'.1ther permits. Walmsley Bros. are expected to start work in the. area next week. Presently they are paving the connecting link between Centennial Avenue and Radio Road for the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. 2. The Hon. James Snow, Minister of Transportation and Communications has advised that tenders will be called shortly for that portion of the St. Thomas Expressway between Wellington Road (County Road 25) and Talbotville with the connection to the section of Road 52 west of Wellington Road already completed by the County' of Elgin. It is hoped that a base coat of pavement will connect Road 52 and Talbotville before ncxt wintcr. 3. Grading work is underway on Road 16 between Fingal and Road 14 (Burwell's Corners ). ~. Road 37 - betwcen AVOIl and the Oxford County Line - has been gravel resurfaced and the rest of the road gravel patched. ; . Your Road Committee has held a meeting with the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission, the London Suburban Roads Commission, the County of Middlesex Road Committee, the members of the St. Thomas City Council and the St. Thomas Industrial Commission with regard to the completion ,)f Rlldl.o, Hubr<'y, lIi~hbury Road Link. An insp<,etf.on of th<, route also took place. It was decided to hold another meeting with the County of ... continued ... 168 169 COUNTY OF ELGIN RO~DS8!'~~l1_E..s BOl>IESFOR SI::~nOR CI'l'lZEN:':' C()j;;n'l'TEE }(EPORT .FIRS1~E.!~g~~ J\lne Session, 1978 JUNE SESSION 1978 To the \Jarden and l";embers of the Elc in County Council, PAGE 2. The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follov,s: replacement of the Tates, Walker and Middlemiss Bridges on the Thames 1. Mr. F. J. Boyes has been authorized to allow his name to stand for re-election to the executive of the Ontario Association of Homes for the Aged. Middlesex Road Committee to discuss the route and the repair or River. 2. \{e recommend to County Council that the employment of Mr. Allen Iliagee be extended for a year period from August 1978 as he will reach the age of 65 years. (,. MI'. Frilnk. Fisldeigh who has ueell wJth the County Road llepartm('nt slnc(' 1956 is retiring because of ill health as is George Fickling who has 3. The Director has been authorized to have "Scotch Tint Solar Control" installed on the nine (9) windows in the skylight, in the dining room at Terrace Lodge, at' a cost of $820.44. lwen crnploy<,d sJnn' 19h6. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. 4. The Director has been authorized to have a tarmac walkway installed from the door at the nursing station to the car parking lot and for the gravel areas, outside the fire exit doors at a cost of $1,500.00. /?c7t'cc~1 0 f-/? _'iyIl'-<.;: ::.: 5. The Director has been authorized to pre-register the staff for the Ontario Association of Hones for the hoed Convention on September 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th, at the Holiday Inn, London. CHAIRMAN ~0 'l/-U.,;/ /[;' v1~"'1-'vl-<. '7 r;{-/lZ./~' ALL of which is respectfully submitted. -~ ~ . r:~?;t.- cZ- 52 L. J. 'shi' ;q , ,,---r' Cha i rman . /-' Cd/VI/l-<:/ ~~~ c;~t~~ June Session, 1978 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council; I beg to submit the following statements of Receipts and Expenditures January 1st, 1978 to May 31st, 1978. RECEIPTS Balance in Bank and On Hand January 1st, 1978 County Rates $ CO\lnty Rates Collected Under Section 43 Licenses & Permits Interest County Roads Child Welfare Maintenance Agriculture Miscellaneous Revenue Land Division Committee Court House Recoveries Recovery of Rentals Welfare - Administration -Benefits - Day Nursery Registry Office Notes Payable Workmen's Compensation - Assessment Recovery Property Tax Stabilization Grant 170 COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT EXPENDITURES Council Members Administration - Salaries & Supplies Administration Buildings Court House Maintenance Grants Miscellaneous Expense County Roads Children's Aid Societies Transferred to Elgin j,1anor Transferred to Terrace Lodge Interest Discount on County Rates Write-Off of Taxes Agriculture Registry Office Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit County Library Land Division Committee Welfare - Administration - Benefits Notes Payable Transferred to Debenture Account Restructuring Study Short Term Investments Mosquito Control Balance in Bank May 31st, 1978 405,804.70 7,718.18 1,250.00 4,384.47 1,342,494.93 331.18 400.00 252.76 6,570.00 27,059.06 22,708.40 9,994.26 149,068.67 1,565.20 4,444.64 535,000.00 1,550.00 44,499.00 23,947.62 36,518.98 6,876.54 20,992.87 2,650.00 456.95 1,006,102.98 24,586.65 40,000.00 35,249.06 6,129.56 12,645.92 2,547.83 6,587.48 2,653.14 42,255.00 100,000.00 8,537.06 25,782.06 174,492.71 770,000.00 45,895.00 92.50 250,000.00 1,053.21 171 ELGIN MANOR from Balance in Bank and On Hand January 1st, 1978 Receipts Expenditures Balance in Bank and On Hand I~y 31st, 1978 $ 144,124.13 TERRACE LODGE Balance in Bank and On Hand January 1st, 1978 (Overdraft) Receipts Expenditures Balance in Bank and On Hand May 31st, 1978 $2,565,095.45 $2.709.219.58 ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~..A..-<....I..-C( .".e"..,-.../ G. C. Leverton, County Clerk and Treasurer. $2,646,053.12 63.166.46 $2.709.219.58 $144,024.11 511. 094.17 $655,118.28 600.384.34 $ 54,733.94 $ 32,183.59 307,614.64 $275,431.05 229,924.69 $ 45,506.36 172 173 PROPE}(TY cO:,~,;rTTEE REPORT PE}(SONNEL cor,j}.; ITTEE kEPOI~T J\lne Session, 1978 June Session, 1978 SECOND REPOI<T To the ~arden and ~embers of the Elgin County Council, To the Harden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: The Personnel Committee reports as follmvs: 1. That the request from the Elgin Law Association to hang the seven framed photographs of the County Court Judges, in the east end of the second floor of the Court House, be approved and that the work be carried on under the supervision of Mr. Jerry Freeman. 1. That we recommend that the County pay the second year~s tuition fee of $160.00, on behalf of Mrs. Rose M. Daniel, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer, for the Association of Mu- nicipalClerks and Treasurers Course, carried throuoh Queen's University. 2. 'fhat we recommend that the rate of pay for Miss Valerie Dale, Recreation Director at Terrace Lodge, be ad- justedto $4.95 per hour and that it be retroactive to January 1st, 1978 and the new rate progression be: $4.95 - 5.05 - 5.15 - 5.25 per hour. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. 3. That employees at Terrace Lodge who are not members of the Association be extended the same fringe benefits, as provided in the fringe benefit by-law covering non-union and non-association employees and that it be effective July 1st, 1978. 4. That He recommend to County Council that all cash liabilities for sick credits and vacation for employees who, are allowed to work beyond the age of 65 be settled at the time of normal retirement and that no future liabilities be accepted for sick credits and vacation be paid at the follow- ing rates: ~- , /' :,.? . ~~ .:/}/~i /' / ,/. '>. -., _..-L .~, / ~ ," -' . . ---ZZ-:L:L"':" r.:.... H .;steW;;;r~- Chairman. Up to 3 weeks vacation - 4% of total earnings 3 weeks vacation - 6% of total earninqs 4 weeks vacation - 8% of total earnings 5 weeks vacation - 10% of total earnings. ~ /].2'LC (/ .~ ~ . {C//:__~tA / J~LL of which is respectfully submitted. ;1 /. ..' /1'-.. ,. S ~ ( ~~,......-(~-v<. A:......--2A.)__L~-Z.<.-/ K. c. Emerson, Cha irmar,. ,'2---<,/l/l.--U:/- ~~ C.~t~' 174 175 AGRICULTURAL COW.;I'l'TEE }(EPGRT FINM~CE AND APPOP.TICIJ;:;ENT COI.];;ITTEE P.EPOl~T June Session, 1978 June Session, 1978 To the \iarden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricult\lral Committee reports as follows: To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance and Apportionment Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry requesting the Ministry of Labour to amend the provisions of Bill 70, An Act Relating to Occupational Health and Safety, to exclude the farm op- erations be endorsed. 1. We recommend that the revised budget of the Children's Aid Society in the amount of $534,946.00 requiring a County contribution of $53,390.00 be accepted and the letter from the ocinistry of Community and Social Services be filed. 2. That the request fro~ the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit for $2,959.24 to finance the County's portion of the mosquito-borne encephalitis prevention programme be approved. 2. A\lthorization has been given to the Clerk-Treasurer to order three hundred (300) pounds of "DyCleer lOP", her- bicide pellets for the Weed Inspector to apply on the weed named "Leafy Spurge". 3. That any person who wishes to go to the 1978 Munic- ipal Finance Seminar in London on September 28th and 29th, contact the County Treasurer in order to be registered. 4. That the resolution from the Township of Hamilton requesting the Province to establish a Royal Commission to investiqate and report on all aspect,s of education inCntario be filed. 3. That the letter from the Ministry of Natural Re- sources advising that a primitive-weapons season for deer in Elgin County has been approved for November 6-8, 1978 be filed. 4. That the Minister of Natural Resources be advised that the Council of the County of Elgin is opposed to having an open deer season in Elgin, for any weapons and that a copy of the letter be sent to Mr. Ron McNeil, M.P.P. and Mr. Jim ~cGuigan, M.P.P. 5. That the question of the County participation in the Ontario Housing Corporation System be filed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. \ .' "'.... /~--~/> .., I ,( /-,,( II--!-t D. ic.' Cook, Chairman. / ' '; : / t.' M:.>-, (~ /"'.-' v'r.1. ,: Binks: Chairman. L t!!/a/Vl"d .~-<- ~~~. ,/ ~ /' C-a./2-1...-U?-tf? ~~ /,' . //- &~10 1~ COUNTY GOVERNM~ENT COWJ~ITTEE REPORT June Session, 1978 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from the Town of Geraldton pe- titioning the government of Ontario to alter district school board borrowing procedures be endorsed. 2. That the letter from the Treasurer of Ontario and copy of Bill 80, An Act to Amend the Municipal Act be filed. 3. That the resolution from the Municipalities of Ancaster, Dundas, Stoney Creek, Glanbrook and Flamborough rejecting the Commission's proposal re: the review made on the Government of the Regional Municipality of Hamilton- Wentworth be endorsed. 4. That the letter from 0 If. E Insurance Agency Limited with proposal for "Municipal Errors and Omissions Insurance" be filed. 5. \;e recommend that the following persons be named as voting delegates to the Association of Ml1nicipalities of Ontario Convention August 20th - 23rd, 1978: Warden Carroll Reeve Bradfield. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~/ v~ ~/J4 \ 177 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2527 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 2297. THEREBY ADJUSTING THE SALARY OF THE SECRETARY-TREASURER OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN LAND DIVISION COMNIITTEE." vD1EREAS By-Law No. 2297 deals with the appointment and remuneration of a Secretary~Treasurer of the County of Elgin Land Division Committee. AND \iHEREAS By-Law No. 2297 is presently amended by By-Law No. 2469. AND vlliEREAS it is deemed advisable to change the present salary of the Secretary-Treasurer. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: L THAT Clause (2) of By-Law No. 2297, as amended by By-Law No. 2469, be deleted, and the following sub- stituted therefore: "That the salary of the Secretary-Treasurer of the County of Elgin Land Division Committee shall be Three Hundred and Forty-Two Dollars and Thirty-five Cents ($342.35) biweekly." TliAT By-Law No. 2469 be and the same is hereby repealed. THAT this By-Law become effective January 1, 1978. 2. 3. READ a first time this 21st day of June, 1978. READ a second time this 21st day of June, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of June, 1978. ._ ~/---<-< ~--<.A. y........- G. C. Leverton, Clerk. (~~~ c~/U4 L. R. Carroll, Warden. 178 COUl,TY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2528 "BEING A BY -LA\'J TO PIWVIDE FRINGE BENEFITS TO ALL EMFLOYEES OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN vJHO ARE NOT COVERED BY A COLLECTIVE AGI~EEMENT . " ViHEI<EAS some employees of the County of Elgin are working under a Collective Agreement which includes certain fringe benefits. AND ViHE}(EAS the Corporation of the County of Elgin wishes to provide similar fringe benefits for the remainder of its employees who are not incl\lded in a Collective Agree- ment. Ne\.' THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts that all employees working for the County of Elgin without a collective agreement be and are hereby entitled to the following fringe benefits. 1. PAID HOLIDAYS - 1. 01 All regular employees will be credited vii th pay computed at straight time for each of the followinc; paid holidays: New Year's Day *Second Monday of Febr\lary Good Friday Easter Monday Victoria Day Dominion Day Civic Holiday Labour Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Boxing Day *For all employees, exclusive of Elgin Manor and Terrdce Lodge, November 11th will be substit\lted for the "Second Monday in FebrualY". provided that: (a) The employee is not absent on the days he/she is scheduled to work i~~ediately preceding and follow- ing the holiday, or the day granted in lieu thereof, unless excused because of illness or other reason- able excuse. (b) The employee is not absent on the paid holiday after being sched\lled to work. 1.02 Employees required to work on a Paid Holiday shall at the option of the Employer receive either: (a) Pay at the rate of time and one-half the employee's regular rate for work performed on such Holiday, in addition to the employee's regular pay, or Pay at the rate of time and one-half the employee's regular rate for work performed on s\lch Holiday, and an alternative day off either thirty (30) days before or thirty (30) days following the holiday. (b) 1.03 Notwithstanding anything herein contained to the contrary, if one of the Paid Holidays occurs on an employee's reg- ular day off or during an employee's vacation period and the employee is required to work, the employee will re- ceive credit for the said Holiday at straight time and in addition will receive two and one-half (2i) times his/her regular rate of pay for all hours worked on the Paid Holiday. 179 .04 If one of the paid holidays'occurs on an employee's regular day off, the employee will receive an extra day off within thirty (30) days follmving the holiday, and at a time that is mutually agreed upon between the Em- ployer and the employee. If one of the paid holidays occurs during an employee's vacation, the employee will receive an additional day off which may be added to his/her vacation. It is understood and agreed that an Jmployee is entitled to receive the benefits provided in this Article for work performed on a Paid Holiday only where the majority of the hours worked by the employee on his/her shift fall 'on the Paid H~liday. .05 .06 VACATIONS - :.01 For the purpose of computing vacation entitlement, the vacation year shall begin on January 1st and end on the following December 31st. Every employee shall be granted an annual vacation with pay according to his/her credited service as follows: :.02 2.03 I'Jhere at December 31st, in any year, an employee has completed less than one year of continuo\ls service, he/she shall receive two weeks vacation in the following vacation year. Vacation pay shall be calculated at four (4%) per cent of total wages during the twelve months immediately preceding December 3lst. v,~ere at December 31st in any year, an employee has completed one year continuous service, he/she shall receive two (2) weeks vacation in the follow- ing vacation year. Vacation pay shall be calculated at four (4"/0) per cent of total wages, during the twelve months immediately preceding Dece~)er 31st or two week's regular pay, whichev~r is the greater. ~~ere at Dece~)er 31st, an employee has completed five (5) years of continuous service, he/she shall receive three (3) weeks vacation in the following vacation year. Where at December 31st, an employee has completed twelve (12) years of continuous service, he/she shall receive four (4) weeks vacation, in the fol- lowing vacation year. Ymere at December 31st, an employee has completed twenty (20) years of continuous service, he/she shall receive five (5) weeks vacation, in the fol- lowing vacation year. Vacation pay for (c), (d) and (e) shall be based on his/her normal work week and his/her regular rate of pay, but shall not include overtime or other increments. Every employee who does not otherwise qualify under the provisions of this section, shall be paid in accordance with "The Employment Standards Act". The vacation and vacation pay entitlement of an employee who is absent from work without pay for a period in ex- cess of one month shall be calculated on the basis of actual time on the payroll during which he/she is in receipt of remuneration from the employer. An employee's vacation and vacation pay entitlement shall be based upon continuous service performed for the em- ployer during the previous vacation year, in accordance with the provisions of this Article. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 2.04 180 2.05 The prorating of vacation entitlement as outlined in Articles 2.03 and 2.04 shall not result in an employee being entitled to less than two weeks vacation in any year. 3.05 2.06 Total wages in this section shall include all money received by an employee but does not include (a) previously paid vacation pay (b) money paid on behalf of the employee to insurance plans (OHIP, LTD, Life, EHC). 2.07 In order to receive vacation pay in advance, an employee shall make a request in writing to his/her supervisor not less than two weeks in advance of the date his/her vacation is to commence. Such advance shall cover only the pay period or pay periods falling within the employee's vacation. 3. SIC~ LEAVE - 3.01 Each employee will be credited with one and one-half (li) days of sick leave at the end of each month of service. 3.02 An employee shall not be granted any sick leave credits until he/she has completed three (3) months continuous service with the Employer; however, upon completion of three (3) months service, the employee shall, subject to Clause 3.03, be credited with four and one-half (4i) days sick leave. 3.03 v~ere a re~llar full-time employee is absent from work for a period in excess of three (3) working days in a calendar month, the sick leave credit referred to in Clause 3.01 shall be as follows: V10RKING DAYS ABSENT MONTHLY SIC~ LEAVE CREDIT 0-3 3t - 10 10i - 1 H 18 or more It days 1 day t day o Provided, however, that the above provision shall not apply to an employee: (a) Vlho does not work his Iher regular shift because of emergency or other conditions beyond the control of the employee, or has been requested by his/her Supervisor to work different hours; (b) Vlho is on vacation; (c) Who is on a paid holiday; The above provisions shall, however, apply to an employee: (a) Who is absent because of illness or injury; (b) lfuo is absent without leave; (c) Who is absent without pay. 3.04 The unused portion of sick leave credits in anyone year shall be allowed to accumulate without limitation. 181 3.06 When an employee is absent as a result of an accident while at work, or illness inherent to occupation, and as a result is receiving Woykmen's Compensation, as awarded by the Workmen's Compensation Board, he/she may receive the difference between his/her regular pay and the Board's award if unused sick leave credits are available for the purpose. If such employee is not eligible for Workmen's Compensation, he/she may receive sick pay to the extent that sick pay credits, if any, are available. Any employee discharged for cause, whose discharge is not reversed through subsequent proceedings, shall lose and forfeit all sick leave credits. To qualify and be paid sick leave from credits accumu- lated, an employee must give two (2) hour's notice of his/her inability to be on any shift provided, however, that if there be an emergency and notice, by reason of the said emergency, is not given, this requirement will not be enforced. After an employee has had three (3) periods of sick leave of three (3) days or less within a calendar year, the Employer may refuse to pay for the fourth or sub- seq\lent period of sick leave, notwithstanding that the employee has accumulated sick leave .to his Iher credit. It is understood that this provision is an endeavor to eliminate abuses of sick leave and is in addition to any other disciplinary action which the Employer may deem fit to invoke. vihere sick leave absence has been in excess of three (3) consecutive days the employee shall not be paid sick leave credits unless he/she fur- nishes the Head of his/her Department with a Doctor's Certificate or other explanations satisfactory to the Employer. vlhere an employee having more than five (5) years con- secutive service ceases to be employed by the County, there shall be pai9 to him/her or his/her personal representat,ive, or failing a personal representative to such other person as the Employer may determine, an amount computed on the basis of his/her rate of pay at the date of leaving the employ of the County for a period equal to fifty (50%) per cent of the value of his/her sick leave credits, but the amount shall not exceed six (6) months pay. 3.07 3.08 3.09 4. COMPASSIONATE LEAVE OF ABSENCE - 4.01 In the event of the death of a member of an employee's immediate family, the immediate family being restricted to mother, father, sister, brother, spouse, child, grandchild, where the said employee is attending the funeral, or assisting in arrangements for the f\lneral, the Employer shall arrange leave with pay not to exceed three (3) days. The three (3) days shall, however, in- clude normal days off and shall conclude on the day of the funeral. The employer will give full consideration to granting additional time off without pay upon appli- cation by the employee. In the case of the death of the employee's mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, grandfather or grandmother, up to one day may be granted without loss of regular pay where necessary to enable the employee to attend the funeral. 4.02 5. PERSONAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE - 5.01 The Employer may grant leave of absence without pay to any employee for legitimate personal reasons. 182 5.02 Employees who are on leave of absence will not be con- sidered to be laid off and their seniority shall continue to accumulate during such absence. 5.03 Employees who are on leave of absence will not engage in gainful employment while on such leave, or utilize a leave of absence for purposes other than those for which the leave of absence was granted, and if an em- ployee does engage in gainful employment while on such leave of absence or utilize the leave of absence for purposes other than those for which the leave of absence was granted, may, at the discretion of the Employer be considered as a voluntary quit. 6. HEALTH AND WELFARE - 10. 6.01 Ontario Hospital Insurance Plan (O.H.r.p.) The Employer agrees to pay one hundred (100%) per cent of the billing rate of the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (O.H.I.P.) for all employees eligible under the plan. 6.02 Extended Health Care (E.H.C.) The Employer agrees to pay one hundred (100%) per cent of the billing rate of Blue Cross Extended Health Care coverage ($10.00 - $20.00 deductible). Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (O.M.E.R.S.) The Employer agrees to pay fifty (50%) per cent of the O.M.E.R.S. plan in respect of pension, in accordance with the County of Elgin By-Law No. 1838, as amended by By-Law No. 2059. Long Term Disability (L.T.D.) Trie Employer. agrees to pay fifty (50'70) per cent of the premium of a 10l~g term disability insurance plan which will pay 66 2/3% of the employee's monthly earnings to a maximum of $1,000.00. The present plan, through Mutual Life of Canada, calls for a qualifying period of 120 days or expiration of sick leave, whichever is greater. 6.03 6.04 7. JURY DUTY - 7.01 An employee who is actually at work for the Employer and has completed his/her probationary period and is called for service on Jury Duty shall be entitled to receive from the Employer the difference in pay between the Jury Duty pay and what he/she would have received from the Employer, computed at straight time for the time necessarily and actually spent on Jury Duty during the hours scheduled to work during a normal work week. The employee shall provide proof of hours engaged on Jury Duty and proof of payment therefore. 8 . EMPLOYEES- 8.01 In this by-law, employees means any salaried officer, clerk, workman, servant or any other person in the employ of the County of Elgin, who has completed his/her ninety (90) day probationary period, unless stated otherwise in this or some related by-law. 8.02 Employee does not include any casual, seasonal or part- time employee unless stated otherwise. 8.03 Current County employees shall be advised of all staff vacancies, when such vacancies are being advertised in the newspaper. 1'83 9. RETIREMENT - 9.01 Retirement in this by-law, ~eans having attained the age of sixty-five (65) years or earlier if substantiated by a Medical Doctor's Certificate, stating that retirement is necessary because of permanent disability. The Normal Retirement age for employees covered by this by-law shall be sixty-five (65) y~ars. An employee having reached the Normal Retirement Age may, at the pleasure of the Elgin County Council, con- tinue his/her employment on a yearly basis. AtmUAL INCREMENT - (applicable to employees hired under this condition only) Employees starting employment with the County of Elgin prior to September 1st, in any year will receive their first annual increment on the first day after January 1st of the following year. Employees starting employment with the County of Elgin on or after September 1st, in any year will receive their first annual increment on the first pay after January 1st of the second following year. 9.02 9.03 10.01 10.02 11. CASUAL OR SEASONAL EMPLOYEES - 11.01 Vacation pay for casual or seasonal employees shall be paid in accordance with the Employment Standards Act. Employees hired for the Road Department on a seasonal basis, not to exceed six (6) months, shall be exempt from qualifying for the usual fringe benefits extended to regular employees, upon completion of their proba- tionary period. However, in the event the employee is subsequently, without a break in employment, hired as full time, he/she shall immediately be eligible for the benefits based on the period employed. 11. 02 12. MILEAGE RATES - 12.01 The following rates shall be paid to all county employees using their own private cars: Effective January 1st, 1978 o - 5,000 miles Over 5,000 miles Effective May 1st, 1978 20ct per mile 17ct per mile o - 3,000 miles Over 3,000 miles 22.5ct per mile 20. Oct per mile IS. 14. That By-Law No. 2460 be, and the same is hereby repealed. This by-law shall become effective January 1st, 1978, unless otherwise noted. READ a first time this 21st day of June, 1978. READ a second time this 21st day of June, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of June, 1978. ~~~~ fi ~ - :;:r(6./l..-z-v v'/>/U-t/ L. R. Carroll, G. C. Leverton, 185 184 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2529 ~p':>c.ial ~.;c:;si()n \'iednesda)', the bth delY of ~(.'pteJnb()r, 1975 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF TIiE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE JUNE SESSION, 1978." 'Ule Elqin County Council met this day in Special ~>essi( at the Elgin County r;unicipal l3uildinQ. The \!arden in the Chair. 1\.11 members present except J-cceve Las,hbrook. WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; Moved by Y-eeve Wilson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit That the minutes of the June 1978 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. AND vffiEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceed- ings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law; NOW TIiEREFORE the Council.of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the June 1978 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 1~e main purpose of this Special Session of CO\lncil was to discuss the local government restructuring study report and interim recommendations of the joint Local Government Study Com- mittee. Moved by Deputy Reeve Longhurst Seconded by Reeve Hinks That this Session of Elgin County Council go into a Commi ttee of the vlhole to cons ider the restructur ing study. - Carried. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. TIle briefs from the various municipalities expressing their views on restructuring were read and a discussion followed. It was moved by Reeve Emerson that the Committee of the vfuole rise and report. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Liebner Seconded by Deputy Reeve Kelly That the Interim Report on Restructuring be referred to the Local Government Study Co~~ittee, and a report be submitted by the Local Gov,ernment Study Committee at the September ~ession of County Council. - Carried. READ a first time this 21st day of June, 1978. READ a second time this 21st day of June, 1978. READ a third time and finally, passed this 21st day of June, 1978. 'rhe Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Reeve Emerson. Moved by ,Reeve Emerson Seconded by Jteeve Lake That the Report of the Personnel Committee be adopted. The following amend:nent was L. R. Carroll, \varden. Moved by Reeve Cook Seconded by Reeve Green That item ,3 of the Personnel Committee Report be limended by adding "and that the date of.j)ecember 31st, 19'19 be extended with special permission of the Personnel Committee". - Carried. ~-<---<---<.'..-< ~--/ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~~y~ (:;~/t4--P The original Iteport, cIS amended, was voted on and it was carried. 186 'l'lle h'epor t of the Property conuni ttee Via:3 presented by 'Deputy J((,ev(~ Stuwdrt. Moved by keeve ~nerson iJeconded by Deputy j,eeve Kelly That the motion passed at tile J..pril ~~ession, 1978, to demolish the jail "all be rescinded. Reeve Binks requested a recorded vote. ~ Carroll (2), Kelly, Cowan, McLean (2), Cook (2), Caverly (2), Green (2), Stewart, VJilson, Pettit, Glover (2), Emerson, Nemett, Bradfield. Total Votes 20. NAYS Campbell, Longhurst (2), ShaH (2), Shackleton (2), McBrien (2), Hodgso~, Binks, Lotus, Liebner, Lake. Total Votes 14. Motion Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Stewart Seconded by }(eeve Bradfield That the Report of the Property Committee be adopted. Reeve Cook requested a recorded vote. ~ Carroll (2), Kelly, Campbell, Cowan, McLean (2), Cook (2), Caverly (: Green (2), Stewart, Viilson, Pettit, JlicBrien (2), Glover (2), Emerson. Nemett, Bradfield. Total Votes 23. NAYS Longhurst (2), Shaw (2), Shackleton (2), Hodgson, Binks, Lotus, Liebner, Lake. Total Votes 11. Iv,otion Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Wilson That we continue County CO\lncil after 12:00 noon to com- plete this Session. - Carried. Moved by heeve Cook Seconded by Deputy Reeve .Shaw That the resolution tabled to September 6th re: altering meeting dates of CO\lnty Council be further tabled. - Carried. 187 I,loved by ]-:eeve 1I0dqson ~econded by Deputy j~e,"ve ~';hClckleton That the request from the l<.,dies from i'ieritage Founda- tion to use the county crest be referred to the County Government Commit tee. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Kelly Seconded by j,eeve Liebner That By-Law No. 2530 ");' By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the September 6th Session, 1978" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Binks Seconded by Reeve McLean That By-Law No. 2530 be read a second time. - Ca.rried. Moved by Reeve Liebner Seconqed by Deputy Neeve Kelly That By-La,. No. 2530 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve \':Us.on That we do now adjourn to meet again on September 27, 1978 at 10:00 A.M. - Carried. G. c. Leverton, Clerk. L. R,', Canoll, ,;arden. 188 189 1'1';];; ;L;i:~ 1':1. Cl ,.:'. J 'j"!'Ei~ J:i.lChT };:('}I::,TY C\i: i'.'j'!~l'. }'2~lY\T September 6th Session, 19'/8 :";0r,tc~;;;i.)E:r bth ~;C~i:.; i 01\, 197B 'I'o the Vlarden and Members of the Elgin County Council, '1'0 the \iarckn and j.;cmbers of the Elgin County Council, 'l'he Personnel Conuni ttee reports as follows: The f'rorx:rty Conua] t lee rqlorts dS fo.110\"5: * See amendment below. 1. That we recomr~end to COlmty Council that the firm of Stevenson & Kellogg Ltd., be engaged to undertake a salary and job review for the employees not covered by an I\ssociation or UnionagreemEmt, including the position of \:arden, at an estimated cost of $9,500.00. 2. That we recommend that all vacation credits must be taken within the year and no carryover be allowed, unless special permission is obtained through the Personnel Committee. 3. That we recommend that all vacation credits presently carried over from previous years be liquidated by December 31st, 1979 and at least 50% of the credits must be taken as time off. 4. That we recollunend that a policy of giving a retire- ment gift be instituted, after five years of service, calcu- lated at the rate of $20.00 per year, to a maximum value of $200.00. 1. That we recom;nend that the County l(odd J)epartm(mt make a satisfactory entrance in the south jail wall, to allow ca..rD to (.:nt€~r dnc1 !.~xit; to Stll,~rly T.11<:: JH.:ce::-;sary (JrclvE:l; dncl to fence off the area where tile graves arc reported to be, a~ an c:.>tlmated cost of $3,000.00. 2. That we recomoend to County Council that the centre brick: wall in the jail yard be removed and we suqgest that it be advertised in the newspaper, and in the event no'one is interested, the Road Dep<lrtment be authorized to remove it. 5. That an employee who retires, after 15 years of ser- vice but less than 25, be eligible to receive a County watch, in addition to the gift. hLL of which is respectfully submitted. * Item 3 was amended by addingC~nd that the date of December 31st, 1979 be extended with special permission of the Personnel Cor.unittee )'. ALL of which is respectfully (5ubmitted. :f:-J ~ " -- /?- ,-' ,/ ,(.-{ V 'Ic' (" CC i- ?;: M. H. Stew~rt', Chairman. (,-;;.~. Vi- Lc c/ ./ ,.(<7) (/'" C,:/'\/~ ( /<-:::~7"'- (. "l,,/.(r t C- K. C. Emerson, Chairman. ,/' ;-.;(, /}"7- ,-,' / ~.. /.' I C~.t ,~,./{/ (,._ .Cr.. '1 !. \.0(. ~/ L?J_ ( ./ .. /' /-' /0- .." I' . / (,. ~ ~~ ~ ( . 190 191 C(XLTY CF BLGD September Session M Firnt Day Wednesday the 27th day of September, 1978 by-La,w ];0. 2530 "i, BY-LHi 'lU CC'liFJj(j: )]':CC~~i~DOiL(;S CF 'j'H~ CeLl.SIL CF 'l'LE CCI-?POli'l\.Th,l\ The Elgin County Council mot this day at the County Municipal Building, St. ~homas, in accordance with adjourrill\ent. The Warden in the Chair. All members present except Reeve Lashbrook. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Shaw That the minutes of the September 6th, 1978 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. OF TilE CCUI'.:TY OF J::LCIlJ /:1' THE SEF'l'EkI3EF1 6th S.ES::jIU:. 1978" ':jIEREi:~J by Section 9 of the [,';unicipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the l~evised Stututes of Lntario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; AIJD \.1!Ei<Ei,S by S\lbsection 1 of Sccti on 241 of the l,;unicipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the l-1evised Statutes of Untario, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by by-1m"; - Carried. AND \'JIElI'EAS it is deemed expedient that the proceed- ings of the Council of the Corporation of the cO\lnty of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law; The following Communications were read and referred to the various Committees: From the Tminship. of Malahide with resolution re: InM terim Report on Restructuring. - Referred to the Local Government. Study Committee. From the Association of Counties and Hagions of Ontario advising that resolutions for the convention resolution book must be in ,by August 31, 1978. - Filed. From the Association of Counties and Regiona of Ontario ,Ii th the following: (1) Pre'-registrationandHous~ng request forms for convention (2) Tentative Program outlines f.or del~gat~s and spouses (3) Nomination and Consent Forms jor Boar~ of Directors (4) June Newsletter (5) Form to name eight yoting delegates. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Treasurer of Ontario :With copy of first rei'lding of the following bills: Bill 104 - AnAqtRespect~ngMotor V~hicle .Access to Property byRoad. Bill 135 - An Act to Revise The 1ine Fences Act ?\ . Bill.l37 M .The.Metric Conversion Statute law'Amendment Act. 1978. . . NO\i 'l'HEI~EF'OI(E the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the cO\lncil of the Corporation of the County of Elgin :in respect of each recounendation contained in the ,F:eports of tilE-) Cerami ttees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the September 6th, 1978 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedinqs were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. Tllc ~arden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby autllorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of tile County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof., 3. The \';arden and the Clerk are authori zed and directed to execute all documents necefisaTY in that behalf and to affix thereto the .Seal of the Co!poration of the County of Elgin. Ii~EAD a first time this 6th day of September, 1978. READ a second time this 6th day of September, 1978. RE1,D a third time and finally passed this 6th day of September, 1978 ----- ,,_..---: .J....-C":__~........-;. Y>..-./ /< (I ~ ) t '" // .... I .. Referred to the Roads. Committee. From the Minister of Transportation and Communicatior\$ announcing educational progra~es for municipal employees. .. Re. fen-ad to the Hoa-ds Committee. From 'the rUnistryofConsumerand Commercial Relations with amendments to the' Building Code Act as published in the Ontario Gazette - Filed. . FromWilli,am M. ~jerce:r:.Lilllited advising o.r a ope~day seminar (October 11th) to deal ./ith CUI:luloUve Sick Benefits. - Referred to the Personnel Committee. .'. G. c. L0verton, Clerk. L. Ii. CclTroll, \.arden. 192 193 From Mr. Mel Swart, M.P.P., \!ellandM'l1lorold, with an open letter to The Honourable Claud.e Bennett, Minister of Housing, ref loans under the Ontario Home !(enewal Proqram and requosting the County to move on the issue. .. R(~ferred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From the Bureau of gunicipal Research and The Institute of Public J\dministration of Canada, announcing a one~day seminar in Windsor on "The Public Interost and The Riqht to KnowH. - Re- ferred to the County Government Comrnittee. From the Canadian Red Cross Society with request for an increaae in the hourly rate for Homemaker's Service. .. Referred to the Social Services Committee. From the County of Peterborough with resolution roquest.. ing the Ministry of Transportation and Communications to transfer funds to municipalities on a monthly payment basis. .. l\efcrred to the Roads Committee. From the Bank of Montreal with two letters advising of increases in the interest rate for current borrowings as follows: effective .. August 1st, 1978 from 9i% to 9i% effective September 15th, 1978 from 9%% to 10*%. .. Filed. From the City of Chatham with resolution re: the funding of Public Transportation service for the Handicapped Citizens in Ontario. . Referred to the Social Services Committee. From the Minist~y of the Environment with information and revised model municipal noise control by~law to assist munic- ipalities. - Filed. From the Town of Tillsonburg with copies of report by Norman Pearson, Consultant Planner, re: boundary adjustments. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From The Premier of ~ltario with a list of The Queen's Silver Jubilee Medal recipients in St. Thomas and Elgin. - Filed. From the Township of South Dorchester with reply to Interim Report of the Local Government Restructuring Co~~ittee. . Referred to the Local Government Study Committee. From t~s. William Locke with appreciation for floral arrangement. - Filed. From the County or Northumberland with resolution re- questing the Provincial Government to withdraw Section, 443. Sub- section 6(c) of the Ml..t,1icipal Act. re: road closing confirmation by-laws. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Frank Cowan Company Limited asking for the op- portunity to quote on "Errors and Omissions Insurance", allowed under Bill 80. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Township of Yarmouth requesting the County to put a bounty back on foxes. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the City of Burlington with resolution requesting the Provincial Government to review and amend the Planning Act and the Ontario Municipal Board Act with regard to Official Plan Amendments etc. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Association of Municipalities of Ontario with request for opinions on the topic "Freedom of Information and Individual Privacy". . Referred to the County Government Committee~ From the Minister of the Environment urging municipalities to include expenditures re: water supply and sewage disposal in their restraint program. - Filed. From Ann Thomas, M.D., Executive Secretary, St. 1~oma8. Elgin General Hospital, requesting Council's views on the strengths and weaknesses of the present health care delivery within the County. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Comnlittee. From the Thames River Implementation Committee with the following: (1) Progress Report, dated }~y 1978 (2) Thames Valley Agricultural Practices Survey, dated July 1978. From Ecoplans Ltd. offering a consulting service in urban forestry and shade tree management. - Referred to the Agri. cultural Committee. . Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From Gloin, Hall & Associates with terms agreed to for the construction of a ditch for the property of Joseph C. and Eunice Taylor. .. Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Provincial-Municipal Affairs Secretariat ac- knowledging, on behalf of the Treasurer of Ontario, Elgin's endorsation of the resolution rejecting the rec~maendation of the Hamilton-Wentworth Region Review Committee. - Filed. From the Association of Counties and I~egionB of Ontario requesting Council's views on the provisions in Bill 105 re: licensing. .. Referred to. the County Government Committee. '\ From the Treasurer of Ontario with a copy of Bill 105, An Act to Provide for the Licensing of Businesses by Municipali- ties. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Regional Municipality of ottclwa..Carleton with resolution re: fuel allowances for welfare recipients. - Referred to the Social Services Committee. From the Town of Trenton with resolution concerninq van- dalism. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with list of Children in Care and Financial Statements for June and July 1978. . Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From The University of vkstern Ontario with brochures outlining the Diploma Program in Public Administration (UrbanI Regional) being offered in ~~y and June 1979. - Referred to the Personnel Committee. From the Provincial-Mun~c~pu~ Affairs Secretaria~ ac.. knowledging, on behalf of the TreaGurer of Ontario, Elgin's endorsation of the Town of Geraldton's resolution re: municipal and school beard debts and a copy of a reply to the Town of Cache Bay. - .Referred to the County Government Committee. From the 0 M E Insurance Agency Limited with information on "Municipal Errors and Omissions lnsurancau. - Referred to the County Government Committee. 194 195 From tho City of Stratford with resolution res trans- portation of mentally handicapped adults, along with other school children. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Ministry of Natural Resources with copy of pro- posed changes to The Trees Act. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From Michael Cassidy, M4P.P., Ontario Loader, New Democratic Party, acknowledging Elgin's resolution on the Hamilton- Wentworth Region Review Commission report. - Filed. From Mr. Jim ~cGuigan, M.P.P., with copy of the report by the Municipal Liaison Co~~ittee on Bill lOS, re: licensing at the Provincial-Municipal Liaison Committee meeting. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications advising of the transferring of a portion of Highway 3 to the Town of Aylmer by Order in Council numbered OC-l750/78, approved June 14, 1978. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Tm-mship of Bayham with copy of By-Law 1950, closing a portion of Centre Street in the Hamlet of Riclunond and requesting County confirmation and also a copy of By-Law 1951, which repeals By-Law 1931. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with copies of the following memoa: U78-3D - Metric Conversion of Vehicle Weights and Dimension H.T.A. #78-4 - Metric Geometric Design Standards #78-4A - Subsidy Forecast ~ Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Town of Aylmer Committee of Adjustment with notice of public hearing on an application for a minor variance, set for July 11th, 1978, at 8:00 P.M. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Township of Rochester with resolution requesting the Minister of Transportation and Communications to grant full supplementary subsidy in the current year for bridge repairs and reconstruction. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Minister of Natural Resources with reply to Council's resolution opposing an open deer season of any type for Elgin. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the Talbot Button Club asking that their name be added to the list of organizations opposing the demolition of the Elgin County jail and exercise yard walls. - Filed. From the Ministry of the Environment outlining a new plan to assist in municipal water and sewage projects. - Filed. From the Four Counties General Hospital with financial statement for fifteen months ending ~iarch 31, 1978. - Referred to the Financ~ and Apportionment Committee. From the Minister of Community and Social Services with copy of letter to Children's Aid Society approving a 1978 budget of $522,808, with the County portion being $52,409. 0 Filed. From the County of Frontenac with resolution concerning a hearing charge for O.M.B. appeals when appellants do not attend. ~ Referred to the County Government Committee. From Mr. Jim McGuigan, M.P.P., acknowledging receipt of Elgin's resolutions re: Hamilton.Wentworth restructuring, district achool boards and open deer season in Elgin. - Filed. From ~tr. R. K. McNeil, M.P.P., acknowledging receipt or Elgin's resolution rc: Ifamilton-Wentworth restructuring. - Filed. From Wilfrid Laurier University advising that Miss Irene Stickel@ R. R. #1, Straffordville and vrr. Douglas Abell, R. R. #7, Aylmer, were the recipients of the Elgin County Scholarships. - Filed. From the Township of Southwold Committee of Adjustment with notice of public hearing on an application for a minor vari- ance, set for July 12th, 1978, at 8:00 P.M. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Township of Southwold with six (6) applications to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of by-laws to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act and copies of By-Laws No. 78-17, 78-18, 78.19, 78-21, 78-28 and 78-29. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Village of Port Stanley with two (2) applica- tions to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of by-laws to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of TI1e Planning Act and copies of By-Laws No. 1836 and 1840. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Village of West Lorne with application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of a by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to The Planning J\ct and copy bf By-Law No. 900. . Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Township of Yarmouth with eight (8) applications to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of by-laws to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35. of The Planning Act and copies of By-Laws No. 2464, 2465, 2466, 2467, 2468, 2474, 2475 and 2476. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the To\~ship of Yarmouth Ccn~ittee of Adjustment with six (6) notices of public hearing on applications for minor variances set for July 6th, August 10th and August 31st, 1978. . Referred to the Roads Committee. From the family of the late Russell McKibbin with appre- ciation for flowers. - Filed. From Mr. R. K. McNeil, M.P.P., acknowledging our letters re: open deer season in Elgin and endorsation of the Town of Garaldton's resolution re: school board debts for O.l~.B. purposes. - Filed. From the Minister of Transportation and Communications advising of a second advance payment of subsidy in the amount of $609,000. - Filed. From the Township of Mosa with notice of application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of a by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. - Re- ferred to the Roads Committee. From the JointProvincial/O.A.C.A.S. Funding Task Force requesting views on the funding of Children's Aid Societies. _ Re- ferred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. 196 From the International Joint Commission with Group 2 Proposed New and l<ovised \'later Quality Objectives. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the United Counties of Prescott and Russell with resolution requesting the Province to amend present leqislation with regard to expenditures for general welfare assistance ex- penses. - Referred to the Social Services Committee. From the Ontario Director, Canada Savings Bonds, Payroll Savings Organization, advising an administrative fee of $2.00 per completed purchase agreement will be paid to help defray costs related to administering the plan. - Filed. From the Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs with "Metric Conversion Guide for Municipalities in Ontarion. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From .family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with list of children in t:are and Financial Statement for the month of August 1978. - R~ferred to the Finance and Apportionment Co~- mi the. 197 Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit That we follow the usual procedure of each Council Member bringing a junior boy or girl guest to County Council on the first day of the October Session. .. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Shaw Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That we do now adjourn to meet again on September 27th, 1978 at 2:00 P.M. - Carried. From The St. Thomas and Elgin Medical Association with advice as to issuing return to work slips. . Referred to the Per- sonnel Committee. From the Ministry of Transl~rtation and Communications with copy of Memo #78-5 re: rates for munici~~lly-oymed equipment and change of addresBs . Referred to the Roads Committee. The Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve bhaw and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Shaw and Deputy Reeve Cowan. The Report of the Local Government Study Committee was presented by Reeve Liebner and adopted on motion of Reeve Liebner and Deputy Reeve Lotus. The Report of the Reception ~nd Entertainment Committee was presented by Deputy ;~eevo Lotus and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Lotus and Deputy Reeve Shackleton. The First Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Green and adopted on motion of Reeve Green and Reeve Caverly. Moved by Reeve l.iebner Seconded by Deputy Reeve Kelly Resolved that Elgin County Council support the St. Thomas- Elgin General Hospital Board in the visit by some members of the Hospital Staff and Board to the Ministry of Health~ in an effort to recover the $60,000.00 amount that l'laS not given to the Hospital as a result of an error on tile part of the Ministry of Health. .. Carried. Council Re-Convened. The Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Reeve Lake. The Report of the Property Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Stewart and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Stewart and Reeve Bradfield. The Report of the Social Services Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Pettit and adopted on motion of Doputy Reeve Pettit and Reeve Binks. Moved by Reeve Liebner Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit That the resolution, previously tabled, suggesting Council alter the meeting dates and times be left for the new Council to consider. The Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Cook and adopted on motion of Reeve Cook and Reeve Caverly. The Report of the Finance and Apportionment Committee was presented by Reeve Sinks and adopted on motion of Reeve Sinks and Deputy Reeve Shackleton. The Report of the County Government Committee waB pre- sented by Reeve Bradfield and adopted on motion of Reeve Bradfield and Reeve Cook. The Second Report or the Roads Coromi ttee was presented by Reeve Green and adopted on motion of Reeve Green and Deputy Reeve Stewart. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Shaw That the following be named voting delegates to the A.C.R.O. Convention in Sudbury: Warden Carroll Reeve Emerson Reeve \'1 ilson Reeve Liebner Reeve Caverly Reeve Hodgson R. M. Daniel, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer G. C. Leverton, Clerk-Treasurer. - Carr ied. .. Carried. Moved by Reeve Cook Seconded by Reeve Nemett That By"Law No. 2531 "Being a By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 1950 of the TOlinship of Bayham; a By-Law to stop Up and Close and Sell a Road Allowance in the Township of BayhamR be read a first time. .. Carried. 198 199 Moved by I~eeve Wilson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Shaw That By-Law No. 2531 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Shaw Seconded by Reeve Cook That By-Law No. 2534 be read a second time. .. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Shaw Seconded by Reeve Wilson That By-Law No. 2531 be read a third time and finally Moved by Reeve Cook Seconded by Deputy Roeve Shaw That By-Law No. 2534 be read a third time and finally passed. .. Carried. passed. Moved by Reeve Nemett Seconded by Deputy Reeve Cowan That By-Law No. 2532 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign a Deed to Convey Land in the Township of Malahide to the Corporation of the Township of Malahide" be read a first time. .. Carried. .. Carried. Moved by Reeve Cook Seconded by Reeve Nemett That By-Law No. 2535 PBeing a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign a Deed to Convey Land in the Townehip of Soutllwold to W. Gidyk" be read a first tin\e. .. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Cowan Seconded by Deputy Reeve Shaw That. By-Law No. 2532 be read a second time. .. Carried. ~oved by Reeve Cook Seconded by Deputy Reeve Shaw That By-Law No. 2535 be read a second time. .. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Shaw Seconded by Reeve Cook That By-Law No. 2532 be read a third time and finally Moved by Reeve Cook Seconded by Deputy Reeve Shaw That By-Law No. 2535 be read a third time and finally passed. passed. .. Carried. .. Carried. Moved by Reeve Nemett Seconded by Reeve Cook That By-Law No. 2533 nBeing a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign a Deed to Convey Land in the Xovmship of Southwold to Elfrieda Atcheson" be raad a first time. .. Carr ied. Moved by Reeve Nemett Seconded by Reeve Wilson That By-Law No. 2536 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the September 27th Session, 1978M be read a first time. .. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Shaw Seconded by Reeve Cook That By-Law No. 2533 be read a second time. .. Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilaon Seconded by Deputy Reeve Shaw That By-Law No. 2536 be read a second time. .. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Shaw Seconded by Deputy Reave Cowan That By-Law No. 2533 be read a third time and finally Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Deputy li:eeve Shaw That By-Law No. 2536 be read a third time and finally passed. passed. .. Carried. .. Carried. Moved by Reeve Cook Seconded by Reeve Nemett That By-Law No. 2534 -Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign a Deed to Convey Land in the To~mship of Southwold to D. J. F. McCallum" be read a ii.ret time. ROLL CALL .. All present except Reeve Lashbrook. Excused by Warden .. Deputy Reeve Cowan. .. Carried. 200 20] Moved by Reeve Campbell Seconded by Reeve McBrien That we do now adjourn to meet again on October 26, 1978 at 10:00 A.M. )fl.;,:E:.> t'lL :a;.lCj,: \'j,l,;J.:j,~) (:1. 1',' hl~l(j;'i' SGFtemher 1::7\h :.session, lW18 Carried. To the Warden and Memh~rs of the Elqin County Council, The Homes for ;';,enior Citizens Committee reports dS follows: 1. TIle tender of Imperial Oil Limited has been accepted for supplyinq fuel oil for the followina locatiom;, for the 1978-79 heating season at a price of 42.07~ per aallon, subject to adjustment in t.he tank: wagon price at the time of delivery: Elgin j:lanor Municipal Building l<egistry Office Engineer's Uffice. 2. Mrs. Marilyn Barrett has been hired as l~esident Co- Ordinator at an annual salary of ~13,200.00. 3. Miss Susan Ferneyhouqh has been hired as Office Personnel Grade 2, for Elgin JlIanor, effective September 18th, 19'78. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. L. R. Carroll, \'larden. 4. Dr. D. L. Wright has been a\lthorized to attend a geriatric course in Toronto, Septew)er 28th and 29til, with the County paying for his registration fee and hotel bill. 5. 'l'he Director has been authorized to attend a three- day convention in Cincinatti, in October with the County paying the usual convention fees. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. , ~. // c-~' ~/ ..,::. ," ,/.-(t/ .;/ ...) '7,.<,~~--> - \ ( ,..'"' 1. J. Shaw, .. I: Chairman. I, {~1./1/I/U':,,{/ ,/7f;;, ' '- / p-~' /~ {(2.'.~/1.{i./(~" 202 203 LCCt.r. G(NEl<I:;,;EJJT ~j'l'ljDY Cc;,;!/I'l"L'Et: l<Hej(T l(]~CEI"j'ILU j~lij) i2i'l':!:'i'jdl:::i;;:'l' C();.Li,;I'i"l';~!~ j\I':l'U!('J' September 27th Session, 1978 SeptemLer 27th Se,;,;ion, 1978 To the \'Iarden and Iiiembers of the Elgin County Council, 'I'he Loca 1 Government Study Comrni ttee reports as follows: To the v,arden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Reception and Entertainment Committee reports as follows: 1. ltJhereas the municipali ties of Elgin County have had the opportunity to study the HElgin CO\lnty Restr\lcturing l<eportH and submi ttc"d written and oral comments. And l'ihereas at the present time no majority support can be obtained for the I?eport. Therefore be it resolved that the "Elgin County Restructuring I?eport" be tabled until economic and political changes warrant a review. 1. vie rBcorrullend that due to hall limitations each County Councillor be allowed to invite a maximum of 6 persons to the dance following the \iarden' s banquet on Friday, November 3rd, 1978, at the Elgin International Club, at a cost of $2.00 per couple. 2. Vie urge that the local municipalit ies co-operate with one another with a view to sharing services, equipment and possibly personnel. 3. That a copy of this report be sent to each'Jf the local m\lnicipalities in Elgin County and also to the City of .St. Thomas. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. a-~~ . ~/. ,d<. /;..c~.-c/~-c--c>~ A. H. Liebner, Chairman. $ . pf2t:; E. P. Lotus, Chairman. , , &{/2/LA<-(/ c!Az/)./?,{,"J' ~ /7) v" ~jL/!"t (;/l/2{--~1 , /~J 7J ,./1 v/ II,,' L/l'~~ /,7 /l {?:'~/U'-1?' 204 205 COUNTY Of ELGIN ROAD CmlMITTEE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD CmlMITTEE .I.IB2~ FIRST REPORT SEPTEMBER 26 SESSION 1 9 7 8 SEPTEMBER 26 SESSION 1 9 7 8 ~ ~ 1'0 THE WNWEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCI L: 4. That the resolution of the County of Northumberland requesting that YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: the Municipal Act be amended to delete Section #443 Subsection 6 (c) be filed. This section requires the approval of County or Regional 1. All Hot Mix Asphalt Paving, other than the base course on Road 16 West Council to close and sell an original road allowance and acts as a of Fingal to County Road 14, has been completed. double check, or appeal from the actions of a local Council. (Recommendation #7 is an example of the use of this section of the 2. Good progress is being made on the construction of Road 16 and it is Act.) hoped to lay the base course of asphalt within the next 2 weeks. This will allow us to use our 1972 Ford Trucks for sanders. Both trucks ;. That we accept the offer of Ronald Atcheson in the amount of $ 15,000 for Parts 3, 11 & 12, Reference Plan llR967 in Lot 7, Concession V, Southwold and that a By-Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk 3. Two Mack Trucks have been purchased and will be fitted with snow plows. have over 200,000 miles onthcm and will replace a 1966 and a 1968 sal vagc. to sign a Deed accordingly. The land is a cut off corner' on Road 20 approximately I mile north 'of Shedden. Three lots have been previously sold and the 3 lots referred to above are the remainder of the 'property. International truck previously used for sanding, which were sold for WE RECOMMEND: That a By-Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign a Deed to the Township of Malahide for the "llrooks Sand Pit" in Lot 35, 1. That the resolution of the Township of Rochester requesting that the Ministry of Transportation and Communications provide sufficient Concession VIII, Malahide for $ 500.00 plus 50"/., of any monies in excess of the $ 500.00 paid if the property is sold by the Township of Malahide subsidy in any year to replace a deficient bridge be filed. at any future date. 2. That the resolution of the County of Peterborough requesting the Ministry That a By-Law be passed confirming By-Law II 1950 of the Township of of Transportation and Connuunicati,ons make subsidy payments on a monthly Bayham to close parts of Centre Street in Richmond. basis be filed. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. 3. That the resolution of the City of Stratford requesting that legislation be changed to allow mentally handicapped adults to ride to school on schoo 1 bu se s wi th schoo 1 pup il s be endor se d. ;{j"t,zt/ /( .$.ee.<J CHAIRHAN L/<./2AA.:U/ /l /) // ~{,.-'1...-z"L la/J."7A~~ 206 207 PEF:r3U;! i E L C 0;:;; GT 'L'EJUSB1;Q1IT September 27th Berwion, 1978 EB,QU.:t:l'Y m:,:m:'I''Ti:F. REIOJ;'l' Septc'jC.ber 27th SGssion, 1978 To the \-Iarden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Peraonnel Con~ittee reports as follmis: To the \';ard.en and Illmrtbers of the Elgin County Council, The Property Cormtittoe roports as follows: 1. That the letter from \fillil1m M. I::ercer Limited ad- vifdng of a one.dtlY seminar re: "CuJrllllative ~;ick Leave Benefits" be filed and tho Chairman be authorized to attend. 2. That the letter from the University of \-[estern Ontario outlining the Diploma Program in Public Adluinistration for 1979 be filed. 1. TP..ll.T \\'orthingt.on E10ctric Li!ni b~d be uuthorized to supply i11\d inst.Olll photostatic control for tho outside of the ~unicipal Building at a cost of $77.24. 3. That as November 11th, 1978 falls on a Saturday, we recommend that l~onday, November 13th, 1978 be substituted as a day off for those employees who qualify for it. 4. That the letter from The St. Thomas and Elgin l~edical Association advising that all doctors in this area will rofuse to give a return to 1.'lork slip unless thore has been a known absence of five days or more be filed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ALL of which is res~~ctfully submitted. M. H. Stc1..;arl.. Chairman. K. C. Emerson, Chairman. 208 209 0.flIliL ~:jLJ:VICJ;~) Co: nT',t}:;'E I\El..r:~T September 27th Session, 1978 y:;: I Cll L'l'\;1':lU. CC::: T,"!'L E J: ;.:;)O:::T ...______.w.___........___ September 27th Session, 1970 To tho \.'iuden Clnd Members of the Elqin County Council, The OoCletl Services COlluuittee reports aD follo\-.'s: '1'0 the \':arden and jJ;embers of the Elgin County Council, 11te Agricultural Co~~ittee reports as follows: 1. That the request for an increase of 5~ per hour to $1.30 for the Canadian Had Cross Soc iety lIomenliJ.kers Service be not grilnhld. 1. 'fhat the letter from Ecoplans Ltd. offering a con- sulting service in urnan forestry and shade troe management be filed. 2. That the resolution froJa tho City of Chatham requesting the Province to establish [! continuing progrm!l for the funding of the Capital and operating expemHlS, incurred in the provision of publ:lc tranf,;portation service for the physically disabled be not eado:r:oed. 2. 'l'hat the Progress 1'(0pori, dated Hay 1978 and 'l1:tamea Valley Agricultural Practices Survey, dated July 1978, from the Tha.mes l~iver Implementation COliUuittee be filed. 3. That the letter from the J.1inistry of l!atural Resources with copy of proposed change::; to '1118 Trees Act be filed. 4. That the letter from the Minister of lJatural Resources in reply to thE; resolution opposing any type of open 50a1;on for deer in Elgin be filed. 5. We recommend that the Ministry of Natural Itesources be written and be asked whv no action has been taken on the proposed anendment ro: estate lots \vi tIt regard to tho County of Elgin Tree By-Lilvl. 3. That tho resolution froI:l the Regional J;iunicipality of Ottixlla~Carleton ('lsking the Province to rOV.1m-! the fuel allow- ance provision and authorize changes in the schedule prior to each heating EJCaSOn and modify method of calculating be endorsed. 4. That tlw resolution from tho United Counties of Prescott and. 1~\:tr.>8el1 requ(!!sting the Province to Cl.t:lcnd the legislation to restrict expeno.iturcs or to enable local G';JvernrJ.ent to restrict expenditures for tjenenll ''o'oli'are assistance expollses be not en- dorsed. 5. That tho letter from M. J. Hennessey \'lith comments on the Family La\i Refonn Act be filed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ALL of ",hich is reSly<;)ctfully submi Hed. D. K. Cook, Chairman. G. H. Pettit, Cha'irmtm. 210 FDIAllCE AND I\PPOr~'I'IO~.:;:'EHT C01.:;.aT~I'EE REPor~T Sept<~mbGr 27th Session, 1978 To the Warden and Membors of the Elgin County Council, 'I'he Finance and Apportionment Commi ttoe reports as follo\-IS: 1. Tha.t the open letter to tho HonourablE'} Claude,Bennett, Minister of Hous ing, from li;r. 1il01 t1wart t MPP, i;;el1and-'I'horold 1'e: loans under Ontario Hone I-~enc'l'lC.l.l Pro~J'rmn bo filed. 2. That the lists of Childron in C.1re and Financial Statements for the months of Juno, July and Au~rust, 1978 from tho Falaily and Children's Services of St. Thonas and Elgin be filed. 3. That the letter from Ann Thomas, M.D." Executive.. Secretary, St. 'I'hamas-Elgin Gencral Hospital requeeting infor... mation on the health care delivery within Elgin County be filed. 4. That the Financia.l Statement from the Four Counties General Hospital for the fifteel1 months endod l~a:rch 31, 1978 be filed. 5. That the letter from the Joint Provincial/O.A.C.A.S. Funding Task Force requesting views on the funding of Children's Aid Societies be filed. 6. We recommend that a pet.ty cash fund of $50.00 be created for use by the Clerk-Treasurerds Office. 7. We recommend that persons attending the R.T.A.C. con- vention in ottawa September 17-21, 1978 be paid for four days. 8. We recommend that persons attending the ACIW convention in Sudbury October 15-18, 1978 be paid for four days.. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. M. E. Binks, Chair:man. 211 coumy GC:YE)(W~ENT Cc;.;:UT'rEE !\'EPOJ~T September 27th Sassi.on, 1978 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Govornnent Committee reports as follows: 1. That the request from the ladies from the Heritage Foundation to use the County Crest on a publication be not granted. 2. That t~e eight voting delegates to the Annual ACRO conference October 15th to 18th be named at County Council. 3. That the June ACRO ne'l'lsletter he filed and other information including nomination and consent forms for the Board of Directors be made available to all members of Council who request them. 4. That the announcement of the seminar from the Bureau of Mun:l.cipal Research on "The Public Interest and 'l'he Right To Know" be filed. 5. That copies of the report by Norman Pearson, Con- sultant Planner, re: boundary adjustments for the Town of Tillsonburg be filed. 6. That the offer of the Frank Cowan Company Limited to quote on "Errors and Omissions Insurance" be accepted. 7. That the letter from the Township of Yarmouth raw questing the County to put a bounty back on foxes be filed and wa recommend that each local municipality institute a fox bounty to deter the incidence of rabies. 6. That the resolution from the Town of Trenton re- questing changes to be made in the penalties for vandalism as well as restitution to the victims of the vandalism be endorsed. 9. That the information from OM E Insurance Agency Limited on ~Errors and Omissions Insurance" be filed. 10. That the resolution from the City of Burlington requesting the Provincial Government to review and amend the Planning Act and the Ontario lllunicipal Board Act with regard to Official Plan Amendments etc. be filed. 11. That the letter from the Association of Municipal- ities of Ontario requesting opinions on the topic "'Freedom of Information and Individual Privacy'" be filed. 12. TIlat the request from ACRO on the subject of County licensing which is being altered by Bill 105 be filed. 13. That the Treasurer of Ontario be advised that the County of Elgin feel that licensing of auctioneers should be retained at the County level and not rescinded as proposed by Bill 105. 14. That the letter from the Provincial-Municipal Affairs Secretariat re: the resolution fr.om the '..:'O\'lnof Geraldton and reply by the Treasurer to the 1'own of Cache Bay be filed. 15. That the resolution from the County of Frontenac re- questing the implementation of a hearing charge of $200.00g for O.Ir,.B. appeals and hearinCJs, levied age.inst appellants who do not appear at the hearings be endorsed. 212 213 16. 'l'hat the letter and Nunicipal Liaison Conuni ttea Statement on Bill 105, An ]\,ct to Provide for the Liconsing of Businesses by Municipalities from Nr. Jim McGuiglln MPP be filed. 17. That the Group 2 Proposed l:ew and Revised \'later ~lality Opjectivcs from the International Joint COD~ission be f Hed. COUnTY OF ELGIll 1<0,1 D CO: :;.:lTTEE SEconD REPORT SEPTE~IDER 27 SESSION 197 8 18. We recommend that the first mooting of County Council after a regular election and the first meeting in the second year of its term, shall be held at tho hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, on the third Tuesd.ay, in December. TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COU!iCIL: YOUR ROAD COI.'iMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOdS: 19. By-Law: "Ie recommend the fo1lo\oling changes in the Procedure 1. We reconmend that the offer of Ronald Atcheson in tho amount of $15,000.00 for Parts 3, 11 and 12, Reference Plan llR-967, in Lot 7, Concession V, Southwold be deeded to the following persons: (A) Allow the Chairman or Warden and County Road Superintendent to authorize in ,:,riting, a pay~ ment, not exceeding a total of 33,000.00 for emergency reasonsp whore necessary between Road Committee meetings. (B) Allow the Engineer to authorize in \orriting. the p::i.yment of any account, \-lhich provides for a discount, .Then the due da.te is prior to the next Roa.d COltilllittee meeting. 20. \'fa recommend that the change in first meeting date and other changes, as proviously discussed by this Committee, be made in the Procedure By-Law and have copies sent to all members of CO\lnty Council prior to the October Session of Council. Elfrieda Atcheson - Part 7 D. G.' F. McCallum .. Part 11 William Gidyk - Part 13 ALL of which is respectfully submi ttod. 21. That the Guide for Metric Conversion .from the IHn- is try of Intergovernmental Affairs be filed. 22. We recommend thllt County Council meeting in November be held on November 22nd. 23. We recommend +'hat the question of conventiol"'. attend.. ance by Council be left for consideration by the ne"l Council in December. 24. That the Chairman and Warden dra.ft a reply to the County of Brant expressing opposition to the brief by "Urban Municipalities in the Province that have not been reaio1'1alized" re: acquiring property outside their municipalities: CHJI.ml'!Jl..N R. A. Groen ALL of which is respectfully submitted. R. T. Bra(~ield, Chairman. 214 215 CO\)N'l'Y OF ELGIN By-Li1w No. 2531 cmtPf'H.A'J'Tnf; OF Tl!S T()v.'f!:}JITP !iT" ];,\YI1Af'i BY - T.AVl no. 1950 "BEING II BY-LA\1 '1'0 COIJFJIm BY-LA\-! tw. 1950 OF T1IE T(J';:I!~)HIP OF BAYlIAM; A BY-LJ\\i TO ~:3'l'OP UP AND CLOSE AND f;;ELL A ROAD J\LLO\'iANCE IN TIlE 'l'O\:NS1IlP OF BAYHAM" EEn~(; A EY-L!\V!'i.'O STOP UP MID CLOS!~ AilD 01!:J,T 1\ jU'i\l) ;',T,./"!";!,J;'; Ii: TIm TO',HW3HIP nF BAYJlA;',l. \'mEIml~ the Council of the Township of Bayham on the 5th day of June, 1978, A.D. did pass By-Law No. 1950, to stop up and close and sell a portion of the road allo~ance known as Centre Street, Plan 22 for the Village of Richmond, lying and being situate in the Township of Bayham, more par- ticularly described as Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 on Deposited Plan of Survey llR 1494, on file in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin. AND \-.HEI(El\S pursuant to the provisions of the rr.u- nicipal Act, the said Township By-Law shall not have any force \lntil confirmed by a by-law of the Council of the County in which the Township is situated, passed at an ordinary meeting of the Council, held not later than one year after .the passing of the by-law, by the Council of the Township. AND \11-IEREAS application has been made to the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin for a by-la\" con- firming the said Township of Bayham by-law. N~{ TIiEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: vlJilmEAS thro Ihnicipal Act H.:3.0.19'?O, "ive~l Cl'll;j':or:i.~;y i'f)Y.' :n1mic5_pa1itip.s,to 3tOD 11p, clos'? and sell ttil~~ l1ort,:i.rm of' u hiph,tJD.;' which is so stoppnrl 11]1. TJ1ERk~Fnm;; J31;; IT i.~~!ACTED 1;1! t~p !~1Jnidl)D.l ~; 0' ',n r~ i. "1. of 1",:" (-~ Cornm'a:~ion of tnc Township of Ba:r:,arn; 1. That oortion of.' tlv~. rOD.d alloNa,,'~r; l<:no\'!r1 a "~(~'."~lt~!'(~ That By-Law No. 1950 of the Township of Bayham being a by-law to stop up and close and sell a road allowance in the Township of Bayham oe and the same is hereby confirmed. St,rcet, Plan 22 .f0r the Villa!"''.) of lti,cr.mow.1, 1'.':: r'fr D.r,(~ \)(~:!.!)r: situat;r:> in Lho TO~'Jnsl,tp or Payl1am mor(~ partic~'lariJ"" ,"'~,(:'r),~:ril.il"\d a:"{ Parts l, 2, '3, hand 5 on D"!Josi V}d PJ,an of ~)lH'V(':" '1.1. ~l l.hol" 01'" fi_le in t.he Ref'istry ()ffice for tl'o tler:i,~.;tr':- i-:i ,/;.,~-i,cm 0'" ~lf'in, bc stopped up and ~10S8d. 2. 'I'}~at. the above road a11m-Ian en be:) 6f.f.'cred 1'!, unci sold ~;() t11C almttinp: la'.1d miner or m-!n,?rs. READ a first time this 27th day of September, 1978. READ a second time this 27th day of September, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 27th day of September, 19~ 3. That Lnr) !{ncve and Clerk arc~ lwro11\' Clllthnri.'7NI (:0 execuLf?' and rieliver r.onve"anC8 of t1'\;, ~;ajd J;y'..l~ wHim.' U"o Corporate 3eal of l~hn 1'lllnicipalit:T to t:ll) sai_,i ,11~'1.tt'i_,,(' la'~d, 01'mer or ovmers. HEAD A ]i'IRST, SECOND AND THInD 'rE.n~ MT]) Ji'Ul AUY. [)i\:3:::'~ i~n 'i'l! J~; :)1;h.TJAY OF JUNE, 19T~. ~~~....<--.':'-'':_r r:-v____ G. C. Leverton Clerk. ' ~~ ~.' ?' .. 1;'2:> ,<- (:;/7/1.f~--I/ v L. R. Carroll, \'iarden. g/) i~/' Ii' / i'!-__,.~.-./ /~ ,/ //7 /, ..) _~ ."' : _ L-, !{( -:.~ '___ a-_,::.., , LJ_L/L-'/ ~ . !(;l:gVE '~. ,- ;. '. . / -/ l. . ,( -, _I.'~. _'___",+~~!~:':;~.,;~_" .. ~._~._ Petrie, Clerk of the Township of Bayham, hereby certify the g to be a true and correct copy of' By-law Ho. 1950 as passed OUllCil of the Township of Braham on June 5, 197d. ,---'" / J! 216 217 COUNTY uF ELGIN COUNTY (;F ELGIN By-Law No. 2533 By-Law No. 2532 "BEING A BY-Ll\vl TO AU'J1!CiInZE THE WiIWEN AND CLEW':: '1'0 SIGN A DEED '1'0 COiiVEY Li\ND IN THE TO\/N~3H IP OF IfJ\LiU IIDE TO THE COI<POI-U,TION OF THE T01:JI.lSlI IP OF !fJ\UIlIIDE." "BEING A BY -LN;l TO AUTIlOIUZE 11lE \JI,J<DEN MJD CLERK TO SIGN A DEED '1'0 COnVEY U\IW Il~ THE TOUNSlIIP OF SOUTH\IOLD TO ELFIUEDE ATCHESON." WHEI<EAS the Corporation of the County of Elgin has agreed to sell the "Brooks Sand Pit" to the Corporation of the Township of Malahide, located in Lot 35, cOJ}cession VIII, Township of Malahide, for the sum of $500.00, plus 50% of any amount in excess of $500.00, if the property is sold at any future time by the Township of Malahide. NO'\'I TIlElCEFORE the Warden and Clerk of the Corpora- tion of the CO\lnty of Elgin are hereby authorized to sign a deed for the following parcel; ALL AND SINGUUU( that certain parcel or tract of land and premises containing three (3) acres, situate, lying and being in the Township of Malahide, in the County of Elgin and Province of Ontario, being composed of the south-west part of Lot 35, in the 8th Concession of the said Township and which may be more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the south-west angle of said Lot 35; THENCE north five (5) chains along the west limit of said lot; \VHEREI~ the Corporation of the County of Elgin has agreed to sell to Elf~e Atcheson lands not needed for road allowance purposes in that Part of Lot 7, Concession 5, Town- ship of Southwold, for the sum of $5,000.00. NOW 'THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: That the Warden and Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized to sign a deed for the following parcel: ALL AND SINGUL~ that certain parcel or tract of land and premises being composed of all that Part of Lot 7, Concession 5, in the Township of Southwold in the County of 'Elgin and Province of Ontario designated as Parts 3 and 7 on a Reference Plan depos i ted in the Land lcegistry Off ice for the Registry Division of the County of Elgin as Plan llR-967. SUBJECT to any rights established in favour of Ontario Hydro across Part 7 on said Reference Plan. THENCE east parallel with the south limit of said lot, six (6) chains; TIIENCE sO\lth parallel with the west limit of said lot, five (5) chains, to the allowance for road in front of said Eighth Concession; THENCE west along the north limit of said road, six (6) chains to the place of beginning. READ a first time this 27th day of September, 1978. READ a second time this 27th day of September, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 27th day of September, 1978. READ a first time this 27th day of September, 1978. READ a second time this 27th day of September, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 27th day of September, 1978. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~) . t:i (I ~ /~.-( 2, ( d/) 'I (: ,.11 L. R. Carroll, Warden. ~..;::.e::..~...-<:.--<..^-<-< /<"->-...' G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~) w C )",J/ ~ 1. R. Carroll, \'/a rden . _,........::~--;-C.(-< .,A-..(,'_-t' ~->-_/ 218 219 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2534 COUNTY OF ELGIN By~Law No. 2535 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AU'llIOIUZE .THE vIAIWEJ.! AND CLEm~ TO SIGN A DEED TO COINEY U.IID IN TIlE TO\.'NSlIIP OF SOUTHl,iOLD TO D. J. F. McCALLUM." "BEING A BY -LN:I '1'0 AUTllOlnZE TIlE VlAIWEN JillD CLEF:K TO SIGN A DEED TO COlJ'IEY LAND IN THE TO\'lH~)HIP OF SOU'l1I';;OLD TO VI. GIDYK." V~lEREAS the Corporation of the County of Elgin has agreed to sell to W. Gidyk lands not needed for road allowance purposes in that Part of Lot 7, Concession 5, Township of Southwold, for the sum of $5,000.00. NO\'1 THEltEFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: That the \'larden and Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized to sign a deed for the following parcel: ALL AND SINGUUiR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises being composed of all that Part of Lot 7, Concession 5, in the Township of Southwold in the County of Elgin and Province of Ontario designated as Parts 12 and 13 o~ a Reference Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for "the Registry Division of the County of Elgin as Plan 11R-967. SUBJECT to any rights established in favour of Ontario Hydro across Part 13 on said Reference Plan. villEREAS the Corporation of the County of Elgin has agreed to sell to D. J. F. McCallum lands not needed for road allowance purposes in that Part of Lot 7, Concession 5, Town- ship of Southwold, for the sum of $5,000.00. NO\I TIfEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: That the Warden and Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized to sign a deed for the following parcel: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises being composed of all that Part of Lot 7, Concession 5, in the Township of Southwold in the County of 'Elgin and Province of Ontario designated as Parts 9 and 11 on a Reference Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the R~gistry Division of the County of Elgin as Plan llR-967. SUBJECT to any rights established in favour of Ontario Hydro across Part 9 on said Reference Plan. READ a first time this 27th day of September, 1978. READ a second time this 27th day of September, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 27th day of September, 197 READ a first time this 27th day of September, 1978. READ a second time this 27th day of September, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 27th day of September, 1978 ~-c.--<.,.,-...c< y::.....".J G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~~"JV ~,'1/((J/ L. R. Carroll, Warden. "--:;:;:;---/C~A_''--<(...( 7""'....-,....J G. C. Leverton Clerk. ' "~:""1'{ C) /7 (...I/? .. '.... I L. R. Carroll, Warden. 220 221 October Session - First Day COUNTY UF ELGIN By-Law No. 2536 Thursday the 26th day of October, 1978 SE~)~n()N, 1978." The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municipal Building, SL Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The 11larden in the Chair. JWLL CJ\LL - 1\.11 members present except heeve Emerson and Deputy J~eeve Lotus. The Varden welcomed the boys and girls who were guests of the members of Council. He explained that an itinerary had been planned and 10ped it would be interesting. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by l~eeve \'!ilson That the minutes of the September 27th, 1978 Session of the Elgin County Council as amended,be adopted. - Carried. "}\ BY -LAd '1'0 CUHFJlWi l'I:CCEEDliiG;] u}o' 'lHE COUnCIL OF THE COlcjJOI\ilTlON uF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN i',T THE ;3EFTEI,;13ER 27th vi11EIi:E1\.S by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Uevised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; AND \ilHEI~EAS by Subsection 1 of Section 24l of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; AND WHEE~EAS it is deemed expedient that the proceed- ings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law; NOW THEREFOf<E the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: The following Communications were read and referred to the various Committees: From l,~. Jim gcGuigan,M.P.P., acknowledging Elgin's endorsation of the Town of Trenton resolution re: vandalism. - Filed. 1. That action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Iceports of the Corruni ttees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the September 27th, 1978 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. From y~. R. K. McNeil, M.P.P., acknowledging Elgin's endorsation of the Town of Trenton resolution re: vandalism. - Filed. ,-;-/\ &.-t.( /;' -I ' /r'.. . /2 l (_/(~-/ From the City of St. Thomas, with copy of a letter to Warden Carroll, advising of City Council's regret over the tabling of the Local Goverronent study and asking that they be advised if the Committee is reinstated in the future. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Ministry of Culture and Recreation advising of geographical changes for their consultants, with Mike Cavanagh being responsible for Elgin and Oxford Counties. - Filed. From the International Joint Commission, (The Pollution From Land Use Activities J~eference Group) with invitation to attend an information meeting to be held on November 2nd, 1978 at 7:30 P.!::. at the Crouch l~eighbourhood I-:esource Centre, London. _ Referred to the County Government COIT~ittee. From the Village of Port Stanley with application to the Ontario lr;unicipal Board for approval of a by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning l\.ct and copy of By-Law 1848. - }(eferred to the Roads Committee. From the SL Thomas Rotary Music Festival with request to advertise in the Official Program. - J{eferred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From the Township of Bayham with copy of By-Law No. 1960, stopping up, closing and selling a road allowance between Lots 10 and 11, North Gore and also between llorth Gore and Concession 8, requesting County confirmation -t~eferred to the .i~oads Committee. From the Elqin-SL 'rJ-..om.:w Health Unit with a statement of costs for polio clinics tor the County J~ugust lOth to August 25th. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Con~ittee. From the ElcJin-SL Thomas Health Unit with request for en additional amount of ~3,498.30 tOHardr; 1978 operations for items recently cJ.f'pI'oved. - ;,eferred to the Finclnce and Jlpportion- ment Corunittce. 3. The 11larden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf a,ld to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 27th day of September, 1978. READ a second time this 27th day of September, 1978. RE1iD a third time and finally passed this 27th day of September, __.~"'....::::C:::., /:::".-c.. <: .-L (::, ( ~...,...../ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. L. J? Carroll, \~arden . 222 From !"r. John Vlise, M.P., acknowledging receipt of Counc il' s endorseI:lent of the resolution from the Tovm of Trenton re: vandalism. - Filed. From Professional Sales Tax Consultants Ltd. offering their sorvices for auditi~g for overpaynents on Provincial and/or Federal ~ales Tax. - l\oferred to the Finance and J\pportionment Conunittee. From the Township of YiIl.rmouth Cornrni Hee of Adjustment with three (3) applications for minor variances, with hearings set for Thursday, October 19th, 1976. - I,;eferred to the Hoads Connittee. From Mr. I';. K. !:'cNeil, M.P.P., acknowledging receipt of the resolution from the City of Stratford re: mentally handicapped adults riding on school buses and Council's endorsation of same. - Filed. From Frank Cowan Company Limited \-lith information re: Municipal Errors and Omissions Insurance. - I~eferred to the County Government Committee. From the Township of Yarmouth with tvlO (2) notices of application to the Ontario i!;unicipal Board for approval of by-laHs to reg\llate land use TXlssed pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act and copies of By-Laws No. 2481 and 2482. - Referred to the l,;oads Committee. From the 'l'ownship of Bayham. with a notice of application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of 'l'he Planning [~ct and copies of By-Law No. 1958. - I(eferred to the I(oads Committee. From the Ministry of Natural Resources vii th information re: harvesting the SpringHater Forest. - Referred to the I,gricul- tural Committee. From the ;.linistry of Eousing advising that Phyllis Iililler, Senior Planner, has assumed responsibility for Southwestern Ontario, effective August 22, 1978. - Filed. From the City of Thunder Bay with resolution protesting any increase in rent for public housing. - l~eferred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with Statement on the l~ole of Counties and I~egions in the Provision of Housing. .. I~eferred to the County Government Committee. From the Association of Counties and ](egions of Ontario with report from '.:illiam ill. I,lercer Limited regarding the feasibil- ity of a multiple-employer association benefit program. - ~eferred to the Personnel Committee. From Ontario Hydro with copy of Progress Report 112 on improved power supply to the St. Thomas area and I.iinistry of Envi- ronment Report. - }(eferred to the Icoads Conunittee. From Ontario Good Roads Association with request for res- olutions and proposed names for recognition of long service in the cause of good roads. - r:efcrred to the l;oads Co;muittee. From Family & Children's Services with list of Children in Care and Financi<:ll [~tcltelJent to ::';epb::1ber 30th, 1978. - ;:eferred to the Finance arid J\pportioruaent Committee. From the Elgin-Gt. Thomas Y.J.:.C.i'.. with program planned for the corner stone layinCJ of the new l)1lilding to be held Saturday, October 28th, 1975 lit 11:00 il.i... at the site. - Filed. 223 From the JUnistry of Education acknowledqinCJthe endors- ation of the City of Stratford resolution ro: transportation on school buses of mentally handicapped adults to workshops. - Filed. From Constable A. L. Jl,anninger, Conununity Services Officer, Ontario Provincial Police, SL Thomas 13ranch, with offer to present a slide program on vandalism, produced by himself and Constable Larry J(abbits, st. ThOiaas City Police ~~afety Officer to County C()uncil. - l<eferred to the Finance and Apportionment Com- mittee. The I<eport of the Eoads Commi ttec was presented by Reeve Green and adopted un motion of heeve Green and Ii:eeve Caverly. The First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Com- mittee was presented by Deputy I~eeve Shaw and adopted on motion of Deputy I{eeve Shaw and Dep\lty l\eeve Shackleton. The Report of the Personnel COITJnittee was presented by Reeve Lake and adopt2d on motion of Reeve Lake and Deputy Reeve Shaw. Moved by Deputy reeeve Pettit Seconded by Reeve \iilson . .' That we do now adjourn to meet again on October 26th, 1978 at 2:00 P.M. - Carr ied. Council Re-Convened. ROLL CALL - All present except Reeve Emerson. The following Road Department employees were presented with - Ten Year Certificates of Berit Orrie Ostrander Leslie Giles Gordon Bedford Ralph \'iebster Stanley Lunn Kenneth 'felfer William Sloetjes Danny \"elch - Class IV Machine Operator - Class III Foreman - CJ.ass II Labourer - Class I Labourer - Class IV ~achine Operator - Class IV Ilachine Operator - Class IV Hachine Operator - Instrument j.lan Twenty Year Certi[ icates of i-leri t and Pin William Small - Class I Labourer Ontario Good }<oads f~ssociation Certificates Completion of 2 yea x T. J. I,jahoney Road School Norman Glover Donald Zellas - Class V Foreman - Class IV jljachine Operator Completion of Advanced .C. S. lmderson [{oad School James LaForge Keith Player - Class V Foreman - Class V Foreman 224 225 CertH iCutc of l:'erit and J<etircrnent Honorarium Cheque T. \'/ilbert Hough ~ retires October 27th after an- years of service Ir.oved by l~eeve Bradfield Seconded by }':eeve Cook That By~Law No. 2538 be read a second time. ~ Carried. George Fickling ~ retired June 1978 due to ill health after 12 years of service Frank: Fishleigh ~ retired ;,:ay 1978 due to ill health after 22 years of service. A county watch was also presented for the length of service. If.oved by Deputy I(eeve Shackleton Seconded by }ceeve Cook That By~Law No.' 2538 be read a third time and finally passed. The Second J~eport of the llomes for Senior Citizens Com- mi ttee was presented by Deputy lceeve ~haw. and adopted on motion of Deputy ',ceve ~;haw and Deputy Leeve Shackleton. . Carried. The Report of the Property Conuni ttee viaS presented by Deputy Ieeeve Stewart and adopted on motion of Deputy }(eeve Stewart and }~eeve Bradfield. Moved by Reeve Cook Seconded by }ceeve Hodgson That By~Law No. 2539 "'1'0 Eegulate the Proceedings in the IfJunicipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin and the Officers and comlnittees Thereof" be read a first time. ~ Carried. The Report of the County Government Committee was pre~ sented by Reeve Bradfield and adopted on motion of Reeve Bradfield and Iteeve Cook. The Report of the A0ricul tural COlmni ttee was presented by l?eeve Cook and adopted On motion of l~eeve Cook and l?eeve Green. The J?eport of the Finance and Apportionment Conunittee was presented by J(eeve Dinks and adopted on motion of Reeve Binks and Deputy l~eeve Longhurst. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Deputy l?eeve Shackleton That County Council invite all I:mnicipalities that have new Reeves or Deputy J(eeves to the November County Council. . Carried. MoveCl by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by }?eeve Cook That By-Law No. 2539 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Reeve Cook That By~Law No. 2539 be read a third time and finally passed. ~ Carried. Moved by l?eeve r~ook Seconded by Ee\. Eradfield That 13y~Law Ho. 2537 "Being a By~Law to Confirm By-Law No. 1960 of the TOHnship of Bayham; a By-La\.... to Stop Up and Close and ~~ell a l(oad Allo"ance in the Township of Bayham" be read a fir st time. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Shackleton That By~Law No. 2540 "A By~Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the October Session, 1978" be read a first time. - Carried. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Deputy UeeveShackleton That By~Law No. 2540 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Shackleton Seconded by Reeve Cook That By-Law No. 2537 be read a second time. . Carried. Moved by Deputy }(eeve Shackleton Seconded by h~eeve Bradf ield 'l'hat By-Law No. 2540 be read a third time &nd finally Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Deputy Reeve Shackleton passed. That By-Law No. 2537 be read a third time and finally passed. ~ Carried. ~ Carried. One of the students expressed thanks to Council on behalf of the group for the day's activities. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by j':eeve Dradf ield 'l'hat By~Law No. 2538 "Being a By~La\.... to nestrict the Vleight of Vehicles Passing Over bridges" be read a first time. ~ Carried. 226 Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Green That we do now adjourn to meet again on November 22nd, 1978 at 10:00 A.M. - Carried. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. L. l~. Carroll, Warden. 227 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT. OCTOBER SESSION 1978 Page 1. TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: I. A base coat of asphalt paving has been completed on Road 16 West pf Fingal to Burwell's Corners. Most shouldering work has been completed for the season. Additional gravel will be placed yet this fall on Road 37 (the North & South Dorchester Townline). 2. A meeting has been held with the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission and it has beeD agreed between the County Road Committee and the Suburban Roads Commission that for the time being, the County should look after all construction rather than somp constnlction under tlw Suburban Roads Commission and some under th(' County. The Suburban Roads Commission would maintain as many miles (approximately 45 to 50 miles total) as their budget would allow and would revert any mileage due for construction to the County. There will be no change in the method of funding the Connnission by thl? Ministry of Transportation and CO!TnUUlliC:ILlm,,;, the County or tlH' City or St:. 'I'holll:l';. The chief benefit of the change will be that County Council will be able to designate the location of all reconstruction of any road or bridge in the entire system on a priority basis. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a By-Law be passed that will 1n effect reduce the load limit on the Phillmore Bridge over the Big Otter Creek on Road 43 in Bayham Township to 5 ton. This bridge (approximately 1 mile south of Richmond) is a 70 year old steel truss bridge which presently carries a load limit of 15 ton. It has been found to be in urgent need of repairs to the deck and the load limit has been reduced to 5 ton on an emergency basis. 228 229 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD CmlNITTEE HOI.lES FO], SEIHor~ CI'.l'Izn~3 COl:;.;r'l'TEE ]<EFOI,T FIRST REPORT October Session, 1978 . F mST REPOR1' OCTOBER SESSION 1978 Page ') To the \'iarden and hernbers of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Cit izens Committee reports .as follo\-lS: Although tlw n'pl;IC('IlIC'lll "I till' ,kck I'd~: 1>"('11 ;llltll,""iz('.! by t11\' C'.lIlUllitt<,<" It 11I;IY tal", S"IlW time' to ""ldill till' IIC'('('''';dry 1lI,ltC'I"l,i1 s. 1. The request fron the Aylner I:inettes to hold their monthly meetings at Terrace Lodge and to hold their annual bazaar in the Terrace Lodge Drop-In Centre has been granted \-lith the understanding they will not interfere with the home's programs. A return to the, 15 ton limit will be made when repairs are completed. It will also be necessary to replace a portion of the deck on the Cook Bridge o'Ver the Big Otter Creek on Road 43 in the spring of 1979. 2. 1~e Director has been authorized to hire a Craft Supervisor for Terrace Lodge at a rate of $4.95 per hour and that her position be outside the Association membership due to her Supervisory capacity. 3. The Director has been authorized to arrange for a luncheon for the two J~uxiliaries at Terrace Lodge on November 14th, 1978. 2. Tlldt " By-Li.lw I", pas,wd confirming Ily-L;IW 1960 "f thc' Township "f Ildykllll. '1'11" T"wlISII.1p Ily-L;lw Cl."S("; 1',:1'"1. "f II". \'lId.! dll,)W;IlICC' lH'lw('e'n Lots 10 & 11 North Core and part of the rOild allowance between Concession VIII and the North Gore, all in Bayham Township. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. CHAIRMAN L. J. Shaw, Chairman. 230 FE;:i~:;Cj\ ;iEL CO;V~)lIT'l'EE REPORT October ~ession, 1978 To the \:arden and )i;ernbers of the Elgin County Council. The Personnel Committee reports as fol101vs: 1. That a position of senior foreman and assistant enqineer be created and the waqes be evaluated by Stevenson & Kellogg. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ;( ~~:"'---.-;-'~// /:~~t? j2:-Z' r;:' L. Lake , ~. Actinq Chairman. { .- ,. /' (~-</L2.u:-t' /,1 // -. ./7,---1.1''-'- &~~'l"L/ 231 EWES FO)': SEllIOR CITIZE!i;; Cor.;J<:I1"l'EE !cEPO!<T October Session, 1978 SECOND REPORT To the \'larden and l.:embers of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for SAnior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. That th~~uestion of an easement over the Butler property to service the lagoon be left as it presently exists and the Cormnittee would be willing to reconsider it in the event a new proposal is submitted. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. L. J. Shaw, Chairman. M. H. Stewart, Chairman. 233 232 PIWPEI<'rY co;,:r,;I'ITEE I<J:POl(T COUIi'rY GCJVEld!!;;Enrr CO;.:::1'l""l'LE l:EPOi:T October Cession, 1978 October Session, 1978 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports ~s follows: 1. That the custodian be authorized to purchase an Electrolux vacuum for use in the various County buildings, at a price of $259.00 plus sales tax. 1. That the final report of the Pollution From Land Use Activities Reference Group and invitation to attend a meeting on November 2nd, 1978 in London be filed. 2. That the question of l~unicipal Errors and Omissions insurance be tabled for presentation to the Novew)er Session and copies of the information be sent to all members of Council. 3. That the A.C.I<.O. Statement on the I<ole of Counties and Regions in the Provision of Housing be filed. 4. The 1978 annual printed copies of the Council pro- ceedings will p.nd "lith the November Session to correspond with the present term of Council. 5. We concur in the recommendation of the Clerk- Treasurer in beginning to number by-laws, effective with the January 1979 Session, prefixed by the year in two digits followed by 1, 2, etc. (e.g. 79-1). 6. We recommend that an Undenlood, ;,lodel Logus 45, calculator be purchased for use by the Land Division Secretary- Treasurer at a quoted price of, $269.00 and provincial sales tax. 7. We recommend that the Chairman of the Reception and Entertainment Committee be paid an annual remuneration of $150.00 for performing the duties of his office and that this provision be made in the by-law establishing Council remuner- ation, effective January 1, 1978. 8. We recommend that a joint Committee meeting between the City and County be held in order to clarify the County's position on the disposition of the Local Government Study keport. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. R. T. Bradfield, Cha irman. 234 235 FIl:J\tJCE i'.lm i.J l'(jl:TI01:I:EI:T CC;,:;:IT'l'EE hEJOli:T hG}:ICULTU;:fd., CC;:';.iI'l''J'EE 1.:El'OLT October ~';ession, 1978 October Sessiop, 1978 To the \'/arden and It.embers of the Elg in County CO\lncil, 'rIle Agricultural Committee reports as follows: To the Harden and l~embers of the Elg in County CO\lncil, The Finance and J\pportionment Committee reports as follows: 1. 'rhat the District ]telease from the IHnistry of Natural J'(esources, on the JJarvesting of the Springwater Forest be filed. 1. \-le recommend that a full page advertisement be taken in the Official Program for the 1979 ltotary j.iusic Festival at a cost. of $25.00 and the previous ad be repeated. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. 2. That the request from the Elgin-SL Thomas Health Unit for an amount of ~520.32, representing 50% of the addi- tional costs of polio clinics in the County (j~ugust 10-25) be paid. 3. That the request from the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit for an additional amount of $3,498.30 as the County's portion of t};le 1978 "Enrichment and Expansion" budget, ap- proved by the Ministry of Health, be paid with the under- standing that it will only be paid over if expended. 4. That the offer of Provincial Sales Tax Consultants Ltd. to audit for Federal and/or Provincial Sales Tax over- payments be filed. 5. That the resolution from the City of Thunder Bay protesting any increase in the rent scale for public housing at this time be not endorsed. D. K. Cook, Chairman. 6. That the list of Children in Care and Financial statement for the month of September 1978 from the Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin be filed. 7. We recomnend that an amount of ~175.45 be paid to the Warden to defray expenses in travelling to the R.T.A.C. convention in Ottawa. 8. We recommend that paragraph 3 of By-Law 2382, pro- viding for the payment of County ltate in two installments be amended by deleting everything after the words "payment is made" and add the following sentence - "The rate of interest shall be the minimum lending rate or rates charged by the majority of chartered banks during the period of default. This provision shall become effective January 1st, 1979. 9. That we accept the offer of Constable A. 1. Manninger to present his slide program on vandalism to County Council at the November Session luncheon. 10. That a donation of $65.00 be made to the Port Stanley Lions Club, in appreciation for the use of their bus in trans- porting the boys and girls on their tour, and a special thanks be extended, by letter, to ~tr. Ross tmalls, for donating his time in driving the bus. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. It.. E. Binks, Chairman. 236 COUIlTY OF ELGIlJ By-Law No. 2537 "BEIIJG A BY-I.J\.\'I TO COIJFIIi:!,j I3Y-I.JI\! NO. 1960 OF ~1IE TC\:I:SHIP OF BllYlUJ..:; 1\ BY-Illi'l TO S'I'0P UP MD CLO;jE i.!lD ;...iELL J~ IWi'lD hLLO'.:m:CE IN TlIE 'I'Q1,:IJS!lIP OF J3f1.YHlllf.." \-nlEli:EfIS the Council of the Township of Bayham on the 2nd day of October, 1978, j,.D. did pass By-Law hOe 19bO, to stop up and close and sell part of the road allowance between I.ote 10 and 11, North Gore, and part of the road allowance between liorth Gore and Concession 8, lying and beinq situate in the 'j,'ownship of Bayham, more particularly described as Part 1 on Deposited Flan of S\lrvey IlT(-1580, on file in the I<egistry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin. AND HIlE}(EAS pursuant to the provisions of the Munic- ipal Act, the sai.d Township i3y-Law shall not have any force until conf irmed by a by-lm-l of the Counc il of the County in which the 'l.'ownship is situated, passed at an ordinary meeting of the Council, held not later than one year after the passing of the by-law, by the Council of the Township. fd-lD iiJiEl~Ei\.S application has been made to the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin for a by-law con- firming the said 'l'ownship of Bayham by-law. Na.! TllliREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: That By-Law No. 1960 of the Township of Bayham being a by-law to stop up and close and sell a road allowance in the Township of Bayham be and the same is hereby confirmed. READ a first time this 26th day of October, 1978. READ a second time this 26th day of October, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 26th day of October, 1978. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. L. R. Carroll, \'larden. 237 CCUIJ'ry OF BLGIIJ By-Law no. 2538 "BEIhG A BY.U\\! TO r:E~j'I',dC'I' T]lJ~ \EIGllT OF VEHICLES PASSInG (HEl.: BlGDGES." \!IlEl<EA~) Subsection 8 of Section 64 of the Highway 'I'raffic 1\ct (It.S.O. 1970) provides that: "The Munici~l Corporation or other authority having jurisdiction over a bridge, may by By-Law approved by the ;.;inistry, make regulatiom; limiting the gross weight of any vehicle or cow)ination of vehicles, or any class thereof, passing over such bridge."; AND \/HElmAS it is deemed exr..edient to limit the weight of vehicles passing over certain bridges in the County of Elgin; NOll THEREFO]~E the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. No vehicle or combination of vehicles or any class thereof, vlhether e:npty or loaded, shall be operated over any bridge designated in ~;.chedule );0. 1 and 2, forming pc'ut of this By-Law with a weight in excess of weight limit prescribed in the Schedule for such bridge. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this By-Law shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 64, Subsection (7) of the liighway Traff ic Act. 3. This By-Law shall not become effective until approved by the Ministry of ~ransportation and con~unications and until a notice of the weight permitted, legibly printed, has been posted up in a conspicuous place at either end of each bridge designated in the attached Schedule. 4. By-Law No. 2485 of the County of Elgin is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 26th day of October, 1978. READ a second time this 26th day of October, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 26th day of October, 1978, G. C. Leverton, Clerk. L. R. Carroll, vlarden. 238 239 S C II E D U LEN O. S C II E D U LEN O. BRlllGES ON COUNTY ROJ\DS COUNTY BRIDGES ON TOWNSHIP ROADS Schedule 1 Bridge No. (MTe ) Road No. Name 0 f Bridge Location Weir,ht Limit in Tons Yea r 0 f Const- ruction Type of Floor Fini sh Schedule 2 Bridge No. (MTC) Name 0 f Bridge Location ~i~t Limit in Tons Yea r 0 f Constr- uction Type 0 f Floor Finish 1. 5- 144 43 Cooks Lot 1, Con. 15 1907 Bituminous V, Township I: 1. 5-59 Robbins of Bayham 2. 5- 146 43 Phi11more Lot 3, Con. S 1909 Bituminous VI, Township of Bayhnm ..' 2. 5-60 Fu 1 ton Lot 5, River Road Township of Southwold 1898 Wooden Lots 3 &. 4, Mill Road. Township of Southwo ld 15 1912 Concrete 3. 5-133 Meeks Lot 16. N. U. Road Township of Southwo ld 20 1900 Cone rete 4. 5- 138 Jamestown Lot 28, Con. II 15 1.9 08 Bitmunious' Township 0 f Ya mouth 5. 5-158 Vienna Lot 14, Con. III 20 Unknown. Conc rete Bayham, Now in Reconst- Village 0 f Vienna ructed in 1933 240 241 COUIITY OF ELGIN 2. In case th(! \'iarrlen shall not be in attendance, the Clerk or Deputy Clerk shall call the mceting to order, until a Chairman shall be chosen, and the member so chosen to pre- side shall take the chair during the al)f;ence of the V:arden, but at the IDeeting only at "lhich the member has been so chosen. By-Law No. 2539 "'1'0 REGUlNl'E THE rRCCEEDn;G~3 IN THE l';W;ICIPJ\L COU)~CIL OF 'I1fE COJ<r()}~/\rl'IOJJ OF TEE cmn:'.l'Y OF' ELGIN }diD THE OFFICEh:S 1dm CC),;j.uT'I'EE~:; Tl II.:WWF ." 3. Inunediately after the \'iarden or other Presiding Officer shall have taken his seat at the first day of each Session, then the minutes of the preceding tJession as mailed to each member shall be confirmed as read or amended and shall be signed by -the \.arden and Clerk or Deputy Clerk. inlElcEJl.S it is expedient to regulate the proceedings in Council and in Conunittees of the same, and the Officers of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, and to amend and con- solidate all other By-Laws relating to the proceedings in Council, 4. Every member, previous to his speaking to any ques- tion or motion, shall rise from his seat and address himself to the \'Jarden or other Presiding Officer. I 5. When two or more members rise at once, the Warden shall name the member who is to speak first, but his decision shall be subject to an appeal by Council and may be overruled by a majority vote thereof. 6. Every member present when a question is put shall vote thereon, \lnless the Council shall excuse him, or he be personally interested in the question, but such interest must be resolvable into a personal pecuniary profit, or such as is peculiar to that meraber and not in conm\on with the interests of the CO\lnty at large, or as covered by legislation dealing with matters of a conflict of interest. THEREFORE the )':unicipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: PROCEEDI~GS IN COUNCIL MEETINGS AND ADJOURNMENT OF COUNCIL 1. In all the proceedings ha.d or 'taken in the l':unicipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Llgin, the follow- ing rules and regulations shall be observed, dnd shall be the rules and regulations for the ordeX' and despatch of business in the said Council, and of the Committees of the said Council. 2. A member of a county council shall not take his seat until he has filed with the clerk of the county council a cer- tificate (Form 19) under the hand of the clerk of the munici- pali ty for \/hich he was elected and the seal of the corporation. (The Munici}:al Act, Section 185) 3. The first meeting of Council, after a regular elec- tion and the first me\~ ':ing in the second year of its term, shall be held at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon on the third Tuesday in December, and for every other day or sitting in the tJession, such hour shall be regulated at the previous adjournment. 4. Unless there shall be a quorum present in half an hour after the time appointed for the meeting of Council, the Council shall tlLen stand absolutely adjourned until the next regular hour of meeting, and the Clerk or Deputy Clerk shall, if required by two members, take down the names of the members present at the expiration of such half hour. 5. The Council shall always adjourn at the hours of 12 o'clock, noon, and 6 o'clock, afternoon, if in ~ession at these hours, unless otherwise determined by a vote of a majority of the members present. 6. The Council shall always adjourn at the hour of 11 o'clock P.M., if in Session at that hour, unless otherwise determined by a vote of two-thirds of the members present. 7. The members of the Council shall not leave their places, on adjournment, until the \'!nrden or other presiding officer leaves the clwir. 7. \'ihen the 1.-iarden or other Presiding Officer is put- ting the question, no member shall walk across or out of the room, nor interrupt the speaker, except to a question of order, nor 'pass bet\oleen the speaker and the chair, and no councillor shall leave his place during the sitting of the Council without turning to the chair as he retires, and mak- ing a bow in such a manner as that any member present may have an opportunity to object to the absence of such retiring member. 8. Any member called to order shall at once sit down, unless permitted to explain, and the ruling of the \:arden or other Presiding Officer shall be final, unless otherwise de- cided by the Council on an appeal from such ruling. 9. No member shall speak disrespectfully of The [<ei.gning l,;ona:r.ch, nor of any of the f-:oyal Family, nor of the Governor-General, Lieutenant-Governor, or other person a~nin- istering the Government of the Dominion, or of this Province; nor shall he use offensive \.,ords against this Council, or against any member thereof. ' 10. No member shall smoke in the Council Chamber while Council is in Session. 11. No member shall speak beside the question in debate. 12. Any member may require the question or motion under discussion to be read at any tLne during the debate, but not so as to interrupt a member while speaking. II OlmER OF PI~OCEEDIl,GS IN COUr:CIL 1. As soon after the ~our of meeting as there shall be a quorunl present, the Warden shall take the chair and nernbers present shall be called to order. 13. No member shall speak more than once on the same question, ",ithout leave of the CO\lncil, except in explanation of a material }:art of his speech, which may have been miscon- strued; but then he is not to introduce new matter. The mover and seconder RillY speak a second time. 14. After a motion is passed, or a report adopted, no motion to alter or amend the same shall be considered during the same Session of Council, unless the motion to alt.er or amend is moved and seconded by t",o members frOl:l arr:Ol\q those who voted ",ith the majority that carrif!d said motion or report. 242 243 7. 1',,11 amendments shall be rut in the reverse order in which they are moved; and every amendment lJubmittcd shall be reduced to writing, and be decided upon or withdrawn beforo the main question is put to vote. 8. only one amendment shall be allo'v,ed to an amendment, and any amendment more than one must be to the main question. 9. \;hen the question under consideration contains dis- tinct propositions, upon the request of any member the vote upon each proposition shall be taken separately. 10. After any question is finally p\lt to vote by the Warden or other Fre~iding Gfficer, no member shall speak to the question, nor shall any other motion be made until after the result is declared; and the dec is ion of the \,arden or other Presiding ufficer as to whether the q\lestion has been finally put shall be conclusive. 11. 'vlhenever the \iarden or other Presiding Officer is of opinion that a motion offered to the Council is contrary to law, or the rules and privileges of the Council, he shall apprize the members thereof immediately before putting the question thereon, and quote the law or rule or authority applicable to the case, without argument or comment. 12. Members shall always take their places when any division is called for. 13. vlhen the \Iarden or other Presiding Officer is called on to decide a point of order or practice, he shall state rule or authority applicable to the case, without argument or com- ment, when required. 14. The \<iarden or other Presiding Officer may vote with the other members on all questions, and any question on which there is an equality of votes shall be deemed to have been negatived, if the \,arden has voted. 15. Upon a division of any question before the Council or any CotuQi ttee thereof, except co;n:~i ttee-of-the-\.hole, and if required by any member of Council or the Corunittee, the names of those votino on the matter before tIre Councilor the Committee shall be r~corded YEJ\ and l.JW as the members vote on the question. 16. Questions under the proper order of the day may be put to the v;arden or other Fres idino Off ieer, or through him to any member of the Council, relating to any motion, or other matter connected with the business of the CO\lncil or the affairs of the County, but no argument or opinion is to be offered, nor any facts eta ted, except so far as may be neces- sary to explain the same; and in answering any such questions a member is not to debate the matter to which the same refers. 17. It shall be la.,ful for the v.arden or other Presiding Officer, subject to an appeal to the Council, to order the doors of the Council Chamber to be closed; and when the doors shall be directed to be closed, all persons, except the mem- bers, the Clerk, and the Deputy Clerk shall retire, and, or, expel or exclude from any meeting any person who is guilty of improper conduct. III OFmEI~S OF TIm DAY 1. 'rhe Clerk or the Deputy Clerk shall have prepared for the use of the member's the general order of the day, con- taining: 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. 10th. 11 th . Roll Call Confirmation of Minutes I\:eading Communica t ions Presenting .Petitions and Delegations Enq\liries by I1iembers Giving Notice I-ceports of Committees Unfinished B\lsiness New Business Consideration of By-LawB Adjournment. IV ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS IN COI<MITTEE OF THE \JHOLE 1. ~~enever it shall be moved and carried that the Council go into a Committee of the ".hole, the \iarden or other Presiding Officer shall leave the chair, and shall appoint a Chairman of Committee of the \'ihole, who shall maintain order in the Committee, and who shall report the proceedings of the Commit tee. 2. The rules of the Council shall be observed in Com- mittee of the \ihole, with the exception of Section II, para- graph 10, so far as may be applicable, except that no motion shall require to be seconded, but no motion for the previous question, or for an adjournment, shall be allowed; and in taking the yeas and nays the names of the members shall not be recorded, nor shall the number of times of speaking on any question be limited. 3. Questions of order arising in Committee of the \'ihole shall be decided by the Chairman, subject to an appeal to the Council, and if any sudden disorder should arise in the Com- mittee, the '.iarden or other Fresiding Officer will resume the chair, without any question being put. 4. On motion in Comrnittee of th8 \:l\Ole to rise and report, the question shall be decided without debate. 5. f\ motion in Carom:\. ttee of the i;hole to rise without reporting, or that the Chairr~n leave the chair, shall always be in order, and shall take precedence of any other motion. On such motion debate shall be al1oHed, dnd en an ilffirraative vote the subject reierred to the Committee shall be considered as disposed of in the negative, and the ',:Circ:len or other l'resid- ing Cfficer shall reSU;;lC the chair and I'roceed with oUter business. 2. 1~e business shall, in all cases, be taken up in the '\-lay in which it stands upon the orders of the day, unless other",ise determined by a vote of a majority of the members present taken without debate thereon. 3. iHl motions shall be in writing, except to dispose of reports or comQunic"tions, or to refer to Committees, and shall be seconded before being debated or put to vote; and all motions shall be read cmd shall then be conveyed to the hctrden, Hho may again read the same. 4. l\fter a motion has been received by the \'larden or other Pres iding Officer, it shall be deelaed to be in posses- sion of the Council, but J:,ay be withdrawn a1. any time by consent of a majority of the members present. 5. I, motion to refer the ma in notion to a Committee shall preclude all amendment of the main question until de- cided. 6. A motion to adjourn shall all-rays he in ardor unless a vote is beinq taken, but no Eecond Ir.otion to adjourn I3hall be mudo until clfter SOIne intenledidte proceedinc;s sl.all have been li.dd. 244 V l(EJ~DIliG OF BY -U\\.S jil;D rh~a;ELDEm 'IllEWWIJ 1. Every by-law shall be introduced by the Clerk or Deputy Clerk and shall be author ized by a COIrunittee of Council. 2. When a by-law is read in the CO\lncil, the Clerk or Deputy Clerk shall certify the readinqs, on the back thereof. After by-laws have po.ssed he shall be responsible for their corrections sho\lld they be amended. 3. 'Ihe question: "'l'hat this by-1m' be no", read a first time", shall be decided without amendment or debate, and shall be read a necond tine before it is committed, and read a third time before it is signed by the Warden. 4. Any by-law for the J\ppropriation of money, brought in on the l':eport of a Commi Hee of the \.'llOle, nhall pass through all its stages without heing again referred to the COIlunittee of the \lhole, unless upon special motion in viriting. 5. All amendments made in Committee of the ilhole shall be reported by the Chairman to the Council, throuqh the '.iarden or other Presiding Officer, "rho shall receive forth"lith. Af- ter report, the by-law shall be open to debate and amenmnent before it is ordered for a third reading. \~en a by-law is reported ",ithout amendment, it is forth~"ith ordered to be read a third time at such time as may be appointed by' the Council. 6. All by-laws adopted shall be printed in the proceed- ings of the Council. 245 OIWJ\l! IZ,,\'I'ICII ()F CO;;JdTTI;J~~) 1. The \:arden ~;hall appoint a COl:Ul1ittee of four members of Council to strike the ::..>tandinq cor:unittees for the year and appoint representatives to various boards. 'i.'he \,arden shall be, ex-officio, a memher of all the ;itanding Committees, ond is cons ide red to be one of the number sho~m to be on each of the Committees. 2. A majority of the number of members composing any Standing or Select Committee, shall be a quorum to do business. 3. 11tere shall be annually appointed, at the first meeting of each cO\lncil, the following Committees \-lhich shall compose the Standing Committees of the Council for the year: 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. lOth. 11th. VI PETITIONS AND COJ,U,TINIChTIONS Finance J\gricul tural Property CO\lnty Government Educational Soc ial ~3ervices Homes for Senior Citizens Coun ty Icoa ds Personnel Local Government Study Reception and Entertainment. 4. Each Standing Committee of the Council, except "There othenlise specially provided, shall consist of rmch members of the Council, not exceeding one member from each l,;unicipali ty, excl\lding the Lunicipality represented by the 1"arden.as the Council shall name as aforesaid. 1. Every petition, protest, or other written applica- tion intended to be presented to the Council, must be fairly written or printed on paper, and signed by at least one person. 2. Every member presenting any petition, protest, or other written application to the Council, shall examine the same, and shall be answerable that they do not contain any impertinent or improper matter, and that the same is respect- ful and temperate in its language; he shall also endorse thereon the name of the applicant and the substance of such application, and sign his name thereto, which endorsement only shall be rCcld by the Clerk, unless a nember shall require the reading of the papel', in which case the whole shall be read. 3. All petitions or other written communications on any subject within the cognizance of any Standing Comnittee shall, on presentation, be referred to the proper Committee by the Warden without any motion; and no member shall speak upon, nor shall any debate be allowed on the presentation of any petition or other comm\lnication to the Council; but any member may move that in referring said petition or other com- m\lnication certain instructions may be given by the Council, or that the said petition or communication complain of some present personal grievance, requiring iT.'\r:tediate remedy, the matter contained therein may be brought into immediate dis- cussion and disposed of fortrMith. 5. 'I11e members of each Standing Cor.mittee shall, at their first meeting, elect a chairman from among themselves, and as soon as such chairman has been elected, the time of the future regular meetings of the Coramittee shall be deter- mined by the meriliers thereof, and also the hour at \-lhich each of such meetings shall be held. 6. The time and place of meetings of Con1Jlli ttees during Sessions of Council shall be arranc;ed with the clerl: or Deputy Clerk by the chairman, and in his absence by the Clerk or Deputy Clerk. 7. Special ncetings of Committees nay be called by the chairman whenever he shall consider it necessary to do so, and it shall be the duty of the chainlan, or in his absence the Clerk or Deputy Clerk of th(= Council, to summon a special meeting of Conunittee vlhenever req\lested in writing to do so by a majority of the members of the Committee. 8. I,:embers of the Council may attend the meetings of any of the cor.uni ttees, but shall be seated in the public area and shall not be allo'.!ed to vote nor take any part in the discussion or debate, u.nless requested to do so by the chair- man. 4. [my person or group of persons, wishing to address CO\lnty Council, shall be required to make the necessa.ry ar- rangements thro\lgh the County Clerk, at lecwt fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the Council ~ession. \.ritten briefs shall be provided so that sufficient time will permit distri- bution to the members of Council prior to the said ~ession. 246 VIII 247 5. To see that all duties and services which oU<Jht to be performed by the '".'reclSurer, and the off icers in his depart- ment, are fully executed. 6. To determine a fair and equitable apportionment of County }(ate for each year. COj.~;.aTl'EE J,jEE'l'lNGS 1. 'no business of the respecti.ve ~:;tanding and Select Committees shall be conducted under the following regulations: (A) The Chainl'ln shall prod.do at evory meoting and shull vote on all questions submitted, and in caso of an equal division the question slllill be passed in the negative. XI AG}(ICULTURAL COMMITTEE (B) He shall sian all such ordors and. docu!:lents as the Cor~1ittee-may legally order. (C) In his absence, one of tho other members shall be elected to preside, who shall dischcuqo the d\lties of the Cha inTJan for the I'leetinq until the arrival of the Chairman. . 1. The Agricultural Cornrnittee shall be composed of all the rural Iteeves. 2. To supervise and instruct work carried on by the \'/eed Inspector and 'l'ree Commiss ioner. 3. To review all grants pertaining to agricult\lre and make recommendations on same to the Finance Committee. (D) Ho order or authority to do any matter or thing shall J)e rLcognized as erlanatinq fron any Committee unless it is in writing, or unless it is signed by the Chairman, or Acting Chairman, or Secretary there- of. XII PIWPEI(TY COi'I].\I'l'TEE IX 1. The Property Committee shall be composed of five (5) members. 2. It shall be the duty of the Property Conmittee to consider and report on all affairs in connection \'lith the repairing, purchasing, leasing or selling of County property, exclusive of property bought for road purposes. 3. '1'0 regulate and have supervision of all matters connected with the Jail, Court llouse, Registry Office, t~nic- ipal Building, ],:useum and all 9rounds and buildings belonging to the Count-y except the liomes for ~:;enior Citizens and the property and b\lildinqs used by the l~oad Department. The Com- mittee to be authorized to approve and jXlSS all accounts in connection with above and issue orders on the County Treasurer for payment of accounts. DUTIE~':; OF CO;<ltHT'l'ELS 1. The general duties of all the ;:;tandinq und Select Commi thles of the CO\lncil shall b~ as follows: (11) '1'0 report to the Counc 11 from time to time, whenever desired by the Council, and as often as the interest.s of the County may require, on all mattero connected \'lith the d\lties imDosed on them respectively, and to recommend E;uch action by the CO\lncil in relation thereto as nay be deemed neces- sary. (B) To cause to be pl-epared and introduce into the Council, all such by-laws as nay be necessary to give effect to thE' reports or recommendations of the respective Comni ttees that are adopted by the Council. XIII COUl~TY GOVERNi,;ENT COMMITTEE (C) To consider and report respectively on any and all matters referred to them by the cO\lncil or Warden, the Chairman signing such report and bring- ing up the same. 1. The County Government Cornui ttee shall be composed of eight (8) members. X 2. It slwll be their duty to consider and make recom- mendations to theCo\lnty Council of all proposed changes effecting the present functions of County Council. 3. To make recol1l.lnendations ,...i th regard to remuneration and milea.ge rates of County Councillors, Committee j.:embers and the \:arden. FINANCE COr,;MI'l'TEE 1. }teeves. The Finance Committee shall be conposed of all the XIV EDUC[;''I'IOl~f\L COJ.;I.;I'I'TEE 2. It shall be the duty of the Finance Comr.1ittee to present to the Council not later than June in each year a full and particulcu exhibit of the financial affairs of the Council at the termination of the precedinq financial year, together with ,1!\ estir:lnte of the amount required to be raised by assesnnent during the current year. 1. The Educational Cor:unittee shall be composed of all the Deputy l(eeves and the I(eeves who have no Deputies. 2. It shall be their dutv to re....iew and reconunend grants for scholarships to the }'inance Committee. 3. To report to the Council not l<'ltor than [,pril 1st, in ea.ch YOilr, as to the I:lanncr in ~:hich the rE"venue required for the current yeiu sllCiuld be r'ai~;(,d. 3.. To provide liaison with the County Board of Educa- tion in the form of a four (4) me:m.ber COlal'!i ttee and the harden. 4. To receive all approved budqets from the various Committees and Boards for the purrose of reviewing and recol.l- mending adoption to COl:nty Council. 4. To report and advise on Library activities (~xcept the budget which shall be direct to the Finance Co;,uaittee. 248 XV 249 see If.L ~EF.V ICES CO;.j',;I1"l'EE 4. To be the negotiating committee, with pO'vler to add advisory T' ople, \Then neqotiatinq an a<1.reement \...i th a Union or Association representing employees of the County of Elgin. 5. To advertise for, and interview applicants for the position of Head of a Department or his/her assistant or deputy. 6. To stud:;' and recommend to Co'unty Council all re- classifications of personnel, changes in fringe benefits, mileage rates, etc. of non Union or non hssociation employees. 7. To make recownendations to the Elgin County Council with respect to any of the above duties. 1. The Social Services Committee shall be composed of fivA (S) members. 2. It shall be their duty to regulate and have S\lper- vision of all matters connected \-dth the Department of Social Services and other related Social ~ervices. 3. To hire help \vhen needed, except the Director or Deputy Director. 4. To report to the Elgin County Council from time to time or whenever requested by the Council, on all matters connectc-ed vlith the duties imposed on them. XIX XVI LOCAL GOVERm.~ENT mUDY COWUTTEE 1. The Local Government Study Committee shall be com- posed of five (5) members. 2. It shall be their duty to study and make recommen- dations with respect to all proposed restructuring of local government within the County. HQ1,mS FeR 3EH IOI~ CI'I'IZEW3 Cc;.;;,;IT'l'LE 1. The HaliteS for Senior Citizens Comni ttee shall be composed of five (5) members, all of \-,hom shall be ent1 tled to vote on all matters, and two (2) advisory members who shall have no voting privileges. 2. It shall bc, the duty of the Homes for Sellior Citi- zems Conuni ttee to regulate o.nd ha vo supervision of all matters connecb~d Hith Homes fox' ;A~nior Ci.tizens and be authorized to approve and pas[) illl dcccunts and i[;su8 orders on the Treasurer for pa.yment of same. xx XVII l<ECEP'l.'IOlJ AIlD EIlTERTf\IlJl.'iENT COI,:;.nTTEE 1. The Reception and Entertainment Conunittee shall be composed of ten (lU) members. 2. To be responsible for and to make all the necessary arrangements for the annual ',,'arden' s Banq\let, and \iarden' s Reception after the annual election. 3. To be responsible for arranging for meals etc. for each meeting of County Council. 4. To arrange, when required, any function involving entertainment etc. for the County",' XXI COUlJ'l'Y IW/,DS CC;,UH'l'TEE 1. Im,ling: The I?oads Conunittee slwll be composed of the fol- five (5) rurl voting nembers tHO (2) rural advisory l:lembers one (l) urban voting ~ecilier one (1) urban advisory fi1ember The \'larden shall be considered as one of the voting members. l\.PT'OIliTi,lHT AND DUTIES OF OFFICERS OF TEE cc:r(POW~TION The duties of the various officers of the Corpora- tion, in addition to those prescribed by law, or by any By- Law or }'{esolution of the CO\lncil, shall be as f:ollov's: 2. It shall be the duty of the County l:oads CommittEe to co-operate with and direct the County ~oad Superintendent in the construction and maintenance of county roads and bridges, and thnt the suid Committee be a\lthorized to apprcve and pass all accounts for \Vork on said roads and to issue orders on the County Treasurer for payment of same. XXII XV II I TRE1ISUHER Mm / OI( DEPUTY TICEfl~)UIm~ 1. The Treasurer shall be the head of the Financial Department of the Corporation, and shall be the principal officer and adviser of the Corporation, through the Finance Committee, in all matters relating to the monetary and fi- nancial operations of the CO\lnty, and especially with regard to its debt, and the estima. tes to be prepared anr.ually for providing the ways and means for protecting the same, and meeting the annual expenditure, with a careful regard to the maintenance of the County credit. 3. The Chairman or \/arden and the County E:oad ~)uper- intendent may flUthorize i.n writing, a payment, not exceeding a total of ~3,UUO.OO for emergency reasons, where necessary between li:oads COl'Ullittee meetings. rE1(~.iOJmEL CO;.JJG'l'TEE 1. 'l'he Personnel Comrni ttee shall be composed of fi.ve (5) members. 2. It shall be their duty to review from tiTan to ti.r:le and at least once e,'J(::h yedr the sfllaries, sillary tichcdules and 1'1' inqe beno)' its relu ted to claployees who dre not covered by a l:nicn or n[;Sociation i1CJreeliwnt. 2. The security of the Treasurer, as required by law, shall be by qUilrantee bond of any good and sufficient C01:lpany or i\ssociation duly incorporated for granting bonds of sure- tyship for parties holdinq positions of trust, and as to the amount of the same and all other pi1rticulars, shall be sub- ject to the approval of the Council. 3. To sot up ~ salary schedule for new positions vilien they i1n~ creilted and not covered by a vrlion of ;.s::;ocicition ngn:emcnt. 250 3. 'I'lw Treasurer shall keep or Cfluce to be kept, ilccordinq to the mOBt approved system of boo)~ke(lping, such boob.; of account as nay be necessary to show distinctly tho receipts and disbursements, and all other reckonings and accountings of what nature or kind, soever, connected with the monetary transactions of the Corporation. 4. He shall al~)Q keep spec ial books and registers for rocording the debenture debt of the Corporation, the retire- ment of the coupons or interest warrants of the same, and all other changes in the same. 251 4. To have charge of the County seal and only to attach the same to any document connected \lith tlw Corpora- tion. 5. To attend all meetim;s of Co:nmi ttees when req\lestcd by Chairman, Acting Chairman or \"arden, and act as ~)ecretary thereof. 5. lIe sha.ll use all diligence in enforcing the prompt collection of all rates, interest, rentals, or other dues of the Corporation, and where necessary, enforce payment of the same by a prompt recourse to legal process. 6. }~ shall be generally responsible for the care and proper maintenance of all buildings on the Court nouse Dlock, including minor repairs. XXIV ENGIIiEEIi: 6. He shall be the c\lstodian of all titles and evidence of titles, deeds, insurance policies, mortgages, leases, bonds, agreenents, or other instruments relating to the prop- erty and rentals of the County, and shall only alloVl the same to be taken from his office on the order of the Councilor on the requisition and receipt of the cO\lnty Clerk, or the Dep\lty Clerk, or the County r30lic itor, for use in any legal procedure or on the order to produce of any Court of Law or eq\lity. 1. It shall be the duty of the CO\lnty Enuineer: '1'0 report to the Council, at euch Session if necessary, as to the improvements and repairs "'hich, in his opinion, should be undertakerc by the Corporation; and also to present to the said Conuni ttee a supplementary report as to any additional improvements and repairs to be undertaken during the year, and vlhich Here not included in the last preceding report. 2. To have the general superintendence and control of all employees of the Der.-artnent in the carry ing out of all vlOrks of construction and repair of buildings ordered by the Council (Property COIU.'Uittee). 7. Be shall further be the custodian of all bonds and securities of fidelity given for the faithf\ll discharge of the duties of officials and servants of the Corporation, save his o"'n, which l,ha11 be depos ited \-lith the County Clerk, or Deputy Clerk or other'<lise dB tlHl Council may direct. 3. To be responsible to the Council for the due per- formance of all such work, unless by the resolution, by-law, or contract for the same, such Vlorks have been entrusted to some other engineer or architect. 8. lIe shall be guided in the payments and disbursements of his office by the By~Laws. ]{ules and l{egulations of the Corporation with regard to the passing and verification of accounts by the several Committees, or by statutory or other Cl\lthority, and by Ute appropriations made for their liquida- tion, advls inq with the Committee of Finance or the Council when requisite. 4. To decide upon, select and employ such personnel as may be required from time to time for <lIlY Corporation \-lork under his control vlhich has not been let by contract; and s\lch employees shall be paid by the County upon the l::ngineer's certificate, reported to the TreCisurer, and shall DC subject to dismissal at any time by him or the Council, and all Guch appointments and dismissals shall be reported to the CO\lnty I(oad Committee. 9. He shall, a/; early as ma y be after the close of the fi.nancial year, ca\lse to be prepared for publication any statements of aSEsts and liabilities, and such other informa- tion regarding the County debt, and any other special accounts of the Corporation, as muy be req\lired by the Council. 5. To examine and certify all bills for material and labour against the Corporation for works in his charge, and to IJake or cause to be made, the s\lrveys and examinations necessary for the purpose. 10. He shall generally superintend the transactions of his department, and the officer of the same, and duly compare, check, and verify the entries of receipts and disbursements with the [wcouni:s and vO\lchers of the same, and Hith the books of the office. 6. To have general ~uperintendence and control of all personnel in his department, and of all Corporation contrac- tors, subject to the terns of their respective contracts. 11. 'lhe accounts and transactions of his department shall be subject to an audit by the County huditors as the Council may direct, and these shall prepare the Annual De- tailed JlUdit and iwstract J(eport of I(eceipts and Expenditures. XXIII 7. To report from time to tiIae to the CountyF~oad Com- mittee, or to the Council, as the case may require, ~ny ob- struction he may m8et with in the course of his duties or any other matter Uj>'n Hhich he Iaay require advice or instruc- tion. COUNTY CLEm: ill.D/OI<. DEFUTY CLlmK 1. It shall be the duty of tlw County Clerk or Deputy Clerk to perform the duties required of him by statutory or other authority. 2. To notify each member of' the Committees to 'vlhich they are appoint(~d under thi1; by-LaH, as soon as the appoint- ment has bcnn mdde. of the tirae and pluce at which the first meeting of the Committee will be held. 8. To furnish all necessary plans and specifications for all engineering Horks under the control of the County }coad Conunit tee. 3. To give notice to the Jaembers of the Council of all sl~cial meetinqs thereof; said notice to be mailed to each member at hi~; residence or place of business. 9. To cause a notice of any special meeting of the County Road cOTllllli ttee to be mailed to each member of said Comnittee. 10. To conduct the correspondence of the said Commit- tee, and keep copies of all letteru written by him on office b\lsiness. 253 252 11. To cOlamunictlte a copy of any order or minute of the said COlrJ:littee lllade ii1: ~\lch mcetinq, to f;t1ch offid.als of the Corporation or othc'r per~wnfl as lnilY be affected thereby, or to ",hom the Conuuittee lni.lY order the same to be communicated. 3. 110 contra,;tor or other pcrson found by the County Engineer, or person in charge on behalf of the Council, or by any cOlllmi ttee of the Council, or d(~clarcd by a lCesolution of the Council, or Clscert<lined by i.1 judici.:ll decision, to have been guilty of defrauding, or attcmptinq to defraud the County, shall aqc'1in be employed in any Ci1Pilcity on hchalf of or re- ceive any contract fron the County, \-lithout the express sanc- tion of the Council" It shall be the d\lty of the variouG officers of the Corporation to forthwith report all such frauds, or attempted friluds, of Hhich they may become cogni- zant, to Dlcir superiors, and for such superiors to report the srone to the Committee to whose der~rtment the subject of the fraud belongs. ' 12. To preserve <md file all COIllI':l\lniciltions and tenders addressed to or read before the said Corrunittee, and to furnish t~~m when required, il cOI~ of any account, letter, report, specification, or other document in the possession of the said Department. 13. To prepare and have the c\lstody of, and be respon- sible for, all Imch plans and estimates ilS may from time to time be prepared for the use of the County. 14. He Shel.ll keep proper record of the classif ication of all employees of his Department and any reclussification or new classification must be done in consultation with the Fersonnel Committee. xxv I II GENERAL CLAU~)ES XXVI 1. No person, except Members and Officers of the Council, she,ll be allovlCd to COlae ,,,ithin the bar during the sittings of the Council vii thout the permission of the I.arden or other Presiding 0fficer. 2. No standing rule or order of the Council shall be suspended, except by a vote of two-thirds of the members present. 3. In all unprovided cases in the Proceedings of Councilor in Committee, the La,. of rnrlianent shall be fol- lowed, and in such cases the decision of the \:arden or other Presiding Officer shall be finill, und acquiesced witho\lt de- bate. 4. .Any Officer who shall refuse, or wilfully fail or neglect to perform any duty enjoined upon him by any By-Le.\J or J~esolution of the Council, or vlho shall in the discharge of his official duty be guilty of any fra\ld, extortion, op- pression, favouri tisra, partiality, or vrilful "rong or in- justice, shall be subject to removill frora office. 5. Every By-La,,, ,,,hich has passed the Council shall, inunediutely after beine; signed by the '.:arden, and sealed "ith the seal of the Corporation, be deposited hy the Clerk, or Deputy Clerk for security in the vault connected with his office. 15. He may a\lthorize in vlriting, the payment of any account ,;hich provides for a discount, \Vhen the due date is prior to the next I~oads Committee meeting. xxv THE COU;rI.'Y ~OL1.t.'<i~:Ol~ 1. The person appointed as Solicitor shall attend to such duties and give such legal opinions as may be required by the Council, the Chairman of any COIiunittee thereof, Clerk or Deputy Clerk, such opinions to be in writing if requested. 2. That it shall be the duty of all other C;fficers of this Corporation to furnish the County Solicitor, upon request, with any documents, books, or papers, or copies (;f the same, in the custody or possession of such Lfficers, and to give to the said Golicitor such other aid and assistance as he may re- quire in the performance of the duties of the said office. UillOUl~ RELi,TIOJ~S OFFICEh: 1. ~~e person appointed as Labour helations Cfficer shall attend to such duties and give such legal opinions as may be required by the Council, the Chairman of any Committee thereof, County Clerk or Deputy Clerk, such opinions to be in writing if requested. XXIX ELEC'l'I01~ OF l,;l\I\:DEN XXVII 1. The Clerk or Deputy Clerk of the CO\lnty shall take the chair at hiO o'clock in the afternoon of the third Tuesday of the month of December in each year, or at 13lich hour and on such daythereufter as he shall find the majority of the raem- bers of the Council present in the Council Chuzl'ber. 2. That the Cler'l: or Deputy Clerk shall prepare lil,ts of the naraes of the nembers in perpendicular and horizontal lines, and a card for each member wi th the name of the r,\emlJer written or printed thereon. 3. That the Clerk or Deputy Clerk anncunce that any person aspiring to the rosition of ~;arden shall be granted an opportunity, not exceeding five (5) min\ltes, to address County Council. 4. Tl'.at the Clerk or Deputy Clerk dwl1 inform the members that he i[; rc~ddy to rroceeci \Vi th the election of (l1e of their nurabcr to be ;'-arden. MONEY APPI-WI-)I~L\'l'ION~';, ACC0UiiT;:J, EXlEHDI'l'lJ1~ES, COli'I'W.cTS Aim IJ.:!'h(JVE;,J~N'l'8 1. That no tenders be accepted on behalf of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin for any purpose unless such tender be accompanied by a certified cheque for such arao\lnt as the Committee hewing to do with the matter may determine. 2. No mern...1;er of the CouncE shall have po\"er to direct or interfere with the perforr:lance of any work for the Corpo- ration, nnd the officer in cha.rue shall be subject to his superior officer, if any, and to the Council, or to any Com- mittee (while act inq in that car"acHy, and not otherwise), to which the Council mdY, in any Ci.iHe, give a.uthority in tllilt behalf. 254 ~:,:, 5. 'l'hilt he shall .tlwrcuDon t<lke from Cl reccDtacle in Hltic':>. tlw ci:rc\s h(1VI.~ (x,cn plClc~d, one cf:rd dtd ti;;!e, (lS it co:aes to his hand, c'ind cd11 nr,on the rJ(~:":;er wllose n6l:le dfTcars tllcrcon to BuY for \ThOl'l Ice cclfits his vot(~, (ind the Clerk. or :;q;uty Clcrkshall place the fiqure under the nmr.c of the ;:;enbcY for whom the vote HQD Cd:'>t. \-Jhen all the mC':1bcrs he,ve voted, the Cler}: or Deputy Clerk dwll fortb.,ri th inform the (;1(.~uLers of tll() H~uul t, imd the Clerk or Deputy Clerk s11all continue the 5il1:1O nyocednre \lntil he shelll find t.hat E10r(~ than SO./, of the votes h;~lve been cast for one r::em;:f,r, dnd shall the1'oon declare the election of such member. CCUI:TY OF ElJGll; By-Law No. 2540 "11 BY-Iflvl '1'0 COIJFIm~ PI;:OCEEDI!JCS OF THE COULCIL OF' THE cOra'C!~NI'Iotl OF THE C01Jl;TY OF ELGIll j'.T THE OC'l'0DEl~ ~jES~.)ION. 1978." 6. In case of an equality of votes, the heeve or, in his Cibsence, thE" Deruty LeE:ve of the municiri.11ity which fer the precedim] year had the larqcut equalized assessment, shall have a second or cQstinq vote. (The j,:unicipal J.ct, ~ection 1136 (,1) ) \iHEREIIS by Section 9 of the !';unicipal !lct, being Chapter 284 of the }(evised Statutes of Cntario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; 7. 'I'hat the V;ardcn-elect shall forthvTith siqn and de- clClre und relu illou<.l the declciTution of office, and outh of alleqiance and on the coupletion thereof he shall take the chair. AND \rilIEEj~};.S by Subsection 1 of Section 241 of the l!'unicipal J\ct, being Chapter 284 of the I~evised t>tatutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; xxx AND 1;JHEICEAS it is deemed expedient that the proceed- ings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law; NOd THEh:EFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Council of the Cornoration of the County of Elgin in respect of each reconunendation contained in the I<eports of the Conunittees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elqin at its meetings held during the October 1978 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. CCUl;C IL p;..y LIf>1'S 1. 'l:hat a.ll pay lists for meetings of Councilor Com- mittees be certified hy the County Clerk or Deputy Clerk or \iaruen b~lfore boinc] paid by the County 'i.'reCisurer. That By-l.a\{ 2290 and all other :3y-La\,jf; and resol\l- lions contrary to this l.3y-Lavr be Clnd the sume are hereby repealed. This By,.Law to become effective Decenber 1st, 1978. Im\.l) Cl first time this 2Gth day of October, 1978. UE~D a second time this 2bth day of October, 1978. F:l~nD a third time and finally passed this 26th duy of Cctober, 1978. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all doclli~ents necessarv in that behalf and to affix thereto the 0eal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 26th day of October, 1978. READ a second time this 26th day of October, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 26th day of October, 1978. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. L. .1<. Carroll, \,arden. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. L. I~. Carroll, \'Jarden. 256 November Session - First Day Wednesday the 22nd day of November, 1978 The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municipal Building, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjourrunent. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL - All present except the following who arrived after roll call taken - Deputy Reeve Kelly - 10:17 A.M. l~eeve Emerson - 10 :43 A.M. 'rhe Harden extended a welcome to the newly elected and acclaimed Reeves and Deputy Reeves present to-day. Moved by Deputy Reeve Longhurst Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lotus That the minutes of the October 1978 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. The following Communications were read and referred to the various Committees: From the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations, Property Right s Divis ion, Land }..~egistry Off ice, St. 'i.'homas , with Notice of Application by Bert ,Hazelwood Construction Limi te.d under the Land Titles Act for property located in the Village of Port Stanley. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the 11\ames River Implementation Committee with copy of report on erosion and agricultural practices. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From Mr. Hugh H. LaFay, Sales Tax Consultant, offering his services to recover any overpayments re: Ontario Retail Sales Tax. - }(eferred to the. Finance and Apportio~~ent Committee. From the Bank of I.;ontreal with two letters advising of increases in the interest rate as follows: effective October 18th, 1978, From 10i% to 11% effective Hovember 7th, 1978, From 11% to 11i%. - Filed. From the Town of Aylmer, Committee of Adjustment with two notices of application for minor variances to be heard November 16th, 1978. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the }{egional l':unicipality of Hamil ton-vientworth with resolution requesting the Ministry of Transportation and Communications to supply certain information obtained through motorized vehicle rcgistration. - r:eferred to the hoads Committee. From Eric Hardy Consulting Limited offering their ser- vices for recruiting municipc'll personnel. - .heferred to the Personnel Committee. Fron rf,r. 1';el Swart, M.P.P., 'iiel1and-'l'horold with N D P statement and copy of resolution re: Property he-hssessment. - Referred to the Finance and i.pportiorunent Conmittee. From the :.anistry of Intergoverrunental r.ffairs acknowl- edging receipt of Council's views on proposed licensing legisla- tion. - FUen- 2l:J7 From the ~inistry of Intergovernmental Affairs with ad- vance llotice of ~;eminar for newly clected councillors. - J(eferred to the County Government Co~ai t tee. From j";lchael E. Phelps, Special Adviser for the I\1inister of Justice and i'.ttorney General of Callada acknowledging receipt of Council's endorsation of the resolution fro;n the '.i.'o,.m of 'l'renton re: vandal ism and copy of a stu tement made by the ;.iinister cnti tlec "A Creative Strategy For Crir:linal Justice". - ~,eferred to the County Government Committee. From the Pilot Club of St. Thomas with appreciation of County matches for their Fall Council of the Ontario District of Pilot International held in London, CctoLer 28th and 29th. - Filed. From the County of Kiddlesex with a copy of a letter to the [.iinister of l{atural }(esources requesting the passing of the proposed new Trees Act as soon as possible. . Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the University o:f \'.lestern Ontario Advising that the annual meeting of the I~unicipal Clerks and ~reasurers will not be held this year and as Secretary of the Board of Governors offering to supply any information requests. - Filed. From the University of \'-lestern Ontario advising that the following persons were the winners of the Elgin County Scholarships: Mary K. Zoller R. R. #2, '.'est Lorne Sandra J. Van Puyenbroeck R. ~. #1, Ayl~er Frederick '.-!illiam Coop R. R. #5, Aylmer Ritchie Dale wcCurdy R. 1i:. 1fl, Vienna I - Filed. From the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville with resolution petitioning the l.:inistry of Transportation and Conunu- . nications to consider a universal method of colour coding to iden- tify vehicles carrying dangerous materials. - i~eferred to the }toads Commit tee. From the University of liestern Ontario advising of the appointment of lrofessor .....i. ':i'urner as a liaison officer for Elgin County and inviting comments on the proposal. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Provincial Secretary for Social Development re- questing support for the International Year of the Child as pro- claimed by the United Hations. - Referred to the Finance and Apportionment Committee. From A.C.R.O. with suggestion for changing the Annual Meeting as it coincides with nominations week. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with z,:emo No. 78 -6 re: liquidated damages. - l\eferred to the I~oads Committee. From Sandra Van Puyenbroeck with appreciation for Elgin County Scholarship. - Filed. From the jl,inistry of };atural I{esources with a copy of a .letter sent to M. J. Hennessey and Associates with comments on the proposed amendment to 1'he Tree By-Law No. 2208. - l<eferred to the Agricultural Committee. From the Village of Port ~tanley with a copy of a letter to the Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs re: number of electorf for the purpose of ~)ection 27 (2) of The Lunicipal i;'ct and reply from the l.:inistry. - }~cferred to the County Goverrunent Committee. 258 From the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Soils and Crops Branch, University of Guelph, with copy of a letter sent to Mr. Jackson Baker, County Vieed Inspector re: Johnson Grass. - }~eferred to the [,gricultural Committee. From the Township of Yarmouth with copy of By-Law No. 2485, providing for the payment of a fox bounty for information purposes. - Filed. From the Town of Aylmer with notice of application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of a By-Law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with Memo 78-6D re: l:;unicipal l~oads :'3eminar - December 12th, 1978 at St. fInne's Parish Centre, St. Thomas. - l~eferred to the Roads Committee. The Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Heeve Green and adopted on motion of Reeve Green and Reeve Cook. The First Report of the Personnel Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Lake. Moved by Reeve Lake Seconded by Deputy Reeve Longhurst That the First Report of the Personnel Committee be adopted. It was Moved by Reeve Lake Seconded by Deputy li~eeve Glover That we go into a Committee of the \/hole to consider the Stevenson & Kellog~ Report on Salaries etc. - Carried. The Warden named Reeve Lake as Chairman of the Whole. It was moved by Reeve Liebner and carried that the newly elected members to County Council be permitted to remain. It was moved by Reeve Cook and carried that the Adminis- tratorsbe allowed into the discussion. Mr. Fred Hilling of Stevenson & Kellogg, Management Con- sultants, reviewed the method used to evaluate the various jobs and how the salaries were established. It was moved by Deputy Reeve Shaw that We rise without reporting. The First Report of the Personnel Committee was then voted on and it was carried. 111e Second Report of the Personnel Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Deputy Ice eve Glover. The Third lceport of the Personnel Committee was pre- sented by l(eeve Emerson and adopted on motion of l~eeve Emerson ~nd Deputy lCeeve Glover. 259 1~e Clerk's Heport on Licenses was presented. Moved by }<eeve Lake Seconded by Reeve Caverly Tha t the Clerk's l;eport on Licenses be accepted and printed in the proceedings. - Carried. The Treasurer's Report to October 31st, 1978 was I~esented. Moved by Reeve Lake Seconded by h~eeve Emerson That the Treasurer's lceport be accepted and printed in the proceedings. - Carried. The Director's Report on Homes for Senior Citizens was presented. Moved by Reeve Green Seconded by Deputy Reeve Longhurst That the Director's Report on Homes for Senior Citizens be accepted and printed in the proceedings. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by lceeve Lake That the usual grant of $25.00 be paid to It.r. Doug Herod of the St. Thomas Times-Journal and l:r. Steve 'l'raichevich of the London Free Press for reporting the proceedings of the County Council during the year 1978. - Carr ied. Moved by Reeve Lake Seconded by Reeve Wilson That we do now adjourn to meet again on November 22nd, 1978 at 2:00 P.M. - Carried. Council Re-Convened. ROLL CALL - All members present except Reeve Lashbrook, who was excused by the Warden. CERTIFICATE OF ~ERIT llr. Ray Collard of the I<oads Department was presented with a Certificate of I.;erit and Lapel Pin for having completed twenty years employment with the County. The Report of the IIomes for Senior Citizens Committee was presented by Deputy Eeeve Shaw and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Shaw and Deputy Reeve Cowan. The Iceport of the Property ConlIni t tee was presented by Deputy Heeve btewart and adopted on motion of Deputy heeve Stewart and Reeve Bradfield. The Report of the Social Services Committee was presentee by Deputy heeve Pettit and adopted on motion of Deputy J\eeve fOetti i and l;eeve kcLean. LbU The I?eport of the Finance and P,pportionment Committee was presented by heeve Binks and adopted on motion of Heeve Binks and Ueeve Green. The I{eport of the r,gricultural Committee was presented by I(eeve Cook and adopted on motion of I<eeve Cook and h'eeve Caverly. The I(eport of the I{ecep'tion and Entertainment Committee was presented by Deputy I(eeve Lotus and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Lotus and Deputy Reeve Kelly. The Report of the County Government Committee was pre- sented by I?eeve Bradfield and adopted on motion of I(eeve Bradfield and Reeve Cook. Moved by Deputy Reeve Shaw Seconded by I(eeve Cook That due to the recent O.f,i.B. hearing rendered re: st. Thomas Psychiatric Hospital ,...e respectively ask that Elgin County Council recommend that Elgin County's \'/arden accompany Yarmouth Council to Toronto to appeal for financial assistance to pay same. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Kelly Seconded by Ii~eeve Campbell That By-Law No. 2541 "Being a By-Law to Appoint a Land Division Committee" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Green Seconded by Reeve Campbell That By-Law No. 2541 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Green Seconded by Deputy Reeve Kelly That By-Law No. 2541 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by }~eeve Campbell Seconded by l~eeve Green That By-Law No. 2542 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2382, Providing For the Payment of County Rate in Two Instal- ments" be read a first time. - Carried. V.oved by Reeve Green Seconded by Deputy Reeve Kelly That By-Law No. 2542 be read a second time. - Carr ied. V.oved by Reeve McBrien Seconded by Reeve Green That By-Law No. 2542 be read a third time and finally passed. 261 rr.oved by lCeeve Campbell Seconded by Deputy ~eeve Kelly 'l'hat By-Law Ho. 2543 "Being a By-Law to Establish a Pay Schedule for Employees Covered By the Job Evaluation :":c1lle, Other Than Certain l(oads Department Employees" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Ii:eeve Emerson Seconded by }(eeve Green That By-Law No. 2543 be read a second time. - Carried. V.oved by Deputy Reeve Kelly Seconded by I~eeve Green That By-Law No. 2543 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Deputy }(eeve Glover That By-Law No. 2544 "Being a By-Law to Establish a I~e- muneration Schedule and other Working Conditions for Employees of the Roads Department" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Glover That By-Law No. 2544 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Glover That By~Law No. 2544 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Glover Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That By-Law No. 2545 "Being a By-Law to Establish Rates of Pay for Part Time Employees" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Glover Seconded by I(eeve Hodgson That By-Law No. 2545 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Glover Seconded by h~eeve Hodgson That By-Law No. 2545 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. 262 Moved by Deputy l~eeve Glover Seconded by Deputy };eeve Pettit That By-Law No. 2546 "Being a By-Law to Establish the Salary of the Elgin County Clerk-Treasurer" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Dep\lty Reeve Pettit Seconded by Deputy l(eeve Glover That By-Law No. 2546 be read a second time. - Carr ied. Moved by Heeve Hodgson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit That By-I~w No. 2546 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Glover Seconded by Deputy l(eeve Pettit That By-La\-, No. 2547 "Being a By-Law to Establish the Salary of the Elgin County Deputy Clerk-Treasurer" be read a first t!me. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by I,eeve Hodgson That By-Law No. 2547 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by Deputy Reeve Glover That By-Law No. 2547 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Glover Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit That By-Law No. 2548 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 1696, ~~ereby Adjusting the Salary of the Elgin County Road Superintendent" be read a first tine. - Carr ied. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Deputy }(eeve Pettit 1~at By-Law No. 2548 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by Deputy Reeve Glover That By-Law No. 2548 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. 263 Moved by Deputy l,eeve Glover Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That By-Law i';o. 2549 "Being a By-Law to Establish the Salary of the Director of the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens" be read a first time~ - Carried. Moved by Reeve Nemett ~conded by Deputy l(eeve Lotus That By-Law No. 2549 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by I{eeve Hodgson Seconded by Deputy Heeve Glover l~at By-Law No. 2549 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Lotus Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That By-Law No. 2550 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2467, Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the i\ssistant Adminis- trator for the Elgin County Homes for :.Jenior (;itizens" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Lotus Seconded by Reeve Nemett That By-Law No. 2550 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy }~eeve Glover Seconded by Deputy l';eeve Lotus That By-Law No. 2550 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Iteeve Lotus Seconded by Reeve Nemett ,TIlat By-Law No. 2551 "Being a By-Law to Establish the Salary of the Elgin County Social Services Director" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Nemett Seconied by Deputy keeve Lotus That By-Law No. 2551 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Lotus Seconded by }ceeve Eodgson That By-Law No. 2551 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. 264 Moved by Deputy l~eeve Lotus Seconded by Deputy l<eeve Pettit That By-Law Ho. 2552"Being a By-Law to funend By-Law No. 2297, Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Secretary-Treasurer of the County of Elgin Land Division Committee" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by Deputy l<eeve Lotus That By-Law No. 2552 be read a second time. - Carr ied. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Glover That By-Law No. 2552 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lotus That By-Law No. 2553 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2351, Thereby Adjusting the I<emuneration of the County of Elgin Tree Commissioner" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Glover Seconded by l~eeve Hodgson That By-Law No. 2553 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lotus That By-Law No. 2553 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Lotus Seconded by }(eeve llemett That By-Law No. 2554 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2188, Thereby J\djusting the Remuneration of the County of 1<.:lgin \'Ieed Inspector" be read a firsttime. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lotus That By-Law No. 2554 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Glover Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lotus passed. That By-Law No. 2554 be read a third time and finally - Carried. 265 Moved by I?eeve Nemett Seconded by I~eeve Caverly That By-Law No. 2555 "Being a By-Law to fluthorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign an I,greement h:e: II Building Encroachment Located in the Township of 0outhwold" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Lotus Seconded by I~eeve Nemett That By-Law No. 2555 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lotus That By-Law No. 2555 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carr ied. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Deputy heeve Lotus That By-Law No. 2556 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Execution of a Collective Agreement Between the Corporation of the County of Elgin and Terrace Lodge Employees' Association" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by Reeve Nemett That By-Law No. 2556 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Nemett Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 2556 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By-Law No. 2557 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the November Session, 1978" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Longhurst Seconded by Reeve \iilson That By-Law No. 2557 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By-Law No. 2557 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. 266 The \'iarden expressed his appr~ciation to !':embers of Council and Cfficials for co-operation during the year. An oppor- tunity was given to each of the l.;embers, who would not be return- ing to Council in December, to say a few words. Moved by Deputy I?eeve Lotus Seconded by l~eeve Lake That we do now adjourn sine die. - Carried. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. \larden. 267 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT November 1978 Se ssion Page I. TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The steel floor stringers and the bri.dge deck have been replaced on the Phillmore Bridge over the Big Otter Creek on Road 43. Repairs have been made to the abutments and the railings and the ballast walls have been replaced. Examination of the Cook Bridge (also over the Big Otter Creek on Road 43) has shown that the stringers on it are very poor and the abutments need considerable work. Repairs on it, similar to the Phillmore Bridge, are underway. 2. One of the new Mack Trucks has been received and the other is expected in 10 days. 3. All construction work, other than storm drain work in Richmond on Roads 38 & 43, has been completed for the Season, and maintenancE work is being undertaken as the weather permi.ts. WE RECOMMEND: (1) That the resolution of the Region of Hamilton-Wentworth requesting the Ministry of Transportation and Communications to provide detailed traffic registrations and statistics on a Municipay by Municipal ba si s be filed. (2) That the resolution of the United Counties of Leeds & Grenville requesting legislation to make it mandatory for vehicles hauling caustic, explosivE's, radio-active, or other dangerous materials, to carry a bill of lading detailing the material carried, and that a colour code be developed to identify such chemicals carried be endorsed. 268 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD CONMITTEE FIRST REPORT Novcmber 1978 Se ssion Page 2. (3) That a By-Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to grant a licence (pcrmit) under Section 354, Subsection 93, 94 & 95 of the Municipal Act to allow a house encroachment onto County Road 20 in Fingal on Lot 18, South Talbot Road, Southwold. The housc is owned by John and Paulette Charron, and one corner cncroaches approximately 1/2 foot on the road allowance, and the potential buyers of thc property find that because of the encroachment they cannot arrangc mortgagc monie s through the usual sources. The mortgagees have requested th3t the house be permittcd to remain on the road allowance unlcss destroyed by fire, etc. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. &-,t'~~bl ((3' ~t ~.<:~----' . CHAIRMAN ~~ ~n~ 269 PE]~SOJ;r:EL COJ,;),:ITTEE ;{EPor~T November Session, 1978 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and I~embers of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That the report from Stevenson & Kellogg Ltd. on job evaluation and salaries is recommended for adoption by County CO\lncil, with exception of the position of Warden. 2. l!e recommend that the remuneration for Warden, Members of County Council, and Land Division Committee be referred to the County Government Committee for review. ALL of which is respectfuEy submitted. R. L. Lake, Acting Chairman. 270 PlmSOlJNEL CO!:In'l'TF:E EEPORT November f.>ession, 1978 SEcmm REPOI~T To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, Your Personnel Committee met to review salaries, hourly rates and fringe benefits and recommends the following changes: 1. ROAD DEPl\J(T.r.IENT ASSOCIA'rION n;PLOYEES - Rates effective December 24th, 1978. (a) Regular Hourly Rated Employees CLASS 5 - Construction Foreman & Licensed Mechanic $7.46 per hOll ClJ~ 4 - Foreman & Lead Hands - Regularly Minimum Maximum Experience rate 10~ per hour for completion to a maximum of 2 years. $7.11 per hall $7.31 per hall of each yeRr's work CLASS 3 - Machine Operators and Stockkeepers Minimum Maximum completion Experience rate lOt per hour for to a maximum of 2 years. $6.71 per hou $6.91 per hou of each year's work CLASS 2 - Labour Premium Minimum $6.21 per hall Maximum $6.41 per hou Experience rate lOt per hour for completion of each year's work to a maximum of 2 years. CLASS 1 - Labour Minimum $6.06 per hou Maximum $6.26 per hou Experience rate lOt per hour for completion of each year's work to a maximum of 2 years. (b) Seasonal or Casual Employees CLASS A - Employees of High School age with varied experience (under 21). Minimum $3.75 per hou Maximum $3.95 per hou Experience rate 10~ per hour depending on age and experience. CLASS B - Inexperienced Labour $4.50 per hou CLASS C - Experienced Labour - $5.00 per hou: - Inexperienced Mower Operator - CLASS D - Experienced Operators or Trade $5.50 per hou: (c) Technical Personnel IlJSTRUMENT ?lIAN Minimum $6.91 per hou: Maximum $7.31 per hou: Experience rate 20~ per hour for completion of each year's work to a maximum of 2 years. 271 2. ELGIn WU;OR - Effective JllT1Uary 1st, 1979 (A) Barber - $95.00 per month Beautician - $32.00 per day (B) Vie recommend that the Director and Assistant Director of Nursing be paid in a lump sum payment, as provided in the prior commitment in maintaining the different ial between the I..:egistered Nurses and the Supervisors, for any increaae granted to the st. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital nurses for the period October 1st, 1976 to December 31st, 1978, once approved by the Anti-Inflation Board and the regular Stevenson & Kellogg Ltd. rates will apply as of January 1st, 1979. 3. GEllEPJ\L - Effective January 1st, 1979 Weed Inspector and Tree Commissioner $6.26 per hour plus mileage rates as per schedule for all County employees and he shall provide his own meals. CLEIUCAL - Part Time Experienced Inexperienced $5.00 per hour $4.20 per hour 4. vIe recommend that present County of Elgin By-Lm.,s be amended or new by-laws passed as required to implement the changes contained in this report. 5. We recommend that the remuneration for Warden, Members of County Council and Land Division Committee be referred to the County Government Conmittee for review. 6. We recommend that a by-law be prepared to authorize the Warden and Clerk to sign a new collective agreement with the Terrace Lodge Employees Association, if the offer made by the Committee, is accepted. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. K. C. Emerson, Chairman. c.J'C. pm~OJ1liEL cOr.:;.:ITT.EE I<EPOJ<T November Session, 1978 THIRD I<EPCI..:T To the ;'iarden and ;.;enbers of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Senior Forenan position previously recom- mended for creation in the Roads Department be rescinded. 2. TI1at an additional position of Assistant Super- intendent be created for the Roads DepartIlent and the person filling this position be paid in Level 10, Step 2, effective January 1st, 1979. 3. He reconmend that the following changes be made in the Terrace Lodge Employee Association agreement, negotiated for the period October 19th, 1978 to 1t~rch 31st, 1980: (i) Hourly J<a tes January 1st, 1979 - increase of 50~ per hour over present rates - additional increase of 5~ per hour additional increase of 5~ per hour. July 8th, 1979 January 6th, 1980 (ii) Uniform Allowance Increase from $20.00 per year to $60.00. (iii) Vacation Alter present provisions to agree with other non-union personnel. (four and five week provisions) (iv) Doctor's Certificate Alter to require one after five days of sickness instead of present three. (v) No additional changes in fringe benefits were negotiated. 4. That the brochure from Eric Hardy Consulting Limited offering their services in municipal personnel recruiting be filed. 5. The Clerk-Treasurer has been instructed to file an objection to the I'iinister of Labour onche request of the London and District ~)ervice \'Iorkers' Union, Local 220, repre- senting full and part time employees of Elgin j.ianor, for the appointment of a Conciliation Officer to assist in negotiat,ing a collective agreement, for the following reasons: (i) It is felt that the Union has not exhausted all avenues of negotiating with the County. (ii) The present Personnel Committee of County Council will have no nore official status as of the meeting to be held I.overn.ber 22nd, 1978, as two members of the five man COIarni ttee vlill not be on County Council as of December 1st, ~978 and the membership of the Conmittee will not be re-established until the next meeting on December 20th, 1978. t,LL of which is respectfully submitted. t:. C. Lr:lerson, CLr.ir:.:;n. 273 r.U:I':'K'~: l:'T':;r 11\ 11(:"':.'-1:5 NOVE,\IBEI{ SESSION, 1978 To the Wardp.n and :>Iembers of Elgin County Council, I have to report that, as of this date, the following licenses have been issued for the Calendar Year 1978: AUCTIONEERS Gordon H. Meeko, 23 Young Street, St. Thomas, N5R 4w6 Hugh Filson, R. R. #4, Denfield, Ontario, NOM lPO Robert Carney (Otter Valley Auctions Ltd.), Otterville,NOJ John L. Shackleton, R. R. #1, Springfield, NOL 2JO Leslie J. Shackleton, R. R. #1, Springfield, NOL 2JO Norman Ripley, Fingal, Ontario, NOL lKO Bernard Blake, Drumbo, Ontario, NOJ lGO William F. Keutch, Box 67, Rodney, NOL 2CO Jake Kikkert, R. R. #2, White Church Ed Kikkert, 49 Murray Ave., Aylmer, NSH 2A4 Jaak Antonissen, 28 Flora St., St. Thomas, NSP 2X4 John D. Johnson, R. R. #1, Rodney, NOL 2CO Gerald H. Cryderman, R. R. #1, Thamesville, NOP 2KO Cory Antonissen, 28 Flora St., St. Thomas, N5P 2X4 Daryl YOder, Archibold, Ohio, U.S.A. Bruce Samson, Archibold, Ohio, U.S.A. Adrian Van De Hogen, R. R. #7, Blenheim, NOP lAO Walqie Allen, R. R. #3, Lambeth, NOL lSO Ray Tosch, Capac, Michigan, U.~.A. Harry Lutchin, 227 Main St., Wardsville, NOL 2NO Fred Cronkite, R. R. #1, Langton, NOE IGO . lIector McNeil, R. R. #7, Alvinston, NON lAO Bill Holden, 61 Erie St., Box 9L2, Ridgetown, NOP 2CO Dave Page, 267 Furnival Road, Rodney, NOL 2CO Gord McComb, Glen Morris, NOB lWO Charles Lutchin, 15 Acton Cresc., London Ron Clark, R. R. #4, St. Thomas, N5P 3S8 Art Long, R. R. #3, Port Rowan, NOE lJO Donald L. Cosens, 13 Margaret St., St. Thomas, NSR 3H6 David McDonald, Box 552, ROdney, NOL 2CO Bill Hockins, Ingersoll, Ontario ALL of which is respectfully submitted. _._~-/'----<--<. '~<A /'~7---J G. C. Leverton, COlln"y Clerk-'rr'easllrer. 274 COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT June Session, 1978 To the ~farden and Members of the Elgin County Council; I beg to submit the following statements of Receipts and January 1st, 1978 to May 31st, 1978. RECEIPTS Hand January 1st, 1978 $ Balance in Bank and On County Rates County Rates Collected Under Sect ion 43 Licenses & Permits Interest County Roads Child VJelfare Maintenance Agriculture Miscellaneous Revenue Land Division Committee Court House Recoveries Recovery of Rentals Welfare - Administration - Benefits - Day Nursery RF:gistry Off ice Not.es Payabl~ Workmen';', Compensat. ion - Assessment Recovery Property Ti'lX Stabilization Grant EXPENDITURES Counci 1 j';iembers i.dministrcd:ion - Salaries & Supplies l.d.mini.stration Buildings Court House Maintenance Crants Miscellaneous Expense County I?oa.ds Children's Aid Societies Transferrec'l to Elgin Manor Transferred to 'Terrace Lodge Intermlt' Discount on County Rates Write-Off of ~~xes fl.gricu1t Urf! Ii'Elgistry Off ice Elg in-St. Thomas Health Unit County Library Land Division Committee vielfare - Administration - Benefits Notes Payable rrransferred to Debenture Account Restructuring Study Short Term Investments Mosquito Control Balance in Bank May 31st, 1978 405,804.70 7,718.18 1,250.00 4,384.47 1,342,494.93 331.18 400.00 252.76 6,570.00 27,059.06 22,708.40 9,994.26 149,068.67 1,565.20 4,444.64 535,000.00 1,550.00 44,499.00 23,947.62 36,518.98 6,876.54 20,992.87 2,650.00 456.95 1,006,102.98 24,586.65 40,000.00 35,249.06 6,129.56 12,645.92 2,547.83 6,587.48 2,653.14 42,255.00 100,000.00 8,537.06 25,782.06 174,492.71 770,000.00 45,895.00 92.50 250,000.00 1,053.21 Expendi turef $ 144,1 $2,565,( $2.709,. $2,646,~ ~ $2.709. : 275 ELGIN !v,ANU}( Balance in Bank and On Hand January 1st, 1978 Receipts Expenditures Balance in Bank and On Hand Ivby 31st, 197<3 'l'EI(RACE LODGE Balance in Bank and On Hand JanuaX'y Id, 19711 (Cvexdraft) Receipts Expenditures Balance in Bank and On Hand May 31st, 197& ALL of which is respectfully sur)mi ttcd. _. .....<..tC.-A-<., '" ., -L". ':- ../ G. C. , County ano! 'l'ref\Ei1.;rer. ~ti ~J 2 , l.f1 ~L :i U 1.92.,_614 . b i $27~),4:n.05 229,924.El() $ d..~5Cl6 .~~:~ 276 D IRE C TOR I S R E P 0 R T TO THE WARDEN AND rilBilBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCILI Attached are the reports covering Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge for 10 months ending October 31, 1978. At the present time we are operating at Elgin Manor at full capacity with a waiting list of 58 people and at Terrace Lodge we are operating with 71 residents and a waiting list of 70 people. The reason we still have a waiting list is simply because senior citizens are becoming more aware of the problems of the Homes for the Aged when their health deteriorates and therefore place their name in case they require assistance immediately. We are still operating our Satellite Home, which is oper- ating with 8 senior citizens under our supervision and the policies set down by the Committee of Management and the Administration. Thj Home does have a capacity of 15 residents. To assist our senior citizens to continue living in their own homes we are offering many Outreach Programs such as Day Care, Vacation Care, Rehabilitation Care, Short Stay and also a unique program which we call S~nior Citizens Call for Assistance. This enables our senior citizens to have a telephone sticker under the receiver of their telephonG with the telephone numbers of Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge, and we have been receiving ceveral calls from senior citizens who are in need of help during the .night hours We have an information and referral service which provide the senior citizens of our County with information regarding Govern ment Agencies, Income Tax and assist with government forms. A new . I 2 ,:// program that we have started at Terrace Ludge in liaison with the Y.M.C.A. is the Children's Nursery which has 22 young children coming into our Drop-In-Centre under the supervision of a member of the Y.M.C.A., with our own residents assisting. A Tots and ~tners Swim Program, which again is supervised by the Y.N.C.A. and each Wednesday afternoon we have 16 retarded children come into the Home to participate in the swim program. We also allow are facilities for Prenatal Classes, under the supervision of the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit. These programs that are offered allow our senior cit- izens to be part of the community around them and also is making Terrace Lodge a part of the community. All of which is respectfully submitted, F. J. Boyes, Director, Elgin Manor and Terrace Lod@ Homes for the Aged, County of Elgin. FJBISf November 8, 1978 278 Drhl~CTOH' sl i\D.iINISTRi.TOR' S HE PORT 279 DIRECTOR/ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT ELGIN MANOR Hm.iE rOR THE AGED TEHRACE LODGE HOME FOR SENIOR CITIZENS To the Warden and Members or the Elgin County Council. To the Warden and Members or the Elgin County Council. The rollowing is my report on Elgin Manor for ten months ending October 31, 1978. The following is my report on Te~race Lodge for ten months ending Ocotber 31, 1978. 1. Number of residents as of December 31, 1977 .......................153 2. Number of residents admitted during the year ...................... 69 3. Number of residents discharged during the year..................... 77 4. Number of deaths in the Home during .the year ...................... 1 5. Number of residents now in the Home .~.............................144 6. Total days residence ...........................................44,929 7. hverage number of residents during the year........................146 1. Number of residents as of December 31,1977........................45 2. Number of residents admitted dUring the year.......................73 3. Number of residents discharged during the year.....................48 4. Number of deaths in the Home during the year........................3 5. Number of residents now in the Home................................67 6. Total days residence.......................................... .16,992 7.. Average number of residents during the year........................58 8. RECEIPTS Province of Ontario Subsidy ..............................$ 320,404.27 Old Age Pension and Residents Maintenance.................$ 495,894.29 Arrears of Maintenance and Estates of Deceased Residents ......................37,453.28 Sundries ------ Government of Canada Sales Tax Refund ........................4,543.06 8. RECEIPTS Province of Ontario Subsidy...............................$ 81,352.04 Old Age Pension and Residents Maintenance..................228,425.64 Arrears of Maintenance and Estates of Deceased Residents............. .14,372.50 Sundries.. .. . . . . . . . ... . .. .. . . . . .. . ... . . . . . . .. . . . . .. ....... .. .. .191.00 Government ~f Canada Sales Tax Refund..,.......................988.08 $ 858,294.90 $325,329.26 DEDUCTIONS 9. Cost of Operating....................................... 10. Average Expenses per day of each person................. 11. Average Expenses per week of each person................ 12. Average Expenses per year of each person................ 13. Actual Cost to County after deducting receipts.......... 14. Actual Cost to County per day per resident.............. $ 968,055.47 21.55 150.85 7,865.75 85,173.80 1.90 DEDUCTIONS 9. Cost of Operating.........................................$361,389.92 10. Average Expenses per day of each person................... 21.27 11. Average Expenses per week of each person.................. 148.89 12. Average Expenses per year of each person.................. 7,763.55 13. Actual Cost to County after deductions of all receipts.... 35,577.53 14. Actual Cost to County per day per resident................ 2.09 16. CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Cost of Capi tal Expenditures............................ Province of Ontari.o Subsidy............................. Actual. Cost to County..............~..................... There were 192 residents in residence during 1977-83 male, 109 female. Of the 144 residents in the Home on the first day of November, 1978, 64 are male and 80 are female. The figures in 1,2,3,4 and 5 above are for the period January 1, 1978 to October 31, 1978. All figures include the Satellite Homes. 15. CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Cost of Capital Expenditures.............................. $ Province of Ontario Subsidy............................... Actual Cost to County..................................... 3,619.25 '1,809.63 1,809.62 15. 16. There were 50 residents in residence during 1977-11 male 39 female. Of the 67 residents in the Home on the first day of November, 1978, 17 are male and 50 are female. The figures in 1,2,3,4, and 5 above are for the period January I, 1978 to October 31, 1978. 17. 17. ALL of which is respectfully submitted, FRED J. BOYES, Director Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens ALL of which is respectfully submitted, FRED J. BOYES, Director Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens 281 280 JlOj.;r.;~ FUI: ~;EtJJ():: CI'l'EE::~) C();:;UT'l'EE j:i:rOh:T Novenmer ~ession, 1978 PIWPELTY cO;::,Tl"l'EE IdTC!('l' November Session, 1978 To the \'Iarden and J,:ernbers of the Elgin CO\lnty Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Conunittee reports as follows: To the Warden and J.\embers of the Elgin County Council, The Property Conunittee reports as follows: 1. 'l'hat r~eeve Jr.cBrien and l~eeve lIodgson be authorized to have lights installed at the entrance to the Terrace Lodge and the amount he charged against the 1978 b\ldget. 2. rrhat the Director be authorized to renew the carpet in the chapel at Elgin l<anor at a cost of $797.25 and be charged to the 1978 budget. 1. That we reconunend that a door and partition be installed at the entrance to the photocopy machine room to reduce the amount of noise in the Clerk-Treasurer's Office at a quoted price of $185.00 2. We recon~end that storm windows be installed on the east windows of the I(egistry Office and investigate the present heating system for possible improvement. 3. That quotations be obtained for storm windows for the balance of the l(egistry Office. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. .\LL of which is respectfully submitted. I L. J. Shaw, Chainnan. M. H. Stewart, Chairman. 283 282 see HI!. ~)E;':v ICE:; CC:.:;,;l'j.'TEE leEJ \U~T November ~)ession, 1978 Flr~id:C~ /l~:D 1\11 ~_'i~Tlu;';;.:~~UT C();..;.JTTL::~ L;'~I,u.'~T NovemlJer Session, 197<1 To the\'larden and j';embers of the Elgin CO\lnty Council, TIle Social Services COIT~ittee reports as follows: To the \'Jarden and Members of the Elgin County Council, 1. That the Director be authorized to attend the mid- winter seminar in Toronto on December 12th and 13th, with expenses paid. The Finance and Apportionment Co~nittee reports as follows: 1. That the letter fror.l l.'ir. Hugh H. LaFay, offering his services to recover any overpayments re: Ontario hetail Sales Tax be filed. 2. That the N D P Statement and copy of resolution re: property reasseSSlr.ent from l;ir. 1.;el Swart, 1,\.PP, helland-Thorold be filed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. 3. That the letter from the Provincial Secretary for Social Development requesting support for the International Year of the Child as proclair:led by the United Nations be filed. 4. That the Clerk-Treasurer be authorized to refund overpayments in the 1976-77-73 County li:ates, as determined by the revised calculations, as The Tov;;'ship of Yanr:outh has received the 0.::.3.'s decision on services for the st. Thomas Psychiatric Hospital and have remitted the County hates out- standing. 5. That we recommend that an amount of $25,000.00 be transferred from the contingency fund to the Roads Budget for 1978. G. R. Pettit, Chairman. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. M. E. Binks, Chairman. D. K. Cook, Chairman. 285 284 AGh~IC\JLTm(;d, CC;:jUTTEE Jd;iLl:T J~ECEPTIo!j [dm Ejj'l'I::I-:Tl,I:ir:iJ:T CO;j.:I'l'TE!: UErOl:T November Session, 1978 November Session, 1978 To the \1arde.n and Members of the Elgin County Council, TIle Agricultural Committee reports as follows: To the Warden and };embers of the Elgin County Council, The Reception and Entertainment Committee reports as follows: 1. 'That the "J(eport On Eros ion and J\gricul t\lral Practices" from the Thames idver ImpleJ:lentation Conuni ttee be filed. 1. vie recommend that a Ladies' Night be held on January 6th, 1979 at the Sheridan Inn, for present members of County Council, new members and County Officials and that Deputy Reeve Lotus arrange for the room and }(eeve Cronpbel1 arrange for the music. 2. That He endorse the resolution from the County of giddlesex requesting that the ~inister of Natural R~sourccs to }'X"1SS the proposed new Trees j~ct as soon as possible and that this be made knovm to the riir ister of Natural }(esources, tliT. R. K. EcHeil, M.P.P. and I:Ir. Jim McGuigan, I!i.P.P. 3. That the copy of the letter from the i.:inistry of Natural }1esources to 11. J. lIennessey be filed and If.r. Hennessey be instructed to redraft the ancndment deleting reference to \'l:::-itten consent in the Tree By-Law re: estate residential lots. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. 4. That the copy of a letb3:f." to j~r. Jackson Baker, Weed Inspector. from l.:r. W. D. Taylor, Distx ict \:eed Inspector, ranistry of hgriculture and Food re: Johnson Grass be filed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. E. P. Lotus, Chairman. 286 287 November Session, 1978 10. Tl~t the Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs be requested for infonnation on the payment of appointments of other than ",embers of County Council to outside Boards. CUUHTY G(JV'Ei:iH:E;n CO;.;; Tl";'EE J:EFOli:T To the \,'arden and 1.lembers of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follmvs: 1. That the letter from the Ministry of Intergovern- mental Affairs announcing the seminar for newly elected Councillors be filed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. 2. That the letter from the Special Adviser to the If.inister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada re: the Town of Trenton's rm;olution on vandalism statement by the Minister entitled "A Creative Strategy for Criminal Justice" he filed. 3. That we ooknowledge the appointment of Professor vI. Turner of the University of \:estern Ontario, as the liaison officer for Elgin County and express the hope that it \vill assist both the County and the University in its dealings with one another. 4. That we recommend that the A.C.~.O. Board of Directors set the annual meeting dates for 1980 with the provision that it does not conflict with the }(.T .A.C. Convention. }(. T. Bradfield, Chairman. 5. lbat the correspondence to and from the Village of Port Stanley to the ~;inistry of Intergovernmental Affairs re: number of electors be filed. 6. That the question of "Errors and Omissions Insurance" to cover Council l:1embers and statutory officers etc. be not recommended. 7. That a by-law be prepared appointing the following members to the County nf Elgin Land Division Comnittee: Fred S. Shively - to hold Office unt 1 January 1, 1980 Alistair Littlejohn - to hold Office unt 1 January 1, 1980 John V. McKinlay - to hold Office unt 1 January 1, 1981 H. Paul del~yk - to hold Office unt 1 January 1, 1981 Karl L. Bartley - to hold Office unt 1 January 1, 1982 Lorne R. Carroll - to hold Office unt 1 January 1,~982 Noble G. Tufford - to hold Office unt 1 January 1, 1982 8. That the recommendation for review of the Warden, Council and Land Division Co~nittee Members' remuneration be tabled to the new Council's term of office. 9. That the provisions of Bill 80, An Act to Amend the Municipal Act, with regard to payments made to Councillors appointed to outside Boards be drawn to the attention of the following: A The Elgin-St. 'Thomas Health Unit B The Family Services of St.. Thomas & Elgin C The County Library Board These pa~nents will commence as of January 1st, 1979 by the County and will effect conventions in addition to salaries and mileage rates. The Boards should be reminded that as the County will have to provide for them in 1979, a similar reduction should be apparent in their budgets. 288 COUN'l'Y OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2541 "13EII1G J'I. BY-U.'.': TO APPOlliT A LAUD DIVISION C01!JU'l'TEE." \'!BEl-mAS Section 30 of The Planning Ji.ct provides for the constitution and appointment of a Land Division Committee. NQ; TIIEREFCRE, the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT a Land Division Conunittee is hereby constituted and the following persons are hereby appointed to membership on the said Committee: Fred S. Shively - to hold office until January 1, 1980 Alistair Littlejohn - to hold office until January 1, 1980 John V. II;cKinlay - to hold office until January 1, 1981 H. Paul deRyk - to hold office until January 1, 1981 Karl R. Bartley - to hold office until January 1, 1982 Lorne R. Carroll .. to hold office until January 1, 1982 Noble G. Tufford - to hold office until January 1, 1982. 2. TIU.T the members of the Land Division Committee be paid the following remuneration for attending meetings of the said Committee: (a) In attending a meeting of the Committee when it is held in both the forenoon and afternoon or evening of the same day - $44.00. (b) For atLending a meeting of the Committee when it is held in either the forenoon, afternoon or the evening.. $27.00. (c) In addition to the above remuneration each member shall be paid the following rates for each mile necessarily travelled in attending such meetings: o .. 5,000 miles Over 5,000 miles 20rt per mile lU per mile. 3. Each member shall be paid, in addition to the above remuneration, $10.00 for each application which he investigates. 4. pealed. THAT By-Law No. 2488 be and the same is hereby re- 5. THAT this by-law become effective January 1st, 1979. READ a first time this 22nd day of November, 1978. READ a second tilne this 22nd day of November, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 22nd day of November, 197E 289 COl!l~TY OF ELGllJ By-Law tio. 2542 "BEIt:C A BY -lA"1 '1'0 lW.Et\D BY.IJ;.\{ NO. 2382, P!eWIDI:iG FUR 'l'BE rflYII;ElJT OF' CCJUliTY P\J\'l'E IN '1'\'0 IliS'1'AU:Em'S." \'iHEREhS By-Law No. 2382 provides for the payment of the Annual County Rate in two instalments. AND WllliREAS it provides for a discount for prepay- ments as well as a penalty for non-payment. AND VIHE1~El;S paragraph 3 concerning the payment of penalty does not provide for any increase in the rate of penalty, after the date of default, in the event of an in- crease by the chartered baDks prior to actual payment. Na1 THEREFORE paragraph 3 of By-Law No. 2382 is hereby repealed and the following substituted therefore: 3. That in the case of non-payment of any instal- ment or any portion thereof on the due dates, the municipality so in default shall pay to the county interest thereon from the day of default to the date that payment is made. The rate of interest shall be the minimum lending rate or rates charged by the majority of chartered banks, during the period of de- fault. This by-law shall become effective on the 1st day of January, 1979. READ a first time this 22nd day of November, 1978. READ a second time this 22nd day of November, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 22nd day of November, 1978. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. L. R. Carroll, \:arden. 288 289 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2541 COlmTY OF ELGIlI By-Law r;o. 2542 "BEIHG A BY -U\.\.[ TO APPOHiT A Li\IW DIV ISION CQl.':.llI'l'TEE." "BEIt:G A BY-IA\'l 'l'0 j\I/Et\D BY-IJ.\'1 NO. 2382, PI~WIDIl;G FUR 'l'BE \'!HEI..:EAS Section 30 of The Planning J\ct provides for the constitution and appointment of a Land Division Committee. Na; TIIEREFCRE, the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as folloHs: 1. THAT a Land Division Committee is hereby constituted and the following persons are hereby appointed to membership on the said Committee: r-AY!I:EIJT OF' CCJUllTY P,Nl'E IN '1".;0 II I S'l'l,u.:nn.'s ." Fred S. Shively - to hold office until January 1, 1980 Alistair Littlejohn - to hold office until January 1, 1980 John V. liicKinlay - to hold office until January 1, 1981 H. Paul deRyk - to hold office until January 1, 1981 Karl R. Bartley - to hold office until January 1, 1982 Lorne R. Carroll .. to hold office until January 1, 1982 Noble G. Tufford - to hold office until January 1, 1982. WHERE/~ By-Law No. 2382 provides for the payment of the Annual County Rate in two instalments. AND \'IHEREAS it provides for a discount for prepay- ments as well as a penalty for non-payment. AND vlHE1~El~ paragraph 3 concerning the payment of penalty does not provide for any increase in the rate of penalty, after the date of default, in the event of an in- crease by the chartered banks prior to actual payment. 2. TI~.T the members of the Land Division Committee be paid the following remuneration for attending meetings of the said Committee: (a) In attending a meeting of the Committee when it is held in both the forenoon and afternoon or evening of the same day - $44.00. (b) For at Lending a meeting of the Committee when it is held in either the forenoon, afternoon or the evening.. $27.00. (c) In addition to the above remuneration each member shall be paid the following rates for each mile necessarily travelled in attending such meetings: Na1 THEREFORE paragraph 3 of By-Law No. 2382 is hereby repealed and the following substituted therefore: 3. That in the case of non-payment of any instal- ment or any portion thereof on the due dates, the municipality so in default shall pay to the county interest thereon from the day of default to the date that payment is made. The rate of interest shall be the minimum lending rate or rates charged by the majority of chartered banks, during the period of de- fault. This by-law shall become effective on the 1st day of January, 1979. READ a first time this 22nd day of November, 1978. REj~D a second time this 22nd day of November, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 22nd day of November, 1978. o - 5,000 miles Over 5,000 miles 20~ per mile l7~ per mile. 3. Each member shall be paid, in addition to the above remuneration, $10.00 for each application which he investigates. 4. pealed. THAT By-Law No. 2488 be and the same is hereby re- 5. THAT this by-law become effective January 1st, 1979. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. L. R. Carroll, \:arden. READ a first time this 22nd day of November, 1978. READ a second tilne this 22nd day of November, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 22nd day of November, 197E COUI~TY OF ELGIN 290 By-Law No. 2543 Z':l1 LIBRiillY 6. Biweekly $841.19-87b.23-912.73-950.77 $562.08-585.50-609.88-635.31 $381.65-397.58-414.12-431.38 $312.04-325.04-338.58-35~.69 Librarian Library Supervisor Bookkeeper ) Library Assistant) Clerk-Typist "BEING A BY -IJIW TO E~)TIJJLISIl A PAY SCHEDULE FOI~ EJ.jPLOYE::S CWEEED BY 'l'lIE JOD EViU,UATION SCALE I OTl1El( 'l'HAN CEl('l'AHl 1\01i.0;3 DEPJi.li:Tr1EN'l' Ef,jPLOYEES." \'I}IEJ~EAS the County of Elgin engaged the f inn of Stevenson & Kellogg Ltd., Management Consultants, to undertake a job evaluation, salary survey and make recommendations in regard to positions not covered by collective agreements. NOW TIfEREFORE the following schedules be and are hereby adopted: 1. CLImK-TREASURER'S OFFICE Clerk-Treasurer Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Custodian Land Division Secretary-Treasurer) Payroll Supervisor ) Assistant Custodian) Payroll Clerk ) Clerk-Typist ) 2. ROADS DEPAl(TMEN'!' Engineer General Superintendent Assistant General Superintendent 3. Office Co-Ordinator Bookkeeper C1erk-'l'ypist ELGIN W\NOR 4. Director Director of Nursing ) Assistant Administrator) Maintenance Supervisor ) Assistant Director of Nursing) Dietary Supervisor ) Housekeeping & Laundry Supervisor Resident Co-Ordinmar BOOkkeeper Clerk-Typist TERIU\CE LODGE Clerk-Typist 5. SCCIAL SEI<VICES Director Field Worker Clerk Biweekly Rates $929.96-968.69-1,009.08-1,051.12 $562.08-585.50-609.88-635.31 $422.08-439.65-457.96-477.08 $381.65-397.58-414.12-431.38 $312.04-325.04-338.58-352.69 Biweekly Rates $1,018.27-1,180.88-1,230.08-1,281.35 Plus use of County Car $762.50-794.27-827.38-861.85 Plus use of County Car $688.96-717.65-747.54-778.69 Plus use of County Car $509.12-530.35-552.42-575;46 $381.65-397.58-414.12-431.38 $312.04-325.04-338.58-352.69 Bi.weekly Rates $929.96-968.69-1,009.08-1,051.12 $688.96-717.65-747.54-778.69 $562.08-585.50-609.88-635.31 $509.12-530.35-552.42_575.46 $462.65-481.92-502.00-522.92 $381.65-397.58-414.12-431.38 $312.04-325.04-338.58-352.69 Biweekly J(ates $312.04-325.04-338.58-352.69 Biweekly Rates $762.50-794.27-827.38-861.85 $462.65-481.92-502.00-522.92 $346.04-360.46-375.50-391.12 7. The following positions, due to working a 40 hour week, are incr by $38.46 biweekly as an hours of work premium over the rates sh Custodian Assistant Custodian Office Co-Ordinator TtffiT this by-law become effective January 1st, 1979. 8. first time this 22nd day of November, 1978. second time this 22nd day of November, 1978. third time and finally passed this 22nd day of READ a READ a READ a November, 197E ~~~~-<O 7~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. /~/2. 1/'-" 0z'l'U--{!" 1. R. Carroll, 1tlarden. 292 293 COUNTY OF ELGn: By-Law No. 2544 2. 3. Class 2 - 1. 2. 3. (c) Part Time Foreman performing work of a h~h~classifica- tion than Class 2 or acting as a Foreman and/or Lead !land of a work crew for a portion of the year, and including experienced Grademen; able to be assigned as Wingman, Sander Operator or Hight Duty in the vlinter. Ministry of Transportation and Cownunications Class "D" licence required. Experience Rate 10 cents per hour for completion of each year's work to a maximum of 2 years. "BEING A BY -IJ\\'1 TO Ef)TJmLI~m A Imrr.UNEhI.'J.'ICII SCHEDULE 1,liD Ui'HER \lOI(KING CONDITIOlIS FW EMPLOYEE~) OF THE ROI,W DEP!Ji:Tl,;Dn'." WHEREAS it is considered advisable to establish salaries and hourly rates as well as other working conditions as they pertain to the employees of the Roads Department. NOW THElmFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts that the following schedule be and are hereby adopted for the Roads Department: 1. REGUUlI< HOURLY Ri\TED EMPLOYEES Rate - $6.71 to $6.91 per hour. Class 5 - Construction Foreman or Mechanic. 1. (a) Mechanic licensed by Ontario Ministry of Labour, OI~ (b) Construction Foreman in charge of specialized work such as grading and granular base or bridge construction and in charge of hired trucks, or grading equipment and County equipment and one or more County \'lark Crews. 2. Motor Vehicle Licence Req\lirement Ministry of Transportation and Communications licence Class "D" required, Class "A" preferred. Rate - $7.46 per hour. Class 4 - Foreman and Lead Hands. 1. Regularly (a) In charge of a work crew of at least five (5) men with County and/or hired equipment on a specific project. (b) Supervising other County (or hired) trucks and equipment, OR (c) Performing work which is a recognized skill or trade. 2. ~ be assigned as Snow Plow Operator, Sander Operator, ~rillgman, or Night Duty in Winter. 3. Experience Rate 10 cents per hour for completion of each year's work to a maximum of 2 years. 4. Motor Vehicle Licence Requirement Ministry of Transportation and Communications licence Class "D" required, Class "A" preferred. Rate - $7.11 to $7.31 per hour. Class 3 - Machine Operators" Stockkeepers, Part Time Foremen & Grademen. 1. (a) Stockkeepers - Licence Requirement - Class "A" or "D" preferred. Valid ;.;inistry of 'l.'ransportation and Commu- nications operator's licence required. (b) Regular Operators on tandem dump truck, distributor, float, grader, shovel, loader, backhoe, dozer etc., a majority of the time. The remainder of time - skilled or special vlork such as machine repair, sign construction, etc. Usually assigned as Snow Plow Operator, Sander Op- erator, Wingman or Night Duty in \'iinter. Some supervis- ory work is usually required. Ministry of Transportation and Communications Class "A" licence required for some positions; Class "A" licence preferred for all other positions; Class "D" required for any position. Labourer Premium. Shall be able to operate light truck, tractor, roller, etc., on a part time basis. V~y be employed as a weighman, checker or mower operator (bllilli~er). !ilile to be assigned as a Wingman Sander Operator (part time) or Night Duty in Winter. Experience Rate 10 cents per hour for completion of each year's work to a maximum of 2 years. Motor Vehicle Licence Requirement Ministry of Transportation and Communications Class "D" licence required. Rate - $6.21 to $6.41 per hour. Class 1 - Labourer 1. Must be capable of performing physical labour under super- vision. Some light truck or tractor driving may be required on occasion. 2. Experience Rate 10 cents per hour for completion of each year's work to a maximum of 2 years. 3. ~otor Vehicle Licence Requirement Ministry of Transportation and Communications Class nG" licence will be required for employees engaged after January 1, 1978. Rate - $6.06 to $6.26 per hour. 1. An employee hired to fill a particular vacancy in Classifi- cations 2, 3, 4 or 5 shall have a probationary starting rate of 25~ per hour less than the rate of the category with no experience assigned for their probationary period of 90 days. 2. The requirements for Ministry of Transportation and Communi- cations drivers licences will not result in the down grading of anyone presently in a category, but will be a requirement for anyone entering a new category. ~: 2. SEASON!>.L OR CJ.3UAL EHPLOYEES Class A - Those employees who are not engaged to fill a particular vacancy - maximum service without layoff 6 months. Employees of high school age (generally under 19 years of age with varied experience). Rate - $3.75 to $3.95 per hour. Experience Rate 10 cents per hour depending on age and expe- rience Class B _ Casual Labour, inexperienced. (Students 19-20 years of age, etc.) Rate - $4.50 per hour. .!iQg, : Class C _ Experienced labour, inexperienced mower operators. University students with prior experience. Rate - $5.00 per hour. 294 2'95 Class D M Experienced Operators or Tradesmen. Ministry of Transportation and Communications Class "D" licence usually required. Rate M $5.50 per hour. 3 . AlJNUI\L Ir;CI~Ela:r,IT Technician M Shall supervise Instrument 1.~en, Surveying crew and drafting. M Shall aszist the Engineer in the design, supcrvision and construction of such projects as hot-mix asphalt paving, drainaqe, urban construction ctc. M QualificationB to be similar to r..:inistry of Transportation and Communications Technician - Grade II. $688.96 - ~7l7.65 - $747.54 - $778.69 biweekly. An employee is ~gible for any annual increment (to a maximum of 2 years) on January 1 of any year provided he has been in that particular category since September 1 or prior of the previous year. 4. PREIGUM !lImIT DUTY 9. SUPEINISORY PWSONNEL Those persons appointed to I<egular Night Duty (\linter Main- tenance Shift) are eligible for a premium over their regular hourly rate of pay for such time as they are on night duty. Premium - l5t per hour for a shift beginning before 8:00 P.U. - 25q: per hour for a shift beginning from 8:30 P.M. to mi-inight. General Superintendent M General supervision of all county work, both maintenance and construction. _ Control of all county and hired equipment and personnel. _ Responsible to the Engineer for the planning and scheduling of the work. _ Responsible for the hiring of outside equipment and personnel when required. _ Responsible for investigations of inquiries and complaints by the general public. $762.50 - $794.27 - $827.38 - $861.85 biweekly Plus use of County car. ,j"':.;'. 5. FRIDAY PAY In the event of a Statutory Holiday, Sick Benefit, Annual Holiday, Compassionate Leave, etc., falling on Friday, the emplq,ree shall be paid at his regular rate of pay for 8 hours and the time shall count as one full day. 6. STANDBY 'l'IliIE - for designated employees (1) If the time designated for standby is from 7:00 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. M :3 hours at their regular rate. (2) If the designated time for standby is from 7:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. - 4 hours at their regular rate. (3) If standby is required on a calendar statutory holiday, standby will be paid at lt times the regular rate. In the event of a call-out, minimum pay will be 4 hours (regular rate). 7. FoarWEAR I,LLOviA1iCE - (Regular Employees Only) To be accumulative from yaar to year. To be credited at January 1st of each year and as of January 1st, 1977 to be as follows: $2.00 per week for each week that the employee has worked in the preceding year to a maximum of $100.00 for any year. Any balance in account to be paid to employee upon retirement. 8. TECHNICAL PERSONNEL Assistant General Superintendent _ To act for and to -assume all duties of'the General Superin- tendent when the General Superintendent is absent (sickness, holidays etc.). To assist the Superintendent wtth all phases of construction and maintenance and to have direct control of any particular operation as from time to time required. To act as Construction Safety Inspector for the County. $688.96 - $717.65 - $747.54 - $778.69 biweekly Plus use of County car. 10. THAT By-Law No. 2516 be and the same is hereby repealed. 11. Hourly rates shall become effective December 24th, 1978 and salaried rates effective January 1st, 1979. READ a first time this 22nd day of November, 1978. READ a second time this 22nd day of November, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 22nd day of November, 1978. Instrument Man - Education - Grade 12 or equivalent. - Work includes drafting, surveying and when experienced to be able to ~ork with a minimum of supervision. - Increments shall be governed by ability, cxperience, the passing of l\1inistry of 'l'ransportation and Communications sponsored courses on surveying and inspection. - Position comparable to l-1inistry of Transportation and Com- munications Technician III Surveys. },animum $6.91 per hour Maximum $7.31 per hour Increments of 20~ per hour for 2 years. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. L. R. Carroll, \'/arden. 296 COUNTY OF I:;LGIN By-Law lio. 2545 "BEING A BY-lAW TO E~3Tj\BLISLl Rr:n:S OF Pi\Y FCJ~ PAI-?T TIrE EHPL0YEES." \'iIIElm1\S certain positions only require persons to work less than full time. AND vITiEREI~ it is necessary in some instances to engage a person fOT a short period of time. THEREFORE the following rates be and are hereby adopted: 1. ELGIN MANOR Barber Beautician $95.00 per month $32.00 per day. 2. CLEIHC1\L Experienced Inexperienced $5.00 per hour $4.20 per hour. 3. TIiAT this by-law become effective January 1st, 1979. READ a first time this 22nd day of November, lS78. READ a second time thi~ 22nd day of November, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 22nd day of November, 1978. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ' L. R. Carroll, \tarden. 297 COUIITY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2546 "BEING 1\ BY -U.\-l TO ESTi'J3LISIl TItE S1\LAI\Y OF TilE ELGIN COUNTY CLEf'K-TREASli]:ER. " The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. TIUlT the salary of the Clerk-Treasurer of the County of Elgin ~hall be Eight Hundred and Fifty-Five Dollars and l~enty-Three Cents ($855.23) biweekly. TIffiT By-Law No. 2490 be, and the same is hereby repealed. 2. 3. TlulT this By-Law shall become effective January 1st, 1979. READ a first time this 22nd day of November, 1978. READ a second time this 22nd day of November, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 22nd day of November, 1978. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. L. R. Carroll, "iardan. 298 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2547 "BEING 1\ BY-LA\I TO E~;Tt.I3LISH TIlE SAUJi.Y OF 'mE ELGHl COUNTY DEPU'l'Y CLEI<K-TREM)urmI(." The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. TImT the salary of the Deputy Clerk-Treasurer of the County of Elgin shall be Six Hundred and Thirty-Five Dollars and Thirty-One Cents ($635.31) biweekly. TIiAT By-Law No. 2492 be, and the same is hereby repealed. THAT this By-Law shall become effective January 1st, 1979. 2. 3. READ a first time this 22nd day of November, 1978. READ a second tine this 22nd day of November, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 22nd day of November, 1978. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. L. R. Carroll, 'rlarden. 299 COUlITY OF ELGW By-Law lIo. 2548 "BEIrIG A I3Y-U~H TO A1t.ErlD BY-lAVE HU. 1690. 'l'iIEl,EIW f.DJlJ:.;'l'H:G 'TIlE ~jP.I~"J(Y OF TIIE ELGI;; COUNTY IWi,D SUPEEIr:TEl:DEtlT." vJJIE}(Ei3 By-Law No. 1696 deals with the appointment and remuneration of a Road Superintendent for the County of Elgin. A11D 1'/iIEI(EAS By-Law tio. 1696 is presently amended by By-l~w No. 2510. AND\lHEREA.S it is now deemed advisable to change the present salary of the Elgin County Road Superintendent. NOU 'l'HEREFORE the Council of the ]':unicipal Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT Clause (4) '>of By-Law No. 1696, as amerd. ed by By-Law tIo. 2510, be deleted, and the following sub- stituted therefore: 2. "That the salary or remuneration of the Road Super- intendent shall be One Thousand, 'l'wo Hundred and Eighty-One Dollars and ~~irty-Five Cents (~1,281.35) biweekly, plus the use of a County Car." THAT By-Law No. 2510 be, and the same is hereby repealed. THAT this By-Law shall take effect on January 1st, 1979. 3. READ a first time this 22nd day of November, 1978. READ a second time this 22nd day of November, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 22nd day of November, 197~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. L. H. Carroll, Warden. 300 COUJfn OF' ELGIN By-Law No. 2549 301 COUNTY OF ELGIlI By-Law No. 2550 "BEIIJG f\ BY -U\h '.,'0 J;:;;T"Bl.I~;H 'I'LE :..ii.L' J.:Y OF TllE DIIn:CTCI( OF "BEING A BY.IRd 'l'O Jd.:END BY-un'! NO. 2467. TIlEl-:EBY I\DJ1;~J'TI JIG THE ~)MjJ(Y OF TIlE r.sm~)TMT ADiHllISTW\TOJ=( Fore TIlE ELGIIJ COUIJTY THE ELGIIl COUJjTY HOj:ES For; ~)ENIOI( CI'l'IZEWJ." The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: H01;um FOJ~ ;~ENIOJ< CITIZElrs." 2. TIIAT the salary of the Director of the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens shall be One Thousand and Fifty-One Dollars and 1\,elve Cents (~1,051.12) biweekly. TIu\T By-Law No. 2512 be and the same is hereby repealed. THAT this By-Law become effective January 1st, 1979. ~~EREAS By-IBw No. 2467 deals with the appointment and remuneration of an Assistant j~dministrator for the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens. AND WHEREAS it is now deemed advisable to change the present salary of the said Assistant Administrator. N~l TI{EREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. 3. 1. THAT Clause (2) of By-Law No. 2467, as amended by By-Law No. 2513, be deleted, and the following sub- stituted therefore: READ a first time this 22nd day of November, 1978. READ a second time this 22nd day of November, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 22nd day of November, 1971 2. "That his salary as Assistant Administrator be Seven Hundred and Seventy-Eight Dollars and Sixty-Nine Cents ($778.69) biweekly." THl\T By-Law No. 2513 be, and the same is hereby repealed. THAT this By-Law become effective January 1st, 1979. 3. READ a first time this 22nd day of November, 1978. READ a second time this 22nd day of November, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 22nd day of November, 1978 G. C. Leverton, Clerk. L. R. Carroll, \{arden. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. L. I~. Carroll, Warden. 302 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2551 303 COUlITY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2552 "HEIlIG II BY-U,'..f TO ES'I';,DLISIl THE ShUiRY CF 'TIiE ELGIlJ COUl:TY SCCIAL mmVICES Dm.ECTOI~." "BEInG A BY -LA\'! TO iJ,'iEIlD BY -LA\'I NO. 2297, 'l'EEII:EBY ^DJlJSTING TIlE ~)r\L~'.RY CF TEE SlTI,E'I'j.RY -TI~EJ'':-_)U1-n:r~ OF 'l'HE COl.lN'l'Y OF ELGIN The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: U.ND DIVI~ION COl:JHTTEE." Effective January 1st, 1979 Effective July 1st, 1979 $794.27 biweekly $827.38 biweekly. \'lHEREl\S By-Lm'l r;o. 2297 deals with the appointment and remuneration of a Secretary-Treasurer of the County of Elgin Land Division Committee. AND \'iliEI,E^S By-Law No. 2297 is presently amended by By-Law No. 2527. 1. TlINL' the salary of the Social Services Director of the County of Elgin shall be as follows: 2. TH^T this By-Law shall become effective January 1, 1979, subject to the approval of the Minister of COllununity and Social Services. TlffiT By-Law No. 2511, be and the same is hereby repealed. AND W}lliREj~ it is deemed advisable to change the present salary of the Secretary-Treasurer. 3. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. TIV.T Clause (2) of By-Law No. 2297, as amended by By-Law No. 2527, be deleted, and the following sub- stituted therefore: REhD a first time this 22nd day of November, 1978. READ a second time this 22nd day of November, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 22nd day of November, 1978. "That the salary of the Secretary-Treasurer of the County of Elgin Land Division Committee shall be as follows: 2. Effective January 1st, 1979 $381.65 biweekly Effective July 1st, 1979 $397.58 biweekly. THAT By-Law No. 2527 be and the same is hereby repealed. 3. THAT this By-Law become effective January 1, 1979. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. L. R. Carroll, \varden. I~EAD a first time this 22nd day of November, 1978. READ a second time this 22nd day of November, 1978. R~iD a third time and finally passed this 22nd day of November, 1978. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. L. I'. Carroll, \'larden. 304 COUlITY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2553 "BEIHG j\ BY -U\'l TO Al~END BY-11M lW. 2351, TliEl.EBY A.DJUSTIriG ,!'BE l.m;:!UNEW\,]~ION OF TIlE COUNTY OF ELGIN 'I'I~EE COWH.:j8IONER. H WHEI(Ei3 By-Law ];0. 2351 deals with the appointment and remuneration of the 7ree Commissioner for the County of Elg in. A.ND WHEREAS By-Law No. 2351 is presently amended by By-Law No. 2514. AND \o1IEREJS it is now deemed advisable to change the present rate of remuneration of the said Tree Commissioner. NOil TIIEREFO}~E the Council of the i;:unicipal Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as fol1m,s: 1. TlIf.T Clauses (2), (3) and (4) of By-Law 1;0. 235)., as amended by By-Law No. 2514, be deleted, and the following substituted therefore: (2) 'mAT his remuneration shall be $6.26 per hour. (3) T1~T he be paid the rates established for other County Employees for the use of his car while on county business. (4) THAT this By-Law become effective January 1, 1979. 2. THAT By-Law No. 2514 be, and the same is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 22nd day of November, 1978. RF~.D a second time this 22nd day of November, 1978. REA.D a third time and finally passed this 22nd day of November, 1978. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. L. 1<. Carroll, Warden. 305 CUmiTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2554 "BEING A DY-U,l.: 'i'O J'.i,1Ei.:J) BY-U\\l NO. 2188. 'I'l!ELEBY 1,DJU~)'l'IliG TIlE ]mi.:miEI?}.TIOU ()F' TIlE COUlI?Y OF' I:!..GIN \!EW IW:;PEcTOl~." "IHE}~EAS By-Law No. 2188 deals with the appointment and remuneration of the \Jeed Inspector for the County of Elgin. AND WllliRBf~ By-Law No. 2188 is presently amended by By-Law No. 2515. AND \'llIEREJ.S it is now deemed advisable to change the present rate of remuneration of the said Weed Inspector. NO.-I 'l'llElCEFORE the Council of the ).;unicipal Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. 'I'Iif\.TClause (2) of By-Law No. 2188~ as araendedby By-Law No. 2515 be deleted, and the following sub- stituted therefore: 2. "That his remuneration shall be as follows while engaged in his duties: - :i>6.26 per hour and he be paid the rates established for other County Employees for the use of his car while on County business. 'I'I~T this By-Law shall become effective on January 1, 1979. 3. THi~T By-Law No. 2515 be, and the same is hereby repealed. READ a first tilne this 22nd day of November, 1978. READ a second time this 22nd day of November, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 22nd day of November, 1978 G. C. Leverton, Clerk. L. R. Carroll, l/arden. ~"~"-.~,",,,,.~~"~~~~~~"i.0!tfiA\b4_",~1~{%i_'~~~ 306 CCUU'IT OF ELGIN By-Law lIo. 2555 "BEING I, BY-L1\\1 '1'0 flUTlJOIUZE THE vlJ\E])]~i1 film CU;;.K '1.'0 SIG!! I\tl AGHEE;;ElJ'l' 1m: JI. BUILDII:C; EI~CIWi\Cli:,'lJ:I!'l' U...'Cl.'1'ED IIi TIlE T01,:I:SHIP OF ~;OlJT1FJOLD." \~EREl\S it has been established that the building located on Part of l~t 18, in the Concession ~outh of the Talbot Road in the Township of Southwold encroaches on the Road Allowance between Lots 18 and 19 in the said Concession, AND vlHElmJ\.S it is assumed that the encroachment has existed for a number of years and is well established, NO\'! THE1(EFOI<E pur suant to the powers vested in the Corporation pursuant to i;;unicipal hct. 1:.5.0. 1970, Chapter 284, Section 354, Sub-section 1 (93), the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: The 'tlarden or Clerk be authorized on behalf of Council, to execute an agreement allowing any person owning or occ\lpying the building located on the lands described in Appendix "fI" hereto to maintain and use such building not- withstanding that the building is partially erected oa the road allovlance between Lots 18 and 19 South Talbot }(oad in the Township of Southwold. The agreement shall provide inter alia; (a) That the agreement shall terrlinate upon the existing building being destroyed by fire and/or demolished and/or renovated to the extent that the portion of the building now on the t,ighway is altered in any way; (b) l~at the owner pay the Corporation's legal cost in the preparation of this By-Law and the J\.greement; (c) That the owner pay to the Corporation the sum of 7wenty Dollars (~20.QO) as consideration for the agreement. REJ\.D a first time this 22nd day of November, 1978. READ a second time this 22nd day of llovember, 1978. REJ\.D a third time and finally passed this 22nd day of November, 1978. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. L. 1\. Carroll, \';arden. 307 APPENDIX "A" ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or trac:: of land and premses si t- uate, lying and being in the unincorporated Village of Fingal, in the Township of SO\lthwold, in the County of Elgin, and being composed of part of the northeasterly part of Township Lot Number Eighteen (18) South on the Talbot Road, particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point in the northeast limit of the Lot Four Hundred and Seventy-five and Twenty One Hundredths feet (475.20 feet) southeasterly from its northerly angle; 'IHENCE SOUTHEAST along said northeast limit (which is the Southwest limi t of the Union Road) One Hundred and Ninety-eight feet (198 feet) to a point; 1HENCE SOUIH thirty- fi ve degrees, West, One Htmdred and Thirty-three and Ninety-eight One Hundredths feet (133.98 feet); 'IHENCE NORTH Forty-five degrees West, One Hundred and Ninety-eight feet (198 feet); TIffiNCE NORTH, Thirty-five degrees East One Hundred and Thirty-three and Ninety-eight one hundredths feet (133.98 feet) to the place of beginning, containing by admeasurement Three-fifths of an acre more or less. 308 309 COUNTY OF ELGII: By-Law No. 2556 CO\JIJ'l'Y OF J:;L:nlJ By-Lav/ No. 2557 "BEIiJG I, llY-Lflvl TO fl1J'rrrOi-(IZE TilE EXECUTIOIJ ()F 11 cOLLEC'l'lVE "11. 13Y-I.J\l,.' TO CO;;FIiJ,; l':,O:,;::ZIn;:'JJ OF '~E,:: COlH;CIL. OF 'l1i:':: CUU)Oi:Nl'ION OF '1'1It: COlH;TYOF aGn ,:f '1'1:::: NOVi~;,,)3E;,: ~j:::SJIOIJ, 1Q78." J\.GJ(EEj,\EWl' BE'I",iEEH '1'111:: COl.:PUIU,TION CF THE COUlJTY OF ELGIl. J\ND TElml\CE LOD~E E1;PLOYEE~' r,s~)cx; IATION." \'ilJE[-iEi"S by Section 9 of the Eunicipa1 iICt, being Chapter 284 of the J(evised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; V:llEREl\.S a majority of the employees of the Terrace Lodge have become members of the jlssociation, which is an Jlssociation, unaffiliated with any other labour organization, be it a national or local, and through the j,ssociation have requested the employer to negotiate changes in the Collective Agreement, and the employer has agreed thereto. AND 1iil[El;EAS the flssociation is the certified bar- gaining agent for the employees of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, at its Terrace Lodge at the Township of W~lahide, save and except Supervisors, persons above the rank of Supervisor, Registered ~urses, Office Staff and Students. AND ~IJEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 of the Ii.unicipal ikt, boing Chapter 284 of the ;-ievised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; AIlD VillEl(EAS agreement has now been reached by both parties on the said procedure, conditions and terms of employ- ment to be included in an agreement to cover the period October 19th, 1978 to March 31st, 1980. NO\.j THImEFOI~E it is hereby enacted that the I'[arden and Clerk of the Count~ of Elgin be and are hereby empowered to sign the Collective f,greement (hereto attached as Schedule "N') between the County of Elgin and the Terrace Lod;Je Employees' l\ssociation, setting forth collective bargaining relations, disposition of grievances, and to define working conditions, and terms of employment for all employees of Terrace Lodge, represented by the said Association. AND \,lIEI:EAJ it is deemed expedient that the proceed- ings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law; Nm: THEI(EFOki:: the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Iceports of tho Corami ttees and each r.lotion and reGolution passed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the November 1978 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceed- .ings were expressly embodi.ed in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of 1::lgi,l1 are hereDY authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all docur.lents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. AND W1llillEAS negotiations have taken place, between the CO\lnty and the 1.ssociation, towards establishing orderly collective bargaining relations and providing an orderly pro- cedure for the disposition of grievances and defining working conditions and terms of employment for all employees who are represented by the Association, in the form of a Collective Agreement. READ a first time this 22nd day of November, 1978. READ a second time this 22nd day of November, 1978. READ a first time this 22nd day of November, 1978. READ a second time this 22nd day of November, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 22nd day of November, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 22nd day of November, 1978. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. L. R. Carroll, v/arden. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. L. I,. Carroll, Warden. INDEX RESOLUTIONS- MISCELLANEOUS - Communications .......... 10, 47, 85, 103, 134, 161, 191, 221, 256 Delegations .................... 14,15,16,49,88,104,105,163 1978 Officials, County Council, Standing Committees, Municipal Clerks and Treasurers .............. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Petition to Ministry of Transportation and Communication for subsidy ........................................................ 13 Taking second Roll Call....................................... 15 Presentations to Employees .................... .50, 137, 223, 259 Warden's Address .............................................. 19 Warden's Election ...............................~.............. 9 Re: Non payment for second day sitting if required ........... 17 Supplementary application for subsidy......................... 50 Adopting 1978 Road Budget ..................................... 50 REPORTS OF OFFICIALS AND OTHERS - To hold Special Council Session re: Restructuring ............ 89 Re: Increased Subsidy for Health Unit ........................ 89 That the Jail Wall be torn down .............................. 106 Director's Report on Homes for Senior Citizens ............... 276 Accepting Auditor's Report to year ending December 31, 1977 137 Clerk's Report on Licenses 273 Requesting Property Committee to consider alternates to removing Jail Wall ............................................ 138 Setting September 6, 1978 to deal with County Restructuring .. 138 To Accept the Treasurer's Report ........................ 163, 259 Setting July 14 and 15 for Public Visitation of County Jail and Yard ................................................164 County Treasurer's Report ............................... 170, 274 Elgin County Library Report ................................... 75 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES - Agricultural Committee ........ 40, 67, 96, 116, 174, 209, 234, 284 County Government Committee ....... 37, 69, 99, 112, 118, 150, 176, 211, 233, 286 Educational Commi.ttee .....................................25,74 Finance and Apportionment Committee ........ 26, 66, 93, 94, 97, 115, 152, 175, 210, 235, 283 Referring Interim Restructuring Report to Local Government Study ............................................. 185 Rescinding the Motion to demolish the Jail Wall 186 Local Government Restructuring Committee ................. 65, 202 Personnel Committee ........ 24, 113, 142, 151, 173, 188, 206, 230 269, 270, 272 Pfoperty Committee ........... 38, 64, 92, 117, 141, 147, 166, 172, 189, 207, 232, 281 Reception and Entertainment Committee .......... 41, 100, 203, 285 Re: Use of County Crest by the Ladies of the Heritage Foundation ..........................................187 Supporting the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital in Recovering $60,000.00 ........................................ 196 To Bring a junior boy or girl to the October Session ......... 197 Homes for Senior Citizens Committee ........ 63, 68, 95, Ill, 143, 169, 201, 229, 231, 280 Appointing A.C.R.O. Voting Delegates 197 Inviting New Reeves and Deputy Reeves to November Session .... 224 To Accept Clerk's Report on Licenses 259 To Accept Director's Report on Homes for Senior Citizens ..... 259 Road Committee ......... 28, 34, 35, 36, 54, 62, 70, 91, 114, 144, 148, 167, 204, 213, 227, 267 Social Services Committee.............. 39, 73, 98, 149, 208, 282 Special Committee to Strike the Standing Committee for 1978 ... 21 To Pay Reporters $25.00 Grant ................................ 259 Requesting County Warden to accompany Yarmouth Council to , appeal for assistance re: Psychiatric Hospital.............. 260 BY-LAWS - 2499 - To Appoint a County Road Committee. ................. 2500 - To Authorize the Warden and the Treasurer to Borrow the Sum of Two Million, Five Hundred Thousand Do lla r s . ......................... ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2501 - A By-Law to Authorize the Expropriation of Land for the ,Purpose of Widening and Improving County Roads. . 2502 - A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the January Session, 1978. ...................................... 2503 - Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign Offers to Lease the Court House and Registry Office, to the Ministry of Government Services. ...... 2504 - Being a By-Law to Confirm By-Law NO. 1931 of the Township of Bayham; a By-Law to Stop Up and Close and Sell the Portion of Road Allowance Through Lot 21, Concession 8. ....................................... 2505 - Being a By-Law to Confirm By-Law NO. 1932 of the Township of Bayham; a By-Law to Stop Up and Close and Sell a Road Allowance Through Lot 114 N.T.R. ........ 2506 - Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign a Deed to Convey Land in the Township of South- wold to Durward Hume Siple and Jean Daisy Siple. .... 2507 - A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the February Session, 1978. ...................................... 2508 - Being a By-Law to Establish the Percentage Share of Each Municipality Within the County of Elgin and Amount Required for County Purposes for the Year 1978. ............................................... 2509 - A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the March Session, 1978. ...................................... 2510 - Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law NO. 1696, Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Elgin County Road Superintendent. ..................................... 2511 - Being a By-Law to Establish the Salary of the Elgin County Social Services Director. .................... 2512 - Being a By-Law to Establish the Salary of the Director of the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens. ........................................... 2513 - Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law NO. 2467, Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Assistant Administrator for the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens. ..... 2514 - Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law NO. 2351, Thereby Adjusting the Remuneration of the County of Elgin Tree Commissioner. .................................. 2515 - Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law NO. 2188, Thereby Adjusting the Remuneration of the County of Elgin Weed Inspector. ..................................... 2516 - Being a By-Law to Establish a Salary Schedule for All Employees of the County of Elgin Who Are Not Covered by a Collective Agreement, Other Than the Heads of Departments. ........................................ 42 Being a By-Law to Authorize Grants to be Made to Various Organizations, Corporations, Institutions, Etc., During 1978. .................................. Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign Agreements to Lease the Court House and Registry Office to the Ministry of Government Services. 2519 - Being a By-Law to Authorize the Offering of a Reward and Paying Thereof. ................................. 132 2517 - 130 2518 - 131 44 46 2520 - A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the April Session, 1978. ...................................... 2521 - To A~po~nt a Member to the St. Thomas Suburban Road Comml.ssl.on. ......................................... 153 154 133 78 79 2522 - Authorizing Speed Limits. ........................... 2523 - Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign an Agreement to Sell to the Township of South- wold the County's Interest in the Water Pipeline Serving Elgin Manor. ................................ 2524 - Being a By-Law to Authorize the Execution of a Memo- randum of Agreement Between the Corporation of the County of Elgin and the Terrace Lodge Employee Association. ........................................ 157 156 81 83 2525 - Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign an Agreement to Lease Agricultural Land at Terrace Lodge. ...................................... 2526 - A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the May Session, 1978. ....... 2527 - Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law NO. 2297, Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Secretary-Treasurer of the County of Elgin Land Division Committee. ........ 2528 - Being a By-Law to Provide Fringe Benefits to All Employees of the County of Elgin Who Are Not Covered by A Collective Agreement. .......................... 2529 - A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the June Session, 1978. ...... 184 159 84 160 101 177 102 178 119 120 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the September 6th Session, 1978. .................................. Being a By-Law to Confirm By-Law NO. 1950 of the Town- ship of Bayham; a By-Law to Stop Up and Close and Sell a Road Allowance in the Township of Bayham. 2532 - Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign a Deed to Convey Land in the. Township of Malahide to the Corporation of the Township of Malahide. ........................................... 216 2530 - 190 2531 - 121 214 122 123 2533 - Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign a Deed to Convey Land in the Township of South- wold to Elfriede Atcheson. .......................... 2534 - Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign a Deed to Convey Land in the Township of South- wold to D. J. F. McCallum. .......................... 2535 - Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign a Deed to Convey Land in the Township of South- wold to W. Gidyk. ................................... 219 217 124 218 125 2536 - A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the September 27th Session, 1978. ................................. 2537 - Being a By-Law to Confirm By-Law NO. 1960 of the Township of Bayham; a By-Law to Stop Up and Close and Sell a Road Allowance in the Township of Bayham. .... 2538 - Being a By-Law to Restrict the Weight of vehicles Passing Over Bridges. ............................... 220 2556 - Being a By-Law to Authorize the Execution of a Collective Agreement Between the Corporation of the County of Elgin and Terrace Lodge Employees' Association. ...................................... 2557 - A By-Law to Confirm Proceedinas of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the November Session, 1978. ........................... 308 236 309 237 2539 - To Regulate the Proceedings in the Muni~ipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin and the Officers and Committees Thereof. .................... 240 2540 - A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the October Session, 1978. ...................................... 255 2541 - Being a By-Law to Appoint a Land Division Committee.. 288 2542 - Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law NO. 2382, Providing For the Payment of County Rate in Two Instalments... 289 2543 - Being a By-Law to Establish a Pay Schedule For Emplo- yees Covered By the Job Evaluation Scale, Other Than Certain Roads Department Employees. ................. 290 2544 - Being a By-Law to Establish a Remuneration Schedule and Other Working Conditions For Employees of the Roads Department. ................................... 292 -2545 - Being a By-Law to Establish Rates of Pay For Part Time Employees. ..................................... 296 2546 - Being a By-Law to Establish the Salary of the Elgin County Clerk-Treasurer. ............................. 297 2547 - Being a By-Law to Establish the Salary of the Elgin County Deputy Clerk-Treasurer. ...................... 298 2548 - Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law NO. 1696, Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Elgin County Road Superintendent. ..................................... 299 2549 - Being a By-Law to Establish the Salary of the Director of the Elgin County Homes for Senior C i t i zens . ........................................... 300 2550 - Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law NO. 2467, Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Assistant Administrator for the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens. ..... 301 2551 - Being a By-Law to Establish the Salary of the Elgin County Social Services Director. .................... 302 2552 - Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law NO. 2297, Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Secretary-Treasurer of the County of Elgin Land Division Committee. ........ 303 2553 - Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law NO. 2351, Thereby Adjusting the Remuneration of the County of Elgin Tree Commissioner. .................................. 304 2554 - Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law NO. 2188, Thereby Adjusting the Remuneration of the County of Elgin Weed Inspector. ..................................... 305 2555 - Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden. and Clerk to Sign an Agreement Re: A Building Encroachment Located in tle Township of Southwold. ............... 306