1979 Minutes PROCEEDINGS OFTHE Elgin County Council DURING THE SESSIONS HELD IN THE COUNTY MUNICIPAL BUILDING 9 Gladstone Avenue, St. Thomas December 1978 November 1979 G.C. LEVERTON Clerk S.J. GLOVER Warden 2 County of Elgin Officials Name Office G.C. Leverton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . County Clerk-Treasurer. . . . . . . .' ' Mrs. R.M. Daniel. . . . . . , . . . . . . 0 . Deputy Clerk-Treasurer. . . . . . . . . Secretary-Treasurer. 0 . . . . . . . . . . Land Division Committee. . . . . . . . R.G. Moore. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . County Engineer. , . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . R. E. Bell. . . . . , 0 . 0 . . , , . . 0 . . . . . . Director, Social Services. . . . 0 . . . FoJ. Boyes 0 . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Director, Elgin Manor. . . 0 . . . . . . . Director Terrace Lodge. . . . . . . . . Dr. C,Ao Graham 0 . , . . . . . 0 . . . .. . Elgin Manor, Med. Dir.. . . . . . . . . . Dr. DoL Wright. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 0 0 Terrace Lodge, Med. Dir.. . . . . . . 0 E.A. Wells. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . County Librarian. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . M.J. Hennessey & Assoc.. . . . . . . County Solicitors. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . Jackson Baker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . County Weed Inspector and Tree Commissioner, 164 Talbot St. W., Aylmer. . . . . . . . . . . Winspear, Higgins County Auditors Stevenson & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Centre Street. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dr. M.F. Webster, Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit M.O. H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Wood Street. . . . . ... . . . . . . . . , . D.R. McDermid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . County Judge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S.G. Eggleston. . . . , . . . . . . . . . .. County Court Clerk. . . . . . . .. . . . . Sherriff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J.N. Buchanan. . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . Clerk of the Peace and County Crown Attorney. . . . . . . . , G.A. Phillips. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Provincial Judge (Criminal Division) P.O. Box 267...,...... L.G. DeKoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Provincial Judge (Family Division) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. Davis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . County Registrar. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . Probation Office. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 277 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. L. Jones . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . Small Claims Court Clerk, . . . . . . . H.W, Buck...... 0..... ......... Agricultural Representative 594 Talbot Street. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elgin County Board of Education. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 Sunset Drive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (St. Thomas Post Office unless otherwise specified) *Munlclpal Office - 9 Gladstone Ave., N5R 2L3 3 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL, 1979 I" WARDEN S.J. GLOVER Phone No. 631-1460 631-1460 631-1460 631-5880 631-1570 631 -0620 644-0140 633-0030 773-3135 633-0815 633-331 0 Township of Aldborough Reeve K.M. Kelly, RR 2, Rodney, NOL 2CO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 785-0247 Deputy Reeve J. Fischer, RR 3, Rodney, NOL 2CO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 768-2657 Township of Dunwich Reeve D.J. Campbell, RR 1, lona, NOL1 PO. . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 762-5182 Deputy Reeve G.E. Walters, RR 1, Dutton, NOL 1JO................. 762-5240 Township of Southwold Reeve L.A. Longhurst, RR 7, St. Thomas, N5P 3T2... 0..............633-0199 Deputy Reeve K.E. Monteith, RR 1, St. Thomas, N5P 3S5. . . . . . .. . . . . 631-7073 773-8392 Township of Yarmouth Reeve L.J. Shaw, RR 5, St. Thomas, N5P3S9...................... 631-8314 Deputy Reeve J.P. Martyn, Main St., Sparta, NOL 2HO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 775-2292 631-8250 Township of Malahlde Reeve W.R. Caverly, RR 5, Aylmer, N5H 2R4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . 773-5445 Deputy Reeve E. Neukamm, RR 1, Aylmer, N5H 2R1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773-8895 631-9900 631-4810 633-1720 631-3530 Township of Bayham Reeve R.A. Green, RR 3, Tillsonburg, N4G 4G8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0. . . 877-2735 Deputy Reeve M.H. Stewart, RR 1, Eden, NOJ 1 HO. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 866-5838 631-1 506 633-1 230 Township of South Dorchester Reeve J.B. Wilson, RR 1, Springfield, NOL 2JO. . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . , . . . . . . 269-3995 Deputy Reeve G.R. Pettit, RR 2, Springfield, NOL 2JO. . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . .773-3625 633-2169 631-3015 631-3430 631-1241 Town of Aylmer Reeve S.R. McBrien, 23 Elk St., Aylmer, N5H 1 S5. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 773-7172 Deputy Reeve S.J. Glover, 72 OakSt., Aylmer, N5H 1G6..;.. 0.0.....773-8371 631-4700 633-2700 Village of Vienna Reeve K.C. Emerson, P.O. Box 120, Vienna, NOJ 1 ZOo 0 . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . 874-4460 Village of Springfield Reeve J.W. Hodgson, P.O. Box 84, Springfield, NOL 2JO..... 0.......773-3068 Village of Dutton Reeve M.E. Binks, 233 Main St., Dutton, NOL 1JO..... 0......... ....762-2044 4 5 Village of Port Stanley Reeve C.D. Phillips, P.O. Box 61 0, Port Stanley, NOL 2AO, . , . ,. . . . . . , 782-4163 Deputy Reeve M.E. Ripley, Box 384, Port Stanley, NOL 2AO. . , . , . . . . . 782-3322 Standing Committees, 1979-80 Village of Rodney Reeve A.H, Liebner, Box 244, Rodney, NOL 2CO. . . . . . , . . . . . , . , . . . . 785-0712 Agricultural Chairman W.R. Caverly, Kelly, Campbell, Longhurst, Shaw Green, Wilson and Warden Glover Village of West Lorne Reeve H,T. Lashbrook, P.O. Box 234, West Lome, NOL 2PO . . , , . . . . . 785-0310 County Government Chairman L.A. Longhurst, Caverly, Green,Wilson, Hodgson, Liebner, Lashbrook and Warden Glover Village of Belmont Reeve J,R. Fleck, 235 Union St., Belmont, NOL 1 BO. . . . . . . . , , , . . . . . , 644-1504 County Roads Chairman R.A. Green, Kelly, Campbell, Caverly, Wilson and Warden Glover Advisory - Shaw, Phillips, Longhurst Village of Port Burwell Reeve R.T. Bradfield, P.O. Box 93, Port Burwell,NOJ 1 TO, , . . , . . . . . . . 874-4135 Educational Chairman G.E. Walter, Pettit, Fischer, Monteith, Martyn, Neukamm, Stewart, Emerson, Hodgson, Binks,Ripley, Liebner, Lashbrook, Bradfield, Fleck and Warden Glover Finance Chairman L.J, Shaw, Kelly, Campbell, Longhurst, Caverly, Green, Wilson, McBrien, Emerson, Hodgson, Binks, Phillips, Liebner, Lashbrook, Bradfield, Fleck and Warden-Glover Homes for Senior Citizens Chairman J.W, Hodgson, Monteith, McBrien, Binks and Warden Glover Advisory - Neukamm, Bradfield Local Government Study Chairman S,R. McBrien, Walters, Wilson, Bradfield and Warden Glover Personnel Chairman K.C. Emerson, Longhurst, Hodgson, Phillips and Warden Glover Property Chairman M.H. Stewart, Walters, Martyn, Fleck and Warden Glover Reception and Entertainment Chairman J, Fischer, Lashbrook, Walters, Monteith, Martyn, Neukamm, Stewart, Pettit, Ripley and Warden Glover Social Services Chairman M.E. Binks, Shaw, Pettit, Ripley and Warden Glover Health Unit Neukamm, Liebner 6 7 St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital Emerson, Liebner Municipal Clerks and Treasurers TlIIsonburg District Memorial Hospital Stewart Township of Aldborough Clerk-Treasurer-C.t. Black, Rodney, NOL2CO.........,........... 785-0560 Four Counties General Hospital Fischer Township of Dunwich Clerk-F.D. McPherson, Dutton, NOL 1JO......................... 762-2204 Treasurer- Mrs. June Shipley, Dutton, NOL 1JO.... ............ ~.. .762-2204 Library Board Kelly, Martyn, Lashbrook and Warden Glover Children's Aid Campbell, Pettit, Ripley Township of Southwold Clerk-Treasurer-A.A. Pow, Fingal, NOL 1KO.........,..........,. 769-2010 Museum Fischer, Walters Township of Yarmouth Clerk-Treasurer-K.G. Sloan, 1229TalbotSt., St. Thomas, N5P 1G8. 631-4860 Township of Malahlde Clerk-Treasurer- A. A. Millard, 87 John St. S., Aylmer, N5H 2C3. .... 773-5344 Township of Bayham Clerk-Treasurer - J.A. Petrie, Straffordville, NOJ 1 YO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 866-5521 Township of South Dorchester Clerk-Treasurer- Mrs. Marie Wilson, RR 2, Springfield, NOL 2JO. ..,..773-2186 Town of Aylmer Clerk-Treasurer-C.L. Knapp, 46 TalbotSt. W., Aylmer, N5H 1J7.... 773-3164 Village of Belmont Clerk-Treasurer- Mrs. Kae Barons, Belmont, NOL 1 BO... ........",644-1071 Village of Dutton Clerk-Treasurer- D.T. Moran, Dutton, NOL 1 JO . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . '. 762-2736 Village of Port Burwell Clerk-Treasurer - Mrs. Gwendolyn Foster, pt. Burwell, NOJ 1 TO. . . . . . 874-4343 Village of Port Stanley Clerk-Treasurer- D.J. LaCroix, Box 70, Pt. Stanley, NOL 2AO..... '" 782-3383 Village of Rodney Clerk-Treasurer - Mrs. Jo-Anne M. Dwyer, Rodney, NOL 2CO . . . . . . .. 785-0456 Village of Springfield Clerk-Treasurer - Mrs. Catherine Bearss, Box 29, Springfield,. . . . . . . . 773-8555 NOL 2JO 8 9 Village of West Lorne Clerk. Treasurer...... Mrs. Joan M. Kobler, Box 30, West Lome,. , . . , , . . . 768-1234 NOL2PO December Session - First Day ~ue6day, the 19th day of December, 1978 Village of Vienna Clerk-Treasurer-Mrs, Violet Van Belois, Straffordville,.........."., 866-5521 NOJ 1 YO The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municipal Building" 9 Gladstone Avenue, St. ~'homas at 2:00 P.M. as required by statutes. The following members, having previously filed'Certif- icates, took their seats at the Council table: Keith M.. Kelly Joseph Fischer Donald J. Campbell Glen E. Walters Lester A. Longhurst Kenneth E. Monteith Larry J. Shaw John P. Martyn William R. Caverly Emil Neukamm Ronald A. Green. Max H. Stewart John B. vlilson Gordon R. Pettit Stewart R. fucBrien Sydney J. Glover Kenneth C. Emerson John W. Hodgson Charles D. Phillips Morris E. Ripley Harley T. Lashbrook Albert H. Liebner Ronald T. Bradfield John R. Fleck Reeve Deputy Reeve Reeve Deputy Reeve li:eeve Deputy Reeve Reeve Deputy Reeve Reeve Deputy Reeve Reeve Deputy Reeve Reeve Deputy Reeve Reeve Deputy Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Deputy Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Aldborough Aldborough Dunwich Dunwich Southwold Southwold Yarmouth Yarmouth Iilalahide l!.alahide I3ayham Bayham South Dorchester South Dorchester Aylmer Aylmer Vienna Springfield Port Stanley Port Stanley vJest Lorne Rodney Port Burwell Belmont Reeve Morley E. Binks was present but as a "Clerk's Cer- tificate As To Election Of Reeve" had not been filed with the County Clerk; he was unable to sit in accordance with Section 185 ,of The Municipal Act. The Clerk announced that any Councillor who was a candi- date for the Office of Warden would now be given the opportunity to speak. Deputy Reeve Glover spoke to Council advising that he was a candidate and would appreciate receiving support. Reeve Longhurst advised that he had received'an education within the last two or three weeks and indicated that he lacked experience as well as support. 11e was withdrawing from the elec- tion and was supporting Deputy Reeve Glover. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Longhurst That Deputy Reeve Glover he Warden for the year 1979. - Carried. l'he Warden elect took the Declaration of Office and the Oath of ~llegiance. Past \larden L. 1<. Carroll gowned \iarden Glover and placed the chain of office around his neck. He presented him with the Lord Elgin Watch and the Gavel of Office. Warden Glover addressed the Council and expressed his appreciation for the honour accorded him and the Town of Aylmer. He expressed comments on the r~st year and the coming one. 10 11 · 2 . Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Reeve ~haw That the minutes of the November 1978, Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. .. 3 .. County Council, December Session, 1971 From Mrs. BarbaraLDixon, Secretary-~reasurer, Land Divi- sion Committee, with request to renew subscriptions to I~unicipal World. - Heferred to the County Government Committee. .. Carried. The following Communications were read and referred to the various Committees: From W~. R. K. McNeil, M.P.P., with letter of apprecia- tion for receiving notice of Council's endorsation of the reso- lution from the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville, re: dangerous loads. - Filed. From Mr. Jim McGuigan, M.P.P., with letter of apprecia- tion for receiving advice on Council's endorsation of the reso- lution from the County of Middlesex re: Amendments to The Trees Act and from Leeds and Grenville re: dangerous cargoes. - Filed. From the Town of Aylmer Committee of Adjustment with two notices of hearing re: minor variances, set for December 19th, 1978. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Young Men's Christian Association of Elgin-St. Thomas, acknowledging receipt of 1978 grant, report on 1978 pro- gram, and request for 1979 grant. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From The Council for Canadian Unity with information on Canada Week - June 25th to July 1st, 1979. - heferred to the Finance Committee. From The St. Thomas Field Naturalist Club with copy of letter to the Ministry of Natural Resources with comments on their plans for the Springwater Bush. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the Township of 3outhwold with notice of applica- tion to The Ontario Municipal Board for approval of a by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From Rye & Partners'with request for information on status of roads etc. as it effects Lots 21 and 22, Concession 3, Lot 22, Concession 4, and part of Lot 32, Nl~BTI(, Township of Southwold. - Referred to the koads Committee. From The Tillsonburg and District Association for the Mentally Retarded with request for a grant. - l(eferred to the Finance Committee. From the Tillsonburg and District Association for the Mentally Retarded, with appreciation for receipt of 1978 grant. .. Filed. From Family & Children's Services of st. Thomas and Elgin with list of Children in Care and Financial statement to October 31st, 1978. - }(eferred to the Finance Committee. From the Canadian National Institute for the Blind with request for a grant. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Salvation Army with request for a grant for 1979. - Referred to the Finance Committee. ( From Mr. R. K. McNeil, M.P.P., acknowledging receipt of Council's endorsation of the resolution from the County of Middlesex re: Amendments to The Trees Act. - Filed. From M. J. Hennessey & Associates with revised by-law to amend By-Law No. 2208 re: "estate residential lot". - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with copies of reports on Children's Aid Societies Funding and response re: Provincial Children's Services Legislation. - Re- ferred to the County Government Committee. From the Ministry of Housing advising that a booklet on adoption, submission and lOdging of official plans and amendments is available for distribution, on request. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications advising that the ministerially adjusted assessment for the City' of St. Thomas is $72,900,000.00 for 1979. - Filed. From The Ontario Drainage Tribunal with notice of hear- ing to be held December 14th, 1978 at 10:00 A.;;. in the Township of Westminster Council Chambers re: appeal concerning The ~~dter Drain No.2. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Ontario Municipal Social Services Association with request for membership. - Referred to the Social Services Committee. From the Thames Valley District liealth Council with ad- vice that Reeve K. C. Emerson has tendered his resignation from the Council and request for a new appointment. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with Memo No. 78-6G re: Annual Returns for 1978 Subsidy. - Re- ferred to the Roads Committee. From the City of st. 1~omas with copy of resolution concurring in appointing a joint municipal liaison committee and naming the City's appointees. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From W~. R. A. Barrett, Secretary, Local Government Re- structuring Study Committee, with resolution re: appointment of a standing liaison committee to meet annually with the City of St. Thomas~ - I~eferredto the County Government Committee. From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with membership renewal form. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Southwestern Ontario Travel Association request- ing to meet with County representatives to outline their 1979 pro- gram and plans. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the st. Thomas-Elgin Debt Counselling Service with request for a 1979 grant. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the University of Western Ontario with appreciation for 1978 grant. - Filed. From McKay, McKay & Vedova with request to have the County confirm the Township of bouthwold By-Law No. 78-32 to close a road allowance. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 12 13 - 4 - - 5 - County Council, December Session, 1978 From the Bank of Montreal extending their bCf;t wishes for the coming year and inviting County Council and Officials to be guests of the bank at a dinner to be held at the Elgin Labour Centre, 18 Princess j.venue,. St. Thomas, on \/ednesday, February 21st, 1979 at 6:00 P.M. - Filed. From the Regional j-.~unicipality of Hamilton-Wentworth with a reply from the Honourable James Snow, 11inister of Trans- portation and Communications, regarding their resolution on vehi- cle registration statistics. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Ontario Municipal Recreation Association with request for membership. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Ministry of Labour advising that l~. 00 P. Carroll has been appointed as Conciliation Officer re: Elgin Manor employees. - Fceferred to the Personnel Coromi ttee. From the Ostrander Nursery School and the St. Thomas Day Nursery with request for an increase in the daily rate for Day Care Services.. - I(eferred to the Social Services Committee. From the Canadian Red Cross Society, St. Thomas Dranch, with a request for an increase in the Homemaker rate. - Referred to the Social Services Committee. A delegation from the Elqin Plowmen's Association com- posed of /.:r. Les J\rrnstrong, l-ir. Ken Bawden and It.r. l(eg Cl inton were present. It was rroved by I~eeve Caverly that they be now heard. /.:r. [.nnstrong congratulated the viarden on his election and advised that they hoped to have the 1984 International Plow- ing l,:atch held in Elc:in County. lIe advised of. tlle recent meeting with interested rersons and groups and of the information obtained on number of acres required. He requested the County to send a letter to the Ontario Plowmen's j,ssociation throuqh Mrs. Jessie Bavlden advisinq that the County was behind the Plowmen's Associ- ation financially and ".orally. j~ bus load is beinq arranged to attend the convention in Toronto, February 20th, 1979, and re- quested the viarden to attend. It was suggested that the group report back to County Council in January on the support they have gained. Warden Glover thanked the group and invited them to lunch. The matter was referred to the Agricultural Committee. The Report of the Special Committee to strike the Standing Commi~tees for the year 1979 was presented by Reeve Kelly and adopted on motion of I<eeve Kelly and Reeve Greene The Warden appointed Reeve Kelly, Reeve Green, Reeve Hodgson and Reeve Liebner to be nembers of the Committee to strike the Standing Committees for the year 1978/79. Moved by Reeve Shaw Seconded by Reeve Fleck That we do now adjourn to meet again on December 20th, 1978, at 10:00 A.M. UNFIllISHED PU~>I~IESS A resolution was originally presented to County Council in ~~y 1978 as follows: "THAT Elgin County Council look at the possibility of meeting every other wednesday at 2:00 Pol!!. starting with the 2nd Wednesday of the month.H It was tabled on several occasions and finally until the new Council meto - Carried. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Reeve Enerson THAT the resolution to meet every other \lednesday at 2:00 P.M. be filed. - Carried. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. S. J. Glover, Warden. Moved py Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Shaw Resolved that the Elgin County Education Liaison com- mittee recommend to the Elgin County Boards of Education and the local community colleges that local manpower offices be contacted to establish the needs and trends for skilled and semi-skilled trades and adjust curricula to more adequately meet local needs. December Session - Second Day Wednesday, December 20th, 1978 - Carried. All members present except Reeve Binks and Reeve Lashbrook. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Wilson Resolved that Elgin County Council endorse the principle of work fare in that in order to become eligible for welfare as- sistance able bodied persons be required to perform work for the municipality in which assistance is granted to them. - Carried. The Elgin County heed Inspector's Report was mailed to all members of County Council prior to this Session. WJ. Baker was present to answer any questions. The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municipal Building in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Cl~ir. The Warden requested a minute's silence in memory of Mr. William (Bill) Small, an employee of the Roads Department, who died suddenly yesterday. 14 15 - 7 - County Council, December Session, 197 - 6 - Moved by Reeve Kelly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Fischer That the County ~eed Inspector's Report be adopted and printed in the proceedings. It was moved by Reeve Shaw and seconded by Deputy Reeve Stewart that the l~eport be adopted. An amendment was made as follows: - Carried. Moved by Reeve Phillips Seconded by Reeve Longhurst That item H7" of the, Finance Committee Report be amended by deleting the name of "Richard HaddowH and substituting "Deputy Reeve Morris Ripley". The amendment was put and lost. The original motion to adopt the Report was put and carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Monteith Seconded by Reeve Viilson That By-Law No. 2558 "To Appoint a County Road Committee" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by l~eeve Wilson That By-Law No. 2558 be read a second time. The Report of the County Government Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Longhurst and adopted on motion of Reeve Longhurst and Reeve Hodgson. - Carr ied. The Report of the Reception and Entertainment Committee was presented by Deputy I~eeve Fischer and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Fischer and Reeve Shaw. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve McBrien - Carr ied. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit That By-Law No. 2559 "ToAuthorize the Warden and the Treasurer to Borrow the Sum of Two Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars" be read a first time. passed. That By-Law No. 2558 be read a third time and finally Moved by Reeve Longhurst Seconded by Reeve Kelly That we do now adjourn to meet again on December 20th, 1978, at 2:00 P.M. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by Reeve Campbell That By-Law No. 2559 be read a second time. - Carried. - Carried. Council Re-Convened. Moved by Reeve Campbell Seconded by Reeve Wilson The Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Reeve Enerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and heeve Longhurst. passed. That By-Law No. 2559 be read a third time and finally The Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of heeve Caverly and l(eeve Green. - Carried. Reeve Caverly advised Council that the 4H banquet had been held December 1st, 1978 and Reeve Cook had attended and re- ceived a 1978 plaque of "thanks" to be attached to one presently in the C1erk-Treasurer's Office. Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Reeve McBrien The Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee was presented by I~eeve Hodgson and adopted on motion of }.:eeve Hodgson and Deputy I(eeve l,.onteith. The Report of the Roads Conmittee was presented by Reeve Green and adopted on motion of Reeve Green and ~eeve Campbell. The Report of the Social Services Co~~ittee was pre- sented by Reeve 0haw and adopted on motion of Eecve Shaw and Deputy Leeve Stewart. That By-Law No. 2560 "Being a By-Law to Appoint an Assistant Engineer for the County of Elginn be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve McSrien That By-Law No. 2560 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reev9 ~cBrien Seconded by Reeve Bradfield The Report of the Finance Committee was presented by Reeve Shaw. passed. That By-Law No. 2560 be read a third time and finally - Carried. 16 1"1 .. 8 .. .. 9 .. County Council, December Session, 1978 Moved by Reeve UcBrien Seconded by I<eeve Caverly .. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Martyn Seconded by Reeve Shaw That By-Law No. 2564 "Being a By-Law to Amend County of Elgin Dy-Law No. 2208" be read a first time. - Carried. That By-Law No. 2561 "Being a By-Law to Establish the Sa.1Clry of the Assistant Engineer for the County of Elgin" be read a first time. Moved by Deputy I,eeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve ;':cErien .. Carried. Moved by Reeve Phillips Seconded by Reeve Shaw That By-Law No. 2564 be read a second time. - Carried. That By-I~w No. 2561 be read a second time. Moved by Reeve McBrien Seconded by I~eeve Caverly passed. That By-I~w No. 2561 be read a third time and finally Moved by Reeve Snaw Seconded by Deputy Reeve W~rtyn That By-Law No. 2564 be read a third time and finally passed. .. Carried. .. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Caverly .. Carried. Moved by Reeve Shaw Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law iIo. 2565 "1'1. By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the December Session, 1978" be read a first time. .. Carried. That By-Law No. 2562 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk of the County of Elgin to Sign a ~;emorandum of Agreement Re: Elgin County Road #55, with the Regional ~unic- ipality of Haldimand-Norfolk" be read a first time. .. Carried. Moved by Reeve Shaw Seconded by Reeve Wilson That By-Law No. 2565 be read a second time. .. Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit That By-Law No. 2562 be read a second time. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Deputy Eeeve Ueu1::amm 1~at By-Law No. 2562 be read a third time and finally Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by h~eeve Shaw That By-Law No. 2565 be read a third tine and finally passed. passed. .. Carried. .. Carried. .. Carried. Season's greeting's were extended by the various members of Council on behalf of their municipalities to all present. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by keeve Kelly That we do now adjourn to meet again on January 17th, 1979, at 10:00 A.M. Moved by Deputy Reeve Valters Seconded by Reeve Bradfield That By-Law No. 2563 "Being a BY-Law to Establish the Rate of Pay for Certain Employees in the Homes for Senior Citizens" be read a first time. Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Deputy heeve \:al ters That By-Law No. 2563 be read a second time. .. Carried. .. Carr ied. Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Deputy !teeve \-Jal ters That By-l~w No. 2563 be read a third time and finally passed. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. S. J. Glover, Warden. .. Carried. 18 19 \iAIWEN'S 1\l)DRESS REPmT OF SH':CIi.L COr,:i-lITTEE TO STRIKE THE STMIDING COJ.:rHTTEES December Session, 1978 To the Members of County Council, Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen: I would first of all like to thank Council for the honour you have accorded me, and the Town of Aylmer, by elect- ing me as your v;arden in 1979. I would also like to extend a warm welcome on behalf of myself and the r'iembers of County Council to the past \:iardens, Councillors and Guests who are with us this afternoon. To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, TIle following is the report of the Special Committee to strike the Standing Committees for the year 1979: To Past Warden Lorne Carroll, my sincere thanks for a job well done. It has been a pleasure to serve under your Chairmanship and I am sure you can look back with pride and satisfaction on the work accomplished in 1978. AGR ICULTUI"AL Caverly, Kelly, Campbell, Longhurst, Shaw, Green, Wilson and Warden Glover A word of welcome to the nine new rr.embers of Council this year. We hate to see old kenbers leave but new blood in Council brings new ideas and thoughts on how best to run this Council's business and I look forward to working with you to this end. COUNTY GOVEIWr,;ENT Longhurst, Caverly, Green, \'iilson, HOdgson, Liebner, Lashbrook and Warden Glover COUNTY ROADS It would seem at first glance that there are no big issues to deal with in the coming year. Terrace LOdge has been opened, a new Garbage Disposal site is now being used. Ilestructuring has been tabled for further study in the future, the Stevenson 6 Kellogg report on fair pay for existing staff has just been received and is being studied by Council. It would appear that our wage rates are fair and I think the report would give the Personnel Committee excellent guidelines to follow in the future. Green, Kelly, Campbell, Caverly, Wilson and \iarden Glover Advisory - Shaw, Phillips, Longhurst EDUCATIONAL Pettit, Fischer , Walters, lI.onteith, I,jartyn, Neukamm, Stewart, Emerson, Eodgson, Binks, Ripley, Liebner, Lashbrook, Bradfield, Fleck and Warden Glover However, balancing a budget will be a difficult task in '79. Senior Governments cutting grants, costs in all De- partments increasing and the general rise of inflation all contribute to the cause of a possible rise in taxes. I shall work with Council to make every effort to carry out our priorities at the lowest possible cost consistent with good government. FINANCE Shaw, Kelly, Campbell, Longhurst, Caverly, Green, Wilson, McBrien, Emerson, Hodgson, Binks, Phillips, Liebner, Lashbrook, Bradfield, Fleck and Warden Glover H01.;ES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS I would like to say that again I appreciate the opportunity of serving the people of Elgin County and I look forward to working with Council to resolve the challenges that will confront us in 1979. Thank you. Hodgson, Monteith, McBrien, Binks, and Warden Glover Advisory - Neukamm, Bradfield LOCAL GOVERNMENT STUDY McBrien, Walters, Wilson, Bradfield and \larden Glover PERSONNEL Emerson, Longhurst, Hodgson, Phillips and Warden Glover PROPERTY Stewart, vfal ters, !'~rtyn, Fleck and \-larden Glover RECEPTION AND EUTERTAINl'I.ENT Lashbrook, Walters, Monteith! V~rtyn, Neukamm, Stewart, Pettit, Ripley, Fischer and Warden Gover SOCIAL SERVICES Binks, Shaw, Pettit, Ripley and Warden Glover HEALTH UNIT Neukamm and Liebner sr. THOMAS-ELGIN GENERAL HOSPITAL Emerson and Liebner Emerson to represent the Warden 20 21 - 2 V1EED INJrECTOI~'S J.:EfOJ<T TILLSONBURG DISTRICT 1,;E;MORIAL HffiPIT[\L December Session, 1978 Stewart FOUR COUNTIES GEt1ERAL H<XiPITf\L Fischer To the Warden and l,~embers of the Elgin County Council, LIBRARY BOi\RD Kelly, ~mrtyn, Lashbrook and Warden Glover CHILDI,EN'S AID Canpbell, Fettit, Ripley MUSEUM I wish to report on weed control in the County of Elgin for the year 1978. I am sure most farmers are well pleased with the results from their farming operations for this year. Some late corn and bean crops suffered from the drought we had in early summer, but when the showers came most of these crops grew and matured due to the nice fall weather. Clover crops perhaps were down in yield this year, but it was of good quality. Fischer, Walters Most farmers had good results from their spraying programs. But there were areas where late crops of beans and corn were sprayed after the dry weather set in and their chemicals had little effect on the grass and weeds. WE RECOI'd:1END that each Committee meet and appoint a Chairman as soon as possible. Tobacco farmers had an exceptionally good year. They have a high quality crop plus reasonably good weight. They were most fortunate to have very little hail and a long frost-free growing season. Noxious weeds throughout the County poses a problem for everyone but in a recent letter I received from the l.iin- istry of Agriculture and Food it states "Road Authorities must set the example for weed control within the County". I must say I have had good co-operation from road crews in the Townships and they have tried to do a good job of spraying. Most Townships sprayed with 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T which is rec- ommended to kill more weeds and brush, according to the 1978 Guide to Chemical \:eed Control Book from the l.anistry of Agriculture and Food, page 17. But there were areas in the County especially Yarmouth Township where only 2,4-D was used and many species of weeds were not destroyed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. Southwold Township sprays their roadsides .ii th 2,4-D but most of their road allowances are nowed later in the sumner and have a good appearance. Hm.,rever, the County roads in the 'l'O\mshir are not r:lowed and many species of weeds are not destroyed. There are also sone areas that are impos- sible to spray because of crops. Of the 923 :niles of 'l'o\mship roads, 717 miles were sprayed or 78"10. The County from their 300 miles of road ordered 237 miles to be sprayed but due to crops, 195 railes \-/ere cprayed or 65<;'0, and I am sure this falls short of setting an example for weed control within the CO\lnty. In conversations with road cre'-Is from the Townships, they most all agree that they <:ire not equipped .,ith their sprayers to reach out to the fence lines on the .,ide County roads, but they are quite adequate for the Township roads. Perhaps something could be done to solve this probleJ:l. Even Provincial l:!igrll...ay Departnents ,...ere reluctant about cutting their weeds in certain areclS. I contacted their office in London to discuss this T;ldtter and it seemed they objected to nowinq grass in order to save Honey tl.is year. I pointed out to them tlw ";!eed i\ct does not nention to cut your grass but it does say destroy your noxious weeds, which they continued to do. IC. M. Kelly. Chairman. 22 23 COUNTY OF ELGIN .. 2 .. By-Law No. 2558 Railroads did put some effort on weed control. C.P. sprayed all their road allowances in the County in early spring, but this had no effect on perennial weeds, which came up later. C .1I.I:. cut their road allowances throughout the County but the machine they use is limited in the distance they can reach, so there is a strip on each side that is missed. Complaints over noxious weeds on private property were down considerably this year. Perhaps this was due to developers and real estate people looking after their own property. Most lots that were ordered cut are owned by people who live outside the County and are quite satisified to pay for this service in their taxes. "TO [IPFOINT t. COUj,lTY ROl,D C():J~ITTEE." As requiz:ed by Section 42 of the Highway Improvement Act, being Chapter 201 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the Elgin County Council enacts: 1. TlffiT the following five members of this Council con. stitute a Corrunittee for the purpose of directing the work: to be done on the County Road System: In closing my report, I would like to thank County and Township Officials, road crews and other Weed Inspectors and a special thanks to the office staff at the County Munic.. ipal Building, Township Clerks and their staff for the help and co-operation they have given me throughout the year. R. A. Green for term of one year K. M. Kelly for term of two years D. J. Campbell for term of three years W. R. Caverly for term of four years J. B. vlilson for term of five years. 2. TIffiT By-Law No. 2499 be and is hereby repealed. ALL of which is respectfully supmitted. READ a first time this 20th day of Decembe~ 1978. READ a second time this 20th day of December, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of Decembe~ 1978. ,-/a4'A:2.r?-? a,6'/--? Jackson Baker, Elgin County Weed Inspector. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. S. J. Glover, Warden. 24 25 AGHICULTUT~M, CO;,;l:ITTEE I?EPOI\'T PERSONNEL COMMIT'i'EE REPORT December ~ssion, 1978 December Session, 1978 To the Warden and J~ernbers of the Elgin County Council, To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That we recommend to County Council that the follow- ing hourly rates of pay be established for employees at Terrace Lodge not covered by the Collective Agreement: Position Effective Start 1 Yr. 2 Yr. 3 Yr. Relief Cook Jan. 1/79 $5.50 5.60 5.70 5.80 Supervisor July 8/79 5.55 5.65 5.75 5.85 Jan. 6/80 5.60 5.70 5.80 5.90 Recreation Director J an . 1 / 7 9 5.45 5.55 5.65 5.75 and Craft Supervisor July 8/79 5.50 5.60 5.70 5.80 Jan. 6/80 5.55 5.65 5.75 5.85 1. That the revised by-law to amend By-Law No. 2208 to allow for "estate residential" exemptions be prepared and pre- sented to Council. 2. That the letter from the St. Thomas Field Naturalist Club to the l'unistry of Natural lCesources with comments on plans for the Springwater bush be filed. 3. That a letter be prepared to the Ontario Plowmen's Association advising that the Elgin CO\lnty Council is willing to support the Elgin County Plowmen's i1.ssociation financially and morally to have the 1984 International Plowing 1/~tch located in Elgin County. 2. That we recommend the uniform allowance for the position of Relief Cook Supervisor be increased from $20.00 to $60.00 per annum, effective January 1st, 1979. 3. That a by-law be prepared and presented to Council implementing changes for the above-mentioned Terrace Lodge positions. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. 4. That we reco~~end that Mr. David James Whitney be engaged as Assistant county Engineer at a rate of $22,782 per annum, (Step 2, Level 12), payable biweekly, effective January 15th, 1979, and that a by-law be prepared for presen- tation to Council. 5. That the recommendations contained from the previous meeting be incorporated into a report and presented to County Council for adoption. 6. That the letters from the Ministry of Labour re: the appointment of a Conciliation Officer for Elgin Manor Employees be noted and that it be suggested that the meeting take place at the Municipal Building on January 12th, 1979. w. R. Caverly, Chairman. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. K. C. Emerson, Chairman. ~6 27 HOMES FOI( SErJIG~ CITIZENS COj,;I.;I'l'TEE HEFORT December Session, 1978 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE To the Warden and ~embers of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: FIRST' REPORT DECEMBER SESSION 1978 1. The tender of The Borden Company has been accepted for supplying milk requirements for 1979. 2. The tender of Dempster's Toastmaster has been accepted for supplying bread at a price of 35.8~ per 24 loaf for 1979. TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: oz. YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: We recomueud that 11 By-Law ue passed authorizing. the Warden and Clerk to sign an Agreement with the Region of Haldimand-Norfolk with regard to construction and maintenance on Elgin County Road 55, also being Haldimand_Norfolk Road 26. This Agreement will allow ALL of which is respectfullysuhmitted. lIaldimand-Norf:olk to assume complete control of tllf' timing and expenditure of construction money on the northerly 2 miles of road and will allow Haldimand-Norfolk to obtain Ministry of Transportation and Communications Subsidy on work done this year on this portion of the road. The County of Elgin will have control of the timing and expenditure on the south 2 miles of road. Haldimand-Norfolk will continue maintenance on the road and bill the .County of Elgin Serf. of the cost as in the past. Chairman. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. fiJ~t:4Ud}<~ CHAIRMAN ~~,,:.,,(' ~l~J1 J"/'A~V 28 29 SCCIM.. SE1:VICE3 COi"j'H'l'TEE r~ErORT December Session, 1978 FIUM1CE COt:!G'ITEE REPOId' December 0ession, 1978 ~o the Warden and ~;embers of the Elgin County Council, The Social Services Committee reports as follows: To the Warden and l~embers of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That we reconunend that membership be taken out in the Ontario Municipal Social 3ervices j~ssociation for the County of Elgin at a cost of ~130.00 and be paid through the 1979 budget. 1. That the Warden and Treasurer be authorized to borrow up to $2,500,000.00 from the Bank of I:.ontreal, as may be required during 1979 and that a by-law be prepared. 2. That K. C. Emerson, A. H. Liebner, K. M. Kelly and M. H. Stewart be paid members wages for attendance at hospital board meetings during 1978. 3. That Council Il.embers on the Children's Aid Society be paid an additional amount to bring their per diem and mileage rates equal to Council Committee pay for 1978. 4. That E. P. Lotus and D. R. Shackleton be paid members "ages and mileage for attending meetings of the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board during 1978. 2. That the Director be authorized to pay his member- ship in O.I.;.S.S.A. through his 1979 Social Services Budget. 3. That the request from the St. Thomas Day Nursery and the Ostrander Nursery 5chool to increase the per diem rate for day care services from $8.50 to $9.50 be approved subject to the investigation of a user fee. 4. That we approve of the new rates for Canad1ll1 Red Cross Society Homemaker Services of $4.60 per hour, effective January 1st, 1979, subject to the approval of the Ministry of Community and Social Services for subsidy purposes. 5. That G. R. Pettit and J. P. I~emett be paid an addi- tional amount to bring their per diem and mileage rates equal to Council Committee pay for attendance at the Elgin-St. 1~omas Health Unit Board meetings during 1978. 6. That the requests for 1979 grants from the following organizations be tabled to the January Session of County Council for consideration: ALl,' of which is respectfully submitted. (a) Young Men's Christian Association of Elgin- St. Thomas. (b) The Ti11sonburg and District Association for the Mentally Retarded. (c) The Canadian National Institute for the Blind. (d) The Salvation Army. (e) St. Thomas-Elgin Debt Counselling Service. 7. That Mr. Richard Haddow's name be recommended as the County's appointment to the Thames Valley District Health Council. M. E. Binks, Chairman. 8. That the 1979 membership fee of $690.29 be paid to the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario in January 1979. 9. That. the letter from the Southwestern Ontario Travel Association re: program and plans for a 1979 Travel Guide be tabled and that a Committee composed of the following persons meet with the Southwestern Ontario Travel Association - Reeve \-lilson, !<eeve Bradfield, Reeve Phillips, I~eeve Bi.nks and Warden Glover, to discuss the plans for 1979. 10. That the letter from The Council for Canadian Unity with regard to material etc. for planning activities for Canada \/eek, June 25th to July 1st, 1979 be tabled and referred to the Special Committee set up re: the Travel Brochure. 11. That the list of Children in Care and Financial State- ment for the month of Cctober 1978, from the Family and Chil- dren's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin be filed. 30 31 .. 2 - COUNTY GOVER!i;.lENT COI:~.JITI'EE I~EPORT 12. That the request from the Ontario V:unicipal Hecre- ~tion,Association for membership be filed. December Session, 1978 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Report on Children's Aid Societies Funding and response re: Provincial Children's Services Legislation from the '~ssociation of Counties and Regions of Ontario be filed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. 2. We recommend that a joint standing liaison committee be appointed comprised of \Jarden Glover, !(eeve l.jcBrien and Reeve Bradfield, to meet at least once annually before I,;a.y 15th in each year, with a similar committee from the City of St. Thomas, to facilitate discussion on matters of mutual concern and report back through the Local Government Study Committee. 3. We recommend that the request of the Land Division Committee to take out six subscriptions to the Municipal World at a cost of $39.00 be granted. 4. We recommend that a Special meeting of the County Government Committee be held January 11th, at 1:30 P.M., for the purpose of reviewing remuneration of the Warden, Council, Land Division, payment of appointees to outside boards, as well as the question of convention attendance. L. J. Shaw, Chairman. 5. That the letter from the l~inistry of Housing advising that a booklet on adoption, submission and lodging of official plans and ~mendment is available be filed. 6. We recommend that the former Deputy Reeve Cowan be paid Committee pay for his attendance at the Homes for Senior Citizens convention in September and it be paid through the Home budget. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. L. A. Longhurst, Chairman. 32 33 RECEPTION [,rID E:n'EI<T[,I1::,jErlT CCW!.ITTEE 1-:EPOId' December Session, 1978 LF. 10 Rev. October 1972 OnL Municipal By-law for Current Expenditures. 039142 Printed in Canado. To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Reception and Entertainment Committee reports as follows: Municipality of E.LGIU BY-LAW No. 2559 1. \'Ie recommend that a charc;e of $20.00 per couple be made for the Ladies' Night to be held at the Sheridan Inn, on January 6th, 1979. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation deems it necessary to borrow the sum of T\<:O MIl r TON, F'TVF. lTIINm;>'[.'n 'l'POTTc)AtJn ____uu_____ nn IIOOdollars to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Corporation for the year 1979; AND WHEREAS the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Corporation as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 19-2.8, not including revenues derivable or derived from the sale of assets, borrowings or issuance of debentures or from a surplus, including arrears ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~T~ I~ma~ of taxes, is. SIX MILLION. SnTY ..NINE 1'1iOU3AND, NINE mnmRED_1.J1IL revenues for the .""on! )'011' if ad- .Illed, I' not, those of Iaat yOlt. SIXTY ----------------------------_____________ 00/100 dollars during 1979 AND WHEREAS the total amount heretofore authorized to be botrowed ~ for ~rE:.,'"'~v~r;;; the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 332 of The Municipal Act is By-law(., pused lhIa )'011'. ~JTL dollars, of which the Corporation has already borrowed a total of NIL dollars. THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the COUl:TY of ELGIN hereby enacts as follows: or Deputy Treasurer 1. The Head and the Treasurer tare hereby authorized on behalf of the Corporation to J. Fischer, Chairman. borrow from time to time, by way of promissory note, from the Bank of Montreal, a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate '1'1:10 MIT.T IOU ,F'TVR mnmRF.n 'J'l.l(~lTC',r\ ~m --------------------- flnll no dollars to meet, until the taxes arE! collected, the current expenditures of the Corporation for the year~rlcPu~ing the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of the said Section 332, and to give, on behalf of the Cor. poration, to the Bank a promissory note or notes, sealed with the corporate seal and signed by them for the moneys so borrowed with interest at a rate not exceeding PI;> n:v. per centum per annum, which may be paid in advance or otherwiae. 34 35 2. All sums borrowod from the said Bank, for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 332. shall, with interest thereon, ho a charge upon the whole of tho revenues of the Corporation for the current year and for all preceding years, as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this By-law, as woll as all other sums borrowed in this year and any previous years.. from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 332. together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received on account or realized in respect of the taxes levied for the current year and preceding years and all of the moneys collected or received from any other source, which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this 20th day of ne,,..,mh"'r 19a COUr;7Y OF ELGI;/ Dy-Law Ho. 2560 "vEI;;C; J.. dY-JR.: '1'0 j.Jlj OI!lT ;dJ j.~~m.)T;,;:T ElIGI:;U;n: FOi, THE COUNTY OF ELGIH." WEEhEJ.0 it is deemed advisable to appoint an Assistant Lngineer for the County of Llgin. NO\I 'I'HE1~iFC1~E the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts uS follows: CORPORATE SEAl (Th. Head .1 thl Cotpotation.) \Jar den I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No._of The Corpora- tion of the of in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Corporation duly held, and that the said By-law is in full force and effect. 2. THAT ;!.r. David Ja.I:'.es v:hitney be, and is hereby appointed Assistant Engineer for the County of Elgin. Tlu,T he be paid the rates established for other County Er:l:ployees for the use of his car while on County business. 11~~T this by-law shall become effective January 15th, 1979. 1. Clwk. 3. Dated this day of. .19_. As witness the Seal of the Corporation. Cleric. READ a first time this 20th day of December, 1978. READ a second time this 20th day of December, 1978. REl,D a third time and finally passed this 20th day of December, 1978. CoRPORATE SEAl G. C. Leverton, Clerk. s. J. Glover, Warden. 36 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2561 "BEING A BY-LAW 'i'0 ESTfJ3LISH TIlE SALARY OF THE A~~IST[.NT ENGINEER Fa!? TIlE COUHTY OF ELGII1." WHEREAS Mr. David James wnitney has been appointed Assistant Engineer for the County of Elgin. AND WfIEREAS it is advisable to establish a salary for the position. NOW TIIEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. Tf.V\T the salary for the position of Assistant Engineer sha1lbe $876.23 biweekly. THAT this By-Law shall become effective January 15th, 1979. 2. 37 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. Z5b2 "BElllG f, BY -U,VI TO AUTIIWIZE THE '.:J\IWEH 1\1:D THE CLEId~ OF THE COUHTY OF ELGIN TO SIGN l\ U:IWEJ\.NDUi-; OF F\Gl<EE;;UIT !~E: ELGIN COUNTY R01\D #55. \/I'11I TIrE l<EGIONl,L !,-:lJNICIPALITY OF HJ\LDH:J\.ND- NORFOLK." vnIEREAS the Corporation of the County of Elgin and the Regional l'.unicipality of lialdimand-Norfolk have agreed upon certain terms and conditions with regard to upgrading and maintaining various portions of Elgin County Road #55, which is also Regional Road #26. AND 1'11iEREAS it is desirable to set out the said terms and conditions by means of a "l>lemorandum of Agreement". NCJ\;/ TIIEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: That the Warden and the Clerk of the County of Elgin be, and are hereby authorized to sign a "Memorandum of l..gree- ment", between the Corporation of the County of Elgin and the Regional l(unicipali ty of Ea1dimand-Xorfolk, which shall set out certain terms and conditions to upgrade and maintain var- ious portions of Elgin County hoad 1/55 (Ii'egional Road #26), a copy of the said j,greement is attached hereto and marked Annex "A". READ a first time this 20th ~y of December, 1978. REA? a second time this 20th day of December, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of December, 1978. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. s. J. Glover, Warden. READ a first time this 20th day of December, 1978. READ a second time this 20th day of December, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of December, 1978. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. S. J. Glover, Warden. 38 39 ANNEX "An BY-LAW NO. 2562 THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF HALDIMAND-NORFOLK Page 2 of By-Law NO.--2:22 BY-LAW NO. 7-79 the agreement hereto annexed and marked as Schedule "A" to this by-law. A BY-LA\i TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT BE~iEEN THE REGIONAL MUNICI- PALITY OF HALDIMAND-NORFOLK AND COUNTY OF ELGIN 3. The effective date of this by-law shall be the date of final passing hereof. WHEREAS the Regional Municipality of Haldimand- Norfolk Act, 1973, s.o. 1973, C. 96 as amended, S. 7 (1), (2) states that the powers of the Regional Corporation shall be exercised by Regional Council by by-law, except where otherwise provided; THIS BY-LAW READ A FIRST, SECOND &~D THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 11th DAY OF January 1979. AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to execute an agreement between the Regional Municipality of Haldimand- Norfolk and County of Elgin for the purpose of constructing and repairing of Regional Road ff 26; ~ HAI&'1AN . NOW THEREFORE the Council 'of the Regional Munici- pality of Haldimand-Norfolk hereby enacts as follows: / --/I~ cl -f ~ . //~r~~~ /' . -..7 ~ L---- CLE 1. The Council does confirm and ratify the agreement hereto annexed and marked as Schedule "A" to this by-law; 2. The Chairman and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Regional Corporation ...2 40 41 THIS IS SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAtv NO. 7-79 Page 2 to Schedule "A" of By-Law No. 7-79 The County of Elgin and the Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk agrees as follows: To clarify this agreement, Regional Road # 26 and Elgin County Road #. 55 , under the By-Laws of the respective Municipality is identified as the same section of road. Also Regional Road # 45 and Elgin County Road # ~5 as well as Regional Road # 42 and Elgin County Road # 42 are identical points as the northern and southern limits of said Road #. 26. That the Regional Municipality of Haldimand- Norfolk assumes the responsibility for the upgrading of Regional Road # 26 from Regional Road # 45 southerly to the allowance for road between Concessions II and III of the Township of Bayham, in the County of Elgin. The upgrading and improvement of this section of Regional Road #. 26 will be at the full expense of the Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk and the Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk reserves the right, therefore, as to the timing and standard, of such upgrading, subject to any approvals required from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. This agreement to remain in force until changed by mutual agreement by both parties. SIGNED AND SEALED: (/ ?;l1ad C\. V{v/U.J.~ county. ofJ Elgin I J ~ N 31 ,'" '1 ,~ CHairman, Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk That the County of Elgin assumes the responsibility for the upgrading of Elgin County Road #. 55 from the allowance for road between Concession II and III of the 'Township of Bayham in the said County of Elgin, southerly to Elgin County Road # 42. .The upgrading and improve- ments of this section of County Road # 55' will' be at the full expense of the County of Elgin and the County of Elgin reserves the right, therefore, as to the timing and standards, of such upgrading, subject to any approvals required from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. It.is further agreed that the Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk shall continue the maintenance of Regional Road # 26 from Regional Road # 45 to Regional Road #. 42 and continue to bill one half of the said maintenance to the County of Elgin in the calendar year in which the said maintenance occurs. .42 43 COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2564 By-Law No. 2Sb3 "BEING A BY-LA\'I TO ESTIIBLISI1 THE IUITE OF [,flY FOr~ CERTf,IN EMPLOYEES IlJTIIF. iIOl'.mS FOE SEUIOU CITIZENS." "BEIIJC A BY-lAv;' TO AMEND COUlJ'fY OF ELGIN BY-I.J'M NO. 2208." WHEREAS certain positions are not covered by a collective agreement or other by-law AND \m~El'.s it is necessary to establish rates of pay for these positions. NOW THEREFORE the following rates be and are hereby \~1Er(EJ~it is desirable to exempt certain lands in the County of Elgin from the absolute prohibitions in By-Law No. 2208. 1. Registered Nurses - $6.43 per hour. TElmACE LODGE - Hourly Rates THmEFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. Section 2 of By-Law No. 2208, shall be amended by adding thereto paragraph (f) which shall read as follows: (f) Estate lots. .2. Estate lots, for the purpose of the By-Law shall be defined as adopted: 2. Recreation Director and Craft Supervisor Jan. 1/79 July 8/79 Jan. 6/80 $5.45 $5.50 $5.55 5.55 5.60 5.65 5.65 5.70 5.75 5.75 5.80 5.85. (a) A lot having an area of less than two acres; (b) A lot designated as "Estate Residential" under the restricted area By-Law, for the local mu- nicipality wherein the lot is located, ~ (c) A lot, for which a building permit has been issued to permit the construction thereon of ~ residential unit and (d) A l~t whereon it is necessary, to properly locate a residential unit, to remove trees to permit the construction and proper maintenance of the said residential unit, together with proper access thereto. '3. The Owner, prior to removing any trees from an es- tate lot as herein defined, shall File with the proper officer appointed under By~ Law No. 2208, a plan of the said lot, showing the proposed location of t~e residential building unit, the type and number of trees to be removed and the location, approximate number of, and the general type of trees to remain on the said lot, together with a copy of the building permit. 4. In all other respects By-Law No. 2208 shall remain the same. ~ l..1!h ~ 1...x&. Relief Cook Supervisor Jan. 1/79 $5.50 5.60 5.70 5.80 July 8/79 $5.55 5.65 5.75 5.85 Jan. 6/80 $5.60 5.70 5.80 5.90 Plus Annual Clothing Allowance of $60.00. READ a first time this 20th day of December, 1978. READ a second time this 20th day of December, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of December, 1978. s. TiffiT. By-Law No. 2497 be and is hereby repealed. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. S. J. Glover, Warden. READ a first time this 20th day of December, 1978. READ a second time this 20th day of December, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of December, 1978. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. S. J. Glover, Warden. 44 45 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2465 January Session - First Day Wednesday, the 17th day of January, 1979 nA BY -U\vl TO CmlFIlm PRCCEEDIlJGS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPOr?j\TION OF THE COmITY OF ELGIN AT THE DECE!::I3ER SESSIOn. 1978. n The Elgin County Council ~et this day at the County Municipal Building in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL - All members present except Deputy Reeve Martyn, Reeve Wilson, keeve Flodgson and Reeve Lashbrook. ~~IEREAS by Section 9 of the gunicipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the l<evised Statutes of Ontario, 1970 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; AND vnIEREfS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the I<evised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; Moved by Reeve Longhurst Seconded by Deputy Reeve fuonteith That 1;he minutes of the December 1978, Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. AND WIIEREf~ it is deemed expedient that the proceed- ings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be c~nfirmed and adopted by By-Law; NOW 'fHEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in. the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the December 1978 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. - Carried. READ a first time this 20th day of December, 1978. READ a second time this 20th day of ~cember, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of December, 1978. The following Communications were read and referred to the various Committees: From the Aylmer and East Elgin Agricultural Society with appreciation for 1978 grant and asking for continued support. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. Fro~ the Village of Port Stanley with copy of resolution and letter objecting to the application by the Canadian National Railroad to abandon the line from St. Thomas to Port Stanley. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Regional !,':unicipality of Haldimand-Norfolk with a copy of a report sent to the Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs with regard to the remarks made by the Ii;inister to the Ii..C.R.O. Convention in Sudbury. - Refe~red to the County Government Committee. From The Art Gallery, St. Tnomas-Elgin with appreciation for 1978 grant. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From Mr. R. A. Barrett, City Clerk-Administrator with request re: joint meeting to review 1979 Travel Brochure from the Southwestern Ontario Travel Association. - Referred to the Special Committee re: Travel Brochure. From the Rural Ontario Municipal Association with request for membership. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From The E1qin-St. Thomas Health Unit with request, for payment of expenditures made under the 1978 Enrichment and Expansion Program. -Referred to the Finnnce Conoittee. From.the ~inistry of Agriculture and Food with copy of Food Land Guidelines. -Filed. S. J. Glover, Warden. From the Ministry of Agriculture and Food re: site meeting under the Drainage Act, Section 9, lf~ilingNoticesand Reports, Section 41. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Bank of r\~ontreal advising that as of January 5th, 1979 the prime rate hasincteased by i~o to 12'70 for current expen- diture borrowing. - Filed. From the Bank of r'~ontrea1 advisinothat interim credit in the amount of Sl,OOO,OOO.OOhasbeen set~up for our 1979 current expenditure requirements. - Filed. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. From the Town of Aylmer with copy of Notice .from the Ontario Municipal Board in the matter of an application to annex 2.12 acres in The Township of !.;alahide. - Referred to the County GovernmentCommittee~ 46 47 - 2 - - 3 - County Council, January Session, 1979 From the Ministry of Culture and Recreation with infor- mation on "Fitness Ontario". - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications wi th subsidy allocation as follows: From the Pilot Club International expressing appreciation for matches given for their Fall Council. - Filed. From the Thames Valley District Health Council acknowl- edging Mr. Richard Haddow's appointment. - Filed. From the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital with information on up-to-date costs and funding requirements for expan- sion project. - Referred to the Finance Committee. Construction Maintenance TarAL $1,073,000 1,014,000 $2,087,000. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Township of North Dorchester with copy of Engineer's report and County Assessment with regard to the Reynolds Creek Drain. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Town of Aylmer Committee of Adjustment with notice of public hearing for a minor variance request, set for January 16th, 1979 at 8:00 P.M. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Til1sonburg and District Multi-Service Centre with request for a grant. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Victorian Order of Nurses with request for an increase in the 1979 fee for nursing visits. - Referred to the Social Services Committee. From the Association of Municipalities of Ontario with request for membership fee. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Family and Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with list of Children in Care and Financial Statement to November 30th, 1978. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From Eric Hartemink with appreciation for award received at Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technology, donated by the County of Elgin. - Filed. From West Elgin and East Elgin District Women's Institutes with nominees to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board. - Referred to. the Finance Committee. From the City of St. Thomas with their nominee to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Ministry of Agriculture and Food announcing a four and one-half day course for Drainage Commissioners, April 2nd-6th, at the University of Guelph. - Filed. From the St. Thomas Uunicipal Chapter I.O.D.E. with nominee to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board for 1979. - Re- ferred to the Finance Committee. From the Ontario Good Roads Association. with program for 1979 convention. - Filed. From the County of Peterborough advising that Mr. Ellwood Hamilton is being nominated for the R~O.M.A. Board of Directors and requesting support. - Filed. From the Ministry of Conmunity and Social Services with a copy of The Task Force's first paper entitled "Children's Aid Society Budgeting ~ Issues and Concerns". - Referred to the Finance Committee. A delegation from the University of Western Ontario, composed of Dr. W. S. Turner, Professor David B. Walden, Department of Plant Sciences, andVrr. Michael L. Toth of Port Burwell, a first year student in the Faculty of Science, were in attendance. It was moved by Reeve Emerson that the delegation be heard. Dr. Turner introduced the members of the delegation and expressed his appreciation for the opportunity of coming to the Council meeting. He congratulated Warden Glover on his election. Professor Walden commented on 1978 as the University's special year as it was their Centennial. Problems which have dollar signs attached are not unique to Ontario as others are experiencing the same type. As far as science purchases were concerned the dollars available purchased only 50% of what could be bought in 1967 for the same value. He briefly commented on problems created by legislation for the seed companies. He an- swered several questions posed by members of C9uncil. Michael Toth explained that he was a graduate of East Elgin Secondary School and thanked the County for their support in the way of scholarships. Professor Turner stated that County Council Day at Western would be June 13th. The book entitled '~iestern's First Century" would be available for distribution in V~rch and a copy will be forwarded. From The Art Gallery, St. Thomas-Elgin with request for 1979 grant. - Referred to the. Finance Committee. From the County of Huron advising that they support Mr~ Harold Robinson who is to be nominated to the R.O.M.A. Board of Directors and requesting support~ - Filed. From the Quad County Association for the Uentally Retarded with request for 1979 grant. - Referred to the Finance Committee. The Warden thanked the delegation, referred their request to the Finance Committee for consideration. He invited the group to lunch but they were unable to accept. The First Report of the Personnel Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Reeve Shaw. The Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Green and adopted on motion of Reeve Green and Reeve Caverly. The Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caverly and Reeve Green. The Report of the Special Committee to Deal with a County-City Travel Guide was presented by Reeve Binks and adopted on motion of Reeve Binks and Reeve Shaw. The Report 0: the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee was presented by Reeve UcBrien and adopted on motion of Reeve McBrien and Reeve Fleck. 48 49 - 5 - County Council, January Session, 1979. - 4 - Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ripley That the Warden and Clerk be authorized to submit to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications the petition of the County of Elgin showing the road expenditures on the County of Elgin Road System for January 1, 1978 to December 31, 1978. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That By-Law No. 79-1 .Being a By-Law to Establish the Remuneration to be Paid Members of Elgin County Council and others Appointed to Various Local Boards Etc." be read a first time. - Carried. Council was reminded by the Warden of the Bank of Montreal's invitation for dinner on February 21st, 1979. Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That By-Law No. 79-1 be read a second time. - Carried. That we do now adjourn to meet again on January 17th, 1979, at 2:00 P.M. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 79-1 be read a third time and finally - Carried. passed. Council Re-Convened. ROLL CALL - All members present except Deputy Reeve Martyn, Reeve Wilson, Reeve HOdgson and Reeve Lashbrook. The. Second Report of the Personnel Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Reeve Shaw. - Carr ied. Moved by Reeve McBrien Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 79-2 "Being a By-Law to Establish the Annual Remuneration to be Paid to the Warden of the County ~f Elgin" be read a first time. The Report of the Property Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Stewart and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Stewart and Reeve Fleck. - Carr ied. The Report of the County Government Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Longhurst. Moved by Reeve Longhurst Seconded by Reeve Green That the Report of the County Government Committee be Moved by Deputy Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve McBrien That By-Law No. 79-2 be ~ead a second time. - Carried. adopted. Moved by Reeve McBrien Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 79-2 be read a.third time and finally Moved by Reeve Green Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm passed. - Carried. That the County Government Committee Report be amended by adding a section (g) to Paragraph 5, .COtNENTIONS" "The per diem rate for conventions shall be limited to the actual days that the convention has sessions listed." Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Deputy Reeve Walters That By-Law No. 79-3 "Being a By-Law to Set the Daily Remuneration to be Paid to Members of the Elgin County Council for Attendance at Meetings of the Elgin County Council and Committees Thereof" be read a first time. - Carried. and to section (b), of the same Paragraph adding the words "and return-. The amendment was put to a vote and carried. The amended Report was then voted upon and was carried. The Report of the Finance Committee was presented by Reeve Shaw and adopted on motion of Reeve Shaw and Reeve Bradfield. The Report of the Reception and Entertainment Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Fischer and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Fischer and Reeve Kelly. The Report of the Educational Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Vial ters and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve i'ialters and Reeve Fleck. Moved by Deputy Reeve Iftontei th Seconded by Deputy Reeve Walters That By-Law No. 79-3 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Walters Seconded by Reeve Fleck That By-Law No. 79-3 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. 50 51 - 6 - Moved by Deputy Reeve Walters Seconded by Reeve Fleck That By-Law No. 79-4 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2541, Thereby Adjusting the Remuneration of the Land Division Committee" be .read a first time. - 7- County Council, January Session, .1979 . -Carried. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Deputy Reeve Monteith That By-Law No. 79-7 HA By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the January Session, 1979" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Walters Saconded by Reeve Liebner That By-Law No. 79-4 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Reeve Liebner That By-Law No. 79-7 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Deputy Reeve Walters That By-Law No. 79-4 be read a third time and finally - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Monteith Seconded by Reeve Fleck That By-Law No. 79-7 be read a third time and finally passed. passed. Ml'ved by Deputy Reeve Monteith Seconded by Reeve Liebner That By-Law No. 79-5 "A By-Law to Authorize the Expro- priation of Land for the Purpose of Widening and Improving County Reads" be read a first time. - Carried. - Carr ied. Moved by Reeve McBrien Seconded by Reeve Fleck That we do now adjourn to meet again on February 21st, 1979, at 10:00 A.M. Moved by Deputy Reeve Walters Seconded by Reeve Liebner That By-Law No. 79-5 be read a second time. - Carried. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Walters Seconded by Reeve Binks That By-Law No. 79-5 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Liebner Seconded by Reeve Binks That By-Law No. 79-6 "Being a By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 78-32 of the Township of Southwold; a By-Law to Stop Up and Sell a Road Allowance in the Township of Southwold" be read a first time. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. S. J. Glover, Warden. - Carr ied. Moved by Reeve Binks Seconded by Reeve Liebner That By-Law No. 79-6 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Liebner Seconded by Reeve Binks That By-Law No. 79-6 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. 52 53 PER~)01JNEL COI,::n'ITEE REPOUT January Session, 1979 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAn C.OMMT1~EE FIRST REPORT FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: January Session 1979 PaloW 1. 1. That we consider the recommendation re: the addi- tional clerical position at Elgin j.:anor is an internal problem for the HommCommittee and not for Personnel, due to the fact that a new category is not being created. 2. That we recommend that a position of Beautician be established for Terrace Lodge and the rate of pay be the same as that paid at Elgin Manor - TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1978 January 1st, 1979 $28.62 per day $32.00 per day 1. The County Engineer has been instructed to object to the proposed abandorunent by the Canadian National Railway of the Railway. Line and that the position be effective as of December 1978. between Port Stanley and St. Thomas. Representations have been made to John Wise, M.P., the Canadian National Railway and the Canadian Transport Commission, and a meeting with the Canadian National Railway has been requested to discuss the matter. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. 2. A Summary of 1978 Expenditures on the County Road System will be forwarded shortly to each member. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a resolution be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to submit to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, the petition of the County of Elgin showing Road Expenditures on the K. C. Emerson, Chairman. County of Elgin Road System for the period from January 1, 1(n8 to December 31, 1978. 2. That a By-Law be passed.confirming By-Law 78-32 of the Township of Southwold.to close a portion of the road allowance between Range II North of Union Road and Range II East of River Road. 3. That the Warden name delegates to the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention and to the Roads and Transportation Association of Canada Convention. 4. That a By-Law be passed to allow the Warden and Clerk to sign Land Expropriation Plans as necessary in 1979. This By-Law is required yearly and the annexed schedule includes those roads on which any rond widening miRht be contcmplatf'u. 54 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT s. .That the Road Corranittee also act as the COllllllittee for (a) Solid Waste Disposal (b) Mosquito Control for the prevention of encephalitis 55 AGRICULTUIU.L COr.jMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1979 To the Warden and Members of .the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: January Session 1979 1. That the letter from the Aylmer and East Elgin Agricultural Society, with appreciation for the 1978 grant, and requesting continued support, be noted and filed. 2. That the Warden, Reeve Caverly and Reeve Shaw be a committee to allocate the agricultural grant and they be paid members wages for their services. 3. That we recommend to the Finance Committee that a grant of $1,000.00 be given to the Elgin County Plowmen's Association, to cover expenses in connection with the trip to Toronto, to request that the 1984 International Plowing Match be held in Elgin County. 4. That fifty (50) Elgin County Pens have been made available to the Elgin County Plowmen's Association for dis- tribution to the Directors of the Ontario Plowmen's Associ- ation. Page 2. or similar prograrranes (c) Provincial or Federal Rural Employment Incentative Prograrrane (d) The Application by the Canadian National Railway to abandon the rail line between St. Thomas and Port Stanley. 5. That the following grants are being recommended to the Finance Committee for inclusion in the 1979 budget: (a) Local Agricultural Office for farm organiza- tions, junior farmers and institute groups and fall banquet for 4-H Clubs - $4,300.00. (b) Agricultural Representatives Act - $500.00. (e) Grants to Agricultural and Horticultural Societies be on the same basis as last year: equal to the provincial grants. All Of Which Is l{espCl~tfull y Submitted. CHAIRMAN ALL of which is respectfully submitted. w. R. Caverly, Chairman. 56 57 REPmT OF SPEC IAL COWaTTEE TO DEAL vlI'lH A COUllTY-CI'l'Y TIiJWEL (;VIDE January Session, 1979 HOMES FOR SENIO}< CITIZEm; C01,:I"TI'TEE REPOl<T January Session, 1979 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Special Committee wishes to report as follows: To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. We recommend that the County participate with the City and the Southwestern Ontario Travel Association, in the preparation and distribution of the 1979 Southwestern Ontario Travel Guide, and the contribution to the project of $3,700.00 be apportioned on the basis of 50% County of Elgin and 50% City of st. Thomas. 1. The Admission Committee system for accepting county residents has been rescinded and the Director has been given the authority to admit these residents and report to the next meeting. 2. The Director has been authorized to have aluminum storm windows installed at Elgin V~nor at a cost of $4,85l.1~. 2. We recommend that the Warden have an advertisement placed in the St. Thomas Times-Journal advising that the County of Elgin endorses June 25th to July 1st, 1979 as Canada Week. 3. We recommend that Reeve R. T. Bradfield be re- appointed as a representative to sit as a Director on the Board of the Southwestern Ontario Travel Association for the year 1979. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. M. E. Binl::s, Chairman. 58 PF~SOtl:-JEL Cm.::.n'ITEE i~EPORT January Session, 1979 SECOND r<EPORT PROPERTY C01.:1.:ITTEE REPORT January Session, 1919 59 To the v!arden and l,:embers of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That the employment of Yx. David Whitney as Assistant County Engineer be extended to commence onV~rch 5th, 1979 and that he be advised that he will be expected to move his resi- dence to Elgin County by October 1st, 1979. 1. That we recommend that 2-4,000 watt fan forced heaters be installed in the Registry Office at an estimated cost of $739.00. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. K. C. Emerson, Chairman. M. H. Stewart, Chairman. 60 61 COUNTY GOVERNi.~Er:r COIt.iU'l'TEE HEF OUT January Session, 1979 - 2 - To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 6. ST. 'l'J IOMl,S-ELG IlJ GENEIi'AL HOOPITAL FOUR COUNTIE:':; GEIJERAL lIa-WITAL TIL1S0r;BURGDI~:;TJ~ICT j';}:.:l.~oInilL H('~~r ITAL Members of Elgin County Council, appointed to serve on the Board of Directors, shall be paid committee pay, plus mileage allowance from hone to the meeting place, based on the number of meetings attended. Payment shall be made quarterly. 1. That the l~tter from the Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk, with a copy of a report to the ll,inister of Intergovernmental Affairs reI his remarks to the A.C.R.O. Convention in Sudbury be filed. 2. That the Notice from the Ontario Municipal Board reI . application by the Town of Aylmer to annex approximately 2.12 acres in the Township of ~alahide be filed. 3. That the information from the Ministry of Culture and Recreation on ~Fitness Ontario" be filed. 4. We recommend that Warden Glover be paid an addi- tional $100.00 towards the reception held after his election in December 1978. 7. ELGIN COUNTY LIJ3I\I'.RY BOI.RD Members of Elgin County Council appointed to serve on the Library Hoard and the three outside appointees of the Council shall be paid committee pay, plus mileage allowance from home to the Library, based on the number of meetings attended.. Payment shall be made monthly. The \'/arden receives mileage only. 5. We recommend that the following char~es be made in remuneration, mileage allowance, convention rates for the Warden, County Councillors and others, effective January 1st, 1979: 8. ELGIN-ST. THOI,w) HEALTH UNIT ~ (4) Annual remuneration of $8,500.00 to be paid in twelve equal monthly installments. (b) Authorized to receive up to $40.00 per day for additiPnal expenses at conventions. (c) County to pay $200.00 towards the cost of the Warden's reception held after the annual election. (d) Mileage allowance - same as County Council. Members of Elgin County Council appointed to serve on the Health Unit shall be paid committee pay, plus mileage allowance from home to the Unit, based on the number of meetings attended. Payment shall be made monthly. FAMILY f.ND CHILDREN'S SERVICES OF ST. THOMAS AND ELGIN (CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY) 9, COUNTY COUNCIL (4) Remuneration - full day $50.00 - one half day $30.00 (b) Mileage allowance - 0 - 3,000 miles - 22t~ per mile - over 3,000 miles - 20~ per mile. Members of Elgin County Council appointed to serve on this Board shall be paid committee pay, plus mileage allowance from home to the meeting, based on the number of meetings attended. Payment shall be made monthly. 10. ELGIN COUllTY PIONEER !.mSEUIft BOARD CONVENTIONS (a) Within a radius of 300 miles of St. Thomas, Ninety Dollars ($90.00) per day, plus registration fee. (b) Outside a radius of 300 miles of St. Thomas, Ninety Dollars ($90.00) per day, plus registration fee, plus single air fare rates from the London airport to the site of the convention. (c) In addition to the per diem rate, the Warden may rec~ive up to $40.00 per day for additional expenses upon presentation of receipts. '(d) Members of County Council may attend any three conventions of his choice, while the \iarden is not limited in the number he may attend. (e) When a conventi.:>n is held in London, Ontario, only, a person attending, but not staying overnight at a hotel, will be paid committee pay, mileage to and froQ home, plus regis- tration fee. (f) Ontario Good Roads Association Convention The "Jarden shall be allowed to be paid in addition to the per diem, registration fee and cost of a suite, an amount up to a limit of $300.00 upon presentation of receipts, for addi- tional expenses for this one convention only. · See amendment at end of Report. 11. Members of Elgin County Council appointed to serve on this Board shall be paid committee pay, plus mileage allowance from home to the meeting, based on the number of meetings attended. Payment shall be made monthly. ELGIN COUNTY UdlD DIVISION COfr.MITTEE Appointees to this Committee shall be paid the committee pay rates plus mileage allowance from home to the V:unicipalBuilding, for attending mEletings of the said Corr~ittee. Payment shall remain monthly. They will be paid the same rate for conventions as that set for Council when authorized to attend. See ~endment . end of . tport. 12. SOUTEl:ESTERH C!\'Ti\..l{IO TkhVEL ASSOCL'.TION The Member of County Council appointed to this Board shall be paid committee pay, plus mileage allowance from home to the meeting, based on the number of meetings attende~. Payment shall be made semi-annually. 13. THAMES V[\LLEY DI~~TnICT l!:E.ALThCOUl;CIL Appointees to this Council shall be for a one-year period and shall be paid committee pay for attending meetings of the said Council. It is understood mileage is paid by the Health Council. Payment shall be made semi-annually. 62 63 - 3 - FlNAtlCE COIIJ-UTTEE REPQ<T January Session, 1979 14. ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COt,;:,uSSION Elgin County Council appointee to this Commission shall be paid at the rate of $150.00 per year (paid semi- annually) for his services performed on this Commission. He shall also receive convention rates set for County Council for attendance at the Ontario Good Roads Associ- ation Convention. . 15. Payment for persons attending outside Boards or Commission shall be paid on the basis of written infor- mation sent to the County Clerk from the various groups. 16. We recommend that present by-laws be amended or new ones prepared for presentation to Council to provide for payments as previously listed. To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That the following constitute the Board of the Elgin County Pioneer Museum for 1979: Mrs. J. R. Futcher, V~s. Donald Vicary, ~as. A. V. Langton, VJs. Carmen Jefferies, l~s. C. D. McAlpine and the Elgin County Council representatives. 2. That a grant of $500.00 be made to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum for 1979. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. 3. That the 1979 membership fee of $175.00 be paid to the Association of ~unicipalities of Ontario. 4. That membership fees in the MunicipalClerk'a and Treasurer's Association be paid for the Clerk-Treasurer and Deputy Clerk-Treasurer and that they be authorized to attend the annual convention with the usual convention allowance rate of reimbursement. s. That the Treasurer be authorized to continue monthly payments to the Children's Aid Society on the basis of the 1978 approved bUdget until the 1979 budget is established and approved by the Ministry of Community and Social Services. 6. That the request for membership in the Rural Ontario Municipal Association be filed. 7. That the request from the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit for an increase in the approved County share of the 1978 Enrichment and Expansion Program from $3,498.30 to $4,155.14 be tabled to the next meeting. 8. That the Treasurer be euthorized to pay $71,000.00 over to the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital which represents the 1978 provision towards the Elgin County's share of expansion costs. L. A. Longhurst, Cha irman. * Item' (b) under Paragraph 5 CONVENTIONS was amended by adding the words "and return". 9. That we xecommend that an amount of $80,573.50 be provided in the 1979 Budget for the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital and that we recommend that an equal amount be provided by subsequent Councils in the next three years towards the proposed expansion, and that it be paid in December of each year at the same time as other grants are paid. ** Paragraph 5 CONVENTIOXS was amended hy adding a section (g) "The" per diem rate for conventions shall be limited to the actual days that the convention has 8essions listed." 10. That the request from the Tillsonburg and District Multi-Service Centre for a grant of $7,500.00 be filed. 11. That the list of Children in Care and Financial Statement for Uovember, 1978 from the Family and Children's Services be filed. 12. That the copy of The Task Force's first paper en- titled .Children's Aid Society Budgeting - Issues and Concerns. from the i.:inistry of Community and Social Services be filed. 13. We concur with the recommendation of the Agricultural Committee to give a grant of $1,000.00 to the Elgin County Plowmen's Association, to cover expenses in connection with the trip to Toronto re: 1984 International Plowing ~~tch bid for Elgin County. 64 65 - 2 - 14. We recommend that representatives of the Y.M.C.A. appear before the Finance Committee to outline details in the County program sponsored through the Y.!I;.C.A. RECErTION MJD EtrnraAlNi.,ENT CO:.;jGTTEE I<EPORT January Session, 1979 15. The Tillsonbura and District Association for the Mentally Retarded The Canadian National Institute for the Blind Thef~lvation Army Quad County Association for the Mentally Retarded Local Agricultural Office for farm organizations, junior farmers and institute groups and fall banquet for 4-H Clubs Agricultural Representative's Act Agricultural and Horticultural Societies to be on the same basis as last year: equal to the provincial grants. 16. That a grant of $250.00 be given to the St. Thomas- Elgin Debt Counselling Service. $2,000.00 $3,000.00 $ 500.00 $1,500.00 To the Warden and I::embers of the Elgin County Council, The Reception and Entertainment Committee reports as follows: We recommend that the following grants be paid in 1979: 1. That the \Jarden's Banquet be held on Saturday, November 3rd, 1979 at the Saxonia Hall in Aylmer. 2. That the Elgin County golf day be held at Pleasant Valley Golf Course, on Thursday, July 12th, 1979. $4,300.00 $ 500.00 17. That the request for a grant from the Art Gallery St. Thomas-Elgin be filed. 18. 'We recommend that the Elgin County Library Report and 1979 budget requiring $205,175.00 from the County of Elgin, as 'presented by ~~. E. A. Wells, County Librarian be accepted and printed in the proceedings. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. J. Fischer, Chairman. L.J. Shaw, Chairman. 66 67 EDUCATIONAL cor.:;,:ITTEE !,EPGNT January Session, 1979 Elgin County Library To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Educational Committee reports as follows: Report 1978 1. That we recommend to the Finance Committee that the following grants be included in the 1979 budget: UNIVERSITY OF I;ESTERN ONTARIO Mr. Chairman, Warden Glover, members of the Finance Committee. In 1978 the County Library circulated- Books Magazines Filmstrips Cassettes 16 mm Films Records Microfilms 142,134 4,946 259 6,216 433 2,343 28 A scholarship grant of $150.00 each, be made to the two boys and two girls from Elgin County attaining the highest academic standing. In case two boys or two girls do not qualify the award may be given to the four top students. RIDGETOVlN COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURAL TEClINOLOOY In addition to this, the main library filled 1,855 reference questions, sent out 206 interlibrary loans and borrowed 354 items from other libraries for County residents. We purchased 9,607 volumes in 1978 and sent 250 telex messages. In addition 752 children and 50 adults watched j:he puppet shows. ' As you can see, 1978 was a busy year, and all the accomplishments resulted from a great deal of time being spent by the Board members and other County Councillors. At this time I would like to thank you all, including last years Board Chairman Mr. Kelly, and last years Wardep,Mr. Carroll. You have before you the financial statemnt for 1978 and the budget for 1979. A scholarship grant of $150.00 each, be made to the two students from Elgin County attaining the highest academic standing. GUELPH UrJIVERSITY A scholarship grant of $150.00 each, be made to the two boys and two girls from Elgin County attaining the highest academic standing. WATERLOO UNIVERSITY A scholarship grant of $150.00 each, be made to the two students from Elgin County attaining the highest academic standing. WILFRID LAURIER UNIVERSITY A scholarship grant of $150.00 each, be made to the two students from Elgin County attaining the highest academic standing. 2. That Mr. Colin Morrison be appointed to the County Library Board for 1979, 1980 and 1981. 3. That the Warden be the County of Elgin representative for 1979 on the Assembly of the University of Western Ontario. 4. We recommend that the following be the County of Elgin representatives on the Elgin County Board of Education Liaison Committee for 1979: Warden Glover Deputy Reeve Walters Reeve Fleck Reeve Longhurst. Thank you. Elgin A. Wells Librarian ALL of which is respectfully submitted. G. E. Walters, Chairman. 68 Elgin County Library Proposed Budget 1979 ReC~ipt~ Ean Ba ance January 1, 1979 Provincial Grant County Grant Miscellaneous Fines Disbursements Salaries - Main Branches Branch Libraries STPL Cost Sharing Books Periodicals Book Processing Bookbinding Furn &: Fix - Main Branches Reps &: Maint - Main Branches Equip Reps. &: ~~int Workman's Compo Insurance Library Supplies Lib. Assoc. Fees Legal Fees Cassettes &: Records Book Van Un. Insurance O.M.E.R.S. Canada Pension Telephone - Main Branches Rent - Branches Servo Janitor - Branches Servo - Main Conference Expenses Workshop Expenses Mailing Expenses Aux. Patron Services Miscellaneous Mileage - staff Ont. Blue Cross Mutual Life of Canada Elgin County Library Financial Statement 1978 5,000.00 93,000.00 205,175.00 500.00 3.000.00 306,675.00 Recei pts Bank Balance December 31, 1977 Provincial Grant County Grant Miscellaneous Revenue Archives . Fines Disbursements Salaries - Main Branches Board Members - Expenses STPL Cost Sharing Books Periodicals Book Processing Bookbinding Fur &: Fix -Main Branches Reps. &: Maint - Main Branches Equip. - Reps &: r4aint. Workman's Compensation Insurance Library Supplies Lib. Assoc. Fees Legal Fees Cassettes &: Records Book Van Un. Insurance O.M.E.R.S. Canada Pension Telephone - Main Branches Rent - Branches &: Garage Servo Janitor - Branches Services - Main Branch Conference Expenses Workshop Expenses Mailing Expenses Aux. Patron Services Miscellaneous Mileage - staff Ont. Blue Cross Mutual Life of Canada Reversal Entries 1977 STPL Bal '77 Maintenance STPL Ba1 '77 Cost Sharing 92,216.00 45,100.00 41,000.00 55,000.00 2,309.00 6,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 500.00 4,000.00 400.00 1,800.00 7,000.00 4,000.00 400.00 900.00 2,000.00 750.00 .1,800.00 4,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,100.00 6,600.00 1,500.00 12,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 500.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 150.00 150.00 $306,675.00 69 9,345.25 91,059.00 18$,559.00 493.07 4,107.00 2,112.60 295,675.92 84,708.12 42,711.85 2,499.62 37,536.21 49,602.83 2,287.60 5,244.86 81.95 445.40 2,402.08 1,532.26 371. 20 1,608.29 6,241.40 4,345.75 362.92 850.00 2,838.23 856.69 1,850.10 4,255.30 1,371.39 1,678.73 1,067.29 5,520.00_ 1,530.00 10,793.90 1,498.36 1,953.14 1,442.75 608.38 1,492.08 2,180.38 130.53 118.80 '4,604.11 964.11 464.29 290,050.90 $ 5,625.02 Balance December 31, 1978 70 71 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 79-1 - 2 .. "BEING A BY-LA\'l TO ESTJ\.BLISH 'l'IIE kEll,utjERATION TO BE rAID 1I.EI.13ERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL AIm OTHERS I\PPOIN1'ED TO VAIdOUS LOCAL BOARDS ETC." 8. ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROf\DS COJI.MISSIuN Elgin County Council appointee to this COI~ission shall be paid at the rate of $150.00 per year (paid semi-annually) for his services performeci on this Commission. lie shall also receive convention rates set for County Council for attendance at the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention. Payment for persons attending local Boards or other bodies shall be made on the basis of written information Bent to the County Clerk from the various groups. 9. WHEREAS the Uunicipal Act has been amended to prohibit local boards from payinq members of Council and others appointed by County Council to the said boards or other bodies. AND \-lHEUF.AS County Council wishes to set a remuneration to compensate such members of County Council and others who are appointed to serve on the said Boards and other bodies. 10. This by-law shall become effective on January 1st, 1979. Na: THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. ST. THOMAS-ELGIH GENERAL HOSFITAL . FOUR COUHTII:S GENEI~AL HOSPITAL TILL:JOIiBU]<G lJlS"::.'1~ICT l'.lE:;.'jQl(L~L HOSP ITAL , READ a first time this 17th day of January, 1979. READ a second time this 17th day of January, 1979. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of January, 1979. ll,embers of Elgin County Council appointed to serve on the Board of Directors of the various hospitals, shall be paid committee pay plus mileage allowance from home to the meeting place, based on the number of meetings attended. Payment shall be made quarterly. 2. ELGIN COUNTY LIBRARY BOARD Members of County Council appointed to serve on this Board and the three outside appointees of the Council shall be paid committee pay, plus mileage allowance from home to the Library, based on the number of meetings attended. Payment shall be made monthly. 3. ELGIN-ST. THOlviJ\S HE.i\LTH UNIT Members of Elgin County Council appointed to serve on the Health Unit Board shall be paid committee ray, plus mileage allowance from home to the Unit, based on the nwru)er of meetings attended. Payment shall be made monthly. 4. FAj,:ILY J\ND CHILDREN'S SERVICES OF ST. THOl/JAS AND ELGIN (CEILDREN'S AID ~)OCIETY) G. C. Leverton, Clerk. s. J. Glover, Warden. Members of Elgin County Council appointed to serve on this Board shall be paid cOhunittee pay, plus mileage allowance from home to the meeting, based on the number of meetinqs attended. Payment shall be made monthly. 5. ELGIN COUNTY PIOI;l~ER !1;USEUlI. BOARD Members of Elgin County Council appointed to serve on this Board shall be paid committee pay, plus mileage allowance from home to the meeting, based on the number of meetings attended. Payment shall be made monthly. 6. . SOUTH\';'EGTERI,; ONT.iUaO j,,'RJ\VEL i\SSCX;IJ.TICI~ The member of County Council appointed to this Board shall be paid committee pay, plus mileage allowance from home to the meeting, based on the number of meetings attended. Payment shall be made semi-annually. 7. TIIAI.';ES VilLLEY DISTRICT iIEALT!i COUNCIL Appointees to this Council shall be for a one-year period and shall be paid committee pay for attending meetings of the said Council. It is understood mileage is paid by the lleal th Council. Payment shall be made semi-annually. 72 73 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 79-2 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 79-3 "'BEING A BY DUM TC ESTfU3LISH THE Am;UAL Imr,:DNERATION TO BE PAID TO THE \\'JUWEK OF THE COU~'TY OF ELGIN." "'BEING. A BY -U.\; TU ~~ET 'l'llE DAILY !<EWlNEIU,TION TO BE PAID TO MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COlJtlTY COUNCIL For~ f.TTENDhl:CE AT i:;EI:.:TINGS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL AND COrt.IH'ITEES THEREOF.'" WHE~EfS it is deemed advisable to establish the annual remuneration to be paid to the Warden of the County of Elgin. The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the following remuneration be paid to each member of the Elgin County Council, with the exception of the Warden, for attending meetings of the Council and Committees thereof. Nal THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of El~in enacts as follows: 1. That the annual remuneration of the Warden of the County of Elgin for attending meetings of the Council, meetings of the various Committees and Local Boards and performing all other duties applicable to his office, shall be Eight 1~ousand Five Hundred Dollars ($8,500.00) per annum, payable in twelve equal installments. 2. In addition to the annual remuneration established in Clause (1) the Warden shall be paid the convention expenses allowed by Council for attending conventions outside the munic- ipality, plus the following rates for each mile travelled in attending meetings of County Council, County Council Comoittee meetings and meetings of Local Boards in which the County of Elgin is involved: o · 3,000 miles .22i~ per mile over 3,000 miles .20~ per mile. 3. That the Warden be provided with a telephone credit card upon which to charge long distance telephone calls made on behalf of the County of Elgin. 4. That By-Law No. 2442 be and the same is hereby repealed. . (a) For attending a meeting, when the said meeting is held in both the forenoon and afternoon or evening on the same day - $50.00. (b) For attending a meeting when the said meeting is held in either the forenoon, afternoon or evening - $30.00. (c) In addition to the above remuneration each member shall be paid the following rates for each mile necessarily travelled in attending such meetings: o - 3,000 miles over 3,000 miles .22t~ per mile . 20~ per mile. 2. That By-Law No. 2400 be and the same is hereby repealed. 3. That this by-law become effective January 1st, 1979. 5. That this By-Law becom€ effective January 1st, 1979. READ a first time this 17th day of January, 1979. READ a second time this 17th day of January, 1979. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of January, 1979. READ a first time this 17th day of January, 1979. READ a second time this 17th day of January, 1979. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of January, 1979. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. s. J. Glover, Warden. s. J. Glover, \'larden. 74 75 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 79-4 COUlJTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 79-5 "BEIllG A BY-Ui\'l TO r,IlEND BY-L1\W NO. 2541. THEREBY ADJUSTING THE REl.;UNEI<iI'l'ION OF TIlE UdlD DIVISION COW.:I'ITEE." itA BY-I.J\\'J TO AUTHORIZE THE EXPROPRIIITIOU OF uum FOR THE PURPOSE OF VIIDENIHG AND n.~PRavING COUN'l'Y ROADS." WHEREAS By-Law No. 2541, appoint.s a Land Division Committee and sets the remuneration to be paid. AND WHEUEfiSit is now deemed advisable to change the present remuneration of the Land Division Committee. NO\~ TIlEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That Clause (2) of By-Law No. 2541, be deleted, and the following substituted therefore: "THAT the members of the Land Division Committee he paid the following remuneration for attending meetings of the said Committee: (a) In attending a meeting of the Committee when it is held in both the forenoon and afternoon or evening of the same day - $50.00. (b) For attending a meeting of the Committee when it is held in either the forenoon, afternoon or the evening - $30.00. (c) In addition to the above remuneration each member shall be paid the following rates for each mile necessarily travelled in attending such meetings: o - 3,000 miles over 3,000 miles 22!t per mile 20t per mile.. WHEREAS under Section 336 of the It.unicipal Act, being Chapter 284, l<.S.O. 1970, the. Council of every Corpo- ration may pass By-Laws for acquiring or expropriating any land required for the purpose of the Corporation. JU1D \','HEREAS in the exercise of its powers and in performance of its obligations under The Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Acts and other statutes, the Corpo... ration of the County of Elgin finds, or may find, that it is necessary to expropriate lands for widening, improving, pro- tecting from erosion, altering or diverting the County Roads shown on Schedule "A" as attached. BE 17 THEREFORE ENACTED by the Corporation of the County of Elgin 1. That the Warden and Clerk of the County of Elgin be, and are, authorized to sign any and all plans pertaining to land expropriation for County Roads shown on Schedule "A", and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin and to register the same in the County of Elgin Registry Office. 2. That the Treasurer be, and is hereby authorized to pay to the owners of the lands hereby expropriated, such amounts as may be agreed upon as compensation as may be de- termined by arbitration under provisions of the Expropriations Act, being Chapter 154, R.S.O. 1970. (d) For attending a convention, when authorized by County Council, within a radius of 300 miles of St. Thomas, Ninety Dollars ($90.00) per day plus registration fee. (e) For attending a convention, when authorized by County Council, outside a radius of 300 miles of St. Thomas, t;inety Dollars ($90.00) per day, plus registration fee, plus single air fare rates from the London airport to the site of the convention. 2. That this by-law become effective January 1st, 1979. READ a first time this 17th day of January, 1979. REP~ a second time this 17th day of January, 1979. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of January, 1979. READ a first time this 17th day of January, 1919. READ a second time this 17th day of January, 1979. READ a third time and finally passed this 11th day of January, 1919. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. S. J. Glover, Warden. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. S. J. Glover, \~arden . 76 77 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 79-6 COUNTY OF ELGIN SCHEDULE A OF BY-LAW # "BEING A BY-LA\l TO Cm:FIp.l.; BY -LA\'{ NO. 78-32 OF TIiF 'l'OhNSJIIP OF SOUTHI,,'OLD: 11 BY -I..J\.\'1 TO STOP UP. AND ~ELL A ROhD ALLOI;[\Il:E IN THE TOv:NShIP OF SOUTli\iCLD." 1979 1. County Road 22 ~ Lots 7 & 8, Concessions IV, V, VI & VII, Township of Yarmouth. ~llEI~EAS the Council of the Township of Southwold on the 6th day of November, 1978, A.D. did pass By-Law No. 78-32 to stop up and sell a road allowance, being composed of part of the road allowance between Range 2 Horth of the Union Road and Range 2 East of the Hiver h~oad, situated in the Township of Southwold, more particularly described in Schedule "[\" of By-Lawhb. 78-32 of. the Township of Southwold, a true copy of which is hereunto annexed. ANDWHEltEAS,pursuant to the provision of the Munic- ipal Act the said Township By-Law shall not have any force until confirmed by a By-Law of the Council of the County in which the Township is situated, passed at an ordinary meeting of the Council, held not later than one year after the pass- ing of the By-Law by the Council of the Township. AND \'lHEREAS application has been made to the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin for a By-Law con- firming the said Township of Southwold By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: THAT By-Law No. 78-32 of the Township of Southwold being a By-Law to stop up and sell a portion of a road allow- ance in the Township of Southwold be and the. same is hereby confirmed. 2. County Road 30 - Lots 8 & 9, Concessions X, XI, XIII, & XIV, Township of Yarmouth. 3. County Road 31 - Lots 4 & 5, Range I & II, North of Edgeware Road, Township of Yarmouth. 4. County Road 32 - Lots 13, 14, & 15, Concession VII. Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 & 16, Concession VIII. Lots 15 & 16, Concession IX. Lots 84, 85, & 86, North of Talbot Road. All in the Township of Malahide. 5. County Road 38 - Lots 118 to 124 inclusive, North and South of Talbot Road, Township of Bayham. 6. County Road 52 _ Lots 5 to 7 inclUSive, Range II North of Edgeware Road and Concession X, Township of Yarmouth. READ a first time this 17th day of January, 1979. REfU> a second time this 17th day of January, 1979. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of January, 1979. G. COo Leverton, Clerk. S. J. Glover, Warden . 78 '79 TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD SCHEDULE "A" By-Law No. ..., B -.3~ ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and A by-law to stop-up and sell a certain road allowance in the Township of Southwold premises; situate, lying and being in the Township of Southwold in the County of Elgin and Province of Ontario being composed of part of the Road Allowance Between Range 2 North of the Union Road and Range 2 THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: East of the River Road in the said Township, more particularly described as follows:- 1. That the road allowance more particularly described in SchedulenA~shall be and the same is hereby stopped-up. PREMISING that the bearing of the \~esterly limit of the Road Allowance Between th0 Townships of Southwold and Yarmouth (Townline Road) is North 3016'10" East, all bearings herein being related 2. That the said road allowance so stopped-up shall be offered for sale to those owners whose lands abut such allowance up to the middle line thereof. The purchase price to be paid by each of the owners shall be at the rate of $1,500.00 per acre. If any such owner does not exercise his right to purchase within 15 days the Council may sell the part which he had the right to purchase to any other person at the said price. thereto; COMMENCING at a point in the intersection of the Northerly limit of the said Road Allowance Between Range 2 North of the Union Road and Range 2 East of the River Road (hereinafter referred to as the "Road Allowance") with the Westerly limit of the said Townline Road; THENCE North 78013'20" West along the Northerly limit of the said "Road Allowance" a distance of 166.10 feet to its intersection' READ T.HREE TIMES AND FINALLY PASSED this G:, day of Nov. 1978. with the South-Easterly limit of a Given Road as described in Report n er-;:- -=-. \'"'0-.~ - ddI /JJc5L Reeve ~' '"- No. 102 of John Bostwick, dated April 6th, 1833, to the London District General Quarter Session. THENCE South 46044' 40" West along the South-Easterly limit of the said Given Road, a distance of 80.54 feet to its intersection with the Southerly limit of the said "Road Allowance"; THENCE South 78013'20" East along the Southerly limit of the said "Road Allowance" a distance of 222.14 feet to its intersection with the Westerly limit of the said Townline Road; THENCE North 3016'10" East along the Westerly limit of the said Townline Road, a distance of 66.74 feet to the point of commence- ment; CONTAINING by admeasurement an area of 0.294 acres be the same more or less. Cortifled a T.rue Copy ,--- ..-~--====:::. Clork. Trl.;ClS urer TOWHSmp Of S\)tJTliWOl.~ 80 81 COUliTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 79-7 February Session - First Day Wednesday, the 21st day of February, 1979 itA BY-LJM TO CC1~FIRg .PI,CCEEDn:r.s OF TIlE C01JNCIL OF TEE CORrOI.~~TION OF 'l11E COUNTY OF ELGm r.T THE Jjil;Ui\I~Y ~E[;SION. 1979." The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municipal Building in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. \':HEREAS by Section 9 of the 1.1uniciJ:al Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to ~e exercised by its council; ROLLCALL - All members present exc.ept Reeve Caverly. Moved by Reeve Longhurst Seconded by Reeve Binks That the minutes of the January 1979 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. AND \IHEKEfi.S by Subsection I of Section 241 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Kevised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; - Carried. AND ~:HE}~EAS it is deemed expedient that the proceed- ings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law; UO;' TIlEI~EFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the January 1919 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and rroper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. The following Communications were read and referred to the various.. Comrni ttees: From the Minister of Energy with letter on conservation of energy in Ontario municipalities. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with list of Children in Care to December 31st, 1978. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Minister of the Environment with a copy of the first reading of "An Act to A,..nend the Environmental Protection Act, 1971". - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Ministry of the Environment with a copy of "Se1.vage ~;orks Approval" for the Village of Vlest Lorne. - .keferred to the Roads Committee. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. From the Ministry of Housing with copies of amendments to the Planning Act. -Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Minister of Natural Resources acknowledging the support of Elgin and Middlesex re: bringing forward amendments to The Trees Act. - Filed. From the Ministry of Housing with revisions to the codes, for use by Land Division Committees in consent information submis- sions. - Filed. READ a first time this 17th day of January, 1979. READ a second time this 17th day of January, 1979. READ B. third time and finally passed this 17th day of January, 1979. From the County of Dufferin requesting support for a Mr. John B. Newton, to'be nominated for election to the R.O.~:.A. Board of Directors. - Filed. From'the University of Western Ontario with a copy of a letter to Warden Glover expressing their appreciation for the cordial hearing given to their delegation. - Filed. From the Town of Aylmer COlfuilittee of Adjustnent with two notices of hearing set for February 6th, 1979 at 8:00 and 8:15 P.M. re: requests for minor variances. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From Mr. T. L. J. Carter, By-Law Enforcement Officer, City of Sudbury with questionnaire concerning the need for a "By- Law Enforcement Officers Association". - Filed. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. s. J. Glover, Warden. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with copy of ~emo 79-1 re: updated indexes. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Ministry of Labour with two letters advising that Ur. o. P. Carroll, Conqiliation Officer, has been unable to effect a collective agreement, for the full and part-tine employees at Elgin ~anor. - Referred to the Personnel Committee. 82 83 - 2- - 3 - County Council, February Session, 1979 From the County of Grey requesting support for Reeve John Young, to be nominated for election to theR.O.M.A. Board of Directors. - Filed. From the Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs with a copy of Bill 195, An Act to Amend The ~;unicipal Act. -' Referred to the County Government Committee. From the ~inister of Agriculture & Food advising of the use of metric units with regard to The Drainage Act. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Minister of Consumer and Commercial Relations reviewing requirements for establishing or enlarging cemetaries etc.. - Filed. From The Tillsonburg and District Association for the Mentally Retarded with appreciation for 1979 grant authorized for payment in December. - Filed. From the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations with copy of draft provincial-wide fire code forwarded for public comment. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From C. D. Weldon, Membership Committee, The Interna- tional Institute of Municipal Clerks, with request for membership. - Referred to the Personnel Committee. From Mr. Paul Middleton, Union Representative, London and District Service Workers' Union, Local 220, with nomination for Arbitration Board re: Elgin Kanor employees. - Referred to the Personnel Committee. From l~s. Barbara L. Dixon, Secretary-Treasurer, Land Division Committee with request for membership in the Provincial (Ontario) Association of Committees of Adjustment and Land Divi- sion Committee. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Ninistry of Natural Resources with approval of By-Law No. 2564, a by-law to exempt "Estate Lots" from the pro- visions of By-Law No. 2208. - Referred to the Agricultural .Committee. From l;,rs. Barbara L. Dixon, Secretary-Treasurer, Land Division Committee, with request to attend a seminar in Toronto on March 9th, 1979. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Association of Kunicipalities of Ontario an- nouncing a seminar on collective bargaining in London, Karch 15th and 16th. - Referred to the Personnel Committee. From the Association of Municipalities of Ontario with copy of Bill 70, An Act Respecting the Occupational Health and Occupational Safety of Workers. - Referred to the County Govern- ment Conunittee. From Va. D. J. Whitney in reply to the County's require- .ment to relocate in Elgin County by October 1st, 1979. _ Referred to the Personnel Committee. From Mrs. A. K. J. Smith with request for steel gate and an equipped post, as agreed, when property acquired for roadway. Referred to the Roads Committee. From Mrs. A. K. J. Smith with complaint re: snow being plowed across laneway. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs re: student employment in Municipal Administration. _ Referred to the Personnel Committee. From the St. Thomas-Elgin Debt Counselling Service with appreciation of advice re: 1979 grant of $250.00. _ Filed. From Ronald Reid with appreciation of scholarship ~e- ceived at R.C.A.T. Award Night. - Filed. From the Deputy Minister of Community and Social Services with copy of instructions to Children's Aid Societies on completion of their 1979 Estimate of Expenditures. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From Wa. R. G. Moore, County Engineer, with copy of the 1978 Expenditures of the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the County of Kent with a resolution requesting the Federal and Provincial Governments and the Ontario Housing Corpo- ration to re-examine their decision regarding funding for Senior Citizen Housing. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Association of Municipalities of Ontario with copy of statement to the Provincial announcement of 1979 transfer payments to municipalities and request that it.be endorsed. _ Re- ferred to the County Government Committee. From the Ontario Municipal Board with copy of decision with regard to annexation by the Town of Aylmer of 2.12 acres in the Township of ~~lahide. - Filed. From the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit with copy of a resolution with regard to smoke detectors. -Referred to the County Government Committee. From The Kleinfeldt Group, Consulting Engineers, with literature describing their numerous professional services offered. - Filed. From WaG R. G. Moore, County Engineer, with copy of letter to Mr. R. Barrett, City Clerk, advising that the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission will require the t mill for 1979. - Re- ferred to the Roads Committee. From the Township of Hinchinbrooke with resolution re: Wintario profits to be applied to Health Care and Education costs. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the County of Grey with resolution requesting in- creased fees for land division severance applications.- Referred to the County Government Committee. FrOm Wa. Richard Haddow expressing appreciation for appointment to the Thames Valley District Health Council and advising how he would like to report to Council. ~ Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Township of Dunwich with a copy of By-Law 79-02 to close a road allowance in Lot 12 and 13, Concession 5, South of "A" and request for County confirmation. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Minister of Natural Resources with letter re: planning for flood emergencies. - Filed. From the County of Peterborough with resolution requesting changes in legislation to allow for increased fees for land sever- ance applications. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Royal Commission on Electric Power Planning in- viting briefs and/or views on the need for additional bulk power facilities and advising the dates public hearings will be held. - Referred to the County Government Committee. 84 85 .. 4 - From Mr. David J. Whitney advising that he is unable to accept the position of Assistant County Engineer, with the require- ment to live in Elgin County by October 1st, 1979. - Referred to the Personnel Committee. - 5 - County Council, February Session, 1979 From Wilfrid Laurier University inviting Elgin County to participate in hiring students for the summer months in local gov- ernment administration. - Referred to the Personnel Committee. The Warden resumed the Chair. Moved by Reeve Lashbrook Seconded by Reeve Kelly That the Treasurer's Statement on Remuneration and Expenses be accepted and printed in the proceedings. - Carried. From the Ministry of Culture and Recreation with Appli- cation for Capital Grant under the Community Recreation Centres Act. - Filed. From the Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs with list of Minmtries to whom municipalities may turn in the event of emergencies. - Filed. From the Ministry of Culture and Recreation with grant application form, program description and guidelines, re: "Expe- rience '79", a special summer youth employment. - Referred to the Finance Committee. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit That we do now adjourn to meet again on February 21, 1979 at 2:00 P.M. - Carried. Council Re-Convened. A delegation from the Elgin Federation of Agriculture was present. It was moved by Reeve Liebner that the delegation be now heard. lfa. Ed Kalita had forwarded a brief previously and copies were made and sent to members of Council prior to this Session. He briefly reviewed some of the work of the Federation during the past year. A review of the financial statement was made and he answered questions on the rebate system from the Ontario Federation of Agri- culture. A discussion also took place on the levy system for the Townships. He felt that they could operate on the $1,500.00 budget as shown in the statement. The Warden thanked Mr. Ka1ita and referred their request to the Agricultural Committee. The Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Reeve Hodgson. ROLL CALL - All members present except Reeve Lashbrook who was excused by the Warden. The Report of the Finance Committee was presented by Reeve Shaw and it was moved by Reeve Shaw and seconded by Reeve Green that it be adopted. Moved by Reeve Liebner Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That the Report of the Finance Committee be amended by deleting Item 2. - Carried. The Report of the Property Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Stewart and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Stewart and Deputy Reeve Martyn. Moved'by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Fleck That we go into a Committee of the Whole. The amended Report was then voted upon and carried. The Report of the County Government Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Longhurst and adopted on motion of Reeve Longhurst and Reeve Hodgson. The Report of the Social Services Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Binks and adopted on motion of Reeve Binks and Reeve Shaw. The Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caverly and Reeve Wilson. The First Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Green and adopted on motion of Reeve Green and Reeve Campbell. The Second Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Green and adopted on motion of Reeve Green and Reeve Kelly. The Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee was 'presented by Reeve Hodgson and adopted on motion of Reeve Hodgson and Reeve Shaw. - Carr ied. Moved by Reeve EmersonJ Seconded by Reeve Longhurst That the Elgin County Library Board prepare a brief regarding the proposed acquisition and renovation of the Aylmer Town Hall for library and cultural purposes. The brief to state grants available and engineer's estimates of costs for both in- terior and exterior renovations. 1be brief to project local usage, sub regional use, estimate cost of operation, rental for present facilities in Aylmer and parking availability. An opinion should be expressed by the Library Board as to the changing of their pre- sent rental policy and the possible return of the Aylmer Town Hall after renovations to the Town of Aylmer to be leased back to the Elgin County Library Board on a renewable terlQ lease. ~ Carried. The Warden appointed Deputy Reeve Stewart as Chairman of the Committee of the Whole. A discussion took place on the possible acquisition of the Aylmer Town Hall as a possible library building. It was moved by Reeve Shaw that we rise without reporting. - Carried. 86 87 - 6 - Reeve Caverly briefly reported on the Plownen's Associ- ation Convention. He stated that the delegation was a credit to Elgin County but unfortunately Wellington County obtained the year 1984. The local Association are going to meet in the very near future and decide their course of action for the coming year. Mr. R. G. Moore and lI>:r. E. A. \jells were thanked for t:1eir cont.ri- butions. _ 7 - County Council, February Session, 1979 Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 79-9 be read a third time and finally passed. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Reeve Phillips Be it resolved: (1) That the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin hereby endorses the Statement entitled "AMO Response to the Provincial Announcement of 1979 Transfer Payment to Municipal- ities", dated February 1, 1979; and (2) That copies of the endorsement be forwarded to The Honourable William G. Davls, Premier of Ontario; The Honourable Thomas L. \.jells, r";inister of Intergovernmental Affairs; The Honourable Frank Miller, Treasurer of Ontario; Dr. Stuart L. Smith, Leader of the Opposition; lfrr. Michael Cassidy, Leader of the New Democratic Party; the local members of the Legislative Assembly; and to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario. - Carried. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That By-Law No. 79-10 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the February Session, 1979" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That By-Law No. 79-10 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 79-8 "Being a By-Law to Establish the Remuneration to be Paid to the Warden, Council Members and County Officials for Attending Conventions" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Longhurst Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 79-10 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Longhurst Seconded by Reeve Fleck That By-Law No. 79-8 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Kelly Seconded by Reeve Liebner That we do now adjourn to meet again on If.arch 21, 1979 at 10:00 A.M. - Carr ied. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Bradfield That By-Law No. 79-8 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carr ied. 'Moved by Reeve Longhurst Seconded by Reeve Fleck That By-Law No. 79-9 "Being a By-Law to Rescind By-Law No. 2376, a By-Law to Adopt an Interim Land Severance Policy for the County of Elgin" be read a first time. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. s. J. Glover, Warden. -Carr ied. Moved by Reeve Longhurst Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That By-Law No. 79-9 be r~ad a second time. - Carried. 88 89 PERSONNEL COI.iMI'l'TEE REPO~T February Session, 1979 COUNTY OF ELGIN To the Warden' and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: ROAIJ COHMITTEE FEBRUARY SESSION, 1979 FIRST REPORT 1. That the letter from jv'.r. David \'/nitney, advising that he is unable to accept the position of Assistant County Engineer, because of the condition of living in Elgin County by October 1st, 1979, be accepted and the County Engineer proceed with inviting new applications. 2. That we recommend to County Council that Mr. Michael Gordon be engaged to represent the County at the Arbitration Hearing with the Elgin l,:anor Employees represented by the London ,and District Service Workers' Union, Local 220. 3. That we recommend to County Council that Mr. Roy C. Filion be the County's nominee to the Board of Arbitration, established to deal with all outstanding issues in dispute, for full and part-time employees at Elgin l,:anor. 4. That we recommend that the hourly rates for Registered Nurses at Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge be increased to: TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: The following is a Summary of Expenditures on Elgin County and St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Roads in 1978. In 1977 & 1978, in accordance with Ministry of Transportation and Communications practice, Payroll Burden, such as Holidays with Pay, Sick Time, etc., has been distributed to various projects and does not appear as a separate item. $6.95 per hour effective October 1st, 1976 $7.33 per hour effective October 1st, 1977 and that they be submitted to the Anti-Inflation Board for approval before being paid. 5. That we recommend that the Director and Assistant Director of Nursing receive the equivalent value of the hourly increase, for the period October 1st, 1976 to Decenber 31, 1978, in a lump sum and that it be submitted to the Anti- Inflation Board for approval before being paid. 6. That the letters from the Minister of Labour advising that no collective agreement had been effected by the Concili- ation Officer, be received and filed. 7. That the letter from h:r. C. D. Heldon requesting membership in the International Institute of L~unicipal Clerks be filed. CONSTRUCTION - COUNTY ROADS PART # 1 Asphalt resurfacing, associated ditching, shouldering, etc. (a) Road II in Southwold Township, approximately 1/2 mile. [11,756.72 (b) Road 16 in Dunwich Township, including shouldering 203,749.75 (c) Road 19 in Southwold Township, from Southwold Station southerly approximately 1 1/4 miles 69,375.24 TOTAL PART II 1 314,881.71 PART # 2 - Construction Roads 8. That the letters from the Ministry of Intergovern- mental Affairs and Wilfrid Laurier University re: summer employment of students be received and filed. 9. That the letter and literature from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario re: Seminar on collective bar- gaining guidelines be filed. (a) Road 16 Southwold Township, from Fingal to Burw0l1's Corners, grading, granular base, paving, etc. 543,481.33 (b) Road 31 (lJalewood Drive), in Yarmouth Township, grading, granular base, paving, etc. 121,596.93 (c) Road 32 Malahide Township (Police College Road), surveys & engineering 871.06 ALL of which is respectfully submitted. (d) Road 38 Malahide & Bayham Townships, clearing, removal of stumps, fencing, drainage in Richmond, engineering, etc. 42,925.17 (e) Road 52 Yarmouth Township from Road 25 (Wellington Road) to Road 30 (Radio Road), grading, granular base, paving, 0tC. 160,895.91 " '{.--;l" r/ ~. /' >'. ." /, f /--/ / ~.- .' ,,' ,.......-r. 1" j " . / . K.' C. Em-~r son, Cha i rmar . (f) Road 52, Southwold Township from Road 25 (Wellington Road) westerly to Ministry of Transportation and Communications' St. Thomas Expre ssway 21,695.49 / ~/ ,'''.: {t'{. :'{./ . (\'/: ~(((.(/G 90 91 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY CqUNCIL - Page 2 PART # 2 - (Continued) (g) Miscellaneous grading projects and miscellaneous surveys TOTAL PART # 2 PART # 3 - Miscellaneous (a) Rebate of Provincial Sales Tax paid in pr~vious years (b) Land Purchases for road widening and diversions, etc. (c) New and used Machinery (d) Machinery Ownership Costs, etc. charged to Accounts Receivable and Townline Accounts TerrAL PART II '.\ TOTAL CONSTRUCTION (COUNTY) CONSTRUCTION BY ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION (a) Surveys, Road 22 (Fairview Ave.) (b) Road 30, Yarmouth Township, grading, granular base, paving, etc. (c) Land Purchase TOTAL CONSTRUCTION llY ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION FIRST REPORT MAINTENANCE - COUNTY ROADS NOTE: Letters and numbers correspond to Ministry of Transportation and Communications Account Numbers. 1,007.64 - 892,473.53 2,298.81 CR. 24,460.45 151,200.47 24,977.24 CR. - 148,J8ll.87 1,355,740.11 A - Culverts & Bridges Bridges (including Calton, Eden, Iona, Phillmore, Cook, Walker & Middlemiss) Culvert s B - Roadside Maintenance Grass Cutting & Weed Spraying Tree Cutting 4 Drainage Roadside Maintenance, Washouts, etc. Tree Planting Drainagl' Assessments (rl'pa I.rs unl.y) C - Hard Top Maintenance (Paved Roads) Repairs to Pavements 797.49 Sweeping 3 Shoulder Maintenance 66,687.33 4 Surface Treatment 771.63 CR. D - Loose Top Maintenance (Gravel Roads) 66,713.19 Grading Gravel Roads Dust Control (Calcium Chloride) $ 1,422,453.30 4 Dust Control (Prilf~) Gravel Resurfacing E - Winter Control (TOTAL) Snow Plowing Salting & Sanding Snow Fence 4 Standby l.978 Winter Control. County & St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission 1977 Winter ControL County & St. Thomas Suburban Roads COIlUllission 1976 Winter Control County & St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission $.__ _..8.?..I1.9.9_..9 J ___ _____J.!!:1J.:JJ___ ____ .2.2.1 !.2_2.:!J___ __ __J_O.1..o.?J.: 1-_0___ ____.?}J!JJ_.!~___ ____1-J.!~1-~.:J_2___ __ ___1-.!.?_4!.:.2J___ _____~I.!l!l:!:~:L__ ___ 1-.?4.! JJJ .:_4..6_ __ . _ _ _ 1- ..o-,.8}_0.: .?O___ __. _J_4,.._2..9_0_..:J___ __._.:]-'~JJ.:JL__ __ __ 1-1.!.0.2_8.:.:.?_.. _ _ __.3':-,_0_0':.:.6_0___ _ .__ _]-,_8_42.:.2.2___ _ __ _] .:-,_4..l}.:_6.?___ 292,453.30 __ __ .7_6.:J_6_4....zJ___ ___}.7_~J_O].:_~1...._ ___ _ .z..1.:_2..4..4...JJ___ _ ___} J-,]_4..1.:_0]___ 315,003.94 359,095.00 279,481.00 92 MAINTENANCE - COUNTY ROADS (continued) r . Safety Devices Pavement Marking Signs Guide Rails 4 Railroa~ Protection TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS Rebate to Town of Aylmer and Villages of 25% of their Road Levy OVERHEAD . COUNTY 1. Superintendent, including County Engineer, General Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, etc. and Superintendent vehicle s 2. Clerical 3. Office 4. Garages (White Station & Rodney), Stock & Timekeepers, Maintenance, etc.) 5. Tools and Miscellaneous Repairs 6. Radi.o 7. Traffic Counts & Needs Study Update 8. Training Courses 9. Permits 10. Miscellaneous Insurance 11. Rehabilitation of White Station Gravel Pit and general cleanup of Garage grounds 12. Machinery Overhead Costs TOTAL OVERHEAD (TOTAL OF PAYROLL BURDEN charged to operations was $ 277,961.31) ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION MAINTENANCE & OVERHEALJ (including items not subsidized by Ministry of Transportation and Communications). TOTAL MAINTENANCE, MISCELLANEOUS, OVERHEAD, ETC. FOR COUNTY & ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION 93 ITEMS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY M.T.C. Elgin Sweeper 913 ~ 88 Insurance (Road Liability) 595.67 ---------------- _ _ _ _ _'2..7.1_4).8...9.6.__ _ _.. _5.8-,.6.6.6_.J.5_._ 2,800.24 ---------------- Miscellaneous, including Memberships, etc. .__...~t~~~~.E__ 3,794.07 TOTAL _... _ 2..4.!.8J..5...8}_.. ~ CONSTRUCTION $..~~~~~~~~~~~Q~. 1,014,488.37 $ __~~~~~t~~~~~~__ MAINTENANCE & OVERHEAD ITEMS NOT FOR SUBSIDY $...._.~t~~~~Q~_. ___ __t:,:,}_(~?._5.~__ SUB TOTAL $ __~t~~~?.~~~~~~__ 1,058,885.87 ADD: 1978 STOCK BALANCE .__..~~t.Q~~:.~~.. SUB TOTAL $__~t.~~lt.~~~:'~~._ ..__.~~t~r~:.~~_sR. LESS: 1977 STOCK BALANCE _ _ __ _6_5.,.6. ]:..9.._ ~~ __ _.___~6-')_6}.._~L_ _____l;.~_~~?.J_~__ SUB TOTAL $_.~t~~~?.~~~~~t._ ADD DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS (507. SUBSIDY) COUNTY ROADS __.__~~?.t~~:.~~__ . .___6..~,_a..6..~:.~ ~__ 19,990.55 ---------------- ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ROADS ------._~~~:.Q~-- ______~~a..~~:.6..~_. ______a..,_9_~6_:.~~__ ______~~1_~3_:.~~__ 376.00 CR. TOTAL EXPENDITURES ON COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM 2,826,774.72 ..--._~~~~~:.~~-- ------~~~~~:.~~-- 488.04 CR. 216,632.97 -----~~?~~~:.~-?._- $ 1 ,363,140.99 94 95 COUNTY OF ELGIN HOAIl COMMITTEE The Ministry of Transportation and Conununications Subsidy Allocation in 1978 was in 2 purts, a GCIl('ral Allocation of $ 2,(nO,O()O .1IId .. ~.;ul>"ldy \,f 507. on ~rainagl' Assessmlmts oC $ 25,000. SECOND REPORT The County sold various parcels of land on Road 20 and 45 for a total net amount of $ 24,706.59. Normally the Ministry of Transportation and Comwunications would receive 50% of this amount, but total expenditures were increased to use the money that the Ministry of Transportation and Conununications would have received. FEBRUARY SESSION 1979 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF COUNTY COUNCIL: The cost of the St. Thomus Suburban Roads Conlllission expenditure to thl' County of Ell-lIn (;111<1 tllp Clt.y of ::t. Thom;I';) was $ 7O,Q10.(',). YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: The net cost to the County of Elgin (including the City's share and St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission expenditures) is estimated at $ 726,137.48 WE RECOMMEND: after deducting the County's share of land sales. The Road Levy for 1978 was originally $ 700,000 with $ 25,000 being added in November by County Council, for a total levy of $ 725,000. I Dunwich to close part of the original road allowance between Lots 12 1. That a By-Law be passed confirming By-Law #79-02 of the Township of In addition, work was performed and materials sold totaling 550,058.91 including - & 13, Concession V, South 01 A. The travelled road, Currie Road 1. Work on boundary ronds and bridges and invoiced to the Counties of Middlesex and Oxford. (being County Road 8) is some distance from the original road allowance between Lqts 12& 13, in Concession V, SOllth of A. 2. Priming and surface treatment for various Municipalities, and others including the City of St. Thomas and the Village of Glencoe. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. 3. Work done, materials sold, etc. to other Municipalities, Federal and Provincial Government, Conservation Authorities, individuals, etc. In 1978 the Road Department also administered the Mosquito Control Programme with a total expenditure of $ 3,109.35 of which $ 3,086.94 was paid by the Elgin - St. Thomas Health Unit. (Net cost to the County was $ 22.41.) ,117c:tl?U {? ~~ CHAIRMAN Total payment vouchers in 1978 amounted to $ 3>>376>>833.63 (compared to $ 3,236>>612 in 1977, $ 2,741,000 in 1976 and $ 2,775>>000 in 1975). /~#~ M 1 Of Which Is Respectfully Submittl'd. A<~td'&/ (/ .-/~-<-..-' CHAIRMAN ~1tf/>Jt~ 96 97 HOJ!.ES FOR SENIGE CITIZEW::> Cm:EIT':'EE REPORT PROPERTY COl~].;rTTEE REFORT February Session, 1979 February Session, 1979 .To the 'ilarden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: To the Warden and Uembers of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. The per diem rate for Elgin l;lanor and Terrace Lodge residential care has been increased from $21.85 to $22.85, effective January 1st, 1979. 1. That the following changes be made in the insurance coverage: Councillor's Accident 2. The fol10"ling changes in insurance coverage have been made: Increase weekly indemnity to - (i) increased value on the Homes by 6% over 1978 to keep in line with building costs (ii) change the deductible on the buildings to $1,000.00 (Hi) take out miscellaneous electrical apparatus coverage for Elgin Manor (iv) increase liability coverage froP.l $1,000,000.00 to $5,000,000.00 Total disability Partial disability $300.00 per week $150.00 per week. Increase contents and equipment (Court House Block) - From $303,000.00 to $313,565.00. Change property insurance to - (v) include the automobile coverage with the rOuds fleet policy and increase the deductible from $250.00 to $500.00. $ 939,000.00 15,000.00 176,000.00 85,000.00 211,000.00 11,000.00 $1,437,000.00. 2. That the resolution from the Elgin County Library Board, recommending that the County acquire the Aylmer Town Hall and renovate it for library purposes, be referred to County Council for direction. Court House Jail Registry Office County Engineer's Office Administration Office ~arage 3. Authorization has been given to have two mercury vapour lights erected at the entrance to the driveway at Terrace Lodge. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. (./~4 . .~(~, "r'v.'_'/ ! ' ., .,.4'...." <- J. \-1. Hodgson .~ /' Ch~rman . ' / ./ ..j? / t. .-" V//ftt:~4t'f .,0./1'~ / / 98 !REASURER'S STATEI,:ENT ON RE!,aJNERATION AND EXPENSES February Session, 1979 To.the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, I beg to submit the following itemized statement of the remuneration and expenses, paid to each member of Elgin County Council, during the calendar year ending December 31st, 1978. ~ Remuneration M:ileaqe Conventions Total By-Law No. 2400 By-Law No. . 2287 * By-Law No. 2442 Resolution Sinks, M. E. $ 1,044.00 $ 219.20 $ $ $ 1,263.20 Bradfield, R. T. 1,028.00 324.80 867.00 2~219.80 ~ampbell, D. J. 71.00 19.20 90.20 ~ampbell, J. VI. 1,459.00 274.80 617.00 2,350.80 ::arroll, L. R. *6,595.00 *1,061.48 3,347.93 175.45 11,179'-86 ~averly, \'1. R. 1,309.00 280.40 762.00 2,351.40 ::;ook, D. K. 1,177.00 86.80 1,263.80 ::;owan, '-I. F. 865.00 235.20 262.00 1,362.20 Enerson, K. C. 1,703.00 649.20 2,352.20 Fischer, J. 71.00 27.20 98.20 Fleck, J. R. 71.00 11. 20 82.20 3l0ver, S.' J. 2,178.00 212.40 725.00 3,115.40 Sreen, R. A. 1,231.00 361.40 617.00 2,209040 P.odgson, J. W. 1,041.00 ~02.00 345.00 1,588.00 K:elly, K. M. 1,345.00 443.35 237.00 2,025.35 Lake, R. L. 903.00 137.20 1,040.20 Lashbrook, H. T. 686.00 243.00 929.00 Liebner, A. H. 1,608.00 779.60 935.00 3,322.60 Longhurst, L. A. 1,476.00 80.00 97.00 1,653.00 Lotus, E. P. 887.00 75.60 962.60 :,;artyri., J. P. 71.00 8.80 79.80 ,;onteith, K. E. 71.00 3.20 74.20 ,;cBrien, S. R. 1,051.00 129.60 380.00 1,560.60 '.;cLean, D. K. 1,123.00 146.00 380.00 1,649.00 :~emett, J. P. 868.00 76.80 237.00 1,181.80 ~eukamm, E. 71.00 12.00 83.00 ?ettit, G. R. 711.00 115.60 522.00 1,348.60 ?hillips, C. D. 71.00 6.40 77.40 Upley, M. E. 71.00 7.60 78.60 3hackleton, D. R. 997.00 144.00 735.00 1,876.00 3haw, L. J. 987.00 82.00 735.00 1,804.001 3tewart, M. H. 1,338.00 362.00 237.00 1,937.00 ;al ters, G.E. 71.00 20.00 91.00 .'ilson, J. B. 1,116.00 238.00 867.00 2,221.00 rotal $35,365.00 $7,076.03 $12,642.93 $437.45 $55,521.41 * See amendment below. ALL of which is respectfully subnitted. _~...--;;.<'.-< --<.A...........-<. ~ G. C. Leverton, County Treasurer. t0f?'!-U~ ~flt'wvL 99 FINh.IlCE CCI.~.:I'lTEE REPORT February Session, 1979 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That a grant of $3,000.00 be given to the Young Men's Christian Association of Elgin-St. Thomas to be used for a summer program throughout the County for 1979. )t2. That the request from the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit for a payment on the 1978 Enrichment and Expansion Program be limited to the approved County share of $3,498.30. 3. That the list of Children in Care to December 31st, 1978 from the Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin be filed. 4. That the letter and instruct ions to the Children's Aid Societies for completion of their 1979 estimates of expenditures from the Ministry of Community and Social Services be filed. 5. That the offer from Mr. Richard P.addow, Council's appointment to the Thames Valley District Health Council, to furnish minutes of each monthly minutes and to submit a report on a semi-annual basis (May and November) be accepted. 6. That the proposed budgets of the Roads Committ~e and Homes for Senior Citizens Comnittee be received. 7. That the adjustments in the 1977 and 19'78 County Levies resulting from reversing the equalized assessments for the Village of Dutton between the two years, be shown as a.n adjustment on the 1979 requisition. 8. That a grant of $3,000.00 be included in the 1979 budget for the University of Western Cntario. 9. That we accept the recomnendation of the Roads Com- mittee in purchasing Errors and Ooissions Insurance from the Frank Cowan Company and it be apportioned to the various departments on the ba.sis of number of employees. 10. That the "Experience '79'" guidelines and applica- tion forms for grant be provided to the other departments for their consideration. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. -_./ ~4 /',/. r/ A/ . ,(;Y//iYi-lv V d.~dV' CC"'/H-1..t t.~it.-( * The Report was amended by deleting Item 2. 100 101 COUNTY GOVERNI.;El;T CClrlr;;ITTEE REPCP.T - 2 - February Session, 1979 14. That as East and West Elgin Planning Areas have their official plans approved, we recommend that By-Law No. 2376 which adopts an interim land severance policy be rescinded. To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 15. That invited quotations for printing tlle County proceedings be requested for the March Session. 1. That the letter from the ~inister of Energy re: conservation of energy be filed. 2. That the letter from the Ministry of Housing with amendments to the Planning Act and copy of Bill 183 be filed. 3. That the newsrelease and draft copy of province- wide fire code from the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations be filed. 4~ That the resolution from the County of Kent requesting the Federal and Provincial Governments and the Ontario Housing Corporation to re-examine their decision, regarding the funding and resource aid for Senior Citizen Housing, be tabled to a future meeting and more information be obtained. 5. That the letter and response from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario to the Province, re: 1979 Transfer Payments to Municipalities, be received and the resolution proposed be passed by County Council. 6. That the resolution from the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit re: mandatory installation of approved smoke detectors in those homes not covered by the Ontario Building Code be received and filed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. /. fl. '~'P~ 7. That the letter and copy of Bill 195, An Act to Amend the Municipal Act, from the Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs be filed. L. A Lo h Cha . . ng urst 1rman. · ~.. ~W-t1 d~ / {II 8. That the Land Division Committee be authorized to take 'out membership in the Provincial (Ontario) Association of Committees of Adjustment and Land Division Committees for the Secretary-Treasurer and five members at a cost of $120.00. 9. That the request of Mrs. Barbara L. Dixon, Secretary- Treasurer, Land Division Committee to attend a seminar in Toronto be granted and also ~rs. Rose Daniel, Assistant Secre- tary-Treasurer be authorized to attend, both with expenses paid. 10. That the bulletin and copy of Bill 70, An Act Respecting the Occupational Health and Safety of \vorkers, fron the Associ- ation of ~unicipalities of Ontario, be received and the County Solicitor be asked for his opinion. 11. That the resolution from the Township of Hinchinbrooke requesting the Province to apply Wintario profits to Health Care and Education costs be endorsed. 12. That the resolution from the County of Grey requesting changes in the Planning Act to allow for increases in the fee charged for applications for consent be endorsed and the County of Peterborough resolution be filed. 13. That the letter and notice of public hearing set for March 6, 7 and 8, 1979 from the Royal Commission on Electric Power Planning and inviting Council's presentation be filed. 102 103 SCCIAL SERVICES COi<:I.HTTEE REPORT AGRICULTtJRhL Co;,iKITI'LE I~El- ORT '" February Session, 1979 February Session, 1979 To the vlarden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Social Services Committee reports as follows: To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That we approve of the new rates for the Victorian Order of Nurses of $14.70 per visit, effective January 1st, 1979, subject to the approval of the Ministry of Community and Social Services for subsidy purposes, and subject to the investigation of a user fee. 1. That copies of By-Law No. 2564, Being A By-Law To Amend By-Law No. 2208 to Exempt "Estate Lots" as approved by the Minister of Natural Resources be forwarded to the following: (a) Clerks of all the Local Municipalities (b) East, West and Central Planning Boards (c) Mr. Willis \iea.....er (d) Land Division Committee. 2. That we recommend to the Finance Committee that a grant of $500.00 be included in the ~979 budget for the Elgin Federation of Agriculture. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ") \ ;j If, 1 . I: ,_.' "e, .f /(>:JI<</ _'" M. E. Binks, Chairman . 4'/1('7- C.fh<('~ A-/ft..~ VI. R. Caverly, Cha irman . ",,'~r(' J J 1./ . (I ;""''''1' c (}[fia;f/ 104 105 'lI COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 79-8 COUNTY CF ELGIN By-Law No. 79-9 "BEING A BY -U.\'l TO E~)':;:'A3LISH TEE REI.:UNERATIOI.; TO BE PAID TO THE 'o'iARDEN, COUNCIL j,;EEEE1(S AND COUNTY OFFICIALS FOR ATTEI;DniG COIlVENTIONS." "BEING A BY_LA';! TO EESCIND BY-LFJ: NO. 2376, A BY-U.\,' TO ADOPT AN INTERIM lAND SEVERANCE fCLICY FOI( TEE COUNTY OF ELGIN." The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: WHEREAS By-Law Ko. 2376 of the County of Elgin pro- vides for an interim land severance policy for the County of Elgin; 1. THAT the Warden, ~embers of the Elgin County Council and Elgin County Officials be paid the following rates for attending conventions: AND vlEEREAS the East Elgin, Central Elgin and vlest Elgin Planning Boards have each prepared official plans for their respective planning areas; (a) For a convention within a radius of 300 miles of St. Thomas, Ninety Dollars ($90.00) per day plus registration fee. (b) For a convention outside a radius of 300 miles of St. Thomas, Ninety Dollars ($90.00) per day plus registration fee plus single air fare rates from the London airport to the site of the convention and return. (c) In addition to the $90.00 per day the Warden may receive up to $40.00 per day for additional expenses upon presenta- tion of receipts. (d) That the vlarden be authorized to obtain a County Room at conventions when he deems it desirable and that he be reimbursed upon presentation of receipts. (e) The Warden may receive up to $300.00 in addition to the $90.00 per day, upon presentation of receipts, for additional expenses incurred for the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention only. (f) For a convention held in London, O~tario only, committee pay, mileage allowance to and from home, plus registration fee, for anyone who does not stay overnight at a hotel. (g) That in order to obtain payment for attending conventions the member or official must present the hotel bill and reg- istration receipt or reasonable facsimile of same to the Clerk of the County. (h) The per diem rate for conventions shall be limited to the actual days that the convention has sessions listed. 2. (a) The Warden may attend any number of conventions he chooses each year. (b) Members of County Council are limited to any three conventions of their choice each year. 3. THAT By-Law No. 2287 and all previous by-laws or resolutions pertaining to the payment of convention expenses, be and the same are hereby repealed. 4. THAT this by-law become effective January 1st, 1979. AND WHEREAS all of the above menUoned offic ial plans have been adopted and the Elgin Official Plan has been approved by the Minister of Housing; AND \'lHEREAS Ms. Helen Psathas, Area Planner, South- West Group, Official Plans Branch, Ministry of Housing, has suggested that since East, Central and ilest Elgin have adopted official plans with suitable land severance policies, it does not appear necessary to maintain interim policies at County level; NOJ THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That By-Law No. 2376 of the Corporation of the County of Elgin be and the same is hereby rescinded. READ a first time this 21st day of February, 1979. READ a second time this 21st day of February, 1979. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of February, 1979 ~--<-<''-<'--''-<-c ~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~~"'-<-A_~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. O ,1 /' i , I/;/? . / 1.....Jl'.. L-:t .. JI. ~../. ;., .. -VL ,{ltVJ '-. . ( (;'S. J. Glover, , Warden. READ a first time this 21st day of February, 1979. READ a second time this 21st day of February, 1979. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of February, 1979. 106 107 March Session - First Day fl> 'COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 79-10 Wednesday the 21st day of March, 1979 "A BY -l.A\I. TO CONFIRi/: PROCEEDINGS OF TEE COUNCIL CF TIlE CORPCP~;TIOIl OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE FEBRUARY SESSION. 1979." The Elgin County Council met this day at th~ County M.unicipal Building, in accordance with adjournment. ~~EREAS by Section 9 of the ~unicipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; The ~arden in the Chair. ROLL CALL - All member~ present except Deputy Reeve Stewart, Deputy Reeve Pettit and Reeve Binks. Arrived after Roll Call - Deputy Reeve Fischer (10:09 A.~.). Moved by Reeve Shaw Seconded by Reeve Fleck That the minutes of the February 1979 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. AND vlliEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; AND vlliEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceed- ings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the February 1979 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. - Carried. The following Communications were read and referred to the various Committees: From the City of St. Thomas with advice that they are proposing to pay the City representative, to the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission, on the same basis as the County rep- resentative. - Filed. ~...4<'~--<,W...,-/ G. C. Leverton, Clerk: . .,(j (~/ c/. '" -.l0.. /L1J.--.((.(A/ '. I ~/ s. J. Glover, (/ Warden. From David warner, M.P.P., Scarborough-Ellesmere, with copy of proposed amendment to the Pits and Quarries Control hct, 1971, and requesting support. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the City of Toronto with advice that they had endorsed the resolution from the County of Peterborough re: increased fees for applications for severance of property. - Filed. From the County of Kent advising that their Warden's banquet will be held Saturday evening, November 3rd, 1979, at the Royal Canadian Legion, Tilbury. - Filed. From Mr. Eichael Cassidy, !I..P.P., Ontario Leader of the New Democratic Party, acknowledging receipt of Council's endorsa- tion of A.M.O.'s Response to Provincial Transfer Payments for 1979. - Referred to the County Government Co~~ittee. From Mr. Jim ~cGuigan, M.P.P., with acknowledgement of notice of Elgin's endorsation of the resolution from the County of __Grey re: increased fees for applications for consent.- Filed. From lva-. R. K. McNeil" M.P.P., ...lith information re: funds for Senior Citizens' housing. - Referred to the County Gov- ernment Committee. From the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch No. 41, with request for a grant. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From Mr. R. K. UcNeil, M.P.P. acknowledging Council's endorsation of A.lvi.O.'s Response to Provincial Transfers and Amendments to the Planning Act. - Filed. From the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit with proposed budget for 1979. - Referred to the Finance Committee. READ a first time this 21st day of February, 1979. READ a second time this 21st day of February, 1979. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of February, 1979. From the Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with proposed budget for 1979. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From r':r. R. G. Moore, Eng ineer and Secretary, st. Thomas Suburban Roads C01!Lrnission, with proposed budget for 1979. - Re- ferred to the Hoads Committee. 108 109 - 2 - From the Association of Counties and kegions of Cntario with a copy of a brief presented to the Province, on behalf of urban mllnicipalit ies re: boundary adjustments and inequities in cost-sharing of services. - Referred to the County Government Committee. - 3 - County Council, March Session, 1979 From the Family & Children's Services of St. 1~omas arid Elgin with list of Children in Care to February 28th,. 1979. - .Re- ferred to the Finance Committee. <lO From the University of Western Ontario with appreciation for grant. - Filed. From the Ministry of Natural Resources, Aylmer with copy of a letter to the Regional Director, Southwestern Region, with comments on By-Law No. 2564 re: estate lots. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the Township of. Yarmouth vri th two notices of appli- cation to the Ontario j;Iunicipal Board for approval of by-laws to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of the Planning Act. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with notice of Transfer of Highway to the City of St. Thomas. - Referred to the }(oads Committee. From the Township of South-\'iest Oxford with copy of By-Law No. 12-79 re: assessment on Reynolds Creek Drain. - Re- ferred to the Roads Committee. From James F. ~acLaren Limited with letter re: employ- ment of Mr. D. J. \'lhitney. - Referred to the Personnel Committee. From the Georgian College of Applied Arts and Technology advising that they train students in specialized field of municipal roads and services. - Referred to the rtoads Committee. From the Township of Yarmouth Committee of Adjustment with notice of hearing for a minor variance, set for March 8th, 1979 at 8:00 P.M. - Referred to the koads Committee. From the Ontario Good Roads Association advising that the T. J. Mahony Road School will be held at Guelph University from Sunday May 6th to Wednesday May 9th. - Referred to the ~oads Committee. Wu. Harold Buck, Elgin County Agricultural Representative was present and it was moved by ii~eeve Caverly that he nOlor be heard. He expressed appreciation for financial support that Council gives to the various 4H functions. The Ministry's Engineer is now rendering assistance to the Building Inspectors of the local municipalities. In addition a soil and crop specialist is now located in St. Thomas and is a real asset. Prices being received for various products makes it look very optimistic for the coming year. He indicated that his staff will help in whatever way possible, once the Internat ional Plowing Iviatch has been awarded to Elgin, and the Committees set up. The Warden thanked Mr. Buck and invited him and Mr. John Anderson, Assistant AgriculturillRepresentative to dinner with Council. The First Report of the Finance Committee was presented by Reeve Shaw and adopted on motion of Reeve Shaw and Reeve Campbell. From the Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with list of Children in Care to January 31st, 1979. - Re- ferred to the Finance Committee. From the i'f.inistry of Housing with announcement. of va.rious workshops on changes in the housing and environmental areas. - Re- ferred to the County Government Committee. From the Office of the Special Advisor - Study of Mind Development Groups, Sects and Cults requesting comments from this Council. - Referred to the County Governmen~ Committee. From the University of Western Ontario with a copy of "Western's First Century" by Dr. John Gwynne-Timothy to act as a memento of their Centennial Year. - Filed. From the Ministry of Transportation and Co~~unications with copies of the following memos: The Second Report of the Finance Committee was presented by Reeve Shaw and adopted on motion of Reeve Shaw and Reeve Fleck. The Third Report of the Finance Committee was presented by Reeve Shaw and adopted on motion of Reeve Shaw and Reeve Green. The Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Green and adopted on motion of Reeye Green and Reeve Shaw. The Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee was presented by Reeve Hodgson and adopted on motion of Reeve Hodgson and Deputy Reeve j':ontei th. Moved.by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Reeve Shaw That the Statement of Proposed Work and Expenditures on the County of Elgin Road System and the St. Tnomas Surburban Roads Commission System as Recommended in the First Report of the County of Elgin Roads COIll.i1littee at the March 1979 Session of County Council as Detailed in Resolution 3 and Totaling $2,819,000 be Adopted and Forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation and Com- munications for Approval. - Carried. Moved by Reeve' Caverly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ripley That a Supplementary Application for Subsidy Money in the Amount of $10,000 for rf.unicipal Drainage Assessments on St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission and County Roads be Made to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. (1) Memo No. 79~lD - Contracts, Specifications and Tenders (2 ) Memo No. 79-2 - Equipment (3) Memo No. 79-3 - Culverts and Storm Sewers Subsidy. - Carried. - Referred to the Roads Committee. Moved by Deputy Reeve ~onteith Seconded by Reeve Longhurst That we do now adjourn to meet again Karch 21, 1979,at 2:00 P.M. - Carried. 110 111 - 4 - - 5 - County Council, March Session, 1979 Council Re-Convened. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Reeve Bradfield That By-Law No. 79-12 be read a second time. ROLL CALL - All members present except Deputy Reeve Stewart, Deputy Reeve Pettit and Reeve Binks. Also absent but excused by the Warden were Deputy Reeve Monteith and Reeve Lashbrook. The Fourth Report of the Finance Committee was presented by Reeve Shaw and adopted on motion of Reeve Shaw and Reeve Campbell. - Carried. Moved by Reeve McBrjen Seconded by Reeve Phillips That By-Law No. 79-12 be read a third time and finally The Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Deputy Reeve Walters. passed. - Carried. The Report of the County Government Committee was pre- . sented by Reeve Longhurst and adopted on motion of Reeve Longhurst and Reeve Liebner. Moved by Reeve Phillips Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ripley That By-Law No. 79 -13 "Being a By-Lavl to Conf hm By-Law No. 79-2 of the Township of Dunwich; a By-Law to stop Up or Close and Sell a Portion of a Road Allowance in the Township of Dunwich" be read a first time. The Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Fleck and adopted on motion of Reeve Fleck and Reeve Shaw. The Report of the Social Services Committee was pre- sented by Deputy Reeve Ripley and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Ripley and Deputy Reeve Martyn. The Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caverly and Reeve Green. . - Carried. TEN YEAR CERTIFICATE OF N~RIT Moved by Deputy Reeve Ripley Seconded by Deputy Reeve Martyn That By-Law No. 79-13 be read a second time. - Carried. Warden Glover presented Mrs. Rose M. Daniel, Deputy Clerk-Treasure~ with a ten year Certificate of Merit. Moved by Deputy Reeve Martyn Seconded by Reeve Phillips That By-Law No. 79-11 "Being a By-Law to Establish the Percentage Share of Each Municipality Within the County of Elgin and Amount Required for County Purposes for the Year 1979" be read a first time. Moved by Deputy Reeve Martyn Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ripley That By-Law No. 79-13 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carr ied. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Kelly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Fiscr.er That By-Law No. 79-14 "Being a By-Law to Appoint an Assistant Engineer for the County of Elgin" be read a first time. Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Deputy Reeve Martyn That By-Law No. 79-11 be read a second time. - Carried. - Carried. rt.oved by Deputy Reeve Ripley Seconded by Reeve Bradfield That By-Law No. 79-11 be read a third time and finally Moved by Deputy Reeve Fischer Seconded by Reeve Liebner That By-Law No. 79-14 be read a second time. - Carried. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Liebner Seconded by Reeve Kelly That By-Law No. 79-14 be read a third time and finally passed. passed. Moved by Deputy Reeve Ripley Seconded by Reeve Fleck That By-Law No. 79-12 "Being a By-Law to Authorize Grants to be Made to Various Organizations, Corporations, Institutions, Etc., During 1979" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Longhurst Seconded by Reeve Emerson - Carr ied. That By-Law No. 79-15 "Being a By-Law to Establish the Salary of the Assistant Engineer for the County of Elgin" be read a first time. - Carried. 112 113 - 6 .. FINANCE CG~~ITTEE REFCRT March Session, 1979 Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By~LawNo. 79-15 be read a second time. FIRST REPORT - Carried. To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Wilson That By-Law No. 79-15 be read a third time and finally - Carried. 1. That we recommend to County Council that we accept an additional $40,000.00, which would be the County of Elgin's share of the proposed expansion to the Ti1lsonburg District Memorial Hospital, with payment to remain on the same basis as the prior commitment of four years, and that it be subject to the approval of: . the County of Oxford, Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk and Ministry of Health for their additional shares. pa.ssed. Moved by Reeve McBrien Seconded by Reeve Liebner That By-Law No. 79-16 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the March Session, 1979" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Liebner Seconded by Reeve McBrien That By-Law No. 79-16 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve ~cBrien Seconded by Reeve Liebner That By-Law No. 79-16 be read a third time and finally ALL of which is respectfully submitted. passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Longhurst Seconded by Reeve Emerson That we do now adjourn to meet again on April 18, 1979, at 10:00 A.M. - Carried. .-/ ~...-,. . ./ , _~ ....~ .k'/"~// L" /-/ ~_. L. j. Slfl /_.. '--- Ch' . aw, / alrman '(" ((!fti"ctr/:fk(,<~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. S. J. Glover, Warden. 114 FINANCE COI.fJ,iITTEE REF'CRT COUNTY RATES - COUl'JTY OF' ELGIN FmAI~CE CGi,1r.ITTEE rtEfLF:T 115 r~rch Session, 1979 March Session, 1979 SECOND REPORT TH IRD REFORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, 1. The CO~~ITTEE on Finance beg leave to report that having inquired into Finances of the County, and estimates prepared by the County Treasurer, they herewith submit a statement of the expenditures required for the lawful purposes of the County during 1979 and showing the amount required to be raised for the undermentioned purposes: 1. That a payment of $3,498.30 be made to the Elgin- St. Thomas Health Unit as the approved share of the 1978 Enrichment and Expansion Program. 2. That a payment of $6,064.00 be made to the Elgin- St. Thomas Health Unit to reimburse them for the County's share of the allocation, being provided for unsettled nurses' salaries, which was considered in error as surplus, in estab- lishing the working reserve fund of $42,000.00 during 1977. 3. That the County Auditor be directed to transfer $70,000.00 from the 1978 surplus to the Reserve for Working Capital. Supplementary Taxes Recovery of Rentals Property Tax Stabilization Grant Council Members & Local Boards Administration Salaries Administration Supplies & Services Administration Buildinas Mtce. Court House V~intenanc~ 4. Tha.t Mr. Bill Allen, piper for the Elgin County Plowmen's Association delegation to the O.P.A. and lfx. Ben Parkinson, Manager of the Bank of Uontreal, 408 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, be given County ties. 5. That the following scholarship grants be included in the 1979 budget - Grants Miscellaneous Expenses County Roads Children's Aid Society Elgin Manor - Operating - Debenture Terrace Lodge - Operating - Debenture Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technology University of Western Ontario University of Guelph Wilfrid Laurier University University of Waterloo $300.00 600.00 600.00 300.00 300.00 Bank Interest Discount on County Rates Taxes Written Off Agriculture Registry Office Health Unit County Library Land Division 6. That a grant of $500.00 be included in the 1979 budget for the Elgin Federation of Agriculture. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. Social Services Contingencies Mosquito Control Reserve for Capital Expenditures 1979 1979 1979 Estimated Estimated Tax Expenditures Receipts Levy $ --- $ 15,000. cr.$ 15,000. 39,275. cr. 39,275. 90,000. cr. 90,000. 75,000. --- 75,000. 80,000. 7,500. 72,500. 30,000. --- 30,000. 21,000. --- 21,000. 60,000. 28,900. 31,100. 99,000. --- 99,000. 1,000. --- 1,000. 3,500,000. 2,792,000. 708,000. 58,221. --- 58,221- 1,474,018. 1,342,489. 131,529. 20,400. --- 20,400. 770,268. 686,322. 83,946. 151,305. 36,000. 115,305. 30,000. --- 30,000. 20,000. --- 20,000. 8,000. --- 8,000. 28,000. --- 28,000. 10,500. 6,000. 4,500. 204,210. --- 204,210. 205,175. --- 205,175. 32,500. 1.5,000. 17,500. 489,6.50. 360,970. 128,680. 75,000. --- 75,000. 1,000. --- 1,000. 19,600. --- 19,600. $7,463,847. $5,419,456. $2,044,391. From Surplus 399,590. NET LEVY $1,644,801. Your COW~ITTEE would recommend that the sum of One Million, Six Hundred and Forty-four Thousand, Eight Hundred and One Dollars be raised on all rateable property in the several municipalities of the County of Elgin, during the year 1979 for County purposes, and this amount be levied on the several municipalities in the County of Elgin, on the basis of the apportionment as determined under Section 507 of The Municipal Act, and that a by-law adopting this budget and apportion- ment be prepared. ~ ../1.,....." '" L. J. Shaw;' Chairman. 1 -{-, A' 1"1,;; / /" .'<-I1{rl U "(/f' . ,y,/ / N,c:.-1-- ALL of which is respectfully submitted. .----7b ~ /..-'- /-~ /..~. '. ....y, ,/' -7('... ". /.1---.....- :::~......_ -..- - ;~... 'r'("<'.'/ . ~L. J\ S)l(j~'", ,., </ Cha irman. '('. ,I (1/. (!C /t/ j' : .~ ~~;'r~, ~:~::I, r \' ~. " ..L 116 117 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITIEE MARCH SESSION 1979 PAGE 2. FIRST REPORT CONSTRUCTION - COUNTY AND SUBURBAN MARCH SESSION 1979 ~ ~ Totals include payroll burden. PAGE 1. YOUR ROAD COMMITIEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Miscellaneous Surveys & Grading Construction 2. Land Purchase 3. Ownership Costs, etc., on Accounts Receivable 4. Reduction in Stock Balance 5. Construction Road 16 - Fingal to Burwell Corners 6. Construction Road 30 7. Construction Road .31 8. Construction Road 32 - Police College Road 9. Construction Road 38 - Highway 3 to Highway 19 10. Construction Road 52 - TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: 1. That we have received notice from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications that the subsidizable spending level for Construction and Maintenance, including Urban Rebates, on County and St. Thomas Suburban Roads in 1979 will be $ 2,819,000 and the Subsidy Allocation will be $ 2,087,000. This compares with a spending level of $ 2,728,000 in 1978 and a Subsidy Allocation of $ 2,030,000. 2. That a County Road I~vy of $ 708,000 had been recommended to the Finance Committee and the Committee requested to set aside $ 25,000 TOTAL of the Contingency FUnd for road purposes. GRAND TOTAL - CONSTRUCTION $ 877,000. WE RECOMMEND 1. That the Budget of St. Thomas Suburban Road Connnission in the amount NAINTENANCE the Mi.nistry of Transportation and Communications for approval. COUNTY AND SUBURBAN SUBURBAN COUNTY OPERATION 1979 1979 1979 A ~es and Culverts $ 90,OOO $ 8,000 $ 82,000 -1 Bridges -2 Culverts 10,000 1,000 9,000 B - Roadside Maintenance -1 Grass Cutting & Weed Spraying (1978) 28 , 000 6,000 22,000 -2 Tree Cutting 60,000 15,000 45,000 -4 Drainage 55,000 10,000 45,000 -5 Roadside Maintenance 10,000 2, 000 8,000 -6 Tree Planting 1,aOO 1,000 -7 Dr;,lnage Assessments (Mailltl'nancc) I~ , 000 1,000 3,000 continued . of $ 290, UOO be approved. Construction Cost 5 (includi.ng Land Purchase) ~re estimated at $ 34,000. This will complete work and Land Purchase Und(lr way on Roads 30, 31 & 52. North of St. Thomas. Asphalt Resurfacing on Road 22 (Fairview Ave.) 1/2 mile' north of Road 24 is estimated at ~p JO,OOO. Mainten,mce of the System (approxi.mate ly 47..3 mile s) is ,~stirnated ;.11; $ 197,500 and Ctverhead Costs at :~ 28,500. 2. Th(,t the rebate to Urban Municipnl Hies be 25% of Road Levy as in former years. 3. That a resolution be passed adopting the following Proposed Statement of Work and Expenditures for 1979 and the Statement be forwarded to 118 MARCH SESSION 1979 PAGE 3. MAINTENANCE (continued) COUNTY AND SUBURBAN SUBURBAN COUNTY OPERATION 1979 1979 1979 C - Paved Road Maintenance .1 Repairs to Pavement 150,000 20,000 130,000 -2 Sweeping 13,000 2,000 11 .000 .3 Shoulder Maintenance 18,000 3,000 15,000 -4 Surface Treatment 70,000 12,000 58,000 D . Gravel Road Maintenance -2 Grading Gravel Roads 16,000 3,000 13 , 000 -3 Calciwn Chloride 44,000 8,000 36,000 - 4 Prime 4,000 4,000 .5 Gravel Resurfacing 65,000 20,000 45,000 E . Winter Control Total 400,000 65,500 334,500 .1 Snow Plowing 90,000 -2 Sanding & Salting 256,000 .3 Snow Fence 28,000 -4 Standby & Night Crew 26 , 000 F - Safety Device s -1 Pavement Marking 30,000 6,000 24,000 -2 Signs 40,000 6,000 34,000 -'I Guide RaIl If, 000 1.,000 1,OllO -4 Rai 1 road Prot~'ction 33,000 3,000 30,000 - - - TOTAL :I; 1,145,000 $ 197,500 $ 947,500 4. S~burban Asphalt Resurfacing ~ OPERATION 119 MARCH SESSION 1979 PAGE 4. ' 1979 80,000 Superintendence Garage s Tools Miscellaneous Repairs Radio Needs Study Update Traffic Counts Training Courses Clerical Permit s Miscellaneous Insurance Office Machinery Overhead White Station Rehabilitation TOTAL Apportionment Suburban County 28,000 229,000 SUMMARY (a) Items Subsidized At Operational Rate 1. County Roae! Construction 2. St. Thomas Suburban Roads Corrmission Roads Construction 3. County Asphalt Resurfacing 5~ New Machinery 6. County Maintenance 7. County Overhead 8. SL. Tlltllllif~; Suburban Roads COlllInls,-;lun Nuint<'lldIlC" 9. St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission Overhead SUB TOTAL 72,000 6,500 16,000 3,500 7,000 5,500 '3,000 43 , 000 2,500 17,000 1,000 $ 257,000 8lf3,OOO 34,000 310,000 30,000 155,000 947,500 229,000 l<)l.~jO() 28,000 2,774,000 120 121 MARCH SESSION 1979 HOMES FeR SEl'lICR CITIZENS CCltJ.:IT'l'EE f<EPUI~T PAGE 5. . March Session, 1979 (b) Items Subsidized at 5~!. by the Ministry of Transportation a~d Connnunications (1) Drainage Assessments (See reconnnendation 4) 20,000 To the Warden and Kembers of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: (2) Urban Rebates 45,000 (c) Items Not Subsidized County and Suburban 4,000 1. A policy has been established to charge back dental work, eye glasses, hearing aids and medication, not in the Ministry of Health formula book, to residents who are able to pay. TOTAL EXPENDITURES (b) Ministry of Transportation and Connnunications Drainage ASS(!f;Sment All <lcation 10,000 2. Mr. R. E. Hines, Assistant Administrator, has been authorized to attend the zone meeting of the Ontari.o Associ- ation of the Homes for the Aged, in Chatham, March 22nd. 3. The Director has been authorized to have the complete office area of Elgin Manor carpeted, at a cost of $1,200.00. 4. The Director has been authorized to write to the Aylmer Town Council to request that the Aylmer Police Depart- ment be allowed to patrol the Terrace Lodge grounds. 2,843,000 ~: (a) Ministry of Transportation and Communications General Subsidy Allocation 2,087,000 (c) Contribution of City pf St. Thomas to St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission (effective) approximately 38,000 (d) Sale DC J~operty Nil NET (COUNTY ROAD LEVY) 708,000 4. That a resolution be passed requesting the Ministry of Transportation ALL of which is respectfully submitted. and Communicati.ons to approve thC' sum of $ 10,000 in Subsidy Money fOr Drai.nage Assessments on County and St. Thomas Suburban Commission Roads in 1979. (Subsidy Rate for Drainage Assessments is 50%.) All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. / / / // /'1/ / / / // ..~ / , '1-+'-/ t/. ../'1!";cp/ / ~"H'Cd'/~/ c? ~<'P./ CHAIRMAN /ft1tCf f;f2~H<~ J. V!. Hodgson, ;/ 'Chalrman. //t. ..-I ";. r< {/ /' //'1!Tf1ttj" ",)Cy !t'-tttk/ 122. 123 FINmjCE CG~~I1~EE REPORT PERSONNEL COW~ITTEE kEPGRT March Session, 1979 March Session, 1979 FOURTH REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. We recommend that a grant of $200.00 be given to The Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 41, towards the cost of celebrating VimyRidge Day, on April 9th, 1979. 2. That subject to the approval of the Ministry of Health, the 1979 proposed budget of $705,630.00, requiring the County to provide $204,210.00, be accepted and that the Treasurer be authorized to make payments on the basis of the 1978 approved budget, until the 1979 one has received approval. 3. That the proposed 1979 budget of the Family & Chil- dren's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin requiring $58,221.00 from the County of Elgin be approved. . 4. That the lists of Children in Care to January 31st and February 28th, 1979, from the Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin be filed. 1. That the letter from Mr. J. V. j'..;orris, P. Eng., Senior Vice Pres ident, James F. MacLaren Limited, re: employ- ment of Mr. D. J . 'i/hit ney as Assistant County Engineer, be filed. 2. That we recommend that Mr. Roderick F. O'Meara be engaged as Assistant County Engineer at a rate of $22,872.00 per annum, (Step 2 Level 12), payable biweekly, effective April 1st, 1979, with the understanding that he will take up residence in Elgin County by Cctober 1st, 1979 and that a. by-law be prepared for presentation to Council. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. -~. --~-,./ ~ <~ -- <'~~. ~,(;"-/ (/, ~ (' L. J .\Shaw;' ,---' / Chairman. '--( ~L(uY7-t/ K. C. Emerson, Chairman. 4m{{1!;U,tW )t ~41l1i11 ,C\!~UL1/ 124 125 COUNTY GOVERNJv.ENT COh'il'HTTEE REPORT V~rch Session, 1979 Pl{()I'ERTY cml~ll TTEI~ f{F:I'ORT :>Iarch Se~sion, 197() To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That the letter from I.tr. Michael Cassidy, M.P.P., Ontario Leader of the New Democratic Party, acknowledging Elgin's endorsation of the "A.M.O. Response to Provincial Transfer Payments for 1979" be filed. 2. That the letter from Mr. R. K. McNeil, M.P.P., with information re: funding Senior Citizens' housing be filed. 3. That the brief from the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario, presented to the Province, on behalf of urban municipalities re: boundary adjustments and inequities in cost-sharing of services be photocopied and be sent to urban municipalities. To th~ ,,'arden and ~.l~mbers of the Elgin County Conncil, The Property Committee reports as follo\~s: 1. That the Clerk-Trcasurer's Offi~e be authorized to purchase. a power lawn mower for the Court lIollse I;rounds and have a hot "ater tank .installed in the I{(~'!istry Office. Both items arc in~luded in the 1979 budget. 4. That the letter from the Ministry of Housing an- nouncing various workshops on changes in the housing and environmental areas be filed. 2. That tenders be obtained to paint the interior of the Re'.?,istry Office, the exterior of the ,\ll1nicipal T3llil.ding and the jury room in the Court ilollse - closin!:!; April 17, 1979 at 'l: 00 r. :-1. 5. That the letter from the Special Advisor - Study of Mind Development Groups, Sects and Cults, requesting comments on Elgin's endorsation of the Region of Waterloo's resolution re: Psi Mind Development Institute Limited be filed. 6. That the quotation of Aylmer Express Limited in the amount of $4.00, per printed page, be accepted for work nec- essary in producing the 1978-79 County Proceedings, in printed form. 3. That tenders be obtained to supply and install a rll~ in the Small Claims Office - to close April 17, 1979 at s: 00 P. .\1. 7. That the recommendation of the County Solicitor be accepted in setting up a Committee of the Department Heads, to study and report back: on the various departments' involve- ment under the Provisions of Bill 70. ALL of which is respectfully Sllbmitt<>d. 8. We recommend that the Warden be authorized to use his own discretion as to whether he wears the traditional gown and/or Chain of Office for meetings of Council, other than at the time of election to office. ~1 r7J / J5G/ --L~ {. FI~ck :::......... A tin IT r . ' ~, "ha1.rman. 4rtitLYf )'Y(M~ ALL of which is respectfully submi Hed. /'(?.~~/~{ L. A. Longhurst / Chairman. ' i t' . / ..//' /' . '.' /A1f{'kCV 1.;LlM'U/ 126 127 SOCIAL SERVICES COW.;ITTEE REPORT AGRICULTURAL COW~ITTEE REPORT N.arch Session, 1979 March Session, 1979 To the Warden and N.embers of the Elgin County Council, The Social Services Conmittee reports as follows: To the Warden and N.embers of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Director be authorized to attend the Ontario Municipal Social Services Association Convention in Sudbury, with the usual convention expenses paid. 1. That the copy of the letter from the Aylmer District Manager of the ldnistry of Natural Resources to the Regional Director, Southwestern Region, re: By-Law No. 2564 (Amending By-Law No. 2208) be filed. T:.'e recommend that a copy of the County Solicitor's letter to W. K. Fullerton, Director, Forest Resources Branch, Ministry of Natural Resources, be forwarded to both the Aylmer District l'~nager and Regional Director for their information. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. /.// ~~ ;C" ~[JtJ- M. E. Ripley, I t. Acting Chairman. //(, ;). ";; /? _/'<!;j7/lftd/J '. ' q{/t/L--( t'L'1...-- f/ / jlJ () 1 22 /.? d C'/( /((./ I~> w. R. 'Caverly Chairman. ' /' /1' . /,;:-...;t.dzi1{((I.> / jt-ux/~ . ,/ 11/' :. ~ (/ 128 . COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 79-11 "BEING II. BY-LA\'l TO ESTLBLISE THE H!<CENTAGE SHAEE OF EJ..C'd MUNICIP/\LITY 't,'ITHIN THE COUNTY OF ELGIH AND AMOUNT REQUIRED FOR COUNTY PURPOSES FOR THE YEAR 1979." wHEREAS under Section 507(4) of The ~unicipal Act, the Council of a County shall, in each year, on or before the 1st day of April, by by-law, determine the percentage share that each municipality shall contribute for County purposes and also the amount each shall provide for County purposes in that year. AND \VHEREAS in accordance with the above Section the following percentages have been established: MUNICIPALITY EQUALIZED ASSESS~INT 47,758,644. 10,436,014. 10,179,384. 6,159,985. 20,639,095. 11,896,004. 2,571,515. 1,674,845. 14,514,647. 34,665,717. 37,294,917. 17,058,997. 21,991,856. 58,275,284. 85,412,861- 80,539,022. 461,068,787. PERCENTAGE Aylmer Belmont Dutton Port Burwell Port Stanley Rodney Springfield Vienna West Lorne Al dbo rough Bayham South Dorchester Dumlich Malahide Southwold Yarmouth 10.36 2.26 2.21 1.34 4.47 2.58 .56 .36 3.15 7.52 8.09 3.70 4.77 12.64 18.52 17.47 100.00"lo AND ~mEREAS an estimate has been made showing the sum of One Million, Six Hundred and Forty-four Thousand, Eight Hundred and One Dollars is required to be raised in the several municipalities, for the lawful purpose of the County during the year 1979, on the basis of the above percentages. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Municipal Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts: THAT the amounts, as set forth on Schedule "A" attached, be,levied on all rateable property, by the several municipalities in the County of Elgin, for the year 1979. READ a first time this 21st day of March, 1979. READ a second time this 21st day of ~~arch, 1979. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of March, 1979. "~.,.'-:::J.',::;"""",,C.''''''''~'( I' '7<'~ ;1>1..,...." /7J . (I" , ~ />., . (Jj/((c'c' /C/ / / / S. J. Glover, t./ \varden. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. .. ..c< +' ~o :::>eN A P:: ~ ~ ~ C) ~ A .. ~:S AO eN >-< ...:t ~ o z >-< A:> ~tj z ~~ r-I ;s: :s I >-< p:) r... o ~ :: <Xl{/) r--H 0);2; r-IeJl obHl-t (/)o f::~+ O)A r-I<.t; ~ ...:t 8 ~ g O)~>-< r--C9:> O)A>.Ll r-I:::>...:t p:) >-< H H :;1 A. H C) H Z ~ 0) r-- 0) r-I 0) r-- 0) r-I .;j4 eN LI) <Xl eN LI) co ~ .;j4 eN LI) <Xl eN LI) <Xl ~ <Xl ~ o r-- LI) .. o r-- r-I ~ o r-I 0) <.0 r-I ~ + <Xl C') r-I o .;j4 .. o r-- r-I ~ P:: ~ >:! ..x: LI) eN <.0 <Xl LI) .. <Xl r-I LI) eN <.0 <Xl LI) <Xl r-I o LI) eN r-- r-I .. r-- C') o LI) eN r-- r-I r-- C') H 8 ?-, ...:t ~ (Q r-I eN C') LI) <.0 <.0 r-I r-I LI) r-- .;j4 ~ <.0 c-... co .;j4 .;j4 <.0 r-I . . . . . . .;j4 LI) eN LI) 0 0 o "" 0 0 <.0 0) r-I co C') <.0 0) 0) ... ... ... ... ... .. rl <.0 rl ~ eN LI) r-I C') eN eN eN eN C') LI) <.0 .. <.0 r-I rl LI) c-... <Xl "" LI) o "" r-I <Xl rl <.0 r-I C') C') .;j4 <.0 o C') C') C') eN 0 "" r-- 0) rl o 0) eN <.0 .. . eN C') eN r-- r-- <.0 C') .;j4 o C') 0)10 o r-I . . 0) 0) <.0 <.0 r-I r-I + 1+ o rl C') 0 C') <.0 o eN ~ eN o LI) .. .. eN C') eN r-- o LI) C') <.0 C') 8 H H ;.:> Q ...:t ...:t ~ ~ I:Q H ~ p. >-< ~ ....:l :z; ~ u) H C<: o A. <Xl LI) "" ~ eN LI) o 0 C') <.0 .. .. rl ~ eN LI) 0) 0) co ~ 0 o r-I <.0 eN .. .. eN 0) ~ co o 0> <.0 r-I + r-- '0> <Xl <Xl LI) 0 C') rl .;j4 eN .. .. eN 0> ~ >-< ~ o o P:: A ...:t ~ H r... C9 ;2; H oJ:: ;.l; (/) .;j4 <.0 o <.0 0> .. eN <Xl eN r-I eN 0> .. LI) <Xl eN . r-I eN 0> .. Lf) ex: 3- W H :> to r-I o 0> 0> LI) eN eN C') o <Xl 0> r-I Lf) 0> o 0> to r-I + C') eN r-I r-I <Xl .. r-I LI) ~ ~ o ...:t H u) W ;3: r-I to C') rl o N to eN to C') rl o N <.0 C') N c-... N o ~ eN r-I 0> r-I <Xl C') C') + ~ o 0> <Xl <.0 .. C') eN r-I ffi :::> o oJ:: ;:) p:) A ....:l -.:c: LI) r-- <.0 r-I <.0 <.0 <.0 LI) c-... <.0 r-I <.0 .. <.0 <.0 o LI) C') C') eN C') C') r-I o r-I 0> <.0 r-I + o .ql <;j< <.0 o .. C') C') r-I ~ ~ p:) <.0 C') C') rl LI) o <n c-... C') C') r-I LI) o G') C') r-- <.0 eN o .. r-I <.0 0> o 0> <.0 r-I + <;j< <.0 c-... LI) <Xl .. o <.0 P:: w E-l (/) ~ ::r: C) ~ A ~ 8 (/) LI) o C') r-I <n 0) <n Lf) o C') rl C') 0) C') o rl <.0 eN <.0 .. <Xl r-- 0> o 0) <.0 r-I + r-I o ~ LI) <;j< <Xl r-- ::r: C) H ~~ 5 A 129 eN to .ql r-- . . r-I ,<.0 LI) ..,z' m <.0 .. . C') N o lJ') r-I r-I LI) LI) r-I r-I o <;j< <;j< r-I r-- .ql o o .ql .. eN eN <Xl W <n <.0 LI) .;j4 r-- LI) . . . r-I <.0 r-I Lf) <;j< r-I m <.0 0 .. .. . C') eN <;j< o LI) .ql r-I r-I r-I C') LI) o o <;j< .. CN eN co ~ LI) eN 0 <Xl LI) r-I . . . eN <n C') o OJ eN 0> eN 0 .. .. .. t'-. Lf) <Xl o 0 <Xl eN <n N o o r-I o <Xl .. .ql .ql <.0 r-I ~ r--Ir-- C') C') to to r-- c-... <.0 <.0 So + I + Lf) r-I C') r-- Lf) <Xl ~Ic-... o r-I 0>.. <.0.., .. c-... .ql c-... o .0 <Xl eN <n CN o o r-I o <X) .. ~ .ql <.0 .. r-I ~ <.0 <;j< <n W A H j ~ A ....:l o ~ ;.:> o (/) ~ ,~ t; E-l ~ :::> 8 ~ 130 131 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 79-12 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 79-13 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE GRfJ'JTS TO BE !rJiDE TO VfiliIOUS ORGAN IZi,T IC1:S, "BEItW A BY-LA\'J TO COI~FIRlf. BY-LAW NO. 79-2 OF THE TOWNSHIP OF DUN'.HCH; A BY-LA\': TO S'l'OP UP OR CLOSE AND SELL A PORTION OF A ROJ'.D ALLGdhNCE IN THE TOWNSHIP OF DUl-J'li:rCH. N CORPORATIONS, INSTITUTIONS, ETC., DURING 1979." ~~EREAS the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin deems it advisable to make grants to certain organizations, corporations, institutions, etc.; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: f. THAT the following grants be and are hereby authorized for the year 1979: Association of Clerks and Treasurers . Association of Municipalities of Ontario Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario Canadian National Institute for the Blind Salvation Army - Maintenance Elgin County Pioneer Museum $ 100.00 175.00 690.29 3,000.00 500.00 500.00 300.00 600.00 600.00 300.00 300.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 1,500.00 WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Dunwich on the 7th day of February 1979 l1..D. did p:l.ss By-Law No. 79-2 to stop up or close and sell a portion of a road allowance between Lots 12 and 13, Concession 5 South of "AN lying and being situate in the Township of Dunwich more particularly described in By-L~w No. 79-2 of the Township of Dunwich, a true copy of which is hereunto annexed. AND ~~EREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act the said Township By-Law shall not have any force until confirmed bya By-Law of the Council of the County in which the Township is situated, passed at an o~di- nary meeting of the Council held not later than one year after the passing of the By-Law by the Council a the Township. AND ~~EREAS application has been made to the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin for a By-Law con- firming the said Township of Dunwich By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: THAT By-Law No. 79-2 of the Township of Dunwich being a by-law to stop up or close and sell a portion of a road allowance in the Township of Dunwich be and the same ;is hereby confirmed. THAT By-Law No. 2444 be, and the same is hereby repealed. Scholarships - Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technology - University of Western Ontario - University of Guelph -Wilfrid Laurier University -University of Waterloo University of Western Ontario St. Thomas Young Men's Christian Association Quad County Association for the Mentally Retarded The Local Agricultural Office for - Farm Organizations, Junior Farmers and Institure Groups and Fall Banquet for 4-H Clubs Agricultural Representatives Act The Agricultural and Horticultural Societies in the County of Elgin - Equal to the Province of Ontario Grants to th~se Societies. 4,300.00 500.00 Elgin Federation of Agriculture Elgin County Plowmen's Association Tillsonburg & District Association for the Mentally Retarded Provincial (Ontario) Association of Committees of Adjustment and Land Division Committees Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital St. Thomas-Elgin Debt Counselling Service Southwestern Ontario Travel Association Ontario Municipal Social Services Association 500.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 READ a first time this 21st day of March, 1979. READ a second time this 21st day of March, 1979. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of March, 1979. 120.00 80,573.50 250.00 1,875.00 130.00 READ a first time this 21st day of March, 1979. READ a second time this 21st day of March, 1979. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of March, 1979. _~..r(..{.-<""-L" ~~. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. /;/(;7 7 (I;/~IJI. t(j&.<.<.Zk/ V /' S. J. Glover, Warden. ~/ ~_ ,.(-<_ <- ''-<. ... y""......J G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ./7 {!/ /<1/~/'..~.7{tL( t<..>t/ 7 / / 1/' , s. J. Glover, \/ warden. 132 133 MUNICIPAL corporation of the Township of Dunwich, BY-LAW NO. (l-t; , to close and stop up part of the original road allowance in Lot 12 and Lot 13, Concession 5, South of "A". SCHEDULE II' , " .0 By-law Humber 1. WHEREAS it is deemed expedient in the interest of.the municipal corporation of the Township of Dunwich, hereinafter called the corporation, that the original unopened road allowance set out ~~( and described in schedule "A" attached hereto be closed and stopped up; and the lands sold to the adjoining land owners; ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, .si tuate, lying and being in the Township of Dunwich in the County of Elgin, and Province of Ontario beine composed of of the original allowance for road between Lots 12 and 13, Concession 5, South of "A", more particularly described as follows: WHEREAS Notice of this By-Law has been published .~ ' once a week for four consecutive weeks in the Dutton Advance a newspaper published in the Village of Dutton, Township of Dunwich, and County of Elgin, PREMISING that the bearing of the North-Easterly limit of Currie Road is North 470 48' West, as shown on Deposited Plan 91 and all bearings herein are related thereto; COMMENDING at a point in the intersection of the Southwesterly limit of Currie Road as shown on Plan D91 and the South-Easterly limit of Lot 13, Concession 5, South of "A"; AND WHEREAS Notice of this has been posted up-for at least one month, in six of the most public places in the immediate neighborhood of the said unopened road allowance; THENCE North 470 18' 15" West along Currie Road, a distance of 347.31 feet; AND WHEREAS the Council for the said Corporation has heard in person or by his Counsel, solicitor or his agent, all persons Claiming that their land will be prejudicially effected by this By-law and who applied to be heard. THENCE North 480 00' 15" West along Currie Road, a distance of 845.00 feet; THENCE North 470 18' 45" West along Currie Road, a distance of 352.55 feet; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Township of Dunwich enacts as follows 1. That upon and after the passing of this By-law all that portion of the 66'foot allowance for roads set out and described in schedule "A", attached hereto, be and the same is hereby closed and stopped up. THENCE North 470 48' West along Currie Road, a distance of 24.60 feet; '2. All that part of the said unopened road allowance hereinbefore described and stopped up shall be sold to the adjoining owner or owners or any of them. THENCE South 460 54' West along a wire fence to its intersection with the North-East limit of the original road allowance between lots 12 and 13, Concession 5, Southof "A" which is the place of beginning of the following description:- THENCE South 460 54' West across said road allowance, a distance of 66 feet to its intersection with the South-West limit of said road allowance. 3. The Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Dunwich are hereby authorized to sign or execute such deed or other documents as may be necessary to affect conveyance of that part of the said unopened road allowance hereinbefore desc~ibed and which has been stopped up and closed. Read a firstand Second time this 7th day of February 1979 7th dav of February Read third time and finally passed this - - 1979 /.. /) h .' /.~Y'.., I /YF'7?C'\ /:.(/( ___ U X:.//" /:Ji ,/-'(,; ..'J ."--, THENCE South-East along the South-West limit of said road allowance to its intersection with the road allowance between Concession 5, South of "A" and Concession 6 THENCE North-East along the North-West limit of the road allowance between Concession 5 South of "A" and Concession 6, a distance of 66 feet to its intersection with the North-East limit of the road allowance between Lots 12 and 13 in Concession 5, South of "A"; THENCE North-West along the North-East limit of the road allowance between Lots 12 and 13 in Concession 5, South of "A" to the place of beginning. 4. THE ENACTMENT is as follows This By-law shall come into full force and effect on, from and after the final paasing thereof and when the Council of the County of Elgin shall have passed a By-law confirming same. REEVE ( /' /." {-"-"''' , J _-I ;{tee.. (<' .f';r <,;. ( '/ /' /' .i>~k.. /'K.' /",.{.~/,!A f-~ CLERK {:;:i.~ (/ty.~.:( cry)) 3 .//'/"1 ~ /,/",'.!~' \ (,'hl.J ~~@~av~@ FEB 1 5 1979 COJ:: U OF ELGIN CLEn"., rOJ,SUllLR'S OFFICE 134 135 COUNTY OF ELGIH By-Law No. 79-14 COUN'l.'Y OF ELGIN By-Law No. 79-15 "BElUC;'. BY-LA\'! 'fO APFOH1T Al~ ASSlSTi\NT EKGINI:.ER FOR 'l'P.E COUNTY OF ELGIN." "BEH\G A BY-LNt! TO ESTi,I3LISH 11ft: SAU,RY OF THE !ISSISTANT ENGIHEER FOR Ifr;E COUNTY OF ELGIN." WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to appoint an Assistant Engineer for the County of Elgin. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT Mr. Roderick F. O'rijeara be, and is hereby appointed Assistant Engineer for the County of Elgin. THAT he be paid the rates established for other County employees for the use of his car while on County business. THAT this by-law shall become effective April 1st, 1979. viliEREAS Mr. Roderick F. O'Meara has been appointed Assistant Engineer for the County of Elgin. AND t~EREAS it is advisable to establish a salary for the position. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Elgin enacts as follows: THAT the salary for the position of Assistant Engineer shall be $876.23 biweekly. County of 2. 1. 2. T.P~T this By-Law shall become effective April 1st, 1979. 3. READ a first time this 21st day of March, 1979. READ a second time this 21st day of March, 1979. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of March, 1979. READ a first time this 21st day of March, 1979. READ a second time this 21st day of March, 1979. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of March, 1979. ~.A--<-'J--<-' .. h~-,-_/ G. C. Leverton, / Clerk. {3// J , ",::::??cu..-<.C . V' s: J. Glover, !/ Warden. .---:::::e;.~.>-<-,c ~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. f//l '. >~;1d;>((/(.~ S. J. Glover, 'liarden. ./ 136 137 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 79-16 April Session - First Day Wednesday, the 18th day of April, 1979 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE ~ffiRCH SESSION, 1979." The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municipal Building, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. vffiEREAS by Section 9 of the l~unicipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; ROLL CALL - All members present. Moved by Deputy Reeve Ripley Seconded by Reeve McBrien AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceed- ings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law; NOVl THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the j':arch 1979 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. That the minutes of the March 1979 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. The following Communications were read and referred to the various Committees: From the Anti-Inflation Board with approval of sub- missions made for the Registered Nurses and Nursing Supervisors' Group for increases for the period October 1st, 1976 to September 30th, 1978. - Referred to the Personnel Committee. From Mr. D. A. Atam, Director, Ontario Police College, requesting that County Road #32, from Highway #73 to the College, be repaved as soon as possible. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Township of Southwold Committee of Adjustment, with Notice of Public Hearing re: a minor variance, set for Thursday, April 19th, 1979 at 3:00 P.M. - Referred to the Roads Committee. READ a first time this 21st day of March, 1979. READ a second time this 21st day of March, 1979. READ a third t.ime and finally passed this 21st day of 1~rch, 1979. From the University of Western Ontario with appreciation of scholarship grants. - Filed. From the Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs with copy of a reply sent to the President of A.M.O. re: transfer pay- ment statement.- Referred to the County Government Committee. From the County of Frontenac with resolution opposing the extr~me increase in the seasonal fishing license for non- residents. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Joint Steering Committee on Energy Conservation with request to participate in an energy conservation program. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Village of Port Stanley Committee of Adjustment with Notice of Public Hearing re: a minor variance, set for Thursday, April 19th, 1979 at 7:30 P.M. -Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Township of Yarmouth Committee of Adjustment with two notices of hearing re: minor variances set for Thursday, April 12th, 1979. - Referred to the Roads Committee. ~~,,< . <...,',<-<.. .... Y:~-rJ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ./). ~~~a^/ / I (J' S. J. Glover Warden. ' From Mr. R. K. 1~;cNeil, M.P.P., with a copy of a letter from the Minister of Housing to him and also a reply to the Clerk of Kent County re: senior citizens housing. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Elgin County Pioneer Museum with Financial Statement for the year 1978. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Wilfrid Laurier University with appreciation of scho]~rship grants. - Filed. 138 139 - 2 - - 3 - County Council, April Session, 1979 From Wx. W. Paul with advice of a proposed convention for By-Law Enforcement Officers, to form an Association, set for September 16th to 18th, 1979 in Sudbury. - Filed. A delegation, made up of ~~. LorneCarroll, Mr. Ross Simpson and ~x. Brian Simpson, were present and it was moved by Reeve Liebner that they be now heard. Mr. Carroll was. Spokesman for the group and read a petition which he had furnished to the Clerk previously. . The. petition, signed by 111 persons, requested the County to replace the Walker Bridge that crosses the Thames River, connecting Elgin County Road 5 and rvaddlesex County Road 45. It was pointed out that the bridge was old and has deteriorated so that it now has a five-ton load limit. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with advice of surplus property for sale, H miles northeast of Talbotville. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with registration forms for the Seminar on Urban-Rural Relations set for April 27, 1979 at the Bristol Place Hotel, Toronto. - Re- ferred to the County Government Committee. The Warden thanked the delegation and referred the matter to the Roads Committee. From the Ministry of Treasury and Economics with advice of payment schedule for the 1979 Unconditional Grants. - Filed. From the Ministry of Community and Social Services, Children's Services Division with copies of letters sent re: Group Home Rate Review, lq79. - Filed. From the Association of Municipalities of Ontario with advice of and registration forms for a seminar on "Political Technical Trade Offs in ~unicipal Water and Waste Management". - Filed. The Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Green and adopted on motion of Reeve Green and.Reeve Shaw. The Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee was presented by Reeve Hodgson and adopted on motion of Reeve Hodgson and Deputy Reeve Monteith. From the Ministry of Housing with response concerning severance application fees. - Referred to the County Government Committee. Reeve Caverly reported on the results of a meeting held by the Elgin County Plowmen's Association on April 3rd. They propose to put in another bid for the 1985 International Plowing Watch. Committees are being formed to send out promotional material. From the Township of North Dorchester with notice of hearing and assessment on the Reyneveld Municipal Drain, set for April 3rd, 1979. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs with statement on the Resource Equalization Grant and list of munici- palities eligible for special payments. - Referred to the Finance Committee. Reeve Emerson pointed out to Council that the photographs of Councils were incomplete and suggested that the missing years be listed, as to members and officials. The matter was referred to b~. Elgin Wells, County Librarian, to compile. the information. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ripley That we do now adjourn to meet again April 18, 1979~ at 2:00 P.M. From the Town of Aylmer with notice of application to the Ontario ~unicipal Board for approv~l of a By-Law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of the Planning Act. - Re- ferred to the Roads Committee. - Carried. Council Re-Convened. From the Special Advisor, Study of Mind Development Groups, Sects and Cultsr with acknowledgement of our reply, offer- ing no comments on the Region of Waterloo resolution endorsed in 1977. - Filed. ROLL CALL - All members present except Reeve Lashbrook. Arrived after Roll Call at 4:00 P.M. - Reeve Liebner and Deputy Reeve Neukamm. The Report of the Finance Committee was presented by Reeve Shaw and adopted on motion of Reeve Shaw and Reeve Fleck. The Report of the Property Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Stewart and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Stewart and Deputy Reeve Martyn. The Report of the County Government Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Longhurst and adopted on motion of Reeve Longhurst and Reeve Hodgson. From the Borough of Scarborough with resolution on the use of Aluminum Wiring. - Referred to the County Government Committee. . From the University of Western Ontario with announcement of a workshop on Occupational Health and Safety (Bill 70) to be held W~y 11-12, 1979 at London. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Long Point Region Conservation Authority with announcement that meeting on floodplain regulations has been re- scheduled for Friday, April 27th, 1979. - Filed. From The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 41, with appreci- ation for contribution made for their Vimy Ridge Day. - Filed. From the Ministry of Housing with guide and application form for the 1979-80 Ontario Home Renewal Program. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit with revised 1979 Budget requiring a County share of $191,411. - Referred to the Finance Cow~ittee. The Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Reeve Shaw. Moved by Reeve Shaw Seconded by Reeve Longhurst That By-Law No. 79-17 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the April Session, 1979" be read a first time. - Carr ied. 140 141 - 4 - Koved by Reeve Longhurst Seconded by Reeve Shaw That By-Law No. 79-17 be read a second time. - Carried. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT Moved by Reeve Shaw Seconded by Reeve Binks That By-Law No. 79-17 be read a third time and finally APRlL SESSlON 1979 Page 1. passed. TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGlN COUNTY COUNClL: - Carr ied. YOUR ROAD COMMlTTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: . Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by Reeve McBrien That we do now adjourn to meet again on May 16, 1979, at 10:00 A.M. 1. YourConnnittee's inspection of roads in East Elgin, planned for April 10, 1979 was cancelled because of inclement weather and is rescheduled for April 20, 1979. - Carr ied. 2. On April 7, 1979, a fire at the County Garage destroyed Grader #16 (1971 Wabco), and damaged two other graders, one slightly, the other had 2 tires burned plus other minor damage. Mso destroyed was the 2-Way Radio Set in Grader #16. A settlement has been .made with Frank Cowan Company Limited for $ 72,500 plus the older grader (the front end of which is usable for parts for another County Grader, a 1969 Wabco). The Engineer has been authorized to call tenders for a new Grader with the County's 1964 Galion (Grader #13) as a trade- G. C. Leverton, Clerk. S. J. Glover, Warden. in. The Galion has only been used as 0 standby recently and is in onl.y fair condition. This wi.lI Leave' the County with 'j Gradl'rs. WE RECOMMEND: l.. That the correspondence from David Warner, MPP regarding the Pit & Quarries Control Amendment Act be filed. 2. That a By-Law be passed authorizing the Wardell and Clerk to grant a licence (permit ) under Section 354, Sub sections 93, 94 & 95 of the Municipal. Act to allow a store encroachment onto Roads 37 and 1~7 in Avon on Lot 4,.Concession Vll, South Dorchester. The property owned by Mr. & Mrs. Hindle encroaches approximately 4 feet on Road 37 and ] 1/2 feet plus a concrete .step on Road 47. The owners find they 142 143 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMHITTEE HOMES FOR SEH IOR CITIZE/JS COl,jIGTTEE REPORT FIRST REPORT April Session, 1979 APRIL SESSION 1979 Page 2. To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 2. (continued) cannot arrange a mortgage through the usual sources because of the 1. A policy has been established to limit the use of the whirlpools at Terrace Lodge and Elgin Manor to persons over the age of 60 years. 2. The Dietary Supervisor and two charge persons have been authorized to attend the annual Hostex Show in Toronto, on April 23rd, 1979, with expenses paid. encroachment. The licence granted would be similar to the one granted in Finga1 last November. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. ;Ycnu#/ {/ ~(?~ CllAIRMAN /f1fl:f~ ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ,:../ ~ / /~/ .' . . ~ /,~~-t r ,~l y5t~ 144 145 FINANCE COi,jMITI'EE REl-'ORT PROPERTY CO~~ITTEE REFORT April Session, 1979 April Session, 1979 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: To the Warden and ~embers of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Financial Statement f~om the Elgin County Pioneer Museum for the year 1978 be received and filed. 2. That the statement from the Minister of Intergov- ernmental Affairs on the Resource Equalization Grant and list of Municipalities eligible for special payments be filed. 3. That the revised 1979 budget of $623,350.00 re- quiring the County to provide $191,411.00, for the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit, be accepted and until the Ministry of Health gives it approval of this amount, the Treasurer be authorized to make payments on the basis of the 1978 approved budget. 1. That the tender of H. G. Medlyn Painting and Decorating Limited in the amount of $2,485.00 be accepted for painting required in the interior of the Registry Office, exterior of the Municipal Building and the jury room in the Court House. 2. That the tender of Elgin Floor Covering Limited in the amount of $719.86 be accepted to supply and install ozite pendant carpet for the Small Claims' Office in the Court House. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. v z ~ t7;;' /// ~ ,--11/7 .Y') M. H so!. ' Cha1' . Lewart rman. ' /,1' /) ( /// // /,' < /tyf;rpl t~ tt:l j/, () f; t/U?ik-' 1/ t' //:./ , 146 147 (MRS.) R.M.DANIEL. DEPUTV CLERK-TREASURER 9 GLADSTONE AVENUE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 2L3 PHONE (5191 631.1460 COUNTY GOVERN~ffiNT COrB~ITTEE REPORT April Session, 1979 To the Warden and ~embers of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: G.C. L.EVERTON. A.M.C.T. COUNTY CLERK AND TREASURER 1. That the letter from the lI1inister of Intergovern- mental Affairs, with copy of a reply sent to the President of A.M.O., re: transfer. payment statement be filed. 2. That the resolution from the County of Frontenac opposing the extreme increase in the seasonal fishing license for non-residents be filed. March 30, 1979 To the Members of the County Government Committee 3. That the letter from the Joint Steering Committee on Energy Conservation be filed. 4. That the letter from Mr. R. K. McNeil, M.P.P. with copy of a letter from the Minister of Housing to him and also a reply to the Clerk of Kent County re: Senior Citizens housing be filed. 5. That the resolution from the County of Kent request- ing the Federal and Provincial Governments and the Ontario Housing Corporation to re-examine their decision, regarding the funding and resource aid for Senior Citizens Housing, be filed. Re: Bill 70 An Act Respecting the Occupational Health and Occupational Safety of Workers At the directior,s of the County Government Committee ,a meeting of the department heads vTaS held on Friday, I,:arch 30th, 1979, to discuss the effect of the provisions of the above-Qentioned Bill on their particular activity. The following were present: R. G. ~oore - County Engineer E.A. Wells - County Librarian F. J. Boyes - Director, Homes for Senior Citizens R. E. Bell '- Director, Social Services G. C. Leverton - Clerk-Treasurer. 6. That the correspondence and registration forms from A.C.R.O. re: seminar on Urban-Rural Relations to be held in Toronto, April 27th, 1979 be filed as copies were made avail- able previously to all urban munic ipali ties. 7. That the resolution from the Borough of Scarborough, x'equesting the Province not to implement Recommendation 9, of the Commission of Inquiry on Aluminum Wiring, suggesting con- tinued authorization for aluminum wiring, but instead place a five year moratorium on its use in Ontario, to allow further testing be filed. 8. That the letter from the Ministry of Housing ad- vising that the question of increased fees for severance applications is presently being reviewed be filed. 9. That the letter from the University of Western Ontario with announcement of a workshop on Occupational Health and Safety (Bill 70) be filed. Prior to the meeting copies of the Bill, A.M.O. bulletin, a summary of the. Bill from Hurr.ber College, and the .letter from l.i. J. Hennessey, were made available to each of the above persons. After reviewing the matter it was the opinion or those present that: 1. The following departments are exempt from the provisions of the Act: Social Services De~artment Library Department- Engineer's Office Staff Elgin t,;anOT (:ff ice Staff Terrace Loc.ee Cffice Staff Clerk-Treasurer's Department - including Land Division and Caretaking Staff. 2. The following will be under the .il.ct: 10. That the letter, guide and application for grant, under the Ontario Home Renewal Program, from the Ministry of Housing be filed. 11. That the report from the Department Heads with respect to Bill 70 be accepted. 12. That pocket greeters, pocket and pin typ~be pur- chased for each member of Council, Department Heads and Deputies and that it be of a blue material, gold crest and white printings. Roads Department - outside staff Elgin r.;anor - Union p€rsonnel and R. N's. Terrace Lodge - Association personnel and R. N's. 3. Although the Bill has received third reading and Royal Assent on DeceIT~er 15th, 1978, it will ~ct become law u~til oroclaimed by the Lieutenant Govsrnor. Some recorts iridicate that it will be at least six months. . 4. It is recorc:nended that ~.nti1 the Act is proclnined and Regu- lations mace, no action is necessary at tids tL"e. 5. ~,~en ~he Act is law, it is felt that t~~ COIT~i~tees under \o,hich n:oads and the ;:omes ror Se:'\ior Ci~izen5 ocerate shculd formulate the rolicies for their reSf€ctiv8 operat1ons. . ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ALL of Tlihich is respectfull~r subni tted on beh.:tlf of the department heads named previously. t..,<" ~ p/ 11. ~-/::A~yf r L. A. Longhurst, I' /.' Cha irman . {.:' / ,~(.?{!(./(; 1 '~7ltttt1/ ~ G. c. L.:lv<?Ttcn, Clerk-'l'reaz:',rer. c.c. : ~:rj:t~:~;~~~:;s 148 149 April Session, 1979 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 79-17 PERSOtlNEL COj~a,iITTEE REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: "A BY-LA'..i TO CC;iFIId!; I li:CCEEDH!GS GF TEE COUNCIL (IF THE CORFCr':ATICN OF THE COUNTY CF ELGIN AT T:IE AFRIL SESSION. 1979." 1. That the letter from the Anti-Inflation Board approving increases for the Registered Nurses and Nursing Supervisors' Group, for the period October 1st, 1976 to September 30th, 1978, be received and filed. 2. That we concur with the recommendation of the Homes for Senior Citizens .Conunittee, to pay retroactive pay to the Registered Nurses, who have terminated their employment since October 1st, 1976. 3. That a policy be established not to pay anyretro- active wages, to persons who have left the employment of. the County of Elgin, prior to a new rate of pay being established for persons, not covered by a Union or Association Agreement and that a copy of this resolution be sent to each department. 4. That as the County of Elgin has never established a policy of reimbursing applicants for their expenses, while attending interviews for employment, we recommend that the travelling account, from ~~. W. D. McCann, P. Eng. for ex- penses be not paid. 5. That the fringe be~efit of Long Term Disability be made a condition of employment for all persons employed after April 17th, 1979 and all present employees enrolled be given the opportunity, until May 1st, 1979 to drop out of the Group o~ they will be required to continue in the Group until terminating employment with the County. vflIEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Cntario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; AND ~1IEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes. of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; AND VhiEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceed- ings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees ana each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the April 1979 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. READ a first time this 18th day of April, 1979. READ a second time this 18th day of April, 1979. READ a third time and finally passed this 18th day of April, 1979. f~~'d<U'1/ Ch. Ci. Emerson a rman. ' / rCl1 J/1I~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. /1 (1.' \N', w~ach_// /i ...s. J. Glover, iJ Warden. _----:-f';; /---< _ '--<. '. :L,c_, '- 150 May Session - First Day Wednesday, the 16th day of May, 1979 The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municipal Building,' st. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL - All members present except Reeve Bradfield. tfloved by Reeve 'Nilson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit That the minutes of the April 1979 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. The following Communications were read and ref~rred to the various Committees: From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with copies of the following: Memo #79-4 - Petrographic Examination of Aggregates Memo #79-4A - MR-222 Rates for Articulated Graders. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Elgin County Pioneer Museum outlining the ~useum's position with respect to the proposed "Nilitary ~useum". - Referred to the Property Committee. From the Village of Belmont with notice of application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of a by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. - Re- ferred to the Roads Committee. From the Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs with copy of Bi~l 46, An Act to Amend The Local Improvement Act. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Minister of Transportation and Communications advising that an advance payment of subsidy of $626,100.00 is to be made. - Filed. From ~~s. Eva Bartley and Family with appreciation for flowers. - Filed. From the Association of Municipalities of Ontario with questionnaire on "The ~unicipal Conflict of Interest Act, 1972". - Referred to the County Government Committee. From ~rr. P. J. Pratley, Director, Operational Planning Branch, II.inistry of Housing, requesting a nominee for the Elgin and St. Thomas Housing Authority, due to the resignation of ~J. Christopher Dwyer. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the City of St. Thomas with copy of By-Law No. 52-79 with respect to the City's member of the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission. - Filed. From the County of Renfrew with request for donation, for losses suffered in snow fall on January 24-25, 1979. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the County of Grey with resolution to curb the unusual increases in machiuery costs to municipalities. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 151 - 2 - From lirrs.Trudi H. Wilson, League Oecretary,requesting the County, as Life Members of the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital Corporation, to support their opposition to anti-abortion~t presence on the Board. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Town of Aylmer Committee of Adjustment with notice of hearing re: a minor variance, set for Uay 7th at 8:00 P.M. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Township of Bayham with request to confirm the closing of roads set out in copies of By-Law No. 1987, 1988 and 1989. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 'From the Tillsonburg Distr ict I\:emor ial Hospital with copies of approval from the Regional l.;unicipality of Haldimand- Norfolk and the County of Oxford. - Referred to the Finance Commit- tee. From The Premier of Ontario with regard to the February Conference of First ~inisters on the Economy and request form for literature on it. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Association of Municipalities of Ontario with announcement of a seminar on Arbitration - June 15th, 1979.- Re- ferred to the Personnel Committee. From the Town of Aylmer with resolution requesting the County to take over the extension of Elm Street (Oounty Road #53). - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Township of Southwold with notice of application to The Ontario Municipal Board for approval of a by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. - Re- ferred to the Roads Committee. From the District Weed Inspector, Soils and Crops Branch, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, with notice of meeting for weed inspectors, set for May 2nd, 1979 at Guelph University. - Filed. From the Family and Children~s Services with Financial Statement to March 31st, 1979 and allocation of Children in Care atliarch 31st, 1979. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Ministry of Natural Resources with complimentary copy of a publication entitled "Abandoned Pits and Quarries in Ontario, A Program for Their Rehabilitation". - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the University of Waterloo advising that the winners of the Elgin County Scholarships were: DanielP. Hermans R. R. #1, Belmont Honoursliath - Yr. 2B - 86.2% Betty A. Van Ymeren R. R. #5, Aylmer Science - Yr. 2 - 86.1%. - Filed. From the Town of Tecumseh with resolution petitioning the Attorney General of Ontario to pass legislation, requiring a 48 hour "Cooling-Off" period, in order to cancel an agreement of purchase and sale for real estate. ~ Referred to the County Govern- ment Committee. 152 153 - 4 - - 3 - County Council, V~y Session, 1979 From the Ministry of Health with approval of the Elgin- St. Thomas Health Unit 1979 budget, in the amount of $623,350.00. Referred to the Finance Committee. From the st. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital with request for the names of two persons, to be elected to the Hospital Board, at the Annual ~eeting in June. - Referred to the County Government Committee. Mr. Richard Haddow, Council's appointee to the Thames Valley District Health Council, was present to give a report. It was moved by Reeve Caverly that he be now heard. f,:r. Haddow ad- vised that he had sat in on the meetings in January and February but had no vote. In March the Order-in-Council for his appointment came through and he was permitted to s it as a vot ing member. He was appointed to the Services Committee and is Chairman of the Nursing Home Study Committee. Three Thursdays out of each month are taken up by meetings. Attempts to keep County Council up to date is done by supplying copies of the Councils' minutes for each member. He thanked Council for the Appointment and also to the Ford rf.otor Company for allo\-ling him the time off to serve. The Warden invited jv.r. Haddow to lunch with the Council. The Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Green and adopted on motion of Reeve Green and Reeve Shaw. From the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital Board of Governors, with invitation to attend a luncheon in the Auditorium of the Hospital's School of Nursing on Wednesday, June 20th. - Re- ferred to the Reception and Entertainment Committee. From the Elgin County Library Board with resolution requesting permission to budget $41,000.00 for 1980 towards recon- struction of the Aylmer Old Town Hall. -Referred to the Finance Committee. The Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee was presented by Reeve Hodgson and adopted on motion of Reeve Hodgson and Reeve Binks. From N~s. Barbara Dixon, Secretary-Treasurer, Land Division Committee, requesting permission for members to attend a convention in Sarnia, June 3rd to 6th. - Referred to the County Government Committee. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Liebner WHEREAS there is a growing concern among the people' of Elgin County that the present controversy at the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital may lead to a lowering of the morale of the Medical Staff and a deterioration of service to the Community, this Council requests the Honourable Dennis Timbrell to monitor the situation and take whatever steps necessary to ensure that the high quality of patient care is maintained. From Oxford County Federation of Agriculture with an- nouncement of a Waste Disposal Seminar to be held at Norwich on May 28th, 1979. - Filed. From the Elgin County Pioneer Museum with resolution concerning the passageway between the County Museum and the pro- posed Military Museum. - Referred to the Property Committee. From the Ministry of Community and Social Services with approval of the 1978 expenditures in the amount of $500,585. - Filed. - Carried. From the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit with request for additional funds required in the amount of $7,655.50. - Referred to the Finance Committee. Moved by Deputy Reeve Monteith Seconded by Reeve McBrien 1. That all cheques of the Corporation drawn on its Elgin V~nor Home for Senior Citizens, General and Trust accounts be signed on its behalf by the Director, Secretary-Treasurer, Deputy Secretary-Treasurer (any two). ' 2. That the Director or the Secretary-Treasurer of the Corporation be and is hereby authorized for and on behalf of the Corporation to negotiate with, deposit with or transfer to the Bank of Montreal (but for credit of the said Corporation account only) all or any Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Cheques and Orders for the payment of money and other negotiable paper, and for the said purpose to endorse the same or any of them on behalf of the said Corporation, either in writing or by rubber stamp. 3. That the Director or Secretary-Treasurer be and is/are hereby authorized for and on behalf of the said Corporation from time to time to arrange, settle, balance and certify all books and accounts between the said Corporation and the Bank; and to receive all paid cheques and vouchers, unpaid and unaccepted bills of exchange and other negotiable instruments. 4. That the Director or Secretary-Treasurer be and is/are hereby authorized for and on behalf of the said Corporation to obtain delivery from the said Bank of all or any stocks, bonds and other securities held by the said Bank in safekeeping or otherwise fo~ the account of the Corporation and to give valid and binding receipts therefor. 5. That this resolution be communicated to the said Bank and remain in force until written notice to the contrary shall have been given to the ~:anager for the time being at the Branch of, the Bank at which the account of the said Corporation is kept and receipt 0f such notice duly acknowledged in writing. - Carried. From the Ontario Building Officials Association Inc. with a resolution concerning the application of the Ontario Build- ing Code on heritage buildings. - Referred to the County Govern- ment 90mmittee. From the Ontario Live Stock Protective Association with request for a grant of $100.00. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Township of Bayham with resolution suggesting Mr. Murray Benner's name for the Land Division Committee. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Township of Yarmouth Committee of Adjustment with notice of hearing for a minor variance set for ?i~ay 24th, 1979 at 8:00 P.M. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Village of West Lorne with notice of application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of a by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. - Re- ferred to the Roads Committee. From the Family and Children's Services with allocation of Children in Care to April 30, 1979. - Referred to the Finance Committee. 154 - 5 - County Council, :.:ay Session, 1979 - 6 - 155 Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by Reeve Wilson That the Auditor's Report for the year ended December 31st, 1978 be accepted by the Elgin County Council. - Carried. The original report, as amended, was voted on and adopted. The Report of the Reception and Entertainment Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Fischer and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Fischer and Reeve Kelly. The Report of the Property Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Stewart and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Stewart and Deputy Reeve Martyn. .. The Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Reeve Campbell. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That we do now adjourn to meet again on ll.ay 16, 1979 at 2:00 P.M. - Carried. Reeve Hodgson, through Warden Glover, invited members of Council and Officials to an open house - Saturday, June 9th, 1979 in honour of their thirty-fifth wedding anniversary. Reeve Hodgson was excused from the meeting (4:45 P.M.). Moved by Reeve Phillips Seconded by Reeve Longhurst That the County of Elgin place a small ad in the Times- Journal, welcoming the Mocca Temple Shrine Ceremonial to the County on June 1 and 2 and a Congratulations to Dr. Clint Bell of Port Stanley for being the Potentate of Mocca Temple for the year of 1979. Council Re-Convened. ROLL CALL - All present except Reeve Bradfield and Reeve Lashbrook. CERTIFICATES OF MERIT Mr. Roy LaForge of the Roads Department was presented with a Certificate of If.erit and Lapel Pin for having completed twenty years of employment with the County. The following employees of Elgin Wanor were given Certificates of Merit for completing ten years of employment with the County: Mrs. Pearl A. ~e1ton Mrs. Elisa DiRenzo Mr. Foster L. Jones. The Report of the Finance Committee was presented by Reeve Shaw and adopted on motion of Reeve Shaw and Reeve Liebner. The Report of the County Government Committee was pre-. sented by Reeve Longhurst. It was Moved by Reeve Longhurst Seconded by Reeve Caverly That the Report of the County Government Committee be - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Walters Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By-Law No. 79-18 "Being a By-Law to Establish Rates of Pay for Part Time Employees" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Walters Seconded by Reeve Green That By-Law No. 79-18 be read a second time. adopted. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Reeve Fleck That Clause 7 be deleted and appointing Ron Lake in place of Murray Benner to the Land Division Committee to complete the term of the late Karl Bartley. Reeve Wilson requested a recorded vote. Moved by Reeve Green Seconded by Deputy Reeve Walters passed. That By-Law No. 79-18 be read a third time and finally - Carried. YEAS M~ved by Deputy Reeve Walters Seconded by Reeve Emerson Fischer, Walters, Longhurst (2), Monteith (2), Shaw (2), Wilson, Pettit, McBrien (2), Phillips, Ripley, Fleck - TOTAL 15. NAYS Kelly (2), Campbell, Martyn (2), Caverly (2), Neukamm (2), Green (2), Stewart, Glover (2), Emerson, Hodgson, Binks, Liebner - TOTAL 18. The motion to amend was lost. Moved by Reeve Phillips Seconded by Reeve Emerson That the last word in Clause 4 "endorsed" be deleted and changed to "tabled". That By-Law No. 79-19 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2543, a By-Law to Establish a Pay Schedule for Employees Covered by the Job Evaluation Scale, Other Than Certain Roads Department Employees" be read a first time. - Carr ied. Moved by Reeve Shaw Seconded by Deputy Reeve Walters That By-Law No. 79-19 be read a second time. - Carried. The amendment carried. 156 - 7 - County Council, l';ay Session, 1979 - 8 - 157 Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Shaw That By-Law No. 79-19 be read a third time and finally Moved by Reeve Green Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit That By-Law No. 79-22 be read a third time and finally passed. passed. - Carried. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Nonteith Seconded by Reeve Emerson Moved by Deputy Reeve Fischer Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By-Law No. 79-20 "Being a By-Law to Establish the Rates of Pay for Certain Employees in the Homes for Senior Citizens" be read a first time. - Carr ied. That By-Law No. 79-23 "Being a By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 1987 of the Township of Bayham; a By-Law to Stop Up and Close and Sell a Road Allowance in the Township of Bayham"be read a first time. Moved by Reeve Liebner Seconded by Reeve Shaw That By-Law No. 79-20 be read a second time. - Carried. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Campbell That By-Law No. 79-23 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Shaw Seconded by Reeve Liebner That By-Law No. 79-20 be read a third time and finally Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That By-Law No. 79-23 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. passed. Movep by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm - Carried. That By-Law No. 79-21 "A By-Law to Authorize tl.r. Arthur Vanderispaillie, the Cwner of a Portion of Lots 14 and 15, Con- cession I of the Township of Bayham (Hereinafter Called 'The Grantee' and Which Term Shall Include His Heirs, Successors, and Assigns) to Construct, Use, and Operate ~orks Required for the Transmission of Water in the County of Elgin (Hereinafter Called 'The Municipality')" be read a first time. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Campbell That By-Law No. 79-24 "Being a By-Law to Confirm. By-Law No. 1988 of the Township of Bayham; a By-Law to Stop Up and Close and Sell a Road Allowance in the Township of Bayham" be read a first time. - Carried. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Deputy Reeve Martyn That By-Law No. 79-24 be read a second time. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Fleck That By-Law No. 79-21 be read a second time. - Carried. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Martyn Seconded by Reeve Shaw That By-Law No. 79-24 be read a third time and finally Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Shaw That By-Law No. 79-21 be read a third time and finally passed. . passed. - Carr ied. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Fischer That By-Law No. 79-25 "Being a By-Law to Confirm By-Law No. 1989 of the Township of Bayham; a By-Law to Stop Up and Close and Sell a Road Allowance in the Township of Bayham" be read a first time. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By-Law No. 79-22 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign an Agreement Re: a Building Encroachment Located in the Township of South Dorchester" be read a first time. - Carried. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Green Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit That By-Law No. 79-22 be read a second time. Moved by ReeveJWilson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit That By-Law No. 79-25 be read a second time. - Carr ied. - Carried. 158 159 - 9 - County Council, t.:ay Session, 1979 Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit That By-Law No. 79-25 be read a third time and finally COUNTY Of ELGIN ROAD C0I1NITTEE passed. - Carried. FIRST REPORT Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Fleck That By~LawNo. 79-26 "Being a By-Law to Appoint a Land Division Committee" be read a first time. MAY SESSION 1979 Page 1. - Carried. TO THE WARDEN AND CHAIRMAN OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: Moved by Deputy Reeve ~~rtyn Seconded by Reeve Shaw That By-Law No. 79-26 be read a second time. YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: - Carried. 1. We have accepted the tender of Champion Road Machinery Sales Ltd. for Moved by Reeve Shaw Seconded by Deputy Reeve ~~rtyn That By-Law No. 79-26 be read a third time and finally a Champion Model 0740 Motor Grader and Snow Wing at a tendered price of $ 80,571 including trade-in allowance ($ 10,500) for the County passed. 1964 Galion Grader, and provincial sales tax. The "\I" and one way -Carried. snow plow previously used for Grader #16 (destroyed by fire) will be Moved by Deputy Reeve Monteith Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By-Law No. 79-27 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the May Session, 1979" be read a first time. fitted onto the new grader. 2. Your Road Corrnnittee Inspection of West Elgin Roads has been postponed until after their next meeting on June 7, 1979. - Carried. 3. That tenders for Hot Mix Asphalt Paving have been called and the Moved by Reeve Green Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That By-Law No. 79-27 be read a second time. Carried. Warden authorized to open the tenders. WE RECOMMEND THAT - 1. The resolution of the County of Grey, regarding increase in the price Moved by Deputy Reeve Y~rtyn Seconded by Reeve Green That By-Law No. 79-27 be read a third time and finally of construction equipment be filed. passed. 2. That a By-Law be passed to confirm Township of Bayham By-Laws #1987, - Carried. #1988 and #1989 to close ~all portions of unused road allowances in Moved by Reeve Phillips Seconded by Reeve Caverly That we do now adjourn to meet again on June 20, 1979, at 10:00 A.M. various areas of the Township. 3. That a By-Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign an - Carr ied. Agreement with Arthur Vanderispaille of Port Burwell for the laying of a water line to his pro~~rty on the east side of the Vanorder culvert on Road 42 from the east limit of Port Burwell. The Agreement will be similar to previous agreements with persons and municipalities to allow them to lay water lines and requires them to remove the line G. C. Leverton, Clerk: S. J. Glover, Warden. 160 161 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD CO~WITTEE HOY~S FOR SENIOR CITIZENS CO~~ITTEE REPORT }~y Session, 1979 FIRST REPORT MAY SESSION 1979 Page 2. To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: TO THE WARDEN AND CHAIRMAN OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: I~L~ () ;/ I ,f; iJr} ~ ! [/~ ..u lAC ~1;(!IJJY !/:jWL~ CHAIRMAN 1. The request from the Shrine Club to use the Elgin Manor van during the June 2nd parade was not granted. 2. The Director has been authorized to allow the department heads to attend a workshop at Valleyview, on May 25th, 1979, with a registration fee of $6.50 each. 3. The Assistant Administrator has been authorized to attend a two-day Inservice Training Program,wHh a regis- tration fee of $30.00 and expenses of $43.00 per day. 4. The City of St. Thomas has been advised that the County is not interested in taking over the Kiwanis Home, as a satellite home, because of the financial payment required in the amount of $4,868.76, equal to taxes and local improve- ment charges on the property. 5. We recommend that the name of the Bank Accounts for the Elgin County Home for the Aged (Elgin Manor) be changed to Elgin Manor Home for Senior Citizens and a reso- lution be prepared for presentation to Council. 3. (continued) without cost to the County if the need arises. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. ) / " ( / :l . / / /; I..: . / l /','" ;-. I / ,--,/' ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ,/..1 ~ ,/, /;:1 / "/'../ J. vrl'H . / o....;;~.. / eha .. odgson ~ / . ., cvn/ , orman.' I tc~/.. '.~. 0!tttlu-/ _/ I :trtILff'1!P . 162 FINANCE CO~~ITTEEREPORT l':ay Session, 1979 To the Warden andlV;ernbers of the Elgin County Co.unc il,' The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That the request from the Elgin County Library Board to budget $41,000.00 in 1980, towards the reconstr.uctionof the Aylmer Old Town Hall for expanded Library Services be approved, providing that the Town of Aylmer agree in writing to maintain the building once renovated. 2.. That the request from the County of Renfrew requesting a donation, towards losses suffered in snowfall on January 24-25, 1979, be filed. 3. That the letter from Mrs. Trudi H. Wilson, League Secretary, requesting the County, as Life Members of the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital Corporation, to support their opposition to anti-abortion presence on the Board, befile?-. 4. That the Financial Statement and allocation of chil- dren in care to ~arch 31st, 1979, from the Family and Children~ Services be filed. * See amendment below. 5. That the copy of approval from the Ministry of Health of the 1979 budget of $623,350.00, for the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit, be received and filed, and that the Treasurer be authorized to adjust payments to date and make future ones on the approved amount. 6. That we nominate Mr. Robert Miller for membership on the Elgin and St. Thomas, Housing Authority Board. 7. That the request for a grant of $100.00 from the Ontario Live Stock Protective Association be filed. 8. We recommend that the County Auditors be instructed to transfer the amount of $33,357.26, presently in the account entitled "Sick Benefits Transferred From Other Municipalities" to the "Reserve for Sick Leave Benefits" account. 9. That the allocation of children in care and Financial Statement to April 30th, 1979, from the Family and Children's Services be filed. 10. That the approvals of the Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk and the County of Oxford for their share of the renovations to the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital be filed and the Treasurer be authorized to pay the grant as budgeted. 11. That the request from the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit for ,an additional amount of $7,655.50 for 1979 be approved. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~~~ L: J. ~~', - "-< ;--- ~hairman. I eft It 1 edt.,? I, J I, .{y . J It! (ytL (/k/ / ...,/ 1/ r~ \4 ' Ii '1-./ 11 / / 163 COUNTY GOVERNMENr COMMITTEE REPORT ~~y Session, 1979 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That the letter and copy of Bill 46, An Act to Amend the Local Improvement Act from the Minister of Inter- governmental Affairs be filed. 2. That the questionnaire from A.M.O. on The .lI'Iunicipal Conflict of Interest Act, 1972, be filed. 3. That the letter from the Premier of Ontario and request form for literature on the February Conference of First Ministers on the Economy be filed. 4. That the resolution from the Town of Tecumseh peti- tioning the Attorney General of Ontario to pass legislation requiring a 48 hour "Cooling-Off" period, in order to cancel an agreement of purchase and sale for real estate be endorsed. 5. That the following persons' names be submitted to the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital, for Membership on the Hospital Board, as representatives of the County Council: Reeve K. C. Emerson (Warden's representative) Reeve A. H. Liebner. 6. That members of the Land Division Committee be authorized to attend the Provincial Association (Ontario) of Committees of Adjustment and Land Division Committees Conven- tion, to be held in Sarnia June 3rd to June 6th, with the usual convention allowances paid. 7. We recommend that Kurray Benner be appointed to the Land Division Committee to replace t~. Karl L. Bartley, who passed away, and that a by-law be passed for his appointment. 8. That the resolution from the Ontario Building Officials Association Inc. re: application of the Ontario Building Code to heritage buildings be filed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. * '//J J} . ',- .. f!. ,)I.;" 2r. L~ * L. A. Longhurst', Chairman., ' ./1 tv' I .." i 01t~at /1 ". 1 ''(, t (, i I . ~ L 'I~ '1{' L1'~ ~W'ict ( 1 Item 4 was amended by deleting the word "endorsed" and replaced with the word "tabled". ' 164 165 RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT COMMITI'EE REPORT May Session, 1979 PROPERTY COpJ~ITTEE REPORT May Session, 1979 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Reception and Entertainment Committee reports as follows: To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That we accept the invitation, of the Board of Governors of the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital, to have the June 20th reception and luncheon in the auditorium of the Hospital's School of Nursing. 2. The Warden's Banquet has been reserved at the Saxonia Hall, Aylmer for Friday, November 2nd, 1979. 1. That we recommend that County Council accept in principal the ideas proposed by the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board in connection with the establishment of a Military ~useum; in the use of the parking area, right of way and possible construction of a passageway. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ..---~ ,~. /i //';: ~~ . J I l'!,4j/,(IJ.. n. ,& /ci/,}/J , /r/ ,;((((,1 -(., ' i .l/~/ - I" V y!, / ,j J. Fischer, Chairman. ./ _ ./ ;1 /1. i,/vJ ;[,v n V) v,ilv I! . /.ctrlv/ .11. el- l/ & ! :l'" N/ _ fj(liJo' { U ( \) t66 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1979 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Chairman and other members of the Committee be authorized to attend the Seminar on Arbitration sponsored by the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and that they be paid Committee pay and mileage. 2. That we recommend that II.r. Jackson Baker's employ- ment, as Tree Commissioner and \1eed Inspector, be continued on to December 31st, 1979 as he is over the age of 65 years and that it be reviewed at that time. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~Jt/L,(fJC , ./C (). t/ I' / l "difuJ1// -11!{?(J/~/ < 167 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 79-18 "BEING A BY-LAH TO ESTABLISH RATES OF PAY FOR PART TIME EMPLOYEES." WHEREAS certain positions only require persons to work less than full time. AND \-lliEREAS it is necessary in some instances to engage a person for a short period of time. THEREFORE the following rates be and are hereby adopted: 1. ELGIN WJ\NOR Barber Beautician $95.00 per month $32.00 per day. 2. TERRACE LODGE Beautician $32.00 per day. 3. CLER ICAL Experienced Inexperienced $5.00 per hour $4.20 per hour. 4. That By-Law No. 2545 be and the same is hereby repealed. 5. That this by-law become effective January 1st, 1979. READ a first time this l6tl;l. day of May, 1979. READ a second time this 16th day of May, 1979. READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day of May, 1979. .~<: ./C..( . '( , /~.'/___ ~/J {/ ,/(j. co; {ii. ({ l/y"-/ IS. J. Glover, Warden. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 168 169 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 79-19 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 79-20 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AlVJ:ND BY-LAW NO. 2543, A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH A PAY SCHEDULE FOR EMPLOYEES COVERED BY THE JOB EVALUATION SCALE, OTIiER THAN CERTAIN ROADS DE PAR T !vlE NT EMPLOYEES." "BEING A BY-LA\'! TO ESTABLISH THE RATE OF PAY FOR CERTAIN EMPLOYEES IN THE HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS." WHEREAS certain positions are not covered by.a collective agreement or other by-Law. AND VlliEREAS it is necessary to establish. rates of pay for these positions. WHEREAS a position of Assistant County Engineer has been created since the passing of the by-law to establish rates under the Job Evaluation Scale. AND villEREAS the position has now been filled. NOW THEREFORE Paragraph 2, of By-Law No. 2543, entitled Roads Department, be amended by the addition of the following position: NOVI THEREFORE the following rates be and are hereby adopted: 1. Registered Nurses - October 1, 1976 - $6.95 per hour - October 1, 1977 - $7.33 per hour. 2. TERRACE LODGE - Hourly Rates Assistant Engineer Biweekly Rates $841.19-876.23-912.73-950.77 . ~ .LJ'.!h 2 YR.' 1..l!h Relief Cook Supervisor Jan. 1/79 'July 8/79 Jan. 6/80 $5.50 $5.55 $5.60 5.60 5.65 5.70 5.70 5.75 5.80 5.80 5.85 5.90 READ a first time this 16th day of May, 1979. READ a second time this 16th day of May, 1979. READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day of I~y, 1979. Plus Annual Clothing Allowance of $60.00. Recreation Director and Craft Supervisor Jan. 1/79 July 8/79 Jan. 6/80 $5.45 $5.50 $5.55 5.55 5.60 5.65 5.65 5.70 5.75 5.75 5.80 5.85. 3. THAT By-Law No. 2563 be and the same is hereby repe~led. G. C. Leverton Clerk. I) /-1 (:y~. V'S. .1 ~ /, / \/( ('i!LuL/ READ a first time this 16th day of May, 1979. READ a second time this 16th day of May, 1979. READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day of ~ay, 1979. ~__r:. (-( '_ ( . ( ;<,'_-,.._____1 J. Glover, Warden. ___~___/L-< < ..,_ , Yr--,-../ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. . //1 ("' j. . I iI,' .< . 'F cj{ !'-t((/'l/ /s. J. Glover, J Warden. 170 171 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 79-21 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law Ko. 79-22 UA BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE f@. fu~TI{UR VANDERISPAILLlE.THE O~NER OF A PORTION OF LOTS 14 AND 15. CONCESSION I OF THE Ta~NSHIP OF BAYHAM (HEREINAFTER CALLED 'THE GRANTEE' AND 'flIUCH TERM SHl\.LL INCLUDE HIt) HEIRS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS) TO CONSTRUCT, USE. AND OPERATE WORKS REQUIRED FOR THE TRP.NSMISSION OF WATER IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN (HEREINAFTER CALLED 'THE ~WNICIPALITY').u UBEING A BY-Lil.H TO AUT"tWRIZE THE V:ARDEN AND CLEEK TO SIGN AN AGf(EEMENT RE: A BUILDING D:Ch:O[\CIUdENT LCCATED IN THE TO~iNSH IP OF SOUTH DORCHESTER.u BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED as follows: 1tiHERE.z:.S it has been established that the building located on Part of Lot 4, Concession VII, in the Township of South Dorchester encroaches on the Road Allowance between Lots 3 and 4 in the said Concession, and on the ~oad Allowance between the Townships of North Dorchester and South Dorchester; AND vmEREAS it is assumed that the encroachment has existed for a number of years and is well established; NOW THEREFORE pursuant to the powers vested in the Corporation pursuant to the j,junicipal Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 284, Section 354, Subsection 1 (93), the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: The Warden or Clerk be authorized on behalf of Council, to execute an agreement allowing any person owning or occupying the building located on the lands described in Appendix UAU hereto to maintain and use such building notwith- standing that the building is partially erected on the road allowance between Lots 3 and 4, Concession VII, South Dorchester and on the Road Allowance between the Townships of North Dorchester and South Dorchester. w~EREAS the Grantee has requested the Corporation of the County of Elgin to grant him a franchise or right of passing through the Municipality for th~ purpose of constructing, using and operating a line or lines and works for the transmission through the Municipality of water not intended to ~e distributed from the said line or lines in the Municipality other than to persons whose land abuts on a higl~ay known as County Road No. 42 along or across which the same is carried or conveyed. AND viHEREAS, subject to' the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin has agreed to grant the said franchise. 1. Full right, power, permission and consent are hereby granted, conferred and assured unto ~~. Arthur Vanderispaillie, his heirs, suc- cessors and assigns to enter upon, use and occupy the highway, known as County Road No. 42, of or under the jurisdiction of the Municipality to survey, construct, lay, maintain, inspect, alter, repair, renew, remove, replace, reconstruct, use and operate in, through, upon, under, along and across the same or any of them a pipe line or pipe lines with any and all connections, apparatus, appliances and attachments, includ- ing attachments for cathodic protection, necessary or incidental thereto and to a system for the purpose of passing throu9h the Municipality and transmitting water which is not intended to be dlstributed from the said line or lines in the said Municipality other than to persons whose land abuts on a highway along or across which the same is carried or conveyed. The,agreement shall provide inter alia; (a) That the agreement shall termincte upon the existing building being destroyed by fire and/or demolished and/or renovated to the extent that the portion of the building now on the highway is altered in any way; (b) That the owner pay the Corporation's legal cost in the preparation of this By-Law and the Agreement; (c) That the owner pay to the Corporation the sum of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) as consider- ation for the agreement. 2. Such right or franchise shall be subject to all the terms and conditions set out in an Agreement to be entered into between the Mu- nicipality and the Grantee in pursuance of this By-Law, which Agreement shall be in the form hereunto attached. 3. The Warden and Clerk of the said Municipality are hereby . authorized and empowered to enter into, and to execute on behalf of the Municipality, the Agreement aforesaid and to affix the corporate seal thereto. 4. THIS By-Law shall come into force and take effect immediately after an Agreement in the form hereunto annexed shall have been executed by all the parties thereto. READ a first time this 16th day of May, 1979. READ a second time this 16th day of May, 1979. READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day of May, 1979. READ a first time this 16th day of May, 1979. READ a second time this 16th day of May, 1979. READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day of ~ay, 1979. ___-:::::k _,./. , , . , , y r' / _J G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~ '/ (' r '/'1 \,,,/I/'F{/\../ ~ s. J. Glover, Vlarden. ...-::::r--c..-?"'C ~ . ,,' /~~ ....;> '- G. C. Leverton, Clerk. /), {~.. . \. . /'" .c~/( ('-[ {{.Ac-/ yS. J. Glover, Warden. 172 1i APPENDIX "A" TlIIS AGREEMENT made in duplicate the :J..?/t day of ApriJ ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of South Dorchester. in the County of Elgin, and the Province of Ontario. and being composed of Part of Lot Four (4) in the Seventh Concession of the said Township. more particularly described as follows: 1979, BET WEE N: THE CORPORATION OF TIlE COUNTY OF ELGIN hereinafter referred to as the "COUNTY" COMMENCING at a point in the Northerly limit of said Lot. distant Thirty-three Feet (33.00') measured Westerly therealong from the North-easterly angle of said Lot (said point being the North- westerly angle of the road laid out through Lots Three (3) and Four (4). Concession 7. and known as County Road Number 47; PARTY of the FIRST PART, AND: THOMAS ROY HINDLE, of the Township of London, ln the County of Middlesexj Shipper, and SHIRLEY r,IARIE HINDLE, of the same place, hlS Ihfe, as Joint Tenants and not as Tenants in Common, THENCE Southerly. parallel to the Easterly limit of said Lot and along the Westerly limit of said County Road Number 47. a distance of One Hundred and Thirty-Two Feet (132.00'); hereinafter referred to as the "OWNERS" PARTIES of the SECOND PART. THENCE Westerly. at right angles to the Easterly limit of said Lot Four (4). and the Westerly limit of said County Road Number 47, a distance of One Hundred and Sixty-five Feet (165.00'); WHEREAS the Parties of the Second Part are the Owners in fee simple of the lands described in Appendix "A" attached hereto. THENCE Northerly, parallel to the Easterly limit of said Lot Four (4). a distance of One Hundred and Thirty and Twenty-seven One-hundredths Feet (130.27') to the Northerly limit of said Lot Four (4); AND WHEREAS a building constructed on the lands describe in Appendix "A" encroaches upon part of the road allowance between THENCE Easterly. along the Northerly limit of said Lot Four (4). a distance of One Hundred and Sixty-five and One One-hundredths Feet (165.01') to the place of beginning. Lots 3 and 4 in Concession 7 of the Township of South Dorchester and upon the road aliowance lying between the Township of North Dorchester and the Township of South Dorchester. all of which is shown on a survey dated the 30th day of June, 1978. a copy of whicl is hereto annexed, AND WHEREAS both of the said road allowances are under THE LANDS herein described by metes and bounds being all of the lands referred to in Instrument Number 183021. the jurisdiction of the Party of the First Part. AND WHEREAS the County by virtue of a By-Law passed on ProoF Rei! [Q8 the 16th day of May 1979 did empower the Warden and the Clerk to execute an Agreement relative to the aforesaid encroach- ment. NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consider- ation of the covenants and mutual covenants hereinafter contained: in Appendix "A" and more particularly desig- nated on a Plan of Survey hereinbefore referred to being renovated to the extent that the portion of the building now on the Road Allowance is altered in any way. 174 2. 1. The Party of the First Part dot~ grant unto the 2. Owners the licence to use that portion of the afore- mentioned road allowance lying between Lots 3 and 4 in Concession 7 of the Township of South Dorchester and lying between the Township of North Dorchester ,and the Township of South Dorchester upon which the Owners' building encroaches as evidenced by the Plan of Survey attached; The Parties of the Second Part do covenant.snd agree: 175 3. THIS AGREEMENT shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the Parties hereto, their heirs, executors, successors and assigns. (i) that upon execution of this agreement they IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties have hereunto set their hands and seal. shall pay or cause to be paid to the Corporation of the County of Elgin the sum of $20.00 as and in consideration for the SIGNED, SEALED & DELIVERED said licence; in the presence of (if) shall payor cause to be paid to the County all and any legal fee incurred by the County in the passing of the By-Law hereinbefore referred to and in the drafting of this Licencing Agreement~ 3. The Parties herein mutually covenant and agree the term of this Licence shall be from this date and shall continue and shall terminate upon the happening of anyone of the following events: ~ (a) the building now located on the lands described in Appendix "A" and as outlined in the Plan of Survey hereinbefore referred to being destroyed by fire; (b) the building located on the land? described in Appendix "A" and more particularly designated on a Plan of Survey hereinbefore referred to being demolished; (c) the building now errected on the lands described ) ) ) ) ) THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ) ELGIN )') -. ) Per:: / ! / ( / , ) ";r~(" tI' v\\ 4:( { -<A / ) . ;;. ),. War en (// ) Per: ~ ~-?"'--<..--<-- '-<:.. (, ;C-..--,-..../ ) Clerk ) ) ) ) ) ) j ~~~~~'~:t~.~~",-~ ) Shirley Marie . dIe ) ) ql" ;/.../ /4'>""",-',-, I /,..,..,,1 hi o 0,': \"T Thomas Roy Hindle 176 j"fll1 lo)! I'''~C 5 ~.lort~~;I/.:~' Lone {Revised Jallllar}', 1979) AFFIDA vir OF SUUSCRIIlING WITNESS .See footnote I, Cal vin George Scarfc, ?f the Ci ty 0 f London, mthe County of Middlesex make oath and say: I am a subscribing witlless to the attached i~strument alld I was present and saw it executed at London, Ontario, by Thomas Roy Hindle and Shirley Marie. Hindle, .See footnote I verily believe that each person whose signature I witnessed is the party of the same name referred to in the instrument. SWORN before me at the City }~ of London, of Middlesex, this 27th ~AP~l, \\i~ )" in the County 19 79. AFFIDAVIT OF SUBSCRIBING WITNESS ~ ~- make gat" aRQ Eay: at .See footnote .See footnote ~} .~t~; 'i"~";~ftr~me. 1/; ;zad. b..eel.' ,,:ad '(0 him al/d he ;"peared llill" '~;~~': .: .':7 ;;;ji ;;. :.,~.::.~irrt1~J altome)' II/sert "(nam~ ().~ 1r,:':."':' . . .lfI.rrrmwcJrparty .. a!rd for next clause substitute "/ v,~rj{y believe 177 AFFIDAVIT AS TO AGE AND SPOUSAL STATUS ~E, Thomas Roy Hindle and Shirley Marie Hindle, both of the Township of London, in the County of Middlesex, -lIanomey Il:C rootnote make oath and say: When we executed the attached instrument, :RttwE were at least eighteen years old. Within the meaning of section Iff) of The Family Law Reform Act, 1978:- xxx~x~w~xxxxxxxxxxx~~~ Strike out ~~~'blt b) We were spouses of one another. a9 ~ro)(:~. ~1~~~~M~5f~~~~H~~~~XuUtOOKe:QK~~:k36m:v;eJ)(.l>oolcrox~XQt:~QcKlJ(:X XXXXXW~~~~~XOOK.KOO~~xxxx (}!:)X~~*l<i~~ilC:l(mMlJf<lCOONiXllflXJXXlX\l(~:i5JO.N:1l<dx:~~~x~6ffibxRooltlx ~~~~~~~~~_~M~~l~~~x~jt~~~)(~~R~R1X5e;f (~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~ xx~~~ , } ,-,;;l~~ ;j;j4 ~~~,,~"~ (SEVERALLY) SWORN before me at the City of London, in the County of Middlesex, this 27thdayof April, ~ ~ COMIoIII.SIONIE" 1"011 TAKING "....IOAVIT.. aTe:. 1979. Note: Where affidaVit made by an attorney, substitute: 'When I executed the attached instrument'as attorney for (name), he/she was (spousaI,tatus. and if applkable, name of other spouse) within the meamng of section l(f) of The Family Law Reform Act, 1978 and when he/she executed the power of attorney, he/she had attuned the age of majority". If any ofclau$es dfi), d(ii) or d(W) is applicable, this affidavivnay not be made by an attolney. ~ .... o >. '" "0 o E-< ] 8 ~ ~ "0 "0 <: w w .. Z o 1= ~ Ii; ill a: NOI.1\fIHSI!:l3H ~O 3.1\f::lI~I.1H3::l HO~ 03^H3S3H 380.1 3::l\fdS SIH.1 178 PLAN OF BUILDING LOCATION "OA MORTGAGe -.""'U.OIII). ON part of LOT 4, CONCESSION 7, TOWNSHIP OF SOUTR DOJlCHESTEll. County of Elgin. 17i -~"=- ~ ' -.. -~ . -.~. "-- -.:::::..~ ._~ . COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 79-23 C)f I I ~ ~ f opt~ ~ t. IA. ' "I' .0''11''''.'' " . ~ , iA y! .... r... .._", " . .' . "". _~.:./t~IID, ~~/D our ~~~~~ ;'4,. f 'i~ ~ C~N"Y' H"IIfD ....v.. 47 1 ~~ ~ ..~ :! 'I load... hor... :. ..t...... .. .... ......ool.c ...~d.. .t I ~ R 120 0.5' 35'''-01 Count-, loAd rlo. 47, AI IhOWD OIl P1:::\ 0-958. ."1 ,,,,, fliAII ."." ~. ..,.".. IfIffWP ~ 'III ..... ..".", M ,.. ""'."" .. """,........... ~ '~.' leA" ,i'l 1t'!.6..... I ;t" "r'Q4'j"s"w -- -;;.=,?;;;~ .~_...... !" ~ It. ~ ?l .: I~ ~' . :t.l ) , 2' ~ ~ ~ /"""-'1': No. tf:9~ 021 ",-, .(!I-' .".. ~ 0-, \ h ~ ~ ", ) I ~ ,1. "'" J ,,:.1-0,. ~.; ~ A )' ~ ,~ _. . '>l' I ' :t:'~ r - - _"6 1 I ~" " ~ , ',---1 ~ ,:,I,~" I I.~ I ,1,.-~ .,..1..., ,..,." , .-...-...--........;.. . (jj ~ ,. .......!t. ...... ~.'-- Jll. . "~,, CIO ' s;.. illl"." ,.... II.. '....'1'.. "'i ,., .-.; * 8-'8" 011',.. I"'. . ,....,. , , '."" '.:l .,.... w, .... ....,.. '...... ,......~ I ",.'" ..It", 'M' '11111 Me . ............In. ", tII,........ ,.,. U,.. .".,.. ,..,."INt. I"'" WI'r "'U.s. "'. t'.llI...... ", ,.. ....... ., ...... ...... loMn ~.... ...... ..... ~... ~...... ..... Ju. 30. 1978 ,\1 '~'1_ t"---. ~~"-... ~ -- ICAL.I ,'II 30' (I: 360 ) !i ,C. G. SCAl1l. Bartt.ter ....... ....,. ....... ..... .......... '''-'I . 4/7-St>O..-~ "BEING A BY-LAi-: '1'0 CONFIRrr. BY-LAW NO. 1987 OF THE TCWNSHIP OF BAYHAM; A BY-LAW TO STOP UP AND CLOSE AND SELL A ROAD ALLOHANCE IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM." .. .J, $6 ' I ~ ~ tl ~ 1\ () ~ ~ " I ~ WHEREP$ the Council of the Township of Bayham on the 16th day of April, 1979, A.D., did pass By-Law No. 1987, to stop up and close and sell a portion of the road allowance between Lots 15 and 16, Concession South Gore, in the Township of Bayham, more part~cularly described as Part 2 on Deposited Plan 11 R 1675, on file in the Registry Office for the.Regis~ry Division of Elgin. AND ~mEREAS pursuant to the provisions of the Mu- nicipal Act, the said Township By-Law shall not have any force until confirmed by a by-law of the Council of the. County in which the Township is situated, passed at an ordinary meeting of the Council, held not later than one year after the passing of the by-law, by the Council of the Township. AND WHEREAS application has been made to the Council of the Corporation of the .County of Elgin for a by-law con- firming the said Township of Bayhamby-law. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: That By-Law No. 1987 of the Township of Bayham being a by-law to stop up and close and sell a road a110wance in the Township of Bayham be and the same is hereby confirmed. READ a first time this 16th day of May, 1979. READ a second time this 16th day of May, 1979. READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day of V~y, 1979. .---&--A..<-r L, ,c. Yt"~,- .' /,' fl {/ ~I ,,/).v '0\Yh~;~Ul/' {/' S~ J. Glover, Warden. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. '''''I 180 181 COI,POHATION OF TilE TmIN3HIP OF BAYHAl4 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 79-24 BY-LAi'J NO. 1907 BEING A BY-LAW TO STOP UP AND CLOSE AND SELL A ROAD ALLOWM1CE IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. "BEING A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM BY-LA'N' NO. 1988 OF THE TOWI:SEIP OF BAYHAM; A BY-LA\! TO STOP UP AND CLOf.iE AND SELL A ROAD ALLCMANCE IN THE TO\1NSHIP OF BA YHAV,." THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the' CORPORATION OF THE TO::mSHIP OF BAYHAM: rlliEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham on the 16th day of April, 1979, A.D., did pass By-Law No. 1988, to stop up and close and sell a portion of the road allowance through Lot 16, Concession 10, in the Township of Bayham, more. particularly described as Part 3 on Deposited Plan 11 R 1026, on file in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin. AND tHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of the Mu- nicipal Act, the said Township By-Law shall not have any force until confirmed by a by-law of the Council of the County in which the Township is situated, passed at an ordi- nary meeting of the Council, held not later than one year after the passing of the by-law, by the Council of the Township. AND w~EREAS application has been made to the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin for a by-law con- firming the said Township of Bayham by-law. Nav THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: That By-Law No. 1988 of the Township of ?ayham being a by-law to stop up and close and sell a road allowance in the Township of Bayham be and the same is hereby confirmed. WHEREAS the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1970, gives authority for municipalities to stop up, close and sell that portion of a highway which is so stopped up. 1. Part of the road allowance between Lots 15 and 16, Concession South Gore, in the Township of Bayham and described as Part 2 on Deposited Plan 11 R 1675. 2. That the above road a'llowance be offered up and sold to the abutting land owner or o\'mers. 3. That the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute and deliver conveyance of the said lands under the Corporate Seal of the Municipality to the said abutting land owner or owners. READ a first time this 16th day of May, 1979. READ a second time this 16th day of Kay, 1979. READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day of Vay, 1979. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TI~m AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 16th. DAY OF April, 1979. ,h1"'l'C4!.//:f' {j;' /jf~~/,!--- REEVE ~_{1.-(.~ I CLERK J.A.Petr1e. h~reby cert1fy the ove to be a true ann correct py of 1'ownsh1 p of :3ayham '8y- w No. 19~7 as passed by the unci1 of the 1'ownsh1o of yham on Apr1l Ih. 1979. ~_-rC.--<" ',., ,[I',. .,....../ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~ 1 (7. \j.~ . c:~\}'t'LtL(/\_/ {II S. J. Glover, Warden. ~--- ~ , '. ~I~ __ ___.__.~ I\.Fetrie.r;ler1{ of Po.yham rm.mship ,182 183 CORPORATION OF THE TOvfflSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 1988 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 79-25 "BEING A BY -LAW TO CuNFIRM BY-LAW NO. 1989 OF THE TO\iNSHIP OF BAYHN~; A BY-LAW TO STuP UP AND CLOSE AND SELL A ROAD ALLO';[ANCE IN THE TOldNSH IP OF 2A YHAM. " BEING A BY-LAW TO STOP UP AND CLOSE AND SELL A ROAD ALLOWANCE IN THE TOWNSHIP OF bAYHAM. . THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham: 'i'ffiEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham on the 16th day of April, 1979, A.D., did pass By-Law No. 1989, to stop up and close and sell arortion of the road allowance in Lots 113 and 114, Concession 7 and on Registered Plan No. 147 .for the Village of killsonburg and more particularly described as Farts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 22, 23 and 24 on Deposited Plan 11 R 1685, on file in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin. AND WHEREF.S pursuant to the provisions of the Mu- nicipal Act, the said Township By-Law shall not have any force until confirmed by a by-law of the Council of the County in which the Township is situated, passed at an ordinary meeting of the Council, held not later than one year after the passing of the by-law, by the Council cl the Township. AND WHEREAS application has been made to ,the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin for a by-lliw con- firming the said Township of 3ayham by-law. NOW T}ffiREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: That By-Law No. 1989 of the Township of Bayhambeing a by-law to stop up and close and sell a road allowance in the Township of Bayham be and the same is hereby confirmed. WHEREAS the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1970, givesauthDrity for municipalities to stop up, close and sell that portion of a highway which is so stopped up. 1.Part of the road allowance through Lot 16, Concession 10, in the Township of Bayham and described as Part 3 on Deposited Plan 11 R 1026. 2.That the above road allowance be offered up and sold to the abutting land owner or owners. 3.That the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute and deliver conveyance of the. said lands under the Corporate Seal of the Municipality to the said abutting land owner or owners. READ a first time this 16th day of May, 1979. READ a second time this 16th day of ~~y, 1979. READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day of May, 1979. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD Tn~ AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 16th. DAY OF April, 1979. ;P'I',r~/(/ (J ,j4:~'~L-- I REE VE f~U f~_ C 7RK G. C. Leverton, Clerk. // ;;~ J \. /}C-'-//-1t{.-'\;/ ,I/S.' J. Glover, {j Warden. I, J.A.Petr1e, hereby cert1fy the above to be a true a~1 correct cOPJ of Townsh1p of P-avham ~y_ Law ~o. 1988 as pssse~by the Council of the 'r"wnshlp of Bayham on Apr11 16, 1979. ....-. / C_._ _.__,.- ~-c{""."t~ J.A.Petr1e, Clerk of Bavhnm Townsh1p. ~__;;:/1.._ c c ....t ..( '7r....-,..__. 184 185 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 79-26 CORPORATION OF' rHE TOWnSHIP OF' RAYHA.t BY - LAW NO. 1989 "BEING A BY-LNd TO APPOINT ALAND DIVISION COMMITTEE." BEING A BY-LAW TO STOP UP AND CLOSE AIm SELL A ROAD ALLC...1AllCE IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHM~. WHEREAS the Munioipal Act R.S.O. 1970. e:ives authority for munioipalities to stop up. close and sell that portion of a highway whioh is so stopped up. THEREFORE be it enaoted by the funicipal Council of the Corporation of the Township or Bayham: WHEREflB Section 30 of The Planning Act provides for the constitution and appointment of a Land Division Committee. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT a Land Division Committee is hereby constituted and the following persons are hereby appointed to membership on the said Committee: 1. Parts or the road allowances in Lots 113 and 114. Concession 7 and on Registered Plan No. 147 for the Village of Willson- burg and described as Parts and 24 on Deposited Plan 11 B 1685. 2. That the above road allowanoe be offered up and sold to the Fred S. Shively - to hold office until January 1, 1980 Alistair Littlejohn - to hold office until January 1, 1980 John V. McKinlay - to hold office until January 1, 1981 H. Paul deRyk - to hold office until January 1, 1981 Murray C. Benner - to hold office until January 1, 1982 Lorhe R. Carroll - to hold office until January 1, 1982 Noble G. Tufford - to hold office until January 1, 1982. abutt1ng land owner or owners. ). That the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute and deliver conveyance or the sa1d lands under the corporate Seal or the ~lunlc1pality to the said abutting land owner or 2. THAT the members of the Land Division Committee be paid the following remuneration for attending meetings of the said Committee: (a) In attending'a meeting of the Committee when it is held in both the forenoon and afternoon or evening of the' same day - $50.00. (b) For attending a meeting of the Committee when it is held in either the forenoon, afternoon or the evening _ $30.00. (c) In addition to the above remuneration each member shall be paid the following rates for each mile necessarily trav- elled in attending such meetings: o -3,000 miles over 3,000 miles 22.M per mile 20(: per mile. owners. (d) For attending a convention, when authorized by County Council, within a radius of 300 miles of St. Thomas, Ninety Dollars ($90.00) per day plus registration fee. (e) For attending a convention, when authorized by County Council, outside a radius of 300 miles of St. Thomas, Ninety Dollars ($90.00) per day, plus registration fee, plus single air fare rates from the London airport to the site of the conventi6nandreturn. READ A FIRST. SECO~D AND THIRD TIM]? AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 16th. Day or April. 1979. ,{J'et 0 he",/~ Nt>'..:, '" I Rl~.ft c U'i'n'h-x^=- 'CL'!n'( 3. Each member shall be paid, in addition to the above remuner- ation, $10.00 for each application which he investigates. 4. THAT By-Law No. 2541 and By-Law No. 79-4 be and the same are hereby repealed. [. J. A. Petrie. hereby certify the lbove to be a true ann corre~t copy ,f To~mship of Sayham By-Law no. 1989 as passed by the Council of the ro~mship of Bayham on April 16, 1979. ~ . I I I , ~ (. ~, (... l (. --- J.A.Petrie, Clerk of P'gyham~Township 5. THAT this by-law become effective May 16th, 1979. READ a first tiIiie this 16th dayof1'!ay, 1979. READ a second time this 16th day of Way, 1979. READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day of May, 1979. ~__../l_.<- , '-, , Y.', J G. C. Leverton, Clerk. /J '/ // 1/" . ,/ J,. . r~.:'j (1.( t( /1./ >:ls. .' J. Glover, (/ Warden. 186 187 June Session - First Day COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 79-27 Wednesday the 20th day of June, 1979 "A BY-lJlJ'l TO COllFIRl..j PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUl~TY OF ELGIN AT THE liAY SESSION, 1979." The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municipal Building, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL - All members present except Deputy Reeve Fischer. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ripley That the minutes of the May 1979 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. vlHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its counc il; AND w~EREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; - Carried. AND w~EREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceed- ings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of E~gin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-L~w; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the I.:ay 1979 Session, is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceed- ings were expressly ernbodi~d in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of .the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. The following Communications were read and referred to the various Committees: From the Association of Municipalities of Ontario with convention information sheet, pre-conference registration and application for accommodation form. - Referred to the County Government Committee~ From the Minister of Natural Resources with copy of booklet entitled "Shore Property Hazards". - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications advising that the new Ontario Bridge Design Code is now available and also recommending that Council consider an analysis on the bridgesArated in the 7-9 Ton and 10-17 Ton categories, not already scheduled for repairs. - Referred to the Roads Committee. READ a first time this 16th day of May, 1979. READ a second time this 16th day of May, 1979. READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day of ~~y, 1979. From the Regional Municipality of York with resolution petitioning the Province to amend their ~~nicipal assistance program, to be on a formula or other unconditional basis.-Re- ferred to the County Government Committee. From M. J. Hennessey with copy of Township of Yarmouth By-Law No. 2515 to stop up and sell a road allowance, and request for confirmation by the County. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Village of Port Stanley with a notice of application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of a by- law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act and copy of By-Law No. 1886. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs with copies of two amending bills, first reading, entitled "ThePublic Utilities Amendment Act, 1979" and "The lV;unicipal Amendment Act, 1979", for information and comment. - Referred to the County Government Committee. ~---r:_<... ._....,. /'-, ',v G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 1 :j /I/' / I '\ '(A'lJA ~ ;:....:, '--..j i'-C.~ ~/ L..- V s. J. Glover, , Warden. From the Township of Yarmouth Committee of Adjustment with two notices of public hearing for a minor variance, set for Thursda~ June 14th, 1979. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the St. Thomas Chamber of Commerce with a letter, addressed to l{.ayor Don Hitch and Members of City Council, request- ing Council's assistance to have action taken to solve the problem of repairs necessary to the To~mline Road, serving the st. Thomas Sanitary Collection Service Limited land fill site. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From Mr. C.R. Donaldson with request for permission to trap on the County road allo\-/ances and catchbasins in Yarmouth and Southwold Townships. - Referred to the I?oads Committee. 188 189 - 2 - _ 3 - County Council, Jun0 Jcssion. 1979 From the ~inistry of Intergovernmental Affairs with copy of Bulletin 4 - Zero-Base Budgeting. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From ~jtcvenson {. Kello(1o, Jo;ianc1qemcnt ConsultiJnts, with outline of kuniciral and Lela-:ed 0crvices. - I<eferred to the Personnel COll~ittec. From Stevenson & Kellogg with invitation to join their 1979 Salary Survey. - Referred to the Personnel Committee. From Mr. R. K. McNeil, M.P.P., acknowledging receipt of a copy of the letter from. Wu. E. A. Wells, re: Aylmer Town Hall~ - Filed. From the Bank of kontreal with request f6r a resolution with regard to chequewriting and signing machines. - Referred to the Finance Cow~ittee. From viilfrid Laurier University advising that the Elgin County Scholarship winners are: From Field-Springer Disaster Relief Fund with request for financial assistance due to damage caused by flooding. - Re- ferred to the Finance Committee. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications offering for sale surplus lands, located on the southerly side of Highway #4, It miles easterly from Talbotville. - Referred to t~e Roads Committee. Edward J. Fabian, R. R. #6, Aylmer Irene K. Stickle, R. R. #1, Straffordville. - Filed. From the Enforcement Technical Advisory Committee with convention kit for municipal law enforcement officers. - Filed. From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario advising of the establishment of A.M.O./A.C.R.O. special sub- committee on children's services to respond to Provincial initia- tives. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Minister of Housing with an invitation for the head of Council and one other person to attend a meeting for the purpose of providing an overview on The Planning Act Vfuite Paper and agenda for Regional meetings. - Referred to the County Govern- ment Committee. From the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit with a copy of a resolution requesting the County to pay the budget in monthly amounts. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Township of Yarmouth Committee of Adjustment cancelling the meeting set for May 24th, 1979. - Filed. From the Village of Rodney with resolution for the ap- pointment of Wu. Robert A. ~iller as Rodney's representative on the Elgin and St. Thomas Housing Authority and background material on him. - Filed. The Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Green and adopted on motion of Reeve Green and Reeve Shaw. The First Report of the lIomes for Senior Citizens Committee was presented by Reeve Hodgson and adopted on motion of Reeve Hodgson and Deputy l~eeve Neukamm. Reeve Caverly advised Council that Elgin County had five delegates, out of 150 selected from across Ontarlo, attending a 4-H Homemaking Club Conference at the University of Guelph (June 19-22). A press release from Ii;rs. Ruth I\~arcou, Borne Economist, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, was made available to the press. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neuka~~ Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ripley That the Treasurer's Report be accepted and printed in the Proceedings. From the Township of Southwold with notice of applica- tion to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of a by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. - Referred to the Roads Corr~ittee. From the Ontario Municipal Board with copy of the Board's Order, signed May 17th, 1979, with respect to annexation of lands in the Township of Malahide to the Town of Aylmer. - Referred to 'the Roads Committee. - Carr i ed. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Deputy Reeve Monteith That we do now adjourn to meet again June 2Q, 1979 at From the Chairman of the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit advising that $7,252.90 was required as the County's share of the early retirement settlement to Dr. Webster. - Filed. From the Ministry of Industry and Tourism advising that the Province will no longer licence campgrounds in Southern Ontarm. Filed. 2:00 P.M. - Carried. Council Re-Convened. From the Ontario Ministry of Labour advising that Pro- fessor P. G. Barton, Faculty of Law, University of \;estern Ontario has been appointed as Chairman for the arbitration board. - Filed. ROLL CALL - All members present except Deputy Reeve Fischer. Also absent, but excused by the Warden, was Reeve Lashbrook. From P~s. Barbara Dixon, Secretary-Treasurer of the Land Division Committee with request for maternity leave. - Referred to the Personnel Committee. From the Township of Yarmouth with notice of application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of a by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. - Re- ferred to the Roads Committee. The Report of the Finance Committee was presented by Reeve Shaw and adopted on motion of Reeve Shaw and Reeve Bradfield. The Report of the County Government Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Longhurst. Moved by Reeve Longhurst Seconded by Reeve Shaw That the Report of the County Government Committee be adopted. 190 - 4 - An amendment was, Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Reeve Emerson That item 7 of the County Government Committee Report be amended by deleting the word "filed" at the end and replaced with the word "endorsed". The amendment was lost. The original Report was then put to a vote and it was carried. The Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Deputy Reeve W~rtyn. The Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caverly and Reeve Green. The Report of the Property Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Stewart and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Stewart and Reeve Fleck. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Shaw \Vhereas for the conven ience of the County of Elgin it is deemed advisable that cheques drawn on the Bank of l~ontreal against the General, Payroll and Debenture Accounts of the County be signed by affixing the signature or signatures with a cheque-signing machine or other mechanical means: Therefore Be It Resolved: 1. That the Bank of Montreal be and it is hereby authorized and directed to pay any and all cheques or instruments purporting to be cheques of the County presented for payment bearing facsimile ~ignature(s)of anyone of the following officers who have been duly authorized to sign cheques for and on behalf of the County: Clerk-Treasurer Deputy Clerk-Treasurer 2. That such cheques or instruments shall have the same legal effect, may be dealt with to all intents and purposes and shall bind the County as fully and effectually as if signed in the handwriting of and duly issued by such officer or officers for and on behalf of the County, regardless of howsoever or by who~soever the said facsimile signature(s) shall have been mechanically affixed; 3. That the County shall provide the said Bank with a cer- tified copy of this Resolution and certified specimens of such facsimile signatures and that such Resolution may be acted upon by each branch of the said Bank with which any dealings are had by the County until notice to the contrary or of any change therein has been given in writing to the ~anager or Acting ~~nager of such branch. - Carried. Reeve Liebner requested that the Clerk-Treasurer draft a letter of appreciation to the Board of Governors of the St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital, for the reception and luncheon given to-day, at the Nurses' Residence. Warden Glover requested for a volunteer to represent him at the Official openings for Canada I'ieek at the City Hall on June 25th. Reeve Longhurst offered to act in his place. (. - 5 - County Council, .June Session, 19(9 191 Foved by heeve Shaw Seconded by Reeve Campbell That By-Law No. 79-28 "Beinq a By-Law to Confirm By-Law. No. 2515 of the Township of Yarmouth; a By-Law to Stop Up and Sell Certain Road Allowances in the Township of Yarmouth" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Reeve Shaw That By-Law No. 79-28 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Monteith Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm passed. That By-Law No. 79-28 be read a third time and finally - Carr ied. Moved by Reeve Campbell Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That By-Law No. 79-29 "A By-Law to Authorize the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority, of Lot 5, Range 1, North of Edgeware Road, of the Township of Yarmouth (Hereinafter C~lled 'The Grantee' and ~lliich Term Shall Include Its Successors, and Assigns) to Construct, Use, and Operate Works Required for the Transmission of Water in the County of Elgin (Hereinafter Called 'The Munici- pality')" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Fleck That By-Law t'o. 79-29 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Ueukamm Seconded by Deputy Reeve ~artyn That By-Law No. 79-29 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Reeve Shaw That By-Law No. 79-30 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the June Session, 1979" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Shaw Seconded by Reeve Campbell That By-Law No. 79-30 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Shaw passed. Th~t By-Law No. 79-30 be read a third time and finally 192 193 - G - roved by DOf'uty I((~eve l::onte i th Secondod by ~eeve fleck COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COt1MITTF.E That \'1e do no~., adjourn to meet again on September 12th, 1979, at 10:00 A.M. FIRST REPORT -. Carried. JUNE .SESSION 1979 Page 1. TO THE WARDEN AND M~IBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Your committee will inspect roads in West and Central Elgint on June 21 (Tomorrow). 2. Paving contracts have been let as follows: (1) To Towland (London) 1970 Ltd.t for Village Streets in West Lornet RodneYt and Dutton. Total $36t323.l0. (2) To WalmsEY Bros. Ltd. t Londont Ontario. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. s. J. Glover, Warden. CONTRACT A (a) Top Course HL4 - Road 16 from Fingal to Burwel1s Corners. (b) Base and top course Road 19 - from Highway 3 North to complete work done last year. (c) Patching on Roads l4t l6t and 20 (Fingal). Total $134t406.75. CONTRACT B (a) Base and top co.urse Road 36 from Sparta .to Road 45. (b) Base and top course Road 22 from Road 24 North 1/2 mile. (c) Patching on Road 23 in Port StanleYt Road 30 (Radio Road)t Road 52, (3 locations) Road 56 (Elm Street). (d) Three streets for the Village of Port Stanley. Total $110,604.75 CONTRACT C (a) Base and top course - Road 38, Highway 3 to Richmond, Richmond Urban, East Side of Richmond Hill to West Side of Wards Hill. (b) Patching on Road 42 (at Stalter GullY)t Road 45 (West of Road 40). Total $88,756.25 94 195 JUNE SESSION 1979 HOI.;ES FOI< SEHIOR CITIZEI1S COr.:l/ITI'EE REFORT Page 2. June Session, 1979 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Kembers of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: Two tenders wer<~ receiv{>d, [or each contract. The County ')f Elgin will provide the liquid asphalt in addition to the tendered price. WE RECOMMEND: sign an agreement with the Kettle Creek C')nservation Auth:>rity 1. The Ministry of Community and Social Services has approved an additional eight beds for Extended Care Services, bringing the total approved to 68. 2. The Town of Aylmer will be having the Canada Day parade and festivities end at Terrace Lodge on June 30th. 3. An extinguisher system has been authorized to be installed in the kitchen of Elgin Manor, at a co.;t of $1,163.02, in accordance ,,,ith the Fire h:arshall'sReport. 4. The Director has been authorized to allow his name to stand for the position of Secretary-Treasurer of the Ontario Association of Homes for the Aged. (1) That a By-Law be passed to confirm By-Law #2515 of .~he Township of Yarmouth to close and sell a portion of the road allowance between Concession X and Range 2 North of the Edgeware Road. (2) That a By-Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to to place a waterline on County Roads 29 and 31. The By-Law and agreement will be the same as other County By-Laws and agreements regarding waterlines. The authority wishes to provide water to their Dalewood Trailer Park from the Ministry of the Environment water pipe line which runs from ALL of which is respectfully submitted. St. Thomas to the Ford Motor Co. 'Plant. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. :t // /: ~J , (~~l...'.(Z .I ('1c (./ ~ (.~' e ( ,11. _ /' CHAIRMAN /11 J. W~ Hodgson, Chajrman. ,/ J,./, '.--- / ,.'. )'--:,~1...1'./"~ ''J,clt !if,) "L jf,Ji,lvlJj. ," { v ~ "Lf ~LV!v J. I~ '0/ \. t .~V''-' ',\.. .. o ! I / .I.'V~ ~ l., t- ," \. ,.It. I /~ L. L ~.' (/ ... 196 COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT 197 - 2 - June Session, 1979 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, I beg to submit the following statements of Receipts and Expenditures from January 1st, 1979 to ~ay 31st, 1979: RECEIPTS Balance in Bank and On Hand January 1st, 1979 County Rates $ County Rates Collected Under Section 43 Licences & ~ermits Interest Received County Roads Miscellaneous Revenue Land Division Committee Court House Recoveries' Recovery or Rentals Welfare - Administration - Benefits Property Tax Stabilization Grant Registry .Office EXPENDITURES Council Members Administration - Salaries & Supplies Administration Buildings Court House ~mintenance Grant s Miscellaneous Expense County Roads Children's Aid Society - Budget - Board Members Transferred to Elgin Manor Transferred to Terrace Lodge Interest Discount on County Rates Write-Off of Taxes Agriculture Registry Office Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit - Budget - Board Members County Library - Budget - Board Members Land Division Committee Welfare - Administration . - Benefits Short Term Investments Mosquito Control Elgin County Pioneer Museum - Board Members Hospital & District Health Council - Board Members Transferred to Debenture Account Balance in Bank May 31st, 1979 210,349.74 6,382.07 900.00 7,925.05 1,127,158.81 42.00 7,165.00 12,037.85 16,365.35 13,594.44 140,210.59 54,129.00 2,309.68 $ 19,762.63 37,401.70 6,973.30 15,722.37 73,525.00 29.00 1,004,242.63 21,837.10 513.13 66,000.00 43,000.00 8,201.11 8,890.46 5,975.96 5,602.73 5,760.48 64,668.07 1,953.76 105,000.00 1,318.28 10,159.11 29,103.51 142,267.66 200,000.00 22.41 41. 27 741. 39 6,500.00 ELGIN N'JANOR $ 78,750.70 555,801.48 $634,552.18 601,203.82 $ 33,348.36 Balance in Bank and On Hand January 1st, 1979 Receipts Expenditures Balance in Bank and On Hand May 31st, 1979 $ 300,057.35 TERRACE LODGE Balance in Bank and On Hand January 1st, 1979 Receipts $ 20,692.:99 266,528.27 $287,221.26 282,766.95 $ 4,454.31 Expenditures Balance in Bank and On Hand Yay 31st, 1979 1,598,569.58 $1,898,626.93 ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~'...-....<--<.._.o(...'-'C( 4-,.-../ G. C. Leverton, County Clerk and Treasurer. 1,885,213.06 13,413.87 $1,898,626.93 196 COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT June Session, 1979 o the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, beg to submit the following statements of Receipts and Expenditures from anuary 1st, 1979 to V~y 31st, 1979: RECEIPTS alance in Bank and On Hand January 1st, 1979 ounty Rates $ ounty Rates Collected Under Section 43 icences & Permits nterest Received ounty Roads isce1laneous Revenue and Division Committee ourt House Recoveries ecovery of Rentals elfare - Administration - Benefits roperty Tax Stabilization Grant egis try .office EXPENDITURES ouneil Members dministration - Salaries & Supplies dministration Buildings ourt House Maintenance rant s iscellaneous Expense ounty Roads hildre~'s Aid Society - Budget - Board Members ransferred to Elgin Manor ransferred to Terrace Lodge nterest iscount on County Rates rite-.off of Taxes griculture egistry Office 19in-St. Thomas Health Unit - Budget - Board Members ounty Library - Budget - Board Members ~nd Division Committee e1fare - Administration , - Benefits hort Term Investments osquito Control 19in County Pioneer Museum - Board Members ospita1 & District Health Council - Board Members ransferred to Debenture Account ~lance in Bank l~y 31st, 1979 210,349.74 6,382.07 900.00 7,925.05 1,127,158.81 42.00 7,165.00 12,037.85 16,365.35 13,594.44 140,210.59 54,129~00 2,309.68 $ 19,762.63 37,401. 70 6,973.30 15,722.37 73,525.00 29.00 1,004,242.63 21,837.10 513.13 66,000.00 43,000.00 8,201.11 8,890.46 5,975.96 5,602.73 5,760.48 64,668.07 1,953.76 105,000.00 1,318.28 10,159.11 29,103.51 142,267.66 200,000.00 22.41 41. 27 741. 39 6,500.00 $ 300,057.35 1,598,569.58 $1,898,626.93 1,885,213.06 13,413.87 $1,898,626.93 197 - 2 - ELGIN lI1ANOR Balance in Bank and On Hand January 1st, 1979 Receipts $ 78,750.70 555,801. 48 $634,552.18 601,203.82 $ 33,348.36 Expenditures Balance in Bank and On Hand May 31st, 1979 TERRACE LODGE Balance in Bank and On Hand January 1st, 1979 Receipts $ 20,692.99 266,528.27 $287,221.26 282,766.95 $ 4,454.31 Expenditures Balance in Bank and On Hand limy 31st, 1979 ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~ ___<-<__.<-'-_<..' 4-,~1 G. C. Leverton, County Clerk and Treasurer. . .! (.u;l. I (. (I ! G t, / tV ,/ " ,\ I)' ;tu./tl/; ( ',' ,(. I ~ .) 'I /- J ~;I ..v.yV '...... ....}./ II 199 198 COUNTY GOVERtll,lENT CO;VUHTTEE REPOIIT FIN!\I~CE COl.J,;ITTEE I~EPORT June Session, 1979 June Session, 1979 To the Warden and li;embers of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: To the Warden and Members, of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 4. That the request from the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit, to receive budget payments monthly, be granted com- mencing with the month of July. 5. We recommend that the Clerk-Treasurer be authorized to have the names of the Councils, whose pictures are missing, printed on sheets for insertion in the beginning of the vlal1- mounted frames. 1. That the A.M.O. Convention information sheet, pre~ conference registration and application for accommodation forms be made available to theUembers of Council. 2. That the following persons be the County's voting delegates to the A.M.a. Convention August 19th-22nd, 1979: Warden Glover Re9ve Bradfield. 3. That the resolution from the Reg,onal Municipality of York p~titioning the Province to amend their p~nicipal Assistance program, to be on a formula or other unconditional basls be not endorsed. 4. That the letter from the Minister of Intergovern~ mental Affairs with copies of two amending bills, first reading, entitied "The Public Utilities Amendmenthct" 1979" and "The Municipal Amendment Act, 1979", be received and filed. 1. That the letter from the Ministry of Intergovern- mental Affairs and Bulletin 4, Zero-Base Budgeting be filed. 2. That the letter from the Field-Springer Disaster Relief Fund requesting financial assistance be filed. 3. We recommend that a resolution be 'passed by County Council, as requested by the Bank of Montreal, concerning the signing of cheques by cheque-signing machine or other . mechanical means. . ;G;;Y:~ /' >I. ~- __ ,(.~ '1_._--.--\ L. J. Shaw~ '--/ Chairman. (> 5. That the following persons be authorized to attend the meeting on The Planning Act wnite Paper to be held in London June 26th: Chairman of Land Division and G. C. Leverton, Clerk-Treasurer. 6. We recommend that the By-Law No. 2539 be amended to provide for the election of ~'larden on the second vlednesday of December in each year (except when the first day of December falls on a Wednesday, in which case it shall be the third Wodnesday) . 7. That the resolution from the Town of Tecumseh peti- tioning the Attorney General of Ontario to pass legislation requiring a 48 hour "Cooling-Off" period, in order to cancel an agre€ment of purchase and sale for real estate be filed. 8. That the letter from A.C.R.O. advising of the establishment of A.M.a. /A.C .R.O. special sub-committee on children's services to respond to Provincial initiatives be filed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. " x/ ~". fi :"'J') L~~-r L. A. Longhurst, ,/ Cha i rman . . ',j r r \; (it "- ,I" ,( 1((1{ . CL l (, ", (.~. ~ ! j: C1U ' ) , <-t,:.!' . Ji r i,' I(Li-f-l " 1 .,'J I' ((j (, , -! t \ v l- . f"'-! ~/).. J ~ ,! " , /' .{' ( U()." J' . IF . . _' I J' I J . 201 200 PERSONNEL Cm.:JGTTEE REPORT AGRICULTURAL CCj.~I:iITTEE REPOR,1;: June Session, 1979 June Session, 1979 To the Warden and l!.embers of the Elgin County Council, The Fersonnel Committee reports as follows: To the Warden and l,:embers of the Elqin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follm.,..s: L That the letter from Stevenson & Kellogg with invitation to join their 1979 Salary Survey at a nominal fee of $100.00 be filed. 1. The Clerk-Treasurer has been authorized to order one hundred (100) pounds of "DyCleer lOP", herbicide pellets for the \'leed Inspector to apply on the weed named "Leafy Spurge". 2. That the request for maternity leave from Mrs. Barbara Dixon, Secretary-Treasurer, Land Division Co~~ittee, for a period of seventeen weeks be approved. 3. That the letter from Stevenson & Kellogg outlining their municipal and related services be filed. 4. That in the absence of lv;rs. Dixon, Vlrs. Rose M. Daniel will take over her duties as Secretary-Treasurer of the Land Division Committee. 5. That the Fringe Benefit By-Law No. 2528 provision for Sick Leave, Paragraph 3 be amended to clarify that an employee who is absent from employment due to pregnancy or childbirth is not eligible for sick leave pay. 6. That Mr. Al Magee's employment be continued on a part time basis for a period of up to nine months and that a full time person be hired for the maintenance staff at Elgin Manor. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. /7 ,j -' ( ~/ I ,/'// ':0~;~'';'~ ~-~.- ~. -- I \ '. ',' ,/ . /', .,:...... "\.''; VI. R. Caverl y, '~/ Chairman. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. I , t ~ , L ,:.L C' lot lo \..-' ) .] ..!.,{ lC,t[ L/L "",111 \/ '" "\'.I..\" \ \, ,;.. I :.- '\ , r ~ J Painting exterior Repairs to dome Repairs to slate roof, paint metal capping and relevel eavetrough $ 7,925.00 1,809.90 203 202 PROPE~TY CO~~ITTEE ~~POR~ June Session, 1979 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 79-28 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Prop3rty Committee reports as follows: "BEING A BY-LAW TO CONFIRr.1 BY-LAW NO. 2515 OF THE TOvlNSHIP OF YARMOUTH; A BY-LPJl TO STOP UP AND SELL CERTAIN ROAD ALL~vANCES IN THE TOi..<NSHIP OF YARMOUTH." 1. That the letter from Frank Cowan Company Limited re: insurance coverage as it pertains to a possible "i~ilitary Museum" adjacent to the County Museum be received, tabled and a copy sent to the Museum Board for their information. 2. That we recommend to County Council that the follow- ing costs, in connection with the Court House, be amortized over a five-year period for the purpose of cost sharing with the Ministry of Government Services: WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Yarmouth on the 28th day of May, 1979, A.D., did pass By-Law No. 2515, to stop up and sell a portion of the road.allowance between Concession X and Range 2 Korth of Edgeware Road, in the said Township of Yarmouth, more particularly described as Parts 4 and 5 on a Deposited Plan, registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin (No.1]) as Plan D-1164. 3,639.00 $13,373.90 AND WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of the Munic- ipal Act, the said Township By-Law shall not have any force until confirmed by a by-law of the Council of the County in which the Township is situated, passed at an ordinary meeting of the Council, held not later than one year after the passing of the by-law, by the Council of the Township. AND WHEREAS application has been made to the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin for a by-law con- firming the said Township of Yarmouth by-law. N~v THEREFORE the Council of ~the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: ALL of which is respectfully submitted. That By-Law No. 2515 of the Township of Yarmouth being a by-law to stop up and sell a road allowance in the Township of Yarmouth be and the same is hereby confirmed. .;7 . ,,)//: ,/ ~Tb'(/l -is M. H. Sfulart, Chairman. , / ,1J l' , ~ Ill,' L ,) VI- I> CJ I ,I,), ~ \ ' , . (\ 'L' (! II (L i '- .' [, , ,j ~ I '~, I 1\ ~ [l" : \ ! (I I I j '1 .j READ a first time this 20th day of June, 1979. READ a second time this 20th day of June, 1979. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of June, 1979. ,~-,r:..("",., ,,',' ~.'->'v' G. C. Leverton, Clerk. . /) .' L / . . ;':- '('. {.-( ( /- J ../ S. J. Glover, Warden. 204 TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH BY-LAW NO. 2515 A By-law to stop-up and sell certain road allowances in the Township of Yarmouth. WIIEREAS.a draft by-law to stop-up the following described road allowances in the Township of Yarmouth was given 1st and 2nd readinqs On the 9th day of April , 1979; AND WHEREAS Bell Canada has notified the Corporation of the Township of Yarmouth that it has established a telephone line on Part 5, Deposited Plan D-1164. THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH. ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the following described road allowances in the Township of Yarmouth shall be and the same are hereby stopped-up: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being in the Township of Yarmouth, in the County of Elgin, in the Province of Ontario, and being c0mposed of Part of the Road Allowance between Concession X and Range 2 North of Edgeware Road, in the said Township of Yarmouth, being that portion designated as Parts 4 & 5 on a Deposit Plan, registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin (No. 11) as Plan D-1164. 2. That the road allowances so stopped-up be offered for sale to those owners whose lands abut such allowances up to the middle line thereof. The purchase price to be paid by each of the owners shall be $200.00. If any such owner does not exercise his right to purcha.se wi thin 15 days, the Council may sell the part which he had the right to purchase to any other person at the said price. The purchase of Part 5, on Deposit Plan D-1164 shall not affect the right of Bell Canada to continue to operate and maintain its existing poles, wires, anchors, cables, conducts and other facilities in their present locations thereon an~ a clause to the said effect shall be inserted in the deed to the purchaser upon transfer. 3. That a meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Yarmouth to hear in person or by his counsel, 205 - Page 2 - solicitor or agent any person who applies to be heard and who claims that his land will be prejudically affected by this by-law shall be held in the Council Chambers at 1229 Talbot Street, St. Thomas on Monday, the 28th day of May,1979 at the hour of 7:30 o'clock in the evening. 4. No part of this by-law shall corne into force without confirmation by a by-law of the Council for the Corporation of the County of Elgin passed at an ordinary meeting of the Council held not later than 1 year after the passing of the by-law by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Yarmouth, but upon such confirmation, this by-law shall take effect on. the date of the passing thereof. READ A FIRST TIME THIS 28th May , 1979. DAY OF READ A SECOND TIME THIS 28th DAY OF Hay , 1979. Cl 0le~ \ erk '- ~ .-' ~//~ ;;C:___(~7;1 ./ \ ..; "-'c-</. C/( \- / Reeve ( (? /' . ../ 'LLL......5- DAY OF () May , 1979. READ A THIRD TIME THIS 28th 4-L~ Clerk ~~~/ / _ .r;;,(.c~ ~/ . / / '---' Reeve c-' ,,/ '. ...- / /" /' / U / (../ 206 207 COUNTY OF ELGIll By-Law No. 79-29 CQUN'rY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 79-30 "A BY-LAW TO AUTHOIUZE THE KETTLE CREEK CONSERVATION AUTHORITY. OF L01' 5. RANGE 1. NOf(TH OF EDGE\'!ARE ROAD. OF THE TO\'lNSHIP OF Yjl..~rWUTH (HEREINAFTER CALLED "IRE GRANTEE' AND \'.'HICH TERM SHALL INCLUDE ITS SUCCESSORS. AND. ASSIGNS) TO CONSTRUCT. USE. AND OPERATE "[ORKS REQUIRED FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF WATER IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN (HEREINAFTER CALLED 'THE ~ruNICIPALITY')." "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE JUNE SESSION. 1979." \lliEREAS by Section 9 of the ~unicipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; WHEREAS the Grantee has requested the Corporation of the County of Elgin to grant it a franchise or right of passing through the Municipality for the purpose of constructing, using and operating a line or lines and works for the transmission through the Municipality of water not intended to be distributed from the said line or lines in the Municipality other than to persons whose land abuts on a highway known as County Road No. 31 along or across which the same is carried or conveyed. ANDw~EREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; AND vlliEREAS subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin has agreed to grant the said franchise. AND iVHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceed- ings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law; NOW TrlEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the June 1979 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED as follo,....s: 1. Full right, power, permission and consent are hereby granted, conferred and assured unto The Kettle Creek Conservation Authority, its successors and assigns to enter upon, use and occupy the highway, known as County Road No. 29 and 31, of or under the jurisdiction of the Mu- nicipality to survey, construct, lay, maintain, inspect, alter, repair, renew, remove, replace, reconstruct, use and operate in, through, upon, under, along and across the same or any of them a pipe line or pipe lines with any and all connections, apparatus, appliances and attach- ~ents, inclUding attachments for cathodic protection, necessary or incidental thereto and to a system for the purpose of passing through the Municipality and transmitting water which is not intended to be distributed from the said line or lines in the said Municipality other than to persons whose land abuts on a highway along or across which the same is carried or conveyed. 2. Such right or franchise shall be subject to all the terms and conditions set out in an Agreement to be entered into between the Mu- nicipality and the Grantee in pursuance of this By-Law, which Agreement shall be in the form hereunto attached. 3. Thevlarden and Clerk of the said Municipality are hereby authorized and empowered to enter into and to execute on behalf of the Municipality, the. Agreement aforesaid and to affix the corporate seal thereto. READ a first time this 20th day of June, 1979. READ a second time this 20th day of June, 1979. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of June, 1979. 4. THIS By-Law shall come into force and take effect immediately after an Agreement in the form hereunto annexed shall have been executed by all the parties thereto. READ a first time this 20th day of June, 1979. READ a second time this 20th day of June, 1979. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of June, 1979. (II ._~.h_-r~..<.-' ,<.,. y~. .,.J G. C. Leverton, Clerk. \ / r. . / / S. J. Glover, ./ Warden. /' _OJ // . <. '. /. ."', f- ~o '. l l_ ___-< r; ,<, '~ (. ... ,-,' G. C. Leverton, Clerk. / S. ;1:. Glover, I'larden. 208 September Session - First Day We9nesday, the 12th day of September, 1979 - 2 - 209 From the l~inistry of Transportation and Communications with the following memos: The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municipal Building, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLLCALL- All members present except Reeve HOdgson, Reeve Lashbrook and Reeve Bradfield. Arrived after Roll Call - Reeve Emerson - 10:23 A.M. and Reeve Liebner - 10:53 A.M. Moved by Reeve Kelly Seconded by Reeve Wilson That the minutes of the June 1979 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. 1. No. 79-4G - Surface Treatment 2. No. 79-5 - Consultant's Agreements and Mileage Rates 3. No. 79-6 - Bill 90 and Amendment to Form M-100. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Regional Assessment Commissioner with a copy of Ontario Gazette with list of equalization factors and advising of a Seminar on July 26th, 1979. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Township of West Carleton with request for finan- cial assistance due to damage caused by the ottawa River. - Re- ferred to the Finance Committee. - Carried. The following Communications were read and referred to the various Committees: From Mr. W. K. Janes, President, Talbotvil1e Transport Ltd., with copies of letters sent to Mrs. Marion Weldon, Reeve, Westminster Township, Bob Eaton, !,j.P.P., Parliamentary Assistant, Minister of Transportation and Communications and R. K.McNeil, Parliamentary Assistant, Minister of Agriculture, requesting the Townline Road, west from Highway #4, between Westminster and Delaware Townships on the north and Southwold on the south to be repaired. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the City of Toronto with copy of letter and reso- lution to the Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs requesting amendment in the Municipal Elections Act to allow three-year terms for municipal councils. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Minister of Transportation and Communications with questionnaire re: appointment of County Roads Committee and Suburban Roads Commissions. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Ministry of Natural Resources with copy of Bill 8 - An Act to Amend The Trees Act, and advising that a meet- ing will be held in London in August or September. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the Bank of Montreal advising that effective July 24, 1979, current expenditure borrowings will be l2t%. - Filed. From Canadian Sales Tax Consultants Limited with pro- posal to audit for Provincial and Federal Sales Tax refunds. - Referred to the FinanceCorr~ittee. From the Ministry of Community and Social Services with approval of a portion of the ffi\A Administration Budget for 1979. - Referred to the Social Services Committee. From the Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk with copy of Official Plan which has been approved by the Minister of Housing on June 13, 1979. - Referred to the Land Division Com- mittee. From the To~~ship of ~~lahide with Notice to Party Assessed re: the Hankinson Drain Reconstruction. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin and Ministry of Community and Social Services with comments on the review of the 1979 estimate of expenditures. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Ministry of Community and Social Services with personal automobile compensation rates paid by the Provincial Government effective April 1st, 1979. - Referred to the Personnel Committee. From the Township of Yarmouth Committee of Adjustment with notice of hearing for a minor variance set for Thursday, August 2nd, 1979 at 8:00 P.M. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with allocations of Children in Care and financial state- ments for the months of V~y, June and July, 1979. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with tentative topics and reservation information for convention. - Filed. From the Ministry of Housing with Special Bulletin on and a copy of Bill 96, An Act to Amend The Planning Act. - Filed. From the Four Counties General Hospital with financial statement for the year ended ~arch 31, 1979. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Township of Yarmouth with three (3) notices of application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of by-laws to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with Response to Children's Residential Care Facilities: Proposed Standards and Guidelines. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with a copy of the "Response to Report of the Working Group on the W~ndate and Role of the Conservation Authorities of Ontario". Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Federal Department of Indian and Northern Affairs with a copy of their planning proposal for Southwold Pre- historic EarthworksUational Historic Site. - Referred to the Finance Conunit tee. From the l,jinistry of Housing outlining metric conversion of existing zoning by-laws must be completed by December 31st, 1979. - Filed. From The Foundation for Aggregate Studies with uNews Bulletin" on Bill 127, .(First Reading) of the New Aggregates Act. - Referred to the ROads Committee. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications \-lith authorization of a 3upp1emEmtary subsidy of $10,000.00, for assessments against County roads for the construction of drainage works. - Itcferred to the Roads Con;mittee. 210 - 3 - County Council, S:!ptember Session, 191' From Irene Stickle with appreciation of Elgin County Scholarship. - Filed. From the Ministry of Consumer and Corr.mercial Relations with copy of Ontario Regulation 295/79 which amends the provincial plumbing cod~. - Filed. From the Ministry of Government Services, Realty Services Bra.nch, with acknowledgement and comments on leasing costs for the Court House for 1978. - Referred to the Property Committee. From the Sudbury Region Disaster Relief Committee with request for a donation. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Ontario ~mnicipal Employees Retirement Board with copy of 1978 Annual Report. - Filed. From the Ministry of Housing advising that Mr. Robert Miller of Rodney has been duly appointed as a me~~er of the Elgin and St. Thomas Housing Authority, for a three-year ~erm. - Filed. From the County of Kent with resolution from the Town- ship of Camden requesting an amendment to the Agricultural Code of Practice, 1976. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the Ministry of Natural Resources with copy of Bill 127, An Act to Revise The Pits and Quarries Control A~t, 1971. - Referr~d to the Roads Committee. From the Minister of Transportation and Communications advising of a second advance payment of subsidy in the amount of $626,100.00. - Filed. From the Village of Port Stanley with two notices of application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of by-laws to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Township of Dover requesting financial assis- tance due to damage caused by flooding of the Thames River. - Re- ferred to the Finance Committee. From the Bank of Montreal advising that effective July 3, 1979, ~rr. Bruce Allan will be assuming the position of Admin- istration W~nager, replacing ~tr. Ted Hall. - Filed. From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with two copies of the Resolutions Booklet for the 1978 Annual Meeting last October and with reminder that September 15th, 1979, is the deadline for inclusion of resolutions in this year's book- let. - Filed. From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with report on The Transportation of Hazardous Materials. - Re- ferred to the Roads Committee. From the Southwestern Ontario Travel Association solic- iting advertisements in the 1980 Travel Guide. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Minister of Health with two letters acknowl- edging Council's resolution with regard to the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital. - Filed. From the Town of Aylmer Committee of Adjustment with notice of hearing for a minor variance, set for Tuesday, July 10th, 1979 at 8:00 P.M. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the City of London with notice of 1979 Municipal Finance Seminar and registration form. - Referred to the Finance Committee. . From the County of Kent with summary of survey re: licen- sing of auctioneers. - Referred to the County Government Committee. 211 - 4 - From Bruce H. Blake, solicitor for Yarmouth Township, with notice of intent to pass a by-law to stop up and dace nne! sell part of the road allowance between Concession 10 and ranoo to north of Edgeware Road. - Referred to the ~oads Con~ittee. From the Township of Bayham with notice of intent to pass a by-law to stop up, close and sell a portion of the road allowance between Lots 15 and 16 lying opposite Lot 16 in the Gore South of Talbot Road. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Minister of Transportation and Communications with a copy of a reply to Mr. Lorne R. Carroll re: Walker Bridge closing and copy of Mr. Carroll's letter to the Minister. - Re- ferredto the Roads Committee. From Mr. Douglas.Ort, President, Western Ontario Sports Car Association with request to close a portion of County Road #43 for a car rally on January 19th or 26th, 1980. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Oxford, Brant, Haldimand-Norfolk Disaster Fund with request for a contribution. - Referred to the Finance Com- mi ttee. From the County of Brant with questionnaire regarding County Road Committees and Suburban Road Commissions. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Borough of Scarborough with request to endorse recommendations to have the Ontario Hydro establish an energy rate for street lights, to provide an incentive to reduce con- sumption. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Ministry of Culture and Recreation with the following: A fact sheet on Provincial Programs concerning Indo-Chinese Refugees (August 1, 1979) Ontario Ethnocultural profiles: Vietnamese Multi- cultural Development Branch (June 1979). - Referred to the County Government Committee. (1) (2 ) From Colin Isaacs, M.P.P., Wentworth, advising that he is the newly appointed NDP Municipal Affairs Critic. - Filed. From the Township of Aldborough with copy of a reso- lution re: Vlalker Bridge and letter to the l,iinister of Transpor- tation and Communications. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Ministry of Community and Social Services with comments on the distribution of funds for child welfare. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Elgin County Pioneer !'luseum ",ith invitation to an informal luncheon on Wedn~sday, October 17th, 1979 at .12:15 P.M. at the Museum. - Referred to the Reception and Entertairunent Com- mittee. From the Township of Bayham with two notices of intent to pass by-laws to stop up, close and sell road allowances as set out below: (1) the lane between Park Lots 4 and 5, Registered Plan 17, for the Township of Bayham and described as Part 2 on Deposited Plan llR 1727. the lane between Park Lots 6 and 7, Registered Plan 17, for the Township of Dayham. the lane between Park Lots 7 and 8, Registered Plan 17, for the Townohip of Bayham. all of John Street Northerly from Mill Street to Big Otter Creek, Registered Plan 147, for the Village of Willsonburg. (2 ) (3) (4 ) 212 - 5 - County Council, September Session, 1979 all of iiater Street between John Street and Big otter Creek, RegiGtered Plan 147, for the Village of Willsonburq. the unnamed alley between Mill and Water Streets, Registered Plan 147, for the Village of Willsonburg. - Referred to the Roads Committee. - b - 213 (5) From If:r. Vern '::arren, Vice-President of the Elqin-St. Thomas United Services, with invitation to Council to attend the l~ICK-OFF' DINlmR, to be held at the Elqin Labour Temple, 08ptember 22nd, 1979 at 6: 30 P.M. - tickets $7.00 per person. - Filed. From the.Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit with audited copy of 1978 Financial Statement. - Referred to the Finance Committee. (6 ) From the Village of Belmont with notice of application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of a by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. - Re- ferred to the Roads Committee. From the Township of Southwold with two notices of appli- cation to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of by-laws to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Association of Municipalities of Ontario with notice of meetings to be held to explain the White Paper on Planning Act and request for nominations 1979-80 A.M.O.Board of Directors. - Filed. From Provincial Constable A.L. Manninger with request for donation towards the cost of producing a program on Tornados. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Minister of Transportation and Communications with copie~ of letters sent to him and replies by the Minister to: Mr. Jim McGuigan, M.P.P. Mr. Charles I. Black, Clerk, Aldborough ~~s. Ida ~ay Simpson. From The Tillsonburg and District Association for the Mentally Retarded with copy of audited statement for the fifteen months ended March 31st, 1979. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Ministry of Community and Social Services re: group sponsorship of landed immigrants. - Referred to the Social Services Committee. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Association of Municipalities of Ontario with the follOwing two Special Reports: Response to the White Paper on The Planning Act Report on Municipal Conflict of Interest A.M.O., 1979. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Minister of Housing extending the deadline for submissions of responses to the \lhi te Paper on The Pl.:>nning Act to March 31st, 1980. - Filed. From the Elgin County Pioneer Museum with request for assistance financially with the cost of repairs to sewer. - Re- ferred to the Property Committee. From the City of Chatham with resolution re: comfort allowance for the use of residents in Homes for the Aged and Rest Homes..- Referred to the Homes for Senior. Citizens Committee. From the City of Toronto with copy of "Final Report of the Provincial-Metropolitan Toronto Task Force on the Elderly Persons Centres Act". - Referred to the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee. A delegation was present concerninq the closing of the Walker Bridge. A brief was forwarded prior to the meeting and copies were mailed to Members of Council. From the Minister of Housing with copy of Ontario Regu- lation 597/79 made in accordance with Section 35(24) of The Planning Act. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations with copy of the energy conservation measures developed under the Associate Committee on the National Building Code. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Association of Municipalities of Ontario with a report on the Annual Conference held in August 1979. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Ministry of Community and Social Services with copy of a letter to the Children's Aid Society of Elgin re: 1979 Estimates of Expenditures. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Township of ~~lahide with notice of application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of a by-law passed under the provision of Section 35 and 38 of The Planning Act. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Citizens For Halkers Bridge with letter setting forth reasons to retain the said bridge. - Referred to the Roads Committee. It was moved by Reeve Caverly that the delegation be now heard. Mr. Lorne R. Carroll was spokesman for the group and expressed appreciation for this time. He reviewed the history of the bridge and the fact that it created a hardship on many resi- dents with the bridge closed. Expenditures !:lade in various parts of the County in the prior years were quoted by l'lr. Carroll. He expressed the opinion that it was time to have some money spent in Aldborough. He criticized Mr. R. G. Moore, County Engineer, for not bringing a consulting engineer's report to the Roads Committee for repairs necessary for the bridge in December 1977. The Warden thanked 1~. Carroll and it was Moved by Reeve Kelly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Fischer THAT the petition be received. - Carr ied. From the United Counties of Prescott and Russell with resolution with respect to grants available under the program "Canada at Work". - Referred to the County 'Government Committee. From the Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with copy of a letter sent to the Ministry of Co~~unity and Social Services re: 1979 Estimates of Expenditures. - Referred to the Finance Committee. Mr. Douglas Ort, President, vlestern Ontario Sports Car Association was present and it was moved by Reeve Shaw that he be now heard. He explained to Council that they were requesting to have a portion of County Road 43 closed for the purpose of a per- formance rally in January 1980. Additional roads in Bayham would also have to be closed. 214 - 7 - County Council, September Session, 1971 215 Moved by Deputy Reeve Martyn Seconded~y Reeve Longhurst THAT we accept the petition and refer it to the Roads Committee. - 8 - - Carried. Moved by Reeve Shaw Seconded by Reeve Longhurst THAT the Corporation of the County of Elgin offer no objections to the notice of intent, by the Township of Yarmouth, to pass a by-law, to stop up and offer for sale a road allowance as set out below: Part of road allowance between concession 10 and range to north of Edgeware Road in the Township ofYannouth being that portion designated as Parts 4 and 5 on deposit plan registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin No. 11 as Plan D-1l64. The First Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Green and adopted on motion of Reeve Green and Reeve Caverly. The Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve l~ontei th and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Monteith and Reeve Shaw. Reeve Caverly reported briefly on the successful plowing match held on Saturday, September 8th, 1979. The theme "Elgin's Alive For '85" appears to be very appropriate from the results of this year's enthusiasm. Moved by Reeve Binks Seconded by Deputy Reeve Monteith 1. THAT the Bank of Montreal (hereinafter called the "Bank") be appointed the banker of Terrace Lodge Donations (hereinafter called the "Organization"); 2. THAT F. J. Boyes, Director/Administrator, R. E. Hines, Assistant Administrator are hereby authorized for and in the name of the said Organization to draw, accept, sign and make all or any Bills of Exchange, Cheques and Orders for the payment of money; to pay and receive all moneys, and to give acquittance for the same; and on behalf of the said Organization to transact with the said Bank any business they may think fit; 3. THAT F. J. Boyes, Director/Administrator, R. E. Hines, Assistant Administrator are hereby authorized on behalf of the said Organization to negotiate with, deposit with or transfer to the said Bank (but for the credit of the said Organization account only) all or any Bills of Exchange, Cheques or Orders for the pay- ment of money and other negotiable paper, and for the said purpose to endorse the same or any of them on behalf of the said Organi- zation; also from time to time to arrange, settle, balance and certify all books and accounts between the said Organization and the Bank; and to receive all paid cheques and vouchers, unpaid and unaccepted bills of exchange and other negotiable instruments; 4. THAT the following address be used for communications with the said Organization: c/o Terrace Lodge 475 Talbot Street East Aylmer, Ontario; - Carried. Moved by Reeve Green Seconded by Reeve Longhurst THAT the Corporation of the County of Elgin offer no objections to the notice of intent, by the TO\ffiship of Bayham, to pass a by-law, to stop up, close and sell a road allowance as set out below: All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin and Province of Ontario being composed of all that portion of the Road Allowance between Lots 15 and 16 lying opposite Lot 16 in the Gore South of Talbot Road excepting thereout that portion of Kings Highway No. 19, as shown on Plan No. D-113 depos- itedin the Land Registry Office of the Registry Division of Elgin No. 11, occupying said Road Allowance and further excepting that part of the said Road Allowance designated as Part 2 of Reference Plan llR-1675 deposited in the said Land Registry Office. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Green Seconded by Reeve Kelly TIiAT the Corporation of the County of Elgin offer no 'objections to the notice of intent, by the Township of Bayham, to pass a by-law to stop up, close and sell roads as set out below: 1. All of Jonn Street Northerly from Mill Street to Big' otter Creek, Registered Plan 147, for the Village of Willsonburg. 2. All of Water Street between John Street and Big Otter Creek, Registered Plan 147, for the Village of Willsonburg. 3. The unnamed alley between Lots 4 and 5, and between Mill and Water Streets, Registered Plan 147, for the Village of Willsonburg. - Carried. 5. THAT the Bank be and is hereby authorized without in- quiry to honour and to pay any or all cheques or other instruments duly signed for the Organization by its authorized signing offi- cers, drawn to the individual order of any officer or officers signing the same, whether encashed, tendered in payment of the in- dividual's obligation or deposited to the credit of any such offi- cer or officers, and the Bank is hereby held harmless and indem- nif ied by reason of such act ion; and 6. THAT a certified copy of this resolution be handed to the Bank for its guidance and information in the premises, and that the Organization undertake that this n~solution shall be irrevocable until a resolution repealing this reRolution shall have been passed and a copy thereof duly certified delivered to the Bank at each branch or agency where an account shall be kept; and 7. THAT all rp.solutions (if any) as to Banker and Siqning Officers as aforesaid passed by the Organization previous to this resolution are hereby repealed. Moved by Reeve Green Seconded by Reeve Caverly TIlAT the Corporation of the County of Elgin offer no objections to the notice of intent, by the To\Vnship of Bayham, to pass a by-law to stop up, close and sell road allowances as set out below: 1. The Lane between Park Lots 4 and 5, I?egistered Plan 17, for the Township of Bayham and described as Part 2 on Deposited Plan llR 1727. 2. The Lane hetween Park Lots 6 and 7, Registered Plan 17, for the 1'ownship of Bayham. 3. The Lune between Park Lots 7 and 8, Registered Plan 17, for the Township of Bayham. - Carried. - Carr ied. 216 217 - 9 - County Council, September 5ession, 197 - 10 - Roved by Reeve Shaw Seconded by Reeve Fleck That a letter of appreciation be sent to the Art Gallery of St. Thomas and. Elgin for the gift of four pictures by F. D. Poole. . Moved by Deputy Reeve l':;onteith Seconded by R~&ve Campbell That'By-Law Ho. 79-31 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2539, Thereby Altering the Date of the Warden's Eledion"be read a first time. - Carr ied. - Carr ied. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit SecondeQ by Deputy Reeve rUpley That a letter of appreciation be, sent to Mrs. Ken Burtwistle for providing a copy of the 1909 County Council for insertion in the frames. Moved by Reeve Campbell Seconded by Reeve Wilson That By-Law No. 79-31 be read a second time. - Carried. - Carr ied. Moved by Deputy Reeve Monteith Seconded by Reeve Shaw That By-Law No. 79-31 be read a third time and finally Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ripley That we do now adjourn to meet again onS,~ptemb~r 12th, 1979 at 2:00 P.M. passed. - Carried. - Carried. ~oved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Reeve Phillips That By-Law No. 79-32 "Being a By-Law to Amend Fringe Benefit By-Law No. 2528" be read a first time. - Carried. Council Re-Convened. ROLL CIJLL - All members present except Deputy Reeve Fischer, Reeve Hodgson and Reeve Lashbrook. Also absent but excused by the Warden was Deputy Reeve Martyn. The Report of the Finance Committee was presented by Reeve Shaw and adopted on motion of Reeve Shaw and Reeve Fleck. The Report of the County Government Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Longhurst and adopted on motion of Reeve Longhurst and Reeve Caverly. The Second Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Green and adopted on motion of Reeve Green and Reeve Shaw. Moved by Reeve Phillips Seconded by Reeve McBrien That By-Law No. 79-32 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve McBrien Seconded by Reeve B~adfield That By-Law No. 79-32 be read a third time and finally passed. The Report of the Reception and Entertainment Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Monteith and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Monteith and Deputy Reevel':alters. The Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caverly'..and Reeve Green. - Carried. !vir. ..James M. Chaplow of the Roads Department was pre- sented with a twenty-five year certificate and a watch. Mrs. Ruth E. Malott and Yxs. Joyce E. Walker of the Elgin Manor were presented with ten-year certificates of merit. Certificates for ten years were to be awarded to the following Elgin ~3nor employees but were not present: Moved by Deputy Reeve Neuka~~ Seconded by Deputy Reeve jv~onteith T'nat By-Law No. 79-33 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the September Session, 1979" be read a first time. - Carried. CERTIFICATES OF ~~RIT Moved by Reeve Binks Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That By-Law No. 79-33 be read a second time. - Carried. V~s. Mary B. Vary and Mr. Frank White. Certificates for having completed the following courses were presented to the Roads Department employees: T. J. ;.:ahonx Road School Course Mr. Ralph i.:. Gordon Mr. D<wid C. Eagerty C. S. Anderson Road School Course Mr. Norman R. Glover. Moved by Reeve Campbell Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That By-Law No. 79-33 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. 218 219 - 11 - County Council, September Session, 197' Moved by Reeve Green Seconded by Reeve Shaw IUJ,\/) Cml~ILTTEE FI RST REPORT ,(),~~1~-:<;9~; si :"'l). That the followihg be named voting delegates to the A.C.R.O. Convention in ottawa: Warden Glover Reeve Phillips Reeve Caverly Deputy Reeve Neukamm Reeve Bradfield Reeve Wilson Reeve Fleck Rose M. Daniel, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer. To the Warden and Members of Council: 1. Your Cormnittee Reports as Fallows: (a) The Walkers Bridge has been closed by the Road .CC>lrnnittees of the County of Elgin and the County of Mlddlesex.because ')f its unsafe condition. Report two of the Cormnittee will make a further report. - Carr ied. (b) Construction on Road 38 is very well advanced with grading ~nd granular base nearly completed, and with urban work in Richmond completed. Paving is scheduled to start tomorrow. Moved by Deputy Reeve Walters Seconded by Reeve Campbell That we do now adjourn to meet again on October 17th, 1979 at 10:00 A.M. (c) With the exception of paving of Road 38, Walmsley Bros. Ltd. have COmpleted their Hot Mix Asphalt Paving Contract. (d) Towland (London) 1970 Ltd. have completed .their Hot Mix Asphalt Paving Contract in Dutton, West Lorne, and Rodney. - Carried. (e) County forces have erected a Super Span Culvert for the TOM1Ship of Southwold on Dodds Creek and are erecting twin Super Span Culverts for the Township of Dunwich on Concession X at the Talbot Creek. (f) The Engineer has been authorized to advertise for and to purchase a Tandem Truck. for snow plowing. One of the present snow plowing trucks will be used as a sander to replace a truck that cannot be economically certified for use. The Engineer has been authorized to advertise this truck for sale. (g) That Mr. R. K. McNeil, MLA has advised the County Road Cormnittee that he was informed by the Honorable James Snow, Minister of Transportation and Cormnunications, that no development road funds are available for the improvement of the Townline Road between Southwold, Westminister and Delaware from Highway 4 to the St. Thomas Sanitary Collecti9n Services Site. 2'. We Recormnend G. C. Leverton, Clerk. S. J. Glover, Harden. (a) That the resolution of the Borough of Scarborough requesting the Ontario Hydro to establish an energy rate for street lights that wi 11 prov!\le an incentive to Municipal ities t,) reduce energy consumption during cl'rtaln dark hours lJe filed. (b) That a resolution be passed stating the County of Elgin has no objection to the closing by the Township of Yarmouth Council of a portion of the Road Allowance between Concession X and Range I North of the Edgeware Road shown as Parts 4 and 5 on Plan D1164. (c) That a resolution be passed stating that the County of Elgin has no objection to the closing of the following portions of Road by the Township of Bayham Council. 1. Part of the Road Allowance between Lots 15 and 16 in the Gore south of the Talbot Road as shown on Plan 0113, save and expect that portion shown as Part 2 on reference plan 11 R-1675. 2. The Lane bC'tween Park J,l)ts 4 & ') Regi stered Plan 17, for the Township of ~ayham and described as Part 2 on Deposited Plan 11 R-I727. 220 221 ROAD COHMl'l'_1:':"t FT '~~T__R ,\PORT PACE ? HO!,;E~ ro.R._~y;ti r.~~_g}Tf~,~~S., CP!I;M~TIJ~~ R.~~pR:r September Ses~ipn, 1979 'J. .,.hp 1,'!l1(! 11f'1.\"'I'I'1I 1'.II'kl,.,,'; (, ,.. I, I{"I'.' "1 ,.,."" 1'.1,111 II, '.'r /:"1' '('()wnsllll' ()f ,1\,JVb,HIl. It. Tllr l,ilJlp IH?twonn P;Jr!< r,r.l/:q 7 &. H, Hegjsl (,n,d PlaT! 17, f"r t:hp Township ()f lli\v!)i\fO. ~. An of ,John ~p:cet Nqrthl?dy f!,Jm HiP Street tl /liV- Ona!' Crrrk; l{cgist(J!,~c! PLm 11+7, hr I:hc Villilgo ,f Win 6onblll'g, 'l'Q 1;h~ i'hudfm gnd M~mPa:r1'i gf the E;J,qin Cpunty QQun{:lU, 'l'ha Hgm~m fgr 6~rd,gT (1 i ti~@fU;jCm!lm!tbe ' rep()rt~g/iJ follow". V. Thp unnilmnc! ulley Lel:wcen Lnl:~ 4.& 5, und I/ptwoen Mill Rnc! Wilt:t:Pf fil:rcetq, R,egisterec! Pll1n 147, br tbe Village 3f WillsanburR, 1. Th@ t@nd~r gtLgQ@Y Fu@l~ has been gQQopteqfgr pupp1yinq ru@l gil for th~ follgwing lp.Gatign~ tQr tho 1979.80 h@gting ~eg~@n gt a priea of o3.10~ p~r qal1gn ~ub~ j@et to adju~t.rn@nt in the per tank Wg~gn pr~ee, at th~tim@ of: delivery. fl. M ~ t:lw Wij~pr Slr('(1!:, I,(!lw<'l'l) ,hIm Sl:rf'l'!: '1IId Big Otter Or@@k, RagiEi!:rv('<1 rli111 147, ,hr the Villugn )f WilLs)!lbLlrg, All. of Which i 'i R~sp('ct fully Submin!'d ngin Mgnor Mun1~ipalijuilding R~g1~trY Oft1~~ . EnQ1f1eef'~ OffiCl@. 2. . 'I'he hnd@f of Ken Smith A1UIll1nlUll Sql~~ in the amaunt of ~4,32~,OO ha6 b~~n aecepted to supply gnd installalum1num sidin~ Qv~r th~ woodwork ~n th~ front of El~in ManQr. 3. W@ f@eommend thqt g dOflqtion'~ qClCount be o~n~d tor T@rrqe~ LOdge, with th@ Dir~etQr gnd A~sistant.Admini~. trator a6 ~i~nin~ a"th@riti~~. 4. Dr. Wright and Dr. Graham h~v~ b~~n authari~ed to &ttend th~ Ontg~io A~~oaiation at Hgm~6 tor the Ag@d Conven- tion, with th@ Yfiual eoune!l convent.ion per diem plu6 regiij. tra,tion. Crt) Thllt: t:hp fillhmlr,r,.i.')1l of till' r,'lljfltv ,f Brant J.l tlH> Ihn If:Jhle ,1'11111'" tillIW, Hilll:,I"r ,>l Tr'!II';Jl'lrl;!1 i Ifl ,111'1 CII"'lIlflfil:!Ii ",'; rp~\ilplj,1I1\ tbp i!PP'j tnt-l1Iell!: ')( C'HllI!:V I~'li!d (;llTlilli ttpcf; i/pel ~Ut:JYrbiln [{:)&d (;Clmmi-EiEi1<:Jns be PH.:! )!'5r.<J, (J 15'1''1'<((// /// ,~~jf;, , /1~~~fr~~,~a<</ / j U(j / ALL of which 16 r06pootfully 5ubm1ttod. ~ ~ $'/ ,.. 7 ,""" , j""~' r;:'-,,(.. ',~ ....; . K. E. Monteith Acting Chairman. , ;', ~ ~/ ' ,/~ ~/t!~. u/ ,:. C\, ~~L<'<'vL.../ \~" "- " (., :' /.:' '/ ,. I L 1/ 222 223 F Itjr~!J:E COj,J,;J'IT2E REPC?-T September Session, 1979 COUNTY GOVERNl,:ENT COr.:rHTTI';,E;._R,EPOra September Session, 1979 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: \ To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That the letters to and from the Ministry of Com- munity and Social Services concerning the 1979 estimate of expenditures of the Family & Children's Services be filed. 2. That the planning proposal for Southwold Pre- historic Earthworks National Historic site from the Federal Department of Indian and Northern Affairs be filed. 3. That the letter and copy of the Ontario Gazette which published the new 1979 assessment equalization factors be filed. 4. That the request from the Township of West Carleton for financial assistance towards damage caused by flooding of the ottawa River be filed. 1. That the resolution from the City of Toronto re- questing an amendment in the If.unicipal Elections Act to give municipalities the option of implementing three-year terms for municipally-elected representatives be endorsed. 2. That the A.C .R.O. "Response to Report of the Work- ing Group on The 1.;andate and Role of The Conservation Author- ities of Ontario" be tabled and copies sent to all local municipalities. 3. That the A.C.R.O. "Response To Children's Residen- tial Care Facilities: Proposed Standards and Guidelines" be filed. 5. That the letter from Canadian Sales Tax Consultants Ltd. with a proposal to review paid invoices for possible overpayment of Federal and Provincial Sales Tax be filed. 6. That the allocation of children in care and finan- cial statements for the months of May, June and July, 1979 from the Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgirl be filed. 4. That the Summary Report, from the County of Kent, on the Survey of licensing of Auctioneers be filed. 5. That the fact sheet on provincial programs concern- ing Indo-Chinese Refugees and Ontario Ethnocultural Profiles: Vietnamese, be filed. 6. That the copy of Ontario Regulation 597/79 made in accordance with Section 35(24) of The Planning Act, from the Ministry of Housing be filed. 7. That the copy of the energy Conservation Measures developed under the Associate Committee on the National Building,Code be filed. 8. That-the report of the President of A.M.O. on the Annual Conference held in August 1979 be filed. 9. That the resolution from the United Counties of Prescott and Russell objecting to the Federal Government not including the Province of Ontario in the grants available under the program "Canada at Work" be endorsed. 7. That the auditor's report for the Four Counties General Hospital for the year ended ~~rch 31, 1979 be received and filed. 8. That the request from the Sudbury Disaster Relief Committee for a donation to assist persons suffering damage in the spring due to flooding be filed. 9. That the request from the Township of Dover for financial assistance for flood victims of the flooding of the Thames River on March 8th and 9th, 1979 be filed. 10. That the letter from the Southwestern Ontario Travel Association soliciting advertising for the 1980 Travel Guide be filed. II. filed. That the 1979 Municipal Finance Seminar notice be 10. That the two Special reports on: (1) Response to the ~nite Paper on the Planning kt (2) Report of Municipal Conflict of Interest be filed. 12. That a grant of $5,000.00 be made to the Oxford, Brant, Haldimand-Norfolk Disaster Fund. 13. That the audited report from The Tillsonburg and District Association for the Mentally Retarded, for the fifteen months ended ~~rch 31, 1979 be received and filed. 14. That the Auditor's Report for the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit for the year ended December 31, 1978 be received and filed. 15. We recommend that a donation of $250.00 be given towards the cost of producing a slide presentation on tornados. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. /1,.(../:' /.,;" . ~~?:'-- /' ,----- .--'< ~~ . \2. ,I..,i\.) L.' 1 ' . . i r ; \ ~l. .{i cL'" , '1.'1."" Iv , ,JJ ,,"IV L-,(, t' C'J ',r '-PI, ;;: II ' -L('-.. '~'/'~'t. --;-1 1. A. Longhurst; . Chairman. ALL of which is respectfully . '\ .;' V 1l,/.l:C V/ f,,^,V 11ld;v , \J d ,L ,'0' i~L(fl t ,/tv I' '._" i submitted. /' 1. J. Shaw, . Chi'lirmAn. 224 ROAD COMNITTEP. 225 SECOND HEPORT RECEPTICH J<.IiD ELTERTi.l ::r.:ENT Co;.::HTTEE 1':EI)Cr~T September Sessio~, 1979 SEPTEMBER SESSION 1 9 7 9 '1.'0 the Warden and t.1embers of the Elgin County Council, The Reception and Entertainment Committee reports as follows: 1. That the invitation from the Elgin County Pioneer Museum to an inforrral luncheon on Wednesday, October 17th, 1979, at 12:15 P.II:. at the I,juseum be accepted. 2. 1,ve recommend that due to hall limitations each County Councillor be allowed to invite a maximum of six per- sons to the dance following the ~iarden' s Banquet on Friday, November 2nd, 1979, at the Saxonia Hall, at a cost of $2.00 per couple. TO TilE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF COUNCIL YOUR COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. We have instructed the Engineer to ascertain thEY legal liability 0fthe County with regard to the Walker Bridge. 2. We have instructed the Engineer to obtain an'estimate from 1~. C. Dunn and Associates f?r a report to detail the cost of repairing the Walker Bridge to carry (a) Pedestrian Traffic, (b) 5T'1n L?ads, (c) IU TOll Loads. 'I. We llave, instructed the Engineer to try to obtain from the Lower Thames: Valley Conservation Authority, informati?n as to their plans for the proposed Wardsville Dam. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That we concur '",ith the ,Resolution of the C)unty of Middlesex Road Committee that the Recommendation to Council to demolish the Walker Bridge be deferred pending further discussions between the two Road Committees. 2. That the request ',)f thi:> Hestern Ontaril Spocts Car ASS'Kiathn to clost: Road 43 between Richmand & Calton in January of 1980 be refused. 3. Thilt we d,) not give written permission to ilny?ne to trap fur bearing animals on C')unty Rnad All'1wances. ALL OF 1.JIlICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTI;:lJ, 1fJ7~~r/// 'C(J ,~LU~k;-r<o--' ,c/uJ&(p.cJV' Jy("11 Y ,~ C ?~a-,," /8~;! K. E. Monteith, Acting Chairman. :..L 'tJ' /1 .' , ~ [ (. (/ , ~, , ' L . L ~I ell 'L/~lG ' /] .,i" ~.,Jv v :'.' ( U>L (, '\\,...::' {I ~ ,': I ' 226 227 September Session, 1979 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 79-31 AGRICULTUPJiL CCi:;f',1I'fTEE REPORT To the Warden and ~embers of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: "Bt:ING A BY-LAW TO AIv'.EIlD BY-LAW NO. 2539. THEREBY ALTERING THE DATE OF THE WARDEN'S ELECTION." 1. That the letter from the Ministry of Natural Resources and copy of Bill 8 An Act to Amend the Trees Act be filed. ~mEREAS the present By-Law No. 2539 provides that the election of the vlarden shall take place on the third Tuesday in the month of December in each year; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to alter this date in order to avoid the holiday season; 2. We recommend that a special meeting of this Com- mittee be held on\Jednesday, Cctober 3rd, at 9:30 A.N. to bring in a report to Council on recommendations to implement changes, brought about by amendments to The Trees Act. 3. That the resolution from the County of Kent re- questing the Provincial Government to amend the "Agriculture Code of Practice" be endorsed. NOW THEREFORE By-Law No. 2539 be amended by delet- ing Paragraph 1 of Section XXIX, "Election of Warden" and substitute the following: (1) The Clerk or Deputy Clerk of the County shall take the Chair at two o'clock in the afternoon of the Second Wednesday of the month of December in each year (except when the first day of December falls On a Wednesday, in which case it shall be the third Wednesday), or at such hour and on such day thereafter/as he shall find the majority of the members of the Council present in the Council Chambers. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. READ a first time this 12th day of September, 1979. READ a second time this 12th day of September, 1979. READ a third time and finally passed this 12th day of September, 1979 r //------J .,- / ,"/ ./ / 1 "t. ,/ W. R. Caverly, Chairman. A, \ ( " " C C iJ.hi().- (,i 1,; . I LA , f! t ,\AI"" u' W I ~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. I, / ./. {, { \. >;'>;.... /iL~( .'....' '\:i !...{.{(/'l.. ~ S, J. Glover, Warden. , ,It: ,U-J-/ <N' _~....-:--1;:_:.-./, ~- r , \/"'-.,1.J 228 229 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 79-32 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 79-33 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND FRINGE BEJ.:EFIT BY-LA"'! NO. 2528." " A BY-lAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE SEPTEt.:BER SESSION, 1979." WHEREAS By-Law No. 2528 provides for the vadous fringe benefits for all employees not covered by a collective a.greement. AND WHEREAS changes have been made in some of the provisions since the passing of By-Law No. 2528. NOW THEREFORE By-Law No. 2528 be amended by: 1. Adding to Paragraph 3 - SICK LEAVE vffiEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; 3.10 AND vffiEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; An employee, who is absent from employment due to pregnancy or childbirth, is not eligible for sick leave pay. 2. Adding to Paragraph 6, subsection 6.04 - LONG TERM DISABILITY (L.T.D.) 9.04 AND vffiEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceed- ings of the Council of the Corpor\'1tion of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation con- tained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed 'and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the September 1979 Session is hereby adopted and con- firmed as if all such p~oceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. Upon completion of the probationary period, all employ~es, not covered by a collective agreement, shall as a condition of employment, become members of the Long Term Disability Plan. 3. Adding to Paragraph 9 - RETIREJI':ENT All cash liabilities for sick credits and vacation, for employees who are allowed to work beyond the age of 65 years, be settled at the time of normal retirement and th\'1t no future liabilities be accepted for sick credits and vacation be paid at the following rates: Entitled to less than 3 weeks vacation - 4% of total earnings Entitled to 3 weeks vacation - 6% of total earnings Entitled to 4 weeks vacation - 8% of total earnings Entitled to 5 weeks vacation -lO%of total earnings. READ a first time this 12th day of September, 1979. READ a second time this 12th day of September, 1979. READ a third time and finally passed this 12th day of September, 1979. READ a first time this 12th day of September, 1979. READ a second time this 12th day of September, 1979~ READ a third time andfi.nally passed this 12th day of September, 1979. ./ /1 , _---.-:::.r;- ,.:.. ( , ' ,/",.. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. t.-~ . ',~ ~--, /~ /-t, l (/L, /:' S~ J. Glover, , / \'larden. v .-..... /# - f' , ,./ ..... (.. ,', I' I.- / ~ ,'; 'L! ( , L' '(/ '., I . .' \ '. '~ (.. l.- t' S. J. Glover, ,/ Warden. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 230 ..; 2 - 231 October Session -First Day Wednesday the 17th day of October, 1979 From A.C.R.O. with "Policy Proposals of the Ministry of Natural Resources in Southern Ontario". - Referred to the Agricul- tural Committee. From the Association of Municipalities of OntariQ with a letter from the new President, ~xpressing concern re: changing provincial stance relating to major fiscal arrangements with mu- nicipalities. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From Y~s. Angela ~funneke, of Erie-Woods Trailer Park, R. R. #2, Rodney, requesting information etc. to form a local tourist association. - Referred to the Finance Committee. The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municipal Building, St. Thomas,' in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL - All ~embers present except the following who arrived after roll call taken: Reeve Bradfield - 10:07 A.M. Moved by Reeve Longhur'st Seconded by Reeve Campbell That the minutes of the September 1979 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. From the Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin, with copy of a letter to the Ministry of 9ommunity'and Social Services, re: 1979 Estimate of Expenditures. - Referred to the Finance Committee. - Carried. From the Bank of Montreal with account arrangements for the operations of the County accounts. - Referred to the Finance Committee. The following Communications were read and referred to the various Committees: From the Township of Yarmouth Committee of Adju8tment with two notices of public hearing for minor variances, set for October 25th, 1979. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From H. C. Cameron, Jr., solicitor, with request to allow the use of the word "Elgin" in the proposed incorporation of "The Elgin Military Museum Inc.". - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Bank of Montreal with two letters advising of increases in the Bank's Prime Municipal rate as follows: effective September 10th, 1979 - 13% effective October 10th, 1979 - 13%%. _ Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Township of Yarmouth with copies of By-Laws No. 2537 and 2538, passed pursuant to the provisions ,of Section 35 of The Planning Act. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the University of Western Ontario with request to renew the lease for a further five-year period, for property in the Township of Yarmouth. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Premier of Ontario with copies of letters sent to Lorne Carroll and received from ~J. Carroll re: the Walker Bridge. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From A.C.R.O. with copy of "Response to Bill 127 - An Act to Revise the Pits and Quarries Control Act, 1971". - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Ontario Association of Property Standards Officers with agenda for Regional Conference in London, October 29th, 1979. - Filed. From the Thames Valley District Health Council with request for appointment. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From Mr. Garfield Disher, rl;ember of the Haldimand- Norfolk Regional Council, with request for support for the A.C.R.O. Board of Directors. - Filed. From A.C.R.O. advising that the 1980 Annual Meeting will not be held in Oshawa as scheduled and requesting member X!lUnicipalities interested in hosting the 1980 or 1981 meeting, to contact Sheila Richardson. - Filed. From Belecky & Beleck~Barristers & Solicitors, with copy of a letter to the Township of Yarmouth requesting that the roadway, running south from County Road 24, just east of County Road 23, be reopened. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Ministry of Agriculture and Food with copy of the new "Dog Licensing and Live Stock and Poultry Protection Act" and Regulations. - Filed. From the East Elgin District Women's Institute with appointment to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the County of Dufferin with resolution requesting the Province to consider a change in motor vehicle insurance policies, to include in the insurance liability, charges by mu- nicipal volunteer fire departments for assistance at accidents. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From A.C.R.O. with proposed changes in the A.C.R.O. constitution, to be presented at the annual meeting. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Ministry of the Environment with request for projects which will be eligible for C.S.C.P. and Up-front grants. - Filed. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with Memo 79-6B re: Subsidy Forecast for Periods Ending end of September, October and November. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Ministry of Housing with letter advising they are now accepting applications for the 1980 Community Services Contribution Program- Neighbourhood Improvement Component. - Filed. From the Long Point Region Conservation Authority re- questing assistance in planning their watershed management strategy. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the To~mship of South-West Oxford Committee of Adjustment with notice of public hearing re: a minor variance, set for October 2nd, 197.9 at 3:30 P.ivl. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From A.C.R.O. with copy of information from the Ministry of the Environment, Pollution Control Branch, on Spill ~~nagement Systems. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From A.C.R.O. with report from their Transportation Committee on Railway Grade Separation, Processing of Approvals and Funding. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 232 - 4 - 233 - 3- County Council, October Session, 1979 From A.C.R.O. with nomination and consent forms for sub- mitting names to serve on the A.C.R.O. Board of Directors. - Re- ferred to the County Government Committee. From the County of Huron with resolution to have the province give capital Wintario funds for the repair and restoration of public libraries in Ontario. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Ministry of the Environment with copies of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications' Seven Class Envi- ronmental Assessments which relate to the improvements and alter- ations of existing provincial highways. - Referred to the Roads Committee. The Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Caverly. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Shaw That the Agricultural Committee Report be adopted. Moved by Reeve Phillips Seconded by Reeve Bradfield That the Agricultural Committee Report be amended by deleting item 3. From A.C.R.O~ with request for the names of the voting delegates and with copies of preliminary programme for delegates and spouses. - Filed. From Provincial Constable A. L. Manninger, with appre- ciation for grant towards the production of a slide presentation on tornados. - Filed. - Carried. The amended Report was then voted upon and it was carried. From the Ministry of Conmunity and Social Services with copy of a letter to the Children's Aid Society re: review of 1979 estimate of expenditures. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with announcement of educational programmes for January to March 1980. -Referred to the ,Roads Committee. From the Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin, with allocation of children in care to August 31, 1979. - Referred to the Finance Committee. . From the Town of Aylmer with notice of application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of a by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. - Re- ferred to the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee and the Roads Committee. The Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee was presented by Reeve Hodgson and adopted on motion of Reeve Hodgson and Deputy Reeve Monteith. The Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Green and adopted on motion of Reeve Green and Reeve Kelly. The Report of the Reception and Entertainment Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Fischer and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Fischer and Reeve Fleck. A discussion took place on whdther to have a Roads Tour or not. A poll was taken by a show of hands and it was decided to have a tour on Monday, October 22nd, 1979 at 9:0.0 A.M. starting from the Municipal Building. . The question of wearing the County blazer to the Warden's Banquet on November 2nd was discussed. It was decided that they should be worn. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with Memo #79-6A re: Enforcement of Legal Load Limits and ~u- nicipal Traffic By-Laws. - Referred to the Roads Conmittee. From Betty Van Ymeren with appreciation for County Scholarship. - Filed. Moved by Deputy Reeve Martyn ,Seconded by Reeve Shaw That M~r. Elgin Wells of the County Library, make up a short Brochure on the workings of the County Council and its Com- mittees for public knowledge and for the children who attend Council once a year. - Carried. From the Provincial Secretary for Social Development with a copy of a status report on each recommendation contained in the group home report. - Referred to the Social Services Committee. Moved by Deputy Reeve Monteith Seconded by Reeve Caverly That we do now adjourn to meet again on October 17th, 1979 at 2:00. P.M. From the Secretariat for Social Development advising that' October 29th to November 4th, 1979, will be observed as .Ontario Career Week" and requesting assistance. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and 'Elgin with allocation of children in care and financial statement to September 3o.th, 1979. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Town of Dunnville with resolution supporting the need for regulations governing the installation of automatic signal devices at railway crossings, and further updating of the present Cost Sharing Formula. - Referred to the Roads Committee. - Carried. Council Re-Convened. ROLL CALL - All Members present except Reeve Emerson and Reeve Lashbrook who were excused by the Warden. The following employees of the Roads Department were present to receive certificates: From the ~inistry of Transportation and Communications requesting that By-Laws No. 2485 and 2486 be resubmitted in view of amendment to section 77(12) of The Highway Traffic Act. - Re- ferred to the Roads Committee. Mrs. Evelyn M. Jacobs - from the Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario for completing the Municipal Adminis- tration Course. Mr. Joseph Livinastone - from Mack Canada Inc. for having completed the jv~ck: Diesel EngJ.ne Advanced Training Program. 234 _ 5 - County Council, October Session, 1979 - 6 - 235 The Report of the Finance Committee was presented by Reeve Shaw, and adopted on motion of Reeve Shaw and Reeve Liebner. The Report of the Social Services Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Binks and adopted on motion of Reeve Binks and Deputy Reeve Pettit. The Report of the County Government Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Longhurst and adopted on motion of Reeve Longhurst and Reeve Caverly. The Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Reeve Hodgson and adopted on motion of Reeve Hodgson and Reeve Kelly. Moved by Deputy Reeve Monteith Seconded by Reeve Bradfield That By-Law No. 79-34 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carr ied. Moved by Reeve Green Seconded by Reeve Phillips That By-Law No. 79-35 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Agricultural Committee to Conduct Hearings on Behalf of County Ceuncil, Required Under Section7b of The Trees Act" be read a first time. The Second Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caverly and Reeve Campbell. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Green WHEREAS section 7b (1) of The Trees Act, as amended, provides that upon the application of the owner of any trees affected by a by-law passed under subsection 1 of section 4, the council of the municipality that passed the by-law may, by by-law or resolution, authorize a minor exception from the by-law; AND vlliEREAS such applications must be processed in accordance with the provisions of The Trees Act; AND WHEREAS it is felt that the persons deriving the benefit from such exception, rather than the taxpayers at large, should bear the administration expenses involved; NOW THEREFORE the County of Elgin requests the Minister of Natural Resources to initiate an amendment to The Trees Act, to allow a fee to be set by the municipality, to cover adminis- tration costs. Further that copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Counties and Regions, covered by the Southwestern Regional Office of the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario, and Local M.P.P.'s for endorsation. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Reeve Green That By-Law No. 79-35 be read a second time. - Carried. Deputy Reeve Fischer was excused from the meeting by Warden Glover at 4:57 P.M. Moved by Reeve McBrien Seconded by Reeve Bradfield That By-Law No. 79-35 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Monteith Seconded by Reeve Campbell That By-Law No. 79-36 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings 'of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the October Session, 1979" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Binks Seconded by Deputy Reeve Monteith That By-Law No. 79-36 be read a second time. Moved by Reeve Phillips Seconded by Warden Glover - Carr ied. vlhereas the interest rates have increased to 13% on September 10, 1979 and to 13~% on October 10, 1979 be it hereby resolved that the Bank of Montreal be advised that the County of Elgin is becoming concerned and request the Bank of ~IDntreal to reconsider its lending rates and advise the County. - Ca,rr ied. Moved by Reeve Liebner Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That By-Law No. 79-36 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carr ied. Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Reeve Phillips That By-Law No. 79-34 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign a Letter Renewing the Lease Presently Held by the University of Western Ontario on Approximately Ten Acres of Land in the Township of Yarmouth" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Kelly That we do now adjourn to meet again on November 21, 1979 at 10:00 A.M. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Phillips Seconded by Reeve Campbell That By-Law No. 79-34 be read a second time. - Carried. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. s. J. Glover, Warden. 236 237 AGRICULTURAL Cor.:MITTEE REPORT (MRS.) R,M, DANIEl. DEPUTY CLERK-TREASURER 9 GLAC,HONE AVENUE October Session, 1979 FIRST REPORT G,C, I.EVERTON. A,M,C,T, COUNTY CLERK AND TREASURER ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO To the ~larden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: N~H 2L3 PHONE 15191631.1460 * See amendment below. 1. We recommend that a by-law be passed to provide that the County of Elgin Agricultural Committee be authorized to conduct hearings on behalf of County Council, to hear interested parties in connection with applications for minor exceptions, under The Trees Act. The Committee will make recommendations to the Council on the disposition of each application. 2. We recommend that the attached Application for Minor Exception and Rules of Procedure be adopted for use in connection with applications to be heard by this Committee and copies be made available to all local municipalities upon adoption. 3. We recommend that the Deputy Clerk be designated to carry out the duties, as outlined in Section 7.b of The Trees Aot, on behalf of the Clerk. 4. We recommend that a new by-law be prepared to restrict and regulate the destruction of trees by cutting, burning, or other means, with changes as suggested with re- spect to tree sizes and be presented to Council for approval. RULES OF PRCCEDURE AGRICULTURAL COf.'lMITTEE FOR THE CORPORATIOU OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN APPLICATION FOR MINOR EXCEPTION GENERAL In addition to fulfilling the requirements of Section 7b of The Trees Act, the Agricultural Committee shall observe the following rules and requirements: APPLICATIONS 1. The Clerk or Deputy Clerk shall note the date of receipt of all copies of each application and shall number them consecutively, setting up individual file folders for each - e.g. T 1/79. Trees - T Application number - 1 Year - 79. NOTICE OF HEARING ."! // '-"") (/ ./.... '.;.',~, .,' / ( .-, 2. The Clerk or Deputy Clerk, in the name of the Committee, shall send written notice of the time and place of the hearing of each application, together with a copy of the application, not less than twenty-one (21)' days prior to the day of the hearing, to the following: BY REGISTERED ~ffiIL (a) To the owners of the land that abuts the land of the owner of the trees, in respect of which the application is made. BY ORDINARY MAIL (a) l~e Owner of the property involved. (b) The Clerk of the municipality concerned. (c) The County Tree Commissioner. (d) Th8 Secretary-Treasurer of each Planning Board having jurisdiction over the land involved. (e) Ministry of Transportation and Communications (where the property abuts on a Provincial Highway). (f) The Medical Officer of Health. (g) Conservation Authority where land located. (h) Ministry of Natural Resources. (i) Any other authority or agency, who in the opinion of the Committee, may have an interest in the application. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. W. R. Caverly, .>" Chairman. ,{', /J {l/ .{ " A Iv u>!-;-- / / !((~ /I / A_ t eVI {..,..--'~ ,; . r( tv........ / _/ --- ,.II//t!l I / .:---/,/ \i~~I'VZ V~i f' l / '--==' I DEC IS1m! <::~., 3. The Agricultural Committee shall make a' recommendation to the, County Council at its next regular meeting. The recommendation shall be in the form of a report on each application. County Council shall give its decision by separate resolution on each application. A certified true copy of the resolution shall be sent to the owner by ordinary mail. * The Report was amended with the deletion of item #3. 238 239 G.C. LEVERTON, A.M,c.T. COU~TVCLERK^NDTRE^SURER (MRS.I R.M. DANIEL OEP'UTV CLERK-TREA$URItR - 2- 9 GLADSTONE AVENUE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5A 2LJ 7. Names and mailing addresG8s of all owners of'property which abuts the land of the owner of the trees in respect to which this application is made. (If insufficient space below please attach another sheet of paper) PHONE 15191 631.1460 THE ,TREES ACT APPLICATION FOR MINOR EXCEPTION ~ MAILING ADDRESS To: The Elgin County Agricultural Committee 9 Gladstone Avenue ST. THOMAS, Ontario N5R 2L3 Vi I/Vlewish to apply fora minor exception from the provisions of the County of Elgin By-Law, which restricts and regulates the destruction of trees, in order to be allowed to remove trees as outlined in this appli ca tion. 1. NAME OF O\'/NER (S) : 8. other information deemed pertinent to this application: MAILING ADDRESS: Postal Code 2. LtXATION OF LAND: Municipality (Town, Village, Township) Registered Plan No. 9. Each application must be accompanied by a sketch, no greater than 20 centimetres by 35 centimetres, showing: (a) the parcel of land that is the subject of this application, clearly indicating the area proposed to be cleared and the area of trees which will remain. Lot No. Lot No. Concession No. 3. Reason for, wishing to remove trees: (b) buildings on the owner's property and also on the abutting property. (c) use of abutting lands (e.g. residential, agricultural, cottage, commercia~ etc.) 10. As an on-site inspection will be made,- the perimeter of the trees which will remain if this application is granted, must be marked by sprayjng or some other means, to clearly indicate during this visit what is proposed to be removed. 4. Describe species of trees and size of trees to be removed: 5. Alea to be cleared (in metric): Length Metres Width Metres Area (in Square Netres or Hectares) 6. Has the owner previously applied for and been granted permission to remove trees? Yes () No ( ) If yes, please indicate purpose for which they were removed, approximate size of area cleared and date. Date Signature of applicant or authorized agent. NOTE: If this application is signed by other than the owner, written authorization of the owner(s) must accompany the application. If the applicant is a corporation, the application must be signed by an officer (and that position must be indicated) and the corporate seal shall be affixed. 240 241 HOMES FeR SENIOR CITIZENS COlr.MITTEE REPOF~T October Session, 1979 COUNTY OF Ef.r";] fl r~O^IJ r:nMMITTr::E To the Warden and~embers of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: FIRST REPORT October Session, 1979 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF COUNCIL 1. That the "Final Report of the Provincial Metropolitan Toronto Task Force on the Elderly Persons Centres Act" be endorsed. 2. That the resolution from the City of Chatham re: using comfort allowance, in excess of $500.00, for maintenance arrears be filed. 3., That a permit be requested from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications to erect an "Elgin ~;anor'! directional sign at the intersection of Highway #4 and County Road #16. Your Road Corranittee Reports as Follows: a) Hot Mix Asphalt Paving on Road 38 has been completed from Highway 3 to Richmond, in Richmond on Roads 38 and 43, and from the east side of the Richmond Hill to the west side of Hards Hill. Some trimming, top soil and gravel shouldering work remains because of the recent wet weather. Some work will be carried out this fall at the Hards Hill. 4. The Director has been authorized to purchase a Century Bath Unit for the Elgin Manor special care residents, from the donations account. 5. That a policy be established to allow individual persons to use the swimming pool at Terrace Lodge, for therapy, based on the individual circumstances. b) A Mdck Tandem lJiesel Truck has been pUl"chasl'd ft"t)m Carrier M~lck Truck Centrq, London, at, $45,700.17 including Provincial Salps Tax, the lowest of five (5) tenders. This truck will be fitted with a Dump Box and Snow Plow Unit by Frink Canada Ltd. at a 6. We recommend that the emploJ~ent of Mrs. Irva Nicholson, Assistant Director of Nursing, be extended for a one year period, from ~~y 1st, 1980, as she will reach the age of 65 years. 7. The quotation of Wilson & Somerville Ltd., in the amount of $17,250.00, has been accepted,to install smoke detectors in Elgin ~~nor. quotation of $11,122, Plus Provincial Sales Tax. Frink is using some of the County's present equipment, and the County's One Way Plow and Wing. It is .hoped to have the Unit in operation by December 15. It will replace a 1975 Ford (Truck #63) which in turn will be used as a Sander Truck to replace a 1969 GMC (Truck #71), which has bepn sold for scrap. c) A meeting has been scheduledfot" October 18 with the County of Middlesex Road Committee with regard to the Walkers Bridge. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. We Recommend: a) That a By-Law be passed authorising the Warden and Clerk to Sign a Renewal of the Lease with the University of Hestern Ontario to allow the University to use approximately 10 Acres of Lots 23 & /' , / /,- / / " .' /1'/ $~rl.-,/'",~/:/ J. V~' Hodgson, 1 Chairman. 2/1, Concession I,Yarmouth Township lying south of the old Lake Road. The University has leased this land which is on the blvff overlooking lake Erie since 1964 as a site for teaching and research , . (; ,l'.,U"kW~1 !r , ,'1,.J ,(\/ &-1.,VVV I ~'fl'i vc~,t'--j / '. / V V I into soil and wind erosion problems along Lake Erie. . . . . 2 I " Jl/f'v /' I ,!>"VI- <- I~/ ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE. FIHST REPORT Page 243 242 RECEVl'ION AND Ej~TERTAINMENT COWUTTEE REPCRT b) That the brip.f by the Association of Counties and Regions of October S~ssion, 1979 Ollt:'l/:in ,Oil thl' Trilll!;portiltinn OfO:'JIl!;l'rinus M:'It:'~rl,01,1 sbe filed. To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Reception and Entertainment Committee reports as follo~ls: c) That the brief by the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario on Railw;,ay Grade Separation Financing be filed. ALL OF WHICH IS' RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED 1. We recommend that a Junior boy or girl, of at least ten years of age, be invited by each Member of County Council, to attend the November Session of Council. ,f) , /;'/ ~/"o (J-/. h t'l7zU".C;':/ (' /" A'j1_~P'/-<.-/ I / CHAIRMAN 'il /~ .~ JiwurlJ JtrWJ (r' ALL of which is respectfully submitted. '--"'/7 . .I -~-::! if /vi: I.- J. Fischer, Chairman. A-~>rllr /'t ,{~ (..{ .( /lyduf }f ita,,,1 244 245 October Session, 1979 SOCIAL SERVICES CO!,UJiITTEE REPORT FINANCE COr~r.ITTEE REPORT October Session, 1979 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Social Services Committee reports as follows: 1. That we recommend Mr. Richard Haddow be reappointed to the Thames Valley District Health Council for the period January 1, 1980 to December 31, 1980. 2. That ,a copy, of the letter from Mrs. Angela Manneke of Erie-Woods Trailer Park re: forming a local tourist association be sent to the Southwestern Ontario Travel Association. 3. That the correspondence to and from the Hinistry of Community and Social Services, re: 1979 Estimate of Expendi- tures of the Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin be filed. 4. That the account arrangements from the Bank: of Montreal for the operations of the County accounts be accepted for a three year period and the Warden and Clerk be authorized to sign a Treasury Account Application and Agreement. 5. That the letter from the East Elgin District Women's Institute with appointment to the Elgin County Pioneer ~useum Board be tabled to January 1980 for considerction. 6. That the resolution from the County of Huron peti- tioning the Honourable Reuben Baetz to give Wintario funds for the repair and restoration of public libraries in Ontario be endorsed. 1. That thelettp.r from the Ministry of Community and Social Services approving only a portion of the 1979 Admin- istration budget befHed. 2. That the letter from the Ministry of Community and Social Services re: "Group Sponsorship of Landed Lmmigrants" be filed. 3. That the letter from the Provincial Secretary for Social Development with planning guidelines for group homes be filed. 4. That we recommend that the Warden and Clerk sign an agreement for Day Nursery Care with the Aylmer Day Care 'Centre Ltd. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. 7. That the allocation of children in care to August 31st and September 30th, 1979, from the Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin and financial statement to September 30th be filed. 8. That the Canadian Legion be advised that the County wish to participate in the wreath laying on November 11th only, in each year. n ~\ ~/':l: l M. E. /Binl::s, Chairman. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. , . / ,~ I tj{/flit'i: "- /i "~; jLltt/t../' ~ 4 I ~{l j,'/" >."!aL, t;' " '<' ,/. C i fi 1.1' i ; ,/' 'I ,-...........:./ ;? \/'~, ;--' ',~ I L. J. Shaw; Cha innan. I~:/I"/L'{L,("{',,,,~/ /,// ';,{J ,,/ v. v (..{/(tlt ~ (,' L.' j!~/({ u ~(/;: ,./ /' (J {/( / 246 247 COUNTY GOVERNr.:ENT COh~ITTEE REPORT October Session, 1979 PERSONHEL COIv;MITTEE REPORT To the Warden and ff.embers of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: October Session, 1979 1. We recommend that the request to use the name "The Elgin Military Museum Inc." be consented to, and that this be conveyed to the solicitor for the Military Museum, in the form of a letter under Seal, addressed to ,the Kinistry of Consumer and Commercial Relations. 2. That,the letter from the Association of Municipal- ities of Ontario's new president outlining the Asspciation's position on the provincial stance, relating to major fiscal arrangements with municipalities, and that they will not be active in the P.M.L.C. be filed. 3. That the resolution from the County of Dufferin Fe- questing the Province to consider a change in motor vehicle insurance policies, to include in the insurance liability, charges made by municipal volunteer fire departments for assistance at accidents be endorsed. 4. That the proposed changes in the A.C.R.O. consti- tution, to be presented at the annual meeting in Ottawa be filed. To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That the letter from the Ministry of Corrmunity and Social Services, outlining new compensation being paid by the Province for the use of personal automobiles, effective April 1st, 1979 be tabled. 2. That as November 11th, 1979 falls on a Sunday, we recommend that Monday, November 12th, 1979 be substituted as a day off for those employees who qualify for it. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. 5. That the letter from the Long Point Region Conser- vation Authority requesting assistance in planning their watershed management strategy be filed and that it be referred to the four local municipalities within the Authority. 6. That the copy of the Ministry of the Environment, Pollution Control Branch's report on Spill ~~nagement Systems be tabled to the November meeting and copies be made available to all members of this Committee. 7. That the nOfuination and consent forms from A.C.R.a., to serve on the Board of Directors, be filed and copies made for the voting delegates. 8. That the letter from the Secretariat for Social Development, Youth Secretariat, advising that October 29 through November 4, 1979, will be observed as Ontario Career Week and requesting assistance be filed. 9. That the outside appointees to the County Library Board, the Thames Valley District Health Council and the Land Division Committee be advised that in order to be reimbursed for attendance at conventions, prior approval of County Council must be obtained. ,/ / ~I ~~/.~,<~/ 1/ r J .;W,,' Hodgson, A~~ng Chairman. / I C ((/tit {{. :. c , .:Ui",,1!t'(Ci,f/:)..lv/t,av I ~l/ / (j , ALL of which is respectfully submitted. /: (? ',Jf!, Ly:.4~.,;f- / L. A. Longhurst', Chairman. 1 . /' /" C~ d ~ {l,l ,t \1 y!)t;1 t C tvL./ r , ,'. ~' /.f " 1/1 .-1 '" 248 249 AGRICULTURAL COr~ITTEE REPORT October Session, 1979 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 79-34 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Membe~s of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN A LETTER RENE1tlING THE LEASE PRESENTLY HELD BY THE UNIVERSITY OF vlESTERN ONl'ARIO ONAPPROXIWJATELY TEN ACRES OF LAND IN THE 1. That the A.C.R.O. Response to Proposed Policies: Co-Ordinated Program Strategy For the Ministry of Natural Resources in South Ontario, be tabled and copies sent to members of the Agricultural Committee and the Tree Commissioner. 2. That we recommend that an accident insurance policy be taken out on the Tree Commissioner and Weed Inspector as he is not eligible for Workmen's Compensation. Coverage would be on a 24 hour basis for $88.00 per annum for the following coverage: TOI'lNSHIP OF YARMOUTH." $10,000.00 - Accidental Death and Dismemberment $ 150.00 - per week for Total Disability $ 75.00 - per week for Partial Disability $ 2,000.00 - Blanket Accident Expenses. 3. We recommend that the proposed By-Law to restrict and regulate the destruction of trees, be sent to the County Solicitor for his opinion on the wording, and then to the Ministry of Natural Resources for an opinion on whether it . would be approved, if passed by County Council. 4. We recommend that a resolution be passed by Council to request an amendment to The Trees Act, to allow fees to be charged to cover the cost of administration in processing applications for exceptions, from the tree by-law. WHEREAS the ,Corporation of the County of Elgin has leased to the University of Western Ontario Part of the East Half of Lot 23 and Part of the vlest Half of Lot 24, lying south of the old Lake Road as shown on Registered Plan D769, all in Concession I, in the Township of Yarmouth. AND v~~REAS the said lease expired on September 30th, 1974 and was renewed for a further five years, by letter, dated October 17th, 1974. AND \VHEREAS the University of Western Ontario de- sires to renew the said lease for a further five year term. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT the Warden and the Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin be and are hereby authori~ed to sign a letter renewing the above-mentioned lease for a further five year term to be comp~tedfrom the 1st day of October, 1979. 2. THAT By-Law No. 2824 be and the same is hereby repealed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. READ a first time this 17th day of October, 1979. READ a second time this 17th day of October, 1979. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of October, 1979. & ,/~ ~~ /,/ /' "/",,, ) // " _" ' 1/ " ,/" , , ,_(/' '-('c'?/ W. R. C ,- Ch' averly' /' alrman. ' '/ ".J c/CA/'tkc"ut // J/l r;J (VU! I .fii(/ t )rM'{/I..J-Uo~~ ..:::< --r: _c, - '-<' ,/ /c~-../ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. /) , 1, /,y , (.' G/f., / I . / /~ ", ' \" .." {'/'" & cC- <Co'o' ,~~-.'" ''', / > {// .. s. J. Glover, , vlarden. 250 251 COUNTY OF ELGIH By-Law No. 79-35 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 79-36 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE AGRICULTURAL CO~J~ITTEE TO CONDUCT HEARINGS ON BEHALF OF COUNTY COUNCIL, REQUIRED UNDER SECTION 7b OF THE TREES ACT." "A BY-LA~1 TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE ,COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE OCTOBER SESSION. 1979." WHEREAS section 7b of The Trees Act, as amended, requires the Council of'a municipality, who has passed a by-law under subsection 1 of section 4, to hold hearings to consider applications for minor exception from the by-law; AND WHEREAS section 242b of The Municipal Act pro- vides that Council may provide, by by-law for a committee of the Council to hear such parties; AND WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to have fewer persons than the total membership of twenty-five, on County Council hear such applications; NOW THEREFORE the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT the Agricultural Committee of County Council be authorized to hold hearings, on behalf of Council, for applications for minor exceptions, as provided in section 7b of The Trees Act. 2. THIS Committee shall make recommendations to County Council on the disposition of each appli- cation, at the earliest opportunity. WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; AND \'lliEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceed- ings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: READ a first time this 17th day of October, 1979. READ a second time this 17th day of October, 1979. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of October, 1979. 1. That action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the October 1979 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By~Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. ,....-~_o.r: (' ,."'. 0" ',> . G. C. Leverton, Clerk. n I /1 Ii 0;;:" I 0 {'j A / / 0 . I 1//. -.:/ - i '1:<" '(/ - VO S. J. Glover, Warden. READ a first time this 17th day of October, 1979. READ a second time this 17th day of October, 1979. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of October, 1979. ~...-->~_o<. _< ~C<-~7_ /() j/> ~,1 ' / .f'.,lt ,< ((c.\., ;j/ S.J . Glover, (/ Warden. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 252 253 - 2 - November Session - First Day Wednesday the 21st day of November, 1979 From the I,jini stry vf Transportation and Communications with copy of M~mo No. 79-7, re: (1) Claims for inc~&dtied taxes on Gasoline and ~otor Vehicle Fuel (2) Fair Wage Policy - Revised Limit. The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municipal Building, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjourwuent. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL - All Members present. The Warden welcomed the boys and girls who were guests of the Members of County Council, expressing the wish that they find the day interesting. Moved by Reeve Shaw Seconded by Reeve Wilson That the minutes of the October 1979 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Referred to the Roads Corr~ittee. From the Public Service Commission of Canada with order form for metric training packages. ~ Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technology with the winners of the Elgin County Scholarships Peter Kerkvliet, R. R. #1, ST. THOI~ Jacqueline Kerkvliet, R. R. #1, ST. THOr~ Barbara Cowan, R. R. #1, WALLACETO\lN. tied - Carried. The following Communications were read and referred to the various Committees: - Filed. From Mr. R. K. McNeil, II.P.P., acknowledging receipt of our resolution on a minor exception fee. - Filed. From the Provincial Secretary for Social Development concerning the regulating of boarding or lodging homes by municipalities. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Bank of ~ontreal with reply to Council's resolution re: rate of interest for current borrowings. - Referred to the Finance Committee. , From the Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin, with allocation of children in care and financial statement to October 31st, 1979. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Bank of Montreal advising that interest rates , on current borrovlings has been increased by Ii-"!. to 15';~ effective October 25th, 1979. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Southwestern Ontario Travel Association a,dvising that their program was judged the best area tourist promotion across Canada. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From Mrs. J. R. Futcher with letter of resignation as Chairman of the Executive and Advisory Board of the Elgin County Pioneer Museum. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with revised 1979 Estiznate of Expenditures for approval. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs with copy of a Bureau of Municiral Research report on Cost Saving Innovations in Canadian Local Government, and announcement of two Seminars on the subject. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Township of Southwoldwith notice of the passing of By-Law No. 79-29 to regulate land use pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From the Bank of I~ontreal with reply to resolution re: interest rates for current borrowings. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Southwestern Ontario Travel Association with request form for information for the 1980 Travel Guide edition. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Regional I1unicipality of Waterloo with reso- lution requesting the Minister of Natural Resources to delay second reading of Bill 127, An Act to Revise the Pits and Quarries Control Act, 1971, until the Regulations are made and circulated. -Referred to the Roads Committee. From,the Ministry of Government Services, Realty Services Branch, with cOmments on escalation portion of lease for Court House. - Referred to the Property Committee. From the Wallacetown Agricultural Society acknowledging receipt of grant and expressing appreciation. - Filed. From the Council for Canadian Unity with request for support for Canada Week in 1980. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Minister of Transportation and Co~~unications with copy of statement made in the Legislature re: the Talbot Trail. - Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Ministry of Natural Resources with acknowledgment of our resolution concerning a fee for minor exceptions. - Referred to the Agricultural Co~~ittee. From the University of Western Ontario advising that the following were the winners of the Elgin County Scholarships - Michael Louis Toth, Port Burwell Patricia Mary ~~ittaker, Lynhurst (Yarmouth Township) Ritchie Dale ll'icCurdy, R. R. Ill, Vienna Antonia ~~ria A. Verboven, R. R. #1, Southwold. - Filed. From the Town of Valley East with resolution petitioning the Ministry of Transportation and Communications to revievr policy ofallo,"ring school children to cross highways with more than two lanes. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From Mr. Jim McGuigan, M.P.P., with reply to our reso- lution re: minor exception fee under The Trees Act. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs with copy of his statement to 1ne Legislature on October 12th, 1979 re: implementation of new equalization factors for municiral purposes. - Referred to the Finance COIT~ittee. 254 255 - 3 - County Council, N)verrber Session, 1979 - 4- From the Rnoional Assessment Commissioner with the Minister of Interqovermr.ental hffairs' stateroent f.rom Hansard re: implementation of new equalization factors, and a summary. - ke- ferred to the finunce Committee. From the A.M.O./A.C.R .0. Sub-Committee on ChildJeen's Services with a messaae addressed to delegates attending the 1979 A.C.R.O. annual meeting, and advising that a report will be IJiven on October 31st, 1979, in Ottawa. - Filed. From the Ontario Good Roads Association with request for resolutions and proposal of names for recognition of long service, in the cause of good roads. - Referred to the ROClds Committee. From the Minister of Community and Social Ser{ices with invitation to a meeting in London, November 22nd, 1979, to hear plans for Children's Aid Society Funding. - I<eferred to the Finance Committee. From The London Symphony Orchestra offering their ser- vices to bring concerts to the local municipalities. - Referred to the Finance Committee. A delegation was present from the Elgin County Militnry Museum. It was moved by Reeve Phillips that the delegation be now heard. L. Col. E. G. King ED, reviewed the background on the origin of the museum. A campaign was presently being held to solicit funds, with much success. He requested a capital grant and also an annual one for maintenance. The Warden referred the request to the Finance Committee. Mr. Richard Haddow, County Council's appointment to the Thames Valley District Health Council, was present. It l{aS moved by Reeve Emerson that he nmV' be heard. Mr. Haddm... expre::;sed appreciation for Council's reappointment to the Health Council. He reviewed the request of the St. Thomas-Elgin General r.ospital to reopen 26 active beds. The Council also hope to set up an Ad- visory Committee for the three Health Units in the area served. At the present time the Nursing Home Committee which he chairs is working on a report for the Council for December. A delegation from the Elgin County Plowmen's Association was in attendance and it was moved by Reeve Caverly that they be now heard. b~. Les Armstrong advised that pictures of their local plowing match were on display in the Council Chambers. They were requesting support, morally and financially, from County to go to the 1980 Convention of the Ontario Plo'~en's Association in their bid for the 1985 match. Many questions were asked of Mr. Armstrong by Members of Council. Warden Glover referred the request to the Agricultural Committee. From the Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs with a copy of Bill 173, First Reading, amending the I,Iunicipal Act, and requesting comments. - Referred to the County Government Conmittee. From The West Elgin Nature Club expressinq concern over the shrinking forests and in particular the lack of replanting on County roads. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From Stevenson & Kellogg, rf.anagement Consultants, offering their 1979 Salary Survey report for sale. - Referred to the Personnel Committee. From the Ministry of Community and Social Services with approval of 1979 Administration Budget for Social Services of $68,842.43. - Filed. From the Ministry of the Environment with advice that effective December 31st, 1979, their responsibility for certifying Derelict Motor Vehicle Sites will end. - Referred to the County Government Cow~ittee. From the County of Lambton with resolution requesting the Minister of Transportation and Communications to revise their roadside signing policy on minimum access exits, such as liighway 402. - Referred to the Roads Corr~ittee. From the To..mship of West Carleton with resolution requesting that each municipality appeal their 1980 Equalization Factors to the Ontario Municipal Board. - Referred to the Finance Committee. An invitation was extended by Warden Glover to all three delegations to join Council for lunch. Reeve Kelly gave notice that he intended to present a resolution later in the day regarding the Walker Briqqe. The Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Green and adopted on motion of Reeve Green and Reeve Shaw. The Clerk's Report on Licenses was presented. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Monteith That the Clerk's Report on Licenses be accepted and printed in the proceedings. From A.C.R.O. with copy of report on Special Purpose Boards and Commissions. - Referred to the County Goyernmerct COmn\ittee. From tneElgin County Pioneer ,r';useum with copy of account for new roof on the museum. - Referred to the Property Committee. From the Borough of Scarborough with resolution request- ing an amendment to the B~ilding Code to provide for security measures. -Referred to the County Government Committee. Prom the federation of Canadian municipalities with complimentary copy of fcm FORUM. - Referred to the Finance Committee. - Carried. From the Ministry of Government Services with advice on the index to be used in calculatino the increase or decrease in the operating expenses, for the Court House and Registry Office. - Referred to the Property Committee. ."" From the A.C.R .0. President with comments on the annual conference and items which will remain priorities. - Referred to the County Government Committee. From r.jr. Bruce H. Blake, with not ice that the Township of Yarmouth intends to pass a by-law stopping up the road allowance in Lot 7, Concession 1, South of County koad 24, being the Fairview extension commonly known as Hawks Cliff. - Referred to the koads Committee. The Treasurer's Report to October 31st, 1979 was presented. Moved by Deputy Reeve rvlontei th Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That the Treasurer's Report be accepted and printed in the proceedings. - Carried. The Director's Report on Homes for Senior Citizens was presented. 256 - 6 - 257 - 5 - County Council, November Session, 1979 J.:ovcd by Pceve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Lonqhurst That the Elgin County Council 00 on H~cord as supporting the Elgin County F10i.,w~n'8 ilsGociation in their bid to hold the 1985 International HO\oJ'inq katch in Elain County. Further that u copy of this resolution be forwarded to the ~~ecretary-l':anager of the Ontario Plowmen's [,ssociation. l'Vloved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Reeve Lashbrook That the Director's Report on Homes for Senior Citizens be, accepted and printed in the proceedings. - Carried. Reeve Shaw inquired if a report similar to the Director's could be presented by the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit. Reeve Liebner advised one could be. Reeve ~mrtyn requested that the Director's Report be ma iled out prior to Counc i1- Deputy Reeve, Fischer reviewed the schedule for the day arranged for the guests in attendance. Moved by Reeve Phillips Seconded by Reeve Wilson That we do now adjourn to meet again on November 21st, 1979 at 2:00 P.M. - Carried. Reeve Kelly presented and read the following petition to Council: "WALKER BRIDGE - Carried. WnEREAS the Walker bridge across the Thames has served as an important link beb-leen the TO'i1Y\ships of Aldborough and Dumvich and the municipalities in the County of Middlesex continuously for seventy-seven years: AND vlHEREl....S the '1lalker bridge during all that period has provided a necessary access to farmers operatinQ lands on both sides of the river ctnd. over a long time they have built up agricultural operations which depend in an economic way uy:.,on the existence of the bridge: AND vlHEREAS the closina of the bridge to vehicular traffic since August 9th, 1979 has caused inconvenience and eXJ:ense to all those people who have depended upon its existence over the past seventy- seven years: AND wnEREAS it has been proposed that the bridge should be repaired if feasible and subject to a limit in the cost of the repairs of $200,000.00: BE IT TIffiREFORE RESOLVED by the undersigned and it is hereby rec- onunended to the Elgin County Road Committee and to the whole membership of the Council of the County of Elgin that if the re- quired repairs approximate $200,OOO~00 the repairs should not be proceeded with but immediate action be taken to proceed with plans and specifications for the building of a new bridge to replace the present structure. Council Re-Convened. ROLL CALL - All members present except Deputy Reeve Martyn and the following who were excused: Deputy Reeve Fischer Deputy Reeve Ripley Reeve Lashbrook. with guests of Council on tour The First Report of the Finance Committee was presented by Reeve Shaw and adopted on motion of Reeve Shaw and Reeve Green. The Report of the Social Services Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Binks and adopted on motion of Reeve Bi~~s and Reeve Shaw. The Report of the Reception and Entertainment Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve ~;onteith and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Monteith and Deputy Reeve Walters. The Report of the Property Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Stewart and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Stewart and Reeve Fleck. Joseph Fischer Glen 1,'ialters Harley Lashbrook L. A. Longhurst K. E. Monteith Don Campbell Albert .Liebner KEiith Kelly Morley E. Binks.H The Warden referred the matter to the Roads Committee. The Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caverly and Reeve Kelly. Moved by Reeve McBrien Seconded by Reeve Fleck That the Property Committee be asked to inquire into the feasibility and cost of installing a public address system in the Council Chambers undreportback to Council. The Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Deputy Reeve Monteith. - Carried. The Report of the County Government Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Longhurst and adopted on motion of Reeve Longhurst and Reeve Green. Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Deputy Reeve Stewart The Second Report of the Finance Committee was presented by Reeve Shaw and adopted on motion of Reeve Shaw and Reeve Caverly. Reeve Bradfield felt that appreciation should be extended to Elgin \Vells, County Librarian, for his work in preparing a brochure for the benefit of County Council guests. That Elgin County Council request the Elain Plowmen's Association if they are successful in being avrarded the Ontario Plmling Match in a future year that serious consideration be given to choosing a site south of i!3 Bigh\-laY. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Deputy Reeve Stewart That By-Law No. 79-37 "Being a By-Law to Appoint an Alternate Person to Carry Cut the Duties of thE! SecretClry-Treasurer of the Elgin County Land Division Committee" be read a first time. - Carried. 258 259 - 7- County Council, November Session, 1979 - 8 - Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Reeve Shaw That By-Law No. 79-37 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve ~cBrien Seconded by Reeve Longhurst Tha t vie do nO.1 adj ourn sine die. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Shaw Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That By-Law No. 79-37 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 79-38 "Being a By-Law to Restrict and Regulate the Destruction of Trees by Cutting, Burning, or other Means" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve McBrien Seconded by Reeve Liebner That By-Law No. 79-38 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Bradfield That By-Law No. 79-38 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. S. J. Glover, Warden. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Phillips That By-Law No. 79-39 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the November Session, 1979" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Deputy Reeve Walters That By-Law No. 79-39 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Reeve McBrien That By-Law No. 79-39 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carr ied. Warden Glover expressed his appreciation for the co- operation he had received during his past year. Reeve Emerson, on behalf of County Council complimented Warden Glover on his year and the job he had done in repre~enting the County at the various functions. 260 261 COUNTY OF I:LCI~~ l(o,.\D CO~::nTTEE FIRST REPORT ROAD COMMITTEE Novcmber Session 1~79 Pagc.. FIRST REPORT November Session 1979 '1. That till' rcslllution of tIll' C'"lllty of I.:llubton n'll,:lrdinK M.T.C. TO TilE WARDEN ANIl MEMBERS Of COlJNCI L signing onHighw.1Y l,02 be filed. 3. That the resolution of the Town of Valley EastreqlJesting that YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Walkers Bridge has been re-opened to pedestrian traffic. legislation be amendcd to have school buses pickup chUdren on both sides of a Iour (4) lane undivided highw~y be filed. 2. We have authorized in conjunction with the County of Middlesex 4. That the resolution of the Rl'gion o[ Waterloo requesting the Road CornmittcC',the firm of R. C. Dunn and Associates to proceed delay of the Second Reading of Bi 11127 being an Act to Amend with a dctailed design and cost estimate fur the repair of the the Pit and Quarries Act until thcpnlposed regulations have Walk('r~; Bridgl' [clr a') t"n Ic,,"Jlilllil:, with... tl'ntativl' estillldte been circulated for 60 Days to Municipalities, bc,endorsed. for the repair work 'being approximately $20(),()()0. Wc exp('ct to have a reasonably detailed cost estimate by mId [)l\CI'llllJl' r. ALL OF WlIICH IS RESPECTF1JLLYSUBMITTED J. WI! hav(' :lIl1C.'lIdN\ th(' C:()unty'!; L:md l'urClia!;I' Pol Icy [,l[' ro,ld acre and a new fence erected or a fence allowa~ce of $12 per rod ~/1 ,/>j' /P /?y_ )')-;(:7:'(.v--/,::/ ('."/ 01.!- (.C""-L- CHAIRMAN widening for County Road 32 for standard widening to $2,000 per frontage. The previous policy which has been in effect for a i,lloWilllC<' of :p/) pl'r rod f ront"gl'. {afU1; ,/f i~Lh/ number of years was $1,200 per acre and a new fence or fence 4. We havl' rl'c(~ived a letter from the lIonourabl" James Snow Minister of Transportation and Communications that he has refetrpd the pr.oblem of enforcing of Hunicip.d, By-Laws regarding allowable weight on bridges to the Municipal Engineers ^dvlsory CommiLl,!,!'. The Engillc'er kId I'xpn.ssed !lis concern to ti,l' HinisL!'L" when hp found trucb; working for thl' H.T.C. \>Jhich weighed in excess of the By-Law using Middlemiss Bridge over the Thames River~ on Road 14. Some floor damage was apparent. WE RECOMMEND 1. The resolution of thl' Town of Dunnville reg<lrding proposed changes in the allocation of costs for construction and m,tlllll'II.IIH" .>f rl'I':llill!: I [gill ',i!"lI"]" 01' r:.:lw:,y grOldl.' ITO';';/lI!,." be filed. ....2 262 CLERK'S REPORT ON LICENSES CCJUNTY Ti:L.Sill<EJ.!' S I~EF CI~T November Session, 1979 November Session, 1979 To the Vlarden and Members of Elgin County Council, I have to re~ort that, as of this date, the following licenses have been ipsued for the Calendar Year 1979: 263 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, I beg to submit the following statements of Receipts and Expenditures from January 1st, 1979 to October 31st, 1979: RECE ~P'l'S AUCTIONEERS Gordon H. Meeko, 23 Young Street, St. Thomas, N5R 4W6 Hugh Filson, R. R. #4, Denfield, NOM IPO Robert Carney (otter Valley Auctions Ltd.), otterville, NOJ lRO John L. Shackleton, R. R. #1, Springfield, NOL 2JO Leslie J. Shackleton, R. R. #1, Springfield, tiOL 2JO Norman Ripley, Fingal, NOL lKO Bernard Blake, Drumbo, NOJ IGO William F. Keutch, Box 67, Rodney, NOL 2CO Jake Kikkert, R. R. #2, vfuite Church Ed Kikkert, 49 Murray Avenue, Aylmer, N5H 2A4 John D. Johnson, R. R. #1, Rodney, NOL 2CO Daryl Yoder, Archibold, Ohio, U.S.A. Bruce Samson, Archibold, Ohio, U.S.A. Waldie Allen, R. R. #3, Lambeth, NOL ISO Harry Lutchin, 227 ~~in Street, Wardsville, NOL 2NO Fred Cronkite, R. R. #1, Aylmer, N5H 2Rl Hector McNeil, R. R. #7, Alvinston, NON lAO Charles Lutchin, P. o. Box 38, Wardsville, NOL 2NO Ron Clark, R. R. #4, St. Thomas, N5P 3S8 Donald L. Cosens, 13 Margaret Street, St. Thomas, N5R 3H6 David McDonald, Box 552, Rodney, NOL 2CO Bill Hawkins, Ingersoll, Ontario Ben DeVries, R. R. #2, Ridgetown, NOP 2CO John B. McKenzie, 59B Ball Street, Tillsonburg John D. Munroe, Box 113, Union Dan Cudney, 15 Mary Street E., st. Thomas, N5R 2V7 Donald Bedford, R. R. #4, Aylmer, N5H 2R3 B. Anne Bridge, 46 Regent Street, St. Thomas, N5R 2A2 Wm. A. Stenning, R. R. #2, Thorndale, NOM 2PO Jerry E. Brooks, e72 Norfolk Street N., Simcoe, N3Y 3R8 Balance in Bank and On Hand January 1st, 1979 County Rates County Rates Collected Under Section 43 Licences and Permits Interest Received County Roads Miscellaneous Revenue Land Division Committee Court House Recoveries Recovery or Rentals Welfare - Administration - Benefits - Day Nursery Property Tax Stabilization Grant Registry Office Notes Payable EXPENDITURES Council l~embers Administration - Salaries and Supplies Administration Buildings Court House Maintenance Grants Miscellaneous Expense County Roads Children's Aid Society - Budget - Board Members 'Transferred to Elgin Manor Transferred to Terrace Lodge Interest Discount on County Rates Write-Off of Taxes Agriculture Registry Office Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit - Budget - Board Members ALL of which is respectfully submitted. County Library - Budget - Board Members Land Division Committee Welfare - Administration - Benefits Mosquito Control Elgin County Pioneer Museum - Grant - Board Members Transferred to Debenture Account Hospitals and District Health Council - Board l.~embers St. Thomas Suburban Roads Cor.t.lnission - tl.ember Southwestern Ontario Travel hssociation - Member Notes Payable Balance in Bank October 31st, 1979 ~~ November 9, 1979 G. C. Leverton, County Clerk-Treasurer. $1,047,492.25 7,570.19 1,350.00 18,810.67 2,323,719.58 43.00 12,980.50 24,075.70 32,730.70 30,315.81 227,689.89 432.00 109,134.00 4,557.73 1,165,000.00 $ 42,577.26 70,822.31 11,088.59 24,943.20 79,675.00 136.35 3,309,823.25 43,674.20 923.92 79,000.00 53,000.00 13,904.42 15,828.44 6,543.30 23,451. 54 7,869.58 176,324.78 3,762.16 155,000.00 2,036.62 19,740.44 58,697.99 253,195.66 22.41 834.31 122.82 6,500.00 1,917.47 75.00 252.62 830,000.00 $ 300,057.35 5,005,902.02 $5,305,959.37 $5,291,743.64 14,215.73 $5,305,959.37 264 265 - 2- ELG III j,:J1Jl0R Balance in Bank and On Hand January 1st, 1979 Receipts. $ 78,750.70 1,167,631.62 $1,246,382.32 1,185,396.20 $ 60,986.12 'IO Wl\RlEN l\ND MEMBE~ OF ELGIN, COUNTY COUNCIL: Expenditures .Balancein Bank and On Hand October 31st, 1979 AttacOOd are the financial reJ:X)rtsoovering Elgin !'1:uXJr and Terrace IDdge for ten no,nths erxling October 31, 1979. As of the 19th of mvember, 1979, we have ,89 residents in Terrace IDdge and 150 in Elgin Maror. Balance in Bank and On Hand January 1st, 1979 Receipts $ 20,692.99 584,241.67 $ 604,934.66 577,834.79 $ 27,099.87 OUr waiting lists still seantore long, ho\'.ever, Senior, Citizenswithiri. the Cbunty arrange for their narres to replaced in case their health deteriorates therefore, \'.e w::mld be able to acconnodate' tiK:;ffi quite quickly. Elgin r-1anor has on their waiting list 64 ferrales and 31, males. Terracl2 L<x1ge haS on their waiting list 44 fenales and 27 males., Expenditures Balance in Bank and On Hand October 31st, 1979 ALL of which is respectfully submitted. Weare still operating our Satellite HOIro which is operated wit.~ seven Senior Citizens under our supervision and the SatelliteHorre operates under the J:X)licy set out by the COmnittEXl of Management and the Administration. This Hane nowhas a capacity of 22 rcsiCll2nts, hov)()ver, they do take private residents as ~ll as the, residents which rorre unoor the jurisdiction of Elgin County. During t.he past ty;Q, years it has becorrc the fOlicy of Elgin County to offer outreach programs to the senior Citizen residents in Elgin County and this row enables, our Senior CH:izeI1s, to live in their own hom2S in tile environment that they arc used to. ~)4--/ These ou.treach programs are k"COIlling very popular and as listed lJelow, nre G. C. Leverton, County Clerk and Treasurer. a number of programs that are offered for your infonration. TERRPCE LOOGE 12 Senior citizCI1S fran the C<mnuni ty cone into our Hare each 'V~k for bathing by supGrviscd staff as they are unable to use ,their own bathtub due to the inconveniclx:e of getting in ar>..d outof the l::ath tub. 266 267 - 2 - - 3 - 25 Senior Citizens fran the carrnunity are using the svim:ning rxx>l each week and this progrmr, is I:ecoming norc and rrorc popular. ELGIN 1,1i'\NOR 16 Senior Citizens carre in OOC:1 week for a hot nourishing Jroal and we haw one Senior Citizen in the i:.ylm8r area wIn reccivcss a meal delivered to We have 8 Senior Citizens who are brought in by volunt<.:.--er drivers fran Dutton, who use our bathing facilities as they are unable to 058 th:cir a-m facilities at home. hP..r ~. Day Care at Elgin Nanor is a little rroro difficult because of the distance 10 SeniOl:' CiUZeIIG fram t?w oonmunity taJ:e part in our Tah:e-a-Breal:, Drogram and wo arr'ange interesting speakers for this program to travel, however; v.B are at the present t:irnJ orerating with one SOl-llOr Citizen and hope that this nUI11lx:r will increase accordil'Bly. :3 Scmior citizClt'1s arc ph:mcx1 daily by t..'1e n~idcJ1ts wIn reside in the We offer a Vacation Care Program and also a Rehibilitation Program in Elgin Mlllor and Tcrrace D:ldge and th3se are used throughout the year by families who have their Senior Citizen residing with than and \\Quld like a vacation and a place for the older person to stay. fbn\3 so t.hc'l t they hove il telephone; call each iliy, 'I'his enables us to make sure tnat th.::SL' Senior CiUzens arc being tWeen carr: of in the:ir O\<It1 l1c:m:;. PFa;RN1S OFFEREe BY 'l1ill Yi:cl, Wo haw 15 children up to th2 age of 5 who care into our Day Care Program for gym and ::)Xercisc programs. Tllec alg) have offered by the YlI'O\ a Tiny 'lot Swim progrc:m, where 10 childr,;n under the age of 5 COIlD into the H::mB and swim with - their nnthur. The operation of an Inforrration and Referral System which provides our Senior Citizens with infornation rcganling Gove:mrrent Agencies, Incone Tax and assistance with Governrrent forms t:hnt are required by the Provincial and Federal Goverrnront,. is another program tl1iJ.t ~ offer. Tho Health Unit offors prOlk"1tal clinics each weeJ~ with 12 couples attending. These programs are offered to allow our Senior Citizens to continue living in their a-m hone and at tiJ.e sane ti.rre it enables than to ro part of the cn:munity around them and also allows our IIcrres to be part of the camumi ty . The Rct.ard:::.u childron fran Spri.ngfic,lo use our pool once a '\\Bel< and 12 students, use this 1?rogram arrl have I::ccn for the last '!:Yo years. Our Day Care Program for S(mior Citizens now has registered 195 Senior <md lli-; program is:L.'1 operation tbIce: aftcrIXXlns a WJek and as this progra.'l\ is J:y';"COllrin~f so Jopulur a.l1d incroosing in number, at a recent m::Bting, they advisL"<1 oc t11at they nay increase the program fran three to four days p.3r 'oJeok. These programs at the present tine do not cost the County any financial burden beCcl,use they are p:rid by L'i:l Senior citizens who use the services. All of which is respectfully suJ::m:itted, F. J. Ibyes, Director/l\dmini.stra tor Elgin County Hanes for Senior Citizens FJB:rnf Noverrber 19, 1979 268 DIRECTOR:/ADMINISTRATOR REPORI' TERRACE ,LOroE HOl-lE FOR SENIOR CITIZENS To the Warden and Members of the E~gin County Council~ The following is my report on Terrace Lgage for ten months ending October 31, 1979. DIRECTOR /ADMINISTRATOR REPORI' ELGIN MANOR HOME FOR SENIOR CITIZENS To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council. The following is my report on Elgin Manor for ten months ending October 31, 1979 26~ 1. Number of residents as of December 31, 1978 ................................ 80 2. Number of residents admitted during the year .............................. 80 3. Number of residents discharged, during the year ........................ ,.... 78 4. Number of deaths in: the Home during the year.. ~... ....... . .. ..... .. ....... 0 5. Number of residents now, in the Home .........,.............................. 82 6~ Total days residenc e .....'................................................. 24, 723 7. Average number of residents during the 'year ~.............................. 74 1. Number of residents as' of December 31,1978 ............................... 148 2. Number of residents admitted during th8 ;loar .............................. 75 3. Number of residents discharged during the year ............................ 64 4. Number of deaths ,in the Home during the'year .............................. 12 5. Number of residents now in the Home ....................................... 1/+7 6. Total days residence. ........................ ... ....... ........... ..... ...44,757 7. Average number of residents during the year ..c~...'.........';............... ,148 8.. RECEIPTS Province of Ontario Subsidy ......................................... $' Old Age,Pension and Residents Maintenance, ........................... Arrears of' Maintenance and Estates of Deceased,Residents ........... Sundries .......................'................ '* . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..-. .. .. . .,. Government of Canada Sales Tax Refund .............................. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. DEDUCTIONS Cost of Operating .....................:............................. $ Average Expenses per day of each person' ...............'............. Average Expenses per week of each person ........................... Average Expenses per year of each person ........................... Actual Cost to County after deducting receipts ..................... Actual Cost to County per day per resident ......................... CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Cost of Capital Expenditures ....................................... Provine e of 0 ntario Subsidy ......................................... Actual Cost to County ............................................... There were 93 persons in residence during 1978 - 23 male and 70 female. Of the 82 persons in residence on the first day of November 1979, 26 are male and 56 are female. The figures in 1,2,3,4 and 5 above are for the per:i,od January 1, 1979 to October 31, 1979. ALL of which is respectfully submitted, 16. 17. FRED J. OOYES, Director/Administrator Elgin county Homes for Senior Citizens 96,543.18 358,772.72 10,550.81 1,080.71 423.88 8. RECEIPTS Province of Ontario, Subsidy ........................................ Old Age Pension and Residents Maintenance .......................... Arrears of Maintenance and Estates of Deceased Residents ........... Sundries ........................................................... Government of Canada Sales Tax Hefund.............................. $ 467,371.30 510,653.73 20.66 144.62 7,540.90 42,399.06 1.72 DEDUCTIONS Cost of Operating ................................................ ~~, Average Expenses per day of each person .................... '. .. . . . Average Expenses per week of' each person ......................... Average Expenses per year of, each person ......................... Actual Cost ~o County after deducting receipts ................... Actual Cost to County per day per resident ...................... ~ 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. $ 1,957.45 978.72 978.73 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Cost of Capital Expenditures .. '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. . . . . . .. $ Province of Ontario Subsidy ...................................... Actual Cost to County ............................................ There were 183 persons in residence during 1978 - 78 male and 105 female. Of the 147 persons in residen6e on the first day of November 1979, boare male and 87 are female. The figures in 1,2,3,4 and 5 above are for the period January 1, 1979 to October 31, 1979:. All figures include the Satellite Home. 16. 17; ALL of which is respectfully submitted, FRED J. OOYES, Director/Administrator Elgin County Homes for Senior Ci tizel1s $ 385,/+09.57 478,156.03 29,983.17 1,378.25 $ 894,927.02 1,015,648.'74 22.69 158.83 8 281 85 73;774:06 1.65 10,810.58 5,405.29 5,405.29 270 271 FINAI~CE COI.J.JITTEE REFORT - 2 - November Session, 1979 FmST REPORT 16. That a donation of $75.00 be made to the Port Stanley Lions Club, in appreciation for the use of their bus in trans- porting the boys and girls on their tour and a special thanks be extended by letter to the driyer. 17. That we recommend that Deputy Reeve Ripley, Reeve Campbell and Deputy Reeve Pettit be authorized to attend the meeting in London November 22, 1979 re: Children's Aid Society Funding with Committee pay and mileage. 18. That the letter from The London Symphony Orchestra re: the County participating in being the Symphony to Elgin be filed. 19. That the request from the Elgin Military Museum for a grant towards the establishment of a Museum be tabled to the 1980 Council. To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That the letter from the Bank of Montreal, advising, that since the County is accorded the Bank of Montreal Prime lending rate, no other adjustment can be made at this timl3 be filed. 2. That the letter from Mrs. J. R. Futcher with resig- nation as Chairman of ,the Executive and Board of the Elgin County Pioneer Museum be accepted with regret and a letter of appreciation for her valued service over the many years be sent. 3. That the revised 1979 Estimates of the Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin be accepted in the amount of $534,733.00, which require the County to pay $54,512.00 be accepted. 4. That the request form for information from the Southwestern Ontario Travel Association be filed. 5. That the letter from the Council for Canadian Unity requesting support for Canada Week in 1980 be filed. 6. That the letter from the Minister of Transportation and Communications with copy of statement made in the legis- lature re: the Talbot Trail be filed. 7. That the order form from the Public Service Com- mission for metric training package be filed. 8. That the allocation of Children in Care and finan- cial statement to October 31st, 1979, from the Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin be filed. 9. That the letter from the Bank of Montreal advising of an increase in the interest rate of It% to 15% on current borrowings be filed. 10. That the letter from Southwestern Ontario Travel Association advising that their program was judged best area tourist promotion across Canada be filed. 11. That the report on Cost Saving Innovations in Canadian Local Governments and announcement of two Seminars on the subject be filed. 12. That the letter from the Bank of Montreal confirming that interest will be calculated on the average closing daily balance on all account s be filed. 13. That the statement by the Honourable Thomas L. Wells, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, and letter from the Regional Assessment Corr~issioner on the implementation of the new equalization factors be filed. 14. That the resolution from the Township of West Carleton requesting that each municipality appeal their 1980 Equalization Factors to the Ontario Municipal Board be filed. IS. That the complimentary copy of fcm FORUM from the federation of Canadian municipalities be filed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ( L. J. 'Shaw Chairman. ' &~ ^" I // I / //./ " ,II' / ~, <,/, fCIv'1~?1 /j. (J~{)j,/ /1 \ :; 272 27~ RECHTIOll AliD EHTElaAIti;,jEH'l' COi':iviITI'EE REPORT November Session, 1979 November Session, 1979 To the WaI'denaIld Merobe:rs of the Elgin County Council, The Social Servi.ces Committee reports as follows: To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Reception and Entertainment Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Director :be authorized to attend a Seminar in Toronto 'with expenses paid. 2. That vle recommend that the Director be authorized to purchase a new calculator at a cost of $289.00 less 10%. 1. We recommend that a Ladies' Night be held on January 26th, 1980 at the Sheridan Inn or January 19th as an alternate night, with Deputy Reeve Monteith booking the room and Warden Glover arranging for the music. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. (-~ '~I.' / ' i" ~ ,...,-) , {(II /- " -/ rY.~ -r/l'~' / / ,I. '.';' ,..~. ....~.,.,.-' /_."."r'.A M. E. Binks Chairman. ' '/(//"'" .,'j rl~/ 'YJ'V''''(/ l'J!(c,(r'^u K. E. Monteith Acting Chairma~. .//. _._-l 1/ 7/ ) (4): I, A / '~J{,(/'[..[(..", /. -J(..d/(../'t/L/ t/ ~/. 274 275 PROPERTY COWHTTEE REPORT November Session, 1979 AGR ICULTUl<AL CO;,:lG'ITEE }<SPO}(T November Session, 1979 To the,Vlardenand Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That the letter and.copy of invoices for work carried out on the Museum roof in the amount of $5,475.98 be noted and filed. 1. We recommend that a copy of the letter from the Ministry of Natural Resources, in reply to our resolution on establishing a "minor except ion fee" under The Trees J,ct, be forwarded to all Counties and Reqions covered by the South- western Regional Office, for information, and urging them to endorse our resolution. 2. That the letter from the Ministry of Government Services accepting the escalation on the "Buildings" portion for 1978 only be filed. 3. That we recommend that the substitution, as suggested by the Ministry of Government Services, of using thf3 "All Items" column, in Table 62 of the Bank of Canada Review, to determine the escalation index for operating expenses on the Court House and Registry Office be accepted, in place of the one listed in the lease. 4. That the Clerk-Treasurer's Office be authorized to purchase an Olivetti electric typewriter from Elgin Business Machines Ltd. at a price of $1,225.00 less 10% discount, plus provincial sales tax. 5. That we purchase three fire extinguishers for the Engineer's Office and Court House Furnace Rooms and Equipment Storage Shed at a cost of $48.95 each. 2~ That the reply from ~~. Jim McGuigan, M.P.P., to our resolution to establish a minor exception fee under The Trees Act be filed. 3. We recommend that the Federal Health of A.nimals Branch of the Department of Agriculture hold rabies clinics in Elgin County as soon as possible, with the County paying for the advertisement. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. //7 " /,-, \._~ / ~I .,-/' y,./" ,,''., :'. (/((,',",( // , ..L:.:;.Z>- ( .., ' / " L/ W. R. Caverly, Cha irman . 1 dr:(., . 'kulji ' "!J t / ' ",,~~ ;/ c.~d-i,C(/IL/ 276 277 COUNTY GOVERl'il;IENT COLlftITTEE l<EPORT PERSOllNEL COl.~],;ITTEE REF-Ora November Session, 1979 November Sessio.n, 1979 To. theylarden and Members af the Elgin Co.unty Cauncil, The Persannel Cammittee r8ports as fallows: To the Warden and ~embers of the Elgin Co.unty Council, The County Government Committee reports as follaws: 1. That the letter fram Stevensan & Kellogg, l~nagement Cansultants; offering their 1979 Salary Survey report far sale be filed. 1. That the capyof the Ministry af the Environment, Pallution Control Branch's report on Spill Management Systems be filed for information. 2. That we recommend that County Co.uncil allo.w the , vacation days outstanding for Roads Employees to. be carried ov~r to. 1980 and a real effort be made to. reduce these days and a report be brought back to. this Co.mmittee in April 1980 by the Clerk-Treasurer. 3. That we recommend that Kr. Jackson Baker's emplay- ment, as Tree Commissioner and ;,/eed Inspector, be extended far a one-year perio.d to December 31st, 1980, as he is over the age of 65 years. 2. That the letter fram,the Provincial Secretary for Social Develapment re: regulating of boarding or lodging hames by municipalities be filed. 3. That the letter and copy of bill, amending The Municipal Act, fram the Minister of Intergavernmental Affairs be f Hed. 4. That the letter from the Ministry of the Environment advising that effective December 31st, 1979, they will no longer be responsible for certifying Derelict Motor Vehicle Sites be filed. ALL.of which is respectfully submitted. 5. That the report on Special Purpose Boards and Com- missions from A.C.R.O. be filed. 6. That a by-law be prepared appointing the following members to the County of Elgin Land Division Committee: John V. McKinlay - to hald office until January 1, 1981 H. Paul deRyk - to ho.ld office until January 1, 1981 Murray C. Benner - to. hold office until January 1, 1982 Larne R. Carroll - to hold office until January 1, 1982 Noble G. Tufford - to. hold office until January 1, 1982 Fred S. Shively - to. hold office until January 1, 1983 Alistair Littlejohn - to. hold office until January 1, 1983. ,~~C''d.4.h"/ K. C. Emerson Chairman. ' /' ;)1" //. '." // //1,'. 1["/' ,- '1"I,,'.f; . LV-j.CL(/i/ 7. We recammend that Mr. George C. Leverton be named as an alternate to. carry out the duties of the Secretary- Treasurer of the Land Divisian Cammittee when neither she nor Mrs. Daniel are available and that a by-law be prepared for submission to. Cauncil. 8. That the resolution from the Borough of Scarborough requesting an amendment to the Building Code to provide for security measures be endarsed. 9. That the letter from the A.C.R.O. President, with comments on the annual conference and outlining items which will remain priorities be filed. 10. That the quotation of Aylmer Express Limited in the amount of $4.25, per printed page, be accepted for work necessary in producing the 1979-80 County Proceedings, in printed form. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. 1~ /-"'.. 7 :1:.. tl. I 'VO.,/~'V~ ,/ 1. A. Longhurst, Chairman. } '/ / ~. i" /1/. ~~ Li'-c{''v\..- '" (. ,ud'7 ' : 278 279 November Session, 1979 COU1-:TY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 79-37 FINANCE CCi"jMI'ITEE i<EPORT SECOND REPORT "BEING A BY -LA\'[ TO APPOn:T AN ALTERNATE PERSON TO' CARRY OUT THE DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY -TREASURER OF THE ELGIN COUNTY LAND "pIVISION COMMITTEE." To the Warden and,Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. We recommend to the 1980 Council that $3,000.00 be provided in the 1980 budget for the Elgin County Plovmen's Association, to assist in expenses for their bid for the 1985 match in February 1980. ~ffiEREAS Mrs. Rose M. Daniel, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer of the County of Elgin, has by by-law, been appointed to carry out the duties of the Secretary-Treasurer of the Elgin County Land Division Committee, in his or her absence; AND VffiEREAS on occasion both the Secretary-Treasurer and Mrs. Daniel may be absent from the office; AND vlliEREAS it would deem to be appropriate, for the public's benefit, to have another alternate person avail- able to stamp deeds etc., in their absence; NO\'! THEREFpRE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That Mr. George C. Leverton, Clerk-Treasurer of the County of Elgin, be and is hereby appointed to carry out the duties of the Secretary-Treasurer of the Elgin County Land Division Committee, when the said Secretary-Treasurer or Mrs. Daniel, are unable to carry out the duties assigned to the position. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. .'.....r(./ 7 (- / /~-~". ,-/,..i...J- READ a first time this 21st day of November, 1979. READ a second time this 21st day ,of November, 1979. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of November, 1979. L. J. Shaw, Chairman. ~ 4iU1Lj 1. }l ~ll~V J<---/C ( < -~ { y.:" ~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. " .../J / ' (, '"I, ., ,// // // ;/,,;h.((~tC:(,A.L.--~ /) S. J. Glover, JI Warden. 280 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 79-38 "BEING A BY-LAW TO RESTRICT AND REGULhTE THE DESTRUCTION OF TREES BY CUTTING, BURNING, OR ar'rIER MEANS." WHEREAS it has become expedient for the general welfare of the County of Elgin to maintain and improve the forest, soil, game and fish resources of the County by pre- serving and improving the woodlands of the County; and ~mEREAS, under Section 4 of The Trees Act, the Council of a County is empowered to pass by-laws (a) restricting and regulating the destruction of trees by cutting, burning, or other means; and (b) providing for the appointment of officers to enforce the provisions of any by-law passed under this section; THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. (1) Except as hereinafter provided, no living tree of the species listed below that shall not have attained to the measurements specified below shall be destroyed by cutting, burning, or other means: 145 cm. (57") in Circumference Maple Oak Walnut Ash Tulip (Whitewood) Basswood Pine Cherry - hard, red, silver, black - white (butternut), black - white - black 112 cm. (44") in Circumference Hemlock Pine Birch Hickory Poplar Sycamore Chestnut Hackberry Cucumber Kentucky Coffee Black Gum Beech - red - yellow - shagbark, bitternut, pignut, mockernut - cottonwood 3. - tree Tree - American 64 cm. (25n) in Circumference Birch Larch Cedar Locust Poplar - white - Eastern (tamarack), European - white - black, honey - balsam, trembling aspen, large-toothed. (2) Measurements referred to in subsection (1) above shall be outside the bark and taken at a point at the base of the tree 91 cm. (36") above the highest point of the ground. - 2 - 281 2. This by-law shall not, (a) interfere with the right of a person who has been the registered owner of land for at least two years to cut trees thereon for his own use; (b) interfere with any rights or powers conferred upon a municipality by The Municipal Act; (c) interfere with any rights or powers of Ontario Hydro or of any agency, board or commission that is performing its functions for or on behalf of the Crown; (d) apply to trees growing upon any highway or upon any opened road allowance; (e) apply to trees growing in a woodlot that is .20 hectares (one-half an acre) or less in area; (f) apply to trees destroyed in order to erect any building, structure or thing in respect of which a building permit is issued; (g) apply to trees planted for the production of Christmas trees; (h) apply to trees cut by an Ontario land surveyor registered under The Surveyors Act or any person in his employ while making a survey; (i) apply to trees on land described in a licence for a pit or quarry or a permit for a wayside pit or wayside quarry issued under The Pits and Quarries Control Act, 1971; (j) apply to trees destroyed in order to lawfully establish and operate or enlarge any pit or quarry on land that has not been designated under section 2 of The Pits and Quarries Control Act, 1971; or (k) apply to trees that are cut in accordance with good forestry practice. (1) (a) Every person who, by himself or through any other person, con- travenes any provision of this by-law; obstructs, hinders or interferes with an officer appointed under this by-law or any person acting under his instructions, in the discharge of his duties; or fails or neglects, without just cause, to carry out an order made against him under sub- section 2, (b) (c) is guilty of an offence and on summary conviction is liable to a fine of not more than $5,000 or to imprisonment for a term of not more than three months, or to both. (2) Where a person is convicted of an offence under clause a of subsection 1, the judge shall consider all evidence given in respect of the ne- cessity of replantina the area on which trees have been destroyed and may order the owner of the said area to replant or have replanted thereon such trees in such manner and within such period of time as the judge considers just and to adequately maintain the replanted trees in such manner as the judge considers proper. 282 283 - 3 - COUNTY OF ELGIN 4. That officers to enforce the provisions of this by-law may be appointed by by-law of the council and an officer so appointed shall, (a) not be a member of the Council for the County of Elgin; (b) hold office at the pleasure of the said Council; and (,c) be paid an hourly rate and also a rate per mile travelled, both to be determined from time to time by County Council, for his duties in enforcing the provisions of this by-law. 5. That By-Law Nos. 2208 and 2564 be and the same are hereby repealed. 6. That this By-Law shall not become effective until approved by the Minister of Natural Resources. By-Law No. 79-39 "A BY-LA\'l TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPOP.ATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE NOVE~~ER SESSION, 1979." \VHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; AND ~~EREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; READ a first time this 21st day of November 1979. READ a second time this 21st day of November 1979. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of November, 1979. AND ylliEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceed- ings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law; N~I THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the November 1979 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such pro- ceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County~of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ,/2 15/ ,'/ ' \/,:.;. . ",-/I(:lU/ 'L...---' /S. J. Glover, , Warden. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. ~-^-<..-<....,.:..-.:.... -yC.C7---' READ a first time this 21st day of November, 1979. READ a second time this 21st day of November, 1979. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of November, 197~ ~::'"_.--<.-<_-<./,-<_... ~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ,(I /l " , !.;,' \./),. \\,'t~<--~ (/' S. J . Glover , , ' Warden. 284 285 INDEX MISCELLANEOUS - Communications ....... 10, 45, 81, 107, 137, 150, 187, 208, 230, 252 Delegations ........................ 13, 84, 109, 139, 153, 213, 255 1978-79 Officials, County Council, Standing Committees, Municipal Clerks and Treasurers ................ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Presentations to Employees ...................... 110, 154, 216, 233 Warden's Address ................................................ 18 Warden's Election ................................................ 9 REPORTS OF OFFICIALS AND OTHERS ~ Director's Report on Homes for Senior Citizens ................. 265 Clerk's Report on Licenses 262 County Treasurer's Reports............................. 98, 196, 263 Elgin County Library Report ..................................... 67 Weed Inspectors Report .......................................... 21 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES - Agricultural Committee ... 25, 55, 103, 127, 201, 226, 236, 248, 275 County Government Committee ....... 31, 60, 100, 124, 146, 163, 199, 223, 246, 277 Educational Committee ........................................... 66 Finance Committee .................. 29, 63, 99, 113, 114, 115, 122, 144, 162, 198, 222, 244, 270, 278 Homes for Senior Citizens Committee ............... 26, 57, 96, 121, 143, 161, 195, 221, 240 Personnel Committee ... 24, 52, 58, 88, 123, 148, 166, 200, 247, 276 Property Committee ................. 59, 97, 125, 145, 165, 202, 2'14 Reception and Entertainment Committee ... 32, 65, 164, 225, 243, 273 Road Committee ........................... 27, 53, 89, 95, 116, 141, 159, 193, 219, 224, 241, 260 Social Services Committee ................... 28, 102, 126, 245, 272 Special Committee to Strike the Standing Committee for 1978-79 .. 19 Special Committee to deal with a County-City Travel Guide ....... 56 286 287 RESOLUTIONS - BY-LAWS - Recommending that the Liaison Committee suggest, Board of Education establish needs and trends of skills and trades. ................ 13 Endorsing principal of work fare for Welfare Recipients ......... 13 Petition to Ministry of Transportation and Communications for subs i dy ......................................................... 48 Accepting Treasurer's statement on Remunerations and Expenses .. 85 Instructing Elgin County Library Board to prepare brief on Aylmer Town Hall Renovations re: Library.............................. 85 Endorsing A.M.O. response re: Provincial Transfers ............. 86 2558 - To Appoint a County Road Committee. ..~.................. 23 2559 - To Authorize the Warden and the Treasurer to Borrow the Sum of Two Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars. ...... 33 2560. - Being a By-Law to Appoint an Assistant Engineer for the County of Elgin. ........................................ 35 Adopting 1979 Road Budget .... ........ ..... ...Ql. ...... --....... ... 10.9 2561 - Being a By-Law to Establish the Salary of the Assistant Engineer for the County of Elgin. ....................... 36 2562 - Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk of. the County of Elgin to Sign a Memorandum of Agreement Re: Elgin County Road #55, with the Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk. ...................................... 37 2563 - Being a By-Law to Establish the Rate of Pay for Certain Employees in,the Homes for Senior Citizens. ............. 42 2564 - Being a By-Law to Amend County of Elgin By-Law NO.. 220.8. 43 2565 - A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the December Session, 1978. .......................................... 44 79-1 - Being a By-Law to Establish the Remuneration to be Paid Members of Elgin County Council and Others Appointed to Various Local Boards Etc. ............................... 70. Supplementary Application re: Drainage Assessment Subsidy..... 10.9 Request Minister of Health to monitor care at St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital ............................................... 153 Re: signing authorities for Elgin Manor Home for Senior Citizens ....................................................... 153 Accepting auditors report for year ending December 31, 1978 .... 154 Authorizing ad re: Dr. Clint Bell (Mocca Temple Potentate)..... 155 Accepting Treasurer's Report a... ................ ...... .... 189, 255 79-2 - Being a By-Law to Establish the Annual Remuneration to be Paid to the Warden of the County of Elgin. ........... 72 79-3 - Being a By-Law to Set the Daily Remuneration to be Paid to Members of the Elgin County Council for Attendance at Meetings of the Elgin County Council and Committees Thereo f . ............................................. 0'. . 7:3 Re: Signing Authorities for General, Payroll and Debenture Accounts ....................................................... 190. Re: Signing Authorities re: Terrace Lodge Donations Account .. 214 Offering no objections re: Road Closing, Yarmouth Township .... 215 Offering no objections re: Road Closing, Bayham Township ...... 215 Sending letters of appreciation to Art Gallery and Mrs. Ken Burtwistle ..................................................... 216 Appointing A.C.R.O. Voting Delegates ........................... 218 Requesting Mr. Elgin Wells to make up County Brochure .......... 233 Re: establishing minor exception application fee .............. 234 Requesting Bank of Montreal to reconsider lending rates to County ......................................................... 234 Accepting the Clerk's Report on Licenses ....................... 255 Accepting Director's Report on Homes for Senior Citizens ....... 256 Supporting Elgin Plowmen's Association re: 1985 International Plowing Match .................................................. 257 Re: Public Address System for Council Chambers ................ 257 Requesting Elgin Plowmen's Association to consider sites south of NO.. 3 Highway ............................................... 257 79-4 - Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law NO.. 2541, Thereby Adjust- ing the Remuneration of the Land Division Committee. .... 74 79-5 - A By-Law to Authorize the Expropriation of Land for the Purpose of Widening and Improving County Roads. ......... 75 79-6 - Being a By-Law to Confirm By-Law NO.. 78-32 of the Town- ship of Southwold; A By-Law to Stop Up and Sell a Road Allowance in the Township of Southwold. ................. 77 Ie \ 79-7 - A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the January Ses- sion, 1979. ............................................. 80. 79-8 - Being a By-Law to Establish the Remuneration to be Paid to the Warden, Council Members and County Officials for Attending Conventions. .................................. 10.4 79-9 - Being a By-Law to Rescind By-Law NO.. 2376, A By-Law to Adopt an Interim Land Severance Policy for the County of 'E Igi n. ............................................... 10.5 79-10. - A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the. Corporation of the County of Elgin at the February Ses- sion, 1979. ............................................. 10.6 79-11 - Being a By-Law to Establish the Percentage Share of each Municipality Within the County of Elgin and Amount Requi- red for County Purposes for the Year 1979. .............. 128 288 289 79-12 - Being a By-Law to Authorize Grants to be Made to Various Organizations, Corporations, Institutuions, Etc., During 1979. .................................................. 130 79-13 - Being a By-Law to Confirm By-Law NO. 79-2 of the- Town- ship of Dunwich; A By-Law to Stop Up or Close and Sell a Portion of a Road Allowance in the Township of Dunwich. 131 79-14 - Being a By-Law to Appoint an Assistant Engineer for the County of Elgin. ....................................... 134 79-15 - Being a By-Law to Establish the Salary of the Assistant Engineer for the County of Elgin. ...................... 135 79-16 - A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the March Session, 1979. .................................................. 136 79-17 - A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the April Session, 1979. .................................................. 149 79-18 - Being a By-Law to Establish Rates of Pay for Part Time Employees. ............................................. 167 79-19 - Being a By-Law to Amend, By-Law NO. 2543, a By-Law to Establish a Pay Schedule for Employees Covered by the Job Evaluation Scale, Other than Certain Roads Depart- men t Employees. ........................................ 168 79-20 - Being a By-Law to Establish the Rate of Pay for Certain Employees in the Homes for Senior Citizens. ............ 169 79-21 - A By-Law to Authorize Mr. Arthur Vanderispaillie, the Owner of a Portion of Lots 14 and 15, Concession 1, of the Township of Bayham (Hereinafter Called 'The Grantee' and which Term Shall Include his Heirs, Successors, and Assigns) to Construct, Use, and Operate works required for the Transmission of Water in the County of Elgin (Hereinafter called 'The Municipality'). ............... 170 79-22 - Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign an Agreement re: A Building Encroachment Located in the Township of South Dorchester. .......................... 171 79-23 - Being a By-Law to Confirm By-Law NO. 1987 of the Town- ship of Bayham; a By-Law to Stop Up and Close and Sell a Road Allowance in the Township of Bayham. ............ 179 79-24 - Being a By-Law to Confirm By.Law NO. 1988 of the Town- ship of Bayham; A By-Law to Stop Up and Close and Sell a Road Allowance in the Township of Bayham. ............ 181 79-25 - Being a By-Law to Confirm By-Law NO. 1989 of the Town- ship of Bayham; a By-Law to Stop Up and Close and Sell a Road Allowance in the Township of Bayham. ............ 183 79-26 - Being a By-Law to Appoint a Land Division Committee. ... 185 79-27 - A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the May Session, 1979. .................................................. 186 79-28 - Being a By-Law to Confirm By-Law NO. 2515 of the Town- ship of Yarmouth; A By-Law to Stop Up and Sell Certain Road Allowances in the Township of Yarmouth. ........... 203 79-29 _ A By-Law to Authorize the Kettle Creek Conservation Auth- ori ty, of Lot 5, Ral'\ge 1, North of Edgeware Road, of the ,- Township of Yarmouth (Hereinafter Called 'The Grantee' and which term Shall Include its Successors and Assigns) to Construct, Use, and Operate Works Required for the Transmission of Water in the County of Elgin (Hereinafter Called 'The Municipality') .............................. 206 79-30 _ A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the June Session, 1979. ................................................... 207 79-31 - Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law NO. 2539, Thereby Alter- ing the Date of the Warden's Election. .................. 227 79-32 - Being a By-Law to Amend Fringe Benefit By-Law NO. 2528. . 228 79-33 _ A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the September Ses- sion, 1979. ............................................. 229 79-34 _ Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign a Letter Renewing the Lease Presently Held by the Univer- sity of Western Ontario on Approximately Ten Acres of Land in the Township of Yarmouth. ....................... 249 79-35 - Being a By.Law to Authorize the Agricultural Committee to Conduct Hearings on Behalf of County Council Required Under Section 7b of The Trees Act. ...................... 250 79-36 _ A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the October Ses- sion, 1979. ............................................. 251 79-37 - Being a By-Law to Appoint an Alternate Person to Carry Out the Duties of the Secretary-Treasurer of the Elgin ~unty Land Division Committee. ......................... 279 79-38 _ Being a By-Law to Restrict and Regulate the Destruction of Trees by Cutting, Burning, or Other Means. ........... 280 79-39 - A By-Law;to Confirm Proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the County of Elgin at the November Ses- sion,1979. ............................................. 283