1981 Minutes PROCEEDINGS OFTHE Elgin County Council DURING THE SESSIONS HELD IN THE COUNTY MUNICIPAL BUILDING 9 Gladstone Avenue, St. Thomas December 1980 NO\fember 1981 G.C. LEVERTON Clerk ICE. MONTEITH Warden 2 County of Elgin Officials Name G"C. Leverton Mrs. A..M. Daniel. "......... Secretary-Treasurer" R.G. Moore. R..E.Bell.... F"J" Boyes. . . . . " . . , Office Phone No. .. '" County Clerk Treasurer. . " " , . . 631-1460 . ..DeputyClerk-Treasurer........". 631-1460 '""Land Division Committee........". 631-1460 . County Engineer...... ...". "..631-5880 Director, Social Services.. .........631 -1570 Director, Elgin Manor".........." ..631-0620 644-1760 . 773-9205 644-0140 Dr. C.A.. Graham .. . .. .......... Elgin Manor, Med. Dir.. . . .. .. . . . . 633-0030 Dr. D"L Wright.... ... " ". Terrace Lodge, Med. Oir. "... . 773-3135 E.A Wells.. ....... ............ County Ubrarian.............. 633.0815 M"J" Hennessey & Associates. ." County Solicitors ..... ..".. _. 633-3310 Jackson Baker".."..." "".. CoulltyWeed Inspector and Tree Commissioner 164 Talbot SI. W., Aylmer .... 773-8392 Deloitte Haskins & Sells" Dr.. M.R. Warren, M"O.H.. D.R. McDennid. . S.G" Eggleston, J"N. Buchanan" GA Phillips... A.R" Webster, R.. Davis Probation Office. " J.LJones"... J" Anderson..... Terrace Lodge. . . . . . County Auditors, 136 Centre S1. . .. . . 631-8250 . . . . . . - Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit 2 Wood Street. ... _..."......... County Judge. '" .... County Court Clerk. . . . . Sherriff". ,,,.... . ..." . . Clerk of the Peace and County Crown Attorney " . . Provincial Judge (Criminal Division) PO. Box 267 . . . . . . . . .. , . . Provincial Judge (Family Division), .. County Registrar " .. P.O. Box 277. ............. -. Small Claims Court Clerk" Agricultural Representative 594 Talbot Street. ...... 631-9900 631-4810 ..633-1720 631-3530 631-1506 633-1230 633-2169 ..631.3015 ....631-3430 631-1241 631.4700 Elgin County Board of Education. ...... ........ 400 Sunset Drive. ...." Elgin County (Roman Catholic) Separate School Board. . . . . . 21 Parish St. , 633.2700 . . 631-8300 (St. Thomas Post Office unless otherwise specified) .Munlclpal Office - 9 Gladstone Ave., N5R 213 ******** ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIl1981 WARDEN K.E. MONTEITH Township ctAldbOrOugh Reeve K.M. Kelly, R.R. 2, Rodney, NOL2CO.............. Deputy Reeve D. Perovich, RR 3" WestLome, NOL 2PO Township of Dum~lch Reeve G.E. Wa~ters, R.R. 1, Dutton, NOL 1JO....". ........".." Deputy Reeve D"A. McWilliam, R"R.1, Dutton, NOL 1JO....."."..." Township of Southwold Reeve K.E Monteith, R.R. 1 ,St. Thomas, N5P 355...... ...... . Deputy Reeve E.H Marr. R.R. 3. Shedden, NOL 2EO.. Township of Yarmouth Reeve L.J. Shaw. R.R. 5, 51. Thomas, N5P 359... . Deputy Reeve, R. Haddow, Box 2, Union,NOL 2LO."." Township 01 Malahlda ReeveW"R. Caverly, R.A. 5,Aylmer, N5H 2R4....... Deputy Reeve E. Neukamm, R.R.. 1, Aylmer, N5H 2R1 ".' " Township 01 Bayham Reeve M.H Stewart, R.R. 1, Eden. NOJ 1 HO..... .... Deputy ReeveJ"A. Volkaert, R.R. 1, Straffordville, NOJ 1YO..".." Township of South Dorchester Reeve J.B. Wilson, RR. 1, Springfield, NOL 2JO . " " Deputy Reeve G.R. Pettit, R.R. 2. Springfield. NOL 2JO. . . . . . ......785-0247 . 768.1864 . 762.2437 .. 762-5334 .. 631-7073 ..764.2116 . _ 631-8314 ...631-8773 . 773-5445 . . . 773-8895 . 866.5838 . . 866.3548 269-3995 773-3625 Towncf Aylm_sr Reeve S.J. Glover, 12 Oak St., Aylmer, N5H 1G6.. ....... ...773-8323 Deputy Reeve D.H" Pearson, 25 Lawrence Cres., Aylmer, N5H 185, ,,773~9636 vmage of Vienna Reeve K"C. Emerson, P.O. Box 120, Vienna, NOJ 120 Village 01 Sprlnglleld ReeveJ.W" Hodgson, P.O, Box 84; ~pringfield"NOL 2JO Village of Dutton Reeve D. Farthing, 178 Shackleton St., Dutton, NOL 1JO...... . 874-4480 . 773-3068 . 762-3429 Village 01 Port Stanley Reeve R.J Lavereau. P.O. Box 444, Port Stanley, NOL 211.0.... ..... 782-3500 Deputy Reeve J.L. Wakeling. Box 149, Port Stanley NOL 2AG..... _...782-3034 3 4 Village 01 Rodney Reeve R.F. Coles, 234 Third St., Rodney, NOL 2CO. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 785-2290 VliIage of West Lorne Reeve H.T. Lashbrook, P.O. Box 234, West Lome, NOL 2PO..... ..... 785-0310 Village of Port Burwen ReeveJ..N. Smyth, PO Box 22, Port Burwell, NOJ HO................ 874.4476 Village of Belmont Reeve J.R. Fleck, 235 Union St., Belmont, NOL 180. . . . .. . .. 644-1504 Stan(iingCommittees, 1981 Jig,leullu,.1 Chairman W.R. Caverly. Stewai1;Shaw, Walters, Wilson, Kelly, Coles and Warden Monteith County Government Chairman J.R. Fleck, Wilson, Hodgson, Smyth. Lashbrook, Caverly, Walters & Warden Monteith County Roads Chairman L.J. Shaw, Wilson, Stewart. Kelly I Glover and Warden Monteith Advisory-Caverly, Smyth, Watters Finance Chairman K..M. Kelly, All Members of County Council Homes for Senior Citizens Chairman K.C. Emerson, Kelly, McWilliam, Hodgson & Warden.Monteith Advisory - Farthing, Fleck Personnel Chamsn S.J. Glover, FllJCk, Hodgson, Marr & Warden Monteith P'operty Chairman D.H" Pearson, Farthing, McWilliam, Volkaert & Warden Monteith Reception and Entertainment Chairman E.H.. Marr, Haddow, Neukamrn. WakelinQ-. Volkaert, Pearson. Pettit. McWilliam, Perovich & Warden Monteith Social Services Chainnan E. Neukamm. Pettit, Haddow, Perovich & Warden Monteith Heallh Unll Coles & Glover St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital Emerson & Warden Monteith TlIIsonburg District Memorial Hospital Volkaert Four Counties General Hospital Perovich 5 6 Library Board Stewart, LaShbrook; W~kelihg& Warden -Mc)l1te:ith AppOintees: Mrs. Hazellybns. Arthur Miskelly ahd Col1n "Mbmson Chlidren;iAid Pettit, Laversau, Haddow "Nhi's8Um L.avereiiU, Walters Municipal Clerks and Treasurers TOwnship of Aldborough Clerk~Treasurer-C.I, Black, Rodney, NOL2CO. ". 785-0560 Township of Dunwlch Cletk.Tteasurer---K. Loveland; Dutton, NOL 1JO. 762.2204 Township of Southwold Clerk-Treasurer---R.A Pow, 'Firigal, NOL 1 KO. . 769.2010 Townshlpot Yarmouth Clerk..Treasurer""""-K.G. Sloan, 1229 Talbot St., St ThQmas, N5P 1GB. 631.4860 Township of Mafahlde Clerk-Treasurer......R.R Millard, 87 JoM St. S., Aylmer, N5H 2C3 . 773-5344 Township of 8ayham CJerk.Treasurer~.A Petrie. Strafforctville, NOJ 1YO 866-5521 Township of South OMchester Clerk-Treasurer-Mrs" Marie Wilsori, FtR. 2, Spririgfield, NOL 2JO .. 773.2186 Town of Aylmer Clen('.Treci.surer"'-C"L. Knapp, 46 Talbot st. W., AyliTler,N5H 1J7 773-3164 Village of Belmont Glerk-Treasurer-Mrs. Kae Barons, Belmont, NOL lBO 644.1071 VIllage Of Dutton Clerk-Tr'easur'er---D,T. Moran, Dutton, NOL 1JO.. ... 762.2136 Village 01 Port Burwell Clerk-Treasurer--Miss Mary E.. Smyth"." ...".... ....... ....". 874-4343 Village of Port Stanley Clerk~Treasurer--D.J laCroix, Box 70, Port Stanley, NOL 2AO, .782-3383 Vlllege of Rodney Clerk-Treasurer--Ms" Jo-Anile M. Dwyer, 'Rodney, NOL 2CO. 785..0456 Village of Springfield Clerk-Treasurer-Mrs, Catherine Bearss, Box 29, Springfield, NOL 2JO. 77.3-8555 Village of WestLoi'ne Clerk~TI'easorer.:..:....H"C,H Ouweha.nd, Box 30, West Lome,NOL 2PO.. 768-1234 Vlllag'e of Vienna Clerk-Treasurer-'-Mrs" Violet Petrie, Stra:ffordville, NOJ 1 YO ........,. 866-5521 7 ~", - 8 9 December Session - First Day Wednesday, the 10th day of December, 1980 The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municipal Building,_ 9 Gladstone Avenue, St. Thomas at 2:00 P.M., as required by statutes. The following Members, having previously filed Certif- icates, took their seats at the Council Table: Keith M. Kelly Reeve Aldborough Dan.Perovich Deputy Reeve Aldborough Glen E.Walters Reeve Dunwich Donald A. McWilliam Deputy Reeve Dunwich Kenneth E. Monteith Reeve Southwald Ernest H. Marr Deputy Reeve Southwald LarryJ. Shaw Reeve Yarmouth Richard Haddow Deputy Reeve Yarmouth William R. Caverly Reeve Malahide Emil Neukamm Deputy Reeve Malahide Max.H. Stewart Reeve Bayham ~oseph A. Volkaert Deputy Reeve Bayham John B. Wilson Reeve South Dorchester Sydney J. Glover Reeve Aylmer Donald H. Pearson Deputy Reeve Aylmer Kenneth C. Emerson Reeve Vienna Jack.W. Hodgson Reeve Springfield Derek Farthing Reeve Dutton Ray J. Lavereau Reeve Port Stanley Joan L. Wakeling Deputy Reeve Port Stanley Albert H. Liebner Reeve Rodney Harley T. Lashbrook Reeve West Lome Ronald T. Bradfield Reeve Port Burwell John R.Fleck Reeve Belmont. Deputy Reeve Gordon R. Pettit of the Township of South Dorchester was absent. The Clerk announced that any Councillor, who was a candidate for the Office of Warden~ would now be given an oppor- tunity to speak. Reeve Monteith addressed Council and requested support in his bid for the Office of Warden. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Emerson That Reeve Monteith be Warden for 1981. - Carried. The acclaimed Warden took the Declaration of Office and the Oath of Allegiance. Past Warden L. A. Longhurst gowned Warden Monteith and put the Chain of Office around his neck. He presented him with the Lord Elgin watch and the Gavel of Office. Warden Monteith addressed the Council, expressing his appreciation for the confidence shown in acclaiming him as Warden. Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Fleck That the minutes of the November 1980 Session of the Elgin Co:mty Council be adopted. Carried: 10 - 2 - The following Communications were read and referred to the various Committees: 1. From the Ministry of Labour, with appointment of a Conciliation Officer and setting Fiiday, December 19th, 1980 at 10:00 A.M., at the Howard Johnson Motor Lodge, London, as a time and date to confer with the County and Union. - Referred to the Personnel Committee. 2. From the Tillsonburg and District Association for the Mentally Retarded with request for a 1981 grant. - Referred to the Finance Committee. 3. From W111iam Norrie, Q.C., Mayor of the City of Winnipeg, with advance invitation to attend the 2nd Annual "Cities Energy Conference" to be held January 28th, 29th and 30th. 1981. at Winnipeg's Civic Centre. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 4. From ~he Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs with a copy of Bill 193, First Reading, An Act to Amend The Municipal Act and request for comments. - Referred to the County Government Committee. 5. From Margaret Scrivener, M.P.P., St. David, with a copy of the Ontario Task Force on Provincial R~il Policy Interim Report. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 6. From the Secretary-Treasurer of the Talbot Trail Committee with request for appointments to the 1981 Committee. Referred to the Striking Committee. 7. From the Association of Municipalities of Ontario with 1981 Guidelines for Municipal Bargaining. - Referred to the Personnel Committee. 8. From the Victorian Order of Nurses, London-St. Thomas Branch, with request for an increase in the 1981 Fee per visit. ~ Referred to the Social Services Committee. 9. From the Association of Municipalities of Ontario with announcement concerning the termination of the Community Services Contribution Program, by the Federal Government. - Referred to the County Government Committee. 10. From the Ministry of Housing announcing that effective January 1st, 1981, the Minister has defined the Aylmer Planning Area as a single independent planning area. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 11. From the Association of Municipalities of Ontario with details of the local government study tour to Israel and Egypt. - Referred to the County Government Committee. 12. From the Elgin County Pioneer Museum with request for 1981 grant. - Refe~red to the Finance Committee. 13. From the Elgin County Pioneer Museum with attendance for Council Members and also requesting the reappointment of Mr. Glen Walters. - Referred to the Striking Committee and Finance Committee. 14. From the Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs with a copy of Bill 197 (F~rst Reading), An Act to Assist Municipalities in the Negotiation and Resolution of Municipal Boundary-Related Issues. - Referred to the County Government Committee. 15. From the following with replies concerning the County's resolution re: A.M.O.Report #38 - Provincial Road Grants: County of Middlesex County of Brant Association of Municipalities of Ontario County of Northumberland United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry ~ounty of Huron. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 11 _ 3 _ County Council, December Session. 1980 16. From Thorne Stevenson & Kellogg with request to order copies of the 1980 Salary Survey. - Referred to the Personnel Committee~ 28. From the Ontario Municipal Social Services Association with application for membership. - Referred to the Social Services Committee. 30. notice of 9th, 1980 Fro~ the ToWn of Aylmer Committee of Adjustment hearing re: a minor variance, set for Tuesday, at 8:00 P.M. - Referred to the Roads Committee. with December 32. From the Land Division Committee with request to be allowed to subscribe to six memberships to the Municipal World. _ Referred to the County Government Committee. 33. From the City of St. Thomas with nomination to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board for 1981.- Referred to the Finance Committee'. 35. From the Ministry of Natural Resources concerning work required on County Road 38 construction where it crosses Little Otter Creek, and a copy of a letter to Mr. R. G. Moore, County Engineer, outlining improvement work necessary. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 36. From the Village of Rodney with a copy of a resolution and a letter to various persons with respect to central dispatch of ambulance services. - Referred to the County Government Committee. 37. From the Canadian National Institute for the Blind with request for a- grant fof1981. ~ Referred to the Finance Committee. 38., From the Town of Aylmer with request for payment of the $41,000.00 grant towards the renovations of the ,Aylmer Town Hall to house a new library. - Referred to the Finance Committee. 40. From Constable Larry M. Rabbitts of the St. Thomas City Police Department with request to photograph portions of the jail for a slide presentation on vandalism. - Referred to the Property Committee. 41. From the Village of Port Burwell with copy of proposed zoning by-law information. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 43. From Harr~son, Elwood, Barristers & Solicitors advising that they have been retained by a number of Aylmer ratepayers, to institute mandamus and/or injunction proceedings against the Aylmer Town Council re: results of referendum. - Referred to the Finance Committee. 44. From the Township of Yarmouth with notice of application to the Ontari9 Municipal Board for approval of a by-law to regulate land use pass~~ pursuant to Section 35 of The P~anning Act. - Re- ferred to the Roads Committee. 45. vising of Museum. - From Deloitte Haskins & Sells, Chartered Accountants a change in audit fees for the Elgin County Pioneer Referred to the Finance Committee. ad- The following Communications were read and ordered filed: 17. From the Ministry of Housing with a copy of "Land Use Planning for Noise Control in Residential Communities". 18. From Mr. R. K. McNeil, M.P.P. (Elgin), acknowledging receipt of a copy of a letter to the Minister of Health re: central ambulance dispatching and the placing of an ambulance in the Aylmer area. 19. From the Ministry of Revenue advising of open houses to help citizens better understand their 1980 property assessments. 12 - 4 - 20. From the Bank of Montreal advising of an increase of the Bank's Prime Municipal rate as follows: Effective November 28th - 14%% Effective December 5th - 15,%. n. From the Ministry of Community and Social Services with child population figures. 22. the fifth Societies From the Ministry of Community and Social Services with in a series of monthly summaries Te: Children's Aid budget process. 23. Fiero the Minister of Agriculture and Food acknowledging Elgin's endorsation of the resolution (Township of Colborne). Te: absentee foreign interests and advising that less than 1% of our land is held by foreign non-residents. 24. From A.M,O. with a copy of Report #46 - Municipal Boundary and Related Disputes. 25. From the Office of the Secretary of State of Canadaac- knowledging receipt of Elgin's views re: continuing the Community Services Contribution Program. 26. From the Ontario Municipal Board with four appointments for hearings of appeals against the Land Division Committee to be heard at the Court House. December 29th, December 30th, 1980 and January 5th. 1981. 27. From the Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with Allocation of Children in Care to October 31st. 1980. 29. From the Ontario Municipal Board with the decision re: two appeals of Allan and Doris Strieb from two decisions of the Land Division Committee. 31. From the Ministry of Housing with a copy of their revised publication "Zoning By-Law Approvals in Municipalities with an Official Plan in- Effect". 34. From the Ministry of Natural Resources advising of the appointment of Mr. Bill Murch as Pits and Quarries Inspector. effective December 1st. 1980. 39. From the Ministry of Natural Resources with appreciation for allowing Mr. Jackson Baker to attend the meeting of the five new tree commissioners for Oxford County. 42. From the City of St. Thomas with a copy of a letter to the Ambulance Services Branch, Ministry of Health. with request to have representatives present on December 15th. 1980 at the Council Chambers, City Hall, to explain proposals re: central ambulance dispatch forSt. Thomas and ,Elgin County. The Warden appointed Reeve Stewart. Reeve Liebner, Reeve Kelly and Reeve Glover to be Members of the Committee to Strike the Standing Committees. for the year 1980-81. Moved by Deputy Reeve Marr Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That we do now adjourn to meet again on December 11th. 1980 at 9:30 A.M. Carried. December Session - Secorid Day Thursday, the 11 th day of December, 1980 The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municipal Building at 9:30 A.M., in accord~nce with adjournment. 13 _ 5 _ County Council, December Session, 1980 The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL _ All Members present except Deputy Reeve Pettit. Arrived after Roll Call - Reeve Fleck - 9:37 A.M. The following Communication was received: 46. From the Bank of Montreal extending the best wishes for a happy session and successful and prosperous year. An invitation was extended to have cocktails and a cold buffet, at the Elgin Labour Centre, 18 Princess Avenue, St. Thomas, on Wednesday evening February 18th at 5:30 P.M. - Filed. The Report of the Special Committee to Strike the Standing Committees for the year 19~1 was presented by Reeve Liehner and adopted on motion of Reeve Liehner and Reeve Stewart. Moved by Reeve Farthing Seconded by Deputy Reeve Perovich That By-Law No. 80-57 liTo Appoint a County Roads Committee" be read a first time. Carried. Moved by Reeve Liebner Seconded by Deputy Reeve Marr That By-Law No. 80-57 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Reeve Lashbrook Seconded by Reeve Walters That By-Law No. 80-57 be read a third time and finally passed. Carried. Reeve Caverly reported on the 4-H Club Award night held recently. He presented a 1980 plaque with "thanksll engraved on it, to be affixed to the larger plaque, hanging in the Clerk-Treasurer's Office. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Glover That we do now adjourn to meet again on December 11th. 1980 at 2:00 P.M. Carried. Council Re-Convened. ROLL CALL _ A~l Members present except Deputy Reeve Pettit. Also absent, but excused by the Warden. was Reeve Liebner. CERTIFICATES OF MERIT The following Roads Department employees were in attendance to receive recognition on retirement: Mr. Herbert Cox _ retired in November with over seven years of service. He was presented with a certificate of merit and a cheque for $140.00. Mr. Russell Ford _ retired in November with over 32% years of ser- vice. He was presented with a certificate of merit and a cheque for $200.00. The Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Shaw and adopted on motion of Reeve Shaw and Reeve Stewart. 14 - 6 - The Report of the Social Services Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Neukamm and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Neukam~ and Reeve Kelly. The Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Deputy Reeve Neukamm. The Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Reeve Glover. Moved by Reeve Glover Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That the Report of the Personnel Committee be adopted. An amendment was Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Kelly by: That item 1 of the Personnel Committee Report be amended (1) deleting the words "to the 1981 Personnel Committee" in the first line and "be recommended to" in the second line (2) adding "six months" before the word "probationary" in the last line. The amendment was voted upon and carried. The Personnel Committee Report, as amended, was voted upon and it was adopted. The Report of the Property Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Pearson and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Pearson and Deputy Reeve Volkaert. The Report of the County Government Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Fleck. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Reeve Caverly adopted. That the Report of the County Government Committee be An amendment was ~!oved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That the County Government Committee Report be amended by deleting item 12. The amendment was voted upon and it was lost. The original Report was then voted upon and was adopted. The Report of the Finance Committee was-presented by Reeve Kelly and adopted on motion of Reeve Kelly' and Deputy Reeve Perovich. Deputy Reeve Marr, Chairman of the Reception and Enter- tainment Committee, outlined a proposal for a ladies' night for February, However, a lack of response, on the part of Council Members was indicated and it was dropped. Moved by Reeve Shaw Seconded by Reeve Wilson That By-Law No. 80-58 "Being a By-Law to Appoint an Assistant Engineer for the County of Elgin" be read a first time. - Carried. 15 _ 7 _ County Council. December Session, 1980 Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Shaw That By-Law No. 80-58 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Shaw Seconded by Reeve Stewart That By-Law No. 80-58 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Kelly Seconded by Reeve Walters That By-Law No. 80-59 "Being a By-Law to Establish the Salary of the Assistant Engineer for the County of Elgin" be read a first time. - Carded. Moved. by Reeve Walters Seconded by Reeve Bradfield That By-Law No. 80-59 be read a second time. _ Carried. Moved by Reeve Walters Seconded by Reeve Kelly That By-Law No. 80-59 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried~ Moved by Reeve Walters Seconded by Reeve Kelly That By';'Law No. 80-60 "To Authorize the Warden and the Treasurer to Borrow the Sum of Three Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McWilliam Seconded by Reeve Walters That By-Law No. 80-60 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Walters Seconded by Reeve Kelly That By-Law No. 80-60 be read a third time ~nd finally passed. - Carried. Moved -by Reeve Fleck Seconded by" Deputy Reeve Wakeling That By-Law No. 80-61 "A By-Law to Authorize the Expropriation of Land for the Purpose of Widening and Improving County Roads" be read a first time. _ Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Lashbrook That By-Law No. 80-61 be read a second time. - Carried. 16 - 8 - Moved by Deputy Reeve MarT Seconded by Deputy Reeve Perovich That By-Law No. 80-61 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Perovich Seconded by Deputy Reeve Marr That By-Law No. 80-62 "Being a By-Law Consenting to the Stopping Up of a Road Allowance Within Lot 22, Concession 7, Township of South Dorchester" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Deputy Reeve Perovich That By-Law No. 80-62 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Deputy Reeve McWilliam That By-Law No. 80-62 be read a third time and finally passed. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Perovich Seconded by Reeve Lash~rook That By-Law No. 80-63 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 79-45, a By-Law to Provide Fringe Benefits to All Employees of the County of Elgin, Who Are Considered in the Management Category" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve PerOvich Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pe?rson That By-Law No. 80-63 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson That By-Law No. 80-63 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That By-Law No. 80-64 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 79-46, a By-Law to Provide Fringe Benefits to All Employees of the County of Elgin, Who Are Not Covered bya Collective Agreement or Included in the Management Category" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Volkaert Seconded by Deputy Reeve Haddow That By-Law No. 80-64 be read a second time. - Carried. 17 _ 9 - County Council, December Session, 1980 Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That By-Law No. 80-64 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Volkaert Seconded by Deputy Reeve Haddow That By-Law No. 80-65 "A By-Law t.o Confirm Proceedings Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin December Session. 1980" be read a first time. of the at the - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neu~mm Seconded by Reeve Farthing That By-Law No. 80-65 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Bradfield SecOnded by Reeve Farthing That By-Law No. 80-65 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Warden Monteith extended Season's Greetings to all. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Reeve Shaw That we do now adjourn to meet again on January 21st, 19B1 at 10:00 A.M~ ..., Carried. G. C. Leverton. Clerk. K. E. Monteith, Warden. 18 WARDEN'S ADDRESS ~lembers of .County Council and Guests: Than~ you for the confidence you have shown in me by acclaiming me Warden of this great County. It is not only an honour and a privilege for me and my family but also for the To\~ship of Southwold. On behalf of County Council I would like to extend 'a warm welcome to the Ex-Wardens and Guests with us today. May I take this opportunity to thank Past Warden Longhurst for the dedication he has given to the Office of Warden. I am proud to have served under Lester both on the Township of Southwald and the County Council. The next twelvemonths shall no doubt bring about new and challenging experiences in council work and in our private lives. The year ahead will present all of us with the opportunity to put forth our ideas and our experience to continue to provide the same excellence of leadership shown by previous councils. This year nine new Members are joining us on County Council and I welcome them and wish them well in their future with us. It is with regret that we say good-bye to old friends who will not be serving .on Council this term. May I wish them well and hope that their support will always be available to the County. We as local politicians are concerned about the amount of taxes we must collect and would rather see a dif- ferent level of government raise them. However, taxpayers do not see it that way. They are concerned with the total amount of taxes they must pay. It is therefore up to us to see that spending is controlled. If tax increases are necessary, we must take the responsibility for raising them. I request the co-operation of the administration and the Members of Council to control spending as ,much as possible while still maintaining our social progress. Again I thank you for the opportunity to serve this great County in the position of Warden. With your support, our challenges will be met and 1981 will prove to be another successful year for the County of Elgin. REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO STRIKE THE STANDING COMMITTEES December Session, 1980 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The following is the report of the Special Committee to Strike the Standing Committees for the year 1981: AGRICULTURAL Caverly, Stewart, Shaw, Walters, Wilson, Kelly, Liebner and Warden Monteith COUNTY GOVERNMENT Fleck, Wilson, Hodgson, Bradfield, Lashbrook, Caverly, Walters and Warden Monteith COUNTY ROADS' Shaw, Wilson, Stewart,Kelly. Glover and Warden Monteith Advisory - Caverly, Bradfield, Walters FINANCE All Members of County Council HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS Emerson, Kelly, McWilliam, Hodgson and Warden Monteith Advisory - Farthing, Fleck PERSONNEL Glover, Fleck, Hodgson, Marr and Warden Monteith PROPERTY Pearson, Farthing, McWilliam, Volkaert and Warden Monteith RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT Marr, Haddow, Neukamm, Wakeling, Volkaert, Pearson, Pettit, McWilliam, Perovich and Warden Monteith SOCI.AL SERVICES Neukamm, Pettit, Haddow, Perovich and Warden Monteith HEALTH UNIT Liebner and Glover ST. THOMAS-ELGIN GENERAL HOSPITAL Emerson and Liebrier Emerson to represent Warden TILLSONBURG DISTRICT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Volkaert FOUR COUNTIES GENERAL HOSPITAL Perovich LIBRARY BOARD Stewart, Lashbrook, Wakeling and Warden Monteith 19 20 - 2 - CHILDREN'S AID Pettit, Lavereau. Haddow MUSEUM Lavereau, Walters LIAISON Wakeling, Shaw. Volkaert, Farthing and Wa~den Monteith TALBOT TRAIL Pearson, Lavereau THAMES VALLEY DISTRICT HEALTH COUNCIL Neukamm SOUTHWESTERN ONTARIO TRAVEL ASSOCIATION Bradfield. WE RECOMMEND that each Committee meet and appoint a Chairman as soon as possible. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~""~ A. H. Liebner, Chai -rman. ~~o( ~-'-'- ~ 4~~ 21 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 80-57 "TO APPOINT A COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE." As required by Section 42 of the Highway Improvement Act, being Chapter 201 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the Elgin County Council enacts: l. THAT the following five members of this Council con- stitute a Committee for the purpose of directing the work to be done on the County Road System: L. J. Shaw for term of one year J. B. Wilson for term of two years M. H. Stewart for term of three years K. M. Kelly for term of four years S. J. Glover for term of five years. 2. THAT By;"'Law No. 79-40 be, and is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 11th day of December. 1980. READ a second time this 11th day of December, 1980. READ a third time and finally passed this 11th day of December~ 1980~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ff':--=1~ K. E. Monteith, Warden. ~~ 22 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT DECEMBER 1980 SESSION TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS. FOLLOWS: 1. That your ,Road Committee. act as the Committee on the following subjects for 1980,;. 1981: (a) Soiid and liquid waste disposal. (b) Mosquito Control for the prevention of J7ncephalitis. (c) Provincial or Federal Incentive Wor!ts Programme or similar programmes. (d) Application of the Canadian National Railroad to abandon the Port Stanley to St. Thomas branch of the London and Port .S.tanley Rai.lroad. (e) . Lake Erie erosion. 2. That a BYNLaw be passed stating that the County of Elgin has no object-ion to the Township of South Dorchester closing a portion of Caesar Road (as opened by By-Law #CXLII of the District of London) in Lot 22. Concession VII. South Dorchester and shown as Part #2 on Reference Plan llR_2178. 3. That a By.;Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign road widening land plans as necessary in. 1980 _ 1981. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED '~-\-4~ c?: ,),L,-- , ~<,:~-e:/ / c-7/),5::;;o 23 SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1980 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council. The Social Services Committee reports as fo1~ows: L . That we approve of the new rates for the Victorian Order ofNur~e~of $16.25 per visit'ceffective January 1st, 1981, subject to theapprov?l of' theM~nistry' of Com~unity and Social Services for subsidy purposes~ 2. . . That we,recommeridthat me~bership betaken out in the Ontarlo Municipal Social Services, Association for the Director at' 'il cOst of $150.00 and "be paid through the 1981' budget. ' 3. That we recommend,that themLoLmum insurance limits, satisfactory to' the County, as p!ovided for in ~aragraph3.of the agreement with the various operators of the day nurseries providing service to the County, be $1.000~000.OO effective January 1st, 1981. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~. ""-if;~:~ ~Z~p~~t- ,E. Neukamm, Chairman. ("~~ / r 7?/~./( 24 HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1980 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. The tender of Dominion Dairies Ltd. fOTsupplying milk requirements for 1981 be accepted, with the exceptipn of butter products, at the prices quoted, subject to govern- ment increases or decreases in raw product costs. 2. The tender of Westpn Bakeries Ltd. for supplying bread at a price of 49.9~ per 24 oz. loaf be accepted for the year 1981 subject to change as a result of wheat trading or as a result of government action beyond their control. 3. That salted butter and butter patties be separated from the regular tender for dairy products for 1981 and be purchased from Chef Foods Ltd. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~~d-"A.#7~ . K. C. Emerson, Chairman. t'c-?~.-t.--<--'.:-tf'"./ /c: ,;??7'~~:O 25 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT December Session,1980 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: See mendment ,elow. 1. That we recommend to the 1981 Personnel Committee that Mr. Robert E. Davies~ P. Eng., be recommended to be hired as Assistant County Engineer, at a rate of $29,371.00 per annum (Level 12 Step 3) with an increase to $30,595.00 (Level 12 Step 4) at the end of his probationary period. 2. That the letters from the Ministry of Labour appoint- ing Mr. J. Hopper as Conciliation Officer and setting December 19th, 1980 for the meeting be received and Members of the Committee be prepared to attend. 3. That the 1981 Guidelines For Municipal Bargaining be received and filed. 4. That the request from Thorne Stevenson & Kellogg to order copies of the 1980 Salary Survey be filed. S. That we recommend that the two positions of Main- tenance Supervisor and Laundry and Housekeeping Supervisor be amalgamated into one position, with Mr. Wayne Gray fillin~ the position. As Thorne Stevenson & Kellogg are being engaged to upgrade the salary schedule. they be requested to evaluate the position and create a salary level on the present scale. 6. That we recommend that we increase the rates for the following positions: Barber Beautician Clerical - experienced inexperienced $110.00 per month $40.00 per day $5.95 per hour $4.95 per hour effective January 1, 1981. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. . / * Item 1 was amended by deleting the words lito the 1981 Personnel Committee" in the first line and "be recommended to" in the second line, and adding "six months" before the word "probationary" in the last line. , .-c_.~ /F. 7:?1~ 26 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1980 To the Warden and Members ,of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports ~s follows: 1. That the request from Constable Larry M. Rabbitts, of the St. Thomas City Police Department. to be allowed,-to photograph portions of the interior of the jail, for. a slide presentation, he and Constable Art.Manninger of theO.P.P. are preparing on vandalism.be approved. 2... That the Clerk~Treasurer be authorized to write to the Minis~ry,of Gove~nmentServicesoutlining the provisions of the lease, in so far ,as _caretaking hours are concerned." 3. That the Clerk-Treas~rer reply to the report' of the Ministry of Government Services on the Fire and Safety Report on the Court House outlining the items ~hi~h have been taken care of and that the remaining items will be considered with the 1981 Budget; ALL of which is respectfully submitted. /i~ j. i i,,~",,~ D. H. Pearson. Chairman. (':;",<:~/ C-- /~F 7?/;,,;??4ff '47 COUNTY GOVERNMENT CQMMITTEE:REPORT D~cember Session, 1980 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: L mental Act to That the-letter from the Minister of lntergovern- Affairs with a copy of Bill 193, (First Reading). -An Amend The Municipal :Act 'be filed,. 2. ities of Services filed. That the letter. from the Association of Municipal- Ontario;: advising of the termination of: Community Contribution Program by the Federal Government be 3. of the filed. That the letter from A.M.a. outlining th~_~etails. local government study tour to Israel and Egypt be' . 4. That the letter from the Miriisterof ,Intergovern- mental Affairs with a copy of Bill 197, (First Reading), An Act to Assist Municipalities in the Negotiation and Resolution of Municipal Boundary and Boundary-Related I~sues be filed. 5. That the request from the Land'Division Committee to subscribe to six memberships to the Municipal World at a cost of'$ll5.50 be approved. 6. That. the resolution- and_,copy of a letter to variol.1s government persons, on central dispatch- of ambulance services, from the Village of Rodney be received. 7. ,That the Chairman of the Library Board pre.sentthe monthly report for ,adoption by -CoQncil,' similar, ,to all other Committee Reports. 8; We recommend_;that the following changes be made f.or Council and Land ,Div:ision Commi.tte,e, -effective January 1st:, ,1981: Mileage Full Day Half Day 300t per mile $60.00 pe,r diem $35.00 per diem. 9. We recommend that :the Warden's salary be increased to $9,500.00 per annum effective January 1st, 1.981. 10. _ We recommendthatprovisio~ be, made in the convention by-l_aw t.o ,allow for a Member, to 'bereimbu-t'sed for his regis-:- tiatLon,fee' only wheie the_Membet~ does not have a hotel bill and i~, :cou:nts as one'of 'his t~ree' conventi,bns.' - -', -' 11. _ _ We recommend, that COl1flcil at'temp't to hold two Coml1)ittee 'meetings at one time' when it app'ears'that time is short or ' fea&iblE;. 12. starting We recommend!that in Jan_u,~rr 1981; , C01,ludl comni'enc,e -riiei=:'ting .a,t '10:00 A.M. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~Ck' ih~;m~;~' F-Q,~ ~ v' ~ ~~ /7/wZ.tj 28 FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1980 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Wa~den and Treasurer be authorized to borrow up to $3,500,000.00 from the Bank of Montreal, as may he require.d during 1981 and that a by-law be prepared. 2. That the requests for 1981 grants from the following organizations be tabled to 1981 when other grants will be considered: Tillsonburg and District Association for the Mentally Retarded Elgin County Pioneer Museum The Canadian National Institute for the Blind. 3. That nomination from the CLty of St. Thomas to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board, be tabled to January 1981 for consideration. 4. That Mrs. William Lyons be appointed to the County Library Board for 1981, 1982 and 1983. 5. That the $41,000.00 set up as a capital amount in the 1980 budget towards the renovations to the Aylmer Town Hall, as a Library, be set up by the auditor as a payable in 1981. and not paid over until the project has been commenced. 6. That the letter from Harrison, Elwood, Barristers & Solicitors re: the insitutution of a mandamus and/or injunction proceedings against the Aylmer Town Council re: results of referendum be received and filed. 7. That a policy be established to pay all grants after receipt of the December payment of County Rates. The only exception from this policy would be: (a) Membershi~s (b) Scholarships (c) Payment to the Local Agricultural Office on behalf of 4-H Clubs etc. and these would he paid upon request. 8. That in view of the Province requ~rlng additional_ work to be done in connection with the audit of the Elgin Coonty Pioneer Museum, the fee to be charged by the County Auditors will be increased from $200.00 to $250.00 per annum. We rec- ommend that a by-law be prepared to amend Schedule "AU of By-Law No, 80~ll to reflect the increased amount to be charged. 9. That a letter be forwarded to the various organiza- tions which were given grants durins 1980 and request that they forward their requests for 1981 prior to the January Session and if they feel a personal delegation is required they so indicate. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. :/'If /~t:.A'/. . K. M. Kelly, Chairman. 7r(t7fj ,.,~I //r- /~. /1-'?-- ?7/~?~<:~-.f 29 COUNTY OF ELGIN By~Law No. 80-58 "BEING A BY-LAW TO APPOINT AN ASSISTANT ENGINEER FOR THE COUNTY OF ELGIN." WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to appoint an Assistant Engineer for the County of Elgin. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tionof the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That Mr. Robert E. Davies be, and is hereby appointed Assistant Engineer for the County of Elgin. 2. That he be paid the rates established for other County employees for the use of his car while on County business. That this by~law shall become effective January 5th, 1981. 3. READ a first time this 11th day of December 1980. READ a second time this 11th day of December 1980. READ a third time and finally passed this 11th day of December, 1980. G. C. Leverton. Clerk. ~ ;:: <~~ K. E.- MonceiCh1 Warden. ~)4<-J 30 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 80-59 "BEING--A B.Y-lAW-TO ESTABLISHTHE-,-SALARY OF THE ASSISTANT ENGINEER FOR THE COUNTY OF ELGIN." WHEREAS Mr. RohertE. Davies has been appointed Assistant Engineer for the County of Elgiri. AND WHEREAS it is advisable to establish a salary for the position. NOW_~HEREFORE the Municipal Co~ncilof the Corpora~ tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the salary for the position of Assistant E9gineer:shall,be - $1,129.65 biweekly effecttveJanuary5th. 1981 $1,176.73 biweekly effecti~eJune 5th; 1981. 2. That this By-Law shall 'become-effective January 5th, 1981. READ a first time this 11th day of December, 1980~ READ a second time this 11th day of December, 1980. READ a third time'and finally passed- this 11th day of December. 1980. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~F <-;o/"'Z:{ K. E. Monteith, Warden. ~y~ 31 LF. 10 Rev. Octcl>er 1972 0",- -<MunicfpaIBY'JawfQrCUrrenl .E>cpendilures-, 03SU2.Pr;nlocl.ncan<>da. BY-LAW No. ELGIN 80-60 Municipalityo[ WHEREAS the COllncU of the Corporation deems it necessary ,to borrow the:sumof, THREE MILLION. ,FIVEHUND~ED THOUSAND ------..,.---- 00/100 dollars' to meet, until the taxes, are collected,1he currant expenditures of the Corporation for the year 1980; " AND' WHEREAS the total a~ount of the estimated revenues of the Corporation as sel forth in the estimates adopted for the year 19....80.., not including revenues derivable or derived ",-' . - ','" ,.' ',,: from the sale of assets, borrowings or issuance of debentures or from a surplus, including arrears ~T~;'::":t':d of taxes, is. SEVEN MIT.i;TON_ .....u...... .... =~u~~~ AND "........... - SEVF.NTY_FOlm.THOURAND EIGHT. HtINDRED ' NINETY-THRF.F. ------------------------__..:....:~~_ OO/lOOdonars during 19-8;L AND WHEREAS the total amount heretofore authorized to be bohowed :tiol.~for ~;E\i":'..~':; the purposes mentioned in subsecticn (1) of Section 332 of The Municipal Act is. ----"""'-'.;....;._ 8,.......(.) _ lh~ ,...... ------.,------- NIl. ------------- dollars, of which the Corporation has already borrowed a total of ---------------- NTT -------------------- dollars. THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the COUNTY of ELGIN hereby enacts as follows: or Deputy Treasurer 1. The Head and the Treasurer/are hareby authori~ed on behalf of the Corporation to borrow from time to time, by way of promissory nete, from the Bank of Montreal, a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate THREE MILLION. FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND ---------------------- 00/100 dollars to meet., until the taxes are collected, the 1981, current expenditures of the Corporation for the yearYincluding the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of the said Section 332. and to give, on behalf of the Cor. poration, to the Bank a promissory note or notes, sealed with the corporate seal and signed by them for the moneys 80 borrowed with interest at a rate not exceeding Pll TMR per centum per annum, which may be paid in advance or otherwise. 32 2. All $Ums borrowed from the said-Bank, for any or all of 1hepurposas me-ntioned in the said Section 332, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Corporation for the current year and for all precedin:lryears,.as and when such revenues are received. - 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this By~law,as well asall other sums borrowed in this year and-any previous years, from the said Barikfor any or a!l ofthepurposesm entioned in the said Section $32. t~ether with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected.or r-8Ceived on account or (eali~ed in respect of the taxes levied for the current year and-preceding years and all of the moneys collected,or-received from allY other source, which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this 11th day of December 1980 --#' ~ '=1-~.L-x (lboHueJoI''''c..-aticn:l WarC1en ~-~'-<..-<.~ c;<).IlPORATf ~ ~. I hereby'certlfy that the foragoing isa frue copy of By-law No_arTha Corpora. tionof th" of in tha Province of Ontario, duly passed at'a meeting of the Coul1cllof tlie said Corpuration duly held; and that the said By.law is in full force and effect. Dated this day of. .19_. As witness the Seal ot the Corporation. ~. CoRPORAU ~ 33 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 80-61 "A BY~LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXPROPRIATIbN OF LAND FOR THE PURPOSE OF -WIDENING AND IMPROVING COUNTY ROADS." WHEREAS under Section 336 of The Municipal Act. being Chapter 284, R.S.O. 1970, the Council of every Corpo- ration may pass By-Laws for acquiring or expropriating any land required for the purpose of the Corporation; and WHEREAS in the exercise of its powers and in performance of its obligations under The Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Acts and other statutes, the Corpo- ration of the County of. Elgin finds, or may find, that it is necessary to expropriate lands for widening, improving, pro- tecting from erosion; altering or diverting the County Roads shown on Schedule "A" as attached. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin: 1. That. the Warden and Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elginbe, and are, authorized to sign any and all plans pertaining to land expropriation for County Roads shown on Schedule "A", and .to affix thereto the Seal of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin and to register the same in the County of Elgin Registry Office. 2. That. the Treasurer be. and is hereby authorized to pay to the owners of the lands hereby expropriated, such amounts as may.be agreed upon as compensatio~ as may be de- termined by arbitration under proviSions of the Expropriations Act, being Chapter 154, R.S.O. 1970. READ a first. time this 11th day of December, 1980. READ a second time this 11th day of December, 1980. READ a third time and finally passed this 11th day of December, 1980. ~,-<-,,~~" G-. C. Leverton, Clerk. ?'f" ~. - C?".~~V K. E. Monteith, Warden. 34 COUNTT OF: ELGIN Schedule "At' :of: Bv"-'Law No. 80-61 1981 1- 2. County Road County Road 2 _ Lot 1, Concession. A, Dunwich Township. 3 - Lots 6 and 7, Concessions IX, X, XI and XIII, Aldborough Township. 4. 5 - Lot 1, eonces,sian C, the: Broken Front. 'Town~hip .of Dunwich. 8.- Lots._l7. and IB'.,Concessions V South of A. VI and VII:, Dunwich Township'. 5. <::oun~y Road 16 _.':" Lot 8, _Sputh Ta-lbot Roa<l, Township of Southwald. County-Road 3. County Road 6,. County Road 22 - Lots 7 and 8, Concession IV. V, VI and VII.. Tow:nship of Yarmouth. 7. .county Road 30 - Lots B..and 9', ~oncessions X, XI-, XIII and XIV, Township of Ya:rrnouth. 8. County Road 32 - Lot 13, Concessi6~VII. - Lots 12, 13,: Concession V!!!. _ Lots 15, and.,16, Concession IX. - Lots 84, 85.-and 8,6. North of Talbot Road. - Road A~lowance between Lot 85, N~rth side of Talbot Road and Lot 12. Con~essionVIII. - Road Allowance between Lot 13, Concession VIII and Lot 13 Gore North of Talbot Road. - Road Allowance between Lot 13 Gore North of Talbot Road and Lot 12, Concession VIII. 9. County Road 3,8 - .Lots 11.8 tQ 121 inclusive" North' and .South of Talbot Road, Township of Bayham. 10. County Road 38 '- Lots 126 to 136 inclusive. North and South pf Talbot Roa~~ ~ownship of Bayham. 35 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-La'w No.' '-8d-62 "BEING A-By.:2UWCONSENTINGTO THESTOP.PING UP OrA ROAD ALLOWANC~WITHIN-LoT 22, CONCESSION-?, TOWNSHIP OF-SOUTH DORCHESTER." WHERE~.s notice has -Deen rec<eived,:_ by' -personal ser- vice. from,:the TownshiP:ofSouth'Dorche,st_er,; indicating their intention to pass a by~law to-stop-up,~nd sell,part of the road allowance,described as fol~ows: ALL AND SINGULAR that 'certain parcel or tract 'di land s-ituate, lying and being in ,the Township,of South Dorchester. in : the Count y-of:Elgin;' in the 'Province of Ontario and being composed Part of the 'Road Allowance 'known as Caes"8-r Road openedanp ,establi$~ed by ~y~Law_#CXLII. D~~trictof London. 'located within Lot 2~,Concession 7. Township o~ South Dor6h~s.ter',1'1:l:eingthe po:rti!'n designated as' Pa~t' 2 on a'_ Reference^Plan; -registered in the -Registry'Office-:for the Registry Division of Elgin (No. 11) on November 17; 1980 as, Plan 11R-2l78; a~d WHEREAS, the COt,lnty qf Elgin '~as no objections to the said passiQ8,qfithe by-t?w. TaEREFORE;theMunicip~lGounci1 of~the Corporation of the County .p:f:_E~gin cons~nts to_ the,pas~ing of a by-law, stopping up and st?;lling the road" alLowance ?-s described above. READ a firstt;~me tbis-.i1t:h dky ,~of Degembe~~: 1980. - '-.. .........':" " .' . :.- -' READ a secp~dtime this 11th d~y of D~cemb~r~ 1980. READ a third time and finally passeg this,)1th day of December, 1980. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. c-" A/.' .F <~1/r>>./C4/d--/ K. E. Monteith, Warden. __<~_c,,~~,..<. ~ 36 COUNTY OF ELGIN By~Law No. 80~63 :ij~EING A BY-LAW to AMEND.BY-LAWNO._ 79-;45. A_BY-:-LAW TO PROVIDE FRINGE BENEFITS TO.ALLEMPtOYEES O:F THE cOUNTY OF ELGIN, WfiO ARlt_cCiNsrDEREttI.R, Ti-IEMAN:AGEMENTCATEGORY .'11 WHEREAS By~taw No.79~45; as amended by By-Law No. 80~27~ provides for fringe benefits for all employees con- sidered in the Management Category; and WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to amend some of the benefits provided in this by~law. NOW THE~EFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpo~ ration of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: L ,That ~aragraph 6- "HEALTH ANn WELFARE'f, Section 6.04. entitled 'Long Term Disability' be amended by deleting refer- ence to a maximum of $1,500.00 and replacing with $2;300.00 so that it will now read - 6.64 Lort~ Term Disability (L.T.D.) The Employer agrees to pay sixty (60%) ~er ce~t of. the premium of a long term oisability insurance plan which will pay 66 2/3;0 of the employee's monthly earnings tb a maximum of $2.300.00. The present plan. through Mutual Life of Canada. calls for a qualifying pe~iod of 120 days or expiration of sick leave. whichever is greater. Upon completion of the p~obationary period, all employees. not covered by a .collective agreement. shall as a condition of employment. become members ofth~ Loog Term ~isability plan. (Increase in County contribution to 60% aod new maximum of $2,300.00 to be effeC- tive May I, 1981). 2.. That Paragraph 12 "!-lILEAGE RATES" of By-Law No. 79~45.be amended. by de~eting the present Section 12.01 and substituting the following: 12.01 The following rate shall be paid to all County employees using their own private cars on Couhty bu~iness: 30t per mile. This by-law shall become effective january 1st. 1981. 3. READ a first time this 11th day or December, 1980. READ a second time this lith day of December, 1980. READ a third time and finally passed this 11th day of December, 1980. (h C. Leverton, Clerk. ./ iFd,/l-.~ , K.E. Monteith, Wa:rden~ ~~.~."''--<:-""'.Y"-r-r'/ 37 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 80-64 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 79-46. A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FRINGE BENEFITS TO ALL EMPLOYEES OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN. WHO ARE NOT COVERED BY A r.01J.ECTIVE AGREEMRNT OR INCLUDED IN THE MANAGEMENT CATEGORY." WHEREAS By-Law No. 79-46, as amended by By-Law No. 80-28, provides for fringe benefits for all employees not considered in the Management Category; and WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to amend some of the benefits provided in this by-law; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Councii of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That Paragraph 6 "HEALTH AND WELFARE", Section 6.04, entitled 'Long Term Disability' be amended by deleting refer- ence to a maXimum of $1,500.00 and replacing with $2,300.00 so that it will now read _ 6.04 Long Term Disability (L.T.D.) The Employer agrees to pay sixty (60%) per cent of the premium of a long term disability insurance plan which will pay 66 2/3% of the employee I s monthly earnings to a maximum of $2,300.00. The present plan, through Mutual Life of Canada, calls for a qualifying period of 120 days or expiration of sick leave, whichever is greater. Upon completion of the proba- tionary period, all employees, not covered by a collective agreement, shall as a condition of employment, become members of the Long Term Disability plan. (Increase in County contribution to 60% and new maximum of $2~300.00-to be effec- tive May 1, 1981). 2. That Paragraph 12 "MILEAGE RATES" of By-:-Law No. 79-46 be amended, by deleting the present Section 12.01 and substituting the following: 12.01 The following rate shall be paid to all County employees using their own private cars on County business: 300t per mile. This by-law shall become effective ~anuary 1st, 1981. 3. READ a first time this 11th day of December 1980. READ a second time this 11th day of December 1980. READ a third time and finally passed this 11th day of December, 1980. ----~.><._- G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~,/ oF ~;2;c,! K. E. Monteith, Warden. 38 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 80- 65 "A,BY'-LAW TO CONFIRM, PROCEEDINGS OF _ _THE' MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE DECEMBER SESSION, ,1980." WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corpoTation are to be exercised by its council; AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 of the Municlpal Act, being Chapter 284 _of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every Council areCa be exercised by By-Law; AND WHEREAS Lt is' deemed expedient: that the. proceed- ings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this me~ting be confirmed- and ~doptedby By-Law; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpo~ ration of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action' of the: Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County o'f Elgin in respect of each recommenda- tion contained :inthe Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolutionpa$sed and other action_ taken by the Municipal Council 'of the Corp'o.rati-on of the County of - Elgin at its' m'eecingsheld during the Decembe-rl980 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if al~ such proceedings were expressly embodied in this' By-Law. 2. The Warden and p-roper o.fficia:ls of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are- hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessa-rytogive-effect to, the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in,~he p~eceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk _are authOrized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time th~s 11th day of December, 1980. READ a second time thi's 11th day of December, 1980. READ a third time and finaU'y passed this 11th day of December, 1980" ~-r~-' _, >"-'--~.J G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ';;f:' ? ,--77tr><~/' K. E. Monteith, Warden. 39 Janua~y Sessio~ - Fi~st ~ay Wednesday; the 21st day of januarY. 1981 The Elgin CountyCoOncil met this day at the County Municipal Building. St. Thomas; -in accordance with adjournment; The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL - All Members present except Deputy 'Reeve Perovich and Deputy Reeve Pettit. . . Ar~ived after Roll Call ~Deputy Reeve'Pearson._ 10:10 A.M. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Dep~~y Reeve Volkaert That the minutes of the December 198b'Session of-the Elgin,County Co~ncil be~~9Pted. ....: ;.Carried. . T~e,following Communications werer~adand referred to the various CommitTAes: "; -. - - . 1. Frbm Mi. Richard Haddow, Chairman. Steering Committee on Lon~, Term C_are.. Thai1.es Yalley District Health-Gouncgyith thr~e: docume_Ilts - ,Phases ,II, and III of GouncilI s study ,of _Long Term Care and the accompanying appendix with request for comments. _ ~eferred to the Homes for Senio~ Citizens Committee. 2., :", From the Aylmer, Prescllool, Day,' Gare -Centre, _The OSt:rander Nursery School and The St, Thomas_Day Nursery with a, joint ~equest for an increase in the per diem rate from-$9.50 to $10.00 per day or$5.~5_ per three hour program, ~ Referred to the Social Services Commi tte~ ': . . 3, From, Mr. William:~. Heine, ~ditor. The ,London Free Press, with request that consideration be' given to opening its committee meetings to media coverage, with;the usual e~ception of personnel and property committees. ~ Referred to the County ,Government Committee, ' 4. From the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture & Food with request for the Warden and Chairman of the Agricultural Committee, or.a~,te-qlates. toa,ttend a, ,conferenc,e on Agriculture19Bl, in Toronto", E:ebruary 4th and 5th. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. _, 5. From Mr. John A, Anderson, Agricultural Representative, With;copy_o~audit~d stateme~t9f- tpe,receipt~ aIld disbursements of t,he l~Bqgrant,and.: statement;. of the Agricultural Representat~ve I s Act grant, - Referred to the Agricultural Committ~e~ 6., : FrClm, Mr., Paul D,:" Middleton, Union,-Representative, Lon4on and,D~strict SerVice Workers' Union. Local: 220. with advice that Union membership h~t> "ratifie,d the, terms of ,~he ,setthments. agreed by the Personnel Comm_i.t:tee,. '~ Referred -to the Personnel t;:oIllIll;lttee. 7, Frqmthe Township_of,Yarmouth with a rep~rt of Branch D & E of the ,Albertson Drain. Roads Committee. ' copy ,of a drainage ~eferred .to the. B.-, , From- tl1e Ministry of the Environm~ntwith ,COpy of Notice of,Ap~rovalof Ontario Hy~ro's..Clas~ Environmental Assessment for Minor Transmission Facilities EA File No. 2~75-0001~OOO. _ Referred to the Roads Committee', 9.:: ,'.From th~St~ Thc'-~a.s Rotary' Music" Fes_tiVii.L with ..request ~or adverti~~ng in,t~eprogram for the 1981 Festival.- Referred to the Finance Committee. 40 - 2 - 10. From the Local Children's ServicesPlannin~ Committee with invitation and registration form for a Children s Services workshop set for February 5th, 1981 in St. Thomas. - Referred to the Finance Committee. 11. From the Town of Dunnville with a copy of a resolution concerning the Liquid Waste Disposal Site to be established in the Town of Haldimand, in the Region of Haldimand-Norfolk. ~ Re- feried to the Roads Committee. 12. From Mr. R~ G. Moore. Engineer and Secretary to the St. Thomas Suburban Roads 'Commission, with a copy of a letter to Mr. R. A. Barrett, City Clerk-Administrator. advising that the % mill contribution of $39,450.00 will be required for 1981. - Re- ferred to the Roads Committee. 13. From Bell Canada with NOTICE OF CLAIM re: damage in Port Stanley on Front Street. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 14; request members From the Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs with that the amount of security -bonds on the municipal staff be reviewed. ~ Referred to the Finance Committee. 16. From the Ministry of Housing wirh two notices of approval for Amendment No. 7 and No. 11 to the Official Plan for the East Elgin Planning Area. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 17. From the Association of Municipalities of Ontario with request for membership. - Referred to the Finance Committee. 18. From the MiniStry of Intergovernmental Affaii"s with request for the names of anyone interested in attending a seminar on-The Provincial Offences Act _and municipal by.law enforcement. ~ Referred to the Cb~nty Government Committee. 19; From the City of Cambridge with resolution requesting amendments to the relevant legislation re: the following: level of noise in the operation of motor vehicles licensing mini bikes authority to seize mini bikes and trail bikes operat~d unlawful~y. _ Referred to the Roads Committee. (1) (2) (3) 20. From the City of Cambridge with resolution requesting the Province to form a Task Force and initiate a public review and inquiry into the total compulsory and binding arbitration system. _ Referred to the Personnel Committee. 21. From the City of St. Thomas with copy of Restricted Area By-Law 112-80, dealing with the zoning of the Military Museum site. - Referred to the Property Committee. 22. From the City of Bu~lington with resolution with respect to the phasing out of the constraints on apportionment of equalized assessments, for apportionment of Regional and School Board costs. _ Referred to the County Government Committee. 23. .. . From the Municipal Chapter of the St. Thomas I.O.D.E. with nomination of Mrs. C. McAlpine to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board. - Referred to the Finance 'Committee. 24. From the Minister of the Environment with a copy of a recent amendment to The Environmental Assessment Act Regulation for Municipal Undertakings. - Referred to the Roads Commit'tee. 25. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with copy of Memo No. 80-4"0" advising of a meeting (January 6th) to discuss bookkeeping, equipment. Annual Returns etc. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 41 - 3 - County Council, January Session, 1981 26. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications advising the Ministerially, adjusted assessment, for the City of St. Thomas is $78,900.000.00, for contribution purposes to Suburban Roads. Referred to the Roads Committee. 27. From the Thames Valley District Health Council explaining the appointment of Municipal appointees tathe Council. - Referred to the County Government Committee. 28. Council's mittee. From the Thames Valley District Health Council re: appointments. - Referred, to the County Government Com- 29. From the Rural Ontario Municipal A~sociation with request for membership. - Referred to, the Finance Committee. 30. From the Ministry of the Environment with copy of Notice of Acceptance of Ontario Hydro's Class Environmental Assessment for Minor Transmission Facilities under The Environmental Assess- ment Act 1975 E.A. File No. 2-75-0001-000. _ Referred to the Roads Committee. 31. From the Ontario Hydro with information on the Buchanan Transformer Station x St. Thomas Transformer Station project activ- ities over the past year. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 32. From the Elgin County Board of Education, with a copy of a resolution from the City of Stratford re: composition of school boards and a letter from St. Thomas to the Minister of Education endorsing it, requesting the Council's comments. _ Referred to the County Government COmmittee. 33. of the Study" From the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority ,with a copy "Draft Report Dalewood Reservoir Environmental Rehabilitation and request for comments. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 34. From the Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk with resolution to follow the environmental assessment process with respect to the' establishment of a Permanent Liquid Industrial Waste Treatment Facility, in the Town of Haldimand. - Referred to the County Governme~t Committee. 35. From the County of Grey with resolution with respect to the.newMinistry of Health Core Programme implementation and corre- sponding legislation. - Referred to the County Government Committee. 36. From the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario with request for membership. - Referred to the Finance Committee. 37. copy of ment. From the Township of Malahide with notice of hearing and application of Reginald Heidt, requesting a zoning amend- Referred to the Roads Committee. 38. From the Township of Malahide advising that the Ministry of Housing has obje~ted to the passing of rezoning applications prior to the final approval of By~LawNo. 1925 by theO.M.B. _ Re- ferred to the Roads Committee. 58. From William J. Milks & Associates Ltd. with registration form for a seminar entitled "The Benefit Package and Collective Bargaining". - Referred to the Personnel Committee. 59. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with copy of Memo No. 81-l"B" re: "Municipal Declaration With Respect to the Environmental Assessment Act, 197511. _ Referred to the Roads Committee. 60. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications advising of the following allocation of subsidy funds: Construction $1,374,000. Maintenance 1,177,000. TOTAL $2,551,000. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 42 - 4 - 61. From Mr~ E. A. Wells, Secretary~Treasurer, Elgin County Library Board, with request for consideration of payment of expenses re: a non-elected member of the Board. - Referred to the County Government Committ~e. 62. . From the First Baptist Weekday NUTserywith request for an increase in the daily rate for day care services. . Referred to the Social Services Committee. 63. From A.C.R.a. with information on The Proposed Health Protection Act. - Referred to the County Government Committee. 64. From the following with communications concerning grants: 1. The Salvation Army 2. The University of Western Ontario 3. Quad County Association for the Mentally Retarded 4. Elgin County Federation of. Agriculture 5. Elgin County Plowmen's Association 6. The Elgin_Military Museum 7. Talbot Trail Committee 8. St. Thomas-Elgin Debt Counselling Service 9~ Bobier Convalescent Home 10. County of Kent re: A.C.R.O. Convention II. London R~gional Art Gallery_ . 12. Young Men's Christian ASsociation of Elgiri~St. Thomas 13. Southwest~rn Ontario Travel Association 14~ Vi~lage'of Port Stanley; - Referred to the Finance Committee. 66. copy of a a~d Elgin From the Ministry of Community and Sociii Services. with letter to the Family & Children's Services of St. Thom~s re: 1981 budget. - Referred to the Finance Committee. 67. From the Township of Malahide with Notice of Application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of a by-law to regulate land _use passed pursuant to Se9tion 35 of The-PlannirigAct. - Re~ ferred to the Roads Committee. 69. From John A. Anderson, Agricultural Repr,esenta,tive'_with proposed budget for the Agricultural Committee grants. -Referred to ~he Agricultural Committee. 71. " Fro~ ,the Talbot TrailComml.ttee with a request -that a. resolution be-passed confirming the route of the Talbot Trail as the official ro~te. - Referreq to the Finance Committee. 74. From 'The Canadian Red Cross-Society with'request 'for~ri increase in the Homemaker rate for 1981. - Referred to the Social Services Committee. - The following Communi.-cations were - read and-' ordered- filed: l5~ From the 'L4w_sodety':of.UpperCanada announCing a pro- gramme on The Provincial Offences Act and Municipa1- Practice, s~t for January l7th~l981; 39. From the Bank of Montreal advising that the Bank's Pri~e Municipal rate has changed as fo11ows:~ Effect ve December 12th. 1980' Effect ve December 19th, 1980 Effect ve January 7th, 1981 17% 181/4% 173/4%. 40. From the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance' acknowledging receipt of Council's resolution re:. the Community Services Contribution Program. 41- hearing, John and From the Ontario'Municipal Board with'appointment for of an appeal against the Land Division Committee, by Constance Chisholm, s~t for January 27th, 1981. 42. From the Association of Municipalities of Ontario with copy of "Policy Guidelines and Reso1utio.nsu~ a,~opted at the 1980 Annual Conference. 43 ~ 5 ~ County Council, January Session, 1981 43. From the Ontario Munl:cipal Board with booklet "The Role of the Ontario Municipal Board.WithRespect to' Undertakings Involving Long-Term Commitments by Ontario Municipalities and School Boards". 44. From the County of Kent advising that their :Wardenls banquet will be held Saturday, November 14th, 1981. 45. From the Ministry of HOUsing with invitation to attend workshops, on the general theme of -applying our existing reSOurces, to meet some of our current housing needs. 46. timetable process. 47. From the Ministry of Community and Social Services with copy of the September 1980 edition of the Children's A~d Society Early Warning System. From the Ministry of COmmunity and Social Services with for the Children's Aid Societies 1980 and 1981 estimate 48. From the Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with Allocation of Ch~ldren In Care and Financial Statements for November and Dec~mber 1980. 49. From the 'Ontario Good Roads Association with information on the Annual Convention, February 23rd to 25th. 50. From the University of Guelph advising that' the follow- ing persons were the winners of the Elgin County Scholarships: . Ms. Catherine ~IGHT, R. R. #4, Aylmer. Ms~ MalisaMEZENBERG, R. R.. #2, Dutton Ms. Pamela'WILLSON, 17Z Nancy, Du~ton Ms; Kelly BREARLEY, R. R.'#3, West Lorne. 51. From the Ministry of Housing clarifying the forwarding of by-laws passed pursuant to Section 35(24) of The Planning Act to the Ontario Municipal Board. 52. From the Ontario Municipal Board with's: copy of a letter to Mr. Thomas A. Par, granting an adjournm,ent of the hearing of the appeal of John' and Constance Chisholm against the Land Division Committee; 53. Froin'Mr. JimMcGuigan,M.p.p'. (Kent-Elgin), acknowledging receipt of the letter and copy of the First Report of the County Government Committee re: ambulances and centralized dispatching. 54. From the County of Middlesex advising that their Warden r s banquet has been set for Saturday, November 21st,198L ,. . 55. Fro'm Karen Shaw with ,appreciation for, the' scholarship (-U;W.O.). . 56; From Wendy ~nderh{ll wit~ appreC:ia~io~ for the sC:holar~ ship (Ridgetown). ' . . , . 57. From the Bank of Montreal setting up interim credit of $1,000,000. to meet 1981 current expenditure requirements. 65. From the Quad County Association for the Mentally Retarded with appreciation for 1980 grant. 68~ From Spriet Associates London Limited with information co~C:erning.the clearing of trees inside a road allowance for the purpose o~ dra~ning a road. 70. From Robert J. Wilson, formerly with A.M.O. advising that he is, now associated with William J. Milks & Associates Ltd., and is offering'his services to municipalities. 72. From the Ontario Good Roads Association with a resume of the activities planned by the Ladies' Convention Committee fOr the ladies attending the conve~tion. 44 - 6 - 73. From Mr. R. G. Moore, Engineer and Secretary to the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Comm~ss~on advising of the resignation of Mr. James Hindley as a member of the Commission. The First Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Shaw and adopted on motion of Reeve Shaw and Reeve Caverly. The Second Report of the Roads Committee was distributed to everyone and laid over for presentation at the afternoon Session. The Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caverly and Reeve Liebner. The Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Reeve Glover and adopted on motion of Reeve Glover and Reeve Hodgson. The First Report of the Library Board was presented by Reeve Stewart and adopted on motion of Reeve Stewart and Reeve Kelly. The Second Report of the Library Board was presented by Reeve Stewart and adopted on motion of Reeve Stewart and Reeve Shaw. Moved by Reeve Walters Seconded by Reeve Stewart That Application T9/80 by Cyril Pigram, owner of property known as Lot A, Concession 7, Township of South Dorchester, for consent to clear approximately 100 feet along the road allowance be denied because the work can be done under the Municipal Drainage Act and the Municipal Act. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Kelly Seconded by Reeve Liebne! That Applica~ion TIO/80 by Alexandru and Shirley Vojin, owners of property known as Lot 20, Concession 11, Township of Aldborough, allowing all parcels except the larger parcel to the most easterly portion, next to Mr. Sugarman's property. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Walters Seconded by Reeve Kelly That Application Tll/80 by Donald M. and Betty A. McKillop, owners of property known as Lots 16 and 17, Concession 12, Township of Aldborough, be granted and this permission pertains to only the trees protected under the County of Elgin By-Law No. 79-38 and that a copy of the letter from the Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority be forwarded to Mr. McKillop. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamrn That the Warden and Clerk be authorized to submit to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications the petition for Subsidy of the County of Elgin, showing Road Expenditures on the County of Elgin Road System, for the period from January 1, 1980 to December 31, 1980. - Carrieq. Moved by Reeve Farthing Seconded by-Deputy Reeve Marr That we do now adjourn to meet again on January 21st, 1981 at 2:00 P.M. - Carried. 45 - 7 - County Council, January Session, 1981 Council Re-Convened. ROLL CALL - All Members present except Deputy Reeve Perovich and Deputy Reeve Pettit. The Second Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Shaw and adopted on motion of Reeve Shaw and Reeve Stewart. The Report of the County Government Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Fleck and adopted on motion of Reeve Fleck and Reeve Caverly. The Report of the Finance Committee was presen~ed by Reeve Kelly and adopted on motion of Reeve Kelly and Reeve Shaw. The Report of the Property Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Pearson and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Pearson and Reeve Farthing. The Report of the Social Services Committee was pre- sented by Deputy Reeve Neukamm and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Neukamm and Reeve Fleck. The Report of the Reception and Entertainment Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Marr and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Marr and Deputy Reeve Haddow. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That Elgin County Council hereby requests that the following route be the approved route of the Talbot Trail 'in Elgin County. Starting at-the western boundary: #3 Highway to Wallacetown; County Road #8 to County Road #16; County Road #16 to Highways #3 and #4 at St. Thomas; #3 Highway east through St. Thomas and Aylmer to County Road #38; County Road #38 to Highway #19.at Straffordville; #l9Highway south to Port Burwell; County Road #42 east to the eastern boundary of Elgin County. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Walters Seconded by Reeve Lashbrook That the Ministry of Health be requested to have the legislation amended to allow municipal appointees to the Thames Valley District Health Council to become voting members immedi- ately on appointment. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Stewart That County Council appointees to the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit Board be paid the following rates, for attending meetings of the said Board and Committee thereof, effective January 1st, 1981: (a) For attending a meeting. when the said meeting is held in both the forenoon and afternoon 'or evening on the same day _ $60.00 (b) For attending a meeting when the said meeting is held in either the forenoon, afternoon or evening - $35.00 (c) In addition to the above remuneration eacn member shall be paid the following rate for each mile necessarily travelled in attending such meetings 30~ per mile~ - Carried. 46 - 8 - Moved by Deputy Reeve Haddow Seconded by Reeve Bradfield That By-Law No. 81-1 "Being a By~Law to Establish the Salary of the Assistant Engineer for the County of Elgin" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Liebner Seconded by Reeve Wilson That By-Law No. 81-1 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Reeve Wilsori That By-Law No. 81-1 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McWilliam Seconded by Deputy Reeve ~arr That By-Law No. 81-2 "Being a By-Law to Establish Rates of Pay for Part Time Employees" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wake ling Seconded by Deputy Reeve McWilliam That By~Law No. 81-2 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Vo1kaert Seconded by Deputy Re_eve J.Jake1ing That By-Law No. 81-2 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wake1ing Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That By-Law No. 81-3 "Being a By-Law to Appoint a Land Division Committee" be read a first time. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Deputy Re'eve Wakel'ing That By-Law No. 81-3 be'read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Deputy Reeve -McWilliam That By-:-Law No. 81-3 be "read a third time and finally passed. --Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve _Marr _ Seconded by Deputy Reeve McWilliam That By-Law-No. 81-4-"Be:ing'a-By-Law to Amend Schedule "A" of By-Law No. 80-11, Appointing County Auditors" be read a first time. - Carried. 47 - ~ - County C?uncil. January Session, 1981 Moved by Deputy Reev~ Haddow Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson That ,By-Law No. 81-4 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Lashbrook That By-Law No. 81-4 he read a third time and finally passed. - Carried ~ Moved by Deputy Reeve Volkaert Seconded by Deputy Reeve Marr That By-Law No. 81-5 '-'Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 80-8. Establishing Remuneration for Attending Conventions" be read a first time. .,... Carried.' Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That By-Law No. 81-5 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy"Reeve McWilliam Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That By-Law No. 81-5 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wake1ing That By-Law No. 81-6 "Being a By-Law to Amend By""':Law No. 1687 Which Establishes a County Museum" be, read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Haddow Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That By-Law No. 81-6 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That By~Law No. 81-6 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved, by Reeve Lashorook Seconded by Reeve Walters That By-Law No. 81-7 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Execution of a Collective Agreement Between the Corporation of the County of Elgin and London and District Service Workers' Union, Local 220, S.E.I.U., A.F.L., C.I.O.', C.L-.C.,With Respect to the Corporation's Full Time Employees at the Elgin Manor" be read a first.tirrie. ~ ,Carrie,d. 48 - 10 - Moved by Reeve Kelly Seconded by Reeve Stewart That By-Law No. 81-7 be read a second time. - Ca-rried. Moved by Reeve Kelly Seconded by Reeve Lashbrook That By-Law No. 81-7 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Haddow Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That By-Law No. 81-8 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Execution ofa Collective Agreement Between the Corporation of the County of Elgin and London and District Service Workers' Union, Local 220, S.E.I.U., A.F.L.) C.I.a., C.L.C., With Respect to the Corporation's Part-Time Employees at the Elgin Manor" be read a first time. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Volkaert Seconded by Deputy Reeve McWilliam That By-Law No. 81-8 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That By-Law No. 81-8 be read a third time and finally passed. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Volkaert Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson That By-Law No. 81-9 "Being a By-Law to Set the Daily Remuneration to be Paid to Members of the Elgtn County Council for Attendance at Meetings pf the Elgin County Council and Committees Thereof" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That By-Law No. 81-9 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Deputy Reeve McWilliam That By-Law No. 81-9 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lienber Seconded by Reeve Farthtng That By-Law No. 81-10 "Being a By-Law to Establish the Annual Remuneration to be Paid to the Warden of the County of Elgin" be read a firsttlme. - Carried. 49 - 11 - County Council, January Session, 1981 Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Reeve Farthing That By-Law No. 81-10 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Farthing Seconded by Reeve Bradfield That By-Law No. 81-10 be read a third time and finally passed. Carried. Moved by Reeve Farthing Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 81-11 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the January SeSSion. 1981" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Reeve Farthing That By-Law No. 81-11 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Reeve Farthing Seconded by Reeve Liebner That By-Law No. 81-11 he read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Haddow Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That we do now adjourn to meet again on February 18, 1981 at 10:00 A.M. - Carried. G. C. Leverton. Clerk. K. E. Monteith. Warden. 50' COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMI'ITEE FIRST REPORT JANUARY 1981 SESSION TO, THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMI'ITEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Mr. Robert Davies has cotmlencedwork as Assistant County Engineer. 2. We have received notice from the Ministry of Transportation and COIllII\Unicat.ions that t.he subsidy allocation for 1981 will be $2,551,000. This compares with a Subsidy Allocat.ion of $2,302,000 for 1980. The subsidhable spending level for Construction and Maintenance including Urban Rebates has been set: at $3.4.01,000 compared to $3;109,000 in 1980. The rate of Subsidy {other than Urban Rebates at 50%)w111 be approximately 75.4% as compared to 74.4% in 1980. We understand supplementary by_laws are again available for Drainage Assessments (50% subsidy). WE RECOMMEND I. That tht' It.tt,.r 'If tht' City of St. Albert, Albert.:!; on Canadian Unity be <lcknowlt'dged <lnd that the City be thanked for their concern. 2. That the resolution of the City of Cambridge requesting that the Ministry of Tr;llnspor;tation and C,}mmunications establish " mc:.surcablc and acc,"ptable level for vehicle noise and r;cqucsting that mini ilnd trail bikes be licensed, be filed. ). That the resolution of the Town of DunnviUe regarding the South Cayuga Waste Site be referred to the various local munit:ip,tlitie$ f"r action. Continued . . . 51 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMI'ITEE _ nRST REPORT JANlfARY 1981 SESSION PAGE 2 4. That we recommend that a resolution be passed <Iuthorhing the Warden 'md Clerk e'l submit to e11<' Ministry of Tnmsportiltion and Communications' the Petition for Subsidy or the County of Elgin showng Road Expenditures on the County of Elgin Road System for the pcdod from January I, 1980 to December 3'1, 1980. 5. That the Warden name delegates to the Ontario GQod Roads . and ASSOCiation COl'lVention vco the Roads and Transpcn:t:ation Association of Canada Conventiori. 6. That 'tenders for the'replacement of the Walker Bridge he called as soon as possible. If Council approves this recormnendation it is hoped that tenders, ....oul? close sometime in March with constl;"uction to start in the l<ltc Spring. M;i.ddlesex County Council has aiithorhed the tender call_and is tentatively budgeting apprOXill\atelY$400,ooo f~,r wot'k in 1981. Alt'hough a final estimate is unavailable as yet from the Consultant it is felt that approximately $400,000 would be required from each County in 1981 .1nd $350,000 from each County in 1982. The necessary property has been acquit'ed by both Counties. ALL OF WlIICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITIED /, ~2: /:~;* V / \. CfAIRMAN' .-(".~ /F~~ 52 AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT JanU8TY Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That the following grants are being recommended to the Finance Committee for inclusion in the 1981 budget: (a) Local Agricultural Office for farm organizations. junior farmers and institute groups and the fall banquet for 4-H Clubs - $4,500.00 (b) Agricultural Representatives Act - $500.00 (c) Grants to Agricultural and Horticultural Societies be on the same basis as last year: equal to the provincial legis- lative grants. 2. That the Warden, Reeve Caverly and Reeve Shaw be a committee to allocate the agricultural grant. 3. We recommend that the Warden and Chairman of the Agricultural Committee be authorized to attend the Ontario Conference on Agriculture 1981, convened by Agriculture & Food Minister Lorne C. Henderson, in Toronto, February 4th and 5th and be paid $100.00 per day each and this riot count as one of the conventions. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. I /l ,,;--;;-- A<. ~- ~:'c.&t"J......~cl /?: ,-?77wZ;;;o/ 53 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT January Session. 1981 To the Warnen and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That we recommend to County Council that changes be made in the working agreements with full and part time employees at Elgin Manor as follows: (1) Vacations - 4 weeks after 8 years of service up from 12 years 5 weeks after 14 years of service up from 20 years. (2) Dental - County to pay 75% of premium up from 50%. (3) Extended Health Care - County to pay 100% of premium up from 90%. (4) Shift Premium - increased from $1.75 to $2.00 per shift. (5) Wages - increases as shown: Effective October 18th. 1980 - 60t per hour Effective April 5th, 1981 - 25~ per hour Effective September 6th, 1981 - 13i per hour. (6) One year term - October 19th, 1980-0ctober 18th, 1981. This represents an increase of approximately 13.39%. 2. That we recommend that the necessary by-laws be prepared and presented to County Council, authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign collective agreements, covering full and part time employees at Elgin Manor, subject to items agreed upon during recent negotiations. 3. That the recommendation concerning the termination of Mr. Jackson Baker's employment, as of August 31st, 1981 and a replacement be hired June 1st, be amended so that Mr~ Baker's employment terminates December 31st, 1981 and a replacement be hired October 1st to work with him until the end of the year. This alteration of dates will accommodate the changeover to better advantage. 4. That M.J~ Hennessey be authorized to engage a counsel in the court case involving the former employee, Hazel Engert, if required. 5. That the resolution from the City of Cambridge, requesting the Province to form a Task Force and initiate a public review into the total compulsory and binding arbi- tration system, be endorsed. 6. That the information and registration form from William J. Milks & -Associates Limited on a seminar entitled "The Benefit Package and Collective Bargaining" be filed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. dJ$;WA--- s. .dI. Glover, Cha1rman. ":CtAA.~ &4 ~ ><-77l~C;;;X 54 LIBRARY BOARD ,REPORT January Session, 1981 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Library Board reports as f911ows: 1. The letter of resignation from Mr. V. Nielsen, part- time driver was accepted with regret. 2. The Board authorized the County Library to take part in the NDQ automated circulation study. The Board directed that the Clerk's wishes re~arding county financial information be respected and that there be no direct cash cost to the County Library. 3. The fourth draft of the Library budget for 1981 was reviewed, accepted, and recommended to the 1981 Library Board. 4. The Library Board authorized the sale of a limited number of the 1980 Annual Report. 5. The statement of Bills and Accounts for November, and the list of cheques, numbers 2722 to 2884. were adopted. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. . " Y _A4~^",n-b M. H. Stewart., , Chairmari. t:.&~/ /-(',c' , fl/5,.d;t 55 LIBRARY BOARD REPORT Se<;and Report January Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of t.he Elgin County Council, The Library Board reports as i'ollows: 1. That the first meeting of the year Wa.S held on January 13, 1981. 2. That Reeve M. Stewart was elected Chairman. ' 3. That Ileputy Reeve Wakeling was elected Vice Chairman. 4. That Mr. Wells was appointed Secretary-Trea:ill~rer. 5. That Mr. A. Miskelly was appointed to the Lake Erie Regional Library Board. 6. That the Branch staff salaries be raised .25J! per hour on March 1st When the minimum wage goesup. 7. That a service contract of $300.00 with Keith Douwes for maintenance of the casse~te players be signed. 8. That Mr~ Howard Hunter be hired as part-time driver. All of which ia ~espectfUl1y submitted. c~~~~, M. H. Stewart C' '<'-<< <-<-c/ ~?:m~ 56 COLJ'NTY OF ELGIN HOADCOI1MITTEE SECOND REPORT TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: The following is a Summary of Expenditures on Elgin County and St. Thomas SubUl:bariRo"d Commission Roads in lQ80. In 1lccordance with Ministry of Transportation and Communications pr3cticc, payrdl Burden, such <IS .Holidays with Pay, Sick Time, etc.,. has been distributed to various projects and does not appear as a separate item. CONSTRUCTION _ COUNTY ROADS PART # 1 Asph..lt resurfacing, associated ditching, shouldering, l'CC. (a) Ro"d 7 in Aldborough and Orford Township fr'>In Clachan to Bothwell Bridl':c (County of Elgin ~hare. work dooC' by "<'nt). 5<1,669.92 (b) Road 19 in Southwald Township from Highway 3 (Frome) northerly approximately 2 'miles (completion of 1979 work). 3.748.06 (c) RnaJ 211 in Southw"ld Tmmship north of l'''rt Sl,mley appr,,,lm"t{'] y ~ mile. 28.381.07 (d) Road 20 in Southw"ld Township south of Fingal approximately 1 mile. 61.149.21 (f') R""d 45 in Yarmouth ..'lnd Southw"ld T"wnship fr<lm Hi~hway I, w(';;t('rl y t" :'ppr""i",,,tl;'ly I mill;' ,,<luth of NiJJI~'"",rch (I'XCI'pt Kpttll;' Cn'('k tltII). 1 21.I:IJ2.8b T,rl'^l, 1'^ltJ' II I Pll./I-\J.J' PAK'f tI 2 _ c.,nstructi<m j{<}.,ds (I) KO;ld S En8ine('rin~ Wnlkf'rs Bridge. 30.750.25 (b) Road 16 in Southwold Township from Fi.ngal to Burwell Gorners (complctinn of Iq7q work). 9.486.10 (c) Road J2 _ Police Collcgt' R<litd in M:,lahide T"wn$hip~ 14,97Q.34 (d) H.",d"38 Il.,yhmn CI"J Mal;lhi<l.. Township. 1,088,962.10 (.-) Misc('llnneous Sut'veys. 6.916~57 TOTAL PART # 2$1,151.094.36 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PART # 3 ~ Miscellaneous (a) .Rebate of Provincial Sales Tax Paid in 1979. (!.o) L;tnd Purchases for road widening and diversion. (c) New and used machinery. (d) Rebuilding and extension of salt bUilding, White Station Garage. (e) Machinery ownership costs, etc., charged to accounts receivable arid TOwnline Accounts. TOTAL PART # 3 57 Page 2. 1,183.61 CR. 32.945.08 252,237.02 28,342.35 52.z.807.69 CR. $25<;1,'>31.15 TOTAL CONSTRlfCTION (COllNTY) $1.bll4.410.bJ CONSTRUCTION BY ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMI~SION (a) Road 22 (Fairview Avenue:) in Yarmouth Township, asphalt re.o;urfacing from Road 27 "'''lthC'rly for 1 mll{'. (b) Construction Road 30 (Radio Road) in Yarmouth Township. (c) Construction Road 31 (Dalewood Road) in Yarmouth Township. (d) Construction Road 52 from Road 30 to Highway 3 (St. Thomas Expressway) in Yarmouth and Southwold Township. (C') Construction Road 22 (Fairvh'w AvC'.nu{') in '(:lI:-mnuth Township from St. Thomas City Limits tt) Road 27. (f) Land Purchased for Road Widening and diversions. 5"1,114.<)4 705.00 27.83 597.91 28,025.78 11.196.57 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION B'{ ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION$97.688.03 TarAL CONSTRUCTION C01JN1'Y AND ST. THOMAS SUBlJRllAN ROADS COMMISSION $1.782.098.1>6 58 MAINTEN^,"CE w COUNTY ROADS Pagr 3. NCl'rr:: lA'ttl'[":l :111<1 nUl\lu('.,; l",'rro"'I'<llhl. t" MillJ:ltloy .,j - Tr;,"s~"'rt'lti,,,, mJ CotIlIuulllcatlons Acu)unC Numhl'_r:<. ^ - Culv('rt~ and Bridgrs Briuge's (including BothW<'il, 'W';lrdsvillr, 1J(>1mont West, Glen Colin. and Gillets) $ ___2.!.t.I~?~~~ - 2 Cutvet"ts _____~t1.~Q:.~2 B _ Roadside Maintenance erass CUtting ____ttt.~'ti:.~~ 2 Tree Cutting ____z.~t.z.~I!:.2z. 4 Olc"ainage ____~tt.t2.~~:.~~ - 5 Roadside Maintenance, Washouts, Shouldering, etc. _____lit.iZ.li:.~~ 6 Tree Planting __.;__It.Q'2Q:.~~ Drain;lgl" AssC'ssmcnts (repairs only) _______~~hl~ II Weed Spraying ___-!.~&.!.!h~t r: _ Ibrd T.,!' M.dntj'nanc<, (P;)v{'d R<>ads) Rcp"il"; tu Pavcnll'nts ____l!.'Il.tt~:.2'! Sweeping ____!.~I..~t1~:.!.t )" Shoulder M.:lifltenance (lnd Uitching, etc. ____iQl.ir_!:.~~ l, SurL1c" Trr>;\tmr>nt ___2:~l,i~~:..rl! I) - I."",;., '1\'1' M..tillt""."lnn' (I:r'lv,'1 Road,,) (;r,,,jj nO; t.:r,lVl' I J{'laus __~_~!;'!..fl.~~:..~!;. '; lJu<lt Control (CalciUll1 Chluride) ____ihi~hil !, IJu..t Control (Priml') _____L'-~rL:..L~ Cr<wel Resurfacing ____~ll.,~i~:..~_! E - \Hntt'r \.<)ntrol (Tot"l) $208,41B.99 Snow pi owing ____~~!..~~~:.~'!. Salting "nd Sanding ~_~~~'!.!..~~~:.~~ Snow Flmc(' ____~!.!..~~'::.~~ 4 $t"ndby ----~':!..~~:.~~ 59 MAINTENANCE: - COUNTY ROADS (Cont inul'<!) P.1!W 4. 1980 Winter Control County & St. Thomas Suburban Road,; COlllllission $ 260.442.69 1979 Winter Control County & St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission $ 159,430.62 1978 Wi.nter Control County & St. Thom.1S Suburban Roads COllll!lission $ 315,003.94 1977 Winter Control County & St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission $ 35Q,09S.0u F - Safety I.lcvicC's -.l Pavement Marking $ ____~~l!!Z~!.!n 2 Sigl'ls ____~llg2l:.~2 Guide RaiL.. _____~:LU~~Q~ 4 Railroad pratl'ction -___~hIi.Q!.:.\1'i TOTAL 848.968.39 MISCELI.ANlmUs R('b'lte t:l T"Wn of Aylml'r and VlII'llles of 257. ,,1 thdr Road Levy $____~kl!.t:?~l!.~ OVEIWEAU _ COUNTY 1. SUlwl."fllt,'n.dl'n,"'. incIudhlg County Ent~hw('"" SUjJ<'rint,'n,l"nt:<. '1Il<J v('hi,'J"s $___~~':.o_5JJ_"':~5.. Clerk"l ___~42...JJ~8_.J~~ 'l. (JUic, ___J_~_6_6_o_.}..t>_ 4. Garages (White Station & Rodney}. Stock & Tim<,k""p..r". M:,intpnancC'. ctc.} ____~(,~)l~__lL ). T",,!;. iln,j Ml$c,']l:mi"ous RC"p"irs ___J!'.J!!!'J__J~I_ /.. Il.I,J; _____I.l!!5,:'__5L 7. Tr:lffi., C"unt" & NcC"ds Stu,jy Upd:,tc ____!'.lJJD.:J2_ 8. Training C,mrses ____l.1J.l&.:l!L 'I. l""'",it.: _______!l!J,:!)!)_C[l. 10. Misc<,lt:mct>u5 Insurance ____lz22!l.:2L 11. Reh:lbi1it:lti,)n of White Station Grav!'] Pit :md !':cn<,r.,J clC":,"up of Garage gr'lunds. ______~l].:l~_ 12. M:!<:hi'...ry ()v"rl".,..d (',ust,.;. ____!ll:!:!~!?!:_ !'!. :';,.'v<'r:",,'" I'"y ,'t.,: ~'<)r",,'i' k,.:ist"mt f.n/-:1n,.t'r 'md 1..<'/-:,,1 F,'"", ____2l~I~~~~~_ TOTAL OVBRllf.AlJ 245.4h1.Ub 60 (TOT,\I. Of' PAYROll, BURDEN charg('d to operations wa!> $3"30.4<.)J .90.) ST. TIIOMAS $(fll1II/.IlAN ROADS .COMMISS[ON M^lNT~:NANr.E I'. OVERIIEAIJ (ilKludill}; It<'I1l5 n,'t lillh"rJr,,,,d by Ministry of Tran,;portation ,md COTIlllunicati,ms). TOTAL MAINTENANCE, MISCELLANEOUS, OVERHEAD. ETC. FOR COUNTY & :.,. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ITEMS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY M.T.C. Elgin Swc('per lnsurancl' (Road Liability) Misc('ll.,n('ous. including Memb('J:'ships, etc. TOTAL ~ CIlt<;-rRlI':II"N M,\INn:NANCE & OV~;RJW^IJ ITEMS NOT FOR SLfBSIDY SUIl TOTAL AlJll: 1<1110 STOCK IlALANC'E .SlIB TOTAL LESS: 1'1/') ';-rOCl': I\ALANCE SUB TOTAL AIlIl: ORAINAGE ASSESSMENTS (511'1. SUllSlDY) COllNTY ROADS :;T. 'fllmlA::; SllBliRHAN ROAIlS COMMISS1ON ROAns TOTAL EXPENDITURES ON COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD SYSTEMS Page 5. $ __!..~~&?t~Qt $1.331.096.29 $____htlT..~Q.lL ~_____~~"J..L _______l}./i""l'LCR. 8.2Q3.0.1 $_1...t.!.~~t.I!~~:..'?~ $_~!.~~hf!?(~:.:.~ $ -----~!.~?~:.~~ $ -'~~~~~!.~~~~~~ ____~1..!.~1..~:.~~ $_'~~~~~~'!.~t!:.~~ ____~:t.'~~?~~~ $-'~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____1..<2t.~~~:.~ -------~!.~~-- $ .1,128.588.13 61 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Page 6. The Ministry of Transportation and COlllrJlUnications Subsidy Allocation in 1980w35 in 2 parts~ a General Allocation of $2,302.000 3t'ld a subsidy of $.5,000 on Drainage Assessments (subsidized at 50%). f The cost of the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission expenditure to the County o{ Elgin (and the . City .of St. Thomas) was $36.242.07. (This aIs-athe effective contribution of the City toward Supurban Roads for 1980.) The net. cost to - the County of Elgin (including the County' 5 share of tha St. Thom~s- Suburban Road Conmission expenditures) is estimated at $785.346.26. The Road Lc>vy for 1980 was o1"iginally $781,000. In addition, work was performed and matei'ials sold totaling $934,635.54 including: 1. Work on boundary roads and bridges and invoiced to the Counties of Middlesex and Oxford. 2. Front Street steel bin wall erosion protection project for the Village of Port Stanley. 3. Engineering work on the Walkers Bridge (50%) invoiced to the County of Middlesex. 4. Priming and surface treatment for various MuniCipalities, and others including the City of St. Thomas and the ViUage of Clencoe, and the Counties of Lambton. Kent and Middlesex. 5. Work done, materials sold. paving contracts supervised. etc. for other muniCipalities. Pederal and Provincial Covernment. Conservation' Authorities, indiViduals. etc. In 1980 the Roads Department was requested to have trained personnel and. insurance.- etc. ready for a possible Mosquito Control Programme. The net cost of this Programme to the County was $468.30 (the Town of Aylmer paid for the cost of insurance). Total payment vouchers in 1980 amounted to $4,063.223.87 (compared to $3,684.009..90 in 1979. $3.376.833.63 in 1978. $3.236,612 in 1977, and $2,741,000 in 1976). ALL OF WHICH IS RESPEcrroLLY SUBMITTED .....--' /7 5L 1'/"\ 4_r/lY/Y/ \. ' ',' , :..;..y- \ I'{Il4iRH~ C.a.-v-.4L-c"-/ Rf'?7/~ 62 ST. T!lOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION The St.. Thomas Suburb.-m Road cominission h>ls jurisdict.ion ovcr 47.4 mile:; of runo out <,f the total 296.6 Road System in ttte County. Construction. and maintenance costs are kept separate on these ronds. The Commission pays a portion of the overhead costs (appr,lldmatcly9.9%..,f the t<>tal). The C<Jlllll1.ission owns no cquipmont <lr t_'015 but pays a "cost" r('nt.1.1 rate t" the County when t_he cquipmt'nt is used on Commission Roads. Overall policy on the COl1llllission Roads is directed by your County Council Road Connnittce". All uet"ll"d 5Ummilt"y ,)f cost'l.-.m th" commi.ssion Roads is att1!chcd as ~s if swmlary of the costs of maintenance and overhead on the combined County and Suburban System. cOmmission Roads Include: Road #11 R""d .#16 RO.:Id 1122 Roml #25 Ro.l.d 1126 Road #28 R"ad #29 (South "f Fonl Plant) from Highway 4 to Road 26. From St. Thnma:> to Fingal. (Fairvj{'w Av('nu(') from St. Thomas to Road 24. Wellington Roa-d. St. George' Street and Bostwick Road. Centennial Avenue from Road 45 to Highway 3. Rom\ #'l() _ Radio Ro:ul. RO'ld #31 _ D"lC'\;Qud Road. Road #52 ~ Highway 3 (St. Thomas Expressway to Highway 73). R.',"\ 451, _ Elm Str{','t. fr ,m C,'nt:C'nni..l AvC'nuC' t", St. TIl'.lm",,_ 61 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Page 6. The Minis-t'eY of Transportation and Communications SUbsidy Allocation in 1980"135 in 2 pal:'ts. a General Allocation of $l,302,OOO and a subsidy of $.5,000 on Ot"ainagn Assessments (subsidized at 50"/,.). The cost of the St. Thomas Suburban Roads COlllJllission expenditut'e t.o. the County of Elgin (and the City of St. Thomas) was $36,242.07. (This-also the effective contribution of the City toward Supurban Roads for 1980~) The net. cost. to the County of Elgin (including the County' 5 share of the- St. Thom1!-s SubuJ:'ban Road Commission expenditures) is estimated at $785,346.26. The Road lRvy for 1980 was originally $781,000. In addition, work was performed and materials sold totaling $934,635.54 including: 1. Work on boundary roads and bridges and invoiced to the Counties of Middlesex and Oxford. 2. Front Street steel bin wall erosion protection project for the Village of Port Stanley. 3. Engineering work on the Walkers Bridge (50",'0) invoiced to the County of Middlesex. 4. Priming and surface treatment for various Municipalities, and others including the City of St. Thomas and the Village of Glencoe, aI'ld the Counties of Lambton, Ke~t and Middlesex. 5. Work done, materials sold, paving contracts supervised, etc. for other municipalities, Federal and provincial Government, Conservation- Authorities, individuals, etc. In 1980 the Roads Department was requested to have trained personnel and insurance,. etc. ready for a possible Mosquito Control prograIlllllC. The net cost ot this Progratmle to the County was $468.30 (the Town of Aylmer paid for the _ cost of insuraI'lce). Total payment. vouchers in 1980 amounted to $4,063,223.87 (compared to $3,684,009..90 in 1979, $3,376,833.63 in 1978, $3,236,612 in 1977, and $2,741,000 in 1976). ALL OF WHICH IS RESPEctFULLY SIJBMITTED -c,j /7 5l ,/-\4:-<<// ,/', J-- \ r<: <i~'~ OI..!l-'tJol {!a-v.A-L.-e--l' %f'?:?/'~ ST. THOMAS SI1l3URB.AN ROADS COMMISSION STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES 1980 CONSTRI1CfION 1. RO<ld 22 (Fairview Avenue) asphalt t"esurfacing betwcen Roads 24 and 27. 2. Construction Road 22 (Fairview Avenue) in Yarmouth Townsh1p frOlll St. Thomas City limits to Road 27. 3. Road 30 (Radio Road) completion. of constt"Uction, etc. 4. Road 31 (Dalewood Road) Completion of construction, etc. 5. Road 52 from Road 30 to Highway 3, completion of construction (new St. Thomas Expressway). 6. Land Purchase. TOTAL MAINTENANCE A_ Bridges 2 CULverts B- - Roadside Maintenance ... I Grass CUtting 2 Tree Cutting - 4 Drainag(> Roadsid<, Maintenancc - 7 Drilinagc Aso;cssments l-l Weed Sprilying C - liard Top M.."Iintcnance (Paved Roads) f~"p.,f.." t<> l':tv.'m(>nt Swt'<,ping Shoulder Maintenance 4 Surface Tre<ltment 63 $ ___!7.lgj~2j_ ___3~.l23~~]~_ _____12~:E2_ 27.83 ':"_____~22:2!_ ---!!!!2~::2_ 97.688.03 $ __.____~22:12_ ______~~~:~2_ _____2!.2~=~2 ____!!1.22::~~ ____!~.!222.:~! 801.87 --~---------- ________~2.:~ -----~!.~~~.:~~ _____Z.!~~Z:.~2 _____~.!l~2.:~; _____21.~~!.:!~ ____32!~~~.:~~ 64 ST. THOMAS SlJBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION STATEME."fI'Of EXPENDITURES 1980 D _ Loose Top Maintenance. (Gravr~l Roads) Gradil1g 3 Dust Layer 4 Prime 5 Gravel R{'surfacing E _ Winter Control (total) $52,023.70 Snow Plowing Sanding & Salting 3_ Snow Fence 4 Winter Standby F _ Safety Devices P'JVCll\('nt. Markin,", _ 2 Signs 3 Guide Rail 4 Railroad Protectfon Overhead Charges, including Superintendence, Office. Clerical, Garage, etc. Tar AI. Draindgc Assessments It.ems Not Su.bsidized by Ministry of Transportation and Communications TOTAL EXPENDITURE BY St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission TOTAL EXPENDITURE SUBSIDIZED AT OPERATIONAL RATE CALCULATION OF AMOUNT PAYABLE BY CITY OF ST. TIlOMAS Ministry of Transportation and Communications Subsidy Ratt' '>n operations for 1980 was calculated to be 74.4277. on all items (except items not. for subsidy) is $210,027.93 50"/. of Balance of $72,165.26 is Page 2. $_RR_!=.t.2~!h2~R ----~:.!Q~.:Q~- ____~:.2~~.:~L ____1:.1l!2.:~1.. ____2l~~2.:1~_ _....~~l~~l.:2Z_ ____2z~~.:~~_ "'R__~l~~2.:~2.. ____~.t~~~.:~~_ ____,:..z~Q2.:~!_ ______~~~.:~1_ ____~l222.:~2~ ___31.t~~~.:~_ $ 184.505.16 ______!:l'l.!-__R_ -_.._--~!~.:~~- $ 282.512.07 $ 28-2.193.19 $ _.._~~l~~!':~~__ ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES 1980 Items Not For Subsidy 50%. of $318.88 TOTJili PAYABLE by City of Sr. Thomason 1980 Operations PLUS: Deficit from 1979. LESS: City of St. Thomas Contribution for 1980. Deficit to 1981 dpe=tions. Page 3. .___.t~~~~L __lfi1.;1.~~~QL ___~!Z~~.:~~_ __~Z~~~2.:2~_ $ 8.432.07 65 66 MAINTENANCE The following is a summary of the total maintenance on both County and Suburban Roads. NOTE: Letters and numbers correspond to Ministry of Transportation - and Comminications Account NumbcX's. A _ ClIlverts and Bridges Bridges $___,.3}.1.01-J.:..6}. CUlveJ::ts ____..3.l1!J..?.:_O_4.. B _ Roadside Maintenance Grass CUtting ___}~.!~:J.:2J_ 2 Tree CUtting ___22.2221.:2_0. 4 O%:ainage ___2~.!J2~!L Roadside Maintenance, Washouts, etc. ____l~lJ~.:~l_ 6 Tree Planting ..__!!2EE.:~]_ _ 7 Drainage- Assessments (repairs only) ______~2~~j.:L _ 11 Weed Spraying ___!2.l~]1:E!_ C _ Hard Top Maintenance (Paved Roads) Repairs to Pavement ___2~l~!!:~2.;. SW!'<,pin~(.Sc(' .,1:0;0 EI~in SW~c[l('r und("r ItNIls Not Fur Subsidy) ___!~.l:1!.:1~_ Shoul der Maint.:onanc:c ___:~.lg~.:~Q_ 4 Surface Tr~atment ___2Z.l2!b2!:_ D _ Loose Top Maint~nanc~ (Gr..vel Roads) Grading Gravel Roads _w_~h2!3:~~_ Dust Control (Calcium Chloride) __w!:2J.~~2:.~~_ 4 Dust Control (Prime) __._h~'!?:.~~_ _ 5 Gravel Resurfacing ___~lll.r~2:.~r. 67 MAINTENANCE -COUNl'Y AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS (Continued) Pagt' 2. E _ Winter Control (Tot"l) Snow Plowing ___Zh22~.:Q!L S;l~t ing and S"ndiny. ._!2~~3!J~.:12_ ~;now I'\'n<:( ___l~~gi~&l_ _ 4 Standby ___1~.Jj-19.:~L 1980 Winter Control. County & St. Thomas Suburban Roads Colllmission $ 260,442.69 1979 Winter Control County & St. Thomas Suburban Roads COlImission $ 359,431.00 1978 Winter Control County & St. ThOln:lS Suburban Roads COlIIlIission $ 315,003.94 1977 Winter Control County & St. Thomas Subut"han Roads Commission $ 359,095.00 F _ Safety Dcvi~es Pavement Marking $ ___1~J122~2~_ - 2 Signs ___!:2.J2!g:~2_ Guide Rail s ____1.Jl11:1J. t. f{ailr<>,l<.l Pi:<ll;,'cti"n ____0.J2!!J.:l~ TOTAL $1,006.348.07 OVERTIEAD - COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1. S-upcrintcndcnc<', induding County Engineer. Superintendent,>. and vehicles. $___J_O.!..5JJ_'..o..o__ 2. 1;1,,,,.;,,;,1. ___~~...._q.!l_9_.!~~_ 1. Orf,,,,,. ____1..s.!2!1I:2~~_ 4. {;.lrilg('s (White> St,lt iom & Rodn('y), Stock l'. Tim('k('cpcr,>. Milint('n.lnce., etc. ___!~~_6_8}_..:~__ S. Tools and Mi,>ccU"n('ous Repairs. ____2..9.!.?6..5_..?_C!._ f,.I{..l<li". _____~~~':2...~~':_ 7. '['raffic Counts & Nc('ds Study U"pdat... ____.7-"}..':.tI....:_8__. 8. Training Courses. ____J.1..:t~{...'i_':._ q-. Permits. ________8_11.._~~_CR. In. Misc('llanj>ous Insurance. _____hgt':..~L_ (Continued) 68 ciVERllEAIl ;;. COUNTY AI";[)- 51'. TIlOHAS. SUBURBAN ROADS (Cc>ntinUl;'d) 11. R;habilitdti'ln ,,[ \<lhitc Stilti,;m-Gr,wC'J Pit :md g('0('ra1 c1NlnUP of G"rilg~ gr,'und:>. 12. Machinery OvC'r1W,H.I c,~sts. iJ. SC'vcr:,nc:C' r"y n': "ormC'r lls,;ist"nt En"in,'<'r :mu I..l').:a.] F('c,;. TOTAl. OVERHEAD Pag(' 3. $______~~~:.I!~ _;.__U.22~~12 ____~.i.1!.!:!:.22 $ 272.586.54 69 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That the request from the London Free Press to allow committee meetings to be opened to media coverage be not granted. 2. That the letter from the Ministry of Intergovern- mental Affairs requesting names of anyone interested in attending a seminar on The Provincial Offences Act and municipal by-law enforcement be filed. 3. That the resolution from the City of Burlington requesting the phasing out of the constraints on apportion- ment of equalized assessment, for apportionment of Regional and School Board costs be filed. 4. That the letter from the Thames Valley District Health Council explaining the appointment of Municipal appointees term of office be received and filed for infor- mation. 5. That the letter from the Thames Valley District Health Council re: the reporting of attendance for our appointee to the Council be filed. 6. That the Board of Education be advised that the out- come of the resolution from the City of Stratford would adversely effect thepreserit system of trustee representation and Council is opposed to it. 7. That the resolution from the Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk to require the Province to follow the environmental assessment process, with respect to the estab- lishment of a Permanent Liquid Industrial Waste Treatment Facility, in the Town of Haldimand, be filed. 8. That the resolution from the County of Grey, requesting the Province not to pass legislation implementing the Ministry of Health Core Programs, be tabled for further information. 9. That any local board or Committee to which County Council makes appointments must receive Council's approval prior to anyone being appointed to a further board, in order to receive payment for his attendance on the second board. 10. That the letter from A.C.R.O. re: The Proposed Health Protection Act be tabled for further information. 11. That By-Law No. 1687, which establishes a County Museum, be amended, to allow for the appointment .of the seven members of the Board to be made in December instead of January. 12. That the following be appointed as members of the Local Government Liaison Committee to meet with representatives of the City: Warden Monteith Reeve Glover Reeve Fleck and W~rden Monteith be named Chairman. 13. That the Clerk-Treasurer re-order 1,000 pens similar to the burgundy ones presently in use. 70 - 2 - 14. That the Aylmer Express Limited be awarded the printing of the 1980-81 proceedings at $4.25 per printed page. 15. That a resolution by Council be passed requesting that the legislation be amended to allow municipal appointees to the Thames Valley District Health Council to become voting members immediately upon appointment. 16. That Mr. Arthur Miskelly be paid $100.00 for his attendance at the Board of the Lake Erie Regional Library System-negotiating meetings during 1980. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. K F1J c~1 k' ~ '-771~ FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That we subscribe to a full page advertisement in the St~ Thomas Rotary Music Festival program, at a cost of $25.00 and repeat previous year's advertisement. 2. That the information and registration form for the Children's Services Workshop to be held February 5th, 1981, be received and filed. 3. That the letter from the Ministry of Intergovern- mental Affairs requesting a review of-the amount of security bonds on the municipal staff members and the letter from the Roads Department be filed and the fidelity bond increased to $300,000.00. 4. That the 1981 membership fee of $250.00 be paid to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario. 5. That the following constitute the Board of the Elgin County Pioneer Museum for 1981: Mrs. J. Gowan Young, Mrs. Donald Vicary, Mrs. Carmen Jefferies, Mrs. C. D. McAlpine, Mrs. A. V. Langton and the Elgin County Council representatives. 6. That the request for memberhip in the Rural Qntario Municipal Association be filed. 7. That the 1981 membership fee of $844.34 be paid to the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario. 8. That the Treasurer be authorized to continue monthly payments to the Children's Aid Society and the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit, on the basis of the 1980 approved budgets, until the 1981 budgets are established and approved by their respec- tive Ministries. 9. That Council pass a resolution setting forth the per diem and mileage rates to be paid County Council appointees to the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit Board,in accordance with Section 389f(1) of The Municipal Act. 10. That membership fees in the Municipal Clerks and Treasurer's Association, in the amount of $60.00 each, be paid for the Clerk-Treasurer and Deputy Clerk-Treasurer. 11. That the copy of a letter from the Ministry of Community and Social Services to the Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin re; 1981 budget be received and filed. 12. We recommend that Council pass a resolution designat- ing the route of the Talbot Trail through Elgin County. 13. That the requests for grants be tabled to be dis- cussed at the regular meeting to be held February 18th, 1981 and delegations invited into the meeting. 14. That the representatives on the Children's Aid Society attending the workshop on Children's Services be paid Committee pay and mileage. 71 72 - 2 - 15. That the Warden be authorized to send a letter to the Governor-General urging him to come to tour the farming areas of Elgin during his visit to St. Thomas on the occasion of the Centennial. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ;'< // /rI~d. K. M. Kelly, Chairman. ~.~:I /7 m~4. 73 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council. The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That Restricted Area By-Law 112-80 dealing with the zoning of the Military Museum site. received from the City of St. Thomas be received and a copy be forwarded to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum for their information. 2. That authority be given to have an additional radiator, presently located in the Jail Building, installed in the visiting judges' retiring room to provide additional heat as required. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. /h~,~ Ll,fUl!tL<< D. H. Pearson, Chairman. t.:.,..~l/ *,T '/?1~:A:4 74 SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Social Services Committee ~eports as follows: 1. That the request from the Aylmer Preschool Day Care Centre, The Ostrander Nursery School and The St. Thomas Day Nursery for an increase in the per diem rate, for day care services, from $9.50 to $10.00 be approved. 2. That the request from the First Baptist Weekday Nursery for an increase in the per diem rate for day care services, from $7.50 to $8.00 be approved. 3. That we approve of the new rates for the Canadian Red Cross Society Homemaker Services of $5.00 per hour (from $4.85), effective January 1st, 1981 subject to the approval of the Ministry of Community and Social Services for subsidy purposes. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. 7 ;bJl .?C~ /l.?'1f/YJ'V. E. Neukamm, Chairman. C,,~I ~?- J7/rJ,5'4 RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1~8l To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Reception and Entertainment Committee reports as follows: 1. We recommend that the Warden1s Banquet be held on Friday, November 6th, 1981 at St. Anne1s Parish Hall. 2. That the Golf Day be held on July 9th; 1981, at Pleasant Valley Golf Course with arrangements to be made by Reeve Glover and Deputy Reeve Pearson. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~~>~ E. H. Marr, Chai rman. c,~f F .:#lc.:z;~ 75 76 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-1 "BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH THE SALARY OF THE ASSISTANT ENGINEFR FOR THE COUNTY OF ELGIN." The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: That the salary of the Assistant Engineer shall be - $1,129.65 biweekly effective January 5th, 1981 $1,176.73 biweekly effective July 5th, 1981. 2. That By-Law No. 80-59 be, and the same is hereby repealed. 1. 3. That this By-Law shail become effective January 5th, 1981. READ a first time this 21st day of January, 1981. READ a second time this 21st day of January. 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of January, 1981. ~~- G. C. Leverton, Clerk. / dO cry,.,5ii0i K. E. Monteith, Warden. 77 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-2 "BEINGABY~LAWTO'ESTABLISH RATES OF PAY FOR PART TIME EMPLOYEES." WHEREAS certain positions only require persons to work less than-full time; and WHEREAS it is necessary in some instances to engage a person for a short period of time. . adopted: THEREFORE the following rates be a~d ar~ hereby L ELGIN- MANOR Barber }llO.OO per month Beauticiim $40.00 per day. 2. TERRACE.LODGE Beautician $40.00 per day. 3. CLEn:rCAL Experienced $5.95 per hour InexperiEmced $4.95 per hour. 4. That BywLaw No. 79-56 be, and the same is hereby repealed. 5. That this by-t'"aw become effect.ive Januuy lSt, 1981. READ a first time this 21st day of January, 1981. READ a 'second time this 21st day _ of" January. 1981. READ a third time and finally passed ~his 21st day of January, 1981. ~~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. % E. <=1-:5i::w K. E. Monteith, Warden. 78 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-3 "BEING A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A LAND DIVISION COMMI'I'TEE~". WHEREAS Section 30 of The Planning Act provides for the con- stitution and appointment of a Land Division Committee; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin-enacts as follows: 1. That a Land Division Committee is :hereby constituted and the following persons are hereby appointed to membership on the said Cemmi ttee: . Murray C. Benner - to hold office until J~nuary 1, 1982 Lorne R. Carroll - to hold office until January 1, 1982 Noble G. Tufford - to hold office until January I, 1982 Fred S. Shively - to hold office until January 1, 1983 Alistair Littlejohn - tb hold office until January I, 1983 John V. McKinlay - to hold offi~e until January 1. 1984 H. Paul deRyk - to hold office until January 1. 1984. 2. That the members of the Land Division Committee be paid the following remuneration for attending meetings of th~ said Committee: (a) In attending a meeting of the Committee when it is held in both the forenoon and-afternoon or evening of the, ?ame day - $60.00 (b) For attending a meeting of the Committee when it is held in either the forenoon, afternoon or the evening - $35.00 (c) In addition to the above remuneration each member shall be paid"the following rate for each mile necessarily travelled in attending such meetings: 30t per mile. 3. For attending a convention. when authorized by County Council: (a) Within a radius of 300 miles of St. Thomas. One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per day, plus reglstra~ion fee (b) Outside a radius of 300 miles of St,. J'homas, One Hundred Dollars ($IOO~OO) per day. plus registration fee, plus single air fare rates -from-London airport' to the site of the con- vention -and return. 4. Each member shall be paid, in addition to the above remuner- ation, $10.00 for each application which he investigates. 5. 6. That By-Law No. 80-45 be, and the same is hereby repealed. That this by-law become effective January 1st, 1981. READ a first time this 21st day of January. 1981. READ a second time this 21st day of January. 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of January. 1981. .....-:::k-/~.~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. /,7: ~~ K. E. Monteith. Warden. 79 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-4 '~j "BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND-SCHEDULE'''A'' OF BY-LAW NO. 80-11. APPOINTING COUNTY AUDITORS." WHEREAS By-Law No. 80-11' appoints the firm of Deloitte, Haskins & Sells as County Auditors;. and WHEREAS Schedule "A" of the said By-Law sets forth the maximum annual audit fees to be charged for' the various departme~ts; and WHEREAS the fee for the ,Museum is being increased due to additional work required by the Province. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Counci~' of the Corpo- rati~n of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That By-Law No. 80-11 be amended by deleting "Schedule A" and substituting "Schedule A" of this by-law in its place. 2. That the schedule of fees shown shall be effective for audit work required in connection with the year ending December 31st, 1980. ~? READ a first time this 21st day of January. 1981. READ a secord time this 21st day of January, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this ~lst day of January, 1981. G. C. Leverton. Clerk. ,r ,E: ~.",L32/ K. E. Monteith, Warden. ~~~ 8Q By-Law No. 81-4 SCHEDU:LE "A" Annual fees for audit services shall not exceed the amounts as set out below - County Administration ROads Social Services SUB.:c.TOTAL Library Museum (including preparation of !4's) Elgin Manor Terrace Lodge TOTAL $ 4'.250.00 1,250.00 500.00 $ 6.000.00 750.00 250.00 2,100.00 1>750.00 $10,850.00 8.1 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-5 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAWNQ. 80-8, ESTABLISHING REMUNERATION FOR ATTENDING.CONVF.NTTnNS." WHEREAS By-Law. No. 80-8 sets forth amounts to .be paid and conditions under which they may be paid, for attend- ance at conventions; and WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend the pro- visions to allow reimbursement of registration fee only, when the person attending a convention is unable to present a hotel bill. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That Clause 1 of By-Law No. 80-8 be amended by adding the following sub-section: (1) Anyone attending a convention may be reimbursed for his registration fee only, where he/she does not have a hotel bill and it shall be considered as one of the three allowable con- ventions. 2. That this by-law become effective January 1st, 1981. READ a first time this 21st day of January, 1981. READ a second time this 21st day of January, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of January, 1981. ~~'fr-.-J G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~d'"~~Fv K. E. Monteith, Warden. 82 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-6 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 1687 WHICH ESTABLISHES A COUNTY MUSEUM." WHEREAS By-Law No. 1687, passed the 21st day of November, 1956, sets forth the establishment, operation and management of the Elgin County Pioneer Museum; and WHEREAS appointments to the "Executive Committee", detailed in paragraph 4, are to be made annually by County Council, at its January Session; and WHEREAS County Council now meets for a first time as a Council in December of each year, as opposed to January when By-Law No. 1687 was passed; and WHEREAS it would deem to be advisable to make the appointments to this Board coincide vith other Council appointments. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1- section it with That By-Law No. 1687 be amended .by deleting 2 of paragraph 4, entitled "ORGANIZATION" and the following: replace "4. ORGANIZATION- (2) The said committee shall comprise seven members to be appointed annually by County Council at its first meeting after a regular election, and at the first meeting in the second year of its term as follows: Two members from the County Council One frbm nominees of each of the following: _ The East Elgin District of the Women's Institute _ The West Elgin District of the Women's Institute _ The Municipal Chapter of the Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire _ The Council of the Corporation of the City of St. Thomas _ The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin (the nomination in this case to be of a person other than a member of the County Council)." READ a first time this 21st day of January, 1981. READ a second time this 21st day of January, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of January, 1981. ._~~~Yd-:.-../ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ff?v4"D.-/ K. E. Monteith, Warden. 83 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-7 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF A.COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND LONDON AND DISTRICT SERVICE WDRKERS'UNION. LOCAL 220, S.B.I.U.. A.F.L.. C.I.D.. C.t.C. WITH RESPECT TO THE CORPORATION'S FULL TIME EMPLOYEES AT THE ELGIN MANOR." WHEREAS the London and District Service Workers1 Union, Local 220, by certificate dated December 20th, 1972. is the certified bargaining agent for the employees of Elgin Manor, save and except Supervisors, persons above the rank of Supervisor. Registered Nurses, Office Staff. persons reg- ularly employed for not more than twenty-four hours per week, and students employed during the school vacation period; and WHEREAS negotiations have taken place over a period of time, between the County and the Union, towards establish- ing orderly collective bargaining relations and. providing an orderly procedure for the disposition of grievances and defining working conditions and terms of employment for all employees who are represented by the Union, in the form of a Collective Agreement; and WHEREAS agreement has now been reached by both parties on the said procedure~ conditions and terms 9f employ- ment to be included in an agreement to cover the period October 19th, 1980 to October 18th, 1981. NOW THEREFORE it is hereby enacted that the Warden and Clerk of the County of Elgin be and are hereby empowered to sign the Collective Agreement (hereto attached as Schedule A) between the County of Elgin and the London and District Service Workers' Union, Local 220, S.E.I.U., A.F.L., C.I.D., C.L.C., setting forth collective bargaining relations, dis- position of grievances and to define working conditions and terms of employment for all employees of Elgin Manor, repre- sented by the said Union. . READ a first time this 21st day of January, 1981. READ a second time this 21st day of January, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of January, 1981. G. C. Leverton. Clerk. '7'// .~_E_V; K. E. onte~th, Warden. _~k,v 84 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-8 "BEING A BY-LA\.J TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF A COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ET.r.IN AND LONDON AND DISTRICT SERVICE WORKERS' UNION, LOCAL 220, B.R.Lli., A.LL.. C.I.O., c.L.e., WITH RESPECT TO THE CORPORATION'S PART-TIME EMPLOYEES AT THE ELGIN MANOR." WHEREAS the London and, District Service Workers I Union, Local 220, by certificate dated September 30th, 1974, is the certified bargaining agent for the employees of Elgin Manor, who are regularly employed for not more thantwenty~ four hours per week, save and except Supervisor, persons above the rank of Supervisor-, Registered Nurses, Office Staff, and students employed during the school vacation period; and WHEREAS negotiations have taken place over a period of time, between the County and the Union, towards establish- ing orderly collective bargaining relations and providing an orderly procedure for the disposition of grievances and defining working conditions and terms of employment for all part-time employees who are represented by the Union, in the form of a Collective Agreement; and WHEREAS agreement has now been reached by both pa.rties on the said procedure, conditions and-terms of employ- ment to be included in an agreement to cover the period October 19th, 1980 to October 18th, 1981. NOW THEREFORE it is hereby enacted that the Warden and Cler~ of the County of Elgin be and are hereby empowered to sign the Collective Agreement (hereto attached as Schedule A) between the County of Elgin and the London and District Service Workers' Union, Local 220, S.E.I.U., A.F.L., C.I.O., C.L.C., setting forth collective bargaining relations, dis- position of grievances,and to define working conditions and terms of employment for all part~time employees of Elgin Manor, represented by the said Union. READ a first time this 21st day of January, 1981. READ. a second time this 21st day of January, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of January, 1981. :k-/'-<..-.c._----<_--< y'"."",. G. C. Leverton; Clerk. K C~ 4~~)/ K. E. Monteith, l.J'arden. 85 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81~9 "BEING ABY~LAW TO SET THE DAILY REMUNERATION TO BE PAID TO MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNcIL-FOR ATTF.NnAN~F. ~T MEETINGS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIl. ANn ConMMTT'fRF.S THEREOF." The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: l~. .--.. _ That the .f611owirig remuneration be paid ~oeach member of the Elgin County Council, with the exception of the Warden, for attending meetings of the Council and Committees thereof: (a) For attending a meeting, when the said meeti~g is held in both the forenoon and afternoon or evening on the same day ~ $60.00 (b) For attending a meeting when the said meeting is held in either the forenoon, afternoon or evening - $35.00 (c) In addition to the aboveremtineration each member shall be paid the following rate for each mile necessarily travelled in attending. such meetings: 30~ per mile. 2. That By-Law No. 80-7 be, and the same is hereby repealed. 3. That-this by-law become effective 'January 1st, 1981. READ a first time this 21st day of January, 1981. READ a second time this 21st day of January, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of January, 1981. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ""T' ~ C~O<-Z::C/ K. E. Monteith, Warden. ~-A--~ -r:-~">-J 86 COUNTY OF ELG IN By-Law No. 81-10 "BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH THE ANNUAL .REMUNERATION TO BE PAID TO THE HARDEN OF THE COUNTY OF F.T,GIN." WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to establish the annual remuneration to be paid to the Warden of the County of Elgin. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the annual remuneration of th~ Warden of the County of Elgin for attending meetings of the Council, meetings of the various Committees and Local Boards and per- forming all other duties applicable to his office, shall be Nine Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars ($9,500.00) per annum, payable in twelve equal instalments. 2. In addition to the annual remuneration established in Clause (1) the Warden shall be paid the convention expenses allowed by Council for attending conventions outside the municipality; plus the following rate for each mile travelled in attending meetings of County Council, County Council Committee meetings and meetings of Local Boards in which the County of Elgin is involved: 3. car:d upon on behalf 30~ per mile. That the Warden be provided with a telephone credit which to charge long distance telephone calls made of the County of Elgin. That By-Law No. 80-6 be, and the same is hereby 4. repealed. 5. That this by-law become effective January 1st, 1981. READ a first time this 21st day of January, 1981. READ a second time this 21st day of January, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of January, 1981. G. C. Leverton, Glerk. ~ .F <4,k-/ K. E. Monteith, Warden. ~,-""--,-_.,-,-,.".(',,..--,,-..../ 87 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-11 "A BY-LAW rOCONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE JANUARY SESSION. 1981." WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By~Law; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed arid adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration -of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meet- ings held during the January 1981 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 21st day of January, 1981. READ a secoud time this 21st day of January, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of January, 1981. _.~<-<--<.~,-<--,y.....-.---.... G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~ [ <'=;;:~ Z)j K. E. Monteith, Warden. 88 February Session - First Day Wednesday, the 18th day of February, 1981 The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Mun~cip~l Building, St,' Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. RobertF. Coles, recently appointed Reeve of the Village of Rodney, to replace the late Albert Liebner, having previously filed_a cextificate of appointment, took his seat at the Council Table. Warden Monteith welcomed Reeve Coles. County Council"held aminute of silence in lIlernory of the late Reeve Albert Liebner, who passed away suqdenly on February 3rd, 1981. ROLL CALL - All Members present except: Deputy Reeve Pettit. Moved by Reeve Shaw Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson That the minutes of the January 1981 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried '. The following Communications were read and referred to the variousCommittees~ 1. From the Premier of Ontario requesting co-operation of all municipalities and school boards, to help make the 10 per cent Canadian preference purchase policy more successful. - Referred to the County Government Committee. 3. , From the Elgin County Library Board requesting that the appointm~nt of Mr. ,A. Miskelly; as t~eCountx representative to the Lake Erie Regional Library System Board, be ratified by County Council. - Referred to the Coun~y Government~o~mittee. 4., From the Elgin County Library Board requesting that the County give consideration,to the Port Stanley Council's request for a grant. - Referred to the Finance Committee. 5. From The London Symphony Orchestra w~th a request for a grant to cover the costs of four concerts throughout Elgin County. _ Referred to the Finance Committee. 6. From the Borough of York with a resoiution urging the Province to legislate, as soon as possible, the proposed Ontario Fire Code with specific inclusion of (Part 9), dealing with up- dating of fire safety standards where required. - Referred to the County Government Committee. 7. passing Section From the Village of Port Stanley with notice of the of By-Law No. 1989, to regulate land use pursuant to 35 of The Planning Act. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 8. From the Township of Yarmouth w~th not~ce of the pass~ng of By-Law No. 2598, to regulate land use pursuant to Sect~on 35 of The Planning Act. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 9. From Souvenir Canada with sample of a lapel pin and offer to produce a free sample for the County. - Referred to the County Government Committee. 10. From the Thames Valley District Health Council with a copy of the Evacuation Plan for Thames Valley Facilities, and request that Elgin adopt it as part of our contingency procedures in a municipal disaster plan. - Referred to the County Government Committee. 89 - 2 - 11. From the Regional Municipality of Hamilton-Wentworth with a resolution requesting a change be made in the legislation, regarding persons carrying aRd using firearms. when taking part in a criminal act. - Referred to the County Government Committee. 12. From the County of Brant with resolution petitioning the Minister of T~ansportation and Communications to, postponeindefi_ nitely the implementation of subsidization for roads grants. on the same basis as urban municipalities. ~ Referred to the Roads Committee. 13. From the Township of Malahide with a copy of a proposed by-law no. IB79.toclose certain road allowances in Lot 4, Concession 1, MalahideToWnship, Registered Plan No. 227. _ Re- ferred to the Roads Committee. 14. From the Land Division Committee with request for mileage to be paid for the Secretary-Treasurer, for attending the Township of Malahide public meeting on land severance policies. _ Referred to the County Government Committee. 15. From the Land Division Committee with request for member- ship in the Provincial (Ontario) Association of Committees of Adjustment and Land Division Committees for the Secretary-Treasurer and also that the seven members and Secretary-Treasurer be allowed to attend the annual convention. -Referred to the County Gov~rn- ment Committee. 16. From the Township of Bayham with a copy of Drainage By-Law No. 2057 [Corinth Drain (1980)]. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 17. From The Council for Canadian Unity with information on Canada Week (June 25th - July 1st). - Referred to the County Government Committee~ 18. From the Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs with information on the decision of the Division Court on January 16th, 1981, involving the validity of a prosecution under a City of Toronto parking by-law. _ Referred to the Roads Committee. 19. From the Minister of Transportation and Communications with copy of Memo 81-1"C" re: Traffic Signals. _ Referred to the Roads Committee. 20. From Mr. C. I. Black, Chairman of the Thames Valley District Health Council, with clarification of the municipal appointments to the Council. - Referred to the County Government Committee. 21. From the Ministry of Community and Social Services with the second edition of the data packages supporting the new funding system being introduced for C.A.S. budgets. _ Referred to the County Government Committee. 22. From the Ministry of the Environment with notice of an "Environmental.Assessment Workshop for Municipal Staff" to be held in London. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 23. From the Village of Port Stanley Committee of Adjustment with notice of public hearing for a minor variance, by the Royal Canadian Legion, ,set for Tuesday, February 3rd, 1981, at 8:00 P.M. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 24. From the County of Peterborough with a copy of a letter, addressed to Mr. R. W. Houldin, of the Ministry of the Environment, requesting Ontario Hydro and other agencies to notify Counties of pending projects, similar to other classes of municipalities. _ Re- ferred to the Roads Committee. 25. . From the Clerk of the Standing Committee on Social Development, advising that they will meet February 23rd to cons~der Bill 209, An Act to revise and extend Protection of Human Rights in Ontario. - Referred to the County Government Committee. 90 _ 3 _ County Council, February Session, 1981 35. From the City of St. Thomas advising of the membership for the Local Government Liaison Committee. - Referred to the County Government Committee. 38. From the Township of Malahide with notice of application to The Ontario Municipal Board for approval of By~Law No. 1960, passed pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 41. From The London Free Press with a copy of a letter to Dr. Davidson Dunton, Chariman. Ontario Press Council, requesting that the Press Council endorse its efforts to open committee meetings. - Referred to the County Government Committee. 45. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with copy of Memo No. 81...;,3 re: "Dust Layers, Asphaltic Surfaces". - Referred to the Roads Committee. The following Communications were read and ordered filed: 2. From the Minister of Culture and Recreation announcing the re-opening of the Wintario Capital Grants Program. 26. From T. W. Cross, Director~ Environment Approvals Branch, with a copy of a letter to Ontario Hydro, requesting that IIl0cal" municipalities will be interpreted to include Counties for the purposes of Condition l(a) of the approval. 27. From the University of Western Ontario announcing a one- day short course on "Industrial Ergonomics'~. 28. From Bates, Thouard, Tierney & Brown offeringthei:r services of risk management, with the establishment of a Government Consulting Group within their firm. 29. From the Bank of Montreal advising that effective January 30th, 1981, the Bank's Prime Municipal rate is 18%. 30. . From the Minister of Housing advising of the transfer of the Ontario Home Renewal Program to a separate "Housing Renovation and Energy Conservation Unit" within the Ministry. 31- receipt District From Mr. Jim McGuigan, M.P.P. (Kent-Elgin), acknowledging of our letter ~egarding appointments to the Thames Valley Health Council. 32. From the Ministry of Community and Social Services with a copy of the November 1980 edition of the Children's Aid Society Early Warning System. 33. From the Minister of Health with a copy of a letter addressed to Mr. Jim McGuigan,M.P.P., assuring him that the views of the local committee on central ambulance dispatch, are being consid~red. 34. From the Elgln and St. Thomas Housing Authority advising that effective January 1st, 1981, the residency requirement, for geared-to-income housing, has been changed to being a resident of the Province of Ontario, for a minimum of twelve months prior to application being filed. 36. Fro~ the Ministry of Culture and Recreation with an information package, with respect to the resumption of the Wintario Capital Program. 37. that the taxes is From the Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs advising question of penalty interest rate on overdue property being reviewed. 39. From Richard Haddow with appreciation for being Council's representative on the Thames Vallay District Health Council for the past two years. - 4 - 40. From the Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with Allocation of Children In Care and Financial Statement for the month of January, 1981. 42. From the Thames Valley District Health Council expressing their sorrow at the passing of Rodney Reeve Mr. Albert Liebner. 43. From the Ontario Municipal Board with appointment for hearing of an appeal against a decision of the Land Division Committee set for March 23rd, 1981. 44. From the Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada with acknowledgement of the letter from Elgin re: the discontin- uance of the grants under the Community Services Contribution Program. 46. From the Liebner Family with appreciation for the flowers given in memory of Albert. CERTIFICATES OF MERIT Mr. Frank S. Jones, a Roads Department employee retired on January 31st, 1981 after approximately 18 years of service. He was presented with a watch, cheque and certificate of merit, by Warden Monteith and Reeve Shaw,. Chairman of the Roads Committee. Mr. John A. Anderson, Elgin Agricultural Representative, was present and it was moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm that he be now heard. Mr. Anderson reported on the various activities under his Ministry for the year 1980. He also introduced two new members of his staff, Mr. Jim Coffey, Assistant Agricultural Representative and Miss Bonnie Wilson, Home Economist. Warden Monteith introduced Miss Laura Spicer, a student at the University of Waterloo, who is enrolled in a Planning Course. She will be sitting in on the Council meeting, as part of her course requirements. A delegation from the Elgin County Plowmen's Association was present and it was moved by Reeve Caverly that they be now heard. Mr. Les Armstrong presented a copy of a financial statement to Council for the year ending December 31st, 1980. He reported on the local plowing match and also the status of the planning etc. for the 1985 International Plowing Match for Elgin. Raeve Caverly reported that Elgin's presentation at the Plowmen's Convention was very well received and commended the hard work of the local Association. Mr. Richard Anderson expressed appreciation for the support of Council in the past and due to the success of the 1980 match no need of financial assistance is being requested at this time. A delegation from the Elgin County Federation of Agriculture was present and it was moved by Reeve Kelly that they be now heard. Mr. Tom Ford addressed Council. A financial state- ment was presented to Council which contained a request for a County grant of $1,500.00. Warden Monteith referred their request to the Finance Committee. The University of Western Ontario had a delegation composed of Dr. Jessie MacFarlane, Dr. T. Guinsberg and Miss Karen Shaw present, and it was moved by Deputy Reeve Marr that they be now heard. Dr. Guinsberg, Dean of Part Time and Continuing Education addressed Council, reporting on the extension program. Miss Shaw also addressed Council, expressing her appreciation for the scholarship, and explaining how she found the University during her first and second year. Warden Monteith referred their request for financial assistance to the Finance Committee. 91 92 - 5 - County Council, February Session, 1981 A delegation from The Bohier Convalescent Home was present, composed of Mr. Donald Campbell, Mr~ Alistair Littlejohn and Mrs. Margaret McKillop. It was moved by Reeve Walters that they be'how heard. Mr. Littlejohn reviewed the history of the municipally-owned (Dutton-Dunwich) nursing home. The financial status for both operations as. well as capital expenses were detailed. A request of $60,000.00 was made of Council. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Wilson That as the hour is now 12:00 Noon, we continue on to finish the present business before adjourning. - Carried. Warden Monteith referred their request to the Finance Committee. A delegation, composed of Mr. S. Wiener, President, Mrs. R. E. Trimble, Secretary, and Miss Maggie Mitchell. Director, from The Art Gallery St. Thomas-Elgin was in attendance. It was moved by Reeve Emerson that they be now heard. Mr. .Wiener addressed Council, advising that the,Gallery was for everyone's benefit and that grants, from the Arts Council, could be termi- nated if more support was not obtained local~y. A request ~or $2,000.00 was made. Warden Monteith referred their request to the Finance Committee. Moved by Deputy Reeve Volkaert Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That we do now adjourn to meet again on February 18, 1981 at 2:00 P.M. - Carried. Council Re-Convened. A delegation from the Ministry of Natural Resources was present and it was moved by Reeve Shaw that they" be now heard. Mr. David Ward, District Parks Supervisor, addressed Council pointing out the need to close a portion of Chatham, Street (County Road #39) to be used for the construction of a sewage treatm8nt plant for the Village of Port Burwell. Considerable discussion took place, during which Reeve Bradfield advised that the Village did not now support the closing of the road allowance as it was not required for the treatment plant. Warden Monteith referred the matter to the Roads Committee. The First Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Shaw and adopted on motion of Reeve Shaw and Reeve Caverly. Reeve Reeve The Report of the Personnel Committee was, presented by Glover and adopted on motion of Reeve Glover and Deputy Marr. The Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Deputy Reeve Perovich. The Report of the Library Board was presented by Reeve Stewart and adopted on motion of Reeve Stewart and Reeve Shaw. The First Report of the Property Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Pearson and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Pearson and Reeve Farthing. The Treasurer's Statements an Remuneration and Expenses for the Members of Council and of Local Boards were presented to Council for the year 1980. - 6 - Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That the Treasurer's Statements on Remuneration and Expenses be accepted and printed in the proceedings. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Walters Seconded by Reeve Farthing That we do .nowadjournto meet again on February 18, 19B1 at .4:00 P.M. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Reeve' Caverly That a grant of $51,000.00 be provided in the 1982 Budget toward Capital Cost of the Village of Port Stanley Library. - Carried. Miss Laura Spicer expressed appreciation for allowing her to attend the Session and Committee meeting to-day. Moved by Reeve Farthing Seconded by Reeve Walters That we do now adjourn to meet again on February 19, 1981 at 1:00 P.M. ' - Carried. February Session - Second Day Thursday, the 19th day of February, 1981 The Elgin County Council met this day at 1:00 P.M., at the County Municipal Building, St. Tho~as, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLLCALL - All Members present except: Deputy Reeve Perovich Deputy Reeve Pettit Reeve Glover Deputy Reeve Wakeling. The First Report of the Finance Committee was presented by Reeve Kelly and adopted on motion of Reeve Kelly and Reeve Caverly. . Reeve Wilson reported that Deputy Reeve Pettit was in good spirits, in spite of having 'a cold. He hopes to be able to attend the next Session of County Council. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve McWilliam That we do now adjourn to meet again on February 19th, 1981 at 4:00 P.M. - Carried. Council Re-Convened. ROLL CALL _ All Members present'except: Deputy Reeve Perovich Deputy Reeve Pettit Deputy Reeve Wake ling. 93 94 _ 7 _ County Council, February Session, 1981 The Second Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Shaw and adopted on motion of Reeve Shaw and Deputy Reeve Haddow. The Second Report of the Property Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Pearson and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Pearson and Deputy Reeve Volkaert. The Report of the Social Services Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Neukarnm and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Neukamm and Reeve Fleck. The Report of the County Government Committe~ was pre- sented by Reeve Fleck and adopted on motion of Reeve Fleck and Reeve Bradfield. The Second Report of the Finance Committee was presented by Reeve Kelly and adopted on motion of Reeve Kelly and Reeve Caverly. Moved by Reeve Shaw Seconded by Reeve Walters That the statement of proposed work and expenditures on the County of Elgin Road System and the St. Thomas Suburban Road System as recommended in the Second Report of the County of Elgin Road Committee at the February 1981 Session of County Council as detailed in Recommendation #2. and totalling $3,402,000.00 be adopted and forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for approval. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Volkaert Seconded by Reeve Walters That a Supplementary Application for Subsidy money in the am~unt of $30,000.00 for ~unicipal Drainage Assessments on the County of Elgin Road System and the St.. Thomas Suburban Road System be made to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Shaw. That By-Law No. 81-12 "Being a By-Law fo Authorize the Execucion of an Agreement Between the County of Elgin and the County of Middlesex for the Division of Costs for the Building'of the \,)"alkers Bridge" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Shaw That By-Law No. 81-12 be read a second time. - Carried. MO'led by Reeve \.]11son Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson That By-Law No. 81-12 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Haddow Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That By-Law No. 81-13 "Being a By-Law Consenting to the Stopping Up and Closing of Road Allowances in the Township of !>lalahide" be rend a first time. - Carried. - 8 - Moved by Deputy Reeve Vo1kaert Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That By-Law No. 81-13 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Reeve Caverly passed .' That By-Law No. 81-13 be read a third time and finally - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Vo1kaert Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 81-14 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk of' the County of Elgin to Sign the 'Standard Forms of Agreement Between Client and Consulting Engi~eer' With Respect to the Design and Construction of the Walkers Bridgell be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Walters That By-Law No. 81-14 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Walters Seconded by Reeve Lashbrook That By-Law No. 81-14 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Walters That By-Law No. 81-1') "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the February Session, 1981" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Walters Seconded by Reeve Coles That By-Law No. 81-15 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Walters passed. That By~Law No. 81-15 be read a third time and finally - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Reeve Stewart That we do now adjourn to meet again on March 18. 1981 at 10:00 A.M. - Carried. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. K. E. Monteith. Warden. 95 '-./ ~ 96 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION 1981 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOW"S: 1. Tenders for the t:onstruc.tion of the Walkin~.s Bridge have been . called' to close on March 3, 1981. Tenders will be opened by the War~en and Road COllllllitteeChairman of Middlesex and Elgin ami-considered by the Committee,s on March 5, 1981. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a by~law be passed stating that the County of 'Elgin has no objections to the passing of the Township of Malahide By-Law #1879 closing Roads in Lot 4, Concession I, Malahide Township. The Roads are internal roads in t.he Wingate Lodge Property in Port Bruce. 2. That a by_law be passed aut.horizing the Warden and Clerk to sign an agreement with the County of Middlesex fOl: the building of the Walkel:s Bridge. 3. Tl1Clt a by_law be p'lsscd authorizing the Wat'dEm and Clel:k to sign an Clgt"eemcnt with R~ C. Dunn and Associates authorizing them to act as consulting engineers fot' the design and the building of the Walkers Bridge and authorizing the method of payment for sel:vices. The agreement is the Ministry of Tt'ansportation and Communications standard form on a time basis (rather than fce basis); Two (2) SCp:lr;ltc agreem"'nts aJ:'e rcquit'ed as the method of calculating fee,S arc- different. (!Jesign payroll costs arc multiplied byafa-ctor or 2 wJ,ere<lS the supervision of construction payroll costs arc multiplied by a fac~or of 1.7.) ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECfF1JLLY SUBMITTED ~ . - ..~.. f?!z qz~ ""'AN C~ ~/ y"",~~~ ~7 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That Mrs. Helen Small, R.N. at Elgin Manor, be credited with four years service, as of December 31st, 1980, having transferred from part~time (since April 1975) to full time (on June8~h, 1989) and that she be allowed three weeks vacation during 1981, 'with payment calculated at 6% of her earnings as~ full time employee during 1980. 2. We recommend to Council'that employees, whq will be given the opportunity to purchase back waiting periods and/or broken service, for the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (O.M.E.R.S.), be permitted to spread deductions over a period of no longer than thirteen pay periods (six months). 3. The firm of Thorne Stevenson & Kellogg Ltd. has commenced the updating of the job evaluation. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~c: s. .~' c L~?-V~v/ r 1<-' <?71~/Y 98 HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Gommittee reports as follows: l. Lodge be February That the per diem rate for Elgin Manor and Terrace increased from $23.35 to $25.35, effective 1st, 1981. 2. The Director has been authorized to have personnel attend seminars covering Energy Management in Chatham and "Joy of Aging" in Toronto. 3. The Director has been authorized to purchase a 1980 Malihu Classic four-door Station Wagon, at. a quoted price of $9,197.00, .plus tax and licence-, from Grant Motors (Straffordville) Ltd. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. /~~/?/),.(/\U/ K. C. Emerson, Chairman. e~tkd /r<-m~ 99 LIBRARY BOARD REPORT February Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members Qf the Elgin County Council, The Library Board reports as f'o],lows: 1. The second meeting of' the year was held February 3, 19$10 2. Discussions have been held with the Ministry of Culture and Recreation regarding special grants for Aylmer and Port St.anley. 3. The Librariai:L has met with Port Stanley Council and the staff' from Mr. Spriet' 5 office and working drawings of the new Port Stanley Library area are being prepared. 4. That the Board tour of the Branch Libraries will take place on April 27, 1981. 5. That Mr. Wells be authorized to attend the Ontario Plowmen's Association Convention February 16th & 17th and have his expenses paid. All of which is respectfully submitted. /,H~ JZ':: m-;;;t;- M. H. ewart Chairman C~d %J4~ 100 PRO~F.RTY COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1981 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of tQeElgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: L Insurance coverage has been increased as follows: Engineering coverage Municipal Office contents Property- Insurance Court House Registry Office County Engineer's Office Administration Office Garage FROM $ 500,000. 227,500. 1,014,000. 190,000. 92,000. 228,000. 12,000. TO $1,000,000. 256,600. 1,115,000. 209,000. 101 ,000. 251;000. 13,000. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~ D. H. Pearson, Chairman. c:.~ ~E'".~~ 101 TREASURER'S STATEMENT ON REMUNERATION AND EXPF.N~F.S February Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of ,the El~in County Council, I beg to submit the followlng itemized statement of the remuneration, mileage and expenses, paid to each Member of Elgin County'Council, during the calendar year ending December 31st, 1980: Remuneration and Mileage Council and Outside Committee ~ Conventions * By-Law No. 80-6 ~ .By-Law NO. 80-7 By-Law No. 79-1 By-Law No. 80-8 ~ Binks, M. E. $ 925~OO $ $ 938.00 $ 1,863.00 Bradfield, R, T. 1,307.50 577.50 983.00 2,868.00 Campbell, J. D. 1,400.00 1,400;00 Caverly, W. R. 1,581050 375.00 1,956.50 Emerson, K. C. 1.190.aO 994.80 648.00 2,832.80 Farthing~D. 149.50 149.50 Fischer, J. 551.00 453.50 710.00 1,714.50 Fleck, J. R. 1,312.00 275.00 1,587.00 Glover, S. J." 2,137.00 1,073.00 3,210.00 Green, R. A. 1,450.00 770.00 2,220.00 Haddow, R. 90.60 32.80 123.40 Hodgson, J. W. 2,048.00 1,123.00 3,171.00 Kelly-, K: M. 2,050.00 375.00 2,425.00 Lashbrook, H. T. 550.00 462.75 1,012.75 Lavereau, R. J. 94.00 34.50 128.50 Liebner, A. H. 820.00 963.00 1,023.00 2,806.00 Longhurst, L. A. * 8,431.00 19.25 2,181.06 10,631.31 Martyn, J. P. 459.00 410.00 300.00 1,169.00 Marr,' E. H. 152.00 152.00 McBrien, S. --R. 884.00 144.00 1,023.00 2,051.00 McWilliam, D. A. 158.50 158.50 Monteith, K. E. * 2,483.60 1,033.00 3,516.60 Neukamm, E. 1,169.00 425.00 1,594.00 Pearson, D. H. 130.00 130.00 Perovich, D. 115.00 115.00 Pettit, G. R. 444.50 477 .00 1,145.00 2,066.50 Phillips, C. D. 1,418.50 1,358.00 2,776.50 Ripley, M. E. 537.75 461.00 998.75 Shaw, L. J. 1,202.50 1,202.50 Stewart, M. H. 665.00 333.00 435.00 1,433.00 V01kaert, J. A. 160.00 160.00 Wakeling, J. L. 94.00 94.00 Walters, G. E. 870.00 255.00 1,125.00 Wilson, J. B. 905.00 275.00 1,180.00 Total $37,935.45 $5,618.10 $16,468.06 $60,021.61 ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ---,_..~~~ G. C. Leverton, County Treasurer. 102 TREASURRR'~ -S~ATEMENT ON REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES February Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, I beg to submit the following itemized. statement of the remuneration, mileage and expenses, paid to persons appointed to outside boards, during the calendar year ending December 31st, 1980 as authorized by By-Law No. 79-1 and By-Law No. 80-9: Name By-Law No. 79-1 Albert W. Auckland Richard L. Haddow Hazel 1. Lyons Arthur. T. Miskelly Colin-Morrison By-Law No. 80~9 Murray C. Benner Lorne R. Carroll H. Paul deRyk Alistair B. Littlejohn John V. McKinlay Fred s. Shively Noble G. Tufford Appointed to St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission Thames Valley District Health Council Elgin County Library Board Land Division Committee TOTAL ALL of which is respectfully submitted. Remuneration and Mileage Conventions Total $ 150.00 $ 135.00 $ 285.00 1,510.00 1,510.00 465.00 465.00 252.00 252.00 ~ 475.00 1,192.00 1,192.00 1,458.75 1,458.75 1,675.00 518.00 2,193.00 1,386.00 1,386.00 1,165.00 518.00 1,683.00 1,474.50 1,474.50 1,547.50 1,547.50 1,234.00 1,234.00 9,940.75 1,036.00 10,976.75 $12,792.75 $1,171.00 $13,963.75 ~'-<--~.-< h.-. G. C. Leverton, County Treasurer. 103 FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1981 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That the 1981 Proposed Library b~dget be received. 2. That the Bobier Convalescent Home be granted $25,000.00 a year. for two years, towards the capital expend- iture, commencing in 1981. 3. That the Young Men's Christian Association of Elgin- St. Thomas request for a grant be not approved and they be advised to contact the local municipalities receiving the service, similar to 1980. 4. We recommend that the following grants be included in the 1981 budget: Canadian National Institute for the Blind The Salvation Army Elgin County Pioneer Museum The University of Western Ontario Quad County Association For The Mentally Retarded Elgin County Federation of Agriculture The Tillsonburg & District Association For The Mentally Retarded $ 3,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 50'0.00 Talbot Trail Committee County of Kent (A.C.R.O. Convention) Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital Southwestern Ontario .Travel Association The Art Gallery St. ThomaS-Elgin Scholarships Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technology University of Western Ontario University of Guelph Wilfrid Laurier University University of Waterloo 2,500.00 250.00 500.00 90,573.50 2,250.00 500.00 (2) 400.00 (4) 800.00 (4) 800.00 (2) 400.00 (2) 400.00 5. We recommend that the following requests for grants be not approved: The Elgin Military Museum St. Thomas-Elgin Debt Counselling Service London Regional Art Gallery The London Symphony Orchestra. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. 104 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION 1981 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: WE RECOMMEND: 1. That the Rebate. to Urban Municipalities be 25% of their Road Levy as in.former years. 2. Th:Jt the following statclIll!nt of Proposed Work and Expenditures on County and St. Thom;lS Suburban Road Commission Roads be approved and a Resolution passed adopting the Statement of Work and Expenditures and the Statement be forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation and Conmunications for approval. 3. That a Resolution be passed requesting the Ministry of Transportation and Communications to approve the sum of $30,000 in subsidy money for Drainage Assessments on County and St. Thomas Suburban Road Corrmission RO<lds in 1981. (Subsidy Rate-for Drainage AsseSSlllents is 50"1..) ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED /~t/(~r- ... cjfRlWJ C'~ /Y" c7 0/7/ ~ 1981 CONSTRUCTION ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS. COMMISSION 1. Coml,letc work fromprcvi<Jus years: ~ R<Jad 30 (Radi<JRoad) 2. Land Purchase: - Roads 22, 30, )1 and 52. 3. Surveys. Engineel:"ing. Grading. Utility M<Jving, etc. - Road 22 (Fairview Avenue) .QQ1!!iTI 1. Walkcl:"s Bridge including: a) C<Jntract. b) Day labour, clearing and grading, etc. c) Soil tests. d) Payments. to Consulting Engineer, Otc. 2. Road 22 (Fairview Avenue) construction in addition to that budgeted by the St. Thomas Suburban Road C<JTmnission 3. Completion of R<Jad 38 between Highway 3 and Highway 19. Bayham and Malahide Township.. 4. Land Purchase: a) Road 38 Olighway 3 to Highway 19) and R<Jad 32 (t<J completo). b) R<Jads2, 3, B, 38, 45 and miscellaneous. (Purchase 6riR6<id 38willall<Jwresut'fadng this Suw:mer.) Purchases on R<Jad 3 and 8 will all<Jw ditching this Summer on Road 3 between New Glasgow and Rodney and Road 8 between Wallacetown and Dltton' with resurfacing in the ne>ar future> on both roads. 5. Miscellaneous survey and engineerIng on new projects. 6. Construction Roads 42 <lnd 50 Pot't Burwell and R<Jad 32 (Police College Road) Malahide T<JWI'lship. (Work in P<Jrt 3urwe11 will be delayed Until sanit<lt'y sewer wOt'k is approved by the Ministry of the Environment.) TOTAL 105 PAGE 2. $ 6,000 34,000 22,000 $62,000 $400;000 18,000 140,000 23,000 70,000 20,000 315,000 986,000 $1,048.000 106 PAGE 3. MAINTENANCE COUNTY ANO SUBURBAN 5T. THOMAS SU&JRBAN COUNTY OPERATION 1981 1981 1981 A _ Bridges <Iod Culverts Bridg('s 70,000 1,000 69,000 Culverts B . Roadside Maintenance 1 Grass CUtting 22,000 3,000 19,000 2 Trlw Cutting 90,000 6,000 84,000 4 Drainage 78,000 8,000 70,000 Roadside Maintenance 10,000 2,000 8,000 6 Tree planting 8,000 1,000 10,000 7 Orainilge Assessments 3,000 (Maintenance) _11 Weed Spraying 12,000 2,000 10,000 C _ Paved Road Maintenance Rcpail's to Pavement 108,000 18,000 90,000 Swecpi-ng 19,000 3,000 16,000 3 Shoulder Maintenance 60,000 7,000 ; 53,000 4 Surface Treatment 90,000 12,000 78,000 o _ Gravel Road Maintenance Grading Gravel Rends 31,000 5,000 26,000 Calcium Chloride 56,000 7,000 49,000 4 Prime 6,000 2,000 4,000 5 Gravel Resurf<Jcing 100,000 2,000 98,000 E ~ Winter Control 375,000 65,000 310,000 F _ Safety o.'vices PlIV('lIl"nt }j.1.rking 32,000 5,000 27,000 Signs 54,.000 5,000 49,000 Guide R.:lil 5,000 1,000 4,000 4 Rail['ond PrOtection 35,000 ~ 29,000 WB TOTAL 1,264,000 161,000 1,103,000 Increase in St~ck Balance piled and crushed gravel County's Pleasant V:lUcy Pit 30,000 - 30,000 TOTALS 1,294,000 161,000 lz.!.lliOOO PAGE 4.. ~ OPERATION 1981 Superintendence Garages Tools Miscellaneous Repairs Radio Needs Study Update Traffic Counts Training Courses Clerical Permits Miscellaneous Insurance Office Machinery Over~ead White Station Rehabilitation 110.000 88.000 34.000 4.000 8.000 5,.000 54.000 3.000 15,000 NIL --?.z..2QQ 323.000 Distribution - St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission $ 25.000 County of Elgin $298.000 107 108 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Mainte>n<lTICC County Roads St. Thomas Suburban Roads Overhead County Roads St. Thomas Suburban Roads New M.1chincry and Salt Buildings Asphalt Resurfacing - County Roads Con'struction (a) County Roads (b) St. Thomas Suburban Road Conmission Subsidized by M.T.C. at Operational Ra_re'; ~: Urban Rebates I)raill.1gc Asscssm'mts Items Not for Subsidy TOTAL EXPENDITURES ~ MoT.C. - ordinary Subsidy on Oper_ations M.T.C. _ Subsidy on Uruan Rebates (50"1.) M.T.C. _ Subsidy on Drainage Assessments (50%) City or St. Thorn",; - Effective- Contribution to Suburban Roads. ~ Expenditures Rccci,}ts NET LEVY PAGE S. $1,133,,000 161,000 298,000 25,000 225,000 455,000 986,000 62.000 $3,345,000 57,000 60,000 5,000 $3.467.000 $2,522,500 28,500 30,000 31.000 $2,612.000 $3,467,000 2.6t2.000 85S,nOD 109 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1981 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members. of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That for the purposes of insurance coverage it is recommended that increased values be placed as follows: Coverage 1977 Case Tractor including attachments Lord Elgin Watch Present $4,000. NIL Proposed $5,200. 1,700. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~~ D. H. Pearson, Chairman. C-P~ /.FP77/~ 110 SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Social Services Committee t~ports as follows: 1. That we recommend to the Finance Committee that a budget of $672,000.00 for the 1981 operation of the Social Services Department, requiring the County to provide $169,200.00, be included in the 1981 County budget. 2. That the Director be authorized to attend the Ontario Municipal Social Services Association Convention in Brampton. with the usual convention expenses paid. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~J~~ E. Neukamm, Chainnan. Cc.>~d %~01~ 111 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1981 To the WaTden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That the letter from the Premier of Ontario request- ing co-operation of all municipalities and school boards, to help make the ten per cent Canadian preference purchase policy more successful be filed. 2. That the appointment of Mr. Arthur Miskelly, as the County representative to the Lake Erie Regional -Library System Board for 1981, be ratified and that he he paid Committee rates plus mileage for attending such meetings. 3. That the resolution, from the Borough of York, urging the Province to legislate, as soori as possible, the proposed Ontario Fire Code with specific inclusion of (Part 9), dealing with updating of fire safety standards. where required, be endorsed. 4. That the information from Souvenir Canada re: lapel pins etc. be filed. 5. That the Evacuation Plan for Thames Valley Health Facilities be tabled and Mr. Boyes be requested for his opinion on the effect for Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge. 6. That the resolution from the Regional Municipality of Hamilton-Wentworth requesting a change be made in the leg- islation. regarding persons carrying and using firearms, when taking part in a criminal act be endorsed. 7. We concur with the recommendation of the Land Division Committee to pay Mrs. Dixon mileage for attending the public meet~ng in Aylmer on January 20th dealing with land severance policies. 8. That membership in bhe Provincial (Ontario) Association of Committees of Adjustment and Land Division Committees be taken out for the Secretary-Treasurer at a cost of $20.00. 9. That the Secretary-Treasurer and the seven members of the Land Division Committee be authorized to attend the annual convention of their association with usual convention rates paid. 10. That the information on Canada Week (June 25th _ July 1st) received from The Council for Canadian Unity be filed. 11. That the information from Mr. C. I. Black. Chairman of the Thames Valley District Health Council, with clarifica- tion of the municipal appointments to the Council be received and filed. 12. That the Second Edition of the data packages support- ing the new funding system being introduced for C.A.S. budgets. from the Ministry of Community and Social Services be tabled and request the Social Services Director to give a summary in the future. 13. That the letter from the Clerk of the Standing Com- mittee on Social Development. advising that they will meet February 23rd to consider Bill 209, An Act to revise and extend Protection of Human Rights in Ontario be filed. 112 - 2 - 14. the names Committee That the letter from the City of St. Thomas with of the members of the Local Government Liaison be received and filed. 15. That the copy of a letter to Dr. Davidson Dunton, Chairman, Ontario Press Council, from The London Free Press, requesting that the Press Council endorse the efforts to open Committee meetings be received and filed. 16. That we recommend that we order 150 lapel pins with the County crest ortit. 17. We recommend that the S.W.O.T.A~ use the slogan "The County With A Future" on their brochures. 18. Reeve sat. That the Warden make the appointments to replace Liebner on the Committees and Local Board? on which he ALL of which is respectfully submitted. OJ.; p ~ ~ R. Fleck, Chairman. c~~ /J."?7/~ 113 FINANCE COMMITTEE RF.pnRT February Session, 1981 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That we recommend to Council that a grant of $6,300.00 be given to the Lake Erie Erosion Committee of Norfolk and Bayham and that this amou~t be provided in the 1981 budget. 2. That the proposed budget of the Roads Committee requiring a levy of $855,000.00 be adopted and inserted in the 1981 budget. 3. budget: That the folloWing grants be included in the 1981 (a) Local Agricultural Office for organizations, junior farmers institute groups and the fall for 4-HClubs - $4,500.00 Agricultural Representatives Act - $500.00 Grants to Agricultural and Horticultural Societies be on the same basis as last year - equal to the provincial legis- lative grants. fa= and banquet (b) (e) ALL of which is respectfully submitted. /r:, tf ::if/? ~ K. M. Kelly Chairman. ' C~ C;- -4c ~~~ 114 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-12 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX FOR THR nrVTSTON OF COSTS FOR THE BUILDING OF THE WALKERS BRIDGE." WHEREAS the Corporation of the County of Elgin has determined that it is desirable to replace the Walkers Bridge over the Thames River; and WHEREAS the replacement of the bridge is the joint responsibility of the County of Elgin and the County of Middlesex; and - WHEREAS it is desirable that a division of costs be set forth. NOW THEREFORE it is hereby enacted that the Warden and Clerk of the County of Elgin be and are hereby empowered to sign the Agreement (to be attached as Schedule A) between the County of Elgin and the County of Middlesex for the construction of the said Walkers Bridge and the division of costs incurred therein. READ a first time this 19th day of February, 1981. READ a second time this 19th day of February, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of February, 1981. ~---....-'-'<.-< yo..,_/ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. .~ E:7vn,L:;;/ K. E. Monteith, Warden. 115 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-13 "BEING A BY-LAW CONSENTING TO THE STOPPING UP ANn f:LOSING OF ROAD ALLOWANCES IN THE TOWNSHIP OF MAi.A1-l"IDE.lf WHEREAS notice has been received from the Township of Malahid~, indicating their intention to pass a by-law to stop up and close original road allowances, located in Port Bruce, opposite County Road #24, in Lot 4, Concession 1, Registered Plan 227, more particularly described. on Schedule "A", attached and forming part of this by-law; and WHEREAS the County of Elgin has no objections'to the passing of the by-law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin consents to the passing of a by-law, stopping up and closing the road allowances as described on Schedule "A". READ a first time this 19th day of February, 1981. READ a second time this 19th day of February, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of February, 1981. ~~~ G. C. Leverton Clerk. ' .~ ~?7<1'<>.ZAY K. E. Monteith, Warden. 116 SCHEDULE "A" By-Law Npo 81~13 ALL AND SINGULARthosecertairi parcels or tracts of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Ma!ahide, in the County of Elgin, and Province of Ontario, according to Registered Plan 227 for the saidTow~ship of Malahide, and being more particularly described as follows: FIRSTLY - All of Davenport Road, according to Reg{stered Plan 227 SECONDLY - All of Fifth Avenue, according to Registered Plan 227 THIRDLY - All of First Avenue, according to Registered Plan 227 FOURTHLY - That part of Fourth Avenue, from the Northerly limit of First Avenue, to the South-West limit of Davenport Road FIFTHLY - All of The Promenade, according to Registered Plan 227. 117 COUNTY OF: ELGIN By~Law No~ 81-14 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND CLERK OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN TO SIGN THE 'STANDARD FORMS OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN CLIENT AND CONSULTING ENGINEER' WITH RESPECT TO THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE WAT.KERB BRIDGE;" WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin has decided'toconstruct Walkers Bridge, in Lot -1, Br?ken Front, Concession 'e'. Dunwich Township; and WHEREAS the_Municipal Council of the County of Elgin has selected the firm of R. C. Dunn and Associates Limited as, Consulting Engineer for the design and building of said bridge. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the Cbuntyof Elgin enacts as follows: THAT the, Warden and Clerk of the County of Elgin be and are hereby authorized to sign the "Ministry of Transportation and Communications Standard Form of Agreement for Professional Engineering Services for the design of roads and bridges (time'basis), and the Ministry of Transportation and Communications Standard Form of Agreement for Professional Engineering Services for administration during construction of roads and bridges (time basis)". READ a first time this 19th day of February, 1981. READ a second time this' 19th day of February, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of February, 1981. ~~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. c ~/"r4~.L/// K. E. Monteith, Warden. 118 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-15 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY nF F:l.GTN AT THE FEBRUARY SESSION, 1981." WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommen- dation contained in the RepoTts of the Committees and each motion and Tesolution passed and otheT action taken by the Municipal Council of the COTpoTation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held dUTing the FebruaTY Session is heTeby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were ex- pressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The WaTden and pTopeT officials of the COTpoTation of the County of Elgin aTe hereby authoTized and diTected to do all things necessaTY to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the CorpoTation of the County of Elgin refeTTed to in the pTeceding section heTeof. 3. ected to to affix Elgin. The WaTden and the CleTk aTe authorized and diT- execute all documents necessary in that behalf and thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of READ a first time this 19th day of February, 1981. READ a second time this 19th day of February, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of February, 1981 G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~.c...'.7;;,/ . ,.0-'" //./'" " ",,","", K. E. Monteith, Wa rden. ~-c~,~,~~ 119 March Session - First Day Wednesday, the 18th day of March, 1981 The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municipal Building. St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. Th~ Warden in t.he Chair. ROLL CALL - All Members present except: DeptityReeve Perovich Reeve Walters Deputy Reeve McWilliam Reeve Hodgson - arrived 10:07 A.M. Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Reeve Emerson That the minutes of the February 1981 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. The following Communica~ions were read and referred to the various Committees: 1. From Mr. Bruce H. Blake, Solicitor for the Township of Yarmouth, with notice of the intention of the Township to pass a by-law, to stop up part of Hydro Road. - Refer~ed to the Roads Committee. 2. Prom the Township of Tilbury- West with a copy of a resolution regarding the patriation of- the Canadian Constitution. - Referred to the County Government Committee. 3. Prom the Thames Valley Dist~ict Health Council~equesting a ~esponse on the evacua:t:ion p~ogramfor health facilities, by Ma'l"ch 19th-.198L -Refe,rred to the Cotinty Government Committee. 4. Prom the County of Frontenac, with resolution 'l"equesting that County_Councils be allowed to make appointments or nominations to the Board of Governors, fo'l" Community Colleges. - Referred to the County Government Committee. 6. From Dr. M. R. Wa~ren, M.O.H. ,Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit with suggestion fo~ establishing a 1981 budget figure for County purposes. - Referred to the Fina~ce Committee. 7. '. From the Family and Children's Services Ag~ncyof St. Thomas and Elgin with' 1981 p~opo$ed_Budget. - Referred t? th~- Finance Committee. . - .. .- 10. Verba~lY,fromOntario Hydro advising that a hearing.h~s been s?t for ,March _31st; at 10:00 A.M. 'at the Court House. St. Thomas re: proposed transmission hy~ro1ine from Buchanan Transformer to St. Thomas Transformer:Station. - Referred to the Roads Commitcee. 13. " From,A.C~~.O. with_inform~tion and registration form on a one-day seminarfworkshopon group homes -April 13th, 1981, The Constellation Hot~l. Toronto. - Referr.edto the County Government Committee. ' 15. . From Mr. R. A. Ba~rett.Cler~~Administrator_ wi~h a copy of ,a letter to the Office of the Publ,i~T.rus;tee and cOllY_ -of the Last Will of A'l"chibaldFerguson McLaclllin, with respect to., property' at 1 Wellington Street;- St. Thomas. -'__Referred to the Property Committee. 16. . From the _Ministry of Hous~ngwith request for comments on a draft plan for the City of St. Thomas, part of Block D, Part of Lot 6. Registered Plan #298, Range S~E.R. - Referred to the Roads-Comm~ttee. 120 - 2 - 19. From the Township of Dunwich with notice of application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of a by-law to regu- late land use, pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 22. From the County of Oxford with resolution requesting that elected officers of incorporated-municipalities be exempt from taxation of mileage, reimbursed-for meeting attendance, at the second tier level of municipal government. - Referred to the County Government Committee. 23. From the Ministerof_Intergovernrnental Affairs with detailed guidelines for 1981 Involvement in Municipal Administra- tion program. - Referred tathe County Government Committee. 24. From the Township of Yarmouth Committee of Adjustment with two notices of hearing for minor variances set for March 19th, 1981. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 25. From the Township of Yarmouth with two notices of the passing of By-Laws No. 2601 and 2603 ,to regulate land use pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. - Referred to the Roads Com- mittee. 28. From the Township of Orford with notice to the Ontario Municipal Board of approval of a by-law to regulate land use, passed pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning..Act; ~ Referred to the Roads Committee. 29. From the Township of Malahide with request for informa- tion with regard to the Knel.sen property on-Lot 16, Concession 5 as it pertains to County Road 45. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 31. From the Township of Malahidewith four ,notices of application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of by- laws to regulate land use, pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 32. From the Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs with copy of a reply to the Township of North Burgess re: restricting of the qualifications for municipal elected office to resident prop- erty owners. - Referred to the County Government Committee. 33. From (1) (2) the Township,of Southwold with two notices - Application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of a by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. The passing of By-Law No. 81-4 to regulate land use pursuant to Section 3S of The Planning Act. the Roads Committee. - Referred to 35. From the Ontario Humane Society asking that municipali- ties express concern over the Ministry of Natural Resources con- sidering a licensing system, to allow-wildlife to be kept in captivity. - Referred to the County Government Committee. 38. From the Minister of Health with reply to OUT letter re: the appointment of municipal appointees to the Thames Valley District Health Council. - Referred to the Courity Government Committee. 40. From Mr. R. G. Moore, Engineer and Secretary to the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission with copy of draft budget. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 41. From the Ontario Good Roads Association with information on the 1981 "T. J. Mahony Road School" and the 1981 "C. S. Anderson Road School". - Referred to the Roads Committee. 44. From the Minister of Transportation and Communications with a copy of a letter to Mr. Dan Ciona, Clerk-Treasurer, County of Brant, re: proposal to place counties on an "urban" basis for machinery and overhead, effective January 1st, 1982. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 121 ~ 3 - County Council, March Session, 1981 45. From Slade and Associates Insurance Agency Ltd., with offer to underwrite insurance for our munfcipality. - Referred to the County Government Committee. 46., From the Ministry of Natural Resources advising of a seminar on trees to be -held in the Middlesex County Building, March 20th, 19B1. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. 47. From Ontario Blue Cross with information on cost to revise Dental Plan to the 1981 Fee Guide. - Referred to. the Personnel Committee. 48. From the Ministry of Labour with two letters confirming the Conciliation Officer, Mr. John M. Hooper's report, that the differences between the County and Local 220 have heen settled. - Referred to the Personnel Committee.' ' 49. From the Municipal Liaison Committee with 1980 Annual Review. - Referred to the County Government Committee. 50. _ _ ~rom Dr. M. R. Warren, M.D.H., Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit with request to review legislation passed under Section 352(77) of The Municipal Act re: Boarding and Lodging Homes. ~ Referred to the County Government Committee. 52. From the Orttario Press Council adVising: of a hearing set for April 3rd, 1981~0 hear a complaint of the London Free Press against the Elgin County Council's Committee System. _ Re- ferred to the Finance Committee. 54. From Provincial Constable A. L. Manninger 'with offer for he and Constable Larry Rabbitts (St, Thomas Police Force) to present a slide-audio presentat~on on Vandalism~ - Referred to the Reception and Entertainment Committee. 56. agenda Staff" From the ~irtistry 6~the Environment with a cop~,of ~n for the "Environmental Assessment Works~op for Municipal to be held April '14th; ~ Referred to the Roads Committee. 57. outlining portation the Roads From the Minister of TransP9rtation_ang Communications subsidyav~ilablefor work in conne5tfon with tr~ns. needs for physically disabled persons. ~ Referred to Committee. 60. From the Thames Valley 'District Health 'Council with request/to consider~making~pp~intments,for.a, two year period. - Referred to the County Government ~ommittee. ' 6~. . From Mr:. L, ~. Garrolt.. Cha1rmaI1. Committee to Pre-pare for I PM 85 with request fora County appointment to' the executive for a five~year period. - Referred to the- Agricultural Committee. 65. From the Th~mes Valley District H~alth Council with clarification of role of Medical Officer6f Health in the Health Facilities Eva~~atio~;~tudy. ~ R~f~!red ~o the~ounty Governm~nt Committee. The following C6nlnlunic~tions were read and ordered filed: 5. tha't from From the Minister of Culture and Recreation advising funding for facilities considered unsafe; will r.ot be deleted the Wintario Capital Grants Program. 8. From the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, LivecStotk Branch. confirming that the Warble Fly Control Act was repealed. ,. December System. From the Ministry of Community and.Social Services with 1980 edition of the Children's Aid Society Early Warning 11. From the Ministry of Culture and Recreation with Application Form arid Grant Information for Experience '81 Program. 12,2 ,-4 - 12. From the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Live Stock Branch, explaining proper procedure ~nrespect to evaluation of live stock killed or injured. 14. . Fromth~Bo1:lier Conv!il,escent Home ~ith letters from Margaret McKiliqp, Admf.nistrator._arid Don :My;Lrea. Secretary., wid"; appreciation for espital f~nds_granted over ,atwo~year period. 17. ,From,the, Deputy Solicitor Generalwi_tJ:1.. re_ply to Elgin's endorsement of _the_resolu~ion from the, Borough of YO.Tk.). respecting the Ontario Fire Code, Part 9. '" 18.,. _ _ From, the University of yes tern .ontario -with ,appreciation of grant of ,$1,500.00. ' . 20. Fr~rn A.M.O~/A.C.R.O.S_ub_~Committee:pn Ch'iidr~n!s -Se"z;vices with February 27th, 1981 copy of the publica'tion entitied "SHORTS". 21. Fro~_ :the, Ont~rici _Mun{pipq.~ Boa~d' wi,th appointment for hearing of an appeal by the Township of Dunwich from a decision of the Land Divi,sion Cqmmittee se1;: ~or, M,arch13rd" J9~1. " " , " , ' ,,--C'_.- "''''''' ",", '- "; "'",'",',,. ",'" , 26. F:r~~,the Aylmer'and_Eas~_$~g~~ __Agricultural ~~ci~y,re- questing continued ,suppo_rt ,in th!2:_ form.of,,,f:..g,rant~ 27. < From the Ontario Mun1cipal Board with notice of indefi~ nite adjournment of the appeal by~~he Township ofcDu~~ich ~gainst the Land Division- Committee. 30. Report_ on -- ,,- ""," -" , From the International J6int'tommisston YOllution,in the Niagara Rt~Er. F"ro'm - th~ 'Mf.n'istryo_fiInteriovefnniental 'A,ha'id Ministry of Natural" Res,ou_ices ,P:rope'rties,' with S'p'ecial 34. notices - r~':' tax 36. le,tter to reception From the Univ~rsity ofWe~t~rnQn~arip: with ,a WudEm _Mont.eith._ eXRre'ss,ing ;thei,r_ ap,p,reciat:1on. giverl_their delegates._ Februa~y 118th. - copy of a for" _~lj,~ 37.. that been From tl:1~ Mini.s,try ,of, Intergove,rnmental:Affat.-rs advising the prc,p,os~d ..sem,inar "re: The, P,rqyi:nciaL _ Off.~nces Act,: ~has. postppned in :fayou:r ofa Law Socie.tyo,f Upper Canada,.-program. 39. From the Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technology with r:equest:-for a grant,of$300.,QO -for s,cholars~ips. 43. sian F;6m th~' 6ntar'io_'Munic-i-p~i Bo~'rd. withdopy .of ',the ',Qeci- of the Board in the appeal of Gerald H. Newell. 51.", From M_r.""E,ddieBe:lland~,amily ~'ith ap-pr,~qi~'tio.n for: ;; flowers. 53. " From the ,Minist:r;y___of; .ITltergpve,r,nme,TItal Affairs with pa,y- men~ schedule ~or 1981 uncQnd~~iqn~l~r~ntp. ' 55. copies of From: the Associati6n of Municipalities of Ont~rio with the following reports: #43 ~_ Planning Guidelines ,in-,Group .Homes #47 _ Public Housing in Ontario #49 _ Municipal Perspective on 'Housing Programs in the-1980,j s; . ' 58. From the ~inistry of Community and Social Services with 1980 ~Amendmentsand' .1981. Service Plan .A{ipll'ovalP.roce,ss for Children's Aid Societies,. 59~ .. From the Minister of Health with acknowledgement of the County's letter of October 17th, '1980 'and'resolut~on re: upgrading of ambulance service in Elgin County. 61. _From;the_Minis~ry_ of:Agriculture and Food, Live Stock. Branch, with -invitation to- attend a Valuator Workshop -Meeting, at one of twelve meetings being held across the Province. 12~ ~ 5 - County Council. March Session, 1981 CERTIFICATE OF MERIT Mr. Ralph A. "Webster. a Roads Department employee, retired on February 28th, 1981 after approximately thirteeri years of. se.rvice_,~.. )Iew8s_:presented with ache_que and~erti~icate of Merit, by Warden Monteith and Reeve Shaw.: Chairman- of the Roads Committee. TheoReport of the Roads Committee WaS presented by Reeve Shaw and adopted on motipn of Reeve Shaw an4 Reeve Caverly. The First Report of the Finance Committee was presented Kelly and adopt~d on motion.of Reeve Kelly and Reeve:Spaw. by Reeve The Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee was, presented: by Reeve EmersoD:and adopted, one motion of Reeve Em~:r5on _B,nd -Deputy Reeve -Haddow.-' '. . . The Report of the Library Board was presented by Reeve Stewart and adopted on motion of Reeve Stewart and Reeve Lavereau. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Marr T~at an Application be, mape;to the,Ministry;of Trans- portation and Communications for a Supplementary Allocation of Subsidy Money in the amount of $50,000.00 to remove roadside obstacles (stumps) on various County of Elgin aridSe. Thomas Suburban Commission roads. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by Reeve Wilson That we do now adjourn to meet again on March 18. 1981 at 2:00 P.M. .-. - Carried. Council Re-Co~vened,. ROLL CALL - All Members present except: Deputy 'Reeve Perovich Reeve Walters Deputy Reeve McWilliam. The Report of the ReceptiQn and Enterta~nment Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Marr and adopted on'motion of Deputy Reeve Marr and Deputy Reeve Pettit. The Second Report of the Finance Committee wa~ presented by Reeve Kelly and adopted on mot~on of Reeve Kelly'an~ Deputy Reeve Marr. '. . The Report of the Countyc:Gb~ernment Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Fleck. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Deputy Reeve Haddow That the Report of the County Government Committee be adopted. An amendment was _ t24 "'- 6 - The Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Reeve Glover and adopted on motion of Reeve Glover and Reeve Hodgson. The Report of the property Committee was presented-by Deputy Reeve Pearson and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Pearson and Reeve Farthing. The Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caverly and Reeve Coles. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That By-"Law No. 81-16 "Being _ a By-Law to Establish a Remuneration Schedule and Other Working Conditions fOT Employees of the Roads Department" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Farthing Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson That BYHLaw No. 81"'-16 be read a second time. ~ Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson That :By~Law No. 81~16 be read a' third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Haddow Seconded by Reeve Fleck That By~Law No. 81~17 "Being a By~Law to Amend By-Law No. 2188. Thereby Adjusting the Remuneration of the County of &lgin Weed- Inspector" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by Reeve Bradfield That By-Law No. 81~17 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson That By-Law No. 81-17 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Deputy Reeve Haddow That By"'Law No. 81~18 "Being a By~Law to Amend By-Law No. 80,.-21. Thereby Adjusting the Remuneration of the ,County of Elgin Tree Commissioner" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Coles Seconded by Reeve Lashbrook That By~Law No. 81-18 be read a second time. ~ Carried. 125 7 - County Council, March Session, 1981 Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamrn Seconded by Reeve Coles That By-Law No. 81-18 be read a third time and finally passed~ - Carried. Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Reeve Wilson That By-Law No. 81-19 itA By-Law to Confirm Proceedings Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin March Session, 1981" be read a first time. of the at the - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lashbrook Seconded by Reeve Coles That By-Law No. 81-19 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lashbrook Seconded by Reeve Bradfield That By-Law No. 81-19 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Marr Seconded by Reeve Shaw That we do now adjourn to meet again on April 15th, 1981 at 10:00 A.M. - Carried. G. C. Leverton. Clerk. K. E. Monteith, Warden. 126 COUNTY OF' ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT March Session 1981 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL, YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS; 1. Tenders for Walkers Bridge have been received and the bid of McLean-Foster Construction Limited of St. Marys, $962,078.75 has been accepted. The bid. has also been accepted by. the County of Middlesex. Eleven tenders were received and were a~, attached. It is expected that the work will start when the weather conditions are suitable in the spring. WE RECOMMEND; 1. 'rhat the r(!solution of the. County of Brant re Transfer of Counties to the Urban Method of Subsidy calculations from the Ru-ral Method of the M.T.C. be tabled until further infor- mation on the changeover is available from the M.T.C. 2. That Albert Auckland be authorized to attend the annual meeting or thc Suburban Road commissions of Ontario to be held in June a.t Owen Sound with' the U!1Ual convention expenses p<lid. 3. That the budget of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission 1.n the amount of $248,400 be approved. This budget was detailed in the Committee's February Report to County Council and was approved by County Council along with the County budget at that time. 4. That a Resolution be passed requesting the M.T.C. to approve the sum of $50,000 in subsidy money so that the County of Elgin can institute a progz;amme of roadside safety in the County of Elgin by the removal of roadside obstacles. The Honourable James Snow, Minister of Highways in his address at the Ontario G-..od Roads Convention intimated that consideration would be given to supplementary ilxpenditure bylaws that would improve roadside ,.;afety in lh~ Province of Ontario. Your Committee desires to n,mov" tree :;t.1unps ,<.IIOIl') 'various highly travelled County and Suburban road",. L t is our understanding that the rate of subsidy Oil the project would be 90.9't, thus a $50,000 subsidy allocation would provide il budget of $55,000 for this work. ALL OF WHICH IS R1,SPf:CI'FULLY SUBMITTED, -'~yfZC:;~ , ' C~f /C47~ WALKERS BRIDGE TENDERERS 1. McLean Foster Construction Limited, P. O. Box 190, St. Marys, Ontario. NOM 2VO 2. McKay-Cocker Structures Limited, P. O. Box 4037, 1665 Oxford St. East, London, Ontario. N5W SH3 3. Looby Builders (Dublin) Limited, Matilda Street, Dublin, Ontario. NOK lEO 4. Deail, Construction Co. Ltd., P. .0. "Box 3216, Tecumseh, Ontario. NaN 2M4 5. \"acca Com;t:"uction Co. Ltu., R. R. If 3, Maidstone, Ontario. ,6. Intrepid General Limited, R. R. If '4, Chatham, Ontario. N7M 5J4 7. Bratt Construct-ion Company Limited, Hyde Park, Ontario. NOM lZO 8. Dynamo Serv-icing (LOndon) Inc., R. R. II 3, Lambeth, Ont"rio. 9. Logan Contracting Limited, P. O. Box 700, Stratford, Ont?\rio. 10. Wimpcy Construction, 99 Enterprise Dr South, London, Ontario. 11. Repac Construction & Materials Ltd. P. O. Box 177, West Hill, Ontar-io MIE 4R5 127 $962,078.75 $995,104.00 $996,619.40 $1,017,228.00 $1,033,953.5u $1,058,598,.31 $1,067,213.00 $1,082,117.56 $1,118,828.00 $1,167,414.00 $1,342,703.50 128 COU~~Y RATES - COUNTY OF ELGIN FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1981 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, 1. The COMMITTEE on Finance begs leave to report that having inquired irttoFinances of the County, and estimates prepared by the County Treasurer, they herewith submit a statement of the expenditures required for the lawful purposes of the County during 1981 and showing the amount required to be raised for the underrnentioned purposes: 1981 TAX LEVY $ (15,000.) (39,277.) (125,000.) (200,000.) 85,000. 95,000. 30,000. 20,000. 21,109. 140,000. 1,000. 855,000. 97,400. 122,486. 18,640. 108,978. 138,435. 55,000. 11,000. 32,500. 6,477. 191,411- 295,050. 30,000. 27,000. 169,200. 100,000. 1,000. $2,272,409. 113,583. $2,15~,826; Your COMMITTEE would recommend that the sUm of Two Million, One Hundred Fifty Eight Thousand, Eight Hundred and Twenty-Six Dollars be raised on all rateable property in the several municipalities of the County of Elgin, during the year 1981 for County purposes, and this amount be levied on the several municipalities in the County of Elgin, on the basis of the apportionment as determined under Section 507 of The Municipal Act, and that a by-law adopting this budget and apportionment be prepared. Supplementary Taxes Recovery of Rentals General Support Grant Resource Equalization Grant Council Members & Local Boards Administration Salaries Administration Supplies & Services Administration Buildings Mtce. Court House Mtce. Grants Miscellaneous Expense County Roads Children's Aid Society Elgin Manor - Operating - Debenture Te~race Lodge - Operating - Debenture Bank Interest Taxes Written Off Agriculture Registry Office Health Unit County Library - Operating - Capital Land Division Social Services Contingencies Mosquito Control TOTALS ALL of which is respectfully submitted. 1981 1981 ESTIMATED ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES RECEIPTS $ $ 15,000. 39,277 . 125,000. 200,000. 85,000. 102,500. 7,500. 30,000. 20,000. 50,000. 28,891. 140,000. 1,000. 3,467,000. 2,612,000. 97,400. 1,761,665. 1,639;179. 18,640. 967,011. 858,033. 138,435. 55-,000. 11 ,000. 32,500. 11,500; 5,023. 191,411- 295,050. 30,000. 42,000. 15,000. 672,000. 502,800. 100,000. 1,000. $8,320,112. $6.047,703. From Surplus NET LEVY :<.rf.XiJk, K. M. Kelly, Chairman. CC,:..-z.....-..............."J:/ ~, 77;;rJ~h4 129 HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT March Session. 198L To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: l. attend Humber The Director has been authorized to have two employees a seminar on "Drugs and the Geriatric Residents" at College, March 20th. 2. . The per diem rate for the Satellite Home in Fingal (Byrne Nursing Home) has been increased by $1.50. effective April 1st, 1981. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. kLE~ K. C. Emerson, Chaiman. c.:-~;/ ~<"??1~ 130 LIBRARY BOARD REPORT March Session, 19$1 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Library Board reports as follows: 1. That a letter stating the plans submitted by the Architect for the Municipality of Aylmer are suitable for a branch library be sent out. (Appendix A) 2. That the report on the Royal Ontario MUseum display (November 18th to February 17th) in Aylmer which indicates as a County Library expenditure of $612.72 in staff time and funds be accepted. 3. That the letter of commendation of the Deputy Librarian, M1ss Prowse from the Royal 'Ontario Museum be accepted. 4. Reeve March That Stewart, 20th, to a committee of Warden Monteith, Board Chairman and the Librarian meet at 11 a.m. Friday, open tenders on the County Library Van. 5. That the tender from Richard Cochrill for a: store- wall 36" two drawer lateral file with roll shelves and re- ceding doors to an amount of $253.60 be accepted. 6. ,That the tender from Elgin Business Machines for a Olivetti Editor 4, 17" carriage typewriter for $790.00 be accepted. ~~ ..d:,,,",,,,i M. . t rt Chairman c C<AAA-o<.-'/ ~Fd~ ~e~ g "V 10 L---I---U WOld <JNn02l'J ll'v'H NMOl ;jJ;,n,~v ~ D D Ii OOj!l1l l(~1 0 0 ,1/[1':-- " I I l<;)^ \ dn : !--t--: r--,- - .:........ 1-"---; c,,--4. -, I ~ 11,-___ , -. -, - ""I ' - '.- ~,I- - . .: _~_':"__J 132 ;--:::::::JJ" .. L ~'~:'1--: 1'--- II .- fi. .-:. ~ .. "~"~1~.' ~- f' --'--. I j '~,_-ll ~ --- J ,j! STAGE UP AUDITOI<JUM- - "-~.'-"-', . , , , , , , r I, . . ~,~,,, . t~ I. . 1~1..b--:;.p i Hri.-D~-\J=.~I":.,";~'-.-.l~'.' I' \L~" _ " SPACE FOR)' /~ " f l~J /}tr.i~-::r ~::;/r-L.~: "E I ald! II ~./"'N ---=-....:..'=-.r.lr.'=-=-=- - -['1: 1:,2' ~~. II I -~ I I ;1 I 1', I,. h::=-.::=:..-=~:~:":"":. ill .-WLM[R TOWN HALL " \~ " ,SECOND fLOOR n~ or 4. 8 88~ '<I 17 1 U r..__r,-J J.N2W:;JG'1'il -j,l t'. 'ii.:' '-'{. ""i ::~~ ~,. . , :~\ I ..:; ~; . rn r "~ r I .. "11 i he< II ! , I I I l ';-': (dl:;m,> ?Nlam:>x;U 4>00"l A'<lO.LSIH l'1JOl cmHS~ - I IVH NIYlO.L :?!dW JAil ~ r o :'-;; ".' 'f' ,'. I 1d11H<;; i\ ?NlcITDX;V cJJ '" (Ill :t: HOO~ pl, ;P'7N~nd -n >' I ~~.; 134 RECEPTlnN AND RNTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Reception and Entertainment Committee reports as follows: 1. That the offer from Provincial Constable A. L. Manninger, to present a slide-audio presentation on vandalism be accepted for the noon lunch at the April 15th Session. 2. Suburban luncheon That we recommend that the Members of the St. Thomas Roads Commission be invited to the May Session each year. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. o y ~//..p~ E. H. Marr, Chairman. (" .-vvv...-<-~/ / F-'? ,2':;~A FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT March Session; 19E1 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. An amount of $191,411.00 has been inserted as an estimate for the 1981 budget for the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit, with the understanding that "a detailed one will be provided for appr~val later. 2. That the proposed 1981 budget'of the Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin, requiring a County contribution of $97,400.00 be approved. 3. A reply was forwarded to the Ontario Press Council, indicating that County Council does not wish to provide a formal written statement of evidence or argument for the hearing and forwarded a copy of Procedure By-Law No. 80-43 for their information and that no representative attend this hearing. 4. We recommend that where two or four scholarships have been granted at the variouscuniversities and/or colleges, they be awarded equally between boys and girls having attained the highest academic standing. In the event it ~s not possible to award to both boys and girls, they be awarded to the top two or four students as the case may be. ALL of wqich is respectfully submitted. Jri:rI! ~C K. M. Kelly', Chairman. ~.~/ fl:" ;#j.,:;;'/.4 135 136 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: * See amendment below. 1. That the resolution from the Township of Tilbury West asking that the Government ensure that the basic right "to own and enjoy property" be a part of the Canadian Constitution, whether or not the Canadian Constitution is patriated from Great Britain be filed. 2. We recommend that the Evacuation Plan of Health Care Facilities, from the Thames Valley District Health Council, be endorsed and request that the Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge Disaster Plans be included at the rear of their plan and the County would operate theirs in conjunction with the Thames Valley Disaster Plan. 3. That the resolution from the County of Frontenac requesting that County Councils be allowed to ma~e appoint- ments or nominations to the Board of Governors, for Community Colleges, be filed. 4. That the information from A.C.R.G. re: one-day seminar/workshop on group homes be filed. 5. That the resolution from the County of Oxford requesting that elected officers of incorporated municipal- ities be exempt from taxation of mileage, reimbursed for meeting attendance, at the second tier level of municipal government be tabled for further information. 6. That the letter from the Ministry of Intergovern- mental Affairs with, detailed guidelines for 1981 Involvement in Municipal Administration program be filed. 7. That the letter from the Minister of Intergovern- mental Affairs with a copy of a reply to the Township of North Burgess re: rescricting of the qualifications for municipal elected offi~e to resident property owners be filed. 8. That the letter from the Ontario Humane Society asking that municipalities express concern over the Ministry of Natural Resources proposal to amend present legislation, to license to allow for wildlife to be kept in captivity be endorsed. 9. From the Minister of Health with reply concerning appoin~ments to the Thames Valley District Health Council and their ability to vote immediately upon appointment, be received for information. 10. Ltd. with be filed. That the letter from Slade & Associates Insurance offer to underwrite insurance for our municipality 11. That the Municipal Liaison Committee Annual Review, 1980 be filed. 12. That the letter from the Medical Officer of Health re: licensing Boarding and Lodging Homes be tabled and Dr. Warren be requested to attend the April Session of Council, and he circulate the information to each of the local municipalities prior to this meeting. - 3 - 13. That the letter from the Thames Valley District Health Council requesting a two year appointment of our municipal representative be filed. 14. Grey re: That the letters from A.C.R.D. and the County of Health Core Programs be filed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~k ~ J~. . Fleck; Cha rman. ::~I ~?-r7I>Y;:;A * Item 1 was amended by deleting the word "filed" at the end of the item and replacing with the word "tabled". 137 138 pFRC:ONNF.l. COMMITTEE- REPORT March Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee report~ as follows: 1. That we recommend that following changes in working conditions for the Roads Department Employees be made: A. Effective March 29th. 1981 An increase of 11% based on the top hourly rate in each Class. B. Effective April 1st, 1981 If an employee, on vacation, is called in to work during regular hours, he will be guaranteed a full day's pay for work performed. It is understood that an employee will not be required to work any additional hours merely to put in sufficient hours to equal a regular working day. C. SAFETY FOOTWEAR ALLOWANCE Commencing in 1982 a cash payment of $2.50 per week (to a maximum of $125.00) will be paid on the first pay in Ja~uary each year, for work performed in the preceding year, as a safety footwear allowance. Any balances presently held in accounts, to the credit of employees, may be used to purchase future footwear, until the account is depleted. If a retirement occurs, any amount still held in their account will be paid to the employee. 2. We recommend that a by-law be prepared and presented to Council incorporating the changes for Roads Department Employees. 3. rate 1981 That the Tree Commissioner's and Weed Inspector's of pay "be increased to $7.71 per hour effective April 1st, and new by-laws be presented to Council. 4. That the letter from Ontario Blue Cross with cost of revising the present dental plan to the 1981 O.D.A. fee guide be filed; 5. That the two letters from the Ministry of Labour confirming that agreements have been settled between the County and Local 220 be filed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. C ~-~/---<. e:-/ C % ~ 7?/.;~/,{i 139 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That the letter from the Public Trustee be tabled for further information. 2. That as the Property Committee's budget has been accepted we recommend that the following work be awarded, being the lowest prices received: H. G. Medlyn Painting & Decorating Ltd. Court House - various areas Municipal Building - front hall Anderson Limited Supply and instal eight blinds in Court House Elgin Floor Covering Ltd. Supply and instal "Brigantine" Corlon on east and west stair treads (Court House) with aluminum stairnosing SacWal Enterprises Ltd. Supply and instai Tecton 28 oz. carpet for Court House and Assistant Engineer's Off ice $3,368.00 $749.86 $1,005.76 $742.16 3. cation of estimated That the Court House lawn be treated with an app1i- "Weed and Feed", by the custodial help, at an price of $300.00. 4. That the Clerk-Treasurer be authorized to have a florist remove, clean and replace artificial flowers in the entrance of the Municipal Building, while it is being painted. 5. That statements of operating expenses for 1980 be forwarded to the Ministry of Government Services, for the Court House and Registry Office, in accordance with the lease agreement. This will result in a claim for an additional payment of $1,333.86 for the Registry Office. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ,w~. D. H~ Pearson, Chairman. .:::~~/ ~r /;;?~c:-~?f 140 AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin Co~nty Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. The following persons will be attending the Ministry of Natural Resources seminar on trees to be held in the Middlesex County Building March 20th, 1981: Chairman Tree Commissioner Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Reeve Wilson. 2. We recommend that Reeve Caverly be named as the County appointee to the International Plowing Match 1985 executive for a five year term. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. :.......?'~~J f74~ 141 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-16 "BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH A REMUNERATION SCHEDULE AND OTHER WORKING CONDITIONS FOR EMPLOYEES OF THE ROADS DEPARTMENT." WHEREAS it is considered advisable to establish salaries and hourly rates as well as other working conditions as they pertain to-the employees of the Roads Department. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts that the following schedule be and is hereby adopted for th~ Roads Department: . 1. REGULAR HOURLY ~~TED EMPLOYEES Class 5 - Construction Foreman or Mechanic. 1. (a) Mechanic licensed by Ontario Ministry of Labour, OR (b) Construction Foreman in charge of specialized work such as grading and granular base or bridge construction and in charge of hired trucks, or grading equipment and County equipment and one or more County Work Crews. 2. Motor Vehicle Licence Requirement Ministry of Transportation and Communications licence Class "D" required, Class "Alt preferred. Rate - $9~17 per hour. Class 4 - Foreman and Lead Hands. 1. Regularly (a) In charge of a work crew of at least five (5) men with County and/or hired equipment on a specific project. (b) Supervising other County (or hired) trucks and equipment, OR (c) Performing work which is a recogn~zed skill or trade. 2. ~ be assigned as Snow Plow Operator, Sander Operator, Wingman, or Night Duty in Winter. 3. Experience Rate 10 cents per hour for completion of each year's work to a maximum of two years. 4. Motor Vehicle Licence Requirement Ministry of Transportation and Communications licence Class "nil required, Class "A" preferred. Rate -$~.80 to $9.00 per hour. Class 3 - Machine Operators, Stockkeepers, Part Time Foremen and Grademen. 1. (a) Stockkeepers - Licence Requirement _ Class "A" or "0" preferred. Valid Ministry.of Transportation and Commu- nications operator's licence required. (b) Regular Operators on tandem dump truck, distributor, float, grader, shovel, loader, backhoe, dozer etc., a majority of the time. The remainder of time - skilled or special work such as machine repair, sign construc- tion, etc.. Usually assigned as SnowPlow Operator, Sander Operator, Wingman or Night Duty in Winter. Some supervisory work is usually required. Ministry of Transportation and Communications Class "A" licence required for some positions; Class "A" licence preferred for. all other positions; Class nO" required for any position. 142 - 2 - (c) Part Time Foreman performing work of a higher classi- fication than Class 2 or acting as a Foreman and/or Lead Hand of a work crew for a portion of the year, and including experienced Grademen; able to be assigned as Wingman, Sander Operator or Night Duty in the Winter. 2. Ministry of Transportation and Communications Class "D" licence required. 3. Experience Rate 10 cents per hour for completion of each year's work to a rnaximumof two years. Rate --$8.31 to ,$8.51 per hour. Class 2 - Labourer Premium 1. Shall be able to operate light truck,tractor, roller, etc. on a part time 'basis. May be employed as a weighman, checker C~ mower operator (Summer). Able to be assigned as a Wingman, Sander Operator (part time) or Night Duty in Winter. 2. Experience Rate 10 cents per hour for completion of each year's work to a maximum, of two years. 3. Motor Vehicle Licence ReQUirement Ministry of Transportation and Communications Class "D" licence required. . Rate - $7.69 to $7.89 per hour. NOTE: Class 1 - Labourer 1. Must be capable of performing physical labour under super- v~s~on. Some ligh~ t~ck or tractor driving may be required on occasion. 2. Experience Rate 10 cents per hour for completion of 'each year's work to a maximum of two years. 3. Motor Vehicle Licence Requirement Ministry of Transportation and Communications Class "G" licence will be required for employees engaged after January 1, 1978. Rate - $7.71 per hour. 1. An employee hired to fill a particular vacancy in Classifi- cations 2, 3, 4 or 5 shall have a probationary starting rate of 50 cents per' hour less than the rate of the category with no experience assigned for their probationary' period of 90 days. 2, The requirements for Ministry of Transportation and Commu- nications drivers licences will not result in the down grading of anyone presently in a categqry, bu~, will be a requirement for anyone ent,ering a new category~ 2. SEASONAL OR CASUAL EMPLOYEES NOTE: Those employees who are not engaged to fill a particular - vacancy - maximum service without layoff six months. Class A - Employees of high school age (16 to 18 years of age with varied experience), Rate - $4.45 to $4.75 per hour. Experience Rate 15 cents per hour depending on age and ex- perience. Class B - Casual Labour, inexperienced (Students 19-20 years of age, etc.). Rate $5,43 per hour. Class C - Experienced Labour, inexperienced mower operators. University age students with prior experience. Rate $6.10 per hour. Class D _ Experienced Operators or. Tradesmen. Ministry of Transpor- tation and Communications Class "D" licence usually required. Ministry of the Environment Mosquito Operators when engaged in Abatement Programme. Rate - $6.65 per hour. 143 - 3 - 3. TECHNICAL PERSONNEL Instrument Man - Education -Grade 12 or equivalent. - Work includes drafting, surveying and when experienced to he able to work with 3. minimum of supervision. Increments shall be governed.by ability. experience, the passing of Ministry of Transportation and Communications sponsored courses on surveying and inspection. - Position comparable to Ministry of Transportation and Communications Technician III Surveys. Minimum $8.51 per hour Maximum $9.00 per hour. ~ncrements of 25 cents and 24 cents per hour for two years. 4. ANNUAL INCREMENT An employee is eligible for any annual increment (to a maximum of two years) on January 1 of any year provided he has been in that particular category since September 1 or prior of che previous year. 5. PREMIUM NIGHT DUTY Those persons appo~nted to Regular Night Duty (Winter Maintenance Shift) a~e,eligible for a premium over their regular hourly rate of pay for such time as they are on Night Duty. Premium - lScents.per hour for a shift beginning before 8:00 P.M. 2S~ents per hour for a shift beginnipg from 8:30 P.M. to midnight. 6. FRIDAY PAY In the event of a Statutory Holiday, Sick Benefit, Annual HOliday, Compassionate Leave, etc., falling on Friday, the em- ployee shall be paid at his regular rate of pay for eight hours and the time shall count as one full day. 7. STANDBY TIME - for designated employees (1) If the time designated for standby is from 7:00 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. - three hours at their regular rate. (2) If the designated time for standby is from 7:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. - four hours at their regular rate. (3) If "starldby is requi;ed on a calendar Statutory HOliday, standby will. be paid at l.J,: times tbe regular rate. 8. CALL-IN PAY (1) In the event of a call-in, minimum pay will be four hours (regular rate). (2) If an employee, on vacation, is called in to work during regular hours, he will be guaranteed a full day's pay for work performed. It is understood that an employee will not be required to work any additional hours, merely to put in sufficient hours to equal a regular working day. . 9. SAFETY FOOTWEAR ALLOWANCE - Regular Employees only Commenc1ng in 1982, a cash payment of $2.50 per week (to a maximum of $125.00) w111 be paid on the first payroll in January each year, for work performed intbe preceding year, as a safety footwear allowance. Any balances presently held in accounts, to the credit of employees, may be used to.purchase future footwear until the account is depleted. If a retirement occurs, any amount still held in their account will be paid to the employee. 144 - 4 - 10. THAT By-Law No. 80-18 be, and the same is hereby repealed. 11. THAT this by-law shall become effective March 29th, 1981. READ a first time this 18th day of March, 1981. READ a second time this 18th day of March, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 18th day of March, 1981. ~../>--<--<-.<--<--< ~./ G. C~ Leverton, Clerk. ~d' --&~ 'Z::;!/ K. E. Monteith, Warden. 145 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-17 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 2188, THEREBY ADJUSTING THE REMUNERATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN WEED INSPECTOR." WHEREAS By-taw No. 2188 deals with the appointment and remuneration of the Weed Inspector for the County of Elgin; and WHEREAS By-Law No. 2188 is presently amended by By-Law No. 80-20; and WHEREAS it is now deeniedadvisable to change _the present rate of remuneration of the said Weed Inspector. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin'enacts as follows: 1. THAT Clause (2) of By-Law No. 2188, as amended by By-Law No~ 80-20 be deleted, and the following substituted therefore - "THAT his 'I'emuneration shall be- as follows while engaged in his duties - $7.71 per hour and he be paid the rates established for other County Employees for the use of his car while on County business." 2. THAT this By-Law shall become effective on April 1st, 1981. 3. THAT By-Law No. 80-20 be, and the same is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 18th day of March, 1981. READ a second time this 18th day of March, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 18th day of March, 1981; G. C. Leverton, Clerk. zr c"': <'?7;?>'z:~~/ K. E. Monteith, Warden. /~ -rr-.-J 146 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-18 "BEING- A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY"':LAW NO. 80-21. THEREBY ADJUSTING THE REMUNERATION OF THE COUNTY .oF ELGIN TREE COMMISSIONER." WHEREAS By~Law No. 80-21 deals with the appointment and remuneration of a Tree Commissioner for the County of Elgin; and WHEREAS it is now deemed advisable to change the present rate of remuneration of the said Tree Commissioner. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT Clause (2) of By-Law No. 80-21, be deleted and the following substituted therefore - "THAT his remuneration shall be $7.71 per hour, while engaged in his duties as Tree Commissioner." 2. THAT this By-Law shall become effective on April 1st, 1981. . READ a first time this 18th day of March, 1981. READ a second tim~ this 18th day of March, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 18th day of March, 1981. ___::I:;;:~~c.-A-<"< }4.--..-..J G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~.F .-?r/~;;,{ K. E. Monteith, Warden. 147 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-19 "A BY-LAW '1'0 r.ONFTRM PROr.F:F.DTNGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE MARCH SESSION, 1981." WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin en~cts as follows: 1. That action of the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommen- dation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the March 1981 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding'section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 18th day of March, 1981. READ a second time this 18th day of March, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 18th day of March, 1981. ~~-~ y:...,~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. '?'f" E 'd'X:~,/ K. E. Monteith, Warden. 148 April Session - First Day Wednesday, the 15th day of April, 1981 '-' The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municipal Building, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL - All Members present excep~: Reeve Lashbrook Reeve Fleck Reeve Bradfield - arrived 10:35 A.M. Moved by Deputy Reeve Marr Seconded by Reeve Farthing That the minutes of the March 1981 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. The following Communications were read and referred to the various Committees: ~ 1. From the Elgin-St.. Thomas Health Unit with copy of funding breakdown on conditlonally approved 1981 Budgets. - Re- ferred to the Finance Committee. 2. From the Village ofSpringfiel1 asking that a water problem on East Street (County Road 40), previously reported to the Engineer's Office, be looked into as soon as possible. - Re- ferredto the Roads Committee. 3. From the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital with request to provide the names of two persons, approved by the County of Elgin, to be presented to the annual meeting, as County represen- tatives on the Board of Governors. ~ Referred to the County Government Committee. 4. From Carrie & O'Dea with information on the County's position with respect to the Archibald F. McLachlan property, at 1 Wellington Street. ~ Referred to the Property Committee. 5. From the Ministry of Agriculture and Food with notice re: weed inspector's meeting, April 22nd, 1981 in Guelph. - Re- ferred to the Agricultural Committee. 6. From the Haldimand-Norfolk Organization for a Pure Environment (H.O.P.E.) with their position on the proposed South Cayuga industrial waste disposal facility. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 7. From the County of Renfrew w{th resolution respecting designing an understandable and explainable procedure for appor- tionment purposes by the Province. - Referred to the Finance Committee. 8. From the County of Grey with two resolutions: (1) asking that the current rates for General Welfare Assistance be maintained. (2) requesting discretionary authority be granted to local municipalities to determine amounts paid under the G.W.A. - Referred to the Social Services Committee. 9. From the Odd Fellow and Rebekah Lodges requesting per- mission to hold a Bike-A-Thon along County Roads from Springfield to St. Thomas.- - Referred to the Roads Committee. - 2 - 10. From the Town of Aylmer with resolution objecting to wage settlements recently announced for O.P.P. and Provincial employees. - Referred to the Personnel Committee. 11. From the Ministry of Natural Resources with reply to Elgin's endorsation of the resolution on a licensing system fOT wildlife in captivity. - Referred to the County Government Committee. 12. Fr0m the County of Lennox and Addington with resolution with respect to tile drainage. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. 15. From the Township of OrfoT9 with notice of application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approvar of a by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35'of The Planning Act. _ Re- ferred to the Roads Committee. 20. From Cockburn, Foster, Cudmore -& Kitely with notice of the intention of the Township of Dunwichto pass a by-law to close Nelson Street in the Hamlet of Wallacetown. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 22. From Mr~ John M. Leonn with a proposal to clear some areas at. his property in Lot 23, Concession 8, Township of Aldborough. - Re~erred to the' Agricultural Committee. 23. From the Ministry of Transportation andCommunicatioh~ with approval for work in connection with the reconstruction of Walkers Bridge. ~ Referred to ~he Roads Committee. 24. From the Ministry of Transportation and Commun~cations with Memo No. BI-4, Approvals - Contracts, Material and Equipment Purchases. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 26. From the Association of Municipalities of Ontario with information on the application of Bell Canada for an increase in rates. -~eferred to the County Government Committee. 31. From the Township of Yannouth Committee of Adjustment with two applications for Minor Variances, set for April 2nd, 1981 commencing at 8:00 P.M. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 33. From the Ministry of Hbusing with information on the OntariQ ~ Neighbourhood Improvement Program. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 35. From the Port Stanley Committee of Adjustment with notice of a hearing for a minor variance, set for March 31st, 1981. _ Re- ferred to the Roads Committee. 36. From the To~ship of Southwold with notice of the passing of a by-law to regulate land use pursuant, to Section 35 of The Planning Act. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 37. From the Borough of Etobicoke with a resolution concern- ing the existing procedures of statutory appeals to the Provincial Cabinet. - Referred to the County Government Committee. 38. by the London to the From the Ontario Press Council with a copy of a statement Council on the April 3rd hearing and its adjudication in the Free Press complaint against Elgin 'County Council. - Referred County Government Committee. 41. FrOm the C.E.C.I. and A.V.S.S. Stage Bands with request for financial assistance for their trip to Edmonton, May 6~9, 1981 in the Canadian Stage Band Festival. - Referred to the Finance Committee. The following Communications were read and ordered filed: 13. From the Ministry of Housing with notice of a change in the ~dministration of the Ontario Home Renewal Program (O.H.R.P.). 14. From the Office of the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada with reply to Elgin's endorsation of the resolu- tion from Hamilton-Wentworth re: carrying and use of firearms. 149 150 _ 3 _ County Council, April Session, 1981 16. From the Ministry of Labour with details of "The Handicapped Employment Program Summer Student Program". 17. From Wilfrid Laurier University with appreciation for scholarships for 1981. 18. From the Ontario Press Council with enquiry as to Council's attending the hearing ,on April 3rd. 19. From the Thames Valley District Health Council explain- ing the position of the Medical Officer of Health with respect to the Health Facilities Evacuation Plan. . 21. From the University of Guelph with notice of a conference "Approaches to Rural Development" to be held May 20-22. 1981. 25. From the University of Western Ontario with appreciation for scholarships authorized for students from Elgin attending the University. 27. From the Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with allocation of children in care and financial statement for the month of February 1981. 28. From the Ministry of the Attorney General with informa- tion on program on "The Provincial Offences Act and Municipal Practice" to be held April 10th. 29. sation of firearms. From the Attorney General with reply to Elgin's endor- the Hamilton-Wentworth resolution:on carrying and use of 30. From the University of Waterloo advising the following winners of the Elgin County Scholarships: Helena Steltenpoole 218 Main Street WEST LORNE Betty Van Ymeren R. R. #5 Roger Side Road AYLMER. 32. From the VilLage of Port Stanley with appreciation for the grant of $51,000.00 towards the construction of a new library. 34. From the Bank of Montreal advising that the Bank's Prime Municipal rate has been decreased by t% to 173/4%, effective March 23rd. 39. From the Ministry of HQusing with a copy of "Official Plan Amendments" -'- A Guide to their Preparation. 40. From the Ministry of Culture and Recreation with appli- cation and applicants guide for the Ministry's new Wintario Capital Assistance program. Dr. M. R. Warren, M.O.H., Elgin~St. Thomas Health Unit was present, at the request of Council, and it was moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm that he be now heard. He reviewed the present legislation as it pertains to lodging homes and group homes. A sample by-law was provided and Dr. Warren expressed the wish that any by-laws passed would be similar. The First Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Reeve Glover and adopted on motion of Reeve Glover and Deputy Reeve Marr. Th~ First Report of the Agricultural Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caverly and Reeve Shaw. - 4 - Reeve Caverly gave a verbal report on the seminar held in London on March 20th. 1981. He. Jackson Baker, Tree Commissioner and Rose M. Daniel, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer, attended this seminar. The problems encountered by other municipalities were explained. The tree cover fOr Elgin County is decreasing and it was suggested that the County draw up a brief for the Ministry of Natural ReSOurces requiring mandatory planting of trees in Southwestern Ontario. Reeve Bradfield arrived. The Report of the Roads Committee "was presented by Reeve- Shaw and adopted on-motion of Reeve. Shaw and Reeve Caverly. Moved by Reeve Shaw Seconded by Reeve Stewart That Application Tl/81 by Woodlynn Farms Ltd. (John J. Tetreault). Lots 3 & 4. Concession 5, Township of Dunwich, for consent to clear 12.4 hectares be denied. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Shaw Seconded by Reeve Walters That Application T2/8l by Woodlynn Farms Ltd.. Lot 3, Concession A. Township of Duuwich. for consent to clear 6.8 hectares of trees be granted. ... Carried. Moved py Reeve Shaw Seconded by Reeve Coles That Application T3/8l by Peter and Mary Slaats, Lot 3, Concession 7, Township of Aldborough, to clear 1.35 hectares of trees be granted with the exception of the 5.390 m2 on the South- West corner of the property. ... Carried. Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Shaw That Application T4/8l by Peter VanDyk, Lots 22 and 23, Concession 4. Township of Malahide, to clear .37 hectares of trees be denied. - Carried. Deputy Reeve Pearson displayed the official Talbot Emblem which will be erected on provincial highways in May. was given to Mr. R. G. Moore. County Engineer. Trail It Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That we do now adjourn to meet again on April 15th. 1981 at 2:00 P.M. - Carried. Council Re-Convened. ROLL CALL... All Members present except: Reeve Lashbrook Reeve Fleck. Also absent but excused by the Warden: Deputy Reeve Perovich Reeve Hodgson. The -Fi-rst- Report of the County Government Committee was presented by Reeve Bradfield. 151 152 - 5 - County Council, April Session, 1981 Moved by Ree~e Bradfield Seconded by Reeve Kelly That the First Report of the County Government Committee be adopted. -- An amendment was - M0ved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Lavereau "or That item 6 (1.) (d) be amended by inserting the words designate!!, after the word ."Warden" in the first line. The amendment was voted upon and carried. The First Report of the County Government Committee, as amended, was voted upon and was adopted. The Second Report of the Personnel Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Glover and adapted on motion of Reeve Glover and Deputy Reeve Neukamm. The Report of the Social Services Committee was pre- sented by Deputy Reeve Neukamm and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Neukamm and Deputy Reev~,Haddow. ~ The Report of the Reception and Entertainment Committe~ was presented by Deputy Reeve Marr and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Marr and Deputy Reeve Pettit. The Report of the Property Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Pearson and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Pearson and Deputy Reeve Volkaert. The Report of the Library Board was presented by Reeve Stewart and adopted on motion of Reeve Stewart and Deputy Reeve Marr. The Second Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caverly and Reeve Lavereau. The Second Report of the County Government Committee was presented by ~eeve Bradfield and adopted on motion of Reeve Bradfield and Deputy Reeve Haddow. The Report of the Finance Committee was presented by Reeve Kelly and adopted on motion of Reeve Kelly and Reeve Shaw. Moved by Reeve Glover Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That Elgin County Council object strongly to the application of Bell Canada for increase in rates and that a letter to this effect be sent to Consumers Research Association. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Marr Seconded by Deputy Reeve McWilliam That By-Law No. 81-20 "Being a By-Law to Authorize Grants to be Made to Various Organizations, Corporations, Insti- tution,;;, Etc., During 1981" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Haddow Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That By-Law No. 81-20 be read a second time. - Carried. - 6 - Moved by Deputy Reeve Volkaert Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit passed. That By-Law No. 81-20 be read a third time and finally Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Haddow Seconded by Deputy Reeve McWilliam That By-Law No. 81-21 "Being a BY-I..8W Consenting to the Stopping Up and Closing of a Road Allowance in the Hamlet of Wallacetown, Township of Dunwich" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By~Law No. 81-21 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Deputy Reeve Haddow That By-Law No. 81-21 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That By-Law No. 81-22 "Being a By-Law Consenting to the Stopping Up and Closing of a Road Allowance in the Township of Yarmouth" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit That ~y-Law No. 81-22 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wake ling Seconded by Reeve Lavereau passed. That By-Law No. 81-22 be read a third time and finally - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Volkaert Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson That By-Law No. 81-23 "Being a By-Law to Establish the Percentage Share of Each Municipality Within the County of Elgin and Amount Required for County Purposes for the Year 1981" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That By-Law No. 81-23 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Shaw Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson That By-Law No. 81-23 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. 153 154 - 7 - COll1lty Council, April Scs:<inll, 1981 Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That By-Law No. 81-24 "Being .8 By-Law to Authorize the Execution of Collective Agreements Between the Corporation of the County of Elgin and Terrace Lodge Employees' Association" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Volkaert Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson That By-Law No. 81-24 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit That By-Law No. 81~24 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Reeve Emerson of the at the That By-Law No. 81-25 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin April Session, 1981" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Bradfield That By-Law No. 81-25 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Wilson That By-Law No. 81-25 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Volkaert Seconded by Deputy Reeve McWilliam That we do now adjourn to meet again on May 20, 1981 at 10:00 A.M. - Carried. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. K. E. Montel th, Warden. . 155 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1981 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That a taxable benefit amount of 1% per month of the purchase price of -the County vehicle. supplied to certain - Roads Department Employees, be added to each biweekly pay. as the value for personal use of this vehicle, effective January 1st, 1981 and that this be included in their by-law. 2. Applies to Terrace Lodge Association Employees only _ A. VACATIONS - as at December 31st Full Time 4 weeks vacation after 8 years from 12 5 weeks vacation after 14 years from 20. Part Time Completed 7,800. hours - 6% Completed 15,600 hours - 8% Completed 27,300 hours - 10% 3 weeks off 4 weeks off 5 weeks off. B. FRINGE BENEFIT BONUS - (Part Time) 20i per hour for each hour worked in lieu of benefits - to be paid annually in January. C. EXTENDED HEALTH CARE Increase in County contribution from 50% to 100% in premium cost. D. SHIFT PREMIUM A shift premium of 25i per hour or $2.00 per shift for work performed between 3:00 P.M. - 11:00 P.M. on rotating shifts only - with provision for the house- keeping staff when required to work during this period. E. WAGES April 1st. 1981 September 13th, 1981 February 14th, 1982 - increase - increase - increase of of of 63. 25. 15. per hour per hour per hour. F. Separate agreements for full and part time employees. 3. That we recommend that the necessary by-law be pre- pared and presented to County Council. authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign collective agreements. covering full and part time employees at Terrace Lodge. subject to the items agreed upon during recent negotiations. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. /; t/ ',!,. , ,f-,:t(U-i../ ::~"'-.......-(.~t:1 ,/< .? v' /1- r:-:??/?'Y,-"C6~/~--'% 156 AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1981 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of t~e Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. We recommend that no action be taken on the ,request from Mr. John M. Leonn, to have charges under the Tree By-Law withdrawn and that he be advised to submit his proposal for an application for a minor exception, through the normal procedure. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ). ;'l 5-.' I;;;:~ t: ~ (C/ - . - 1,/ W. R. Caverly, ~ Chairman. e ?rA/~/ ~ ~?? ;.Ji---<-.;{ COONTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT TO THE WARDEN MID MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The quotation of V.- W. Ruckle Construction Limited of Brownsville has been accepted at 60 cents per ton for crushing approximately 50,000 ton of gr"vel at the County's Pleasant Vally Gravel Pit. The work will start shortly. 2. The quotation of Alex Newbigging Limited ha's' been accepted at $3.60 per ton to supply arid place approximately 10,000 tons of crushed gravel on County Road #9 in Dunwich Township. The gravel to come from their Komoka Pit. The work will start shortly. 3. The quotation of Petrofina Canada has been accepted for gasoline and diesel fuel at the following prices. Gasoline 2.5 cents per litt"e discount from the tank wagon price, diesel fuel 3.5 cents per 1itt"e di;;c<>unt from the tank wllgon price. The quotation will run f"'r " 2 Yl'ar period. 4. Cnunty Rnad Inspection, East Elgin W;;lS hdd Mond;;ly, April 13 ilnd the West Elgin Road Inspection will be held April 24. 5. Tr('{~ Pl.,nting has bl.!en cumpLetC"d with approximiltcly 900 trees being planted on Various County roadsides. This is approximately the same number that was planted last year and most requests for planting havC' been fulfilled. 6. A uSi'd 50 ton capacity Canadian Sc"le with a 45 foot long di'ck was purchased :It the auction of yundt :md HcCann Construction Limit.'d at Stratford. It will replace a 25 year old County Scale with a 30 ton capacity. The old County Scale will be offered for sale. 157 158 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT Page 2. WE RECOMMEND: 1. Th"t a by-law he p<Jsscd stating that the County of Rlgin has n(> objections"to a prop0sed by_law of the Township of Yarmouth to close a portion of Hydro Road shown on Part #1. Reference plan llR 1105. llydro Road is a small road which leads north off St. George Street (County Road #26). 2. That a by-I.'!.... be pas5ed stating that the County -of Elgin has nO objections to a proposed by-law of the,Township of Dunwich to close il portion of Nelson Street as shown on plan UR 2260 Parts #2 and #J in the HaIdet of Wallacctown. Nelson Stl:eet is a shol."t street leading easterly ft"om County Road #8 approximately 1/2 mile north of Highway #3. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SIJBMITTED /: ~<?'" " '- - ,/cH).iooN -r . "-~/ V C--,;< //. F.q~~~) L COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1981 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council. The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. A review of policies presently in existence was made and it is recommended _that the following be included in a policy manual, to be supplied for the information of the Members of Council and Department Heads: (1) COUNTY CRESTS AND TIES County Crests and Ties, supplied to Councillors and Officials, should be expected to last at least four years, without having to be replaced. Anyone requiring a replacement prior to the end of the four years will be required to purchase it at actual cost. (2) FLOWERS Flowers are to be sent. in the event of bereave- ment, for ex-councillors who had served on Council within the past four years and all past Wardens. (3) REPORTS ThE;!.._cost of. paying appointed members to outside boards is to be reported to Council, by the Treasurer, twice per year. (4) CHAIRMAN OF RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE The Chairman of the Reception and Eritertainment Committee is to be paid an annual remuneration of $150.00 for performing the duties of his office. (5) WARDEN'S BANQUET (i) Thirty (30) complimentary banquet and dance tickets will be made available for the Warden's guests. Additional tickets over this amount are to be purchased at actual cost. (ii) That the cut off period for complimentary invitations to the Warden's Banquet for ex-councillors is four years (current and prior four ) . (tii) The Warden's watch and the flowers for Warden's wife and the banquet will be ob- tained by the Clerk. (6) WARDEN (i) The Warden may, when requested, sign and issue proclamations on behalf of the County, provided that the wording of such prOClama- tion is submitted to the Clerk for the Warden's approval. prlor to publication and that there be no cost to the County. (ii) The Warden is authorized to use his own discretion as to whether he wears the tra- ditional gown and/or Chain of Office for meetings of Council, other than at the time of ~lection to office. (7) WARDEN'S RECEPTION The County Will provide and pay for the cost of a reception after'the Warden's election each year. The Clerk will make the necessary arrange- ments in consultation with the Reception and Entertainment Committee. 159 160 - 2 - (8) LAPEL PINS County lapel pins will be supplied to the current councillors, past councillors, Department Heads and Deputies. The Reeves and/or Deputy Reeves are asked to provide a list of the names of ex-county coun- cillors living in their areas to the Clerk. (9) POCKET GREETERS A pocket type and pin type ,greeter with the County Crest and name on it and the person's name will be supplied to the following: (a) County Councillors (Warden each year) (b) Department Heads and Deputies. upon com- pletion of their probationary period. The original greeters are supplied at no charge, any replacements will be at the expense of the person requiring it. (10) COUNTY BOOK ENDS The Warden may, without direction from County Council, use his discretion in the distribution of County book ends, as gifts to visiting dignitaries. (11) COPIES FOR PUBLIC A charge of SO~ per sheet will be made for per- sons requesting copies of documents. 2. The Warden, Chairmen of the County Government Committee and the Reception and Entertainment Committee and the Clerk, are going to bring in a proposal in connection with the anticipated visit of the Governor-General. 3. We recommend that a policy be adopted of allowing Department Heads to authorize the attendance of staff at meetings outside of regular working hours and of having mileage expenses reimbursed. 4. We recommend that on a trial basis, Councillors and appointed Officials be provided with a meal, to a limit of $5.00 per person, when the Committee meeting is in both the forenoon and afternoon. The Chairman or the Warden must sign the bill to authorize payment. 5. We recommend that the County purchase a coffee maker for use at Committee meetings. 6. We recommend that the following changes be made with respect to conventions: * See amendment at end of Report. 1. THAT the Warden, Members of the Elgin County Council and Elgin County Officials be paid the following rates for attending conventions - (a) For a convention within a radius of 200 miles (322 Km.) of St. Thomas, One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per day, registration fee and mileage from St. Thomas to the convention site and return, paid at the rate of' 300t per mile (18. 60t Km.). (b) For a convention outside a radius of 200 miles (322 Km.) of St. Thomas, One Hundred Dollars ($lOO~OO) per day, registration fee and single air fare rate from the London airport to the site of the convention and return. (d) That the Warden be authorized to obtain a County Room at conventions when he deems it desirable and that he be reimbursed for this cost, upon'presentation of receipts. The Warden is entitled to the per diem rate of $100.00. whether he uses this r00m or obtains another one. - 3 - (i) Anyone attending a convention shall be reim- bursed for his registration fee and mileage from St. Thomas to the convention site and return, where he/she does not have a hotel bill and it shall be considered as one of the three allowable conventions. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. i"" ,../vt.-~-L-CI d/.f':-m~~ * Item 6. (1.) (d) was amended by inserting the words "or designate" after the word "Warden" in the first line. 161 162 PVRSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1981 SECDND REPORT To the Warden and Members of th~ Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from the Town of Aylmer objecting to wage settlements recently announced for the D.P.P. and Provincial employees be endorsed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~ /Jfz~ (-'~~/ c >r[-;?7/Fnz,~" 163 SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Social Services Committee reports as follows: 1. We recommend the following a~tion on the resolutions from the ~ounty -of Grey: (1) Requesting the Minister of Community and Social Services to hold current rates and allow no further increase for the ensuing year for recipients of General Welfare Assistance be endorsed. (2) Recommending that discretionary authority be granted to the local-Municipality to determine the amount of assistance paid to or on behalf of an applicant for General Welfare Assistance be filed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~ /7J4:l!1att E. Neukamm, Chairman. ::'C-l/1,.'~/ f?"~r$~ 164 RECEP~TON AND ENTERTAINMENT. COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Reception and Entertainment Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Golf Day to be held on July 9th, 1981 include the wives of County Council and County Officials, plus the other usual guests. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. r:-,~ if ~ E. H. Marr, Chairman. Dc'<./~ /?,<74~ PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT April ,Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: L That the correspondence from:the Public Trustee and Carrie & O'Dea re: the estate of Archibald Ferguson McLachlan be filed. as it appears there is very little likelihood of the County becoming involved with the property at 1 Wellington Street, St. Thomas. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~ D. H. Pearson, Chairman. c <-~-/ //d~l 165 166 LIBRARY BOARD REPORT April Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Library Board repOrts as follows: r:' That, the Port stinley Library project is underway. All books hav~been moved ~rom the original library~and transferred to a temporary location. All furnishings have been removed and stored in the County Garage. (Thank you Mr. Moore and Road Com- mittee). Floor plans are completed and the retender process for #980195 Wintario Furniture, Grant is underway. Tentative comple- tion date is the end of August 19$1. 2. That the tender for a one ton window van from St. Thomas Plymouth Chrysler for a price of $10,546.00 over two years be adopted. 3. That the Board Tour of the Branch Libraries will take place on MOnday, April 27, 1981. All of which is respectfully submitted. -:'In'' '" .zt;:;",-6 M. H. Stewart Chairman c~/ ~E'fl/~..:>I AGRICULTURAL-COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1981 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: L Food re: filed. That the notice from the Ministry-of Agriculture and weed inspector's meeting April 22nd, in Guelph be 2. That, ,the ,re-solution" from. the 'County - of Lennox and Addington with resolution to increase funds available for farm loans for tile drainage-be endorsed. ALL of which is respectfully submit,ted. -, '" '- ,/ >>..y.. - /{;.., W. R. C~verlY. Chairman. ."lc~ ~ .l/ c"'~~-/ #~44'~~4' 1.67 168 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1981 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council. The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That the following peTsons' names be submitted to the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital. for membership on the Hospital Board. as representatives of the County Council: Warden K. E. Monteith Reeve K.C. Emerson (Warden's representative). 2. That the reply from the Ministry- of Natural Resources re: Elgin's endorsation of a resolution re: a licensing system for wildlife in captivity be received and filed. 3. That the letter from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario with information on the application of Bell Canada for an increase in rates be filed. 4. That the resolution. from the Borough of Etohicoke, asking that Rules of Procedure embodied in legislation or the regulations dealing with statutory appeals to the Provincial Cabinet, be established so that a,ll persons affected will know the rules of procedure and can be guided by them, be tabled and copies made for the Members of this Council. 5. That the copy of a statement by the Ontario Press Council on the April 3rd hearing and its adjudication in the London Free Press complaint against Elgin County Council be received and filed. 6. That the resolution from the County of Oxford request- ing that elected officers of incorporated municipalities be exempt from taxation of mileage, reimbursed for meeting attend- ance, at the second tier level of municipal government be endorsed. 7. That the resolution from the Township of Tilbury West asking that the Government ensure that the basic right "to own and enjoy property" be a part of the Canadian Constitution, whether or not the Canadian Constitution, is patriated from Great Britain be filed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. -1/7 R. T. Bradfie Acting Chairman. ::c~~1 % J"'-?7/c'-ng;;>r FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT AprilSess-i'on,' 1981 1'0 ".th'e' 'Wa;de'rl ancl"Me'mb'ers":'6f the Elgin County- CoUnell:, The Fim:.nce Committee;--repd-t':t-s"a's --follows: -1" That-,thecopy-,oLth,e ,1981_proposed__budget"from the Elgiil-'-St. Thomas Health Unit be placed~.oivfne ,and ;availaole for inspection by Members of Council. 2. , That the resolution from':-the County ;of'Ren~:te-w~' reque~ting that the Counties ~nd Regions jointly appro~ch the'province to :change, the ,,' apportionment. procedure. t-o:a more simple anduilderstandable method be endorsed. "'----"-"'",,:',--: . ",::",: ' That agrant oL$1.00().()O be givep to,tbe;G_.E,~~~,~'- and A. V . S. S. Stage, B<1-pds ,fQl:': "fiilancid ,,~uppo:rt _i? tb,ei * ;V:,ip;,~ to Edmonton, i.n the 'Cariadia1?:,'_St'age-~'a:nd Fes,d-vat --'" ALL of which is respect~ully submit~ed~; J~;/k . }dl!g M.'KE;rty,'" ,-_: (1 Chatrtnan. --, '. ",-' ;?f"7 0/?1~. 169 170 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-20 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE GRANTS TO BE MADE TO VARIOUS ORGANIZATIONS. CORPORATIONS, INSTITUTIONS. ETC.. DURING 1981.11 WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin deems it advisable to make grants to certain organizations, corporations, institutions, etc.. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT the following: grants be and are hereby authorized for the year 1981: Association of Clerks and Treasurers Association of Municipalities of Ontario Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario Canadian National Institute for the Blind Salvation Army - Maintenance Elgin County Pioneer Museum Scholarships - Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technology - University of Western Ontario - University of Guelph Wilfrid Laurier University - University of Waterloo University of Western Ontario _ ',' Quad County Association for'theMentally Retarded The Local Agricultural Office for _ Farm Organizations, Junior Farmers and Institute Groups and Fall Banquet for 4-H Clubs Agricultural Representatives Act The Agricultural and Horticultural Societies in the County of Elgin - Equal to the Province of Ontario Grants to these Societies Elgin Federation of Agriculture Talbot Trail Committee Tillsonburg & District Associa'tion for the Mentally Retarded Provincial (Ontario) Association of Committees of Adjustment and Land Division Committees Til1sonburg District Memorial Hospital Southwestern Ontario Travel Association Ontario Municipal Social Services Association Bobier Conval~scent Home County of Kent (re: A.C.R.O. Convention) The Art Gallery St. Thomas-Elgin Lake Erie Erosicn Committee of Norfolk and Bayham READ a firsi: time this 15th day of April, 1981. READ a second time this 15th day of April, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of April, 1981. ...-;;;Y-----r~~ G. C. Leverton Clerk. ' " r;-"'~ c -r? . -7{/r"~"~)/ K. E. Monteith, Warden. $ 120.00 250.00 844.34 3,000.00 500.00 1.000.00 400.00 800.00 800.00 400;00 400.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 4,500-.00 500.00 500.00 250.00 2,500.00 20.00 90,573.50 2,250.00 150.00 25,000.00 500.00 500.00 6,300.00 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-21 "BEING A BY-LAW CONSENIING TO THE STOPPING UP AND CLOSING OF A ROAD ALLOWANCE IN THE HAMLET OF WALLACETOWN, TOWNSHIP OF DUNWICH. U WHEREAS notice has been received from the:Township of Dunwich, indicating their intention to pass a by-law to stop~up, close and sell, those parts of Nelson ~Street in the fiamlet of Wallacetown, as shown on Registered Plans 44 and 108, more particularly des~ribed as Parts 2 and 3 on Reference Plan llR_2260,registered in the Registry Office for Elgin (No. 11) on March 16th, 1981; an4 WHEREAS the County of Elgin has no objection to the said passing of the by-law. THEREFORE the Murilcipal Council of ,the:Corporation of the County of Elgin consents to the passing' of a by-law, stopping up, closing and selling the road allowance, as described above. READ a first time this 15th day of April, 1981. READ a second .time thi-s 15th' day of April, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of April, 1981. ~~;h-,.J G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~.r. ~??j?/:Z4.-/ K. E. Monteith, Warden. 171 172 COUNTY OF"'ELGIN By-La~' No> 81-22 PEEING c. A~By.,.LAW CONSENTI-NG -TO.. THE- 'STOPPING'"UP AND CLOSING OF A ROAD' ALLOWANCE' IN THE -TOWNSHI.POF; Y-ARMOUTH~'c WHEREAS notice has been~ece~ved, by registered rna_i1,fl:'om _,the, ,Township ,of, '(a!ll1011_tl1.,i?-,dic:at,ipg. their inten~ tion to _ pass a by,:,"Iaw-to_ s]:9P',up,part _of_~~H,y(}::r? -Ro.<1d~'~, qeing part, of LO,t, 2 ; Blo(:k K and~part:,,?~Lo~s_~_a'l1d 3,_,lHock J'" Re:gist,ere<:i-,Plan,..28,snd, ,~-ar:t- I ,-<a~-__ '~hown__ori,R~fe,rence_ F:lan llR-,11"Q5t::-rrio~e-par,t:i:cular,ly, _de-s_c~,ibe~l pri. ',SChe(jtl~~' :'~A" , at_tac;hed,and forming, ,part of .-t~:j.._s_by_~la~\ a'nd ' . -. wHEREAS the Count)"'df'Eigin'h~'s no ~cJbje-cdori toe'the said ps.ssi'l1g,. o_~_,Fhe ~)':-~~lJ. THEREFORE the Municipal'd6uncH o'f' the'dOr:p'brat'ion of ,the, Gpunt:>" qf:._ElgiI1 . <;p,ns:eJlt:lol, t_o;tf:1e"pa,ssiI'l& pJ a by'-law S~,?P.P~;ng-ilP: -th~_1:o<lq' a~lowanc'e:~,:!3:~..desc'ri9;e'~ ,o~S,chedul:e_ ",A,I'. READ a first time this 15th day of April, 1981. READ a second_tirJie this_15th q<iyof:,.Apr,il",1981.. READ a third,titnea;ndf1hal1y)pas,s_ed_~his ,1.?th;day, ,o,fAP!,~~_, 1981. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~<;??/~~/ K. E,_'_ _Monteith. Wa,r.den. -~~ 173 SCHEDULE "A" BY-LAW NO. 81~22 ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel artract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Yarmouth, in the County of Elgin and Province of OntariO', being composed of Part of "Hydra Road"-being a part of Lot 2, Block K and part of Lots 2 and 3, Block J, Registered Plan 28, registered in the Land 'Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin (NO'. 11) and also being a part of Part 1 as shown cn Reference Plan llR-llOS deposited in the said Land Registry Office more particularly described as follows : Premising that the bearing of the Northerly limit of Lot 3. Block K Registered Plan 28 is N88045'50''W, astronomic, as shown on said PlanllR-1105 and Reference Plan llR~567 deposited in the said Land Registry Office and that all bearings herein are related thereto: Commencing at a point in the intersection of the Easterly limit of lIHydro Road" opened by By-Law No. 371 dated January 12, 18S0, as described in Instrument No. 10410, registered in the said Land Registry Office, and the Southerly limit of the Road Allowance between Concession 9 and Range Sotitqof Edgeware Road said point being distant 615.51 feet measured N8804S ' SO"W thereon from a point in the North-East angle of said Lot 3 Block K Registered Plan 28 all as shown on said Plan 11R-1105; Thence S3901S'3S''W along the Southerly-Easterly limit of said "Hydro Road" a distance of 153.94 feet; Thence st600S'45"W a distance of 429.92 feet; Thence S50018'45nW a distance of 343.45 feet; Thence '550011 SS"E a distance of 325.88 feet to a bend in said "Hydro Road"; Thence N69040'10''W across "Hydro Road" a distance of 73.02 feet to a point in the Westerly limit of said Road; Thence NSo0l1SS"W along the Westerly limit of "Hydro Road" a distance of 329.21 feet; Thence NSOo1S'4S"E a distance of 357.77 feet; Thence Nl600B14S"E a distanc:e of 4l8.1S feet; Thence N3901S'3S''E a distapc:e of 115.25 feet to its _inter- section with the Southerly limit 6fthe original Road Allowance between Conce$sion 9 and Range South of Edgeware Road; Thence Easterly along the Southerly limit of the said ,original Road Allowance a distance of 84.1S feet to the point of commencement. 174 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-23 "BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABUSH THE PERCENTAGE. SHARE OF EACH MUNICIPALITY WITHINTHE,COUNTY,OF ELGIN AND AMOUNT REQUIRED FOR COUNTY PURPOSES FOR'THE YEAR 1981. II WHEREAS under,Section 507(4) of The Municipal<Act, the Council of a County shall. in each year, on or before the 1st clayef April, by by-law, determine the percentage share that each municipalitycshall contribute 'for County_purposes and also the amount each shall provide for County purposes in that year; and WHEREAS-in ,accordance with the above Section the following percentages have been established: MUNICIP'ALITX ,CONSTRA;rNED DISCOUNTED EQUALIZED ASSES$MENT $- 76:,690,061- 10,986,569. 11;674,364. 5,610,622 . 32-.578,644. 11,533,443. 4,365,055. 2,809,105. 15,261,_94;!- 59,880,547. 49,877,707. 28,113,491- 40,272,945. 126,659,605. 162,303,262. 118,045,100. $756',662,461. PERCENTAGE 10,.135% 1.452- 1.543 .741 4.306 1.524 .577 .371 2.017 7.914 6.593 3-.715 5.322 16.739 -21.,450 15.601 100.000% Aylmer Belmont Dutton Port Burwell Port Stanley Rodney Springfield Vienna West Lorne A1dborough Bayham - South Dorchester Dunwi ch Malahide Southwo1d Yarmouth AND WHEREAS an 'estimate hasbeen'mad~ showing the sum of Two Million, One Hundred Fifty Eight Thousa~d~Eight Hundred and Twenty-Six Dollars ($2,158,826.06) is required to be raised in the several municipalities, fo~ ~~ lawful purpose of the County during-theyea'r 1981, on the 1;>asis of"the above percentages.' . - NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tionoE the -County of Elgin enacts:' . THAT the amounts, as set forth on Schedule "A" attached, be levied on all rateable property. by the several municipalities in the County of Elgin, for the year 1981. READ a first time this 15th day of April, 1981. READ a second time this 15th day of April, 1981 READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of April. 1981. ~~,y:.<'--7---/ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. fE <~/.->.h.:-/ K. E. Monteith, Warden. DEDUCT 1981 GROSS PROVINCIAL I LESS DUE DUE DUE BUDGET GUARANTEE 1980 , NET 50%_ + or',- MARCH,31st JUNE 30th SEPT. 30/81 DEC. 15/81 MUNICIPALITY LEVY CRANT ADJUSTMENT LEVY COLUMN 5 PAYMENT COLUMN 6.c.7 2YI.. COL. 5 25% eoL. 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 . " 58',898.64 AYLMER 218,797.01 (.14,500.00) 264.11 _.204,561.12 102,280.56 43,381..92 51,140.28 51,140.28 BELMONT 31,346.15 (1,400.00) (81.26) I. 29,864.89 14;93i'.45 5'.343.55 9,588.90 7,466.22 7;466.22 DUTTON 33,310.69 (1,800.00) 284.43-' _31,795~12 15,897.56 7,8~L82 . 8,085~74 7,948.78 7,948.78 PORT BURWELL 15,996.90 0 (60.94) 15,935.96 7,967.98 4,832.90 3,135.08 3,983.99 3,983.99 PORT STANLEY 92,959.05 (2,400.00) (81.27) 90,477.78 45,238'.88 17,971.12 27,267.76 22,619.45 22,619.45 RODNEY 32,900.51 (300.00) 1,401.85 34,002;-36 17 ,001.18 6.066.61 10,934.57 8,500.59 8,500.59 SPRINGFIELD 12,456.43 (1,500.00) 60.95 11,017.3-8 5,508.68 2,541.24 2,967.44 2,754.35 2,754.35 VIENNA 8,009.24 (1,000.00) (20.32) 6,98_8.9,2 3,494.46 1,831. 69 1,662.77 1,747.23 1,747.23 WEST WRNE 43,543.52 (3,500.00) (467.29) 39,576.23_ 1'91788.11 8,175.95 11 ,612 .16 9,894.06 9,894.06 ALDBOROUGH 170,84Q.49 0 284'.43 1.71,133.92 85,566.96 37',489.34 _'48,077~.62 42,783.48 42,783.48 BAYHAM 142,331.40 0 (325.07) 142,066.33 71,003.17 39,,14'4.88 31,'858.29 35,501.-58 35,.501.58 SOUTH DORCHESTER 80,200.39 (7,500.00) (121.90) ". 72,578.49 36~289.25 16;696.19 19.,593.06 1S,144.62 18,144.62 DUNWICH 114,892.72 (14,100.00) (182.85) -100 ;609.87 50,304.93 ?2,258.11 28,O46.~82 25,152.47 25,152.47 MALAHIDE 361,365.88 (44,700.00) (487.60) 316,178.28 158,089.14 68,269.18 89_,819.96 79,044.57 79,044.57 SOUTHWOLD 463,068.18 ('36,800.00) (772.03) 425,496.15 212:0748.07 88,697.50 1,24,050.57 106,374.-04 106,374.04 YARMOUTH 336,798.44 0 304..76'- 337,103.20 168,551.60 79,440.75 89,110.85 84,275.80 84,275.80 . TOTALS 2,158.826.00 (129,500.00) ~ 2,029,326.00 1,014;662.98 449,Q52.75 564,710.23 507,331.51 507,331.51 SCHEDULE "A" - BY-LAW NO. 81-23 '-" -..j 01 176 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-24 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AuntoRlzE THE EXECUTION OF COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND TERRACE LODGE EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION." WHEREAS a majority of the employees of the Terrace Lodge have become members of the Association, which is an Association. unaffiliated with any other labour organization, be it a national or local..and through the Association have requested the employer to negotiate changes in the Collective Agreements, and the employer has agreed thereto; and WHEREAS the Association is the certified bargaining agent for the full time and part time employees of the Corpora~ion of the County of Elgin, at its Terrace Lodge. at the Township of Malahide, save and except Supervisors, persons above ther~nk of Supervisor, Registered Nurses, Office Staff ~nd Students; and WHEREAS negotiations have taken place, between the County and the Association, towards establishing orderly collective bargaining relations .and providing an orderly pro- cedure for the disposition of grievances and defining _working conditions and terms of employment for all employees who are represented by the Association, in the form of Collective Agreements; and WHEREAS agreement has now been reached by both parties on the said procedures, conditions and terms of employment to be included in agreements to cover the period April ,1st, 1981 to March 31st, 1982 for full time and part time employees. NOW THEREFORE it is hereby enacted that the Warden and Clerk of the County of Elgin be and are hereby empowered to sign the Collective Agreements (to be attached as Schedules "An and fiB") between the County of Elgin and the Terrace-'Lodge Employees'Association, setting forth collective bargaining relations, '.disposition of grievances, and to define working conditions, and terms of employment for full time and part time employees of Terrace Lodge, represented by the said Association. READ a first time this 15th day of April, 1981. READ a second time this 15th day of April, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of April~ 1981. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. c ' < 1f<F/~.z:/V K. E. Monteith, Warden.. ~~ COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-25 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE APRIL SESSION~ ~ WHEREAS by Section 90f the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes ,of Ontario, 1970~ the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised.by its council; and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; and WHEREAS it .is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That&ction of the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of. the County of Elgin in respect of each recommen- dation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of. the Corporation of the County of Elgin ~t its meetings held during the April 1981 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in ~his By-LaW. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal,Counci1 of the Corporation of ,the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all~ocuments nece,ssary in that behalf and to affix thereto the $eal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 15th day of April, 1981. READ a second time this 15th day of Ap~il,,1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of April, 1981. ~~>4>'~ c-~' 7f"? 4".-L;~</ K. E. Monteith. Warden. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 177 178 May Session -First Day Wednesday, the 20th day of May, 1981 The Elgin Co~nty Council met this day, at the County --' Municipal BUilding, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in-the chair. JackN. Smyth, recently appointed Reeve of the Village of Port Burwell, repla~ingReeve Bradfield who resigned his position, having previously filed a certificate of appointment, took his seat at the Council Table. Warden-Monteith extended a welcome to Reeve Smyth. ROLL CALL - All Members present except: DeputyReev~Perovich Reeve Lashbrook Reeve Walters. Moved by Re~ve Fleck Seconded by Reeve Far~hing That the minutes of the April 1981 Session of the Elgin County Co~ncil be adopted. --' - Carried. The following Communications were. read and referred to the various Com':1!itteei>': 1. From..the,ViiIage of Port Bur~el1'with request to have ditches cleaned along:~:County Road #42 and if it could be swept (Wellington Street, from-Robinson to Elizabeth Streets); ~ Re- f~r~ed to the Roads Committee. 2. From the Town of Aylmer with a notice of thtl passing of By~Law Ne. 28-81, to regulate land uSe, pursuant -to Section 35 of The Planning Act. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 3. From the HaStings County FtoodRelief Fund with request for financial help. -'Referred to .the finance ' Committee. 4. From residents of the Village of Rodney with a petition to rectify a problem with grade level 'of FurnivalRoad and their driveway approaches. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 5. From the Township of North Dorchester Committee of Adjustment with a notice of public hearing for a ~inor variance (Helen Stratton, R. R. #1, Springfield), set for May 21st, 1981. - Referred to the Roads Committee. -' 6. two May From the Town of Aylmer notices of-public hearing re: 19th, 1981. - Referred to the Committee of Adjustment with minor variances, set- for Roads Committee. 7. From the Township of Malahide with notices of the pass- ing of By-Laws No. 1969 and 1972. to regulate land use, pursuant ~o Section 35 of The Planning Act. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 8. From the Township of Georgian Bay with request to support their opposition to the building of two or more hydro generating stations by the Orillia Water. Light and Power Corporation, on the Musquash River and Go Home Lake. - Refe}:'red to the ,_County Govern- ment Committee. ", 9. From the Elgin County Land Divisi~nCommittee with re- quest for permission for members. attending the convention, to be allowed to purchase memberships. - Referred to the'County Govern- ment Committee. 10. From the Ontario Task Force on Provincial Rail Policy with a copy of the final report. - Referred to the Roads Committee. - 2 - 11. From Mr. Bruce H. Blake, Solicitor for the Township of Yarmouth, with notice of the intention,oi the Township to pass a by-law to stop up the former County Road.52 (Carr Bridge easterly). _ Referred to the Roads Committee. 12. From-the- Association of Municipalities of Ontario and the Association -Steering Committee, of A.C.R.a., A.M.O. and R;O;M.A., with information and registration forms fOr August 23rd to August 26th, coo"ention. - Referred to the County Government Committee. 14. From the Women I s Committee, The Art- Gallery of St.'. Thomap and Elgin, with request to have a short tourof_th~ CourtHouse, on Sunday, May 24th, 1981, between 1:30 and 3:30 P.M. - Referred to the Property Committee. IS . Frorilthe Township of Malahide with, a letter and blank copy of a petition, requesting that a preliminary report be pre- pared for the construction of a water system, to service the defined area of Port Bruce. - Referred to the-Roads Committee. 16. wi th copy ferred to From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications of Memos No. 81-5 and 81-6 "Consulting Engineers". - Re- the Roads 'Committee. ' 17. From the Township of Yarmouth with notice of the passing of By-Law No. 2608,- to regulate land use~ passed pursuant to Section 35 of The Plan:~ing Act. - Referred to'the Ro~ds Committee. 18. From the Council for Canadian Unity inviting all members ofmunicipa~ governments to become involved ,in celebrating Canada Week _ June 25-July 1. ,_ Referred to the County Government Committee. 19'. . F-rom the Ministry of Transpo-rtation and Communications with information on the paving and wo-rk on Highway:#3~ f-rom St. T~omas to Aylme-r andHigh~ay #73, Aylmer South. _.Refe-rred to the Roads' Committee. . . 20. From W. M. Thomson, Mini~t-ry, of the_Attorney Gene-ral, with a copy of a letter to t~e Ministry of Government Services, re: access to the Law Library, by members of t~~_Elgin County Law Association. - Referred to the Property Committee. 21. From the County of Lamhton with a, resolution. regarding shelte-r allowance, for single welfare -reCipients. - Referred to the Social Services Committee. 22. From the Village of Port Burwell with a request that County Road 42 (between Robinson and Erieus Streets) be closed, between 7:00 P.M. and ~l:OO P.M. on June 26th, for a street dance in connection with celebrations for Canada Week~- Referred to the Roads Committee. 23. . _' From the Frank Cow.Jiri C'ompanY,'i.imit'ed-"'w;ith a copy t;)f an article, from' the' publication "Business Insurance"," on current problems in the ins~rance indust-ry. - Referre~ to the Property Committee. .. 25. From tbe Ministry of Natural Resources with a copy of the "Mineral Aggregate T-ransportation Study: Summary". - Referred to the Roads Committee. 26. From th~ Courity' of Oxford wi.th' a 'resolution opposing the application of the Environmental Assessment" Act, 'to projects in- volving recons~!uction of_existing roads and bridges. - Refer-red to the Roads Committee. .. 27. F-rom the Village of Port Stanley with notice of the p~ss- ing of By-Laws No. 19~8 and 2004, to regulate land use, pu-rsuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act; -:Referred to the Roads Committee. 33. , From Tho;' ,Talbot Trail' Committee 'wi'th a copy of t~e 1st Annual Report for the year 1980. - Referred to the County Gov- ernment Committee. 179 180 _ 3 _ County Council, May Session, 1981 44. From A.M.O./A.C.R.O. Sub-Committee on Children's Services with May 11th issue of "SHORTS"wich article entitled "EligibiHty of Municipal Day Care". - Referred to the Socia,l Services Committee. ...-' 45. . From the City of Kingstoll with resolution requesting the Federal Government to declare the third Monday in February as Sir John A. Macdonald Day. a national holiday. - Referred to the County Government Committee. 46. From M. J. Hennessey with a draft copy of an agreement between the Corporat~on of the County of Elgin and The Elgin Military Museum Inc. re: the connecting link. Referred to the Property Committee. 47. F~om the Township of Southwald with request for the County of Elgin to assume the Smoke Road. - Referred to the Roads Committee. The following Communications were read and ordered filed: 13. From the Consumer's Association of Canada expressing ~?preciation for support in opposing the Bell application for an increase. ...-/ 24. proposed in June, Fall. From the Minister of Health Protection Act for comments prior to Health advising that a draft of the will be available for circulation introduction of the Bill in the 28. From the Ministry of Community and Social Services with a copy of a letter to the Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin, advising that $809,212.00 is a protected base for 1981. 29. From the Bank of Montreal advising that the Bank's Prime Municipal rate is as follows: Effective April 24th - 18~% Effective May 1st - 18%% Effective May 8th - 19%%. 30. From Mr. R. f. .McNeil, M.P.P. and Mr; Jim McGuigan. M.P.P., acknowledging receipt of the following: (I) R~solution re: exemption of mileage paid elected members of second tier (Oxford). (2) Resolution from the Town of Aylmer objecting to -/ the D.P.P. and provincial employees wage sett~ements. (~) Resolution from the .County of Grey re: the General Welfare Assistance Act. 11. From the Ministry of Community and Social ,Services lo1ith "Revisions to the Children's Aid Society Information Packages". 32. From the M nistry of the Environment with a copy of a manual entitled "Cot age Country". 34. From Helena Steltenpool with appreciation for the County of Elgin scholarship. . 35. From the University of Guelph with appreciation for the letter re.: scholarships. 36. From the Family & ChildFen's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with allocation of children in care to March 31st, 1981. 37. From the Ontario Building Officials Association Inc. with application for membership. 38. From the Ministry of Community and Social Services with memorandum re: funding regulations for Children's. Aid Societies. - 4 - From Mr. R. J. Upsdell advising that prosecutions, Tree By-Law against Leonn and Towers is scheduled for 39. under The May 25th. 40. From the Ministry of Transportation _and Communications with a copy of a pamphlet, describing their role in the five majer-travel modes, in which-they are invol~ed. 41. From the Minister of Transportation and Communications advising that an advance subsidy payment of $765,300.00 (30% of allocation) has been authorized. 42. _ From Bates, Thouard, Tierney & Bro~announcing the launching of a hi-monthly Risk Management Bulletin. 43. From Mr. Ron Bradfield, expressing :regret at resigning his position of Reeve -of the Village of Port Burwell and advising that he had thoroughly enjoyed being a Member of County Council. CERTIFICATE OF MERIT Mrs., Bp.ry1 Amell, An Elgin Manor Registered Nurse.' retired on April 30th, 1981. after approximately eight years of:employment. She was presented with a cheque and Certificate of Merit, by Warden Monteith and Reeve Emerson, Chairman of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee. The Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Reeve Glover and adopted on motion of Reeve GlOver and Reeve Hodgson. The Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Reeve Fleck. The Report of the Library Board was presented by Reeve Stewart and adopted on motion of-Reeve Stewart and Reeve Shaw. Warden Monteith referred item #1 of the Library Report to the County Government Committee. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Reeve Shaw ~hat the Auditor's Report for the year ended December 31st, 1980 be accepted by the Elgin County Council. - Carried. Deputy Reeve Pearson advised Council Brochures were now available for distribution. desig:lated Talbot Trail Day. All signs are up Transportation and Communications highways. that Talbot Trail June 1st is to be on the Ministry of Warden Monteith requested that the Chairman of each of the Commi~teesremain immediately after Council adjourns, to meet with members of the press, ,to answer 'any questiOns on the reports. Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Caverly That we do now adjourn to meet again on May 20, 1981 at 2:00 P.M. - Carried. Council re~convened. ROLL CALL - All Members present except: Deputy Reeve Perovich Reeve Lashbrook Reeve Walters. 181 ~ ~~ 182 - 5 - County Council, May Session. 1981 The Report o~,~he County Government Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Fleck and adopted on motion of Reeve Fleck and Deputy Reeve Haddow. Reeve Fleck was excused from Council at 4:53 P.M. The Report of'the Roads Committee was presented'by Reeve Shaw and adopted on motion of Reeve Shaw.,and Reeve Caverly. The Report of. the Social Services Committee was pre- sented by Deputy Reeve -Neukamm and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Neukamm and De~~ty Reeve Pettit. The Reportof'the Property Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Pear~onandadopted on motion of Deputy R~eve PeaTson:and Reeve -Fa..~thing. . The'Report of_the Finance Committee was presented by Reeve Kelly and adopted' on motion of Reeve Kelly and _Reeve Emerson. Tboa Repoi-t of' the -Agricultur<il-Committee was px:esented by Ree~e Caverly and adopted onmotion:of Reeve Caverly-and Deputy ,Reeve' Neukamm. ' Reeve Glover distributed pamphlets 'on the cost of the flight to Winni~eg for ;fhe R.T.A.C. convention in September. Moved by Deputy Reeve -Haddow Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That By-Law No. 81~26 "Being a. By-'-Law to Establish,the Remuneration to be Paid to the Warden, Council Members and County Officials for Attending Conventions" be read a first time. ,- - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by Reeve Shaw . That By-Law No. 81-26 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Reeve Shaw That By-Law No. 81-26 be, read a third time and finally passed~ ;-'Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Marr Seconded by Deputy Reeve McWilliam ,That By:-Law No. 8l;-27, "Being a By-:-Law.c,_to Establish the Rate of -Pay~for Certain Employees in the Homes for Senior"Ci,tizen~" be read a first time. - Carded. Moved by Deputy Reeve Haddow Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That By-Law No. 81-27 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Depllty Reeve McWilliam Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That By-Law No. 81-27 be read a third time'a~~ finally passed. - Carried. - 6- Moved by Deputy Reeve Wake1ing Seconded by Deputy Reeve Haddow That- By-Law No. 81-28 "Being a By-Law- Consenting to the Stopping Up of a Road Allowance in the Township of Yarmouth" be read a first time. Carried. Moved by Reeve Shaw Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That By-Law No-. 81-28 be read 3. second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy ReeveWakeling Seconded by Reeve Shaw That' By~Law No. ~1'-28 be re~d ~- ~hird time,ano finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pettit Seconded by Reeve Smyth That By-Law No. 81-29 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warder. and Clerk to Signa Deed to Convey- Land- in the-,Township of Yannouth to the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Haddow Seconded by D~puty Reeve Pettit That By-Law No. 81-29 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Farthing Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit That By-Law 'No. 81-29 be read a thira time an9,final1y passed. _ Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 81-30 "Being a By-Law,to Restrict the Weight of Vehicles Passing Over Bridges" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Vo1kaert Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson that By-Law No. 81-30 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 81-30 be read a third time and finally pa~sed . Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson That By-Law No. 8],-31 "Being a By-Law to Restrict the Weight of Vehicles Passing Over Bridges" be re-ad a first time. - Carried. 183 184 - 7 - Couney Council, May Session, 1981 Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That By~Law No. 81~31 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson passed. That By-Law No. 81-31 be read a third time and finally - Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That By-Law No. 81-32 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin May Session, 1981" be read a first time. . of the at the - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That By-Law No. 81~32 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 81-32 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Smyth Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That we do now adjourn to meet again on June 16, 1981 at 10:00 A.M. - Carried. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. K. E. Monteith, Warden. 1.85 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, f981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgi~County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That we recommend ,the following changes in hourly rates for the followingnon-Association-posi:t,ions ,at T.errace LJdge: START .!....1!h :Llli T'YR.- Relief Cook Supervisor Ap'I'il 1;:19'81_ P;03 $7~13 $7;23 $7.33 September 13. 1981 7.:28 7.38 7~48 L-sS February 14, 1982 7.43 7.53 7.r63 7.,73 Recreation and Craft Supervisor April I, 1981 $6.98 $7.08 $7.18 $7.28 September 13, 1981 7.23 7.33 7.43 7.53 February 14. 1982 7.38 7.48 7.58 7.68 2. That we recommend that a by-law be prepared for Council to incorporate the change in hourly rates for Terrace Lodge non-Association positions. 3. That all members of this Committee, the' Di-rector' of Homes fo-r Senior Citizens and the Clerk~T-reasurer attend the meeting in Middlesex re: Homes negotiating on May 20th, 1981 at 7:30 P.M. 4. That we recommend the safety footwear allowance for the Rop.ds Department Supervksory Staff be discontinued, effec- tive January 1st, 1982. ~. That the report from Thorne Stevenson & Kellogg be received and a report prepared for the June Session of Council. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. /) / I J df1J!ft(j}} .f,' f ~ J. Glover, fhairman. C'<~d ~F ?7(nv(,~ 186 HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of tqe Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. , Authority has been_given to have Elgin Manor's heating system converted-to natural gas, at an estimated cost of $22,000.00, subject to the approval of the Ministry of Community, and Social Services. 2., The five supervisory personnel at the Homes for Senior Citizens have been authorized to attend the Region 1 Annual ~eeting of the Ontario Association of Homes for the Aged, at the McCormick Home, L0ndon. with registration cost of $3.00 per person. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. /f"l'~ .," , <?J K. C. Emerson, Chairman. (:".::~?/ /~~&/~4 LIBRARY BOARD REPORT May Session. 19B1 'l'o the Warden and ,.Members ,of the Elgin Cqunty Council, The L1:orary BOi;ird reports as follows: -1. That, the -Libra~.aoard' recomm7~ds that the, County COuncil arrange with Aylinerthe appointment of a County Representative to the AyJ..rner Bui:j.ding Committee and t'hat this representative be from a Municipality other than Aylmer. 2. That the Library Board. has, taken possession of the hew lribrary Van.. . 3. That the Annual Repartror last year is ready. That, 'the "annual rePort for this ,year .~ll be prepared same basis a~ the annual re~ort for last year. 4. on the 5. That for 1981 the Library Board meetings wHl be changed to the first Tuesday of any month where the second Tuesday is the day before COunty Council. This occurs in any month which begins on a Wednesday. . All of which is repectfully submitted. h?~AZ::d M.......H. S ewart Chairman ElginCount~ Library t::c~ ,r/;4~ 187 188 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMNITTEE REPORT May Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That the letter from the Medical Officer of Health re: licensing Boarding and Lodging Homes he filed~ 2. That the resolution from the\Sorough of Etobicoke; asking that Rules of Procedureembopied in legislation or t~e regulations, dealing ~ith statutory appeals to. the Provincial Cabinet, be established so that allpersops affected will know the rules of procedure and can he guided by them be filed. 3. That the report from the Director of Social Services prepared at the request of this Committee on "NewC~A.S. Funding System" be received and filed. 4. .. That the request from the Township of Georgian Bay for support in their opposition to the building pf two or more hydro generating stations, by the Orillia Water, Light and Power Corp., on the Musquash River audGo Home Lake be filed. 5. That the request from .the Elgin County Land - Division Committee to allow members, attending the convention to pur- chase memberships be granted. 6. That the letters and information re: A.M.O. convene ion be filed. 7. T~at the letter from The Council for Canadian Unity re: Canada Week - June 25-July 1, be filed. 8. Committee partie!.. That the 1st Annual Report from The Talbot Trail be received and copies made available for interested 9. That the resolution from the City of Kingston, :equesting the Federal Government to declare the third Monday in February as Sir John A. Macdonald Day, & national holiday be filed. 10. That we recommend that Reeve Smyth replace Reeve Bradfield on all his appointments on the various Committees and Boards. 11. That a minimum of Talbot Trail signs be erected by the Roads Department. 12. That due to the number of resolutions etc. being circulated by other municipalities and organizations, we recommend that the following policies be adopted, to reduce the cost of postage and lessen the work involved: (1) Where a resolution is endorsed, a reply be sent to the originating body only, regardless of the request for copies to be sent to others. (2) Where a resolution is filed or not endorsed, no reply be sent, it being felt that no response will indicate non-support. (3) In the event Council wishes copies of resolutions etc. sent to other than the originating body, directions to this effect be incorporated into the recommendation. 189 - 2 - 11. We recommend that the Chairman of the Library Board be appointed to the Aylmer Building Committee for the new library. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. JB.R f:\LfL Chairman. (!~4.f ~/c,p/ ~;;y 190 COUNTY OF' ELGlN RoAD r.OMMITTF.F. FIRST REPORT MAY SESSION TO TilE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Tender of W>llmsley Bros.~ Limited of London, Ontario in the amount of $155.4J8.50 1111s been ac<;epted for hot mix asphalt p:Wl'ment for th(' following: (a) R<.'surfacing approximately 1 mile <)1) County RO<ld #45 from Middle1ll3c.ch southl;'rly. (b) P~1tching F'r'lrlt Str.r."et for the Villa~<, of Port Stanl('y. (1."_) Patching nil St. T~otIlas Suburban Roads #)0 (Radio Road) and #52. (d) Patching on St. Thomas Suburban. Road #28 (Centennial Av.enue). (e) Construction __for the Township of Southwold, Oil the ~,'uthw"J<l_W('''llnltl{:>t(''l. Townlln('. Th" Tl"nder of WalmslC'y Bros., was the lowest of 3 tenders received. Th(' Tender of WnlmslC'y Br!')s. Limited for hot m"ilC asphalt paving on R!')ad #38 the Wards Hill and Road #38 east of Straffordville in the amount of $118.226.00 was also accepted and was the lowest of 2 tenders t"eceived. We expect that work will start within the week for the Township of Southwold. 2. The Tender of Dunn Motors (Aylmer) Limited for a Dodge Model 350. 1 Ton Pickup Truck with the County's 1976 Chevrolet Van was accepted. It was the lowest of 2 tenders t"eceived. 3. Warden Monteith has been advised by the Honourable James Snow, Minister of thC' Ministry of Transpnrtati'ln and Communic:..tions that he (the Minister) does not believe there is any basis for special funding for the improvement of County Road #32 serving the Ontario Police College. SomC' time ago a delegation of the County Road Committee met with the Minister requesting special -'- considerat.ion and supplement.ary funding for the improvement. of this rOOld. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST' REPORT - MAY SESSION PACE 2. 4. A,; it apI''''!'''' thl; start <If chnstruethmof sil,dtary s"ioI"rs in tht, Village of Port Burwell by the Miriistry of t'he Envi1:'onmerit will be delayed uodl at least'the' Fall, yOUr CotmIittee has decided to delay construction on Road' #42 and Road #50 in Port Burwell until next year. We have .instru_cted tbe Engineer to p1:'oceed with construction on Ro;ad 1f32 (~lice CollegeJ?oad). 5. Harold Gilheit, Deputy Hinisiei: of tbe Hiriist1:'Y of Transportation and Communicationi:dl<lswrittento ydu_r COIllIllittee suggesting that the Municipal Act iilight 'be' amended to revert COunty Brida;es not on County Roads to the local Muncipalities in which they lie. The Engineer "'<.IS instructed to advise the ~pUty Minister that tbe Committee feels that permissive legislation to allow a County Council to revert a bridge to a local Municipality would be in order but that the decision to revert or assume a bridge should be the right of County Council only. The COnlnittee was opposed to an automatic reversion of a bridge to a local Municipality if it were 1:'econstructed or h~d a maj~r repair to it as Committee felt that in some cases County Council might feel that the bridge should remain a C'ounty - responsibility. 6. That in resp~nse to a request by t~e Ministry of the Environment the Ministry h<js been not~.fied that the County is not lntereste~ in pursuing ;It thi s time their application of [)(>cember 7. 1975 to enlarge the ;.rea ,sllrved by the Dunwich Landfill Site. 7. We plan to do surface treatment on t.h~_ (ollo~ing- road.5,: (a) County Road .116, ;D.1nwich,ToWflshipfrom ilighw;>y #4ql tQ, the Thames .Rivei'-,.,._'),~ilc", (b) County Roa.d #24.'(armollth TOlfflship fr,om County RO;,,<1 #23 to Dexter _ 4.iOl11c5. (c) St. Thom,a~_ suburban Road #28 (Centennial AveIlUl!) south of Elm Stre:e_t approximately.l;"mile. (d). St. Thomas.Subur,ban Road #29. f1:'OIll. the Ministry -of Transport.ation and, Co~nicatiQns' diverl;'ion to the Ford Water Tower ~ approximately i mile. (e) St. Thomas Su~urban Road #33 (Kain's Hill) _,7/-1.0 of.a,mile. (f) COUnty 191 192 COUNTY O~. ELGIN ROAIl COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT _ .MA'l SESSHlN PAGE .1. Road 1fJ4 in flc!lmont as prime _ ~ mile. (g) County Road #47 from County Road #48 to Avon, South D017chcstcr Township _ 3.5 miles. (h) County Road #51, Ya:r:mouth Township west of the (',Qunty GnJ:''lgc. _ 4110 of :;I. milC';total mileage "pproximatcly 15.2 milC's. 8. Wc have requ('stf'd tliC' Ministry of Transportation and Gorranunications c". nsc('rt:l[n il thi' ':;nt"k,' 'Road IIi the> 1'<".m"hI1' "r Snuthw"ld m..(.t:; th... ct."itc:da as " County Road. The Road is tli" cxt('nsion of County Road #45 north from Middle1Jl<lrch to Highway #land is h(':wity tr;lv('ll('d by tJ:'ucks in the harvpst SC,l.!"'''. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That by_laws be- p~ssed limiting the weight on various County Bridges as follows: a) Cooks. _ on Road #43 _ 15 Tonnes. b) Phil Imore , on Road #43 . 15 Tonnes. c) l{obbins. Yarmouth_Southwold Ttlwnlill(, .. 4 Tonnl's. d) Fulton. Yarmouth-Southwold Townline _ 15 'ronnes. e) Meeks. Yannouth-Southwold Townl ine _ 18 Tonnes. f) JamestoWn. Yarmouth~Malahide Towrilinc . 15 Tonnes. g) Vienna, Bayhain-Vicnna Townline _ 20 Tonnes. h) Tait's. OUnwich_Ekfrid Townline (Middlesex County) - 15 Tonne-s. i) Ling's. Southwold-Westmini ster TOWIlL ine (Middlesex Cotinty) _ [5 Ton""s. I) Mldd],'ml'H~, C:o,tuty Road//lf, SouthW<lld_llunwlch_f;kfrl<l_i::ar:l<!oc Townlin(' (Middlesex Count)!) _ 20 Tonn('s. The Ministry of Transportation and COIl1lIlunications' approval or the County of Elgin's present by_laws run out iri August 1981. i!= is n('cessary to pass new by_laws and rec('iv(' the approval of the Ministry of Tbmsportntion and Comnunicntions pi-ior to that date. The load limits on all the bridgEls athe-r than MiddleinIss are the saine as in previous by...laws. Your Coriunittee recorilmends the load limit: for the Middlemiss Bridge be l'ow('Ted frOm the present: )0 Tons. to 20 Tohll('s (.lpproximat.e>ly 22 ton) dlie to the rapid 193 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT _ MAY SESSIoN PAGE 4. dctcrim-ation of the structure. It i,; hoped by limiting the weight of vehicles on the bridge, the life of the bridge may be In",)lo11gcd.. 2. That: a by_law be passed stating that the COunty has no objections to the passage of a by_law by the Township of Yarmouth closing a portion of the road in Lot .5, Rangell, !:lorch of the Edgeware Road as shown as Part #l on Reference Plan llR 2154. The parcel of land is a part of old County Road #52 commencing at: the west side of the old Carl's Bt'idge and running easterly to the east limit of the propcl:'Cy of the Kettle Creck Conservation Authority. As part of an agreement between the County of Elgin and the Authority to obtain certain Authority lands fo,1' rcconstl:uction of Road #31 and Road 1/52, it was agreed that portions of road allowance no longer required by the County abutting Conservation Authority lands would be deeded to the Authority. The Authority has had possessioll of the property for some time. 3. Tllat a by_law be passed authorhing the Warden and Clerk to sign a deed selling to the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority a portion of Lot 9. Concession II, Ya:rrnouth Township shown 11-S Part #4 on Reference Plan llR 2278. This is also part of an exch;ingc Olf prOpcl-ty lwtweco the County of Elgin and the K('ttle> (;n'('k Con,;crv',lti"" ^lIlharity tllnl f;Jc!lit<lt,,<.! the' r"cbuildinl4 of Cnunty Roml//"lll (l{,,,llo Ilo:ld). It wa,. "Krc,('d that thl' 1'r"llPe'\-t!f"; w,,"I,,1 I" ,",ft I. 11,),.",,1 hl'l"',-,-" 11,,- ^"I h"..lrv ",..I Ih... c.."", v "I <''''it t.o< '" I tl""" h"dy, "lid II.... C",,"t y "I ~:I r: I II "'0" I ,I I'''y ~I I I I '-'~:" I '_'0<.1 surveying c"sts. (.tc. f,. Th'lt.., County Co>ullcil In"f,cctl.." "I' Gounty R..a<.ls in East <lnd Centr:d Elgin talw pl,1c(' on June HI Lcaving the> Court House ae 9 a.lll. ^I.L OF WIlICIl IS RESPECfFlH.I.V SllBMITTED /::> ~' -J~0_)L~ rltMAN , ~</ ~ ,r.c4S-Y 194 SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County.. Council , The Social Services Committee~eports as follows: L That the resolution from the County of Lambton re: shelter allowance for single welfar~ recipients be endor.sed. 2. ,_,., That the A.M.Q./A.C.R.O. issue of "SHORTS" re: Day Care"'be received and -filed. 3. ~ That the second portion of the A.M.O./A.C.R.O. "SHORTS" be r~ferred to the County Government Committee re: Children "s Services.'" ALL of which is respectfully- submitted. ~:"" . ~ :' L~7t<,;e /u..j.r'''>r?'>7 E. Neukamm, Chairman. c~~ (.I ~?/4/~4 . PROPERTY COMMITTEE .REPORT May Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That the request from the Women's Committee, The Art Gallery of St. Thomas and Elgin,to tour the Court House on_Sunday, May 24th, 1981, between 1:30-3:30 P.M. be granted providing that they supply in writing-proof of ,their liability coverage.and also assume any costs involved (or, in the event of rain May 31st). ,- . .. 2. That the copy of the letter from the- Ministry of the Attorney-General, to the Ministry of, Government- Services, re: access to the Law-Library.by members .of the Elgin County Law Association ,be filed and_that the present arrangements be left as previously setin-l977. 3. That the letter from the Frank Cowan Company Ltd. arid copy of an article, from the publication llBusiness Insurance" on current problems in the insurance industry be filed. 4. That the Clerk-Treasurer be authorized to purchase a cassette dictator and transcriber not exceeding $1,100.00, plus necessary supplies. 5. That the draft~greement between the Elgin Military Museum Inc. and the County of Elgin, be received and a copy forwarded to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum for their comments and a by-law be prepared for the June Session to authorize the Warden and Clerk to sign the agreement upon receipt of the approval by the County Museum. ALL o~ Which is respe~t~ully submitted. .&dk~ ~(f. - D. H. ' Chairman. CI~~/ /<ff#;;5~/ 195 196 FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports ~s follows: 1. That the request from the Hastings County Flood Relief Fund for financial help-be filed. 2. That the Clerk-Treasurer be authorized to insert a financial statement, as prepared by the County Auditors for the year ending December 31st, 1980. in The Times~JQurnal> for Saturday, May 30th, 1981. 3. We recommend that Mr. E. Arthur Wells,_County Librarian, be permitted to be the treasurer of the 1985 International Plowing Match, and consideration be given to hire replacement help when the need arises. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. .*4~/? K. M. Kelly. Chairman. e..::~~1 /c.;.;o/~-;rl 197 AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: l- of the are to Information has been received from the Ministry Attorney General that fines under OUT Tree By-Law be turned over to the County_. 2. That the Clerk-Treasurer be authorized to purchase an overhead projector and pull down screen, not exceeding $500.00. 3. We recommend that the Application for Minor EAception from Mr. John Leoon be held in abeyance until his prosecution has been dealt with by the Courts, because the same property is involved. 4. We recommend that the Tree By-Law be amended to include "Elm" under the protected species for 112 em. (4411) in circumference and also that the measurement betaken at 46 cm. (1811) - above the highest point of the ground. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. /i ,h ~;;_._--:,;. ;' ~ y\~~ W. R. Caverly, Chairman. e~// #~~ 198 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-26 "BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH THE 'REMUNERATION TO BE PAID TO THE WARDEN, COUNCIL MEMBERS AND COUNTY OFFICALS FOE ATTENDING CONVENTIONS," The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: . 1. THAT the Warden. Members of the Elgin County Council and Elgin County Officials be paid the following rates for attending conventions: (a) For a convention within ~ radius of 200 miles (322 Km.) of St. Thomas, One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per day, registration fee and mileage from St." Thomas to the convention site and return,paid at the' rate'-of 301t per mile (.18.6t KIn.). (b) For a convention outs idee 8 radius of 200 miles (322 Km.)of St. Thomas, One Hundred 'Dollars ($lOO.OO).per day, registration fee and single air fare rate from the London airport to the site of the convention and return. (c) In additiorito the $100;60 per day the Warden may receive up to $50.00 per day for addit~onal expenses upon presentation of receipts. . (d) The Warden or designate is authorized to obtain a County Room at conventions when he deems it desirable and that he be reimbursed for this cost, upoQpresentation of receipts. The Warden is entitled to the per diem rate of $100.00, whether he uses this room or obtains another one. (e) The Warden may receive up to. $300.00 in addition to the $100.00 per day, upon presentation of receipts, for additional expenses incurred for the Ontario Good RoadS Association Convention only. (f) For a convention held in London, Ontario only, committee pay, mileage ellowance to and from home, plus registration fee, for anyone who does not stay overnight at a hotel. (g) Th~t in order to obtain payment for attending conventions the member or official must present the hotel bill and registration receipt or reasonable f~simile of same to the Clerk of the County. (h) The per diem rate for conventions shall be limited to the actual days that the convention has sessions listed. (i) Anyone attending a convention shall be reimbursed for his regis- tration fee and mileage from St. Thomas. to the convention site and return, where he does not have a hotel bill and it shall be considered as one of the three allowable conventions. 2.(a) The Warden may attend any number of conventions he chooses each year. (b) Members of County Council are limited to any three conventions of their choice each year. 3. THAT By-Laws No. 80-8 and 81-5 be, and the same are hereby repealed. 4. THAT this by-law shall become effective upon passing. READ a first time this 20th day of ~ay, 1981. READ a second time this 20th day of May, 1981. READ a third time and f~nally passed this ,~Oth day of May, 1981. ~<-<-<----c......;.L~ G. C. Leverton, Cle4'k. ~~ <'?2~.z:;;/ K. E. Monteith, Warden. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-27 "BEINC"A-BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH THE" RATE OF PAY FOR CERTAIN EMPLOYEES TN THE HOMES FOR"SF.NTOR CITIZENS." WHEREAS cer~ain positions are not covered by a collective agreement or other by~law; and - WHEREAS it is necessary to establish rates of pay for these positions. adopted: NOW THEREFORE the following rates be and are hereby 1. Registered Nurses - October 1, 1978 - $7.85 per hour _ October 1, 1979 - $8.37 per hour. Plus Annual Clothing Allowance of $60.00 (paid quarterly). 2. TERRACE LODGE - "Hourly Rates ~ l..X!:. Relief Cook Supervisor April I, 1981 September"l3, 1981 February 14, 1982 Plus Annual Clothing $7.03 7.28 7.43 Allowance of $7.13 7'.38 7.53 $60.00 Recreation Director and Craft Supervisor April 1, 1981 September 13, 1981 February 14, 1982 $6.9B 7.23 7.38 $7.0B 7.33 7.48 ~ l...!!h $7.23 $7.33 7.48 7.58 7.63 7.73 (paid quarterly). $7.1B 7.43 7.58 $7.28 7.53 7.68. 3. THAT By-Law No. 80-19 be, and the same is hereby repealed. READ a fir5~ t~~e this 20th day of May, 1981: READ a second time this 20th day of May, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of May, 1981. ~~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~ ,~~~.Y K. . Monteith, Warden. 199 200 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-28 "BEING A BY-LAW CONSENTING TO THE STOPPING UP OF A ROAD ALLOWANCE IN THE TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH." WHEREAS notice has been rece~ved. by registered mail, from the Township of Yarmouth, indicating their inten- tion to pass a by-law to stop up, close and sell the road allowance being composed of Part of Lot 5, Range 2 NOrth of Edgeware Road, more particularly described as Part 1 on a Reference Plan deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin (No. 11) as number 11R-2154; and WHEREAS the County of Elgin has no objection to the said passing of the by-law~ THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin consents to the passing of a by-law, stopping up, closing and selling the'road a1lowanc~, as described above. READ a Zirst time, this 20th day of May, 1981. READ a second time this 20th day of May, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of May, 1981. ~........~)'(..------ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~.r.?7~ K. E. Monteith, Warden. CQUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 8lc29 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN A DEED TO CONVEY LAND IN THE TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH TO THE KETTLE CREEK CaNf::KRVATION AUTHORITY." WHEREAS the Corporation of the County of Elgin has agreed to convey to the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority, lands not needed for road allowance purposes, being composed of Part of Lot 9, Concession XI, Township of Yarmouth. THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: That the Warden and Clerk of the Corporation of the Elgin are hereby ,authorized to sign a deed for the parcel: County (If following ALL AND SINGULAR that certain tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Yarmouth, in the County of Elgin, being composed of Part of Lot 9, in the 11th Concession of the said Township, more particularly designated as Part 4 on a Reference Plan, deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of the County of Elgin as Plan 11R2279. READ a first time this 20th day of May, 1981. READ a second time this 20th day o~ May, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of May, 1981. -~<*~ G. C. L_everton Clerk. ' ,'f,/' <~< .D,/ K. E. Monteith, Warden. 201 202 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-30 "BEING A BY-LAW TO RESTRICT THE WEIGHT OF VEHICLES PASSING OVER BRIDGES." WHEREAS Subsection 12 of Section 77 of the Highway Traffic Act (Chapter 202 R.S.O. 1970) provides that: "The Municipal Corporation or othe.rauthority having jurisdiction over a bridge; may by by-law approved by the Ministry, makeregu- lations limiting the gross weight of any vehicle, .or.any class thereof,passing over such bridge;" ., and; WHEREAS it is'deemed expedient to limit the weight of vehicles passing over certain bridges in the County of Elgin. NOW THEREFORE thee Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County ~f Elgin enacts as follows: 1. " Noveh~cle or any class thereof; whether empty or loaded, shall be operated over any bridge ,designated in Schedule No.1 and 2,' forming part of this By~Law with a weight in exces.s of weight limit prescribed in the Schedule for such bridge. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this By-Law shall besubjec~ to the pe~alty provided in Section 77, Subsection (13) of: the Highway Traffic Act. 3. This By-Law shall not becom~ effective until approved by the Mini~t~y of Transportation and Communications and until a notice of the weight permitted, legibly printed, has been posted up in a conspicuous place at either end of each bridge designated in the attached schedules. 4. By-Law No. 79-42 of the County of Elgin is hereby repealed. READ a first ~ime this 20th day of May, 1981. READ a second ti~e this 20th day of May, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of May, 1981. ~~-e-<:>":'-,.--" G. C. Leverton, Clerk. zc;,C-' Xd -. . f?7//'Jl ,- K. E. Monteith, Warden. 203 BY-LAW' NO. 81-30 SClIEDULENO. BRlOOES ON COUNTY ROADS Numbel:' Bridge No. (MTe) Road No. Name of Bridge Location Weight Limit in Tonnes Year of Construc- tion _ Type of Floor Finish 1. 5_144 43 Cooks Lot 1. Con. V 15 1907 Wood ToWnship of Bayham 2. 5_146 43 Phillinore Lot 3. Con. VI 15 1909 Wood Township of Bayhan 204 BY.,..LAW NO. 81-30 S C H E D U L E NO. COUNTY BRIDGES ON TOWNSHIP ROADS Number Bddge Name of Location Weight Year of Type of No. 13ridge Limit in Construc- Floor (MTC) Tonnes tion Finish 1. 5_59 Robbins Lot.5, 4 1898 Wooden River Road Township of southwald 2. 5..,60 Fulton Lots 3 & 4, 15 1912 Concl:'ete Mill Road. Township of. Southwald 3. 5_133 Meeks Lo.'t 16, 18 1900 Concrete North Union Road; Township of Southwald 4. 5,..138 Jamestown Lot. 28, Con. II 15 1908 Bituminous Township of and Wood Yarmouth 5. 5-158 Vienna Lot 14, Con. III 20 Unknown, Concrete Bayham. Now in Reconst,.. Village of Vienna ructed in 1933 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-31 "BEING A BY-LAW TO RESTRICT THE WEIGHT OF VEHICLES PASSING OVER BRIDGES." WHEREAS Subsection 12 of Section 77 of the Highway Traffic Act (Chapter 202R.S.0. 1970) provides that: "The Municipal Corporation or other authority having jurisdiction over a bridge, may by by~law approved by the Ministry make regu- lations limiting the gross weight of any vehicle, or any class thereof, passing over such bridge." and; WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to limit the weight of vehicles passing over certain bridges in the County of Elgin. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. No vehicle or any class thereof, whether empty or loaded, shall be operated over any bridge designated in Schedule 1, formi~g part of this By-Law with a weight in excess of weight limit prescribed in the Schedule for such bridge. 2. Any person violating any of the prov~s~ons of this By-Law shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 77, Subsection (13) of the Highway Traffic Act. 3. This By-Law shall not become effective until approved ~y the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and until a notice of the weight permitted, legibly printed, has been posted up in a conspicuous place at either end of each bridge designated in the attached Schedule. 4. By-Law No. 2486 of the County of Elgin is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 20th day of May, 1981. READ a second time this 20th day of ~ay, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of May, 1981. ~~,>,,~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~~V7l/~X;y' K. E. Monteith, Warden. 205 206 BY-LAW NO. 81-31 SCHEDULE NO. BOUNDARY BRIDGES WITH "THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX Number Bridge Road Name of Location Weight. Year of Type of Adjoining No. No. Bl:'idge Limit in Construc_ Floor Municipal ity (MTC) Tonries tion Finish 1. 5_42 Tait's Lot 7, 15 1914 Concrete County of Broken Bituminous Middlesex Front 'AI, Township of Dunwich 2. 5_5 Linges Lot 49, 15 1907 Concrete County of East Side Middlesex Talbot Road North Bridge, Township of Southwold 3. 5_45 14 Middlemiss ". Lot c, 20 1935 Concrete County of Con. III Middlesex Township of Dunwich COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-32 "A BY-LAW TO CONFTRM PROC:EEDTNGS. OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE MAY SESSION, 1981." WHEREAS by Section 90f The Municipal Act, beirig Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 of The Municipal Act, being Chap~er 284 of the Revise~ Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpo~ ration of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommen- dation contained in the Reports of thee Committees and each motion andresolutionpassed_and,ot?er action taken by the Municipal CounCil_of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the Mayl98l Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things. necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of ~lgin. referred to in the preceding section ~e~eof~ 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized arid directed to execute all documents necessar~ in, that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporatiqn of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 20th day of May, 1981. ~EAD a second ti~e this 20th ~ay of May, 19~1. READ a ~hird time and finally passed this 20th day of May, 1~1. ~)"r~' G. C. Leverton. Clerk, ~F .m~,t:l;( K. E. Monteith, Warden. 207 208 June Session ~ First Day Tuesday, the 16th day of June, 1981 Th~ Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municip~l Build{ng, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL - All Members present except: Deputy Reeve Perovich Deputy Reeve McWilliam Deputy Reeve Pettit Reeve Emerson Reeve Kelly - arrived 10:03 A.M. Reeve Coles - arrived 10:03 A.M. Moved by Deputy Reeve Volkaert Seconded by Reeve Wilson That the minutes of the May 1981 Session of the Elgin County Council be adapted. - Carried. The following Communications were read and referred to the various Committees: 1. From the Township of Yarmouth Committee of Adju&tment with notice of public hearing for a minor variance, (Clarence Helkaa, R. k. #3, St. Thomas) set for June 25th, 1981 at 8:00 P.M. _ Referred to the Roads Committee. 2. F~om the City of North Bay with a resolution respecting current high prime interest rates. - Referred to the Finance Committee. ? From the Ontario Labour Relations Board with two ~otices of Application. for Certification and Hearing, by the London and District Service Workers'Union, Local 220, re: Terrace Lodge Employees. - Referred to the Personnel Committee. 4. , From the City of Mississauga with resolution with respect to appeals from the Assessment Review Court. ~ Referred to the County Government Committee. 5. From the Consumers' Association of Canada with a report on their intervention at the CRTC public hearing of Bell Canada's 1981 general rate increase application. - Referred to the County Government Committee. ' 6. From AMO with forms to name two voting delegates for the Annual Conference. - Referred to, the Finance Committee. 7. From Ontario Hydro with announcement of study for upgrading of 230 Kilovolt Transmission line - Buchanan Transformer Station to Chatham Transformer Station. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 8. From the County of Kent with resolution proposing ~ change in legislation, to allow County Councils to pass by-laws to undertake investigations to determine the feasibility of alternative methods of waste disposal. ~ Referred to the Road's Committee. 9. From the Township of Malahide with notice of the passing of By-Law N0. 1972 to regulate land use, pursuant to Section 35 vf The Planning Act. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 10. From the Minister of the Environment re: the resolution from Oxford County concerning The Environmental Assessment Act and Municipal Road Projects. - Referred to the Roads Committee. - 2 ,;;. II. From ~he Ministry 6flridustry,artdTourismconCern~ng the l~% Canadian Preference Policy,. Referred to the County Government Committee. From the Association Steering Committee of ACRO, AHO with two letters: (a) Requesting ideas on princi~les and prdcedures~ for Provincial/Municipal Consultatiori Process. (b) Requesting s~ggestioris fora name for the new Association. Referred to the County Government Committee. 12. and ROMA 13., , ~rom theOntarioHydrowitn a_ copy of an evalUation document, dealing with _alternate plans_for expand~ng the bulk power transmission system in Southwestern ontario. ~ Referred to the Roads Committee. 14. From the Management Bbard bfCabinet with reply to C9uncil's endorsation of, the resolu~i~n frpmAylmer re: recent wage settlements~ - Referred to the Personnel Committee. 15. Fr~m theTowriS~ipofYarmouth ~i~h notices" of the,pa~s- ing of By.Laws No. 2617, 2618 and 2619, to regulate land use - ' passed pursuant to:Section 35 of The Planning Act. - Referred-to the Roads Committe~. 16. Public t.o the From the Deputy County Courtc1erk'with a copy oft-he Inspection Pane11s Report, dated May 22nd, 1981. . Referred Property Committee. 17~ __ -From the Elgin West District Women1s Institut~-with appo~ntment to theElgi~ County Pioneer Museum for 1981-82. - Re';;' ferred to the Finance Committee. 18; _ From_ the-Ministry of community'and,Sociai Services with approval for Administration Budget for the Social Services Depart- ment. _ Referred to the Social Services Committee. 19. _ _ _ ,From the M~rii~try,of Communit~ and Social Services with explanation onth~,rete?tron of,surplus~~ by Children's Aid Societies; _ Referred to the Finance Committee. 24~ ,".. FrCim the Minister of Social Services ,and the' Chairman; Onta~io Advisory Council on Senior CitizenS, with request to pro- Claim JUrl.e. 21st to_ .:June. 27th~" as -nSe,niorCitiZeris Week". - Re- ferred to the County Government Committee~ 31. ,.' From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with 1981 Supplementary Subsidy Allocation for Drainage Assess- m:ents against County Roads;ln the ainbuntOf $20.000~OO. . Re':'" ferred to the Roads Committee. 3t. of a Lots From the TowrishfP of Malahide with riot~~e of the passing bY,-law to cto'se'"an. o!iglna1. aHowance foX' Toad .betW'een IO-and II, Concession 4. - Referred to the Roads Committee; 33,. ., From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with n~ti~e of s~rplus landsa~aila~1~ for purchase, nort~ of St. Thom,as, between Old .a&,hW'<l'Y _3 and 4 and the new diversion.' _ Referred to the Roads Committee. 34.: . ,. ,F.roriithe, Towris~?' of Ya:tnlouth_witn~o,ticeof th'epassin'g of B}':-:Law _No. 2622, to' regulat_e land ,use,' pursuant to Sect.ion 3-5 of The Planning Act. - Referred to the Roads Committee; 3'5;... .' .' From. the Towri~hip of. Kin'gst'on_ ~:th o,feso'lutfori on ed'u:c.i.'- tion costs; - Referred to the Finance committee. 3'6. ..... ". _ From the'~oWrt of Tecum~eh .wit6.'resoltit-iOri' re: htgh .rate of interes't. .;. Refeirred' to the Finance Committee. 37... _ _ From the Ministry of CommunHy an~: ,Social Services' ,wHh' :i copy of 1981 Version of the Days-Care By Location Report. .,Re~ ferre'd to the Finance CoInmfttee. 209 210 - 3 - County Council, June Session, 1981 38. From Ontario Hydro with request for the n8m80f an official spokesperson and an alternate for the London working group on "Southwestern Ontario Bulk Power- Transmission Stu4y". - Referred to the County Government Committee. 39. From the Township of Yarmouth with notice of the pass- ing of By~Laws No. 2623 and 2625, to regulate land US~ pursuant to Section 3S of The Planning Act. - Referred to the Roads Committee. - , The following Communications were read and ordered filed: 20. From Wilfrid Laurier University advlsing that the winners of the E~gin County Scholarships were: Miss Jane S. Oldham 101 Elk Street AYLMER, Ontario Miss Karin Krista Neukamm R. R. #1 AYLMER, 'Ontario. 21. From the Town of Aylmer accepting Reeve Stewart as a member of the Town's Special Building Committee for the Old Town Hall. 22. From the Minister of MuniCipal Affairs and Housing 'with ~ copy of his remarks, made to the 28th Annual Conference of The Orga~ization of Small Urban Municipali~ies. 23. From the Ministry of Community Brtd Sociai Services with copy of the remarks made by the Honourable Frank-Dr~a, Minister, to the annual convention of OMS SA. ' 25. From the President, St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital BoardofcGovernors, advising of the,annual meeting, set for June 3rd, 1981 at 2:00 P.M. 26. From the Ministry of Natural Resotirc'es with "District Release;" on Port Bruce Provincial Park facilities. (lJ ' (2) From Mr. R.J. Upsdell_advistng6f ~heresults ofpros~ under the Tree -- By-Law:' . . C'!unty .VS Le~nn - Adjourned to August 31st" - no plea', County VS Frank:'.Silcox andF~ J...iHlcox Farms Limited -' no ,plea - 3?journ-ed to', A:u.g,?-s,t _ 3+s~. County VS Towers - no proof of Servi~e of the Summons .: adjourned to-June 22nd., 27. ecutions (3) 28. tug were Fr~m the-University of Gu~iphadvi~i~~.that winners of the Elgin County:, Scholarships: Tim Emerson R. R.#i VJENNA Catherine Light R. R. #4 AYLMER. the fo.l1o~,... 29. and Elgin statement From the Family and Children'~ Services of_ S~. ,Thomas with allocation of children in care and financial to April 30t~, 1981. From the Bank of Montreal,'-?dv'ising that the Ba_nk's Prill'le Rate has been increased by %% to 20%, effective June 5th, 30. Municipal 1-981. The First Report of the Personnel Committee was pre- sented by Reev~ Glover and adopted on mbtion:ofc~~eve Glover and Reeve Hodgson. The SecondRepo~t-of:the Personnel Committee was pre~ sented by Reeve 'Glover and adopted on motion of Reeve Gl:overand Deputy Reeve Haddow. - 4 - The Third Report of the Personnel ~ommittee was pre- sented by Reeve Glover and adopted on motion of Reeve Glover and Reev~ Lavereau. The Fourth Report 'of the Personnel Committee was pre~ seuted by Reeve. Glover ,and adopted on motiop of Reeve.Gloverand~ Reeve Eleck~ . - The Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee was presented by Reeve Hodgson and adopted on motion of Reeve Hodgson and Reeve Fleck. The Report of ~he Roads Committee waS presented by Reeve Shaw and adopted on motion of Reeve Shaw and Dep~ty Reeve Marr. . The Report of the Library Board was presentedby'Reeve Stewart and adopted 90-motioo, of Reeve .Stewart and Reeve Lavereau. Moved.by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Se~onded by Deputy Reeve Haddow That_the Treasurer's Report be accepted arid -printed in the proceedingsL - Carried. Moved by ReeVe Caverly Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That the Treasurer's Statements on Remuneration and Expenses be accepted and printed in theproceeding~. - Carried. Moved~by Deputy Reeve-Marl' Se~onded by Reeve Hodgson 1. That ,all cheques of the, Corporation' drawn on, its Elgin County Homes fqr Senior'Citiz~ns'Donation Account, be signed on its behalf by Fred J. Boyes. Director Administrator and s~gnedl counte~si~ed by R. E. H~nes., Assistant"~dministrator. 2. . ThatG. C. Leverton the_Clerk-Treasurer of the Corpo~ ration be and is hereby authorized for and on;behalf of -the Corporation ,to ne~otiate with. _deposit with or transfer to the Bank-of Montreal (but. for credit'of the said Corporation accQunt only) all or any Bills of ~chaYlge. Promissory Notes. ,Cheques and Orders _ for the _ payment of money aTld othel;' _ negotiable paper. ,and for the said purpose ~o'endorse th~same or ~ny of'them on behalf of the said'i:orporation. e:ither, inwriting',()r b~ rul?ber st,a~_p._ 3.. _ _That G.' C.-.Leverton be,and:is hereby authorized '{;or and '---'" on behalf of the said Corporation from time to time to arrange. settle, balance and certify a1lhooks and accounts between the said Corpo~ation and the Bank; and to receive-all paid, cheques and. vouchers. unpaid" and ui).ac:ceptedoills"of excbange 'and other negotiabl~ instrome.nt~. ,- " 4. That G. C. Leve7;ton be and is hereby authorized fo-r and onbehalfof,the said Corporatio~ to obtaindelivery~rom the said Bank o~ _ all or any __s,tacks., -bonds and 'oth~r ,~e,ci:tritie~ ",heldby. the said Bank in safekeepingor~o~herwis~ for, thea~cou~tof the Corpor~~ion and to'giv~~~lid,and bin~ingre~~ipts t~erefore. , 5. That thisresolutic;m__bec()Illlllunicated-to t,hesaidBank and remain in force until written notice to the contrary shall have been giventq,the Manager for the time being at the Branch of the Rank at which the account of the said Corporation is kept and receipt of such notice duly acknowledged inwriting~ Car-ried. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wake ling 1. That all cheques of the Corporation drawn on its Ter-race Lodge Donations Account be signed on its behalf by F-red J. Boyes, Director Administrator and signed/countersigned by R. E. Hines. Assistant Administrator. 211 -../ '-' ~ 212 - 5 - County Council. June Session. 1981 2. That G. C. Leverton the Clerk-Treasurer of the Corpo- ration be and is hereby authorized fbr and on behalf of the Corporat~on to negotiate with. deposit with.or transfer to the Bank of Montreal (but for credit of the said Corporation account only) all or any Bills of Exchange. Promissory Notes. Cheques and Orders for the payment of money and other negotiable paper, and for the said purpose to endorse the same or any o~ them on behalf of the said Corporation. either in writing or by rubber stamp. 3. That G. C. Leverton be and is hereby authorized for and on behalf of the said Corporation from time to time to arrange, settle. balance and certify all books and accounts between the said Corporation and the Bank; and to-receive all paid cheques and vouchers, unpaid and unaccepted bills of exchange and other negotiable instruments. 4. That G. C. Leverton be and is hereby authorized for and on behalf of the said Corporation to obtain delivery from the said Bank of all or any stocks, bonds -and other securities held by the said Bank in safekeeping or btherwisefor the account of the Corporation and to give valid and binding receipts therefore. 5. That this resolution be communicated to th~ said Bank and remain in force until written notice to the contrary shall have been given to the Manager for tlie time being at the Branch of the Bank at which the account of the said Corporation is kept and receipt of such notice duly acknowledged in writing~ - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Shaw 1. That all cheques of the Corporation drawn on its Elgin Manor Donations Account be signed on its behalf by Fred J. Boyes, Director Administrator and signed/countersigned by R~ E~ Hines~ Assistant Administrator. 2. That G. C. Leverton the Clerk-Treasurer of the Corpo- ration be and is_hereby authorized for and on behalf of the Corporation to ne~otiate with, deposit with or transfer to the Bank of Montreal (but for credit of the said Corporation account only) all or any Bills of Exchange~ Promissory Notes. Cheques and Orders for the payment of money and other negotiable paper, and for the said purpose to, endorse the same or any of them on behalf 0f the said Corporation~ either in writing or by rubber stamp. 3. That G.C. Leverton be arid is here~y authorized ,for and on behalf of the said Corporation from time to time to arrange, settle, balance and certify,all books and accounts between the said Corporation and the Bank; and to receive all, paid cheques and vouchers. unpaid and unaccepted bills of exchange and other nego~ tiable instruments. 4. That G. C. Leverton be and_is hereby authorized for and on behalf of the said Corporation to obtain delivery_from the said Bank of all or any stocks, bonds and other securities held, by the said Bank in safekeeping or otherwise for the account of the Corporation and to give valid and binding receipts therefore. 5. That this resolution be communicated to the said Batik and remain in force until written notice to_the contrary shall have been given to the Manager for the time being at the Branch of the Bank at which the account of the said Cor~oration is kept arid receipt of such notice duly acknowledged in writing. ..;.. Carr-ied. Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Deputy Reeve VolkaeTt That we do now adjourn to meet ag'a'in June 16th,. 1981 at 2:00 P.!;'. - Carried.- - 6 '- Council Re-Convened. ROLL CALL - All Members present except: Deputy Reeve Perovich Deputy Reeve McWilliam Deputy Reeve Pettit Reeve Emerson The Report of the Reception and Eritertainment Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Marr and adopted on motion of Deputy $eeve Marr and Reeve Fleck. The Report of the Social Services Committee was pre- sented by Deputy Reeve Neukamm and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Neukamm and Reeve Smyth. The Report of the Property Committee was presented py Deputy Reeve Pearson and adopted on motion of. Deputy Reeve Pearson and Deputy Reeve Haddow. The Report of the County Government Committee was pre- by Reeve Fleck and adopted on motion of Reeve Fleck and Reeve Marr. sented Deputy The Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caverly and Reeve Shaw. The Report of the Finance Committee was presented by Reeve Kelly and adopted on motion of Reeve Kelly and Deputy Reeve Haddow. The Report of the Special Committee Appointed Re: The Visit of the Governor General was presented by Deputy Reeve Marr and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Marr and Deputy Repve .Wakeling. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That By-Law No. 81-33 UBeing a. By-Law _to Amend By_Law No. 81_27. Thereby Establishing a Day Registered Nurse Ratell be read a-first time. .,... Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Marr Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That By-Law No. 81-33 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Volkaert Seconded by R~eve Shaw That By-Law No. 81-33 be read a third time and finally passed. Carried. ~oved by Deputy Reeve Marr Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That By-Law No . 81-34 "Bein-g a By-Law td Amend By_Law No. 80-48, Thereby Establishing Additional Pay Schedules" be read a first time. .,... Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Fleck That By_Law No. 81-34 be read a second time. - Carried. 213 214 - 7 _ County Council, June Session. 1981 Moved by Reeve Smyth Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm passed. That By-Law No. 81-34 be read 8, third time and 'finally - Carried. Moved by Reeve Shaw Seconded by Reeve Smyth That By-Law No. 81-35 "Being .,aBy-Law to Authcrrize the Warden and Clerk to Sign an Agreement Between the County of Elgin and The Elgin Military Museum Inc," be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Smyth Seconded by Reeve Shaw That By-Law No. 81-3~ be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Smyth Seconded by. Reeve Shaw That: By~Law No. 81~35 be' read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Walters Seconded by Reeve Wilson That By-Law No. 81-36 "Being a' By:-Law to' Amend By-Law No. 79-38,..;; By-Law to Restrict-and Regulate the- -Destructio.n o.f Trees by Cutting, Burning, o.r Other Means" be read a first time'. - Carried. Mo.ved ~y Reeve Wilso.n Seco.nded ~y Reev~ -Walters That By-Law No.. 81-36 be read a seco.nd time. - CaY'ried. Mo.ved by Reeve Kelly Seco.nded by Reeve Lashbro.o.k That By-Law No.~ 81~36 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Maved by Reeve Kelly Seco.nded by Reeve Lashbro.o.k That By-Law No.. 81-37 "A By-Law to. Canfirm Pro.ceedings af the Munic+pal Co.uncil o.f the Carpo.ratio.n of the Co.unty o.f Elgin at the' June Sessio.n. 1981" be reac. a first time. - Ca'rhed. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wake ling Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearso.n That By-Law No.. 81-37 be read a seco.nd time. - Carried. - 8 - Moved by Reeve Lashbrook Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson That By-Law No. 81-37 be read a third time and finally passed. Carried. Moved by Reeve Lashbrook Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson That we do now adjourn to meet again on September 9th', 1981 at lO:Ofr A.M. G.> C. Leverton. Clerk. - Carried-. K. E. 'Monteith, Warden. 215 216 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT June Session. 1981 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of t~e Elgin County CounciJ. The Personnel Committee reports as follows: The following recommendations are being made as a result of the report from Thorne Stevenson & Kellogg on the updating of our Job Evaluation/Salary Administration program: 1. That the Assistant Custodian's position be reclas- sified from Level 2 to Level 3 and a new Level 3A be created, with the following salary schedule based on a 40-hour work week: $13.697-$14.268-$14,860-$15,480 and his rate of pay be $13.697.00 (Step 1). 2. That the position of Semi-Professional at the County Library be reclassified from Level 6 to Level 7 and his rate of pay be $16,382.00 (Step 1). 3. T~at a new Level 5A be created for the Custodian. to compensate him for a 40-hour work week and the salary schedule be as follows: $15,173-$15.818-$16,463-$17,109. 4. That the position of Office Co-Ordinator, in the Engineer's Office, be reduced to a 32~-hour work week, ~ffective June 28th, 1981, and the 40-hour premium be reduced as follows from her annual rate of pay: Effective June 28th, 1981 Effective January 1st, 1982 Effective January 1st, 1983 Effective January 1st, 1984 an additional - an additiona.l an additional TOTAL $ 238.00 333.00 333.00 334.00 $1,238.00. 5. That the position of Payroll Supervisor remain in Level 4. 6. That a new position of Building Supervisor, in the Homes for Senior Citizens, be created in Level 10, and Mr. Wayne Gray be paid at $24,055.00 (Step 3), effective January 1st, 1981. This combines the two positions of Maintenance Supervisor and Laundry and Housekeeping Supervisor into one position. 7. That unless otherwise recommended, increases become effective September 21st, 1981. 8. Rating khat_ we recommend that the composition of the Committee for the Job Evaluation program be as follows: Warden Chairman of the Personnel Committee Clerk~Treasurer Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Department Head of tb~ Employee Involved. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. I 4' .I .. " rj .;_ i \ '-'""'i:.lv."UN s. -:Y! Glover, Chii"rlimn. t/ t>vA.-1.-<-'-~1 r- -f ? 77/?>J~".1 217 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1981 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That we recommend that the Day Registered Nurses. at Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge. be paid 21~ per hour additional, effective July 1st,. 1981, for added responsi- bilities. 2. That the Long Term Disability contract with Mutual Life be amended to provide for compulsory participation in accordance with the Fringe Benefit By-Laws. ." That the employees returning to work, after being off without pay, be required to purchase OMERSbroken service in one lump'. sum if they choose to buy back the time lost. 4. That a policy be established requiring employees. who are retiring after July 1st, 1981, to liquidate all vacation times owing (including current year) prior to their date of retirement. This will result in no lump sum payments for unused vacation time. 5. That for the purpose of calculating the retirement allowance for employees retiring after at least five years of service, six months must be worked to count as an additional year. 6. That Department Heads be allowed to sit in during wage negotiations affecting their employees. 7. That we recommend that Deputy or Assistant Depart- ment Heads be included in the annual Council picture. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. /: / .' // '.I L L-/, ~;ltt.-~Cc/L/ ~:.#. Glover, ~irman. :::(;.......~(;j /T<7?1..J;04 218 PERSONNEL, COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1981 THIRD REPORT To the Warden and Members of t~e Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That the application for certification to the Cotario Labour Relations Board, by the London and District Service Workers' Union, Local 220, to represent the employees at Terrace Lodge, be received and the Director be authorized to complete the necessary forms; t~e Warden, Chairman of the Personnel Committee, Clerk, Assistant Administrator and any other member of the Personnel Committee be authorized to attend the hearing in Toronto. 2. That the letter" from t~eManagement Board of Cabinet in reply to Elgin's endorsation of the resolution from the Town of Aylmer re: recent wage settlements by the Province be filed. 3. That the $100.00 safety footwear allowance for the Roads Department Supervisory-Staff. be paid in cash-in January 1982. 4. That the Personnel Committee be authorized to advertise. interview arid hire a Tree Commissioner/Weed Inspector. duties to commence October 1st. 1981. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. /! {J \-:J'I::, ~')~lAU./'v Sii' . Glover C ' rman. . c;;'......~c/ , ,- .r/,?/)",<,,,v~/ 2.19 PERSQNNELCOMMITTEEREPORT June'Session; 1981 FOURTH REPORT To the Warden and Members of; the' Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That the motion adopted by County C9uncil on April 16th, 1980. in relation to the using ~p of Roads Department Employees'vacatio~, accumulated prior to 1980. remain in effect for all employees with the exception of the Engineer. General Superintendent and -Assistant General Superintendent, and the cash be provided for any unused por- tion of the 50% for 1981. from the 1981 Roads Budget and provision be made in the 1982 Roads Budget fOT any portion that will have to be paid in 1982. 2. That the vacation carry-over for the Engineer, General Superintendent and Assistant General Superintendent be taken in ~ccordance with the following schedule: ~r. R. G. Moore - County Engineer During 1981 45 days - (20 days plus ~urrent entitlement) During 1982 - 60 days - (35 days plus current entitlement) During 1983 _ 52~ days - (27~ days plus current entitlement) During 1984 - 50 days (25 days plus current entitlement) 207% days (107~ days). Mr. A. J. Gordon - General Superinterident During 1981 _ 50 days - (25 days plus current entitlement) During 1982 _ 60 days - (35 days plus current entitlement) During 1983 _ 60 days - (35 days plus current entitlement) During 1984 - '44 days - (lO~ days plus current entitlement) 214 days. (105~ days). Mr. C. R. Doran - Assistant-General Superintendent During 1981 - 45 days - (20 days plus current entitlement) During 1982 - 50 days - (25 days plus current entitlement) During 1983" - 43% days - ( 6 days plus current entitlement) 13~% days (51 days). Any portion of the carry-over not used in any year will be paid in cas~. the first pay of the new year. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. c~~ c/ ,en A-<S: <T.)lmA</.Pf 220 HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. TDst three new Donations Accounts be opened up at the Bank of Montreal, St. Thomas, for Terrace ,Lodge and Elgin Manor, to take advantage of daily interest and that the Director and Assistant Administrator be the signing authorities for the cheques. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. /~ J. W. 6dgson, Actin Chairman. ---------- ".-</VA-'-c/ C /E<?7;?"/U/v(' 221 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT JUNE SESSION TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOlJR ReAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS; 1. Walmsley Bros. Litnited hs,:"e completedthefolloWfng portil>u7l their Hot: Mix Asphalt ,Paving Contract with. the County of _Elgin: (a) Paving for Southwold_Towriship on the southwold';;'Wesi:minster- Del aware- Townline. (b) Road 1/45 from Middlernarch South. (c) Road #38 _ Wards Hill. (d) Road #38 cast of Straffordville to the Haldmand-Norfolk Regional Boundary. (e) Patching Roads #30 and #52. 2. The Miniscry of T.ransportation and COmrllUnications is prepared to approve the County of ELgin By-Law #61-31 limiting the weight of vehicles on the Middlemiss Bridge to 20 tonnes. A simila1:' By_Law is being prepared by the County of Middlesex. The Ministry of Tr..msportation and COIIIlIunications has advised us to replace the r<lilingon the sou.th approach span, repair the dcck and monitor thc bridge closely to sce how fast the remaindel:' of the deck deteriorates. They suggest that studies should be done to asccl:'tain if th€' load I.1mit could be removed if the entire deck was replaced with a new concrete deck. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPEcrF1JLLY SUBMI'ITED ~ /A;7 ~/01_oJ ~ ~CHAIRMAN Ct:~?/ /Y' ~'4-J:~ 222 LIBRARY BOARD REPORT June Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Library Board reports as follows: 1. That the combined tenders for furniture for the Port Stanley Library to the amount of $48,263.42haye been accepted. 2. That the Government fi.mded Local History Project: Local Histo~ Census Proiect 2, has begun. This project will ~ndex the.1 .1, .1tsbl, tit. Thomas, 1871 Southwold, 1842, 1$51, IS61-Bayham~ 1842 Yarmouth, 1842 AldboroughCenslls. An:auxiliary project to this is an update on the Local History Bibliography which will be done by the computer at the University of Western Ontario. 3. That a donation of $50.00 was received from the Quota Club of St. Thomas for the :Qurchase of books concerning hearing and speech handicaps. All of Which is respectfully submitted. .~ft~d ~.f .00.. . b't-ewart Chairman Elgin County Library Board ('<."~_c/ f/45~ COUNTY ',TREASURER'S REPORT June Session. 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council. 223 I beg to submit the following statements of Receipts and Expenditures from January 1st to May 31st. 1981: RECEIPTS Balance in Bank and On Hand January 1st. 1981 $ County Rates County Rates Collected Under Section 43 Interest Received County.Ro~ds Land Division Committee Court House Recoveries Recovery of Rentals Welfare - Administration - Day Nursery - Benefits General Support Grant Resource Equalization & Apportionment Guarantee Grant Registry Office Aylmer Museum - repaying loan Temporary Borro~ing Workmen's Compensation Premium Payable Employee Deductions Payable Agricultural Fines (Tree By-Law) EXPENDITURES Council Members Admi~istration - Salaries and Supplies Administration Buildings Court House Maintenance Grants Miscellaneous Expense County Roads Children's Aid 2?ciety - Budget - Board Members Transferred to Elgin Manor Transferr~d to Terrace Lodge Interest Agriculture Registry Office Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit County Library - Budget Board Members Land Division Committee Welfare - Administration - Benefits Elgin County Pioneer Museum - Board Members Hospitals & District Health Council -- Board Members Southwestern Ontario Travel Association _ Member Transferred to Debenture Account Temporary Borrowing - repay Workmen's Compensation Write-Off of Taxes Employee Deductions Payable Balance in Bank May 31st, 1981 449,950.75 4.652.87 7,049.55 1,528.682.77 4;356.00 12.037.85 16,365.35 21,407.06 1,197.20 272,166.19 53,375.00 113,934.00 4,176.91 200.00 895,000.00 29,665.47 415.545..47 750.00 $ 26,261. 76 53,693.55 8,707.03 23,235.21 1.425.00 807.84 1,174,615.57 29',570.40 438.28 72 ,000.00 20,000.00 15.508.85 7,948.83 3,881.72 79,754.75 150,000.00 1,155.26 11,351. 28 43.097.02 294,255.37 272.22 603.46 4.78 36,217.50 1,000,000.00 13,968.08 5,249.03 393,144.59 $ 27,415.12 3,830,512.44 $3,857,927.56 cr. 3,467.157.82 390.769.74 $3.857.23.7.56 224 - 2 - ELGIN MANOR Balance in Bank and On Hand January 1st,. 1981 Receipts Expenditures Balance in Bank and On Hand May 31st, 1981 TERRACE LODGE Balance in Bank and On Hand January 1st, 1981 Receipts Expenditures Balance in Bank and On Hand May 31st, 1981 ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ".-c ~... ",...... ~-c....~ G. C. Leverton, _ County Clerk and Treasurer. $102,915.01 699,476.68 $802,391.69 745,332.}0 $ 57,058.99 $ 38-,674.60 344,452.56 $383 ,127-~16 377.849.11 $ 5,278.05 TREASURER'S STATEMENT ON REMUNERATION AffD EXPENSES June Session, 1981 225 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, I beg to submit the following itemized statement of the remuneration, mileage and expenses, paid to each Member of Elgiq County Council, during the calendar year ending May 31st, 1981: Remuneration and Mi1ea~e Counciland Committe.e Outside Boards Conventions Paid To * By-Law No. 81-10 By-Law No. 81~9 By~Law No. 79-1 By~Law No. 80~8 Total 200.00 $ 801.40 1,262.60 492.00 1,068.20 847.60 1,179.80 1,472.80 742.60 1,212.80 1,336.40 655.00 1,065.30 305.00 1,202.00 5,257.33 802.80 433.00 695.70 281.30 346.20 1,022.00 77 .40 1,707.80 1,015.20 594.40 1,175.00 1,027.00 Bradfield, R. T. Caverly, W. R. Coles, R. F. Emerson, K. C. Farthing, D. Fleck, J. R. Glover, S.J. Haddow, R. Hodgson, J. W. Kelly, K. M. Lashbrook, H. T. Lavereau, R. J. Liebner, A. H. (dec.) Marr, E'. H. Monteith, K. E. McWilliam, D. A. Neukamm, E. Pearson, D. H. Perovich, D. Pettit, G. R. Shaw, L.. J. Smyth, J. N. Stewart, M. H. Vo1kaerJ:, J. A. Wake ling, J. L. W<;t1ters,G. E. Wilson, J. B. $ 801.40 1,062.60 492.00 800.20 847.60 1,179.80 1,472.80 395.20 1,212.80 1,336.40 496.00 620.90 137.00 857.00 * 4,075.91 802.80 433.00 695.70 234.,00 210,.60 1,022.00 77 .40 1,027.00 5.49.00 327.00 975.00 1,0.27.00 $ $ 268.00 347.40 159.00 444.40 168.00 16.80 345.00 1,164.62 47.30 135.60 335.80 121.20 267.40 200.00 3.45.00 345.00 TOTAL $2,399.,62 $28,078.63 $23,168.11 $2,510.90 ALL ~f which is respectfully submitted. ~.....,~ G." C. Leverton, CountyTre~surer. 226 June Session, 1981 TREASURER ',S STATEMENT ON REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, I beg to submit the .fol10wing itemized statement of the remuneration, mileage and expenses, paid to persons appointed to outside boards, dur~ng the calendar year ending May 31st, 1981 as authorized by By-Law No. 79-1 and. By-Law No. 81-3: Name Appointed To Relliuneratiori and Mileage By-Law No. 79-1 Hazel I. Lyons Arthur T" Miskelly Colin Morrison Elgin County Library Board $ 295.00 398;80 255.20 949.'00 By-Law No. 81-3 Murray C. Benner Lorue R. Carroll H. Paul deRyk Alistair B. Littlejohn John V. McKinlay Fred S. Shively Noble G. Tufford Laud Division Committee $ 584.00' 511.00 597.60 626."00 643.20 514.00 669.20 4,1.45.00 $5,094..00 TOTAL ALL of which is respectfully submitted. Conventions Total o o o $ 295.00 398.80 255.20 949.00 o o o o o o o $ 584.00 511.00 597,.60 626.00 643.20 514.00 6'69.20 4,145.00 $5,094.00 G. C.' Leverton, County Treasurer. ~, ,....~)4....,I June Session, 1981 RECEPTION ANDENTERTAINMENTCQMMITTEE REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Reception and Entertairtment Committee reports' as follows,: 1" We recommend that each Councillor be allowed to invite four guests to the Warden's Banquet and dance and that he/she be charged the rate charged for the meal. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. E. H. Marr, Chairman. [~J IV 7''2'''-''1--- ~~~ll ~.~:i,4' .227 228 SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE 'REPORT June Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Social Services Committee r~ports as follows: 1. That a letter be forwarded to the Minister of Cnmmunity and Social Services Objecting to the short faIl in Subsidy for Administration for 1981. ALL of which is respectfully submitted~ /.?--''-/ , >*'~~'/':""''< E. Neukamm, Chairman. c,,".~ll ~T<;7/f;,J-~Y / ,229 PROPERTY COMMITTEE ,-RE:Po:RT JtineSessicn. 1981 To the Warden and Members of the :E1gin County Council, The 'Prope-i-:tyConimitteerepoits ,as follows': 1. That one of our custodial staff accompany the Public Insp€~tion Panel on any tour of the Cburt House. 2" That the Ministry of Government Services be advised of the areas which are their~esponsibi1ityand a copy of this letter _be sent to the Deputy County Court Clerk for the information of the: next Panel. 3.. That the c1erk~Treasurerbe authorized to purchase ~Green Machine Trimmer from Don Williams Farm Equipment, Mode12000, at 'a co'stof$295.00. 4. That we recommend that Mr. Jerry Freeman, Custodian, be allowed to take up to one week's leave of absence, without pay, to add to hisvacatiort, in the event6f necessity and this be for 1981 only. ALL of which is respectfully submitted" . (h~ D.H~ Ghai<m~~~rson, . C6~C/ # E7'7/;d:,4 230 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT June Session. 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows-: 1. That the resolution from the City of Mississauga w~th respect to appeals from the Assessm~nt Review Court be filed. 2. That the letter from the Consumer's Association of Canada with a report on their intervention at the CRTC public hearing of Bell Canada's 1981 general rate increase applica- tion be filed. 3. That the letter from the Ministry of Industry and Tourism concerning the 10% Canadian Preference Policy be filed. 4. That the two letters from ~he Association Steering Committee of ACRO, AMO and ROMA re: new name and requesting ideas on principles and procedures for ProvinCial/Municipal Consultation Process be filed. 5. We recommend that the week of June 21S't to June 27th be proclaimed as "Senior Citizens' Week'.' and an advertisement be inserted in the local papers of Elgin County. 6. That Warden Monteith be named as ~he representative on the London working group on "Southwestern Ontario Bulk Power Transr"ission Study"with Reeve Hodgson as the alternate. 7. That the convention by-law be amended to allow mileage to the site of a convention be paid where it is not serviced by air servi~e. 8. That the County purchase coffee or tea for Committee meetings and to be used by the Staff in the Municipal Building. 9. That the Service Plan Questionnaire for Municipal- ities from AMo/ACRO Sub-Committee on Children's Services be filed. 10. That the County purchase a suitable gift to present to the City on the occasion of their Centennial. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. c\ \< Bd,J J ...([J Fleck, Cha~rman. ...c"'~"t/-"".....LIt/ ,/,. J ;; / -7- y c.?;Jjp-ylNJ7f! AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, June Session, 1981 The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: l. overhead Duplicom That the C1erk~Treasurer'purchase a 3M Model projector and 70" x 70" pull dowri screen from Business Products at a price of $697.00. 213AKD ALL of which is respectfully submitted. /) ~ ;>. " .... ""'Y) ://-l V"7 W; R. Caverlv. r- Chairman. ;L-/~-f./ /?4~ 231 232 FINANr.F. r.OMMITTEEREPORT June Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reportsa~ follows: 1. That the resolution, from the City of North Bay, requesting the Government of Canada, the local Member of Parliament, the Governor of the Bank of Canada and the Minister of Finance to take immediate steps to reduce the present high prime interest rate be filed. 2. We recommend that the following persons be named as the County's voting delegates t.o the AMO Annual Conference: Reeve Glover Warden ~onteith. 3. That the appointment from the Elgin West District Women's Institute to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum be tabled ~ill the December Session, at which time appointments are made. ('. That the letter from the Ministry of Community and Social Services w~th explanation on the retention of surpluses by Children's Aid Societies be filed. 5. That the Clerk-'-Treasurer be authorized to pay the $250.00 grant to the Talbot Trail Committee. 6. That the resolution from the Township of Kingston requesting the provincial government to review the education tax system, in consultation with municipalities, be filed. 7. That the resolution from the Tot~ of Tecumseh petitioning the Federal Government to take immediate steps to lower interest rates being charged on loans and mortgages and to implement controls to combat inflation be filed. 8. Report, filed. That the 1981 Version of the Days-Care By Location from the Ministry of Community and Social Services be 9. That the County subscribe to a t page advertisement in the Special Edition of the Times Journal, congratulating the City of St. Thomas on their Centennial. ALL of which is respectfu1.1y submitted. '~. ;;r{,2'j' ~ ,pI? , K.. M. Kelly, chainnan.. c....,~.c-/ ~ C~?7/w:7~4 233 REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE APPOINTED RE: VISIT OF THE GOVERNOR GENERAL June Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Special Committee appointed re: visit of Governor General on June 26th, 1981 reports as follows: 1. We recommend that the arrangements made with respect to the visit of the Governor General be approved. ALL of which is respectfully submitted" [;'1--.,,,,--;1-.# ?,.t"L..,.,.-:z.. E. H. MarT, Chairman. e,r~Cj' % ???/<~J{ 234 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law ~o. 81-33 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 81-27, THEREBY ESTABLISHING A DAY REGISTERED NURSE RATE." WHEREAS By-Law No. 81-27 presently establishes rates of pay for Registered Nurses and others; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to pay an additional amount to the day shift for added responsibilities. NOW THEREFORE item 1 of By~Law No. 81-27 be deleted and the following substituted therefore: "1. Registered Nurses - October 1st, 1979 _ $8.37 per hour.. Day Shift Premium - 21rt per hour. Plus Annual Clothing Allowance of $60.00 (Paid quarterly;." TEAT this by-law become effective July 1st. 1981. READ a first time this 16th day of June, 1981. READ a second time this 16th day of June, 1981. READ a third time and fina11y passed this 16th day of June, 1981. ~~"-<--~~...-~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. C', . ~E-4.d~ K. E. Monteith, Warden. , , 235 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-34 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 80-48. THEREBY ESTABLISHING ADDITIOl~AL PAY. SCHEDULES,," WHEREAS By-Law No" 80-48 presently establishes pay schedules for positions, not covered,by Agreements or otherwise; =d WHEREAS changes to the schedule have been considered necessary. NOW THEREFORE the fol10wing amendments be made to By-Law No. 80-48: 1. CLERK-TREASURER'S OFFICE Custodian Assistant Custodian Biweekly Rates $583.58-$608.38-$633.19-$658.04 $526.81-$548.77-$571.54-$595.38. 3. ELGIN MANOR (New Building Supervisor Position) $852.69-$888.23-$925.19-$963.73 Effective January 1st, 1981. 6. LIBRARY Semi-Professional $630.08-$656.38-$683.73-$712.23. 7. That the following 40 hours of work premium, for the Office Co-Ordinator in the Engineer's Office, be added to the basic salary jchedule as shown: Effect ve June 28th, 1981 ~ffect ve January 1st. 1982 ~ffect ve January 1st. 1983 - $38.46 - $25.65 - $12 .85 b weekly b weekly b weekly. The work premium for the Custodian and Assistant Custodian will be eliminated with the new categories, on the effective date. This By-Law shall become effective September 21st, 1981, unless otherwise indicated. READ a first time this 16th day of June, 1981. READ a second time this 16th day of June, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day of June, 1981. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~,r. /<7/,J4~/' K. E. Monteith, Warden. ~~~~~<~ 236 comITY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-35 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE ELGIN MILITARY MUSEUM INC." WHEREAS discussions have been carried on for a considerable period of time, between the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board and The Elgin-Military Museum Inc. re: the construction, use, maintenance etc" of a common entrance to the two adjoining buildings, commonly referred to as a connecting link; and WHEREAS it was considered advisable to set out the terms and conditions agreed to by the two Boards, concerning the connecting link; and WHEREAS the ownership of the Elgin County Pioneer Museum is h~ld by the Corporation of the County of Elgin. NOW THEREFORE the Warden and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign an agreement, with The Elgin Military Museum Inc., upon receipt of a recommendation of the Elgin County vioneer Museum Board on the terms fo~ the construction, use, maintenance etc., of the connecting link. READ a first time this 16th day of June, 1981. READ a second time this 16th day of June, 1981. READ a thiid time and finally passed this 16th day of June, 1981. .~_........,---,,-,--_,-.<.-'L~...........' G. C. Leverton, Clerk. r- _ ct::.. <" .L~ . ,- -~(- .--" K. E. Monteith, Warden. ; ; COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-36 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 79-38, A BY.,.LAWTO RESTRICT AND REGULATE THE DESTRUCTION OF TREES BY.CUTTING, BURNING, 'OR OTHER MEANS." WrlEREASBy-Law No. 79-38, as amended by By-Law No. 80-12, presently restricts and regulates the destruction of trees by cutting, burning, or other means; and WHEREAS.it is deemed advisable to add another species of tree to, be covered under the,~y-lawand also to alter the method of taking measurements, to keep it uniform with other municipalities. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration 0f the County of Elgin enacts as follows: l. 8dding That Paragraph I" Subsection (1) the following species under- 112 em. (44") in CircUmference Elm. be amended by 2. That Paragraph 1, Subsection (2) be deleted and the following substituted therefore: (2) Measurements referred to in Subsection (1) above shall be outside the bark and taken at a'point at the base of the' tree, 46 em. (18") above the highest point of the ground. 3. That this by-law shall not become effective until approved by the Minister of Natural Resources. READ a first time this 16th day of June. 1981. READ a second time this 16th day of June, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day of June, 1981. ~~~<Y-<--.-J ~ ~> '/: c/ <;0-- ~'....-7/,,-_, ....-.."./___- K. E. Monteith; Warden. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 237 238 COUNTY OF ELGIN By~Law No. 81-37 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE JUNE SESSION, 1981." WHEREAS by Section 9 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the CorpoTation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Municipal Council of the.Corpo- ration 'Jf the County of Elgin in respect of each recommen- dation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the ~.;..micipa1 Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the June 1981 Session is hereby adopted_and confirmed as if a11 such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. . The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 16th day of June, 1981. READ a second time this 16th day of June, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day of June, 1981. .~/~--...-.....,-,Lr-;.____ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 7f"" ,7 <??,/..2,..-'J K. E. Monteith, Warden. September Session - First Day Wednesday, the 9th day of September, 1981 The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municipal Building, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment; The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL - AIl Members present except: Deputy Reeve Perovich Reeve Walters Reeve Emerson Reeve Lashbrook. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit Tha,t the minutes of the June 1981 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. The following Communications were read and referred to the various Committees: 1. From the County of Brant with a resolution requesting that Mayors of Towns be included as members of County Council. - Referred to the County Government Committee. 2. From the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing with Special Bulletin on the Spring 1981 Planning Act Amendments. - Referred to the County Government Committee. 3. From Prime site Developments requeSting the support of the County f~r their shopping centre to be located in Yarmouth Township. - Referred to the County Government Committee. 4. From AMO with a bu11etin concerning the annual confer- ence and material on the founding conference of the New Associ~ ation. - Referred to the County Government Committee. 5. From the City of St. Thomas Fire Department with a copy of a letter sent to the Ministry of Government Services're:the Court House. - Referred to the Property Committee. 6" From the MLnistry of Natural Resources advising of the dates and procedure re: deer season in Elgin County. -Referred to the Agricultural Committee. 7. From Ontario Blue Cross with information re: semi- private coverage premiums. - Referred to the Personnel Committ~e: 8. From Mr. Bruce H. Blake, solicitor for the Township of Yarmouth, advising of the proposed stopping up of a road allowance being Part of Lot 9, Concession ll~ - Referred to the Roads Committee. 9. From the Township of Sotithwold Committee of Adjustment with two copies of Applications for Minor Variances from by-law no. 1677. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 10. From the Ministry of Government Services ~ith a copy of a letter addressed to Mr. W. M. Thomson, Ministry of the Attorney General ~e: access to the Law Library in the Court House. _ Re- ferredto h,e Property Committee. 11. From the Town of Aylmer with notice of Application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of a by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 239 240 - 1 ~ 12. From Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with final approved budget for 1981. - Referred to the Finance Committee. 13. From the Provisional County of Haliburton with resolu- tion requesting that the Apportionment Guarantee Grant be included in the General Support Grant calculations. - Referred to the Finance Committee. 14. From Mosey & Mosey Insurance Agency Ltd. offering their services re: fringe benefits. - Referred to the Personnel Committee. 15. From the United Townships of Bangor, Wick10w and McClure with resolution requesting a change in the handling of property in arrears of taxes. - Referred to the County Government Committee~ 16~ From the Township of Malahide with copies of appeals re: Branion and Putnam Municipal Drains. - Referred to the Roads Committee. ~7. From t2~ Elgin County Pioneer Museum with information concerning items they wish included in an agreement re: costs of alterations, which will have to be made asa result of the connect- ing link with the Military Museum. - Referred to the Property Committee. 18. to Mr. status From M. J. Hugh Cameron, of agreement. Hennessey & Associates with copy of a letter solicitor for the Elgin Military Museum, with _ Referred to the Property Committee. 19. pass a ferred From the Township of Bayham advising that they intend to by-law to close part of Plank Road and Vienna Street. - Re- to the Roads Committee. 20. From the County of Victoria with resolution requesting that legislatiOn be passed to allow Counties to regulate and con- trol the location, construction and alteration of entrances onto the County Roads System. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 21. From the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit with information on a refund of the 1980 surplus and copy of auditor's report for 1980. - Referred to the Finance Committee. 29. From R. J. Upsdel1, Solicitor, with information on the prosecutiGn under the Tree By-Law, of Thomas Towers. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. 36. From the Thames River Basin Implementation Program, with a copy of "Practical Guide for Municipal Drains". -..Referred to the Agricultural Committee. 40. From the Township of Ma1ahide with notice of the passing of By-Law No. 1976, to regulate land use, pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. - Referred to the Roads Committee" 41. From the Township of Southwo1d with notice of the passing of By-Law No. 81-21, to regulate land use, pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 42. From the Village of Port Stanley with request for payment of grant towards new library early in 1982. - Referred to the Finance Committee. 43. From the Elgin County Pioneer Muse~ advising that the "connection link and operating agreements" with the Elgin Military Museum may be signed by the County. - Refeired to the Property Committee. 44. From the Town of Aylmer with request for payment of their grant of $41,000.00 towards the "Old Town Hall Project". - Referred to the Finance Committee. 241 - 3 - County Council, September Session, 198] 47. From the County of Northumberland with resolution re- questing that the Province take over funding of elementary and secondary education. - Referred to the Finance Committee. 48" From the City of Barrie with resolution requesting an amendment to Sect~on 304(~)of The Municipai Act, to provide for the inclusion of tounty or Regional jails with correctional institutions and training schools. - Referred to the County Government Committee. 49" Fro~ the Minister .of Municipal Affairs and Housing and Minister of Energy with a copy of guidelines for municipalities re: Ontario Municipal Energy Audit Program.- Referred to the Property Committee. . 50. From the County of Hastings with resolution requesting that all provincia 1 transfers be pooledand single monthly pay- ments in advance made to each and all municipalities. _ Referred to the Finance Committee. 51. From the Ontario Forestry Association with request for membership. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. 52" From ACRO with information on convention and request for the names of eight voting delegates. - Referred to the County Gove~ent Committee. 53. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with copy of Memo No. 81-7, entitled "Contracts, Specifications and Tenders"" - Referred to the Roads Committee. 54" From the Minister of Housing with information on a major forum on community redevelopment issues entitled "Building Toward 2001". - Referred to the County Government Committee. 56. From the Ministry of the Environment with copies of the Ministry of Natural Resources' Nine Class Environmental Assess- ments. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 58. From Ontario Hydro with request for comments on the Southwestern Ontario PIan Stage Study. - Referred to the Finance Committee. 59. From the Minister of Community and Social Services with reply to the review of the shortfall of Administration SubSidy. - Referred to t~e Social Services Committee. 61. From the County of Leeds and Grenville with resolution requesting that the roads subSidy be paid quarterly. _ Referred to the Finance Committee. 62. From the Minister of Energy with details of the Munici- pal Oil Conversion and Energy Conservation Program. _ Referred to the Property Committee. 63. From the Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technology with information on the 1981 Elgin County Scholarships. _ Referred to the Finance Committee. 65. From the County of Frontenac with resolution opposing Bill 7, An Act to Revise and Extend Protection of ~uman Rights in Ontar~o. - Referred to the County Government Committee. 66" From the Town of Fort Frances with resolution opposing de-indexing of personal income tax exemptions. _ Referred to the County Government Committee. 69. From the Township of Southwold requesting the County to consider some type of flashing light for the intersection of County Roads 16 and 20. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 70. From the Township of Southwold with request for Support of their objection, to extending the area now covered by the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Service Ltd. _ Referred to the Roads Committee. 242 - 4 - 72. From the Ministry of Community and Social Services with memorandum re: transfer of family benefits employables to munici- palities. _ Referred to the Social Services Committee. 73. be issued ferred to From the Ministry of Government Services requesting keys to the Elgin Law Association for the Court House. - Re- the Property Committee. 77. From Ontario Hydro with final notification before con- struction of upgrading transmission line ~ Buchanan TS to Chatham TS. _ Referred to the Finance Committee. 79: From the Minister of Revenue with information on pro- posed changes in the municipal enumeration. - Referred to the County Government Committee. 81. From the County of Lennox and Addington with resolution objecting to the transfer of "Delivery of Maintenance Income Programs" LO the Municipal level. - Referred to the Social Services Committee. 82. From the Township of Ma1ahide with notice of hearing for zoning amendment (Mrs. Rose Forbes) set for September 17th, 1981 at 8:00 P.M. - Referred to the Roads Committee. 83. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with Memos - #81-7A _ Interlocking Paving Stone - Municipal Subsidy #81-7B _ Contribution to Municipal Road Improvements. _ Referred to the Roads Committee. 84. From the Ministry of Government Services with information re: their part in the inspection by the St. Thomas Fire Department' of the Court House. - Referred to the Property Committee. 85. From the Four Counties General Hospital with copy of Financial Statement to March 31st, 1981. ~ Referred to the Finance Committee. 87. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with information on courses being offered in 1982. - Referred to the Roads Committee. The following Communications were read and ordered filed: 22" From the Ministry of Industry and Tourism with acknowl- edgement of reply r~: Canadian Preference Policy. 23. From the Minister of Municipal_Affairs and Housing announcing the creation of the new Ministry and copy of Bill 67 establishing it. 24. From the Ministry of Community and Social Services with information package - day ~are initiatives. 25. From the Ministry of Housing with an open letter to municipalities regarding ONIP administration outline and applica- tion deadline. 26. from the Bank of Montreal advising of increases in prime municipal rate - Effective July 24th, 1981 Effective July 31st,,1981 Effective August 7th, 1981 - 21% - 213/4% - 223/4%. 27. From the Ministry of Housing with copy of revised pub- lications on - (1) Subdivision Control in Registered Plans (2) Public Road Allowances. 243 _ 5 - County Council, September Session, 1981 28. From the Ontario Labour Relations Board with decision to dismiss the applications of the London and District Service Workers' Union, Local 220, to represent full and part time employees at Terrace Lodge. 30. From the Minister of Housing with information on a 1981 Study Session for Training of Municipal Housing Inspectors" 31. From the County of Kent with a copy of a letter to Warden Monteith, offering their appreciation for the contribution towards the ACRO annual banquet. 32. From Ontario Hydro announcing a meeting to be held in London, July 8th, to' review the document "Southwestern Ontario Evaluation of Alternative Transmission Programs". 33. From the Arthur Voaden Secondary School Stage Band and the Central 'Elgin Collegiate Institute Stage Band with apprecia- tion for the contribution made towards their trip to Edmonton. 34. Elgin ments From the Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and with allocation of children in care and financial state- for the months of May, June and July 1981. 35. advising has been From the Minister of that a second subsidy authorized. Transportation and Communications advance payment of $765,300.00, 37. No. has 4 to been From the Ministry of Housing advising that Ame~dment the Official PIan for the Central Elgin Planning Area approved, with modification. 38. From Mr. Jim McGuigan, M.P"P. .(Kent-E1gin), with a copy of a letter to the Minister of Community and Social Services, re: Elgin's shortfall on funding of Administration costs, for the Social Services Department. 39. From the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing with information on Bill 121, the Municipal Interest and Discount Rates Act, 1981. 45. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications advising that a Supplementary Subsidy, Allocation for Safety related items "in the amount of $25.000.00 has been authorized. 46. From the University of Guelph advising that the follow- ing persons have been selected to receive the County Scholarships: Kelly Brearley R. R. #3, West Lo.rne Alfred Spieser R. R. #7, Aylmer. 55. From OMERS with a copy of the 1980 Annual Report. 57. From Mr" Ron McNeil, M..P.P. (Elgin), with acknowledge- ment of the copy of a letter to the Honourable Frank Drea re: 1981 Administration funding of the Social Services Department. 60. From Jane Oldham with appreciation for scholarship. 64. From the Ministry of Community and Social Services with April and May 1981 Days-Care By Location Report. 67. From Bates, Thouard and Tierney with copy of July/August 1981 "Public Sector Bulletin" re: municipal liahility. 68. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with copy of Audit Report for 1980. 71. From the Ministry of Community and Social Services acknowledging receipt of Elgin's resolution, asking that no increases be made in General Assistance rates during 1981-82. 244 - 6 - 74. From the Ministry of Housing with a copy of '-'Parkland Dedication: A Guide on Section 35q of The Planning Act. 75. From the Deputy Minister of Community and SociaI Services, with a copy of a letter to the Family & Children's Services, notifying them that the approved estimate for 1980 is $698,678.00 76. From the Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs with informatiori on booklets on The Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1978. 78. From R. J. Upsdell, Solicitor, with results of prosecu- tions against John Leonn and Frank Silcox, under the Tree By-Law. 80. ship. From K:t.,:in Neukamrn with appreciation for cqunty Scho1ar- 86. From the Workmen's Compensation Board advising of an increase in maximum earnings from $18,500. to $22,000. per person annually, effective July 1st, 1981. A delegation from Fingal was present, and it was moved by Reeve Fleck that the delegation be now heard. Mrs" Janice Lockhart; was spokesman for the delegation. She explained that the intersection of County Roads 16 and 20 was in the ViII age of Fingal and as it was a busy intersection, with many trucks using this as a route from 401 to Port Stanley and the reverse, many near accidents had occurred and in 1981 there was a serious injury to a resident of the Vi11age. They are requesting. that flashing red and amber lights be installed to improve the safety at this intersection. Warden Monteith read from a letter from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications that they had investigated the intersection and it warranted this type of flashing lights. The matter was referred to the Roads Committee, who will be dis- cussing it further when costs of installing them would be available. EMPLOYEE PRESENTATION Mr. John L. Brown, an employee of the Roads Department since May 1977, was presented with aT. J. Mahony Road School Certificate, which requires attendance at courses during a two-year period at Guelph University. The Certificate was presented by the Chairman of Roads, Reeve Shaw, and W~rden Monteith congratulated him. The Fj"st Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Reeve Glover and adopted on motion of Reeve Glover and Reeve Shaw. The Second Report of the Personnel Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Glover and adopted on motion of Reeve Glover and Reeve Shaw. The Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee was presented by Reeve Hodgson and adopted on motion of Reeve Hodgson and Reeve Fleck. The First Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Shaw and adopted on motion of Reeve Shaw and Deputy Reeve Marr. The Report of the Library Board was presented by Reeve Stewart and adopted on motion of Reeve Stewart and Reeve Farthing. The First Report of the County Government Committee was presented by Reeve Fleck. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Deputy Reeve Haddow That the First Report of the County Government Committee be adopted. 245 - 7 - County Council, September Session, 1981 An amendment was Moved by Reeve Shaw Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That item 9 of the First Report of the County Govern- ment Commitxee be amended by adding the words "and public" at the end of this item. - Carried. The ~mended Report was then voted upon and carried" Moved by Reeve Shaw Seconded by Reeve Wilson That we do now adjourn to meet again on September 9th, 1981 at 2:00P.M. - Carried. Council Re-Convened. Moved by Deputy ReeveVolkaert Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That as the hour is now six o'clock. we continue on to conclude the business~ - Carried. ROLL CALL - All Members present except: Deputy Reeve Perovich Reeve Walters Reeve Stewart (excused by Warden) Reeve Emerson Reeve Lashbrook. The Report of the Finance Committee was presented by Reeve Kelly and adopted on motion of Reeve Kelly and Deputy Reeve Haddow. The Second Report of the County Government Committee was presented by Reeve Fleck and adopted on motion of Reeve Fleck and Reeve Smyth. The Report of the Social Services Committee was pre- sented by Deputy Reeve Neukamm and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve NeukamrnandDeputyReevePettit. The Report of the Agricultural Committee -was presented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caverly and Reeve Shaw. The -Report of the Property Committee was ,presented by Deputy Reeve 'Pearson and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Pearson and Deputy ReeveVolkaert. The Report of the Reception <and Entertainment Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve'Marr and adopted on motion of Deputy 'Reeve Marr ,andPeputyReeve Haddow. The Second Report of the Ro_ads committe.e ''''.(is ,presented by- Re_eve Shaw and adopted on mot,ion of Reeve Shaw ,and .Reeve Lavereau. Moved .by Reeve Kel:ly Seconded by Reeve Sbaw That By-Law No. :81~38 "A BY."'-1awto P.r,ovide.Guida_nce Upon the Procedures for the Ele.ction of th_e County Warden" be read .a first time. - Carried. 246 - 8 - Moved by Reeve Shaw Seconded by Reeve Coles That By-Law No. 81-38 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Shaw Seconded by Reeve Kelly That By-Law No. 81-38 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Marr Seconded by Reeve Farthing That By-Law No. 81-39 "Being a By-Law to ArtJ.end By-Law No. 80-43, a By-Law to Regulate the Proceedings in the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin and the Officers and Committees Thereof" be read a first time" - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Haddow Seconded by Deputy Reeve McWilliam That By-Law No. 81-39 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Coles Seconded by Deputy Reeve McWilliam That By-Law No. 81-39 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Deputy: Reeve Wake1ing That By-Law No. 8~-40 "Being a By-Law to Establish the Remuneration to be Paid to the Warden, Council Members and County Officials for Attending Conventions" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved ,by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by_Reeve ~avereau That By-Law No. 81-40 be read a second time. .". Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Caverly rhat By-Law No. 81-40 be read a third time and finally passed. ...;. Carried. Moved by Deputy ~eeve Haddow Seconded by Depulv Reeve McWilliam That By-I"aw No. 81-41 "Being a By-Law to Provide Fringe Benefits to Al~Emp~dyees of the County of Elgin-Who are Considered in the Management Category" be read a first time. . _ Carried. 247 - 9 - County Council. September Session, 1981 Moved by Reeve Farthing Seconded by Reeve Coles That By~Law No. 81-41 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Reeve Kelly That By-Law No. 81-41 be read a third time and final1y passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Farthing Seconded by Deputy Reeve Haddow That By-Law No.. 81-42 "Being a By-Law to Provide Fringe Benefits to All Employees of the County of Elgin Who are Not Covered by a Collective Agreement or Included in the Management Category" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Reeve Kelly That By-Law No. 81-42 be 'read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Kelly Seconded by Reeve Farthing That By-Law No. 81-42 be read a third time and finally passed. ,... Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Haddow Seconded by Deputy Reeve McWilliam That By-Law No. 81~43 "Being a By-Law Consenting ,to the Stopping Up and C10sirig ofa Road Allowance in the Township of Malahide" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Farthing Seconded by Reeve Fleck That By-Law No. 81-43 be read a second time" - Carried. Moved by Reeve Kelly Seconded by Deputy Reeve McWilliam That By-Law No. 81~43 be read a third time and finally passed. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seco,!?-ded by Re,eve Caverly That By-Law No. 81-44 "Being a By-Law Consenting to'the Stopping Up and Closing ofa Road A110wance in the Township of Yarml)uth" be read a first time. - Carried. 248 - 10 - Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That By-Law No. 81.44 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wake ling Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 81~44 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That By-Law No. 81-45 "Being a By-Law Consenting to the Stopping Up of a Road Allowance in the Township of Bayham" be read a first-time. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Reeve Caverly ~hat By-Law No. 81-45 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That By-Law No. 81-45 be read a third time and finally passed. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wake1ing That By-Law No. 81-46 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2297, Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Secretary-Treasurer of the County of Elgin Land Division Committee" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That By-Law No. 81~46 be read a second time. -Carried~ Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by _Reeve Glover That By-La.w No. 81-46 be read a third time and ~finally passed. Carried. Moved by Deputy l.eeve Wakeling Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 81-47 "Being,a By-Law to Amend By..,.Law No. 80-48, ThercbyEstablishing New Pay Schedules" be -read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukarnm Seconded by Deputy Reeve V61kaert Th.1t By-Law No. 81-47 be read.a .second time. -Carried. 249 _ 11 _ County Council, September Session, 1981 Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Smyth That By-Law No. 81-47 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That By-Law No. 81-48 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the September Session, 1981" be read a first time. - Carried" Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That By-Law No. 81-48 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Glover Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 81-48 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wake1ing Seconded by Deputy Reeve Marr That we do now adjourn to meet again on October 14th, 1981 at 10:00 A.M. - Carried. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. K. E'. Monteith, Warden. 250 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1981 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of th~ Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. The Ontario Blue Cross has been advised that the County wishes to remain in the community pool for Semi- Private hospital coverage rates. 2. New Fringe Benefit By-Laws for Management and Non-Management Employees are to be presented to the September Session of Council, to consolidate various amendments presently in existence. 3. That employees not covered by a collective agree- ment be given Monday, December 28th, 1981 in lieu of Boxing Day. 4. ~lr. Robert E. Davies, Assistant Engineer, has completed his six_month probationary period on July 5th, 1981 and is now on permanent staff. 5. Mr. Charles C. Stafford, 12 South.Street East, Aylmer, has been hired as an Assistant to the County Tree Commissioner and Weed Inspector, as of October 1st, 1981, at $6.95 per hour, with a six month probatIonary period. 6. That the Tree Commissiuner and Weed Inspector report to the Clerk biweekly or more often if necessary and the Clerk is to act as liaison between the Tree Commissioner and Weed Inspector and Council. ALL of which is respect~ul1y submitted. ('Ci..-~C/ f-:'d'<#~;j PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1981 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That the letter from Mosey & Mosey Insurance Agency Ltd. offering their services re: fringe benefits be filed as the present coverage is adequate. 2. That the following personnel policies, presently in existence, be included in a policy manual, to be supplied for the information of the Members of Council and Department Heads: 1. RETIREMENT GIFT A retirement gift wil1 be given, after five years of service, calculated at the rate of $20.00 per year, to a maximum value of $200.00. Six month's employment must be worked to count as one year's service. An employee who retires, after fifteen years of service but less than twenty-five, is eligible to receive a County Watch, in addition to the gift. 2. INCLEMENT WEATHER Salaried employees who are absent from work due to inclement weather rendering the roads impass- able, shall be paid to a limit of two days within a calendar year and this payment be made at the discretion of the Head of the Department. 3" WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION When an employee is on Workmen's Compensation, approx~mately 25% of a normal biweekly pay period shall be paid through the regular payrol1, pro- viding the employee has sufficient sick credits against which they may be deducted, and the award by the Board shall be paid directly to the employee. 4. TIME OFF - CHRISTMAS The Department Head has been given the authority to allow time off on the afternoon of the last working day before Christmas (or alternate half- day off) for all staff not covered by a collective agreement. save and except anyone involved in emergency work. 5. RETROACTIVE WAGES Retroactive wages wil1 not be paid to persons who have left the employment of the County of Elgin prior to a new rate being established for persons not covered by a Union or Association agreement. Registered Nurses employed in Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge are exempt from this provision. The policy under which they are employed is attached as Schedule "1". 6 . MEDI cALS All County employees are required to have a compulsory annual medical examination, the cost of which to be paid by the County. Drs. Mary and Grant Webster have been authorized to perform the annual medical examinations. 251 252 - 2 - 7. LONG SERVICE Recognition will be given to County employees who have l~ng service records with the County of Elgin on the following basis - On completion of 10 years - a certificate On completion of 20 years - a certificate and a lapel pin On completion of 25 years - a certificate and an engraved watch. 8. OMERS Employees returning to work after being laid off without pay, will be required to purchase OMERS Broken Service in one lump sum, if they choose to buyback the time lost. 9. WAGE NEGOTIATIONS Department Heads are to be allowed to sit in during wage negotiations affecting their employees. 10. BRIEFS All Department Heads wil1 be given a copy of any brief presented on behalf of employees under his employ, after they have been presented to the Personnel Committee. 11. LAY OFF POLICY The attached policy marked Schedule "2" has been adopted for use by the County for employees not covered by collective agreements. 12. COUNCIL PICTURE Deputy or Assistant Department Heads are to be included in the annual Council picture. 13. RATING COMMITTEE The composition of the Rating Committee for the J~b Evalu~tion is as follows - Warden Chairman of the Personnel Committee Clerk-Treasurer Deputy Clerk-Treasurer DepartmenC Head of Employee Involved. 3. That we recommend that Levels 2, 3 and 4 on the salary schedule be increased by 7% and the persons in these categories receive the increases effective the first payro11 commencing in October 1981. This action implements the rec- ommendation of the firm of Thorne Stevenson & Kellogg, as a result of a survey of these positions. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. /!l~~ -:~ S. ~GIOver, Chairman. ^ ,-,cI/lA.-'L.J:--C~ fEe -?/l~ Schedule "1" COUNTY OF ELGIN REGISTERED NURSES EMPLOYMENT POLICY Registered Nurses of Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens are part of an organization dedicated to providing the best possible service to the Senior Citizens of our area, not only in the actual Home environment but also by means of the many Outreach Programs that are offered. The Registered Nurse is expected, under the super- vision of the Director of Nursing, to take responsibility for all aspects of his or her department as it pertains to the total operation of our senior citizens program and to offer new ideas that may enhance or improve the services that we offer. The lines of authority are as outlined in our organizational chart. The Registered Nurses will meet regularly with the Director of Nursing to review their program and will work together to promote new ideas and concepts,that are. a very important aspect of the operation of our Elgin County Senior Citizens Department. SALARIES- Registered Nurses hourly rate for full time and part time will be the starting rate for Registered Nurses employed at the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital. We do not pay according to annual increments as we feel the duties are not the same in a Home for Senior Citizens as in an active treatment hospital. Retroactive pay will be paid to all Registered Nurses in the employ of the Homes for Senior Citizens Depart- ments of Elgin County. Registered Nurses who have left the employment will be contacted when retroactive pay is due. The Director will notify them by Registered Letter at the last known address on our personnel records and they in turn must make their request for the retroactive, pay by letter to the Director or his representative within 30 days from date of mailing of the Registered Letter. New rates will not be paid until an agreement has been signed by the hospital and Ontario Nurses Association. 253 254 Schedule "2" COUNTY OF ELGIN POLlr.V RF.: 1.AY-OFF OF REGULAR EMPLOYEES This Policy shall apply only to regular employees (not casual) i.e. employees that have worked continuously for the County of Elgin for over ninety (90) days and have been certif.ied as regular employees by the Committee of County Council which employs them. 1. Notice of lay-off shall be at least seven calendar days. 2. Lay-off shall be on the basis of seniority as far as possible with the person with least seniority being laid off first, it being understood that if the type of work available cannot be performed by an employee with more seniority. An employee with less seniority who is able'to perform the work shall be retained and the man with greater seniority but unable to perform the work shall be laid off. 3" Recall shall be on a seniority basis with preference given to the employee with most seniority that is capable of doing the work available. 4. Seniority of the employee laid off shall continue if the employee works eight or more months of a calendar year. If the employee works less than eight months ip a calendar year seniority shall only be accumulated for that time actually worked. If anY,employee is laid off for a continuous period in excess of twelve months he shal1 lose all his seniority. 5. If an employee does not return to work within seven cal- endar days of being notified by Registered Mail that work is available he shall be deemed to be no longer in the employ- ment of the County, and if re-emp10yed by the County he shall be subject to the regular probation period (unless leave of absence is given by the Head of the Department). 6. No Sick Time or Annual Holiday Time shall be accumulated during period of lay-off. 7. HOliday Time accumulated prior to lay-off must be used up after date of lay-off, for accumulations earned for the current year. 8. No payment shall be made for Statutory Holidays after date of lay-off. 9. No Sick Time sha11 be paid after day of lay-off. 255 HOMES FOR SENIOR CITTZF.NS COMMITTER REPORT September Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. The tender of Koolen Electric has been accepted for upgrading of the fire alarm system in the following amounts: ELGIN MANOR $2,024.00 TERRACE LODGE 3,028.00. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. e~c/ 4c~",S;;:t 256 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITtEE FIRST REPORT SEPTEMBER SESSION TO THE \~ARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The tend'n' of TCG Construction Limited operating as Riverside C<mstruction Company Limited at $12.549.75 was accepted on behalf of the Village of Outton for Hot Mix Asphalt Paving on Vi !lage Streets. The work has been completed. The tender was the lowest of four (4) received. 2. The tender of Walmsley Bros. Limited at $30,667.50 was accepted for Hot Mix Asphalt Paving Base Coat on approximately 6,650 feet of Road #32 southedy and westerly from the police College gateway, and for Hot Mix Patching on Roads #4!'> and #49 in South Dorchest.er and Road #52 in Springfield. The tender was the lowest of two (2) tenders received. 3. That two (2) pow~r Tandem Sanders have been purchased frOlll King Seagr"ve Limited for $18,315"72. They will replace two (2) present County Sanders which are beyond repair. The King Seagrave tender was the lowest of two (2) tenders received. 4. that" u~ed Wayne Brush Chipper has been purchased frOl1l Ontario Hydro for $3,500 plus provincial sales tax. It is impossible t-, ol:t"i" n,p.",lrs and knlvc5 for the County's prcs('.nt chipper. C,. 'j'1'nL tl,,, MI"j"t<'. of Tran';f1o.tation .1nd COlmnunil:ations has bc,cn r<,quc,steu to i.ncrease subsidies to municipalities to comp(onsate for incre;lse in costs when municipalities are fore<iu to pay the full vehicle licence fees in 1982 as pruposed by the Provincial Government's 1981 Budget. The .lllditional cost to the County of Elgin is estimated at $lJ..',O[j :tnci the additional cost to the Townships is estimated ;It -$1';,500(0. 1982. 257 : COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT - SEPTEMBER SESSION Page 2. 6. An agreement has been reached with the Township of Bayham to. erect" Salt Stor.,&C' Building and place an Asphalt Paved Winter Sand Pad (at the County' 5 expense) at the Township of Bayham, Garage site. The County has been storing winter sand at Port Burwell hut has had no. satisfactory salt storage building in East Elgin. 7. R. C. Dunn and AssoCiates of London, Consulting Engineers have been authorized by the Elgin and Middlesex Road ColIKllittees to. conduct small study to. determine if the concrete deck cn the Middlemiss Bridge {County Road #14, Southwold_Dunwich Townline) was replaced whether or nat the present 20 tonnes' load limit could be relllOved. 8. The contractor McLean Foster Limited is making good progress at the WaLkers Bridge and hopes to erect the concrete girders Late in the month. 9. The Ministry of Transportation and COIlIIlunications has approved the sum. of $25,000 in subsidy money (our original request was $50,000) for Safety Related Programnes which has been expanded to include White Edge Markings as well as Roadside Stump Removal. The subsidy rate is 90.90"1. of the expenditure (ie. total expenditure $27,500 is required to earn the subsidy of $25,000). 10. The Ministry of Transportation and COlTOllUnications has approved the sum of $20,000 in subsidy money for Municipal Drainage althougl:f":thEi origional- request was $30,000. As the subSidy rate is 50i, the progrlllllme will be curt<lilcd from $60,000 to $40,000 and the funds will be allocated on a 11'--"1_ ;."v"r<:"d, rJn~t paid uyst"n>. WE RECONMEND: 1" That a By~Law be passed stating that the County of Elgin has no objections to the passing of a By~Law by tIle Township of Yarmouth to clo,~c the road allowance in Lot 9, Concession XI, Yarmouth Township as shown as Parts Number 2 and Number 5, on reference plan 11279. This closing will allow the Township to transfer II. portion of former Road #30 to the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority. 258 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD CCMMlTTEE FIRST REPORT - SEPTEMBER SESSION Page 3. 2. That a By.Law be passed stating that the County of Elgin has no objactions to the passing of a ~y_LaW by the Township of Malahide to close the :r:oad allowance between Lots 10 and 11, Concession IV, i1alahide Township from the road allowance between Concessions IV and V, southerly for approximately 3.372 feet. ). That" By_Law be passed stating that the County of Elgin has no objection to the closing of the following t"oad allowance by the Township of Bayham. "All 'that parl: of the.Plank Road in Vienna as shown on Plan 54 of the Village of Vienna extending soutb of the southerly limitef Water Street. to "'its intersection witQ the northerly limit of Highway #19 as shown :cin Plan 046" 4. That the resolution of the County of OXford opposing the applicat ion of the Environmental Assessment Act to projects involving reconstruction of existing ,roads and bridges be endor~ed. 5. That the resoLution of the County of Kent requesting that,,. Provincial Legislation be amended to allow COunties to procure investigations and repol:ts relating to systems of waste collection and ?isposal be endorsed. 6. That the resolution of the County of Victoria requesting that Provincial l..c>gislation be amended to allow Counties to control entrance locations on County Roads be endorsed. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED 7-~ -c;?s:;z L/~f"':" {~-I ~FC#f~ 259 Library Board Report September Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The Library Board Reports as follows: 1. That the Local History Census Proiect #2 is completed and the following indexes have been completed _ Aldborough 1842 Southwald 1842-51~61-71 Yarmouth 1842 St. Thomas 1851-1861 Malahide 1842 Bayham 1842-51-61_71 Vienna 1861-1871 Southwold and Bayham Townships are complete _ the first Townships in Opt-aria and as far as we can deterinine the second a.uct third in Canada:. 2. That- Port Stanley Library project is .progressing in a satisfactory fashion and preparation is being made for the September 26th opening" All of Which is respectfully submitted. . 1."~~ Chairman Elgin County Library Board ~ ~E-4~ 260 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1981 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the El~in County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. We recommend that the fee for Land Division applications for severances be increased to $100.00, effective September 10th, 1981. 2. We recommend that an additional fifty County lapel pins be ordered from Emblematic Jewellery Products of Canada Inc. 3. We recommend that the County's 1982 Municipal Directory be altered as follows: (a) include both business and residential telephone numbers, for those who wish to have both listed (b) include a calendar with a page for each month with provision to record meeti~Gs (c) delete the map as it is not legible. 4. We recommend that Department Heads and Assistants be reim- bursed for out-of-pocket expenses (parking, meals etc.) 1ncurred while carrying out their duties for the County. 5. We recommend that Section XIII, Paragraph 5 of the duties for the Cpunty Government Committee as listed in the procedural By-Law No. 80-43 be amended to read as follows: (5) To study and make recommendations with respect to industrial, recreational and planning matters. 6. That By-Law No. 80-43 be amended by deleting Section XXVII _ ELECTION OF WARDEN and a separate by-law be prepared and presented to Council outlining the procedure to be followed. 7. 1- Section ,. Section Section Section J. Section 4. Section 5. Section Section That By-Law No. 80-43 be amended by deleting the following: I, Paragraph 2 II, Paragraph 6 II, Paragraph 15 - add the following to the present wording - "All members present during. a division must vote." II, Paragraph 17 . III, Paragraph 14 VIII, Paragraph l(a) XVI, Paragraph 1 - the words "The Warden shall be con- sidered as one of the voting members." XVI, Paragraph 2 - delete the present wording and replace with the following - "2. It shall be the duty of the County Roads Committee to co-operate with and direct the County Road Super- intendent in the construction and maintenance of county roads and bridges. The disbursement of all moneys pertaining to the county road system shall be made by the County Treasurer, only on the, certificate of the County Road Superintendent, approved by the County Roads Committee, as certified under the hand of the Chairman thereof." 8. We reco~mend that the County provide each Councillor and Official with a copy of a picture in which they are being introduced to the Governor General. Any additional pictures desired will have to be purchased. :t61 - 2 - * See amend- ment below. 9. We recommend that on a tria 1 basis the meetings of the Finance Committee be opened to the media" ALL of which is respectfully submitted. 01 a{ J"L Fleck, Ch rman. Cc.vt..~' c/ ~?<'lJJ1~~~/i * Item 9 was amended by adding the words "and public" at the end of the sentence. ,262 FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports ~s fol10ws: 1. We recommend that the final approved 1981 budget of the Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin in the a~Qunt of $823,212. of which the County share is $92,531. be approved and adjustments be made on the next payment. 2. That the resolution from the Provisional County of Haliburton requesting the Apportionment Guarantee Grant be included in the General Support Grant calculations be endorsed. 3. That the letter on a refund for 1980 surplus and- copy of auditor's report for 1980 from the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit be filed. 4. That the request from the Village of Port Stanley re: payment of grant for the new library be tabled to the January 1982 Session. That the grant of $41,000" be paid over to the Town towards cost of renovations to the Town Hall, as a 5. of Aylmer library. 6. That the resolution from the County of Northumberland, requesting that the Province take over the funding of elementary and secondary education, be filed. 7. That the. resolution from the County of Hastings requesting that all provincial transfers bepooled and single monthly payments, in advance, made to each and all municipal- ities be endorsed. That the questionnaire from the Ontario Hydro be filed. 8. 9. Grenville be filed. That the resolution from the County of Leeds and requesting that the roads subsidy be paid quarterly 10. That we concur with the recommendation of the Ridgetown C~llege of Agricultural Technology to have the two 1981 Elgin County Scholarships awarded to the two highest students. 11. That the final notification before construction ,of upgrading transmission line ~ Buchanan IS to Chatham TS from Ontario Hydro be filed. 12. That the Financial Statement to March 31st, 1981, from the Four Counties General Hospital be filed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. _Jr;:;':r/. 'Jr/f?/?,. K.' M. Kelly, Chairman. c~~/ L/. C-. /! .F o=;?~~X 263 COUNTY GOVERNMENT .COMMITTEE RRPnRT September Session. 1981 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Gove~nment Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from the County of Brant request- ing amendments to The Municipal Act to include the Mayors of Towns to sit on County Council he filed. 2. That the letter from Primesite Developments re: shopping centre to be located in Yarmouth Township be tabled. 3. material filed. That the AMD bulletin on the annual conference and on the founding conference of the new association be 4. That the resolution from the United Townships of Bangor, Wicklow and McClure requesting a change in the handling of property in arrears of taxes be endorsed. . 5. That the resolution from the City of Barrie request- ing an amendment to Section 304(2) of The Municipal Act, to provide for the inclusion of County or Regional Jails with correctional institutions and training schools be filed. 6. We recommend that the eight voting delegates to ACRO be - Warden Monteith Reeve Wilson Reeve Caverly Reeve Glover Reeve Hodgson Deputy Reeve Neukamrn Reeve Fleck Deputy Reeve Marr. 7. That the information on a major forum on community redevelopment issues from the Ministry of Housing be filed. 8. That the resolution from the County of Frontenac tabling Bill 7, An Act to Revise and Extend Protection of Human Rights in Ontario be endorsed. ,. opposing tabled. That the resolution from the Town of Fort Frances the de-indexing of personal income tax exemptions be 10. That the information from the Minister of Revenue on proposed c~~nges in the municipal enumeration be filed. 11. We recommend that By-Law No. 81-26 be amended to provide up to $150.00 per day for additional expenses of the Warden at conventions. 12. We recommend that the per diem rate paid for conven~ tions be increased to $125.00. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~ tVoo~ . ~: F1e~k, ~rman. (:C.l/~Z-/' r--... #r.'4~~ 264 SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT September Session. 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Social Services Committee reports as follows: 1. fhatwe recommend that the changes in Policy prq- posals re: Permissive Legislation under, the General Welfare Assistance Act, as per the attached summary, be approved. 2. That the reply from the Minister of Community and Social Services to the review of the shortfall of Adminis- tration Subsidy be fi1ed~ 3. That the memorandum from the Ministry of Community and Social Services re: the transfer of family benefits employables to municipalities be filed. 4. That the resolution from the County of Lennox and Addington objecting to the transfer of "Delivery of Maintenance Income Programs" to the Municipal level be endorsed. 5. That we recommend that the Warden and Clerk be authorized to sign an agreement for Day Nursery Care with the Dutton Community Nursery. School; ALL of whic'l is respectfully submitted. /~ "t.L~7 E. .Neukamm, Chairman. --e.C'~t../ ~?,;??;7~~ SUMMARY OF SEPTEMBER 1981 PF.RMTSSIVE POLICY r.HANr.F.S 1. Room and board rates For single persons, emp10yable or unemployable, and for all families, the legislated minimum. Fer permanently unemployable singles, their actual rate plus $10.00 per week (incidentals) up to the maximum. 2. No excess fuel allowance for employables, other than in exceptional circumstances; 3. Removal 8f the $50.00 limit on emergency dental work for employables and temporarily unemployab1es. 4. Payment of medically necessary travel costs to relatives and family members also. 5. To change the assets limits for single employables and single temporarily unemployables from an amount equal to one week's allowance to one month's allowance. 6. To freeze assets limits for permanently unemployables at $1,500. single and $2,500. family. 7. To delete references to Household Supplies allowances as these no longer exist in legislation. 8" To change the institutional comforts allowance from a fixed $35.00 to the prevailing rate. 265 266 AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee rep~rts as follows: 1- Resources County be That the letter from the Ministry of Natural with dates and procedure re: deer season in Elgin filed. 2. That Mr. R" J. Upsdel1 be advised that charges under the Tree By-Law against Mr. Thomas Towers be withdrawn. 3. That the letter and publication entitled "Practical Guide for Municipal Drains" from the Thames River Basin Implementation Program be filed. 4. That membership in the Ontario Forestry Association in the amount of $15.00 be purchased. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. / 1ft" , . /^' ~ ~c -"(/A'47. L.--'"W. R. Caverly, "C/ Chairman" vC ,<A.AA--'- v/ ~ ~? <?:4"duM( 267 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That the copy of the letter from the City of St. Thomas Fire Department to the Ministry of Government Services re: the Court House and the letter from the Ministry, on their part in it be tabled. 2. Leasehold Mr. W. M. access to That the copy of the letter from Mr. E. E. Bond, Administrator, Ministry of Government SerVices, to Thomson, Ministry of the Attorney General, re: the Law Library be tabled. 3. That the letters from the Elgin County Pioneer Nuseum and M. J. Hennessey & Associates re: connecting link and operating agreements be filed as the agreements have now been signed. 4. That the letters from the Minister of Municipal Affairs and the Minister of Energy on energy conservation be tabled and the clerk-Treasurer obtain the costs involved in converting to natural gas for the Municipal Building, Registry Office and Engineer's Office. 5. That the Ministry of Government Services be advised that the County of Elgin has no intention of issuing keys for the Court Huuse, to provide access to the Law Library, after normal working hours. There is no thought of altering the arrangements made April 1977 and in place, prior to the signing of a lease in June 1978, for use of the Law Library, beyond hours the Court House is open to conduct business with the public. 6. That the quotation of Worthington Electric Ltd. in the amount of $573.00 be accepted to replace the electrical panel in the Municipal Building. 7. That the tender of Lacey Fuels be accepted for supplying fuel oil for the following locations for the 1981-82 heating season at a price of 23.32i per litre, subject to adjustment in the per tank wagon price at the time of delivery: Registry Office Municipal Building Engineer's Office. 8. That the Library Board be authorized to investigate the Court House for possible use as an Archives and report bac~ to the Property Committee. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. .~~ (~ - D. H. Pearson, Chairman. ..c."._.~(:.j /F7?!'~':y 268 RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT COM}lITTEE REPORT September Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Reception and Entertainment Committee reports as follows: 1. We recommend that ~ Junior boy or girl, of at least ten Y8ars of age, be invited by each Member of County Council, to attend the October Session of Council, with lunch provided at Payne's Mills. 2. We recommend that the Wayside Inn cater to the Warden's Bap.quet. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~ ~ )'7~ E. H. Harr, Chairman. ....<'_c~cl /c: 77f J:::X 269 COUNTY. OF ELGIN. ROAD COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT SEPTEMBER SESSION , TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COumy OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: WE RECOMMEND; 1. That the resolution of the ToWnship of Southwold objecting to the extension of area that can be served by the St. Thcmias Sanitary Collection Services Limited from their Southwald Site be (mdorscd. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMlTrED --------"'" /{." a8 g ~ ~RMAN , e~ fr-o/~ 270 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No" 81-38 "A BY-LAW TO PROV:LDE GUIDANCE UPON THE PROCEDURES FOR THE ELECTION OF THE COUNTY WARDEN"" WHEREAS The Municipal Act requires that the Warden shall be elected in the manner provided by resolution of the Council passed prior to the election; and WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin deems it advisable that the procedures for the elec- tion of the Warden be, as nearly as may be, consistent from year to year; and WHEREAS the said council deems it advisable to provide guid- ance to the County Clerk in the conduct in such proceedings. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts ~s follows: ELECTION OF WARDEN i. The Clerk or Deputy Clerk of the County shall take the Chair at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of the Second Wednesday of the month of December i~ each year (except when the first day of December falls on a Wednesday, in which case it shall be the Third Wednesday), or at such hour and on such day thereafter as he shall find the majority of the Members of the Council present in the Council Chamber. 2. The County Clerk or Deputy Clerk shall present the following resolution for t~~ consideration of the Council, namely: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin hereby agrees that the election of Warden for the year (state the year) shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures numbered 3 to 8 as set out in By-Law No. 81-38, being a-By-Law to Provide For Guidance Upon the Procedures For the Election of Warden (or alternatively; in such other manner as may be set out in the resolution). 3. That the Clerkor Deputy Clerk shal1 prepare lists of the names of the members in perpendicular and horizontal lines, and a card for each member with the names of the member written or printed thereon. 4. That the Clerk or Deputy Clerk sha!l announce that any person aspiring to the position of Warden shall be granted an opportunity, not exceeding five (5) minutes, to address County Council" 5. That the Clerk.or Deputy Clerk shall inform the members that he is ready to proceed with the election of one of their number to be Warden. 6. That the Clerk or Deputy Clerk shall thereupon take from a receptacle in which the cards have been placed, one card ata time, as it comes to his hand, and call upon the member whose name appears thereon to say for whom he casts his vote. and the Clerk or Deputy C1erk'sha1l place the figure under the name of the member for whom the vote was cast. When all members have voted, the Clerk or Deputy Clerk shall forthwith inform the members of the result, and the Clerk or Deputy Clerk shall continue the same procedure until he shall find that more than fifty ~ercent of the votes have been cast for one member, and he shall thereupon declare the e1ectioh of such member. 7. In the case of an equality of votes, the results shall be decided in accordance with the procedure set out in The Municipal Act, namely that, the Reeve. or in his absence, the peputy Reeve of the Municipality which for the preceding year had the largest equalized nssessment, shall have a second or casting vote. 271 - 2 8. That the Warden-elect shall forthwith sign and declare and read aloud the Declaration of Office, and Oath of Allegiance and on completion thereof he shall take the Chair" THAT By:""Law No. 80-43, Section XXVII, entitled "Election of Warden", be amended, by deleting paragraphs 1 to 7 inclusive. READ a first time this 9th day of September, 1981. READ a second time this 9th day of September, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 9th day of September, 1981. ~_~/'---~~_"_.L' -,L.r--",-, G. C. Leverton, Clerk. *.F. <'o/~ L~ K. E. Monteith, Warden. 272 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-39 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND ,BY-LAW NO" 80-43, A BY-LAW TO REGULATE THE PROCEEDINGS IN THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL. OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ANn THE OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES THEREOF." WHEREAS By-Law No. 80-43 regulates the proceedings in County Council and Committees thereof; and WHEREAS a review of this by~law indicates that certain sec- tions should be ~~leted or amended. THEREFORE the following be amended or deleted from By-Law No. 80-43: L Section 2. Section Section Section 3. Section 4. Section Section I, Paragraph 2 - delete II, Paragraph 6 - delete ,- II, Paragraph 15 - amend this paragraph by adding the following sentence - "All members present dur~ng a division must vote." II, Paragraph 17 - delete III, Paragraph 14 - delete VIII, Paragraph l(a) - delete VIII, Paragraph l(b) - delete the first word "be" and replace with the words "The Chairman". Section XVI, Paragraph 5 - delete and replace with - "(5) To study and make recommendations with respect to industrial, recreational and planning matters. It Paragraph 1 - delete the words - "The Warden shal1 be considered as one of the voting members." Parag~aph 2 - delete the present wording and replace with the following - "2. It shall be the duty of the County Roads Committee to co-operate with and direct the County Road Superintendent in the construction and maintenance of county roads and bridges. The disbursement of all moneys pertaining to the county road system shall be made by the County Treasurer, only on the certificate of the County Road Superintendent, approved by the County Roads Committee, as certified under the hand of the Chairman thereof"" 5. Section XIII, 6. Section XVI, READ a first time this 9th day of September, 1981. READ a second time this 9th day of September, 1981. READ a third time and fina11y passed this 9th day of September; 1981. __--~....c.......'-~_.y:...~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk" -rJ</'7?~ K. E; Monteith, Warden. 273 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-40 "BEING A BY....LAW TO ESTABLISH THE REMUNERATION TO BE PAID TO THE WARDEN, COUNCIL MEMBERS AND COUN'i'V OFFICIALS FOR ATI'RNDING CONVENTIONS. U The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT th~ Warden, Members of the Elgin County Council and Elgin County Officials be paid the fol10wing rates for attendihg conventions: (a) For a convention within a radius of 200 miles (322 Rm),of St. Thomas, One Hundred and Twenty~Five Dollars ($125.00) per day, registration fee and mileage from St. Thomas to the convention site and return, paid at the rate of 30i per mile (18.6i Km). (b) For a convention outside a radius of 200 miles (322 Km) of St. Thomas, Dne Hundred and Twenty-Five Dollars ($125.00) per day, registration fee and single air fare rate from the London airport to the site of the convention and return. Where the site cannot be reached by air service, mileage to and from the convention be paid. (c) In addition to the $125"00 per day the Warden may receive up to $150.00 per day for additional expenses upon presentation of receipts. (d) The Warden or designate is authorized to obtain a County Room at conventions when he deems it desirable and that he be reimbursed for this cost, upon presentation of receipts. The Warden is entitled to the per diem rate of $125.00, whether he uses this room or obtains another one. (e) The Warden may receive up to $300.00 in addition to the $125.00 per day, upon presentation of receipts, for additional expenses incv~red for the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention only. (f) For a convention held in London, Ontario only, committee pay, mileage a110wance to and from home, pIus registration fee, for anyone who does not stay overnight at a hotel. (g) That in order to obtain payment for attending conventions the member or ~fficia1 must present the hotel bill and registration receipt or reasonable facsimile of same to the Clerk of the County. (h) The per diem rate for conventions shall be limited to the actual days that the convention has sessions listed. (i) Anyone attending a convention shall be reimbursed for his regis- tration fee and mileage from St. Thomas to the convention site and return, where he does not have a hotel bill and it shal1 be considered as one of the three allowable conventions. 2.(a) The Warden may attend any number of conventions he chooses each year. (b) Members of County COuncil are limited to any three conventions of their choice each year. 3. THAT By-Law No. 81-26 be, and the same is hereby repealed. 4. THAT this by-law shall become effective upon passing. P.~AD a first time this 9th day of September, 1981. READ a second time this 9th day of September, 1981. READ a third time and final1y passed this 9th day of September, 1981. ,.__<;k /~-";-<~"7-0...- G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~ c- -.F <4J~- K. E. Monteith, Warden" 274 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-41 "BEING A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FRINGE BENEFITS TO ALL EMPLOYEES OF THE COUNTY OF El.GIN WHO ARE CON~TnF.RED IN THE MANM~F.MF.NT CATEGORY." WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin has designated certain positions to be a management category group; and WHEREAS the Corporation of the County of Elgin wishes to provide certain fringe benefits to this group of employees. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts that the employees in the following man- agement category be and are hereby entitled to the following fringe benefits: 1. Engineer 2. Assistant Engineer 3. General Superintendent 4. Assistant General Superintendent 5. Engineering Technician 6. Roads Office Co-Ordinator T. Clerk-Treasurer 8. Deputy clerk~Treasurer . 9. Director, Homes for Senior Citizens 10. Assistant Homes Administrator 11. Director of Nursing 12. Building Supervisor (Homes) 13. Assistant Director of Nursing 14. Dietary Supervisor 15. Director, Social Services 16; County Librarian 17. Deputy Librarian. 1. PAID HOLIDAYS 1.01 All regular employees will be credited ,with pay computed at straight time for eacb of the fo110wing paid holidays: New Year's Day Civic Holiday *Second Monday of February Labour Day Good Friday Thanksgiving Day Easter Monday Christmas Day Victoria Day Boxing Day. Domini.on Day *For all employees, exclusive of Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge. November 11th will be substituted for the "Second Monday in February". provided that: (a) The employee is not absent on 'the days he/she is scheduled to work immediately preceding and following the holiday, or the day granted in l~eu thereof unless excused because of illness or other reasonable excuse. (b) The employee is not absent on the paid holiday after being scheduled to work. 1.02 If one of the paid holidays occurs on an emp\~yee's regular day off, the employee will receive an extra day off within thirty (30) days following the holiday, and at a time that is mutually agreed upon between the Employer and the employee. 1.03 If one of the paid holidays occurs during an employee's vaca- tion, the employee will receive an additional day off which may be added to his/her vacation. 275 - z - 2. VACATIONS 2.01 For the purpose of computing vacation entitlement, the vaca- tion year shall begin on January 1st and end on the following December 31st. 2.02 Every employee shall be granted an annual vacation with pay according to his/her credited service as follows: (a) Where at December 31st, in any year, an employee has completed less than one year of continuous service, he/she sha11 receive two ,weeks vacation in the follow- ing va~ation year" Vacation pay shall be calculated at four (4%) per cent of total wages during the twelve months imm~diate1ypreceding December 31st. (b) Where at December 3ist, in any year, 'an employee has completed one year continuous service, he/she shall receive two (2) weeks vacation in the fol10wing vaca- tion year. Vacation pay shal1 be calculated at four (4%) per cent of total wages, during the twelve months immediately preceding December 31st or two weeks regular pay, whichever is the greater. (c) Where at December 31st, an employee has completed two (2) years of continuous service, he/she shall receive three (3) weeks vacation, in the following vacation year. (d) Where at December 31st, an employee has completed six (6) years of continuous service, he/she shall receive four (4) weeks vacation, in the following vacation year. (e) Where at December 31st, an employee has completed twelve (12) years of continuous service, he/she shall receive five (5) weeks vacation, in the fo110wingvac8tion year. (f) Vacation pay for (c), (d) and (e) shall be based on his/her normal work week and his/her regular rate of pay, but shall not include overtime or other increments. (g) Every employee who does not otherwise qualify under the provisions of this section, shall be paid in accordance with "The Employment Standards Act". 2.03 The vacation and vacation pay entitlement of an employee who is absent from work without pay fora period in excess of one month shall be calculated on the basis of actual time on the payrol1 during which helshe' is iureceipt of remuneration from the employer" 2.04 An employee's vacation and vacation pay entitlement shal1be based upon continuous service performed for ,the employer ,during the previous vacation year, in accordance with the provisions of this.Article. 2.05 The prorating of vacation entitlement .as'outl'inedin Articles 2.03 and 2.04 shall not result in an e~ployee being entitled to less than two weeks v~cation in any year. 2.06 Total wages in this section shall include all money received by an employee but does not include: (~) previously paid v~cation pay (b) money paid on behalf of the employee to insurance plans (OHIP, LTD, Life, EHC). 2.07 In 0rder to receive vacation pay in advance, an employee shall make a request in writing to his/her supervisor notless than two weeks in advance of the date his/her vacation is to com- mence. SUCH ADVANCE SHALL COVER ONLY THE PAY PERIOD OR PAY PERIODS FALLING WITHIN THE EMPLOYEE'S VACATION. 276 - 3 - 2.08 Ann~al vacation credits must be used in the year,for which they were earned and no carryover to the next year will be allow~d. 2.09 Employees who are retiring are required to liquidate all vaca- tion time owing (including current year) prior to their date of retirement. This will result in no lump sum payments for unused vacation time. 3. SICK LEAVE 3.01 Eacq employee will be credited with one and one-half (1~) days of sick leave at the end of each month of service. 3.02 An employee shal1 not be granted any sick leave credits until he/she has completed three (3) months continuous service with the Employer; however, upon completion of three (3) months service, the employee shall', subject to Clause 3.03, be credited with four and one-half (4~) days sick leave. 3.03 Where a regular full-time employee is absent from work for a period in excess of three (3) working days ina calendar month, the sick leave credit referred to in Clause 3.01 shall be as follows: that the above provision MONTHLY SICK LEAVE 1~ days 1 day .!; day o days. shall not CREDIT WORKING DAYS ABSENT o 3 3% - 10 10% - 17% 18 or more Provided, however, an employee: (a) Who d~es not work his/her regular shift because of emer- gency or other conditions beyond the control of the employee, or has been requested by his/her Supervisor to work different hours; apply to (b) Who is on vacation; (c) Who is on a paid holiday. The above provisions s~al1, however, apply to an employee: (a) Who is absent because of il1ness or injury; (b) Who is absent without leave; (c) Who is absent without pay. 3.04 The unused portion of sick leave credits in any one year shall be allowed to accumulate without limitation. 3.05 When an employee is absent as a result of an accident while at work, or illness inherent to occupation, and as a result is receiving Workmen's Compensation, as awarded by the Workmen's Compensation Board, he/she may receive the difference between his/her regular pay and the BoaTd's award if unused sick leave credits are available for the purpose. If such employee is not eligible for Workmen's Compensation, he/she may receive sick pay to the extent that sick pay credits, if any, are available. 3.06 Any employee discharged for cause; whose dischaTge is not reversed through subsequent proceedings, shall lose and forfeit all sick leave credits. 3.07 To qualify and be paid sick leave from credits accumulated, an- employee must give two (2) hours notice of his/her inability to be on any shift 'provided, however, that if there be an emergency and notice, by reason of the said emergency, is not given, this requiremen~ will not be enforced. 277 - 4 - 3.08 After an employee has had three (3) periods of sick leave of three (3) days or less within a calendar year, the Employer may refuse to pay for the fourth or subsequent period of sick leave, notwithstanding that the employee has accumulated sick leave to his/her credit. It is understood that this provision is an endeavour to eliminate abuses of sick leave and is in addition to any other disciplinary action which the Employer may deem fit to invoke" Where sick leave absence has been in excess of three (3) consecutive days theemployee shal1 not be paid sick leave credits unless he/she furnishes the Head of hislher Department with a Doctor's Certificate or other explanations satisfactory to the Employer. 3.09 Where an employe~ having more than five (5) years consecutive service ceases to be employed by the County, there shall be paid to him/her or his/her personal representative, or failing a personal representative to such other personas the Employer may determine, an amount computed on the basis of his/her rate of pay at the date of leaving the employ of the County for a period equal to f~~ty (50%) per cent of the value of his/her sick leave credits, hut the amount shall not exceed six (6) months pay. 3"10 An employee, who is absent from employment due to pregnancy or childbirth, is not eligib1e for sick leave pay" 4. COMPASSIONATE-LEAVE OF ABSENCE 4.01 In the event of the death of a member of an employee's immediate family, the immediate family being restricted to mother, father, sister, brother, spouse, child, grandchild, where the said employee is attending the funeral, or assisting in, arrangements for the funeral, the Employer shall arrange leave with pay not to exceed three (3) days. The three (3) days shal1. however, include normal days off and shall conclude on the day of the funeral. The Employer wil1 give full consideration to granting additional time ?ff without pay upon application by the employee. 4.02 In the case of the death of the employee's mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, grandfather or grandmother, up to one day may be granted without loss of reeular pay where necessary to enable the employee to attend the funeral. 5. PERSONAL i.EAVE OF ABSENCE 5.01 The Employer may grant leave of absence without pay to any employee for legitimate personal reasons. 5"02 Employees who are on leave of absence will not be considered to be laid off and their seniority shall continue to accumulate during SUCh absence. 5.03 Employees, who are on leave of absence wil1 not engage in gain- ful employment while on such leave, or utilize a leave of absence for purpo'ses other than those for which the leave of absence was granted, and if an employee does engage in gainful employment while on such leave of absence or utilize the leave of absence for purposes other than those for which the leave of absence was granted, may, at the discretion of the Employer be corisidered as a voluntary quit. 6. HEALTH AND WELFARE 6.01 Ontario Hospital Insurance PIan (OHIP; The Employer agrees to pay one hundred (100%) per cent of the billing rate of the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) for all employees eligible under the plan. 6.02 Semi-Private Hospital Insurance The Employer agrees to pay one hundred (100%) per cent of th~ billing rate of the Ontario Blue Cross Semi-Private Hospital coverage for all employees eligible under the plan. 278 - 5 - 6.03 Extended Health Care (EHC) The Employer agrees to pay one hundred (100%) per cent of the billing ratp. of Ontario Blue Cross Extended Health Care coverage ($10.00 - $ZO.OO deductible). 6.04 Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement system (OMERS) The Employer agrees to pay fifty (50%) per cent of the OMERS plan in respect of pension, .in accordance with the County of Elgin By-Law No. 1838, as amended by By-Law No. 2059. 6.05 Long Term Disability (LTD) The Employer agrees to pay sixty (60%) per cent of the premium of a long term disability insurance plan which will pay 66,2/3% of the employee's monthly earnings to a maximum of $2,300.00. The present plan, through Mutual Life of Canada, calls fora qualifying period of 120 days or expiration of sick leave, whichever is greater. Upon completion of the. probationary period, all employees, not covered by a collective agreement. shall as a condition of employment, become members of the Long Term Disability plan. 6.06 Dental The Employer agrees to pay fifty (50%) per cent of the premium of a dental plan (Blue Cross #9 or equivalent). All new employees will be required to participate as a condition of employment, unless proof that the person has a similar coverage through a spouse's employment is provided. In this case the person would not be considered an eligible applicant. This dental coverage does not apply to persons "employed in the ROads Department (Office and Outside). 6.07 Life Insurance The Employer agrees to pay fifty (50%) per cent of the premium of term life insurance, in the amount of two times the employee's annual salary, to the next $1,000. All new employees will be required to participate as a condition of employment. 7. JURY DUTY 7.01 An employee who is actually at work for the Employer and has completed hislherninety (90) days of continuous service and is called for service OTh Jury Duty shall be entitled to receive from the Employer the difference in pay between the Jury Duty pay and what he/she would have received from the Employer, com- puted at straight time for the time necessarily and actual1y spent on Jury Duty during the hours scheduled to work during a normal work week. The employee shall provide proof of hours engaged on Jury Duty and proof of payment therefore. 8. EMPLOYEES 8.01 In this by-law, employees means any salaried officer, clerk, workman, servant or any other person in the employ of the County of Elgin, who has completed ninety (90) days of contin- ~ous service, unless stated otherwise in this or some related by-law 8.02 Employees considered in the management category, as listed pre- viously in this by-law, will be subject to a six (6) month probationary period, before becoming permanent. 8.03 Employee does not include any casual; seasonal or part-time empl~yee unless stated otherwise. 8.04 Current County employees shall be advised of all staff vacan- cies, when such vacancies are being advertised in the newspaper. 279 - 6 - 9. RETIREMENT 9.01 Retirement in this by-law, means hav1ug attained the age of sixty-five (65) years or earlier if substantiated by a Medical Doctor's Certificate. stating that retirement is necessary because of permanent disability. 9.02 The Normal Retirement age for employees covered by this by-law sha11 he sixty-five (65) years. 9.03 An employee having reached the Normal Retirement age may, at the pleasure of the Elgin County Council, continue his/her employment on a yearly basis. All cash liabilities for sick credits and vacation, for em- ployees who are al10wed to work beyond the age of sixty-five (65) years, he settled at the time of Normal Retirement and that no future liabilites be accepted for sick credits and vacation be paid at t~e following rates: Entitled to less than 3 weeks vacation _ 4% of total earnings Entitled to 3 weeks vacation 6% of total earnings Entitled to 4 weeks vacation - 8% of total earnings Entitled to 5 weeks vacation ~ 10% of total earnings. 9.04 10. SALARY INCREMENT 10.01 Employees starting employment with the County of Elgin prior to September 1st, in any year wil1 be eligible for their first annual increment on the first day after January 1st of the following year. 10.02 Employees starting employment with the County of Elgin on or after September 1st, in any year will he e1igible for their first annual increment on the first pay after January 1st of the second following year. 10.03 Increments are not to be considered automatic because of com- pleting service as indicated above. 11. CASUAL OR SEASONAL EMPLOVEES 11.01 Vacation pay for casual or seasonal employees shall be paid in accordance with the Employment Standards Act. 11.02 Employees hired for the Roads Department on a seasonal basis, not to exceed six (6) months, shal1 be exempt from qualifying for the usual fringe benefits extended to regular employees, upon completion of their prqbationary period. However. in the event the employee is subsequently, without a break in employ- ment, hired as full~time, he/she shall immediately be eligible for the benefits based on the period employed, with the e~cep- tion of benefits for OMERS. 12. MILEAGE RATES 12.01 The following rate shall be paid to all County employees using their own private cars on County business: 30i per mile. 13. That By-Laws No. 79-45, 80~27 and 80-63 be, and the same are hereby repealed. 14. This by-law shall become effective upor.. passing. READ a first time this 9th day of September 1981. READ a second time this 9th day of September 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 9th day of September 1981. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~r.-?7"?-"~ K. E. Monteith, Warden. ~/-.,-,-y~ 280 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No" 81-42 "BEING A RY_1.A\~ TO PROVIDE FRINGF, RF.NF:FITS TO ALL EMPLOYEES OF THE COUNTY nF F:T .GTN WHO ARE NOT COVEREf'l RV Aml.LECTIVE AGREEMENT OR INCLUflFD TN THE MANAGEMENT CATEGORY." WHEREAS some employees of the County of Elgin are working under a Col1ective Agreement which includes certain fringe benefits; and WHEREAS the Corporation of the County of Elgin wishes to provide similar fringe benefits Ior the remainder of its employees who are not included in a Collective Agreement. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts that all employees working for the County of Elgin without a Collective Agreement or considered in the manage- ment categ~ry be and are hereby entitled to the following fringe benefits: 1. PAID HOLIDAYS 1.01 All regu1a~ employees will be credited with pay computed at straight time for each of the following paid holidays: New Year's ,Day Civic Holiday *Second Monday of February Labour Day Good Friday Thanksgiving Day Easter Monday Christmas Day Victoria Day Boxing Day. Dominion Day *For all employees, exclusive of Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge, ,November 11th will be substituted for the "Second Monday in February". provided that: (a) The employee is not absent on the days he/she is scheduled to work immediately preceding and follow- ing the holiday, or the day granted in lieu thereof, unless excused because of illness or other reasonable excuse. (b) The employee is not absent on the paid holiday after being scheduled to work. 1.02 Employees required to work on a Paid Holiday shall at the option of the Employer receive either: (a) Pay at the rate of time and one-half the employee's regular rate for work performed on such Holiday, in addition to the employee's regular pay, or (b) Pay at the rate of time and one-half the employee's regular rate for work performed on such Holiday, and an alcernativeday off either thirty (30) days before or thirty (30) days following the Holiday. 1.03 Notwithstanding anything herein contained to the contrary, if one of the Paid Holidays occurs on an employee's regular day off or during an employee's vacation period and the employee is required to work, the employee will receive credit for the said Holiday at straight time and in addition will receive two and one-half (2%) time his/her regular rate of pay for all hours worked on the Paid Holiday. 1.04 If one of the paid holidays occurs on an employee's regular day off, the employee will receive an extra day off within thirty (30) days following the hOliday, and at a time that is mutually agreed upon between the Employer and the employee. 281 - 2 - 1.05 If one of the paid holidays occurs during an employee's vaca- tion; the employee wil1 receive an additional day off which may be added to his/her vacation. 1.06 It is understood and agreed that an employee is entitled to receive the benefits provided in this Article for workper~ formed on a paid holiday only where the majority of the hours worked by the employee on his/her shift fall on the paid ho1irlay. 2. VACATIONS 2.01 For the purpose of computing vacation entitlement,the vacation year shall begin ori January 1st arid end on th~ following December 3~3t. 2"02 Every employee shall be granted an annual vacation with pay according to his/her credited service as follows: (a) Where at December 31st, in any year, an employee has completed less than one year of continuous service, he/she shall receive two weeks vacation in the following vacation year. Vacation pay shall be cal- culated at four (4%) per cent of total wages during the twelve months immediately preceding December 31st. (b) Where at December 31st, in any year, an employee has completed one year continuous service, he/she sha11 receive two (2) weeks vacation in the following vaca- tion year. Vacation pay shall be calculated at four (4%) per cent of total wages, during the twelve months immediately preceding December 31st or two weeks regular pay, whichever is the greater. (c) Where at December 31st, an employee has completed fOur (4) years of continuous service, he/she shall receive three (3) weeks vacation in the following vacation year. (d) Where at December 31st, an employee has completed eight (8) years of continuous service, he/she shall receive four (4) weeks vacation, in the following vacation year. (e) Where at December 31st, an employee has completed fourteen (14) years of continuous service, he/she shall receive five (5) weeks vacation, in the follow~ ing vacation year. (f) ~acation pay for (c), (d) and (e) shall be based on his/her normal work week and his/her regular rate of pay. but shall not include overtime or other increments. (g) Every employee who is engaged on a regular part-time basis' and not covered by a working agreement, shall be paid as follows for'vacation pay: Hours Worked.as of December 31st Le$S than 8,320 4% of prior year's earnings Over 8,320 6% of prior year's earnings. Payment shall be subject to limitations as outlined in Subsection (f)" (h) Every employee who does not otherwise qualify under the provisions of this section, shall be paid in accordance with "The Employment Standards Act". 2.03 The vacation and vacation pay entitlement of an employee who is absent from work without pay for a period in excess of one month shall be calculated on the basis of actual time on the p~y~011 during which he/she is in receipt of remuneration from the Employer" 2.04 An employee's vacation and vacation pay entitlement shall be based upon continuous service performed for the Employer during the previous vacation year, in accordance with the provisions of this A~ticle. 282 - 3 - 2.05 The prorating of vacation entitlement as outlined in Articles 2.03 and 2.04 shall not result in an employee being entitled to less than two weeks vacation in any year. 2.06 Tota: wages in this section shall include all money received by an employee but does not include: (a) previously paid vacation pay (b) money paid on behalf of the employee to insurance plans (DHIP, LTD, Life, EHc). 2.07 In order to receive vacation pay in advance, an employee shall make a request in writing to his/hersupervisor not less than two weeks in advance of the date his/her vacation is to com- mence. SUCH ADVANCE SHALL COVER ONLY THE PAY PERIOD OR PAY PERIODS FALLING WITHIN THE EMPLOYEE'S VACATION. 2.08 Annual vacation credits must be used in the year for which ther were earned and no carryover to the next year will be allowed. 2.09 Employees who are retiring are required to liquidate all vaca- tion time owing (including current year) prior to their date of retirement. This will result in no lump sum payments for unused vacation time. 3. SICK LEAVE 3.01 Each employee will be credited with one and one-half (1%) days of sick leave at the end of each month of service" 3.02 An employee shall not be granted any sick leave credits until he/she has completed three (3) months continuous service with the Employer; however, upon completlon of three (3) months service, the employee shall, subject to Clause 3.03, be credited with four and one-half (4%) days sick ,leave. 3.03 Where a regular full-time employeeis absent from work for a period in excess of three (3) working days in a calendar month, the sick leave credit referred to in Clause 3.01 shall be as follows: WORKING o " 10% - 1{3 or MONTHLY SICK LEAVE CREDIT H days 1 day % day o days. that the above provision shall not apply to ABSENT DAYS 3 10 17, more Provided, however, an employee: (q) Who does not wOTk his/her regular shift because of emergency or other conditions beyond the control of the employee, or has been requested by his/her supervisor to work different hours; Who is on vacation; Who is ona paid holiday. The above provis'ions shall, however, apply to an employee: Who is absent because of illness or injury; Who is absent without leave; Who is absent without pay. (b) (e) (a) (b) (e) 1.04 The unused portion of sick leave cTedits in any one year shall be allowed to accumulate without limitation. 3.05 When an employee is absent as a result of an accident while at work, or illness inherent to occupation, and as a resultis receiving Workmen's Compensation, as awarded by the Workmen's Compensation Board, he/she may receive the difference between his/her regular pay,and the ~oard!s award if unused sick leave credits are available for the purp?s~." If such employee is not eligible-for Workmen1s Compe~sation, heJ~he may receive sick pay to the extent that sick pay credits. if any, are available. 283 - 4 - 3.06 Any employee discharged for cause, whose discharge is not reversed through subsequent proceedings, shall lose and forfeit all sick leave credits. 3.07 To qualify and be paid sick leave from credits accumulated, an employee must give two (2) hours notice of his/her inability to be on any shift provided, however, that if there be an emergency and notice, by reason of the said emergency, is not giveri, this requirement will not be enforced. 3.08 After an employee has had three (3) periods of sick leave of three (3) days or less within a calendar year, the Employer may refuse to pay for the fourth or subsequent period of sick leave, notwithstanding that the employee has accumulated sick leave to his/her credit. It is understood that this provision is an endeavour to eliminate abuses of sick leave and is in addition to any other disciplinary action which the Employer may deem fit to invoke. Where sick leave absence has been in excess of three (3) consecutive days the employee shall not be paid sick leave credits unless hel.she furnishes the Head of his/her Department with a Doctor's Certificate or other explanations satisfactory to the Employer. 3.09 Where an employee having more than. five (5) years consecutive service ceases to be employed by the County, there shal1 be paid to him/her or his/her'persona1 representative, or failing a per- sonal representative to such other person as the Employer may determine, an amount computed on the basis of his/her rate of pay at the date of leaving the employ of the County for a period equal to fifty (50%) per cent of the value of his/her sick leave credits, but the amount shall not exceed six (6) months pay. 3.10 An employee, who is absent from employment due to pregnancy or childbirth, is not eligible for sick leave pay. 4. COMPASSIONATE LEAVE OF ABSENCE 4.01 In the event of the death of a member of an employee's immediate family, the immediate family being restricted to mother, father, sister, brother, spouse, child, grandchild, where the said employee is attending the funeral, or assisting in arrangements for the funeral. the Employer shall arrange leave with pay not to exceed three (3) days. The three (3) days shall, however, include normal days off and shall conclude on the day of the funeral. The employer will give full consideration to granting additional time off without pay upon application by the employee. 4.02 In the case of the death of the employee's mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, grandfather or grandmother, up to one day may be granted without loss of regular pay where necessary to enable the employee to attend the funeral" 5. PERSONAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE 5.01 The Employer may grant leave of absence without pay to any employee fOr legitimate personal reasons. 5.02 Employees who are on leave of absence wi11 not be considered to be laid off and their seniority shall continue to accumulate during such absence. 5.03 Employees who are on leave of absence Will not engage in gainful employment while on such leave, or utilize a leave of , absence for purposes other than those for which the leave of absence was granted, and if an employee does engage in gainful employment while on such' leave of absence or utilize the leave of absence for purposes other th4n ,those for w~ich the leave of'absence was granted; may. at the discretion of the Employer be considered as a voluntary quit. 6. HEALTH AND WELFARE 6.01 Ontario Hospital Insurance PIan (OHIP) The Employer agrees to pay one hundred (100%) per cent of the billing rate of the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) for all employees eligible under the plan. 284 - 5 - 6.02 Semi-Private Hospital Insurance The Employer agrees to pay one hundred (100%) per cent of the billing rate of the Ontario Blue Cross Semi-Private Hospital coverage for all employees eligible under the pIan. 6.03 Extended Health Care (ERe) The Employer agrees to pay on~ hundred (100%) per cent of the billing rate of Ontario Blue Cross Extended Health Care coverage ($10.00 - $20.00 deductible)" 6.04 Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS) The F.mployer agrees to pay fifty (50%) per cent of the OMERS plan in respect of pension, in accordance with the County of Elgin By-Law No. 1838, as amended by By-Law No. 2059. 6.05 Long Term Disability (LTD) The Employex agrees to pay sixty {60%) per cent of the premium of a long term disability insurance plan which will. pay. 66 2/3% of the employee's monthly earnings to a maximum of $2,300.00. The present plan, through Mutual Life of Canada, calls for a qualifying period of 120 days or expiration of sick leave, whichever is 'greater. Upon completion of the probationary per- iod, all employees, not covered by a col1ective agreement, shall as a condition of employment, become members of the Long Term Disability plan. 6.06 Dental The Employer agrees to pay fifty (50%) percent of the premium of a dental plan (Blue Cross #9 or equivalent). All new employees will be required to participate as a condition of employment, unless proof that the person has a similar coverage through a spouse's employment is provided. In this case the person would not be, considered an eligible applicant. This dental coverage does not apply to persons employed in' the Roads Department (Office and Outside). . 7. JURY DUTY 7.01 An employee who is actually at work for the Employer and has com- pletedhis!her probationary period and is called for service on Jury Duty shall be entitled to receive from the Employer the difference in pay between the Jury Duty pay and what he/she would have received from the Employer, computed at straight time for the time necessarily and actually spent on Jury Duty during the hours scheduled to work during a normal work week. The employee shall provide proof of hours engaged on Jury Duty and proof of pa~ent therefore. 8 . EMPLOYEES 8.01 In this by-law, employees means any salaried officer, clerk, workman, servant or any other person in the employ of the County of Elgin, who has completed his/her ninety (90) day probationary period, unless stated otherwise in this or some related by-law. 8.02 Employee does not include any casual, seasonal or part~time employee unless stated otherwise. 8.03 Current County employees shall be advised of all staff. vacancies, when such vacancies are being advertis8d in the 'newspaper. g. RETIREMENT 9.01 Retirement in this by-law, means having attained the age of sixty~five (65) years or earlier if ,substantiated by a Medical Doctor's Certificate, stating that retirement is necessary because of permanent disability. 9.02 The Normal Retirement age for employees covered by this by~law shall be sixty~five (65) years. 285 - 6 - 9"03 An employee having reached the Normal Retirement age may, at the pleasure of the Elgin County Council, continue his/her employ- ment on a yearly basis. 9.04 All cash 1iabilities for sick credits and vacation, for employees who are allowed to work beyond the age of sixty-five (65) years, be settled at the time of Normal Retirement and that no future liabilities be accepted for sick credits and vacation be paid at the fol10wi~g rates: Entitled to less than 3 weeks vacation _ 4% of total earnings Entitled to 3 weeks .vacation - 6% of total earnings Entitled to 4 weeks vacation _ 8% of total earnings Entitled to 5 weeks vacation - 10% of total earnings. 10" SALARY INCREMENT 10.01 Employees starting employment with the County of Elgin prior to September 1st, in any year. will be eligible for their first annual increment on the first day after January 1st of the following year. 10.02 Employees starting employment with the County of Elgin on or after September 1st, in any year, will be eligible for their first annual increment on the first pay after January 1st of the second following year. 10.03 Increments are not to be considered automatic because of com- pleting service as indicated above. 11. CASUAL OR SEASONAL EMPLOYEES 11.01 Vacation pay for casual or seasonal employees shall be paid in accoLdance with the Employment Standards Act. 11.02 Employees hired for the Roads Department on a seasonal basis not to exceed six (6) months, shall he exempt from qualifying for the usual fringe benefits extended to regular employees, upon completion Jf their probationary period. However, in the event the employee is subsequently, without a break in employment, hired as full time, he/she shall immediately be eligible for the benefits based on the period employed, with the exception of benefits for OMERS. 12. MILEAGE RATES 12.01 The following rate shall be paid to all County employees using their own private cars on County business: 30t per mile. 13. That By-Laws No. 79-46, 80-28, 80-40 and 80-64 be, and the same are hereby repealed. 14. This by-law shall become effective upon passing. READ a first time this 9th day of September, 1981. READ a second time this 9th day of September, 1981. READ a thild time and finally passed this 9th day of September, 1981. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~ (--- d': ~4~~ K. E. Monteith, Warden. ~-A-~_ _.,_< ~-./ 286 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-43 "BEING A BY_LA\~CONSENTING TO THE STOPPING UP AND CLOSING OF A ROAD Al.LOWANCE IN 1'HF. TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE." WHEREAS notice' has been received from the Township of Ma1ahide, indicating their intention to pasS a by-law to stop up and close a part of the original allowance for road. between Lots 10 and 11, Concession 4, more particularly described as follows: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain uarcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and :being in the Township of Malahide in the County of Elgin and Province of Ontario being composed of part of the original allowance for road between Lots 10 and 11, Concession 4, more particularly described as follows: ALL THAT PART of the original allowance for road between LotS 10 and 11 lying northerly of the limit between the North-half and South-half of "said Lots 10 and 11 lying Easterly of Highway #73 widened as shown on Plan D-153; and WHEREAS the County of Elgin has no objections to the passing of the by-law. THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Coun~y of Elgin consents to the passing of a by-law, stopping up and closing the road allowance, as described above. READ a first time this 9th day of September, 1981. READ a second time this 9th day of September, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 9th day of September, 1981. ~ .---,,-~. -y~-_.--<---<.~...../ C--' ~J 00'~4 K. E. Monteith, Warden. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 287 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-44 "BEING A BY-LAW CONSENTING TO THE STOPPING UP AND CLOSING OF A ROAD ALLOWANCE IN THE TOWN~HTP OF YARMOUTH.1t WHEREAS notice has been received from the Township of Yarmouth,i1!dicating their intention to pass a by-law to stop up, close and sell a part of the original a~lowance for road, being Part of Lot 9, Concession 11, more particularly described as follows: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Yarmouth, County of Elgin and Province of Ontario, being composed of Part of Lot 9, Concession 11 in the, said Township of Yarmouth, County of Elgin and being more particularly describeda~,Parts 2 and 5 on a Reference ,PIan deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin (No. 11) as number 11R-2279; and WHEREAS the County of Elgin has no objections to the psssing of the by-law. THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin consents to the passing of a by-law, stopping up, closing and selling the road allowance, as described above. READ a first time this 9th day of September, 1981. READ a second time this 9th day of September, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 9th day of September, 1981. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. <-- .,.r c:- c~.-/._~' K. E. Monteith, Warden. ~"~~ 288 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-45 "BEING A BY-LAW CONSENTING TO THE STOPPING UP OF A ROAD ALLOWANCE IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM." WHEREAS notice has been received by registered mail from the Township of Bayham, indicating their intention to pass a by law stopping up the following unused road allowance: "ALL that part of Plank Road and Vienna Street as shown on Plan 54, of the Village of Vienna extending south of the southerly limit of.Water Street to its intersection with the northerly limit of Highway No. 19, as shown on Plan D-46."; and WHEREAS the County of Elgin has no objection to the said passing of the by-law. THEREFORE the Corporation of the County of Elgin consents to the passing of a by-law sto~ping up the road allowance, as described above. READ a first time this 9th day of September. 1981~ READ a second time this 9th day of September, 1981. READ ~ third time and finally passed this 9th day of September, 1981. <--~"--<.--<----<---<..~.....-...../ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. c-.. _ -;?K r c~,.,u:4 K. E. Monteith, Warden. 289 COUNTY OF ELGI N By-Law No. 81-46 "BEING A BY..-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 2297, THEREBY ADJUSTING THE SALARY OF THE SECRETARY-TREASURER OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN LAND DIvisioM COMMttTEE.t! WHEREAS By-Law No. 2297 deals with the appointment and remuneration of a Secretary-Treasurer of the County of Elgin Land Division Committee; and WHEREAS By-Law No. 2297 is presently amended by By-Law No. 80-55; and WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to change the present salary of the Secretary-Treasurer. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Counci1,of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: L That Clause (2).of By-Law No. 2297, as amended by By-Law No" 80-55, be deleted. and the fol10w- I ing substituted therefore _ "That the salary of the Secretary-Treasurer of the County of Elgin Land Division Committee shall be Five Hundred and Seventy-One Do11ars and Thirty-One ~ents ($571.31) biweekly"" That By-Law No" 80-55 be, and the same is hereby repealed" That this By-Law become effective October 5, 1981. 2. 3. READ a first time this 9th day of September, 1981. READ a second time this 9th day of September, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 9th day of September, 1981. .---:::k-/~--+-'-; G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ,- fE<d.,L~ K. E. Monteith, Warden. 290 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81~47 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND EY-LAWNQ. 80-48, THEREBY ESTABLISHING NEW PAY SCHEDUI.:ES. '~ WHEREAS By-Law No. 80-48, as amended by By-Law No. 81-34, presently establishes pay schedules for positions not covered by agreements or otherwise; and WHEREAS a survey indicates that certain positions require adjustments. 1. CLERK-TREASURER'S OFFICE NOW THEREFORE the following amendments be made to By-Law No. 80-48: Land Division Secretary-Treasurer Payroll Supervisor Payroll Clerk ) Clerk-Typist ) Effective October 5th, 1981. 2. RQADSDEPARTMENT Bookkeeper Clerk-Typist Effective October 12th, 1981. 3. ELGIN MANOR Bookkeeper Clerk-Typi'st Effective October 5th, 1981" 4. TERRACE LODGB Clerk-Typist Effective October 12th, 1981. 5. SOCIAL SERVICES Clerk Effective October 5th, 1981. 6. LIBRARY Bookkeeper Library Assistant Clerk-Typist Effective October 5th, 1981. Biweeklv Rates $505"42-526.54-548.42-571.31 $413.23-430.46-448.38~467.12 Biweekly Rates $505.42-526.54-548.42-571.31 $413.23-430.46~448.38-467.12 Biweekly Rates $505.42-526.54-548.42-571"31 $413.23-430.46-448.38-467.12 Biweekly Rates $413.23-430.46-448.38-467.12 Biweeklv Rates $458.31-477.38-497.27-517.92 Biweekly Rates $505;42-526.54-548.42-571.31 $413.23-430.46-448.38-467.12 7. That this By-Law become effective on the dates shown above. READ a first time this 9th day of September, 1981. READ a second time this 9th day of September, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 9th day of September, 1981. ~,/'-~,~ ~....,' ~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. c ~ ? <77/;.--&._/ K. E. Monteith, Warden. 291 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-48 itA' BY-LAW TO ,CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN'AT THE SEPTEMBER SESSION. 1981" II WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 103 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of every Council are to he exercised by By-Law; and WHEREAS it .is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal ,Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommen- dation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal C0~ncil of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the September 1981 SeSSion is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the" preceding, section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 9th day of September, 1981. READ a second time this 9th day of September, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 9th day of September, 1981. ~/C-..:.~..:.....~~- G. C. Leverton, Clerk. c.. 'f d' < ~;;'V<:v<){ K. E. Monteith, Warden. 292 October Session - First Day Wednesday, the 14th day of October, 1981 The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municipal Building, st. Thom~s,in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. Warden Monteith extended a welcome to the boy and girl guests of the Councillors, who were attending County Council for the day. He expressed the hope that the students would learn something from County Council deliberations and be able to.go back to school and answer any questions from their fellow class- mates or teachers, that may be asked about the day's activities. ROLL CALI: '- All Members present except: Reeve Lashbrook. Warden Monteith advised Council that a former County Councillor, Lawrence McIntyre, Reeve and Deputy Reeve from the Township of Southwold from 1968 to 1972, passed away on Thursday, October 8th" Couricil held a minute o~ silence in memory of Mr. Mc~ntyre. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconde~ by Deputy Reeve Marr That the minutes of the September 1981 Session of the Elgin County Council he adopted. - Carried. The following Communications were read and referred to: AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE 31. Township of Ma1ahide with resolution asking the County to request the Federal Agricultural Department to hold a Rabies Clinic in the area~ COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE 3. ACRO with copies of nomination and consent forms for persons wishing to serve on the Board of Directors. 5. Ministry of Municipa1,Affairsand Housing with notice that the Minister has defined the Middlesex County Planning Area 3S a joint ~lanning area comprised of all the municipalities of the County of Middlesex. 18. Township of Yarmouth with resolution soliciting the support of the County for the proposed shopping mall of Prime site Developments. 22. Long Point Region Conservation Authority with request for revi,ew of and comment on the enclosed draft of "fill, con- struction and alteration to waterways regulations". 29. Borough of Etobicoke with a copy of the reply from the Secretary to the Cabinet with respect to requesting set rules and procedures, governing petitions to the Ontario Provincial Cabinet. 30. Ontario Hydro with schedule fur the Buchanan TS X St Thomas Edgeware TS. 32. The Elgin County Separate Schoo 1 Board with request that a representative of this Board be allowed to be appointed to the St. Thom3s-Elgin Health Unit. 37. Township of Malahide with correction in Plan No. for road closing By-Law No. 81-43. ~ 2 - COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE (Continued) 38. County Board, Reeve K. C. rep-resentati ve as of today. Emerson, with resignation of appointment as to the St. Thomas-Elgin General 'H~spital COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE 7. Kettle Creek ConserVation Authority requesting consider- ation being given to paving of all" or a portion of County Road 37 and include such considerations in their 1982 roads budget. 10. Ministry of Transportation and Communications advising that portions of highway in the Township of Yarmouth, being part of Lot 3, Range South of Edgeware Road, are being transferred to the Township of Yarmouth. 11. Minister of Transportation and Communications announcing that, along with the Municipal Engineer's Association, they are hosting a three day seminar on Asphalt Pavement Recycling. 16. Ministry of Transportation and Communications witb information and forms for application for an interim payment. 24. Township of Ma1ahide with notice of the passing of By-Law No. 1987, to regulate land use pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act" 28. tions cause Ontario Good Roads Associat~on with request for resolu- and proposal of names for recognition of long service in the of good roads. FINANCE COMMITTEE 1. Association of Municipalities of Ontario advising of two heritage seminars to beheld Saturday, October 24th in Kingston and November 7th, in Cambridge. 4. Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing with guidelines of the Marina and Boating ~acilities Programmes" 9. Township of Minto with resolution requesting the Federal an~ Provincial Governme~ts to provide, and/or force the Canadian chartered banks and others to provide farmers and small businessmen with long term operating loans at reduced rates of interest. 12. The Elgin County Board of Education with resolution objecting to the withdrawal of preferential fees for municipa11y- owned commercial vehicles. 13. Attorney vehicles Township of Yarmouth, with copy of a letter to th~ General, requesting that off-road recreational motor be licensed for identification purposes. 17. City,of St. Thomas with a copy of a letter to the Minister of Health strongly opposing central ambulance dispatch. 19. St. Thomas Rotary Music Festival with request for adver- tisement in their 1982 Festival Programme. 20. Elgin East District Women's Institute with nominee to the ~xecutive Committee of the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board. 21. Minister of Culture and Recreation with an update on action taken within this Ministry. 23. The Canadian Centre For Philanthropy with invitation to and information on the first grantors' conference ~ Toronto, November 2nd and 3rd, 1981. 25. Ministry of Community and Social Services with copy of 1982 Service Plan and Estimate of Expenditures - Children's Aid SG~ieties. 293 294 ~ 3 - County Council, October Sessic~, 1981 FINANCE COMMITTEE - Continued 27. Ministry of Agriculture and Food with information on conference entitled "Provincial Initiatives -; 1981" set for November 20th, 1981, at the Wheels Inn, Chatham. 16. The Association of K~nsmen Clubs with request for advertisement in its national publication KIN Magazine. PROPERTY COMMITTEE 8. Conserva1 Engineering Inc. offering their services as qualified energy conservation auditor to d~velopmechanisms for conserving energy in municipal1y owned buildings. 33. The Elgin Military Museum with information on the status of the Museum. SOCIAL, SERVICES COMMITTEE 15. Ontario Municipal Social Services Association with information on annual faIl seminar. 34. Ontario Municipal Social Services Association with request for appointment from Zone 12 to the Board. The following Communications were read and ordered filed: 2. Family & Children's Services with allocation of Children in Care and financial s~~tement for August. 6. Ontario Forestry Association with appreciatio~ formem- bership and advising thqJ comments and questions are welcomed any time. 14. Bank of Montreal advising changes in the bank's prime municipal rate as follows: Effective September 8th, 1981 Effective September 14th, 1981 Effective September 21st, 1981 - 221/4"10 - 213/4% - 211/4%. 26. Ministry of Community and Social Services with copy of June 1981 Days-Care by Location Report. 35. Mr. R" J" Upsde11, Solicitor, advising that the charge against Thomas Towers, under the tree by-law, has been withdrawn as per instructions. Reeve Shaw read a letter from the Village of Springfield expressing appreciation for the work done on county Road 52. The Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Shaw and adopted on motion of Reeve Shaw and Reeve Caverly. The Report of the Library Board 'was . presented by Reeve Stewart and adopted on motion of Reeve Stewart arid Reeve Lavereau. ~ovedby Reeve Shaw Seconded by Reeve Kelly That Application TS/Sl by Mr. John M. Leonn',Lot 23, "}llc€ssi(>["j 8, Township of Aldborough, requesting to clear the ~encre part of his farm and replant the boundary areas to the E:-l";C, South and \~est' be denied. - Carried. ~oved bv Reeve Shaw Seconded by Reeve Coles That Application T6/81 by Mr. Jack Buchan, Lot 3, Concession 13, Township of Aldborough, be 'approved as submitted with the following amendment - That the frontage or south side alon~ Concession 14 be 105 metres and 203 metres on the north side. - Carried. - 4 - Moved by Reeve Kelly Seconded by Reeve Wilson That Application T7/81 by'Mr" Peter Vandyk, Lots 22 and 23, Concession 4, Township of Malahide, requesting to clear 3;705 square metres of trees be granted. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Shaw Seconded by Reeve, Kelly That Application T8/81 by Mr. Jack Annett, Lot 36, Concession N.T.R.E., Township of Southwo1d, requesting to clear 3.718 square metres of trees, be granted. - Carried" Moved by Reeve Farthing Secol1ded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That the guests of the Councillors be allowed to attend the Committee meetings. - Carried. Reeve Shaw indicated that, he had read in the Times J6~rna1, that a challenge had been made by City Council to County Council, and asked the Warden if, he could enlighten Council on it. Warden Monteith explained that the City Council had issued a challenge to County Council and its Administrative Staff, to a game of volleyball, on Talbot Street on October 15th, between 12:00' and 1:00 P"M. It was to be a best two out of three 'match and the purpose was to prcmote the United Way Campaign" that is presently on. Warden Monteith indicated that he had accepted, on behalf of County Council, the challenge. Deputy Reeve Marr, Chairman of the Reception and Entertainment Committee, outlined the itinerary that had been 5.et for the guests of Councillors. They were to go by bus to the Lake Erie Filtration Plant for a tour of the facilities, and then back to Paynes Mills Women's Institute at noon hour for lunch. After lunch, they were to tour the County Library and then the County Registry Office. At this time they would return to County Council. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Wilson That we do now adjourn to meet again on October 14th, 1981 at 2:00 P.M. - Carried. Council Re-Convened. ROLL CALL - All Members present except: Reeve Lashbrook. The Report of the Finance Committee was presented by Reeve Kelly and adopted on motion of Reeve Kelly and Deputy R~ev€ Pe~rson. The Report of the County Government Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Fleck and adopted on motion of Reeve Fleck and Reeve Wilson. The Report of the Property Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Pearson and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Penrson and Deputy Reeve Vo1kaert. The Report of the Social Services Committee was pre- sented by Deputy Reeve Neukamm and adopted on motion of Ceputy Reeve Neukamm and Deputy Reeve Pettit. 295 296 - 5 - County Council, October Session, 1981 The Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Reeve Glover and adopted on motion of Reeve Glover and Reeve Farthing '-" The Report of the Agricultural Commlttee was presented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caverly and Deputy Reeve Haddow. The Members of Council were polled for their opinion as to dress for the Warden's Banquet on November 6th; It was the concensus of opinion that the County jackets 'and ties should be worn for this occasion. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Reeve Emerson That the Tree Commissioner's Report be adopted and printed in the proceedings. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pettit That the County of Elgin express to the Minister of Community and Socia 1 Services its strong concern regarding the implications of the new open-ended mandatory fuel allowance in the General Welfare Assistance Regulations and the lack of con- sultation prior to the introduction of this change. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McWilliam Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wake1ing That By-Law No. 81-49 "Being a By-'-Law to Amend By-Law No. 81-43, a,By-Law Consenting to the Stopping Up and Closing of a Road Allowance in the Township of Ma1ahide" be read a first time. - Carried. ~oved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson That By-Law No. 81-49 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Deputy Reeve McWilliam That By-Law No. 81-49 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve WaIters Seconded by Deputy Reeve McWil1iam That By-Law No. 81-50 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin October Session, 1981" be read a first time. of the at the - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Reeve Walters That By-Law No. 81-50 be read a second time. - Carried. - 6 - Moved by Reeve Walters Seconded by Deputy Reeve McWil1iam passed. That By-Law No. 81-50 be read a third time and finally ~ Carried. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Reeve Stewart That we do now adjourn to meet again on November 18th, 1981 at 10:00 A.M. - Carried. G. C. Leverton, Clerk" K. E. Monteith, Warden. 297 298 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT OcrOBERSESSlOO 1981 TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITIEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1.. C,>n~trllction on th€." Walkers Bridge has been slowed by the recent Wl't YI"<lther. However, the Contractor has been able to complete piers and abutments and hopes to place concrete girders within eJle week. 2. A hot mix asphalt base coat has been completed by Walmsley 51:'05., Limited on those portions of County' Road 1fJ2 (Police College Road) that have been constructed this Sl1llll1ler. A considerable SllIOunt of shouldering :md ditching work remains and it is unUkcly that chi!! work ....ill bl! complo.ted tbis year because of bad weather conditions. ]. Some ditching and drain'.'-gc work has been completed on Road #8 between Dutton and,Wallacetown but the relllainder of the work will hav!;' to be p<.lstponed until next year, again because of the wet weather. 4. Work on Road #38 east of Straffordville has been completed with the exception of some minor trim and seeding wot'k. c,. l:<li,J, J'"ll ]",s b('cn (<""pleteHI un R,,"d #]8 bctwN'n Ilighw..y #1 and Straffordville nt the W<1t'ds Hill. Most trimming and seeding '.:ork has bct'n completed, although there will be some erosion <ontrol work required at the Wards Hill next Spring. 6. lJue to the adverse weather conditions the Engineer has been "uthoril:ed to proceed with gravel resurfacing on the gravel !,ortions of County Road #18 and #26 in Southwold Township and County Roads #28 and #30 ill Yarmouth Township. The gravel is Lv b(' hnuled by County vehicles from the COuntyJ s. Gravel Pit "t Pl('asant Valley. 299 COUNTY ,9F ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT _ OCTOBER SESSION 1981 PAGE 2. 7. Construction of the Salt Storage Building at Bayham Township Garage i ~ uno.lcnmy. 8. Walmsley Bros., Limited have completed their Contract 'A' for hot mix paving ~th the completion of patching on St. Thomas Suburban !Wad 1128, (Centennial Avenue)" Walmsley Bros., Limited have now completed all their contracts. 9. A meeting with the County of Middlesex Road Committee will be held shortly t? discuss various projects of mutual concern including the improvement. of County Road #37, (North-South Dorchester Townline) Walkers ~ddge pi-ogress, the load limit on and repa.irs to the Midd~emiss Bridge, the HUbre.:y-ilighbury-RadiO Road (Road ,460) link, as well as other itellls. 10. The money allocated by the Ministry of Transportation and Colllllunications for the Safety Programme~ (stUlllp removal. and edge marking) totaling $27,500 has been spent. 11. The Engineer has "been authorized. to proceed with the installation of flashing l.ights at the intersection of Road #16 and Road #20 in Fingal as soon as possible. The two(2) existing Ontario Hydro poles can be utilized and the estimated cost is approximately $2,DIl()" 12. The Engineer has been authorized to obtain a cost estimate foJ:' the cost of flasheJ:'s on County Road #26 (St. George Street) at t.he Cowan Park curve. 13. Land has been purchased to widen County Road #37 east of the Cana~ian Pacific Railway right~of_way, east of Belmont. It is h"peu that the weatIrer conditions will allow the lolidcning of the road at t.hat point this Fall. 14. V. W. Ruckle Construction has completed gravel crushing at till' County's Pleasant Valley Pit. 15. The Engineer has been authol:hed to remove the speed bumps on Count.y Road #45 in Malahide Township. 300 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE F1R",-r R~:PORT _ OC:I'OBER SESSION 1981 PACE 3. 16. A used Champion 0740 Grader (approximately 1,400 hours) with six (6) n;;w tires, snow wing, 105 Amp Alternator. with a one (1) year warranty On parts and labour has been purchased from the Champion Road Machinery Sales Limited for$74,JOO plus Provincial Sales Tax, with the County' 5 1969 Wabco 660B Crader as II trade~ln. 17. A used 1980 John Deere, M~del JD 644 D, J cubic ya'L"d front end loader complete with bucket teeth and new tires has been purchased from Renash ~actor and Equipment: Limited for $52,250. plus Provincial Sales Tax with the CouJley's 1974 Hough 865C loader as a trade_in. The John Deere Loader will also be covered with a one (1) year parts and labour warranty. ALL OF WHI.CH IS RESPEcrFULLY SUBMITTED ~ C2c~LJ IRMAN , , ~~ /E~~ 301 Library Board Report October Session wm To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council The Library BOard reports as follows: 1. Port Stanley Library was oi'ficially opened on September 26, 1981" 'The building has a complete new collection of fUrniture and a base collection of more than, 20,000 volumes. Public accept- ance of the new branch has been excellent as indicated bya first day:circulationof 500 and a first week circulation of 1,100. 2. The quotation of Spriet Associates London Limited With an upset limit of $500.00 has been accepted in order to implement the Property Commit~ee "decision of September 9 to wit: "That the Library Board be authorized to in- vestigate the CourtHouse ror possible use as an Archives and report hack to the Property Committee." 3. That the branch hours in Por.t Stanley will be adjusted to accommodate increased circulation. 4. That effective October 1; 1981 the branch salary schedule will be adjusted by 60~ per hour in order to compensate for the in- crease in the minimum. wage. 5. That the annual Branch staff workshop will take place in the Port Stanley Library on October 21, 1981. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Gladys Western. All of which is respectfully submitted. ~~.H",,-/ '. . tewart Chairman Elgin County Library Board ...c~o/ %Ec#l~ 302 FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT Occober~~ssion, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as ;ollows: 1. That the AMO potic~s of>neritag~ seminars, to be held October 24th in Kingston and Nove~ber 7th in ~ambridge, be filed. 2. Affair's" filed; That the, guid,e;I.ines" from the Minister of Municipal re: the Marina':and BoatIng Fa~ilities :p-rogrammes;;be 3. ,That'thS'resolutioo-fromthe T6wnsh~pof~into requesting the Federal and Provincial Governments to provide and/or force the Canadian chartered ba~ks and othe~s, to provide farmers and small businessmen~with long term operat{ng loans, at reduced rates of_ interest, be endqrsed.: 'Cqun~y Council wishest~e Covernments to know of their support'to"this resolution and that the reduction would have to be substantial" 4. That the resolution from the Elgi'Ii. Couuty Board of Education objecting. to ,the withdrawal of preferential fees, for municipal1y-owned commercial vehicles, be endorsed" s. That the copy of the resolution from the TOWnship,of Yarmoutn to the Attorney General. requesting 'that off~road 'recre~ ational motor vehicles be licensed, for identification purposes, be e!ldorsed. ' . 6. That the Copy of the letter from the C{ty of St~ Thomas to the Minister of Health, strongly opposin~ central ambulance dispatch, be filed. 7. That we subscribe to a full page advertisement in the St~ Thomas Rotary Music Festival program, at a cost of $25.00 and repeat the previous year's advertisement. 8. That the nomination to the Executive Committee of the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board, from the Elgin East. District Women's Institute, be tab1ed:to the December>Session of Council; 9. That the letter from the Minister of Culture and Recreation, with an update on action, taken within his Ministry, be filed. 10. That the invitation from The Canadian Centre For Philanthropy to"attend the first grantors! conference - Toronto, November 2nd and' 3rd, )981 ,- and information on same, be filed. 1]. That the copy of 1982 Service Plan and Estimate of Expenditures - Children's Aid Socie~ies - from the Ministry of Community and Social Services, be filed. 12. That the information, from the Ministry of Agriculture aud Food, on a conference entitled "Provincia 1 Initiatives - 1981 - set for November 20th, 1981, at the Wheels Inn, Chatham, be filed. 11. That the request for advertisement in the KIN Magazine be not granted. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. xA ~Mc;'l! K. M. Kelly (. ( Chairman. " L"'~'~-/ r ~f:-7'7;t~ 303 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT Octoper Session, 1981 To the Warde~~nd ~embersof:the Elgin County Council, The County Government,Cpmmittee reports as follows: 1. lI1ishirtg Members. That the ACRO to serve,.on the of. Coi.mc:I. 1~. nomination:and consent forms for persons Board of Directors be made available for 2. That the notice from the Ministry'of Muriicipal Affairs and Housing advising that the Minister has defined the Middlesex County P~ahningArea, asa joint planning .area, comprised of a11 the municipalit~esof the County of Middlesex be filed. 3. iting the Prime site That the resolution ~rom the Township of Yarmouth solic- support of the County for the proposed shopping mall of ~eve10p~ents be endorsed. 4. That the draft of "fill, construction and alteration to waterways regulations" from the 'Long Point Conservation Authority with request for review and comments be filed. 5. That the copy of the reply from the Secretary to the Cabinet, to the Borough of Etobicoke, with respect to requesting set rule~ and procedures governing petitions to the Provincial Cabinet be tabled and copies; made for the Committee. 6. That the letter from Ontario Hydro with schedule for the Buchanan TS X St. Thomas Edgeware TS be filed. 7. That a letter be forwarded to the Separate School Board referring their request for representation on the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit Board to the Provincial Government. 8. By-Law D-153. That a by~law be presented to County Council to amend No. 81-43, in order to correct the Plan No. to D-193 from 9. That the request from Primesite Developments requesting the County's Support for the shopping centre at the south-east corner of Wellington Road and the St. Thomas By-Pass b~ filed and a copy of the Yarmouth's resolution be forwarded. 10. That the resolution from the Town of Fort Frances opposing the de-indexing of personal income tax exemptions be filed. 11. That all County Departments he authorized to use the crest for use for any County purposes. 12. We recommend that the limit of $5.00 for meals be used as a guideline only and if over it will be paid by the County. 13. We recommend that persons attending the ACRO Convention in Chatham and who are not staying overnight at a hotel, be paid Committee pay, one trip of mileage to and from St. Thomas, plus registration fee. 14" That the resignation of Reeve K. C. Emerson from the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital Board be accepted with regret and Reeve Fleck be the replacement as the County's representative. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. if. R m-di J . Fleck, airman. . e:<~c/,,. . /r;:.-<: C?/ ~---u'.{/ 304 PROPERTY COMMITTEE' REPORT October Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. . That the letter from Conserva1Engineering Inc", offering their services as qualified energy conservation auditor, to develop mechanisms for conserving energy in municipal bUildings, be filed. 2. That the letter, from The Elgin Military Museum on the progress to date, be filed and a copy forwarded to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum, for their information" 3. . That the request of Mr. R. E. Bell, Director of Soci~l Services, to have the couch removed from,his field workers' office be approved and the Sheriff given the option of having it moved to another area for their use if desired. ALL of which is respectful1y submitted. .~~ D. H. Pearson, Chairman. ,A~, .:c(/f/~ (/ //" c:- )/ /f.r<;"'7~~. SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT To the Warden anq Members of the Elgin County Council, October Session, 1981 TheSocia~ Services Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Director he authorized to attend ,the OMSSA l,S two-day fall seminar, in Toronto, withexpens,es paid. 2. That we recommend that Mr.R~ E" Be~l, Director of Social Services pe allowedto act as a representative on OMSSA Board of Direc~ors from Zone 12 and that his expenses formileage and meals for meetings held in T9ronto be reim~ursed. ALL of which is respectfu11y submitted. /~eL-<;>w>?, E. Neukamm Chairman.. , <..-c--~,~I -1/? '0,,:f;;;;f 305 3b$ PERSONNE:L'COMMITIEE REPORT 'october session', 1~81 i'_' rhe \~arc:in and Members. of' the Elgin County Council, l'hf;' Personnel Committee reports ~s ro1l6ws: c. 'ldopted clarify . - . - . . c, _" .'" That. we recommend hat the fo11~wing. rep1.9.ce policies re: staff at, theSep ember Session, 1981, in order to the inte~t of these terns: ITEM 3 - WQRKMEN'S,COMPENSATION When anerop1oyee is off work on Workmen's Compen~ sation, the difference between his normal biweekly pay and 75% of this amount or the biweekly maximum allowahle (whichever is the lesser) shall be paid through the regular payroll, providing the employee has sufficient sick credits, against which,it may be deducted and the award shall be paid directly to the employee. An employee 'who does not have suffi- cien~ si~k credits upon which'to draw, shall be allowed to have the deduttionmade from vacation credits being used for the current year. ITEM 4 - TIME OFF - CHRISTMAS The Department Head has been given the authority to allow time off. with pay, on the afternoon of the last working day before Christmas, for a11 staff not covered by a collective agreement. In the event an employee in this category is unable to have the time offj due to emergency work or for any other reason, an alternat~"one-half day off shall be allo~ed by the Department Head. 2. That we recommend that the employment of Mrs. Marie Learn of the Elgin'Manor staff be extended for a period of up to one year beyond her retirement date of October 31st, 1981" ALL of which is respectfully submitted. <-/ Q,I J;lit1!l!V S. J. q ChaLrm~ lover. C t~~.'L-":_ cl - /J/,f ?7,l,J[v< / AGRICULTURALCOMMlrTEE REPORT October Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultura1 Committee reports as follows: 1. We recommend that the Federal Health of Animals Branch of the: Department 'of Agriculture hold rabies clinics in Elgin Count~.as'soon as possible, with'the County paying for the advertisement. ALL of which is respec~ful1y submitt€d: /'\ I ' <<--j~!!I:;k><'-'.ey, . w. R.. Caverly ., ~ Chairman. ' ..-' c&'~&1 r" 4 7//~~ 301' 30& TREE COMMISSIONER'S REPORT October Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, I wish to report on the Tree By-Law for the County of Elgin. As this will by my fipal report, I would like to draw your attention to the success we have had through. the enforcement of thisby-law. Thebul1doz~ngof woodlots has been stopped completely over the last two years, and the only court cases have been for cutting undersized timber. The loggers objected to the Tree By-Law at first, but now they realize it is to their advantage not toovercut and keep the woodlots in production. I have good working relations with them, so there is no problem of undersized timber being cut. However, I can see problems in the. future with woodlots being used for other projects beside being, cleared for farming purposes. It is for this reason, I would ,like to suggest to County Council, that they look carefully at the minor exceptions from the Tree By~Law and consider making it man4atory, for anyone clearing land, to first replant an area of equal size in another 10cation. Perhaps this would also stop some applications. Many places I go, outside the County and within, people compliment the County for protecting their woodlots and trees in general, and this is very encouraging to me" The Courts are very much in favour of the Tree By~Law and commend the County for 'protecting the woodlots. This makes your day in Court much easier. There has been a big change over the last ten years, at first it was almost impossible to get a conviction" _' I would a150 like to comment on the tree planting program the County has along its roadsides, and I compliment them on, such a worthwhile undertaking. However, when travelling along these areas, I find that 90 to 95% of the trees you plant die out, and they are not planted in again. On inspecting them, I find it is due mostly to the mice girdling them. It is impo'ssible to plant small .hardwood trees in the grass without a plastiC shield to protect them, for they are vulnerable to the mice for several years. The grass should also be sprayed around them, and this would give the trees a good chance of survival" I would like to thank Members of County Council, who have stood by me during my tenure as Tree CommissLoner. It is only through your concern of the trees, that the by-law has been effective and enabled me to enforce it~ I also appreciate all the help I have been given from the Ministry of ,Natural Resources, especially Pud Johnson, for he spent a 10t of time with me when I first started, to get me trained to do the work properly; and ,to Merv Todd, who has backed me up in Court many ti~es. Thank you also, to George Leverton and his Office Staff, for being so helpful to me and for his advice in solving many of my problems. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. c ..~ /5 ' .,__/..i:C1'2/k77') ,'/. rIA~. J{ckson . Baker, Elgin County Tree Commissioner. 309 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-49 "BEING. A .BY~LAW TO. AMEND . BY--LAW, NO. 81-43. A. BY";'LAW CONSENTING TO THE STOPPING UP, AND CLOSINGOFAROAD ALLOWANCE IN THE TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE.tI WHEREAS By-Law No. 8143 consents to thestoppfng up and closing a part of the or ginal allowance for road, between Lots lO.and 11, Concess on 4; and WHEREAS the original notification contained an incorrect Plan number, which was ,recited in By~Law N\?, 81....43. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of th~ Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That Paragraph three (3) of By-Law No. 81-43 be amended by deleting the words "Plan D-153", in the last line and replace with "PIan D....193"" READ a first time this 14th day of October, 1981. READ a second time this 14th day of October, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 14th day of October, 1981. "~C"""-<--<..-__<.A-;L...,..-,/ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ( fE, '??/;~-v':'-1 K. E. Monteith, Warden. 310 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-50 "A BY-LA\~ TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS Ot',tHE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF . . -. , ,-- . THE CORPORATION OF' THE ~omITY' OF ELGIN' AT THE OCTOBER' SESSION, 1981. " t.JHEREA-S by Sect'ioD_,90fThe Municipal 'Act, being Chapter 302 ~f the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980; the powers of a municipal-corporation are to be exercised by'its counei 1 ; "snd - . i~EREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 103 of The ~lunicipa'l Act, being Chapter 302 'of 'the ,Rev'i,sed~ta,tutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of every Council:are to 'be exercised by By-Lal.;r; and t.JHEREAS it is deemed expedi.ent. that the proceedings of the Municipal GounciI 'of .the...Corporatib,n,ofthe.' County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and,adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin en~cts as fol10ws: I.. That action of the, Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin in respec~of each recommen- dation contained in ,the Reports 'of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin ~t its meetings'he1d.during:the October 1981 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly ~mbodied in this By~Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do ~ll things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. ,The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to exec~te.'a11, docuffients,~ecessary in that behalf arid to affix thereto the Seal of'the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 14th day of October. 1981. READ a second time this 14th day of October, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 14th day of October. 1981. -~_/',A :>L.-~ k/,..< LL-<:L K. . r- /?//;;<~ E. Monteith, Warden. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 311 Noyemb~r Session~F~~~t Day Wednesday, the 18t~ day,o~.Nov€mber, 1981 ~he Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municipal Build~ng~ St~. Thomas. in. accordance with adjournment. The ,Ward,Em in the Cha.-ir. ROLL CALL - All Members present. Deputy of the death A. 1Il0ment of silence was helCl.,. in memory of Mr. Paul deRyk, Reeyeo:r ,Malahide Towu!>.hip" from 1961 to 1,976, and'a member Land Division Committee. from January 1st, 1978 until his on November 4th, 1981. Mov(!c\. "by Re~ve. 'SteW:a-tt Seconded by Reeve Emerson That the minutes of ' the October ,1981 Session of the Elgin County' CRu~~il,be adopted. - Carried. . , -'. The fQllowing,c6mmunica~ions were reaa~and r~ferred ~o: 9. loan AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE The Township of Meisea with resoluti6n respecting tile alloCation to local'municipalities. ' 54. .Mr. D., L.Hutchirigs, RegionalVeterinar~ Supervisor, Agricurture Canada, with a copy of his letter recommending that_ rabies clinics be held in Elgin County. COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE 1. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing with' a copy' of ~IP1anni~g for Mobil~ Homes: A Guideli:nen~ 10. County of Simcoe with report cbncerriirig their position on the new pr9Po~edHealth Prote~~ion Act. 11. Township of West Nissouri with resolution regarding present PrOvincial Government policy on nuclear development. 13. 'r-ti.niste,r of, Munic~pal Affairs and Hous,ing witb a copy of the Municipal B"oundary Negotiations Act, first reading" wf~h request for comments. ' 17. Mr. Mer,fin Riddell, Barris'terand Solici:tor, with request for a representative to sit on the Board of Directors of the E~gin Debt Go~nse~ling Service. 19. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing with copy of Land Sever~nce Guidelines. 24. ThamesVaiiey District Health Council with req':lest"for approval for the Medical Officer of Health to act as Coordinator for ~he Health Facilities Evacuation PIan. ;r8;". CitL6f The l:1ini~t'er of ,Health with, a copy of ' the rep'ly to the St. Thomas re: ce~tral amb~lahce dispatch. 30. copies of Municipal The Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing with the Municipal Cohflict of,In~erest Act, 1981 and the Licensing Act, 1981. 34. Village, of Ails? Craig wid\':8. resolution requesting firmer handling by the Courts'of persons committing vandalism. 45. Borough of. Scarborough w~th a resolution, to have home- owners affected by UFFI (Urea Formaldehyde Foam Insulat~on), reimbursed and properties reassessed. 312 - 2 COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE 3. Township of Yarmouth with copy of Notice of Application to the Ontario Municipal Board Lor approval of By....'taw' No. 2647. to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 39 of The Plann~ng Act. S. Ministry of Transportation and Communications with. information and registration form, fOT "Ontario Municipal Seminar on As.phalt Pavement" - November lO~12., 1981 - Skyline Hotel, Rexdale. . 6., Ontario Hydro with "Notice, of Public Meeting" under The Consolidated Hearing~Act, 1981 ~ set for December 2nd,1981,in Stratford re: Southweste~ Qntario Transmission System "Expansion Program. - 8. Roy Jorgensen Associates ~f Canada Ltd."Management Consultants offering their services re: Works Management System for Public Works operations. 12. Township of Ma1ahtde with a copy of a drainage petition for the Bowen Drain, and request to consider signing it. . 18. Township of North Dorchester with notice of application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of By-Law No. 50-81, to regulate the use of, land, pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. 20. Village of Port Stanley with copy of GTG official notice of public hearing re: application by CNR fbr abandonment. 21. TQwnshipof Malahide with notice of meeting for the reconstruction of the Stephens Drain outlet - Catfish Creek. 22. Stratton1s Bus Lines Ltd. with complaint of the condi~ tion of Elgin County Road 37 and request that it be considered for rebuilding and paving. 23. Pilkington Farms Ltd. with request to have Elgin County Road 37 rebuilt and also a copy of a petition requesting same. 25. Township of Southwoldwith notice of the passing of By~Law No. 81-28, to regulate land use pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act~ 31. Vil1age of Port Stanley with reasons that they are opposing the:C.N.R. app1ication'to abandon the line from Port Stanley to St. Thomas. 38. Village of Belmont with resolution requesting the improve- ment and upgrading of County Road #37. 4Q, Ministry of Transportation and Communications with Memo 81~9 re: traffic signa Is. 41. Township of Southwold with notice of the passing of By-Law No. 81-33 to'regulate land use purs~ant to Section 35, of The Planning Act. 42. Township of Yarmouth with a copy of a letter to the Rail- way Transport Committee, Canadian Transport Commission, advising that they endorse the resolution from the Village of Port Stanley, opposing the abandonment of the St. Thomas/Port Stanley C.N.R. line" 46. Township of Malahide with revised report for the recon- struction of the Branion Drain. 47. Ministry of the Environment advising of a seminar on the Environmental Assessment Act, in January 1982, at London. 48. Township of Yarmouth with notice of the passing of By-Law No. 2655, to regulate land use pursuant to Section 39 of The Planning Act. 313 - 3 - County Council, November Session, 1981 COUNTY 'ROADS COMMITIEE - Continued 49'. Tbwnsllip of Yarmouth With cOpy of Notice of Application to the Ontario Municipal' Board for approval of By-Law No" 2656. to' regulate land use pas.sed purSU3ntto Section 39 'of The Planning Act. 50. ship. The Ontario Traffic .Conf-erE!nce with request for member-'- 32. Buchanan Station. FINANCE. COMMI'ITEE Ontario Hydro with information of the status of the Transformer Station to St" Thomas Edgew8re Transfotmer 35. Ontario Hydro advising of a meeting to he held in London. November 20,-.1981, at 10:.00 A.M. to explain the rationale for the selection of the preferred system plan. 51. , Township of Greenock with a resolution requesting the Provincial Covernmenttoexplore the possibility of foreign export of electricity. derived from Nuclear Power. The fol1owing Communication~ were read and ordered filed: 2. . Family and Childr,en's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with the Allocation, of Children in Care to September 30; 1981. 4. . . Bank of Montreal th?t the Bank's Prime Municipal rate is as follows: 7. of the Effective October 13th, 1981 - 20~% Effective October 19th, 19S1 - 20%. Mr. R" K.' McNeil,M.P.P", with acknowledgement of a, COpy resolution from the Township of Minto. re: interest rates. 14. RidgetownC611ege ,of Agricultural Technology advising that the Annual Awards Night (first year students) will be held Thursday, December 3rd, 1981 at 8:30 P.M., and the winners of the Elgin County Scholarships are: Rick 'Van Vugt R. R" #1, West Lorne Alan Griffin R..R. #4, St. Thomas. 15. Mr. R. K. McNeil, M.P.P., with acknowledgement of a copy of the letter ,to t~e Minister of Community and Social Services, reo fuel allowancechanges. 16. The Art Gallery St. Thomas-Elgin with invitation to showing November 25th, 1981 at 2:00 P.M. and October Newsletter. 26. A.C.R.D. with appreciation for Elgin Co-'-Hosting the 1981 Annual Banquet on October 20th~ 1981" 27. Robert W. Metcalfe, Warden - County of Kent, with appreciation fOr Elgin's financial assistanee with the A.C.R.O. Convention. 29. University of Western Ontario advising that the winners of the Elgin County Scholar~hips are: Gopal Bhatnagar Toni M. Earl R. R. #6, St. Thomas 64 Bailey Avenue Barry A. Roth St. Thomas 73 Bailey Avenue Corinne A.Brooymans St~ Thomas R. R. #2, Port Startley" 33. Ministry of Community and Social Services with August 1981 Days-Care By Location Report. 314 - 4 - 36. Mr. Jim Mc:Guigan, M;,P~P'." (-Kent-Elgin):;-/ .ic:kno.~1i,edgi;rig receipt of Elgin 's---endorsementof _ the -resolutio:o ,'of ,the Townshi-p oLMinto and a copy' of ,his' brief to' the Ontario Federation 'of" Agriculture 'task ;~)l::ce.' ' 37" Mr. Jim M~Guigan, M.P.P. (Kent-Elgin). acknowledging -receipt of <!-.copy of. a letter ,to the Honour8;ble ,frank"'Drea re:. fuelallcwance payments. . 39. Minister of Ag~iculture and Food acknowledging receipt of Elgin's endorsation of the resolution fr?ffi the Tqwnship of ~into re: high interest rates. 43. M~. Alfted Spieser with appreciation for County of Elgin Scholarship. 4'4.:Minister'ofAgriculture.and F~od with copy of a letter to the Clerk~Administrator of tneTownshi of Mersea re~ tife drainage loan al10cations" . . 53. 55. for the County. Union Gas~offeiing'their servi~s for providing a to convert our 'buildings from oil to natural 'gas; Mrs. Germain deRyk and Family with' card'of appreciation. Kettle cre~kConservation Authority with,~ppreci~tion support in promoting 4H"as wel1 as conservation ip Elgin 52; quotation The First Report of the County Government Committee ~as presented by Reeve Fleck and adopted on motion of Reeve Fleck and Reeve Wtlson. Th.e: :Rep.ort of the personnel Committee was. presented by Re~ve Glove~ and adopted on,.motion of Reeve, Glover and Deputy Reeve Narr. ,~ . Shaw and , ~ ; ",', -- - ~ - , , ::. Tha'Report of t~e Roa?s Committee was presknte~!by.Reeve adopte~o~ motion of'Reeve Shaw and Reeva Laverea~~ The Report of the Library Board was presented "by Deputy ~eeve Wakeling and adopted on ID9tion' of Deputy Reeve Wake1ing and Deputy Reeve Neukamm. . Warden Monteith reminded the Members of Council of the no smoking rule and also requested that they refrain from drinking coffee when Counci~ w?~ i~ Se?sio~. . , -,:" The Weed Inspector"'s Report 'was, 'mailed previously, to Members of Council. Mr. Jack Baker was'in attendance to answer any ql..\estions there may; be on the Report.. ~loved by Reeve Shaw Seconded by Reeve Stewart That the County Weed Insp~ct6r's Report be adopt~d^and printed in the proceed~ngs. - Carried. The Treasurer's Report on Receipts and Expenditures for the~period January 1 to October ,31st,,' 1981 was mailed along with copies of the Treasurer's Statem~ntonRemuneration and,Expenses for the Members of Elgin ,Cqunty Council and Appointees ,to Outside Boards for the period ending, October 31st,1981, prior to County Council. . Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Reeve Glover That the Treasurer Is-Report on Receipts and Expenditures tor the period January 1st to October 31st, 1981 be accepted and printed in the proceedings. - Ca:rried. 315 ~ 5 - County Council. November Session, 1981 Moved'by Reeve Smyth Seconded by Ree~~ Fleck" That the Treasurer's Statement on Remuneration and Expenses for the Members of Elgin County Council to October 31st, 1981 be accepted and' printed in' the proceedings. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Mifr Seconded by Depu~y Reeve Perovich That the Treasurer's Statement on Remuneration and Expenses to October 31sc, 1981 for appointee~ tathe St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission, Elgin County LihraryBoard and Members of the Land, Division Committee be accepted and printed in the proceedings~ Car'ried. Deputy_ Reeve R. Haddow presented Council with a framed set of pictures, which were taken during the Chal1engeVolleyball Game with the Members of City Council, on October 15th, 1981. Moved by Deputy Reeve Marr Seconded by ~eputy:Reeye Vo1kaert That we do now adjourn to meet again on November 18th, 1981 at 2:00 P.M. -. Carried. Council re-convened. ROLL CALL - AIl Members present. Reeve Fleck asked whether or not the Resolution passed ~y ,Y9unty Council,., in November of 1980, to, the effect that all Coun~y owped vehic~es purcha~ed.inthe future. shall be all one colour a~ have the County cr~st on it, was being followed. CountyEngin~er, R~ G. ~oore. stated that ,they had purchased vehicles, alL co loured red ,in, the. last ones" that, they had bought. but were not happy with the r~su1tsof tests on crests. Warden Monteith refe~red this to ,the 1982 County Government C9mmitt~e for F~view. . Tq.e Report ,.of the Homes for Senior Cihzens Committee was presented by 'Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Reeve Hodgson" The Second Report of the County Government Committee was presented by Reeve Fleck and adopted on motion of Reeve F1eckand Deputy Reeve Haddow. The Report of the Finance Committee was presented by Reeve Kelly and adopted on motion of Reeve Kelly and Deputy Reeve Perovich. The Report of the Property Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Pearson and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Pearson and Reeve Lavereau. The Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caverly and Reeve Smyth" Reeve Caverly reported that the site of the International Plo~ing Match f~r 1985, ~a~ been m~de public in the newspaper and was being ,held ,on, the Bradish Farm in SouthwoldTownship. He advised that the site was picked after 100king at all aspects of economics. 316 - 6 - The Director/Administrator Report on Homes forSen10r Citizens was made available to the Members of Council,duringthe rn~~ning Session" Mr. Boyes, the Director, was in attendance to answe~ any questions that Council may have on the Report. Moved by Deputy Reeve Haddow Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That the Director's Report. on Homes for Senior Citizens be accepted and printed in the proceedings. - Carde'd. Moved by Deputy Reeve Marr Seconded by Deputy Reeve McWilliam That By-Law No. 81-51 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the November Session, 1981" be read a first time. - Carded" Moved by Deputy Reeve Haddow Seconded by Reeve Fleck That By-Law No. 81-51 be read .8 second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That By-Law No. 81-51 be read a third time and finally passed. Carried" Warden Monteith, in his closing address, stated that the Sessions had again lasted until dark. He would hope that the 1982 Council would,consider doing something about this matter.,witp perhaps holding Committee meetings on other than Council Day. He extended his appreciation to the, Press for their co~operation, even though at the start of the year there was some slight problems. One Committee had been opened to the Press and appeared to be working, and it was his hope that Council would still consider this subject in '82. He thanked the Members of Council and the Administration Staff, for their co~operation during 1981. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That we do now adjourn sine die. - Carried. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. K. E. Monteith, Warden. COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1981 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members or-the Elgin County~Council, The County Government Committee rep.crt's as follows.: L. We r.ecomme'nd to the,' County Roads Committee, that the recommendations of the Tree: Commissioner, in 'regards to roadside' tree ,planting, be implemented. for future p1antings (plastic shield. and spraying). 2. A review of the present convention policy, as outl'ined in By-Law No. 81-40, was made a-nd we wish to recommend ,the following changes: (a) Delete item l(e) which limits the expenses for the Warden for Ontario Good Roads. (b) Delete item l(f) which deals with conventions held in London. (C) Add to. iteml(i) "This applies to convenUons held within a radius of 200 miles (322 km) of S.t. Thomas". 3. We recommend-that the minutes for the Roads and Homes for Senior Citizens. Committees, be forwarded to aIL Members of Council, in time to be received prior to the next County Council meeting. 4. We recommend that a repla~ementfor ;Mr. Paul deRy~; on the Land Division Committee, be held until December at the same time as the terms for Murray Benner, Lorne Carroll and Nohle Tufford will expire. 5. . We recommend that the Property Committee investigate the possibility o~ providing more parking for Councillors. 6. We recommend that the By-Laws .setting forth the mileage rates to be paid Counci110rs and Members of the Land Division,Committee,be amended, by deleting the actual amount to he paid ari~: substituting wording to. the effect, that it. be the same as 'paid Comity employees, using their personal ca-rs on County business. 7. We recommend that holders be purchased for the deS,ks in the Council Chambers for the Warden, each Member of County Council" the, Cl~r~~Treasurer and the Deputy Clerk-Treasurer, which 'will spow the nam~ of the Municipality and .the person's name, which will be able to be removed and rep~aced,when there is a change in personnel. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~ R f1j;j/ . ~. Fleck, --- a~rman. e~--f --r~'7?J"",:;::4 317 318 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REfORT November'Sessi~n, 1981 To the Warden and Memb~rsof the ElginCounty Council., The personnei committee reports as fo11~w~: 1. . . That:, commencing in Januar:y:,1982~-we'Tec'ommend that each Depar,tt:nent be charged.,witp. .50% ofthee,stimated cost of the Clerical salari:es an? benefits ,~, to, cover the- cost of. preparation of 'payrolls. based on the numJ;ler,'of'cheques issued in the previous year~ 2. . That we recommend to Count,y Councn',that the County's contribution towards: the Dental PIan ,.- be,',increased to 75%; the Long Term Disabili~y - beincre~sedto ~O%; and a 12% increase beapplied to. all salaries on the ,job evalua- tion schedule, effectiv~ Januarx'l~~, 1982. 3. That we recoinmend that the"' car al10wance to be paid, be increased to 350t per mile or 22rtper kilom.etre, effective January Ist,1982, for ,County, Employees, Councillors, Members of the Land Divis~on Committee and other ,appoint,ees, with a recommendation that it be reviewed in six months .time. 4. That we recommend the following rates b,e paid as of January 1st, 1"982: . . ELGIN MANOR Barber - $125.00 per month Beautician - $45.00 per day. TERRACE LODGE Beautician - $45;00 p:er day.' CLERICAL Experienced - $6.66 per hour Inexperienced - $5.54 per hour. 5. That overtime worked by Supervisory persons be left to the discretion of the Department-Head to settle. 6. that the relation That we recommend to the 1982 Personriel Comm~ttee position of Assistant Engineer be reviewed, in to the present salary level. 7. -,The necessary by-laws to brfrig about the above recommendat ions wi'11 be introduced to the December Sess.ion of County Council. . ,. ALL of which is respectfu11y submitted. // /7 ~a/'L.--- i. Dut~ 7(-<r-n//Y"/<A44 , 319 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT NOVEMBER SESSION 1981 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COlJNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The meeting with the COUnty of Middlesex Road Committee has been sch.e.~~!e~. f~"Nove_mb~r 19. 2. The Contractor at the Walkers Bridge (McLean Foster Limited) has been slowed by recent. bad weather. They have completed the erection of girders and are at: wot'k forming and pouring the deck. 3. The Salt Storage Building at the Bayham Township Garage hilS been completed. 4. The Engineer has been authorized to proceed with the installation of flashing lights on Road #26 (St: George street) at Cowan Park <It an estimated cost of less than $1,500 subject to approval of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for Subsidy Purposes. 5. It is unlikely that Road #37 can be widened east of the Canadian Pacific Rallway right of way east of Belmont thi:> Fall due to a delay in purchase of the necessary road allowance widening. 6. We understand that sufficient Pl-"ovincial and Federal FUnding has been conmitted toallow the Ministt'y of the Environment to proceed with the installation of sanitary sewers in the Village of Port Burwell in 1982. The reconstr'-lction of Road #42 east of Highway #19 ;md Road #50 (Victoria Street) by tll(' County nf Elgin witt have to be done at the same time. WB RECOMMEND 1. That the County of Elgin endorse the Village of Port Stanley's opposition to the Canadian National Railwa,:!s application to Cont[nu('d . . . 320 COUNTY OF E4GIN ROAD COMMITIEE FIRST REPORT ~ NOVEMBER SESSION 1981 PAGE 2. abandon the port.ion of the Canadian National Railway\; Talbot Subdivision Rail Line between Port. Stanley and St. Thomas. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECffULLY SUBMITTED ~ {j(~ j 'I / .~ CHAIRMAN . .c_~c/ ;rF?/!'~ 321 Library Board Report November Sessi9n 1981 To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council The Library Boardreparts as follows: 1. Mrs., Jennifer Anderson has been hired to fill the Semi ProfesstonalLibrarian position and commenced work November Z, 1981. 2. The Fall Branch Workshop,took place on October 21, 19$1 at the'ne~'Port Stanley Library. Warden MOnteith greeted the staff on behalf,of th~ County Council and Library Board. Guest speaker was Mrs. Gladys Western of ,Grimsby. 3. That the Property Committee be requested to handle the transfer of two air conditioners' as per letter of November 17, 1981. 4; That the;Straffordville Library hours are to be re~ arranged to, accommodate the changing,patterns of patron usage. Allor which is respectfully submitted,; -{~, \,-~ J. 1. kel1ng Chairm ' Elgin County Library Board v'C,~1 fr4~ 322 WEED INSPECTOR'S REPORT November Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, I wish to report on weed control in the County of Elgin for the year 1981. I am sure, in my tenure as Weed Inspector, I have never seen crops in the County' 100k as g~od as they have thi~ year. Tobacco,growers have had an excellent year and they harvested a bumper crop, which cured outexcepcional1y: well~ The cash crop farmers have also had an excellent year, especially the coin crop. Bean growers have a good crop, but are having trouble. in" harvesting. them, :due tOn wet weather in some areas. There are also, s9me fields' of'b~ans that are damaged by grass, such as barnyard grass; yellow and green foxtail, and fall panican.Perhaps they were: not; sprayed, .or they used the wrong chemical. Most farmers have a good spray prpgram and their crops are free of grass and weeds. They also mow the road allowance along their property. As they spend a large sum of "money on weed control.fol:" chemicals, it is for this reason I object to road a110wances that grow up to; weeds and s~atter weed seeds over the farmers fields. Most townships do a reasonably good job of weed control on their road al10wances, especially Dunwich Township. I went to their Road Superintendent (Bob Patterson) to find out why they had such good results, so I could pass it on to other road crews. With 400 gallons of water, they put two gallons of Silvaprop V 112 chemical. also four gallons of diesel fuel and one pint of Sanfax. This sprays' four miles of road allowance on one side, driving between four and five miles per hour, with 30 pounds pressure on the pump. This also ,allows them to spray along soybean fields, as there is no drift from the spray, due to the low pressure and using lots of water (and in the month of June). Yarmouth Township could sure use this information in their weed control. It is very' hard for a Weed Inspector to make the general public cut their weeds on their lots, when the township itself does such a poor jpb of weed control. I have more calIs to have 10ts cut and noxious weeds destroyed in Yarmouth Township, than the rest of the townships combined. Even the County itself is very lax on weed control in some areas; also the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, as twice this summer I had to send them registered notices to destroy the noxious weeds on their road allowances. For sure we are always going to have some weeds, but if each department would put some effort in destroying the noxious weeds, on the property they are supposed to maintain, then perhaps the general public would do a better job of weed control. The M.T.C. has started a spray program on. some road allowances. They sprayed #3 Highway from Ta1botville west and also #4. Then they cut two swaths with the mower, and they did a reasonably good job, except in spots where they had to do some more mowing. They are also spraying portions of #401 and I am sure another year they will be spraying more road allowances, because of the cost of mowing. As this will be my final report as your Weed Inspector, I would like to say I am very thankful for the support and the friendship that has been given to me, from many members of Elgin County Council, over the last ten years. I feel privileged to have worked for you, and in doing so I have met - 2 - countless numbers of nice people, I never otherwise would have had a chance to meet. In closing my report I would like to thank County and Township officials, Road crews, other Weed ;In,sp~ctqrs, Township clerks and their staff ,and a very. special thanks to the office staff at the County Municipal Building .for the help and co-operation they have given me. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. tp?'./.,~ M ~.L/-'''--' <:Jackson.. Baker, Elgin County Weed Inspector. 323 324 COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT November Session, 1981 [0 che Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, 1 beg to submit the following statements of Receipts and Expend~tures from .January 1st, 1981 to October 31st; 1981:. RECEIPTS 3alance in Bank and On Hand January 1st, 19&1 County Rates Co~nty Rates Collected Under Section 43 Interest Received County Roads Land Division Committee Court House Recoveries ~ecovery of Rentals ~elfare - Administration - Day Nursery - Benefits General Support Grant Resource Equalization & Apportionment Guarantee Grant Registry Office Aylmer Museum - repaying loan femporary Borrowing ,,'orkmen's Compensation Premium Payable Employee Deductions Payable Agricultural Fines (Tree By-Law) Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit ~iscellaneous Revenue EXPENDITURES Council Members Administration - Salaries and Supplies Administration Buildings Court House Maintenance Gri:lnts >liscellaneous Expense COLmty Roads Children's Aid Society - Budget _ Board Members lransferred to Elgin Manor Transferred to Terrace Lodge Interest ."-,griculture :\egistry Office Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit County Library - Budget - Board Members Lanu Division Committee Welfare - Administration - Benefits Elgin County Pioneer Museum - Board Members Hospitals & District Health Council - Board Members Southwestern Ontario Travel Association - Member Transferred to Debenture Account remporary Borrowing - repay ~orkmen's Compensation '.!rite-Off of Taxes Employee Deductions Payable St; Thomas Suburban Roads Commission ~alance in Bank October 31st, 1981 $-1,5-21,992.43 5,296.52 47,914.19 3,110,016.57 9.236.00 24,075.70 32,730.70 37,572.13 3,394.00 420,513.04 126,306.00 373,790.00 6.269.96 200.00 895,000.00 29,665.47 919,742.52 1,750.00 12,782.00 18.75 $ 64,411.60 98,560.65 14,342.09 35,101.37 44,400.00 807.84 3,789,359.96 75,779.85 1,169.03 82,000.00 20,000.00 15,509.85 19,769.87 5,760.77 159,509.50 265,000.00 2,470.91 22,931. 48 84,087.71 471,688.76 451.85 1,252.29 119.22 36,217.50 1,000,000.00 21,384.44 5,837.60 884,789.77 75.00 $ 27,415.12 7.578,265.98 $7,605,681.10 7,222,788.91 382,892.19 $7,605,681.10 325 - 2 ...,. ELGIN MANOR Balance in Bank and On Hand January 1st, 1981 Receipts $ 102,915.01 1,483,664.02 $1,586,579.03 1,564,528.81 $ 22,050.22 Expenditures Balance in Bank and On Hand October 31st, 19B1 TERRACE LODGE Balance in Bank and On Hand January 1st, 1981 Receipts $ 38,674.60 757,484.93 $ 796,159.53 785,105.49 $ 1l,054.04 Expenditures Balanceiri Bank and On Hand October 31st, 19B! Interest paid on temporary loans Interest received on bank balances RESULTS OF QUARTERLY PAYMENT COUNTY LEVY 1980 $ 45,750.35 (19,647.21) $ _26,103.14 1981 $ 15,509.85 (47,914.19) $(32,404.34) Net cost of borrowing With quarterly payments for 1981. a savings of $58,507.48 has been realized to October 31st. on interest cos'ts. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. .--z:rm '-'::"~~'".t..yL'_' G. C. Leverton. County Clerk and Treasurer. 326 TREASURRR'S STATEMENT ON REMUNERA~IONAND EXPENSES November Session, 19ffl 1'0 the Harden and Members of the Elgin County Council. ;_ t',,ig to' submit the following 'itemized statement- of -the remune;ration, mileage ;,nd expenses, paid to each -Member of Elgin County Council, during the calendar veST ending October 31st, 1981: Pa-idTo Remuneration and Milea~e Council and Outside Committee ~ Conventions Total l~TadfiiHd, R. T. (res.) $ C~lverly, W. R. Coles, R. F. [:lIe1:"50n, K. C. Farthing, D. Fleck, J. R. (:1over. S. J. i-i~lddow, R. Hodgson, J. W. ;:dly, K. M. Lashbrook, H. T. Lavereau, R. J. Liebner, A. H. (dec.) ~larr, E. H. McWilliam, D. A. )lonteith. K. E. N"eukamm, E. Pearson, D. H. pcrov:Lch, D. Pettit, G. R. Shaw, L. J-. Smyth, J. N. <-;tewart, M. H. Volkaert, J. A. ..:~\keling, J. 1- .,'alters, G. E. \'.'ilson, J. B. * By-Law No. 81-10 By-Law No. 81-40 By-Law No. 81-9 By-Law No. 79-1 By-Law No. 81-26 801.40 1,758.40 872.00 1,078.80 1,383.40 1,860.60 2,420.00 649.00 2,108.00 2,354.80. 496.00 1,012.40 137.00 1,534.40 1,174.40 * 8,139.76 709.00 1,066.40 312.00 351.00 1,753.00 749.00 1,668.20 861.00 563.60 1,550.00 1,769.00 $ 124-.00 $ 1,178.64 1,495.64 42?80 517.00 1,890.64 579.00 1,479~15 1,495.64 978.64- 371.00 953.64 702.20 953.64 168.00 1,840.64 38.40 3,542.01 315.00 978.64- 189.20 316.40 1,495.64 621.20 345.00 363.60 1,323.64 348.20 803.64- 250.00 937.00 $4,815.00 $22,208.84 rota1 $39,132.56 $ 925.40 2,937.04 2,367.64 1,507.60 1,383.40 2,377.60 4,310.64 2,707.1:5 3,603.64 3,333.44 1,820.64 2,668.24 305.00 3,375.04 1,174.40 11,720.17 1,024.00 2,045.04 501.20 667.40 3,248.64- 749.00 2,634.4-0 2,548.24 1,715.44- 1,800.00 2,706.00 $66,156.40 All of which is respectfully submitted. __ -d""c- --. T........~ f<i. J G. C. Leverton, County Treasurer. TREASURER'S 'STATEMENT ON REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES November Session> 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, 327 I beg to submit the following itemized statement of:the remvneratioo, mileage and expenses, paid to persons appointed to outside boards, during the calendar year ending October 31st, 1981 as authorized by By~Law'No. 79-1- and By-Law No. 81-3: Name By-Law No. 79-1 Albert w. Auckland Hazel 1. Lyons Arthur T. Miskelly Colin Morrison By-Law No. 81-3 MurrayC. Benner Lome R. Carroll H. Paul deRyk Alistair B. Littlejohn John V. McKinlay Fred S. Shively Noble G. Tufford Appointed To St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission Elgin County Library Board Land Divis:Lon Comroi ttee TOTAL ALL of which is respectfully submitted. Remuneration and Mileage Conventions $ 75.00 436.00 578.20 401. 60 1,415.80 1,052.00 1;084.00 1,018.60 1,033.00 1,020.20 1,224.00 1,078~60 7,510.40 $9,001.20 $ 470.10 470.10 450.10 1,390.30 $1,390.30 G. C. Leverton, County Treasurer. __~-rt''''t.<......~JJ''r_'' Total $ 75.00 436.00 578.20 401.60 1,415.80 1,052.00 1,554.10 1,018.60 1,503.10 1,470.30 1,224.00 1,078.60 8,900.70 $10,391.50 328 HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as foltows: 1. The Medical-Directors for Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge, have been given an increase in the monthly per bed allowance from $3.12 to $3.40, retroactive to April 1st, 1981. 2. The Director has been authorized to attend the Ontario Association of Homes for the Aged-Residents' Council Conference, in Toronto, December 1st and 2nd, with expenses paid. ALL of which is respectfully subrnitt~d. R~d-'Mg</ K. C. Emerson, Chairman. ..-c~d :r,f,4~ COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1981 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That the letter from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing with a copy of "Planning for Mobile Homes: A Guideline", be file_d. 2. lining Act be report That the report from the County of Simcoe out- their position on the new proposed Health Protection referred to the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit for a back. 3. That the resolution from the Township of West Nissouri regarding opposing present Provincial Government policy on nuclear development, be filed. 4. That the letter from the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing with a, copy of the Municipal Boundary Negotiations Act. first re~Qing, with request for comments, be filed. 5. ,That the request from Mr. Merv Riddell for an appointment to the Board of Directors of the Elgin Debt 9ounsel~ing Service in the name of Warden Monteith. be filed. 6. That the recommendation of the Thames Valley District Health Council. naming the Medical Officer of Health from the three counties, to act as Coordinators for the Health Evacuation Plan, be endorsed. 7. That the copy of the letter, from the Minister of Health, to the City of St. Thomas re: central ambulance dispatch, be filed. 8. That the letter from the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing with copies of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, 1981 and the Municipal Licensing Act, 1981, be filed. 9. That the resolution from the Village of Ailsa Craig requesting firmer handling, by the Courts. of persons commit- ting vandalism, be endorsed. 10. That the resolution from the Borough of Scarborough to have homeowners, affected by UFFr (Urea Formaldehyde Foam Insulation), reimbursed and properties reassessed, be filed. 11. That the letter and copy of Land Severance Planning Guidelines from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, be filed. 12. Crest and available at a cost That the County purchase a stencil of the County have a set of four nine-ounce Beethoven glasses to Members of County Council and Members of Staff of $20.00. 13. That every retiring County Councillor receive a. desk set of pens with the County Crest and a suitable plaque indicating the term held on Council. 329 330 - 2 - 14. That the duties of the Finance Committee, outlined in the procedural by-la~,be_Ctransferred to County Council, and this Committee be deleted from the Committee structure. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. (1. R ' ;::gel J../R. Fleck, Chairman. .,c~"1 Jt/q;p~ 331 FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT November Session.. 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That the letter from Ontario Hydro, with information of the status of the Buchanan Transformer Station to St. Thomas Edgeware Transformer Station, be filed. 2. That the letter from Ontario Hydro advising of a meeting to be held in London, November 20, 1981 at 10:00 A.M. to explain the rationale for the selection of the preferred system plan, be filed. 3. That the resolution from the Township of Greenock requesting the Provincial Government to explore the possibility of foreign export of electrici~y. derived from Nuclear Power, be endorsed. 4. That in.appreciation for the use of their bus in connection with the boys and girls attending the October Session. we recommend that a donation of $100.00 be made to the Lions Club of Port .Stanley. 5. That we recommend to the County Government Committee that the possibility of ~bandoning the Finance Committee in favour of County Council doing the work. be reviewed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. 'JG.Jj(A:;{/ -I~ K. M. Kelly. Chairman. e~d :# cc-?7!,.,:z;;:I' 332 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Elgin Military Museum be advised that the County is concerned that the terms of the agreement. in so far as the title of land and the leasing back of the property east of ,their bUilding, has not been complied with and would ask that it be completed as soo~ as possible. 2. That the question of converting the Registry Office, Municipal Building and Engineer's Office to natural gas and the matter of additional parking, be referred to the 1982 Committee. 3. That we accept the two air conditioners from the Library Board. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~ 'I c. ~~ D. H. Pearson, Chairman. .A:.:.~'<./1-~,.t.1 r 7YZ-4#v1~ 333 AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin" County Counc~l> TheAgricultural'~ommittee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution-from The Township of Mersea respecting tile loan allocation to local municipalities, b~ endorsed. 2. Tha,tthe ,let.ter from Mr. ]). L.Hutchings, Regi.onal Veterinary Supervisor, Agriculture Canada, recommending rabies clinics be held in Elgin County , be received and filed. 3. That we recommend that after January 1st, 1982, Mr~ Charles: Stafford, be authorized to:have Mr. Jack Baker assist him, when the need arises, and he be reimbursed at the current hourly rate for the work performed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. i: > '>, /~,7?~ w. R. Caverly. Chairriian. 'efi- ..c"~_&1 ?(. K --7?( ~VD/. 334 DlREcToR/AolrrNISTRATOR:REPORT TO'THE WARnF.Mand MErrnFRS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: Attached are the financial:reports c~vering Elgin,Manor".:Terrace Lodge and the Byrne Rest Home, which fs asatellii;eHome: pf Elgin County Homes fo~ Senior Citizens. These reports ~over the 10 months ending October 31, 1981. You will see from these reports that as of ~tobe# 31, 1981 w~ had 141 residents 'in Elgin ~~nor ~ith 2 residents in the-G~neralHospital which gives us-a total Of 143residerits. At Terrace Lodge we had 91 residents plus 6 residents who were in the Gerieral Hospital making a total of 97 residents. This year we have a number of persons on our waiting lists to be admitted in to the Homes, but again, as in other years, senior citizens are placing their name for occupancy if and when their health deteriorates so we are at the present time able to take senior citizens into the Home with a very short waiting period. For members of COunty council who are not familiar with our Satellite Home, this is a nursing horne that was converted into a rest home in Fingal which came under our Satellite Home system some years ago. ~s of the 31st of october we had thr~c s~nicr ~i~~zsus r~5i~:ng'at Fingal. Although we have not used the Satellite Home too much this year due to the decrease in beds in Elgin Manor and Terrace LOdge~ we do find that this offers an excellent alternative from large institutional living to smaller family-like dwelling. If residents living in the Satellite Home require nursing care or immediate nursing attention, they are transferred directly to Elgin Hanor. The policy adopted by Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens Committee of ~fanage~ent some years ago has certainly been an asset to senior citizens living in the community and we have been Offering Home Support Services to qive senior citizens a further alternative to institutional living and we are very happy,to offer the following: 335 -2- MEALS 01~ WHEELS~ A hot nutritious meal is delivered at noon, ~mnday to Friday. The cost per meal ls" nominal and. payment is ca:1,lected ,_e~ch week. WHEELS TO l~: The senior citizen is transpo~ted to the home for senior citizens for 'a' noon meaI,Ucinday to' Friday. The seniors' enjoy th.esocial contact'ga~ried,thrciughcon9re9ate'dininq~ DAY CARE: Elderly citiZens attend the home activities oria daily'haifs, enjoying-a hot meal and the craft and recreation program. Day care re~idents may require tran.sportation wh~chcanbe airanged~ VACATION CARE: Seniors :residing with their family may be admitted to the home for a short term. Asho~t-terrnadmissidn eri~le~-the fam~lyto'take a vacation knowing their~amily member is being ciaredfor. RECUPERATroNCARE: Senior c~tizens who- have been ,hospitalized may require more professional nursing care which_the home for senior c1 tizeIls can provide. A short term admission should be arranged prior to hospitalization HOMEMAKER SERVICES: Seniors who require occasional home help such as cleaning, minor home repairs, odd jObS, should contact the home for- senior citizens who will make the necessary arrangements. TELEPHONE:CALL FOR_ ASSISTANCE: Telephone stickers are available for senio~_s ~or easy reference 24 hours a day. The stickers have both -bOrne phone numpers printed and the senior knows he can call for help at any time., TELEPHONEA8SURANCE: Seniors residing alone in: the community are con- tacted daily by the home ensuring the senior is in good health. This programme provides a friendly visit to a senior who might not otherwise be cont:acted~; COUNSELLING and REFERRAL~ Seniors may contact the home with regard ,to programmes, or services for the elderly. The home endeavours to supply the senior with accurate details and/or referral to the proper agency. Assistance is offered to seniors in completing pension applications, tax grants or income taxes. MENU P~~ING: Nutrition for the elderly is a concern for the home. Seniors who would like assistance in maintaining a proper diet should contact the home and_pur dietician will :provide, necessary information and guidance. 336 -3- WINTER RESIDENCE: Seniors who are. apprehensive about living alone' for the winter may 'be accommodated as a short term admission. The cost is determined on an ability to pay basis. ASSISTED BATHING~ Seniors who are unable to bathe themselves are-en- couraged to contact the -hoine to arrange a time for a whirlpool bath"Their own doctor is required to sign a consent form for the whirlPlJol. A nominal fee is charged for each bath. EXERCISE: Fitness should be a concern for seniors who are able- to. take advantage of water exercise. At Terrace Lodge there is aswiInming pool staffed by a qualified' instructor. Participants ,are welcome toatt~nd the swim classes and to obtain the weekly times, by contacting the office. Regular exercise classes are held each mo~ning at 10:30 and we ~ncourage new members to join to keep fitness in their d~ily routine~ Adjuvant classes are held ~~nday to FridaY,~t Elgin Manor., The adjuvants are trained to work with seniors who may require a~sistance t6walk and provide therapy for varied disabilities. We are now able to offer almost immediate admission to Elgln':Martor and Terrace Lodge and our Satellite Home-because of the Home support Services that we are offering and'from the comments from senior 'citizens in the community who are taking part in these Home Support Services they are finding it very rewarding, and are very happy with the,~ro~~aromes that are offered. Members of the Committee of Management of the Homes fo~ Senior Citizensdepar~ment did authorize me this year t~ spea~ at~e O~~~rio Association of Homes for the Aged with regard to HO~"support'~ervice~ as offered in Elgin County and I have received a numb~r of speaking engagements at other municip~lities to discuss Hom~ support Services, 'as this seems to be the alternative to institutional living. The Home Support ?ervices that we have offered over the last,years have been self-supporting at no cost to the County or to the Ministry of Community and Social Services but I have been advised by the Ministry of Community and Social Services that if there is a cost incurred, this will 337 -4- be subsidized by the Hinistry on a 50/50% basis. 1'1e are_ again o.ff~ring a number of programmes to the Yl1CA at Terrace Lodge on Saturdays and- Moriday evenings. The YJ.!CA offers a -tiny tot, swim programme for mother and child. The swimming pool is also used by the retarded children from the Springfie~d afea and has been operating successfully for approximately 12-14 students, each week. Once.a9a~n the Administration ~s working close with the executive of the Drop-I~,Centre and again I am very happy to say that this pro- gramme is a~elf~supporting programme and the senior citizens who_belong to the Dro~In Ce~tre have made npcl~im from; the County or from the Ministry of Community and Social Services for a-subsi~y. Theyhayea membership of 275 active members. t believe that the year 1981 has been ,a very rewarding year for the senior citizens who reside in Elgin County to' be able to have the number;6fservices offe~ed and I am pleased to advise you that I was recent~y advised by the Ministry of Community and Social Services that we are one of the more advanced communities for services to senior cit~zens. I,.trust that. we shall be ~ble to continue with the Home Support Services and where we possibly can increase them to tailor-made services for 'the senior citizens of Elgin County. All of which is respectfully submitted~ Fred J. Boyes, Director/AdministratOr Elgin CountY-.Homes for Senior Citizens 338 DlRECTOR/An~lIN~STRATOR REPORT r:LGIH ~1ANO'R H(WIE FOR SENIOR CITIZENS TO THE WARnEN and MEmmr.5 OF ELGIN COUNTY COLi'NeIL THE FOLLOWING IS ill' nEPORT ON ELGIN HANOR FOR TEN MONTHS ENDING OC~BER 31,: 1981. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. as of December 31, 1980 ~--~--~-~~-~~~---- admitted during the year ---~._---~~~---~~- discharged during the' year ~-~----~--~--~- the Home during the year -------~~----~--~ now in the Home ~-~---~------------------- Total days residence -~----~-----~-----~-----------~---------- Average'rtumber of residents during the year ------------------ (This figure does not reflect the number of residents ,in hospital for whom beds are being held). 8. RECEIPTS Number of resident~ Number of residents Number of residents Number of deaths in Number of residents 13'9 78 73 3 141 -43212 i41 Province of Ontario Subsidy -~--------~~----~---~----- $ 492,-051.43 Old ,Age Pension ,and Resident's Maintenance ----------- 633,683.50 Arrears of y~intenanceandEstates of deceased residents-- 35,446.24 Sundries ________________________________-~-_-~-~----- .234.0Q Government of Canada Sales Tax refund _-~-~--~-------- 4,381;12 $1,165,796.29 9. DEDUCTIONS Cost of operating ------------------------------------ Average Expenses per day of each person ,----~-------~ Average Expenses per week of each person --------~---- Average Expenses per year 'of each person.--~---------- Actual Cost to County after deducting .receipts ------- Actual Cost to County per day per' resident -----~----- 10. CAPITAL EXPENDITUP~S $1,265,33"0.12 29.28 204.96 10,687.20 100,545~45 2.33 15,000.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 and 133 of November Cost of Capital Expenditures -------------~~~--------~ $ Province of' Ontario S:.tbsidy ..------------------------- $ Actual Cost to the County ---------------------------- $ There were 2J.7 persons in residence during 1981; 84 male female. Of the 141 persons in residence on the first day 1981, 52 were male and 89 were female. 12. The figures in tl through ~lG above are for the period January 1, 1981 to October 31, 1931. 11. All of which is respectfully submitted. FRED J. BOYF:S, Director/Administrator rlgin County Homes for Senior Citizens 339 DIRECTOR/ADMINISTRATOR REPORT -:- TERRACE LODGE HOllE FOR -SENIOR CITIZENS TO THE HARDEN- and !lliMBEns OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL THE FOLLOWING IS MY REPOnT--ON--TER.~CE LODGE FOP. TEN ~..oNTHS ENn'tNG OCTOBER 31, 1981. L 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Number ur residents as of'December 31, 1980 ~_~_______~~_~~1__ Number of residents admitted during the year ----_____________ Number of residents discharged during the year ---____________ Number of deaths in the Home during the year ----_____________ NUmber of residents now in the Home ------------______________ Total days re~idence --~-~----------~-----------____---------- Average number of residents during the year -----_____________ (This figure does not reflect the number of residents in hospital for whom beds are being ~eld.) 92 85 87 nil 90 27817 91 8. P.ECEIPTS Province of Ontario Subsidy -------~------~-~---~--~-~~-~$l02,827.35 Old Age Pension and Resident's Maintenance ------.------- 47~,b68.61 Arrears of }mintenance & estates of Deceased Residents--- 17,439.26 Sundries -------~-~-~~--~--~~~-~~---~--~---~--~--~--~-~-- 998.54 Government of Canada Sales Tax Refund ------------------- 1,823.38 $601',157.14 9. DEDUCTIONS Cost of operating ---------------------------------------$664,931.73 Average Expenses per day of each person ----------------- 23.90 Average Expenses per week of each person ------------__.~ 167.30 Average Expenses per-year of each person --_------~_____~ 8,773.50 Actual Cost to County after deducting receipts ---------- 63,940.77 Actual Cost to County p~r day per resident $ 2.30 10. CAPITAL EXPENDITUPXS Cost of Capital Expenditures -----~-----~----------~-----$ 5,778.00 Province" of Ontario-Subsidy ~----~----~--------_-----~---$ 2,889.00 Actual Cost to the County -------------------~~~----~~--$ 2,889.00 11. There were, 118 persons_ in residence during 1981, 32 male and 86 female; Of the 90 persons in residence on the first day of November 1981, 18 were male and 72 were female. 12. The figures in *1 through ~10 above are for the period January 1, 1981 to October 31, 1981. All of which is respectfully submitted. FRED J. BOYES, Director/Administrator Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens 340 DlRECTOR/ADHINISTRATOR REPORT BYRJ:JE REST -Hot'IE TO THE t'lA::IDEN and liE!-mEr.S OF. ELGIN COl.o::ITY COUNCIL THE FOLLO!'IING IS HY REPORT ON BYP..NE REST HOME FOR TEN UONTHS. ENDING OCTOBER 31, 1981. residents residents residents deaths in r~sidents $ll~ 667.52 9. DEDUCTIONS Cost of operating ________~--~_______-~--~---~--~-----~-_$15,452~50 Average Expenses per day of each_person ----------------- 16.69 Average Expenses per week of each person ---------------_ 116.B3 Average Expenses per year of ee.ch-person ----------.:...----- G,09L8S Actual Cost to County after deducting receipts ---------- 3,784.98 Actual Cost to County per day per Resident ---~~-~-____~_$ 4.09 10. There were 6 persons in residence during 1981; Of.the 4 persons in residence on the firs~ day 2 were male and 2 were female. 3 male and 3 female. of November 1981, 11. The figures in flthrough #9 above arc for the period January I, 1981 to October 31, 1981. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPF.CTFULLY SUBMITTED. FRED J. BOYES, Director/Administrator Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens ELGIN l~OR BUDGET FOR 1981 RESIDENTS SOCIAL SERVICES Residen~s Dry Cleaning Beauty Parlour Supplies Barbering Clothing: Residential Care Extended Care Footwear: Residential Care Extended Care Recreation & Entertainment Hobby Crafts Adjuvant ' Comfort Money Equip.-Repairs & Maintenance Equipment-Replacements Miscellaneous Salaries Employee Benefits(o~mRS,OHIp,etc) Day Care Programme SUB TOTAL PER DIEH DIETl'.RY SERVICES Raw'Food Costs Replacements, Dishes, Cutlery l1iscellaneous Equip.-Repairs & Maintenance Equipment-Replacements Other Miscellaneous Salaries Employee Benefits(OMERS,OHIP.etc) Sale of Meal Tickets and Visitors neals SUB TOTl'.L PER DIfU 1981 Estimated $ 25.00 250.00 250.00 50.00 50.00 3,5.00.00 50.00 200.00 100.00 67,457.00 8,925.00 $80,857.00 1.39 $153,000.00 2,100.00 12,000.00 2,500.00 300.00 212,930.00 31,313.00 -5,000.00 $409,143.00 7.35 341 1981 Actual Oct..H, ],981 $ -3,307.7.0 363.6,1 cr. 21.24 19.31 -- -- 3,,688.25 - 578.81 cr. 61.61 -- 145.55 80.00 36.25 56,~47.48 6i986~40 -- $ 63,:035.97 $107,986.91 2,156.41 7,709.60 1,220.97 338.00 176 i 706. 75' 20,480.30 ";;4,147.72 cr. $312",451.22 342 RES.IOENTS:-MEDICAL NURSING S'ERVICES Home Physician Approved Drugs Medical-Nursing Supplies Equip-Repairs & Maintenance Equipment-Replacements Dentist Eye Care Foot'Care !lJnbulance Other Miscellaneous Salaries Employee Benefits (miEnS ,OHIP ,etcl SUB TOTl\L PER DIEM HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES Tissuei-Rleenex, Soap Mops, Pails, etc. Wax, Cleaners, Etc. Pest Control Equip.-Repairs & ~~intenance Equipment-Replacements other Miscellaneous Salaries Employee Benefits{O~ffiRS,OHIP,etcl SUB TOTAL PER DIID! LAUNDRY SER\'ICES Replacements, Bedding, Linen Replacements, Uniforms Miscellaneous Soap, Bleach, etc. Thread; Thermo .pa tch Contract Equip.-Repairs & ~Eintenance Equipment-Replacements Salaries Employee Bcnefits(OMERS,OHIP,etc) SUB TOTAL PER DIEH .,.2.,. 1981 Zstimated $ 6,044.00 300.00' 5,800.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 750.00 1,000.00 500.00 200.00 750.00 512.335~00 65:297.00 $595,976.00 9~32 $ 4,500.00 900.00 4,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 4,500.00 100.00 134,i36.00 19,746.00 $169,382.00 2.90 $ 3,:600.00 -- 100.00 7,400.00 100.00 -- 1,200.00 200.00 30,233.00 4,446.00 $ 47,279.00 .78 1981 Actual Oct.31, 1981 $, 4 ;.648 .'80 ;';"59~4:2cr. 3,333.16 -'602.43: "':2~OOcr. - .3:0cr 3'0.80 368.09 410,586.87 '49,,977 .26 $ 4,60,,485.69 $ 2,344.59 1,002.60 2,323.03 664.13 47.84 1,244.62 91,385.52 12i'606,~ 89.:: $ 1l1,l;)19.22 $ 3,<147,.63 -- 60.99 4,104.73 68.94 -- 1:,517.3S 183.51 23,446.26 2,811.-18 $ 35,640.93 FUNERAL and BURIAL Funeral "& Burial service ~UB TOTAL -3- 1981 Estimated $1,500.00 $1,500.00 BUILDING & PROPERTY OPERATION-& MAI~r.rEN1L~CE Electricity Water Fuel Garbage Collection Taxes Insurance, Boiler, Plant & Equip. Rent Building-Light Bulbs Repairs & Maintenance Building -'& Equipment Equipment"Replacements Other Misc. -(Elevator Contract) Salaries Employee Benefits(OMERS,OHIP,etc) Home Vehicle Water Line: Repairs SUB TOTAL PER DIEH $21,500.00 5,000.00 64,000.00'- 2,100.00 3,600.00 200.00 800.00 24,900.00 11,000.00 100.00 58,468.00 8,598.00 5,000.00 $205,266.00 3.30 343 1981 Actual Oct .':U, '19_81 $ $ $16-,384.68 3/235.49 46,-351.37 ~,728..37 3;350.00 14-.98 516.98 27;286.20 4,599.81 ,54,445.06 7,619.69 5,326.05 $170,858.68 344 GENERAL and MmINISTRi\TlVE community Outreach Contract Services Advertising Audit Legal po:stage Printing & Stationery Telephone Travelling & Conventions Insurance PLjPD Workmen's Comoensation Home Vehicle - Other Miscellaneous Equip.-~epairs & Maintenance Equipment~Replacements Freight .& Express Staff Development Membership Dues Salaries Employee Benefits(OMERS,OHIP,etc) Bank Interest SUB TOTAL PER DIEH TOThL EXPENDITURES Resident Days -4- 1981 Estimated $ 5,000.00 600.00 3,000.00 1,600.00 4,600.00 5,900.00 5,000.00 2,633.00 8,478.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 81,655.00 12,248.00 $137,114.00 2.54 $1,646,517.00 52,000 1981 Actual Oct. 31, Hal $ -362.50 Cr. 3,750:',Qa 102.63 600.00 1,217.07 2,594.04 4.430.66 3,552.92 3,594.15 8-,33L 92 3,584';64 575.44 60.00 147.95 398.61 619.45 75,941.14 10,095.73 -7,995.44 Cr. $111,238.43 $1,265,330.12 345 -5- 1981 Estimated 1981 Actual OCt.31., 1981 TOTAL EXPENDITUP.ES $1,646,517 .00 $ 1,265,330-.12 EXPmlDITURE RECOVERIES $ 7,000.00 $ 4,615.12 SUB TOTAL $1,639,517 .00 $ 1,260,715.00 OPERATING DEFICIT $ 282,261.00 $ 201,511.15 COUNTY SHARE 30% $ 84,678.30 $ 60,453.34 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Upgrade Fire Alarm $ 11,000.00 $ Clothing Marker Machine 3,511. 00 Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher 2,100.00 TWo Air Conditioners 60D.DO Clark Upright Vacuum 425.00 Aluminum Siding 9,329.00 Resurface Driveway 15,000.00 15,000.00 Boiler Conversion 22,000.00 Smoke DetectOrs Laundry Washer Extractor TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES $ 63,965.00 $ 15,000.06 Less Recovery of capital Expenditures $ 3,100.00 $ 390.14 $ 60,865.00 $ "14,609.86 County Share 50% $ 30,432.00 $ 7,304.93 Non-Shareable Expenditur~s $ 1,200.00 $ 1,011.62 - COUN'TI SHARE IN ALL $ 116,310.80 $ 68,769.89 346 REVENUE Revenue from Residents~ ExtendGd Care. Revenue from Provincial subsidy~Extended Care Revenue from Residents- Residential Care Estate of Deceased Residents & Arrears of ~~intenance TOTAL REVENUE SATELLITE'HO!$ CARE Home Physician Drugs & Medication Dentist Eye ,: Care Foot Care Lab Test X";'Ray specialists .1\mbulance Rebate-Non Pensioners Clothing Footwear Dry Cleaning Residents ~~intenance Miscellaneous SUB TOTAL REVENUE Pensions & Other Income Levy to County of Elgin 30% Resident Days ~- 1981 Estimated $284,586.00 $501,942.00 $550,728.00 $ 20,000.00 $1,357,256.00 $ 20.00 50.00 50.00 20.00 20.00 49,822.50 $49,982.50 $29,400.00 $20,582.50 $ 6,174.75 3,500 1981 Actual Qct.n, 1981 $224 ,650~:67 $390,074.11 '$409<,032.83 $ 35,446.24 $1,059,20.3.'85 $ 15,452.50 $15,/152.50 $11,667.52 $ 3,784.98 $ 1,135.49 TERRACE LODGE BUDGF.T FOR 1981 RESIDIDiTS SOCIAL SERVICES Residents Dry Cleaning Beauty Parlour Supplies Barbering Clothing & Footwear Recreation & Rntertainment Hobby Crafts Adjuvants Comfort I.laney Equip..-Repairs & UaintEinance Equipment Replacements l4iscellaneous Salaries Employee Benefits(mlERS,OHIP,ETC) Day Care Programme SUB TOTAL PER DIEM DIETARY SERVICES Raw Food Costs Replacements, Dishes, Cutlery ~Hscellaneous Equip.-Repairs & Maintenance Equipment Replacements Other Miscellaneous Salaries Employee Benefits Sale of Meal Tickets SUB TOTl\L PER DIm! 1981 Estimated $ 500.00 100.00 3,000.00 100.00 50.00 100.00 37,2<17.00 4,375.00 -600.00 $44,872.00 1.16 $116,000.00 2,200.00 7,200.00 1,000.00 400.00 100.00 129,222.00 15,7SB.aO -3,500.00 $268,420.00 .GO 347 1981 Actual Oct. 31, 19B1 $ -3,689.39Cr 52[.00 1r524~3g '56~ 70 20 ~O{l 1.06 30,224.04 3,256.68 -2,4.:<!O.10Cr $ 29,499.87 $ 81,12€i.74 . 2, 036~49 3,739.14 115.61 42.79 , _ 55.64 99.,626.25 8,809.70 -2,834.90Cr $ 192,717.46 348 , -2- 1981 Estimated RESIDEl~TS HEDICAL Nur-:SU1C SERVICES Home. Physiciari Approved Drugs Medical-~ursing su~plies Equipment-Repairs & I,~iritenance Equipment Replacements Dentist Eye Care Foot Care Ambulance Other Miscellaneous Salaries Employee Benefits(Ot~PB,CRIP,etcl $ 3,744.00 300..00 2,300.00 250.00 600.00 aoo.oo 600.00 450.00 100.00 350.00 260,507.00 30,735.00 $300,686.00 SUB' TOTAL PEP. Dlml 6.99 1931 Actual Oct.31, 1981 $ 2,,808,.00 356.90 1.,819.63 2!;i7.65 50.00 1l;!6.00 17.42 197,507.-67 16,-995.74 $219,999.01 HOUSEKE~~I~GSERVICES Tissue, Kleenex, Soap $ 3,000.00 $ 1,503.83 l~ps, Pails, etc. 550.00 318.,79 Wax Cleaners 4,2CO.00 1,962.65 Pest Control 500.00 295.4-4 Equip.-Repairs & }~intenance 500.00 201.(8 Equipment Replacement 300.00 1,186.63 Other Miscellaneous 200.00 -- Salaries 81,028.00 58,651.53 Employee Reneftts(O~mRS;6liIP,etc) 9,533.00 5,889.63 SUB TOTAL $ 99,811.00 $ 70,010.18 PER DIEf.l 2.49 LAUNDRY SERVICES Replacement, Bedding, Linens Rep1a~ement.Uniforras !uScel1aneous Soap, B+each, etc. Thread, Thermo ,patch Contract (Laundry Services} Equip-Repairs & Maintenance Equipment Replacements Salaries Employee Benefits(o!~ns,oHIP,etc) SUB TOTAL PER DIE1-1 FUNERAL - and - BURIAL Funeral and Burial Service SUB TOTAL -3- 1.981 Estimated $ 100.00 500.00 50.'00 11,800.00 500.00 200~00 $ 13,150.00 .32 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 349 1981- Actua'l Oct.31,198J. $ 8.42 213;-81 9,672:96 103.19 $ 9,998.38 $ 350 BUILDING & PROPERTY OPERi\TION & ElectriCity Water ,,& vIater Servic8 Line Fuel Garbage Collection Taxes Insurance, Boiler, plant Equip. Rent Building-Light Bulbs Equipment & Building- Repairs & }~intenance Equipment Replacement Home Vehicle Other-Misc.-Plevator Contract Salaries Employe~ B~nefits(Of~RS,OHIP~~tC} SUB TOTAL PER DIEH GENERAL and ADl-lINISTRATlVE Contract Services Advertising Audit Legal Postage printing & Stationery Telephone Travelling & Conventions Insurance PL/pD Workmans Compensation Horne vehicle Other Miscellaneous Equipment-Repairs & r!aintenance Equipment-Replacements Freight & Express Staff Development l"lernbership Dues Salaries Employee Benefits(O~E~S,OHIP,etc) Bank Intorest SUB 70TAL PER DlfH TOTAL EXPEIlDITURES RESIDENT DAYS -4- 1981 Estimated MlI.INTENlL.~CE $ 43,000.00 6,000.00 300.00 2,180.00 2,8-10.00 200.00 1,700.00 12,000,,00 . 1,000~-OO 5,000.00 4,000.00 28; 597.00 4,289.00 $116,106.00 . 2.86 $ 3,500.00 200.00 2,000.00 200.00 350.00 1,500.00 5,000.00 3,000.00 1,700.00 4,500.00 2,200.00 500.00 400.00 160.00 200.00 550.00 55,GE6.00 7,237.00 $88,863.00 2.28 $933,~08.00 34,675 1981 Actual Oct. 31, 1981 $ 36,60'6.32 ,.1,338.,.10; 1,502._46 2,785;,'00 - 1,086.92 9,838.81 3,04 1,89 ;,90 20,47 ~60 2~42 .01 $ 81,001.86 $ 1,875:.00 119.76 1,250.00 172.52 1.,098.96 3,810.48 3,62E.70 1,941. 54 4,422.58 2,583.32 305.16 135. DC %.08 283 ~ 97 '155.00 37,225.59 4,837.58 -2,539.27Cr. $ Gl,704.97 $664,931. 73 TOTAL EXPBNDI7't!IlES EXPENDITURES RECOVERIES SUB TOTAL OPERATING DEFICIT COUNTY SHARE 30% CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Yazoo ,.Lawn mower WashingJ>!achinc1 Dryer Floor Polisher Vacuum Cleaner (Clark) Elevator Door Circuit Station Wagon Smoke Detectors HashinO' J.!achine hir Co~itioning Asphalt TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Less Recover of Capital Expenditures County Share 50% Non-Shareable Fxpenditurcs COUNTY SHARE IN )\LL ~ Revenue from Residents -Extended Care Revenue from provincial SUbsidy-Extended Care Revenue from Residents -Residential Care Estate of Deceased Residents and Arrears of 11aintenance TOTAL REVENUE ~5- 1981 Estimated $93,3,408.00 3,000.00 $930,408.00 $308,587.00 $ 92~576.10 $5,778.00 1,200.00 850.00 425.00 500.00 10,000.00 14,000.00 $32,753.00 1,650.00 $31,103.00 15,551. 50 850.00 $108,977.60 $ 621,321.00 500.00 $621,82-1.00 1981 Actual ,,_... ." 1001 $664,931.73 2,820.92 $662,110.81 $166,602.9tJ, $ 49,980.88 $ 5,778.00 $ 5,778.00 $ 5,778.00 2,889~00 166.18 $ 53,036.06 $ 478,068.61 17,439.26 $495,507.87 351 352 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-51 "A .BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPO~A~TON OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE NOVEMBER SESSION. 1981." WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act~ being Chapter 302 of the Revised-Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 103 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action oE the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommen~ dation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the November 19a1 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affi~ thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin: READ a first time this 18th day of November, 1981. READ a second time this 18th day of November, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 18th day of November, 1981. _~~')o?............-' G. C. Leverton Clerk. ' ~F'4~/ K. E. Monteith, Warden. 353 INDEX MISCELLANEOUS Communications. , Delegations. _ . ...10, 13,39,88, 119, 148, 178,208,239,292,311 ............. .....91,92,150,244. 1981 Officials, County Council, Standing Committees, Municipal Clerks and Treasurers. .. " . " . . . . . " . . " . . . .. . _ . . . . .. ...." 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7 Presentations to Employee;:;.-........ .,.... .'.......... 1~.91, 12.3,181,244 Warden's Address. . . . . .. . 18 WardeFfs Election.. .. . _ . .. . .........9 REPORTS OF OFFICIALS AND OTHERS Director's Report on Homes f~r Senior Citizens .........334 County Treasurer's Report , .... 101,102,223,225,228,324,328,327. Weed Inspector's Bepo.rt. , 322. Tree Commissioner's Re~ort . . , 308 Agricultural Representative's Report." ..91 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES- AgriculluralC9mmittee. ....._.52,140,156,167,197.231.266,307,333. CountyGovernmentCommittee.. ........ ..27,69,1-11,136,159,168, . 188,230,260,263,303,317,329. County Roads Committee. ......... ...... ...22,50.56,96,104,126, 157,190,221,256,269,298,319 Finance Committee. ..... ...."""".....28,71, '103,113,128,135, 169,196,232,262,302.331. Home.s for Senior Citizens Committee ..; .. 24,'98,129.186,220,-255,328. Ubrary Board. . . . .. . . , . '. . 54, 55; 99, 130, 166, 187, 222, 259, 301, 321. Personnel Committee. . . . . . . . ,.. . .. 25, 53, 97, 138, 155, 162, 185, 216.217,218,219,250,251,306,318. Property Committee.. 26,73,100, 109, 139, 165, 195, 229, 267, 304, 332. Reception and Entertainment Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . , 75, 134, 164, 227.268 Social Services Committee. . . .. .. _ . _ 23, 74, 110, 163, 194, 228. 264, 305. Special Committee to Strike the Standing Committee for 1981 " " , , " .. .."." 19 :54 St. Thomas Suburban Roads Committae. " ...62 Special Committee Re: Visit of the Governor Ge,neral. . . . . _ . . . . " . ',' . . . . . - 233._ ,;." RESOLUTIONS - Aqcepting Of rejecting recommendations regarding Minor Exceptions to the Tree Bylaw.. ..".. - ,... ...... . .... 44,151,294,295. Authorizing the Warden and Clerk to submit the 1980 Road 6?<pendituresto the Ministry of Transportation and Communications ......,. ..'" .4,4 Designating the approved route of the Talbot Trail. ......" ......" ..... .._..45 To _the Ministry of Health requesting appointees to tbe Thames Valley District Health Council be made voting Members immediately on appointment.. .... ........ ',"'" ....... ,,,............" ,,', ....... . ... ,,',.; 45 That appointees to the Elgin.St. Thomas Health Unit Board be paid the following rates.. ._ ". .."."... .... ... .. .. ....... "......"..". 45 Accepting the Treasurer's Statements. "..' .....,,,.........93,211,314,315 providing for a grant towards Capital Cost of a Library for the Village.of PorlStanleyin1982......... ........ ..... ............., ........93 Adopting the Statement of proposed work and expenditures on the Road System....... .... ,.".... .".. .... ......."......".........,...94 To make suppl~mentarY application for subsidy money for municipaldraiilageassessnients:".. ..... ...""....." ."........ 94 Application for supplementary subsidy Re: Roadside Obstacles. " . . . . . .. .123 With objection to the Bell Canada rate increase. "...... ................" .152 Establishing Donations Accounts for the Homes.. .. ....... .."...... 211 ~212 Allowing Councillors' Quests to attend Committee meetings ~ . . . . . . . . .. ,...., 295 Expressing concern to the open-ended mandatory fuel allowance to the Minister of Community and Social Services. . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . , . . . 296 Adoptingthe Weed Inspector's Report.......... .. ..... "... .......314 Accepting the Director's Report on Homes for Senior Citizens.. ........... ...". .'..,.... ......... .'.......,.. .'.... ..316 355 BY-LAWS- 80-57 To Appoint a County Roads Committee: 21 80-58 Being a By-Law to" Appoint an Assistant Engineer-for the County of-Elgin. 29 80-59 Being a By~Law- to Establish ,the Salary of the AsSistant Engineer-.fOr-1he County of Elgin. 30 80-60 To Authorize the Warden and the Treasurer to Borrow the Sum of Three Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars. 31 80-61 A By-Law to Authorize the Expropriationbf Land for the Purpose of Widening and Improving County Roads. 33 80-62 Being a By~Law Consenting to the Stopping Up of a Road Allowance Within Lot 22, Concession 7, Township of South Dorchester. 35 80-63 8eingoa-ey~Law t9 Amend By-law No~ 79~45, a By-Law,to Provide Fringe"Bi:mefits to All Employees of the County of- Elgin, Who are Considered in the Management Category. 36 80-64 Being a By-Law to Amend 8y-i-8.w No. .79~46, a By-Law to.., Provide Fringe Benefits to All Employees of the County of Elgin, Who are Not Covered by ?l Collec~ive Agreement or Included in t~e Man~ge!T'ent Cat!=,goi"y. 37 80-65 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Councij of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the December Session, 1980. 38 81-1 Being a By-Law to Establish the Salary of the Assistant Engineer for the County of Bgin. 76 81-2 Being a By-law to Establish Rates of Pay for Part Timet Employees. 77 81-3 Being a By-Law to Appoint a Land Division Committee. 78' 81-4 Being. By-Law to Amend Schedule "A" of By-Law No. 80-11, Appointing County Auditors. 79 81-5 Being a By-Law to AmendBy~Law,No. 80~8, Establishing Remuneration for Attending Conventions. 81 81-6 Being ~ By-Law to Amend By-Law No" 1.6'87' Which Establishes a County Mus~u~ . 82 81-7 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Execution of a Collective Agre~ment Between the Corporation of the County of Elgin and Londol"l and District Service Workers' Union, local 220, S.E.W., A.F.L., C.I.O., C.L.C., With Respecllo the Corpor.- tion's Full Time Employees at the Elgin Manor. 83 356 81-8 Beirtg a By-Law to Authorize the Execution of a Collective Agreement Between the CorporatloD of. the C,?unty of E1g,i" and LOndon and District Sa_rvice Workers' Union, Local 220, S.E.I.U.,A.F.L., C.I.O., C.L.C., With RaspecUolha Corporation's Part-Time Employees at the Elgin Manor. 84 81-9 Being a By,.,l:-aw to Set the Daily Re~une,Fati_on to.be Paid to Members of the Elgin County .council for Atte:ndahce at Meetings of the Elgin County. Council and Committees Thereof. 85 81-10 Being a By-Law to Establi~h the Annual Remune~tion to be Paid to ~ Ward~n of the County of Elgin. 86 81-11 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings tlf the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the.County of Elgin aUhe January. Session, 1981. 87 81-12 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Execution of en Agreement Between the COunty of Elgin and tl16 County ofNliddles,ex for the Division of Costs for the Building of the Walkers Bridge. 114 81-13: Being a By-Law Consenting to the Stopping Up and Closing of Road Allowances in the Township of Malahide. 115 81.14 Being a By-l.awtoAuthorize the Warden and Clerk of the County of Elgin to Sign the 'Standard Forms of Agreement" Between Client and Consulting Engineer' with Respect to the Desi,gn and Constructionofthe Walkers Bridge.' 117 8t-15 A By-law to Confirm Proceedings of the MunicipalCouncil of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the February Session, 1981. 118 81-16 Being aBy-Law to Establish a Remuneration Schedule and Other Working Conditions for Employees,of the roads. Department. 141 81-17 Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2188, Thereby Adjusting the Remuneration of the County of Elgin Weed Inspector. 145 81-18 Being a By-Law to Amend By-law No. 80-21 , Thereby Adjusting the-Remuileration of the County of Elgin Tree CommisSioner.. 146 81-19 A'By-laW to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the March Session, 1981. 147 81-20 'Being aBy-Law To Authorize Grants to be Made to Vartous Organizations, Corporations. Institutions; Etc., During 1981. 170 357 81-21 Being a ~y~Law Consenting lathe Stopp!ng Up and Closing, of a Road Allowance in the Hamlet of Wallacetown, Township ofDunwich. 171 81-22 Being 8_ By~La.w Co~senting to the Stopping Up and Closing of a Road Anowance in the Township of Yarmouth. 172 81-23 Being a By-Law to Establish the Percentage Share of Each Municipality Within. tile COU'1tv of Elgin and-Amount Required for County Purposes for the Year 1981 174 81-24 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Execution of Collective Agre~m~nts BetWeen the Corpora~ion ~f the County of Elgin and T~lTace Lodge El'!lployees~ A~o9iation. 176 81-25 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Munioipal Council of the Corporation _of ,the CQunty of Elgin- a~ the- April Sessiory, 198.1" - > 177 81-26 Being a By-Law to Establish the Remuneration to be Paid to the Warden, Council Members and County Officials- for " Attending Cbnvf;!ntions. 198 81-27 Being a By-law to Establish the Rate of Pay for Certain EmploYlEles i;n th~ Homes for Senior Citjzens. 199 81-28 Being a By-law. 90nsenting to.t~e Stopping Up of a Road Allowance in the'TownshiP of Yarmouth 200 81-29 Being a By~Law to Au~h9rize the Warden and Clerk to Sign a Deed to Conv-ey land in the Township of Yarmouth to the Kettle Creek Conserv~tion Authority. 201 81'30 Being a By-Law to Restrict the Weight ()f Vehicles Passing Over Bridges. 202 81-31 Being a By~Law to Restrict the Weight of Vehicles Passing Over Bridges" 205 81-32 A By-law to Confi'rm Pr~ceediflgs of the Mtmicipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the May Session, 1981 207 81-33 Being a By-law to Amend By-Law No. 81-27, Thereby Establi~hing a Day R~gistered ,Nurse R.ate. 234 81-34 Being a By-Law to Amend By-lawNo. 80-48, Thereby Establishing Additional Pay Schedules 235 81-35 Being a BY~Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign an Agreement Between the County of Elgin and The Elgin Military Museum Inc. 236 358 81-36 Being a By-Law to;Amend.By-Law No. 79-38, a By-laW to Restrict and Regulate the Destruction of Trees by CUtting,... Burning, or Other Means" 237 81-37 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedil1gs of the Municipal Council of the CorpQration of the County' of Elgin,at the June Se~ion. 1981. 238 &1-38 A By-Law to Provide Guidance Uppn the'Procedures for the- Election of the CountyWardEm; 270 81-39 Being a By-law to Amend By.~wNd.80~43,a 'By- Law to Regulate the Proceedings in the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the-County of Elgin and the Officers " and Committees Thereof. 272 ... 81-40 BeiAQ a By-Law to Establish the Remuneration to be~Paid to the Warden, Council Members and County Officials for Attending Convent!ons. 273 61-41 Being a By-Law to provide Fringe Benefits to All_Employees ' of the County of Elgin Who are Considered in the Management Category 274 61-42 Being a By-Law to Provide Fringe Benefits to All Employees of the County of Elgin Who are Not Covered by a Collectiv~ Agreementof Included-in the Management Category. 280 81-43 Being a By-Law Consenting to the Stopping Up and Closing of a Road Allowance in the Township of Malahide. 286 81-44 Being a By-Law Consenting to the Stopping Up and Closing of a Road Allowance in the Township of Yarmouth" 287 81-45 Being a By-Law Consenting to the Stopping Up of a Hoad Allowance in the Township of Bayham 288 81-46 Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 2297, Thereby Adjusting the Salary of the Secretary-Treasurer of the County of Elgin-Land Division Committee 289 81-47 Being a-By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 80-48, Thereby Establishing New Pay Schedules. 290 81-46 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the September Session, 1981. 291 81-49 Being A By.Lawto AI.nend By~Law No. 81-43. a By-Law Consenting to the Stopping Up and Closing of a Road Allowance in the Township,of Malahide. 309 359 81 ~50 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the October Session, 19a1. 310 81-51 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council-of the Corporation of the County of Etgin at the November Session, 1981. 350