1982 Minutes G.C. LEVERTON Clerk L.J., SHAW Warden PROCEEDINGS OFTHE Elgin County Council DURING THE SESSIONS HELD IN THE COUNTY MUNICIPAL BUILDING 9 Gladstone Avenue, St. Thomas December 1981 November 1982 ).'i PROCEEDINGS OF THE Elgin County Council DURING THE SESSIONS HELD IN THE COUNTY MUNICIPAL BUILDING 9 Gladstone Avenue, Sf. Thomas December 1981 November 1982 G.C. LEVERTON Clerk L.J. SHAW Warden Elgin Manor, RR 1, St. Thomas 644-17600r631-0620 Terrace Lodge, 475 Talbot St. E" Aylmer 773-9205 or 644-0140 Dr. C.A. Graham. . ..... , ...... . Elgin Manor, Med. Dir... . ...... . 633.0030 Dr. D.L. Wright.. , . .... . . ,"". , . . Terrace Lodge, Mad. Dir.... ..." 773-3135 ElglnA. Wells.......... ,........ County Librarian, 153 Curtis St. 633-0815 'Ms. Ruth M, Prowse..,..... '.' . . Deputy Librarian, .153 Curtis St... 633-0815 M.J. Hennessey & Associates.. , County Solicitor, P.O. Box 548. .. 633-3310 Charles C. Stafford. . . . . . . . . . ; . , Tree Commissioner & Weed Inspector, 12 South 8t. E., Aylmer... ..... ....... ....... Deloltte; Haskins & Sells.,. . . . . . . . Auditor, 136 Centre St. . . . . Dr. M,R. Warren, M.O,H..... " .. Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit, 2WoodSt...".."" D,R, McDermid, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , County Judge, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , S.G. Eggleston...,.,.......... County Court Clerk. ............ Sheriff....................... . J.N. Buchanan................. Clerk of the Peace & Crown Attorney. ............. 631-1506 G.A. Phillips. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Provincial Judge (Criminal Division) 30 SI. Catherine St. .. .. .. " " A.R. Webster. . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . Provincial Judge, (Family Division) 30St. Catherine St........... Robert Davis. ................. County Registrar, P.O. Box4.. Bruce Doan ................... Probation Officer, 145CurtisSt.. Joseph L.Jones............... Small Claims CourtClerk. ....... JohnA. Anderson.............. AgriculturalRepresentative, 594 TalbotSt.,,"""""'" 631-4700 2 County of Elgin Officials Name Office George C.Leverton...... ...... 11 County Clerk-Treasurer...... . Mrs. Rose M. Daniel. . . . . . . . . . .. 11 Deputy Clerk Treasurer. . . . . . . . Mrs. Barbara L. DIXon. .. . ....... 11 land Div. Sec.-Treas. ... . ..... Robert G. Moore;' . . . . . .. . . . . . . . County Engineer, 79 Stanley St.. . RobertE. Davies............... Assistant Engineer, 79StanleySt. Robert E. Bell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Director, Social Services, ,j~ CourtHouse................. . FredJ. Boyes................. DIrector, Homes for Senior Citizens Robert E. Hines. . '..... ....... . . Assistant Administrator, Homes for Srs. T. Cunnlffe, Director of Education. Elgin County Board of Education 400 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas N5R3C8..,,,,,...., "", J.D. Stephens, Director of EducatIon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elgin County (Roman Catholic) Separate School Board 21 Parish St., St. Thomas N5R 4W7" .. , .. .. , (St. Thomas Post Office unless otherwise specified *Munlclpal Office - 9 Gladstone Ave., NSR 2L3 3 Phone No. 631-1460 631-1460 631-1460 631-5880 631-5880 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 1982 WARDEN L.J. SHAW Township of Aldborough Reeve, Keith M. Kelly, (Marie) RR2, Rodney,NOL2CO, ........"" ....""" ",,,,,..,,,, ...., 785-0247 Deputy Reeve Dan Perovich (Olga) RR3, West Lorne, NOL2PO""""""""""""""""""" 768-1864 631-1570 Township of Dunwlch Reeve Glen E. Walters (Carol) RR 1 , Dutton, NOL 1 JO, , ' , ' , , , , , , ' , , , ' , ' , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 762-2437 Deputy Reeve Donald A. McWilliam (Ella) RR 1, Dutton NOL 1 JO" , " .. " " , , " , " , .. . " " " .. , ' , , " ' " " ,762-5334 TownshIp of Southwold Reeve Kenneth E. Monteith (Luella) RR 1,SI. Thomas N5P 3S5 , """""""""""""""""",631-7073 Deputy Reeve Ernest H. "Bud" Marr (Melba) RR 3, Shedden, NOL 2EO, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 764-2116 773-2482 631-8250 Township of Yarmouth Reeve larryJ. Shaw (Elaine) Bus. 631-2510 RR5,SI. Thomas N5P 3S9 ,,,........,,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.. 631-8314 Oeputy Reeve Richard Haddow (Jane) Bus, 631-0114 Box2, Union, NOL2LO""""""""""""""."""""", 631-8773 631-9900 631-4810 631-1720 631-3530 Township of Malahlda Reeve William R. Caverly (laura) RR 5, Aylmer N5H 2R4" , ""'" , " """" , "',',' """"" " , 773-2998 Deputy Reeve Emil Neukamm (Frieda) RR 1 , Aylmer N5H 2R1 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 773-8895 633-1230 Township of Bayham Reeve Max H. Stewart (Mona) RR 1, Eden NOJ 1HO,.""""""""""""""""""""" 866-5836 Deputy Reeve Joseph A. Volkaert (Elda) RR 1 , Straffordville NOJ 1 YO , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , " 866-3548 633-2169 631-3015 631-3430 631-1241 Township of South Dorchester Reeve Robert S. Miilard (Ardath) RR 7, Aylmer N5H 2R6.. .. , " .. .. .. .. , , .. .. .. , .. .. .. , , , .. , " , , , , 773-2606 Deputy Reeve R. James Sheils (Carol) RR7, AylmerN5H 2R6"",,"""""""""""""""""" 773-3893 633-2700 Town of Aylmer Reeve SydneyJ. Glover (Audrey) Bus. 773-8371 72 Oak St., AylmerN5H 1G6"",,""""""""""""""'" 773-8323 Deputy Reeve Donald H. Pearson (Jean) Bus. 773-5115 25 Lawrence Crescent, Aylmer N5H 185. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773-9636 631-6300 4 Village o' Vienna Reeve Kenneth C. Emerson (Pauline) P,O, Box 120, VlennaNOJ 120"""""""""""" Bus, 874-4492 "....,874-4460 Village 01 Sprlnglleld Reeve Jack W, HOdgson (Beulah) P,Q, Box 84, Sprln9fieldNOL2JO"""""""""", """"",,773-3068 Village 01 Dutton Reeve Derek Farthing (Madeline) 178 Shackleton St., Dutton NOL 1 JO , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Bus, 762-3422 """"",762.3429 Village 01 Port Stanley Reeve Ray J. lavereau (Peggy) P,O, Box 444, PortSlanleyNOL2AO"""""""""""" Deputy Reeve Joan L Wakelln9 (William) Box 149, Port Stanley NOL 2AO, ,,""""""""""""" &Js,,782-3383 , , , , , 782-3500 Bus, 644-0960 "",,782-3034 Village 01 Rodney Reeve Robert F, Coles (Phyllis) Box 103, Rodney NOL 2CO, , ' , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ' " 785-2290 Village of West Lorne Reeve T. Harley Lashbrook (Nancy) P,O, Box 234, West Lome, NOL2PO"""""""", Bus, 785-0310 ,'..,.., 788-1253 Village of Port Burwell Reeve Jack N, Smyth (Irene) P,Q, Box 22, PortBurwellNOJ HO""""""""""""""", ,874-4476 Village 01 Belmont Reeve John R. "Ian" Flack (Norma) Bus, 673-5504 235 Union St., BelmontNOL 1BO""""""""."""""""" 644-1504 5 Standing Committees 1982 Agricultural Chairman K.M. Kelly, Walters; Monteith, Caverly. Stewart, Millard, Lavereau and Warden Shaw. County Government Chairman K.E. Monteith, Walters, Volkaert, Millard, Pearson, Lavereau, Fleck and Warden Shaw. County Roads ChaIrman G.E. Walters, Stewart, 'Millard, Smyth,Caverly and Warden Shaw Advisory-Monteith, Glover, Kelly Homes For Senior Citizens Chairman D.A. McWilliam, Farthing, Hodgson, Emerson and Warden Shaw Advisory-8heils, Pearson Personnel Chairman E.H. Marr, Stewart, Hodgson, Fleck and Warden Shaw Properly Chairman K.C. Emerson, Smyth, Farthing, Marr and Warden Shaw Reception and Entertainment Chairman J,A..Volkaert, Perovich, McWilliam, Marr, Haddow, Neukamm, Shells, Pearson, Wakeling and Warden Shaw. Social Services Chairman R. Haddow, Perovich, NeukamlTi, Coles and Warden Shaw ELGli'l COUi'lTY REPRESEi'lTATIVES TO VARIOUS BOARDS & ASSOCIATIOi'lS FOR THE YEAR 1982 Elgln-SI. Thoma. Health Unit Haddow and Volkaert St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital Monteith and Fleck Tlllsonburg DI.trlclMemorlal Hospital Volkaert / Four Counties General Hospital Coles Elgin County Library Bosrd Stewart, Lashbrook, Wakellng and Warden Shaw Family and Children's Services of St. Thomas & Elgin (Children'. Aid Society) Coles, Lavereau, Perovich 6 Elgin County Pioneer Museum Glover, Caverly . Liaison (Elgin County Board of Education) Wakeling, Pearson, Monteith and Warden Shaw Talbot Troll Glover, Kelly Thames Valley District Health Council Neukamm Southwestern Ontario Travel Association Smyth Suburban Road Commission Mr. Albert Auckland Land Division Committee Appointees: Murray C. Benner, Lome R. Carroll, Alistair B. Littlejohn, Ronald L. Lake, John V. McKinlay, Fred S. Shively and Noble G. Tufford ? 7 Municipal Clerks and Treasurers Township of Aldborough Clerk-Treasurer-C.I. Black, Rodney, NOL 2CO........ .. ....... . ... 785-0560 Township of Dunwlch Clerk-Treasurer-K. Loveland, Dutton, NOL 1JO..,.......,........" 762-2204 Township of Southwold Clerk-Treasurer-R.A. Pow, Fingal, NOL 1 KO....... .. ..... .. . . ,.... 769-2010 Township of Yarmouth Clerk-Treasurer-K.G. Sloan, 1229 Talbot St.,St. Thomas, N5P 1G8.. 631-4860 Township of Malahlde Clerk-Treasurer-R.R. Millard, 87 John St. S., Aylmer, N5H 2C3...... 773-5344 Township of Bayham Clerk-Treasurer-J.A. Petrie, Straffordville, NOJ 1YO....... , ,866-5521 Township of South Dorchester Clerk-Treasurer-~rs, Marie Wilson, RR 2, Springfield, NOL 2JO... , , ..773-2186 Town of Aylmer Clerk-C,L Knapp, 46 TalbotSt W" Aylmer, N5H 1J7"",,"""" 773-3164 Treasurer-Mrs. Joyce R. Ostrander Vlllaga 01 Salmonl Clerk-Treasurer-Mrs. Kae Barons, Belmont, NOL 1BO............... 644-1071 Vlllaga of Dulton Clerk-Treasurer:-D.T. Moran, Dutton, NOL 1JO..,.................. 762-2736 Village of Port Burwell Clerk-Treasurer-Mlss Mary E. Smyth, Box 299, Port Burwell NOJ 1 PO, 874-4343 Vlllaga of Port Stanlay Clerk-Treasurer-D.J, laCroix, Box 70, Port Stanley, NOL 2AO. . . . . . . . 782-3383 ) Village of Rodney Clerk-Treasurer-Ms. Jo-Anne M. Dwyer, Rodney, NOL 2CO. ....... .,785-0458 Vlllaga 01 Sprlngflald Clerk-Treasurer-Mrs. Catherine Bearss, Box 29, Springfield, NOL 2JO. 773-8555 Village of West Lorne Clerk-Treasurer-H.C.H. Ouwehand, Box 30, West Lorne, NOL 2PO, .. 768-1234 Village of Vienna Clerk-Treasurer-Mrs. Violet Petrie, Straffordvitle, NOJ 1YO........... 866-5521 8 9 December Session-First Day Wednesday, the 9th day of December, 1981 The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municipal Building, 9 Gladstone Ave., St. Thomas, at 2:00; P.M., as required by by-law. The follo.wing Members, having previously filedCertifi~ cstes, took their seats at the Council Table: Keith M. Kelly Reeve Aldborough Glen E. lolalters Reeve Dunwich DonaldA. McWilliam Deputy Reeve Duowich KennethE~ Monteith Reeve Southwald Ernest H. Marr Deputy Reeve Southwald Larry J. Shaw Reeve Yarmouth Richard' Haddow Deputy Reeve Yarmouth William R. Caverly Reeve Malahide Emil Neukamm Deputy Reeve Malahide Max H.Stewart Reeve Bayham Joseph_ A.Volkaert Deputy Reeve , Bayham John B . Wilson Reev(C South Dorchester R. James Sheils Deputy Reeve South Doichester Sydney J. Glover Reeve Aylmer Donald H. Pearson Deputy Reev,e Aylmer. Kenneth C. Emerson Reeve Vienna Jack, W. ,~odgson Reeve Sprin'gfield Derek Farthing Reeve Dutton ..:roan L.'Wakeling Deputy Reeve Port Stanley RQbert F . Coles Reeve Rodney jack N. Smyth Reeve Port Burwell John R.Fleck Reeve B'elmont. ABSENT Dan Per.ovich Deputy Reeve ALdborough Ray J. Lavereau Reeve Port Stanley Harley T. Lashbrook Reeve West'Lorne. Moved by Reeve Walters Seconded by Reeve Wilson THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Municipal Council: of' the Corporation'of theCbunty of Elgin hereby agrees that the election of Warden for the year 1982 shall be conducted in,accor.d- ance with the procedures numbered three to"eight as set out ,in By-Law No. 81,..38, Being a By-Law to Provide for the, Guidance Upon the Procedures' for the Election of Warden, except th<'.lt in the event only one person runs for the Office, the election procedures may he dispensed with in favour of a resolution appointing the person as Warden. I j The Clerk announced that any Councilloiwho was a can- djdate for the Office of Warden would" now be given the opportunity to speak; Reeve Shaw addressed Council and asked for their support in electing him Warden for 1982. There being no other candidates, the following resolution was - Carried. Moved by Reeve Walters Seconded byR~eve Wilson That Reeve Larry J.. Shaw be Warden for the year 1982. - Carried. The acclaimed Warden took the Declaration of Office and the Oath of Allegiance. Past Warden, K. E. Monteith, 'put the Chain of Office around his neck, pres~nted him with the Lord Elgin watch and the Gavel of Office. 10 - 2 - ^ Minute of Silence was held in Memory of - Gordon R. Pettit - Deputy Reeve, Township of South Dorchester, f'['om January 1st, 1973 until he. passed away on November 30th, 1981. John C. Gillies - Former Waiden of Elgin County ,in 1944 and Deputy Reeve of the Township of Aldborough 1940-1942 and Reeve from 1943-1944, who pas~ed 8way on December 4th, 1981. Warden Shaw addressed the Council, expressing his appre- ciation for being elected Warden for 1982. Moved bv Reeve Wilson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That the minutes-of the November 1981 Session of the Elgin CountyCoun'cil be adopted. - Carried. The following Communications were read and referred to: COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE 1. Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit with a copy ofa letter to the Minist,ry of Health re: the proposed Health Protection Act. 6. Thames Valley District Health Council with reply re: inclusion of specific disaster plans for Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge in their overall plan. 7. Township of Vesprawith submission opposing to Bill 147, known as "An Act to Facilitate the Negotiation and Resolution of Municipal Boundary and Boundary Related Issues. 2i. Township of Rochester with resolution requesting 'the Province to allocate sufficient funds to accommodate loan appli- cants, under the Shoreline p'I'ope'I'ty assistance. for wO'I'k commenced or completed, p'I'ior to funds being exhausted. 27. Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing with copy of Rill 179, An Act to Amend The Municipal Act. first reading, with request for ~omments. 28. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing with a copy of Bulletin 47, UBy-Law Enforcement - An Adminlstxative View" and request for comments. COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE 4. Ministry of Transportation and Communications with copy of t-Iemo No. 81-9C re: Structure Load-Limit By-Laws. 14. Mr. Wayne A. Petrie, Solicitor, with details surrounding damage to the property of his clien~, Mr. and Mrs. Gary McCrea, 251 East Street. Port Stanley and involving a drain, claimed to he the County responsibility. 19. Ministry of Transportation and Communications advising that the Ministerially adjusted assessment for the City of St. Thomas is $80,700,000 for Suburban Roads,' contribution purposes. 20. Mr. Bruce H. Blake, SOlicitor, with notice of intention of the Township of Yarmouth to pass a by-law, to stop up part of the road allowance between Lot 16, Concession 15, Township of Yarmouth and Lot 15, Concession IS, Village of Belmont. 21. Township of M~lahide with copy of revised report on the Branion Drain. 29. Town of Aylmer with notice of the passing of By-Law No. 73-81, to regulate land use pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. '--") '-" ~ 11 '-' _ 3 - County Council, December Session, 1981 SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTE~ 15. County of Essex with resolution requesting the Federal Government to refrain from making any chRngesto the Unemployment Insu~ance Legislation, which will place additional burden on the unemployed. 23. Ontario Municipal Social Services Association with reque.se for membership. The following Communications were read and ordered filed: '-' 1. Ministry~of Community and Social Services, with approval for 1981 estimates for the Children's Aid Society, in the amount of $832,212 reqUiring a Cqunty contribution of $92j309. 2. Ministry of Community and Social Services with CAS Information Package and Service Plan Support Data 'for 1982 ~preparation. 5. County of Oxford advisIng that their Warden's Banquet will be held, Friday. November 26 , 1982, .at the Oxford, Auditorium, Woodstock Fairg'I'ounds. &. Agriculture Canada with a copy of, the schedule for the anti-rabies, vaccination clinics. 9. Family ,and Children1s Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with Allocation of Children in Care and financial statement to October 31st" 1981. 10. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing advising of the introduction into the Legislature of Bill 159, -An Act to Revise The Plannihg_Act of Ontario. 11. Ontario Good Roads Association with program highlights and pre~registration form. 12. Minist'I'Y of Municipal Affairs and Housing with copy of "Official Plan and Zoning Guidelines For Cottage. Areas". 13. The Elgin County Board ofEducati~n withnotice'of meeting, to be held with the Liaison Committee, representatives of the Municipa~ Councils, the Elgin County Roman ,Catholic Separate School Board and themselves on December 2nd at 7:30 P.M. 17. Bank of Montreal advising that the Bank's Prime'Munici- pal rate has decreased as follows: November 9th, 1981 - 19%% November 16th, 1981 - 18% November 23rd, 1981 - l7t%. r 22. Village of Port Stanley with app~eciation for support in attempting' to stop the CNR from abandoning a portion of the Talbot Subdivision. ,- 30. Mrs. Madeline Pettit and Family with appreciation for expression of sympathy. Moved by Deputy Reeve Marr Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That By-Law No. 81-52 IIBeing a By-Law to Amend By-.Law No. 80-43, a By-Law to Regulate the Proceedings tn the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin and_ the Officers and Committees Thereof" be read a first time. "-' -' - Carried. 12 - 4 - ~1oved by Deputy Reeve Haddow Seconded by Reeve Glover That _By- Law No. 81-52 be read a second ,time. - Carried. ~bved by Reeve Hodgson Seconde.d by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That By-Law No. 81-52 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Warden Shaw appointed Reeve Wilson, Reeve Walters, R8eve Monteith and Reeve Stewart to be Members of the Committee to Strike the Standing Committees, for the year 1982. Moved by Reeve Walters Seconded by Deputy Reeve Marr That \.e do now adjourn to meet again on December 10th, ],981 at 10:00 A.M. - Carried. becember Session - Second Day Thursday, the 10th day of December, 1981 The Elgin County Council met this day at the ,County ~unicipal Building, at 10:00 A.M., in accordance withadjou~nment. TheWa~den in the Chai~. HOLL CAI~.b - All Membe~s p~esent. The following Communication was ~eferred to the County Gover.tlment Committee: 31. Elgin Coutlty Lib~ary Board with ~ecommendation that ;,Ir. Arthur Miskelly be the County appointee to the Lake Erie L.ib~a~y Board for 1982. A lette~ from Mr. Darwen M. Lowe, Manager, Bank of ~lontrenl, was received extending Best Wishes to the Warden, Members of Council and Staff for the coming year. In addition, a quantity of cigars accompanied the letter, for the enjoyment and relaxation of County Council. Reeve Monteith gave notice that he intended to present H motion to amend the Procedure By-Law, to alter the number of days that delegations had to give notice and also the seating arrange- ments for County Council, with respect to. Committe.e meetings. The Report of the Special Committee to Strike the Standing Committees for the year 1982 was presented by Reeve Walters and adopted on mot.ion of Reeve Walte~s and Deputy Reeve Perovich. Reeve Eme~son advised Council that there were some dif- ficulties, with respect to insurance coverage,. on the former home dt.d cont.ents of Nora Ogden Coombe, located in Vienna. This home and contents have been Willed to the County of Elgin, as a Museum, vith respect to the Edison Family. He asked that it be refer.red t.o the Property Committee for review. The following Communications were received for consider- ation by Cound 1: 16. City of St. Thomas \~ith a copy of a reply to the Minister of Health 1'e: CentTal Ambulance Dispatch. '~ -----.-) , ,j ~ '--' ~ 13 ,-' - 5 - County Council, December SeSSion, 1981 18. Ontario Hydro with information sent to property owners affected by the upgrading .of 230 Kilovolt Transmission Line - Buchanan Transformer' Station to Chatham Transformer Station. 25. City of St. Thomas with nomination of Mrs. Carmen Jefferies as their representative to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board for 1982. 26. Municipal Chapter of St~ Thomas lODE with nomination of M1'S. Edith McAlpine as theii representative to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board for 1982. Moved 'by Reeve Monteith Seconded by-Reeve Emerson That 'Council Communications numbered 16 and 18 be filed. -Carried. -' Moved by Reeve Lashbrook Seconded by Reege Farthing That the following constitute the Board of the Elgin County Pioneer Museum for 1982: Mrs. J. Gowan Young; Mrs. Donald Vicary; Mrs. Carmen Jefferies; Mrs. C.D. McAlpine; Mrs; Marshal~ Field; and the Elgin County Council r~pres~ntatives. - Carried. Moved by.Deputy"Reeve Marr Seconded by Reeve Glover That the Warden and Treasurer be authorized to borrow up to Three Millionj Five Hundred Thousand 'Dollars, from the Bank of Montreal, as may be required during 1982 and that a by-taw be prepared. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Perovich Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That the Treasurer be authorized to continue monthly payments to the Children's Aid Society on the basis of the 1981 approved budget requiring a County contribution of $92,309.00 until the 1982 budget is established and approved by the Ministry of Community and Social Services. MOVer by Sec6nded - Ca~ried. Deputy Reeve Pearson by Reeve Walters That the Treasurer be authorized to continue monthly payments to the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Uni~ on the basis of the 1981 budget requiring a County contrtbution of $191,411.00 until the 1982 budget is established and approved by the Ministry of Health. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve ,Volkaert Seconded by Deputy Reeve McWilliam That Mr. Colin Morrison, be appointed, to the County Library Board for 1982, 1983 and 1984. _ Carried. 14 - 6 - ~loved by Reeve Montei th Seconded by Reeve Wilson That County Council appointees to the Elgin-St. Thomas Health UnLtBoard be paid -the ,following Tates, for attending meetings of the said Board. and Committee the'teof, effective January 1st, 1982: (a) For attending a meeting,when the ,~aidmeeting is held in both the forenoon and afternoon or evening - $60.00. (b) Fo'r attending a meeting,. when the said meeting is held in either the forenoon, afternoon or evening - $35.00~ (c) In addition to the above remuneration each Member shall he paid the following, rate for each mile necessarily travelled in attending such meetings - 35tt per mile. This is being passed in accordance with Section 245(1) of The ~lunidpa 1 Act. ,- Garried. Moved by Reeve Monteith Seconded by Deputy Reeve Haddow That By-Law No; 81-53 r'To Appoint aCourity Roads r..,rlmittee" be read a first time. ... Carded. Moved by Deputy Reeve Ma~r Seconded by Reeve Farthing That By~Law No.8l~53 be read a second time. - Car-ried'. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Deputy Reeve McWilliam That By-Law No. 81-53 be read a third time and finally passed. -Ca-r-ried. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Reeve Emerson That we do now adjourn to meet again on December 10th, 1981 at 2:00 P.M. - Carded. Council re-convened. ROLL CALL - All Membe-rs present. The Report of the Library Board was presented by Reeve Stewart and adop~ed on motion of Reeve Stewart and Reeve Kelly. The Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Walters and adopted on motion of Reeve Walters and Reeve Smyth. The Report of the Homes for Senior ,Citizens' Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve McWilliam and adopted on .motion.of Deputy Reeve McWilliam and Deputy Reeve Pearson. The Report of the Social Services Committee was pre- sented by Deputy Reeve Haddow and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Haddow and Deputy Reeve Neukamm. The Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Deputy Reeve Marr. -' '-.;...-- 15 _ 7 - County Council, December Session, 1981 The ,Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Marr and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Marr and Reeve Farthing. The Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Kelly and adopted on motion of Reeve Kelly and Reeve Lavereau. The Report of the County Gpvernment Committee wasp-re~ sented by Reeve Monteith and adopted on motion of, Reeve Monteith and Deputy Reev~ Pe~ovich. Moved by Reeve Monteith Seconded by Reeve Fleck That By-Law No. 80-43 be amended as follows} Section VI, Subsection 4~by inserting eight days in place of' fou~teen days; and Section VII, Subsection 8, by deleting the wo~os "but shall be seateo in the public areall. - Car~ied, ,J Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by ReeveGlove~ That By-Law No. 81-54 IlBeinga By-Law to Appoint a County Weed Inspecto-r fo~. the County.of Elginr, be ~eada fi-rst time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Monteith Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sheils That By-Law No. 81-54 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McWilliam Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sheils . That By-Law No. 81-5t~ be read a third time and finally passed. - Ca~ried. -' Movedb~ Reeve F~eck secondfd by Reeve Glover /. That By-Law No. 81-55 UBeing a By-Law to Appoint a Tree Commissioner for the County of Elginll be read a fi~st time. - Car~ied. Moved by Reeve Monteith Seconded by Reeve,Lashbrook That By~Law No. 81-55 be read a second time. -Car~ied. Moved by Reeve Walters Seconded by Reeve Kelly That By-Law No. 81-55 be ~ead a third time and finally passed. - Carried. -- Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Monteith That By-Law No. 81-56 IlBeing a By~Law to Establish the Remune~ation of theT~ee Commissioner and Weed Inspector" be ~ead a first time. - Carried. 16 - 8 - Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded hyReeve Monteith That By-Law No. 81-56 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Glover passed. That By-Law No. 81-56 be read a third time and finally - Carried. Moved by Reeve Monteith Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 81-57 UBeing a By-Law to Establish Rates of Pay for Part Time Employeesll be read a fi'I'st time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Glover That By-Law No. 81-57 be read a second time. - Ca:rried. Moved by Reeve FleCk Seconded by Reeve Monteith That By-Law No. 81-57 be read a third, time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lashbrook Seconded by Reeve Walters That By-Law No. 81-58 "Being a By-Law to' Establish a Pay Schedule for Employees Covered by the Job Evaluation Scale, Other Than Certain ROads Department Employees" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Walters Seconded by Reeve Kelly That By-Law No. 81-58 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Reeve Kelly That By-Law No. 81-58 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Walters Seconded by Reeve Lashbrook That By-Law No. 81-59 "Being a By-Law to Repeal Remuner- ation Recited in Certain By-Laws II be read a first time. -. Carried. Moved by Reeve Kelly Seconded by Reeve Walters That By-Law No. 81-59 be read a second time. - Carried. '--- v -",.c., , \J '--' "--/ 17 - 9 - County Council, December Session, 1981 Moved by Reeve Kelly Seconded by Reeve Lashbrook That By-Law No. 81_59 be read a. third time and finally passed. - Carded. Moved by Reeve Kelly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That By-Law No. 81-60 "Being a By-Law.to Establish the Salaries of Various Positions of the County of Elgin".. be read a first time. - Carri~d. Moved by Deputy Reeve Volkaert Seconded by Reeve Lashbrook That ~y-Law No. 81~60 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Monteith Seconded by Reeve Ke11y That By-Law No. 81~60 be read a third eime a~d finally passed. - Carried. Moved by. Deputy Reeve Volkaert Seconded by Reeve Wilson That By-Law No. 81...-61 tlTo Author~ze the War~en and the Treasurer to ,Borrow the Sum of ,Three Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars" be read a first time. ' - Carried. Moved by Reeve Walters Seconded by Reeve Wilson That By~Law No. 81-61 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Kelly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That By~Law No. 81~61 be read a third time and fi~al1y passed. ~l Moved by Deputy Reeve Wake1ing Seconded by Reave Hodgson That By-Law No. 8l~62 "Being aBy~Law, to Set the Daily Remuneration to be Paid to Members of the Elgin 'County Council for Attendance at Meetings of the Elgin Coun~y Council and Committees Thereof" be read a first time. - Carried. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Th~t By-Law No. 81-62 be read a second time. - Carried. II , 18 ! - 10 - Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By~LawNo. 81-62 be read a third time and finally passed. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That By-Law No. 81~63 "Being a By~Law to Establish the Remuneration to be Paid to the Warden" Council Members and County Officials for Attending Conventions" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Reeve Glover That'By-Law No. 81-63 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Glover Seconded by Deputy Reeve Perovich That By-Law No. 81-63 be read a third time and finally passed. - Ca'I'ried. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson That By-Law No~ 81-64 "Being sBy-Law to Appoint a Land Division Committee" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Fleck That By-Law No. 81-64 be read a second time. - Ca~ried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By-Law No. 81-64 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Coles That By,-.Law No. 81-65 '_'Being a By-Law to Establish a Rate to be Paid fot: Personal Cars Used for County Business" be read a,first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Volkaert Seconded by Reeve Coles That By-Law No. 81-65 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved ,by Reeve Kelly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That By-Law No. 81-65 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. '-.../ ...-1 '-- -...) '-.../ '-' '-.../ -' 19 - 11 - County Council, December Session, ,1981 Moved by Reeve Coles Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That By-Law Nb.81-66 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 81-42. Establishing Fringe Benefits for Employees Not Covered by a Collective Agreement, or Included 1n the Management 'Categoryll be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by ~eeve Walters Seconded by Reeve Kelly That By-Law No. 81~66 be read a secoridtime. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Kelly Seconded by Reeve Coles That By~Law No. 81-66 be read a third time and finally passed>. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Sheils Seconded byDepu~y Reeve McWilliam That By-Law No. 81-67 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 81,...41 Establishing Fringe Benefits for Employees in the Management Category" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Smyth Seconded by Reeve Stewart That By,-.Law No. 81-67 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Farthing Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By-Law No. 81-67 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McWilliam Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sheils ------l That BY-Law No. 81-68 "A By-Law to Authorize the Expropriation of Land for the Purpose of' Widening and Improving County Roads" be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Shei1s Seconded by Reeve Smyth That By-Law No. 8l~68 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Marr Seconded by Deputy Reeve McWilliam That By-Law No. 81-68 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. 20 - 12 - Moved by Deputy Reeve Marl." Seconden by Reeve Smyth That By-Law No. 81-69 llA By-Law to Confirm Pro~eedings Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin December Session, 198111,be .'I'ead a first time. of the at the - Carried. Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That By-Law No. 81-69 be read a second time. --Carried. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Deputy Reeve Perovich That By-Law No. 81-69 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Sheils Seconded by Reeve Stewart That we do now adjourn to meet again on January 20th, 1982 at 10:00 A.M. - Carried. G. C. Leve1:"ton, Cle'I'k. L. J. Shaw, Warden. ~ ~ ~ '''---- 21 WARDEN'S ADDRESS Past Wardens, Fellow Council Members. Ladies and Gentlemen: At this time I would like to thank my fellow colleagues for electing me as the Warden for the County of Elgin for the yearl982. Times are not quite what they shQuld be ,~ with depressed market conditions in both industry and agriculture. The papers, radio, T.V., printing and talking the doom and gloom of the world, it makes me wonder where we are headed. It reminds me of the story of the elderly gentleman who lived back in the country about a mile or so off shuSY highway, no hydro, no newspaper. He had one son' whom he sent to coll~ge.Out on the busy highway, he had a hot dog and hamburger stand with which he did a thriving business. One day his son came home from' college and told his, pareuts how bad things were in the world - the depressed markets and people out'of work. The father listened and thought about the signs advertising his little stand one mile each way on the highway. He thought I'll save some money on rent if I take them down. He saved a little, but business dropped. He cut his bun, weiner and hamburg order, business slowed down some more. Eventually it got, really slow. He went home to his wife one night when things were very slow and said, you know mother. it's a good thing we sent OUr son to coll~ge. He was right; the economy and business has really slowed down.' My message is - let's not back up or stop. The moment we stop, we start to roll backwards and then it is a lot harder to go ahead than-it is to back up. Let's keep up our maintenance and construction to the tune of Our Government grants and no more. If grants are cut we will have to cut. If we spend less than our grants, the Government gives it to someone else. The only other thing that comes to mind is the white paper on planriing~ Two more readings and we could be into new planning boards. I would like to thank 1. P.Warden Montei-th for his aggressiveness in streamlining much of County Council's labours. I hope'to carryon this work with the help of my very knowledgeable colleagues. 1, Thank you. 22 23 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-52 REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO STRIKE THE. STANDING COMMITTEES December Session, 1981 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 80-43. A BY-LAW TO REGULATE THE PROCEEDINGS IN THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OFTRE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE OFFICERS AND COI'IMITTEES THEREOF. II To the Warden and Members of- the Elgin County Council, The following is the report of the Special Committee to Strike the Standing Committees for the year 1982: AGRICULTURAL WHEREAS By-Law No. 80-43. presently, sets forth, among other things, the StandingCbmmittees, along w~tnthe duties of each; which are appointed annually,_ at the first meeting of each Council; and WHEREAS it is the decision._of County Council,to transfer the duties, presently assigned to this Finance Committee. to Council. and delete this Committee from the proc~dural by-law. / NOW THEREFQRE the Municipal Council of theCorpo- ration9f the County of Elgin enacts as follows: Kelly, Walters, Monteith.' Caverly. Stewart. Wilson. Lsvereau and Warden Shaw. COUNTY GOVERNMENT Monteith, Walters. Volkaert, Wilson. Pearson, Lavereau, Fleck and Warden Shaw. ' COUNTY ROADS Walters, Stewart, Wilson. Smyth, Caverly and Warden Shaw Advisory - Monteith, Glover. Kelly. L That By-Law No. 80~43, be amended by deleting - Section VII, entitled."Orgariization of Committees" paragraph 3- the words "1st,. F:inancet'. Section X, entitled"Finance Committee" paragraphs 1 to 9 inclusive, and these duties now become the responsibility of County Council. That this by-law become effective on passing. HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS McWilliam, Farthing. Hodgson. Emerson snd Warden Shaw Advisory - Sheils, Pearson. PERSONNEL Marr, Stewart, Hodgson, Fleck and Warden Shaw. 2, PROPERTY Emerson, Smyth, Farthing, Marr and Warden Shaw. RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT READ a first time this 9th day of December. 1981; ,econd time thi, 9th 3ay of December, i98i_ third time and finally pa"ed thi, 9th day of December, 1981. Volkaert, Perovich, McWilliam, Marr. Haddow, Neukamm, Sheils,. Pearson, Wake ling and Warden Shaw. READ a SOCIAL SERVICES READ a Haddow, Perovich, Neukamm, Coles and Warden Shaw. HEALTH UNIT Haddow and Volkaert. ST. THOMAS-ELGIN GENERAL HOSPITAL G. C.Leverton, Clerk. ;;2C-~-q{5Z r- ~ haw. rden. Monteith and Fleck Monteith to 'i'epresentWarden. ,~'_'_'_'-<-A ~ TILLSONBURG DISTRICT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Volkaert. FOUR COUNTIES GENERAL HOSPITAL Coles; LIBRARY BOARD Stewart, Lashbrook, Wakeling and Warden Shaw. CHILDREN'S AID Coles. Lavereau. Perovich. 24 - 2" - MUSEUM Glover, Caverly. LIAISON Wake ling , Pearson, Monteith and Warden Shaw. TALBOT TRAIL Glover. Kelly. THAMES VALLEY DISTRICT 'HEALTH COUNCIL Neukamm. SOUTHWESTERN ONTARIO TRAVEL ASSOCIATION Smyth. WE RECOMMEND, that each Committee meet and appoint a Chairman as soon as possible. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ,')&--.., ~'l~ G. E.. Walters c~~::; jz 5:L-r- 25 COUNTYQF ELGIN By-Law No.81~53 liTO APPOINT A COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE.~ As required by Section 45 of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, being Chapter 421 of,theRevised Statutes of Ontario', 1980, the Elgin County Council enacts: I 1. THAT the following five Members of this Council con- stitute a Committee for the purpose of directing the'work to be done on the County Road System- G. E. Walters - for term of one year M. H. Stewart - for term of two years J. B." Wilson - for term of three years J. N. Smyth - for term of" four years W. R. Caverly - for term of five years. 2. THAT By-Law No. 80-'57 be, and is here,by repealed. READ a first time this 10th day of December, 1981. READ a second time this 10th day of December, ,1981- READ a third ,time and flnallypassed this 10th day of December, 1981. ~~ G. C. Leverton; Clerk. 26 LIBRARY BOARD REPORT December Session 1981 To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council The Library Board reports as follows: 1. That the Aylmer Old Town Hall'is progressing and the Library will be moving ;in the New Year. 2, That the lease for the Port Stanley Library has been signed by the Port Stanley Council and will be pre- sented to the Library Board at the next meeting. ), Smyth I grato 4. That we recollUIlend that Mr. Arthur Miskelly be the County appointee to the Lake Erie Library Board and his expenses be paid. That the letter of resignation from Mrs. Verna SuperviSoI'o! ,Vienna Library be accepted withre- All of which is respectfully submitted. //~ ~~,fi M... ewar, Chairman, ~J5L ) 27 COUNTY OF F.~~Jt_~_OAO .~~l,.!.!~ FIRST~ DECEMBER SE;SSIQN 1981 '1'0 THlo.: WAROl::N ANU MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCI{" YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS 1\S FOLLOWS: 1. 'l'hat a joint meeting with the County of Middlesex Road Commit{:e(! was held on November 19, 1981. J\mong the items discussed were the repair of Middlemiss I>ridge and the COhdition of County Road 37'. Since that ti.me t.hetwo County !';nqincersand their Assistants have met and will in due COllr!l(l report to their respoctive COlllmi:ttces. I~E RECOMMEND: 1. That a,By-Lawba passed authorizing the Wardell and Clerk to ,sign mad wj,de~ing land ,plans as' ne,cessary in' 1981-~2. ALL OF, WHICH IS }{ESPECTFUr,LY SUBMiTTED. ( , , " ~J~\~ ~:?E~ 28~ 1 HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council. The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. The tender of Dominion Dairies Limited for supply- ing milk requirements for 1982 has' beenacceptedj at the prices quoted, subject to government increases or decreases in raw product costs. A summary of tenders received is as follows: 2% Milk (20 litre bag) Skim Milk (2 Htres) Buttermilk (1 litre) 10% C'l"eamers (Box of 100) Creamed Cottage Cheese (1 kg 4% B.fae) SILVERWOODS $11.711 per bag 1.155 per 2 1. * DOMINION DAIRIES $10.35 per bag ,90 per 2 L .606 .56 2.709 2.55 1.778 1.85 * Successful Tender. 2. The tender of Weston Bakeries for supplying bread for the year 1982 has been accepted, subject to change as a result of wheat trading or as a result of government action beyond their control. A summary of tenders received is as follows: GENERAL BAKERIES * WESTON BAKERIES DEMPSTER'S White or Brown sliced bread (24 oz. or 680 gram loaf) $.604 $.549 $,564 * Successful Tender. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. c::::k-- ) /,),,_ "Y:.I.I., D. A. McWilliam ~'" ~;/SL,-- ~( 29 SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT December SeSSion, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council. The Social Services Committee reports as follows: I. That the ,resolution, from the-County of Essex, requesting the Federal-Government to refrain from 'making any changes to the Unemployment Insurance Legislation, which places additional burden on the unemployed be tabled to the January 1982 Session. 2. That we recommend that membership be taken out in the Ontario Municipal Social Services Association for the Director at a cost of $150.00 and it be paid through the 1982 budget. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. i?~/~~ R. Haddow, C~7S.L- 30 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That ,the Clerk-Treasurer contact the Frank Cowan Company Limited to ascertain if insurance coverage to cover the County1s interest could be obtained on the former home and contents of Nora Ogden Coombe in Vienna. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ;!th"'MAtJ ,~~~GL 31 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT December Session. 1981 To the Warden and Memb~rs of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. ,That provision be rnade in theby~law setting rates etc. for hourly'ratedRoads Employees, when changed for 1982, to allow for the payment of the safety footwear allowance, to an employee who is laid off, when his return is not expected prior to the next year, instead of being held until January. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~4'.~ :,.~ fl SL- 32 33 AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1981 December Session, 1981 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: ALL of which is respectfully submitted. 1. That the reply from the ElginwSt. Thomas Health Unit re: the proposed Health Protection, Act be tabled. 2. That the report from the County 6fSimcoe' outlining their position on the new proposed Health Protection Act be forwarded to Members of this Committee. 3. That the reply,from the Thames Valley District Health Council withreplyre: inclusion of specific disaster plans- for Elgin, Manor _ Bnd Terrace Lodge in their overall plan be forwarded to Mr. F. J. Boyes. 4. That the suh~is$ion from the Township of Vespra, opposing Bill 1/+7 ~ known as "An Act to Facilitate The Negotiation andRe~olution of Municipal Boundary and Boundary Related Issues" be filed. 1. That the recommendation made to the November Session of County Council, giving Mr. Charles Stafford authority to have Mr. Jack Baker assist him as need arises, he limited to December 31st, 1981. K. /r;f,~.t :J/~ c~~ f SL-- 5. ,That a by-la~ be prepared appointing the following as Members of the County of Elgin Land Division Committee _ RQnaldL~ Lake - to hold office until January 1, 1984 Murray C. Benner - to hold office until January 1, 1985 Lorne R. Carroll - to hold office until January 1, 1985, Noble G. Tufford - to hold office until January I, 1985 and that the provisions of: this by-law be made to'coincide with the convention allowances paid to County Councillors. 6_ Local dyes ~hat the following 'be appointed as Members of the GoverrimentLiaison Committee to meet with representa~ of the City- Warden Shaw Reeve Lavereau DepUty Reeve PearSon and Warden Shaw be named Chairman. 7. That the account from Scott Studio in the amount of $879.59 for photographing far Elgin County Council pictUres and the,visit"and reception of the Governor-"General be recom~ mended for payment. 8. that the resolution, from the Township of Rochester, requesting the Province toa1locate sufficient funds to aC9om-" modate loan applicants, under the Shoreline property assis~ance, for. work commenced or completed, prior to funds being exhausted be endorsed. 9. That the copy of Bill 179, An Act to amend The Municipal Act, first reading, from the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing be tabled. 10. That the copy or Bulletin 47 "By-Law Enforcement:- An Administrative Viewl1, from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing be filed. 34 35 - 2 - COUNTY OF ELGIN 11. That the recommeridation, from the Elgin County Library Board, that M~. Arthur Miskelly be. the County appointee to the Lake Erie Regional Library System Board for the year 1982, be adopted and that he-be paid Committee rates plus mileage for attending such meetings-. By-Law No. 81-54 I1BEING A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A COUNTY WEED INSPF;Q'I'9R_ FOR THE COUNTY' OF , ELGIN. tl ALL of which ,is;respectfully.submitted. WHEREAS under SectIon 6(1) of The Weed Control Act, being Chapter 530 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the Council cfa County 1s required to appoint one ,or more perscusas County Weed Inspectors. NOW-THEREfO~E the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ratIon of the County of Elgin eriactsas follows: That:Mr; Char~es :C. Stafford. Aylmer. Ontario. be hereby ~ppo~nted Weed Inspector for the County of 7(, d=' ~~ K. E. Monteith Ch~.'n./ ?,.,' C' d-<V7 ;- V ~ 1, and is Elgin. 2. That County of Elgin By-Law No; 2188 and' By~Law No. 81-17 be. and the same are ~ereby repeale~. 3. That this By-Law become effective. January 1st. 1982. READ a first time this 10th day of December. 1981. READ a second time this 10th day of December. 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 10th day of December. 1981. G. C. Leverton. Clerk. '~ a; 5'ls L. .~. Warde . ~~ 36 37 COUNTY. OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-55 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-56 OF ELGIN." ~EING A BY-1A~'TO ESTABLISH THE REMUNERATION OF THE TREE COMMISSIONER A~D WEED IMSPECTOR." "BEING A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A TREE COMMISSIONER FOR THE COUNTY J, That this By-Law become effective January 1st, 1982. WHEREASBy~Law. No~ 81-55 andRy-Law No. 81-54 appoints Mr. Charles C. Stafford as the Tree Commissioner and Weed Inspector for the County of Elgio; and WHEREAS it is necessary to establish the remuner- ation to' be paid for these positions. NOW THEREFORE the MuniCipal Council of the Corpo~ ration of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT the remuneration to be paid for the positions of Tree Commissioner and Weed Inspector be $6.95 per hour. 2. THAT while using his personal car on County business, he be paid the rat~ established for other County Employees. WHEREAS By-Law No. 79-38 of the County of Elgin provides for the appointment of officers to. enforce the By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That Mr. Charles C. Stafford. Aylmer, Ontario, i~ hereby appointed Tree Commissioner for the County of Elgin. 2. That By-Laws No. 80-21 and 81-18 be, and the same are hereby repealed. 3. THAT this By-Law become effective January 1st, 1982. READ a first time this 10th day of December, 1981. READ a second time this 10th day of December, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 10th day of December, 1981 READ a first time this 10th day of December. 1981. READ a second time this 10th day of December, 1981~ READ a third time and finally passed this 10th day of December, 1981. _.:::::C<-"...c..~Y"""'J G. C. Leverton, Clerk. - L~ ~~)<..-./ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. --:;:" a 5::: r L~ Shaw, arden. 38 39 COUNTY OF ELGIN By...Law 'No. '81-57 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-58. EMPLOYEES. fl "BEING A,'BY...:.LAW TO ESTABLISH A PAY SCHEDULE FOR EMPLOYEES COVERED BY THE JOB EVALUATION SCALE. OTHER THAN CERTAIN ROADS DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES,II "BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH RATES'OF PAY FOR PART TIME WHEREA~certain positions only require persons to work less than full time;snd WHEREAS it is necessary in some instances to engage a person for a short period of time. THEREFORE the following rates ,be ,and are, hereby WHEREAS By~Law No. 80-48. By-Law No. 81~34 and By-Law No. 81-47 pr~sently establish pay schedules for positions not covered by agreements or otherwise; and ' WHEREAS a review of the rates indicates that' adjustments. are deemed necessary. ~ NOW THEREFORE thefo11owing schedu1ebe and is hereby adopted: adopted: 1. 1. CLERK-TREASURER'S OFFICE ELGIN MANOR Barber Beautician $125;00 per month $45.00 per day. Clerk-Treasurer Deputy Clerk-Trea~urer Custodian Land Division Secretary~Treasurer Payroll Supervisor Assistant Custodian Payroll Clerk) Clerk.:..Typist ) 2. ROADS DEPARTMENT 2, TERRACE .. LODGE Beautician $45.00 per day. 3, CLERICAL Experienced Inexperiericed $6.66 per hour $5.54 per hour. 4. That By-Law No. 81-2 be. and the same is hereby repealed. 5. That this By-taw'become effective January 1st, 1982. Engineer, Assistant Engineer General Superintendent READ a first time this 10th day of December, 1981. READ a second time this 10th day of December. 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 10th day of December, 1981. Assistant General Superintendent Technician Office Co~Ordinato~ Bookkeeper Clerk-Typist 3. ELGIN MANOR ...---::::r;:-......~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~~Qr' ...... .J ..j:f:w. War n. Director Director ofNu~sing Assistant Administrator Building Supervisor Assistant Director of Nursing Dietary Supervisor Bookkeeper Clerk-Typist 4. TERRACE LODGE Resident Co-Ordinator Clerk-Typist 5. SOCIAL SERVICES Director Field Worker Clerk Biweekly Rates $1,289.12-1,342.77-1,398.77-1.457.04 $779.12-81l.62~845.42-880.65 $653~62~681.38-709.19-737.00 $566.08~589.73-614.23-639.85 $590.04-614.62-640.12.:..666.85 $462.81-482.12-502.19-523.15 Biweekly Rates, $1.571.46-1.636.92-1.705.12-1,776.15 Plus use of County Car $1.166.00-1.214.62-l.265.23~1.317.92 $I ,056.96-1,101.00-1,146. 88;"1,194 ~ 65 Plus use of County' Car $955.00-994.81-1.036.23-1,079.38 Plus use of County Car $955.00-994.81-1,036.23-1,079.38 $705.69-735.15-765.77-797.69 $566.08-~89.73-614.23-639i85 $462.81~482.1~~502.19-52j.15 Biweekly Rates $1,289.l2-lj342.77-l,398.77-1,457.04 $955.00-994.81-1,036.23-1,079.38 $779.12-811.62-845.42-880.65 $566.08-589.73-614.23-639.85~ $462.81-482.12-502.19-523.15 Biweekly Rates $641.27-668.04-695.85-724.88 $462.81-482.12~502.19-523.15 Biweeklv Rates $1.056.96-1.101.00-1,146.88-1.194.65 $641.27-668.04-695.85-724.88 $513.31-534.65-556.92-580.08 40 That the following 40 hours of work premium, fOr the Office Co-Ordinator in the Engineer's Office, be added,to the basic salary schedule as shown: Effective January 1st, 1982 - $25;65 biweekly Effective January 1st, 1983 - $12.85 biweekly. That By-Laws No. 80-48, 81-34 and 81-47 be, and the same are hereby repealed. That this By-Law become effective January 1st, 1982. 6, ~.! BRA.BY - 2 - Biweekly Rates $1,166.00-1,214.62-1,265.23-1,317.92 $955.00-994.81-1.036.23-1,079.~8 $705.69-735.15-765.77-797.69 $779.12-811.62-845.42_880.65 $566.08~589.73-614.23-639~85 $462.81-482.12-502.19~523.15 READ a first time this 10th day of December, 1981. READ a second time this 10th day of December, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 10th day of December, 1981. . Librarian Deputy Librarian Semi-Professional Library Supervisor Bookkeeper Library Assistant Clerk-Typist 7, H, g, -.::;::~.~/~-, ;.L';":""--...- G. C. Leverton, Clerk. S' -' /l - ~(47<' ~ ,l ~ . J. Shaw, , Warden. 41 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-59 llBEING A BY-LAW TO REPEAL REMUNERATION RECITED IN CERTAIN BY~LAWS.1I WHEREAS certain by-laws appointing persons to various positions, also established the remuneration to be paid; and WHER~AS it is desLrable to reduce the amount of paperwork and simplify the process of adjusting remuneration. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enact~' as follows: 1. That the following sections of By-Laws, relating to remuneration, be repealed- (a) (b) (Road Superintendent) (Secretary-Treasurer, (c) Clause 4, of By-Law No. 1696 Clause 2, of By-Law No. 2468 Homes for Senior Citizens) Clause 2, of By-Law' No. 2297 (Secretary-Treasurer, Land Division Committee) Clause 2, of By-Law No. 2467. (Assistant Admin- istrator,Homes for Senior Citizens): (d) 2. That this By-Law become effective Janua~y 1st, 1982. READ a first time this 10th day of December, 1981. READ a second t~me this 10~h day of December, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed "this 10th day of December, 1981. ~.-/~_. ~ G. C. Leverton, C1erk~ ,.'.'"" ~~. /~ L . Shaw, .Warden. 42 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-60 "BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH THE SALARIES OF VARIOUS POSITIONS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN." WHEREAS persons, h~lding certain positions within the structure of the County Administration, have been appointed by by-law; and WHEREAS it is necessary to establish the remuneration to be paid to the persons holding these positions. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council afthe Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the salary or remuneration be established as follows: POSITION BIWEEKLY RATE Clerk-Treasurer Secretary-Treasurer. Homes for Senior Citizens Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Secretary-Treasurer, Land Division Committee County Engineer & Road Superintendent $l~303.19) 153.85) 880.65 639.85 1,776.15 Plus use of a County Car 1,317.92 1,457.04 1,079.38 1,194.65 Assistant County Engineer Directorj Homes for Senior Citizens Assistant Administrator, Homes for Senior Citizens Director, Social Services 2. That By-Laws No. 80-49. 80-50. 80-51, 80-52, 80-53. 80-54, 8l~1 and 81-46 be; and the same are hereby repealed. 3. That this by-law become effective January 1st, 1982. READ a first time this 10th day of December, 1981. READ a second time this 10th day of December, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 10th day of December, 1981. -- _~.-r::;.../'--'-<.--c., ~,;.......-' G; C. Leverton, Clerk. 43 .. TheFrstCl:lnadlQnBanll riiII Bankof Montreal Municipal By.law for Current Expenditures MunlclpalityQf ELGIN 81-61 BY.LAWNo. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation deems It nece5ll9ry to borrow the sum of THREE. MILLION. FIVE. HUNDRED THOUSAND -----------. 00/100 dollars to meet, until the taxes ore collacted, the current eXpllnditures 01, the CorPoration for the y9&r 1982; AND WHEREAS the total of amounts prevloualy borrowed unOOr Section 332 of the Municipal Aelthat have not been repilid is NIL dollars. . ANDWHEREAStheamountofthe~~~1fIJ[]lllIZ~ eWmatetl revenues of the Corp6ratlon as &et forth in the estimates adopted In the nextpreceedlngyear):.. EIGHT MILLION THREE HUNDRED AND TWENTY THOUSANDj is ONF. I-ITTNnllF.D AIJn. 'I'WF.T VF.______________...___......________dollars; AND WHEREAS the amount to be borrowed under this by law and the amol,lnts ofborrowings that have notbeenrapalddoesnotlntheeggregateexceed70%0ltheuncollilctedbalenceofthe.estimetedrevenullsof the Corporatlon.eSsllt outabovEl. QJ' Deputy Treasure"!: .' (1) .ThaHead and thaTreasurer"'rll hereby authorized on behalf of the Corporation to borrow fromtimll to tIme. by way of promissory note; from the,Bilnk of Montreal, a sum orsums not excaedlng Inthll aggregate THREE MILLION. ,FIVE HUNDRED. THOUSAND' ----..;....---...- 00/100 dollars tor'neet. until theta~esareooUected, the cunant expanditurea of the Corp.oriltlonfor.the'(llar, Including the amounts: requirad for the purposes mentioned In subsection l1l of the said Section 332, end to givEl, on behalf of thaCorporatlon, to the Bilnlte promlasory note or notos, sesled with tha corp orataseal aildsignad by them for themonoyssoboirowedwithiiltelestataratenotexceedlng ~ per centum pot annum, which meybe paid in advance or otharwlse. (2) All aums borrowed .from the said Benk, for any or all of tha purposn mentlol;led in the seld Section 332,shall,withinterllStthareon.beacharileuponthawholaoftharevenullSolthaCorporatlonfolthllcurrllnt yoarandlorallpmcedingyears~asandwhenauchravenuaserllrooel\ted. 131 Tha Tleasurer is hereby authorized and directadto apply In paymant of all sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this By-law, as wall as all other sums borrowed In this Yllar and any previous years,/rom the said BankforanyorallofthepurposesmsntlonedlnthasaidSactlon332,togetherwlthlntaraatthareon, all of the. moneys hereafter collected or rllceivad on account or roolizlld In respllct of thata Keslevled for the current year and precadlng V1iars and all of thll monoys collected or recaived/rom any other aou rC8,whlchmaylawfuUy.ba 8ppliedfolauchpurpose. 10th day December 19 81 Passed this ,c- .cOiP;;,.iiOnI Warden """~~ a.r~: CORPORAH SiAl 44 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-62 "BEING A BY-LAW TO SET THE DAILY REMUNERATION TO BE PAID TO MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FOR ATTENDANCE AT MEETINGS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL AND COMMITTEES THEREOF." The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the following remuneration be paid to each Member of the Elgin County Council. with the exception of the Warden. for attending meetings of the Council and Committees thereof - (a) For attending a meeting, when the said meeting is held in both the. forenoon and afternoon or evening on the same day - $60.00 For attending a m~etingwhen the said meeting is held in either the forenoon, afternoon or evening - $35.00 " In addition to the above remuneration ea~h Member shall be paid the same- rate for each mile necessarily travelled inattendtng such meetings as established fcir: the 'use of personal carsfcir County business. That By-Law No. 81-9 be, and-the same is hereby (b) (c) 2. repealed. 3. That this by-law become effective January 1st. 1982. READ a first time this 10th day of December, 1981. READ a second time this 10th day of 'December. 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 10th day of December, 1981. ~~ -v~ a C;Zf J~aw, Wa n. G. C. Leverton. Clerk. 45 COUNTY OF' ELGIN By-Law' No. 81-63 "BEING A BY-LAW TDESTABLISH THE REMUNERATION TO BE PAID TO THE WARDEN. COUNCIL MEMBERS AND COUNTYOFFtCIALS FOR ATTENDING CONVENTIONS." The Municipal' Council of the Corporation 'of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the Warden, Members of the Elgin County Council and Elgin C.ounty Officials be paid the following rates for attending conventions - (a) For a convention within a radius of 200 miles (322 km) of St. Thomas, One Hundred and Twenty-Five Dollars ($l2S;00) per daYiregistration fee and mileage from St. Thomas ,to the con~ ve,ntion site and return, paid ,at the same, rate established for the use of personal- cars for County business. For'a convention outside, a radius of 200 miles (322.km) of St. Thomas, One Hundred and Twenty-Five Dollars ($125.00) per day, registration fee and single air fare rat,e from the London airport to the site of the convention and return. Where the site cannot be reached by air service, mileage to and from, the cOnvention be paid. In addition to the $125,,00 per day the Warden may receive up to $150.00 per day for additional expenses upon presentation of receipts. The Warden or designate is authorized to obtain a County Room at conventions when~he deems it desirable and that he be reimbursed for this cost, UP9n presentation of,receipts. The Warden is entitled to the per diem rate of $125.00, whether he uses this room or obtains another one. That in order to obtain payment for attending convention~, the M~mber or Official must present the hotel bill and registra- tion receipt or reasonable facsimile of same to the Clerk of the County. The per diem rate'for conventions shall be limited to th$ actual days that the convention has sessions listed. Anyone attending'a convention shall be reimbursed for h~s registration fee and mileage from St. Thomas to the convention site and return, where he does not have a hotel bill and it shall be consid~red as one of the three allowable, conventions. This applies to conventions held within a radius of 200 miles (322 krn) of St.Thomas~ 2;(a) The Warden may attend any number of conventions he chooses each year. (b) Members of County CounciL are limited to any three conventions of their choice each year. (b) (c) (d) (e) (0 (g) 3. That Ey':"'Law No. 8:1.-40 be,:.and the same is hereby repealed. 4, That this by-law shall become effective January lst,1982. READ a first time this 10th day of'December, 1981~ READ a second time this rOth day of December, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 10th day of December, 1981. ~~~ ~ ....--? fl ~___ (/( ~Lv- ~nlJ.(": Shaw. c7'Warden. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ,."j.., 46 47 COUNTY OF. ELGIN By";"Law No~ 81-64 \ COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-65 "BEING A BY-LAW TO APPOINT.A LAN)) DIVISION COMMITTEE. II "BEING A BY-LAW TO' ESTABLISH A RATE . TO BE PAID FDa: PERSONAL CARS USED. FOR COUNtY'BUSUteSs." WHEREAS Section 31 of 'The Planning Act provides for the con- stitution and appointment of a Land Division Committee.' NOW THEREFORE the MunicipalCouucil of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That a Land Division Committee is hereby constituted and the following persons are hereby appointed to membership outhe said Committee - WHEREAS certain persons are-re'quired,as a condition of employment. and others are called upon, from time to time, to use their personal car for County business; and Fred S. Shively - to hold office until January I, 1983 Alistair Littlejohn - to hold office until January 1, 1983 John V. McKinlay - to hold office until January 1, 1984 Ronald L. Lake - to hold office until January 1, 1984 Murray C., Benner - to hold office until January 1" 1985 LorneR.Carroll - to hold office until January I, 1965 Noble G. Tufford - to hold office until January I, 1985~ 2, ~hat the Members of the Land Division Committee be paid the following remuneration for attending meetings of the said Committee _ WHEREAS it is deemed appropriate that they be reim- bursed while driving for this purpose. NOW ,THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That Members of Council./,Employees, Members of the Land Division Committee. Appointees to other Boards and any other persons, who use their' personal car for County business, shall be reimbursed at the following rate _ 35~per mile or 22~per kilome~re. 2, That this by-law become effective January 1st, 1982. (a) In attending,a'meeting' of the Committee when it is held in boel]. the forenopn a~d afternoon or evening of the same 'day ~ '$60.dO'. (b) for attending a meeting of the Committee when it is ' held in either the forenoon, afternoon or the evening - $35.00. (c) Inaddition ,to the above remuneration each Member shall be paid the same rate for each mile necessar- ily travelled in attending such meetings as estab- lished for the use of personal cars for County business. READ a fit'sttime this 10th day-of December, 1981. , READ a second time this 10th d~y of December. 1981. READ a third time and finally_ passed this 10th day of December, 1981. j, Each Member shall be paid, in addition to the above remuner- ation. $10.00 for each application which he investigates. 4, For attending a convention, when authorized by County Council: (a) Within'a radius of 200 miles (322 km) of St. Thomas, One Hundred and,Twenty-FiveDollars ($125.00) per day; registration fee and mileage frOm St. Thomas to the convention site and return, paid at the same rate established for the use of personal cars for County business. (b) Outside a radius of 200 miles (322 km) of St. Thomas. One Hundred and Twenty-Five Dollars ($125.00) per day, registration fee and single air fare rate from the London airport to the site of the convention and return. Whe~e the site cannot be reached by air service, mileage to and from the convention be paid. ). That By-Law No. 81~3 be, and the same is hereby repealed. G. C.,Leverton, Clerk. -~~ c?c5}!,-- , . J~haW' Wa en. ~ .<~ n. That this by-law become effective January 1st, 1982. READ a first time this 10th day of December, 1981. READ a second time this 10th day of December, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 10th day of December, 1981. G. C.Leverton, Clerk. ~ ,~(?/ ,- L.~. Shaw:- arden. ~~ 49 48 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81~66 COUNTY OF ELGIN By~Law No. 81-67 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 81-42 ESTABLISHING FRINGE BENEFITS FOR EMPLOYEES NOT COVERED BY A COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT "BEING A BY..;LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 81-41 ESTABLISHING FRINGE BE~EFITSFOR.t~1.()tEE:S IN'TAE'MANAGEMENT CATEGORY," OR INCLUDED IN THE MANAGEMENT CATEGORY," WHEREAS By-Law No. 81-41 presently establishes benefits for management employees; and WHEgEASit hss been.deemed appropriate to change the provisions of this By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Counc~lof the Corpo- ratibnof the County of Elgin enacts that By-Law No. 81~41 be amended as follows: WHEREAS By~Law No. 81-42 presently establishes benefits for non-management employees,; and WHEREAS it has been deemed appropriate to change the provis~ons of this By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin enacts that By~Law No~ 81-42 be amended as follows: 1. That Section 6, Health and Welfare, Subsection 6.05 be deleted and thefollowirig substituted therefore - "The Employer agrees to contribute towards the pre- mium of a long term disability insurance plan, which will pay 662/3% of the employ~e's monthly earnings, to a maximum of $2,300.00 as follows - Hourly rated Roads Employees - 60% of cost All other Employees participating -80% of cost. The present plan, through Mutual Life of Canada, calls for a qualifying period of IZO days or expir- ation of sick leave, whichever is greater. Upon completion of the probationary period, all employees, not covered by a collective agreement, shall as a. condition of employment, become members of the Long Term Disability plan. II 2. That Section 6, Health and Welfare, Subsection 6.06, entitled lIDental" be amended by deleting 50%, and inserting 75%; as the employer's contributlon. 3. That Section 12, Mileage Rates, Subsection 12 .01 be deleted and the following substituted therefore - "All County employees shall be reimbursed for using their personal cars for County business, at rates to be established, by by-law, from time to time." That this by-law shall become effective January 1st, 1982. 1.. That Section 6, Health and Welfare, Subsectipn 6.05, entitled "Long Term DisabilityU, be amended by deteting,60% and inserting 80%, as the employer's contribution. 2. That Section 6, ,Health and,Welfare" Subsection ,6.06, entitled "Dentalu be amended by deleting 50%, and inserting 75%, as the employer 1 s, contribution. 3. That Section,12, Mileage Rates, Subsection 12.01 be deleted and the following substituted therefore - "All County employees shall, be reimbursed for using their personal cars for County busi~ess,at rates to be established, by by-law, from time. to. time." 4. That this by~law shall become effective January 1st, 1982. READ a first time this lath day of December, 1981. READ a second time this lath day of December, 1981. READ a third time. and finally 'passed this lath day of December, 1981. 4, READ a first time this lath day of December, 1981. READ a second time this lath day of December, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this lath day of December, 1981. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~ c7c )Ls- ~haw W den. ~*'-- _~~~~ >4--J G. c. Leverton, Clerk. ~'Of5/r-- ~. Shaw, arden. 50 51 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 81-68 COUNTY OF ELGIN SCHEDUtEI'A" OF BY-LAW #81-68 1981 ....:. 1982 I, Ii " Ii "A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXPROPRIATION OF LAND FOR THE PURPOSE OF WIDENING AND IMPROVING COUNTY ROADS.~ 1. County Road #3 - Lots 6 and 7, Concessions IX, X. XI, and XIII, Aldborough Township. 2, County Road #5- Lot 1, Concession 'ct. the Broken Front, Township of Dunwich. WHEREAs under Section 193 of The 'Municipa1' Act, being Chapter 302. R.8;0.. 1980'"the,Council of:, evElry Corpo- ration may pass By~Laws for acquiring or expropriating any land required for the purpose o~ tha'Corporation; ahd WHEREAS in. the exercise of, its'powers 'and 'in, perform-: ance bflts obligations' under the PublicTranspor~atior and Highway Improvement Act and other statutes, the Corporation of the County o~ Elgin finds, or may find,t~at it is necessary to expropriate lands for widenins. improving, prot~cting from erosion, altering or:diverting the..~ou:nty'Roads,shown on Schedule' "A" as attached. 3, County Road #8 - Lots 10 to 13 inclusive, ,Concessi,on VIII and IX, Township of Dunwich. County Road #8 - Lots 17 and 18, Concession V South of A, VI and VII,Towoship of Ounwich. 4, 5, Count y Road #22 BE IT THER.EFORE 'ENACTED, by th'eMuT\ic:l.pa~Coundl of the Corporation of the County of Elgin: 1. That the Warden and Clerk. of the Corporat~on of the County of Elgin be, and are j 81jthorized to sign <lny and. all plans pertaining to' land expropriation for County Roads shown on Schedule llAH,and,toaffix thereto the Seal of,.the Corpora- tion of the County of, ,Elgin and to register the same in the County of Elgin Registry Office. 2. . That ttie Treasurer, be'-,and ,is he,rebyauthorized to pay to the owners of the lands hereby expropriated, such amounts as may be agreed upon as compensation_as may be deter- mined by arbitration under provisions' of the Expropriations Act, being Chapter 148, R.S.O. 1980. Lots 7 and 8, Concession IV, V, VI and VII, Township of Yarmouth. 6. County Road #30 - Lots 8 and 9,Concessio:ns X, XI, XIII and XIV, Township of Yarmouth. 7. . County Road #32 - Lot 13, Concession VII. - Lots 12 and 13, Concession VIII. - Lot515 and 16, Concession IX. - Lots84,85 and 86, North of Talbot Road. - Road, Allowance between Lot 85, North side of Talbot Road and Lot 12, Concession VIII. - Road Allowance between Lot 13. Concession VIII and Lot 13 Gore North of Talbot Road. - Road Allowance between Lot ,13, Gore North of Talbot Road and Lot 12, Concession VIII. 8. County Road #37- Lots 4 to 12 inclusive, Concession VII, Township of South Dorchester. 9. County Road #37 ~ Lot 22, Concession VII. Township of South Dorchester. READ a first time this 10th day of - Decernber" 1981 ~ READ a second time this 10th day of December, 1981. READ a third time and finally passedthls 10th day of December, 1981. 10. County Road #38 - Lots 118 to 121 inclusive, North and South of Talbot Road, Township of Bayham. 11. County Road #45 - Lots 11 to 22 inclusive, Concession IV and'V, Township of Malahide. ~~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. -~7-"'''"._.7~--~ ,,~-:' ~~' /' -,-/L..r-- J. Shaw, Warden. 52 COUNTY OF ELGIN By....Law No. 81- 69 :~BY=1AW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CQUNTYOF ELGIN AT THE DECEMBER ~ON. 19~ WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; and WHEREAS by Subsection lof Section 103 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Onta~io, 1980, the powers of every Council are to be"exer- cised by By-Law; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin enacts as ,follows: 1. That action of the Municipal Council of the Corp9- ration of the County: of Elgin in respect of each recomm~n- dation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each illation arid resolution passed' and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during_ the December 1981 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all; things necessary to give effect to ,the actIon of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Wa'rdenand the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix theyeto the Seal'ofthe Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a fiyst time this 10th day of December, 1981. READ a second time this 10th day of December, 1981. READ a third time and finally passed this 10th day of December, 1981. _~~::~ ./.....:........-<--< >4---.__ "--:7"0- //) ~>'~azvv' ' G. C. Leverton, Clerk. --./ "-" '.../ -"~ 53 January Session- First Day WedneSday, the 20th day of January, 1982 The_Elgin County__CouncU met, this day, at the County ~unicipal Building, St. '1,'homas ,-in accordancewLth adjouynment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL... All Members present,. MQved by Deputy Reeve_, Perovic,h Seconded by Deputy Reeve Marr That the ,minutes of the December 1981 S~ssion of the Elgin County Council 'be adopt~d. . -.CarrLed. The fOllowingComrounicat{ons were r~ad and referyedto: AGRICULTuRAL_' COMMITTEE 2:6. .' '.. Onta:rio ]1"orestry As,sociation with invoice -for 1982 membership renewal. 31. Ontario FQrestryAssociation with information orithe 33rd ann.u~ltne~tingto bebeld,9:00,A.M., Saturday~ February 6th, 1982. 52. Ministry of ~atural Resources with reply concerning placing atim~ limit pn a minor exception. COUNTY-':COVERNMENT COMMITTEE -17. Township of St~ Vin.centwith resolution asking that all . Canadians stop paying sales tax and merchants to refrain from c~llec~ing taxes. 21. , COunt"yof Lennox,"arid. . Addington with resolution concerning postal''I'leTVice. . COUNTY ROADS_COMMtTTEE 2. ___' Ministry. -of. Transportation and Communications with copy of Mem~~o. 81-9U advising of, a-municipal roads'seminar. January 6th, 198~.atthe ElgiriCounty>>uilding. 3. ' ~ Mr. BruceH. Blake.barriste'l:'_ &sOl1c1tor; advising that the Towns~ip of Yarmouth basset MarchSth, 1982 at 9:00 A.M., to heardelegatio~sre: stopping up part a! a road allowance, In the Vl11ag~ of Belmont. 4. :Mlnistry of Transportation and Communications with revised fee schedules for various. pe'rmits. 5. . ~inistry of Transportation and Communications advising of ,a proposed systematic and, comprehensive review of Ontario's rail branc~~llne network. 6. Township of Yarmouth with notIce of the passing of By-Law No. 2662,to regulate land use pUrsuant to Section 39 of The Planning ,Act. 7. . Township of.Yarmouth with notice of the passing of By-Law No.Z663, to regulate_land useptirsuant to Section 39 of ThePlanriing:Act. 20. . Township of'Malahide with notice of the passing of By-Law No. 1990; to regulate land use pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. , 5.4 - 2 - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE - Continued 21. Township tlf Malahide with COpy of "Notice to Party Assessed" under The Drainage Act respecting the Branion Drain. 23. Township of Malahide with copyaf Report for the Con- struction of the Granger.Drain and ~otice to party assessed. 24. Township of Malahide with notice that the Ontario Drainage Tribunal will meet on February 3rd, 1982. re: the Putnam and Branton Drains. 33. Township of Bayham with notice of intent to pass a by-law to close: (1) Part of the original Road Allowance between Lots 123 and 124 North Talbot Road being the northerlytwo~thirds of the said Road Allowance. (2) The Road Allowance between Lots 15 and 1610 the Gore Concess!on South of the 8th and North of North Talbot Road in the Township of Bayharri. 34. Township of Bayham 'with'notice of intent to pass a by- law to close an unopened Road Allowance in the Village of Straffordville. 46. Ontario Good Roads Association with information on g Management Course for Municipal. Engineers - March 28th to March 31st, l~82, in Orillia. 54. Township of South wold with notice of the passing of By-Law No. 81-35, to regulate land use, passed pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. 61. lot and Chatham Ministry of Natural Resources confirming that a parking gravel service road will be built, after the closing of Street (County Road #39), V~llage of Port. Burwell. HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE 19. East Elgin Planning Board advising of an amendment to the East Elgin Official Plan to reduce an area designated as Conservation Lands. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE 55'. action health The Mutual Life Assurance Company in opposing the taxation of employer benefits; of Canada asking for contributions to 57. AMO with information on a seminar entitled "Job Evalua- tion for Municipalities" to be held March 31st, 1982. PROPERTY COMMITTEE 8. Ontario Heritage Foundation advising of an exhibit on view at the Port Stanley Library and in St. Thomas, on Ontariots Early Court Houses. 28, the new to help Ministry of Culture and Recreation with information on Building Rehabilitation and Improvement Campaign (BRIC) conserve heritage buildings of local significance. SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE 37. Victorian Order of Nurses with 1982 fee per visit. 38. copy of a Homemaker St. Thomas Branch, Canadian'Red Cross Society with a draft contract between the Society and the County for Services. ,J \,./ ''-"' '-- '-~ '- _/ 55 - 3 - County Council, January Sess,~on, 19i1Z SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE - Continued 60. Aylmer Preschool Day Care Centre, St. Thomas Day Nursery and Ostrander Nursery School, with request for rate increase for 1982. filed: The following Communications wer~ read and ordered 11. Miss Corinne,Brooymans with appreciation for County Scholarship. 12. Ministry of Community and Social Services with reply to Elgin's resolution re: mandatory fuel allowance, indicating that it was not their intention ,to introduce a mandatory fuel payment, under the G.W.A. regulations. 13. Mr. Rick Van Vtigt with appreciation for County Scholar- ship. 14. The Family of John C. Gillies with appreciation for flowers. 15. Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with Allocation of Children in Care and Financial Statement for the months of November and December, 1981. 22. R. -Roy McMurtry, Solicitor General with a copy of Ontario Fire Code, which is now in force. 3D. County of Kent advising that their Warden1s Banquet will be held November 6th, 1982; 32. University of Western Onta~io with copy of the 1981 Annual Report. 36. County of Middlesex advising that their Warden's Banquet will be held November 20th, 1982. 42, Rate Bank of Montreal advising that the Bank's for 1982 current expenditure borrowing is: Effective January 4th, 1982 _- 16\%. 51. Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Live Stock Branch" with information on Dog Licensing and Live Stock and Poultry Protection Act and Regulations. Prime Muni'cipal 56. Thames Valley District Health Council, acknowledging the County appointment to the Council. Mr. DarwenM. Lowe, Manager, Bank of Montreal, 408 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, was in attendance and it was moved by Reeve Monteith that he be now heard. Mr. Lowe introduced himself as: the new Manager,replacing Mr. Ben Parkinson, at the County's bank. He reviewed the dinner, which is to be held on February 17th, ,for the Members of Council and gave a brief background on himself., Warden Shaw thanked Mr. Lowe for his presentation. ,Mr. Bill Main, Chairman, Finance Administration, Inter- national Plowing Match Committee, was ,present and it was moved, by Reeve Caverly that.he be nqw heard. Mr. Main explained that the operation of the I.P.M.requires financial assistance, until the actual year of the Plowing Match, and has requested that the County Council consider giving an interest free loan of $2,500.00, for the year 1982. A similar request has been made to St. Thomas and already granted. Warden_Shaw referred the matter to a Council Session dealing with budgets. Ontario The following delegation from the University of was present: Professor Martin W. Westmacott; Dr. Jessie M. MacFarlane; and Miss Kelly A. Wilson, student. Western 54 - 2 - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE - Continued 21. Assessed" Township Qf Malahide withcbpyof unde~ The Drainage Act respecting "Notice to Party the Branion Drain. 23. Township of Malahtde with copy of Report foi the Con- struction of the Gran~er'Drain and notice to party assessed. 24. Township of Malahide with notice that the Ontario Drainage Tribunal will meet on February 3rd, 1982, re: the Putnam and Branion Drains. 33. Township of Bayham with. notice of intent to pass a by-law to close: (1) Part of the original Road Allowance between Lots 123 and 124 North Talbot Road being the northerly two~thirds of the said Road Allowance. (2) The Road Allowance between Lots 15 and 1610 the Gore Concession South 'of the 8th and North of North Talbot Road in the Township of Bayharri; 34. Township of Bayham ,with'notice of intent to pass a by- law to close an unopened Road Allowance in the Village of Straffordvil1e. 46. Ontario Good Roads Association with information on a Management Course for Municipal. Engineers - March 28th to March 31st, 1982, in Ori11ia. 54. Township of Southwold with, notice of the passing of By-Law No. 81-35, to regulate land use, passed pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. 61. lot and Chatham Ministry of Natural Resources confirming that a parking gravel service road will be built, after the closing of Street (County Road #39), Village of Port Burwell. HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE 19. East Elgin Planning Board advising of an amendment to the East Elgin Official Plan to reduce an area designated as Conservation Lands. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE 55. action health The Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada asking for in opposing the taxation of employer contributions to benefits. 57. AMO with information on a seminar entitled "Job Evalua- tion for Municipalitiesll to be held March 31st, 1982. PROPERTY COMMITTEE 8. Ontario Heritage Foundation advising of an exhibit on view at the Port Stanley Library and in st. Thomas, on Ontario's Early Court Houses. 28, the new to help Ministry of Culture and Recreation with information on Building Rehabilitation and Improvement Campaign (BRIC) conserve heritage buildings of local significance. SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE 37. Victorian Order of Nurses with 1982 fee per visit. 38, copy of a Homemaker St. Thomas Branch, Canadian' Red Cross Society with a draft contract between the Society and the County for Services. .,----1 ~, ~, ~ 55 - 3 ~ County Council, January Session, 1982 SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE - Continued 60. Aylmer Preschool Day Care' Centre, St. Thomas Day Nursery and Ostrander Nursery School, with request for rate increase for 1982. fi led: The following Communications wer~ read and ordered 11. Miss Corinne Brooymans with appreciation for County Scholarship. 12. Ministry of Community and Social Services with reply to Elgin's resolution re: mandatory fuel allowance, indicating that it was not their intention to introduce a mandatory fuel payment, under the C.W.A. regulations. 13. Mr. Rick Van Vugt with appreciation for County Scholar- ship. 14. The Family of John C. Gillies with appreciation for flowers. 15. Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with Allocation of Children in Care and Financial Statement for the months of November and December, 1981. 22. R. -Roy McMurtry, Solicitor General with a copy of Ontario Fire Code, which is now in force. ~O. County of Kent advising that their Wa~den's Banquet will be held November 6th, 1982; 32. University of Western Ontario with copy of the 1981 Annual Report. 36. County of Middlesex advising that their Warden's Banquet will be held November 20th; 1982. Bank of Montreal advising that the Bank's Prime Municipal for 1982 current expenditure borrowing is: Effective January 4th, 1982 - 16%%. 51. Ministry of Agriculture and Food" Live Stock Branch, with information on Dog Licensing and Live Stock and Poultry Protection Act and Regulations. 42. Rate 56. Thames Valley District Health Council. acknowledging the County appointment to the Council. Mr. Darwen M. Lowe, Manager, Bank of Montreal, 408 Talbot Street. St. Thomas, was in attendance and it was moved by Reeve Monteith, that he be now heard. Mr. Lowe introduced himself as: the new Manager, replacing Mr. Ben Parkinson, at the County's bank. He reviewed the dinner. which is to be held on February 17th, :for the Members of Council and gave a brief background on himself.; Warden Shaw thanked Mr. Lowe for his presentation. .Mr. Bill Main, Chairman. Finance Administration, Inter- national Plowing Match Committee, was present and ,it was moved by Reeve Caverly that. he be now heard. Mr. Main explained that the operation of the I.P.M. requires financial assistance, until the actual year of the Plowing Match, and has requested that the County Council consider giving an interest free loan of $2,500.00. for the year 1982; A similar request has been made to St. Thomas and already granted. Warden,Shaw referred the matter to a Council Session dealing with budgets. Ontario The following delegation from the University of was present: Professor Martin W. Westmacott; Dr. Jessie M. MacFarlane; and Miss Kelly A. Wilson, student. Western 56 - 4 - It was moved by Reeve Lavereauthatcheybe now heard. Dr. MacFarlane introduced Professor Westmacott. who addressed Council and expressed t~elr appreciation far the financ~al assistance given by Elgin County and the fact that they may be spent in,any way thattheUniversity~ees fit~ He reviewed various facets of the University. including part-time courses given in the various communities. Miss Kelly Wilson, a student from Aylme~. Ontario, addressed Council and outlined her views of the University, from a first year standpoint. Warden, Shaw referred the request to a future Council'meeting -dealing with budgets. The Report of the Roads Committee Was presented by Reeve Walters and adopted"on rnotionof Reeve Watters and Deputy Reeve Volkaert. The Report of the Library Board_was presented by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Deputy Reeve Haddow That the Report of the Library Board be -adopted; An amendment waS Moved by Reev~ Monteith Seconded by Deputy Reeve ~rr , " .. That the Librar~Board Report. be a~nded by deleting Item ,#3 aod amending Item'#4. by deletingever~~hing,af~e~ the word "reportll ion' -the second line -and substituting',. 'and the matter- of' usingcth~jaila8an-Archives be referred to-the Property_Cqm~ittee fo~a 'recommendatian,.using the Countyts engine~ringstaff, with Mr.' ~." A. .:WHls added, to the' Coriunitteefor this_purpose". An amendment to the 'amendment was Moved-by Reeve Coles Seconded by Reeve Emerson That Item #3 remain in the Report and that the word "formed" at: the end of the' clau$e be changed_ to the word "con- sidered". . The amendment to - the amendment, was voted upon and carried. The original amendment, relating to Item #4 only, was voted upon and it carried. The amended Report was then voted upon and was carried. A delegation from the Canadian National Institute for The Blind, was. present and it was moved by Reeve Fleck that they be now heard. Mr.D. I. McCallum, District Administrator, addressed Council and e~plained some basic questions concerning blindness. Warden Shaw referred their request for a grant to a budget Session of County Council. Ms. Olive, Porter, of the St. Thomas-Elgin DebtCounsell~ ingService, was present and it was moved by Oeputy Reeve MarT that she be now heard. Ms. Porter outlined, the funding of the Debt Counselling Service and its use as it pertains to Elgin County. The request for a grant was referred by Warden Shaw to a future Council Session on budgets. The First Report of the County Government Committee was presented by Reeve Monteith and adopted on motion of Reeve Monteith and Deputy Reeve Vol~aert. The Second Report, of the County Government Committee was presented by Reeve Monteith and adopted on, motion of Reeve Monteith and Deputy Reeve Pearson. '-../ '-../ '-../ '-../ '-' '~ ~ 57 - 5 - County Council, January Session, 1982 The Warden excused Reeve Emerson at this, time (11: 33 A.M.). ~ EXPROPRIATION The Clerk read the following resolution adopted by the Roads Committee at its meeting held January 5th, 1982: "WHEREAS for the pUrposes of improvement of County ,Road No. 32 extending from the east limit of High~ay No. 73 to the west limit of the road allowance between Lots 15 and 16; Concession VIII all in the:Township-ofMalahide, it is expedient to expro- priate all right, title and interest inlands described as follows: In the Township of Malahide in the County of Elginbe1ngPaTt of Lot 12, "Cdncess1Qn VIII and being_more particularly described as Part 1 and Part 2 onaplan deposited in the Registry Office ~or the Registry Division of Elgin (No. 11) as Number llR 2373. The ,Road Committee: for_the Corporation of the County of Elgin therefore requests that the Council of the County of Elgin do take the necessary steps to acquire the said lands by expro- priation." Moved by Reeve Smyth Seconded by Reeve Glover WHEREAS for the purposes of improvement of County Road No. 32 extending from~ the east ,limit of Highway No. 73 to the west limit of the road allowance between Lots 15 and 16, Concession VIII,: all' ,1n- theTownsh~p of Matahide, it is expedient to ,expro- priate all right, title and interest in landsdescribeo as follows: In.the Township of Malahide in the County_of Elgin being Part of Lot 12, Concession VIII, and bei~gmore p~rticularly described as Part I_and Part 2 on a plan deposited_ in the Registry Office-for the' Registry Division of Elgin (No. 11) as Number llR 2373. THEREFORE it is resolved that theCo~poration of the County of Elgin do file with-the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin an application for its approval to expropriate the said lands which application: shall be in the Form I as provided by the Expropriations Act, and 'shall be signed by the Warden. or. Cl~rk of the Corporation. - Carried. The following letter was read to Council by the 'Clerk: THE EXPRoPRIATIONS ACT APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO_ EXPROPRIATE LAND To: THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN 9 Glads t'one -Avenue St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 2L3 IN THE MATTER of the proposed expropriation of land by the Corporation ot the County.of Elgin, being part of Lot 12, Concession VIlIj in the Township of Malahide. in the CQunty of Elgin for the. purpose of widening and improvement of the County Road Number 32, APPLICATION IS HEREBY' made for approval to expropriate the land described astollows: ~ part of Lot 12, Concession VIII, in the Township of Malahide, in the County of Elgin and being more particularly described as Part 1 and:Part 2 on a plan deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin (No.' 11) as Number llR2373. DATED at ST. THOMAS this 20th day of JANUARY, 1982 THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN G.C. LEVERTON COUNrY CLERK 58 - 6 - Moved by Reeve Kelly Seconded by Reeve Wilson WHEREAS for the purposes of widening and improvement-of County Road Number 32 extending from the: east ,li~it of Hi~hway No. 73 to the west limit of the road allowance between Lots; 15 aod"16, Concesaiqn VIII, all in the Township of Malahide, it: is expedient to expropriate all right, tItlE! and interest in lands described as follows: In the Township of Malahidein'the County of Elgin being Part of Lot 12, Concession: VIII, and being more paTticularl~'describe~as Partl and Part 2 on a plan clepo,sited in the RegistrY,O~fiq.e,for,'theRegistry':DiVfSion -of Elgin (Woo 11) a,s' Number tU., 2373.: . IT IS THEREFORE RESOLVED as follows: 1. ,That the Clerk of the Corporation' of the ,County of Elgin do sign and, causa to: be published and sel:'Ved' the Notice, 'of Application for Expropriation in Form ~a~p~ovided in the Regulations under' theEXpropdations Act., and to take or cause to be taken with such, assistance of Counsel as may be required, the necessar~ preliminary steps requiredcunder the said, Act for the purpose of obtaining approval of expropriating the said lsndsand premises. 2. That upon the necessary preliminary steps having be~n completed, in ~ccordance with the provisions of the saidExpropri~ ations Act, the Clerk of theCotpora~ion do report back to this Council for, it to consider whether or not it is expedient to pass an expropriation By-Law and direct the registration of a plan ,to implement the same. 3. If and when a by-law to expropriate is enacted and a plan of expropriation is registered the Clerk of the Corporation do take or cause to be taken~ with assistance of Counsel as may be required, the necessary steps to, publish: or, give such notices as maybe required by the said Expropriations Act, and to do all things necessary to effect the yesting,of the said lands and' premises, in the Corporati.on of the County of Elgin. to acquire possession thereof and to fix the. compensation to, be paid in respect of the said ,e~propriation. - Carded. Moved by Reeve Monteith Seconded by Reeve Farthing That the Wsrden and Clerk be authorized to submit to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications.the petition for Subsidy of the County of Elgin, showing Road Expenditures on the County of Elgin Road. System I for the period from January' 1, 19B1 to December 31, 19B1. ...Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That we do now adjourn to meet ag~in on January 20th, 1982 at 2:00 P.M. _Carried. Council Re-convened in accordance with adjournment (2:00 P.M.). COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS 1. . Ministry of the Environment with a copy of a "Notice of Completi,on of ~nvironmental Assessment Review"re: Ontario Hydro's Southwestern Ontario Plan Stage and notice of hearing to be held January 26th, 1982 in Stratford. ~' ~ '---' '-./ v v '-./ '~ 59 -'7 - Courlty Councrl, January Session; 1982 9. The Canadian National Institute for The 'Blirld with request for a grant~ 10. Talbot Trai'l Committee w!,th copy of 19S1 'financial statement ~ndrequ~st for 1982 grant. 16. The Salvation Arrnyrequesting corltinued Ifinancial assis- tance in 1982. City. of St. Thomas advising that, the>fo:llowing', have be,en as members df'the Local Government Liaison 'Committee: Alde~an Scott Kennedy AlaermanJa~etGolding MayorD. J. Tarry. 25. Minister of Agrfculture Canadawithrep~y to Elgin's support of the resolution from the Township of Minto re: long~ term operating loans at reduced rates of interest. 18. appointed 29. Ontario ,Hydro requesting comments on the alternate plans for the Southwestern Ontario PlsnStudy. 35. The Art Gallery. St. Thomas"';'Elg:ln with copy of December 1981 Gallery Newslettef. 39. Ministry of Health with a ,copy of a letter to the City of St. Thoffias:re: Central Ambulancenispatch. 40. Aylmer ,and Eas'tElgin Agricultural Society, thanking Council for financial assistance in the past year and ~equesting continued support. in 1982~ . 41. Bank of Montreal advising that they, have set up. interim credit of $1,000,000 for current expenditures. 43. Mr; .G. L. Bowlby, DVM, District Veterinarian, Animal Health Division, Agriculture Canada, 'with report and, advertising invoices for rabies ,cUraics held,. 44. Oye~~imited with'registration form for conference on Bill 159, An Act to amend The Planning Act, to be held January 22nd, 1982. 45. St. Thomas-Elgin Debt, Counselling Service t>/ith .request for a 1982. grant. . 47. Association of Municipalit~es of Ontario with request fOr membership. 48. RidgetownCollege of Agricultural Technotogy with request for scholarship grant for 1982~ 49. R. G. ~oore, County Engineer, with a letter from Mr. R. ,K. McNeil, M~P.P., and a copy of a ,letter to him with respect to the signing of the Talbot Trail. 50. Elgin County Federati.ort of Agriculture w:lth request to meet with Bouncil or the Roads Committee re: problems concerning the Furnivai Road construction. 53. Southwestern Ontario Travel Association with request for a 1982 grant. 58. AMO with copy of new "Con~titution",PreUminary Conference Prog:ram for ROMA,snd Bulletin on Bi~l. 7 ',An Act to Revise and Extend the Protection of Human Rights in Ontario. 62. CF Rail with advice of aninety-minut~ ptesentation on railway safety to be shown on Fe~ru~ry 4th. 1982 at 6:30 P~M. in the Holiday Inn. King Street, London. 59. St. Thomas-Elgin Gymnastics Club Inc. with request for a 1982 grant. 60 - 8 - Moved by Reeve Monteith Seconded by Deputy Reeve Haddow That the following Communications be tabled to the budget Session: 9, 10,16, 40, 45, 48, 53, 59. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Sheils Seconded by Reeve Smyth That the 1982 membership fee ,of $1,250.00 be paid to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario. - Carded. Communication No. 50. from Mr. Albert Vanderploeg, the Second Vice-President of. the Elgin County Federation of Agricul- tu't'e., re: land acquisition on the Furnival Road,_ was refer't'ed to the Roads Committee by Warden Shaw. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Fleck That Council Communications numbered 1-. 18, 25. 29, 3S-j 39" 41. 43. 44, 49, 58.62 be- filed. ..,. Carried. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Reeve Lashbrook That we go into a Committee Of ,The Whole. - Carried. Warden Shaw named Deputy Reeve Pearson as Chairman. Council resumed. Moved by Reeve' Lavereau Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That we do now adjourn to meet again on January 20th, 1982 at 5:00 P.M. ... Carried. Council Re"'Convened. ROLLCALL - All Members present. The Report of the Social Services Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Haddow and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Haddow and Reeve Wilson. Tne Report of the Agricultural Committee-was presented by Reeve,Kelly and adopted on motion of Reeve Kelly and Reeve Caverly. ' The Report of the Reception and Entertainment Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Volkaert and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Volkaert and Deputy Reeve Marr. The Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Reeve Farthing. "-' v '-../ v '-../ '-' '-../ '-' 61 - 9 - County Council, January Session, 1982 Moved by Reeve Walters Seconded by Deputy Reeve McWilliam That membership fees in the Municipal Clerks and Treasurer's Association. in the amount of $70.00 each, be, paid for the Clerk-Treasurer and Deputy Clerk-Treasurer. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve-Marr Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sheils That By-Law No. 82-1 "A By-Law ,to Amend the By-Law Adopting a Plan of County Road Improvement-and, Establishing a County Road Sys_tem in'the County of Elgin Under The Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act"'be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Wilson Seconded by Reeve Monteith That By-Law No. 82~1 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Kelly Seconded by Reeve Glover That By~Law No. 82-1 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Mon~eith Seconded by Reeve Glover That By~Law No. 82...2 "Being a By-Law to Amend Various By-Laws to Insert the Word Vehicle in Place of Car" be read a first time. ... Carried. Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Monteith That By-Law No. 82~2 be read a second time. - Carri ed. Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By-Law No. 82-2 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Volkaert Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That By"'Law No. 82-3 lIBeing a By-Law Consenting to the Stopp~ng Up, and Closing of a Road Allowance in the Township of Yarmouth" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Sheils Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That By-Law No. 82~3 be read a second time. - Carried. 62 - 10- Moved by Deputy Reeve MaTr Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That By-Law No. 82...3 be read' a third 'time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Deputy Reeve Perovich That By-Law No. 82-4 "A By~Law to Authorize the Corpo- ration of the Village at Rodney (Hereinafter Called 'The Granteel and Which Term Shall Include- its Successors and Assigns), to Construct. Use and Operate Works Required for the Transmission of Water in the County of Elgin (Hereinafter Called. 'The Municipality")" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Perovich Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That By-Law No. 82-4 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Coles Seconded by ,Deputy Reeve PeTovich That By~Law No. 82-4 be Teed a thiTd time and finally, passed. - CaTried. Moved by Reeve GloveT Seconded by Reeve StewaTt That By-Law No. 82-5 "A By-Law to- Authodze the ExpTopriation of Land fOT the PUTpose of Widening and ImpToving Coupty Roadsll'be Tead a fiTst time. - Carried~ Moved by Reeve EmeTson Seconded by Reeve LashbTook That By-Law No. 82-5 be Tead a second time. - CaTTied. Moved by.Reeve Kelly Seconded by Reeve EmeTson That By-Law No. 82-5 be Tead a thiTd time and finally passed. CaTried. Moved by Reeve LashbTook Seconded by Reeve Kelly That By-Law No. 82-6"A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of El~in at the Januat'y Session, 1982" be read a fiTst time. - Carded. Moved by Reeve Kelly Seconded by Reeye EmeTson That By-Law No. 82-6 be read a second time. - CaTried. '-" v '-" ~ '-' '--.' 63 -11 - County Council, JanuaTy Session, 1982 Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Lashbrook That By-Law No. 82-6 be Tead a thiTd time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve GloveT Seconded by Deputy Reeve PeaTson Thatwe.do now adjourn to meet again on February 17th) 1982 at 10:00 A.M. - CaTried. G. C. 'LeveTton. CleTk. L. J. Shaw) Warden. 64 COUNTY' OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT JANUARY 1962 SESSION TO TilE WAlUJIiN ANrl Ml'.HmlRS Of' TilE (',(ltINTY OF ~'.raN COlINCl L Yotm MOAt) (;tlMMI'l"'f~l~ IUH'nlfl':: All ~~II.l~lWHi L. Whereas for the purposes of improvement of County Road No. 32 extending from the east l~mit of Highway No. n to the west limit of the.1"osd allowance between Lots 15 and 16, Conc(!ss1on VIII aLL in the Township of MaLahide. it is expedient to expropriate all right, titLe Ilnd int(11'Cat.1n lunda descd.bcd.lls folluws; In the Township of Malahide in the County of Elgin being part of Lot 12. Concession VIII and being more particularly described as Part 1 and rllrt 2 on a pLan depos:l:ted'in the Regi1ltl:'Y Office for the RllRilltry Illvisl.on of Blain (No. It) as. ll\lmbl'l' ilR 2373. We request tlwt tlHl Council of th~ Cor_poration oftbe County of Elgin do take the neca9sary steps to acquire the said lands by expropJ:'iation. WE RECOMMEND 1. That the mem~,e;t'ship fees in the Ontario Good'Roads' Association and the Road9 and Transportation Association of Canada be paid. 2. That. ,\tbert Auckland (The County 9fElgin' s menlber on the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission) be authorhed to, <Ittend the Ontario Good Roads Associ,at.ion Convention with thl'! usual convllntion allowan,ce pdd by tho C<)unty. 3. thut 11 By~Law bl;' pilssed stating the County of Elgin has no objections to the closing by the TOWllship of Yarmouth ,of a portion of the road allowance between Lot 16. Concession XV, Yarmouth Township and Lot 17, Concession XV, Village of Belmont anUSllOwn, as Part #2 on Reference PIlIn Ilil. 2274. 4. That ,\ Jly-l,<lw llj, I'llfls<!<1 'Iuthurl?,lng thco Wnru<'1l ;ll1<l'Clt'r!, to s1gn un a~reemont wlt.h the VUlage of!l,ouney to place wat('_r pipt'lii<es on County Ro'l<!!). 'I'hl s llgro:>ement wl.l1 bl' ';JlIlJ lar t,) the Ulo;rQemcnt tlle Coonty has w!th other monIcipal Hies r"i:l'Jrding placement and relocation when necessary of water lines ownctl byth('. local municipality on County RO,1ds. 65 COUNTY OF ELCIN. ROAD. COMMITTEE FlRSTREPORT ~ JANUARY 1982 SESSION PAGE 2. 5. Thl,lt. II By~LIJw- ba p<lsscd to umend thc. ConsoUdat(l.d CQunty Road System. being aBy~Law to rfvert to the Village of Port Burwell that portion of Road #39 (Chatham Street ),which l1cssoutb of II p"ll1t. 151':! f"I'I: /louth <>r tl1l'Pflouth.-n:ly limit IIr Pftt,StrcClt. This wIll allow ..:Ill! Vf.t"IBgC'llt"POI,'t'. UU.l'wid l 1:<1 elu~jf the 111lt't{OIl uf Chutham Street s<lIIth of" th." Htnlutry of Nil turn 1 RCllOUrCefi! ~mrks gurugt" so thllt lI_silwagC' 'l'rclltmr.nt PLmt:: ~un llr.bullt by the M{nilltry of th(~ l~i\V.lr\lIIJll.ml' to!ll!l~vi('I' UIl' Vlllngt! oJ! Port Burwell.011 It port tan of while h unw (lllllthlll'l\, Stroet. 6. That a_By~Law bt. pa,ssod .autlmr1dng tho. Warden ltnd Clerk to sign land .widening_ plans nil m'lcossary in 1982~ The schedule at.tached to tlit' Ky~I..1W' aml'ntlll tho schedulc, tll thl' By-Law passed lit tiiclJcccmbcr .19f11St!ssJon uf 'CountYCoUilCU. 7. That tho CountfRoad Collll\i.ttee aeCas, needed in 1982 a~ the ConInittee on: (a) Solid and Liquid Waste. llillpolIllJ. (b) Hos'-jutt<l Control forth<'preventlon "[enccphalitis. (e) Provincial or Federal.Itlcellcive Work programnes or a lIimilsl:type progrllllll\6. (d) The Aba~donment proposals of the-Canadian National Railroad regarding that portion of the Talbot Subdivision between Port Stanley and St. Th<lllllls (London and. Port Stanley. Railrollu). (e') Lake Erie Erosion. ALL OF WHICH - IS RESPECTFVLLY SUBMIttED ~~~ \.'\a~ '-:;;:;rs~ CountyRolld#32 .. L(Jt 8S, North of T,albot !to'ild, ,Township of Mill~hld~~ Lots 12"llnd 13, Concession Vlll. Township of HalahidlJ;. ~t 13, ,North Core, Conce s810n, Township of Halallidr.. Rol(ld Al hlwHnc(I Ik'twui'1I C"IlI~e:1I11"nVIlt Ilnd Nerth 'I'Il1but Road, TpWJjshtp "f_ Halahida. ~ Road Allowanc:o Bl1ltwccn Conc~sslori VIII and North 'lorll. ''l'UWllf1hll} "If Mlllnhidl!. Travellod !Wud 'fhrough '.<.It 12'. (:oncl!ssion VlIl, I 'ro,WIlshlp of Mill uhTdo. l.otll 4 t<> 12 illcluHiVf~. c;nllcc9!llo" VII, 'r(lWllship (l( South /lnr.c1u'ul:e>r. , I 661 l. flQuill:yni.nd'II'1 2. County (toad # 5 3. County Road # 8 4. County Road' #8 ,. County Roar.! 1122 6. County Road #30 7. 8. COUllty Kon<J 1/1'1 'J. Cllulll:y'Ruml/rJ7.' 10. GoulIty ROllu l/ll~; ~ COUNTY OF ELGIN SCHEDULE A OF 1l'{::'LAW #82-5 !2E r~,t.q 11 lIull 7, (~i;IIf"<"IfII,,,,,, Dr. X, Xl. IlIld XTt9 Aldh"I'UlIKh' 'l'IlWHtlhlllo Lol: 1, Concosslon 10', tlJ(~' Bro}ten '}o'rontl, Township of Dunwtch. Lots,:tO to' 13,inc:Lus'ive, CoriccssionVIII and IX, TOWl'lshl'l' of' Dunw1ch.. .. LOts 12 nndi3, (lonc~s_sicinV South of_A" VI., nllll" V"I'. "Tllwnflhll' ,IF" IltUlWI..h. Lots,7Llnd 8. C:ol1cpsshlll rv, V, VI, and"VII, 'rownshlp- oL YlIrlllimth. LotB 8 nnd 9,ConcessionXI, Township of Yarmouth. Luts?t Illld"~:~. C:"lw"H::I.m Vl.r.""'r<lWllllhlll tlf ~;outh llordll'!~tl\r. t.otull to 22 fllctUl;ivlf, Concllsfdoll tV /Iud V, 'l'Qwn!lhlr' <Jl Mulllhltll!. 67 LIBRARY"BOARD REPORT January Session 19$2 To the Warden and Members of Elgin COtin~y Council The Library Boa.rdreports as follows: 1. Tha~ 'Deputy Reeve JOan Wakeling has been elected Chairman of the Library Board. 2. That Reeve Max Stewa~t haabeen elected Vice~Chairman. ). That the Board;recommends County Council, adopt the policy that a County Archives be formed. 4. _ That the Board recommends County Counctl,adopt the Spriet Report and that a:further study, be done on the County Jail to see if the:bu!!ding is feasible as an Archlves. All of_which_is resp~ctfully submitted. ,~~ g kJ,~.;"" ~a.n Wakeung, C airman -~fkSZ- * Item 4 was amended by deleting everything after the word "Report", and replacing with "and that the matter of using the Jail as an Archives be referred to the Property Committee for a recommendation, using the Countyls engineering staff, with Mr. E. A. -Wells added to' the Committee, for this purposeu~ 68 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1982 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and' Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. We recommend that the quotation of Aylmer Express Ltd. in the 'amount of $4.25 per printed page, for supplying 100 copi~s of the 1981-82 County proceedings be accepted. One other quotation from Print Three was received in the amount of $5.30 per page. 2. That the report from the County of Simcoe outlining their position on the new proposed Health Protection Act, be filed. 3. We'recommend that the term of the provincial appointee to local Boards of He41th. as p~oposed in the Health Protection Act, be retained at six years. 4. That the copy of Bill 179, An Act to amend The Municipal Act. first reading; f~om the Mintste~ of Municipal Affai~s and Housing be filed and the proposed p~ovision of Section 39a(1) and (2) to allow a member to be unseated on County Council_be deleted. 5. That the ~esolution from the Township of St. Vincent asking that all Canadians stop paying sales tax and merchants to ref~ain from collecting taxes be filed. 6. That the resolution from the County of Lennox ,and Addington concerning postal service be endorsed and copies be sent to Mr. John Wise. M.P. 7. We recommend that the, taking of the annual County Council picture be put, out to tender. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. .,..' 0 .. K ,',., '..,,?/P>15E:;,- ' ebE " Monteith ~ ..a rm"~~",?' b C -/~i UW 69 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT January Session. 1982 SECOND REPORT To,the Warden and Members of the, 'Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: A review of By,-Law, No. 80-43, To Regulate the Proceedings in the Municipal Council of The Corporation of the County of Elgin and the Officers and Committees Thereof. as amended by By-Laws No. 8l~38. 81-39 and81~52, was made in detail. We recommend that the follOWing changes- he made to the Procedural'By-Lawanda new By-Law be introduced to the February Session of County Council incorporating all the amendments - 1. Section I Paragraph 5 -delete everything. after l1a" in the third line and add "resolution", Paragraph 6 - change "eleven" to "ten" in the first line; delete everything after "a" in the third line and add "resolution", 2. Section-II Paragraph,3 .- de1ete"confirmedll in the fourth line and. replace with "adopted". Pa~agraph 5 -delete everything in the second line after the words "speak--first". Paragraph 10 ... add after the word "smoke", 1I0r drink coffee". Pa~agraph 13 in the first have had the delete everything after "qUestionrl line and add "until all other Members opportunity to Speak to thequestionrl, 3. Section- III Paragraph 1 - delete everything after "containing!1 and substitute- the following - Regular Session 1st Roll Call 2nd Adoption of Minutes 3rd Reading Communieations 4th Presenting Petitions and Delegations 5th Inquiries by Members or Giving Notice 6th Reports of Committees 7th Unfinished Business 8th New Business 9th Council Correspondence 10th Committee Of The Whole 11th Consideration of By~Laws 12th Adjournment. Inaugural'Session 1st Roll Call 2nd Resolution on Procedure to Elect Warden 3rd Election of Warden (1) PtospectiveCandidates to Speak (2) Proceed with Election'(Ballot - Resolution) 4th Signing-of Declaration of Office and Oath of Allegiance 5th Gowning 6th Presentation by Past Warden Chain of Office Lord Elgin Watch Gavel of Office 7th Warden's Add~ess 8th Adoption of Minutes 9th Consideration of By-Laws 70 10th 11th 12th - 2 . Warden to appoint Special. Committee to Strike the Standing Committees(Fou~Members) Other Business Adjournment. 4. Section V Paragraph 1- delete "of" iT!- the secondltne B,nd replace with "or" SectionVn Paragraph -3 ,- delet'a lIlst Firiancen, in -the, fourth line and renumber the balance 8s'folJows- 1st. Agricultural 2nd.. Property 3rd. County Government 4th. Social Services 5th. Homes for Senior Citizens 6th. County Roads 7th. Personnel 8th. Reception and Entertainment-. Section XI Paragraph 2 - after liTo" delete, "limpervhe and instruct" and replace with "overseen. Paragraph 3 _ delete. Section XIII Parag:;raph.3 - aft\er the word "-remuneration" in the first line, add the word Ilconventiorl.". 5. 6. 7. Section XIV Paragraph 4 - delete. 9. Section XVIII Paragraph 2 - delete everything after-the word "Banquet" in the second line. 8. 10. Section XX Paragraph I - delete "through the FlnartceCollllll1ttee" 1nthe thlt:d' Une. Paragraph 8 - delete "with theCommlttee of Finance ot''' in the fifth and sixth lines. Section XXI Add a newparagt'aph 7 7. To act as :li81son betweeri'theTree Commissionerl Weed Inspector and Council and be the pet'son to whom the Tree Commissioner/Weed Inspector reports. 11. 12. Section XXII Paragraph 6 - delete everything in the second line after "department". Add a' new sentence "When t'equestedby _other departments, heshal1 have gen- eral superintendence and control Qverother con- tractors, subject to the terms of their respective contracts" . ALL of which is re~pectfu11y submitted. ;,/._ C ..:- . . ~;;,~./~ Ch.Ei. Monteith ~m.n~ ~ ~ ('" -- '"~ y '---'~ , 71 , SOCIAL SERVICES ',COMMITTEE' REPORT January 5ess10n,-1982 To the Warden a~-Members'of the Elgiri'Co1Jntr' Council, The Sodal Services Comniitteerepo:i:'ts as'follows:- 1. , Thatthensolution,f:romthe County O1!:Essex, requesting therederal Government_ to_refrain from making any_ citangesin 'the, UneJllPloymentID$,urancf:r ,Legislat,ion, which places addit~Qnal~burden on,th~ unemployed be, tableq. 2. by the to the That the requests forincreases_int~rate charged Victori.n orde~ of Nurse$ for 1982, be accepted, subject Ministry's approval for subsidy purposes,. 3. by:tne to ,the Tha-t the'reqUest for increases in the rates Red'CrossHomemaker Se~icefor 1982 be $$.85, Ministry'-s approval for S1.1~sidy p1.1rposes. charged subject 4. That the request: from Ay1,mer Preschool Day Care- Centre, St. ThomasDaY-Nursery.and_Os~rander8ursery School to _increas,e thedaUy rate for 1982' to' $11.50, be denied and a maximum of, $ll.00be accepted, subject to_the Ministry's approv8~ fOr'subsidy purposes. S. That Mis&'Nancy Hazelwood, be engaged 8S'8 full time, temp()rary Field Worker effectiv~ January 4, 1982 at pay-rate, Leve16,:Step_ One. 6. _ That- the -Cle-rk-Treasurer-repl,y to the letter of Tarrs Hall Rest Home indicating when to meet with County Council. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. e~~ {j Hadd';' 0 d~pv Chairinan' ___~ ,r-" j~<'''1/~' " I ~_"< ." '-/ A<J-<,;...J-' , x;?, ~'a K~ M. Kell . .~J!~ Chai rman Y." . /.---" ---;C.-'/;/,' (, /. /-4'~";y I 'j~~ 73 72 AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1982 January Sess.ion. 1982 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: To theWaTden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Reception and Entertainment Committee reports as follows: 1. That membership in the Ontario Forestry AssocIation be taken for 1982 In theamouot of $20.00. 2. That the information from the Ontario Forestry Association on the 33rd annual meeting, February 6th, 1982, be filed. 3. That the reply from the Ministry of Natural Resources with respect to placing time limits on mino~ excep- tions be filed. 4. That a time iimitof one year be placed on all mino~ exceptions unde~ The T~eesAct. 1. We ,~ecommend that.. the Wa~den' sBanquetbe held on Satu~day. Novembe~13th, 1982 at St. Annels Pa~ish Hall. 2. That the Golf Day be held on July 8th, 1982, at Pleasant_Valley Golf Course with a~~angements to be made-by Reeve Glover and Deputy Reeve Pea~son; ALL of which_iS ~espectful1y submitted. ALL of which is ~espectfu11y submitted. '~f'SLc 74 PROPERTYCOMMITTEt,&EPORT January Sesslon,:lYS2 To the Warden and Members aftbe ~lglrtCounty Council, The Property. Committee reports as followa: 1. That the letter and informat1~~-ftomOntarlo Heritage Foundation re:.. exhibition on' Ont,ariot,s ,Early Court Houses be filed. 2. That the tetter and in~ormation:,on,the'new Building Rehabilitation and Improvement Campaign: (II;R10) to help con- serve heritage buildings of local signlflc~nae be filed. 3. That the Clerk be author1.z'ed to- ,sIgn. the neeesssW papers authorizing the City of St.thomasto cut trees on the Court ,House Block which are dead and dangerous. ALL of which, Is, resp~c~ful1Y submitted. ~Z<M.dMJ K. C. Emersori. c~ U SL.r- ~0 75 COUNTY OF. ELG,IN By-Law No. 82..;l "A.BY-LAW TO AMEND THE.BY-LAW ADOPTING A PLAN OF.COUNTY ROAD IMPROVEMENT AND ESTABLISHING ACQUNTY ROAD ,SYSTEM. IN THE COUNTVO}' ELGIN UNDER THE PUBLIC TRANSP()RTATIONAND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMtNT.ACT.1l The Municipal ,Council ,of the Corporation of the County of Elglnenacts as follows: The' 'Schedule to the Establ1shing ,By-l,a,w" No.2l66. asamen:dedby By-Laws No-~ 2280. 2323. 2373,- 2403 and 2484 is further amended by _ (a) Removing therefrom the Road on !:;llan Number '39-lattachedhereto and -known as County Road No. 39 ,nd (b) Adding thereto the: Road on Plan Number 39-l-R-82 to be known as County Road No~, 39. READ a f'irst. ~ime . this 20th -day. of. January 1982,. READ a second time this 20th day of January 1982. READ a third- time arid, finally passed this 2pthday of January 1982. ~~ -/ 00L r- ,5' t';,{~Shaw, u_ Wa den. G. C.Leverton, Clerk. 76 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 82-2 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND VARIOUS BY-LAWS TO INSERT THE WORD VEHICLE IN 'fHE PLACE OF CAR. II WHEREAS num~rous By_Laws, presently in force. authorize the payment cfa mileage allowance for the use of a personal car, when used on County business; and Wl{EREAS' it is deemed' expedient to alte'r the word !learH to "vehicle"to properly identify any means of trans- pot.'tation used. THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That where the word "car" is used in the following by-laws, it be amended to read "vehicle" - Referdng To Assistant Engineer County Engineer Tree Commissioner and Weed Inspector Establish Pay Schedules Establish Salaries County Council Conventions Land Division Mileage Allowance Fringe Benefits (Non Management) Fringe Benefits (Management). Bv...Law No. 80..,58 81-40 81-56 81-58 81-60 81..,62 81-63 81-64 81-65 81-66 81-67 READ a first time this 20th day of January, 198Z. READ a second time this 20th day of January, 1982. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of January, 1982. ~'--"-~...~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ," - '2 ____ ,/ /0- , ,/ " ~ ;; \...___/ "L>-.) -/'("~''''''/ -- / -1f. J.~aw. War en. 77 COUNTY OF, ELGIN By-Law-No. ,82_3 "BEING A'DY-LAW CONSENTINC'TO,THE,STOPPING UP AND CLOSING OF A ROAD ALLOWANCE IN THE TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH. 11 WHEREAS notice has been received by registered mail, from the Township of Yarmouth, indicating their intention 'to pass a by-law to stop up and sell part of the road allowance between Lot 16, Concession 15, Township of Yarmouth and Lot 17,_ Concession 15, Village of Belmont, more particularly described as follows: "ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in, the Township of Yarmouthln the County of Elgin, in the Province of Ontario. and being composed of all of Part 2" on a Deposit Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin (No. 11) as Plan 11R-2274 north of the middle line of the said road allowance.lI; and wHEREAS the County of Elgin has no objections to the said passing of the by-law. THEREFORE -the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin consents to the passing ofa by-law stopping up the road a~l?wance~ as-described above. READ a first 'time_ this 20th day of January, 1,982. READ a second time this 20th day of January, 1982. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of January, !982. ~~,c..,,../ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 781 COUNTY OFELQ-IN By-LaW' NQ~82-4 "A. BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE CORPORAT!ONOF' THE VILLAGE OF RODNEY itlEREINAFTER CALLED- 'THE GRANTEE' AND WHICH'TERMcSHALLINCLUDE ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS) TO CONSTRUCT. USE AND OPERATE WORKS REQUIRED , FOR THE TRANSMISSION' OF WATER IN-THE COUNTY-OF' ELGIN (HEREINAFTER CALLED ITHE MUNICIPALITYI).lI WHEREAS the Grantee has requested the Corp~ratton ofche County of Elgin to grant it a franchise or 'tight of passing through the Municipality'for the purpose of constructing, using and operating a line or I1nessnd works for the transmission through the Murticipality ut water not intended to be distributed 'from the said line or lines in the Municipality other than to persons whose land abuts ana' highway along or across which thesarne is'carried Or conveyed; and WHEREAS', subject to the terms andcoriditions herei.nafter set forth, the Munic.ipal Council of the- Corporation ()f the County of Etgin has agreed ,to grant the said franchise. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of theCor~ poration "of the County of elgin AND IT IS' HEREBY ENACTED as follows': 1. _ Full Tight, power, permission and 'consent. are hereby' gt81'lted" conferred and assured unto the Corporation of t~ Village of ROdney, its successors and assigns to enter upon, use and occupy the-highways. of or under the jurisdiction'of the Municipality to, survey, construct, lay. maintain, inspect, alter, repair,-renew, remove,replace,recon- struct, use and operate in, through, upon, under, along and across the same or any of them a pipe line or pipe lines with any and all connec~ tions, apparatus, appliances and attachments, including attachments for cathodic protection, necessary or incidental thereto and to a system for the purpose of pas~ingthrough the Municipality and transmitting water which is not intended to be distributed from the said line or lines in the said Municipality other than to persona whose land abuts on a highway along or across which the same is carried or conveyed. 2. Such right or franchise shall be ~subject toalt the terms and conditions set out in an agreement to be entered into between the Municipality and the Grantee in pursuance of this By-Law, which Agree- ment shull be, in the form hereunto attached. 3. The Warden and Clerk of the said Municipality are hereby authorized and empowered to enter into and to execute_ on behalf of the Municipality, the Agreement aforesaid and to affix the corporate seal thereto. 4. This By-Law shall come into force and take.effect immediately after an Agreement in the form hereunto annexed shall have been executed by all the parties thereto. READ 'a first time this 20th day of January, 1982. READ a second time this 20th day of January, 1982. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of January, 1982. ~~<y:..~ ,------- / ('/. '"'' /' '~ :~:. .~~./ ,~-/ C ~ , , ,T Ij(.' J. Shaw,- " Warden. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 79 A'G RE,E M-E NT madeindupl1cate this 20th day of January, A,. D., 1982. BE,TQEEN THE "'CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN hereinafter calted lithe Muntcipalit'y'l OF tHE' FIRST PART - and' - THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF RODNEY hereinafter' called" lithe, Gra'nteeil- OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAStqe Grantee has requested the Municipality to grant to it and its successors and assigps, a franchise or right of passing through, the Mun~cipality for the purpose of constructing, using and . operating a line, or 11nesand works for the distribution of water within the, Municipality.; and WHEREAS the Municipality has by,By-Law passed on-the 20th 'day of' 'January, A:D. ,:. i982.~ 'gran'ted thEl'said ~franchise from and ~fter the ,execution of this Agreement and_has authorized and empowered the Warden and Clerk.of the said Municipality to execute this Agreement and to affix the corporate 'seal thereto. NOW THEREFORE THIS INDENTURE. made in consideration of the premises and of the performance of the covenants and obligation here- tnafter contained on the part of the Grantee WITNESSETH as follows: 1. The Municipality does he~ebygrant; confer and assure unto the Grsntee its succeasors and assigns, full right, power, permission ~nd consent to enter upon, use andoc~upy the highways of' or under the jurisdiction of the Municipality to survey, construct, lay, maintain, inspect, alter, repair, renew, remove. replace, reconstruct, use and operat;:e in; throl,lgh.. upon, under,along and across the same or any of them, a pip~ line or pipe lines with any and all connections, apparatus, appliances and attachments, including attachments for cathodic protec- tion, necessary or incidental thereto and, to' a system for the' purpose of distributing water within the Municipality. 80 - 2 - 'I' " I:' :L All new (or renewal) mains. pipes, lines and works installed Ii by the G~antee under this Agreement shall be constructed and laid in accordance with good engineering and construction practices. Except in csse of emergency - (8) No excavation, opening oi work which will disturb or interfere with the travelled surface of any highway shall be undertaken or commenced by the Grantee with- out written notice to such africer of the Municipality as may from time to time be appointed by the Council of the Munictpality, for the purpose of general supervision over its highways (hereinafter referred -to as liThe said officer of !:he Municipal1tyll, which term shall inClude the person acting in his $tead in the event of his absence from duty), such notice to be given at least 24 hours in advance of commencing su~h work unless otherwise agreed to by the said officer of the Munici~ pali ty, and (b) before laying or installing any new (or renewal) mains, pipes, lines and works, the Grantee shall first file with the said officer of the Municipality a preliminary map or plan showing what it proposes to lay or install and the proposed location thereof and shall also check with and obtain the written approval of the said officer of " the Municipality asth such proposed location. Not later than three months sfter the close of each of its fiscal years the Grantee shall file with the Clerk of the Municipality, maps or plans showing the location and size of all mains, pipes, lines and works laid or installed by the Grantee in the highways during its pre- vious fiscal year. i 3, The said line or lines shall be placed underground so far as 1~ practical and if required by the Warden o~ other officer, of the Nunicipality above mentioned shall be located along the sides of the $810 highways except where it shall be necessary to cross a highway nnd shall be so constructed as not to obstruct or interfere with the llse of the 'highway 'oJ: with any dt"ains, ditches, bridges, culverts or other wOt"ksor improvements thereon or therein. '" In the event that the Municipality shall deem it expedient to alt~t" Che const~uction of any highway or of any municipal drain, ditch, bridge, " culvert or other works or improvements thereon or therein and in the cout"se thet"eof it shall become necessary to have the Grantee make changes in its line or lines or works in order to facilitate the work of the Municipality, then upon receipt of t"eason- able notice in writing from the Warden or other officer of the Munici- p~lity above ,mentioned specifying the change desit"ed, the Grantee shall nt its own expense change its line or lines or works at the point flpecified. 81 - 3 - 5. The Grantee shall construct, repair and rep~ace any such line or lines or works with all reasonable expedition so that the highways shall not be torn up or obstructed for any unnecessary length of time and, upon the construction, repairing and. t"eplacing of any such line or lines or works or the taking up of any of the same or the moving of any of the same from place to place- in a highway, the high- l~ay shall,~lith all reasonable expedition, be restored to its proper level and graded and left in as safe and good a state of repair as it was before it was ente~ed upon or opened, and to the satisfaction of the said Warden or other officer of the Municipality above mentioned. 6. The Grantee shall and does hereby at all times indemnify and save harmless the Municipality from and against all loss, damage, injury or expense which the Municipality may bear, suffer or be put to by reason of any damage to property or injury to persons caused by the construction, repair, maintenance, removal or operation by the Grantee of any of its mains, pipes;, lines or works in the Municipality unless sllcn loss ,- ~amage ,injury or expense is occasioned by Act of God or by theac,t. neglect orde'faul t of, some person, firm or corporation other than the Grantee, "!tsservants, contractors, sub-contractors, agents or employees. 7, The rights and privileg~sherebygranted shall continue and force fora period of twenty years from the date hereof. loemain in 8, In this Agreement and in the By-Law above referred to, (a) the word "highway" shall mean a- common or public high- way and include a road, bridge and any other structure incidental thereto, now or at any time during the term of this Agreement under the jurisdiction of the Municipality. the word llMunicipality" shall mean the County of Elgin as presently ,constituted or as it may from time to time be constituted during the term of this Agreement. THIS AGREEMENT snaIl enure to the benefit of and be binding (b) 9, upon the parties heretoJ their successors and assigns. ~ I I 82 - 4 - IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have hereunto affixed their respective corporate seals duly attested by the hands of their proper ~igning officers in that behalf. III ! i II THE CORPORATION OF TH~ VILLAGE OF RODNEY -~~~ ~~ 1!2" ....:....!,./'~ - Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY' OF ELGIN _A= :/ ~.'Z..,-- 47 ,/ W.<den ~\<-.-.-v Cle'I'k ", 83 COUNTY OF ELGIN By~Law No. 82-5 itA BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXPROPRIATION OF LAND FOR THE PURPOSE OF WIDENING AND IMPROVINGCDUNTYROADS." WHEREAS under Section 193 afThe Municipal Act. being Chapter 302. R.S.O. 1980, the Council of every Corpo, ration may pass By~Laws for acquiring or expropriating any land required for 'the purpose of the Corporation; and WHEREAS in the exercise of its powers and in per- formance of its obligations under the Public Transportation ,arid Highway Improvement Act and other statutes. the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin finds, or may find. that it is necessary to exp~opriate lands for widening. improving, protecting from eroSion, altering or. diverting the County Roads.. shown on Scl1.edule "A" as attached. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the COUnty of Elgin: 1.. That the Warden and Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin be, and are, authorized to sign any and all plans pertaining to land expropriation for County Roads shown.. on . Schedule "A"-; and to. affix' thereto the Seal.ot' the Corp.oration of the COlmty.. of, Elg~nand. to register_ the sam.e in the Courity of Elgin Registry Office. 2. . That the. Treasure'rbe. and is hereby authorized to pay to the ,owners of the lands hereby expropriated;' such amounts as may be agreed upon as compensation as may Pc deter- mined by arbitration under provisions of the Expropriations Act, being Chapte-rJ,.48, R.B.O;, 1980. 3. ThatBy~Law No. 81-68-be. and the same is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 20th day of January. 1982. READ a second time this 20th day of January, 1982. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of January. 1982. ~H-- r ~; G. C. . Leverton. Clerk. 84 II 1,1 il II1I Ilil Iii III ,[ COUNTY OF ELGIN Schedule "Al! of By-:-Law No. 82-5 1982 6. _ Lots 6 and 7, Concessions IX, X, XI. and XII, Aldporough Township. Lot 1, Concession 'CT. the Broken Front, Township ofDUnwich. _ Lots 10 to>l3, inclusive, Concessions VIII and IX, Township of Dunwich. Lots 12. and 13. Concession<V South of A. VI and VII, Township of Dunwich. _ Lots 7 and 8, eonces,sions IV i V. VI and VII, Township of Yarmouth. County Road #30 - Lots 8 and 9', Concession XI, Township of Ya'X'Mouth. County Road #32 - Lot 85. North of Talbot Road, Township of Malahide. _ Lots 12 and 13. Concession VIII, Township of Malahide. _ Lot 13 I, Nqrth, Gon concession, -Township . of Malahide. _ Road Allowance between Concession VItI and North Talbot Road, Township_of Malahide. ROad Allowance betwe€n Concession, VIII and North Gore, Townsh~~ofMalahide. _ Travelled Road ~hr(HJghLot 12, Concession VIII, Township of'Malahide. County Road #37 - Lots 4 to 12 inclusive, Concession VII, Township of South Dorchester. County Road #37 - Lots 21 and 22, Concession VII, Township of South Dorchester. County Road #45 - Lots 11 to 22 inclusive, Concessions IV and V, Township of Malahide. 1. County Road #3 2, County Road #5 3. County Road #8 4. County Road #8 S. County Road #22 7. 8. 9. 10. 85 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 82-6 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS ,OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE JANUARY SESSION. 1982." WHEREAS by Section 9 of The MunicipalAct,being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes df'Ontario,,198~, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; and ' WHEREAS>by Subsection 1 of Section 101 of The Municipal Act, being _Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of'every Council are to be eXer~ cised by By-Law; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation' of the County, of Elgin at this meeting, be confirmed and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of' Elgin enacts as follows: 1. , That action of the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ratiOn of theCqunty of, Elgin in respect of each recommen- , dation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the January, 1982 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. . The Warden and prop,er officials.. of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of' the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 20th day of January, 1982. READ a second time this 20th day of January, 1982. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of January, 1982. ~--/~ ';4-"...- G. C. Leverton. Clerk. 86 February Session-First Day Wednesday, the 17th day of February, 1982 ",/ The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municipal Building, St~ Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden iothe Chair. ROLLCALL _ All Members present except Reeve Emerson who arrived at 10:05 A.M. Moved by Deputy' Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Reeve Walters That the minutes of the January 1982 Session. of the Elgin,County,Council,be adopted. - Carried. The fOllowing Communications wgre'read and referred to: COUNrY GOVERNMENT eOMMITTEE 1. Land Division Committee with resolut~re: membership in: the, .'Ontario Association of Committees of Adjustment. and Land Division Committees and re: attendance at the annual convent~on. V: Minister of Municipal Affalrs,and Housing with copy of B111 194, The Planning Statu~e Law Amendment Act,: wt.th request fo,r any brief. . 4. Herbert A. Epp, M.P.P. Waterloo Nbrth,'with ~'copy of a pres,s release outlining the main features of his Private Member's Bill he introduced re: The Assessment Appeal Procedure Amendment Act, 1981 (Bill 195). 9. Township of Malahide with resolution requiring resti- tutionin ,all cases of vandalism. filllli!~SCOMMITTEE.' Township of Malahide with, copy of By-Law No. 1996 to the Granger Drain and notice of sitting of Court of 10. construct Revision. 12. Township of ,Mslahide with request to alter rosd closing approval description and amend consentingby-lawre: road closing between Lots 10 and, 11, Concession 4, east of Highway #73. 14. ,Ministryof Transportation and Communications with the following allocation of 1982 subsidy funds: Construction $1,466,000 Maintenance 1,310,000 TOTAL $2, 776.000~ 15. Township of Malahide advising that a report has been requested on the Bowen Drain from Spriet Associates. 25. St. Thomas SuburbaoRoads Commission with statement of expenditures for 1981. 26. Township of Southwo1d. Committee of Adjustment with "Notice of Public Hearing of Application for' MinorVariance" set for February 18th, 1982 at 1:30 P.M. (Doelman Farms Ltd., 'R.R. #6, St. Thomas). 28. Town of Aylmer with notice of the passing of by-law 7-82, to regulate land use pursuant to Section 39 of The Planning Act. 29. Town of Aylmer with notice of the passing of By-LaW 8~82, to regulate land use pursuant to Section 39 of The Planning Act. , 87 - 2 - 35. R.G.Moore, Engineer and Secret!,!ry to the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission, with advice that the Commission wishes to revert,Coun~yRoad #22 (Fairview Avenue). from the St~ Thomas City Limits to County Road #24, to the County. 37. Hearingll approval Township of Yannouth wi,th copy of an IIAppciintment For frcimthe'Ontario Municipal Board re: granting permanent for By-Law No. 2475(Wood~Lynn Fann Market). Ministry of Transportation and Communications with the memos: 82-1;"; Index of Active Meniorandaf'or 1980 and '1981 82-lA -Period of "Reduced Loadsl1. '..-' 40. following (1) (2) PERSONNEL ,COMMITTEE 7. Minister of Municipal Affairs. and Housing with 1982 gUidelines forllInvolvement '" in Municipal Administration"; 8. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, with details of. the 1982 Ontario'Ml,lnicipal Training,Program. 21. Ontario Blue Cross with the results of a Hnaneid review of the County's EXtended Health Care Group for the peiiod December 1, 1980 to November 30; 1981. 27. MiniStry of LabOur with two copies of letters to, the London and District ,Service Workers~ ,l,Jilion, Local 220, acknowl- edging.their request fora Conciliation Officer (Elgin Manor employees). _.' 36. AMO wlthinfortnation oil' a uJob Ev.!l1uation 'Semi~arll - March ~lstil982. 42. . MiniStry 'o~' Labo\lr advising that Mr. J. Leonard, has been appointed Conciliation Officer re: Elgin Man~rnegotiations. The following Communications were read ,and ordered filed: 3. County of Perth with request for support for Reeve Wilfred Tuet', who is a nominee for the ROMA Board of Directors. ' 5. . Ontario Municipal Board with three Appointments for Hearing for appeals against decisions of the County of Elgin Land Division Committee as follows: John & Marion Gosnell ~ February 25,,1982 -lO:OOA.M. Minist~y of Natural Resources - February 25, 1982 ~ 2,:00 P.M. Pierre J. & Cecilia Antonissen- MarchI, 1982 _ 1:00 P.M. 13. . Ministry of Comniunity and Social Services with September' 1981 Days-Care By 'Location Report. '-../ 16~ (OAe). Tim EmersonwithappreciaciOn forScholarship'received 17. University of Western Ontario with appreciation' for reception given delegation, and supplying the following 'information on employees as of April 30. 1981: Facul ty Administrative Staff Full Time 1,313 2,302 3,615 Total 1,808 2.325 4.133. Part Time 495 23 ill 18.. Mr. Jim McGuigan. M.P.P., with acknowledgement of notice .re: resolution from Simcoe County (Health Protection Act) and Bill 179. amending The Municipal Act. 19~ . Mr.R~ K. McNeil. M~P;P., with,acknciwledgementre: Warden's Banquet.date and copy. of letters re: HealthProte~tion Act and Bill 179. 20. BILD Map Index, dated January 1982, with projects by location within region. 88 _ 3 - County Council, February Session,1982 22. Fred Boyes with. appreciation of plant in sympathy for the passing of his Mother. 24. London and District Service Workers' Union, Local 220, with copies of a request to the Minister of Labour to appoint a Conciliation Officer for full and part-time employees at Elgin Manor. 31. Ministry of Community and Social Services with memo re:1982 Allocation for Children's Aid Societies. 33. ,Ministry of Housing with a copy of Subdivision/Condominium Approval Procedures: A Guide for Applicants. 34. Minister of Energy with a copy of <1. new hrochure 1'How Does a Gas Utility Change Its Rates?". 38. Third Annual Cities' Energy Conference, advising that the: Third Annual Conference will beheld in Hamilton, on Ap~il 14th. 41. Mr. John Wise, M.P., aCknowiedging receipt of the endo~- sation of the resolution from the County of Lennox and Addington re: postal service. '"'" 43. details chasing The Toronto-Dominion Bank'with a brochure outlining on their instalment lease plan as an alternate to pu~- moveable equipment. -' The following representatives of ,the Ministry of Agriculture and Food were present: Mr. Jim Coffey. Assistant Agricultural Representative; Miss Bonnie Wilson. Home Economist:; Mr. John Johnson. Ag~iculturalEngineer. It was moved by Reeve Monteith that they be now heard. The three members reviewed the activities over which they were responsible. A written report was mailed to the ~embers of County Council prior to today1s meeting. Warden Shaw thanked the delegation and advised ,them that the request fo~ a grant would be dealt with at a future budget Session. Dr. D. Atkinson, President, St. Thomas-Elgin Gymnastics Club Inc. was present and it was moved hyReeve Fleck that he be now heard. Dr. Atkinson outlined the organization from its inception to the current date, and answered questions from County Council concerning the participation of County residents. Warden Shaw referred the request for a grant to the future budget Session. -...-. Mr. Ted Hunt) Vice-President, Southwestern Ontario Travel Association was present and it was moved by Deputy Reeve Volkaertthat he be now heard. Mr. Hunt reviewed the area cov- ered by this Association and also the funding and distribution of the Travel Guide. The request for a,grant of $2.250.00 was referred by Warden Shaw to a future budget Session. The following delegation from the Art Gallery St. Thomas- Elgin was present: Mr. Denzil Thorpe. President; Ms. Margaret W. Mitchell. Director; and Mr. Ron Atcheson. Treasurer. It was moved by Reeve Farthing that they be now heard. Mr. Thorpe outlined partIcipation in the Gallery by County residents and also reviewed the various, locations that the Gallery held exhibitions. Their ~equest was referred by Warden Shaw to, a future budget Session. The following were present from the Elgin County Federation of Agriculture: Mr. Tom Ford, President; Mr. Steve McKeown, Treasurer; Mr. Don Watterworth, Di~ector. A brief was presented and read to Council by Mr. Tom Ford. He reviewed the budget for 1982 and requested a grant of $1,000.00 from County Council. The request was refe~red by Warden Shaw to a budget Session to be held later. The First Report of the Pe~sonnel Committee was pre- sented by Deputy Reeve Marr and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Marr and Reeve Fleck. 89 - 4 - The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee Report was p~e~ sented by Deputy Reeve McWilliam and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve McWilliam and Reeve Farthing. The First ,Report of the Property Committee was pre- sented. by Reeve Emerson. Moved by Seconded ...... Reeve Emerson by Deputy Reeve Ma~r That the rirst Report of the Property Committee be adopted. An amendment was Moved by Deputy' Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Coles That item 3 of the First Report of the Property Committee be deleted from the RepQrt. The amendment was lost. Theorig~nalmotion to adopt the Property Committee Report was voted upon and it carried. The Report of the County Government Committee was presented by Reeve Monteith. Moved by Reeve Mortteith Seconded by D~puty Re~ve-Had4ow That the County- Government Committee Report. be adopted. An amendment was ......./ Moved by Deputy Reeve.Volkaert Seconded by Reeve Coles That item 11 of the County Government Committee Report be deleted and referred back to the Committee for further study. - Carried. carried. The original. Report as amended was voted upon and Reeve Reeve The First Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Walte~s and adopted on-motion of Reeve Walters and Deputy Perovich. ..../ The Second Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Walters and adopted on motion of Reeve Walters and Deputy Reeve Haddow. The Third Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Walters and adopted on motion of Reeve Walters and Reeve Smyth. The Report of the Library Board was presented by Deputy Reeve Wakeling and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Wakeling and Reeve Lavereau. The: request from the Village of Port Stanley to have t~eir grant for renovations to the Library paid earlier was dis- cussed. The original request was tabled at the September 1981 Session. The matter was referred to the budget Session. Moved by Deputy Reeve Perovich Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson ~' That the Treasurer's Statement on Remuneratiori and Expenses for the Members of Elgin County Council to December 31st, 1981 be accepted 'and printed in the proceedings~ - Carried. 90 - 5'~ 'County Council, February Session, III; Moved~by Reeve Wilson Secondea by Reeve Fleck That the Treasurer's Statement on Remuneration, and Exp~rises to December ~lst, 1981 for appointees to the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission, Elgin County Library Board and Members of,t~e Land Division Committee be accepted and printed in the proceedings. ..... - Carried. Moved" by'Reeve Smyth Seconded by Reeve Glover That,we do' now adjourn'to meet again on February .17th, .t982ab':2:QO P.M. - Carried. Couricil resumed. ..... COUNCILCO~MuNICATIONS 6.. "'i"The \Art Gallery Sh'Thomas-Elgin wi'th request for a 1982 grant'. 11. , Ontario Hydro advrsi~gofthe Consolidated Hearings Board meet,ing in Stratforo:. "January,. 26th. 1982 re': Southweste'rn Ontario Plan Stage Study Environmental Assessment. 23.__ _Talbat 'Trail Committee with statement of receipts and eXI'en~it_ures,far"theye,ar 'endedOecember 31, 1981. '. :32.'.. 'John A... An~ersan',N$ticultural Representative) with 1981 statement' af rece-ipt's snd 'expehditures 'and prop'osed budget for 1982. ..;- :'36. McKay, McKay, Vedava'l!c::Callins. advising that an behalf of their client., 'William T~,'Ji<lre. they wish to. have an inquiry into the exproprhtian. af'Wis"praperty. 39. McKay, McKay, Vepova'A Collins. indicating that Mr. Hare would like to"'~esa1ve his: dif~erences wi'th the ,County and the Tawnshipand':!setting forth' his-,':claims. 44. Elgtn' County Pi,6he~r:'Museum with request for 1982 grant and financial statement' fo'r-1981 and 1982 budget. ""Maved by Reeve Lavere8:u Seconded'by Deputy Reeve'~akeling That Cauncil Cammunicatians numbered 6, 23, 32. 44 be \:'tiabledto \,the"Budget Sessian. - Carried. Maved by Reeve -Monteith "'Secdnded by Reeve Far'thing ~hatCauncil Communications numbered 11 be filed. - Carried. Maved by Reeve Fleck Secanded' by'Deputy Reeve Haddow That~~tems 36 and 39 be referred to the Committee Of '(~ThE1',!Whole . - Carried. ..,;.;.- Moved by Reeve Emersan 'Seconded by""Deput.y Reeve'Marr .That:; we go. into. a Committee Of The Whale. - Carried. - 6 - Warden shaw named Reeve Hodgsan a~Chairman. Council-resumed., Moved by ~eeve Lavereau secanded by Reeve Wilson That:we do now adjaurn to meet again on February 17th; 1982 at-4:00 P.M. - Carded. Council Re-caovened. ROLL CALL- All Members present. Certificates of 'Merit The follawihgCertificates were given to. the'employees far long service: 10 Year Certificate -" Evelyn Jacabs, County Engineer's Office ZS Year Certificate and Watch'- Mr. Rabert G. Moore. County Engineer. The Report af the Social Services Committee was pre- sentedby Deputy Reeve Haddaw and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Haddow and Deputy Reeve Perovich. sented by and Reeve The Secand Report Reeve Emerson and Stewart. of the Praperty Cammittee '~as, pre.... adapted an motion of Reeve; Emerson The ,Second Report sented by Deputy Reeve Marr Marr and Reeve Fleck. ()f the Personnel Cammittee wsspre- and adopted on motlonof Deputy-Reeve Moved by ~eve Kelly Seconded by Reeve Csverly That Elgin County Council be willing to accept: the assignment af the official I.P.M. Logo. .... Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve".Neukarnm Seconded by Reeve Caverly 'That the,T~~\1est of the loP.M. Commttteetobi!':gfven a $2'.500~OO, interest",:,fr~~"laan,be granted. with, the. understanding that it' can' be drawn 'In'' $500.00 amaunts. - Carried. Moved ~y Reeve Farth~ng Secanded by Reeve Walters That the Clerk'?€! directed to praceed with the next step in the expropriationproc~~ure. as a request for an inquiry has been requested by the'solicitor for Mr.' WilHam T. Hare. - Carded. Maved by Reeve ,Smyth Secanded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That By-Law NO." ~i~'I'ITo Regulate the procEiedingshfn the MuriicipalCouncilof,~he'Co~poration of the Caunty of-Elgfn and the' Offfcers and Coml!littee'sThereof" be' read a first 'time. - Carded. 91 ~ " -./ '- 92 _ 7 - County Council, Feb~uary Session. Moved by Deputy Reeve Volkaert Seconded by Reeve Fleck That 'ny-Law No. 82-7 be read a second time. - Carried. -~ Moved. by Reeve Glover Seconded by Reeve Smyth That By-Law No. 82-7 be read a third time and finally passed; -Carried. Moved by Deputy Ree~e Volkaert Seconded by Reeve Smyth That By-:-Law No. 8:2-8 "Being a By:~LawConsentingto the of an Unopened Road Allowance in the Township of BayI"am" a first time. Closing be read _ Carried. -' Moved by Reeve Smyth Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That By-Law No. 82.8 be read a second time. - Car~ied~ Mqvedby Reeve Fleck ,Seconded by Reeve_Glove~ That- By-Law No. 82-8 be read a third time and'finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Fleek Seconded by Reeve Glover That By-Law No. 82-9: "Being a. By-Law Consenting to, the Closing of an Unopened Road Allowance in the Township of Bayham" be read a first time. - Card ed. Moved by Reeve Glover Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That By~LawNo. 82-9 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Volkaert Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That By-Law No. 82-9 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Reeve Glover That By-Law No. 82-10 "Being a By-Law to,Restdct,tb.e We1ghtof Vehicles Passing Over Bridges" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Glover Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That By-Law No. 82-10 be read a secon~ time. - Carried. 93 - 8 - Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Secondeo by Reeve Monteith That By-Law No. 82-10 be~read a third time and finally passed. - Carded. '~, Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Deputy, Reeve Pearson Tha,t'By,..Law ,No. 82-11 "Being a By""L<lw to ,Amend By-Law No., 81-43, a By-Law Consent.ing ~o the Stopping Up and Closing of a,Road Allowance in the Township of Malahide"be'read a first time. - Cai'ried, ~ovedby Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 82""11 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve'La~hbrook That By'"'Law, No. 82-11 be i"ead a third ,time and finally passed. -, Carried; Moved by Deputy Reeve ,Pearson Secouded by Reeve Lashbrook That By"';'LawNo. 82-12 ":'Being a By_Law to Amend By-Law No. 81~57. Establishing Rates of Pay for Pai't Time Employees" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Coles Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson That By-Law No. 82-12 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lashbrook Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson That By-LawNo~ 82~l2be read a third time and finally ,~ passed. -Carried. Moved by Reev~ Lashbrook Seconded by Reeve Walters That By-Law No. 82';"13 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law Nb.81..:,;27 to Establish New Rates of Pay for Registered Nurse.s" be read. a) first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Walters Seconded by Reeve Lashbrook That By~Law No. 82~13 be read a second time. .,. Carried. 94 ,-" _ 9 ~ County Council. Fepruary Session, Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Walters That By-Law No. 81-13 baread a third,time and finally passed. - Carded. Moved by Reeve Walters Seconded by Deputy Reeve Haddow That By-Law'No~ 82-14 "Being a By"":Lawto Set the Daily Remuner/iltion to ,be ,Paid toMembeno:e'.the Elgin .county Council fo'%, Attendance at Meetings of the Elgi~ County Council and Committees Thereof" be read a first time. - Carded. Moved by Reeve Kelly Seconded by Reeve Walters That By~Law No. 82-14 be read a second time. ~' Carried. ..-' Moved by Reeve Walters Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That By-Law No" 82-1'4 be Tead a third time and finally passed. _ Carried. Moved by Reeve Coles Seconded by Deputy Reeve Marr That By-Law No. 82":"15 "Regulating Parking" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve'Emerson Seconded by Reeve Coles That By-Law No. 82-15 be read a second time. - Carried. ~ Moved by Deputy Reeve Marr Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By-Law No. 82-15 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McWilliam Seconded by Reeve Farthing That By;"Law No. 82-16 "A By_LaW to 'Authorize the Execution,of Agreements with the Medical Directors of the Elgin Coupty Homes for Senior Citizens, Setting Forth Their Terms of Employment" be read a first tiTile. _ Carried. Moved by Reeve Farthing Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That By-Law No. 82-16 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling seconded by Deputy Reeve McWilliam That By-Law No. 82-16 be read a third time and finally passed. _ Carried. 19821 95 - 10- Moved by Deputy Reeve 'Perovich Secondea by Deputy Reeve Sheils That By-Law No. 82-17 ITA By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the February Session, 1982" be read a first time. - Carried. ~ Moved by Deputy Reeve Sheils Seconded by Reeve Wilson That By-Law"No. 82-17 be'read a second, time. - Canied. Moved by DeputY,-ReeveSheils Seconded by Deputy Reeve Harr That By-Law. No. 82~17 be read ,a third time and ~inally passed. .... Carri'ed. Moved by Reeve Lavereau S~conded by Reeve Caverly That we po now adjourn to, meet again on ,March 1Ith',_,1982 at 10:00 A.M. - C~rried. ,~ G. C. Leverton. Clerk. L. J~ Shaw, Warden. ~ 96 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT Februa~y Session, 1982 FIR.ST.REPORT To the Warden and Members of .theElgln County Council, The Personnel Committee report,s as follows: 1., Mrs. Nancy Vine,h,as ):>eenplaced at the starting rate in Level 8. effective January 1st, 1982, as a replace- ment for Mrs. Clarkson, the Dietary Supervisor (Homes for Seoior Citizens). 2. We recommend that' a part-time, rate be established for Library Personnel and that it be 50~ less per hour than the rates in Level 2 .of the Sala'I'Y Schedtileand that they he as follows: with the rates to START - $6.62 per 2nd Year - 6.92 per 3rd Year - 7.23 per 4th Year - 7.55 per by~law for ,part-time staff_to be. paid for the 4th yea'X." ,be - Effective January 151:,1982 - $7.15 per hour Effective July 1st, 1982 - $7.55 per hour. hour hdur hour hour be amended and the 3. We recommend that the following rates per hour be paid for Registered' Nurses at Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge, although.no agreement hasbee~ signed at the St. Thomas~Elgin General Hospital: and that a Council. Effecti ve October 1st, 1980 April'lst, 1981 October 1st, 1981 April 1st. 1982 by-law be presented Rate Per Hour $ 9.17 9.52 10.50 10.96 to the February Session of 4. That tbe letter from the Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada, requesting the opposition to the taxation of employer contributions to health benefits, be filed. 5. That the information from AHO re: a seminar entitled HJob Evaluation for Municipalities" to be held March 31st, 1982, be filed. 6. ,That the letters from the Minis~er of Municipal Affairs and Housing on the Involvement in Municipal Adminis- tration Program and the details of the 1982 Ontario Municipal Training Program, be filed. 7. , Mr. William Sloetjes and Mr. Danny Welch of the Roads Pepartment have been authorized to carry over one-~alf day vacation each, from 1981 .to 1982, as they,were r~quired to work, when they were scheduled to be off. 8. The Director, Homes for Senior Citizens, has been authorized to increase the number of full time Registered Nurses ,and reduce part time help. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. (":;;. <: ~:T?I ~ %{?SL 97 HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1982 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. A Registered Nurse frOm Elgin Manor and one from Terrace Lodge have been authorized to attend a Drug and Geriatric Care Seminar" in Toronto, at a cost of $130.00 per person) plus hotel and expenses. 2. The Director and Assistant Administrator have been authorized to attend a meeting at the Holiday Inn~ City Centre, London, on March"lUh, at. a cost of $25.00 per person. 3. The Warden and Chairman of the Personnel Committee havebeeri asked to accompany the Director and Assistant Administrator to the certification hearing, for the Terrace Lodge. employees , before the Labour Relations Board, on February 19th, 1982. 4. The proposed agreement for the~ Medical Directors has been approved, as to content, and it is recommended that a by-law be introduced to the February Session, to ,authorize the Warden and Clerk to sign.the agreements. 5. Marie Bach use the whirlpoOl at of Aylm~r., ha,s been given permission . to Terrace Lodge for therapeutic purposes. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. (';!r.( ) , ~ - " ri' , ;):/.lJ!n" ~FL 98 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1982 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. The Clerk-Treasurer has been authorized to purchase a fold-down 36" x 72" table for use in his office fox Committee meetings. etc., at a cost of $152.00 plus sales tax. 2. That we recommend that Council consider including the following in their 1982 Budget: Registry Office Court House Maintenance Administration Buildings Maintenance Recovery of Rentals EXPENDITURES $11,500 55,000 RECEIPTS $ 5,023 28,891 LEVY $ 6,477 26,109 25,000 25,000 (39,277) 39,277 3. That we recommend that a parking lot be constructed by extending the area between the Engineer's Office and the ga~age, westerly to Stanley St~eet. ALL of which is ~espectfully submitted. /~7U.WszJ K. C E Cha.' merson L~man. ' '-''P'f o2oJ' * See amend- ment below 99 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT Feb~ua~y Session, 1982 To the Wa~den and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Gove~nment Committee reports as follows: 1. That membership be taken out for the Secretary- Treasu,re~ of the Land DivisiQn Committee and ,any member of the Committee who attends the annual convention of the Ontario Associatioriof Committees of Adjustment and Land Division Committees at a cost of $20.00 each. 2. That the members of the Land ,Division Committee and Secretary-Treasurer beauthoTized to attend the annual con- ventionof the Ontarto Assoc1ationof Committees of Adjustment and Land Division Committees in Windsor. June 6th~9th, 1982, with the usual expenses paid. 3. That the letter and copy of Bill 194 with respect to Planning, from the Mf.nister of Municipal Affairs and Housing be filed. 4., That the press release from Herbert A.Epp, M.P.P. Waterloo North, outlining the main features of his Private Member's Bill 're: The Assessment Appeal Procedure Amendment Act. 1981. (Bill 195) be filed. . 5. That the resolution from The Township of Malahide requesting the Attorney General of Ontario to initiate legislation which will make restitution in all cases of vandalism mandatory be endorsed~ 6. We recommend that the Personnel Committee revise item 16 in the Elgin County Employment Polities. 7. and Homes public. We recommend that the meetings for the Agricultural for Senior Citizens Committees be open to the B. We recomm~nd that all Committees keep minute books. 9. We recommend that the Clerk mail all items for Council on the Thursday prior to Council meetings. including correspondence received to that date. 10. We recommend that the following changes be made for meetings of Council and Committees thereof, effective January 1st, 1982: Full Day - $65.00 per diem from $60.00 Half Day - $40.00 per diem from $35.00. 11. We recommend that the Warden's remuneration be as follows. effective January 1st. 1982: Salary'- $10;500.00 Plus $40.00 for each Committee meeting attended Plus mileage. allowance for attending Council and Committee meetings and-any social functions. when representing the Co~nty. ALL of which is respectfuily submitted. * Item 11 was deleted from the Report. ;1:'.? ~~ ~ ~h'iE. Monteit - . rman. ' -_,~~,/0~ 100 COUNTY OF. ELGIN. ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION 1982 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COuNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMItTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: !I ill ,II Iii Iii ,H Ii Th(> foLl,)wlllgl,; 'I SUtlUIl'Il'Y uf !\)(!ll'm.lrtUI'Ct! UIl Elg1li.County and St. Thom!l5 Suburban Road Commission Roads in 198L In accordance with Ministry of Transportation and Communications' practice, Payroll Burden, such as Holidays with Pay, Sick Time, etc.. has been distributed to various projects and does not appear as a separate item. CONSTRUCTION COUNTY ROADS PART #1. N Asphalt Resurfacing, AssodatedDitching,Shouldering, etc', (a) Road #38 in Bayham Township from Cahadian iac:j.fic Railway: Tracks in Straffordville to Norfolk County Line, approximately 2.7 miles. (b) Road #45 in Southwo1d TO\fflship . from Road #16 at Middlemarch southerly for approximately 1 mile. TOTAL PART #1 PART #2 ~ Construction Roads and Bridges (.1) Roal.ll15 Walkers aridge (EIgil'i's Share of tel.' charges to Middlesex County). (i) (ii) (iii) Land Purchase for right-of_way and approach fills. Engineering Fees paid to bridge and soils consultants. Payments to. Contractor (McLean Foster Limited of St. Mary's). (iv) Mo1terial ~ suppli(>d to Contr<lctor, clearing, approach' grading and gtaveling, etc. by County of Elgin. TOl'AL EXPENDITURES WALKERS BRIDGE (b) Road #32 in Malahide Township from Highway #73 to County Road #52~ (c) Road #38 in Bayham Township between Richmond and Canadian Pacific Railway Tracks in Straffordville. (d) Roads #42 and #50 in Port Burwell (Engineering). (e) Miscellaneous grading and engineering. TOTAL PART #2 $402,529.62 87,644.40 $490.174.02 7,951.87 34,640.89 313,810.Hl 37,999.11 $394.402.06 $298,507..45 154,544.78 1,085.37 8,922.37 *-857.462.03 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE PART #3 - Miscellaneous (a) Rebate of Provincial Sales Tax Paid in 1980. (b) Land,Purchases including Roads #2, #3, #8, #.12, #38 and #45. (c) New and used machinery. (d) Completion of Salt Building, Whites Station, started in 1980. (e) Salt Storage Building at'i'ownship of Bayham Garage on Highway #19. (f) Machinery ownership costs, etc., charged to accounts receivable and town1ine accounts. 101 PAGE 2. 561.25 CR. 87,233.91 179, 741 ~40 8,553.41 41,851.87 31,146.43 CR. TOl'IiL l'ART.,IfJ $285,670.91 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COUNTY _$1,633.,306.96 CONSTRUCTION ST.. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAO COMMISSION ROAOS (a) Road #22 (Fairview Avenl.\e) in Yarmouth Townsllip, engineering grading, ditching; . drainage, fencing, etc. (b) Miscellaneous work Road #30 (Radio Road) and Road #52 between Road #30 and Road #25 (Wellington Road); (c) Larid Purchase Road #22 and Road /130, ,etc. TOTAL CONSTRUCTI'ON BY 5'1'. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMJ SSION TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COUNTY OF ELGIN AND ST.. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAO. COMMISSION $21,553.07 292.86 8,408.35 $10.254.28 $1.663,561.24 102 MAINTENANCE - COUNTY ROADS PAGE 3. ~ Letters and numbers correspond .to Ministry of Transportation and COlTlOlunicationS' Account Numbers. A _ culverts and Bridges Bridges (including Middlemiss, Fulton, Belmont and Gillet.s. etc.) Culverts Ii _ Roadside Maintenance Grass. Cutting Tree CUtting 4 Drainage Roadside Haintenance, Washouts, Shouldering, etc. r.OUN'!"{ l{OAUS 20,186.54 7;953.37 18,835.99 90,152.33 74,790.52 11,600.50 6 Tree Planting 5,103.08 11 Weed Spraying Drainage Assessments (repairs only) 4,609.23 10;021.99 c Hard Top Maintenance (Paved Roads) Repairs toPuv{'mcnt 2 Sweeping Shoulder Mairitenance (including gravelling, ditching, etc.) _ I, Surfac(' Tr~<ltm{mt 31,010.80 21,365.26 59,613.58 64. 726 ~ 11 _ Road IIJ _ New GtlIsgow to Rodney 5,109.92 Aldborough Township, surveys; etc.., for ditching and drainage. _ Road fI8 - Wallncctown to Dutton, 78,980.12 Dunwich Township, surveys, ditching, drain,1ge, shouldering, foncing, etc. [) _ Loose Top Maintenance (Gravel Roads) Grading Gravel Roads Dust Control (Calcium Chloride) Oust Control (Prime) Grllvel Resurfacing 19,081.49 42,035.20 1,342.25 91,464.24 ST. . THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ~ 466.02 3,943.33 2,937.04 7,990~ 2~ 13,115'.13 5,059-.23 538.75 232.37 1,395.23 51,557.81 2,298.82 21,577.06 8,357.10 ~ 20,652.56 11,896.70 21,773.03 98,142.55 87,905.'65 16,659.7:3 5,641.83 4,841.60 11,417.22_ 82,568.61 23,664.00 81,190.64 73,083.21 5,109.92 78,980.12 4,058.54 23,140.03 8,869.42 50,904.62 1,342.25 51,474.02 142,938.26 103 MAINTENANCE ~ COUNTY ROADS PAGE 4. COUNTY ~ ST ~ THOMAS SUBURBAN 'ROAD COMMISSION ROADS ~ E. ~ Winter Control (Total) Snow Plowing 55,-660.42 12,952.40 68,612.82 210,"71.611 17,:'IA6.13 247,<)')7.77 22,380.75 3,821.,95 26,202.70 19,820.28 3,775.25 23,595.53 ~illtillRiln<l~:l1\rllnfl Snow Fence 4 Winter Standby (Pro Rated to St.. Thomas Suburban Road Commission on a mileage basis [16%]) 1981 Winter Control County & St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission $366,36.8.82 1980 Winter Contl;'ol County ,& St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission $260,442.69 1979 Winter Control County & St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission $359,430.62 1978 WinterContrcil County & St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission $315,003.94 F_ Safety Deviees l Pavement. ld.arkitl8 25,163.54 Signs, 61, 7!i2~20 3 Guide, Rails-"; 4,840.81 4 Railroad Protection 37,930.55 Stump..RemovaI 11,611.79 8,238;56 33,40i.l0 5,367.21 67,119.41 954.27 5,795.08 7,166.58 45,097.13 11,611.79 9,882.15 16,3"32.11 273,414.591,387.579.05 Pavement Edge Marking 6,449.96 TOTAL 1,114 164.46 (NoTE: F~5 andF-6 were: funded under << ""'I'~..m'<"'Lary - Safety Money By-Law in amount of $25,000 Subsidy from the Ministry of TransportaUon and Communications [90.909% Subsidy Rate].) OVERHEAD- COUNTY I, SIl[><'rint"ndi:>nc('. I.ncl\1di"j.\ Couilt'" "'l)',ln{,<'l", lIn,760.08 12.H2.il7 115,<):'11.05 Supi'i~inLc",i"llt';. .luu..v.!i,l,,"'c>l 2. C1e'dql 47,285.92 5.547.51 52,833.43 3_ Office 12,432.89 1,458.61 13,89L.50 4. Garages (White .Station and Rodney), Stock & 82,108.23 9,512.9,9 91,621.22 Timekeepers; Maintenance, Heat, etc. S_ Tools and Miscellaneous Repairs 21,592.44 2,533.19 24,125.63 6_ Radio 3,210.12 376.61 3,586.73 7. Traffic Counts and Needs Study Update. 9,016.64 1,126.62 10,143.26 8_ Training Courses 1,389.75 163.04 1,552.79 9. Permits 12.00 12.00 104 OVERHEAD - COUNT'( 10. Miscellaneous Insurance. 2,122.47 11, Rehabilitation of White Station Gravel Pit (Ministry of Natural Resources Permit) 100.00 283.030.54. 33.140.55 316.171.09 TOTAL OVERHEAD PilGE5. 249.01 OVerhead is charged against the St. Thomas Suburban Road Conimission Roads.- Oil a percentage basis - of the cost of construction and maintenance on the St. Thomas Suburban Road COlOOlission Roads - as a percentage of all construction and maintenance on both St. Thomas Suburban Roads and County Roads (urban rebates. equipment purchases, drainage assessments, items not for subsidy, etc., are not considered in determining the overhead percentage). in 1981 the Overhead Charge to the St. Thomas Suburban Road Cominission was 10.57.~ MISCELLANEOUS Rebate to rown of Aylmer and ViUagesof 257. of their Road. Levy Payroll..Burden totaled 359,423.33 in 1981..was distributed in accordance with Ministry of Transportation and Communications standard practice to the various operations. ITEMS. NOT SUBSIDIZED BY THE MINISTRY oF TRANSPORTA'fION. ANI) COMMUNICATIONS COUNTY ~ Road LiabiLity Insurance MiscelLancpus (including memberships, etc.) St. Thomas Suburban Road Conunissi,on, Fees and Expenses and Memberships 1,197.30 762.44 TOTAL ~ , $48,448.58 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION IWAllS ~ 111.90 1,309.20 214.00 325.90 2.285.64 2,371.48 762.44 214.00 100.00 5erk of Bahnce Payable by City of St. Thomas $40,791.50 105 PAGE 6. ~ (a) Consttuc.tion ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COUNTY COMMISSION ~ ROADS .'!'.Q1'M: 1,633.306.96 30.254.28 1,663,561.24 1,114,L64.46 27?414.59 1,387,579.05, 2I;1J,(nO.,~ll 'n,JA().~5 316,171.09 48.448.58 NIL 48,448.58 1,.959.74 325.90 2'.285.64 40,000.00 NIL 40,000.00 3,120.910.28 337.135.323.,458,045.60 71.930.71 NI:L 71,930.71 61,412.64 NIL 61,412.64 - 3,131.428.35 337,135.32 3,468.563.67 (b ) Maintenance (c) Overheud (d) Urban Rebates (e) Items.Not For Subsidy (f) Drainage A!lsessmcnts Construction (50'l.Ministry of Transportation and Communications~ Subisidy) SUBT<JrAL ADD .1981 Stock Balance DEDUCT 1980 Stock Balance TOTAL. CALCULATION OF AMOUNT PAYABLE BY CITY m' ST, THOMAS TOWARD THE .ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN RoAD COMMISSION 1. Miilistry of Transportationaild Conimunlcations SubSidy, Rate on Item - F~6 (Pavement Edge Marking) is 90.909% N Ministry of Transportation and Communications Subsidy on 9,882.15 @ 90~909% $ 8_983.76 2. Ministry of transportation and Communications Subsidy on all other items (except,items Not For Subsidy)is calculated at 75.42% MiniStry of Transportation and Communications Subsidy ,on 326,927. 27@ 75042% 246,568.55 TOTAUMINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATIDNAND COMMUNICATIONS SUBSIDY $255,552.31 Total St. ThOmas 'Suburban Road Commission Expenditures LESS Ministry of Transportation and Communications Subsidy BALANCE 337.135.32 $.81.583.01 108 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROADCQMMITTEE SECOND REPORT FEBRUARY 1982 SESSION TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF 'ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: WE RECOMMEND: 1_ That a By_Law be passed that will in effect ame.nd the: present by~law restricting vehid'c loads on County Bridges and fltll restrict the gross allowable vehicle weight of vehicles usinS the Middlemiss Bridge to 18 tonnes. That, a By-Law be passed stating that. the County of Elgin has no objections to the passing of a By~Law by the Township of Bayham to close all that part of Second Straet lying westerly from the we,st, limit of West Street extended southedy and extending westerly to the line between Lots 124 and 125, north Talbot Road according to plan 205 for the Village of Straffordville. That a By~Law be passed stating that the County of Elgin has no objections to the passing of a By_Law by the Township of Bayham to close (1) Part of the original road allowance between Lots 123 and 124, North Talbot Road being about the northerly two_thirds of said road allowance and. (2) The road allowance between Lots 15 and 16 in the Gore Concession South of the 8th and north of the North Talbot Road !n the Township of Bayham. All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin and Province of ontario being composed of pa~t of the original allowance for road between Lots 123 and 124, North Talbot Road more 2. 3. particularly described as follows: Part #1 Connnencing at a point in the westerly limit of said road allowance distant 2,400 feet measured northerly thereon from a point in its intersection with the northerly limit of Talbot Road; Thence northerly along the said westerly limit to its intersection with the centre line of the East Branch of Big Otter Greek; 109 COUNTY OF, ELGIN ROAD . COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT _ FEBRUARY 1982 SESSION PAGE 2. Thence easterly along the centre .lineof the East Branch of Big" Otter Greek a distance of JJfeet more or less to its intersection with the centre line of the said original roadallowancc; Thence n9rtherlyalong the centre line of the said road allowance to its intersection with the line joining thenorth..east corner of said Lot 12J and the northwwest corner. of said Lot "l24; Thence easterly along the last described line a distance of JJ feet mote or less . tD a point in the north-west corner of aaid Lot 124. ~hence southerly along the easterly limit of said original road allowance a distance of 4,200 feet more or less to a point distant 2,400. feet measured northerly theron from. its intersection with the northerly limit of Talbot Road; The'nce- westerly 66 feet more or less to the place of beginning. Part #2 Connnendng at a :point in the ~orth ,east corner of Lot 123, North Talbo~ Road; thence southerly along. the westerly limit of said original road allowance to its intersection with the centre line of the East Branch of Big Ott'er creek; Thence easterly along the centre line of. the East Branch of Big Otter. Creek a. distance of Jj teet more or less to its iriterscctiori' with the. centre line of the said original road allowance; Thence northerly along the centre line of the said original road alloWance to its intersection. with the line joining the north-east cot'ner of said Lot 123 and the north west corner of said Lot 124; Thence- westerly along the last described line a distance of JJ feet morecir less to the' place of beginning. ALL OF WHICH IS 'RESPECTfULLY SUBMIttED ~,,,:\ 0~\) -:;;t;; pc?L- 110 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE THIRD -REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION 1982 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR 'ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOIiS, WE RECOMMEND I 1. That a By-Law be passed stating that the County of Elgin has no objections to the passing of a By-Law by the Township of Malahide to close part of the original roadallowanca ,between - Lots'.lO and 11, Concessiqn IV. Township of Malli.hide which may be described as follows: All that part of the original allowance for road between Lots 10 and 11. lying Northerly of the limit between the north-half and the south-half of said Lots 10 and il, 1y1,09 easterly of Highway 1173 widened as shown on Polan 0193, l!aveand excepting thorefrom that certain IJarcel or tract of land and premises lying and being in the said. 'township of Malahide and Province of Ontario and being composed of Part 1 on a reference plan deposited in the Registry Office for tho Registry Division of Elgin (No. 11) as number llR 571. 2. That a By-Law be passed prohibiting parking on County Road 112 in the village of West [,orlle between the hours of 11,00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. the following day from nocember 1 to March 31 of the. following year. This By-Law' is passed at the request of the Village of West Lorne to allow them to do Winter. Maintenance work at night on various streets. The Village of West Lorne has agreed to enforce. the By-Law. and to pay for the erectioll of the necessary signs. 3. That the County Representative on the St. Thomas Suburban Road commission, Mr. A1be.rt Auckland, be authori1:ed to attend the annual meeting of the Suburban Road Commissions' Association to be held in Lambton County in June. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED C;2\ _ ~"^I\}...'\~\T-.-^ ;Z;:f8L 111 LIBRARY BOARD REPORT February Session ~a To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council The Library Board reports as follows: 1.. That tenders'are being called for the furniture for the new Aylmer Library~ 2; . That the ROM display Confederation Generation has arrived at Port, Stanley Library and IsondiSplay. 3.. That the tender of Hay Stationery for 500 'transfer cases at $2.67 each be accepted. All. of which is respectfully submitted. ~"""'-w~ ' n "KeUng, , ~ C irman Elgin County Library Board '~cSL- I I[ 1:\ ~' I Ii 'Iii 'I ':: I!i d 112 TREASURER'S STATEMENT ON REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES February Session, 1982 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, I beg to submit the following itemized statement of the remuneration, mileage and expenses. paid to each Member of Elgin County' Council, during the calendar year ending December 31st. 1981: ~ Remuneration and Council and Committee * By-Law No. 81-10 By':"Law No. 81-9 Con~tions By-Law No. 81.:..40 By-Law No. 81-26 Milea.8~ Outside ~!!!.L By':"Law No. 79,...1 B't'adfield, R.T. I 801.40 I 124.00 I Caverly, W.K. 2,115.20 42.80 1,695.64 COles, R.F. 1,090.00 97.00 1,495.64 Emerson, K.C. 1,443.20 428.80 F'arthing I D; 1,684.60 Fleck, J.R. 2,581.40 173.60 517.00 Glover, S.J. 3,084.20 42.20 1,890.64 Haddow, R. 815.40 617.60 1,479.15 Hodgson, J.W. 2,904.00 1,495.64 Kelly, K.M. 2,837.20 978.64 Lashbrook, ,H.T. 705.00 477 .00 953.64 Lavcreau, R.J. 1,158,.60 848.40 953.64 Liebner, A.H. (dec.) 137.00 168.00 ~larr, E.H. 2,322.20 1,840.6'4 McWilliam, D.A. 1,493.60 Monteith, K.E. * 9,055.23 96.20 4,443.96 Neukamm, E. 891.00 315.00 322.00 Pearson, D. H. 1,321.40 978.64 Perovich, D. 486.00 242.20 322.00 Pettit, G .R. (dec.) 421. 20 316.40 Shaw, L.J. * 2,748.67 1,495.64 Sheils, R.J. 115.40 Smyth, J.N. 1,138.40 124.00 Stewart, M.H. 2,104.00 673.00 345.00 VO,1kaert, J .A. 1,070.00 606.00 1,323.64 Wakeling, J .L. 734. 80 429.00 803.64 Wal tel's, G. E. 2,025.00 250.00 Wilson, J.B. 2,151.00 937.00 tOTAL $49,435.10 $6,065.20 $24,271.79 ALL of which is respectfully submitted. -~....,..~..~~ G. C. Leverton, County Treasurer. Total $ 925.40i 3.85).641 2,682.64' 1,872.00 1,684,601 3,272.00 5,017,.04: 2,912.15! 4,399~64; 3,815.84: 2,135.64, 2,960.64 305.00 4.162.84 .1,493;60 13.589.39" 1;528.00 2,300.04 1,050.20 737.60 ' 4,244.31 115.40 1,262.40 3,122.00 2,999.64 1,967.44 2,275.00 3,088.00 $79,772.09 'TREASURER'S STATEMENT ON REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES February Session, 1982 113 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County CounCil, I beg _to submit thef?llo~~ng itemized statement of the remuneration, mileage and expenses, paid to persons appointed to outside boards, during the calendar year ending December 31st. 1981 as authorized by By-Law No. 79-1 and By-Law No. 81-3: Nam~ Bv-Law No. 79':"'1 Appointed To AlbertW. Auckland St. Thomas Suburban Roads ~ommission Elgin County Library Board Hazel t. Lyons Arthur T. Miskelly Colin Morrison By-Law No. 81-3 Murray C. Benner Land Division Lorne R. Carroll Committee H. Paul deRyk(dec.) Alistair B. Littlejohn John V. McKinlay Fred S. Shively Noble G. Tufford TOTAL ALL of which is respectfully submitted. Remuneration and Mileage Q2~~!!2B& $~ $ 530.00 810.40 499.20 -- 1,839~ 1,253.50 1,268.00 1,028.60 1,115.00 1,206.40 1,501.00 ~83.40 8,555.90 $10,545.50 470~10 470.10 450.10 ~390.30 $~90.30 ~.c,..rI"&..,,-o.....(.~ G. C. Leverton, County Treasurer. Total $ !1Q.:,Q2 530.00 810.40 499.20 -- .!:..l839~ 1,253.50 1, 738 ~ 10 1,028.60 1,585.10 1,656.50 1,501.00 ~~~ ~~~.20 $11,935.80. 114 SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT Feb~uary Session, 1982 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council. The Social Services CommIttee reports as fon,ows: 1. That the Director be authorized to purchase a used Olivetti 660 Calculator at a cost of $195.00. That the Director be authorized to attend the OMSSA Convention in Thunder Bay with the usual expenses 2. annual paid. 3. That we recommend that Council consider including an amount of $872,300.00 for the operation of the Social Services Department, requiring the County to provide $218,170.00. in their 1982 budget. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. /j ~"" ~ ;/' ,", ' .~~,' "-t,,~ R. Haddow, ~r8L 115 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1982 SECOND.REPORT To the Warden and Members of 'the Elgin County Counci I, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That the statements of operating expenses for 1981 be forwarded to the Ministry of Government Services,for th~ Court House andRegistry Office, in accordance with the' lease agreement~ This will result in claims for additional amounts as follows: Registry Office Court House $ 971.99 2,626.37. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ;p ~Zl?wt.L'1]~ K'.C. Emerson, C~~rSL 116 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1982 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Cquncil, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: That the following ,letters be filed a's information: Ontario Blue Cross with E.H.C. financial review (December I, 1980 - November 3D, 1981). Ministry oe Labour acknowledging Local 210'8 request for a conciliation officer. Ministry of Labour advising that Mr. J. Leonard has been appointed Conciliation Officer. 2. That item 16 of the Elgin County Employment Policies be amended by adding "beyond the County limits". to the existing wording. !. (1) (2) (3) ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ['~/f;!~ E. H M Chai ;ma~:r-". _/ ",' /' ,S:? ._ ._ac"""/,' ,::;? /" )' / ''rr<( ~ ;Ja~~ 117 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 82-7 liTO REGULATE THE PROCEEDINGS IN THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES THEREOF. I.' WHEREAS it is expedient to regulate the pr9ceedings in Council and 1n Committees of the same, and the Officers of the Corporation of the County, of Elgin, aodto amend and con- solidate all other By~Laws relating to the proceedings in Council. THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: PROCEEDINGS IN COUNCIL I MEETINGS AND ADJOURNMENT OF COUNCIL 1. In all the proceedings had or taken in the Muriicipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. the follow- ingrules apd regulations shall be observed, and sh(ill be the rules~nd regulations for the ,order and despatch of business in the said Council, and of ,the Committees 'of the said Council. 2. The first meeting of Council, after a regular elec- tion and the first meeting in the second year of its term, shall be held at the hour ot two o'clock in the afternoon on the second Wednesday in December, (except when the first day of December falls on a Wednesday, in which case it shall be the third Wednesday) and for every other day or sitting in the Session, such hour shall be regulated at the previous adjournment. 3. Unless there shall bea quorum present in half an hour after the time appointed for the meeting of Council, the Council shall then stand absolutely adjourned until the next regular hour of meeting, and the Clerk or Deputy Clerk shall, if required by two members, take down the names of the members present at the expiration of such half hour. 4. ,the Council shall always adjourn at the hours of twelve o'clock,noon, and six o'clock, afternoon, if in session at these hours, unless otherwise determined by a resolution. 5. The Council shall always adjourn at the hour of ten o'clock, evening, if in session at that hOur, unless otherwi?e,determined by,a resolution. 6. places. Officer The members of the Council shall not leave their on adjournment, until the Warden or' other Presiding leaves the Chair. II ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS IN COUNCIL 1. As soon after the. hour of meeting as there ,shall be a quorum present, the Warden shall take the Chair and members present shall be called ,to order. 2. In case the' Warden shall not be in attendance, the Clerk 'or :Deputy Clerk shall call the meeting to order, until a Chairman shall be chosen. and the member so chosen to pre~ side shall take the Chair during the absence of the Warden; but at the meeting only at which the member has been so chosen. 118 " 2 - 3. Immediately after the_ Warden or other Presiding Officer shall have taken his seat at the first day of each Session, then the minutes of the preceding Session as mailed to each member shall be adopted as read or amended and shall be signed by the Warden and, Clerk or Deputy Clerk. 4. Every member, previous to his speaking to any question or motion, shall rise from his seat and address him- self to the Warden or other Presiding Officer. 5. When two or more members rise at once, the Warden shall name the member who is to speak first. 6. _ When the Warden or other Presiding. Officer is putting the question, no member shall walk across or out of the room, nor interrupt the speaker, except'to a question of order, nor pass between the speake~ and the Chair, and no Councillor shall leave his place during the sitting of the Council without turning to the Chair as he retires, and making a bow in such a manner as that any member present may have an opportunity to object to the absence of such retiring member. 7. Any member called to order shall at once sit down,_ unless permi,tted to explain, and the :ruling of the Warden or other Presiding Officer shall be final, unles,s otherwise decided by the Council on an appeal from such ruling. 8. No member shall speak disrespectfully of The Reigning Monarch, nor of any of the Royal Family, nor of the Governor-General, Lieutenant-Governor, or other person admin~ istering the Government of the Dominion, or of this Province,; nor shall he use offensive words against this Council, or against any member thereof. 9. No member shall smoke or dririk coffee in the Council Chamber while Council is 1n Session. 10. No member shall speak beside the question in debate. 11. Any member may require the question or motion under discussion to be read at any time during the debate, but not so as to interrupt a member while speaking~ 12. No member shall speak more than once on the same question, until all other members have had the opportunity to speak to the question. 13. After amotion is passed, o~ a report adopted, no motion ,to alter or amend the same shall be considered during the same Session of Council, unless the motion to alter or amend is moved and seconded by two members from among those who voted with the majority that carried said motion or report. 14. Upon a division of any question before the Council or any Committee thereof, except Committee Of The Whole, and if required by any member of Council or the Committee, the names of those voting on the matter before the Councilor the Committee shall be recorded YEA and NAY as the members vote on the question. All members present during a division must vote. 15. Questions under the proper order of the day may be put to the Warden or other Presiding Officer, or through him to any member of the Council, relating to any motion, or other matter connected with the business of the Councilor the affairs of the County, but no argument or opinion is to be offered, nor any facts stated, except so far as may be necessary to explain the same; and in answering any such questions a member is not to debate the matter to which the same refers. 119 " 3 " III ORDERS OF THE DAY 1. The Clerk or the Deputy Clerk shall have prepared for the use of the members the general order of the day, containing: Re~u1ar Session 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th nth 12th Roll Call Adoption of Minutes Reading Communications Presenting Petitions and Delegation~ Inquiries by Members or Giving Notice Reports of Committees Unfinished Business New Business Council Correspondence Committee Of The Whole Considerat~on of By-Laws Adjournment. Inaugural Session 1st 2nd 3rd Roll Call Resolution on Procedure to Elect Warden E1ectioriof Warden (1) Prospective Candidates to Speak (2) Proceed with Election (Ballot - Resolution) Signing of Declaration of Office and Oath of Allegiance Gowning Presentation by Past Warden Chain of Office Lord..Elgin Watch Gavel of Office Warden's Address Adoption of Minutes Consideration of By-Laws Warden to Appoint Special Committee to Strike_ the Standing Committees (Four Members) Other Business Adjournment. 4th 5th 6th "lth 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 2. The business shall, in all cases, betaken up in the way in which it stands upon the orders of-the day, unless otherwisedetermiRed by a vote of a majority of the members present taken without debate thereon. 3.. . All motions shall be in writing, except to dispose of reports or communications, or to refer to Committees, and shall be seconded before being debated or put to vote; and all motions shall be read and shall then be conveyed to 'the Warden, who may again'read the same. 4. . After a motion has been received by the Warden or other Presiding Officer, it shall be deemed to be in posses- sion of the Council, but may be withdrawn at any time by consent of a majority of the members present. 5. A motion to refer the main motion to a Committee shall preclude all amendment of the main question until decided" 6. Amotion to adjourn shall always be in order unless a v0te is being taken, but no second motIon to adjourn shall be made until after some intermediate proceedirigs shall have been laid. 7. All amendments shall be put in the ,reverse order in which they are moved; and every amendment submitted shall be reduced to writing, and be decided upon or withdrawn before the main question is put to vote. 120 - 4 - 8. Only one amendment shall be allowed to an amendment, and any amendment more than one must be to the main question. 9. When the question under consideration contains distinct propositions,. upon the request of any member the vote upon each proposition shall be taken separately. . 10. After any question is finally put to vote by the Warden or other Presiding Officer, no member shall speak to the question. nor shall any other motion be made until after the result is declared; and the decision of the Warden or other Presiding Officer as to whether the question has been finally put shall be conclusive. 11. Whenever the Warden or other PreSiding Officer is of the opinion that a motion offered to the'Council is contrary to law. or the rules and privileges of the Council, he shall apprize the members thereof immediately before putting the question thereon, and quote the law or rule or authority applicable to the case, without argument or comment. 12. Members shall always take their places when any division is called for. 13. When the Warden or other Presiding Officer is called on to decide a point of order or practice, he shall state the rule or authority applicable to the case, without argument or comment, when required. IV ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS IN COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 1. Whenever it shall be moved and carried that the Council go into a Committee Of The Whole, the Warden or other Presiding Officer shall leave the Chair, and shall appoint a Chairman of Committee Of The Whole, who shall maintain order in the Committee, and who shall report the proceedings of the Committee. 2. The rules of the Council shall be observed in Committee Of The Whole, with the exception of Section II, paragraph 10, so far as may ~e applicable, except that no motion shall require to be seconded, but no, motion for the previous question, or for an adjournment, shall be allowed; and in taking the YEAS and NAYS the names of the members shall not be recorded, nor shall the number of times of speaking on any question be limited. 3. Questions of order arising in Committee Of The Whole, shall be decided by the Chairman. subject to an appeal to the Council, and if any sudden disorder should arise in the Committee, the Warden or other Presiding Officer, will resume the Chair, without any question being put. 4. On motion in Committee Of The Whole. to rise and report, the question shall ~e decided without debate. 5. A motion in Committee Of The Whole to rise without reporting, or that the Chairman leave the Chair, shall always be in order, and shall take precedence of any other motion. On such motion debate shall be allowed, and on an affirmative vote the subject referred to the Committee shall be consid- ered as disposed of in the negative, and the Warden or other Presiding Officer shall resume the Chair and proceed with other business. V READING OF BY-LAWS AND PROCEEDINGS THEREON 1. Every by-law shall be introduced by the Clerk or Deputy Clerk and shall be authorized by a Committee or Council. 121 - 5 - 2. .. When a by-law is read in ,the Council. the Clerk or Deputy Clerk shall certify the readings, on the back thereof. After by-laws have passed he shall be responsible for their corrections should they be amended. 3. The question: "That this by~law be now read a first timelt, shall be decided without amendment or debate, and shall be read a second time before it is committed, and read a third time before it is Signed by the Wa~den. 4. Any by-law for' the appropriation of money, brought in on the report ofa Committee Of The Whole. shall pass through all its stages without_being again refer+ed to the Committee Of The Whole, unless'upon special motion in writing. 5. Al,l amendments made in Committee Of The Whole shall be reported by the Chairman to the Council. through the Warden or other Presiding Officer, who.shallreceive forthR with. After report, theby-law.shall be open to debate and amendment before it is ordered fora third reading. Whena by-law is reported without amendment, it is forthwith ordered to be read a third time at such time as maybe appointed by the Council. 6. . All by-laws adopted shall be printed in the pro- ceedings of the Council. VI PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS l.Everypetition. protest. or other written applica- tion intended to be presented to the Council. must be _fairly written or printed on paper, and signed by at least one person. 2.. . Every member presenting any petition, protest, or other written application ,to the Council. shall examine the same,. and shall ,be answerable that they do not contain any impertinent or improper mattei" and. that the 'same,is respe,ct- ful and temperate in its language; he shall also endorse thereon the name of the applicant and the substance of such application, and sign his name thereto, ,which endorsement only shall be read by the Clerk, unless a member shall require the reading of the paper, in which case the whole shall be read. 3. . All petitions or other written communications on any subject within the cognizance of any Standing Committee shall. on presentation, be referred to the proper Committee by the Warden without any motion; and no member shall speak upon. nor shall any, debate be allowed on the presentation of any petition or other communication to the Council; but any member may move that in referring said petition or other ' communication certain instructions may be given by the Council. or that ~he said petition or communication complain of some present personal grievance, re~uiring imm~diate remedy,the matter conta~nedtherein may be brought into immediate discussion and disposed of forthwith. 4. Any person or group of persons. wishing to address County Council. shall be required to make the necessary arrangements through the County Clerk, at least eight (8) days prior to the date of the Council Session. Written briefs shall be provided so that sufficient time will permit distribution to the members of Council, prior to the said Session. VIr ORGANIZATION OF COMMITTEES 1. The Warden shall appoint a Committee of four mem~ bers of Council to Strike the Standing Committees ,for the year and appoin~ representatives to various boards. The Warden shall be,ex~officio, a member of all the Standing Committees, and is considered to be one of the number show~ to be on each of the Committees. , ';1 1'1 1:1 I ,! I!! I!I! I:'! II 122 - 6 - 2, A Standing or business. majority of the number of members composing any Select Committee, ~hall be a quorum to do . There shall be annually appointed, at the first of each Council, the following Committees which shall the Standing Committees of the Council for the. year: 1st. Agricultural 2nd. Property 3rd. County Government 4th. Social Services 5th. Homes for Senior Citizens 6th. County ,Roads 7th. Personnel .8th. Reception and Entertainment. 4. Each Standing Cornmittee of the Council. except where otherwise specially provided. shall consist of ' such members of the Council. not exceeding one member from each Municipality, excluding the Municipality represented by the Warden as the Council shall name as afOresaid. 3, meeting compose 5. The members of each Standing Committee shall, at their first meeting, elect a Chairman from among 'themselves, and as soon as s~ch Chairman has 'been elected, the time of the future regular meetings of the Committee shall be deter- mined by the members thereof, and also the hour at which each of such meetings shall be held. , 6. The time and place of meetings of Committees during Sessions of Council shall be arranged with the Clerk or Deputy Clerk by the Chairman, and in his absence by the Clerk or Deputy Clerk. 7. ,Special meetings of Committees may be called by the Chairman whenever he shall consider it necessary to do so, and it shall be the duty of the Chairman, or. in his -absence the Clerk or Deputy Clerk of the Council, to summon a speci'al meeting of Committee whenever requested in writing to do so by a majority of the members 'of the Committee. 8. Members of the Council mayat'tend the meetings of any of theCo~ittees, and shall not be allowed to vote nor take any part in the discussion or debate, unless requested to do so by the Chairman. VIII COMMITTEE MEETINGS 1. The business of the respective Standing and Select Committees shall be conducted under the following regulations: (a) The Chairman shall sign. all such orders and documents as the Committee may legally order. (b) In his absence, one of the other members shall be elected to' preside, who shall dis- charge the duties of the Chairman for the meeting until the arrival of the Chairman. (c) No order or authority to do any'matter or thing shall be recognized as emanating from any Committee unless it is in writing; or unless it is signed by the Chairman, or Acting Chairman; or, Secretary thereof. IX DUTIES OF COMMITTEES 1. The general duties of all the, Standing and Select Committees of the Council shall be as follows: (a) To report ,to the Council from time t6 time, whenever desired by the Council, and as often' as the interests of the County may require,on all matters conne_cted with the duties, imposed on them respectively, and, to ,recommend such action by the Council in relation thereto as may be deemed necessary. 123 - 7 - (b) To cause to be prepared and introduce into the Council, all such by-laws' as maybe necessary to give effect to the reportsorrecommenda- tions of the respective Committees that are adopted by the Council. To consider and report respectively on any and all matters referred to them by the Council or Warden, the Chairman signing such report and bringing up the same. (c) X AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE 1. The Agricultural Committee shall be composed of all the rural Reeves, plus one representative from an urban municipality. 2. To oversee work carried on ;by the Weed ltispector and Tree Commiss~oner. . XI PROPERTY COMMITTEE 1. The Property Committee shall be composed of five (5) members. 2. It shall be the duty of the Property Committee to consider and report on all affairs in connection with the repairing, purchasing, leasing or selling of County property, exclusive of property' bought for road purposes. 3., To regulate and have supervision of all matters connected with the Jail, Court House;' Registry Office, Municipal Building, Museum and all grounds and buildings belonging to the County except the Homes for Senior Citizens and the property and buildings used by the Roads Department. The Committee to be authorized to approve and pass all accounts in connection with above and issue orders on the County Treasuzer for payment'of accounts. XII COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE 1. The County Government Committee shall be composed o~ eight (8) members. 2. It shall be their duty to, ,consider and make recom- mendations to, the County Council: of all proposed changes effecting the present functions of County Council. 3. To make recommendations with regard to remuneration; convention and mileage rates of County Councillors, Committee Members and the Warden. 4. To study a~d make recommendations with respect to all proposed restructuring of, local government within the, County. 5. To study and make recOmmendations with respect to industrial, recreational and planning matters. XIII SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE 1. The Social Services Co~mittee shall be composed of five (5) members. 2. It shall be their duty to regulate and have super- vision of all matters connected with the Department of Social Services and other related Social Services. 3. To hire help when needed, except the Director or Deputy Director. 124 - 8 - XIV HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE 1. The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee shall be composed of five (5) members, all 'of whom shall be entitled to vote on all matters, and two (2) advisory members who shall have no voting privileges. 2. It shall be the duty of the Homes for ,Senior Citizens Committee to regulate and have supervision of all matters connected with Homes for Senior Citizens and be authorized to approve and pass all accounts and issue orders on the Treasurer for payment of same. XV COUNTY ROADS COM~ITTEE 1. The Roads Committee shall be composed of the following: Five Two One One (5) rural voting members (2) rural advisory members (1) urban voting member (1) urban advisory membe~. 2. It shall be the duty of the County Roads Committee to co-operate with and direct the County Road Supexintendent in the, construction ,and maintenance of county roads and bridges. The disbursement of all moneys pertaining to the county road system shall be made by the County Treasurer, only on the certificate of the County Road Superintendent, approved by the County Roads Committee, as certified under the hand of the Chairman thereof. 3. The Chairman or Warden and the County, Road Super-:-: intendent may authorize in writing,a payment, not exceeding a total of -$3,000.00 for emergency reasons, where necessary between Roads Committee meetings. 1. five XVI PERSONNEL COMMITTEE The Personnel Committee shall be composed of (5) members. 2. It shall be their duty to review from time- to, time and at least once each year the salaries, salary schedules and fringe benefits related -to employees who are not covered by a Union or Association agreement. 3. To set up a salary schedule for new positions when they are created and not covered by a Union or Association agreement. 4. To be'the negotiating ,committee, with power to add advisory people, when negotiating an agreement with a Union or Association representing employees of the, County of Elgin. 5. To advertise for, and interview applicants for the position of Head of a Department or his/her assistant or deputy. 6. To study and recommend to County Council all reclassifications of personnel,changes in fringe benefits, mileage rates I etc. of non-Union or non-Association employees. 7. To make recommendations-to the Elgin County Council with respect to any of the above duties. - 9 - 11:a5 I' XVII RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE 1. The Reception and Entertainment Committee shall be composed of ten (10) members. 2. , Tei be responsible for and to make all t;:he necessary arrangements for the annual Warden's Banquet. 3., To be, responsible for arranging for meals etc. 'for each meeting of County Council. 4. , ,To arrange. when required, any function fnvolving entertainment etc. for the County. XVIII APPOI~MENT AND DUTJESOF OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION The ~uties of the various Officers of theCorpora~ tion~' in addition to those prescl'ibed by law, or, any By-Law or Resolution of the Council, shall be as follows: XIX TREASURER AND/OR DEPUTY,TRE~SURER 1. 'the Treasurer shall be, the Head of the Financi,al Department of theCorporation,andshallbe the principal officer and adviser of' theCo't'poratibn,- 1n::a11 matted r~lat1ng to. U'!-e _lllonetaryancl ,Unanc~al~ oper~tions: ,of, t!}e County, 'and especially:with_r('!:g'ardtp": its' d~bt/ and the' estimates. t;o ..beprepa~red,~ annually.:E;or proyidb1'g tl:1e"way~ . and 'me,g:ns -fOr protecting thes,ame; and,l1)eeting theai:mus,l e,cpend"::' iture, with a'careful1;'egard_~,to the :maintenanCf:: of'the .County' credit. ' 2. The security of the Treasurer, ..as required' by law, shall be by guarantee bond of any good and sufficient Company or Association duly incorporated for granting_bonds of suretyship for parties hOlding positions of trust, and as to the amount of the same and all other particulars, shall be subject to the approval Of Council; 3. The. Treasurer shall keep or. cause to be kept, according. to. the most approved system' of bookkeeping"such boOks of account as maybe necessary to show distinctly the receipts and disbursements, and all other reckonings and accountings of what nature or kind, soever, connected with the monetary transactions of theCorporation~ 4. He shall also keep special books and register~. for recording the debenture debt of the Corporation, the retire- mentof the coupons or interest warrants of the same, and all other changes in the same. 5. He shall use all diligence in enforcing the prompt collection of all rates, interest, rentals, or oth~r dues pf the Corporation, and where necessary, enforce payment of the same by a prompt recourse to legal process. 6. He shall be the custeidian of alL titles and evi.... dence of titles, deeds; insurance policies. mortgages, leases, bonds, agreements, or other instruments relating .to the' prop- erty and rentals of the County, and shall only allow the same to be taken from his office on the order of ,the Councilor' on the requisition and receipt of the County Clerk. or the Deputy Clerk I or the County Solicitor,~oruse,in any legal procedure or on the order to produce of any Court of Law or equity. 126 - 10 - 7. He shall further be the custodian of all bonds and securities of fidelity given for the faithful discharge of the duties of officials and servants of the Corporation, save his own, which shall bee deposited with the County Clerk. or Deputy Clerk or otherwise as the Council may direct. 8. . He shall be guided in the payments and dlsburse~ ments of his office by the By~Laws.Rules and Regulations of the Corporation with regard to the passing and verification of accounts by the several Committees, .Or by statutory or other authority, and by the appropriations made for their liquidation, advising with the Council.when requisite. 9. He shall, as early as may be after the c~ose of the financial year, cause to be prepared for publication any statements of assets and liabilities, and such other informa- tion regarding the County debt, and any other special accounts of the Corporation, as may be required by the Council. 10.. He shall generally superintend the transactions of his department, and the officer of the same, and duly compare; check, and verify the entries of receipts and disbursements with the accounts and vouchers of the same, and with the books of the office. 11. The accounts and transactions of his department shall be subject to an audit by the County Auditors as the Council may direct, and,these shall prepare the, Annual Detailed Audit and Abstract Report of Receipts and Expenditures. 1. Clerk other XX COUNTY CLERK AND/OR DEPUTY CLERK It shall be the duty of the County Clerk or Deputy to perform the duties required of him by statutory or authority. 2. To notify each member of the Committees to which they are appointed under this By~Law. as soon as the appoint- ment has been made, of the time and place at which the first meeting of the Committee will be held. 3. To give notice to the members of the Council of all special meetings. thereof; said notice to be mailed to each member at his residence or place of business. 4. attach tion. To have charge of the County seal and only to the same to any document connected with the Corpora- 5. To attend all meetings of Committees when requested by Chairman, Acting Chairman or Warden. and act as Secretary thereof. 6. He shall be generally responsible for the care and proper maintenance of all buildings on the Court House Block, including minor repairs. 7, Weed Tree To act as liaison between the Tree Commissioner/ Inspector and Council and be the person to whom the Commissioner/Weed Inspector reports. XXI ENGINEER 1. It shall be the duty of the County Erigineer to report to the Council, at each Session if necessary, as 'to the improvements and repairs which, in his opinion, should be undertaken by the Corporation; and also to present to the said Committee a supplementary report as to any additional improvements and repairs to be undertaken during the year, and which were not included in the last preceding report. 127 - 11 - 2. To have the general superintendence and control of all employees of the department in the carrying out of all works of construction and repair of buildings ordered by the Council (Property Committee). 3; To be responsible to the Council 'for the due per- formance of all such work, unless by the resolution, by-law, of contract for the same, such works have been entrusted to some other engineer or architect. \ 4. To decide upon, select and employ such personnel as may be required from time to time for any Corporation work under his control which has not been let by contract; and such employees shall be paid by the County upon the Engineer's certificate, reported to the Treasurer,' and shall be subject to dismissal at any time by him or the Council, and all such appointments and dismissals shall be reported to the County Roads Committee. 5. . . . To examine and certify all bills for material and labour against the Corporation for work~ in his charge, and to make or cause to be made, the surveys and examinations necessary for the purpose. 6~ To have general superintendence and control of all personnel in his department. When requested by other depart- ments, he shall have general superintendence and control over other contractors,subject to the terms of their respective contracts. 7. To, report from time. to time to ,the County Roads Commi_ttee, or to the Council,. as the case mayrequi:re,: any obstruction he may meet with in the course of his duties or any~ther matter upon. which he may require advice or iristruc- tion. 8. To furnish all necessary ptans and specifications for all engineering works under the control of the County Roads Committee. 9. To cause a notice of any' special meeting of th"1 County Roads Committee to be mailed to each member of said Committee. 10. To conduct the correspondence of the said Committee, and keep copies of all letters written by him on office business. 11. To communicate a copy of any order or minute of the said Committee made at such meeting, to such officials of the Corporation .or other persons as may be affected.thereby, ,or to whom the Committee may order the same to' be communicated. 12. To preserve and file all communications and, tenders addressed to or read before the said Committee, and to fur- nish them when required, a copy of any account, letter, report, specification, or other document in the possession of the said department. 13. To prepare and have the custody of, and be respon- sible for, all such plans and estimates as may from time to time be prepared for the use of the County. 14. He shall keep proper record of the classification of all employees of his department and any reclassification or new classification must be done in consultation with the PersonrielCommittee. 15. He may authorize in writing the payment of any account which provides for a discount or a penalty, when the due date is prior to the next Roads Committee meeting. !I 1;\ I 11 !!j \!', 11 I'; I, 128 - 12 - XXII THE COUNTY SOLICITOR 1. The person appointed as Solicitor shall attendte such duties and give such legal opinions as. may be required by the Council, the Chairman ofanyCornmittee thereof, Clerk or Deputy Clerk. such opinions to be in writing if requested. 2. That it shall be the duty of all other officers of this corporation to furnish the County Solicitor, upon request. with any documents, books, or papers. or copies of the same, in the custody or possession of stich officers. and to give to the said Solicitor such other aid and assistance as he may require in. the perfo'rmance of the duties. of the said office. XXIII LABOUR RELATIONS OFFICER 1. _ The person appointed as' Labour Relations Officer shall attend to such duties and give such legal opinioris as maybe required by the Council, the Chairman of any Committee thereof, County Clerk or Deputy Clerk, such opinions to be in writing if requested. XXIV MONEY APPROPRIATIONS, ACCOUNTS, EXPENDITURES, CONTRACTS AND IMPROVEMENTS 1. r~tion tender as the That- no tenders be accepted on behalf of the Corpo~ of the County of Elgin for any purpose unless, such ,be acco/llpaniedby a certified.cheque' for such amount C6mmittee having to Ao with the matter may determine. 2. No member of the Council shall have power to direct or interfere with the performance of any work for the Corporation, and the officer in charge shall be subject to his superior officer, if any, and to the Council, or to any Committee (while acting in that capacity, and not otherwise), to which the Council may, in any case, give authority in that behalf. 3. No contractor or other person found by the ,County Engineer, or person in charge on behalf of the Council, or by any Committee of the ,Council, or declared by a Resolution of the Council, or ascertained by a judicial decision, to have been guilty of defrauding, or attempting to defraud the County, shall again be employed in any capacity on behalf of or receive, any contract from the County, without the express sanction of the-Council. It shall be the duty of the various officers of the Corporation to forthwith report all such frauds, or attempted frauds, of which they may becomecogni- zant, to their superiors, and for such superiors to report the same to the Committee to whose department the subject of the fraud belongs~ XXV GENERAL CLAUSES 1. Council, sittings or other, No person, except Members and Officers of the shall be allowed to come within the bar during the of the Council without the permission of the Warden Presiding Officer. 2. No standing rule or order of the Council shall be suspended, except by a vote of two-thirds of the members present. 3. In all unprovided cases in the Proceedings of Councilor in Committee, the Law of Parliament shall be followed, and in such cases the decision of the Warden or other Presiding Officer shall be final, and acquiesced with- out debate. 129 - 13 - 4. . Any Officer who-shall,refuse, or wilfully fail or n~glect to perform any duty enjoined upon him by any By-Law or Resolution of the Council,or who shall in the discharge of his official duty be guilty of any fraud, extortion, oppression, favouritism, partiality, or wilful wrong or injustice, shall be subject to removal from office. 5. . Every By-Law which has passed the Council shall, immediately after being signed by the Warden, and sealed with the seal of the Corporation, be deposited by the Clerk, or Deputy..Clerk for security in the 'vault connected 'with his office. XVI COUNCIL PAY~ISTS 1. That all paylists',for.meetings of Councilor Committees be certified by t~e County ,Clerk or Deputy Clerk or Warden before being paid by the County Treasurer. . That By-Laws No.80':'43;'SI-39 a'nd81-52 'aildall other By_Laws ~nd Resolutions contrary to this By_Law be, and the same are hereby repealed. This By-Law to become effective upon passing. READ,a first time this 17th day of'February,1982~ READ a second time this 17thday of February, 1982. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of February} 1982. ~~"".--./ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ,/ ~." J 07'" '" /~ v'- ~l ~~. Shaw, ..o, arden. 130 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 82-8 ~~EINQ_A BY-LAW CONSENTING TO THE CLOSiNG OF AN UNOPENED B.9~Q ALLOWANCE IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM.l! WHEREAS notice has he en received, by registered mail, from the Township of Bayham, indicating their interition to pass a by-law to close all that part of Second Street, lying Westerly from the West limit of WeSt Street extended Southerly and extending Westerly~o the line between Lots 124 and 125. N.T.R., according to:Plan 205 for the Village of Straffordville; and WHEREAS the County of Elgin has no objections to the said passing of theby~law. THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County.of Elgin consents to the passing of a by-law stopping up the road allowance, as described above. REA~ a fi~st time this 17th day of February, 1982. READ a second time this 17th day of February, 1982. .,~EAD a third time and finally passed this 17th day of February, 1982. ~~>"~?~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~. ~//{ ri <"0.-" .! -, r- o. Sh - o aw 'arden." ' 131 COUNTY OF ELGIN By~Law No. 82-9 "BEING A BY-LAW CONSENTING TO THECLOS!BG'OF AN UNOPENED ROAD, ALLOWANCE IN.THE TOWNSHIP.-OF' BAYHAM~t' WHEREAS notice, has been received, by, regist'ered mail, from the Township of Bayham, indicating their intention to pass a by-law to close - (1) Part of the original Road Allowance between Lots 123 and 124 North Talbot Road being about the northerlytwo~thirds of said Road Allowance; and (2) The Road AllowancebetweE!O Lot,S 15 and 16 in the Gore Concession South of the 8th and North of North Talbot Road in the Township of Bayham, more particularly de'scribed on Schedule ''N' attached and forming part of this by-law; and WHEREAS the County of Elgin has no 'objections to the said pass.ing _of the by,...law. THEREFORE theMupicip~1 :Council of the Corporation of the County of E:lg,in consents to the passing of a by-law stopping up the :toad . allowanc,e', -as' desq'ibed; on S(lhedule,t1Alt. READ a first time this 17th day of February, 1982. READ a second time this 17th day of February, 1982. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th~ay of February, 1982. " /-; \ . --- / 'L_~_..J ~~>4--..,..J G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~ :!<' Shaw. 'a rden. 132 SCHEDU~ OF BY-LAW NO. 82-9 ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin and Province of Ontario being composed of part of the original allowance for road between Lots 123 and 124 North Talbot Road more particularly described as follows: PART 1 COMMENCING at a point in the Westerly limit of said road allowance distant 2,400 feet measured Northerly thereon frama point in its intersectIon with the- Northerly limit of Talbot Road; THENCE Northerly' along the said Westerly Urn! t to its intersection with the centre lineaf the East Branch of Big Otter Creek; THENCE Easterly along the centre line of the East Brancnof Big Otter Creek a distance of 33 'feet more or less to its intersection with the centre line of the said original road allowance; THENCE Northerly along. the centie' line of the said road allowance to its intersection with the line joining the North-East corner of said Lot 123 and the No~th-West corner of said Lot 124; THENCE 'Eas.terly along the last ,described line a distance of 33 feet more or less to a point in the North~West corner of said Lot 124; THENCE Southerly along the Easterly limit of said original road allowance a distance of 4,200 feet more or less to a point distant 2.400 feet me~sured Northerly thereon from its intersection with 'the Northerly limit of Talbot Road; THENCE Westerly: 66 feet more or less to the place of beginning. ~ COMMENCING at a point in the North-East corner of Lot 123 North Talbot Road; THENCE Southerly along the Westerly limit of said original road allowance to its intersection with the centre line of the East Branch of Big Otter Creek; THENCE Easterly. along the centre line o~ the East Branch of Big Otter Creek a distance of 33 feet more or less to its intersection with the centre line of the said original road allowance; THENCE Northerly along the centre line of the said original road allowance to its intersection with the line joining the North-East corner of said Lot 123 and the North- West corner of said Lot 124; THENCE Westerly along the last described line a distance of 33 feet more or less to the place of beginning. 133 COUNTY OF ELGIN By~Law No. 82-10 "BEING A BY~LAW TO RESTRICT THE WE,IGHT OF VEHICLES PASSING OVER BRIOGES~" WHEREAS Subsection 13 of Section 104 of the Highway Traffic Act (Chapter 198R~S~0. 1980) provides that: "The Municipal Cor'poration or other authority having jurisdiction over a bridge. may by by~law approved by the Ministry, limit the gross weight of any vehicle or any class thereof passing over such bridge."; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to limit the weight of vehicles passing over certain bridges in the County of Elgin. THEREFORE the Municipal Council pf the Corporation of the CoUnty of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. ..,No vehicle or any class thereof, whether empty or loaded, shall be-operated over any bridge designated in Schedule 1". forming part of this By~Law with a weight in excess of weight limit prescrihedin'the Schedule for such bridge. 2. . Any person Violating any of the provisions of this By-Law shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 104, Subsection (14) of the Highway Traffic Act. 3. This By-Law shall not become effective until approved by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and until a notice of the weight permitted. legibly printed, has been posted up in a conspicuous place at either end of each bridge designated, in the attached Schedule. 4. By-Lslw No. 81-31 of the County of Elgin is, hereby repealed. READ a first time this 17th day of February, 1982. READ a second time this 17th day of, February, 1982. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of February, 1982. .__..;k.~,,- )'7"7../ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. / 134 B,{~LAW NO., 82wlO SCHEDULE NO. BOUNDARY BRIDGES W1TH THE. COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX Number Bridge Road Name. of Location Weight Year'. of Type of No. No. Bridge Limit in' Construcw Floor (MTC) Tonnes tian Finish 1. 5_42 Taft1 s Lot 7, 15 1914 Concrete County of Broken Bituminous Middlesex Front I AI, Township of )).mw1,ch 1.. ,., Ling's Lot 49, 15 1907 Go:ncrete County of East Side Middlesex Talbot Road Not'th Bridge, Township of Southwold 3. Sw45 '4 Middlemiss Lot C, 18 1935 Concrete Courityof Con. III, Middlesex Township of Dunwich 135 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 82-11 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 81.;..43. 'A BY-LAW CONSENTING TO THE S'i'OPPINGUP:AND CLOSING OF A ROAO ALLOWANCE IN THE TOWNSHIP OF MALARInE ,II WHEREAS By-Law No. 81-43 conserits to the stopping up and closing a part of the original allowance for road, between Lots 10 andll"Concession4j and WHEREAS the original notification contained an incorrect Plan number which was recited in By-Law No. 81-43; and WHEREAS By-Law No'. 81-43" ,was amended by By-Law No. 81-49 to correct the Plan number; and WHEREAS now a new description is required by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications before they will give their approval. THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That paragraphs 2 and 3 o~ By-Law No. 8l~43 .be de1etedand the following ,substituted therefore: HALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises'" situate, lying and being in the Township of Malahide in' the County, of Elgin and Province of Ontario being composed of part of the original allowance for road between Lots 10 and II, Concession 4. more particularly described as follows: ALL THAT PART_of the original allowance for road between, Lots 10 and 11 lying Northerly ,of the limit between the North-half and the South-half of said Lots 10 andll, lying Easterly of Highway #13, widened as shown ~n Plan D193, save and exceptirig therefrom that certain parcel or tract ofla"Qd and premises lying and being in the said Township of Malahide and Province of Ontario. and being composed of Part 1 on a reference plan deposited in:the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin (No. 11) as numberllR-571." 2. That By-Law No. 81-49 be, and the same is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 11th day of February, 1982. READ a second time this 17th day of February, 1982. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of February, 1982. ~~>4""'/ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 136 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 82~12 "BEING A. BY-LAW TO AMEND. BY-LAW NO. 81-57. ESTABLISHING RATES OF PAY FOR PART TIME EMPLOYEES." WHEREAS By-Law No. 81-57 presently establishes, among others, rates for Clerical personnel, working' part time; =d WHEREAS this category was intended for employees working for a limited duration of tirne;and WHEREAS certain employees of the County Library (Main Branch) are working continually on a part time basis; and WHEREAS Ltis considered advisable to establish a rate of pay to cover this class of employee. THEREFORE By-Law No. 81-57 be amended by adding the following: 1. 3A COUNTY LIBRARY CLERICAL _ $6.62 per hour _ $6.92 per hour _ $7.23 per hour STARTING RATE 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year Effective January I, 1982 - $7 ;15 per hour Effective July 1, 1982 - $7.55 per hour. 2. That this ,By-Law become effective January 1st., 1982. READ a first time this 17th day of February, 1982. READ a second time this 17th day of February, 1982. READ a third time and finally passedthi$ 17th day of February, 1982. --&....,.....~.,>L.-.-./ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. / -,__'T7...r,-.:.-,-< /~\ ~/ ~/'A,~-:s..r ;J/. Shaw, arden. 137 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 82~13 lIBEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW 'NO. 81-27 RATES OF PAY FORRECISTERED NURSES." TO ESTABLISH NEW WHEREAS hourly rates for Registered Nurses, in the Homes for Senior Citizens, are set equal to the starting rates at the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital; and WHEREAS the rates being paid at the, Hospital have been increased. 2. upon passing. No.. 81-33 be, and the same is he't'eby READ a READ a READ a first time this 17th day of Februar:r,1982. second time this 17th day of Februa't'y, 1982. third time and finally passed this 17th day of February, 1982. .~~~ G. C.' Leverton, Clerk. -~bO.,)Z.~ L.~ Shaw, ,arden. , 138 COUNTY OF ELGIN By~Law No. 82-14 "BEING A BY-LAW TO SET THE DAILY REMUNERATIONTD BE PAID TO ~MBEgS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FOR ATTENDANCE AT MEETINGS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL AND COMMITTEES THEREOF.'1 The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the following remuneration be paid to each Member of the Elgin County Council, with the exception of the Warden, ,for attending meetings of the Councitand Committees thereof - (a> For attending a meeting, when the' said meeting is held in both the forenoon and afternoon or evening on the same day - $65.00 For attending a meeting when the said meeting is held in either the forenoon, afternoon or evening - $40.00 In addition to the above~emune~ation each Membe~shall be paid the same~ate fo~ each mile necessa~ily travelled in attending such meet~ngs asestablts~ed for the use of personal vehicles for County business. That By-Law No. 81-62 be, and the same is hereby (b) (c) 2. repealed. 3. That this by-law become effective Janua~y 1st. 1982. READ a READ a READ a fi~st time this 17th day of February, 1982. second time this 17th day of Februa~y, 1982. third time and finally passed this 17th day of February, 1982. -~~~ G. C. L~verton, Clerk. ~~. ~-a>,x r- ~ (/,;;. Shaw, Warden. 139 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 82-15 llREGULATING PARKING." The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. DEFINITION For the purpose of this By-Law, Park or Parking, when prohibited, means_the standing of a vehicle whether occupied or not except when standing tempora~ily fo~, thepu~pose of and while actually engaged in the loading or unloading or merchandise or passengers. . Street or Highway includes a common or public highway, street, avenue. parkway. driveway, square, place, bridge, viaduct or trestle, designed and intended for, or used by, the general public for the ,passage of vehicles. Vehicle includes a moto~ vehicle, trailer, traction engine, farm tractor, roadbuildingmachine and vehicle drawn. propelled or driven by any kind of power. includ- ing muscular power, but does not include motorized snow vehicles, cars of elect~ic or steam railways running only upon rails. 2. PARKING REGULATIONS When proper signs have been erected' and are on display no person shall parka vehicle on the highways or parts of highways hereinafter seton Schedule "A" attached hereto. 3. PENALTIES Every person who contravenes this By~Law is guilty of an offence aodon conviction is liable to a fine of not mo~e than Twenty Dollars for the first offence and not more than One Hundred Dollars for every subsequent offence, exclu- sive of costs,. and all such penalties ~hall be recover~ able under the Summary Convictions Act. The owner of a vehicle that is (parked, stopped or left standing) in contravention of this By-Law is ~uilty of an offence and on conviction is liable to a fine of not mo~e than Twenty Dollars for the first offence and not more than One Hundred Dollars for every subsequent offence, exclusive of costs, and all such penalties shall be recoverable under the Summary Convictions Act; unless the owner proves to the satisfaction of the couit that at the time of the offence the motor vehicle was in the possession of another person without the owner's consent, expressed or implied. READ a first time this 17th day of February, 1982. READ a second time this 17th day of February, 1982. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of February, 1982. ~~~ 0/CJ~. . .~~) G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 140 SCHEDU~ By-Law No. 82-15 1. County Road #215 Main Street within the Village of West Lorne. 2. When proper signs have beeri erected and are on display no person shall park a vehicle on the highway known as County Road #2 - (a) From 11:00 P.M. (standard time) to 7:00 A.M. (standard time) the following morning from December 1 of any year to March 31 of the following year. 141 COUNTY OF ,ELGIN By-Law No. 82-16 lIA BY-LAW TO'AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF-AGREEMENTS WITH THE MEDICAL DIRECTORS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS,; SETTING -.FORTH THEIR TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT. II WHEREAS under the provisions of Th~ Homes for the Aged and Rest Homes, Act the County :shall.w~th the appro~al of the Minister'of,Communityand Sodal Ser,vicel':l. appoint legaUy.qualified medical practitianer$) .as'physicians" for the Homes for Senior Citizens; and WHEREAS such ~ppaintmerits have 'p~eyiously been made for bath Elgin Manar and Terrace Ladge;, and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to' outline, in fo.rm.the duties,remuner,atian, term of employment, the pasition~ofrnedicaldirectar. agreement etc., far THEREFQRE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Cauntyof Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the' Warden and Clerk of the Corporatian af the County of Elgin be and ,are herebyauthorizep and empawered tqsign,agreementswiththe MedicalDire~tors ofE~ginManor and Terrace LQdge; setting forth duties, remuneration) term of employment, etc. . READ a first time this 17thda;y of February, 19,82'. READ a second time this 17th day of February, 19~2. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day, of Febtuary, 1982. ~~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ,-' 1 'I :1 I ,I ii I 142 COUNTY OF . ELGIN By-Law No. 82-17 liP" BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE. MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE FEBRUARY SESSION. 1982.11 , . WHEREAS by Section 9 of The.,MunicipaL Act. being Chapter 302 of the, Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; and . WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 103 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of every Council are to be exer- cised by By-Law; and WHEREAS it is deemed' expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County 'of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council oftheCorpo~ ration of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. . That action of the Municipal Council of the Corpo~ ration of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommen~ dation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the February 1982 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. ' 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 17th day of February,1982. READ a second time this 17th day of Februa~y, 1982. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of February, 1982. _-:::.~~ .>'4-........ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 143 March 11th Sessio~~ First. Day Wednesday. the 11th 'day of,March, 1982 ~ The Elgin County Council metthis'day'at the County Municipal Building. St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. !Q!:h..~ - All Members pre,sent except: Reeve Fleck Reeve Emerson. Deputy Reeve Neukamm addressed Council, explaining that he was requesting to be excused from this Session, 'as he had to attend a meeting of the Thames Valley District Health Council with respect to Centra~ Ambulance Dispatch. He asked the Members of Council for any information that they may wish to' impart' to him or any questions_they may. have. He was excused from the Session at 10:10 A.M. The following Communications were read and referred to: COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE j 1. St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission 'with a proposed budget in the amount of $251,400. Mrs. Carmen Jefferies.Vice~Ptesident and Mrs. Don'Vicary, Secretary-Treasurer of the Elgin ,County Pioneer Museum Board, were present and it was moved by Reeve W~lters that the delegation be now heard. Mrs. Vicary addressedCoundl) reviewing the organi- zation of the Executive Committee and exp1ained the reasons for their request for an increased grant for 1982. The Warden thanked the de1egationand explained that their request would be discussed later in the day. . ! Mr. John Hutson. 'Treasurer, Quad CountyAssociatio~,for Mentally Retarded, was ptesentandit was moved by Deputy Reeve Marr that he be now heard. Mr. Hutson explained the location arid operation of thelrWorkshop, located inWardsville. Warden Shaw thanked Mr. Hutson for attending andexplain~dthat the requ~st for a grant would be reviewed later in the day. Thef01lowing representatives from the Young Women's Christian Association were in attendance - Mrs. Helen LeFrank, Executive Directorj Mrs. ,Ann Marie Salmon, Director; Mrs. Julia Segal, Secretary-Treasurer, Women's Place; and Mrs. Karen McCaw, Resident Director, Women's Place. It was moved by Reeve Stewart that they be now heard. Mrs. LeFrank outlined the service pro- vided by Women1s Place, for women and children in a crisis." 1 ' 'situation. Warden Shaw thariked the dele~ation for appearing: and advised that the request for a grant of $5.200.00 would be dealt with later in the day. , . . . , I Mr. Morris Mistele, Director and Mr. Alfred Maisch, Admiriistrator, Four Counties General Hospital, were present and it was moved by Deputy Reeve Volkaert that they be now heard,. Mr. Maisch outlined their plans to renovate their Outpatient facilities and answered questions from the- Council. A request for $225,000.00 over a five-year period was ~ade. Warden Shaw advised the delegation that their req~est wou~d beconsider~d later in the day with the other budget items. The following delegation fromtheXoung Meri's Christian Association was in attendance - Mr. ,Arthur. R.Jordanj' General Manager; Mr. Bruce Bailey, Program Director. High Yj and Mrs'.Pat Martin, Director. It'was moved by Reeve Smyth that the delegation be now heard. Mr. Jordan ,reviewed the history behind requesting a County grant. He explained that the format of requesting grants from the municipalities receiving the service ,does not work. as all do riot coritribute. Warden Shaw thanked the delegation for coming and advised that the grant request would be dealt with later in the day. 144 - 2 - The Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee was presented by Deputy Reev~McWilliam ~nd adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve McWilliam and Reeve Farthing; The Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve M~rr. Moved by Deputy Reeve Marr Seconded by Reeve Stewart That the Report of the Personnel Committee be adopted; An amendment was Mnved by Reeve-Monteith Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That item #1 be deleted from the ,Firs.t Repo'rt of the Personnel Committee. The motion was voted upon and lost. the Report was voted The original motion to adopt upon and was carried. Roads Committee Reports No.1. 2 aod 3 were presented to Council by Reeve Walters. Moved by Reeve Walters - Seconded by Deputy Reeve McWilliam That the, County Roads. Reports No. 1, No.' 2 and No.3 be tabled at this time so as discussion may follow duringtheCou~ty Budget Session pertaining to the three; Roads Reports and their acceptance. - Carried. The Fourth Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Walters and it was adopted on motion of Reeve Walters and Deputy Reeve Haddow. Moved ,by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That we do now adjourn to meet againori March 11th, 1982 at 2:00 P.M; - Carried. Council resumed; ATTENDANCECHANGES- Reeve Emerson was present Reeve Wilson and Reeve Lavereau were absent.' Moved ,by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That the request from Four Counties General Hospital, be tabled to 1983 Budget. ~ Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy ~eeve Shells That the following grants be paid during the year.1982 and :that a, by~law setting forth them, by name and amount, be pre- pared for adoption by Council: '-./ - 3 - County Council, March 11th SeSSion, 1982 145 ~Mm] Canadian National Institute for the Blind Salvation Anny Elgin County Pioneer Museum Scholarships - Ridgetown College of AgriCUltural Technology - University of Western Ontario - University of Guelph - Wilfrid Lsurier University University of Waterloo Uriiversity of Western Ontario QuadCourttyAssociation"for MentaUY Retarded The Local Agricultural Office for ~FarmOrganizatioris, Junior Farmers and Institute Groups and Fall Banquet for 4-H Clubs Agricultural Representatives Act The Agricultural and Horticultural Societies in the County of Elgin - Equal to'the Province of Ontario Grants to these Societies Elgin Federation of Agriculture Talbot Trail Committee Tillsonburg & District Association for the Mentally Retarded Tillsoriburg District Memorial Hospital Southwestern Ontario Travel Association Bobier Convalescent Home The Art Gallery St. Thomas-Elgin Village of Port Stanl~y (Library) St. Thomas~Elgin Debt Counselling Service TOTAL - Carried. $ 3,000.00 500.00 4,000.00 400.00 800.00 800.00 400.00 400.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 5,000;00 500.00 500.00 520.00 2,000.00 90,'573.50 1,750.00 25,000;00 500.00 51,000.00 500.00 -- $191,643.50 Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Stewart That the requests for grants for 1982, from the follow- of organizations be filed: Young Men's Christian Association St. Thomas~Elgin Gymnastics Club Incorporated Young Women's Christian Association. ing list - Carried. mately Deputy Reeve Neukamrn returned to Council at approxi- 4:00P.M. Reeve Monteith was excused at 3:48 P~M. Deputy Reeve Haddow was excused at 4:02 P.M. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Coles That we adopt the following budget, for the lawful pur- poses of the County during 1982, requiring ,a net levy of $2,109,941, consisting of: EXPENDITURES $9.241,720 LESS RECEIPTS $6.746.099 GROSS LEVY $2,495,621 LESS APPLIED SURPLUS $ 385.680 NET LEVY $2,109,941 and that this sum be raised on all rateable property in the several municipalities of the County of Elgin, during the'year 1982 for' County purposes, and that this amount. be levied o~ the, several municipalities in the County of Elgin, on the basis oftheappor~ tionmertt, as determined under Section 365 of The Municipal Act and that a by-law adopting this budget and apportionment be prepared: 146 -~ 4 - COUNTY OF, ELtlN - 1982 BUDGET 1982 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 . 9 10 11 12 13 14 ~uPQ~~menta~y Taxes ReC~~~ryof Rentals Gene*~l Suppo~t Grant Re'sou:rce Equalization Grant eQuilcn ..Members & Local Boards Admirifstration Salariesl Administration Supplie's & Services Adm~nistration Bu{ldings'Mtc~. Cpupt." House Mtce. Grants MiscellaneQuS Expense: 9~u~~r Roads , ~~il~~en' s Aid Society Elglri'Manor - Operating D~b~.t\t~r~ ,1;'~~:r~c:-,,~odge - Operating . , - Debenture 120,'000" ' ':122~'OOO .35;'00Q ,~5:~OOO ~~.Q9() ~~5 .S,op' hOOD.,,, 3.772;500 '102:,:991" 1,806,320' ~'17.760' ",1.??,,?,t~?9 <,. It~}'g,oo 25",000 !?:o.6(?O' ~~,OOO ~?_~poo" ' 1'1,500 ' 164,59$ 389,893 43 ~ 1,5$':, 42,000 _872,3'6<i 10,0.000 ~:1.,009 ,$~124~.?20 ~r. 'r 15 16 17 ,. 19 20 21 22 ,B,a?~,<J;,n~erest ~~s~!ve for Working Funds T_~xe,S" W'!='i tten Off ~~'t',~,qul ture ~,e'g,~~,~ty, ()ffice Heal th Unit County Library - Operating _ Capital 23 24 25 26 Land Division Soc'iar ~e~0ic'e'~ Contingencies Mosquito Con~ro+, TOTAL Fro~,. Surplus NET LEVY '$0. "'(rS';'OOO) .(3Ilj2~77) ,'S'~~~?".?OO ) .(240,000) l2(),()OO lQ5;}481 35,,000 ,,25,000 >:~~,l09 UJ5,;j,00 l;POO 896';'()00 -lQ2~991 -9-1-;:469 ',17,760 ~52 ,281"" ll7,118 >"~' 132-;900 ?'~~'~OO 10b,boO 12:'000 ,.'.35;~OO 6,477 120,971 389,893 '4',~\:959 22,000 2l~,,! ~ 70 100,000 "...;'._" 1,000 --'-~ --- $J),}4?~Q~? $2,495,621 ~85,680 $2.l09J.11:!. t9~2' ESTIMATED RECEI-PTS, )~~,!9??, 1~:1'2n' ~'1,~'6"9qo 'Q4o:,(do~O' lA~'2' TAX LEV~ f.Q!lliQ!1. 2. Ministry of Community and Social Se!vices with'copyofa letter to the Family & Children I s Services of 'Bt,:Thomas, and" El-gi,ri, aclviSin~ ~,~at ,their protec,ted 19"8~,ba,se,,is $89~, 7;>9 (l~: 20% increase). 3'; Quad 'Cbunfy'Associat:(onfc)-t" Mertbil-1yRet:a-r'ded: with re:'tluest for grant. ' - , 4. Mr. J. B..G'le'~son;,Chief InqJJ~,-t;~'hf'i:'{'~~;r;; Ministry of the Attorney General, Oince" <:If ,the Director pf Com!11ol1 Legal Services, advising that Mr. Ch,arle), L; MacKe):l:z,~,e,,,:Q.C.., 'ha:s':been appointed inqui ry officer re:", exp,ropriation pro'ceedings.' 5."" Young_,M~nls qWi,stian Associatiori_,of,~t.&in-S~... Thomas,toiith reque,st;' ~or:grQ.:nt. 6,. 'Yoll~'g'Wpm~n;;sChdsti'an A~:s6c,~~':t{or: :.:~rth'-'*e:.r:i,i:1e'st', fO"r::gTant. ;16,,:.5\9';' 2\876'.-500 :1,714,851 5,02'3 43,627 20,000 65.4,13p - Ca'n'ied. -' ,.1:47 - 5 - County Council, March 11th Session, 1982 COUNCIL .COMMUNICATIONS-;,:,. Continued 7.; . Towuship.of Yarmouth with copy,. of- R let,ter to the Elgin County, Board of '.Education urging them, to, adopt a policy ,of tough ftscalrestraint when-bUdgeting for 1982. Moved' by Deputy"Reeve:, Perovich Seconded by Reeve Coles That: <t,he', Warden and Clerk compose ,a: Letter 'to be sent to"the',Elgin,-County Board of Education' requesting that they use restrain~,_i_n"sett,ip~ ,t_l).eir 1~82 budget; a,nd .o'l.copy qf ,the letter be sent,t~ ea~hloc~l m~nicipality. - Carded. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by, Re~ve. _Glov.-~t: ip~t' ,c<!l~;:r~$,'p;9pdence #2~nd! '4: h:~',,;table~':' :-. Carrt'e~'. Moved by Deputy'Reev'E!, Volkaert Seconded byReev~.Smyth Th~t'Correspondence #3, 5 and 6 be filed. 0:", ,C8,'rr'~.,e_d; , Mov~d by Reev~_;Stewart . Se~onded by., D~pu~y' ,~~~:y,eWa~~hng That,-'weg~ :'i,nt~ ~;,'Committee, o'f' The:Who_l~. ;.: 'Carr'te'd'. I 'Warden Shaw named Reeve Hodgson as Chairman. The Committee rose with nci<rep6tt:_ Il~d':co~~:fi=t,~ resum'ed"~, The First Report of the Roads, CommittE:!e wa~", presented by Reev,e Walters and adopted on motion of Reeve Walt'ers and Reeve 'qavef~y,~" The' Secdnd Repo'rt of the RoadsCommHtee w'tls" preseTlted by Reeve ~alt;~rs and adopted on motion of Reeve Walters and Reeve Fa'rthhrg~ The Third Report of theRoa~sComm+tteewas"presented by Reeve Walters and adopted on motion of Reeve'Walters and ' Deputy R~eY7;Yolkae,~t,~ Moved bY ReeJ~ bave,by" Secci'\"ided .bY,Re~v:e:' G~:qv,e:r wh~~'ea',s ~~inJ)ers pfCo,uneil'., Board, Membhs:, Officers',' persons employed 'by the County of Elgi? and 'persons volunteer~ng to assist in Municipal activities are sometimes.called'upon'oy the County of Elgin, etc.. to use a motor vehicle within the scope of their duties; and Whereas these persons may not have any insurancepoverage, or such insurance coverage as they may havemaynotcover,a,lia- bility imposed bylaw upon them resulting from bodily injury to or death of any, person or damage to property arising directly from the use or operation of any automobile not owned, in whole or in part by or licensed in the name of:the County of Elgin, or where the insurance coverage of the employee, volunteer, Board Member or Member of Council which does in fact cover the said liability imposed by law for bodily injury to or death of any person or damage to property. may not be adequate in amount to meet any judgement against these persons; II , 1'1 w i, 'I 148 - 6 - TherefOl:'e Be It Resolved that theCotinty bf' Elginasswne the liability imposed by law upon each and eve~yone of its memhel:'s of the County of Elgin, Board, employees or volunteers, forbodl1y injury to or death oEany personar da~age to property arising directly from the 'use or operation by such persons acting within their scope of duties with the County of Elgin, where the auto- mobile ianot owned in whole or in part by or licensed in the name of the County of Elgin; Provided that the ,County of Elgin assumption of liabil- as set out above in all ,circumstances is applicable only where: The Member of the Councilor Board, Officer. employee or volunteer does not have insurance for the above said liability; or The said liability set out herein is not covered by insurance which they have in force; or There is an excess of a judgement over the amount covered by their personal insurance with respect to the said liability. in which case the County of Elgin shall berespon~ible only for the excess of ~he judgement provided always that the County of Elgin liability shall in no event exceed $10.000,000 for damages for any one occurren~e or accident. or series of occurrences or accidents resulting from one cause. 1::y (a) (b) (0) -, Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Sheils Seconded by Reeve Emerson That an application be made to the Ministry of Tr~ns- portation and Communications fora Supplementary Allocation of Subsidy Moneyln the amount of $25.000 to paint white safety edge markings on various paved roads in the County of Elgin and St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Road Systems. ~ Carried. Moved by Deputy ReeveWakeling Seconded by Reeve Caverly That an application be made to, the,Miriis~ry of Trans- portation and Communications for Subsidy Money in the amount of $45,000 for Municipal Drainage Assessments on Roads in the County of Elgin and the St. ,Thomas Suburban Road Commission Road Systems. - Carried. Moved ,by Reeve Stewart Seconded by ,Deputy Reeve Volkaert That the Statement of Proposed Work arid Expenditures on the County of Elgin and the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commisslon Road Systems as recommended in the Second Report of the County of Elgin Roads Committee at the March 11th, 1982 Session of County Council as detailed, in Recommendation #2 and totalling $3,648,000 be adopted and forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for approval. ' - Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Glover That By-Law No. 82-18 "A By-Law td Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the March 11th Session, 1982" be read a first time. - Carried. 149 - 7'- County Council, March 11th Session, 1982 Moved by Reeve Smyth Seconded by Reeve Farthing That By-Law No. 82-18 be read a second time. - Carried. -' Moved by Deputy Reeve Marr Seconded by Reeve Kelly That By-Law No. 82-18 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy. Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Glover That we do now adjourn (5:12 P.M.) to meet again on March 29th, 1982 ,at 10:00 A.M. - Carried. G. C. Leverton. Clerk. L. J. Shaw, Warden. 150 HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS ,COMM1TTEEREPORT March Session, 1982 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. The ,Director has been authorized to attend 'a con- ference on heavy care in Toronto. March 16th arid '17th. 2. We recommend that County--Councilccinsider including the following amounts in their 1982 budget for the operations of the two Homes for The Aged,exclusive of debentures: Elgin Manor Terrace Lodge EXPENDITURES $1,806,320 1,069.399 $2,875,719 TAX LEVY $ 91,469 .!:..!22.1l8 $208,587. ~TS $1,714,851 ~,281 $2,667,132 ALL of which is respectfully submitted. , .....:.;,:u...;.;..!L-.d.. . .///.//.v,-'l..~ .:.:...._ D. A.' McWilliam. ~ ""---~' v;;~y 7/5L 151 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT March 11th Session. 1982 FIRST. REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That Item 16 of the County Employment Policies be amended to delete any reference that the expenses be paid only beyond the County limits. 2., That Fringe Benef,it By-Laws No. 81-41 arid 81...,42 be amended by deleting the present provision for Jury Duty (Item 7) and be replaced with the following: Jurv/Witness Duty, - An Employee serving as a Juror or who,has been subpoenaed as a Crown Witness shall receive the differ- ence :between his'or her Jury or Witness pay and his or her regular pay for the lost time while serving in one oftho'se capacities. A subpoena or legal notice for such duty will be provided to the Employer in such an instance of Jury or Witness Duty.. The Employee shall provide the Employer proof of hours engaged on Jury Duty or as a Witness and proof of payment therefore. ALL of which is respectfully Submitted. flh'~'f",-l .1f.;PVe<iL_v,-,," E~ H. Marr Chairman. ' ~TS~ 152 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FOURTH REPORT MARCH SESSION 1982 TO THE. WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY" OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS 1. We have requested the Township of Dunwich to pl:ovide sufficient land so that a Salt Storage. Building and Salted Sand Storage Pad may be coustructedthis yeaJ: at the Township property ton Dutton. This would p:covide better service to West Elgin as saLt would not' have- to hauled from'the County Garage at, white, Station. WE RECOMMEND! 1. That a resolution be passed by County Council as follows' WUEREAS Member.s of Council. BOard Membin:'s, 0"fficers, ,persons employed by the County: of Elgin and persons voLunteering to assist in M..1nicipaL activities are sometimes called upon by the County of Elgin. etc.. to use a motor vehicle within the scope of their duties. AND WHEREAS these persons may not have any insurance coverage, or such insurance coverage as they may have may not cover a liability imposed by law upon them resulting from bodily injury to or death of any person or damage to property arising directly from the use or operation of any automobile not owned in whole or in part by or licensed in the name of the County of Elgin, or where the insurance coverage of the employee, volunteer, Board Member of Member of. Council which does in fact cover the said liability imposed by law for bodily injury to or death of any person or damage to property, may not be adequate in amount. to meet any judgment against these persons; THEREFORE be it resolved that the County of Elgin assume the liability imposed by law upon each and everyone of its members of the County of Elgin, Board, employees or volunteers, for bodily injury to or death of. any person or damage to property arising directly from the use or operation by such CONTINUED . . . COUNTY OF. ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE PAGE 2. persons acting within their, scope of duties with the County of Elgin, where the . automobile is not owned in whole or in part by or licensed .in the naDi.e of ' the: County o,f Elgin; PROVIDED that the County_of Elgin assumption of liability as set out above in all circUmstances is applicable. only where = (a) The Member. of theCouncU or Board; Officer, employee or volunteer' does not have fnsurance for the . above said liability; or (b) The said.liabilityset out herein is not covered by insurance wj:J~ch they l1ave in force; or (c) There is an excess ofa judgment over the all\ount covered by their personal insurance with respect to the said Uabl1~ty,in which case the County of Elgin shall be responsible only for the excess of the judgment provided always that the County of Elgin liability Shall in no event exceed $10,000,000 for damages for anyone occurrence or aCCident, or series of occurrences or accidents resulting. from one cause. Passage of the resolution will allow the County to provide additional liability coVerage for employees, volunteers, etc., through the County' s Non-Own~d Automobile Policy. (Additional premium $230.00' yeady ~ half chargeable to roads.) This would be especially desirable in the case of a number of CounCillors, County Workmen or residents of Terrace Lodge or Elgin Manor, riding in the same vehicle. ALL OF WHICH IS .RESPECTFULLY SllBMITTED ~,~...-..)~~ ~j2-s~ 153 154 COUNty OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST. REPORT MARCH SESSION 1982 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF .THE ELGIN COUNTY. COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS WE RECOMMEND: 1. That the Budget of the. St. Thomas S.uburbari Road.Colmlis'sion in the amount of.$251.400be,approved. The Budget is detailed in the Second Road Committee. Report. ALL OF mUCH IS RESPECTFULLY Sl1BMlTTED ~~'--'~\~ , CHAIRMAN ~:rs~ 155 COUNTY 'OF ELGIN ROAD CCiMMITTEE SECOND REPORT MARCH SESSION 1982 TO, THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ,TilE ,ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS WE RECOMMEND: 1. That the Rebate to Urban Municip1ilitiesbe 25% of their Road Levy as in fonner years~ 2. .That" the attached statement of proposed work and expenditures on County and St. Thomas Subut'ban Road Conmission Roads be. approved and a resolution passed adopting the sta.tement of work and expenditures and that a 'statement be forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for approval. 3. that a resolution be passed requesting the Ministry of Transportation and COlf{llunications to. approve .the. sum .of $45,000 in. Subsidy Money for Drainage Assessments on County and St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Roads in 1982. (SubSidy rate for Drainage Assessments' is 50%.) 4. That a resolution be passed requestin~ the Ministry of'Transportation and Communications to approve the sum .of $25,000 in Subsidy Money asa Supplementary Allocation sa that the County and the St. Thomas Suburban Road. Conimission can continue with their white. edge marking safety programm~ on, paved roads. 5. That tho County RoadLc!vy for 19112 be $1I96.0(jO. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPEcrFULLY ,SUBMITTED ,~\I \: ~ ,^",' <j .~ .~. ..__..)c..HA~ C ~<1 U~ 156 COUNTY' OF ELGIN .ROAO DEPARTMENT 1982 BUDGET CONSTRuctION Total Ministry of Transportation and .Communication.8 Objective for 1982. A. 51'. TH<MAS SlJllURIlAN ROAD COMMIsSION 1. Land Purchase Road #30. 2. Construction Roads #30 and #52. (This is c10anup from previous' work. no' new work is anticipated. ) SIJBURBAN CONSTRUCTION TlJI'AL B. COUNTY OF ELGIN 1. Completion of Walkers Bddge (including land purchase, engineering, contract, and approaches) County of Elgin Share. (Middlesex Share will be billed to them as work progressesn 2. Road'#38 ~ completion of work, trimming, seeding, drainage, etc.) from Highway #3 to Highway #19 (Strilffordville). 3. Miscellaneous surveys and grading not charged to maintenance or construction projects (includes surveys on constructioll.projects for future years). 4. Road 1122 (Fairvicw Avenua) _ payment for hydro line moved in 1981 and fencing, top soil. seeding.. etc.. on ditching. etc., done in 1980 and 1981 to fucilitatt' hy'.!l-o line movement; also includes onginccdng work for future construction. S. Land Purchase: (a) Road #38. (b) Road 1/45 (West of Road #40). '(c) Road ,#37. (Improvements will' be charged to m<lintnnance and'paid 50"/. by Middlesex. ) (d) Road 1132. (e) Road #3. (f) Road 1122. (g) Road #6, Dutton to Wallacetown. (h) Road #6, South of Road 1116. (1) Road 1140, Glencol in. (j) Miscellanoous. 8,200 1.300 1.000 11,000 54,000 15,000 5,500 12,000 1.500 ~ TOTAL LAND PURCHASE $1,001,000 $10,000 $10.000 $180,000 10,000 20,000 55,000 115,000 CONTINUED. . . . COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1982 IlUOCET B. COUNTY OF ELGIN (CONTINuED) 6. Complete Road 1132 from Sniith' s ,Curve to Police College! Gate (no top coat _of asphalt). COUNTY CONSTIUlCTION- TOTAl.. FUNDS RlliAINING Tota.! 'Ministry of Transportation and Coinrni.inications Objective Less St. Thomas SUbUrban Road Construction and County Construction $1,001,000 -($10,000 + $506,000) PRIORI'('Y'^, POl'l; HUl"Wl'I.1 - I{natlf; Ifll? and 1/')(1. ..,["to'" illHtnl,l"tillll. of sanItary sewers. Does not include trinuning, seeding or top asphalt coat. Even if Provincial Sunitary Sewer work is not carried' out "until' late in th.... scason some funds will be required for engineering. etc. PRIORITY. 'BI Road #32w From IlighwaY#73 to Sniith's Curve. Includes Base Coat of Asphalt only. Work.cannot proceed until property acquisition is completed. PRIORITY' C' Road #32 w From Police COllege Gate to Road #52 (no asphalt). '('bis road' can be. done. in approximately 5 stagc!; starting from the ronce College Gate. TIll' pr()pertYIlC!(~d(><.I lw,.; be....n ncquircd. 157 PAGE 2. 126.000 $506.000 $485~000 $285,000 $223.000 $365,000 ~ Illa~Tnudl as 'uLI, workc!J1lnot Llll d(Jll(', (for l<lcknf funds) a decision on which job ,will proceed will have to be made by late Mayor early June. RESURFACING Ministry of Tr..lIlsrort.1cion .1Ild Communicntion,.; Rcsurf:Jcing Olljcctivc. $543,000 CONTINUED . . . . 158 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1982 BUDGET RESURFACING COMPLETION OF WORK FROM 1981 Road 1138_ completion of work cast of Straffordvillc. MAJOR PROJECT FOR 1982 Rond 118 - Completion of work bctw(!cn llighway /(3 .md Dutton including urbun work in Wallacctown; ditching~ seeding, repaving, culverts, etc. To complete approximately. OTHER WORK Road #3 R Highway#) to Rodney. At: a minimum, engineering funds. .!:i2l!i.!. Other than Road#J8 and grading'. trimming, top soiling on Roadt/8nowork will be committed until ~fter Spring Breakup and a full report to. the Road Cormdttee by the Engineer. NEW MACHINERY AND BUILDINGS Ministry <JfTranapOl:tation and' Communications, Objective (Th1shaa been reduced 51, by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications from needs approved last 'yea~. by them.) BUILDING REQUIREMENTS 1. Painting, etc., Hhite Station and Bayham Salt Buildings. 2. Salt building, paving, etc., at Uunwich Township property. lJunwich 'l'own;;hip has been requested to providesufficent land ar.Cll for 1\ Slllt Building and Si.llld Stor;lgl:' Pite. EQtIlPMENT 1. Immediate Requirements. (a) small bulldozer, to replace John Deere JD 450C. (b) Tractor and post hole auger to raplace present obsolete post hole auger. ~ Complete report by Mayor June detailing future needs. PAGE.3. 159 C011NTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1982 BlJDGET PAGE 4. MAINTENANCE ST..THOMAS SUBlrRBANROAD COMMISSION AND COUNT\' ST. THOMAS SI1BlJRBAW OPERATION 1982 TOTAL COUNrY ROADS A . Bridges and ~CUlverts B1:'idges 76,000 75,000 1,000 . 2 CUlverts B . Roadside' Maintenance _ 1 GrassOJ,tting 25,000 21,500 3,500 Tree CUtting 10,000 65,000 5,000 4 Dra::Lnage 90,000 83,500 6,500 5 Roadsiqe Maintenance 18,000 14,000 4,000 6 Tree. Planting 6,000 5,500 500 Drainage Assessments 2,000 2,000 (Maintenance) . 11 Weed' Spraying 16,000 13,000 3,000 C . Paved Road Maintenance RClI'airs to Pavl:'mant 7.5,000 65,000 10,000 Sweeping 25,000 22,000 3,000 Shoulder Maintenance 65,000 60,500 4,500 4 Surface Treatment 125,000 102,000 23,000 o ~ Gravel Road Maintenance C;ading Gravel Roads 30,000 25,000 5,000 3 CalCium Chloride 58,000 48,000 10,000 4 Prime 8,000 2,000 6,000 5 Gravel Resurfacing 98,000 89,000 9,000 E'. Winter COntrol Total 496,000 411,000 85,000 CONTINUED . ~flO COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1982 BUDGET PAGE 5. OPERATION 1982 TOTAL COUNTY ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN RoADS F ~ Safety Devices Pavement Marking 40,000 31 , 000 9,000 (Centre Line) 2 Signs 70,000 62,000 8,000 3 Guide Rail 8,000 5,000 3,000 4 Railroad Protection 44,000 37,000 7,000 (County's. Share of Crossing Protection) _6 Edge Marking Paved Roads 9,000 3,000 6,000 - TOTALS $1.454.000 $1.242.000 ~ .!::!2:!.!:. A Supplementary BywLaw request to the Minhtryof Transportation and Communications for Safety (White Edge Marking) $27,500 This amount in addition to $9,000 budgeted above required to do mllst of the road system. (Some lower voLume roads would not be done). DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS Municipal Urainage Assessments against County Roads are estimated at $90,000 (work compl<:!t02d and billC!d in 1982). Ministry of Transportation and COlll1lunication'sSubsidy 50%. URBAN REBATES Payrnent'basC!d on 25% of their Road Levy to Town of Aylmer and Villages. Ministry of Transport"tion and Communications Subsidy 500'.. C0UNT1 OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1982 BUDGET ~ All Totals include Payroll IllJrden. Superintendence incl.udes a vehicle charge. OPERATION Superiritendence Garages (White Station and Rodney) 'ools Radio Study Update and Traffic Counts Courses Ptlrmitll Miscellaneous Insurance Office TOTAL County Roads St. Thomas Suburban Roads (approximately 7.3%) $ 24,000 303.000 ~ 161 PAGE 6. 1982 124;000 97,000 6,000 4,000 8,000 4,000 66,000 2,000 16,000 $327.000 162 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT ~ EXPENDITURES {COUNTY .AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD.S) 1. Construction: (a) Roads and B1:idges Construction. (b) New Machinery and Salt Storage Buildings. (e) Asphalt Resurfacing and Associated Work. 2. Maintenance: (a) Roads and Bridges. (b) Safety _ (White Edge Marking) - Supplementary By_Law Request. 3. Overhead. 4. Rebatest.o Urban Municipalities. 5. Municipal Drain Assessments. 6. Items Not Subsidi~ed by the Ministry of Transportation and COllUllunications: (a) Charge regarding Administration by Clerk' 5 $4,830 Office. (b) Miscellaneous Memberships, Liability Insurance, Suburban Road Items, etc. (County and St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission. ) ...1t.!2Q. ~ 1. Ministry of Transportation and COllUllUnications Normal Subsidy Allocation: (Already Allocated) (a) on Operation (Subsidy Rate 76.41.j). (b) on Urban Rebates (50%). 2. Ministry of Transportation and Cotmlunications Subsidy ,m IJraillilg(' (~O%). (Supplementary Ily-Law U"lluest.) 3. Ministry of Transportation and Cotmlunications Subsidy on Safety (White Edge Markings). (91% Subsidy) 4. The City of St. Thomas Share of 1982 St. Thomas Suburban Road Budget. EXPENDITURES $3,772,500 RECEIPTS 2,876,500 COLmT'l ROAD LEVY $ 896,000 $1,001,000 273,000 543,000 1.454,000 27,500 327,000 50,000 90,000 $2,752,500 23,500 45,000 30,500 $2,876,500 25,000 163 THIRD REPORT COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MARCH. SESSION 1982 YOIJR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS TO 'l'HE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL WE RECOMMEND: 1. That the sum of $1,000 bll budgeted for Mosquito Control for ~e prevention .of encephalitis. This will allow for the necessary permit renewals and the updating of per;onnel training, insurance, etc. to permit a programme of mosquito control to be place~ in action;fnecessary for the control of encephalitis. /( 7,000 ~/ ALL. OF WHICH IS RESPEGrFULLY SUBMITTED SJ-Sl-...j ~J~ ~J7oL- 164 COUNTY OF ELG IN By~Law No. 82-18 "A ~Y-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS,OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF. ELGIN AT THE MARCH 11TH SESSION, 1982." WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the RevisedS'tatut'es of Ontario, 1980. the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 103 of'The Municipal Act', being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law;Bnd WHEREAS it is 'deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council. of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-"Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin enacts a~ follows: 1. That action 'of the Municipal, Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin in respect ,of each recommen.... dation contained in the Reports of the Commicteesand each motion and' resolution passed and other a<:tion taken, by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the March 11th, 1982 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessaty in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 11th day of March, 1982. READ a second time this 11th day of March, 1982. READ a thi.rd time and finally passed this 11th day of March, 1982. ~/~, ,<->~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~" ~, , Shaw,' . L.W rden. 165 March 29th Session - First-Day Monday, the 29th day of March, 1982 J The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municipal Building, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL - All Members present except: Reeve Emerson. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That the minutes of the February 17th and March 11th, 1982 Sessions of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. The follOWing Communications were read and ref~rredto: COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE -J 36. Township of Malahide with 'resolution and correspondence re: installing lights at the junction of County Road #35 and Highway #3 at Orwell. 38. Ministry of the Environment with Notice of Acception of Ministry of Natural Resources Nine Clas~ Environmental Assessments. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Kelly.' That the list of Communications" numbei'ed' 1 to 35 inc1usive,as mailed to each Member of Council, be referred or filed as directed. , ....Carried~ . COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE 5. Minister of Municipal Affairs requesting reasons why Council opposes Bill 179 provision to unseat Council Members for non-attendance. 7. City of Mississauga with resolution requesting that Cabinet defer to the findings of the Ontario Municipal Board in matters appealed to them,unless there is an overriding Provincial interest. ' 8. Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing with copy of Bill 147 re: Municipal Boundary Negotiations Act'j 1981. 12. Ministry of the Solicitor' General with information on funding for developing emergency plans within municipalities in Ontario. . 19. .' Township of Yarmouth with resolution endorsing the two year and oppqsing'the three year term for elected municipal and school boardofficials~ COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE 4. Ministry of Transportation and Communications with copy of Memo No. 82-lB re: sample reduced loads by....law~ 16;. Ontario Municipal:Boarqwithappointment for hearing against a decision of the County of Elgin Land Division Committee by Yehia Emara, set for May 11th, 1982 at 10:00 A.M. 166 - 2 - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE ~. Continued 17. Township of Malahide with notice of application to The Ontario Municipal Board for approval of By-Law 1992, to regulate land use pursuant to Section 39 of The Planning Act. 18. Village ofSpririgfield with notice of appltcation to The Ontario Municipal Board for approval of By~Law No. 768. to regulate land use passed pursuant 'to Section 39 of The Planning Act. 20. Township of Malahide advising of a site meeting with the E~gineer. March 22nd, 1982 to discuss the BOWEN DRAIN. 21. Village of Port Stanley with notice of the passing of By-Law No. 2037, to regulate land use pursuant to Section 39 of The' Plann;l.ng Act. 27. Township of Ma!ahide with request for approval to pass a by-law to stop-up a road allowance, between Lot 12. Concession 8 and Lot 13, North Gore. 30. Township of Bayham with notice of application to The Ontario Municipal Board for approval of By-Law 2113-82. to regu- late land use passed pursuant to Section 39 of The Planning Act. PROPERTY COMMITTEE 3. Elgin County Pioneer Mus~~m,Board with copy of a letter to the Elgin Military Muse,~ re: items outstanding in connection withllconnecting link','. ll. Stanley, pictures St. with 'from Mark's Masonic Lodge No. 94, A.F. and A.M." Port 1:'eques,tto.be allowed tbobtain c,opies of, three the County Council pictures, of Past Masters. following Communications were ordered filed: The 1. The Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit, explaining that the cheque for $43,627 represents funds ,provided by the County to implement CORE' programs, which did not become mandatory in 1981. 2. Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with Allocation of Children In Care to January 31st and February 28th, 1982. 6. Ministry of Culture and Recreation with a copy of application form for Experience '82, Program 0701. 9. Third Annual Cities' Energy Conference 1n Land Use, Planning - April 14, 15 and 16iri Hamilton. 10. Talbot Trail with copy of second annual report. 13. Ministry 'of Natural Resources with news release advis- ing that it is illegal to allow dogs to run loose, during the closed season for deer. The Women's Report, A Federal Perspective on. ,rpare.lltal 14. Leave". 15. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing with. "News Release" announcing a formal appeals policy, to allow applicants and tenants of public housing a review of decisions, made by local housing authorities~ 22. Minister of Natural Resources with memo re: "Preparation to deal with Flood Emergencies"; 24. Mr. ,Steve Bailey, Secretary-Treasurer, St. Thomas- Elgin Debt Counselling 'Service, with appreciation for $500.00 grant. -J ..) 167 -3_ County Council, March 29th Session, 1982 25. Ministry of Muriicipal Affairs and Housing advising that effective April 1st, 1982, insulation work. under the Ontario Home Renewal Program. must be done by "Canadian General Standards Board" certified contractors. 26. Miss Cathie Light with appreciatirinfor scholarship (University of Guelph). 28. The.University of Western Ontario with appreciation of 1982 grant. 33. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing advising that public delegations will be irtvitedto speak to Ontario HOUSing Corporation's board of directors .atlts regular. 'twice-monthly meetings. EMPLOYEE PRESENTATIONS The follOWing employees were present durirtgthe Council Session and received: 18 Year Certificate. ~Watchapd Cheque._ Mrs. Violet Clarkson, Dietary Supervisor, Elgin Manor - Terrace Lodge, retires March 31st, 1982.< ~. 10 Year Certificate and Pen Set-Mr. Jack Baker~ Tree Commissioner! Weed Inspector, retired December 31st, 1981. Mrs. Cathy Baxter, President, Region 4A, Rest Home Association of Ontario was present arid it was movedbyDepu~y ReeVe Marrthat she 'be now heard. She explained' tha~ she was in att~ndance today to represent Rest Homes in Dutton, 'Aylmeran~ Port Bruce, with respect to General Welfare Assistance. She requested thatCou~cil consider entering into agreements with the, three Homes, under the Domiciliary Hostel 'Provisions allowable for municipalities. Members of Council asked Mrs. Baxter various questionsa~d Warden Shaw referred her request to the Social Services Committee for consideration. The Report of the County Government Committee was :'pre- sented by Reeve Monteith. Moved 'by Reeve Monteith Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That the Report of the County Government'Committee be adopted. j Moved by Reeve Glover Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That the County Government Repottbe referred to the Committee Of The Whole. - Carried~ The Report of the Roads Committee'was presented by Reeve Walters and adopted on motion of Reeve Walters arid Reeve Kelly. The First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve McWilliam and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve McWilliam and Deputy Reeve Pearson. The Second Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve McWilliam and adopted on motion of Deputy. Reeve McWilliam, and Reeve Hodgson. The Personnel Committee Report was presented by Deputy Reeve Marr~ 168 - 4 - Moved by Deputy Reeve Marr Seconded by Reeve Fleck That the Personnel Committee Report be adopted. Moved by Reeve Monteith Second~d by Reeve Hodgson That the Personnel Committee Report be referred to the Committee Of The Whole. - Carried. The Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Farthing and adopted on motion of Reeve Farthing and Deputy Reeve Haddow. The Report of the Library Board was presented by Deputy Reeve Wakellng and adopted on motion of Deputy R~eve Wakelingand Deputy Reeve Perovich. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS 23. The Tillsonburgand District Association for the Mentally Retarded, with request for a grant of $3,500.00 for 1982. 29. B ta tement Grant; Mr. John Anderson, Agricultural Representative, with of expenditures re: Agricultural Representative Act Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas-Elgin with estimate of expenditures and, service plan for the year 31- copy of 1982. 32. Elgin-St. Thomas Health UnH with- 1982 Proposed Funding Breakdown. 34. The London Chamber of Commerce with invitation to partic- ipate in the "How to Sell to Governments and Institutions" exhi- bition, Thursday, May 20, 1982 - Holiday Inn, City Centre. 35. City of Stratford with resolution requesting the Federal Government to provide, by way of Canada ,Mortgage and Housing Corporation, the necessary mortgage funding for persons unable. to obtain same, due to the presence of certain insulation in the build- ings for which a mortgage is being sought. 37. Long. Point Region Conservation Authority with a copy of Flood Plain Management and Land Use Planning - Policies and Guidelines. Moved by Deputy Reeve Haddow Seconded by Deputy Reeve Perovich That the resolution from the City of Stratford request- ing the Federal Government to provide, by way of Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, the necessary mortgage funding for persons unable to obtain same, due to the presence of certain insulation in the buildings for which a mortgage is being sought be endorsed. - Cart"ied. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Reeve Wilson That Council Communications numbered 23, 29, 31, 32, 34 and 37 be filed~ - Carried. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Deputy Reeve Haddow That we go into a Committee Of The Whole. - Carried. 169 5 - County Council, March 29th Session, 1982; Warden Shaw named Reeve Kelly as Chairman. Moved by Reeve Farthing Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That we rise withoutrep9rting. - Carded. A delegation, in the persons of Mr. A. E. Lehnen, Chair- man,Ways and Means Committee and Mr. Andy McCormick, Executive Director, of the St. Thomas-Elgin Assoc~ation for the Mentally Retarded was present. Warden Shaw proclaimed the week of MaY,9-15th as lINationalWeek For The Mentally Retardedll, and read an appropriate proclamation. It was signed, sealed and'presented to the gentlemen present, as per their request. Move4by Reeve Kelly Se~onded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That we do now adjou~n to meet ag~in on March 29th, 1982 at 2:00 P.M. - Carried. Council re~convened. ROLL CALL - All Members present Deputy Reeve Haddow. Moved by Deputy Reeve Volkaert Seconded by Reeve Lavereau except: That we go into a Committee Of The Whole. Carried. Warden Shaw named Reeve Kelly as Chairman. Moved by Warden Shaw Seconded by Deputy Reeve McWilliam That the I.P.M. Executive, Mr. R. G. Moore, County Engineer and Mr. E. A. Wells, County Librarian, be allowed into the Committee Of The Whole. - Carried. Moved by Warden Shaw Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That we rise and report. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Glover Seconded by Reeve Caverly That we do now adjourn to meet again on March 29th, 1982 at 4:30 P.M. - Carried. Councilre-convenedat 4:49 P.M. The County Government Committee Report, previously Moved and Seconded for adoption, was again presented to Council for discussion. 170 - 6 - An amendment was Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Haddow That Item #8 of the County Government Committee Report b~ deleted and the following substituted the~efore: "8. That the remuneration of the Warden be $12,000.00 per annum effective January 1st, 1982 arid a by-law be prepared for Council." The amendment was voted upon and Carried. The ,original Report,ss amended, was voted upon. and it Carried. The Personnel Committee Rep?rt, previously Moved,snd Seconded for adoption, was again con~idered by Council. It' was voted upon and Carried in its original form. Reeve Walters annotincedthat it was the intention to have a Road Tour on Wednesday. April 28th, at 9:00 A.M. and a stop would be made at the Poliee COllege for lunch, and a tOUT would be made on that day. A show of hands indicated that some eighteen would be ~vailable to go. Dress for the occasion would be our regular Council jackets and ties. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Reeve Lashbrook That By-Law No. 82-19 "A By_Law to Authorize the Expropriation of Land for the purpose of Widening and Improving County Roads" be read a first tim~. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Perovich Seconded by Reeve Coles That By-Law No. 82-19 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Coles Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That By~Law No. 82-19 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Farthing Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That By-Law No. 82-20 "Being a and 81-42 to Alter the Present first time. By-Law to Amend By-Laws Provisions for Jury Duty" No. 81-41 be read a - Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve McWilliam That By-Law No. 82-20 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Farthing That By-Law No. 82-20 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. v 171 - 7- County Council, March 29th Session, 1982 Moved by Deputy Reeve Marr Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By-Law No. 82-21 'IBeing a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 81-64 to Alter the Remuneration Paid to Members of the Land Division Committeell be read a first time. -' - Carried'. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Farthing That By-Law No. 82_21 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Farthing That By-Law No. 82-21 be read a third,timeand finally passed. - Carried. -~ Moved by Deputy Reeve McWilliam Seconded by Deputy Reeve Marr That By-Law No. 82-22 "Being a By-Law to Authorize Grants to be Made_to Various Organizations, Corporations, Institutions, Etc., During 198211 be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Deputy Reeve McWilliam That By-Law No. 82-22 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McWilliam Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That By-Law-No. 82-22 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Deputy Reeve Perovich That By-Law No. 82-23 IIBeing a By-Law to Establish the Percentage Share of Each Municipality Within the County of Elgin and Amount Required for County Purposes for the Year 1982" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Coles Seconded by Reeve Lashbrook That By-Law No. 82-23 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lashbrook Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That By-Law No. 82-23 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. 172 - 8 - Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That By-Law No. 82-24 ITA By-Law, to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of, the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the March 29th Session, 1982" be read a first time. _ Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Volkaert Seconded by Reeve Fleck That By-Law No. 82-24 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That By-Law No. 82-24 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Volkaert Seconded by Reeve Wilson That we do now adjourn (5:01P..M.) to meet again on April. 21st, 1982 at 10:00 A.M. - Carried. L. J. Shaw, Warden. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 173 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTRE FIRST REPORT MARCH 29, SESSION 1982 TO Tll,E WAROEN AND MEMBERS OFTIiEELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOlJR ROAD COMMITTEE REPOR'L'S. AS FOLLOWS: WE RECOMMEND: I. That a By-Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign land plans to acquire land to widen County Road #40.at Glencolin. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFlJLL'l SUBMI'ITED , 174 HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT March 29th Sesslon, 1982 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Homes For Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. That the following changes have been made in the insurance coverage: Property - increased from $6,600,000 to $7,410,000 Contents and Equipment Floater - increased from $37,001 to $43.300 Remove limits on outbul1dlng>at Elgin Manor and put in blanket coverage. 2. That the per diem rate to be charged for Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge has been increased from $25.35 to $27.85, effective February 1st, 1982. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. Cjj, <1',) '){fL~ D; A. McWilliam, Chair.ffi..... a~~~~ ...' ~/7 <\/ /~ ,/y ~~ 175 HOMES FOR'SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT March 29th Session, 1982 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members' of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Broad Form Money covers$e (Burglary) has been increased from $10,000 to a limit of $15,000. ALL of which is respectfUlly submitted. Cjr,. Iii.. )/; 1/ : D. A. McWilliam ?;~;? SL / 176 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT March 29th 8e55ioo,1982 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council. The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That St. Mark's Masonic Lodge No. 94. Port Stanley, has been allowed to have copies made from the Council pictures for,three of their Past Masters. 2. That the following changes in insurance coverage have been made: (1) Alter present bond protection to "Commercial Blanket Bond Package". Increase Errors and Omissions Pick up contractual liability automobile insurance. Increase Contents and Equipment Floater' from $462.765 to $521,265. Increase Property (Buildings) from $1,779,000 to $2,033,000. (2) (3) (4) limits to $10,000,000. extension for non-owned (5) ALL of which is re$pectf~lly submitted. Library Board Report March Session 1982 To the Warden & Members of Elgin County COWlcil The Library Board Reports as follows: 177 1 That the tender from Ontario Library Furni'ture for Wood Shelving for Aylmer Library to'the amOWlt of $15,905.00 has been accepted. 2. That the tender from ,Carr McLeartfor furniture for the Aylmer Library to' the amount of $10,190.35 has been accepted.: 3. That Mrs. Turner has reSigned as SupervisO,r from the Sh~ddenLibrary and Mrs. Carol O'Connor 'has been appointed the new Supervisor. All of ~mich is respectfully ,submitted. l],,_.\,->>5cc: C~rm .eUng, E i ,an, nCoWlt .rJibrary B . -'~kr 178 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT March 29th Session, 1982 To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That we recommend to County Council that we with- draw our opposition to delete- the proposed provision. from Bill 179, An Act to amend The Municipal,Act, to unseat a Member of County Council for non-attendance. 2. That the resolution from the City of Mississauga, requesting that Cabinet defer to the findings of the Ontario Municipal Board in matters appealed to them unless there is an overriding Provincial interest, be endorsed. 3. That the resolution from the Township of Yarmouth endorsing the two-year and opposing the three-year term for elected municipal and school board officials, be endorsed. 4. That the letters from the Minister of Municipal Affairs (#8) re: Municipal'BoundaryNegotiations Act, 1981 and Ministry of the Solicitor' General (#12) re: emergency plan funding, be filed. 5. re.,..order in use. That the Clerk.,..Treasurerhasbeen authorized to 1,000 pens, similar to the burgundy ones presently 6. That the Committee rates for the Members of the Land Division Committee be increased as follows, effective January 1st, 1982 and that a by~law be prepared for Council: One-half day - $40.00 Full day .,.. $65.00. 7. That the question of equalization factors be filed. * See amend- ment at end of report. 8. That the,remuneration of the Warden be $9,500.00 per annum, plus $40.00 for each County Council Committee meeting attended, effective January 1st, 1982 and a by-law be prepared for Council. 9. That the policy ,for paying grants be inserted in Council's policy booklet and it be that they are paid December 15th each year, except for - (a) Memberships (b) Scholarships (c) Payment to the Local Agricultural Office on behalf of 4-H Clubs_ etc. and these would be paid upon request. 10~ That a review be made in the remuneration of the Warden and Members of Council each year, in time to have any revisions presented to the November Session of County Council, for implementation in January of the following year. 11. That the Clerk-Treasurer prepare a report for this Committee, on sQggested methods of dealing with requests for grants and budget deliberations. 12. That correspondence received with postage due be refused and returned to sender. 179 - 2 - 13. That the scholarships given 'to the various Universities be provided for persons attaining the highest academic standing and not ,restricted to' boys or girls. ALL-of which -is respectfully submitted. ,:r~~~ K. E: Monteith . · . :~/SL * #8 was det'eted and the following substituted: That the remuneration of the Warden be $12,000.00 per annum effective January 1st, 1982 and a by-law be prepared for Council." Item "8. 180 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT March 29th Session, 1982 To the Warden and Members of the Elg!n County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. Th~t a relatives, up\ to same departme~t. \ , County policy be established to not allow the t~ird generation; to be hired by the Departmentsare.considered as follows: Roads Elgiti.Manor Terrace, Lodge Library Clerk~Treasurer's Social Services. ~f That the rate of pay for the Assistant Engineer be left in Level 12. until the retirement of one of the Super- iritendents in June 1983 (with no replacement being hired in the Superintendent's position), at which time it will be reclassified to a Levell3 with the appropriate. pay rate. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. [;.,......,/1 )/ 7'7~,,- E. H. Marr, Chairman. :<~ 7~7~1~ '{ 181 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No.. 82-19 llA, BY-LAW TO, AUTHORIZE THE EXPROPRIATION OF LAND FOR THE PURPOSE 'OF WIDENING AND IMPROVING COUNTY ROADS." WHEREAS under Section 193 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302, R.S.Q. 1980. the Council of every Corpo- ration'may pass By-Laws for acquiring or expropriating any land required for the purpose of the Corporation; and WHEREAS in the exercise of its powers and in per- formance of its obligations urider the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Acr.:, and ,other statutes, the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin' finds, or may find, that it is necessar~ to expropriate lands for widening, improving, protecting from erosion. altering or diverting the County Roads shown on Schedule "A" as attached. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin: 1. That the Warden and Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin be, and are, authorized to sign any and all plans pertaining to land expropriation for Cou~ty Roads shown on Schedule "A", "and to 'affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgiri and to register' the same in the County'of Elgin, Registry Office. 2. That the Treasurer be. and is hereby ,authorized to pay to the owners of the lands hereby expropriated, such amounts as may be agreed upon as compensation as may be deter- mined by arbitration under provisions of the Expropriations Act, being Chapter 148. R.S.O. 1980. READ a first time this 29th day of March, 1982. READ a sec~nd time this 29th day of March, 1982. READ a third time and finally passed this 29th day of March, 1982. .~.~ [Z~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 182 1. County Road #40 - (8) COUNTY OF ELGIN Schedule "A"_of Bv-Law No. 82-19 1981-1982 Unopened Road Allowance between Lots Twenty (20) and Twenty-One (21 )', No-rth Gore. South _of Concession VIII, Township of Malahide. (b) Lots Twenty (20) and Twenty-One (21), North GO'I'e, South of Concession VIII, Township of Malahide. 183 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 82-20 "BEING A BY...,LAW rOAMEND BY;':'LAWS NO. 81-41 AND 81-42 TO ALTER THE PRESENT PROVISIONS FOR ,JURY,' DUTY. II No. the WHEREAS Section .7, entitled HJury, Dutyll of By-Law 81-41 and By-taw,No. 81~42 presently define provisions fot difference'in regular pay and Jury Duty pay 'claimed; and WHEREAS it '1s deemed necessary that changes be made in the provision. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of theCorpora~ tion of the County of Elgin enacts as'follows:' 1. . That Section 7. entitled "JURYDUTY" of By-Laws No. 81-41 and 81-42 be deleted and the following substituted therefore: 7. JURY/WITNESS DUTY 7.01 An Employee serving asa Juror or who has been subpoenaed asa Crowo>Witness shall receive the difference between his or her Jury or t-litnesspay and his or her regular pay for the lost time while serving in one of those capacities. . A subpoena, or legal notice for such duty ,will be provided to the Employer ,in such an instance of Jury or Witness Duty. The Employee shall provide the Employer proof of hours engaged on Jury Duty or as a Witness and proof of payment therefore. READ a first time this 29th day of March, 1982. READ a second time this 29th day of March, 1982. READ a third time and finally passed this 29th day of March, 1982. -~~.~ -:;/' -~~</ . 'U-Shaw, \w8rden. G.. C. Levertonj Clerk. 184 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 82-21 "BEING A BY.,.LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 81-64 TO ALTER THE REMUNERATION PAID TO MEMBERS OF THE LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE." WHEREAS By,Law No. 81-64 presently appoints Members of the Land Division Committee and sets forth remuneration, etc., to be paid for services rendered; ~nd WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to' alter the rates being paid to each Member. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgi~ enacts as follows: 1. That Clause 2 of By-Law No. 81-64 be amended by deleting subsections (a) and (b) and substituting the following: (a) In attending a meeting of the Committee when it is held in both the forenoon and afternoon or evening of the same day -$65.00. For attending a meeting of the Committee when it is held in either the: forenoon, afternoon or the evening - $40.00. That thfs by'-lawbecome effective January 1st; 1982. (b) 2. READ a first time this 29th day of March,1982. READ a second time this 29th day of March, 1982. READ a third time and finally passed this 29th day of March, 1982. .k--/'~~ ~ --o/;'a-)z/ ~'~Shaw, arden. G. C. Lever.ton, Clerk. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 82-22 185 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE GRANTS. TO BE MADE TO VARIOUS .ORGANIZATIONS. CORPORATIONS.. INSTITUTIQN'S,ETC. ,DURING 1982." WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin deems it advisable to make grants to certain organizations, corporations,.institutions, etc... NOW THEREFORE the, Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Courtty of Elgin enacts. as follows: 1. That the following grants be and are hereby authorized for the year 1982: Canadian National Institute for The Blind Salvation Army - Maintenance Elgin County Pioneer Museum Scholarships - Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technology - University of Western Ontario - University of Guelph "' - Wilfrid LauriarUniversity - University of Waterloo University of Western Ontario Quad County Association for Mentally Retarded The Local Agricultural Office for ,- Farm Organizations. Junior Farmers and Institute Groups and Fall Banquet fOr 4-H Clubs Agricultural Representatives Act The Agricultural and Horticultural Societies in the County of Elgin - Equal to the Province of Ontario Grants to these Societies Elgin Federation of Agriculture Talbot Trail Committee Tillsonburg & District Association for The Mentally Retarded TillsonburgDistrictMemoria1 Hospital SouthwesternOnt~rioTravel Association Bobier Convalescent Home The Art Gallery St. ThomaS-Elgin Village of Port Stanley ,(Library) St. Thomas-Elgin Debt Couns'elling Service READ a first time this 29th day of March, 1982. READ a second time this 29th day of March,19H2. READ a third time and finally passed this 29th day of March, 1982. $ 3,000.00 500.00 4,000.00 400.00 800.00 800.00 400.00 400.00 '1,500.00 2,000.00 5,000.00 500.00 500.00 520.00 2,000.00 90,5],3.50 1,750.00 25,000.00 500.00 51,000.00 500.00 G. C.Leverton:i Clerk. ~;~Z~L< '-. Warden. ~~~ 1 1\ I' " r n n ~,. f .. " " ,... t . , ~ 0 " ~ <Xl Ol '" '" '" ~o- 0 0.11> '>]0 ~ 1\>90n 18 I~ I.; 0 3 C ,",,0 ~ ~ ~ , . ~ CnlOH> ~ 0" 0 'e I" 1~ >- >- >- t-t.<:'1 ~ C t-'->:;j I;;: " " " n~ ~ ....nlM~ 0 ;:l {')'1:;1 n I~ ,.. ,. ::l'1'<::e: ~oo~ooo~>~~oo~~~O~> I~ . n.....-(I-'o ii . 0 . (I);:. . 000 , 0 ~ ~ ~~ I:;: 1>- ~o II> 0 lI> C 0 ll> t-'lD....."O 0 0 o.c (1)'<: " ..~ n . ~ n. n ~ ,,, ~~~~~~~ri~~~~~g~i '" lD ......~ 0 15 i'- . O~ 0 ::1"3 (tI..... O~ ~ I;:; I~ 0 " 0 0 . 0 ~ O;T::n....;:rll>O ::l::ltD 00 I~ ~" ::Tt"to' :;E: " 0 " ::lO., "z :;) tn-' > c::e:....o :3 '1 t'""'Il>DQ'< mO:;:l::l '"' .x '<'<Il>::I: 0 ..: I~ ~ , n ~'x ~o ~ 6~6~ noa.::ro 00 HI Me rT ,m . ~ w ~ ~ >- ~" ::r.....ro 0 C'"\ 1-'0 II> t-t 0'" ::rtoo'D:;cI ~ " ~ n ..; Il>..........;:\ a. '"I {JQ::l III ::l g .~ 1I>::r'< 0 [Jl w ~ ~ n ~ O~ 0'; "'I'1:;IIl>.. 1i! (') ;:rltl ...... ......nl ,>- ......1>> 1 C> .; 3 ~ 3 ~~~ ~x . , ::r 0. m..... ,..: ~w ....."".....::100 ." 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AYLMER 9.802 206,816.42 841.95 207,658.37 103,829.18 51,140.28 52,688.91 51.914.59 51.914.59 BELMONT 1.136 23,968.93 107.94 24,O76~87 12,038.44 7,466.22 4,572.21 1- 6,019'-22 6,019.22 DUTrON 1.467 30,952.83 129.52 31.082.35 15,541.18 7,948.78 7,592.39 7,770.59 7,770.59 PORT BURWELL .698 14,727.39 64.77 14,792.16 7,396.08 3,983.9_9 3,412.09 3,698.04 3,698.04 PORT STANLEY 4.017 84,756.33 (6,951.42) 77,804.91 38,902.45 22,619.45 16,283.02 19,451.22 19,451.22 RODNEY 1.423 30,024.46 129.53 30,153.99 15,077 .00 8,500.59 6,:576.40 7,538.50 7,:538.50 SPRINGFIELD .652 13,756.82 43.17 13.799.99 6,900.00 2,754.35 4,145;64 3,450.00 3,450.00 VIENNA .500 10,549. n 21.59 10,571.30 5,285.65 1,747.23 3,538.41 2.642.83 2.64~.83 WEST LORNE 2.103 44,372.06 129.53 44.501.59 22,2,50.80 9,894.06 12,356.73 11,125.40 11.125.40 ALDBOROUGH 7.519 158,646.46 647.65 159,294.11 79 .647.05 42,783.48 36,863.57 39,823.53 39,823'-53 BAYHAM 6.585 138.939.61 518.12 139,457.73 69,728.86 35.501. 58 34,227.29 34,864.43 34,864.43 SOUTH DORCHESTER 3.451 72-,814.06 302.23 73,116.29 36,558.15 18,144.62 18,413.53 18,279.07 18,279.07 DUNWICH 6.975 147,168.38 345.41 147,513.79 73,756.90 25,152.47 48,604.42 36,878.45 36,878.45 MALAHIDE 16.617 350,608.90 1,057.83 351,666.73 175,833.36 79,044.57 96,788.80 87,916.68 87,916.68 SOUTHWOLD 21. 963 463.406.34 1,338~47 464,744.81 232,372.40 106,374.04 125,998.37 116,18.6.20 116,186.20 YARMOUTH 15.092 318,432.30 1,273.71 319,706.01 159,853~00 84,275.80 75,577.21 79,926.50 79,926.50 _TOTALS 100._000 2,109,9'41.. 00 ~ 2,109.941.00 1.054,970.50 507,331.51 547.638.99 527.485.25 527,485.25 ~ <Xl 'l 188 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 82-24 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE'COUNTYOF ELGIN-AT THE MARCH 29TH SESSIQN, 1982." WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be e~ercised by its council; and WHEREAS"by Subsection lofSection 101 of The Municipal Act l being Chapter 302 oithe Revised, Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; and WHEREAS it is, deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed-and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of theCorpo~ ration of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Mtinicipal Council, of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin in resp~ct ofeach,recommen~ dation contained in the Reports of the CommIttees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the March 29th 1982 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in thisBy~Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 29th day of March,1982. READ a second time this 29th day of March, 1982. READ a third time and finally passed this 29th day of March, 1982. _.k/~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 189 April Session -First Day Wednesday, the 21st day of April, 1982 The Elgin. County Council met this day at the County Municipal BuildingJ St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. Robert '5. -Millard, recently appointed Reeve o'f.the Township of South Dorchester, to replace the late John,B. Wilson, havingpreviousty filed a Certificate of. Appointment, took his Seat-at the Couneil Table. John B. January A Minute of Silence was held in memory of- Wilson, Reeve, Township of South Dorchester, from. 1st, 1953 until he passed aWay'on April 5th, 1982. ROLL CALL- All Members: present except Reeve Emerson. Moved by Reeve Walters Seconded- by Reeve Lashb~ook That the minutes of the March 29th, 1982 Session of the Elgin County Council, as amended, be adopted. - Carded. COMMUNICATIONS I COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE 8. City of St. 'Catharines with, re"solution opposing the Federal Government's high interest rate policy. L9. Mr. John Wise. M.P., with copy of a reply received f~om Mr. Michael Warren, President of Canada Post, with respect to the resolution endorsed by Elgin. COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE 3. Town of Aylmer with copies of notices of the pa~singof By-Laws No. 10-82,11-82, 30-82 and 31-82, to regulate land use, pursuant to Section 3g of The Planning Act. 4. Minister of the Environment with copy of Ontario Regulation 841/81, amending The Environmental Assessment Act Regulation concerning Municipal Undertakings. 5. .. Ministry of Transportation and Communications,. with copy of Memo 82-lC re: "Annual Returns Accounts Receivable". 7. Association of Municipalities of Ontario advising of la series of Six Seminars, during April. May and June,co-sponsored with the Ontario Waste Management Corporation. on waste management. " 10. . International Great Lakes Levels Advisory noarq out- lining the purpose of this Board, which has been established by the International Joint Commission. 15. Canadian Transport Commission with copyof Order No. R-33555.with respect to proposed changes ,in protection devtces for the C.N.R. crossing and County Road No'. 25A. near St. Thomas. 24. Township of Yarmouth with ,notice of application to the Ontario, Municipal Board for approval of By-Law No. 2681, to regu- late landuse.passed p~rsuant to Section~9 of The Planning Act. 25. Township of Yarmouth with notice of the passing of By-Law No. 2682, to regulate land use pursuant to.Section 39 of The Planning Act. 190 - 2.- PERSONNEL COMMITTEE 6. Tillinghas't, Nelson a.nd Warren, Inc., Actuaries. Consultants, offering their services to study our "Sick Pay C't'cdit Plan", 16. Ministry of Labour with two letters advising that Mr. J. Leonard has reported that the County and London and District Service Workers' Union (representing Elgin Manor employees) have been unable to negotiate a collective agreement. 20', London and District g'ervlce Workers I Union with the name of their nominee, Mr. Larry Robbins., to the Board of Arbitration re: Elgin Manor employees. and requesting that the County name their appointee. PROPERTY COMMITTEE 21. Groom and Mansell advising that Letters Probate have been obtained on theCOOMB ESTATE,Vienna,and request advice as to the manner in which we wish to have the conveyance carried out. FILED 2. Township of Bayham with copy. of a letter sent to the Elgin County Board of Education, concurring with the opinion,of Warden Shaw, with respect to restraint in the current budget. 9. . Ministry of Community and Social Services with a copy of a llpolicy and Procedural DirectiveU on the accumulation and disposition of Children's Aid Society surplus: funds. 11. Bank of Montreal with advice that effective March 26th, 1982 the prime interest rate is increased to 17%. University of Waterloo advising that the 1982 recipients scholarships were: Betty Johnson R. R. #5 Roger Side Road AYLMER, Ontario - 86.4% (5th Yr. Optometry) He1enaSteltenpool 218 Main Street WEST LORNE,Ontario ~ 82.7% (4th Yr. Honours Recreation). 13. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, clarifying a recent letter with respect to placement of insulation requiring a CGSB certified contractor. 12. of the 17. Minister of Tourism and Recreation outlining the newly established Ministry and the functions which will fall under its jurisdiction. 18. The University of Western Ontario expressing their appre- ciation for the four scholarships recently awarded. 22. Mrs. Violet T. Clarkson with appreciation for watch and cheque presented, to her on her retirement. 23. Mrs. Merle Wilson and Family with appreciation for thoughtfulness in their .recent sorrow. Moved by Reeve Farthing Seconded by Deputy Reeye McWilliam That the disposition of the Communications mailed pre- viously and those presented to-day, be approved (#1 to #25 inclusive). - Carried. v v \.J \.J 191 presented and. Reeve - 3 -'County Council. April Session, 1982 The First Report of the County Government Committee was by Reeve Monteith and adopted on motion of Reeve Monteith Fleck. -' The First Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Walters and adopted 'on motion of Reeve Walters and Reeve Lavereau. The Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve McWilliam and adopted 'on motion of Deputy Reeve McWilliam and Reeve Hodgson~ The First Report of the Personnel Committee was ,presented Reeve,Marr and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Marr Fleck. by Deputy and Reeve Reeve Reeve The Report of the Library Board was, presented by Deputy Wakeling and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Wakeling and Stewart. The Warden advised that Colin Morrison, a former Councillor, had received a triple by-pass operation and was home and expected to be recuperated within two weeks. Warden Shaw we1comedthe new Reeve for South Dorchester, Mr. Robert Mil1ard, to County Council.. -./ The Warden read an invitation from the Elgin Museum to Coun~y Council, to attend their 25th 1:00 and 2:00P.M. to~day. County Anniversary Pioneer between Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That the Members of the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission be invited to the May Session luncheon, in accordance with the recommendation of the Reception and Entertainment Committee, at the March SesSion, 1981. Carded. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS 1. St. Thomas~Elgiri General Hospital with request to pro~ vide the names of two persons for election to the Board of Governors, .at. the. annual, meeting to be held June, 9th, 1982. 14. Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Soils and Crops Branch, with information on Weed Inspector's meeting to be held at: the University of Guelph, Thursday, April 22nd, 1982. Moved by Deputy Reeve Marr Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That the following persons'names be submitted to the St. Thomas-Elgin' General Hospital, for membership on the Hospltal Board, as representatives of County Council: Reeve K. E. Monteith (Warden's Representative) Reeve J. R. Fleck. - Carded. Moved by Deputy Reeve McWilliam Secorided by Reeve Lashbrook That Council'Coinmunications number 14 be filed. - Carded. j Moved by Deputy Reeve Perovich Seconded by_Deputy Reeve Marr That we go into a Committee Of The Whole. - Carried. 192 - 4 - Warden Shaw Chaired the meeting. Moved by Deputy Reeve Haddow Seconded by Reeve Fleck That we rise without reportlng~ - Carded. Moved ,by Deputy Reeve Sheils Seconded by Deputy Reeve Perovich That we do now adjourn to meet again on April 21st. 1982 at 2:00 P.M., - Carried. Council re-cOnvened. ROLL CALL - All Members present except: Reeve Emerson Deputy Reeve Perovich (who was excused by the Warden). The Report of the Social Services Committee was pre- sented by Deputy Reeve Haddow and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Haddow and Reeve Coles. The Second Report of the Personnel Committee was pre-. sented by Deputy Reeve Marr and acloptedon motion of Deputy Reeve Marr and Deputy Reeve Sheils. The Second Report of the County Government Committee was presented by Reeve Monteith and adopted on motion of Reeve Monteith and Reeve Lavereau. The Report of the Property Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Marr. Moved by Deputy Reeve Marr Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That the Report of the Property Committee be adopted. Reeve Glover requested a recorded vote on the Report. The results of the recorded vote were: :ill8 Walters, McWillLam, Monteith' (2), Marr (2), Shaw (2), Haddow (2), Caverly (2), Neukamm (2), Stewart (2), Volkaert, Millard, Sheils, Glover (2), Hodgson, Lavereau, Wakeling, Lashbrook, Smyth, Fleck. TOTAL 27. ~ Kelly (2)j Pearson (2), Farthing, Coles. TOTAL 6. The Report Carried. The Second Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Walters and adopted on motion of Reeve Walters and Reeve Kelly. Deputy Reeve Volkaert, Chairman of the Reception and Entertainment Committee, requested the assistance of any Councillor to obtain prizes for the ,Golf Day. to'beheld JUly 8th. Moved by Reeve Kelly Seconded by Reeve Lashbrook That By-Law No. 82-25 "Being a BY~I.aw to Establish the Remuneration to be Paid to the Warden of the County of be read a first time. Annual EIginl1 - Carried. \+y \.;:,1./ \....b 1"a::l., , ~-r! .~ ~ ~ ~ County Council, April Session, 1982 '{X_tHuD Moved by Reeve Walters ~HJ1J~dB\1 :W':Jci~T Seconded by Deputy Reeve McWilliam' I'we,gboH '((f h'!lvoM .!mbrn:l::102; 11:.ffiit;:,fJ!Y.:1"'ljjl.~i-I~O '1_; ~?:.;:::~;> ~J:1~ t~~,~~~a. ,;;:f.!Q9,P'?'. ,f::tmr:"'iJT - Carried. .l:ir,p.<icq Moved by Reeve Lashbrook Seconded by Reeve Kelly .boh'"'.r.<>:J -- l,t:1J;,:J(l'd"i ")Vl!i')~[ '{d' b~lVd4 JI":):!lr:!: !:>v~)Sl,H 'I.d b.8J:JWJ~),,2 ~a~\se1J. ~1"j,;:f~I~~"f~lr~i~~~I'~~' i;8~J7t(:,}~ 1~~~1~_ a. ",~r~,~~[_~iUm~~ ,~n~, finally :t(, q..<:lHMlO'I";\r:13 !:fl. ,':)ffg\,,?!,.L~ h.~-:).\J 1,\ :to N.lh:zd-:) .bra; qll :'{ix,tqQ(J:J2. . "~:n"Jl., :nny.<!lr;,"'El.4,~"T ",d: ",)J;.~.dt,rflI1 Moved by Seconded Rl?fi-J~),tJiishbrook by Reeve Walters "f~VOr) .'.IV(,:;>~; ,'d' b,'v<:;M That By-Law No. 82-26 "To Appo{rn€:~'J.)o:t'oUiitY'!RO'A'ds:;~)bn,,~,,~'2 Committee" ~~;[;~~ai;'j~::o~,tr~;t t:+}~.e ~~,,j \;5>5;8 ,eN "~J..'}"\,,~{ ::-)o'_rlT - Carrieo. Moved by Seconded "'f.f.W1.i::1 , bi;!l'TI.!;~) peputy Reeve McWilliam by Reeve Kelly <- T~at ~!...;~~w'.NO. ~2-26 be """ ~-!mL) .:,x ,!:1';;1 f; ,n',;;';,: fxi vd b~.,vot'J bob!fi)tl3;~ '!il'l1~ ov",[~,li '{~tJJq"n d:J2');:'I1,..i"i ;)\i'():j,l)' '{d read a second time. . '?:;;:;..:::8 .01'; ''')I\J...''(IJ ;ilrJ~.' ...; Carried. . .b'~<:()2'(,1 Moved by I)g~tieyl'iteeve McWilliam Seconded by ReeveW~lters That By-Law N:o. 82-26' be ~~~1;'~~~) ;;~,:~::~~:~~~~",c ,,1 ;m~:i Moved by Reeve Walters Seconded .~.8"o,P~~;'t~y- Reeve .McWilliam That By,..Law No. 82-27 "Being a By';'L!t~ tp Establish a Remuneration Schedule and Other WOr~~9&_,ConditfoR~ f~t~~mp~o9~ijijM of the Roads Department" be read~\I3.-I..tft's'ttIfu1!'!. 'CJlJq-",(l v.'-" lY.~b{jOt',}~l, Moved by Seconded <.f ~'tll"d:t t!t\'.I r:'l;h,H,')'.'r~,:'.lji '{.~(.vq,,)i.t '(d 1,\~N(.\ifj read a~eHtra trm@Rand flftdily(. O1>~;g ,J!H ''It'.T...vB :tU)',I.' ':lgt.l.d'!:' $!~H!f!!4,';f}j~:';; 'I ';1 ;.1':1 !-'~il!! ~):; ~-1l'\ (~;JJ .' ~'i'P."i,~:' :) :;';',~ , ','if~ t'r 'to i.;d m,I::) hrW':j~'.'l " b~,,-'~ '?\1 OE.."S:d -Uf-iCalt-tt'e'd.:!e,df.' R~~te?T.;lshbrook by Deputy Reeve McWilliam b0V<:J'1 ',,<:v-r),~;) !),,~,",~, That By";Law No. 82-27 b'eo!foe-a,\:f'a:':''S'e'c3n'i:P'1!tffle.,o!:(l f";~';f., ')'ii!:1 fyy!;rij t, L.!l,~:) ~d OC-..S8 ":l:"liC"ar:fi'ea.:~Gj'j'r , !.l j" <l e 1~,I.f Moved by R:e.eY~,LJ{lji!l.ly Seconded by Reeve Walters pass~d. ~j'\'" ,'.r ''N''9-M, 'f,d bq\"i'Jl'l That By-Law No. 82-27 be read ,~');~,~'tff:~~lJI~jlaRG1 jt!/),*&j-~;~ bn;,!<:)h \~mil.,') ,\..!;8 .c<1 B ,bn.yx ".d Ir~....~a ,,;:j')Cll'i'h'eJd.:'iwJ'J' sd) ~:;,J'I',.J.u,<::)lJ '",j WId. v!1 .'-lmj,1 Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded ~~}~~~~ .Smyth Special Plowing be'read Moved by Seconded That By-Law No. 82-28 "Being" a By~~~ ,~l.9 ,Ji;1:l5Jl'.Rlh~~,;5'.;:, )'1 Committee for the purpose,t.9-Jxppga~:f.:i?4.;1lg".:~1I\:~41i1S~rn#,tli,9~~~;-: Match. to be Held in Elgin County During tne Year i~85' . a f;LJ1Iil,tJ ~~I}l.~;'.",,2G h$:-,-;r nd J:~:--5;-3 ,ol1 ~H:,J,-'v;'! :1 (;dT - Carried. . i)~}jJ'.n,~l- Reeve Smyth by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That By-Law No. 82-28 be read a second time. _ Carried. 194 - 6 - Moved by' Deputy Reeve Wakellng Secondea by Reeve Hodgson ThatBy~LawNo. 82~28 be.reada third time 'and finally passed:. ... Cerri'ed. Moved by Reeve Monteith Seconded by Reeve Fleck That By-Law No~ 82:"'29 lIBeirig a By-Law Consfilnting to. the Stopping Up, and Closing of s, Road "-Uowance lnthe Township of t-lalahidell be reads fit'fi!t time. ..Carried. Moved by Reeve Glover Secondea by Reeve Hodgson That By-Law No. 82-29 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Marr Seconded by Reeve MQnteith That By-Law No. 82~29 be' reads third time and finally passed. -.Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by ~eeve >>odgson That By;"'Law No. 82-30 "Be:1.ng,a By'_Law to Amend By~Law No. 81-42. Establishing Fringe Benefits fOT_Employees Not Covered by a Collective Agreement or lncluded'-inthe Management Category" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Smyth Seconded by Deputy R~eve Wakeling That~y-LawNo. 82-30 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Seconded Reeve Glover by Deputy Reeve Pearson That By-Law No. 82-30 be read a third time and finally passed. ..... Carried,. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by 'Reeve 'Hodgson Th~t By-Law No. 82-31 "Beittg a By-:Law to Amend By-Law No. 82-7. a By-Law to Regulate the Proceedings of County Councill1 be read a first time. -.Carried; Moved by Reeve Glover Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson That By-Law No. 82-31 be read a second time. - Ca~ried. Vi , , -...;j 195 - 7 - County Council, April Session, 1982 Moved by Deputy'Reeve PearSon Secondeo by Reeve G1~ver That By-Law No. 82-31 be read'S third time and finally passed. .....,! - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Vo1ksert Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By..L8:w. No; 82-32 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden,and Clerk to Sign an Agreement Between_the County of Elgin and Mr. William' T. Hare"be read, a first time. .;, Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve She~ls Seconded ~yDeputy Reeve Volkaert That By-Law No. 82-32 he read a second time. - Carded. '-" Moved by Reeve Millard Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By..Law No. 82-32 be read a third time and finally passed. .., Ca~ried. Moved-by Reeve Millard Seconded by Reeve Caverly Tha~' BY'::;~<1W'NO. 82:"33"4. By-Law toConflnn Proceedings of the Municipal'Council:of, the Corporation of the County of Elgin.at the AprqSessionl 1932". be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve; she Us Seconded by Deputy,ReeveHaddo~ That By-Law No. 82-33 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Millard Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-LawNo~ 82-33 'be read a third time and fin,ally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Deputy "Reeve Wakelin~ That we do now adjourn (3:40 P.M.) to meet again on April 28th; 1982 at 9:00A.M. - Cllrried. G. C. Leverton:, Clerk. L. J. Shaw, Warden. l~6 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1982 FIRST REPORT th~'''';'i':.J To the Warden and Members of the E~,gin coun?,.c~~~::n. The County Government Committee reports,~s fotlows~ 5_'lc::n 1. '.' We recommend that tltElfo;Llowing,.piqg.e~~rEblJe1'$:n:df implemented to consider requests for grants; ,'i;'1 ,:n'F, (1) That February 1st of each year will be the cut off for receiving grant requests. Council will set aslde'ai~eparat~i~d~r;~l~ February, to hear all the delegat:l.'6n~-~ ,',>.c Financial Statements,wUl be,r~_qu;l;re,~"Jlrom each organization aod sufficient copies (30) of the brief and Financial Statements are to be provided, for distribution to Members of Counci 1. For 1983 all o'I'ganizations who re"qul!l'sted-: assistance in 1982 will be advised of F-]:le new procedure., ' '"~,, "''''c':-' In JanuarY,l983 Council will decidewhtch ,,<'," delegations_ to invite to the special February meeting. (2) ",";'1",:';;;' (3) t}~,,'\-.-, V (4) (5) ;'(- '",; Ji;,v;:',':1 2. That all budgets (Committe'EtsBf' Cchjritiil:>itri<P:Wtld!ae Boards), be submitted to the Clerk-Treasurer byM~rch 1st of 'each year: and that they be proyid~dins~~f{c~e~~,~~eie~ (?O) to be distributed to Council,' prio,r ,to "the a'e.tuag~:Bu:.at~;}~ ->';:; Session. '"'" ,b <..(,,~f , 3. That the resolution from the City of St. Catharines opposing the Federal Government's high interest policy and the letter from Mr. John Wisel M'~'I with (,::cl'p'(of,,_l1 ,reply" from Mr. Michael Warren. President of Canada--Post; witn~\,:"'rl'-: respect to the resolution endorsed by Elgin,,_ b,e.}.iled. 4. That the Clerk-Treasurer report through the County Government Committee. S. We recommend that all new Ucensedy,e"hic:Les p~t.:.r:'" chased be North American manufactured. chrome'ye1'10w'::l:'ii' ":""', colour, complete with a County Crest on the~~ntdoors and under the Crest in black lettering "COUN1Y-OF -ELGIN". 6. That two hundred (200) self-adhesive coloured crests be purchased by the Clerk-treasurer's Office for use by the various departments and that they be c-ha,'I'ged. o,ut',." .at:<.cQ~:t:;J:.J~{ts issued. This is to be the only officiaL cre_st/ta",:beY)'!~I'\9-."OJl all County vehicles. 7. in the ELGIN" That all present vehicles be equiRP~d, w,it.h;,:a ,c,r.~!l't: cent-re of the f-ront doors and lette-red with "COUNTY OF below the crest. 8. That Section II of Procedu-ral By-Law No. 82-7 be amended, by adding a pa-ragraph 16, to -require that any Member, a-r~iving after roll call, go to the ent-rance of the centre aisle and be ~ecognized by the Chai~, befo~e proceeding to his seat. ALL of which is -respectfully submitted. I 197 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST, REPORT APRIL SESSION 1982 \",-\~,,,. 1'0 TilE: WARDEN AND MDlBERS 01" TilE COUNTY OF ELGIN COlJNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the qUDtation of JohnstDn Bros.. (BOthwell) Limited at $3.84 per ton for apprDximately 7,200 tDns has been accepted to' supply and apply Granular I AI crushed gravel frDm pits in the Kemoka area en Ceunty Read IfJ between Raad #3 and Road #5. It was the lowest of four (4) quotatiOrisreceived. 2. The qU,etatien?f C. R.'Chittick,Censtrl,i-ctiDn Limited of R. R. #3; Ilderten, OJ:ltario at 67 cents per t,on has been accepted to' crush gravel and a pile ef pit run gravel at the Ceunty's Pleasant Valley Pit. It was the lO,west ef fDur (4) quotations received [seven '(7) firms were: requested to quote). J. The quetation of Armco_Cjl;nada'Limited has been accepted for culvert pipe at $161310.05. It was the .lowest of six (6) quotations received. 4. The, Engineer lIas,bli!en authorhed tOPI:oc;eed with ,repairs to'the Frink D.Jrnp Boxes Dn the CDunty Mack 0Ump Trucks #631 #84, #881 1189 and #90. These repairs will be done by Frink Canada and a portien of the CDst will be abserbed by them under a policy arrangement. 5. The inspection of County Roads in West Elgin by the CDunty Read CellWittceis scheduled. fer April 23. 6. Yeur .Co1fUllittee has decided to. proceed with censtruction..of Road #32 and to' leave these projects that were scheduled for the Village ef PDrt Burwell in abeyance until 1983, inasmuch as it appears that tenders fDr .the sanitary sewers in Port Burwell cannot be called until l~t.e Fall at the earliest. 198 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT _ APRIL SESSION 1982 PAGE 2. 7. Tenders will .be called for asphalt resurfacing for Courity Road '1/$. between Highway #3 at Wallacetown and Dutton. the tender wUl include work to be done for the Village of Dutton. It 1s expected that these will close in early Hay. 8. The Engineer has been authorized to proceed with engineering surveys at!. County Road #28 (Centennial Avenue) from Highway #'J to Road #45, COl,lnty Road #4 from the west limits of Rodney to the Kent County Line, and County Road I/fJ from Highway #3 southedy to the road into Pearce Park~ This' surveying must, be' coropleted before proceeding with the engineering design of these roads. It will also provide some of the reqU:~red information should an Environmental Assessment be necessary. WE RECOMMEND L. That a BywLaw be passed'statingthat the CQunty'of Elgin has no objection to the passage ,of a BywLa,w by the Township of Malahide to close portions of Road Allowance (previousLy Road #32) for eventuaL sale by the Township to Jack Maitland Smith and described as follows; All and singuLar those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises situate. lying and being in the Township of Malahide, in the County of Elgin, snd Province of Ontario, being composed of Part of the Road through Lot 12 in the Eighth (6th) Concession and Part of the Road Allowance between Lot 13, Concession VIII and [,ot L3, North Core Concession, all in the said Township, more particularly dl!scribedas follows: Prl!mJ..slngthat the westerly limit of said ,Lot 13. North Gore Concession. is North One Degree, Four Minutes, Twenty Seconds Esst (N 10 4' 20" -E) and 'relating all bearings herein thereto. Corrnnencing at the NorthwWest angle, of said Lot 13. in the North Core Concession; Thence South One Degree, Four Minut,es,Twenty Seconds West (S 104' 20" 101) along the westerly limit of said Lot 13. North Core Concession, a distance' of One Hundred and TwentYMEight and FiftywNine One-Hun~redths Feet (l26.591 ); 199 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT M APRILSESSIONl982 PAGE 3. Thence South Sixty";Three Degrees,Thb:tYMThree Minutes, Twenty Seconds West (S 6)0 33' 2ei" W) along the northerty limit of County Road#J2 as widened'by plan i> 1224,4 distance of SeventYMFour ,and Forty":Two One-Hundredths Fe'et (74.42') to a point; Thence North One' Degree, Four Minutes; Twenty Seconda East (N lO 4'20" El a distance' of Two Hundred and Twenty~Eight and Eig"hty~Five:' Orle~Hundredths Feet (228.85') to a point in a ,line being the westeJ:;ly extension of the southerly limit of Lot l3. Concess~ori vlIl; thence South Eighty_Nine Dea;rees, TwoHMinutes, Ten Seconds East (S 890 2' fOil E) along the southerly limit'of.Lot 13, Concession VIll, and its westerl'y extent ion, a distance of Five Hundred and Four' and' EightYMFour orie-Hundredth's Fe'et (504.64' )to a po-tnt in the Northerly' LiIIii!: of County Road #32 as widened by Plan 0' 1224; Thence South Sixty_Seven Degrees, Three Minutes, Fifty Seconds West (s 67() 3' 5()1i W) along the Norther~y Limit of said County Road #32 as widened by plan I> l224 a distance of One Hundred and Sixty..two and. Ninety..One OneMHundredths Feet (l62.91') to the nClrther1y limit of Lot 13, North Gore Concession; Thence North E:lghtYM,NineDegrees. Two Minutes, Ten Seconds West. (N 8902' lO"W) a distance of Two Hundred and Ninety and Two One~Hundredths Feet (290.02') to tbe point of commencement. ALL OF WHICH ISRESPEC'rfULLY SUBMITTED "':.1' '\,~,,, \ \. '\ n ""- I:l.)...~ ""-4'j)SL 200 HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT April $e8$10n.1982 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. The Director, AssistaritAdministratot. Supervisors and Committee Members have been authorized to attend the Region 1 Convention!n Sun Parlour Home, Leamington. May 26th, with expenses paid. Mrs. Nancy Vine and the Cooks from Elgin Manor Lodge have been authorized to attend a one-day at, the Restauran~ Showln Toronto, with expenses and 2. Terrace seminar pa.id. 3. The Dii"ectorhas been authorized'to have a four- foot privacy glass partiti.rin installed around the Regf:ste-red Nurses' Station at Elgin Manor. at an approximate cost of $780.00. ALL of which is respectfully submitted.. -A4. i,~ )y~~i_ D. A. McWilliam, Ch~. C7. 'YO/ - ~V C/~ 201 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1982 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: L .. That the following recommendations are made for the Road Department Employees: (a) An aCrOSS the Board increase Of77~ per hour. effective April Ist,l982,be made, in ,the maximum rates for ClaSses lto 5 inclusive and the Instrument Man and the minimum rate for Classes 2, 3 and 4 be 30~ less than the maximum~ (b) The following; rates . for' Seasonal or Casual Employees remain the same' as in 1981 _ Class A - $4.45 - 4.75 per hour Class B - $5.43 per hOUr.. Class C - $6.10 per hour Class D - $6.65 per hour. (c) The County's contribution towards the premiums for Long Term DIsability coverage be increased from- 60% to BO%.-effectiveApril -lat, 1982) and that the by-laws be amended 'to reflect the changes. 2. That the letter from Tillinghast. NelsOn & Warren Inc., Actuaries and Consultant~re: services for a study on our sick pay credit plan. be filed. 3. That the letters from the Ministry of Labour advising that Mr. J. Leonard has been unable to assist in negotiating agreements for full and part time employees of Elgin Mano~. be filed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. Gw>~ X ?,~. . ----1--1..- E. H. Marr ~hairma~~~c5~ 202 Libr~ryBoard Report April Session 1982 To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council The Library Board Reports as follows: L That. the Port Stanley Lease haa been signed. 2. That the quotation for a desk arid chair for the Aylmer, Library for S' cbmbined price of ,$498.00 be accepted. 3. That the' hourly rate for thebraneh_Supervisors will be set at $4.90 per hour beginning April 1. 19$2, and increased to $5.50 per hour on August 1, 1982, and that the Asaistants rate be set at $4'.70 per hour on Aprill, 19$2 and increased to $5.00 per hOUTon August 1, 1982. All of which is ,respectfully submitted. \ ( ,.e""- (h ~)Jt,f . o Wakeling, irman, ~~ ~ry Board S~ 203 SOCIAL SERVICE'S COMMITTEE: REPORT April 56ss10n,1982 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Social Services Committee reports as follows: L operate we feel Health. 2. That we recommend tbata, third Field Worker be hired at Level 6. Step One. That the request to enter into agreements to domiciliary hostels in~Elginbe not recommended, as thatthts is a responsibility of the' Ministry of 3. That we recommend that the Warden and Clerk,sign an agreement for Day Nursery Care with the Forest Ave. Day Nursery, St. Thomas. 4. That we recommend that Mrs. Evelyn Poulton of the Social Services Department be reimbursed for registration in the amount of $15.00; while_attending the OMSSA, Zone 3 meeting in JarviS, April 20th, 1982. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ,&41~~ ~/S'L- 204 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1982 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That we recommend to County Council that Mr. G. B. Hyde be the County's nominee to the Board of Arbitration, established to deal with all outstanding issues in dispute, for full and part-time employees at Elgin Manor. ALL of which Is respectfully_ submitted. f)."",J' //. ?>,~/ ~~~L 205 COUNTY, GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1982 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council. The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. _ That a Special Committee be established, by by-law. for the purpose of organi~lng 'sll details in connection with the 1985 International Plowing Match. to be held in Elgin County and that the following positions constitute this Committee: Chairman 1st Vice Chairman 2nd Vice Chairman Secretary Treasurer Ontario Plowmen's Association Director County Representative City Representative Local Plowmen's Association Representatives (2) Legal Advisor. 2. That Reeve Ro~ert Millard. Township of South Dorchester, ,replace Reeve Wilson on the following Committees: Agricultural County Government County Roads. 3. That the Procedural By';'Law No. 82-7 I Section II.:, be amended to provide that when addressing a Member of Council. his proper title be used. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~~. ~~i~Jk 206 PROPERTY April COMMITTEE REPORT Session, 1982 To the Warden and The Property Committee Members of the Elgin County Council, reports as follows: of a parking lot be tabled to a 1. future That the matter meeting. 2. That immediately. we recommend that the Jail Walts be torn down ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~,./7. A(;7-(A..A'l.-- E. H. Marr " , A~~ps~ 207 SECOND~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD Ca-JMITTEE ,APRIL SESSION 198'2 TO THE', WARDEN" AND MEMBERS -OF tHE' EL/JINCOUNTY COuNCIL YOUR ROAOCOMMlTTEE REPORTS, AS FOLLOWS: WE RECOMMEND 1. That 11 By";Law be passed ~o an 'agreeuie'!'lt :with regard to the Concession, VIII, Malahide Township a plan registered in the Cou~ty' of authorize the Warden acqui sitionof part and showilss Parts: #1 imd #i on Elgin RegistryOffice as. -lla 2373. arid Clerk to sign of Lot .12. ALL OF WU~Cll IS RESPECTFI1LLY 'SQ'IlM1TTED ,~\.- ., ~~ CHAIRMAN', , ~p5Lr 208 COUNTY OF. ELGIN By-Law No. 82-25 ~BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH THE ANNUAL REMUNERATION-TocBE PAID TO THE WARDEN OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN~" WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to establish the annual remuneration to be paid to the. ,Warden of the County of Elgin. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the annual remuneration of the Warden of the County of Elgin for attending meetings of the Council, meetings of the various Co~itteesand Local Boards, and performing all other duties applicable to his office, shall be Twelve Thousand Dollars ($12,000.00) per annum, payable in twelve equalinstalments. 2. In addition to the annual remuneration established in Clause (1) the Warden shall be paid the same rate for each mile necessarily travelled in, attending Council arid Committee meetings, as established for the use of personal vehicles for County business. 3. Attendsnceat conventions shall be ,reimbursed as outlined in the by-law establishing rates for such attendance. 4. card,upon on behalf That the Warden be provided with s telephone credit which tO,charge long distance telephone calls made ofttJ,e County of Elgin. 5. That By-Law No. 81-10 bel and the same is hereby repealed. 6. That this by-law become effective January 1st.. 1982. READ a first time this 21st day of April, 1982. READ a second time this 21st day of April, 1982. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of April. 1982. ~~~~ G. C. Leverton. Clerk. _'7,~~.:.. 209 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 82-26 "TO, APPOINt A COUNTY'ROADS COMM!tTEE.1I As required by Section 45:ofthe Public Transpor~ tat ion and Highway Improvement Act, being Chapter 421 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the Elgin County Council enacts: 1. THAT the following five Members of this,Council constitute a Committee for the purpose of directing the work to be done, on the County Road' System - 2. G. E. Walters - for term of one year M. H. Stewart _ for term of two years R. S. Millard - for term or three years J. N. Smyth - for term of four years W. R. Caverly - for term of five years. THAT By-Law No. 81-53 be, and is hereby repealed. READ a first time' this 21st day of April, 1982 . READ a second time this 2lst~ay of, April, 1982. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of April,1982. ~'i"-->-/ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. r~p:/r ... haw, Wa den. 210 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-LawN6.82~27 ~BEING A BY-LAW rOESTABLISH A REMUNERATrONSCHEDULE AND OTHER WORKING CONDITIONS FOR EMPLOYEES OF THE ROADS DEPARTMENT." WHEREAS it is considered advisable to establish salaries and hourly rates as well as other working conditions as they pertain to the employees of the Roads Department. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts that the following schedule be and is hereby adopted for the Ro~ds Department: 1. REGULAR HOURLY RATED EMPLOYEES Class 5 ~ Construction Foreman Or Shop Foreman 1. (a) Person designa~eda ShoP Foreman being a Mechanic licensed by the Ontario Ministry of Labour. (Persons presently in this category'as of April 1, 1982, shall continue to be paid at the Class 5 rate). OR (b) Construction Foreman in charge of specialized work such as grading and granular base or bridge construction and in charge of hired trucks, or grading equipment and County equipment and one or more County Work Crews. 2. Motor Vehicle Licence Requirement Ministry of Transportation and Communications licence Class liD" required. Class 'IA" preferred. Rate, - $9.94 per hour. Class 4 - Foreman. Lead Hands and Mechanic 1. Regularly (a) Mechanic licensed by the Ontario Ministry of ,Labour (For hirings after April 1st, 1982). (b) In charge of a work crew of at least five (5) men with County and/or hired equipment on a specific project. (c) Supervising other County (or hired) trucks and equipment. OR (d) Performing work which is a recognized skill or trade. 2. ~ be assigned as Snow Plow Operator. -Sander Operator, Wingman, or Night Duty in Winter. 3. Experience Rate 15 cents per hour for completion of each year's work to a maximum of two years. 4. Motor Vehicle Licence Requirement Ministry of Transportation and Communications licence Class "0" required, Class "A" preferred. Rate - $9.47 to $9.77 per hour. Class 3 - Machine Operators. Stockkeepers, Part Time Foremen and Grademen 1. (a) Stockkeepers - Licence Requirement _ Class "All or "0" preferred. Valid Ministry of Transportation and Commu- nications operator1s licence required. (b) Regular Operators on tandem dump truck. distriputor. float. grader,shovel. loader, backhoe, dozer etc. , a majority of the time. The remainder of time -. skilled or special work such as machine repair, sign cbnstruc- tion, etc.. Usually assigned as Snow Plow Operator, Sander Operator, Wingman or Night Duty in Winter. Some supervisory work is usually required. Ministry of Trans- portationand Communications Class lIA" licence required for some positions; Class "A" licence preferred for all other positions; Class "D" required for any position. 211 - 2 - (c) Part Time Foreman performing work of a higher ,classi- fication than Class 2 or acting as a Foreman and/or Lead Handofa work crew for a portion of the year, and including experienced Grademen; able to be assigned as Wingman, Sander Operator or NfghtDuty in the Winter. 2. Ministry of Transportation andc:ommunic:ations Class IIDII licence required. 3. Experi'enceRate 15 cents per, hou'r for completion of each year's work:toa maximUm of two years. Rate -$8.9S to $9.28 per oour. Class 2 - Labourer Premium 1. Shall be sble to operate light ~~uck" tractor, roller, etc. on a part time basis; Maybe employed as a weighman. checker or mower operator (Summer). Able to be assigned as ,a Wingman~ Sander Operator (part time) or Night Duty in Winter. 2. Experience Rate 15 c~nts:perhour for completion of each year's work to a'maximum of two years. 3. Motor Vehicle Licerice Requirement Ministry of Transportation and Communications Class 110" licence required. Rate ~ $8.36 to $8.66 per hour.. Class -1 - Labourer 1" Must. be capable of, performing physical labour under super- vision. Some light truck or tractor driving may be required on occasion. 2. Motor Vehicle Licence Requirement M:l.nistry of Tran~portation and Communications Class"GH licence will be required for employees engaged after Januaryl, 1978,. Rat~~ $8.48 per hour. 1. An employee hired to fill aparticular,vacancy,ln :Clasisifi_ cations 2, 3, 4 or 5 shall have a, probationary startin~ rate of 50 cents per hour less than the rate of the category with no experience assigned for their probationaryperiod'of 90 days. 2. The .requirements for Ministry of Transporationand Commu- nications drivers licences will not result in the do,wo, grading of anyone presently ,in acategory,but will be a requirement for anyone entering a new category. NOTE: 2. SEASONAL OR CASUAL EMPLOYEES N~: Those employees who are not engaged tofnl a particul/ir vacancy - maximum service without layoff six months. Class A'- Employees of high school' age (16 to 18 years of age with varied experience). Rate - $4.45, to $4.75 per hour. Experience Rate 15 cents per hour depending on age and experience. . Class B - Casual Labour, iqexperienced (Students I 9-:-20 years of age, etc.). Rate - $5.43 per hour. Class C - Experiencedlabour,inexperi~nced mower operators. University age s~udent~ withpri?r experience. Rate - $6.10 per hour~ Class ,D- Experienced Operators :or Tradesmen. Ministry of Transpor_ tation and Communications Class liD" licence ,usually, ,required. Ministry of the, En~/ironment Mosquito Operators, when engaged in Abatement Programme. Rate - $6.65 per hour. 212 - 3 - 3. TECHNICAL PERSONNEL Instrument Man _ Education - Grade 12- or equivalent. _ Work includes drafting, surveying and when ~xperienced to be able to work with a minlmumo~ supervision. _ Increments shall- be governed by ability, experience, the passing of Minlstry, of Transportation and Communications sponsored course.sonsurveying ,and inspection. _ Position comparable to Ministry of Transportation and Communications .Technician III Surveys. Minimum - $9.28 per hour Maximum- $9.77 pet hour. Increments of2S centssnd 24 cents per hour for two yeais. 4. ANNUAL INCREMENT An employee is eligible for an annual increment (to a max- imum of two years) on' January 1 of any year provided'hehas been in that particular category since September 1 or prior of the previous year. 5. PREMIUM NIGHT DUTY Those persons appointed to Regular Night Duty (Winter Maintenance Shift) are eligible for a pre~ium over their regular hourly rate of pay for such time as. they a:re on Night DUty. Premium _ 15 c~nts pe:r hour for a shift beginning before 8:00 P.M. _ 25 cents per hour for a shift beginning from 8:30P.M. to midnight. 6. FRIDAY PAY In the event of a Statutory HOliday, Sick Benefit, Annual Holiday, Compassionate Leave, etc., falling on Friday, the employee shall be paid at his regular rate of pay for eight hours and the time shall count,a,s one full day. 7. STANDBY TIME ,- for designated employees (1) If the designated time for standby is from 7:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.,- four hours at their regular rate. (2) If standby is required on a calendar Statutory HOliday, standby will be paid at 1% ti~es the regular rate. 8. ~.!!!...PAY (1) In the event of a call-in, minimum pay will be four hours (regular rate). (2) If an employee, on vacation,is called in to work during regular hours, he will be guaranteed a full day's pay for work performed. It is understood that an employee will not be required to work any additional hours, merely to put in sufficient hours to equal a regular working day. 9. SAFETY FOOTWEAR ALLOWANCE - Regular Employees only Commencing in 1982, a cash payment of $2.50 per week (to a maximum of $125.00) will be paid on the first payroll in Janua:ry each year, by separate cheque, for work performed in the preceding year, as a safet'y footwear allowance. Where an employee is laid off, with his return to work not expected prior to the next year, his payment for safety footwear allowance be made upon separation, instead of being held until January. 213 - 4 - 10. Any balance presently held in accounts, to the credit of employees, may be used to purchase future footwear until the account is depleted. If a retirement occurs, any amount still held 'in their account will be paid to the employee. ' THAT By'-Law No.8l..;,16 be, and the same is hereby repealed. THAT this by-law shall become effective April 1st, 1982. 11. READ a first time this 21st day of April, 1982. READ a seconG tlmethis 21st day of April. 1982. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of April, 1982. ~.~ ~~~r- ~J. Shaw, Warden. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 214 CQUNTYOF ELGIN By~Law:No.82-28 I1BEING'A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH A SPECIAL COMMITTEE FDR THE PURPOSE OF ORGAN!ZINGANINTERNATIONALPLOWING MATCH. TO BE HELD IN ELGIN COUNTY DURING THE YEAR 1985." WHEREAS the Elgin County Plowmen's Association, along with other interested parties. had on numerous occasions, petitioned the Ontario Plowmen's Association, to be awarded the 1985 International Plowing Match for Elgin County and were finally successful; and WHEREAS this function requires much planning and administrative work in advance of the actual match!n September 1985; and WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to have appointments made to ho~d the following poaitionsfor the purposes of the said Match - Chairman 1st Vice Chairman 2nd Vice Chairman Secretary Treasurer Ontario Plowmen's Association DirectOr County Representative City Representative Local Plowmen's Association Representatives (2) Legal Advisorj and WHEREAS appointments to sit as Members of ~his International Plowing Match Committee, in the positions named above, shall be made without reference to Courtty Council, except to name their own appointee. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT the above~named positions artd persons appointed therein shall be considered as a Special Committee of 'County Council and shall remain as such from the passing of this By-Law until all duties required for the 1985 International Plowing Match have been completed. READ a first time this 21st day of April, 1982. READ a second time this 21st day of April, 1982. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of April. 1982. ~.~ /" :-Z .----'-;:'/-- -~~~ . ~ . . a, War en. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 215 COUNTY'OF'ELGIN By-Law No. 82-29 "BEING A B'Y-LAWCONSENTING TO THE STOPPING UP-AND CLOSING OF A ROAD ALLOWANCE IN'THE TOWNSHIP-Ot,AA1AHIDE." WHEREASnotlce has beert received( by ord1tl.ary, mail,; from the Township of Malahide indicating ~heir intention to pass a by-law to stop up and close part of the road allowance between Lot 13, Concession 8 and Lot 13, North Gore Concession, all in the said Township', more pa:tticulal."1y'described on Schedule "AIl. attached and' forming part of this' by-law; and WHEREAS the County of Elgin has no objections to the passing of the by-law. THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin consents to the passing of a by~law stopping up and closing the road allowan~eas 'described on Schedule' "A". READ a first time this 21st day of April, 1982. READ a second time this 21st day of April,1982. READ a third time, and ftnallypassed this 21st day of April,1982. ~~ --. 0:. Q. r- ".~ . J. Shaw. Warden. G," C. Leverton, Clerk. 216 SCHEDULE "A" By-Law No. 82~29 ALL AND SINGULAR those certain parcels aTtracts of land and premises situate, lying and being to the Township of Malahide, in the County of Elgio, andProvinceofOntari~. being composed of Part of the Road through Lot Twelve (12) in the Eighth (8th) Concession andPsrt of the Road Allowance between Lot Thirteen (13) Concession Eight (8) and Lot Thirteen (13) North Gore Concession, all in the said Township. more particularly described as follows: PREMISING that the Westerly limit of said Lot Thirteen (l3), North Gore Concession, is North One Degree, Four Minutes, Twenty Seconds East (N 10 4'_20" E) and relating all bearings herein thereto. COMMENCING at the Ndrth-West angle of said Lot Thirteen (13), in the North Gore Concession; Thence South:One, Degree, four Minutes, Twenty Seconds West(S 10 4' 2011 W) along the Westerly limit of said Lot Thirteen (13), North Gore Concession', a distance of One Hundred and Twenty-Eight and Fifty-Nine One-Hundredths Feet (128.59'); Thence South Sixty-Three Degrees Thirty-Three Minutes, Twenty Seconds West(S 630 33' 20" W) along the Northedy limit of County Road No. 32 as widened by Platl D-:1224, a distance of Seventy-Four and Forty-Twp One-Hundredths Feet (74.42') to a point; Thence North One Degree Four Minutes Twenty Seconds East (N 10 41 20" E) a distance of Two Hundred and Twenty-Eight and Eighty-Five One-Hundredths Feet (228.85') to a point in a line being the Westerly extension of the Southerly limit of Lot Thirteen (13) Concession Eight (8); Thence South Eighty~Nine Degrees Two Minutes Ten Seconds East (S 890 2' 10" E) along the SoutheTly limit of Lot Thirteen (13) Concession Eight (8), and its Westerly extension, a distance of Five Hundred and Four and Eighty-Four One-Hundredths,Feet (504.84') to a point in the Northerly limit of County Road 32 as widened by Plan 0.1224; Thence South Sixty-Seven Degrees, Three Minutes, Fifty Seconds West (8 670 3' 50" W) along the Northerly limit of said ,County Road 32 as widened by Plan D-1224 a distance of One Hundred and Sixty-Two and Ninety-One One-Hundredths Feet (162.91') to the Northerly limit of Lot Thirteen (13), North Gore Concession; Thence North Eighty-Nine Degrees, Two'Minutes, Ten Seconds West, (N 890 21 10" W) a distance of Two Hundred and Ninety and Two One-Hundredths Feet (290.02') to the point of commencement. 217 COUNTY OF ELGIN ~y-Law, No. 82-30 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY_LAW NO. 81-42 ESTABLISHING FRINGE BENEFITS FOR EMPLOYEES NOT COVERED BYA COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT OR INCLUDED IN THE MANAGEMENT CATEGORY." WHEREAS By-Law No. 81~42, as amended, by By-Law No. 81-66, provides for certain benefits for non-management employees; and WHEREAS it ~as been deemed appropriate, to change the employer's contribution towards Long Term Disability insurance premiums ,for "hourly rated Roads Employees". NOW-THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT Section 6, Health and Welfare,Subsection 6.05, entitled I'Long'Term Disab:ility (LTD)" as. shown in By-Law No. 81-42 and the amendment in By-Law"No. 81-66 be re'pealed and the following substituted therefore: "6.05 Long Term Disability (LTD) The Employer agrees to pay eighty, (80%) per cent of the 'premium of along term disability insurance plan which will pay 662/3% oftheemployee,'s monthly earnings to a maximum of $2,300.00... The present plan, through Mutual Life of Canada, calls for a qualifying period of 120 days or expiration of sick leave, whichever is greater. Upon completion of the probationary period, all employees, not covered bya collective agree- ment,shall as a condition of employment, become members of the Long Term; Disability plan." 2. THAT this by-law shall become effective April 1st, 1982. READ a first time this 21st day of April, 1982. READ a second time this 21st day of April, 1982. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of April, 1982. ~~ 74-~' G. C. Leverton, Clerk. -;;;:;:;r 5/. .- . J. Shaw, Warden. 218 ,Pi rrli , COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 82-31 "BEINGA BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 82-7. A BY-LAWTQ REGULATE THE PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY COUNCIL." WHEREAS. By-Law No. 82-7 presently' regulates the proceedings in the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin and the Officers and Committees thereof; and WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to make a provision 1n :the by-law to acknowledge a Member of Council, who arrives after roll call. NOW THEREFORE Section 11 be amended by adding a paragraph 16 as follows: "16. When a Meniber arrives after the rollcall has been taken and Council is in Session. he will go to theerttrance of the centre aisle' and be recognized by the Chair, before pro- ceeding to his seat.1I READ a first time this 21st day of A~ril, 1982. READ a second ,time this 21st day ofApril~ 1982. READ a third time and finally psssed,this2lst day of April, 1982. -~~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~. K)L.r- L~ Shaw, , , rden. 219 COUNTY' OF ELGIN ~y~Law No. 82-32 ItBEINGA BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO S'IGNAN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY. ,OF ELGIN AND'MR. ,WILLIAM T.,'HARE.1t WHEREAS the County, for the purposes of reconstruc- ting County Road No. 32, has given notice of its application for approval to expropriatefromMr.WilliamT. Hare, those lands more particularly described as follows: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises' situate, lying and being in the Township of Malahide in the County of Elgin being Part of Lot 12; Concession VIII; and being more particularly described as Part 1 and Part 2 on a plan deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin (No. 11) as Number IlR 2373; and WHEREAS Mr. Hare has requested a~ inquiry as to whether the taking of the lands is fair,. sound, and reasonably necessary in the achievement of the objectives of the County; and WHEREAS the County ,and Mr. Hare have agreed upon a settlement of the various matters in issue'. NOW THEREFORE the Warden and the Clerk are, hereby authorized to signanagree~ent with, Mr. William T. Hare setting forth the various terms as agreed upon for the acquisition of the said lands. READ a first time this 21st day o~Apri1-, 1982~ READ a seco~d time this 21st day of April, 1982. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of April, 1982. ~~ ..--' -;{;/g ~ . J. Shaw, Warden. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. .220 comITY. OF ELGIN By-Law No. 82~33 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY'OF ELGIN, AT THE APRIL SESSION. ~ WHEREAS by Section 9 of The MunieipalAct, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of ontario, 1980, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council '; and WHEREAS by Subsectionl of Section 103 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by by-law; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be con~irmedand adopted by by~law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the, County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That aetion of the' MUnic,~pal, Couneil of the Corpo- ration of the C?unty of Elgin in respect of each recommen- da,tion eontained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Munieipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the April. 1982 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all suehproeeedings were expressly embodied, in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and properoffieials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and direeted to do all things necessary to give effeet to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the precedingseetionhereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal' of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 21st day of April, 1982. READ a second time this 21st day of April, 1982. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of April, 1982. ~~ >4--- G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~~57~ Shaw, den. 221 April 28th Session - First Day Wednesday, the 28th day of April. 1982 The Elgin County Council met this day at th~_ County Municipal BUilding, St. Thomas, in aceordance with adjournment. ROLL CALL - All Members present except: Reeve Kelly Reeve Walters Deputy Reeve Neukamm Deputy Reeve Sheils Deputy Reeve Pearson Reeve Emerson Reeve Farthing Deputy Reeve Wakeling Reeve 'Lashbrook. The purpose of the meeting waS to have a Road Tour of East Elgin, as per the fOllowing itinerary: 1. 2. Leave Court House 9:00 A.M. Road #22 (FairviewAvenue) from St. Thomas City Limits ,to Road #27. Land purchase and engineering underway. Portion of hydro poles ,moved backarld some ditching done. Work in 1982~ Top soil and seeding on west side south of Road ~45 one (1) mile north of Road #45 approximately ~mile. Road #22 to Road, #27 - No deficiencies. Road #24 to Dexter - Deficient, requires. recons'truction (not programmed). Road #24 from Dexter to Road #36 ~, nefi~ient, requires resurfacing (not programmed). Road #36 to Sparta ~ Deficient, requires resurfacing (not programmed). Road #36 Sparta to Road #45 - No deficiencies. Road #36 from Road #45 to Highway #3 - Deficient, requires resurfacing (not programmed). Highway #3 to Aylmer - AYLMER LIBRARY COFFEE 'AND DONUTS (COURrESY TOWN OF AYLMER). Highway #73 to Road #45. Road #45 to Road #40 - Deficient. Westerly portion- Major widening, ditching and resurfacing required; Ea~!t portion - Complete preconstruction, surveying and some engineering and land purchase completed. Road #40 tq Mount Salem - No deficiencies. Road #45 Mount Salem to Calton- Gravel shouldering underway 1982 (maintenance). Road #43 - Calton to Road #42 - Gravel. Road #42 to Port Burwell ~ Deficient, requires resurfacing (not programmed). Road #42 east of Highway #19 and Road #50 to be rebuilt after Sanitary Sewer Installation. Highway #19 to' Straffordville - Noting salt storage building built in 1981 by County of Elgin on Township of Bayham property. Road #38 east of Straffordville - Resurfaced and ditched in 1981. Road #38 - Straffordville to Highway #3 ~ Completed except for minor trimming~ Tree planting on slopes in 1982. Highway #3 to Road #40. Road #40 to Glen Colin - Deficient~ resurfacing required (not programmed). 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ll. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 222 - 2 - Township of Malahide,Road to Ontario Police Cotlege. DINNER AND INSPECTION OF COLLEGE. Inspection of Wildlife Area - Operated by the Ministry of Natural Resources. Ro~d #32 to Highway #73 -Construction 1981 and 1982. Road #32 north to Road #52 - Construction in 1982 and beyond. Road #52 to Springfield. Roads #49. #48 and #47 to Avon - Surface treated last year. Road #37 - Avon westerly to Belmont -Improvements programmed for 1982 east side of C.P.R. Tracks if property can be purchased. Road #34 Westerly from Belmont. Via Middlesex ,County Road to Middlesex Hubrey Road. County of Middlesex wishes to improve connection south of ,Belmont- Glanworth Road about 1985-1.986. Diversion required at County of Elgin Boundary~ Road #30 to Road #52. Road #52 to Road #25. Welling~onRoad. Road #26 (St. George Street) - Flashing lights erected at Cowan Park Curve. Minor improvements planned on St. George Street Hill 1982 (maintenance). Moved ~y Deputy Reeve Volkaert Seconded 'by Reeve Stewart 21- 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. That we do now adjourn (3:50 P.M.) to meet again on May 19th, 1982 at 10:00 A.M. - Carried. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. L. J. Shaw, Warden. v '.J 223. May Session - First Day Wednesday, the 19th day of May, 1982 ~ The Elgin County Council met this pay at the County Municipal BUilding, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL ~ All Members present. Moved by Reeve Millard Seconded by Reeve Caverly That the minutes of the April 21st and April 28th, 1982 Sessions of the Elgin County Council be adopted. -Carried. COMMUNICATIONS COUNTY GOVERNMENTcCOMMITTEE 6. City of Stratford with resolution that the Province of Ontario consider establishing a mortgage assistance program, or a provincial mortgage corporation. or enacting legislation to assist home owners. 7. . City of Stratford with resolution r~questing that a permanentFede!al~Provincial~Municipal ,Liaison Committee be established in Canada. to act as a vehicle for municipal input into legislation that affects the economic, social and cultural well-being of all Canadians. 8. County of Kent with resolution proposed by the Township of Harwich strongly opposing any Government providing financial rewards to persons accused or convicted: of crimes. 9. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing with copies of the Municipal Interest and Discount Rates Act and the Public Utilities Amendment Act. 1st reading; and request for comments. 10. Ontario Committee for Canada's Birthday encouraginga1l Ontarians t9 get involved in celebrating Canada Day. 11. Mr. Mervin Riddell, Barrister and Solicitor, with copy mas.cot "Elgie" and logo design for the 1985 International Plowing Match and Farm Machinery Show. 12. Mr. Mervin Riddell. Barrister and Solicitor, with request to have agreements signed ,by the County re: the Logo and Mascot for the 1985 International Plowing Match advertising. 25. County of Essex with resolution re:'advance subsidy payments on expenditures, incurred by Municipalities in the administration and utilization'of welfare services. 32. City of St: Catharineswith resolution to allow indi~ viduals to apply for additionalfunds for removal of urea forrnaldehydefoam insulation, from their'homes. COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE 1. Town of Aylmer with correction to Zoning By-Law No. 10-62, advising that By-Law No. 69-61 is being repealed. 2. Ministry of Transportation and Communications with Memo 62-2.re: Consulting Engineers. 3. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and;Housing withcopr of "Private Roads - Planning Guidelines for Municipalities". 224 - 2 - iil fi COUNTY ROADS (Continued) 4. Town of Aylmer with notice of the passing of By-Law No. 37-82, to regulate land use pursuant to Section 39 of The Planning Act. 5. Ministry of the Environment with "Notices of Approval of Ministry of Natural Resources' Nine Class Environmental Assessments EA File No. 2-81-0008-000. 33. Township of Southwoldwith'notice of the passing of By-Law No. 82-14, to regulate Isoduse pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE 34. matico Action Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing withinfor- on a new program on management initiatives. Municipal 85. SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE 26. , Ministry of Community and Social Services with approval re: 1982 G.W.A. Cost of Administration. ~ 14. Giffels Associates Limited advising of a !ILot Levy Seminar" and offering their s~rvices as managementconslJltants. 15. Minister of Transportation and Communications advising of an advance payment of subsidy of $832,800. to be forwarded in due course. 16. O~tario Association of Property Standards Officers Inc. with copy of April 1982 Newsletter. 17. Township of South, Dorchester with endorsement of the letter from Warden Larry Shaw to the Elgin County Board of Education. 18. Ministry of the Environment suggesting that an inspec- tion be made on any concrete elevated water storage structures, owned by municipalities. 19. Family and Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with Allocation of Children in Care and Financial Statement to March 31st, 1982. 20. AMO Sub-Cominittee on Children's Services with "SHORTS" outlining Provincial-Municipal Grants For Children's Services: A Status Report. 21. Ministry of Agriculture and Food with details of the tile drainage loan program for 1982-83. 22. Ontario Municipal Board with appointment for hearing re: appeal by Urmamo Farms Limited against a decision of the Land Division Committee - June 24th,l982 ~ 10:00 A.M. 23. Ontario Hydro with first project newsletter, te: Buchanan TS x St. Thomas Edgeware TS. 24. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing offering a comprehensive training review for municipal housing inspectors. 27. Nan-Sea Publications with request for advertising in 1982 Elgin County Vacation Guide. 28. Association of Municipalities of Ontario with informa- tion on Large Urban Section, First Annual Conference - June 24- 25, 1982. ~ 225 - 3 - 29. Ci.ty of St. Thomas Committee of Adjustment with notice of public hearing set ~or May 25th, 1982 te:<aminor variance at 20 Talbot Street. -- 30. Woods Gordoni ,Management Consultants, offering th~ir services, to strengthen the manag~mentskills. and system of our municipality. 31. the University of 1982 winners of the Neil BOSSUYT R. R. #2, AYLMER Catherine LIGHT R. R. #4, AYLMER Guelph advising that the following Elgin County Scholarships _ Vicki . CLARKE 33,Lynhurst Park Drtve ST. THOMAS Malissa MEZENBERG R. R. #2, DUTTON. were Moved by Reeve Smyth Seconded by Reeve Walters That the disposition of the Communications mailed previously and those presented to-day, be approved (#1 to #34 inclusive). - Carried; The First Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reave Walters and adopted on motion ofReeveWa1ters and Reeve Caverly. The First Report or the Personnel Committee ~as pre- sented by Deputy Reeve Mart. Moved by Deputy Reeve Marr Seconded by Deputy Reeve Perovich That the First Report of the Personnel Committee be adopted. An amendment was Moved by Reeve Monteith Seconded by Reeve Emerson That the First Report of the Personnel Committee be tabled. Motion was defeated. The original motion to adopt the Report was voted upon and Carried. The Second Report of the Property Committee was pre~ sented by Reeve, Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Deputy Reeve Marr. The Report of the Library Board was presented by Deputy Reeve Wake ling and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Wakelingand Deputy Reeve Neukamm. The First Report of the Property Committee was pre- sented by, Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Reeve Farthing. Unfinished BusinesS - Reeve Monteith requested the information with respect to the benefit.cost for the hourly-rated Roads Employees, that was to be made available from the last meeting. The information with the average cost for the hourly-rated employees' benefits was $1.23. Deputy Reeve Haddow questioned whether the Council should be supporting the Village of Port Stanley in theiropposi- tion to the order to allow the C.N.R. to close the line from St. Thomas to Port Stanley. . The matter was referred to the Roads Committee as it had originally been dealt with by them. .226 - 4- Moved by Reeve Farthing Secondeo by Reeve Monteith That the Auditor's Report for the year ended December 31st, 1981 be accepted bY,the Elgin County Council and a summary printed in the St. Thomas Times Journal, as required by The Municipal Act. - Carded. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS 13. London and Middlese~Historical Society expressing con- cern over the destruction of the Jail Walls. Moved by Deputy Reeve Marr Seconded by Reeve Fleck That Council Communications numbered.!3 be filed. ~ Carried. Moved by Reeve Lashbrook Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That we go into a Committee Of The Whole. - Carried. Warden Shaw appointed Reeve Monteith as Chairman. Moved by Deputy_ Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Fleck That we rise without reporting. - Carded. Moved by Deputy Reeve Volkaert Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson That we do now adjourn to meet again on May 19th, 1982 at 2:00 P.M. -Carded. Council re-convened (5:23 P.M.). ~~ - All Members present. The First Report of the County Government Committee was presented by Reeve Monteith. Moved by Reeve Monteith Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sheils That the First Report of the County Government Committee be adopted~ An amendment was Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That Item 12 of the County Government Committee Report be deleted ,and referred back:to the Committee. The amendment Carried. The original Report, as amended,was then voted upon and Carried. The Second Report of the Personnel Committee was pre~ sented':by Deputy Reeve Marr and adopted on motion of,Deputy,Reeve Marr and Reeve Farthing. ' ~ 227 - 5 - County Council, May Session, 1982 The Third Report of the Property Committee, was presented by Reeve Emerson. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Dep~ty Reeve Tt)atthe Third Marr Report of the 'Property Committee be adopted. An' amendment was Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Farthing That Item #2 be deleted from the Property Committee Report. The amendment was voted upon 'and Carried. The original Report, as amended, was voted 'upon and Carried. The'First Report of the':Soc~alServices Committee was' presented by Deputy Reeve Haddow and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Haddow and Deputy Reeve Neukamm. The Second Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Walters and adopted on motion of Reeve ,Walters and Reeve Lavereau. Moved by Reeve Smyth Seconded by, Reeve Stewart IN THE MATTER of an 'application:by the County 'of, Elgin,. for approval to. expropriate lands for the purpose of widening and improvement of County Road Number 32 in the Township of Malahide, in the County of Elgin, being Part of Lot: 12, Concession VIII, and being more particularly described as Part 1 and Part 2 on a plan deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division. of Elgin (No. 11) as Number llR2373; and WHEREAS the necessary notices have been given as required by the Expropriations Act, &.s.o., 1980 in Form 2 provided by the Regulations under the said Act; and wHEREAS the time within which notices than any registered owner desires a hearing before an inquiry officer has and whereas an agreement has been reached with the owner; or other expi red. and WHEREAS it is expedient that the said lands referred:to should be expropriated for the said purposes; IT IS (1) THEREFORE RESOLVED THAT - This Council do issue the Certificate of Approval, . Form:S, as provided by the Regulations under the said Act for the expropriation of the said lands; That a By~Law be introduced for the expropriation of the said lands; That a plan of expropriation be registered. - Cartied~ . (11) (111) Council : Thefol1owingCerttficateof Approval was read to County THE EXPROPRIATIONS ACT. R.S.O. 1980 CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL IN THE MATTER of an application by the Corporation of the County of Elgin. for approval to expropriate land being part of Lot 12, Concession VIII, in the Township of Malahide, in the County of Elgin, for the purpose of widening and improvement of County Road Number 32. 228 -'6 - The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin hereby certifies that approval was given to the Corpo~ ration of the County of Elgin on the 19th day of May, 1982 to expropriate the following lands: In the Township of Malahide. in the County of Elgin, bei~g,part of Lot 12, Concession VIII. and being more particularly described as Part 1 and PartZ on a plan deposited in the Registry Office fOT,the Registry Division of Elgin (No. 11) as NumberllR 2373 being the lands described!n the application. THE CORPORATION OF 'THE COUNTY ,OF ELGIN G. C. Leverton COUNTY CLERK DATED at ST. THOMAS this 19th day of May, 1982. Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Millard That Application T1/82 by Woodland FsTffis Limited, Lots 3 and 4. Concession 5. Townsbipof Dunwich toclesr approximately 3~8hectares of trees be granted foronl~ .12 hectares of trees and that the 2.6 hectare,S to the north be denied, and that the request be for a duration of one year. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Haddow Seconded by Reeve Emerson That the Corporation of tbe County of Elgin request per- mission from the ,appropriate authority to enable ,said ,County to designate the Elgin County Court House and lands surrounding for Heritage purposes as per the Ontario Heritage Act of 1974. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Deputy Reeve Marr Thst the resolution with respect to requesting the Court House to be designated for Heritage purposes; be referred to the Pro~ert~ Committee for more information and study. The resolution Carried. Moved by Reeve Monteith Seconded by Deputy Reeve Marr Thst as the hour is now six o'clock P.M., we carryon to conclude the day's business. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Glover Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson That the Clerk-Treasurer be authorized to pay the grant to the Talbot Trail Committee in. the amount of $520.00 now, rather than to wait until December. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Walters Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That By~Law No. 82-34 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 82-7. a By-Law to Regulate the Proceedings of County Councilll be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Walters That By-Law No. 82-34 be read a second time. - Carried. 229 - 7 - County Council, May Session, 1982 Moved by Reeve Walters Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That By-Law No. 82-34 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Sheils Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson That By...Law No. 82-35 "Being a f!:y-Law to Authorize the Signing ,of an Agreement Re: The Logo (Mascot) for the 1985 International-Plowing'Matchl' be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sheils ThatBy~Law No~82~35 be read a second time. - Carried'. Moved by Reeve Walters Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson That By-Law No. 82-35 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Volkaert Seconded by Reeve Smyth That By-Law No. 82-36 "Being a By""Law to Authorize the of an Agreement Re: The Logo for the 1985 International Match" be read a first time. Signing Plowing - Carried. Moved by Reeve Smyth Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That By~Law No. 82~36 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Reeve Glover That By~Law No. 82-36 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Reeve Fleck That By";'Law No. 82-37 "To Expropriate Lands for the Improvement of County Road No. 32 in the County of Elgin" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McWilliam Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That By~Law No. 82-37 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Fleck That By-Law No.82-37 be read a th~rd time and finally passep. - Carried. 230 - 8 - Moved by. Deputy Reeve Wakeling Secondea by Deputy Reeve Haddow That By-Law No. 82-38 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the May Session, 1982" bere-ad a first time. ...; Carried. Moved by Reeve Lashbrook Seconded by Reeve Walters That By-Law No. 82-38 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lashbrook Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That By~Law No. 82~38 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carri ed. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wake ling That we do now adjourn (6:13 P,M.) to meet again on June 28, 1982 at 10:00 A.M. - Carried. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. L. J. Shaw, Warden. 231 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMI'l"I'EE FIItST REPORT MAY SESSION 1982 TO THE WARDEN. AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS. AS" FOLLOWS: 1. A tender has been let to Walmsley Bros. Limited, of London for asphalt paving on County Road #8 between Highway #S at Wallacetown to the south'limit of Dutton in the amount of $90.518.75; also included in the Contract is hot mix asphalt paving for the Village of Dutton in the amount of $9.250. (Total Contract #99.768.75. ) The County of Elgin will supply the asphalt 'cement. It is expected that the work will be done approximately midsummer. 2. Johnston Bros., (Bothwell) Limited have. completed gravelling of COunty Road #9 in Aldborough Township. 3. The Engineer has been authorized to proceed with surveying and engineering work on. County Road #37 between the OxfOrd County Line and the east limit of the Village of Belmont if the County of Middlesex is agreeable to paying their 50% share. 4. The Engineer has been authorized to proceed with the erection of a salt storage building on the Township of Dunwich property at Dutton as well as the necessary grading, base and paving work for a salted sand storage pad on the same property. 5., Salt brine will he used. for dust control rather than calcium chloride on. gravel roads in West Elgin. This is on an experimental basis and it is hoped that there will be. significant savings ovor tho cost:' of calcium chloride. ALL 01" WlIICII IS RESPECTroLLY SUBMITTED \~~'^.\\"J"-~~ '--~iSL 232 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1982 FIRST REPORT. To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as" follows: 1. , That a standard application form for employment be made UP, for use by all County departments, in the hiring of all new employees. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. (~ ;y: ~ E. H. Marr ~7SZv-- 233 PROPERTY COMMITTEE 'REPORT May Session, 19.82 SECOND, REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That as the Pioneer' Museum does not wish 'to take the Jail Doors. at the present time, they have been stored indoors at the County garage for possible use In the future. 2. That the account of James Wilson & Sons for removing the Sail Walls, in the amount of,$l,467.50, has been approved. ALL, of which is respectfully submitted. ,{/( ~".'::l.'" .",'("-1' K. C ..-7 ..-.'~" ," J./ ,,",,---- Ch . Emerson - airman, _ ' ' ~pS~ ,234 ~:':i 'J' , Library Board Report May Seasion 1982 To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council The Library Board Reports as follows: 1. That the tender from Gestetner to a valueo! $2,590.00 plus tax to supply a Gestefaxl120has been accepted. 2. That the tender from Wright Signs to aIiamount of $80.00 for painting "Elgin County Library" on the side of the van has been accepted. J. That Mrs. Jennifer Anderaonhas successfully completed 6 months probation and is now a permanent employee. 4. That the tender from Tom Wells to amount of $155.15'to supply a magazine rack for Straffordvl11e Library has been accepted. All of which is respectfully submitted. ',,-..- ""- LJ".~.Mv,,-," can Wakeling, 1{ainnan , ~lgi, n Goun Libra,r, Y Boar~ ~. .. ,/fi. :::::::y '27~~ 235 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1982 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Clerk-Treasurer has been authorized to have the following work done: ~STRY OFFICE Gillard Plumbing, Heating & Tinsmithing Relocate toilet from Jail to Registry Office - estimated cost $198.60 GOURT HOUSE Worthington Electric Limited Install two electrical outlets for air conditioners (Social Services Offices) - estimated cost Install and supply three lights inhasement - estimated cost $377 .90 $196.12 MUNICIPAL BUILDING Committee Room Supply and install exhaus fantn ceiling - (Patrick ~. Roberts Ltd ) quote Electrical - (Worthington estimate $375.00 90.97 $465.97 Basement Offices- (Clerk's and Deputy Clerk's) Supply and install exhaust fan with two ceiling grilles - (Patrick L~ Roberts Ltd.) quote Electrical - (Worthington)estirnate $848.00 120.00 $968.00 2. That the steel cabinets, which-will be surplus to the' Registry Office requirements when replaced with new ones,_ have been madeavailahle to the various departments of the County, on a first come basis and that the walls of the vault be painted once the.cabinets are removed. 3. That protective screening has been placed on the three windows of the Ladies' public, Ladies' staff-and Men's washrooms to protect the areas from entry into the Court House. 4. That the brief from the Elgin Historical Society on the disposition of the stone from the Jail Exercise Yard Wall be received and tabled and copi~s made available to County Council. 5. That the following tenders have been accepted: H. G. Medlyn Painting & Decorating Ltd. _ Municipal Building, Registry Office and Court House areas $1,759.00 Stan Scidmbre _ Remove and replace tile in Ladies' staff washroom (Court House) $1,450.37 Yarmouth Fabricators - Supply and install wire protective mesh screens on four windows (Court House) $383.58 Elgin Floor Covering Ltd. - Supply and install Brigantine flooring in Ladi~s' staff washroom (Court House) $435.00 236 - 2- 6. That the ai~ conditioner from the Library be made available to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board for use in their upstairs. 7. That we recommend that the County of Elgin accept the ownership of the Edison Homestead in Vienna. from tDe Nora Ogden Coomb Estate and 'that the solicitor, Groom and Mansell be so advised. and further that the Village of Vienna be requested to designate it as a"Heritage Homer'. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ?~ K. C.' E ,-;I~,,~'<.....:.t:.<~n '--'" c~airma~:r~:rn; .-/~. ./S~ 237 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1982 FIRST REPORT To the. Warden and Meinbers ,of the Elgin County Council, The county Government Gommittee reports as follows: 1. That, the resolution from. the City of Stratford requesting the Province to establish a mortgage assistance progra~, ora provincial mortgage -corporatio,n, OT enac.ting legislation to assist home owners, be filed. 2. That the resolution, from the City of Stratford re: creation of a permanent Federal~Provincial-Municipal Liaison Committee being established, be filed; 3. That the resolution from the County of Kent, pro~ posed by the Township of Harwich, opposing ,any Government providing financial rewards to persons accused OT convicted of crimes, be filed. 4. That the letter and copies of Bill 91 and 93 from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, be filed. 5. That the iriformation from the Ontario Committee for Canada's Birthday, be filed as information. 6. That the, letters from Mr. Mervin ~iddell, Barrister and Solicitor, re: 1985 I.P.M. logo and mascot be received and by~laws be passed to authorize the Warden and Clerk to sign agreements with the composers of each. 7. That the resolution from the County of Essex re: advance subsidy payments on expenditures, incurred by Municipalities in the administration and utilization of welfare services, be endorsed. 8. That the resolution f~om the City of St. Catharines to allow individuals to apply for additional funds for removal of urea formaldehyde foam insulation from their homes, be filed. 9. That 150 County Crest decals be purchased from Ansell's, St. Thomas, for use on County vehicles and the words "County of Elgin" be incorporated into the decal. 10. That the quotation of Elgin Photo Enterprise in the amount of $5.00 for each picture be accepted, subject to the paper being of similar quality to that used in the past. 11. That we recommend that Section XXV entitled IlGenera1 Clauses" be amended by the addition of paragraph 6 to read as follows - "6. Where the masculine words "he" or "his1! a-re used throughout this by~law, it shall be interp-reted ,to mean "she" or llher" in the event refe-rence is made to a female person." 12. That the policy of excusing Members of Council by the Warden, from attendance at Council, be limited to death or sickness. 13. That spe,cial cards rnate-rial fo-r sickness, sympathy and good wishes be purchased by the C1erk-Treasure-r. 238 - 2 - 14. That the Minister of Municipal Affairs be advised that Elgin County Council wishes to have the election of Warden done by open ballot as in the past. 15. That the First Lady be presented with a round 12 inch Rodgers 187 tray at the annual Warden's Banquet, suitably engraved. 16. That the County 'oHicially recognize the local office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Extension Branch. on the, occasion of the 75th Anniversary, with a suitable advertisement in all County, newspapers. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. _A/"r4~ K. E. Monteith C~~S,L-- * Item #12 wa:sdeletedand referred back to the Committee. 239 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT May SeSSion, 1982 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. . That Mr. Charles Stafford's probatiooary period be extended to June 30, 1982. 2. .. That the letter froin the Minister ,of. Municipal Affairs and Housing with information on a new program on management initiatives, Municipal Action 85, be filed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. c~~"~,,] )j ;>r" . /T ~'-.t.'l E. H. Mar'l' . . -::;;~J2- 240 * See amendment below. PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1982 THIRD REPORT To the Warden and ,Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. ThattheClerk-Treasurei.be authorized to have H.G. Medlyn Painting and Decorating Limited paint the east and front porches of the Court House and downspouts which have peeled due to the severity of last winter, at's price of $125.00. 2. That we recommend that the tender of Peter Bros. Paving Company for $9',650.00 to pave the Court House parking lot, be accepted. 3. ,That Reeve Glover and Reeve Caverly be a Committee to adjudicate the problems relative to the Elgin Military Museum and surrounding stea. ALL of which is respectfully submttted. kJD~vJ ~h~~0~ * Item #2 was deleted from the Report. 241 SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1982 FIRST..REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Social Services Gommittee reports as fOllows: 1. That the letter from the Miriistry of Community and Social Services with approval for an Administration Budget of $105,752.00 for operation of the Social Services Department be filed. 2. That Miss Nancy Hazelwood be hired as a full time Field Worker effective May 31st, 1982, at pay Level 6 Step. One, subject to the usual ninety day probationary period. 3. That existence, for Assistance. .as we concur with the method, presently in the handling of overpayments of General Welfare outlined in a Special Report by the Director. ALL of whlcpis respectfully submitted. ~~~t / ~L/.-; ~ - ~~0:Lr 242 COUNTY OF ELGIN' ROAD COMMITTEE SECOND ,REPORT MAY SESSION 1982 TO THE WARDEN . AND MEMBERS OF'THE COUNTY OF' ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COHlITTTEE.. REPORTS AS FOLLOWS= WE RECOMMEND I. That a By~:"aw be passed expropriating Parts #1 and #2, plan llR2373 to widen County Road #32. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED ~'h.)~")~..o ~~S~ 243 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 82-34 "BEING A By-t.AWTQ AMEND BY""'LAW NO. 82-7 ..A BY~LAW TO REGULATE T~~PROCEEDINGSOF COUNTY COUNCIL.II WHEREAS By~Law No. 82-7, as amended, presently regulates the proceedings in the Municipal Council of the Corporation qf the County of Elglnandthe Officers and Caromi tte~s thereof;, and WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to make provisions iothe by-law to useprope~, titles when addressing a Member of Council and alS9 to, provide for ,masculine qr feminine references in the by-law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of theCorpo~ ration of-the County of Elgin enacts as follows: L That Section II'entitled1l0rder of Proceedings in Council" be amended by adding!=-he following paragr~ph _ 17. In addressing theWardert' or any Member of Council, their proper title will be used at all times.. 2. That 'Section XXV entitled "General Clauses" be amended by adding the folloWing paragraph - 6. Where the mascu1inewords"he"or "his" are used throughout this by~law, it,sha11be interpreted to mean "shen,o,r "her" in the event reference is made to a female person,. READ a first time this 19th day of May, 1982. READ a second time this 19th day of May, 1982. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of May, 1982. :k_~_, >4,..., G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 'J'f';<.t: Shaw, ~rden. 244 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 82-35 "BEING A BY~LAWTO AUTHORIZE THE SIGNING OF AN AGREEMENT RE: THE LOGO (MASCOT) FOR,THE.1985 INTERNATIONAL PLOWING MATC!:!..:.~ WHEREAS for the purposes'of advertising and pro- moting the 1985 International Plowing Match in Elgin County. it is deemed advisable to adopt a suitable logo (mascot); and WHEREAS a contest was conducted to create such a logo (mascot) with the winner being Mr. Kenneth R. Jones; and WHEREAS to transfer, convey and assign all right, title and interest in the logo (mascot) to the Corporation of the County of Elgin~ it is necessary to have a suitable agreement ex~cuted. NOW THEREFORE the Warden and Clerk are hereby author- ized to sign such an agreement to accept all right. title and interest to the said logo (mascot). READ a first time this 19th day of May, 1982. READ a second time this 19th day of May. 1982. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of May. 1982. .--&.-7"',-<-~-,--<-< y,,~.. </ G. C. Leverton. Clerk. . /~Vr "-" ~. . Shaw. arden. 245 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 82M36 lIBEINGA BY";'LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE SIGNING OF AN AGREEMENT RE: THE. LOGO FOR THE 1985 INTERNATIONAL PLOWING MATCH." WHEREA~ for the purposes of advertising and pro- moting the 1985 ,International Plowing 'Match "in Elgin ,County. itis deem~d aclvisableto, adopt a suitable 10go;Qhd WHEREAS a'contest was conducted to create such a logo, with the winner being Mrs. ,Suzanne Macponald; and WHEREAS to transf~r.convey and assign all right. interest in the logo to the Corporation-, of the Elgin. it is necessary to have a suitable agreement title and County of executed. NOW THEREFORE the Warden anq Clerk are' hereby authorized to sign such an agreement to accept all right, title and interest to the said logo. READ a first, time this 19chday of May. 1982. READ a second time Chis 19th day of'May. 1982. READ a third time ancifinally passed this 19th day of May. 1982. .~~y.:...-;,-- G. C. Leverton. Clerk. -~<r2~ ~J. Shaw. Warden. 246 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 82-37 liTO EXPROPRIATE LANDS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF ,COUNTY ROAD NO. 32 IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN.!1 WHEREAS it is expedient;to expropriate lands for the purpose of improvement of County Road Number 32 in the County of ;Elginjand WHEREAS the necessary preliminary proceedings:have been taken as required:bytheExpropriationsAct, R.S.O. 1980; and WHEREAS, by resolution of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin approval has been given to expropriate the lands hereinafter described. BE IT THEREFORE ,ENACTED as By-Law No. 82-37 of the Corporation of the -County of Elgin, as follows: 1. The lands and premises hereinafter described be and the same are hereby expropriated, namely - Part of Lot 12, Concession VIII, in the Township of Malahidein the County of Elgin being adjacent to County Road Number 32 and being designat~d as Part 1 and Part 2 on a Plan deposited- in the Registry Office of the Registry Division of Elgin (No. 11) as NumberllR 2373 the said parts con- taining 0.336 acres. 2. That a plan of expropriation in respect of the said lands so expropriated be prepared and registered in the proper Registry Office. READ a first time this 19th day of May, 1982. READ a second time this 19th day of May, 1982. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of May, 1982. _-:::~'-<:'-"'.'-'-< )L,.,.,,/ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~---/ .. CV~ ./~'~ ~~ . J. Shaw, Warden. 247 COUNTY OF ELGIN By~Law No. 82~38 itA BY~LAWTO, CONFIR~PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CbUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE MAY SESSION. ~ WHEREAS by Section '9 of The MuniCipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes, of Ontario, 1980, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be ,exercised by its council; and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Se,ction 103 ,of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by by-law; and WHEREAS it is deemed :expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at, this meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin ,enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Municipa1 Council of. the Corpo,- ration of the<County of Elgin in respect of each recommen- dation contained i~,the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of_the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the May 1982 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden,and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgi;n are hereby autho'rizedand directed to do all things necessary ,to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 19th day of May, 19~2. READ a second time this 19th day of May, 1982. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of May, 1982. ~~~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. <4~~c J. Shaw, arden. 248 June Session - First Day Monday, the 28th day of June. 1982 Elgin County. Council met this day B,t the: County Municipal Building, St. Thomas. in aCcordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL - All Members present except: Reeve Kelly (arrived 10:02 A.M.) Deputy Reeve Volkaert. Moved by Reeve Farthing Seconded by Reeve Lashbrook That the minutes of the, May 1'982 Session of the Elgin County ,Council be adopted. - Ca:rr1E!d. COMMUNICATIONS COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE 15. County of Lennox and Addingtohwith resolution request- ing that legislation amending,The Municipal Act re: declaring a Seat vacant at the local municipal level, be made permissive, upon a vacancy deClarationfromthe,Caunty. Clerk. 18. County of Hastings with resolution requesting 'that an amendment be made to The Planning Act" to authorize an increase in fees for severances from $100.00 to $200.00. 19. Association of, MlinicipaUtie's 6fOntario with a copy of "AMO Response to the 1982 Ontario Budget"; 30. Mr. Herb Epp, M.P.P., with comments on Bill 28, An Act to revise the Unconditional Grants Act,'1982re: per capita grant with respect to police. 35. Borough of Scarborough with resolution re: tax deduc~ tibility for contributions under amendments to the Municipal Elections Act. 37. County of Lennox and Addington with resolution request- ing that Councils with established Rules of Procedure be allowed to continue applying their own rules in the taking Qf recorded votes. COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE 20. & 21. Town of Aylmer with notices of the passing of,By~Laws No. 22~82 and 44-82, passed pursuant to the provisions of Section 39 of The Planning Act. 22. Township of Yarmouth Committee of Adjustment with copy of application for minor variance set for June 17th and letter cancelling application. 23. Town of Aylmer with notice of the passing of By-Law No. 45-82, passed pursuant to the provisions of Section 39 of The Planning Act. 24. Village of Port.Stanley with notice of the passing of 'BYeLaw No. 2049. to regulate land use. under Section 390f The Planning Act. 28. notice of Thursday, Township of Yarmouth Committee of Adjustment with hearing for a minor variance (Richard Driesman) set June 24th, 1982 at 8:00 P.M. for 249 .,. 2 - 34. Minist):'y of The ReSOurces Report No~14 - Resources. Environment with a copy of Water Thames River Basin Study, Gro~ndwater 46. Ministry of Transportation and Communications author~ iZing,,8sUpplementary.su?sidy allocation for drainage assessments in the amount of $29,000. , ~~ PERSONNEL COMMITTEE 44. County of Lambton with-a res6lutlon requesting _that all municipalities exercise severe restraint in wage negotiations for 1983. PROPERTY ,'COMMITTEE 2; , Ministry of Citizenship and Culture with informati~n re: applications being. received fora new $20 Millipn Wintario Capital Grants Program. 3. Ministry of Citizenship and Culture with an information package on the Designated Property Grants segment of the Building Rehabilitation and Improvement Campaign (BRIC). 42. . Elgin County 'Pioneer Museum with report and ,recommenda- tion re: the Pioneer Edison Home Museum. SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE 40. Association of Municipalities of Ontario with a copy of a repOrt, prepared by OMSSA'erititled "Transfer ofF.B.A. Cases to Municipalities. 43. County of Brant with copies of correspondence to and from the Ministry of Employment and Immigration, and a resotution re: U.I.B~ and repayments under G.W.A. f!!&!! 1. Personnel Management Associates offering,their services in management improvement. under the "Municipal Act '85" p:rogram, instituted by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. 4. Bill 119, reading. 5. St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital with list of candi~ dates standing for election to the Board of Governors, on June 9th, 1982. ' Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing with copy of An Act to amend the Municipal Elections Act, first ....,-/ 6. Ministry 'of Community and Social Services with request on procedure to, keep the use of surplus funds ,available to the Ministry on an ongoing basis. ' 7. . The Art Gallery St. Thomas-Elgin. withapprecia~ion for grant and regrets that it was not a greater amount. 8. Ministry of Natural Resources advising that. they are preparing a Quaternary geology map of ,the Long Point and Port Burwell areas. 9. Alan with Ministry of Tourism and Recreation with advise that Bailey, Consultant, Community Programs, will be the liaison the Ministry, working out of London~ 10. . Town of Aylmer with information on the official opening of the Old Town Hall Building - June 18th. 11. Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with Allocation of Children In Care and Financial Statements for the months of April and May 1982. 250 j _ 3 _ County Council, June Session, 12. ., Minist~y of Natu~al Resources advising of dates and locations of "Land Use St't'ategy Backg-round Information Open Housesu for the Aylmer pistrict. 13.. ,Ministry of Revenue with "Assessment Information Bulletin'! re:' The Advisory Committee on Assessment Data Services. to provide improved information to municipalities, school boards and ratepayers. 25. Bank ofMQotreal with notices of increases in the prime interest rate asfollows~ Effective June 4th, 1982 - 17%% Effective June 18th. 1982 - 18\%. 27. Central Elgin Planning Board advising of the location of a source of Statistical Information in Toronto and toll free telephone number. 29. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and ,Housing advising that Mr. Donald M. McKillop has bee~ appointed as a member of the Elgin and St. Thomas Housing ,Authority. 31., ,Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Agricultural Repre- sentatives1 Branch 1 inviting Council, their Families and friends to attend an open house (1:00-4:00 P.M.) June ~6th re: their 75th Anniversary. 32. , Ministry of Muuicipal Affairs and Housing, with a bro- chureon "Challenge, 200011, a new series of housing initiatives. 33. Miss Vicki Clarke with appreciation for Elgin County Scholarship. 36. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing with a supply of brochures, describing assistance available to individuals, under the Disaster Relief Assistance and Shoreline Property Assistance Programs. --..' 38. ment for December Deloitte Haskins and Sells, auditor's financial state- the Elgin County Pioneer Museum for the year ending 31st, 1981. 41. B1LD Ontario with a copy of a News Release advising of the opening of an exhibit entitled "Future Pod" which will pro- mote public awareness about high technology in Ontario's economy. 45. The 'AssoCiation of Municipalities of Ontario with copies of the following reports: #63 64 82-2 82-3 82-4 82-5 82-6 82-7 _ Response to Proposed Emergency Planning Legislation _ Transportation of Dangerous Goods _ Bill 159 - An Act to Revise The Planning Act _ Property Taxation of Farms and Managed Forests _ Response re: ~etland Policy _ Provincial-Municipal Grants - Children's Services _ Municipal Lot Levies - An Update - Rent Review in Ontario. 47. Ministry of Transportation and Communications advising of an advance payment of subsidy in the amount of $832,800 has been authorized for payment. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That the disposition of the Communications mailed pre- viously and those presented to-day, be approved (#1 to #48 inclusive). - Carried. 251 - 4 - EMPLOYEE PRESENTATION Mr. Wilfred Sniith, an employee of the Roads Department, since August 1963, was present. He is retiring du~ to ill health, after serving nineteen years as a Labourer ,and Crew For-eman. He was presented with a Watch by Reeve Walters, Chairman of the Roads Committee, and a Certificate of Merit, and Cheque by Warden Shaw. \-----./ The First Report of the Roads Commftte~,was presented by Reeve Walters and adopted on motion of Reeve Walters and Reeve Smyth. The First Report of-the County Government,Committee ~as by'Reeve Monteith and adopted 'on motion of Reeve-Monteith Fleck. presented and Reeve Reeve Reeve The: Report of the Library Board was p~esented by Deputy Wakeling and adopted on motion of DeputyReeveWakelirtg and Lashbrook. The First Report of the Property,Committee was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted'onmotion o~ Reeve Emerson- and Deputy Reeve Haddow. Committee motion of The First Report of the Reception and Entertainment was presented by Deputy Reeve Pearson a~d adopted on Deputy Reeve Pearson and Reeve Lavereau. '........ The First Report of thePer~onnel Committee ~as pre~ sentedby Deputy Reeve Marr and adopted'onrnotion of Deputy Reeve Marr and Deputy'Reeve Sheils. Mayor D.J. Tarry, of the City of St. Thomas, was present and it was moved by Reeve Fleck that be be now heard. Mayor Tarry outlined the history of the St. Thomas Airport and the proposal to extend the present runway from 3,000 to 5,000 feet, in order to accommodate larger aircraft. He reviewed the costs involved and the source of the various moneys and grants from the government. He was. not requesting any. fund,s". to, ~upport this extension. However, he was asking that the Council support and endorse the St. Thomas Airport Project. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That the Treasurer's Report be accepted and' printed in' the proceedings. - Carried. ,~ Moved by ~eputyReeveMarr Seconded by Reeve Fleck That the Treasurer's Statement on Remuneration and Expenses for the Members of the Elgin CourttyCouncil to May 31st, 1982 be accepted and printed in the proceedings. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Haddow Seconded by Reeve, Glover That the Treasurer's Statement on Remuneration and Expenses to May 31st, 1982 for appointees to the Elgin County Library Board and Members of the Land Division Committee be accepted and printed in the proceedings. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That the Director's Report on Homes for Senior Citizens be accepted and printed in the proceedings. ,~ - Carried. 252 - 5 - County Council, June Session, 1982 -' Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Farthing The changes in the Retail Sales Ta~ Act in the recent Ontario Government, Budget will' have a serious effect on all Municipal Government operating budgets. The changes were made without discussion and, after Budgets had been set in the County and Member Municipalities. THEREFO~E BE IT RESOLVEO THAT the County of Elgin requests,the Ontario Gqvernment to immediately rescind the changes in the Retail Sales Tax that are 'now applicable to Municipalities and School Boards. AND BE IT~URTHER ,RESOLVED THAT changes of suchmagni- tude should take place only after discllssionandexchange of information between all levels of Gove~riments that will be affected. Copies of this ~esQlution to be forwarded to the T~easure~ of Onta~io, Mr. Miller, Ron McNeil, M.P.P. and Jim McGuigan, M.P.P. - MOTION LOST. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS 16. Elgin West Dist~ict Women's Institute with nominee for the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Boa~d. 17. Association of Municipalttiesof Onta~io with irifor- mation on annual convention and request fo~voting delegates. 26; M~. M. C. Quinn, Regional Assessment Commissione~, with a copy of a lette~ add~essed to M~s. Cathe~ine Bea~ss, Clerk- T~easurer of Sp~ingfield, re: e~ror in assessment roll and county levy calculation. 39. Town of Aylmer with a c~py of a letter sent to The Honourable ~arry Grossman, Minister of Healthre: an ambulance for the Aylmer area. 48. Ministe~ of Municipal Affairs with a copy of Bill 150, An Act to ,amend The Municipal Act, and ~equest for comments. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Reeve Cave~ly That the nomination from the West Elgin Women's Insti- tute. to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum ~oard, be tabled until December 1982, at which time the appointments will be made. - Ca~ried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Marr That the following be named voting delegates to the A.M.O. Convention, August 22-August25, 1982: Reeve Coles Reeve Glover Reeve Millard. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Smyth That 'Council Communications numbered 19, 26,39 and 48 be filed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ma~r That we go into a Committee' Of The Whole. - Carried. 253 - 6 - Warden Shaw named Deputy Reeve Sheils as Chairman. CouncilRe-conv~ned. Moved by Deputy Reeve Sheils Seconded by Reeve Smyth .That we do now 'adjourn to meet again on June 28th,1982 at 2:00 P.M. ' '-J - Carried. Council Re-convened at 2:00P.M. Moved by Reeve 'Fleck Seconded by Reeve Emerson That we go into a Committee Of T~e Whole. Warden Shaw named Deputy Reeve Sheils as Chairman. The Department Heads were allowed to sit in on the meeting. Council Re-convened. Moved by Deputy ReeveWakeling Seconded by Reeve Millard That we ,do now adjourn to meet again oriJune 28th, 1982 at 4:00 P.M. v - Carded. Council Re-convened at 4:48 P.M. ROLL CALL - All Members present except: Deputy. Reeve McWilliam. who was excused by the Warden, and Deputy Reeve Volkae~t~ The Second Repo~t of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Emerson. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Marr That the Second Report of the Property Committee be adopted. An amendment was Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That item *1 of the Second Report of the Property Committee be voted'upon separately from the Report. - Carried. The Second Report of the Prope~ty Committe~, with the exception of item #1, was voted upon and Carried~ Item #1 was voted upon and was NOT CARRIED. Moved by ReeveHodg~on Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That the Property Committee bring,in tenders. from all paving companies in Elgin County, fo~ the paving required on the Court House pa~king lot, for the September Ses~ion. Reeve Eme~son requested a recorded vote. '-' 254 _ 7 _ County Council, June Session, 1982 ~ X]M Marr (2), Shaw (2). Caverly (2), Neukamm (2), Glover (2), Emerson, Hodgson, Lashbrook, Smyth, Fleck. TOTAL VOTES 1$. NAYS Kelly (2), Perovich, Walt~rs. Monteith (2), Haddow (2). Stewart (2), Millard, Sheils, Pearson (2), Farthing, Lavereau, Wakeling, Coles. TOTAL VOTEg18. ' Resolution was defeated. The Second Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Walters and adopted on motion of Reeve Walters and Reeve Caverly. Moved by Reeve Monteith Seconded by Reeve Farthing That we support and endorse the extension of the St~ Thomas Airport runway from 3,000 to 5,000 feet, by the City of St. Thomas. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Marr Seconded by Reeve Monteith That Application T2/82 by Albert and Teena Vanderploeg, Lot 7,"Concession 5, South of A, Township ofDunwich,to clear approximately 7,680 square me~res of trees, be granted. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Monteith Seconded by Deputy Reeve Marr That this Council receive the report from Mr. Mosey and proce~d as outlined by Mr. Mosey. - Carried. Reeve Walters reminded everyone of the Official Opening and Reception re: the Walker Brtdge, to be held on Friday, July 9th, at 3:00 P.M. Reeve Monteith requested that the Personnel Committee give consideration for hiring a Personnel Director for the County of Elgin. It was suggested that perhaps this could be done during the summer months. Moved by Deputy Reeve Sheils Seconded by Reeve Fleck That By~LawNo. 82-39 "Being a By~Law to Establish the Remuneration of the Tree-Commissioner and Weed Inspector" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sheils That By-Law' No. 82-39 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Sheils Secon~ed by Reeve Fleck That By-Law No. 82-39 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. 255 _ 8 - Moved by ~eeveWalters Seconded by Reeve Coles That By-Law No. _ 82';'40 <"A' BY-:Law to Authodze the Expropriation of Land for the Purpose of Widening and Improving County RQ!ads" be read a first time. - Carried. \J MQ!ved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Walters That By-Law No. 82-40 be read a second time. - Carded. Moved by Reeve Coles Seconded by Reeve Lashbrook That By+Law No. 82-40 be read a third time and finally passed,' - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Marr Seconded by Reeve Walters That By-Law No. 82-41 "A By~Law to Conf1rmProceedings Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin June Session,..l982" be read a first time. of the' at the '-' - Carded. Moved by Reeve Coles Seconded by Reeve Walters That By-Law No. 82~41 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Smyth Seconded by Reeve. Coles That By-Law No. 82-41be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Perovich Seconded by Reeve EmerSOn That we do now adjourn (5:34 P.M.) to meet-again on September 8th, 1982 at 10:00 A.M. '---' - Carried. '----' G. C. Leverton, Clerk. L. J. Shaw, Warden. 256 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE F'LRSt REPORT JUNE SESSION 1982 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Construction on' all County road pr.ojectis. was'seriously hampered by the wet weather of ~ate May, and early June. 2. A revised maintenance budget has been adopted by your Road CODlIliittee in the amount of $1,479.000 and distributed with the County Road Committee minutes. Increased costs are estimated f~r winter control and your Committee was informed ,by the Ministry of. Transportation an'd ConimU'riications that the Supplementary By_Law for safety edge mat'king would nO,t be approved by the, Ministry, your Committee has Incorporatedsollle edge marking into their regular budget. 3. The Engineer has- been instructed to contact the Canadian National Railway regarding the restoration required at County Road crossings after the removal of railroad rail s on the Canadian National Railway's St. Thomas to Port Stanley line. 4. hl application has been made to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing under the Ontario anployment lncen~ive Progr~. for $20,929. being the initial allocation for the County. Proposed work includes repair and renovation of buildings, repairs and renovations to existing bridges, roadside. improvements including repairs and renovafions to drainage facilities. An additional application of $20,000 h...s also been made to continue this work when the initial funds run out. The Ministry has also been contacted to ascertain if there are. further funds that might be available later. Continued. . . -- COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT _ JUNE SESSION 1982 WE RECOMMEND 1. 257 PAGE 2. That the Canadian National Railway be requested to give' the local municipalities the first right of refusal fo'r the right-af_way of the Tal.bot. Subdivision. between St. Thomas and Lake Erie. ALL OF WHIGHIS RESPEGTFULl-Y SUDMITTEO ()'::" ~Q~. \\, \~. r-, . ~:f-s~ 258 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1982 FIR 8T REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. The fOllowing Communications are ordered filed: #15. Resolution from the County of Lennox and Addington requesting that legislation; amending The Municipal Act re:declaring a'Se<r.t vacant at the local municipal level,be made permissive, upon a vacancy declaration from the County Clerk. #30. Memorandum from Herb Epp, M.P.P. (Waterloo North) with comments on Bill 28, An Act to revise the Unconditional Grants Act, 1982, re:Per capita grant with respect to police. #35. Resolution from the Borough of Scarborough re: tax deductibility ,for contributions under proposed amend- ments to the Municipal Elections Act. #37. Resolution from the County of Lennox and Addington, requesting that Councils with established Rules of Procedure be allowed to continue applying their own rules in the taking of recorded votes, and the proposed Section 3 of Bill 12, if passed, apply to only those Municipalities without established Rules of Procedure~ 2. That the resolution from th.e County of Hastings, requesting an amendment to The Planning Act, to authorize an increase in fees for severances from $100.00 to $200.00, be endorsed. 3. TheAMO Response to the 1982 Ontario Budget, be referred to County Council. 4. That $4,321.20 be requested to be re-allocated to the County Library, from't~e original amount of $20,925.00 from the 1982 Ontario Employment Incentive Program, approved for projects submitted by the, Roads Department, or an addi- tional allocation be obtained. 5. That all future requests for grants in connection with work incentive or other programs, made available to the County, be channelled through the County Government Committee for submission. 6. That we recommend Deputy Reeve J. A. Volkaert, who has agreed to participate, be the County's representative in the "Miss Shivaree '82 Male Beauty Pageant" to be held in the Northside Arena, Saturday, September 4th, in conjunction with the St. Thomas Shivaree celebrations. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. :: ,C ,/?;?~~ K. E. Monteith --- C~~~8L- 259 Library Board Report June Session 19$2 To tbeWarden and Members of Elgin COunty Council The Library ,Board Reports as follows: L That the Insurarice Claim for tbe Port Stanley Library water damageha.s been processed and payments forwarded to the Municipality. 2. " That, the tenders from CLIK Systems for a display case at ao cost of $750.00 for Aylmer Library has been accepted. .3. That a.' tender froin Ere Dart supplies for .3 book trucks at $192.00 each has been accepted. All of which'is respectfully submitted. ~M lv',j.J.,;.. J ,. Wakeling, ' Chairman, Elgin County Library Board ~<f2S~ 260 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1982 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from Council re: Heritage designation, be tabled for the ,time being. 2. Court Reeve That 'we recommend that a tree be planted on the House Grounds, {nthe fall, in Memory of the late J. B. Wilson. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. AP~ K. C. Emerson, Chairman. :Z:;;?S~ 261 RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE REPORT June Session. 1982 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council. The Reception and Entertainment Committee reports as follows: 1. That, the Warden be allowed to invite ten (lO) extra Guests, in addition to tbe no~al invitations, to the Golf Day at no cost to the County. 2. That ,invitations to the Golf ,Day; to be held at Pleasant Valley Golf Course on July 8th, be sent as follows _ (1) County Councillors plus two Guests (one of which may be the Spouse) (2) County 'Officials plus Spouse (3) Ex-Wardens, City (Mayor and Industrial Commissioner) and other Guests - self only (4) County of Middlesex (complimentary) _ Warden, Cler~, Treasurer and Engineer. 3. Thatthe price to be charged for the Golf Day be $8.00 per person and payable by June 30th, plus green fees of $5.50, to be paid at the golf course. 4., The invitations to the, Warden1s Banquet (November 13th, 1982) have been ordered and the Soci~lHour will be 5:00M6:00 P.M. ALL of which is respectfully subm~tted. AiL- D. H. pearson~n. ACti;;:; jJ JL 262 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1982 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council. The Personnel Committee'reports8s follows: 1. That the' resolution from the County of _Lambton requesting - that all municipali.ties exercise severe restraint in wage negotiations for 198~. be filed~ 2. That the ,two categories of Attendant and Nurse, Aid, at Elgin Manor, be amalgamated as Nurse Attendant and the persons in. the Nurse Aid category be paid the Attendant rate. effective September 5th. 1982. 3. That Mr. Charles Stafford's employment be considered permanent as of July 1st. 1982 and his rate of pay be increased to $8.48 per hour. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. g~y~ E. H. Marr Chairman.~ '~r~ COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT Jure Session, 1982 263 ,To the W~rden and Members of the Elgin County Council, I'beg to submit the following statements of Receipts and Expenditures from January 1atto May 21st, 1982: RECEIPTS Balance in Bank and On Hand January 1st, 1982 $ County Rates County Rates Collected Under Section 43 Interest Received County Roads Land Division Committee CourtHouse Recoveries Recovery of Rentals Welfare - Administration - Day Nursery - Benefits General Support Grant Resource Equalization & Apportionment Guarantee Grant 8.egistry Office Temporary Borrowing Workmen's Compensation Premium Payable Employee Deductions Payable Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit Miscellaneous Revenue EXPENDITURES Council Members AdminiStration - Salaries Administration Buildings Court'HouSe Maintenance Grants Miscellaneous Expense County Roads Children's Aid Society and Supplies ..:. Budget - Board Members Elgin Manor Terrace LOdge Transferred to Transferred to Interest Agriculture Registry Office Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit County Library - Budget - Board Members Land Division Committee Welfare - Administration - Benefits Elgin County Pioneer Museum - Board Members Hospitals & District Health Council - Board Members Southwestern Ontario Travel Association - Member Transferred to Debenture Account Temporary Borrowing - repay Workmen's Compensation Write-Off of Taxes Employee Deductions Payable . Short Term Investments St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission Parking Lot Balance in Bank May 31st, 1982 507,331.51 3,476.19 12,082.21 1,554,708.41 4,261.50 14,664.22 16,365.35 26,131.62 1,412'.00 330,276.30 63,153.00 122,185.00 3,057.97 1,025,000.00 38,123.61 472,291.48 43,627.00 18.75 $ 34.399.48 57,645.42 11,619.91 22,133.50 1,695.00 139.10 1,355,279.33 38,465.00 1,210.41 46,500.00 19,500.00 11,084.49 6,170;41 4,360.32 79,754.00 215,731.46 1,196.13 10,900.64 58,218.77 348,563.13 293.00 1,307.74 1.74 33,000.00 925,000.00 16,947.27 10,075.09 479,265.61 500,000.00 527.40 1,467.50 $ 232,238.33 4.238,166.12 $4,470,404.4~ cr. 4,292,448.37 -.11Z1.956.08 $~,4722.404.45 264 - 2 - ELGIN MANOR Balance in Bank and On Hand January 1st, 1982 Receipts Expenditures Balance fo Bank and 'On Hand May 31st,'l982 TERRACE LODGE Balance in Bank and On Hand January 1st, 1982 Receipts Expenditures Balance in Bank and On Hand May 31st. 1982 ALL of which is 'respectfully submitted. G. C. Leverton, County ,Clerk and Treasurer. $ 89.227.89 714,423.29 $803',651.18 795,408.71 $ 8,242.47 $17,521.n 409,283.62 $426,805.33 415.295.32 $ 11;510;01 TREASURER'S STATEMENT DNREMUNERATION AND EXPENSES June Session, 1982 265 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, I beg to submit the following itemized statement of the remuneration, mileage and expenses,paid,to each Member o~ElginCounty Council, during the calendar year ending May 31st. 1982: ~ Caverly. W.K. Coles. R.F. Emerson. K.C. Farthing, D. Fleck.. J .R. Glover. S.J. Haddow. R. Hodgson. J.W. Kelly. K.M. Lashbrook. T.H. Lavereau. R.J. Man.E.H. Millard. R.S. Monteith. K.E. McWilliam. D.A. Neukamm. E; Pearson. D.H. Perovich, D. Shaw. 1.J. Sheils, R.J. Smyth. J .N. Stewart. M.H. Vo1kaert. J.A. Wakeling. J.L. Walters. G.E. Wilson. J.B. (dec.,) Remuneration and Couric il and COTnmittee * By-Law No. 82~25 By-Law No. 82-14 $ 1.086.50 626.50 1.110.40 1.065.70 1.156.40 1.076.00 484.40 1.457.00 1.163.80 516.00 663.00 1.672.40 299.20 1.090.40 1.104.70 453.00 953.00 584.00 * 5.200.20 876.60 1.418.60 1.699.30 724.00 427.80 1.492.50 769.00 Mileage Outside Boards. By-Law No. 79-1 $ 245.50 774.10 Conventions By-Law No. 81-63 By...Law No. e2-2 $ 527.40 527.40 527.40 1.783.79 527.40 527.40 179.40 524.00 38.60 225.10 244.00 503.40 515;20 245.00 343.90 21.00 263.40 185.20 302.80 of which is respectfully submitted. G.. C. Leverton. County Treasurer. ~,_.."~ !2!& $ 1,332.00 1.400.60 1.110.40 1.065.70 1.335.80 2.127.40 523.00 1.457.00 1.388.90 760.00 1.166.40 1'.672.40 299.20 1.605.60 1'.104.70 1.225.40 953.00 1.455.30 7.004.99 876.60 1.418.60 1.962.70 1,436.60 730.60 2.019.90 769.00 $38.201. 79 266 TREASURER'S STATEMENT ON REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES June Session, 1982 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, I beg to submit the following itemized statement ,of the remuneration, mileage and expenses, paid to ,persons appointed to outside boards, during the calendar year ending May 31st, 1982, as authorized by By-Law No. 79~1 and By-Law No. 82-21: Name Bv-Law No.' 79-1 Hazel I. Lyons Arthur T. Miskelly Colin Morrison By-Law No. 82-21 Murray C. Benner Loroe R. Carroll Ronald'L. Lake Alistair B. Littlejohn John V. McKinlay Fred ,8. Shively Noble G. Tufford Appointed To Elgin County Library Board Land Di vi sian Committee TOTAL Remuneration and Ml1ea~e Conventions $ 340.60 145.20 ~ ~ 351.25 436.00 339.00 424.00 457.80 267.00 351.80 2 ,6'26:85 $3,280.95 ALL ,of which is ~espectfu11y submitted. G. C. Leve~toni County T~easu~er. o o o o o o o o o o $ 267 ELGIN MANOR R.R.1,St.ThomM;Onta'lo N5P3S5 Phone (519)631.0020 or 644.1760 TERRACE LODGE 475,Talbol,StnleIEa.t, Avlmer,Onte'rlo N5H3A5 Pllone 1519l 773-9205 0'644.0140 HOMES FOR SENIOR C,ITIZENS Fred J. Boyes,Dlrector'AdmillistrMor June 21, 1982 TO ALL MEMIU:m; 01' "OUN't'Y i.'v;JNC;,1.: HE: 13UDGE'l' {.'OR f~~~!.,~Uii\.':~<:C)!~-''.'.l',HH:~,(~tJ(~I?~r.'_~.lld B'lRNJ:: REST HOME (Sdtelll tel It is my l.)l~asUJ:'~;' "'!lc.1os~ a copy of the budget for the three months,of l.9G~' '~JLt. (eapeet co th~ Homes ,for, the Aged the aupervi.~'.0;) 0,: "1, u<,ul,j,tl:('Gol M<l-nagement of Elgin County for SenL)r Ci-tiZGf>li. first . under Ilomcs 'l'ho I-IOIII"S <'Ire opcratill9 ".'r t,ill capacity with a SIl:,llL waiting list for aduiilLancH into 'loci, of the Homes and the just three months of_he 19~2 5;'118:';/, ~,; rllnnl.ng .riqht on target. DUl to l,j1-.~ fllll O(':':ul'.[t1('I{ of Elgin Manor and Terrace: Lod\j< W0 lliJv,~ ;;Jlso inCnJ<lBcd OUT. 1I<;'1I]<,-' Si.1pport. Services in the l\ylmer are. iHLdin lhl~ jJU1.toll-She<tden ",l:L';'I. If \l.'I'.' ar,,) ,lny' qU(,i;\'.ions regarding this budget I would be plca~(,J<l to .1I1~:W')J: them tOl" 'lUll. ' Yours truly, ~~"'~ J BOYES, '.trator ).". .t r/Adminls Direc 0 I",JII/)>" (:lIe" . 268 ELGIN MANOR Budget for 1982 E.H. 1011 1011 1011 RESIDENTS SOCIAL SERVICES Residents Dry Cleaning Beauty Parlour supplies Barbering Clothing: Residential Care Extended Care Footwear: Residential Care Extended Care Recreation & Entertainment Hobby Crafts -Adjuvant Contract. Services Equip.Repairs & Maintenance Equipment Replacements 14iscellaneous Salaries Employee Benefits(omers,Ohip) Day Care Programme 1982 Proposed 1982 Actual Apr. 30, 1982 $ $ . -1,693.27 Cr. "'138.00. Cr~ -108.55 Cr. 96.39 E.M. DIETAaY SERVICES 2004 Raw Food Costs $164,000.00 $38,193.77 2005 Replacements/Dishes,Cutlery 3,200.00 22.07 2006 Miscellaneous 12,800.00 3,574.33 2007 Equip.Repairs & Maintenance 2,232.00 1,238.66 2008 Equipment Replacements - - 2009 Other Miscellaneous 411. 00 139.19 2001 Salaries 233,992.00 76,452.99 2002 Employee Benefits(Omgrs,Ohip) 27,467.00 7,956..60 503 Sale of Meal Tickets and Visitors Heals -5.000.00 -1,729.05 Cr. SUB ,TOTAL $439,102.00 $125,848.56 PER DIEI4 0.20 1004 1004 1004 1004 1005 1006 1006B 1003 1008 1009 1011 1001 1002 502A SUB TOTAL PEIl DIEf.l 115.00 laO~OO 28.00 28.00 3,500.00 -850.00 25.00 140.00 200.00 79,144.00 9,763.00 -700.00 $91,493.00 ), 71 453.62 -232.93 Cr. 81.20 14.85 21,686.27 2,583.49 -244.20 Cr. $22,498.87 !:!b. 3003 4001 3004 3005 3006 3007 3007 3007 3007 3007 3001 3002 RESIDENTS MEDICAL tIDRSING SERVICES Home 'Physician Approved. Drugs Medical-Nursing Supplies Equip. Repairs & Maintenance Equipment Replacement~ Dentist Eye Care Foot Care Ambul'ance Other Miscellaneous Salaries EmPloyee Benefits(Cmers,Ohip) SUB TOTAL PER DIEM htl:. 1011 5004 5004 5004 5005 5006 5007 5001 5002 HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES Tissue, Kleenex, Soap Mops, ,Pails, Etc. Wax; Cleaners, etc. Pest COAtrol (Contract) Equip. Repairs & Maintenance Equipment Replacements Other Miscellaneous Salaries Employae Benefits(OmersjOhip) SUB TOTAL P~R DIP.~1 Replacements, Bedding, Linen Replacements, Uniforms Miscellaneous Soap, Bleach, etc. Thread, Thermo Patch Contract Equipment-Repairs & Maintenance Equipment-Replacements Salaries Employee Benefits(Omers,Ohip) SUB TOTAL PER DIEH 1982 Proposed $ 6,080.00 100.00 4,900.00 1,000.00 2,300.00 150.00 100.00 400.00 566,825.00, 60,830.00 $642,585.00 12.01 $ 3,500.00 1,400.00 3,700.00 360.00 400.00 3,600.00 122,319.00 17,900.00 $153,179.00 2.86 $ 4,500.00 100.00 6,000.00 100.00 1,500.00 7,200.00 34,230.00 3,700.00 $ 57,330.00 1.07 269 2. 1982 Actual ~pr.. 30, 1982 $ 1,519.80 75.02 1,541.55 348.88 3,287.80 -14.00 -54.40 6.50 105.40 163,645.22 17,509.28 $187,971. 05 Cr. Cr. $ 833.95 205;13 860.55 129.80 37.01 30,784.49 4,197.30 $37,049.23 $ 246.53 1,642.65 18.25 235.22 9,405.90 723.21 $12,271. 76 270 3. FUNERAL. and BURIAL 1982 Proposed 1982 Actual Apr. JU, 1982 Funeral & Burial Service SUB TOTAL E.M.BUILDIMG & PROPERTY OPERATION & MAINTENANCE 8005 Electricity $ 24,000.00 $.5,791 12 8005 Water 6,500.00 1,041 72 8004 Fuel 55,000.00 19,838 61 a006 Garbage Collection 2,700.00 675 00 3J07 Taxes - - B008 Ins., BOiler, Plant & Equip. 3,634.00 3,634.00 8009 Rent 100,00 - sOlO Building-Light Bulbs 800.00 81. 66 8010 Repairs & Maintenance 27,700.00 Building & Equip, 10,644.33 8012 Equipment-Replacements 8,000.00 2,032.90 8003 Other Misc(Fire Alarm Contract) 1,654.00 - Baal Salaries 65,970.00 23,J01.81 8002 Employee Benefits(Omers,Ohip) 9,654.00 3,5,76.73 90llA Home Vehicle 7,500.00 1,535~,73 8010 Water Line Repairs - - Sl'B TOTAL $213,,212.00 $71,953.61 PER DIE~1 3.98 " E.M. GENERAL ami'- ADMINISTRATIVE 9003 Contract Services 9004 Advertising 9005 Audit 9007 Legal 9008 Postage 9009 printing & Stationary 9010 Telephone 9011 T:t:ave1ling, &_Conventions 9006 Insurance PL/PD 9006 Workmen,' s compensation 901LA Home Vehicle 9014 Other t-tisc.(F1owers,Medicals) 9012 Equip. Repairs & Maintenance 9013 Equipment-Replacements 9014 Freight & Express 9014 Staff Development 9014 Membership Dues 9001 Salaries 9002 Employee Benefits(Omers,Ohip) 500 Bank Interest SUBTOTAL PER DIEM TOTAL EXPENDITURES Gross Per diem Resident Days 4. 1982 Proposed $ 6,623.00 300.00 2,100.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 6,500.00 5,500.00 ~,876.00 10, 000.00 3,500.00 300.00 150.00 300.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 94,799.00 14,219.00 $154,167.00 2.88 $1,751,068.00 32.73 53,500 271 1982' Actual Apr. 30, 1982 $1,655.69 1,000.00 511.18 546.54 1,707.09 860.27 3,253.00 10,0180.31 600.22 104.95 150.44 518.13 791.15 38,122.19 5,614.38 -1,893.31 Cr. $64,022.23 272 " TOTAL EXPENDITURES Expenditure Recoveries SUB TOTAL Operating Deficit County, Share 30% E.M. CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 900 upgrade Fire Alarm 901 Clark upright Vacuum 900 Resurface Driveway 900 Boiler Conversion 900 Smoke Detectors 900 Laundry-Washer Extractor 900 Outboard Motor 900 Photocopy Machine 900 Screen & Storm Windows 900 Aluminum siding 900 Clothing Marking ~~chine ~OO Electric Range ~OO Table TopSneezegard 900 Hobart vegetable Slicer Total Capital Expenditures Lesa Recovery of Capital Expenditures county Share 50% 9015 Non-Shareable Expenditures County Share In All 5. 1982 Proposed 1982 Actual Apr. 30, 1982 $1,751,068.00 7,000.00 $1,744,068.00 $521,614.31 2,521. 61 $819,092.70 260,602.25 78,180.68 172,008.23 51,602.47 $ $ 10,000.00 3,900.00 2,188.00 721. 00 743.00 $ 17,552.00 875.00 $ 16,677.00 8,338.50 1,200.00 205.43 $ 87,719.18 $51,807.90 E.M. REVENUE 500 Revenue from Residents - 501 Extended Care 512 Revenue from Provincial Subsidy-Extended Care 500 501 516 Revenue from Residenta- Residential Care Estate of Deceased Residents & Arrears of Maintenance 20,000.00 6. 1982 PrpPOsed $324,400.00 538,482.00 600,583.75 TOTAL REVENUE $1,483,465.75 273 1982 Actual Apr. 30, 1982 $ 83,711.00 112,583;02 141; 357 .14 9.,4'33.31 $347,084.47 274 SATELLITE HOME CARE 10100 Home. Physician to Drugs & M~dication Dentist Eye Care Foot Care Lab .Test Xray Specialist Arnbula' nee Rebate-Won Pensioners Clothing Footwear Dry Cleaning Residents Mtce. Miscellaneous SUB TOTAL SOOA ~ Pensions & Other Income ,'_~I: County Share 30% 1962 PropOsed' $36,500.00 $36,500.00 $24,000.00 $12,500.00 $3,750.00 1982 Aetual Apr. 30, 1982 $5',540.00 $5,540.00 $2~760.54 $2,779.46 $ 883.84 TERRACE LODGE Budget for 1982 T.Le RESIDENTS SOCIAL SERVICES 1011 Residents Dry Cleaning 1011 Beauty Parlour Supplies 1011 Barbering 1004 Clothing & Footwear 1005 Recreation & Entertainment 1006 aObbYCr~fts 1006B Adjuvants 1007 Comfort Money 1008 Equip. Repairs & Maintenance 1009 Equipment Replacements 1011 Miscellaneous 1001 Salaries 1002 Employee Benefits (Omers,Ohip) S02A Day Care Programme 1003 Contract Services (swim) SUB TOTAl",. PER DIEM. !:!!.:. 20G4 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2001 2002 503 DIETARY SERVICES Raw Food Costs Rep1acements,Dishes,Cut1ery Miscellaneous (Foi1,P.PLates,) Equip. Repairs & Maintenance Equipment Replacements Other Miscellaneous Salaries Employee Benefits Sale:of Meal Tickets SUB TOTAL PER DIEM 1982 'Proposed $ 500.00 2,000.00 -500.00 20.00 50.00 38,244;00 4 ,,102 ~OO -3,000.00 1,500.00 $42,916.00 1.23 $126,000.SO 2,496.00 6,919.00 1,685.00 100.00 60.00 149,919.00 lS,OOO.OO ;"3~OOO,;OO $302,179.00 8.70 275 1982 Actual Apr. JO, 1982 $ -897.53 Cr. 186.00 693.21 117.91 9,240.68 801.74 - 776.90 Cr. 568.00 $9,933.11 $29,1111.22 105.88 1,860.99 567.49 41,931. 75 3,494.68 .,.1,603.00 Cr. $75,499.01 276 !.:.h. 30a:l 4001 3004 3005 3006 3007 3007 3007 3007 3007 3001 3002 RESIDENTS MEDICAL NURSING SERVICES Home Physician $ Approved ,Drugs Medical-Nursing Supplies Equip. Repairs & Maintenance Equipment Replacements Dentist Eye Care Foot Care.'! Ambulance Other Miscellaneous Salaries Employee 8enefits(Omera,Obip) SUB TOTAL PER DIEM !.:.!=.:. 1011 5004 5004 5004 5005 5006 5007 5001 5002 HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES Tissue, Kleenex, Soap Mops, Pails, etc. Wax,Cleaners Pest Control Equip. Repairs & Maintenance EquipmEintReplacement Other Miscellaneous Salaries Employee Benefits(Omera,Ohip) SUB TOTAL PER DIEM 1.:.!!:. 6004 60001 6009 6006 6006 6003 6007 6008 6001 6002 LAUNDRY SERVICES Replacement, nadding, Linens Replacement uni~s Miscellaneous Soap, Bleach, etc. Thread, Thermo Patch Contract (Laundry Services) Equip. Repairs & Maintenance Equipment Replacements Salaries Employee Benefits(Omers,Ohip) SUB TOTAL PER DIEM 2. 1982 Proposed 3,400.00 400.00 2,800:00 200.00 320.00 100.00 50.00 150.00 295,815.00 35,300.00 $338,535.00 9.75 $ 2,500.00 600.00 4,000.00 360~00 500.00 600.00 100.00 93,073.00 11,168.00 $112,901.00 3.25 $ 500.00 15,400.00 500.00 $16,400.00 .07 1982 Actual Apr. 30, 1982 $ 1,020.00 98.85 833.44 14.75 14 ~oo 43.00 3.35 82,720.68 6,753.10 $91,501.17 $ 769.14 20~13 1,119.70 90.00 21,953.80 1,944~7~ $25~997.54 $ 62.38 22.00 2,969.45 $ 3,053.83 ~,L~ BUILDING & PROPERTY OPERATIOW 8005 E1ect~icity 8005 Water & Water Service Line 8004 Fuel 8006 GarbageCo11ection 8007 Taxes B008 Ins.Boiler,PlantEquipment 8009 Rent 8010 Bui1ding~Lig~t Bulbs 8010 Equipment & Building- RepairS & Maintenance 8012 Equipment Replacement gallA Home Vehicle 8010 Other Mise-Elevator Contract 8001 Salaries 8002 Employee Benefits(Omers,Ohip) Sub. Total Per Diem 3. 1982 Proposed & MAINTENANCE $ 52,800.00 6,200..00 300.00 2,100.00 2,999.00 100.00 1,600.00 14,500.00 3,500.00 5,500.00 4,498.00 32,779.00 4,000.00 $130,876.00 3.77 277 1982 Actual Apr. 30, 1982 $19,689.59 587.71 523.23 2,999..00 29.28 650.54 3,657.86 661.57 620.00 5,706.07 779.07 $35,903.92 278 T"..r.... GENERAL and ADIUNISTRATIVE 9003 9004 9005 9007 9008 9009 9010 9011 9006 9006 9014 9012 9013 9014 9014 9014 9001 9002 519 Contract. Services Advertising Audi t - Legal Postage Printing & Stationery Telephone Travelling & Conventions Insurance PL/PD WorkmansCompensation Other Miscellaneous Equip. Repairs & Maintenance Equip. Replacements Freight & Exp~ess Staff Development l1embership Dues Salaries Employee Benefits(Omers,Ohip) Bank Interest SUB TOTAL PER DIEM TOTAL EXPENDITURES GROSS PER DIEM RESIDENT DAYS 4. 1982 Proposed $ 3,204.00 200.00 1,750.00 -154.00 1,500.00 6,000.00 4,000.00 2,070.00 5,700.0:) 2,000.00 500.00 170.00 160.00 400.00 550.00 61,812.00 9,272.00 $99,742.00 2.87 $1,043,549.00 30.06 34710 1982 Actual Apr. 30, 1~82 $ 800.92 1,000.00 169.05 513.45 1,401. 95 814.60 2,569~71 5,210.11 3,491.2,2 57.96 34.90 613.75 10,952.13 1,096.56 -1,165.36 Cr. $27,560.95 $269,349.53 5. 1982 Proposed TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,043,549.00 EXPENDITURE RECOVERIES 3,000.00 SUB TOTAL $1,040,549.00 OPERATING DEFICIT '347,9-78.00 COuNTY SHARE 30% 104,393.40 .:r.t. CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 900 900 901 900 900 901 900 900 900 YazooLawn Mower Floor Pqlisher Vacuum Cleaner (Clark) Smoke Detectors Air Conditioning Jayden Banquet Tables Portable Salad Bar Lighting for'Driveway Air Conditioning Resurface Driveway & Parking Lot $25,000.00 Total Capital Expenditures $25,000.00 Less Recovery of Capital Expenditure 1,250.00 23,750.00 County Share 50% 11;875.00 9015 Non Shareable Expenditure 850.00 COUNTY SHARE IN ALL $117,118.40 REVENUE FROM RESIDENTS Residential Care $692,071.00 Estates of Deceased Residents & Arrears of Maintenance 500.00 Total Revenue $692,571.00 279 1982 Actual Apr. 30',1982 $269,349.53 1,020.05 $268,329.48 87,'532.84 26,259.85 $ 42.72 $26,302.57 $164,380.10 16,416.54 $180,796.64 *.See amelidment below. 280 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1982 SECOND.REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That the tender of Redecop Paving Co. Reg; be accepted in the amount of $8,775.00 for paving the Cour House parking lot and sufficient money be provided out of the contingency fund for the concrete bumper stops and reserved parking signs. 2. That the correspondence from the Ministry of Citizenship and Culture giving information on the Wintario Capital Grants Program and the Building Rehabilitation and Improvement Campaign (BRIC) be tabled for future reference. 3. That the letter from the Elgin County Pioneer Museum re: the Nora Ogden Coomb Estate be tabled and a verification on the contents still in the home be made. 4. That the contents on the Nora Ogden Coomb Estate insurance be reduced from $25,000 to $10,000 and the Frank Cowan Company Ltd. be so advised. 5. . That the C1erk~TreasUrer be directed not to register the deed to the property deeded 'to the County from the late Nora Ogden Coomb in Vienna until after the September Session. 6. That basement windows in the CourtHouse and Engineer's Building be covered with plywood to discourage vandalism and break-ins. 7. That two lights each be installed in the basement vault and north-east storage room, in the Court House (areas used by the Sheriff) at an estimated cost of $242.15. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~L.dA~~__ /C Emerson, K.. . Chairman. :> ~ ~? -, / () J.rr- '-~ ," * Item L was deleted from the Report. 281 SECOND REPORT COUNTY OF. ELGIN ROAlf COMMITTEE JUNE SESSION 1982 'to 'THE WARDEN AND t4EHBBRS OF tHE' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD. COMMl'l"l'EE. REfORTS .ASFOLLCMS I " WE RECOMMEND 1. That a by_law be passed authodzing the Warden alld clerk to sign land plans expropriating land for the widening of Road #32 on Lots 15 and 16, North Gore eoncessionand Lot 16, Concession, VIII, all in the Township of Malahide. This will aUow the daylighting of the. Concession VIII and Hacienda Road Intersection on . Road #3~. ALL OF. WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUPHlTl'ED ~\)h"\\,. )~ -z:;yo~ ., , 282 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 82-39 '11BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH THE REMUNERATION OF THE TREE COMMISSIONER AND WEED INSPECTOR.11 appoints and Weed WHEREAS By-~aw'No. 81~55 and By-Law No. 81~54 Mr. Charles C. Stafford as,' the Tree Commissioner Inspector for the, County of Elgin; and WHEREAS it is 'necessary to establish theremuner- ation to be paid for these .positions. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration. of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT the remuneration to be paid for the positions of Tree Commissioner and Weed Inspector be, $8.48 per hour. 2. THAT while using his personal vehicle on County business, he 'be paid the rate. established fOr other County Employees. 3. THAT By-Law No. 81-56 be, and the same is hereby repealed. 4. THAT thisBy~Law become effective July 1st, 1982. READ a first time this 28th day of June, 1982. READ a second time this 28th day of June, 1982. READ a third time and finally passed this 28th day of June, 1982. ~Y-~~-../ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. -~~~ S2:~f L. ,..1,( Shaw, Wkrden . 283 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 82-40 IIA BY~LAWTO AUTHORIZE ,THE EXPROPRIATION OF LAND FOR THE PURPOSE OF WIDENING AND IMPROVING COUNTY ROADS. II WHEREAS under Secti9n193 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302, R.S.O." 1980,the Council of every Corporation may pass by-laws for acquiring or expropriating any land required for-the purpose of the 'Corporation; and WHEREAS in the exercise of its powers and in per- formanceof its obligationsurtder the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act and other statutes, the Corpora- tiOn of theCoupty of ,Elgin finds; or m~y find, that it is necessary to expropriate lands for widening, improving, protecting from erosion, altering or diverting the County Roads shown on Schedule "A" as attached. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin: 1. That the Warden and Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin be, and are, authorized to sign any and all plans pertaining to land expropriation for County Roads shown on Schedule llAII, and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporatio~ of the County of Elgin and to register the same in the County of Elgin Registry Office. 2. That the Treasurer be,and is hereby authorized to pay to the owners of the lands hereby expropriated, such amounts as may 'be agreed upon as compensation as may be determined by arbitration under,provisions of the Expropria- tions Act. being Chapter 148, R.S.O., 1980. READ a first time this 28th day of June, 1982. READ a second time this 28th,day of June, 1982. READ a third time and finally passed this 28th day of June, 1982. ~~ ~a~ LJ ~ .- " Shaw--:-" rden. G. C~ Leverton, Clerk. 284 COUNTY OF ELGIN Schedule "Al' By-Law No. 82-40 1. County Road #32 - Lots 15 and 16, Nortn Gore Concession, Township' of Malahide. - Lot' 16, Concession VIII. Township of Malahide. 285 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 82~41 "ABY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF-THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF Tai\:' COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE JUNE SESSIQfu, 1982.11 WHEREAS by Section9of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontado,.1980. the powers' of a municipal corporation are ,to be exercised by its council;. and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 103 of The Municipal Act. being chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontarlo,1980. the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By,...Law; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted,by By-Law. NOW ,THERE~OREtheMunicipal Council' of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County, of: Elgin in respect of each recommen- dation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each mot1'on and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held,d~ring the June 1982 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in,this By-Law. 2. ,The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of, the Corporation of the County of ,Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed: to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of 'the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 28th day, of June, 1982. READ a second time this 28th day of June, 1982. READ a third time and fin~lly passed:th~s 28th day of June, 1~82. ~) ~~ ~~;,;;~~S-/_ G. C. Leverton, ' -, J. Shaw, Clerk. arden. r 286 September Session - First Day Wednesday, the 8th day' of September, 1982 '-" The Elgin County Council met this day at theC9unty Municipal Building, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair~ Mayor Douglas 'Tarry from the City of St. ~homa~wasin attendance at the Session and requested_ permission to approach the Chair. He, ,issued a challenge to ehe County .council and Administrative Staff toa volleyball match on Friday, October 8th, at 12;00 Noon,. in'front of the City Hall. ,on Talbot Street. The proceeds of any donations received from the persons watching will be, given to the United Way. A luncheon will follow the match. The challenge was accepted by County Council. ROLL CALL - All Members present. Moved by Deputy' Reeve Marr Seconded by Reeve Emerson That the minutes of the June 1982 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carded. COMMUNICATIONS COUNTY GOVERNMENT-COMMITTEE 24;, ,County of Lennox and Addington with a resolution requesting the Premier of Ontario, to insist that the proposed increases, by Ontario Hydro, be re-examined with the objective of developing other solutions asa more realistic approach to the problems of inflation and recession. 26. mation on Sales Tax Mr. Mike Breaugh, M.P.P., Oshawa, requesting any infor~ increased costs to Elgin, with amendment to the R~tail Act, and any views on this contentious legislation. 27. County of Victoria with res~lution re:tent and trailer parks legislation re: control ,and a more equitable method of collecting revenue from them. 40. Association of Municipalities of Ontario with a report on procedures with respect to the election of the warden, of a county government and request for support of and comments on the report. 58. Elgin County Pioneer Museum with request for the ,County to apply for a grant to cover labour costs in paving the parking lot. under the Ontario Employment Incentive Program. COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE 1. Township of Malahide with information on request by Mr. Jacob Eicher to rezone his property for the expansion of a special 4se, in a commercial 20ne. 5. Township of Malahide with notice of the passing of By-Law No. 2009. to regulate land use pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. 8. Town of Aylmer with notice of the passing of By-Law No. 52-82, to regulate land use pursuant to Section 39 of The Planning Act. 9. Township of Malahide with notice of the passing of By-Law No. 2011, to regulate land use pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. 287 - 2 - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE - Continued 12. Town of Aylmer with notice of the passing of By-Law No. 63-82. to regulate land use pursuant to Section 39 of The Planning Act. 14. The Joint Board Dectsion. under the Consolidated Hearings Act, 1981, on'the Ontario Hydro's Southwestern Ontario Transmission System Expansion Plan Stage. 35. Delcan, Consulting Engineers and Planners. offering their services' for energy management system for buildings, vehicles and street lighting. 36. Township of Bayham advising, of their intention to paSs a by-law to close part of the travelled road allOwance through Lot 28, Concession 8, more parttcularlydescribed as Part 3 on Phn 11R 2412. '-./ 37. By...-Laws Section Township of Yarmouth with notIce of the passing of No. 2707 and 2708, to: regulate land use purSuant to 39 of The Planning Act . . 39. Ontario Hydro with the second,newsletter with ,update on construction activities on the St. Thomas TS x .Buchanan TS. 43. Village of Port Stanley with notic~ofthe passing of By~Law No. 2054, to regulate land u~e pursuant to Se~tion J9 of The Planning Act. 45. Ministry of Transportation and Comm~nicationswith information on interim petitions for subsidy on road and bridge expenditures. 47. . Township of Yarmouth with copy of application for a Mino~ Variance, to the Committee of Adjustment, by Mr. ,Peter Voskamp and setting the hearing for,September 9th, 1982. ',-..../ 48. izing a related Ministry of Transportation and Communications author- supplementary subSidy allocation of $25,000 for safety items~ 49. Township ,of Malahide advising of a meeting ;on the Bowen Drain, with the Engineer, September 9th, 1982 at 7:00 P.M. 57. Ministry of the Environment wit~anoffice consolidation of the general regulations under the Environmental Assessment Act, which affects municipal undertakings. 21. services matters. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE William J. Milks & Associates Limited, offering their to municipalities on personnel and labour relation PROPERTY COMMITTEE 29. Elgin County Pioneer Museum with information on verifi- cation of contents of the, Nora CoombEstate. 42. Ministry of Government Services with requests to renew present leases for the Court House and Registry Office for a period of five years. lli&Q 2. John A. Anderson, Agricultural Representative and Secretary-Treasurer, Executive Committee, I.P.M.; 1985, expressing appreciation for-establishing them as a special committee of Council. 3. . Southwestern Ontario Travel Association advising of the appointment of Mrs. Sandra Chabot, as new manager. 288 _ 3 _ County Council, September Session, FILED - Continued 4. elation Mayor Douglas J. Tarry>. CUyof Bt. Thomas' J with appre- for support of the St. Thomas Airport runway extension. A.M.O. with ,8 copy of Report #82-8. Report of the 86 Working Group. '-../ 7. Section '-' 10; Y.M.C.A. with advice that the All Party Committee on Family Violence of the Prov~ncial LegIslature will be at the V.M.C.A. to receive submissions, on July 22nd, 198Z:at 10:00- A,M. 11'. , Ontario Association of Comniittees of~djustment and Land Division Committees advises that Mr. Alistair B. Littlejohn has been appointed a Director, at the June Conference, held in Windsor. 13. The ElglnMilitary Museum with update on current status and advising that they anticipate opening in September. 15. Minister of Municipal Affairs with a copy of "Urban. Development Standards - A Review". 16. Mi'ss Cathi,e light with appreciation for scholarship (University of Guelp~). 17. 'Minister'of Transportation and Communications, advi,sing that officials of his Ministry will intervene, at the hearing of Bell Canada for a rate increase, on behalf of telephone users in Ontario. 18. re: for . Herb Epp, M.P.P. (Waterloo North), advising that Bil128 grants for policing purposes passed with a higher rate of $17 regions. 19. Ontario Municipal Board with a copy of the Decision re: an appeal against the Land Division Committee by Urroamo Farms Limited - denied. 22. Bank of Montreal advislng of a decrease in the Prime rate of .I.:!% to 17 3/4"10' effective July 16th, 1982. 23. A.M.a. requesting nominees to the Board of Directors as soon as possible. 25. Family & Children'sServices of St. Thomas and Elgin with Allocation of Children In Care and Financial Statement to June 1982. 28. Four Counties General Hospital with copy of audited financial statement for the year ended March 31st, 1982. 30. Volunteer Start Auxiliary with invi,tationto attend the Sixth Annual Meeting of VOSTART, to be held September 16, 1982 at 7:30 P.M., Sheridan Inn, St. Thomas. 31. Ministry of Community and Social Services with approval of the 1982 estimates for the Family &Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin in the amount of $891,759. 32. interest Bank of Montreal advising of changes in the Prime rate: Effective Effective Effective July 23rd, 1982 August 6th, 1982 August 20th, 1982 - 171;% - 17% - 16%. 33. Minister of Energy with update on the,Municipal Oil Conversion and Energy Conservation Program, which provides financial assistance to convert from oil burning equipment. 38. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing with a copy of "Energy Conservation Through Official Plans - A Guideline". 289 4 - 41. A.M~O. with copies of the following reports: #82-9 -On Amendments to the Police Act. #82-10 - Response to Bill 115- An Act to Amend The Retail Sales Tax Act. #82-11 - Response to Bill II, An Act to Provide For The Licensing of Businesses By ~unicipalities. 44. Ministry of Natural Resources advising that they are awaiting public comments on their District Land Use Strategy, developed for the next twenty years, in the Counties of Elgin, Middlesex and the western portion of Oxford. 50. MinLatry of Municipal Affairs and Housing withinfoTma~ tion on structural changes withi~_ the Ministry. 52. _ MinlstryofTransporta~ion and Communications advising that Bell Canada's request for rate-increases has been limited to 6% and 5% by the Federal Cabinet. 53. Ministry of Natural Resources with>NEWS RELEASE on tree planting and explaining services available through The Woodlands Improvement Act. '--" 55. Family & Children'~ Services of: St. Thomasand',Elgin with Allocation of Children In Care to July 31st, 1982 and financial statement for the month of June 1982. 56. Ministry of Agriculture and Food with a copy of a letter addressed to Warden Shaw, expressing their appreciation for taking part in the 75th Anniversary' of the Extension,Branch. 64. Bank of Montreal advising of changes in the Prime interest rate: '- Effective September 3rd, 1982 - 15%%. Moved by Reeve Monteith SecortdeQ by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That the disposition of the Communications mailed pre- vlously:and those presented to-day, be approved (#1 to #64 inclusiveJ. -Carried. Mr.- Morris G. Lewis, District Manager, Aylmer District Ministry of Natural Resou!ces, was in attendance at-the meeting. It was moved by Deputy Reeve Haddow that Mr. Lewis now be heard. Mr. Lewis had requested permission to address Council on the Aylmer District Land Use Strategy, which has been formulated to set targets for managing natural resources over the next twenty years in this area. By means of an overhead projector, he briefly reviewed the contents of the Land Use Strategy. The Ministry was requesting any comments by the public or other municipal bodies, by August 31st. However, he indicated that they would still be considered Hthey were forwarded shortly. Variou Members of Courtty Council asked questions of Mr. Lewis and he was thanked by the Warden for his attendance and presentation. . The First Report of the County Government Committee was presented by Reeve Mortteith and adopted on' motion of Reeve Monteith and, Deputy Reeve Pearson. The First Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Walters and adopted on motion of Reeve Walters and Reeve Farthing. '--' Committee motion of The First Report of the Homes forSenlor Citizens was presented by Deputy ReeveMcW~lliam and a?opted Deputy Reeve McWilliam and Deputy Reeve Sheils. on 290 ~. _ 5 - County Council, September Session, The First Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Marr. Moved by Deputy Reeve Ma~r Seconded by Reeve Fleck That the First Report of the PersorinelCommittee be adopted. An amendment was Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Cotes That item #4 of the First Report of the Personnel Committee be deleted. An amendment to the amendment was Moved by Reeve,Emerson Seconded by Reeve Monteith That we delete the words "arid hire one, duties to commence January ls,t ,1983". Motion Lost. The amendment waS then voted upon and Carried. The Report, as amended with item #4 deleted was voted upon arid it Carried. The First Report of the Library Board was presented by Deputy Reeve Wakeling and adopted on motion of_Deputy Reeve Wakeling and Deputy Reeve Haddow. The Second Report of the-Library Board was presented by Deputy Reeve Wakeling and a~opted'on motion of Deputy Reeve Wakeling and Deputy Reeve Volkaert. The Clerk advised that co10ured pictures of Council were available for Members to purchase and requested that orders be placed with the Deputy Clerk. Deputy Reeve Haddow presented a proposed Logo to be used at the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unitartd requestedCouncll's opinion on it. A unanimous consensus of Council was that the old letterhead was preferred over the new Logo. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS 6. Bell Canada with copy of. a Request for Increase in Rates, filed with the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommuni- cations Commission. 20. Ministry of Natural Resources with a copy of the Draft Land Use Strategy for Aylmer District and request for comments by August 31st, 1982. 34. tion on AMO and Association of Municipalities of Ontario with informa- Annual Meeting of the Counties and Regional_ Section of request for the names or the voting delegates. 46. Association of Municipalities of ,Ontario with a "Response to Bill 138 _ An Act Respecting the Protection of the Health of the Public!!. 51., Mervin Riddell, Barrister and Solicitor, with request that the County's Insurers be advised of the existence of the various policies covering the 1985 I.P.M. Committee, so that they may sort out primary coverage etc. 291 - 6 - 54. Ontario Hydro requesting an appofntment to'the Southwest Working Group, of an official spokesperson and alternate, to attend eleven evening meetings beginning in October 1982 and run- ninguntil October 1983. re: Southwestern Ontario Route Stage Study; 58. AMO with nomination and consent forms for County and Regional Executive Committee. 59. Central United Church. St. Thomas, advising of a publiC meeting on the Arms Race. set for Sund~y. September 26th, at 7:30 P.M.. at 'the ChurchHall,Wellingtort Street at Moore Street. 60. The United Church of Canada with suggested ballot_ fol:' nuclear disarmament to be included for municipal election and statement by the Honourable R. Roy McMurtry I' Att_orney General for Ontario, on the possibility of an election being declared null and void with the inclusion of such a ballot. ~ 61. Official followed Mess, at The Elgin Military Museum 'with invitationtoatt~nd the Opening onSaturday~ September 25th, 1982 at 14:30 hours, by a reception at theE1gin,Regiment~ R.C.A.C. Officers' 15:10 hours to 17:30 hours. 62. The Township of Norfolk with resolution requesting the federal and provincial governments in concert with the financial institutions to explore all possible avenues of assistance, for those persons who; as a result of thekil1ing frost in Norfolk Township and surrounding area, find themselves in need of assis- tan-ce. 63. St. Thomas Rotary Music ,Fest'1val with request for advertisement in the 'program for 1983. 65. Copy of a letter from the City of St. Thomas Fire Department, addressed to Mr. Robert Huber,' Malahide Fire Department, with account for $240.35 for repairs to the Jaws of Life. .,--, Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Reeve ,.Emerson That the fallowing be ,the voting meeting of the County and Regional Section Kingston, October 3rd to 6th: Warden Shaw Reeve Hodgson Reeve Caverly Deputy Reeve Neukamm delegat~s to the annual of AMO to be held in Deputy Reeve~Perovich Reeve Coles Reeve Monteith Deputy Reeve Marr. ~. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Monteith Seconded by Deputy Reeve Marr That the Clerk advise the Frank Cowan Company Limited, of the existence of the various policies covering the 1985 I.P.M. Committee as requested by Mr. Mervin Riddell. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Kelly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Perovich That Elgin County Council, ~equest,a written presentation the Elgin-St~ Thomas Health Unit on A.M.O.'s response to 118. from Bill .., Carried. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Marl: That Reeve Monteith be the appointment on the Southwest Working Group re: Southwestern Ontario Route Stage Study (Ontario Hydro). - Carried. 292 -7 -County Council. September Session, Moved by Reeve Monteith Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sheils Tha t we St. Thomas Rotary last year's ad. suhscribeto a full page advertisement 'in the Music Festival ata cost of $25.00 and repeat ~ - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Reeve Emerson That_Council Communications numbered 6, 20, 58,59;60, 61, 62 and 65 be filed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve,Marr Seconded by Reeve Monteith That we go into a Committee Of The Whole. - Carried. Warden Shaw named Reeve Fleck as Chairman. Council Re-convened. Moved by Reeve Lashbrook Seconded by Reeve Coles That as the hour is now 12 o'clock noon we continue on to concluclethe necessary business. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Haddow Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That we do now adjourn to meet again on September 8th. 1982 at 2:00 P.M. Carried. Council Re-convened at 4:18P.M. ROLL CALL - All Members present except: Reeve Kelly. who was excused by the Warden. The Second Report of the County Government Committee was presented by Reeve Monteith and adopted on. motion of Reeve Monteith and Reeve Fleck. ' The Second Report of the Personnel Committee was pre- sented by Deputy Reeve Marr and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Marr and Reeve Hodgson. The First Report of the Social Services Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Haddow and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Haddow and Deputy Reeve Perovich. The First Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Deputy Reeve Marr. Committee motion of The First Report of the Reception and Entertainment was presented by Deputy Reeve Volkaert and adopted on Deputy Reev~ Volkaert and Deputy Reeve Haddow. Reeve Monteith reminded Members of Council of the local Plowing Match to be held. on September 11th, 1982 at the Psychiatric Hospital and the International Plowing Match, held in Lucan. September 28th to October 2nd, and the Warden will be plowing on Tuesday, September 28th. 293 - 8 - Moved by Reeve Walters Seconded by Reeve Stewart That Application T3/82 by Van Overloop~Tobacco Farms Lot 16. ConcessIon 1. Township of Malahide, requesting 1.380 square metres of trees be granted. Limited. to clear - Carried. '-./ Moved_ by Reeve Monteith Seconded by Reeve Emerson That the Personnel Committee investigate all aSpects of acquiring a Director-of Personnel for the County of Elgin including shared services with other municipalities and report back to County Council. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Walters Seconded by Reeve M6nte~th That the County donate an amount of $200 to the Elgin- St. Thomas United Way and that Warden Shaw present it to-day at the' Buffalo-Burger kick-off celebrations at St.. Anne's Parish Ce~tre. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded byDeputyRe~veNeukamm That we accept, in principal; the proposed conversion of the sick leave pl,an and long term disabllityplan as proposed by John Mo~ey and that he be authorized to present' it- to' the various non-union employee groups. ,- -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Perovich Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamrn That By-Law No. 82-42 "Being a By~Law Consenting to the Stopping Up and Closin~ of a Road Allowance in the Township of Bayham" be read a. first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Perovich That By-Law No. 82-42 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Perovich That By-Law No. 82-42 be read a third time and finally pas_sed. - Carried. Moved. by Reeve Lashbrook Seconded by Reeve Walters That By-Law' No. 82-43 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign an Agreement Between the County of Elgin and The Elgin Military Museum Inc., Leasing Property for Common Entrance" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Reeve Farthing That By-Law No. 82-43 be read a second time. - Ca~ried. 294 ~ 9:- County Council. September Session. Moved by Reeve Farthing Seconded by Reeve Lashbrook That By~Law No. 82~43 be read 8. third time: and finally passed. - Carried. ~ Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Reeve Farthing That By-Law No. _ 82-44 lIBeing a By-Law to Autbodze _ the Warden an4 Clerk to Sign aDee~ Between the County- of Elgin and The ElgIn Military Museum Inc."be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Farthing Seconded by Deputy Reeve McWilliam That By-Law No. 82~44 be read a second time. - Carried:. Moved by Reeve Walters Seconded by Reeve Fleck That By-Law No. 82-44 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Mo~ed~ by Deputy' Reeve McWilliam Seconded by Reeve Fleck That By-Law No. 82-45 "Being'a By'-Law to Establish the Pay for Certain Employees in the Homes for Senior Citizens" a first time. Rate of be read ;.. Carried. Moyed by R~eve Walters Seconded by Reeve Farthing That By-Law No. 82-45 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved 'by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Deputy Reeve McWilliam That By-Law No. 82-45 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried~ Moved by Deputy Reeve Marr Se~onded by Reeve Lashbrook That By-Law No. 82-46 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Execution of a Collective Agreement Between the Corporation of the County of Elgin and London and District Service Workers' Union, Local 220, S.E.r.U., A.F.,L., C.r.O;, C.L'.C.,with Respect to the Corporation's Part-Time Employees at the Elgin Manorll be read a first time. '- Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Perovich Seconded by Reeve Walters That By-Law No. 82-46 be read a second time. - Carried. 295 - 10 - Movedb~ Reeve Farthing Seconded by Deputy Reeve PerOvich passed. That By-Law No; 82-46 be ,read a third time and finally - Carried. '-" Moved by Depu.ty Reeve' Sheil S Seconded by Deputy ReevecVolkaert That- By-Law No. 82;"47 "Being a By'-Law to' Authorize the Execution of aCollective:Ag~eement Between the Corporation of the County of Elgin and London and District,' Service< Workers' Union. Local 220, S.E.I.U., A.F.L.,C.I.O., C.L.C., with,Respect,:tothe Corporation's Full Time Employees at the ,Elgin Manor" be read, a first time. - Carried. Moved: by ~eputY,Re~vecS~e~ls Seconded by Reeve Emerson Thit', By.c.:I..awN'o. '82.c.:4:7 be read a seco'ndtime'. .,-' Car!ied. Moved by Deputy Reeve Volkaert' Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sheils 'l'llat 'By~Law N?~B2.;';47 be, read,' a third tlilie:ahd ~inally '-" passed. Carried. Moved'by Reeve: Smyth Seconded by Reeve Glover of the at the That By-Law No; 82.c.:48 ~uriicipal Council of the September Session, '1982" "A By,...Lawto, ,ConflrmP_t'oceedings Corporatioriof' the County of Elgin be read'a'first,time. I .... Carried. Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve S~yth That By~Law. No.; 82-48 'be read a second time. .... Carried. '--/ Moved by Reeve; Caverly Seconded by Reeve Glover That By-Law No. 82-48 be read a third time and finally 'I passed. - Carried. Moved bY Re~veCaverly Seconded by'Reeve Gldver That we do now adjourn (4:43, P.M.) to meet again on Octo?er,2Uth, 1982 .at:IO:OO A.M. - Carried. ~, G. C. Leverton, Clerk. L. J. Shaw, Warden. 296 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1982 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee .'reportsas follows: 1. Ai'evie'w of the 'purchasing policies used ,by ,the various department~, was made by the Commi'ttee. It would appear that the present procedures used by various depart- ments and Department Heads. in obtaining prices for goods or: services, is adequate. 2., An ,additional application for $22,000, under the Ontario Employment Incentive Program, had been made ,by the Treasurer, for work to be carried out'by the Roads Departme~t. 3. The resolution from the County of Lennox and " Addington, requesting that the Premier of OntarIo Insist that proposed increases by Ontario Hydro. be re-examined, with the objective of developing other solutions as a-more realistic approach to the problems of inflation and recession, be endorsed. 4. That the letter from Mr. Mike Breaugh, M.P.P., Oshawa, requesting information on increased costs re: amend- ments to the Retail Sales Tax Act, be filed. 5. That the resolution from the County of Victoria re: tent and trailer parks legislation re: control and a mQre equitable method of collecting revenue from them, be filed. 6. That the report from AMO on procedures with respect to the election of Warden of a county government be tabled to the next meeting and 'copies be forwarded to the Members of the Committee. 7. That By-Law No. 81-38, Paragraph l,be amended, to delete the following commencing in the third line "(except when the first of December falls on a Wednesday, in which case it shall be the Third Wednesday)" so that all meetings in December will be, held on the Second Wednesday. 8. The Clerk has made an application for $600 under the Ontario Employment Incentive Program, on behalf of the Elgin County Pioneer Museum, for work in connection with the paving of the parking lot. 9. That all County vehicles have the decals affixed no later than October 1, 1982. 10. The Clerk and Deputy Clerk have beenauthotized to attend the County and Regional Clerk-Treasurers meeting to be held in Goderich on, Sunday, October 24th and Monday, October 2$th, 1982, with expenses paid. 11. Mrs. Rose M. Daniel, Deputy Cletk~Treasurer, has been authorized to attend the AMO (County and Regional Section) Convention. to be held in Kingston. October 3-6. 1982, with the usual convention allowances paid. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. >>:' r ~~ K. E. Monteith Chai~an: ....~ r-;/ c7~J/~ 297 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT SEPTEMBER SESSION 1982 TO T1iE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN-Coum'Y COUNCIL YOUR RoAD _ COMMItTEE RE1'ORTS AS FOLLOWS r 1. WalmSley Bros. Limited of l,ondon have completed their asphalt paving contract on County Road #6 between OUtton andWallac(!town. All wOrk other than. gravl,11 shouldel:'ing has been compLeted on this road~ A portion Qf the gravel shoutder will be sur'face treated next year. 2. McLeanRFoster Construction Limitod of St. Marys have completed their contract for the C~unt;y of Elgin for the construction of the Walkers. Bridge. 3. The Ministry' of MOnidpal Affairs and Housing have approved two (2) allocations for the County Road Department under the Ontario Emplo)'lllerit Incentive Program. The initial allocation 101'85$16,600 and the second was $20,000. All money allocated under this program has been expended and Wtl have requtlllted through the .COunty Government Committee an additional allocation of $22,000 under this program.. 4. The Ministry of T1"ansportation and CommuniCations has approved a subsidy allocation of $29,000 for Municipal Drain Assessments. We had originally requestlld $45,000 in subsidy monies. 5. The Ministry of Transportation and CommunicationS has approved a subsidy allocation of $25,000 so the County and th~ St. Thomas Subucban Road Commission may continue their white edge marking safety program on paved roads this year. This will allow the ColllJlittee to expand the program which was started last year. 6. Work j s continuing on County Road 1/32 bctwllcn lIighwilY #73 and the Police College. It was hoped that this wock, with the asphalt base coat will be completed before mid October. Grading will continue on Road-#'J2 north of- the Police College as weather and funds permit. 298 COIJNTY OF ELGIN ROAD. COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT ~ SEPTEMBER SESSION 1982 PAGE. 2. 7. Several small grad~ng projects are underway on various CQunty ROCi.ds including County Road #31 east of Belmont, along with dl:'ainage and clitching,on Road #16 (Fings! Hilt.) and Road #26 (St. George 8t1.'eet8:1,11). WE'RECOMMEND 1. That_ a by.law be passed "tating that the, County of Elgin has no objections to, the passage. of a by.law by the TOWIll:lbip of Bayham to close the travelled road lnLot 28, Concession VIII. shown as Part #3 on Ref:erence Plan UR 2412. ALL,' OF WHICll IS RESPEcTFULLY SUBMt'l'TED ~~Ii_)\}J~ Z:;~L-- 299 HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT September Session. ~982 FIRS,T, REPOR,T To the Warden and Members of theE~gin Coun~y Counc~l, The Homes for Senior,Citizen~ Committee reports as fallows: 1. .. The following employees have been 'authorized to attend th.e annual conventio.n,.in Ottawa, September '12-15. 1982 (Ontario Association of Homes for the 'Aged). with the usual ' convention allowances paid: ' Dir_ector. Assistaut ,Administrator., Building Supervisor, Residen~Co~Ordinator and C~ok Sup~rvisor. 2. That the Homes' Medidal Directors have been authorized ,to attend the Ontario Association pf Medical Directors Conference on September 12, 13 a~d 14th. in Ottawa, with theusualconventionexp~nses paid. 3. The' tender of Peters Bros. Paving Co. ,in the amount of $19.850.00 has been accepted for paving required at Terrace Lodge. 4. The tender-of Klaas Kielstra" Aluminum ,in the amo_unt of _$7,438.00ha,sbe~nacceptedfor the necessary work and . materials to, complete the exterior of Elgin Manor. 5. The monthly rate per bed, paid to the Medical Directors, has been increased from $3.40 to $3.75. effective April 1st. 1982. ALL- of which is ,respectfully submitted. ,t h t" )i';AJ_ D. A. McWilliam Chairman. . ~j? S'z<J 300 * See amendment below. PERSONNELCOMMIT!EE REPOR! September Session,' 1982 FIRS! REPOR! !o the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, !he Personnel Committe~_reports as follows: 1- positions and Craft per hour, ,That we recommend that the hourly rates for the. of Relief Cook Supervisor and Recreation,pirector Supervisor at !erraceLodge, be increased by77~ effective April 1st, 1982. 2. !hat the letter fr6mWilliamJ.Milks & Associates Ltd., offering their services tomunicipalitles on personnel and labour relations matters, be filed. 3. , That we recommend instead of replacing the vacancy being created, in the payroll department of the Clerk-!reasurer's office, we purchase the services of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce to prepare the' payrolls for all County employees, commencing, as soon as possible. 4. !hat we take the necessary steps to acquire a Director of Personnel and Labour Relations Officer and hat authority be given to, the Personnel Committee to adv~rt se, interview and hire one, duties t6commence January 1st, 1983. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~//~ E. H. Marr, ':'8.rm'2;> &/ J .~r/~ * Item 4 was amended by deleting it from the report. 301 Library Board Report First Report September Se$sion To the Warden' and Members of ElginC'oUntyCouncil The Library Board Reports as follows: 1., That Mrs. M. Beech fs the flew Children I s Supervisor at Aylmer Library. 2. That Miss R. Rowley is the new, Ass;l.stant at Aylmer Library. ' 3. Tha't Miss Jackie Van Meppelen Scheppink has been hired as the new bookkeeper replacing Mrs. Thelma Greenfield who1s retiring. 4. That the tender from Lansdowne Machine & Fabricating Limited 'to the amount o~$270.00 'to install a safety shield in the van be accepted. All of which is respectfully submitted~ ( . ~""'" 'U J. Q.Qv.u, \Joan Wakeling, \ Ohairman ~l~ 302 Library Board Report Second'. Report September Session To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council The Library Board Reports as fpllowa: L That a delegat::l.on 01'18 officials fro'm Brant COW1ty toured The Elgin County Library System on August 30, 19$2~ All 01'_ which is respectfully submitted. ( \.0 Jd;.~ Wakeling Ch):innan , ~:?&2:~: 303 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT September S~ssion.< 1982 SECOND ,REPORT To the Warden and Members~~ the Elgin Co~ntyCounc~l, The County Government9ommittee reports as follows: 1. " That the Clerk qbtain the single airfare rate (economy clas$, Seven. days prior.) leaving fro~'London to the site_ of the convention and departing the day before the first session_is scheduled and this be the, amount paid for attendirt~ conventioqs,beyond the 200 ,~ileradius of St. Thom~s. 2. , That for theAMO (Courityand'Regional Section) Convention being held in Kingston, an ,amount of $200.o0,be paid as travel allowance, regardless of how the person travels to the site. ALL of which is ,respectfully submitted. . ,. ,I r":~ Or.:::," j7. / "... -;1'/ ~//';, , ~~E. Monteith Chairman." /SL 304 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT septemb~r Session, 1982 SECOND R~PORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Counc~l, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That we, recommend to County Council that changes be made in the wo't"king'sgreerne,nts with full and part time employees at Elgin Manor as follows: (a) (b) (e) Life Insurance _ effective Jan1Jsry lst,1983. the County shall contribute 100% of the premium cost of ,8 group lifeinsursnceplan in~ the amount of $20,000 per employee, with $20,000 Accidental 'Death and Dismemberment. Duration _ October 19, 1981 to December 31. 1983. Wages - increases as shown: Effective October 19,1981 - 50~ per Effective April 18. 1982 - 50~ per Effective'October 17,1982 - 40i per Effective April l7~1983 - 60~ per Shift Premium - increased to: $2.24 per shift (28i'hour) effective October 19, 1981 $2.56 per shift (32~ hour) effective January 1, 1983. Benefits allowance (part time.only) Effective October 19. 1981 - 11% to be added to wage' ra tes - 12% to be added to wage ra tes. hour hour hour hour. (d) (e) _ Effective January 1. 1983 2. That we recommend that 'the necessary by-laws be prepared and presented to County Council~ authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign collective, agreements. covering full and part time employees at Elgin Manor~,.subject to items agreed upon during recent negotiations. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ['~ // .?>k~ E. H. Marr, Chairman. ~ C.J ~rc3L- 305 SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT September Session. 1982 FIRST REPORT To the Watdenand Member~ of the Elgin County Council, The Social Services Committee reports as follows: 1. That the copy of the tep~rt from AMO, prepared, by O,:M.S.S.A. entitled "Transfer of' F.B.A~ Cas,esto ',MunicipaUtiesll be filed'. 2. That the: resolution from the' County of Brant reque'st- ing that the Federal Department of Employment and Immigration to update its automated system. to assure that V.LB. assign- ments do not result in,clients being, taken off the,computer system, resulting in loss of ben'eflts, be endorsed. 3. That the Director be authorized to subscribe to an in-watts telephone service, through Bell, Canada, to, receive in~comingtelephone calls at no charge to the caller. 4. Day care assistance ,will only be provided to allow one wage earner per family. 5~ That ,authority be given to allow the Field Workers tQ attend twoO.M.S.S.A. Seminars ,to be held:,in ,London, ,and Windsor with ,expenses paid. 6. That the resolution. from the County of Essex, requesting the Federal ,Government to refrsinfrommaking any changes in the Unemployment Insurance Legislation. which ~laces additional burden on the unemployed be fil~d. ALL of which ;s"respectfully submitted. R~~~~~ Chairman. ' ~ 4rS4~ 306 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1982 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. that the. matter of' ttte CdombEstate and registering of the deed be tabled tathe October Session. 2. That the: letters from the Ministry, of Government Services re: Registry Of.fice and Court House leases befi').ed. 3. That we recommend that the necessary by-laws be prepared and presented to County Council to authorize the Warden and Clerk to sign the following documents between the County and The Elgin Military Museum Inc.: (1) Deed for right-of-way over property at the rear of the Elgin County Pioneer Museum. (U) Lease re: ,property, on which connecting link is situated. 4. That the Clerk-Treasurer be authorized to have the necesssry work done and material~ supplied to replace the present door lock/handles with a separate lock, and. handle for the front and back doors of the ,Municipal BUilding. S. That authority' be given- to the Clerk to purchase nsme tags and concrete bumper beams to be 'installed next to the Municipal Building. 6. That the tender of Dowler Karn be accepted for supplying fuel oil for the following locations tor the 1982-83 heating season at a price of 26.7i per litre, subject to adjustment in the per tank wagon price at the time of delivery: Registry Office Municipal Building Engineer's Office. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~L'hAb/ K. C. Emerson, c~? ~L- 307 RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE REPORT September Session; 1982 FlRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the-Elgin County Council, The Reception and Entertainme~t ~ommittee reports as follows: 1. That we recommend'thata JU!:l.ior boy or g1.i'1, oJ; a.t least ten years of age, be invited by each Member of County Council, to attend the October Session of ,Council, with lunch provided at Payne's Mills and that a program for the day be dra~up. 2. That the Clerk reserve the Sheridan Inn (Tudor Hall) for Wednesday, December 8th, ,1982, to hold the reception after the _ Warden's election and fifteen trays 'ofsand,wiches' be authorized. ' 3. That theinvltatioris to the County Golf Day be extended to include as complimentary guests of the County, the following: Warden and Clerk,- Perth Warden and Clerk - Huron Warden and Clerk -Oxford Warden, Clerk and Engineer - Middlesex. 4; That we recommend that each Councillor be allowed to invite four guests to the Warden's Banquet and Dance and that he/she pay the rate charged for the meal and it be deducted from the November cheque. 5. That commencing in 1983 the cut off for the Ex-Councillors for the Warden's Banquet be the current year and three years prior. 6. That the Wayside Inn cater to the Warden's Banquet. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. / /./ /,?? .-;---- r t//rr/Uu/fJ . f. 'A. Volkaert, . ~ ~~fSL 308 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 82-42 'ISKING A BY-LAW CONSENTING TO THE-STOPPING UP AND CLOSING OF A ROAD ALLOWANCE IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM,II WHEREAS notice' has been received" by personal service from the TownshiP of Bayham, indicating their intention to pass S' by-law to close part of the travelled road allowance through Lot 28, Concession,S, more particularly describeclas Part 3, ouPlan 11 R-2412, deposited in the. Registry Office for Elgin; and WHEREAS the County of Elgin has no objections to the said passing of the, by-law. THEREFORE the Municipal C6uncil of theCOTporation of the County of Elgin consents to the passing of s, by-law, stopping up snd closing the road, as described above. READ a first time this 8th day of ,September,19~~. READ a second timetPis, 8th day of Septembe:r:' 1982"- READ a thi~d time and finally passed 'this 8th,day of Septembe~, 1982. ~/~~y:.....--./ G. C. Leve~ton, Cle~k. -::;;t~Sl-J . Shaw, arden. 309 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law' No. 82-43 "BEING A BY-LAW TeAUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN'THECOUNtY'eF ELGIN AND THE ELGIN_MILITARY MUSEUM INC., LEASING PROPERTY FOR COMMON EN'l'RANCE." WHEREAS with ,the construction of a common entrance, attached to both The Elgin Military Museum Inc. and The Elgin County Pion~e~ Museum; it is necessa~y to ,execute a lease co~e~ing pr?perty owned by the County of Elgin and'upon which the new common entrance is situated;. and WHEREAS the lease shall cover the following desc~ibed pa~cel: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of lands and premises Situate, lying and ~eing in the City of St. Thomas. in the County ,of Elgin and being composed of part of Lot Two (2), South of Talbot Street, West of Pleasant Street, ,North of Centre Street, as shown on Registered Plan 1 for the_ City of St. Thomas ~ndnowmore particularly designated as Part ,One (1) and Part 'Two (2) ona deposit Plan of Survey deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the County of Elgin on the 10th day of February, 1982 as Plan l1R-2392. Together with any buildings and improvements located thereon. THEREFORE the Warden and Clerk a~e he~eby authorized to sign an agreement which leases the ,above-described property to The Elgin Military Museum Inc. READ a first time this 8th day of September; 1982. READ a second time this'8th day of September, 1982. READ a third time and firially passed this 8th day 'of September, 1982. ~'h-.-/ ~~c;J ~ W rden. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 310 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 82-44 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE 'WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN 'A DEED BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND'THE ELGIN'MILITARY MUSEUM INC." WHEREAS The Elgin Military Museum Inc. does not presently have a method to gain access to:the rear of their bu'f.lding, located at 30 Talbot, Street. St. Thomas, without crossing over property owned by theCotinty of Elgin and operated as The Elgin County Pioneer Museum; and WHEREAS a request for aright-of~wayhasbeen received from the said Military Museum over the following described lands: In the yity of St. Thomas, irithe County of Elgin, and being composed of Part of Lot Two (2}.jSouth of Talbo~ Street, West of Pleasant Street. North of Centre Stree~,according to Registered Plan 1 for the City of St. Thomas, and more particularly designated as Part Three (3) ona Reference Plan of Survey deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the County of Elgin (No. 11) as Plan llR-2l34; and WHEREAS the County of Elgin, with the concurrence of the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board, has no objections to granting the said right-of-way. THEREFORE the Warden and Clerk are hereby to sign a deed granting aright-of-way-to The Elgin Museum Inc., over the property described above. authorized Military READ a first time this 8th day of September, 1982. READ a second time this 8th day of September, 1982. READ a third time and fina11ypassed this 8th day of September, 1982. ~~~ '-~ycJZ ~~Shaw ,,' ,- W den. ' G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 311 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 82-45 "BEING A ,BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH THE RATE OF PAY'FOR CERTAIN EMPLOYEES,IN'THE'HOMES FOa SENIOR CITIZENS." WHEREAS certain positions are not covered by a collective agreement or other by-law; and WHEREAS it is necessary to estab~ish rates of pay for these pos~tions. NOW THEREFORE the following rates be and are hereby adopted: L Registered Nurses ~ October 1st, 1980 - - April 1st, 1~8l - October 1st, 1981 - - Apiil 1st, 1982 Plus a Day Shift Premium of 21i"per hour Annual Clothing Allowance of $60.00 (paid quarterly). I 9..17 9.52 1O.SO 10.96 per per per per hour hour hour hour 3. THAT this by~law become effective, upon passing. 4. THAT By~Laws No. 81-27 and 82-13 be, and the same are hereby repealed. READ a first time this 8th day of September, 1982. READ a second time this 8th day of September, 1982. READ a third time and finally passed this 8th day of September,' 1982. ~,.,_.~ .../ , ---;-~ C75L. r . ;f: Shaw, W den. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 312 COONTYOF ELGIN By-Law No. 82-46 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF A COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND LONDON AND DISTRICT SERVICE WORKERS' UNION. LOCAL 220. S.B.I.U.. A.F.L.. C.I.O.~ C~L.C.. WITH RESPECT TO THE CORPORATION'S PART-TIME EMPLOYEES AT THE ELGIN MANOR," WHEREAS the London. and District ,Set'vice Wo-rkers' Union, Local 220, py certificate dated September 30th, 1974, is the certified b~rgaining ag~nt for the em~loyees of Elgin Manor; who are regularly employ~d for not mo~e than twenty- four'hours per week. save and except Supervisors, persons above the rank of Supervisor, Registered Nurses, Office Staff, and students employed during the school vacation period; and WHEREAS negotiations have taken place ,over a period of time, between the County and the Union. towards establish- ing orderly collective barsa!ning ~elationsand providing an orderly procedure for the disposition of grievances and defining working conditions and terms of employment for all part-time employees who are represented by the Union, in,the form of a Collective Agreement; and WHEREAS agreement ~as now been reached by both parties on the said procedure, conditions and terms of employ- ment to be 'included in an agreement to cover the period October 19th, 1981 to December 31st. 1983. NOW THEREFORE it is hereby enacted that the Warden and Clerk of the, County of Elgin be and are hereby empowered to sign the Collective Agreement between the County of Elgin and the London and District Service'Workers' Union, Local 220, S.E.l.U., A.F.L.. C.l.O., C.L~C., setting forth collective bargaining relations, disposition of grievances and to define working conditions and terms of employment for all part-time employees of Elgin Manor, represented by the said Union. READ a first time this 8th day of September, 1982. READ a second time this 8th day of September, 1982. READ a third time and finally passed this 8th day of September, 1982. ~~~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~;~ e/:)L , \cL: ~Shaw, ,rden. 313 COUNTY OF 'ELGIN By-Law' No., 82..;,47 "BEING-'A',BY";'LAW'TO AUTHORIZE"THE'EXECUTION OF'A COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN ,THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY 'OF EL'GlN AND LONDON. AND DISTRICT SERVICE WORKERS' UNION, LOCAL,220, S.E~I.U., A.F.L.. C.l.O.. C.L.C. WITH RES~ECT TO THE CORPORATION'S FULL TIME EMPLOYEES AT THE ELGIN MANOR.II WHEREAS the London and District Service Workers' Union, Local 220i by certificate dated December 20th, 1972, is the certified~argalning agent for the employees of Elgin Manor, save andexc~pt,Supervisors. persons above the rank of Supervisor, Registe~edNurses, Office Staff, persons reg~ ularly employed for not, more than twenty-four hours per week, and students employed during the school vacation period; and WHEREAS negotiations have taken place over a period of time,between the County: and the Union. towards establish- ing orderly collective bargaining relations and providing an orderly procedure for the disposition of grievances and def~ning workingconditions,~nd terms of employment for all employees 'who aJ'e represented by' the Union, in the form of a Collective'Agreement; arid WHEREAS agreement has now been reached by both parties, On the said procedure,conditionsand terms of employment to be included in an agreement to cover the period October 19th. 1981 to December 31st. 1983. NOW THEREFORE it is hereby enacted that the Warden and Clerk of the County of Elgin be and are hereby empowered tos!gn the ,Collective Agreement between the County of Elgin and the London and District Service Workers' Union. Local 220. S.E.r.U., A.F.L."C.I.O., C.L.C~, setting forth collective bargaining relations, disposition of grievances and to define working conditions and terms ofemploy~ent for all full time emptoyeesof Elgin Manor, represented by the said Union. READ a first time this' 8th day of September, 1982. READ a second time this 8th day of September, 1982. READ' a third time and finally passed this 8th day of September,: 1982. ~~-<.~;...",.- G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 314 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 82~48 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF, THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF EtGINAT THE SEPTEMBER SESSION, 1982.11 WHEREAS by Section 9'ofThe Municipal Act. being Chapte~ 302 of the Revised,StatutesofOntarlo, 1980. the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 103 of. The Municipal Act, being Ghapter 302 of the Revtsed Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient tbatthe proceed~ logs of the Municipal Couhcil of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopt~dby By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Mu~icipal Council of the Co~po- ~ation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Munic~palCoUncil of theCo~po- ~ation of the County of Elgin in~espectofeach ~ecommen- dation contained in the Repo~ts of the Committees and each motion and ~esolution passed and othe~ action taken by the Municipal Council of the Co~po~ationofthe County of Elgin at its meetings helddu~i~gthe Septembe~1982 Session is he~eby adopted and confi~medas if ,all suchp~oceedings we~e expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Wa~den and p~operofficialsoftheCorpo~ation of the County of Elgin a~e herebyautho~ized and directed to do all things necessary to give ,effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Co~po~ation of the County of Elgin ~efe~~ed to in the p~eceding section he~eof. 3. TheWa~den and the Clerk a~e aUthorized anddi~ected to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix the~eto the Seal of the Co~po~ation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 8th day of Septembe~, 1982. READ a second time this 8th day of September, 1982. READ a thi~d time and finally passed this 8th day of Septembe~,1982. ~~ ;>4-.- /-:~ .0? (j2 C- . ~Shaw. Wen. G. C.. Leve~ton, Clerk. -J 315 October Session - Fi~stDay Wednesday, the , 2dth day of October, 1982 The Elgin County Council i11et this day at the County Municipal BUilding, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjou~nment. The. Warden in the Chair. Warden Shaw welcomed the Guests of the Councillo~s and outlined the itinerary for the day. He also thanked all the Membe~sof Council whoparticipat~din,the Vo~leyball Challenge with the City and hoped that we could accomplish the same thing, fo~ a third time, next year. ROLL CALL ~.All Members present except: Deputy Reeve Sheils; Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Caverly That the minutes of the September 1982 Sessidn,of the Elgin County, Council be adopted. - Carried. COMMUNICATIONS AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE 30'. Township of Yarmouth with a copy 'of a letter to CN Rail ~e: noxious' weeds on their right~of-way, St. Thomas to Port Stanley. 31. Township of Yarmouth requesting support fo~ th~ir-reso_ lution regarding C.N.R. property and noxious weeds. COUNTY GOVERNMEN!" COMMITTEE 9. Ministry of,the ,Solicitor General with information regarding the Grant Program re: Provincial Auto 'Extrication. 32. Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing with a cop~ of his"letter to Mr. R. K. McNeil, M.P.P., advising that no further funds will be forthcoming on the County's request for additional funds, under the Ontario Employment ~ncentive Program. COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE 3. Ontado Drain. Township of Malahide with a 90PY of a decision by the Drainage Tribunalwi~h ~espect, to the Putna~and B~ani~n; 20. Township of Yarmouth Committee of Adjustment advisin~'of a request for a minor va~iance to be heard October 7th, 1982. 22. Township of Yarmouth' requesting repairs to Concession 7 Road and Yarmouth Centre Roadwith.~espect .to ,hauling material to the St~Thomas' Airpo~t. . 23. . Borough of Etobicoke with resolution requesting the Provincial Government to enact legislation to require registration of trail bikes and drivers. 26. Township of Malahide with a copy of an appeal by Andre Van Koste~en re: the BranionDrain. 28. Ontado 'Good Road's Association with request for reso- lutions and proposed names for recognition of long service in the cause of good roads. 29. Ministry of Transportation and Communications with courses being offered throughout January, February and March 1983. 316 - 2 - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE - Continued 35. Memo No. Subsidy. 40. Provincial Offences Court, 30 St. Catherine Street, St. Thomas, with two summons to appear in Court. December 13th, 1982,for offences under Section 101 of The Highway ,Traffic Act (excess weight). Ministry of Transportation and Communications with 82-3 re: Subdivision Roads and Streets - Municipal Roads PERSO~EL COMMITTEE 24. Personnel Management Associ~tes offering their services for personnel matters. . 33. guidelines Program. Miitlsterof Municipal Affairs and, Housing with describing the two-yesr Ontario Municipal Training PROPERTY COMMITTEE 8. ditioner the Nora Elgin County Pioneer Museum turning the air coo- back to the County and,offeringto check,thecontents of Ogden Coomb Estate - October 22nd. 21. Mr. Dan Dale, Chairman, StoneWall Committee, Elgin Historical Society, requesting a',reply to their brief presented re: the stone from the Jail Wall. 34. INEX Air Leak~ge Control Inc. offering their Se~- vices re: problems related to energy loss. 36. Minister of Energy announcing that financial assistance is now also available under p~ase two of the Municipal Oil Conversion and Energy Conservation Program. 39. Ministry of ~nergy with additional information on phase two of the Municipal Oil Conversion Program. 45. Village of Vienna with resolution that the Nora Ogden Coomb property be turned over to the Village to carry out the terms of the will. ~ 2. the Annual in Regina, The Heritage Canada ~oundation with information on General Meeting, to be held during their Conference Saskatchewan on October 16, 1982. 4. Mr. M. G. Lewis, District Manager, Ministry of Natural Resources, thanking Council for reception on September 8th, 1982 and reminding that comments on the land use strategy should be forwarded promptly. 5. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing outlining organizational changes within the Community Planning Wing. 12. copy of Ontario Long Point Region Conservation Authority with a the 1981 Annual Report of the Chairman's Committee of the Conservation Authorities. 16. Family and Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with Allocation of Children In Care and Financial Statement to August 31st, 1982. 18. Wilfrid Laurier University adviSing that the follow- ing are the 1982 winners of the Elgin County scholarships: Miss Valerie L. Lysko 279 John Street North AYLMER Mr. Peter Skuce 17 Park Street AYLMER. ''-.J '-./ 'oJ v 'oJ '-J '-./ 317 w3 - County Council, October Session, 1982 FILED ~ Continued 19. Ministry of Community and Social Services with a copy of the remarks, made by the Minister, to A.M.O. - August 23rd, 1982. 25. Bank of Montreal with advice in changes in tthe loan interest rate as follows: Effective September 24" 1982' - decrease of %%to 15% Effective October 8, 1982 - decrease of %% to 14%%. 27. M. J. Hennessey, advising that Mr~ Stewart Bowsher and Mr. Jim WiUi8mshave,joined him in his taw practice. 37. The University of Western Ontario advising that the following persons were the winners of the>Elgin County schOlar- ships: Gopal Bhatnagar, R.,g. #6, ST. THOMAS Willem Meeuwisse,R. R. #7, ST. THOMAS Paula E. Axford, R. R. #5, ST. THOMAS Debra E~ Gray, 172 Centennial Avenue; ST. THOMAS. 38. Bank of Montreal advising ofa decrease in the loan interest rate: Effective October 15,1982 - decrease of 3/4 % to 133/4%. 41. Family and Children1s, Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with Allocation of.Chi1dren in Care and Financial Statement to S~ptembe~ 30,J982. 42. ,Ministry, of '~atural. Resources, with copies, of letters to: Mr. Arthur Ostrander; R. R. #1, FINGAL and Mr. pordon' Houghton, R-. R. #3"SHEDDEN', approvIng work proposed under the Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act and advising them to contact the County re: standing timber to be removed. 43~Ministry of Labour acknowledging receipt, of the. appli~ cation by the. London and District Service Workers I Union, LOcal 220, for a Conciliation Officer re: Terrace Lodge nego~ tiations. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Perovich That the disposition of the Communications mailed previously ' and those presented to-day, be approved (#1 to #45 inclUSive). - Carried. EMPLOYEE PRESENTATIONS Road Department - Warden Shaw and Chairman of the Roads Committee, Reeve Walters, presented the following certificates: 10 YE~! CERTIFICATE OF MERIT DerkS10etJes 1i-J~ MAHONY ROAD SCHOOL COURSE CERTIFICATE Ken Telfer Allan Moon C.S. ANDERSON ROAD SCHOOL COURSE CERTIFICATE Glen Cross JOM Brown 318 - 4 - Warden Shaw and Chairman of the Homes- for Senior Citizens Committee, Deputy Reeve McWilliam, presented the following certificate~ 10 YEAR CERTIFICATE OF MERIT Elgin Manor'- Mary B~rgess Nancy L. Stinson was not present for her certificate. The First Report of the County Government Co~ittee was presented by Reeve Monteith. Moved by, Reeve Montieth Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That the First Report of the County Government Committee be adopted. An amendment was Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That item #1 of the First Report of the County Government Committee be amended by dele'ting everything after the word "filedll 1n the third line. The amendment Carried. The original Report, as amended, was voted upon and Carded. The First Report of the Roads Commi tteewaspresented, by Reeve Walters and adopted on, motion of Reeve Walters and Reeve Caverly. ' The First Report of the Homes for SeniorCitizerts Com- mittee was presented by Deputy Reeve McWilliam and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve McWilliam and Reeve,Farthing. The First Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Marr. Move4 by Deputy Reeve Marr Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That the First Report of the Personnel Committee be adopted. An amendment was Moved by Reeve Monteith Seconded by Deputy Reeve Haddow That item #5 of the First Report of the Personnel Committee be amended to add the words lito the 1983 Personnel Committee" after the word "tabled" in the second line. The amendment was voted upon and Carried. The original Report, as amended, was voted upon and Carried. The Library Report was presented by Deputy Reeve Wakeling and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Wake ling and Reeve Stewart. The Tree Commissioner's Report was mailed previously to all Members of Council and Mr. Stafford was in attendance to answer any questions. 319 - 5 - County Council, October Session, 1982 Moved ~y Deputy Reeve Volkaert Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson That the Tree Commissioner's Report be adopted and printed in the proceedings. - Carded. The Weed lrispector'sReport was mailed to all Members of Council previously and Hi. Stafford was in attendance to'answer any questions. He had samples of marijuana and velvet leaf for the, Council to vi ew. Moved by-Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Reeve Millard That the Weed Inspector's Report be adopted and printed in,the proceedings. -Carded. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Walters That all Councillors bcallowed toattend'only two conventions each year, one of which maybe outside the Province. -MOTION LOST, - Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Farthing Th~t the resolution word"Province" and that this attend any number. be amended by adding after the not apply to -the Warden. who may' - AMENDMENT CARRIED - ~ Deputy Reeve'Neukammrequested'a recorded'vote. - Kelly (2), Perovich, Walters,Mpnteith (2),'Haddow (2),: Caverly (2), Neukamm (2), Farthing, Wakeling, Lashbrook! TOTAL VOTES - 15. McWillia~,Marr (2). Shaw (2), Stewart (2), VOlkaert, Millard,Glover (2), Pearson (2), Emerson, Hodgson. Lavereau, Coles, Smyth, Fleck. TOTAL VOTES 19. - RESOLUTION LOST - COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS ~ 1. Township of Delhi with advice that they endorsed the resolution from the Township of Norfolk re:frost damage on August 29th, 1982. 6. Ross C.' Bennett. M.D., Chief Coroner for Ontario, with a copy of the Verdict of Coroner's Jury and a letter from the Presiding Coroner, Dr. D. Sifton, re: the death of Aaron Miles - May 27th, 1982. 7. Village of Belmont requesting a grant of $60,000.00 for a new library, which will be part of a proposed combined Municipal Offices and Library Complex. 10. The Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit with a copy of the Financial Statements for the year ended December 31st, 1981. 11. Borough of Etobicoke with resolution re~uestingthe Province to reimburse the loss in tax revenue due to reduction in assessments of homes, insulate~byurea formaldehyde. 13. MervinL. Riddell, barrister & solicitor for the 1985 I.P.M., with copy of a letter from Sim & McBurney, stating that the County now has protection against the use of the logo and mascot. 320 - 6 - 14. The O~tarlo Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers' Marketing Board with a copy'of a letter and telex. addressed to the Honourable Eugene Whelan, Minister of Agriculture and copyaf resolution re: "KillerF't'oscll - August 29th, 1982. 15. Elgin County Pioneer Museum recommending Mrs. Marguerite Young as the County member at large on the musuem board for 1982-83. 17.. The Art GsllerySt. Thomas~Elgin with a copy of' Art Gallery News Up~Date. Sepcember1982. 44. East Elgin District Women's Institute with nominaclonto the Elgin Couney PIoneer Museum Board. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Glover That the request from the Village of Belmont for a grant of' $60.000.00,for anew library, which w111 be part of a proposed combined Municipal Offices and Library Complex be referred to the 1983 Council. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Reeve Emerson That the financial statement from The Elgin-St, Thomas Health Unit to December 31st, 1981 be received and filed for information. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Fleck That the resolution from the Borough of Etobicoke requesting the Province to reimburse the loss in tax revenue due to reduction in assessment of homes, insulated by urea formaldehyde be endorsed. - Carded. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Millard That the nominee to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum from the East Elgin District Women's Institute and suggestion from the Museum Board be tabled to the December Session. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Reeve Fleck That Council Communications numbered I, 6, 13, 14, 17 be filed. - Carded. Moved by Deputy Reeve Marr Seconded by Reeve Stewart That the Guests of the Councillors be allowed to attend the Committee meetings. -. 'Carried. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That we go into a Committee Of The Whole. - Carried. Warden Shaw appointed Reeve Walters as Chairman. 321 .:. 7 - County Council, October Session, 1982 Council Re-convened. Moved by Reeve Lashbrook Seconded by Reeve Glover That~we do now adjourn to meet again on October 20th, 1982 ,at 2:00 P.M. - Carried. Council Re-convened at-3:42p.M. ROLL CALL - All Members present except: Deputy Reeve Sheils. The_First Report of' the Agrxcultural Committee was pre- sentedby Reeve Kelly andadopteo on motionaf Reeve Kelly and Reeve Caverly. The Second Report of the Personnel Committee was pre- sented by_Deputy Reeve_Marr and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Marr '&ndReeve Hodgson', The First Report of the Property Committee was' presented by Reeve Emerson. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Farthing ThattheFir~t Report of, the Property ,Committee ~e adopted. An amendment was Moved by Reeve Walters Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That item #lof the First Repo~t of the Propertr. Committee be amended to add the following after the word 'paid~~ at the end of the sentence "and an account be forwarded to The' Elgin Military Museum for reimbursement!l. The amendment Carried. The Report, as amended, was voted upon and Carried. The First Report of the Reception andE~tertainment Committee was presented by Deputy ReeveVolkaert and adopt~do~ motion of Deputy Reeve Volkaert and Deputy Reeve Perovich. The First Report of the Social Services Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Haddow and adqpted on motion of Deputy Reeve Haddow and Reeve Walters. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Glover That we recommend that a grant of $600 be given Elgin County Pioneer Museum in December 1982 to cover the of paving the parking lot, as they were unable to qualify grant, under the Ontario Employment Incentive Program. to the cost for a -Carried. '-" Moved by Reeve Monteith Seconded by Reeve Farthing That By-Law-No. 82-49 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 81-38, Providing for the Procedures for the Election of the County Warden" be read a first time. - Carried. 322 - 8 - Moved by Deputy Reeve Marr Secondea by Reeve Farthing That By-Law No. 82~49 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Farthing Seconded by Reeve Monteith That By-Law No. 82~49 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Reeve Lavareau That By-Law No. 82-50 "Being a By_Law to Establish a be Paid for Personal Vehicles Used for County Business" a firsttlme. Rate to be read _. Carrh~d. Moved 'by.Deputy,ReeveWakeling Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That By-Law No. 82-50 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That By-Law No. 82-50 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carded. Moved by Deputy Reeve Haddow Seconded by Reeve Fleck That By-Law No. 82-51 "ABy-Law to Confirm Proceedings Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin October Session, 1982" be read a first time. of the at the - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McWilliam Seconded by Deputy Reeve Perovich That By-Law No. 82-51 be read a second time. ~ Carrieq. Moved by Reeve Coles Seconded by Reeve Fleck That By-Law No. 82-51 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McWilliam Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson That we do now adjourn (4:09 P.M.) to meet again on November 17th, 1982 at 10:00 A.M. - Carried. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. L. J. Shaw, Wa'I'den. * See amendment. below. 323 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT October Session, 1982 FIRST.REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee, -repo'I'ts as fol~ows,: 1. . _ That the report on procedures, with xespect to the election of Warden of a county government, prepared by the County and Regional Section of A.M.O., be filed and_ they be advised that the change to only one vote per 'Member, be endorsed. 2~ That the letter from the Ministry of the Solicitor General regarding ,the Grant Program,re:Provincial Auto EXtrication, be filed. . 3. . ,That theresolution.from_the aOrough of Etobicoke requesting the Province to enact legislation to require registration of trail bikes and drivers, be endorsed. 4. That the copy of the letter from the. Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, addressed'to Mr. R. K.McNeil, M.P.P., advising no further funds are available to the County, under ,the, Ontario Employment Incentive Program, b~ filed and the ElglnCountyPioneer Museum Board be so advised. 5. We reconullEmdthattheremuneration for Council and Warden for 1983 remai~ as is and'that it, b~ recommended that each Committee be requested to keep thi~ in mind, when negotiating rates for the various groups for 1983 and that the mileage rate be reviewed every six months. 6. The Clerk has been authorized to re-order 2,000 pens, similar to the burgundy ones presently inuse. 7. That the convention procedures be printed and handed out to all County Councillors at the December Session and that 'I'eimbursement be made within ten days after receipt of accounts. 8. Projects has been An application under the Canada Community Developmert (Canada Employment Program) in the amount of $71,800 autho'I'ized for submission by the County Engineer. 9. from each Session. We recommend that the Reeves and Deputy Reeves elect municipality be invited to attend the November ALL of which is respectfully submitted. * ;f/ E; C--...... K. E . e:.4.,.,h ,,4- Cha!' Montei th ':..of rman. ' amended b ~ . a c5L- the th!rdYlt~;et!ng eVerYthi~g. . f-' . . a ter the word Item 1 was "filed" in 324 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT OCTOBER. . SESSION' 1982 TO. THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPOR'l'S. AS POJ,I,QWS = l. A Contract has been let tQWalmsley Bros.., Litnitildof London, Ontario-at $,101,307;50 being the lowest; of four bidders for Hot Mix Asphalt Paving on,- (a) County Roao _ 32 the' remainder - of the base _ course between Highway 73. and the' Polite_ COllege G5lte. (b) Road 47"asphalt patching (spOt) one mile sputh of Avon and on Road 28 between Highway _ ~ and Elm Street. {Q) Road _ 20, asphalt resurfacing -in Port Stanley from the Port Stan~e'( School,southerly. (d) Road2Q, asphalt resurfacing from tM south' limit of Sh",dden southerly to cOll1plete the work between Shedden and Fingal in Southwald Township. 2. Construction at the St. 'I'homas AirPort continues, with good weather most of the earth nioving.connected with the west runway extension (1,80Ci') should be.completed this Fall. Storm drain work and placement of granular base continues. 3. Work continues on County Road 32 north of the Police Collegc entrancc. ALL OF WHICH IS' RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED. ~~~ ~fSL- 325 HOMES FOR SENIOR,CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT October Session, 1982 FIRST,REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as ,fol1pws: 1. TheDire~t9r has been au~h9riz~dto hold a banquet for the Ladies' Auxiliary of Elgtn:M,anor.,and Terrace Lodge on November 19th, 1982 at 1:00 P.M~ 2. TheOirector has been authorized to chair a Committee for the Ministry of Community and Social Services to deal with leve1s of'care tnHomes for the: Aged, throughout the Province. 3. . That the firm ofSpriet, Associates London Limited be engaged to draw up specifications on renewing, the roof at Elgin"Manor. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~SYdt._ ghat;m:~William. _~.._..:-> r-' . a' ) ~~V cL 326 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT October Session, 1982 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Membeis of the ElginCourity Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: * See amendment below. 1. That employees not covered by a collective agreement be given the following days off: Monday, December 27th, .1982 as Boxing Day Tuesday, December 28th; 1982 in lieu of Christmas. 2~ That the letter from Personnel M~nagemerit Associates offering their services, be filed. 3. That the guidelines describing the two-year Ontario Municipal Training Program from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, be filed. 4. We recommend that the Members of the Personnel Committee and Administration Personnel attend the meeting to be held .at the London City Hall re: Homes for the Aged wage negotiations on October 21st, 1982 at 7:30 P.M. 5. That the proposal to consider obtaining a' Personnel Director on a ,shared basis, be tabled, as the proposed Inflation Restraint Act is going to take care of increases for 1983. 6. That car allowance for the use of private_vehicles for County business be increased to27i per km or 44t per mile, effective November 1st, 1982 and the necessary by-laws be amended. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. G..-.-/ IV~ E. H. Marr Chairman. ' --;;~ <7'SL * Item 5 was amended to add "to the 1983 Personnel Committee" after the word "tabled" in the second line. 327 LIBRARY BOARD REPORT October Session 1982 To the Warden. and Members of Elgin COWlty COWlC;il, The Library Board reports as follows: 1. That, the lease ,with the Town of Aylmer' for the '.library in the building called The Old-Town Hall has beenaigned. 2 ~ . That a Xerox 610 typewriter has. been leased. for' six months at a price of $105.93-per month. 3. That Mrs. Christine A~ Shulist has been hired as the assistant in the West Lome Library. 4. That the Municipal Building in West Lome has been offered as a library'andthat a structural study by Spriet Associates, on the bUilding, with an upset limit of $750.00 has been authorized. 5. That~aCap1talBudget statement for 1980, 1981 and 1982 has been prepared by the a~ditor and staff and is appended. 6. That a letter has been received stating that , repairs to 'the amount of $11-,171.96 have been done to the roof of the Main Library in 1932'and that fUrther repairs'may be neceaaaryin 1993. 7. . That the quotatiCinfrom- Craik Lumber to the amoWl-t of. $4,992.00 for material to refinish the Springfield Libraryhaa been accepted. All of which is respectfully submitted. -1(\.1 'n. Q .Ot~ _ I~~' ~ Jpan Wakeling, Chai:rman, . Library Board. ~ L-r- ~r . 328 i1 i C1 ~ !3 o " " 8 '"' "' E-< !3 o ., " " . ., " " '"' '" ., . E-< " H " P. " ., " 329 . " 0" "'0 0... "'0 { .TREE COMMISSIONER'S REPORT October Session, 1982 "'0 ~~ ,,'" -"~ "'''' a:..~ ~ " '" '" ~ ,: g To the ,Warden and Members of the ElginCouncy Council, II ~'" 1""1.... ''; "'''' o-l'"'!,; ~ This being-my first. report on the forests of Elgin County. I must comment Mr. Jack Baker has. had things well in hand. Loggers know the Tree By-:Law. and ask before they begIn cutting. I receivenumerou$ calls regarding cutting of firewood,fence row clearings,Bnd--the.cuttirig 'of trees obstructing, tile drains. Bulldozing projects have been at a virtual halt this Summer,; perhaps a consequen,ce of high interest rates. II ~ " '" ~ ~ -0 There exists still some land clearing permits in the County that were never called in, and. lack an expiry date. Work on one permit . was 'completedthis FalL A section of the farm .was reforested,and a healthy stand of six to.ninefoot pine. spruce and cedar now occupies the area. Mr. Baker had outlined the desired procedure in 1974 and the farmer followed through most favourably. I would like to recommend for consideratio~ a change in the Elgin County Tree By~Law. The planting of s~edlings should precede clearing by at least one year. This area, equal to_the area to be cleared,shouldbe supervised fora period of three. years. This would eliminate possible problems with.farmers.re~planting ~nd_would insure the prQsperity of the new ,stand. I would like to take this opportunity. to thank the Members of Council and George Leverton and his Office Staff, for without their assistance and advice this could have been a troublesome year for,me. The Ministry of Natural Resources at Aylmer, their Office Staff, MervTodd, Brian Kincaid, Township Clerks and Staff,havealso volunteered a most appreciated assistance. A special vote of gratitude is extended to the Agricultural Committee; who took time outside Council to assist_and accompany me QUmy inspections; .............O\N.Of<\O\r--o.O\OO"tOO\"tO ';~ ~~';<;.~""'!~~ '1'~ C'!.~.~ "tO04rlrlj'COt'--,^4'400,^,^ 8~f;;g~.......~~"tOgO\:Q~.g;.~ ~ ...t(\!o. rl " " -" '" NJ "'. "''' "" ~.5 .. . o. 0" '. ~" ~. "" 0... "... o ...,j ". ~o" -1''d'=: "'1" " " '" . O'dolJ 'l\~; n. .... . .. 00<> "'... "rl " ~ o '" N ~ '" ,,' 00 ~~ "''' "'''' 0'" ~ p, . " ~ ill It. 8"''''''''~O''''''~ . ~~~f';~~~~. 'l\NO'>\OtIOt'--t'--ll"\N t'--ONll"\-:t.......'\ON'\O --tt'--'l\-t..............N-:t~N '" ~ " ~ -D-:t'l\ON ~~.~~~ ~g~S~ t'--t'--rlOrl tIO"rl" " " ~ ... ,~LI L ~ Charles C !I.~.~ Elgin C' Staford ountYjree' __--- .' Commission ~/>~<fS~ ALL of:which is respectfully submitted. " ... . . ~ 8 at %'0 .~ .~ Q) s.. ~ m ~ gp E:f 8:=0 :f:fil ~ :;l ~.~ ~O:.~ ::::.~ .~ ~.. p, . rlrl 01 r-l ~ rl rl rl ~ 'd. .. Q)Q) 'dMW ~Q) W w~ ~ us.. l..c:l~..c:l III ~ ~~::J !>.lIl rl'r-llll .j.) p.,1jj t53 t53'M III W,8 ww WIll~ W I s.. WI l~" '" ~rl'd ~ W 1ll'Cl _ p., !Il 1ll"C s.. 4l W 0 U ~ '. ~~ ~ ::J~u ~s.. III U M::J ~ III III lIlrl O.j.)~lll .j.)lIl~~ Nlll ~lIll~ ~.j.)8 ::JI ~ ~ WI O~.j.) ~I~ NU .j.)W~ ~~.j.) ~.j.)~ ~ lIl~~ 'd~CIl<ll ~lIl.oW I Wrl~ww :>-E'r-lWW'M~WW w.o f:::JW M~.~ .~&8 I g8.:::~'ci~ at~E~SE~8~lIl~;j oB,!:1 i:lJ%...j.).j.)W s.. ~ to'r-l.j.)op.,lll~ .drz..::S.j.):a;j.j.).j.).o.p.o p,~!>. .r-llo..,'r-l~ l~rl'r-lQ)_~'r-lW~.j.)'r-l C/j Irz..~orz..s..~ l:a I U p.,to-t< ~::lto-t E.E::l ~.::: E ~ ~ 0 fg-fu:l ~.j.).j.) J..;:j~e~aE~ oe;q ~ A ~ o'r-lO:::l'r-l'r-l'lj~.:::I.j.)'r-le~ ~ '.:::I'r-l'r-ls..'r-l~::S .t'W;j~CIl.o ow, J%..~ rz..i:l~~~J%..~'d.j.)rz..WW.j.)J%.."C'dlll~lllJ%..UlllQrz..s..~~:::I ~~lIl 1..c:l!>.1 ~,dH(Il1 ~WlIll u.oo.., I Ol)<lIs....c:l~ I ~~ I oouo.., ow~ ~O~~:::lo ;j~~~i:li:l~e ~s..~.oO.o~H.oW~rl,8" ",8.. W8'r-llllJ>:.,O<ll'dlll~UOil!r..t:::lr..tlllUU;jO;jil! ;js..lllO Oll;lM .op., ~ ~~~u~~~,~U~~HO~~s.. U ~~ ~~~I~me'~M ~'dp.,os..'d,d U'd.W~U ~WUW~O'do~~o 0 .p olf ~'r-l~ 1ll~;3:~::>: ~rllll::';;:~.j.) M::>:rlrl'r-l ~~~.p'r-l~::>: ~ @s...c:o as tlllO 'lllU ~lll 0 OlllW Ollllll lIlllls..CIls..W~W <ll~wHu~~~ Z..c:l~~ ..c:l~(Il~rl~>~lIlrlrl~~~lllQlll~.j.)llla~a s rl ~~ U ~O.O<llrl ~ rl~rls..rls..~~.j.)d~ (Il.j.)r'-l~r'-l rl .00 > o~~~&~8~u~~B~~~~~568~8u~8~~~~~~~&~~ . . ... ~ 330 WEED INSPECTOR'S REPORT October Session, 1982 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council'. As' Weed Inspector,' ~ have the advantage' of seeing parts of Elgin County mo~tpeople clauot. I have compared many crops, across this County 'and have' foutl.d ;this'year's yield below that of 1981. The relatively dry period 10&ar1y Spring followed by a wet spell in May-June,' set planting behind schedule. Some crop damage occurred. in 'winter whea,t and beans in low lying areas. The early frost at the end ,of August took its toll in tobacco, soyabeans,whitebeans and vegetable crops as' well. Theaefactors which have resulted in a poorer yield in this year's crops, have not affected the hardiness of the weed population. Many farmers' with crops such as carrots. tobacco, beans, potatoes and other vegetables have spent a' few hours mowing the area their fields border County Roads. This hasbeeri very effective in eliminating further weed problems. They have saved ,the Township and County time and money, improved the appearance of the roadside, as well as their image in the community. It is most gratifying to see roadsides so well manicured anddefi?itely leaves a favourable impression 'on visitors to the County. Weed ,spray:i;ng, 'programs ort, sol'liefa~s appears inadequate. On further inqufry", the explanation on too many occasions was metric-imperial 'conversion difficulties in measuring chemicals. In many cases weeds were unaffected-by too low chem1cal,conten~; ,in others crop, damage occurred by too_- h1ghacontent.,I w:ouldliketQ'recommend ,instruction sheets 'in imperia_I measuremtmt, 'including precautions,',be made avai'lableto ,farme'rs'purchaslng chemicals for use in their.olderimperial.;...basedsprayers. With the use of bar sprayers or rub-bar treaters, possibly improper tractor speed during application has affected the success>of their 'program. Towrishipsin Elgin County ,have operated satisfactory spraying programs this year with few exceptions. Yarmouth Township, in particular, has managed a most effective weed cutting procedure. Mowing extends fence to fence having been thoroughly done twice, and in specifiC areas, a third time. The County, ,again this year" is inadequate in specific areas with their 'weed control. Requests to have certain locations cut were made twice and other requests have been completely ignored. The explanation received was insufficient funds available for weed cutting. It is hoped Council will see fit to increase monies budgeted for road weed control, as we need to clean up for the 1985 Plowing Match. The railways in Elgin County have been and continue to be a problem. Insufficient funds had been budgeted for weed control. Notices were issued to the American-owned railway systems. The Canadian National Railway was most co-operative when need arose for their attention. Railway officials became discouraged with their spraying program when farmers issued complaints of spray damage. Mowing projects were initiated this year. Unfortunately, some inconsiderate individuals have used the railway property as a place to dump brush and refuse. This makes mowing difficult to impossible, in specific areas. Demanding the railway mow weeds to prevent their encroachment on adjoining properties seems ridiculous, when these same property owners discard their rubbish on railway property. :331 - 2 - The Mini~try of Transportati9n and Communications has been spraying their roada1l6wance, covering more miles of highway this year than in the past. At the March meeting with the M.T.C. called by the district Weed Inspectors, we were promised increased funds will be spent on highway spraying 1n1983. ,The M.T~C..haspurchased a largeall~terrain sprayer that is: capable of'maneuveringin most every type of roadside. Another meeting is scheduled for later this month, at which we hope' to' inspect their new sprayer and continue improving ourworkirig agreement with this Ministry. Iwill be promoting meetings such as these with the railway people so that we, the Weed Inspect?rsof Southwestern'Ontario, will be'tter understand their problems a'nd they ours. Elgin is a,large County requiring ,the co.;...operation of many people in an area of such diversified croppi~g. I have enjoyed working intheCountythi~ year and look forward to 1983, serving"the'people to the best of my ability. This is my first report to Council as a group and not just a Committee. I would like to thank you for the oppo~tun1ty of meeting and serving peop~ein such a rewarding capacity. Sincere appreciation !s extended ,to George' Leverton and his Staff, who took the time to answer my many questions and locate information I required. Clerks and their Staff in the Townships have made me'feel most welcome, Road' Grews were courteous and friendly, Agricultural Representatives and their Staff were most helpful. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. iJ_f..( ~~ Charles Elgin C C. Sta ford, ._...-..,ry Weed Inspector. ~Y5~. .332 AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT Oct~berSesslon. 1982 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That the copy ora letter to the eN Rail, from the Township of Yarmouthre: noxious weeds on their right-of~way be filed. 2. .. ThAt the resolution from the :ToWnship Qf:Yarmouth, requesting the Canadian NationaL Railway tacut 'their noxious weeds, and ,the right-of-way fences be maintained for .the area Talbot Subdivision - St. Thomas to Port Stanley be 'endorsed. 3. That we recommend that the 1983 Committee review the practice of. bulldozing brush into the woods and destroying other trees and the planting of seedlings before cutting of trees is permitted. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. 333 PERSONNEL 'COMMITTEE ,REPORT October Session, 1982 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members, of the Elgin County Council, ThePersortnel Committee,reports as follows: 1. Thatempl~yees not covered, bya,collective agreement be given - Monday, January 3rd, 1983 off in lieu of New Year's Day. Z. That we recommend that the employm~rit of Mrs. Marie Learn, of the Elgin Manor Staff. be extended for an additional year beyond her retirement date of October 31st, 1981. 3. We recommend that we proceed with the proposed sick leave conversion for the employees not covered by collective agreements, effective January 1st, 1983. subject to compliance with any Provincial Legislation passed under the Inflation Restraint Act, 1982. ALL' of, which is respectfully, submLtted. Uv-J /(. ~. E. H. Marr; Chairm~,:, ... r;;?r:1 ~r0~ 334 * See amendment below. , i it, "1 I! 'Ii '::j 'j PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT October Session, 1982 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgintounty Council. The Property 'Committee reports-as 'follows: 1. , Tha.'t, the account' from M.j . Hennessey & AssocLa.tes in the amount of $232.00 for legal work required tn connection with The Elgin Mil+tary Museum be paid. 2. Tost thE! Clerk,havethe-. ai;r conditinerat the Elgin Gounty Pioneer Museum (from the Aylmer Library) removed to the Court House basement f~r storage until req9ired. 3. , That the Elgin Historical Society-be advised: that the stone from the Jail Yard Walls has been stored at the County Garage, property and no decision has been made on its use or9isposition and,as far as items 3, 4 and 5 are concerned a restoration' architect may be called in before anything is done to the CourtHouse. 4. That the'letter fr6mINEX Air Leakage Control Inc. offering their services re: problems related to energyl6ss be filed. 5. ,That the two letters from the Ministry of Energy te: phase two of the Municipal Oil Conversion an~ Energy Conaervation"Programbe received and filed for information. 6. That in order to attempt to reduce vsndalism on the Court House Block that any children found to be playing on the grounds on more than one occasion be requested for their name and address and a letter forwarded to their parents, by the Chairman, asking for their co~operation in' requesting their child to refrain from playing here. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. "rj7~ ~~a~n~ S'~ * Item I was amended to add the following after the word "paid" at the end of the sentence Hand an account be forwarded to The Elgin Military Museum for -reimbut'sement". 335 RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE REPORT October, S,ession. 1982 FIRST REPORT To the Warden snd Members of the Elgin County Council, The Reception and Entertainment Co~ittee- reports, a,sfoltows: 1. That the Sh,er:f,.dan, Inn be obtained to cater to the Warden1s Banquet. ALL of which is -respectfully submitted. 'Gha~~~;;lkae-rt I -~~<fS~ 336 SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT October Session, 1982 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Social Services Committee reports as,follows: 1. That the Director be author1zed to attend the O.M.S.S.A.'stwo-day fall seminar, in Toronto~ with expenses paid. 2. That we recommend that the Warden and Clerk be authorized to sign an agreement for Day Nursery Care with the Forest Ave. Day Nursery, St. Thomas. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. e;4/ftrU~ 337 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 82-49 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 81-38; PIWVIDING FOR THE PROCEDURES FOR THE ELECTION OF THE CDUNTYWARDEN.}' WHEREAS By-Law-No. 81-38 presently sets out the procedures to be used in the election of the County Warden; and WHEREAS this by-law also sets out on ,which Wednesday in December this election is to take place; and WHEREAS it has been deemed advisable to maintain the Second Wednesday in December as the 'date for the inaugural Session and election of Warden in each and every year. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpo~ ration of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That :Paragraph 1 of By-Law No. 81-38 be deleted and the following substItuted therefore - The Clerk or Deputy Clerk of the County shall take the Chair at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of the Second Wednesday of the month of December in each year, or at such hour and on such day thereafter as he shall find the majority of the Members of the Council present, in the Council Chamber. READ a first time this 20th day of October. 1982~ READ a second time this 20th day of October; 1982. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of October, 1982 ~~~, .~--"- ) --:;:q:;~!L ,~ Wa ,den. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 338 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 82-50 !tEEING A BY-LAW'TO ESTABLISH A RATE TO BE PAID FOR PERSONAL VEHICLES USED FOR: COUNTY BUSINESS;" WHEREAS certain persons' are required, asa condition of employment, and others are called upon, from time to time, to use their personal vehicle for County business; and WHEREAS it is deemed Mipropriate that..they be reim- bursed while driving for this pUrpose. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of 'the Corpo- ration of the County. oEEts!n enacts as follows: 1. That Members of Council, ,Employees, Members of the Land Division Committee;' Appointees to other Boards and any other persons, who use their personal vehicle for County business. shall be reimbursed at the following ~ate _ 44~ per mile or 27~ per kilometre. 2. That By-Law No. 81....65 be, and the same is hereby repealed. 3. That this by~taw become effective November 1st, 1982. READ a first time this 20th day of October,1982. READ a second: time this 20th day of'October,1982. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of October, 1982. ~~ --) -' e~ C/~ _,(' ..r- . J.~aw, Warden. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 339 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 82-51 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS, OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGiN AT THE OCTOBER SESSION, 1982.11 WHEREASby Section 90f The' Municipal Act'" being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of ontario, 1980, the powers 'of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 -of Section 103 of The Municipal Act, ,being' Chapter 302 of t,he, Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of every COUncil are to be exercised by By-Law; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council, of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin enacts as fo11~ws: 1. That action'of the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the .county of Elgin in respect of each tecommen;., dation contained in ,the Reports qf the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal,Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the Octoberl982 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if'all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. , ,The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referredtQ in the, preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents, necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 20th day of October, 1982. READ a second time this 20th day of October, 1982. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of October, 1982. ~~ /~,)~~ ~ .. Shaw, W rden. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 340 November Session- First Day Wednesday, the 17th day of November, 1982 The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municlpal Building, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROl L CALl - All Members p~esent. - In addition., five of the six newly-elected Reeves and Deputy Reeves were in attendance to observe the pro'ceedings,. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That the minutes of the October 1982 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried; COMMUNICATIONS COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE 8. Ontario Hydro with request forao appointment to both the transformer station study and the study of the Highway 401 CorridorCornmittee re: the expansion of the elect~ical system in Southwestern Ontario. COUNTY ROADS 2. Ministry of Transportation and Communications with copy of Memo No. 82-3A ~e: use of Km/h Tabs on Speed Limit Signs. 21. Ministry of T~ansportation and Communications with information on work projects scheduled on the Ministry's five year construction program. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE 17. Ontario Hospital Association with notice re: possibility of increased Wo~kmen's Compensation costs due to costs incurred re: claims. 19. London and District Service Worke~sl Union, Local 220, with nominee to a Board of Arbitration re: Te~race Lodge Employees. PROPERTY COMMITTEE 12. M. ,J. Hennessey & Associates with opinion on the Nora Ogden Coomb property. 25. Elgin County Pioneer Museum advising that action, in the form of resolution passed June l8th,l982, which indicated they did not wish to accept any responsibility whatsoever for the setting up and operation of the Pioneer Edison Home Museum in Vienna, was confirmed at a meeting held November 12th, 1982. FILEQ 1. M nistry of Transportation and Communications advising that effect ve October 4th, 1982, Mr. T. A. Hickey has assumed the respons bilities of District Municipal Engineer, formerly held by Mr. Howard Greenly. 3. township of Malahide with a copy of the D.M.B. decision approving Restricted Area By-Law 1925, as amended. 4. mation Study. Ontario Hydro advising of dates and locations of infor- centres to be held re: Southwestern Ontario Route Stage 341 - 2 - 6. Ridgetown College of Agricultu~alTechnology advising that the winners of the Elgin County scholarships are: David DenBoer ShirleyannVandecasteele R. R. #5 R. R.#l ST. THOMAS SPRINGFIELD. 9. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing with copy of the "Community DeN'elopmentPatte~ns and Enf;!~gy Conservation Study". 11. Ontario ,Recycling Information Centre advising ofa con- ference to be held, Saturday, Novembe~ 20th, 1982, in Toronto, 13., V. Lynn Lysko withappreciatiorifor Elgin County award f~om Wilfrid Laurier University. 14. P. Allert Skuce with appreciation for County of Elgin award from Wilfrid Laurier University. 18. Minist~y of Labour advising that conciliation has resulted in no collective agreement. 20. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing advising that effective Novembe~ 1st, 1982, Mr. Fred Peters replaces Miss Linda Stevens, as Director, Housing Field Operations Branch, Housing P~ograms Division. 22. . Bank of Montreal advising that the prime interest rate has been ~educed by 3/4% to 13%, effective November 12th, 1982'. Moved by Deputy Reeve Haddow Seconded by Reeve Lashb~ook That the disposition of the Communications mailed p~e~ viouslyand those presented to-day, be approved (#1 'to #25 inclusive). - Car~ied. EMPLOYEE PRESENTATION ~arden Shaw and Chairman of the Library Committee; Deputy Reeve Wakeling, presented a Twenty~FiveYea~ Ce~tificate and Watch to Thelma Greenfield, an employee of-the Elgin County Library Board who will be retiring on December 31st, 1982,after some twenty-five years of serVice. presented and Reeve The Fi~stReport of the County Government ,Committee, was by Reeve Monteith and adopted on motion of Reeve Monteith Fleck. The First Repo~tof the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Walters and adopted on motion of Reeve Wa1te~s and Reeve Caverly. The Report of the Library Board was presented by Deputy Reeve Wakelingand adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Wake1ing and Deputy Reeve Perovich. The Treasurer's Report on Receipts and Expenditures fo~ the periodJariua~ylst to Octobe~3lst, 1982 was mailed along with copies of the T~easurer's Statement of Remuneration and Expenses for the Members of the Elgin County Council and appointees to outside boards, for the period ending October 20th, 1982, prior to County Council. Moved by Reeve ,Walte~s Seconded by Reeve Stewart That the Treasurer's Report on Receipts and Expenditures for the period January 1st to October 31st, 1982 be accepted and printed in the proceedings. - Ca~ried-. 342 - 3 - County Council. November Session, 1982 j~' ~ Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Reeve Monteith That the Tte~surerls Statement on Remuneration and Expenses for the Members of Elgin County Council to October 20th, 1982 be accepted and printed in the proceedings. - . Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve McWilliam Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That the Treasurer's Statement on Remuneration ~nd Expenses to October 20th, 1~82 for appointees to the St. Thomas Suburban Roads ,Commission, ~lgin County Library Board and Members of the Land Division Committee be accepted and printed in the proceedings. Carried. The Director/Administrator Report on Homes for Senior Citizens for the period January 1st to October 31st, 1982, was mailed to all Members of Council previous1y~ Moved by Deputy Reeve Volkaert Seconded by Reeve'Hodgson That the Director's Report on Homes for Senior Citizens be accepted and 'printed in the proceedings. -'Carried. Moved 'by Deputy Reeve Perovich Seconded by Reeve Smyth That the monthly payments to the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit: be altered to the amount of the 1982 submitted budget ($164,598.00) and the balance qwingbe divided equally between the months of November and December for payment. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Farthing That the Reeves and Deputy Reeves-Elect,be allowed to sit iriduring the Committee meetings as observers. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That the Elgin County Council ,send a letter to the Honourable Frank Drea, Minister of Community and Social SerVices, objecting to the proposed closing of the S.T.A.R.T. Centre at the St. Thomas Psychiatric Hospital. The objection is based on the following reasons and considerations: (a) The Ministry did not discuss, the proposed cloSing with the City of St. Thomas or area Municipalities prior to making the decision. (b) The Ministry has not provided information or specifics regarding new homes for the present residents, such as, the type of home, the location and the fuuding. (c) There are 130 patients in the local program, of which only 22 are suitable to locate in their own apartments, the rest are more severely handicapped or retarded and need greater care. (d) The 137 people working at the Centre, will have to bedis~ located to other Centres or join the ranks of the area unemployed. (e) The estimated annual loss to the area economy is $3 Million Dollars; and That copies of this resolution be sent to M.P.P.Ron McNeil and Premier William Davis. - Carried. 343 - 4 - Reeve Farthing declared aconflict-of-interest on this matter and refrained from discussing or voting on the subject. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS 5, 7." to the The Salvation Army with request for financial support. Municipal Chapter of St. Thomas I.O~D.E., with nominee Elgin Courity Pioneer Museum for 1983. '~-,' 10. The Association of Kinsmen Clubs with request to adver- tise in their special issue of its KIN ~aga2ine to be produced in February. 15. Mr; W. B. Main, Chairman, Finance Admin:lstratton, !oP.M. with request for- funds and advising they would like the balance of $1,000.00 early in19~3. 16. St. Thomas-Elgin General Rospital with notice of special general meeting to be held November 19th, 1982, at 2:00 P.M. to elec~five Governors and other business as required. 23,. _ Catfish Creek Cons'ervatiOn Authority with their "Water- shed Plan - Goals and Objeptives" and ,requesting 'that it be reviewed and return comments by December 24th, 1982. 24. Ontario Human Rights Commission requesting municipalities to give appropriate significance to December 10 - Human Rights Day. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded byDe~u~yReeveHaddow That the request from The Salvation Army for a grant in 1983 be tabled -to .the FebrUary 1983 meeting dealing with grants. - Carried. '-' Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That the nominee to the Elgin County , Pioneer Museum Board, from the Municipal Chapter of St. Thomas I.O.D.E. be tabled to the December 1982 Session. - Carried. Correspondence #10 from the AssOciation of Kinsmen Clubs was discussed and Reeve Glover declared a conflict-of-interest in this matter and did not take part in the discussion or voting on it. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Millard Resolved that the 1982 grant for the International Plowmen's Association be made available as needed. - Carried. -~ Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Marr Resolved that the County of Elgin reconfirm the appoint- ment.of Reeve Monteith and Reeve Fleck as representatives of the County of Elgiq to "the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital Board for the year 1982. Carried. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Reeve Caverly That Council Communications numbered 10, 23, 24 be filed. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sheils That we go into a Committee-Of~The-Whole. - Carried. 344 - 5 - County Council, November Session, 1982 Warden Shaw named Reeve Glover to act as Chairman. Council re-convened. Moved by Deputy Reeve Sheils Seconded by Reeve Glover That we do now adjourn to meet again on ,November 17th, ~982 at 2:00 P.M. .,.. Carried. Council re-convened at 3:19P.M. ROLL CALL - All Members present. The First Report of the Personnel Committee was'pre.,- seuted by Deputy Reeve Marr and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Marr and Reeve Hodgson. The First, Report of the Property Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Reeve Farthing. Moved by Reeve Kelly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Perovich That Elgin County Council recommend to the Ministry of Education that a candidate for a Board of Education be required to be a resident of :the area which he represents and that the School Act be amenqed to correct the deficiency and a copy be sent to the local M.P.P. 's and the Minister of Educatiori and circulate it to other Counties and the local Board of Education and A.C.R.D. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Fleck That By-Law No. 82-52 lIBeing a: By-Law for the Regu).ation of Traffic" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By-Law No. 82-52 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Reeve Monteith That By-Law No. 82-52 be read 8,third time and finally passed. -' Carried. Moved by Reeve Farthing Seconded by Reeve Coles That By-Law No. 82-53 "A By-'Law to Appoint a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer~' be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lashbrook Seconded by Deputy Reeve McWilliam That By~Law No. 82-53 be read a second time. - Canied. 345 - 6 - Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Reeve Smyth That By~LawNo. 82-53 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Walters Seconded by Reeve-Lashbrook That By-Law No. 82-54 ITA By~Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal-Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the November Session, 1982'1 be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Farthing Seconded by Reeve Walters That By-Law No. 82-54 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Perovich Seconded by Reeve Kelly That By-LawNo~82-54 be read_a third time and finally passed. - Carried. The following Members of the 1982 County Council were presented with pen sets and their name plates, as they will not be returning to Council in December: Reeve K. M.Kelly, Township of Aldborough Reeve G. E. Walters, Township of Dunwich Warden L. J. Shaw, Township of Yarmouth Reeve R. S. Millard, Township of South Dorchester Reeve S. J. Glover, Town of Aylmer Reeve D. Farthing, Village of Dutton. Various Members of County Council took this opportunity to express Seasons Greetings to all, offering congratulations to the Warden on his year and saying good-bye to the retiring Councillors. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Reeve Emerson That we do, now adjourn sine die (3:51 P.M.). - Carried. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. Warden. 346 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1982 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members_ of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows; 1. That we purchase 100 .;.. 9 inch plates with the County Crest, from Canadian Art China Ltd. at a cost of $48.00 per dozen plus artwork and taxes. to give out as gifts. for visiting dignitaries. 2. That we recommend that Reeve Monteith he appointed as our representative and Reeve Hodgson alternate, to the ~ransformer station study and the study of the Highway 401 Cor'ridor Committee of the Ontario,Hydro, re:'the' expansion of the electrical system in Southwestern Ontario and that they receive Committee Pay for attending 'any meetings, with the understanding that mileage will be paid by,theOntario Hydro. 3. That we suggest the 1983 Committee review the pro- cedure used for appointments to local boards and committees, including the possible effect the proposed new Planning Act may have on the Land Division Committee. 4,. That all mileage for Council attendance for Committee and Council meetings be converted to,kilometres. 347 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMI'rTEE FIRST REPORT NOVEMBER SESSION 1982 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELCINCOUNTY COUNpIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE, REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Walmsley Bros. Limited of London have completed their contract with the County of Elgin for hotmilC asphalt pavement on Roads #47, #28, #32, Road #20 at Port Stanley, Road #20 between Shedden and Fingal and Road #20 between the north limit of Shedd(1) and Highway #40r. It was found by your Oormiittee that sufficient funds were available to' complete, t.he resurfacing of, Road #20 between Shedden and Highway #401. 2. Walmsley Br,os.Limited of London havecomp1eted, their contract with the County of Elgin for hot. mix asphalt pavement at the St. Thomas Airport. Only minor trimming, fencing and' placement of concrete block wall!> iltthl.' lulnt ;lm1 outlet or th~ slx ((,) rnot dLlm('tf'r ALL of which is respectfully submitted. :,1,' culvert pipe remain t,} be cOlllpl<!tcu thts, Fall. '4'E.,d~~ ~h~f SL- 3. The Salt Storage Building at the OUnwich Township Garage at l>Jtto;ln is nearly completed. Two (2) sanders will operate from this location this Winter. 4~ Sand base and crushed gravel work continue on Road #32 between the Police College entrance and Concession IX. It is hoped to do some work north of Concession IX this Fall. WE RECOMMEND 1. That a by..law be pa,Ss('od to prohibit parldngon certili~ sections of County Road (50 sections) and to regulate traffic and par~ing on all County Roads. The by-law incorporates present County Law restricting parking and includes restrictions requested by various municipalities. The by-Iaw.has b<!en developed in consula,tion with the municipalities. Continued. '. . 348 COlJNl'Y OF ~:r..GIN RllA!J GOMM1'I"1'1':I'; FiRST REPORT ~ NOVJ:.'MlIER SESSION 1982 PACE 2. 2. That a by..law be passed appointing Charles Stafford. Municipal Law Enforcement Officer. 3. That a by_law b(l passed appointing. members of. the. Town of Aylmer Police Force to act. as Municipal Law Enforcement Officerswithin the Town of Aylmer. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED .~W\\'J",~ .-:z:;;~ 5~ " Wakeling, irman~. , El::;~sL 349 LIBRARY BOARD REPORT November Session 1982 To the Warden and-Members of Elgin County Council, The Library Board reports as follows: 1. _ That the quotatlon of Temp Control Foam C6. for noise suppression treatment of the van to a-coat of $350.00 haa been accepted; 2. That the quotation ofWiltaie Truck Bodies Ltd, to an amount of $560.00 for putting plywood on the interior of < the van be.accepted. 3. That the quotation from DictaphOne for an amount of $l,23g~74 for a dictaphone be accepted. All of which is respectfully submitted. 350 COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT November Session, 1982 To the Warden and Members of the'Elgin County Council, I beg td submit the following statement of Receipts and Expenditures from January 1st, 1982 to October 31st, 1982: RECEIPTS Balance in Bank and On Hand J~nuary 1st, 1982 County. Rates County Rates-Collected Under Section 43 Interest Received County Roads Land Division Committee Court House Recoveries Recovery of Rentals Welfare - Administration - Day Nursery - Benefits" General Support Grant Resource Equalization & Apportionment Guarantee Grant Regis-try Office Temporary Borrowing Workmen's Compensation Premium Payable Employee Deductions Payable Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit Miscellaneous Revenue Pay~oll Suspense EXPENDITURES Counc 11 Membe~s Administration - Salaries Administ~ation BUildings Court House Maintenance Grants Miscellaneous Expense County Roads Children's Aid Society and Supplies - Budget - Board Members Elgin Manor Terrace Lodge Transferred to Transfe~red to Interest Agriculture Registry Office Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit County Library - Budget - Board Members Land Division Committee Welfare - Administration - Benefits Elgin County Pioneer Museum - Board Members Hospitals & District Health Council - Board Members Southwestern Ontario Travel Association - Member Transferred to Debenture Account Temporary Borrowing - repay Workmen's Compensation Write-Off at Taxes Employee Deductions Payable St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission International Plowing Match Committee Short Term Investment Parking Lot Balance in Bank October 31st, 1982 $1,582,455.75 3,476:.19 57 ,893.66 3,066,887.98 7;376.50 26,702;07 32,730.70 47,886.63 5,813.60 508.997.93 145,113.00 244,450.00 5,151.02 1,175,000.00 38,123.61 1,008,830.26 43,627.00 75.00 260.72 $ 89,685.63 105,532.97 19,394.73 38,466.80 3,120.00 227.33 3,711,131.75 85,827.00 1,825.64 134,500.00 31,500.00 13,096.16 20,013.76 7,011.36 159,509.00 372,127.11 2,428.37 24,690.29 115,150.79 568,786.99 800.55 2,863.97 141.29 33,000.00 l,n5,000.00 26,478.17 12,255.47 996,646.90 602.40 500.00 300,000.00 1,761.17 $ 232,238.33 8,000,851.62 $8,233,089.95 8,054,075.60 179,014.35 $8,23},089.95 351 - 2 - ELGIN. MANOR Balance in Bank arid On Hand January 1st, 1982 Receipts $ 89,227.89 1,612,310.42 $1,701,538.31 1,693,757.53 $ 7,780.78 Expenditures Balance in Bank and On Hand October31st,,1982 TERRACE. LODGE Balance in Bank and On Hand January 1st, 1982 Receipts $ 17 ,521. 71 864,95'6'.86 $ 882,4 78~57 881,212.10 $ 1,266.47 Expenditures Balance in Bank and OriHa~ October 31st, 1982 ALL'of which is respectfully submitted. ~ G. C. Leverton, County Clerk and Treasurer. ) 352 TREASURER'S STATEMENT ON REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES Novembe~ Session, 1982 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council. I beg to submit the following itemized statement of the remuneration, mileage and expenses, paid to each Member of Elg~ri County Council, during the calerid~r year ending October 20th, 1982: Remuneration and Miles2e Counci 1 and Outside Committee ~ Conventions * By-Law No. 82-25 By-Law No. 81~63 lli2- To By-Law No. 82-14 By-La,w No. 79-1 By';'Law No. 82-2 !2lli 'Caverly, W.R. $ 1,579.30 $ 383;70 $ 1,754.00 $ 3,717.00 Coles, R.F. 895.00 1,284.60 2,356.40 4,536.00 Emerson, K.C. 1,538.80 1,$38.80 Farthing, D. 1,671. 30 1.079.00 2.750.30 Fleck, J.R. 1,704.60 378~60 954.00 3,037.20 Glover, S.J. 1,563.20 722,.50 2,183.80 4,469.50 Haddow; R. 736.20 38.60 1,754.00 2,528.80 Hodgson, J .,W. 2,298.10 2,637.85 4,935.95 Kelly, K.M. 1,695.70 286;80 1,079.00 3,061. 50 Lashbrook, T.H. 774.00 488.00 1,079.00 2,341.00 Lavereau, R.J. 1,015.80 688.60 1.079.00 2,783.40 Marr, E.H. 2,763.80 2.487.85 5,251.65 Millard, R.S. 947.00 602 . 40 1,549.40 Monteith, K.E. 1,661.20 1,546.20 790.40 3,9'97.80 McWilliam, D.A. 1,804.20 1,235.28 3,039.48 Neukamm, E. 679.50' 525.00 1,202.40 2,406.90 Pearson, D.H. 1,444.00 1,079.00 2,523.00 Perovich, D. 842.00 526.90 1,606.40 2,975.30 Shaw, L.J. * 10,393.40 31.50 6,804.36 17 ,229.26 Sheils, R.J. 1,341.80 1,341.80 Smyth, J .N. 2,046.60 143.00 1,079.00 3,268.60 S,tewartj M.H. 2,574.10 382.60 2,956.70 VOlkaert, J.A. 1,079.00 833.40 1,581.40 3,493.80 Wake ling , J.t. 641. 70 441. 70 1,083.40 walters, G.E. 2,397.50 1,60~.40 4,003.90 Wilson, J.B. (dec.) 769.00 769.00 TOTAL $46,856.80 $8.701. 70 $36,030.94 $91,589.44 ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~ .4-.-v G. C. Leverton, County Treasurer. 353 TREASURER'S STATEMENT ON REMUNERATIgM_bND_~~r~NSE9 November SeSSion, 1982 To the, Warden and Members of the,' Elgin County Council, I beg to submit the following itemized statement of the remuneration, mileage and expenses, paid to persons appointed to outside boa~ds. during the calendar year ending October 20th, 1982. as authorized byBy~Laws No. 79-1, 81~64 and 82-21: ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~..,.~ G. C. Leverton. County TreaSurer. 354 DIRECTOR/ADMINISTRATOR REPORT TO THE NJ'.ROEN AND MEI1BERS OF ELGIR_COUNTY COUNCIL: Attached are the finaneialre~rts_ covering Elgin Manor, Terrace Lodge and the Byrne Rest Home which ia a, Satellite Home of Elgin County Homes for Senior citizens. These reports cover the 10 months ending October 31, 1982. Also enclosed 19s full copy of the budget for 1982 which covers ElqinManor, Terrace Lodqe anq the Byrne, Rest Home. From thie you will see 1'19 have listed the 1981 Actual; 1982 Proposed and the actual up to October 31, 1982. I am confident that for the next two montbs we should be able to live within the 1982 budget for coats. You I'Till see from these reportathat as of October 31, 1982 we liad 140 residents at Elgin Manor, with' 5 residents beds being reserved for residents in the General Hospital making a total of 145 beds in full occupancy. At Terrace Lodge We had a total of 93 residents ,in occupancy and 4 beds being reserved for residents in the General Uospital, making a total of 97. Our waiting lists are again very long for the type of care that offer. Residents waiting to enter Elgin Manor amount to 29 male, 67 female and 0 married couples. At Terrace Lodge, we have 24 male, 43 female and 3 married couples. In Borne cases residents in the community hava placed their name on the waiting lists just to be safe incase their health deteriorates where they will require institutionalized.care. For memhers of County Council who are not familiar with our Satellite Home, this is a rest home taat was converted from a nursing home in Fingal Which came under our Satellite Home system some years ago. As of the 31st_of October "e had 5 residents undar the jurisdiction of the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens program. Although there are not that many residents in our Satellite Home this is certainly an excellent program as it gives the senior citizens who make application to our IIome another alternative from institutional living and this home is much appreciated by the senior citizens who reside there. we The pOlicy adopted by Elgin County Homes for Senior Citi2ens COmmittee of Management some years ago has certainly been an asset to senior citizens living in the community and we have been Offering Home Support Services to give senior citizens a further alternative to institutional living and we are very happy to offer the following: Neals on I'Theels: '1e now have a volunteer service delivering meals on wheels to res~dents in the community and at the present time we are delivering 15 meals per day, five days per week, making a total of 75 meals each week. l'1heels to the Aged for a Meals: The senior citizen noon meal Monday to Friday is brought in to the Home for and the seniors can enjoy the 355 -2- social contact gained through congregate dining. Day Care: Elderly citizens. attend the Home activities ana daily basisenjoy~ng a hot meal and the craft and recreation program. Day Care residents may require transportation which can be arranged. At the present time we have 4 residents who are corning in on a daily basis to our day care program~ Vacation Care: Senior 9itizensresidingwith their family maybe admitted to the Home.for a short term admission which enables the family to take a vacation knowing their family resident is being cared for. Recuperation. Care: Seniorcitbens. 'fho have. been. hospii:alizedmay require mor~professional nursing care ,which the Home for Senior citizens can provi,de. A short term admission should be arranged, prior to hospitalizatiQn. This ,program has been widely,'usedduring' the 1982 season. Telephone,Cal1forAssist~nce: We have supplied telephone stickers to the. sen~or c~t~zens ~n the community and we are available ana 24 hour basis should the senior require some sortofassistan~e tO'continue living in the community. Telephone Assurance': Seniors residing alone in the, community ara contacted da~ly by thaHome ensuring the senior is in good health.' ~his programme provides a friendly vi~it to a senior who might not otherwise be contacted. CounSellinq and Referral: Seniors may contact the Home with regard to programmes or services for tite elderly. The Home endeavours to supply the senior with accurate details and/or referral to the proper agency. tssistance is offered to seniors in completing pensionapplications,tax rrants or income taxes. ~~nu planninq:Nutritionfor the elderly is a concern for the Home. Seniors who would like assistance in maintaining a proper diet should contact the Home and our dietician will provide necessary information and guidance. Winter Resicence: seniorawho are apprehensive about living alone for the wJ.nter may be accommodated for a short term admission. The cost ;_s determined on an ability to pay basis. This program has been widely used and is certainly a program that Elgin County can be proud of. Assisted Bathinq: Seniors who are unable to bathe themselves are encouraged to contact the Home to arrange a time fora whirlpool bath. Their own doctor is required to. sign a consent form for the WhirlpoOl. A nominal fee is charged for each bath. At the present time we have 15 seniors coming in to our Homes to participate in this program. Exercise: Fitness should be a concern for seniors who are able to take advantage of water exercises. At Terrace Lodge there is: a swimming pool staffed by a qualified instructor. Participants are welcome to attend the swim classes and to obtain the weekly times, by contacting the office. Regular exercise classes are held each morning at 10:30 and we 356 -3- encourage new members to join to keep fitness in their daily routine. Adjuvant classes are held i<<onday to Friday at Elqin Manor. The adjuvants are trained to work with seniors Who rnay require assistance to walk and provide therapy for varied disabilities. Our, Day Care program has expanded quite rapidly and ,the senior citizens who come to our Drop-In Centre total 200; and opera~~B 2 to 3 days per week. Also included in this program is use of the swimming poOl which has 25 swimmers each week and we also ,operate the swim program for the retarded children ,from Springfield school which total 10 ona weeklY basis. During this last year we have used ~he services of the ,~~ who has offered community programs Monday, t'Jednesday,.Thursday"and Saturday for mothers and tots and I am certainly very excited about this new program as we are using our swimming pool to the full use for the senior citizens and community, around us. Once again, our auxiliaries haVG worked hard during the last year and I am very happy to advise CountyCOUhcil that the Elgin l1anor auxiliarY received the Marguerita Smith 1\.1>lard the past year for outstand- ing programs and services. The Elgin ~mnor auxiliar~ were very excited to receive this award and the Committee of Managarnent has arranged a luncheon to be held November 19th to commend them for the \~rk they are carrying out in our Momes. I -chank the Committee of,Ilfanagement of Elgin County nomes for Senior CiL~zens in' Elgin County for the support they have given us in arranging the programs as listed, and I certainly hope that we can continue to offer as many services to our senior citizens to assist them in living in the community rather tl~an be institutionalized. hll of which is respectfully submitted. f'. J. Boyes, Director/Administrator Elgin County Honies for Senior Citizens 357 DIRECTOR/ADfUNISTRATOR REPORT - Elgin Manor Home for Senior Citizens TO THE WARDEN and MEMBERS OF ELGIN_COUNTY COUNCIL THE FOLLOWING,IS MY REPORT ON ELGIN MANOR FOR TEN, MONTHS ENDING OCTOBER 31, 1982. . 1. NwruJer of residents as of December 31, 1981 ................. 140 2. Number of residents ~dmitted during the year ................ 32 3. Number of residents diachargedduring the year .............. 80 4. ~~ber of deaths in the Home ,during the year ................ __ 5. Number of residents noiq in 'the Home ......................... 140 6. Total "days ',residence, ,...,............,...... .'...... .'...........43011 7. ~verage number of residents during' the year ................. 142 (This figure does .not reflect the number of residents in hospital for whom beds are being held). 8. RECEIPTS Prov~nce of Ontario Subsidy............................$ 591,058.93 Old Age Pension and Resident's Maintenance ............. 680,361.07 Arrears of Maintenance and Estates of deceased residents.. 31,209.80 Sundries, .......... .'.......... .,.......... .,.. .'........... 233.10 Government of Canada Sales Tax refund ................... 4,374.01 9. DEDUCTIONS Cost ,of, Operating. .,..... ..,......... "." .,........... ,".. ,$1,370,760.,42 Average Expenses per day of each person,...................... 31.87 Average Expenses per week of each person.................. 223.09 Average"Expenses per year of each person.................. 11,632.55 Actual Cost to County after deducting receipts............ 63,523.51 Actual Cost to County per day per resident ............... 1.48 10. CJ\PITAL" ExP:P.i~DITURES Cost of Capital Expenditures ............................ ~$ Province of Ontario Subsidy................ .,............. Actual Cost to the County..............,.................. 7,4-38.00 3,719.00 3,719.00 ll, There were 179 persons in residence during 1981; 70'maleand female. Of the 140 persons in residence on the first day of November 1982, 50 are male and 90 arc female. 1~. The figures in #1 through j~lO above are for the period January 1, 1982 to October 31, 1982. 109 All of which is respectfully submitted. FRED J. BOYES, Director/Administrator Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens 359 358 DIRECTOR/ADMINISTRATOR REPORT - Byrne Rest Horoe, DIRECTOR/ADMINISTRATOR REPORr - Terrace LodgB Home for Senior Citizens TO THE WARDEN and MEMBERS OF ELGIMCOUNTY COUNCIL THE FOLLOWII'1G IS MY REPOnT ON BYRNE RES,!,. HOME FOR TEN. UONTJIS ENDING OCTOBeR 31st, 1982. '00 THE WARDEN and MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL THE FOLLOWING IS MY REPORT'ON TERRl\.CE. LODGE: FOR TEN,MONTHS ENDING OCTOBER 31, 1982. 1. 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Number of residents as of December 31, 1981'...... u........... 4 Number of resident~ admitted during t~e yea~................~. 2 Number of residents discharged during the year...........'.;... 1 Number of deathsiri the Home during the year.................. _ Number of residents now in ,the Home .......................... 5 Total. days . residence. :,........ .................. .......;...... 1088 Average number of residents during the year .................. 4 (This figure does net refledt the number of residents in hospital for whom beds are being held). ~CI~IPTS l'rovl:hce--of Ontario Subsidy................ ..............$ 5,431.62 Old Age Pension and Resident's.~1aintenance ..'.......... 12,181.54 Arrears of Maintenance and estates of deceased residents.. Sundries, .... ........... ...'.. .......... ....... ... .'.... ....... ..... Government of Canada Sales Tax Refund .................. Number of residents as of December 31, ..19S1.;.~..~.......... 89. Number of residents admitted during the year .. ..'.......... 73. Number of residents discharged during the year ............. 68. Number of deaths in the Home dur!ngthe year .............~ l~ Number of 'residents nm'! in the Home' ........... ....;........ 93. Total days' residence......... ...... ...;.. .:..... ..... '.'." .......28,791. AveragBnumber of residents_dui:lng.the year.............,.~.. 95. (This figure does not reflect ,the number of residents in hospital for whom beds are being held) . RECE;IPTS Province of Ontario Subsidy......... ......... ....... ..... ..... Old Age Pension and Resident's Maintenance..... .'......... Arrears or Maintenance and Estates of deceased residents.. Sundries ........... ............................ .......... Government of Canada Sales Tax refund....... .......... ... 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, $110,546.00 533,854.51 23,961. 87 346.34 1,527.51 9. OEDUCTIOI.\IS Cost .of Operating....................... ......... .,...... $ Average Expenses per day of each person ................ Average Expenses Per week of each, person................ Average Expenses per year of each person............... Actual Cost to County after deducting receipts ......... Actual Cost to.County per day per resident 9, DEDUCTIONS Cost of Operating............. ~............ ..:.......... ..... Average Expenses per day of each person.................;. Average Expenses per week of each person................. Average Expenses per year of each person................. Actual Cost to County aft~r de4uctingreceipts........... Actual Cost to County per day- per resident............... CAPITAL EXPFNDI~lRES 715,739.24 24~86 174.02 9,073.90 45,503.01 1.58 19,941.00 18.33 128.31 6,690.45 2,327.3,1 ';1.1"" la, 10. There were .1 persons in residence during 19811 2 male and:2 female. Of the. 5 persons in rcsi4ence on the f.irst day of November 1982, ? are male and 3 are female. Cost of Capital Expenditures .................... "'_' .... $ Province of Ontario Subsidy .............................. Actual. Cost to the County ..........'...................... There were 120 persons in residence during 1981; 30 male and female.. Of the 93 persons in residence on the first day' of November 1982, 21 are male and 72 are female. The figures in #1 through #10 above are for the periOd January 1, 1982 to October 31, 1982. 19,850.00 9,925.00 9,925.00 90 The figures in ~i through #10 above are for the period January 1". 1982 to October 31, 1982~ 11. 11. All of which is respectfully submitted. 12. All of which is respectfully submitted. FRED J. nOYES, Director/Administrator Terrace Lodge Eome for Senior Citizens FRJ'D J,.BOYES, Director/Administrator Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens 360 ELGIN MANOR BUDGET fo~ 1982 ReSIDENTS SOCIAL SERVICES Residents. Dry Cleaning $ Beauty Parlour Supplies Barber!ng Clothing: Residential Care Extended Care Footwear; Residential Care Extended Care Recreation & Eritertainment Hobby Crafts Adjuvant Contract Services Equip.-Repairs & Maintenance P.quipment-Replacements Miscellaneous Salaries Employee nenefits(omers;Ohip,e~c) Day Care Programme SUB TOTAL Per Diem DIETARY SERVICES Rat" Food Costs Replacements,Dishes,Cutlery Miscellaneous Equip.-Repairs & Maint. Equip.-Replacements Other Miscellaneous Salaries Employee BenefitsCOroers,Ohip,etc) Sale of Meal Tickets and visitors Meals SUB TOTAL Per Diem 1981 Actual 4,366.10'::r 442.61Cr 112.32 35.45Cr 5,303.,72 852.83Cr 29~95 145.55 80.00 265.25 69,727,,86 8,449.88 $78,417.54 1.50 $1-49,669.58 3,260.45 11,607~66 2,029.32 373.48 212,348.56 23,915.27 5,520.22Cr $397,684.10 7.64 . 82 PropOsed 1982 Actual OCt.31,1982 3,576.16Cr 31<:. DOCr $ 115.00 107.06Cr 100.00 157'.32 28.00 28.00 3,500.00 2,483.61 -850~OO %.41Cr 25.00 161. 09 - - 140.00 - 200.00 4.35 79,144;00' 59,820.60 9,763.00 6,921.51 -700.00 413.20Cr $91,493.00 $65,036.65 1.71 $164,000.00 3,200.00 12,800.00 2,232.00 411. 00 233,992.00 27,<1,67.0'0 -5,000.00 $439,102.00 8.20 $111,661.02 897.05 10,496.72 2,403.93 403.39 345.43 187,616.77 18,839.92 3,842.55Cr $328,821.68 -2- 1981 Actual RESIDENTS MEDICAL NURSING SERVICES Home ,Physician $ Approved Drugs Medical-Nursing Supplies Equip~-Repairs & Maintenance aquip.-Replacements Dentist Eye 'Care Foot Care Ambulance 40.70 Other Miscellaneous 739.81 Salaries 499,856.72 Ei1tployee 'Benefits (omers,Ohip,etc) 49,272.5.5 6,080..00 -71.92 4,238.92 808.78 445.53 985.00 215.70 SUB, TOTAL Per Diem $562,950.71 10.82 HOUSF.KEEPING SERVICES Tissue,Kleenex,Soap MOps, Pails, etc. Wax, Cleaners; etc. Pest Control (contract) Equip.-Repairs & Maintenance Equip~-Replacement8 Other Miscellaneous Salaries 113,589.81 Employee Benefits(Omers,ohip,etc) 15,408.05 $ 3,141~67 1,289.88 3,360.50 803.73 328.41 967.49 SUB TOTAL Per Diem $138,_969.54 2.67 LAUNDRY SERVICES Replacements,Bedding,Linen $ Replacements, Uniforms Miscellaneous Soap, B1each,etc. Thread, Thermo Patch Contract Equip.~Repairs & Maintenance Equip.-Replacements Salaries Employee Benefits(Omers,ohip,etc) 5,495.40 60.99 5,289.52 74.66 1,956.24 183.51 35,768.78 3,313.81 SUB TOTAL Per-Diem $ 52,1-12.91 1.00 182 ProPOsed $ 6,418.92 100.00 4,800.00 1,000.00 2-,300.00 150.00 100.00 400.00 566,825.00 60,830.00 $642,585.00 12'.01 $ 3,500.00 1,400.00 3,700.00 360.00 400.00 3,600.00 122;319.00 17,900.00 $153,179.QO 2.86 $ 4,500'.00 100.00 6,000.00 100.00 1,500.00 7,200.00 34,.230.00 3,700.00 $ 57,330.00 1.07 361 " 1982 Actual Oct.31, 1982 $ 4,812.30 142.99 4,217'.94 1,152.84 3,325.25 737.00 50.40Cr. 24.80 294'.80 465,836.26 44,228.78 $524,782~56 $ 2,419.73 620.49 2,621.36 300.00 68.07 2,676.38 93,382.52 12,;337.81 $114,426.36 $ 771.70 - - 4,871.39 94.40 - 520.10 - 25,804.17 1,965.64 $ 34,027.40 362 FUNERAL AND. BURIAL Funeral & Burial Service BUILDI~G & PROPERTY OPF-RATION & Ml.INTENANCE Electricity Water Fuel Garbage Collection Taxes Ins,Boiler"Plant & Equip. Rent Build.-Light Eulbs Repairs & Maint.- Building Equipment Equip.~Replacements Other Misc. (Fire Alarm contract, ete) Salaries Employee Benefits- (Omers,Ohip,etc) Home Vehicle Water Line Repairs SUB 'TOTAL Per Diem -3- 1981 Actual $21',833.35 4,372..08 65,.021.15 2,4.03.37 3,35.0..0.0 14.98 7.05.52 24,763.8.0 1.0,335.55 58,933..0.0 8,1.01,\.1.0 6,554.23 $2.06,391.13 3.97 1982 Proposed $ 24,. 6,5.0.0..0.0 55,.0.0.0..0.0 2,7.0.0..0.0 3,634..0.0 100..0.0 8.0.0..0.0 27,7.0.0..0.0 8,.0.0.0..0.0 1,654..0.0 65,97.0..0.0 9,654.0.0 7,5.0.0..0.0 $213,212..0.0 3.98 1982 Actual Oct.31,1962 $ 18,320~n 3,265.01 39,649.79 2,025.00 3,657.00 61.53 233.72 19,956.06 4,086.04 56,550.77 7,949.61 4,366..74 266.00 $160,388.00 GENEAAL AND. ADMINISTRATIVE Contract. Services $ Advertising Audit Legal Postage printing &Statiortery TEl!ephone Travelling & COnvention Insurance PLjPD Workmen's Compensation Home Vehicle Other Misc(Flowers,Med) Equip.-Repairs & Mairtt. Equip.~Rep1acements Freight & Express Staff Development Membership Dues Salaries Employee Benefits(omers,ohip,etc) Bank Interest SUB TOTAL Per. Diem TOTAL EXPENDITURES -,- 1981 Actual 5,000.00 394.79 600.00 1,792~93 3/566.03 6,139.07 4,621.06 3,594.15 8,331.92 4,806.07 1,053.51 60.00 213.12 390.61 619.45 83,475.80 11,042.67 -7,995.44 $126;996.24 2.44 363 '82 PrOpOsed 1982 Actual Oct.31,198Z $ 6,623~00 300.0:0 2,100.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 6,500.00 5,500~OO 2,876.00 10,000.00 3,500;00 300.00 150.00 300.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 94,799.00 14,219.00 $154 " 167.00 2.88 $ 4,967.07 292.00 2,100.00 1,334.00 1,607.34 2,981.47 5,001.51 7,088.;1.0 3,541.00 10,480.31 3,373.13 630.84 1,471. 25 292.94 70:2.20 026.15 91,440.55 13,279.<14 '4,165. 05Cr. $147,304~25 $1,563,552.17 $1,751,068.00 $1,374,786.90 Gross Per diem Resident Days 30.n6 52,011 32.73 53,500 364 -5- 1981 Actual 1982; Proposed 1982 Actual Oct.31,lg82 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,563;552.17 $1,751,068.00 $1,374,736.90 Expenditure Recoveries 4,874.97 7,000.00 4,607.81 SUB TOTAL $1,558,677.20 $1,741.1,060.00 $1,370,179~O9 Operating Deficit $ 223,892.34 $ 260,602.25 $ 211,308~38 County Share 30% $ 67,167.70 $ 73,180.68 $ 63i392.51 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES upgrade Fire Alarm $ 6,343.00 Clark-Upright Vacuum 277.13 Resurface Driveway 15,000.00 Boiler Conversion 19,835.00 Smoke Detectors taundry ~asher Extractor Outboard !1otor Pho.tocopy: ,Machine Screen & Storm Tgindows AlUminum Siding - 10,000.00 7,438.00 Clothing Harking Machine - 3,9flO.OO Electrio Range - 2,188.00 Table Top Sneezegard - -721. 00 Hobart Vegetable Slicer 743.00 Total capi~a1 Expenditures ~ 41,455.13 $17,552.00 $ 7,438.00 Less Recovery of capital Expenditures 390.00 875.00 $ 41,064.99 $16,677.00 $ 7,438.00 County Share 50% $ 20,532.'.19 $ 8,338.50 $ 3,719.00 Non-Shareable Expenditures $ 1,201.44 1,200.;00 581. 33 County Share in All ~ 88,901. 63 $9.7,719.18 $67,692.84 ~ Revenue from Residents- Extended.Care Revenue fromProvincia1- Subsidy-Extended Care Revenue from Residents~ Residential Care Estate of Deceased Residents & Arrears of Maintenance 365 -6- 1981 Actual 1982 Proposed 1982 Actual Oct.31,1982 $ 295,084..21 $324,100.00 $263,925.06 480,232.56 538,'.182.00 447,299.84 5201,845.85 1500,583.75 416,436.01 34,622.24 20,000.00 31;209~80 $1,334,78'.1.86 $1,483,465.75 $1,158,870.71 366 SATELLITE HOME CARE Home Physician Drugs' & itedication Dentist Eye Care Foot Care Lab' 'i'est Xray Specialist Ambulance Rebate...Non Pensioners Clothing Footwear Dry Cleaning Residents Mtce. Miscellaneous sun TOTAL RF:VF.UUE Pensions & Other Income County Share 30% 19B1 Actual 1982' Proposed 1982 l\ctual Oct.31,1982 $22,812.50 $36,500.00 $19,941.00 $22,812.50 $3€-,SOO.OO $19,941.00 $20,413..97 $21;,000.00 $12, laL 51 $ 2,310.53 $12,500.00 $ 7,759.1.6 $ 719.56 $ 3,750,00 $ 2,327.84 TERRACE LODGE BUDGET for 1982 RESIDENTS. SOCIAL SERVICES Residents Dry Cleaning Beauty Parlour Supplies Barbering Clothing & Footwear Recreation & Entertainment Hobby Crafts' Adjuvants Comfort Money Equip.-Repairs &'Maint. Equip.~Replacements f.fisce11aneous Salaries Employee Day Care Contract 1981 Actual $ -4,639.42Cr 675.00 2,176.60 B3.3eCr 20.00 1.06 35,994.44 Benefits (Omers,Ohip, etc) 3,698.'B1 Programme -3,328.60Cr Servicea(swiml SUB TOTAL Per Diem DIETARY SERVICES Raw Food Costs Rep1acements,Dishes,Cut1ery Misc. (Foil,P.P1ates,Deterg) Equip.-Repairs & Maint. Equip.-Rep1acements Other Hisce11aneous Salaries Employee Benefits Sale of Meal Tickets SUB TOTAL Per Diem $3-:1,024.51 1.02 $113,534.23 2,053.82 6,289.95 1,531.47 42.79 55.64 122,619.16 11,023.37 3,860.65Cr $253,289.78 7.64 1962' Proposed $ 500.00 2,000.00 -500.00 20.00 50.00 38,244.00 4,102.00 -3,000.00 1,500.00 $42,916.00 1.23 $126,000.00 2,496.00 6,919.00 1,685.00 100.00 60.00 H9,919.00 18,,000.00 -3,000.00 $302,179.00 B.70 367 1982 ,Actual Oct.31,1982 $ 2,922.4BCr 462,;00 l,720~36 631.67Cr 21,345.40 1,862.72 1,972.40Cr 1,632.00 $21,545.93 $ 90,486;63 1,147.54 5,645.23 879.70 236.47 74.03 106',174.75 9,862.33 5,365.25Cr $208,1~2.23 368 -2- 19B! Actual RESIDENTS 1.1EOIC1\L NURSING SERVICES Home Physician $ Approved Druga Med.-Nursing Supplies Equip.-Repa,irs & Maint. Equip.-Replacements Dentist Eye Care Foot Care Ambulance Other . Mise . Salaries Employee 3,996.00 420.30 2,132.78 169.78 50.00 320.0'3 17.42 236,312.1-1 Benefits (Qmers,Ohip,etc) 20,5a~.11 SUB TOTAL $264,310.53 7.98 Per Diem UOUSEKEEPIHG. SERVICES Tisaue,Kleenex, Soap Mops, Pail~,etc. Wax Cleaners Pest Control Equip.-Repairs & Maint. Equip.-Replacements Other Miscellaneous Salaries .71,~08.24 Empl?yees Eanefits(Omers,Ohip,etc) 7,300.91 $ 1,830.22 611. 63 3,$14.78 379.44 201. 6<1 SUB TOTAL Pl!r Dilalll $35,326.93 2.58 LAUNDRY SERVICES Replacement,' Bedding ,Linens Replacement Uniforms Miscellaneous Soap, nleach, etc. Thread, Thermo patch Contract(Laundry Service} Equip.-Repairs 4 Maint. Equip.-Replacements Salaries Employee Benefits(omers,ohip,etc) 1982 Proposed $ 3,400.00 400.00 2,800~00 200.00 320.00 100.00 50.00 150.00 295,315.00 35,300.00 $338,535,00 9.75 1982 Actual Oct. 31, 1932 $ 3,270.00 73.45Cr 2,933.59 14.15 40.60 22.00 43.00 5.85 209,607.90 18,896.72 $234,760.96 -3- 1981 Actual 369 1982 Proposed 1982 Actual Oct.,31,1982 -, 2,025.69 2,785.00 1,452~82 11,679.03 2,701.2:2 '4,511.47 2,359.90 25,936.50 3enefits(omers~Ohip,e~c)3,207.19 $ 8.42 - $ 37.18 - - - - - 12.82 359.92 500.00 493.21 - - 3.42 12,597.24 15,100.00 11,2<19.18 123.52 500.00 236.10 SUB TOTAL $13,089 .10 .39 Per Diem I', I: BUILDING & PROPERTY, OPERATION & MAINTENANCE $ 47,871.33 6,029.97 Electricity Water, Water Service Line Fuel GarbageCol1ectiqn Taxes Iris.iBoiler,Plant Equip. Rent Building,Light Bulbs Equip.Bldg.~Repairs Equip.-Replacements H6meVehicle OtherMisd.~Elevator Contract Salaries Employee SUB TO'l'AL $110,560.12 $ 2,500.00 $ 1,556.40 '. ParDiani 3.33 600.00 254.81 4,000.00 2,939.47 360.00 270.00 500.00 92.49 600.00 100.00 93,073.00 60,162.57 11,168.00 5,167.16 $112,901.00 $ 70,743.20 3.25 $16,400.00 .47 $12,031. !)1 $ 52,800.00 $ 43;127.51 6,200.00 6,351.03 300.00 - 2,1/)0.00 1,569.69 - - 2,999.00 2,999.00 100.00 29.28 1,600.00 1,343.58 14,500.00 10,030.50 3,500.90 5,500.00 2,272.53 4,498.'00 2,443.88 32,.779.00 24,295.82 4,000.00 2,741.31 $130,876.00 $ 97,204.13 3.77 370 -4- 1981Actual GENERAL AND ADMINISTRnTIVE Contract Sorvices Advertising i\\idit Legal Postage 227.54 Printing & StL\tionery 2,423.38 Telephone 5,275.25 Travelling & Conventions 4,068.72 Insurance PL/PD lr941.5~ WorkIDans Compensation 1,122.53 Other Miscellaneous 3,160.47 Equip.-Rcpairs & Haint. 6i!2..16 Equip.-Raplacements 135.00 Freight ,& Expross 107.08 Staff Development 283.97 Membership Dues 155.00 Salaries" 51,9(16.,)5 Employee Denefits(Omers"Ohip,etc)6,S27.34 Bank Intorest 2,537.27Cr $ 2,5QO.OO 3~3.39 1,250.00 1982 Proposed $ 3,204:,00 200.00 1,750.00' 154.00 1,500.00 6,000.00 4,000,00 2,070.00 5,700.00 2,000.00 500~OO 170.00 160.1)0 0100.00 550.00 61,812.00 9,272.00 SUB TOTAL $86,412.20 $99,7.12.00 Per Diem 2.61 2.87 TOThL EXPENDITURES $3~7,013.17 $1,043,5ilS.OO GRors PER DIFM 25.56 30.06 RESIDBNT DAYS 33126 34710 1982 Actual Oct.31,:1982 $ 2,402.76 1,750.00 515.30 1,396.84 4,191.35 5,133.85 2,842.71 5,210.11 4,749.70 520.02 98.33 105,:70 613.75 1,1,444.50 4,926.83 2,717.07Cr. $73,184.73 $717,613.01 TOTAr~EXPF.NDITURES EXPENDITURE RECOVERIES SUB TOTAL OPERA~ING DEFICIT COUNTY SHARE 30% CAPITliL EXPENDITURES Yazoo Lawn Mower Floor:Polisher Vacuum C1eaner(Clark) Smoke Detectors Air Conditioning Jayden Banquet Tables PortableSalaa Bar Lighting for Drivet'1ay Air Conditioning Resurface Driveway & Lot Total Capital Expenditures Less Recovery of capital Expenditure County Share 50% Non Shareable Expenditure County Share In All 371 -5- 19U1 Actual 1902 Proposed 1902 Actual Oct.31,1!HJ2 $847,013.17 $1,043,549.00 $717.613.09 2; 881.12 3,000.00 1,073.85 $844,132.05 $1,040,549.00 $715,739.24 $200,743.33 $ 31.17,978.00 $157,9:2'2"86 $60,223.01 $ 104,393.40 $ 47,376'.86 $ 5,.778.00 909.50 277.13 14,295.43 25,000.00 19,850.00 $ 21,260.06 $ 25,000.00 $19,850.00 $ 1,250.00 21,260.06 23,750.00 19,9SQ.OO 10,630.03 11,975.00 9,925.00 202.97 850.00 354.94 $ 71,056.01 $117,113.00 $57,656.80 372 -6- 1981 Actu'al 1962 Proposed 1982 Actual Oct.Jl,1!)82 REVENUE FROM RESIDENTS Residential Care $617,828.03 $692,071.00 $533,854.51 Estates of Deceased Residents & Arrears of Maintenanc,e 25,560.44 500.00 23,961. 87 - TOTAL REVENUE $643,388.67 $692,571.00 $551,816.38 373 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1982 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. ,Thata copy. of the .letter from the Ontario Hospitat Association andresumd of Workmen's Compensation costs for the years 1979, 1980 and 1981. for the two Homes for Senior Citizens. be forwarded tathe Director, with a recommendation that he request their services to assist in attempting to strengthen ,the present accident prevention program. 2. We recommend that the Personnel Committee be authorized to name a nominee, to ~he Board of Arbitration, established to deal with all outstanding issues, in dispute, for full and part time employees at Terrace Lodge. 3. That the suggested procedure for Winter Standby, adopted on a trial basis by the Roads Committee, be received and filed for information. 4. ,That the proposal for granting time off in lieu 'of payment for overtime fOr the. hourly'rated Roads, Employees, as recommended by the Roads Committee, be adopted ~natrial basis, effective Decemberlst,l982. 5. That we recommend that the Personnel Committee implement a uniform cutoff and payday as' early as possIble in the new year; so that, the cutoff day will be'a Wednesday, with pay the second Friday following the cutoff. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~,-"<_T . ~/;!h'L , /t, "!~ E. H. Marr Chairman ' ~JSL- 374 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1982 FJ;RST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Cornmitteereports as follows: 1. That subject to the County Solicitor's concurrence as to its legality, the County of Elgin accept ownership of the Nora Ogden Coomb estate and have it operated asa museum by the Village of Vienna under an agreement, with the unde~- standing that the County will not have to contribute financially to its. operation. 2. That we engage J. V. Luft to determine what a reasonable rate for the rental of the Court Hause and Registry Office would be for the next five years. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~L',cb-J ~~,5L 375 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-LaW No. 82-52 "BEING A. BY'-LAW FOR THE REGULATION 'OF TRAFFIC." The Municipal Council of the, corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as. follows'; PART "A" 1. DEFINITIONS in thi,SBy-Law "AUTHORIZED SIGN"means any si';m 0'; device placed OJ;' e,;ected on a highway unde,; _th~ autho,;ity of this By-Law by the County Engineer, for the pUq;lOse ot regulating, waxning or: guiding traffic. "BICYCLE" is a vehicle as defined unde,; The Highway Traf:eic Act. "BOULEVl'iRD" shall be .construed to mean that PO,;tionof every highway within the limits of the County, of Elgin which is not used as a sidewalk or a. travelled ,;oadway. "BUS STOP." means a part of a Highway designated as a point at which buses stop to take on 0'; let off passengers. "COMMERCIAL MOTOR VEHICLE" means a motor vehicle having permanently attached the,;eto atL1lck 0'; delivery bOdy and includesainbulances, hearses, casket wag~nB,' fi,;e apparatus, buses andtractora used for haulirig- pUJ;pOses on Highways. "CORNER". with reference to a highway inte,;seotion. meansthe'point o.finterseotion of the prolongation of the. lateral. curb lines :or in the .absence of clJrbs the prolongation of the edges of the roadways. "CORPORATION. - ~ means the Corporation of the County of Blgin. "COUNCIL" means the ourrent Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. "CROSSWALK" means, (. i) that part of a highway at an intersection that is included within the connections oftha lateral 11nes of the sidewalks on opposite sides of the highway measur,ed from the curbs, or, iri the abserice of. curbs, from the edges of. the. roadway, or (11) any portion of a roadway at an intersection or e,lse-:- where. distinctly indicated for pedestrian_ crossing . by sigrisor by lines'9rother markings ontbe surface. "CURaLINE" means, where the curb is constructed, the line thereof, where no curb. is constructed "curb, line" shall be construed as meaning the edge .of the travelled portion of the highway. "DRIVEWAY" means improved lana.on a highway whiyh provides vehicularacc::ess from the roadway to a laneway or a parking area on. adjacentlarid. "GROSS WEIGHT" means the combined weight of vehicle and load. "HIGHWAY" inclUdes a cOmmon ancipubiic' Highway, Street; Avenue, Pax-kway,Driveway, Square, PlaCe, Bridge, Viaduct or Treetle designed and intended for, or used by, the general public for the passage of vehicles, under the jurisdiction of the CoUnty of Elgin. 376 -2- 1. DEFINITIONS (CONTINUED) "HOLIDAY" includes Sunday, New Year's Day, Good Friday, Eaata%' Monday, Victoria Day, Dominion Day, the day proclaimed aaa Civic holiday by the Corporation, Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day, Remembrance Day . Christmas' Day, Boxing Day; the Day proclaimed as the Birthday or day. fixed by proclamation. of the GOvernor General for the celebration of. the birthday of. the reigning sovereign, . and' any day' appointed by' proclamation of. the .Governor. General or the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council as a public holiday or for a general fast or thanksgiving and the. next following day when any such holiday falls on a Sunday, and any day appointed by proclamation of County council. "INTERSECTION" means' the area embraced within the prolongation or connection of the lateral curb lines or, if none, then of the lateral boundary lines of two or more highways that' join one another at an angle, whether or not one highway crosses the other. "LANEWAY" means improved land adjacent to the highway which provides access from the highway to a parking aJ:e8 on adjacent land. "LOADING ZONE" means' the. part of a highway set apart for the exclusive purpose of parking a vehicle to load or unload the same. "METERED PARKING SPACE" ,means a' parking space. for which a meter or other mechanical' device. is provided or any space adjacent to which a 'parking meter OJ: other mechanical device is located. "MOTOR VEHICLE" includes an automobile, motorcycle, motor'" assisted bicycle and any other vehicle propelled or driven otherwioo than by muscular power, but does not include the i::ars of electric 01: steam railways, or other motOJ: vehicles running only upon rails, or a motorized snow vehicle, traction engine, farm tractOr, self-propelled implement of husbandry or J:oad building machine. "M.T.C." means the.MinistJ:Y of Transportion and Coirununicatj,ons ~provlnce of Ontario. "OFFICER" means the By-Law Enforcement OfficeJ: of the County or any other person author12ed by Council and charged with the enfOJ:cementof this By"'Law. "OFFICIAL SIGN" means a sign approved by the Ministry of Trans- portation and Corwnunications. "PARK" or '!PARKING", when prohibited, means the standing of a vehicle, whetheJ: occupied or not, eKcept when standing tempor- arily 'for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading merchandise or passengers. "PARKING METER" means a device that. shall indicate thereon the length of time during which a vehicle maY be parked which shall have as a part thereof a receptacle for receiving and storing C01n9.,a slot or place in which such coins may be deposited, a timing mechanism to indicate the passage. of the interval.of time dlidng which the. parking is permissible and which' shilll also display a signal when said interval of time shall have elapsed. "PARKING METER COVER" means a hood, bag or other covering for . a parking meter that is placed over a parking meter ,by an authorized official to indicate that a parking meter is not to be used. 377 -3_ 1. DEFINITIONS (CONTINUED) "POLICE OFFICER" means a member of the police Force having jurisdiction in the area. "ROADWAY" means the part of the highway that is improved, designed or ordinarily uSed for vehiculaJ: traffic but . does notinolude the shoulder, and, where a highway includes two or more separate roadways, the term 'roadway' refers to any one roadway separately and not to all of the. roadway collect~ ively. "SIDEWALK" includes all such parts ofa highway as aJ:e set aside by 'the, Corporation' for use of pedestrians or use by the general public for. the passage of pedestrians. ~ .0):' "STANDING", when p=hibited, means the halting of a, vehicle,. whether occupied' or not, e:Kcept for. the purpose of and while . actually engaged in receiving. or dischaJ:ging passengers. "STOP" or "STOPPING", when prohibited, means the halting of """"i'Vehicle, even monientarily, whetheJ: occupied or not,' e:Kcept when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic orin compliance with' the directions of a constable or other police officer or of a traffic control sign or s'ignal. "TIME" means that where any eKpression of time occurs or where any hour OJ: other ped6d of time is stated, the time .J:eferred to .shall be standard, time eKcePt in periods' when daylight sav1ngtime is in effect, in which periods. :Lt.shall be day- light saving time. "TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL" means any device, manually, electric- ally or mechanically opeJ:ated for the regulation or contJ:ol of tJ:affic. "U-TURN" means the turning of a vehicle within a roadway so as to proceed in the opposite direction. "VEHICLE" includes a mo~r vehicle, trailer, traction engine, farm tractor, road";building machine and any vehicle drawn, propelled or driven by any kind of power, includingmusculaJ: power, but does not include a motoJ:ized snow vehicle, the cars' of electric or steam. railways rwming only'upon rails. 2. ABBREVIATIONS In thfil Schedules to this By-Law the folloWing abbreviations and symbols stand for the WOJ:ds respectively set forth opposite thereto as .follows: (a) Ave. Blvd. Pl. St; Cres. Ct. Dr. Rd. Avenue BoulevaJ:d Place Street Crescent court Drive ROad {bJ IlDlI = m km/h '9 Millimetre Centimetre Metre Kilometres Per Hour Kilograms {cJ A.M. P.M. Ante Meridian Post Meridian 378 379 -4- - 5 - 3. DISTANCES 7; AUTHORI1'Y TO -IMPLEMENT TEMPORARY PROVISIONS (CONTINUED) Where a distance is used - in this By~Law as part of a prohibition of parking or stopping within a specified distance of an object, stru'ctUie, land or apart of a highway, such distance shall be measured; (a) from the projection of ,the nearest curblirieor edg-eof roadway in the dir(!ction stated unless it is specifically stated ,otherwise, and (b) along the curb or edge of the roadway to a point in - such curb or edge of roadway opposite such object, structUl:e, land or part of a highway, unless _ the context othe!:Wlse requires, and Such temporaty changes shall not be- effective after the next - subsequent Council Meeting unless confirmed by resolution of the Council at such Heeting, whichresoluti<,m shall stipulate the length- of time such change {sl shall be in. effect. 8. BY.LAW SUBJECT TO '!'HE .HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT The provisil;ms. of. this By-Law' are subject.. to the provisions of The. H!ghway Traffio Act . 9. DISPLAYING FOR SALE (c) from such object, structure, land, or part of a highway in. ail dirsctions, and No person shall park any vehicie on any highway for the purpose of. displaying the same for sale. (d) all distances/dimensions are measured. in the metric measurement of metres or as otherwise indicated. 10. EMERGENCY FIRE REGULATIONS (al words purporting the singular number or the masculine gender only include more persons, parties or things of the same kind that one and females as well as males and the converse. No driver of an)' vehicie shall drive his vehicle within 150 Metres of any building which is on firel. nor shall he drive. his vehicle . over or across. any .lirie. of a hose laid by the Fire Department, and at the directiveofthEl.Fire Chief for the,areal the police authority shall place. signs on'the highway on which the building cn fireissitliated, and any adjoining highways which may be deemed necessary for the purpose, cloSing ,such parts of highwayato traffic ' 1.1lltil the fire is out, and no driver of any vehicle shall pass such sign or approach',nearer to the ,fi,re than such sign. 4. INTERPRETATION.,. GENERAL In this By-Law (b) a word interpreted in the singular mll1iberhas a corresponding meaning when used in. the plural. (c) "May" shall be construed as imperative. 11. EXEMPTION - MUNICIPAL VEHICLES PERFORMING WORK ON HIGHWAYS PART "B" GENERAL TRAFFIC The provisions: of Part "C"of this By~Law do not apply to vehicles. of the.. Corporation where such vehic),es are actually engaged in the performance .of cleaning, maintenance, repair, construction, snow. removal or other work on any )lighway. 12. FUNEIlALS AND PARADES 5. APPLICATION OF BY-LAW This By-Law applies to all highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the County. of Elgin. No person shall drive any vehicle, except emergency vehicles, between the. vehicles iri any. duly authoril':ed parade or funeral procession on any highway, provided the. vehicles in such parade or procession are properly designated. 6. AUTHORITY TO ENFORCE THIS BY-LAW It shall. be the duty .of. the By-Law, Enforcement Officer to enforce the provisions of. this By-Law. It shall also be the duty of all other officers appointed by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin to enforce all the non-moving violations of this By-Law. 13, INTERFERENCE WITH AUTHORIZED/OFFICIAL SIGNS AND PARKING METERS The County Engineer and/or the By-Law Enforcement Officer are hereby given authority as the occasion arises and when required in order to assist in the care of moving..traffic, to set apart and indicate or designate on highways in the County space or spaces for the parking of a vehicle or vehicles by causing lines to be painted, signs to be ereCted or otherwise upon the pavement, curbs or surface of the roadway or immediately adjacent thereto, or on the highway or highways or portions of highways, as a temporary provision for the restriction of parking on highways or portions of highways and to make such other temporary provision for directing the traffic as may be. necessary. No person shall alter, deface. remove or destroy any sign erected by. the County or any pavement lines or. other marks for guiding the parking of vehicles or the regulations of traffic, or deface, injure, tamper with, open, wilfully break, destroy or imp_air the usefulness of any parking meter, and no person shall alter, interfere with, ,or change the position of any such sign, line or other mark or parking meter, unless. he has been duly. authorized so to do. 7. AUTHORITY TO IMPLEMENT TEMPORARY PROVISIONS 14. OBEDIENCE TO ALL PARKING METERS, SIGNS, TRAFFIC REGULATIONS. lINO SIGNALS It shall be the duty of all persons using the highways to. observe the directions indicated by all permanent or temporary signs .erected or placed for the purpostlyf- regulating or directing traffic. / ( \ 380 - . - 15. PLAYING ON . PAVEMENTS No person shall engage. in any game or sports activity upon a road.way and no person upon roller skates,or sle:i,gh~ express wagon or riding in or by means of any. coaster, toy vehicle or similar ~evice go upon any roadway. 16. PROHIBITION OF THE IlEFAIRING, WASHING, WAXING OR GREASING OF VEHICLES No person shall make use, of the roadw.;..y for the pUl::pose of washing, waxing, ':Jreasing or repairing any vehicle, except such emergency l:epairs as are' riecessaxy to' enable the vehicle to be removed from the highway and disabled vehicles shall be removed or caused' to be removed from the highway bytha driver or owner without delay. 17. RULES OF THE ROAD NOT PROVIDED FOR IN THE HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT No driver of any vehicle shall drive within, upon, across or along any sidewalk, path or bo.ulevard except at a driveway. 18. SCHEDULE ADOPTED The Schedule referred to in this By-Law shall fom part of this By-Law and each entry in a column of such a Schedule shall be read in conjuriction with the entry or entries across therefrom, and not otherwise. 19. UNAUTHORIZED SIGNS No P~:rSon shall place" maintain or display on any highway any unauthorized device which is an. imitation of,. or purports to be, or resembles any official.siqn or signal, or which purports to direct parking or the. movement of traffic or the actions of operators of vehicles. Any such device shall be deemed a public nuisance and any Police or other Officer authorized to enforce this By-Law may remove the same without notice. PART. "c" REGULATED PARKING 20. GENERAL PARKING REGULATIONS I No vehicle shall be permitted to stop; 1. On any sidewalk, crosswalk or boulevard, 2. In front. of or within 1 Metre of any lane, driveway or alley entrance i 3. Except at points where parking is otherwise designated, with thedght hand .wheels of the vehicle at a greater distarice from the curbline than 0.3 of a Metre or in winter, subject to Subsection (5), as nearly within such distance as the conditions of the highway pennit, 4. On the roadway side of a vehicle stopped.. or parked at the edge or curb of a highwaYJ 5. At. the edge or curb on the left side of the roadway having regard. to the. direction such vehicle was proceeding except where parking is permitted. on the left-hand side of the roadway of a highway designated for one-way traffic I 6. In such position as to obstruct traffic I 381 ;::. - 7 - 20. GENERAL PARKING REGULATIONS (CONTINUED) 7. Within a Metres of any Fire Hall on the side of the. highway on which. the. Fire Hall is.located or within the 30 Metres of such Fire Hall on the ,opposite s1de of the roadwaYJ 8. On <Ply street within 9 Metres of the production of the curbline of any intersecting. street except .where such intersection is visibly and' lawfully. designated' as. a "Bus Stop" at which intersection. all vehicles shall ,be parked in accordance with the instructions set out on the designating sign or. signs, 9. on any bridge; subway and/or any approach thereto; 10. Within 3. Metres. of the point of the curblinewhich is nearest any fire hydrant; 11. Within 2 Metres of the space on the same side of the highway direotly in front of the. entrance to chul::ch, hospital,hotel, theatre, hall or other public building where large numbers of people assemble, except while actually taking on or discharging passengers,. other than a bus,ina bus stop, or other .than a taxi-cabin, a taxi-cab stand, . when any such stop or .stand has been officially designated and appropriately signed. 12. Within 15 Metres of an intersection with Signal Light Traffic. Control system.,instal1ed~ 13. Within 15 Metres of the nearest rail of a level Railway Crossing. 14. In a position or place that prevents oris likely to prevent the removal of any vehicle already parked on the highway. 21. SPECIFIC PARKING REGULATIONS When appropriate signs havebeE!n erected and are on display: No person shall park a vehicle between 8130 a.m. and 4;30 p.m. upon the $ide of the street adjacent to any school property. 22. MAxIMUM PARKING TIME LIMITS Any non-commercial. motorveh,icle shall not remain parked or standing for a longer period than five. C,5J hours and no commercial motor vehicle shall be parked .or standing. for a longer period than tWO ,(2) hours upon any part of any Highway in. the County of Elgin. 23. OVERNIGHT PARKING ON COUNTY ROADS Notwithstanding any other provisions of. this Section, no vehicle shall remain parked or standing, upon any part of any street iei the County of Elgin :between the hours of 3 o.'clock a.m. and 5. o'clock a.m.. 24. PARKING ON ONE-WAY STREETS Where Council, under this By-Law, haa designated certain streets as one-way streets. and parking is permitted on both sides of such one-way streets, vehicles parking on the left:",hand side of the street, shall park with the left-hand wheels. of the vehicle at not more than 0.3 of a Metre from the curb line, or in winter, as nearly within such distance as the coriditions of the highway permit. -8- 383 382 - 9 - 29. VOLUNTARY PAYMENT" OF PENALTIES AND' FEES 25, NO PARKING PART "0" TRAFFIC. ,REGULATIONS The owner or operator of the vehicle may', within two (2) days exclusive of Sundays and Holidays, after the day when the,ticket is attached to the vehicle, report to the, Office of the County Treasurer or ,other designated' official, on duty at the County Offices, and to such Treasurer, or any other person designated by himto receive such payment, pay the sum of FIVE DOLLARS {$5.ool for parking offences in a ,parking space, or for parking offences in a restrictive or ,prohibitive' nature, which ,shall be acceptel1 as the, payment of a penalty in full satisfaction in respect' of the alleged offence and a receipt there,fore: shall be given to the person 1I\ak.ing the payment. Where appropriate signs are'erected and are on display no person shall park a vehicle on any highway at the aide and between the limits set out respectivelylli Sohedule 'A' to this By-Law. 26. BUS STOPS (i) Buses _OPer.i~ingover any, highway in the County of, Elgin Sh2 take oil or dischaI'9''''' passengers ,only on the right-hand side ,of the bus. When stopping all buses (hall stop in such ,a ,manner as not to obstruct traffio. (ii) When an authorized Bus Stop Sign is on display no v~rcle shall stand any closer than 15 Metres before the I said sign. , 27. REGULATIONS'FOR BICYCLES; MOTORCYCLES AND MOTOR ASSISTED BICYCLES 30. THE ONTARIO PROVINCIAL OFFENCES ACT If a voluntary payment is not ffi<\de in accordance with the procedure provide<i in Seotions 28 and 29, the' prooe<iu;re of The Provinoial OffencesAot shall' apply and the penalties shall be recoverable under The, Provincial Offences, Act. Any person convioted of a breach of any of the provisions of this By-Law (except Sections, 28,an<i 29) shall ,forfeit and pay at the discretion of the Provincial Judge or Justice of the Peace, a penalty not exceeding the SWl'l of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) for the first offence, and not exceeding,TWENTY-FIVE DOLLA,RS ($25,00) for eaoh subsequent offence, exolusive of costs, an<i all suoh,penalties shall be recoverable under "The Provincial Offences,Act". NO person shall ride a,' bicycle with' a wheel or wheels more, than 510 rom in diameter with a, tire size of 510 mm x 45 mm upon any sidewalk in the County. PART "E" PENALTIES 31. FORMER BY-LAWS REPEALED (i) Where such vehicle is found parked in contravention of the Parking or Stari<iing Provisions of this By-Law, the By-Law Enforcement Officer or other Officers, so finding the vehicle' shall atta'ch to the vehiole a Parking Ticket in the form of serially-numbered notice stating; That By-Laws No. 2132, 2139, 2169, 2234; 2265, 2266, 2319, 2395, 2482, 80-46 and 82-15, and all other By-Laws pertaining to the regulation of traffic, on highways, in ,the, County ,of Eigin' that areinoonsistentwith the terms of this By-Law be and the same are hereby repealed. 28, DUTY OF OFFICER (a) the license number and a oonoise description of the vehiole; READ a' first time this ,17th day of November; 1982 (b) that the vehicle is unlawfully parked; READ a secon<i time this 17th <iay. of , November, 1982 (c) the date, time, place and nature of the alleged offencel READ a third. time and finally passed this ,17th day of November/ 1982. (d) where metered parking-spaces are provided, it shall be the duty of such Officers charged with the enforcement of this By-Law to include in his report the number or other 'a(iequate desoription of each parking meter which indicates' that the vehiole oocupying suoh met;ered parking, spaoe or portion thereof is or has been' parking in violation of any of the provisions af'this By-Law; ~'-<-~~ / (e) that the owner or' oper-ator thereof may report to the County Office within; two (2) days, exclusive of Sundays and, Holidays, aftar the day when the ticket is attached, to make a voluntary payment of the,penalty, in the amolint,of FIVE DOLLARS {$ 5.00) for parking offences of a restriotive or prOhibitive nature. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. (f) that in the 'event of a'failure to so report an<i make suoh payment, a SlilIulIOns will be issued under The Provincial Offences Act. (iil The parking ticket shall be prepared in triplicate and the By-Law Enforcement Officer shallattaoh one (1) copy to the vehicle and deliver the other copies to the designate<i official ,on duty at the County Offioes. .384 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 82-52 SCHEDULE I AI NO PARKING ZONES 1. (a) County Road. #2 is the road allowance known as Main Street in the Village of West Lorne~ (b) County Road #3 is the road allowance known'as Furnival Street in the Village of Rodney. (c) County Road #8 is the road allowance and the road allowance as diverted known aa Main Street south -in tbe Village of Dutton. (d) County Road #14 is the l'oad allowance between the Townships of Ounwich and Southwold opposite Concessions IV and V South of A. Dunwich. (e) County Road #15 is the, road allowance knoWn as Main Street north in the, Village <:if Dutton. (f) County Road #16 is the road allowance known as Talbot Road East Bt'anch opposite Lot 18 and 19 in the Township of Southwald. (g) County Road#20'is'the road allowance between Lot.18 and 19, North and South of Talbot Road East Branch and North and South of Talbot Road North Branch in the Township of Southwold, (h) County Road #21 is the road allowance known as Warren Street in the Village of Port Stanley. (i) County Road #25 is the road allowance and the road allowance as widened between the Township of Southwold.and Yarmouth opposite Concession B, Southwold. (j) County Road #27 is the road allowance and the road allowance as widened between Concession III and IV in the Township of Yarmouth. (k) County Road #35 is the 'road allowance, and the road allowance as widened between the Township of Yarmouth and Malahide opposite Concession V, Malahide. (1) County Road #37. is the roadallowance..known as the Townline Road between the Township of South Dorchester and North Dorchester. (m) County Road #38 is the road allowance known as Talbot Road in the Hamlet of Straffordville in the Township of Bayham. (n) County Road #40 is the road allowance between Lot 20 and 21 in Concession IX, and X in the Village of Springfield, (formerly. the Township of Malahide). (0) County Road #47 is the road allowance and the road allowance as widened between Lot 3 and 4 in Concession VII and X in the Township of South Dorchester. (p) County Road #48 is the road allowance and the road allowance as widened between Concession X and XI; opposite Lot 3 and 4 in the Township of South Dorchester. (q) County Road #49 is the road allowance between. Lot 6 and 7 in Concession XII, in the Village of Springfield, (formerly the Township of South Dorchester). Continued. . . . 385 PAGE 2. (d COunty Road ,#52 is the road allowance arid the road allowance as widened between Concession X and Range. 2 North of Edgeware Road, opposite Lot 20 in the Township of. Yarmouth and the road allowance between the Township of South Dorchester.. arid }i8.lahide now in the Village of Springfield known as Main Street. County Road #53 is the road allowance known as Elm Street and Beech Str.eet in the Town of Aylmer'. (s) 2, When properly worded signs have. been erected and are. on di splay no person shall park a vehicle on the highway or part of the highway. known as: (.) County Road #2 from the east limit of Wood Street westerly for 195 metres On the.north side of Road#2. (b) County Road #2 'within 30~0 .metres of the east limit of Graham Street on the north side .ofRoad #2. (c) County Road #2 Within 21.0' metres of the west limit of Graham Street on the north side of Road #2. (d) County Road If}. within 36.5 .metres of the east limit of Graham Street on the. south side of Road #2. (,) C6unty Road #2 within 2i.0 metr~sof the west Umit of Graham Street on the south side of.. Road If}.. County Road If3 from a point 34.5 metres north of the north limits of Centre Street, southerly for 67.0 metres on the west. side .of Road 1fJ~ (f) (g) County Road IfJ within 40.0 metres of the north limit of QUeen Street on the east and west side of ,Road, 1f3. County Road Ita within 8.0 metres of the north limit of Shackleton Street on the east side of Road Ita. (h) (i) County Road Ita within 23.0 metres of the south limit of Mary Street on 1;he east side of Road Ita. (j) County Road Ita within 18.0 metres of the north limit ,of Mary Street on the east. side o~ Road '#8. (k) County Road #8 from a point 105.7 metres north of the north limit of Mary Street, northerly for 102.0 metres on the east side of Road #8; (1) County Road #8 within 8.0 metres of the north limit of Shackleton Street on the west side of Road #8. (m) County Road #8 within 23.0 metres of the south limit of Mary Street on. the west side' of Road 'lIS. (n) County Road #8 within 45.0 metres of the north limit of Mary Street, on the west side of Road #6. (0) County Rosd #8 fr6m a point 105.7 metres north 'of the north limit of Mary Street, northerly for 26.4 metres on,the ,west side of Road #8. (p) Road#!4 within 38.0 metres of the south limit of the road allowance between ConcesSion IV and V, South of A, Township of.Dunwich on the west side of Road,#14. (q) Road #!4 within 36.0 metres of the north limit of the road allowance between Concession IV and V. South of A, T01:lDship of. Dunwich on the west side of Road #14. Continued '. . . . 386 38 PAGEJ. PAGE 4. (r) County Road #l5 within 203.3 metres of the notth~westerly limit of John Street. on the north and south.side of Road #15. (rmI) County Road #47 within 18.3 metres of the north limit of County Road #4800 the es.st side of Roa~ /147. (,) County Road #16 witliin 9.1 met1:e.s of the east limit of County Road #20 on the north side of Road #16. (t) County. Road #16 within i.6 metres of the. west. limit of County Road #20- on -the - nOJ::th side of Road #16. (0) County Road #16 within 4.6 met.res of the eailt limit of County Road #20 on the south side of Road#l.6. (v) County Road #16 within 9.1 metres of the west limit of County Road #20 on the south side of Road #16. (v) County Road #20witliin 9.1 metres of- the north limit of County Road #16 on the east side of Road #20. (nn) County Road 1/47 within 29.0 nietresof the north limit of County Road'1/48 on the west side ,of 'Road 1/47. (00) County Road 1/47 within41.8 metres of the south" limit of CoUnty Road #37 on the west side of Road #47. (pp) County Road #48 within 18.3 metres of the east limit of County Road #47 on the north arid south side of Road #48. (qq) County Road #48 within 19.8 metre,s of the west limit of County 'Road 1/47 on the north and south side of Road #48. (rr) County, Road 1/49 within 15.3 metres of, the north limit of County Road #52 on the west side of Road #49. (x) County Road #20 within 4~6 metres of the north limit of County Road #16_ onche west' side' of Road /fl.0. (ss) County Road #52 from a point opposite'the line between Lot 19 and 20, Range 2. North of Edgeware Road, Township of Yarmouth, easterly for .105.0 metres on the north and south side of Road #52. (tt) County Road#52within 10~4 metres of the west limit of County Road 1/49 on the north side of Road #52. (y) County Road #20 within 27S metres of the south limit of King's Highway #3 on the east side of Road #20. (z) County Road #20 within 9.0fnetres oEthe south limit of King's Highway #3 on the west side of Road #20. (uu) County Road #53-(ElmStreet) within '76.3 metres of the south limit of Beech St..,eet on the east and west side of Elm Street. (aa) County Road #20 within 15.0 metres of the riorth limit of King's Highway #3 on the east ,side of Road #20. (bb) County Road #20 within 30.5 metres of the north limit of King's Highway #3 on' the ,west side of Road #20. (vv) County Road#53 (Beech Street)from the west limit of'John Street to the east limit of Elm Street (County Road #53 ) on the north- side of ,Beech Street. (cc) County Road #21 withi,n 15.2 metres of the east limit of County Road #20 on the north and south side of Road #21. (ww) County Road #53 (Beech Street) within,123.8metres of: the west limit of Johri Street on the south side of Beech Street. (dd) County Road #21 within 26.5 metres of the west limit of King's Highway #4 on the north side of Road #21. (ee) County Road /fl.lwithiri 74.1 metres of the west limit of King's Highway #4 on the, south side of Road /fl.l. (ff) County 'Road #25 wi~hin 82.0metres of the south limit of the road allowance between Concession A and B, Township of Southwo1d, on the east and west side of Road /fl.5. (gg) County Road #27 from a point oppoSite the line between Lot 18 and 19, ConceSsion III,Township of Yanuouth. westerly for 360.0metreson the north and south side of Road #27. (xx) County Road #53 (Beech Street) within 21.4'metres of the east limit of Elni Street (County Road #53) on the sou~h side of Beech Street. (hh) County Rosd#27 from a point 97.0 metres west of the line between Lot 19 and 20, Concession IV, easterly for 200.0 metr,es on the north side of Road #27. (11) County Road #27 from a point 302.0 metres ,east of the 'line between Lot 18 and 19, Concession III, easterly for 155.0 metres on the south side' of Rosd #27. (jj) County Road #35 from the south linitt of the rosd allowance between Concession V and, the gore south of Talbot Road, Township of Mahhide. southerly, for 805.2 metres on the east and west side of Road #35. (kk) Road #38 within 40;0 metres of the west limit of King's Highway #19 on the south side of Road #38. (li) County'Road'#40 within 9.1 metres of the ,south limit of County Road #52 on the east and west side of Road #40. Continued. . . . 388 389 COUNTY OF ELGIN By~Law No. 82-53 COUNTY OF ELGI N By-Law No. 82-54 '.:.A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A MUNICIPAL LAW ENFORCEMENT OFfICER." WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin deems it necessary to appoint a municipal law enforcement officer and/or officers for the purpose of enforcing the by-laws of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE NOVEMBER SESSION, 1982.11 NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpo~ ration of the County of Elgin, under and by virtue of the powers granted to. it by The Polite Act, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 381, Section 70, hereby enacts as follows: 1. That Charles C. Stafford. of the Town of Aylmer, in the County of Elgin, be and he is hereby appointed a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer for the County of Elgin. WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario. 1980, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; and G. C. Leverton. Clerk. /~ )1 ~r ' . . haw. Wa en. WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 103 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario. 1980, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action ~f the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommen~ dation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgf~ at its meetings held during the November 1982 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodie~ in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby ,authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give ,effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute ~ll documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin., 2. to hold year to That the said Charles C. Stafford shall continue the 'office of Municipal Law Enforcement Officer from year until his appointment is revoked by Council. 3. That By-Law No. 2042 be and the same is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 17th day of November, 1982. READ a second time this 17th day of November, 1982. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of November, 1982. ~____~~,><,'>-v" READ a first time this 17th day of November, 1982. READ a second time this 17th day of November. 1982. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of November. 1982. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ,:~)L, " . Shaw. rden. ~~ 390 39 INDEX MISCELLANEOUS Communications.....,..... 10, 12,'53,56,6.6,90,143,146,165,168,189, 191,223,226,248,252,285,289,290,315,319,340,343 Delegations. . . . . " . " " " " . . " " " " . . " 55, 56, 88, 143, 169, 251, 286 . 1982 Officials, County Council, Standing Committees, Municipal Clerks and Treasurers, ................,...........2.3,4,5,6.7 Presentation to Employees. ........................91,187,251,317,341 Warden's Address. ..................................................21 Warden's Election...,............. ,',...,...............,........,.., ,,' 9 REPORTS OF OFFICIALS AND OTHERS Director's-HomesforSeniorCltizens............................. 267, 354 Treasurer's. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 112, 113, 263, 265, 266, 350, 352, 353 Tree Commissioner's. .........................................,.,...329 Weed Inspector's."....,..,. ,.,....."...............".........,.,.330 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Agricultural....................,.............."........,... 32, 72, 332 County Government. .............33,88,89,99,178,198,205,237,258, 296,303,323,346 County Roads.. ...............27,64,100,108,110,152,155,163,173, 197,207,231,242,256,281,297,324,347 Homes for Senior Citizens. ...........28,97,150,174,175,200,299,325 Library 8oard...... . . . 26, 67, 111, 177, 202, 234, 259, 301,302,327,349 Personnel............... .31, 96,116,151, t80, 201, 204, 232,239, 262, 300,304,328,333,373 Property. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 30, 74, 98, 115, 176, 206, 233, 235, 240, 260, 280,308,334,374 Reception and Entertainment. .........,........,........73,261,307,335 Social Services. ..............................29,71,114,203,241,305 Special Committee to Strike the Standing Committees for 1982.. . .. .... ... ..<23 St. Thomas Suburban Roads............,.,..,.,.....""",......... 162 392 39 RESOLUTION8- Setting forth method for electing the Warden. .......................,.......9 Referring designation of Court House Block for Heritage purposes to Property Committee. ...................................... .".......228 Appointing Members to the Board of the Elgin County Pioneer Mus6umfor 1982............,;......"............. ..............,.13 Authorizing payment of Talbot Trail grant. , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228 Authorizing payments to Children's Aid Society.... , ...... . ,..... . ........ . . 13 Authorizing payments to Health Unit. ..",.. ::... . ....... ... ;'........13,342 Accepting Treasurer's Report. . . . . . . . ...................251,341 Accepting Director's Report on Homes. . . ...... . . . . . .......251,342 Appointing Mr. Colin Morrison to Library Board. . . . . . . . . . . ..13 Requesting changes in Retail Sales Tax Act to be rescinded. , . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 252 Setting, forth remuneration for Health Unit Appointees. . . . . . . To expropriate property'ln Part of Lot 12, Concession VIII, Malahlde................................................. 57,58,91,227 .. 14 Naming voting delegates to A.M.O.. ...........................,........ .252 Supporting and endorsing extension of St, Thomas Airport Runway" . . . . . , , , 254 Receiving report of Mr. Mosey(sickcredits).......,...................... 254 Authorizing submission of 1981 Roadexpendlturesforsubsidy............... 58 Naming voting delegates to A.C.R.O.. .,........... ......................291 Authorizing memberships for Clerk- Treasurer and Deputy Clerk-Treasurer in Municipal Clerks and Treasurer's Association. .... . .'. ..... . ...... . . ..... . 61 Instructing Clerk to advise the Frank Cowan Company Ltd. re: policies covering I.P.M. Committee..,.......... "................,., ',' 291 Acceptlng Treasurer's Statement on Council Remuneration and Expenses..... . ...... . ...... ........ .... . . . .... ....... . .....89,251,342 Requesting HealthUnittocommenton Bill 138. ................... .,......291 Accepting Treasurer's Statement on Appointees' Remuneration and Expenses. . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . 90,251, 342 AcceptlngasslgnmentoftheOfficiaII.P.M. Logo.......,................... 91 Granting the I.P .M. Committee an Interest-free loan of $2,500.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Authorizing grants for 1'982. ..................,..........,...... .... .'..144 Filing grant requests. ..............."...."..........................145 Adoptln9 1982 Budget..... . . ..... . . .... . ...... . ..... . ...'.... . ........ . 145 Naming Reeve Monteith to Ontario Hydro's Southwest Working Group...... . ........ . , ........ ......... ......,. . . ..... .:'.... , , 291 Subscribing to ad in Rotary Music Festival.. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ...292 Re: Acquiring Personnel Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . , , . . . . .. . . . . . 293 , Donation to Elgin-St. Th()ma~ Un.it~d Way. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . ., , . . .. 293 Accepting sick leave conversion in principal. .. . . .. . . , , , . . .. . , . . . . . . '.,. . , . 293 Adopting Tree Commissioner's Report..,..... . .. ......... ..(.....319 Assuming liability imposed by law upon Members of Council, Board Members, Officers, Volunteers etc. ..,........................... .147 Adopting Weed Inspector's Report.,.................... .. ......... 319 To make supplementary applications for road subsidy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 148 Referring Village of Belmont's request fora Library grant to 1983........................................... ..........320 Adopting statement of proposed work and expenditures on the road system. .......,................................................ 148 Authorizing $600.00 grant to Museumre: Paving..... . ....... . . . ....,.... 321 Inviting Members of the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission to the May Session luncheon. .,...............................,..........191 Opposing the proposed closing of the S.T.A.R.T, Centre at the St.ThomasPsychlatricHospital...,.......,.......... ,....... ".,.......,342 Naming the two representatives to the 81. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital for membership on the Board. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . .. 191 AcceptingAuditor'sReportfor1961....,............................... 226 Re: Minor exceptions on Tree By-Law .......,.................226,254,293 RequIring candidates for a, Board of Education to live in area he represents.....,'. '......... .,... .'.. .,...................,.. .. .344 395 394 BY-LAWS- 81-68 A By-Law to Authorize the' ~xpropriation ofLaOd for the 50 81-52 Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 80-43, a By~Law' Purpose of Widening and 'Tprov'ng County R!,ad~; to Regulate the Proceedings in the Municipal C.ouncil 81-69 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin and the of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the~e~e~ber 52 Officers and Committees Thereof. 22 Session, '1981. 81-53 To Appoint a County Roads Committee. 25 B2-1 A By-Law to Amend the By-Law Adopting a Plan olCounty Being a By-Law to Appoint a County WeE:ld Inspeqtor Road Improve'men!.a~dt:stablishing a Cou~ty Road ;Systern 81-54 in the County of Elgin Under The Public Transportation for the County of Elgin. 35 and Highway Improvement Act. 75 il1-55 Being a"Sy-Law to Appoint a Tree COnimissl6ni:tr for 82-2 Being aHy-Law to Amend"arlolJsBy~Laws'tt> Insertt~e the County o~ Elgin. 38 Word Vehicle in the Place of Car. ' ,. . 76 81-56 Being a By-Law to Establish the Remuneratiqn of the 82-3 Being a BY~Lav/~onsentlng t~'the~toPPin~ Up'a,nd CI08',';g Tree Commissioner and Weed lrispector. 37 of a Road Allowance in the Township of Yar~olJth. . 77 81-57 Being a By-Law to Establlsh Rates of pay for Part Time 82-4 A By-Law to Authorize the Gor~orati<?n ,of ~he, Village ~f, . Employees. 38 Rodney (Hereinafter called'The Grantee'ar1d'Nh1?h Term Shall Include it Successors and Assigns) to Construct;' Use' 81-58 Being a By-Law to Establish a Pay Schedule for Employees and Operate W()rks Required for theTransll\lssion ~f Covered by the Job Evaluation Scale, Other Than Certain Water in the CountY of EI~ln (Hereinafter-called 78 Roads Department Employees. 39 'The Municipality'). 81-59 Being a By-Law to Rep~fll Remuneration Recltedih 82-5 A By-LaW: to Authorize the 'Ex~ropriatloh of Land for t~e Certain By-Laws'. 41 Purpose of Widening and Improving County Roads. 83 81-60. Being a By-Law to Establish the Salaries of Various 82-8 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings oft~e Municipal Positions of the County of Elgin. 42 Council of the Corporation of the' County ,of Elgin aUha January Sessioni1982. 85 B1-61 To Authorize the Warden and the:frelisurer to Borr()w the Sum of Three Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars. 43 82-7 To Regulate Proc,eedingS In the M~nlcipal Council of the Being a By-Law to Setthe Daily RelTlurler'ation to be Paid Corporation of the Cou~ty of Elgin and the Officers and 117 81-62 Committees Thereof. to Members of the Elgin County Council for Attendance at Being a By-Law Consenting to the Closing of an Unopened Meetings 'of the Elgin County Council and Comnilttees B2-8 130 Thereof. 44 Road -Allowance In the Township of Bayham, 81-83 Being a By-Law toEstablls~, the ,Re,muneration to be Paid_ to 82-9 Being a By-Law Consenting to the Closing Man Unopened" 131 the Warden, Council Members and County Officials for Road Allowance in the Township of Bayham. AttendIng ConventIons. 45 Being a By-Law to Appoint a Land Division Comrhittee. 82-10 Being a By-Law to Restrict the Weight olVehleles 133 81-64 46 Passing Over Bridges. 81-65 Being a By-Law to Establish a Rate'to be Paid for Persoq<il 82-11 Being a By-Lawto Amend By-Law No. 81 ~43, a BY-~W Cars Used for County Business. 47 Consenting to the Stopping Up and Closing of a Road Allowance In the Township of Malahide. 135 81-86 Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 81-42'Establishing Fringe Benefits for Employees Not Covered by a ColleCtive 82-12 Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 81-57, Establishing 136 Agreement or Included In the Management Category. 48 Rates of Pay for Part Time Employees. 81-87 Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 81-41 Establishing 82-13 Being a By-Law to Amend By~Law No. 81-27to Establish 137 Fringe BenefIts for Employees in the Management Category. 49 New Rates of pay for Registered Nurses. 398 82-45 Being aBy-Lawto Establish the Rate of Pay for Certain Employees In the Homes for Senior Citizens. 311 82-48 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Execution of a Collective Agreement between the CorporatJonof the County of Elgin and Londonand District Service Workers' Union, Local 220. S.E.I.U" A.F.L., C.1.0., C.L.C., with Respect to the Corporation's Part-Time Employees at the Elgin Manor. 312 82-47 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Executive of a Collective Agreement between the Corporation of the County of Elgin, and London and District Service Workers' Union, Local 220, S.E.I.U., A.F.L., C.1.0., C.L.C., with Respecltothe Corporation's Full Time Employees at the Elgin Manor. 313 82-48 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the September Session, 1982. 314 82-49 Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 81-38, Providing for the Election of the County Warden. 337 82-50 Being a By-Law to Establish a Rate to be Paid for Personal Vehicles Used for County Business. 338 82-51 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of theCountyof Elgin at the October Session, 1982. 339 82-52 Being a,By-Law for the' Regulation of Traffic. 375 82-53 A By-Law to Appoint a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer. 388 82-54 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the November Session, 1982. 389